ew Yor^: B, P. Button ^i 60.. SI West 23d ^trel^"^ Copyright E. P. Dutton & Co., 1886. or Or- CI n (^ esu IS in my r)eart, r)i s sacre d na me OS deeply carved tl^ere : but ]\) othjer week areat affliction broke tl}e little frame, Qv n all to P' eces ; w bici, 3 went to seek : .^^ -.»'' "^ was graved. nd first -sj found trje corner wQere was Wfter, wQere Q ^, and next wQere ^ was a Wl^en o \)aa aot tpese parcels, instantly sat me down to spell tpem, and perceived me down lo spell ipem, ar ^bat to m^ brol^en beart be was I EASE YOU, M'-J^ESm? Ind to my wbole is JESU. % I^ET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED." wal^e sad beart, wl^om sorrow ever drowns: ^oke up limine eyes wlpicl^ feed on eortl;, t3n]old.tr)y JoreQead aatpered Into frowns; v^r)y ^aviour comes, and witr) r)im mirtr).; Wwat?e, awake; Olnd wltl} tl}ant?ful l^eart l^is comforts take. Out tpou dost still lament, and pine, and cry Ond feel \)\s deati}, but not l^is victory. (drlse, sad l^eart ; if i\r)ou dost not witl)stand, Oonist s resurrection t(}ine may be ; Do not by ban^in^ down break from ]\)e band, Wbicb as it risetb, raisetb tbee : Orise, K^risel ($96 Qord is risen indeed. I\ise, [peart, i\)y Qord is risen, ^ina i^is praise WitQout delayes ; \N\)o tal^es tipee bv i\)e l^and, tl^at tl}ou likewise Witi) r)lnn may st rise : ($l}at as pis deati) calcined tpee to dust, Mis life may mat?e tl^ee aold, and mucr) more just. wake, my lute, and struaale for tl^y part Wltti all tl^y art; I ($9e crosse taualpt all wood to resound \)\s nanne Wr)o bore trje same, nis stretcQed sinews tauaQt all stninas wQot i?ey \Os best to celebrate tr)ls most 9109 day. i s 4 W ^ i " ol^rist tr)e Qord is risen to-day. feomfort boti} l^eart and lute, and twist a sona I leasant and lona : ^r since all music is but tr)ree parts vied Wnd multiplied; ^ let tl^y blessed spirit bear a part, ^nd maf^e up our defects m\\) \)\s sweet art. ,>r. a i ree : sj aot me flowers to strew trjy way ; / I 3 aot me douqI^s off many a t -' Out tr)ou wast up by Dneal? of day, Ond bpouci9tst tr)y sweets alona witr) tpee. : ■^ ^ :■> V ..^ ■ ^ '^:'\;fi, A (^96 ^unne arisina in tr)e Qast, (^r)0ua9 \)e owe liar)! and \\)e Qast perfume [ weet day, so cool, so calm, so briar)t, (^r)e bridal of tpe eartr) and srv ; (^r)e dew spall weep \\)y fall to-niar)t, Por Iqou must die. \ ^weet nose, wpose r)ue anany and brave Olds tr}e nasi} Qa|en wipe rjis eye, (0r)y noot is even in its anave, Ind t90u nnust die. Ikii!!^ 1 P , 3 ll n 1 1 p- m n -6)-^-4-^-*^— * -• — J c Vy 3 1 K 1 ^ 1 C^ U "^Qe day is past and acne weet sprina, full of sweet days and roses, W box wr)ere sweets compacted lie, y music srjows ye rjave your closes, Wnd all must die. niv a swee t and virtuou s soul, ike seasoned timber, never aives, Out tr)0ua9 tr^e wQole world turns to cool, (^Qen cr)iefly lives. Easter Wings. Qord W90 createdst man in wealtp and store, (^Qouap foolisQiy \)e lost trje same, Decaylna more and more, (^ill \)e Decame I Ibost poor : Wltl^ \\)ee w let me rise ^s larks, parmoniously, Wnd sina tr)ls day tl^y victories: (S^\)en sl}all i\)e fall furtl^er tl^e flial^t in me. ?y lender aae in sorrow did bealnne : nd still- will} sicknesses and sl^ame ^)\)ou didst to punlsl} slnne, (^\)q\ 3 Lecanne /Xyost tl}lnne. Witb tbee Qet nne combine, y nd feel \\)\s day tl^y victorie ; Kor if O rest my wina on t^Ine, ffllction sl}all advance ti^e fliqbt in me. RESURGAM. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 151 017 4 C