Class. Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress ^mnsptoama^rnnan in tfoe •ettlentent of itflarplanfc BY DANIEL WUNDERLICH NEAD, M.D. (Univ. of Pa.) Member of the Pennsylvania-German Society ; the Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; the Historical Society of Berks County ; the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution, etc. " Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit."— VIRGIL ILLUSTRATED BY JULIUS F. SACHSE, LITT.D. Part XXV. of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of The Pennsylvania-German Society LANCASTER, PA. 1914 /- / C5 Copyrighted 1913 BY THE pennsslvaniasfficrman Society Press of The New Era printing coupam? Lancaster, pa. ©CI.A379886 J . -I 1914 v M7. FOREWORD. " r jOR a century and a half the term " Mason and Dixon's Line" has been a more or less familiar expres- sion, and for the greater part of the latter half of that period it was frequently on men's tongues. The lines drawn on the earth's surface by geographers or laid out by the wisdom of statecraft are often taken in too literal a sense; and so, in the course of time, it came to pass that Mason and Dixon's Line came to be regarded almost as a tangible barrier : the line dividing the North from the South. Yet, as a matter of fact, were it not for the monuments set up at stated intervals it would be impossible to tell where the jurisdiction of one commonwealth ends and that of the other begins, The mountains and valleys are continuous, the fertile fields lie side by side, there is no difference to be found in the people, and it not unfrequently happens that a farm will lie partly on one side of the line and partly on the other, and there are even houses through which the line runs, one part of the house being in Maryland and the other part in Pennsylvania. vi The Pennsylvania-German Society. But outside of the question of contiguity there is a senti- mental attachment between the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania. Had the boundary between the two colonies been fixed at the point where the respective charters appar- ently placed it, the fortieth parallel of north latitude, a considerable portion of the territory now included within the state of Pennsylvania would belong to Maryland. The fortieth parallel runs about on a line with Lehigh Avenue in Philadelphia, so that had that meridian been decided on as the dividing line between the two colonies the greater part of the city of Philadelphia would now be situated in Maryland. So too would be a strip of territory nearly _ twenty miles in width, extending across the state and tak- ing in such towns as West Chester, York, Chambersburg, and all the fertile country surrounding those towns. In the following pages an attempt has been made to gather together in brief form what is known concerning the influence of the Pennsylvanians in the settlement of the western part of the colony of Maryland. There is no claim of originality, but use has been freely made of the results of other investigations. It is very unfortunate that there are but few records in existence concerning the period under consideration, so that many points cannot be deter- mined, but what is known has been put together in concise form for convenient reference. The writer wishes here to express his thanks to Dr. Julius F. Sachse for preparing the illustrations, which add materially to the interest in the work, and also to Dr. Frank R. Diffenderffer for material assistance in searching old records. &7Xs>v z > i o m 3D > z CO O o m H < Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 13 instructions sent out by Lord Baltimore to his brother, in 1 63 6, any member of the first party of colonists who brought over with him five men was to receive two thousand acres of land subject to an annual quit-rent of four hundred pounds of wheat. The same allotment of land was made to those who came over in the years 1634 and 1635, bring- ing with them ten men, but the rent was to be six hundred pounds of wheat, and those who came over later, or brought fewer men, were to be granted smaller amounts of land. 6 As Bozman says : 7 " It will be readily perceived, that these instructions, or conditions of plantation, were well calculated to induce men of some property in England, who were able to bear the expense of transporting serv- ants and dependents, to emigrate to this province. It is true, that it was sketching out aristocratic features in the future government of the province, which in other times, might have been supposed to operate in discouragement of emigration." But it was evidently this class of people that Lord Balti- more wanted, and foreigners were not even allowed to own land nor had they any political rights. It was not until 1648 that foreigners were allowed to take up land. In the commission of William Stone, lieutenant of the prov- ince, accompanying the conditions of plantation of 1648, and dated at Bath, August 20, 1648, Lord Baltimore writes : And we do hereby authorize and Require you till we or our heirs shall signify our of their Pleasure to the Contrary from time to time in our name and under the Great Seal of the said Province of Maryland to Grant Lands within our said Province to all Ad- venturors or Planters to or within the same upon such terms and 6 Archives of Maryland, Vol. Ill, p. 471 7 " History of Maryland," Vol. II., p. 38. 14 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Conditions as are expressed in the said last Conditions of Planta- tion bearing date with these presents and according to the forms of Grants above mentioned and not otherwise without further and special warrant hereafter to be obtain d for the same under our or our heirs hand and seal at Arms and whereas we are Given to understand that as well divers Frenchmen as some other People of other Nations who by our former as also by these last Conditions of Plantation are not Capable of having any lands within our said Province and are already seated or may hereafter with our or you our Lieutenants leave there for the time being seat themselves in our said Province we do hereby Authorize you to make any Person or Persons of French Dutch or Italian discent as you shall think fit and who either are already planted or shall hereafter come and Plant in our said Province Capable of our said last Conditions of Plantation and do hereby Give you Power to Grant Lands there- upon within our said Province unto them and every of them accord- ingly as well for and in respect of themselves as for and in respect of any Person or Persons of British or Irish discent or of any of the other discents aforesaid which they or any of them and also which any other Person of British or Irish discent shall hereafter with our or you our said Lieutenants leave transport into the said province in the same and in as ample manner and upon the same terms and Provisoes as you are hereby or by our Commission to you for the Government of the said Province authorised to Grant any Lands to any Adventuror or Planter of British or Irish discent within the said Province. 8 The following year the conditions of plantation were abrogated and new ones issued under date of July 2, 1649. The new ones were practically the same as those issued the year before except that they authorized an increase in the size of the manors to be granted. Lord Baltimore gives as his reason for issuing the new ones that those of 1648 " were not like to give sufficient encouragement to many 8 Archives of Maryland, Vol. III., p. 222. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 15 to adventure and plant there." Bozman seems to think 9 that this action on the part of Lord Baltimore, in allowing foreigners to take up land, was prompted chiefly by his anxiety to increase the population of the province, and that he was undoubtedly indifferent as to what sect of Protestant religion his colonists belonged. Whether this liberality on the part of Lord Baltimore led to any increase in the number of Germans who settled in the colony is not evident, but it is extremely probable that it did have that effect. There is no doubt that from a very early period in the history of Maryland the colony was constantly receiv- ing additions from the neighboring colony on the Dela- ware, which at the time of the founding of the colony of Maryland was under the control of the Dutch. It is true that these additions were not made up of a very desirable class of people, consisting chiefly, as they did, of runaway servants. The records of the Dutch and Swedish colonies on the Delaware frequently mention occurrences of this kind. In a letter from Director-General Peter Stuyvesant to the directors of the Dutch West India Company, dated September 4, 1659, ne says : 10 The City's affairs on the Southriver are in a very deplorable and low state. It is to be feared, that, if no other and better order is introduced, it will be ruined altogether; it would be too long and tedious, to report all the complaints brought from there, nor can all be received (as true;) but it is certainly true, that the people begin to run away in numbers, as for instance, while I write this, there arrives from there an English ketch, which went there with some provisions from Boston three weeks ago; the skipper of it, a well-known and trustworthy man, says that during his stay of 14 days at the Southriver about 50 persons, among them whole fam- ilies, run away from there to Virginia and Maryland. 9 " History of Maryland," Vol. II., p. 342. 10 Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. VII., p. 611. 1 6 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Again, on the 17th of the same month Stuyvesant writes i 11 We mentioned in our last letter the deplorable and bad state of affairs in the City's Colony on the Southriver, caused by the deser- tion and removal of the Colonists to Maryland, Virginia and other places, which increases daily in such a manner, that hardly thirty families remain. It is very probable that the state of affairs was greatly exaggerated by Stuyvesant, as there is no record of such wholesale additions to the population of Maryland, and the few stragglers who did make their way into that col- ony were not in sufficient numbers to leave any records of their doings. One of the first of the German settlers in Maryland of whom we have any record, and the first who may be called a Pennsylvania-German, was Cornelius Commegys. He had formerly lived in the colony on the Delaware, and after spending some time there had re- moved to Maryland. The exact date of his arrival in the latter colony is not known, but it was probably about 1661, as he was naturalized on July 22 of that year. In the same year Augustine Herman, writing to Vice-Director Beekman, of the Dutch colony on the Delaware, says: "Nothing could be done with Cornelius Comegys this year, it must be done next year and some other instructions sent from the Manhattans, which upon my return home I shall help your Honor to procure." 12 This would seem to indicate that there was some trouble in connection with Commegys's removal to Maryland. Weishaar 13 says that 11 Ibid., p. 617. 12 Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. VII., p. 697. 13 Report of the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, Vol. XV., p. 19. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 17 on July 30, 1666, Commegys received a patent for 150 acres of land in Cecil county. Later on he obtained a much larger tract of land, for the proceedings of Council show 14 that on December 15, 1669, he was granted a patent for 350 acres of land. There is very little known of the history of Cornelius Commegys. Weishaar says: "When in 1679 tne two Labadists, Danker-Schilders and Sluyter-Vorstmann visited Maryland, they found Com- megys in possession of a large farm, and his son Cornelius was about to buy a farm for himself. His first wife Wilhemintye, however, had died, and he was married again to an English woman." It may be interesting to note the manner in which for- eigners were naturalized at this time. It must be remem- bered, however, that at that period there was not the same distinction between the terms Dutch and German that there is to-day. In fact, the term German was rarely used, and the appellation Dutchman was indiscriminately applied to the representatives of all the Teutonic races. Under the heading " Denization of Swedes and Dutch," in the Pro- ceedings of Council, appears the following paper: 15 " Cascelius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c To all per- sons to whome theis shall come Greeting in our Lord God Ever- lasting. Whereas Peter Meyor late of New Amstell and Subject of the Crowne of Sweeden hauing transported himselfe his wife and Children into this our Province here to inhabite hath besought us to grante him the said Peter Meyor leaue here to Inhabite and as a free Dennizen freedome land to him and his heires to purchase Knowe yee that we Doe hereby Declare them the said Peter Meyor his wife and Children as well those already borne as those here- 14 Archives of Maryland, Vol. V., p. 59. 15 Ibid., Vol. III., p. 428. 1 8 The Pennsylvania-German Society. after to be borne to be free Dennizens of this our Province of Maryland And doe further for vs our heires and Successors straightly enjoyne Constitute ordeine and Command that the said Peter Meyer be in all things held treated reputed and esteemed as one of the faythful people of us our heires and Successors borne within this our Province of Maryland And likewise and lands tene- ments Revenues Services and other hereditam ts whatsoeu 1 " within our said Province of Maryland may inherrite or otherwise purchase receive take haue hould buy and possesse and them may occupye and enjoye Give Sell alyen and bequeathe as likewise all libertyes fran- chises and priviledges of this our Province of Maryland freely quietly and peaceably haue and possesse occupye and enjoye as our faythful people borne or to be borne within our said Province of Maryland without lett Molestacon vexacon trouble or Greivance of us our heires and Successo 1 " 3 and Custome to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding Giuen at Saint Marys vnder the Great Seale of our said Province of Maryland this two and twentyth day of July in the thirtyth yeare of our dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq domini One thousand six hundred Sixty one Wittness our Deare Brother Philip Calvert Esq 1 " our Leivetennant of our said Province of Maryland." Accompanying this paper is the following list of names of persons who were to be included in this process of naturalization : Axell Stille Bartholomew Hendrickson Peter Jacobson Cornelius Urinson Marcus Sipherson John Urinson Clement Micheelson Andreu Toreson Hendrik Hendrickson Paul Johnson Andrew Clementson Gothofrid Harmer Peter Montson Jacob Micheelson Hendrick Mathiason Cornelius Comages Mathias Cornelison Michaell Vandernorte John Wheeler Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 19 While this naturalization apparently accorded to the persons naturalized all the rights and privileges of natural-born citizens, such was evidently not the case, for at the meeting of the assembly thirteen years later, 1674, a number of these persons along with others, presented a petition asking that they and every one of them shall from henceforth be adjudged reputed and taken as natureall borne people of this Prouince of Maryland and alsoe that they and every one of them shall and may from henceforth by the same Authority be enabled and adjudged to all intents and Purposes able to demand Challenge aske haue hold and Injoy any Lands Tenements Rents & Hereditaments within this Prouince as Heire or Heires to any of their Ancestors by Reason of any discent in fee simple feetayle Generall or Speciall or Remainder vppon and fee Tayle generall or speciall to come to them or any of them by discent in fee simple feetayle Generall Spe- ciall or Remainder vppon any Estate tayle as aforesaid or by any other Lawfull Conveyance or Conveyances or meanes whatsoever as if they and every of them had been borne within this Prouince or were of Brittish or Irish discent as aforesaid and alsoe that they and every of them from henceforth shall and may be Enabled to prosecute maintaine & avow Justifie and defend all manner of accons suites plaints or other demands whatsoever as Liberally franckly freely Lawfully fully and securely as if all of them had been Natureall borne within the Prouince of Maryland. 16 The most distinguished German who at that period made his home in Maryland was Augustine Herman. Although he was born at Prague, Bohemia, it is very prob- able that Herman was a German. He entered the service 16 Archives of Maryland, Vol. II., p. 400. The names in this petition show how rapidly the process of anglicizing the names of foreigners pro- ceeded. For instance, Hendrik Hendrickson had become Henry Hender- son; Hendrick Mathiason, Henry Mathews; Andrew Clementson, Andrew Clements. 20 The Pennsylvania-German Society. of the Dutch West India Company and came to New Amsterdam, where he attained a position of prominence and married a relative of Peter Stuyvesant. When the trouble between the Maryland colony and the Dutch settlers on the Delaware seemed to be reaching an acute stage on account of the actions of Col. Nathaniel Utie, who had been sent to the Delaware colony by Governor Fendall, of Maryland, and notified the settlers there that the territory in question belonged to Maryland and de- clared that they must either leave or recognize the author- ity of Maryland, Augustine Herman was sent by Stuy- vesant as one of the commissioners to confer with the Maryland authorities and try to bring about a settlement of the difficulty. Their mission was a failure, but Herman seems to have been very favorably impressed with the locality and determined to make his home in Maryland. The various boundary disputes had taught Herman the importance of having a map of the territory, and he made a proposition to Lord Baltimore to the effect that he would make a map of the country if he were granted a certain amount of land with the privilege of a manor. This prop- osition was accepted, and in September, 1660, Herman received a grant of four thousand acres of land, to be selected where he saw fit. The tract chosen was on the Elk river, and early in the following year, having bought the land from the Indians, he settled on Bohemia Manor, as he named his acquisition. He immediately went to work on his map, which was completed in 1670. It covered the whole section of country between North Caro- lina and the Hudson river. In the acknowledgment of the receipt of the map Herman was informed That His Lordship had received no small Satisfaction by the variety of that mapp, and that the Kings Majesty, His Royall Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 21 Highness, and all others commended the exactness of the work, applauding it for the best mapp that ever was drawn of any country. Herman was naturalized by act of assembly on Sep- tember 17, 1763, it being the first act of this kind passed by the assembly. It also included Herman's brother-in- law, George Hack, Garrett Ruttzn and Jacob Clauson. The record of this transaction in the "Assembly Proceed- ings, September-October, 1663," is as follows: 17 Thursday Sep 1 17 th Then was read the pet n of Augustine Herman for an Act for Naturalizacon for himselfe Children and his brother in Lawe George Hack Ordered that An Acte of Naturalizacon be prepared for the Consideracon of both howses to naturalize Garrett Ruttzn and his Children and Jacob Clauson ffreemen of this Province Ordered likewise that an Acte of Naturalizacon be prepared for Augustine Herman, and his Children and his brother in Lawe George Hack and his wife and Children. Herman attained considerable prominence in the colony and filled various offices. He took an active part in the quarrels arising over the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania, and his house was named, in 1682, as the place of meeting for Lord Baltimore and Governor Mark- ham, of Pennsylvania, to discuss the question. It was also on Herman's land that the Labadist colony was estab- lished. 18 The Labadists were a pietistic sect founded in Germany about 1669 by Jean de Labadie. Labadie, who 17 Archives of Maryland, Vol. I., p. 462. 18 For a full account of the Labadists see " The Labadist Colony in Maryland," by Bartlett B. James. 22 The Pennsylvania-German Society. was born in 1610, had been educated as a Jesuit priest, but his pronounced inclination towards mysticism, as well as his eccentricities, made him objectionable to the Society of Jesus, and he easily secured his release from that order and became a free lance. His attacks on the Roman Catholic church, and more particularly the Jesuits, led to his persecution and he was driven by the authorities, civil and ecclesiastical, from one place to another. About 1650 he adopted the Calvinistic doctrines and was ordained a Protestant minister, but he soon found that, from his viewpoint, the Protestant church also needed reformation, and he attempted this reformation so vigorously that he again antagonized both the civil and ecclesiastical authori- ties and was finally deposed from the ministry. He then established an independent church to teach the pure prin- ciples and practices of the Christian faith, as he conceived them. He attracted followers and located at different places but was compelled to move, until finally, after the death of Labadie, the colony located at Weiward, in Friesland. The needs of the colony required more land for their support than they could procure at Weiward, and in 1679 the Weiward assembly sent Peter Sluyter and Jasper Danckers to America to look for a location for a new colony. These two men traveled under the names of P. Vorstman and J. Schilders. While in New York they made the acquaintance of Augustine Herman's son Eph- raim and accompanied him to Maryland, where they met the elder Herman. The two Labadists were much pleased with the locality and Herman was very favorably im- pressed with them. They were very anxious to secure part of his land for their colony, but while he would not agree to sell them any of it he became so entangled with them that later on he was compelled by legal action to Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 23 transfer part of his estate to them. 19 The two commis- sioners returned to Weiward to make their report to the assembly, and in 1683 brought back with them the nucleus for a colony and, through legal action, compelled Herman to transfer to them nearly four thousand acres of land, consisting of four necks of land eastwardly from the first creek that empties into Bohemia river, from the north or northeast to near the old St. Augustine, or Manor church. 20 The colony did not grow very rapidly and never amounted to much more than one hundred persons. It was domi- nated by Sluyter, who assumed the title of bishop, and who gradually managed to secure title to most of the land. He exacted rigid obedience from every member of the com- munity, to whom was assigned some part of the work. Some of them had to see to the cooking, others to the housework. The fields had to be cultivated by some, while others looked after the stock. " The different fam- ilies had dwellings according to their needs, though, by partitioning off the larger compartments, strict economy of space was observed. All rooms were at all times open to the pastors and to those who held oversight in their name. Those who joined the community resigned into the common stock all their possessions. Individuality in attire was suppressed. Degrading tasks were assigned to those suspected of pride. Samuel Bownas, a minister of the Society of Friends, in the record of his visit to the community gives a more particular account of their table discipline than can be found elsewhere. He says : ' After we had dined we took our leave, and a friend, my guide, went with me and brought me to a people called Labadists, where we were civilly entertained in their way. When 19 James, "The Labadist Colony in Maryland," p. 35. 20 Ibid., p. 38. 24 The Pennsylvania-German Society. supper came in, it was placed upon a large table in a large room, where, when all things were ready, came in at a call, twenty men or upwards, but no women. We all sat down, they placing me and my companion near the head of the table, and having passed a short space, one pulled off his hat, but not so the rest till a short space after, and then they, one after another, pulled all their hats off, and in that uncovered posture sat silent uttering no word that we could hear for nearly half a quarter of an hour, and as they did not uncover at once, neither did they cover them- selves again at once, but as they put on their hats fell to eating not regarding those who were still uncovered, so that it might be ten minutes time or more between the first and last putting on of their hats. I afterward queried with my companion as to their conduct, and he gave for an answer that they held it unlawful to pray till they felt some inward motion for the same, and that secret prayer was more acceptable than to utter words, and that it was most proper for every one to pray as moved thereto by the spirit in their own minds. I likewise queried if they had no women amongst them. He told me they had, but the women ate by themselves and the men by themselves, hav- ing all things in common respecting their household affairs, so that none could claim any more right than another to any part of their stock, whether in trade or husbandry.' " 21 According to the belief of the Labadists the church was a com- munity of holy persons who had been born again from sin, held together by the love of truth as it is in Jesus Christ. They laid great stress on the power of the Holy Ghost, operating not only through the scriptures and the administration of the sacraments, but also by direct communication with the souls of the elect. The presence of the Holy Ghost was indicated by the conduct of the 21 Ibid., p. 16. THE PENNSYLVANIA AUGUSTINE HERN! *MAN SOCIETY. m&jfe.w^' ^Sa&sj; ?^ ^fsc^^ 1 - s * S MAP, 1670. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 25 believer. They did not believe in infant baptism because it could not be foretold whether the child would grow up in the fear of God or in sin. To them baptism was the sealing of a new covenant with God and insured the washing away of sins. They held that the believers and unbelievers should be kept apart, and carried this doctrine to such a length that they believed it was the duty of a husband and wife to separate if either were not of the elect. They held themselves as freed from allegiance to any law. "Labadism," says James, 22 "was essentially a mystical form of faith, teaching supreme reliance upon the inward illumination of the Spirit. And yet the works of the Labadists disclose a high form of Christian faith and aspi- ration. Whatever its defects, and the opportunities for hypocritical pretence which it offered, Labadism was yet a standard of faith and conduct which no one could con- form to without at the same time exemplifying high Chris- tian graces." The Labadist colony on Bohemia river ceased to exist as such shortly after the year 1720. According to Weishaar, 23 other Germans who settled in Maryland prior to 1700 were Martin Faulkner, who was granted 150 acres of land in Anne Arundel county, Sep- tember 23, 1680; Daniel Hast, Somerset county, August 30, 1680; Robert Knapp, September 22, 1 68 1 ; Christo- pher Geist, August 10, 1684; William Gross, October 24, 1684; Richard Schippe; John Leniger, October 10, 1683; Rudolph Brandt, June 12, 1686; William Blankenstein, about 1685; John Falkner, 1685; Thomas Faulkner, June 12, 1688; William Gross, May 2, 1689; William Lange, November 10, 1691 ; Robert Sadler, April 4, 1689. 22 " The Labadist Colony in Maryland," p. 14. 23 Report of the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, Vol. XV., p. 20. 26 The Pennsylvania-German Society. These are practically all the Germans who had settled in the colony before 1700. Compared with those of other nationalities they were few in number and were not of sufficient importance to make any impression in consider- ing the character of the inhabitants. Maryland was still English in all respects and it remained so until the large influx of Pennsylvania-Germans a third of a century later. SPINNING WHEEL. MHBBMtO V WSM ■■€ *1 Sm CHAPTER III. The Germans in Pennsylvania. 3f ROM the time that Moses led the hosts of Israel out of Egypt toward the Prom- ised Land history records no such exodus of a people as that which took place from the Rhenish provinces of Ger- many in the early years of the eighteenth century. The op- pressed and impoverished in- habitants went, not by scores, nor even by hundreds, but literally by thousands. In this day we can scarcely realize the extent of the emigration which took place from Ger- many at that time, nor the causes which brought it about. These causes were varied, though it was the ruthless devas- tation of the valley of the Rhine, commonly known as the Palatinate, during the Thirty Years' War and those which followed it, "more than any other cause that started the great and steady stream of German blood, muscle and brains to Pennsylvania's shores." 24 24 Julius F. Sachse, Litt.D., in Proceedings and Addresses of the Penn- sylvania-German Society, Vol. VII., p. 172. 27 28 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Almost with the opening of the Thirty Years' War, in 1620, the troops of the Emperor Ferdinand II. of Ger- many, under Tilly and Maximilian, devastated the Protes- tant lands and cities of the Palatinate, and began the ravages which marked that war. The Protestants retali- ated, with the result that the country was almost depopu- lated. Before this war the Palatinate was credited with a population of half a million souls; at the close of the struggle a census showed less than one third of the original number. 25 It has been estimated that in the first half of the seventeenth century two thirds of the people of Ger- many perished from war, pestilence and famine. One of the effects of the war was the destruction of almost all trade and commerce. During the war Alsace, adjoining the Palatinate, was so terribly devastated by the French that the German Emperor found himself unable to hold it. The population was greatly reduced in numbers and much of the land was left uncultivated. With the end of the Thirty Years' War the impover- ished and destitute inhabitants of Germany hoped for a respite from their troubles and for a chance to rebuild their homes and rehabilitate their fortunes. But that hope was in vain. In 1674, during the Dutch War, Turenne pushed forward into the Palatinate, defeated the imperial- ists at Sinzheim, and deliberately destroyed the whole country. After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1685, large numbers of Huguenots left France and settled in the Palatinate. The French king becoming angered because the Palatine Elector gave shelter to these perse- cuted people, sent Louvois with one hundred thousand soldiers, with orders to destroy the Palatinate. "How well this horde of murderers did his bidding," says Dr. 25 Ibid., p. 125. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 29 Sachse, " is a matter of history. Even to the present day, after the lapse of two centuries, the line of march may be traced from the Drachenfels to Heidelberg. Crumbling walls, ruined battlements and blown-up towers still remain as mementoes of French vandalism." 26 But even this was not the end of their chapter of hor- rors, for with the opening of the eighteenth century the War of the Spanish Succession caused the country again to be overrun, and what little the previous marauders had left was destroyed by the flames and battles of another invasion. The few people who were left were in the direst poverty. Even those who a few years before were well-to-do, were now no better off than their poorest neighbors, for with their homes destroyed and their fields uncultivated they had nothing, and no prospects of having anything. But, as though the trial by the sword and flames was not enough, nature did what she could to still further afflict the stricken inhabitants of the Palatinate. The winter of 1708-9 was unusually severe. The cold was intense and long-continued, and the half-starved and destitute inhabi- tants were illy-prepared to withstand the rigors of that unusually severe winter, so that many of them perished from the cold. To the little remnant that was left it seemed as though they had been forsaken by God as well as by man, and they were ready to turn in any direction that offered an escape from the terrible situation in which they found themselves. At this juncture the agents sent out by William Penn, and to a lesser degree by some of the proprietors of some of the other American colonies, made their appearance and distributed broadcast glowing accounts of the new 26 Proceedings and Addresses of the Pennsylvania-German Society, Vol. VII., p. 170. 3 » CHAPTER V. The Monocacy Road. £ EFORE the coming of the white man the original own- ers of the American continent had made many paths, or " trails," as they were called, running from one section of the country to an- other for the use of their war parties, or on their hunting expe- ditions. At first, before any roads were cut, the settlers found it con- venient to continue using these trails, as they were generally the shortest route between any two points. They were suit- able for travelers on foot or for pack-horses, but could not be used for wagons, and as the needs of the settlers devel- oped many of the Indian trails were widened into roads, and not a few of the well-known highways of to-day are but the amplification of the by-paths over which the redman found his way through the primeval forest. One of these Indian trails started at a point on the Susquehanna river near where Wrightsville now stands and extended through the territory now forming parts of York and Adams 45 46 The Pennsylvania-German Society. counties, Pennsylvania, to a point on the Monocacy river near the boundary between the provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania, thence to the Potomac river, crossing the South Mountain through a gap known as Crampton's Gap. It was over this trail that the first Germans went from Pennsylvania to Maryland, in 17 10, and later when the movement became more extensive the same route was used. When communication between the settlements in Mary- land and Pennsylvania became more frequent the neces- sity of having better means of travel became urgent and steps were taken to have a road properly laid out. In 1739 application was made to the Lancaster county court for the appointment of viewers for such a road. The record of this proceeding may be of interest. It is found in "Road Docket No. 1, from 1729 to 1742," and is as follows : " 1739. At a Court of General Quarter Sessions, held at Lan- caster, the Seventh day of August, in the thirtieth year of His Majesty's reign Anno Dom. before John Wright, Tobias Hen- dricks, Thomas Edwards, Samuel Jones, Edward Smout, Thomas Lindley, Anthony Shaw, Samuel Boyd, James Armstrong and Emanuel Carpenter, Esqrs. Justices of our Lord the King, the Peace of our said Lord the King, in the said county to keep, as also divers ffelonys, tresspasses &c other misdeeds in the said county committed to hear & determine assigned. " Upon the Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of the town- ship of Hallem, on the West side of Susquehanah, setting forth the necessity of a road from John Wright's fferry, towards Potomac river, and praying that persons may be appointed to lay out the Same: Ordered by ye Court, that Joshua Minshall, Henry Hen- dricks, ffrancis Worley Jun r , Christian Crowl, Michael Tanner & Woolrick Whistler view and, if they or any four of them se cause that they lay the same by course and distance, ffrom the said fferry Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 47 to the line dividing the Provinces, and report ye same to ye next Court." At a Court of General Quarter Sessions held on the 5th and 6th days of February, 1740, the following return of the viewers was handed to the Court : " The Persons appointed at the August Court last & continued to November Court following do report that, pursuant to order, they have viewed and laid out a road from Susquehanah river South Westerly, towards the Province line, according to the courses & distances following, viz.: Beginning at the said river, in the line between the lands of John Wright Jun. and Samuel Tay- lor; thence South 80 deg. West 430 per. 71 deg. West. 562 per, to Crawl's run: South 70 deg. West, 430 per. to a marked white oak. West 76 per. to the Canoe run ; South 68 deg. West 254 per. to a black oak; South 53 deg. West 540 per. to the West branch of Grist creek; South 66 deg. West 280 per.; South 84 deg. West 264 perches; West 166 per. to Little Codorus creek; South 82 lor; thence South 80 deg. West 430 per. 71 deg. West. 562 per. South 72 deg. : West 260 pr. to Big Codorus creek ; continuing the same course 360 per. to Perrin's run, West 246 per. to Springle's field; South 72 deg. West 80 per: South-West 160 per; South 60 deg. West, 126 per. to the point of a steep hill: South 48 deg. West 134 per. South 69 deg. West 200 per. South 58 deg. West 240 per. to L^reman's run: South, 57 deg. West 40 per.: South 71 deg. West, 166 per. to a black oak, by Chrn Oyster's South 55 deg. West, 172 per. South 40 deg. West 330 per, South 52 deg. West 172 per. to Nicholas lougher's run: South 44 deg. West 380 per. South 58.„deg. West 376 per.: South 22 deg. West 120 per. to the West branch of the Codorus creek : South 30 deg. West 66 per.: South 36 deg. West, 60 per.: South 26 deg. West 66 per.; South 104 per." Here the court record of this proceeding concerning the road ends, but from the fact that the road was constructed 48 The Pennsylvania-German Society. it is quite probable that the report of the viewers was confirmed. By an act of the Maryland assembly this road was con- tinued to the Potomac river. It practically followed the old Indian trail and was known as the Monocacy Road. It was over this road that Benjamin Franklin, in 1755, sent the 150 wagons and 200 horses he had secured in Pennsylvania to General Braddock in preparation for the ill-fated campaign against Fort Duquesne. Having learned that Braddock had determined to send officers into Pennsylvania to seize the horses and wagons needed, in order to prevent such a catastrophe Franklin offered to secure the necessary equipment, and, making his headquar- ters at Lancaster, he sent the horses and wagons he was able to obtain over the Monocacy Road to Braddock's camp at Frederick. This was the route over which the settlers in Maryland sent their produce and manufactures to Philadelphia, at first by pack-horses and later by wagons. At first the wagons were home-made affairs, the wheels being sawed from the trunks of the gum, or buttonwood tree. Later came the well-known Conestoga wagon, 38 with its blue 38 It is remarkable how much misinformation is frequently crowded into the so-called " Historical Novel " — misinformation which is made to masquerade as fact. For instance, in " The Quest of John Chapman," by Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D.D., on page 80, appears the following remarkable explanation of the reason for building the Conestoga wagon in the shape in which it was made: " Not until they came to the Susquehanna did Dorothy appreciate the meaning of these wagons, with the body built like a boat with prow in front and curved behind. Coming to the edge of the river, the driver drove the team into the stream until the wagon floated like a boat. Then the horses and running gears were driven back to the land, and the wheels and axles were placed in the body of the wagon which had now become a boat. One driver poled or paddled, the other led the swimming horses, until all were conveyed safely to the opposite shore." Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 49 body and bright-red running gears, drawn by four, six, or even more horses. When the first wagons made their appearance the owners of the pack-horses bitterly opposed their use, just as, a few generations later, the wagoners opposed the building of the railroads. During the Revolution, when it was desired to transfer the British prisoners from Reading and Lancaster to some point farther in the interior, they were conducted over the Monocacy Road to the barracks at Frederick, Maryland, and to Winchester, Virginia. It was by this same road that General Wayne, in 178 1, led the Pennsylvania troops to Yorktown. The Monocacy Road was macadamized in 1808, and, until the railroads were built, it was the main thoroughfare between Maryland and the South and Phila- delphia and the eastern section of the country. 4* CHAPTER VI. The First Settlements. IT "N studying the early history of Maryland one is at once impressed by the fact that there are but few records. Outside of the Council and Assembly proceedings there is very little on record to show the growth and development of the colony during the first half of the eigh- teenth century. More particu- larly is this the case as regards the settlement of the western part of the state, the section in which movement of the Ger- mans from Pennsylvania was most prominent. Whether or not there were such records, it is impossible to say, but it is scarcely likely that this was the case. It is more probable that the Pennsylvania-German settlers, intent on preparing their lands for cultivation and building their homes, wasted no time on such matters ; and so it happens that the history of the first settlements in that section are shrouded in uncertainty. While it is known that a few Pennsylvania- Germans came down into Maryland during the first Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 51 quarter of the eighteenth century, there were not many of them and they were so widely separated that there was no attempt made to found a town or village. It was not until after the year 1730 that any considerable number of them settled in Maryland. The territory now known as Western Maryland, the part that was settled by the Pennsylvania Germans, was originally part of Charles county, which was formed in 1638. There was very little settlement of the western part of this county for nearly one hundred years, so that there was no change made in the county lines, and it was not until the Germans had come in numbers that a further division was deemed necessary. In 1748 the western part of the colony was erected into a county which was named Frederick. It was in this section that the Pennsylvania- Germans made their first settlements. The first permanent settlement made by the Pennsyl- vania-Germans was the village of Monocacy. 39 This vil- lage which was the most important settlement in western Maryland until it was outstripped in growth by its younger neighbor, the town of Frederick, has disappeared from the map, and even its site was unknown until the investigations of Schultz definitely fixed its location. It was situated on the west side of the Monocacy river near where the Virginia road crossed that stream, and about ten miles north of where Frederick was afterwards laid out. This, as Schultz says, would locate it a little south of the present town of Creagerstown. It was at Monocacy that the first church was built by the Pennsylvania-Germans, a log structure in which Henry Melchior Muhlenberg and Michael Schlatter afterwards held services, and it may 39 " First Settlements of Germans in Maryland," by Edward T. Schultz, p. 6. 52 The Pennsylvania-German Society. rightly be regarded as the mother-church of the Lutheran and German Reformed denominations in Maryland. In his investigation to discover the exact site of the ancient village of Monocacy Schultz enlisted the services of Rev. George A. Whitmore, of Thurmont, Maryland, and Mr. Whitmore's report, as given by Schultz, seems to settle definitely the location. Says Mr. Whitmore: 40 " From the information which I have been able to gather from the oldest and most reliable citizens here, one of whom is now ninety years old, and a man remarkably pre- served in mind, Mr. W. L. Grimes, Sr., also Mrs. Michael Zimmerman and Miss Melissa Myers, both of them bordering on eighty years, and others, it seems that the present Creagerstown is the site where the old log church stood. These good people, who are all connected with the oldest and most reliable families, remember quite well the old weather-boarded log meeting-house which preceded the present brick church, in 1834. Mr. Grimes helped to tear down the old building and purchased some of the logs and boarding, which he used in the construction of some houses in the village, and they are there to-day. From what I can learn from them, the church was origi- nally built simply of logs, and that the weather-boarding was supplied many years afterwards. The new brick church was erected a few rods north of the old site on a new lot containing one and a half acres, which, together with the old location, is covered with graves. The first graveyard lay immediately in the rear of the old church, and contains also an acre and a-half, but not a tombstone can be found, only the indenture of graves covered with a mat of broom-sage, under which no doubt much history is hidden. 40 Schultz, p. 21. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 53 " Then, again, I have found traces in two instances, plain and unmistakable, of the old Monocacy Road, passing just below the village, in a southwestern direction and crossing Hunting creek where, according to tradition, there was an old tavern, and where there are now three or four old dwellings. Tradition also says the Monocacy Road crossed the river at Poe's Ford, which has not been used for over a century. The road on both sides of the creek lies in timber land of old sturdy oak." At this late day it is impossible to determine the cause of the decadence of the town of Monocacy and its passing out of existence, but it is very probable that the laying out of another town a short distance away and on land that had a higher elevation, was one of the chief causes. Schultz says: "John Cramer, a German, or a descendant of a German, between 1760 and 1770 laid out a village on grounds belonging to him, which was named in his honor, Creagerstown. The site selected was a few rods north of the old log church and little less than a mile from the first settlement. The site selected for the new village was on more elevated ground, which fact doubtless caused it to expand to the detriment of the older village." That the existence of Monocacy as a town was well known is shown by the following letter addressed to Benjamin Tasker, esquire: London, July the 9th 1752. Sir: By the ship " Patience," Captain Steel, a number of Pala- tines are embarked for Maryland to settle there, which being noti- fied to me, and a Recommendation to you desired of me, in favour of Messieurs F. & R. Snowdens & D. Wolstenholme, to whose care they are consigned and recommended. I therefore desire you will give such necessary Assistance to the People on their Arrival, to forward them to Manockesy (which I 54 The Pennsylvania-German Society. understand is in Frederick County) or where else they shall want to go to settle within the Province, as in your Power, and that they may be accomodated in a proper manner; But the charges attending any such service to them must be done in the most mod- erate manner in respect to the Proprietor and to answer their requisites necessary to their service. The increase of People being always welcome, your prudence would have supplied this Letter in a kind Reception of them; nevertheless as particular occasions may require your Favour I conclude my recommendation of them, in giving them all possible satisfaction relating to the manner and Place they shall choose to settle in Maryland. I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant, C/ECilius Calvert. Washington in one of his letters also speaks of Mono- cacy. Another very early settlement was the village of Cono- cocheague, near the present site of Clearspring. This was a well-known place and is mentioned by Washington and other letter writers of that period. Until after the French and Indian War this was the most westerly settlement in Maryland. One of the early settlers in that locality was Jonathan Hager, who afterwards laid out Elizabeth-Town, now known as Hagerstown. Jonathan Hager was un- questionably a Pennsylvania-German. All writers on the subject say that it is impossible to find out just when he came to America, and Scharf says: 41 " Capt. Hager came from Germany about 1730." Yet the Pennsylvania Archives 42 and Rupp's "Thirty Thousand Names" 43 both give the time of his arrival in Pennsylvania as 1736. Ac- cording to these records among the passengers on the ship 41 " History of Western Maryland," Vol. II., p. 1059. 42 Second Series, Vol. XVII., p. 122. 43 Second Edition, p. 101. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 55 Harle, which arrived at Philadelphia September i, 1736, was Jonathan Heger, whose age is given as 22. The first record of his being in Maryland was when he obtained a patent for two hundred acres of land near the present site of Hagerstown. This was on December 16, 1739, so that it is probable that he spent about three years in Pennsylva- nia. According to Scharf, "the earliest information of Jonathan Hager, Sr., is found in the statement that he received a patent of certain land on which a portion of the city of Philadelphia now stands," but, unfortunately, Scharf rarely gives authority for his quotations. After his settlement in Maryland, at various times until 1765, Hager obtained patents to different plats of land until his holdings amounted to almost twenty-five hundred acres. He laid out the town of Elizabeth-Town (Hagerstown) in 1762. This was apparently a very successful undertaking, for ten years later, under date of September 7, 1772, Eddis writes: 44 "About thirty miles west of Frederick-town, I passed through a settlement which is making quick ad- vances to perfection. A German adventurer, whose name is Hagar, purchased a considerable tract of land in this neighborhood, and with much discernment and foresight determined to give encouragement to traders, and to erect proper habitations for the stowage of goods, for the supply of the adjacent country. His plan succeeded: he has lived to behold a multitude of inhabitants on lands, which he remembered unoccupied: and he has seen erected in places, appropriated by him for that purpose, more than a hun- dred comfortable edifices, to which the name of Hagar's Town is given, in honor of the intelligent founder." 45 44 "Letters from America," p. 133. 45 Jonathan Hager was born in 1714. In 174x3 he married Elizabeth Kershner. He died November 6, 1775, from the effects of an injury, a log 56 The Pennsylvania-German Society. The town of Frederick was laid out in 1745. The terri- tory had been settled ten years before by a party of colo- nists under the leadership of Thomas Schley, who was their schoolmaster. There is nothing on record to show whether Schley and his party came to Maryland by way of Penn- sylvania or not, and it has been assumed that they landed at Annapolis. The fact that their names have not been found in the Pennsylvania records does not prove con- clusively that they did not come to that colony first, as did most of the emigrants of that period, for those records are admittedly incomplete. It is a fact that cannot be controverted that of the thou- sands of Germans who settled in Maryland prior to 1760 and entirely changed the character of that colony, with but very few exceptions they were Pennsylvania-Germans. In fact, although there were some notable exceptions, the number who came directly to Maryland from Germany can be regarded as a negligible quantity. It is unfor- tunate that there was no record kept of the arrival of emi- grants at the ports of Annapolis and Alexandria, such as was kept at Philadelphia; or, if there was such a record kept, that it has disappeared, for owing to the absence of a record of this kind there is no way of telling just what number of Germans came directly to Maryland without first stopping in Pennsylvania* It is true that all writers who have touched upon this subject, and they are not a few, state that, according to the records of the port of Annapolis, from the year 1752 to 1755 German emigrants to the number of 1,060 arrived at that port, but the evi- dence presented is not sufficient, in my opinion, to prove rolling on him and crushing him at a saw-mill where he was superintend- ing the preparation of the lumber for the German Reformed church, in the building of which he took a great interest. THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. BREAD BASKETS, DOUGH TROUGH SCRAPERS AND COFFEE MILL. TAR BUCKET, TEA KETTLE, CAULDRON, SKELLET AND "SETAUM LOFFELL." Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 57 conclusively that this is the case. The authority for this statement is a paper read by Francis B. Mayer before the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, on October 21, 1890. 46 Some years ago Mr. Mayer saved from destruction at a paper mill two parchment-bound volumes entitled " Records of Arrivals and Clearances at the Port of Annapolis," commencing in 1748. According to this record, among the arrivals at that port were the following : September 18, 1752, Ship " Integrity," Jo. Coward, Master 150 tons, 6 guns and 14 men — the baggage of 150 Palatine passengers from Cowes. September 19, 1753, Ship "Barclay," J. Brown, Master, 120 tons, 12 men — baggage of 160 Palatines. November 8, 1753, Ship "Friendship," baggage of 300 Palatine Passengers. January 16, 1755, Ship "Friendship," baggage of 450 Palatine Passengers. It is upon this record that Mr. Mayer bases the state- ment that 1,060 Palatine emigrants arrived at the port of Annapolis. He says : " Of the arrival of Palatine Passen- gers, as the Germans were all known as Palatines, we have no mention except in connection with their baggage." It seems to me that this is rather significant, and it at once raises a doubt as to whether the assumption that these ships brought the passengers as well as their baggage is correct. The story of the oppression and suffering undergone by the German emigrants who sought a home in America two hundred years ago is an oft-told tale; and standing out prominently in the story are the accounts of the villainous 46 Report of the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, Vol. V., p. 17. 58 The Pennsylvania-German Society. methods employed by the promoters, as they would be called to-day; the Neulanders, as they were known then; the men who by every means in their power tried to induce as many as possible to take ship for America. It is a well- known fact that these shipping-agents made a practice of so arranging matters that frequently a family of emigrants would find out too late that their baggage — all their house- hold effects, their clothing, and often even all the money they possessed — was not put on board the vessel on which they had taken passage, but had been left behind on the dock. When this fact was discovered the Neulander would promise that the baggage would follow on the next ship; but in very many such cases the owners never saw their baggage again. It was a very common practice to send such baggage to a port other than the one to which the owner had gone, and when the latter was not on hand to claim it when it did arrive it was usually sold and the proceeds of the sale divided between the captain of the ship and the shipping-agent, the Neulander. Bearing this fact in mind, when we read of certain ships bringing to Annapolis the baggage of over one thousand Palatine passengers, with no mention of the passengers themselves, the information that has come down to us con- cerning the methods of the Neulanders is at least suffi- cient to raise a doubt as to whether there were any German emigrants brought by those ships; whether those different lots of baggage were not some of that literally stolen from the unfortunate emigrants, who, without their belongings, and in many cases their money which had been carefully put away in their chests, were not able to pay for their passage and were sold as Redemptioners. This view of the matter seems but the more likely when we consider the fact that at least two of these ships, the Friendship and the Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 59 Barclay, and probably also the Integrity, were commonly- engaged in carrying German emigrants to the port of Philadelphia. Considering all the circumstances of the matter, it seems to me that there is more than a reasonable doubt as to whether there were any emigrants landed at the port of Annapolis from the ships specified. The town of Frederick grew rapidly and soon out- stripped the older villages, and three years after it was laid out, when the county of Frederick was organized, it was made the county seat. In an address delivered at the Centennial celebration held at Frederick in 1876, Dr. Lewis H. Steiner said: Frederick was laid out by an English gentleman, but its lots and the rich farms immediately surrounding it were soon taken up by a host of honest, thrifty, laborious German emigrants, who fled from the oppressive restrictions of their own fatherland to seek a refuge here for themselves and their families, and whose names under- went many a distortion and mutilation at the hands of the English representatives of the Lord Proprietor, as they labored to write them down from sound upon the pages of our early records. The German was spoken one hundred years ago more freely and fre- quently upon the streets of Frederick than the English, two of their congregations had their service entirely in that language, the children were instructed in both languages in the schools, the style of houses and barns introduced was that of German rather than English origin, and, in various degrees of modification, had so held its place here that strangers who have had the opportunity of European travel invariably notice how much Frederick resembles a continental town. But these emigrants brought with them their mother-tongue and familiar forms of worship and architecture. They brought also German thrift, industry, and honesty, with ardent love of home — wherever it might be, whether native or adopted, — they brought laborious habits, virtuous lives, truthful tongues, unflinching courage, and an intense longing to do their duty to their families, the community, and the State. 60 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Writing of Frederick in 177 1, William Eddis says: 47 "The third place of importance in the province of Mary- land, is situated about seventy miles west of Annapolis, and is the capital of a most extensive, fertile and populous county. Frederick Town is the name of this settlement. Within fifty years, the river Monocacy, about three miles to the eastward, was the extreme boundary of cultivated establishments; and Mr. Dulany, father of the present secretary of the province, was much censured for having procured considerable tracts of lands, in the vicinity of that river, which it was generally supposed could not even repay the trifling charge of the purchase, for many succeed- ing generations. The richness of the soil, and the salu- briety of the air, operated, however, very powerfully to promote population; but what chiefly tended to the ad- vancement of settlements in this remote district, was the arrival of many emigrants from the palatinate, and other Germanic states. . . . This place exceeds Annapolis in size, and in the number of inhabitants. It contains one large and convenient church, for the members of the estab- lished religion : and several chapels for the accommodation of the German and other dissenters. The buildings, though mostly of wood, have a neat and regular appearance. Pro- visions are cheap and plentiful, and excellent. In a word, here are to be found all conveniences, and many super- fluities." The town of Baltimore was laid out in 1730 but it did not at first, at least, attract the Germans from Pennsylva- nia. They were, as a rule, farmers by occupation, and they preferred to settle on the fertile lands in the western part of the colony rather than make their homes on the seaboard, particularly as the conditions of living in the 47 " Letters from America," p. 98. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 61 latter locality were very unfavorably influenced by the fact that tobacco culture overshadowed all other occupa- tions and produced a financial stringency that could not be easily overcome. Among the first, if not the first, of the Pennsylvania-Germans to settle in Baltimore were Leonard and Samuel Barnitz, who came from York about the year 1748 and established the first brewery there. Other Lan- caster and York county Germans who later followed them were the Diffenderffers, the Leverings, the Steigers, the Strickers, and others, but, at least until after the Revolu- tion, the additions to the population of Baltimore from this source were not of very great importance compared with the number who were filling up the western part of the state. Shortly after 1745 a number of Germans from Pennsyl- vania, chiefly Moravians, made a settlement at what is now the village of Graceham, in Frederick county, about twelve miles northwest of Frederick. Of these people Schultz says: 48 "Its earliest settlers were Germans or descendants of Germans, who drifted into Maryland from the Pennsylvania settlements. Among them were the Har- baughs, Boilers, Hens, Ebenhards, Kreigers, Reinekes, Lydricks, Seiss, Schmidts, Utleys, Williards, Zahns, Her- zers, Rosens, Renzands, Schaafs and Richters." The dis- trict in which Sharpsburg is located was another section settled chiefly by the Pennsylvania-Germans, although there were also a number of English among them. Among the early German settlers were the families of Cruse, Nead, Sahm, Graff, Bartoon and others. There were a number of other small settlements made by the Pennsylvania- Germans but they did not become places of importance before the Revolution, and after that struggle the number 48 " First Settlements of Germans in Maryland," p. 16. 62 The Pennsylvania-German Society. of Germans who came to Maryland direct from the Father- land increased rapidly, and there were numerous additions as well from among the Hessians who had come to fight and remained to be citizens, so that the Pennsylvania- German influence was not so predominant as in the pre- Revolutionary period. The unceasing stream of Germans which flowed through the province of Pennsylvania to the outposts of civilization and formed a bulwark between the savage aborigines and the older settlements, peopled a wilderness from which they carved an empire. They found nothing there except the fertile land. Whatever of material prosperity they had they produced with their own hands and brain. They were not an ignorant people and although mostly farmers, yet following the German custom, every boy was taught some trade, so that in their new homes with no one to depend upon but themselves, after their homes were built and their fields plowed and sowed they turned their hands to whatever was necessary to be done. As Scharf says, 49 " It is a significant fact that nearly all the German immi- grants who came into Maryland soon established them- selves in permanent homes, and in almost every instance took rank at once as thrifty and enterprising citizens. The greater number were skilled in agriculture, but there was a large percentage of first-rate mechanics, shoemakers, paper-makers, butchers, watch-makers, bakers, smiths, iron-workers, etc. It is a generally recognized fact that the Protestant population of France and Germany sup- plied the best class of workmen in the various branches of manufacture. Thus we are told by the historian Lecky that 'twenty thousand Frenchmen attracted to Branden- burg by the liberal encouragement of the elector at the time 49 " History of Western Maryland," Vol. I., p. 613. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 63 of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, laid the founda- tion of the prosperity of Berlin and of most of the manu- factures of Prussia.' The same is true in a greater or less degree of all the Protestant refugees, and it would be difficult to overestimate the industrial value to our own country of the successive immigration of whole communi- ties from the different German states." Nor did those in authority hesitate to give the Germans credit for what they were doing. As early as 1745, Daniel Dulany writing to Governor Samuel Ogle, says: "You would be surprised to see how much the country is im- proved beyond the mountains, especially by the Germans, who are the best people that can be to settle a wilderness ; and the fertility of the soil makes them ample amends for their industry." In 1773 Governor Eden, in a letter to Lord Dartmouth, says of the Germans who had settled in the western part of the state: 50 "They are generally an industrious laborious people. Many of them have acquired a considerable share of property. Their improvement of a Wilderness into well-stocked plantations, the example and beneficent Effects of their extraordinary industry have raised in no small degree a spirit of emulation among the other inhabitants. That they are a most useful people and merit the public regard is acknowledged by all who are acquainted with them." Even the narrow-minded Eddis whose British prejudice could find but little to praise in the colony, had a good word to say of the Germans. In one of his letters he says: 51 "These people who, from their earliest days, had been disciplined in habits of indus- try, sobriety, frugality, and patience, were peculiarly fitted 50 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Fourth Series, Vol. X., p. 694. 51 " Letters from America," p. 99. 64 The Pennsylvania-German Society. for the laborious occupations of felling timber, clearing land, and forming the first improvements; and the success which attended their efforts induced multitudes of their enterprising countrymen to abandon their native homes, to enjoy the plenteous harvest which appeared to await their labors in the wild, uncultivated wastes of America." Washington in his numerous journeys through western Maryland had a good opportunity to note the manner in which the Germans had developed that section, and he was so favorably impressed with the evidences of their desirability as colonists that when he was planning to develop the lands presented to him by the British govern- ment at the close of the French and Indian War, he seri- ously considered the advisability of bringing over a number of Germans to settle on his property. With this idea in view he wrote the following letter to James Tilghman, of Philadelphia : 52 Interested as well as political motives render it necessary for me to seat the lands, which I have patented on the Ohio, in the cheapest, most expeditious, and effectual manner. Many expe- dients have been proposed to accomplish this, but none, in my judg- ment, so likely to succeed as the importing of Palatines. But how to do this upon the best terms, is a question I wish to have an- swered. Few of this kind of people ever come to Virginia, whether because it is out of the common course of its trade, or because they object to it, I am unable to determine. I shall take it very kind in you, therefore, to resolve the following questions, which I am persuaded you can do with precision, by inquiring of such gentle- men, as have been engaged in this business. Whether there is any difficulty in procuring these people in Holland ? If so, from whence does it proceed? Whether they are to be had at all times, or at particular seasons only, and when? Whether they are engaged 52 Sparks' "Washington," Vol. II., p. 382. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 65 previously to sending for them, and in what manner? Or do ships take their chance after getting there? Upon what terms are they generally engaged? And how much for each person do they com- monly stand the importer landed at Philadelphia? Is it customary to send an intelligent German in the ship, that is to bring them? Do vessels ever go immediately to Holland for them, and, if they do, what cargoes do they carry? Or are they to go round, and where? In short, what plan would be recommended to me, by the knowing ones, as best for importing a full freight, say two or three hundred or more, to Alexandria? In case of full freight, how are the numbers generally proportioned to the tonnage of a vessel ? At the same time he wrote a letter to Henry Riddell, a ship-owner, in which he offered to pay the traveling ex- penses of the German emigrants to the Ohio river and to provide the settlers with victuals until a first crop had been gathered, and to exempt them from the payment of any rent for a period of four years, if there was no house on the property at the time of taking possession of it. 5* CANDLE-STICK, SNUFFERS AND HOUR-GLASS. CHAPTER VII. Home-Making in the Wilderness. HT this day it is difficult to realize the task accom- plished by the hardy pioneers who, nearly two centuries ago, left behind them all the advan- tages of a civilized community and went into the wilderness to j~ build themselves homes; into a wilderness inhabited by wild ani- mals of every description and, still more to be feared, the savage Indians. It required a courageous and indomitable spirit, for every settler literally took his life in his hands and as well the lives of his loved ones. We have heard many tales of the bravery and daring performances of these men, and, now and then, some woman is mentioned as having per- formed some act which made her memorable; but the silent woman, those unknown thousands of whom we do not hear, are worthy of as much commendation and their memory is as much to be revered as is that of the men. Their part in the building was as important and as strenu- ous as that of the men, although, perhaps, not so plainly 66 H I m "0 m z z o> < < > z > i o m ■x> > z CO o o m H Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 6j discernible. It was no easy matter for them to attend to the ordinary routine of housekeeping with only the rudest utensils to do it with. There was for them no spare time : when there was nothing else to be attended to the spinning- wheel and the loom must be kept busy. They were a hardy race, inured to hard work and the lack of comforts, yet the tombstones which have survived the ravages of time and the church records tell us that even they could not long bear up under the strenuous existence, but were frequently cut off in what we would now consider the prime of life. The advance of civilization and the improvements in the mode of living have materially lengthened the span of life, and on the foundations reared by those venture- some pioneers their descendants to-day live to a far greater age surrounded by comforts and advantages undreamed of in those days. The first thing the settler had to attend to after deciding upon the place to locate was to provide a shelter. Some- times natural caves afforded convenient temporary shelter, but, as a rule, it was necessary to erect some sort of a struc- ture. The first dwellings were very simple affairs, the erection of more elaborate cabins and houses being de- ferred until some of the land had been put under cultiva- tion. The simplest shelter was made by planting two forked poles at the proper distance apart and laying in the forks another pole to serve as a ridge-pole. Against this ridge-pole slabs cut from larger trees were placed, sloping to the ground. One end was closed by other slabs, while the other end was partly closed in the same way, the open- ing left being covered by a rudely-constructed door or sometimes merely covered by a blanket. Sometimes the hard beaten earth was used as the floor, while at other 68 The Pennsylvania-German Society. times the floor would be constructed of the split slabs of wood. The next dwelling was the cabin built with hewn logs, with a roof of clapboards or plank, and in some cases of shingles, and a plank floor. Until saw-mills were erected all the planks used in building had to be cut from logs with the whip-saw. Kercheval gives the following descrip- tion of making planks with the whip-saw : 53 It was about the length of the common mill-saw, with a handle at each end transversely fixed to it. The timber intended to be sawed was first squared with the broadaxe, and then raised on a scaffold six or seven feet high. Two able-bodied men then took hold of the saw, one standing on the top of the log and the other under it, and commenced sawing. The labor was excessively fatiguing, and about one hundred feet of plank or scantling was considered a good day's work for the two hands. The introduc- tion of saw-mills, however, soon superseded the use of the whipsaw, but they were not entirely laid aside until several years after the Revolution. The building of the log cabin required more extensive preparations. Trees of proper size had to be selected and cut down and hewn into logs with the broadaxe and prop- erly notched, clapboards had to be split for covering the roof and various other purposes, and when shingles were to be used they had to be rived. In the more thickly settled portions of the country a number of neighbors would frequently join with the owner in building his cabin, and in this way a very elaborate structure could be erected in a short time. Dr. Doddridge thus describes the erection of such a structure: 54 53 "A History of the Valley of Virginia," p. 134. 54 " Notes on the Settlements and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania," p. 135 et seq. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 69 The fatigue party consisted of choppers, whose business it was to fell the trees and cut them off at proper lengths. A man with a team for hauling them to the place, and arranging them, properly assorted, at the sides and ends of the building, a carpenter, if such he might be called, whose business it was to search the woods for a proper tree for making clapboards for the roof. The tree for this purpose must be straight grained and from three to four feet in diameter. The boards were split four feet long, with a large frow, and as wide as the timber would allow. They were used without planing or shaving. Another division was employed in getting puncheons for the floor of the cabin; this was done by splitting trees, about eighteen inches in diameter, and hewing the faces of them with a broadaxe. They were half the length of the floor they were intended to make. The materials for the cabin were mostly prepared on the first day and sometimes the founda- tion laid in the evening. The second day was allotted for the raising. In the morning of the next day the neighbors collected for the raising. The first thing to be done was the election of four corner men, whose business it was to notch and place the logs. The rest of the company furnished them with the timbers. In the mean- time the boards and puncheons were collecting for the floor and roof, so that by the time the cabin was a few rounds high the sleepers and floor began to be laid. The door was made by sawing or cutting the logs in one side so as to make an opening about three feet wide. This opening was secured by upright pieces of timber about three inches thick through which holes were bored into the ends of the logs for the purpose of pinning them fast. A similar opening, but wider, was made at the end for the chimney. This was built of logs and made large to admit of a back and jambs of stone. At the square two end logs projected a foot or eighteen inches beyond the wall to receive the butting poles, as they were called, against which the ends of the first row of clapboards was supported. Trie roof was formed by making the end logs shorter until a single log formed the comb of the roof; on these logs the 70 The Pennsylvania-German Society. clapboards were placed, the ranges of them lapping some distance over those next below them and kept in their places by logs placed at proper distances between them. The roof and sometimes the floor were finished on the same day as the raising. In the mean time the masons were busy. With the heart pieces of the timber of which the clapboards were made they made billets for chunking up the cracks between the logs of the cabin and chimney. A large bed of mortar was made for daubing up those cracks. A few stones formed the back and jambs of the chimney. As a rule the furniture used by the early settlers was of the rudest sort, generally home-made. Sometimes there might be a piece or two brought from their old home, and these, of course, were highly prized, and some of them have been handed down to the present day as heirlooms. But the bulky nature of furniture precluded much of it being carried on the journey to the wilderness. The lack of regular furniture was made up by all sorts of make- shifts. A table was usually made from a split slab, the top surface smoothed off and four legs set in auger holes. Three-legged stools were made in the same way, as were also benches on which to sit at the table while eating. Wooden pins driven into the logs and supporting clap- boards served as closets and shelves. Sometimes bed- steads were made in this way: A single fork was placed with its lower end in a hole in the floor and the upper end fastened to a joist. A pole was placed in the fork with one end through a crack between the logs of the wall and this was crossed by a shorter pole within the fork with its outer end through another crack. Sometimes other poles were pinned to the fork a little distance above these for the purpose of supporting the front and foot of the bed, while the walls were the supports of its back and head. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 71 As the settler prospered and his possessions increased, sooner or later, the simple log cabin was replaced by a more pretentious dwelling. This, too, was often built of logs, but in that event the materials were better prepared and the logs joined more evenly, and sometimes the outside was covered with clapboards, and in some instances with plaster, producing the "roughcast" house. In regions where limestone was plentiful the house was often built of stone in a very substantial manner; so much so that some of these houses built by the early settlers are standing to-day. These houses were very much more commodious than the first log cabin, generally being two stories in height, with sometimes a garret, the floors being divided into several rooms, and having a cellar underneath. In many instances the largest room in the house was the kitchen, on one side of which was a large open fire-place, or hearth. These fire-places were quite an institution, in which a great fire of oak or hickory cord-wood was made. During the winter the kitchen was usually the living-room, as in all probability it was the only room in the house in which there was a fire. The family would seat themselves about the fire, with, perhaps, no other light than that made by the burning logs. The only means of producing light was by the use of tallow candles or the fat-lamp, and many a boy who later made his mark in the world learned the letters of the alphabet and to read by the flickering light from the blazing logs in the huge kitchen fireplace. The cooking utensils were of the simplest kind. There were no stoves and all cooking had to be done over the open wood fire. Iron pots and pans were supported over the coals by an iron tripod, or swung by chains attached to a beam or iron bar set in the chimney. Later the chain was superseded by iron pot-hooks which could be adjusted 72 The Pennsylvania-German Society. to different lengths. Baking was accomplished in a Dutch oven, a squat iron pot with an iron cover, over which the hot coals could be heaped. This was succeeded by the large arched oven built of masonry. Sometimes this was detached from the house under a shed, but very often it joined the house, the iron door of the oven opening into the kitchen fireplace. Baking in these ovens was an inter- esting process, a process rarely seen in private families, at least, nowadays. The oven was large enough to take in cord-wood, with which it was filled and the fire started. When the wood was all consumed the ashes were scraped out, and the floor of the oven swabbed with a wet cloth on a pole, to remove any ashes remaining. The loaves of bread were placed on the floor of the oven with the peel, a broad, flat wooden paddle with a long handle. The baked loaves were removed from the oven in the same way. In preparing the bread for the oven each loaf as it was shaped Was set to rise in a bread-basket, made of braided straw, similar to those shown in the illustration. 55 Until the introduction of stoves the only way of heating a house was by open wood fires, and, as a rule, but few of the rooms were heated. One of the earliest contrivances used was the Franklin stove, named from its inventor, Benjamin Franklin, which was but a modification of the open fireplace. It consisted of iron plates set into the fire- place, a back-piece, with two sides and a top and bottom. The bottom piece, or hearth, extended into the room some distance from the chimney, and the top piece slightly so, the latter forming a shelf upon which articles could be placed to be kept warm. Sometimes instead of iron plates 55 In the childhood of the writer bread-baskets exactly like those shown in the illustration were used by the juvenile members of the family on Christmas Eve, being set in the chimney-corner, in place of hanging a stocking, in anticipation of the visit of the Kris-kingle. H I m "0 m z z CO < > z Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 73 slabs of soapstone were used in constructing the Franklin stove. Later came the cast-iron stove, box-like in shape, with its modification, the ten-plate stove, with its oven for baking. In the absence of refrigerators a spring-house in which to keep milk and butter was almost a necessity, and wherever it was possible such a structure was built. Some- times the ingenuity of the settler was exercised in construct- ing a spring-house in the absence of a spring to flow through it. The writer is well acquainted with one good example of a spring-house of this sort, built some time during the eighteenth century. There was no spring on the property, but there was a deep well with an abundant supply of cold water. The spring-house was built near by the well. It was excavated to a depth of about two and a half feet below the surface, and thick stone walls were erected, surmounted by a heavy arch. Along one side a heavy wooden trough was built from which an iron pipe led to the well, where it was inserted into the pumpstock. Every time the pump was used the surplus water remaining in the stock, through siphonage and gravity, flowed into the trough in the spring-house, keeping the latter con- stantly filled with fresh cold water and answering all the purposes of a spring, in which to set the milk cans and butter pails. This building had a second story, the upper part serving as the smoke-house for curing the meat. At one corner on the outside, about five feet from the ground, an iron fire-box was constructed in the wall, with a flue leading up into the smoke-house. In smoking meat a fire of hickory sawdust and chips was built in the fire-box, the smoke being conducted up into the room where the meat was hung. Being on the outside at the ground level, the fire could be attended to with but little inconvenience. The 74 The Pennsylvania-German Society. substantial character of this structure is shown by the fact that although during the Civil War the upper part of the building was destroyed by fire, the arch remained intact and is in as good condition to-day as when it was built a century and a quarter ago. During the first year or two the matter of providing food for his family was a serious consideration for the settler in a new country, particularly if he were located at a considerable distance from the more thickly settled local- ities. A family starting off to make a home in the wilder- ness, even if the cost did not prevent, was not able to carry with them sufficient food to last them until their land could produce what they needed, and at times during their first year there was not much variety in their food. The streams provided them with fish, and the woods with flesh and fowl, but very often their vegetable supply de- pended upon whether wild tubers and edible roots could be found in their locality. But after the first year, when the land had been cleared and planted with corn and wheat, and vegetable gardens provided, there was usually an abundance of food. Indian corn was one of their staples, and to a less degree wheat, but with both of these the difficulty lay in the grinding, if there was no mill near by. Sometimes a hand-mill was used, and in the absence of this a course meal was made by pounding the grain in a large mortar improvised by burning a deep hole in a wooden block, another block of wood providing the pestle. Hominy was made in much the same way. Beef was a rarity until a sufficient supply of domestic cattle had been raised, but its lack was supplied by venison and bear meat, of which plenty could be obtained in the forests. They were usually well supplied with pork, as the hogs were allowed to run loose in the woods, where Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 75 they found plenty upon which to feed. Every family raised a lot of hogs, and about the beginning of winter these were butchered and the meat cured. Butchering day was quite an institution. The hogs were killed and cleaned the day before, and early the next morning the butchers started to work cutting up the carcases, The work called for the assistance of all the members of the family as well as that of what neighbors could be procured, to help to cut up the fat to be rendered into lard. The hams and shoulders were trimmed ready for putting into the brine, to be cured for smoking, many yards of sausage was stuffed, as well as liver-pudding (Leberwurst) . In pre- paring the latter the liver and kidneys, with the tenderloin and some of the head-meat, was put into a large iron kettle and boiled until it was thoroughly cooked. It was then transferred to the block and chopped fine and stuffed into skins, like the sausage, or packed in crocks and sealed with a layer of fat. The water in which the meat had been boiled was used to prepare what was commonly called Pon-hoss (Pfannhase), that is, Pan-rabbit. A great many fantastic explanations have been given of the deri- vation of this term, but it is simply one of the humorous names similar to Welsh-rabbit, for a mixture made from cheese, or Leicestershire plover, for a bag-pudding. Pon- hoss was made by using the water in which the pudding- meat had been boiled for making a corn-meal mush. This was put into pans to harden and was then cut into thin slices and fried. Sometimes a mixture of corn-meal and wheat flour, or buckwheat flour was used. A somewhat similar mixture is made nowadays in the larger cities, par- ticularly Philadelphia, and is known as scrapple, but it is not the pon-hoss of the early Germans. 56 56 " A University of Pennsylvania professor, whose home is in Vienna, tells me that nowhere on the continent of Europe did he ever eat anything j6 The Pennsylvania-German Society. On Shrove Tuesday every German housewife cooked a great dish of Fastnacht-cakes, or fastnachts (Anglice Fosnot) as they were usually called, a cake made of a modified bread-dough and fried in deep fat. These cakes were a very common dish throughout the winter, in some families almost entirely replacing the use of bread. There were a number of dishes peculiar to the Germans, such as "Sauer-Kraut und Speck," "Schnitz und Knopf," etc., which to those not to the manner born may seem strange, but very often a stranger tasting them for the first time found that they were not to be despised. Coffee and tea were not for everyday use, nor was there a plentiful supply of dishes and knives and forks for table use. Very often wooden platters, or, in some instances, pewter dishes and spoons, were used, and when individual plates were lacking the members of the family helped themselves from the general dish. Dr. Doddridge gives an interesting account of the first time he saw cups and saucers and tasted coffee: 57 " I well recollect the first time I ever saw a tea cup and saucer, and tasted coffee. My mother died when I was about six or seven years of age. My father then sent me to Maryland with a brother of my grandfather, Mr. Alexander Wells, to school. At Colonel Brown's in the mountains, at Stony creek glades, I for the first time saw tame geese. . . . The cabin and its furniture were such as I had been accustomed to see in the backwoods, as my country like scrapple. He is quite certain that it is of American origin. Nor can he, excellent scholar in five languages as he is, and whose mother tongue is German, explain just whence the name ponhaus. I venture to assert that if you said ponhaus to a Philadelphia waiter or possibly to any ordi- nary market man in this town he wouldn't know what you wanted. I am equally positive that in certain sections of Berks, Lancaster, York and Lehigh counties scrapple is a meaningless jumble of letters." — Philadelphia Public Ledger, January i6, 191 3. 67 Op. cit., p. no. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 77 was called. At Bedford everything was changed. The tavern at which my uncle put up was a stone house, and to make the change still more complete it was plastered in the inside, both as to walls and ceiling. On going into the dining room I was struck with astonishment at the appearance of the house. I had no idea that there was any house in the world which was not built of logs ; but here I looked around the house and could see no logs, and above I could see no joists; whether such a thing had been made by the hands of man, or had grown so of itself, I could not conjecture. I had not the courage to inquire anything about it. " When supper came on ' my confusion was worse confounded.' A little cup stood in a bigger one with some brownish looking stuff in it, which was neither milk, hominy nor broth ; what to do with these little cups and the little spoon belonging to them, I could not tell; and I was afraid to ask anything concerning the use of them. " It was in the time of the war, and the company were giving accounts of catching, whipping and hanging the Tories. The word jail frequently occurred : this word I had never heard before ; but I soon discovered, and was much terrified at its meaning, and sup- posed that we were in much danger of the fate of the Tories ; for, I thought as we had come from the backwoods, it was altogether likely that we must be Tories too. For fear of being discovered I durst not utter a single word. I therefore watched attentively to see what the big folks would do with their little cups and spoons. I imitated them, and found the taste of the coffee nauseous beyond anything I ever had tasted in my life. I continued to drink, as the rest of the company did, with the tears streaming from my eyes, but when it was to end I was at a loss to know, as the little cups were filled immediately after being emptied. This circumstance distressed me very much, as I durst not say I had enough. Look- ing attentively at the grown persons, I saw one man turn his little cup bottom upwards and put his spoon across it. I observed that after this his cup was not filled again ; I followed his example, and to my great satisfaction, the result as to my cup was the same." 78 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Speaking of the use of table china ware, Dr. Doddridge says: "The introduction of delft ware was considered by many of the backwoods people as a culpable innovation. It was too easily broken, and the plates of that ware dulled their scalping knives; tea ware was too small for men; they might do for women and children. Tea and coffee were only slops, which in the adage of the day ' did not stick by the ribs.' The idea was they were designed only for people of quality, who do not labor, or the sick. A genuine backwoodsman would have thought himself dis- graced by showing a fondness for those slops." The clothing worn by the family was all manufactured in the home from the raw material. The wool or flax was spun and the yarn woven into cloth. A mixture of the two, with flax for the chain and wool for the filling, and known as linsey-woolsey, was the warmest and most sub- stantial cloth that was made, and was quite commonly used for clothing. Some of the women were expert spinners and weavers, and produced linen of the finest weave, and the heavy woolen bed-spreads spun and woven by those pioneer women are much sought after even to-day. One of these in the possession of the writer, spun and woven in the family of an ancestor, still retains its colors as bright as the day it was woven. The settlers on the frontier were not slow to see the advantage of some parts of the Indian costume, and soon combined it with parts of the European style of dress. The use of the hunting-shirt was almost universal. It was generally made of linsey-woolsey, although some were made of dressed deer skins, but these were very uncom- fortable in wet weather. The hunting-shirt was a sort of loose frock, reaching half way down the thighs, with large sleeves, open before, and made so that when belted it Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 79 would lap over considerably. It usually had a cape, and sometimes was fringed with a piece of cloth of a different color, the edges of which were ravelled. The wide bosom of the shirt was utilized for holding articles of food, or anything else necessary to have convenient. From the belt, which was tied behind, were suspended the toma- hawk, the scalping-knife and the bullet bag. The feet were usually covered with moccasins, made of dressed deer skin. These were made of a single piece of skin, with a gathering seam along the top of the foot, and another, without gathers, from the bottom of the heel to a little above the ankle-joint. Flaps were left on each side to reach some distance up the legs. These were adjusted to the ankles and lower part of the leg by thongs of deer skin. In cold weather the moccasins were stuffed with hair from the deer skins or dry leaves. " In the latter years of the Indian war," says Dr. Dodd- ridge, " our young men became more enamored of the Indian dress throughout, with the exception of the match- coat. The drawers were laid aside and the leggings made longer, so as to cover the upper part of the thigh. The Indian breech-clout was adopted. This was a piece of linen or cloth nearly a yard long and eight or nine inches broad. This passed under the belt before and behind, leaving the ends for flaps hanging before and behind over the belt. These flaps were sometimes ornamented with some coarse kind of embroidery work. To the same belts which secured the breech-clouts, strings which supported the long leggings were attached. When this belt, as was often the case, passed over the hunting-shirt, the upper part of the thighs and part of the hips were naked." MBWWWW^y^MM^^ CHAPTER VIII. Mechanical Arts and Industries. © NE great advantage to be found in a settlement made up of Germans was the fact that every German boy, no matter what his station in life might be, was taught a trade; a custom which prevails in Ger- many to this day, but which, unfortunately, was to a great extent abandoned by the Ger- mans in this country, about the middle of the nineteenth century. As a result of all the men being trained artisans the German settlers were able to obtain many articles which otherwise they would have had to go without, or else secure them from some of the older settlements at an expenditure of considerable time and money. While they were all skilled in agriculture, there was a large number who were good mechanics, and those who were not able to manufacture for themselves the articles they needed had no difficulty in finding some one to make them for them, and very often there was a trading in this sort of service. One man would make some article 80 Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 81 for another, who would pay for it by doing in return some- thing in which he was proficient. At first, until the land was cleared, the fields prepared, and the homes built, there was not much done in the way of starting manufactories, but as the settlements increased and villages and towns sprang up, creating a greater de- mand for manufactured articles, a larger number of the settlers turned their attention in this direction, leaving the raising of crops to be done by others. There were few trades that were not represented, in a greater or less de- gree. There were expert cabinet-makers who, besides making the ordinary household furniture, frequently turned out beautiful specimens with lines modeled on the work of Heppelwhite and Chippendale, some of which have come down to this day. As the only means of conveyance for passengers and freight at that time was by horses, the wagon-makers' trade was an important one. But few wagons were brought from abroad, for without counting the original cost of them, the freight for carrying them across the ocean would have made their cost prohibitive. The first wagons used were made entirely of wood, the wheels being sawed from the trunk of a buttonwood or gum tree. But it was not long before the iron mines were opened and forges set up and after that a better class of wagons were obtainable. There were expert wheelwrights and wagon-builders among them, who turned out large numbers of substan- tial wagons. The fact that Benjamin Franklin in two weeks was able to obtain from the Germans of Pennsyl- vania one hundred and fifty wagons for Braddock's expe- dition shows how well supplied they were in this particular. Transportation methods of this kind required the use of large quantities of harness and saddles, so that saddlers 6* 82 The Pennsylvania-German Society. and harness-makers were numerous. The manufacture of leather was another very important industry. Leather was needed for making boots and shoes as well as for harness and saddles, and great quantities of it were used. As the leather was all made by the old-fashioned process of tan- ning, in which the skins were macerated in vats for many months, a great many vats were necessary in order to keep up the supply, so that some of the tanneries were very large establishments. Shortly after 1753 Matthias Nead established a tannery near Clear Spring, Maryland, which was conducted by himself, his son and his grandsons for about three quarters of a century. 58 Fastened with wafers to the wall of this tannery was the following rhyming notice, which has been preserved : NOTICE. Ye shoemakers, Cobblers, and others attend, Just look at this Notice, it is from your friend ; My Purse is so empty, tis light as a feather, You have worn out your Shoes, and not paid for the Leather. Now take my Advice and pay off the old score, Before you get trusted for any skins more; I have Sheep Skins, & Calf Skins, & Upper, and Soal, I have all kinds of Leather, from an Ox, to a Foal; I have leather that's green, and leather that's dry, But pay down the Rhino if any you'd buy: A hint to the wise is sufficient tis said, Pay ! and take a Receipt from your good old Friend Nead Nearly every family made the soap they used. Soap- making was an interesting process, a process still in use in 58 It was quite common for a trade or business to descend from father to son for several generations. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 83 many of the families descended from the early German settlers. The ashes from the hickory wood burned in the open fireplaces or in the cast-iron stoves were carefully saved, and in the early spring the lye for making soap was prepared from them. This was done by means of the ash-hopper, a V-shaped wooden structure raised from the ground, the point downward, with a hole bored at the bottom of one end opening on the trough-like board used for the bottom. The hopper was lined with straw and then filled with hickory ashes, after which a large amount of water was poured in on top of the ashes. The water, percolating through the ashes, extracted all the alkali and came out at the bottom a dark brown liquid, the lye, ready for soap-making. This was boiled in a large iron kettle with the various kinds of fat and grease that had been saved all winter, and the result was soap. Most house- wives made both hard and soft soap. Paper-making was another industry that the Germans early established. With them linen rags was the material used for making paper, but it was a descendant of one of the early German settlers in Maryland who gave to the world straw paper and straw-board, now so universally used. The Shryock family came to Pennsylvania from Germany and later went to Maryland shortly after 1730. They settled in what is now Washington county. A de- scendant of this family moved over the line to Chambers- burg, Pa., in 1790, where he built a mill for the manu- facture of banknote paper, with which he supplied the United States government. His son, George A. Shryock, succeeded him, and later discovered the process of making paper from straw, with its allied products straw-board and binders' board. Mr. Shryock has left an account of how he came to engage in the manufacture of straw paper. It 84 The Pennsylvania-German Society. appears that Col. William Magaw, who was a relative of Mr. Shryock, was extensively engaged in the manufacture of potash at Meadville, Pa. The potash was made from ashes, the latter being leached just as in preparing lye for making soap. While overseeing the work Colonel Magaw was in the habit of chewing bits of the straw that had been taken from the ash-hoppers when they were emptied. He noticed that when this chewed straw was pressed in the hand the softened fibers matted together, forming a pulp very much like that from which ordinary wrapping paper was made, and it occurred to him that the material might be used for that purpose. He wrote to Mr. Shryock, who was at that time engaged in the manufacture of rag paper at the Hollywell paper mill, just outside of Cham- bersburg, suggesting to him the advisability of investigat- ing the matter, and later, in the summer of 1829, visited Chambersburg for a test of the idea. "The experiment was, at that time and place, made and proved a decided success," says Mr. Shryock. " I was so well satisfied of its practicability that I bought a large cast iron kettle of John V. Kelly, in Chambersburg, cribbed it with wood staves so that I could boil from seven hundred to one thousand pounds of straw at one filling, and made, for some weeks, from twenty to thirty reams per day. The material used at that time in the preparation of the straw was potash, exclusively. I abandoned the manufacture of Tag paper, and devoted my mill exclusively to the manu- facture of straw paper for some months. In November, 1829, I visited the east to see a cylinder machine then in operation in Springfield, Massachusetts, by Messrs. Ames. On my way I accidentally met with Mr. Lafflin, of Lee, Massachusetts, at Hays' Pearl Street House, New York, and engaged him to build for me a small cylinder machine, Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 85 at Hollywell Paper Mill, near Chambersburg, Pennsylva- nia. This was certainly the first machine that ever oper- ated on that material. Within the first year I introduced the grooved wood roll for the manufacture of binders' and box boards, etc. These two manufactures were (as far as has been ascertained) the very first use of straw paper as a staple article in our world." In the older settled parts of Maryland it was difficult to induce the settlers to plant anything but tobacco, but the German settlers did not require urging to induce them to turn their attention in other directions. Flax was one of their staple products, and large quantities of it were grown. They used it for the manufacture of their own clothing, they made thread from it for which they found a ready market, and the seed commanded a good price. To raise a good quality of flax required care and attention, but it was needed, for at that period the amount of wool they could raise was not sufficient for them to depend upon it alone for their clothing. The seed was disposed of in Philadelphia and Baltimore, many wagon loads of it finding its way thither. When the flax was ready to be harvested the stalks were pulled from the ground by the roots and tied in small bunches from which shocks were formed, to allow the seed to dry. When the seed had been beaten out the stalks were ready for the process of retting, or rotting. For this purpose the flax-stalks were spread out in a field and allowed to remain for several weeks, the action of the rain and sun setting up a process of fermentation which loosed the fiber from the woody portion of the stalk. 59 The flax 59 The best quality of flax was not produced by this process of retting, " dew-retting," as it is called. The plan more generally pursued is to pack the bunches of flax-stalks closely together in pools of water prepared for this 86 The Pennsylvania^German Society. was then dried and was ready to be broken. The simplest sort of a flax-break was made of two pieces of board, hinged together at one end, so that they could be separated and the sharpened edges brought together. Bunches of the flax stalks were passed through the break, the upper part being brought down sharply upon the stalks at many places. In this way the woody portion was broken and loosened from the fiber. When the flax had been well broken it was ready for hackling. The flax hackle was usually made by driving a number of long, sharp-pointed nails through a piece of board so that they projected for several inches. The flax was hackled by the operator grasping a bunch of the straw and drawing it over the hackle. This separated the tow from the flax proper. The oftener the flax was hackled the finer was the quality of the finished product. The tow was spun and woven into a coarse cloth which was used for making towels, bagging, and coverings of various kinds, while from the flax itself linen of various degrees of fineness was woven, and much of it was dis- posed of in barter as thread. The spinning of the flax occupied the winter evenings, and in a large family it was no unusual thing to see several spinning-wheels at work by the light from the kitchen fire, operated by a mother and her daughters. Every young woman was taught to spin. A Maryland German writing to his brother and describing his situation says: " I shall now inform you how I am Situated as it Respects the things of this world. I have a small Farm of ioo acres of land and on it a Tan- yard, and By Farming and Tanning a little we are able to Support our selves. Our Soil is well adapted to Clover, purpose, and allow the fermentation to take place in this way. In Ireland much of the flax is retted in bog-holes. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 87 Wheat, Corn & oats, and Fruit of all sorts. We have 3 sons and 8 daughters — 5 are able to turn the Spinning wheel and throw the Shuttle." There were many metal workers, particularly in iron and copper. At an early date Dirck Pennybacker, a grandson of Heinrich Pannebacker, one of the early settlers at Germantown, Pa., built an iron-works near Sharpsburg, but about 178 1 it was destroyed by a freshet and he removed to Virginia. The coppersmiths were skilled workmen who fashioned various utensils, particu- larly the large copper kettles, which were beaten by hand from one piece of metal, and which were frequently made large enough to hold a barrel of cider. There were many other articles manufactured by the German settlers, and their descendants were not behind those of other nationali- ties in the products of their inventive genius. According to Scharf it was a Frederick county German, Joseph Weller, of Mechanicstown, who, in 1831, discovered the process and manufactured the first friction matches made in this country. The Germans in Maryland did not establish any news- papers at a very early date. According to Daniel Miller, 60 the first German newspaper in Maryland was established by Matthias Bartgis at Frederick, in 1785. In 1795 the publication of the Deutsch Washington Correspondent was started at Hagerstown by John Gruber. Gruber was born in Strasburg, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, about 1778. He learned the printing trade in Philadelphia, and in 1793 was in Reading, Pa., a member of the firm of Jungman & Gruber who published Die Neue Unpar- theiische Readinger Zeitung. He did not remain in Read- 60 « Early German American Newspapers," in Proc. and Add. of the Pennsylvania-German Soc, Vol. XIX., p. 96. 88 The Pennsylvania-German Society. ing very long, as two years later he was located in Hagers- town. In 1796, in addition to his newspaper he began the publication of what has proved to be a monument to his memory which bids fair to last indefinitely : The Hagers- Town Town and Country Almanack. This almanac soon attained a very large circulation which it retains to this day, and in most of the homes in western Maryland and southern Pennsylvania it was regarded as a necessity. The farmers planted their crops according to the rules and signs given in it, and it was always consulted before any undertaking was begun. Until 1822 it was printed only in German, but in that year the English edition was begun. In 1836 Mr. Gruber obtained a series of crude wood-cuts appropriate to each month, and from that time to the present the " Almanack " has made its appearance each year exactly as its founder designed it over three quarters of a century ago. DOOR-LATCH. &er nctre 9*o?&'3trtKtkani[<&e t a & t im5 2 a n i mm, 17 9 7 SritH fin aemriit 34* $ ton 36s Saaat wftn cn& ^BkJcnmg/ @©nn«i Shif* un& Unisons,. t*$ (^iebentjefiintf Sfofsiwrg, @&>pta& on& Untet#in& tor SBmu$ 5laf* un& Unfergans, ^omtav Sailer S^1 ers having determined that the established church should be paramount, allowed no middle ground, and laws of the greatest severity were put into force against the Roman Catholics, Puritans, Dissenters, etc. The colony of Maryland was founded by Roman Catholics and until the beginning of the eighteenth century the members of that denomination were in the majority, yet a spirit of religious toleration prevailed such as was scarcely to be found in any other colony. 61 This is the more remark- 61 The excellent character which Cecilius, Lord Baltimore, is said to have always borne, would prompt us to impute this proceeding to the 90 The Pennsylvania-German Society. able considering the attitude of the Roman Catholics in the mother country, particularly during the reign of Queen Mary, and it is a curious side-light on the mutations of human affairs that the only religious persecution that oc- curred in the colony was directed against the Roman Cath- olics, following the Puritan Revolution. At some time previous to 1638 the governor of the province had issued a proclamation prohibiting " all un- seasonable disputations in point of religion, tending to the disturbance of public peace and quiet of the colony, and the opening of faction in religion," but when this was issued is not known, for, as Bozman states, the proclama- tion does not appear in the records. In 1648, in commis- sioning William Stone as governor, Lord Baltimore in- cluded in the oath of office to be taken by the governor a provision that he would not molest or discountenance for his religion any person professing to believe in Jesus Christ and, in particular, no Roman Catholic, if he were neither unfaithful to the Lord Baltimore, nor conspired against the civil government; that he would not make a difference of persons in conferring office or favors, because of reli- gion, but would regard the advancement of Baltimore's interests and the public unity and good of the province most laudable motives — the liberal indulgence of all men in their religious opinions. But, whoever is acquainted with the history of Europe, during the seventeenth century, must know that no genuine Roman Catholic at that time could entertain these liberal sentiments, or at least openly avow them. All Protestants were deemed by them heretics, and liable to the strong arm of persecution for their impious and presumptuous doctrines. We must, therefore, unavoidably confess that this liberal and tolerant measure of Lord Baltimore wears very much the appearance of that policy of conduct, just herein before alluded to, which the English Catholics are accused of having pursued, that is in joining the two great fanatic sects — the Presbyterians and the Independents, in their united endeavours to effectuate the destruction of the Church of England. — Bozman's " History of Maryland," Vol. II., p. 336. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 91 without partiality; and that if any person in the prov- ince should molest any Christian for his religion he would apply his power to protect the person so molested and punish the person troubling him. 62 In 1649 tne assembly enacted a law providing for reli- gious toleration which was in force for nearly half a cen- tury. During this time there was no established church; each sect or denomination conducted its affairs as it saw fit, and all support of churches and ministers was volun- tary. But in 1692 the assembly passed an act making the Protestant Episcopal church the established church of the province, and imposing an annual tax of forty pounds of tobacco per poll on all taxables for the purpose of building churches and maintaining the clergy. This law was very unpopular and many of the Dissenters, Quakers and Roman Catholics paid their taxes in the poorest quality of tobacco, so that the few ministers who came to the colony under the provisions of the law received very light support. This law remained in force until the Revolution, but there was always more or less opposition to it so that there was great difficulty in obtaining competent ministers. The German settlers were a pious God-fearing set of people, and their first thought, after settling in a locality, was to provide means for the public worship of God. After securing shelter for themselves the first public im- provement was the erection of a building to be used as a church. A history of these churches would be a history of the people, but, unfortunately, in many instances the early records of the churches have been lost or destroyed, so that the history of these congregations has to be con- structed from a few fragments, as well as it can be. The settlers were chiefly members of the Lutheran and German 62 Steiner, " Maryland during the Civil Wars," Part II., p. 106. 92 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Reformed churches, although there were a few Moravians and other sectarians among them. Their greatest trouble came from their inability to secure ministers. There were very few regularly ordained ministers in the country and those who were sent over from Germany, as a rule, re- mained at the older settlements, where their services were more in demand; and for many years the religious wants of the outlying settlements were looked after by travelling ministers, or missionaries, who were able to hold services, baptize the children, and perform the marriage ceremony at any given point only at long intervals. Then, too, the people were often imposed upon by dissolute intemperate men who posed as regularly ordained ministers, who, in this capacity, secured control of the congregations. Some of them were indeed such : men who had at one time occu- pied positions of honor in their churches, and had fallen from their high estate; but many of them were unprin- cipled adventurers who, in the dire needs of the different congregations, saw a means of securing a livelihood with the least possible expenditure of energy. A great deal of the trouble which subsequently arose in the various congre- gations was caused by men of this sort. It was not only among the German settlers that these pretended ministers were to be found, sowing their seeds of discord; they were equally common in the English settlements. In the absence of regular ministers religious services were usually conducted by the schoolmaster, who would read sermons. The church buildings erected were for many years used jointly by the Lutheran and German Reformed congre- gations, services usually being held by each congregation on alternate Sundays. Dr. Schmauk says 63 that the first Lutheran church in 63 " A History of the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania," in Proc. and Add. of the Pennsylvania-German Society, Vol. XII., p. 381 THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. %;Jp/h: /■r. *-', - y- t ■ '.:,.-., ••>.<:..> : "/' ^^-^C.-./ :...,-. eC~ /.:<-< :j' y'xfj ,-,w r (- (/ vwXv/ - > - : y-t ....*' v.-uffU^ _ . . L '•■ ' ' '-"''Lr ,*,# ^ P4 // Ettfc? ##?* •'"'C : _^ ' #T(fi^« , SUBSCRIPTION LIST, MONOCACY LUTHERAN CHURCH. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 93 Maryland was erected in what is now Cecil county by Swedes from the settlement on the Delaware in 1649, Dut: what may unquestionably be regarded as the mother- church of the Lutheran denomination in Maryland was the little log church erected at the village of Monocacy about 1730. It is unfortunate that nothing is now pre- served which shows anything about the organization of this congregation, and it is only in later years that we find anything authentic concerning it. From the records of Rev. John Caspar Stoever we get the names of a number of the early members of the Monocacy congregation, as on his numerous visits to that section of the country he baptized the children of those attached to the congrega- tion. Thus, in 1734, four children of John Jacob Mattheis were baptized. In 1735 we find the names of Heinrich Sinn and Michael Reusner; in 1736, John and Balthasar Fauth, Matthias Roessell, Johannes Mittag, George Lathy, John Jacob Hoof, Adam Baker and Henry Prey; in 1737, John George Geiger and George Henckel; in 1738, Heinrich Fortunee, Joseph Mayhew, Valentine Mueller, Philip Ernst Grueber and George Spengel; in 1739, Wilhelm Dorn and Bernhardt Weinmer; in 1740, John George Beer, Herman Hartman and Michael Schauffle; in 1741, Jacob Verdriess and Jeremias Ellradt, and in 1742 Peter Apfel. Other names of persons con- nected with the Monocacy congregation at that period are : Traut, Baum, Habach, Berg, Hutzel, Schweinhardt, Schaefer, Schaub, Lein, Teufersbiss, Banckauf, Bruschel, Bronner, Lehnick, Kuntz, Gump, Lutz, Lay, Schreyer, Bischoff, Wetzel, Beyer, Rausch, Boltz, Ort, Kleeman, Geyer, Rudisiel, Mausser and Kauth. The chief sources of information concerning the early history of the old church at Monocacy are the writings of 94 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Rev. Michael Schlatter and Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlen- berg, both of whom paid visits to the congregation. Mr. Schlatter was the first to visit Monocacy. He had been sent to America by the authorities of the German Re- formed church in Holland as a missionary to the congre- gations scattered through Pennsylvania and Maryland. He arrived in Philadelphia in the autumn of 1746 and made numerous journeys to the outlying settlements, organizing congregations where there were none and assisting in whatever way he could those already organ- ized. Early the next spring he started on a visit to the Maryland settlements. "On the 29th of April," he says, 64 " amid earnest prayers that the presence of God might go with me, I undertook a great journey to Mono- cacy and other places in Maryland, with a view also of visiting the congregations on the borders of the Susque- hanna, having before given notice to each congregation of the time when I expected to be with them. On the first day, I got as far as Lancaster, and the following day I reached the Susquehanna, a distance of seventy-three miles. This is the largest stream in the English colonies, which, like all other streams, has received its name from the Indians and until now has retained it. In like manner, also, do the regions of country receive their names from the streams which flow through them. Hence if, in what follows, I shall mention any places not referred to before, it must be remembered that then I have passed over some larger or smaller stream, a matter which is frequently not accomplished without great danger. At least, when I crossed the Susquehanna it was greatly swollen, so that I crossed it with twelve men at the oars of the boat, and 64 " The Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter," by Rev. H. Harbaugh, A.M., p. 152. Pennsylvania-German in Settlement of Maryland. 95 then only reached the opposite shores amid dangers which threatened my life, the river being, at that time, about two miles wide." He reached York on May 2 and held services there and then went on to Conewago, in Adams county, where he also held services. He then goes on to say: " On the 6th, I journeyed forty miles farther to Monocacy, where, on the following day, I held preparatory service to the Holy Communion, and baptized twenty-six children, and, on the 8th, administered the most excellent Supper of the Lord, with peculiar interest and much edification, to eighty-six members. After divine service was ended, I read my instructions to the people. The congregation, anxious after spiritual food, listened with tears of joy and with gratitude to God, and forty-nine heads of families offered to raise, for the support of a minister, in money and grain, the amount of forty pounds, equal to 266 Dutch guilders. If this congregation were united with another called Connogocheague, lying thirty miles distant, these two would be able to sustain a minister. Farther, I must say of this congregation, that it appears to me to be one of the purest in the whole country, and one in which I have found the most traces of the true fear of God; one that is free from the sects, of which, in other places, the country is filled. For, on 7000 acres of land in that neighborhood there were none but such as are of the German Reformed faith." Just seven weeks after Mr. Schlatter's visit to Mono- cacy Mr. Muhlenberg arrived there. He had been met at Conewago (now Hanover) by two men from the Mono- cacy settlement and the three men starting out in a pouring rain, " were compelled to ride all night through the wilder- ness with the rain pouring down and the poor horses up to g6 The Pennsylvania-German Society. their knees in water and mire." In this manner the journey of thirty-six miles was accomplished and Monocacy was reached in the morning. He found the Lutheran con- gregation divided into factions, through the efforts of Moravian missionaries and of men who, while posing as Lutheran ministers, were secretly trying to transfer control of the congregation to the Moravians. Mr. Muhlenberg called the congregation together and, as he says : Before we began the service I had them give me the church book, and I wrote in it, in the English language, several articles, among others that our German Lutherans confess the holy Word of God in the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures, and besides the Augsburg Confession the other symbolical books; and, where it can be done, they have the sacraments administered to them by regularly called and ordained ministers, and, according to their rules, do not allow open, gross, and persistent offenders against the Ten Command- ments and the civil laws to be regarded as members, etc. This I read publicly to the congregation, and explained it in German, and added that he who would be and would remain such a Lutheran should subscribe his name. This book in which Mr. Muhlenberg wrote the articles for the government of the Lutheran church at Monocacy is now in the possession of the Lutheran church at Fred- erick. The articles, with the names signed to them are as follows : Whereas we the Subscribers, enjoy the inestimable liberty of Conscience under the powerfull Protection of our most Gracious Sovereign King George the Second and His Representatives our gracious Superiour of this Province, and have used this blessed liberty since our first settling Here at Manakasy till this day in Worshipping God Allmighty according to the protestant Lutheran persuasion, grounded in the old and New Testament and in the THE PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Vfr nc / /i c//t ///,t /Ht. /: /terra.-' I** &< f«w>c&tir e/t/ W v-^^ "t-fyuc/./tfc i ■*Z',l C /SC 7 /V^ * h$ /Xr /8*a* / 2.ftK/« C A. £ r* n t:T—'^ s/i i'// tj-r-m ■/is &? -if U./V* Ar y / m pittite -C2 rfcs&fr* ^rM/?.-sS? a^cti-Z /,*^ Z"" s / t / S* /' i' r-A CS* J2) 0*0-^. '•*^V tot*/**** (y A mm i-ii mur iiVfe.i = iiiini ii miiiL im'ui f -m li lilt gin I im rUiu HUB C HUHIHH Ii mini r milium ; n uuiuri nuiutiii as illUDlriiiniimifiju nun 1 ; immii .v5 — Fort Frederick. HEN the first settlement was made by the Ohio Company, about the middle of the eighteenth century, upon the land they had obtained under their grant, in accordance with the terms of that grant a minor forti- fication was built at the junction of Will's Creek with the Poto- mac river, for the purpose of affording protection to the settlers. At this time that sec- tion of territory was supposed to be in the colony of Vir- ginia. After the defeat at Great Meadows, Washington retreated to Will's Creek, and while he went back to Vir- gnia to report to Governor Dinwiddie, he left his force in charge of Colonel Innes, who commanded several com- panies of North Carolina troops. Acting under instruc- tions from the Virginia government, during the autumn of 1754 Colonel Innes constructed a fort at this point, which 163 164 The Pennsylvania-German Society. he called Fort Mount Pleasant. This fort was little more than a blockhouse, and a series of stockades. About the close of the year Governor Dinwiddie received instructions from England to build a fort at Will's Creek of such dimen- sions and character of construction as the importance of the position seemed to require. These instructions were trans- mitted to Colonel Innes, who proceeded to build the fort. The men engaged in its construction were three companies from North Carolina, under Colonel Innes, two companies from New York, one from South Carolina and one from Maryland. When it was completed it was named, at the request of General Braddock, Fort Cumberland, in honor of the commander-in-chief of the British army. This fort was under the jurisdiction of the Virginia government. For some time it was the sole protection for the western frontier of Maryland against the hostile Indians. The Maryland settlement did not extend beyond the mouth of the Conococheague creek, in what is now Washington county, and this left a wide extent of territory, about sixty miles, which was without protection. After the defeat of Braddock the Indian raids became more frequent and a number of blockhouses were built between Fort Cumberland and the western frontier to which the settlers could flee upon the raising of an alarm. These, however, had but little effect in preventing the raids or in affording protection to the settlers. As Judge Stock- bridge says, " a period of terror and desolation ensued. The borders of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia be- came one extended field of petty battles, murder und devastation. The outposts were driven in, and some of the smaller posts captured and their garrisons massacred; and Frederick, Winchester and Carlisle became the frontiers of the colonies. Fort Cumberland was still held by the troops under Captain Dagworthy, but this isolated Fort Frederick. 165 fortress could afford no protection against roving bands of savages who passed around it to seek their prey in the settlements beyond. The panic spread by the flying British troops spread even to the bay shore. Many of the inhabitants of the interior fled to Baltimore, and there preparations were made by the citizens to embark their women and children on board the vessels in the harbor preparatory to a flight to Virginia, while some of the Virginians even believed that there was no safety short of England itself." 109 The need of further defenses was evident and Governor Sharpe did all in his power to procure the means of secur- ing them, but the assembly was slow in meeting the need of the hour. Finally, in response to the appeals of the Governor and the urgent demands of the people, on March 22, 1756, a bill was passed appropriating forty thousand pounds for the defense of the colony, of which eleven thousand pounds were to be used for the erection of a fort and several blockhouses on the western frontier, and for the levying, arming, paying and maintaining a body of troops to garrison these posts. Governor Sharpe at once proceeded to put into execution the plans he had formu- lated. He purchased from Peter and Jacob Cloine a tract of land consisting of about one hundred and forty acres, in Frederick county, near where Hancock, Washington county, now stands. The deed for the land is dated August 19, 1756, but Sharpe was so anxious to provide defenses that he secured possession of the land and began the erection of the fort before the deed was executed. On August 21, 1756, he wrote to Lord Baltimore: As I apprehended that the French would e'er long teach their Indian Allies to approach & set fire to our Stoccado or Wooden 109 " American Historical Register," Vol. II., p. 748. 1 66 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Forts I thought proper to build Fort Frederick of Stone, which steps I believe even our Assembly now approve of tho I hear some of them sometime since intimated to their Constituents that a Stoccado would have been sufficient & that to build a Fort with Stone would put the Country to a great & unnecessary Expence, but whatever their Sentiments may be with respect to that matter I am convinced that I have done for the best & that my Conduct therein will be approved by any Soldier & every impartial person. The Fort is not finished but the Garrison are well covered & will with a little Assistance compleat it at their leisure. Our Barracks are made for the Reception & Accommodation of 200 Men but on Occasion there will be room for twice that number. It is situated on North Mountain near Potowmack River, about 14 miles beyond Conegocheigh and four on this Side of Licking creek. I have made a purchase in the Governor's Name for the use of the Country of 150 Acres of Land that is contiguous to it, which will be of great Service to the Garrison & as well as the Fort be found of great use in case of future Expeditions to the Westward for it is so situated that Potowmack will be always navigable thence almost to Fort Cumberland, and the Flatts or Shallows of that River lying between Fort Frederick and Conego- cheigh. It is probable this Fortification will cost the Province £2000, but I am told that one is raising at Winchester in Virg* that will not be built for less than four times that Sum, and when finished will not be half so good. 110 This structure was named Fort Frederick in honor of the proprietor, Frederick, sixth Lord Baltimore. Some confusion has arisen from the fact that there were two structures known as Fort Frederick. During the Revolu- tion the general assembly of Maryland, in 1777, passed an act providing that there should be erected "in or near Fredericktown in Frederick County, a number of fit, con- venient and proper barracks of plain brick or stone work, 110 Archives of Maryland, Vol. VI., p. 466. Fort Frederick. 167 with a block house at each corner and ditched and palisaded in, sufficient for the reception of two battalions, with officers." Schultz says: "There is ground for the belief, however, that there was a stockade fort, or something of that character, on or near their site at the time of the French and Indian Wars, similar to those erected by the early settlers near the present Clearspring and Williams- port, to which the women and children retreated when the Indians became troublesome." 111 Fort Frederick was built on a hill about one hundred feet above the level of the Potomac and about one-third of a mile from the river. From its position it commanded the surrounding country. Describing its construction, Scharf says: " The old fort occupied an acre and a half of ground, and its massive walls of hard magnesian limestone are four feet thick at the bottom, and two feet at the top. The stone, which is mostly in large, irregular blocks, was brought from the mountain three miles distant, and is laid in such excellent mortar that nothing but an earthquake or the hand of man will ever shatter the walls. These are seventeen and a half feet in height at the highest point, and are very fairly preserved. The greatest damage that has been done was the cutting of a wagon-gate through the west curtain sixty years ago, and now Nathan Williams, its present owner, has pulled down the west bastion to make room for his barn. The fort is square, with a bastion at each angle. The south bastion is the best preserved, but the whole structure is very far from being a ruin. The portal was twelve feet wide, and the immensity of the gates may be judged by the fact that one of the iron hinges, which Williams kept until a few years ago, weighed forty-two pounds. There is not a piece of the old wood-work left, some curiosity-seekers having carried off the last bit in 1858. Gen. Kenly's First Maryland Regiment occupied the fort in 1861, and 111 " First Settlements of Germans in Maryland," p. 56. 1 68 The Pennsylvania-German Society. knocked a hole in the wall through which to point a gun for taking pot shots at the Confederates across the Potomac. The original armament of the fort was a gun in each bastion, worked en bar- bette, and within the enclosure were the barracks." 112 But Governor Sharpe's troubles over the building of Fort Frederick were far from being ended. His original estimate of the cost of building the structure fell far short of the actual cost, and he was compelled to ask the as- sembly for more money with which to complete it. Then, too, the cost of maintaining the garrison and paying the troops was no small item. The residents of the eastern section of the colony, at a distance from the scene of the Indian raids, did not realize just what they meant, and could not see why so much money was required for the protection of the western settlers. Their idea was to keep down the expenditures as much as possible, so that there were constant disputes between the executive and the assembly on the question of providing means to carry on the war. On December 15, 1757, the House of Delegates made the following address on the subject of Fort Frederick : " Near the sum of £6000 has been expended in purchasing the ground belonging to and constructing Fort Frederick, and though we have not any exact information what sum may still be wanting to complete it (if ever it should be thought proper to be done), yet we are afraid the sum requisite for that purpose must be con- siderable, and we are apprehensive that the fort is so large that, in case of attack, it cannot be defended without a number of men larger than the province can support, purely to maintain a forti- fication." On June 9, 1758, Governor Sharpe wrote to General Forbes, 113 giving a detailed account of the trouble over 112 History of Western Maryland, Vol. II., p. 1298. us Archives of Maryland, Vol. IX., p. 198. Fort Frederick. 169 the payment of the troops. Lord Loudoun had proposed that Maryland should raise and support five hundred men to garrison Fort Cumberland and Fort Frederick, but in- stead of agreeing to this proposal the assembly included in the bill which they passed a provision which prohibited the Maryland troops from garrisoning Fort Cumberland, or at all events, giving fair warning that if these troops did go to Fort Cumberland they would not be paid by the province of Maryland. Fuel was added to the flames of the dispute by Virginia turning over Fort Cumberland to Maryland. When the Virginia troops retired from the fort it was necessary for their place to be taken by Mary- landers, but the Maryland assembly absolutely refused to agree to this. However, Governor Sharpe took the matter into his own hands and sent Captain Dagworthy with one hundred and fifty of his men from Fort Fred- erick, to garrison Fort Cumberland. As the assembly would not authorize the enlistment of more troops, Governor Sharpe called for volunteers and his call was promptly answered by the settlers of Frederick county, so that Fort Frederick was soon garrisoned by a force of two hundred and fifty hardy pioneers, under Captain Alexander Beall. As the assembly refused to appropriate money to pay and maintain the garrison, the cost had to be met by private subscriptions. Writing to Sir John St. Clair, on March 27, 1758, Governor Sharpe says: I am obliged to you for encouraging General Forbes to enter- tain a favourable opinion of me & of my Desires to forward the Service, but I am much afraid that it will not be in my power to confirm it. In short, I cannot promise him any men from this Province unless He or General Abercromby will engage to pay them & I have taken the Liberty to tell him as much in the Letter I have now sent. It is well Capt Dagworthy & the Rest of our 170 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Officers taught their men to live without Victuals last Summer; otherwise they may not have found it so easy a matter to keep them together 6 months without pay in the Winter. How much longer they will be contented to serve on this Footing I cannot tell, but lest Accidents should happen I hope some other Troops will be ordered to Fort Cumberland as soon as possible. 114 The difficulty about the payment of the troops was partially overcome by taking some of them into the king's service, and on one occasion General Forbes advanced sufficient money to pay them something, although he said that he could not undertake to take care of the arrearage. The road between Fort Frederick and Fort Cumberland was a rough and circuitous one, and several attempts to remedy this were made. Writing to Governor Sharpe from " Conigogegh," on June 13, 1758, Colonel Bouquet says: As it will be of the greatest benefit to His Majesty's Service, to have a road of communication open from Each of the Provinces to Fort Cumberland I am under the necessity of requesting you to have the straightest Road reconnoitred, leading from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland: Recommanding to those you ap- point to mark it out to report the time that 500 men will take to cut it: any Expence you may be at shall be paid by Sir John S* Clair; as he will be the nearest to you. Please to send him the Report of it, that if found practicable he may send Troops to work at it. 115 Two days later Sharpe directed Captain Evan Shelby to survey a route for a road and make a report as to the cost and the time required to make it, and on the 25th of the same month Captain Shelby reported that "Upon 114 Archives of Maryland, Vol. IX., p. 164. 115 Archives of Maryland, Vol. IX., p. 205. Fort Frederick. 171 the whole, it is my opinion that a Road might be made between the two Forts which will not be 60 miles in Length & there will be no bad Pinches for Waggons to ascend nor any bad Fords." The road was evidently not con- structed at that time, for in the following December the assembly appointed a commission to determine whether a better road could not be built. This commission consisted of Colonel Thomas Cresap, Joseph Chapline, E. Dorsey, Josias Beall, Francis King and Captain Crabb. After investigating the subject the commission reported as follows : Your committee have made an inquiry into the situation of the present wagon-road from Fort Frederick to Fort Cumberland, and are of the opinion that the distance by that road from one fort to the other is at least eighty miles, and find that the wagons which go from one fort to the other are obliged to pass the river Potowmack twice, and that for one-third of the year they can't pass without boats to set them over the river. Your committee have also made an inquiry into the condition of the ground where a road may be made most conveniently to go altogether on the north side of the Potowmack, which will not exceed the distance of sixty-two miles, at the expense of £250 current money. Your committee are of the opinion that a road through Mary- land will contribute much to lessen the expense of carrying provisions and warlike stores from Fort Frederick to Fort Cum- berland, and will induce many people to travel and carry on a trade in and through the province, to and from the back country. 116 This report was accompanied by an itemized account of the distances and the probable cost of building each stretch of the road. This road was eventually built, and, as the commission's report had indicated, did prove of great ad- vantage to the province. 116 Scharf's " History of Western Maryland," Vol. II., p. 132&. 172 The Pennsylvania-German Society. The erection and occupation of Fort Frederick gave the settlers in that section the protection they needed. The Indians soon learned to avoid the locality of the fort. Writing to Lord Loudoun, on October 12, 1756, Gov- ernor Sharpe says: "No Indians have been down among the Inhabitants for a considerable time, nor appeared on this side of Fort Frederick." After the fall of Fort Du- quesne and the withdrawal of the French from the Ohio river, the necessity for the continued maintenance of Fort Frederick ceased. Governor Sharpe accordingly leased the property on which it was built to Henry Heinzman, for a rental of thirty pounds yearly. The lease was dated December 25, 1762, and provided that "whereas there is not any garrison or soldiers at the said Fort Frederick, and several persons who live at or near the said fort do, and if not prevented, will continue to make great waste and destruction of the said fort and improvements by burning the plank and other materials," 117 possession of it was to be given, the Governor reserving the right to enter upon the property and annul the lease at any time when he might need the same for military purposes. Scarcely had Fort Frederick been turned over to the uses of peace when another war-cloud began to gather on the horizon. The tension between the colonies and the mother-country grew greater and greater, and finally the cords which bound them together were broken and the struggle was on; but still the tide of warfare did not surge near the old fort. Its walls looked down upon peace and quiet, for the German settlers in western Mary- land were not slow in going to the defense of the liberties of their adopted country, and many of the fields and plantations in the neighborhood were almost deserted. 117 Stockbridge in " American Historical Register," Vol. II., p. 754. Fort Frederick. 173 During the earlier years of the Revolutionary War the British and Hessian prisoners were confined at various points in Pennsylvania : Reading, Lancaster, York, Bethle- hem and Lebanon, but after the occupation of Philadelphia by the British, particularly as there were rumors of an uprising among the prisoners, the War Office decided to transfer some of the prisoners to some point further inland, and Fort Frederick was investigated to determine whether it would be a suitable place for the purpose. On Decem- ber 16, 1777, the following letter was written to Colonel Moses Rawlins: As you are about returning home by way of Fort Frederick in Maryland, the Board of War request you will take a view of the situation of that place and represent the state you find it in immediately. As it is proposed to send a number of prisoners of war thither, you will examine it with a view to this design. You will see how many men it is capable of holding, what repairs are wanting, how soon those repairs can be made, whether workmen can be procured in this vicinity to do the work, and whether materials are within reasonable distance. You will also report how many men you think it will be necessary to employ as guards for the number of prisoners the place is capable of receiving, and every other matter which shall occur to you as necessary for the information of the Board. Colonel Rawlins reported that the fort could easily be put in condition for the confinement of the prisoners, and the Maryland assembly directed that the necessary repairs be made. The assembly also provided for a guard for the prisoners. During part of the time this guard con- sisted of Captain John Kershner's company. On July 27, 1778, this company was made up as follows: 174 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Jno. McLaughlin, Luke Sholly, Martain Phipher, Jacob Craver, Jacob Barnt, John Oster, Michael Hartly, George Stuart, George Hudson, Jno. Shriber, Elias Reeter, George Carter, Abraham Bower, Captain. John Kershner. Lieutenants. Peter Backer. Ensign. Wm. Conrod. Sergeants. David Wolgamot, George Fanglar. Corporals. Peter Conn, John Conn. Drum and Fife. Peter Lighter. Privates. Christiain Kirgery, James Flack, George May, Chris. Shock, Jno. Robinson, Jacob Geerhert, David Fosney, Martain Harry (or Narry) , Richd. Menson, Andrew Miller, Peter Haflegh (Hoeflich), Fredk. Craft, Henry Tyce, Goodhert Tressel, Peter Oster, Thos. McCullim, Casper Snider, Peter Rough, Adam Sydey, Fort Frederick. 175 Jacob Binkler, Abraham Feeter, Abraham Troxal, Jr., John Augusteen, Jacob Ridenour, Jacob Rorer, Peter Adams, Peter Sybert, Abraham Leedy, Michl. Spesser, Jno. Gable, Fredk. Deefhem (or Deef- Michael Kernam, herr), Danl. Kemmer, Fredk. Shackler, Adam Coon, Phillip Criegh, Jacob Adams, David Wirley, Jno. Fiche, Christiain Nockey Mathw. Williams, (or Hockey), Wm. Allin, Jacob Tysher. A number of prisoners from various points in Pennsyl- vania were transferred to Fort Frederick. At first some of the prisoners were allowed to work for the neighboring farmers, but it was found that this plan had disadvantages and in the autumn of 1778 the Board of War directed Colonel Rawlins to " call in all the prisoners in the neigh- borhood of your post or its dependencies and, as the practice of letting them out to farmers and suffering them to go at large is attended with great mischiefs, you will in future keep them in close confinement." After the surrender of Cornwallis a large number of the prisoners taken at that time were sent to Fort Frederick. In September, 1791, by direction of the Legislature of Maryland, Fort Frederick was sold to Robert Johnson, of Frederick county, for three hundred and seventy-five pounds, ten shillings, since which time it has belonged to a number of different people. For a short time during the Civil War the fort was occupied by some of General Kenly's command. CHAPTER XIV. The Pre-Revolutionary Period. ma ITH the end of Pon- tiac's war and the sign- ing of the treaty between Eng- land and France peace and quiet returned to the western part of Maryland, and the settlers returned to their de- serted homes. Many of them, however, were in almost a desti- tute condition. Not only had their crops been destroyed and their domestic animals driven off or killed, but, in many cases, all their buildings with their contents had been burned. Then, too, many of them had fallen in arrears in the pay- ment of their rents, so that their situation was deplorable. Their poverty was emphasized by the fact that there were constant demands upon them for fees and taxes. The British government, at the close of the French and Indian The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 177 War, found itself staggering under an immense debt, and as it had been incurred in a war in America, although the underlying principles which led to it had their foundations at home, it was speciously assumed that the colonies should defray the expenses of the war, and steps were taken to bring this about. In March, 1765, the Stamp Act was passed. This pro- vided that all bills, bonds, leases, notes, ships' papers, in- surance policies, and legal documents, to be valid in the courts, must be written on stamped paper. The passage of this act was instantly resented by the colonists, and nowhere were the indignation and determination to resist the enforcement of the law more pronounced than among the German settlers in western Maryland. Indeed, the first open stand against the use of the stamped paper and the determination to transact business without the use of stamps was made in Frederick county, which at that time included the whole of western Maryland. Zachariah Hood, a native of Maryland, and a mer- chant of Annapolis, who was in England at the time, was appointed stamp distributor for the province of Mary- land. So intense was the feeling of the inhabitants of Maryland that when Hood returned with the stamps and a cargo of goods he was not allowed to land. Knowing that the open threats of the people to burn the stamps if they were brought on shore would be carried out, the authorities deemed it advisable that no opportunity should be given for such proceedings, and the stamps were kept on board ship and finally taken to Virginia, where they could be held under the protection of a British ship of war. In the meantime business of all kinds was held up. There were many legal papers which could not be issued except on stamped paper, and there were no stamps in the colony. 178 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Indignation meetings were held everywhere and resolu- tions were passed condemning the passage of the Stamp Act and refusing to use the stamps, and in many places Zachariah Hood, the stamp distributor, was burned in effigy. The matter was brought to a head in Frederick county. At a meeting of the Frederick county court, on November 18, 1765, Judges Joseph Smith, David Lynn, Charles Jones, Samuel Beall, Joseph Beall, Peter Bain- bridge, Thomas Price, Andrew Hugh, William Blair, Wil- liam Luckett, James Dickson and Thomas Beatty being present, the following order was made : Upon application of Michael Ashford Dowden, bail of James Veach, at the suit of a certain Stephen West to surrender said James Veach in discharge of himself, which the court ordered to be done, and an entry of the surrender to be made accordingly, which John Darnall, Clerk of the Court, refused to make, and having also refused to issue any process out of his office, or to make the necessary entries of the Court proceedings, alleging that he conceives there is an Act of Parliament imposing stamp duties on all legal proceedings, and therefore that he cannot safely proceed in exercising his office without proper stamps, It is the unanimous resolution and opinion of this Court that all the business thereof shall and ought to be transacted in the usual and accustomed manner, without any inconvenience or delay to be occasioned from the want of Stamped Paper, Parchment, or Vel- lum, and that all proceedings shall be valid and effectual without the use of Stamps, and they enjoin and order all Sheriffs, Clerks, Counsellors, Attorneys, and all officers of the Court to proceed in their several avocations as usual, which Resolution and Opinion are grounded on the following and other reasons: 1st. It is conceived that there has not been a legal publication yet made of any Act of Parliament whatever imposing a Stamp Duty on the Colonies. Therefore this Court are of opinion that until the existence of such an Act is properly notified, it would be The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 179 culpable in them to permit or suffer a total stagnation of business, which must inevitably be productive of innumerable injuries to individuals, and have a tendency to subvert all principles of civil government, 2d. As no Stamps are yet arrived in this Province, and the in- habitants have no means of procuring any, this Court are of opinion that it would be an injustice of the most wanton oppres- sion to deprive any person of a legal remedy for the recovery of his property for omitting that which it is impossible to perform. 118 The clerk of the court, to protect himself, refused to comply with this order, whereupon the Court ordered That John Darnall, clerk of this Court, be committed to the custody of the sheriff of this county for a contempt of the authority of this court, he having refused to comply with the foregoing order of this Court relative to the execution of his office in issuing processes and making the necessary entries of the Court's proceed- ings; and that he stands committed for the above offense until he comply with the above mentioned order. 119 On the issuance of this order the clerk submitted to the order of the court, paid the costs and was discharged. This was the beginning of the overthrow of the Stamp Act, and on November 30 a celebration in honor of the decision of the court was held at Frederick. The Mary- land Gazette of December 16, 1765, gives an extended account of this celebration, which is quoted by Scharf. 120 The action taken in Frederick county was followed in other parts of the province, so that so far as Maryland was con- cerned the Stamp Act was absolutely disregarded. The law was repealed on March 18, 1766. The next year, however, a law was passed imposing 118 Scharf's " History of Western Maryland," Vol. I., p. 122. us Ibid. 120 History of Western Maryland, Vol. I., p. 122. 180 The Pennsylvania-German Society. duties on glass, paper, pasteboard, white and red lead, painters' colors, and tea imported into the colonies. The passage of this act quickly revived the opposition of the colonists, and associations were formed to oppose the col- lection of the taxes, the members pledging themselves to non-importation. These pledges were generally strictly adhered to, although occasionally some merchant, seeing a chance to make a good profit, violated the conditions of the agreement. But the punishment for such actions was swift and sure, and the instances of it were rare. " In October, 1769, a number of wagons of contraband goods, valued at three hundred pounds, were shipped from Penn- sylvania to Frederick, and not being accompanied with the proper certificates, they were stored at the risk and cost of the owners." 121 Meetings to protest against the imposition of these taxes were held in all the counties. The Maryland Gazette gives an account of a meeting held in Frederick county on August 28, 1770. The place of meeting was a school house, near Troxell's mill, on Tom's creek. Among those present were William Blair, James Shields, Sr., William Shields, Charles Robinson, Patrick Haney, Robert Brown, Henry Hocker- smith, William Elder, son of Guy, Samuel Westfall, Moses Kennedy, Alexander Stewart, William Curran, Jr., Charles Carroll, William Koontz, Christian Hoover, John Smith, Daniel McLean, John Faires, John Long, Arthur Row, John Crabs, Moses Ambrose, George Kelly, Walter Dulany, Thomas J. Bowie, James Park, Robert Agnew, John Corrick, Frederick Troxell, Rudolf Nead, Octavius S. Taney, George Ovelman, Dominick Bradley, Thomas Hughes, Philip Weller, Jacob Valentine, William Brawner, Thomas Martin, Daniel Morrison, William Munroe, and 121 Scharf's " History of Western Maryland," Vol. I., p. 124. The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 181 Henry Brook. At this meeting the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, by the inhabitants of Tom's Creek, Frederick County, in the province of Maryland, loyal to their king and country that we reaffirm the great Magna Charta of our Civil and Religious Rights, as granted by Charles of England to Lord Baltimore and the inhabitants of this colony, as reaffirmed on the first landing of the Pilgrim Fathers of Maryland, that there shall be a perfect freedom of conscience, and every person be allowed to enjoy his religious and political privileges and immunities unmolested. The opposition of the colonists to the imposition of these taxes and the adoption of a policy of non-importa- tion were so general that the British government found it impossible to enforce the law, and with the exception of the tax on tea it was allowed to fall into abeyance. With the destruction of the cargo of tea in Boston harbor and the subsequent passage of the Boston Port Bill, in 1774, the indignation of the colonists and their determination to oppose the oppressive measures of the British government became so intense that the majority of the people were ready to follow any one who would take a determined stand against the unpopular measures. At that period the ma- jority of the population of Maryland lived in the western part of the province, within the limits of what was then Frederick county, and of these by far the greater number were the Germans who had come down from Pennsylvania, and their descendants. These people had abondoned their homes across the ocean and had come to America to escape from just such oppression, and it was but natural, there- fore, that they should quickly resent any attempts of the British government to enforce what appeared to be unjust laws, particularly in the matter of taxation. The inhabi- tants of Frederick county, therefore, generally took the 1 82 The Pennsylvania-German Society. lead in proposing measures for the relief of the people. Their action following the passage of the Boston Port Bill was prompt. On June n, 1774, the inhabitants of the lower part of Frederick county held a largely attended meeting at the tavern of Charles Hungerford. They elected Henry Griffith moderator and adopted the follow- ing resolutions: Resolved unanimously. That it is the opinion of this meeting that the town of Boston is now suffering in the common cause of America. Resolved, unanimously, That every legal and constitutional measure ought to be used by all America for procuring a repeal of the act of Parliament for blocking up the harbor of Boston. Resolved, unanimously , That it is the opinion of this meeting that the most effectual means for the securing American freedom will be to break off all commerce with Great Britain and the West Indies until the said act be repealed, and the right of taxation given up on permanent principles. Resolved^ unanimously, That Mr. Henry Griffith, Dr. Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Nathan Magruder, Evan Thomas, Richard Brooke, Richard Thomas, Zadok Magruder, Dr. William Baker, Thomas Cramphin, Jr., and Allen Bowie be a committee to attend the general committee at Annapolis, and of correspondence for the lower part of Frederick county, and that any six of them shall have power to receive and communicate intelligence to and from their neighboring committees. Resolved, unanimously, That a copy of these our sentiments be immediately transmitted to Annapolis, and inserted in the Mary- land Gazette. Signed per oraer, Archibald Orme, Clerk. 122 Nine days later, on June 20, a meeting was held in the court house at Frederick, at which John Hanson presided, and the following resolutions were adopted : i- 22 Force's "American Archives," Series IV., Vol. I., p. 403. The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 183 I. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting that the town of Boston is now suffering in the common cause of America, and that it is the duty of every colony in America to unite in the most effectual means to obtain a repeal of the late act of Parliament for blocking up the harbor of Boston. II. That it is the opinion of a great majority of this meeting that if the colonies come into a joint resolution to stop all imports from, and exports to, Great Britain and the West Indies till the act of Parliament for blocking up the harbor of Boston, as well as every other act oppressive to American liberty, be repealed, the same may be the means of preserving to America her rights, liberties and privileges. III. That, therefore, this meeting will join in an association with the several counties in this province and the principal colonies in America to put a stop to all exports to, and imports from, Great Britain and the West Indies, shipped after the 25th day of July next, or such other day as may be agreed on, until the said acts shall be repealed, and that such association shall be upon oath. IV. That we, the inhabitants of Frederick county, will not deal or have any connections with that colony, province, or town which shall decline or refuse to come into similar resolutions with a majority of the colonies. V. That no suit shall be commenced after the stop shall be put to imports and exports for the recovery of any debt due to any person whatsoever, unless the debtor be about to abscond, or being appealed to shall refuse to give bond and security. VI. That Messrs. John Hanson, Thomas Price, George Scott, Benjamin Dulany, George Murdock, Philip Thomas, Alexander C. Hanson, Baker Johnson, and Andrew Scott be a committee to attend the general congress at Annapolis, and that those gentlemen, together with Messrs. John Cary, Christopher Edelen, Conrad Groth, Thomas Schley, Peter Hoffman, and Archibald Boyd, be a committee of correspondence to receive and answer letters, and in any emergency to call a general meeting, and that any six shall have power to act. 184 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Ordered, that these resolves be immediately sent to Annapolis, that they may be printed in the Maryland Gazette. Signed per order, Archibald Boyd, CI. Com. 123 The inhabitants of the upper part of Frederick county met at Elizabeth-Town, now Hagerstown, on July 2. The Maryland Gazette gives the following account of this meeting: On Saturday, the 2d of July, 1774, about eight hundred of the principal inhabitants of the upper part of Frederick County, Md., assembled at Elizabeth Town, and being deeply impressed with a sense of the danger to which their natural and constitutional rights and privileges were exposed by the arbitrary measures of the British Parliament, do think it their duty to declare publicly their sentiments on so interesting a subject, and to enter into such Reso- lutions as may be the means of preferring their freedom. After choosing John Stull, Esq., their Moderator, the following resolves were unanimously entered into: I. That the Act of Parliament for blocking up the harbor of the Town of Boston is a dangerous invasion of American liberty, and that the town of Boston is now suffering in the common cause, and ought to be assisted by the other Colonies. II. That the stopping all commercial intercourse with Great Britain will be the most effectual means for fixing our Liberties on the footing we desire. III. That a general congress of Delegates from the several colonies to effect a uniform plan of conduct for all America is highly necessary, and that we will strictly adhere to any measure that may be adopted by them for the preservation of our Liberties. IV. That the surest means for continuing a people free and happy is the disusing all luxuries, and depending only on their own fields and flocks for the comfortable necessaries of Life. 123 Force's "American Archives," Series IV., Vol. I., p. 433. The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 185 V. That they will not, after this day, drink any Tea, nor suffer the same to be used in their Families, until the Act for laying duty thereon be repealed. VI. That they will not, after this day, kill any sheep under three years old. VII. That they will immediately prepare for manufacturing their own clothing. VIII. That they will immediately open a subscription for the relief of their suffering Brethren in Boston. After choosing John Stull, Samuel Hughes, Jonathan Hager, Conrad Hogmire, Henry Snebley, Richard Davis, John Swan, Charles Swearingen, Thomas Brooke, William McGlury, and Elie Williams as a committee, they proceeded to show their disappro- bation of Lord North's Conduct with regard to America by Hang- ing and burning his Effigy, after which a subscription was opened for the relief of the Poor of Boston. In consequence of the Fifth Resolve, a number of mercantile Gentlemen solemnly declared that they would send off all the Tea they had on hand and that they would not purchase any more until the Act laying a duty thereon be repealed, among which number was a certain John Parks. A great deal has been written concerning the " Boston Tea-party," but there were tea-parties in other parts of the colonies which, while they may not have been so spectacular as the one at Boston, were just as effective in the results obtained. As McSherry says "Long before the destruc- tion of tea in Boston harbor by disguised men the patriots of Maryland calmly, openly, and in the presence of the governor and the provincial officers discussed and set at defiance this obnoxious act and prevented its execution." 124 The most spectacular occurrence of this kind in Maryland was the destruction of the brig Peggy Stewart. In October, 1774, that vessel arrived at Annapolis having among its 124 "History of Maryland," revised ed., p. 136. 1 86 The Pennsylvania-German Society. cargo several packages of tea consigned to Thomas Wil- liams & Co. The vessel was owned by Anthony Stewart, who paid the duty on the tea. As soon as this became known a public meeting was called at which the greatest indignation was expressed. The merchants who received the tea were present at the meeting and publicly apologized for having done so and agreed to burn the tea. But this did not entirely satisfy the people, who openly made threats against the vessel and its owner. Mr. Stewart, in order to quiet the people, offered to destroy the vessel himself. This proposition was accepted and Mr. Stewart, accom- panied by the merchants to whom the tea was consigned, went aboard the Peggy Stewart, ran her aground at Wind- mill Point, and set fire to her in the presence of a great crowd of people. In the account given above of the meeting at Elizabeth- Town "a certain John Parks" is mentioned. It seems that Parks did not abide by the agreement not to buy any more tea, and when it was discovered that he had a chest of tea in his possession he was summoned before the Com- mittee. He admitted the fact and agreed to deliver the tea to the Committee. The Maryland Gazette of December 22, 1774, gives the following account of the subsequent proceedings in this case : The committee for the upper part of Frederick county, Mary- land, having met at Elizabeth Town, on the 26th of November, which was the day appointed for the delivery of John Park's chest of tea, in consequence of his agreement published in the Maryland Journal of the 16th ult. After a demand was made of the same, Mr. Parks offered a chest of tea, found on a certain Andrew Gib- son's plantation, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, by the com- mittee for that place, which tea he declared was the same he promised to deliver. The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 187 The committee are sorry to say that they have great reason to believe, and indeed with almost a certainty, that the said chest of tea was in Cumberland county at the time Parks said upon oath it was at Christen Bridge. After mature deliberation, the Committee were of opinion, that Parks should go with his hat off, and lighted torches in his hands, and set fire to the tea, which he accordingly did, and the same was consumed to ashes, amongst the acclamations of a numerous body of people. The Committee were also of opinion that no further intercourse should be had with the said Parks. Every friend to liberty is requested to pay due attention to the same. Voted, the thanks of this committee to that of Cumberland county, for their prudent and spirited behaviour upon this occasion. Signed by order of the committee, John Stull, President. N. B. The populace thought the measures adopted by the com- mittee were inadequate to the transgression, and satisfied them- selves by breaking his door and windows. 125 On November 18, 1774, a meeting of the qualified voters of Frederick county was held at the court house in Frederick and the following gentlemen were named to represent the county, and to carry into execution the asso- ciation agreed upon by the Continental Congress: Charles Beatty, Henry Griffith, Thomas Sprigg Wooton, Jacob Hunk, Nath. Magruder, Richard Thomas, Evan Thomas, Richard Brooke, Zadock Magruder, William Baker, Thomas Cramphin, Jr., John Murdock, Thomas Jones, Allen Bowie, Jr., William Deakins, Jr., Bernard O'Neal, Brook Beall, Edward Burgess, Charles G. Griffith, Henry Griffith, Jr., Wm. Bayley, Jr., Samuef W. Magruder, Nath. Offutt, Archibald Orm, Joseph Threlkeld, Walter Smith, Thos. Beall of George, Richard Crab, William "5 Force's " American Archives," Fourth Series, Vol. I., p. 1009; Ridgely's "Annals of Annapolis," p. 164. 1 88 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Luckett, William Luckett, Jr., Greenbury Griffith, Samuel Griffith, John Hanson, Thomas Price, Thomas Bowles, Conrad Grosh, Thomas Schley, Jonathan Wilson, Francis Deakins, Casper Schaaf, Peter Hoffman, George Scott, Baker Johnson, Philip Thomas, Alexander C. Hanson, Archibald Boyd, Arthur Nelson, Andrew Scott, George Strieker, Adam Fisher, Wm. Ludwick, Weltner Van Swearengen, William J. Beall, Jacob Young, Peter Grosh, iEneas Campbell, Elias Bruner, Frederick Kemp, John Haas, John Romsburg, Thomas Hawkins, Upton Sher- edine, John Lawrence, Basil Dorsey, Charles Warfield, Ephraim Howard, Joseph Wells, David Moore, Joseph Wood, Norman Bruce, William Blair, David Schriver, Roger Johnson, Henry Cock, Robert Wood, William Albaugh, Jacob Mathias, Henry Crawle, Jacob Ambrose, David Richards, William Winchester, Philip Fishburn, William Hobbs, Thomas Cresap, Thomas Warren, Thos. Humphreys, Richard Davis, Jr., Charles Clinton, James Prather, George Brent, James Johnson, James Smith, Joseph Chapline, John Stull, Samuel Beall, Jr., William Baird, Joseph Sprigg, Christian Orendorf, Jonathan Hager, Conrad Hogmire, Charles Swearengen, Henry Snavely, Richard Davis, Samuel Hughes, Joseph Perry, John Jugerhorn, Joseph Smith, Thomas Hog, Thomas Prather, William McClary, John Swan, Eli Williams, Stophall Burkett, and Thomas Brooke. 126 Any five of them had power to act. At the same time the following were named as a Com- mittee of Correspondence: Charles Beatty, Thos. Sprigg Wooton, John Hanson, Thomas Bowles, Casper Shaaf, Thomas Price, Baker Johnson, Philip Thomas, George Murdock, Alexander C. Hanson, Thomas Cramphin, Jr., William Bayley, Jr., Evan Thomas, Richard Brooke, 126 Force's " American Archives," Fouth Series, Vol. I., p. 986. The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 189 Thomas Johns, Walter Smith, William Deakins, John Murdock, Bernard O'Neal, John Stull, Samuel Beall, Jr., James Smith, Joseph Chapline, Joseph Sprigg, Charles Swearengen, Rich. Davis, Jonathan Hager, and Joseph Perry. The following were also elected to attend the Provincial Convention : Charles Beatty, Henry Griffith, Thos. Sprigg Wooton, Jacob Funk, Evan Thomas, Richard Brooke, Upton Sheredine, Baker Johnson, Thomas Price, Joseph Chapline, and James Smith. The Provincial Convention, which met on December 8, adopted resolutions recommending that the inhabitants of the province, from sixteen to fifty years of age, form themselves into companies of sixty-eight men, and elect a captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, and a drummer for each company, and to use their utmost endeavors to make themselves masters of mili- tary exercise. It was also recommended that each man be provided with a good firelock and bayonet fixed thereon, half a pound of powder, two pounds of lead, and a car- touch-box or powder-horn, and a bag for ball, and be in readiness to act in any emergency. When they had made up their minds to act, the citizens of Frederick county were fired with enthusiasm, and in order that all the necessary precautions might be taken another meeting of the citizens of the county was called to be held at the court house on Tuesday, January 24, 1775. At this meeting John Hanson was made chairman, and Archibald Boyd, secretary. The association and re- solves of the American Congress and the proceedings of the last Provincial Convention were read and unanimously approved, and the following resolutions adopted : 127 127 Force's "American Archives," Fourth Series, Vol. I., p. 1173. 190 The Pennsylvania-German Society. I. Resolvedj That Messrs. Charles Beatty, Henry Griffith, Thomas Sprigg Wooton, Jacob Funk, and Nathan Magruder, Richard Brooke, Zadock Magruder, William Baker, Thomas Cramphin, Jr., Alexander Bowie, Jr., William Deakins, Jr., John Murdock, Thomas Johns, Bernard O'Neal, Brooke Beall, Edward Burgess, Charles G. Griffith, Henry Griffith, Jr., William Bayley, Jr., Samuel Magruder, Nathaniel Qffutt, Archibald Orme, Joseph Threlkeld, Walter Smith, Thomas Beall of George, Richard Crabb, William Luckett, William Luckett, Jr., Greenbury Grif- fith, Samuel Griffith, John Hanson, Thomas Price, Thomas Bowles, Conrad Grosh, Thomas Archley, Jonathan Wilson, Francis Deakins, Casper Schaaff, Peter Hoffman, George Scott, Baker Johnson, Philip Thomas, Alexander C. Hanson, Archibald Boyd, Arthur Nelson, Andrew Scott, George Strieker, Adam Fisher, Wm. Ludwick, Weltner Van Swearengen, Wm. M. Beall, Jacob Young, Peter Grosh, .ZEneas Campbell, Elias Brunner, Frederick Kemp, John Haas, John Remsburg, Thomas Hawkins, Upton Sheredine, Basil Dorsey, John Lawrence, Charles Warfield, Ephraim Howard, Joseph Wells, David Moore, Joseph Wood, Norman Bruce, William Blair, David Schriver, Roger Johnson, Henry Cock, Robert Wood, William Albaugh, Jacob Mathias, Henry Crawle, Jacob Ambrose, David Richards, William Win- chester, Philip Fishburn, William Hobbs, Thomas Cresap, Thomas Warren, Thomas Humphreys, Richard Davis, Jr., Charles Clinton, James Prather, George Bent, James Johnson, James Smith, Joseph Chapline, John Stull, Samuel Beall, Jr., William Baird, Joseph Sprigg, Christian Orendorff, Jonathan Hager, Conrad Hogmire, Charles Swearingen, Henry Snavely, Richard Davis, Samuel Hughes, Joseph Perry, Joseph Smith, Thomas Hog, Thomas Prather, William McClary, John Swan, Eli Williams, Christopher Burkett, Thomas Brooke, Michael Raymer, Nicholas Tice, John Adlum, Samuel Norwood, Bartholomew Booth, Jacob Boyer, Michael Jacob Miller, Andrew Bruce, John Darnall, John Rems- burg, William Dorran, John Key, John Beall, John McCallister, Charles Beall, Lewis Kemp, John Stoner, Thomas Beatty, Thomas The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 191 Gilbert, Abraham Hoff, P. Henry Thomas, Jacob Good, Westel Ridgely, Samuel Carrick, Abraham Hosteter, Baltzer Kelcholumer, Samuel Emmet, John Cary, Christopher Edelin, Amos Riggs, John Grimber, Leonard Smith, Nicholas Hower, Richard North- craft, John Herriot, Richard Smith, Zacharias Ellis, Azel Waters, Martin Cassil, James Johnson, George Bare, Benjamin Johnson, and Abraham Paw be a committee of observation, with full powers to prevent any infraction of the said institution, and to carry the resolves of the American Congress and of the Provincial Conven- tion into execution ; that any seventy-five of those gentlemen have power to act for the county, and any five in each of the larger districts be authorized to act in any manner that concerns such Division only. II. Resolved, That the gentlemen appointed at the last meeting of this County a committee of Correspondence be hereby con- tinued, and that the duration of their authority be limited to the second Tuesday in October next. III. Resolved, As the most convenient and effectual method of raising the sum of $1,333, being this County's proportion of the $10,000 which the provincial convention has appointed to be raised for the purchase of arms and ammunition, that a subscription be immediately opened in every part of the County, and the following gentlemen be appointed to promote such subscriptions in their several Hundreds: For Salisbury Hundred, Jonathan Hager, Henry Snavely and Jacob Sellers. For Upper Catoclin, Peter Bainbridge, Benjamin Eastburn, Caspar Smith, and Thomas Johnson. For the Lower part of New Foundland, Edward Burgess, Walter Beall, Joseph Perry. For Skipton, Thomas Cresap, Moses Rawlings, and Richard Davis, Jr. For Georgetown, William Deakins, Thomas Johns, Walter Smith. For Sharpsburg, Joseph Chapline and Christian Orendorf. 192 The Pennsylvania-German Society. For Lower part of Potomack Hundred, William Bayley, Sam- uel Wade Magruder, Andrew Hugh, and Charles Jones. For Tom's Creek Hundred, William Blair, William Sheales, and Benjamin Ogle. For Catoclin Hundred, George Strieker, William Luckett, Jr., and Westel Ridgely. For Upper Antietam Hundred, Jacob Funk, Conrad Hogmire, Joseph Perry, John Ingram. For Linton Hundred, Martin Johnson, and Joseph Flint. For Cumberland Hundred, Charles Clinton. For Middle Monocacy, Thomas Beatty, Mathias Ringer, Chris- topher Stull, and T. Flemming. For Rock Creek Hundred, Thomas Cramphin, Zadock Magru- der, W. Baker, and Allen Bowie. For Sugar Loaf Hundred, Francis Deakins, R. Smith, L. Plum- mer, Z. Waters, and Z. Linthicum. For Burnt Woods Hundred, Ephraim Howard, Charles War- field, David Moore, John Lawrence, Henry Crowle, and William Hobbs. For Lower Antietam Hundred, Thomas Hog, Henry Butler, and Thomas Cramphin. For Linganore Hundred, John Beall, Charles G. Griffith, Nicho- las Hobbs, Basil Dorsey, and William Duva.ll.~~ For Conococheague, David Jones Isaac Baker, and Jacob Friend. For Piney Creek Hundred, Jacob Good, John McCallister, Samuel McFarren, Abraham Hiter, and John Key. For Lower Monocacy Hundred, Lewis Kemp, John Darnall, Thomas Nowland, and Leonard Smith. For Northwest Hundred, Samuel Harwood, Peter Becraft, and Richard Beall, of Samuel. For Marsh Hundred, Charles Swearingen, Eli Williams, James Smith, Richard Davis, and George Swimley. For Upper Part of Potomac Hundred, Brooke Beall, Samuel West, Nathaniel Offutt, and Alexander Clagett. For Seneca, Charles Perry, Richard Crabb, Gerard Briscoe. The £ he-Revolutionary Period. 193 For Pipe Creek Hundred, Andrew Bruce, William Winchester, David Schriver, and Nathaniel Norris. For Manor Hundred, William Beatty, Joseph Wood, Jr., Azel Waters, John Remsburg, Abraham Hoff, and Valentine Creager. For Upper Part of Monocacy Hundred, Henry Cox, Roger Johnson, Richard Butler. For Upper Part of New Foundland Hundred, Henry Griffith, Richard Brooke, and Henry Gaither, Sr. For Elizabeth Hundred, John Stull, Otho Holland Williams, John Swan, and John Rench. For Fredericktown Hundred, Phil. Thomas, Thomas Price, Baker Johnson, Peter Hoffman, and Ludwick Weltner. For Fort Frederick Hundred, Ezekiah Cox. For Sugar Land Hundred, /Eneas Campbell, John Fletcher, John Luckett, Alexander Whitaker, and Solomon Simpson. The said gentlemen are instructed to apply personally, or by Deupty, to every freeman in their respective Districts, and to solicit a generous contribution. They are ordered to state accounts of money received, and pay it to the Committee of Correspondence, which is hereby appointed to meet at Fredericktown, the 23d day of March next: and they are further ordered to report to the said Committee the names of persons (if any) who shall refuse to subscribe. IV. That Messrs. Thomas Johnson, William Deakins, Charles Beatty, George Murdock, John Stull, and John Swan, or any one of them, be empowered to contract, in behalf of the Committee of Correspondence, for any quantity of powder and Lead, to be paid for on the said 23d day of March. V. In order that a committee of observation may be more con- veniently chosen, and a more proper representation of the people may be had, the several collectors in each Hundred are desired to give notice to those qualified by their estates to vote for Repre- sentatives of some time and place of meeting in the Hundred, to elect members for a Committee, agreeably to the following regulation. 13* 194 The Pennsylvania-German Society. When the number of taxables exceed two hundred, and amounts to not more than four hundred, the District shall elect three mem- bers. The Collectors are ordered to return such Representatives to the Committee of Correspondence on the 23d day of March; the Committee so chosen shall then meet, and the authority of the present Committee of Observation shall be dissolved. VI. Resolved, That Messrs. John Hanson, Charles Beatty, Upton Sheredine, Baker Johnson, Philip Thomas, Jacob Funk, Samuell Beall, Joseph Chapline, John Stull, James Smith, Henry Griffith, Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Richard Brooke, William Deakins, and Thomas Cramphine, or any five of them, shall repre- sent this County to any Provincial convention to be held at the city of Annapolis before the second Tuesday of October next. A petition from the People called Dunkers and Mennonists was read. They express a willingness freely to contribute their money in support of the common cause of America, but pray an exemp- tion from the Military Exercise on the score of their Religious Principles. Resolved, That this petition be referred to the Committee to be chosen agreeably to the fifth Resolve. In the mean time it is strictly enjoined that no violence be offered to the person or prop- erty of any one, but that all grounds of complaint be referred to said Committee. Arch. Boyd, Clerk. Although making preparations to be ready for any con- tingency, the German citizens of Maryland were not, as a rule, prepared to go to the length of severing their con- nection with Great Britain. They considered that their rights had been invaded, but they also thought that this matter could be adjusted by the British government with- out going to the length of a separation of the colonies from the mother country. In the latter part of 1774 the magi- strates of Frederick county adopted the folowing address to their representatives in the Provincial Convention : The Pre-Revolutionary Period. 195 Address of the Magistrates of Frederick County, Maryland, to the Honourable Matthew Tilghman, Thomas Johnson, Robert Goldsborough, William Paca and Samuel Chase, Esquires. We the Subscribers, Magistrates of Frederick County, sensible of the disinterested services you have rendered your county on many occasions, but particularly as Deputies from this Province to the Continental Congress, beg leave to return you our sincere acknowl- edgements. The whole of the proceedings of that important As- sembly are so replete with loyalty to the King; with tenderness to the interest of our fellow-subjects in Great Britain ; and above all, reverential regard to the rights and liberties of America, that they cannot fail to endear you to every American, and your memory to their latest posterity. 128 The magistrates who signed this address were chiefly of English extraction, but at the same time the Grand Jury, made up partly of German citizens, also forwarded an ad- dress to the same representatives. In this address, after endorsing the action of the Continental Congress, the Grand Jury goes on to say: "Permit us, gentlemen, to observe, that Councils tampered with such filial loyalty to the Sov- ereign, such fraternal delicacy for the sufferings of our friends in Great Britain, and at the same, with such un- shaken zeal for the preservation of the inestimable privi- leges derived from our admirable Constitution, cannot fail to give weight and influence to the cause, and must moderate and relax the minds of our most poignant enemies." 129 But, as Dr. Steiner says, "The 'most poignant enemy' was King George, and when the men of Frederick dis- covered that fact, all 'filial loyalty' was lost and they girded themselves for the fray." 128 Force's " American Archives," Series IV., Vol. I., p. 992. 129 Ibid., p. 993. CHAPTER XV. Preparing for the Struggle. EXINGTON and Bunker Hill will always be bril- liantly illuminted pages in the history of America, and the Minute Men who had the te- merity to contest the advance of Major Pitcairn and his reg- ulars, and the farmer boys be- hind the fence on Breed's Hill who twice drove back the crack Welsh Fusileers, will always be entitled to their due meed of praise. They were the advance guard in the struggle with the mother country, and were steadfast in the hour of need, and are justly honored for the part they played. But after they had begun the contest and others were needed to reinforce them and continue the work, it was the sturdy Germans from the south: from Pennsylvania and Maryland, who hurried to their aid. The first troops from the other provinces to reach Cam- bridge after the battle of Bunker Hill were the two com- 196 Preparing for the Struggle. 197 panies from Frederick county, Maryland, made up largely of Germans. This was but the beginning, and although many of these Germans were opposed to war and had come to this country to escape from the burdens imposed upon them by it, they left their homes and their untilled fields and joined the bands of patriots, prepared to back their desire for the freedom they had been promised with the rifle and bayonet. It is impossible to estimate the full value of their services, but considering the numbers of them who served in the patriot army throughout the war, it can be stated as an incontrovertible fact that without the aid of the Germans from Pennsylvania and Maryland the issue of the Revolutionary War would have been more than doubtful. The news of the fight at Lexington reached Annapolis on the morning of April 26th, and couriers rapidly carried it to all parts of the colony. The excitement produced by the information that the war had been begun had scarcely begun to subside when news was received of the battle of Bunker Hill, which was fought on June 17, 1775. Three days before the Continental Congress had adopted a reso- lution providing for a battalion of riflemen, two companies of which were to be raised in Maryland, two in Virginia, and six in Pennsylvania. The two Maryland companies were assigned to Frederick county, and it was ordered that as soon as they were enlisted they were to be marched to Boston. A meeting of the Committee of Observation for Frederick county was held in the court-house at Frederick on June 21, and at this meeting John Hanson, chairman of the Maryland delegation to the Continental Congress, read the resolution adopted by that body just a week before. The committee at once adopted a resolution direct- ing that the two companies of expert riflemen be forth- 198 The Pennsylvania-German Society. with raised and named the following officers for the companies : First Company. — Michael Cresap, captain; Thomas Warren, Joseph Cresap, Jr., and Richard Davis, Jr., lieutenants. Second Company. — Thomas Price, captain; Otho Hol- land Williams and John Ross Key, lieutenants. These companies were promptly recruited from among the expert riflemen of Frederick county, a large propor- tion of whom were Germans. Unfortunately the muster rolls of these companies have not been preserved, or at least cannot be found, so that the names of these patriots cannot be given. So prompt was the organization of these companies that by the middle of July they were ready to start on their march to Boston. The appearance of these riflemen and their skill as marksmen attracted attention everywhere. Writing to a friend in Philadelphia, under date of August 1, 1775, a gentleman in Frederick says: 130 Notwithstanding the urgency of my business, I have been detained three days in this place by an occurrence truly agreeable. I have had the happiness of seeing Captain Michael Cresap marching at the head of a formidable company of upwards of one hundred and thirty men, from the mountains and backwoods, painted like Indians, armed with tomahawks and rifles, dressed in hunting- shirts and moccasins, and though some of them had travelled near eight hundred miles from the banks of the Ohio, they seemed to walk light and easy, and not with less spirit than at the first hour of their march. Health and vigour, after what they had undergone, declared them to be intimate with hardship and familiar with danger. Joy and satisfaction were visible in the crowd that met them. Had Lord North been present, and been assured that the brave leader could raise thousands of such like to defend his Coun- 130 Force's " American Archives," Fourth Series, Vol. III., p. z. Preparing for the Struggle. 199 try, what think you, would not the hatchet and block have intruded upon his mind? I had an opportunity of attending the Captain during his stay in Town, and watched the behaviour of his men, and the manner in which he treated them ; for it seems that all who go out to war under him do not only pay the most willing obedi- ence to him as their commander, but in every instance of distress look up to him as their friend or father. A great part of his time was spent in listening to and relieving their wants, without any apparent sense of fatigue and trouble. When complaints were before him he determined with kindness and spirit, and on every occasion condescended to please without losing his dignity. Yesterday the company were supplied with a small quantity of powder from the magazine, which wanted airing, and was not in good order for rifles ; in the evening, however, they were drawn out to show the gentlemen of the Town their dexterity at shooting. A clapboard, with a mark the size of a dollar, was put up; they began to fire offhand, and the bystanders were surprised, few shots being made that were not close to or in the paper. When they had shot for a time in this way, some lay on their backs, some on their breasts or side, others ran twenty or thirty steps, firing, appeared to equally certain of the mark. With this performance the company were more than satisfied, when a young man took up the board in his hand, not by the end, but by the side, and holding it up, his brother walked to the distance, and very coolly shot into the white ; laying down his rifle, he took the board, and holding it as it was held before, the second brother shot as the former had done. By this exercise I was more astonished than pleased. But will you be- lieve me, when I tell you, that one of the men took the board, and placing it between his legs, stood with his back to the tree while another drove the centre. What would a regular army of considerable strength in the forests of America do with one thou- sand of these men, who want nothing to preserve their health and courage but water from the spring, with a little parched corn, with what they can easily procure in hunting: and who wrapped in their blankets, in the damp of night, would choose the shade of a tree for their covering, and the earth for their bed. 200 The Pennsylvania-German Society. These two companies of riflemen marched from Fred- erick on July 1 8, 1775, and although their journey of 550 miles was over rough and difficult roads, they reached Boston on August 9, without the loss of one man. These troops were the first from the south to reach Cam- bridge, and they naturally attracted considerable attention. Thatcher says: 131 " Several companies of riflemen, amount- ing, it is said, to more than fourteen hundred men, have arrived here from Pennsylvania and Maryland; a distance of from five hundred to seven hundred miles. They are remarkably stout and hardy men ; many of them exceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in white frocks, or rifle shirts, and round hats. These men are remarkable for the accuracy of their aim; striking a mark with great certainty at two hundred yards' distance. At a review, a company of them, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inches diameter at a distance of two hundred and fifty yards. They are now stationed on our lines, and their shot have frequently proved fatal to British officers and soldiers, who expose themselves to view, even at more than double the distance of common musket- shot." The next year these companies were incorporated in a regiment of riflemen commanded by Colonel Stephenson, of Virginia. Upon his death Moses Rawlings became colo- nel of the regiment, and Otho Holland Williams, major. Both of these officers were from that part of Frederick county which is now Washington county, Maryland. Although, as has been said, a large number of the citi- zens of Maryland were not in favor of a separation from Great Britain, events were moving so rapidly as to compel them to abandon this position. On July 26, 1775, the i3i « A Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War," p. 37. Preparing for the Struggle. 201 Provincial Convention determined to take the government of the Province into its hands, and adopted the following declaration : The long premeditated, and now avowed, design of the British government, to raise a revenue from the property of the colonists without their consent, on the gift, grant, and disposition of the Commons of Great Britain; and the arbitrary and vindictive stat- utes passed under color of subduing a riot, to subdue by military force and by famine the Massachusetts Bay; the unlimited power assumed by Parliament to alter the charter of that Province and the constitutions of all the colonies, thereby destroying the essential securities of the lives, liberties, and properties of the colonists ; the commencement of hostilities by the ministerial forces, and the cruel prosecution of the war against the people of Massachusetts Bay, followed by General Gage's proclamation, declaring almost the whole of the inhabitants of the united colonies, by name or descrip- tion, rebels and traitors; are sufficient causes to arm a free people in defence of their liberty, and justify resistance, no longer dictated by prudence merely, but by necessity; and leave no other alternative but base submission or manly opposition to uncontrollable tyranny. The Congress chose the latter ; and for the express purpose of secur- ing and defending the united colonies, and preserving them in safety against all attempts to carry the above mentioned acts into execution by force of arms, resolved that the said colonies be im- mediately put into a state of defence, and now supports, at the joint expense, an army to restrain the further violence, and repel the future attacks of a disappointed and exasperated enemy. We therefore inhabitants of the Province of Maryland, firmly persuaded that it is necessary and justifiable to repel force by force, do approve of the opposition by arms to the British troops em- ployed to enforce obedience to the late acts and statutes of the British Parliament for raising a revenue in America, and altering and changing the charter and constitution of the Massachusetts Bay, and for destroying the essential securities for the lives, liberties, and properties of the subjects in the united colonies. And we do 202 The Pennsylvania-German Society. unite and associate as one band, and firmly and solemnly engage and pledge ourselves to each other, and to America, that we will, to the utmost of our power, promote and support the present opposi- tion, carrying on as well by arms as by the continental association restraining our commerce. And as in these times of public danger, and until a reconcilia- tion with Great Britain on constitutional principles is effected, (an event we ardently wish may soon take place) the energy of govern- ment may be greatly impaired, so that even zeal unrestrained may be productive of anarchy and confusion, we do in like manner unite, associate, and solemnly engage, in maintenance of good order and the public peace, to support the civil power in the due execution of the laws, so far as may be consistent with the present plan of opposition ; and to defend with our utmost power all persons from every species of outrage to themselves or their property, and to prevent any punishment from being inflicted on any offenders other than such as shall be adjudged by the civil magistrate, the Conti- nental Congress, our Convention, Council of Safety, or Com- mittees of Observation. The Maryland delegates to the Continental Congress had been forbidden, except under certain circumstances, to agree to any declaration of independence, but it soon became evident that the sentiment of that body was in favor of such a declaration. Consequently, when a resolution to that effect was introduced the Maryland delegates were re- called and the question was referred to the people so that delegates to the Provincial Convention could be elected and given instructions upon the matter. The people of the various counties held their meetings and elected delegates to the convention and instructed these delegates to repeal the restrictions imposed upon the delegates to Congress and to allow them to unite with those of the other colonies in declaring their independence and the formation of a con- federacy. Less than a week before the adoption of the Preparing for the Struggle. 203 Declaration of Independence the Maryland Convention rescinded the restrictions placed upon their delegates, so that the latter were able to join in voting for its passage. The Maryland Convention, however, determined to put itself on record, and on July 3, 1776, adopted the following : A Declaration of the Delegates of Maryland. To be exempted from Parliamentary taxation, and to regulate their internal government and polity, the people of this colony have ever considered as their inherent and unalienable right; with- out the former, they can have no property; without the latter, no security for their lives or liberties. The Parliament of Great Britain has of late claimed an uncon- trollable right of binding these colonies in all cases whatsoever ; to enforce an unconditional submission to this claim the legislative and executive powers of that State have invariably pursued for these ten years past a steadier system of oppression, by passing many impolitic, severe, and cruel acts for raising a revenue from the colonists; by depriving them in many cases of the trial by jury; by altering the chartered constitution of our colony, and the entire stoppage of the trade of its capital; by cutting off all intercourse between the colonies ; by restraining them from fishing on their own coasts ; by extending the limits of, and erecting an arbitrary govern- ment in the Province of Quebec ; by confiscating the property of the colonists taken on the seas, and compelling the crews of their ves- sels, under the pain of death, to act against their native country and dearest friends; by declaring all seizures, detention, or de- struction of the persons or property of the colonists, to be legal and just. A war unjustly commenced hath been prosecuted against the united colonies with cruelty, outrageous violence, and perfidy; slaves, savages, and foreign mercenaries have been meanly hired to rob a people of their property, liberties and lives; a people guilty of no other crime than deeming the last of no estimation without the secure enjoyment of the former; their humble and dutiful 204 The Pennsylvania-German Society. petitions for peace, liberty, and safety have been rejected with scorn; secure of, and relying on foreign aid, not on his national forces, the unrelenting monarch of Britain hath at length avowed, by his answer to the city of London, his determined and inexorable resolution of reducing these colonies to abject slavery. Compelled by dire necessity, either to surrender our properties, liberties, and lives into the hands of a British King and Parlia- ment, or to use such means as will most probably secure to us and our posterity those invaluable blessings, — We, the Delegates of Maryland, in Convention assembled, do declare that the King of Great Britain has violated his com- pact with this people, and they owe no allegiance to him. We have therefore thought it just and necessary to empower our deputies in congress to join with a majority of the united colonies in declaring them free and independent States, in framing such further con- federation between them, in making foreign alliances, and in adopt- ing such other measures as shall be judged necessary for the preser- vation of their liberties; provided the sole and exclusive rights of regulating the internal polity and government of this colony be reserved for the people thereof. We have also thought proper to call a new Convention, for the purpose of establishing a govern- ment in this colony. No ambitious views, no desire of independ- ence, induced the people of Maryland to form an union with the other colonies. To procure an exemption from parliamentary tax- ation, and to continue to the legislatures of these colonies the sole and exclusive right of regulating their internal policy, was our original and only motive. To maintain inviolate our liberties and to transmit them unimpaired to posterity, was our duty and first wish; our next, to continue connected with and dependent on, Great Britain. For the truth of these assertions, we appeal to that Almighty Being who is emphatically styled the Searcher of hearts, and from whose omniscence nothing is concealed. Relying on His divine protection and affiance, and trusting to the justice of our cause, we exhort and conjure every virtuous citizen to join cordially in the defence of our common rights, and in maintenance of the freedom of this and her sister colonies. CHAPTER XVI. The Flying Camp. XT 'HROUGHOUT the sum- mer of 1775 the citizens of western Maryland, compris- ing chiefly the German element of the population of the Prov- ince, were actively engaged in preparing for the war which they now knew was inevitable. Men enrolled themselves into companies and perfected them- selves in military tactics under officers of their own choosing. Four of these companies were officered as follows : Captain, William Blair. 1st Lieutenant, George Hockersmith. 2d Lieutenant, Henry Williams. Ensign, Jacob Hockersmith. 205 206 The Pennsylvania-German Society. William Curran, Jr. George Kelly, Sergeants. John Smith, Christian Crabbs. Corporals. John Crabbs, Arthur Row, George Matthews, James Park. Drummer, Daniel McLean. Captain, William Shields. ist Lieutenant, John Faires. 2d Lieutenant, Michael Hockersmith. Ensign, John Shields. Charles Robinson, James Shields, Sr., Sergeants. Patrick Haney, Robert Brown. Moses Kennedy, John Hawk, Corporals. John Long, Thomas Baird. Captain, Jacob Ambrose. ist Lieutenant, Peter Shover. 2d Lieutenant, Henry Bitzell. Ensign, John Weller. Martin Bartz, Frederick Schultz, Sergeants. John Gump, Casper Young. John Protzman, Dominick Bradley, Drummer, John Shaw. Corporals. George Kuhn, Laurence Creager. Fifer, Philip Weller. Captain, Benjamin Ogle. ist Lieutenant, Henry Matthews. 2d Lieutenant, George Nead. Ensign f James Ogle. The Flying Camp. 207 Sergeants. John Syphers, Peter Leonard, Lawrence Protzman, Conrad Matthew. Corporals. Jacob Valentine, Adam Knauff, Daniel Protzman, William Elder. Drummer, John Roche. Fijer, Daniel Linebaugh. These companies, numbering over 250 men, were at- tached to one of the battalions raised in Frederick county and performed active service throughout the war. On the first day of January, 1776, the Convention re- solved to immediately put the Province in the best state of defence and to raise an armed force sufficient for this pur- pose. It was decided that this force should consist of 1,444 men, with the proper officers, and that it should be divided into a battalion of eight companies of sixty-eight men each, with officers, and the remainder of the troops formed into companies of one hundred men each. On January 14 this was changed so that there was to be a bat- talion of nine companies, seven independent companies, two companies of artillery and one company of marines. The Council of Safety was empowered to order these troops into Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania. Officers for the battalion were elected as follows : Colonel, William Smallwood; major, Thomas Price; paymaster, Charles Wallace; clerk to colonel, Christr. Richmond; 1st Sur- geon's mate, Dr. Michael Wallace; quarter master, Joseph Marbury; acting adjutant, Jacob Brice. These companies were enlisted chiefly in the eastern section of the Province, and while there were many Germans among the officers and privates there was no grouping of that nationality. On June 3, 1776, the Continental Congress resolved 208 The Pennsylvania-German Society. "That a flying camp be immediately established in the middle colonies; and that it consist of 10,000 men; to com- plete which number . . . the colony of Pennsylvania be requested to furnish of their militia 6,000, Maryland of their militia 3,400, Delaware government, of their militia, 600." On the 21st the Maryland Convention resolved "that this province will furnish 3,405 of its militia, to form a flying camp, and to act with the militia of Pennsylvania and the Delaware government in the middle department." These troops were to serve until the first of the following December. The organization of the companies for the Flying Camp was promptly undertaken, and no class of citizens was more prompt in enlisting than the German residents of Frederick county. Some of the companies were made up almost en- tirely of Germans, while in all of them there was a fair proportion of that nationality. Following are the muster rolls of the companies enlisted in Frederick county for the Flying Camp : Lower District, now Montgomery County. Captain Edward Burgess' Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Edward Burgess. 1st Lieutenant, Thomas Edmonston. 2d Lieutenant, Alexander Estep. Ensign, Zephaniah Beall. Privates. Nathan Orme, Miles Mitchell, Richard Weaver Barnes, Thomas Wood, Charles Gartrell, Charles Maccubin Reynolds, Alexander Lazenby, Joseph Estep, Edward Harden, John Tuckker, The Flying Camp. 209 Zachariah Aldridge, y Samuel Beall White, Nathan Waters, Benjamin Fitzjarrald, Gilbert Bryan, Nathan Musgrove, James Burgess, Benjamin Burgess, Arthur Legg, Thomas Freeman, John Sheekels, or Shukels, * John Ray, Shadrach Penn, or Peen, Zephaniah Browning, George Fryback, John Hanson Wheeler, Samuel Wheeler, Thomas Culver, Henry Lazenby, Jeremiah Beall, John Harding, Samuel Taylor Orme, Thomas Wallis, John Lashyear (Layzare), Reson Hollon, Alexcious Simms, Thomas Nichols, Laurance Hurdle, William Crow, Lenard Wood, Saml. Carter, Thomas Beall, Kinsey Hanee, Joseph Gartrell, John Geehan, or Guhan, 14* Jeremiah Ferrell, Samuel Purnal, ~" Thomas Sheekels, or Shukels, Thomas Gittings, Archibald Hoskinson, Alexander Barratt, Owen Haymon, Alexander Edmonston Beall, John Beaden, Alexander Tucker, John Wilcoxen, Richard Burgess, John Fryback, Daniel Lewis, John Ryan, Benj. Tucker, Wevour Waters, Morris Brashears, Obed Willson, Stephen Gatrell, James Beall (of Roger), John Elwood, James Carter, Josiah Harding (Harden), Henry Clark, John Nichols, Alexander Robert Beall, William Garten, Solomon Dickerson, William Young Conn, Marthew Lodgeade, Leaven, (Leven) Beall, John Ferrell, William Hicke, Dennis Marhay, 210 The Pennsylvania-German Society. James Hurvey, John Crook, Edward Trout, Samuel Taylor, Samuel Solamon, William Blackburn, William Hopkins, Richard Nicholsson. Captain Leonard Deakins' Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Leonard Deakins. ist Lieutenant, Thomas Nowland. 2d Lieutenant } Elisha Williams. Ensign, John Griffith, resigned, Dennis Griffith. Privates. Lloyd Beall, James Gauff, Zachariah Askey, John Yates, William Lanham, Jacob Veatch, Richard O'Daniel, William Longley, David Green, Dennis Griffith, John Taylor, Thomas Stewart, Thomas Lightfoot, John Stewart, James McDeed, William Walker, Samuel Spycer, James McCulloch, Bartholomew Edelin, William Lovet, William Draper, Jessee Woodward, Henry Allison, Nathan Wilson, Leonard Hagon, Robert Wilson, Charles Mahoney, Edward Jinkings, John Baptis Gauff, William Hays. Captain Benjamin Spykers Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Benjamin Spyker. ist Lieutenant, Greenbury Gaither. 2d Lieutenant, Richard Anderson. Ensign, Nicholas Scybert. Privates. Zachariah Rily, Thomas Wise, John Gorman, William House, John McDavid, Geor. Sybert (Scybert), The Flying Camp. 211 Edward Northcrafft, Neil Dogherty,^/ Michael Stanly, William Carlin, Peter Hoey (Hoy), Strutton Hazel, Henry Burton, John Smith, Archibald Trail, Nathan Green, John Currington, William Murphy, Joseph Crawly, Edward Goodwin, Timothy Maclamary, John Turner, William Glory, John Reynolds, William Hollands, Allan Mackabee (Mockbee), Francis Downing, James Wilson, -' Nathan Traill, James Artis, Aaron Wood, John Keemer, William Leitch, William Baitson, Charles Saffle, Nicholas Gaither, Lodowick Davis (Davies), Bennett Herd, Henry Mackee (Mackey), Michael Rily (Riley), Walter Nichols (Nicholl), Nathan Roberts, Stephen Harper, John Cook, Joseph Ross, Patrick Murphy, George Heater, Dennis Clary, Thomas Love, Thomas Knowlar, Abraham Booker, Joseph Penny, John Wilson, Richard Short, Thomas Chattell, (Chattle), John Haymond Nicholls, Richard Cooke, Lewis Mullican, James Pelly, Eli Smith, John Collins, William Lowry, Osborn West, Leven Kersey, William Jerbo, John Lowry, John Langton, John Evans, Henry Atchison ( Hutchingson ) , John Madding, Robert Rickets, Zachariah Evans, Benjamin Holland, Richard Kisby, Michael Carter, Thomas Sheppart, 212 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Edward Waker, Thomas Malloon, John Gaskin, Robert Drake, Patrick Carroll, William Pack, John Cavenor (Cavernor), Philip Hindon, Stephen Warman, George Heathman. Captain Richard Smith's Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Richard Smith. ist Lieutenant, Walter White. 2d Lieutenant, Thomas Hayes. Ensign, Thomas Sprigg. Privates. Thomas Fanning, Levi Hayes, Henry Clagett, John Patrick, Matthias Henistone, Andrew Hughes, Jesse Harris, William Summers, Joseph Lewis, John Davies, John Smith, Alexander Read, Matthew Read, William Norris, son of Benj 1 William Wallace, Levin Hayes, John Raynolds, George Windom, Peter Night, William Madden, Henry Atcheson, Andrew Keath, Samuel Queen Windsor, John Bennett, John Hinton, Ezekiel Harris, Herbert Alex r Wallace, Robert Moore, Henry Kuhnes, Anthony Murphy, Jacob Irissler, William Veal Steuart, Michael Clancy, James Long, Charles Steuart, James Nolland, John Gibson, William Sutton, John Harriss, John Fitzgerrald, John Carroll, John Burgess, Jeremiah Leitch, Denmas Mannan, Nicholas Rodes, Zepheniah Wallace, Nicholas Rodes, Jr., William Pruett, The Flying Camp. 213 William Johnston, John Bowen, Robert Muckleroy, William Pollard, Jacob Hesse, William Preston, Alexander Mason, James Jordan, John Hennes, Robert Robinson, Thos. Hays. Middle District, now Frederick County. Captain Philip Maroneys Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Philip Maroney. ist Lieutenant, Elisha Beall. 2d Lieutenant, John Hellen. Ensign, William Beatty, Jr. Privates. George McDonald, Garah Harding, William Jacobs, John McCrery, Daniel Shehan, John Churchwell, George Holliday, George Hill, William Gilmour (Gilmore) Patrick Murphy, Francis Quynn, Samuel Wheeler, John Shank, James McKinzie, Thomas Gill, William Calvert, John McClary, William Skaggs, John Marshall, Bennett Neall, John Test, Thomas Kirk, Jr., Ninion Nichols (Nickols), James Hutchcraft, Jacob Holtz, Henry Smith, Richard Wells, Elisha Rhodes, Paul Boyer, Samuel Busey, John Kenneday, William Chandler, William Hilton, Warran Philpot, Christopher Wheelen, James Buller, John Jones, James Carty, John Hutchinson, Luke Barnet, William Barnitt, Samuel Silvor, Edward Salmon, James McCoy, 214 The Pennsylvania-German Society. William Cash, James Burton, Thomas Bayman, Thomas Hillery, James Beall (Ball), John Brease (Breeze), Patrick Scott, William McKay (McKoy), Zadock Griffith, Henry Meroney, Henry Clements, Thomas Fenly (Finley), James McCormack Beall, Patrick Connan, Chas. Philpott Taylor, James Lowther, Henry Barkshire, John Maynard, James Beckett, James Tannehill, John Miller, James Bryant, Michael Arran, Jacob Barrack, John Donack, James Kelam, John Sehom, Robert McDonald, Richard Tongue, Herbert Shoemaker, John Myer, Richard Fletcher, Joseph McAllen, Thomas Harrison, John Alsop, Charles Dullis, Joshua Pearce, Jacob Rhodes, George Kelly, William Louden, Christian Smith, Frederick Beard, Henry Fisher, James Hudson, Michael Hale, John Rite, William Byer, Francis Freeman, John Cash, William Hollings, Jacob Burton. Captain Jacob Good's Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Jacob Good. 1st Lieutenant, John Baptist Thompson. 2d Lieutenant, John Ghiselin. Ensign, John Smith. Privates. Christeen Clisce, Henry Brawner, George Obalam, Patrick Money, The Flying Camp. 215 Tobias Hammer, George Rice, Philip Fletcher, Martin Fletcher, Christeen Gobble, Adam Keller, John Dwyre, John Billow, John Chamberlin, William Trace, Jacob Freeman, James Collins, Thomas White, Charles Freind, James Estup, John O'Bryan, John Wimer, George Gobble, Henry Miller, Ludwick Mober, Peter Giddy, Jacob Horine, Philip Pepple, Daniel Means, George Free, Daniel McTier, Patric Mclntire, Danl. Mclntire, Danl. Merfey, Thomas Adams, John Sill, Anthony Thomas, Matthew King, Joseph McClaine, David Jones, John Harrison, John Money, Peter Penroad, James Campbell, Leonard Macatee, Thomas Anderson, Jacob Bearae, Philip Jacob, William McClane (McClame), Peter Havclay, Philip Cenedy, Patrick Deneley, Joseph McCracken, William Linch, John Toughman, Edward Pegman, John Wart, Michael Dodson, Benj. Norris, George Bonagal, George Ettleman, James Vaughan, Wm. Brown, Geo. Spunogle, Peter Weaver, Saml. Hamilton, William Price, Henry Fanslar, William Boe, Jacob Martin, Jonathan McDonall, Zachariah Ward, John Slagel, Danl. Benning, John Robertson, George Carroll, John Henderson, 2l6 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Fettea Stuffle, Jacob Ridingour, George Benter, Joseph Ray, John Duncan, Patrick White, John Test, Robert McLeod, Wm. Drome, Wm. Brinsford. Captain Peter Mantz' Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Peter Mantz. 1st Lieutenant, Adam Grosh. 2d Lieutenant, Peter Adams. Ensign, John Richardson. Privates. John Snider, William Richardson, John Shelman, Andrew Loe, Henry Bear, Andrew Wolf, John Kellar, John Martin, Andrew Speak, Charles Smith, John Newsanger (Neswangher), John Gombare, Jr., Jacob Bayer, George Siegfried, Jacob Stevens, William Mills, Mathias Overfelt, David Eley, Henry Smith, Peter Bell, John Twiner, John Netsley, Geo. Mich. Hawk, John Conrad, Joseph Pinnall (Pannell), Frederick Kallenberger, John Lock, Saml. Yaulet, James Adams, Peter Walts, Henry Huffman, Jacob Crapell (Creppell), Mathew Rudrieck, Christ. Stanley, Thomas Stanley, Chr. Kallenberger, Jacob Kern, George Hower, David Nail, George Tennaly, Jonathan Jones, Frederick Heeter, Rudolph Morolf, John Mouer (Mourrer), John Dutterer, Martin Heckentom, Abraham Boucher (Bucher) Philip Bowman, George Stoner, Henry Hulsman, The Flying Camp. 217 Valentine Brunner, John Foster, Mich. Cramer, Laurence Myers, John Bennett, John Gisinger, Henry Teener, John Striser, Henry Myer, John Shenk, John Smith, dyer, Jos. Williams, Philip Flack, John Hendrickson, Dennis Realley, Thomas Smith, Jacob Carnant, Henry Grose, George Plummer, Peter Wagoner, Thomas Tobiry, Philip Aulpaugh, Jacob Shade, Peter Snowdenge ( Snowdeigel ) , Henry Berreck, John Baker, Daniel Hinds, George Boyer, Joseph Shame, Michael Baugh, Nicholas Becketh (Beckwith), Jacob Bowman, Andrew Ringer. Captain Vallentine Creager's Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Vallentine Creager. 1st Lieutenant, Phillip Smith, Jr. 2d Lieutenant, George Need (Neet). Ensign, John Parkinson (Pirkinson). Sergeants. Josiah Hedges, Christian Cumber. Corporals. Charles Menix, John Link. Fifer, Peter Trux (Trucks). Privates. Thomas Edison, Edward Hossilton, Christian Smith, John Smith, George Dotts, Laurence Stull, Jacob Bostion, Samuel Hulse, Solomon Bentley, Aquilla Carmack, John Brattle, Solomon Rowlins, Drummer, Joseph Allsop 218 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Matthias Andess, John Springer, Oliver Linsey, Ludwick Moser (Mouser), James Silver, Michael Fox, George Burrawl (Burrol), Jacob Barrick (Barrack), Jonothan Beard, Christopher Cooper, Patrick Daugherty (Daugerty), Jacob Holtzman, Peter Lickliter, John Mortt, William Slick, Thomas Tumbleson (Tombleson), Adam Russ, Jacob Weyant (Wicant), John Ciferd, James Cammell (Campbell), Henry Decamp, James Buckhannon (Buchanan), Peter Heveron, Jacob Rignall (Rignell), Peter Dick, Cornelius Downey, William From, George Younger, Lodwick Woller (Wooler), Daniel Moore, William Weier, James Smith, Joseph Smith, Thomas Parkinson (Pirkinson), Henry Fogle, Henry Fox, Frederick Hardman, John Waggoner, Adam Waggoner, Adam Simmon (Simon), George McDonald, Henry Clice (Clise), Thomas Nailor (Nalor), George David, Henry Reich, Patrick Dayley, James Branwood, Thomas Cook, Philip Greenwood, Robert Sellers (Sellors), John White, David Barringer, Patrick Rowin, George Serjeant, Evan Morris, William Preston, Robert Parson, John Langley, Daniel Bryan, Jacob Ringer. Upper District, now Washington County. Captain Mneas Campbell's Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, ./Eneas Campbell. 1st Lieutenant, Clement Hollyday. 2d Lieutenant, John Courts Jones. The Flying Camp. 219 John Moxley, Levi Walters, George Hoskins, William Frankline, William Davis, John Gillam (Gillum), Henry Beeding (Beading), Michael Hagan, Daniel Moxley, George Gentile (Gentle), William Dixon, Mark Chillon, Martin Kiezer, Shedereck Locker, John Steel, James Williams, Samuel Lintridge (Lentarage), Benjamin Osburn (Ozenburn), William Veatch, William Lucas (Luckas), Charles Byrn (Burn), William Housley (Owsley), Notley Talbot (Talbort), John Martin (Martain), Charles Hoskins, Barton Lovelass (Charles Loveless), Grove Tomlin (Tamlane), William Stallings (Stalion), Thomas Gillam (Gillum), John Henry, Richard Lewis, Aneas Campbell, Jr., cadet, James Raidy, Ensign, David Lynn. "" Privates. Ignatius Maddox, William Carroll, John Snowden Hooke, Richard Sarjeant, Jr., James Weakley, George Kingston, John Simpson Aldridge, Charles Thomas Philpot, Jeremiah Fulsome, John Heart, Edward Cane, Robert Beall Crafford, Philip Tracy, Henry Jones, Thomas Chappell, Jacob Mills, Hezekiah Speake, Walter Raley (Raleigh), Zephaniah Mockbee, John Higdon, Jr., William Lewis, Henry Allison, Nathan Thompson, James Glaze, Archibald Chappell, Hugh Elder, Arthur Cams, William Windham, Samuel Busey, Alexander Adams, Lewis Peak (Speake), Stephen West, Thomas Owen, John Jeans, 220 The Pennsylvania-German Society, John Williams, John Compton, Peter Boardy, William Poland, Cornelius Harling, Josh. Harbin, Charles Lucas (Luckas), John Ellis, Stephen Gentile, Joseph Beeding, Philip Sulivane, John Ferrell, Patrick Rine, Benjamin Ellit, William Lamar, William Thompson, Stephen West, William Briggs, Francis Kitely, Nathaniel Glaze, Peter Hardesty, Thomas Barrett, Daniel Ferguson, John Self, William Oliver, John White, Abraham Chapman. Captain John Reynolds' Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, John Reynolds. 1st Lieutenant M-OSts Chapline. 2d Lieutenant, Christian Orndorff. Ensign, Nathan Williams. Privates. William Walker, Moses Hobbins, John Ferguson, Wm. Bradford, volunteer, Jacob Hosier, Thomas Fowler, John Been, David Grove, Thos. Bissett, Wm. Messersmith, Wm. Patrick, Archibald Mullihan, Edward Pain, Wm. Coffeeroth, John Wade, Thomas Stogdon, Philip Wyonge, Allexander Sparrow, Christian Weirich, Nicholas Weirich, Peter Loar, Jacob Long, Nicholas Pinkely, Mathias Wolf, John Randle, Michael Edelman, Joseph Emrich, Jacob Brunner, Edward Kerny, Nathaniel Linder, Hermon Consella, Nicholas Hasselback, The Flying Camp. 221 Silus Tomkins, John Class, John Hurley, Thomas Pitcher, Edward Brown, Henry Coonse, George Deale, Benedict Eiginor, Edward Dumatt, Daniel Murphey, Ludowick Kiding, Christopher Curts (Cortz), Henry Knave, Thomas McKoy, D. S. T. Henry Saftly, John Berry, Rinear Bennett, V Francis Thornbourgh, Peter Seaburn, Thomas Sands, James Cunningham, James Nowles, D. S. T. Edward Nowles, Thomas Barrett, D. S. T. Christian France, Jacob Weisong, Joseph Finch, John Hood, William Baumgartner, George Baumgartner, Teeter Waltenback, James Thompson, George Reynolds, Philip Loar, Nicholas France, Thomas Wilkins, George Flick, George Bowersmith, Robert Wells, John Walker, Garrett Closson, Basill Williams, Simon McClane, Joseph Carrick, John Peirce Welsh, John McKenny, Benjamin Dye, Jacob Forsythe, Edward Gardner, D. S. T. Joseph Moor, Laurance Williams, Bennett Madcalf, Ephraim Skiles, John Powell, Michael Cortz, Clement Howard, John Teeter, Jacob Teeter, William Fanner, John Iden, William Kerney, John Eove (Cove?) Jacob Linder, Rodger Dean, James Stewart. 222 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Captain Henry Hardman's Company in the Flying Camp. Captain, Henry Hardman. ist Lieutenant, Daniel Stull. 2d Lieutenant, Peter Contee Hanson, Jona. Morris. Ensign, John Rench. Privates. Paul Schley, Chs. White, Francis Frumantle, Daniel Matthews, James Jordon, George How, Thomas West, Jno. Kirk, Maurice Baker, Daniel Cline, Jno. Newman, Jno. Brown, Livie Jones, Thomas Fish, John Lindsey, Jno. Troxel, Jno. Collins, Thos. Smith, Chas. Feely, Abm. Miller, George Colley, Jno. Mowen, Martin Rickenbaugh, Pat. Ryley, Robert English, James Crale, Jno. Stoner, Jacob Hirsh, Jno. Bemhart, Jno. Grant, Wm. Crale, James Martin, Danl. Fisher, Phil. Flack, James Green, Isaac Hardey, Wm. Casey, Saml. Smith, Wm. Wallis, Thos. Jones, Danl. Henderson, John Ward, George Morrison, Chr. Hart, Jno. Welsh, Jno. Moor, Jno. Aim, Jno. Barry, Stephen Preston, Rhd. Noise, Mathias Houks, Stephen Rutlidge, William Davis, Thomas Collins, William Divers, Chr. Metts, Danl. Wicks, Jno. Dicks, The Flying Camp. 223 Thos. Robison, James Duncan, Peter Haines, Phil. Brugh, Peter Fiegley, Chr. Neal, George Fiegley, Phil. Berener, Abm. Troxel, Samuel Sprigg, Barny Riely, John Closs, Peter Digman, Chn. Berringer, Thomas McGuyer, Jacob S to ram, Saml. Richardson, Conomus Acre, Daniel Carry, Rhd. Morgon, Wm. Campian, Isaac Barnet, Chr. Fogely, Michael Pote, George Rismel, Chr. Alinger, Peter Splise, Chr. Walker, John Hager, Jas Munn. CHAPTER XVII. The German Regiment. -^"HE Continental Con- ^* gress having consid- ered the question of raising a regiment to be composed entirely of Germans, on June 27, 1776, adopted the following resolution : That four companies of Ger- mans be raised in Pennsylvania and four companies in Mary- land, to compose the said regi- ment: That it be recommended to the convention, or in their recess, to the council of safety of Maryland, immediately to appoint proper officers for, and direct the inlistment of, the four companies to be raised in that colony. The Convention of Maryland promptly ratified this action by directing that two companies of Germans be raised in Baltimore county and two in Frederick county. The officers for the German regiment named by Congress 224 The German Regiment. 225 were as follows : Nicholas Haussegger, colonel ; George Strieker, lieutenant-colonel; Ludwick Weltner, major. The proceedings of Congress state that "the committee appointed to settle the rank of the captains and subalterns in the German battalion, reported the same as follows, which was agreed to : " Captains, Daniel Burkhart, Philip Graybill, George Hubley, Henry Fister, Jacob Bonner, George Keeports, Benjamin Weiser, William Heyser, and David Woelpper. " First-lieutenants, Frederick Rolwagen, John Lora, Peter Boyer, Charles Bulsel, William Rice, Jacob Kotz, Jacob Bower, Samuel Gerock, and Bernard Hubley. " Second-lieutenants, George Hawbacker, Christian Meyers, John Landenberger, Michael Bayer, George Schaeffer, Adam Smith, Frederick Yeiser, William Ritter, and Philip Schrawder. " Ensigns, John Weidman, Martin Shugart, Christian Helm, Jacob Crummet, Jacob Cramer, Paul Christman, Christopher Godfrey Swartz, and John Landenberger." Of the officers of the regiment, Lieutenant-colonel George Strieker and Major Ludwick Weltner were from Frederick county. The Maryland captains were William Heyser, Philip Graybill, Henry Fister and George Kee- ports. The Pennsylvania Archives 1 * 2 state that Colonel Haussegger deserted to the British after the battle of Monmouth, but Dr. H. M. M. Richards has shown this to be a mistake. "This is evidently false," says Dr. Rich- ards, " as he returned to his home at Lebanon, where he died in July, 1786. His heirs participated in the donation land-grants, awarded by the State of Pennsylvania to its meritorious and brave officers and soldiers of the Revo- lution, which would not have been the case were he a 132 Second Series, Vol. XL, p. 73. 15* 226 The Pennsylvania-German Society. traitor. It is more probable that, on account of his age, he became sick and incapacitated from active duty, and was given a lengthy furlough, which he spent at his Lebanon home." 133 The Maryland Archives 13,1 give the following as a por- tion of the roster of the German regiment: Jacob Alexander, John Cole, Richard Gaul, Jacob Hose, John Heron, Charles Jones, William Johnson, Daniel Jacquett, Jacob Keyser, Philip Beam, John Brieger, John (or Jas.) Burk, William Croft (Kraft), Jacob Etter, Bernard Frey, Joseph Hook, Drummer. Thomas Hutchcraft, John Roach (or Rock), Michael Smith. Levy Arrings, James W. L. Ashly, Sergeants. Jacob Lowe, John Ladder, William Lewis, Wm. Rummelson, George Stauffer, Christr. Stanty, Frederick Sollers, John Truck. Corporals. John Hochshield, Patrick Kelly, John Michael, Thomas Polhouse, James Smith, S. Fredk Shoemaker. Fifer. John Brown, Henry Ferrins. Privates. Daniel Kettle, Francis Kerns, 133 " The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War," p. 399. 134 Archives of Maryland, Vol. XVIII., p. 184 et seq. The German Regiment. 227 John Armstrong, John Abel, George Arnold, Leonard Aberly, George Bough (or Buck), Saml. Bauswell, Peter Backer, Michael Benner, Henry Bender (or Painter), Jacob Bishop, Jacob Beltzhover, Danl. Baylor, John Bower, Michael Brodbech, George Bantz, Conrad Beam, John Bennett, Philip Bates, Michael Bowerd, Timothy Cahill, Jacob Caufman, Benjamin Cole, George Crothorn, Owen Curley, Henry Cronise, John Croft, Thomas Clifton, Michael Cambler (or Gambler) , Christopher Casner, Rudolph Crower, Michael Cowley, Chas. Champness, Jacob Cromer (or Cramer), Michael Crush, John Cline, James Dyer, Peter Koons, Geo. Keephart, Michael Kershner, Jacob Kline, Jacob Kentz, Jacob Kaufman, John Lecrose, Thomas Larmore, Charles Lago, George Leithusier, Fredk. Larantz, Vendel Lorantz, Fredk. Locker, Martin Lantz, Leonard Ludwick, Gal fried Lawrey, Henry Michael, Fredk. Mongaul, John Miller, Jacob Miely, Jacob Miller, Jr., Lewis McColough, William Mummart, Jacob Miller, Sr., Henry Martin, Wm. Maunsel, William Nerving, John Nevitt, Richd. O'Quin, Thomas Proctor, William Pointer, Robert Porter, Henry Painter, William Rider, Chas. Ronenberger, Michael Ritmire, 228 The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Dalton, James Dunkin, John D retch, Godlb. Danruth, Benja. Elliott, John Eissell, Wolfgn. Ellsperger, Paul Elsing, John Etnier, Jas. Ensey, Peter Engelle (or Angel), Bartel Engle, John Fennell, John Folliott, Henry Fisher, Charles Fulham, Patrick Fleming, John Franklin, Jacob Frymiller, Abram Frantz, John Fleck, Philip Fisher, Fredk. Filler, David Finch, James Forney, Philip Fisher, Philip Fitzpatrick, Michael Grosh, John Grupp, George Getig, Francis Gavan, Edward Gould, Adam Gantner, Corns. Grunlin (or Quinlin), Peter Grice, Michael Gambler, Conrad Riely, Edward Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Chs. or Chrisr. Raybert, Jacob Ruppert, George Rittlemeyer, Henry Rumfell, George Regalman, Jacob Ricknagle, John Richards, Christr. Raver, Bernard Riely, John Smitherd, John Shively, George Silver, Christian Smith, Mathias Smith, James Slite (or Fite), John Stanton, Robert Smith, Chr. Settlemeyer, John Smith, Alexander Sealors, John Shrayock, Joseph Slreiter, John Slife, John Shotts, Michael Shoemaker, Philip Studer, Philip Smith (or Smithly), John Smith, Henry Strome, John Shark, Jacob Shutz, — Mathias Shrayer, Henry Smith, The German Regiment. 229 Richd. Hazelip, Thos. Halfpenny, Michael Hartman, Jno. W. Hammersly (or Amersly), F. William Haller, John Harley, Joseph Hook, Henry Herring, Casimer Hull, Jacob Haseligh, Thos. Hazlewood, Jacob Heffner, Jonathan Hockett, Peter Hewer (or Hoover), Peter Hemerick (or Emerick), John Hatfield, Conrad Hile, Jacob Hoover, James Hughes, Conrad Hausman, Dedrick Haninghouse, James Johnston, Peter Kruise, Philip Kuntz, John Kibber, Mathias Keyer (Keiser), John Kendrick, John Kline (Cline), Chresn. Keplinger, Abram Kettle, John Shaffer, John Snider, Adam Stonebraker, Adam Shaffer, Fredk. Switzer, John Smithly (or Smith), Henry Statler, Michael Stoner, Conrad Stoyle, William Selwood, Andrew Selas, John Timblin, Fredk. Tawney, William Taylor, James Tite, Henry Wilstock, John Wade, Danl. Williams, John Welty, Saml. Wright, John Walker, Thomas Woolford, Joseph Williams, Michael Weaver, Chrisr. Waggoner, Ludk. Witsinger, Jacob Wink, George Wilhelme, Jacob Wagoner, Michael Yakely, John Zimmerman. 23° The Pennsylvania-German Society. Captain Henry Fister's Company in the German Bat- talion, Commanded by Colonel Nicholas Haussegger, 1776. Captain, Henry Fister. Lieutenants. Michael Bayer. Ensign, Jacob Grommet. Sergeants. Philip Shopper, George Wintz. Corporals. Jacob Tudderow, Jacob Low. Drummer, John Heffner. Privates. Adam Charles, Charles Balzel, John Balzel, Philip Shroop, George Hoover, Fredk. Wilhite, S Henry Delawter, Henry Hawk, Fredk. Mittag, Jacob Fantz, Peter Copple, Jacob Kuntz, John Ridenhour, Willm. Snider, Adam Froshour, Christn. Sheafer, Leonard Everly, John Wachtel, George Studdlemeier, Philip Colour, Valentine Shotter, Henry Ziegler, Jacob Tabler, Mathias King, Jacob Miller, Philip Isingminger, Abraham Fettie, John Imfeld, George Shrantz, Adam Smeltzer, John Bird, Gottlieb Klein, Peter Graff, John Ringer, Jacob Croumer, Philip Stouder, Peter Hoover, Peter Americk, Conrad Houseman, John Klein, Henry Hain, Jacob Kurtz, John Zimmerman, Henry Smith, Adam Gentner, The German Regiment. 231 John Leather, Henry Hilderbrand, Anthony Miller, Jacob Farber, Michael Moser, Ludwick Visinger, Jacob Hammer, Martin Watkins, Nicholas Frye, Jacob Weaver, Jacob Eggman, John Beckerson, George Clinton, Christopher Slender, Michael Beiker, Anthony Hamilton, Jacob Sheafer, Pay Roll of Capt. Michael Bayer's Company in the Ger- man Regiment, Continental Troops in the United States. Commanded by Lt. Col. Ludwick Weltner. For the months of July, August, September and October, 1779- Capt. Michael Bayer (Boyer), John Abel, Henry Cronies, Leonard Ludwick, John Snider, Henry Herring, Peter Kuntz, Justinius Hogshield, Edward Robertson, John Shatz, Michael Stiener, John Able, Michael Shoemaker, Frederick Henninghouse, Thomas Polehouse, Bartle Engle, John Klein, John Miller. Polehouse, -k Shoemaker, Corp. Corp. Corp. — rew Robinson, Corp. John Hoshied, Corp. John Shotz, Drum. Thomas Hatchcraft, Drum. Henry Ferrins. Privates. Thomas Mahony, George Kepphard, Peter Kuntz, Abraham Kettle, Adam Gantner, Jacob Miller, Sr., Jacob Cramer, Leonard Ludwick, Michael Shoemaker, Peter Emerick, Henry Herring, Michael Moser, Henry Cronise, Phillip Fisher, John Snider, John Wachtel, 232 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Henry Fisher, John Foliott, Owen Curley, Charles Fullim, James Johnson, Wade, Mallady, Edward Robinson, Ludwick Wesinger, Rudolph Marolf, Jacob Miller, Jr., Phillip Strider, Jacob Riggnagle, Casemar Hill, Conrad Houseman, Michael Stoner, William Taylor, John Zimmerman, John Cline, Peter Hewer, Bartle Engle. Muster Roll of Capt. Geo. P. Keeport's Compy. of the First German Battalion Continental Troops. Commanded by Colonel Nicholas Haussegger. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1 776. George P. Keeports, Capt., Saml. Gerock, 1 Lt., Willm Ritter, 2 Lt., John Lindenberger, Ensign, Jacob Smith, 1st Serjt., Henry Speck, 2nd Serjt., John Keener, 3rd Serjt., Christn. Kearns, 4th Serjt., George Cole, 1st Corpl., Fredk. Moppes, 2nd Corpl., Ulrich Linkenfetter, 3rd Corpl. Philip Bitting, 4th Corpl., Benja. England, Drummer. Privates. Michael Brubacher, Michael Grosh, Michael Dochterman, Christn. Settlemires, Peter Kries, Peter Koefflich (Hoefflich), John Weller, Gotfried Loure, Jacob Wagner, Peter Bast, Jacob Stein, John Schorcht, George Schesler, Danl. Fuhrman, Henry Traut, Jacob Schutz, Peter Hahn, George Miller, Peter Anckle, Jacob Wink, Danl. Boehler, John Harring, John Franken, John Cole, Adam Schaefrer, Mathias Schreier, The German Regiment. 233 Adam Markel, David Streib, Joseph Carrol, David Levy, Willm. Trux, Jacob Bigler, Jacob Burk, Conrad Reitz, John Brown, Fredk. Mongoal, John Bauer, Conrad Boehm, John Miller, John Smith. Roll of Capt. William Heyser's Company. Dated October 23, 1776. William Heyser, Captain, Adam Smith, 2nd Lieut., Jacob Kortz, 1st Lieut., Paul Christman, Ensign. Sergeants. David McCorgan (Morgan), Jacob Hose, Daniel Jaquet (or Jaques), Jacob Miller, George Gittin, Drum, Corporals. Andrew Filler, Philip Reevenach, Barnard Frey, William Lewis, Jacob Gittin, Fife. Peter Sheese, Henry Stroam, Adam Stonebreaker, John Fogle, Jacob Klien, George Miller, Phillip Fisher, Jonathan Hecket, Henry Tomm, Jacob Hoover, Michael Gambler, George Harmony, Thomas Clifton, Michael Boward, Henry Wagner, Privates. George Buch, Stuffle Reever, George Wise, John Michael, John Robertson, Adam Lieser, Robt. Hartness, Henry Benter, John Armstrong, Simon Fogler, Jacob Grass, Phillip Smithly, George Wilhelm, James Duncan, John Breecher, 234 The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Crafft, John Shoemaker, Mathias Gieser, Mathias Dunkle, Frederick Filler, John Kibler, Stuffle Wagner, Jacob Heefner, Conrad Hoyle, Balsor Fisher, John Smith, Michael Weaver, Jacob Belsoover, John Rothe, Wentle Strayly, John Flick, John Mettz, Henry Michael, George Riggleman, Nicholas Baird, John Hottfield, Jacob Greathouse, Fredk. Switzer, Jacob Fowee, Thomas Burney, John Itnier, Phillip Greechbaum, Jacob Bishop, Alex. Sailor, Martin Pifer, Peter Gittin, Frances Myers, Melcher Benter, Tobias Friend, Jacob Heefner, John Smithly, Everheart Smith, Godfrey Young, Frederick Locher, Michael Yeakly, James Furnier, Henry Queer, Henry Statler, John Cropp. Captain Heyser's company, which was enlisted in Wash- ington county, was arranged as follows on May 22, 1777 .135 William Heyser, Captain, Jacob Kortz, First Lieut., Sergeants. David Morgan, Jacob Hose, John Jaquet, Jacob Miller. 135 Richards' " The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War," p. 225. Adam Smith, Second Lieut., Corporals. Andrew Tiller, discharged by the Surgeon, Philip Reevenacht, Bernard Frey, The German Regiment. 235 Henry Stroam, Adam Stonebreaker, John Flick, Henry Michael, Philip Fisher, Jonathan Hacket, Henry Tomm, Jacob Hoover, Michael Camler, Henry Wagner, Melchior Benner, John Fogle, Francis Myers, Jacob Kliene, John Michael, Simon Fogler, John Robinson, Jacob Beltzhoover, Peter Sheese, George Harmony, Michael Bawart, John Croft, Frederick Filler, John Kibler, John Smith, Math's Keyser, Michael Weaver, Nicholas Beard, John Hatfield, Conrad Hoyle, Christian Reaver, Adam Lower, Ph. Greechbaum, William Lewis, John Breecher. Privates. Frederick Locher, Michael Yockley, James Fournier, Henry Quir, John Cropp, H'y Statler, George Gitting, Thomas Clifton, George Riggleman, Thomas Burney, John Metz, John Shoemaker, Tobias Friend, Adam Leiser, Jacob Greathouse, Robert Hartness, Martin Piffer, George Miller, Christopher Wagner, Mathias Dunkle, John Roth, Jacob Piffer, George Bouch, Henry Panthar, Jacob Grass, George Wilhelm, George Wise, Jacob Heffner, Everhard Smith, John Armstrong, Godfried Young, Peter Gitting, died March 18, 1777, 236 The Pennsylvania-German Society. James Duncan, Archibald Fleegert, John Etnier, Wentle Strayley, died January Philip Smithly, 15, 1777, Christian Sides, Balzer Fisher, died March 15, Jacob Bishop, 1777, Alexander Saylor, Frederick Switzer. John Smithley, Scharf 136 gives another arrangement of this company from a roll in the possession of Captain Heyser's descendants. Pay Roll of Lt. Col. Weltner's Company in the German Regt. of the Continental Forces of the United States. Commanded by Lt. Col. Ludwick Weltner. July, August, September and October, 1779. Capt. Philip Shrawder, Corpl. John Brucher, Serjt. William Lewis, Corpl. Adam Stonebraker, Serjt. Jno. Danl. Jacquet, Corpl. Bernard Fry, Serjt. Jacob Hose, Drum. Moses McKinsey, Corpl. James Smith, Drum. Joshua McKinsey. Corpl. John Michael, Privates. Michael Gambler, Francis Gavin, James Ashley, Jacob Kline, William Pointer, John Kebler, Jacob Mosen, Mathias Keiser, Jonathan Hackett, John Armstrong, Henry Straam, John Etnier, James Duncan, Jacob Bishop, George Wilhelm, Chris. Raver, Melcher Benner, Philip Fisher, Fredrik Schwidzer, Fredk. Locker, Michael Yockley, Alex. Taylor, 136 « History of Western Maryland," Vol. II., p. 1190. The German Regiment. 237 \ Conrod Hoyle, John Fliet, Fredrik. Filter, Michl. Weaver, James Forney, Jacob Beltzhoover, John Groop, George Getting, John Hatfield, Henry Michael, Thomas Clifton, John Craft, A Roll of Capt. Philip Philip Graybell, Captain, John Lohra (Lorah), 1st Lieut Christian Myers, 2d Lieut., Martin Shugart, Ensign. Privates. Ferdinand Lorentz, Philip Miller, Henry Millberger ( Millburger John Freymiller (Frymiller), James Cappelle (Caple), John Rick, Lorentz Kneary, Jacob Etter, Peter Baker, Rudolph Crower, Adam Rohrbach (Rohhbaugh) Rowland Smith, John Shriock (Shryock), William Rommelsem, Serjt., Jacob Striter, Martin Lantz, John Hearly (Harley), Patrick Fliming, George Regliman, Henry Stalter, Christopr. Waggoner, John Smith, Henry Benter, Philip Smithly, Jacob Heefner, John Smithly, Jacob Haver, Henry Quier. Graybell's Company. 1776. Jacob Hoffman, , Charles Zarrell, Charles Charles, Joseph Procter, Joseph Braeter, Christian Apple, George Myers (Myer), ), Henry Willsdaugh, George Lighthauser, (Leithauser) , Joseph Smith, Henry Wilstock, Henry Rumfield, George Hyatt, Fifer, Thomas Kimmel (Kemmell), Anthony Miller, Joseph Hook, Jacob Miley, Jacob Miller, Frederick Heller, Serjt., Andrew Gorr (Gore), William Speck, Corpl., Henry Hargeroder (Hergeroder), 2 3 8 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Wolfgang Ettsperger, Christopher Regele (Regie), Frederick Wm. Haller, John Moore, Wendell Andrews (Andreas), Michael Kearshner, Wolfgang Ettzinger, John Shaffer, David Mumma (Muma), Abraham Frantz, Frederick Weger, Henry Hartman, Wendel Lorentz, John Hartenstein (Hardenstein William Altimus, Jacob Burke, Jacob Kintz (Keintz), George Rittlemyer, Philip Kautz, Jacob Myer (Myers), John Shlife, John Machenheimer, Sjt., George Stauffer, Corpl., Gottlieb Danroth, Lorentz Danroth, Henry Decker, Michael Growl ey, Frederick Sollers, Corpl., Nicholas Frey, Jacob Kerns (Kearns), Simon Rinehart (Reinhart), Mathias Boyer (Byer), Corpl., Jacob Ruppert, Nicholas Keyser, John Welty, John Summers, Michael Huling, John Eyssell, William Litzinger, Serjt., ), Fredk. Downey (Tawney), William Cunius (Cunnius), James Smith, Peter Finley, Drummer, John Smith, John Bartholomew Deitch ( Dych ) , William Kraft, Joseph Williams, Henry Sprengle, Henry Smith, John Strieker, Cadet, Peter Segman. A List of Recruits belonging to the German Regiment. Commanded by Lieut. Colonel Weltner. White Plains, September 51, 1778. Time of Names Service. John Kendrick . . 3 yrs. James Champness War. George Buch 3 yrs. Adam Mussler do. William Vincent do. Time o f Service. Names. William Johnston do. John Richards do. Albert Hendricks 9 mos Philip Bates do. George Arnold do. The German Regiment. 239 Time of Names. Service. Stephen McGrouch do. William Neving War. James Woolford 3 yrs. James Stiles War. Peter Batolomey do. Richard Hazlip 3 yrs. Robert Porter do. William Mummard War. Hugh McKoy do. John Ammersly do. John Stanton do. John Bennet do. John Roach do. Benj. Elliott do. Cornelius Quinlin 3 yrs. Philip Fitzpatrick 9 mos. Francis Cams 3 yrs. Charles Jones War. Samuel Barts War. Mathias Smith do. William Rider do. William Malinia do. Benj. Cole do. Timothy Cahill do. Robert Smith do. Cornelius Vaughan do. James Murphy do. Christian Castner do. William Pope do. John Fennell do. Jacob Kauffman 3 yrs. Thomas Proctor do. Richard Gaul do. John Shively do. Thomas Halfpenny ' do. Thomas Hazelwood War. Richard Hopkins 9 mos. Christn. Mumma do. William White War. James Connoway 3 yrs. Time of Names . Service . Adam Mattrit, fifer War. Michael Smith, drummer War. John Malady do. Thomas Mackall do. Charles Fulham do. John Hughmore do. Thomas Hutchcrofft do. John Wade do. Alexander Smith do. Frederick Shoemaker do. James Johnston do. Casimir Hill 3 yrs. Thomas Mahony do. John Smadern do. Jacob Dolton do. John Timhen do. Michael Hardman do. Henry Ferrins do. James Dyer 3 yrs. Henry Fisher do. -/ Jacob Alexander do. Christian Kepplinger 9 mos. Philip Hinkel do. Thomas Polehouse do. Abraham Miller do. Bernhard Ridenhour do. Levy Aaron 3 yrs. Moses McKinsey do. Joshua McKinsey do. Jacob Moser do. Richard O'Quin War. James Ashley do. James Smith do. Thomas Rowlands 9 mos. George Bantz do. On furlough. Remarks. Died 7 July. Died July 27, '78. Was a Deserter from Carolina. Ditto of Col. Chambers. 240 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Time of Name. Service. Remarks. Thomas Holdup War. Ditto of Carolina. Mathias Custgrove 3 yrs. Deserted. John Waldon do. ditto. Andrew Shuler War. ditto. John Stout do. ditto. Robert Barnet do. Sick, absent. George Kephard 3 yrs. Deserted. Edward Connoly do. Taken by the Virginia Artillery. Frederick Stone do. Given up to the Laboratory. John Weeguel do. Left at Frederick Town. These rolls do not contain the names of all the Germans from Maryland who served in the Revolutionary War. Many of them were to be found in the different regiments of the Maryland Line, some of the companies being made up almost entirely of Germans. But they are so scattered and their names are so changed in the spelling that it is impossible to pick them out. CHAPTER XVIII. Service of the Maryland Troops. XT 'O every call for troops made by the Continental Con- gress the response from Mary- land was prompt and enthusias- tic, and, as a rule, that province furnished more men than were called for; indeed, in comparison with the other colonies, Mary- land contributed more than her share. But there was very little call for the services of her sons at home, as the fighting was all done in other sections of the country, and the Maryland companies, as soon as they were enrolled, were hurried to the point where they were most needed. After the evacuation of Boston General Howe con- ceived the idea of dividing the country into two sections, the northern part from the southern, and with that end in view quickly landed a large force on Long Island for the purpose of capturing New York. The exact number of 16* 241 242 The Pennsylvania-German Society. men making up the British commander's army is not known, but it was between 20,000 and 27,000. General Washington's force consisted nominally of about 24,000 men, but of these about one-third were invalids and another third were not properly furnished with arms and ammuni- tion. Then, too, this force was scattered over a large section of country, for while Washington knew something of the intention of the British commander, it was not known just where he would strike his blow. The Maryland battalion had been placed under the com- mand of Colonel William Smallwood and sent to join Washington's army in the vicinity of New York. As other companies were raised they were hurried forward under orders to join Smallwood's command, so that by August 20, 1776, the whole Maryland force was under the command of that officer. They were attached to the bri- gade commanded by Lord Stirling. The British troops landed on Long Island between the 21st and 27th of Au- gust. On the 20th the Maryland troops, with those from Delaware, were ordered to advance. Colonel Smallwood and Lieutenant-Colonel Ware were in New York as mem- bers of a court-martial, and although they asked Washing- ton to be allowed to join their command they were not permitted to do so, and the troops went forward under the command of Major Mordecai Gist. The American army under Putnam was drawn out to occupy the passes and defend the heights between Flatbush and Brooklyn. During the night of the 26th General Clin- ton, with the van of the British army, silently seized one of the passes and made his way, about daybreak, into the open country in the rear of the Americans. He was im- mediately followed by another column under Lord Percy. To divert the Americans from their left another division ' ■;:^v Service of the Maryland Troops. 243 under Grant marched slowly along the coast, skirmishing with the light parties on the road. Putnam being sur- rounded Stirling was ordered with two regiments, one of which was the Maryland regiment, to meet the army on the route to the narrows. About break of day he took his position advantageously upon the summit of the hills and was joined by the troops driven in by the advancing columns of the enemy. For several hours a severe cannonade was kept up on both sides and Stirling was repeatedly attacked by the brigades under Cornwallis and Grant, who were as often gallantly repulsed. At length the left wing of the American force having been completely turned by Clinton, and the center under Sullivan broken at the first attack of General De Heister, the position of Stirling's brigade on the right became perilous in the extreme. The passes to the American lines at Brooklyn were in the possession of an overpowering British force; two strong brigades were assailing him in front, and in his rear lay an extensive marsh traversed by a deep and dangerous creek, eighty yards in width at its mouth. Nearer its head, at the Yellow Mills, the only bridge which might have afforded the bri- gade a safe retreat had been burned by a New England regiment under Colonel Ward in its very hasty retreat, although it was covered by the American batteries. The only hope of safety, therefore, for the gallant troops who still maintained the battle and held the enemy at bay was to surrender, or else to cross the dangerous marsh and creek at its mouth, where no one had ever been known to cross before. Colonel Smallwood, having arrived from New York and learning of the perilous situation of his battalion, applied to General Washington for some regiments to cover their retreat. After a moment's hesitation as to the pru- dence of risking more troops on a lost battle, unwilling to 244 The Pennsylvania-German Society. abandon these brave men to their fate, he detached him with Captain Thomas' independent company from New England which had just arrived from New York, and two field pieces, to take a position on the banks of the stream and protect the remnant of the brigade in the attempt to cross it. The scene of the conflict was within a mile of the Ameri- can lines, and while Smallwood was hastening to their aid Stirling prepared to make a last effort to check the advance of the enemy and give time to a portion of his command to make good its retreat. For this purpose he selected four hundred men from the Maryland battalion, under Major Gist, placed himself at their head, and having ordered all the other troops to make the best of their way through the creek, advanced against Cornwallis' brigade. As they drew out between the two bodies of the enemy it was thought by those looking on from the camp that they were about to surrender, but as with fixed bayonets they rushed to the charge upon the overwhelming force opposed to them fear and sorrow filled every heart, and Washington is said to have wrung his hands and examined: "Good God! What brave fellows I must this day lose." 137 The following account of the battle of Long Island was sent to the Maryland convention by Colonel Smallwood: Camp of the Maryland Regulars, Head Quarters, October 12th, 1776. Sir: — Through your hands I must beg leave to address the Hon'ble Convention of Maryland, and must confess not without an apprehension that I have incurred their displeasure, for having omitted writing when on our march from Maryland to New York, and since our arrival here; nor shall I in a pointed manner urge anything in my defence, but leave them at large to condemn 137 McSherry's " History of Maryland," p. 165. Service of the Maryland Troops. 245 or excuse me, upon a presumption that should they condemn, they will at least pardon, and judge me perhaps less culpable, when they reflect in the first instance on the exertions necessary to procure baggage wagons, provisions and house-room for 750 men, marched the whole distance in a body, generally from 15 to 20 miles per day, as the several stages made it necessary ; and in the latter I trust they will give some indulgence for this neglect, for since our arrival in New York it has been the fate of this Corps to be generally sta- tioned at advanced posts, and to act as a covering party, which must unavoidably expose troops to extraordinary duty and hazard, not to mention the extraordinary vigilance and attention in the com- mandant of such a party in disposing in the best manner, and hav- ing it regularly supplied; for here the commanders of regiments, exclusive of their military duty, are often obliged to exert them- selves in the departments of Commissary and Quarter-Master General, and even directors of their regimental hospitals. Perhaps it may not be improper to give a short detail of occur- rences upon our march to Long Island and since that period. The enemy from the 21st to the 27th of August, were landing their troops on the lower part of Long Island, where they pitched a large encampment, and ours and their advanced parties were daily skir- mishing at long shot, in which neither party suffered much. On the 26th the Maryland and Delaware troops, which composed part of Lord Stirling's Brigade, were ordered over. Col. Haslet and his Lieut.-Col. Bedford, of the Delaware Battalion, with Lieut.-Col. Ware and myself, were detained on the trial of Lieut.-Col. Led- witz, and though I waited on General Washington and urged the necessity of attending our troops, yet he refused to discharge us, alleging there was a necessity for the trial's coming on, and that no other field-officers could be then had. After our dismission from the court-martial it was too late to get over, but pushing over early next morning, found our regiments engaged, Lord Stirling having marched them off before day to take possession of the woods and difficult passes between our lines and the enemy's encampment ; but the enemy over night had stolen a march on our generals, hav- w 246 The Pennsylvania-German Society. ing got through those passes, met and surrounded our troops on the plain grounds within two miles of our lines. Lord Stirling drew up his brigade on an advantageous rising ground, where he was attacked by two brigades in front, headed by the Generals Cornwallis and Grant, and in his rear the enemy's main body stood ready drawn up to support their own parties and intercept the retreat of ours. This excellent disposition and the superior num- bers ought to have taught our Generals there was no time to be lost in securing their retreat, which might at least have been affected, had the troops formed into a heavy column and pushed their re- treat ; but the longer this was delayed it became the more dangerous, as they were then landing more troops in front from the ships. Our brigade kept their ground for several hours, and in general behaved well, having received some heavy fires from the artillery and musketry of the enemy, whom they repulsed several times ; but their attacks were neither so lasting nor vigorous as was expected, owing, as it was imagined, to their being certain of making the whole brigade prisoners of war ; for by this time they had so secured the passes on the road to our lines (seeing our parties were not supported from thence, which indeed our numbers would not admit of) that there was no possibility of retreating that way. Between the place of action and our lines there lay a large marsh and deep creek, not above 80 yards across at the mouth — (the place of action upon a direct line did not exceed a mile from a part of our lines), towards the head of which creek there was a mill and bridge, across which a certain Col. Ward from New England, who is charged with having acted a bashful part that day, passed over with his regiment, and then burnt them down, though under cover of our cannon, which would have checked the enemy's pursuit at any time ; other ways, this bridge might have afforded a secure retreat. There then remained no other prospect but to surrender, or attempt to retreat over this marsh and creek at the mouth, where no person had ever been known to cross. In the interim I applied to Gen'l Washington for some regiments to march out to support and cover their retreat, which he urged would be attended with too great a Service of the Maryland Troops. 247 risk to the party and the lines. He immediately afterwards sent for and ordered me to march down a New England regiment and Capt. Thomas's company, which had just come over from New York, to the mouth of the creek opposite where the brigade was drawn up, and ordered two field-pieces down, to support and cover their retreat should they make a push that way. Soon after our march they began to retreat, and for a small time the fire was very heavy on both sides, till our troops came to the marsh, where they were obliged to break their order and escape as quick as they could to the edge of the creek under a brisk fire, notwithstanding which they brought off 28 prisoners. The enemy taking advantage of a commanding ground, kept up a continued fire from four field- pieces, which were well served and directed, and a heavy column advancing on the marsh must have cut our people off, their guns being wet and muddy, not one of them would have fired, but hav- ing drawn up the musketry and disposed of some riflemen conveni- ently, with orders to fire on them when they came within shot; however, the latter began their fire rather too soon, being at 200 yards' distance, which notwithstanding had the desired effect, for the enemy immediately retreated to the fast land, where they con- tinued parading within 800 yards till our troops were brought over. Most of those who swam over, and others who attempted to cross before the covering party got down, lost their arms and accoutrements in the mud and creek, and some poor fellows their lives, particularly two of the Maryland, two of the Delaware, one of Attley's Pennsylvania, and two Hessian prisoners were drowned. Thomas's men contributed much in bringing over this party. Have enclosed a list of the killed and wounded, amounting to 256, offi- cers inclusive. It has been said the enemy during the action also attacked our lines; but this was a mistake. Not knowing the ground, one of the columns advanced within long shot without knowing they were so near, and upon our artillery and part of the musketry's firing on them they immediately fled. The 28th, dur- ing a very hard rain, there was an alarm that the enemy had advanced to attack our lines, which alarmed the troops very much, 248 The Pennsylvania-German Society. but was without foundation. The 29th it was found by a council of war that our fortifications were not tenable, and it was therefore judged expedient that the army should retreat from the Island that night, to effect which, notwithstanding the Maryland troops had but one day's respite, and many other troops had been many days clear of any detail of duty, they were ordered on the advanced post at Fort Putnam, within 250 yards of the enemy's approaches, and joined with two Pennsylvania reg'ts on the left, were to remain and cover the retreat of the army, which was happily completed under cover of a thick fog and a southwest wind, both of which favored our retreat; otherwise the fear, disorder and confusion of some of the Eastern troops must have retarded and discovered our retreat and subjected numbers to be cut off. After remaining two days in New York, our next station was at Harlaem, 9 miles above, at an advance post opposite Montresove's and Bohana's Islands, which in a few days the enemy got possession of without opposition ; from the former of which we daily discoursed with them, being within two hundred yards, and only a small creek between. It being judged expedient to abandon New York and retreat to our lines below Fort Washington, the military stores, &c, had been removing some days, when on the 15th Sept. the enemy effected a landing on several parts of the Island below (and it is cutting to say without the least opposition). I have often read and heard of instances of cowardice, but hitherto have had but a faint idea of it till now. I never could have thought human nature subject to such baseness. I could wish the transactions of this day blotted out of the annals of America — nothing appeared but flight, disgrace and confusion. Let it suffice to say, that 60 light infantry upon the first fire put to flight two brigades of the Connecticut troops — wretches who, however strange it may appear, from the Briga- dier-General down to the private sentinel, were caned and whip'd by the Generals Washington, Putnam and Mifflin; but even this indignity had no weight — they could not be brought to stand one shot. General Washington expressly sent and drew our regiment from its brigade, to march down towards New York, to cover the Service of the Maryland Troops. 249 retreat and to defend the baggage, with direction to take possession of an advantageous eminence near the enemy upon the main road, where we remained under arms the best part of the day, till Sergant's Brigade came in with their baggage, who were the last troops coming in, upon which the enemy divided their main body into two columns ; one filing off on the North river endeavored to flank and surround us, the other advancing in good order slowly up the main road upon us ; we had orders to retreat in good order, which was done, our Corps getting within the lines after dusk. The next day about 1000 of them made an attempt upon our lines, and were first attacked by the brave Col. Knolton of New Eng- land, who lost his life in the action, and the 3d Virginia regiment, who were immediately joined by three Independent Companies, under Major Price, and some part of the Maryland flying-camp, who drove them back to their lines, it is supposed with the loss of 400 men killed and wounded. Our party had about 100 killed and wounded, of the former only 15. Since which we have been view- ing each other at a distance, and strongly entrenching till the gth October, when three of their men-of-war passed up the North river above King's Bridge, under a very heavy cannonade from our Batteries, which has effectually cut off our communication by water with Albany. I must now break off abruptly, being ordered to march up above King's Bridge, the enemy having landed 6000 men from the Sound on Frog's Point. 50 ships are got up there, landing more troops — there is nothing left but to fight them. An engagement is generally expected and soon. Have enclosed a copy of a general return of the battalion and Veazy's company, being all the troops I marched from Maryland, with the accoutrements and camp equipage taken in Philadelphia, to be rendered the Congress, together with our general weekly return. The Independents are now about their returns of arms, accoutrements and camp equip- age brought by them from Maryland, but not having time to finish, they must hereafter be returned to Council of Safety. We have upwards of three hundred officers and soldiers of the Mary- land regulars very sick, which you will observe by the return ; and 250 The Pennsylvania-German Society. I am sorry to say, it's shocking to humanity to have so many of them ; this must hurt the service upon the new enlistments. Major Price and Gist and Cap'n Stone are in the Jerseys very sick, and Col. Ware and myself are very unfit for duty, though we attend it; many more officers are very unwell. I am very respectfully, Your obedient and very h'ble servant, W. Smallwood. 138 The loss sustained by the Maryland troops in the battle of Long Island was unusually heavy. The killed and wounded numbered 256. Captain Veazy and Lieutenant Butlar were killed, and among the prisoners were Captain Daniel Bowie, Lieutenant William Steret, William Ridgely, Hatch Dent, Walter Muse, Samuel Wright, Joseph Butler, Edward Praul, Edward Decourcy and Ensigns James Fer- nandes and William Courts. The conduct of the battle of Long Island has called forth a great deal of unfavorable comment, taking in both officers and privates, but the Maryland troops taking part in it have received nothing but praise for their valor, in marked contrast to that of some of the New Englanders. McSherry says 139 "The people of Long Island point out to strangers the spot where half of the Maryland battalion stemmed the advance of the whole left wing of the British army when no other troops were left on the field," and Colonel Daniel Brodhead wrote : 140 " No troops could behave better than the Southern, for though they seldom engaged less than five to one, they frequently repulsed the Enemy with great Slaughter." At White Plains the Marylanders sustained their reputa- tion and were in the thickest of the fight, where their loss was over one hundred men. The Maryland battalion had 138 Scharf's " Chronicles of Baltimore," p. 148 et seq. 139 " History of Maryland," p. 166. 140 Pennsylvania Archives, First Series, Vol. V., p. 22. n Service of the Maryland Troops. 251 become veterans. In three months it had fought three battles, and it was the first organization to use the bayonet against the British regulars. At the defence of Fort Wash- ington they held their own against a vastly superior force of Hessians. Washington had posted his army in three divisions, Colonel Rawlings with his Maryland regiment being stationed on a hill to the north of the lines. They were attacked by General Knyphausen with five thousand men. At the same time another division of the enemy moved against Colonel Cadwallader, of the Pennsylvania troops, who commanded within the lines, and a third divi- sion crossed the East river in boats and landed within the lines. The superiority of the British force drove Cadwal- lader's men back into the fort, but the Mary landers, under Rawlings, bravely maintained their position. "Posted among the trees, his riflemen poured in upon the advancing column a murderous fire which they in vain endeavored to sustain. The Hessians broke and retired. Again they were brought to the attack and again repulsed with dread- ful slaughter. The Maryland riflemen remembered the destruction of their brethren of the battalion by the Hes- sians at Yellow Mills and did not forget to avenge it. But what could a single battalion of riflemen, even of such matchless skill and courage, effect when opposed to five thousand men armed with the bayonet ? Had every other post been defended as theirs was, victory would have crowned the American arms that day. But all the other troops were already in full retreat. The three divisions of the enemy were about to fall upon their rear while they contended with a force in front of them far greater than their own. At length, by sheer fighting and power of numbers, the Hessians reached the summit of the hill. Rawlings, perceiving the danger to his rear and learning 252 The Pennsylvania-German Society. of the retreat of the Pennsylvanians, abandoned his posi- tion, as no longer tenable, and retired under the guns of the fort." 141 As Colonel Magaw was unable to hold the fort against such an overwhelming force he was compelled to surrender, and twenty-six hundred men became prisoners. The British lost nearly twelve hundred men, killed and wounded, more than half of this loss being sustained by the Hessians in their attack upon Rawlings' Maryland and Virginia rifle- men. A detailed account of all the battles in which the Mary- land troops took part cannot be given here, but wherever they were called upon — at Trenton, at Princeton, at Mon- mouth, on the banks of the Brandywine, at Germantown — they were always to be found at the forefront, and ac- quitted themselves with glory. Many had been killed and many more were disabled on account of wounds and sick- ness. "In each succeeding action," says McSherry, "the Maryland troops had been further reduced until Small- wood's battalion and the seven independent companies, which had entered the campaign fourteen hundred strong, had been worn down to a mere captain's command." But new men filled up the ranks and until the end of the war the Marylanders continued to show their bravery on many a hard fought field, a bravery that had been bred in them through their arduous life on the frontiers of the province. One of the matters which caused considerable trouble among the officers of the Maryland troops, as it did among those of other states, was the determination of the rank of the officers. When it became apparent that there would be a war between Great Britain and the colonies, military com- 141 McSherry's " History of Maryland," p. 171. Service of the Maryland Troops. 253 panies were formed in all parts of the country, officers were selected, and the companies were drilled in military tactics, so that by the time that hostilities actually broke out there were a number of these companies ready to march at a moment's notice, and many of them did so and took an active part in the early campaigns. Later on when the army was being reorganized under the authority of the Conti- nental Congress, the officers of these companies naturally expected to be among the first ones promoted on account of their having been early in the field. In many instances these officers were disappointed in their expectation and saw promoted over them officers who had entered the service after they had. This naturally caused considerable resentment and protests were made to those in authority. Promises were made that the matter would be adjusted, but progress in this direction was slow and the feeling among those who felt that they were being slighted became so intense that something had to be done. Early in 1779 the legislature of Maryland adopted resolutions requesting General Washington to settle this question of rank. Upon receipt of these resolutions Washington wrote to Governor Johnson as follows. 142 Head Quarters Middle Brook, 8th April 1779. Sir I have been honoured with yours of the 26 th March inclosing a Resolve of the House of Delegates for the incorporation of parts of the German Battalion and Rifle Corps into a Regiment, and another for forwarding the recruiting service. I also at the same time received from the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Delegates two Resolves — one empowering me to fully settle the Rank of the Officers of the Maryland line, the other allowing half pay for life to such Officers as shall remain in the service during the war. 142 Archives of Maryland, Vol. XXI., p. 339. 254 The Pennsylvania-German Society. By an allotment of the quota of troops to be raised by said State, made by Congress the 26 th Feb y 1778, the German Battalion was wholly attached to the State of Maryland and considered as her Reg 1 since which it hath done duty in that line. Had not this been the case, the incorporation of such parts of that Regiment and Rifle Corps as are deemed properly to belong to Maryland would still be attended with the greatest inconveniences particularly in regard to recruiting the Ranks of the Officers, Col Rawlins and most of his being elder than Col Weltner and those of the Ger- man would supersede them upon incorporation. Indeed Col Weltner would not only be superseded, but he must be supernumerary. In short, the difficulties attending the measure recommended are more than can be conceived, and I am convinced by experience that it cannot be carried into execution without totally deranging the German Regiment. In January last Congress, to make some provision for Col Rawlins and his Officers, resolved that he should increase his remaining men (who are not more than 70 or 80) to three Com- panies to be commanded by him as a separate Corps. The times of most of the old men are near expiring and whether they will rein- list I cannot say. I entertain a very high opinion of Col Rawlins and his Officers, and have interested myself much in their behalf. It is to be re- gretted that they were not provided for in the States to which they belong, when the Army was new modelled in 1776, but as they were not, after a variety of plans had been thought of that above mentioned was esteemed the most eligible, and indeed the only one that could be accepted, as the introduction of those Gentlemen into the line would have been impracticable. I have, agreeable to the powers invested in me, appointed a Board of General Officers to take into consideration and report to me the rank of the Maryland line. I do not imagine that it will be possible to give general satisfaction, but I am convinced that the Gentlemen who have the Business in hand will pay the strictest attention to the claims of all parties, and give the most disinter- ested decision. Service of the Maryland Troops. 255 Whatever the decision may be, I hope that it may be considered by the State as definitive, and that they will not in future pay any further regard to the importunities of those who may be discon- tented with the arrangemenet which is about to be made. The matter was one that was not easily arranged and after several Boards of Officers had worked on it Wash- ington wrote to Governor Johnson, on May 28, 1779, giving the rank of the different officers as it had finally been agreed upon. Instead of allaying the feeling of resentment among the officers the report determining their rank increased it, and a number of them promptly resigned. That their resignations were not due to any lack of patriot- ism, but to a feeling that they were not being treated prop- erly, is shown by the actions of one Pennsylvania-German. Benjamin Spyker, Jr., a native of Berks county, Pennsyl- vania, who had been teaching school in Maryland, enlisted a company early in 1776, and upon the organization of the Maryland Line his company became a part of the Seventh Regiment. When the question of the rank of the officers had been finally settled he resigned his commission and went back to his home in Berks county, where he enlisted as a private in Captain John Anspach's company, in the Berks county militia. 143 But the settlement of the question of the rank of the officers did not end the matter. On June 17, 1779, the principal officers of the Maryland regiments in the field addressed the following petition to the governor and the members of the Senate and House of Delegates: 144 We beg leave, most respectfully, to represent to your Excellency and Honors that the several provisions hitherto made by the Legis- 144 Scharf s " History of Maryland," Vol. II., p. 35a. 143 Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. V., p. 185. 256 The Pennsylvania-German Society. lature for the subsistence of her officers, though liberal at the time of being voted, have by no means been adequate to the exigent expenses of their respective stations. That a zeal for the public cause, and an ardent desire to promote the happiness and interest of their country have, notwithstanding, induced them to continue in the service to the very great prejudice of their private fortunes; many of which being now entirely ex- hausted, we find ourselves under the painful and humiliating necessity of soliciting your Excellency and Honors for a further support, and the disposition of a generous and grateful people to reward the services of the faithful sons and servants of the State. The very great depreciation of the Continental Currency renders it absolutely necessary that some further provision should be made for our support to enable us to continue a service in which nothing but a love of Liberty and the rights of mankind can retain us ; and we trust that it will be such as will support with decency and dignity the respective ranks which our country has done us the honor to confer on us. The inconveniences and difficulties we suffer are various and grievous, but we think it unnecessary to be particular or to point out a mode of redress as the examples of the State of Pennsylvania and others in providing for their officers and soldiers are the most eligible and ample we desire or expect. We beg leave to assure your Excellency and Honors with the utmost candor and sincerity, that while we assiduously exert our best abilities in a hardy opposition to the enemies of our country, we earnestly wish the arrival of that period when our military services will be no longer requisite, and, being at liberty individu- ally to procure a peaceful competence, we may again be numbered among the happy citizens of the Free and Independent State of Maryland. We have the honor to be with great respect, Your Excellency and Honors most obedient humble servants. Knowing the above representation to be a true state of the Service of the Maryland Troops. 257 grievances of the officers in the Maryland line, on their behalf, and in justice to them, I have subscribed to it. W. Small wood. John Carvil Hall, colonel 4th John James, IX regiment ; Otho H. Williams, colonel 6th regiment ; John Gunby, colonel ; R. Adams, lieutenant-colonel 7th regiment ; Thomas Wolford, lieutenant- colonel 2d regiment; John E. Howard, lieutenant- colonel ; John Stewart, major; John Dean, major; Archibald Anderson, major; Henry Hardman, captain ; A. Grosh, captain ; Thomas Lansdale, captain; Harry Dobson, captain ; William D. Beale, captain; Jonathan Sellman, captain; Alexander Trueman, captain ; Joseph Marbury, captain ; Jacob Brice, captain; John Smith, captain; William Wilmott, captain; Alexander Roxburgh, captain; Henry Gaither, captain ; Edward Oldman, captain; Richard Anderson, captain ; Edward Pratt, captain; George Hamilton, captain; Levin Handy, captain; Walker Mun, captain; 17* John Carr, Nicholas Gassaway, Charles Smith, R. N. Walker, Lloyd Beall, Richard McAlister, James Brain, Ed. Edgerly, John J. Jacob, James Ewing, Wm. Lamar, V Wm. Woolford, Charles Beaven, John Hartshorn, John M. Hamilton, James Gould, J. J. Skinner, Richard Donovan, John Gibson, T. B. Hugan, Gassaway Watkins, W. Adams, George Jacobs, John Mitchell, Philip Theid, Edward Moran, Thomas Price, engineer; Henry Baldwin, quarter-master and engineer; John Gassaway, lieutenant 2d Maryland regiment; Samuel Hanson, ensign; 258 The Pennsylvania-German Society. James Woolf ord Gray, captain ; John Gale, captain; John Sprigg Belt, captain ; John Smith, captain; W. Beatty, captain; J. C. Jones, captain; John Davidson, captain; John Jordan, captain ; James Somervell, captain-lieu- tenant ; Benjamin Price, captain-lieu- tenant ; Frederick Foird, captain-lieu- tenant ; George Armstrong, captain-lieu- tenant; and lieutenants; Francis Reveley, Nicholas Mamges, Samuel Farmer, Osborn Williams, Isaac Duall, Hezekiah Ford, ensign; John Dorsey, surgeon 5th Mary- land Regiment; Thomas Parran, surgeon 6th regiment ; William Kiltz, assistant sur- geon 5th regiment; John Hamilton, paymaster and lieutenant, 4th Maryland regiment. Richard Pindell, surgeon, 4th Maryland regiment; Christopher Richmond, pay- master and lieutenant; Benjamin Garnett, engineer; James Woulds, adjutant; W. Warfield, assistant surgeon, 6th regiment; Robert Denny, engineer and paymaster, 7 th regiment. The legislature met on July 22, and after considering the address of the officers passed an act " relating to the officers and soldiers of this State in the American army." This measure provided that as the officers were bearing the heaviest burdens of the war with a pay that scarcely supplied them with the necessaries of life, and as most of them were now so reduced in means as to be dependent upon the gratuity of the state, each of the commissioned and staff officers of the Maryland Line and of the state troops in the Continental army was to be allowed every year dur- ing the war, at a fixed price, " four good shirts and a com- plete uniform, suitable to his station." They were also to be allowed tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar, rum, soap and Service of the Maryland Troops. 259 tobacco, in certain portions, to be dealt out by the day and month. During that year, in lieu of these, they were to receive $2,000. The non-commissioned officers and pri- vates were also to be given an allowance in rum and to- bacco, which, for the year 1779, was commuted at £20 currency for each man. The act also provided that those who should enlist in a Maryland regiment to serve for three years, or during the war, should receive, in addition to the bounties provided by congress and the state, a hat, a pair of shoes, stockings and overalls. CHAPTER XIX. Forwarding the Cause at Home. HILE the Maryland troops were upholding the honor of the State in the field, those at home, the non- combatants, were doing their part to forward the patriotic cause. A feeling of patriotism was manifested everywhere among all classes, and in many instances those who could not very well afford it sacrificed the necessaries of life to con- tribute towards the support of the troops in the field. Every- thing that was possible was done to assist in the struggle and privations were endured by those at home as well as by those in camp. Patriotic sentiments were expressed on all sides. Scharf 145 gives a copy of a letter supposed to 1 45 " History of Western Maryland," Vol. II., p. 1035. The letter is as follows : To Capt. William Heyser, at the American Camp, Philadelphia. Dear Father Through the mercies of almighty God, I my Mamma, my brother and 260 Forwarding the Cause at Home. 261 have been written to Captain William Heyser by his son, aged nine years. While the sentiments expressed in the letter were no doubt those entertained by almost everyone yet the letter itself is scarcely one such as would be written by a nine-year old boy. Many of the German settlers in western Maryland had conscientious scruples against war and these people were averse to enlisting in the army and taking an active part in the war, but they contributed of their means, many of them liberally. Military stores, gunpowder, guns and cannon, were manufactured at a number of places, and supplies of various kinds also contributed. At a meeting of the Com- mittee of Observation for that part of Frederick county which is now Washington county, held at Elizabeth Town (Hagerstown) on April 8, 1776, the following communi- cation was received from the Council of Safety: Sisters are well, in hopes these may find you enjoying these Felicities, which tend to happiness in life, and everlasting Happiness in Eternity your long absence and great distance is the only matter of our trouble, but our sincere Prayers, is for your Welfare and Prosperity, begging that God may prosper you, and your united Brethren, in your laudable undertaking, and in the end crown you with the laurels of a Complete victory, over the Enemies of the inestimable Rights, Liberties, and Privileges of distressed America, and hand them down inviolate, to the latest Posterity. My Dear father, my greatest Grief is, that I am incapable of the military Service, that I might enjoy the company of so loving a father, and serve my country in so glorious a cause, but tho' absent from you yet my constant prayer is for your Safety, in the Hour of danger, your complete victory, over the Enemies, of the united States of America, and your Safe Restoration to the government of your family. I and my brother Jacob Continue at School, and hope to give a full Satisfaction, to our parents, and friends in our regular conduct, and Progress in learning, my Mamma, my brother and Sister do join me in their Prayers and well wishes for you. I am Dr. Father your most dutiful and obedt Son, Hagers Town William Heyser October 12th 1776 262 The Pennsylvania-German Society. In Council of Safety, Annapolis, March 23, 1776. Gentlemen: — The great difficulty we find in providing blankets for the regular forces raised for the defence of this province obliges us to apply to the committee of observation for the several counties and districts, earnestly requesting that they would use their en- deavors to procure from the housekeepers in their respective coun- ties and districts all the blankets or rugs that they can with any convenience spare, for which the council will pay such prices as the committees shall agree on, as well as any expense that may arise in collecting them together ; and when you have procured any quantity, you will send them to Annapolis, to Col. Smallwood, or, in his absence, to the commanding officer on this station, who will receive the same, and give orders on the council for the payment thereof. We hope that the friends to our cause in the county will con- tribute everything in their power to the comfortable subsistence of the soldiery in this respect ; it will be an act of great humanity, and render an essential service to the public. We are, Gentlemen, your most O bt servants. By order. Daniel, of St. Thos., Jennifer, P. The proceedings of the Committee then go on to state 146 In consequence of the preceding letter from the honorable the council of safety of this province, we have, agreeably to their re- quest, furnished them with what quantity of blankets and rugs the inhabitants of this district can with any convenience spare, and a price estimated on them by this committee as follows: .£ s. d. £ s. d. William Baird, 1 blanket... o 17 6 John Ingram, 1 blanket o 15 o John Parks, 1 rug o 12 o Adam Grimer, 2 blankets 1 180 Andrew Rench, 1 blanket. . . o 12 6 Wm. Douglass, 1 blanket. . . o 10 o Simon Myer, " ... o 15 o Matthias Need, 1 blanket... o 12 o 146 Scharf's "History of Western Maryland," Vol. I., p. 134. Forwarding the Cause at Home. 263 Philip Rymeby, 3 coverlets. . a 10 Michael Ott, 1 blanket.. 7 6 John Feagen, " . . r6 5 « « (< . . 16 Jacob Lazear, " 12 6 Jerentiah Wells, a . . IO Joseph Birely, 1 coverlet. . . 1 8 Joseph Rench, (C ..OIIO " " i blanket... 5' Zach'h Spires, (C . . 10 Richard Davis, " 10 Matthias Nead, <( . . 10 Thos. Prather, " 18 Henry Startzman, cc . . 0120 Ch'n Rhorer, " 10 George Swingly, (( . . 0160 Leonard Shryock, " 13 George Hoffman, c< . . 76 Robert Guthrie, r coverlet. . 1 IO Jacob Brumbaugh, 11 , . .21' 30 Christian Miller, " 1 IO Michael Miller, (( , . .42 17 O Jacob Prunk, r blanket. . . . 14 George Hartte, c< , . . O l8 O Jacob Rohrer, " 12 6 John Roltrer, a . . .20 IO O Ellen Miller, 9 Christ'r Burgard, a . . . O 12 O Chas. Swearingen, 1 blanket. IO Jacob Good, 1 ru g Ch'n Eversole, " 9 John Rench, 1 bl; mket. . . . . O 12 O I quilt 15 John Stull, <( , . . O 14 O " i coverlet. . . 17 6 Received of Conrad Sheitz forty-four blankets for the use of this province, which were delivered him by the committee of Observa- tion of Elizabeth Town district. Received by me this 12th day of April, 1776. Geo. Stricker. While there were some of the inhabitants of Maryland who remained loyal to Great Britain, the majority of them, particularly among the Germans, were on the side of the patriots, and they were ever on the alert to detect any treasonable designs on the part of the Tories, and owing to their vigilance they were frequently able to frustrate well-laid plans which might have resulted seriously for the American cause. One of the most notable of these was that concocted by Dr. John Connolly, which was frustrated by some of the Germans of western Maryland. Connolly was a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, where he became a physician. After taking part in the French and 264 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Indian War, he spent some time with various Indian tribes, accompanying them on long marches into unexplored terri- tory, and finally settled at Pittsburgh. When the Revolu- tionary War began he remained loyal to Great Britain. While at Pittsburgh he met Lord Dunmore, governor of Virginia, and when the latter was making strenuous efforts to help the royal cause he found an able ally in Connolly. A plan was formed by which Connolly, through his inti- macy with the Indians, was to incite them to a war upon the frontiers, and to raise an army in Canada and the western settlements. Dunmore sent Connolly to General Gage, who commanded at Boston, with the following proposals : Proposals for raising an Army to the Westward, and for effectually obstructing a Communication between the Southern and Northern Governments. As I have, by direction from his Excellency Lord Dunmore, pre- pared the Ohio Indians to act in concert with me against his Majesty's enemies in that quarter, and have also dispatched intelli- gence to the different officers of the militia on the frontiers of Augusta County, in Virginia, giving them Lord Dunmore's assur- ances that such of them as shall hereafter evince their loyalty to his Majesty by putting themselves under my command, when I shall appear among them with proper authority for that purpose, of a confirmation of titles to their lands, and the quantity of three hundred acres to all who should take up arms in the support of the constitution, when the present rebellion subsided, I will undertake to penetrate through Virginia, and join his Excellency Lord Dun- more at Alexandria early next spring, on the following conditions and authority: 1st. That your Excellency will give me a commission to act as Major-commandant of such troops as I may raise and embody on the frontiers, with a power to command to the westward and Forwarding the Cause at Home. 265 employ such serviceable French and English partisans as I can employ by pecuniary rewards or otherwise. 2d. That your Excellency will give orders to Captain Lord on the Illinois to remove himself, with the garrison under his com- mand, from Fort Gage to Detroit, by the Aubache, bringing with him all the artillery, stores, &c, &c, to facilitate which under- taking he is to have authority to hire boats, horses, Frenchmen, Indians, &c, &c, to proceed with all possible expedition on that route, as the weather may occasionally permit, and to put himself under my command on his arrival at Detroit. 3d. That the commissary at Detroit shall be empowered to furnish such provision as I may judge necessary for the good of the service, and that the commanding officer shall be instructed to give every possible assistance in encouraging the French and Indians of that settlement to join me. 4th. That an officer of artillery be immediately sent with me to pursue such route as I may find most expedient to gain Detroit, with orders to have such pieces of light ordnance as may be thought requisite for the demolishing of Fort Dunmore and Fort Fincastle, if resistance should be made by the rebels in possession of those garrisons. 5th. That your Excellency will empower me to make such reasonable presents to the Indian chiefs and others as may urge them to act with vigor in the execution of my orders. 6th. That your Excellency will send to Lord Dunmore such arms as may be spared, in order to equip such persons as may be willing to serve his Majesty at our junction, in the vicinity of Alexandria, &c, &c. If your Excellency judges it expedient for the good of the service to furnish me with the authority and other requisites I have mentioned, I shall embrace the earliest oppor- tunity of setting off for Canada, and shall immediately dispatch Lord Dunmore's armed schooner, which now awaits my com- mands, with an account of what your Excellency has done, and that I shall be ready, if practicable, to join your Lordship by the twentieth of April, at Alexandria, where the troops under my 266 The Pennsylvania-German Society. command may fortify themselves under the cover of the men of war on that station. If, on the contrary, your Excellency should not approve of what I propose, you will be good enough to immediately honor me with your dispatches to the Earl of Dunmore, that I may return as early as possible. General Gage approved the plan, and in October, 1775, Connolly again joined Dunmore, who in accordance with instructions from General Gage, gave him a commission as lieutenant-colonel commandant of the Queen's Royal Rangers, to be raised "in the back parts and Canada." On November 13th Connolly left Dunmore and started for Detroit. He was accompanied by Dr. John Smith and Allan Cameron. The former was a Scotchman who lived on Port Tobacco creek, in Charles county, Maryland. Connolly had induced him to accept a commission as sur- geon in the proposed expedition. Cameron was also a Scotchman who had left home on account of a duel and had come to Virginia with the intention of purchasing lands in that colony. He served for some time as deputy Indian agent in South Carolina, but having suffered much abuse there for his loyalty to the crown, and having gained some notoriety on account of a plan to incite the Creek and Cherokee Indians to fall on the colonists, 147 he readily engaged to join the party, being promised a commission as lieutenant. The party set out in a flat-bottomed boat, intending to go up the Potomac and disembark near the home of Dr. Smith and from that point proceed on horseback. A storm drove them into the St. Mary's river and from that point they went forward on horseback. They had almost " 7 Steiner, " Western Maryland in the Revolution," p. 40. Forwarding the Cause at Home. 267 passed the frontier when, on November 19, they stopped at a tavern about five miles from Hagerstown. Here Con- nolly was recognized and as information concerning his plans had been received a day or two before through a letter written by Connolly to a friend in Pittsburgh, the party was placed under arrest. They were taken to Hagers- town and the next day were brought before the Committee of Observation who ordered them sent to the Committee of Safety. They were taken to Frederick where their bag- gage was thoroughly examined and incriminating papers were found, although Connolly's commission and other im- portant papers had been concealed in hollow pillion sticks and thus escaped detection and were later destroyed by Connolly's servant. Smith made his escape but was re- captured, and on the order of John Hancock, president of Congress, the three prisoners were sent to Philadelphia. Connolly, in a " Narrative of the Transactions, Imprison- ment and sufferings of John Connolly, an American Loyal- ist and Lieutenant-Colonel in His Majesty's Service," 148 has left an account of this expedition, while Smith tells of some of the incidents attending their capture. 149 He says that when they were taken to Frederick two musicians, with drum and fife, marched ahead of them playing the rogue's march. On reaching Frederick they were taken before " a committee which consisted of a tailor, a leather breeches maker, a shoemaker, a gingerbread maker, a butcher, and two tavern keepers. The majority were Ger- mans and I was subjected to a very remarkable hearing, as follows : "One said 'You infernal rascal, how darsht you make 148 Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XII., pp. 310, 407; Vol. XIII., pp. 61, i'53, 28x- 149 « a Tour through the U. S. of America," by J. D. F. Smyth. 268 The Pennsylvania-German Society. an exshkape from this honorable committee?' 'Der fluchter Dyvel,' cried another, ' how can you shtand so shtyff for king Shorsh akainst dis koontry. 'Sacrament,' yelled another, ' dis committee will let Shorsh know how to behave himself,' and the butcher exclaimed, ' I would kill all the English tieves, as soon as ich would kill an ox or a cow.' " While there were a number of Tories among the citi- zens of Maryland there were very few to be found among the German settlers. These, as a rule, were ardent patriots, and there were few instances where Germans were arrested as Tories. There was, however, one notable exception. In 178 1 another plan was formed by the British and Tories for dividing the northern colonies from the southern. According to this scheme Cornwallis was to march inland from the Chesapeake and meet the bands of Tories which were to be raised and armed in the interior. In maturing their plans it was arranged that a disguised British officer was to meet a Tory at a point in Frederick county to put him in possession of all the plans of the conspirators. But it so happened that an American officer was at the appointed place and the Tory's papers fell into his hands, revealing the plot and the names of the conspirators. The latter were arrested. Among them were a number of Germans : Peter Sueman, Nicholas Andrews, John George Graves, Yost Plecker, Adam Graves, Henry Shett, and Casper Fritchie. On July 25 these seven were placed on trial be- fore a special court at Frederick, consisting of Alexander Contee Hanson, afterwards Chancellor of the State, Col. James Johnson and Upton Sheredine. The seven were found guilty of high treason in " enlisting men for the service of the king of Great Britain and administering an oath to them to bear true allegiance to the said king, and Forwarding the Cause at Home. 269 to obey his officers when called upon." Judge Hanson then sentenced the men as follows : 150 Peter Sueman, Nicholas Andrews, John George Graves, Yost Plecker, Adam Graves, Henry Shett, Casper Fritchie, attend. It has been suggested to the court that notwithstanding your guilt has been ascertained by an impartial jury, you consider the proceedings against you nothing more than solemn mockery, and have adopted a vain idea, propagated by the enemies of this country, that she dare not punish her unnatural subjects for engaging in the service of Great Britain. From the strange insensibility you have hereto- fore discovered, I was indeed led to conclude that you were under a delusion, which might prove fatal to your prospects of happiness hereafter. I think it is my duty, therefore, to explain to you your real situation. The crime you have been convicted of, upon the fullest and clearest testimony, is of such a nature that you cannot, ought not, to look for a pardon. Had it pleased heaven to permit the full execution of your unnatural designs, the miseries to be experienced by your devoted country would have been dreadful even in the contemplation. The ends of public justice, the dictates of policy, and the feelings of humanity all require that you should exhibit an awful example to your fellow-subjects, and the dignity of the State, with everything that can interest the heart of man, calls aloud for your punishment. If the consideration of approach- ing fate can inspire proper sentiments, you will pour forth your thanks to that watchful Providence which has arrested you at an early date of your guilt. And you will employ the short time you have to live in endeavoring, by a sincere penitence, to obtain pardon from the Almighty Being, who is to sit in judgment upon you, upon me, and all mankind. I must now perform the terrible task of denouncing the terrible punishment ordained for high treason. You, Peter Sueman, Nicholas Andrews, Yost Plecker, Adam Graves, Henry Shett, John George Graves, and Casper Fritchie, 150 Scharf's " History of Western Maryland," Vol. I., p. 143- 270 The Pennsylvania-German Society. and each of you, attend to your sentence. You shall be carried to the gaol of Fredericktown, and be hanged therein ; you shall be cut down to the earth alive, and your entrails shall be taken out and burnt while you are yet alive, your heads shall be cut off, your body shall be divided into four parts, and your heads and quarters shall be placed where his excellency the Governor shall appoint. So Lord have mercy upon your poor souls. Four of these men were pardoned, the other three being executed in the court-house yard at Frederick. One of those executed was Casper Fritchie, the father of John Casper Fritchie, who was the husband of Barbara Fritchie, the heroine of Whittier's poem. 151 With the close of the Revolutionary War the inhabitants of the western part of Maryland settled down to a peaceful life, turning all their energies to the development of the country. The population increased rapidly. Many of the Hessians who had come to fight the colonists took up land in that section and became their neighbors. Many emi- grants came to Maryland from Germany without first stop- ping in Pennsylvania, so that the additions to the popula- tion lost the distinctively Pennsylvania-German type, but the influence of the first settlers was never lost. Two hundred years have passed since the first Germans from Pennsylvania made their way through the trackless wilderness of Maryland: two hundred years which have seen that wilderness blossom into one of the fairest gardens 151 Barbara Fritchie was a Pennsylvania-German. She was born in Lancaster, Pa., December 3, 1766, the daughter of Nicholas and Catherine Hauer. Although it has been conclusively shown that there is no founda- tion in fact for the incident given in Whittier's poem, yet, like the equally mythical story of Betsy Ross and the flag, the tale will no doubt continue to find believers in its authenticity. Forwarding the Cause at Home. 271 on earth. Through the trials and sufferings of those early pioneers the foundations were laid upon which has arisen an empire, than which no more enduring monument to their memory could be erected. Their descendants have con- tinued the work so well begun and have spread out and helped to conquer new fields and make them add to the wealth of the nation. To the south and west this stream of emigration made its way unceasingly. It would be im- possible to particularize, but there is no part of the country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Gulf to the frozen borders on the north, where the descendants of those early German settlers of Maryland cannot be found. Many of them have set their mark high in the record of the world's progress: in science, in art, in mechanics, in whatever makes for the betterment of mankind, and in reaching high honors themselves have honored the memory of those brave men and women who, leaving behind them all the comforts of civilization, and taking their lives in their hands, carved out a home in the forests of the western continent. INDEX TO PROPER NAMES. Aaron, 239 Abel, 221, 231 Abercromby, 169 Aberly, 227 Able, 231 Acre, 223 Adams, 40, 175, 215, 216, 219, 257 Adlum, 191 Agnew, 180 Aim, 222 Albaugh, 188, 190 Aldridge, 209, 219 Alexander, 226, 239 Alibock, 40 Alinger, 223 Allin, 175 Allison, 210, 219 Allsop, 217 Alrichs, 123 Alsop, 214 Altimus, 238 Ambrose, 180, 188, 190, 206 Amende, 230 Amersly, 229 Ammersly, 239 Anckle, 232 Anderson, 210, 215, 257 Andess, 218 Andreas, 238 Andrews, 238, 268, 269 Angel, 228 Angelberger, 99 Anspach, 255 Apfel, 93, 98 Apple, 99, 139, 237 Archley, 190 Aringall, 137 Armstrong, 46, 227, 233, 235, 236, 258 Arnold, 227, 238 Arran, 214 Arrings, 226 Arsheraft, 161 Artis, 211 Ashley, 236, 239 Ashloff, 149 Ashly, 226 Askey, 210 Askins, 123 Atcheson, 212 Atchison, 211 Attley, 247 Augusteen, 175 Aulpaugh, 217 Backdolt, 139 Backer, 174, 227 Bainbridge, 178, 191 Baird, 188, 190, 206, 234, 262 Baitson, 211 Baker, 93, 105, 151, 182, 187, 190, 192, 217, 222, 237 Baldwin, 257 Ball, 214 Baltimore, Lord, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 42, 43, 89, 90, 109, 121, 122, 123, 140, 165, 166, 181 Balzel, 230 Banckauf, 93 Bantz, 227, 239 Bare, 191 Index to Proper Names. 273 Barkshire, 214 Barnes, 208 Barnet, 213, 223, 240 Barnitt, 213 Barnitz, 61, 103 Barnt, 174 Barrack, 214, 218 Barratt, 209 Barrett, 220, 221 Barrick, 218 Barringer, 218 Barry, 222 Bartgis, 87 Bartoon, 61 Barts, 239 Bartz, 206 Bassler, 104 Bast, 232 Bates, 227, 238 Batolomey, 239 Bauer, 233 Baugh, 217 Baum, 93 Baumgartner, 221 Baun, 134 Bauswell, 227 Bawart, 235 Bayer, 216, 225, 230, 231 Bayley, 187, 188, 190, 192 Baylor, 227 Bayman, 214 Beaden, 209 Beading, 219 Beadles, 161 Beale, 257 Beall, 169, 171, 178, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 208, 209, 210, 213, 214, 257 Beam, 226, 227 Bear, 118, 216 Beard, 214, 218, 235 Bearse, 215 18* Beatty, 178, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 213, 258 Beaven, 257 Bechtel, 99 Beckerson, 231 Becketh, 217 Beckett, 214 Beckwith, 217 Becraft, 192 Beddock, 130 Bedford, 245 Beeding, 219, 220 Beekman, 16 Been, 220 Beer, 93 Beiker, 231 Bell, 216 Belsoover, 234 Belt, 258 Beltzhoover, 105, 235, 236 Beltzhover, 227 Bemhart, 222 Bender, 227 Bene, 98 Benner, 227, 235, 236 Bennett, 212, 217, 221, 227, 239 Benning, 215 Bent, 190 Benter, 216, 233, 234, 237 Bentley, 217 Berener, 223 Berg, 93 Bergy, 41 Berreck, 217 Berringer, 223 Berry, 221 Beyer, 93 Bigler, 233 Billow, 215 Bingamon, 41 Binkler, 175 Bird, 230 Birely, 263 274 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Birij, 134 Bischoff, 93 Bishop, 227, 234, 236 Bissett, 220 Bitting, 232 Bitts, 46 Bitzell, 206 Blackburn, 162, 210 Blair, 161, 162, 178, 180, 188, 190, 192 Blankenstein, 25 Blunston, 127, 129, 132, 137 Bly, 105 Boardy, 220 Boe, 215 Boehler, 232 Boehme, 104 Boiler, 61 Boltz, 93 Bonagel, 215 Bonner, 225 Booth, 162, 190 Borker, 211 Bostion, 217 Bouch, 235 Boucher, 216 Bough, 227 Bouquet, 156, 157, 161, 170 Boward, 233 Bowen, 137, 213 Bower, 174, 225, 227 Bowerd, 227 Bowersmith, 221 Bowie, 180, 182, 187, 190, 192, 250 Bowles, 188, 190 Bowman, 42, 216, 217 Bownas, 23 Boyd, 46, 183, 184, 188, 189, 190, 194 Boyer, 190, 213, 217, 225, 231, 238 Bozrnan, 5, 6, 10, 13, 15, 90 Braddock, 48, 81 146, 147, 148, 159, 164 Bradford, 220 Bradley, 180, 206 Bradmore, 162 Bradstreet, 161 Braeter, 237 Brain, 257 Brandt, 25 Branwood, 218 Brashears, 209 Brattle, 217 Brawner, 180, 214 Brease, 214 Breecher, 233, 235 Breeze, 214 Brent, 188 Brice, 207, 257 Brieger, 226 Briggs, 220 Bright, 134 Brinker, 154 Brinsford, 216 Briscoe, 192 Brodbech, 227 Brodhead, 250 Bronner, 93 Brook, 181 Brooke, 182, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194 Brown, 57, 76, 180, 206, 215, 221, / 222, 226, 233 Browner, 139 Browning, 209 B rub ache r, 232 Bruce, 188, 190, 193 Brucher, 236 Brugh, 223 Brumbaugh, 106, 263 Bruner, 188 Brunner, 190, 217, 220 Bruschel, 93 Bryan, 209, 218 Bryant, 214 Buch, 233, 238 Index to Proper Names. 275 Buchanan, 218 Bucher, 216 Buck, 227 Buckhannon, 218 Buller, 213 Bulsel, 225 Bun, 41 Burgard, 263 Burgess, 187, 190, 191, 208, 209, 212 Burk, 226, 233 Burke, 238 Burkett, 188, 190 Burkhart, 117, 225 Burn, 219 Burney, 234, 235 Burrawl, 218 Burrol, 218 Burton, 211, 214 Busey, 213, 219 Butchiere, 137 Butlar, 250 Butler, 159, 192, 193, 250 Byard, 137 Byer, 214, 238 Byrn, 219 Cadwallader, 251 Cahill, 227, 239 Calvert, 5, 6, 8, 9, 54, 213 Cambler, 227, 233 Cameron, 266 Caraler, 235 Camraell, 218 Campbell, 188, 190, 193, 215, 218, 219 Camp err, 105 Campian, 223 Cane, 219 Caple, 237 Cappele, 237 Carey, 183 Carlin, 211 Carmack, 217 Carmant, 217 Cams, 219, 239 Carpenter, 46, 161 Carr, 257 Carrick, 191, 221 Carroll, 180, 212, 215, 219, 233 Carter, 174, 209, 211 Cartlidge, 129, 130 Carty, 213, 223 Carvell, 137 Cary, 191 Casey, 222 Cash, 214 Casner, 227 Cassil, 191 Castle, 40 Castner, 239 Caufman, 227 Cavenor, 212 Cavernor, 212 Cenedy, 215 Chamberlin, 215 Chambers, 131 Champness, 227, 238 Chance, 129, 130 Chandler, 213 Chapline, 100, 101, 171, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 220 Chapman, 220 Chappell, 219 Charles, 230, 237 Charles I, 7 Chase, 195 Chattell, 211 Chattle, 211 Chillon, 219 Chippendale, 81 Chrisman, 42 Christman, 225, 233 Churchwell, 213 Ciferd, 218 Clagett, 105, 192, 212 276 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Clancy, 212 Clark, 209 Clary, 211 Class, 221 Clauson, 21 Claymour, 155 Clemens, 40, 161, 162 Clements, 19, 214 Clementson, 18, 19 Clice, 218 Clifton, 227, 233, 235, 237 Cline, 222, 227, 229, 232 Clinton, 188, 190, 192, 231, 242, 243 Clisce, 214 Clise, 218 Cloine, 165 Closs, 223 Closson, 221 Cobell, 137 Coberts, 104 Cock, 188, 190 Cocquard, 155 Coffeeroth, 220 Cole, 226, 227, 232, 239 Colley, 222 Collins, 211, 215, 222 Colour, 230 Colvin, 162 Coinages, 18 Combe, 152, 153 Commegys, 16, 17 Compton, 220 Conn, 137, 174, 209 Connan, 214 Connoly, 240 Connolly, 263, 264, 266, 267 Connoway, 239 Conrad, 216 Con rod, 174 Consella, 220 Contrecoeur, 143 Conrath, 105 Cook, 211, 218 Cooke, 211 Coomore, 161 Coon, 175 Coonse, 221 Cooper, 218 Copple, 230 Cornelison, 18 Cornwallis, 175, 243, 244, 246, 268 Corrick, 180 Cortz, 221 Courts, 250 Cove, 221 Coward, 57 Cowley, 227 Cox, 193 Crab, 187 Crabb, 171, 190, 192 ta Crabbs, 206 _ Crabs, 180 Crafford, 219 Crafft, 234 Craft, 174, 237 Crale, 222 Cramer, 53, 225, 227, 231 Cramphin, 182, 187, 188, 190, 192, 194 Crapell, 216 Craver, 174 Crawl, 47 Crawle, 188, 190 Crawly, 211 Creager, 193, 206, 217 Creppell, 216 Cresap, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 147, 149, 153, 160, 171, 188, 190, 191, 198 Cressap, 132 Cressop, 129 Criegh, 175 Croft, 226, 227, 235 Cromer, 227 Cronies, 231 Cronise, 227, 231 Index to Proper Names. 277 Crontor, 41 Crook, 210 Cropp, 234, 235 Cross, 41 Crothorn, 227 Croumer, 230 Crow, 209 Crower, 227, 237 Crowl, 46 Crowle, 137, 192 Crowler, 134 Crummet, 225 Cruse, 61 Crush, 227 Cruss, 100, 101 Crusius, 104 Culler, 99 Culver, 209 Cumber, 217 Cunius, 238 Cunningham, 221 Cunnius, 238 Curley, 227, 232 Curran, 180, 206 Currington, 211 Curts, 221 Cusson, 41 Custgrove, 240 Dagworthy, 150, 164, 169 Dalton, 228 Dankers, 22 Danker-Schilders, 17 Danroth, 238 Danruth, 228 Darby, 124 Darnall, 178, 179, 190, 192 Dartmouth, Lord, 63 Daugerty, 218 Daugherty, 218 Daunt, 130, 133 David, 218 Davidson, 258 Davies, 211, 212 Davis, 98, 105, 162, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 198, 211, 219, 222, 263 Dawson, 148 Dayley, 218 Deakins, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 210 Deale, 221 Dean, 161, 221, 257 Decamp, 218 Decker, 238 Decourcy, 250 Deefhem, 175 Deefherr, 175 De Heister, 243 De Hesse, 40 Deitch, 238 Delaitre, 139 Delawter, 230 Deneley, 215 Denny, 258 Dent, 250 Detweiler, 40 Dick, 218 Dickerson, 209 Dicks, 222 Dickson, 178 Dietz, 105 Diffenderffer, 30, 61 Digman, 223 Dinwiddie, 143, 144, 151, 154, 163, 164 Divers, 222 Dixon, 140, 219 Dobson, 257 Dochterman, 232 Doddridge, 68, 76, 78, 79 Dodson, 215 Dogherty, 211 Dolton, 239 Donack, 214 Donovan, 257 278 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Dora, 93 Dorran, 190 Dorsey, 171, 188, 190, 192, 258 Dotts, 217 Dougherty, 161, 162 Doughland, 151 Douglass, 262 Doutweiler, 105 Douville, 150 Dowden, 178 Downey, 218, 238 Downing, 106, 211 Drake, 212 Draper, 210 Dretch, 228 Drislaam, 117 Drome, 216 Duall, 258 Dubois, 40 Dulany, 60, 63, 162, 180, 183 Dullis, 214 Dumas, 151 Dumatt, 221 Duncan, 216, 223, 232, 236 Dunkin, 228 Dunkle, 234, 235 Dunmore, Lord, 264, 265, 266 Dunwidie, 162 Du Quesne, 142 Dutterer, 216 Duvall, 192 Dwyre, 215 Dych, 238 Dye, 221 Dyer, 227, 239 Dyson, 115 Earl, 161 Eastburn, 191 Ebenhard, 61 Eberhart, 105 Eckert, 105 Eddis, 55, 60, 63 Edelen, 183 Edelin, 191, 211 Edelman, 220 Edgerly, 257 Edington, 162 Edison, 217 Edmonston, 208 Edwards, 46 Eichelberger, 105 Eggman, 231 Eiginor, 221 Eissell, 228 Elder, 180, 207, 219 Eley, 216 Elliott, 228, 239 Ellis, 191, 220 Ellit, 220 Ellradt, 93 Ellsperger, 228 Elsing, 228 Elwood, 209 Emerson, 130 Emmet, 191 Emerick, 229, 231 Emrich, 220 Engelle, 228 England, 232 Engle, 228, 231, 232 English, 124, 222 Engners, 41 Enocks, 162 Ensey, 228 Entlen, 105 Eove, 221 Erskin, 123 Estep, 208 Estewin, 118 Estup, 215 Etnier, 228, 236 Etter, 226, 237 Ettleman, 215 Ettsperger, 238 Ettzinger, 238 Index to Proper Names. 279 Evans, 137, 211 Evat, 137 Everly, 230 Eversole, 263 Ewing, 257 Eyssell, 238 Faber, 103, 104 Faires, 180, 206 Fairfax, 154 Falkner, 25 Fangler, 174 Fanner, 221 Fanning, 212 Fantz, 230 Farber, 231 Farmer, 258 Farnslar, 215 Faulkner, 25 Faut, 98 Fauth, 93 Feagen, 263 Feely, 222 Feeter, 175 Fendall, 20 Fenly, 214 Fennell, 228, 239 Fentlinger, 40 Ferdinand II, 28 Ferguson, 220 Fernandes, 250 Ferrell, 209, 220 Ferrins, 226, 231, 239 Fettie, 230 Fiche, 175 Fiegley, 223 Fife, 162 Filler, 228, 233, 234, 235 Finch, 221, 228 Filter, 237 Finley, 214, 238 Fischer, 105 Fish, 222 Fishburn, 188, 190 Fisher, 105, 188, 190, 2J4, 222, 228, 331, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239 Fister, 225, 230 Fitzgerrald, 212 Fitzjarrald, 209 Fitzpatrick, 228, 239 Flack, 174, 217, 222 Fleck, 228 Fleegert, 236 Fleete, 8, 9 Fleming, 228 Flemming, 192 Fletcher, 193, 214, 215 Flick, 221, 234, 235 Fliet, 237 Fliming, 237 Flint, 192 Flora, 161, 162 Fockler, 115, 117 Fogely, 223 Fogle, 218, 233, 235 Fogler, 233, 235 Foird, 258 Foliott, 232 Folliott, 228 Foot, 139 Forbes, 156, 158, 168, 169, 170 Ford, 151, 154, 162, 258 Forney, 228, 237 For sy the, 221 Fortunee, 93 Fosney, 174 Foster, 217 Fournier, 235 Fowee, 234 Fowler, 220 Fox, 162, 218 France, 221 Franken, 232 Frankenfeld, 100 Franklin, 33, 48, 81, 228 Frankline, 219 28o The Pennsylvania-German Society. Frantz, 228, 238 Fray, 134 Frazer, 143 Frazier, 149 Free, 215 Freeman, 209, 214, 215 Freind, 215 French, 126 Fret, 40, 41 Frey, 105, 226, 233, 234, 238 Freymiller, 237 Friend, 192, 234, 235 Frisk, 139 Fritchie, 268, 269, 270 From, 218 Froman, 42 Froshour, 230 Frumantle, 222 Fry, 40, 137, 143, 236, 263 Fryback, 209 Frye, 231 Frymiller, 228, 237 Fuhrman, 232 Fulham, 228, 239 Fullim, 232 Fulsome, 219 Funk, 102, 189, 190, 192, 194 Furnier, 234 Gable, 175 Gage, 201, 264, 266 Gaither, 193, 210, 211, 257 Gale, 258 Galissoniere, 142 Gambare, 216 Gambler, 227, 228, 236 Gantner, 228, 231 Garber, 40 Gardenour, 102 Gardner, 221 Garnet, 258 Garten, 209 Gartner, 137 Gartrell, 209, 210 Gaskin, 212 Gassaway, 257 Gatrell, 209 Gaul, 226, 239 Gavan, 228 Gavin, 236 Geehan, 209 Geerhert, 174 Geiger, 93, 105 Geist, 25 Gentile, 219, 220 Gentle, 219 Gentner, 230 George II, 96, 98 George (King), 195 Gerock, 102, 103, 232, 235 Gerresheim, 104 Getig, 228 Getsoner, 139 Getting, 237 Geyer, 93 Ghiselin, 214 Gibson, 186, 212, 257 Giddy, 215 Gieser, 234 Gilbert, 191 Gill, 213 Gillam, 219 Gilmore, 213 Gilmour, 213 Gillum, 219 Gisinger, 217 Gist, 242, 244, 250 Gittin, 233, 234 Gitting, 235 Gittings, 209 Glaze, 219, 220 Glory, 211 Gnadig, 105 Gobble, 215 Goering, 104 Goldsborough, 195 Index to Proper Names. 281 Goldsmith, 113 Gole, 117 Good, 115, 191, 192, 214, 263 Goodwin, 211 Gordon, 39, 130 Gore, 237 Gorman, 210 Gorr, 237 Gotz, 98 Gould, 228, 257 Grabill, 137 Grable, 134 Graeber, 104 Graff, 61, 230 Graffenried, 41 Granget, 104 Grant, 157, 222, 243, 246 Grasmuck, 103 Grass, 233, 235 Grauff, 210 Graves, 268, 269 Gray, 258 Graybell, 237 Graybill, 161, 225 Greathouse, 234, 235 Greechbaum, 234, 235 Green, 210, 211, 222 Greene, 133 Greenwood, 218 Greilich, 105 Grice, 228 Griffith, 137, 182, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 210, 214 Grimber, 191 Grimer, 262 Grimes, 52 Grommet, 230 Groop, 237 Grose, 217 Grosh, 160, 188, 190, 216, 228, 232, 257 Gross, 25 Groth, 183 Grove, 220 Growley, 238 Gruber, 87, 88 Grueber, 93 Grunlin, 228 Grupp, 228 Guest, 132 Guhan, 209 Gump, 93, 98, 206 Gunby, 257 Guthrie, 263 Guy, 98 Haas, 188, 190 Habach, 93 Hack, 21 Hacket, 235 Hackett, 236 Hafilfinger, 40 Haflegh, 174 Hagan, 219 Hager, 54, 55, 105, 106, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 223 Hagon, 210 Hahn, 232 Hain, 230 Haines, 223 Hale, 214 Halfpenny, 229, 239 Hall, 131, 257 Haller, 229, 238 Halmon, 40 Hamilton, 215, 231, 257, 258 Hammer, 215, 231 Hammersly, 229 Hancock, 267 Hanee, 209 Haney, 180, 206 Haninghouse, 229 Hanniel, 162 Hanson, 182, 183, 188, 189, 190, 194, 197, 222, 257, 268, 269 Harbaugh, 61, 94, 115 282 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Harbin, 220 Harden, 209 Hardenstein, 238 Hardesty, 220 Hardey, 222 Harding, 209, 213 Hardman, 218, 222, 239, 257 Hargeroder, 237 Harley, 229, 237 Harling, 220 Harman, 102 Harmer, 18 Harmony, 233, 235 Harper, 211 Harring, 232 Harris, 212 Harrison, 124, 214, 215 Harriss, 212 Harry, 105, 117, 174 Hart, 125, 134, 222 Hartenstein, 238 Hartly, 174 Hartman, 93, 229, 238 Hartness, 233, 235 Hartshorn, 257 Hartle, 263 Hartwick, 99 Hartwig, 103 Harwood, 192 Haseligh, 229 Haslet, 245 Hasselback, 220 Hast, 25 Hatcher aft, 231 Hatchey, 137 Hatfield, 229, 235, 237 Hauer, 270 Hauseal, 99, 106 Hauser, 105 Hausman, 229 Haussegger, 225, 230, 232 Havel ay, 215 Haver, 237 Hawbacker, 225 Hawk, 206, 216, 230 Hawker, 100, 101 Hawkins, 188, 190 Hayes, 212 Haymon, 209 Hays, 162, 210, 213 Hazel, 211 Hazelip, 229 Hazlewood, 229, 239 Hazlip, 239 Heart, 219 Heater, 211 Heathman, 212 Heckentora, 216 Hecket, 233 Hedges, 217 Heefner, 234, 237 Heeter, 216 Heffner, 229, 230, 235 Heger, 55 Heinzman, 172 Hellen, 213 Heller, 237 Helm, 225 Hemerick, 229 Henckel, 93 Henderson, 19, 215, 222 Hendricks, 46, 132, 238 Hendrickson, 18, 19, 217 Hendrix, 134 Henistone, 212 Hennes, 213 Hennighausen, 38, 44 Henninghouse, 231 Henop, 100 Hen ricks, 137 Henry, 219 Hens, 61 Heppelwhite, 81 Herd, 211 Herdic, 105 Hergeroder, 237 Index to Proper Names. 283 Herman, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Heron, 226 Herring, 229, 231 Herriot, 191 Herzer, 61 Hesse, 213 Heveron, 218 Hewer, 229, 232 Heyser, 105, 225, 233, 234, 236, 260, 261 Hicke, 209 Hicks, 41, 155 Higbee, 105 Higdon, 219 Hilderbrand, 231 Hile, 229 Hill, 213, 232, 239 Hillery, 214 Hillis, 48 Hilton, 213 H in don, 212 Hinds, 217 Hinkel, 239 Hinton, 212 Hirsh, 222 Hite, 41, 42 Hiter, 192 Hobbins, 220 Hobbs, 188, 190, 192 Hochshield, 226 Hochersmith, 180, 205, 206 Hockett, 229 Hockey, 175 Hoecke, 103 Hoefflich, 232 Hoeflich, 105, 120, 174 Hoey, 211 Hoff, 98, 191, 193 Hoffman, 98, 99, 139, 183, 188, 190, 193, 237, 263 Hog, 188, 190, 192 Hogmire, 185, 188, 190, 192 Hogshield, 231 Holdup, 240 Holland, 211 Hollands, 211 Holliday, 213 Hollings, 214 Hollon, 209 Hollyday, 218 Holtz, 213 Holtzman, 218 Honig, 98 Hood, 177, 178, 221 Hoof, 93 Hook, 226, 229, 237 Hooke, 219 Hoopinder, 137 Hoover, 180, 229, 230, 233, 235 Hopewell, 161 Hopkins, 210, 239 Horine, 215 Hose, 226, 233, 234, 236 Hoshied, 231 Hoskins, 219 Hoskinson, 209 Hosier, 220 Hossilton, 217 Hosteter, 191 Hottfield, 234 Houcks, 222 Houer, 117 House, 210 Houseman, 230, 232 Housley, 219 Hovermale, 102 How, 222 Howard, 188, 190, 192, 221, 257 Howe, 241 Hower, 191, 216 Hoy, 211 Hoyle, 234, 235, 237 Hubley, 225 Hudson, 174, 214 Huffman, 216 Hugan, 257 284 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Hugh, 178, 192 Hughes, 105, 180, 185, 188, 190, 212, 229 Hughmore, 239 Huldiman, 40 Huling, 238 Hull, 229 Hulse, 217 Hulsman, 216 Humphreys, 188, 190 Hungerford, 182 Hunk, 187 Hurdle, 209 Hurley, 221 Hurvey, 210 Hutchcraft, 213, 226 Hutchcrofft, 239 Hutchingson, 211 Hutchinson, 213 Hutzel, 93 Hiitzel, 98 Hyatt, 237 Hynes, 152 Hyt, 40, 41 Iden, 221 Irafeld, 230 Immel, 137 Inglish, 124 Ingram, 192, 262 Innes, 146, 147, 163, 164 Innis, 118 Irissler, 212 Isingminger, 230 Itnier, 234 Jacob, 41, 215, 257 Jacobs, 34, 40, 213, 257 Jacobson, 18 Jacques, 233 Jacquet, 233, 234, 236 Jacquett, 226 James, 21, 23, 25, 257 James I., 5 Jeans, 219 Jennifer, 262 Jerbo, 211 Jinkings, 210 Johns, 189, 190, 191 Johnson, 18, 40, 116, 139, 147, 162, 175, 183, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 226, 232, 253, 255, 268 Johnston, 213, 229, 238, 239 Jones, 46, 134, 137, 178, 187, 192, 213, 215, 216, 218, 219, 222, 226, 239, 258 Jordan, 213, 258 Jordon, 222 Jugerhorn, 188 Jumonville, 143 Jung, 105 Kallenberger, 216 Kapp, 105 Karr, 105 Kast, 117 Kaufman, 227 Kauffman, 239 Kauth, 93 Kautz, 238 Kearnes, 232, 238 Kearshner, 238 Keath, 212 Kebler, 236 Keemer, 211 Keener, 232 Keephart, 227 Keeports, 225, 232 Keintz, 238 Keiser, 229, 236 Keith, 31, 126, 127 Kelam, 214 Kelcholumer, 191 Kellar, 216 Keller, 215 Index to Proper Names. 285 Kelly, 84, 180, 206, 214, 226 Kemmell, 237 Kemmer, 175 Kemp, 139, 188, 190, 192 Kendrick, 229, 238 Kenly, 167, 175 Kenneday, 213 Kennedy, 180, 206 Kenney, 152 Kentz, 227 Kephard, 240 Keplinger, 229 Kepphard, 231 Kepplinger, 239 Kercheval, 68 Kern, 216 Kernam, 175 Kerney, 221 Kerns, 226, 238 Kerny, 220 Kersey, 211 Kershner, 173, 174, 227 Kesszele, 98 Kettle, 226, 229, 231 Key, 190, 192, 198 Keyer, 229 Keyser, 226, 235, 238 Kibler, 234, 235 Kidlng, 221 Kieger, 219 Kiltz, 258 Kimberlin, 118 Klmraell, 237 King, 171, 215, 230 Kingston, 219 Kintz, 238 Kirgery, 174 Kirk, 213, 222 Kisby, 211 Kitely, 220 Kleeman, 93 Klein, 40, 105, 230, 231 Kleinsmith, 105 Klien, 233 Kline, 227, 229, 235, 236 Knapp, 25 Knauff, 207 Knave, 221 Kneary, 237 Knight, 41 Knolton, 249 Knowlar, 211 Knyphausen, 251 Koch, 118 Kocherthal, 31 Koefflich, 232 Kolb, 40, 41 Kolz, 98 Koons, 227 Koontz, 180 Kortz, 233, 234 Kotz, 225 Kraft, 226, 238 Kratz, 40 Kreiger, 61 Kremer, 106 Kremewald, 117 Kries, 232 Kritzman, 98 Krug, 99, 104 Kruise, 229 Kuhn, 206 Kuhnes, 212 Kuhns, 31 Kuntz, 93, 229, 230, 231 Kuntz, 98 Kunz, 98 Kurtz, 230 Kiisters, 41 Labadie, 21, 22 Ladder, 226 Lafflin, 84 Lago, 227 Lamar, 220, 257 Landenberger, 225 286 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Landis, 123 Lane, 40 Lange, 25, 100 Langhorne, 133 Langley, 218 Langton, 211 Lanham, 210 Lansdale, 257 Lantz, 227, 237 Larantz, 227 Larmore, 227 Lashyear, 209 Lathy, 93 Laurence, 190 Lawney, 227 Lawnious, 137 Lawnius, 134 Lawrence, 188, 192 Lay, 93, 98, 99 Layzare, 209 Lazenby, 208, 209 Lazear, 263 Leather, 231 Lecky, 62 Lecrose, 227 Ledwitz, 245 Lee, 84, 105 Leedy, 175 Leer, 162 Legg, 209 Lehnick, 93 Lehny, 98 Leider, 105 Lein, 93 Leiser, 235 Leitch, 211, 212 Leithauser, 237 Leithusler, 227 Leniger, 25 Lentarage, 219 Leonard, 207 Lephart, 137 Levely, 103 Levering, 61 Levy, 233 Lewis, 209, 212, 219, 226, 233, 235, 236 LibHart, 134 Lickliter, 218 Lieser, 233 Lighter, 174 Lightfoot, 210 Lighthauser, 237 Linch, 215 Lindenberger, 103, 232 Linder, 220, 221 Lindley, 46 Lindsey, 222 Linebaugh, 207 Lingenf elder, 115 Link, 105, 217 Linkenfelter, 232 Linsey, 218 Linthicum, 192 Lintridge, 219 Lisher, 41 Litzinger, 238 Loar, 220, 221 Locher, 234, 235 Lock, 216 Locker, 219, 227, 236 Lockhead, 162 Lodge a de, 209 Loe, 216 Logan, 31, 32 Lohra, 237 Long, 180, 206, 212, 220 Longley, 210 Lora, 225 Lorah, 37 Lorantz, 227 Loreman, 47 Lorentz, 237, 238 Louden, 214 Loudoun, 169, 172 Lougher, 47 Index to Proper Names. 287 Loure,, 232 Louvois, 28 Love, 211 Lovelass, 219 Loveless, 219 Lovet, 210 Low, 230 Lowe, 137, 226 Lower, 235 Lowry, 211 Lowther, 152, 214 Lucas, 219, 220 Luckas, 219, 220 Luckett, 178, 188, 190, 192, 193 Ludwick, 188, 190, 227, 231 Lutz, 93 Lydrick, 61 Lye, 139 Lynn, 152, 178 McAlister, 257 McAllen, 214 McCallister, 190, 192 McClaine, 215 McCIarae, 215 McClane, 215, 221 McClary, 188, 190, 213 McClellan, 161 McCoIough, 227 McCord, 162 McCorgan, 233 McCoy, 213 McCracken, 215 McCrery, 213 McCullin, 174 McCuIloch, 210 McDavid, 210 McDeed, 210 McDonald, 213, 214, 218 McDonall, 215 McFarren, 192 McGlury, 185 McGrouch, 239 McGuyer, 223 Mclntire, 215 McKay, 214 McKenny, 221 McKinsey, 236, 239 McKinzie, 213 McKoy, 214, 221, 239 McLaughlin, 174 McLean, 180, 206 McLeod, 216 McRae, 157 McSherry, 185, 250, 252 McTier, 215 Macatee, 215 Machenheimer, 238 Mackabee, 211 Mackall, 239 Mackee, 211 Mackey, 211 Maclamary, 211 Madcalf, 221 Madden, 212 Madding, 211 Maddox, 219 Magaw, 84, 252 Magruder, 182, 187, 190, 192 Mahoney, 210 Mahony, 231, 239 Malady, 239 Malinia, 239 Mallady, 232 Malloon, 212 Malone, 133 Mamges, 258 Mannan, 212 Manipenny, 118 Mantz, 216 Marbury, 207, 257 Marhay, 209 Market 233 Markham, 21 Marie, 149 Marolf, 232 288 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Maroney, 213 Marshall, 162, 213 Martain, 219 Martin, 106, 180, 215, 216, 219, 222, 227 Mason, 140, 213 Masters, 162 Mateus, 98 Mathews, 19 Mathias, 188, 190 Mathiason, 18, 19 Mathison, 162 Mattheis, 93 Matthew, 207 Matthews, 118, 206, 222 Mattril, 239 Maunsel, 227 Mausser, 93 Maximilian, 28 May, 174 Mayer, 57 Mayhew, 93 Maynard, 214 Means, 215 Menix, 217 Menneville, 142 Menson, 174 Me r fey, 215 Mernke, 41 Meroney, 214 Messersmith, 220 Metts, 222 Mettz, 234 Metz, 235 Metzger, 99 Meyer, 18, 98, 104, 117 Meyers, 15, 225 Meyor, 17 Michael, 226, 227, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Micheelson, 18 Michel, 41 Miely, 227 Mifflin, 248 Miley, 237 Millberger, 237 Millburger, 237 Miller, 87, 104, 105, 137, 139, 174, 190, 214, 215, 222, 227, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 263 Mills, 216, 219 Minshall, 46, 137 Mior, 41 Mire, 41 Mitchell, 208, 257 Mittag, 93, 230 Mober, 215 Mockbee, 211, 219 Moeller, 99 Money, 214, 215 Mongaul, 227 Mongoal, 233 Montson, 18 Moor, 221, 222 Moore, 188, 190, 192, 212, 218, 238 Moppes, 232 Moran, 161, 257 Morgan, 130, 233, 234 Morgon, 223 Morolf, 216 Morris, 40, 218, 222 Morrison, 180, 222 Mortt, 218 Mosen, 236 Moser, 218, 231, 239 Mouer, 216 Mourrer, 216 Mouser, 218 Mowen, 222 Moxley, 219 Muckleroy, 213 Mueller, 93 Muhlenberg, 51, 94, 95, 96, 99 Mullican, 211 Mullihan, 220 Muma, 238 Index to Proper Names. Mumma, 238, 239 Mummard, 239 Mummart, 227 Mun, 257 Munn, 223 Munroe, 180 Murdock, 183, 187-189, 190, 193 Murphey, 221 Murphy, 211, 212, 213, 239 Murray, 162 Muse, 250 Musgrove, 209 Mussler, 238 Myer, 137, 214, 217, 237, 238, 262 Myers, 52, 162, 217, 234, 235, 237, 238 Nail, 216 Nailor, 218 Nalor, 218 Narry, 174 Nead, 61, 82, 102, 119, 128, 180, 206, 263 Neal, 223 Neall, 213 Need, 100, 101, 217, 262 Neet, 217 Neide, 117 Nelson, 188, 190 Nerving, 227 Neswangher, 216 Netsley, 216 Neving, 239 Nevitt, 227 Newman, 222 Newsanger, 216 Ney, 105 Nicholas, 162 Nicholl, 211 Nicholls, 155, 211 Nichols, 209, 211, 213 Nicholson, 210 Nickols, 213 19* J 289 Nighswanger, 41 Night, 212 Niverville, 150 Nockey, 175 Noise, 222 Nolland, 212 North (Lord), 185, 198 Northcraft, 191, 211 Norris, 193, 212, 215 Norwood, 190 Nowland, 192, 210 Nowles, 221 Obalam, 214 O'Bryan, 215 O'Daniel, 210 Offutt, 187, 190, 192 Ogle, 123, 128, 131, 136, 138, 139, 192, 206 O'Gullen, 162 Oldman, 257 Oliver, 220 O'Neal, 187, 189, 190 Op den Graef, 40 O'Quin, 227, 239 Orendorf, 188, 191 Orendorff, 190 Orm, 187 Orrae, 182, 190, 208, 209 Orndorff, 115, 220 Ort, 93 Osburn, 219 Osten, 105 Oster, 105, 174 Ott, 105, 263 Otterbein, 100, 104 Ovelman, 180 Overfelt, 216 Owen, 219 Owsley, 219 Oyster, 47 Ozenburn, 219 290 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Paca, 195 Pack, 162, 212 Pain, 220 Painter, 227 Pannebacker, 87 Pannebeekers, 40 Pannell, 216 Panthar, 235 Parran, 258 Park, 180, 206 Parkinson, 217, 218 Parks, 185, 186, 187, 262 Parnell, 127, 129 Parson, 218 Pastorius, 31 Patrick, 212, 220 Paw, 191 Pawling, 40 Peak, 219 Pearce, 214 Peen, 209 Peery, 137 Pegman, 215 Pelly, 211 Penn, 29, 32, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 140, 209 Penny, 211 Pennybacker, 87 Penroad, 215 Pepple, 215 Percy (Lord), 242 Perrin, 47 Perry, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192 Pfaut, 98 Phlaviere, 137 Philier, 137 Philpot, 213, 219 Pifer, 234 Piffer, 235 Piltz, 118 Pindell, 258 Pindle, 118 Pinkely, 220 Pinnall, 216 Pirkinson, 217, 218 Pitcairn, 196 Pitcher, 221 Pitt, 156 Plecker, 268, 269 Plummer, 192 Poger, 40 Pointer, 227, 236 Poland, 220 Polehouse, 231, 239 Polhouse, 226 Polk, 162 Pollard, 213 Pomp, 104 Pontiac, 158, 176 Pope, 239 Porter, 237, 239 Postlewaite, 155 Pote, 223 Powell, 221 Prather, 150, 157, 188, 190, 263 Pratt, 257 Praul, 250 Preston, 213, 218, 222 Prey, 93 Price, 178, 183, 188, 189, 190, 193, 198, 207, 215, 249, 250, 257, 258 Procter, 237 Proctor, 227, 239 Protzman, 105, 206, 207 Pruett, 212 Prunk, 263 Purnal, 209 Putnam, 242, 243, 248 Queer, 234 Quier, 237 Quinlin, 228, 239 Quir, 235 Quynn, 213 Ragan, 105 Index to Proper Names. 291 Rahauser, 104 Raidy, 219 Raishiere, 137 Raleigh, 219 Raley, 219 Rambo, 40 Randle, 220 Ransbergen, 139 Ranspergen, 139 Rattermann, 156 Rausch, 93 Raver, 228, 236 Rawlings, 191, 200, 251 Rawlins, 173, 175, 254 Ray, 209, 216 Raybert, 228 Raymer, 190 Raynolds, 212 Read, 212 Realley, 217 Reaver, 235 Reeter, 174 Reevenach, 233 Reevenacht, 234 Reever, 233 Regalman, 228 Regele, 238 Regie, 238 Regliman, 237 Reich, 218 Reichardt, 40 Reincke, 61 Reinhart, 238 Reisner, 98, 133, 139 Reitz, 233 Remsburg, 190, 193 Rench, 193, 222, 262, 263 Renzand, 61 Reusner, 93 Reveley, 258 Reynolds, 105, 208, 211, 220, 221 Rhodes, 213, 214 Rhorer, 263 Rice, 215, 225 Richards, 188, 190, 225, 228, 238 Richardson, 216, 223 Richmond, 207, 258 Richter, 61 Rick, 237 Rickenbaugh, 222 Ricketts, 211 Ricknagle, 228 Riddell, 65 Ridenhour, 230, 239 Ridenour, 175 Rider, 227, 239 Ridgely, 191, 192, 250 Ridingour, 216 Riely, 223, 228 Rife, 40, 41 Riggleman, 234, 235 Riggnagle, 232 Riggs, 191 Rigsbe, 131 Riley, 211 Rily, 210, 211 Rine, 220 Rinehart, 238 Ringer, 192, 217, 218, 230 Rismel, 223 Rite, 214 Ritmire, 227 Ritter, 232 Rittlemeyer, 228 Rittlemyer, 238 Roach, 226, 239 Roads, 139 Roberts, 40, 211 Robertson, 215, 231, 233 Robinson, 174, 180, 206, 213, 228, 231, 232, 235 Robison, 223 Roche, 207 Rochester, 105 Rock, 103, 226 Rodes, 212 292 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Roemer, 99 Roessell, 93 Rogers, 149 Rohhbaugh, 237 Rohrbach, 237 Rohrback, 102 Rohrer, 118, 263 Roltrer, 263 Rolwagen, 225 Romer, 98 Rommelsem, 237 Romsburg, 188 Ronenberger, 227 Rorer, 175 Rosen, 61 Ross, 161, 211 Roth, 235 Rothe, 234 Rough, 174 Roullett, 102 Rout, 161 Roxburgh, 257 Row, 180, 206 Rowin, 218 Rowlands, 239 Rowlins, 217 Rudisiel, 93 Rudrieck, 216 Ruetenik, 103 Rumfell, 228 Rumfield, 237 Rummelson, 226 Runkel, 100 Ruppert, 228 Russ, 218 Rutlidge, 222 Rutt, 40 Ruttzn, 21 Ryan, 209 Ryley, 222 Rymeby, 263 Sachse, 27, 29 Sadler, 25 Safety, 263 Saffle, 211 Saftly, 221 Sahm, 61 Sailor, 234 Salmon, 213 Sam, 100, 101 Sands, 221 Sangar, 137 Sanglaer, 134 Sappor, 117 Sarjeant, 219 Saylor, 105, 236 Schaaf, 61, 188, 190 Schaefer, 93 Schaeffer, 225, 232 Schantz, 114 Scharf, 9, 54, 62, 87, 102, 104, 154, 167, 171, 179, 260 Schaub, 93 Schauffle, 93 Scherer, 41 Schesler, 232 Schilders, 22 Schippe, 25 Schister, 105 Schlatter, 51, 94, 95, 99, 115 Schleitz, 118 Schley, 56, 99, 114, 183, 188, 222 Schmauk, 92, 103 Schmidt, 61, 98 Schmit, 40 Schmucker, 104, 105 Schnebly, 105 Scholl, 40 Schorcht, 232 Schrawder, 225 Schreier, 232 Schreyer, 93 Schriver, 188, 190, 193 Schroder, 105 Index to Proper Names. 293 Schultz, 51, 52, 53, 61, 134, 167, 206 Schiitz, 232 Schwartz, 40 Schweinhard, 98 Schweinhardt, 93, 98 Schwerdtfeger, 99, 106 Schwidzer, 236 Schwob, 103 Scobell, 134 Scott, 183, 188, 190, 214 Scybert, 210 Seaburn, 221 Sealon, 161 Sealors, 228 Sechs, 98 Seglaer, 134, 137 Segman, 238 Sehom, 214 Seiss, 61 Selas, 229 Self, 220 Sellers, 191, 218 Sellman, 257 Sellers, 218 S el wood, 229 Sergant, 249 Serjeant, 218 Settlemeyer, 228 Settlemirer, 232 Shackler, 175 Shade, 217 Shaffer, 139, 229, 238 Shambarriere, 137 Shame, 217 Shank, 213 Shark, 228 Sharpe, 112, 144, 145, 146, 147, 153, 165, 168, 169, 170, 172 Shatz, 231 Shaw, 46, 206 Sheaf er, 230, 231 Sheales, 192 Sheekels, 209 Sheeler, 102 Sheest, 233, 235 Shehan, 213 Sheitz, 263 Shelby, 161, 170 Shelman, 216 Shenk, 217 Sheppart, 211 Sheredine, 188, 189, 190, 194, 268 Shett, 268, 269 Shields, 180, 206 Shimor, 41 Shirley, 147 Shively, 228, 239 Shlife, 238 Shock, 174 Shoemaker, 214, 226, 228, 231, 234, 235, 239 Sholly, 174 Shopper, 230 Short, 211 Shotter, 230 Shotts, 228 Shotz, 231 Shover, 206 Showier, 40 Shrantz, 230 Shrawder, 236 Shrayer, 228 Shrayock, 228 Shriber, 174 Shriock, 237 Shroop, 230 Shryock, 83, 84, 105, 237, 263 Shugart, 225, 237 Shukels, 209 Shuler, 240 Shutz, 228 Sides, 236 Siegfried, 216 Sigler, 40 Sill, 215 294 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Silver, 218, 228 Silvor, 213 Simcock, 124 Simmon, 218 Simon, 218 Simms, 209 Simpson, 193 Sinn, 93, 98 Sipherson, 18 Six, 99 Skaggs, 213 Skiles, 221 Skinner, 257 Slagel, 215 Slender, 231 Slick, 218 Slife, 228 Slite, 228 Slreiter, 228 Sluys, 137 Sluyter, 22, 23 Sluyter-Vorstmann, 17 Smadern, 239 Small, 162 Smallwood, 207, 242, 243, 244, 250, 257, 262 Smeltzer, 230 Smith, 8, 40, 41, 115, 117, 121, 133, 137, 139, 178, 180, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 206, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 222, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 257, 258, 266, 267 Smitherd, 228 Smithley, 236 Smithly, 228, 229, 233, 234, 236, 237 Smout, 46 Smoute, 137 Smyth, 267 Snavely, 188, 190, 191 Snebley, 185 Snider, 174, 216, 229, 230, 231 Snowdeigel, 217 Snowdenge, 217 Snowdens, 53 Solamon, 210 Soldner, 98 Sollers, 110, 226, 238 Sollom, 40 Somervell, 258 Spach, 98 Sparks, 161 Sparrow, 220 Speak, 216 Speake, 219 Speck, 232, 237 Spengel, 93 Spires, 263 Splise, 223 • Spottswood, 41 Sprengle, 238 Sprigg, 188, 189, 190, 212, 223 Spright, 137 Springer, 218 Springle, 47 Spunogle, 215 Spycer, 210 Spyker, 115, 210, 255 St. Clair, 169, 170 Stalion, 219 Stallings, 219 Stalter, 237 Stanley, 216 Stanly, 211 Stanner, 137 Stanton, 228, 239 Stanty, 226 Stantz, 134 Startzman, 263 Statler, 229, 234, 235 Stauffer, 226, 238 Steel, 53, 219 Steiger, 61 Stein, 232 Index to Proper Names. 295 Steincyfer, 105 Steiner, 59, 91, 100, 195 Stempel, 105 Stephenson, 200 Steret, 250 Steuart, 212 Stevens, 216 Stewart, 158, 180, 186, 210, 221 257 Stiener, 231 Stiles, 239 Stille, 18 Stirling (Lord), 242, 243, 244, 245, 246 Stockbridge, 164, 172 Stoddert, 149, 151, 152 Stoever, 93 Stoferd, 41 Stogdon, 220 Stoll, 98 Stolmeyer, 98 Stone, 13, 90, 240, 250 Stonebraker, 229, 236 Stonebreaker, 233, 235 Stoner, 40, 190, 216, 222, 229, 232 Storam, 223 Stouder, 230 Stout, 240 Stover, 106 Stowford, 40 Stoyle, 229 Straam, 236 Strayley, 236 Strayly, 234 Strecher, 115 Streib, 233 Strieker, 61, 188, 190, 192, 225, 238, 263 Stricklaer, 137 Strider, 232 Stringfellow, 32 Striser, 217 Striter, 237 Stroam, 233, 235 Strome, 228 Stuart, 174 Studdlemeier, 230 Studer, 228 Stuffle, 216 Stull, 115, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 217, 222, 263 Stuyvesant, 15, 16, 20 Sueman, 268, 269 Sulivane, 220 Sullivan, 243 Summerfield, 127 Summers, 212, 238 Sutton, 212 Swan, 185, 188, 190, 193 f Swartz, 225 Swearengen, 188, 189 Swearingen, 185, 190, 192, 263 Swimley, 192 Swingly, 263 Switzer, 229, 234, 236 Swope, 103, 104, 137 Sybert, 175, 210 Sydey, 174 Syphers, 207 Tabler, 230 Taeter, 221 Talbort, 219 Talbot, 123, 219 Tamlane, 219 Tandre, 137 Taney, 180 Tannehill, 214 Tanner, 46, 127, 134, 137 Tasker, 53, 130 Tawney, 229 Taylor, 47, 210, 214, 229, 232, 236 Teagard, 154, 155 Teemer, 217 Tennaly, 216 Test, 213, 216 296 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Teuferbiss, 93 Thatcher, 200 Theid, 257 Thomas, 139, 182, 183, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 215, 244, 247 Thompson, 155, 214, 219, 220, 221 Thornbourgh, 221 Threlkeld, 187, 190 Tice, 191 Tilghman, 64, 195 Tille, 123 Tiller, 234 Tilly, 28 Timblin, 229 Timken, 239 Tite, 229 Tobing, 217 Tombleson, 218 Tomkins, 221 Tomlin, 219 Tomm, 233, 235 Tongue, 214 Tore son, 18 Toughman, 215 Trace, 215 Tracy, 219 Trail, 211 Traill, 211 Traut, 93, 232 Trent, 143 Tressel, 174 Trout, 139, 210 Troxal, 175 Troxel, 222, 223 Troxell, 180 Trubb, 117 Truck, 226 Trucks, 217 Trueman, 257 Trux, 217, 233 Tucker, 208, 209 Tudderow, 230 Tumbleson, 218 Turenne, 28 Turner, 211, 216 Tyce, 174 Tysher, 175 Tyson, 40 Unsult, 99 Urinson, 18 Utie, 20, 123 Utley, 61 Valentine, 180, 207 Vandernorte, 18 Van Lear, 105 Van Meter, 42 Van Swearengen, 188, 190 Varglass, 137 Vaudreuil, 150 Vaughan, 161, 215, 239 Veach, 178 Veatch, 210, 219 Veazy, 249 Verdries, 98 Verdriess, 93 Vincent, 238 Visinger, 231 Vogler, 98 Volks, 118 Von Graffenried, 41 Vorstman, 22 Wachtel, 230, 231 Wade, 220, 229, 232, 239 Waggoner, 118, 218, 229, 237 Wagner, 105, 232, 233, 234, 235 Wagoner, 217, 229 Waker, 212 Waldon, 240 Walker, 210, 220, 221, 223, 229, 257 Wallace, 207, 212 Wallack, 137 Wallauer, 104 Index to Proper Names. 297 Wallis, 209, 222 Waltenback, 221 Walters, 219 Walts, 216 Waltz, 137 Ward, 143, 215, 222, 243, 246 Ware, 162, 242, 245, 250 Warfield, 188, 190, 192, 258 Warman, 212 Warren, 188, 190, 198 Wart, 215 Washington, 54, 64, 143, 144, 151, 154, 163, 242, 243, 245, 246, 248, 251, 253 Waters, 191, 192, 193, 209 Watkins, 231, 257 Watson, 152 Wayne, 49 Weakley, 219 Weaver, 215, 229, 231, 234, 235, 237 Weber, 40 \ Weeguel, 240 Weger, 238 Weidman, 225 Weier, 218 Weinmer, 93 Weirich, 220 ^ Weiser, 105, 225 Weishaar, 16, 25 Weisong, 221 Welch, 124 Weller, 87, 180, 206, 232 Wells, 76, 188, 190, 213, 221, 263 Welsh, 221, 222 Welshoffer, 134, 137 Weltner, 98, 193, 225, 231, 236, 254 Welty, 229, 238 Wershler, 103 Wesinger, 232 West, 178, 192, 211, 219, 220, 222 Westfall, 180 Wetzel, 93, 98 Weygand, 105 Weyman, 105 Wheelen, 213 Wheeler, 18, 209, 213 Wherfield, 139 Whistler, 46 Whitaker, 193 White, 124, 209, 212, 215, 216, 218, 220, 222, 239 Whitesides, 105 Whitman, 52 Wicks, 222 Wiesenthall, 103 Wilcocks, 162 Wilcoxen, 209 Wildbahn, 99, 105 Wilder, 160 Wilhelm, 233, 235, 236 Wilhelme, 229 Wilhite, 230 s Wilkins, 132, 221 Willhaut, 98 Williams, 127, 147, 148, 162, 167, 175, 185, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 198, 200, 205, 210, 217, 219, 220, 221, 229, 238, 257, 258 Williard, 61 Willsdaugh, 237 Wilmott, 257 Willson, 209 Wilson, 188, 190, 210, 211 Wilstock, 229, 237 Wimer, 215 Winchester, 188, 190, 193 Windham, 219 Windom, 212 Windred, 139 Windsor, 212 Wink, 229, 232 Wintz, 230 Wirley, 175 Wise, 139, 210, 233, 235 Wisell, 139 Wistar, 34 298 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witsinger, 229 Woelpper, 225 Wolf, 216, 220 Wolford, 257 Wolgamot, 174 Wolgamott, 161, 162 Woller, 218 Wolly Bergy, 41 Wolstenholme, 53 Woltz, 105 Wood, 188, 190, 193, 208, 209, 211 Wooler, 218 Woolford, 229, 239, 257 Wooten, 182 Wooton, 187, 188, 189, 190 Wootton, 190 Worley, 46, 134, 137 Woulds, 258 Wright, 46, 47, 129, 131, 132, 137, 229, 250 Wyonge, 220 Yakely, 229 Yates, 210 Yaulet, 216 Yeakly, 234 Yockley, 235, 236 Young, 40, 105, 106, 137, 167, 188, J 190, 206, 234, 235 Younger, 218 Zahn, 61 Ziegler, 230 Zimmerman, 52, 229, 230, 232 Zorah, 104 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Allotment of land, 10 Almanac, Hagerstown, 88 Annapolis, Germans arriving at, 56 Antietam church, 106 Avalon, colony of, 6 Bake-oven, 72 Baker, Isaac, letter from, 151 Baltimore laid out, 60 Bayer, Captain Michael, 231 Blankets contributed for the army, 262 Blunston, Samuel, to issue licenses to settle, 127 ; letter from, regard- ing Thomas Cresap, 129; reward offered for his arrest, 137 Border troubles, 123, 124 Boston Port Bill, resolutions against passed in Frederick county, 182, 183, 184 Boundary controversy, 121 Bouquet, Colonel Henry, 156, 157 Braddock's campaign, 146 Brethren church, 106 Brewery established in Baltimore, 61 Burgess, Captain Edward, 208 Cabins, construction of, 67 Campbell, Captain ^neas, 218 Chance, Samuel, capture of, 129 Charter of Maryland, 7 Church, established, 91 Church, First Lutheran in Mary- land, 92 Clauson, Jacob, naturalized, 21 Clementson, Andrew, naturalized, 18 Clothing, 78 Cold winter of 1740-1, 44 Cold winter in Germany, 29 Commegys, Cornelius, naturalized, 16, 18 Committee of correspondence for Frederick county, 188, 191 Committee of Observation for Fred- erick county, 190 Company rolls — Capt. Michael Bayer's company, 231 Capt. Edward Burgess' company, 208 Capt. y£neas Campbell's com- pany, 218 Capt. Vallentine Creager's com- pany, 217 Capt. Leonard Deakins' company, 210 Capt. Henry Fister's company, 230 Capt. Jacob Good's company, 214 Capt. Philip Graybell's company, 237 Capt. Henry Hardman's company, 222 Capt. William Heyser's company, 233, 234 Capt. Geo. P. Keeport's company, 232 Capt. Peter Maroney's company, 213 Capt. John Reynold's company, 220 3°° The Pennsylvania-German Society. Company, Capt. Richard Smith's, 212 Capt. Benjamin Spyker's com- pany, 210 Lt.-Col. Ludwig Weltner's com- pany, 236 Conditions of plantation, 13, 14 Connolly's conspiracy, 263 Conococheague settlement aban- doned, 153 Conococheague, village of, 54 Cooking utensils, 71 Costumes, 78 Creager, Captain Vallentine, 217 Creagerstown laid out, 53 Cresap, Thomas, settles on the Sus- quehanna, 128; warrant issued for arrest of, 133 Daunt, Knowles, killed, 130 Deakins, Captain Leonard, 210 Declaration of the Provincial Con- vention, 201, 203 Delaware colony, deserters from, 15 Dutch settlers on the Delaware, 20 Education of the Germans, 108 Elizabeth-town laid out, 54 Emigration, German, causes of, 27 Established church, 91 First colonists, the, 12 First German settlement in Mary- land, 51 First German settler, 16 First Lutheran church in Maryland, 92 First visitor to Maryland, 8 Fister, Captain Henry, 230 Flax, preparation of, 85 Flying Camp organized, 208 Capt. Edward Burgess' company, 208 Capt. yEneas Campbell's com- pany, 218 Capt. Vallentine Creager's com- pany, 217 Capt. Leonard Deakins' company, 210 Capt. Jacob Good's company, 214 Capt. Henry Hardman's company, 222 Capt. Peter Mantz's company, 216 Capt. Philip Maroney's company, 213 Capt. John Reynold's company, 220 Capt. Richard Smith's company, 212 Capt. Benjamin Spyker's com- pany, 210 Food, 74 Forbes, General, campaign of, 156 Foreigners allowed to take up land, 14 Foreigners not desired, 12 Foreigners, petition from, 19 Fort Cumberland erected, 146, 164 Fort Duquesne built, 143; expedi- tion against, 156, 158 Fort Frederick erected, 153, 165; Revolutionary prisoners at, 175 Fort Pitt erected, 158 Fort Mount Pleasant erected, 163 Fort Necessity, surrender of, 144 Fort Washington, surrender of, 251 Franklin's opinion of the Germans, 33 Frederick county troops at Cam- bridge, 196, 200; two companies to be raised in, 197 Frederick, German Reformed church in, 99 Frederick, town laid out, 56; growth of, 59 French, designs of, 142 Index to Subjects. 301 Furniture of the settlers, 70; manu- facture of, 81 German colony in North Carolina, 41 German emigrants in London, 30; lists of to be kept, 31; hardships endured on the voyage, 35 German emigration, causes of, 27 German Reformed church at Fred- erick, 99; at Baltimore, 103; at Hagerstown, 105 German Regiment, organization of, 224; roster of, 226; list of re- cruits in, 238 German Regiment — Capt. Michael Bayer's company, 231 Capt. Henry Fister's company, 230 Capt. Philip Graybell's company, 237 Capt. Wm. Heyser's company, 233, 234 Capt. Geo. P. Keeport's company, 232 Lt.-Col. Weltner's company, 236 German settlement, first, in Mary- land, 51 German settlers in Maryland, 25, 39, 50 Germans arriving at Annapolis, 56 ; education of, 108 Good, Captain Jacob, 214 Graceham settled, 61 Graybell, Captain Philip, 237 Growth of the colony of Maryland, 38 Hack, George, naturalized, 21 Hager, Jonathan, arrives in Penn- sylvania, 54 Hagerstown almanac, 88 Hagerstown laid out, 54 Hagerstown, Lutheran church at, 105; German Reformed church at, 105 Hardman, Captain Henry, 222 Harmer, Gothofrid, naturalized, 18 Haussegger, Col. Nicholas, 225 Hendrickson, Bartholomew, natural- ized, 18 Hendrickson, Hendrik, naturalized, 18 Herman, Augustine, naturalized, 21 Heyser, William, letter from, 260 Heyser, Captain William, 233, 234 Hite, Jost, starts movement south- ward, 41 Home building, 67 Illiteracy of the settlers, 109 Indian massacres, 147, 148, 152 Indians, expedition against, 161 Indians, treatment of, 9 Ireland, German emigrants sent to, 30 Jacobson, Peter, naturalized, 18 Johnson, Paul, naturalized, 18 Jumonville, defeat of, 143 Keeport, Captain Geo. P., 232 Kershner, Captain John, 174 Kocherthal's settlement, 31 Labadist doctrine, 24 Labadist settlement, 21 Land, liberal offer of from Lord Baltimore, 43 Landis, Samuel, complains of the Marylanders, 123 Log cabins, building of, 69 Long Island, battle of, 242 Lutheran church, the first in Mary- land, 92 302 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Lutheran church at Hagerstown, 105; at Middletown, 104; at Sharpsburg, 100 Lutheran church at Monocacy, rules for the government of, 96 McClellan, Captain William, 161 Magistrates of Frederick county, address of, 195 Mantz, Captain Peter, 216 Map of the colony made, 20 Marie, Edmund, killed by Indians, 149 Maroney, Captain Philip, 213 Maryland, charter of, 7 Maryland colony, growth of, 10, 37 ; population of, 38 Maryland, German settlers in, 39 Maryland officers, rank of, 252; ad- dress of, 255 Maryland, the settlement of, 5, 8 Maryland troops on Long Island, 242; conduct of, 250 Mason and Dixon's Line, 140 Mathiason, Hendrick, naturalized, 18 Meyer, Peter, naturalized, 18 Micheelson, Clement, naturalized, 18 Micheelson, Jacob, naturalized, 18 Middletown, Lutheran church at, 104 Ministers, difficulty in securing, 92 Monocacy, church at, 93; Michael Schlatter visits, 94; H. M. Muhl- enberg visits, 95 Monocacy road surveyed, 46 Monocacy, settlement of, 51 Monocacy, site of, 52 Montson, Peter, naturalized, 18 Muhlenberg, Henry M., visits Mon- ocacy, 95 Naturalization of foreigners, 17, 18 Newspapers, 87 North Carolina, German colony in, 41 Ohio Company, grant to, 142 Palatinate, devastation of, 28 Paper-making, 83 Parnell, Edward, driven off by Pennsylvania authorities, 127 " Peggy Stewart," destruction of, 185 Petition of settlers near Falckner's Swamp, 39 Petition from some settlers in Lan- caster county, 134 Pon-hoss, 75 Pontiac's war, 158 Presque Isle, fort erected at, 142 Proclamation of Lord Baltimore offering land to settlers, 43 Provincial convention, declaration of, 201, 203 Provincial convention, Frederick county delegates to, 189, 194 Rank of the Maryland officers, 252 Redemptioners, 117 Religious toleration in Maryland, 89 Reynolds, Captain John, 220 Road to Fort Cumberland surveyed, 170 Rocky Hill church, 104 Rogers, Benjamin, killed by Indians, 149 Roll of Capt. Michael Bayer's company in the German regiment, 231 Capt. Edward Burgess' company in the Flying Camp, 208 Capt. ^Eneas Campbell's com- pany in the Flying Camp, 218 Index to Subjects. 3°3 Roll, Capt. Vallentine Creager's company in the Flying Camp, 217 Capt. Leonard Deakins' company in the Flying Camp, 210 Capt. Henry Fister's company in the German regiment, 230 Capt. Jacob Good's company in the Flying Camp, 214 Capt. Philip Graybell's company in the German regiment, 237 Capt. Henry Hardman's company in the Flying Camp, 222 Capt. William Heyser's company in the German regiment, 233, 234 Capt. Geo. P. Keeport's company in the German regiment, 232 Capt. John Kershner's company, 174 Capt. William McClellan's com- pany, 161 Capt. Peter Mantz's company in the Flying Camp, 216 Capt. Philip Maroney's company in the Flying Camp, 213 Capt. John Reynold's company in the Flying Camp, 220 Capt. Richard Smith's company in the Flying Camp, 212 Capt. Benjamin Spyker's company in the Flying Camp, 210 Lt.-Col. Weltner's company in the German regiment, 236 Royal American regiment, 156 Ruttzn, Garrett, naturalized, 21 Schlatter, Michael, visits Monocacy, 94 Schley, Thomas, schoolmaster, 114 Schoolmaster, 109; German, 113 Schools, establishment of, 109, 110, 111 Sharpsburg, Lutheran church at, 100 Sharpsburg settled, 61 Shrawder, Capt. Philip, 236 Sipherson, Marcus, naturalized, 18 Slavery among the Germans, 118 Smallwood, Col. Wm., account of the battle of Long Island, 244 Smith, Capt. John, visits the country, 8 Smith, Capt. Richard, 212 Soap-making, 82 Springettsbury Manor surveyed, 127 Spring-house, 73 Spyker, Benjamin, Jr., schoolmaster, 115; Capt. Benjamin, 210 Stamp Act passed, 177; opposition to, 178 Stille, Axell, naturalized, 118 Stoves, 72 Straw-board, manufacture of, 83 Summerfield, Jerry, driven off by the Pennsylvania authorities, 127 Susquehanna, lands west of, 125 Swedish colonists on the Delaware ordered to submit to the authority of Maryland, 123 Tanner, Michael, driven off by the Pennsylvania authorities, 127 Tanning, 82 Tea, destruction of at Hagerstown, 186 Thirty Years War, 28 Tobacco, culture of, 11, 37 Toreson, Andrew, naturalized, 18 Tories, execution of, 268 Trade, German boys taught a, 80 Urinson, Cornelius, naturalized, 18; John, naturalized, 18 Utie, Col. Nathaniel, visits the Del- aware colony, 123 Vandernorte, Michaell, naturalized, 18 304 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Wagon-making, 81 War, Thirty-Years', 28; of the Spanish succession, 29 Ward, Ensign, surrender of, 143 Wheeler, John, naturalized, 18 Williams, John, killed by Indians, 147 Williams, Paul, driven off by the Pennsylvania authorities^ 177 Wister, Casper, letter of, 34 Wolgamott, Capt. John, 162 Women, part taken by, 66 Wright, John, letter from concern- ing Thomas Cresap, 129; letter from describing an invasion, 131 ; reward offered for the arrest of, 137 ^0 &U <- v c ^-