XL ^% CHILPRBH OF SUAASR '/ / ^^ { ■ ^oe3 the Misv see, •flti the brce5v? mca5o\v tossino? flt sees tbe wii^c blue overbear aii& tbe little clou&=tlocks erossino. Mbat &oes tbe 5aisv? see, 'TRoutiC* tbe suimv? mea&ow Glaneituj? Ht sees tbe butterflies' cbase, Hub tbe filmiT ouats at tbeir baueiug. Mbat boes tbe baisv? see, Down iu tbe orassp tbicl?ets? Ube grassboppers oreeu aub browu, Hub tbe uiiuble, coaUblaek erichets. lit sees tbe boboliuh's uest lEbat no one else cau biscov>er, Hub tbe broobiug uiotber=birb, Uttitb tbe floatiuG ofass above ber. Edith M. Thomas. \tt)St|v^''t(>^>^l Jul\> anb tbc 1[3uinble==bce. 3uls comes wttb sono anO laiuibtcr. (i;iov>er=t»losscms in ber baii&3 ; 1bumble=bee conies bujjincj after,— 3acftet brown witb \!Cllow> ban^3. "IF bave been tbe wbole fielD over, IHortb anD sontb an& east an^ west; an5 if 1l*m a jn&tje of clover, l!)on, 3ulB, bave fonnb tbe best ! "IF'll Give all tn\? bones*pleasnres Ubat in fielbs anb oarbens lie, lit son'll sbare tbe stolen treasures, lln vour baint^ banbs, 3nlv!" "IHo sir! for \?ou fret anb grumble; ((5rumble=bee 's tbe name for ^ou !) 3But if ever ?ou grow bumble Mbat vou ash me, tben 11 'II bo ! " Edith i\[. Thomas. « V. # f 4*' JLbc Matcr=lils bas a bcnvt of Qoli>, But v?et sl)c bi&c5 a secret never tol& ; "JEbe ^raGOl^=flv? coulJ? tell it, it be \voul& ; TTbe pipiuG sanb=larl? too bas un5er5tooC> ! Sbe loves tbe burnino smi, sbe loves the sba&e ; Iber lonel\? mvsterv malses me bait afraib: iMbcn 11 mv eager batiks reacb out to ber, Sbe tloats a\vai\— a fairv vovager ! 11 onlv hnoNV, betore tbe lilv blooms, a long time sbe must sleep in waterv glooms ; Hn5 wben sbe Dies, sbe &roops ber lovelv bea^ Down, C»o\vn upon tbe river's sbatteC* be? ! Edith M. Thomas. % i LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 016 165 878 9«