p F lot PICTURESQUE ^^ '^i^ '^-^ '^<&.^&S«\ ^£^->*. ' %W^ S THE ULD UOUKT HOUSE, 13U1LT 17b t. -—-??=- coxr^vi:Nri]>rG-; > MATTERS OF INTEREST. Gardkef< Printer. Class. Book. PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON, CT MAY, i89i. w COMT AIM I NG w- ^VIEWa+TIME+TABLES^ ^^ ^-ir^ ^ AND OTHER ' '■-Z'^ - Q^^ TIERS OF INTEREST. CARL JAY YIETS, 4 MAIN STREET, I89I. '>p^ f N'^^'^ v\v ^- I'iCI URESyUE NEW LONDON. ^ F1CTURES(>UE NEW LUNUUN. SEE THE "Old Town Mill' SPOONS, AT 7S SSASfi §S. spj^iNG ssyiifis IN SPl^ma SHADES, liV glj^aft THE LATEST STYLES IN iM NECKWEAR^' ^VT XHPJ 51 STATE STREET, YOUMAN'S ^'"kecundus HATS, Dr. W.B. KEENLY, * t I ^ * f ♦ |> fjjj nrt t; ^) 4 5ip ■'i>3- (^*p 'sr|l (^ "^ ^^ (f>f>"" Over Starr's Drugstore, No, 48 State Street. HusTACE & Anderson, Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, MUSICAL BOXES, JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, Ol'ERA GLASSES, CHARTS, COMPASSES, SI'ECTACLES, ;iiul EVE (;l\sses. Hastace 3<; Ai^^ersoi^, ', 25 BahK: H^'R.E:mT'. I'iClLl.L-S^Ll-, .\L\V l.O.NDO^ PICTURESQUE NEW LOM>)N. "« \r "i^y^s Fancy Dry Goods, LADIES ID GENT'S i>vii' Motto is Under Buy and Under Sell. Come and see the difference be- tween Cheap Goods and selling Good Goods Cheap BUNN, No 18 MAIN STREET. NEW LONCON INSURANCE AGENCY, OFFICE, SAYINGS BANK BUILDING, MAIN STREET. Fire,, Marine AND Life Foreign Drafts to all parts of the world. ^'mways with You'^ A. HOBRON&SON, Specialistsiyien^^ Fitted with tlio Jiest iiumIciii apjili- ancc for (leleriiiiiiit), (.Successor to IIkm-ikld & Stakk.) 26 State Street, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods On Three Floors. Firs I' Fi.ook -Dkess Goods PrintSjtJinj;- h.ims, CoUoiis, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, (jliives, Ribbons, Trimmings, etc., etc Second F"i.oi)K~I>russels and Inj^ram Car- iJctinL^s, I. ace Curtains, Poviiercs, Upliolster- ing, Smyrna and Willon Ruj^s. Third Fluor --Linoleum, Oil Cloths, Straw Mattings, Curtain Polt-s, e'.c , etc. .Stock complete in all Departments with re- liable goods at l^ow Prices. J. H. HKNFIFLI), 26'Slate St. Established 1833. W. p. BENJAMIN & CO., Invite your inspeclu)n of their Lartie .Stock of CLOAKS, CARPETINGS, ETC. V^e are NOT Undersold in any- thing. Strictly One Price ! DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. WALTER E, DENISON, RALPH S. SMITH & SON, FURNITURE, 29 STATE ST.. NE'W Li;0?(WON. I'lClLKliSyUK NEW LOiNDON. V!FW FROM WII.I.I'^MP P^KK. NLW L\CLUM IHE.Vll.I- riCll KKS('U1'. NK.W 1.0M)()N. Ladle's and gentlemen's Tennis Slioes in Fieiicli Russet, Calf, Ooze Leatliei', and tine Sail Cloth with patent nihlier so'es and with thick red rul)l»er SDliui;-, from $1. to $3. per pair. Men's Calfskin Shoes, Laee, Button, and Congiess, hand sewed welts, especially adapted for ten- der feet, every style last from broad to extreme pointed all sizes at $3.00 per pair, and every pair AVARRAKTEI), E. V. DABOLL & GO. 56 State Street, NEW LONDON, CT. 4 No. 18i Bank Street, TABLE BOAHl) - *4.0(l >> WEKIv. 20 DIJNNEK TICKETS, - - - p,.0{). HOARD and ROOM, - $5.50 >• WEEK. licguhtr Dinner 11.80 to 2 80 Transients Accommodated. Ojumi Tiieatre Nijudits Until One O'clock. All our Bread, dAn' and Pastry are made from the best material and baked on the i)remises. WEDDINGS, PARTIES AND SOCIABLES Furnished witli Chicken, Lobster Salad. Boned Turkey, Capon, Larded Game Etc. D. R. VINCENT, Proprietor, Noss Restaurant When in Norwich go to NO S S ' and get dinner Ales, Wines, Cigars THraESTLDMCOUm ^ ^ /N THE^ STATE, DON'T FORGET THE NO'S 11 (> ct lis AVater St., Geo. Noss, Prop. HOTCHEISS & CO. DENTIST'S, 76 State St. I'lCI LKESfjUE NEW LONDON. TIIIKO KKi;iME.\T ARMORY. AI'l'iMJAl II HI IJUIUCE. PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 13 i^ m -^ -a SCO 2 M^ 3 H ^^ OS CO >^ m 0.0 CO r G Lh o|5 M G. M. WILLIAMS, Dealer in HARDWARE ^ TOOLS, IRON, STEEL, RRIL RORD, MRGHINISTS' flKD MAKOFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, PAINTS, OILS, "WHITE LEAD, ZINC, & VARNISHES. Proprietor of the NEW LONDON, Agricultural Warehouse. 1 3 STATE ST. BUY YOUR DRUGS,MEDIGINESAND AT BALDWIN'S 125 Bank St., A full line "f Fancy Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfumes, Sponges, Chamois, c^c. Ppg6^IPSI0I]S II lU-.S.jlK NEW LONDON. THE OLD HEMPSTEAD HOUSE BUILT 1678. ,\V sCli:uL HolbK 10 11 OK UANKSIKEET. )'K'I IKKSCJL'K M\V I.dNDilN. •5 TREMONT HOUSE, C. H. TATE. PROP. FJEST/V(JF?/VNT ESTABLISHED IN 1858 IGE CREAM PARLOR, Gigars af^^ Sobacco, Board $4.50 and $5.00 per week Table Board $3.50 Cor. Atwooi & BliDman, St'?. m Leading Jeweler NO. 39 STATE STREET, Has the largest variety in Sterling Souvenier spoons in the Qity including the Whaling Ship, Seal of New London and Groton Monument spoons. « Ml ^l ^5 (Successor to HOLT & AVERY.) FINE FAMILY AiKl all varieties of ■ ^'m ported and Domestic Wines, Brandies. Ales aid \V. A (iaifcs & {'(I's Celebrated Whiskies made ai. Frankfort, Ky., and acknow- ledged to be the finest in the United Slates received direct from Dis- tillerys. Also Mt. Vernon, I. HannisviUe. Finch's Golden Wedding, Frontier and Shervvc^od Rye Whiskies, an liol Sh. IdK r WRISWiiLl) IIUL'SE. I'IC'M KES(JUE NKW I.ONUnN. •7 I hi: rocks at i-ori' ci'iswdi.n hdcsk. Fort GrIsvVold HroUse and Cottages. IKaSIKKN I'oINT 0\ IIIK S(U'Mi) OPPOSITE PEQUOT HOUSE, NEW LONDON, CONN. OPENS JUNE IHTH. -rf'lNI^ Ijiiliiiiii!;. ISoatiuu-. Fishing, Siiliiig and Drivinu'. Tiie Oook'.sl and most llcaltliful iSuninuT Rcsoit on the t^ound. Oi-clu'stra morning and evening. Absolutely no Mosquitos. Haies transienf, ^3.00 to :iii4.00 \)vv d,iy; weekly. ^IT.T)!) to .f^S.OO. !>peci;d indueements 1o fiunilics. James C. Matthevv/s, Proprietor, Also StarteVai^t Hoase, NeVv yo^'k- I'lCrUKESQUK NEW LONDON. Photographic • Supphes for ''HAWKEYE" AND FASTMAN'S TRUfiSPARENT FILMS, Dry Plates, Chemicals, Mounts, &c. CRANSTON & CO., 1S5 Maii7 Street, fn & Mk Wkfr Dealers in ^lili ^IPS OB AND COAL, 45WflTEfl STREET. I'lCIURESQUE NKW LONDON. 19 Who is A. H. Birch,ard?' /V letter sent to No's. 9J to 105 MAIN ST. NORWICH, CT,, ■will tell you. ''Ti OK 5 Main St. g^m MQME¥ I T. W. POTTER BY HAVING YOUR SHOES REPAIRED BY 1294 BANK ST. Best matei-ial used, Gcut's shoes Tapped, 40e. Heeled, 35c. Ladies, Tapped, 35c. Heeled 15c. Shoes Repaired while you wait. Give us a call and be eonviuced. Re-opens w^ith an en- tire NEW STOCK of PURCHASED FOR GASH and For Sale at REDUCED PRICES. PICTURESnUE NEW LONDON. NEW LONDON NORTHERN RAIEROAD. On and after Monday, April 27, i.Sgi, trains will Leave Uoiou Depat foot of State Street as follows GOING NORTH. 5. CO A. jNI - — For liratlcboro, connecting at Norw icli (Wext Side) lor Putnam. WcrceMer, Doston and inter-m-diate stations; at VVillini.intic, for Middlelown, Colcfiester, Ilartford, anri not- ion, at Palmer, for All)any and the West, and for iJoston, Ware, Giiberlville, etc., at ISnrrcit's for Athol; at Millers Falls for Iloosac Tunnel, at South Vernon lor Keene; at Urattleboro for all points North. 7.45 A. M. Norwich 8 20 for Palmor. connecting at Willimantic for Ilartford, at Pal- mer foi Albany and the West and for Boston. Le.ive Palmer 2.00 P. M. for Amherst and Bratlle- boro. 9.45 A. M Norwich, 10.20 for Wilhnianlic, connecting for Hartford, Middletown and Colchester. 11.25 A. M Norwich, connecting from New York, Providence and Boston Kad Road. 1.30 P. JVI. Norwich, conecting with Norwich and Worcester Rail Road. 2.30 P. M. Norwich, 3.00 for Urattleboro, connecting at Willimantic (or Hartford; at Palmer for Albany and the West. 5.25 P. M. For Willimantic, connecting from N. V. N. H. &H , and N. Y. P. & B. R R. and connecting at Willimantic for liailford, Bristol, Putnam, Boston and Providence; also for Middlelown, Lolchester and New Haven. For N(nvvich, at 3.35. 5 00, 7.45, 9. 45, 11.25 A.M. 1.30, 2.30, 5.25, and 8.15 P. M. connecting from N.Y.N. H. and N.V.P.& B. Rail Roads. TRAINS FOR NEW LONDON Leave Brattleboro at 5.35, and 10 25 A. M. and 3.15 P. M. Millers Falls 6. 18 and 11.35 am. and 4.07 p. m. Amherst 6.53 a. m. 12 12 and 4.40 p. m , Palmer 8.35 a. m., 2 00 and 7.10 p. m. Willimantic 8.05, 10.05, a. m., 3.22, 6.40 and 8.45 p. m. Leave Norwich for New Loudon at 6.15 a. m. connecting directly for Providence and. way sta- tions, 8.42, 10.42 a. m., 12.20, 3.20, 4.00, 7.15 and 9 25 p. m.; also at 10.00 from Norwich and Worcester Depot. C. F. SPAULDING, feupt. DISTANCES AND FARES, N. L. N. R, R. Miles New London to Fares. (Vliles New London Fares. Miles New London Fares. 6 Montville, $0.20 42 So. Willi nutou , $1.25 85 Amlierst $2.55 13 Norwich .40 44 To!hin(l. 1.30 88 No. Amherst, 2.65 15 Norwichtuwa, .4;-) 50 Stafford. 1.50 91 Leverelt, 2.70 17 Yantic, .50 (iO So Moiison, 1.80 96 Montat^tie, 2.85 23 Lebnuon, 70 Gl Monsoii, 1.85 100 Sliller's Falls, 2.!;0 26 South Windham, .80 C5 Palmer, 1.95 103 Northfield farms. 3.0(> 30 Willimantic, .90 68 '^i'hrce Kivers, 2.05 109 Northfield 3.20 35 South Coventiy 1.05 70 Barrett's Jonct, 2.10 111 South Vernon, 3.30 37 Eaglevillo, 1.10 75 Belchcrtovvii, 2.25 116 Vernon, 3 4) 39 Mansfield, 1.15 80 Dwi.iiht'.s 2.40 121 Brattleboro, 3.50 40 Menow, 1.20 83 South Amherst, 2.50 New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail Road, SHORE LINF: DIVISION Trains -le ave Union Depot foot of State Street as follows, For New Haven anitNew York Accomodation trains at 7.35, 11.30 a. m.; 5.25 p. m. Express trains at 2.17, a. m. 1. 03 4.03, and 7 9 p. m. Fcr Hartford and way stations via Valley Division 3-i7, 7-35> ^"<1 I'oO a.m. 4.03, and 5.25 p. n\. LUCIUS TUTTLE, Gen. Manager, C. T. HEMPSTEAD, Gcr. Pas. Agt. )'ICI UKKS()L:K M-AV I.oMkiN. LIN^ TO NFW YORK THE PALACE STEAMER . W. p. WARD, CAPTAIN. From New Loncon Monc'ays, Wfdnesdeys and Fridays. FAVORITE STEAMER S- E. SHIRLEY, CAPTAIN- On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: mi Dm-iug J;i!io,Ju'y, August aucl Sef-tember, Ihe Steaaer 'lij) IP LMflilll s* O.i Siriilnys will 'eave Tlio Pilottk Island Do( k, rciir Union Dejwt NfW L')iul')U a*. 9.0.) p. m. for New York. Rulactioii of Far, : New L( 11(1)11 to Ntw York *1.00 until Juno 1st., then -fl.^O. 3 RKTUUNING— Steamers love ] ier 40, N< rtii Kiv( r, Ntw Y- vk. Dnily, Sinidays e:.eei ted. at A.OO p. m. in Summ r, niul 4.30 i.i Wiiiti r. For f irrhi V iiir. & 13. R. K, FIRE ALARM. Miles NEW LONDON TO Fares. 1.39 Groton, $0.05 4.53 Poqiionnock, .15 7.42 Noank, .23 8.68 W. Mystic, .26 9.47 Mystic, .28 12.92 Htoinngton, .37 18.39 Westerly, .51 23.06 Niantic, .62 27.08 Wood River. Jc, .72 29.40 Carolina, .78 30.10 Shannock, .80 30.74 Kenyons, .82 35.11 Kingston, .92 39.13 Slocums, 1.02 42.71 Wickford.Jc, 1.11 45.23 Davis ville, 1.18 48.71 50.30 Greenwich, Cowesett, 1.26 1.30 51.51 Appunang, 1.33 53-70 Hills Grove, 1.39 56 99 Auburn, 1.46 59.00 Eliiiwood, 1.51 64.00 Porvidonce, 1.60 108.00 Worcester, 2.70 108.00 Boston, 2.60 N.Y.N.H. & H.K.T^. Miles NEW LONDON TO Fares. 3.18 Wareiford. $0.10 6.93 East Lyme, .20 7.93 Crescent, Beach, .20 11.07 Soiilh Lyme, .30 15.35 Blackhall, .40 16.99 Lyme, .45 17.43 C^onn liiver. .45 18.85 8aybi'()ok, .50 22.72 Westbrook, 60 24.94 Grove Beach, .70 27.80 (Jliiiton, .70 30.75 Madison, .NO 32.88 East Hiver, .85 3"). 00 Guilford, .90 36.32 Saciiems Head, .90 37.85 Leete's J-land, .95 39.36 Stony Creek, 1 .00 40.88 Pine Orchard, 1 .05 42.86 Branford, I.IO 45.96 East Haven, 1.15 48.57 Fair Haven, 1.20 49.32 Cedar Hill, 1 .25 50.97 New Haven, 1 .25 124.47 New York. 2.75 NUMBER AND LOCATION OF BOXES. Box 3. Bank and Shaw sts. 4. Police Station, PoUer street. 5. Ocean and Lee Avenues. 6. Hopson & Chapin's near office. 7. Fequot ave., near B. C G. Works. 8. Pequot house, front of Cassino. 12. Bank and Howard streets. 13. Federal and Main streets. 15. Main st. and Crystal ave. Bridge. 16. Front of Thomas Hose Co 's House. 23. State and Bank streets. 25. Wdliams and Broad streets. 27. Hempstead st. & Manwaring Hill. 31. R. T. Palmer Co.' Mdl. 32. Huntington and State streets. 34. Bulkelcy Place and Huntington st. 41. East New London, N. L. N. R. R. Shop, near Drawbridge. U. S. MAILS. Boston and the East. — Open 6.45, 9.15, ti.oo a. m., 1.30, 4.30, 7.15 p.m. Close 6.00, 8.30 a. m., 1. 00, 4.00, 4.45, 7.15, 10.30 p. m. Boston & Albany West. — Open 11.40 a. m. Close 2 00 p. m. Fishers Island N. Y. — Open 9.15 a. m Close 2.00 p. m. Groton Ct. — Open 6.45, 10.30 a. m., 7.00 p. m. Close 6.00, 10.10 a. ni., 6.O0 p. m. Hartford Ct. — Open 6.45, 9.45, 11.40 a- m., 1.30 5.00 8.00 p. m. Close 7.00, 7.30 12.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.45. 7.15, 10.30 p. m. Montville, Ct.- Open 11.40 a. m., 5.00 p. ni. Close 7.30 a. ni., 2.00 p. m. Mystic, Ct. — Open 9.15 a. m., i 00, 7.15 p. m. Close 6.00, 8.30 a. m;, i.oo, 4.00 p. m. Norwich Ct. — Open 6.45, 11.40 a. ni. 4.30,8.20, 1 1.00 p. m. Close 9.15 a. m., 1.00 4.45 10.30 p. m. New York.— Open 6.45, 9.45 a. m., 1.30, 5.00, 6.45, 8.30 p. m. Clo.se 7.00, 11.00 a. in., 12.30, 3. ,0. 4.45, 7.15, 10.30 p.m. Providence Open: -6:45, 9;i5 n. m., 1.30, 4.30, 7.15 p, m; Close 6;oo 8.30 a. m: I.oo, 4,00, 10:30 p: in: Southern, States: — Open 6.4s, 9:45 a: m:, 1 .30, 5.00, 6:45 p. m. Close 7.C0 1 1 00 a: m:, 12.30, 3.30, 4.45, 7.15, 1030 p.m. Western Slates.— Open 6.45, 9.15, 11 40 a. m., 1.30, .">.oo, 6 45, 8.jO p. ni. CInse 7.00. 11.00 a. m., 12.30, 2.00, 3.30, 4.45, 7.15, 10.30 p. m. 24 FICl'L'KESljUh; NEW LONDON. B II Lee 02. J. E. Harris 91. J. St \vr 92. r;. s. Darrow . .. .92, J. V. S.iiitli ...93. City Officers. MAYOK. IIou. GEORGE E. TINKER ''Jl. ALDERMEN. W. S. {^lappell '91. C.S.Starr '91. H. S. Birtldt 91. (' L Ockiord '91. J. D. Croiiiu ... 91. U. C. Strcii.ir .92. r C. I)u..tord 93. W. H. B.'iitle}93. J. II. McCormick 98. COUNC'ILMEN. J.I). Cirvcr 91. J. Il.-isn, Jr 91. (;. P. Smit'i 91. W.T.May 92. E. \V. E'ow 92. J. Mor.ii 9\ W. C. Eish 93. E. N. CrfHkcr 93. G. M. Cole 93. 11. J. Savage 93. Citv Clerk — Georo-e Colfax. City Tiuasurer John ]M( Ginlev. City At'orney E. B. B.aii'eee.^ A st. Atly. Bryan E. Mahati. C mnii-is^onr of Ckaiities W. R. Austin. Asscv-^sors I). B. Cl ai'inau. C. S. llj;rri.-<. Jehu Gvcv. Boanl of Rs'.icf D. II "nii>.srea.l, R. B. Fc i --ar, Sac'i Moi-.^a -. CouHtablos C. G. IIarri\ M. INI. Peter.-, J. Coiiis'.ock, A. Frazer, Coinius.-ioners uf Town Eepos t E.riui J. E. Darrow, L. W. IMiuci-, and J. I., Chew. Wat'.r Comrni.-.sioners F. C. Diniford, G.Wiiliain?, B. A. Arni^tro.ig. P^dward T. Hr(Ufc; .NEW LUNUUN. 25 Ferry-Boat Uneas, \VF,r:K DAYS I'eny— I'xinl leaves Giohm for New Lcii- (]nn 6.00, 6.30, 7.00 n.m , I lien every Iweniy iniiuiles until 6.00 p. 111., iheii every half hour until 10.00, 10.50 p.m., Ferry — lioat leaves New Loi (hui fir Gn)t()n ill 6 15, 6.45, 7.10 a 111., then tvery twenty minutes until 6.15 jKiii , then every half iiour until 10.15, I'.ciOp.m. SUNDAYS * Ferry — i?oal leaves (iroton for New Lon- don al 9.00, lo.oo a 111., then every half hour until 6.00 p.m., then every hour until 9.00 p.m. Ferry — i>oat leaves New L'.indon for Clro- ton at 9. 30, 10.15 ^-'ii-i tlien every half liour until 5.45, 630, 7 30, 8.30, 9.15 jMii VV. R. Demson. Manager. Steamer Munnatawket, CAPT. CHAS. E. NASH, I'elween Fishers Island and New Lon- don, carrying U. S. Mail, will run daily ex- cept Sunday, leaving Fisliers Island at 8.15 a.m. returning will leave New l.oiuion at 2.30 p.m. N. BENVENUTI, DlC.^LEK I.N jKaitj :-■ Gof^fect oi^eKV], GIGfIRS ID TOBflGGO ALSO ITALIAN CHEESE AND Gomm OF WASHINGTON & STARR STREET. Steamer Manhanset, CAPT. JAMES F. SMITH, Will make l)aily 'I'lii.s l.tlvxem New I.onihm, tireeiiport and Sag Harbor, leaving New London ai 8. 16 a. m arriving al .^ag llarhor about 12.00. Returning, leave Sag Harbor at 12.20 p. m., (Jreenport at 1.20 p. ni., arriving at New London about 4 00 p. m. '» FARE EACH WAY $1.1 Jl'-.ssK Rkkvi^s, Agi. (;reen|>ort. Joii.N iio.MAN, Agt.. Sag Harbor. F. F. MokCVN, l^^ee'vaiid 'I'Veas. Omnibus Lines, IJates' — 'Busses will leave City Hall for Pequol House at 6.45, 8.30, 9. 30, 10 30, 11.30 j a. m., 12.30, I 30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.45 8.30, 9. CO p. m. Returning, leaves I'equot House naif an hour from time oi leaving City Hall. lUirr's Line. —'IJusses will leave City Hall for Pequot ILousc and Ocean Beach hourly from 8.00 a. m. to i.oo p. jr..; also 7.30 and 8.45, p. m. Returning, leaves Ocean Beach 45 minutes later. AiiJODg all tlie inventions of iLe loth. Century, tlie Sewing Machine is one of the most im- portant, and among the hundreds of different kinds that have come before the people, the New Home and Domestic, arc acknowledged leaders the world over. These Light Kimning Sewing Machines I have the honor to pre- sent to the people of New London, and vicinity as the sole agent. The Largest retail stock of Machine Needles and fixtures in Connecticut, W. Q. MQKLEIT, ISTo. 5'IMain Street. 26 PlCrUKESQUE NEW I.OMIQN. 'iJi_™Ll»«fe^ Tlie MuiiiitoL'k Stock Farm. li^ LIVERY AND jSO. 241) i^^V^jlC STREET, riCTURESOUK NEW LONOUN. 27 At Manitock .8ti cl< Farm, Waterford, Conn., the j'ouiig- Hanihletoniaii Stallion, Jei-sey Rysdjk, owned hy Albert O. Manwaring, will stand for the season of 1891. Jerse.y Rysdyk 6029. He by Sammy Rysdyk 527; dam Jennie, by Wm. Rysdyk 527, second dam Maggie by Seeley's American Star. Horses bred, trained, hoar- ded and pastured at Mauitock Stock Farm. A. O. Man waring, Prop. P. (). Box 69. Waterford, Conn. NEW LONDON OECORflTING GO. No. 8 BANK STEEET, HEADQUARTERS FOR Paperhangings and Painters supplies^ l/Vrtist's Materials. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS &C. Best n^ei^ en^plov^ei aip^ oav| or coiptract. JOHN SPALDING, SMITH'S flrSTH-M/V SPECIFIC, 9G JNilain Street. Has a full stock of Plants for the Garden and house. Cut Fio^vers, and fine Roses, designs made in the best styles on short notice. JOMn SfAIiDiNG, CURES ASTHMA, PHTHISIC, HAY FEVER, AND NASAL CATARRH. Sampl by mail 20 cents. J.ABORN SMITH, GROTON, CONN. 28 IMCTURES(1UE NEW LONDON. ft A[ite. I'ICI UKIS( il'K NKW I.OMKiN. 29 Tiii^ H. T. i^^VLAri:ij ( o:sipjvny. 'VwiJ.l^rV- iS»j- t -•■ -^^^ I ,J^ S t b , * " • = ^ - ■ ■ ■ 6 e 2 2 .^ S b - 1 s. J -■ ■ 'i 5 : r - fS^^ ■:-5L-^: <" ^^'.:ii,^ .->: . Largest manufacturers of bed comfortables in the world. /^■<'.si'i rtiior.^^ Tyler K. Pahiiei-, Reiihen T. Palmer, Jr., E. T. Palmer, Sr., John M. Conwav, E. H. Hamilton. THE BABGDOM FRtNTING PRESS MFG. GO. M A IX () I^^ V \ ( 1 : AX13 AVOKKS NEW I-iONIlON,, €/l\ Ma.nufa.ciu re rs of a full line of Cylinder Presses. ''The Dispatch" the fastest single cyhnder press built. NEW YORK OFFICE 9 and 10 TRIBUNE BUILDING. ICACO, ST. LOUIS. ST, PAUL, KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, AN SAN FRANCISCO. PlCri'Ki:S()UE NEW LOMJt>N. \ V /^S> ^^} ' _? /^ TIIK NKWlI.tlNDON l.liiHi' ESTABLISHED 1839 ^XjBKR'r C. VPJIOIJKK; 13AVI13 tJ, H^VKKIS. ¥i©D^ll 4 FPARIIS, STJCCKSSOKS XO L. HEYNIOER & CO. WOODEN AND WILLOW Mr. David li. HaiTis, of V'fddcr it Harris, is an Old Now Loudoiu;r. ., haviiiij,' been born near the above site.) PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 31 AND EVERY ARTICLE OF HOUSE FURNISHING IQOP'S, FOR DOMESTIC AND EXPORT TRADE. , ♦♦>■ — —sSOLE AGENTS FOR ^5 - Je'^ett's OmlmhTmiBd Refrigerators. Water .ere and Filters. WHITE MOUNTAIN AND LIGHTNING JcE Qream P^reezers. v« A K New York PICTURESQUE NEW LOND3N. -•4?^ C^ III i 0. r "^ fl ^1 <^ o < H fQ O I'lCri'RF.SQUE NKW LONDON. 33 THE NORWICH Sayings Society, ■ INCORPOKAIED IN 1824. Deposits, - - $8,854,450.60 Surplus and Profi: and Loss, - 681,578.44 PRESIDENT, Amos W. Prentice. VICE-PRESIDENTS, J . Hartford, Conn, I'ICTURESQUE NEW LONHOX. THE UNION DEPOT. IMCI I KI-.SgUK NKAV lAtMXlN. T. A. SCOTT, Diver, V/recker and Contractor GENERAL LIGHTERAGE liY liARGES DIVER, BILLOW, II. I'ASCO, PANOl'E, JERRV SLATE. TOWING TO ALT. POINTS Eetween New York and Boston by Tugs ALERT, T.A.SCOTT, Jr., CASSIE. CK AIL KINDS OK iilBKiillii Wi i rs) 17' i£\m Pequot Avenue, Nex^^ London, Conn, Raising Simkeu Vessels or Cargoes, Steam Pumps at Short Notice, Preparing Foiuulatioiis for Butments, Examination and Repairs of Marine Railways, Ships' Bottoms, Dams, etc., Building Wharves and Sea Walls, Derricks for Handling Heavy Weights, etc. 36 PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. I'lCTURESgUE NEW LUNlJUN. 3/ Putnam Furniture /Manufacturing Co. LIBERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, Do not forget we are head-quarters for all Icinds and grades of Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Stores, Ranges and complete House Furnishings. Our prices the lowest, Our goods the best, Fasij terms when desired or a liberal discount for cash. IFe are head-quarters for /Summer goods. Our Refrigerators can not be beat for styie, finish or the saving of Ice. Our Oil Stoves the latest and best. We control the ''Grand Oil Heater" , also their entire line- See the new Oil lianoe. We have sold —200— HEATERS atid expect to sel as many of these RANGES. We are dikectlv Ol'ERSITE THE OLD WASHINGTON He VI) tiUARIElitf. F. w. mmmTom & mom, PHOTOGRAPHERS, One Dozen Cabinet Photographs for S3. 00. /nsfantaneous Process. Splendid success with Babies' Pictures. NO. 4: 13^VNIC STKEKT. 37 P(CTUK£Sr>L-E NEW LONDON. I'lCTUKKSOlIE NEW LONDON. 39 New Clothing Store, BARKER & MAY, If you are in want of Clothing call at our store and you will be supplied from the best and most stylish line of Clothing that ever came to New London, in Men's Suits and Spring Overcoats, Children's Suits and Reefers, it is aeknow^led- ged that we excel. NO. 16 STATE STEEET. /\'l!eri Penhallow, 25 and 27 Washington Street. BUY MEAT ID VEGETABLES OF HIM. BUY YOUR LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALING, FULL WEIGHT, ORDERS CALLED FOR AND GOODS DELIVERED. G-eorge F. Barnstorf, fii^e Delicatessen; ^vjh J^ SFECIA.LTY. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FOREIGN &. DOMESTIC OF ALL KINDS. 47 Bank St. and 45 Main St. FOR THE FINEST FLAVORED TEAS FRESH ROASTED SOFFEE'S, OO TO 57 STATE STREET. Try our Clover Chop Tea and Cream Java. 40 PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 4^ :Ni:^V LOJVUONE CALLS FOR TELEGRAMS FREE. P>raiKls to all parts of the City deliv- ered Promptly aud Confideutially. U. S. Express Go's, Money Order Rates, PAYAHI.E IN UNTIED STATES & CANADA, Not over $5.00 - - 5 Cents. 10.00 - - 8 " 20.00 - - 10 " iJO.OO - - 13 " 40.00 - - 15 " 50.00 - - 20 " PAYABLE JN EUROPE. Not over $10.00 - - 10 Cents. 20.00 - - 18 o0.09 - - 25 40.00 - - 35 f.0.00 - - 45 Qipite^ States Ex. Go. Telephone No. 9. P. O. Box No. 943. CaUlKiRs & Prentis, — w GENERAL w — J^NU: EIlQB^IillQE^S, NO. 10 BRADLEY STREET, RESIDENCES^ ST. JOHN & ROWE, IS: Samuel W. Caulkins, JVo. 4 Home Street y Eldridge P. Prentis, Mo. 10 Pearl Street. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. Dealers in Ales, Wines and BOTTLED LAGER FOR FAMILY USE. 95 BANK STREET. NEW LONDON Stean^ - Dv^e - Hoase AND Garpet Beatiipg Worlds. 58 MAIN STREET. Shawls, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Etc. CLEANED OR DYED. Ladies and gentlemen's garments of every description dyed or nicely cleaned without ripping. Feather Beds renovated, Packages sent by express will meet with prompt attention according to directions, JOHN LEE & SONS, Prop's. 42 I'lCI IIKKS()UK NKW I.OMKJN. ■-■}■ -0 ,:i- OLIJ I'ICrrKK OK WILLIAMS \- HARNKS WHARF, ON WATKR ST., AS 11' WAS IN I79I GRANITE AND MAHBLE WORKS, GROTON, CONN. Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery Work of all Descriptions. ^ T L O W K S T ]P li JOES. riCTUKKSnUK NEW LONDON. 43 Gilbert Uoser|o,/Vgt. Manufacturer and Dealer in HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, ROBES AND WOl^Sfi GOODS a K ISr li K ^ L L Y. No. 127 BANK STREET, G. WILLIAMS&m BAMSJlgMCTIllSj No. 24 Golden Street. Kvery tiling contained in ti tirst-class bakery can be found in our establish- ment. Breakfast and Tea Iv