Issued January 25, 1913. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OP STATISTICS— BULLETIN 102. VICTOR H. OLMSTED, Chief of Bureau. LIST OF AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. GEORGE K. HOLMES, Chief of Division of Production and Distribution, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1913. Monograpn, ORGANIZATION OF BUREAU OF STATISTICS. Statistician and Chief: Victor H. Olmsted. Associate Statistician: Nat C. Murray. Assistant Statistician: Samuel A. Jones. Chief Clerk: Frank G. Kelsey. Division of Domestic Crop Reports: Fred J. Blair, Statistical Scientist in Charge. Division of Production and Distribution: George K. Holmes, Statistical Scientist m Charge. ... l ■. . . Division of Research and Reference: Charles M. Daugherty, Statistical Scientist in Charge. Crop Reporting Board : Victor H. Olmsted, Chairman; Nat C. Murray, George K. Holmes; one or more persons called in from the corps of special field agents and State statistical agents. Issued January 25, 1913. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF STATISTICS— BULLETIN 102. VICTOR H. OLMSTED, Chief of Bureau. LIST OF AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. GEORGE K.' HOLMES, Chief of Division of Production and Distribution. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1913. D, OF D, FEB 21 1913 3 a & o w ■a Ph P. §s . >>a> £ be ■3 O Ph 9 P. ■a §•* "3 Pi be 3 kT® b» 3 fl a Ph be O Q 6 c 3 8 3 ■Q 2 p. >. .3. O 53 8 18 32 3 40 100 7 86 2 12 1 1 1 6 1 6 9 3 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 9 4 8 21 8 41 1 8 12 12 3 10 3 64 49 83 38 31 15 59 40 2 5 6 15 5 9 3 6 3 27 10 5 4 1 1 1 l 1 9 1 9 5 9 1 1 1 4 3 3 6 1 2 1 2 7 14 2 1 3 4 1 1 9 2 1 3 1 13 1 3 1 1 24 15 17 24 16 11 105 63 94 68 83 65 110 83 23 20 19 66 64 39 18 26 13 23 42 14 22 6 21 15 3 8 1 12 16 19 18 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 .... 5 1 Ohio 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 .... 1 6 4 18 9 7 3 4 1 8 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... 2 1 1 1 ...X. 1 1 2' 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 7 3 1 2 1 5 1 1 .... 1 8 1 1 2 1 4 16 3 16 1 Utah 1 "2 1 1 2 4 8 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 9 1 2 Geographic division: 154 193 121 413 386 147 92 88 53 16 20 7 7 4 3 1 8 14 1 4 1 4 3 18 21 14 12 3 3 3 4 35 70 49 265 142 23 45 21 35 1 12 4 1 3 21 2 41 12 3 8 2 10 23 3 9 8 3 3 1 14 1 2 .... 2 1 3 2 3 6 2 2 3 1 4 West North Central 1 1 3 7 3 4 1 1,647 80 13 4 22 81 685 19 86 21 74 1 7 1 Includes mules. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 15 Table 2. — Percentage of number of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and related subjects, 1912, classified by area and kind of exhibit, by geographic divisions. CLASSIFICATION BY AREA. Geographic division. Total. Inter- na- tion- al. Na- tion- al. Inter- state. State. Inter- coun- ty. Coun- ty. Lo- cal. Not re- port- ed. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.7 8.1 3.8 2.9 1.9 1.5 2.9 3.7 4.8 8.3 8.6 5.2 4.6 2.6 2.5 5.0 3.7 .7 6.5 9.7 12.3 7.3 4.7 3.5 7.1 1.9 14.4 7.4 3.8 7.6 5.5 3.9 5.1 5.7 10.3 10.3 10.5 13.7 16.6 18.5 20.8 16.7 15.7 15.9 16.4 21.0 27.4 21.3 28.9 38.9 45.5 24.3 37.4 24.6 20.5 11.8 3.3 10.7 6.6 1.5 7.9 4.7 8.9 20.1 16.9 29.9 21.6 20.6 23.7 31.4 22.4 19.9 Total 100.0 3.7 4.7 7.3 5.7 17.0 30.6 9.1 21.9 KIND OF EXHIBIT. , « Is, « 3 j*U Geographic division £ 3 s 3 o and ons. and ock. &2 ft" g 3 3 •a o 3 3 o w CD H M t, at £>ft "3 ft 03 a o Em O a to > O 3 3 13 o "3S O C3 be O 5 '3, .3 03 Eh o w fr o Hi a P* Ph Ph Ph P 4.4 6.2 o O o o ft 3 EH O w &H O H-] w pi Oh Pn Pi M «J H 8.4 13 6 7.7 27.9 9.4 11.7 7.4 25.1 20.0 25.0 8.8 8.7 7.7 30.8 7.7 30.7 3.7 22.2 25.9 17.3 5.1 10.2 7.1 38.7 5.3 63.1 21.0 3.5 24.4 2.3 47.7 14.3 38.1 9.5 13.5 31.1 4.1 12.2 100.0 28.6 Middle Atlantic 25.0 50.0 13.6 9.1 13.6 East North Central 57.1 West North Central 20.9 23.4 5 25.0 27.3 14.8 20.7 5.3 14 10.8 14.3 7.2 5.1 3.9 5.3 9.7 4.8 4.6 3.9 3.8 1.2 10 17.5 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 3.7 3.7 3.7 6.0 3.8 6.2 2.5 5 7 5.3 1.2 2.3 33.3 4.1 4.0 1.3 18.9 23.1 4.6 4.8 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0,100.0100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912. ALABAMA. Place -where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Albertville Alexander City Athens Bay Minette. . . Birmingham . . . Do Marshall Co. Fair Assn Tallapoosa Co. Fair Assn Limestone Co. Fair Assn County Intercounty.. . County do Between Oct. 12 and 24 About Oct. 20. General agr. Do. 2d or 3d wk. in Oct Do. Do. Alabama Poultry Assn. (Inc.). State Fair and Exhibit Assn. . . Cherokee Co. Fair Assn International . State.. Oct. to Dec. 31 Oct. 3 to 12 Poultry. General agr. Do. County .. .do Oct. 29 to Nov. 1 About last of Oct Last wk. in Sept Do. Cullman Fort Payne Cullman Co. Agl. and Live Stock Fair Assn. do .do Do. Do. Do. Gulf Coast T r opical Fair Assn. International . About 1st wk. in Nov. Do. Do... Montgomery . . . Do Oct Intercounty.. . Last of Sept. to mid- dle of Oct. About Oct. 1 General agr. Central Alabama Fair Assn. . . Do. Do. County do About 1st wk. in Oct. . Last of Oct. or early in Nov. Middle of Oct. to early in Nov. Do. Do. Union Springs . do Do. ARIZONA. Nov. 4 to 12 Horses. Do Poultrv. Do Arizona State Fair Assn Interstate . Intercounty.. . do Safford 2d wk. in Sept Early in Oct Do. Southern Arizona Fair Assn.. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors In this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 17 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. ARKANSAS. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Ash Flat County Intercbunty. . . County Last 2 wks. in Sept Early in Oct General agr. Bentonville. .. . Benton Co. Horse and Mule Show. Do mules. Do Chicken Fair Assn Poultry. General agr. Do. Berry ville North Arkansas Fair Assn Central Arkansas Fair Assn Intercounty. . . About Oct. 1 Carlisle Clarksville Clarksville Fair Assn Do. Conway Faulkner Co. Fair Assn Intercounty. . . Oct. 1 to 15 Do. Eldorado Do. Fayetteville Ft.' Smith Washington Co. Fair Assn Arkansas-Oklahoma Fair Assn Ft. Smith Poulty Assn County Interstate . 1st wk. in Oct Oct. 14 to 19 Do. Do. Do Poultry. Do. Forest City, Phillips Co. Poultry Assn. National Helena, or Mariaima. Helena, see Forest City. Hempstead Co. Union Fair Assn. Arkansas State Fair Assn Little Rock Poultry Assn Intercounty. . . State Last of Sept. to early in Oct. Oct. 9 to 14.... General agr. Do. Hot Springs Little Rock Marianna, see National Last of Nov. or early in Dec. Poultry. Forest City. Mena Mena and Polk Co. Fair Assn. . General agr. Do. Morrilton Conway Co. Fair Assn Intercounty. . . Oct... . Piggott Clay Co. Fair Assn Pine Bluff Poultry Assn do Do. Pine Bluff Poultry. General agr. Prescott Nevada Co. Farmers' Fair Assn. CALIFORNIA. Arroyo Grande. Bakersfleld Berkeley Chico Cloverdale. Corning Del Monte. El Centro . Escondido. Do... Eureka . . Ferndale. Fresno . . . Do... Hanford Healdsburg . lone Laverne Livermore . Long Beach. . . Los Angeles . . . Do Do Agl. Assn. No. 34 . Agl. District Fair No. 16 Kern Co. Agl. Assn West Side Live Stock and Agl. Show Assn. Chico Poultry Assn Cloverdale Citrus Fair Assn.. . Corning Poultry Assn Del. Monte Kennel Club District Agl. Assn No. 45 Escondido Valley Poultry Assn. San Diego Co. Fair Assn Eureka Fair Assn Ferndale Agl. Fair Assn Fresno Co. Agl. Assn. (Inc.). . . Fresno Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assn. King's Co. Fair Assn Healdsburg Harvest Festival Assn. Twenty-Sixth Dist. Fair Assn. Marvin Co. Kennel Club Livermore Valley Poultry Assn. Long Beach Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Poultry Breeders' Assn. of So. Cal. Pacific Land and Products Expo. Sixth Dist. Agl. Assn Intercounty. . County Between Sept. 15 and 30. Sept Intercounty. County Feb Between Nov. 20 and Dec. 10. County Intercbunty. County Nov Dec. or Jan . Sept. or Oct. County Intercounty. State 2d wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Oct.. 2d wk. in Dec. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Fruits." Poultry. Dogs. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry, pig- eons and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Dogs. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. General agr. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 64267°— 13 3 Interstate. Local County . Local... do... do... National . State 1st wk. in Oct. Sept. or Oct. . . May 30 About middle of Jan . Aug. and Dec. or Jan. 1st or 2d wk. in Jan . . . March 18 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. CALIFORNIA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Monrovia . . . N apa Oakland Do Do Oroville Pasadena . . . Do Do Petaluma . . . Sacramento . Do Do San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco . San Jose Do Do San Mateo Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Do Santa Rosa . . . Saratoga Sebastopol Stockton Visalia Walnut Creek. Watsonville. . . Do Woodland San Gabriel Valley Poultry Breeders' Assn. Napa Co. Poultry Assn Alameda Co. Kennel Club Alameda Co. Poultry Assn California Assn. of Nursery- men. Oroville, Orange, and Olive Expo. Pasadena Hort. Soc Pasadena Kennel Club Pasadena Poultry Assn Petaluma Poultry Fanciers' Assn. California State Agl. Soc Northern California Citrus Fair Assn. Northern California Kennel Club. National Orange Show Assn . . . San Diego Poultry Assn Golden Gate Kennel Club Santa Clara Valley Poultry Assn. Santa Clara Co. Fair Assn Santa Clara County Kennel Club. San Mateo Kennel Club Orange Co. Poultry Show Assn Santa Barbara Poultry Assn. . . Santa Cruz Co. Kennel Club. . . Santa Cruz Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Rose Carnival Assn Saratoga Improvement Assn . . Gravenstein Apple Show Assn. San Joaquin Poultry Assn Tulare Agl. Fair Assn Walnut Creek Fair Assn Pajaro Valley Poultry Assn . . . Watsonville Apple Annual Assn. Woodland Driving Club Interstate . Intercounty. . Interstate State 1st part of Dec Between Dec. 18 and 23 May or Oct Last wk. in Sept. . . Nov Comity . Local . . , International Interstate Local State International. Local 1st or 2d wk. in Dec 1st or 2d wk. in Apr. and last wk. in Oct. March Dec.l About 1st wk. in Dec. 1st, 2d or 3d wk. in Sept. Spring Fall. Feb. State... County . 1st wk. in Oct. Sept Interstate . About Sept. 9. County State Intercounty. Local County International State.. County . About Jan. 1 Midsummer About July 22 to 27... About 1st wk. in May. About March Between Aug. 8 and 20 Fall 2d wk. in Oct do About Aug. 9 to 12. Poultry. Do. Dogs. Poultry. Fruits. Citrus fruit and olives. Horticulture. Dogs. Poultry. Do! • General agr. Citrus fruit. Dogs. Citrus fruit. Poultry. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Dogs. Do. Poultry. Do. Dogs. Poultry and pet stock. Floriculture. Do. Apples. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Apples. Horses. COLORADO. Aspen Calhan ("anon City — Colorado Springs. Cortez Delta Do Denver Do Do Do Do Durango Edgewater. - . - REQUEST.- corrections of Aspen Fair Assn El Paso Co. Fair Assn. Fremont Co. Fair Assn... Pikes Peak Poultry Assn. Montezuma Co. Fair Assn Delta Co. Fair Assn Delta Poultry Assn American Apple Expo Colorado Industrial Expo. Assn. Colorado Kennel Club National Western Poultry Assn. National Western Stock Show Assn. Colorado-New Mexico Fair Assn. Jefferson Co. Fair Assn Intercounty.. County Intercounty.. County. National . . Interstate. National do Intercounty.. County About Oct. 1 to 4 Last of Sept. or early in Oct. Between Sept. 12 and 20. 2d wk. in Dec 1st wk. in Oct.. 2d wk. in Sept. Nov Last part of Sept. 3d wk. in Jan. do Last of Sept... Wk. of, or wk. follow- ing, Labor Day. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Apples. General agr. Dogs. Poultry. Live stock. General agr. Do. -It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 19 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. COLORADO— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Fort Collins... . Fort Morgan . . . Do.... Northern Colorado Poultry Assn. Eastern Colorado Poultry Assn Intercounty.. . do County About Dec. 13 to 18... 1st wk. in Jan Sept Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Springs. Grand Junction Greeley Etolly Mesa Co. Industrial and Fruit Fair Assn. County .. 4th wk. in Sept do Do. Do. Holly Poultry Fanciers' Assn . Dec. or Jan 1st wk. in Sept Aug Poultry. General agr. Do. do Prowers Co. Fair Assn County Last of Sept. or early in Oct. Ai.out Dec. 13 to 18... Last part of Sept 3d wk. in Sept Do. Loveland Northern Colorado Poultry Assn. San Luis Valley Stock Show and Fair Assn. Western Slope Fair Assn Colorado State Fair Assn Intercounty... do Poultry. Montrose County State Do. Do. Do .do... . Dec. or Jan 1st wk. in Sept Rocky Ford Arkansas Valley Fair Assn... . Logan Co. Poultry Assn Trinidad-Las Animas Co. Fair Assn. Intercounty... International.. County General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Trinidad Wray About middle of Sept. 1st wk. in Sept CONNECTICUT. see Riverton. Berlin Branford Connecticut State Agl. Soc State Last wk. in Sept General agr. Do. Bridgeport. Do Bridgeport Poultry Assn. (Inc.) Bridgeport Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. (Inc.). Windham Co. Agl. Soc Cheshire Poultry Assn Chester Agl. and Mechl. Soc... Interstate. National County Local do Irregular About Dec. 3 to 5 Poultry. Poultry, pig- eons, and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Brooklyn Cheshire 1st or 2d wk. in Nov . . 2d or 3d wk. in Sept... Clinton Colchester Colebrook, see Colchester Grange Corporation. Local Between Sept. 5 and Oct. 20. Do. Riverton. D anbury Danbury Agl. Soc National Do. Do Poultry. General agr. Do. East Haddam.. East Haddam Grange Fair Assn. Union Agl. Soc Intercounty... do Sept East Windsor. . Ellington do .do... Do. Enfield do .do... Do. Fitch ville New London Co. Fair Assn . . . Do. Goshen Labor Day and day after. Do. Granby Granby Agl. Soc Do. Greenwich Guilford Westchester and Fairfield Hort. Soc. Guilford Agl. Soc Intercounty... June and Nov. Last Wed. in Sept Horticulture. General agr. Poultry, pig- eons, and pet stock. • General agr. Do. Do Shore Line Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. Haddam Neck Grange Agl. Assn. Lyme Grange Fair Assn Interstate Haddam Neck. Hamburg .do... 3d Wed. in Sept Hartford New England Fruit Show Assn Connecticut Dairymen's Assn. Connecticut Fair Assn Do State Jan 1st wk. in Sept Sept 1st Tues. after 1st Mon. in Oct. Dairying. Do Interstate State. Do 1 1 a r w into n Harwinton Agl. Soc General agr. Center. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 20 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. CONNECTICUT— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Hazard ville Lovington Madison Manchester Meriden Do Milford Naugatuck New Haven New London... Do Newton Norfolk North Stoning- ton. Norwich Do Orange Putnam Rockville Riverton Simsbury Somers South Wood- stock. Stafford Springs Stamford Suffleld Wallingford Waterbury West Hartford. West Haven. . . Willimantic Winsted . Wolcott. 1 1 azard ville Pair Assn Lovington Fair Assn Madison Agl. and Industrial Soc. Manchester Poultry Assn Meriden Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Meriden Fair Assn Connecticut Pomological Soc. . Beacon Valley Driving and Agl. Assn. (Inc.). New Haven Hurt. Soc New London Hort. Soc So. New England Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Newton Fair Assn Norfolk Agl. Assn North Stoningtou Grange Fair Assn. New London Co. Agl. Soc New London Co. Hort. Soc. (Inc.). Orange Agl. Soc Putnam Fair and Park Assn. . Rockville Fair Assn Union Agl. Soc. of Barkham- sted, Colebrook, and Hart- land (Inc.). Simsbury Agl. Soc Union Agl. Soc Woodstock Agl. Soc Stafford Springs Agl. Soc Stamford Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Suffleld Agl. Soc Wallingford Agl. Soc Waterbury Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Connecticut Bee-Keepers' Assn West Haven Poultry Assn Horse Shoe Park Agl. Assn Western Connecticut Poultry Assn. Wolcott Agl. Soc Area covered. Local . National. State.. Local. County. Local . . Interstate . Local County do Intercounty. County County. Local . . . Intercounty. Local International. Local International. State National Intercounty. Interstate . Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Sept. Christmas wk . Last wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Oct.... Sept. or Nov Last of Aug. and 1st wk in Nov. About middle of Nov. or Dec. 3d wk. in Sept. Last of Sept Labor Day Rose show in June and dahlia show in Sept. 1st wk. in Sept About middle of Sept.. 2d or 3d wk. in Sept. . . 1st wk. nearest 12th of month. 2d wk. in Oct Middle of Jan Oct Sept. 23 to 28 Dec. 17 to 20 1st wk. in Sept 3d or 4th wk. in Nov. . Wk. following wk. of Labor Day. Last of Dec. or 1st of Jan. Kind of exhibit. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Horticulture. General agr. 1 lorticultnre. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Floriculture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Apiculture. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. DELAWARE. Dover Wilmington. Do Do Do Do Delaware Corn Growers' Assn . Delaware State Fair Assn Diamond State Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Peninsula Hort. Soc Wilmington Horse Show Assn. Wilmington Kennel Club State International. Interstate National . Dec Sept Jan. or Dec . 1st or 2d wk. in Jan. General agr. Do. Poultry and pigeons. Horticulture. Horses. Dogs. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington.. Do Do Do Maryland and Virginia Apple Show Assn. Washington Horse Show Assn. Washington Kennel Club Washington National Poultry and Pigeon Assn. National International.. Spring . Jan. 15. Apples. Horses. Dogs. Poultry pigeons. and REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGKICULTTJRAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 21 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. FLORIDA. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. DeFuniat Walton Co. Fair Assn General agr. Do Springs. Do Gulf Coast Fair Assn Aripeka Florida State Fair Assn Alachua Co. Fair Assn State Do. Gainesville Do. Jacksonville Jacksonville Poultry Assn Poultry. Do Florida Hort. Soe Lake City Florida State Fair Assn Madison Co. Fair Assn State General agr. Do Madison Miami Dade Co. Fair Assn County do... Do Ocala Last wk. in Nov Do Do Ocala Poultry Assn Poultry. General agr. Orlando Orange Co. Fair Assn Intercounty... Interstate Feb.... Pensacola Escambia Co. Poultry Assn Pensacola Interstate Fair Assn. Florida Midwinter Fair Assn.. Do State General agr. Do Between Nov. 1 and Mar. 1. GEORGIA. Athens Atlanta Do Augusta Do Augusta Barnesvillc... Brunswick. . . Cairo Calhoun Carrollton Chickamauga Columbus Comer Cornelia Pal ton Do Douglas Do Douglas ville.. Macon Moultrie Sandersvillc.. Savannah Do Social Circle.. Tallapoosa — Waycross Southern Poultry Assn. Atlanta Poultry Assn.. . Georgia Poultry Assn . . . Augusta Poultry Assn Georgia-Carolina Fair Assn.. . Southern Nurserymen's Assn. Tri-County Fair Assn Glynn Co. Agl. Soc Grady Co. Fair Assn Gordon Co. Fair Assn Fourth District Agl. and Mechl. School Fair Assn. Walker Co. Fair Columbus Poultry Assn Madison Co. Poultry Assn Fruit Growers' Assn Dalton Poultry Assn Whitfield Co. Farmers' Assn. Coffee Co. Fair Assn Douglas Poultry Assn... Douglas Co. Fair Assn . . Georgia State Fair Assn. Fair Moultrie Fair Assn Washington Co. Fair Assn. . Savannah Fair Assn Savannah Poultry Assn Social Circle Poultry Assn... Haralson Co. Agl. Fair Assn. . Waycross Fair Assn Interstate International. National Interstate do Intercounty. . County do do Intercounty. . Intercounty. National Intercounty. Countv County. State... County. Dec. Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 10. 2d wk. in Nov Early in Nov 4th wk. in Aug About Oct. 28 Fall Oct 2d wk. in Oct Earlv in Oct Late in Nov. or early in Dec. About Nov. 25 to 30. . About Oct. 7 About Nov. 15. Last of Oct Oct. 15 for 10 days and nights. About Oct. 15. Poultry. Do. Do. Do. General agr. Floriculture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. Fruit. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. IDAHO. Blackfoot Boise Southeastern Idaho Fair Assn. Idaho State Fair Assn Idaho State Intermountain Fair Assn. Idaho State Poultry Assn Canyon Co. Fair Assn Lincoln Co. Poultry Assn Asotin Co. Poultry Assn Lewiston-Clarkston Fair Assn. Northwest Live Stock Assn. . . Intercounty. . . Wk. of Sept. 15 General agr. Do Do Interstate About 2d wk. in Oct.. Last wk. in Jan Do Do Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Canyon County State County Interstate do About Jan. 12 to 17 Lewiston Do About 1st wk. in Oct.. Dec. 10 to 15 General agr. Do Mountain Mountain Home Fair Assn General agr. Home. REQUEST. It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 22 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live .stud:, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued . IDAHO— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Nez Perce Co. Fair and Rac- ing Assn. Bear Lake Co. Fair Assn General agr. Do. County do Sept About Sept. 20 to 2.5... 1st or 2d wk. in Oct... Middleof Oct Do. Intercounty. . . County Do. Twin Falls Twin Falls Co. Industrial Expo. Twin Falls and So. Idaho Poultry Assn. Do. Do Poultry. General agr. ILLINOIS. Albion Do... Aledo Altamont. Alton Amboy. .. Anna Astoria Atlanta . . . Aurora . . . Avon Beloit Belleville. Belvidere Do Benton Bethany Blue Island. . Bowen Breese Bushnell Camargo Do Cambridge.. Camp Point. Canton Carlinville . Carmi Carrollton . . . Casey Centralia Champaign . . Do.... Charleston . Chicago Do. Do. Do. Do.... Do.... Colchester. Dan vers . . Danville.. Decatur. . Do... DeKalb. De Land. County . . . Interstate . Local County International. Imercounty. Local County . County Albion Poultry Assn Edwards Co. Fair Assn Mercer Co. Agl. Soc Altamont Agl. Fair Assn Alton Poultry Assn Lee Co. Fair Assn Southern Illinois Fair Assn Astoria Poultry Assn Atlanta Union Central Agl. Soc. Fox River Fanciers' Assn. . . . Avon Fair and Improvement Assn. Winnebago Co. Fair Assn St. Clair Co. Fair Assn and j Intercounty. Driving Club. Belvidere Poultry Assn Boone Co. Agl. Soc Benton Poultry Assn Bethany Poultry Assn Blue Island Poultry Assn Bowen Korn Karnival Assn. . . Breese Driving and Fair Assn. Bushnell Fair Assn Camargo Grain and Poultry Assn. Douglas Co. Agl. Assn Henry Co. Agl. Board Camp Point Poultry Assn .... Fulton Co. Poultry Breeders' Assn. Macoupin Co. Fair and Agl. White Co. Agl. Soc Greene Co. Fair Assn Casey Poultry Assn Centralia Poultry Assn Champaign Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Illinois State Hort. Soc Coles Co. Agl. Soc Chicago Kennel Club Great Mid- West Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Hort. Soc. of Chicago International LiveStockExpo. National Dairy Show Assn U.S. Land and Irrigation Expo. Colchester Poultry Assn Rock Creek Fair Assn Vermilion Co. Fanciers' Assn. . Decatur Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Decatur Trotting Assn Kishwaukee Poultry and Fan- ciers' Assn. De Land Poultry Assn Local . . County . do. , Local . . County do' Intercounty. County Interstate . Count v - Intercounty. . State County International. .do. National International. National. . Interstate . Local Intercounty. . County Local . . County . Between Sept. 10 and 20 3d wk. in Sept Last wk. in Aug 3d wk. in Sept Last Tues. in Aug. 1st wk. in Sept. Last wk. in Jan. Last wk. in Aug 2d wk. in Sept . . 1st wk. in Sept. 1st or 2d wk. in Oct. . About Sept. 17 2d wk. in Aug 1st part of Dec 1st half of Sept 3d wk. in Aug Nov. or Dec About last wk. in Dec. Oct. lto4 1st wk. in Sept. Middle of Oct.. Last wk. in Dec. or 1st wk. in Jan. 1st wk. in Dec Last wk. in Aug 1st wk. preceding Holy wk. Dec March 1st Sat. after Thurs. in Nov. Last wk. in Oct. Fall last 1st Tues. in Sept.. 2d full wk. in Jan. 3d full wk. in Jan. Aug. Jan. About 2d wk. in Dec. . Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. Corn. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. Poultry pet stock. Horticulture General agr. Dogs. Poultry and pet stock. Horticulture. Live stock. Dairying. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. Horses. Poultry. Do. and REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 23 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. I LLINOIS— Continued. Place where held. Delavan Dixon Downers Grove Du Quoin Elgin El Paso Elwood Do Equality Evansville. Fairbury. . Fairfield . . . Farina Farmers City . Flora Freeport Do Galena Galesburg Geneseo . . . Golconda. Granville. Greenfield. Greenup . . Griggsville. Hardin Harrisburg. Do Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Tazewell Co. Agl. Soc Dixon Poultry Assn. (Inc.). . Downers Grove Poultry Club. Du Quoin Poultry Assn Elgin Poultry Assn. (Inc.). .. Woodford Co. Fair Assn Jackson Corn Club Jackson Grange Agl. Fair Equality Industrial Expo Area covered. Harvard. . . Havana... Hebron Hennepen. Hey worth. Highland. . Hillsboro.. Evansville Poultry Assn Livingston Co. Fair Assn Wayne Co. Poultry Assn Farina Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Farmers City Fair Assn Flora Park and Fair Assn Northern Illinois Agl. Assn. . . Stephenson Co. Fair Assn Jo Daviess Co. Fair Assn Galesburg Poultry and Fan- ciers' Assn. Henry Co. Poultry Assn Pope Co. Agl. Assn Granville Poultry Assn Greenfield Poultry Club Greenup Cumberland Co. Fair Assn. Illinois Valley Fair Assn Calhoun Co. Agl. Fair Assn . . . Harrisburg Poultry Assn Harrisburg Fair and Park Assn. Harvard Poultry Assn Havana Poultry Assn , McHenry Co. Fair Assn Hennepen Poultry Assn Hoopeston. . Jacksonville. Jersey ville. . Do Joliet Do.... Jonesboro. Joslin Kankakee. Do.... Do Kenney Kewanee... Do Kinmundy Knoxville.. La Fayette. La Harpe. .. Lake Forest. La Salle.. Do... Le Roy. . I.ewisfon. McLean Co. Fair Assn Highland Fair Assn Montgomery Co. Poultry Assn. Hoopeston Poultry Assn Morgan Co. Poultry Assn Jersey ville Horse Show Assn. . Jersey Co. Poultry Assn Despiaines Valley Poultry Assn. Will Co. Agl. Assn Union Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Rock Island Co. Agl. Assn Kankakee Dist. Fair Assn Kankakee Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. (Inc.). Kankakee Valley Hort. Soc. . Kenney Poultry Assn Kewanee Dist. Agl. Board. . . Kewanee Poultry Assn Illinois State Hort. Soc Knox Co. Agl. Soc La Fayette Horse and Fair Assn". La Harpe Fair Assn Intercounty.. National Local Local . County. Local . . County Intercounty. Intercounty. ( Jounty ...".. Intercountv. County Intercounty. Local County County. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Last wk. in Aug. 3d wk. in Jan About Jan. 15 I'd wk. in Jan. Sept 1st, 2d, or 3d wk. in Sept. Dec About Nov. 1st wk. in Sept. Dec. Last wk. in Dec Last Wed. in Sept. . . . Dec 3d wk. in Nov 1st or 2d Wk. in Sept . . Last of Jul v. . About Oct". 1. County 2d wk. in Sept. Local Last of Dec. or early in Jan. County Intercounty. do Interstate. National. Interstate County do Interstate. do.... Libertyville REQUEST. corrections of Lake Forest Open Air Horse Show Assn. Illinois Valley Poultry Assn.. La Salle Agl. Fair Assn Le Roy Fair and Agl. Assn. . . Fulton Co. Fair and Racing Assn. Lake Co. Agl. Soc Local Intercounty.. County. Local.. Interstate. Local State. County. 1st wk. in Sept. Nov 2d wk. in Dec. 1st wk. in Dec. Dec Dec. or Jan. 2d wk. in Sept. Sept 1st wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Jan. . June, Oct., and Dec. Dec. or Jan 2d wk. in Sept Last wk. in Aug. 1st wk. in Sept... Last of July to early in Aug. About Sept. 1 ... Dec. or Jan. Middle of Aug. Aug. 20 to 23 . . Intercounty.. J 1st wk. in Sept. Kind of exhibit. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. Do. General agr. Corn. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. G eneral agr. Do. Poultry. Do. Do. Horses Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. and Do. Do. Poultry pet stock. Horticulture. Poultry. G eneral agr. Poultry. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Horses. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. -It Is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors In this bulletin aiid additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 24 AGRICULTURAL PAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued . ILLINOIS— Continued. Place where held. Lincoln Lincoln Litchfield Macomb Magnolia Marion Marissa Marshall Do Do Martinsville.. Mattoon Mazon McNabb Mendota Do Milledgeville. Moline Monee Monmouth.. . Do Monticello Morgan Park. Morrison Mt. Carroll... Mt. Sterling.. Mt. Vernon. . Do Murphysboro Do'. Newman Newton Oblong O'Fallon Olney Omaha Ottawa Palestine Pana Paris Do Pekin Peoria Peotone Petersburg. . . Do Pinckneyville Piper City... Pittsfleld Plainfield Polo Princeton Do Quincy Do REQITEST.- corrections of Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Logan Co. Poultry Assn Lincoln Poultry Assn Litchfield Poultry Assn McDonough Co. Stock, Agl., and Mechl. Assn. Putnam Co. Fair Assn Williamson Co. Agl. Assn Marissa Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. (lark Co. Horse Show Assn. . . Marshall Poultry Assn Wabash Valley Poultry Assn. Clark Co. Agl. Assn Mattoon Fanciers' Assn Grundy Co. Agl. Fair Assn Magnolia Grange Agl. Fair Assn. Mendota Fair and Agl. Soc Mendota Poultry Assn Milledgeville Poultry Assn Moline Poultry Assn Monee Dist. Fair Assn Monmouth Driving and Fair Assn. Warren Co. Poultry and Corn Show Assn. Piatt Co. Board of Agr Agl. Agl. Chrysanthemum Soc. of America. Whiteside Co. Central Soc. Carroll Co. Fair Assn . . . Brown Co. Fair Assn... Mt. Vernon Fair and Assn. Mount Vernon Poultry Assn.. Jackson Co. Fair Assn Jackson Co. Poultry Assn Douglas Co. Poultry Assn Jasper Co. Agl. Joint Stock Co. Oblong Poultry Assn St. Clair Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. R ichland Co. Fair Assn Omaha Industrial Expo La Salle Co. Fair Assn Crawford Co. Poultry Assn Central Illinois Poultry Assn.. Edgar Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn Edgar Co. Poultry Club Tazewell Co. Poultry and Fanciers' Assn. Peoria Poultry Assn Eastern Will Co. Dist. Fair Assn. Interstate Poultry Assn Menard Co. Fair Assn Perry Co. Agl. Soc Ford Co. Fair and Driving Assn. Pittsfleld Poultry Assn Plainfield Township Fair Assn. Polo Poultry Assn Bureau Co. Agl. Board Princeton Poultry Assn Mississippi Valley Apple Growers' Assn. Quincy Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. Area covered. Intercounty.. County. State... Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. 1st wk. in Aug. Sept Dec or Jan. Intercounty.. Interstate County Local Intercounty.. County Intercounty.. Local County Interstate. .do. County County Intercounty... County Intercounty County Interstate... County Intercounty... do Intercounty. . . County Intercounty. . . County National Intercounty. . . County. Interstate . Intercounty. . County Local . Intercounty. . . National . Jan Dec. or Jan 2d or 3d wk. in Sept.. About 2d wk. in Jan. Middle of Sept Between Sept. 20 and 30. July About Jan. 15 to IS... 2d wk. in Sept. Aug 2d full wk. in Jan. From 2d to 3d wk. Aug. 1st wk. in Sept. Last wk. in Aug... About 4th wk. in Aug. Last wk. in Sept . . . 1st Tues. in Sept... About middle of Dec. Jan Sept 3d full wk. in Dec. 2d wk. in Dec 1st or 2d wk. in Sept Oct 3d wkin Sept 2d wk in Dec Bewteen Jan. 15 and 24 Last wk in Aug 1st or 2d wk in Jan. 3d full wkin Dec... 3d wk in Sept Last of Nov. or early in Dec. 1st wkin Sept 3d wkin Sept 2d wkin Sept About middle of Sept. 1st wk in Sept. Nov. or Dec. Kind of exhibit. Poultry. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Horses. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry and corn. General agr. Floriculture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Apples. Poultry , geons, pet stock. pl- an d It Is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 25 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, lire slock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. ILLINOIS— Continued . Place where held. Red Bud Robinson Rockford Rushvillc Do Salem Sandwich San Jose Shawneetown. . Sidell Sparta Do Springfield Do Do Staunton Sterling Do Streator Do Sullivan Table Grove... Taylorville Thompsonville. Tonica Urbana Vienna Warren Warsaw Washington Heights. Watseka Waukegan Weldon Wenona Wheaton Williams Grove Woodhull Woodstock Do Wyoming Zion City Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Randolph Co. Fair Assn Crawford Co. Grange Agl. Soc. Rockford Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Rushville Poultry Assn Schuyler Co. Fair Assn Salem Poultry Assn Sandwich Fair Assn San Jose Poultry Assn Gallatin Co. Agr. Board Assn. . Sidell Poultry Assn Sparta Poultry Assn Randolph Co. Driving Club and Fair Assn. Illinois State Fair Assn Illinois State Poultry Assn. Springfield Kennel Club Staunton Poultry Assn Mineral Springs Park Assn. Sterling Poultry Assn Northern Illinois Dist. Fair Assn. Streator Poultry Assn Sullivan Poultry Assn Table Grove Agr. Fair Christian Co. Poultry Assn Thonipsonville Poultry Assn.. Tonica Poultry Assn Chanpaign Co. Fair Assn Johnson Co. Fair As?n Union Agl. Soc Warsaw Poultry Assn Washington Heights Poultry Assn. Iroquois Co. Fair Assn Waukegan Poultry Assn Weldon Poultry Assn Marshall Co. Fair Assn Wheaton Horse Show Assn . . . Grangers' Interstate Picnic Exhibition. Woodhull Poultry Assn McHenry Co. Agl. Board McHenrv Co. Poultry Assn Central Agl. Soc. of Stark Co. . Zion Poultry Breeders' Dept.. Area covered. County Intercounty. National Intercounty. County. Local . . County. Intercounty. State National. Local do Intercounty. do State.. Local . State CJpunty Intercount y . Local County. County. Interstate . County do do Interstate . Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Last full wk in Sept. About Sept 3d wkin Jan Aug. 13 to 16. 2d Tues. in Sept. Fall or winter. . . Last wkin Aug. 1st wkin Oct. Fri. before 1st Mon. in Oct. 1st wkin Jan Last of Feb. or early in Mar. Dec Last wk in Aug Thanksgiving wk or early in Dec. Last wk in July Dec. 16 to 21.. Fall or winter. About Aug. 27 3d wkin Aug. 3d wk in Sept. Nov. or Dec... About Sept. 19 to 28 bee"!!!!!"!!!""" Last wk in \\\ridge Topsfield Eastern Hampden Agl. Soc. . . Quannapowitt Agl. Assn Weymouth Agl. and Indus- trial Assn. Spencer Farmers' and Mechan- ics' Assn. Springfield Poultry Club (Inc.). Worcester South Agl. Soc Essex Agl. Soc 1st Mon. in Sept. Oct. 4 too 4th wk. in Sept Between 1st and 20th of Sept. Last wk. in Sept Dec Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. 1st Thurs. and Fri. af- ter 2d Mon. in Sept. Uxbridge Blackstone Valley Agr. Soc. . . 25. Tues. and Wed. 3d wk. in Sept. Dec Do. Poultry. General agr. General agr. Poultry. Horticulture. West Tisbury. . Marthas Vineyard Agl. Assn.. do Interstate Local County Last Tues. in Aug Opens Labor Day and runs four days. Jan Weekly, June to Sept. Do Do Worcester Poultry Assn. (Inc.) Worcester Co. Hort. Soc MICHIGAN. Adrian. . . Do... Allegan . . Allmont . . Alpena... Amarbor. Armada.. Do... Bad Axe. Barryton . Bay City. 'Do.'.. Bellaire Benton Harbor. Berlin Brighton. Burt Cadillac. Do... Calumet . Caro. Do. Cass City. Fence Town Fanciers' Club. . . Lenawee Co. Agl. Soc Allegan Co. Agl. Soc Allmont Poultry Assn Alpena Co. Fair Assn Washtenaw Co. Agl. and Hort. Soc. Armada Fail - Macon Agl. Soc Huron Co. Agl. Soc Barryton Live Stock Assn Bay City Poultry Assn Northeastern Michigan Fair Assn. Antrim Co. Agl. Soc South Michigan State Fair Ottawa and West Kent Agl. Soc. Brighton Poultry Assn Flint Riyer Valley Agl. Soc.. Northern Dist. Fair Assn Northern Dist. Poultry Assn.. Upper Peninsular Poultry Assn. Caro Fair Assn Michigan Dairymen's Assn Tuscola, Huron, and Sanilac Fair Assn. National | Jan Interstate Last wk. in Sept . County do County . do.. County . County Intercounty. County Intercounty.. do ....... Local . State. State. Intercounty. . Last half of Sept. Jan 1st wk. in Sept. Early in Sept Last part of Sept About Sept. 17 to 20. About Sept. 20 to 30... About 2d wk. in Sept . About Jan. IS to 20. Last wk. in Aug. Wk. of Feb. 20.. Last of Aug Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Liye stock. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Dairy prod' ucts. General agr. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will seud to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 38 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. MICHIGAN-Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Cassopolis Centerville Charlotte Do Clare Croswell Decatur Deckerville Detroit Do Dowagiac East Jordan Escanaba Evart Do Flint Do Fowlerville Frankfort Fruit Ridge.. - Gladwin Gaylord Grand Ledge.. . Grand Rapids.. Do Do Do I ireenville Harrison Hart Do Hastings Do Hillsdale Holland Do Houghton Do Howard Howell Imlay Ionia Ithaca Fackson Jackson Kalamazoo Do Do Do Kent City Lansing Lawrence Lawton Manistee Marshall Marquette Menominee REQUEST. corrections of Cass Co. Fair Assu St. Joseph Co. Agl. Soc Eaton Co. Agl. Assn Poultry Exhibit Clare and Isabella Bi-Co. Fair Assn. Croswell Agl. Soc Hamilton Fair Assn County . do Intercounty. Local Intercounty.. Sept. 3 to 6 Last wk. in Sept. do Deckerville Agl. Assn Michigan Poultry Breeders' Assn. Michigan State Fair Assn Dowagiac Poultry Assn Charlevoix Co. Agl. Assn Delta Co. Agl. Soc Evart Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Osceola Co. Agl. Soc Flint Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Genesee Co. Agl. Soe Fowlerville Agl Soc Frankfort Poultry Assn Lenawee Co. and So. Mich. Dist. Fair. Gladwin Co. Fair Assn Local International. State. About Sept. 25 to 27.. Between Sept. 28 and Oct. 12. About Sept. 10 to 15.. Jan 3d or 4th wk. in Sept. County Intercounty. State 3d wk. in Sept About last of Sept. Jan Intercounty. Interstate... Oct. Jan. County Intercounty. Sept About Oct. 8 to 11. Otsego Co. Agl. and Mechl. Soc. Grand Ledge Poultry Assn Grand Rapids Poultry Assn . . Land and Apple Show St. Bernard Club of America. . West Michigan Fair Assn Greenville Fair Assu Clare Co. Agl. Soc Oceana Co. Agl. Soc Poultry Show Assn Barry Co. Fair Assn Barry Co. Poultry Assn Hillsdale Co. Agl. Soc County Intercounty. State Last of Sept. or early in Oct. About 3d wk. in Sept 1st wk. in Jan National . State Local County . . do... Not regularly held. . . 2d wk. in Sept 3d wk. in Sept Last of Sept Sept. 20 to 30 General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. P o u 1 try and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Dogs. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do. It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. Holland Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Ottawa and West Allegan Agl. Soc. Copper Co. Poultry Assn Houghton Co. Agl. Soc Howard City Fair Assn Howell Co. Poultry Show Assn. Imlay City Agl. Soc Ionia Fair and Exposition Assn. Gratiot Co. Agl. Soc County Intercounty. National About 1st wk. in Sept, Last of Sept. and early in Oct. Dee. or Jan County Intercounty.. County Intercounty. . County Last wk. in Jan Last wk. in Sept 1st wk. in Sept 2d or 3d wk. in Jan. 1st wk. in Oct Last wk. in Sept .do. Jackson Co. Agl. Soc. . Jackson Poultry Assn. Kalamazoo Co. Recreation Park Assn. Kalamazoo Poultry Assn Southwest Mich. Poultry Assn. (Inc.) Southwest Mich, and North- ern Ind. State Fair. Kent Git y Poultry Assn Lansing Poultry Assn Lawrence Poultry Assn Fruit Belt Poultry Assn Manistee Poultry Assn Great Calhoun Fair Assn Marquette Co. Agl. Soc Menominee Co. Agl . Soc Intercounty. Interstate . . . Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Early in Oct Last of Dec. and early in Jan. Sept .do. .do. 1st full wk. in Jan. 2d wk. in Jan Intercounty. Local Middle of Dee... Last wk. ir, Jan. National . County . . 3d wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Sept. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 39 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by Slates, 1912 — Continued. MICHIGAN— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Midland Muskegon North Branch.. Paw Paw Petoskey Do Pickford Pontiac Port Huron. Do Reed City... Saginaw. . . . St. Joseph... St. Johns Do Salem Sand Hill Sandusky Sault Ste. Marie Do Skanoe South Haven . Stalwart Stand ish Sturgis Three Rivers. Tuscola Vicksburg. . . Wolverine . . . Midland Co. Agl. Soc Muskegon Poultry Assn North Branch Agl. Soc Paw Paw Fair Assn Emmet Co. Agl. Soc Emmet Co. Poultry Assn .... Chippewa Mackinac Agl. Soc. Oakland Co. Poultry Breed- ers' Assn. International Fanciers' Assn. Thumb Dist. Agl. Soc Tri-Co. Exposition Assn Saginaw Poultry Assn Michigan Fanciers' and Bleed- ers' Assn. Clinton Co. Agl. Soc St. Johns Poultry Assn Salem Poultry Assn Rudford Fair Assn Sanilac Co. Agl. Soc Chippewa Co. Agl. Soc Wyandotte . Ypsilanti . Zeeland . . Chippewa Co. Poultry Assn. . Baraga Co. Agl. Fair Assn West Michigan Poultry Assn. Stalwart Grange Soc Arenac Co. Fair Assn Sturgis Poultry Assn Three Rivers Fair Assn Tuscola Co. Agl . Soc Vicksburg Poultry Assn Cheboygan Co. Fair Assn .... Wyandotte Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Ypsilanti Poultry Assn Zeeland Poultry Assn County Intci'count y. Count v. County International. Intercounty. . Intercounty. County County. .do. Intercounty. County Count v Local Intercounty. Local Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. 2d wk. in Sept. Sept."."!!!!!!!!! About 3d wk. in Sept. Jan. and Feb Dec. 3d or 4th wk. in Jan. About Sept. 10 to 13. Last wk. in Sept Fall or winter About Sept. 17 to 20 1st wk. in Sept Between Sept. 20 and Oct. 5. About Feb. 1 2d wk. in Dec About last of Sept. Sept. 10 to 13 About last wk. in Aug. Last wk. in Dec Last 2 wks. in Sept. or 1st wk. in Oct. About Jan. 1 Kind of exhibit. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. Do. MINNESOTA. Adrian. Aitkin Albert Lea. Do Alexandria. Appleton. Austin . . . Bagley . . . Barnum.. Bemidji Bird Island. . . Do Blue, Earth Browns Valley Carver Cambridge . Canby Clinton Cokato Do Crookston. Do.... Dassel Adrian Driving Park and Fair Aitkin Co. Agl. Soc Freeborn Agl. Soc So. Minn. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Douglas Co. Agl. Assn Swift Co. Fair Assn Mower Co. Agl. Soc Clearwater Co. Agl. Soc Carlton Co. Agl. and Industrial Assn. Beltrami Co. Agl. Assn Renville Co. Agl. Soc Renville Co. Poultry Assn Faribault Co. Agl.'Soc Traverse Co. Agl. Soc Carver Co. Agl. Soc. Isanti Co. Agl. Soc Yellow Medicine < to. Fair Assn. Big Stone Co. Agl. Soc Cokato Poultry Assn Western Wright Co. Agr. Fair Assn. Crookston Poultry Assn Northwestern Minn. Agl. Soc. Dassel Fair Assn Local . County Interstate . County. County do County Intercounty. Count v . . .do. . .do Intercounty. '.. County. Sept. 15 to 20. . . 3d wk. in Sept. Dec. or Jan Last wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Oct. Last wk. in Sept.. 4th wk. in Sept About middle of Sept. Sept Last 10 davsin Jan... 2d or 3d wk. in Sept.. Thurs., 2 wks. before last Thurs. in Sept. Last Thurs., Fri., Sat. in Sept. Sept. 15 to 25 1st wk. in Oct Middle of Sept 1st Sat. in Feb 1st and 2d wks. in Oct . A.bou1 Sept. is to 21... 3d Fri. and Sat. in Oct. Horses. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 40 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. MINNESOTA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Duluth Fairmont Do Farmington. . . Fertile Garden City... Hamline Herman Hibbing Hopkins Howard Lake. Hutchinson . . . Jackson Kasson Do Le Sueur Long Prairie . . Madelia Mankato Do Marshall Minneapolis. . . Do Mora Morris New Ulm. Do Northonie. Owatonna. Do Park Rapids . . Pequot Pine City.. Pine River. Preston Princeton Red i^ake Falls. Rochester Do Rush City St. Cloud St. James St. Peter Sauk Center... Shakopee South St. Paul. Spring Valley . . Two Harbors. Do Tyler Wadena Warren Wheaton Willmar Do Windom Duluth Poultry Assn Fairmont Poultry Assn. .. Martiu Co. Agl. Soc. (Inc.). Dakota Co. Agl . Soc Polk Co. Agl. Fair Assn.. . Blue Earth Co. Agl. Soc... Minnesota State Agl. Soc . . Grant Co. Agl. Assn St. Louis Co. Agl. Soc Interstate . . . Intercounty. County State Intercounty. County Hennepin Co. Agl. Soc Wright Co. Agl. Soc McLeod Co. Agl. Soc Jackson Co. Fair Assn Dodge Co. Fair Assn Union Driving Park and Fair Assn. Le Sueur Co. Agl. Soc Todd Co. Agl. Soc Madelia Poultry Assn Breeders' and Fanciers' Assn. Mankato Fair and Blue Earth Co. Agl. Assn. Lyon Co. Agl. Soc Minneapolis Poultry Show Assn. Northwest Land Products Show Assn. Kanabee Co. Agl. Assn Stevens Co. Agl. Soc Brown Co. Agl. Soc New Ulm Poultry Assn Koochicking Co. Agl. Assn Owatonna Poultry Assn Steele Co. Fair Assn Shell Prairies Agl. Assn. Crow Wing Co. Agl. Soc. Pine Co. Agl. Soc Cass. Co. Agl. Soc. (Inc.). Fillmore Co. Fair Assn Millilacs Co. Agl. Soc Red L,ake Co. Agl. Soc Olmsted Co. Agl. Soc Southeastern Minn. Poultry Assn. Chisago Co. Agl. Soc Central Minn. Poultry Assn.. Watonwan Co. Agl. Assn Nicollet Co. Agl. Soc Stearns Co. Agl. Soc Scott Co. Agr. Soc Northwestern Live Stock Assn. Fillmore Co. Poultry Assn Lake Co. Agl. Soc Lake Co. Poultry Assn Lincoln Co. Agl. Soc. and Co. Fair Assn. Wadena Co. Agl. Soc Marshall Co. Agr. Assn Traverse Co. Agr. Assn Kandiyohi Co. Fair Assn Kandiyohi Co. Poultry Assn. Cottonwood Co. Agl. Soc Intercounty. County Intercounty. County National Intercounty. County. Interstate . County Intercounty. County . . Local Intercounty. County Intercounty. do County Intercounty. County.. County. . do... National. Intercounty. County Intercounty. do County . . . Interstate. County. . . About Jan. 15 to Feb. 15 1st or 2d wk. in Dec. About Sept. 26 to 28.. Last wk. in Sept About July 3 to 5 About middle of Sept. 1st wk. in Sept Middle of Sept Between Aug. 20 and Sept. 20. Last wk. in Sept Wk. following State Fair. Last wk. in Aug Between Sept. G and 20 2d wk. in Sept 1st wk. in Sept. About Sept About Jan. 15 Sept. 10 to 20 Last wk. in Sept. Nov. or Dec. About middle of Sept . Sept. 20 to 23 Between Sept. 1 and 20 Jan 18 to 19... Last 3 days of wk. fol- lowing State Fair. Beginning Wed., 2d Sept. Between Sept. 15 and 30. About Sept 16 to 24.... Middle to latter part of Sept. Intercounty.. County Intercounty.. County Intercounty.. County About. Sept. 15 About Sept. 16 to 18... Last wk. in Sept Between Dec. 1 and 1 2d wk. in Sept Jan. or Feb Sept. 10 to 25 2d wk. in Sept Wk. following State Fair. Wk. following Labor Day. 3d wk. in Nov Between Dec. 15 and Jan. 15. Last part of Sept Dec. or Jan About middle of Sept . 3d wk. in Sept Sept 3d wk. in Sept About Sept. 18 to 21. Last wk. in Jan About Sept. 12 to 14. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. General Agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. General agr Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Live stock. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 41 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. MINNESOTA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Winona Do Worthington Zumbrote. . . Tri-County Fair Assn. Winona Poultry Assn. Nobles Co. Fair Assn. . Goodhue Co. Agl. Soe. Local . . County . .do. Nov Between Sept. 1 and 20. Between Sept. 15 and 24. General agr. Do. Do. Do. MISSISSIPPI. Aberdeen Baldwyn Booneville. . . Brookhaven.. Canton Columbus Corinth Do Ellisville EstesMill.... Gloster Grenada Gulfport Do Do Holly Springs Houston Iuka Jackson Lexington. . . Do Louisville Macon Meridian Do Mt. Olive Natchez Philadelphia. Port Gibson.. Senatobia Starkville Tupelo Do Vicksburg Monroe Co. Fair Assn Northeast Miss. Fair Assn Prentiss Co. Fair Assn Lincoln Co. Fair Assn Madison Co. Fair Assn Miss, and West Ala. Fair Assn. Corinth Horse Show Assn Alcorn Co. Fair Assn County Fair Assn Leake Co. Fair Assn Tri-County Fair Assn Central Fair and Live Stock Assn. Gulfport Poultry Assn Miss, and Gulf Coast Expo. Co. National Nut Growers' Assn. . North Mississippi Fair Chickasaw Co. Fair Assn Iuka Poultry Assn Mississippi State Fair Assn Holmes Co. Fair Assn Holmes Co. Poultry Assn Winston Co. Fair Assn Noxubee f Co. Fair Assn East Miss. Poultry Assn Mississippi-Alabama Fair Assn. Covington Co. Fair Assn Natchez Fair Assn County Slate County Intercounty . County Interstate... County. County Intercounty. do Neshoba Co. Fair Assn Claiborne Co. Agl. Fair Assn. Tate Co. Fair Assn Oktibbeha Co. Fair Assn North Mississippi Poultry Assn. Tri-County Fair Assn Vicksburg Poultry Assn Intercounty National. . . . County. state. .. County. do.. do.. Intercounty. Interstate. . . County Intercounty. Interstate. . . County Intercount y . County Interstate . . . Intercounty. Oct About Sept. 17 to 20... Sept Latter part of Oct 2d or 3d wk. in Oct. . . Between Oct. 1 and 1.5. Oct. 1st Tues. in Sept.. Oct. 20 to Nov. 10. Oct Between Oct. 15 and Nov. 15. Oct. or Nov Oct. 9 to 12. Oct. 20 to Nov. 5 Oct do About middle of Sept. 2d full wk. in Dec. Oct Between Oct. 15 to 20. Do. Between Oct. 1 and Do. Nov. 10. Aug Do. 1st ten days of Nov . . . Do. 3d or 4th wk . in Oct ... Do. Last of Sept. or early i Do. in Oct. Dec Poultry. About Oct. 1 1 General agr. : Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horses. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Nuts. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. MISSOURI. Affton Albany... Anderson. Aurora. . .. Balckow. . Belton Do... Billings.. Bismarck. Bowling Green. Brookfield St. Louis Co. Fair Assn Gentry Co. Fair Assn Anderson Poultry Assn Aurora Poultry Assn Balckow Fair Assn Belton Fair Assn Western Mo. Poultry Assn Billings Poultry and Fine Stock Assn. Bismarck Farm and Stock Show Assn. Pike Co. Fair Assn Linn Co. Fair Assn County . County Sept. 1 Sept About Aug. 18 to 23. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. Local Last of Nov. or early in Dec. do . I Lastof Nov. to middle of .Tan 1st Thurs., Fri.. and Sat. in Oct Aug County Intercounty. 42 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and otht related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. MISSOURI Continued, 'lace where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or assiK ;ati: n A tea covered Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Bunceton Butler Do Cabool California Callao ( lampbell < ape Girardeau Carthage Do Caruthersvilie. . Cassville Centralia Do Chillicothe Chilowee Clark Clarks\ ille Clinton Columbia Do Do Concordia Crystal City.... Cuba De Soto Do Doniphan Do Easton Edina E x c e 1 s i o r Springs. Do Farmington Fayette Festus Forest Green. . Fulton Gallatin Gentry Gordonville Harrison ville... Harmann Hermitage Higginsville Do Holden Independence. . Jacksonville. .. . Jefferson City. . Do Joplin Kanoka Kansas City Do Do REQUEST. corrections of Bunceton Fair Assn Bates Co. Fair Assn Hales Co. Poultry Assn Texas Co. Agl. and Breeders' Assn. Moniteau Co. Agl. and Mechl. Soc. Callao Fair Assn Campbell Fair Assn Cape Girardeau Co. Fair and Park Assn. Carthage Poultry Assn Jasper ( 'o. Fair Assn , Pemiscot Co. Fair Assn Barry Co. Fair Assn Centralis Fair Assn Centralia Poultry Assn Northwest Mo. Fanciers' Assn. Chilowee Colt Show Clark Fair Assn Calumet Farmers' Club Count v. . . do.... State Interstate. County. Local County. Fast full wk. in Aug... About middle of Sept. Fall Latter part of Aug. or early in Sept. About 1st wk. in Sept. Sept Oct I.asl Of SepT. Clinton Poultry Assn Boone Co. Agl. and Mechl. Soc. Boone Co. Poultry Assn Missouri State, Board of Hoi t. Concordia Poultry Assn Jefferson Co. Agl. and Fair Assn. Crawford Co. Fair Assn De Soto Live Stock Agl. and Hort. Assn. Jefferson Co. Poultry Assn Ripley Co. Corn Growers'Assn. Ripley Co. Poultry Assn Buchanan Co. Agl'. and Mechl. Soc. Edina Poultry Assn Clay Co. Fair Assn Excelsior Springs Poultry Assn Southeast Mo. Fair Assn Howard Co. Fair Assn Jefferson Co. Agl. and Fair Assn. Forest Green Fair Assn Fulton Poultry Assn Daviess Co. Poultry Assn Gentry Colt. Show Assn Cape Girardeau Co. Poultry Assn. Cass Co. Fair Assn Gasconade Co. Agl. Assn Hickory Co. Fair Assn Lafayette Co. Fair Assn Lafayette Co. Poultry Assn. . . Johnson Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Independence Fair Assn Randolph Co. Agl. and Mechl. Soc. Jefferson City Poultry Assn . . . New Cole Co. Fair Assn Ozark Interstate Expo Clark Co.Agl. and Mechl. Assn. American Royal Live Stock Show. Kansas City Fanciers' Assn. . . Kansas City Kennel Club Intercountv. Aug. County Intercountv Sept. or early in Oct. 3d wk. in Aug International. Nov. Local. About 1st wk. in Sept. Between Oct. 20 and Nov. 1. Interstate. Count v. . . State Local Intercountv do. County Intercountv. Count v. About July 23 to 26.. 2d wk. in Jan 1 in Oct. or Nov. and 1 the 1st wk. in Jan. 3d wk. in Nov 2d or 3d wk. in Sept . . . 1th Mon. in Sept Last of Sept. and early in Oct. Dec. or Jan Sept., Oct., or Nov... Nov Sept Intercountv. Middle of Sept. Intercountv.. Local State County" Intercountv. 2d or 3d wk. in Sept. . Sept Fall or winter. . . Nov About Sept. 1.. . Last wk. in Dec. County . . Sept. or Oct Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Intercountv.. Count v. Aug Dec. 25 to 2S. Aug Intercountv.. Last wk. in Aug Last of Aug. or early in Sept. County. Sept. County International. Last wk. in Aug. 1st wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Oct International.. 1 About 1st wk. in Oct. General agr. Do. Poultry. < leneral agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. < leneral agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. Horses. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Horticulture. Poultry, i leneral agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Corn. Poultry, (leneral agr. Poultry, (leneral agr. Poultry. Genera] agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. Horses. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. ( leneral agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Live stock. Poultry. Dogs. -It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of, fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTUEAL FAIES AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 43 Table 4. — List of fairs aiid exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Kennett. Kirksville La Belle Lamonte La Plata Lees Summit.. Leeton Lexington Linn Lockwood . Maitland.. Marshall . . Maryville. Mavsville. Memphis Mexico Do Milan Do Monroe City.... Montgo merv City. Monticello Mountain Grove Mountain Grove Newark NewBloomfield New Cambria . . New London... Oak Grove Oregon Owensville. Ozark Palmyra... Paris Platte City. Pattonsburg . Pleasant Hill. Polo Poplar Bluff. Prairie Princeton Ravanna Richland Rolla St. Joseph Do. Do. St. Louis. Do... Dunklin Co. Fair and Live Stock Co. Adair Co. Poultry Assn La Belle Poultry Assn Lamonte Poultry Assn La Plata Poultry Assn Jackson Co. Agl.andMeehl.Soe Leeton Colt Show Lexington Dist. Poultry Assn. Osage Co. Fair Assn...." County — Interstate. Local About middle of Oct. 1st wk. in Dec. Last of Nov.. . County Intercounty Local Countv Do... Do... Do... Do... Sedalia... Shelbina. Do... Sikeston. Do... Dade Co. Agr. and Mechl. Soc. Nodaway Valley Agl. Fair Assn. Saline Co. Fair Assn Northwest Mo. Poultry Assn De Kalb Co. Agl. arid Live Stock Exhibition. Scotland Co. Fair Assn Mexico Fair Assn Mexico Poultry Assn Merchants' Fair Assn Sullivan Co. Fair Assn Monroe City Fair Assn Montgomery Co. Agl. and Mechl. Soc. Lewis Co. Agl. and Mechl. Fair Assn. Mountain Grove Commercial Club. Mountain Grove Poultry Assn . Knox, Lewis, and Shelby Fair Assn. Callaway Co. Fair Assn New Cambria Fair Assn Ralls Co. Corn and Fair Assn. . Jackson Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Holt Co. Fair Assn Central Gasconade Co. Agl. Assn. Christian Co. Fair Assn Marion Co. Agl. and Meeh. Fair Soc. Monroe Co. Fair Assn Platte Co. Agl., Mechl., and Stock Assn. Pattonsburg Fair Assn Pleasant ILill Poultry Assn Polo Poultry Assn Poplar Bluff norse Show Prairie Hill Fair Assn Mercer Co. Agl. Assn Agl. and Stock Show Richland Stock Show Phelps Co. Fair Assn Brother JonathanApple Show Interstate Live Stock and Horse Show Assn. St. Joseph poultry Assn Miss. Valley Kennel Club Co. . Missouri State Poultry Show Assn. St. Louis Collie Club St. Louis Horse Show Soc St. Louis Poultry Assn Universal Exposition Co Missouri Stale Fair Assn Shelby Co. Corn and Poultry Growers' Assn. Shelbina Fair Assn Sikeston Poultry Assn Tri-Countv Fair Assn Intercounty.. County About 2d wk. in Sept. 2d Fri. and Sat. in Sept Nov Between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15. 2d wk. in Oct 3d wk. in Aug Interstate . County.... Latter part of Aug. .. Wk. before Christmas Sept Intercounty. Last wk. in Aug Aug Between Nov. 1 and 1"> Intercounty. County Intercounty. Between middle of Aug and middle of Sept Last wk. in Sept 2d or 3d wk. in Oct. Jan. or Dec 1st wk. in Sept. County Intercounty. County Local Aug About Sept. 11 to 13.. Irregular 1st wk. in Oct. Intercounty.. Latter part of Sept. County Intercounty. County Sept. 11 to 14. Intercounty. About last wk. in Aug Last wk. in Aug County. Sept . . . Nov. 1 . Intercounty. 1st wk. in Oct. Interstate . National. . About Sept. 23 to 28.. Dec. or Jan About March or April Dec. 10 to 14' International. State County Intercounty. March or April Oct. or Nov Thanksgiving wk . Last wk. in Sept . . 1st wk. in Oct 1st half of Dec Last wk. in Aug. 3d wk. in Sept. . General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. Do. General agr. Horses. Poultry. General agr . Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General ayr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. Horses. General agr. •Do. Do. Cattle. General agr. Apples. Live stock. General agr. Dogs. Poultry. Dogs. Horses. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. REQUEST. It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 44 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. Place where held. Springfield.. Stockton Sturgeon Sullivan Trenton Do Troy Do Washington. Warrensburg Whitesville.. Wright City. Do Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Greene Co. Fair Cedar Co. Fair Assn Sturgeon Fair Assn Sullivan Tri-Co. Fair Assn Trenton Co. Fair Assn Trenton Poultry Assn Lincoln Co. Corn and Poultry Show. Lincoln Co. Fair Assn Franklin Co. Agl. and Mechl. Show. Warrensburg Poultry Assn... Whitesville Poultry Assn Wright City Poultry Assn Warren Co." Fair Assn Area covered. County Intercounty. National County... County. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Last part of Sept. Middle of Aug 3d wk. in Sept.. . Aug. or Sept Last wk. in Aug Between Sept. 1 and 15. Jan Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Kind of exhibit. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do*. Do. General agr. MONTANA. Anaconda Big Timber.. Billings Bozeman Do Do Butte Do Bridger Chinook Dillon Ekalaka Forsyth Glendive Great Falls... Do Hamilton Harlowton . . . Helena Do Do Kalispell Lewis town... Miles City Missoula". Do Do Red Lodge... Twin Bridges Deer Lodge Co. Fair Assn.. Sweet Grass Co. Fair Assn . Midland Empire Fair and Al- falfa Palace. Gallatin Co. Poultry Assn Interstate Fair Assn Montana Horse Show Assn Butte Fair and Racing Assn. . Southern Montana Poultry Assn. Carbon Co. Agl. Fair Assn Blaine Co. Fair and Racing Assn. Beaverhead Co. Fair Assn Fallon Co. Fair and Racing Assn. Rosebud Co. Fair Assn Dawson Co. Fair Assn Cascade Co. Fair Assn Northern Montana Fair Assn.. Ravalle Co. Fair Assn Meagher Co. Fair Assn Florists' and Nurserymen's Assn. of Mont. Montana State Fair Assn Montana State Poultry Assn.. Flathead Co. Fair Assn Fergus Co. Agl., Mineral, and Stock Assn. Custer Co. Fair Assn Missoula Co. Fair Western Montana Apple Show Western Montana Poultry Assn. Carbon Co. Fair Assn Madison Co. Fair Assn County. . . . .do. . Intercounty. do.. County. State.'.. Intercounty.. Local . . . County . Local . . County . County . State... County.'.. Intercounty. State Intercounty. County. Sept Between middle of Aug. and middle of Sept. Last of Sept 2d and 3d wk. in Jan. Last wk. in Aug June or July About last part of Sept 3d wk. in Sept About Sept. 15. Sept.l 2d or 3d wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Oct. Aug. or Sept.. Last wk. in Sept. About Feb. 1 Oct. 1 to 15 Sept .do. About middle of Oct. About Oct. 20 Dec. 15 to Jan. 15 About middle of Sept . 10 days before State Fair. t leneral agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Horses. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Poultry. < reneral agr. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. Poultry. General agr. Do. NEBRASKA. Ainsworth . Albion Alliance Alma Auburn Aurora. . Beatrice. Brown Co. Agl. Soc Boone Co. Agl. Assn Box Butte Co. Fair Assn Alma Interstate Fair Assn Nemaha Co. Agl. Fair and Driving Park Assn. Hamilton Co. Agl. Soc Gage Co. Soc. of Agr County . . . Stated County . . . Interstate. County . . . From Sept. 20 to Oct. 1. About 3d wk. in Sept. Sept Sept. 17 to 20 About the last of Sept. About Sept. 1 Last wk. in Sept. or 1st wk. in Oct. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. REQUEST.- It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 45 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. NEBRASKA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Benkelman . Beaver City. Chambers.*. . Clarks De Witt Fremont Greeley Hooper Kimball Lincoln Do Do Norden Norfolk Omaha Pawnee City Thedford...'. Ulysses Wall hill West Point. Wisner Dundy Co. Agl. Soc Furnas Co. Agl. Soc Southfork Fair Assn Merrick Co. Agl. and Fair Assn . De Witt Poultry Assn Dodge Co. Poultry Assn Greeley Co. Fair Assn Dodge" Co. Stock Show Assn... Kimball Co. Fair Assn Lancaster Co. Agl. Soc Nebraska State Fair Assn Nebraska State Poultry Assn. Ke yapaha Co. Agl. Assn Norfolk Poultry Assn Omaha Kennel Club Pawnee Poultry Assn Thomas Co. Agl. Soc Ulysses Poultry Assn Thurston Co. Fair Assn West Point Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Wisner Live Stock and Agl. Assn. County. do.. do.. Sept. 10 to 13 From Sept. 20 to Oct. 1 2d wk. in Sept State Intercounty. 2d wk. in Dec. 3d wk. in Sept. County State Interstate . County... 1st wk. in Sept. do 3d wk. in Jan . . Middle of Sept. National . State Local Mar Dec Between Sept. 15 and 30. County . Local . . Dec Sept. 5 to 15. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Live stock. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Antrim Concord Do Derry Greenfield.. Keene Lancaster . . Manchester. Do Milford Nashua Newmarket Plymouth.. Rochester. . Antrim Poultry Assn Concord Poultry Assn Concord State Fair Assn Derry Poultry Assn New Oak Park Fair Assn Cheshire Co. Grange Fair Coos and Essex Agl. Soc Manchester Poultry Assn New Hampshire Hort. Soc . . . Milford Poultry Assn New Hampshire Fair Assn. . . Newmarket Agl. and Mechl. Fair Assn. Union Grange Fair Assn Rochester Fair Assn State National International. Intercounty. International. Local Intercounty... International.. Jan About Aug. 27 to 29. 1st wk. in Sept. 1st Mon. in Sept. Sept. 15 to 18 1st wk. in Oct. Sept Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Horticulture. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. NEW JERSEY. Alcyon Park . Asbury Park. Atlantic City. Bridgeton Camden. Collingswood . East Orange.. Flemington.. Gibbsboro Hammonton . Long Branch Madison Medford Montclair Morristown.. Do Alcyon Park Grange Fair Assn Elberon Hort. Soc AtlanticCity Horse Show Assn. South Jersey Poultry and Pi- geon Assn. (Inc.). New Jersey Poultry and Pi- geon Assn. West Jersey Horse Show Assn. East Orange Poultry Assn Flemington Fair and Carnival Assn. United Towns Fair Assn. (Inc.). Hammonton Poultry Assn Monmouth Co. Horse Show Assn. Morris Co. Gardeners' and Florists' Soc. English Setter Club of America Montclair Horse Show Assn. . Morristown Field Club Horse Show Assn. Morris Co. Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. County Local Interstate . do National . Interstate. 2d wk. in Aug Indefinite About Easter Thanksgiving wk . Dec. 17 to 21. Last of May. International. Local National . . Interstate . National . . Interstate. County 1st full wk. in Aug About middle of Sept Last wk. in July Last wk. in Oct. or 1st wk. in Nov. Spring About Oct. 1 Thanksgiving wk. General agr. Horticulture. Horses. Poultry and pigeons. Do. Horses. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Horses. Horticulture. pi- and Horses. Do. Poultry, geons, pet stock REQUEST. It is requested that everybody who Is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 46 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IX UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. NEW JERSEY— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Mount Holly Do Newark Do Passaic Paterson Pitman Plainfield Do Red Bank Do Do Rutherford... Salem Sea Girt Trenton Do Do Vineland Washington.. West End.... Burlington Co. Agl. Assn Mount Holly Horse Show Assn. New Jersey Horse Show Assn. West Highland White Terrier Club. Passaic Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. Intercounty. About Oct. 8 to 11. Paterson Poultry Show Algon Park Grange Fair Assn. Plainfleld Kennel Club (Inc.). Plainfield Riding and Driving Club. Monmouth Co. Agl. Fair Assn. Monmouth Co. Hort. Soc Monmouth Poultry Club Rutherford Poultry Assn Salem Poultry Assn Sea Girt and Spring Lake Horse Show Assn. Interstate Fair Assn Trenton Kennel Club Assn. . . Trenton Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Vineland Poultry Assn Washington Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. (Inc.). Monmouth Co. Kennel Club. National Intercounty. Spring or fall About Jan. 10 to 15. County National. . Interstate . 2d wk. in Aug.. June or Oct 1st wk. in June. County... National . do.... Labor Day and 3 days preceding. Last of Oct. or early in Nov. Nov. or Dec National. Interstate . do do First wk. in Aug. . Last Mon. in Sept. Sept Dec Interstate . National . 2d wk. in Jan. July General agr. Horses. Do. Dogs. Poultry, pi- geons, aud pet stock. Poultry. General agr. Dogs. Horses. General agr. Horticulture. Poultry. Do. Do. Horses. General agr. Dogs. Poultry and pigeons. Poultry. Poultry, pi- geons, and pet stock. Dogs. Reno. . . Do. Nevada Agl. Assn j State Nevada State Poultry Assn...i International. 1st wk. in Sept. Jan General agr. Poultry. NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque Do Bell Carlsbad . , Do... Cimarron. Clayton Derning E. Las Vegas . Estancia Farmington. . . Las Cruces Do Do Raton Rodeo Roswell Do Do Santa Fe Santa Rosa. Springer Tucumcari. Albuquerque Poultry Assn... New Mexico State Fair Assn. . Johnson Mesa Percheron Horse Breeders' Assn. Eddy Co. Agl. Fair Assn Eddy Co. Hort, Board New Mexico Cattle and Horse Growers' Assn. Union Co. Fair Assn Deming Fair Assn Las Vegas.Fair Assn Torrence Co. Fair Assn Farmington Fair Assn Dona Ana Co. Agl. Fair Assn. . Dona Ana Hort, Board Mesilla Valley Fair Assn Northern N. Mex. Fair Assn. San Simon Valley Farmers' Assn. Chaves Co. Agl. Fair Assn Chaves Co. Hort. Board Pecos Valley Fair Assn New Mexico State Hort. Soc.. Guadalupe Co. Hort. Board.. . Colfax Co. Fair Assn Quay Co. Fair Assn State. County. do.. County. County Intercounty. Local Intercounty. County Oct. 1st wk. in Oct. do Sept. or Oct... Middle of Sept. About last wk. in Sept, 1st or 2d wk. in Oct. . . Nov. 1 Middle of Sept. 3d wk. in Sept Sept. 25 to Oct. 10. Poultry. General agr. Horses. General agr. Horticulture. Live stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Horticulture, Do. General agr. Do. BEQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 47 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. NEW YORK. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Afton Albany Do Do Albion Altamont Angelica Auburn Ballston Spa... Batavia Bath Bay Shore Binghamton . . . Boonville Brighton, Beach. Brockport Bronxville Brookfield Brooklyn Do Do Buffalo Do Cairo Cambridge Canandaigua. .. Do Canton Cape Vincent.. Carmel Catskill C a 1 1 araugus Reservation. Chatham Clayton Clinton Cobleskill Cohoes Cooperstown . . Corning Cortland Cuba Delhi Deposit De Ruyter Dobbs Ferry. . Dougan Hills.. Dryden Dimdee Dunkirk Ellenville Elmira Do Fishkill on the Hudson. Fonda Franklinville.. REQUEST. corrections of Afton Driving Park and Agl. Assn. Florists' Show Fort Orange Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Glemont Fair Assn Orleans Co. Agl. Soc Albany Co. Agl. Soc. and Expo. Allegany Co. Agl. Soc Cayuga Co. Poultry Assn Saratoga Co. Agl. Soc Genesee Co. Agr. Soc Steuben Co. Agl. Soc Bay Shore Horse Show Binghamton Industrial Expo. Boonville Fair Assn Long Island Kennel Club Local . About middle of Sept.. Interstate . Jan. Intercounty. County State County Interstate . . . Oct 2d wk. in Sept 3d wk. in Aug About Sept. 10 to 12. Jan Last wk. in Aug. . . . 3d wk. in Sept Aug. and Sept Monroe Co. Agl. Soc Boston Terrier Club, of New York. Madison Co. Agr. Soc Bull Terrier Club of America. . . National Bantam Assn Riding and Driving Club of Brooklyn. Buffalo International Poultry Show Assn. Buffalo Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. Greene Co. Agl. Soc Interstate . Local Interstate . County. . . Last wk. in Sept. 3d wk. in Aug.... About May 30.... Sept. County International. International. Cambridge Valley Agl. Soc . . Canandaigua Poultry Assn . Ontario Co. Agl. Soc St. Lawrence Co. Agr. Soc . . Cape Vincent Agl. Soc Putnam Co. Fair Assn Catskill Poultry Assn Iroquois Agl. Soc County International County do do do Intercounty. Columbia Co. Agr. Soc Thousand Islands Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. American Peony Soc Cobleskill Agl. Soc Cohoes Poultry Assn Otsego Co. Agr. Soc Corning Poultry Assn Cortland Co. Agl. Soc Cuba Fair and Racing Assn . . . Delaware Co. Agl. Soc Deposit Fair Assn Four Counties Fair Assn Dobbs Ferry Horticultural Assn. Richmond Co. Agl. Soc Dryden Agl. Soc. County International National. County . . County National Interstate International. Intercounty. Local County . Local . . Dundee Fair Assn Chautauqua Co. Agl. Corp Ulster Co. Agl. Soc Chemung Co". Agl. Soc Chemung Valley Fruit Grow- ers' Assn. American Rose Soc do County do Intercounty.. County National . From Sept. 15 to 2.5 . Spring or fall Dec. or Jan Apr 3d wk. in Jan. 3d wk. of Jan . Between Aug. 20 and 30. 3d or 4th wk. in Aug. 3d wk. in Sept do Last wk. in Aug do About 3d wk. in Dec. Sept 1st wk. in Sept. About Feb. 1.. Between June 10 and 25. Last wk. in Sept 3dwk. of Sept 2d wk. in Dec Latter part of Aug. . 3d wk. in Sept 2d wk. in Aug. June and Nov. Last part of Aug. and early in Sept. 1st wk. in Sept. before State fair. 1st wk. in Oct Last wk. in Aug Aug : ... 3d wk. in Sept About middle of Sept. March County About Sept. 30 to Oct. 3. National Last wk. in Aug General agr. Floriculture. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Horses. General agr. Do. Dogs. General agr. Dogs. General agr. Dogs. Poultry. Horses. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Floriculture. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. Floriculture. General agr. Do. Montgomery Co. Agl. Soc Franklinville Agl. and Driv- ing Park Assn. -It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 48 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912- — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. Place where held. Fulton Geneseo Gouverneur. . Grahamsville . Greene Hamburg Hemlock Hempstead . . Herkimer . Hornell . . . Do.... Hudson Falls. Huntington... Huntington. . . Ithaca . Do. Jamestown... Lestershire. . . Little Valley. Lockport Locust Valley.. Locust Valley.. Lowville Lyons Malone Margaretville . . Middletown Mineola. Do.. Monticello . Moravia. . . Morris Naples Nassau Newark Newark Valley New Berlin . . . New City New Rochelle . New Paltz . New York . Do Do Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Oswego Co. Agri. Soc Livingston Poultry Assn Gouverneur Agl. and Mechl. Soc. Neversink Agl. Soc Riverside Agl. Soc Erie Co. Agl. Soc Hemlock Lake LTnion Agl. Soc. Poultry Fanciers' Assn. of L. I. (Inc.). Herkimer Co. Agl. Soc Hornellsville Fair Assn Steuben - Allegany Poultry Assn. Washington Co. Agl. Soc Huntington Hort. and Agl. Soc. Huntington Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Cornell Fruit Exhibit Tompkins Co. Agl. and Hort. Soc. Chautauqua Co. Poultry Assn. Lestershire Poultry Assn Cattaraugus Co. Agl. Soc Niagara Co. Agl. Soc Piping Rock Horse Show Assn. Piping Rock Kennel Club Lewis Co. Agl. Soc Wayne Co. Agl. Soc Franklin Co. Agl. Soc Catskill Mountain Agl. Soc. . . Orange Co. Agl. Soc Agricultural Soc. of Queens- Nassau Cos. Ladies' Kennel Assn. of America. Sullivan Co. Agl. Soc Cayuga Co. Agl. Corp Morris Fair Assn Naples Union Agl. Soc Rensselaer Co. Agl. and Lib- eral Arts Soc. Newark Fair Assn Northern Tioga Agl. Soc Unadilla Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Rockland Co. Industrial Assn. Westchester and Fairfield Hort. Soc. Ulster Co. Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. American Florists and Orna- mental Hort. Soc. American Institute of the City ofN. Y. American Land and Irrigation Expo. American Pomeranian Club . . C h r y s a n themum Soc. of America. Empire Poultry Assn French Bull Dog Club of America. National Horse Show Assn. of America. Area covered. Intercounty. State Local County . Local .' . Interstate. County Intercounty. County ...".. Intercounty. Local .do. Interstate . County . . . .do. County . do. . .do. Local. . . County . Intercounty. . County International County Intercounty. Local Intercounty. do Local State International Intercounty. State National do International do... National. International National International Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. 3d wk. in Aug About 2d wk. in Jan. 1st wk. in Sept Last Wed. in Sept . . . 1st wk. in Sept 1st or 2d wk. in Sept.. 1st wk. in Oct Early winter. Sept Wk. before Labor Day. 3d wk. in Nov About Aug. 27. June and Sept . Middle or last part of Jan. About Nov. 1 3d wk. in Sept Dec. or Jan . 2d wk. in Sept Last wk. in Aug. and 1st wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Oct Sept Last wk. in Aug . Last of Aug Wk. preceding Labor Day. Last wk. in Sept 1st wk. in June . Aug. 15 to 30 Last wk. in Aug . 1st wk. in Oct Sept. 10 to 12 2d wk. in Sept... 3d wk. in Sept.. Middle of Aug . . Last wk. in Jan. June and Nov. Latein Dec. or early in Jan. March or A pril . Sept. and Nov. Nov Jan 1st or 2d wk. in Nov. . Full wk. following Thanksgiving. April Middle of Nov Kind of exhibit . General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Horticulture. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Horses. Dogs. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Dogs. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. Poultry, pi- geons, and pet stock. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Dogs. Floriculture. Poultry. Dogs. Horses. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 49 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. New York. Do Norwich Ogdensburg. Do Olean Oneonta . New York Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Westminster Kennel Club Chenango Co. Agl. Soc St. Lawrence Poultry Assn Oswegatchie Agl. Soc Olean Agl. and Industrial Assn. Oneonta Union Agl. Soc International . Last wk. in Dec. International do County lsi wk. in Jan.. Sept. 16 to 20. . . 1st wk. in Sept. Orangeburg.. Owego . . . Do... Palmyra. Rockland Co. Agl. and Hort. Assn. Owego Poultry Assn Tioga Co. Agl. Soc Union Agl. Soc Interstate . . . Intercountv. Interstate... County Intercounty. Penn Yan. Do.... Perry Plattsburg . Portville . . . Potsdam.. . Poughkeepsie . Do Yates Co. Agl. Soc Yates Poultry Assn Silver Lake Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Clinton Co. Agl. Soc Portville Poultry Assn Racquette Valley and St. Regis Valley Agl. and Hort. Soc. Dutchess Co. Agl. Soc Dutchess Co. Hort. Soc County Intercounty. Local Wk. following State Fair. Begins on Labor Day . Jan. 10tol5 2d wk. in Sept Last Thurs., Fri., and Sat. in Sept. 1st wk. in Sept About 2d wk. in Jan . . 3d wk. in Sept Intercounty. Local County Intercounty. Pulaski Reed Comers. . . Richfield Springs. River head. Rochester Do. Do Rome Sandy Creek. Schenectady . Schenevus. .. Schoharie Sherman Silver Creek... Syracuse Tarry town Troupsburg.. Troy Trumansburg . Tuxedo Park.. Utica Vernon Walton Warrensburg. Warsaw Waterloo Watertown . . Do.... Watkins . . Waverly . . Wellsville. Pulaski Poultry Assn Gorham Agl. Soc Richfield Springs Agl. Soc. Suffolk Co. Agl. Soc Flower City Poultry and Pi- geon Assn. (Inc.). Genessee Valley Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Kodak City Kennel Club Oneida Co. Agl. Soc Sandy Creek, Richland, Orwell, and Boylston Agl. Soc. Schenectady Poultry Assn Schenevus Valley Agl. Soc Schoharie Agl. Assn Sherman Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Silver Creek Poultry Assn Empire State Horse Show New York State Fair Assn Tarry town Hort. Soc 2d wk. in Sept 1st or 2d wk. in Sept . 1st or 3d wk. in Sept. . Last wk. in Oct. or 1st wk. in Nov. International Local County International About Oct. 1 Last wk. in Sept. 3d wk. in Sept . Dec. or Jan Interstate County Intercounty. . About 1st wk. in Jan. March 1st wk. in Sept. 3d wk. in Aug.. Poultry and pigeons. Dogs. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Horticulture. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pigeons. Do. Dogs. General agr. Do. State County . . National. Local Aug. 13 to 15... Wk. of Sept, 16. Last of Dec Irregular. Southern Steuben Agl. Soc Rensselaer Co. Agl. and Hort. Soc. Union Agl. and Hort. Soc Tuxedo Horse Show Assn Utica Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Vernon Agl. Soc Delaware Valley Agl. Soc Warren Co. Fair Assn Wyoming Co. Agl. Soc State Intercounty. County. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. Horses. General agr. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Horses. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. REQUEST.— It Is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this, bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. Local . 2d wk. in Sept About June 15th and 1st wk. in Nov. 1st wk. in Sept Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Last of Aug Middle of June Jan Intercounty. . Last wk. in Sept. Intercounty. do Seneca Co. Agl. Soc Black River Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Jefferson Co. Agl. Soc Schuyler Co. Agl. Soc Waverly Poultry Assn Wellsville Fair Assn County. . National . About Sept. 1 to 15.... Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Last full wk. in Sept. Middle of Jan County.. . do Interstate. County. . . 1st wk. in Sept... Sept 3d wk. in Jan Last wk. in Aug . 50 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, lire stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. NEW YORK— Contiuued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind ol exhibit . Westchester Northern Nut Growers' Assn. West Phoenix. . Onondaga Co. Fair Assn Westport White Plains... Do Whitneys Point Yonkers Essex Co. Agl. Soc Westchester Co. Agl. and Hort. Soc. Westchester Horse Show Broome Co. Agl. Soc Yonkers Hort. Soc Interstate . . . Intercounty. County. Fall Bet. Aug. 20 Sept. 1. About Sept. 1... County Intercounty. 2d or 3d wk. in Aug. . . Middle of June and last wk. in Oct. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Horses. General agr. Horticulture. NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville Do Burlington Charlotte Do Columbia Elizabeth City. Fayetteville. . . . Gastonia Greensboro Do Henrietta Hickory Lincoln ton Monroe Morganton Northwilkes- boro. Oxford Raleigh Rockingham . . . Salesburg Selma Shelby Smithfleld Statesville Taylorsville Waynesville . . . Winston-Salem Do Do Asheville Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Western N. C. Fair Assn Alamance Fair Assn Charlotte Fair Assn Southeastern Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Columbia Fair Assn Albemarle Agl. and Fish Assn . Cumberland Co. Agl. Soc Gastonia Poultry Assn Central Carolina Fair Assn Greensboro Poultry Assn Western N. C. Poultry Assn. . Hickory Station Fair Assn. Lincoln Co. Poultry Assn . . Monroe Poultry Assn Burke Poultry Assn Wilkes Co. Fair Assn County. State... County. Granville Co. Agl. Assn North Carolina Agl. Soc Rockingham Poultry Assn. Yadkin Valley Fair Assn. . Selma Melon and Tomato Fair. Shelby Poultry Assn Johnson Co. Fair Assn Statesville Poultry Assn. . Taylorsville Poultry Assn Haywood Co. Fair Assn Forsy the Co. Fair Assn ... Winston-Salem Poultry Assn. . Interstate Piedmont Fair Assn . .* ' Intercounty. . Interstate . Intercounty. County Intercounty. National Intercounty. suite Intercomity.. Interstate . National Intercounty. County 1st or 2d wk. in Dec. . 1st or 2d wk. in Oct... 1st wk. in Oct Latter part of Oct Jan. 4 to 18 About Oct. 23 to 25.. Dec. 1 Oct Between Dec. 15 and Jan. 15. Last of Nov . 3d or 4th wk. in Nov. Sept About middle of Oct. 3d Oct Last Thur. in July.. About Oct. ih'.'....'.'. Dec. or Jan . . . Wk. of Oct. 1 . Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. NORTH DAKOTA. Bottineau. Bowbells.. Cooperstown . Courtenay... Fargo Do Do Fessenden . . . Grand Forks. Do. Do. Granville. Hamilton . Bottineau Co. Agl. Soc Burke Co. Fair and Racing Assn. Griggs Co. Fair Assn Courtenay Fair Assn North Dakota Kennel Assn. . . North Dakota State Fair Assn. North Dakota State Poultry Assn. Wells Co. Fair Assn Grand Forks Co. Agl. Soc Grand Forks Poultry Assn North Dakota State Fair Assn. for Grand Forks. McHenry Agl. Fair Assn Pembina Co. Fair Assn Intercounty. County .do. International. State do County . State Local Interstate . Intercounty. County..... July 13 to 20 Last of Sept. or early in Oct. 1st wk. in July Jan. 15 to 20 or 20 to 25. Last wk. in July Jan July Biennial; about July 20 to Aug. 1, even yrs. Between Dec. and Mar. Biennial: wk. of July 25 in odd yrs Middle to last of Sept . Last of July and early in Aug. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Dogs. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 51 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. NORTH DAKOTA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Harvev Wells Co. Agl. and Fair Assn. . General agr. Do Jamestown Jamestown Fair Assn do do About June 15 to July 15. Irregular La Moure La Moure Co. Fair and Racing Assn. Do. Langdon Larimore 1st wk. in Aug Do Grand Forks Co. Fair Assn ... Do. Leeds Benson Co. Fair Assn Intercounty. . . Interstate About July 30 Do. Mandan Mo. Slope Agl. and Fair Assn. . Mayville Fair and Race Assn . . Sept Do. Mayville Do. Last part of Sept Underwood McLean Co. Fair Assn Barnes Co. Agl. Fair Assn Richland Co. Fair Assn Williams Co. Agl. Fair Assn . . do Do. Valley City Wahpeton do do Intercounty. . . 2d wk. in July Sept Do. Do. Williston Middle of Sept Do. OHIO. Aberdeen Akron Alliance Ashley Do Ashville Athens Do Attica Barlow Basil B e a m s v i 1 le (Versailles). Bellaire Belle Center. . . Bellefontaine.. Do Bentonville... Berea Blanchester.. . Bowling Green Bucyrus Burton Cadiz Do Cambridge Canal Dover . . Do Canfield Canton Carey Carroll Carthage Celina Centerburg Chagrin Falls. Cherry Fork . . Chir'icothe. ... Do Cincinnati Do Do Cleveland REQUEST.- corrections of Yellow Ribbon Fair Assn Summit Co. Agl Soc Eastern Ohio Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Farmers' Festival and Colt Show Assn. Ashley Fanciers' Club Ashville Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Alliens Co. Agl. Soc Southern Ohio Poultry Assn. Attica Union Fair Assn Barlow Agl. and Mechl. Assn . Basil Poultry Assn Richland Township Poultry, Com, and Tobacco Impt. Assn. Eastern Ohio Poultry Assn Co. Belle Center Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Bellefontaine Fanciers' Assn.. Logan Co. Agl. Soc Bentonville Fair Assn West Cuyahoga Co. Agl. Assn Clinton Co. Agl. Fair Assn. . . Wood Co. Fair Co Crawford Co. Agl. Soc G eauga Co. Agl. Soc Harrison Co. Agl. Soc Harrison Co. Poultry Assn Guernsey Co. Poultry Assn. . Dover Poultry Assn Tuscarawas Co. Agl. Soc Mahoning Co. Agl. Soc Stark Co. Agl. Soc Carey Poultry Club Carroll Poultry Assn Hamilton Co. Agl. Soc Mercer Co. Agl. Soc Centerburg Poultry Assn Cuyahoga Co. Agl. Soc North Liberty Fair Assn Chillicothe Poultry Assn Ross Co. Agl. Soc Cincinnati Florists' Soc Ohio Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Zoo Kennel Club Cleveland Fanciers' Club Co. . . Local International. Interstate Local . Intercounty. . do County State Intercounty. . Local do. .do. Sept 1st wk. in Oct. Jan. and Feb.. Middle of Sept.. Christmas week . Jan • Sept Dec. or Jan Last wk. in Sept Last Thurs. and Fri. in Sept Dec. or Jan Feb International. State Interstate. Local County do International. Litercounty. .'... County State County Local County do Local Intercounty. . Local County International. County National . International. Between Dec. 15 and Jan. 31. Holiday wk General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Poultry, corn, and tobacco. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultrv. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultrv. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Floriculture. Poultry and pet stock. Dogs. Dogs and poul- try. It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in tliis bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. About Dec. 23 to 28... Last wk. or next to last wk. in Aug. 1st Sat. in Oct Sept 1st wk. in Sept Last wk. in Sept 2d wk. in Sept do 1st wk. in Oct 1st full wk. in Jan Jan 1st wk. in Jan 3d wk. in Oct Sept Last full wk. in Sept. . Nov. or Dee 3d wk. in Aug. Dee. or Jan Early in Sept Aug. 27 3d wk. in Jan About Aug. 20 to 23... Jan. During June Last wk. in Jan. 52 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. OHIO— Continued. Place where held. Clyde Columbus. . Do Do Coolville... Coshocton. . Do Crooksville. Croton Danville.. . Dayton . . Do... Dayton . . Deerfleld. Defiance . Dennison East Liverpool. East Palestine. Eaton Do Edgeton . Edon . . . Elmore. Elvria.. Do. Findlay. Do.. Freeport . Fremont . Galion . . . Gallipolis . Do... Genoa Georgetown . . . Greenville Greenwich Hamilton Do Do.... Hicksville. Jackson . . . Jefferson . . Jeffersonville. . Kenton Do Kinsman Lancaster Lebanon Leetonia Leipsic Lima Do Lisbon Do London Lucasville McConnelsville. Magnolia Manchester Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Clyde Poultry Assn Central Ohio Kennel Club Ohio State Fair Assn Ohio State Poultry Assn Union Fair Co ... . Coshocton Co. Agl. Soc Coshocton Poultry Assn Crooksville Poultry Assn Hartford Central Agl. Soc Twin City Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Dayton Fancy Feather Club . . Dayton Horse Show Assn Montgomery Co. Agr. Board. . Deerfleld Fair Assn Defiance Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Twin City Poultry Assn East Liverpool Poultry Show Assn. East Palestine Fair Co Preble Co. Agl. Soc Preble Co. Poultry Assn Edgeton Poultry Pet Stock and Corn Assn. Edon Poultry Assn Elmore Poultry Assn Lorain Co. Agl. Soc Lorain Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Hancock Co. A gl. Soc Hancock Co. Poultry Fanciers' Assn. Smyna Fair Assn Sandusky Co. Agl. Soc Gabon Poultry Fanciers 'Assn. Gallia Co. Agl. Soc Gallia Co. Poultry Assn Genoa Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Brown Co. Agl. Soc Darke Co. Agl. Soc Greenwich Poultry Assn Butler Co. Agl. Soc Hamilton Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Hamilton Poultry Assn Defiance Co. Agl. Soc Jackson Co. Poultry Assn Ashtabula Co. Agr. Soc Jeffersonville Poultry Club. Hardin Co. Agl. Soc Kenton Poultry Assn Kinsman Stock and Agl. Co... Fairfield Co. Agl. See.. Warren Co. Agl. Soc Leetonia Poultry Assn Leipsie Poultry Assn Allen Co. Agl. Soc Lima Poultry Fanciers' Assn.. Columbiana Co. Agr. Soc Lisbon Poultry Assn Madison Co. Agl. Soc Scioto Co. Agl. Soc Morgan Co. Agl. Soc Magnolia Poultry Assn Adams, Brown, and Lewis Co. Fair Co. Area covered. Local National. State National. Local County. . do... Local . State. Local Interstate... lntercounty. National Intercountv. lntercounty. County Interstate . . . Local . Local . . . County. County. State... County. Local . . . County. . . National. Local County . . National . County. . . National . Interstate . . . County lntercounty. County lntercounty. State Interstate . Local National. . State Local lntercounty. . International, lntercounty. . Local County do lntercounty. . Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. 2d or 3d wk. in Dec. Feb. or Mar 1st wk. in Sept 2d full wk. in Jan... Sept. 15 to Oct. 1.... 2d wk. in Oct 1st wk. in Jan About middle of Sept Last of Jan Dec. or Jan June First wk. in Sept. 3d wk. in Jan . Dec 3d wk. in Sept 2d or last wk. in Sept Between Dec. 15 and Jan. 20. 2d wk. in Jan Winter. About Sept. 11 to 14.. Dec. or Jan 3d wk. in Sept Between Dec. 1 and Feb. 1. About Sept. 1 Sept. and Dec Dec. 9 to 15 1st Tues. in Oct Last full wk. in Aug. . 1st full wk. in Oct.. Latter part of Nov. Oct. 3 to 6 Middle of Sept Jan Between Aug. 15 and 25. Between Dec. 1 and Jan. 20. Last wk. in Aug Last wk. in Jan Last of Aug 2d wk. in Oct Irregular Jan 1st Mon. in Sept Dec. or Jan 3d wk. in Sept About Jan. 6 to 8 Aug.. 3d wk. in Aug About Sept. IS to 20... 1st wk. in Sept. Kind of exhibit. Poultry. Dogs. , General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. Horses. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. Do". General agr. Do. Poultry. Poultry, pet stock, and corn. Poultry. Do. General Agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 53 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1012 — Continued. OHIO— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Mansfield . Do.... Marietta . . Do.... Marion. . . Do... Marlboro. Marysville. Massillon.. Medina- . . . Do.. . Milan . Monticello. Montpelier. Do Mount Gilead., Mount Vernon. Do Napoleon Nelsonville Newark Do New Bremen... New Lexington, New London... Norwalk Nutwood Old Washing- ton. Ottawa Owensville Paulding Peebles Pemberville Piketon Piqua Powell Proctorville Ravenna. . Richwood. Ripley Rock Springs . Rome Roseville Russellville... St. Clairsville. Salem Mansfield Fanciers' Assn Richland Co. Agl. Soc Ohio Valley Poultry Assn Washington Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Marion Co. Agl. Assn Marion Poultry Assn Marlboro Poultry and Corn Assn. Union Co. Agl. Soc Massillon Poultry Assn Medina Co. Agl. Soc Medina Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Milan Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. White Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Williams Co. Agl. Soc Williams Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Morrow Co. Agl. Soc Knox Co. Agl. Soc Knox Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Napoleon Fair Co Nelsonville Poultry Assn Licking Co. Agl. Soc Newark Kennel Club Tri-Co. Fair Assn New Perry Co. Agl. Soc New London Poultry Assn... Norwalk Poultry Assn Nutwood Live Stock Assn Guernsey Co. Agl. Soc Interstate . County. . . Local National. . 1st full wk. in Dec . . . 1st wk. in Sept Jan Sept National . . Interstate. Local County. Last wk. in Sept Last wk. in Nov 3d or 4th wk. in Dec. 1st wk. in Sept County Intercounty. County Intercounty. About 1st wk. in Sept 2d wk. in Dec Dec. or Jan. 2d wk. in Jan. County. . County . . 2d wk. in Sept . Dec .do. Intercounty. State 1st wk. in Oct. Sept Dec. or Jan... County Intercounty. 1st wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Oct. . State... County. 3d or 4th wk. in Sept. Dec. or Jan State Putnam Agl. Soc Clermont Co. Agl. Soc Paulding Co. Agl. Soc Peebles Fair Co Pemberville Poultry Assn . . . Pike Co. Agl. Soc Miama Poultry Fanciers'Assn Delaware Co. Agl. Soc Lawrence Co. Agl. and Hort. Soc. Portage Co. Agl. Soc Richwood Tri-Co. Fair Co Ripley Fair Co Interstate. County. . . Last wk. in Sept. 1st Tues. in Oct. . 3d wk. in Aug... County Intercounty. County. National Count v Intercountv..*... Sandusky.. Sarahsviilo. Sardinia Shelby Sidnev Smittifield. Somerset. . . Springfield. Do Do. Struthers Sununerfield . Meigs Co. Agl. Soc Rome Fair Assn Buckeye Poultry Assn Russellville Grange Fair Assn Belmont Co. Agr. Soc Salem Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Erie Co. Agl. Soc Noble Co. Agl. Soc Kennedys Fair Assn Shelby Poultry Assn Shelby Co. Agl. Soc Jefferson Co. Agl. Soc Perry Co. Live Stock, Mechl. and Art Union Soc. Clark Co. Agl. Soc Springfield Horse Show Co. (Inc.). Springfield Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Struthers Poultry Assn Summerfield Fair Assn County Local Intercounty.. Local Intercounty. . Interstate .do. County . About Sept. 14 to 16. About 3d wk. in Jan 2d wk. in Aug Jan Last of Sept Last of Aug. or early in Sept. 2d wk. in Sept 1st wk. in Sept 4 days beginning 1st Tues. in Aug. 1st or 2d wk. in Sept. . About Sept. 20 1st or 2d wk. in Jan. . Thurs., 2d full wk. in Oct. About Sept. 20 Wk. preceding Christ- mas. About Sept. 15 2d wk. in Sept Local. . County. Local. Middle of Dec 2d wk. in Sept About Sept. 25 to 27. 3d wk. in Oct National International. Intercounty. . Interstate. . . . 1st wk. in Aug. June Jan Dec. or Jan. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Poultry and corn. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Do. Do. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Dogs. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. Live stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Horses. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. General agr. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 54 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. OHIO— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Sycamore Tiffin Do Toledo Do Troy Tuscarawas Upper San- dusky. Do Urbana Do Van Wert Do Wadsworth Wakeman , Wapakoneta. ., Warren , Washington C. H. Wauseon , Waynesville . . . Wellington Do West Alexan- dria. West Mansfield West Union Winchester Woodsfield Woodville Wooster Do Xenia Do Youngstown . . . Zanesville Do Sycamore Fair Assn Northwestern Ohio Poultry Assn. Seneca Co. Agl. Soc Lucas Co. Agl. Soc Tri-State Poultry and Pet Stock Club. Miami Co. Agl. Soc Tuscarawas Poultry Assn Upper Sandusky Poultry Assn. Wyandot Agl. and Fair Assn . Champaign Co. Agl. Soc. Urbana Poultry Assn Van Wert Co. Agl. Soc... Van Wert Fanciers' Club. Wadsworth Poultry Assn. Wakeman Poultry Assn. . Auglaize Co. Agl. Soc Trumbull Co. Agl. Soc Fayette Co. Fair Co Intercounty. County... Interstate . do.... 2d wk. in Jan. 1st wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Jan.. County . 1st wk. in Jan. Tues. nearest middle of Sept. About 3d wk. in Aug. . County . . . Interstate . Local Comity . . . do 1st half of Sept... Dec. 15 to Jan. 15. 3d Jan Jan. or Feb Aug. 27 to 3 '., 1st wk. in Sept Last of Aug Fulton Co. Agl. Soc Miami Valley Poultry Assn . . . Wellington Poultry Fanciers' Club. Wellington Union Agl. Soc West Alexandria Poultry Assn. West Mansfield Horse Show... Adams Co. Agl. Soc Winchester Fair Assn Monroe Co. Agl. Soc Woodville Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Wayne Co. Agr. Soc Wooster Poultry Assn Greene Co. Agl. Soc Xenia Fanciers' Club Youngstown Fanciers' Club. . . Muskingum Co. Agl. Soc Zanesville Fanciers' Assn. Co.. County Intercounty. Local Wk. of Sept. 20 Last of Dec. or early in Jan. Dec .do. Last wk. in Aug. Intercounty. . 2d wk. in Sept. County . State Intercounty. . County do Intercounty. . Interstate Intercounty. . International. Aug. and Sept Last wk. in Jan. or 1st wk. in Feb. About Sept, 11 to 13... 2d wk. in Jan 2d wk. in Aug Dec. or Jan 2d wk. in Dec Aug. or Sept Last wk. in Jan General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Horses. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. OKLAHOMA. Agra Altus Do Anadarko . . Arnett Bartlesville . Beaver Blackburn . Blackwell.. Blair Broken Arrow Calumet Chelsea Do Cheyenne Cleveland Comanche Durant Eli City. Do... North Lincoln Co. Fair Assn . Altus Fair Assn Jackson Co. Poultry Assn Anadarko Agl. Fair Assn Ellis Co. Fair Assn Bartlesville Fair Assn Beaver Co. Farmers' Inst Pawnee Co. Fair Assn Blackwell Interstate Fair Assn Jackson Co. Fair Assn Tulsa Co. Farmers' Inst. Fair. Calumet Fair Assn Chelsea Live Stock Assn Rogers Co. Fair Assn Roger Mills Co. Fair Assn Jordan Valley Fair Assn Comanche Annual Carnival. . . Bryant Co. Live Stock and Agl. Assn. Beckham Co. Fair Assn Elk City Poultry Assn Local . . do. County. County . do Interstate . . . Intercounty. County Intercounty. County County. Intercounty. State Oct. Last wk. in Sept. Last of Sept. or early in Oct. July or Aug Last of Sept, or early in Oct. About Oct. 1 to 15 Sept. or Oct About Sept. 20. 3d wk. in Aug About middle of Sept Sept, 15. .Ian General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Live stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. REQUEST.- It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS I1ST UNITED STATES. 55 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. OKLAHOMA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. El Reno Do Enid Do Erick Frederick Hallett Helena Hinton Hobart Do Hugo Hugo Hydro Do Kingfisher Do Mangum Muskogee Do Do Nashville New Kirk Oklahoma Citv Do Pawhuska Perry Shattuck Shawnee Sterling Stillwater Do Sulphur Tulsa Do Wagoner Watonga Waynoka Weatherford . . Woodward Do Canadian Co. Poultry Assn El Reno and So. Western Fair Assn. Big Center Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Enid Fair and Live Stock Assn. Erick Dist. Fair Assn Area covered. County do. National. Local Tillman Co. Fair Assn Pawnee Co. Fair Assn Woods Co. Fair Assn Hinton Fair Assn So. Western Okla. Fair Assn. . Southwest Okla. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Choctaw Fair Assn Hugo Fair Assn Hydro. Agl. and Live Stock Assn. Hydro Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Kingfisher Co. Agl. Fair Assn. Kingfisher Poultry Assn Mangum Greer Co. Fair Assn. Muskogee Horse Show Assn. . . Muskogee Poultry Assn New State Fair Assn , Nashville Fair Assn Kay Co. Fair Assn Oklahoma City Poultry Assn . State Fair Assn. of Oklahoma. Osage Co. Fair Assn Perry Poultry Assn Ellis' Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Pottawatomie Co. Fanciers' Assn. Sterling Fair Assn Eastern Okla. Poultry and Pet Stock Fair Assn. Payne Co. Agl. and Stock Fair Assn. Sulphur Poultry Assn Eastern Okla. Poultry Assn. . . Tulsa Fair Assn Wagoner Co. Fair Assn Blaine Co. Fair and Live Stock Assn. Waynoka Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Custer Co. Fair Assn Northwest. Okla. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Woodward Co. Fair Count y . Local . . . Interstate . County Intercbunty. Local . County. National . State County. State. . . County . do... Local Intercounty. County International. Interstate County do International. Intercounty.. Interstate. Intercounty. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates wit h- in which it is held. Last of Dec Last of Sept Dec. or Jan Dec. and March. Between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15. Early in Oct... About Sept. 20 ! Dec. About Sept. 11 to 14... Between Sept. 15 and Oct. 5. 1st wk. in Dec. About Sept. or Oct. Dec. or Jan 2d wk. in Oct. Last wk. in Sept. or 1st wk. in Oct. Dec. 1 to 25. Dec 3d wk. in Sept. Jan. 1 About Oct. 1. 1st wk. in Jan. Sept. or Oct... Oct About Aug. 1 . Late winter . . . Latter part of Sept . . Dec. or Jan About Sept. 10 to 13.. Kind of exhibit. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry pet stock. General agr. Do. and Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Horses. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. OREGON. Astoria. Baker. . Burns Corvallis. .. Enterprise. Eugene. Do. Lower Columbia Agl. Co. Baker Co. Fair Assn Harney Co. Fair Assn.. Oregon State Hort. Soc. 1st Eastern Oreg. Dist, Soc. Lane Co. Apple Show Assn . . . Lane Co. Fair Assn Agl. Do ' Lane Co. Poultry Assn. Interstate. Comity... .do. Intercounty. . . County . . . do Interstate. Sept. 10 to 25 About middle to end of Sept. 1st wk. in Oct Last of Sept. and early in Oct. Nov. 1 Sep1 Dec General agr. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Horticulture. General agr. Poultry. REQUEST. It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 56 .- -.: IS >~D FTTrrerr - - \ - : , | - Taklz - —1 'or* ami tiiili'fiiwi dh wirf to aorwuiturt. Use jtoefc. and otkir 7 Mfrjwcis. hf SStta, 1913— CoBtinu ■n -•::-■ 1-: ■: . :_~ -n- ~;-c i-_l_- --— ~T'i Tr-l -_.-.-• :_ - - v-.-Ji- — UxL '.4 izrt mml ulikititms im*ai. to v&iem lt w*- ¥a* mu6L cm? v5ur rd*ei$aijecl*-*g State - cnii— ul_ -..-. ■ • r i --•*•- _j~ 58 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. l'lace where held. Kutztown. Lancaster . Lander. Latrobe. Lawton . Lebanon . Do Leechburg . Lehighton. Lewisburg . Lewistown. Mansfield . . McKeesport. Mercer Middletown. . Millersburg. . . Mills boro Milton Mohnton. Monongahela. Montrose Mt. Carmel... Mt. Morris . . . Myerstown... Nazareth. . . New Castle. Do New Freedom. Newport North Wash- ington. Osters Grove. . Oxford Perkasie Philadelphia . Do Do Do Ph i 1 adelphia, Chestnut Hill. Pittsburgh Do. Do. Port Royal. Pottstown . Do. Potts ville Pulaski Quakertown . Do Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Kutztown Fair Assn Lancaster Co. Agl. Fair Assn. Area covered. Warren Co. Farmers Breeders' Assn. Latrobe Poultry Assn. . . Lawton Agr. Soc and Lebanon Co. Pigeon and Poultry Assn. Lebanon Valley Fair Assn Leechburg Poultry Assn Carbon Co. Agl. Soc Union Co. Agl. Soc Miffln Co. Poultry and Fan- ciers' Assn. Smyth Park Assn McKeesport Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Mercer Central Agl. Soc Middletown Fan - Assn Millersburg Poultry Assn . Sandy Plains Fair Assn Milton Fair and Northumber- land Co. Agl. Assn. Mohnton Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Monongahela Fanciers' Club . . Susquehana Co. Agl. Soc Mt. Carmel Fanciers' Assn Mt. Morris Fair Assn Myerstown Poultry Assn Northampton Co. Agl. Soc Lawrence Co. Poultry Assn . . Lawrence Co. Agl. and Hort. Soc. New Freedom Farmers' Im- provement Assn. Perry Co. Agl. Soc North Washington Agl. Assn. . Osterburg Grange Picnic Assn , Oxford Agl. Assn Bucks Co. Agl. Soc Pennsylvania Hort. Soc Philadelphia Bull Dog Club... Philadelphia Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. (Inc.) University of Pa. Kennel Club. Wissahickon Kennel Club Duquesne Kennel Club of Western Pa. Pittsburgh Fanciers' Club (Inc.) Poultry Exhibition of Pitts- burgh. Juniata Co. Agl. Soc Montgomery Co. Fair Assn. (Inc.) Pottstown Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. Pottsviile Poultry Assn Pulaski Fair Assn Farmers' Picnic and Exhibi- tion. North Pa. Poultrv Assn Agl. and Hort. Assn. of Berks Co. Local . . County. Local . . Interstate . County International. County County Intercounty. County. Local . . Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Sept Last wk. in Sept. and 1st wk. in Oct. Dec. or Jan Wed. and Thurs. near- est Sept. 10. 2d wk. in Dec Last wk. in Aug. County. do.. Intercounty. . Local . . County. International. County Intercounty. . Interstate . Countv. . Intercounty. . County National International. Interstate International. National International. Comity Intercounty. Interstate. . . State.. Local. National. County... A bout last wk. in Sept Last wk. in Sept Jan Week before county court. Last wk. in Dec About 2d wk. in Sept . Dec. or Jan Aug Between middle of Sept. and 1st of Oct. During Thanksgiving wk. Last wk. in Jan 2d wk. in Sept Thanksgiving wk During Thanksgiving wk. Latter part of Sept 1st wk. in Jan Kind of exhibit. Sept. 25 to 27. 2d wk. in Oct Last wk. in Aug. or 1st wk. in Sept. About middle of Aug 1st wk. in June and last of Sept. 3d wk. in Sept Nov Late fall 2d wk. in Dec June 1st 2d Sat. in June. Last of Feb., Mar., or April. Wk. of Feb. 22 About Jan. 13 to IS... Sept About Sept. 1 . Dec. 1st wk. in Dec. 1st Fri. and Sat. in Sept. 1st wk. in Jan 2d wk. in Sept General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Pigeons and poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pigeons. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. Dogs. P o u ltry, pi- geons, and pet stock. Dogs. Do. Do. Poultry- Do. General agr. Do. Poultry, pi- geons, and pet stock. Poultry. General -agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 59 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Reading...... Red Lion Richland Ridgway Saegerstown... Scottdale Seranton Do Sellersville Shamokin Smethport Somerset Do Do Spring City . . . St. Marys State College . . Steelton Stewartstown. Stoneboro Stroudsburg... Sunbury Towanda Troy Tunkhannock. Union City Union Dale. .. Vandergrif t . . . Warren Waterford Wattsburg Waynesburg. . Do Wellsboro West Alexan- der. West Chester.. Westfield Williamsgrove Williamsport.. Do Do Wind Ridge.. Wissinoming. Womelsdorf.. Wyalusing.. . York Youngwood.. Zelienople Reading Poultry and Pigeon Assn. (Inc.). Red Lion Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Lebanon Co. Agl. and Hort. Assn. Elk Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Crawford Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Scottdale Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Seranton Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. The Grangers' Assn Sellersville Poultry Assn Shamokin Fanciers' Assn McKean Co. Fair Assn Somerset Co. Hort. Assn Somerset Co. Agl. Soc Somerset Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Twin City Poultry and Pigeon Assn. Elk Co. Agl. Fair Assn Crab Apple Club Fruit Ex- hibit. Dauphin Co. Poultry Assn Stewartstown Farmers' and Imp. Assn. Mercer Co. Agl. Soc Monroe Co. Agl. Soc Sunbury Fanciers' Assn Bradford Co. Agl. Soc Troy Agl. Soc Wyoming Co. Fair Assn Union City Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Tri-Co. Agl. Fair Assn National . County... 2d wk. in Dec. Nov State County Intercounty. Local Nov., Dec., or Jan Between Dec. 1 and Feb. 1. 1st wk. in Dec 3d wk. in Jan . County. Sept. County Interstate . Thanksgiving wk . .do. Last of Nov. State. Middle of Nov. Interstate . Local Interstate . County Dec. or Jan 2d wk. in Sept . 3d wk. in Sept . 1st wk. in Sept. County. Local . . . County. Local . . 2d wk. in Sept . 1st wk. in Sept. Middle of Sept. Dec Kiski Valley Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. (Inc.). Warren Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Waterford Poultry Assn Wattsburg Agl. Soc Waynesburg Fair and Agl. Assn. Waynesburg Poultry Assn Tioga Co. Pomona Grange Assn. West Alexander Agl. Assn Chester Co. gl. Assn Cowanesque Valley Agl. Soc . . . Grangers' Interstate Picnic Assn. Lycoming Co. Fruit Growers' Assn. Williamsport Kennel Club and Pa. Breeders' Club. Williamsport Poultry, Pigeon, and Pet Stock Assn. Intercounty.. Local About 3d or 4th wk. in Sept. About 2d wk. in Dec.. Intercounty. County Intercounty. County About Jan. Wk. before Christmas 1st wk. in Sept Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Local . County. do- About middle of Sept. 1st wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Sept. County. Last wk. in Nov International.. Thanksgiving wk . Richhill Fair Assn Wissinoming Poultry Assn Womelsdorf Poultry Assn Wyalusing Fair Assn York Co. Agl. Soc Westmoreland Agl. Soc Zelienople Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. (Inc.). Local . . Countv .".. Local . . . Dec. 4 to 7 Sept 1st full wk. in Oct. Sept Last wk. in Jan . . . Poultry and pigeons. Do. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Do. Do. Do. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Horticulture. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry and pigeons. General agr. Horticulture. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. Dogs. Poultry, pi- geons, and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agT. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 60 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table A.— List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. RHODE ISLAND. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Bristol Ferry.. Bristol Greystone Hillsgrove Newport Do Do West Kingston Westerly..' Wickford Newport Co. Agl. Soc Bristol Co. Poultry Assn Greystone Poultry Assn Rhode Island State Fair Newport Horse Show Assn.. Newport Hort. Soc Rhode Island Kennel Club — Washington Co. Agl. Soc South Co. Poultry Assn North Kings Town Poultry Assn. Interstate . Last wk. in Nov. State National. Interstate . National County International. do 1st Mon., Tues., and Wed. in Sept. Middle of June and middle of Sept. About 2d wk. in Aug. . 2d wk. in Sept Jan 1st or 2d wk. in Jan . . . General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. Horses. Horticulture. Dogs. General agr. Poultry. Do. SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville Aiken Anderson Barnwell Batesburg Beech Island. . Bennettsville . Camden Do Do Charleston Columbia Do Edgefield Ellentown Florence Greenville Greenwood Laurens Lexington Madden North Augusta Orangeburg . . . Parksville Simpsonville.. Spartanburg . . Do Union Walterboro Winnsboro Woodruff Abbeville Co. Fair Assn Aiken Co. Fair Assn Anderson Co. Fair Barnwell Co. Fair Assn. (Inc.). Tri-co. Fair Assn. of Batesburg. Beech Island Agl. Club Marlboro Poultry Assn Camden Polo Club Camden Poultry Assn Kershaw Co. Fair Assn Charleston Co. Fair Assn State Agl. and Mechl. Soc. (State Fair). South Atlantic Corn Expo Edgefield Co. Fair Assn Ellentown Agl. Club Florence Co. Fair Assn Greenville Horse Show Assn. . Greenwood Fair Assn Laurens Co. Fair Assn Lexington Co. Fair Assn Laurens Co. Live Stock Assn. . Schultz Hill Agl. Club Orangeburg Co. Fair Assn West Side Fair and Stock Show Assn. Fairview Stock, Agl., and Mechl. Assn. Spartanburg Co. Fair Assn Spartanburg Poultry Assn Union Co. Fair Assn Colleton Co. Fair Assn Fairfield Co. Fair Assn Woodruff Agl. Soc National Intercounty. County. County Intercounty. County . . . Interstate . Interstate . County . . . do.... do.... Intercounty. do Interstate. County... do.... do.... Local 3d wk. in Oct About Oct. 22 to 24. Oct. 20 to Nov. 15. Dec Last Wed. and Thurs. of March. Nov. 8 to 10 Last wk. in Oct. 3d wk. in May . . Last wk. in Oct. 3d Fri. in Oct... Last wk. in Oct. Between Nov. 1 and IS. Dec. or Jan About Oct. 16 to 18..., 2d wk. in Nov From Oct, 15 to Nov. 1 2d wk. in Oct General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Horses. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Corn. General agr. Do. Do. Horses. General agr. Do. Do. Livestock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. SOUTH DAKOTA. Alexandria Armour Belle Fourche. Do Brookings Clark Clear Lake . Highmore.. Huron Hanson Co. Fair Assn Douglas Co. Fair Assn Black Hills Poultry Assn Butte Co. Fair Assn South Dakota State Hort. Soc. Clark Co. Agl. Fair Assn Fair Assn . Hyde Co. Fair Assn South Dakota State Board of Agr. Stanley Co. Fair Assn Brule Co. Fair Assn County . . . do.... Interstate . County . . . County Intercounty. State. County. do.. Sept. 19 to 24. Aug. 28 to 30. Jan Sept Between Sept. 1 and 10. Last 4 days of last wk. in Sept". 2d wk. in Sept . 3d wk. in Sept . Sept General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Kadoka... Kimball.. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 61 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Miller Mitchell Philip Plankington . Platte Presho Redfield Do Salem Sioux Falls... Do Spearfish Tripp Vermilion Watertown... Webster Hand Co. Fair Assn Mitchell Poultry Assn Central Stanley Co. Fair Assn. Aurora Co. Fair Assn Charles Mix Co. Fair Assn Lyman Co. Fair Assn Spink Co. Agl. Soc James Valley Poultry Assn. . . McCook Co. Fair Assn Sioux Falls Kennel Club Sioux Valley Poultry Assn Lawrence Co. Fair Assn Hutchinson Co. Agl. Fair Assn. Clay Co. Fair Assn Watertown Poultry Assn Day Co. Agl. Fair Assn County. do.. do.. Last of Sept... Early in Sept. do County State County Local ." International. County do. do Dec. or Jan About Sept. 3 to 5... Oct 2d wk. in Dec About Sept. 24 to 26. About Sept. 4 to 6... About Sept. 24 to 27. County. Latter part of Sept. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. TENNESSEE. Alexandria. Bristol Brownville. Celina Chattanooga. Do Clarksville.. . Cleveland Coal Creek . . . Columbia Concord Cookeville... Deer Lodge. . Dresden Dyersburg. . . Favettevillc. Gallatin Greeneville.. Greenfield... Ilartsville... Humboldt. . . Huntingdon. Jackson Do Do Johnson City. Kingston Knoxville Do Lafayette Lewisburg. Martin Memphis Do Morristown Do Murfreesboro... Nashville Do Newport Paris Pulaski. Rome. . . Dekalb Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Bristol Poultry Assn Haywood Co. Fair Assn Clay Co. Fair Assn Chattanooga Poultry Assn Hamilton Co. Fair Assn Montgomery Co. Fair Assn Bradley Co. Fair Assn Anderson and Campbell Cos. Stock and Fair Assn. Tennessee Fair Assn Concord Fair Assn Putnam Co. Fair Assn Morgan Co. Fair Assn Weakley Co. Fair Assn Dyer Co. Fair Assn Lincoln Co. Fair Assn Sumner Co. Fair and Sale Assn, Greene Co. Fair Assn Greenfield Poultry Assn Hartsville Poultry Assn Humboldt Tri-Co". Fair Assn. . Carroll Co. Fair Assn West Tennessee Agl. and Mechl. Fair Assn. West Tenneseee Kennel Club . . West Tennessee Poultry Assn. Johnson City Poultry Assn Roane Co. Fair Assn Appalachian Dog Show Expo.. East Tennessee Poultry Assn . . Macon Co. Agl., Mechl. and Live Stock Ass'n. Marshall Co. Fair Assn Weakley Co. Poultry Assn Tri-State Fair Assn , Tri-State Poultry Assn Hamblen Co. Poultry Assn. Morristown Fair Assn Rutherford Co. Fair Assn. . Tennessee State Fair Assn. . Tennessee State Hort. Soc. Appalachian Fair Assn Henry Co. Fair Assn Giles Co. Farmers' Assn Smith Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Intercounty. County. State... Local. County. do.. do Interstate. County Intercounty. County Intercounty. County Intercounty. County National do Intercounty. County Intercounty. Intercounty.. County Interstate International. County Intercounty.. do National State Intercounty.. County .do. .do. 1st wk. in Sept. 1st or 2d wk. in Oct. . . 1st Thurs., Fri., and Sat. in Oct. Dec. or Jan About Oct. 15 to 18... From last of Aug. to Sept. 15. Sept. Aug. 15 to Sept. 30 Sept Sept. 25 to Oct. 15... Sept. or Oct About Aug 3d or 4th wk. in Aug. Sept Last of Sept About Oct. 1 Last wk. in Sept. or 1st wk. in Oct. April or May 1st or 2d wk. in Dec.. . Sept 3d wk. in Jan. Aug Between Dec. 15 and Jan. 15. 4th wk. in Sept Last wk. in Sept Dec. 1 to 15 Sept Aug. or Sept 3d wk. in Sept 3d wk. in Jan Middle of Sept Last wk. in Sept. or 1st wk. in Oct. Sept. 10 to 20 Sept General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Dogs. Poultry. Do. General agr. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Do. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 62 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. TENNESSEE— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Selmer McNairy Co. Fair Assn. Shelbyville i Bedford Co. Fair Assn. South Pitts- burg. Trenton. Sequahee Valley Fair Assn. Gibson Co. Fair Assn County do.. do.. About Oct. 15. Sept. 1 to 10... .do. Tullahoma Tullahoma Fair Assn Union City j West Tennessee Fair Assn. Waverly ! Humphreys Co. Fair Assn . Winchester I Franklin Co. Fair Assn. . .. Intercounty . County 2d Wed. in Oct., for 4 days. Aug Sept.4to7 County. Aug. 15 to 24. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. TEXAS. Amarilla. Arlington. . Austin Beaumont. Do Do Bertram Big Spring Boerne Cleburpe Dalkart Dallas Do Do Denton Do Eastland El Paso Do Do Fort Worth.... Do Fredericksburg Gatesville Gilmer. Greenville Do Hamilton Hillsboro Honey Grove.. Houston Humble Itasca Jacksonville.. Kerrville Lockhart Do Mart McKinney Meridan Mineral Wells. Palestine Rockdale Roscoe San Angelo San Antonio . Do Do San Saba Seymour Panhandle Poultry Growers' Assn. Arlington Poultry Assn Travis Co. Fair Assn Jefferson Co. Diversified Farm- ers' Assn. Southeast Texas Fair Assn. . . Southeast Texas Poultry Assn Bertram Fair Assn Big Spring Poultry Assn Kendall Co. Fair Johnson Co. Poultry Assn Dalkart Fair Assn State Fair of Texas Southwestern Poultry Assn.. Texas Kennel Club Denton Poultry Assn Chamber of Commerce Fair. . . Eastland Co. Fair Assn E 1 Paso Fair Assn El Paso Poultry Assn El Paso Kennel Club Fort Worth Poultry and Pigeon Assn. National Feeders' and Breed- ers' Show Assn. Gillespie Co. Fair and Imp. Co. Coryell Co. Poultry Assn Upshur Co. Fair and Old Set- tlers' Reunion. Greenville Poultry Assn Hunt Co. Fair Assn Hamilton Poultry Assn Texas State Poultry Assn Honey Grove Poultry Assn . . . Houston Poultry Assn Humble Poultry Breeders' Assn. Itasca Fair Assn Cherokee Co. Fair West Texas Fair Caldwell Co. Live Stock and Carnival Assn Caldwell Poultry Assn Mart Fair Assn McKinney Poultry Assn Bosque Co. Fair Assn Palo Pinto Co. Fair Assn Palestine Poultry Assn Milam Co. Fair Assn Roscoe Poultry Assn Tom Green Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. San Antonio Horse Assn San Antonio Kennel Club Lone Star Poultry Assn San Saba Co. Fair Assn Baylor Co. Poultry Assn State. Intercounty. National Intercounty. County do Intercounty. National Interstate... State County. International. do Interstate . National . . County Intercounty.. County County. Interstate. Local Local . County Intercounty . County Local . . County Intercounty. Intercounty. Intercounty. State County Interstate . Between Dec. 10 and Jan. 10. Thanksgiving wk. Last wk. in Nov. . Oct Sept 1st wk. in Dec Sept Opens 2d Sat. in Oct. 1st or 2d wk. in Jan. . Last part of Oct About Nov. 1. Nov. or Dec... About 2d Tues. in March. March 3d wk. in Sept Late Nov. or early Dec. Last of Aug. About Dec. 15 Thanksgiving wk. Between Nov. 1 and Feb. 28. Between Oct. 1 and 12. Aug. or Sept Oct. or Nov. July Nov.l to 10.. About Oct. 1. July... Oct.L Jan Aug About Nov. 21 to 23. and Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Dogs. ' Poultry pigeons. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Live stock. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Poultry and pet stock. Horses. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTUKAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 63 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. TEXAS— Continued. Place where held. Sherman Taylor Do Texarkana.. Victoria Waco Weatherford Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Sherman Poultry Assn Taylor Fair Assn Taylor Poultry Assn Texarkana Poultry Assn Gulf Coast Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Waco Poultry Assn Weatherford Poultry Assn Area covered. Local . State. Intereounty.. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. July. Dec. Between Dec. 6 and 12. Kind of exhibit . Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Poultry and pet stock. Poultry. Do*. UTAH. Coalville Centerville. . Farmington. Logan Ogden Do ProvoCity Salt Lake City. Do Vernal Summit Co. Fair Assn Davis Co. Fair Assn do Cache Co. Fair Assn Four-State Fair and Interna- tional Sheep Show Assn. Intermountain Fair Assn Provo City Poultry Assn Utah State Fair Assn Utah State Poultry Assn Uinta Co. Fair Assn County . County do International do State... do.. County . Last wk. in Sept. Irregular; Sept. or Oct. Last part of Sept About Sept. 20 Last wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Oct 2d or 3d wk. in Jan. Sept. 3 to 10 General agr. Do. Do. Do. General agr. and sheep. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. VERMONT. Arlington Barre or Mont- pelier. Barton Bellows Falls. . Bradford Brattleboro... Bristol Canaan E. Hard wick.. Fair Haven Mane h ester Center. Middlebury... Do Morris ville Northfield .... North Pomfret Rutland Do Sheldon Jet... Springfield St. Albans St. Johnsbury. Tunbridge W h i t e River Junction. Woodstock Battenkill Fair Assn . . . Vermont Poultry Assn. Orleans Co. Fair Assn Bellows Falls Poultry Assn. . . Bradford Agl. and "Trotting Assn. Valley Fair Assn Addison Co. Poultry Assn Essex Co. Fair Assn Caledonia Grange Fair Assn... Western Vermont Agl. Soc Battenkill Valley Indusl. Soc. Addison Co. Agl. Soc Vermont State Hort. Soc. Lamoille Valley Fair Grounds Co. Dog River Valley Fair Assn... Vermont Dairyman's Assn Rutland Co. Agl. Soc Rutland Horse Show Assn. Franklin Co. Fair Assn Springfield Agl. Soc Vermont State Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Caledonia Fairgrounds Co Union Agl. Soc Vermont State Fair Assn Windsor Co. Agl. Soc. National . County.. County.. National. County.. Local . . , do.. County. Intereounty. State County Intereounty. State National. County . do International County. Local . . . State.... County. Last wk. in Dec About Aug. 20 to 22. Last wk. in Aug. Last wk. in Sept. Jan 3d Sat. in Sept. 2d wk. in Sept. Sept. 15 to 20... Last wk. in Aug Wk. before Thanks- giving. Last Tues.. Wed., Thurs. in Aug. Sept. 10 to 20 Early in Sept. Sept. 10 to 15. 1st Wed., Thurs., Fri in Sept. 1st to middle of Sept 3d wk. in Jan 2d wk. in Sept. Last of Sept 3d wk. in Sept. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Horticulture. General agr. Do. Dairy prod- ucts. General agr. Horses. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Abingdon. Berryville. Charlottesville . Do Do VIRGINIA. Abingdon Poultry Assn Clarke Co. Horse and Colt Show Assn. Albemarle Agl. Fair Albemarle Horse Show Assn . . Albemarle Poultry Assn (Inc.) Interstate. County National International . 1 wk. later than Aug. 15. 1st wk. in Nov About Aug. 1 Nov Poultry. Horses. General agr. Horses. Poultry. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 64 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. VIRGINIA— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Charlottesville Do Culpeper Danville Emporia Fairfax Falls Church. . Farmville Fort Myer Front Royal . . Do Galax Grafton (Up- perville). Jonesville Keller Keswick Leesburg Lynchburg Do Mappsburg Marshall Martinsville... Manassas Norfolk Do Do Onancock Orange Do Painter Petersburg Radford Richmond Roanoke Do Suffolk Taslev Do Tazewell Warrenton Do Winchester Charlottesville Agl. and In- dustrial Fair Assn. Colored Horse Show and Fair Assn. Culpeper Horse Show, Fair, and Racing Assn. Danville Fair Assn Emporia Agl. Fair Assn Fairfax Co. Fair Assn. (Inc.). . Falls Church Poultry Assn Buffalo Riding and Driving Assn. Fort Myer Military Horse Show. Front Royal Horse Show Assn. Front Royal Poultry Show Assn. Galax Fair Assn Upperville Colt and Horse Club. Lee Co. Fair Assn Eastern Shore Agl. Assn Keswick Hunt Club and Horse Show Assn. Horse, and Colt Show Assn Lynchburg Poultry Assn Virginia Interstate Fair Assn. Cnawa Fair Assn Fauquier Co. Agl. Soc Martinsville Athletic Assn. . . . Prince William Horse Show Co Norfolk Hort. and Pomolog- ical Soc. Norfolk-Portsmouth Kennel Assn. (Inc.). Tidewater Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Central Agl. Fair Assn Orange Co. Fair Assn Orange Horseman's Assn State. 1st wk. in Oct. Local . Intercounty.. County July Middle of Oct. Last of Oct... Oct Intercounty.. Local Interstate International Intercounty.. Local Last of Oct Middle of April . Aug. Nov. Last wk. in Sept. June County Intercounty. Local .do. Sept Last wk. in Aug. About May 15 June 1 to 15 County Intercounty.. Interstate Oct Oct. 3 to 15. Last of July. Interstate International Irregular... Dec. or Jan. Intercounty.. County Grangers' Fair Assn Southside Virginia Agl. and Industrial Exhibit. Southwest Va. Agl. and Live Stock Assn. Virginia State Fair Assn (Inc.) Roanoke Industrial and Agl. Assn. Roanoke Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Nansemond Co. School Fair Assn. Central Agl. Fair Assn Peninsular Fair Assn Tazewell Fair Assn. (Inc.) Warrenton Horse Show Assn. Warrenton Poultry Assn Shenandoah Valley Agl. Soc. . Oct Last of July or early in Aug. Intercounty.. About 2d wk. in Oct. . Sept State... County. International Intercounty.. National Countv Local Intercountv. 2d wk. in Oct About last wk. in Sept. About Jan. 7 to 11 Earlv in Oct 3d or 4th wk. in Aug. . 1st wk. in Aug Sept. 15 About last wk. in Aug. Jan 2d or 3d wk. in Sept. . . General agr. Horses. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. Horses. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Horses. General agr. Do. Horses. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Horses. Horticulture. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Do. Horses. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Horses. Poultry. General agr. WASHINGTON. Aberdeen, IIo- quiam, or Grays Har- bor. Aberdeen Bellingham . . . Clarkston Colfax Do Chehalis Co. Fair Assn . Grays Harbor Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Bellingham Poultry Assn Asotin Co. Poultry Assn Colfax Poultry Assn Whitman Co. Fair Assn I County County. Intercounty. . County. Oct. Dec. Dec. or Jan. Sept. or Oct. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. Do. General agr. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 65 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. WASHINGTON— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Colville Davenport Dayton Everett Do Do Hoquiam Kennewiek. . . Mount Vernon North Yakima Do Olympia Pomeroy PortTownsend Do Puyallup Riverside Seattle Do Do Do Snohomish Spokane Do Do Do Tacoma Do Do Vancouver Do Waitsburg. . .. Walla Walla.. Do Waterville Wilbur Stevens Co. Producers' Assn. Lincoln Co. Fair Assn Touchet Valley Agl. Fair Assn. Snohomish Co. Kennel Club. . Snohomish Co. Poultry Assn.. Snohomish Co. Rose and Dahlia Soc. County , do Intercounty. . County Interstate Intercounty. . Hoquiam Poultry Assn Benton Co. Poultry Assn Skagit Co. Fair Assn North Yakima Poultry Assn . Washington State Fair Assn. Olympia Poultry Assn Pomeroy Poultry Assn Jefferson Co. Poultry Assn. . Olympic Peninsula Fair Assn (Inc.). Valley Fair Assn Okanogan Co. Fair Assn King Co. Fair Assn King Co. Poultry Assn Seattle Horse Show Assn Seattle Kennel Club Snohomish Co. Fair Assn. (Inc.) Inland Empire Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. National Apple Show (Inc.)... Spokane Interstate Fair Assn. . Spokane Kennel Club Pacific Coast Assn. of Nursery- men. Tacoma Kennel Club Interstate . County. . . State International. Intercounty. State Intercounty. . County Interstate Local International. County International. National . . Interstate . Local . Tacoma Poultry Assn. (Inc.). . Clark Co. Fair Assn Clark Co. Poultry Assn Waitsburg Horse Show Assn. . Walla Walla Co. Fair Assn Walla Walla Poultry Assn Waterville Poultry Assn Wilbur Fair Assn do Intercounty. . International. Local Intercounty. . Interstate Local . Between Sept. 25 and Oct. 15 Oct Sept. 15 to 30 Apr 2d wk. in Jan Rose show about June 30; dahlia show about Sept. 10. Dec. or Jan. 3d wk. in Sept. . . Nov. 15 to Jan. 7. Dec Sept. or Oct. 1st wk. in Oct Oct. 1 to 20 Fall 2d wk. in Dec Fall March or April... Last part of Sept. Jan Nov. 15 to 20.. 1st wk. in Oct. From middle to last of April. 1st wk. in Jan Sept. or Oct Dec AboutMav 15toJunel About Sept. 15 to 21.. . 3d wk. in Jan Oct. General agr. Do. Do. Dogs. Poultry. Floriculture. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. General ai.T. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Horses. Dogs. General agr. Poultry and pet stock. Apples. General agr. Dogs. Fruit. Dogs. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Horses. General agr. Poultry. Do. General agr. WEST VIRGINIA. Belington and Philippi. Buckhannon.. . Do Charleston . Do Clarksburg. Elkins Elm Grove. Evans Fairmount.. Huntington. Inwood Keyser Martinsburg. Do Barbour Co. Poultry Assn Upshur Co. Fair and Agl. Assn. Upshur Co. Poultry Assn Charleston Fanciers' Club Kanawha Matinee Driving Club. West Virginia Fair Assn and Elkins Fair Assn Elm Grove Fair Assn. . Jackson Co. Farmers' Mechanics' Assn. Fairmount Fair Assn Huntington Poultry Assn Inwood Park Company Potomac Valley Poultry Assn . Berkeley Co. Hort. Soc Berkeley Co. Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. State -. 1st or 2d wk. in Jan. . 1st to 3d wk. in Sept. . Intercounty. County Interstate . do.... Between Dec. I and March 1. 2d or 3d wk. in Jan July 3 to 5 County. Last of Sept. or early in Oct. Sept Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Horses. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Horticulture. Poultry and pet stock. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so wHl send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. County Intercounty. County. . . National . . County. . . Interstate . About wk. of Sept. 10. 2d or 3d wk. in Sept. Thanksgiving wk . . . Oct Fall 66 AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912— Continued. WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. Place where held. Middlebourne. . Morgantown. .. Do Parkers burg. . . Pennsboro Philippi and Belington. Ripley Salem Shepherdstown St. Marys Walton Weston Wheeling Do Do Williamstown.. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Tyler Co. Fair Assn Monongalia-Preston Fair Assn. Morgan town Poultry Assn. . . . Parkersburg Fanciers' Club (Inc.). Ritchie Co. Agl. and Fair Assn. Barbour Co. Poultry Assn Ripley Racing and Stock Assn. Salem Poultry Assn Morgans Grove Agl. Assn Farmers' and Fanciers' Poul- try Assn. Roane Co. Fair Assn Lewis Co. Fair Assn Tri-State Poultry Assn West Virginia Expo, and State Fair Assn. West Virginia State Fair Assn. Williamstown Poultry Assn. . . Area covered. County Intercounty. National . County. . State Intercounty. Intercounty. Interstate... County do.... Interstate. State. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Last of Aug. or early in Sept. Aug. 25 to Sept. 25 Last of Dec. or early in Jan. Last of Aug. or early in Sept. 1st or 2d wk. in Jan . . . Week of Sept. 12 1st wk. in Sept Last of Dec. or early in Jan. Sept 2d or 3d wk. in Jan 1st or 2d wk. in Sept. . From Sept. 1 to 15 Kind of exhibit. General agr. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Poultry. Live stock. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. WISCONSIN. Albany Amherst Antigo Apple ton... Ashland Augusta Baraboo Beaver Dam Do Beloit Berlin Black Riv. Falls Bloomington. . . Boscobel Bruce Cambridge Cedarburg Chilton Chippewa Falls Crandon Darien Darlington De Pere DodgevhMe Dowing Durand Elkhorn Ellsworth Elroy Evansville Fennimore Fond du Lac... Do Friendship Fort Atkinson . Gales ville REQUEST. corrections of Albany Poultry Assn . Portage Co. Fair Assn. Langlade Co. Agl. Soe . Fox River Fair Assn Ashland Co. Agl. Soe . . . Eau Claire Co. Agl. Soe. Sauk Co. Agl. Soe , Beaver Dam Poultry Assn. (Inc.). Dodge Co. Fair Assn Beloit Poultry Assn Green Lake Co. Agl. Soe Jackson Co. Agl. Soe Blakes Prairie Agl. Assn Boscobel Agl. and Driving Park Assn. Rusk Co. Fair Assn Cambridge Poultry Assn Ozaukee Co. Agl. Soe Calumet Co. Agl. Assn Northern Wisconsin State Fair Assn. Forest Co. Agl. Assn Southeastern Wisconsin Poul- try Assn. Lafayette Co. Agl. Soe Brown Co. Agl. and Fair Assn. Southwestern Wisconsin Poul- try Assn. Dowing Free Agl. Assn Penin Co. Agl. Soe Walworth Co. Agl. Soe Pierce Co. Central Fair and Stock Expo. Elroy Fair Assn Evansville Rock Co. Agl. Assn. Grant Co. Fair Assn Fond du Lac Co. Agl. Soe Fond du Lac Poultry Assn Adams Co. Agl. Soe Fort Atkinson Poultry Assn. . . Trempealeau Co. Agl. Soe County Intercounty. County do State International. State. Intercounty. County Local Intercounty. . County. do.. State... County. Local . . , County do Intercounty. . . Local Intercounty. . . International., County. State. County. County do Intercounty. Between Sept. 15 and 30. 3d or 4th wk. in Sept . 2d wk. in Sept Last of Sept. or early in Oct. Sept. 20 to Oct. 1 2d wk. in Dec Last Mon. in Sept. 3d wk. in Sept do About 1st wk. in Sept. 2d wk. in Aug About middle of Sept. . 3d or 4th wk. in Sept. 1st wk. in Sept 3d wk. in Sept Sept Dec. or Jan . Last full wk. in Aug. Last wk. in Aug 1st part of Jan Between Oct. 1 and 15. Sept Wk. following State Fair. 3d or 4th wk. in Sept. . 1st wk. in Sept. About Aug. 27 to 30. 3d wk. in Sept About Dec. 11 to 16. Last half of Aug Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. It is requested that everybody who is ahle to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. 67 Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. WISCONSIN— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Glen wood City. Grantsburg Gray Mills Green Bay Hayward Hillsboro Hortonville Iron River Janes ville Jefferson Kilbourne Knapp La Crosse Do Do Lake Geneva. . . Lancaster Lodi Lyons Madison Do Do Manitowoc Do Marshfield Mauston Medford Menomonie Do Merrill Milwaukee Do Do Do Do Do Mineral Point.. Do Mondovi Monroe Montfort Neilsville New London... New Richmond Oconomowoc... Oconto Oshkosh . . . Do Phillips.... Platteville. Do.... Plymouth. Do.. Portage . Racine.. Glenwood Intercounty Fair Assn. Burnett Co. Agl. Soc Central Agl. and Driving Park Assn. Northeastern Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Sawyer Co. Agl. Fair Assn Hillsboro Agl. and Driving Assn. Outagamie Co. Agl. Soc Bayfield Co. Fair Assn Janesville Poultry Assn Jefferson Co. and Rock River Valley Agl. Soc. Kilbourne Intercounty Fair . . . Knapp Fair Assn La Crosse Interstate Fair Assn . La Crosse Kennel Club Western Wisconsin Poultry Assn. Lake Geneva Poultry Assn — Grant Co. Agl. Soc Lodi Union Agl. Soc Lyons Poultry Assn Dane Co. Agl. Soc Wisconsin Poultry Assn Wisconsin State Hort. Soc Manitowoc Co. Fair Assn Manitowoc Feathered Stock Assn. Central Wisconsin State Fair Assn. Juneau Co. Agl. Soc Taylor Co. Agl. and Mechl. Assn. Dunn Co. Agl. Soc Northwestern Wisconsin State Poultry Assn. Lincoln Co. Agl. Soc Milwaukee Florists' Club Milwaukee Poultry Assn Milwaukee Riding Club National Dairy Show Assn Wisconsin Cheese Makers' Assn. Wisconsin State Board of Agr. Mineral Point Poultry Assn. . . Southwestern Wisconsin Fair. Buffalo Co. Agl. Assn Green Co. Agl. Soc. and Mechl. Inst. Montfort Poultry Assn Clark Co. Agl. Soc New London Agl. and Indus- trial Assn. New Richmond Park Assn... Oconomowoc Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Oconto Co . Fair Assn Oshkosh Poultry Assn Winnebago Co. Fair Assn Price Co. Agl. Soc Mound City Poultry Assn — Intercounty. County About Sept. 25 to 27. Last 3 days in Sept. . 1st wk. in Oct Local . Jan. or Feb . County Intercounty. . . Local . . County. 1st wk. in Oct About middle of Aug. Sept Last 10 days of Sept. . Intercounty. . . 1st wk. in Sept. Interstate . About Oct. 1 About Sept. 20 About Sept. 23 Last wk. in Sept 1st or 2d wk. in Dec. . County. Local . . . County. State... County. do.. Interstate . About Sept. 18 to 20... About Aug. 20 Jan About middle of Sept . 2d wk. in Jan Last part of Aug Thanksgiving wk 3d Aug. Intercounty. . County .do. 1st Sept About Sept. 17 to 19. 2d Sept County — Interstate . Last wk . in Aug . Nov Local International State. Dec Oct. 22 to 31. Jan. do Interstate . Count y do do 2d full Sept 2d wk. in Jan About middle of Aug State do Intercounty. Local National . 2d or 3d wk. in Sept.. 1st wk. in Jan. Sept 1st wk. in Oct. Intercounty. Sept Begins 2d Wed . in Dec. 1st Sept County. do.. Local . . Platteville Fair Assn Eastern Wisconsin Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. Sheboygan Co. Agl. Assn Columbia Co. Fair Assn Racine Feathered and Pet Stock Assn. (inc.). do International . Sept Last wk. in Sept Last wk . in Dec . or 1st Jan. About 1st wk in Sept.. Dec. and Jan County... do.... National . 1st or 2d Sept.. Last wk. in Aug.. . 2d or 3d Jan — General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Dogs. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Horticulture. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Floriculture. Poultry. Horses. Dairy p r o d- IK'tS. Do. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Poultry and pet stock. REQUEST.- corrections of -It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. 68 AGKICULTUEAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS IN UNITED STATES. Table 4. — List of fairs and exhibitions devoted to agriculture, live stock, and other related subjects, by States, 1912 — Continued. WISCONSIN— Continued. Place where held. Name of fair, exhibition, or association. Area covered. Time when usually held, or begins, or range of dates with- in which it is held. Kind of exhibit. Reedsburg Do Rhinelander . . Rice Lake Richland Center. Seneca Seymour Shawano Sheboygan Sparta Spring Green... Stanley Stevens Point. . St. Croix Falls Stoughton Sturgeon Bay. Superior Tomah Viola Viroqua Waterford.. Watertown. Do Wantoma. , Waukesha . Waupaca.. Wausau Do WestBenol... Westfield West Salem Weyauwega Wittenberg Baraboo Valley Agl. Soc . Reedsburg Poultry Assn . Oneida Co. Agl. Soc Barron Co. Agl. Soc Richland Co. Agl. Soc... Intercounty. Early in Aug. County. do.. do.. Crawford Co. Agl. Assn Seymour Fair and Driving Park Assn . Shawano Co. Agl. Soc West Shore Fanciers' Assn Sparta Poultry Assn Intercounty Fair do Stevens Point Fair Assn Polk Co. Fair Soc do Intercounty. County. Local . . 2d wk. in Sept... do Last wk. in Sept. Sept. .do. do Dec. and Jan. Intercounty. do County do Stoughton Poultry Assn Door Co. Fair Assn Superior Poultry Assn Eastern Monroe Co. Agl. Soc. Kickapoo Valley Agl. and Driving Park Assn. Vernon Co. Agl. Soc Waterford Poultry Assn Watertown Intercounty Fair Assn. Watertown Poultry Assn Waushara Co. Agl. Soc Waukesha Poultry Assn Waupaca Poultry Assn Central Wisconsin Poultry Assn. Marathon Co. Agl. Soc Washington Co. Agl. Soc Aug. 20 to Sept. 10... Last wk . in Sept About Sept. 10 3d or 4th wk. in Sept. or early in Oct. County. About Sept. 17. Intercounty. do Sept. or Oct. County Interstate . . . Intercounty. About middle of Sept 1st Feb About Sept. 24 to 27... County. Last wk. in Sept. State. Last wk. in Jan. Marquette Co. Agl. Soc La Crosse Co. Fair Assn Waupaca Co. Agl. Assn Badger Poultry and Pet Stock Assn. County Intercounty. County do do Interstate . 1st Sept Wk. following Wis. State Fair. Last part of Sept 3d Sept. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Do. Do. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. General agr. Poultry. Do. Do. General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Poultry and pet stock. WYOMING. Basin Cheyenne . Douglas. . . Laramie... Sheridan. . Wheatland Big Horn Co. Fair Assn... Citizens' Frontier Assn Wyoming State Fair Assn. Albany Co. Fair Assn Sheridan Co. Fair Assn Laramie Co. Fair Assn County National State Intercounty. County do Last of Sept 3d wk. in Aug Last wk. in Sept 2d or 3d wk. in Sept Aug. or Sept 2d and 3d wks. in Sept General agr. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. REQUEST.— It is requested that everybody who is able to do so will send to this department corrections of errors in this bulletin and additions to the list of fairs and exhibitions. o ■MUM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 004 535 R « jflfli