•«*:._ - ' 05 CCCS.Cd CC ^c< «g^C<3C Cv cCC >,. . isGCcccc: . c ' ^ .c:. CC-. <:"; (. .:c '•cTc t r <-cc< -.^^'C ■^c CC'c ..V..r '■ . ■«r<;(iC dc f-<^ d_c ■ crc tt-C' ■ 'lA'Xci;^ ^c'.cd cc ' • . *- .V V . <■ &"*■<' . C Ccc ^CC C dv ^Cl^-CCC AA^A Homes. The thousands interested in Kansas, and the millions who wish to find good homes, should get this book. Here is all they want to learn about Kansas. l^ailroad comj)anies and large land companies will find this book, with its historical scenes and objects, and the numerous sketches and statistics about Kansas, the best advertisement they can gQt. Yast numbers of this work are already selling and circulating over the country. Dealers in books and periodicals, and all news sellers in towns, cities, and on railroads, should keep a constant supply of this work. A good agent wanted in every town, city, and county in the United States to canvass for the sale of this book. They can make from ten to twenty-live dollars per day. Everybody wauts to know about Kansas — where to buy cheap homes, with rich, fertile land. gives the road, and all important information, in this pic- torial history of nearly one hundred pages, and a great number of interesting scenes and objects, for the small sum of fifty cents. Liberal terms given to all dealers and can- vassers. Single copies sent to anybody, postage free, for 50 cents Any orders for this work will be promptly filled by ROBERT CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, GRISWOLD & BO WE US, Cirdevi/le, Ohio. ' ^ I I » » > 1 1 1 ll j »>»l i »» till $ww^ww^^ www *^ % , >~>» •» ^ l^ r> ■>T3^ T>^^ ;?;> Z>j :ZX> J> " -3:s> .5 ■ ^v* )^^jg> ^-^-^ ^2)- ^:3> >> ~:x> -4^ Bt>~3^Hi Sva ► 5 >m. l1 l» iSs L^ > 5> s ^% ^ ^J .■2> 2^"~ m 3> :j>>)3y 3-)3>v :2>_:rv>s> Z»»-)^> :»>jair!>> o:r> ^5 1> :5>>)3» 3~)3>^ :2>:rv.i "3^ >.>-.s»jp^2):>>^::> :)^:> ,>>^j>; :.3-' 2> ^:> >.> ? — -5 ">i > »>>^>> " o> ^T .:> j»>-.:3>j >:>.'» '■5>.») va ^ ::>._i3K» o : ^^Etfi) :3sr^ g^-^g^ Eii^ > " "^ ^"^ 3sy»:>^ ■S^^". "^ x>::^» |3||^..;Mk^^2 i2£^ J 5> ,^F 5..^ ^-3 ^» 0^ ':^ ^ J^:> ^ fe>^:>>>^ 5^^'i»; }>'>>> ■ : ^■??^ ?S9 — o » r> >,. . zjb^ •^>: :^ 3 - ^ j^^'^^L;^ ^1>-^^^S>