»-<''* ^^'^ ... ^-^^ -^ «<•' ■ .'1^% -f i^ ./■ "> • » ^* ."^Mf/y^ .0^^ •* aO- * e> I, o ' A> ^0■' \>* • * • « ^0 ^ .^^-^^^ :*^ .0 ;*" ^"^ -^^ "oW^* / "^^ •- _^ . "vt-o^ 'oK ^^0^ :rL% V ,J> * N O ' ^ % ^^ ^^ " *>"%^/>:<- *^^^ ^c,'^."*' *^fS«^'. ^^ ^^ ' .: ^0^9- V ^V^ffi^.', "^^^^ oV^ffll- •**^<'^ •*;-^*' ". ^^o^ »*, ^oV" ^^•n^ •1<55:^^'- o .^^ 9. PROCLAMATION o:-' ~y 1 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, PEOPIiK OF SOSTTH CAKOlil'NA, DECEMBER 10, 1«8;2. , IOC.' 4/^ ^vj I ^ M. J.%, V^ V> JL^ X i-XTJ. Xi. .B. OF ANDREW JACKSON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE / PEOPLE OE SOUTH CAEOLINA DECEMBER 10, 1833. Uv^•:re i SirxtevT^e'i\i rebellion in 18G2. His motto would now be that of all his followers. " The Constilu'don as it is — the Union as it was." And now, Mr. Speaker, a word in relation to our beloved, bleeding, suffer- ing and distracted country. The fair temple of our liberties has been ruth- lessly assailed by traitorous hands, and the sacred tombs of Mount Vernon, Monticel/o and the Hermitage — the impcrisliable heritage of our fathers and our fathers' God — have been desecrated by treason's unholy ambition. Such violators of law and humanity, I hold, would — '< Fillige the palace of the King of Kings, And clip the gilding from an angel's wings, AVould cheat the living — wrong the dead, And rob the orphan of its crust of bread." In conclusion, may we not here, as the representatives of one branch of the Legislature, cangratulate the loyal people of the whole country upon the prospects of an early and enduring peace. A peace that will comprehend the honor of the thirty-four stars of the Union. 15lack rebellion and treason will then be banished from the land never again to disgrace our country's fair escutcheon. For them I have neither mercy or sympathy. Men who desert the Union, and attempt to destroy or mar its beauty, have no claim to its protection and immunities, but deserve its unlimited execrations. Of such, truthfully has the poet said : '•'Perish the hand that woald destroy The temple of our sires, Perish the heart that hopes for joy In its consuming (ires ! Let not the monster he forgot, Who dares to light the dame ; But curse hiai with a traitor's lot, And with a traitors name." W46 .^^,r>^ - ' . V^ -P- "* -' c^ W' ^^ Cr r. o " " • *«>,'T^\/ %.-^-'%o' **,''!^\/ "c V ^^'\ ^ •* X*'^"^'V X*'"^"^-',**^' %'^'-\o'' ~'^< ^- '^ -'^m".. \