flass ,=^ Book_ (o 5(STH C;()N(JKKSS. Oi On^^O IN THE SExVATE OK THE UNITED STATES. Kkiikuahv 1, llt(i4. Mr. I'k.nkosk introducL'd tlie followirio- hill; wlik'ii was read twice and ri-fcned ' to the Committee on the Lihrarv. U.S. Lav/e, statutes, etc., (58th Cone., 2d Bees., ic'03-lo04, rroviding for the erection ol' a statue of Abraham Lincohi at Washington, District of (V)hnuhia. 1 JJc it enacted l)jj the Seiio/e mid //onsr nj' llepn'Sinln- 2 I'lees (if tlie (^lliled Sfdfes iif Auieried ni ( '(tii(/re.s.s ti.s.-e under the 9 dh-ection of the Secretary of War, or such olHcers or such 10 commission as he may designate: And provided. That the 1 1 money hereby api)roi)riated shall be drawn from time to time 12 only as may be required during the progress of the work 13 :ind ui)on the re([uisition of the Secretary of War or the 14 properly authorized ollicers of the conunission appointed 1.") bv him. o R a B 5 S' > sr * S -= o r a ^ ?r^. r. — n "J 3 , '7 !r 1 1 o 1 f 3- a n o 3 > w M o 5 i-ciARY OF CONGRESS 012 025 879 5 TV> I V » (3 I i; ' -iSafeifl t^f.: ( > in]'!,\^)^"/!i :v-.:;;-,v:-|