W^, ■^ .:5.>. > > V ' _1> -^..^ -^»J J ) ^J^ •Ll^ I !> 7 / 85 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. M rt^ P g g WDIIHI T.Bfl E ira[E[L(E© ®W TKIE \LR,' HARDINGS' ^ ^a a flf^-i^EnniTD - EDITION, AKRANGED FPU P HOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS AND FAMILY ALBUM. THE / HOLY BIBLE, CONTAINI?IO Tna OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, TRANSLATED OUT OF THE ORIGINAL TONGUES, TOQETnER wrni the APOCRYPHA, CONCORDANCE, AND PSALMS, WITH THE FORMER TRANSLATIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED AND REVISED. Wit %txt cawiaxmMi to t\t Criminal ^Mtion al i\t gear ai mx f orir 161^, And the American Bible Society's Original Standard Edition of 1816. " If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book : And if any man shall t»ke aw*y from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and /row the things which are written in this book." — Kev. xxiL 18, 19. PHILADELPHIA : WILLIAM W. HARDING, 1862. ^ ll^i'^ THE NAMES AND OHDER OF ALL THS BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, AND OF THE APOCRYPHA, WITH THE NUMBER OF THEIR CHAPTERS. THE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Genesis hath chapters . . . 50 Exodus 40 Leviticus 27 Numbers 36 Deuteronomy 34 Joshua 24 Judges 21 iiuth : . 4 I. Samuel 31 II. Samuel 24 I. Kings ....... 22 IL Kings 25 I. Chronicles 29 II. Chronicles 36 Ezra 10 Nehemiah 13 Esther ....... 10 Job 42 Psalms 150 Proverbs .31 Ecclesiastes 12 The Song of Solomon ... 8 Isaiah .66 Jeremiah 52 Lamentations ~ 5 Ezekiel 48 Daniel 12 Hosea 14 Joel 3 Amos 9 Obadiah 1 Jonah ........ 4 Micah ........ 7 Nahum 3 Habakkuk . 3 Zephaniah . . . . - . . .3 Haggai ....... 2 Zechariah 14 Malachi 4 THE BOOKS CALLED APOCRYPHA. J. EsDRAS hath chapters ... 9 II. Esdras 16"^ Tobit 14 Judith 16 The rest of Esther .... 6 Wisdom 19 Ecclesiasticus 51 Baruch, with the Epistle of Jeremiah 6 The Song of the Three Children. The Story of Susanna. The Idol Bel, and the Dragon. The Prayer of Manasses. I. Maccabees 1^ II. Maccabees 15 THE BOOKS OP THE NEW TESTAMENT. Matthew hath chapters . . .28 Mark 16 Luke 24 John 21 The Acts - J. 28 The Epistle to the Romans 16 I. Corinthians 16 II. Corinthians 13 Galatians 6 Bphesians 6 Philippians 4 Colossians 4 I. Thessalonians .... 5 IL Thessalonians 3 I. Timothy 6 II. Timothy 4 Titus . .• 3 Philemon 1 BTIKEOTTPIU) BT ^^SPER IIAKDINO i SON. To the Hebrews . . . . 13 The Epistle of James ... 5 I. Peter 5 IL Peter 3 I. John . 5 II. John 1 III. John 1 Jude ......... 1 Revelation ...... 22 TO THE READER. AS the Dedication of the'English translation of the BIBLE to King James the First of England seems to be wholly utaecessary for the purposes of edification, and perhaps on some accounts improper to be continued, in an American edition, a short account (jf the translations of the Old and New Testaments from the original Hebrew and Greek in which they were written, is substituted. To the Jews was first committed the care of the Sacred Writings, and for many ages they were in a manner confined to that chosen people. There was then no need of translations into other languages ; yet was the providence of God particularly manifest in' their preservation and purity. The Jews were so faithful to their important trust, that, when copies of the law or the prophets were transcribed, they observed the most scrupulous exactness ; they not only diligently compared the one with the other, but even counted the number of letters in each book, and compared and recorded the numbers. ^ The first translations that were made of the Old Testament were after the Babylonish captivity. They are called the Targums, which word in the Chaldean language signifies Translations. They are also often called the Chaldee Paraphrases ; some of them are exact translations of difierent parts of Scripture; others are properly paraphrases, containing enlargements, explanations, and even additions. Several of them are yet extant, and they are often mentioned by the ancient fathers of the Christian church. Some have aflirmed that the five books of Moses and that of Joshua were translated into Greek before the days of Alexander the Great. But the most remarkable translation of the Old Testament into Greek is called the Septuagint, which, if the opinion of some eminent writers is to be credited, was made in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, about 260 years before the Christian era. At any rate, it is undoubtedly the most ancient that is now extant, and on many accounts deserving notice, though not to be put on a level with the Hebrew text, as has been sometimes done. The New Testament was originally written in Greek ; and no sooner was the gospel spread through the nations than it was found necessary to translate the inspired writings for each into its proper tongue. Some translations of the Old Testament, different from the Septuagint, were made into Greek from the year of Christ's birth 128 to 200. It is generally believed that the church of Antioch was favoured with a Syrian translation of the Bible as early as the year 100. The Ethiopians of Abyssinia have a version of the Bible, which they ascribe to Frumentius, of the fourth century. Chrysostom, who lived in the end of the fourth, and Theodoret, wlio lived in the middle of the fifth century, both inform us that they had the Syrian, Indian, Persian, Armenian, Ethiopic, and Scythian versions. The ancient Egyptians had the Scriptures translated into their language. The Georgians have a version in their ancient language. The most ancient German translation is supposed to have been made by Uphilas, A. D. 360. The Old Testament of all these translations, except the Syrian, is taken from the Septuagint, and not immediately from the Hebrew text. We will now give some account of the translations of the Bible into the English language. There have been some who have affirmed that Adclme, Bishop of Sherburn, who lived in the beginning of the eighth century, translated the Psalms into the Saxon tongue. That however is uncertain, as some of the best historians make no mention of it ; yet it is possible, as he was a man of great parts, and of great learning for those times, and said to be the first Englishman who wrote in the Latin language. About the same time, or a little after, Bede, commonly called the venerable Bede, translated some parts of the New Testament, some say the whole Bible, but that is not probable. Near 200 years later, King Alfred translated the Psalms into the same language. In 1382 Wiclif finished his translation of the Bible, which is yet extant; that is to say, there are copies of it in some public and private libraries. All these translations were made from the Vulgate. In the reign of Henry the Eighth, several editions of the Old and New Testaments were published in English ; one of the most remarkable is that of William Tyndal in 1530. The translation of the New Testament was made from the original Greek, but probably the Old Testament either from the Latin of the Vulgate or the Greek of the Septuagint. This was soon followed by the improvements of Coverdale and Mathews. By order of the king, Tonstal, Bishop of Durham, and Heath, Bishop of Rochester, made a new translation, which was published in 1541 : but, not pleasing Henry, it was suppressed by authority. In the reign of King Edward the Sixth, another translation was made ; two editions of which were published, one in 1549, and the other in 1551. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth another translation was made, which, being revised by some of the most learned of the bishops, went by the name of the Bishops' Bible. This professed to be translated from . the Hebrew of the Old Testament, and the Greek of the New, though, in some instjinces, when there was a diflerence, it preferred the Septuagint to the Hebrew. Ik This last circumstance, with some others, induced King James the First to select fifty-four persons, eminent in learning, and particularly well acquainted with the original languages in which the Old and New Testaments were written, to make a new trans- lation of the -whole Bible. In the year 1607, forty-seven of those persons, the other seven probably having died, assembled together, and arranged themselves into committees, to each of which a portion was given to translate. They were favoured not only with the Tjest translations, but with the most accurate copies and the various readings of the original text. After about three years' assiduous labour, they severally completed the p^rts assigned them. They then met together, and while one read the translation newly formed, the rest had each a copy of the original text in his hand, or some one of the ancient versions, and when any difficulty occurred they stopped, till by common consultation it was determined what was most agreeable to the inspired Original. This translation was first published A. D. 1610, and is the one which has been ever since that time printed by public authority, and generally used in the British dominions, as well as in the United States of America. It may be added with safety, that it has been generally approved by men of learning and piety of all denominations, of which its having never been superseded by any other, for two hundred yeard, is a sufficient proof. 3 CONTENTS OF THK BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. OKAI. GZNESIS. Creation, 1 Formation of Man, 2 The Fall 3 Death of Abel, 4 Ueaerations of Adam, 5 The Ark, 6 The Deluge 7 Waters assuaged, 8 Death of Noah 9 Noah's generations, 10 Babel built 11 Call of Abram 12 Abrain and Lot 13 Battle of the kings 14 Abram's faith, 15 Departure of Hagar ,. . . . 16 Circumcision, 17 Abraham and the angels, 18 Destruction of Sodom, 19 A.braham denieth Sarah, 20 Isaac is born, 21 Isaac offered up, 22 Death of Sarah 23 Isaac and Rebecca meet, 24 Abraham's death, 25 Isaac blessed, 26 Jacob and Esau 27 Jacob's vision and vow 28 Jacob marrieth Rachel, 29 Birth of Joseph, 30 Departure of Jacob 31 Jacob and the angel 32 Jacob and Esau meet, 33 Shechemites slain, 34 Jacob's altar at Beth-el, 35 fenerations of Esau, 36 Joseph sold by his brethren, 37 Judah's incest, .38 Joseph and his mistress, 39 Pharaoh's butler, &c 40 Pharaoh's dreams, 41 Joseph's brethren in Egypt, 42 Joseph entertains his brethren, ... 43 Joseph's policy to his brethren, ... 44 Joseph known to his brethren, ... 45 Jacob goeth into Egypt, 46 Joseph presents his brethren, .... 47 Joseph goeth to his father 48 Jacob blesseth his sons 49 Death of Joseph, 50 EXODUS. The Israelites oppressed, ........ 1 Miisos born 2 The burning bush 3 4 OHAP. God's message to Pharaoh, 4 The bondage of the Israelites, .... 5 God's promise renewed 6 Moses goeth to Pharaoh, 7 Plague of frogs, 8 Plagues continued, 9 Plagues continued 10 The Israelites borrow jewels, .'.... 11 Passover instituted, 12 Departure of the Israelites 13 Egyptians drowned, 14 The song of Moses, 15 Manna and quails sent, 16 Moses builds an altar, 17 Moses meets his wife and sons, ... 18 God's message from Sinai 19 The ten commandments, 20 Laws against murder, 21 Laws against theft, &c 22 Laws against false witness, &c. ... 23 Moses called into the mount, 24 Form of the ark, 25 Curtains for the ark 26 Altar of burnt-offering, 27 Aaron and his sons made priests, , . 28 Priests consecrated, 29 Ransom of souls, , 30 Moses receiveth the two tables, ... 31 Golden calf. Tables broken, .... 32 God talketh with Moses, 33 Tables renewed, ,34 Free gifts for the Tabernacle, .... 35 People's liberality restrained, .... 36 Ark, Mercy-seat, &c 37 Sum of the offerings, 38 Holy garments made, 39 Tabernacle anointed, 40 LEVITICUS. Burnt-offerings, 1 Meat-offerings, 2 Peace-offerings, 3 Sin-offerings, . 4 Trespass-offerings 5 Trespass-offerings, 6 Law of trespass-offerings 7 Aaron and his sons consecrated, . . 8 Aaron's sin-offering, 9 Nadab and Abihu slain, 10 Unclean beasts 11 Purifications, 12 Law of leprosy, 13 Law for the leper, 14 Dncleanness of issues, .- . 15 Sin-offerings, 16 Blood forbidden 17 Unlawful marriages 18 Repetition of laws, 19 Denunciations for sins, . . f 20 Priests' qualifications, 21 Nature of sacrifices, . .- 22 Feasts of the Lord 23 Shelomith's son 24 The Jubilee, 25 Obedience required, 26 Nature of vows 27 NUMBERS. The tribes numbered, 1 Order of the tribes 2 Levites appointed priests, 3 The service of the Kohathites, .... 4 Trial of jealousy, 5 Law of the Nazarite ^ 6 Offerings of the princes, 7 Levites consecrated, 8 Passover commanded 9 The Israelites' march, 10 The Israelites loathe manna, ..... 11 Miriam's leprosy 12 Delegates search the land, 13 The people murmur at the report, . 14 Sundry laws given, 15 ICorah, Dathan, &c. slain, 16 Aaron's rod flourisheth, 17 Portion of the priests and Levites, 18 Law of purification 19 Moses smiteth the rock, 20 Brazen serpent appointed, 21 Balak sends for Balaam, 22 Balak's sacrifices, , . 23 Balaam's prophecy, 24 Zimri and Cozbi slain 25 Israel numbered, 26 Death of Moses fbretold 27 Offerings to be observed, 28 Offerings at feasts, 29 Vows not to be broken, 30 Midianites spoiled 31 The Reubenites and Gadites re- proved, 32 Journeys of the Israelites, 33 Borders of the land appointed, .... 34 Cities of refuge appointed, 35 Gilead's inheritance retained, .... 36 DEUTERONOMY. Moses rehearseth God's promise, 1 Story of the Edomites, 2 Moses prayeth to see Canaan, .... 3 An exhortation to obedience, 4 Ten Commandments 5 Obedience to the law enjoined, ... 6 WAP Strange communion forbidden, ... 7 God's mercies claim obedience, ... 8 Israel's rebellion rehearsed 9 The Tables restored, 10 An exhortation to obedience, 11 Blood forbidden, 12 Idolaters to be stoned 13 Of meats, clean and unclean 14 Of the year of release, 15 The feast of the Passover, 16 The choice and duty of a king, ... 17 The priests' portion, 18 Cities of refuge appointed, 19 The priest's exhortation before battle, . , 20 Expiation of uncertain murder, . . 21 Of humanity toward brethren 22 Divers laws and ordinances, 23 Of divorce 24 Stripes must not exceed forty, ... 25 Of the offering of first-fruits, 26 The law to be written on stones, . . 27 Blessings and curses declared, .... 28 God's covenant with his people, ... 29 Mercy promised to the penitent, . . 30 Moses giveth Joshua a charge, ... 3] The song of Moses, 32 The majesty of God 33 Moses vieweth the land and dieth, . 34 JOSHUA. Joshua succeedeth Moses, 1 Rahab concealeth the spies, 2 The waters of Jordan divided, .... 3 Twelve stones for a memorial, ... 4 Manna ceaseth 5 Jericho besieged and taken 6 Achan's sin punished, 7 Joshua taketh Ai, . 8 The craft of the Gibeonites 9 The sun and moon stand still, .... 10 Divers kings conquered, 11 Names of the conquered kings, ... 12 Balaam slain, 13 The inheritance of the tribes l-^ The borders of the lot of Judah, . . 15 Ephraim's inheritance 16 The lot of Manasseh, 17 The lot of Benjamin, ; 18 The lot of Simeon, 19 Cities of refuge, &c 20 God giveth Israel rest, 21 The two tribes and half sent home, 22 Joshua's exhortation before his death 23 Joshua's death and burial, 24 CONTEJSTS. J V DOES. CHAP. 'The acts of Judah and Simeon, ... 1 The Israelites fall into idolatry, ... 2 The nations left w prove Israel, . . 3 Deborah and Barak deliver Israel, . 4 The Song of Deborah and Barak, 5 The Israelites oppressed by Midian, 6 Gideon's army, 7 The Ephraimites pacified, 8 Abimelech made king, 9 Tola judgeth Israel, 10 Jephthah's rash vow, 11 The Ephraimites slain, 12 Samson born, 13 Samson's marriage and riddle, . . 14 Samson is denied his wife, 15 Delilah'^ falsehood to Samson, ... 16 Micah's idolatry, 17 The Danites seek an inheritance, . . 18 The Levite and his concubine, ... 19 The complaint of the Levite, .... 20 Benjamin's desolation bewailed, . . 21 RUTH. EHmelech driven into Moab, 1 Ruth gleaneth in Boaz's field, .... 2 Boaz's bounty to Ruth, 3 Boaz marrieth Ruth, 4 FIRST BOOK or SAMUEL. Samuel born, 1 Hannah's song, 2 The Lord calleth Samuel, 3 Eli's death 4 Dagon falleth before the ark, .... 5 The ark sent back, 6 The Israelites repent, 7 The Israelites desire a king, 8 Samuel entertaineth Saul 9 Saul anointed, 10 The Ammonites smitten, 11 Samuel's integrity 12 Saul reproved, 13 Saul's victories, 14 Saul spareth Agag, 15 Samuel anointeth David, ....... 16 David slayeth Goliath, .17 Jonathan's love to David, 18 Saul's jealousy of David, 19 David and Jonathan consult, . ... 20 David feigns himself mad, 21 Nob destroyed, 22 David rescueth Keilah, 23 David spareth Saul, .24 The death of Samuel 25 David findeth Saul asleep, 26 . David fleeth to Gath 27 Saiil consults a witch 28 Achish dismisseth David, 29 Amalekites spoil Ziklag, 30 Saul and his sons slain, 31 SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL. David laments Saul, 1 David made king of Judah, 2 Joab killeth Abner, 3 Ish-bosheth murdered 4 David's age and reign 5 Uzzah smitten, 6 God's promise to David, ........ 7 David's officers 8 David sends for Mephibosheth, ... 9 cn*». Hanun's villaTjy, 10 David's adultery, 11 Nathan's parable 12 Amnon and Tamar, 13 Absalom's return, 14 Absalom's policy, 15 Shimei cnrseth David, 16 Ahithophel hangeth himself, 17 Absalom slain by Joab, 18 Shimei is pardoned, 19 Sheba's revolt, 20 Saul's sons hanged, 21 David's thanksgiving, 22 David'sfaith, 23 David numbereth the people 24 FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. Solomon anointed king, 1 David's death 2 Solomon chooseth wisdom, 3 Solomon's prosperity, 4 Hiram and Solomon agree, 5 The building of the temple, 6 Ornaments of the temple, 7 The temple dedicated, 8 God's covenant with Solomon, .... 9 The queen of Sheba, 10 Ahijah's prophecy, 11 The ten tribes revolt, 12 Jeroboam's hand withereth, 13 Abijah's sickness and death, 14 Jeroboam's sin punished, .15 •Jericho rebuilt, 16 The widow's son raised, 17 Elijah obtaineth rain, 18 Elisha followeth Elijah 19 Samaria besieged, 20 Naboth stoned 21 Ahab seduced, 22 SECOND :book of kings. Moab rebelleth, 1 Elijah's translation , 2 Moabites defeated, 3 The widow's oil multiplied, 4 Naaman cleansed, 5 A famine in Samaria, 6 Plenty in Samaria, 7 Ben-hadad killed, 8 Jezebel eaten by dogs, 9 Prophets of Baal slain, 10 Jehoash anointed king, 11 The temple repaired, 12 Elisha's death, 13 Amariah reigneth ' 14 Azariah's leprosy, 15 Ahaz's wicked reign, 16 Ten tribes taken captive, 17 Rab-shakeh's blasphemy, 18 Hezekiah's prayer, 19 Hezekiah's death, 20 Manasseh's iniquity, 21 Huldah prophesieth, 22 Josiah destroyeth the idolaters, ... 23 Judah taken captive, 24 The temple destroyed, 25 I. chronicles. Adam's line to Noah, 1 The posterity of Israel, 2 The sons of David, 3 The posterity of Judah, 4 The line of Reuben, 5 The sons of Levi, 6 The sons of Issachar, 7 The sons of Benjamin, 8 The genealogies of Israel and Judah, 9 Saul's overthrow and death, 10 David made king of Israel, 11 The armies that helped David, ... 12 David fetcheth the ark, 13 Hiram's kindness to David, ..... 14 David bringeth the ark to Zion, . . 15 David's psalm of thanksgiving, ... 16 Nathan's message to David, 17 David's victories, 18 David's messengers ill-treated, ... 19 Rabbah taken and spoiled, 20 The plague stayed, 21 Preparation for the temple, 22 Solomon made king, 23 The order of Aaron's sons, 24 The number of the singers, 25 The division of the porters, 26 The twelve captains, 27 David's exhortation, 28 David's reign and death, 29 II. CHRONICLES. Solomon's offering, 1 Solomon sendeth to Huram, 2 The building of the temple, 3 The vessels of the temple, 4 The temple finished, 5 Solomon blesseth the people, 6 Solomon's sacrifice, 7 Solomon buildeth cities 8 The queen of Sheba visiteth Solomon, 9 Rehoboam made king, 10 Judah strengthened, 11 Rehoboam's reign and death, .... 12 Abijah overcometh Jeroboam, .... 13 Asa destroyeth idolatry, 14 Asa's covenant with God, 15 Asa's death and burial, 16 Jehoshaphat's good reign 17 Micaiah's prophecy, 18 Jehoshaphat's care for justice, ... 19 Jehoshaphat's fast and prayer, ... 20 Jehoram's wicked reign, 21 Ahaziah's wicked reign, 22 Joash made king, 23 Zechariah stoned, 24 The Edomites overcoine 25 Uzziah's leprosy, 26 Jotham's good reign, 27 Ahaz's wicked reign, 28 Hezekiah's good reign, 29 The passover proclaimed, ....... 30 Provision for the priests, 31 Hezekiah's death, 32 Manasseh's wicked reign, 33 Josiah's good reign, 34 Josiah slain in battle 35 Jerusalem destroyed, 36 EZRA. The proclamation of Cyrus, 1 The people return from Babylon, . . 2 The altar erected, 3 The decree of Artaxeries, 4 Tatnai's letter to Darius 5 The temple finished, 6 Ezra goeth to Jerusalem, 7 our Ezra keepeth a fast, % Ezra's prayer, 9 Ezra's mourning, 10 NEHEMIAH. Nehemiah moumeth for Jerusalem, 1 Artaxerxes encourageth Nehemiah, 2 The names of the builders, ,3 Nehemiah appointeth a watch, ... 4 Reformation of usury, 5 Sanballat's practices 6 Ilanani and Hananiah's charge, . 7 The reading of the law, 8 A solemn fast appointed, 9 The points of the covenant, 10 Who dwelt at Jerusalem 11 The high priest's succession, .... 12 Divers abuses reformed, 13 ESTHER. Ahasuerus's royal feast, ........ 1 Esther made queen 2 Haman despised by Mordecai, .... 3 The mourning of the Jews, 4 Esther obtaineth the king's favour, 5 Mordecai's good services, 6 Haman is hanged, 7 The rejoicing of the Jews, 8 Haman's ten sons hanged, 9 Mordecai's advancement, 10 JOB. Job's losses and temptations, .... 1 Job smitten with biles, 2 Job curseth the day of his birth, . . 3 Eliphaz reproveth Job, 4 Afilictions are from God, 5 Job wisheth for death, 6 Job escuseth his desire of death, . 7 Bildad sheweth God's justice, .... 8 The innocent often afllicted, 9 Job expostulateth with God, 10 Zophar reproveth Job, 11 God's omnipotence maintained, ... 12 Job's confidence in God, 13 The conditions of man's life, 14 Eliphaz reproveth Job, 15 Job reproveth his friends, . 16 Job's appeal to God, 17 Bildad reproveth Job, 18 Job's complaint of his friends, ... 19 The portion of the wicked, 20 The destruction of the wicked, ... 21 Job accused of divers sins 22 God's decree is immutable, 23 Sin goeth often unpunished, 24 Man cannot be justified before God, 25 Job reproveth Bildad, 26 The hypocrite is without hope, ... 27 Wisdom is the gift of God 28 Job bemoaneth himself, 29 Job's honour turned to contempt, . 30 Job professeth his integrity 31 Elihu reproveth Job 32 Elihu reasoneth with Job, 33 God cannot be unjust 34 Comparison not to be madewithGod, 3f The justice of God's ways 3^ God's great works, 3' God's wisdom is unsearchable, ... 3^ God's power in his creatures, .... 39 Job humbleth himself to God, 40 S CONTENTS. on*F. Ood's jK>wor in the creation 41 Job's ugo and dcatli 42 FSALMS. rSALJI Iliippinoss of tho godly, 1 The kingdom of Christ, 2 Tlie security of Ood's protection, . . 3 l>nvid pmyeth for audience, 4 Piivid's profession of his faith, ... 5 Pavid's conipliiint in sickness G )"lio destruction of tiie wicked, ... 7 (Jod's love to ninn, 8 UikI praised for his judgments, ... 9 The outrage of the wicked, 10 GikI's providence and justice, .... 11 Puvid craveth God's help, 12 David boasteth of divine mercy, . . 13 Tlio natural man described, 14 A citi/.en of Zion described, 15 i)avid's hope of his calling, IG David's hope and confidence 17 David praiseth God 18 David praycth for grace 19 Tlie church's confidence in God, . . 20 A thanksgiving for victory, 21 David's complaint and prayer, ... 22 l)avid's confidence in God's grace, . 23 God's worship in the world, 24 l)avi