: O V H *b. ;> ; 'oo' 1 ■nt 'O. . > .0*0 "-^ $ twenty -five letters, vi: A pronounced ah like a in art. B bay b bay. C say s say. D day d day. E ay a a\e. F f f dea/. G zhay % i H ash h asA. I ee i f/eld. J zhee* i K kah c cart. L I I ell. M m m gem. N n n pen. O old. P pay P ;?ay, ku 8 R ayr tf to err. S s s bless. T tay t £ail or. U u S V vay V veil. X eeks X si:r. Y ee-grayc the same sound as i. Z zeyd z zed. These are the names by which the letters are called in french ; but in that language, as well as in the english, the sound of several of them varies according to their position with other letters, as will appear by the following- observations.f * To give this letter its proper sound, the h must be pronounced aspirate. 1 The sound of g and j, in english, is formed of dj; so general, judge, are pro- nounced djeneral, djudge; leave out the sound of d in french, and you will have the proper sound. 2 There is no word in the english language in which the sounds of the french q and u are to be found, and no combination of characters can give an idea of the pronunciation of these two letters. The person who has them to pronounce, must shut his lips quite close, leaving only a small opening in the middle, as if he were going to blow a flute. t It is perhaps unnecessary to observe, that in a treatise of this kind, the minutest precision must not be expected. There are simple sounds which no combination ot characters can exactly express: every person who knows anything of languages must be sensible of this. paw, a in pat. beet, e bet. fixed, i fix. dorser, hot. wall, u see note 2. paste, beast, a in pall. e bear. might do, 1 field. landlord, hope. ripe, u see note 2 and 3. 2 PRONUNCIATION OP VOWELS. The French reckon three sorts of vowels. The simple, a, e, i, o, u. The compound, ai, #o, an, ea, eai, eau, ei, eu, eo, oe, on. The nasal, am, an, em, en, im, in, aim, ain, ein, om, on, urn, u/i. OF SIMPLE VOWELS. a, e, i, o, u. Each of these letters has two sounds common to both languages ; English words in ichich tne same sound is found. One short, as a in patte , e bHte, marked thus ' i fixe, o hotte, u mur, The other long, as a in pate, ~\ e bUe, ( \ fit, > marked ' 3 6 h&te, j Ci mdr, ) N. B. The beauty of trench pronunciation depends upon a clear and distinct arti- culation of these five letters. To the two sorts of e abovementioned, must be added e mute, as in cela, that, pronounced sla. demande, requires, dmand. des mesures, measures, daymsur. This e, as you see, has no sound, but it generally affects the sound or the penultima, by rendering it longer, if it be a vowel, or by giving a sound to the consonant which, without it, would be silent ; for ex, 6 in aim'e, mascul. loved, is pronoun, aymay, like 6\ i joli, pretty, 2Ao//i, 4 i>short. u iu, seen, vu, u) e in aimee, femin. loved, is pronoun, aymaye, like 6 \ i jolie } pretty, zholee, t. >long u vue, seen, vil, ti\ petit, mascul. little, is pronoun, pti, see note 4. grand, great, gran, jtris, taken, pree. but petite, femin. little, is pronoun, ptitt. grande, great, grand. prise, taken, prcez. In un bon chien, a good dog, the n has only a AaZ/sound. In une bonne chienne, a good bitch, the n has a/u// sound. 3 N. B. emute is distinguished from the two others, by its not being accented ; it is never pronounced at the end of words, but when e begins a word, it is always sounded whether it be accented or not. 3 A vowel with a circumflex is pronounced as long again as it would be without it. 4 Sound the letter i as sharp as you can, sharper,' if possible, than y in pretty. 5 To give n its full articulation, you first press the tip of the tongue against the root of the lower teeth, then raise it up quickly to the roof of the mouth. In the pronun- ciation of the above na.s>*l vowels, the articulation of n must end, when the tip oi' the tongue is at the root of the lower teeth, without any motion towards the roof of the mouth ; this is what is here meant by a half sound. PRONUNCIATION 6 OF SIMPLE VOWELS. In the monosyllables, je, me, te, le, se, ce, de, ne, que, this e has some- S times a weak guttural sound, similar to that of e in daughter, sister, because the consonant can not be pronounced without a feeble articu- lation of a vowel ; but it is always dropt in conversation and in familiar reading, when it can be done without embarrassing" the pronunciation. The manner in which this is effected is easy. With the last syllable of the preceding word, pronounce the consonant to which e mute belongs, and the e, thus unsupported, will remain silent ; ex. Quand me ferez-vous le plaisir de me preter ce livre que je vous ai demande ? pronounce, kam fraye vool playzeer daym pray tays livr kayzh voozayd manday ! But there must not be any pause between the words, and the junction must be as smooth as possible. Observe only, that a syllable ending in e mute, can not attract the consonant of another e mute, without giving to the first e a gentle gut- tural sound, like that of e in daughter, so as to render the pronunciation easy; ex. Je ne puis pas vous le dire, puis que je ne le sais pas. pron. zhen puee paw vool deer, pueesk zhen lay say paw. But carefully avoid pronouncing it like an accented e, for there is not any pronunciation more ridiculous.* Among the simple vowels is also reckoned y, which however does 4 not increase their number, since its sound is the same as that of i. The peculiar use of this letter is to divide the syllable in which it is found, into two distinct syllables ; it is equivalent to ii ; as, pays, country, pron. pay-ee. citoyen, citizen, citwoy-eeyen. soyons, let us be, swoy-econ. joyeux, joyful, zhwoy-eeugh. Except in the words derived from the greek and latin, where y is kept to shew the etymology of the word, and is pronounced like one i only ; as, Egypte, Egypt, ayzheept. iyrannie, tyranny, teerannee. Uymologie, etymology, ayteemolozhee. mythologie, mythology, meetolozhee. * In the pronouncing of this e consists much of the neatness and elegance of a true french accent. In the southern provinces of France, especially in Guienne and Gascogne, they pronounce it like the acute or short £, which gives them that affected pronun- ciation, so much ridiculed by the rest of the inhabitants of France, under the name of accent gascon. For this reason a foreigner will sooner understand a native of Bordeaux, than a native of Paris, and may often understand the former, without being able to understand the latter, though if he understands the latter, he will undoubtedly under- stand the former. It is the frequent dropping of this e which makes a foreigner believe that the French speak fast, for, in reality, the French, taken in general, do not pro- nounce their words faster than other people do ; but by dropping this letter, they link two, three, or four words together, and so go quicker through a sentence than a fo- reigner does, who gives a full sound to every e lie meets with. Foreigners should pay particular attention to this, as nothing is more difficult to get rid of than a bad accent. B 2 4 PRONUNCIATION OF COMPOUND VOWELS ai, ao, au, ea, eai, eau, ei, eo, eu, oe, ou. This sort of vowel is formed by the association of several simple vowels, which produce together, a sound different from that which they produce separately. \ > sounded like 6 short, i. e. ay ; as, eai, J v Vai, I have, pronounce zhay. je mangeai, I ate, zhmanzhay. 5 «Mi "^ sounded like e long, i. e. aye; as, die, I j'avais, I had, zhavaye. aient, > faie, I ma y have. zhaey I Us aient, they may have, eel-z-aye. . I X e man b ea i s i I was eating, zhmanzhaye. eaient, ) Us nageaient, they were swimming-, eelnazhaye. ao, found only in aofit, august ; taon, oxfly ; faon, fawn ; paon, peacock, pronounced oow, ton, fan, pan, (see nasal vowels.) au, eau, > final, sound like o short, or au, in laurel; as, eaw, water o. pe unless it be that of un in fungus ; observing not to give n its eun, J full sound; See note b. parfum, perfume, parfun. chacwn, each, shak-un. (ijeun, frtslmoyois, croyois, fyc. (see rule 4) oi has two different sounds, the first syllable being pronounced woa and the second ay. And have you no means, the stranger will say, of removing this insuperable difficulty? Yes, we have, and a very easy one too ; you have only to change o into a in the words which are to be pronounced ay, and the whole difficulty will vanish ; but the french aca- demy do not approve of it. Oh! never mind the french academy, the stranger will say. Nor do the French, it seems, mind it much, for these great censors of the lan- guage have the mortification to see that, in almost every book now printed in France, this diphthong is spelled contrary to their arrogant and unreasonable decision. In vain they will say that ai does not express the exact sound that we wish to express ; if it removes a great difficulty, if nothing better is offered, if it is the best representa- tive of this sound that we can find, and is a sign which nobody can mistake, we must be satisfied with it, till the french academy deign to favour us with a better. — (See Dictionnaire Phihsophique, art. A.) PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS. General Rules. The french language admits of two modes of pronunciation : one for poetry and oratory, the other for conversation. In repeating verses, and in oratorical discourses, the final consonant ^ of a word is generally sounded, when the word which follows it begins with a vowel, or h mute ; as, D'nn pinceau delicat, V artifice agreable, Du plus afreux objet,fait un objet aimable. Des dons exterieurs Vuniformite lasse, Mais V esprit a tovjours une noutelle grace. The above lines must be read in the following' manner ; Dun paineso daylika lartifice agrayable, Dupluz-afreu-z-obzhay fay-t-un-obzhay-t-aymable. Day don-z-extayrieur luniformitay lass, May layspri-t-a toozhoor-z-un noovayl grass. In conversation, the ear alone being consulted, opinions greatly differ. ^ Some are for sounding the final consonant of every word, when the word which follows it begins with a vowel ; others, and this seems to be the opinion of the best informed persons, maintain that the final consonant of a word should be sounded on the initial vowel of the next, only when the two words are so connected that the second word is. necessary to complete the sense ; such as, un-anfan. s-t-eevayr. (I SG-v.-d.zh. lay-z-artifiss. day-z-om. bo-n-oovrazli. gran-t-ayspass vti-t-om. (7) gro-z-owyzo. bo-z-abee. Article and noun ; un enfant, a child, cet hirer, this winter, a son age, at his age, les artifices, the artifices, des hommes, of men, Adjective before the noun ; bon ouvrage, good work, grand espace, great space, petit homme, little man, fros oiseau, large bird, eaux habits, fine clothes, Pronoun with the verb, and verb with the pronoun ; il est, he is, i-ll-aye. est-il '{ is he ? aye-t-il ! sont-elles'} are they? son-t-ell'l nous avons, we have, noo-z-avon. vous en avez, you have some, voo-z-anavaye les ont-Us'i have they got them? lay-z-on-t-eel l Preposition with the noun, pronoun, or verb that follows it ; without friends with her, in going, to their house, after having, san-z-amee. avayk-ell. an-allan. shay-z-ugh. apray-z-avoai sans amis, avec elle, en allant, chez eux, apres avoir, Adverb before the adjective or participle ; bien honnete, very honest. beeyen-onayt plus habile, more clever, plu-z-ah-bill. tres aimable, very lovely, tray-z-aymable fort utile, very useful, for-t-utill. trop ignorant, too ignorant, iro-p-inyoran. N. B. There are a few other instances in which a final consonant may be sounded on the following vowel, but they can hardly be reduced (7) We sound the final consonant of an adjective upon a noun, but not the final consonant of a noun upon an adjective ; so, though petit enfant, is pronounced pti-t-anfan. enfant aimau'le could not be pronounced anfan-t-aymo,ble, out an/an aymable. 8 PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS. General Rules. to rules, as it chiefly depends on the number of letters of the same sound that follow one another. The surest way for a foreigner is to confine himself to the general rules which apply to nine-tenths of the words the final consonant of which is to be sounded on the following vowel. The rest must be learned from the conversation of well informed persons.* 26 The foregoing instances excepted, the final consonant of words, in general, has no sound in french. See the particular rules for consonants under their respective heads. * As in music, it is the diversity of sounds that produces melody ; so it is with languages. The union of the final consonant of some words, to the initial vowel of the word which follows them, being done to disencumber the language of too great a number of monosyllables, and to render it more melodious by a greater variety of sounds ; the rule given by some persons, that every word ending with a consonant should be joined to the following word, when it begins with a vowel, is totally erro- neous, and produces the very effect which this union is intended to remove. It is true, that in reading verses, the final consonant is generally joined to the following vowel, to preserve the measure of the verse ; and, in public speeches, the consonants are also often sounded at the end of words, to give a stronger impulsion to the air, and to be heard at a greater distance ; but in familiar reading, and in conversation, this is carefully avoided by all unaffected people. If any authority be necessary to support what I advance here, 1 trust that of Vabbe d' Olivet, one of the most distinguished members of the french academy, will be suffi- cient to convince every man of candour, since it implies the opinion of the most en- lightened part of that body. This philosophical grammarian, in his treatise on french prosody, (a work which has been, and ever will be the admiration of the learned,) before he speaks of the effect which certain nasal terminations have in repeating verses, remarks, art. 3. parag. 5 Je commence par dire que cette observation ne regarde point ceux qui forwent en prose, car la prose soujfre les hiatusf pourvu quils ne soient, ni trop rudes, ni irop frequents, lis contribuent me me a donner au discours un certain air naturel, et nous voyons en effet que la conversation des honnetes gens est pleine d'hiatus volonlaires qui sont tellement autorisds par V usage, que si Con parloit autrement, cela seroit d'un pedant, ou d'un provin- cial. Par exemple, lorsquun acteur recite ces vers de la premiere scene d'Athalie,Je viens celebrer avec vous la fameuse journee, &c. Pensez-vous etre saint ? ilprononce comme sil yavoit; celebre-r-avec vous pensez-vou-z-etre. Mais dans la simple conversation, I' usage veui qu'on prononoe comme s J il y avoit, celebre avec vous — pensez- vou etre, &c. And art. 2, he says On le croira si Von veut ; au moins est-il certain qu'au theatre ce n'est pas chose rare quhm acteur, et surtout une actrice dont les talents sont admires fasse adopter im mauvais accent, une prononciation irregidiere, d'oii naissent insen- siblement des traditions locales qui se perpituent, si personne n'est attend/ a les combatire. These are the words of a man, for whose opinions the french academy had the great- est deference ; a man who, at their request, had made this subject one of his parti- cular studies, and who had consulted upon it, as he himself declares, all the men of taste and learning with whom he was acquainted ; and they never were contradicted, but by persons, who, being fond of appearing singular, affect in conversation the em- phatic tone of the stage, without considering whether they are speaking prose or verse, (most of the french plays are in verse,) or by those who, looking upon singu« larity as an accomplishment, mimic their ridiculous affectation. Dans une nation qui est une par rapport au gouvernement, il ne peut y avoir dans sa ma- nure de parler qu'un usage Ugiiime, celui de la cour et des gens de lettres, a qui elle doit des encouragements; tout autre usage qui s'en ecarte dans la prononciation, dans les termi- naisons, ou de quelqu autre facon que ce puisse etre, ne fait ni une langue, on un idiome a part, niun dialecte dela langue nationale ; e'est un patois abandonne a la populace des provinces, et chaque province a le sie7i. Girard synori. franc, art. Langue, Langage, $c f By hiatus is meant a broken sound. 1. That of fc as in case, pronounced 2. That of s as in cease, c before a, o, a, has the sound of k. ca, ka, car, for, co, ko, cour, breeches, cu, kn, culotte, c before e, i, or before a, o, u, with i has the sound of*; as, ca, sa, facade, front, ee, se, ceder, to yield, ci, si, ceci, this, CO, so, gar con, hoy, cu, su, recu, received, PRONUNCIATION \\ OF CONSONANTS. Particular Rules. B 6 is sounded at the end of proper names ; as, job, job, pronounce zhot>. Jacob, Jacob, zhakob. At the end of common names b is found only in plomb, lead, pron. plon. radoub, refitting-, radoob. C This letter has two sounds common to both languages. kase. sease. kar. koor. kidot. (u, see note 2.) u, with a cedilla, this mark ( r ) under it, fasad. say day, scee. {i, see note 4.) garson, rsu. (u, see note 2.) c final is generally sounded, and has the sound of A;; as, avec, with, avayk. public, public, publeek. (u, see note 2.) except the following words, in which c final has no sound; broc, pore, clerc, tin marc, hlanc, franc, jonc, tronc, almanac, estomac, tabac. ajug, pork, clerk, 8 ounces, white, frank, rush, trunk, almanack, stomach, tobacco, pron.iro, por, clayr, mar, Man, fran* zhon, iron, almana, aystoma, taba. cc, before e, i; the first c has the sound of A:, the second that of s,- as, succes, success, suksaye. accident, accident, aksecdan. Before a, o, u ; cc have only one sound, that of k ; as, accabler, to crush, akablay. accomplir, to accomplish, akonpleer. accuser, to accuse, akusay. (u, see note 2.) ch, generally pronounced sh ; as, chirurgien, surgeon, sheeruzheyen. architecte, architect, arsheetayct. ch has the sound of k in the following words ; christ, chrHien, choriste, archange, orchestre, chronique, chronologic christ, christian, chorister, archangel, orchestre, chronicle, chronology. pron. kree, krayiecyen, koreest 3 ar'kanzh, orkaystr, kroneek, kronolozhee. D d final has no sound ; as, froid, cold, ■ frwoy. chand, hot, shaw. except at the end of a word which is pronounced at the same breath with another word beginning with a vowel, then d has the sound of t ; as, apprend-il'/ does he learn? apran-teeif quand il vient. when he comes, kan-t-ccl vteyen. d, or even dd, in the body of a word, is sounded : as, adjectif, adjective, adjcctecf. addition, addition, addeeseeon. * c, in the adjectives blanc and franc, followed by a noun beginning with a vowel, has the sound of k: as, Du blanc au noir, pronounce da blan-k-o-noir. Franc /tourdi, pron. J ran k-ay i oordee. (?, see note 4.) 10 PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS j final is generally sounded ; as, chef, chief, shayf. nerf, sinew, nayrf. bceuf, ox, bugf. ceuf, egg, ugf. except in clef, key, clay. bceuf s, oxen, bfigh. ceufs, eggs, Ugh. and if pronounced at one breath with a word beginning with a consonant; chef d'ceuvre, master-piece, shaydeugvre. nerf de bceuf, cow -skin, a rod, nayr d bugf. bceuf sale', salt beef, bughsalay. ceuffrais, new egg, ughfraye. /is sounded in neuf at the end of a sentence ; as, j en ai neuf, I have got nine, zhan-ay nugf. (eu, s. rule 12. y un habit neuf, a new suit, un-abee nugf. joined to a noun beginning with a consonant, /"has no sound ; as, neuf litres, nine livres, nugh lecvr. (eu, see rule 12.) dix neuf sous, nineteen pence, dees nugh soo. joined to a noun beginning with a vowel, f has the sound of v ; as, neufe'cus. nine crowns, nugh-v-aykfi. (w, see n. 2.) vingt neuf homines, twenty-nine men, vyngt nugf-vom. G g final has no sound ; as, long, long, Ion. (on, see rule 21.) SI', SS** Z\ }(«»,seeru.e,0.) except in long acces, long fit, long-aksey. sang et eau, blood and water, sank-ay o. ■ de rang en rang, from rank to rank, drank-an ran. g before e, i, has the soft sound of zh, or s in pleasure, or z in azure. ge, zhay, ghu-ral, general, zhaynayral. gi, zhec, gigot, leg of mutton, zheego. g before a, o, u, has the hard sound of g in god ; a sound nearly simi- lar to that of k ; as, ga,ka, garcon, boy, karson. (ow, see rule 21.) go, ko, gorge, throat, korzh. gu, k, guerir, to cure, kayreer. N. B. gu form only one sound, that of g hard, or k ; as, guerir, to cure, kayreer. guerre, war, kayrr. guide, guide, keed. except the following words, in which gu have each a distinct sound ; aiguille, aiguillon, ayguiser, arguer, cigue, aigu'e, ambigue, ambiguiU. needle, sting, to whet, toargue, hemlock, sharp, ambiguous,ambiguity. pron.aygueell,aygueellon,aygueesay,arguay, seegti, aygU, anbeegil, ambeegueetay gna, sound gny a A gne, gnye, \ observing to sound the n as much as possible gni, gnyi, j through the nose ; as, gno, gnyo, J campagnard, countryman, kanpagnyar. accompagnt, accompanied, akonpagnay. compagnie, company, konpagnee. ignorant ignorant, eegnyoran. PRONUNCIATION 11 OF CONSONANTS H There are two sorts of h both in freneh and in english ; the one aspU rate, which requires an effort of the breath ; as, Mros, hero, hayrow. hasard, hazard. hazar. the other mute, which has no sound, and serves only to shew the ety - mology of the word j as, honneur, honour, onhur. (eu, see rule 12.) histoire, history, eestwoyr. N. B. These two sorts of h are often embarrassing to the learner ; they are marked in dictionaries, but one should always bear some characteristic mark in writing. The h mute that occurs through the subjoined exercises will be preceded by an apostrophe. ch, pronounced sh ; as, chat, chose, cat, thing, sha. (see c.) shoz. ph, pronounced/; as, phrase, philosophe, sentence, philosopher, fraz. feelosof. rh, sounded r ; as, rhitorique, rhume, rhetoric, cold. raytxrreeck. rhugm. (u, see note 2.) th, sounded t ; as, thomas, mUhode, thomas, method, tomaw. may tod. j, pronounced zh, or like s in pleasure, leisure, or z in azure; as, jardin, garden, zhardine. (in, see rule 19.) jour. day, zhoor. k, the same sound in freneh as in english ; as, kan. {an, see rule 16.) stokolm. kan, kan, Stockholm, Stockholm, L / final is generally sounded ; as, • sel, salt, sayl. fil, thread, feel, (i, see note 4. J cheval, horse, shval. except baril, chenil, coutil, fusil, fenil, fils, gril, outil,percil, sourcil, sodl. barrel,kennel,ticking,gun, hayloft, son, gridiron, tool, p;vrsley,eyebrow,drunk. Dron. baree, shnee, kootee, fusee Jnce, fee, gree, ootee,pcrsee, soorsee, soo. I. In the pronouns il, Us, some sound the I in all instances ; others sound it only when it is followed by a vowel ; opinions being divided, / in il, Us, followed by a consonant, may either be pronounced or dropt ; as, il a, he has, eel-a. il dit, he says, eel dee, or ee dee. {i, s. n. 4.) Us ont, they have, eel -z- on, or ee-z-on. Us disent, 'hey say, eel deez, or ee deez. In conversation / is not sounded in queique, some, kayk. quelqu'un, somebody, kaykun. II, in general are both sounded the same as in english ; as, allegorie, allegory, al-laygoree. illustre, illustrious, il-luslr. {u, see note 2.) But 11 preceded by i in the middle, and at the end of words, must 12 PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS. be sounded like ill in the word million; as, also il in meilleur, better, Oouteille bottle, famille, family, bataille, battle, avril, april, piril, peril, babil, prattlin travail, labour, soleil, sun, gentil homme, noblem; meylhur. booteylL fameell. batauill. avreell. payreell. babeel. travauill. soleyll. zhanteellom. {and all words ending in ail except the following words, in which one I only is sounded ; argille, camomille, distille, imbe'cille, mille, ville, pupille, tranquiUe* clay, camomile, distil, imbecile, thousand, town, pupil, quiet pron. arzheel, kamomeel, deesteel, inebayceel, meel, veel, pupeel, trankeel. M m, at the end of a word, and in the first syllable of words beginning with com, has only the half sound of n. See note 5. faim, hunger, fine, (in, see rule 19.) nom, name, non. (on, see rule 21.) compliment, compliment, conpleeman. (an, rule 16.) m has no sound in damner, to damn, dawnay ; and derivatives. solemnel, solemn, solanel. automne, autumn, Uon. but m has a full sound in automnal, autumnal, Uomnal. amnistie, amnesty, amneestee. calomnie, slander, calomnee. hymne, hymn, heemn. indemniser, to indemnify, inedamneesay. indemnity, indemnification, inedamneetay. agamemnon, agamemnon, agamemnon. somnambule, sleep-walker, somnanbul. (see note 2.) mm, only one sound ; as, homme, man, out. femme, woman, fam. except in the first syllable of the words beginning with imm ; as, immortel, immortal, im-mortayl. immense, immense, im-manss. N What has been said of m may be applied to n. ii, at the end of a word, or in the first syllable of words beginning with con, has only a half sound. See note 5. br . ead > P™ e ' } (in, s. rule 19.) wine, tine. J v ' J condition, condeeseeon. (on, rule 21.) pain, vin, condition. nn, only one sounded. anne'c, connaitre, except the following words, annotation, annuel, * annuler, inne, innocer. year, to know, anaye. conaytr. in which nn are both sounded ; annotation, an-noiasscon. annual, an-nuel ; and derivatives. to annul, an-nulay innate, in-nay. to innovate, in novuy ; and derivatives. PRONUNCIATION 13 OF CONSONANTS. p final is not sounded, even when it is followed by a vowel ; as un hup, a wolf, un loo. (u, see note 2.) ce drap est bon, this cloth is good, sdra aye bon. except in cap, cap, cap. cep, stock of a vine, sayp. p in trop and beaucoup, joined to a word beginning with a vowel, is sounded ; as, trop entete, too obstinate, tro-p-antaytay. beaucoup etudU, much studied, bokoo-p-aytudeeay. followed by a word beginning with a consonant, p has no sound; as, trop stupide, too stupid, iro stupeed. («, see n. 2.) beaucoup d'affaires, much business, bolcoo daffayr. p is sounded in baptismal, sceptique,septembre, septentrion, accepter, excepter, dompter. baptismal, sceptick, September, north, to accept, to except, to subdue, pron. bapteesmal, saypteeck, sayptanbr, sayptantreeon, aksayptay, eksayptay, domptay. but p is not sounded in bapteme, compte, exempt, prompt, manuscript, symptbme, sept, sculpteur, temp baptism, account, exempt, quick, manuscript, symptom, seven, sculptor, time \ixoxi.bataym, cont, egzan, pron, manuscree, sinetom, sayt, skulter, tan. pp, one only sounded ; appearance, aparanss. to belong, apartneer. apparence, appartenir ph, sounded f; as, sphere, philosophic, sphere, philosophy, sfayr. feelosofee. q final is found only in coq and cinq ; q is sounded, and has the sound of A: in coq, cock, coq t\ Vane, idle tale, but it is not sounded in coq d'inde, turkey-cock, q in cinq substantive, is sounded k ; as, un cinq de pique, a five of spades, a cinq pour cent, at five per cent, trois et deux font cinq, three and two are five, troa-z-ay dughfon synk. in cinq, prefixed to a noun, and pronounced at the same breath with it, q is sounded if the noun begins with a vowel or h mute; as, cinq hommesj five men, synk om. (in, s. rule 19.) vingt cinq ecus, twenty-five crowns, vyngt synk aykd. if the noun to which cinq is prefixed, begins with a consonant, q is not sounded : as, cole. cok a laivn. co dynd. (in, see rule 19.J un synk dpeeck a synk poor san. five boys, five ffirls, sine karson.\.-. , .„ » sinefeell. )W.rulel9.) cinq garcons, cinqjilles, qu has only one sound, that of k; as, qui, who, kee. (i, see note 4.) quatre, four, kutr. qualiU>, quality, kalectay. marquis, marquis, markee. except the following words, in which qu are pronounced kw : as in english : aquatique,^quateur, quadrature, quadruple, quadrupede, quadragenaire,' quarto. aquatic, equator, quadrature, quadruple, quadruped, forty years old, quarto pron. ukwateek, aykicater,kwadratur, kwadrnple, kwadrupayd,kv:adrazhaynayr,kwarto. for, because, kar. for, •poor. to arrive, parvneer 14 PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS. R r is sounded at the end of all words ; as, car, pour, parvenir, except the words ending* in er or iei\ of more than one syllable, in which the r has no sound, but it gives to e the sound of e short, i. e. ay ; as aimer, to love, aymay. holier, scholar, aykoleeay. and in monsieur, sir, moseeugh. r is not sounded in notre, voire, quatre, joined to a noun beginning with a consonant ; as, notre maison, our house, not wayzon. {on, rule 21.) voire chapmu, your hat, vot shapo. quatre livres, four livres, kat leevr. but r is sounded when notre, votre, quatre, are joined to a noun begin- ning with a vowel ; as, votre ami, our friend, notr-amee. votre honneur, your honour, votr-onhur. (eu, see rule 12.) quatre ecus, four crowns, hatr-ayM. and in notre pire, our father, notr-payr, lord's prayer. notre dame, our lady, notr-dam, virgin mary. r is always sounded in le notre, ours, Inoutr. le ventre, yours, Ivowtr. rr, only one is sounded ; as, arriver, to arrive, areevay. arroser, to water, arozay. except in the first syllable of the words beginning with irr; as, hre'gulier, irregular, ir-rayguleeay. irrtprochable, irreproachable, ir-rayproshabl. S This letter has two sounds common to both languages, the first hard or aspirate, like c soft ; as, somme, sum, sum. the other soft or liquid; like z ; as, rose, rose, rote. s, at the beginning of a word, or in the body of a word, when it is pre- ceded or followed by a consonant, is always pronounced hard or aspirate, as, salut, safety, salu. (u, see note 2.) souper, supper, soopay. personne, nobody, payrson. s, between two vowels in the body of a word, or at the end of a word, which is to be pronounced at the same breath with another word begin- ning with a vowel, has the sound of z ; as, raison, reason, rayzon. (on, see rule 21.) plaisir, pleasure, playzeer. trois hcures, three hours, troa-z-hur. mes en/ants. my children, may-z-anfan. (an, rule 16.) in other instances, s final has no sound ; but renders the syllable lo/ig ; trouvas tu'i didst thou find? troovaiv tu'i (u, see n. 2.) tes amis, thy friends, taye-z-amee. revenus, returned, rayvnft. (see note 2.) except at the end of greek and latin names which have been adopted PRONUNCIATION 15 OF CONSONANTS. n the trench language ; as > parts, paris, the trojan, pawreess. venus, venus, vaynus. mars, mars, mars. also in as, ace, ass. vis, screw, veess. Us, lily, teess. aloes, aitK j s, aloays. but not in mars, march. mar flevr de lis, flower de luce, fiuhr dlee. &9 have only one sound, but always aspirate; as, assurer, to assure, asuray. {u, see note 2.) ressentir, to resent, rsanteer sc before e, i, have only one sound, that of s aspirate; as, sceptique, sceptirk, saypteeck. science, science, seeanss. sc before a, o, it, I, r, have the sound of sic ; as, scandale, scandal, skandal. gascon, gsscon, kaskon. scorbut, scurvy, skorbu. («, see note 2.) sculpt eur, sculptor, skultur. esclave, slave, aysklav. scrupule, scruple, skrupul. {u, see note 2.) t has two sounds, both found in satiety, pronounced saciety. t at the beginning of words has the same sound in french as in english, table, _ table, tabl. timidite", timidity, teemeedeetay.' in the body of a word t followed by i, has generally the sound of c; patience, patience, pawceeanss. action, action, akceeon. except the following words, in which t retains its own sound ; bastion, question, partie, matiere, dtions, 6tiez, sortinns, sort'iez, entier. bastion, question, part, matter, were, were, went out, went out, entire pron. basleeon, kaysteeon,partee, mateeayr, ayteeon, ayteeaye, sorteeon, sorteeaye, anteeay entierement, chre'tien, chrHientS, soutvn, entretien, il retient. entirely, christian, Christendom, support, maintenance, he retains, pron. anteeayrman, crayteeyen, krayteeantay, sooteeyen, antrayteeyen, il rayteeyen. and the words ending in tie, and tier ; as, amittf, friendship, ameeteeay. chatier, to chastise, shawteeay. t final is not sounded ; as, tout, all, too. il est, it is, eel aye. fait, done, fay. except in est, ouest, east, west, ayst , icest. lest, dot ballast, dower, layst, dot. brut, correct, rough, correct, brut, corrayct. unJat,unsot, a fop, a fool, mi fat, an sot. pact, exact, pact, exact, pact, egzact. and when it ends a word which must be pronounced at the same breath with another word beginning with a vowel; as, est-elle'! is she? aye-t-ell'i tout d. fait, quite, toot-afay. (see gen. rule.) but never in et, and, (conjunction) ay. 16 PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS. t is sounded in sept, knit, substantives ; as, ww sept, a seven, tin sayi. (a, see note 2.) un huit, an eight, un hueet. in sept, hint, vingt, cent, joined to a noun, t is sounded when the noun which follows it begins with a vowel ; as, sept enfants, seven children, sayt-anfan: huit amis, eight friends, hueet-amee. (see gen. rule.) if the noun begins with a consonant, t has no sound; as, sept nacires, seven ships, say nawveer. cent chevaux, a hundred horses, san shvd. it, only one sounded ; as, aitirer, to attract, ateeray. frotter, to rub, frotay. v has the same sound in french as in english ; as, vanity, vanity, vaneetay. vivacity, vivacity, veevaceetay This letter has three sounds, viz. gz, ks, and z. In the first syllable of a word x followed by a vowel, is sounded gz ; as, exemple, example, egzanple. exister, to exist, egzeestay. followed by a consonant, it is sounded ks ; as, exces, excess, ayksaye. exposer, to expose, ayksposay. co is also sounded ks in sex, axe, sex, axle, sayks, aks. fluxion, fluxion., flukseeon. (w, see note 2.) axiome, axiom, akseeom. stix, plwenix, stix, pha-nix, steeks, fayneeks. index, pollux, index, pollux, inedeks, polluks. alexandre, alexander, alayksandr. x has the sound of s aspirate in six, dix, six, ten, sees, dees, dixsept, seventeen, deessayt. soixante, sixty, soassant. x final generally has no sound ; it only renders the syllable long; as, heaux, fine, 66. lieux, places, leeugh. except when it ends a word which is pronounced at the same breath with another word beginning with a vowel, then it is sounded z ; as, six amis, six friends, see-z-amee. beaux yeux, fine eyes, bd-z-yeugh. (general rule.) and when it is followed by ieme, or iemement; as, deuxieme, second, dughziem. sixiemement, sixthly, seezeemman. z has the same sound in french as in english ; as. zele, zeal, zayl. z final has no sound ; but renders the syllable long. vous avez, you hnve, voo-z-ataye vous parlez, you speak, voo parlaye. except in chez, at one's house, followed by a vowel ; as, chez elle t at her house, shay-z-ell. PROSODY, 17 OR PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES. By prosody is meant the manner of pronouncing each syllable regu- larly, i. e. according to what each syllable taken separately requires. It is certain that some diversity must be observed in the pronunciation of syllables, otherwise the language would be perfect monotony ; there are then divers inflexions of the voice, some which raise the tone, some which lower it, and this is what grammarians call prosodical accent* GENERAL RULES. I. The penultima vowel of all words ending with e mute, is long ; as, pensle, thought ; armee, army ; je lie, I tie ; je me fie, I trust myself; joie, joy ; j'envdie, I send ; je loiie, 1 praise ; iljoue, he plays ; je nue, I shadow ; la rue, the street ; de la morue, cod-fish, fyc. But if, in these words, the e mute were changed into a masculine I, then the penul- tima would become short; as tier, to tie ; louer, to praise ; niier, to shadow. II. When a vowel ends a syllable, and is followed by another vowel, which is not e mute, that syllable is short; as cr'ee, created ; feal, trusty ; action, action ; Mir, to hate ; dout, endowed ; titer, to kill. III. Every syllable ending with any consonant but s, x, or 2, is short; as, site, sack ; lite, lake ; s'el, salt ; fa-entail, fan ; f&im, hunger ; parfum, perfume ; sein, bosom ; soin, care ; garchn, boy ; dtp, cape ; nectiir, nectar ; pot, pot ; sort, fate, fyc. IV. Every syllable ending with s, x, or z, is long ; dessdcs, sacks ; des slls, salts ; des pots, pots ; monfils, my son ; lapaix, peace ; la vo'ix, the voice ; le niz, the nose. V. Between two vowels, the last of which is mute, the letter s or x lengthens the penultima; as, extdse, extasy ; diocese, diocese; il pise, he weighs; bet'ise, foolish- ness ; franchise, candour ; rose, rose ; epouse, spouse; ruse, cunning ; recluse, recluse ; atse, glad; these, thesis ; vase, vessel. And it then generally happens, that the antepenultima becomes short ; as ils'extasie, lie falls into extasy; piste, weighing ; epoiisee, married, §c. for the french prosody requires that the penultima be strong, if the final is mute, and that the penultima be weak, if the voice rests upon the final. VI. An 5 or anx sounded, preceded by a vowel, and followed by aconsonant, always renders the syllable short; as, jUspe, jasper; iniisque, mask ; itstre, star; burlesque, burlesque; funiste, fatal; piste, track; risque, risk; poste, post; brusque, abrupt; juste, just ; b&rbe, beard ; barque, bark ; birceau, cradle ; infirme, infirm. But when there are two rr, if the two together form only an indivisible sound, the syllable is always long; as, arret, arrest; barre, bar; bisdrre, whimsical; tonnlrre, thunder ; falorre, to be hatching, #c. VII. When the nasal vowels am, an, em, en, tm, in, aim, ain, etn, om, on, um, i;n, are followed by a consonant, which is neither m nor n, and which begins another syllable, they are long ; as, dinsi, thus ; jdmbe, leg ; jdmbon, ham ; crdinte, fear ; trem- bler, to tremble ; peindre, to paint ; joindre, to join ; t'omber, to fall ; humble, humble, fyc. If m or n be doubled, it renders the syllable short to which the first of the doubled consonant belongs ; as, homme, man ; femme, ;voman ; tpigrlimme, epigram ; qu'il prenne, let him take ; consume, consonant ; perstinne, person, nobody. PARTICULAR RULES. A A, the first letter of the alphabet, is long ; as, un petit a, a little a; il ne sait ni a ni b, he knows neither a nor b. A, the preposition, is short ; as, je suis it Paris, I am at Paris ; j'faris tt Rome, 1 write to Rome ; as is also a in the third person singular of the verb avoir, to have ; il it de beaux Uvres, he has fine books ; il it He", he has been ; il it parU, he has spoken. At the beginning of a word a is long, in acre, sour ; age, age ; dme, soul ; dne, ass ; dpre, harsh ; drrhes, earnest money ; as, ace, Sfc. * This mark ( " ) is intended to show that the syllable is long ; this other ( u ) that it is short; and the doubtful syllables are marked with a grave accent, thus (*). 4.5 18 PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES. These instances excepted a is short, whether it makes a syllable of itself; as in dpdtre, apostle ; or is followed by a double consonant, as in ttpprendre, to learn ; or by two consonants which are different, as in aitire', altered ; argument, argument. At the end of a word a is very short in the preterite and future tenses of verbs ; as, il aima, he loved ; il chanta, he sung ; il aimerX, he will love ; il chanterti, he will sing. In the articles Ut, the ; ma, my ; ta, thy ; sd, his. In the adverbs ca, here ; la, there ; dija, already. A little more stress is laid upon the a, in substantives borrowed from foreign languages ; as, sofa, sofa ; duplicata, duplicate, fyc. abe, always short ; as, arObe, arabian ; except astrolabe, astrolabe ; crabe, crab. able, short in all adjectives ; as, aimtible, amiable ; capable, capable, $c. long in most substantives ; as, cable, cable ; fable, fable ; sable, sand ; and in these verbs, on m'ac- cdble, I am overwhelmed ; je m'ensdble, I stick in the sand ; il hdble, he brags. abre, always long ; as, sabre, sabre ; il se cdbre, he rears ; also in the masculine termination ; se cdbrer, to rear ; deldbre', in tatters. ac, always short ; as sac, sack ; /#c,lake ; trictrac, back-gammon. See III. Gen. Rul. ace, long, in grace, favor ; espdce, space ; lacer, to lace ; dMticer, to unlace. These words excepted ; ace is short ; as, gUce, ice, looking-glass ; preface, preface. ache, long, in lache, coward ; tdche, task ; reldche, relaxation; je mdche, 1 chew.f As also in the masculine terminations mdcher, to chew ; reldcher, to relax, §c. In all other instances ache is short ; as, tache, a spot ; moustache, whisker ; vadie, cow; Use cache, he conceals himself; ilarrache, he pulls out, 8$c. acle, long, in il rdcle, he scrapes ; il dSbdcle, the ice is breaking ; these two words* excepted, acle, is doubtful; as^ ord.de, oracle; miracle, miracle ; obstacle, obstacle. acre, long, in acre, tart ; but short in all other words ; as, diacre, deacon ; fiUcre, hackney-coach ; acre, an acre ; sacre du roi, the king's coronation. ade, always short, as, sMnOde, serenade ; cascade, cascade ; fade, tasteless ; il per- suade, he persuades ; il s'ivOde, he makes his escape. adre, short in ladre, leprous: but long in cadre, frame; escadre, squadron; even when the word ends with e mascul. as, mddre', speckled ; encddrer, to frame. afe, aphe, always short ; as, carafe, decanter; Spitaphe, epitaph ; agraffe, clasp. afre, affre, long, in dffre, fright ; bafre. gluttony ; short in all other instances ; as, balOfre, gash ; safre, ravenous. afle, long ; as, rdfle, a royal pair at. dice ; 'j&rdfle, I scratch ; and the same quantity is preserved when e final is short ; as, rdfler, to sweep away ; drafter, to scratch slightly. age, long in the word age, age ; but so short in all the rest that we dwell a little upon the penultima; portage, division; avantage, advantage, fyc. agne, always short, except in the verb gdgner, to gain ; je gdgne, 1 gain. ague, always short, bague, ring; dague, dagger; vague, wave, vague. ai, a false diphthong, which produces only a simple sound. When it has the sound of e long, it is doubtful ; as, vrai, true ; essai, essay ; but it is short when the sound approaches to that of £ short ; as j'ai, I have ; je chantai, I sang. aie, always long ; as, hdie, hedge ; plate, wound ; vrdie, true. See I. Gen. Rule. aye, short ; as, vous ayez, you may have ; vous payez, you pay ; vous bigOyez, you stammer. See II. General Rule. The reason of this difference between aie and aye is, that aie makes only one syl- lable, and that y, which is equivalent to it, dividing the word into two syllables, these words are pronounced as if they were spelt ai-iez, pai-iez, be'gai-iez, the first syllable of which is pronounced like 6 short. (See ai, compound vowel.) aigne, always short ; a.s,chataigne, chestnut; je daigne, I deign; il se baigne, he is bathing ; on le saigne, they are bleeding him. aigre, always short ; as, digre, tart ; maigre, lean; vinMigre, vinegar, fyc. ail. General Rule. When a word ends with I liquid, the syllable is short ; as, e'ventail, fan ; gouvemail, rudder; the a being the only vowel which is heard in the penultima, and the i serving only to soften the sound of the following consonant. This is also the case in the three following paragraphs. ■f Formerly written lasche, tasche, with a mute s, to show that they are long. This is now supplied by a circumflex accent, and it should not be omitted over these words, as the pronunciation of a word sometimes alters its meaning. PRONUNCIATION 19 OF SYLLABLES. aille, short in meddille, medal ; and in the following verbs ; je d&tdille, I retail ; j , hndille l I enamel ; je travdille, I work ; but it is long in all other words ; as, je raille, I jeer ; il bdiUe, he yawns ; il braille, he brawls ; il nmaille, he makes poor verses. aillet, aili.ir, short ; as, mdillet, mallet ; pdillet, pale coloured ; jdillir, to spout ; assdillir, to assault. aillon, short in mtddillon, medallion ; batdillon, battalion ; nous tmdillons, we ena- mel ; de'tdillons, let us detail ; travdillons, let us work. These words excepted, aillon is long ; as, hdillon, tattered clothes ; baillon, gag ; nous tdiUons, we cut, fyc. aim, ajn. See III. and VII. General Rules. aime. This termination is found only in the verb (timer, to love ; which is short as, j dime, I love ; tu dimes, thou lovest, fyc, aine, long, in haine, hatred ; chuine, chain; gdine, sheath ; je traine, I draw, and their derivatives. These instances excepted, aine is short; as, capitdine, captain ; fontdine, fountain ; semdine, week ; Idine, wool. air, aire. The first is doubtful in the singular; as, Vair, the air; chaw, flesh ; ielair, lightning, fyc. The second is long ; as, une pdire, a pair ; la cliaire, the pulpit. a is, aix, aise, aisse, all long ; as, paldis, palace ; j'avdis, I had ; j'ttdis, I was ; un francdis, a frenchman ; pdix, peace ; fourndise, furnace ; cdisse, chest. ait, aite, both short; as, Idit, milk ; attrd.it, charm ; retrdite, retreat, &;c. except il plait, he pleases ; il ndit, it springs ; il repdit, he feeds ; lefdite, the summit. aitre, always long ; trditre, traitor ; mditre, master ; and other terminations of the same sound, though spelt differently ; as, parditre, or parditre, to appear, fyc. ale, alle, always short ; cigdle, cicada ; scanddle, scandal ; une mdlle, a trunk ; une bdlle, a ball ; except lidle, sunburning ; pale, pale ; un male, a male ; un rale, a rail ; and the derivatives of these words, though the final syllable be masculine ; as, hdU, parched by the sun ; rdler, to rattle ; pdlir, to grow pale ; pdleur, paleness. am, an. See III. and VII. General Rules. ame, always short ; ddme, lady ; rdme, oar, ream, fyc. except in the following words ; dme, soul ; infdme, infamous ; blame, blame ; il se pdme, he swoons ; un brdme, a bra- min ; and in all the preterite tenses of verbs ; as, nous aimdmes, we loved ; nous chantdmes, we sang ; nous parldmes, we spoke ; nousjoudmes, we played, is no word after it, to be pronounced at the same breath with it, it is long; as, cettefilleest majeure, that girl is of age ; j 'attends depuis une hlure, I have been waiting for an hour. EVRE, doubtful; levre, lip; chevre, goat; Metre, hare; orfevre, gold or silver-smith. eux, euse, long; dlux, two ; prScilux, pre'cieuse, precious j crluser, to dig, 8?c. ex, always short; as, exemple, example; extirper, to extirpate; sixe, sex, fyc. * All these words, as well as those in the two following paragraphs, were formerly spelt with a mute s, which is now suppressed, and supplied by a circumflex, except in est, the third person singular of the present tense of Ure. in which « is still retained PRONUNCIATION 23 OF SYLLABLES. I An observation uhicn may nave already been made, but ivhich will appear more obvious by reading the rules on the three remaining- vowels, is, that the number of short syllables is much greater than of long ; therefore, in order to abbreviate this treatise, those terminations will be omitted which are short without exception. idre, long in hidre, written hydre, for the sake of the etymology, hydra; cidre, cider. ie, diphthong, doubtful; as, rnlel, honey ; flel, gall; fler, proud; amitii, friendship; sarrlere, quarry; pousslere, dust; mien, mine; tlen, thine; dleu, god. ie, dissyllable, long; as, vie, life ; saisie, seizure ; ilpfie, he begs. Seel. Gen. Rule. ien, when a dissyllable, the two syllables are short; as, lien, tie ; Parisien, Pari- sian ; when a diphthong, the syllable is doubtful ; as, le mien, mine ; rlen, nothing, 8fc. ige, doubtful; tlge, stalk; prodlge, prodigy; litlge, litigation ; vestige, footstep; je m' oblige, I bind myself; il s'afflige, he afflicts himself. But ige is short in the tenses of these verbs which do not end with e mute, as sobKger, to bind one's self; afftige', afflicted. ile, long in tie, island; hulle, oil ; stile, stile ; tuile, tile ; presqu'lle, peninsula. im, in. See III. and VII. General Rules. ime, long in abime, abyss ; dime, tythe ; and in the first person plural of the prete- rite tense of verbs ; as, nousvimes, we saw; nous rSpondimes, we answered. ion, short; as, action, action ; passion, passion. See II. General Rule. ire, doubtful, empire, empire; icrlre, to write; il souplre, he sighs; long in the third person plural of the perfect tense of verbs ; Us punirent, they punished ; Usfirent, short before a masculine termination ; as, soupirer, to sigh ; desirer, to wish, fyc. Ise, long ; as, remise, coach-house ; surprise, surprise ; fe'puise, I exhaust ; ilsdisent, they say ; qu'ils Usent, let them read. isse, always short ; as, saucisse, sausage ; re'gUsse, liquorice ; except in the perfect of the subjunctive; 8iS,jefisse, I might do ; Us punissent, they might punish, 8fc. it, long only in the third person singular of the perfect of the subjunctive; as, il dit, he might say; ilf'it, he might do ; ilpunit, he might punish, fyc* ite, long in benite, blessed ; gite, the seat of a hare ; vite, quick ; and in the second person of the perfect of verbs; as, vousfites, you did ; vous vites, you saw, 8fc. itre, longin^nfre, epistle ; huitre, oyster; regitre, register; but if registre is spelt with s, the i is short. 1VE, long in the adjective feminine, formed from the masculine in if; as, tardive, late ; captive, captive ;juive, Jewess, 8fc. ivre, long in vivres, victuals; short in vivre, to live ; un livre, a book, 8fc. O O, always short when it begins a word ; as, Occasion, occasion , odeur, odour, fyc. except os, bone ; oser, to dare ; osier, osier ; Iter, to take away ; otage, hostage ; as likewise in hote, host, landlord ; though we say hotel, hotel, and hotellerie, an inn. obe, long in globe, globe ; and Vbbe, lobe ; in every other instance obe is short; as, ribe, robe, gown ; il dirdbe, he robs. ode, long in the verb roder, to ramble ; je rode, I ramble ; short in all other instances ; as, mMe, mode, fashion; antiptide, antipodes; p6ri6de, period, fyc. oge, always short; as, iUge, praise; horUge, clock ; on de'roge, they derogate. oi, diphthong, doubtful at the end of a word ; as, mot, me ; rol, king ; fol, faith ; em- pleit, employment; short at the beginning; as, m6isson, harvest; moitie", half. oie, long; as, joie, joy; soie, silk; qu'ilvoie, let him see, 8fc. oient, termination of the third person plural of the imperfect of verbs, is long ; as, Us avoient, they had ; Us chantoient, they sang, fyc. whilst the third person singular of the same tense spelt oit, is short; as, il avUt, he had ; il chantUt, he sang, 8fc. oin. See III. and VII. General Rules. oir, oire, the first is doubtful ; as, espbir, hope ; devoir, duty, fyc. the second long; as, bbire, to drink ; gloire, glory ; m&mdire, memory, fyc. * Formerly written^, dist, punist, with a mute s, now supplied by a circumflex. 24 PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES. ois, always long; whether it be a diphthong, as in fdis, time ; bourgeois, burgess ; Danbis, Dane ; SuMbis, Swede, fyc. or whether it be used instead of the compound vowel ai, as j'ttbis, or jttais, I was ; un Francois, or un Francdis, a Frenchman, 8fc. oise, oisse, oitre, oivre, all long; as, framboise, raspberry; pardisse, parish; cloi- tre, cloister ; pbivre, pepper, 8fc. oit, short ; as, il bbit, he drinks ; except il crbit, he grows ; and when it is used in- stead of the compound vowel ai ; as, il paroit, or ilpardit, it appears. ole, always short ; as, obole, obole ; idble, idol ; boussble, sea compass ; except drble, facetious ; pole, pole ; geble, jail ; mole, mole, pier ; role, a list, the part of an actor ; controle, control; enjoler, to wheedle, to decoy; enrbler, to enlist, and the tenses de- rived from these verbs ; il controle, he controls ; Us enrblent, they enlist, Sfc. om, on. See III. and VII. General Rules. ome, one, long; as, atbme, atom ; axiome, axiom ; phantbme, phantom ; trims, throne, 8fC. except Rome, Rome ; and the words in which the consonant is doubled, which follow the general rule ; as, sbmme, sum ; pbmmc, apple ; consbnne, consonant. ons, always long ; as, nous aimbns, we love ; fbnds, land, funds ; maisbns, houses ; pdnts, bridges, §c. See IV. General Rule. or, always short; as, castor, beaver; but or, bittern, a blockhead ; enctyr, yet, still ; Effort, effort; but when or is followed by s, it is long ; as, hbrs, out; albrs, then; le corps, the body ; les tresbrs, the treasures. See IV. General Rule. ore, long; as, aurdre, aurora; je ddpldre, I lament ; but observe that the penultima of the verbs which have only one r, and which is long in the present of the indicative; as, je de'cbre, I dpcorate; il s'dvapbre, it evaporates ; becomes short if the termination is masculine; as, de'corer, to decorate; evapbrS, evaporated, and that it remains long in tenses in which the r is doubled ; as, il s'e'vapdrrait, it would evaporate, 8fC os, ose, long; as, os, bone; prbpos, discourse; a prbpos, timely; dose, dose; chose, thing; il ose, he dares. See IV. and V. General Rules. osse, long ; as, grdsse, big; fosse, pit; il endbsse, he endorses; even when the final is masculine ; as, grbsseur, bigness ; grbssesse, pregnancy ; fossi. ditch. ot, long in impbt, tax; tot, soon; ddpbt, deposit; entrepot, store-house; supbt, a sub- servient agent; rot, roast meat; prh-bt, provost, sheriff.* ote, long in bote, host, landlord ; cbte, coast, rib; maltbte, exaction of taxes ; j'bte, I take away ; likewise when the final is masculine ; as, cbte', side ; ote, taken away.-f otre. There are only three words of this termination, viz. apotre, apostle ; noire, our, ours ; voire, your, yours. As to the first it is always long; but the two others are doubtful ; not that their measure is arbitrary, for it depends upon the place which they keep in the sentence. Notre and Voire are short, when like an article they are prefixed to a substantive, i. e. when used for our, your; and long when they themselves are preceded by an article, and used as pronouns, i. e. when used for ours, yours ; so we say, je suis voire serviteur, I am your servant ; et moi le vbtre, 1 am yours. C'est-ld vbtre opinion, mais la nbtre est que, fyc. that is your opinion, but ours is that, 8fc. Lesnbtres sont excellents, mais lesvbtres ne talent rien, ours are excellent, but yours are good for nothing. If the final be mute, as in this sentence, je suis le voire, after which my ear expects nothing more, then the voice wants a support, and not finding it in the final re, it takes it in the penultima vo ; but in this other, je suis vbtre serviteur, where after voire I ne- cessarily expect a substantive, between which and voire there can be no intermission, this substantive is destined to support my voice, and 1 pass quickly over voire. Perhaps there is not in the french prosody a principle more extensive than this. A doubtful syllable which is made short in the body of the sentence, is made long if it comes at the end. Sometimes even in conversation as well as in oratory, a long syllable becomes short, by the transposition of the word ; for we say, un homme honnite, a civil man ; un homme brave, a brave or courageous man; but we say, un honricte homme, an honest man; un brUve homme, a weli-behaved man ; these instances have already been men- tioned, (See E) but can so important rules be recalled too often ? * Formerly spelt with an s mute, impost, rost, suppost. to show that the syllable is long, this is now supplied by a circumflex. f Formerly spelt hoste, coste, and when a syllable was to be pronounced short, the consonant was doubled ; as, hotte. dorser ; cotte, petticoat, fyc. PRONUNCIATION 25 OF SYLLABLES. oudre, oue, long; as, poiidre, powder; moiidre, to grind; resoudre, to resolve, #c. bone, dirt ; joue, cheek ; il lone, he praises, fye. but when ou is followed by a mascu- line, instead of a feminine termination, it is short; as, poiidre, powdered; moiilu, ground ; roYie, broken on the wheel ; loiie, praised, 8cc. ouille, long in rouille, rust ; il dtroiaUe, he gets off the rust ; il embroidlle, he em- broils ; il dtbroidlle, he unravels; but ouil is short when it is followed by a masculine syllable; as, brouillon, bad paper or writing; broYdUt, daubed; rouille, rusty, fyc. oule, long in moide, mould, muscle; la foiile, the crowd; il foide, he presses, he tramples ; il route, he rolls ; il s'e'croide, it falls down ; il se soide, he gets drunk. oure, ourre, the first is doubtful; as, bravoiire, .bravery ; the second is long; as, de la bourre, cow hair; qu'ilcoinre, let him run; but it* ou, instead of being followed by a mute, is followed by a masculine syllable, then ou is short, notwithstanding the gene- ral rule under arre; as, coiirrier, messenger; botlrrade, thrust, §c. as likewise in the future and in the conditional tenses of verbs spelt with rr, in which the two rr are sound- ed separately; as, je moxlrrai, I shall die; je coiirrai, I shall run ; je inoiirrais, &c. ouse, long; as, Spouse, bride ; qu'elle coiise, let her sew. See V. General Rule. oussE, long inje poiisse, I push; short in all other instances; as, je toiisse, I cough; coussin, cushion; poiissin, young chick, fyc. out, long in aoid, august ; coid, cost ; gout, taste ; moid, must, new wine. oute, long in absoide, absolution; joide, tilt; croide, crust; voide, vault; ilcoide, it costs ; il broute, it grazes ; jegoide, I taste ; j'ajoide, I add ; but ou is generally short, when the syllable which follows it is masculine ; as, ajoidcr, to add ; coYde, cost, §c. outre, long in poidre, beam ; and in coidre, coulter, ploughshare ; short in all other instances ; as, loYdre, otter ; outre, en oYdre, besides, 8jc. U uche, long; as, biiche, a log of wood ; ruche, hive ; on dSbiiche, they dislodge, 8fc. but u is short, if the final is masculine ; as, bilcher, pile ; debuche, dislodged, fyc. ue', diphthong, found only in the word e'ctie'lle, porringer, is short. ue, dissyllable, always long ; as, rue, sight ; tortue, tortoise, fyc. Seel. Gen. Rule. uge, doubtful when the final is mute; as, deluge, deluge; refuge, refuge; short, when the final is masculine ; a.s,jiiger, to judge ; reftigier, to take refuge, fyc. ui, diphthong, short before a masculine syllable ; as, biiisson, bush ; cuisine, kitchen ; ruisseau, rivulet, 8fc. uie, long ; as, pluie, rain ; truue, sow ; il s"ennuie, he grows tired. See I. Gen. Rule ULE, long in the verb brider, to burn; je bride, I burn ; tu brides, thou burnest, 8fc. um, un. See III. and VII. General Rules. umes, long; as, nous fumes, we were; nous piimes, we could; nous regimes, we re- ceived ; nous apergiimes, we perceived, fyc. ure, always long; as, augiire, omen; verdure, grass, parjiire, perjurer, perjury; on assure, they assure ; ilsfiirent, they were; but u is short if the final is masculine ; as, aug&rer, to conjecture ; parjurer, to perjure; assiiri, assured. use, always long ; as, miise, muse ; excuse, excuse ; ruse, cunning ; see V. General Rule , we also say, rus6, cunning; but in the other words in which the final is mas- culine, u is short ; as excuser, to excuse ; refuse', refused, tyc. uce, usse, the first of these two terminations is confined to nouns, and always short; as, ptice, flea; astiice, craft, fyc. the second is confined to verbs, and is always long; as, je fusse, I were; je piisse, I might; Us fiissent, they might be ; except Priisse, Prussia ; and Russe, a Russian ; substantives in which usse is short. UT, short in all substantives; as, le but, the end; un dtbut, a beginning; except in fid, a cask ; un off id, a gun carriage ; short in the third person of the perfect tense ot the indicative of verbs; as, ilfiit, he was ; il v6cut, he lived ; long in the same person and tense in the subjunctive ; as, ilfid, he might be ; il vtcid, he might live, 8cc. ute, utes, short in all substantives ; brute, brute, rough, fyc. except jlide, flute ; al- ways long in verbs : vous fides, you were ; vous lutes, you read : vous resides, you received ; vous apergides, you perceived, fyc. It is not perhaps unnecessary to inform such readers as might be discouraged by the multiplicity, or by the prolixity of these rules, that it is not requisite, in order to speak french with propriety, that they should be observed with a scrupulous nicety, which few persons, if any, do, but he certainly speaks best who deviates theleastfrom them 26 PRONUNCIATION OF SYLLABLES. HOMONYMOUS, OR EQUIVOCAL WORDS, THE MEANING OF WHICH IS DETERMINED BY THE ACCENT. Acre, tart. Aline, awl. Battler, to gape. Bat, pack-saddle. Bdteleur, mountebank. Bedute', beauty. Btte, beast. Boite, box. Bond, rebound. Chair, flesh. Chasse, shrine. Clair, clear. C'orps, body. Cote, rib. Cdtc, coast. Cuire, to boil or roast. Falte, summit. Fete, feast. Faix, burthen. Lefole, the liver. Unefois, once. Forit, forest. Je goute, I taste. Grave, grave. Hale, scorching of the sun. Hote, host, landlord. Jeune, fast. Lacs, noose. L'ame, the soul. Legs, legacy. Lis, lily. Maitre, master. Male, male. Masse, stock. Mat, mast. Matin, mastiff. Mois, month. Mur, ripe. II n'est, it is not. II ndit, it springs. Pate, paste. Paiime, palm. Picheur, fisherman. Pecker, to fish. Pecher, peach-tree. Pene, bolt. Rot, roast meat. Sds, sieve. Scene, scene. La Scene, the communion Siir, sure, sure, certain. Tache, task. Tdcher, to endeavour. Tile, head. Vers, verse. Vers, towards. Virre, glass. Acre, acre. Halcine, breath. Bctiller, to give. IZ 6 hah, /, yn, X, Y, Z. eeks, eegrayc, zeyd. la langue anglaise 16 , est aussi is also on*" 5 appele people call, or are called 41 ' Le NOM, the noun. le PRONOM, the pronoun. la PREPOSITION, the preposition. l'ARTICLE, the article. le VERBE, the verb. la CONJUNCTION, the conjunction. l'ADJECTIF, the adjective. TAD VERBE, the adverb. l'lNTERJECTION, the interjection. * The figures at the top of the words indicate the rule to which the different sorts of words that compose the language are subject. The learner will do well to refer to these rules until they are familiar to him. They will be found at page 32, and in the following pages. N. B. The english words are here placed literally under the french. It will require very little knowledge of the english language to arrange them in the grammatical order which they require. The person who is not capable of doing that, must study his own language, before he attempts to learn French. t See note c 2, page 1. 28 INTRODUCTION* CHAP. I. DU NOM. Of the noun. T:>ut mot qui sert a exprimer 1'* idee d'* une substance, soit Eiery word luhich serves to express the idea of a substance, either reelle, comme, homme, femme, cheval, maison, soldi, lane; ou ideale, real, as, man, woman, horse, house, sun, moon; or ideal, comme, dieu, del, hoimeur, vice, vertu, s* appele NOM. as, god, heaven, honour, vice, virtue, is called a noun. De ces mots appetes NOMS, (quelques uns) ne conviennent qu'* Of these words called 7iouns, same — f belong only a une seule personne, ou a une seule chose; comme, Jean, Jaques, to a single person, or to a single thing; as, John, james, Voltaire, Shakespeare, Londres, Paris, France, Angleterre, la Seine, voltaire, shakespeare, London, paris, france, england, the seine, les Alpes,cfc. et ces noms s'* appelent noms propres. the alps, §c. and these nouns are called names proper. 16 D'* autres conviennent a touts les etres de la meme espece ; Some others belong to all — + beings of the same kind; comme, homme, femme, enfant, cheval, vache, oise.au, maison, ville, a h man, woman, child, horse, cow, bird, house, city, campagne, arbre,$c. et ceux-ci s' appelent noms communs. country, tree, 6)C and these are called names common. 16 Dans cette derniere classe (on comprend) les noms com- 1»- this last class (we i6 include or are included* 8 ) the nouns com- poses d' idees abstraites 1 * 3 ; comme, dieu, del, dme, vice, vertu, pounded of ideas abstract : us, god, heaven, soul, vice, virtue, amour, desir, honneur, plaisir, et autres semblables. love, desire, honour, pleasure, and such like. Tl faut considerer dans les* noms, le genre, et le Jiombre. It is necessary to consider in — -f noims the gender, and the number. I! n'y a en francais que deux genres ; le masculin, et le feminin There - are in french only two genders; the masculine, and the feminine. Par masculin (on veut 45 dire) le genre ??idle 15 ; comme, homme, By masculine (we mean or is meant 43 ) the gender male ; as, man, coq, cheval, taureau, chien, chat, belier, bouc, cerf 8cc. cock, horse, bull, dog, he cat, ram, he goat, stag, §c. Par feminin (or veut 46 dire) le genre femelle 16 ; comme, femme, By feminine (we mean or is meant* 8 ) the gender female ; as, woman, poule, jument, vache, chienne, chatte, brebis, chevre, biche, 8rc. hen, mare, cow, bitch, she cat, ewe, she goat, hind, £fc. * When the monosyllahles le, de, ne, se,je, me, te, la, que, are followed by a vowel or a h mute, the vowel, e, a, is left out, and an apostrophe, this mark ('), put in its place. t The words marked under with a dash, this mark ( — ), are not expressed in english. A LA LANGUE FRAN£A1SE. 29 DU NOM. Les noms des autres etres vivants 16 dont le sexe n' est The names of the other beings living (of which) the sex 55 is pas connu, (ainsi que) des e*tres inanimes 16 qu* (on* 6 appele) not known, (as well as) of the beings inanimate which (people call ot are called* 8 ) com muniment choses, et qui sont de (ce que) commonly things, and which are of (that which or what 40 ) les Anglais appelent le genre neutre, appartiennent en francjais the english call gender ne,uter, 16 belong in frencfi a V un ou a V mitre de ces deux genres. to the one or to the other of these two genders. (II y a) en francais comme en anglais, deux nombres; le singulier, There are in french as in english, two numbers ; the singular, quand on ne parle que d' un etre ; comme, un 1 homrne, une when we — speak only of one being; as, a man, a femme, une 1 maison ; le plurier, quand on parle de plusieurs etres; woman, a house; plural,* we* 6 of several beings; comme, des 1 hommes, des 1 femmes, des 1 maisons. as, some men, some women, some houses. Remarquez que le nombre plurier 1 * se forme en francais comme en Remark that is formed in as hi anglais, en ajoutant s au singulier; une 1 maison, des 1 maisons. by adding s to the a house, some houses. Excepte premierement ; les noms qui (se terminent) en 5 ou en Except, first ; the nouns which (terminate or end) in s or x dont le plurier ne diftere point du singulier; ainsi on 4G dit : x of which — differs not from the so we say ; mon^.?, mes Jils; un pois, des pois ; une noix, des noix, &c. my son, my sons ; a pea, some peas ; a nut, some ?iuts, §c. Secondement ; les noms dont le singulier (se terminer en u, qui Secondly ; the of which ends in u, which demandent un x (au lieu) d' une s pour signe du plurier ; comme, require an x instead of an s for the sign of the as, un couteau, des couteaux ; le 1 jeu, les 1 jeu x ; lieu, lieux, fyc. a knife, some knives the game, the games ; place, places, fyc. Troisiemement; les noms dont le singulier (se termine) en al, Thirdly; cf which ends in al, ail, qui changent /, ou il, en ux pour le plurier ; comme, ma\, mav\x ail, which cluinge I, or i\,. into ux for as, evil, evils, cheval, chevaux; general, generaux; travail, travaux, Sfc. horse, horses; general, generals; work, works, 8fc. * This word you will generally see in other grammars spelled pluriel; but as it is pronounced plurier, the same as singulier, I have thought it proper to spell it as it is pronounced, that it might be more easily remembered'. 30 INTRODUCTION CHAP II. DE V ARTICLE. Of the article. Comme le meme nom peut exprimer des 8 ide'es differentes, on''- 8 As the same noun may express N. B. ideas different, 16 we a adop;e des 8 signes pour designer ehacune de ces idees. have adopted N. B. signs to denote each of these ideas. Ces signes se nomment en grammaire ARTICLE ; mais comme ils These are called in grammar but as they varient avec nos id£es, les? grammairiens ne s'accordent pas sur le vary with our — grammarians • — agree not on nombre, ni sur le nom qu' on doit donner a chaque signe en particulier. nor name which we ought to give to each sign in particular. Cet accord n'est nullement ne"cessaire, il suffit d' en 24 savoir l'usage. This agreement 55 is (by no means) necessary, it suffices to of them know the use, (On verra) dans ce traits que j' ai augments le nombre des (It will be seen 47 ) in this treatise that I have increased of the signes appel^s article, parceque cela m' 85 a paru necessaire called because that tome has appeared necessary pour diminuer celui 44 des regies ; ainsi, j' appele article des 8 mots to diminish that of the rules ; so, I call — N. B. words que (les uns) appelent pronoms, que d'autres appelent adjectifs ; tvhich some call pronouns, which others adjectives; et je les 84 appele ainsi, parceque ces mots sont touts destines au and I them call so, because these are all destined to the meme usage, et que les monies regies sont communes a touts. same use, and that rules common (Afin qu') on 46 put retenir ces signes plus aisement ; That people might retain these more easily; je leur 25 ai donne des 8 noms analogues a la I to them have given — N. B. names analogous to the fonction qu' ils font dans la phrase; ainsi, j' appele office ivhich they perform in the sentence; so, I call LE, LA, LES ; DU, de LA, DES ; AU, a LA, AUX, article THE ; of or from THE ; to or at the, defini 16 , parcequ' on 43 (se sert) de ces signes pour designer que definite, because we use — these signs to denote that le nom qui les 24 suit, est employe* dans un sens defini 10 - } noun which them follows, is used in a sense definite; comme, Apportez le 1 pain, la 1 viande, les 1 habits, as, bring the bread, the meat, the clothes. J' appele DU, de LA, DES, article partitif, 16 parceque ces signes J call SOME, partitive, because these s'emploient h designer une portion de la substance, dont on are used to denote a' portion of the tubstarice, (of which) we* 3 A LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. 31 DE L'ARTICLE. parle ; comme, Donnez-moi du 1 pain, de la 1 viande, des 1 habits. speak; as, give me some bread, some meat, some clothes. J' appele UN, UNE, et touts les autres nombres article numeral, I call (a, an, one,) and all the other numbers numeral™ lorsque ces signes s' emploient a nombrer les objets" dont on when these are used to number objects of which we parle ; comme, un 1 pain ; une 1 armee. speak; as, a, or one loaf; an army or one army . J' appele CE, CETTE, CES, article demonstratif," this, that; this, that; these, those, demonstrative, parceque c' est au moyen de ces signes qu' on 4S indique because it is by the means of these that we point out le lieu ou est 1' objet dont on parle ; comme, the place where is the object of which we speak, or spoken of ; as, ce 1 pain, cette 1 viande, ces 1 habits, this or that b v ead 9 this or that meat, these or those clothes. J' appele MON, MA, MES; TON, TA, TES; SON, SA, SES; MY ; thy ; his, or her, or its ; NOTRE, NOS ; VOTRE, VOS ; LEUR, LEURS, article possessif* OUR ; YOUR ; their ; possessive, parceque ces signes s* emploient a designer la possession de 1' objet because these are used to denote possession of dont on parle; comme, mon 1 pain, ta 1 viande, ses 1 habits. of which as, my bread, thy meat, his or her clothes.* * Some will perhaps be surprised to find under the head article, words which have so long been consecrated to the class of pronouns. Though they certainly partake of the nature of pronouns, by denoting the persons, they in reality are articles, used for the same purposes, in similar instances, and subject to the same rules as those words gene- rally known by the name of article. If it be objected, that when I say My book, the word My is a pronoun, since it is the same as if I said, the book of Me. I answer, that as you cannot change the nature of these words without substituting an article in their place, they are as much articles as pronouns ; and if they have no affinity at all to the syntax of pronouns (especially in french) and their affinity to the syntax of articles is so great, that the rules which are applicable to one, are applicable to all ; why should not words, which have so great an analogy to each other, be set in one point of view, rather than send the learner from chapter to chapter for what he may, and ought to find in the same page? " The genuine PRONOUN," says Harris, " always stands by itself, assuming the power of a noun, and supplying its place ; the genuine article never stands by itself, but appears at all times associated to something else, requiring a noun for its support, as much as attributives or adjectives."— Hermes, page 73. Also l'abb6 d'Olivet : j'ai dit, en premier lieu que 1'article est un adjectif ; et si je n'avois pas craint d'entasser trop de choses a. la fois, j'aurois volontiers ajoute que cet adjectif est tire de la classe des pranoms. Quand il precede un substantif on le nomme article ; La piece nouvelle sejoue demain ; et quand il precede ou suit un verbe, Je la verrai, Voyez-\&, on 1' appele PRONOUN ; mais d'ailleurs n'est-ce pas une chose qui con- vient a la plupart des pronoms adjectifs d'etre mis avant le NOM a, Vexclusion de /'article et avec la meme propriHe, comme quand je dis, ce papier, cette plume ; mon frere, votre sxur, &c. Essais de Grammaire, chap. 2. 32 INTRODUCTION CHAP. III. DE L'ARTICLE, ET DU NOM. Of the and of the REGLES GENERALES. Rules general. 16 l.Nous avons*Vufqu' (il y a) enfrancais We have* seenf - (there are) - - deux genres, le 1 mosculin et le 1 fcminin ; two—, — and — ; qu' (il y a) deux nombres,| le 1 singulier that ( ) ,j — et le 1 plurier ; et nous avons vu§ que 1' and - — ; .'—'.— — § — the article est un signe qu* on 46 met avant un 1 - is a sign which we put before - nom, pour designer l'id£e qu' on 46 veut expri- -, to denote the idea - toe wish to merparcenom; (a present) (souvenez-vous) express by that -; new remember que ce 1 signe appele article, doit toujours that this - called - must always £tre du 1 MEME GENRE et du HEME NOM- be (of the) same — -- bre que le 1 - nom qui le 24 suit ; exemple, as which follows it ; example. SINGULIER. MASCULIN. FEMININ. le pere, du pere, au pere, un pere, ce pere, mon pere, ton pere, son pere, notre pere, votre pere leur pere, du pain, PLURIER. singular plural. MASC. et FEMIN. — • — . — and la mere, les enfants, de la mere, des enfants, a la mere, aux enfants, une mere, cette mere, ces enfants, ma mere, mes enfants, ta mere, tes enfants, sa mere, ses enfants, notre mere, nos enfants, votre mere, vox enfants, the father, the mother, the children, of the — , of the — , of the — . to the — , to the — , to the — . a or one — , a or one — . (this, that, -,) (this, that -,) (these, my — , my — , my — . [tliose -'.) thy — , thy — , thy — . (his, her-,) (his, her-,) (his, her our — , our — , our — . your — , your — , your — . leur mere, leurs enfants, their —, their — , their — . aeLA viande, des habits, some b re ad, some meat, some clothes. 2. Nous(venons de voir) ^[quel'ARTiCLE We (have just seen) that - - doit toujours etre du 1 meme genre, et must always be (- —) — — , du 3 meme nombre que le 1 nom qui le 24 suit; ( — ) — as ivhich follows it; * The englisli words which express the meaning of the french are placed in the margin. The words that have been frequently repeated, or which are the same in both languages, are left out, and a dash, this marlc ( — ), put in their places, that the learner may have an opportunity to exercise his recollection. t Page 28. % Page 29. § Page 30. j| I have frequently been asked if, having only one word to express both his and her, we do not often commit mistakes in the use of that word. No, we never do ; because this sign always refers to a noun mentioned before, the gender of which we know ; So, when I say, Mon frere a perdu son couteau, My brother has lost his knife ; I know by Son that it is the knife belonging to my brother. Ma soeur a perdu son couteau, My sister has lost her knife ; I know by this Son that it is the knife belonging to my sister. But suppose a gentleman and a lady sat at table, and both let their knives fall ; and a person said to a servant, Ramassez son couteau, meaning the knife of the lady, which knife would the servant pick up ? Indeed he would not know, but a Frenchman would not express himself thus ; He would say : Ramassez le couteau de monsieur, Pick up the gentleman's knife ; or, Ramassez le couteau de madame, Pick up the lady's knife, by which all ambiguity would be avoided. 1 Rulel. A LA LANGUE FRAN£AISE. 33 DE L'ARTICLE ET DU NOM. cependant, comme la 1 langue francaise 16 however as demande une 1 certaine MELODIE dans requires a certain melody vi la 1 Ifaison des 1 mots, et que la 1 rencontre - union (of the) -, - that - meeting de DEUX VOYELLES dans de 10 petits mots of two vowels - some small words tels que 1'* ARTICLE, produit Ull Son de's- such as , produces a sound agre'able a Y oreille ; lorsque le 1 nom qui —to the ear; when - - - Suit T ARTICLE est SINGULIER, et qu' il follows - - is —, - that it commence par une 1 voyelle, ou par une 3 begins with a — , o>- with a H muette, on 43 emploie - mute, we* 6 use l' au lieu de LE, L A ; THE ; — instead of — , — ; deH n n du, c?eLA; of, from the ; ; a l* ,, „ au, a la; to, at the ; ; get „ „ ce ; this or that ; ; mon ,, ,, ma; my; ; ton „ „ ta; thy; ; son „ „ sa; his, her, its ; ; sans considerer le genre du nom qui without considering (ofthe)-- le^suit; exemple, follows it** ; example, MASCULIN. FEMININ — . — . L' age, L' idee, L* heure. the age, the idea, the hour. de tJ age, de l' idee, de l' heure. of the —, of the — , of the — . a l' age, a L* idee, a l' heure. u the —, to the — , to the —. cet age, cette idee, cette heure. thisoxthat—, this, that—, this, ihui— . mon age, mon idee, mon heure. my — , my — , my — . ton age, ton idee, ton heure. thy — , thy —, thy —. son age, son idee, son heure. his or her —, his, her —, his, her — 3. L' article se repete en fran^ais avant — is repeated - — before touts les noms, suivant le genre et le all — (agreeably to) — and - nombre de chaque nom, quoique ees noms - of each— , though these — soient dans la meme phrase, et que 1' are in — same sentence, article ne soit pas repe*te* en anglais; ex. —is not repeated in—; ex. Le pere, la mere, et les enfants sout ici. • —, — , and — are here. Je VOUSP* apporte DU pain, de LA I you 24 bring some bread, some Viande, de l' argent, et DES habits. meat, some money, — some clothes. II a invite MON frere, MA SCeur, He has— my brother, my sister, t MES COUsinS .* and my cousins.* * Observe that two of the signs called article cannot be used before the same noun ; so we say le bras, the arm ; la main, the hand, LA dame, the lady, une dame, a lady ; MAdame, my lady, madam, Mrs. ; des dames, some ladies ; MEsdames, ladies ; une demoiselle, a young lady ; des demoiselles, some young ladies ; MEsdemoiselles, ladies ; but we do not say, le mon bras ; LA ma main ; la madame ; UNE madame ; des mesdames ; LA mademoiselle ; UNE mademoiselle ; des mademoiselles ; because each of these signs fixing the proper meaning of the noun, renders another sign superfluous. N. B. From this rule must be excepted the words monsieur and messieurs, which, though they are compounded of the noun sieur, and of the article mon, mes, will in some instances admit of the other articles ; for we say : le monsieur, the gentleman ; UN mon- sieur, a gentleman ; ce monsieur, this gentleman, &c. les messieurs, the gentlemen ; ces messieurs, these gentlemen ; nos messieurs, our gentlemen. These few singularities will be learnt by custom. D 34 INTRODUCTION DE L'ARTICLE ET DU NOM. Cas REGLES PARTICULIERES. Rules particular. 16 oil Von^fait usage de I' article. Instances (in which) we i5 make use' of the article. 4. L'article 6tant un signe destine* h annoncer l'ide*e du nom qui le 24 suit, ce signe serait superflu avant les noms qui, n' appartenant qu' a un seul etre, pre"- sentent d'eux memes une idee fixe 16 ; c'est pour cette raison que les noms de personnes et de villes s'emploient, en francais comme en anglais, sans article; ainsi, nous disons ; Xai vu Voltaire, Paris, Londres. Je parte de Voltaire, de Paris, de Lond. Jeprefere Locke h, Volt. Paris a Lond. being a sign intended to denote - idea (of the) - - follows if 24 , - (would be) superfluous which, belonging only to one being, pre- sent of themselves a — fixed ; it is fay this reason that - names of persons - of towns are used, in french as in english, without - ; so, we say ; 1 have seen ■ — , — -, London. I speak of — , , . 1 prefer — to — , — to — . 5. Cette regie qui devrait s'etendre a touts les noms dont l'id£e ne peut changer, n'est pas general e en francais, comme elle 1'est en anglais, puisque les noms de pays demandent l'article de'fini 16 le, la, les ; du, de la, jdes ; au, a la, aux, de merae que les noms communs 16 , ainsi, (quoi qu') on dise sans article; J'ai vu Paris, Londres ; il faut dire avec l'article, Xai vu le Portugal, la France, ilEspagne, HAngleterre. Je parte du Portugal, de LA France, de h'Espagne, de l 'Jngleterre. Je prefere iIAnglcterre au Portugal, la France a h'Espagne. 6. Mais les noms' 6 de pays perdent l'article, quand ils viennent apres les \erbes qui designent demeurer, aller 9 venir, lorsque ces verbes sont accompagne*s de la proposition en ou de ; car on dit: Je viens de France, d 'Italic. Je vais en Hollande, en Angleterre. J'ai demeure en Espagne, en Portugal. Et cette regie meme a encore des exceptions qu' on verra dans la derniere partie, et que je n' ai pas vouln rapporter ici, de peur d'embarrasser les commencants.f (II n'ya que) Tusag^ qui puisse rendre ces variations familieres. This rule which ought to extend to all (of which) - - cannot change is not general , as it is , since - names of countries require - — — le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux, the same as - names common, so, though we 45 say without — ; I have seen Paris, London ; we mus't bay with , 1 have seen the — , the — , the Spain, the England. I speak of the — , of the — , of the — , of the — . I prefer the — to the — -, the — to the — . But countries lose , when they come after - verbs - denote dwelling, going, coming, when - — ■ are attended by - - en or de ; for we i6 say : 1 come from — , from Italy. 1 (gc or am going) to — , to — , - have lived in Spain, in — . And this rule even has still some — which we shall see in the last -, - - - have not (been willing) to mention -, for fear - emoarrassing ~ beginners. 7 (It is only) - custom which can render these — — . A LA LANGUE FRAN^AISE DE L'ARTICLE ET DU NOM. 7. Touts les noms communs 15 employes 13 dans un sens general 18 oli ils n'ont point d'article en anglais ; comme, bread is good ; oil dans un sens particulier 13 ou ils ont 1'article the ; comme, the bread which i eat is good, demandent 1' article defini 16 le, la, les ; du, de la, des; au, a la, aux; ex. Sens general 15 ; J' aime le pain, la viande, les (pommes de terre.) Sens particulier 18 ; J' aime le pain, la viande, les {pommes de terre) qve vous m 25 avez donnes. Sens general ; Je parle du pain, de la viande, des (/pommes de terre.) Sens particulier ; Je parle du pain, de la viande, des (pommes de terre) que nous avons achetes. Sens general ; Je prefere le fruit au pain, a la viande, aux (pommes de terre.) Sens particul. Je prefere le fruit que fai a souper, au pain, a la viande, et aux (pommes de terre) quefavais a diner. 35 All - names common 16 used in a sense - (in which) they have not any — in english; as, bread is GOOD ; or in a - -particular (in which) - have THE ; as, the bread WHICH I EAT is GOOD, require the — definite le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux ; ex. ; I like bread, meat, (apples of the earth, i. e. potatoes.) ; the — , the — , the — , which you me* 5 have given. ; I speak of — , of -, of-. -—; . — f the—, of the — , of the — > which we have bought. ; - prefer fruit to — , to — , to — . I have at — , to the — , to the — , — to the — ivhich I had at dinner. 8. Si on veut ne designer qu' une 1 por- tion de la substance dont on 46 parle, il faut employer avant le nom, un des signes parlitifs 15 du, de la, des, exprimes 13 en anglais par some ; mais il est bon d' observer que le signe some s'omet tres souvent, et que les signes du, de la, des, doivent toujours s'exprimer. II parait que ce signe est le meme que celui 44 de 1'article defini 16 of the, regi par le mot portion sous-entendu, et que nous avons ete obliges d'admettre iaute d'un autre signe pour designer cette idee ; ainsi, quand je dis ; II m' 25 a donne du pain, de la viande> des {pommes de terre;) c' est comme si je disais ; II m™ a donne une portion du pain, de la viande, des (pommes de terre.) If we wish to denote only a por- tion of (of which) we iS speak, we must use before , one (of the) signs partitive du, de la, des, expressed by SOME ; but it is proper to observe that some is left out ve^y often, du, de la, des, must always be expressed. It appears that this — is - same - that 4 * of OF THE governed by - word portion understood, - which we - been obliged to admit (for want) of another — to denote this idea ; so, when I say : He me' 25 has given some -, some — , some — ; it is as if - said ; He me' 25 has - a portion of — , of-, of-. 9. Cette regie a DEUX EXCEPTIONS. I his rule has two exceptions. La premiere est que les signes partitifs 16 - first is that partitive DU, de LA, des, etant les memes du, de la, des, being - same que ceux de Tarticle defini 10 of the; as those of the — definitive of the d2 36 INTRODUCTION DE l'aRTICLE ET DU NOM. nom employe dans un sens when a noun used in a-— quand un nom employe aans un partilif- 6 est r£gi par un autre nom, il ne faut pas employer du, de la, des, qui rendraient l'idee particuliere et designe- raient of the ; il faut employer seulement de avant le nom ; ainsi, il faut dire; II ?n 25 a donn'e un morceau de pain, une lime de viande; Non, un morceau du pain, une livre de la. viande. J'ai-une grande quantite de (pommes de terre ;) Non, des pommes de terre. N. B. On doit comprendre dans cette regie les mots suivants 16 qui prennent de avant le nom qui les 24 suit, quand ce nom est employe* dans un sens partitif 16 ; assez; ex. assez de pain. jbeaucoup de viande. \beaucoup de gens. {tant v'argent. tant de pommes de terre. j aidant de pain, [autant de gens, plus de viande. moins t? argent. Urop de peine. \trop v'enfants. peu de pain. guere v> habits, {pas t> argent, [point d' amis, jamais de repos. BEAUCOUP TANT , autant; plus; moins ; trop ; peu; GUERE ; PAS, point; jamais ; — is governed by another — , we must not use du, de la, des, which (would make) - idea - - (would denoU) OF THE ; we must use only de before ; so, we must say ; He me* 6 has given a piece of — , a pound of — ; not, a piece (of the) — , of the — . J have a great quantity of ~ ; not, (of the) — . We i6 must include in this rule - words following which take de before follows them, when - - is xised in partitive ; Enough ; ex. enough of bread. Much, Many; So much, So many ; As much, As many ; More; Less ; Too much, Too many ; Little, few ; Little, few ; No, not ; Never : 1 much - meat ; Smany - people. ~\so much - money ; J so many - potatoes. \as much - bread ; ) as many -people. more - meat. less - money. \too much - trouble 'too many - children little . few - clothes. f not - money ; Xnot -friends. never - rest. 10. La seconde exception est que si le nom employe dans un sens partitif 15 est ac- compagne d'un adjectif, et que cet adjeetif precede le nom, au lieu des signes du, de la, des, avant le nom, on met de avant Vadjectif, sans considerer le genre ou le nombre du nom qui le 24 suit, et ce de avant l'adjectif, designe la meme idee que les signes du, de la, des, avant le nom; ex. Void de bon pain, jfexcellente viande, vzjeunes (pommes de terre.) Mais si le nom precede l'adjectif,* il faut revenir, aux signes du, de la, des, et on 46 doit dire; Voici du 8 pain frais, 16 de la 8 viande excellente, 16 des 8 (pommes de terre) roties. — second — is that if - noun used in a sense partitive is attended by an adjective, and that this - precedes , instead (of the) — du, d« la, des, before , ive ie use de before , without considering or - — (of the) - which — ft, 24 - this de - , denotes - same idea as - — du, de la, des, ; — . (Here is) some good — , some , some young potatoes. But if . — precedes , we must return to the — du, de la, des, and we iS must say ; (Here is) - — new, excellent, roasted See rules 16 and 17. A LA LANGUE FRANCHISE. DE PLUSIEURS NOMS ENSEMBLE. 11. Quelquefois plusieurs noms (se rencontrent dans la meme phrase, ayant une espece de rapport ensemble ; comme, quand je dis ; Le livre de pierre ; ces mots de pierre ajoutes h livre, servent, outre 1' idee de livre, h donner celle de possession. 37 Sometimes several — meet in - same sentence, having a kind of reference together ; as, when I say ; The — of Peter ; these of Peter added to -, serve, besides •■ idea of-, to give that of Les Anglais ont plusieurs manieres de The English have several ways of placer ces noms en rapport. placing these nouns in reference. Quelquefois ils les 24 placent dans Y ordre que les idees considerees separe- ment se 24 pre'sentent h Y esprit ; comme, The book of peter; The pen of the mas- ter ; The crown of the king. Sometimes they them 2 * place in the order that - - considered separately themselves present to - mind ; as, Quelquefois ils renversent Y ordre des — reverse • — of the mots, et placent le nom du possesseur words, name of the possessor avant celui 44 de la chose possedee ; before that of - thing possessed ; comme, peter's book ; the master's as, ; - — pen ; the king's crown. — ,• D'autres fois enfin, ils donnent h (l'un) de ces noms la propriete d'un adjectif, et le 24 placent avant la chose qu'il designe ; The STREET-DOOR ; LONDON-PORTER ; a GOLD-WATCH ; SILK-STOCKINGS. Les Francais au contraire n' ont qu' une maniere de placer ensemble ces noms; Ils placent invariablement le pre- mier, le nom qui est le svjet du 1 discours, et ces deux noms s'unissent ensemble par le moyen des signes de, du, de la, des, suivant que le nom est ou propre ou commun, defini ou partitif ; ainsi, dans cet 2 exemple; Peter's book: le sujet du* discours £tant a book, et (non pas) peter, on doit commencer la phrase par livre, et dire : Le livre, Demande, le livre de qui ? Reponse, de Pierre. Dans cet autre ; The master's pen ; le svjet dv 1 discours etant a pen; on doit commencer la phrase par pen, et on doit dire ; La plume, D. la plume de qui? R. du maitre. At other times in short, - give to - - - nouns - property of an adjective, - it thing which it denotes ; The French on the contrary have onxy one way of placing together - nouns ; They - invariably - first, - - which is - subject (of the J discourse, - - iwo - are united * by ■ means (of the) signs -, -, - -, -, according as - - is either proper or common, definite or partitive ; so, in this ~ ; - - ; the subject (of the) 7 discourse being - -, and not - we iS must begin - sentence by < — , - say : The -, Query, - - of ihhoml Ans. of Peter. In - other ; -__; -.(of the) — being a -,we must begin - — by -, - we must say ; the pen, Q. - - of whom ? A. of the master. Et dans ces autres phrases : The street- o her sentences : The — door; london-beer ; a gold-watch \ — ; ; ; 38 INTRODUCTION DE PLUSIEURS NOMS ENSEMBLE. silk-stockings; le sujet du? discours ; - - (of the) — etant door, beer, watch, stockings, being — , — , — , — , ces mots doivent se placer les premiers, these -must be ■placed -first, et on doit dire : we must say : La 1 porte DE LA 1 rue. • door of- street. De la 8 bierre DE Londres. Some beer of London. Une 1 montre n'or. Des 8 has de sole. . %oaich of gold. - stockings of silk. 12. (II y a) des 8 cas ou V* on lie pour- (There are) - instances (in which)- rait pas changer ainsi l'ordre des mots en could not change so -- (of the) ■ in anglais, sans changer aussi I'ide'e qu' on english, without - also - - which ice iS veut exprimer; par exemple, si, au lieu wish to express; for — , if, instead de dire; a wine-glass; a water-pot; of saying; : ; on disait, a glass of wine; a pot of we said,-- of -; --of water; on 43 exprimerait une idee (tout — ; we should express an - h fait) differente 16 ; cependant ces noms quite different ; yet these nouns demandent cet ordre en francos, mais require this order in french, but au lieu de les 24 unir par les signes de, du, instead of them uniting by - - de, du, de la, des, on les 24 unit par la pre- de la, des, we them 2 * unite by - pre- position A. Ceci arrive quand on position a. This happens when we 46 veut designer Yusage, et non la possession wish to denote - use, de la chose dont on parle ; ex. - - - (of which) we speak; ex. Un verre A vin. Un pot A eau. A E lass fit f°X wine - • pot fit for water. Une cuiller A the. Des 8 armes A feu. - spoon fit for tea. - arms fit to fire with Un sac A poudre. Un monlin A vent.1t A bag fit for powder. A mill to be [turned by the wind.\ * When ON comes after the conjunctions ET, si, ou, or any word ending in ou or on, or between que and a verb beginning with con or com, the letter L' is generally placed before on, to soften the sound of these words which otherwise would be disagreeable ; so we say ; C'est unpays ou L'on vit a bon marctii? ; it is a country where people live cheap : On apprend vlus facilement les choses que L'on comprend, que celles que L'on ne comprend pas ; people learn more easily the things which they understand, than those which they do not understand : nil on 'vit, c\c. qu'on comprend, c\c. would be harsh to the ear. But if these words were follow- ed by le, la, les, L'must not be added to on, as it would then cause the same discordance which it is intended to remove ; so we say ; Si on le savait, Not, Si l'on le savait ; if people knew it. On estimerait davantage la science, si on la connaissait, Not, si l'on la connaissait ; people would esteem learning more, if they were acquainted with it. JV. B. Some authors make frequent use of this l' without any necessity. + This rule is not without some exceptions ; for we say ; un pot DE chambre; a chamber- pot. Une fille BE chambre ; a chamber-maid. Un bonnet DE nuit ; a night- cap. Un mou- choir de poche ; a pocket-handkerchief. Un cheval DE carosse, a coach-horse, &c. These few exceptions will be learnt by reading, and in conversation. A r . B. Many of these compound names are expressed by a single word in french ; as Coach-man, Cocher ; Foot-man, Laquais ; Fisher-man, Fecheur ; Fish-market, Poissonnerie ; Fish-bone, Arete; Water-fall, Cascade ; Counting-house, Comptoir ; Coach-house, Remise; Arm-chair, Fauteuil, fyc. These expressions are all found in the dictionaries, and will be learnt by reading. A LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, CHAP. IV. DES ADJECTIFS. 39 Quelquefois on 46 Veut designer les Sometimes we* 6 wish to denote - qualites des personnes, ou des choses dont qualities {of the) -or (--) things (of which) on 46 parle ; comme quand je dis : we* 6 speak • as when I say : Un 1 BON mart, Une 1 BELLE femme, A good husband, A fine xooman, De 10 JOLIS enfants, Des fruits MURS ; 16 Some ■pretty children, Fruits ripe; les mots bon, belle, jolis, murs, qui ser- the words good, fine, pretty, ripe, — vent a- de 1 signer la qualite des substances serve to denote- quality (of the) — dont je parle, s'appelent ADJECTIFS. (of which) - speak, are called -—. 13. L'adjectif doit &tre du MEME --must be (of the) same GENRE et du MEME NOMBRE que Je nom gender and (--)• number as • qu' il qualifie. which it qualifies. Lie feminin d' un adjectif se forme en ajoutant e muet au masculin ; ex. Voila un joli gar^on; il est bien HABILLE. Voila une JOLie Jille ; elle est tres bien HABILLEe. - feminine of an - is formed by adding e mute to the- ; ex. (That is) a pretty boy ; he is well dressed. (- •) a pretty girl ; she - very weU dressed. Excepts les adjectifs qui (se terminent) Except • - that end en e muet, qui sont les m&mes pour in e mute, ivhich are the same fo* (les deux) genres; ex. both-; ex. Un JEUNE homme AIMABLE. 16 - young man amiable. Une 1 jeune femme aimable. 16 - - woman -— . Excepte aussi les adjectifs qui (se ter- • also -- that end minent) en #, lesquels changent a? en se in *> which change x into se pour le feminin ; ex. for--; ex. Mojlfrere est PARESSEUZ. My brother is lazy. Ma sceur est paresseu.sc My sister - lazy. Le plurier des adjectifs se forme de la meme maniere que celui des noras, en ajoutant s ou x au singulier; ex. Une jolie Jille. Un beau chateau. De 10 joLiEsJllles. De beaux chapeaux. - plural (of the) - is formed xn - same manner as that (of the) adding s or x (to the) — ; ex. A pretty girl. Some - -. A fine hat. Some fine hats. ■ 9 by 14. Quand un adjectif qualifie plusieurs When an - qualifies several noms du meme genre, il doit etre du -(of the) same -it must be (--) meme genre que ces noms, et plurier ; ex. — as those — , — ,• ex. Mon pere et mon fr ere sont OCCUPES. My father - - brother are busy a Ma mere et ma soeur sont occupies. My mother - - sister - -. 15. Si un adjectif qualifie plusieurs noms de genres differents, 16 V adjectif doit etre masculin 16 et plurier ; ex. Mon pere et ma mere sont occupes. If- - qualifies several - of - different, - - must be masculine - - ; ex 40 INTRODUCTION DES ADJECTIFS. 16. En anglais les adjectifs se placent In english ■- are placed ordinairement avant le nom ; en fran- generally before -,infrench cais ils se placent apres le nom ; ex. Un habit rouge. Un chapeau noir Une 1 table ronde. Un baton rompu. they are placed after - - ; ex, A coat red. - hat black. A table round. • stick broken. 17. De cette regie on doit exeepter les adjectifs, (beau, bel,belle ;) (bon,bonne ;) grand ; (gros, grosse ;) jeune ; joli ; mauvais ; mechant ; meilleur ; meme ; moindre ; petit ; plusieurs ; tout ; (vieux, vieille ;) qui se placent ordinairement avant le nom; car on dit: Un bon mari. Une belle femme. De jolis enfants. Un gros arbre. Une petite maison, Un grand jardin. Les m&mes mots qui servent h qua- lifier les noms, servent aussi au moyen des adverbes, h en 2 * comparer les qualites. Quand on compare ensemble deux substances, la quality d' une de ces substances est ou superieure, ou infe'- rieur&ou egale a la qualite de Y autre; et ceci s* appele comparatif ; ou la qualite d' une de ces substances est (au dessus de) toutes les autres ; et ceci s' appele superlatif. 18. Le comparatif de superiority se forme en mettant plus avant fadjectif ; ex. Monfrere est plus grand que vous. 19. Le comparatif d' inferiorite se forme par moins, ou pas si avant fadjectif; ex. . Mon frere est moins grand ou ri est pas si grand que vous. 20. Le comparatif d' egalite se forme en mettant aussi avant Fadjectif; ex. Monfrere est aussi grand que vous. 21. Le superlatif se forme en ajoutant V article aux particules comparatives 16 plus, moins; ex. Mon frere est le plus grand. Ma sceur est la moins grande.™ Vos enfants sont les plus grands. 13 Mon meilleur ami. Sa plus belle robe. From this — we 46 must except - - (fine, handsome ;) good ; (great, large, tall;) big; young ; pretty ; bad ; wicked ; better ; same ; less; {little, small;) several; (all, whole;) old ; which are placed generally before - - ; for we say : - • husband. - - woman. Some - children. • big tree. - small house. - large garden. • same — which serve to qua- lify f . a l so (ty t ne J means (of the ) • to ( of them) compare . When we compare together two substances, of one of these — is either superior, or infe- rior, or equal to of the other ; and this is called comparative; or the ~— of one of these — is above all the others ; — this is called superlative. The — of superiority is formed by putting plus before ; ex. ' - is (more tall or taller J than -. The — of inferiority is formed by moins or pas si — the — ; ex. My — is less tall, or is not so tall as — . The — of equality is formed by putting aussi before ; ex. My — is as tall as — The — is formed by adding the — (to the) plus, moins ; ex. My — is the most tall, or - tallesf. My — is the least tall. Your - are - most tall, or - tallest. - best friend, tier finest goivn. A LA LANGUE FRANC AISE. 41 CHAP. V. DES PRONOMS. Comme il serait souvent ennuyeux de As it would be often tedious to renter les memes noms, on 46 a adopte — the same -, we 46 have adopted certains petits mots pour representor ces certain small words to represent these noms, et que pour cette raison on 46 a — , . which for this reason we* s have appeles PRONOMS ; ainsi, quand je dis : called — ; so, when I say : je ou moi ; ces mots je ou moi re- I or me ; these — I or me presentent mon nom ; TU, TOI ; NOUS ; name; thou, thee, (we, us;) VOUS ; IL, LUI ; ILS, EUX ; ELLE, you; he,him; they, them; (she,her;) elles, represented les noms de quel- (they, them,) names of ques autres personnes. some other persons. On 46 distingue les pronoms en PER- IT r e 45 distinguish the — into per- SONNELS, RELATIFS, FOSSESSIFS, DEMON- sonal, relative, possessive, demon- 6TRATIFS, IND^FINIS. strative, indefinite. DES PRONOMS PERSONNELS 16 . Les pronoms personnels 16 sont ceux The 16 are such de ces mots qui tiennent ordinairement of these - which keep usually la place des personnes. - - of — , or are used instead of — . On distingue en grammaire trois per- We distinguish in — three sonnes. La premiere personne est celle persons. The first person is that qui parle; comme, je svis, nous sommes; who speaks ; as, I am, we are ; la seconde personne est celle a qui on parle ; . second to whom we speak ; comme, TU es, vous Hes; et la troisieme as, thou art, you are ; --third personne est celle dont on parle ; comme, ( of whom ) we speak ; as IL est, ELLE est ; ILS sont, ELLES sont ; he is, she - ; they are, they - ; mais chacune de ces personnes est repre- hut eacn - these — is sente'e par plusieurs mots differents 16 . represented by several - different™. Les pronoms qui repre'sentent la pre- The — which represent - miere personne sont je, moi* ; me, moi* ; first — are I* ; me* ; NOUS. (we, us.) Ceux qui repre'sentent la seconde sont Those which — the second are TU, TOI* ; TE, TOI* ; VOUS. thou* ; thee* ; you. Ceux qui repre'sentent Yd. troisieme sont Those which — the third are IL, LUI* ; ILS, EUX* ; LE, LUI* ; he* ; they* ; him* ; LES, LEUR* ; pour le mas; ELLE, ELLES; them* ; for the — ; she, they ; LA, LUI* ; LES, LEUR* ; pour le fem ; her* ; them*"; for the - ; mais ces mots ne (s'emploient) pas in- but these -(are used) not differemment l'un pour l'autre. indiscriminately the one for the other. Pour rendre ce sujet plus clair, To render this subject more clear, il me 24 semble necessaire de diviser it (to me u ) seems necessary to divide ces pronoms en nominatifs ou agents these — into — or agents du verbe, et en objcts du verbe. (of the) verb, and into objects (- -) — . * These two words are expressed by the same word in english, but they are not used indiscriminately in french, as will appear by the fpllowing rules. 42 INTRODUCTION DES PRONOMS PERSONNELS. Par nominatif s ou agents du verbe, je By — or — (of the) -I (veux dire) les mots qui dirigent Taction mean - ivords which direct the - du verbe ; et par objets du verbe. les mots (of the)-; -by objects (of the) -., qui en 24 recoivent T action; ainsi, dans which (of it 34 ) receive - -; so, in cette phrase, je vous 24 dime ; je est le this sentence, I you 24 love, I is - nominatif ou agent du verbe aime, et vous en 24 est 1' objet; et dans cette autre, vous 24 m' aimez ; vous est le nomina- tif du verbe aimez ; et me en 24 est 1' objet. Les pronoms nominatifs 15 sont pour la premiere personne, je, moi, singulier ; nous, plurier ; pour la seconde personne, tu, toi, singulier ; vous, plurier ; pour la troisieme au masculin, il, lui, singulier ; ils, eux, plurier ; pour la troisieme au feminin, elle, singu- lier ; elles, plurier ; mais les mots je on moi ; tu ou toi ; il ou lui ; ILS ou eux, (ne s' emploient pas) indiffe- remment 1' un pour 1' autre. - or - (of the) - love, - you (ofit Zi ) is - -; - - this other, you me love ; you is (of the) - love ; - me (of it 3 *) is . The — nominative 19 are for - first — I, singular ; we, plural ; - - second — thou, singular ; you, plural; - - third (in the) masculine, lie, singular ; they, plural ; • - third (in the) feminine, she, singU' lar ; they, plural; but - . je or moi ; tu or toi ; il or lui ; ils or eux, (are not used) indis- cnminately the one for the other. 22. JE, TU, IL, ILS, s' emploient Je, tu, il, ils, are used (toutes les fois qu') il y a dans la phrase whenever there is in - sentence un verbe qui peut s'accorder avec ces pro- a - which may agree with — ; noms ; ex. je suis, tu es, il est, ils sont. - 1 am, thou art, he is, they are. 23. MOI, TOI, LUI, EUX, s' em- Moi, toi, lui, eux, are used ploient lorsque ces mots sont joints a un when these ■ are joined to an- autre substantif pour nominatif du m£me other — for — (of the) same verbe, ou lorsque le verbe est sous-enten- _ , or when - - is understood ; du ; ex. Qui est la? moi. Ce it est pas ex. Who is there 1 I. It is not MOI qui ai fait cela ; c' est lui. Vous I who have done that ; it is he. You et Moi 7ious irons. Toi et lui vous res- -I will go. Thou - he shall terez. Ce sont EUX qui We 25 f 29 out dit. stay. It is they - me it 29 have told. N. B. NOUS, VOUS, ELLE, ELLES, N. B. Nous, vous, elle, elles, etant invariablement les m&mes dans touts being invariably - same in all les? cas, ne pmsentent aucune difficulte. instances, present no difficulty. Les pronoms objets du verbe sont pour la premiere personne me, moi, si?ig ; nous, plur ; pour la seconde personne te, toi, singul ; vous, plur ; pour la troisieme personne au masculin, le, lui, singul ; les, leur, eux, plur ; pour la troisieme personne au feminin LA, LUI, ELLE, Singul / LES, LEUR, elles, plur; mais ces mots ne s'em- ploient pas indifferemment. The (of the) — are for - first — me, singular ; us, plural ; - - — — thee, singular ; you, plural ; - - third - in the masculine, him, him singular ; them, plural ; _ (in the) feminine her, singular ; them, them plural ; but these — are used nut indiscriminately. A LA LANGUE FRANfAISE. DES PRONOMS PERSONNELS. Les pronoms objets du verbe se placent The — — (of the) — are tantot avant, et tantot apres le verbe ; et sometimes before, - - after - - ; - le choix de ces mots depend de la place . choice of depends on - place que ces pronoms occupent dans la phrase. - - - keep in - sentence. 43 24. Prenez pour regie generate 16 que les pronoms objets du verbe, se placent en francais avant le verbe qui les 24 regit ; dans ces cas me s' exprime par me, et thee par te ; ainsi on dit : 11 me voit. II TE VOit. II LE VOit. II LA VOit. U nous voit. II vous voit. II les voit. II ne me voit pas. II ne te voit pas. II ne le voit pas. II ne la voit pas. II ne nous voit pas. II ne vous voit pas. II ne les voit pas. me voit-il? te voit-il ? le voit-il ? la voit-il? nous voit-il? vous voit-il ? les voit-il ? Ne me voit-il pas ? Ne te voit-il pas ? Ne le voit-il pas ? Ne la voit-il pas ? Ne nous voit-il pas? Ne vous voit-il pas ? Ne les voit-il pas ? 25. Observez seulement que si le verbe qui re'git ces pronoms est compose* d'un des verbes auxiliaires 16 avoir ou etre, et d'un participe passe 16 , les pronoms se placent avant le verbe auxiliaire 16 , non entre le verbe auxiliaire etle participe ; ainsi on dit : // m' a vu. II t' a vu. II l' a vu. II l' a vue. II nous a vus. II vous a vus. II les a vus. 11 ne m' a pas vu. II ne t' a pas vu. II ne l' a pas vu. II ne l' a pas vue. m' a-t*-il vu ? t' a-t-il vu ? i! a-t-il vu ? l' a-t-il vue ? nous a-t-il vus? vous a-t-il vus ? les a-t-il vus ? Ne m* a-i*-il pas vu ? Ne t' a-t-il pas vu? Ne l' a-t-il pas vu ? Ne l' a-t-il pas vue] II ne nous a pas vus. Ne nous a-t-il pas vus? II ne vous a pas vus. iVevous a-t-il pasvus? II ne les a pas vus. Ne les a-t-il pas vus ? Take for rule — that - (of the) -, are placed in - before which - a * governs ; - these instances - is expressed - me, - — by te j so we say : Heine sees. Me sees hen - thee -. Thee - .? - him -. Him - -? - her -. Her - .? - us Us - _? - you -. You -? - them-. Them - _7 He me sees not. Me sees he not?* - thee - - Thee - - . i - him - -. Him - - _? - her - - Her - - .? - us - - Us - - _? - you - - You - - . 1 - them - - Them - - .? Observe only that if - governs - - is compounded - - auxiliary 15 have or be, and - participle past 19 , are placed before , not between - ; so we say : ("-) -7§ He me has seen. Me has he -1{ - thee - -. Thee - -? - him - -. Him - - -? - her - -. Her - - -? - us -. Us - -? - you - -. You - -? - them - -. Them - - -? He me has not se: 72. Me has he " ~1\ - thee - - - Thee - - ? - him - - -. Him - - -? - her - - -. Her - - -? - us - -. Us - -? - you - - -. You - - -? - them - - -. Them - - -? * The letter (t) has not any meaning here, it is added only to soften the pronunciation, t Proper english, Does he see me, §c. +. Does he not see me ? §c. § Proper english, Has he seen me, §c. || Has he not seen me ? ?/ez-LEUR-EN ; Envoy ez-LUI-Y-EN ; E?ivot/ez-LEUR-Y-EN Erivoyez-Y-Eti ; Give it or him* me - it or her* -. - them -. - me some. - us, him oi- it. - - her or it. - - them. - - some. Send there me,. - it - -. - them - -. - - some -. - - it -. - - them -. - - - (some.) Represent it(to thee.) - her or it* (- -.) - them (- -.) - thee (of it.) - yourself him or it. - - her or it. - - them. - - (tf it.) Carry yourself there. EnoMire-there(o/it.) Gi<;eit(tohima)'her.) - it or her* ( .) - them ( .) (to them.1 - it o?- her (- -.) Warn him (of it.) - them (- -.) Send him or it there - them -. - (to him or her)-, -her or it (--) -. - it or him (--) - her oi* it* (- -) - - them (- -) -. - (to him) some. - (to him) there -. See 30th rule. 46 INTRODUCTION DES PRONOMS PERSONNELS. 30. Comme (il n' y a) en fraiHjais que deux genres, le masculin et le feminin, les pronoms it, they, them qui (se rapportent) aux^ choses, et qui sont du genre neutre 16 en anglais, (s' expri- ment) par il, elle, ils, elles ; le, la, les, de meme que si on par- lait des? personnes ; ainsi on dit ; en par- lant d'un homme ou d'un habit ; Il est bienfalt; Je vous le 24 montrerai. En parlant d'une fefnrne ou d'une^ewr; Elle est belle ; Regardez -la 23 . Remarquez que les mots le, la, les, projioms, sont pr^cis^ment les m6mes que le, la, les, article; mais il est aise de ne pas les 84 confondre. le, la, les, article est toujours suivi d'un ncm ; le, la, les, projiom est toujours precede ou suivi d'un verbe ; ainsi, dans cette phrase ; Void le pere, la mere, et les enfants ; le, la, les est article. Et dans ces autres ; Je le 24 vois, je la 24 vois, je les 24 vois ; Voyez-L-E 25 , voyez-LA 2s , voyez-LES* 3 ; le, la, les est pronom. 31. Les pronoms he, she, they, him, her, them s emploient quel- quefois sans rapport h un nom exprime dans la phrase, mais avec rapport aux mots man, woman, ou people sous-entendus ; alors h Mi iiim s' expriinent par celut ; she, her par celle ; they, them, par ceux ; ex. As (there are) in french only two genders, the — and the •—, the — -, -, - which refer to 7 things, and which are (of the) — neuter , are expressed by il, elle, ils, elles ; le, la, les, the same asifice* 5 spoke of 7 — ; so we say ; in speaking - - man or - - coat ; He or it is ivell made. I you Zd it or him (wilt shew.) woman - - - flower : She or it is fine ; look at her or it. Remark that — words le, la, les, — , are precisely the same as le, la, les, — ; bat it is easy to not them 2 * confound. Le, la, les, — , is always followed by a noun ; le, la, les — is always preceded or followed by a — ; so, in this sentence ; (Here is) , - mother, • - children ; le, la, les is an article. And - these others ; 1 him see, - her -, - them • ; See him, • her, - them ; le, la, les is a — . The — HE, SHE, THEY, him, her, THEM, are used sometimes without reference to a — expressed in the — , but with — (to the) words MAN, WOMAN, - PEOPLE nnderstood ; then he, HIM are expressed by celui j she, her by celle ; THEY, THEM, by ceux ; ex. Celui a qui, c'est a. dire, l'homme He to whom, i. e., - man a qui personne ne plait, est plus to whom nobody pleases, is more malheureux que celui qui, i. e., que l' unhappy thanhe who, i.e., than t)u homme qui ne plait a personne. man who pleases nobody . Celle qui, c'est a. dire, la femme She who, i. e., - woman qui refuse un mari, n! est pas toujours who refuses a husband, is not ahoay sure dten trouver un autre. sure of finding another. Ceux qui, c'est a dire, les gens They who, i. e., - people qui ]?araissent heureux, ne le- 4 sont pas who appear happy , so are net toujours. always. A LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. DES PRONOMS RELATIFS. Le mot relatif signifie qui a rapport. The • - means which has reference 47 Quoique touts les pronoms par leur nature soient relatifs, c'est a. dire aient du rapport a quelque substantif exprime' ou sous-entendu, on 46 a donne a (ceux-ci) 'e nom de relatifs, (a 1' exclusion) des autres, parcequ' ils servent plutot a rappeler l'idee des etres dont on 46 a parle, qu' a les 24 representer. Though all the pronouns by their nature be relative, i. e. have some reference to some — expressed or , — t people* 6 have given to these the name of — , exclusively (of the) otriers, because they — rather to recall - idea (- -) beings of which we have spoken, than to them 2 * represent. Les pronoms relatifs 1 DONT, QUOI, QUEL, anglais who, whom, WHICH, WHAT. SOnt QUI, QUE, The — relative are qui, que, LEQUEL ; en dout, quoi, quel, lequel ; in WHOSE, THAT-, english, —, •—, — , — , Ces mots semblent ne presenter aucune These — seem -(to present) any difficult^, cependant, comme le meme difficulty, yet, as - same mot est represents par plusieurs mots word is represented by several — differents 16 dans (les deux) langues ; ils — 16 in both languages ; they embarrassent souvent les commencants ; embarrass often the beginners ; ainsi faites attention aux regies suivantes. so pay — . (to the) — following. 32. Quand who, that, which, When — , — , — , sont le nomin atif d'un verbe, ils s'expri- are the — of a — , they are expressed nient par qui ; by qui j Quand whom, that, which, sont When — ,—,—,are ] objet d'un verbe, ils s'expriment par the — of a —, they are expressed by QUE* ; que*; WHOSE, of WHOM, of WHICH, — , of — , of — s'expriment par dont. are expressed by dont. N. B. qui, que, dont ne con- naissent ni genre ni nombre ; c' est a. dire, se disent egalement des? personnes et des choses, d'un ou de plusieurs; ainsi on (lit; Uhomme qui, le cheval qui, le ca- rosse qui est a la porte. Uhomme que, le cheval que, le ca- rosse que nous avons rencontre. Uhomme dont, le cheval dont, le carosse dont je vous- 5 ai parle. N. B. Qui, que, dont, know neither — nor — ; that is to say, are said both of 7 — and of 7 things, of one or - several ; 50 we say : The man who, - horse that, - coach which is at - door. The — whom, the — that, the — which - have met. (°f whom,) (o/ which) - - (of which) - (to you 25 ) have spoken. * Persons not versed in grammatical terms are often at a loss to distinguish the object from the nominative, i. e. when to express THAT, which by QUI, and when by QUE. To these I will observe, that that, which are the nominative, and expressed by QUI, when they are followed immediately by a verb ; as, The coach that or WHICH is at the door ; Le carosse qui est a la porte. that, which are the object of the verb, and expressed by QUE, when, between them and the verb, there is a noun or a pronoun which is the nominative of the verb ; as, The coach that or which we have met ; Le carosse que nous avons rencontre. 48 INTRODUCTION DES PRONOMS RELATIFS. 33. Quelquefois WHOM, WHICH, Sometimes—,—, sont regis par une preposition, et non par are governed by a — , and not un verbe ; alors ils s'expriment, a — ; then they are expressed, whom par qui, pour (les deux) — by qui, for both genres et (les deux) nombres ; — , and both — ; WHICH par leqVEL, ZaQUELLE, — by lequel, laquelle, lesQUELS, Ze.sQUELLES. lesquels, lesquelles. From WHICH par dz/QUEL, de la- From — , by duquel, de la- QUELLE, desQUELS, desQUELLES. quelle, desquels, desquelles. To, at WHICH par flWQUEL, d la- To, at — by auquel, a la- QUELLE, ailXQXJEltS, aw — ploient quelquefois sans rapport a un are used — without reference to a nom exprime, mais par rapport au mot — expressed, but with — (to the) word PERSON sous-entendu. Ces mots peu- —understood. These words vent alors (se tourner) par what per- may then (be turned) into — SON, QUELLE PERSONNE, et s'ex- — > quelle personne, and are ex- priment par QUI ; ex. pressed by qui ; ex. Qui vous* 5 a dit cela? (e'est k dire,) Who you™ has told that? i.e. quelle personne vous- 5 a dit cela ? wtat — 25 - - -? Je ne sais qui vous (youlez dire) ; I know not whom — mean, (e'est a dire) quelle personne vous i-e-what voulez dire). -"*• A QUI OU a QUELLE PERSONNE est 1 o whom or - what — belongs cette maison ? that house, (or whose house is that ?) De QUI on de quelle personne est- 0/ whom or - what — is ellefille ? she daughter ? whose daughter - - ? Dans les phrases interrogatives 16 , I» — sentences interrogative" WHICH demande trois distinctions. — requiresthree distinctions. 35. Quelquefois WHICH se joint Sometimes — is joined comme un adjectif au nom qui le 24 suit, like an -(to the) -which follows it, ** e'est a dire sans le secours des* preposi- i. e.> without the help (of the) — ; tions ; comme, which man? which as, •' — carriage? which horses? alors which — ? ? then — s'exprime par quel, quelle, quels, " expressed by quel, quelle, quels, quelles, suivant ie genre et le nombre quelles (agreeably to ) and — du nom qui le 24 suit; ex. (°f-) — follows tt*; ex. De quel homme parlez-vous ? 0/ which man speak you? ^ Dans quelle voiture ( meltrai-je) ceci ? ln which — < shal1 2 P M ) ths ? a quels chevaux le 2 * fdonnerai-je ?) T ° which horses lt (** 1 give ^ A LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. 49 DES PRONOMS RELATIFS. 36. Quelqiiefois WHICH se joint Sometimes — is joined comme un substantif au no'm qui le 84 suit, like — (to the) noun -follows it* par le moyen d'une preposition; comme, by -means ; as, jriiicu of these men ? which of the '/ carriages? ou il s'emploie sans etre suivi — '/ or it is used — being followed d'un nom, mais par rapport a un nom by — .but with reference to a—, dont on a deja fait mention; comme, It (of which) --already made — ; as, - is one of these men ; wnicn is it ? alors ; -is-'/ then WHICH s'exprime par /eQUEL, la- which is expressed by lequei, QUELLE, leSQXJELS, /eSQUELLES ; laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles ; Of, from WHICH par C??ZQUEL, de la- -,- which, by duquel, de la- QUELLE, desQUELS, c/esQUELLES ; quelle, desquels, desquelles ; To, at WHICH par GWQUEL, a la- -, - which by auquel, a la- QUELLE, C?/JQUELS, <2Z/.ZQUELLES, quelle, auxquels, auxquelles, (c'est a dire) 1'article d£fini ls le, la, les ; (i. e.) le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux, suivant du,dela,des; au,a la,aux,(aoret>aWi/ ?o) le genre et le nombre du nom, s' ajoute (--)—, is added aux mots QUEL, QUELLE, QUELS, (tothe) — quel, quelle, quels, quelles, comme s'ils etaient eux-memes quelles, 05 if they were themselves des 8 noms ; ex. duquel de ces hommes parlez-vous? lequel est le plus grand ? laquelle des voitures prtferez-vous? laquelle est la plus belle ? lesquels de ces chevaux aurons-nous? lesquels sont les meilleurs ? 37. Quelquefois le relatif which ren- ferme le mot that ou those sous-entendu, comme, quand, en reponse a cette ques- tion ; which horse shall I ride ? Je dis, Ride which you will, c'est a dire, that which you will ; which dans ce sens s'exprime par celui que, mas. ; celle que, fern. ; ceux que, masc. pi. ; celles que, fern. plur. ; suivant le genre et le nombre du nom auquel il (se rapporte) ; ex. Lequel de ces chevaux monterai-je ? Montez celui qu' il vous 2 * plaira ? Dans quelle voiture mettrai-je ceci ? Mettez-le dans celle QUEje vous ai dit. Auxquels des garrons le donnerai-je? Donnez-lt 2 * a ceux que vous voudrez. - a ^-o- nouns; ex. (Of which) - - - speak you '/ Which is - vzost tall, or - tallest '/ Y\ hich (- -) carriages prefer you '/ Which - - most fine, or -finest '/ Which of these - (shall have) we '/ Which are the best'/ Sometimes - relative which im- plies the understood, as, when, in answer to - question ; v I say, , i. e., • - - sense is expressed by celui que, mns. ; celle que, fern. ; ceux que, - - ; celles que, - - ; (agreeably to) '- (of the) — (to which) it refers; ex. Which (shall ride) 1/ Ride which, i. e. that which - please. In which carriage (shall put) I this '/ Put it in which, i.e. that which - - - 1 old. (To which) (. -) boys it* (shall give)U Give it to which, i.e. those which -will. what, (do meme que) which, de- — , (as well as ) — , mande trois distinctions. requires three distinctions. 50 INTRODUCTION DES PRONOMS RELATIFS. 38. Quelquefois what se joint com- me un adjectif aunom qui le suit; alors il s'exprime par quel, quelle, quels, quelles de la meme maniere que which ; ex. De quel homme, de quelle voiture, de quels chevaux parlez-vous ? Sometimes — is joined like (to the) - - follows it 2 * ; then ii is expressed by quel, quelle, quels, quelles, in the same manner as — ; ex. 0/what — , - what carriage, - what horses speak — '! 39. Quelquefois what s'emploie absolument, c'est a dire, sans rapport a un nom exprime, mais avec rapport au mot thing sous-entendu ; alors what peut se tourner par what thing, et s'exprime par que, ou par quoi. what s'exprime par que, quand il est 1' objet d'un verbe ; com me, Que dites-vous? que faites-vous? what s'exprime par quoi, quand il est reg-i par une preposition ; com me, De quoi parle-t-il? A quoi pensez-vous? Ou employe comme interjection; ex. Quoi ! vous rietes pas encore leve. 40. what s'emploie quelquefois au lieu des mots that, which; comme, quand on dit; Do what is just; c'est & dire, that which is jhst ; alors what s'exprime par ce qui, quand il est le nominatif d'un verbe, et par ce que, quand il en 24 est X objet ; ex. FaitescE qui est juste. Ge que je vous? 4 dis est vrai. Mais quand what dans le sens de that which est regi par les propo- sitions of, to, (il faut) considerer si la proposition vient avant ou apres what; car, or what s'exprime par de ce qui, nomin. ; par de ce que, objet; ex. Parlez de ce qui vous 24 regarde. what of, s'exprime par ce dont ; Ce dont je parte ne vous regarde pas. to what s'exprime par a ce qui, a ce que ; comme. CAppliquez-vous) a ce qui est utile. what to s'exprime par ce a quoi ; comme, Ce a quoi il s* applique nest pets utile. is used absolutely, i. e., toithoui reference - expressed, but with — (to the) understood ; then — may be turned into , - is expressed by que, or by quoi. — is expressed - que, ichen it is - object ; as, AVI) at say — ?—do — '/ — is expressed - quoi, - governed - - — ; as, Of what speaks - 7 To what thin!: -', Or used as an interjection ; ex. What ! — are not yet up. — is used — in - stead (of the) , — ; as, when ice w say ; ; that is to say, ; then — is expressed by ce qui, when it is of . — , - - ce que, — it (of it 24 ) is ; ex. Do that which or what -just. That which or what - - say - true. But when — in - sense - governed by -, -, (it is necessary) (to -) whether - — comes before or after — ; for, is expressed by de ce qui, — ; by de ce que, — ,• ex. Speak of what, i. e. of that which . concerns. , is expressed by ce dont ; - (of which ) - - or what - speak of-- not — Iry ace qui, a ce que ; as, Apply to that which or what - useful. is expressed by ce »\ * quoi ; as, —to which - applies or what - - to - not -. A LA LANGUE FRANC A I SF. DES PRONOMS TOSSESSIFS. On appele pronoms possessifs 16 cer- We i!i call 5} possessive certain tains mots qu' on 48 emploie h designer — which are used 48 to denote la possession des objets dont on 43 parle. — (of the) . ( of ivkich) we 4a speak Les pronoms possessifs 13 sont, mien, tien, sien, pour le mctsc. MIENNF, TIENNE, SIENNE, f4lYl. n6tre, votre, leur, servent pour (les deux) genres. N. B. Les pronoms possessifs 16 sont toujours precedes 13 de Particle defini 13 le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux, de meme que s'ils etaient des noms ; ainsi on 46 dit ; Le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes. Du mien, de la mienne, des miens, des miennes. Au mien, a la mienne, aux miens, aux MIENNES. Le tien, la tienne les tiens, les TIENNES. Du tien, de la tienne, des tiens, des TIENNES. All TIEN, d la TIENNE, ailX TIENS, ailX TIENNES. Le sien, la sienne, les siens, les SIENNES. Du sien, de la sienne, des siens, des SIENNES. Au sien, a la sienne, aux siens, aUX SIENNES. Le n6tre, la notre, les n6tres. Du notre, de la notre, des notres. Le votre, la votre, les votres, Sfc. Le leur, la leur, ZesLEURs, Sfc. 41. Les pronoms possessifs 16 s'accor- dent en genre et en nombre avec le nom qu'ils representent ; ex. Votre cheval est meilleur que le mien ; e'est a dire, que mon cheval. Ma maison est mieux silu'ee que la sienne; e'est a dire, que sa maison. Je prefere cette situation a la leur. Vous avez pris mes gants, et moi, fai pris LES VOTRES. Melezvous* 6 de vos affaires, et ne vous*i melez pas des notres. e 2 The are, Mine, thine, his or hers, for . Mine, thine, his or hers, — . Ours, yours, theirs, serve for both genders. N. B. The are always preceded by • le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux, the same as if they were norms Mine. O/mine. To mine. Thine. Of thine. To thine. His, Hers. O/his, o/hers To his, to hers. Ours. Of ours. Yours. Theirs. The agree in gender - in number with - — which - represent ; ex. Your horse is better than mine ; i. e., than my — . My house - better situated than his ; i. e., thari his — . jT prefer this situation to theirs. - have taken - gloves, - 1 have — yours. Meddle yourself 2 ** with your — , yourself 27 meddle not with ours. 52 INTRODUCTION DES PRONOMS POSSESSIFS, 42. Les Anglais emploient les pro- The English use — noms POSSESSIFS 16 MINE, THINE, HIS, — mine, thine, bis, HERS, OURS, YOURS, THEIRS, dans hers, ours, yours, theirs, in des cas oa les Francois font usage des some- (in which) make use (of the) pronoms personnels 16 moi, toi, lui, moi, toi, lui, ELLE, NOUS, VOUS, EUX, ELLES ; elle, nous, vous, eux, elles ; c'est lorsque ces pronoms (se rencontrent) it is when meet avec le verbe To be, etre, employe with - — to be, etre, used dans le sens du verbe To belong, in the sense (of the) appartenir; car alors mine s'exprime — ; f or then — is expressed par a moi; thine, par a toi; by a moi ; — , by a toi ; HIS, par & LUI; HERS, par d ELLE; his, by a lui ; hers, by a elle ; OURS, par a NOUS; YOURS, par a ours, by a nous ; yours, by a vous; theirs, par a eux, masculin ; vous ; theirs, by a eux, — \ par d elles, feminin ; ex. Ce cheval est-il 52 a vous? 0?fz, z7 es£ a moi. Je pensais qii il etait a votre frere. Qui vous 25 a dit q\Z il etait a lui ? Ne saves-vous pas que tout ce qui est ici est a moi ? Je pense que ces livres sont a eux. lis ?ie sont pas a eux ; Us sont a nous. by a elles, — ; ex. This horse is it 52 yours i. e. to you * Yes, it is mine i. e. to me. J thought - it was to your brother. Who - has told that it was his ? Know - not that all that wliich is here is mine 1 . - think — are to them i. e. theirs. They are not theirs j - - ours. 43. Les Anglais font encore usage des pronoms possessifs 15 mine, thine, HIS, HERS, OURS, YOURS, THEIRS, dans un autre cas ou les Francais emploient l'article possessif mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs ; c' est dans ces sortes d'idiomes ; A friend of mine ; A book of yours; dans ces cas mine s'exprime par mes ; thine, par tes , his ou hers, par ses ; ours, par nos ; yours, par vos; theirs, par leurs, qui, suivant les regies sur T article, se placent avant le nom ; ex. Un de vos amis est venu ici. Un de ses enfants est mort. Un de nos voisins me 25 V a dit. J'ai rencontre un de leurs valets. The — make still use (of the) mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, in another instance (in which) - — use mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs ; it is - • kinds of idioms ; A friend of mine ; A book of yours ; ---mine is expressed by mes ; thine, - tes ; his or hers, by ses; ours, - nos; yours, -vos; theirs, - leurs, -, (agreeably to) - - on the — , are placed before - - ; ex. One of your friends* is come here. One of his children} is dead. One of our neighbours% - it has told. I have met one of their servants. § * Or, a friend of yours. tervant of theirs. t Or, a child of his. $ Or, a neighbour of ours. § Or, a A LA LANGUE FRANC AISE. 53 DES PRONOMS DEMONSTRATIFS. On appele pronoms demonstratifs 16 certains mots qui servent a indiquer les cbjets dont on parle. Ces pronoms sont celui, celle ; ceux, celles, formes des pronoms vcrsonnels 16 ^lui, elle, eux, elles, auxquels on ajoute ce. 44. Les pronoms demonstratifs, de meme que les autres pronoms, s'accordent en genre et en nombre avec le nom qu' ils representent ; ex. Ce cheval vaut mieuoc que celui, (c'est a dire) le cheval que vous avez vendu. Cette maison est mieux situee que celle, (c'est a dire) la maison oil je demeure. Vos livres sont plus amusants que ceux de votre sceur. Les rues de Paris ne sont pas si larges, ni si commodes que celles de Londres. N. B. Les mots this, these ; that, those, indiquent une distinction locale 16 que les mots celui, celle, ceux, celles ne designent pas ; (c'est pourquoi) lorsqu' on* 3 veut mar- quer cette distinction en franc.ais, (il faut) ajouter aux mots celui, celle, ceux, celles, la particule adverbiale 18 ci pour designer un objet proche, et la pour designer un objet 6loigrie ; ex. Ce cheval-ci vaut mieux que celui-la. Cette maison-LA est mieux situee que celle-ci. Ces livres-ci sont plus amusants que CEUX-LA. Ces rues-LA sont plus arges que celles -ci. We i6 call — demonstrative certain — which — to (-point out) - — (of which) ice 45 speak. These celui, celle ; (this, that ;) ceux,celles ; [these, those,) for med(- -) — - — lui, elle, eux, elles, (to ichich) ice 46 add ce. Tlie , the same as - other — , agree in — and with which they represent ; ex. Tlxis - is better than that, (i. e.,) the horse which - have sold. This - is better situated than that, i. e., — house (in which) • live. - boohs are more entertaining than those . The streets are not so broad, nor so commodious as those - London, N. B. The r— this, these ; that, those, (point out) local 16 which ~ - celui, celle, ceux, celles denote not ; therefore when we 45 wish (to sheiv ) tliat , (it is necessary) (to add)(to the) — celui, celle, ceux, celles, adverbial 16 fci, here,) to denote - object near, - fla, there,) (far off); ex. ■This — here is better - that there. That - there is better situated tluin this here. These — here are more — than those there. Those - there are broader - these here. 45. CECI, CELA se trouvent auss (Ceci, iftis;)(cela, that ;) are found dans la classe des pronoms demonstra- - - class (of the) . tifs 10 . Ces mots representent le sub- These stantif chose sous-entendu, et peuvent thing undei-stood, - may se tourner par CETTE CHOSE-CI, be turned into this thing-, CETTE CHOSE-La ; ainsi quand je dis : that thing ; so when - - : Ceci est bon ; c'est comme si je disais, CETTE CHOSE- CI est boiUie. Cela est mauvais ; c'est a dire, cette chose-la est mauvaise. Thisis good ; itis (the same) as if- said this thing - good. That - bad ; i. e. that thing - -. Oi INTRODUCTION DES PRONOMS INDEFINIS. Les pronoms indefinis sont des 8 mots The — indefinite are .» n.b. — qui servent (ainsi que) les autres pronoms Hke- other — a designer les objets, mais d'une maniere to denote — , but in a — indeterminee 13 ; comme quand je dis : indeterminate 16 ; asichen I say : On vient ; QUELQu' UN vient; People come ; Somebody comes ; Ces mots ON, QUELQu' UN, (bien qu*) These — people, somebody, though lis (se rapportent) a quelque personne, they refer to some — , ne designent personne en particulier. denote not (any body) m particular. Les pronoms indefinis 16 sont (en as- The are (rather sez grand nombre,) comme on le 24 verra numerous,) as we** it (shall see dans la seconde partie de ce traite* ; mais part of this treatise ; but je ne parlerai ici que du pronom On, le I (will speak)here only (of the) • On, plus usite de touts. most used of all. 46. On de*signe qvelqu' un, quelque On denotes somebody, some personne, et repr&sente les mots ONE, we, person, - represents one, we, they, people, employe's dans un sens in- they,' people, used - a — defini ; ainsi, quand je dis: on vient; c'est — ; so, u-hen I say: one comes; it it COmme si je disais, QUELQu'lJN Vient. (the same) as- - said, somebody — . 47. Les Anglais ont une autre maniere The English have another way indefinie 16 de s 24 exprimer, au moyen du — to themselves— , (by the) means (■ -) pronom indefini 16 it, que les Francois it, which the French expriment par On ; ex. express by On j ex. On dit ; OXCroit; ON rapporte. Itis said; -is believed;, is reported* 48. Les expressions passives 10 e*tant The expressions passive being contraires au genie de la langue franchise, contrary to the genius of 1 on y 24 supple*e au moyen du pronom On ; we them supply (by the)- (of the) -On, ainsi, au lieu de dire comme les Anglais; so, instead of saying like — ; j'AI ETE DIT que des nouvelles ONT ETE I have been told that news has been repies ; les Francais disent; received; — say ; On m' a dit qu' on a regu des 8 nouvelles. One - - told - - - received™*, news. Voila ce qui rend l'usage du pronom (It is )that which renders- .(of the) . On si frdquent, que vous trouverez On so frequent, that you (will find) (peu de 9NB ) pages ou ce petit mot (ne few pages (in ivhich) this small- se 24 pr£sente) a VOS yeilX. (itself will not present) --eyes. Remarquez que On est toujours no- Remark that On is always minatif du verbe, et que, quoiqu* il nominative (cf the) — , --, though it repre'sente souvent les mots we, they, represents often — we, they, people, qui sont du nombre plurier 16 , il people, which are ( of the) ,it demande toujours le verbe a la troisieme requires always - — in -third personne au singulier, comme on le 24 voit _^ nt ^_ as we it** sue dans ces exemples ; t } iese t On vient; On dit; On croit ; People come; —say , -believe; Os pense; On rapporte; On a recti, Sfc. -think; —report ; -have received. A LA LANGUE FRAN£AISE. 55 CHAP. VI. DES VERBES. Le verba est un mot dont l'usage est The verb is - — (of which, j - use - de designer 1' existence, ou 1' action des to denote — , or- — (of the) etres qui sont le sujet de nos pense*es. beings that are — of our thoughts. L' existence ; comme, je suis, Sexiste. The — ; as, I am, I exist. L' action; comme, je parte, je chantey - —s as, I speak, I sing, je marche, je bois, je mange, fyc. • walk, - drink, - eat, §c. Toute action demande un agent, c'est Every — requires -agent, that is a dire, un etre pour produire cette action, to say, -being to -produce — , et cet agejit s' appele en grammaire le -this — is called in grammar - nominatif da verbe. —(of the) — . Nous avons vu page 41, qu' (il y a) We have seen -41, that (there are) trois personnes, dont la premiere est celle three— ,( of which) -first -that qui parle ; la seconde celle a qui on who speaks; — that to whom we parle, et la troisieme celle dont on parle. speak, - - third - (of whom) — . 49. Le verbe doit etre du meme rhe — must be (of the) same nombre et de la meme personne que le —-of -same — as - nominatif, et ceci s' appele en grammaire — , - this is called in — accord du verbe avec son nominatif; ex. agreement (of the) — with its — ; ex J'apprends ; TU apprends ; IL apprend ; lleam; thou learnest ; he learns ELLE apprend. she learns. MON FRERE apprend; MA SQUUR ap- - brother learns; - sister learns. prend. Nous apprenons ; vous apprenez. - learn ; - learn, ILS OU ELLES apprennent ; MES FRERES 'leam; -brothers apprennent ; mes sozurs apprennent. learn; -sisters leam. Le nominatif da verbe se place tantdt The — {--^ — h placed sometimes avant, et tantot apres le verbe. oefore, — after — . 50. Dans les phrases qui ne sont pas In - sentences which are not interrogatives, le nominatif se place avant interrogative, — is placed before le verbe ; ex. — ; «. J' apprends Men; tu apprends Men; lleam well; - learnest well ; Il apprend Men ; elle apprend Men. - learns - ; - learns—. Mon frere apprend Men; ma sojiur well) — apprend Men. . Nous apprenons Men ; vous appre- - leam - ; - leam nez Men. well. Ils apprennent Men; elles appren- -hum-; -leam nent Men. well. Mes freres apprennent Men; mes well; - sqpurs apprennent Men. well. 56 INTRODUCTION DES VERBES. Mais quand la phrase est interroga- But ivhen , live, c' est a dire, quand on fait une i. e.,'- -ask - question, (il faut) considdrer si le no- - , (it h necessary) (to-) whether . minatif du verbe est un nom ou un — (of the) hohh m .. PRONOM. — . 51. Si, quand on 48 fait une question, If, — we 4 * ask a — , le nominatif du verbe est un pronom — (of the) 'personnel 15 , ou le pronom indeji?ii K on — ,or on ou ce, ces pronoms se placent en fran- or ce, these — are placed — cais comme en anglais apres le verbe; ex. as ; ex. Apprends-JE* bien? Appr ends-TV Men? - Learn 1* well? Learnest thou — ? Apprend-U* bien? Apprend-E1.LE Men? Learns he — ? Learns she — ? Appreno?is-i$oxjs ? Apprenez-vous Men ? Learn we — ? Learn you — ? Apprennent-iLS ? A pprennent- elles Men ? Learn they — ? Learn they — ? Que. dU-OW ? Est-CE la tout? What say people? Is that all? 52. Si, dans une phrase interrogative™, If , in a sentence — , le nominatif du verbe est un nom, on — (of the) — -noun,we i6 place ce nom avant le verbe, de meme — this — before — , the same que si la phrase n'etait pas interrogative; as if — was not — ; mais pour marquer qu' on fait une ques- but to shew that we ask — , Hon, on ajoute apres le verbe un des we add after — one (of the) pronoms personnels* il, elle, ils, ou il, elle, ils, elles, suivant le genre et le nombre du tf elles, (agreeably to) — and — nom qui est le nominatif du verbe; ex. (of the) — which ( fthe) — ; *» Voire FRERE apprend-IL* bien ? - brother learns he* well 1 Votre so3UR apjjrend-ELLE bien ? - sister learns she — 1 Vos FRERES appreJinent -ILS Men? - brothers learn they — ? Vos S03URS apprennent-ELLES bien ? - sisters learn they — '! CHAP. VII. DES ADVERBES. Nous avons vu page 55, que le verbe We have seen . ■-, that - - est un mot qui sert a exprimer une action; is serves to express — mais comme la meme action peut se faire but as - same — may be performed de differentes 13 manieres, on 46 a adopte in — manners, u-e 46 have adopted certains mots auxquels on 46 a donne le (to which) - - given - nom d' ad verbe, pour exprimer la ,to express - maniere dont se fait cette action ; comme, —( in which) is done this — ; as, Je marche vite ; Tu marches lentement. - walk fast ; - walkest slowly Nous parlous bien ; Tons parlez mal. - speak well ; - speak badly. * When the English ask a question, they are obliged to have recourse to the signs do, does, did ; as, Do I learn well 1 Doest thou learn well ? Does he learn well 1 Does your brother learn well 1 Does your sister learn well 1 Do we learn well 1 Do you learn well 1 Do they leara well 1 Do your brothers learn well 1 Do your sisters learn well 1 Did I learn well 1 fyc. ; the French, as you see, do not require any signs, and when these signs occur in english, they must be left out in trench. A LA LAN QUE FRAN^AISE. 57 DES ADVERBES. Les mots VITE, LENTEMENT, BIEN, fast, slowly, well, MAL SOnt des 8 ADVERBES. badly are - 8NB - adverbs 53. L'adverbe, etant (a l'e*gard du) - - being (with respect to the) verbe ce que l'adjectif est a 1'eg-ard du . what 10 - - is nom, c'est a dire, exprimant quelque — , i. e. expressing some tirconstance du verbe, doit se placer im- mediatement apres le verbe ; ex. Je vis hier voire sceur. Elle parte tres bivn fra?icais. Elle aime fort W lecture. — (of the) — , must be placed — after ,• ex. - saw yesterday . - speaks very well'french. ' likes much - 7 reading. 54. Les adverbes se placent souvent en are placed often in anglais, indifferemment avant ou apres le — , indiscriminately before or after verbe ; comme, i often see him, or i see him often, i very seldom speak to him, or i speak to him very seldom ; en francais, touts ces adverbes doivent se placer apres le verbe ; ex. Je (me promenej souvent seul. Je vais rarement a la ville. Je vais toujours a la campagne. — ; as, - often - -, or - - - often. - very seldom - - — , or very seldom ; in — , all these — must be placed after ; ex. - icalk often alone. - go seldom to town. • go always into - country. 55. Les adverbes negatifs sont ne-pas ; ne-foint ; ne-plus ; ne-jamais ; ne- guere ; ne-nullement ; ne se place toujours avant le verbe, et pas, point, plus, jamais, guere, nullement, com- me les autre? adverbes, se placent im- mediatement apres le verbe ; ex. Je ne Z 24 aime pas or point. Je ne veux plus la 2i voir. Je ne lui 24 parlerai jamais. Je n' y u consens nullement. Vous n' y Si avez guere pens'e. The — negative are no, not ; no, not ; no more ; never ; but little ; by no means ; ne is placed — before , - pas, point, plus, jamais, guere, nullement, like - other — , are placed immediately after - — ; ex, - her* 4 love not. - will no more her* 4 see. - (to her) 24 (will speak) never. - (to it' 24 ) consent (by no means.) - (°fit) nave (very little) thought. CHAP. VIII. DES PREPOSITIONS Les prepositions sont des 8 mots qui servent a exprimer le rappoit que plusieurs mots de la m6me phrase ont les uns aux autres; comme quand je dis; Je viens de Londres. Je vais A Bath avec ma sceur. Je passerai ciiez votre mere. Je nepartirai pas sans vous-* voir. The — are -°N.B. WO rds which — to express - relation - several - of - same sentence have the one (to the) other ; as when I say ; - come from London. - (am going) to — with - sister, - (will call) upon . - will not set out without - seeing. Les mots de, a, avec, ciiez, sans, - - de, a, avec, chez, sans, sont des 8 prepositions qui servent are- otiS 58 INTRODUCTION DES PREPOSITIONS. a exprimer le rapport qu (il y a) entre relation - (there is ) betwem le verbe qui les 84 precede, et le substantif them 2 * precedes, qui les 84 suit, et k les 24 unir ensemble. - them follows, • to -unite together 56. Les propositions se placent souvent — are placed often 54, en anglais indifFeremment avant ou apres - - indiscriminately - or - le substantif qu'elles regissent ; comme, which they govern; as, With whom were you ? or, With whom--? or, Whom were you with ? Whom • - with? Of what do you speak ? or, Of what - - -/ or, What do you speak of? What - - - of? En fran^ais, les prepositions se placent In — , — are placed toujours avant le mot qu'elles re"gissent ; ex. always 5 * ivhich - govern ; ex. Avec qui etait-il? de quoi parlez-vous? With whom was-'. 1 Of what speak • CHAP. IX. DES CONJONCTIONS. Nous voyons page 57, que les prepo- We see - 37, that — sitions servent a unir plusieurs mots en- — to unite several - together, semble pour en former une phrase; les to (of them) form - sentence; - conjonctions servent a. unir plu- — to unite several sieurs phrases en une, et a. exprimer le sentences.™ one, -to rapport qu'elles ont entre elles ; eomme, relation which - - between them ; as qu an d j e d i s : when I say : J'irai a la ville, ^il fait beau terns. •( shall go) to town, U it is fine weather Nous partirons quand vous voudrez. - (shall set out) when - like. Je n'irai pas (X moins que) vous ne - (will go) not unless - veniez avec moi. come with me. Les mots SI, QUAND, k MOINS QUE - - si, quand, a moins que sont des 8 conjonctions. are — 8 N B - — . Vous verrez dans la derniere partie de - (will see) in • last part • cet ouvrage, une liste des conjonctions this work, - list (of the) — avec leurs differents usages. with their various uses. The learner having read the rules so far, must read them over again if he does not understand them well. But as he must now have some general idea of the difference in the construction, or arrangement of words in the two languages, he should try at the same time, to translate the following exercises into french. This will be the means of impressing the rules on his mind. If the exercise on each rule is found too long, he has no need to write any more than to be convinced that he understands it, and dwell only on such parts as seem to him the most difficult. If his time is not entirely taken up with these exercises, he should now peruse the verbs, that he may be able to go on without interruption when he comes to the exercises on the verbs, xohich he cannot xorite ivith ease or advantage before he has a general knowledge of the conjugations. ( 59 ) AN INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH GRAMMAR PART II. EXERCISES ON THE RULES CONTAINED IN THE FIRST PART.* The French language, as we have seen before, is like the english, composed of NINE different sorts of words, commonly known by the names of NOUN, PRONOUN, PREPOSITION, ARTICLE, VERB, CONJUNCTION, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB, INTERJECTION. * The lules of syntax are too numerous, too full of exceptions, and exceptions of excep- tions to be retained, or even understood all at once by tender or slow minds. The follow- ing exercises, upon the fundamental rules only, are intended to give a general idea 01 the language. The learner may write them whilst he is perusing the verbs, after which he may pass to the other exercises, which include every tiling that can be reduced into mles in the french language. 60 AN INTRODUCTION CHAP. T. NOUN. Every word is called a noun which names a being, either real, as sun, moon, earth, man, house, tree ; or ideal, as, god, heaven, honour, Sfc. Nouns are distinguished into proper and common. A noun proper, or proper name, is the christian or family name of a person; as, John, James, Voltaire, Shakespear : of a river; as, the Thames, the Mersey : of a place ; as, Paris, London: of a county; as, Middlesex, Lancashire: of a country; as, England, France, $c. Nouns common, or common names, are the names of beings in general, of which we know several; as, man, woman, child, house, tree, river, city, country, horse, cow, sheep, dog, c^c. N. B. In this class are comprised the abstract names of virtue, vice, pleasure, pain, love, desire, fear, hatred, glory, honour, and such like. Two things are to be considered in nouns ; the gender and the number The gender is the distinction between the sexes. All nouns in french are either masculine or feminine. By masculine is meant the male being ; as, man, horse, bull, dog. By feminine is meant the female being ; as, woman, mare, cow, bitch. The names of beings whose sex is unknown, and of those inanimate beings, called things, which are of the neuter gender in english, are either masculine ox feminine in french, as custom has fixed it.* . There are two numbers, the singular and the plural. A noun is singular when we speak of one being only ; as, a book, un livre; a house, une maison ; a tree, un arbre; a ship, un navire, &c. A noun is plural when we speak of more than one. N. D. The plural is generally formed in french as in english, by adding s to the singular; as, des livres, books; des maisons, houses: des arbres, trees; des navires, ships, Sfc. Except the nouns ending in s or x in the singular, which are the same in the plural : as, monjils, my son ; mesjils, my sons ; une brebis, a sheep ; des brebis, sheep ; une noix, a nut ; des jwix, nuts ; une voix, a voice ; des voix, voices. Except also the nouns ending in u, which take x instead of s for the sign of the plural number ; as, chapeau, hat ; chapeaux, hats ; jeu, game ; jeux, games, Sfc. And the nouns ending in al, ail, which change I or il into ux for the plural ; as, ma\, evil ; maux, evils ; cheval, horse ; chevawx, horses ; genkrdi, general ; generaux, generals ; travaU, labour; travanx, labours. * The gender of these nouns is known by the termination ; rules are given in the syntax how to discriminate it ; until then, in the introductory exercises, the nouns masculine will be marked rtu, the feminine will be marked /. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 61 CHAP. II. ARTICLE. The same noun admitting different meanings, as for example ; the bread, the wine; some bread, some wine; this bread, that wine ; my bread, thy bread, his bread; my wine, fyc. it was necessary to adopt some signs which would fix its proper meaning'. These signs, called article, are various, and generally receive their appellation from the office which they perform in the sentence. They are called in this treatise, definite, that which defines the object ; as, the bread, the wine. partitive, that which denotes a portion of the object; as, some bread, some wine. numeral, that which numbers the objects ; as, a or one shilling* demonstrative, that which points out the object; as, this or that bread, these or those clothes. possessive, that which expresses the possession of the object ; as, my bread, thy bread, ins bread, her bread, our bread, your bread, their bread; my wine, thy wine, his wine, fyc* The signs called article, are declined in french as follows: DEFINIT. THE; SINGULAR. 1 2 Masculirie. Feminine. LE, LA, PLURAL. 3 Masc. and Fern. LES. Of, from THE; DU, deLA, DES. To, at THE; AU, a LA, AUX. PARIIT. SOME; DU, de LA, DES. NUMERAL A, AN, UN, UNE, DEMONS. THIS, THAT; CE, CETTE,* THESE, THOSE; CES. rossEss. MY; MON, MA,* • MES. THY; TON, TA, TES. HIS, HER, ITS; SON, SA, SES. OUR; NOTRE, NOTRE, NOS. YOUR; VOTRE, VOTRE, VOS. THEIR ; LEUR, LEUR, LEURS * See note* page 31, to which might be s.dded all the numbers, and the words CHAQUE, each; tout, every; plusif.uus, several; which exclude the article from the noun, and have the same property as the words generally known by the name of ARTICI E. 62 AN INTRODUCTION 1 CHAP. III. ARTICLE and NOUN. GENERAL RULES. The signs called article are never used without a noun after them> and they must be of the same gender and number as that noun; this, in grammar ■, is called agreement of the article with the noun; ex. SINGULAR. PLURAL. 1 2 3 Masculine. Feminine. Masculine and Feminine. The ^ LE Pere. the K LA Mere. the g les Enfants. of The % DU Pere. of the °C?eLA Mere. of the g des Enfants. to The S AU Pere. to the §(XLA Mere. to the § aux Enfants. A ? UN Pere. a * UNE Mere. ? The * LE Pain. the a la Viande. the | of^e | les Habits. of The | DU Pain. of the ^C?eLA Viande. des Habits. toTAe .» AU Pain. to the ?. a la Viande. to die j» aux Habits. &o?we DU Pain, some cZcla Viande. some des Habits. TAm \ CE P -in. this that > CETTE Viande. these 1 £Aose J ces Habits. My $ HON *ere. my § MA Mere. 7722/ S mes Enfants. of My SaeMON y ere. of my a. t The h mute is marked in these exercises with an apostrophe, tins mark ', before it. 64 AN INTRODUCTION article and NOUN. 1 The signs called article must be repeated before every noun infrench agreeably to the gender and number of each noun, though the nouns are in the same sentence, and though the article is not repeated in english ; as, The father, mother and children are (gone out,) Le pvre, la mere et les enfants sont sortis, i. e. the father, the fyc. Some bread, meat, money and clothes. Du pain, de la viande, de l' argent et des habits, i. e. some bread, fyc. EXERCISE. Bring the bread and butter 3 ; the tea and coffee 3 ; some milk or Apportez l painm. et beurre ; m. ih6m. caff 6 : m. l lalt m. ou cream 3 ; a cup and saucer 3 ; a knife and fork 3 ; some bread and crtme ; f. tasse f. soucoxipe ; f. couteau m. fourchette ; f. cheese 3 ; the dishes and plates 3 ; the beans and bacon 3 ; the pepper fromage;m. l plat t assiette ; t five f lard ; m. poicrem. and salt 3 . My brother and sister 3 are (gone out.) His father and sel. m. l frere sccur sont sortis. — * mother 3 are dead. She has lost her friends and relations 8 . sont morts. Elle a perdu amif 'parent 4 PARTICULAR, RULES. : The names of persons and places are used in french, as in english, without article ; ex. I like Voltaire, J'aime Voltaire, London. Londres. I speak of Voltaire, Je parle de Voltaire, of London. de Londres. I prefer it to Voltaire, Je le pre fere A Voltaire, to London'. A Londres. Observe that de and A which are prefixed to Voltaire, Londres, are not articles ; they are prepositions used to unite the noun to the verb. EXERCISE. I have read almost all the 1 works of Voltaire and 4 Rousseau. J' ai lu presque toutes azuvres 4 (a) I am reading now the 1 adventures of Telemachus the son of Ulysses Je — * lis a present aventures Ttlemaque — * fits $ Ulysse and Penelope. Have you ever been in London? Yes, I have, /. e., been. (a) Penelope. Avez - vous jamais ttt a Oui, j'y ai tie Is it as large as Paris ? London is much larger than Paris. Est-it aussi grand que est beaucoup plus grand que London is the 1 largest city in Europe. Have you seen Naples? No; plus grande ville f. de l' vu A 7 o« ; I have been at Florence and Rome, but I have not 55 been at Naples. ai 6tt a (a) maisje n'ai pas tte * A dash, this mark ( — ), under a word shews that the word is not expressed in french agreeably to rules which will be seen in the last part of this work. t See note t page 62. (a) The preposition must be repeated before every noun in french, in the same way as the article. J See note * pafe ^3 TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 65 article and NOUN. But the names of countries and provinces which are used without O an article in english, require in frenchjane of the signs le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; as, I like Portugal, J'aime le Portugal, France, la France, England. l' Angleterre. I speak of Portugal, Je parle du Portugal, of France, &c. de la France, fyc. I prefer it to Portugal, Je le prefcre au Portugal, to France, &c. a la France, fyc. exercise. Italy 5 is the garden of Europe 5 . France 5 is also a fine country ; Htalie* est jardin m. i Europe4 France f. est aussi beau pays ; in. it lies between Spain 5 , Italy, Switzerland, Germany 5 , Holland 5 , elle (est situte) entre Espagne, 5 Suisse, f. 5 Allemagne, Hollande, f. and England 5 . Spain, with all the gold of Mexico 5 and Peru 5 , is ct Angleterre. 5 avec tout 2 or M£xiqvam. (a) Perou, m. n'est not 55 so rich as France. Brazil 5 belongs to Portugal, Mexico to pas si riche que 5 Brtsil m. apparlient 5 m. * Spain, Canada 5 to England, Martinique 5 and Guadeloupe 5 to France. 5 Canadn in. 5 Martinique f. Guadeloupe f. 5 Observe however that the names of countries are used without the O article in french, when they come after verbs denoting dwelling or movement, such as to be in, to live in, to go to, to come from; In these instances, in, to are expressed by en, and from by de ; as, He is in France. // est en France, in England. en Angleterre. He is going to France, i7 va en France, to England. en Angleterre. He comes from France, II vient de France, from England. d' Angleterre. exercise. My brother lives in Switzerland and my sister in France. I intend demeure 6 6 J' (aidessein) to go to France and Italy, (as soon) as the war is over. I come I have. , . >quej ai. the money f l' argent (^ J the clothes ) les habits J I speak of the bread & meat I have. Jeparle du pain etdeLAvia7idequefai. I prefer it to the bread & meat he has. Je leprefere a vpain et a la viande qitil a. exercise. Gold? and silver? are precious, but ?iron and steel? are more useful. *<** * ^argent sont precieux, mais fer m. ^acier sont plus utiles. The gold and silver of Peru are purer 18 than that of 5 Europe. 3 5 Perou m. sont (plus purs) que celui 2 Modesty? and virtue are preferable to beauty and ?riches. I prefer modestie f. 3 vertu f. sont prtj Arables 7 beaut6 f. (n)richesse. Je prtfere the modesty and virtue of your sister, to the beauty and 3 riches of your 1 de » (a) cousin. Peace? and plenty? make men? happy. (Let us preserve) the cousine. paix f. s abondance rendent honmes heureux. conservons peace and plenty which we enjoy. Patience and perseverance are 3 dont nous joui$6(ms. 7 patience f, ' 'perseverance f. sont necessary to happiness. I admire the patience and perseverance of ntcessairei 7 bonheur. m. J' admire * f. 3 f« your brother. Pride? and vanity are generally the cause of the mis- *orgueil 7 vanitd f. ordinairement x cause f. x mal- fortunes of men. (Let us go) into the garden to see if the fruit is heur 7 homme. allons dans l jardin m. — voir si l fruit m. est ripe. Which fruit do you 51 like best? Gooseberries or strawber- rnur. Quel — aimez - vous lemieuxt 7 groseille ou 7 f raise'! ries ? I do not 55 like gooseberries; I like cherries and peaches. Je — ti' aime pas 7 J' aime 7 cerise 7 peche. Children generally like fruit. I prefer milk? and cheese to fruit. enfant 7 en gdniral aiment 7 Je prdfere lait m. 7 fromage m. 7 * The figures annexed to the words indicate the rule which that word requires. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 67 article and NOUN. OF expressed by DE ; not by chi, de la, des. Observe that the preposition of before a noun used in a general sense, preceded by another noun, used in a partitive sense, cannot be expressed by du, de la, des, which would render the expression particular and mean of the, it must be expressed by de only, without any regard to gender or number ; as, He gave me a pound of bread, II me donna une livre de pain, a piece of meat, tin morceau de viande, a bag of money, un sac if* argent, aheap of clothes. un tas d' habits. Not, Une livre du pain; Un morceau de la viande, fyc. which would mean a pound of the bread; apiece of the meat, fyc. N. B. In this rule must be included the following words, which, though they have no sign after them in english, require the connective particle de to unite them to the noun which follows them : assez, enough; as, beaucoup, much, many ; combien, how much, how many ; tant, so much, so many ; autant, as much, as many ; plus, more ; moins, less; trop, too much, too many ; pas, point, no, not; jamais, never ; Not, assez du pain, eye, which would mean enough of the bread, &;c. exercise. I have bought a pair of boots, and two pairs of shoes. Drink a J' ai acheti, x paire f. 8 botte, deux 8 Soulier. Buvez l glass of wine verre m vin. Assez de pain. Beaucoup de viande. combien d' argent. rant d' habits. Autant de pain. plus de viande. Moins d' argent. Trop d' habits. peu de pain. Guere de viande. pas, or point , d' argent. jamais d' habits. Have a little patience 8 . This is (a day) of rest. Ayez tin peu NB - C est (aujour d'huijour) 8 repos. I have many things 8 to do. I have no money 8 , and I have very beaucoup chose™- 3 - a faire. Je n'ai pas argent™' 3 - f ai tres few friends 8 . You have more property 8 than I have. I have not 55 peu ami. N - B * avez plus Men N - B - que moi — Je n'ai pas (so many) friends 8 as you. Your friends have (as much) interest 8 as tant NB - que ont autant credit N - B - que mine. les miens. little wine 8 and much water 8 . You give me 2 peu, Vous me 24 donnez never Give me Donnez-moi (too much) wine 8 trop NB - vous — ne me 24 donnez pas assez. N - B * Je ne JJ drink wine 8 without putting a (good deal) of water 8 (into it 24 .) bois jamais NB - sans y u mettre — beaucoup N - B - . you do not 55 give me 24 water enough 8 . assez. * See note * p. 28. t Observe that guere is used only in negative sentences. F 2 68 AN INTRODUCTION ARTICLE AND NOUN. SOME, ANY; DU, de LA, DES 9 If you want to express only a part of the substance of which you are speaking ; as some bread, some meat, fyc. use before the noun one of the partitive signs du, de la, dfs, agreeably to gender and number. These signs are the same as those of the definite article of the ; as, He gave me some bread, // me donna du pain, some meat, de la viande, some money, de l* argent, some clothes. des habits, i. e. a portion of the bread, of the meat, of the money, of the clothes. N. B. The sign some is often understood in english, before such nouns as bread, meat, money, fyc, but the sign which represents it in french, cannot be omitted ; and it must be repeated before every noun ; as, He gave me bread, meat, money, clothes ; i. e. some bread, some meat. II me donna du pain, de la viande, de l' argent, des habits. EXERCISE. The dinner is on the table. Will you have meat 9NB - or fish flNB ? diner m. est sur f. Voulez-vous — viande f. ou poisson m.1 Will you have some beef and cabbage ; some mutton and turnips ? I — beufvtx. 3 choux ; plur. mouton m. s navet'{ Je (shall eat) some fish and potatoes. Bring* me some salt and pepper. mangerai 3 (pommcs de terre.) Apportez-moi sella. 3 poivre.m. What will you drink? Will you have beer 9 , or cider 9 ? I (will drink) Que voulez-vous boire 1 — bitre, f. ou cidre m. / Je bomri some wine and water 3 . Put some bread and cheese, on the table. vin m. 2 eau. Mettez pain m. 3 fromage, m. sur f. Except, some, any expressed by de ; not by du, de la, des. 10 The partitive signs du, de la, des, require the noun immediately after them ; therefore if a noun used in a partitive sense is preceded by an adjective, use de before that adjective, for both genders and numbers, instead of du, de la, des, before the noun ; as, He gave me very good bread, II me donna de tres bon pain, excellent meat, d' excellente viande, fine clothes. de beaux habits. exercise. (This is) ^excellent wine, but (that is) 10 very bad beer. Have you any Vbici excellent vin, mais voila tres mauvaise Mere. Avez - vous 10 good beer in France? No; but we have 10 good wine and good brandy. bonnie bitre en Non ; nousavons bon 10 bon?ie(eau devic.) Good small beer is better than bad wine. You must have fine 10 bonne petite biere est meilleure que 10 mauvais devez avoir l0 beau fruit in France. Yes ; we have very fine fruit. (Are there) any large trees en Qui ; avons w tres beau Y a-t-il 10 grands arbre In your garden ? I£o ; (There are only) young trees. Have you not dans l jardini Non; (ilny a que) l0 jeunes N* avez-vcus pas better pens to lend me? I have good pens, but bad 10 ink. l0 metlleures plume a. me 2 * preter 21 / J' ai ^bonnes mais nrnuWise encre % TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 69 article and NOUN. How to place two nouns together. When two nouns come together, the French always place first the noun which is the subject of discourse, with du, de la, des, de, or a, before the second noun, agreeably to the sense in which it is used; as, Peter's book, i. e. the book of Peter. Some London beer, e. Some beer of London. La plume du matt re. 11 Le livre de Pierre. De la Here de Londres. ^de, 4th rule, pro- per names. The master's pen, e. the pen of the master. The street door, e the door of the street. A gold watch, e. a watch of gold. Some silk stockings, i. e. Some stockings of silk. La porte de la rue. line montre d' or. Des bas de soie. exercise. nu, deLA,7thrule, particular sense. K DE, of, Bih rule, general sense. Where is William's* hat?? Have you seen Mary's* apron 7 ? Oil est Guillaume chapeau m.l Avez- vous vu Marie tablierm.1 Will you drink a glass of Port* wine 8 ? Nature's 7 voice* proclaims Voulez-vous boire verve m. vin '{ Natuve f. voix f. proclaim god's* power 7 . Ignorance 7 is the mother of error 7 . Have you seen my dieu pouvoir. m. ^Ignorance mtre s erveur. vu father's horse 7 ? I (will wait for you 2 *) at the garden gate 7 , or (at the) cheval 'i Je (vous 2i attendvai) a javdin m. porte, f. ou au corner of my sister's house 7 . Shut the kitchen door 7 , and open the coin m. maison. f. Fevmez 7 cuisine f. porte, f. ouvvcz parlour 7 window. Bring my gold 3 watch, and clean my silver 8 buckles. salle f. 7 fenetre. f. Appovtez l or montve, f. nettoyez x argent boucle. Sometimes however the order of the words could not be changed in english in the above manner, without changing also their meaning ; for ex. A wine glass, An ink bottle, A tea spoon, could not be changed into A glass of wine, a bottle of ink, a spoon of tea ; yet the nouns require this order in french ; but instead of he between the two nouns, we use A. N. B. This is done when the first noun denotes the use of the other; as, A wine glass, r. e. a glass used for wine. Un verre a vin. A tea spoon, i. e. a spoon used for tea. line cuiller A the. EXERCISE. Give me the wine 12 bottle, and the water 12 pot. Put some wine 18 Donnez-moi vin bouteille, f. eau pot. m. Mettez glasses on the table. Bring the tea 12 board and the coffee 19 cups. verre sur table, f. Apportez the" cabaret m. caff6 tasse. There is no powder 8 in my powder 12 bag. (Let us go) and sit 11 n'y a pas poudre^-^- dans sac. m. Allans — (nous usseoir) in the dining 12 room. Have you any fire 12 arms in your house? dans diner diamine, f. Avez 9 feu arme maison f. ] 12 70 AN INTRODUCTION CHAP. IV. ADJECTIVE. An adjective is a word joined to a noun, to denote some quality or circumstance belonging to that noun ; as, good bread, bad meat, &c. kO The adjective must be of the same gender and number as the noun which it qualifies. An adjective is made feminine by adding e mute to the masculine ; as, (That is) a pretty boy. Voila un joli garcon. (This is) a pretty girl. Void une JOhieJille. He is well dressed. II est Men habillje. She is very well dressed, Elle est tres Men HABiLLEe. Except the adjectives ending in e mute, which are of both genders ; as, Un jeune homme aimable. An amiable young man. Une jeune femme aimable. An amiable young woman. And the adjectives in x, which change x into se for the feminine; as, Monfrere est paresseut. My brother is lazy Ma sceur est paresseusc My sister is lazy. The plural number of adjectives is formed like that of nouns, by adding s or x to the singular ; see nouns, page 60. ex. Une JOhiEjille. A pretty girl. Un beau chapeau, A. fine hat. De jolies files. Pretty girls. De beauz chapeaux. Fine hats. N. B. A past participle used to qualify a noun, or coming after the verb to be to express an action or the state of the noun, follows the same rules as an adjective; ex. My brother is gone out. Monfrere est sorti. My sister is gone out. Ma sa3ur est sortic exercise. Your brother is diligent; your sister is diligent 1 *; your brothers are est diligent; * . x sont diligent 13 ; your sisters are diligent 13 . Your father is esteemed; your mo- * x * estime' ; ther is esteemed 13 ; your sons are esteemed; your daughters are esteemed. * i fits 13 * x fille 13 * That boy is very civil; that girl is very civil; these gentlemen are 1 tres civil ; x # i messieurs very civil; these ladies are very civil 13 . Our man servant is lazy; * x dame * valet paresseux ; our maid servant is lazy 13 ; our men servants are lazy 13 ; our maid servants are lazy 13 . My son is very young ; my daughter is very young ; my * tres jeune; x sons are very young ; my daughters are very young. Your cousin is * l cousine f. very amiable; she is officious 13 and complaisant 13 . aimable ; elle officieux* complaisant* * The masculine singular only of adjectives is here given ; the learner must make the adjective of the gender and number which the noun requires, agreeably to the ahove rules. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. ?i ADJECTIVE. If an adjective qualifies several nouns singular of the same gender, 14 that adjective must be of the same gender as those nouns, and plural , as Her father and her uncle are angry. Son pere et son oncle sont fAches. Her mother and her aunt are angry. Sa mere et sa tante sont fAchecs. But if the nouns are of different genders, the adjective must be oj J.*) the masculine gender, and in the plural number ; as, Her father and mother are angry. Son pere et sa mere sont f Aches. exercise. My mother and sister are ready. His daughter and his niece are 1 et 3 sont pret. 14 1 filie niece civil and obliging. Her son and daughter are dead 16 . The horse and civil 14 obligeant. 14 x fils 3 mort* cheval ' the cow have escaped 15 . The gate and the door were ope?i u . The vache (se sont) e'chappe'.* 1 barriire f. porte f. itaient ouvert.* man and the woman were gone. I found a glass and a bottle broken. etaient parti*. Jetrouvai verre m. bouteillef. casse'.* Adjectives are generally placed in english before the noun ; in french 1 O they are placed after the noun ; as, A red coat. A round table. A new house. Un habit rouge. Une table ronde. Une maison neuve. Except these adjectives, which are generally placed before the noun ; 1 / premier, 1st; second, 2d; and all the adjectives of number. beau, bel, ?n.)fine, mauvais, bad. belle, fern. J handsome. mechant, wicked. bon, m. bonne, f. good. meilleur, better. grand, great, large. moindre, less. gros, m. grosse, f. big. petit, little, small. jeune, young. tout, all, whole. joli, pretty. vieux, m. vieille, f. old;f A good husband. A handsome woman. A pretty little bird. Un bon mari. Une belle femme. Un joli petit oiscau. exercise. England is a fruitful country. The english™ nation has made several b Angleterre est l fertile 16 pays. in. l anglais 13 nation f. a fait plusieursi useful 16 discoveries. Your sister is a charming 16 woman. She has the utile 13 de'couverte. est l charmant 13 femme. Elle a l most engaging 16 manners'. Does she 51 know the french 16 language? vlus engageant 13 manieres. f. — suit- elle 51 l francais 13 langueLI I have met her near the white 16 house. She lives in a 1 small 11 Je I 25 ai rencontve'e 25 (pres de) l blanche maison. f. demeure dans l3 house in a large garden. It is an old 1 " 1 house, and (there is) a bad 11 road tnaison f. l J 7 jardin. m. C est 1 vieille il y a chemin m. to go (to it) but it is the best 11 situation in this neighbourhood. pour y u uller ** mais c est 1 meilleur 13 f. dans 1 voisi7iage.ro.. • A participle used to qualify a nouu, follows the same rule as an adjective ; 13 rNR t Add to them MEME, same, and plusieurs, several, which also come before the noun. 72 AN INTRODUCTION ADJECTIVE. COMPARISON of ADJECTIVES. The same words which serve to qualify nouns, serve also by i\ e means of certain adverbs to compare their qualities. 1 Q The comparative of superiority, more before the adjective, or n or er added to it, is formed in french by plus* before the adjective; as, I am more strong, or stronger than you. Je suis plus fort que vous. 1 Q The comparative of inferiority, less, or not so before the adjec- ** tive, is formed by MoiNsf, or pas si before the adjective; as, I am less strong than you. Je suis moins fort que vous. I am not so strong- as you. Je ne suis pas si fort que vous. 9A The comparative of equality, formed by as before the adjective is formed in french by aussi before the adjective; as, I am as strong as you. Je suis aussi fort que vous. Qy 1 The superlative most or least before the adjective, or st or est " •*• added to it, is formed by adding le, la, les, to the comparative words plus, moins, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; as, My brother is the strongest. Monfrere est le plus fort. My sister is the least strong. Ma sceur est la moins forte. exercise. The country is more pleasant than the town. My horse is younger 1 campagyie f. est 18 agriable que 1 ville. f. l cheval jeune 18 and runs faster than yours. That 1 house is larger™ and more court vite l8 le votre. maison-la f. grand 13 ia convenient than this 44 , but this 44 is better built. You write better commode celle-ci, celle-ci (b) bdli. 13 icrivez (b) than I do, because you have ^better pens. Vice 7 is less dangerous moi — , parceque (b) plume, f. Vice m. 19 dangereui than hypocrisy*. She is not so handsome as her sister, but she is more 2 hypocrisie. Ellen'estpas 19 belle 19 socur, elle est amiable. She is as rich as you. She is the handsomest woman in aimable. 20 riche 20 " » belle 2l (c) the town. Her father is the proudest* 1 man that I have ever known. ville. f. orgueilleux 16 que aie (d) jamais connu. • Except meilleuR , better; p I RE, worse ; adjectives, | M h &re rative of MIEUX, better ; Pis, worse; adverbs, > themselves t Except moindre, less; adjective, J (b) Beginners are apt to mistake the words MEILLEUR & MIEUX, which are both expressed by BETTER. Meilleur, better, is the comparative of BON, good, an adjective, and is added to nouns ; as, My pen is good, yours is better. Ma plume est bonne, la votre est meilleur e. Mieux, better, is the comparative of BIEN, well, an adverb, and is added to verbs ; as, I write well, but you write better. J' tcris BIEN, mais vous tcrivez MIEUX. (c) IN, after a superlative, is expressed in french in the same manner as OF ; ex. She is the finest woman in the town. C est la plus belle femme de LA ville. (d) QUI, QUE, DONT, after a superlative require the verb in the subjunctive ; as. She is the finest woman I riai;ee\erseen. C est la plus belle femme que j' aie jamais vu*. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 73 CHAP. V. PRONOUN. A pronoun is a word used to represent a noun ; as when I say, i, instead of naming my own name, thou, you, he, she, it, they, instead of naming- that of another being. There are various sorts of pronouns, generally known by the names of PERSONAL, RELATIVE, POSSESSIVE, DEMONSTRATIVE, INDEFINITE. OF PERSONAL PRONOUNS. personal pronouns are either agents or nominatives of verbs, or they are objects. The nominat. are, I, THOU, HE, SHE, IT, V/E, YE, YOU, THEY. The objects are, ME, THEE, HIM, HER, IT, US, YOU, THEM. OF AGENTS or NOMINATIVE PRONOUNS. When i, thou, he, she, it, we, you, they, are the nominative^— * of a verb, i. e. when there is before or after them, a verb of the same number and person that agrees with them, they are, I. JE. THOU. TU. WE. NOUS. YOU. VOUS. HE, IT. IL. THEY, mas. ILS. SHE, IT. ELLE. THEY, fern. ELLES, N. B. The nominative pronouns keep the same place in the sentence infrench as in english ; ex. /have. Thou hast. He has, &c. Have I? Hast Thou? Has he? fyc. J'ai. tu as. il a, fyc. ji-jE? as-tv? A-i-iL? &c. exercise. J speak. Thou writest. He plays. She sings. We walk. You dance', parle. tcris. joue. chante. marchons. dansez. They study. Have you done? Is he come? Are they gone ttudient. Avez fini ? Est venu ? Sont partis ? If i, thou, he, she, we, you, they, have not a verb to agree withJdO them, or if they are joined to another substantive,* they are, I. MOI. THOU. TOI. WE. NOUS. YOU. VOUS. HE. LUI. THEY, mas. EUX. SHE, IT. ELLE. THEY, fern. ELLES. ex. It is I who have done that. Cest moi qui ai fait cela. He and I have done that. Lui et moi nous avons fait cela. You and they have done that. Vous et eux vous avez fait cela. exercise. Who has done that? It is not 55 /; it is he. It was neither Qui a fait cela? Ce n'est pas ^ c' est & Ce n6tait ni he nor I, it was either you or they. He and J were together. 83 ni 23 c' itait ou ou ^ ^ 23 [nous itions) ensemble. I can do that better than he. You can not do it 24 better than 7". 82 puis fuire cela (b) que ^ nepouvezpas le™ faire (b) M * By substuntive is meant here every word which either names or represents a suostance 74 AN INTRODUCTION PERSONAL PRONOUN. OF OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS. A table shewing how the objective pronouns are expressed, according to the place which they keep with the verb. } ME, to ME. THEE, to THEE. J HIMSELF, HERSELF, ITSELF, THEMSELVES. Before the verb. 24, 25, 27, rules. ME. TE. After the verb. 26 rule. MOI. TOl. After a preposition. 28 rule. MOI. TOI SE. of, from, for, with to, at, in, by US, to US. YOU, to YOU. HIM, IT; mas. HER, IT; fern. THEM. to HIM, to HER. to THEM. \IT, JTHEM. Whether before or after the verb, 24, 25, 26, 27 rules. NOUS. VOUS. UT, THEM. LE. LA. LES. LUI. LEUR. EN. Y.(e) SOL NOUS. VOUS LUI. ELLE. JEUX, m. IELLES,/. This table shews in one point of view all the rules concerning- t!ie objective pronouns. These pronouns, as you see in the table above, are sometimes governed by verbs, and sometimes by prepositions. When the objective pronouns are governed by a verb, they are placed invariably before that verb. See rules 24, 25 and 27. Except when the verb commands, for then the pronouns must be placed after the verb, and moi, toi must be used, instead of me, te. See rule 26. If the pronouns are governed by a proposition, they are then independ- ent of the verb, and must be placed after the preposition. See rule 28. (e) en, Y, are also adverbs of place, used, en for thence ; Y for there, thither, and they follow the same rules as the pronouns. TO FRENCH GRA.MMAK. PERSONAL PRONOUN. i The order which the objective pronouns keep with the verb. GENERAL RULE. IVhen the pronouns me, thee, us, you, him, her, it, the -ire governed by a verb, the pronouns me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur, en, y, which represent them, must be placed immediately before that verb ; ex. II ME Voit. II TE VOit. //nous voit. Il vous voit. Il LE VOit. Il la voit. Il LES VOit. me voit-il ? te voit-il ? nous voit-il? vous voit-il ? le voit-il ? la voit-il ? les voit-il ? ,24 He sees me. thee, us. you. him, or it her, or it. them. Does he see me? thee? us? you? him, or it? her, or it ? them ? literally he me he thee he us ~s> he you he him, or it re > o M lie her, or it he them me thee us re re you him, or it re htr, or it ■t them He does not see me ; Sfc. Does he not see me? Sfc. Does he not see thee ? Sfc. 1 see you. I see him. II ne me voit pas. Ne me voit-il pas ? Ne te voit-il pas? EXERCISE. I see her. I see them. he me sees not. me sees he not ? thee sees he not? Do you 51 see me ? Do you see ws? Do you see Azwi ? Do you see her ? Do you see 51 24 51 24 51 24 51 I do not know ne connaispas 24 — 55 2l — 55 her. I do not know them. Do you 51 not know me ? Do you 24 — 55 24 — ne connaissez-vous pas ** 7 — 51 not know us? Do you not know him? Do you not know her ? 55 24 V ' 55 24? J 55 24 Do you not know them ? I meet them sometimes, but I do not 5 — 55 24 '. 1 rencontre 2i quelquefois, — ne speak (to them). Have you seen your mother lately? I saw her parle pas — leur 24 . Avez vu depuispeu! vis r* yesterday. Did she 51 bring you any thing? She brought me a hier. — apporta-t-elle ** queique chose? ' app&rta ^ new book. Did you 51 tell her that I wished to see her? iui 2i que souhuitais — voir /a 24 ? ilinn ? I do not 55 know 24 livre. m. — dites-vous I told her that we (should go) to see her on Sunday. What did d>s lui 24 que irions — voir la 2 * — dimanche. Que she 51 say to you ? She told me that she (would be) alad to see 7/* dit-elle iit wait (biee aise) de 76 AN INTRODUCTION 25 PERSONAL PRONOUN The order which the objective pronouns keep with the verb. GENERAL RULE. If the OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS ME, THEE, US, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, the 3i are governed by a verb compounded of the auxiliary verbs have, or be, and of a participle past, the pronouns me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, lui, leur, en, y, which represent them, must be placed before the auxiliary verb ; not between the auxiliary and the participle ; as, II m'* a vu. II t' a vu. II l' a vu. II l' a vue. II nous a vus. II vous a vus. II les a vus. M ! -fa-t-il vu ? t' a-t-il vu ? l' a-t-il vu ? l' a-t-il vue ? nous a-t-ilvus? vous a-t-ilvus? les a-t-ilvus? II ne »i'a pas vu. Ne u'a-t-il pas vu ? EXERCISE. I have seen you. I have seen him. I have seen her. I have ai vu ** vu 25 * vue *** seen them. Have you seen me ? Have you seen us ? Have you seen vus 25 Avez-vous vu 25 * / vus S5 Z vu him ? Have you seen her ? Have you seen them ? Where have you - 25*7 vue 25*? ms 25? Oil seen A/ra? I have met him at the door. He had seen me pa 25 * ? rencontrd 23 * a porte. f. avait rue 25# (coming out) of the house. He has kept me all this while. I would sortir l maison. f. "etenue 25 tout l terns, m. — have told him** that I wanted to go. I have told him- 5 that you aurais dit lui $ que voulais, — (inen alter.) dit lui \ que had forbid me to stop. I have heard you. Had you never 55 aviez dtfendu 25 de m'arreter. entendus 25 Ne aviez - vous jamais seen him before? I had met him once or twice, but I had vu le 25 * auparavant? avais rencontre le 25 * une ou deux fois, mais ne amis never 55 spoken (to him), and he had never 55 spoken (to me.) I have jamais parle — lui 25 ne avait jamais — 25 written (to him) this morning, but he has not 55 yet answered me. £ cr it — lui 25 *■ matin, m. ne a pas encore (fait reponsej K . * See note * page ?8 t S*e note # page 43 J See note (f) page 79. He has seen me. thee. him, or it. her t or it. vs. you. them. Has he seen me ? thee ? him, or it? her, or it? us? you ? them? He has not seen me ; Sfc. Has he not seen me ? Sfc. iterally he me he thee he him, or it p he her, or it 1 he us he you he them me thee =T him, or it 1/5 her, or it ^5 us you them 03 he me has not seen. vu ? me has he not seen ? TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. < « PERSONAL PRONOUN. The order which the objective pronouns keep with the verb. EXCEPTIONS. C)f» 1st Exception. When the objective pronouns me, thee, us, you, &\J WiJtf, her, it, them are governed by the imperative of a verb used in a commanding sense, i. e. without a negation, the pronouns which represent them, are placed immediately after the verb ; In these instances me is expressed by moi, and thee by toi. But if the imperative is used in a forbidding sense, i. e. if it is H attended by a negation, the pronouns must be placed immediately before the verb, agreeably to the general rule ; Then me is expressed by me, and thee by te ; ex. Imperative COMMANDING, 26 rule. Imperative FORBIDDING, 27 rule. Look at me Regarde-uoi. Ne me 1 ^ § thyself. toi. Ne te j b * » Look at us. Regardez-xovs. Ne nous \ dez | yourself. vous. Ne vous J & o. Let us look at him, or it. Regardons-LE. Ne le 1 £f her, or 27. la. IVe la >regardons pas. g M'-m. les. Ne les J » EXERCISE. Speak to me. Do not 55 speak to me. Do not interrupt me. Warm Parlez — 26 — ?ie p«s — 27 — 55 interrompez 27 Chauffe thyself a little. Do not warm thyself (so much.) Write to Aer. Do 26 ' MH peit. — 55 2 ' tant. Ecrivez — lui 25 . — not write to her. Send it (to him.) Do not send it to A/m. « __ s? Enwi/ez-/e 25 — lui. 25 — 55 fe 2? — hu 27 . 2d Exception. The objective pronouns are not always governed by verbs, they are sometimes governed by a preposition which some verbs require to be united to the substantive* that folloics them; then the pro- noun being the object of the preposition, and not the object of the verb, it is placed after the preposition, and we express 28 ME, by MOI. THEE, by TOI. HIM, by LUI. HER, by ELLE. US, by NOUS. YOU, by VOUS. THEM, in. by EUX. THEM, fern, by ELLES ; ex Was he speaking of me? Parlai't-il de moi ? I will not go with him. Je n irai pas avec lui. He is come without her. II est venu sans elle. He applied to them. II s'adressa a eux, m. a elles. exercise. *t Come to me. I do not 55 care for thee. I went to her, and she Viens a ^ — ue me sonde pas de ,28 allai w et sent me to him. I will not go with them. I am tired of them. envoy a 2 * ^ — 55 irai avec 23 ennttyt d' ** Have you thought of me? I always 54 think of you. Avez pense" a M toujours pense a w * See note * page 73. t This is more fully explained in the third part of this work. 78 AN INTRODUCTION 29 PERSONAL PRONOUN. The ORDER which SEVERAL OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS «eep TOGETHF.F . When several objective pronouns are governed by the same verb they must be placed together in the following order : Before the verb, 24, 25 rules. After the verb, 26 rule. Whether bef. or aft. the verb ; ME 24, 25, 26, 27 rules. NOUS,] LE, ] ME, VOUS } be f' LE LA ' LES> Y ' EN * LES r e f' M01 T01, TE SE, 'J Y, 'J Whether before or after the verb, 24, 25, 26, 27 rules. LE, ) LA, >bef. lui, leur, y, en. LES, ) bef. en. Y, EN. LEUR, Y, bef. en.* * Having uniformly observed that the arrangement of several pronouns together is one of those rules which learners find the greatest difficulty to attain, I have given examples shewing how several pronouns are placed together in all possible instances, by the means of which errors may always be rectified. before the verb, 24,25 rules. after the verb, 26 rule. He gave him or it to me. He gave her or it to me. He gave them to me. He gave me some. He gave him or it to us. He gave her or it to us He gave them to xis. He gave us some. He sent me there. He sent him, her, or it to me He sent them to me there. He sent me some there. He sent lis there. He sent him, her, or it to us He sent them to us there. He sent some to us there. He gave He gave He gave He gave He gave He gave He gave He gave He sent He sent He sent He sent He sent He sent He sent He sent him or it to thee. her or it to thee. them to thee. thee some. him or it to you. her or it to you. them to you. you some. thee there. him, her, or it to thee them to thee there some to thee there. you there. him, her, or it to you them to you there. some to you there. FIRST PERSON. IM II ME LE donna. ll ME LA donna. 11 ME les donna. 11 M' EN donna. II NOUS le donna. II NOUS LA donna. 11 NOUS les donna. 11 NOUS EN donna. II M' y envoya. there. 11 ME l' y envoya. 11 ME les Y envoya. II M' Y EN envoya. II NOUS Y envoya. there. 11 NOUS l' Y envoya. II NOUS LES Y envoya. II NOUS Y EN envoya. SECOND PERSON. II TE LE donna. II TE LA donna. II TE les donna. II T' en donna. II VOUS LE donna. II VOUS LA donna. 11 VOUS les donna. 11 VOUS EN donna. 11 T' Y envoya. there. II TE l' y envoya. II TE LES Y envoya. II T' Y en envoya. 11 VOUS Y envoya. there. II VOUS l' y envoya. II VOUS LES Y envoya. ll VOUS Y EN envoya. PERATIFE COMMANDING. Domiez-LE-MOl. Donnez-LA-MOI. Donfiez-LES-MOI. Donnez-M' en. Donnez-NOUS-LE. : Di. O He has given her or it to him, to her. II LA lui a donnte. Donnez-LA-LUl. < He has given them to him, to her. II LES LUI a donn6s. Donnez-LES-LVi. Z. He has given him or it to them. II LE LEUR a donn6. jDon?zez-LE-LEUR. He has given her or ii ;o them. Il LA LEUR a donn6e. Donnez-LA-LEUR. | He has given them to them. Il LES leur a donnes. Donnez-LES-LEVR. He -warned him, or her of it. 11 L' en avertit. Avertissez-L,' en. -§ He warned them of it. ' ll LES en avertit. Avertissez-EES-'EX. He sent him, her or it there. II L' Y envoya. Envoyez-E' Y. He sent them there. Il LES Y envoya. Envoy ez-LES-Y. w He sent him or it to him, to her there. Il LE lui Y envoya. Envoyez-EE-LVl-Y .* § He sent her or it to him, toher there. Il LA LUI Y envoya. Envoyez-EA-LVl-Y . &* He sent them to him, to her there. II LES LUI Y envoya. Envoy ez-EES-LV I- Y . "•' He sent him or it to them there. II LE leur Y envoya. Envoy ez-LE-LEUR-Y. S" He sent her or it to them there. II LA LEUR Y envoya. Envoy ez-LA-LEUR-Y. IT He sent them to them there. 11 LES leur y envoya. Envoy ez-EES-LEVR-Y.' 3 He sent some to him, to her. Il LUI EN envoya. Envoy ez-LU I- EN. S 1 - He sent some to them, or them some. 11 LEUR EN envoya. Entw/ez-LEUR-EN. | He sent some to him, to her there. Il LUI Y EN envoya. Envoy ez-EXJI-Y-EW. ^ He sent some to them there. II LEUR Y en envoya. Enwn/ez-LEUR-Y-EN. « He sent some (g) there. II Y EN envoya. Envoy ez-Y -en. EXERCISE. I have brought you the book which I had promised you. Where ai apporte 25 livrera.. que avais promts 25 Oil is it? Shew it** me. I (will shew) it 24 you (by and by.) Will you give est-il ? Montrez-le 26 montrerai le 29 tantot. Voulez donner It does not belong II — n' est pas you 51 lend it 24 me ? preterez-vous le 29 ? Lend it 2 * me now. I (will return) it 24 to you (to-morrow). I (will lend) Pretez-le ^ aprtsent. rendrai le — >29 demain. preterai it 24 you next 16 week 7 . I (shall be) in the country then. I (will send) le ** prochaine semaine. f. serai a. campagne f. alors. enverai them to you there. You will not find (any body) to bring them 24 _ 29 y 29 — ne trouverez personne pour apporter ^ to me there. I (will take) them to you there myself. Has she given — 29 y 29 porterai ^ — M 29 moi-meme. A-t-elle donnt him 25 any money ? No ; she has lent him 25 a guinea. Tell her 26 (f) 9 argent ? Non ; pretc (f) l guinee. f. Dites (f) not to lend him u any more, for he will never return it 24 her. de ne pas preter (f) (g) 29 davantage, car — ne 55 rendra jamais le (f) 29 * Lui "Y is grammatical, hut i, i, at the end of a sentence do not sound well, there- fore, instead of Y for there, use la, and say lui la instead of LUI Y. (f) When a verh governs two suhstantives, either nouns or pronouns, one of them has a preposition expressed or understood, hut the preposition is generally understood before the pronoun -which represents the person. In these instances him, her, must be expressed by LUI, and them by leur, the same as when to is prefixed to them ; ex. I will send him money, i. e. money to him; Je LUI enverai de V argent; not L'enverai. I have offered them some, i. e. some to them ; Je LEUR EN at offert ; notje LES EN ai oJFert. (g) Some y any, implying of it, of them, understood after them, are expressed by en it 24 me? le 29 ? Give it 26 me. I can not give it 24 you, Donnez-le 29 ne puis pas donner le 29 to me. a. 28 I (will lend) it 24 you. When will preterai le 29 Quand — SO AN INTRODUCTION ~ ~ PERSONAL PRONOUNS OK) As there are only two genders infrench, the masculine and the femi- nine, the neuter pronouns it, they, THEM must be expressed by il, ELLE, ILS. ELLES ; LE, LA, LES, the Same as HE, SHE, TIIEY ; HIM, HER, them, masculine or feminine, agreeably to the gender of the noun which they represent; so we say: Of a man or a tree. Il est grand; je le vois. He or it is tall ; I see him, or it. Of a woman or a flower; Elle est belle ; regardez-LA. She or it is fine ; look at her, or it. (h) Of men or trees ; Ils sont ici; je les ai mis. They are here ; I have seen them. Of women or flowers; Elles sont belles; je les admire. They are fine ; I admire them. EXERCISE. You have a fine hat. It is new. I can not wear it s *. It is avez 1 beau chapeau. m. 30 est neuf. ne saurais porter 30 (h) 30 too small. (Here is) another; try it*\ This watch has cost me trap petit. En void un autre ; tssayez 30 (h) l montref.a coule » a (good deal) of money 8 , but it is not 55 good ; It does not go well. — beaucoup argent , N -»- 30 nest pas bonne; 30 — ne vapasbien. Get «7 26 mended. Give it 30 me. (That is) a good house; it Faites 30 (h) raccomnwder. Bonnes (h) 26 Voila l bonne maison ; f. 80 is well built, but it is not well situated. It is too near the road. If bleu bdti, 13 3 ° Men sitae 13 . 30 trop pres de route, f. Si it was mine, 42 I (would sell) if". Eat some of these grapes ; 30 ctait (a moi) vendrais 30 (h) Mangez (quelques-uns) l raisins ; m they are good. I (would rather have) apples, if they were ripe. bon. 13 J' aimerais mieux — 9 pommes, f. 30 ttaient murj 3 It is not the time for apples. Is it astonishing that they are (i) n'est pas terns m. des (i) itonnant qu 30 ne soieut not 35 ripe? It (would be) an astonishing thing if they were. pas 13 (i) serait ttonnante 16 chose f. qu' 30 le /assent. (h) Learners are sometimes embarrassed how to discriminate it the object from it the agent or nominative, i. e. when to express it by il, elle, and when by le, la. It is the agent, and expressed by il, elle, agreeably to the gender of the noun to which it relates, when, if you were speaking of a person, you would use HE or she ; as, He or it is come. Il est venu. She or it will fall, elle tombera. It is the object, and expressed by le, la. agreeably to the gender of the noun, when, if you were speaking of a person, you would use him or her ; as, I see him or it. Je le vois. I know her or it. Je la connais. (i) It is often used in an impersonal sense, i. e. without reference to any substantive mentioned in the sentence ; as, it is glorious, shameful, necessary, &c. In these instances, it is always expressed by IL, or by ce. Iris expressed by il, if the verb is followed by an adjecti ve without a substantive; as, it is glorious, shameful, necessary. IL est glorieux, honteux, ntcessaire, e\c. It is expressed by ce, when the verb is followed by a substantive, either with or with- out an adjective ; as, It is I. it is he. iris she. it is you. it is your brother, it is a shameful tiling C'es* moi, e'est Uu. c'estelle. e'est vous. e'est votrefrcre. e'estnue chose ltonteuse. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 81 PERSONAL PRONOUN. //e, she, they, him, her, them, are sometimes used without 31 relation to any noun expressed before them, but imply the words man, woman, or people understood; as, He who is honest is esteemed ; i. e. the man who is honest is &c. Do you know her wnom I love? i. e. the woman whom I love? In this se?ise they are expressed ; milfc CELUI. ggji CELLE. ™|F, } % CEUX j as, He who is honest is esteemed. celui qui est honnete est estime. Do you know her whom I love? Connaissez-vous celle que Jaime? „ N ', B :l CELUI ' CELLE ' ceux ' fl7w *^ c re/a*we qui, que, dont which attends them must not be separated, as the corresponding words sometimes are in english ; they must be placed together ; as, Be knows men but little who relies on their promises. Celui qui compte sur les promesses des homines ne les commit suere : i. e. He who relies on the promises of men knows them but little (k). exercise. He who can live dishonoured does not deserve to live. He who qui pent vivre tUshonort _ 55 tnirite de »i betrays a friend is unworthy of friendship. He can not be happy tr&it amim. zndigne amitU. ^ ne saurait _ etre heureil f^f ^ a Pf iness depends on others. Do not" trust him who ao/u n.b. ibonheuvm. depend des autres. - Ne vous fiezpasa ^ has deceived you. She (of whom) you speak (will come) (by and by.) trom Pi 23 8l dont parlez viendra tantbt. ' ? She is not come (of whom*) you (were speaking.) Do you* Know her est ■ venue n.b. parliez. — Connaissez-vous « (of whom) we (are speaking?) They who prefer ^riches to 'honour Pari™*? 31 prtferent richesses *honneur are contemptible. They are mistaken who* think that riches make mtprisable™. * - se trompent n.b. pensent que 7 rcndent men' h ;ippy . Do you* know that gentleman? He is a physician. homme heureux. - Connaissez-vous » monsieur'/ (1) Wdecin. (T twV S) h i iS 7 ife * ^ is a fine woman ' The V are 10v *ry honest people. *oUa femme. (1) belle femme. (I) treshonnetes gens. (k) We may also say without changing the order of the words : or^l'^Jl 6 C07m ^ t 8U "' e l f H mmes QUI com P te sur leurs Poornesses; but tW twnLorif 7 C gWr - e leS hommes QVE DE com P ter sur leurs promesses ; but these two modes of expression are" more adapted to oratory than to conversation. (1) He she they, coming with the verb be followed by a substantive are eenerallv PreS E d is Y a me^anf ** ^ * ""ft they "f* h ™ been -enSed beS Ts! ne is a merchant. C'est un negotiant. Th* ^ T' C ' est une marcliande de modes. They are great rogues. Ce sont de grands fripons. N. B. If the substantive which follows the verb denotes trade or profession hf shf THEY ' iTL^SSr d by 1L > ELLEj IL V LLES > but th , e •^OTWB s a " ' T*,**Lil ^ mi i i, • , Elle est marchande de modes. G 82 AN INTRODUCTION RELATIVE PRONOUN. WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, THAT, WHICH, WHAT. 32 QUI, QUE, DONT, QUOI, QUEL, LEQUEL. When who, whom, whose, that, which, come after one or several substantives which they particularize, they are expressed, WHO, f THAT, ? WHICH; ^ WHOM, f THAT, ~ WHICH; ^ WHOSE, I Of WHOM, ? Of WHICH; ►QUI. >QUE. (m) The man who The horse that The chaise which The man whom The horse which The coach that V homme qui Le cheval qui La chaise qui U homme que Le cheval que Le carosse que U homme dont > ) went. The man of whom ) DONT. The horse o/ which \l speak. Le cheval dont V/e parte. .The chaise of which) La chaise dontJ N. B. qui, que, dont must be placed immediately after the noun to which they relate ; as, Is the ship arrived which was expected ? 1 i. e. the ship which was Le navire qu'o?i attendait est-il 52 arrive? ] expected, is it 6 * arrived? EXERCISE. Do you 51 know the master who teaches me french'? The scholars — Connaissez-vous maitre 82 enseigne 24 francais m. ? tcoliers m. whom you have recommended to me are very diligent. (This is) 82 avez recommandh - 25 sont tres 13 . Void the person of whom I (was speaking.) Have you seen the ships that 32 1 personne f. 38 parlais. vu l navire (m) book which 32 is very dear. livrem., (m) est tres cher. The book which 32 you have bought is very dear. The book of which (a) you speak is very dear. That house is sold which 32 you wanted to buy. parlez l maison f. vendue N>B * vouliez - acheter The ladies you want to see are here. The gentleman is gone who 3S dame (n) voulez voir ici. monsieur parti N * B " has brought you a letter. He has lost all the money he had. apporte 25 a lettre. f. perdu tout 2 argent(vi) avait. (are just) (come in ?) You have bought viennent d'arriver ? achete (m) Persons not versed in grammatical terms, are often at a loss to distinguish the object from the nominative, i. e. when to express that, which by qui, and wh'en by QUE, To these I will observe, that that, which are the nominative, and expressed by QUI, when they are followed immediately by a verb; as, The coach that or which is at the door. Le carosse QUI est a la porte. That, which are the object of the verb, and expressed by QUE, when, between them and the verb, there is a noun or pronoun which is the nominative of the verb ; as, The coach that or which we have met. Le carosse que nous avons rencontre". (n) The distinctive pronouns whom, that, which are often left out in english ; as, The man I saw ; for the man whom 1 saw ; but the corresponding words QUI, que, DONT rfcust always be expressed in french ; as, The man I saw, i. e. whom I saw. U homme que je vis. The wine we drank, i. e. which we drank. Le vin que nous bumes. The woman I speak of, i. e. of whom I speak. Lafemme DQNTje parle. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 83 RELATIVE PRONOUN. After any preposition but of, or a preposition synonymous to it, OO Whom is expressed by QUI for both genders and numbers. '*Masc. SING. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern. WHICH by ZeQUEL, ZaQUELLE, les QUELS, les QUELLES ; From WHICH by daQUEL, de laQXJELLE, des QUELS, des QUELLES; To, at WHICH by auQUEL, a ZaQUELLE, auxQUELS, auxQUELLES ; agreeably to the gender and number of the noun to which it relates ; as, The man with whom ] V homme avec qui ] The horse on which >I came. Le cheval sur lequel he vins. The chaise in which J La chaise dans laquelleJ The man/rom whom 1 , . ~ ,, L' homme de qui 1 i h The horse jfrowi which) ' Le cheval duQUEL J The man to whom \ u .. V homme a qui 1 . 7 7 , rr,, , . , . , >he gave it. r , ? > ?£ /e donna. The horse to which J ° i>e cheval auQUEL J EXERCISE You know the lady to whom I have spoken. The study to which Connaissez dame & ai parU. 2 6tude f. 33 he applies is not very useful. The chair on which you sit is s'applique est 5S tres utile. chaise f. sur 33 (etes assis) broken 13 . The coach in which I came was overturned. The people rompu. N - B ' carosse m. dans 3S vins fut renverst. gens m. with whom I was were very civil. (This is) the stick with which avec 33 itais ttaient civil 13 . Voici baton m. & he struck me. Where is the horse to which you have given the corn ? frappa ** . Oil 33 avez donn6 2 avoine'f Who, whom, whose used absolutely, i. e. without reference to any 04 noun mentioned before, imply the word person understood. Who, whom are then expressed by QUI ; as, Who is there? i. e. what person is there? qui est la? I know whom you love, i. e. what person, fyc. Je sais qui vous aimez. Whose is expressed by de QUI, when it is used for of what person ; and by A QUI, when it is used for to what person; as, Whose daughter is she? \ esUUe ji lk? i. e. (of what person) is she the daughter t J J Whose house is that ? U ^ ^ maisQn ? i. e. (to what person) does that house belong t) EXERCISE. Whom did you send? Whom have you found? Whom did you 34 ai;ez 5l envoyt'f 3i avez trouv6'i 3i avez speak to 56 ? I know tt^om you are speaking of 60 . Whose hat j>ar/£ a 1' sais w — parlez de ** chapeau m. is this? Whose coach is that? I do not know w/^ose it is. «st i v »i carosse m. l / — ne sais pas ** ^ J^ose son is he? Whose wife is she? JFAose relations are they? ** )Ms t femme ? ** parent sont-il$ i G 2 84 AN INTRODUCTION RELATIVE PRONOUN. WHICH INTERROGATIVE. In an interrogative sentence which requires three distinctions. Which interrogative is either joined to the noun like an adjective, i. e. without the help of a preposition ; as, which man? which carriage? which horses? Or, like a substantive, joined to it by the preposition of ; as, which of the men? which of the carriages? which of my horses? Or like a pronoun used absolutely after the noun; as, It is one of these men ; which is it? 35 Which interrogative joined like an adjective, i. e. without a prepo- . sition, to the noun to which it relates, is Masc. sing Fern. Masc. plur. Fern. WHICH; QUEL, QUELLE, QUELS, QUELLES Of, from WHICH; deQUEL, rfeQUELLE, deQUELS, ckQUELLES To, at WHICH; a QUEL, a QUELLE, a QUELS, a QUELLES agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; as, Which man ] quel homme \ Which carriage >will you have? quelle voiture\voulez-vous? Which horses J quels chevaux) Which interrogative joined by a preposition to the noun to which it relates, or coming after it absolutely, i. e. without a noun, is Masc. SING. Fern. Masc. pjlur. Fern. WHICH ; le QUEL, ZaQUELLE, les QUELS, les QUELLES Of, from WHICH; duQUEL, deZaQUELLE, des QUELS, des QUELLES To, at WHICH; awQUEL, a JaQUELLE, auzQUELS, aiaQUELLES agreeably to the gender and number of the noun; as, " Which of these men ) .,, lequel de ces ho?nmes "j Which of the coaches } ,___:_.* laquelle des voitures \voulez-vous? 36 have ? Which of my horses J ' LEsqxiEhsdemes chevaux) Which is the tallest? lequel est le plus haut? Which is the finest ? laquelle est la plus belle ? Which are the best? les quels sont les meilleurs? 37 Which sometimes implies the demonstrative pronoun that or those understood, this demonstrative word can not be omitted in french, and which, as including the two words, is expressed by CELU1 que «.l wMch CEUX r QUE m j TH0SE which CELLEque/. J ' CELLESque/.J - ' agreeably to the gender and number of the noun to which it relates; as, Which of these horses shall I ride? Lequel de ces chevaux monterai-je? Ride which you will, i. e. that which Montez celui que vous voudrez. EXERCISE. Which book shall I read ? Which of these books shall I read ? 3 5 livre m. — 51 lirai-je 51 '/ 36 J 51 '/ Read which you please. Which pen shall I make use of 56 ? uisez 37 ilvous plaira, 35 plume f. — 5l me servirai-je de'/ TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 85 RELATIVE PRONOUN. Which of these pens shall I 51 make use of? Use which you will. 38 * i — me servirai-je 56 '/ Servez-vous de 37 voudrez. Which boy shall I 51 give this to? Which of the boys shall I give 35 garcon — donnerai-je ceci 56V 36 * l 5i this to? Give it to which you like. Which lady is the handsomest? 58 ! Donnez-le 37 voudrez. 35 dame est belle 21 y Which of these ladies is the handsomest? Which ladies do you 36 1 21 35 51 speak of 53 ? To which do you 51 give the preference? Which parlez-vous 51 '! 36 — donnez-vous 51 ■preference f. / fruit do you 51 like best? Which of these fruits do you like best? fruit m. — aimez-vous lemieux'f * i — ? Which is the ripest? Eat of which you like. Which road shall est mur 21 '! Mangez voudrez. route f. — we go by 55 ? Which of these roads shall we go by 55 ? Which 51 irons par'/ l 5i par'/ house shall we 51 go to? Which is the best 13 ? Go to which maison f. — irons-nous 56 'i vieilleur 'I Allez a you choose. Which door must I go through ? Which of these voudrez. porte f. faut-il que je passe par 56 'I doors must I go through ? Go through which you please. par 59 / Passez par il vous plaira. WHAT requires the same distinction as which. What followed by a noun, or relating to a noun mentioned qq before, is expressed in the same manner as which ; Masc. sing. Fern. Masc. PI.UR. Fern. WHAT; QUEL, QUELLE, QUELS, QUELLES ; Of, from WHAT; deQVEL, deQUELLE, deQUELS, tfeQUELLES ; To, at WHAT; a QUEL, a QUELLE, a QUELS, a QUELLES j agreeably to the gender and number of the noun; as, What man 1 quel homme \ What carriage Will you have? quelle voiture\voulez-vous? What horses J quels chevaux J It is my opinion, what is yours? Cest mon opinion, quelle est la voire? EXERCISE. What man has he employed? What language do you 51 like best? 38 a-t-il employe" ? x langue f. — aimez-vous le mieux ? What study do you 51 apply to 50 ? What sort of books do % Hude f. — vous 2 * appliquez-vous 5l ? ** sorte f. 8 liwre — you M read ? To what use shall I put it 2 * ? What news lisez-vous 51 ? s* •usage m. — 5l mettrai-je 51 le? 38 nouvellef. are you 51 speaking of? What is your sentiment? What is yours 41 ? — parlez-vous 51 56 ? ^ est sentiment in.? 38 le votrc ? * WHICH may here be either singular or plural, agreeably to the number that is meant 86 AN INTRODUCTION RELATIVE PRONOUN. Oi) What used absolutely, i. e. without reference to a noun mentioned,, implies the word thing understood, and is expressed by que or by quoi. What is expressed by QUE, when it is the object of a verb ; as, What are you doing there ? que faites-vous la ? I do not know what to say to her. Je ne sais que lui dire. What is expressed by QUOI, when it is governed by a preposition, or used as an interjection; ex. What do you meddle with 56 ? De 59 quoi vous 24 melez-vous 51 ? What! you have not done yet. Quoi ! vous n'avez pas encore jini. exercise. What do you want? What do you think of that? What shall 39 — 5l cherchez? 39 — 51 pensez de cela? 39 — I do with this ? Do you know what this is made of? What 51 feraide ceci? — 31 savez 39 ceci fait 56 ? 39 is it good for 55 ? I do not know what you (are talking-) about. il bon a ? — 55 sais 39 parlez de 56 . What I are you not gone yet 53 ? What I you do not answer me. 39 55 parti encore ? 39 55 repondez 24 . *±U What sometimes implies the demonstrative pronoun that, and the distinctive which ; it is then expressed, Nom. What, ce qui ; Always do what is right ; i. e. that which is right. Faites toujours ce qui est juste. Obj. What, ce que ; What I say is true ; i. e. that which I say is true, (rn) ce qvEj'e dis est vrai. But with the prepositions of, to, or any preposition that is synony- mous to them, it is necessary to consider whether the preposition comes before or after what ; for, Of what isde ce qui, )I speak of what is true ; i. e. of that which de ce que ; J Je parle de ce qui est vrai. What of 'is ce dont ; as, What he speaks of is not true ; i. e. that of which ce dont il parte n'est pas vrai. To what is a ce qui, 1 You do not apply to what is useful; to that which a ce que \\Vous ne vous appliquez pas a ce qui est utile. What to zsce a quoi ; &s,What you apply to is not useful ; that to which ce a quoi vous vous appliquez n'est pas utile. exercise. Say what is true, and do what is just. What* we do hastily Dites 40 est vrai, et faites 40 juste. (m) faisons (a la hate) is often imperfect. Shew me what i0 you have done. Pay attention to souvent imparfait. Montrez 26 (m) fait. Faites attention what™ I say to you. Are you sure of what 40 you say ? It is what you (m) dis - 24 Etes ' sur (iu) dites? C'est 40 may be sure of. I would not 55 trust to what 40 he proposes. What pouvez etre 36 ne voudrais pas me fier (m) purpose. ** TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 87 RELATIVE PRONOUN. you trust to is very uncertain. He complains of what 40 he has vous vous fiez 56 est tres incertain. se plaint (m^) suffered. souffert. I have told you. What they attribute it to has never 55 happened. dit 25 40 ' a* n » est jamais arrivi. What he complains of is right. They attribute it to what* 40 se -plaint ^ juste. attribuent le' 24, (m) POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. Masc. SING. Fern. Masci plur. Fern. MINE. le MIEN, la MIENNE, les MIENS, les MIENNES. Of, from MINE. du MIEN, de hi MIENNE, des MIENS, des MIENNES. To, at MINE. au MIEN, a la MIENNE, aux MIENS, aux MIENNES. THINE. he TIEN, la TIENNE, les TIENS, les TIENNES. HIS. HERS } le SIEN, la SIENNE, les SIENS, les SIENNES. OURS. le NOTRE, la NOTRE, les NOTRES, les NOTRES. YOURS. le VOTRE, la VOTRE, les VOTRES, les VOTRES. THEIRS. le LEUR, la LEUR, les LEURS, les LEURS. The possessive pronouns le mien, le tien, le sien, &c. must be of^t i the same gender and number as the noun which they represent ; as, Your horse is better than hers, i. e. her horse. Votre cheval est meilleur que le sien. My house is not so fine as his, i. e. his house. Ma maison ?i' est pas si belle que la sienne. Your histories are prettier than his, i. e. his histories. Vos histoires sont plus jolies que les siennes. exercise. Why do not 55 you 51 eat your cake ? Your brother has eaten his. Pourquoi — ne mangez-vous pas l gateau m.? l a mang6 41 My sister has not eaten hers. I (will eat) mine (by and by). Your a 55 41 . mangerai 41 tantot. 1 lesson is shorter 18 than mine, but (I shall know) mine before you legon f. court 13 41 mais saurai 41 avant que know yours. It is not 55 your business, it is his. My books are sachiez 41 Ce n'est pas l affaire f. , c' est 41 livre m. sont finer 18 than yours and his. They are not finer than * mine. Have beaux 4l 4i 30 55 18 4l you cleaned my boots ? Yours and mine are clean 13 , but his are not. dicrotti l botte f. ? 41 41 dicrotti, 4l ne le sont pas. The possessive words mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, do not always represent a noun mentioned before them ; they often come with the verb be used in the sense of belong, instead of the personal pronouns me, thee, him, her, us, you, them ; as for example, This book is mine, i.e. belongs to me; in this sense mine, TniNE, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, are expressed by 42 88 AN INTRODUCTION POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. a moi, a toi, a lui, a elle, a nous, a vous, a eux, m. a elles,/. as, This book is mine. Ce livre est a moi ; t. e. belongs fo twc. is thine. es£ a toi ; to thee. is Azs. est a lui -j to him. is hers. est a elle ; to her. is owrs. est a nous ; to us. is yours. est a vous ; to you. is theirs. est a eux ; m. a elles ; f to them. exercise. This stick is mme, and this umbrella is his. It 30 is neither 1 fcdton m. 42 1 parapluie m. 42 «' est ni yours nor Ae's, it is hers. Is this horse 52 i/owrs ? It is not mine ; 42 n £ 42 .30 42 Ce cheval est-il 52 42 f 80 55 42 it is my cousin's. If it was yours, what would you 51 do (with it) ? 80 (o) S' 30 itait 42 S9 — feriez - vous 51 en 2i ? If it was mine, I (would sell) it 24 . I wish it was ours. so 42 vendrais 30 (h) souhcdterais qu* 30 flit 42 . 4t$ The possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, by an idiom peculiar to the english language, are sometimes joined to the noun to which they relate by the preposition of ; as a friend of mine ; a book of yours ; this possessive pronoun can not be expressed by the possessive pronoun in french ; it must be expressed by the possessive article mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs, placed before the noun, which must always be plural in french ; as, A friend of mine. of thine. of his. of hers. of ours. of yours. of theirs. un de mes amis ; un de tes amis ; un de ses amis; un de ses amis ; un de nos amis ; un de vos amis ; un de leurs amis i. e. one of my one of thy one of his one of her one of our one of your one of their > a (That is) a child of theirs. I have Voila enfant m. 43 EXERCISE. (This is) a relation of mine. He is a cousin of ours. A brother of Void 1 parent m. 43 . (1) est 43 mine has married a sister of his. 43 a tpouse l 43 seen to-day a scholar of yours. I (shall dine) to-morrow with vu (aajour d'hui) tcolier m. 43 dinerai demain avec a friend of ours. I have found a book of yours amongst mine. 43 trouvi livre m. * ^ parmi 4l It 30 is not mine ; it is my brother's. It is a friend's of mine. n'est pas & 30 (o) 80 (o) « , (o) The possession denoted ir^english by adding s to the noun, is expressed in french by a before it ; as, It is my father's. It est a monpere; Not, il est de monpere. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 89 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. Masc. SING. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern. THAT;} CELm > CELLE. THOSE; } CEUX ; CELLES. The DEMONSTRATIVE prOUOUUS CELUI, CELLE, CEUX, CELLES must be of^Q the same gender and number as the noun which they represent ; as. He has eaten his apple and that of his brother ; i. e. the apple of, &c. II a mange sa pomme et celle de son frere. EXERCISE. She has spoiled her hat and that of her brother. He has torn a gatf * chapeaum. ** l de'chire my gown and that of my sister. Bring my shoes and those of my 1 robe f. ** Apportez x smdiers m. ** mother. (Look at) these 1 guineas and those which 32 he has given us. Regardez (p) guine'es f. ** (m) a donnSes. 2 * N. B. The demonstrative words this, these; that, those imply a local distinction which celui, celle, ceux, celles do ?wt express ; if you wish to make that distinction in french, you must add to these pronouns the adverbs ci, here ; and la, there ; thus, THIS; CELUI-ci, CELLE-ci. THESE; CEUX-ci, CELLES-ci. THAT; CELUI-Ja, CELLE-Ja. THOSE; CEVX-la, CELLES-W; as, This horse is better than that ; Ce cheval-c\ est meilleur que CELUi-la ; i. e. this horse here — that there. EXERCISE. That 1 horse is young, and this 4 * is old, but I prefer this 14 to (p) cheval-ld. est jeune, N,B - vieux, mais prtfere N,B> that**. These 1 girls dance much better than those**. n.b. (p) fille-ci dansent beauccup (b) N - B - If this, that are not followed by a noun, nor relate to a noun 4:<3 mentioned, they imply the word thing understood, and are expressed, THIS by CECI ; THAT, by GEL A ; as, This is good, i. e. this thing is good. ceci est bon. That is better, i. e. that thing is better, cela est meilleur, EXERCISE. Take this. Leave that. Have you seen this. That is very pretty. Prenez * 5 Laissez * 5 vu 45 * 5 tres joli. (p) The demonstrative words this, that, these, those, have three different proper- ties. If this, that, these, those are followed by a noun, they have the property of a demonstrative article, and are expressed by ce, cette, ces ; as, Thii bread, that meat, those clothes. Ce pain, cette viande, CES habits. See rule 1. If this, that, these, those do not point out a noun after them, but represent one mentioned before, they are pronouns, and are expressed by CELUI, CELLE, CEUX, celles, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun which they represent (rule 44.) ; as, He has eaten his apple &c that of his brother. II a mange' sa pomme ty celle de confrere. If this, that do not point out a noun after them, nor represent one mentioned before, they may be considered as substantives, and are expressed this by ceci, that by cela. This is good, but that is better. Ceci est bon, mais cela est meilleur. (rule 45.) 46 47 48 90 AN INTRODUCTION INDEFINITE PRONOUN. One, we, they, people, used in an indefinite sense, i. c. not relating to any particular person, are expressed by On. N. B. Observe that On is always the nominative of a verb, and though it represents we, they, people, which are plural, it requires the verb in the third person singular ; as, ne says, i N ^ . o ^ e ga rhey say, people say. J EXERCISE. People are never 55 so happy nor so miserable as they imagine. ■*° n'est jamais si heureux ni niaiheureux qu" 46 s'imagine. They say that we (are going) to have peace. They say so ; but can 46 dit que nous aliens - avoir 7 paix. f. 46 le 24 ; peut one believe it, when they (are making) such preparations for war? ? 46 croire /e 24 , quand 46 fait tunt de priparatif pour guerre f. '/ The following and other like indefinite expressions, are also ex pressed in french by On, with the verb in its active sense. N. B. The verb is rendered active by leaving out the auxiliary verb be, and making the participle into a verb of the same tense and person as the auxiliary verb is ; ex. It was said. on disait ; i. e. one said. It is reported. on rapporte ; one reports. EXERCISE. It is thought that (there will be) a war. It is said that hostilities 47 pense qu' il y aura - guerre. 47 dit que 7 hostilith have already begun. It is supposed that the two fleets have met. ont deja. commence". 4 ? s'imagine que deux flotte se sontrencontrt'es. The english passive verbs used indefinitely, require the active signifi- cation in french, with On for nominative ; but observe that by adding o?i to the sentence, the substantive* which is the nominative of the verb in english, becomes its object in french ; as, I have been told that news has been received; turn this sentence thus, One has told me that one has received news. On m 25 a dit qu' on a recu des nouvelles. exercise. We have been told that you were married. I have been told so 48 dit que 6tiez marie". *° le ?A too, but that is not true. I was advised to do it. J have not aussi, cela n'est pas vrai. 48 avait conseilU de faire Ze 24 . ^nea pas been permitted to do it. Do you 51 know what is said of you ? 48 permis de 24 _ sa vez - vous 51 40 ^ dit de **'{ What can be said of me? It is said that great news is 39 peut 4S dire w '.? 47 dit que 10 grandes nouvelles ** expected. Have the letters been received which were expected ? attend. « lettre « recu M *» attendaitj * By substantive is here meant every word which either names or represents a substance. TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 91 CHAP. VI. VERB. A verb is a word which expresses either being or acting. Being; as, i am; i exist ; rhou art ; He is ; My brother is ; we are, &c. Acting ; as, i speak ; i blame ; i walk j i drink ; i sing, &c. Every action requires an agent, i. e. a being to perform that action ; this agent, in grammar, is called the nominative of the verb. The verb must be of the same number and person as the agent or no- 4i/ minative ; this is called agreement of the verb with its nominative ; ex. SINGULAR. Je chantc Til CHANTeS. II CHANTe. Elle CHANTe. Monfrere CHANTe. Ma soeur CHANTe. lp. J sing. 2p. Thou singest. 3p. He sings. She sings. My brother sings My sister sings. PLURAL. NOUS CHANTOTW. VOUS CHANTeZ. lis CHANTe?^. Elles chants. Mes freres CHANTe?z£. Mes sceurs CHAN'mitf. I speak. purler. Thou playest. jouer. EXERCISE. He walks. marcher. She dances. danser. My brother stays. rester. My sister forgets. We blame. oublier. blumer. You study. They look. My itudier. regarder. brothers call or (are calling.*) My sisters dispute or (are disputing.*) appeler. disputer. In a declarative sentence, i. e. when a question is not asked, the 50 nominative of the verb is placed in french, as in english, before the verb; as, I sing. Je CHANTe. Thou singest. Tu CHANTe*. He sings. II CHANTe. She sings. Elle CHANTe. My brother sings. Monfrere chantc My sister sings. Ma sceur chantc NOUS CHATXTOnS. VOUS CHANTeZ. lis CHAHiTent. Elles cuANTent. Met freres cu Anient. Mes sceurs CHANTe?z£. I speak 49 french. parlev francais. EXERCISE. Thou speakest french. parler 49 speaks french. My brother speaks french vurler* 9 purler 49 He speaks french. She parser 49 My sister speaks french. parler 49 We speak french. You speak french. They speak french. My bro- parler i9 purler 49 purler 49 thers speak french. My sisters speak french. They speak it very well. parler 49 purler* 9 purler le^tres bien. But when the sentence is interrogative, i. e. when a question is asked, it is necessary to consider whether the nominative of the verb is a noun or a pronoun. * These two modes of expression are rendered in the same manner in french. See the conjugations, page 112 and following. 92 AN INTRODUCTION - -j VERB. v 1 7/; wto « question » os&ed, tfAe nominative of the verb is one of the pronouns je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles, on or ce, these, pronouns are placed in french, as the corresponding words are in english, immediately after the verb; as, Do (q) I sing well ? Chante - je bien ? i. e. sing J well ? Doest thou sing well ? Chantes - tu bien? singest thou well ? Does he sing well? Chante-t*-iL bien ? sin^s 7ae well ? Does she sing well? CAomte-t^-ELLE 6ze/i? sings she well ? Do we sing well? Chantons-novs bien? sing w;g well? Do you sing well? Chantez - vous foe/i? sing you well? Do rfAey sing well ? Chantent-ihs bien ? sing they well ? Do they sing well? Chante?it-ELLEs bien? sing 2Ae^ well? EXERCISE. Do I speak 49 french well 53 ? Doest thou speak french well? Does (q) 51 purler francais bienf ? (jq) 51 parler 49 53 ? (q) he speak french well? Does she speak french well? Do we speak french 51 parler 49 53 ? 51 parler 49 53 ? 51 parler 49 well ? Do 2/oif speak french well? Do ^Aey speak french well? 53 y 3i parler 49 & ? 5l parler 49 53 ? o2i If when we ask a question, the nominative of the verb is a noun, that noun is placed before the verb in french, the same as when the sentence is not interrogative ; but to shew that a question is asked, one of the personal pronouns il, elle, ils, elles, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun, is placed immediately after the verb ; as, Does ray brother sing Mon frere chajite-t-iL bien? i.e. iuy b. sings he? Does my sister sing % Ma sceur chante-t-ELLE bien? My s. sings she Do my brothers sing ^ Mes freres chanlent-iLs bien ? My b. sing they Do my sisters sing Mes sceurs chantcnt- elles bien? my s. sing they EXERCISE. Does my brother speak 4 * french well 53 ? Does my sister speak french (q) 52 parler frangais bien*, ? (q) £2 -parler 4 * well ? Do my brothers speak french well ? Do my sisters speak 53 ? (q) 52 parter 49 53 ? (q) 52 pan**** french well ? Does your son go to school now ? Does your daughter 53 ? (q) 52 va a Vtcole a prtsznt ? 52 go to school now ? Do your sofOS go to school now ? Do your va ? (q) 52 wmt x ? daughters go to school now? Do the boys® make any progress? 52 iwtt ? (q) gar^ons font s progress T>lur. Do the gzYfc 82 make any progress ? Is all your family 59 v/ell ? filles 9 ? se porte toute famille f. ? (q) The auxiliary words do, did, shall, will, should, would, may, might are not ex- pressed in french ; their meaning is implied in the termination of the verb. * When il, elle, on come after a verb ending with a vowel, - t - is placed beXwp.cn these pronouns and the verb to soften the pronunciation. t Place the adverb bien before fruncais ; thus, birn francais. See 53 ru?e, TO FRENCH GRAMMA.R. 93 CHAP. VII. ADVERB An adverb is a word added to a verb to denote the manner in which an action is performed ; as, / walk fast ; He walks slowly ; you write well; she writes badly; the words fast, slowly, well, badly, which denote the manner in which the action of the verbs walk and write is performed, are adverbs. The adverb being to the verb what the adjective is to the noun, i. e. OO expressing some circumstance of the verb, must be placed immediately after the verb which it modifies; as, I saw your sister yesterday. Je vis hier voire sceur. She speaks trench very well. Elle parte tres bien fran^ais. I will come to see her soon. Je viendrai bientot la voir* exercise. You read french very well. I wish to learn it 24 (very much.) Uses 7 francais m. tres bien 53 . souhaite - apprendre 30 fort 53 . You will soon 53 know it 24 , if you read the rules attentively 53 . I (will do) - bientot saurez 30 , lisez regies atteniivement. ferai what you have recommended to me carefidly 53 . We (shall go) into 40 recommandi — 25 soigneusement. irons it the country to-morrow. I hope you (will come) to see us often 53 . campagne f. demain 53 . espere que viendrez — voir 2i son vent. Some adverbs may be placed in english either before or after the Otc verb which they modify ; as, I often see him, or I see. him often. I very seldom speak to him, or I speak to him very seldom ; but the adverbs which represent them in french, must always be placed after the verb ; as, I often see him. Je le vois souvent. I sometimes meet her. Je la rencontre quelquefois. I seldom speak to them. Je leur parte rarement. exercise. You always 5 * walk alone. I seldom 54 go to town. I generally Vous toujours vous promenez seul. rarement vais a la ville. ordinairement go into the country. I often 54 think of you. You seldom 5 * come vais a campagne f, souvent pense a ffl rarement venez to see us now. I sometimes think that you soon 54 (will forget) - voir ** a present. quelquefois 54 pense que bientot oubliei-ez us. You certainly 54 can not think so. I sincerely 54 wish that 24 certainement pouvez a5 penser le 24 sincerement souhaite que you may succeed. I heartily 54 wish you the same. puissiez reussir. de bon cxur souhaite ^ la mime chose. * The perspicuity of a sentence often depends on the placing of the adverhs. These sentences for example ; J'aime beaucoup a lire, and J'aime u lire beaucoup, though formed of the same words, hy changing the place of the adverh beaucoup, express two different ideas. J'aime beaucoup d lire ; means, I am fond of reading ; J'aime a lire beaucoup ; means, I like to read & great deal. 55 I 1 " >NE — GUERE. 94 AN INTRODUCTION ADVERB. The negative adverbs no, not, are ne — pas, ne — point NO MORE, >NE PLUS. NOT ANY MORE; NEVER ; BUT LITTLE, VERY LITTLx BY NO MEANS', NE NULLEMENT. ne is always placed before the verb, and pas, point, plus, jamals s guere, nullement are placed immediately after the verb ; as, I do not like that woman. Je vt'aime pas cette femme. I have never liked her. Je ne Vai jamais aimee. I will not speak to her any more. Je ne lui parlerai plus. exercise. Do not you 51 know that man ? Have you never seen him before? - 55 connaissez 2 'homme ? Avez 51 55 vu 25 auparavant ? Were you not in his company yesterday ? I know him but little. Hiez 51 55 a l compagnie f. hier 53 ? connais M 55 I do not wish to see him any more. I by no means consent (to it.) - 55 souhaite - 24 55 53 56 CHAP. VIII. PREPOSITION. prepositions are words which serve to connect other words together, in order to form a sentence ; as, i" am going to London with my father. The words to, with, which connect the substantives, London, father to the verb go, are called prepositions. The prepositions may often be placed in cnglish either before or after the substantive which they govern ; as, with whom were you, or whom were you with ? of what do you speak, or what do you speak of ? In french the prepositions must always be placed before the substantive which they govern ; as, With whom were you ? ) AyEc . ^. M ? or whom were you with ? J 7 To whom did you speak ? K mez . vous m or whom did you speak to? J * r O/what are you speaking ? 1 . hz _ vom ? or what are you speaking of Y ) * " * exercise. What country do you come from? What people did you come 86 pays m. - 5l venez de 50 ? ^ gens f. etes ai veuu with? What news do you speak of? Which road shall avec 56 ? ^ nouvelles f. 51 parlez de 53 ? 3d chemin m. - we go by 58 ? Which of these houses shall we go to? What 51 irons par ? 36 l maisons f. - 5l irons a* 6 ? 39 are you laughing at ? It is what you may depend upon. 51 viez de 56 ? C est 3a pouvez compter sur 56 . TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 95 exercise on the four conjugations er, ir, oir, re ; And recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules.* verbs in er.f affirmatively. I like 49 wine. Thou askest 49 for beer. He aimerf 'vin m. demanded - 9 biire f. gives 49 me water. We are looking 49 for flowers. You go 49 to see donnerf ** 9 eau. (r) chercherf - 9 fleur. allerf - voir them. They are looking 49 at us. 1 was helping 49 him* He 24 (r) regarderf - 24 . (r) aider\ lui 2 *. was disturbing me. We were studying our lessons. You were troubled ** (r) ttudiet 40 x lecon. singing a song. They were playing in the corner. 1 brought 49 chante^ l chanson, f. jouer dans coin. m. apporter t him 24 a book. He admired it 24 much. We invited them to stay, (f) livre. m. admirer 30 (h) beaucoup. inviter ** a tester. You went away too soon. They arrived in time. — I shall dine 49 Vous vous en aller - trap tot arriver a terns. (q) diner with you. He will send it 24 me. We will accompany you. You avec & . (q) envoy er% 29 accompagner ** will sup with us. They will b»*ing it 24 to them. 1 should like 49 souper 28 . apporter - 29 . (q) aimer to see it 24 . He would give it you, if you asked him 24 for it 29 . a voir le. (q) donner 24 29 , si demandiez (f) - le. We should stay with you, if we had time. You would avoid his resfer ^ aw'o/is 7 tems. m. Suiter 1 company, if you knew him. They would pay them, if they had compagnie, f. cnnfiaissiez 24 . payer ** , avaient money. They would lend them 24 some, if they asked them 24 for it 29 . 9 argent. preter (f) (g) 29 , demandaient (f) - le. interrogatively. Do I speak 49 too fast? Doest thou advise me (q) 5l parler trop vite? (q) 3l conseiller 24 to do it 24 ? Does he converse well ? Do we spend (too much) de fdire le? (q) 51 converser Men ? 31 dlpenser trop money 8 ? Do you live in town now ? Do they call us ? argent v - B ? 5l demeurer a la ville f. d pre" sent ? 51 appeller ** ? Was I striking too hard ? Was he speaking french ? /^ere we (r) 5l frapper 49 trop fort ? 51 parler francais ? (r) 51 going too far ? JFere you eating fruit ? Jfere they scolding you ? a//er trop Zcfin ? M manger 9 fruit m. ? 51 gronder w ? Did I hurt 49 him ? Did he shut the door ? D?d we (q) « o/esser 24 ? 51 /ermer x portef.? 31 * The learner must peruse the verbs before he writes these exercises. t Make the same difference in the verbs which are here given, as is marked in italic characters in the verb BLAMer, page 112, agreeably to tense, number, and person. % See the irregular verb ENVOYer, page 117. (r) Do not express the auxiliary words be, am, art, is, are, was, wast, were, when they are followed by the present participle in ing. Consider them only as signs which in- dicate the tense in which the verb which follows them must be in french. 96 AN INTRODUCTION recapitulatory exercise o?i the foregoing rules. verbs in er. gain any thing? Did you invite them? Did they insult you? gagner quelque chose ? (q) * inviter » ? insulter Zi Shall I begin 49 it 24 again? Will he bring it with him? (q) 51 recommencer le — ? (q) apporter M w Shall we divide it amongst us? Will you think of me? Will partager *» ercire »? penser e the table of the irregular verbs in ir, p. 120. t 2d person imperative TO FRENCH GUAM MAR. 99 recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. verbs in ir. irregular. They were running- to us, when we discovered accourir vers sa , dicouvrir them. I came yesterday to see you, but you were not in. I went out 24 venir pour ^ , ttiez 55 y u . sortir - early in the morning, and I did not return till late. I met de bon ~ - matin, m. (q) ne* revenir que* tard. rencontrer your father, and he consented to every thing- that I proposed to consentir a tout ce que proposer him. Did my father offer you any money ? He offered me all 24 . (q) 52 offrir u 9 argent '/ offrir « tout the money that I should want. We went out (as soon) as the dont aurais besoin. sortir — aussitot que dinner was over. You did not set out so soon as you intended. diner m. fut fini. partir - u tot que (aviez dessein.) They detained us a good while at the inn. At what time will reienir u - long terns el 2 auberge. a 38 heure f. (q) you set out to-morrow? We shall set out as soon as we are partir - demain ? (q) partir - aussitot que serous ready. When will you return ? We shall not return before the pret 13 . Quund revenir ? 55 revenir avant end of next 16 week. Shall I help you to a glass of wine ? fin f. prodiaine 7 semaine. f. servir ^ - verre m. 8 vin ? Help yourself first. I will help myself after you. I will Servir vous 26 le premier. servir wze 24 apres w never consent (to it.) You grow more ceremonious every day. 55 consentir y 24 . dev.nir ciremonieux touts les jours. Why do you not come to see us oftener ? Why does not Pourquoi 55 venir - voir 2i souvent 1B ? your sister come with you ? When will your brother return from 52 venir avec w ? 52 revenir de nis journey ? Will he not set out as soon as he hears that voyage m. ? 55 partir - aussitot qu' apprendra que you are going (to be married ?) Will your mother consent to your alter vous marier ? 52 consentir marriage? Will she not obtain your father's consent? If I were. manage ? 55 obtenir u conseutement m. ? 6tais in your place, I would not go out so soon. Would my brother a place, (q) 55 sortir - si tot. (q) 52 obtain that place, if he asked for it 24 ? Should the children go obtenir l place, f. demunduit - "°(h)? 52 sortir out, if it was fine weather? It is too late; they would not - , s' il fuisuit beau terns ? (i) trop tard ; 55 return in time for supper. They would not remember it 24 . revenir d. terns pour souper. 55 se souvenir e/t-" . They would soon 54 feel the want (of* it.) bicntot senlir besoinm. en 2i . * Ne que, without pas, expresses not till. ii 2 100 AN INTRODUCTION RECAPITULATORY EXERCISE 071 the foregoing rules. verbs in oir.* Does that man 53 owe you any thing? He owes me a (q) 2 homme devoir 24 quelque chose ? devoir 24 (great deal) of money. (How much) does he owe you? I do not beaucoup 8 argent, m. Combien devoir 24 f 55 know exactly ; but I can get nothing from him. You should tell savoir au juste ; ne pouvoir tirer r'xen de 28 devoir (s) dire him 24 that you want it. You should get him arrested. He is (f) que avez besoin en 2i . (s) faire ^ arreter. devoir (t) to pay me part (of it) in a day or two. If you receive it 84 - payer 24 une partie 24 en 29 dans jour m. ou deux. recevoir 30 to-morrow, will you lend me eighteen or twenty pounds ? I domain, vouloir preter 24 dix huit ou vingt livres sterling? can not 55 lend you (so much.) I can lend you 24 ten or twelve pouvoir preter 24 tunt. pouvoir preter vous en 29 dix douze. Lend me what you can. Were we not to take a walk this Preter 26 40 pourez. Devoir (t) 55 - faire un tour de promenade A evening? Yes, we were; but the master will not let me (go out) soir m. ? Old, le devoir (t) ; vouloir laisser ^ sortir before I have said my lesson. Can you say it 24 now ? I do (avant que) aie dit l lecon.f. Pouvoir dire 30 & present? not know whether I can say it** or not; but I knew it 24 , when savoir si pouvoir dire s0 ou non ; saiais 30 , quand J came in. You do not know it 24 yet. I shall know it 24 in a little 8 suis entfi. savoir 30 encore. savoir 80 en - peu N - B - time. I can say it 24 now. I see your sister who is coming terns. pouvoir dire 30 a prhent. voir 32 (r) venir to help us. We do not see her often, but we sometimes hear - aider 24 voir ^ solvent, quelquefois 54 recevoir (from her.) You shall see her to-morrow, if you will, for I \de sesnouvelles.) voir ** demain, vouloir, car know that she intends to call upon you. If you will believe me, savoir qu' (a dessein) de passer chez 28 vouloir croire 24 , we will go. I think that it will rain soon. If it rains, do s'en oiler. penser pleuvoir bientot. pleuvoir, you know what we will do ? We will sit down under that large savoir 40 ferons ? s'asseoir sous (p) gros l7 tree, until the rain is over. I can not 55 stay. I do not arbre m. Cjusqu' d. ce que) pluie f. soit pass^e. pouvoir rester. know what I must do. It will not rain much. It is only a shower. savoir 40 devoir faire. pleuvoir Cen'estqa' x ond6e. f. * See the table of verbs in oir, page 134, 135. (s) Should, denoting duty, or the necessity of doing a thing, is expressed by the con- ditional of devoir ; as, You should or ought to do it. Vous df.vriez le faire. (t) The present tense of the verb be, am, art, is, ire, and the imperfect teas, icere, followed by the infinitive of a verb, are expressed by the same tenses of devoir- ; as, I am to go there. Je dois y aller. I was to go there. Je di;vais y uller* TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 101 recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. verbs in re* What aye you doing there ? I am waiting for my brother 39 (r) S1 faire Id ? (r) attendre - He is learning* his lesson in the garden. If you see him, (r) apprendre l lee on f. dans jar din. m. voir ai , tell him 26 that I am waiting for him here. I hear yon. Why dire (f) que attendre 24 ici. entendre 24 . Pourquoi do yon interrupt' me so often ? Do you pretend to know that better (q) interrompre 24 si souvent? prStendre - savoir 45 (b) than I do ? I will not interrupt you (any more.) These people que 23 - ? (q) ne interrompre 24 plus 55 1 gens sell 10 very bad 1 ? wine. They sell it 24 very dear. I never drink vendre tres mauvais vin. m. vendre 30 cher. 55 boire wine 8 , when they 46 sell it 24 so dear. Do you hear that man? vifi NB -, quand NB - vendre 30 si (q) entendre 2 f He is speaking to us. I hear him, but I do not understand what (r) purler ~ 24 . entendre 24 , comprendre 40 he says. I was answering your letter, when I heard that you were dire. (r) r£pcndre h lettre, quand (ai appris) que ttiez in town. You surprise us quite, for we did not expect you en ville. surprendre 24 (tout afuit,) car (q) attendre ' 2i so soon. I came down as soon as I heard you. If I return ** tot. descendre - aussitot que entendre 24 . vendre them 24 their goods, will they return me my money ? They would (f) marchandise, rendre 24 2 argent ? not return you one half (of it.) I would lose the whole rather rendre ^ la moit'i6 24 e/i 29 . perdre toutra. plutot than submit to such terms. What are you learning now? que (de me soumettre) a l Helles conditions. 89 (r) apprendre cl present f I am learning mathematicks. Do you understand them well ? I apprendre 7 mathe'matiques. entendre 24 bien ? understand them pretty well. If you take 9 pains, you will make entendre M assez bien. prendre de la peine, faire great 1 ' progress in a short 8 time. Does your sister learn ?inusic io progres en - peu NB - (q) bi apprendre musique still 53 ? No; she is learning french? and geography. Do you read encore ? Non ; (r) apprendre francais m. 7 gSographie. f. (q) lire french" books now? I am reading MarmontePs tales. I do not 9 Hire tl present f (r) lire n 7 contes. like tales. I like plays. Do you translate any book ? I translate aimer 7 ''comedies. traduire quelque ? traduire english 10 histories into french. I pity you much. Why do you anglais 13 Viistoire f. en francais. plaindrs 21 fori. Pourquci pity me? Because you are losing your time, and you displease all pluindre 24 f Parceque (r) perdre terns, et que dipilaire (I tout 13 your friends. I do not fear them. I do not depend upon them. 1 ami. m. craindre 24 . depend re, d' n . * See the table of verbs in re, p. 146, 1'17, 148. 102 AN INTRODUCTION RECAPITULATORY EXE'ICISE 071 the foregoing rules. verbs in re. I will do what I think proper. That man is always"" 1 laughing*. faire 40 croire a propos. 2 (r) toujours rire. Do you know what he is laughing at? He does not know it 84 savoir 39 (r) rire de M ? 55 savoir le himself. Let us drink* your friend's health. What shall we drink? Itti-meme, - - boire a u 7sant£.$. 39 (q) boire f Brink a glass of wine. I will drink a glass of beer. I will not Boire t verre m. 8 (q) boire 8 Mere. 55 permit you to do that. Promise me not to do it 24 . Well! I permettre 24 de faire 43 Promettre i 29 de ne pas faire le. Eh bien ! promise it to you. You always promise, but you seldom 54 keep promettre ^ - 29 . toujours 5 * promettre, mais rarement tenir your word. I do not believe what he says. Why do not you parole, 55 croire 40 dire, Pourquoi 55 5l believe him? Do you mean to say that he lies? I do not say croire 24 ? 51 vouloir — dire qu mentirf 55 dire so ; I only 5 * say that people often 54 promise what they 45 do not cela; settlement. dire que 4S N « B - souvent promettre 40 N ' B - 53 intend to perform. What are you sewing there ? I am making a avoir dessein de faire. 39 (r) coudre la, ? (r) faire l gown for a sister of mine. For which of your sisters are you robe f. pour 43 S6 l (r) making it 24 ? For the youngest. You are always 54 doing and undoing the faire 30 V jeune 21 . toujours faire defaire l same thing over again. Put out one of these candles. Putt Ihese imme chose f. - - Eteindre t une (p) chandelles. f. Remettre (p) books into their places again. Why do you not pay attention to livre & J - Pourquoi faire attention what I say to you ? Will the master permit us to (go out) 40 dire - 24? 52 permettre 24 de sortir to-day? I do not know; ask it 26 him 29 . He will not live long, aujourd'hui? savoir; demander le (f). vivre( 'long terns) if he drinks (so much.) Yet, he appears to enjoy good health. si boire taut. Cependant, parattre - jouir d'une bonne sant6. f. COMPOUND TENSES. Have you seen my mother? I have seen her, but, I have not spoken voir ? voirl 25 , parler to her. Has your sister done what she had promised me to do ? 25 52 faire 40 avait promettre 25 de faire? Why has she not done it ? Has your father forbid her to do Pourquoi 55 faire 25 ? 52 ddfendre lui* 5 de faire it 24 ? Has your brother been where I had told him ? Has he le ? 52 tire oil avais dire lui^^ ? received the letter which 32 my sister has sent him 25 ? Have you read rcccvoir Icltrei. (in) envoy or % (f) ? Href. * 1st person imperative, t 2nd person imperative. $ This participle must he feminine TO FRENCH GRAMMAR. 103 RECAPITULATORY EXERCISE 071 the foregoing rules. COMPOUND TENSES. it 85 ? Has your father bought the horse which 32 I had recommended 30 (h)? a2 acheter (m) avals recommander to him 25 ? Has he tried it? Has my mother brought any body (f) ? tesayer 25 ? 52 amener quelqu' un with her ? Are your brothers gone out ? Have your sisters avec *> ? 52 sorfir plur. - ? 52 finished the work they had begun ? They would not have done finir ouvrage (n) avaient commencer? 55 /aire it so soon, if they had not been compelled (to it.) I have met 25 si tot, avaient 55 fcrcees y 25 . rencontre? a man on (horseback) who has asked me the way to (your house. d, cheval demander 25 chemin m. chez vous 28 . REFLECTIVE VERBS. t affirmat. I am getting up. He is washing himself. We (r) se lever - (r) se laver ^ are dressing ourselves. You are amusing yourselves. They are (r) s'habiller ** s'amuser ** getting ready to (go out). I was getting up, when you called me. s'appreter - & sortir - . (r) se lever - , qimnd appeler 24 He was warming himself in the parlour. We were % conversing by se chauffer ' u dans salle L (r) s'entretenir pres the fire. You were (making merry). They were laughing at us. du, feu. se divertir. se moquer de 9S . interroo. Do I get up too late ? Does that man (run away) ? (q) 51 se lever - trop tard f (q) 2 52 s'enfuir f Does your bird 52 (grow tame) ? Do we warm ourselves (q) oiseau m. s'apprivoiser ? 51 se chauffer 2i (too much) ? How do you do ? How does your sister do ? trop? Comment 5l se porter? 52 se porter? Was I coming too near ? fVas he hiding himself ? Did we (r) s'approcher pres ? se cacher 24 ? 51 expose ourselves (too much) ? Were you inquiring after them ? s'exposer ^ trop ? s' informer d' SB f negativ. I do not care for him. He does not mistrust them, (q) 55 se soucier de ^ (q) 55 se mtfier de ** We do not repent (of it 29 ). You do not rise early enough. They serepentir en**. se lever assez matin. do not meddle with his affairs. I did not stop. He did not se meler de l affaire. (q) s'arreter. 55 undress himself. We did not sit down. You did not awake in se dhhabiller ** . s'asseoi* - . s'eveiller d time. I did not expect that they 40 would have called me up so soon. terns. s'attendre NB - (q) e'veiller ** - si tot. t See the reflective verb se blameii, p. Hi. 104 AN INTRODUCTION RECAPITULATORY EXERCISE 0)1 the foregOl?lg rules, REFLECTIVE VERBS. interr. and negat. An: I not mistaken ? Does he not apply to (r) 61 55 se tromper f (q) 51 5 * s'appliquer study? ? Do we not walk to-day ? Why do not you (make *vtude? 51 se promener aujourd'hui? Pourquoi 55 51 se haste) ? Why do not you (get ready) ? Do you not rejoice (at the) depecher ? 51 s'appreter ? 5l se rtjouir des good 13 news we have received ? Do you not remember what I tf nouveUes f. (n.) refues ? se souvenir de 40 have told you? No; I do not remember it 29 . I do not recollect it 29 . d£ 25 se souvenir en 24 . se rappeler /e* 1 COMPOUND TENSES. affir. I have (gone to bed) late. Thou hast soon (fallen asleep). * se coucher tard. * bientot s'endormir.f He has awoke early. We have (got up) before you. You have * s'eveiller de bon matin. * se leverf avant w * hurried yourself (too much). They have dressed themselves in haste. sep-esserf trop$. * s'habiller\ a la hate. inter. Have 1 (gone away) too soon ? Hast thou bathed lately ? * 51 s'enallerf trop tdt ? * 5l se baigner depuis peu? Has he amused himself well? Have we undressed ourselves * 51 s'amuser bien% ? * 51 se dtshabillerf too soon ? Have you been well since I saw you ? Have tot ? #51 se porter $ depuis que n'ai vu 25 ? * they stopped too long? Have they (got ready) in time? 51 s'arreterf trop long terns ? * 5l s'appreterf a terns ? negat. I have not been well to-day. Thou hast not complained (of it). * 55 se porter $ * 55 se plaindre en™ He has not perceived it much. We have not walked long. * 55 sappercevoir en 29 % * 55 S epromener\ long terns. You have not rested enough. They have not (sat down) a moment. . * 55 se reposeri assez. J #55 s'asseoir t un moment, inter and nf.gat. Have I not (made haste) enough? Hast thou * 51 53 se depecher t assez % ? * 51 not (caught cold)? Has she not married too young? Have we 53 s'enrhumer? * 51 55 se marier i jeune? * si not mistaken the way ? Have you not inquired after them ? 55 se meprendre t de chemin ? * 51 55 s'informer t d' 28 ? Have they not applied to you? Have they not (been mistaken) ? * 51 55 sWressert w f * 51 55 se tromper t ? * In the compound tenses of* tlie verbs that are made reflective, the auxiliary verb have can never be expressed by the verb avoir ; it must be expressed by the same tense and person of the auxiliary verb etre to be. See the compound tenses of the reflective verb B lamer, page 115. t This participle must agree in gender and number with the nominative of the ver>> See Syntax, Rule 158. $ This adverb must be placed before the participle in french. See Syntax, Rule 183. the 105 CONJUGATIONS OR ACCIDENCE OF VERBS. A VERB, as has been seen, page 91, is a word which expresses either being or acting. As the same action may be performed in different manners, at different times, and by different persons, it was found necessary to modify or vary the same word, so as to denote the manner in which an action is done, the time in which it is done, and the person or persons by whom it is done, and this is what grammarians call conjugation. The manners of acting, in grammar called modes or moods, are four; INFINITIVE, IMPERATIVE, INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE, Or CONJUNCTIVE. The times, in grammar called tenses, are properly three only; past, present, and future ; but, in order to express time with more precision, these are again divided into other tenses, the use of which will be seen in the syntax of verbs. The persons who act in a verb are generally three for each number. 1. The person or persons who speak ; as, i blame; we blame. 2. The person or persons spoken to ; as, rhou blamest; you blame. 3. The person, persons, or things spoken of; as, lie, she, My brother, My sister blames ; They, My brothers, My sisters blame. The modifications or variations by which these moods, tenses, and persons are known, differ, according to the different languages. In english, the difference is shewn by the means of certain signs pre- fixed to the verb ; as, do blame ; did blame ; shall or will blame ; should or would blame; may blame, might blame. In french, it is made by changing the last syllable of the word ; as, je blAm e, tu blAm es, il blAm e, nous blAm ons, vous blAm cz, lis blAm ent ; je blAm ais ; je blAm at; je blAmer ai; je blAmer ais, &c* This variation in the tenses and persons, simple as it is, because it is nearly uniform, is nevertheless found embarrassing by some persons. The difficulty lies chiefly in the present and. perfect tenses of the indi- cative and subjunctive moods, and in the imperative. In order to remove it as much as possible, I have placed in one point of view, the tenses which are eiiher similar or partly similar, or formed from one another, that, by perceiving at once the similarity or the dif- ference, the learner's mind may be more easily impressed with it. * The signs by which these inflections or variations are made, not being the same in all verbs, the conjugations must also be various. The number of them is not exactly fixed, and varies in almost every grammar. Some fix it at four, some at six, some at ten, some at eleven, some at twelve. It appears tome that their number must either be limited to four, or extended to twelve. As amongst such a number of conjugations, out of which there will still be a giv.it number of irregular verbs, it is very difficult for learners to distinguish of what conju- gation a verb is ; and as the infinitive of all the french verbs ends in one of these termi- nations BR, lit, oir, re, the only signs by which each different conjugation may be discriminated, 1 have thought it more simple to fix their number ht four. All verbs which may be conjugated after the same manner as one of these four, are called regular. Those verbs which can not be conjugated like one of these four, are called irregular, and set in an alphabetical order after the regular, so that the learner can never be mis- taken as to the manner of conjugating any verb which he may have need of, by paying attention to the termination of the infinitive only, 106 AUXILIARY VERB AVOIR. INFINITIVE MOOD OR MANNER To have. AVoir. Have. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Aie, sing. Ayez, plur* Let us have. INDICATIVE MOOD. ►d Z have Thou hast. g .He has. J't ai».J Tw as 86 . II a. Nous 25 AV cms 26 . Fcws av ez 26 . J/s out 28 . r Tu II *+ /Fe have. g Yom have. ,CD They have. g< /had. •g Thou hadst. £ tfe had. » JTe had. g Yow had. ? They had. ^ I had. 8 2%ow hadst. have not. They J I Thou He We You They J I Thou He We You TheyJ I Thou He We You TheyJ Thou He (shld. wld. We (not have. You TheyJ GERUND. had not. shall, will not have. Je ri ai 5 Tu ri as II ri& Nous 7?.' avons 26 Yous fi avez lis ri ont Si Je n! avais 6 Tu n 9 avais II ri avait 28 Nous 7^ , avions Vous n* aviez lis ri avaient 6 Je ri eus 26 Tu ri eus II n 9 eut 23 Nous ri eumes Vous ri eutes ri ^pas.-f ayonsj^ SUBJUNCTIVE Je n'aie 6 ft Tu 7i'aies <% 11 7i'ait 26 S3 Nous ?i'ayons }pas o Vous 7i'ayez a* p lis zi'aient 18 < pas. eurem 1 aurai 5 auras aura lis Je Tu II Nous 7i aurons Vous n 9 aurez lis n 9 auront 28 Je ri aurais G Tu ri aurais II n' aurait Nous ri aurions Vous ri auriez lis ri auraient 6 pas. Je ra'eusse ' B Tu w'eusses ft 11 7i'eut 26 Nous ?i'eussions pas. o Vous ?t'eussiez < lis /i'eussent 1 ^ L pas. K j)at. PARTICIPLE. Have I Hast thou Has he Has she Not having. jv' ayant pas. pas eu. Not had. The same verb conjugated negatively and interrogatively. >not? N m-je il N 9 HS-tu 51 n 9 a-t-z7 51 N* a-t-e//e| pas nvons-?wus avez- vous ont-ils 51 pas n' ont-elles 51 Has not my brother? won frere ria-t-il 52 pas? Mes f'reres n 9 ont-ils pas ? Has not my sister? Ma soeur n'n-t-cllc® pas? lies augurs n'ont-elies pas? See note * page 28. t Sec the i n 2 egative adverbs, rule 55, i>; , .;> (; VL 108 AUXILIARY VERB ETRE. INFINITIVE MOOD. To be. ETre. IMPERATIVE. Be. sois, sing. soyez, p /wr.* Let us i be. soyons. INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE. ^ Jam. Je 3 tsuis 2 *. Je 3 sois 83 . o* 3 Thou art. Tu es M . Tu sois 26 . S 6 g He is. II est 26 . II soit 26 . 3 £ We are. Nous sommes. 2Vom« soyons 4 . g Yom are. Vous etes 26 . Fbws soyez. cr * They are. lis sont 26 . lis soient 18 . g 4 J was. •g 2%ow wast. J' et ais s . Tu £t ais. §» //e was. II ±t ait 2s . 2 J^e were. Nous £t Z077S 26 . § Yom were. VOUS ETZe*. ? 27ic?/ were. lis et aienP. ^ J was. g T/iou wast. Je 5 ffus 25 . Je 3 fusse 2 . i !Tm fus.J Tu fusses 26 . IT iJe was. 7/ fut 2G . // fid 23 . 3 % We were. iVows fumes. Nous fussions. <§! £ Yew were. Vous futes* 6 . Vous fussiez. £ * They were. lis furent 18 . Us fussent 16 . £i I shall or will be. Je 3 serai 5 . 2" Tjftozj shalt, will be. Tu seras 26 . 3 He shall, will be. II sera. 1 We shall, will be. Nous serons. 2\ Yom shall, , will be. Vous serez 26 . ? They shall, will be. lis seront 26 . 51 I should, wld. be. Je 3 serais 6 . ** TAo?/; shd. wld. be. Tz* serais. | J/e shd. wld. be. II serait 26 . g- JFe shd. wld. be. Nous serions. 1' You shd. wld. be. Vous seriez. £ 7%ey shd. wld. be. lis seraient 6 . gerund, or present participle. participle past. Being-. et ant. et£. Been. The same verb conjugated Interrogatively. Am I? < suis-jf'e 51 ? sommes-7io?« 51 ? p Art £/icm ? ] zs-tu 51 ? Etes i vous™ ? Is he? ; esW/ 51 ? sont-ifo 51 ? § Is s/k ? : Est-eZ/e 51 ? sont-elles 5i ? Is my brother ? Mon frere est-z7 M ? Mes freres sont-z7s 52 ? ^ Is my sister ? Ma soeur est-elle 52 ? Mes soeurs sont- dies® ? Ci * The plural is generally used instead of the singular, though speaking to a single person t See note 2, page 1. $ See, syntax of verbs, the distinction between ttais and fus AUXILIARY VERB ETRE. The same verb etre conjugated negatively. INFINITIVE. NOt to BE. Ne pas ETRE. IMPERATIVE. Ne sois, or Ne soyez 1 109 Be not. Let us not be. Ne soyonsj 7 I am not. Thou art not. He is 7io£. We | You fare not. They J I 1 Thou >was not. He J We | You >were not. They J I } Thou >was tzo£. He J We 1 You >were tzoZ. They J I Thou He We You They J I Thou He We You Thev INDICATIVE. Je 3 ne suis Tu ri es 28 II ri est 28 Nous ne sommes Vous ri £tes lis ne sont 28 Je 3 ?i ! Tu ri II »' Nous ri Vous 7l' lis n ! Je 3 Tu £tais 6 £tais* etait 2 * £tions etiez 6taient 8 ne fus ne fus* ypas. shall, will not be. shld. wld. not be. II ne fut 28 Nous ne fumes Vous ne fates lis ne furent 18 Je 3 ne serai 9 Tu ne seras II ne sera Nous Tie serons Vous ne serez lis Tie seront 26 Je 3 ne serais 6 Tu ne serais II ne serait Nous ne serions Vous ne seriez lis ne seraient 6 ■pas. ypas. ypas. GERUND. Being not. iv'istant pas. SUBJUNCTIVE. Je 3 ne sois 23 Tu ne sois II ne soit 26 Nous ne soyons Vous ne soyez lis ne soient 18 tyas. § Oh m Je 3 ne fusse "] 3 Tu ne fusses ^ 11 ne fut 28 3^ Nous ne fussions >pas. s o Vous ne fussiez cr lis ne fussent 18 » PARTICIPLE pas Ete* i\ro£ been Am I Art thou Is he Is she The same verb conjugated negatively and interrogatively. not? Ne sms-je n' es-tu n' est-il n* est- elle pas? pas? Ne sommes-TiOMS n' etes-ucws Ne sont-z7s Ne sont-elles Mes freres ne sor\t-ils pas ? Is not my sister? Ma soeur riest-elle pas? Mes soeurs ne sont-elles pas? See, syntax, rule 140, the distinction between avais and ens ; ttais and fus. Is not my brother? Mon frere ri est-il pas? ii 3 110 a table shewing in one ER. THE FOUR CONJUGA1 ■point of view, the difference between the IR. INFINIT. GERUND PARTIC. blAm er ant. e. INDICAT. IMPERAT. SUBJUNCT. ^ Je blAm e. e. 3 Tii es. e. es. 111 e. e. j? Nous 07t? ons. ions. §j Poms ez. ez. iez. * Jk. ent. ent. % Je blAm ais.-f "S ^ a is. £11 ait. ~ iVb?/s ions. 1 Fom* iez. ? lis aieni. ^ Je blAim ai. asse. % Tw as. asses. in a. at. S" 2Vb?/a ames. assiojis. g Fows dies. assiez. ' /& erent. assent. ^Je blAmer ai. g Tn as. • JZ a. g_ iVo?« ons. §• Poms ez. ? Jfe out. ^Je blAmer ais.-f * r?* CIS. 1// ait. | JVbMS ions. §' For/s iez. P-/& aient. * After the same manner as blAmer are conjugated all the verbs the infi- nitive of which ends in er, (about 2700 in number) except aller and envover. Observe only, that in the verbs in ger, as, CHANGer, MANGer, soNaer, the e is retained before a, o, in order to soften the sound of g; so instead of saying changcws, mango/is, SONG07W; CHANGES, MANGfllS, SONG- ais ; we say, CHANGeozis, MkNGeons, soNGecms; CHANGeaw, MANGe«i.9, Sfc. INFINIT. fin ir. INDICAT. FIN is. is. it. issons. issez. GERUND issant. IS. issons. issez. PART. i. SUBJUNCT. isse. isses. isse. issions. issiez. issent. fin issais.f issais. issait. issions. issiez. issaient. fin is. is. it. imes. lies, irent. isse. isses. it. issions. issiez. issent. finir ai. a. ons. ez. ont. finir ais:\ ais. ait. ions, iez. aient. After the same manner as finir are conjugated about 220 verbs in ir, both primitive and compound. Compound verbs are those whose signifi- cation changes by the means of a preposition prefixed to them ; as, defleurir, to lose the blossom ; refleurir, to blossom again ; which are conjugated like their primitive fleurh-, to blossom : defaire, to undo ; refaire, to do again ; which are conjugated like their pri- mitive faire, to do. * These are the only signs by which it can be known to what conjugation a verb belongs. By marked in italic, i. e. those ending in er after blam er, those in ir after fin ir, those in oir after I is impossible for any person to commit errors which he is not himself able to rectify. >ns ER, IR, OIR, RE* jr conjugations, and how the tenses of a verb proceed from one another. OIR. RE. Ill INFINIT. GERUND PARTIC. dev oir. ant. du. INDICAT. IMPERAT. SUBJDNCT. Dois. Doive. Dois. Dois. Doives. Doit. Doive. dev ons. ons. ions, ez. ez. iez. Doivent. Doivent. dev ais.f ais. ait. ions, iez. aient. dus. dussc dus. Dusses. DUt. Dllt. Dumes Dussions. Dutes nussiez. Durent. Dussent. dev rai. ras. ra. ro/is. rez. rojit. dev rais.f rais. rait, rions. riez. r aient. After the same manner as devoir are conjugated redevozV, percevozV, apercevo?>, s'apercevozV, concev- oir, RECEVoir. N. B. This verb is not regular ; if it is found here amongst the regular, it is because its termination requires a conjugation of its own. The words which are irregular are printed wholly in roman characters ; the re- gular are the italic terminations added to the capital letters. INFINIT. attend re. INDICAT. ATTEND S. GERUND ant. PARTIC. U. IMPERAT. SUBJCNCT. e. ATTEND ATTEND ATTEND 071S. ez. ent. ais.-f ais. ait. ions. iez. aient. is. is. it. lines. ites. irent. ons. ez. es. €. ions. iez. ent. isse. it. issions. issiez. issent. ATTENDR ai. as. a. ons. ez. ont. ATTENDR ttlS.-f ais. ait. ions. iez. aient. After the same manner rsattendre are conjugated bats, a bats, COM- BATS, DEB ATS, RABATS, REBATE, FENDS, DEFENDS, DESCENDS, CON- DESCENDS, fonds, confonds, re- FONDS, MORFONDS, romps, COR- romps, interromps, ponds, de- ponds, corresponds, repands, words, demords, tends, etends, entends, pretends, rends, pen- ds, depends, vends, perds, tor- ds, retords, tonds. aying attention to the termination of the infinitive, and- altering the same number of letters as are here V oir, and those in re after ATT nd re, and with the assistance of the tables of the irregular verbs, it t See note 6, pag<> o. 112 REGULAR VERBS in ER. INFINITE MOOD To blame. BLAM er. Blame. Let us blame, IMPERATIVE. blAm e, sing. INDICATIVE. ^7 blame, or am £ Je 3 blAm e 2 . 3 Thou blamest, ai'tB Tu blAm cs 26 . § He blames, or is « II I You £ am f» a l e ? They {Warning.* was were blaming. £ Z%OM I.tf'e ?■ Yom ? They § He g You ^They) BLAM C IVbws blAm ons. Vous blAm ez. lis 25 blAm era* 18 . ♦Je 3 blAm ais 6 . Tu blAm afs. 7/ blAm ait 26 . Nous blAm 2071S. Vous blAm £ez. I/s 26 blAm aienP. Je 3 blam ai 5 . 2'w blAm as 26 . J7 blAm a. Nous blAm ames. Tows blAm dies, lis™ blAm erew*. 18 «7e 3 blAmer ai 5 . Tu blAmer as 26 . II blAmer a. Nous blAmer ons. Vous blAmer ez. Us 23 blAmer out 26 . Je 3 blAmer ais 6 . * * * , j Tu blAmer ais. should, would T1 a ., ~ it U BLAMER ait. 20 > blame, or , r * ■ iii. NOUS BLAMER 10JIS. be blaming-. Tr A & FOWS BLAMER UZ. lis 25 blAmer aient. 6 *>He (blamin I We 1 You S Thou o He I blamed or J We [did blame, e row 9 They] 21 s/i«Z/, ew7£ blame, or 6e blaming. GEHE7A~D. Blaming. Interrogatively. nhkMB'je? §- je blAmes-^w? •""■ TU blAm a/i£. Negatively. blAm ez, ^/wr. BLAM 0715. SUBJUNCTIVE. Je 3 blAm e 2 . Tw blAm es 20 . /7 blAm e. IVbws blAm zo ns. Vous blAm 2>Z. J& 26 blAm eni ls . Je* blAm asse* Til blAm asses. 11 blAm «7 26 . Nous blAm assions. Vous blAm assiez. lis 26 blAm assent™ 2 3 *3 p" 3 "3. Tie BLAME Tie bl Ames BLAME-t-/7 ? ^ il ne blAme NOUSWCBlAmONS vous 7ie blAmez blam0ns-7i0ms 3 blAmez-vows? *>? Op BlAmENT-z7$? a lis 7ieBLAMENT was. PARTICIPLE blAm e. Blamed. Interrogate, and Negativ. £ Ne BLAME-je ° A~e blAmes-^z o Ne blAme-1-27 cs. A CT Ne BLAM0NS-7J0WS Ne BLAMEZ-VOUS ps B » Ae BLAMENT-27s pas? N. B. .4/fcer #&e same manner as blAmer conjugate all the verbs, the infinite of which ends in er, except aller and envoyer, p. 116, 117.f * Never sayje suis bldmant, tu es bldmant, West bldmant, j' etais bldmant, fyc. See note (t) p. 95. t See note * pa§e 110. REGULAR VERBS in ER. 113 Compound tenses of the verb blAmer, Formed by adding the participle blAme to the auxiliary avoir. INFINITIVE COMPOUND. To have blamed. INDICATIVE. k. I have 1 J' ai i> Thou /msZJblamed. Tu as a He has J II a | We 1 Nousayo?zs \have blamed. Vous avez lis ont •BLAME. I You • r - TheyJ -.I I Thou ^He 1 We f 1 You * TheyJ 4 Thou 2 He \ | We 5 You F-They «f Thou I He | We | You a. TheyJ | Thou r He § We 1 You •"■ TheyJ had blamed. avais Tu avais II avait Nous avions Vous aviez lis avaient J' eus Tu eus II eut Nous eumes Vous eutes lis eurent J' aurai Tu auras II fiwra /i«ye blamed. Nous aurons \o\isaurez lis auront J' aurais Tu aurais should, wld. II aurait have biamed. Nous aurions Vous auriez lis aura ient blAme. /z«d blamed. s/WZ, wh7Z ^blAme. blAme. blAme. GERUND. Having blamed. Ay ant blAme. Interrogatively. A\-je "] je As-tu tu A-t-il . , n il Avons-?io?/.9 Avez-wms vous/i'avez Ont-ils lis 7i'ont Avoir blAme. SUBJUNCTIVE. J' az'e Tu oze* II ait Nous ayons Vous tfyez Us flz'e/iZ. 5> eusse J' Tu II euZ Nous eussions Vous eussiez lis eussent crT blAme.§" Negatively. n'm ?z'as 7/,'a eu blAme. Had blamed. Interrogatively and Negatively. N'&i-je N'llS-lu jv'a-t-z'Z , »tt.V BLAME. NOUS7tavors|* n uvons-ncus jv'avez-ro?*.? n' ont-ils pas hi.ami':? * See, syntax of verbs, the rules on the past participle. 114 REGULAR VERBS HI ER. The verb BLAMER made reflective.* INFINITIVE. To blame oneself. IMPERATIVE. SE BLAMer. Cormnanding 26 rule, page 77. Forbidding 27 rule, page 77 Blame thyself. blam e - toi. Ne TE blam e ) yourself, blam ez - vous. Ne vous blam ez \pas Let us blame ourselves, blam o;zs-nous. Ne nous blam ozzsj INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. I myself. Je 3 me blam e. Je 3 ME blam e. § Thou thyself. Tu te blames. jj- himself. II se blame. Tzz TE blam es. He II SE blam e. s We 3 ourselves. Nous nous blam ons. Nous nous blam ions. CO 3 You yourselves. Vous vous blam ez. Vous vous blam iez. a> They j themselves. lis se blam ent. lis SE blam e/zz*. 3 I g myself. Je me blam ais. C/J 2L Thou § thyself. Tu te blam ais. •"** He £ himself. II se blam ait. We '§ ourselves. Nous nous blam ions. You B' yourselves. Vous vous blam iez. They. '• q themselves. lis se blfLm aient I ] myself. Je me blam az" Je ME blam «sse 3 Thou q- thyself. T?z te blam as. Tu TE blam asses. f He ST himself. II se blam a. 11 SE blam az\ ^y We 5 ourselves. Nous nous blam ames Nous NOUS blam assions . P" You ^yourselves. Poms vous blam cz7es. Vous VOUS blam assiez. 3 They. themselves. lis se blam eYe/zz\ lis SE blam assent. 3 I §n myself. Je Me blamer az'. (6 Thou 55 thyself. Tu te blamer as. 1 He | himself. J/ se blamer a. We p- ourselves. Nous nous blamer ons. You £T yourselves. Fows vous blamer ez. They. 3 themselves. i7s se blamer ozzz*. I ] §- myself. Je me blamer az's. Thou ^ thyself. Tu te blamer ais. He |[ himself. II se blamer ait. We '^ourselves. Nous nous blamer ions. You F* yourselves. Fows vous blamer iez. They | themselves. 7/s se blamer aient. Interrogatively. Negatively me blame-je? je ne me blame 1 te bBmes-£w? tu ne te blames W&s. SE blame-t-z"/ ? iZ ?ie se blame J nous blamons-?zo7Zs? ivozzs zzcnous bl&monspas. vous blamez-?;o?zs ? vous ne vous blamez pas. se blament-zYs? i/s /ze se blamentpas. Interrogatively and Negatively. NessiE blame-ye j JveTE blames-^ >pas? A'esE blame -t-ilj NeNOUs blamons-?zozzs£>fzs? Ne vous blamez-rozzs pas ? Ne s e blament-zYs pas ? * Sometimes it happens that the agent or person who acts is also the ohject, i. e. acts upon himself, as when I say ; I blame myself; Thou preparest, thyself; He distinguishes himself; We wash ourselves ; You dress yourself', They expose themselves &c by which REGULAR VERBS in ER. 115 Compound tenses of the reflective verb SE blAmer, formed by adding the participle blAme, to the auxiliary verb etre. INFINITIVE COMPOUND. I Thou lie We You They) I Thou He We You They I Thou He We You They) I Thou He We You They, I Thou He To have blamed oneself. INDICATIVE. ^myself.. Je 3 me suis % thyself. Tu t'* es J, himself. II s' est £T ourselves. Nous nous sommes | yourselves. Vous vous eles ^themselves, lis se son! ^myself. Je m' etais |^ thyself. Tu t' etais & himself. II s' etait £f ourselves. Nous Nous etions 2 yourselves. Vous vous ktiez s' etaient me fus Tu te fus & himself. 11 se fut pf ourselves. Nous nous fumes | yourselves. Vous vous fates °* themselves, 77s se furent ~ myself. Je me se?vzi ^thyself. Tw te seras •~ himself. II se sera a ourselves. iVows nous serous ^_ yourselves. Vous vous serez g- themselves. i7s se seront setre blAm£\ BLAMe, m. ■fee. f. BLAMes, e'en. themselves. Us ^ myself. Je |^ thyself. blAmi, m. ee. f. blXmSs, m. ees. f. blAmblAm^ ? tu ne t' e.9 W/s blAm£. s' cst-il J 1 1 nes' est J nous .sorames-7ioH.5 , | * jvo?*.s?ieNous$o?;i7?2r-.9p] H vous etes-vous > ^vousne vous gfes ;;«.v > J* se sont-ils ) %-ils nesE soul pas J g- Interrogatively and Negative. y, NeUESiiis-je) iver' es-^ fjOflWBLAMe? A-es' c.^-f/ J jve n ous sommes-nousp ) c A'e vous etes-vous pas ivesE sont-ils pas you see that the person who is the agent, performs the action on himself, and c quently is also the <>/>jecf. These verbs the French call r&fltchis, i. e. reflective, or reflected, because the energy of tlio verb returns to il i agent. Tney differ in nothing from the other verbs, but in requiring an obJECTivfe pronoun of the same number and person as the agent, or nominative, and in having their compound tenses formed with tin; auxiliary ETRE, instead of the atixUiary avoir. N. B. These verbs are known in the dictionaries by leaving SE before their infinitive. * See note * page 28. + See, syntax of vorhs, the rules on the past participle. 116 IRREGULAR VERBS ill ER. INFINITIVE. To go. ALLer. IMPERATIVE. go. va, sing. all ez, plur. Let ws go. ALL 077S. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. ^ I go, or am era Je 3 vais 6 . jr aille. era S Thou goest, art g* Tu vas 88 . Tu ailles. p § i/e goes, or is ?£a$ going. J" ALL «is 6 « Tu ALL ais. £ffe J J/ all ait 2G S^ e ) NOUS ALL 2077S. 3 Yb?/, j^ere going. F07/5 ALL lez. ? r/ieyj lis all aient 6 . 2 JAozzI J' ALL fli 5 .t J' all asse 2 . 5! n T?i ALL OS 26 . Tu all asses. 3 ?f JTe (went, or J/ ALL a. II ALL (it* 6 . 1 % We (did go. Nous \ll times. Nous all assions f J= e You Vous all dies. Vous all assiez. 5> ? They | lis all erent 1 *. ■ lis all assent. era p ? J ^ J' irai 5 | 77z.o?7 !T?/. iras 25 . s /J e shall, will go, 7/ ira. 1 ^e or be going. Nous irons. E You Fb?7s irez. ? They, J/5 iront 26 . Ml 1 J' irais 6 . r 7%om Tit irais. gJJe should, wd. go, II irait 88 . gr/Fe or be going. IVcwsirions. §' You Fows iriez. ^They. J/s iraient 6 GERUND. PARTICIPLE Going. ALL a/*/. all e. Gone. IV. J?, aller, to go, requires a plac-e mentioned after it; as, Je vais a la maison, a la ville, &c. I am going home, to town, &c. If no place is mentioned, we make the verb reflective as follows : * A verb is called irregular, when all its tenses and persons cannot be formed from the infinitive, by changing only the last syllable, as you see in the verb B LAMER. In order to render the difference more obvious, the tenses or persons which are formed regularly from the infinitive, have their terminations printed in italic characters, the words which are irregular are printed wholly in roman. •j* Fus, Fus, Fut ; Fumes, Futes, Furent, the perfect tense of etre, is often used in- stead of Altai, Alias, Alia ; Alldmes, Alldtes, Allerent, the perfect of aller ; as, J' allai or je fua en France V annie derniere ; I went to France last year. I would prefer allai to fus. IRREGULAR VERBS in ER. 117 Commanding rule 26, p. 77. go away, or) va-T-e>z, sing'. be gone, J ALLez-vous-ew, pi. Let 2/9 go away, ALLoras-NOUs-ezi. IND1CAT1TE. T go, or am o T/i.cw goest, «r^ He goes, or is § Z^e ) <§ y™ g0 ' cre " r/ze3/ jg-oing away. I ivas going away. I went away. I shit, will go away. / sM, wld go away. INFINITIVE. To go away. S'en ALL er. Forbidding rule 27, pa^e 77 Ne T*e?i va pas. ) do not go Ne vous era ALLez pas. J away. Ne nous ett allows pas. let ms not go . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je M'e?i aille. Tu T'en ailles. II s'en aille. "J Nous nous e?i ALhions. Vous VOUS CW ALlieZ. § JTs s'en aillent. ^ Je Je Je Je m en Aihasse. Je m en vais 2V I'en vas. 12 s'e;j va. NOUS NOUS e?i ALLOWS. Fows vous en ALLez. i7s s'e/i vont. Je u'en ALLais. u*en kLLai. u'e?i irai. M'e?i irais. I am not going away. Je ne u'en vais pas, &c. Compound tenses, formed Jjy adding tlie participle alle to the auxiliary verb ETR5. I have 1 Thou hast H e has We. have You have They /*aue Je M en suis alle. Tm T'e/i es alle. II sen est alle. Nous nous en sommes alles. Vous vous en etes alles. lis en sont alles. ENVOYER, To send. The sole irregularity of this verb is in the future and in the conditional, the other tenses being formed regularly in the same manner as blaMEK. INFINITIVE. To send. ENVOY er. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Pros. I send. J' ENVOYe. J' ENVOYe, fyc. Imp. I did send. J' ENVOVaW. Perf. I sent. J' envoys*, Sfc. J' ETiWOYasse, fyc Futu. I ^ J' enverai 5 . Thou TV enveras. Ht shall, or 7/ en vera. We wilt send. Nous enverons. You Vous enverez. They, lis enveront 25 . Cond . I ' J' enverais 6 . Thou Tu enverais. He shld, or It enverait 26 We wld send. iVbzzsenverions. You Vous enveriez. Theyj Its enveraient 8 . Conjugate in the same manner, renvoy er, to Send back, to Dismiss. 118 REGULAR VERBS ill IR. INFINITIVE. To finish. FIN ir. IMPERATIVE. Finish. fin is, sing. Let us finish. INDICATIVE. ^ I finish, or am g 5 Je 3 20 fin2s 26 . g Thou finishest, art 5£ Tu finis. | He finishes, or is 5* II fin z7 26 . ^ ^e ) n . , °P Nous fin issons § y 01t l fimsh > or • S They \ are finishin S- •g Thou>was finishing. § Yoi* \were finishing. ? They] fin issez, plur. fin issojis. SUBJUNCTIVE Je 3 20 fin me 2 . Tm fin isses. II fin me. 8 Thou $He ST ^e 6 Yon £ Thou 1 ^e ? Z%ey. f Thou I He QiFTe § You finished, did finish. finish, be finishing should, would finish, be finishing. Vous fin issez. lis fin issent™. Je 3 fin issais 6 . Tu fin issais. II fin issait* 6 . Nous fin issions. Vous fin issiez. lis fin issaienP, Je 3 fin w 26 . 2V FIN /?. 7Z fin?7,- ; . Nous fin lines. Vous fin ites. lis fin irent u . Jt 3 FINIR m 5 . Tw finir as. II FINIR a. .ZVoms finir ons Vous finir efc. lis fintr on#0. Je 3 finir ais e . Tu finir ais. J7 finir ait? 6 . Nous finir io/zs. Vous finir iez. ifo finir aient 6 . GERUND. Finishing. Interrogatively . FINIS-jl'e FINIS-fr/ ?' FINIT-2*/ P FINISSONS-TIOWS ? FINISSEZ - VOUS ? FINISSENT-i/s? fin issant. Negatively . ne finis ne finis 7ieFINlT nous ne finissons vous ne finissez lis ?ieFINISSENT Nous fin issions. § Fomsfin mzez. ^ 17s fin issent 18 . s Eft 5. Je 3 fin me 2 . C/3 jfw fin mes. a. 7/ FIN ft 26 . § IVWsfin issions. f Vous fin mzez. J/s fin issent™. » PARTICIPLE. fin z. Finished. je TU il ^pas. Interrogatively and Negat. Ne Fims-je ) Ne FiNis-tu>pas? Ne finit-z7 J Ne finisson s-nous p N6 FINISSEZ - VOUS p, Ne FiNissENT- Us pas 4 After the same manner as finir, are conjugated the following verhs, s'Abatardir, to degenerate. Abolir, to abolish. Aboutir, to end. s'Abetir, to grow stupid, Abonnir, to better. s'Abrutir, to become stupid. Accomplir REGULAR VERBS ill IR. 119 Accomplir, to accomplish. Accourcir, to shorten, s Accroupir, to sit squat. Adoucir, to soften. Affadir, to render tasteless. Affermir, to strengthen. Affaiblir, to weaken. Affrancbir, to free. Agir, to act. Agrandir, to enlarge. Aguerrir, to inure to war. Aigrir, to exasperate. Alentir, to slacken. Amaigrir, to grow lean. Ameublir, to make moveable. Amoindrir, to lessen. Amollir, to soften. Amortir, to redeem. Aneantir, to annihilate. Anoblir, to ennoble. Appauvrir, to empoverish. Appesantir, to make heavy. Applanir, to level. Applatir, to flatten. Applaudir, to applaud. Approf'ondir, to fathom. Asservir, to enslave, Assortir, to match. Assoupir, to make drowsy. Assouplir, to supple. Assourdir, to deafen. Assouvir, to glut, to satiate. Assujettir, to subdue. Attendrir, to move to pity. Atterrir, to approach the land. Avertir, to warn. Avilir, to revile, to debase. Bannir, to banish, Batir, to build. Benir, to bless. Blancliir, to whiten. Blemir, to grow pale. Bleuir, to make blue. Blondir, to grow fair, se Blottir, to lie squat. Bondir, to skip. Brandir, to brandish. Brouir, to blast. Brunir, to burnish. Candir, to candy. Chcrir, to cherish. Choisir, to choose. Clapir, to squat, to clap. Compatir, to compassionate. Convertir, to convert. Cr6pir, to roughcast. Croupir, to stagnate. Debrutir, to take the roughness. Definir, to define. D6fleurir, to lose the blossom. Degarnir, to disgarnish. Degourdir, to warm a Utile. D6guerpir, to move off. Demolir, to demolish. Dep6rir, to decay. Depolir, to unpolish. Deroidir, to take off stiffness. Derougir, to take off redness. Desobeir, to disobey, se Dessaisir, to give up. Desunir, to disunite. Divertir, to divert. Durcir, to harden. Eblouir, to dazzle. Eclaircir, to brighten. Elargir, to widen. Embellir, to embellish. Emplir, , to fill. Encberir, to grow dearer. Endurcir, to harden. Enforcir, to grow strong. Enfouir, to bury. Enhardir, to embolden. Engloutir, to swallow up. Engourdir, to benumb. Enlaidir, to grow ugly. s'Enorgueillir, to grow proud. Enricbir, to enrich. Ensevelir, to put in a shroud. Envabir, to invade. Epaissir, to thicken. Epanouir, the bud opening. Equarrir, to square. Etablir, to establish. Etourdir, to stun. Etrecir, to narrmo. s'Evanouir, to faint. Farcir, to stuff. F16chir, to bend, to move. Fletrir, to wither. Fleurir, to blossom, to flourish. Fouir, to dig. Fourbir, to furbish. Fournir, to supply. Francbir, to leap over. Fremir, to shudder, se Froidir, to grow cold. Garantir, to warrant. Garnir, to furnish. Gemir, to groan. Grandir, to grow tall. Grossir, to grow big. Guerir, to cure. Hennir, to neigh. Investir, to invest. Jaillir, to spout out. Jaunir, to grow yellow. Jouir, to enjoy. Languir, to Ianguisli. Meurtrir, to bruise. Moisir, to grow mouldy. Mollir, to grow soft. Mugir, to low. Munir, to store. Miirir, to ripen. Nantir, to give security . Noircir, to blacken. Nourrir, to feed. Ob6ir, to obey. Obscurcir, to obscure. Ourdir, 10 uarp. Palir, to grow pale. Parfournir, to make up. Palir, to suffer. Perir, to perish. Pervertir, to pervert. Petrir, to knead. Polir, to polish. Pourir, to grow rotten. Premunir, to provide. Punir, to punish. Raccourcir, to shorten. Racomir, to make tough. Radoucir, to soften. Raffermir, to strengthen again. Ratraicbir, to refresh. Ragrandir, to enlarge again. Rajeunir, to grow young again. Ralentir, to slacken. Ramoitir, to moisten. Ramollir, to soften. Rancir, to grow rancid. Ravilir, to debase. Ravir, to ravish, to delight. Rebatir, to build again. Reblancbir, to whiten again. Rebondir, to rebound. Reflechir, to reflect. Refleurir, to blossom again. Refroidir, to cool. R6gir, to rule, to govern. Rejaillir, to spurt up. Rejouir, to rejoice. Rembrunir, to darken. Remplir, to fill again. Rencberir, to grow dearer. Rendurcir, to make harder. Renhardir, to g r ow bold again. Repartir, to distribute equally , Repolir, to polish again. Resaisir, to seize again. Resplendir, to shine. Ressortir, to resort. Retentir, to resound. R6trecir, to straiten. Reverdir, to grow green a gain. Reunir, to reunite. R^ussir, to succeed. Rotir, to roast. Rougir, to blush. Rouir, to steep. Roussir, to make reddish. Rugir, to roar. Saillir, to gush out. Saisir, to seize. Salir, to soil. Sevir, to exercise seventy. Subir, to undergo. Subvertir, to subvert. s£ Tapir, to squat. Tarir, to drain. Ternir, to tarnish. Terrir, to land. Traliir, to betray. Transir, to chill. Travestir, to disguise. Unir, to unite. Verdir, to grow green. Vernir, to tarnish. Vieillir, to grow old. Vomir, to vomit. i 2 120 IRREGULAR VERBS ill lit.* The irregular verbs belonging to this conjugation are, s'Abstenir, to abstain like vf.nir. Obtenir, to obtain like VEMR. Accourir, to run to like COD RIR. Offrir, to offer like OUVRIR Accueillir, to welcome UkeWFALLiR. OUVRIR, to open page 127. Appartenir, to belong like venir. Parcourir. to over-run tike COURIR, AQUERIR, to acquire page 121. BOUILLIR, to boil page 122. Concourir, to concur like COURIR. Conquirir, to conquer like aquerir Consentir, to consent like sentir. ;) like venir. Contenir, to contain Contre venir, to contravene Convenir, to agree COURIR, to run page 123. Couvrir, to cover like ouvrir, CUEILLIR, to gather page 124. Partir, to set out ) ,., Pressentir, to have a foresight/ hke SENTIR ' Par venir, to attain "j Prevenir, to prevent > like VENIR. Prevenir t to proceed J Querir, to fetch.} Recourir, to have recourse to. like courir. Recouvrir, to cover again .... like odvrir. RecueiUir, to collect Zi/cecoEiLLlR, Redevenir, to become again. . . like venir. se Rendormir, to sleep again) like sentir. „ ml Dicmvrir, to discover like ouvrir. Repartir, to set out again . . > Dtmentir, to give the lie ... ") se Repentir, to repent J se Dtpartir, to give up . . . . / like sentir. Requirir, to require like aouerir Desservir, to take off the J Ressentir, to resent ), .. Dttenir, to detain. . [dishes. 1 j-^ Ressoriir, to go out again / " ke SENTIR « Devenir, to become J ' A Ressouvenir, to remember. . . "j se Dtvetir, to undress /i'/ve revetir. Retenir, to retain I /j/ce venir. Bisconvenir, to disagree ///ve venir. Re venir, to return J Discourir. to discourse • like courir. REVETIR, to invest page 128. a like SENTIR. Dormir, to sleep Endormir, to lull asleep s'Endormir, to fall asleep Encourir, to incur like coo RIR. s'Enfuir, to run away like FUIR. Entretenir, to keep up like venir. Entr'ouvrir, to open alittle . . like ouvrir. FUIR,toflee,to shun, to avoid. Hair, to hate. t page 125. Intervenir, to intervene .... 1 ,- 7 Meiintgmr, to maintain . . . . } llke VENIR « Mentir, to lie Wee SENTIR. MOURIR,to die page 126. Secouvir, to succour /i/ce COURII SENTIR, to feel, to smell. . . page 129. Servir, to serve, to use ) ,., Sortir, to go out } hke **»*»• Souffrir, to suffer /j/ce ouvrip Soutenir, to maintain "| se Souvenir, to remember . . I Subvenir, to afford > Zi/ce venir. Swri?enir, to befall j Tenir, to hold J TRESS AILLIR, to start. . . . page 130. VENIR, to come page 131. Vetir, to clothe like revetir. * Several of these irregular verbs having a similarity in their conjugation, as, for example, the verbs in tir, which are all but two (vetir and revetir) conjugated like sen- tir, the verbs in enir which are conjugated like VENl.t; I have conjugated only one verb of each termination, as a model for the others ; and all the verbs which may be conjugated in the same manner as that verb are found under it. t HAIR is regular only in the first, second, and third persons singular of the present of the indicative, and in the second person singular of the imperative, where ai are pro- nounced in one syllable, Je hais. I hate. pronounce haye. Tu hais. Thou hatest. haye. II hait. He hates. hay. in the other tenses and persons ai are pronounced in two distinct syllables, and the i ia marked over with two dots, Nous ha'issons. Vous ha'issez. lis lia'issent. We hate. pronounce You hate. They hate. ha-isson. ha-issay. ha-iss. Je haissais. I did hate. ha-issay e, Je ha'is. 1 hated. ha-ee. Je ha'irai. I shall hate. ha-eeray. Je hairais. 1 should hate, &c. like fin IR. X Used only in the infinitive after Alter and Envoy e* : as Aller querir, to go and fetch. Envoy er querir, to send for. IRREGULAR VERBS in IR. 121 INFINITIVE. To ACQUIRE. *AQUERzr. Tu II Acquire. Let us acquire. INDICATIVE. ^ 1 acquire, or am g J a Thou acquirest, art's g He acquires, or is 5! ? We } . jj 1 You \ aCC ^ U,re '. ' ? They\ are aC( J uinn S' * J ) •« Thou)was acquiring. %He J ft JTe j § Yo?« W'ere acquiring. J IMPERATIVE. Aquiers, sing*. a que a ez, ^?jr. AQUER 0715. 8 7%om g'tfe 5 Yom ? ^Aey. 3 JY e 1 We £ Yb?z ? They, f* 77*ow § He 6 JTe I" You S- TtteyJ acquired, did acquire. acquire, oe acquiring. should, would acquire, be acquiring. aquiers. aquiers. aquiert 23 . IVb?.zs aquer ons. Vous aqu£r ez. lis aquierent 13 . J' *aque*ra/s 5 . Tu aqueV ais. II aquer ? • See qu, page 13. t See note 4, page 2. % These two rr must be sounded distinctly ; in ord^r to do it, lay a stress on the first r 122 IRREGULAR VERBS ill IR. INFINITIVE* To boil. BOUILLfr. IMPERATIVE. Boil. bous, sing. bouill ez plur. Let us boil. bouill otw. INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE. ^ I boil, or am % <3 Thou boilest, art S Je 3 "bous 88 . Je bouill e. cr 2. Tu bous. Tu bouill es. g He boils, or is aq JZ bout 26 . II bouill e. s § Yo« r 0ll > or • S TAeJ"™ boilin ^' iVbws bouill Otis. Nous bouill ions. <§ Vous bouill e^r. Vous bouill iez. cr lis bouill ent 19 . lis bouill ent 19 . c^ ^ J 1 *g 2%om Vwas boiling. Je "bouill ais 6 . Tu bouill ais. §•#* J II bouill ait 26 . 5 ^c ) Nov s bou\\\ ions. S Yew >tt?ere boiling. Vous bouill iez. ? They) lis bouill aient 6 cr M J 1 Je "bouill is 26 . Je bouill me 2 . o # 2 Thou Tu bouill is. Tu bouill isses. (0 a- fHe boiled, II bouill it 25 . 11 bouill ft 26 . 1 J JFe did boil. Nousbouttlimes. Nous bouill issions f CM. g Ybw Vous bouill ites. Vous bouill issiez. * TAey. lis bouill irent 19 . lis bouill issejit. cr 2. ^ J ^1 Je "bouillir ai 5 . | Thou\ Tu bouillir as. s i?e \shllj wll boil, II bouillir a. g Jfe ( be boiling". Nous bouillir ons. &: yow Vous bouillir ez. ? TAeyJ Us bouillir out 26 . S^ ^ Je "bouillir ais. 6 ^ TAcw Tu bouillir ais. § He sM, w;d boil, II bouillir ait 26 . £/Fe be boiling-. Nous bouillir ions. § You Vous bouillir iez. P They^ lis bouillir aient 5 . GERUND. PARTICIPLI ■< im Boiling". bouill ant. BOUILL i. B0i led. N. B. To boiL, used in an active sense, i. e. followed by an object, is not expressed by bouillir, but by faire bouillir ; as, Je fais bouillir-] Tu fais bouillir 11 fait bouillir U v de h viand JSlousfaisons bouillir I Vous faiPes bouillir lis font bouillir J £jMfait bouillir, &c. / Thou He We You They >boil, or am boiling boil, or ate boiling. water, meat, &c. I have Thou hast ►boiled, or been boiling. And so on, by adding tbe infinitive bouillir to the verb faire. See Faire. IRREGULAR VERBS ill IR. 123 INFINITIVE. To run. ^COUR ir. Run. Let us run IMPERATIVE. cour 5, sing. cour ez,plur. cour ons. INDICATIVE. (j / run, or a??i g 2 jT/zojz runnest, ar^ § g ife runs, or w 5* Irti * 1 r™ run ' or . ? JV^r™ runmn S- *L 1 "g -TAo?/ >tt?as running". 3>*fc J 5 ^ e § Ybw \were running. ? They) ^1 5 Thou $He ran, $We dzrf run. S Yoa *° 2%ey. ^J " I 7%ou S He sAZZ, tpfi run, I We be running-. S Tow ? TAey, ?' • rt Tao?/, §He shd, wd run &/^e be running. § Few - r 2%ey, SUBJUNCTIVE. Je M cour e. Tu cour es. II cour e. 2Vom* cour ions. Vous cour /e*. lis cour ew^ 18 . ii "cour iwse 2 . p cour usses. cour z2Z 26 . I. ivozz.9 cour ussions. > Fbws cour nssicz. g Zw cour ussent. e Je 3 M cour s 26 . Ta cour «. 7/ cour 2 26 . iVb?z5 cour cms. Fb?w cour e«. J/s cour ent 1B . Je 14 cour a/* 6 . Tu cour aw. J7 cour ait 26 . Nous cour tons. Ferns cour iez. lis cour aienP. Je 14 cour ms 86 Tw cour us. II cour ?^ 26 . JVbiw cour umes. Vous cour wfes. Iw cour urent 18 . Je 14 cour rai 5 .* Tu cour tyzs. // cour ra. Nous cour ro/is. Foms cour rez. lis cour ront? 6 . Je 14 cour raw 6 .* Ta cour raw. // cour rait 26 . Nous cour rions. Vous cour r/ez. 7w cour raienP. GERUND. Running. cour a/^. ^//er Zae same manner as courir, conjugate accourir. to run to. parcourir. to peruse, to overrun. concourir. to concur. i to run again, to have discourir. to discourse. Recourir. j recourse to. encourir. to incur. secourir. to succour, to relieve. N. Ji. The compound tenses of accourir are formed with either Avoir or litre ; as, I have run, J' ai account, or Je suis uccouru. Thou ftast run, T« as uccouru, Tu es uccouru. He /ias run, 7/ a accouru, 11 est account. We /uae run, &c. A'oasavons account. A'ohs sommes accounts, fyc. PARTICIPLE. cour a. nun. # These two rr must be sounded distinctly ; in order to do it, lay a stress on the first 124 IRREGULAR VERBS ill 1R. INFINITIVE. To gather. CUEILL*er. IMPERATIVE. Gather. cueill es, sing. Let us gather. cueill ez. plur. cueill ons. ^ I gather, or am <§ n Thou gatherest, art £- | He gathers, or is z. 5 We ) ., eg § You [ ffather ° r • S Tliey) are S atherill S' •g Thou)was gathering. S»J3is g Few Wre gathering * 7 8 2%om r#e § Fotz '2/J | TAs. § 2 //f. shuns, or zs 2. // fu m. 7/ fu i& 5 '^ 1 u ^ 2 y 1 shun, or ' Tliey\ are shunnin £- NOUS fu 2/0715. Fo?t.s fu yez. lis fu 2'e/2^ 18 . 2Vo7/s fu yions. VOUS fu 7/7>Z. JZ.s fu ient. 1 B T } "g ThouVwas shunning. Je 4 fu yaw 6 . T?z fu yais. 5 £#e j | Yo?t >7/;ere shunning. ? They) II fu 3/«z?! 26 . JVbzwfu yions. Vous fu 7/zez. J/s fu yaient 5 . a j3 ~I ■ Je fu is 26 . Je fu me 2 . i Thou Tu fu 2>. Tu fu mes. a- file shunned, J/ fu it 25 . JZ fu it™. zWe. did shun. Nous fu ^mes. Nous fu. issio?is § You Fows fu ites. Vousfu issiez. OS * They, lis fu irent iB . Us ill issent. V, *3 I } Je fuir az 5 . B 3 1 Thou TV fuir as. 3 He shall, will shun, II fuir «. 1 W* be shunning. TVbz/sfuir ons. | Yo7/ Vous fuir ez. F 7%ey, lis fuir ont ss . ? J Je fuir azV 5 . f* r^w TV fuir ais. 2 He shd, wd shun II fuir art 28 . |' Yo?t, be shunning. iVowsfuir ions. Vous fuir iez. ?. TAeyj Us fuir aient 6 . C£iei7A'D. PARTICIPLE shunning. fuy ant™. fu i. shunned. After the same manner is conjugated s'enfuir, to run away ; thus I I run, or am ' je M enfuw. Thou run nest, art TU t' enfuw. He runs, or is We run, are il s' enfuzY 28 . ^running" away. " awzs nous enjui/cm*. You run, are vous vous enfuyez. They run, are lis s J enfu7e/77J 18 . 2V. B. the compound tenses of s'enfuir are formed with Eire, not Avoir ; as, I have run au;ai/. j e ft , E Sin \A Thou /last run away. Tier' es >ENFUI He /»« run auw/ J/ s ' es t J &c. 126 IRREGULAR VERBS ill IR INFINITIVE, To die. MOUR ir. IMPERATIVE. Die. Meurs, Let us die. sing. mour ez, plur mour ons. INDICATIVE. ^ 7" die, or am a- 2 Thou diest, ar£ 3' I He dies, or zs °P " We die, or cw They are dying". 3 7 ) •§ T/iow. >was dying'. £He J 5 You \were dying. P They) |W e You ? They] S ile I We 5 Fok ? 2%eyJ | JTe g' Few GER UND. died, did die. shll, will die, 6e dying. shd, wd die, 6e dying. Je 12 meurs 26 . Tu meurs. II meurt 26 . Nous mour o?i.9. FWs mour ez. lis meurent 18 . Je "mour ais 6 . Tu mour ais. II mour ait 25 . Nous mour ions. Vous mour iez. J7s mour aient 6 . Je "mour us 26 . Tu mour us. II mour ut 26 . A 7 ous mour umes. Vous mour $£es. 7/5 mour urent 18 . Je "mour rai 5 * Tu mour ras. II mour ra. JVcwsmour rons. Vous mour rez. J/5 mour rant 25 . Je "mour rais 6 .* Tu mour rais. II mour rait 26 . iVbws mour rions. Vous mour riez. lis mour raienP. mour a?i2 26 . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je meure. Tm meures. II meure. Nous mour ions. Vous mour fez. JZs meurent. Je mour ws.se 2 . & T?/ mour usses. c II mour w^ 26 . 3 Nous mour ussions. ora' Vous mour ussicz. n, lis mour ussent. o" PARTICIPLE. Mort 26 . Dead, Dying". «^/£er 2Ae same manner as mourir is conjugated se mourir, to 6e dying ; Je me meurs. / am TV/ te meurs. Thou art i meurs. II se meurt. 2Vb?fs nous mour ons. Vous vous mour ez. lis se meurent. He is ^e are Yo?z are They are dying away. N. B. The compound tenses of mourir are formed by adding Mort to the auxiliary Etre; as, He /ms died. It est mart. They fraue died. Us sont morte, ^c. * These two rr must be sounded distinctly ; in order to do it, lay a stress on the first r IRREGULAR VERBS in 1R. INFINITIVE. 127 To open. OUVR ir. IMPERATIVE. open. ouvr es, sing. ouvr ez, plur. Let us open. ouvr ons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. o ^ I open, or am £. J' 14 ouvr e. J' 14 ouvr e. r& 3 Thou ope nest, art § TV. ouvr es. Tu ouvr es. 3 1 He opens, or is 5 II ouvr e. II ouvr e. 2 m 1 iVb?M ouvr ons. Nous ouvr ions. 1 y 0!( °P en - or . Vous ouvr ez. Vous ouvr iez. CD ' They) areo P emn -- 7/s ouvr ent 18 . lis ouvr erc£. P B 1 } •g Thourwas opening. J' u ouvr #w 6 . Tu ouvr «m. £#e J JZ ouvr affl*. S We } Nous ouvr foTis. g Foz* Wre opening. Fbws ouvr iez. ? They) lis ouvr aient 6 . •s ^ J J' 14 ouvr w 36 . J* 14 ouvr me 2 . ?5 S 2 TAozz Tit ouvr is. Tw ouvr isses. jf JEfe opened, II ouvr e^ 86 . II ouvr ft 20 . 3 % We [ did open. JVems ouvr imes. iVows ouvr issions. g Y2#ere investing. Vous revet zes. — • < ? r%J lis revet aient 9 . ^ Je revet is 93 . Je revfit me. en €-»■ g TAom Tm revet w. Tu revet isses. a* . 5 ^ e did invest. Nous revet ?me*. Nous revet issions. g Fom Vous revet ftes. Vous revet issiez. ct. *° 2%cy. JTs revet irent 1B . lis revet issent. 3 ^ I i Je revetir at 5 . r | Tta Tu revetir as. S He shit, wll invest, II revetir a. 1 J^e be investing. Nous revetir ons. 1 You Vous revetir ez. ? They ^ lis revetir out 26 . ? J 1 Je revfetir ais 96 . S* Z%Gtt Tu revetir ais. B& shd, wd invest, II revetir ait. &^ e be investing. Nous revetir ions. §' Fo?^ Vous revetir iez. F* 2%«y. lis revetir aient?. GJSii 17.Y.D. PARTICIPLE. 11 westing. revet a?it e6 . REVET u. invested. ^4/2er w>ere feeling ^1 €■ Thou i He S t^e 5 You ? They *I I tvzom S He 1 AT* ? T/ieyJ 2 He %We g' Fo//. Je 3 "sens 88 . Ta sens. II sent 96 . JVows sent o??5. Vous sent ez. 7/s sent enP 8 . Je sent azV 5 . T?£ sent ais. II sent az^ 86 . Nous sent toTfs Poms sent iez. lis sent dienlP. Je 3 sent zs 88 . T?/ sent is. II sent z7 2J . JV02/S sent fines. Vous sent ftes. J/s sent ireni 18 . Je sentir az 5 . Tu sentir as. shaUy will feel, J7 sentir a. iVozzs sentir ons. Vous sentir ez. lis sentir cm^ 26 . Je sentir ais 8 . Tu sentir aw. 7/ sentir ait. Nous sentir ions. Vous sentir iez lis sentir aie?it 6 . felt, did feel. be feeling. shd, wd feel, be feelinjr. SENT ir. sent cz, phtr. sent ons. SUBJUNCTIVE Je sent e 2 . £> 2V sent es. j^ II sent e. § Nous sent ions. <§ Vous sent zVsr. 5T- 7/s sent enV 8 . r* Je sent isse*. , Tu sent isses. II sent ft. 93 Nous sent visions. Vous sent issiez. lis sent issent. ars9 PARTICIPLE. SENT I. Felt. GE-Rl/AD. Feeling. sent awi 26 . 4/2er Me same manner as sentir are conjugated consentir, to consent. partir, to set out ; to depart. dementir, to give the lie. pressentir, to have a foresight, se de partir, to give up. repartir, to set out again; to reply desservir, to take off the dishes ; se repentir, to repent. dormir, to sleep, [to do an ill office, ressentir, to resent. endormir, to lull asleep. ressortir, to go out again. sendormir, to fall asleep. servir, to serve; se servir to use* mentir, to lie; to tell a lie. sortir, to go out. * Observe that the third person singular of the present tense of servir, is,' err, not scru 130 IRREGULAR VERBS in IR. INFINITIVE. To leap for joy. To START o^o/>r.} TRESSAILL lr de >' e ' de P eur ' start. Let us start. IMPERATIVE. TRESSAILL es, Sing. TRESSAILL ez, plur. TRESSAILL OTIS. INDICATIVE. start, / start, or am % Thou startest, art % He starts, or is r 3* We You They 1 1 Thou >was starting. We | You Ywere starting They) r 1 Thou He [started, We You They) Thou He We You They I Thou He We You They did start. shll, wll start, be starting. shd, wd start, be starting-. Je 3 Tu Tl Nous Vous Us Je Tu II Nous Vous lis Je Tu II Nous Vous lis Je Tu II Nous Vous lis Je Tu II Nous Vous lis tressaill e.f tressaiil es. tressaill e. tressaill ons. tressaill ez. tressaill ent 16 . tressaill ais 6 . tressaill ais. tressaill ai&*. tressaill ions. tressaill iez. tressaill aientf. tressaill z"s 26 . tressaill is. tressaill iti* 6 . tressaill imes. tressaill ties. tressaill irent 18 . tressaillir ai 5 . tressaillir as. tressaillir a. tressaillir ons. tressaillir ez. tressaillir ont 26 . tressaillir ais 6 . tressaillir ais. tressaillir ait 26 . tressaillir ions. tressaillir iez. tressaillir aient 6 SUBJUNCTIVE. Je tressaill e. Tu tressaill es. II tressaill e. Nous tressaill ions. Vous tressaill iez. lis tressaill ent. Je tressaill me 9 . S Tu tressaill isses. •§ II tressaill it. Nous tressaill issions. Vous tressaill issiez. lis tressaill issent. M & GERUND. PARTICIPLE. starting. tressaill ant 26 . tressaill i. started, After the same manner as tressaillir are conjugated assaillir, to assault, but it is not used in the first, second, and third persons singular of the present tense, and is seldom used, except in the infinitive assaillir, and in the participle assailli, assaulted. saillir, to jet out, used only in the infinitive saillir, in the gerund saillant, in the participle sailli, and in the third person of each tense * tressaillir is seldom used without the words joie, joy j or pew, fear, t See lb preceded by i, page 11 and 12. IRREGULAR VKKBS 111 IR. 131 To COM2, VEN ir. IMPERATIVE. come. viens, sing. Let us come. INDICATIVE I come, or am § 3 Thou comest, art 5. | //e comes, or is tf| I come, or «re coming. g Tom g TAom fwfls coming. i7e J 1 0^ ) S You >were coming ? They) * J -We 8 Tow ^/ S If e S Ybw ? They • & 27zo?/ 2 #e ~Te 2 Tow P TVieyJ came, or tf j-> INDIC. IMPER. SUBJ. INDIC. IMP. SUBJ. INDIC. IMP. ^ Je FIN is isse bous e CUEILL e £ Tu is is isses bous bous es es es g II it isse bout e e £ Nous issons issons issions BOUILL ons ons ions ons ons g Vous issez issez issiez ez ez iez ez. ez g lis issent. issent. ent ent. ent. tf Je -a Tu issais ais ais issais ais ais S II issait ait ait ? Now issions ions ions g Fous issie? iez iez £ /fa issaient aient aient. 1? J f is isse is isse is B> 2*« is isses is isses is ^ 7/ it it it it it £ IVous imes issions imes issions imes g Feus ites issiez ites issiez ites £ ft irent. issent. irent. issent. irent. ^ JeFlNIit ai BOUILLIR ai cueill erai 5 Tu as as eras ►d II a a era S Nous ons ons erons £* Fous ez ez erez 3 /fa ont. ont. eront. htj Jg ais ais erais g. Tu ais ais erais g Mws g' Fous ait Like FINIR, con- ions Jugate all the verbs ait ions erait erions ie* in IR, tke following iez eriez a e* ft aient. ' excepted. aient. eraient. Rec AQTTER ir, ant, aquis. COUR ir, ant, u. FU ir, yant, Z r aquiers aquiere s e is S Tto aquiers aquiers aquieres s s es is is g. IJ aquiert aquiere t e it <+ JVous ons ons ions ons ons ions yons yons o Vous ez ez iez ez ez iez yez yez S ft aquierent. aquierent. ent. ent. ient. a 1 J'AQUER afa ais yais •5 T« ais ais yak '^ Nous ait ait yait ions ions yions g Fous iez iez yiez S ft aient. aient. y aient. hj J' aquis aquisse us usse is 3 Tu aquis aquisses us usses is aquit aquit tit ut it f* JVous aquimes aquissions times ussions imes g Frnts 1 ft CD aquites aquissiez tites ussiez ites aquirent. aquissent. urent. ussent. irent. lag J'aquer rai COUR rai FUIR ai 5- Tu ras ras as « I* ra ra a o JVous rons rons ons lit; rez rez ez 2 /fa ront. ront. ont. *rj J' rats rais ais S. Tu rats rais ais o « rait rait ait § JVTons rions rions tons & Fous riez riez iez * /fa r aient. raient aient. In the same manner conjugate Conquenr, Like Courir conjugate Accourir, Like Fuir conjugate Requerir. Concourir Discourir,Encourir, Par- to run away. courir, Recourir. Secourir. IR. all the verbs in IR, both regular and irregular 133 INFIN. 10UR ir, GER. ant, PART. mort. INDIC. IMP. SUBJ. meurs meure meurs meurs meure s meurt IOUR ons ons ez ez meuxent. ais ais ait ions iez aient. %is ns ut times utes urent. IOUR rai ras ra rons rez ront. meure. ions iez meurent. INFIN. GER. REVET ir, * INDIC. REVET S S revet ons ant, IMP. ons ez REVET usse vsses ut ussions ussiez ussent. rais rais rait rions riez r aient. Mourir. )UVR ir, ant, ouvert. e es e ons ez ent. ais ais ait ions iez aient. is is it imes ites irent. )UVRIRfli as a ons ez ont. ais ais ait ions iez aient. ons ez tons iez isse> it issio)is issiez issent. In the same manner conjugate Enti'ouvrir.Convrir. Deeouvrir.Re- •nuvrir, Offiir, Sonffrir. ent. ais ais ait . ions iez aient. is is it imes ites irent. REVETIRoi as a ons ez ont. PART. u. SUBJ. tons iez ent. isse isses it issions issiez issent. ais ais ait ions iez aient. Vetir.se DevStir. SENT ir, ant, sens sens sen sent SENT ons ons ez ez ent. ais ais ait ions iez aient. is is it imes ites irent. es e ions iez ent. isse isses it issions issiez issent. SENTIR «l as a ons ez OJlt. ais uis ait ions iez aient. Consentir, Pros^entir, Rpssentir, Mentir, Dementir, Partir, Rppirtir, i-e Departir, Sortir, Ressortir, se Repentir, S^rvir, Uesservir, Dormir Kndormir, s'Endormir. INFIN. TRESSAIL i TRES- IND. SAILL e ons ez ent. GER. ant, PART 1. SliBJ. e om ions ez iez ent. ais ait ions it imes ites TRES- irent* SAILLIR ai as a ons ez ont. it issions issiez issent ais ais ait ions iez aient. Assaillir, Saillir. VEN viens viens vient ons ons ez u. vienne viennes vienne ions iez viennent vinsse vinsse vint vinssions vinssiez vinssent. viennent. ais ais ait ions iez aient. vins vins vint vinmes vintes vinrent. viendrai viendras viendra viendrons vi end rez viendront. viendrais viendrais viendrait viendrions viendriez viendraient. venir, Intervenir, Parvenir, Prevenir, Provenir, Revenir, se Sotivenir, Sub- venir. Mirvenir, Tenir, s'Abstenir, Ar> p;irte:iir. Contenir, Detenir, Entretenir Maintenir, Obtenir, Retenir, Souteuir Conve« nir, Contrevemr, Devenir, Discon 134 REGULAR VERBS 111 Oil INFINITIVE. To owe. DEV oir. IMPERATIVE, owe. Dois, sing. dev ez, plur. Let us owe. dev ons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE, ^ I owe. 3 Thou owest. Je 23 dois 26 . Je doive 2 . 2 jT?« doives. « Tu dois. g JTe owes. 7/ doit 2 <\ II doive. g % We } iVbzw dev ons. Nous dev ions. <§ g Yom >owe. Vous dev e£. Poms dev iez. 9 J/s doivent. n> ? 2%cyJ lis doivent 18 . r J 1 Je 3 DEV a?V\ Tu DEV «/.?. >did owe. 7/ dev ait* 5 . Nous dev ions. 1 You Vous dev iez. ? They t lis dev aze?zi 8 o g Thou Je dus.t Tu dus. Je dusse 2 . Jf 2*m dusses. i 5- f He >owcd. JZ dut 26 . 1/ dut 28 . | J ^ Nous dumes. JVbws dussions. ^ 1 Tow, Fbws dutes. FWs dussiez. 5" ? They, 7fo durent 18 . lis dussent. 18 % ?I ] Je dev rai 3 . | r/ww Tm dev ras. s Z7e 1 ^ >shcdl, will owe. II dev ra. NOUS DEV 707ZS. |: You Kow5 dev rez. ? They, lis dev ront 25 . 2 1 " Je dev razV 5 . s* 2%ow 7\« dev raw. >shld, wld owe. II dev raft 86 . iVbzzs dev rions. * | You Vous dev nez. 7/s dev raienP. G£R£/iVD. PARTICIPLE. owing. DEV #?zi 25 . du. owed. Interrogatively. Negatively. Interrogatively and Negativ. Dois-je ? §- je we dois 1 m Ne do\s-je %• Dois-^w? H TU we dois £- Nedois-tu S- Doit-z/? | Devons-Tiows ? n> il we doit I s nous Tie devons | r <^ Ne doit-z'Z 2ve devons-?zows 3 >pas ? © Q nevez-w Doivent- i&? p vousrcedevez ' ^ lis 7ie doiventj Ne devez-vous Nedoiwent-ils 3 -4/ifer zVze seme manner as devoir are conjugated, apercevoir,) , • percevoir, (a law term) to receive. }to perceive. ; . y apercevoir, r recevoir, to receive. conce\oir, to conceive. REDEVOIR, to owe still. * See n. b. under devoir, page 111. f See note 2, page 1, IRREGULAR VERBS in OIR. 135 The IRREGULAR ASSEOIR, \. .. Anmt s'ASSEOIR,} tosltdown ' Choir, to fall \ Dtchoir, to decay > Echoir, to expire, to be out. J Emouvoir, to stir up Entrevoir, to have a glimpse ; Equivaloir, to be equivalent ; FaLloir, must; tobe necessary MOU VOIR, to move ; Pleuvoir, to rain ; Pourvoir, to provide ; POUVOIR, to be able ; . . . verbs belonging to this conjugation are 4 « r PREVOIR, to foresee ; . . . page 139. page lo6. Prhaloi t0 prevail . . '. . . i * -n i i • j. -i !(• } see valoir. sePrevaloir, to avail oneselt ; J * Revaloir, return like for like ; like valoir. Rasseoir, |to sit down 1 ^ ASS£0IR . like mouvoir. se Rasseoir, ) again; J like voir. Revoir, to see again ; Uke\oiR. like valoir. SAVOIR, to know ; page 140. .t Seoir, to fit, to suit, to become; $ page 137. urseoir, to supersede ; .... see PREVOIR. t VALOIR, to be worth ; . . . page 141. see prevoir. VOIR, to see ; page 142. page 138. VOULOIR, to will, to be willing ; page 143 , * These three verbs are now hardly ever used, but are found in many ancient writings , they are conjugated thus : infinitive. CHoir. DECHozr. To Fall. To Decay. PARTICIPLE. CHm. fallen. No other tenses. DECHu. decayed. Je dechois. Tu dechofs. II, dechoit. Nous dechoyons. Vous dechoyez. lis dechoie)it. INDICATIVE. I decay, or am ^ Thou decayest, art g He decays, or is "jS. Wp \ B decay,

. '. , • » ,7,, sitting down. * I 1 3 ,rv I zms sitting; •g Thou} , 3 2 „- down. ST- He J § Fo?z l«*« sitting ? W down - J Thou $ He sr ^ ? They] sat, c?i(i sit down. ^1 He /Te You They I Thou He o %We g' Yew shll, idi sit, 6e sitting dn. ^shd, wd sit, 6e sitting; dn. Je 3 m' ^assieds 23 . Tu t' assieds. J/ s' assied 23 . IVews nous asse z'o??s. Vous vous asse zez. JT/s s' asse lent 19 . Je m' asse iai&, Tu t' asse iais. II s' asse zazi 88 . Nous nous asse yons 4 . Vous vous ass£ 7/ez. JZs s' ass£ iaient 6 . Je m' as sis 23 . Tm t' assis, J/ s' as sit 23 . Nous nous assimes. Fews vols assites. Its s' assirent 19 . Je m' 10 asseirai 5 . !Tm t' asseiras. II s' asseira. IVewsNous asseirons. Vous vous asseirez. J/s s' asseiront 25 . Je m' asseirais 6 . Tu t asseirais. II s' asseirait 23 . Nous nous asseirions. Fews vous asseiriez. lis s' asseiraient 5 . GERUND sitting- down. Interrogatively. M* assieds-^e ? £ T* assieds-foz ? H s' assied-z7? s? s'asse yant* 5 . Negatively . je we m' assieds] £j Z'M 7ie t' assieds >p#s. o" iZ 7ie s' assied J o SUBJUNCTIVE. Je M asse* ie\ t Tu T asse' ies.tsz II s' asse ie. g. Nous NOU& asse* yons. Vous vous asse* yes. lis s' ass6 ient. o Je m' assisse 2 .^ Tw t' assisses. ^ JZ s' assit 23 . & Nous nous assissions. Foiz« vous assissiez. IZs s* assissent. o S3 PARTICIPLE. Assis. sat down. Interrogat. and Negat. Ne m* assied s-^'e 1 if e t' assieds-Zw >pas ? Ne s' assied-tl J I have Thou hast He A#s We Aezue COMFODND tenses formed by adding assis to the auxiliary ETRE. je TU il ME T' s' SUIS es est 'ASSIS. je TU il ME TE SE sois sois soit •ASSIS. nous nous sommes] nous nous soyojis] In the same manner, conjugate rasseoir, se rasseoir, to sit down again. IRREGULAR VERBS ill OIR. 137 To MOVE. Move. Let us move. INFINITIVE. MOUV oir*. IMPERATIVE. meus, sing. mouv ez, plur. mouv ons. INDICATIVE. ►n to 7" move, or am B Thou movest, art < m He moves or is cr We ) You \ move \ Thcy\ arem0Ymn °- I 1 Thou \ivas moving. He J We \ You \were moving-. They) I } Thou He moved, We [did move. You They. I Thou He We You They, I Thou He We You They} shll,wllmove> be moving. shd, wd move, be moving. Je ^meus 26 . Tu meus. II meut 23 . Nous mouv ons. Vous mouv ez. lis meuvent 18 . Je 34 mouv ais 6 . Tu mouv ais. II mouv aii 2s . Nous mouv ions. Vous mouv iez. lis mouv aienP. Je tmus 23 . Tu mus. II mut 23 . Nous mumes. Vous mutes. lis murent 18 . Je 14 mouv rai s . Tu mouv ras 2 * 1 . II mouv ra. Nous mouv rons. Vous mouv rez. lis mouv ront 26 . Je 14 mouv rais*. Tu mouv rais. II mouv rait?*. Nous mouv rions. Vous mouv riez. lis mouv raient 6 . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je meuve 2 . 3 Tu meuves 23 . < II meuve. ^ IVb?/smouv ions. ^ Vous mouv iez. lis meuvent. can, are able. They) B 1 Thou >could, was able. He We | Yow >eould, were able. ^ \ Thou Vcould, was able. He J JFe | Ybw >could, were able 2%^ J 3 He EK Ybw ? 7%ei/J *I f* Thou 2 He %We I' You sM, wll be able. could, r s^rf, wd be able. GERUND. Being able. JTe 23 puis 26 . !Tw 12 peux. II peut. 26 JVoMS pOUV 072*. Vous pouv ez. J/s peuvent 18 . Je 14 pouv ais 6 . Tu pouv ais. II pouv AMY 86 . IVbz/s pouv ions. Vous pouv «ez. lis pouv aient 6 . Je tpus 2 * 3 . jTia pus. J/ put 26 . iVbws pumes. Vous putes. lis purent 18 . Je 14 pourai 5 . Tu pouras 86 . II poura. Nous pourons. Vous pourez. lis pouront 35 . Je u pourais 6 . Tu pourais. II pourait 26 . Nous pourions. Vous pouriez. lis pouraient 6 . pouv ant* 6 . SUBJUNCTIVE. puisse 2 . 3 Je Tu H puisse. Nous puissions. Vous piiissiez. 4 cr lis puissent 18 . £ re" Je pusse 2 . Tu pusses. II put 26 . Nous pussions. Vous pussiez. lis pussent 18 . 3 sr "** 3 PARTICIPLE. pu. Been able * MAY, MIGHT have, through the verbs, been considered only as signs of the subjunc- tive mood ; but these 'words are not always signs ; they are sometimes verbs denoting •power. In order to discriminate whether may, might, are verbs, or only signs, change them into the tenses of the verb BE, that will make the best sense with the word power or abl". If may, might, thus changed, answer to the tenses of the indicative of the verb BE, they must be expressed by the same tenses of the verb POCVOIR ; as, I may see it, if I choose, i. e. it is in my power, or I am able to see it, if I choose. Je puis le voir, si je veux. I might see it, if I chose, i. e. it would be in my power, or I should be able to see it, if 1 chose. Je pourais le voir, sijevoulais. If may, might, answer to the tenses of the subjunctive of the verb BE, they may be ex pressed either by the subjunctive of the following verb, or by the subjunctive of pou VOIR ; as Bring it me, that I may see it, i. e. that I may be able to see it. Apportez-le-moi, afin que je le voie, or afin que je puisse le voir. He brought it me, that I might see it, i. e. that I might be able to see it II me Vapporta, afin que je le visse, or afin que je pusse le voir. t See note 2, page 1 . N.B. MA\ , IRREGULAR VERBS in 01R. 13< INFINITIVE. To FORESEE. Let 21s foresee. INDICATIVE. IMPERATIVE. pr£v ois, sing. PREV oir. prev oyez, pli/r. prev oyons. SUBJUNCTIVE. * Jfi 3re see. Je prev ois 23 . Je prev oie 23 . o 5 3 Thou foreseest. Tu prev ois. Tu prev oies 26 . 3 § He foresees. II pre'v oiP*. It preV oie. **"« Nous preV oyons*. Nous prev oyions. 31 g Yb?j Vforesee. Vous prev oyez. Vous preV oyiez. know. Vous sav e?. ? They) lis sav e/ii 18 . S 1 ^ Je sav ais 9 . | Thou Tu sav aw. did know. 7/ sav ait 26 . Nous sav ions. 1 r ° M Pous sav iez. ? TAey, lis sav aieni 9 . 2 T/iow Je sus 26 . Tu sus. fifc knew, J/ sut 26 . £ JFe 'did know. Nous sumes. S You Vous sutes. ? Tfiey) J/s surent 18 . 2 1 Je 8 saurai 5 . & Thou Tu sauras 26 . s He shall, will II saura. 1 /Pe know. Nous saurons. |- You Vous saurez. P TAey, lis saurontr 6 . j J 1 Je 8 saurais G . -* tw Tu saurais. jffi should, II saurait 26 & jr e wld know. IVcwssaurions. § You Vous sauriez. P They. lis sauraient*. GERUND. Knowing. sachant 86 . SUBJUNCTIVE, p? Je sache.f § Tu saches 26 . 3 II sache. § 2Vb?z$sachions. ;§ Vous sachiez. g* - Ils sachent 18 . o 3 Je susse*. 2 Tu susses. - II sut 90 . § iVW? scissions. ^ Vous sussiez. J lis sussent 18 . g PARTICIPLE. su. Known. * Meaning mental knowledge, science, information ; as, I know my lesson, French, English, mathematics. Je sais ma lecon, le Francais, l' Anglais, les mathe'matiques. I know your brother will come. Je sais que votre frere viendra. But To know, meaning to be acqnuinted with, to know by sight, is not expressed by SAVorR, it is expressed by CONNAITRE ; as, 1 know your brother, your sister, i.e. I am acquainted with them, I know them by sight. Je connais votre frere, vctre sozur, §c. See connait re. t Not that I know, fye. so often used in answer to a question, is expressed by the pre* sent of the subjunctive of this verb ; thus, Not that I know. Non pas queje sache. Not that we know. Non pas que nous sachions. IRREGULAR VERBS ill OIR. 141 INFINITIVE. To be worth. VAL oir. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. >_; I am worth. Je 8 vaux 26 . Je vaille 2 .* 3 | Thou art worth. Tu vaux. Tu vailles 26 . £ § He is worth. J/ vaut 23 . II vaille. l We } 2Vb?«val ons. Nous vq\ ions. 3 § You \are worth. Voils val ez. Vous val iez. o ? They) lis val ew# 8 . lis vaillent 18 . B- B 1 } Je val ais*. "g Thou)was worth. Tu val «z& ~- He J II val a^ 29 . t We ) iVbwsval £o?w. % You \were worth. Vousval iez. ? They) Us val aienP. * 7 1 2 Thou >was worth. Je val Ms 26 . Je val usse s . § Tw val us. Tu val usses. <§] %He ) 11 val ?^ 26 . II val ut 2s . VK } iVowsval times. Nous val ussions O w You Vwere worth. Vous val wfes. Vous val ussiez. ? They) J& val urent 18 . lis val ussent™ E? ^1 ] Je 8 vaudrai 5 . £ Thou Til vaudras 25 . S He shall, will II vaudra. 1 We be worth. Nous vaudrons. S Yoz^ Vous vaudrez. ? 7%ey, lis vaudront 26 . 2 7 ' Je 8 vaudrais 6 . r XVzow Tu vaudrais. 2 He should, would II vaudrait 26 . %We be worth. Nous vaudrions. g Yo?£ Vous vaudriez. F- 2%ey. lis vaudraient 8 GEHtf-YD. PARTICIPLE. U e272g* worth. val ant 2G . VAL U, seen worth After the same manner as valoir are conjugated equivaloir, to be equivalent. prevaloir, to prevail. revaloir, to return like for like. se prevaloir, to avail oneself But observe that prevaloir and se prevaloir have an imperative. prevail. pr£vaux, sing". pre val ez. plur. Let us prevail. preval ons. And, I may Thou rnayest He may We may You may They may prevail, is Je pre> ale, >d Tu prev ales, 11 prev ale, Nouspr£v alions, Vous preV aliez, lis pre*v alent >not See 11 preceded by i, page 11 and 12. 142 RREGULAR VERBS 111 OIR. INFINITIVE. To see. V oir. IMPERATIVE. see, v ois, sing. v oyez, plur. Let us see, v oyons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE, ^7 see. Je 2s vois™. Je v oie 23 . a, 3 Thou seest Tu v ois. Tu v oies 26 . s° § He sees. II voit 28 . II v ofe. § *»* ) Nous v oyons*. Nous v oyions. see. Vous v oyez. Fbws v oyzez. £ ? 7% e yJ Us v oient 1 *. 7/s v oient. ? 3 J 1 Je v oyais*. w 2%ow Tu v oyaw. *He ^We did see. 7/ v oyait 26 . Nous v oy ions. %You Vous v o^zez. ? They % 7/s v oyaient*. * J 1 Je v zs 26 . Je v me 8 . p . 7Z vft 26 . 8 2- „- >saw, iVb?A9 v ?mes. iVows v issions. *% § Yew FbttS V ?fes. Vous v issiez. ^ ? 2%eyJ 7/s v irent 18 . Ite v issent™. a 2 J ' Je *verrai 5 . g- TAo?* T?z verras 86 . ° He >&7ia/ f, ici'W see. II verra. o JFe Nous verrons. a. You Vous verrez. ? TAe^/J lis verront 26 . 2 J 1 Je *verrais 6 . rThou Tu verrais. %He ^sA/c?, wld see. II verrait 26 . Nous verrions. o'You | Vous \erriez. F-2%eyJ lis verraient 6 . G-EJll/iVD. PARTICIPLE. see nig v oyant 2e . v w. seen After the same manner as voir are conjugated entrevoir, to have a glimpse. revoir, to see again. * Only one r is sounded, the other r serves to make the preceding e long. IRREGULAR VERBS in OIR. 143 INFINITIVE. To WILL, To be WILLING. VOUL oir. INDICATIVE. I will,* or am $. Thou wiliest, art 5 He wills, or is orq will, are willing. You They I Thou He We You They I Thou He We You They) I -\ Thou He We You They) I Thou He We You They J would,* was willing:. D would, were willing, would, willed. will,* shall, will be willing. would,* should, wld be willing. Je 12 veux 23 . Tu veux. II veut 28 . Nous voul ons. Vous voul ez. lis veulent 18 . Je 14 voul ais*. Tu voul ais. II voul am. iVoMSvoul ions. Vous voul iez. lis voul aienP. Je "voul us 2s . Tu voul us. II voul ut* 8 . Nous voul umes. Vous voul utes. lis voul urent 19 . Je "voudrai\ Tu voudras. II voudra. Nous voudrons. Vous voudrez. lis voudront 26 . Je "voudrais 6 . Tu voudrais. II voudrait 26 . Nous voudrions. Vous voudriez. lis voudraient 8 . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je veuille 2 . Tu veuilles 26 . II veuille. Nous voul ions. Vous voul iez. lis veuillent 1 . Je voul usse 2 . i§ Tu voul usses. *§. 17 voul ut ss . ~ iVbwsvoul ussions. "j Vous voul ussiez. & lis voul ussent 18 . 5 era GERUND. Being willing, voul ant 26 . PARTICIPLE. voul u. Been willin * Frequent mistakes are committed in the use of the word WILL, which sometimes is a VERB implying will, wish, desire, inclination, and sometimes, as has been seen through the conjugations, only the sign of some of the tenses of verbs. Though the distinction between will, the verb, and will, the sign, in some instances be nice, yet it is necessary it should be made, as it changes the idea. If will, would can be changed into the words be willing, they denote the will, and are expressed by the tenses of voijloir as above. If will, would cannot properly be changed into be willing, they are mere signs ex- pressed in french by the termination of the verb. This sentence, for example ; Will you go to the play to-night 1 may be translated these two ways ; voULEZ-voui aller a la comidie ce soir '/ or, I RKZ-vous a la come" die ce soir ? with this dif- ference, that in the first instance, 1 inquire whether it is the wish, desire, or inclination of the person I am speaking to, to go to the play, yet he may not go for all that ; in the second, I do not consult his will or inclination, for a person may do a thing against his inclination ; but I ask whether his going to the play will actually take place, either because he has resolved to go, or because he is compelled to go. R 3 144 2 Tu g II S Nous g Tows 2 1/ J JVOM5 § Vous S I/s § 1/ g Fi>ttS S Ik 51 Je 5. Tit 4? j/ s Nous 2 lis «A c Tu •5 g Noms F i/5 VERBS II A table shewing, in one point of view, how to conjugal PART. INF1N. DEV orr, INDIC. dois dois, doit DEV oris ez, doivent. ais ais ait ions iez uient. dus dus dut d ilmes dutes durent DEVIYU ras ra rons rez ront. rais rais rait rions riez r uient. GER. ant, IMP. dois, ons, ez. PART. dQ. SUB J. doive doives doive ions iez doivent. dusse dusses dut dussions dussiez dussent. INFIX, POU Voir, Like Devoir conjugate Redevoir, Percevoir, Apercevoir, Concevoir, Recevoir. *V T, v> Ta I U £ Nous g Vous S Us I Tu 21/ £ Nous g Vous 1 Us '*£ 2 Tu S 9 11 O AT g J/3 CD O IVoUS g. Fou* S?I/s ? Tu f J/ S Nous S Fous F J/5 ASSE oir, assieds assieds, / assied ASSE ions, iez, tent. iais iais iait yons yez iaient. assis assis assit assimes as sites assirent asseirai asseiras asseira asseirons asseirez asseiront. yant, assieds, ions, iez. te ies ie yons yez ient. assisses assit assissions assissiez assissent. asseirais asseirais asseirait asseirions asseiriez asseiraient. Like Asseoib, conjugate s'Asseoir, Rasseoir. Rasseoir, se INDIC. puis peux peut pouv ons ez peuvent. ais ais ait ions iez a ient pus pus put p times putes purent. pourai pour as poura pourons pourez pourout pourais pourais pourait pourions pouriez pouraient. GER. ant, IMP. pu. SUBJ. puisse puisses puisse puissione puissiez puissent. pusse put pussions pussiez pussent. PRE Voir, oyant, ois, O'tS ois, oit oyons, oyons, oyez, uient. oyais oyais oyait oyions oyiez oyaient. is is it imes ites irent. PREVOIR ai as a ons ez ont. ais ate ait ions iez aient. ez, oie oies oie oyions oyiez oient. isse isses it . issions issiez issent Pourvoir, perfect Pourvws, Pourvaw not Pourvis. Surseoir, participle Surs\ 4 )IR. 11 the verbs in OTR, both regular and irregular. 145 INFIN. GER. PART. INFIN. GER. PART. SAV oir, sacbant, SU. Voir, oyant, u. INDIC. IMP. SUBJ. INDIC. IMP. SUBJ. sais sache Vois oie sais, saches, saches ois, ois, oies sait sache oit oie sav ons, sachons, sachions oyons, oyons, oyions ez, sachez, sachiez oyez, oyez, oyiez ent. sachent. oient. oieyit. ais oyais ais oyais ait oyait ions oyions iez oyiez aient. oyaient. sus susse is isse bus susses is isses sut sut it h sQmes sussions imes issions sutes sussiez ites hsiez surent sussent. irent. issent. saurai verrai sauras verras saura verra saurons verrons saurez verrez sauront. verront. saurai s verrais saurais verrais saurait verrait saurions verricms sauriez verriez sauraient «. verraient. Ent revol/, Revoir, /"A Loir, ant, VOUL oir, ant, u, vaux vaille veux veuille vaux vailles veux veuiiles vaut vaille veut veuille VAL ons io?ts VOUL o-s.s ions ez iez ez iez ent. % vaillent. veulent vemllent ais ais ais ais ait ait ions ions iez iez aient. aient. «s usie tis usse vs usses us usses ut ut ut ut umes ussions umes union utes ussiez utes ussiez went. ussent. urent. UWit. vaudrai voudrai vaudras voudras vaudra voudra vaudrons voudrons vaudrez voudrez vaudront. voudront. vaudrais voudrais y vaudrais voudrais vaudrait voudrait vaudrions voudrions vaudriez voudriez vaudraient. voudraient, Equivaloir,Revaloir,(Prevuloir, se Pre" aloir, subjunctive, Vrevale, not PrevatV/e.) 146 REGULAR VERBS in RE. INFINITIVE. To wait /or, To expect. ATTEND re IMPERATIVE. Wait. ATTEND 9, sillg. ATTEND C2, JjlllT. Let us wait. attend ons. INDICATIVE. ►0 I wait, or am g J* 8 TAom waitest, art g-; T?z g Jfe waits, or ?'s 1 You [ wa,t ' are waiting cr § You \were waiting ? They) I <$ Thou $He 2 We g You ? They) * I | Thou 3 H e 1 We |: You ? TAey f* 2%OM § He %We § Yom £ 2%eyJ ATTEND S 10 . ATTEND S. II ATTEND 23 . NOUS ATTEND OHS. VOUS ATTEND eZ. lis ATTEND ent 1B . J' ATTEND ais 6 . as waiting. Tu attend ais. II attend ait* 8 . Nous attend ions. VOUS ATTEND ieZ. lis attend aient 6 . J 1 ATTEND is 20 . Tu ATTEND is. II ATTEND it 26 . Nous attend ime.s. VOUS ATTEND ites. lis attend irenP*. J* ATTENDR ai 5 . Tu ATTENDR as. II ATTENDR a. NOUS ATTENDR ORS. VOUS ATTENDR eZ. lis ATTENDR Ollt 26 . J' ATTENDR aiS 6 . Tu ATTENDR ais. shd, wd wait, II attendr ait 26 . NOUS ATTENDR ions. FoilS ATTENDR ieZ. lis ATTENDR aieilt 6 . attend ant 26 . waited, did wait, shll, wll wait, be waiting. be waiting. SUBJUNCTIVE. J' ATTEND e 2 . Tu ATTEND es. 26 II ATTEND e. NOUS ATTEND ZOUS. , VOUS ATTEND ieZ. lis attend enl 18 . r Tu II attend me. 2 & ATTEND isses. q. ATTEND it 26 . g NOUS ATTEND isSlOUS. c% VOUS ATTEND ISSteZ. w lis attend issent 18 ^ ATTEND U, waited. After the sa?ne manner as attend re, are conjugated Battre, to beat, to fight. Descendre, to go or come down. ~R€bQ.ttre,tobeatagain,torepe(tt Abattre, to pull down. Entendre, to hear, understand. Refondre, to melt again. Combattre, to fight. Etendre, to stretch, to spread. Rendre, to render, to return. Condescendre, to condescend. Fendre, to cleave, to split. se Rendre, to surrender. Confondre, to confound. Fondre, to melt, to cast. Correspondre, to correspond. Interrompre, to interrupt. Corrompre, to corrupt. Mordre, to bite. Debattre, to debate. se Morfondre, to grow cold. se Debattre, to struggle. Pendre, to hang Defendre, to forbid. Perdre, to lose, to ruin. se Defendre, to defend onesetf. Pondre, to lay eggs. Demordre, to relax. Pr6tendre, to pretend. D£pendre, to depend. Rabattre, to abate. Repandre, to spill, to shed. Repondre, to answer. Retordre, to twist arew. Rompre, to break. Suspendre, to suspena. ' Tendre, to tend, to bend, Tondre, to shear. Tordre, to twist, to wring. Vendre, to sell. IRREGULAR VERBS in RE. 147 The irregular verbs belonging to this conjugation are Absoudre, to absolve, Abstraire, to abstract, Accroitre, to accrue, Admettre, to admit, ApparaUre, to appear, APPRENDRE, to learn, . . . Astraindre, to restrain, 1 Atteindre, to reach, to hit,. . J BOIRE, to drink, Braire, to bray.* Ceindre, to gird,. Circoncire, to circumcise,. . . . Circonscrire, to circumscribe, . Clore, to close, to shut.t Commettre, to commit, Comparaitre, to appear, Complaire, to comply with, . . Comprendre, to understand, . . Compromettre, compromise, . . CONCLURE, to conclude,. . Conduire, to conduct, to lead,. Confire, to pickle, Conjoindre, to join together,. . CONNAITRE, to know, .... Construire, to construct, .... Contraindre, to compel, Contredhe, to contradict, .... Contrefaire, to counterfeit,. . . Convaincre, to convince, COUDRE, to sew, Cruindre, to fear, CROIRE, to believe, Croitre, to grow up, Cuire, to do victuals, to cook, DScoudre, to unsew, D6crire, to describe, Dtcroitre, to decrease, se De'dire, to recant, to retract, Dtduire, to deduct, Ddfaire, to undo, to defeat,. 1 se Dtfaire, to get rid of, ... J Dtjoindre, to disjoin, JMmettre, to disjoint, 1 se Dtmettre, to abdicate, . . . J Ddplaive, to displease, Dfoapprendre, to unlearn, . . . . DSteindre, to take off the die, Ditru've, to destroy, DIRE, to say,.. Dispara'itre, to disappear,. . . . Dissoudre, to dissolve, Distruire, disturb attention,.. Eclore, to hatch .-f- ECRIRE, to write, Elire, to elect, Emoudre, to whet, to grind, . see RESOUDRE. see TRAIRE. like CONNAITRE. like METTRE. like CONNAITRE. page 149. like FEINDRE. page 150. like FEINDRE. see dire. like ecrire. like METTRE. /(7v-eCONNAiTRE. like PLAIRE. like APPRENDRE, like METTRE. page 151. like instruire. see dire. like FEINDRE. page 152. like INSTRUIRE. like FEINDRE. see dire. like FA! RE. like vaincp-e, page 153. like FEINDRE. page 154. tike CONNAITRE. see INSTRUIRE. like COUDRE. like ECRIRE. like CONNAITRE. see dire. like INSTRUIRE. like FAIRE. like FEINDRE. like METTRE. like PLAIRE. ZifceAPPRENDRE like FEINDRE. like INSTRUIRE. page loo. like connaitre, like RESOUDRE. like TRAIRE. page 156. like lire. like moudre. like FEINDRE. Enceindre, to encompass,. . . like feindrE; Enclore, to enclose, f Enduire, to daub, like INSTRUIRE Enfreindre, to infringe, Enjoindre, to enjoin,. . s'Entremettre, intermeddle,, like mettre. Entreprendre, to undertake,, like apprendre Epreindre to squeeze out, }^ eFElNDRE . Eteindre, to extinguish,. . . J Exclure, to exclude, see conclure. Extraire, to extract, like traiee. FAIRE, to do, to make, page 157. FEINDRE, to feign, page 158. Frire, to fry, see RIRE. Induire, to induce, like INSTRUIRE. Inscrire, to inscribe, like ecrire. INSTRUIRE, to instruct, .page 159. Interdire, to interdict, see dire. Introduire, to introduce,. . . . like INSTRUIRE. Joindre, to join, like feindre. LIRE, to read, page 160. Luire, to shine, see instruire. Maudire, to curse, 1 ^ T „ „ Medire, to slander, ) see DIRE ' Me'comialtre, not to know, . . like connaitre. se Me'prendre, to mistake, . . like apprendre METTRE, to put, page 161 . MOUDRE, to grind, page 162. A Nditre, to come to life, see connaitre. Nuire, to harm, to hurt, see INSTRUIRE. Oiudre, to anoint, like feindre. Omettre, to omit, like METTRE. p attl lt T^Z e ^:; !• ^ e connaitre. raraitrc, to appear, J Feindre., to paint, like FEINDRE. Permettre, to permit, like METTRE. Plaindre, to pity, 1 ,., FFTNnRF se Plaindre, to complain,. . / llke FEINDRE ' PLAIRE, to please, page 163. se Plaire a, to delight in,. . . like PLAIRE. Poursuivre, to pursue, like suivre. Prtdire, to foretel, see DIRE. Prendre, to take, /i/ceAPPRENDRE. Prtscrire, to prescribe, like EC R ire. Produire, to produce, like instruire. . Promettre, to promise, like mettre. Proscrire, to proscribe, like ecrire. Beboire, to drink again, like boire. Reconduire, to lead back, . . . like instruire. Reconnoitre, to know again,, like connaitre. Recoudre, to sew again, .... like coudre. Rtcrire, to write again, like ecrire. Recuire, to do or cook again, see instruire. Redtfuire, to undo again, . . . like faire. Redire, to say again, like DIRE. RMuire, to reduce, like instruire. * braire is used only in the following tenses and persons ; Present. Future. Conditional. II brait, He, it brays. 11 braira, He, it will bray. 11 brairait. He, it would brav. Us braient, They, bray. Us brairont, They will bray. 11$ brairaient, They would bray. f clore, and its compounds eclore. enclore, have only the following tenses and 148 IRREGULAR VERBS in RE. Refaire, to do again, like faire. Retire, to read again, like lire. Reiuire, to shine, like INSTRUIRE. Remettre, to put again, . . . like mettre. Rtmoudre, to grind again, . like moudre. Renaitre, to revive, see connaitre. Rentraire, to finedraw, . . . like traire. Repaitre, to feed, see connaitre. Revrendre, to take again,. . like apprendre. RESOUDRE, to resolve, . page 164. Restreindre, to restringe,. . like feindre. Revivre, to live again, .... like V1VRE. HIRE, to laugh, page 165. Satisfaire, to satisfy, like faire. Seduire, to seduce, like instruire. Soumettre, to submit,. .... like mettre. Sourire, to smile, like rire. Souso ire, to subscribe, like ecrire. Soustraire, to subtract, like traike. SUIVRE, to follow, page 166. Suffire, to be sufficient, see dire. Surf aire, to exact, like faire. Surprendre, to surprise, like apprendre Survivre, to outlive, survive,, like vivre. seTaire, to hold one's tongue,, like plaire. Teindre, to dye, like feindre. Traduire, to translate, like instruire. TRAIRE, to milk, page 167. Transcrire, to transcribe, .... like ecrire. Transmettre, to transmit, like METTRE. VAINCRE, to vanquish, . . . page 168. VIVRE, to live, page 169. persons in use : infinitive, clo re. To close. indicative. clo s. I close, or am closing, clo s. Thou closest, art closing, clo t. He closes, is closing. Hd Je 3 Tu S° II *rJ Je clor at, 5- Tu clor as. *g II clor a. {£. Nous clor otis. 6- Vous clor ez. o lis clor out. **i Je clor ais. & Tu clor ais. q 11 clor ait. g Nous clor ions. P; Fous clor iez, ?*' I7s clor ajeut. vj/ VsftaZZ u>iM close, or oe closing. You They) I Thou He We You They 4 should, would close, or' be closing. participle, clo s. closed, SUBJUNCTIVE. Je close. Tu closes. II close. •closed. ►tj I have «j Thou hast ^ He Tiers | We have ■g You have c They /un>e ?" I tact" closed, &c J' ai Tu as 1/ a Nous avons Vous avez J/s ont COMPOUND TENSES. )clos. V avais clos, §c. Conjugate in the same manner, enclore, J' aie Tu aies 11 ait Nous ayons Fotts ayez Z/s aient >clos. To enclose. EC lore has only the following tenses and persons in use : INFINITIVE. eclo re. To be hatching. PARTICIPLE. eclos. hatched. INDICATIVE. J ec'lot. It is hatching. lis eclosent. They are hatching. II eclora. It will be hatching. lis ecloront. They will be hatching. II eclorait. It would be hatching. Us ecloraient They would be hatching. SUBJUNCTIVE. II eclose. Us eclosent. IRREGULAR VERBS 111 RE. 149 INFINITIVE. To LEARN. * APPREND re. IMPERATIVE. Learn. apprend s, sing. Apprenez, plur. Let us learn. INDICATIVE I learn, or am g Thou learnest, art g He learns, or is 5' learn, are learning". Apprenons. ?as learnini We You They Thou He We ] You \were learning;. They) I Thou He We You They) I Thou lie We You They) I Thou He We You They) learned, r did learn. shll, wll learn, be learning. shd, wd learn, be learning;. J'f * apprend s 28 . Tu 16 apprend s. II apprend 23 . Nous apprenons. Vous apprenez. lis apprennent 18 . J' apprenais 6 . Tu apprenais. // apprenait 26 . Nous apprenions. Vous appreniez. lis apprenaient 6 . J't appris 83 . Tu appris. II apprii 26 . Nous apprimes. Vous apprites. lis apprirent 18 . T apprendr ai 5 . Tu apprendr as 9 *. 11 apprendr a. Nous apprendr ons. Vous apprendr cz. lis apprendr ont? 5 . J' apprendr ais 6 . Tu apprendr ais. II apprendr ait**. Nous apprendr ions. Vous apprendr iez. lis apprendr aient 6 SUBJUNCTIVE. J' ap premie 2 . £ Tu apprennes 26 . 3 II apprenne. g Nous apprenions. ^ Vous appreniez. — lis apprennent. g appnsse^. J' Tu apprisses. S // apprit 26 . Nous apprissions. jl Vous apprissiez. s> Us apprissent 18 . o" a GERUND. Learning;. Apprenant 25 . PARTICIPLE. Appris 23 . Learned. After the same manner as apprendre, are conjugated [mistake. desapprendre, to unlearn. scmeprendre, to commit a prendre, to take. [to take again, comprendre, to comprehend, to understand. entreprendre, to undertake. REPRENDRE, ft \ to rebuke. surprendre, to surprise. * Sound only one p.; see pp. page 13. t See note * page 28. 150 IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. INFINITIVE, To DRINK. BOI re. IMPERATIVE. Drink. BOI s, sing. Buvez, plur. Let us drink. Buvons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE ^ I drink, or am g- Je ^boi s™. Je ^boi ve 2 . dm S Thou drinkest, art ^ Tu boi 5. Tu boi ves*>. 5' g He drinks, or is g* II boi t zs . II boi ve. - 2 --r 1 drink. p They\ arednnVm %' Nous buvons. Nous buvions. 3 Vous buvez. lis boi vent 19 . Vous buviez. lis boi vent™. B 1 } ^ 7%om >w;as drinking. Je *buvais 6 . ^r 1 Tu buvais. £#e J II buvait 86 . 5 We } Nous buvions. § Yew >w?ere drinking. Vous buviez. ? They) lis buvaient 6 . ^1 ' 2 Thou WHe Je *bus 26 . Je *busse*. Tu bus. Tu busses. r3 drank, 11 but 26 . II but 26 . | ciS' % We cfo'cZ drink. Nous b umes. Nous bussions. § You Vous butes 26 . Vous bussiez. >• «*•» ? They, lis burent 18 . lis bussent 19 . a* ^1 •> Je ^boir ai 5 . 5' £ Thou Tu boir as 28 . S He shall, will drink, II boir a. 1 ^ be drinking. Nous boir ons. |:Ybw Vous boir ez. ? r/tey lis boir otiP. ? J 1 Je ^boir ais*. ** t%om Tu boir azs. 1 He shd, wd drink, II boir «#. M %fVe be drinking. JVb?/s boir io?is. § Yom Vous boir iez. ^.!Z%ey. J7s boir aient. 6 GERUND. PARTICIPLE. Drin king. Buvant 86 . bu. Drunk. J/2er £Ae same manner as boire & conjugated reboire, to drink again; to drink afresh. * See note 2, page 1. IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. 151 INFINITIVE. To conclude. CONCLU re. IMPERATIVE. conclude. conclu s, sing. Let us conclude. conclu ez, plur. conclu ons. INDICATIVE. ^ I conclude, or am § Je 21 conclu s 26 . 3 Thou concludest, art g- Tu conclu s. 2 He concludes, or is &.II conclu^ 26 . 2 J^e lii <* iVbiw conclu o/w. I Yew l conclud ^' e * roi« conclu ez. J concluding. J& conclu c ^„ J He We Tom They 8 TAow 8 He S You ' They} was conclud- ing-. were conclud- ing. concluded, did conclude. Je 21 conclu ais 6 . Tu conclu ais. II conclu aiP 6 . Nous conclu ions. Vous conclu iez. lis conclu aient 6 . Je 21 conclu s 26 . Tu conclu s. II conclu t 26 . Nous conclu mes. Vous conclu tes. lis conclu rent™. *I I Thou S He ~ IVe shall, will conclude, W. You I ° to * Vous conclur ez. ? They] lis conclur onL 26 . Je 21 conclur ai 5 . Tu conclur as-*. II conclur a. Nous conclur ons. SUBJUNCTIVE. Je conclu e 2 . Tu conclu es 26 . II conclu e. Nous conclu ions. Vous conclu iez. lis conclu ent™. c a- a <«5 Je conclu sse 2 . cu Tu conclu sses. cu II conclu t 26 . g Nous conclu ssions. c*S" Vous conclu ssiez. S- lis conclu ssenP 9 . o s* Thou § He g JFe I' Fo?* should, would conclude, &e concluding;. Je a, conclur ais 6 . Tu conclur ais. II conclur ait 26 . Nous conclur ions. Vous conclur iez. lis conclur aieni?. GERUND. concludins:. conclu ant 26 . PARTICIPLE. conclu. concluded. After the same manner as conclure, is conjugated exclure, to exclude; observe only that the participle of exclure is kxclus, excluded. 152 IRREGULAR VERBS in RE. To KNOW.* INFINITIVE. tCONNAITre. Know. Let us know. INDICATIVE. W J 1 Thou ? They » Yow JMPi'JR^rirJE. connais, sjrtg*. connaissez, plur. connaissons. SUBJUNCTIVE. Je connaisse 2 . Tu connaisses 26 . II connaisse. Nous commissions 2 J B Thou S He 1 ^ ff Tom ? They] | He %We § Yom did know. knew, c?id know. know. shuld, wuld know. Vous connaissiez. lis connaissent 18 . Je connusse 9 . Tu connusses. II co nn lit 88 . Nous commissions Vous connussiez. lis connussent 18 I know. Je 5 fconnais . Thou knowest. Tu connais. He knows. II connait 96 . We \ Nous connaissons. You >know. Vous connaissez. They J lis connaissent 18 . Je connaissais 6 . Tu connaissais. II connaissait 28 . Nous connaissions. Vous connaissiez. lis connaissaient 8 . Je connus 23 . Tu connus. II conn nt 28 . Nous connumes. Vous connutes. lis connurent 18 . Je connaitr ai 5 . Tu connaitr as™. II connaitr a. Nous connaitr ons. Vous connaitr ez. lis connaitr ont 2 - 6 . Je connaitr ais 6 . Tu connaitr ais. II connaitr ait™. Nous connaitr ions. Vous connaitr iez. lis connaitr aienP Knowing. connaissant 56 . connu. Known. After the same manner as connaitre, are conjugated Meconnaitre, not to know. paraitre, to appear. reconnaitre, to know again, apparaitre, to appear, speaking of ghosts. croitre, to grow up, to encrease. comvaraitre, (a law term,) to appear. accroitre, to accrue, disparaitre, to disappear. decroitre, to decrease. paitre, to graze. recroitre, to grow again. repaitre, to feed. renaitre, to revive # , perf . ind> NAQU ^ ^ ft . _ jmgSj ^ _ nenL NAiTRE, to come to lljc y part. NE. \vert.sub.XAQV-isse,~isses,-1t;-issions,-isf£ez,issent * Meaning to know by sight, or to be acquainted with ; as, I know that man, this horse, that house, your brother, your sister, i. e. by sight. Je connais eel homme, ce cheval, cette maison, votre frere, voire sa;ur. See savoir, page 140. t Sound only one n, and lay the accent upon o. IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. 153 INFINITIVE. To SEW. COUD re IMPERATIVE. sew. coud s, sing. cousez, plur. Let us sew. cousons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE ^ I sew, or am " Je 3 14 coud s 26 . Je 14 couse 2 . CO re 3 Thou sewest, art ^. Tu coud s. Tu couses 26 . 3 g He sews, or w aq // coud 2s . 11 couse. § sr We 1 co iVbz/scousons. Nous cousions. £ ^ 1 You I sevv > . Vous cousez.* Vous cousiez. CO ? They\ are sewin ^ lis cousent 18 . lis cousent 18 . ? H 7 I Je 14 cousais 8 . •g Thou \was sewing. Tu cousais. ZHe J II cousait 28 . I We iVbzfscousions. 8 Fow >were sewing. Vous cousiez. ? 7%eyj lis cousaient 6 . * J 1 Je 14 cousis.t Je "cousisse 2 . re 8 Thou Tu cousis 28 . Tu cousisses. re CL, I He sewed, II cousit 28 . 11 cousit 23 . § %We believe. ? They) B 1 ] >% Thou %He " We did believe tense. * 7 1 8 Thou ?He ST We g Yom j ? They) believed, *did believe I Thou ® He [sA«Z/, w>i7Z g /Fe C believe. I r ott ? They) g ife \shuld, wuld & /Fe [ believe. g Yow Je 3 croi s 26 . Tw ^croi s. II croi £ 2S . Nous croyons. Vous croyez 4 . 27s croi ent 18 Je 23 croyais 4 . Tu croyais. II croyait 86 . Nous croyions. Vous croyiez. lis croyaient 6 Je cms 86 . Tu cms.* II crut 26 . Nous crumes. Vous crutes. lis crurent 18 . Je 28 croir ai 5 . Tit croir as 26 . II croir a. Nous croir ons. Vous croir ez. lis croir ow£ 86 . Je 23 croir ais 9 . Tu croir *m. II croir aitf 26 . 2Vbws croir ions. Vous croir ie2. I& croir aient 6 . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je 23 croi e. Tu croi es 23 . 7/ croi e. Nous croyions. Vous croyiez. lis croi ent 18 . w 2; re' < re cr 2L S" < 2- Je crusse 2 . < Tm crusses. a. 7/ crut 86 . 3 iVows missions. a ;§- Vous crussiez. J lis crussent". £- GJ5.R l/A'D. Believing. croyant 26 . PARTICIPLE. cm. Believed See note 2, page 1. IRREGULAR VERBS 111 RE. 155 INFINITIVE. To say, To tell. Di re. IMPERATIVE. say. di s, sing. Dites, plur. Let us say. di sons. ^ i say, or am p 3 Thou say est, artz g He says, or w °p Z We ) INDICATIVE. Je 3 d Tu d 7/ d Nous d ro . B 1 } "g Thou>was saying. $He J 5 We } S Yom >w;ere saying. ^/ 5 Thou $He i We m YOU ? They, | Thou * He 1 JFe £'. You ? They. said, did say. sM, wM say, be saying. Vous d I& d Je d Zto d: II d IVbwsd Fo^ d J/5 d Je d 2V d II d IVbz/s d: Vous d I/s d 3" f 1 TAow giJe g:JTe g' Yow sM, 2rd say, be saying. sayim Je d Tu d II d Nous d Fbws d /& d Je d Tw d II d .ZVbwsd Fbws d lis d DI Sfl^ 26 . 2 26 . sons. tes 28 sent 18 . saisf*. sais. sions. siez. saient 6 . s 26 s. t 2G . mes. tes. rent 19 . r ai 5 . r as 26 . r «. r Otis. r ez. ont 26 , ais 6 . ais. ai&\ ions. iez. aieni 6 . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je di se 2 . Tu di ses 26 . II di se. Nous di sions. Vous di siez. Its di sew* 18 . Je di sse 2 . 82 Tm di sses. CL J/ di d*. 3 J\W? di ssions. <§] Poms di me*. £• lis di ssew*. 18 ^ di P». said. After the same manner as dire, are conjugated contredire, to contradict. predire, to foretell. se d£dire, to retract, to recant, redire, to say again. interdire, to interdict. confire, to confect, preserve fruit in sugar. maudire, to curse. circoncire, to circumcise, part, circoncis. medire, to slander. suffire, to be sufficient part, suffi. Observe only, that except redire, the second person plural of the present of the indi- cative, and of the imperative of all these verbs ends in sez, and not in tes ; so, Vous coNFisez, Vous coNTREDisez ; and that in maudike the s is doubled in the middle of the word ; so, Nous maudi-ssons, Vous maudlssez ; Jfe maudissais, &c. not Nous maudi- Sons, 6cc. 156 IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. INFINITIVE, To WRITE. ECRI re. write. Let us write. IMPERATIVE. ecri s, sing. ecri vez, plur. ecri vons. INDICATIVE. ^ I write, or am ^ 8 Thou write st, art £'. g .fie writes, or is ^ § y 0M t write, • S They) are Writin ^- ? 7 ] •g Thou>was writing. B-#e J S*Fa ] § Yww;ere reading. ? They) Je *li saw 6 . Tu li sais.f 7/ li sail* 5 . Nousli sions. Vous li siez. lis li saient 6 . * Thou $He 9 They. read, did read. Je lus 2<5 . Tw Jlus. 17 lut 26 . Nous] ilmes. Fb?^ lutes. J7s lurent 18 . Je flusse 3 . Tu lusses. II lut 28 . Nous lussions Vous lussiez. lis lussent 18 . a> p a. P Ml 1 I Thou 1 ^ |: Yo?z ? They. shall, will read, be reading. Je *lir «i 5 . T?f lir as 26 . J7 lir a. No-usWr ons. Vous lir ez. I/s lir o/i£ 26 . s* Thou % He g You -They^ shld, wld read, be reading. Je *lir ais 6 . Tu lir aw. 1/ lir ait 26 . Nous lir zo/is. Vous lir zez. J7s lir aient 6 . GERUND. PARTICIPLE Reading. li sant* 6 . lu. Read After the same manner as lire, are conjugated elire, to elect. relire, to read again * See note 4, page 2. f See p. 14, $ between two vowels. $ See note 2, p. 1, IRREGULAR VERBS in RE1. 161 INFINITIVE. To PUT. "METT re. IMPERATIVE Put. Mets, sing. METT CZ, plur. Let 7/5 put. METT 077.9. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. ^ i" put, or am ^ Je 3 mets 23 . Je *mett e 2 . *B 3 Thou puttest, art Er. Tu mets. 2V, mett es 26 . <-*• g He puts, or is £ II met 2 '. J/ mett e. § Z We ) § You [ put ' 9 They\ ar(i V n[i[n S' Nous mett ons. Nous mett ions.*** Vous mett ez. Vous mett fez. T3 lis mett ent 18 . J/s mett ejit 11 f B 1 \ •g Thou>was putting-. Je *inett «zV. Tu mett czs. *He J J/ mett ait 28 . 2 ^ e ) Nous mett zoras. % You \were putting. F07/S mett iez. P They) lis mett aient 8 . I 1 Je fmis 26 . Je. tmisse 8 . c T?/ mis. Tt/ misses. lift put, J/ mit 2j- . II mit 26 . 3 I J JFe did put. Nous mfmes. JVbws missions. 1 Yom Vous mites. Fom.9 missiez. "3 9 They] Its mi rent 16 . lis missent 18 . ~ ? J i Je *mettr ai\ | Thou Tu mettr as 26 I He sM, w;ZZ put, II mettr a. 1 JTe be putting. Nous mettr oras. | Yo7J Ferns mettr ez. ? TAct/, Its mettr ont* 3 . ? f 1 Je *mettr ais 8 . J Tte Tu mettr ais. § ife \shd, wd put, II mettr ait 28 . £*• # r e | be putting Nous mettr ions. g Y07/, Vous mettr 7>z. B. JAqJ lis mettr aient 8 . GEi*r7i\TD. PARTICIPLE. putting". METT a?^ 26 . Mis. put. 4/kr the same manner as mettre, are conjugated admettre fo admit. COMMETTRE, to Commit. compromettre, to compromise. DEMETTRE, to put Old ofjoillt. se demettre, to abdicate. OMETTRE, to Omtt. permettre, to permit. promettre, to promise. remettre, to put again, to deliver up. soumettre, to submit. sentremettre, to intermeddle, transmettre, to transmit. Sound only one t. t See note 4, page 2 162 RREGULAR VERBS ill RE. INFINITIVE. To grind. MOUD re. IMPERATIVE. Grind. moud s, ting. Moulez, plur. Let us grind. Moulons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE ^ I grind, or am ^ 3 Thou grindest, art 5* Je w moud s 26 . Je w moule 2 . crq 2. jTm moud 5. Tu moules 26 . <-< eu § /fe grinds, or is z- II moud 23 . II moule. 3 • S T%j areffrmdinff - Nous moulons. Nous moulions. Vous moulez. Vous mouliez. 5* lis moulent 18 . lis moulent 19 . IT 1 1 v Thou >was grinding. Je 14 moulais 6 . cu Tu moulais. %He J II moulait 26 . a We \ Nous moulions. § You \were grinding. Fous mouliez. ? They) lis moulaient 6 . crq ^1 1 Je 14 moulus 83 Je u moulusse s . o c Tu moulus.* Tu moulusses. s j? .He 1 ground, 11 moulut 26 - II moulut 26 . § g- /Fie j did grind. Nous moulumes. Nous moulussions .eg; 6 Ybw Vous moulutes. Vous moulussiez. ? 2%cyJ lis moulurent 18 . lis moulussent" •^ jl ^ Je M moudr ai h . P* H Thou Tu moudr as m . S He shall, will grind , II moudr a. 1 ^e 6e grinding. Nous moudr ons. |- Yo?£ Vous moudr ez. ? TAey. lis moudr ont 96 . ^r 1 Je 14 moudr ais 6 . s- 2^ Tu moudr ais. §Fe s/id, w;<2 grind, 11 moudr ail 2s . gJFe 6e grinding. Nous moudr ions. | Ycm Vous moudr iez. ?■ Z%ey. lis moudr aienP. GERUND. PARTICIPLE. grinding. Moulant 26 . Moulu. around. After the same manner as moudre, are conjugated emoudrf, to grind, to whet. remoudre, to grind again. * See note 2, page 1 IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. 163 INFINITIVE. To PLEASE. PLAI re. IMPERATIVE. please. plai 5, sing. plai sez, plur. Let us please. PLAI SOW5. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE, ^ 1 please. Je plai s 6 . Je plai se 2 . "2- 3 Thou pleasest. Tu plai s. !Tw plai ses 26 . t ? g He pleases. II plai P. 11 plai se. jp I™ } Nous plai sows. IVoms plai sions. J £ You >please. Vous plai sez.* Vous plai siez. ? They) JTs plai sent 16 J/s plai sent 18 . B 1 ' •g Thou Je plai saw 8 . en Tw plai sais* %He S We cfo/ please. II plai sa^ 23 . iVbw.splai sions. g You Vous plai siez. ? They, lis plai saienP. *T3 ►o 7 ' Je fplus 88 . Je fplusse 2 . P C/3 5 Thou Tm plus. Tw plusses. n> tm pleased, J/ plut 26 . II pi Lit 26 . § £ We did please. iVows plumes. IVbz/s pi ussions. a?' S Ycm Vous plutes. F"om5 plussiez. 5?" ? T%, lis plurent 19 . lis plussent 18 T2- (a >ril * Je plair ai 5 . % Thou Tu plair as 26 . 3 He shall. II plair a. I We will please. IVows plair ons. &. Ybw Vous plair ez. ? They lis plair cm£ 2s . 3»* 1 Je plair ais 6 . r* 2%ok Tu plair azs. 1^6 should, 7/ plair ait™ &iTe would please. Nous plair zcms. 2* Yb?/. Vous plair zez. £ TAey. 77s plair aient*. GEJ? C7A"D PARTICIPLE. '- plej isiiig. plai sant* 6 . plu. pleiisetl J/fcr the same manner as plaire, are conjugated complaire, to comply. se plaire, to delight in. deplaire, to displease. se taire, to hold one's tongue, to be silent. * See s between two vowels, page 14. t See note 2, page 1. 164 IRREGULAR VERBS in RE INFINITIVE. To RESOLVE, TO DISSOLVE. RESOUD V€. IMPERATIVE. Resolve. rc'sous, sing. Re*solvez, plur. Let us resolve. Resolvons. ^ art o INDICATIVE, I resolve, or am « Thou resolvest, He resolves, or is We \ , You i are resolving. I resolve, They) 1 I } Thou\was resolving:. He J We \ You \were resolving. They) I Thou He We You They I Thou He We You They) I Thou He We You They resolved, did resolve. shllyWll resolve, be resolving*. shd, wld resolve, be resolving. Je "resous 98 . Tu re sous. II resout 28 . Nous resolvons. Vous resolvez. lis resolvent 18 . Je resolvais . Tu resolvais. II t6 sol v ait. Nous r£solvions. Vous rdsolviez. lis resolvaient 8 . Je resolus 28 . Tu resolus. II resolut 88 . iVcwsresoliimes. Vous resolutes. lis resolurent 18 . Je "resoudr ai s . Tu resoudr as* 6 . II resoudr a. Nous resoudr ons. Vous resoudr ez. lis resoudr oni* 6 . Je "resoudr ais 6 . Tu resoudr ais. II resoudr ail 96 . Novs resoudr ions. Vous resoudr iez. lis resoudr aient 6 . SUBJUNCTIVE. Je resolve 2 . Tu resolves 2 ". II resolve. Nous resolvionsi Vous resolviez. lis resolvent 18 . Je resolusse*. - Tu resolusses. g, II resolut 26 . g Nous r£solussions. ^ Vous resolussiez. ^ lis r£solussent 18 . n Resolving. Dissolving*. GERUND. Ixi *m Resolu. >Resolvant 26 . J Resous, After the same manner as resoudre, are conjugated absoudre, to absolve, part, absous, absolved; and dissoudre dissolve, part, dissous, dissolved. N. B. These two verbs have no perfect tense. PARTICIPLE. Resolved, determined. Melted, dissolved.* to As, he soleil a resous le b^ouillard en phue. The sun has melted the mist into rain. IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. INFINITIVE. 165 To LAUGH. Rlre. IMPERATIVE. Laugh. ri 5, sing. ri ez, plur. Let us laugh. RI 0715. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. *e I laugh, or am ET Je 3 *ri s 26 . Je *ri e 2 . sT | Thou laughest, arti^ S He laughs, or is g- T?j ri 5. II ri P. Tu ri es 26 . arq, 1/ ri e. -" IVbws ryons*. ^ § v 1 laugh, » You > 1 3 1 • * r^yj arcla "^ hl11 ^ IVbiz* ri orcs. Fo?/sri ez. JZs ri e/i# 8 . Vous ryez. fL J/5 ri ent' ±e . § B 1 } % Thou \was laughing. Je *ri «is 6 . 5Tm ri ais. %He ) II ri art 26 . a *Te ■ZVbwsryons 4 . 1 Fozz Wre laughing. Poms ryez. ? They) J/s ri aienP. 1" ^T ] Je *ri s 26 . Je *ri sse*. ^p- S TAow Tm ris. Ta ri sses. cL % He laughed, II ri* 26 . J/ ri Z 25 . § S JTe a7a* laugh. iVcws ri mes. Nous ri ssions. aS' 1 you Vous ri 2es. Fows ri 5«/es. «. ' They. J/s ri rent x \ J/s ri ssent™. sT ml Je *rir ai 5 . f- | Thou Tu rir as 26 . 3 tfe s/i//, troU laugh, J/ rir a. 1 /T« 6e laughing. Nous rir 071s. &: Yo?^ Fows rir ez. ? TAey. lis rir ozrt 86 . mJ Je *rir aw 6 . r Tto TV rir ais. § #e shd t wld laugh, II rir a& 28 . £" We. * be laughing. iVb?«rir ions. § You Vous rir iez. PThey. J/s rir aient 6 . GERUND. P^KTICIPLJS. L aughing. RI art/ 26 . ri. Laughed. -^/Itfir /Ae sa??2e manner as rire, are conjugated sourire, to smile. frire, to fry, part, frit, fry ed. N.B. frire is used only in the 1st, 2d, and 3d person of the present of the indicative, je/ris, tu/m, \\frit ; in the future, je/rirai,tu/rtra«, ^c. and in the conditional, jefiirais, tafrirais, &;c. ; the other tenses are formed with the verb faire, and the infinitive of this verb ; so, We fry, nous faisons frire; you fry, votes faites frire ; they fry, (7s font frire. Fry this fish, these eggs, that meat. Faites frire ce poisson, ces oeufs, cette viande. * See note 4, page 2 166 IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. INFINITIVE. To follow. SUIV re. IMPERATIVE. Follow. suis, sing. suiv ez, plur. Let us toll ow. SUIV 072S. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE .g ^ 7 follow, or am g Je 3 suis 23 . Je suiv e 2 . o 3 Thou folio west, art r „ • 2%eyr refo llowin S'« Vous suiv ez. lis suiv e/i£ 13 . Vous lis suiv fez. suiv tnt 18 . g 5 11 1 •§ Thoufwas following. Je ^suiv ais s . Tu suiv cws. £#e J II suiv a/2 88 . a We | § Yo?« >were following'. iVbws suiv ions. Vous suiv fez. 7/s suiv aient 5 . g m 1 1 Je 23 suiv is* 5 . Je suiv zsse 8 . 3 Tu suiv is. Tu suiv w. a. ir^e followed, II suiv it* 6 . II suiv it 25 . 1 5 ^ e did follow. Nous suiv 2mes. Nous suiv issions. <£' 5 Ycm Fbws suiv ites. Vous suiv issiez. cs. ? Z%«y, lis suiv irent 18 . lis suiv isseni 18 o" *7 i Je ^suivr ai 5 . £ 2%cm Tu suivr as* 6 . 3 77e shll, mil follow, II suivr a. 1 ^ be following. IVcws suivr ons. |. Yow Vous suivr ez. ? They , lis suivr em?? 6 . 2 1 1 Je 23 suivr ais 5 . s* Z%om Tu suivr «% 8/7e jhd, wd follow, J/ suivr ait 25 . & JTe be following. Nous suivr zows. § JTOM Vous suivr /ez. £ T^ 7/s suivr a lent 6 . GERt/iVU. PARTICIPLE. F ollowing. suiv «/zi 26 . SUIV t Follow ail After the same manner as suivre, are conjugated s'ensuivre, to follow from, i.e. a consequence. Poursuivre, to pursue. IRREGULAR VERBS in RE. 167 INFINITIVE. To MILK. TRAI re. IMPERATIVE. Milk. TRAI S, MTig 1 . Trayez, j^/itr. Let us mi Ik. Trayons. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. ^ 1" milky or am 3 Je 3 trai s 6 . Je trai e 2 . B 3 jF%om milkest, art g Tw trai 5. Tm trai es 23 . w g i/e milks, or zs ^ 1/ trai t™. J7 trai e. § 2 We \ ... 2 , r 1 milk, 9 t>l [a™ milking. • They) 5 Nous trayons*. Nous trayions. <§ Vous trayez. lis trai ent 18 . Vous trayiez. lis trai ent 18 . 3. 5T 1 B 1 \ Je 4 trayais 6 . "g TAow >2To:5 milking. Tu trayais. *He J II trayait 26 . - S JFe j Nous trayions. * § You \were milking. Vous trayiez. ? They) lis tray ai ent 6 . 3 3 Thou Je tirai.* Je tirasse 2 . ^ Tu tiras 26 . Tu tirasses. (T) ? He milked, II tira. II tirat 26 . OS}* I We r dz< ° 3%6yj lis tire rent 18 . lis tirassent 18 :S. £ J ' Je trair ai 5 . •t 1 | Thou Tu trair as* 5 . 3 7/e s/tcrZ/, will milk 11 trair a. 1 ^c 6e milking. Nous trair ons. S Yok Vous trair ez. ? TAei/j lis trair out 26 . J* ' Je trair am 6 . r TAo?« Tm trair ais. § He s/j/d, wld milk, II trair a/* 86 . &JFe r oe milking. Nous trair jo?js. g" You 1 Fbws trair iez. ^They, lis trair aie?ii 6 . GERUND. PARTICIPIE. I lilking. Trayant 26 . trai t". Milked. ///ifer Me sawe manner as traire, are conjugated abstraire, to abstract. rentraire, to Jinedraw. distraire, to disturb ones attention. soustraire, to subtract. extraire, to extract. N. B. These verbs have no perfect tense. * traire having no perfect tense, we supply its place with the perfect of the verb TIRER, which may be used in the same sense as traire ; example, 1 milked my cows, my goats, &c. Je tirai vies inches, vies chines, S d c. 168 IRREGULAR VERBS ill RE. INFINITIVE, To vanquish. VAINC re. IMPERATIVE. vanquish. vainc s> sing. vainquez, plur. Let us vanquish. vainquons. INDICATIVE. ►3 I vanquish, or am £ Thou vanquishest, art-** § He vanquishes, or is «; 1 Tou I Van( * msh ' They are vanquishing B 1 } *% Thou >was vanquishing. X-He J % You Ywere vanquishing. ? They) I 2 Thov tHe ZWe U You ? They] 2 Thou 3 He \We B. You ? They] ? T ' s* Thou vanquished, did vanquish. shll, wll vanquish, be vanquishing. g He \shd, wd vanquish. & We j be vanquishing. o'You ^They) Je* vainc s- r '. Tu 19 vainc s. II vainc * Nous vainquons. Vous vainquez. t lis vainquent 18 . Je "vainquais 6 . Tu vainquais.f II vainquait 26 . Nous vainquions. Vous vainquiez. lis vainquaient 8 . Je "vainquis 25 . Tu vainquis.f II vain quit 23 . Nous vainquimes. Vous vainquites. lis vainquirent 18 . Je "vainer ai\ Tu vainer as* 6 . II vainer a. Nous vainer ons. Vous vainer ez. lis vainer out 36 . Je "vainer ais 6 . Tu vainer ais. II vainer ait 26 . Nous vainer ions. Vous vainer iez. lis vainer aient 6 . SUBJUNCTIVE Je vainque t Tu vainques 26 . II vainque. Nous vainquions. Vous vainquiez. lis vainquent 18 . Je vainquisse 2 . § Tu vainquisses. c g^ II vain quit 26 . ^ A r oMA'vainquissions. g Vous vainquissiez. ^ lis vainquissent 18 . g£ GERUND. vanquishing. vainquant 26 . PARTICIPLE. vaincu, vanquished. After the same manner as vaincrb, is conjugated convaincre, to convince. * The 1st, 2d, and 3d person singular of the present of the indicative, + See qu, page 13. are not much used, IRREGULAR VERBS in RE. 169 INFINITIVE. To Live, to have Life.* VI V re. IMPERATIVE. Live. vis, sing. vxv ez, plur Let us live. viv ons. IN DIC A I live. Thou livest. He lives. JFe ] Yow >live. They) I ■g Tto »'» "We * 7 ^Thou fHe tlVe re £ Yow ^ J I TVzera 1 #V |:y M s* Z%om § #e gJTe § Yow, efa'd lr lived, rffd live. shall, will Vive. should, wld live. nr£. Je 3 fvis 26 . !Tm vis. J/ vit 98 . iVbws viv oras. Foms viv ez. lis viv en# 8 . Je fviv ais 6 . T?z viv ais. II viv ai^ 26 . IVbws viv ions. Vous viv fez. lis viv aient 6 . Je v£cus.J Tu ve*cus. II v^cut 26 . JVows vecumes. Vous vecutes. lis ve*curent 18 . Je fvivr ai 5 . Tu vivr as m . II vivr «. JVbwsvivr ons. Vous vivr ez. JZs vivr ozzP. Je fvivr aw 6 . Tu vivr ais. J/ vivr ait 26 . Nous vivr fern*. Fbws vivr tez. Jfe vivr aient 6 . Living. GERUND. VIV ATl^ 26 . SBJUNCTIVE. Je viv e 2 . f Tw viv es 26 . i 1 /Z viv e. 5 iVozviv tows. «s Fbwviv iezi |j 17s viv ent 19 . t Je vjusse 2 . %• Tu v^usses. q - II veYit 26 . g iVows ve^ssions.^- Vous vlcssiez. «! lis v^ci5sent 18 . 5? PARTICIPLE. ve"cu. Lived. Aflei the same manner as viv re, are conjugated revivre, to revive, to come to life again, survivre, to survive, to outlive * To live, meaning to dwell, is expressed by demeurer ; as, We live in London, in town, in the country. Nous demeurons a Londres, a la vil e, a la campagnc. + See note 4, page 2. $ See note 2, page 1. 1.3 170 3> J ' 1 Tu 1 n B Nous 2 Vous 1 lls 1 Tu 3 It ? Nous g Koi« IBs 2 JVin/s S jw .8 i/s •o It S. Mnu hi J- £ Tu g A'om s- rows r /7« Tendre, Etendre, Ei VERBS 111 EE. a t,le shewing, in one point of view, how to conjugate all the verbs i» RE, £ 'h regulai and irregular.' 171 buvons, buvons, avions buvez, buvez, uviez vent. int. buvais buvais buvait buvions buviez buvaient. bus ousse bus busses but bat bfimes bussions bussiez burent. bussent. ais Battre, a a i s Fendre, Defendre, Descend a j ( Condescendre, Fondre, Con- • fondre, se Morfondre, Rom| w Corrompre, Interrompre, F__ le ? dre t Repondre. Corn pond i atenf.Repandre, Mordre.Di sra n ],, • idre, Pretendre, Rendre. Pendi Depcndre, Suspcndre, Vendre, Perdre, Tordre, Toudre. APPREND re, apprenant, I Tu 1$ "■ Nous g Vous I «• rt ^Nouj § Vous \lb eJ- I Tu ''Nous t Vous ! IU * /' APPRENDR Tu It Nous " Vous 'Us iJ' I Tu ais It ait Nma ions t Vous iez £'.' , "ient.Like\j,p Ien an Desapprendre, Prendre, Comprendre, se Meprendre, Reprcndre, Sarprendre apprend apprenons apprenez apprennent. apprenais apprenais apprenait apprenions appreniez apprenaient. appris appris apprit apprimes apprites apprirent appris. apprenne apprennes apprenue apprenions appreniez apprennent. apprisse apprisses apprit apprissions apprissiez apprissent. Conjugate in the S>»c '■ CONN AIT re, onnaissant, connaissait connassons t connaissions conraissez connaissiez copiaissent. connaissent. connusse connusses connQt connussions connussiez connussent. connus connus connut connumes connutes connurent. CONN- AITR ( . Meconnattre, Reconnattre, V J " S Paraitre, Apparaitre, Com- «« paraitre, Disparaitre.Croi- •« Contredire, Dedi . aier.t tre, Accrottre, Decroltre, ment. dire, Maudire, Medire.Re Rer ttre, Pattre.Repailre.Naitre.Rena- dire, Predire, Circoncire. ConSre, Suffire !trr SeeremarftunderConuaitre, p. 152.) (Sec remor* under Dire, p. 155.) croyais croyais croyait croyions croyiez croyaient. cms crus crut crflmes crutes crurent. vons, vons, vwns vez, vez, viez vent. vent. aient. Circonscrire, Decrire Inscrire, Prescrire, Proscrire, Recrire. Souscrire, Transcrire. FEIND re, feignant, feint, feins feigne feins feignes feint feigne feignons t feignions feignez feigniez feignent. feignent. feignais feignais feignait feignions feigniez feignaient. feignis feignis feignit feignhni feignites feignisse feignft feignissions feignissiez feignirent. feignissent. ais Astreindl«, Craindre, u jj Contraindre, Ceindre, . Enceindre, Joindre, •""* Conjoindre.Dejoindre, iez EDJoindre.Enfreindre, aient.Oindre, Teindre, De- teindre, Eteiudre, Atteindre, Peindre, Irej Restreindre, Epreindn sons, faites, font. fasse ons, fassions aites fassiez fis fis fit fimes fites firent. ferai I feras fera ferons ferez feront. ferais ferais ferait ferions feriez feraient- Contrefaire.Defaii faire.Redefain.Sa INDIC. IMP. fisse lus lusse fisses lus lusses fit lut Wt fissions lilmes fissiez lfites fissent. lurent. lussent. slijws sites sirent. C'iduire, Reconduin alt D. ^ It lightens. 17 eelaire. II eclaire. | It rains. II pleut. II pleuve. I£ t0i77 thunder. II tonnera. p g. It will lighten. II e'clairera. S 7£ M?z7Z rain. II pleuvra. •o 72 «oi7Z freeze. II gelera. S. 7£ «7z7/ snow. II neigera. ' < It will hail. II grelera. * The wind will blow II ventera. •ad It would thunder. II tonneraz7. $ It would lighten. II e*claireraz7. 8 72 would rain. II pleuvr#z7. | It would freeze. II geleraz7. g? 72 would snow. II neigeraz7. g' 72 would hail. II £releraz7. r- The wind w?ow/d blow. 7/ venter«27. Interrogatively. Negatively. Interrogatively fy Negatively Tonne-t-il? ex. o 11 ne tonne "•" Ne tonne-t-z7 " p. o Eclaire-t-tf? CD in 11 n' eclaire o CD N' e*claire-t-z7 CD Pleut-27? ft 11 ne pleut in Ne pleut- il r pas Neige- t-tf? a p- 11 ne neige • g Ne neige-t-i/ Grele-t-tf? , ►i 11 ne grele _ CD iVe grele-t-z7 n o- verbs called impersonal. 173 INFINITIVE. There be. Y AVOIR. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Affirmatively. There is, There are Ilya. II y ait. s^ TAere was, 3 There were II y avait. There was, TAere were II 1/ eut. II y eut. TAere will be II y aura. •" There would be II y aurait. There is not, «;. There are not II riy a pas. II n'3/ ait pas. ^ There was not, ^ 7'Aere were not .... II riy avait pas. | TAere was not, ^ TAere were not Iln'y eut pas. II n'^/ eut pas. o T/tere will not be ... II riy aura pas. cr T/jere would not be . II riy aurait pas. Interrogatively. Is Mere, £ re there ? Y a-t-il ? Was Mere, Were there? Y avait-il ? Was there, Were Mere ? Y eut-il ? Will Mere be ? Y aura-t-il ? Would there be ? Y aurait- il ? Is Mere not, Are Mere not? "N'y a-t-il pas? Was there not, Were there not? .... N'y avait-il pas? Was there not, Were there not ? . . . . N'y ent-il pas ? Will not th-ere be? . . N'?/ aura-t-il pas? Would not there be?. N'i/ aurait-il pas? COMPOUND TENSES. Th^.re has been, There have been . ... II y a eu. II y ait eu. There had been II y avait eu. TViere had been II y eut eu. II y eut eu. There will have been. II y aura eu. TAere wd have been . II y aurait eu. There has not been, There have not been. II riy a pas eu. Has there been ? Y a-t-il eu ? Has not there been ? N'y a-t-il pas eu? 174 verbs called impersonal. must. FALLOIR. The verb must is conjugated through its different persons; but its representative falloir has only the third person singular of each tense, with II for nominative ; then the nominative of must becomes the nomi- native of the folhwing verb in french, which verb must be in the present of the subjunctive after 77 faut, II faudra; and in the perfect, after II fallait, II fallut, II faudrait, as appears by the following example, I must que je sorte. Thou must que tu sortes. He must qiC il sorte. My brother must go out. II faut que raon frere sorte. We must que nous sortions. You must que vous sortiez. They must qu! ils sortent. v for me que je sortisse. J for thee S for him | for my brother to go out, or that 1", thou,, he, Sfc. should II fallait II fallut ' que tu sortisses. qu' il 50?*^^. o/z^e mon frere sortit. | for us que nous sortissions. g for you go out. que vous sortissiez. for them • qu' ils sortissent fei for me que je sorte. |. for £Aee que tu sortes. ^ for /«m p for my brother to go out, that I go c or ut. II faudra < o/w' il sorfe. gwe mon frere sorte. g for ?*s que nous sortions. | for you que vous sortiez. 3 for £/ithat I" should II faudrait < que mon frere sortit. g for ws go out. que nous sortissio?is. g for 2/om que vous sortissiez. 3 for them qui ils sortissent. Negatively. I must ?io£ que je sorte. Thou must ??o£ >go out. II ne fsiutpas <7?je tu sortes. life must not qu 1 il sorte. My brother must not go out? Faut-z7 que tu so?-£es ? Must &e oV il sorte ? Must my brother , o/we mon frere sorte? Must J not 1 queje sorte? Must Mow ?jo£ >go out? Ne faut-27 pas que tu sortes ? Must he not o/u' il sorte ? Must ?io£ mi/ bro [her o, we mon frere sorte? verbs called impersonal. 175 must have, meaning To be in need of a thing, is expressed thus : I must have Thou must have He must have We must have You must have They must have My brother must have h for me money, books; or, I, thou, he, fyc. want books. money, faut de Vargent, des livres. to have money, books; or, /wanted money, books. to have money, books ; or, / shall want monev, &c. to have money, books; or, /should want money, &c. § for thee 3 for him g for us | for you «< for them ~ for me i for thee » for him % for us | for you | for them i? for ???e S- for £Aee I" for him % for us | for ?/cw | for £Aem The impersonal verb TARDER, same manner as the above ; / long* Thou longest He longs [to see her, We long- fto go there. You long They long My brother longs / did long Thou didst long He did long We did long Yew did long 77; r?/ did long I \ longed, Thou\ did long He J * | J(? ME II TE 77 LUI 7/ NOUS II vous // LEUR^ II faut c?es //ures a mon frere. II ME 7/ TE fallait, or fallut de des livres. V 'argent, II LUI II NOUS 77 vous 72 LEUR, // ME //TE II LUI // NOUS // VOUS II LEUR, 11 ME // TE II LUI 77 NOUS // VOUS II LEUR To long, is also conjugated in the faudra de V argent, des livres. faudrait de I' argent, des livres. tarde de la voir, oVy to see her, to go there. He I shall will low. to see her, to go there. (to see her, (to / 176 THE NUMBERS, I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII, XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLTI. XLIX. L. LI. LII. LIX. LX. LXI. LXIX. LXX. LXXI. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42, 49, 50, 51, 52, 59, 60, 61, 69, 70, 71, one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen. sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen. twenty. twenty-one. twenty-two. twenty-three. twenty-four. twenty-five. twenty-six. twenty-seven. twenty-eight. twenty-nine. thirty. thirty-one. thirty-two, &c. thirty-nine. forty. forty- one. forty-two, &c. forty-nine. fifty. fifty- one. fifty-two, &c. fifty-nine. sixty. sixty-one, &c. sixty- nine. seventy. seventy- one. *Un, m. [Die f Deux. Trois.f Quat re. Cinq. Six. Sept. Huit. Neuf. Dix. Onze. Douze. Treize. Quatorze. Quinze. Seize. Dix -sept. Dix- huit Dix-neuf. Vingt. Vingt et un. Vingt- deux. Vingt-trois. Vingt-quatre. Vingt- cinq. Vingt-six. Vingt-sept. Vingt- huit. Vingt-neuf. Trentc. Trente et un. Trente-deux, Sfc. Trente-neuf. Quarante. Quarante et un. Quarante-deux, fyc. Quarante-neuf. Cinquante. Cinquante et un. Cinquante- deux, fyc. Cinquante-neuf. Soixante. Soixante et un y fyc. Soixante-neuf. Soixante-dix. Soixante-onze * These words are both Articles and Substantives. Articles when prefixed to a noun ; as, Un homme, Une femme ; Un livre, Deux livres; Trois hommes ; Quatre maisons ; Cinq chevaux ; Dix ecus, &c. Substantives when preceded by an article ; as, un Deux ; un Trois ; un Quatre •, le Deux le Trois, /eQuatre,de Janvier, de fevrier, de coeur,de pique, &cc.des Trois; desQuatro,&c. •f- The chapter on pronunciation contains rules which shew how to pronounce all these words. THE NIMBERS. 177 LXXII. 72, seventy-two. Soixante-dpuze. LXXIII. 73, seventy-three. Soixcmte-ireize. LXXIV. 74, seventy-four. Soixante-quatorze. LXXV. 75, seventy-five. Soixante-quinze. LXXVI. 7«, seventy-six. Soixante-seize. LXXVII. 77, seventy-seven. Soixante-dix-sept. LXXVIII. 78, seventy-eight. Soixante-dix-huit. LXXIX. 79, seventy-nine. Soixante-dix-jieuf LXXX. 80, eighty. Quatre-vingt . LXXXI. 81, eighty-one. Q uatre-vingt- un. LXXXII. 82, eighty-two. Quatre-vingt-deux. lxxxiil 83, eighty-three. Quatre-vingt' trow. LXXXIV. 84, eighty-four. Quatre-vlngt-quatre. LXXXV. 85, eighty-five. Quaire-vingt-cinq. LXXXVI. 86, eighty-six. Quatre-vingt-s'tx . LXXXVII. 87, eighty-seven. Quatre-vingt-sept. LXXXVIII 88, eighty-eight. Quatre-vingt'-huit. LXXXIX. 89, eighty-nine. Quatre-vingt-neuf. xc. 90, ninety. Quatre- vingt-dix. xcr. 91, ninety-one. Quatre-vingt-onze. XCII. 92, ninety- two. Quatre-vingt- douze. XCIII. 93, ninety-three. Quatre-vingt-treize. XCIV. 94, ninety-four. Quaire-vingt-quatorze xcv. 95, ninety-five. Quatre-vingt-quinze. xcvr. 96, ninety- six. . Quatre-vingt-seize. xcvir. 97, ninety-seven. Quatre-vingt-dix-sept XCVIII. 98, ninety-eight. Quatre-vingt-dix-huit. xcix. 99, ninety-nine. Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf c. 100, a hundred. Cent CI. 101, a hundred & one.* Cent un. CII. 102, a hundred & two, &c Cent deux, 8fc. ex. 110, a hundred & ten. Cent dix. cxx. 120, a hundred & twenty. Cent vingt. cc. £'00, two hundred. Deux cents.f CCL. 250, two hundred & fifty. Deux cent cinquanie. ccc. 300, three hundred. Trois cents. CM. 900, nine hundred. Neuf cents. M. 1000, a thousand. J Miile. C. 100, one hundred. Un cent. CC. 200, two hundred. Deux cents. M. 1000, one thousand. Un mille. % MM. 2000, two thousand. Deux mille. * The article A, and the conjunction And, are omitted with these numbers in fiviuli. t Quatre vingt and Cent, followed by a noun plural, requires; as, Quatre vingts ans, eighty years ; Deux cents hommes, two hundred men ; but not when they are followed by another number ; as Quatre vingt dix ans; Deux cent cinquante liommes. Observe also, that the noun which follows the number One, after another number, must be singular in french, though it is plural in english; as, One and twenty years. Vtngt el un an. One and thirty men. Trent e et un homme ; but if the noun is followed by an adjective, the adjective must be plural; as, Vingt et un an accomplis. Trenteet un homme amies. i In the date of the year, One is omitted, and Thousand is spelt Mil, not Mille ; so we write 1819, Mil huit cent dix neuf, not Un mille huit cent dix neuf. M irs THE NUMBERS. From the foregoing' numbei rs are formed the adjectives of number } 1st, the first. le Premier, m. la Premiere, f. 2nd, the second. | le Second, m. la Seconde, f. \ le or la Deuxlbme, m. and/!* 3rd, the third. le Trowieme. 4th, the fourth. le Quatribme. bth, the fifth. le Cinqibme. 6th, the sixth. le Sijcibme. 7th, the seventh. le Septxbme. 8th, the eighth. le Huitibme. 9th, the ninth. le Neuvibme. 10th, the tenth. le Dmeme. llth, the eleventh. le Onzibme, or YOnz'ibme, 12th, the twelfth. le Douzibme. 13th, the thirteenth. le Treiz'ibme. 14th, the fourteenth. le Quatorzibme. Ibth, the fifteenth. le Qui?iz\bme. 16th, the sixteenth. le Se^ieme. 17th, the seventeenth. le Dix-septibme. 18th, the eighteenth. le Dix-huitibme. 19th, the nineteenth. le Dix-neuvibme. 20th, the twentieth. le Vingtibme. 2lst, the twenty-first. le Vingt et umbme. 22nd, the twenty-second. le Vingt-deuxibme. 23rd, the twenty-third. le Vingt-trois\bme. 24th, the twenty-fourth. le Vingt- quatribme. 2bth, the twenty-fifth. le Vingt-cinqxbme. 26th, the twenty-sixth. le Vingt-sixibme. 27th, the twenty-seventh. le Vmgt-sept'ibme. 28lh the twenty- eighth. le Vingt-huitibme. 29th, the twenty-ninth. le Vingt-?ieuvibme, 30th, the thirtieth. le Trentibme. 31st, the thirty-first. le Trent et umbme. 32nd, the thirty-second, &c. le Trente-deuxibme, and so on, by adding ieme, to the substantive numbers, page 176, 177. Observe only, that in those ending in e, the e is left out ; as, Quatre, Quatribme; Douze, Douzibme ; and in those ending in f, the f is changed into v, ? or softness of sound; as Neuf, Neuvibme; Dix-neuf, Dix-neuv'ieme. From the above adjectives s ire also formed the numeral adverbs; ■ Istly, firstly. Pre?nierement. 2ndly, secondly. j Secondement. \ Deuxiemement. 3rdly, thirdly. Troisiemement. 4thly, fourthly. Quatriemement bthly, fifthly. Cinquiemement. 6thly, sixthly. Sixiemement, and so on, by adding ment to the above adjectives. * Second and Deuxieme are used indiscriminately, when they are followed by a noun; as, Le second, or Le deuxieme jour ; La seconde, or La deuxieme semaine ; but after another number, Deuxieme alone can be used ; so we could not say, Vingt second; Trente second; we must say, Vingt deuxieme; Trente deuxieme, §c. ( 179 ) THE SYNTAX, CONTAINING THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE WITH PARTICULAR RULES AND EXCEPTIONS, NOT COMPRISED IN THE INTRODUCTION* The French language, like most of the living- languages, is composed of NINE different sorts of words, commonly known by the names of NOUN, PRONOUN, PREPOSITION, ARTICLE, VERB, CONJUNCTION, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB, INTERJECTIONS * Some of the general rules contained in the introduction are repeated in the syntax, because they are necessary to connect the different rules together. But each part must be considered as a distinct work, designed for different persons. The introduction is intended for children, and for persons who, not being accustomed to the study of lan- guages, could not at once comprehend such a multiplicity of rules. The syntax, which includes all the rules which are necessary to a perfect knowledge of the language, is in- tended for the same persons, after they are sufficiently grounded in the introductory rules, and for persons of a comprehensive mind, who have no need of an introduction. t Ever since the art of speaking has been reduced into a system, grammarians, and the philosophers who have written on the subject, have differed upon the parts, or dif- ferent species of words of which it is composed. Some argue that there are but two, the NOUN and the verb, and assert that the rest are only corruptions or abbreviations of these ; others add the article and the conjunction ; others the pronoun, and so on to the interjection. It does not belong to a production of this kind to inquire into these different opinions ; and I have adopted the most prevalent, because it has ap- peared to me, that whether they be words, or only abbreviations of words, there are NINE sorts, which are subject to different rides. Those who are desirous to see ingenious dissertations on this subject, may read Harris's Hermes, and Tooke's Diversions of Purley. 180 CHAP. I NOUN. every word is called a noun which names a substance or being, eithei real, as man, house, tree, Sfc. ; or ideal, as god, heaven, glory, fyc. Nouns are distinguished into proper and common. A noun proper, or proper name, is that which belongs only to one being ; as, John, the Thames, London, Paris, England, France, fyc* A noun common, or common name, is that which belongs to all beings of the same kind; as, man, woman, river, city, country, fyc. N. B. In this class are comprised the abstract names of virtue, vice, pleasure, pain, love, desire, fear, hatred, glory, honor, and such like. Two * Though proper names should remain invariably the same in all languages, yet the French have given to the names of countries, and of some capital cities, names or ter- minations adapted to their own language; so, Asia is called Asie; Africa, Afrique; America, Amerique; England, Angleterre ; Scotland, Ecosse ; London, Londres ; Spain, Espagne ; Mexico, MSxique ; Jamaica, Jama'ique ; Italy, ltalie ; Tuscany, Toscagne ; Sardinia, Sardaigne ; Sicily, Sicile ; Leghorn, Livourne ; Mantua, Mantoue ; Geneva, Geneve ; Genoa, Genes ; Switzerland, Suisse ; Germany, Allemagne ; Hungary, Hongrie; Bohemia, Boheme ; Vienna, Vienne; Poland, Pologne ; Warsaw, Varsovie; Cracow, Cra- covie; Russia, Russie; Prussia, Prusse ; Sweden, Suede, §c. for which no rule can be given ; but as they are single words, and are generally found in the dictionaries, when they have been seen once or twice, they are easily retained. The names of persons, derived from the living languages, do not vary ; so, Fox, Pitt, White, Brown, are in French, Fox, Pitt, White, Brown, as in english ; but the names of persons, derived from the greek and latin languages, generally change their termina- tions, agreeably to the following rules. Names ending in al, ar, or, is, os, on, do not vary ; as, Annibal, Adherbal, Cesar, Hamilcar, Mentor, Nestor, Adonis, Sesostris, Minos, Atropos, Damon, Solon, &;c. nor the names of men ending in a , as, Numa, Nerva, Sylla, Agrippa, Dolabella ; except Seneca, which is Scneque. The finals as and es, are changed into e : as, Pythagoras, Pythagore; Mecenas, Mtee- ne ; Eneas, , En Se ; Socrates, Socrate; Demosthenes, Demosthene, §c. ; ex'cept Agesilus, Leonidas, PHopidas, Phidias, Pythias, Pausanias, Epaminondas, Eudamidas, Calchas, Olympias, Ceres, Xerxes, Pericles, and a few others not often met with. The finals ns and ius, are also generally changed into e; as, Augustus, Auguste; Titus, The; Tiberius, Tibere; Julius Caesar, Jule Char; Tacitus, Tacit e ; Virgilius, Virgile; Horatius, Horace; Eolus, Eole ; (Edipus, Oedipe; except Appius, Baccns, Brutus, Cin- cinnatus, Claudius, Crcrsus, Cyrus, Darius, Decius, Dentatus, Gallus, Germanicus, Janus, Junius, Manlius, Marius, Menenius, Metetlus, Mutius, Papirius, Plaut'ius, Pompilius, Poms, Pyrrhus, Remus, Romulus, Silvius, Valerius, Venus, Tullus, and a few others not frequently met with; and Coriolanus, Ta->-quinius, which lose the finals us, ius; thus, Coriolan, Tarquin. Nouns in chus, change chus into que; as, Telemachus, TtUmaque; Lysimachus, Lysi- maque; Gracchus, Graque; except Antiochus. Nouns ending ino take the addition of n; as, Cato, Caton; Cicero, Ciceron ; Scipio, Scipion ; Plato, Platon ; Apollo, Apollon ; Pluto, Pluton ; Juno, Junon ; Dido, Didon ; except Calipso, Clio, Clotho, Sappho, Echo. The final der is changed into dre ; as, Alexander, Alexandre ; Lysander, Lysandre. Names of women ending in a, change a into e mute ; as, Julia, Julie ; Amelia, Ame'lie ; Agrippina, Agrippine ; Cleopatra, Cleopatre ; Minerva, Minerve, &"t*. Those ending in e, e, retain their termination ; as, Cybele, Melpomene, Circe", Cloe", Daphne, Hebe, Thisbt ; except the following, in which the French do not sound the final e ; Ariadne, Euridiee, Ptntlope. •NOUN. 181 Two things are to be considered in nouns ; the gender and the number. The gender is the distinction between the sexes. The french language admits of two genders only, the masculine and the feminine. By masculine is meant the male being; by feminine, the female. The names of beings whose sex is unknown, and of those inanimate behiffs, commonly called things, which are of the neuter gender m english, are either masculine, or feminine, in french, according to custom.* There TE. la Liberte, liberty ; la Sante, health , la Beaute, beauty ; la Boute, goodness ; la Majeste, majesty ; la Divinitt, divi- nity. Except i'Ete, summer; un Comte, a comity _, le C6te, t/ie side; un Pale, a pie; un Comite, a committee ; un Traite, a treaty, a treatise ; du The, some tea. * The difference of gender is generally known by the termination of the noun. Nouns of the following Terminations are Nouns of the following Termination* are MASCULINE. A. un Opera, an opera ; un Sopha, a sopha ; du Quinquina, peruvian bark. AT sounded A ; as, un Plat, a dish ; un Combat, a battle. B. du Plomb, lead; le Radoub, refitting ; un Rumb, a point, of the compass. C. le Bee, the beak; du Sue, gravy , du Pore, por/c ; du Tabac, tobacco. D. du Lard, bacon; du Fard, paint ; un Regard, a look; le Hasard, chance. E preceded by any letter but T; du Ble, corn ; un Pre, a meadow ; un Conge, a holiday ; du Caffe, co/fee. Except l'Amitie, friendship ; la Moitie, i/te half; la Pitie, pity. ER sounded E ; as, un Baiser, a kiss; le Danger, danger; un Metier, a trade ; un Panier, a basket. AI. sounded E; as, un Geai, a jay ; un Balai, a broom, un Essai, an essay; un Delai, a delay. AIT, ET sounded. E ; as, un Fait, a fact ; un Portrait, a picture ; un Sujet, a subject ; un Objet, an object. F. un Nerf, a sinew ; un ffiuf, an egg; du Bosuf, tee/; du Suif, tallow. Except une Clef, a key ; la Soif, thirst ; la Nef, the body oj a church. G. lo Rang, rank ; le Sang, the blood ; un Etang, a pond ; uu hareng, a herring. I. un Etui, a case ; un DeTi, a challenge ; un Lit, a bed : un Habit, a coat. Except une Fourini, an ant; laNuit, night. 01. uu Envoi, au invoice ; un Convoi, a convoy ; un Emploi, w< employ ; le Doigt, the finger. Except la Foi, /ai'i/( ; la Loi, /uu;. L. un Mai, un etv'/, ; le Travail, /u/xmr ; un H6tel, an /loiei ; le Sommeil, s/eep. M. le Nom, f/;e ?i«/m; le Parfum, pcrfuim ; duThim, thyme. Except la l'airj), hunger 182 NOUN. There are two numbers, the singular and the plural. A noun is singular, when we speak of one being only ; as, a book, un livre ; a house, une maison ; a tree, un arbre ,- a ship, un navire, fyc. A noun masculine Terminations. N. All the terminations in N which are not ION, or SON soft, i. e. sounded ZON, viz. AN. du Bran, oran ; du Saffran, saffron. ANT, ENT sounded an ; as, unDiamant,a diamond /unPresentjapj-eseni,- le Vent, the wind. Except une Dent, a tooth. AIN. duPain, bread ; unBain,a bath. EaclaMain, IN, EIN sounded AIN ; as, l the hand - du Vin, some wine ; le Matin, morning ; le Sein, the bosom; le Teint, the complexion. Except la Fin, the end. OIN. le Soin, care ; un Coin, a comer. IEN. un Lien, a tie ; du Bien, wealth. CON. un Balcon, a balcony ; un Flacon, a decanter. LON. un Violon, a violin ; un Papillon, a butterfly. SSON. un Buisson, a bush ; du Poisson, fish. Except laMoisson,i/ a house; la Raison, reason ; la Saison, the season. Except le Gazon, turf; du Poison, poison; un Tison, a firebrand ; un Oison, a gosling l'Horizon, the horizon ; le Blason, heraldry EUR. laPeur,/ear ; la Chaleur, heat; une Fleur, a flower ; la Couleur, colour. Except le Bonheur, luck, happiness ; le Malheur, misfortune ; l'Honneur, honour ; le Deshonneur, dishonour ; le Coeur, the heart ; FEquateur, the equator ; lTnterieur, the interior ; l'Exterieur, tile exterior. Except also the nouns in EUR, which belong only to persons ; as, un Auteur, an author ; un Docteur, a doctor ; §c. See also, pagt 189, how some nouns femi- nine are formed from the masculine, in the same manner as adjectives, by chang : ng the termination. NOUN. A noun is plural when we speak of more than one. 183 N. B. The plural is generally formed hi trench, as in english, by add- ing s to the singular ; as, des limes, books ; des maisons, houses, fyc. Nouns le. Ve. MASCULINE Terminations. FEMININE Termhiations. S. le Bras, the arm ; le Repos, repose ; du Bois, wood ; le Sucees, success ; Except une Brebis, a sheep : une Souris, a mouse ; une Vis, a screw ; Fois, tune. T. un Plat, a dish ; un Lit, a bed ; le Vent, the wind; un Accident, an accident. Exe. une Part, a share; une Foret, a forest; la Nuit, night ; une Dot, a dowery ; une Dent, a tooth; la Mort, death. U. un Ecu, a crown ; un Fetu, a straw. Except la Vertu, virtue; une Tribu, a tribe; de la Glu, bird-lime. UT sounded u; as, le But, the aim; le Scorbut, the scurvy. EU. le Feu, fire ; un Lieu, a place. OU. un Trou, a hole ; un Chou, a cabbage. X. un Faix, a burthen; le Choix, choice. Except la Paix, peace ; la Voix, the voice ; une Noix, nut; de la Poix, pitch; une Croix, a cross ; la Toux, cough ; une Per- drix, a panridge ; une Faux, a scythe. From the above rules it appears that nouns ending with a consonant, or (my vowel but e mute, are generally masculine; but there is a great number of nouns ending in e ?n«£e, part of which are masculine, and part feminine, which can not be reduced tosuch certain rules.* GENERAL RULES. All NAMES of COUNTRIES ending with e mute are feminine ; as, la France, France ; la Hollande, Holland ; l'Angleterre, England ; la Suisse, Switzer- land, &c. except le Mexique, Mexico. Those ending with any other vowel, as Canada, Chili, P6rou, c\c, or with a consonant, as Denmark, Portugal, Japon, §c. are masculine. All COMMON NAMES ending in e mute, preceded by another vowel, are feminine ; as, une Epee, a sword ; une Armee, an army ; une Guinee, a guinea ; la Vie, life ; la Rue, t/je street; la Vue, t/ie s%Ai ; la Joie, joy ; la Joue, the cheek; la Pluie, rain, b)c. Except le Foie, the liver ; un Incendie, a conflagration ; le Genie, genius ; le Messie, f/ie messiah; un Parapluie, a/i umbrella; un Trophee, a trophy ; un Pigme'e, a pigmy ; le Caducee, caduceus ; l'Hymenee, hymen ; un Mausolee, a mausoleum ; and nouns ending in gi;e and que, which are subject to a particular rule. See GUE, QUE. PARTICULAR RULES. BE. There are Thirty-four nouns ending in be, Eleven of which are masculine ; the most commonly used are, un Adverbe, an adverb ; un Proverbe, a proverb -A un Cube, a cube ; un Tube, a tube; ( Twenty -three other nouns end- un Globe, a globe ; un Teorbe, a theorb ; j ing in BE are feminine. un Orbe, an orb ; un Verbe, a verb ; ) * The discrimination between the genders of nouns is a difficulty which the learne* finds hard to overcome. In order to attain it, he mutt consider the greatest number of words of each termination which are either masculine or feminine, as a general rule, and retain as many words of the exception as he can. Besides this, when he reads a french author, lie must pay particular attention to the article which precedes each noun, and consider it as its necessary appendage. By these means the difficulty will insensibly lessen, and his mistakes will be but few. Not to overload his memory with a multiplicity of words, 1 hare omitted in the list if nouns given three other nouns ending io DE are feminine. There are Two hundred nouns ending in DE, Twenty-seven of which are masculine ; the most commonly used are, ' un Camarade, a companion'; le Monde, the world ; un Code, a code ; un Periode, a period of time ; le Coude, the elbow ; un Remede, a remedy ; un Fluide, a fluid ; un Sph£roide, a spheroid ; un Grade, a degree ; un Subside, a subsidy ; un Guide, a guide; le Suicide, suicide ; un Mode, a mode ; le Vide, Vacuum, There are Twenty nouns ending in Y£ } phe, Eight of which are masculine; they are, un Golfe, a gulph ; un Parafe, a paraph ; 1 un Greffe, a court register ; un Paragraphe, a paragraph ; ( Twelve othernouns ending un Hieroglyphe, a hieroglyph; un Triomphe, a triumph ; J in FE, THE, are feminine. un Logogriphe, a riddle; un Telegraphe, a telegraph ; J There are Eighty nouns ending in ge, Thirty-two of which are masculine ; the most commonly used are, un ange, an angel ; un archange, an archangel ; le Change, the 'change ; un Cierge, a taper ; un College, a college ; un Cortege, a retinue ; le Deluge, the deluge ; un Echange, an exchange ; un Eloge, an encomium ; du Liege, cork ; du Linge, linen ; le Manege, riding school ; un Melange, a mixture : un Mensonge, a lie ; un Prestige, a prestige ; un Privilege, a privilege ; un Prodige, a prodigy ; un Rechange, a change ; un Refuge, a refuge ; un Sacrilege, a sacrilege; un Siege, a seat, a siege ; un Singe, an ape ; un Songe, a dream ; un Subterfuge, a subterfuge ; un Vertige, a giddiness ; un Vestige, a track. Forty-eight other ncuna 'ending in GE are feminine. AGE. All nouns ending in age are masculine; as un Avantage, an advantage ; le Mariage, marriage ; un Badinage, a joke ; un Bocage, a grove ; le Courage, courage ; du Fromage, some cheese ; le Jardinage, gardening ; un Hermitage, an hermitage le Menage, housekeeping ; un Orage, a storm ; un Ouvrage, a work : le Rivage, the shore ; le Veuvage, widowhood ; le Visage, the face, c\c. Except une Cage, a cage; une Image, an image; la 'Nage, swimming ; une Page, a page ; la Plage, a poetical word for sea; la Rage, rage. NOUN. 185 Nouns ending in u take x instead of s for the sign of the plural number ; as, chapeaity hat ; chapeaux, hats ; chou, cabbage ; choux, cabbages ; lieu, place; lieux, places ; feu, fire ; feux, fires; jeu, game; jeux, games, $c. Except masculine Terminations. GUE. There are Thirty -five nouns ending in gu-., Twelve of which are masculine ; the most commonly used are, un Catalogue, a catalogue ; un Dogue, a bull-dog ; le Decalogue, the decalogue ; un Orgue, an organ; un Dialogue, a dialogue ; le Prologue, the prologue FEMININE Terminations. I Twenty-three other rnouns ending in GUE are 'feminine. CHE. There are One hundred nouns ending in che, Twelve of which are masculine; the most commonly used are, un Acrostiche, an acrostic; un Panache, a plume; \ le Coche, the stage coach; du Ponche, punch; ! Eighty-eight other un Dimanche, a Sunday ; un Pre che, a dissenting sermon; j nouns ending in CHE are un Htmistiche, an hemistich; un Reproche, a reproach; j feminine. un Manche, a handle; un Tournehroche, a jack; .... une Manche, a sleeve. LE. There are Four hundred nouns dred of which are masculine ; the un Aigle, an eagle ; un un Angle, an angle ; un un Article, an article; un un Asile, an asylum; le un Buflie, a buffalo; un un Cable, a cable; un le Capitole, the capital; le le Centuple, the centuple; un un Cercle, a circle; le du Chevre-feuille, woodbine ; un le Chile, the chyle; le le Comble, the top ; un un Concile, a council; le le Controle, the control ; le un Couvercle, a lid; un le Crepuscle, the twilight ; un un Crible, a sieve ; le un Crocodile, a crocodile; un le Diable, the devil; le un Disciple, a disciple ; le un Domicile, a domicil ; du le Double, the double ; un un Drole, a fellow ; le 1' Evangile, the gospel ; le un Exemple, an example; un du Girorle, clove-spice ; le le Hale, the burning sun ; le un Intervalle, an interval, un un Libelle, a libel; le un Maroufle, a scoundrel ; le un .Merle, a blackbird ; le le Meuble, the furniture ; le un Mille, a mile ; un un Miracle, a miracle; un un Modele, a model ; un un Monopole, a monopoly , un un Moule, a mould ; un le Murle, the muzzle, le un Muscle, a muscle ; ending in LE, One hun- most commonly used are, Obstacle, an obstacle; Ongle, a nail ; Oracle, an oracle ; Parallele, the parallel ; Pecule, spare money ; Pendule, a pendulum ; . . . . Peuple, the people ; Poele, a stove ; Pole, the pole; Portefeuiile, a portfolio ; Preambule, the preamble ; Quadrangle, a quadrangle ; Quadrille, quadril ; Quadruple, quadruple; Receptacle, a receptacle; Role, a roll, the part of an Sable, the sand ; [actor ; Saule, a willow ; Scandale, scandal; Scrupule, the scruple ; Seigle, rye; Siecle, an age ; Symbole, the symbol; Souffle, the breath ; Spectacle, a spectacle ; Stile, the style ; Tabernacle, the tabernacle ; Temple, in XE are feminine. le Luxe, luxury ; * ZE. There are Tiro nouns ending in ze, One of which is masculine, viz. du Bronze, bronze. One fern. viz. de la Gaze, gauze. Some nouns fern inine are formed in the same manner as* the feminine of adjectives, hy adding e mute to the masculine, or by changing the termination ; these are ; 1st. The nouns denoting erode, profession, business, §c. as, un Acteur, un Berger, un Boucher, unBoulanger, un Comfc'dien, un Cuisinier, unEpicier, unFermier, un Marchand, unOuvrier, &c. an actor ; a sliepherd ; a butcher ; a baker ; a player ; a cook ; a grocer ; a farmer ; a dealer ; a workman ; une Actrice, une Bergere, une Bouchere, une Boulangere, an actress, a shepherdess, a female butcher, a female baker. une Comedienne, a female player. une Cuisiniere, a female cook. 2d. The following, as being the most un Amant, un Ami, un Chat, un Chien, un Chanteur, un Citoyen, un Compagnon, un Cousin, un Danseur, un Uiable, un Ecolier, un Epoux, un Hcritier, un Ile'ros, un Hote, un Ivrogne, unJuif, un Lapin, un L.t':vrier, un Lion, un Loup, le -Maitre, le Marie, un Menteur, un Orphelin, un Parent, un Paysan, unPrisonnier, un Sultan, unTigre, unTutiur, un Veuf, nn Voisin, a lover ; a male friend ; a male cat ; a dog ; a male singer ; a citizen ; a male companion ; a mule cousin ; a male dancer ; a mule devil ; a male scholar ; a husband ; an lieir ; a hero ; a landlord ; a drunken man ; a jew ; a buck rabbit ; a greyhound ; a lion ; a male wolf; the master ; the bridegroom ; a man who lies ; a male orphan ; a male relation ; a countryman ; a male prisoner ; u sultan ; a tyger ; a male guardian ; a widower ; a male neighbour ; une Epiciere, une Fermiere, une Marchande, une Ouvriere, frequently used ; une Amante, une Aniie,- une Chatte, une Chienne, une Chanteuse, une Citoyenne, une Compagne, une Cousine, une Danseuse, une Diablesse, une Ecoliere, une Epouse, une Ileritiere, une Heroine, une Hotesse, une Ivrognesse, une Juive, une Lapine, une Ltvrette, une Lionne, une Louve* la Maitresse, la Alarii'e. one Menteuse, une Orpheline, une Parente, une Paysanne, une Prisonniere, une Sultane, une Tigresse, une Tutrice, une Veuve, une Voisine, a female grocer, a female farmer. a female dealer, a workwoman. she wlio loves. a female friend. a female cat. a bitcl:. a female singer. a citizeness. a female companion a female cousin. a female dancer, a female devil. a female scholar. a wife. an heiress. a heroine. a landlady. a drunken woman. a Jewess. a doe rabbit. a greyhound bitch. a lioness. a female wolf. the mistress. the bride. a woman who lies. a female orphan. a female relation* a countrywoman. a female prisoner. a sultana. a tygress. a female guardian. a widow. a female neighbour. 190 CHAP II. ARTICLE. An article is a sign prefixed to a noun, to shew the sense in which that noun is used. These signs are various, and generally derive their appellation from the office which they perform in the sentence. They are called in this treatise DEFINITE, PARTITIVE, NUMERAL, DEMONSTRATIVE, POSSESSIVE.* CHAP. III. ARTICLE and NOUN GENERAL RULES. The article must be of the same gender and number as the noun which follows it ; this is called agreement of the article with the noun ; ex. SINGULAR. Masculine. The a of The i to The * Some 5 A « This S LE DU AU DU UN CE Vin. Vin. Vin. Vin. Verre. Verre. mon Vin. 5 ton Vin. ^ son Vin. Thy His Her son Vin. Ourf ^ notre Vin. Your ^ votre Vin. Feminine. the of the to £/ie C5 some to la Gloire. dehh. Gloire. a la Gloire. de la Gloire. une Tflwse. , 2 CETTETtfSSe. mac * ma Gloire. g ta Gloire. ^ sa Gloire. sa Gloire. g notre Gloire. your % voire Gloire. their? leu r Gloire. my thy his her our PLURAL. Masculine and Feminine. the of the to 2/ae les Plaisirs. des Plaisirs. aux Plaisirs. some pa des Plaisirs. these \ those) ces Plaisirs. mes Plaisirs. tes Plaisirs. ses Plaisirs. ses Plaisirs. nos Plaisirs. vos Plaisirs. their LEVRsPlaisirs my thy his her our your'' If the noun which follows the article is singular, and begins with a vowel or h mute\, whether it is masculine or feminine, melody requires L dei/ « L* S LE, |du, .o AU, CET CE; MON MA : TON TA ; son sa; la ; as, T/ie deLA; ofTAe a la; to 2%e TVh's or T/ztfi His or Her Honneur. m. © rfeL' Honneur. ^ d l' Honneur. 5 cet Honneur. ft! mon Honneur. g» ton Honneur. 5 son Honneur. l' Amitie f. de l' Amitie. a . l' Amitie. cette Amitie. mon Amitie. ton Amitie. son Amitie. The article must be repeated before every noun in french, agreeably to the gender and number of each noun, though the nouns are in the same sentence, and though the article is not repeated in english ; as, TAe brother, sister and cousins. LEfrere, la soswr e£ les cousins. Some wine, glory and pleasures, du wra, de la g-Zozre e£ des plaisirs. * See page 61, a table of the words called article. t See note * page 31 .£ h mute is marked through these exercises with an apostrophe, this mark ' before it, ARTICLE a?ld NOUN. 191 PARTICULAR RULES. PROPER NAMES. The names of persons and places, i. e. of cities, towns, villages, §c. 4fc are used in french as in english, without any of the signs called article ; as, I have seen Ceesar, J'ai vu Cesar, (a) Rome. Rome. The statue o/Csesar, La statue de Cesar, at Rome. X RomcfbJ But the names of countries and provinces which are used without an article in english, require, in french, the definite article le, la, les ; du, de la, des; au, a la, aux, the same as common names ; ex. I have seen France, J'ai vu la France, Italy. l' Italic The beauties (^/France, Les beautes de la France, of Italy. de l' Italic It belongs to France, &c. It appartient a la France, fyc. (c) Yet the names of countries and provinces are used without the article, when they come after verbs denoting- dwelling or movement; such as, to be in, to live in, to go to, to come from. In these instances, in, to, are expressed by en, and from by de ; as, I am going to France, Je vais en France, to Italy. en Italic I have been in France J'ai ete en France, in Italy. . en Italic I come from France, Je viens en France, from Italy. d' Italic (d) (a) Some names of -persons, derived from common Barnes, such as, Le Bnin, Le Blanc, Le Aoir, La Porte, La Grange, La Fontaine, 6cc. are always preceded by an article, but that article is considered as a syllable of the name, and never varies. (b) Except le Caire, Cairo ; le Catelet, la Chapelle, la Ckaritf, la Ferte, la Fleche, le Havre, la Havanne, Havannah ; la Have, the Hague ; la Hague, le Mans, la Mecque, Mecca ; le Plessis, le Pui, le Quenoi, la Kochelle, which require the definite article, for we say, Je viens du Havre. I come from Havre. Je vais a la Rochelle. I am going to Kochelle. (c) Some names of countries, which take their name from their capital city, such as, Alger, Algiers ; Avignon, Genes, Genoa ; Geneve, Geneva ; Florence, Maroc, Morocco ; Naples, Orange, Tunis, Tripoli, Venise ; or from the name of some person; as, St. Domin- gue, St. Domingo ; St. Vincent, &c. do not require the article. (d) From this rule must be excepted the countries discovered by the navigators, and some countries in Asia and Africa, which are never used without the article. The most essential to be known, on account of their being frequented by the Europeans, are 1' Archipel, Archipelago. la Floride, Florida. le Mississipi, Mississipi. lesBarbades, Barbadoes. la Grenade, Grenada le Mogol, Mogul Emp. le Bengal, Bengal. laGuadeloupe,G\\ndalo\ipe.iesMoluques, Moluccalsles. la Bermude, Bermuda. h\G uicnne, Guiana. la Nigritie, rterr«,Nigritia. le Brhil, Brasil. 1' hide, India. la ]\'ouvelle Jlngte-NewEngland. la Califournie, California. 1' Indosian, lndostan. le Paraguai, Paraguay, le Canada, Canada. laJumaique, Jamaica. le Pehponese, Peloponesus. la Caroline, Carolina. leJapon, Japan. la Pensylvanie, Pensylvania. le Chili, Chili. le Levant, The Levant, le Pe'rou, Peru. la Chine, China. laLouisiune, Louisiana. lesPhilippines, ThePhil. Isles. la Coc/ii»c/iiHe,Cochinchina.la !tfarrinigue,Martinique. la Sonde, Sunda. le Congo, Congo. idMixique, Mexico. la Virginis, Virginia. For wo say; J' ai ete au Canada. I have been hi Canada. Je vais a la Jama'ique, au Mfoique, au Pe'rou, &;c. I am going to Jamaica, to Mexico, to Peru, &c. Je viens du Japon t de la Chine, des bides, $c. 1 come from Japan, China, the Indies, &c. 192 article and noun. COMMON NAMES. DEFINITE ARTICLE. THE, LE, LA, LES ; DU, de LA, DES ; AU, a LA, AUX. / Every common name used in a general sense, i. e. implying* the whole* of the substance spoken of, or in a particular sense, i. e. im- plying" some particular sort* of the substance, requires before it one of the definite signs le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; au, a la, aux, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; ex. general sense, no article in english before the noun. I like wine, J'aime le vin, glory, la gloire, money, l' argent, pleasures. les plaisirs The love ojfwine, of glory. L 1 amour du vin, de la gloire, fyc. He owes it to wine, to glory. II le doit au vin, a l\ gloire, $c. particular sense, in english the before the noun. This is ike wine ] Void le vin, the glory T ,., la. gloire, ., . ., b J >I like. , b . }que i aime. the money l argent, l J Tliese are the pleasures] les plaisirs A glass of the wine I like. Un verre du vin que f aime. _ OF expressed by DE ; not by du, de la, des. q In the above examples you see of expressed by du, de la, des, but observe that thispreposition coming' aftera noun used in a partitive sense ,* can not be expressed by du, de la, des, which would then particularize* the substance spoken of, and mean of the; it must be expressed by de only, without any regard to the gender or number of the noun ; so we say, We have a pipe of wine, Nous avons une pipe de vin, plenty of money, quantite d argent, . a variety (^pleasures. une variete de plaisirs. Not, une pipe du vin, quantite de l' argent, Sfc. which would mean a pipe of the wine, quantity of the money, &c.f N. JB. In this rule must be included the following words which, though * When you speak of a substance, you either mean it Whole, or in Parts. If you mean the Whole of the substance of which you are speaking, the noun that names it, is said to be used in a General sense ; as, Wine cheers the heart of man, i. e. that substance in general known by the name of Wine, cheers the heart of man. If you mean some Particular sort of the substance of which you are speaking, the noun is said to be used in a Particular sense; as, The wine which we drank was good ; in speaking thus, I do not mean to say, that all the substance called wine is good, for there is bad wine, but that particular sort which we drank was good. If you neither mean the whole, nor any particular sort of the substance spoken of, but a certain Portion, or Quantity of it ; as when you say, Give me some wine, A glass of wine ; i. e. a portion of the substance called wine, the noun is said to be used in a Partitive sense. f" It appears from the foregoing examples that, when two nouns come together in french, they must be connected by some sign, and this sign is determined by the sense in which the nouns are used. If, as in the first instance (rule 7.), the noun's are used in an unlimited signification, they must be connected by the sign which denotes that idea, viz. du, de la, des. But if, as in the second instance (rule 8), the extent of the second noun is determined by the fit st, then a simple preposition is sufficient to connect them. ARTICLE aild NOUN. 193 they have no sign after them in english, require in french the connective particle de to unite them to the noun which follows them; assez, enough ; as, Assez beaucoup, much, many ; (e) combien, how much, how many ; tant, so much, so many ; autant, as much, as many ; plus, more; moins, less ; trop, too much, too many ; PE Y' \little, few ; GUERE,) ,J ' PAS, ]. . hio, not; point, j ' ' jamais, never ; de via Beaucoup D combien rant Aidant plus moins rrop peu one re pas, 01 point jamais 1 de gloire. de plaisirs. de vin. d' argent. de gloire. be plaisirs. de vin. d' argent. de gloire. de plaisirs. PARTITIVE ARTICLE. SOME, ANY; DU, de LA, DES. Every common name used in a partitive sense* i. e. implying' only J-J a portion of the substance spoken of, requires one of the partitive signs du, de la, des, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; as, We have some wine, Nous avons du vin, some glory, de la gloire, some money, de l' argent, some pleasures. des plaisirs. N. B. The sign some is often understood in english before collective substantives, such as, men, bread, meat, money, clothes, wine, fruit, pleasure, 6)C. but the corresponding sign can not be omitted in french, and it must be repeated before every noun ; as, We have wine, glory, money, pleasures; i. e. some wine, some c]'c. Nous avons du vin, de la gloire, de i? argent, des plaisirs. Exception. SOME, ANY expressed by DE ; not by du, de la, des. The. partitive signs du, de la, des, require the noun immediately after I (J them, therefore, if a noun used in a partitive sense is preceded by an adjective, use de before that adjective without any regard to gender or number, instead of du, de la, des before the noun ; as, We have excellent wine, Nous avons d' excellent vin, fresh glory, de nouvelle gloire, very good money, de tres bon argent, true pleasures. wvrais plaisirs. But if, agreeably to the general rule, the adjective comes after the noun, Ihen the noun resumes its proper *ign, viz. du, de la, des; as, Nous avons du vin excellent, We have excellent wine, de la gloire bieji aquise, well acquired glory, de l' argent comptant, ready money, des plaisirs champetrcs. rural pleasures. (e) Much, Many, are expressed by Beaucoup or by Bien, with tins difference < nljr, that Beaucoup requires DE alter it, and Bien requires du, de la, des ; so Ave say, Beaucoup de vin, de gloire, d' urgent, do pluisirs. Or, Bien du tin, de la gloire, de 1' argent, des plaisirs. * Sec note * page 192. N 11 12 194 article and noun. NUMERAL ARTICLE. A, AN; UN, UNE. A, an denoting* individuality, i. e. one only of the substance spoken of, is expressed in french by the number un, une, and no distinction is made between a and one ; as, A or one bottle. une bouteille. A or one pound. une Uvre. A or one dozen. une donzaine. A or one hundred. un cent, (f) But a, an before the names of Measure, weight, Number and periods of time, used in a collective sense, i. e. not denoting individuality, is not expressed by un, une, it is expressed by le, la ; as, Wine sells at six shilling's a bottle; he vin se vend six shelins la bou- i. e. six shillings j^er bottle, teille ; not, une bouteille. Butter twenty pence a pound ; Le beurre vingt sous la Uvre ; i. e. per pound, not, une Uvre. Eggs a shilling" a dozen ; Les ceufs un sheliii la douzaine ; i. e. one shilling per dozen. not, une douzaine. Oranges a guinea a hundred ; Les Oranges une guinee le cent; i. e. one guinea per hundred, not, une guinee un cent. I go to town once a day ; Je vais a la ville unefois lej.vv, i. e. each day, or daily. or par jour ; not, un jour. Three times a week, or weekly. Trois fois la semaine, or par sem. By these words a bottle, a pound, a dozen, a hundred, I do not mean thato?ie single or individual bottle, pound, dozen or hundred sells at that price ; but each bottle, pound, dozen, or hundred ; nor that I go to town one single day or week ; but each day, each week. DEMONSTRATIVE ARTICLE. THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE; CE, CET, CETTE, CES. The demonstrative words, ce, cet, cette, ces are used in the same instances as the corresponding signs are in english ; they serve to point out the objects we name, and follow the same rule as le, la, les ; ex. I like this or that wine, J'aime ce vin, this or that beer, cette Mere, this or that money, cet argent, these or those fruits. ces fruits. N. B. ce, cet, cette, ces do not express that local distinction which is implied in the words this, these; that, those ; so, if you wish to make the same distinction in french, you must add to the noun, ci to denote the nearest object, and la to denote the remotest ; as, I prefer this wine to that, Je prefere ce vin - ci a celui-hk. this beer to that.* cette biere-ci acelle-hk. I prefer that wine to this, J e prefere ce vin- lA acelui-ci. that beer to this,* cette biere-hk dcelle-ci. this money to that, cet argenl-ci a celui -la. those fruits to these. ces fru its- l a a ceux - ci. (f) Any number prefixed to a noun may be considered as an article, since, like the article, it serves to determine the acceptation of that noun ; as, Deux hommes, two men; 1'tois femmes, three women ; Quutre livres, four books ; Six bouteilles, six bottles, &c * this, that, these, those are also pronouns ; see note (p) page 89. 15 article and NOUN. 195 POSSESSIVE ARTICLE. MY, THY, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR, YOUR, THEIR. MON, MA, MES; TON, TA, TES ; SON, SA, SES ; NOTRE, &c. These words follow the same rule as the article le, la, les ; they 1^* agree in gender and number with the noun which follows them; so, Her father, is, son pere. His or her son, son fils. His mother, sa mere. His or her daughter, sa Jille. The possessive article my, thy, his, her, our, your, their is expressed by the definite le, la, les, when prefixed to the name of any part of the body, after a verb denoting" a natural action of the body ; as, I open my "j J"' ouvre ) Thou openest thy >mouth. Tu ouvres >la bouche ; He opens his J II ouvre J not, ma bouche* Or when the verb denotes an action done upon the body ; as, I have cut my | Je me suis \ Thou hast cut thy >finger. Tu t' es \coupe le doigt* He has cut his J II s' estf J Never say ; J'ai coupi mon doigt ; Tu as coupt TON doigt ; II a coupe* SON doigt, fyc. N. B. Observe that in speaking of an action done upon the body, the person on whom the action is done must be denoted by a personal pro- noun ; so, if the verb is not reflective, i.e. if the agent does not act upon itself, as it does above, one of the pronouns me, nous, te, vous, lui, leur, agreeably to number and person, must be added to the verb ; as, {my J II u j He has cuuthy >finger. II r' >a coupe le doigt. [his or her J II lui j (our "j 77 nous ] He has cud your >fingers. II vous \a coupe les doigts. [their J II leur J Never say ; II a coupt mon doigt ; 11 a coupt ton doigt ; II a coupt son doigt, fyc. If, in instances similar to the above, i. e. before the names of the parts of the body, the possessive words my, thy, his, her, our, your, their come with the verbs, To have a pain, Avoir mal ; To hurt, se Faire mal; To be cold, Avoir froid ; To be warm, Avoir chaud ; they are expressed by au, a la, aux ; as, I have a pain in my ] J' ai 16 Thou hast a pain in thy /finger. Tu as >mal au doigt, He has a pain in his J II a J not, d mon doigt.* I have hurt my 1 Je me suis ] Thou hast hurt thy >hand. Tu *r' es \fait malk la main; He has hurt his J 11 s' est\ J not, d ma main. My feet are ) J' ai Thy feet are Wul. Tu as% > froid aux pieds ; His or her feet a.re\ J II or elle a J not, d mes pieefc. * When I say, J'oticrc la bouche, I open >. aking, for ifit was the mouth of another being, I should name that Doing. Again, Je me suis coupe le doigt, corresponds with the engUsh, J hare cut myself in the linger ; and J'ui mal AC doigt, with, 1 have a train in the linger. Hero also the possession being sufficiently determined by the pronoun me, or by the verb J'ai. any other possessive expression would he Superfluous ; however, those arc idioms which practice alone can render familiar. f See 237 rule. t See 239 rule. N 2 196 article and noun. 1 / Its and their neuter, are also expressed by le, la, les, and the pronoun en is added to the verb, when the noun to which they are pre- fixed is not governed by the same verb as the noun to which they refer; as, That tree is fine, but its fruit is good for nothing'. Cet arbre est beau, mais le fruit iivn vaut Hen; i. e. the fruit of it. But they are expressed by son, sa, ses, leur, if the nouns are governed by the same verb ; as, I like that tree, its shape and 27.9 leaves. Xaime cet arbre, s a forme et ses feuilles. \ Q The possessive mon, ma, mes must be prefixed to names of kindred and friendship, when we call or answer any one by those names ; as, Come here, brother. Venez ici, mox frere. I can not, sister. Je ne saurais, bia sceur. J[ y The article is left out in french, when expressed in english, at the title page, or before any of the parts of a book ; as, A french grammar. Grammaire francaise. The preface. The first part. Preface. Premiere partie, 2t\j The article a, an which comes after what, is omitted in freneh ; as, What a man ! Quel hommel not Quel un homme! What a woman! Quelle femme ! - Quelle uw&femme! JdL The article a, an coming before hundred or thousand, followed by a noun, or relating to a noun,* is not expressed in french, the words cent and mille having the property of an article*; as, I have won a thousand guineas; J'ai gagne mille guinees ; Will you have a hundred of them? En voulez-vous cent? not, un cent. 2dL No article is used in french, before a noun added to illustrate or explain another noun ; and the article which is prefixed to such nouns in english, must be omitted in french; as, Zaira a tragedy of Voltaire. Zaire tragedie de Voltaire. - Paris the capital of France. Paris capitate de la France. Never, Zaire une tragedie; nor Paris la capitate fyc. But if we left out the first noun, we should say; J'ai vu une trage'die 2iO de Voltaire. Tai vu la capitate de la France. The article a, an is also omitted in french after some neuter verbs, such as Eire, to be; Devenir, to become; se Faire, to turn; Passer pour, to be reckoned, to pass for ; the noun which follows these verbs being con- sidered as an adjective which serves to illustrate their nominative -, as, Is he a Frenchman? Est-il Francais? He passes for a German. II passe pour Allemand. His father is a merchant. Sonpereestnegociant ; not,UN negoc. But the article must be expressed, if the noun is attended by an adjective or by a relative pronoun, for it then returns into the class of substantives ; His father is a wealthy merchant. Son pere est UN riche negociaut. 2,4: No article is used in french before a noun which, being joined to a verb, forms only one idea with that verb ; as, Avoir peu'r, to fear, to be afraid ; Avoir mat, to ache, to have a pain ; Avoir raison, to be right, to be in the right, &c. ; these expressions are found in the dictionaries. * See note (f) page 194. article and NOUN". 197 Hon to place two nouns together. Sometimes two noVns come tog-ether, having a dependence on each j&d other, and forming- a kind of complex idea ; as, John's horse. The princes sword. The lady's gown. A silk gown. The English have Tiro ways of using these nouns; they say, I.The horse of John. The sword of the prince. The gown of the lady. A gown of silk. 2. Johns horse. The prince's sword. The lady's gown. A silk gown. The French, on the contrary, have only one of these modes of placing two nouns together ; they, as in the }st instance, always place first the noun which is the subject of discourse, with du, de la, des, de, or X before the second noun, agreeably to the sense in which it is used; as, John's horse. Le cheval de Jean ; i. e. the horse of John. 4. rut. The prince's sword. L'epee du prince; the sword of the prince." The lady's gown. La robe de la dame; the gown of the lady. 7 A silk gown. Une robe de sole; a gown of silk. 8 rule. Sometimes however the order of the nouns could not be changed in the Ji\) above manner in english, without changing also the meaning ; for ex. these expressions, a wine glass, a Tea spoon, could not be turned into a Glass of wine, a spoon of tea ; yet the nouns require this order in french : instead of changing the order of the wordj to alter the idea, as the English do, the French change the preposition, and instead of de, they use a ; so, A glasn of wine, is, Un verre de vin ; and A wine glass, is, Un verre A vin ; i. e. a glass used for wine.* N. B. When the nouns are compounded of the words Fair, foire ; Market, marche, and in speaking of messes, and the ingredients which they are made of, the two nouns are connected by au, a la, aux ; as, The hay market. Le marche au foin ; i. e. the market for hay. Some cream tarts. Des tartes a la creme ; tarts made with cream. Sometimes the name of a country is changed in english into an Jdj adjective^ and prefixed to the name of its production ; as Spanish wine, French brandy, English beer, Dutch cheese, &c. ; that adjective must be expressed by the substantive in french, and placed after the name of ihc production, connected by the preposition de ; as, Spanish wine. Vin D'Espagne; i.e. wine of Spain. French brandy. Eau-de-vie de France; i. e. brandy of France. Before the name of a country, after a noun denoting dignity or au- ^Jo liicrify, such as emperor, king, prince, Sfc. of is expressed by de ; as, The emperor of Russia. L'cmpereur de Russie. The parliament o/England. Le parlement d' Angleterre. A Her any other noun, of is expressed by du, de LA, des ; as, The south of France. Le sud de la France. The north of England. Le nord de l? Angleterre. * This rule is not without some exceptions, for Ave say, Un pot de ckambre. a chamber pot: Uiiefillede diamine, a chamber maid ; Un bound de unit, a nightcap ; tin mouchoir de voche, a pocket handkerchief ; In cheval de carosae, a coach horse ; Un cochon de lait, h suckling pi^, &c. these few exceptions v.ill be learnt by reading, and in conversation. A, B. Many of these compound names are expressed by a single word in french ; as, Coachman, Cocker ; Footman, Laquais; Countinghouse, Comptoir ; Coachhouse, Hemiw. These expressions are found in the dictionaries, and will be learnt by reading. 29 30 31 198 CHAP. IV. ADJECTIVE. An adjective is a word added to a noun, to denote some quality oi circumstance belonging to that noun ; as, good wine, fine flowers. The adjective must be of the same gender and number as the noun to which it is added; as, That is a handsome man. Voila un bel homme. That is a handsome woman. Voila une belle femme. (g) N. B. A past participle, used to qualify a substantive, follows the same rules ay an adjective; ex. He is very well made. II est tres bien fait. She is very well made. Elle est tres bien faitc When an adjective qualifies several nouns singular of the same gender, that adjective must be ofthe same gender as those nouns, and plural;8ls, My father and brother are gone out. Mon pere el monfrerc sont souths. My mother and sister are gone out. Ma mere et ma smir sont sortie. But if the nouns are of different genders, the adjective must be of the masculine gender, and in the plural number; as, My father and mother are gone out. Mon pere et ma mere sont sortis. He found his son and daughter dead. II trouva son fits et safille morts. fhj (g) The feminine gender of an adjective, or of a participle used adjectively, is formed by adding e mute, that is to say, e not accented, to the masculine ; as, loved ; pretty j lost ; great ; fine ; last ; precise ; little ; learned. Masc. aim6, joli, perdu, grand, fin, dernier, precis, petit, savant. Fern, aimee. jotie. perdue, grande. fine, demiere, precise, petite, savante. EXCEPTIONS. E. Adjectives ending in e mute, are the same for both genders ; as, Un honnete homme , an honest man. Une honnete femme ; an honest "wsoman. Un jeune homme aimable ; ai> amiable young man. Une jeune femme aimable; an amiable young woman. I. The feminine of beni, blessed, is benite ; that of favor i, favourite, is favorite. U. The feminine of beau, fine ;• nouveau, new ; mou, soft ; fou, mad ; is belle, nouvelle, molle, folle, from bel, nouvel, mol, fol used before a noun masculine beginning with a vowel. C. The feminine of blanc, white ; franc, frank ; sec, dry ; caduc, decayed 5 public, public ; grec, greek ; turc, turkish ; is blanche, frunche, seche, caduque, publique, greque, turque. D. The feminine of nud, naked ; crud, raw ; is nue, crue ; and that of verd, green, is verte. F. Adjectives ending in/, change /into ve for the feminine ; as, Masc. bref, brief ; neuf, new ; naif, candid ; actif, active ; plaintif, sorrowful. Fern, breve, brief; neuve,new ; naive, candid ; active, active ; plaintive, sorrowful. G. The feminine of long, long, the only adjective ending in g, is longue. L, N, 1 Adjectives ending in el, eil, vl, un, ien, on, as, ais, es, et, os, ot, double the final S, T, J consonant, and take e mute for the feminine gender ; as, cruel; rosy ; null ; ancient ; good ; big ; fat ; thick ; clean ; foolish. Masc. cruel, vermeil, mil, ancien, bon, gros, gras, dpais, net, sot. Fern, cruelle. vermeille. nulle. ancienne. bonne, grosse. grasse. £paisse. neite. sotte. Except the adjectives of nations ; as, francais, french ; anglais, english ; kcmauvais, Dad ; niais, silly ; ras, shorn ; complet, complete ; discret, discreet ; inquiet, uneasy ; replet, replete ; secret, secret; which follow the general rule, francaise, anglaise, mau- vaise ; c\c. frais, fresh ; tiers, third ; which make fraiche, tierce ; and benin, benign ; malin, mischievous ; which make benigne, maligne, in the feminine. X. Adjectives ending in x, change x intose for the feminine ;• as, Masc. heureux, happy ; paresseux, lazy ; jaloux, jealous ; faux, false ; Fern, heureuse, happy, paresseuse, lazy, jalouse, jealous. f ausse, false. Except doux, sweet, soft ; which makes douce ; and vicux, old, which makes vieille. N. B. The plural of adjectives is formed like that of nouns, by adding s to the singular. (h) When the adjective is not separated from the nouns by a verb, some authors make it agree with the last noun , thus, II trouva son fils et sa file mortc ; but they except tho ADJECTIVE. 199 Adjectives in english are generally placed before the noun, in french Om Lhey are generally placed after it; as, A black coat. Un habit noir. A well made man. Un homme bien fait. 'Hm, french language. • La langue fr.anc.aise. Except these adjectives, which are generally placed before the noun ; Oz> premier, 1st; second, 2nd ; and other adjectives of number. beau, bel, m.\fine, belle, fern. [handsome. BON, m. BONNE, f. good. grand, great, large. gros, m. grosse, f. big. jeune, young. JOLX, pretty. mauvais, bad. She is a handsome woman. She has a good husband. me chant, wicked. meilleur, better. meme, same. MOINDRE, leSS. petit, little, small. plcsieurs, several. tout, all, whole. vieux, m. vieille, f. old; as, Cest une belle femme. Elle a un bon mart. But if any one of the above adjectives comes with another adjective o4: that can not be placed before the noun, they must both be placed after, connected by a conjunction; as, A handsome, amiable woman. Une femme belle et aimable. A good, complaisant husband. Un mari bon et complaisant, (i) adjectives which express union ; as, II trouva son fits et safrfle re'unis, RECONCiLies, &c. These exceptions and exceptions of exceptions are very difficult for learners to retain ; therefore I would advise them to follow the general rule, which is perfectly agreeable to the fundamental principles of the french language. (ij The rules for the placing of adjectives are not very strictly adhered to, especially in poetry. Even in prose many adjectives may be placed either before or after the noun, according as their position is more agreeable to the ear, of which a learner can be no judge ; so his surest way is to follow the rules, and to notice in reading, tbose adjectives which he finds sometimes before and sometimes after the noun. Yet custom, for want of other expressions, has fixed a place for some adjectives which must be attended to, as the placing the adjective before or after the noun changes the idea; the most common are, Un brave homme. A well behaved man. Un homme brave. A courageous man. De braves gens. Well behaved people. Des gens braves. Courageous people. Un bon homme. A simple man. Un homme ban. A good naturcd man. Un honnete homme. An honest man. Un homme honnete. A civil man. D' honnetps gens. Honest people. Des gens honnetes. Civil people. Un gentil homme. A noble man. Un homme gentil. A genteel man. Un galant homme. A liberal man. Un homme galant. A galant. Un grand homme. A great man. Un homme grand. A tall man. Un plaisant homme. Anodd sort of a fellow. Un homme plaisant. A pleasant man. Un vilain homme. Un homme vilain. Un pauvre homme. Un homme pauvre. Une cruel le femme. Une femme cruelle. Une sage femme. Une femme sage. Une grosse femme. Une femme grosse. Vnfurieux animal. Un animal furieux. A disagreeable man. A niggardly fellow. A man without genius. A poor man. An unfeeling woman. A cruel woman. A midwife. A wise woman. A big, fat woman. A woman with child. A huge creature. A fierce animal. Une certuine nouvelle.A certain piece ofnews. \Jne nouvelle certuine. True or sure news. Ue nouveau vin._ Fresh wine. Du vin nouveau. Wine newly made. La morte eau. The neap tides. De l'eau morte. Standing water. The adjective Cher placed before the noun signiucs dear , affectionate ; as, Moncher pere, my dear father ; placed after it, it signifies of high price ; as, Un livre cher, a dear book. New is both Neuf and Nouveau ; Neuf is said of things newly made ; as, A new coat, Un habit neuf, i. e. made of new cloth ; un livre neuf, a new book, i. e. a book tliat lias not been used, &c. Nouveau is said of things newly invented, of new productions ; as, Un habit nouveau, a coat of a new fashion ; Un nouveau livre, or un livre nouveau, a new Dook, i. 6. a new production. Un nouvel habit rae?.ns a new dress. 200 ADJECTIVE. OO The adjectives of number, premier,^/^; second, deuxieme, second , troisieme, third; quatrieme, fourth ; cinquieme,^/^, Sfc. are placed in french as in english, before the noun ; as, The first day. Le premier jottr. The ybwrt'A month. .Le quatrieme 77102*5. OO But when the adjectives Third, Fourth, Fifth, sixth, Sfc. are used as a distinction to some personage ; as, George the third, Henry the eighth ; or to date the months ; as, July ]4th, November hth ; they are changed into the substantive numbers Deux, Ti'ois, ouatre, cinq, six, fyc. If used as a distinction, they are put after the name of the personage, as ; George the third. George trois, i. e. george three. Henry the eighth. Henri iiuit, i. e. henry eight. If used as a date, they are put before the name of the month, joined to it by de ; as, July 1427?,. • Le quatorze de JuilleL November bth. Le cinq de Novcmbre.(k) O/ Adjectives of Measure and Dimension, such as, nigh, Tall, low, Deep, Thick, Big, wide, Broad, Long, short, c}c. which are placed after the num- ber in english, must be placed before it in french, joined to it by de ; as, A room twelve feet long, and ten broad. Une chambre longue de douze pieds, et large de dix ; JLiteral. A room long of twelve feet, and broad often. A wall ten feet high, and two feet thick. Un mur haut de dix pieds, et epais de deux; Literal. A wall high often feet, and thick of two. N. B. The adjectives of Measure and Dimension are frequently ex- pressed in french by their substantives ;f then the words remain in the same order in french as they are in english, but both the number and the noun of measure must be preceded by de ; as, A room twelve feet long, and ten broad. Une chambre de douze pieds de longueur, et de dix de largeur. Literal. A room of twelve feet of length, and often of breadth. A wall ten feet high, and two feet thick. Un mur de dix pieds de hauteur, et de deux d'iPAissEUR ; Literal. A wall often feet of height, and of two of thickness. But observe that when the adjective is changed into its substantive, the verb etre must be changed into avoir, and de is omitted before the number; as, Our room is twelve feet long, and ten broad. Adject. Notre chambre est longue de douze pieds, et large de c?2.r. Subst. Notre chambre a douze pieds de longueur, el dix de largeur ; i. e. Our room has twelve feet 0/ length, and ten of breadth. Adject. Ce mur est haut de dix pieds, et epais de deux. Subst. Ce mur a dix pieds de hauteur, et deux d epaisseur ; i. e. This wall has ten feet of height, and two of thickness. (k) Except Premier in dating the days, and Premier and Second when used for a dis- tinction ; for we do not say, Le un de Janvier, the one of January ; hut, Le premier de Janvier, Le deux, Le trois, §c. nor do we say, George un, George one ; George deux, George two ; hut George -premier, George second, and then, George trois, George three; George quutre, 6;c. t The suhstantive may he formed hy adding ur to the adjective when it ends with a vowel; as, Large, largeur ; and eur when it ends with a consonant 3 as, Haut, liauteuv, o>e ADJECTIVE. 201 REMARKS ON THE ADJECTIVES. The adjective can not be separated by an article from the noun which OO it qualifies, therefore those articles which come between the adjective and the noun in english, must be placed before them in french; as, Such a man. un tel homme; not tel un homme. So great a thing. une si grande chose. Except tout, all, whole, which requires the article after it; as, All his time. Tout son terns. The whole day. Tout le jour. A whole day. Tout un jour* Except also, when the adjective is used to distinguish some particular person from another person of the same name ; as, Peter the cruel. Pierre le cruel. Cato the elder. Caton L'ancien. Alexander the great. Alexandre le grand. By prefixing to an adjective, an article of the same gender and num- Oi) ber as the noun to which it refers, that adjective has often the property of a substantive, and the words .man, woman, people which are ex- pressed in english, may be omitted in french; as, The wise man is happy. Le sage est heureux. He is a troublesome man. Cest un importun. She is a little brown woman. Cest une petite brune. The great; the covetous people. "Les grands; les avares.t As an article prefixed to an adjective without a noun, gives to it 4U the property of a substantive, so when the article is taken from a noun, that noun assumes the power of an abjective ; for example, I know a poet. I speak of a philosopher. Here the words poet a::d philosopher are substantives, because they name the objects spoken of, consequently they require an article ; so, Je connais un poete. Je parte d'un philosophe. But when I say, The man I speak of is a poet and a philosopher. He is a poet, but he is not. a philosopher. The substance I am speaking of is man, the words poet and philoso- pher are Only attributes of that substance, and they no more require an article than if I said; the man I speak of is witty, is wise) so the French, If homme dont je parle est poete et philosophe. II est poete, mais it iiestpas philosophe. A philosopher is seldom a poet, but a poet is seldomer a philosopher. Philosopher in the 1st part of the sentence is zsubstant. in the 2nd an adj. Poet'm the 1st p art of the sentence is an adjective, in the 2nd a substantive , ; So the French, Ranment un philosophe est poete, mais plus rarement un poete est philosophe. (See the 23rd rule.) ; And if tout is governed by a preposition, the preposition must be placed before TOl T, and the article after ; as, Of tlic whole regiment. Do tout le regiment. To the whole fleet. A toute ixflotte. t This rule extends to many adjectives, but not to all ; they should by taken notice of in reading. 41 42 43 44 202 ADJECTIVE. COMPARISONS The same words which serve to qualify nouns, serve also, by the means of certain adverbs prefixed to them, to compare their qualities. The quality of a substance, when compared with another, is either superior, inferior, or equal to the other ; this is called comparative* Or the quality is raised above, or lowered below several others, and this is called superlative. of comparatives. The comparative of superiority more before the adjective, or r or er added to it, as more strong- or stronger, is formed in french by plus before the adjective;* as, My horse is more strong or stronger than yours. Mon clieval est plus fort que le voire. The comparative of inferiority less before the adjective, is formed in french by moins before the adjective;?* as, My horse is less strong- than yours. Mon cheval est moins fort que le voire. The same comparative formed by so before the adjective, and as after it, is expressed, so before the adjective by si, and as after it by que ; as, My horse is not so strong as yours. Mon cheval n'est pas si fort que le votre. The comparative of equality as before, and as after the adjective, is expressed, as before the adjective by aussi, and as after it by que ; as, My horse is as strong as yours. Mon cheval est aussi fort que le voire. OF SUPERLATIVES. The superlative formed by most or least before the adjective, or by st or est added to it; as, most strong or strongest, is formed in french by adding le, la, les to the comparative words plus, moins ; as, Comp. stronger, plus fort, m. plus forte, f. Sup. strongest, LePLUS fort, LaPhus forte, Les plus forts, Les plus fortes. Comp. Less strong, moins fort, m. moins forte, f. Super. Least strong, Le moins fort, La moins forte, lcs moins forts, Les moins fortes, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun; as, My pony is the strongest of my horses. Mon bidet est le plus fort de mes chevaux. My mare is the least strong of the two. Ma jument est la moins forte des deux.(l) N. B. The comparison of adverbs is formed like that of adjectives ; as, Strongly, Fortement. More strongly, plus fortement. Most strongly, le plus fortement. Less strongly, moins fortement, Sfc * Except meilleur, better: pire, worse, adjectives, ^ , • , „ A .. , MiEUX, better; pis, worse, adverbs, l wluch f, re comparatives of t Except moindre, less, J tnemselves. (I) Observe what is said, note * page 33, that two of the signs called article, can not be prefixed to the same noun ; so, My strongest horse ; is, Mon plus fort cheval ; Not, Mon le plus fort cheval. Observe also, that if the adjective is placed first, the article needs not to be repeated before the noun ; but if tbe noun is first, the article must be repeated before the adjec- tive ; as, It is the strongest horse I have seen. Cest le plus fort cheval quefaie vu; or C'est le cheval le PLUS fo^t quefaie vu. ADJECTIVE. 203 REMARKS 071 the COMPARATIVE and SUPERLATIVE. When the comparison runs between two parts of a sentence, an ~rD article is added to the comparative in english ; as, The more you study, the more you learn ; This article is omitted in french; plus vous etudiez, plus vous apprenez. And the adjective or noun which, in these instances, comes before the verb in english, must be placed after it in french ; as, The longer the day is, the shorter is the night. plus lejour est long, plus la nuit est courte ; Literal. More the day is long, more the night is short. The more pojmlous a country is, the richer it is. plus un pays est peuple, plus il est riche ; Literal. More a country is populous, more it is rich. The comparative words plus, moins, si, aussi must be repealed 40 before every adjective, though they are in the same sentence; as, She is as rich and handsome as her cousin. Elle est aussi riche et aussi belle que sa cousine. The comparative words plus, moins, moindre, meilleur, mieux, 4/ pire, Pis require ne before the verb which follows them; as, This is better than I thought. Ceci est meilleur queje ne j)ensais. However ne is not required if the following verb is in the infinitive, or if it is preceded by a conjunction ; as, It is greater to forgive than to revenge. II est plus grand de pardonner que de* se venger. I am better now than when I was in town. Je me porte mieux a present que quand felais a la ville. The particles by and than coming after the comparative, or after the 4o adverbs more, less followed by a word denoting quantity, not quality, are expressed by de, not by que or par; as, It is stronger by much. // est plus fort de beaucoup. It costs more than ten guineas. II coute plus de dix guinees. The preposition in, after & superlative in english, is expressed in french 4i/ in the same manner as of, agreeably to the rules on the article; as, He is the richest merchant in London. Cest leplus riche ncgociant de Londres ; i. e. of London. She is the most virtuous woman in the city. Cest lafemme la plus vertueuse de la ville; i. e. of the city. The superlative followed by the relative or definite pronoun, qui, que, 0\j dont requires the following verb in the subjunctive mood; as, She is the prettiest woman that was at the ball. Cest la plus jolie femme qui fut au bal. He is the handsomest man (hat I have ever seen. Ccst le plus bel homme que /aie jamais vu. 9 Tho same preposition which follows the comparative must be repealed after QUE: as We are- more inclined to revenge, than to forgive. Nous sommes PLOT partes a nous venger Qu'fi pardonner. 201 CHAP. V. PRONOUN. A pronoun is a word used to represent a noun, as when I say 1 in- stead of naming my oion name ; thou, you, he, she, it, they instead of naming that of another being. There are various sorts of pronouns, generally known by the names of PERSONAL, RELATIVE, POSSESSIVE, DEMONSTRATIVE, INDEFINITE. SECT. I. PERSONAL PRONOUN. As there are three perso?is in grammar, so there are three sorts of words to represent them, but sometimes the same person is represented by several words, as appears from the following table. Agents or nominatives of Verbs. objects of Verbs, or of Prepositions.* 1st per. 1, WE; JE, NOUS, MOI. ME, US; ME, NOUS. MOI. 2nd per. THOU, YOU; TU, YOUS. TOI. THEE, YOU ; TE, VOUS, TOI. 3rd p.va HE, THEY; IL, ILS. LUI. EUX. HIM, THEM; LE, LES, LUI. LEUR, EUX 3rd p, f. SHE, THEY; ELLE, ELLES. HER, THEM; LA, LES, LUI, LEUR, ELLE. ELLES. 3rd p. n. IT, THEY; IL, m. ILS, to. ELLE./. ELLES. /. IT, THEM; LE, to. LES, m LA,/. EN, Y. EN, Y. 3rd pers common } HIMself, HERself, ITself, THEMsel ves ; Ue, SOI; And as these words are not used indiscriminately, it is necessary to atteud to the following: observations. * In every action there is an Agent, doer, or performer; as I write, I teach, Thou teachest. He teaches, The master teaches ; and if the action is of a nature to be commu- nicated, there is also generally a Patient or receiver ; as, I write a Letter, I teach You, Him, Her, Them, French, English, fyc. This Agent or doer, in grammar, is called the NOMINA- TIVE of the verb, and the Patient or receiver, is called the object ; so, I, Thou, He, The master are nominatives ; Letter, You, Him, Her, fy. are objects of the verb. Until now I have avoided speaking of Cases, because if a case be what it seems to be, a modification or variation from the original word, it is evident that in french there are no cases in nouns; and it is astonishing that grammarians should still persist in giving six cases to our nouns, as is clone in Latin. Whether a noun be the giver orreceiver of an action, i. e. whether it be the nominative or the object of the verb, it remains invariably the same; for ex. Mon frere aime voire soeur. My brother loves your sister. Votre soeur aime mon frere. Your sister loves my brother. In the first instance, Frere, brother, is the nominative of the verb ; in the second, it is the object. Sour, sister, in the first instance, is the object of the verb ; in the second, it is the nominative ; and in both instances, the words are the same. But it is not so with the Personal, and Relative pronouns. The same substantive, when the object of the verb, is not always expressed by the same word as when it is the agent or nominative; so we do not say, II aime elle, elle aime IL ; He loves she, she loves he ; we say, II Vaime ELLE L'aime; He loves Iter, she loves him. If it be asked why this variation in the pronouns and not in nouns ; it may be answered, that the pronouns having been invented to prevent the tiresome repetition of the same noun, if there had been only one word to supply its place, the repetition of that word must have been too frequent, and only half the inconvenience would have been removed. PERSONAL PRONOUN. 205 Agents, or nominative Pronouns. ], THOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY. These pronouns are sometimes singly the nominative of a verb; as i am, rhou art, ue is ; sometimes jointly with another substantive- ; as, row and / are ; He and u/s brother are ; and sometimes they are used absolutely without a verb; as, Who is there? J. When I, thou, he, she, it, we, you, they are attended by a verb 5 1 that agrees with them in number and person, they are ; r JE. HE, lT,m. m IL. THOU, TU. THEY, mas. ILS. WE, NOUS. SHE,IT,£. ELLE. YOU. VOUS. THEY, fern. ELLES. These words keep the same place in the sentence in trench as in english ;t ex. I am, Thou art, He is, she is. Je suis, tu es, il est, elle e^. Am J? Art thou? is 7*e? is she? Suis-jv? jgs-tu? £^-il ? jss^-Elle? If 7", thou, he, she, we, you, they are joined to another substan- Q£ tive* for a nominative to the sawe i>er&, or if they are used without a verb to ajrree with them, they are; I, MOI. HE, LUI. 27/0 tf, TOI. THEY. urns. EUX. JVE, NOUS. 5J7E, ELLE. TW, VOUS. THEY, fern. ELLES; ex. It. conjunction with another substantive: You and I are ready. vous et moi nous sommes prets. He and his sister are ready. lui et sa soeur sont prets. You and they are ready. vous et eux vous 1 -? etes prets. They and their friends are here, eux e£ /e?/?-s amis sont ici. (m) WITHOUT a verb to agree with : Who is ready to go ? I. Qui est p ret a partir? moi. It is I who will go first. C es£ moi 07/i wvzi le premier It is Ae who will go first. C" cs< lui qui ira le premier. It is they who will go first. Ce sont eux qwi iront les premiers. When a personal pronoun is the agent or nominative of several verbs, £) a to ne. ETR I-, to be, iriz. to belong ; Ceci est a iax. This belong b to litem. MONTER, to go or come up ; Je monterai a ELLE. 1 shall go up to her. PEN SER, to think ; nous. Think of us. RECOURIR, to have recourse ; Ueeourez a r.i \. Have recourse to them VEN1R, to como ; Its vinreni \by celle ; THEY " \by ceux ; as, HIM,) a HER,) J THEM,) * He who can live dishonored, does not deserve to live, i. e. the man who Celui qui peut vivre deshonore ne merite pas de vivre. I have met her whom you wished so much to see, i. e. the woman whom J'ai rencontre celle que vous souhaitiez si fort devoir. N. B. The pronouns celui, celle, ceux, and the relative qui, que, dont which attends them, must not be separated, as the corresponding 1 Words are sometimes in english ; they must be placed together ; They are mistaken who think that riches make men happy. ceux qui pcnsent que les richesses rendent les hommes heureu.vse trompent. i. e. They who think that riches make men happy are mistaken.'* His, her, their are also sometimes used in the same sense as the above pronouns, i. e. implying- the words Man, woman, or people under- stood, and are then expressed, his, by de celui; her, by de celle ; their, by de ceux ; as, We 90 always blame their conduct who do not succeed. O)i Q0 blame toujours la conduite de ceux qui ne reussissent pas. i. e. We blame always the conduct o/ those, via. of the people who do not succeed. When an objective pronoun is governed by several verbs, that pronoun must be repeated with every verb by which it is governed ; as, She loves and esteems yon. Elle vous aime et vous estime. Speak or write to her Parlez lui ou lui ecrivez. It sometimes happens that the verb by which the objective pronouns are governed, is preceded by another verb ; as, I can not do it; He will not give it me; You may lend it to him. In these instances, it is better to place the pronouns before the last verb than before the first; so, instead of saying, Je ne le puis pas faire; say, Je ne puis pas le faire. II ne me le veut pas donner ; II ne veut pas me le donner.] * These sentences may alsobe expressed without changing the order of'the words ; thus CEi!X-la se trompent qui pensent que les richesses rendent les homines heureux ; or, C'est se tromper que de penser que les richesses rendent les homines heureux. But these expressions are more adapted to poetry and oratory, than to conversation. t This rule is not strictly adhered to by french writers, especially ancient authors ; however it makes the sentence clearer, and it is the surest for a foreigner, as there are no exceptions to this rule, and there are several to the other, which he might be liable fco mistake. PERSONAL PRONOUN. 21 1 REMARKS 071 UtC PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Le, la, les, en, y are often used when the corresponding words are / U not requisite in english; for example, in answer to these questions; Are you Mr. B ? Etes-vous monsieur B ? Is that your house ? Est-ce la voire maison? Are these your gloves ? Soni-ce ici vos gants ? It would not be sufficient in french, as it is in english, to answer with the auxiliary verb only, and say, Oui, je suis ; Yes, I am. Non, ce 7i est pas ; no, it is not. Oui, ce sont ; ves, they are. We are obliged to add one of the above pronouns, and say ; Oui, je le suis. Non, ce ne i/esi pas. Oui, ce les sont.(r) You have got fine apples. Vous avez de belles pommes. Will you have some ? (of them), en voulez-vous quelques-unes ? Yes, give me a few. i. e, (of them) . Oui, doiinez m'EN quelques-unes. N. B. And if the auxiliary verb with which the question is asked is attended by another verb, that verb must also be repeated ; as, Has he done it? Ua-t-il fait? No, he has not, i. e. (done it). Non, il ne Ha pas fait. Do you remember it? Vous en souvenez-vous? Yes, I do, i. e. (remember it). Oui, je m' en souviens. Are you going to the play? Ailez-vous a la comedie? No, I am not, i. e. (going there). Non, je n' y vais pas. If the pronoun is added to represent a noun, it must be one of the Words / A le, la, les, agreeably to the gender and number of that noun; as, Are you the son of Mr. A? Etes-vous le fils de monsieur A ? Yes, I am, i. e. (the son). Oui, je le suis. Are you the daughter of Mrs. B ? Etes-vous la fille de madame B? No, I am not, (the daughter). Non, je ne la suis pas. Are these your gloves ? Sonl-ce ici vos gants ? Yes, they are, i. e. (my gloves). Oui, ce les sont. But if the word to be represented is an adjective, an adverb, or a whole sentence, le is used without regard to gender or number ; a.-, Are you married, sir? Etes-vous marie, .monsieur? Yes, I am, i.e. (married). Oui, je le suis. Are you married, Madam? Etes-vous mariec, Madame? No, I am not, i.e. (I am not so). Non, je ne le suis pas. Are you contented, Ladies? Etes-vous contentes, mesdamcs? Yes, we are, i. e. (we are so). Oui, nous le sommes. En, y, which are generally applied to things, may, in answer to a ques- tion or a command, be applied to persons, en instead of de moi, de tot, de nous, de vous, de lui, ^'elle, c/'eux, tZ'elles; y instead of a moi, a toi, a nous, a vous, a lui, a ei.le, a eux, a elles ; as, Remember me. Souvenez-vous de moi. I will, i. e. (remember you) Je w'en souviendrai. Have you thought of us? Avez-vous pense a nous? Yes, we have, i.e. (thought of you). Oui, nous y avons pensc. (r) If the answer is made with the pronouns ///■,', SUE, THl.Y, relating to persons LUI, ELLEj ecx, RLLBS added to the verh, render the other words unnecessary ; Is that your brother • Yes, he is. Is that your sister ? JNo, she is not. lM-ce la voire f lire ! Oui, e'est U ; l. Est-ce la voire socur ? A'on, ce n'est pas ELLE. o2 72 73 74 75 212 SECT. IT. RELATIVE or distinctive PRONOUN WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, THAT, WHICH, WHA1. QUI, QUE, DONT, QUOI, QUEL, LEQUEL. When who, whom, whose, that, which come after one or several substantives which they particularize, they are expressed, QUI; The horse that >comes. Lecheval qui ? WHICH,) The chaise which J La chaise qui <3 WHOM, ) The man whom 1 U homme que §*• THAT, >QUEj The horse which >Isee.Cs) Le cheval que }jevois. r- WHICH,) The coach that J Le carosse que (see note m, puge 82.) © WHOSE,) The man of whom 1 L* homme dont} ^ of WHOM, >DONT; The horse of which >I speak. Lecheval DONTp purle. "" of WHICH,} The chaise of which J La chaise dontj Qui, que, dont, whatever be the order of the corresponding words in english, must be placed immediately after the noun to which they relate ; Is the gentleman come, who is* 42 to dine with us ? Le monsieur qui doit ui diner avecnous, est-ilvenu? i. e. the gentleman who is to dine with us, is he l3i come ? JV". B. dont, besides being placed immediately after the noun to which it relates, must be followed by a substantive in the nominative ; as, He is a man whose probity is known. C'est un homme dont la probite est connue, or, dont on connait la fyc. If whose is followed by a noun governed by a preposition, it can not be expressed by dont, it must be expressed by duqvEL, de ^quelle, desqvELS, e/esQUELLEs, agreeably to gender and number,' as, He is a man on whose probity one may rely ; i.e. on the probity of whom Cest un homme sur la probite duquel on pent compter ; not, C'est un homme dont sur la probite, nor sur la probite dont.(%/ (s) The distinctive words whom, that, which are often left out ; as, The man 1 saw, for the man whom I saw ; The wine we drank, for the icine which we drank ; but the corre- sponding words QUI, QUE, dont must never be omitted, and if they are the nominative, or the object of several verbs they must be repeated with each verb ; as, The man I saw, i. e. whom I saw. L' homme QVEje vis. The wine we drank, i. e. which we drank. Le tin que nous Mimes. The woman I speak of, i. e. of whom I speak. La femme BotiTje parle. (t) When a relative pronoun comes after two nouns, and relates only to one of them, if the noun to which it relates is not the last in french, who, whom, that, which must be expressed by ZeQUEL, ZaQUELLE, ZesQUELS, /esQUELLES ; of whom, of which, by DUQUEL, de kQUELLE, deSQUELS, deSQUELLES ; to WHOM, to WHICH, by tfUQUEL, a toQUELLE, flwxQUELS, ttuxQUELLES, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun, to avoid the ambiguity that might arise from qui, que, dont, which are generally under- stood to relate to the last noun ; as, This is that young man's sister of whom we were speaking. Void la sxur de cejeune homme DE LAQUELLE nous parlions. But this being done for the sole purpose of removing the ambiguity which would arise from qui, que, dont j if a relative pronoun, coming after two nouns, was followed by a verb, or by an adjective that would sufficiently denote to which noun it refers, it would be better to use qui, que, dont, than lequel, laquelle, &c. which are rather formal expressions ; the following sentence, for example, would not be ambiguous , That young man's sister who is so handsome. J/U sozur de cejeune homme qui est si belle ; qui being determined by belle. But, if these words can not be used without obscurity, the principal object of a lan- guage being to express our thoughts with precision, elegance must yield to perspicuity. >il vie 78 RELATIVE PRONOUN. 213 After any preposition but of, or a preposition synonymous to it, / " Whom is expressed by QUI, for both genders and numbers; Blase. SING. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern. WHICH le QUEL, la QUELLE, les QUELS, les QUELLES From WHICH duQUEL, de ZaQUELLE, aes QUELS, des QUELLES To,at WHICH auQUEL, a ZaQUELLE, auxQUELS, he is. Le cheval sur lequel \il est. The chaise in which J (it) La chaise dans laquelleJ The man from whom ) L'homme de qui The horse from which >he comes Le cheval duquel \il vient The chaise from which) fvJLa chaise de laquelle The man to whom 1 L'homme a qui The horse to which >he goes. Le cheval auquel )il va. The chaise to which J (x)La chaise a. laquelle Who, whom used absolutely, i.e. without reference to a noun mentioned / / before, imply the word person understood, and are expressed by qui ; as, Who has done that ? i. e. what person has done that? qui a fait celaY I know whom you mean; i. e. what person you mean. Je sais qui vous voulez dire. Whose used absolutely, implies also the word person understood, If it can be changed into of whom, it is expressed by de qui; as, Whose daughter is she ? i. e. of whom is she the daughter? De qui est-ellejille? I know whose relation she is. i. e. of whom, or of what person. Je sais de qui elle est parente. If Whose can be changed into to whom, it is expressed by a qui ; as, Wliose house is that? i. e. to whom does that house belong? A qui est cette maison? I do not know whose it is. Je ne sais pas h qui elle est. (u) After a preposition, which, relating to the word Thins;, is expressed by QUOI ; as, It is a thing of which I did not think. C'est tine chose a quoi je ne j)ensais pas. I r»ee nothing to which lie can apply. Je ne vois rien a quoi il pnisse s'appliquer. (v) With a verb denoting dwelling or movement, even in a figurative sense, which, after a preposition, is generally expressed by od ; as, The city in wh'ich I live. La ville dans laquelle, or ouje demeure. The happiness to which I aspire. Le honheur auquel, or ouj'aspire. But we could not say, Le bonheur oujepense, the happiness on which I think ; because penser does not denote movement ; we must say, Le bonheur AUQUEL je pense. In the same sense, from which is expressed by d'ov, and through which, hyparov ; as, The country from which I come. Le pays duquel, or d'ouj'e viens. The town through which I have passed. La ville par laquelle, or par oil j 7 ai passi. (x) The distinctive word which coming after an Indefinite expression, or after a Noun without an article in french, can not be rendered by any of the relative words which cor- respond with it in english ; so these sentences, J have obtained leave, which was the only thing that I asked ; 1 can not be. The earth is ravaged through ambition which is the scourge of mankind, [translated, J'ai obtenu permission qui or laquelle faa it la scale chose que je demanduis ; On ravage la terre par ambition qui or laquelle est lejUau du genre humain : say, J'ai obtenu permission, e'etait la settle chose que je demandais. On ravage la terre par ambition, et l'AMBITION est lejleatt, du genre humain. 79 80 &14 RELATIVE PRONOUN. Which interrogative. In an interrogative sentence, which requires three distinctions Which interrogative is either joined to the noun like an adjective, i.e. without the help of bl preposition ; as, which man? which carriage? which horses? Or like a substantive, it is joined to it by the preposition of ; as, which of the men ? which of the carriages ? which of my horses? Or like a pronoun, it is used absolutely after the noun ; as, It is one of these men ; which is it? I came in one of these carriages. Jrc which did you come? Which interrogative joined like an adjective, i. e. without a prepo- sition, to the noun to which it relates, is 1 Masc. sing. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern. WHICH; QUEL, QUELLE, QUELS, QUELLES Of, from WHICH; de QUEL, de QUELLE, de QUELS, do you prefer? quelle voiture\preferez-vous? Which horses J quels chevaux J Which interrogative joined by a preposition to the noun to which it relates, or coming after it absolutely t i. e. without a noun, is, Masc. sing. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern WHICH; leQVEL, la QUELLE, les QUELS, les QUELLES Of , from WHICH ; duQXJEL, de la QUELLE, des QUELS, desQUELLES To, at WHICH; auQUEL, a la QUELLE, auxQUELS, auxQUELLES agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; as, Which of these men j_. lequel de ces hommes | , „ Which of the coaches > I laquelle des voitures J^ J J"' Which of my horses J P ' lesquels demes chevaux} vo s Which is the tallest ? lequel est le plus haut? Which is the finest ? laquelle est la plus belle ? Which are the best? lesquels sont les meilleurs? §][ Which sometimes implies the demonstrative pronoun that or those understood ; as, Which of these horses shall I ride ? You may ride which you will, i. e. that which you will. This demonstrative word can not be omitted in french, and which as including the two words, is expressed by CELUI que, m } THAT ^ fc7 . £EUX qoe, m 1 ^ CELLE que, /. J CELLES que, /. J agreeably to the gender and number of the noun to which it relates ; as, VVhich of these horses shall I ride? Lequel de ces chevaux monterai-je? Ride which, i. e. that which you will. Montez celui que vous voudrez. In which carriage will you go? Dans quellevoiiurevoulez-vous oiler? I will go in which you please. J'irai dans celle Qij'i7 vous plaira, * The pronoun may be either singular or plural, agreeably to the number that is meant; for ex. Which of these horses will you ride'? may be translated lequel or lesquels de ces chevaux voulez-vous monter f lequel meaning one borse; lesquels meaning that the person is to :>ide more than one. RELATIVE PRONOUN. 215 What requires the same distinctions as which. What followed by a noun, or relating to a noun mentioned before, is 0^5 expressed, Masc. SING. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern. WHAT; QUEL, QUELLE, QUELS, QUELLES Of, from WHAT; de QUEL, de QUELLE, de QUELS, de QUELLES To, at WHAT; a QUEL, a QUELLE, a QUELS, d QUELLES, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun; as, What man ] quel homme \ What/ carriage > will you have? quelle voiture>voulez-vous? What horses J quels chevaux) What are your reasons ? quelles sont vos raisons? What used absolutely, i. e. without reference to a noun mentioned, £jQ Implies the word thing understood, and is expressed by que or by quoi. What is expressed by que, when it is the object of a verb; as, What are you doing there? que faites-vous Id ? I do not know what to say to her. Je ne sais que lui dire.(y) What is expressed by quoi, when it is governed by a preposition, or used as an interjection ; ex. What do you meddle with? De quoi vous melez-vous? What! you have not done yet. quoi! vous riavez pas encore fini. What sometimes implies the demonstrative pronoun that, and the Q-± distinctive which ; it is then expressed, Nom. What, ce qui ; Always do what is right; i. e. that which is right. Faites toujours ce qui est juste. Objec. What, ce que ; What I say is true ; i. e. that which I say is true. ce Q,UEJe dis est vrai.fzj But with the prepositions of, to, or any preposition that is synonymous to them, it is necessary to consider whether the preposition comes before or after what ; for, Of what is de ce qui, jl speak of what is true ; i. e. of that which, Sfc. de ce QiiE;\Je parte de ce qui est vrai. Wiia t of is ce dont ; as, What he speaks of 'is not true ; i. e. that of which ce dont il parte liest pas vrai. To what is a ce qui, J Apply to what is useful ; i. e. to that which is, &c. a ce que ; I Appliquez-vous h ce qui est utile. Wha t to is ce a quoi ; ns,What you apply to is not useful ; i. e. that to which ce a quoi vous vous appliquez ?i' est pas utile. (y) WHAT, in this sense, used interrogatively, is generally expressed in conversa- tion by qu'est-ce que, an idiomatical expression ; as, Whut do you say ? que dites-vous, or qu'est-ce que vous dites ? What are you doing? que faites-vous, or qu'est-CE que vous faites? And with the verb de, it is always expressed by qu'est-ce que j as, What is it ! qu'est-ce que c'est? What is that to you ? qu'est-ce que cela vous fait ? (z) Though the words ce qui, cr. que, being compounded of the pronoun substantive CE, and of" the distinctive QUI, que, should have two verbs either to govern or to be go- verned ; yet, when these words come before the verb ETllE followed by another verb, or by a noun in the plural number, another CE must be put before etre ; as, What vexes me is, that he will not study. CE QU I mefdche, c'«sl ait'U ne vent pus ttudier. What 1 detest most, are idle people CE que je dtsteste le phis, CE soul U& oisifs. 85 XLQ SECT. III. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. Masc. sing. Fern. Masc. PLUJR. Fern. MINE ; le MIEN, la MIENNE, les MIENS, les MIENNES. Of, from MINE; dttMIEN, de la MIENNE, ties MIENS, des MIENNES. To, at MINE; au MIEN, a la MIENNE, aux MIENS, aux MIENNES. THINE; le TIEN, la TIENNE, les TIENS, les TIENNES. HIS, i HERS;} le SIEN, la SIENNE, les SIENS, les SIENNES. OURS; le NOTRE, la NOTRE, les NOTRES, les NOTRES. YOURS; le VOTRE, la VOTRE, les VOTRES, les VOTRES. THEIRS, le LEUR, la LEUR, les LEURS, les LEURS. 86 87 The possessive pronouns le mien, le tien, le sien, fyc. must be of the same gender and number as the noun which they represent ; ex. Your hat is better than hers, i. e. her hat. Votre chapeau est meilleur que le sien. My watch is not so fine as his, i. e. his watch. Ma montre n'est pas si belle que la sienne. The possessive words mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, Theirs do ?wt always represent a noun mentioned before them ; they are often used instead of the personal pronouns me, thee., him, her, us, you, them, with the verb be, meaning- to belong; as for example, This book is mine, i. e. belongs to me ; in this sense mine, thine, his, iiers, ours, yours, theirs are expressed by a moi, a toi, a lui, a elle, a, nous, a vous, a eux, m. a elles,/! ; as, This book is mine. Ce livre est a moi ; i. e. belongs to me. is thine. est a toi ; to thee. is his. est h lui ; to him. is hers. est a elle ; to her. is ours. est a nous ; to us. is yours. es^avous; to you. is theirs. est a eux, m. a elles, f. to them, (aa) The possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, by an idiom peculiar to the english language, are sometimes joined to the noun to which they relate by the preposition of ; as, a friend of mine ; a book of yours ; this possessive pronoun can not be expressed by the possessive pronoun in french ; it must be expressed by the possessive article mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, leurs placed before the noun, which must always be plural in french ; as, A friend of mine. un de mes amis ; i. e. one of my of thine. un de tes amis ; one of thy of his. un de ses amis ; one of his of hers. un de ses amis; one of her of ours. un de nos amis ; one of our of yours. un de vos amis ; one ofyout of theirs. undo, leurs amis; one of their j Never say ; Un ami de mes, nor Un ami des MIENS ; Un ami de TES ; Un ami de ses, &c. (aa) Yet when a question is asked with est-ce; as, est-ce la votre livre? Is that your book 1 we may answer, Oui, c'est le mien, or il est a moi, Yes, it is mine, est-ce la, sa maison ? Is that his house 1 No, it is not his, it is his sister's ; Non, ce n'est pas la sienne, c'est CELLE de sa soeur, or Elle n'est pas a lui, elle est a sa soeur. SECT. IV. 217 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. Masc. sing. Fern. Masc. PLUR. Fern. THAT-) CELm ' CELLE ' rH05E-} CEUX; CELLES ' The DEMONSTRATIVE prollOUllS CELUI, CELLE, CEUX, CELLES must be OO of the same gender and number as the noun which they represent; ex. Bring my hat and that of my sister; i. e. the hat of &c. Apportez mon chapeau et celui de ma sceur. He has lost his watch and that of his brother ; i. e. the watch of &c. II a perdu sa montre et celle de son frere. Have you seen these (bb) gloves and those which I had on yesterday? Avez-vous vu ces gants et ceux que j avals hier? N.B. The DEMONSTRATIVE Words TIIIS, THESE, THAT, THOSE imply a local distinction which celui, celle, ceux, celles do not express; therefore, when a distinction is to be made between two objects, the adverbial particle ci, here, to denote the nearest object, and la, there, to denote the remotest, must be added to these pronouns ; as, This hat is better than that. Ce chapeau-ci est meilleur que celui-la ; i.e. this hat. here — that there. That watch is not so fine as this. Cette montre-LA n' est pas si belle que celle-ci; i. e. as this here. But the particles ci, la, being added merely to discriminate the objects, if the demonstrative pronoun is followed by a relative pronoun, or by a noun in the possessive state, which makes the distinction sufficiently clear, these particles would be useless, and they must be left out; as, This hat is better than that of your brother. Ce chapeau-ci est meilleur que celui de voire frere. This watcii is not so fine as that which you have lost. Cette montre-ci 71 est pas si belle que celle que vous avez perdue. If this, that are not followed by a noun, nor relate to a noun men- oU tioned before, they imply the word thing understood, and are expressed, THIS, by CECI; THAT, by CELA ; as, This is good ; i. e. this thing is good. ceci est bon. That is better ; i. e. that thing is better. cela est meilleur. (lb ) It is not unnecessary perhaps to recall here to the attention of the learner, that lli<- words this, that, these, those have already been seen in the chapter of articles, ami he must take care not to confound them. If this, that, these, those are followed by a noun, they have the property of a demonstrative article, and are expressed by CE, cette, ces, as has been seen, rule 1. Ce vin, CETTE gloire, ces plaisirs. ITiis wine, That glory, Those pleasures. If this, that, these, those do not point out a noun after them, but represent one mentioned before, they are pronouns, and are expressed by celui, celle, ceux, celles, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun which they represent ; as, ll a perdu sa montre et celle de son frere. lie has lost his watch and thatot his brother. If this, that do not point out a noun after them, nor represent one mentioned before, they may be considered as substantives implying the word thing, and are expressed, this, by ceci ; that, by cela ; as, CECI est bon,muis CELA est meilleur. i.e. This thing is good, but that thing is better. N.B. that, joining two sentences, is a conjunction, and is always expressed by que; as, I know that he is conn'. ./< sals au'i/ est vena. This conjunction is often understood in english, but itmust always be expressed infrench; Do you think ho is come ! Vtnsez-vous au'<7 soit venuf [see conjunctions.] 90 91 92 218 SECT. V. INDEFINITE PRONOUN. One, we \ used in an indefinite sense, i. e. not relating to any they, people) particular person, are expressed by ON. N. B. ON is always the nominative of a verb, and though it represents we/they, people, which are plural, it requires the verb in the 3rd person sing, ; as, m says, { qn ^ . ^ Qn& note* p. 38.) They say, people say. J J K l J The following and other like indefinite expressions, are also ex- pressed 'in french by ON, with the verb in its active sense; as, It was said. on disait; i. e. one said. It has been reported. on a rapporie ; one has reported. The english passive verbs used indefinitely, require the active signifi- cation in trench, with ON for nominative; but by adding- on to the sen- tence, the nominative of the verb in english, becomes its object in french; J have been told that news has been received.) i. e. one has told me that one on ma dit quoN a reru des nouvelles ; J has received news. *)0 Oneself, ) Himself used indefinitely , >are expressed by Soi; as, Itself after a preposition J Every one thinks well oihimself.Chacun a bonne opinion de soi. Virtue is amiable of itself ] La vertu est aimable de soi. Some, repeated in a sentence of two parts, is in the first part Les uns, in the second part les autres ; as, Some laugh, some cry. les uns rient, les autres pleurent. Somebody, some one is Quelqu'un for both genders; as, Somebody has taken my book, quelqu'un a pris mon livre. I/O Some, any, few followed by a noun or a pronoun in the possessive, state, a«re expressed by Quelqu'un, quelques uns, m. quelqu'une, quelques unes, f agreeably to gender and number; as, Take some of these oranges. Prenez quelques unes de ces oranges. Give me a few of them. Donnez-nten quelques unes. *J S Nobody, not any body, personne ; ] . , c . ' ' >require Ne before the verb; NOBODY WHATEVER, QUI QUE CE SOITJ ^ Nobody loves that man. personne N'aime cet homme. He trusts nobody whatever. II ne sefie a qui que ce soit. Something is Quelque chose ; as, He gave me something good. Ilmedonna quelque chose dcbon(cc) Nothing, not any thing, Rien ; lrequire Ne before the verb'; NOTHING WHATEVER, QuOI QUE CE SOITJ as, Nothing is more agreeable. rien n'est plus agreable. He applies to nothing whatever. II ne s 'applique a quoi que ce soit. None, not any, followed by a substantive in the possessive state, are expressed by Aucun, m. aucune,j£ with Ne before the verb ; as, None of your sisters is come, aucune de vos sceurs N'est venue, (ce) quelqu'un. personne, quelque chose, rien followed by an adjective or a past participle, require DE after them ; as Somebody wounded. Quelqu'un de blessi. Something good. Quelque cliose Dfc h on. Nobody come. Fersonne de venu. Nothing new. Mien de uouveau. 94 95 98 99 100 INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 219 101 None, Nul ; ) used absolutely, are synonymous to personne and not one, Pas unJ require nc before the verb ; as, None are free from faults. nul Nest exempt de defauts. Not one believes it. p as un, or personne Ne le croit(dd) Each, joined to a noun, is expressed by Chaque for both genders ,• as, JLUJi Each boy had a shilling. chaque garcon cut un shelin. Each girl earned six pence. chaque Jllle gagna six sous. Each, folloiced by. a noun in the possessive state, or relating to a noun IlJeJ already mentioned, is Chacun, m. chacune, f. as, Each of these books has its price, chacun de ces livres a son jjrix. Put them each in their places. Mettez-les chacun a sa place. Every, followed by a noun, requires a distinction. 1 f\A If every denotes individuality, it is expressed by Chaque ; as, lU-x Every language has its properties, chaque langue a ses proprieles; i. e. each language has &c. If every denotes a totality, it is expressed by Tout, m. toute,^ Every man is fallible, i. e all men ; tout homme est faillible. Every one requires the same distinction as every. Every one, implying every one taken individually, is Chacun ; Every one lives after his own way. chacun vit a sa maniere. i. e. each person lives &c. Every one, implying every one collectively, is Touts, m. toutes,^ Every one of them were taken; \Tls furent touts pris, m. i. e. they were all taken. )Elles furent toutes prises, f. Every body is Tout le monde ; as, lOt) Every body speaks ill of her, tout le monde parte mat d'elle. She speaks ill of every body. Elle parte mal de tout le monde. Every thing is expressed by Tout; as, Every thing is right. tout est Men. She complains of every thing. Elle se plaint de tout. Any body, any one, used in the sense ot some body, some one, are lliO expressed by Quelqu'un ; as, Has any body asked for me? quelqu'un m'a-t-il demande? Any body, any one, used in the sense of Every body, are expressed by 101/ Tout le monde, or il n' v a personne qui nc; as, Any body will tell you the same, i. e. every body will &c. tout le monde vous dira la meme chose; or, il n\ a personne qui nc vous disc la meme chose. With a verb denoting admiration or doubt, or after a comparative, any 110 body is expressed by Personne, but without nc, because personne attended by Ne, signifies nobody ; as, Did ever any body see that! personne a-t-il jamais vu cchi I He will do it better than any body. 11 lefera mieux que personne. (dd) rien, aucun, pas un, personne followed by qui, que, dont require the foi- tcradng verb in the subjunctive ; ns, Have you found nothing that suits you 1 N'avez-vous ironic iuen qui vous convienne '.' 1 do not know any body who can do it. Je ne connuis personne qui pui.-^e le J, 107 220 INDEFINITE PRONOUN. Ill Any thing, in the sense of something, is Quelque chose ; as, Has any thing happened ? Est-il arrive qufi.que chose ? 1 1<« Any thing, used in the sense of Every thing, is expressed by tout; Do any thing you please. Faites tout ce qu'il vous plaira. 1 lO With a verb denoting' admiration or do?j&£, ^a t f thing is expressed by Rien, but without jve ; for nze/i attended by Ne, expresses nothing ; as, Is there any thing finer ! Y a-t-il rien de plus beau I 114 Whoever, whosoever joined to a substantive, or relating to a sub- stantive before mentioned, is expressed by Quvi.que, qvELsque, m. quelle^, quelles^, f. with the verb in the subjunctive ; and if the nominative is a noun, it is placed after the verb ; as, Whoever that man is, I shall have him punished. 1 1 ft quelque soit cet homme, je leferai punir. 110 Whoever, whosoever, whomsoever, meaning any person soever, is expressed by Qui que ce soit, with a relative pronoun after it, and the verb in the subjunctive ; as, Whoeverh-as done it, he shall repent of it; i. e. whoever that person be; qui que ce soit qui Vaitfait, il s*en repentira. Whomsoever you meet, do not stop ; i. e. whosoever that person be; qui que ce soit que vous rencontriez, ne vous arretez pas. lit) JViioever, whomsoever, meaning; Every body, is Touts ceux ; He stops who?nsoever he meets. IlarreteTOUTS ceux qitil rencontre. N. B. In proverbial sentences, whoever is Quiconque ; as, Whoever is rich is every thing-. quiconque est riche est tout. 1 *J Whatever, whatsoever, with a substantive, requires a distinction. * If the substantive to which whatever, whatsoever is joined, is the nominative of a verb, it is expressed by QUEL^e, QUELsgi/e, m. QUELLEqwe, quelles^c, f. with the verb in the subjunctive, and if the nominative is" a noun, it is placed after the verb ; as, Whatever his reasons are, they will not be heard. quellesque soient ses raisons, dies ne seront pas ecoutees, If the substantive to which whatever, whatsoever is joined, is the object of a verb, whatever, whatsoever is expressed by Quelque, sing. quelques, plur. for both genders, with que after the substantive, and the verb in the subjunctive ; as, Whatever reasons he gives, he will not be excused. quelques raisons qu'il donne, il ne sera pas excuse. \o Whatever, whatsoever, implying whatever a thing may be, is ex- pressed by Quoi que ce soit, with a relative pronoun after it, and the verb in the subjunctive ; as, Whatever happens let me know it ; i. e. whatever the thing be Sfc. quoi que ce soit qui arrive, faites-le-moi savoir. 1 ly Whatever, whatsoever, implying Any thing, or Every thing, is ex pressed by Tout ce qui, nomin. tout ce que, object, as, Whatever is right, is not always approved ; i. e. every thing that &c, tout ce qui est bien n'est pas ton jours approuve. Do whatever you will ; i. e. any thing, or every thing you will. Faites tout ce que vousvoudrcz. 120 122 INDEFINITE PRONOUN. 221 Other is Autre, substantive and adjective, of both genders ; as, Give me an other pen. Donncz-moi une autre plume. Others think differently. D'autres pensent differemment* Each other, one another ; 121 masc. sing. fern. • masc. PLURAL. fern. x Vun V Autre, V une Y Autre, les 17ns les Autres, les unes les Autres ; of, from ONE ANOTHER ; Yun de Y Autre, Yurie de Y Autre, les uns des Autres, les unes des Autres; to, at ONE ANOTHER; Yun a l'/iufr-e, l'i/ne a l'^Mfre, les uns aux Autres, les cmes aux Autres; agreeably to gender and number ; but observe that the preposition which comes before one another in english, must be placed between the two words Z'un, Z'autre in french ; as, They can not live without one another ; i. e. the one without the other. lis ne sauraient vivre 1'un sans 1'autre, m. Tune sans 1'autre, f. Both; mas. sing. fem. masc. tlur. fern. Vun etV Autre, V 'une et V Autre. Touts deux, routes deux ; -\ of, from BOTH; \JtSA de I un et del' Autre, de I' une et de V Autre, de Touts deux, de routes deux; Vdduai ob to, at BOTH; J J ts 0,, '» a Vun et a V Autre. a Vune et a V Autre, a Touts deux a. routes deux; J Your sisters are both right. Vos sceurs ont raison 1'une et 1'autre, or ont toutes deux raison. BOTH; les uns et les Autres, les unes et les Autres; "| Speaking of* greater of, from BOTH; des Uns et des Autres, des unes et des Autres; kSTSSffiSSSo to, at BOTH; aux uns et aux Autres, aux unes et aux Autres ; J parties/" as, The French and the Dutch are united, let us beat both. Les Franpais et les Hollandais sont unis, battons les uns et les autres. Either; m. sing. fem. masc. plural. fem. Vun ou V Autre, Vune ou V Autre, les uns ou les Autres, les unes ou les Autres; of , from EITHER ; de Vun ou de V Autre, de Vune ou de V Autre, des uns ou des Autres, des Unes ou des Autres ; ^ to, at EITHER; a Vun ou u V Autre, a Vune ou a V Autre, aux uns ou aux Autres, aux unes ou aux Autres; Either of them will come. L'un ou 1'autre viendra, m. 1'une ou 1'autre viendra, f. You may use either of them. Vouspouvez vous sermr de 1'un oizde 1'autre, m. de 1'un Eo?^de 1'autre,/ Neither, not either ; fem. masc. sing. fem. masc. plural. Ni les unes Ni Vun ni V Autre, Ni Vune ni V Autre ; Ni les uns ni les Autres, [ni les Autres , of, from NE1 Til ER ; m des unes Ni de Vun ni de I' Autre, si de Vune ni de V Autre ; Ni des Uns ni des Autres, [ni des Autres, Jo, at NEITHER; ai aux unes N i a V un ni a V A utre, si a V une ni a V Autre ; Ni aux uns ni aux Autres, [ni aux A litres. These words require Ne before the verb which attends them ; as, I care lor neither of them. Je ne me. soucieni de 1'un ni de 1'autre, m. ni de 1'une ni de 1'autre, /. N. B. When these words are the nominative of a verb, they are gene- rally placed after the verb, and ils or elles is added to the verb ; as, Neither of them will come. Ni 1'un nz 1'autre ne viendra ; or ils neviendront ni 1'un ni 1'autre, m. Ni 1'une nz 1'autre neviendra; or elles ne viendront ni 1'une ni 1'autue,/. * In proverbial sentences, others after of, to is generally rendered by AUTRVI ; as, J)o not do to others what you would not like to be done to. iV&faites pas a AUTRUI ce que vous ne voudriez pas qu'on vous fit. 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 180 131 222 chap. vi. VERB. AGREEMENT of the VERB With Us NOMINATIVE. A verb expressing either being or acting, necessarily implies a subject or agent, generally known in grammar by the name of nominative. The verb must be of the same number and person as the agent, or nominative; this is called agreement of the verb with its nominative; as, Singular, Plum I. I speak. Je parlc Nous parlous. Thou speakest. Tu parlcs. Vous parlcz. eg #e M II 1 T- J& \ : *S Sfe 1? £Wej ' M/e4 PARLe ^' ft My brother £- Mon frere) - TJfes freres) , oo When tjto or wore substantives in the singular are the nominative of the seme verb, that verb must be in the plural number; as, My sister and he speak french. Ma sceur et lui parlent franca is. If the substantives which are the nominative of the verb, are of dif- ferent persons,* the verb does not agree with either of them; we add nous or vous to the sentence with which we make the verb agree. We add nous, if there is in the sentence a substantive* of the Jirst person; as, He and I speak french. Lui et moi nous parlous fraugais; i. e. he and I we speak french. We add vous, if there is in the sentence a substantive* of the second person, and none of the first; as, You and they speak french. Vous et eux vous uarlez fran^ais ; i. e. you and they you speak french. If the nominative of the verb is the relative pronoun Qui, the verb must be of the same number and person as the substantive* to which that pronoun relates; as, It is / who speak best. C est moi qui parle le mieux It is thou who speakest best. C* est toi qui paries le mieux. It is he who speaks best. C" est ltji qui parle le mieux. It is we who speak best. C est wous qui parlons le mieux. It is you who speak best. C est vous om parlez le mieux It is they who s£>ea& best. Cesont eux yz/z parlent le mieux. If Qui refers to several substantives of different persons,* it agrees with the first person in preference to the second, and with the second in preference to the third ; as, It is you and / who speak best. C est vous et moi qui parlons le mieux. It is you and /^e who speak best. C es£ vous et lui qui parlez le mieux. The collective substantives La plupart, infinite, nombre, quantite, troupe, multitude followed by another substantive, require the verb of the same number as that second substantive ; ex. Most people are of that opinion. La plupart du monde pense ainsi, or Laplupart des gens pensent ainsi. Le quart, Le tiers, La moitie require the verb in the singular ; as, One fourth of my books are lost. Le quart de mes livres est perdu. See note * page 205 VERB. 223 PLACING of the NOMINATIVE witfl the VERB. In a declarative sentence, i. e. when a question is not asked, the nomi- I oJ, native oi' the verb is placed in french as in english, before the verb ; ex. I speak french well. je parle Men frangais. He speaks french well. il parle bienfrangais. My brother speaks french well. Mon frere parle bien frangais. My sister speaks french well. Ma sceur parle bien frangais. (ee) But when the sentence is interrogative, it is necessary to consider whether the nominative of the verb is a noun or a pronoun. If, when you ask a question, the nominative of the verb is one of LOtJ the pronouns je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles, on, or ce, this pronoun is placed in french, as the corresponding words are in english, immediately after the verb; ex. Do I speak french well ? Parle-JE bien frangais ?* Does he speak french well ? Parle-t-ih bien frangais ? Does she speak french well ? P«r/e-t-ELLE bien frangais ? Do people speak french well ? Parle-t-ON bienfrangais ? If, when you ash a question, the nominative of the verb is a noun, lO-i that noun is placed before the verb, the same as in declarative sen- tences ; but to shew that a question is asked, one of the pronouns il, elle, ils, elles, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun, must be placed immediately after the verb ; as, Does my brother speak french well ? Mon frereparle-t-iL bien frangais? (ff) Does my sister speak french well? Ma sceur parle-t-ELLE bien frangais 9 Do my brothers speak french well ?Mes freres parlejit-iLs bienfrangais? Do my sisters speak french well? 3Ies aceursjy cirlent-ELLEs Men fran gais? (ee) The nominative is generally placed after the verb in a declarative sentence. 1. When the verb is used as a parenthesis ; ex. You are wrong, said her mother to her. Vous avez tort, lai dit sa MERE. 2. When the sentence begins with tei , or A ins I ; as, Such was his advice. TEL etait son AVIS. Thus ended the business. ainsi se tennina /'affaire. 3. When the nominative is attendedby several words which can not 1: .•-. paTutM from it, or can not he placed before the verb, without suspending the sense of the sentence ; D' un cotl on voyait une riviere oil se FOR ittAlENT des ILES bordies ae tilleus fleuris. On one side was seena river from which sprung islands lined with lime trees in bloom. J.u COOLENT mille RUISSEAUX qui distrilmcnt par tout une eau claire. There a thousand rivulets run which carry every where a clear water. Fenelon. These sentences would not be so clear, if they were expressed thus : J)' un v6td on voyait une riviere oil des ILES bordees de tilleus fleuris se FORMAIENT. La, mille RUISSEAUX, qui distribuent par tout une eau claire COUI.ENT. 4. When the verb is preceded by que, se, or ou ; as, The money which my father sent me. L' argent QUE vienvoya mon perf. The field where the battle was fought. Le champ ou se donna la BATA1LLE. 5. Je, nous, tu, vous, il, ils, elle, ELLES, on, ce are generally placed after the verb, When the sentence begins with one of these words, ainsi, so, therefore; AU MOINS, ut least ; en vain, in vain; a peine, hardly; peut-etre, perhaps ; as, You were hardhj gone, when she came in. A peine 6tiez vous sorti qu'elle entra. * Except the pronoun Je, when the verb to which it is joined ends with several conso- nants, so instead of saying; couRs-je? do Irani MENTS-je? do 1 lie'/ DORS-jef do I sieepr which are hard to pronounce, we say, est-ce que je cours/ est-ce que je ments f (ff) When an interrogative sentence begins with que, (tvhat); ou, (uhere); we gene- rally place the noun after the verb, without adding a pronoun to it; as, Oil est votre frere? Where is your brother? On est votre sceur? Where is your sister 1 Qvzfait votre here VlVhat is your brother doing? Que fait votre sceur IWhat is your &cc t I 135 136 224 VERB. MOODS and TENSES. INDICATIVE MOOD Or MANNER. When we declare that a thing- is, or is not, or that it is, was, will be, or would be in our power to have it so, this manner of expressing ourselves is called indicative or declarative. PRESENT TENSE Or TIME. J' AI, I have, 1 T QTTTQ T I now, to-day, this week, this month, this year, JeoUIo, 1 am, > this age, in any period of time not entirely Je PARLE,* I speak, or am speaking ; 3 ela P sed -t The present tense in French does not differ from the same tense in english ; it expresses the being or acting at the time in which we are; as, I now have. I now am. I now speak, or am speaking. A present j'ai. A presentee suis. A present je parle. PAST TENSES. compound of the PRESENT. J' AI EU,^ I had, or have had, l, ately> t0 . dav , this week? &c in any period of thne> no| J' AI ETE, I was, have been J entire 'y elapsed; this is i!/ie nearer Non,je n'y allai pas. <<°R ule * B -> Did you not speak to my mother? Ne parlates-vous pas d ma mere? Yes,l did ; i.e. speak to her. l70Rnle " B > Oui,je lid parlai. (70RuleNB - J' AVAIS, I had, imperfect tense. then, at that time, when that happened, in a time imperfect or uncertain. /' ETAIS, I was, j Je PARLAIS, I spoke, did speak ; The imperfect is used in three different instances. 1st. When we speak of an action that was passing, and consequently j.OO imperfect or incomplete at a time we allude to, though at the time in which we relate it, it is perfect or accomplished, we use the imperfect tense of the verb: viz. avais, etais, parlais, &c. These instances are generally expressed in english by the gerund or present participle in ing added to was or were; as, What were you doing there? Que faisiez-vous la I was writing to a friend. Jecrivais a un ami. I was getting ready to go out. Je ra'APPRETAis a sortir. I was going to call upon you. J'allais passer chez vous. I was talking of you just now. Je parlais de vous tout a Vheure. I was going out, as you came in. Je sortais, comme vous entriez. 2nd. When we wish to denote that the action of which we speak was JLOy habitual, or has been reiterated, we must use the imperfect. In these instances, the english verb may be changed into the infinitive, with did use, or used, before it; as, Where did you walk in London wz.Where did you 7i.se to walk &c. Oii vous promeniez-iws d Londres? I generally walked in the park. [le pare. or, I used to walk &c. Je me promenais ordinairement dans I often met frenchmen there, or, I used to meet &c. J'y rencontrais souvent des franca is. I always spoke french with them. or, I used to speak &c. Je parlais toujours francais avec eux. * It. is not necessary in order to use the past Jonses, that evevy verb should be at- tended by an expression denoting a time past ; it is suflicient that the time be men- tioned or alluded to at the beginning of the discourse, because the mind naturally goes back to the period >vhich has either been mentioned or alluded to. 140 226 VERB. INDICATIVE MOOD. IMPERFECT TENSE. 3rd. Another very extensive use of the imperfect is in descriptions for whenever we describe the qualities of persons, or things, the state, place, situation, order, disposition in which they were in a time past, we use the imperfect ; as, Where were you yesterday? Oil etikz-vous hier? I was in the country. Jetais a la campagne. I was 241 not well.* Je ne me portais 241 pas Men. I had a bad head- ache. J'avais grand mat a la tete.* Was the country pleasant? La. campagne tikw-elle agreable? Yes ; but it was 240 rather hot. Out; maisil faisait 240 un pen chaud. N B. Observe however, that if the duration of the state, &c. which we wish to describe was limited to a period of which the end was known, we * The greatest difficulty attending the past tenses is how to discriminate this last in- stance of the imperfect from the perfect, i. e. how to distinguish an action from a state of being, and indeed the distinction is sometimes so nice, that it is not surprising foreigners should err in the use of them ; for example, FIRST instance. SECOND instance. I was very wet in going into the country. I was so icet that; I could not stay He was killed in falling from his horse. He WAS dead when we found him. He HAD his leg carried off by a cannon ball. He HAD also a wound in his breast. was and had in these various instances can not he expressed hy the same tense in french. When, in the first instance, I say ; I was very wet in going into the country ; He was killed in falling ; He had his leg carried off c\c. I am relating facts, events which hap pened, of the end of which a perfect idea may he formed, and these must he expressea by the perfect. But when, in the second instance, I say ; J was so wet that I could not stay ; He was dead when we found him; He HAD also a wound in his breast; I no longer express the facts themselves, of being wet, of being killed fyc. hut describe a state of being, i. e. I was in a wet state : He was in a dead state ; He was in a wounded state, the duration of winch is not limited to any time, and can not be ascertained, and these are expressed by the im- verfect; thus, FIRST instance." SECOND instance. Je FUS tres mouilU en allant a, la campagne. J' ETAis si mouill'6 que je ne pus pas rester. II FUT tut en tombant de cheval. II etait mort quand nous le trouvdmes. II EUT lajambe emportee d'un coup de canon. II avait aussi une blesswre a. la poitfine. In order to elucidate this still more, and try the rules that have just been laid down, let us peruse apiece of history where the difference between a narration and a descrip- tion, a fact and an incident, will appear obvious. Calipso could not console herself for the Calipso ne pouvait 140 se consoler du d£- departure of Ulysses. In her grief, she con- part d' Ulisse. Dans sa douleur, ell'e se trou- sideredher immortality as a misfortune. Her vait 140 malheureuse d' etre immortelle. Sa grotto no longer resounded with the sweet grotte ne resonnait 140 plus du doux chant harmony of her voice. The nymphs who de sa voix. Les nymphes qui la servai- attended her, dared not to speak to her. She ent 140 n' OSAIENT' 40 lui parler. Ella se often walked alone upon the flowery turf PROMENAIT 139 souvent seule sur les ga- which an eternal spring diffused round her zons fleuris dont un printems tternel cor- island ; but these charming abodes, far from dait 140 son He; mais ces beaux lieux, loin assuaging her grief, served only to recall the de mude'rer sa douleur ne faisaient 1S0 sad remembrance of Ulysses, whom she had que lui rappeler le triste souvenir d' Ulisse so many times seen by her side. Frequently q^i' elle y avait 140 vu tant de fois aupres she stood motionless on the beach of the sea, d'elle. Souvent elle DEMEURAIT 130 i'mmo- which she watered with her tears, and she bile sur le rivage de la mer qu' elle arro- was incessantly turned towards that quarter SAIT 139 de ses larmes, et elle ETAIT 140 sans where the ship of Ulysses,plowingthe waves, ce.sse tournie vers le coti cu le vaisseau d' had disappeared from her eyes. All on a Ulisse, fendant les ondes, avait 140 disparu a sudden, she perceived pieces of a ship ses yeux. Tout & coup, elle appercut 137 le» which had just been wrecked ; then she debris d'un navire qui venAIT 140 de faire I>escried two men at a distance, one of naicfrage ; puis elle decouvrit 137 de loin VERB- 227 INDICATIVE MOOD. IMPERFECT TENSE. should not use the imperfect ; we should use either the compound of the present or the perfect, according to the period mentioned, or alluded to ; for though I should say, J'etais malade ce matin. I was ill this morning'. J ! avais hier grand mat a la tete. I had a bad head-ache yesterday I would not say : «T£tais malade, butfki ete malade toute la matinee. J'avais mal a la tete, but/Eus mat a la tete toute lajournee; Because the state which I describe is known to have ended with the period mentioned, viz. la matinee, la jour nee. whom was seemingly in years; the other, deuxhommes dont V un paraissait 140 dg£ ; though a youth, resembled Ulysses. He had V autre, quoique jeune, ressemblait 140 a his sweet and lofty look, with his size and Ulisse. 11 avait 140 sa douceur et safierU, majestic deportment. The goddess UNDER- avec sa taille et sa d-marche majestueuse. stood that it was Telemachus the son of La deesse comprit 137 que c'etait 140 Te7e- th'at hero, but she could not find out who maque fits de cehe'ros,maiselle ne put 137 d£- that venerable man was by whom Telemachus couvrir qui etait 140 cet homme v6n£rable ilms accompanied. dont Ttlemaque etait 140 accompagni. Now, if we select from the above passage the facts that constitute the ground of the nirration, we shall find them to be these : Calypso, standing on her island, perceived the wreck of a ship; then she descried two men, the one young and the other old. She understood the young one to be Telemachus, hut she could not recognise the other. And the verbs expressing these facts are in the perfect. The verbs which form only inci- dents, such as the description of Calypso and her island, of Telemachus and his shipwreck, and which might be left out of the narration, without impairing it,but not without strippmg it of its beauties, are in the imperfect. Let us examine another piece of the same author, in which there will be more narra- t'on, and less description, or more facts and fewer incidents. Telemachus, relating the manner in which lie escaped the danger of being taken by the Trojan fleet, says : The affability and the courage of the sage La douceur et le courage du sage Mentor Mentor charmed me ; but I was still more ™ e CHARM erent 137 ; mais je fus 137 encore surprised, when I saw with what address he hl( ; n V^mrpns, quandjevis™' avec quelle , ,. , j. :■, t> a j. *i_ adresse il nous delivra 137 des Iroyens. delivered us from the Trojans. At the Dam k moment mi u cieL COMMEN5 / IT i38 moment when the skies began to clear, and a s >£ c i a i rcir et que i es Troy ens, nous voyant the Trojans, having a nearer view of us, would de plus pres, n' auraient pas manque" de nous infallibly have known us ; he observed one of reconnaitre ; il REMARQUA 137 un de leurs their ships that was almost similar to ours, vaisseaux qui etait 140 presque semblable au which the storm had separated from the rest, notre, et que la temptte avait 140 £cart6. La Her poop uHtfadorned with particular flowers. W e en etait" couronn^e de certaines He hastened to put upon our poop garlands of fl eurs - 7 II se HATA 13 ' de mettre sur notre flowers similar to theirs. He fastened them P 0U P e des ^onnes de fleurs semblables 11 ,. ,„ . , «„ . ™ A , J . , les ATTACH A ld ' lui meme avec des bandelettes himself with fillets of the same colour as those de la mime coulmr que celles des TroyenSt of the Trojans. He ordered all our rowers to J7 ordonna 137 a. touts nos rameurs de se stoop as much as they could along their baisser le plus qu'ils pourraient ic long da benches, that they might not be known by leurs bancs, pour n'etre point reconnus des the enemy. In this manner we passed through ennemis. En cet Hat nous passames 137 au the middle of their fleet, and whilst they were milieu de leur flotte, et pendant que les vents drivenby the impetuosity of the winds towards imp6tueux les poussaient 138 vers I'Afrique, Africa, we made all our endeavours to reach nousFlMES 137 les derniers Efforts pour arrivcr the neighbouring coast of Sicily. There in- sur la cote voisine de Sicile. Nsmsy arri deed we arrived; but &c. vames 137 en effet ; mais §c. Fenelon. The narrative part of this history is ; the affability &c. of the sage Mentor charmed me, but I rcrnt still more surprised when I saw with what address he delivered us from the Trojans. He observed one of their ships with flowers. on her poop. He hastened toput similar howers upon ours. He fastened them himself with fillets of the same colour as those of the Trojans. He ordered all our rowers to stoop along their benches, that we might not be known by the enemy. In this manner we passed through the middle of their fleet, and made all our efforts to reach the coast of Sicily, where we arrived fyc. by which you see that all the verbs which are necessary to the train of the narration, because they declare facts, are in th perfect tense, those which denote only incidents, are in the imperfect. p2 141 142 143 144 228 VERB INDICATIVE MOOD. FUTURE POSITIVE. T AURAI, I shall, will have, 1 Jo Wft AT T shall imll hp V soon - b * and by, tomorrow, new week, next month Je b^ivAl, l snail, ww, De, > & in u t JePARLERAI, I s/uz/*, wi/f speak ; J • The future tense is used in french as in english, to express what is to happen in a time to come; as, I will call upon you by and by. Je passerai tantot chez vous. The present tense is sometimes used in both languages, instead of the future ; so we say, Oil allez-vous ce soir? "Where do you go this evening? for, Ou irez-vous ce soir ? Where shall you go this evening? N.B. But if two verbs denoting futurity come in the same sentence, the second verb can not be put in the present tense in french, as it is sometimes in english, it must be put in the future; as, Call upon me, when you are ready ; the time for calling and for being ready, having yet to come, I would not say in french, passez chez moi, quand vous etes pret, which would denote that the person is ready at the time I am speaking ; I must say, passez chez moi, quand vous serez pret, i. e. when you will be ready. I will call as soon as I have dined. Je passerai aussi tot quefkVRAi dine; not, aussi tot que j\i dine, winch would denote that the person had dined at the time he is speaking. . This generally happens after the words when, as soon as, as long, as after. FUTURE CONDITIONAL. J' AURAIS, I should, would have, ) rr ,, . rT SERAIS, I should, would be, \ * ££%££ E£ SS ^ PARLERAIS, I should, would speak;) ^ PP The conditional has also the same properties in french as in english; it denotes that a thing would be done, if some condition was granted ; as, I would call there, if I could. J'y passerais, si je pouvais. After the conjunction if, SI; shall, will must not be considered as signs of the future, nor should, would as signs of the conditional of the verb which follows them ; will is then the present tense, and would the imperfect of the verb to WILL, to be willing, and they must be ex- pressed, will by the 'jwesent, and would by the imperfect of the verb VOULOIR, with the following verb in the infinitive in french ; as, I iv ill go with you, if you will come with me; i. e. if you are willing to come J'irai avec vous, si vous voulez venir avec moi.* \.(g£j I would go with you, if you would come with* me ; I. e. if you were willing J'irais avec vous, si vous vouliez venir avec moi* [to come. N. B. If should is the sign that follows if, it must be left out, and the following verb put in the imperfect ; as, Ifhe should come, what should I say to him? SHI yen kit, que luidirais-je'? * In these examples, you see will used first as a sign of the future of the following verb, then as the present of the verb to will ; would first used as a signoi the conditional, then as the imperfect of the verb to will. If the learner finds himself embarrassed how to distinguish the verb from the sign, let him try to substitute in the place of will, would some verb of *.hc same meaning, ;'. e. denoting will, wish, inclina- tion, dusire, such as please, like, choose, be willing; and he will know by the sense it will make, which is the verb and which is the sign. See also note * page 143. (gg) If SI is used for wht.ther ; shall, will must he expressed by the future, and SHOULD, WOULD by the conditional ; as, Do you know whether he will come? Savez-vous s' il viendra 1 J want to know whether he icould come- Je veux savoir s' il VIENDRAI7 1 . VERB. 229 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. It has been said, (p. 224,) that when we declare that a thing- is or is not, or that it is in our power to have it so, that mode of expression is called indicative, or declarative ; but if the thing spoken of is not asserted to be or not to be ; if it is mentioned only as a thing which may or may not be, and is not to be depended upon, this mode of expression is called potential, conjunctive, or subjunctive.* 1 < ff If we speak of an action the event of which is uncertain, which is 14*) generally the case when, in a sentence of two parts connected by the conjunction que, the first part is either interrogative or negative, or is attended by some expression denoting doubt ; as for ex. when I say; Do you think your sister will come ? I do not think she will come to-day. If I hear that she comes, I will let you know ; In which instances it remains uncertain whether the person will come or not ; this uncertainty is imparted in french, by putting the verb in tlie second part of the sentence in the subjunctive ; thus, Pemez-vons que voire sceur vienne ? not, viendra. Je ne pense pas qiielle vienne aujourd'hui; not, viendra. Si fapp rends qu'elle vienne, je vous leferai savoir. viendra and vient would assert as a fact, what the first part of the sentence shews to be doubtful. N.B. With respect to interrogative sentences, it must be observed, that it is only when we wish to impart ignorance or doubt cf the thing inquired after, that the subjunctive is required after them ; for if we knew that a thing is or will be, and only enquired whether the person to whom we speak knows it likewise, we should use the indicative; as, Doyounot believe that she will come? Necroyez-vousp as qu'elle viendra? Do not you know that she is married ? Nesavez-vouspas qiielle est mariee ? which sentences express the same idea as these ; She will come, do you not believe it ? She is married, do not you know it? * A few examples will make the difference between the indicative and subjunc- tive moods more obvious : They say that peace is made. I believe that peace is made. By these expressions I declare, in a. positive manner, that, in the opinion of some person, the thing of which I am speaking (peace) does or does not exist, and this positive assertion must be made with the indicative; thus, On dit que la paix EST faite. Je crois que la paix est faite. But by these expressions ; Do they say that peace is made ? I do not believe that peace is made. I do not assert that peace does or docs not exist; I either declare that I am ignorant of it, or that I doubt its existence; but a thing may exist, though I am ignorant of it; it may exist, though I am not con- vinced of its existence, and this uncertainty, whether the thing is or is not, is imparted to the hearer by means of the subjunctive mood ; Dit-on que la paix soit faite'/ Je ne crois pas que la paix SOIT faite. Again, I know somebody who will lend me money. He promised th-athe icould lend m.c some These are positive assertions, and they must be made with the indicative ; Je connais quelqiCun qui me PRETERA de I' argent. II a pranns quil m'en prEterait. But in these other instances ; I seek for somebody who will lend me money. Do you know any body who would lend me money 1 It is not asserted whether the thing I am speaking of, will, or will not be, i. e. whether the money wili be lent or nthat it should be so. It is shameful J It is just It is unjust It is possible It is impossible ►that hesnould do it. After an adjective in the superlative degree, (see 50 rule.) After rien, aucun, pas un, personne, (note dd, p. 219.) After quelque, qui que ce soit, quoi que ce soit, (114, 115, 118 rules.) After the conjunctions afinque, quoique, &c. (see 218 rule.) 117, * The ingenious Mr. Harris, (Hermes, p. 15, 16.) gives the following definition of the powers of the soul, which may throw some light upon this intricate subject. The powers of the soul may he included in those of perception, and those of volition By the powers of perception, I mean the senses and the intellect. By the powers of volition, I mean not only the will, but the several passions and appetites ; in short, all that moves to action, whether rational or irrational. If the leading powers of the soul be these two, it is plain that every speech or sen- tence, as far as it exhibits the soul, must of course respect one or other of these. If we assert, then it is a sentence which respects the powers of perception ; for what, indeed, is it to assert, hut to publish some perception, either of the senses, or of the intellect. If we interrogate, if we command, if we pray, if we wish, what do we but publish so many different volitions 1 for, Who is it that questions? He who has a desire to be in- formed. Who is it that commands 1 He who has a will, which he would have obeyed. "What are those beings who either wish or pray '.* Those who feel certain wants, either for themselves or for othejs. If then the soul's leading powers be the two above mentioned, and if it he true that all speech is a publication of these powers, it will follow, that every sentence will be either a sentence of assertion, or a sentence of volition. To this may be added that sentences of assertion require the indicative, and sentences of volition require the subjunctive mood after them. VERB 231 TENSES of the SUBJUNCTIVE. The subjunctive mood being always subordinate to a verb that pre- cedes it,* its tenses are regulated by this foregoing verb. PRESENT TENSE. J* AIE, I have, may have, ) ^^ ,„.,. JeSOlS, I be, maybe, \ ******* pr««« «***»« o< a* udi- Je PARLE, I speak, may speak ; J The present of the s ubjunctive is used, when the verb which requires 1 4t O the subjunctive after it, is in the present ox future of the indicative ; as, ^~ (I shall have time ? (que f me le terns? § ?/? U il shall be ready? pensez-vous} que je sois pret? r [llR (i shall speak to her? Igweje lui parle ? ^H 7/f^ * ^ ttte ^ me ' ( and eondtiunua Je PARLASSE, I spoke, might speak;) _ The perfect of the subjunctive is used, when the verb which requires JL~r«7 the subjunctive after it, is in the perfect, imperfect, or conditional ; as, £j tt [till I ^«d time; (gz/e/EUssE Ze Zems; J • . J till I was ready ; 7/ attendit -I queje fusse pret ; r- (till I spoke to her. [queje lui parlasse. t-rr ftill I had time; (quej'EVSSE le tems ; % ... a ^< till I should be ready ; II attendait<{ queje fusse prU ; V> ° [till I should speak to her Igweje lui parlasse. PW Id f^ ^ ^^ time? T^/e/EUSSE Ze tems? *-h °" -a ^N I should be ready ? attendrait i'Zi ^ue j'e fusse pret ? r [till I should speak to her? (g^e je lui parlasse ? IV.-B. The perfect of the subjunctive is also used, though the fore- 1 OU going verb is in the present of the indicative, if after the subjunctive-there is another verb in the imperfect, or some conditional expression ; as, Do you think I might speak to her, if I went now ? Pensez-vous queje pusse lui parler, sij'y allais a present? I do not think I should have succeeded without your assistance. Je ne pense pas gue/EussE reussi sans ucZre secours ; "• e - if y°* J** no * And also when the action expressed by the verb is past ; as, a " It is no wonder that he was wicked. II iiest pas etonnant qiCil fut mechant. If, after a verb in the subjunctive, there is another verb, preceded 15 J by the conjunction que, that verb must also be in the subjunctive ; as, Do you think she expects that I shall come ? Pensez-vous quelle s'attende queje vienne? * Except in some sentences of wish, where the verb wish is understood ; as, God be blessed ! Dieu soit btni ! May you be happy ! POlSSlEZ-vous etre heureux! Would to God I hud never seen him! plut a dieu queje ne I' eusse jamais vu! 152 153 154 155 156 232 VERB. gerund or present participle. AYANT. having.) ETATVt' b' [*•«• AYANT, ETANT, never change their termination. PARLANT, speaking; The gerund or present participle, joined to a noun, generally de- notes quality, and, like an adjective, agrees with it in gender and number; She is a charming woman. Cesi unefimme charmant?. She has engaging manners. Elle a des manieres ENGAGEANTes. But the gerund expressing the action, and not the quality of the sub- stantive to which it refers, does not require any agreement with it ; as, I saw her in coming home. Je la vis en venant au logis. (hh) I found them in walking here. Je les trouvai eh me promenant ici. N.B. If the substantive to which the gerund refers is the object of the verb, it is better to express it with the indicative ; thus, I found her coming here. Je la trouvai qui venait ici. I saw them walking. Je les vis qui se promenaient. The english gerund governed by a verb, or the prepositions of, from, at-, for, after, with, without, is expressed by the infinitive in french ; I see him coming. Je le vois venir or qui vient. Without bringing his book. Sans apporter son livre. I was prevented from doing it. On rria cmpeche de le faire. I was tired with waiting. J'etais las d'ATTENDRE. After having stayed so long. Apres avoir reste si long terns. I was afraid of being too late. Je craignais d'y etre trop tard. The gerund, so often used in english with the auxiliary verb be, to render an action more definite, can not be expressed by the gerund in french ; the auxiliary verb must be left out and the gerund be made into a verb, in the same tense and person as the auxiliary verb is ; as, I am speaking. Je parle ; never, Je suis Thou art speaking. Tu parles ; Tu es He is speaking. II parle ; II est I was speaking. Je parlais ; J'etais I shall be speaking. Je parlerai ; Je serai. The gerund, when used as a substantive in english, i. e. preceded by an article, can not be expressed by the gerund in french ; it must be ex- pressed by a noun, if a noun synonymous to the verb can be found ; as, Let us go a walking. Allons a la promenade. Her singing was much admired. Son chant fut fort admire. He gives all his time to gaming. 11 donne tout son terns au jeu. That is the cause of hisbeingpoor. Cest la la cause de sa pauvrete. If a noun synonymous to the verb can not readily be found, give another turn to the sentence ; as, What is the reason of your coming so late? Quelle est la raison que vous venez si tard ? i. e. that you come fyc. The empoverishing of some is the enriching of others. Ce qui appauvrit les uns enrichit les autres ; i. e. what i?npoverishes. (hh) En is the only preposition which the g wand admits before it in french, therefore the preposition BY, which is often prefixed to it in english, must be expressed by EN ; as, They saved the city by surrendering. Us sauverent la ville E-N se rendant. You gained his esteem by forgiving him, Vous avezgagni son estimeEfi lui pardonnant. PARLANT. Pee the coniu- I gations, p. 1 12. VER1 233 EU, had, PAST PARTICIPLE. ETE, been, N.B. ETE never vanes its termination. PARLE, spoken; 1 ~ ly The past participle joined to a noun, has the property of an ad- 1 oj jective, and agrees in gender and number with that noun ; A well made man. un homme bien fait. A well made woman. unefemme bien faitc. After the auxiliary verbs avoir and etre, a distinction must be made. ~i rc> After etre, fo ££, the^a.^ participle must be of the same gender lOO and number as the nominative of the verb; ex. il est bien fait. ils sont bien faits. elle est bien faitc. elles sont bien f Aires. „, After avoir, to have, the ^?«s£ participle does zzo£ agree with the 1 0*^ nominative of the verb; so we say, il a bien fait. ils (m* Men fait. elle a foera fait. elles out bien fait. In these instances you must consider whether the participle has an ob- ject, and whether this object comes be/ore or after the participle. If the participle comes before its object, it does not require any agreement with it; but if it comes after the object, it must agree like an abjective in gender and number with that object ; ex. PARTICIPLE BEFORE ITS OBJECT. My brother has made a mistake. Monfrere a fait une faute. My sister has made a mistake. Ma soeur a fait une faute. My brothers have made a mistake. Mes freres out fait une faute. participle after its object. Here is the mistake he has made. Void la faute gw'z'Z a faitc. Here is the mistake she has made. Void la faute qu'elle a FAiTe. Here is the mistake they have made.Voici la faute ac/i to. Study to. lie to. E.TcUt tO. Exercer d, Exciter a, Exposer a, Eacile d, de,* se Fatiguer a, Forcer a, de,£ Gaguer a, Habile «, Habituer a, Hesiterd, Hon-ible il, de* Inciter a, Jngenieux a, Inviter a, Laid u, Lent a, Manquer d, se Mettre a, IMontrer d, Obliger d, de,f s' Obstiner d, Occupe d, s' Opiniatrer a, Parvenir a, Passer il, Penser d, Perdre a, Persister d, se Plaire a, Porter a, Premier d, Preparer d, Pret a, Prompt e ; I have been obliged to do it. 238 VERB, 170 171 172 GOVERNMENT OF VERBS To, before an infinitive, is expressed by pour, when the words in order, or with an intention, may be prefixed to it; as, I did it to fin order to) oblige you. JeVaifait rouR wwsobliger. We went there to see you. Nous y allames pour vous voir. N. B. The english gerund preceded by the preposition for, explaining why a thing- is done, is also expressed by the infinitive with pour;^ He was hanged for having robbed. II a He pendu pour avoir vole. He was flogged for telling lies. II a etefouette pour avoir menti. The infinitive is used without a preposition infrench, when it is the nominative of another verb; as, To be rich is nothing ; etre riche ri est rien ; To be happy is every thing. Le tout est d'etre heureux. The infinitive is also used without a preposition in french, after the following verbs : viz. aimer mieux ; J'aime mieux le faire. (II) aller ; Allons nous promener. appercevoir; Je Vappersois motjvoir. // assure /'avoir fait, II croit me tromper. II compte partir enpeu. ASSURER ; croire ; compter; DAIGNER ; declarer; devoir ; entendre ', envoyer; espe'rer ; falloir ; s'imaginer; LAISSER ; oser ; PARA1TRE ; penser ; pretendre ; POUVOIR ; reconna1tre regarder; retoitrner ; SAVOIR ; sembler ; souhaiter ; SOUTENIR ; valoir mieux venir ; voir; vouloir ; Daignez me dire quand. II declare le s avoir. II doit me /'envoyer. Je Ventends parler. Envoyez le chercher. J'espere le rencontrer. Ilfaut lui aider. Je m' imagine y etre. Laissez-le dire et faire. H nose /'avouer. IlparaU /'entendre. // a pense tomber. Pretend -il le faire ? 77 n'a pas pu me le dire. Je reconnais /'avoir dit. Je vous regarde faire. " Elle retourna la voir. II sait ou la trouver. Elle semble avoir peur. Je souhaite la voir.* II soutient /'avoir vu. I would rather do it. Let us go to take a walk. 1 perceive it move. He asserts to have clone it. He thinks to deceive me. He purposes to go soon. Deign to tell me when. He declares to know it. He is to send it me. I hear him speak. Send for it, or to fetch it. I expect to meet him. It is necessary to help him. I fancy myself to be there. Let him say and do. He dares not co??fess it. He seems to understand it. He had like to have fallen. Does he pre* end to do it? He could not tell it me. I acknowledge to have said it. I am looking at you doing it. She returned to see him. He knows where to find her. She seems to be afraid. I wish to see her. He maintains to have seen it. II vaut mieux lui ecrire.(7/J It is better to write to her. Viendrez-vous me voir? (mm) Will you come to see me ? Je vois venir voire sozur. I see your sister coming. Elle ne veutpas rester. She will not stay. (II) Aimer mieux, valoir mieux, followed by another verb in the infinitive, re- quire de before the second infinitive ; as, I would rather stay than go ; J' aimerais mieux rester que T)'y aller. It is better to go than stay alone ; II vaut mieux y aller que DE rester seul. * Souhaiter may also be used with de ; as, Je souhaite le voir, or de le voir; I wish to see him. (mm) Venir used for to be just, to have just, requires de before the following infini- tive ; and in the sense of to happen, it requires A : as, I have just seen her ; Je viens de la voir. If she should happen to know it ; Si elle veiudt A le savoir t VERB. 239 REMARKS ON THE FERBS. WILL, WOULD. If, by will, would, you wish to denote will, wish, desire, you must 1/3 express them by the corresponding tenses of the verb vouloir, with the following verb in the infinitive; if you wish to express a determination, to make a positive assertion, will must be considered as the sign of the fu- ture, and would as the sign of the conditional of the following verb ; ex. My brother will not stay ; i ' viz. Is not willing to stay. )Mon frere ne veut pas tester. He positively will not stay. Mon frere ne restera pas. &l£?J. My brother would not stay; ] _ _ viz. Had no desire to stay. ) Mon f rere ne voul ait pas tester. Would he not stay, if I asked him? NenESTERkiT-ilpas^sijeFenpriais? WILL HAVE, WOULD HAVE. \ 1 A If will have, would have are used to denote the wish, the desire 1/4 to possess an object, they are expressed by the corresponding tenses of vouloir as above, and have is left out ; if they are used to denote not the wish to possess, but an assurance of the possession itself, they are express- ed by the future or by the conditional of avoir ; ex. My brother will have this book ; 1 „, viz. My brother wishes to have &c. )Mon frere veut ce livre. He will have it, if he behaves well. II /'aura, s'il se comporte Men. My brother would have this book ; ] „ r n s viz. My brother wished to have &c. ) Mon f rere V0ULAIT ce hvre ' He would have'xt, if he behaved well. II Taurait, s'il se comportait Men. N. B. If will have, would have, in the sense of wish, choose, are followed by another verb, the object of have becomes the nominative of the following vers, which must be in the subjunctive in french ; as, He will have his sister go with him :} r , , . i.e.He wishes that his sister should go. \ 11 VEUT V ue sa soeur AILLE avec lm ' He will not have her sfo?/ alone. line veut£>#s q^' elle reste seule* would have in the sense of chosen, wished, been willing, followed by 1 / D a past participle, is expressed by the imperfect or by the conditional of avoir with the participle voulu, and the english participle is expressed by the infinitive in french ; as, If you would have told him of it. Si vons aviez voulu le lui dire. He would not have believed me. II w'aurait pas voulu me croire. SHOULD. should, which is generally a sig?i of the conditional tense, is some- I/O times used,in the sense of ought, i. e. denoting duty or necessity, and is then expressed by the conditional tense of the verb devoir; as, Youshould go and see him (ought) .Vous devriez alter le voir. He should let me know it. II devrait me lefaire savoir. SHOULD HAVE, OUGHT TO HAVE. should have, and ought to have, followed by a past participle, J. / / are expressed by the conditional of avoir, with the participle du, and the english participle is expressed by the infinitive in french ; as, You ought to have seen him. Vous auriez du le voir. He should have let me know of it. 77 aurait du me le faire savoir. • When you say 1 will have you, or J would have you dn such a thing, it is not the person that you wish to have, but you wish that the person would do the thing you mention ; so we could not say, je vous veux, nor je veux vous avoir, nor je vous curai, which would mean that you want the person, not that you want the thing to be done ; we must say, je veux que vous fassiez telle chose 178 179 180 181 182 240 VEKB. REMARKS ON THE VERBS. MAY, MIGHT. If may, might are used to denote power, may is expressed by the present of the verb pouvoir, viz. pais; and might by the conditional pourais, with the following- verb in the infinitive; as, ; Imay or can see it, if I choose; w puis u . l. e. It is in my power to see it, if Sec J J [See note P3ge i 38 ] I might or could seek, if I chose;) T 7 T i. e. It wtrfrf 6* in my power to &c. K e P0URAIS le voir > Sl J e voulals ' If ma y, might denote a mere 'possibility, they may be expressed by the subjunctive of pouvoir, or the subjunctive of the following verb; as, Bring it, that I may see it; )Apportez-le, afin quejc le voie ; i. e. That it may be in my power to see J or, afin que je puisse le voir. He brought it, that I might see it ; )// Tapporta, afin queje le visse ; i. e. That it might be in my power Spc. ] or, afin queje pusse le voir. COULD HAVE, MIGHT HAVE. could have, might have followed by a past participle are ex- pressed by the imperfect or the conditional of avoir, with the participle PU, and the english participle is made by the infinitive in french ; as, If he could have come sooner. S'il avait pu venir plutot. He might have seen it too. II aurait pu le voir aussi. WISH. The present tense of the verb wish, followed by another verb in th- imperfect, or in the conditional, is expressed by the conditional of sou- haiter, and the verb which is in the imperfect, or in the conditional in english, must be in the perfect of the subjunctive in french; as, I wish she had seen it. Je souhaiterais o^'eZ/e Z'eut vu. I wish he would come. Je souhaiterais qu'il vouliit venir. I wish I had done it. Je souhaiterais /'avoir fait, (nn) MUST, NECESSARY. must is conjugated throag'h its different persons, bat its representative falloir has only the third person singular of each tense, with il for nominative; then ihe no?ninative of must becomes the nomi native of the following verb, which must be in the subjunctive in french; as, I must do it. 11 faut queje le fasse. You must do it. 11 faut que vous le fassiez. My brother must do it. 11 faut que mon frere le fasse. It was necessary for me to do it. II fallait que je le fisse, &c* N. B. When the nominative of must is indefinite, the French leave it out, and put the following- verb in the infinitive ; as, One must be mad to think so. II faut etre fou pour le penscr. MUST HAVE. must have, meaning 1 need to have, is also expressed by falloir, and the nominative of must have is made the object of falloir; as, I must have money. II me faut de X argent. He must have books. II lui faut des livres. My brother must have a horse. II faut un cheval a mon frere. t (nn) When two verbs in the same sentence have the same person for their ?jo/«i/;a- tive, the French generally put the sectmd vep.b in the infinitive ; as, 1 am afraid I shall, spoil it; Je crains de le gater. I wish I could do if; Je souhaiterais pouvoir le faire. * See the different modifications of falloir, p. 174. t See failoir, p. 175 183 CHAP. VII. 241 ADVERB. An adverb is to a verb what an adjective is to a noun ; it is a word added to the verb, to denote some circumstance belonging to it, or the manner in which an action is done; as, I walk fast. You walk slowly. He often reads. She seldom writes. There are adverbs of time, of place, of order, of quality, affirmative, and negative, but their properties being the same in both languages, it is needless to enumerate them here * Adverbs in general keep the same place with the verb in french as in english ; they are placed after the verb, when the tense is simple, and between the auxiliary and the participle when the tense is compound; as, I always esteem him much. Je testime toujours fort. I have always esteemed him much. Je Vai toujours fort estime'.-f N. B. The adverb expressing some circumstance of the verb, must be placed as near to the verb which it modifies, as can be done without infringing upon other rules 5 ex. I saw your sister yesterday. Je vis hier voire sceur. She speaks french very well. Elle parte tres bien frangais. She likes reading very much. Elle aime fort la lecture.% Some adverbs may be placed in english, either before or after the verb 1 04c which they modify; as, I often see him, or I see him often; but the corresponding adverbs must always be placed ^iteii the verb in french; as, I often walk alone. Je me promene sou vent seul. I seldom go to town. Je vais rarement a la ville. I always go into the country. Je vais toujours a la campagne. * Most of the adverbs are formed from the adjectives ; in english by adding ly; in french by adding ment; as, ADJECTIVE. ADVERB. Wise, Sage. f Wisely, Sagement. Assured, Assure. Assured/^ Assurement. Polite, Poli. Polite/;/, Poliment. Assiduous, Assidu. Assiduously, Assidwncnt, But observe that merit requires a vowel before it ; so that, if the adjective ends with a consonant in the masculine, the adverb must be formed by adding ment to the feminine ; Fraaehement. Fubl'n\\iement. ReeUement. Tionnement. Donoemeat. Geul:re\ise merit. Prettify. Except also the adjectives ending in nt, which require nt to be changed into mment, as, Constant, . Constant. Constantly, Constammenf. Decent, Decent. Decently, Decemment. Diligent, Diligent. Diligently, DiWgemmcnt. Exc.Presentenu^jf, Present/;/ ; Lentemenf, Slow/y, which follow the general rule. f Observe only that the adverbs compounded of several words generally come after the par tictple, so we say, Je I'ai vu tres souvent. Je lui ai parl'e depuis peu. Vous etes venu L propos. Not, Je Vai tres souvent vu. Je lui ai depuis peu parte. Vous etes a propos venu. Yet, hi some instances, the ear alone is consulted; for we say,je I'avais tout a fait oublie ; I had quite forgotten it. Je ne iKe suis jamais si bien diverti ; I never diverted myself so well. These variations must be noticed in reading. $ The perspicuity of a sentence depends often upon the right placing of the adverbs ; for example, J'aime BEAUCOUP d. marcher. J'aime a marcher BF.MJCOUP. These two sentences, though they are formed with the same words, by changing the place of the adverb beaucoup, express two different ideas. J'aime beaucoupa marchor, means, I am fond a/walking; J'aime a marcher beaucoup, means, I like to walk a great deal. Again ; Je ne Vai pas fait pour vous aiplaire ; and, Je I'ai fait pour ne pas vous diptaire express also different ideas ; the first implies no design ; the second implies one, that of not displeasing. The English, in general, do not pay sufficient attention to the placing of the adverbs. as, Masc. Fern. Frank, Franc, Franche. Frank/y, Public, Public. Publique. Public/y, Real, Reel, Reelle. Really, Gooaly, Good, Bon, Bonne. Soft, Doux, Douce. Softly, Generous, Genereuv Genereuse. Generous/y Exc.Gcntil, Pretty, w hieh makes Gentiment, 242 ADVERB. 185 186 REMARKS ON THE ADVERBS, HOW; QUE, C0MB1EN, COMMENT. how, denoting admiration , is expressed by que, and the adjective or adverb which follows how, must be placed after the verb in french ; as, How pretty this is ! que ceci est joli ! How well it is done ! qv'il est bien fait I In asking a question how is expressed by comment, to denote the manner, and by combien, to denote number or quantity; as, How will you do that? comment ferez-vous cela 9 How often have you done it? combien defois V avez-vous fait? HOW LONG. COMBIEN, COMBIEN DE TEMS, JUSQU'A QUAND. how long, referring to the beginning of time, is expressed by com- bien; referring' to the duration, it is expressed by combien de tems ; and referring to the end, it is expressed by jusqu'a quand; as. How long have you been in France? combien y a-t-il que vous ETEsenFrance? or combien de tems avez-vous ete en France? N. B. Few learners make a distinction between these two ways of expression ; yet the ideas which they express are quite different. By the first, vous etes en France, it is understood that the person is in France stilt ; by the second, vous avez ete en France, it is understood that the person is no longer there. How long will) combien de tems resterez-vous? [. e. what length of time ? you stay? Jjusqu' A quand resterez-vous? i. e. until what time? * A list of adverbial expressions, which can not be expressed literally, as learners are apt to do, some of which are not to be found in the dictionaries ; ABOUT, There abouts, Here abouts, •Round about, ALOUD, amicably, ASIDE, On an average, backwards, backwards, Into the BARGAIN, BETIMES, better and better, Environ. A peu pres. Ici autour, A Ventour. A haute voix. A V amiable. A cote, a part. L'un dans I 'autre. En arriere. (falling) A reculons. (walking) Par dessus le marcM. De bonne heure. De mieux en mieux. So much the better, Tant mieux abreast, by and by, By CHANCE, CHEAP, Most COMMONLY, In DAY time, In open day, Every day, From day to day, Every other day, This day week, This day se'night, This day fortnight, This DAY month, deservedly, directly, In DISORDER, By drops, EARLY, In good EARNEST, EMPTY, In EMULATION, For fun, For the future, GROPING, On the ground, HAND over HEAD, HARD by, hardly ever, In HASTE, heartily, here and there, helter skelter, HITHERTO, ours. HOURLY, uit. Every hour, llyaaujourd'huil5 jours. INADVERTENTLY, D aujour d'hui enquinze. inconsiderately, Ily a aujour d' hid unmois. TO all intents and De front. Tantot. Par casfortuit. A bon march.6. Presque toujours. Dejour. En pleinjour. Touts les jours. De jour en jour. De deux jours run. f Ily a aujour d'hui 8jc \ D' aujour d'hui en hi That excepted, A cela pres. FAIRLY, De bonne foi. How FAR, Jusqu' oil. As far as here, Jusqu'ici. As far as there, Jusque Id. afar off, De loin. After the FASHION, A la mode. After the French, A la francaise. The English fashion,^ I'Anglaise. At FIRST, D'abord. On the same floor, De plein pied, Within a fortnight, Dans quinze jour, En badinant. A I'avenir, A tdtons. Par terre. A corps perdu Ici pres. Presque jamais. A la hate. De bon cozur. Par ci par Id. Pele mile. Jusqu'ici. D'heure en hexi"e. A toute heure. Par me'garde. lyaaujc D' aujour d'hui enunmois. A bon droit. Tout il V heure. A I' abandon. Goute & goute. De bon matin. Tout de bon. A vide. A I'envi. Sans y faire atten [Hon* [purposes, De fond encombh A pleines mains. De.puis peu. Enfin. Au mains. A moins. D'autant moins. LARGELY, LATELY, At LAST, At LEAST, For less, So much the less. By little and littlf, Peu A peu. Ever so little, Tant soit peu. ADVERB, 243 REMARKS ON THE ADVERBS. HOW FAR; COMBIEN, JUSQU'OU. How tar, meaning" what distance, is expressed by combien ; and when used for to what distance, it is expressed by jusqu'ou ; as, How far is it from here? combien y a-t-il d'ici? How far shall we go? jusqu'ou irons-nous? HOWEVER, HOWSOEVER, LET; QUELQUE. However, howsoever, before an adjective, a participle, or an adverb, is expressed by quelque with que, after the adjective, participle or adverb, and the following- verb in the subjunctive; However rich she is; 1 . 7 , 7/ .. ^ T . , , . , > quelque riche qu eUe soit. or Let her be ever so rich. J N. B. If the nominative is a noun, it is generally placed after the verb ; as, However rich her sister is : ) . , •, !-,,.,, \ , } quelque riche que soit sa sceur. or Let her sister be ever so rich. J QUITE, ENTIRELY; TOUT. Quite, entirely, before an adjective, or a participle, are generally expressed by tout ; as, Those men are quite astonished. Ces hommes sont tout etonnes. Those women are quite astonished. Ces femmes sont tout etonnees* 187 188 189 How long 1 Jusqu' & quand? STEP by STEP, As long as, Tantque. straight on, In the same manner, Dememe. thoroughly, Through mistake, Par m£ garde. This long time, more than is necessary, Plus qu'il n'enfaut. For a long time, Neither more nor less, Ni plus ni moins. more and MORE, .Much MORE so, So much the more, At MOST, How MUCH 1 As much, So MUCH, Through ill NATURE, Nothing NEAR, Just NOW, now and then, All at once, OPPOSITE, PURPOSELY, On purpose, To what PURPOSE? At RANDOM, In every RESPECT, SEASONABLY, On both sides, The wrong side out, The wrong side up, SOONER or LATER, SOUNDLY, Willi all SPEED, At full SPEED, On a sudden, De plus en plus. A plus forte raison. D autant plus. Tout au plus. Combien ? Autant. Tunt. Par malice. A beaucoup prts. Tout de suite. De terns en terns. Tout d'un coup. Vis-d-vis. ( A dessein, Expres. \ De propos de'libe'rc. A quoi ban? A tort et it travers. A touts igards. A propos. De part et d'autre. A lenvers. A rebours. Tot ou turd. Comme il faut. Au plus vite. I A bride abattue. \ Venire d. terre. Tout il coup. From TIME to TIME, One TIME or other, to and fro, Pas it pas. Taut droit. A fond. ( De long terns. \ Depuis long terns. De terns en terns. Tot ou tard. CO. et Id. From top to BOTTOM, Defond en comble. topsy TURVY, Sens dessus dessous. In a trice, En moins de rien. By TURNS, Tour il tour. At every turn, A tout bout de champ. In the TWINKLING of [an eye, En un clin d* ce.il. UNAWARES, UP and down, UPWARDS, UNSEASONABLY, VISIBLY, With a low voice, The wrong way, Sans y penser, De cole' et d'aulre. En haut. A contre terns. A vue d'ozil. Tout bas. A- contre sens. In a WEEK, [day, Dans liuit jours. It was a week yester- Jl y eut hier 8 jours. It will be a week to- II y aura demain 8 WHEREVER [morrow, Par tout oil. [jours. In no wise, En nulle manicre. worse and worse, Depiscnpis. So much the WORSE, Tant pis. A YEAR hence, Jlyaunan. [an. This day 12 months, Il y a aujour d'hut un Against one's WILL, A contre cocur. Whether one will or Bon gre mal gr6. YONDER, fact, Lit bas. * When the adjective which follows TOUT is feminine, and begins with a consonant, we make it agree in gender and number with the noun; as, This house is quite new, Cette maison est toute neuve. These women are quite ugly. Ces femmes sont toutes laides. Bat, as this is done solely for the sake of melody, it would be better, especially when the noun is ll'jral, to make use of Tout it fait, since the hearer is sometimes at a loss, whether TOUTEb means quite or all. Q2 244 • ADVERB. NEGATIVE ADVERBS NO, NOT; NE — PAS, NE FOINT * NO MORE, ■PLUS NOT ANY MORE; NEVER ; BUT LITTLE 190 191 192 > US — ] > NE— GUERE. very little; J BY NO MEANS ; NE NULLEMENT.t The negative expressions ne — pas, ne — point, &c. form only one negation-, ne'is always placed before the verb, and pas, point, &c. like the other adverbs, are placed after the verb, when the tense is simple and between the auxiliary and the participle, when it is compound; as, I do not like her. Je ne Vaime pas, or point. I will not see her any more. Je ne veux plus la voir. I will never speak to her again. Je ne lui reparlerai jamais. You have thought of it but little. Vous N'y avez guere pense. N. B. If the verb which follows not is in the infinitive, the two ne- gative words ne — pas, or point, ne — plus, ne — jamais, may be, and are generally placed together before the verb; as, I am determined not to see her. J'ai resolu de ne pas la voir. Not to speak to her any more. De ne plus lui parler. Never to write to her again. De ne jamais lui recrire. Without a verb, no is expressed by non, and not by non pas ; as, Will you go to town to-morrow? Irez-vous demain a la ville? No; I will go, but not to-morrow, non ; fy irai, mats non pas demain. REMARKS ON THE NEGATIVE ADVERBS. With the verb can, rendered by the conditional tense of savoir, in- stead of the present of pouvoir, and with why, rendered by que, instead of pour quoi, not is expressed by ne only before the verb; as, I can not do it. Je ne puis PAS,orje he saurais lefai re. Why does he not do it himself? Que ne le fait-il lui-meme? N. B. We also generally suppress pas, point, with the verbs oser, to Dare; cesser, to cease; and with SAVOIR, to Know; when it is fol- lowed by SI, OU, QUE, QUAND, QUEL, COMBIEN, COMMENT ; as, I dare not do it. Je n'ose lefaire. I do not know what to say to her. Je ne sais que lui dire. She is incessantly plaguing me. Elle ne cesse de me tourmenter. * Pas, point, are used indiscriminately, except in sentences of interrogation, when, according to the french academy, poiNTintimatesadouftf, and pas a kind of affirmation ; so, 'N'avez-vons point prismon livref means, Have not you taken my book? and W avez vous pas pris mon livre ? means, You have taken my book, have not you? Perhaps it would be better to give another turn to the sentence than to give these different properties to two monosyllables which may be so easily mistaken one for the other. Some grammarians, and even the french academy, make several other distinctions be- tween pas,point; viz.thatPOiNTmeansnotataZ/,»ej;er, and denies more strongly than pas; that pas is said of something momentary, and point of things that are permanent ; so 11 NE lit pas, means, He does not read now; and II ne lit point, means, He never reads ; these distinctions seem to me merely ideal ; I have endeavoured to ascertain them, and I have not found any author who has observed them ; the ear alone is consulted. There we in our language, as well as in our manners, trifles which reason does not scruple to overlook. t Mot and goute are also negative expressions, but used only with the verbs dirk. and voir ; as, II ne dit mot 3 He did not say a word. II ne voit goute ; He does ml see at all, ADVERB. 245 REMARKS ON THE NEGATIVE ADVERBS. Not, after the verb rake care, prendre garde, is not expressed in 193 french, when the verb which follows it is in the infinitive, and it is expressed by ne, if the following verb is in any other mood ; as, Take care of falling, or not to fall. Prenez garde cle tomber. Take care that be does not fall. Prenez garde quit ne tombe. The verb empecher, to Hinder, prevent, Keep from, requires ne be- 1 5y4 fore the following verb, if that verb is not in the infinitive; so we say; Je V empecher ai dejouer; \ T .„ , . , ,. c , . T , A . ,., J . > I will hinder him from playing. or J empechcrai quit XEjoue. J ■ J ° The verbs craindre, avoir peur, apprehender; to rear, to be li/O Afraid; the conjunctions de peur que, de crainte que, Lest, for rear that, require ne before the following verb, if we fear that the action loill happen ; then the verb has no negation in english ; as, I am afraid that he will come. Je crains quit ne vienne. Come in, lest he should see you. Entrez, de peur qu'il ne vous voie. But ne is left out, if the following verb is in the infinitive; as, I am afraid of spoiling it. Je crains, or fai peur de le gdter. If we fear that the action will not happen, there is a negation in english, and it must be expressed by the corresponding negation in french ; as, I fear he will come no more. Je crains qu'il ne vienne plus. I am afraid he has not seen me. J'aipeur quit ne ?n'ait pas vu, N.B. The verbs nier, to deny, and douter, to doubt, used negatively, the conjunction A moins qub, unless, and SI in the sense of a moins que, require also ne before the following verb ; as, He does not deny having seen her. // ne nie pas quil ne fait vue. I do not doubt but she will come. Je ne doute pas qu'elle ne vienne. II y a — que, It is — since; de puis que, since, require ne before the verb which follows them, when we wish to denote that no action has taken place since the period we mention ; then the verb may also have a negation in english ; It is lone: since I have seen him ; ) r/ 7 , . ., . T , ° , • + , • , „„ , ,1 ' (II y a long terns que ic ne ( ai vu. or I have not seen him this long while. i 9 b * J But ne is not required, if there has been an action, and no negation could be used in english ; as, It is not long since I have seen him ;) r , , . . . . or I have seen him not long since. )« W F P as lon S **** queje I <» ™- The negative particle ne is required before the verb which follows 11// autre, other; autrement, otherwise; as, He is quite another than I thought. J7 est tout autre queje ne pejisais. He speaks otherwise than he thinks. II parte autrement qu'il ne pense. After the comparative words plus, mieux, meilleur, moins, see 47 rule; as also with personne, qui que ce soit, see 97 rule ; rien, quoi que ce soit, 99 ; aucun, 100 ; nul, pas un, 101; ni l'un ni l' autre, 124. But, used in the sense of the adverb only, is expressed by ne before IIjO the verb, and que after it ; as, She is but fifteen (i. e. only 15). Elle n'« que quinze ans. I have seen her but once. Je ne Vat vue qy'une fois. But is sometimes used in the sense of a relative pronoun, and is then J. \j\) expressed by qui ne, with the following verb in the subjunctive; as, There are few people but can do it, i. e. who can not do it. II y a peu de gens qui ne puissent lefaire. 196 246 CHAP. VIII. PREPOSITION. Prepositions are certain monosyllables added to Nouns, verbs, an,. Adjectives in order to extend their meaning* to the word which follows them; as, I came from Paris, through Canterbury, to London. The words from, through, to, which express a relation between the verb came and the substantives which follow it, are called prepositions, The prepositions are in french ; A APRES, AVEC, AVANT, CHEZ, CONTRE, DANS, HE, DES, DEPUIS, DEVANT, DERRIERE, DURANT, EN, ENTRE, ENVERS, ENVIRON, At, To. After. With. Before. At the House of. Against. In, Into. Of, From, By. From. Since, From, For. Before. Behind. During, For. In, Into. Between, Betwixt. To, Towards. About. EXCEPTE, HORMIS, MO YEN N ANT, MALGRE. NONOBSTANT, OUTRE, PAR, PARMI, PENDANT, POUR, SANS, SELON, SUIVANT, SOUS, SUR, TOUCHANT, VERS, \Save, But, Except. For, By the Means of. Against, In Spite of. Notwithstanding. Besides. By, Through. Amo)ig, Amongst. During, For. For, In Order to. Without. r According to. Under, Beneath. On, Upon, Over. Concerning, About. Towards, About. * The following expressions are found in several french grammars, and even in the dictionary of the french academy, in the class of prepositions : aupres de, AUTOUR de, cause de, cote de, dec a de, del a de, dessous de, par dessous, au dessus de, par dessus, au DEVANT de, par DEVANT, au derrie'rk d a 1'egard de, en au au Near, By, Close to. Round. On account of. By, By the side of. On this side of. On that side of. J- Under, Below. i Above, Over, Upon. J- Before, In the forepart of. By dint of. To, Till, Until. Out of. Instead of, in the place of. Far from. Along. Under, For less. By the means of. \Near to, Nigh, By. With respect to. force de, jusquV, hors de, au lieu de, loin de, le long de, a. isioins de, au mo yen de, pre's de, proche de, par rapport a, II TRAVERs'de, } ACr0$S > Tkr0U S h ' As to, With respect to. _ vis a vis de, Over against, Facing. And a few others which I have not thought proper to notice, because they certainly do not belong to this class. But these words are so far from being prepositions, that it is only by the means of the preposition de or A, that they can be connected with the word which follows them. It is evident that they are Nouns, preceded and followed as you see, by an Article, or by a Preposition, and coming under the rules that have been given on nouns. According to the french academy, some of these words are both Pre- positions and Adverbs. They are Prepositions when they govern a substantive after them, and they, are Adverbs when they are used absolutely without a substantive. This distinc- tion is right, but its application is not always so ; for example, J'etais a cote de la porte t I was by the side of the door ; here a cote is & preposition. II 4tait suv la porte, et fetais a cote ; He was on the door, and I was by the side of it ; here a cote", is an adverb. With due respect to the french academy, I must say that a cote", in these instances, seems to me of the same nature as the substantive side, which represents it in english. Certain it is, that these words called prepositions are all derived from nouns or verbs. If then our poverty of expression obliged us to have recourse to this benevolent family, I think their generosity should not be abused, and their nature changed without a necessity which, in these instances, does not seem to exist. PREPOSITION. 247 difference between the french and English prepositions. Having* found it impossible to make rules sufficiently explicit for the ^5(J0 use of the prepositions, I have subjoined a list of all the verbs and ad- jectives which require a preposition different from the preposition which generally corresponds with it in english, by means of which the learner may always remove any doubt he may have respecting the prepositions * Agree Carry Concerned Uneasy Discourse Easy Inquire Talk Greedy Inquire Thirst Angry Offended Vexed Angry Offended Vexed Astonished at, Blush at, Exasperated at, Grieve at, Laugh at, Laugh at, Rejoice at, Scandalised at, Smile at, Surprized at, Wonder Followed Gain Get Preceded Profit Answer Blame Bless Care Chastise Console Desiirn ABOUT ABOUT, ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT, ABOUT, ABOUT, ABOUT, AFTER, AFTER, AFTER, AT AT AT AT AT AT 5 :) :! AT BY, BY BY BY, BY, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, rOR, de ; as Nous sommes convenus de ceci. sur ; Je ne^?or£epas d' argent suRmoi. Inquiet de ; Je suis inquiet de sa santa, Discourir de; Nous discouro?isDE no s affaires. Tranquille sur ; Je suis tranquille sur cela. Informez -vous de son retour. Parlous D'autres choses. II est trop avide de richesses, informe souvent de vous. B*. Convenir Porter s' Informer Parler Avide s' Informer Alter e de ; de; ds ; de ; de ; lis II est alter e de san< Fdche contre ; Fdche Etonne Rongir Outre s' Affliger Rire se Moquer seRejouir de; de; de ; de ; de ; de ; de ; de ; Scandaliser de ; Sourire Surpris Etonne Suivi de ; de ; de ; de ; Gagnej Precede Projiter Repondre B lamer Benir se Soucier Chatier Consoler Destiner de; de; de ; de; de; de; de; de; a; Etre fdche contre quelqu*un Etre fdche de quelque chose. Je ne suis pas etonne de cela. Elle rougit de sa folic II fut outre de ce discours. II safflige de sa perte. II fit or se moque de tout. II se moque de tout le monde. Je me rejouis de votre succes. Je fus scandalise de son action. Elle sourit de ma confusion. Je ne suis pas surpris de cela. Je n' en suis pas etonne. II etait suivi de ses gens. II n* a rien gagne A cela. Le souper fut precede D'un bal. II n'a pas prqfite de vos lemons. Reponde.z-v ous de lui? de cela? Je le blame de ses defauts. Benissons-\Q de sa bonte. Je ne me soucie pas de lui. II sera chdtie de sa malice. ConsolezAe de sa perte. A quoi le desti?iez-\ ous ? • Some grammarians have endeavoured to analyze the different relations which the prepositions have with the words which they connect; so, according to them, all verbs and adjectives expressing desire, knowledge, remembrance, ignorance, for get fulness, care, fear, guilt, innocence, fulness, emptiness, plenty, want, measure, dimension, require DE ; the verbs and adjectives which express subinission, relation, pleasure, displeasure, duty, resistance, opposition, facility, difficulty, likeness, inclination, aptness, fit- ness, advantage, profit, require A' ; but these terms are so indefinite, and notwithstanding their latitude, they leave so great a chasm in the field of prepositions, that I have not met with any person who has de- rived the least advantage from them. 248 PREPOSITION. difference between the French and English prepositions. Fit Good Grieve Obliged Pity Praise Provide Punish Sorry Sufficient Thank Borrow Conceal Escape Escape Hear Take Take Acquiesce Interested Delight Dexterous Glory Pride Ask Sensible Think Think Think Have pity Play Triumph Pretend Agree Call Congratulate Depend Feed Impose Live Prevail Seize Smile Take Abound Acquainted Adorn Angry FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, FROM, FROM, FROM, FROM, FROM, FROM, FROM, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, OF, OF, OF,t OF, ON, ON, ON, OVER, TO, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, UPON, WITH, WITH, WITH, WITH, Propre A ; as Bon A ; s* Affiiger de ; Oblige de ; Plaindre de , Louer de ; Pourvoir A ; Punir de ; Fdche de ; Suffire A ; Remercier de ; Emprunter A ; Cacher A ; Echapper de ; Echapper A ; Ouir dire A ; Oter A ; Prendre A ; Acquiescer A ; s' Inter esser A ; se Plaire A ; Adroit A ; se Glorifier de ; s* EnorgueiUir de ; Demander A; Sensible A ; Penser A ; Songer A ; Penser A ; Avoir pitie de ; Jouer de ; Trionipher de ; se Piquer de ; Convenir de ; Passer chez ; Feliciter de ; Depend™ de ; se Noiwrir de ; en Imposer A ; Vivre de ; Persuader A ; se Saisir de ; Sourire A ; se Charger de ; Abonder en; Connu de ; Orner de ; Fdche contre : A quoi cela est-il propre ? Cela n'est bon A rien. II est affiige de ses fautes. Je lui suis oblige de sa lettre, Je le plains de sa faiblesse. On le loua de sa candeur. Qui pourvoye A ses besoins ? II sera puni de sa temerite'. Je suis fdche de son malheur Cela ne lui* suffit pas. Remerciez-\e de ses bonte's. II l'a emprunte A votre pere, Ne le cachez pas A votre ami. Echapper D'un en droit. Echapper A une personne. Je l'ai oui dire A mon pere, Ne Yotez pas A cet enfant. II le lui* a pris or ote. i' acquiesce A votre demande. Je in'interesse A son bien-etre. II se plait au jardinage. II est adroit aux exercises. II se glorifie de ses richesses. II s'hiorgueillitDE sa naissance, Dema?idez-\e A cet homme. II est tres sensible au froid. Avez-vous pens'e A moi ? Vous ne songez A rien. Avez-vous pense A mon affaire? Vous n'avez pitie de personne. Jbwe-t-il de quelqu'instrument? II a triomphe de ses ennemis. H se pique de geneVosite'. Convenons de quelque chose. Quand^xzsseres-vouscHEZ moi? Je vous felicite de votre retour. Vous ne dependez pas de lui. II se nourrit de pain et de lait. II en impose aux gens. II vit de fruit et de legumes. Je lui* persuadai de s'en aller. On se saisit aussitot de lui. II souriait A ses amis. II s'est charge de cette affaire. La France abonde en fruit. Je ne suis pas connu de lui. Une chambre ornee de tableaux. II est tres fdche contre vous. * Observe that the preposition a is implied in LUI, which means to him. See table of the pronouns, p. 74. + When think is used in the sense of to have an opinion, of is expressed by de, not by a ; as, Wha'. do you think of that ? Que pensez-vous de cela? not, a cela? PREPOSITION. 249 difference between the French and English prepositions. II Vamusait de promesses. II est anim'e de zele. II etait arm'e d'uii pistolet. Elle le baigna de ses larmes. On Yaccuse de trahison. II est charme de ses manieres* Comparez-wous ceci k cela ? II condescend k ses caprices. Je ne suis pas content de cela. II est couvert de poussiere. II fut charme de son esprit. Je mews de faim, de soif. Je suis degoute du monde. Dispensez-iaox de cela. Je suis mecontent de lui. Que fera-t-o\\ de cet homme? Un jardin embelli de fleurs. II n'est done D'aucun esprit. II etait enflame de colere. On le nourit de pain et D'eau. Emplissez votre verre de vin. II est assouvi de carnage. II est amoureux de cette fille. II est charge de butin. Melez-vous de vos affaires. II fut touche de compassion. II fut ravi de cette nouvelle. II est accable de chagrin. II s'est defait de son cheval. 11 perit de faim et de misere. Elle n'est pas contente de lui. Persuadez-Lui de le faire. lis four nissent l'arm^e de ble. II est bien pourvu D'habits. II est tout cnfl'e D'orgueil. Se rafraicliir d'uii verre de vin. II est rassasie de plaisirs. II n' est pas satisfait de cela. Une bolte garnie de diamants. Elle se joae de sa credulite. La place estmunie de provisions II {utfrappe D'etonnement. II etait entoure de flatteurs. Le pays fourmille de voleurs. II est trop occup'e de lui-meme. On le taxe de sedition. On le menaca de la mort. II est ennuye de ces choses. II est tourmcnte de remords. Elle est transported de joie. II ne peut pas se passer d'cIIc. Amuse WITH, Amuser DE Animated WITH, Anim'e DE Armed WITH, Anne DE Bathe WITH, Baigner DE Charge WITH, Accuser DE Charmed WITH, Charme DE Compare WITH, Comparer a; Comply WITH, Condescendrek ; Contented WITH, Content DE Cover WITH, Couvrir DE Delighted WITH, Charme DE Die WITH, Mourir DE Disgusted WITH, Degoute DE Dispense WITH, Dispenser DE Displeased WITH, Mecontent DE Do WITH, Faire DE Embellish WITH, Embellir DE Endue WITH, Doner DE Enflame WITH, Enjiamer DE Feed WITH, Nourir DE Fill WITH, Emplir DE Glut WITH, Assouvir DE In love WITH, Amoureux DE Load WITH, Charger DE Meddle WITH,! se Meier DE Moved WITH, Touche DE Overjoyed WITH, Ravi DE Overwhelm WITH, Accabler DE Part WITH, « ieDefaire DE Perish WITH, Perir DE Pleased WITH, Content DE Prevail WITH, Persuader A; Provide WITH, Fournir DE Provided WITH, Pourvu DE Puffed up WITH, Enfle DE Refresh WITH, seRafraichir DE Satiated WITH, Rassasie DE Satisfied WITH, Satisfait DE Set WITH, Garnir DE Sport WITH, scJouer DE Store WITH, Munir DE Struck WITH, Frapp'e DE Surroundec WITH, Entoure DE Swarm WITH, Four miller DE Taken up WITH, Occupe' DE Tax WITH, Taxer DE Threaten WITH, Menaccr DE Tire WITH, Ennuyer DE Tormented with, Tourmente DE Transported with, Transporte' DE Do without, nePasser DE 201 250 PREPOSITION. difference between the French and English prepositions. Sometimes a verb requires a preposition after it in english, and will not admit of it infrench; such are, 202 Look at; Ask for; Buy for; Go for; Look for; Sell for; Stay for; Wait for; Wish for; Accept of; Admit of; Approve of; Beg of; Ignorant of; Tyrannise over Listen to; Look UPON Prevail UPON Prevail WITH Resolve UPON Bear WITH Meet WITH Put up WITH Look at that man ; He asks for you; I bought this for a penny; Go for your book; Look for it; I have sold it for two pence; Stay for me; Do not ivaitfor me; I wish for your company; Please to accept of this ; He will not admit of that ; Do you approve of it? I beg of you to see her ; Regardez cet homme. 11 vous demande. Jai achete ceci un sou. Allez chercher votre livre. Cherchez-fe, not, pour lui Je Vai vendu deux sous. Attendez-moi,not,pour moi Ne m'attendez pas. Je souhaite votre compagnie. Daignez accepter ceci. II ra'admettra pas cela. Z/approuvez-^oM-s f Je vous prie de la voir. She was quite ignorant of it; Elle Agnorait tout a fait. Elle me tyrannise. Ecoutez-moz, not a moi. Regardez-moz comme ami. Engagez-/a a r ester. Engagez-fe a venir. She tyrannises over me ; Listen to me ; Look upon me as a friend ; Prevail upon her to stay ; Prevail with him to come ; H&sheresotvedupon&ny thing? A-t-ilreso\\i quelquechose f 1 bear with his importunities; /'endure ses imporlunites. I met with a robber ; Je rencontrai un voleur. I put up with his impertinence ;Je souffrissorc impertinence. In other instances it is the reverse, and the verb which has no prepo- sition in english, must have a preposition after it infrench; such are, Abuser de s'Appercevoir de Avoir besoin de Avoir pitie de Changer de se Defter de se Demettre de Disconvenir de D outer de s'Embarasser de Gemir Heriter Jouir Manquer Medire se Metier se Meprendre se Moquer se Passer se Servir se Souvenir User se Venger Attenter Commander Compatir Con venir Seoir II abuse de ma patience ; Je m'appercois de cela ; J'ai besoin Ti argent ; II ri& pas pitie de moi; II a change de dessein; Vous defiez-t'C^s de lui f II sest derais de s a place ; II wen* diseonvient pas ; II doute de tout; 11 ne s'embarasse de rien ; II gemit de ses f antes ; II a herite n'un gros bien; 11 jouit T>une bonne sante; II ne manque de rien ; II medit des gens ; II se mefie de ses amis ; II sest mepris de chemin ; II se moque des sages ; II ne pent pas s'en* passer; II se sert de mon nom ; Je me souvieris de cela ; II a use de violence ; Je ot'en* vengerai ; II a attente X ma vie ; Commandez-Luit d'y alter; Je compatis A sa peine ; Cela Luif convient, or 1 Cela Luif sied a merveille ; J He abuses my patience. I perceive that. I want money. He does not pity me. He has changed his design. Do you mistrust him ? He has given up his place. He does not disown it. He doubts every thing. He minds nothing. He laments his errors. He inherited a large estate. He enjoys good health. He wants nothing. He slanders people. He mistrusts his friends. He has mistaken his way. He mocks wise people. He can not spare it. He uses my name. I remember that. He has used violence. I will revenge it. He has attempted my life. Bid him to go there. I compassionate his pain. That suits or becomes him wonderfully. * The preposiiaon de is implied in the pronoun EN, which means of it; see a table of the.prc ige 74. f See note * page 251. page PREPOSITION. 251 difference between the French and English prepositions. Defendre X Deplaire A DesobSir A se Fier X Manquer X Importer A Nuire X Obeir X Obvier X s Opposer X Ordonner A Pardonner X Permettre X Persuader X Plaire X Prend regarde a Promettre X Renoncer X Repondre X Resistei X Ressembler X Subvenir X Succeder X Survivre X Toucher X Defendez-Lui* de le dire; B deplait X son pere ; II desobeit X sa mere ; II ne se "fie X personne ; II manque X sa parole ; II lui* importe de le voir ; Ne nuisez X personne ; Obeissez X vos parents ; II rta pu obvier X cela ; Opposez-vows X l injustice ; Ordonnez-Lui* de lefaire- Pardonnez X vos ennemis ; Forbid him to tell it He displeases his father. He disobeys his mother. He trusts nobody. He breaks his word. It concerns her to see it. Do not injure any body. Obey your parents. He could not prevent that. Oppose injustice. Order him to do it. Forgive your enemies. Permettez-Liii* de s'en aller ; Permit her to go. Persuadez-Lui* de la voir File plait X tout le monde ; II prend garde X tout ; B lui* a promis de venir ; II a renonce au jeu ; Repondez X ma question ; Resistez X la tentation ; File ressemble X sa mere; II subvient X ses besoins ; B succedera X son oncle ; File ne lui* survivra pas ; Persuade him to see her. She pleases every body. He minds every thing. He promised her to come. He has given up gaming. Answer my question. Resist temptation. She resembles her mother. He supplies her wants. He will succeed his uncle. She will not outlive him. Do not touch that book. Javec qui etiez-vous? >X qui donnerai-je ceci? Ne touchez pas X ce livre , In some instances the preposition may be placed in english, either Jd\JO before or after the substantive which it governs ; but in french, the pre- position must always be placed immediately before its object; as, With whom were you ? or Whom were you with ? To whom shall I give this ? or Whom shall I give this to ? The prepositions must be repeated in french before every word 204 which they govern, though these words are in the same sentence, and the preposition is not repeated in english; as, I come from France and Italy ; Je viens de France et o'ltalie. I have been to Paris and Rome ; J'ai ete X Paris et X Rome.-\ REMARKS ON THE PREPOSITIONS. FOR; DEPUIS, PENDANT, DURANT, POUR. OAK For, before a period of time, is expressed by depuis, to denote the Zt\)0 two extremes of the period; by pendant, or durant, to denote its dura- tion; and by pour, to denote the end; as, I have not seen him for a month ; i. e. a month since. They fought for two days ; during two days. 1. e. They have provisions/or a year to last a year. Je ne Vai pas vu depuis un mois. Its se batircnt pendant deux jours. lis out des provisions pour un an. * The preposition a is implied in the pronoun LUI, which expresses to him, to her. See a tahle of the pronouns, p. 74. + This repetition is n«t always necessary, but the surest way for a foreigner is to make it a general rule, unti. he has learned by reading when the preposition may be left out. 206 207 208 209 210 252 PREPOSITION. REMARKS ON THE PREPOSITIONS. BEFORE; AVANT, DEVANT. Speaking of time, or order, before is expressed by avant, the oppo- site of which is apres, after ; speaking* of place or in presence, it is ex- pressed by devant, the opposite of which is derriere, behind ; as, Do not walk before me. iVe marchez pas devant moi. I want to arrive before you. Je veux arriver avant vous. N. B. Without an object after it, before is auparavant ; as, I had seen it before. Je I'avais vu auparavant. BY; PRES DE, A COTE DE. By, used in the sense of near, is pres de, or A c6te de ; as, He was sitting by or near me. II etait assis a cote de moi. He passed by or near us. Ilpassa pres de nous, a c6te de nous N. B. With the words myself, thyself, himself, 8fc, by is often used in the sense of alone, and is expressed by the adjective seul ; as, I like to be by myself, i. e. alone. J'aimeaetre seul ; ?zo£,PARmoi-meme. She was by herself all the day. Elle a ete seule toute lajournee. AT, TO; CHEZ. At, to, denoting being at, or going to a person's house, are expressed by chez, and the word house is left out in french; as, • I must ? o to my sisie/s ; | afi ^ fajUe CHEZ soeur or to my sister s house. J J * J She is at your mother's. Elle est chez votre mere. N. B. If the word house, instead of being preceded by a noun, is pre- ceded by one of the possessive pronominal articles my, thy, his, her, our. your, their, the word house is also omitted, and the possessive article is changed into a personal pronoun, thus ; At my house ; Chez moi. At our house ; Chez nous. At thy house ; Chez toi. At your house ; Chez vous. At his house ; Chez lui. At their house ; Chez eux. m. At her house ; Chez elle. At their house ; Chez elles. f. FROM; De CHEZ. From, with verbs denoting coming or going from a person's house, is expressed by de chez, and the word house is left out; as, I come from ray sister's ; ) T . j *~ J . . i , > Je weras de chez ma sceur. or /rom my sister s house. J Isshereturned/ro77imy772o^er , s?Es^e^ revenue de chez ma mere? N.B. If the word Aowse is preceded by the possessive pronominal article my, thy, his, her, our, your, their, that article is changed into a personal pronoun, as follows ; From my house ; De chez moi. From our house ; De chez nous. From thy house ; De chez toi. From your house ; De chez vous. From his house ; De chez lui. From their house ; De chez eux. m. From her house ; De chez elle. From their house ; De chez elles. f. FROM; De la PART. From, with the verbs to go, to come, not from the house of a person, but from the person himself, is expressed by Be la part ; as, Go from me to my daughter's. Allez de ma part chez majille. Whom do you come from? De la part de qui venez-vous ? PREPOSITION. 253 REMARKS ON TIIE PREPOSITIONS. IN, INTO ; DANS, EN. Oil Before the names of persons and places, in, into are expressed by ^ 1 1 dans ; as, I have read that in Voltaire. Tai lu cela dans Voltaire. Are there fine streets in Paris? Y a-t-il de belles rues dans Paris? N. B. Observe only with respect to places, that after verbs denoting residence, in is expressed by A ; as, My brother lives in Paris. Mon frere demeure A Paris. Before the names of countries, with verbs denoting going or residing, JdYJd in, i nto are expressed by en; as, My brother lives in France. Mon frere demeure en France. Has he ever been into Italy? A-t-il jamais He en Italie? N. B. In other instances, in, into before the names of countries, may be expressed by en or by dans ; observing- only that after dans, the noun must have an article, and after en, it must be without; as, There is some in France. II y en a en France, dans la France. Is there any in Italy ? Y en a-t-il en Italie, or dans X Italie? Before common names used in a limited sense, i.e. preceded by any of the ^ 1 *J signs which have been called article, in, into are expressed by dans ; In the last peace. dans la derniere paix. In this unfortunate war. dans cette guerre malheureuse. There are charms in society. II y a des charmes dans la societe. But when the same common names are used in an unlimited sense, in £ A^*: which sense they generally have no article, in, into are expressed by en ; I like to live in peace. J'aime a vivre en paix* We are always in broils. Nous sommes toujours en querelle. It is better to live in society. II vaut mieux vivre en societe.f Speaking of time, in is expressed by dans, to denote the time after JiYd which an action will be performed, and by en, to denote the time that will be employed in performing it ; as, I shall go to Paris in three days. J'irai a Paris dans trois jours ; viz. after three days. J'irai a Paris en trois jours ; i. e. I shall be three days in going. Before nouns denoting any part of the day, in is not expressed in french ; £i 1 O In the morning — In the evening, he matin — Lc soir. In the afternoon. Apres midi, or Apres dine. N. B. Observe the same rule with on, before the days of the week ; as, O/i Sunday — On Monday. Dimanclie — Lundi ; not, sur Lundi. On the day he came. Lejour quit est venu. * If in some instances IN, INTO are expressed by EN, without an article in french, before nouns which in english have the article A, AN ; as, 1 came in a coach-; Je tins en carosse. She fell into a passion ; Elle se tnit EN colcre ; It is because in these instances the noun serves less to namu the thing 1 itself, than the manner of being or acting of the agent of the veib, and these words En carosse, En colore, may be considered as adver- bial expressions ; but if we add to the same nouns some word which will render their meaning definite, IN. INTO must be expressed by DANS ; as, I oame in a fine coach ; Je vins dans un beau carosse. She fell into a great passion ; £ le se mit dans une grunde colore. t Socittt, in these two instances, is used in a different sense ; in the first instance, it means that particular state of being called society ; in the second, it is rather an adver- bial expression, and means sociubhj. 254 CHAP. IX. CONJUNCTION. Conjunctions are certain words, and sometimes short phrases that serve to express the relation which several sentences have together ; as, fVill you come, if I go? I will not go, unless you come. The words if, unless, which denote a relation between the verbs come and go, are called conjunctions. The conjunctions are in french; JThat, To the end that. AFIN que, POUR QUE, A MOINS que, AVANT que, AUSSI, BIEN que, QUOIque, CAR, enCAS que, CEPENDANT, COMME, deCRAINTE que, dePEUR que, JUSQU'a ce que, NEANMOINS, Unless. Before. So, Therefore. t Though, Although. For, Because. If, In case that. Yet, However. As, Since. fLest, FYet, nowever. -v POURTANT, J QUAND, \when. comme, as, since. lorsque, J MAIS, BUt. QUAND, Tho', if even. neanmoins, Nevertheless. que, That. ni, Neither, Nor. si, if whether. The following conjunctions require the subjunctive mood after them ; ZlO afin que, ) That. decrainte que,* )iest, For pour que, J to the end that, depeur que,* ifiar that. A moins que,* unless. jusQu'a ce que, tUI, until. avant que, Before. pourvu que, provided. BIEN QUE, "J , i in i QUE,f That. QUOIQUE, \Th0Ugh, Although. ^ ^ ^^ f.ncas que, if in case that. soit que, whether. When a conjunction governs several verbs, it is expressed before m 1 «J the first verb only, and que is added to the other verbs, with the same mood after it, as if the conjunction itself was repeated; ex. As he is diligent, and takes pains. comme il est diligent, et qv'U prend de la peine. He learns well, because he is diligent, and takes pains. II apprend bien, parce qu'*7 est diligent, et qu'*7 prend de la peine. Unless he is diligent, and takes pains. A moins qu'jY ne soit diligent, et qu'z7 ne prenne de la peine. When SI, if, governs two verbs, instead of repeating si before the JjJAj second verb, we use que; and the verb which follows this que, must be in the subjunctive, though the verb which follows si is in the indicative; You will learn, if you are diligent, and take pains. Vous apprendrez, si voiis etes diligent, et que vous preniez de la peine. If 'you come, and I am not at home, you will wait for me. SI vous venez, et qvEj'e ne sois pas au logis, vous m y attendrez. (oo) The idiom of the english language often admits an ellipsis, i. e. an omis- JLLY sion of the conjunction that ; as, I think my sister will come ; for, i" think that my sister will come. But the corresponding conjunction must always be expressed in french; as, I think my sister will come. Je pense que ma sceur viendra. I know she intends to come. Je sais quelle a dessein de venir. I hope she will soon be here. J'espere qu'elle sera bientot ici. * The conjunctions A moins que, De crainte que, De peur que require NE before the verb which follows them; see 195 rule. t Learners are often mistaken, by considering QUE as requiring always the subjunc- tive mood after it ; but qui-: does not govern any particular mood ; its power depends on the verb or conjunction that precedes it. foo)TheconjunctionJFisoftens»ppres.sed,andthenominative«ranspf)se(iaftortheverb; as, If you should come, or should you come, or were you to come, and J was not at home, you will wait for me, which turn of expression must be rendered in french by SI before the verb; thus, SI vous veniez, et QVEje ne fusse pas au logis, vous m'attendrez. 222 223 224 225 226 256 CONJUNCTION. REMARKS ON THE CONJUNCTIONS. BOTH; ET, TANT. Both, a conjunction of emphasis, is expressed by et before an adjec- tive, by et or tant before a substantive ; but observe, that when we use tant before the first substantive, we put que instead of et before the second; She is both rich and handsome. Elle est et riche et belle. Both summer and winter. tant en etc Qu'en hiver. N. B. This conjunction in familiar writing and in conversation is generally left out in french; thus, Elle est riche et belle. En et'e et en hiver. EITHER, OR; OU, SOIT. Either, or, are generally expressed by ou ; as, That is either good or bad. Cela est ou bon ou mauvais. Either he is rich, or he is poor, ou il est riche, ou il est pauvre. N. B. either, or, followed by a Noun, may be expressed by soit ; as, Either through love or caprice, she has married him. soit par amour ou par caprice, or soit par caprice, elle Va epousL NEITHER, NOR ; NE NI, NI NE. Neither, nor, followed by a verb in the indicative or subjunctive mood, are expressed, neither by ne, and nor by ni ne; as, I neither love nor hate her. Je ne Vaime ni ne la hais. . I neither see her nor speak to her. Je ne la vois ni ne lui parte. If, after neither, nor, there is a verb in the infinitive, an Adjective, a Noun, or a pronoun, neither is expressed by ne before the verb, and ni after it, and nor is expressed by ni; as, I care neither for him nor for her. Je ne me soucie ni de lui ni delle. She is neither rich nor handsome. Elle ^est ni riche ni belle. She has neither beauty nor riches. Elle n'« ni beaute ni richesses. I can neither see her, nor speak to her. Je ne puis ni la voir, ni lui parler. WHETHER; SI, QUE, SOIT QUE. Whether, used in the sense of if, is expressed by SI, with the fol- lowing verb in the indicative ; as, Do you know whether she will come ? Savez-vous si elle viendra ? I want to know whether she will come. J'ai envie de savoir si elle viendra. Whether, used in the sense of let, is expressed by que, or soit que, with the following verb in the subjunctive ; as, Com e yourself, whether she comes 1 Venezvous-mime, qu' elle vienne ou non ; or not ; or let her come or not. J or qv'ellevienne ou QuW/e ne vienne pas. Whether she comes or not; or*i soit qu' 'elle vienne ou non; or QV'ellevienne let her come or not, we will go. J ou quelle ne vienne pas, nous y irons. THOUGH, ALTHOUGH, IF EVEN; QUAND. Though, although, if even, followed by a conditional tense, are generally expressed by quand ; as, Thovgh she should come, 1 rffe viendraii dle nHrait pai or Even if she should come, f () She would not go with us. j Krry (pp) These conjunctions are often left out in english, and the nominative is put after the verb, which mode of expression is also rendered in french by QUAND ; as, Were she to come, or, should she come now, she would not go with us ; Quand elle viendrait a present, elle riiraitpas avec nous CONJUNCTION. 257 REMARKS ON THE CONJUNCTIONS. BUT FOR, IF IT WERE NOT FOR, $c. SANS.; But for, if it were not for, if it had not been for, had J/Jij it not been for, are generally expressed by sans ; as, But for you, I should have starved, sans vous,je serais mort de faim. But for his friends, or If it were, not for his friends, 7 ... ., /,, tt j i a r j- u- f • i >sans ses amis, il aurait ete puni. or Had it not been jor his friends, ' he would have been punished. rve } CHAP. X. INTERJECTION. Interjections are natural sounds caused by some sudden emotion of joy, grief, pain, aversion, disgust, f right, surprise, astonishment, 4*c. The sounds most commonly used in french as interjections are ;* FOR JOY', 0! 0! & ! si je pouvais le voir. AH! Ah ! AH ! queje serais aise ! HA HA ! } HI HI ! >Sounds caused by bursts of laughter. HO HO ! J FOR PAIN AND GRIEF; 0! 0/ 6 I queje suit a plaindre ! AH! Ah! ah! queje suis malheureux ! HE! Ho! HE ! vous me faites vial. AIE! Ay! AIE ! vous me blessez. OUF! Oh! OUF ! queje soujfre ! HELAS ! Alas! helas ! j'ai tout perdu. MON DIEU ! dear ! WON dieu ! que ferai-je? FOR AVERSION , DISGUST; FIE! Fie upon ! FI ! »' avez-vous pas de hontef FOR FRIGHT, SURPRISE, ASTONISHMENT ; HA! Ay! HA ! vous voila. EH ! Hah ! EH ! que vous etes alerte ! OH OH ! Oh! OH oh ! je vous y prends. CIEL ! Heavens ! o CIEL ! quallons-nous devenir? BON DIEU ! Mercy on us ! don dieu ! que vous etes impatient I FOR CALLING ; HO! 1 HOLA! ^Sounds used when we ca.ll out to people. HEM ! J FOR SILENCE ; ST! 1 CHUT ! >Sounds used when we call for a sudden silence. PAIX ! J * The number of interjections cannot be ascertained, because any sound which expres- ses a sudden emotion of the soul may be called an interjection. Some of these sounds cull- ed interjections express even different sensations, according to the inflexion which the voice takes, either of joy or grief, of pleasure or pain. The soul is then the only syntax for interjections, and they can never embarrass the learner, since they do not require any rules. 258 chap. xi. IDIOMS. Remarks on some idiomatical expressions, and words having dif- ferent meanings, in which learners are apt to be mistaken. PEOPLE; PEIIPLE, GENS, PERSONNES, MONDE. 2d2iO People, meaning that aggregate body of human beings that compose a Nation, a Government, is expressecfcby peuple ; as, The french people. Le peuple franqais. The will of the people. La volontk du peuple. N. B. Peuple is also said of that number of persons without dignity, who compose the Multitude ; as, An insurrection of the people. Un soulevement du peuple. --/J People, used to denote a certain number of individuals, is expressed by GENS, PERSONNE, MONDE ; as, Were there many people, i. e. persons, at the play ? Y avaitil beaucoup de gens, beaucoup de monde a la comedie ? There is a great number of people in the street. II y a un grand nombre de monde, de gens, de personnes dans la rue. But observe that gens is not used after a definite number ; so we do not say, Deux ou trots gens ; two or three people; we say, Deux ou trois personnes. Except when gens is attended by an adjective ; as Deux ou trois honnetes gens. Two or three honest people. Cinq ou six jeunes gens. Five or six young people. Observe also that when gens is attended by an adjective, this adjective must he feminine if it comes before gens, and it must be masculine if it comes after ; as, Good people, civil people. De bonnes gens, des gens civils. Old people are suspicious. Les vieilles gens sont soupconneux. COUNTRY; PAYS, CAMPAGNE. JiO\) Pays is said of a large extent of country, such as the Dominions of a government, a county, a province ; campagne is said of a certain extent of Fields, and is the opposite of ville, towii; as, France is a fine country. La France est un beau pays. I prefer the country to the town. Je pre/ere la campagne a la ville. OQ1 MOUTH; BOUCHE, GUEULE. jLOX. Speaking of meji, Horses, mules, asscs, we express mouth by bouche ; The mouth of a horse, of an ass. La bouche oVun cheval, oVun ane. Speaking of other Animals, we express mouth by gueule ; The mouth of an ox, of a clog, &c. La gueule d!un bceuf dun chien. The mouth of a pike, of a trout. La gueule oVun brocket, oVune truite. QO TIME; TEMS, FOIS. jZQjU The word time, denoting any period, or space, is expressed by tems ; It is time to set out. II est tems de partir. We shall not be there in time. Nous ny serons pas a tems. But the word time is sometimes used to limit the action of the verb, or to denote a repetition of the action; as, the first time; this time; an- other time ; several times, and is then expressed by fois ; as, Pardon me for this time. Pardonnez-moi pour cette fois. I will do it better next time. Je le ferai mieux la prochaine fois. How many times have you done it? Combien de fois Vavez-vous fait ? idioms. 259 year; an, annee. day; jour, journee. An and jour are indefinite expressions which serve more to denote the JjOO periods of time than its duration; they are chiefly used after the cardinal or primitive numbers un, mux, Trois, auatre, fyc. ; as, Un an, deux ans, trois ans; &c. A year, two years, three years, Sfc. Un jour, deux jours, trois jours. One day, two days, three days, fyc Annee, on the contrary, implies duration, and will admit of different modifications ; so when year is attended by an article, or by an adjec- tive, or by another noun, you must express it by annee ; as, This year, last year. Cette annee, Tanner dernier e. A good, a happy year. line bonne, une hmreuse annee. A great number of years. Un grand nombre ^'annees. Journee is generally understood of the time which people employ in their occupations from their rising to their going to bed; as, I spent the day very well. J'ai Men employe la journee. I have studied the whole day. Tai eludi'e toute la journee. MORNING; MATIN, MATINEE. EVENING; SOIR, SOIREE. C%0 A It is the same with matin, matinee ; soir, soiree, as it is with jour, ^Otfc journee. Matin is said of the first, and soir of the last part of the day, but they do not imply any idea of duration. Matinee, on the contrary, implies the whole time from day light till noon ; but is generally under- stood to be from the time that people get up till twelve o'clock at noon ; and soiree implies the whole time of darkness till twelve o'clock at night, or till people retire ; as, It was fine this morning. II faisait beau ce matin. I have studied all the morning. J'ai etudie toute la matinee. Shall we see you this evening ? Vous verrons-nous ce soir ? I shall spend the evening with you. Je passerai la soiree avec vous. N. B. Saluting people, for good morning, we say bon jour, not D07i matin; and for good night, we say bon soir, in the early part of the night, and bonne nuit, when the night is far advanced. NIGHT; NUIT, SOIR. . If, by night, you mean the whole time of darkness on that part of the JdOd earth which we inhabit, you express it in french by nuit; as, Where did he sleep last night? Oil coucha-t-il la nuit demiere? He spent the whole night at the ball.// passa toute la nuit an bal. If, by night, you mean only the first part of darkness which is other- wise called evening, you express it by soir ; as, Will you go to the play to-night? Irez-vous a la comedie ce soir Were you at the ball last night? Eliez-vous an bal hier au soir TWELVE O'CLOCK; MIDI, MINUIT. It is twelve o'clock. II est midi fin the day. J II est minuit (at night.) 2iOW It is a quarter past 12. 77 csImidi et un quart. It est minuit e/un quart. It is half past twelve. II est midi et demi. II est minuit et demi. It is three quarters past twelve. 1 r/ . , T , . * . \ \1L est une heure moms un Quart. It wants a quarter to one. J It is one o'clock. II est une heure. It is a quarter past one. It est une heure el un quart, &c r2 237 238 239 come, VENU. Fallen, TOM BE. come in, ENTRE. Gone, ALLE. Dead, MOR.T. Returned, RE VENU. Deceased, DECEDE. set out, PARTI. Disagreed, DISGONVENU. succeeded, PARVENU. 260 IDIOMS To HAVE, expressed by feTRE. The auxiliary verb haveis expressed by the same tense and person of the auxiliary etre, to form the compound tenses of reflective verbs; as, I have hurt myself. Je me suis blesse. He has gone away. II s'en est alU. We have sat down. Nous nous sommes assis. You have walked. Vous vous etes promenes. They have diverted themselves. lis se sont divertis. [see page 115.] The auxiliary have is also expressed by the same tense and person of etre, when it comes before any of the following' participles ; Agreed, convenu. Arrived, arrive. Become, devenu. Befallen, survenu. Born, ne. I have set out early. Je suis parti de bonne heure. He has agreed to do it. II est convenu de lefaire* We have arrived in time. Nous sommes arrives a terns. You have returned too soon. Vous etes revenus trojj tot. They have gone too far. lis sont alles trop loin. To BE, expressed by AVOIR. The auxiliary verb be is expressed by the same tense and person of the auxiliary avoir, when it is followed by the adjectives Hungry, Thirsty, cold, warm, Hot denoting the natural feelings; Right, wrong, Ashamed; because these adjectives are expressed by a substantive in french ; as, I am hungry. J\ifaim. He is thirsty. II a soif. His feet are cold. // kfroid aux pieds. She is warm or hot. Elle a chaud; not, Elle est chaude. Her hands are warm. Elle a chaud aux mains. We are right. Nous avons raison. They are wrong, ashamed. lis ont tort ; Us ont honte. N. B. The verb be is also expressed by avoir, in speaking of the Age of beings, because in these instances, as in the above, the French use a substantive instead of an adjective; as, [have you ? How old are you? Quel age avez-vous? i.e. What age I am sixteen. J'ai seize ans ; not, Je suis seize. How old is your horse ? Quel age a voire cheval ? * When the participle convenu means suited, it requires avoir ; as, Cela ??*' au RAIT fort bien CONVENU ; That would have suited me very well. IV. B. The participles SORTI, gone out, been out; passe, gone by; monte, gone vp, as- cended ; drscendu, come down, require avoir or ltre, agreeably to the sense in which they are used ; but the same distinction, I think, is observed in english ; Monpere A sorti; My father has been out. 11 etait sorti ; He was gone out. Jl a passi pres d'ici; He has passed just by. 11 est passt ; He is gone by. 11 A monte la coline ; He has ascended the hill. 11 est monte ; He is gone up. 11 A descendu I'escalier; He has come down the stairs. 11 EST descendu ; He is come down. Demeure', used for lived, dwelt, requires AVOIR ; and for remained, staid, it requires ETRE ; as, II A demeure" a Paris; He has lived in Paris. 11 est demeure' d. P.; He has staid in P. AccoURU, run to; Pe'ri, perished ; APPARU, comparu, appeared ; disparu, disappear- ed; cru, grown; de'cru, grown less; recru, grown again, take indifferently avoir or etre. IDIOMS. 261 To BE, expressed by FAIRE. _ . The verb be, attended by an adjective or a substantive denoting the jj^±\J state of the weather, or of the Atmosphere, is expressed in french by the same tense of the verb faire, with IL for its nominative ; as, How is the weather? Quel terns fait-z7? Is the weather fine ? fait-i7 beau terns ? Yes, the weather is very fine. Oui, il fait tres beau terns. IC is rattier warm. IL fait un peu chaud. It is very cold. II fait tres froid, or grand froid. The weather Aas 6ee?t bad lately. II a fait mauvais terns depuis peu. To BE, To DO, expressed by Se PORTER. O /I 1 The verbs be and do, used to denote the state of the Body, are express- ^rf~r 1 ed by the same tense and person of the reflective verb .Se porter; as, How are you? how do you do? Comment vous portez-vous? I am pretty well, I thank you, Je me porte assez bien, dieu merci* I have not been well. Je ne me suis pas bien porte. r * tj 4 i o ■> r [mere? How is your mother? I n . , \ . tj , J ,, , o \Commenl se porte madamef voire How rfoes your mother «o? j To BE, expressed by DEVOIR. O /t* O The present tense of the verb be, am, art, is, are, and the imperfect ^4r^ was, were, followed by another verb in the infinitive, are expressed by the same tense and person of the verb devoir ; as, I am to go there to-night. Je dois y alter ce soir* He is to come to-morrow. II doit venirdemain ; not, il est &c. He was to bring it to-day. II devait Vapporter aujourdhui. To BE, not expressed in french. C% A *y The infinitive word to be, followed by a past participle, is not ex- ZtO 'pressed, but the english participle takes the place of the infinitive be, and is expressed by the infinitive in french; as, There is nothing to be seen. 77 iiy a rien a. voir. He caused his head to be cut off. II luifit couper la tete. This house is to be let, to be sold. Cette maison est a louer, a vendre. To BE Just, To HAVE Just; VENIR DE, Ke FAIRE Que DE. ^ . , The verbs have and be followed by the adverb Just, to denote an ac- £*krx. tion past at the moment we are speaking, are expressed by venir de, or jve faire one de, in the same tense and person as have or be are, and the english participle is expressed by the infinitive in french; thus, T . . \Je viens d'arrivcr; or, 1 am nisi come. < T „ . ■* [Je ne fais que d«m»er. A/r t ., , , . . , i M071 frere xenmt de finir ; or, My brother hold just done. i ayr v * j« v?„;>. + J ^ \Mon frere ne faisait que deyz/ur.; * The French do not, as the English do, thank those who inquire after their health. Instead of Je VOttS remercie; they say. Dieu merci; A votre service ; Vous etes bien bvn, or bien civil; Vous avez bien de la bonle,or they return the compliment after the answer by saying, Et vous? andr/o« ? t It is customary with the Trench, in mentioning the relations of the people to whom they are speaking, to add the words Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle ; as, Comment se porte monsieur votrepere, monsieur votre frere? J'ai rencontre' MADAME votre mere, MADEMOISELLE votre soeur; these words can not be expressed in english. $ Do not con'ound Ne FAIRE Que DE, To be just, To have just, with Ne FAIRE Que, which expresses another idea, viz. To do nothing but; DE added to the first makes the difference between these two expressions. 245 246 247 >J'ai pense\ ovje pensai* mourir. 262 IDIOMS. WAS NEAR, WERE NEAR, HAD LIKE; PENSER. Was near, were near followed by a present participle, and had like followed by an infinitive, denote an action which was on the point of being" effected, and are expressed by the perfect tense, or the present compound* of the verb penser; as, I was near dying- ; or I had like to have died. You were near falling ; v z j ri i u f n } Voits avez pense tomber. or You had like to have fallen. J He was near being killed ; \ T . , .. „, , , H, , n , , s , ,.,, , >I a pense, or il pensa* etre tue. e had like to have been killed. J ' THERE IS, THERE ARE, IT IS FAR, IT IS LONG, AGO, IT IS SINCE, THIS, THESE; IL Y A ; IL Y AVAIT, &c. There is, there are, it is far, it is long, it is since, ago, and the demonstrative words this, these, pointing out a period of time, are expressed by the impersonal verb ilya; il y avait, &c. ;f as, Is there any news to-day ? y A-t-ih des nouvelles avjouroVhui ? Are there flowers in his garden ? Y k-t-il desjleurs dans son jar din ? How far is it from Calais to pads?) ~ ,. , , , . . . ri J r i . c • o >CombienY a-c-il de Calais a pans? or How far is Calais from parish J It is a hundred and fifty miles. ilya cent cinquante milles. Calais is 150 miles from Paris. il y a cent cinquante milles de c. a p. How long has he lived here? CombienY x-t-ih qu'il demeure ici? He has been here these six months, ilya six mois qu'il est ici. It islO years since he was in France) il v a dice ans quHl etait en France; or He was in France ten years ago. [op, II etait en France ilya dix ans. It is long since I have seen him. 1 7 . . . v . T , & , , . ., . , ,., ilya long terns que ie nei lai vu. or J have not seen him this long while) ° ? j + It was 12 months since I saw him.) . „ . t, , . ,. ,, , ri ., >il y avait unan que ie neI avais vu. or 1 had not seen him these 12 months. J § 7 J HERE IS, HERE ARE; THIS IS, THESE ARE; VOICI. THERE IS, THtRE ARE; THAT IS, THOSE ARE; VOILA. Here is, here are, this is, these are, pointing out any object, are expressed by voici; there is, there are, that is, those are, also pointing out an object, are expressed by voilA ; as, Here is, or this is your horse. voici voire cheval. Here are, or these are your boots, voici vos bottes. There is, that is a man who says. voilA un homme qui dit. N. B. It is to be observed that, when the nominative of the verb which attends here, there, in the above sense, i. e. pointing out an object, is a personal pronoun, this nominative pronoun is changed into an objective pronoun in freneh, and placed before voici, voilA ; thus, Here I am. me voici. Here we are. nous voici. Here he is. le voici. There she is. la voila. Here they are. les voici. There they are. les voila. * Agreeably to 136, 137 rules. | See the conjugation of the impersonal verb Y AVOIR, page 173. % See the 19G rule. § The Freneh do not give to the different periods of time names which correspond Avith the English. For a week, they say, kuit jours ; for two weeks, or a fortnight, they say, quinzejuurs; three weeks, trots semaines ; four weeks, un mois ; for a quarter of a year, they say, trois mois; half a year, sir mois ; three quarters of a y^ai", neufmois ; twelve months, un an. IDIOMS. 263 LET; QUE, LAISSEZ. C% A O Let, implying- command or permission to a third person, is expressed ^4o by que, and the object of let is made the Nominative of the following verb, which must be in the subjunctive in french ; as, Let him do it himself. qu'z7 lefasse lui meme. Let her go, if she likes. qu'elle y aille, si elle veut. - Let them go too. qxfils, or qu'ellesy aillent aussi. Let my brother go alone. que moh.frere y aille seul. Let, commanding or entreating a second person, is expressed by the second person of the imperative of the verb laisser, with the follow- ing verb in the infinitive ; as, Let him go ; permit him to go. LAissEZ-£e alter. Let her go ; permit her to go. laissez-/'J& alter. Let them go; permit them to go. laissez-^s alter. Let my brother go; sw^erhimtogo. laissez alter monfrere. N. B. Let know, meaning to inform, is expressed by faire savoir, ugreeably to tense and person ; as, Let him know that I will come. paites lui savoir que je viendrai, I will let him know it to-night. Je le lui ferai savoir ce soir. To MAKE ; FAIRE, REND RE. ^ . ^ 2o make, meaning to perform some work, or some action, is expressed ^4i/ by faire ; as, To make a book ; to make a noise, faire un livre ; faire du bruit. To make great progress. faire de grands progres. B ut to make, expressing not the performance of an action, but the moral or natural effects of one being on another, is expressed by rendre ; as, Exercise makes the body healthy. Vexercice rend le corps sain. Vice makes men unhappy. Le vice rend les homines malheureux. Misfortune has made him wise. Le malheur Fa rendu sage. To CAUSE, To HAVE, To GET; FAIRE. The verbs cause, and have ; and get, in the sense of cause, meaning 250 to order, or procure a thing to be done, are expressed by the same tense and person of the verb faire ; and the english participle which follows have, or get, is expressed by the infinitive in french ; as, I had him arrested; } T ,. Al or I have caused him to be arrested./* 7 * FAIT ""***• I shall have him punished ; 1 r , or I shall cause him to be punished.}* 7 * le FERAI P umr - Gtt your watch mended. faites raccommoder voire montre. To CAUSE To BE DONE or MADE, To HAVE or 1 GET DONE or MADE, To ORDER, To BESPEAK ; | FAIRE FAIRE. To CAUSE TO BE DONE Or MADE, To HAVE Or GET DONE Or MADE, 251 To order, To bespeak, are expressed by the verb faire repeated ; i. e. the first verb in the same, tense find person as cause, have, get, order, or bespeak is, and the second verb in the infinitive; as, I am going to get a watch made. Je vais faire faire Une montre. Where will you have it made? } ~. , or Where will you get it done ? ) 0u la PEMZ ' WW FAIRE ? I shall have it made in Paris ; 1 T 7 . „ . or I shall get it done in Paris. \ Je la FERAI FAIEE a Parls ' 252 253 254 255 264 IDIOMS. To ASK, To DESIRE; DIRE, PRIER CHARGER. We say in french as in english, demander une chose, to ask for a thing- ; desirer une chose, to wish for a thing ; but we do not say ; demander de faire une chose, to ask to do a thing ; nor desirer une personne de faire une chose, to desire a person to do a thing ; therefore, when ask or desire are followed by another verb in the infinitive, ask must be expressed by dire or prier; and desire by prier or charger; as, He asked me to do it. • II me dit, or il me pria de le faire. He desired me to tell you so. IZ m'«PRiE, or charge de vous le dire. To LOOK; REGARDER, PARAITRE, AVOIR LA MINE. To look, meaning" to view, to consider, is expressed by regarder ; Look at this man, at that horse, regardez cet homme, ce cheval. To look, meaning to seem, to Appear, is paraitre, avoir l'air, avoir la mine, avoir apparence ; as, That man looks very proud. Cet homme a Z'air bienfier. You look very well to-day. Vous avez bonne mine aujourdHmi. This bread looks well. Ce painvARAiT bo?i, or Abonne mine. ^ How does the country look? Quelle apparence a la campagne? To SUPPOSE; SUPPOSER, PENSER, S'IMAGINER. The French say as well as the English, supposer une chose, to sup- pose a thing, i. e. to take it as granted for the sake of argument ; as, You suppose (i. e. you take for granted) a thing which is not probable. Vous supposez une chose qui n'est pas probable. But the verb suppose, so often used in english in the sense of to Think, to Fancy, to imagine, can not be expressed by the verb supposer in french; it must be expressed by penser or s'imaginer ; as, I suppose you know the news, i. e. I think, I imagine, 8fc. Je m'iMAGiNE que vous savez les nouvelles ; not, Je suppose, 8fc. It is supposed that there has been a battle ; i. e. it is thought, fyc. On pense, on ^'imagine qu il y a eu bataille; never, On suppose. To HOPE ; ESPERER. To HOPE ; Se FLATTER, AIMER d C ROIRE, Se PLAIRE a CROIRE. The verb hope followed by a Future tense, is expressed by esperer; I hope you will be well by and by, to-morrow, &c. J' espere que vous vous porterez bien tantot, demain, eye. N.B. HOPE, being the expectation of something to come., can never be said in french of what is past or present ; so when the verb HOPE is followed by the pre- sent or perfect tense of another verb, it can not be expressed by Esperer ; it must be expressed by Se Flatter, Aimer a croire, Se Plaire a croire ; as, I hope you are well. Je me flatte, or J'aime a croire, or Je me plais a croire que vous vous portez bien; never, j'espere. I hope that I have not kept you waiting. Je me flattex que je ne vous ai pas fait atlendre ; never, j'espere. Yet, in these instances, we may also use the verb esp£rer, if we trans- pose it in parenthesis at the end of the sentence ; thus, Vous vous portez bien, /espere. You are well, I hope. Je ne vous ai pas fait attendre, /espere. I have not kept you, I hope, * MINE is said of the look of persons, and of things that are eatable, such as bread, meat, fruit, $c. bat it cannot be said of other things. t Jeme flatte, in this sense, does not mean I flatter myself ; it means, I like to thinly \o ■persuade myself. 257 idioms. 265 to take; mener, porter. To BPdNG ; AMENER, APPORTER. O T» Mener, to take, is said of beings that have the Natural faculty of ^OU walking; porter is said of the same beings when they have lost, or are not able to use that faculty ; and of Things ; as, Take my horse to the stable. menez mon cheval a Te curie. Take the saddle to the saddler. portez la selle au sellier. Amener and apporter are used in the same sense as Mcner and porter, but they imply a relation to the place in which we are ; as, Bring me my horse. ame>jez-??io£ mon cheval. Bring me my whip. APPORTEZ-moz mon fouet. To T/SF • l Se SEE walk; marcher, se promener. o aq If, by walk, you mean the action of going from place to place, either ^OO for Business or Exercise, you must use marcher; as, Walk a little faster. marchez un peujplus vite. I can not walk any more. Je ne puis plus marcher. 1 have walked too much to-day. J'ai trop marche avjourd'hui. If, by walk, you mean that exercise which is taken for Diversion, you must use the reflective verb se promener; as, Let us walk a little. promenons-tioms un peu. \_oVhui. I have not walked to-day. Je ne me suis pas promene aujour- N. B, To take a walk is expressed by faire un tour, or by faire une promenade, faire un tour de promenade ; as,* Let us go and take a walk. Allons faire un tour de promenade. Go and take a walk in the garden. Allez faire un tour dans lejardin.* To COME; ALLER, VENIR. q r* a The English often use the verb come, with reference to the person to ^U*x whom they speak; so speaking to a person in the street, they will say: I will come and see you to-morrow, meaning, at the person's, house; The French, on the contrary, speak with reference to the place, and not to the person ; so this sentence : I will come and see you to-morrow, may be expressed two ways; Je viendrai vous voir demain, being then at the place in which you are to come to see the person. J'irai vous voir demain, meaning the place where you are to go to see the person ; for, venir means to move from a place in which we are not at the time we are speaking, to a place in which we are; aller means to move from a place in which we are, to a place in which we are not. In asking a question, come is expressed by venir; but in the answer, the verb must be determined by the place, not by the person you are to go to. To RETURN; RETOURjSER, REVENIR. k The English use the verb return both for to go back, and to come ZuO back; but in french you must make a distinction. If, by return, you mean to go back y you must use retourner; as, I come from Paris, and I will return to-morrow; i.e. will go back. Je vie/is de Paris, etfy retournerai demain. If, by return, you mean to come back, you must use revenir; as, I am going to Paris, and I will return next week; i: e. will come back. Je vais a Paris, et je reyiendrai la semaine prochainc. N. B. To return, meaning to Give back, to Restore, to Repay, is ex- pressed by rendre; as, Return me my money. rendf.z-?710Z mon argent. Have I not returned it to you? Ne vous tai-je pas rendu? To CALL; PASSER CHEZ. dCC To call a person, is appeler QiielqiCun; but to call at a person's, Zil)U or upon a person is passer chez Qiielquun; as, When will you call upon me? Quand vasserez-vous chez moi? I will call upon you to-morrow. Je passerai demain chez vous. Never say, appelez sur moi, call upon me; j'appelerai sur vous, fyc. • Faire un tour is generally Understood of a short ivalh ; and Faire une promenade, Faire t/i tour de promenade means to take a wain, without any limitation as to time, bat rather lomj th;in short. 267 268 269 270 268 idioms. to break; rompre, casser. Rompre is said of thing's which require some effort to break them, such as wood and Metals ; as, You have broken my stick. Vovs avez rompu mon baton. Casser is said of things that are frail, such as Glass and Earthenware. He has broken the plates. II a casse les assiettes. The glass and bottle are broken. Le verre el la bouteille sont cassis. N. B. In speaking of Bones, we use indifferently rompre or casser; He has broke?i his leg. II s'cst casse or rompu lajambc. Without specifying any particular object, we use casser; as, They break every thinginthis house. On casse tout dans cette maison. And for break to pieces, we say briserj as, The ship was broken to pieces. Le navire fit tout brise. To LIKE; AIMER, TROUVER. To like, meaning to be Fond of, to have a Liking for a person o: a thing, is expressed by aimer; as, I like wine, money, pleasure, France, the country, &c. J'aime le vin, t argent, le plaisir, la France, la campagne, Sfc. But like is often used, especially in asking questions, for to Think, to nave an opinion, and is then expressed by penser or trouver; TT . 7-7 -i • o i i-e. What think you, what is your How do you like tins country ? \ opinion of this count ' ry ? Que PENSEZ-vo%9 de cepays? or comment trouvez-?;ows ce pays? Yet in the answer we use aimer; as, Je Taime beaucoup. Je Z'aime assez bien. Je ne Z'aime pas du tout. I like it much. I like it well enough. I do not like it at all. To KEEP ; GARDER, TENIR, AVOIR. To keep, meaning to preserve, to watch, to Guard, to Look after, is expressed by garder ; as, Keep it for my sake; i. e. preserve. gardez-Zc pour V amour de moi. This dog keeps the house; watches. Ce chien garde la maison. This boy keeps the flocks ; looks after. Ce garcon garde les troupeaux. These instances excepted, to keep is generally expressed by tenir She keeps a house, a school. Elle tient maison, ecole. He keeps an inn, boarders. II tient auberge, des pensionnaires. To keep in prison, in the house. tenir en prison, dans la maison. To keep clean, to keep ready. tenir propre, tenir pret. To keep cows, horses, a coach, avoir des vaches, des chevaux, tin carosse. Familiarly we say; rouler carosse ; to keep a coach. To GET ; GAGNER ; GOT not expressed in f rench. The verb get, meaning to Gain, to win, to Earn, to Acquire, is ex- pressed by gagner ; as, He gets or earns five shillings a day. II g agne cinq shelins par jour. He has got or won a deal of money. II a gagne beaucoup d' argent. But the participle got, so often added to the verb have, to denote pos* session, is not expressed in french, and is perhaps useless in english ; as, He has got a deal of money. II A beaucoup d' argent. Have you got any money about you? avez-i;o?/s de l' argent sur vous? You have got a new hat. Vous avez un chapeau neuf; not, Vpus avez gagne, which means, you have won, gained, earned, fyc, idioms. 269 To SPEND; DEPENSER, PASSER. Cfl Speaking of money, property, to spend is expressed by depenser; h* / I peaking of rime, spend is expressed by passer; as, He spends all his money in gaming. II depense tout so?i argent a jouer. He spends all his time in hunting.// passe tout son terns a la chasse. To CHARGE; PRENDRE, FAIRE PAYER, PRIX. c\nc% The verb charge, so often used in speaking of the price of things, £ / Ji can not be expressed in french by charger, which means to load, or to give in charge; it must be expressed by prendre, faire payer, or by prix, with some other verb ; as, How much do you charge a day for a horse? i. e. do you require? Combien prenez-vcws par jour pour un cheval? How much do you charge for a saddle? what is the _p rice of a saddle? Combien prenez-vcws pour une selle? or Quel est le prix d'une selle? You charge too much; i. e. the price is too high. Cesl trop, cest trop chcr, vous prenez trop, vous faites payer trop; never, vous chargez trop ; vous avez charge trop. t nn * urw f ALLER an DEVANT de, To GO to MEET; { ALL£R & u RENC0NTRE de Let us go and meet your sister. allons au devant de vot?*e sceur. Zt i O lxr . , , \Nous allions a voire rencontre ; We were going to meet you. { Ar , ■ ' b ° J [Nous allions au devant de vous. ToGoTeaT^COMENEAR; }aP™OCHER. S'APPIIOCHER fc Approcher means to bring an object near, and .s'approcker de £§ Ql means to go, or come near an object ; for ex. I sludl say : approchez la table. Bring the table near. But if I said to a person come near ox go near the table; I should not say, approchez la table; I must say, APPiiocHEZ-roz/s de la table; for it is the verson who is to approach the table, not the table to approach the person. I brought my sister near me. J'approchai ma sceur de moi. I went near my sister. Je at'approchai de ma sceur. To HEAR ; ENTENDRE, ENTENDRE des NOUVELLES, &c. To hear a person is entendre Qiielqu'un; as, I hear your sister coming. J'entends venir voire sceur. But to hear from, a person, is not entendre de Qiielqitun ; hear is then expressed by entendre des nouvelles, apprendre des nou- VELLES, RECEVOIR des NOUVELLES ; as, Do you hear from your sister often? ENTENDEZ-VOU0, or APPRENEZ-1XWS, 01* RECEVEZ-W7/.9 SOUVCilt des NOU- VELLES de voire sceur? not, entendez-wws souvent de voire sceur? I hear from her almost every day. J'entends, or j'apprends, or je recois pre&que touts les jours de ses nouvelles, or des nouvelles d'elle ; not, j'entends D'elle fyc. IT IS WITH; IL EN EST DE. 0^f\ It is with, denoting a similarity between two objects, is expressed ^w/ U by il en est de; as, It is with you as with me. I\vNESTdevouscommedemoi.[?nille. It is with a state as with a family. II en est d'un etat comine d'unefa- 275 277 278 279 280 281 270 IDIOMS. WHATEVER, IN VAIN, TO NO PURPOSE; AVOIR BEAU. Avoir beau is an expression very prevalent in conversation, instead of en vain, inutilement; so, instead of saying; Cest en vain que je lui dis d' 'etudier, il n'enfaitrien; It is invain that I teli him to study, he does not do it; we say; J'ai beau lui dire d 'etudier, il ji'enfait rien. To FIND FAULT WITH; TROUVER d REDIRE a; ex. He finds fault with every thing-. II trouve a redire a tout. What fault can be found ivith it? Que peut-on y trouver a redire? To TAKE IT KINDLY; SAVOIR BON GRE. To TAKE IT UNKINDLY; SAVOIR MAUVAIS GRE ; ex. If he comes, I will take it kindly. S'il vient,je lui en saurai bon gre. He would take it unkindly of me. 77 m'en saurait mauvais gre. Take it kindly or unkindly. SA.CHF.z-m'e?ibonGREOM mauvais gre. To DO WITHOUT, To BE EASY WITHOUT; Se PASSER de ; ex. Can you do without a horse? Pouvez-vous vous passer de cheval? I can not do without one. } r I am not easy without it. J Je ne P ms P as m en passer. WHAT IS THE MATTER, -j QU'YA-T-IL, QU'EST-CE QU'IL Y A, WHAT IS IT ABOUT, KOU'EST-CE QUE, WHAT 15 IT? ) QU'EST-CE QUE CEST? ex. What is the matter there? qu'y A-t-il la ; Qu'EST-ce.qu'il y a la ? What is the matter with you ? qu'est-ce que vous avez ? Whatisthe matterwiih your hand? qu'est-ce que vous avez a la main ? N. B. Qu'est-ce que is very prevalent in conversation, instead of que; so instead of saying-: que dites-vovs ? What do you say ? que faites-vous? What are you doing? we say : qu'est-ce que vous dites? qu'est-ce que vousfaites? 282 IS IT, IS IT NOT, ^EST-CE QUE, DOES IT, DOES IT NOT, VN'EST-CE PAS QUE, HAVE I, HAVE I NOT? JN'EST-CE PAS? These expressions are often used to ask questions ; but they serve less to require information, than to shew a kind of Fear or surprize, that the thing about which we inquire should be different from what we thought or wished it to be ; the difference will be made obvious in the following examples ; Vous en allez-vous? Are you going? est-ce que vous vous en allez ? You are not going, are you ? Ne sortirons-nous pas? Shall we not go out? N'est-ce pas que ?ious sortirons, \ w , ,, * i. j 7 . o A7 - .! , f We shall go out, shall we not ? or Nous sortirojis, n est-ce pas r ) & It seems to me, however it may seem to other people, that these two ways of asking a question, imply different ideas.* * These are the words which, I have remarked, generally embarrass the learner : hut he will find in the course of his studies, several other idiomatical expressions of less importance and too numerous to be explained in a grammar ; they are found in the dic- tionaries, and will be learned by taking notice of them in reading. 271 EXERCISES ON THE RULES CONTAINED IN THE SYNTAX. ARTICLE aild NOUN. 1 The article must be of the same gender and of the same number article doit etre meme genre m. et nombre m. as the noun ; The horse, the cow, the sheep. The bread, the meat, the que nom ; m. cheval, vache, brebis.f pain, m. viands, f. clothes. My garden, his house, his trees. Her finger, her ring-, her habit. 1 ; jardin, m. maison, f. arbre. doigt,m. bague,f, gloves. A dish, a plate. Some butter, some sauce, some pepper, gant. -plat, m. assiette. f. beurre, m. sauce, f. poivre, m some mustard, some capers. This wine, that beer, those glasses. moutarde, f. capre. vin,m. biere, f. verre. 2. The article must be pronounced easily with the noun ; Do you 133 doit se prononcer aistment avec — t go 125 to the assembly to-night ? I will go 525 to the opera. Shall you go 125 to uller§ assemble ce soir ? — aller || opera. — 133 alter school this summer? I shall go 125 towards the beginning of autumn. Te'cole kt& m..? — aller vers commencement m. 7 aulomne. (Let us go) (as far as) that tree near the church. Do you hear 125 - - ullons jusqu'a. arbre m. pres de dglise. — 133 entendre§ that bird? Have 125 you heard the history of that man? He has 125 oiseau? m. Avoir entendu 'ltistoire 'hommef avoir sacrificed his honour to the interest of the state. My ingenuity and sacrifit 'honneur inUret t"tat. inghiuiti et my exactness have 125 (at last) won her affection and her esteem. exactitude avoir enfin gagn6 affection estime. * These exercises being intended for persons who have written the introductory exercises, and for piT>ons of a riper understanding who are able to comprehend many rules at once, such rules only u ill he pointed out in each exercise, as the learner is supposed not to have seen, when he writes that exercise, that lie may have an opportunity to exercise his recollection. t See rules for the formation of the plural number of nouns, p. 183 and following. X A dash under a word shews that the word is not expressed in french. ij The figures at the top of the words indicate the paragraph where the rule' which that word requires is to be found. $ The Infinitive only of the verb is given here; the learner must himself find the right tense and person, agreeably to the conjugation to which the verb belongs ; therefore it is necessaiy that he should peruse the conjugations, before he writes these exercises 272 EXERCISE. article and NOUN. 3. The article must (be repeated) before every noun ; Bring" me article doit se repeter avant chaque nom ; Apportez 55 some pens, 9 ink, and 9 paper. I have a letter to write to my uncle 9 plume, *encre et papier, m. lettre t a ecrire oncle and 204 aunt. This paper and ink are 125 not good. Lend me your wax tante. l etre 190 boa 31 Pretez 58 cire m and seal. My father and mother have 125 invited your brother and sister cachet, m. et avoir invite to dine with us. After dinner we shall walk 125 into the park and d diner avec 53 Apres dine nous nous promener dans pare m 804 gardens. We shall drink 125 some tea or 9 cofFee before we go. 218 jardin. — prendre 9 thi m. ou caffe' m. avant que y allions. 4. The names of persons, 204 towns and 204 places do not take 125 any 8 article ; nom personne, ville et lieux - 190 prendre N,B> Moliere and Racine are 125 the two best 29 french 32 dramatic 32 authors. et etre deux meilleur francais dramatiqne 29 auteur. Buonaparte and Blucher decided the fate of Paris in the plain of Waterloo. decider 1 ' 25 du sort de dans p/at/ie f. Is Paris 134 as large as London? The city of London is 125 much larger 41 Paris est-il 43 grand 43 Londres? ville f. etre beaucoup grand' 29 than that of Paris. Have 125 you never been at Paris? No; I have been que celle Avoir 133 19 ° &t6 a ? Non ; 125 at Nantes, 204 Bordeaux, and 204 Marseilles, but I have not been at Paris. d. mais 125 19 ° Next 32 summer I will go 125 to Paris, 204 Geneva, 204 Florence and 204 Rome. Prochain 7 {-te aller d. Geneve, 5. The names of countries require 125 the definite article, le, la, les ; France nom pays demander 2 defini 3 ' 2 f. is 125 the most pleasant ^country in 49 Europe. It 62 is as fertile as Italy, and etre plus agrdable 3 ' 2 pays m. de V 2 Pile 125 43 43 Htalie the air of France is more healthful than that of Italy. France is rich 2 125 4i sa [ a q Ue celui 2 125 riche and very powerful. She has conquered Holland, Switzerland, Italy, tres puissant. 23 Pile 125 conquis Holiande f. Suisse, f. Spain, Portugal, Saxony, Bavaria, Prussia, Austria, part of Poland, 2 Espagne, m. Saxei'. Baviere f. Prusse f. 2 Autriche, line partie Pologne f. and 204 Russia, and compelled her enemies to make peace with her. * Russie, f. force 1 ennemi d, faire 7 paix avec elle. 6. After verbs expressing dwelling, going, coming, instead of Apres 7 verbe qui expriment demeurer, aller, VENlR,f au lieu de the article before the names of countries, we 90 use 125 the prepositions 2 avant pays on N,B * employer p r ^i )0S ^ l ' 0HS En and De, Have 125 you ever been to France ? I have lived in France et Avoir jamais He '/ demcure *The preposition O/mustbe expressed in french, together with the article, viz. of the. t These verbs being used here as substantives, must be in the infinitive in french. EXERCISE. 273 article and NOUN. several years. I went 13 * to France as soon as the war was over. plusieurs annee. alter 125 aussi tot que guerre f. /ut finie. I went 13 ? afterwards to Germany and 204 ltaly. I have lived near idler 125 ensuite Allemagne et Italie. J'ai deleave pres (v) n'avez pas N * B « , — 125 cidre, m. ou *eau. 10. A noun used in a partitive sense, preceded by an adjective, employ 6 dans partitif 3 ' 2 , pre'ctdc d' adjectif, ni. requires De before the adjective, instead of du, de la, des y before the demander 125 avant 2 , au lieu de noun ; (Were there) any pretty 83 women at the ball ? (There were) ; Y avait-il 246 joli 29 femme t bat m. ? II n'y avait few but old 33 women. (There are) fine 29 country 25 houses in England. guere que vieille 29 II y a 246 belle 33 de campagne maison f. en Some have large 33 parks and beautiful 33 gardens. (Are there) any Quelques unes ia5 grand 29 pare tres beaux jardin. Y a-t-il 1{ * * Serre is the name the French have for all glazed places, where plants are either preserved or forced. t At is expressed by the game preposition as TO. EXERCISE. 275 article and NOUN. large 83 trees in your garden ? No ; (They are) only small 33 trees. grand " 29 arbrem. dans jardin f 191 ; II n'y a 248 que petit 29 Some of the trees have fine 33 fruit on this year. Have you got Quelques uns arbres 125 beau fruit m. - x ann6e. f. 133 270 any nice 33 flowers ? Yes ; we have some beautiful 33 pinks. 10 belle M fleur ? Oui ; 125 tres beaux xillet. 11. The numeral article a, an, (is expressed) by un, une, the same numeral 32 A, an, s'exprime par de meme as the number one ; A glass, a bottle, a pound, a day, a year. que nombre m. ONE ; verre, m. bouteille, f. livre, f. jour, m. an. m. 12. Before names of measure, 204 weight and 204 number used in a Avant 7 nom 8 mesure, poids nombre pris collective sense, a, an, (are expressed) by ze, La; I must 181 buy collectif 3 * A, AN, s'expriment par ; II faut que f achete a pound of plums. (How much) do they sell them a pound ? They 90 11 8 prune. Combien - on 133 vend les 5i ? On N,B - sell 125 them two pence a dozen. Beer? sells 125 at four pence a pint, vendre les 5i deux sou douzaine. f. Biere f. se vendre - quatre sou pinte,f. wine? five shillings a bottle, ^brandy six pence a glass, and ?rum vin m. cinq shelin , ^eau-de-vie , rum m, five shillings a quart. I go 125 to ^school once a day. I take 125 lessons quarte.H. aller 2 ecole line fois prendre lecon three times a week. We have (holydays) only once a year. fois semaine. f. n'avons vacances qu'* unefois 2 annee. 13. The demonstrative article this, that, these, those, has dtmonstratif 32 CE, CET, CETTE, CES, the same properties in french as in english ; it 62 serves to (point out) memes propritte' en frangais qu* anglais; il servir 125 a designer the objects ; This man, this woman, these children. That horse, that objet ; *homme, femme, enfant. cheval, house, those trees This field, that grass, these people, those flocks. maitotifi. arbre. champ, m. herbe, f. gens, troupeau N.B. If you wish 125 to shew a distinction between two objects, Si vouloir ;72 marquer distinction f. entre deux objet, (you must) add ci after the noun to denote the nearer 32 objet, and xd il faut (kk) aj outer apres 17 ° designer plus pres 7 objet,xa.. to denote the remoter; This man is taller than that. 88 That woman 170 plus e'loigne' ; grand 41 celui-la. N,B " is handsomer than this. 88 These children play better than those. 88 belle* 1 N.B. jouer™ t N - B - Those trees are larger than these. 88 This field is better than that. 88 * The adverb Only may be expressed two ways, either by Settlement after the verb, or by JYe before the verb, and by Que after it ; so, JVo»s uvons vacances skulement una fois, ox Nous n'avons vacances qv' une fois §c« t See note (b) page 72 S 2 276 EXERCISE. article and NOUN. 14. The possessive 32 signs moji, ma, Mes; son, sa, ses, fye. follow possessif 29 signem. • suivre Xib the same rule as the definite article Le, La, Les ; they agree 125 in gender mime regie f. que defini 32 • Us s'accorder en genre and 204 number with the noun which follows 125 them ; My book, my nombre avec *** suivre les 5i ; Hire, m. pen, my papers. His coach, his chaise, his horses ; Her coach, •plume, f. papier. carosse, m. chaise, f. chevaux ; her chaise, her horses. Our friends, your children, their relations. ami, enfant, parent. 15. The possessive 32 signs my, thy, his, ker, our, your, their, possessif 29 MY, THY, HIS, HER, GJV, YOUR, THEIR, (are expressed) by the definite article Le, La, Les, before the name of the s'expriment defini 32 avant uom.m. parts of the body, when we 90 speak of a natural action of the body ; partie carps, m. quand on N - B - purler 125 nuturelle 3 ' 2 f. - ; Raise your arm. Move your leg. Advance your foot. She shuts 125 Lever* brus. m. Remuer* jambe. f. Avancer* pied. m. fermer her eyes, and opens her mouth ; or when we 90 speak of an action done yeux, ouvrir 125 bouche ; f. oft N - B - l25 qui se fait upon the body ; but, in these instances, we 90 add 125 to the verb one sur ; mais, dans l cas, . N,B - ajouter verbe m. of the pronouns Me, nous, re, vous, se, lui, Leur, (agreeably to) num- pronom m. suivant - 7 Ht. § Fircst person imperative. 280 EXERCISE. article and NOUN. 27. In speaking of the produce of a country, the English denote 125 En parlant V produit m. V a y s ) m » Anglais designer the name of the country by an adjective ; the French denote it by a nom m. par adjectif; m. Frajicais 125 le 5i substantive, and place 125 it after the name of the produce; Have you substantif, m. placer le 5i ; 133 got any french brandy? No; but I have good Spanish wine. Do you 270 9 France eau-de-vie ? 191 ; i0 bon Espagne vin. m. - 133 like 125 english beer 7 ? No ; I doj£ B . not ; I prefer 125 dutch beer or aimer Angleterre Mere f. ? 191 ; Je nel'aime pas ; J\iimer mieux Hollande 7 french cider.? Will 125 you have english 9 cheese, or swiss cheese? France cidrc m. Vouloir - 17i Angleterre fromage, m. Suisse 9 ? 28. Before the names of countries, of (is expressed) by Be, after Avant nom m. pays , OF s'exprime par , nouns denoting dignity or authority, by du, de La, Des, after 7 qui designent dignity f. autorite' , other nouns; The king of Congo. The queen of Angola. The stadtholder lesautres ; roi reine stathouder of Holland. The cortes of Spain. The petty states of Italy. The Hollande. cortes plur. Espagne. petits ttat Italic air of France is more healthful than that 80 of Italy. The soil of air m. f. plus salubre celui sol to.. Spain and Portugal would be 125 very fertile, if it was well cultivated. m. - etre tres fertile, s'il ctait bien cultive'. The south of England is warmer than the north of France. sud m. chaud 41 nord m. * The gender of nouns will no longer be marked in these exercises with the initial letters m. f. ; the learner must now find out the gender by the rules given page 181 and following, according to the termination of the noun. But observe that it is by the sound of the last syllable of the word, not by the spelling that we know the gender of' the noun. Now suppose you want to find out the gender of these twelve nouns, France, Fays, Na- tion, Besoin, Agrtment. delice, Vie, Secours, Peche, Abricot, Fruit, G'ibier, which you will find in the beginning of the following exercise. 1st. France ; this noun ends in e mute ; see page 183 a general rule for the mute termination, and you will find it to be fern. Fays ; see either the termination I page 181, or s page 183, and you will find that these termi- nations are both muse. Nation ; look for ION, page 182 ; you will find that nouns of this termination, a few excepted, are all fern. Besoin ; look for the termination oin, page 182, and you will find it to be masc. Agrdment ; look for knt, page 182, you will find that nouns of this termination are all, but one, masc. Velice ; look for the termination CE, page 184 ; you will find delice, masc, being an exception to the general rule, which is fern. Vie ; see page 183, the general rule for common names ending in e mute, and you will find it to he fern. Secours ; look for OUR, page 182, and you will find it to be a masc. termination. Peche ; look for che, page 185 ; you will not find that word in the excep- tions, which o,re masc. then you conclude that it is included in the general rule, which is cf the contrary gender. Abricot; look for or or, page 182; you will find that nouns of that termination are all masc. Fruit ; look for I, page 181, a masculine termination. Gibier ; look for ER, page 182 ; you will find it to be a nmsc termination ; and so on for any other noun the gender ofwhich you want to know. But impress your mind with the general rule, and read often the exception, that by such frequent readings you may retain the most useful words contained in it ; for you must not expect to retain them all at once. The advantage of these rules must appear obvious. By marking the gender at the end of the noun, or by referring to the dictionary for it, you learn only the gender of one word, whilst by referring to these rules, you learn the gender of a whole set of words. EXERCISE. 281 article and NOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules.* I come from France and Italy. I have been at Paris, Bordeaux, venir 125 Ituiie. a Wi Lyons, Geneva, Florence, Leghorn, Naples and Rome. How do you Lyon, Genhe, Livourne, Comment - 133 like 2:8 France and Italy ? I like 125 them both 122 (very much 183 ), but trouver ? aimer les 51 Vune et I' autre beaucoup NB -, I would 125 rather live in France than in Italy. France is certainly a aimer mieux(kk)vivre qu' certainement most beautiful country. It 02 has within itself every thing that can 125 tres beau 23 ° Elle en elle-meme tout ce qui pouvoir minister to the wants, comforts and delights of life. France produces 125 , servir (kk) besoin, agreement delice lie. produire almost without the assistance of art, all 29 sorts of delicious fruit ; presque sans secours art, tout sorte de'licieux 32 ' fruit ; pears, apples, grapes, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, figs, olives, poire, pomme, raisin, peche, abricot, prune, cerise, ftgu e > * a (great deal) more corn, wine and oil than the inhabitants can 125 - beaucoup plus bit, tin 'huile que habitant 47 pouvoir consume; and the country abounds 185 with game, 204 poultry, and ^cattle. consommer ; pays abonder en igibier, volatile, betail. The population of France, (considering ^its extent) is immense. They™ si on en conside^e I'ttendue On N - B reckon in France twenty-five millions of souls. France is undoubtedly compter 125 vingt cinq dme. 125 sans contredit the most powerful nation in 49 Europe. It 62 alone has withstood the plus puissant' 29 de l' Elle seule rfoiste 202 aux efforts of Russia, Prussia, Germany, England, Holland, Spain, Russie, Prusse, Allemagne, Angleterre, Hollande, Eipugne, and Sardinia, that wanted to 1 ' 2 subdue it; but after twenty years of Sardaigne, 7 * voulaient - subjugucr la 5i ; vingt an uninterrupted 32 victories, that brave and warlike 32 nation was (at last) continue 29 victoire, 13 82 gucrrier w fut eufin overcome by all 29 those powers combined, 29 and compelled to submit accable 158 par tout puissance combine, NB - force' 29 de se soumettre to the greatest 89 humiliation to which men can 50 be condemned, that 88 plus grand 7 embarquer pour America. I long to see that country of liberty and independence, Amerique. Ilmetarde de voir 13 ^ liberty indipendance, where rational 32 beings may 125 communicate their ideas to their (Yellow on raisonnable 29 etre pouvoir communique?' x idde beings) without fearing 154 the holy 29 political 32 or religious inquisition. semblable sans craindre saint* politique an religieuse 32 After having 15 * visited the principal 29 cities of the wise republic of the avoir visitd * ville sage * ripublique immortal Washington, I will go to Mexico, Chili, and Peru. I want immortel* , - aller 125 Mtzique, , Ptrou. ai envie to see if the tree of liberty, lately 184 planted in the new* world, de voir si arbre , dcpuis pen plants 213 nouveau monde, is 135 thriving better than it 62 has done, in the. old, and if it is - rtussir 125 mieux qu' il n* 7 a faire 213 ancwn, ^ 155 spreading its enlivening 32 branches over the fertile 32 plains of that 6tendre li5 ses vivifiant 29 sur ** plaine w immense and rich 32 continent. What a pleasure to see millions of 32 riche Quel plaisir 168 voir 9 intelligent 32 beings uniting all their energies to 1 ? break the chains of 29 etre unir 154 29 pour rompre chaine superstition and despotism, those two satanic 32 enemies of reason, that despotisme, deux satanique 29 ennemi raison, 13 divine spark of the supreme wisdom ! If the father of light deigns 125 32 6tincelle 32 sagesse ! lumiere daigner to cast a look on the actions of men, it is surely in such a work 172 jetter regard sur , c' surement 213 tel x ouvrage that he must delight to see his image employed. What is the reason qu' doit se complaire ct voir occupi. Quelle that trade is so languishing, and that money is so scarce now ? que commerce 125 si languissant, argent rare a present? (People in trade) think 125 that it is the war. Oh ! war is a dreadful Commercants penser que 65 guerre. Oh ! 125 affreuse 32 thing. War is the scourge of mankind. How preferable 29 are chose. fliau genre humain. Combien pre'fe'rable 135 123 peace and harmony amongst all men ! If men were reasonable, paii 'harmonic parmi touts I Si etaient raisonnable, 29 * Put this adjective before the noun. f When the substance is restrained to a little, a few, SOME is expressed by quelquc, quelques, not by du, de la, des, which imply an unlimited number or quantity. EXERCISE. 283 article and NOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. they (would never go to) war. War begets 125 taxes, taxes beget ne se feraient jamais engendrer taxe, 125 poverty, and plunge 125 people into misery. Thus whole 32 nations are pautretS, plonger peuple 213 misere. Ainsi entier** made 158 miserable 29 to gratify the ambition of a few vain 32 beings rendre 1 "° satisfaire petit nombre vairi^ etre whom often chance alone raises to the supreme rank, and who have 74 souvent hazard seul dlever 125 32 rang, 7i 123 the art of inciting men to slaughter men, by calling them 66 heroes, exciter 15 * a igorger en appelant ceux * heros, who 86 are merely the base executioners of their inhuman 32 orders. N>B> ne sont que vil 29 exe'cuteur inhumain 29 ordre. Will you come and take a walk along the river side before dinner ? Vouloir 133 venir (nn) faire tour sur riviere bord 206 dine'? The sight of the water is pleasant at this time of the year. (Is there) vice eau agriable terns amide. Y a-t-il 2i6 any fish in this river ? Not much ; (there are) eels and carps, and poisson 1 Pas ; II y a 246 anguille carpe, some trouts : But we are not far from the sea, and our fish-market t truite : 190 loin de mer, poissonnerie is well supplied with sea 25 fish. We have salmon, turbot, soles, bien pourvu 158 de de mer poisson, saumon, sole, mackerel, codfish, excellent' 6 oysters, crabs, and lobsters. Let us go and maquereau, morue, % 31 huitre, crabe homard. - - Aller (nn) see your market. What an abundance of (every thing) (there is in it!) voir marchd. Quelle 82 abondance 107 il y a 246 - ! What a deal of hares, rabbits and partridges ! I see people yonder 183 82 quantity liivre, lapin perdrix ! voir gens 229 la-bas NB> who are selling 125 woodcocks, snipes and (wild pigeons.) (Here are) 75 155 ven dre btcasse, bicassine ramier. ^ also pheasants and quails. Do you like quails? Yes ; (very much.) We aussi faisan caille. - 133 aimer ? ; beaucoup. 11 must 181 walk towards home. It c2 is dinner time. Let us walk faut que nous allions vers la maison. C N,B - diner heure. - - Entrer into tke dining room. The dinner is on the table. What have we 218 diner salle. sur Qu' 83 i« 1 33 for dinner? A round of beef with cabbage and carrots, and a loin pour f rouelle bceuf avec choux || carotte, longe of veal with peas and spinage. Bring me some mustard, salt, pepper, veau, pois £pinards.\\ Apporter 58 moutarde, se/, poicre, a coffee cup, and a table spoon. (How much) do they 90 sell 125 meat caffS tasse, soupe cuiller. Combien - 13s N - B - vendre viande a pound in this town? Beef and mutton sell 125 eight pence a pound, litre 213 ville ? mouton se vendre huit sou * Turn by calling heroes them who, %c. f See note f p. 282. X Pat this adjective after all these nouns. |j This ward is plural in french. 284 EXERCISE, article and NOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. and veal seven pence. That is very dear. Yet we often buy 1!J veau sept C tres cher. Cependant m e,x 70 acheter a hundred pounds weight at a time. Corn sells 125 twelve shillings a cent livre - d. 12 fois. BU se vendre douze shelin bushel, and bread three pence a pound ; but good 33 workmen get 125 boisseau, pain trois livre; bon i9 ouvrier gagner four shillings a day. Bring a bottle of wine, and some wine glasses. quatre jour. Apporier* bouteille vin, verve. Will you have french wine or Spanish wine ? I will drink a glass Vouloir - l 7* France Espagne f - boire of Port wine, if you have any. 5 * (There is) no wine in the bottle. , si en. (p) II n'y a 246 pas 213 Is there no wine in the wine cellar? Go to the wine merchant, N'y a-t-il pas cavef Aller* chez de vin marchand, and tell him to send me 54 a dozen bottles of Port wine at sixty dire* lui de envoyer m' douzaine de « soixante shillings a dozen. This wine costs me five shillings a bottle. You shelin couter M cinq have a fine gold watch. It 68 has cost a hundred guineas. It 05 is a belle or montre. Elle couti guinie. C present from my cousin's guardian. Have you seen my brother's pre' sent cousin tuteur. vu powder bag? It 83 is in my father's bed room. Let us walk up to voudre sac? II 2l3 ' coucher chambre. - - Allev* - that hill. What 82 a fine prospect we have from here ! What a deal colline. Quelle belle perspective d' ici ! M quantiti of fine 33 flowers (there is) here ! Let us gather some 95 to 1 ?* belle 29 fleur ily a ici ! - - Cueillir* en 70 quelqaee-unes vmur make nosegays for your sister's children who (are so fond of) flowers. faire bouquet pour 7i aiment tant - (Here are) some violets. What a pretty rose bud ! I see 125 yonder Void 2i7 violeitej 82 joli 33 rose bouton ! voir lH-bas some hawthorns, (honey suckles) and sweet 32 briers. (That is) my sister's auMpine t, chevre-feuillef odorant 6glantier.\ Voila. 2 * 7 husband's country house. Your father's house is finer 41 than that. 88 mari de campagne maison. belle NB « (There are) people who are looking 125 at the flower pots which are at Voild?* 7 gens 2 * 9 155 regarder 201 fleur pot% 7 * d your mother's window. My brother's coachman fell 13 ? from his horse fenetre. cocker tomber de - cheval yesterday 183 ; He broke 13 * his leg, and put 13 ? his arm out of joint. hier ; NB - se casser jambe, se dimettre bras — - — 1| * Imperative. f Use the singular in french. J If you mean pots with flowers in, you must say, pots de fleurs ; if you mean pots to put flowers in, you must say, pots a, fleurs. \\ Out of joint is expressed in the verb dimettre. EXERCISE. 285 ADJECTIVE 29. The adjective must be of the same gender, and of the same *adjectif doit etre meme genre , number as the noun which it 62 qualifies ; That young man is (in love.) nombre que nom ** il qualifier; (bb) jeune homme amoureux That young woman is (in love.) He is very young. She is very "bb) femme * tres jeune. young. He is married. She is married. 29 He is capricious. She is * marie. l58 * N - B « capricieux. capricious. Ail 29 men are capricious. All 20 women are capricious. Tout 7 7 30. When an adjective qualifies several nouns of the same gender, Quand plusieurs genre, the adjective must be of the same gender as those 13 nouns and plural; doit que (bb) plurier ; Miss A. and Miss B. are (in love.) They are very happy. They Mademoiselle amoureux.* Elles tres heureux.* will soon 184 be married. That 89 makes the mother and daughter very - bientot etre * (bb) rendre 3 tres proud.* They are both 122 very capricious ; but they are civil and orgueiileux. Elles toutes deux * ; civil * obliging. That 13 lady has a gown and a petticoat very well matched. Migeant* (bb) dame robe jupe tres bien assorti.* The tea and the sugar are good, but the cream and the water are bad. the* sucre bon, crane eau mauvais. 31. If an adjective qualifies several nouns of different 32 genders, the Si qualifier diffirenf* adjective must be of the masculine gender and (in the) plural number; doit etre masculin 3 ' 2 an plurier — ; Mr. A. and Miss B. are (in love.) They are very happy. Are Monsieur amoureux. lis they not married yet 183 ? They are both 122 very capricious ; but the^ 190 marie' lss encore ? touts deux ; are civil and obliging. He makes 125 his son and daughter unhappy. citil obligeant. rendre 3 malheureux.(h) You have a coat and a waistcoat very well matched. The tea and habit veste tres assorti. th& the water are good, but the cream and the sugar are very bad. eau bon, creme sucre mauvais. 32. Adjectives are generally 18 * placed in french after the noun; ?Adjectif - ordinairement se placent en apres ; All 29 the polite people in 49 Europe speak the french 2 * language. Tout poli" gens m. de I' parler francais langue. (I am told) that it is a very difficult language. Eatf a piece of new onm'a dil 9i que c' difficile Manger morceau* frais * See note (g) p. 198, how the feminine gender of adjectives is formed. + Imperative. 286 EXERCISE. ADJECTIVE. bread, and drink a glass of white wine. England is a delightful pain, boire * verve 8 blanc vin. Angleterre dilicieux country; but (there is) always a cold and damp air. (There are) 230 ; ilya™ froid humide «*« charming 29 women, opulent 9 cities, fruitful 9 lands, and pleasant charmanti 9 , opulent* 9 ville, fertile* 9 terre, agrtable 2 - country 25 houses. I like 126 their simple 29 and cordial 29 manners. de campagne 9 maison. aimer 14 simple cordial t mani&re. 33. The adjectives Beau, Bel, Belle, Bon, Grand, gtos, jeune, joli, adjectif luauvais, jneilleur, Moindre, petit, rout, vieux, vieille, and the adjectives of number premier, second, Sfc. are generally 184 placed - ordinairement se placeja before 206 the noun ; (That is) a large house. It 62 is in a fine situation. avant ; Voila ** grand 29 Elle 213 belle situation. It belongs to a young man. He has lately married an old woman. 52 appartenir jeune depuis peu SpousS vieille He 65 is a big man. She is a little woman. They have two pretty children. C gros 65 petit 29 deuxjoli 29 34. If two adjectives requiring different 38 places qualify the same Si deux (qui demandent) different 29 9 qualifier meme noun, they 62 (are placed) both 122 after the noun, joined together by , Us se placent touts deux , joint 29 ensemble par H conjunction ; (that is) a large convenient house. It 62 is in a fine covjonction ; 247 grand 29 commode. Elle 213 belle healthy situation. It belongs to a profligate young man. He has saine 62 appartenir de'bauche' w 39 lately married an old rich woman. He 65 is a great man. He is a tall depuis peu e'pouse' riche C (i) 65 (i) man. They are 10 very honest 29 people. They are very civil 29 people. 63 sont tres honnete (i) gens. 65 honnete (i) 9 35. The adjectives of number (are placed) in french as in english, nombre se placent en comme anglais, before the noun ; The first day of the week. The third month of the 206 ± jour semaine. mois year. The fourth year of the reign of the fifth monarch. annie. regne monarque. 36. To distinguish some personage from other persons of the same 170 distinguer j| personnage a" autres personne meme name, the English use 125 the adjectives of number ; the French use nom, Anglais employer 8 ; Francais 125 * Imperative, f See note (g) page 198, how the feminine gender of adjectives is formed. X See the adjectives of number, p. 178. || See note t page 282. EXERCISE. 287 ADJECTIVE. the substantives, and leave oat the article ; Henry the fourth was a great substantif, omettre 125 - Henri * g^and man and a good king; he succeeded Henry the third brother to Charles roi ; succe'der d, * de the ninth, the greatest villain that^ 4 ever reigned 136 over a civilized # u sce'lerat quif ait 50 jamais re'gnt' sur civilise 32 people. Henry the eighth, after having 154 been the friend of Pope 228 Henri * apres avoir 6t6 ami 7 Pape Clement the seventh, became the greatest enemy of the papal 32 autho- * devenir u ennemi papal 29 auto- rity, and delivered England (from the) shameful yoke of an Italian priest. riti, dMivrer 5 du honteui 3 ' 2 joug Italien 32 pretre. 37. The adjectives of measure and 204 dimension which (are placed) 8 mesure dimensioyi 74 t se placent after the number in english, (are placed) before the number in french, nombre en se placent 20s , and are always followed by the preposition Be ; Our garden is two toujours suiiis de jardin hundred paces long, and a hundred and fifty broad. It 62 is surrounded * pas long, 21 | large. II entouri by a wall twelve feet high, two feet thick, and a hundred yards long. d' mur * pieds haut, Spais, 21 verge N. B. These sentences are more commonly 184 expressed in french (bb) phrase - plus communement s'expriment en by the substantive of dimension in this manner ; Our garden has two par substantif 8 de (bb) manure ; hundred paces of length, and a hundred and fifty of breadth. It c2 is pas longueur, 2l ^ largeur. II surrounded by a wall of twelve feet of height, and of two of thickness. entoure' d' pieds hauteur, epuisseur. But observe that with the adjective (you 181 must) use the verb £tre> observez qu' avec U n.b. f aut employer verbe , and with the substantive the verb Avoir ; thus, Our garden is long of ; ainsi, long two hundred paces, and broad of a hundred and fifty ; or, our garden pas , large 2 * f ; ou, has two hundred paces of length, and a hundred and fifty of breadth. pas longueur, largeur. 38. The adjective is 242 not to be separated (from the) noun by vn, doit 19 ° - etre se'pare' du par une y as it 68 is sometimes by a, an, in english ; this article must be comme il F° est quelque fois A, an, en ; 2 doit se placed in french before these words ; Did 136 you ever see such a man? placet' francuis (bb) mot ; Avez jamais vu tel ? * See numbers, page 176. t See note (m) page 82. t See note * page 177. 288 EXERCISE ADJECTIVE. I never saw 136 so tall* a a woman. It is not so great a thing-. 190 ai vu si grand Ce 199 si grand™ chose? 39. Many 8 adjectives have the property of substantives in french, Beaucoup* 1 - 3 - propria 7 en f and render 125 useless the words man, woman, people, which the rendre inutiles mot MAN, woman, people. 74 * (corresponding 32 ) adjectives require in english ; An English man. qui les reprhentent demander Anglais A French woman. He is a drunken man ; a covetous man. She is Francaise . 65 ivrogne ; avare. 6S an idle woman. They are ungrateful people. Learned men paresseux ( g) . 65 smt i ngrat 9 # Savant? are esteemed. 29 Ignorant people are despised. 29 Take notice of eslim6. n.b. Ignorant? mtprisi. N.B. ^aites attention a these words in reading authors, and in the dictionaries. ( 00 ) en lisant tauteur, 213 dictionnaire. 40. By leaving out the article before 208 the names of distinction and En omettant - avant nom 8 distinction of profession which follow the verbs Eire, nevenir, se Faire, passer profession * suivre verbe pour, these nouns have the property of adjectives ; My brother is a , (bb) nom propria 7 colonel, and my father is a general. He is the commander in chief. Lionel, giniral, II commandant en chef. That man was a tailor. He lately 104 turned a school 25 master. He 140 tailleur. depuis ptu s' est fait dcole maitre. passes for a doctor. His son was a bookseller; now he is a surgeon. passer pour me'decin. 140 libra ire ; chirurgien. The e words which serve to qualify nouns, serve also (by the) • s 7-t* servir d. qualifier nom 7 t servir aussi au means of certain particles to compare their qualities. moyen 8 certaines(i) particule d. en comparer les l7 qualite*. 41. The comparative of superiority which (is formed) in english by comparatif 8 superiority * se forme t en en adding er to the adjective, (is formed) in french by plus before the ajoutant ER * , se forme en par 206 adjective ; Spain 5 is larger than France ; but France is richer and ; 2 Espagne grand 29 que 5 ; riche more powerful than Spain. This 13 field is better than that, 88 because puissant 29 . N - B « champ X N ' B "> V arce Q u> it 62 is better cultivated. Your watch is finer than mine, because it 6S is il $ cultivL montre belle 85 elle newer and dearer; but mine is better, and will last longer than yours. neuve, cher 29 ; 85 % — durer long terns 85 . • See note (m) p. 82. " t See N. b. under note (ii) p. 235. i See note (b) p. 72. EXERCISE. 289 ADJECTIVE. 42. The comparative of inferiority, formed in english by less, or comparatif 8 infdnorite, form£ en par less, ou not so before the adjective, (is formed) in french by Mollis or pas si not so 20S 2 , - se forme* par ou before the adjective; Spain 5 is not so rich, nor so powerful as France. 2 adjecHf; Espagne 190 » ni 29 5 That 13 field is less fruitful than this. 83 Your sister is not so handsome, NB - champ fertile *•>»• belle, nor so rich as your cousin, but she is not less amiable. cousine, aimable. 43. The comparative of equality, formed in english by as before tgulite, en par as he adjective and as after it 64 , (is formed) in french by aussi before the AS - , - se former 125 par adjective, and Que after; Spain is not by much as populous as France. , ; 2 19 ° de beaucoup peuple'' 29 5 That 13 field is as fruitful as this. 80 Your sister is as amiable as your »* champ fertile V - B - aimable cousin. My watch is as good 29 as yours, but it is not so fine. cousine. montre Ion (g) 85 , 62 belle. 44. The superlative, formed in english by adding most or st to superlatif, forme* en ajoutant most ou ST the adjective (is formed) in french by adding the article Le, La, Les, dm, 2 se former 125 * en (hhj De la, Des, fyc. to the comparative 32 particles plus, moins ; Fiance is comparative 29 particule ; 5 the most populous country in Europe. China is the largest empire peuptt* 230 49 5 t 5 Chine grand in the world. (This is) my finest book. If it 68 is not the finest, it « vionde. 2 * (I) beau S' il , c " 2 is the best. It is the dearest book that I have ever bought. meillenr. 65 cher' Ai 7i 50 jamais achete. 45. Do not express the article, and place the adjective or noun - 19u exprimerX , placer after the verb, in the following 32 comparative 32 sentences and others verbe, suivant 29 " phrase autres like; The more you study 125 , the more you learn. The more I see semblables ; 6ludier, apprendre. voir her, the less I like her. The more T know men, the less I esteem 54 , aimer 5i connaUre 7 , estimer them. The more difficult a thing is, the more honourable it is. 54 difficile chose , honorable n 1 think that the more 8 pains I take, 125 the less 8 progress I make. penser (bb)*- B - plus N,H - peine prendre, mains*"*' progres faire. * See N. B. (ii) page 235. + See note t p. 65. $ Second pers. plur. imperative* T 290 EXERCISE. ADJECTIVE. 46. The comparative 32 particles plus, moins, si, Aussi, must 125 comparative 29 particule , devoir (be repeated) before every 104 adjective ; She is more studious 29 and ( kk) se rtptier 206 chaque . ; studieux (g) dutiful than her sister. She is already as wise and clever as her obtissant* dtjd. sage habile mother ; but she is so proud and affected that nobody likes 125 her. ; fier™ affects 9 ? aimer 5i 47. Que after the comparative 32 words plus, moins, moindre, meil- comparutif 29 mots leur, mieux, pis, pire, requires Ne before the verb which follows it 54 ; , demander S06 ? 4 suivre le ; He has lost more than he has gained. He is richer than he was. He lives perdre gagner. riche 14 ° vivve better than he did 139 before. He is less happy than people imagine. (b)p.72 faire 206 NB - heureux " N - fl - s'imaginer. N. B. Ne (is left out) if the verb which follows Que is in the infi- s'omet (ii) NB - 7* suivre d. 3 infi- nitive, or if it is preceded by a conjunction j it is better to read than nitif, ou 62 pr6cid6 > lemkuxl Ho or I ? It 62 is I who learn best. It 62 is he who learns best. ? N.a. 123 k.b. 123 53. When a personal 32 pronoun is the nominative of several verbs personnel pronom plusieurs it is generally 103 repeated with each verb; I believe and will always 82 - ordinah ement se r£p6ter 1& * chaque ; croire - iai believe that it is so. He always promises, but does not keep his que cela uinsi. ie * promettre, - 19 ° tenir word. We have seen it 55 , and will see 125 it again. purole. vu le , revolt 51 t 54. When the pronouns we, thee, us, you, him, her, it, them, ME, THEE, VS, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, THEM, lire governed by a verb, the pronouns Me, re, nous, vous, se, Le, lu, Hgir 138 verbe, i.es, j.ui, Lcur, y, eii, which represent them, (are placed) in french ?* representer 6i , - se placer 125 * en ■•* See n.b. under note (ii), pago 235, f Again is expressed by re before roir. 294 EXERCISE. PERSONAL PRONOUN. immediately before that verb; Your brother does not love me,, He immtdiatement 206 (bb) verbe; - aimer XZb never comes to see us. Does he not speak to you, when he meets 190 venir 172 voir. - 133 parler C°) , rencontrer you? My mother will not allow me to speak to him. I will write ? vouloir (kk)permettre de (o) - tcrire to her. I will scold her for using- you so. Do not say (any thing , Co) - gronder de traiter ainsi. - dire i25 " to her (about it.) She would use me worse (for it.) She would beat Co) en — traiter 2^ usma ^ en59 ~ battr* me. If I knew it, I would not suffer it. I must 181 reconcile then:.. Si savais le, - souffrir II fdut queje reconcilie I will invite them to come to see me. I will speak to them to-day. - inviter a venir 17 ' 2 voir - (o) aujourd'hui, 55. If the pronouns me, Te, nous, vous, se, Le, La, Les, lux, Leur, i pronom eh are governed by a tense compounded of the auxiliary verbs avoir rdgir 15 * par terns compose* auxiliaire 32 or etre, and of a past 32 participle, they must (be placed) before on , passe participe, 62 devoir C^k) se V^ acer 209 the auxiliary verb, not betweeu the auxiliary and the participle ; Have 32 , non entre ; you seen my brother? I have seen him, but I have not spoken voir 1 , 190 parler to him. My mother has forbidden me to speak to him. Has he Co) difendre de (o) returned you the book which you had lent him ? No, he has not rendre livre 7i aviez preter * ? 19x 19 ° returned it 62 yet 183 . Has he read it 68 ? I do not think 821 he has rendre le encore. lire f ? - penser li5 opened it 02 . I am afraid 221 he 195 has lost it 68 . He has told me that ouvrir t - craindre 146 perdre t dire que you have given it him. I have not given it him. It 62 is not mine. donner * 2 * ™ * II ** I have borrowed it 62 from a friend. He has asked me for 201 it again. emprunter f d redemander - t t If the pronouns me, thee, us, you, him, her, it, them are ME, THEE, US, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, THEM governed by the imperative of a verb, consider whether the sentence rigir 158 par imp6rafif , consider er si phrase commands, or whether it 62 forbids. || commander, ou $i f dSfendre. d &ee note (f) p. 79. t See note (h) p. 80. £ Again is expressed by re before demander. || The verb commands when the action spoken of is to be done ; the verb forbids when the action spoken of is not to be done ; so, Wait, is a command ; Do not wait, is a for- biddance or prohibition. EXERCISE. 295 PERSONAL PRONOUN. 56. If you command, place the pronouns after the verb, and express , placer* apres vede, exprimer' me by Moi; thee and thyself by toI ; Wait for me. Get thyself ready. , thee thyself ; Attendre' 201 Appreter 57. If you forbid, place the pronouns before the verb, agreeably to dtfendre, * avant , suivant the general 32 rule, and express me by me; thee and thyself by re; general 29 rdgl'e, ME ; THEE THYSELF ; Help 258 me. Do not help me. Help 258 yourself; help him; help her; Aider* - 190 Servir* f ; servir ; ; help them. Do not help him; do not help her; do not help them. servir - servir ; - ; — Wait for me. Do not wait for me. Bring me a clean 32 plate. Attendee* 201 - 201 Apporter* blanche assiette. Do not give me such a dirty plate. Bring it 62 here. Do not bring - si x sale 32 * la id. — it here. Shew it him. Do not shew it him. Take it. Do not 62 Montrer*™ lui.% 62 162 Prendre 62 take it. Hear me. Hear him. Do not hear him. Stop her. Do 82 Ecouter* - Arreter - not stop her. Let 246 her go. Do not let her go. Let them alone. Laisser aller. - 248 tranquilles. 58. If the verb which governs the personal pronouns is followed by regir personnel 32 suivi d' a preposition expressed in french, the pronouns (are placed) after the exprim.6 157 en , - se placer 1 ' 25 preposition, and me (is expressed) by moi ; thee by roi; him by Lid; , ME -s'eiprimer 125 par ; thee ; him her by Elle; them by eux, masc, by Elles, fern.; Come near me. HER ; them , , , ; s'approcher f de Have you thought of 200 me ? I always think of you. I was coming penser d. ? 184 penser h - venir 155 to you, when they obliged me to go to her. You are laughin" 155 a , obliger d' aller d, - se moquer t at 200 me. Do you know what she says of him ? He does not care de - savoir 125 w dire de 1 - se soucie r for 200 her nor for what she says of him. They have enquired d' ni de w sar t s'informer after you. Have you applied to them ? I will not trust 202 them. de 200 23 7t s'adresser a ? vouloir me fier & What reason have you to mistrust 202 them ? I do not speak of them. 82 raison de vous mifier d' ? * The second person singular of the imperative is seldom used in french, except through familiarity or contempt; the second person plural is used, though speaking to a single person; so instead of saying Place, we say Placez; instead of Attends, we say Alteudcz. t See reflective verbs, pages 114, 115. * See note (f ) page 79. 296 EXERCISE. PERSONAL PRONOUN. 59. If several pronouns are governed by the same verb, they must plusieurs regir 15a par , 62 devoir (be placed) together in the following order; The pronouns of the (hk) se placer ensemble 313 qui suit 32 ordre ; first 29 person me, nous; those of the second re, vous t and that of the 33 personne ; OT second 29 , w third se, (are placed 125 ) before any of the other pronouns ; Le, La, Les, - se placer* 206 touts - cmtm ; (are placed) before lui, Leur, y, eii; lui, Leur before y, eji; and y -se placer™* ; 206 before eji ; I have something to tell you. What 83 is it ? I can not tell \ • "a dire (y) ? pouvoir (kh) it you now. I will tell it you (by and by.) Why will 1 ? 3 not you le a present. - tantot. Pourquoi vouloir tell it me now? I have a letter for you. Your brother has sent it 62 ? lettre pour envoy'ce f me to bring it you. Where is it ? Give it me. Why will 1 ? 3 not 55 170 apporter t Oil 62 ? Donner 6 ' 2 60 vouloir 1 ' 25 you give it me? If you do not give it me immediately, I will 1 ? 3 not ask 62 ? - 62 aussitot, - ne you for 201 it again, and I will tell him 102 of it. Here it is 247 . Shew - || plus, 190 - lui || le La void *- fl - Montrer it 52 me. I will return it to you presently". I have brought you some 00 - rendre oi - tout & Theure. apporter 55 9 fruit too. Give us some. What 83 ! you had promised it to us, and aussi. (p) Quoi ! aviez promettre 0i - , you give it to them. I offered 130 it to you first and you would not w - ai offert 62 - 35 piemierement avez 13a have it. I will send you some to-morrow. Do not forget to send voulu 55 - envoyer (p) demain. ~ oublier de me some, for it is long 246 since I 195 have eat any. I will? not. (p) , car il y a long-terns que mange" (p) V - B - 60. When a verb in the imperative governs several pronouns, if Qitand il impdratif rtgir plusieurs , Moi, toI are (in the) number, these two pronouns (are placed) for du , 13 - se placer 1 ' 25 * pour the sake of melody after the other pronouns ; Give it me. Bring - - mdlodie autres ; Donner 125 Amener her to me. Send them to me there. Send some to me there. — Envoyer — y. (e) p. 74. — * See n. B. under note (ii) p. 235. t See note * p. 78. % See note (h) p. 80. || We do not say in french, Demander quelqu'un pour une chose, to ask somebody for a thing ; the thing is always the object of the verb, and the person the object of a preposi- tion ; we say, Demander une chose a quelqu'un, to ask a tiling to somebody, the same as we say, Donner une chose a quelqu'un, to give a thing to somebody. Nor do we sav, Dire une personne d'une chose, to tell a person of a thing, we say, Dire une chose a. une pe , •- tonne, to tell a thing to a person. EXERCISE. 297 PERSONAL PRONOUN, 61 . Except when either 128 of these pronouns meets the pronoun Excepte Vim ou I'autre rencontrer EH; for, me some, me of it, of them (are expressed) by Men ; , car, ME some, ME of it, of them - s'exprimer 125 par , thee some, thee of it, of them are expressed 125 by T'en, THEE SOME, THEE of IT, of THEM - (u) N - B « , whether they come before or after the verb; He gave me some. soit que renir 203 ; donner (p) Give me some. He put 13 ? me (in mind) (of it.) Put me (in mind) (p) faire souvenir en Faites souvenir of it. He brought thee some. Recall to thyself the difficulties of it. 53 apporler (p) Rappeler - difficult^ 59 62. As there are only two genders in french, the masculine and Comme il n'y a que genre en , masculin the feminine, the neuter 32 pronouns it, they, tiiem (are expressed) feminin, neutre™ IT, THEY, THEM - (ii ) NB - 125 by il, Elk, lis, Elks, Le, La, Les, agreeably to the gender and suivant - number of the noun to which they refer 125 , the same as when (speak- 3 76 serapporter, de meme que on parte ing) of ^persons; Look at that tree; it is well blossomed, yet personnel Begarder Wl 2 arbre ; fleuri, cependant it produces no fruit. 8 I will cut it down, if it does not bear produire 190 NB - abutire, (li) p. 80. * , - . porter fruit this year. (These are) 10 very fine trees, but they are too N-B- annee. 247 tres 3S , trop young to bear fruit yet 183 . They do not bear fruit 8 , when they are jeune** pour 9 rf#«. N - B - - N,B *, so young. (That is) a fine flower. It is a rose. Will you have 1 ? 4 s j 29 247 jleur. 65 Vouloir it? How sweet it smells! I will take it to my mother. (li)p.80. l85 boni sentir! ™ 25G (h) p. 80. She is so 183 fond of roses. Take some of these cherries ; they are - tant aimer - 7 Prendre 93 (bb) cerise; very good. They are not quite ripe 29 yet 183 They will be better tres 29 lout (i fait mur encored- (b)p.72. in another week. It 02 is very pleasant to have a garden near one's 2!3 une semuine. N,B - agrdable d' jardin prSsdesa house. It 02 is the greatest 33 pleasure I have. Was it 62 you who N-B- « plaisir(s) 50 Etait NB - sent 120 us some fruit the other day ? No, it 02 was my brother. I envoyer 137 autre jour? Non, NB - 14 ° thought* 81 it 68 was you. Did you like 187 it 8 *? Yes, it was very nice. penser** N B - - trouvo- ban ? . 110 bon. * To COT is Caliper ; To cut down is Abutire, not Couper en has. t $weel is here used adverbially, so is fiat, and it does not require any agreement. 298 EXERCISE. PERSONAL PRONOUN. 63. Though lui, lcut, (are used) for all 29 beings that? 4 have life Quoique , , - s' employ er 1 ^ pour litre (m) p. 82. 7 vie such as brutes and plants, as likewise for ideal 32 substances in which tels que brute 7 7 plante, et aussi ideal 29 7 dans 76 we suppose an active principle, such as 'heaven, providence, fortune, supposer actif 32 principe, telles que ciel, 7 , ? , some virtues and vices ; as, Take the horses into the stable, and bring * vertu 3 ; comme, 256 213 Scurie, 258 them 58 some hay. This tree is dying 155 , give 162 it a little 8 water. (f)p. 79 . 9 foin. 2 arbre -se mourn, donner 56 peu NB * eau. Most men worship love; they sacrifice every thing to it ; They La plupart des adorer 130 amour ; sacrifier 107 5i ; lis can not be used for lifeless 32 beings which are 92 commonly 183 called - (kk) s' employer sans vie 7 que on ordinairement appeler things ; in speaking of things, to. it, to them are expressed by Y ; chose ; en parlant 7 , to IT, to THEM - s'exprimer 125 ; Geography is a pleasant study ; you should give some time to it. You GSographie 7 agrtable 32 Stude ; 176 * terns 5i do not pay sufficient attention to it. I want to learn mathematics ; but faire assez 8 NB> M 260 7 mathhnatique ; I can not a pply to them. I have not time to stick to them. (hh)m , appliquer 59 7 de mattacher 59 64. Lui, Elle, euoc, eIUs, after a preposition, (are said) only of proposition ne se disent que persons and beings that are 98 generally 183 personified ; such as heaven, ipersonne 7 que on g&nhalement personnifier 125 ; tels que 7 , providence, virtue, fcove, &c. ; as, If men knew 140 virtue, they would 7 , 7 vertu, 7 amour, §c. ; comme, 7 connaitre 7 , burn with love for it, and f own tna t (there is) no 8 real happiness binder d' pour , avouer que 246 N - B - vrai% bonheur without it. In speaking of brutes or things, the preposition is gene- sans En parlant 7 brutes ou 7 , - 133 rally changed into an adverb, and the pronoun (is left out); as, se changer 125 en - adverbe, - s'oinettre 125 ; comme, That chair is broken, do not sit 57 upon it. The rails are (bb) chaise rompu 158 , - s'asseoir || dessus barreau newly painted, do not lean 57 against them. Stand 55 (by the side) fraichement peint 29 , - s'appuyerW contre Se tenir || a cote*' of them. I have made a terrace in my garden, a grotto under it, and terrasse 213 , grotte dessous, planted trees all round it. I am going to make a water spout (in the) plants 9 arbre autour 155 172 d'eau 25 jet ' au middle of it, and a canal through it. Have you ever been in it ? milieu , d. travers. jamais dedans ? * See note -j page 282. ■}■ "Would is here understood in english. t Pat this adjective before the noun. || See the imperative ^>f a reflective verb, p. 114. EXERCISE- 299 PERSONAL PRONOUN. 65. When he, she, it, they are the nominative of the verb be, HE, SHE, IT, THEY, BE, followed by a substantive, they 62 are generally expressed by Ce ; suivi d' , Us - 18a s'eiprimer™ par Do you know that gentleman who is coming (this way?) He is a - 133 connaUre (bb) monsieur - venir 155 (paricif) philosopher. He is a very learned man That is his wife who is with philosophe. tres savant C est la famine him. She is a very haughty 32 woman. Is that their house ? Yes, 58 hautain 29 femme. Est-ce la ? Qui, it is. It is a very good 20 house. They are very respectable people 9 . 70 33 32 g enSm 66. He, she, they, him, her, them are sometimes used 125 he, she, they, him, her, them - quetquefois 183 s' employer without reference to a noun expressed in the discourse, but with rapport exprim6 213 discours, avec reference to the words man, woman or people understood ; then they mot MAN, WOMAN ou PEOPLE sous-entendus ; alors : (are expressed) he, him by celui ; she, her by celle; they, them - s'exprimer 125 he, him par ; SHE, HER ; they, them by ceux; Happy he who lives, i. e. the man who lives contented with ; Heureux vivre content 200 his lot. Providence never abandons him who does not abandon himself. sort. 7 190 abandonner - s'abandonner lui-meme. She who refuses a husband, is not always sure to 168 find another. refuser mari, sur 2 * en 70 trouver un autre. N. B. The English, in this kind of sentences, often place 125 the Anglais, 213 (bb) sorte ° phrase, Wi placer words he, she, &c. and the relative who, whom, which? 4 follows HE, SHE, §c. relatif who, whom, (m) p. 82. suivre them, in different 82 "parts of the sentence ; the French (on the) 5i , 2l3 different 20 partie ; ait contrary, generally place Qui, Que, Dont immediately after celui, contruire, 184 125 imme'diatement celle, ceux ; He is a flatterer who praises men for virtues which? 4 they * ; jlaileur louer 7 des (m) p. 82. have not. He can not be happy whose happiness depends upon saurait 192 7i bonheur 7 dependre des other people. They are not always happy who seem to be so M .t mitres. - 39 paruitre - - le 67. His, her, their used in the same sense as the above 32 pro- His, her, their employe's sens que ci-dessus nouns, i e. without reference to a noun mentioned, are expressed, rapport (dontilsoit fait mention), - s'eiprimer 1 * 5 , * See * p. 210. f Turn thia sentence in frencli ; They who seem happy, are not always so. 300 EXERCISE. PERSONAL PRONOUN. his by de celui ; her by de celle; their by de ceux ; Every body HIS J HER ; THEIR 106 blames his manners, i. e. the manners of him, who acts without modesty. blamer maniere , agir modestie. I would not trust her virtue, who does not care 200 for her reputation. vculoir me fier a vertit - se soucier de * ' Their labours do not always succeed, who take their measures best.* travail - m rdussir prendre mesure le mieux. 68. When a personal 32 pronoun is the object of several verbs, it must personnel dbjet plusieurs , 62 doit be repeated with each verb ; He saw and heard me. He loves and se ripHer 102 ; voir entendre 5i aimer esteems you. I hate and despise him. I entreat and conjure you. estimer 5i hair me'priser 5i prier conjurer M 69. When several verbs come tog-ether, the pronouns should (be ensemble, • decraient (se placed) immediately before the verb which ? 4 governs them; Will placer) # (m) p. 82. rigir 5i ; 173 you help me to do it? Cannot you do it yourself ? He wishes to aider 163 faire 5 *? 192 (m) n.b. f souhaitcr V* marry her. She will not speak to him. She can not bear him. tpouser M vouloir (kk) (o) 5i 1D2 souffrir 54 . 70. When, in a sentence of several parts, the subject mentioned Quandj 213 phrase plusieurs partie, sujet dont il est fait mention in the first" 9 part is continued, the french add 125 to the following 32 parts premier continuer, francais ajouter suivunt' 29 of the sentence one of the pronouns z,e, x«, Les, eu, f, agreeably to the suivant — idea which? 4 they wish to express; Is this the master of the house? idie (m) p. 82. vouloir 17 ' 2 ; Est-ce ici maitre ? Yes, he is; i. e. the master. He is rich and I am not; i.e. rich. He , (r) . riche (m) . t has friends and I have not; i.e. any friends. Are these the books Q ami ( m ) • (v) t Sont-ce ici of which you were speaking? Yes, they are; i.e. the books. Is 7* 155 f 65 .j. your brother at home ? No, he is not ; i. e. there. And if the 134 au logisf 191 , 190 . (e)p. 74. auxiliary verb with which we 90 ask the question, is attended by ano- auxiliaire^ 76 N.B. f a [ vc p accompagnd d' ther verb, that verb must also be repeated ; Have you seen your , (bb) doit uussi - se rcpeter ; (ii) N - B « vu * Turn ; The labours of those who take best their measures, do not always succeed, t You do not repeat the noun or adjective, which is understood in english, but yen must add one of tne above pronouns to the verb, as long as the sams subject is continued. EXERCISE. 301 PERSONAL PRONOUN. brother lately? No, I have not, i.e. seen him. When you see 14 * Aepuis pen ? wx , * . verrez him, tell him that I want to speak to him. I will; i. e. tell it him. I , dire liu™ (bl>) *° ^ (o) * . do not know what he wants ; do yon? i. e. knoic it? No, I do not ; i. e. savoir ^ vouioir ; * ? 7° N - B - , * know it; if I did 140 ; i. e. know it, I would not have asked yon about it. ro n.b. . * . 70 N.B. ( demander - f 59 71. If the pronoun, which* 4 in these instances (is added) to the sen- , (m)p.8 l 2. (bb J cas s'ajauter I25 tence, represents a noun, it must be one of the words ze, La, Lea, , represenler , doit mot agreeably to the gender and number of that noun ; Are you the mivcnit - 3 (hli) • brother of that lady ? Yes, I am. Are you the sister of that (i>b) ? , (hb) gentleman ? No, I am not. Are these your horses ? Yes, they are. monsieur? Sont-ce ici chevalf? , 63 72. If you have to represent, in the second part of the sentence, <} vej>resetiler ^ an adjective, an adverb, or a member of a sentence, you 101 must add , , n;t un membre - , il n.b. faui ajouter lc without regard to gender or number ; Sir, are you ready? Yes, I sans avoir egard 7 ou 7 • , pret ? , am; i. e. ready. Are you ready, Madam? No, Sir, I am not; i.e. ready. 29 Q t > > Are your brothers returned 158 ? No, they are not ; i. e. relumed. 134 as. 1 ) f 73. En, y, which? 4 are generally said 125 of things only, may, in (m) p, 82. - l03 se dire 7 , peuvent, en answer to these questions, (be used) for persons ; eh, instead of rcponse (bb) , (kk) s 'employe*' pour * ; , an lien de de Moi, de roi, de nous, de vous, de lu'i, d*Elle t (1'euj:, d'Elles ; y, 5 instead of a moi, a roi, a nous, a vous, a Lui, a idle, a eux, a Elles ; Were you speaking of me? Yes, I was; i.e. speaking of you. Do _ 133 155 " 58 ? * ' I • you care for her? No, I do not; i.e. care for her. Will you not se soucier de s8 f 191 , * . ira trust 809 him? No, indeed, I will not; i.e. trust him. Have 23 ' yon vonsfiera *" f 191 , otvcritr, * . j not applied to them? Yes, we have 8 *; i.e. have applied to them. s'udresitor M ? , • * These signs, or auxiliary verbs which represent the principal verb in english, have no meaning in f rench, you must repeat the verb itself. j See note J p. 206. % See compound tenses of a reflective verb used interrogatively, page llo. 302 EXERCISE. PERSONAL PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* Your sister has not used 29 ? me well. What has she done to you? neti a pas use avec 183 N - B - m fuire Co) t We were at the ball last night; I asked 252 her to dance with me; 1*0 bat. »» . vr - m .Vi 7 168 danser . she refused me, and after she had refused me, she danced with refuser lST , apros que eut refuse , 137 another. She mentioned it to me this morning. She is very sorry a l3 *parld en(o) (bb) *• facH™ (for it.) She desired me to tell you so. She did 140 not intend to offend en a iSS prie 1, BE so kind, in the imperative, Ayez la bonte ; not Soyez si bon. EXERCISE. 303 PERSONAL PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules, I thank you. I will 1 ? 3 not deprive you of it. I do not care (for it.) remercier vouloir (kk) priver - se soucier en I have bought it with the intention of giving 154 it away. Have you acheter dans dessein donner - En 70 got another? Yes, I have' . Is this your new 32 watch ? Yes, it is. It *i° un mitre ? , NB - Est-ce ici neuve montre ? , ce 70 62 is silver; I thought 221 it was gold. My uncle has promised me a gold d'argent ; pensais 140 62 u0 d'or. oncle d'or one, if I get a prize this year. I wish 221 you may 7 °. NB ' Ah ! en 70 , remporter prix (bb) 233 souhaiter en remportiez un. Ah ! is it 62 you? How glad I am to see you ! If you had not called upon N.B. f 185 a i se 168 voir I av -l ez 266 me now, I would have called upon you this afternoon. I wanted 260 a prisertt, 266 (bb) *apres midi. 14 ° to see you. We go to the play to-night; will you come with us? aller comedie* 235 ; t venir 9 Will your cousin 134 be there? I think 221 she will 70 . I will go; for I long -t cousine f. (e)p.74. penser NB - t ; car- J (very much) to see her. She is a most amiable 32 young lady. You fort 168 voir 65 des plus aimables jeune demoiselle.^ do not know (how much) I love and esteem her. I always think savoir combien aimer estimer 184 penser of her, but I (am afraid) 221 she never thinks of me. What reason 200 ( craindre ' 190 200 82 raison have you to think so? Because, when I meet her, she does not 168 i e 54 f Parceque y rencontrer, - \\ take any notice of me. You should 1 ' 6 speak to her. You should (aire aucune attention & devoir (0) 176 call upon her. I (am afraid) of offending 154 her. I know 221 she has (kit) 266 craindre dtplaire 202 lui savoir a great regard for you, but I can not say that she loves you. - beaucoup de respect pour , (kk) dire (bb)™- 13 - Yet, I recollect that one day, as I was speaking of you to her, Cependant, se rappeler un jour, comme 155 (0) , she asked me if I knew 140 you well. I told her that I did 70 , demander connaltre bien dire (f) p. 79. (bb)^-B. ^[N.B. • Comedie in french, does not mean Corned// only, but is said of any kind of plays acted upon a stajre, and also of the house itself where such plays are acted ; you may also express the word Play by Specta- cle. Theatre in french is generally understood of that part of the house called the stage ; yet it is said also of the huuse itself. t Seo note * p. 143. % See the impersonal verb LONG, p. 175. Pray give my love to them, and tell them 168 so. I will 70 . Is not fuire amities (0) t , (J) p. 79. le n.b. your country ^house finished vet 183 ? No, it is not, and I do not de campagne 134 finir iM N - B - m , . • 70 , know when it will be. My father does not like it now. He says savoir quand * 70 - aimer * (L) p. 80. that it is too near the road. He wants 200 to sell it, and 204 (bb)v.B.* trop pres de route. avoir envie 168 * (h) p. 80. d'eri 70 build another a little further in the country. I wonder he does bdtir 120 unpen bin 41 213 23 ° s'ctonner ■« not like it; it seems 125 a good house, and it is in a pleasant • ; • avoir apparence - X , * 213 agrM)le 3i situation. He is going 155 to add a terrace to it, and make a moat - aller l7i ajouter terrasse , fosse round it. Have you been in the park ? They 90 are making a pond JUtOUr M pare ? n.b. - fuire l55 hang in the middle of it. (Here is) some fruit. Will you have* 74 any? milieu 64 ** 7 9 . (p) I shall be obliged to you, if you will give me some. Take some. obligi (0) , 144 (p) Prendre (p) Take some more. (There 240 is) plenty in the garden. We have ( p) davantage. en 70 abondunce 213 jardin. en 7 ° (so much) that ( we do not 192 know what to do (with it.) Have you tout (bb) n-b- - n.b. q Ue 172 f uire 200 || e , K • Mind the gender of the noun which this pronoun represents. + Express this sentence thus: / pray you to give my love to them, una to tell thrm fyc. \ Turn this sentence thus: It has a good appearance. [] With is implied in the pronoun en, U 306 EXERCISE. PERSONAL PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. been where 1 told 138 you? No, I have not? . Why do not you go? etre oil ai dit l9i , N - B - Pourquoi - y 7 ° 133 Are you not ready yet 183 ? Yes, I am. Is your sister ready ? I 133 pret encore n.b. , ro is4 29 (am afraid) she is not. Go and tell her 102 to (get ready) as fast as craindre 221 146 ?° Alter -(nn) dire (f) p. 79. 1M sapprtter 43 vite 43 she can 142 . Is this the book of which you were speaking- to me? poura. Est-ce ici 74 155 (0) Yes, it is. Have you read it? Yes, I have? . Is it entertaining? Yes, 70 lire n.b. amusant? very. Read it. You know Mr. B.; do you not 282 ? Yes, I do.? connaitre Monsieur ; 7i'est-ce pas ? Oui, N * B - He is a very clever young man, but I (am afraid 195 ) he is a little (too 65 tres habile 3 * jeune , craindre 221 14S unpen much) addicted to gaming. Has he ever asked you for money ? Yes, trop adonnt 7 jeu. jamais * 9 argent? , he has? . Did 136 you lend him 102 any? Yes, I 136 did?°. I am very sorry n.b. Avez pretS (f) p. 79. (p) , ai n.b. fdchg (for 200 it,) for I do not think that he will ever return it to you. Do en , car - (bb) N - B - rendre 145 (0) you think he will' ? Yes, I do* . He is a very worthy 32 young 221 145 n.b. , n.b. es fa beaucoup de mhite man. I wish 221 you would recommend him to some of your friends 180 vouloir recommander 93 who could serve him. I will? . I esteem him (very much) myself, put servir n.b. estimer fort (m)x.B. and I beg you by all that is dear to you, not 190 to mention to him supplier par tout ce qui cher (0) } n-b. de parler de (0) what 84 I have said to you, for I would never pardon you for it. I (m) p. 82. (0) , car 190 pardonner * will? not. Only 184 tell him 162 , when you see 142 him,, that I shall be N-B. Seulemcnt (f) p. 79. voir , (bb) n.b. much obliged to him, if he will do me the favour that he has pro- tie?! oblige" (0) , 144 faire grdce 7 * pro- mised me. I will tell him 162 so 54 . I like them who shew themselves mettre 159 (f) p. 79. le aimer 63 montrer se such as they are. (So do I.) Tell him le2 to call upon me as soon as tels que Etmoiaussi. (f)p.79. 168 266 43 tot 43 he can 142 . I will? . Now, I must wish you good morning. Come pouvoir. n.b. A present, m souhaite* 7 234 n.b. Veni* and see us again soon. You may 1 ? 8 be sure that I will 70 . I will — (nn)revoir t bientot. pouvoir sur (o&^n.b. n.b. come as often as I can, whilst I am so near yon. I hope you will 70 . 43 43 14 ' 2 , pendant que U3 prts de 22 '* n.b • See note J page 295. ■)■ Re prefixed to a verb, expresses the voiH again. EXERCISE. 307 RELATIVE PRONOUN. 74. When who, that, which are the nominative of a verb, they WHO, THAT, which nominatif , Us (are expressed) by qui; I see a gentleman yonder who is waiting s'exprimer (ii) >'.b. pur ; voir monsieur t Id bas 75 155 attendre for me. It 62 is from him I have bought that horse which is lame. 201 k.b. 22 i acheter (bb) boiteux. He has another which suits me. I have one which, I think, will die. en 70 tin autre convenir en 70 un , entire, tnourir. When whom, that, which are the object of a verb, they are WHOM, THA T, WHICH objet * , expressed by Que ; You know the gentleman we have just 244 met. s'exprimer ; i t (s) tenons de rencontrer. It 68 is from him I have bought the horse that you have seen. He has K.B. 221 vo j rm e „70 another which I want to buy, to replace that which I have lost. 120 230 acheter, l7 ° remplacer ** perdre. Whose, of whom, of which, are expressed by dojU ; He is the Whose, of whom, of which - s'exprimer t ; 65 gentleman whose horse has won the race. He is not the person t gagn£ In prix de la course. 65 personne f. of whom you complain. No, he is? not. He is a man of whom I have seplaindre. , 65 (r) 65 a good opinion. The horse of which I was speaking to you is sold. 2i 29 - purler l55 (o) vend re. 75. Qui, Que, doiU, whatever be the order of the words which , , , quelque n7 soit correspond to them in english, must be placed immediately after the correspondre 63 en , devoir - se placer immediatement noun to which they relate ; A gentleman has been here who 79 G2 se rupporter(ii) ; f ii est venu ici |j wanted 230 to speak to you. Is the man (come back) whom I had vouloir 14 ° '" 2 (o) 134 revenir avuis sent (for him) ? Yes, he is' . Is the money to be had (turn, can envoy er lequerir? , "•»• Peut-on 92 avoir one w have the money) which we are in need of? No, it is not.' (hh) aeons 9 * besom 2n3 m , N. B. Bout, (besides its being placed) immediately after the noun , outre qu'il doit se placer to which it relates, must also be followed immediately (by the) nomi- 79 il , doit aussi tire suivi du native of the verb which? 4 follows it ; as, (That is) the gentleman (m) p. 02. suil re 5t ; , Zi7 i • See note *, p. 204, the distinction between the nominative and the object of a verb, + Monsieur, not Gentilhomme, which in the french language means Nobleman. X See page 140, and 152, the difference between Savoir and Connaitre. | Turn this sentence thus ; There has been here a gentleman who wanted &c. u2 308 EXERCISE. RELATIVE PRONOUN. whose horse I wanted 230 to buy. He is a man whose probity I know, vouloir 140 172 aclietei'. 65 probitS * , a man whose talents I admire, and whose friendship I value much. , amitU priser fart. If the sentence can not be turned in this manner, whose must phrase pouvoir (kit) — se tourner de (bb) maniere, WHOSE doit (kk) be expressed by duQiiel, de laouelle, desQuels, desouelles, agreeably to — s'exprimer par , , , * , suivant — the gender and number of the noun to which the pronoun relates 125 ; genre 3 nombre 76 se rapporter ; He is a man to whose family I owe every thing, and in whose hands 6J famille devoir ' m , main all my property is. They are people upon whose word one may depend. bien 65 76. After a preposition whom is expressed by qui for both genders whom - s'exprimer les deux and numbers ; which by leouel, laouelle, lesQuels, lesQuelles ; les deux ; which , , , ,* from which by duQuel, de IctQuelle, desciuels, desQuelles; to, at which from WHICH , , , ; to, at WHICH by aiiQuel, a laQiielle, auxQitels, auxQiielles, agreeably to the gender , , , , suivant - and number of the noun to which it relates ; You know the gentle- 3 il se rapporter ; * man to whom I have spoken. It 62 is he who has brought the parcel purler. n.b. 52 apporter paquet in which your letter was. (This is) the carriage in which he came 130 . 140 w voiture est venu. Are these the horses to which he is so much attached? They are not Sont-ce ici si fort attach^ ? fit 20 for the use which they are intended for 203 . Let us walk along propre 200 usage les 92 destine. & Se promener f le long de the road in which we walked 13 ? yesterday. What is the name of route (v) se promener t hier. m the place in which we are? I like to know the name of the places 2 endroit ' (v) aimer 169 * through which I go. Have 23 ? you inquired for the town from which ( v) passer. Vous etes-vous inform^ de (v) he comes ? I could not hear any thing on which I can rely. venir ? at 136 pu " apprendre " (u) 145 compter. 77. who, whom used absolutely, i. e. without reference to a noun Who, whom employe' absolument, c'est tl dire rapport mentioned in the sentence, implies the word person understood, {dont il soit fait mention) phrase , renfermer person sous-entendu, * See p. 140, and 1j2. the distinction between Savoir and Connaitre. i See Se BLAMER, p. 11*. EXERCISE. 809 RELATIVE PRONOUN. and is expressed by qui; Whom did' 33 you meet? Whom were - s'exprimer * ; avez trouve ? uo you with ? Whom did 133 you give it 55 to ? I do not know whom 133 a* avez donne 203 - savoir you mean 1 * 6 . I do not know whom you are speaking- of. vouloir dire. - - 155 2L ' a 78. Whose used in the same sense, i. e. without reference to a Whose employe me me sens, cest u dire rapport noun expressed, implies also the word person understood, and is exprime, renfermer aussi person - expressed by de Qui, when it is used for of whom ; and by a qui, s'exprimer* , - s 'employer* . of whom; , when it is used for to whom; Whose son are you? Whose daughter * to whom; 133 is she ? Whose relations are they ? Whose house is that, or whom parent cette, t does that house belong to ? Whose property is it, or whom does it - (bb) est 203 _ e 2j j. belong to? Whose children are these, or whom do these children art 20S ces, t (bb) belong to ? Do you not know whose they are ? They are my sister's. _ 133 £ Which used to ask a question, is sometimes 183 joined like an Which 169 faire , - quelquefois sejoindre*, comms adjective to the noun which follows it; as, which man? Some- udjectif suivre 5i ; comme, which man? times it is joined to it like a substantive by the preposition of; as, il - sajoindre* 6a substantif par of; */hich of these men? and sometimes it is used without (a noun WHICH of THESE MEN? - s 'employer * etre suivi after it,) but with reference to a noun expressed in the former 29 part d'un nom, avec rapport exprimti premier purlie gf the sentence; as, It 02 is one of these men; which is it? phrase; , n.b. (bb) • which is it? 79. When which interrogative is joined like an adjective to the WHICH intcrrogatif -sejoindre * comme noun which follows it 9 *, it is expressed by Quel, Quelle, Quels, Quelles, suivre le , it - s'exprimer * , , , , agreeably to the gender and number of the noun; Which horse will $itivunt - genre 3 nombre ; ' rJ || you ride? Which road shall we g;o by 203 ? Which inn shall we 133 monterf route 13a alter pur auberge l8> (put up) at? Which is the best inn in this town? Which room descendre 20u meilleur (bb) ville / chambre * See N. B. under note (ii) pn^e 235. + These two modes of expression are generally rendered in the same manner in french, j See note (o) p. 88. || See note * p. li'3. 310 EXERCISE RELATIVE PRONJUN. will you sit in? Which paper would you like to read? ** rester 203 papier l< *> lire? 80. When which interrogative is joined like a substantive by the which - sejoindre * comme preposition of, to the noun which follows it, or when it relates to a of, suivre 54 , il se rupporier noun mentioned in the foregoing part of the sentence, it is expressed (dont il est fait mention) premier 29 pariie phrase, si - s'exprimer* by leauel, laQuelle, lesQuels, lesQuelles, duQiiel, de laouelle, des Sfc. i. e. the article le, la, les ; du, de la, des ; ait, a la, aux, agreeably to c'est d. dire ; ; suivant - gender and number, is added to the words Quel, Quelle, Quels, ouelles ; ' 7 , - s\ijouter* ; Which of these horses will you ride? Which is the easiest? t »? 3 vionter? aistl" Which of these two roads shall we go by 203 ? Which is the shortest 44 ? 133 par court 29 ? Which of these rooms will you sit in ? Which has the finest view ? tf g ' rester 203 belle" vue? 81. Sometimes which implies the pronoun that or those under- fVHiCH renfermer THAT on those sous- slood ; Then it is expressed by celui Que, celle Que, ceux Que % entendu; Alors il - s'eivrimer* , , celles Que, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun to which 3 78 it relates; Which horse shall I ride? You may ride which (i.e. 62 se rapporter ; 13s monter pouvez that which) you please 142 . Which of these roads shall we go by ? (/ vous plaira. 133 alle" ^ Go by which you like 142 . In which room shall I put your luggage 1 ? vouloir. 133 mettre bagage? Put it 55 in that which I told 136 you. Put it in which you will 142 . Mettre s ' 2 * ai dit 55 62 vouloir. 82. What joined to a noun, or relating to a noun mentioned What joint , ayant rapport (dont il est fait mention) in the sentence, is expressed by Quel, Quelle, Quels, ouelles, agreeably phrase, - s'exprimer* , , -, , suivant to gender and number, in the same manner as which; What place - "' 7 de manure que WHICH ; endroit do you come from ? What road did 136 you come by ? What inn - 133 venir 203 etes 238 venu 203 will you go to 203 ? Have you heard the report? No, what is it? aller entendu bruit qui court f , * See N. B. under note (it) page 235. + See note * page 214. EXERCISE. 311 RELATIVE PRONOUN. 83. What used absolutely, i. e. without reference to a noun Wha t employS , c'est (t dire rapport expressed in the discourse, implies the word thing understood, and eiprime 213 discours, renfermer THING , is expressed by Que or by Quoi. What is expressed by Que, when it 63 -s'exprimer ou What- s'exprimer , il is the object of a verb; What do you think of this country? What - 133 penser ™° do you intend 125 to (do with yourself)? What do you mean 125 ? 133 avoir dessein de deoenir - - 133 vouloir dire ? What do you want 260 to do with that? What is that to you? 133 vouloir V* fairs 20 ° 89 (y) fait m (o) 5i What (is expressed) by quoi, when it is used as an interjection, or What , il - s' 'employer - , on when it is governed by a preposition; What! he is not come yet" 53 . 62 v6gir par ; ! venu encorex.u. What! you do not answer me. ^Listen to me. Well! what? - repondre 5l Ecouter (o) 56 Eh Men ! What are these people talking- about? What do you meddle with? (bb) gens I31 purler 155 de 203 - * se meler de W3 "84. What is often used in the sense of that which: in these What - 183 s' employer 213 sens that which: (bb) instances, what is expressed by ce Qui, when it is the nominative cus, what ~ s'exprimer (m) p. 82. il nominatif of a verb, and by ce Que, when it is the object ; Do yon know what , (iu) p. 82. objet ; - 133 (that which) makes her angry ? Do you hear what she says ? I know fdcher — - entendre what she wants 260 . But when what in the sense of that which is vouloir. WHAT THAT WHICH governed by a preposition, (it is necessary) to consider whether the regir il faut 17 ' 2 considerer si preposition comes before or after what ; for of what is de ce Qui, venir WHAT; car of WHAT de ce Que, i.e. of that which ; what of is ce nont, i.e. that , c 'est a dire, of that which; what of , that of which; to what is a ce Qui, a ce Que, i.e. to that which ; of WHICH; to WHAT (ill) p. 82. , to THAT WHICH; what to is ce a quo'i, i. e. that to which ; as, You speak of what WHAT to . THAT to which ; commc, purler will never happen. What you are speaking of will never happen. Are 193 arriver. iyj ' 20S you sure of what you say ? It is what you may 1 * 8 be sure of. Will sur (m) p. 82. dire? 65 pouvez 203 you trust to what he proposes ? What you trust to is very uncertain. sejie.*- proposer? 20a trcs incertuin. 312 EXERCISE. RELATIVE PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules * What! is it 02 you? Where have you been since 193 I saw 136 you? / n.b. Oil depuis que ai vu ? Si What country do you come from? What ship did 136 you come pays- 30 - 133 venir 203 navire etes 239 venu in? What news do you bring? What do they 90 say in town? 203 nouvelles - 133 apporter - 133 n.b. a ?ville ? Read the papers, and you will see. Which paper must I read ? Lire papier, voir. 181 133 Which of these papers do you advise me to read ? Which has the - * 133 conseiller M lee latest 44 news ? (There is) very little 8 difference ; read which you fraiche 22 846 tres peuv.B. ; can 142 get. Now, what do you think of the news? I do not pourez trouver. Maintenant, — 133 penser - believe a word of what that paper says. (There is) not a word of croire mot (bb) 243 truth in what I have read. What shall we do now? Let us g*o vrai f 138 - . , - aller to the place in which we are to meet your cousin. What have you endroit (v) 842 l7a renconirer . *33 done with your stick? I do not know what I have done (with it). I faire 80 ° baton ? — savoir en 55 (am afraid) I have left it at the inn at which we have 23 ? stopped craindre (nn ) laisser M & auberge (v) nous nous sommes arrette to dinner. If your father asks you what you have done (with it), diner. ** en 55 , what will you answer 802 him ? Indeed, I shall not 198 know what to J 33 repondre lui 5 * Mafoi, n.b. 173 say. What would you advise me to say ? I will tell you sincerely dire. 133 conseiller 5i 16S t dire M sincerement what I would say. Well! what? What would you say? I would Eh Men.' 133 tell him 152 the truth. It 68 is what I was thinking of. What is your 'f)p. 79. virile. n.b. «5 a 208 . reas m for leaving this country ? Because I see nothing here to which -aisan de quitter (bb) 23 ° X ' Parceque " ici (u) I can 145 apply. I want to go abroad. What country would you puisse s'appliquer. 2S0 dans les pays grangers. 2eo like to go to? To France or Italy? Which country would you aimer 169 20S 6 Htalie? »° ' ™ . advise me 54 to go to? Which of those countries is the most pleasant? conseiller 168 808 plus agriable f * See note * p. 281. f When the French speak of an action which they are on the point of doing, they do not use the. future as the English do; they express Shall, Willhy the present tense of the verb Aller, to go; je vat's, tu vas, il va, nous allons, fyc. with th e folio win jf verb in the infinitive; so turn this sentence thus, What are w« <70jtjv/ 155 to do now f % Turn ; What reason have you to leave this country ? EXERCISE. 313 RELATIVE PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise q?i Ike foregoing rules. You have seen them both ; which do you like best ? If you will voir 122 ,* - 133 aimer le mieux ? lii come with me, I will go to which you like 142 . I will consider (of it.) 58 , vouloir. psnser y 54 (That is) the gentleman whose? 5 house we have just 244 passed by 203 . 247 monsieur n.b. venons de passer pres de It is the house in which we lived 140 formerly. Is it 65 the house which 65 (v) demeurer autrefois. 133 your father wanted 250 to buy, and for which he offered 133 (so much 8 ) vouloir 140 l " 2 acheter, a offert tunt >'-b. money? Yes, it is. Do you know that young lady? Yes, I do. 70 argent? Oui, <° 133 * (bb) , n.b. Who is she ? Whose daughter is she ? She is married 29 . Whose marie". »•»• wife is she ? Whom is she married to ? She is the wife of that femme 158 203 65 (bb y gentleman whom we were speaking of. I know whose daughter she 155 203 * is. I know whose relations they are. Whose handkerchief is this * parent mouchoir which I have found on the staircase ? I do not know whose it is. trouver sur escaliert - * 62 I do not know whom it belongs to. What shall I do (with it) ? - * appartenir 203 faire en ** Take it" back to the place in which you found 136 it. Which door Remettre 6i - endroit (v) avez trouve' 55 porte must I e;o through? Which of these doors must I go through? IBl 133 passer pur 203 181 133 203 Go through which you like 142 . Have you heard what I said 136 to Pusser voudrez. entendre ai dit (o) you? No, what is it? The man you trust to deceives you. The 55 1&l , (y) se fieri 203 tromper 5i company he keeps, is not honest. You do not know all the harm compagnie frequenter, honnete. — mal lie does you. I do not 192 know what to do. I wish 221 you would tell faire M - n-b. • 173 faire. 1C0 vouloir me what I must do. You do not know what a disagreeable situation « »8i 20 desagrtable I am in. What must I do? Do what I told you. I do not see what 203 181 133 Faire 136 34 - you can do better. If you had believed me, what you complain of (hk) de mieux. auiez " , se plaindre t 203 would not have happened. I am sorry for what has happened to you. etre 238 crriver. fdchc 200 238 (o) * See pape 140, 152, the dilFerence between Sqvuir and Connaitrc. t ^ rnjlcclivc verba, p. 114. 314 EXERCISE. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. 85. The possessive 32 pronouns le mien, la Mienne, les Miens, les possessif 29 proyiom Miennes, mine ; le Tien, la rienne, fyc. thine ; le sien, la sicnne, #c. mine; fyc. thine; §c. his, hers must be of the same gender and number as the noun to His, hers devoir etre genre * nombre que which they relate ; Are our horses ready ? Yours and mine are? , 76 se rapporter ; l 1Si prit 29 ? 72 , but hers is? not. Get hers ready as soon as you can 142 . Have they 00 72 Appreter t 43 tot. 43 * pourez. » k.b. cleaned our boots? Yours are cleaned 29 , but his and mine are* not. dScrotte 1 botte? decrotte, n.b. 72 He does not want 200 his now. Clean mine. I want mine directly. - avoir besoin de tout d. Vheure. 86. After the verb be used in the sense of the verb belong, the Aprcs verbe be employe* 213 sens BELONG, possessive words mine, thine, his, &c. are expressed by the same pro- 29 32 mot MINE, THINE, HIS, §c. - s'exprimer par mimes nouns as would be used 92 with the verb belong ; thus, mine, a sioi ; que - on employ erait BELONG ; ainsi, MINE, ; thine, a ioi; his, a lui ; hers, a Elle ; ours, a nous; yours, a vous; THINE, ; HIS, ; HERS, J OURS, j YOURS, ; theirs, a eux, masc. a Elles, fern. ; Is not this fan 134 yours? No, Sir; THEIRS, , , ; 2 coentail 191 , ; it is not mine. I think 821 it is my sister's. Yes, it is hers. Are these 62 penser 62 J , 62 13 horses yours or his ? They are not ours ; They are my cousin's. 134 on 62 ,• 62 cousin.\ 87. The possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, &c. joined 29 by 29 32 MINE, THINE, HIS, HERS, §C. joint N.B. the preposition of to the noun to which they relate in this kind OF 76 6i se rapporter, 213 l sorte of idioms, a friend of mine, a book of yours, and such like, are 8 idiolisine, A friend of mine, a book of yours, autres semblables, - expressed in french by the possessive article ; thus, of mine, de Mes ; >exprimer en par 32 ; aussi, of MINE, : of thine, de res; of his, of hers, de ses ; of ours, de nos ; of of THINE, ; of HIS, of HERS, ; of OURS, ; of yours, de vos ; of theirs, de Leurs, which, agreeably to the rules yours, ; of theirs, , 7i , suivant "- regie on the article, are placed before the noun, which must always be sur , - se placer 206 , 7i devoir it re plural in french ; as, I (have just 244 ) met an acquaintance of mine ; , venir de rencontrer connaissance * Repeat of the same. t Ready is expressed in the word Appreter. % See note (o) p. 88. LXEKCISE. 315 POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. who told 36 me that a friend of ours is dead. Is not Mrs A. a ait 55 (bb) N,B moarir. Madame 13 * a relation of yours ? A son of hers is dead. A cousin of mine has parente married 261 a daughter of hers, but she is no 8 relation of mine. They epouser »-b. , ison.b. are neighbours of ours. I am going to dine with an aunt of theirs. voisin 155 alter 172 tanie recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* Your mother and mine are gone 158 to (take 863 a walk) in our fields; alter l & n-b. 213 champ; Let us go and (take a 263 walk) in yours. Is not that house yours? - "" (an) n.b. (bb) 134 No, it is not ours; it is my uncle's. I should have taken it 55 for 191 , 62 ; 62 oncle. t prise 62 pour yours. Ours is not so fine as his, and his is better situated than 42 42 , (b)p.72.situ^ 158 ours. Let us go (this way) ; I want to call at a friend's of mine. - par id; 260 26(i i08 vneamie I think she is a friend of yours too. Who? Mrs. A. She is an 221 65 aussi. Madame 65 old acquaintance of ours, but she is no friend of mine. I do not ancienne * connaissance , 19 ° — like her. She is incessantly 181 talking of herself, or of some relation limer 5i — sans cesse 155 ellememe, 98 parent of hers. Let us walk into this room. What a pretty work 23 bag - Entrer 213 (bb) 82 20 joli outrage sac- 5 you have got there. Is it yours ? No, it is not mine ; it is my 270 /^ f 62 191 02 . 62 sister's. This 88 is mine. Hers is (very much) like 202 yours. Hers t k-b. - fort 13i ressembler au is not so pretty as mine. How long 188 have you had yours ? 4:i 42 Combien y a-t-il que vous avez I got 136 mine about the same time that my sister got hers. Yours ui eu vers terns 136 looks 253 better than hers. Yes, because I take more care 8 of my avoir apparcnce 33 que , prendre soin nb. clothes than she does of hers. (What is the matter with) your habit * 7 faire Qu' estce qu' a SCI neighbour? A sister of his is dead. She went 13 ? (a few days ago) to voisin? mort. l5B alter it y a quelques jours lra see a child of hers who is at a relation of ours in the country, 208 230 " » and she died 13 * there. You have got a handkerchief of mine. A 270 mouchoir See note * p. 26] t Bpe note (0) p. 88. X Pat this adjootive before the noun. [) See § p. 353 316 EXERCISE. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. Handkerchief of yours ! I have no handkerchief of yours. I have none but what are 145 mine. What! is this 13 * yours? Yes, it is mine. pas 193 soient » / a? NB> ' ^ 62 You are greatly mistaken: It is not yours; it is my mother's. - fort 18i se tromper : 62 62 * DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. 88. The demonstrative 32 pronouns celui, celle, this, that ; ceux, dtmonstratif 29 THIS> THAT; celles, these, those must be of the same gender and number as the , these, those devoir etre genre tnombre que noun to which they relate; This steeple is not so high as that of St. 76 62 se rapporter ; (bb) clocher 42 haut 42 Paul. ^This church is larger than that which we have just 244 passed (bb) iglise grande 41 ? s venous de passer by 203 . These trees are finer 41 than those which are in your park. pres de (bb) arbre beau 7* pare. N. B. Observe that celui, celle, ceux, celles do not express that Observer (bb)v.v. exprimer la local 32 distinction which is implied in the words" this, these ; that de lieu W renfermd 150 THIS, THESE; THAT those ; therefore, if you wish to make that distinction in french, THOSE ; e'est pourquoi, voulrir W faire (bb) en , (you must 101 ) add to these words, ci to denote the nearest 44 object, and ilfaut n.b. ajouter (bb) , '7° designer pres 3 ' 2 7 , La to denote the remotest; This 13 steeple is not so high as that. That 13 170 eloign^ 4 * ; n.b. « N . B . church is much larger than this. These 13 trees are finer than those. beaucoup 41 n.b. •» But ci, La, are not requisite, when the demonstrative pronoun is fol- nScessaire, 32 lowed by a noun or by a relative pronoun; as, This gown is prettier 41 tuivre 20 "° 200 32 . f ( bb j - robe j oU s9 than that of your sister. This is not so fine as that which I shewed you. 43 belle 42 ai montrde\ 55 89. Sometimes this, that are used without reference to a noun THIS, THAT - s' employer rapport expressed, but Tmply the word thing understood ; then they (are eiprimS, renfermer THING sous-entendu ; alors 62 - expressed), this by ceci ; that by cela ; Give me this. What will s exprimer, this ; THAT ; 1?3 you do with that ? Take this. Let that alone. I will take this faire de Prendre Laisser - $ * See note (o) page 88. t Repeat of the sama* f See note t page 312. EXERCISE. 317 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* Do you hear that man? He is scolding 155 that woman who has 133 entendre t - gronder been beating those children. Look at that house. Is not that a 155 battu Regarder 801 N'est-ce pas Id o-ood house ? Yes, it is a good house, but this is a better 29 one. °s> , « f (b)p.72. t Nay ! I think that is better. Those rooms seem to me to be Ohnon! penser m (b) p. 72. paraitre (o) 5i - - larger 41 than these ; besides, that is much better situated than this. grand®* ; outre cela, [b) p. 72. sitae* 15S I do not see that. I think this is as pleasantly situated as that. Do voir » 43 agrtablement 158 « you admire those flowers? What flowers? Those that? 4 we see in that " 133 admirer fleurl 82 (m) p. 82. garden before that house. How do you call this? This is a poppy, decant Comment - 133 appeler pavot, fcnd that is a marigold. I do not like that kind of flowers ; I like souci. - aimer sorte 8 ; those that 74 have a pleasant smell. What do you think of these ? Oh, (m) p. 82. agrSable 32 odeur. M - penser Oh, I like these better than those. These smell sweet. The action of (b) p. 72. ont une douce odeur. action Virginius sacrificing his daughter, is as strong and more pure than Virginius sacrifier , ^ fort 29 pur 29 that of Brutus condemning his son ; nevertheless this is glorious 29 Brutus condamner ; neanmoins glorieux(g) and that is not. Virginius secured only the honour of his family; 70 sauvait seulement 'honneur fumille ; Brutus saved that of the laws and of the country. (There was) much 8 sauvait loi putrie. 11 y avait n.b. pride in the action of Brutus, perhaps there was nothing but pride; orgueil , peut-etre n'y 2IS avait-it - que 9 ; there was in that of Virginius only honesty and courage ; but this did 137 9 'honnetet6 9 ; fuire (every thing) for his family, that did 137 every thing, or seemed 137 to 107 pour , fuire l ° 7 , ou semblei' i7i do every thing for Rome, and Rome, which considered 130 the action of faire , a consider^ Virginius as that of an honest man and of a good father, consecrated comme honnete , a 13 ° consacre the action of Brutus as that of an hero; is not that just? comme htros ; 134 juste ? * See note * page 281. f Read note (66), p. 217, before you write this exercise, t If you express This by the pronoun, you mnst leave out a and one ; but you may exprevs This is by Void, rule 24"; then you express a by une, and one by en, before Void ; thus, En void une fye. 31R EXERCISE. INDEFINITE PRONOUN.* 90. When the words one, we, they, people, are used indefi- Quand ONF, WE, THEY, people, s'employer (dans nitely, i. e. without reference to any particular 32 person, they un sens indefini,) rapport quelque en particulier personne, are expressed by on ; but though on represents we, they, people, 'exprimer (ii) n.b. quoique reprhenter WE, THEY, PEOPLE, which are plural, it always requires the verb in the third person piurier, il 184 demander with this difference only, that rout le Monde requires the , (°b) , (MJn.b. demander following 1 verb in the indicative, and il n'y a personne qui ne requires qui suit 32 d indicatif, it (in the) subjunctive; Any body (or every body) may 178 do that. 54 au subjonctif; pouvoir faire 89 Any body will (or there is nobody but will) shew you the way. montrer chemin. 110. With a verb denoting admiration or doubt, or after a compara- qui dhigne 7 7 doule, compara- tive, any body is expressed by personne, but without A~e, because tif, ANY BODY - s'exprimer , , personne attended by Ne, means no body ; Did ever any body do accompagnS de , signifier NO BODY 136 jamais 134 such a thing! Yes; and you can do it as well as any body. 38 (hk) 5i 43 4S 111. Any thing is sometimes used in the sense of something, Any thing - 183 s' employ erf something, and is expressed by Quelque chose; (Is there) any thing in the bottle? — s'exprimer t ; 24S bouteille f Have you heard any thing ? (Is there) any thing new to-day ? apprendre 246 (cc) nouveau 112. Sometimes any thing is used in the sense of every thing, ANY THING - s'employerf EVERY THING, and is expressed by rout; He is fit for any thing (or every thing.) - s'exprimer t ; propre 200 * See a reflpctive verb, page 11 4. f See N. B. note (r7) page 235. EXERCISE. 323 INDEFINITE PRONOUN. I will do any thing to serve him. I prefer this to any thing. faire 17 ° servir prSferer 89 113. With a verb denoting admiration or doubt, Any thing is qui dtsigne 7 7 doute, Any thing - generally expressed by men ; (is there) any thing finer 41 than civility ! 183 s'exprimer * ; 246 (cc) beau 7 civilit4 ! I doubt that you will make 145 any thing good (of it.) douter que faire (cc) bon en 54 . 114. Whoever, whosoever is sometimes joined to a substantive, Whoever, whosoever joint substantif, or relates to a substantive previously mentioned, and is expressed se rapporter dont on a dijd. fait mention, - s'exprimer * by Qitelque, Quelsque, masc ; Quelleque, Qiiellesque, fern ; these words ; , , (M) require the verb (in the) subjunctive, and if the nominative of the demande.r au subjonctif, nominatif verb is a noun, it must be placed after the verb ; Whoever that 2 , 62 devoir (kk) - se placer* ; (bb) man be, he is acting wrong ; or that man is acting wrong, whoever , agir 155 mal ; 155 , he be. Whoever those children be, they are ill 183 behaved. (bb) , - mal se comporter 125 115. Sometimes whoever, whosoever, whomsoever implies the whoever, whosoever, whomsoever renfermer word person understood, and is expressed by qui que ce soit, followed PERSON , - s'exprimer* , suiii by qui, Que, or Dont, which requires the following verb (in the) sub" 200 , , , 74 demander qui suit 32 au jnnctive ; Whoever speaks to you, you ought to answer civilly. ; (o) 5i , devoir 172 ripondre civilement. Whomsoever you apply to, they 90 will tell you the same thing. s'adresser 203 , n.d. dire meme chose. 116. Sometimes whoever, whomsoever is used in the sense of whoever, whomsoever - s' employer* every body, then it is expressed by routs ceax, followed by qui or EVERY BODY, alors -s'exprimer* , suivi 2ft0 Que ; Whoever (or every body who) is found out at night is stopped. ; 92 trouver dehors la nuit ^ arrcter t Bring with you whomsoever (or every person) you meet 142 . Amener rencontrerez. 117. Whatever, whatsoever joined to a substantive requires a Whatever, whatsoever joint subslantif demander distinction. If the substantive to which whatever, whatsoever 76 WHATEVER, WHATSOEVER • See N. B. note (ii) page 235. j Turn : one stops whomsoever one finds out at night. x2 324 EXERCISE. INDEFINITE PRONOUN. is joined, is the nominative of a verb, it is expressed by Quelque , nominatif t -s'exprimer* par ouelsque, masc. Quelleque, Quellesque, f. ; which requires the verb (in the) > j , ; demander au subjunctive ; and if the nominative is a noun, it is placed after the verb ; subjonctif; ,** -se placer* ; Whatever this 2 work be, it is too dear. Whatever his terms be, I shall (bb) ouvrage , 62 trap conditions , agree to them. Do not trust to their promises, whatever they be. accepter ** se fieri a promesse, 62 If the substantive to which whatever, whatsoever is joined, is 76 WHATEVER, WHATSOEVER , the object of a verb, it is expressed by Qitelque, sing. Quelques, plur; objet , 62 - s'exprimer * , ; , ; these words require Que after the substantive, and the verb (in the) (bb) demander , au subjunctive ; Whatever business you have, you should not neglect your ', affaire , 176 nigliger friends. Whatever terms they propose, I shall agree to them. conditions proposer, accepter - 54 118. Sometimes whatever, whatsoever implies the word thing whatever, whatsoever renfermer thing understood ; then it is expressed by Quoique ce soit, followed by Qui, ; alors - s'exprimer * , suivi 200 , Que or DOJit, which requires the verb (in the) subjunctive ; Whatever I , 74 demander verbe au ; do, I am always scolded. Whatever he undertakes, he never succeeds. faire, • grander. entreprendre, 190 riussir. 119. Whatever, whatsoever is sometimes used in the sense of Whatever, whatsoever - s'employer* any thing, or every thing, then it is expressed by rout ce qui, ANY THING, ou every THING, alors -s'exprimer* nom ; rout ce que, obj ; Take whatever you think 142 proper. He grants ; , ; Prendre croirez a. propos. accorder her 162 whatever she desires,, He approves of whatever she does. (f)p.79. disirer. approuver 201 faire. 120. Other is Autre; I see another man coming 153 . I have found Other ; voir quivient.^-^- trouver another flower. (Here is 24 ?) another. (There are) a great many others. fleur. En 70 void En 7 ° ^ - beaucoup d' 121. Each other, one another is expressed by Tun V Autre, Each other, one another - s'exprimer* une V Autre ; les uns les Autres, les unes les Autres, agreeably to the ; , , suivant - * See N. B. note («) page 235. f See imperative of a reflective verb, page 114. EXERCISE. 325 INDEFINITE PRONOUN. gender and number of the noun to which it relates ; Fire and water 3 76 se rapporter ; Feu 7 eau 7 destroy each other. These women hate one another. Observe se dttruire (bb) se hair Observer that the preposition which comes before each other, one another, (bb)*-*. venir each other, one another, must be placed between the two words Tun V Autre, Tune V Autre, fyc. devoir — se placer entre , , See those two women ; they are jealous of each other ; yet they can not ; jaloux 29 (g) ; do 280 without one another. These people have fallen upon one another. se passer de (bb) gens 238 tombS 153 122. Both, speaking of two individual 32 objects, is expressed by Both, parler individuel 29 , - s'exprimer Tunet pAirfre, or Touts dcux, masc; by Tune et pAittre, or routes Deux, , ou , ; , ou , fern ; Your brothers are 241 both very well, I saw them both last night, j se porter voir 235 You know my sisters; they will both be here to-night. In speaking ,• etre 235 En parler of a greater number of individuals, but considered as two parties, 41 individu, conside're's comme , both is expressed by les uns et les Autres, masc ; les unes et les Autres, f ; both -s'exprimer , ; , ; The Russians and the Prussians have declared war against us ; but liusse Prussien declarer 7 guerre - 55 ; we will beat both. Both will have reason to repent (of it.) battre lieu de se repentir en 59 . 123. Either is tun ou V Autre, Vune ou V Autre ; les uns ou les Autres, Either. , ; , les unes ou les Autres, agreeably to the gender and number of the noun ; , suivant - 3 ; Either of these men will do it. You may 1 ? 8 speak to either. Take (bb) faire 5i pouvoir parler Prendre either of these flowers. You may 1 ? 8 have either of them. (bb) Jleur. pouvoir (kk) 121. Neither, not either, i. e. either with a negation, is express- Neither, not either, either - s'exprimer ed by Ni Vun ni V Autre, Ni Vune ni TAUlre ; Ni les uns ni les (U) N.B. f . Autres, Ni les unes ni les Autres, agreeably to gender and number; i , suivant - 7 1 these words require jve before the verb ; Neither of them will study. (bb) demander Ne ; - )73 el'tdiev. Neither of these men can do it. I will not trust 202 either of them (bb) faire « i79 se ficr 4 326 EXERCISE. INDEFINITE PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* Do you know any of the ladies we have 244 just passed? No; I - connattre t ( s) venir cle passer t ; know none (of them.) I have not seen any (of them) before. en 5i en 55 ™ n.b. I should like to get acquainted with some of them. I know the two 169 faire connaissance 58 $ last". Which of the two is the handsomest? They are both very dernier. 80 { belle"? ; ties handsome, and they have each a handsome fortune. You may 1 ? 8 28 , | beau Men. pouvoir get acquainted with either of them, or with both, if you like. They (kk) - — , , vouloir. $ come here every summer. Every body is fond of them. Every one ici elt-. - aimer || 54 who knows them is fond of the ; r company. They are very fond of 54 - |1 - compagnie. $ - fort s' aimer - each other. They are always with one another. Are they married? $ t marier 15S ? No, neither of them is married, but I think they are both promised. W, t 15S , 221 t promettre.™ I would give any thing I possess to be acquainted with them. You (s) possSder V° connu 20 ° 58 X may speak to either of them. Bring here every one of your books. 178 (kk) t - - Apporter ici Let 248 every one of you shew me his exercise. Every one of you Que montrer 54 theme. - will be punished. Can I do any thing for you ? Yes, you can. punir. Pouvoir faire pour 58 > " 70 You can help me as well as any body. Nobody is more capable (kk) aider 54 43 7° than you. I should like to buy something, but every thing i-s so 169 acheter , si dear now, that one can not get any thing. I should like to it present, (bb) n.b. se procurer 16S have some of these flowers. Which do you think are the finest 44 ? (bb) *>% - !33 belle™? Some say that these are the finest 29 ; some give the preference to (bb) n.b. s 8 n.b. « . preference those. These men relate both the same story, but neither of them 88 n.b. (bb) rapporter mime histoire, - - believes that it 62 is true. I do not believe either of them. They are croire (bb)*?-*- 145 vrai 29 . - 239 both wrong, whoever they be. Whosoever asks for me, tell him 59 tort, 2 01 54 , 16?. * See * p. 281. t See | p. 320. t Mind the gender of the noun which this pronoun represents. tj We have no other word to express the words be fond of, in french, but the verb Aimer, to like. EXERCISE. 327 INDEFINITE PRONOUN. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. that I am not at home. Whatever he writes, let 248 me know it. (bb)tf.B. au logis. , faire n.b. 56 savoir 59 Whatever is right, is not always approved. Whatever good is said of bien, approuver. bien us, we are not told any thing new. Whatever your rank and riches t dire (cc) nouveau. rang richesses may be, or whatever rank and riches you have, do not be proud, if , , - orgueilleux, you will not (be disliked) by every body. No one ought to be a judge 144 de'plaire d devoir 172 23 juge in his own cause. People often flatter themselves more than they should. 213 propre 1Si flatter se $ 4 47 !7fJ Every one complains of his memory, but no one complains of his seplaindre , understanding. There would not be (so much 8 ) disorder seen in the esprit. tant k.b. desordre * world, if youth? had a good impression given it at first, and if care monde, jeunesse * d' abord, was taken to form the mind of children as it ought to be. I have soin * 168 former esprit 7 comme devrait — - just been told that Mr. A. is dead. Indeed ? Yes, they say so. *" - dire Envtriti? , le si He was invited to supper yesterday at Mrs. B.'s. They waited 13 *! 140 inviter 169 souper hier 208 Madame attendre for him a long time, but seeing that he did not come, somebody was 201 5* - terns, voir - 138 , sent 13 ? to look for him; he could 13 ? not be found any where; they envoyer l72 chercher 201 54 ; pouvoir t - trouver nuUe part ; have been seeking 155 for him all night, and this morning he was chercher 201 M ?nuit, (bb) 234 found drowned in a pond, not far from Mrs. B/s house. Every body 138 noyer 213 ttung, non loin de 25 is sorry (for it). Is it known how this accident happened 136 ? INo, fdche en 55 - savoir comment (bb.) arriver 233 ? m , nobody knows. It is supposed that he (lost his way) in the dark. He - s'imaginer s'igarer 137 213 obscurite". is to be buried to-morrow. You will be expected at his funeral. 212 enterrer demain. - attendre fune'railles. (pi.) You will go; will you not? I will not go, unless 218 I am invited 7° . 282 ' 70 j £ moins que 195 - inviter (to it.) You may be sure that they will invite you. 63 W(hk) sur (bb)x.B. w * Turn this sentence thus : One would not see so much disorder in the world, if one gave at first a good impression to youth, and if one took care to form the mind of children as one should. t Express Notby Ne only, before the verb, as Nulle which comes after, supplies the place of Pas or Point. 328 EXERCISE. VERB. Agreement of the verb with its nominative. Accord 19 verbe son iwminatif. You see in the conjugations that the termination of a verb differs voir conjugaisons (bb)v.B. terminaison diffe'rer according to the noun or pronoun which is its 1 ? agent or nominative. suivant - nom 3 pronom en iwminatif. 125. The verb must be of the same number and person as this 8 devoir etre mime nombre *personne que (bb) agent or nominative ; I study ; Thou studiest ; He studies; My brother ; ttudier ; ; ; studies ; We study ; You study ; They study ; My brothers study. ; » > > 126. When several substantives are the nominative of the same verb, plusieurs substantif\ , the verb must be (in the) plural number ; My brother and sister study. devoir etre au plurier - ; 3 127. If several substantives of different 32 persons are the nominative t different 29 personne of the same verb ; as the verb can not agree with two different ; comme s'accorder 29 32 persons at the same time; we 50 add to the sentence nous or rous with H la - fois; n.b. ajouter phrase which we 90 (make the verb agree.) We 90 add nous, if there is in the 76 n.b fait accorder le verbe. n.b. , ily a sentence a substantive of the first 33 person ; as, You and I agree. t premier" 29 j , 52 etre d' accord. My sister and I are fond of study. She and I will learn together. 52 - aimer X etude. 5 ' 2 ensemble. We 90 add vous, if there is in the sentence a substantive of the second N.B. , t 29 33 person, and 219 there is none of the first ; You and your brother do not , 22 ° it n'y en ait pas 29 ; - agree. You and he are continually 183 quarrelling. You and your s'accorder. 52 - continuellement se quereller 155 sister will learn together. You and they are of the same opinion. 128. If the nominative of the verb is the relative pronoun qui, the relatip 2 verb must be of the same number and person as the substantive to devoir * que which that pronoun relates j It 62 is I who will say my lesson first. ? 6 (bb) serapporter; n.b. 52 ^j re lecon le premier. It 62 is we who will say our lessons first. It 62 is you who will n.b. les premiers n.b. * Repeat of the same before person. f See note * page 205. % See note (1 page 326» EXERCISE. 329 VERB. say your lesson first. It 62 is they who will say their lessons first. N.B. 52 129. If Qui relates to several substantives of different persons, the serapporter plusieurs subsiantif* 29 , verb agrees with the first 33 person in preference to the second, and s'accorder 29 par preference M , with the second in preference to the third ; It 62 is you and I who will 29 p ar 29 . N#B . 52 beg-in. It 62 is you and your brother who will (g*o out) first. commencer. k«b. sortiv les premiers. 130. When the collective 32 substantives la plupart, infinite, Nombre, Quand collectif™ , , , Quantite, rronpe, Multitude* are followed by another substantive, the verb , , , suivis 200 , agrees with this last substantive ; A great number of men perished. s'accorder dernier ; 8 ptrir. 137 Most of the cavalry deserted. A crowd of people 229 came to see them. La plupart cavaleri'e deserter 137 . foule 8 gens venir l7 ' 2 131. The collective substantives le Quart, le Tiers, la Moitie require , , demander the verb in the third person singular ; One fourth of the ships were a au singulier ; Le quart naoire 137 taken or destroyed. One third of the crews deserted. One half of prendre dttruire. Le tiers dquipage 137 La moitie men do not think, and the other half know not 198 what to think. 7 penser, ne savoir n-b. 83 l ? 2 Placing of the nominative with the verb. Place 19 nominatif verbe. 132. When the sentence is expositive, i. e. when a question is not phrase expositive, 9a asked, the nominative is placed before the verb; I study well. He faire, - se placer ; itudier studies well. This boy studies well. You study well. They study well. garcon t But when the sentence is interrogative, (it is necessary) to consider , ilfaut 172 conside'rer whether the nominative of the verb is a noun or a pronoun. ri 133. If, when a question is asked, the nominative of the verb is one , 92 faire, of the personal 82 pronouns je, tu, il, idle, nous, vous, lis, eIIcs, on, personnel 29 or ce, these words are placed in french, as the corresponding 32 words , mot — se placer % en , comme qui y correspondent * See note * page 205. t See note (ce) page 223. J See N. B. note (it) page 235. 330 EXERCISE. VERB. are in english, immediately after the verb ; Do I study well? Does se placer , * ; etudier he study well? Do we study well ? Do you study well ? Do they study? 134. If, when the sentence is interrogative, the nominative of the , quand phrase , verb is a noun, this noun is placed before the verb, the same as , (hb) -se placer f , de meme que in expositive sentences ; but (in order to) shew that a question sis ss 32 7 ■ iro fairevoir (bb)s.B. is asked, we 90 put after the verb one of the pronouns i/, Elle, ils, 92 faire, n.b. mettre Elles y agreeably to the gender and number of the noun which is the , suioant — 8 nominative of the verb ; Does this boy study well ? Does this girl ; ( bb) garcon jille study well ? Do these boys study well ? Do these girls study well ? (bb) Do any of them learn french ? Is not the french language very 98 58 7f ran cais? 29 32 l an g Ue difficult ? Are your masters pleased 29 with you ? Does your father difficile? content n.b. 200 often come to see you? Has your mother been here lately? 18i 172 ici depuis pen ? indicative mood. Use 19 of the tenses of the indicative. Emploi terns 2 indicatif. 135. The present tense of the indicative is generally used in the prhent - - 183 s 'employer f same instances in french as in english ; I like study. Study is the cas en que ; le'tude 7 2 food of the mind. But the past 32 tenses require several distinctions aliment 2 esprit. passd 29 demander plusieurs in french, which the corresponding 32 tenses do not require in english ; t . qui y correspondent • therefore pay particular 32 attention to the following 32 rules. ainsi faire une particulier ^ suivant 29 136. If we 90 speak of an action past 29 without mentioning 154 the time n.b. passe' n.b. faire mention du terns in which it 136 passed, or if we 90 mention a period, artd 219 that 76 62 s'estpassee, n.b. faire mention d'un p4riode,$ et 220 (bb) period is not yet entirely elapsed, such as to-day, this morning, soit encore ScoulS, tel que aujourdlhui, matin, this week, this month, this year, &c. the action being past, and the (bb) , mois, 233 , fyc. etant 158 , * See note * page 223. f See N. B. note (ii) page 235. t See note f page 22A. EXERCISE. 331 VERB. INDICATIVE MOOD. period being still present, we 90 make (the verb partake) both of the encore , n.b. faire participer le verbe et 222 present and past time, by adding the past 29 participle of the verb 3 passe - , (hh) uj outer 32 n.b. participe expressing the action, to the present of the auxiliary 32 verbs Avoir, qui exprime , auxiliaire * 29 to rave, or Etre, to be ; as, When did you see Mr. A. ? I saw him , ou , ; , Quand * t this morning. I met him as he was coming to town. He told me he 23i j comme 138 155 " 7 diret 221 was going to 208 your house. Did you not see him ? No, I did? not. He was. 138 155 N .B. | ] N.B. j| at 208 our house, but I was not in. He only 184 found my sister there, n.b. t li0 y 5i § x y 55 > and he would not stop. Did you hear that he was going to be mar- vouloir ^ rester. X 155 172 - se ma- ried ? No, I did not ; (i. e. hear 70 it.) Who told you so ? His cousin rier? , X ; N - B - " X 55 le 59 " cousinef. told me so. I heard that he was going abroad. I shall + 53 le 59 \ - 155 dans les pays Grangers. soon 134 know if it be true ; for, when he called this morning, he bientot 217 ; car, passer , promised my sister that he would call again (as he goes back.) X Iee (bh)v.-a. repasser - en s'en retournunt. 137. If we 90 speak of an action past 15 * in a period of time which is n.b. passt 8 also entirely elapsed, such as yesterday, last 32 week, last month, last tccuU, hier, dernier 29 7 } & 7 f aa year?, &c. then both the time and the action being past 31 , we 90 use the 288 , fyc. alors et passi , n.b. perfect tense of the verb ; Where did you dine yesterday ? I dined at purfait ; Oil diner X 208 my mother's, and supped at my sister's. Did you not go to the play ? , souper 208 X comMie? Yes, I did? . What play did they 90 act ? They 90 acted a new comedy. , n.b. e2 pi$ ce + n.b. jouzr n.b. + nouvelle comMie. How were you entertained? I did not pay much 8 attention to the 185 X arnuser 158 ? X faire n.b. play. f conversed all the while with a gentleman who sat 140 by me. piece. purler X terns monsieur etre pres de M Did you not see me? No; I did 70 not. Where were you? I was % 191 . + N .u. Oft NO " 140 (in the) pit. I did not stop long. I went home, where I read the play. au parterre. 1 rester X ait logis, X piece. * Turn ; when have you teen %c. + Turr. ; I have seen him. X $«*• note • page 225. || Turn ; he hat been tjc. § See note • page 2?5. *[ Tarn ; he has not been willvH/, 332 EXERCISE. VERB. INDICATIVE MOOD 138. Sometimes we 90 speak of an action that was passing", end which Quelquefois n.b. parler 7i - se passer ^ 5 , consequently was incomplete at a period which we 90 mention 125 ; par consequent u0 imparfait 29 dont n.b. faire mention ; then the period being past, and the action being at that time incom- alors , (bb) plete, we 90 use the imperfect tense of the verb ; What were you n.b. employer imparfait — ; 83 doing when I came in ? I was preparing myself to study a music 155 mis 136 entre" ? 155 me 5i 169 musique lesson. I was going to play a tune. I was trying to tune my instru- 25 155 !72 air. 155 fcsayer 168 accorder ment. Stop. You were doing it (the wrong way). You were spoiling Arreter. 155 5 * a rebours. gdter 155 it. They 90 were making (a great deal) of noise at 208 your house last 62 n.b. 155 beaucoup bruit n.b. night. Yes, we had some company. We were enjoying ourselves. 235 , 9 compagnie. l55 rejuair nous 5i 139. We 90 also 184 make use of the imperfect to denote that, the n.b. faire usage 17 ° designer que action (of which) we 90 are speaking has been habitual 23 , or that it has 7* n.b. _ 155 habituei, (g) 62 been reiterated ; How did you spend your time, when you were in the riixM™ ; 185 2n le terns, "° d country? As soon as we were up, we walked in the garden till 230 Aussitot que uo levte, se promener jusqu' au breakfast time ; after breakfast we (sat at our work) till (twelve de'jeune' 23 ; travailler jusqu' a o'clock), and then we studied till dinner time. How did you spend 236 , alors dine 25 185 2 ^ your evenings ? You had neither plays nor concerts to go to. Some les 2Zi 2 ' 24 * comedie * - ou alter i ladies and gentlemen in our neighbourhood often called upon us, or t messieurs voisinage 1&1 266 , , we called upon them, and we sometimes made a little concert, or we 263 58 , m faire petit played at different games, but we generally 184 spent the evenings in 'oucr d 29 32 *jeux, ordinairement W 234 169 reading or in conversing. We spent our time very agreeably.J. lire 169 converser. 2 ' x le agreablement: * Do not put any article before the noun which follows NI. j- See note t page 282. % By using the Perfect instead of the Imperfect in these instances, the sentence would be equally- grammatical, but the idea would be very different. This difference will appear obvious in the following examples composed of the same words ; Quand /'ETAIS a Londrcs, j'ALL AIS a. la comedie; Quand'je FUS a Londres J' A LLA I a la comedie. By the first of these expressions, people will understand that when I was in London, I used to go to the play ; by the second they will understand that when I arrived at London, at a certain period either named or alluded to, I went to the play. Learners are very apt to confound these two tenses. EXERCISE. 333 VHRB — INDICATIVE MOOD. 140. Another very extensive use of the imperfect is in descriptions ; :so ttendu 3 * usage imparfait 213 7 ; for, whenever we 90 describe the state, place, situation, order or dis- car, toutes les fois que n.b. dicrire 2 Hat, HieUj 3 B ordre, 3 position in which the beings (of which) we 90 speak were, in a time 76 et re 74 n.b. 140 , terns past, we 90 make use of the imperfect ; Where were you yesterday ? I , n.b. * • Oil hier? called 13 * at 208 your house, but you were not in. I was not well. I had 268 N.B.- f y 54 241 a head-ache ; and as I could not study, I went 13 * to walk in the 24 mal a la tete ; comme , alter 1 ' 2 263 213 fields. There had been a little 8 rain. The plants were so fresh, the II 2i0 unpen, n.b. pluie. si fraiche' 2 ' 3 , trees were so green, and formed such an agreeable shade, and the flowers vert", former si t 32 ombrage, spread so sweet 32 a smell, that I could not be tired with admiring "•epandre douce M odeur, — se lasser 163 admirer 154 the beautiful landscape which surrounded me. I wished to stay beau 33 paysage entourer l7 ' 2 rester longer" ; but it was late, I was tired, and I had a long way to go. long-tems ; tard, lasser, chemind f&ire. 141. The future is generally used in the same instances in french futur X 183 213 cas en as in english ; When will you call upon me ? I will call to-night. que ; Quand 266 58 235 I shall not be in. I shall be in the country. I will (set out) after dinner. y M 23 ° partir dine'. 142. The present tense is sometimes used in french as in english - t en comme to express an action that is 242 to pass in a time (not far) remote 170 exprimer 7i 17i se passer peu 6loign6 from the time (in which) we are ; as, Where do you dine to-day ? , ou (v) ; comme, Oil diner Do you go to the play to-nifrht? No, we go to a ball. But if a com&die ^ 191 , bal. verb (in the) present tense, denoting a future action, is preceded or ait - , d4signant 3i , pr&ctdi must devoir followed by another verb (in the) future, that present tense suivi 80 ° an futur, (bb) - be expressed by the future in french ; Call upon me as soon as you - s exprimer I en ; 206 43 tot 43 can. We shall begin as 43 soon as you are come. When you are pouvoir. commencer 43 arrivd. • See note • page 226. \ Turn ; a shade so agreeable. t See N. B. note (i'Q page 235. 334 EXERCISE. VERB INDICATIVE MOOD. ready, we will go and take a walk 263 . You shall not (go out) till pret, - (nn) n.b. ne $or ti r que after we have done. We will go as soon as you will. I hope we apres que finir. partir 43 tot 4S 221 shall see you oftener 41 , when we are in the country. Come as often souvent, d 230 * 43 as you caii. I will call upon you every ?time that I go (that way). lM fois 74 & v parld f J 143. The conditional tense has also the same properties in french conditionnel - aussi propriSth en as in english ; I should like much to go to France. What would you que ; fort l69 « ™ do, if you were there ? You would not have any 8 pleasure. You faire, y 5 * n.b. plaisir. could not understand the language. I think I should soon 183 learn it. entendre langue. 221 • bientot 144. After the conjunction if, Si, shall, will can not be expressed conjonction if, , shall, will - s'exprimer by the future in french, nor should, would by the conditional ; par futur en , ni SHOULD, WOULD (will must be expressed) by the present, and would by the imperfect il faut exprimer WILL , WOULD imparfait of the verb vouloir, which then 18 * governs the following verb in the , 7i alors r6gir qui suit 32 a infinitive ; as, I will go with you, if you will come with me. I would infinity; * 58 , : - 58 * . go with you, if you would come with me. I will teach you french* , * * enseigner 7 francais, if you will learn it. I would teach you french, if you would learn * apprendre. * 7 , * it. How long do you think that I should be in learning it, if I should 186 penser a apprendre , t begin now? You may learn it in six months, if you will take commencer 178 215 , * prendre pains. You might learn it in six months, if you would take pains. de la peine. 178 215 * I will be obliged to you, if you will call upon me to-morrow 183 . I obligS (0) 5 S * 26( 5 demain. n.b. would be (very much) obliged to you, if you would call upon me. ires - (0) * 268 * Observe, that in the sentences where IF occurs, there are generally two Will, or two Would; that TV ill which follows If is the present, and Would is the imperfect of the verb to WILL, to BE WILL- ING, (see page 143.) and they must be expressed by the corresponding tenses of the verb VOULOIR, which then governs the following verb in the infinitive; t'he other Will is the sign of the future, and the other Would is the sign of the conditional of the following verb, which must also be expressed by the corresponding tenses, 1. e. the Future or the Conditional of thaf verb in french. See also note * page 228. t When Should is the sign which follows If, this sign must be left out, and the following verb must be put in the Imperfect of the indicative. EXERCISE. 335 VERB SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Use 19 of the subjunctive. Usage subjonctif. 145 When we 90 speak of an action, the event (of which) is un- n.b. ivinement 75 in- ccrtain, which is generally the case when, in a sentence of two parts certain, ce qui cas , 213 phrase partie connected by the conjunction que, the first verb is either interrogative joint 157 par conjonction , oil interrogatif or negative, or preceded by si, this uncertainty is imparted to the nigatif, 20 ° , (bb) incertitude - se communiquer hearer, by putting the second verb (in the) subjunctive ; I think it will auditeur, (hh) au * ; 221 rain soon. Do not you think it will 70 ? It will perhaps rain a little, pleuvoir bientot. 221 n.b. 183 un p eu> but I do not think that it will rain much. If I thought that it (bb) N.B. " would not rain, I would stop, but there is no 8 appearance that it will _ 149 rester 246 190 n.b. be fine to-day. I will (come again), if I find that it does not rain. wo . revenir, trouver But observe with respect to interrogative sentences, that it is only d I'tgard des 32 , ce when we 90 wish to express our ignorance of the thing (enquired after) n-b. vouloir l73 ttmoigner son + dont on s'informe that we 90 use the subjunctive; for, if the person who asks the question que n-b. employer ; car, - celui fatre Knew that a thing is, and only enquired 136 whether the person whom 110 , 18i s'informer si 78 he is speaking to knows it likewise, he would use the indicative; Dc 155 '208 aussi, you not think that I did well to go before the rain came? Do (bb)v.B. 133 des'en alter 2I8 pluie venir ? not you think that I should have been wet, if I had stayed longer? (bb)x.B. mouille', 14 ° rester 41 146. All verbs and adjectives denoting will, wish, Desire, com- 7 7 qui dhignent volont6, souhuit, dhir, com- mand, rear, wonder, surprise, astonishment, joy, dadness, Grief, mandement, crainle, admiration, surprise, ttonnement, joie, aise, peine, sorrow, in short all expressions which denote any passion or emotion chagrin, en un mot 29 7 quetque ou of the soul, followed by the conjunction Que, require the following verb 2 dme,X suivi 29 200 , demander (in the) subjunctive ; I am glad 221 you are here. I wish 221 my brother au • bien aise ici. 18 ° • See note * page 229. | We could not say notre after on, which is singular, $ See note * P a g e 230. 336 EXERCISE. VERB. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. would come. I wonder that he is not yet arrived. I am afraid 221 s'Stonner (bbji*-*. encore - craindre some misfortune has 195 befallen him. It 62 is a pity that somebody quelque 238 arrivS - ltd 55 n.b. ** dommage (bb )•$•*■ 95 did 136 not go with him. I -am surprised that he has not written to 238 allS ^ surpris (o) me. I am sorry that he went 136 there without my knowing it. I would 55 f dcJi £ 233 ^55 218 j g susse 156 54 have taken care that he should be treated as he deserves. soin - 92 traiter 149 comme mSriter. 147. The following 32 impersonal 32 verbs and adjectives, il Faut, il est suivant 29 * impersonnel 29 , , Terns, il convient, il importe, il vaut mieux, il suffit, seul, a propos, Necessaire, indifferent, cruel, nonteux, juste, mjuste, possible, im- t > » > > > > possible, followed by the conjunction que, require also the following; , 157 20 ° , demander qui suit ^ verb (in the) subjunctive ; It is time that we should go 148 . I must be au ; s'enallerj m ready to-night. I must (set out) to-morrow. It 02 is fit that I should prit 235 partir n.b. apropos see in what state my affairs are, It 5% is impossible that they should -* 8 82 Stat affaires n.b. « 2 ' be so bad as I am told. It 62 is shameful that my partner does not 148 mal que 92 dire. n.b. honteux associS write to me. Is it 02 necessary that you should go yourself? Is it 62 not Co) N.B. 143 (m) N.B. - N.B. enough that you write to him? I think it would be better that you suffire (o) 221 valoir mieux should send 149 somebody. I do not know any body whom I can send. y 70 envoy er 95 9 ? 145 y 7° I must either go myself, or I must send my brother. He is the only 181 OU 1/70 ^ m J N-Bij y70 65 seu l man whom I can trust 202 . It 62 is indifferent whether I go or not. me fier a 203 n.b. que y 70 non. N.B. The subjunctive mood is also used after an Adjective (in the) subjonctif - - 183 s'employer au superlative degree, see the 50th rule ; After men, aucuu, pas un, per- superlatif, - , voir regie; , , , sonne, see fddj p. 219 ; After Quelque, Qui que ce soil, Quoique ce soil, » > > > » see 114th, 115th, 117th, 118th rules; After the conjunctions aJixv que, > > > y > Amoins que, Avant que, quoi que, and a few others, see 218th rule. * Put suivant after adjectifs. f See the reflective verb s'en Alter, page 117. EXERCISE. 337 VERB SUBJUiNCTIVE MOOD. Use 19 of the tenses of the subjunctive. The tenses of the subjunc- Emploi terns subjonctif. tive depend (on 200 the) tenses of the verb which governs it. dependre des rcgir 6 - 148. The present of the subjunctive is used when the verb which - s'employer governs it, is (in the) present or in the future of the indicative ; Do you au futur ; think your sister will come? I (am afraid) she will not be here to-day. 221 ,45 craindre *" 146 ici Somebody must go and fetch her. He will be back before we begin 95 181 ( nn ) chercher . de reiour 218 It 68 is fit that somebody should go for her before it is too late. K.B. tlpropOS 95 ** * " 213 frop 149. The perfect of the subjunctive is used when the verb which parfait - s'employer governs it, is (in the) perfect, in the imperfect, or (in the) conditional; ait 2 imparfait, au conditionnel ; I did not think 221 my sister would have 145 come. I (was afraid) she would uo 238 158 craindre 221 not be here in time. It 68 was that which made me wish that somebody 14(5 a terns. n.b. ho 89 74 f aisait (bb)K.*. 95 would go for her. He might have returned before the play began. 145 • 54 179 285 218 pfeg comme nCCr. It' 12 would be a pity 221 she should not see it c2 after waiting 154 so long. n.b. - dommage 148 avoir attendu 150. N. B. The perfect of the subjunctive is also used, though the parfait 92 184 employe, 21S foregoing 32 verb is (in the) present, if, after the subjunctive, there is qui precede 218 au , , , 24a another verb in the imperfect, some conditional expression, or if the a 2 , qitelque conditionnelle 3 * , action spoken of is past ; Do you think your sister would come, if dont on parle passe 158 ; 221 145 , I went for her now ? It 02 is not probable that she would have 145 gone alleri * 54 n.b. 238 158 there, if she had not been invited 159 . I do not think we should have V 35 , t 92 inviter. 221 145 seen her, if it had not been for you. T do not think we should. 159 ", ce t « cause de x t 151. If after a verb (in the) subjunctive there is another verb express- ait «« • Go for is expressed by AVer chercher, not Alter pour. \ Was, Were, Had, Did, or any other past tense that comes after IF, Si, must be in the Imperfect. } Instead of repeating the verb, the french would say; Jc ne le pense pas uon plus. 338 EXERCISE. PRESENT PARTICIPLE. ing doubt, preceded by the conjunction Que, that verb must also be , prdctdt 20 ° , devoir (in the) subjunctive ; Do you think she expects 145 that I shall see her au ' ,' 231 s'attendre revoir again ? I wonder she could 1 ' 9 have thought that I was capable (of it.) * s'Stonner 2ai ait U6 pu penser en 5i 152. When the gerund or present participle is used to qualify a gtrondif 32 participe - s'employcr 169 qualifier noun, it agrees like an adjective in gender and number with that , s'accorder comme en genre Wi nombre (bb) noun ; A charming girl, with a moving voice, singing her growing ; churmant* 2 , de touchant' 62 , 153 naissant™ love, in seeking 153 her wandering sheep, heard some threatening amours, f. en chercher errant 3 ' 2 brebis, entendre 9 menacant 32 words followed by piercing cries. I heard her trembling steps. •garole suivi 157 200 percant S2 cri. tremblant 32 pas. 153. But, when the gerund expresses the action, and not the quality , exprimer , non quality of a substantive, it does not agree with that substantive ; A woman snbstantif, 62 s'accorder ; wandering through the country 230 , (lost her way.) Some men piercing errant a travers campagne, s y igarer. 9 percant through the croud and threatening to kill her, she fled trembling. - foule menacant 16e tuer , s'enfuir en N. B. If the substantive to which the gerund refers is the object 76 se rapporter of a verb, it is generally expressed by the indicative in french ; We , - 133 s'exprimer par en ; met a woman wandering through the country. We heard a man errer d. travers 5S0 threatening to kill her. We saw some huntsmen seeking for a hare. menacer 16B 9 chasseur chercher - lievre. 154. The english gerund being governed by a verb, or by the pre- 32 rdgi pur verbe, positions of, from, at, for, after, with, without, is expressed by OF, FROM, AT, FOR, AFTER, WITH, WITHOUT, - s'exprimer the infinitive of the verb in french ; I saw you doing it, without infinitif en ; 136 , taking any pains. I was afraid of spoiling it. I blame him for de la peine. craindre 140 gdter 20 ° going away, after having promised to wait for me. Be contented s'en itre allt, 198 201 54 - se contenter , with telling him 108 so. There is no occasion for (using him ill.; 200 (f)p.79. le 5 * , 245 19 ° lieu de maltruiter 5i - Again M expressed by re before voir + See the Imperative of a reflective verb, page 114, EXERCISE. 839 PRESENT PARTICIPLE. 155. The english gerund which is so often used with the auxiliary 32 gerondif - 183 s'employer* auxiliaire 62 verb be, to define an action more particularly, can not be expressed BE, 17 ° definir particulierement, - s'exprimer * by the gerund in french; (the auxiliary verb must be left out,) and ; il faut omettre le verbe auxiliuire , (the gerund must be made into a verb) (in the) same tense and person faire du gtrondif un verbe au 3 as the auxiliary verb is; What are you doing there? I am reading que 32 - : 83 la ? a novel. You are losing (a deal) of time. What have you been doing, roman. perdre beaucoup - , whilst I was dressing myself? I was waiting for my sister. I am pendant que habiller me 5i 201 going to dress myself too. I (am afraid) 221 they will be going 140 before 172 * 54 aussi. craindre 195 - partir 218 I am ready. Make haste, for they are going to (set off) just now. p-rSt. se depecher,\ car alter 17 ' 2 partir tout a I'heure. 156. The gerund which is sometimes used as a substantive in - 183 s'employer * — en english, i. e. preceded by an article, can not be expressed by the gerund , pre'ee'de 200 , - s'exprimer* par in frencn; (it must be expressed) by a noun, if a noun synonymous to ; il faut Verprimer , synonime the verb can be found ; as, the reading of good books forms the mind. 92 ; , lecture 7 ^ foi-mer esprit. His having been instructed (turn ; his instruction) was of great ser- ; 136 d'un grand vice to him. If a noun synonymous to the verb does not readily 183 Co) 55 aisiment occur to the mind, you 161 - must give another turn to the sentence ; as, se presenter , il n.b. faut tour phrase ; , I should have caught that bird, if it had not been for your making atlraper 2 oiseau, a noise; (turn ; if you had not made Sfc.) You are the cause of his du bruit ; ; ' fait &;c. having been punished ; (turn ; that he has been punished.) What is the 82 reason for your being so angry with him? turn ; that you are so angry. rai&on facM 20 ° ? ; 157. The past 38 participle joined to a noun has the property of an pasei joint propriety adjective, and agrees in gender and number with that noun ; A , s'uecorder en genre 204 nombre ; • See N. B. note (it) page 935. f See the Imperative of a reflective verb, page 114 y2 340 EXERCISE. PAST PARTICIPLE. married 39 man. A married woman. Well brought up children. Well maner n.b. 32 ^ gn ^i ever 32 _ 9 written letters. New built 32 houses. Roasted potatoes 9 . derive 32 9 nouvellement bdtir 9 rotir 32 pommes de terre. When a past participle comes after the auxiliary 32 verbs have or 32 participe auxiliaire 23 HAVE be, you 181 must make a particular 32 distinction between these two verbs. BE, il n.b. faut particulier 29 entre (bb) 158. After the auxiliary verb Eire, to be, the past participle agrees 32 verbe , to BE, 32 s'accorder like an adjective, in gender and number with the nominative of that comme adjectif, 20i nominatif (bb) verb ; as, that man is married. That woman is married. Those ; , marier. (bb) children are well brought up. These letters are well written. The Clever — potatoes are not done enough. Those houses are very well built. cuire 181 tres bdtir. 159. After the auxiliary verb Avoir, to have, the past participle 32 , to have, 32 never agrees with the nominative of the verb ; so, in these examples ; 190 s'accorder ; ainsi, (bb) exemple ; My mother has invited your sisters. Your sisters have invited my invite' mother, the participle invite must not change its masculine termination; , devoir changer sa 32 terminaison ; except when the past participle comes after the participle Ete, been, excepts 32 , been, serving with Avoir, to form a compound tense ; for then it agrees servant , 169 former composd 32 terns ; car alors s'accorder with the nominative of Avoir ; as, My sister has been invited. My ; , et6 in v itS. brothers have been invited. My sisters have been invited. In all other instances (in which) the past participle comes after 213 7 cas oil 32 have, it (is necessary) to consider whether the participle has an object, HAVE, il - faut 172 considerer si objet, and whether this object comes before or after the participle. 200 If the participle comes before its object, it does not vary, i. e. it is son , changer, always masculine and singular j but if it comes after its object, it masculin singulier ; , agrees like an adjective in gender and number with that object; I s'accorder en 20 * 2 : EXERCISE 341 PAST PARTICIPLE. have lost my watch. I have not found it. I have found a watch. perdre montre. trouver 55 It is not that which I have lost. I have sent you a letter. I have 65 88 envoy er 55 lettre. not received it. Have you not received the letter which I have sent recevoir 55 you ? We have sold our house, but we have bought another. (That is) 55 vendre maison, en 70 acheter une autre. 247 the house which we have sold, and (this is) the other which we have 217 bought. We have gained a complete 32 victory. Have you heard rcmporter complet 23 victoire. entendu purler of the victory which we have gained? We have destroyed or taken dttruire prendre all the enemy's 25 ships. (Here are) the frigates which we have taken. ennemi vaisseau 247 frigate N. B. Observe that the participle agrees only with its direct object ; Observer ( ' bb) nb. son 32 ; for, when the object is governed by a preposition expressed or under- car, rfgir exprimer 157 sous~ stood, the participle does not agree with that object ; (Here is) the entendre 15 ?, (bb) ; 247 person to whom I have written the letter of which I have spoken to penonne ~ 6 7 * (o) you. It mentions a victory to which we have not contributed a little. 55 62 fair e mention d' " 6 contribuer - peu im Over 200 (how many) 8 powerful 38 enemies have we not triumphed ! De combien *-b. puissant" triompher ! 160. Sometimes after a participle preceded by an object, there is a precede 20 '° , 246 verb in the infinitive, then (it is necessary) to consider whether the a infinitif, abort ilfaut 17i si object is governed by the participle, or by the infinitive which follows re'gir par , suivre it. If the participle governs the object, it agrees in gender and num- , 62 s'accorder ber with that object ; but if the object is governed by the verb which follows the participle, the participle does not require any agreement , tie demander pas n.b. accord with it ;* Have you finished the letter which I had given you to write? Vobjet ; HO 55 109 Have you finished the letter which you had begun lo write? Have UO T 1G8 • Here the noun must be repeated in the place of the pronoujii because the personal pronouns after a preposition, can not be used to represent things. Sec 64 rule. + See note * page 23& 34'2 EXERCISE, PAST PARTICIPLE. vou read the books which I had lent you to read ? Have you read li0 preter* 55 169 the books which I had advised you to read ? Is that the actress conseiller* 55 166 Est-ce Id actrice whom we heard 133 sing- ? Sing the song which we heard her 55 sing entendre * chanter ? chanson 13fl * lui (These are) the figures which I have lately learned to draw. I 24 7 dernierement * 169 dessiner. still 184 see the same faults which you had resolved to avoid. encore faute H0 rhoudre * 188 gutter. 161. The participles plu, lu, pu, voulu do not agree with the object , , , saccorder that precedes them, because the infinitive of the verb which comes be- 74 , parceque fore these words, is understood after them ; You have not written this , sous-entendu - 61 ; letter so well as you ought. You have had all the time and all the 42 42 177 iems assistance that you wished 133 . I have taken all the pains that I could 136 . sccours 74 vouloir. " peine 7 * pouvoir. GOVERNMENT OF VERBS. (A. word is 92 said) to govern another, when the word governing On dit quhm mot en re" git un autre, qui regit obliges the governed to 169 conform to certain rules. obliger mot qui est rigi se con former certaine (i) regie. 162. When a verb governs two substantives, either nouns or pro- r6gir , soit ou f nouns, one of them requires a preposition, expressed before a noun, and , demander , exprimer 157 206 , generally implied in the pronouns ; Has your sister given my brother renfermer 157 ; 134 any money? (turn ; given money to my brother.') Yes, she has lent 9 ; , preter him 55 some ; (i. e. some to him.) Did he ask her for it ? (turn ; did he (f) p. 79. (p) ; (o) 13S 55 t ™ ask it to her?) No, it 68 was she who offered it 55 him ; (i. e. it to him.) (o) t 191 , N - B - uo offrir™ (f)p.79. ; (o) They have requested me to buy them books, (to buy books to them,) prier 16S (f)p.79. 9 , (o) and to send them to them ; but I will not send them any ; (any to 168 (o) .; (0p.79.O>; ; them.) Have they returned your sister (to your sister) those which 265 N . B . ( bb j she had lent them 55 ? No, they have^ not ; i.e. returned them to her. 140 159 (£) p .79. , N.B. • ("a) * See note * page 233. t See note * page 205 t See note || page ! EXERCISE. 343 GOVERNMENT OF VERBS. 163. When a verb governs two objects, the shorter, i. e. the ob- re'gir objet, court 41 , ject which is compounded of the fewer 41 number of words, is generally compose plus petit 8 mot, - 183 placed first ; I have brought your brother a very entertaining book. se placer le premier ; 162 amusant 32 He must dedicate all the time that he can spare to study. How can he 181 donner 7i pouvoir - 7 4tude l3i expect to learn unless 195 he pays all the attention he can to his books? suttendre 193 218 k.b. faire » (s) If the objects are nearly of an equal length, i. e. compounded of nearly upeuprcs 6 gale- , the same number of words, the direct 32 object must be placed before 8 , direct devoir - se placer 206 the indirect ; Have you lent my sister any money ? She intends to r objet ; 162 9 avoir 1 ' 25 dessein de present your brother with a book. He gives his friends (a great deal) faire present * 162 de * 162 - beaucoup of trouble. Tell her lc2 that I will send her children some fruit. peine. (f)j>.79.(bb)v-B> 162 Yet the indirect object must be placed first, though it were Cependant 32 devoir , quand mime il serait the longer 41 , if by placing it last, it G2 caused an amphibology with long, (hh) le dernier, faisait amphibologie other words ; as, Take the parcel which I have brought into the d'autres ; } 236 paquet parlour. Have you sent the letter which I gave you to the (post office?) salon 136 55 poste 164. The same noun may be governed by two verbs which have mime 17S regi par both the same government, i. e. which are both used without a pre- 132 regime , — ia3 f s' 'employer - position, or which require both the same preposition ; as, I hate and , demunder l=a ; , hair despise that young man. He is always talking and boasting 155 of what mepriser (bb) m \ purler 155 se ranter 8 * he does. He is always opposing and (finding fault) with what other faire. 184 $ s'opposer 155 trouver 125 a redire a. les autres people do ; but we 90 could not say, I hate and mistrust that young - 39 faire; n-b. , semifierde man. He is always talking about, and finding fault with what other 181 purler de, trouver & redire ■>>>> Daigner, Declarer, Devoir, Entendre, EJivoyer, Esperer, Fulloir, sima- t » > > » » giner, raisser, oser* paraitre, penser, pretcndre, pouvoir, Reconnaitre, > > > j > > > Regarder, Retourner savoir, sembler, souhaiter, soutenir, vouloir, > > i > > i } voir, Appercevoir ; as, I am going to embark for America. When do , ; , m'embarquer 5 Amerique. you intend to go ? I want 260 to (set out) as soon as I can. I hope you compter partir f souhaiter pariir 142 2 ' 21 will come to see us before you go. I do not think I shall (be able) 218 pariir 221 pouvoir Ub to call 266 before I go ; but I expect to see you often when I have 142 passer 218 partir ; espirer 233 returned. You seem to have a great desire to 1G8 go. No; I would 265 envie y'° aller. ; aime<- rather stay than go ; but I do not 192 know what to do here. It is mieux rester (11) y aller ; n.b. savoir 83 11 vaut better to gain a little than to gain nothing. I would rather gain •meux gagner - peu (11) " aimer mieux nothing than to toil myself for so little. See the 172nd rule. (II) lourmenter me * si peu de chose. regie. 348 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE VERBS. 173. Will, would. If, by the words will, would, you wish to Will, would. , par will, would, ' vouloir i " i denote will, wish desire, inclination, you 181 must express them by designer volonte, soulmit, dfoir, , il n.b. faut ex-primer the verb vouloir, and put the following verb in the infinitive; if you , mettre a wish to denote a determination, (will, would must be considered) lr3 , il fant considtrer WILL, WOULD only as the signs of the future, or of the conditional of the verb which comme futur, conditionnel follows them ; as, Will you do me the favour to call 266 upon me ? I ; , * faire grace 168 s» Tiill call, if I can. Would you do me the favour to call upon me? , pouvoir. * 266 I would call, if I could. Will you bring your sister with you? I will pouvoir. * amener avec bring her, if she will come. Would you bring your sister with vou ? 144 " "56 ° J J I would bring her, if she would come. My sister will not come ; she amener , lH will stay at home. My sister would not Come; she would stay at home. rester an logis. ■ 174. Will have, would have. When wrLL have, would have Will have, would have. will have, would have are used to denote the wish to possess, will, would are expressed - s' employer I69 dhigner dcsir 168 posseder, WILL, WOULD - s'exprimer by the verb vouloir, and have is left out ; if will have, would , have -s'omettre; will have, would have are used to denote not the wish, but the certainty to possess, have - s' 'employer 169 non , certitude 168 , they are expressed by the future, or by the conditional of Avoir ; as, - s'exprimer futur, conditionnel ; , My brother will have a horse. He will have one (cost what it will.) * en 7 ° * un coute qui coute. My brother would have a horse. He would have one (at any rate.) * * il quelque prix que ce fut. He will have a watch too. He would have a watch too. He will * montre aussi. * en 70 have one, if he learns well. He would have one, if he learned well. , apprendre en 70 , He will have none, if he will not have this 88 . He would have, none, n'en 70 pas, 144 n.b. n'en 70 pas, if he would not have this. He will have one like yours. * These sentences may be expressed two ways, but each way denotes a different idea, and this idea can be determined onlv by the speaker or writer. See the examples under rules 173, 1?4. See also the different notes on Will, Would, page 143, 228, and 334. EXERCISE. Oi^ REMARKS ON THE VERBS. N. B If will have, would HWE, in the sense of wish, are fol- IVILL HAVE, WOULD HAVE, WISH, SuU lowed by another verb, the object of have becomes the nominative of vis 20 ^ , objet HAVE devenir nominatif the following verb which must be (in the) subjunctive in french ; suivant 3i devoir au en ; What will you have me do ? What will you have my brother do ? as * faire? * faire? I will have you learn Italian 7 , and I' will have him learn French 7 . t Italieu, t Francak. Would you have us do 149 nothing but study? Must we never play? t faire " qu' etudi'er? 181 133 i9 ° jouer Yes, I would have you learn your lessons first, and I would , U9 lecon premierement, have you play afterwards. I will not have any of you be idle. I " 9 ' ensuite. 10 ° oisif. will have every one of you do his duty before he does any thing- else. 105 devoir 218 m autre chose. 175. Would have in the sense of chosen, been willing, followed Would have chosen, been willing, suii>re 15 i by a past participle is expressed by the imperfect or by the condi- - s'exprimer par imparfait condi- tional of Avoir, with the participle voulu, viz. Avals voulu, Aiirais tionnel , , c'est ddire voulu, and the english participle is expressed by the infinitive in french ; , 32 - s'exprimer en ; If you would have let me go, I should have been back long since. laisser , de retour il y a long terns. This would have been done in time, if he would have helped me. 89 finir a terns, aider I asked 136 him to help me, and he would not. I would not have prier * , im helped you for ever so much. Why did you not tell me so before rien au. monde. 136 55 cela 2i8 I began ? If I had told you so, you would not have come. If any t M le™, tout body but you had told me so, I certainly would not have believed him. autre que f 59 le 5i , 1W 176. Should. When should, which is generally a sign of the con- Should. should, signe ditional tense, is used in the sense of ought, it is expressed by the - , - s' 'employer OUGHT, - s'exprimer • Turn, What will you that I do ? What will you that my brother do ? for it is not the person whom you wish, but you wish that the person should perform some action. t Turn, I will that you learn Italian, and I will that he learn french. Would von that we should hi nothing but study ? and so on with other bentences of this kind. * See note » page 337. 350 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE VERBS. conditional of the verb Devoir, viz. nevrais ; as, you should take , c'est a dire ; , more 8 pains than you do. Children should learn, every day, something n.b. peine 47 faire. ? , touts les jours, " by heart. They should (get up) (sooner in the morning) than they do. par coeur. se lever plus - matin 4 ? 177. Should have, ought to have, followed by a past participle, Should have, ought to have, 20 ° 32 , are expressed by the conditional of Avoir, with the participle du, viz. - * par , Du f Aurais du, and the english participle is expressed by the infinitive in freneh ; You should have gone (viz. ought to have gone) with your en ; idler brothers. You should not have let them go alone. They ought not laisser sew/ 29 . to have gone without leave. They should not have stayed so long. 2/ 7 ° permission. rester si long terns. You ought to have told them 54 so. You have not acted as you should. dire (f) p. 79. ie 59 agir 178. May, might. If may, might are used to denote the power May, might. may, might - * ,6!) designer pouvoii, of doing a thing, may is expressed by the present of the verb pou- 154 , MAY - * voir, viz, puis, fyc. and might by the conditional pourais, which , , , 8)C. might , govern the following verb in the infinitive ; If may, might denote the rtgir « 2 ; may, might mere possibility of doing a thing, they may be expressed by the sub- simple possibility l5i , t - * junctive of pouvoir, or by the subjunctive of the following verb ; Any , qui suit 32 ; body may do that ; (i. e. can or is able) to do that. You may do it, 109 ^ (bb); m fa™ > (i. e. You can or are able) to do it, if you like. I will shew you , vouloir. $ montrer how it may be done ; (i. e. how one can, or is able to do it.) Leave 92 . , Laisser it here, that I may try ; (i. e. that it may be possible for me to 56 , afinque essay er ; m try.) I will lend it 54 you, that you may learn ; (i. e. that it may preter 59 , afinque ; be possible for you to learn.) Any body might do that ; (i. e. * See N. B. note {'it) page 2oS, + See note * page 138, N B. p. 139. } See note f p. 312. EXERCISE. 351 REMARKS ON THE VERBS. would be able) to do that. You might do it, (i. e. you could or fuire , * would be able) to do it, if you had 140 a mind. I will shew you how ! en 70 24 envie. t it might be done ; (i. e. how one could do it.) I left 136 it here that s 2 ; * laisser 55 afinque you might try ; (i. e. that it might be possible for you to try.) 179. Could have, might have. When could have, might have Could have, might have. could have, might have are followed by a past participle, they are expressed by the imperfect 138 200 32 ,'.-■$ imparfait or by the conditional of Avoir, with the participle pu, viz. Avais pu, conditionnel , , , diirais pu, agreeably to the tense, and the english participle is ex- , suivant - , 32 - pressed by the infinitive in french ; If I could have done it, (i. e. h X en ; * fuire , I had (been able) to do it,) I would not have asked 252 you to help 110 pu l 7 2 , prisr 168 aider me. You might have done it (i. e. you would have been able to do it) as well as I 52 . I could not have done it so soon ; (i. e. I should 43 43 « } not have been able to do it so soon.) You perhaps 184 could not, (or si tot. peut-etre , would not have been able to do it) but you might have tried ; (i. e. essay er ; you would have been able to try.) I might have tried, (i. e. I should have been able to try) as you say ; but I am sure that I could not comme ; sur have succeeded ; (i. e. that I should not have been able to succeed.) riumr ; 180. Wish. The present tense of the verb wish, followed by another Wish. - wish, 200 verb in the imperfect or (in the) conditional is expressed by the con- & Ull - J ditional of souhaiter, viz. souhaiterais, and the verb which is in the , e'est ii. dire, , it imperfect or (in the) conditional in english, must be (in the) perfect au en , devoir (kk) an parfait of the subjunctive in french ; as, I wish that was done. I wish subjonctif ; , «« (bb) 221 • See the different use of Could, page 133. ♦ See note t p. 312. % See N. B. note (it) p. 235. 352 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE VERBS. your sistei would come. I wish somebody would help me. I wish 221 95 aider I had never attempted it. I am glad that I have done (with it.) ~(nn) entreprendre 55 168 - -(nn)eb*e dibarassi en 5i 181. Must. The vert) must is conjugated with the three different Must. musj - se conjugner* M 32 persons, viz. I must, thou must, he must, &c. but the verb which , / MUST, THOU MUST, HE MUST., §C. represents it, has only the third person singular of each tense, with , au singulier 102 , il for nominative, viz. il Faut, il Fallait, fyc. (see page 174.) then , , , £fc. a tors the nominative of must becomes the nominative of the following verb must devenir which is always (in the) subjunctive in french ; as, I must see (turn ; au en ; , ; it must that I see) that man. Thou must not go alone. He must 2 t seul. come himself. Your brother must go with you. You must not stay (m) N.B. 58 i long. Must we not speak to him? Must not his friends know it? long terns. f (o) 5i t savoir ? » N.B. When the nominative of must is indefinite, i. e. when it does MUST indtfini, not relate to any particular 32 person, it is generally left out in french, se rapportev en particulier , - 183 s'omettre * , and the following verb is put in the infinitive ; How many 8 times - * (I j N.B. 232 must one tell you the same thing? We must employ our time dire le usefully. People must never be idle. They must help one another. utilement. oisif. s' aider 121 182. Must have meaning to be in need, is expressed by il rant, Must have designer to be in need, - * , but have is left out, and (the nominative of must is made) the object HAVE - * , on fait du nominatif de MUST Of FClllt; thus, I MUST HAVE, U ME faut; THOU MUST HAVE, U TE ; ainsi, 1 MUST HAVE, ; THOU MUST HAVE, faut ; he must have, il lui faut, Sfc. (see page 175.) I must have a ,• HE MUST HAVE, , §C. + horse. He must have a saddle. My brother must have a wife. My $ selle. t femme. sister must have a husband. These children must have clothes. mari. habit. * See N. B, note (u) page 235. f See MUST used negatively, p. 174. % See MUST HAVE, p. 175. EXERCISE. 353 VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* I have done. Have you done? Has your brotner done? Has flair. your sister done? My brother has sung a song. My sister has sung- chanter chanson. a song. My brothers have sung a song. My sisters have sung a song. Have you heard the song which my brother has sung ? Have entendre ? 4 you heard the song which my sister has sung? Have you heard the song which my brothers have sung ? Have you heard the song which my sisters have sung ? They are gone. Are they gone ? Are your parlir. brothers gone ? Are your sisters gone ? How do they do 241 ? How 134 185 se porter? 185 does your mother do ? Is all your family well ? Is your sister 241 241 ■» families returned from Bath ? Have the baths been of service to her ? I 205 Bath ? bain faire du Men (o) think they have. She looks 253 much better than she did before 221 t avoir mine $ i7 avoir ai8 she went. T am glad m you are come ; I wanted to see you. If y alter. lien aise ; 260 you had not come, I would have called upon you. I have some 238 268 9 news to tell you. Do you know that Mrs. B. is here ? No, nouvelles plur. savoir ici ? 191 , 1 did not know it. When did 136 she come? She came this morning. Quand *** matin. I have just received this note from her. I am glad she is come 244 recevoir billet 38 (at last), for I longed 140 much to see her. I will wait upon her enfin, car see p. 175. fort passer chez M to-morrow morning. Will you come with me? I do not think I demuin jnatin. 58 2lJl shall (be able) to go. I (am afraid) my mother will not be able to pouvoir y 7 ° craindre 221 spare 202 me. Since she has been ill, she wishes me to be always te passer de M Depuie que § malade, vouloir • See note • p. 281, and add to it that the whole of this exercise on the verbs must be well understood before the exercise is left off. t You m;iy express, I Ihink they have, by je pense qu' oui ; or if you express have, you must add the rest of the sentence and say ; je j,ensc qu ils lux en ontfait. t Turn this sentence, She has much better look than she had §c § JIas been ill. The English often use this past tense to express an action or a state of being which is still lasting: as, I have been ill these si.r months ; the French can not use it in this sense ; so. lias been HI must be expressed by Est malade, if the person is ill still ; by A cte malade, if she has ceased to be so. U Turn, She wishes that I befyc. see note * p. 239, which is also applicable to wish. Z 354 EXERCISE VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. with her. She will not let me (go out) for fear 195 I should slay too 56 (kk)laisser sortir de peur que rester long. Do you wish me to go ? Yes, I do 70 . Well ; I will call, long-terns. * J/ 70 t , n.b. Eh bien ; passer, if I can. You may call, if you will ; it is not so far. I do not think pouvoir , ; 246 loin. 221 your mother will refuse you to (go out) for such a short 8 time. I will sortir si - pen n.b. ask her. Do 70 ; i. e. ask her. I wish you would lend me the book which let (f)p.7"9. n.b. 22i (kk)priter you promised me the last time I was at 208 your house. I promised (s) N.B. to send it to my cousin after I have read it. She has nothing to f. apres que 62 " do now, and it is better she should do that than do nothing. H present, valoir mieux 221 " (U) I will lend it you now. I wish you (very much) to read it. I did § 62 59 |j f art not lend it you then, for fear 218 you would not return 265 it to me in 62 59 alors, de peur que - n.b. m & time. I (was afraid) that you would keep it too long. I have long terns. craindre 125 - l95 garder 62 long-terns. wished to read it. I could not lend it you, before you asked me for 1 « pouvoir 62 59 , 218 59 201 it. Here 247 it is. I wish 221 it may amuse you (as much) as it has 62 n.b. 62 amuser autant que 62 amused me. Do you think your cousin would come, if I sent for 55 221 cousine , envoy cr chercher her? I do not think she can. She told me that she expects a friend 221 70 attendre who promised to call upon her this afternoon. Did she tell you that 266 apres midi. I drank 'tea with her yesterday 183 ? Yes, she did. 70 I wish 281 you had prendre the* hier n.b. n.b. iso been there. I wish I had. She is coming to spend the evening with y " ( e ) p. 74. ** Vi 234 me (to-morrow, 183 ) will you come with her ? I wish I could ; but I demain. n.b. (kk) iso f nn> )70 ; can not. I am engaged at Mrs. A's. We will' meet some other day. 70 208 se rencontrer quelque 120 * Turn ; do you wish that I go? see * p. 239, which is also applicable to wish. f The verb Aller, to go, requires a place mentioned after it ; if the place has been mentioned before we always add to Aller the adverbial pronoun F, there ; see note (e) p. "Ji. X Add here, in french, the pronoun Le, it. § See note f page 312. •| Turn ; I wish much that you read it; see note * p. 239, which is also applicable to wish. Tf Turn ; it is long since I wish §-c. see note § page 353. ** Instead of repeating this verb in french we should say.je le souhaite aussi. EXERCISE. 355 VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. I have just heard that Miss B. is very ill. Who told you so? venir de 244 apprendre' malade. dire 59 le s * Miss C. told me so. How 246 long has she been ill ? She was taken le M Combien y a-t-il que * prendre ill this morning. They 90 say she is very ill. I must send to inquire demal 234 n.b. 221 m 'informer how she is now. I think it is better that I go myself. It (is 241 sai valoir mieux (m) n.b. necessary) that I should see her. It (is becoming) that I pay her a visit. falloir 125 convenir 125 rendre 16 ' 2 ** visite. Did you hear that Mrs. C. is dead? Indeed! When did she die ? entendre (bb}ix-B. mourirl ! 238 I was with her last ni^ht. She seemed (well enough) when I left 235 paraitre en assez bonne santi quitter her. She was taken ill suddenly in the night, and she died this prendre de mal subitement , 238 morning. I am very sorry she is dead. She was the most estimable fdchi ™ l 65 aa woman that I knew 50 . I had invited her daughter to come and spend connaitre. (nn) 2yl (a few) days with me, but I do not think she will come now that quelques 58 , 221 her mother is dead. Were you at the play lately? Yes, my sister comedie depuis peu? , and I went there (the night before last), to see a new actress. We 127 y M avant hier au soir, nouvelle actrice. had expected some amusement, but we were greatly disappointed. The attmdre , bien tromper. players were very bad. I never saw a worse 41 set. Was it a good comidiens mauvais. mauvais troupe. Y avait-il beaucoup house ? Yes, the house was pretty full 29 . The lower 29 boxes de monde? t , salle passablement plein. premier loge were not full, but the upper boxes and the pit were very full, 20 , $ parterre 31 Was my cousin there ? I do not know. I did not see her. I met f. 2Z 54 her yesterday, as I was going to take 263 a walk, and I went to drink hier, n.b. } § tea with her. After we. had drunk tea, we went into the fields, and 96 § S13 we picked several curious 32 flowers which I intend to draw, and cueillir curieux(g) avoir dessein dessiner, * See note § p. 353. t This sentence can not be expressed in french according to its literal sense; it must be expressed as if the words were, Were there many people? t The different sets of boxes are distinguished in french by the names of premieres, sccondes, troisiemes, fyc. luges. § Speaking of drinking tea, coffee, &c. as a meal, we use Prendre instead of Boirc. z 2 356 EXERCISE VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. send to you. I must make you some little present that 218 you may (o) ' quelque afinque remember me. Do you think I need any thing to make me se souvenir 302 58 221 avoir besoin de 1U 17 ° remember you? I will not forget you (as long) as I live. I was 202 58 oublier tant que in 2 " London since I saw you. Did you see the curiosities? I saw n.b. Londres depuisque 193 curiosite" f the Tower, St. Paul's, and the Museum, but I did not find (so many 8 ) Tour, , Mushim, tant n.b. curiosities as I had expected. Did you ever see the Museum ? Yes ; que 237 s'i/ attendre. : I have seen it several times. Did you hear that my brother is gone 55 232 entendre to Franoe? No, I did not? . When did he go? He (set out) this 6 ioi f n.b 238 vartir f 238 partir morning. Were you ever in France? No, I never was there. I 190 yM(e)p.74. never had an opportunity to go. I should like to see that country of 24 occasion y?° * (bb) «» which I have heard (so much). I will go the first opportunity 7* entendre parler tant 188 y 70 * d (sj I can find. And you, were you ever there? I lived in France , y M demeurer several years. I have been nearly all over the country. Was plusieurs f presque t x 23 ° Y avait-il any body with you? Yes, Mr. B. was with me. How did you travel ? 108 t 58 185 voyager ? We travelled sometimes in a coach, sometimes in a gig, and some- quelquefois en - carosse, - cabriolet, times on (horseback), as it suited us. When did you return ? I & cheval, comme cela convenir 54 238 aes returned about three weeks or a month ago. Which way did you 365 ilya^ 6 environ 248 - Par? 9 route (come back) ? I came through Havre de Grace and Southampton. revenir ? par (b) Did you speak french when you went to France ? I spoke it a little. % francais m. 6 % ^ un peu. I spoke it enough to make myself understood: But I knew grammar £ M assez 17 ° entendre. savoir tgrammaire * See note f p. 354. t Express been over by the verb parcourir. t Did speak and spoke require here an exp.anation. For instance, if I were to say, I met a gentle- man in the street yesterday and I spoke french to him ; I should say, je rencontrai hierun monsieur dans ia rue, et je lui PARLAI francais, because I then wish to express what I did, viz. that I spoke french. But in the ex-ample here ffiven, I do not want to know whether the person spoke french or not, but whether he knew the language, which being mere knowledge or a description of the mind, must, agreeably to 140th rule, be expressed by the irnperfeit parlais, §-c. EXERCISE. 357 VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. pretty well 183 , and I soon learned to speak it well. I now speak it assez bien n.b., ™ 6i m as fluently as my native 32 language. Did you never meet with 43 coidamment ^ natal* 3 langue 190 rencontrer 201 people who spoke english? Yes, sometimes, but not so often as 1 M» 191 que wished. Were you in France when the revolution began? No, I commence)' ? , was in Holland. Were the Dutch glad 89 (of it)? Some were glad Hollande. Hollandais bien aise en 54 w *> (of it), and some 7°were not. Some (were of opinion) that it would do en™, 94 ? 2 M penser 62 a (great deal) of good, others thought that it would do a great deal of - beaucoup bien, 120 penser 62 - harm. I did not stay long in Holland; I went to Germany and Italy. mal. rester 6 ; 6 Allemagne 204 I have been to Ireland too, since 195 I saw you. Well ; how do you like 6 lrelande uussi, depuis que Eh bien ; 268 that country? I like it (very much) ; it is a very fine country ; but I 230 268 62 beailCOUp ; « will not (go again,) unless, as the Irishman in London says, I can 1 * y retourner, 213 , commc Irlandais a\ Londres * n. go by land. I was 140 very sick. I never was so sick in my life (kk) y 1* par terre. n.b. malade. 138 de vie Indeed, every body on board was sick. It 62 is true that it blew A la ve'rite', 108 it bord n.b. vrai faire a tempest. One of our masts fell over board, and we lost almost tempele. m&t tomber par-dessus 7 , perdre all our sails. We expected every moment that we should go and voile. attendrc il tout - (nn) sup with the god of the waves. However after a deal of toil souper dieu jlot. Cependant - beaucoup peine and fatigue, we arrived at Cork "harbour. We landed as soon as 204 , Thavre. deburquer 43 4S we could, and we were very well received by our friends who were pouvoir, recevoir waiting for us. We soon forgot the perils of the sea, and we began *> l 184 oublier to divert ourselves (in the best manner) we could. (Next day) I went divertir du mieux que ? ' Lendemain to my friend Mr. D.'s (country seat.) The weather was 840 - bad for "chateau. I4 ° k.b. »» some days, but one morning it grew fine. I (got up) early, and 2*4 62 devenir se lever de bonne hcure , • In a parenthesis, the French generally put the nominative after the verb ; so, tarn this sentence thus, as says the Irishman in London. 358 EXERCISE. VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules.. I went by myself to take 208 a walk in the fields, while the family 207 n.b. n.b. f pendant que (were asleep.) I never saw nature more sublime than it 68 was at that dormir. 125 * le 70 dans moment. The sun had just risen, and the dew which was on the grass 244 se lever, ros6e 'herbe appeared like pearls. I advanced a little into the country, but the ressembler d. 9 perle. s'avancer un pen, 230 , 45 more I advanced, the more I felt inclined to advance, I saw on all , 45 se sentir porti de sides trees loaded with fruit which was beginning to ripen ; an in- cbte 9 200 commencer murir , in- finite number of birds singing 153 and warbling on the branches ; cattle fini 9 * 8 oiseau n.b. gazouiller 138 ; 9 b£tail grazing 153 , or wandering through the meadows; hills and dales covered paitre, n.b. errer ct travers prairie ; 9 colline 9 oallee with corn which began to (turn yellow) ; in short every thing indicated 200 ble jaunir ; en tin mot 107 annoncer abundance and prosperity. I was 140 so delighted with my walk, that I 7 abondance 7 6 c n.b. charme 200 , (went again) every morning that the weather was fine. I stayed there y 7 ° retourner touts les ynatins 240 rester y 54 six weeks, and I do not think it 62 is possible to spend six weeks , 221 NB . 271 more agreeably than I did. Did you see Mr. A. lately ? I saw him 47 le 7 ° faire. depuis peu ? this morning. I met him as I was going along the street. He rencontrer comme passer le long de told me that he had called upon you, but that you were not in. He 266 y 54 desired me to tell you that he wanted to see you. If you see him 252 2«o revoir again, tell him that I will call upon him as soon as I have dined. 56 263 58 43 4-3 I will.? Did you not go a shooting together yesterday ? Yes, we n.b. . ^ la chasse au fusil ensemble 183 n.b. t did.? Was your excursion successful 29 ? Not very. The ground n.b. chasse heureux (g) ? Pas beaucoup. terre was wet, and the game was very wild. We killed only six brace of humide 3 gibier sauvage. tuer couple partridges, two hares and four woodcocks. Were there no 8 pheasants? perdrix, liexrre becasse. 246 »«b. faisanf There were plenty; but they were in some gentlemen's ^plantations, 246 abondance ; 62 + messieurs 7 Family being singular, the verb can not be plural in french. -j- See note f P- 282. EXERCISE. 359 VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. and we dared not touch them. Did you walk or ride ? We oser (kk) toucher y 5i alter d. pied ou & cheval? rode as far as R. where we left our horses at a small inn there, uller ct cheval jusqu' & oil laisser a auberge qui y est, and after we had refreshed ourselves a little, we began our excursion. apres que rafraichir tm peu, chasse. We (went over) I do not know 192 (how many) heaths, fields and coppices. fareourir n.b. combien 8 n.b. bruiere, 204 taillis. I dare say we walked 20 miles. When we arrived at the inn, we were pouvoir a21 8fls mille. , so tired that we could not return home that night. We slept there, lasser (kk) 265 au logis 13 soir-H. coucher y i4 , and we (came home) this morning. We intend to try again to-morrow. revenir essayer encore demain. Will you come with us, if we go ? I will go, if you will promise me to return in time for dinner. If we find that it is too late, we 265 a terns diner. trop , may dine in the country. I can not stay. We shall have company pouvoir t 230 (kk) rester. 9 to dinner, and I must be there. Then I think it is better for , y i4 Bone 18i 2Sl it vaut mieux que us to go after dinner. We may set out as soon as the dinner is t y?°* pouvoir i f" ** over. We generally 184 dine late ; I am afraid it 62 will be too late to fini. ordinairemen't tard ; 2 21 n.b. ^s 170 go then. I think the best thing we can do, is to (put it 54 off) y 70 alors. 221 (s) 50 , e'est de remettre till after to-morrow. We may then take our own time. We shall jusqu' ti apris t alors - (set out) as early as you please. I wish your cousin would come partir d'aussi bonne heure qu' il pUiire§. 221 with us. I wish you would send somebody to let 848 him know. I do 221 »5 M . B . || not know a man whose company is more pleasant. Bring him with 74 7 agriable. 256 56 you, if he will come. I see him coming, I will ask him w . Your f II cousin and I go a shooting the day after to-morrow, will you be one 52 12 7 a la chasse au fusil - - , (kk) - of the party ? I should be very happy to accompany you, but I do partie? hien aise accompagner ' , • See note + p. 354. f The french would here use the future. X Turn ; It is better that wo go. § Make the verb Please impersonal, and express You please, as if the engli-sh was, it will please you, B Add here the pronoun J,e, and say Le lui. 70 rule. If See note t p. 312. 360 EXERCISE. VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rides. not think that I can. We shall not go farther than you like. You 70 bin* 1 w vouloir. may come, if you will. You might come, if you would. I will touvoir , pouvoir , consider (of it). I should like to go (very much) 183 . I will let 248 you penser y M * fort n.b. t n.b. know to-night, if I can go. Why did you not call yesterday ? I could 235 * 266 not. I went a hunting. Who was with you? (Was there) any body it la chasseT ™ 103 (that I know?) Yes, (there were) several of our friends. What time de via connaissance ? , 246 plusieurs A 82 heure did you go? We (set out) at six o'clock. Did you catch any thing? partirt partir (1 prendre m We caught a fox. Had you a (great deal) of sport? Yes, we had? . renard. - beaucoup plahir 1 , n.b. \ I wish I had been with you. If I had known it, I would have gone. (nn) § savoir , 238 *' u Why did you not let 248 me know ? I did not know that you could go. n.b. le 7 ° pouvoir *' 70 I was 140 at home the whole day, and I had nothing to do. The next n.b. au logis 38 , „ 140 S9 prochaine time you go, do not fail to let 248 me know. I will not; i. e. fail? . *»*(s) * , manquer n.b. l e i° y^ . n.b. I have got a new horse. When did you buy it? I bought it this 2 '"° nouveau || acheter morning. (How much) did you give (for it) ? I gave a hundred combien en 5i en 70 21 guineas. It 62 is a (great deal) of money. How old is 239 it ? It is 239 guinee. n.b. - beaucoup n.b. n.b. four years old. Will you come to look at it? Now; what do you voir S01 ,• 83 . think (of it) ? Do you not think that I got it ch*eap ? I do not en 5i avoir & bon marcM? think it is dear. It is a very good horse. I wish it may answer 208 221 65 22i repondre il your expectation. I will buy one too, as soon as I have a little attente. en 70 un aussi, 43 tut ^ iin pea t more 8 money. Do you think I can get a good one for fifty guineas? n.b. 2 21 (kit ) avoir Si en 7 ° guinee? I think you may. When I have one, I will lend it you when you • See note + p. 354. t See note J p. 241. $ Add,agood deal of it. § See note -f p. 337- U Put this adjective before the noun.- EXERCISE. 361 VERB recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rides. want 200 it. Will you take 263 a walk when your letter is finished? avoir besoin en 5 * N - B - I can not ; 1 must take it to the (post office) as fast as I can. It 70 . 258 82 poste 43 yfe 43 must go to-night. I am afraid it will be too late when I am partir 235 ** 195 turd there. I will go with you, if you will wait for me. I can not wait ; y 5i alter , 201 (kk) I must go directly. Will you call upon me when you (come back) ? y 7: tout & I'heure. 256 revenir f I do not think I can. My sisters go to the play ; they will have 1 ? 4 me 221 "i° comedie ; n.b. go with them, and I must go. Will you call when you come back 58 , 7 ° passer from the play ? I will see. I will call, if it is not too late when the de 288 , play is over. Why did you not call in (coming back) from hunting? finie. * 268 en revenir de 7 chasse ? I could not. It G * was late, the weather was bad, and I was tired. 7° nb. tard, terns 240 , lassi. t I am tired of those violent 32 exercises. I must get a wife. Marry, 261 ennuyt\ ^ exercice. prendre se marier, J says a proverb, you will do well ; do not marry, you will do better proverbe f ; ; , (b)p.72. I do not care for your proverbs. I must have a wife. I will have sesoucier 200 " 182 |j one who is tolerably handsome, who has some common sense and a passablement , 9 commun 32 un little 8 fortune. Do you think you can find a woman who is so pen k-b. bien. 2n trouver accomplished ? If I thought that I could not find one, I would never accompli)? 1[ pouvoir en 70 une, be married. I like your sister. Do you think she will go to the - se marier. 261 221 assembly to-night? If I hear that she goes, I will send you word. ussembUe 235 apprendre ##70^ le faire bi savoir. I do not think she will' . She has not been well for some time, 221 ** n.b. 237 241 depuis quelque • Did refers here to the period of hunting, which was yesterday. t Tired — Lasse, Ennuye. Lasse is said of the body ; Ennuye is said of the mind. i See the imperative of o reflective verb, p. 114. || IV ill have may here be expressed two ways, agreeably to the idea which you wish to express. If you wish to denote that you know the person you describe, and are certain to have her, you express frill have one by J'en aurai uric fyc. with the following verbs in the indicative. If you want to denote that you wish to find such a person as you describe, you must express Will have one by J'en veux une, with the following verbs in the subjunctive. Sec 174 rule. <[ See note + p. 337. *• See note f p. 334. 362 EXERCISE. VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. and she (is afraid) of (going out), for fear of (catching cold). I am craindre sortir, de peur de s'enrhumer. sorry 221 she does not come, for I intended to dance with her. She is ■fdchi , avoir dessein 38 65 the most agreeable woman that I ever M knew. When did you see her? 44 82 jamais 136 I saw her this morning. She called at 208 our house, hut she did not 234 266 * N>B . * stop. Did she give you the book which I sent you ? Yes, she did? ; Tester. "^ f n.b. i. e. give it mtfl . Did you read it? Yes, I read a good part (of it). N - B - , partie en 55 How do you like it? Did it entertain you? I like it very well; 185 268 62 amuser 62 it entertained me (very much). I never read a book which entertained 62 fort. 183 7* me more. Do you think the foreign 32 mail will arrive to-day ? It 183 221 Stranger 29 malle aujourd'hui? 62 is arrived. It arrived early this morning. I wonder that (there is) 62 238 de bonne heure 234 s'ttonner 246 no 8 letter for me. I am afraid my friends have forgotten me. I wrote N.B. 58 221 195 oublier 55 to them (long ago). It is time that- I should hear from them. I (o) (il y a long-terns), II terns 2 ? 5 f wish they would write to me. I will not write to them again, 221 (o) r'ecrire (o) - , until 218 I have heard from them. I think they do not wish me to jusqu' a ce que 275 t 221 J know what is passing at home. I am afraid they will think that I savoir w - se passer au logis. 2 " 21 195 stay here too long. I suppose they wish me to come 264 home, but rester ici long-tems. 25 * 221 || s'en retourner,* 65 I do not intend to go back yet. I will stay here as long as I can. avoir dessein s'en retourner encore. 43 *3 We are going to drink tea, will you take a cup with us ? I do not prendre Hh6, 7 ° tasse Je le veux care. I was going to Mrs. D.'s, but I (may as well) stay here. I bien.% 208 , (ferai aussi bien) de can not be in better company. What were you looking for when (kk) en 83 201 I met you ? I was looking for my little boy who has been wander- 201 gar$on errer * See note * p. 225. f Express from them by de leurs nouvelles, or by des nouvelles cTcuv t Turn ; they do not wish that i" know §c. jj See note • page 239, which is also applicable to wish \ We could not say in this sense, je ne rrCen souciepas, for I do not care. EXERCISE. 363 VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. ing about all the afternoon. I saw him playing with the other ca et Id apres midi. 12 ° children, as I was passing- by your house. Your house is well built, , comme 207 " bdtir, but it is not well situated. It is (too much) exposed to the wind. situer. 62 trop exposer vein. We had planted a great number of trees round it, but the drought planter autour Gi , s^cheresse has nearly killed them all. Is it 62 the house which your father presque faire mourir 55 n.b. 74 got built? No, it 62 is not; he has sold it 62 , and has bought this 88 . faire bdtir t , n.b. 70 . vendre 55 , acheter n.b Have you seen (the one) which he has begun to build? No, I have celle * 74 commencer , not* . You have a nice 33 library; may I look at it 54 ? Surely, N - B - joli 29 biblioth4que ; pouvoir voir - 62 Assur£ment> you may. These books are well bound, but they are very badly 70 rclier, vial printed. I have lately read some very entertaining ones. I will imprimer. depuis peu f 10 amusant en 55 $ shew you the books which I have read. I have also bought several 74 plusieurs curious 32 things. See the fine things which I have bought. I want cnrieux 29 (g) belie 28 ° to shew them to your sister. How long is it since you saw her? 246 que 196 I saw her as she was coming to town. I am glad 221 you are come, comme 7 bien aise and that your sister is coming too. I am surprized she has written aussi. 22L to you, and has not mentioned it. Have you sent the books which (o) , 2 *i purler en i5 74 you were speaking of into the country 230 ? No, I have not sent them 203 213 163 yet 183 . I will send them this evening. Did you lend your cousin encore. 234 162 those which he asked you for? Yes, I did; i.e. lend them to him.? 88 201 m WB. Did vou hear that my uncle B. has given my brother a horse? He oncle 162 103 has lent him money to buy one, and I am sure he never will ask 162 eu 70 U1l} 2£i 190 redemande* 1 him for it again. He has also made my eldest 32 sister a present of a 162 || 59 f ain £W 162 24 163 * We could not say rune for the one. i See note \ page 341. * See note t page 31S. | See note || page 296. If Aaain is expressed by re prefixed to demander. 364 EXERCISE. VERB recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. watch. Did he ever give your other sister any 111 thing? No, he montre. 120 162 i« 3 never did? . He often promised her something", but he never gave her N.B. 18* »62 98 183 any thing. She should try to please him. She should pay more 99 tssayer 202 faire attention than she does to what 8 * she is told. She says she pays all 47 f a i re 163 92 221 J 29 the attention she can to every thing 163 she does. Sometimes, not (s) tout ce que , pas always. Take the books which I gave you into the (school room) ** 213 icole™ - with you. Now, I must go. Will you come with me ? I can not. , s' 'mailer. 58 7° You might come, if you would. I might go (to be sure) ; but then , y 7 ° il est vrai ; alors I must neglect business which ought not to be neglected. Come, ndgliger 9 affaires , that we may divert ourselves a little. You must have a little 8 diver- afin que divertir un peu. n.b. amnse- sion. You must not always be (shut up) in the house. Send me my merit. rerifermer servant, that 210 I may tell him to get our horses ready. If you domestique, afinque appreter -.* would have (set out) a little sooner, we might have diverted ourselves partir tot 41 , 7ious 5i (very much). If I could have got my horse when I ordered it, I beaucoup. avoir demander , might have been ready as soon as you. I should have had it sooner, prSt « 48 41 f if my brother could have spared it. I wish my father had bought se passer en t9 2 ' 21 (the one) which you recommended to him. I wish you would sel. celuil (o) 22 i him yours. I would have sold mine (long 246 ago), if I could have found 162 «5 85 U y a lotlg-tcms, any body who would have bought it. I will have one like yours. loa semblable au M If I had known that you wished to sell yours, I might have found f vouloir , somebodv who would have bought it. You should have told me 59 so 95 " u 5* then; I might have bought it myself. I may perhaps find somebody alors (™) N - B - peut-etre(kk) 95 * Ready is expressed in the word Appreter. + We could not say Pun for tlie one. i See p. 140 and 152, the difference between Savoir and Connaitre EXERCISE. 365 VERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules yet 183 . I wish you could. I could have sold it myself long- ago. encore, n.b. 2 *i 7° 55 (m) n.b. U a long-terns, if I could have done without it then. Can you do without it now? 280 en alors. » **° en I think I can. My sisters wish you to come and spend an evening SI 70 * ( nn ) 271 23* with us. When will you come? I can not tell. I will come as soon Quand 7° *" 43 as I can. You must bring; your sister with you. Oh ! we can not £ 256° : J I come both at the (same time). Somebody must stay at home. The 122 a la fois. 95 rester au logis. house can not be left (to itself). Come ; you are rather too hard 92 w laisser seule. Allans ; un peu severe upon her. She must have a little 8 amusement too. You should have enters 58 un peu n.b. aussi. brought her with you to-dav. Why did you not bring her ? I did 235 256 not know that you wanted 800 so much to see her, or else I would avoir si grande envie , autrement aave brought her. I will bring her the next time I come. Do. 258 256 23-2 S $ \ 70 1 ' N.B. 1 will* . Did my sister tell you that I have been in the country ? J J d 230 J No, she did not* . When did you go ? I think I saw you (at the) , N.B. 1/70 221 au beginning of the week. You coul^! 36 not see me this week, for commencement semaine. pouvoir , car I went last 38 week. When did you return? I returned this 70 7 238 265 238 2 afternoon. Did you call upon our friends? I just 18 * saw them, 288 settlement , as I was passing by the house. How were they ? They seemed 207 135 * l puraitre very well. Did you come (that way) (on purpose) ? Yes, I en ties bonne iante. 233 par lb expris? , did 70 . I wonder at your going there again so soon. Will you n b. s'e'tonncr f retoumer y 55 . - si never cease doing what you are desired not 190 to do ? I should not cesser ®* 9S dire 252 n.b. find fault with your calling sometimes, when you happen to be trouver mauvais X passer ft vous arrive dc - • Turn; wish that t/.rucome fyc. see note • p. 239, whicn is also applicable to wish. 4 Turn ; that you have 23B gone there again so soon, see 1G5 rule. l Turn ; that you should call UB *ometim is expressed by jusqiCa quand ; as, How long have you been learn- ing french? or, how long is it 140 since you learn french? How long 155 y a-t-il que * do you intend to learn? How long will you abuse 202 my patience ? avoir 125 dessein abuser de 187. How far. When how far is the nominative of a verb, it How FAR. HOW FAR nominatif , is expressed by combien ; and when it is its object, it is expressed fix) jt.b. ; V objet, - by jusqu'oit; as, How far is your house from here? or how far is 246 it , t 1/ «-*-H from here to your house? How far is Windsor from London? How ici t 248 Londres? far do you intend to go? How far shall we go to meet 2 ? 3 you? avoir dessein au devunt de * These two ways of expression are rendered by the latter way in french. By this expression Have been learning, is meant that the person continues to learn ; so to express the same idea in french, you most use the present of the verb, and say; Vous apprenez, not Vous avez appris, which would mean that the person has ceased to learn. Again, Ifuw long have you been in England f may be expressed l>y Combien de terns avcz-vous etc en Angletcrre? or by Combien y a-t-il que vuus etcs en Angleterre ? The former of these expressions meaning that the person has left England ; the latter meaning that the per- son is still in England. Learners are very apt lo confound these two ideas Sec note § p. 353. j These two ways of expression must be rendered by the latter way in French. 2 A 370 - EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE ADVERBS. 188. However, howsoever, befoje aT adjective, a participle, or an However, howsoever, 206 l adjectif, participe b adverb, is expressed by Qiielque, which requires owe after the adjec- adverbe, - s'exprimer* , demander tive, participle or adverb, and the following verb (in the) subjunctive t , qui suit 32 au subjonctif ; However learned you are. However diligent she is. savant N. B. If the nominative of the verb is a noun, it is generally - nom, 6 ' 2 - 183 placed after the verb ; However learned your master is, &c. These se placer* ; savant maitre 7 words follow the same rule as whatever, whatsoever, rule 117. mot regie que whatever, whatsoever, 189. Quite, entirely, before an adjective or a participle, are Quite, entirely, 206 ou , generally expressed by rout; as, My shoes are quite (worn out.) My * ; , Soulier use 153 . boots are quite wor.n out. My mother is quite astonished (at it.) botte 6 tonne 158 en 55 . N. B. When rout, in this sense, is followed by an adjective femi- , sens, suivre 200 nine beginning with a consonant, melody requires that it should qui commence par consonne, 7 demander be 145 of the same gender and number as the adjective ; My boots are 143 8 que ; quite new. My sisters are quite tired 158 . They are quite ill. •j- neuve. fatigue", malade. NEGATIVE ADVERBS. 190. The negative expressions Ne pas, se pomt, no, not ; Ne plus, negative 32 , , no, not; no more, not any more ; Ne jamais, never ; Ne Guere, but little, NO MORE, NOT ANY MORE; , NEVER; , BUT LITTLE, very little ; Ne Nullement, by no means, form only one negation ; VERY little; , BY NO means, nefaire que ; Ne is always placed before the verb, and pas, point, plus, jamais, , - se placer * 206 , , , , , Guere, Nullement, like the other adverbs, are placed either after the , , comme , '- se placer* ou verb, or between the auxiliary and the participle ; as, I do not like , auxiliaire participe ; , aimer that man. I never found so much 8 deceit. He never keeps his word. 2 1313 tant n.b. tromperie. tenir parole. I know him but little. I will not deal any more with him. faire d'affaires 58 * See N. B. note (it) page 235. f Note * page 243. EXERCISE. 371 NEGATIVE ADVERBS. N. B. If the verb which follows these negative expressions is in the suivre 32 & infinitive, the two negative words Ne pas, Ne point, Ne jamais, Ne plus, , ntgatif Zi mot , , , , are generally placed together before the verb ; as, I would advise you 183 se placer ensemble 20s ; , conseiller not to deal with that man. He is accused of never keeping faire d'affaires 9 92 accuser tenir his word. I think you will do well not to trust 202 him any more. 221 faire vous fier d. 58 191. Without a verb, no is expressed by nor, and not by noii pas ; , NO - (ii) n.b. par , not ; Do you not believe what he says ? No, I do not? ; not that the thing crolre 81 , n.b. ; chose is 145 impossible, but because it is not likely. Will you not speak to soit , 62 vraisemblable. (o) him any more? No; not before I know whether that is true or not. 54 . 218 savoir 22S 89 vrai * 192. With the verb can expressed by saurais instead of puis, and CAN eiprime' au lieu de t , with why expressed by Que instead of pourquoi, not is expressed by WHY t , NOT - (ii) n.b. Ne only before the verb; Why does he not do like other people? settlement ; Que faire les autres - 39 Why does he not pay what he owes when he has money ? He Que payer ° 4 devoir 9 spends his. money, and then he says that he can not pay other people 2 " 1 , puis sauratt 120 - ** I can not pay other people, if other people do not pay me. saurais 120 — 39 , 120 _39 N. B. We 90 also 184 generally suppress pas, point with the verbs n.b. aussi l81 supprimer , oser, to dare ; cesser, to cease, and with savoir, to know, when it , to DARE; , tO CEASE, , tO KNOW, is followed by si, oil, Que, Quand, Quel, combien, comment; I dare suivi 200 , , , , , , ; oser not speak to her. She does not cease scolding 134 me. I dare not (o) 5i gronder (go out) for fear of displeasing her 54 . I do not know what to do. sorlir lui. 83 faire. (There are) I do not know how many 8 people at the door. 248 combien n.b. «» d • At the end of a sentence, NOT must be expressed by Nun, without Pas. f The present tense of the verb CAN used najatively, m:ty be expressed two ways ; I can nut Je ne puis pas, more frequently, Jc ne saurais. He can not, II ne pcut. pas, ' // ne suurait, <^c. WHY may also be expressed by Que or Povrquoi, in the following way : Que ne vencz-vous a terns ? ox Pourquoi ne venez-vous pas a temi ■' Why do not you come in time ? 2 a 2 372 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE NEGATIVE ADVERBS. 193. Not after the verb take care, prendre garde, is not expressed Kor take care, , - s'exprimer in french, if we 90 put the following verb in the infinitive, and it is , N.B. 32 £ ^ 62 _ expressed by Ne, if we 90 put the following verb (in the) subjunctive ; (U) N.B. f N.B. 32 au . Take care not to spoil it. Take care that he does not spoil it. I Prenez garde de * gdter will take care not to let him (go out). I will take care that he does * laisser sortir. not go out. Take care not to let yourself (be cheated) by those * laisser voiCs* 4, tromper (bb) people. Take care that those people do not cheat you. 229 . ™ tromper . 194. The verb which follows Empecher, to hinder, to prevent, suim^e , to hinder, to prevent, may be expressed two ways ; either by the subjunctive preceded by 178 _ (ti) NiB - de deux rnanieres ; ou par y)r&c£d6 200 Ne, or by the infinitive without this particle ; I will hinder him from , par (bb) particule ; (going- out). That will not prevent me from seeing him. I can hin- sortir 1S *. (bb) 15i der you both 222 from going out, and from seeing each other, if I choose. n.b. j vous voir 121 , vouloir. 195. The verbs craindre, Avoir peur, Apprehender, to fear, to be , to fear, to be afraid ; the conjunctions de peur que, de crainte que, lest, for fear AFRAID', , , LEST, FOR FEAR that, require Ne before the verb which follows them, if we 90 fear that, demander , n.b. craindre that the action expressed by that verb will happen 146 ; then the verb exprimer 157 arriver ; t alors has no 8 negation in english ; I (am afraid) somehody has seen us 55 . n.b. en ; craindre 221 M W6 vu 159 Let us not stay here for fear some misfortune should happen to us. - - r ester 218 quelque 148 5i Go with that lady lest 218 she should (lose her way). She is afraid Aller de peur que s'tgarer us that her mother should find her here. But observe that Ne is left out, if 146 us observer - s^ometire, * Prendre garde, in this sense, meaaing to Guard from or against, if the negative NOT were ex- pressed in french, it woxild be the same as if you said in english ; Guard from not spoiling it. As for the Ne which is used after Prendre garde, Empecher, Craindre, Avoir peur, <$c. when we put the following verb in the subjunctive, it seems to be the Ne or Quin which the Latins used in similar instances, and which, without any apparent reason for it, has been introduced into the french language. t We fear that an action will happen, when we do not wish for that action ; and we fear that it will not happen, when we wish for it; so when I say ; J am afraid it will rain, I mean that I do not wish for rain. I am afraid it will not rain, I mean that I wisfi that there should be rain EXERCISE. 373 REMARKS ON THE NEGATIVE ADVERBS. the \erb which follows craindre, Avoir peur, fyc. is in the infinitive; , , &;c. a ; as, I was afraid of hurting 1 * 4 you. I did not do it, for fear of dus , "° Messer 13s faire , de peur de de- pleasing 154 youi mother. We were afraid of doing wrong. plain 202 ma l- If we 90 fear that the action expressed by the verb will not happen 143 , n.b. exprimer 157 see note f P- 372. the english verb is attended by a negation which must be expressed anglais 32 accompagne' de il faut - exprimer by the corresponding 32 negation in french ; I am afraid nobody will qui y correspond en ; 221 9/ come. I am afraid they have not seen us. Let us not go further 41 , 148 221 146 55 _ _ l [ n> for fear we should not have time to (come back) for dinner. 2i8 _ i« 7 revenir. N. B. The verbs Nier, to deny, and nouter, to doubt, attended , to DENY, , tO DOUBT, by a negation, the conjunction a Moins que, unless ; and si in the de , } UNLESS ; sense of a moins que, require also Ne before the verb which follows , demander 20s suivre them ; I do not deny that I have been there sometimes. He does not • 145 y 55 quelquefols. deny that he has asked your cousin. He does not doubt but he will 145 cousinc. que obtain her. I have no 8 doubt but they will be married 261 soon. I will obtenir 145 *•»■ doule que 145 n.b. 135 not (<> - o out) unless 2ir it be fine. I will not go, unless you come with me. sortir a moins que 210 ™ , 21 ° 5S 196. II y a que, it is since ; Dejmis que, since, require Ne before , IT is sisce; , SINCE, 2W the verb which follows them, when we 90 wish to denote that there , n- d - vouloir 1 " 2 designer has not been any 8 action since the period (which we mention) ; It is tu. n- b ' depuis pdriode do at on fait mention ; * long since I have met you. It is more than three months since I t rencontrer r ' 5 plus 48 mois t saw you. How have you been 241 since I had the pleasure to see you ? 136 55 t 185 237 ' se porter l8a plaisir But we 90 should not use Ne, if we 90 wished to denote that there has n.b. employer , M »• voulov- 24t5 * The reason of this difference is that the English speak wiih reference to the last action that passed , the French, on the contrary, speak wilh reference to the time in which theiehatnot been ant/ action, and the idea is the same as the English would express by these words ; / have not met you fur this luny tit^. I have not seen you far more than three months. * Observe \hxt Since alter II y a, is expressed by Que only, not by Depuis que. 374 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE NEGATIVE ADVERBS been an action ; as, It is a month since he is gone. Have you seen eu * ; , 21S mois t partir. him since he is returned? He has been at home this fortnight.]: 265 uu logis 246 quinze jours, 197. We 90 also use the negative participle Ne before the verb which n.b. employer 32 particule follows Autre, other ; Autrement, otherwise; These things are quite , other; , otherwise; 13 183 different from what you say. Do you never speak otherwise than autres - que you think ? I know people who often act otherwise than they say. 229 agir N. B. Ne is also used after the comparative adjective meilleur, and - s'employer comparatif 32 the adverbs plus, moins, jxieux, see rule 47 ; and with several other , , , , regie ; plusieurs words mentioned under their respective heads, viz. personiie, dont il est fait mention respectifs 32 chapitre, d savoir - , qui que ce soit, rule 97 ; men, Quoi que ce soil, rule 99 ; aucuu, , regie ; , ; , rule 100 ; nuI, pas un, rule 101 ; nI tun ni Vautre, rule 124. 198. But used in the sense of the adverb onlv, is expressed by But employS sens only, - s'erprimer par Ne before the verb, and by Que after it; We were but six people, •206 _ £1 .. 140 or only six people 229 at table. We drank but four bottles, or only personnes four bottles of wine. We were but a few miles, or only a few miles bouteiile 140 , & quelques milles from (the place). We met nobody but a woman, or only a woman. la rencontrer , 199. But is sometimes used in the sense of a relative pronoun, But - s 'employer relatif 32 , and is then expressed by qui ne, which require the following verb - alors il s'exprime , (in the) subjunctive; as, (There is) no body but derives, or who does au ; , 246 97 retirer, not derive some advantage from study. I have not found a man quelque avantage 1£,tu&e. trouver but thinks so, or who does not think so. There is no man but , de meme. Zii personne ^egrets the loss of time, or who does not regret the loss of time. 7 , regretter perte terns. * See compound tenses of II y a, page 173. t See note f, page 373. X Turn ; It is a fortnight since he is at home ; see note * page 369. EXERCISE. 375 ADVEJIB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* Now, I am ready. Let us (set out) immediately. Let us walk A prhent, pret. - — partir tout a Vheure. 263 gently. (What is the use) of walking 154 so fast? I came 136 here to doucement. Pourquoi t - marcher vite f 238 17 "° enjoy a pleasant walk, not to tire myself. I have no more 8 desire •ouir 202 agreeable 3 * , m fatiguer me 5i $ k-b. envie to tire myself than you have ; only I (am afraid) that we shall me 54 47 ; craindre (bb) n.b. be U5 there too late. We are never there in time. W x e generally come arriier trap y 5i & terns. arrive* either too soon or too late. It c2 is very unpleasant to keep people - tot ou xv. dtsagrdable de faire 22J waiting § (in that way.) Do they live still in that house where attendre ainsi 183 n-b. demeurer encore 213 we saw them last? No, they have removed to another house la derniere fois? , 2i8 aller demeurer a little further in the country. How far shall we go ? How far un pea plus loin 230 is it from our house 209 ? How long shall we stay? How you like to n.b. rester ask useless 32 questions ! Do you not know it as well as I do ? Take faire inuiile 9 savoir 43 43 52 _ care not to fall into this ditch. Take care lest this post falls upon tomber fosse'. que poteau you. Do not go (so near) lest 218 somebody should see you. approcher tant de peur que 95 148 I only (am afraid) that something 88 bad should happen to you. Will craindre (ccj mal 148 arrwer 143 " 54 your cousin be there? I do not think he will 145 . He dares not 134 1/ 54 221 y^soit. oser come near the house. He fears that they 90 would turn him out. (approcher de) U6 w.b. mettre dlaporte. It is near two years since they 90 have (heard 275 from him.) Is he not 246 pres de 233 que n-b- recu de ses nouvelles. returned yet from his journey? No, he is not' . It is feared that 265 encore voyage ? , 91 some misfortune has 148 happened to him. I (am afraid) he will never quelque 238 arriver 55 craindre * 231 return 205 . I fear the report of his death will (prove true.) Never 146 221 bruit se v £ r ifi e r H6 • See note •, p. 281. t Tarn ; Why to walk so fast ? X No more, meaning No longer, is expressed by Ne before the verb, and by Plus after; but when Mure is used as an adverb of quantity, meaning Greater, the negative Pas must be added to the sen- tence, and we say Pas plus. \ Turn; To keep wailing in that way people, because Keep and Waiting expressing together only one tie 1, they can not be separated Oib EXERCISE. ADVERB. recapitulatory exercise or the foregoing rules. believe such reports. I (dare say) 221 he is 841 well enough. I do Dot croire de tels bruit je ne doute pas 145 * doubt but he will be here (very soon.) If you will come with me, douter qu' U5 bientot. m , we shall go and meet him. Go that way, and I will go this, (nn) ,273 par Id, par ici, for fear 218 we {should miss U8 him on the road. I long to see him. de peur que perdre en - chemin. see p. 175. It is long since I have seen him. I told you right. There he is 24 ?. 216 que 138 bien. n.b. So 184 you are returned (at last). How happy I am to see you again! Done 265 enfin. ruvi revcir - How have you been since I saw you? We (were afraid) you s 3 ? 24X depuisque 136 craindre 221 were lost. I began to fear that we should never see 143 you again. 146 perdre. 138 149 Why did you not write to us? Why did you not let us know 248 where W 13 ° N.B. OIL you were, and how you were ? I (was afraid 221 ) you would be offended 241 14 ° 14( 5 fdcH at me. What! offended at you? How could you think so? How 800r 83 / pouvoir le 54 often have I told you how glad we were to see you, or to hear 2 ? 5 de fois t 55 , entendre from you? We were every day talking of you. We never met de vos nouvelles ? - touts les jours 155 58 139 with a traveller, without enquiring 154 after you. You certainly have 201 voyageur, s' informer 200 always been (very kind) to me, and I sincerely thank you (for it.) eu bien des bontis pour 58 , en 54 How long is it since you left this country? How long have you 2i6 + 133 230 t been absent ? How far have you been ? How long do you intend absent ? avoir dessein to stop ? I have only been absent about two years, and I have not rester ? environ , been so far as you imagine. How fast the time goes ! Methinks 22 loin 42 s'imaginer. vite passer 11 me semble it is only the other day that we were at R. together. Are you goin£ ce 14 ° to leave us already? Can not you stay a little longer? It is so quitter deja rester plus long terns? " 24S long since we have had the pleasure of your company. I should lik que • See note * page 368. f Turn ; How many times ^/?. t See note •} page 369. EXERCISE. 377 ADVERB. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. to stay (very much), but I am afraid my horse will not stand still. beaucoup, 221 146 tester tranquille. (Take hold of) the bridle, lest 218 it should go 148 . Take care not Tenir - bride, depeurque s' en alter.* garde to go (too near.) Take care that it does not kick you. Do not en approcher trop. C&&Jn.b. f rapper. go (so near,) lest it should bite you. Would it not be better opprocher tant, 213 mordre valoir mieux to put it into the stable ? It is not worth while. I can not stop. 213 ecurie ? Cela - en valoir la peine. rester. Our friends want to go to the play to-night, and they will not go, 280 comedie t ^ , t , unless I go with them. You perhaps can come with us. I would 213 M peut-etre M go, if I was not afraid that it will be too late, when the play is over. h 148 , 142 finie. You need not stay till the end of the play. You may go as avoir besoin de rester jusqu'a fin 178 s' 'en alter * 43 soon as you like 142 . Come ; (make up your mind) ; for, unless wc 43 vouloir. Allons ; ss dd terminer ; imp. car, 218 go immediately, I am almost sure we shall be too late to see the partir tout a Vheure, presque 2Zl arriver 17 ° beginning of the play. Go ; I will follow you. Take care not to commencement ; || suivre stop. Take care that he does not stop. We are just in time. Now, s'arreter. (I , what do you think of the players ? They are better than I thought. comddien? (b)p.72. They have acted better than I expected. I hope you will come jouer (b)p.72. 221 y revenir again soon. I do not think I shall? . I have but a short time to stay, bientot. 145 k.b. - pen de 169 rester, and have a (great many 8 ) things to do. How impatient you seem M - beaucoup mb. ig9 to go! Can not you stay (a few days longer ?) No, I can not. Now, s'enaller* encore quelqubt, jours? , <"° . I want to find my sister, and I do not know where to look for her. 200 , oil 201 I am afraid she is gone 158 . I am afraid she has not seen me. If you 22i us partir. 2 ~ 183 s'exprimer ; at, to, the corresponding preposition of which is a, are sometimes expressed 75 * t - (Ujw.B. by De ; by, for, sometimes expressed by ne, and sometimes by i, &c. ; by, for, 183 exprimes , y § c ' which no rule can sufficiently explain ; therefore, see a list of these ceque aucunei ; ainsi, Uste words with the examples (annexed to them,) p. 247 and following. exemples qui y sont joints, suivante. 201. (There are) some verbs in english which require a preposition, 245 quelquest en demander } though the verbs which represent them in french do not admit 201 of 218 representer en admettre any ; such are, look at, Regarder ; ask for, Demander ; admit of, en 5i ; tets , look at, ; ask for, ; admit of, Admettre, &c. see a list of these verbs and the examples, page 250. 202. In other instances, it 62 is the reverse, and (some french verbs) d'autres cas, n.b. contraire, U y a des verbes francais qui will have 1 ? 4 a preposition, though the english verbs will not admit vouloir - , 21 « a2 of any ; such are, Abuser de, to abuse ; s' Appercevoir de, to perceive ; 201 (p); , , to abuse; , to perceive; Attenter a, to attempt, &c. see the examples, p. 250, and following. , to ATTEMPT, &;c. , , suivante. 203. In some instances, the preposition may (be placed) in english, $ , 178 (se placer J , either 223 before or after the substantive which it governs; but in french oii 206 ' substantif 62 rigir ; the preposition must always (be placed) before its object ; Whom does devoir son objet ; 77 this house belong to? What house are you speaking of? That house 131 appartenir 8i - 155 which we just 244 passed by. It belongs to that gentleman's father 7 6 venir de jwsser W7 62 monsieur 25 whom we are going to dine with. I know whom it belongs to. 7G _ 155 172 diner, 76 62 * Turn; Of which the corresponding preposition is, &c. f Aucun requires ne before the following verb. f See note | page 282. EXERCISE. 379 PREPOSITION. 204. The prepositions must be repeated before every word which devoir - se r4pStef (ii ) n.b. 104 they govern; Mr. A. has invited me to take a walk and dine w r ith him. 62 rfgir ; inviter 55 * 263 n.b. 58 We shall walk into his park and gardens. We are going- to France 213 3 155 6 and Germany. Do not go without calling 154 on me, or writing to me. Allemagne. partir 26G , (o) REMARKS ON THE PREPOSITIONS. 205. For. Before a period of time, for is expressed by Depuis, For. ptriode 8 , for — s'exprimer (ii) n.b. , when we 90 wish to denote the beginning of the period, by pendant n.b. vouloir 172 designer , or Durant, when we 90 wish to denote the duration, and by pour, when , n.b. durSe, , we 00 wish to denote the end; What dreadful 32 weather it has been 240 n.b. * • 82 affreux terns it fait for some time past. We have not had a (fine day) for these quelque terns - (jour de beau tems) — three weeks. It has rained for two whole 32 days. If this weather semaine. plu entier 29 lasts, we 90 shall not (be able) to get provisions for the winter. durer, n.b. pouvoir 17 ' 2 se procurer 9 2 'hirer. 206. Before. If before is used to denote time or order 7 , BEFORE FEFORE - s' employer (ii)x. b. 169 7 ordre, it is expressed by Avant, which is the opposite of Apres, after ; - s'eiprimer (ii) n.b. , oppose , after; If before is used to denote place, or in presence, it (is expressed) by before 7 Lieu, en , (ii) n.b. Devani, the opposite (of which? 5 ) is Derriere, behind ; as, You shall , oppose* t/ontN.B.f i behind; , not (go out) before dinner, because you have spoken before your turn. soriir , tour Do not walk 203 before me, stay behind. I want to arrive before you, marcher , rester 2C0 (Walk in) or (go away), and do not stay so before the door. Entrer soi alter, ainsi 207. By. By used in the sense of near, is expressed by pres de By. By employ^' near, - (ii) n.b. or a cole de; as, Come and sit by me. I would rather stand ; , (nn)vous asseoir 50 aimer mieux me tenir by the door. How can you sit by the fire (in such weather as this ?) resler feu du tems qu'il fait ? * Observe that when FOR comes between two sentences, it cannot be expressed by any of the abovo worrls. as it is not a preposition ; it is then a conjunction, and is expressed by Car; as, I can not go with yon, for I am very busy ; Je ne puis pas allcr avee vous, car je suis tres affaire, .See. 217 rule. + Turn; Of which the opposite is, fyc. 380 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE PREPOSITIONS. N. R. By is often followed (by the) words myself, thyself, him- By des MYSELF, THYSELF, HIM- SELF, herself, &c. to denote alone ; these words are then 183 ex- SELF, HERSELF, <3fC. 17 ° ALONE; - (llors s'ex- pressed in french by the adjective Seul ; as, I was by myself all the primer (ii) n.b. par ; , 136 morning". Are you fond of being- by yourself? What a pleasure 234 " - aimer & 154 *> 20 plaisir (it is) to be by oneself. My sister can not 198 be a moment by herself. it y a a saurait 208. At, to. With verbs denoting being at or going to a At, to. 7 qui ddsignent 154 * & * 15i <1 person's 25 house, at, to, are expressed by chez, and the word house, de quelqu'un 7 , at, to, - (U)k.b. f house, if expressed in english, is (left out) in french ; Will you come with me it est exprime' , - s'omettre, (ii) n.b. - f 58 to my mother's ? She is not at home ; She is at your sister's house. •elle ; (Then I must) go to my sisters, for I must see her. Perhaps II faut done que 181 , t 181 Feut-etre que she is not there now, for she had to call at a friend's house. y 5i a present, | & 266 N. B. If the word house, instead of being attended by a noun, house, au lien l5i accompagnt de , is attended by one of the possessive pronominal 32 articles my, thy, de possessifs 3 * pronominaux MY, THY, his, her, our, your, their, the word house is also 183 (left out,) HIS, HER, OUR, YOUR, THEIR, HOUSE - aussi (ii) N - B - and the pronominal 32 article is changed into a personal 32 pronoun, pronominal -. se clwnger en - personnel , viz. into Moi, xoi, soi, Lid, Elle, nous, vous, eux, Elles ; Come to e'est d dire en , , , , , , , , ; Venir my house. I will not go to your house. I will go to his. Let us go t t - - to her house. She is not at home. She is at our house or at theirs. elle 209. Of, from. With verbs denoting going or coming from a Of, from. 7 qui ddsignent 154 z5 * de person's 25 house, of, from, are expressed by de chez, and the word quelqu'un 7 OF, FROM, - (u) n.b. par , house is (left out) in french ; I come from my sister's. You did house - s , omettre(ii)x-' a - ; 13t) not find your mother there, for I saw her (going 154 out) of your irouver y 55 , $ 138 55 sortir * Put tliis verb in the infinitive. f See note * page 143. t See note * page 3?9. EXERCISE. 381 REMARKS ON THE PREPOSITIONS. brother's house. I met 133 her coming- from my grand mother's. rencontrer 153 n.b. grand mtre. N. B. If the word house, instead of being attended by a noun, is HOUSE, au lieu 154 accompagnt de , attended by the possessive pronominal article my, thy, his, her, &c. possessif pronominal MY, THY, His, HER, 8)C The word house is also omitted, and the article is changed into a HOUSE - 183 s'omettre, - se changer en personal pronoun, as above ; What do you want here ? (Get out) personnel , comme ci dessus ; cliercher Sortir of my house. You come from our house, and I come from yours. , O'O I met your father (coming 153 out) of his house, and going 153 to ours. 13) paquet. in the same order in which you found them. I never saw my papers mime ordre ' 6 136 13 s in such a confusion before. Let every thing be in the state it ought telle 38 - 2 ^ 8 107 £ tut ( s ) devoir to be. (There must be) some order and economy in a house. 172 llfaut 3 £conomie 214. But before the same common names used in a vague sense, meme vague , in which sense they generally 184 do not require any 8 article, in, into, ce ordinairement n.b. in, into, are expressed by eh; I must put this wine into bottles ; (i. e. bottle it.) (U) n.b. • isi mettre ; I am going to enter into partnership with my uncle. I will put these 155 172 entrer socUU oncle. papers in parcels. Every thing here is in confusion. I will put paquet. W is* every thing in order, if you will not put yourself in a passion. 107 , 144 vows 54 - colere. 215. Speaking of time, in is expressed by Dans, to denote the En variant 7 , IN - s'exprimer , 1 '° ddsigner time after which an action will be performed, and by eh, to denote 76 - se faire, , 17 ° the time that will be employed in performing it; as, Do you think 92 employer & faire 62 ; that I can lear*n french in six months ? You may 1 ? 8 learn it in 145 ^francais mois ? pouvoir less 8 time. I intend to begin in a month, I shall be with moins n.b. avoir dessein 16 ° you in an hour. I can walk there in less than half an hour. heure. aller y u 48 demi 38 216. Before nouns denoting any part of the day, in is not ex- 7 qui dhignent quelque partie jour, IN - pressed in french, (nor is) on, before the days of the week ; I wil , non plus que on, semaine ; come and see you on Sunday or monday. Will you come in the morn (nn) dimanche lundi matin ing or in the afternoon? I will come on monday in the afternoon. apris midi ? EXERCISE. 383 PREPOSITION. recapitulatory exercise or the foregoing rules* I am very uneasy about thi business Have yon enquired about inquiet 200 affaire. 237 s* informer what people 90 say (of it)? Your friends are very angry at you. They 84 n.b. en 54 fdche 5B laughed 133 at what you desired 136 me to tell them. I do not wonder $e moquer 33 ? w 252 (Qp.79. s^tonner at that. They laugh at every thing. They blame you for your (bb) se moquer 107 b turner rashness. They will not believe that you are sorry for what you Umfriti. 1/3 145 facte w have done. They will get nothing by that. I neither care gagner " (bb) 22i se soucicr for them, nor for what they say. I will punish them for their 53 ^ »j punir ingratitude. I will take my property (from them). I do not depend oter bien t leur 54 dependre upon them. I need 202 nothing. I am abundantly provided with 58 avoir besoin " abondamment pourvu every thing. I congratulate you upon your (good fortune.) I 107 fe'liciter bonhev.r. think you have reason to be contented with your lot. Look 201 at 221 lieu content sort. Regarder that woman. See how she laughs at us. She is waiting 155 for us. (bb) comme serire 50 - attendre 201 Do not look at her. I am angry with her. I do not approve 201 fach6 approuver of her behaviour. She imposes upon her friends, and she slanders conduite. en imposer , vie'dire 202 every body she knows. She has met with several misfortunes, roufi ceux que iprouver plusieurs disgrace, but she has not profited (by them.) I think she delights in mischief. profiter \ en 5b 221 se plaire fairelemal. She tyrannizes over all her house, and does not mind 202 what the tyranniser , s'embarrasser world says. She is very much like 202 her mother ; a haughty, im- - ressembler ; hautain, vn- perious woman whom nobody could please. I wonder how you p6rieux(g) '° 9 ? pouvoir plaire 202 . s'dtotmer que trust 202 her brother. He is not fit for (any thing). He has inherit- scfier propre " ln'riter ed a large estate, but that will not (be sufficient) for his expences. 208 gros bien, sujjire dtpense. Do you remember what I told you one day? No, what is it? se souvenir' 202 , (y ) * See note * page 281. f The preposition ia implied in this pronoun. 384 EXERCISE. PREPOSITION. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rutes. That he would abuse 202 his fortune, and perish some day with misery (bb)x.-B. abuser , ptrir quelque misere," unless 195 somebody would provide 149 for his wants. He will never sis N . B . 95 pour voir besoin. give up 202 gaming and drinking 1 . He is surrounded with flatterers renoncer jeu 7 boisson 7 . entouri fiatte.ur who do nothing but sport with his credulity. He had promised faire * sejouer crfflidite. 140 promettre 20i his father that he would (give up) the company which displeases him, renoncer 202 de/uiire 202 lui,\ but there is no trusting his promises. He never keeps them. He se fieri 20i tenir knows he is despised by every body, but he does not care for 221 mtpriser 16 7 10s , se soucier that. He does not care for any body. Tell him 102 that if he does (bb) V (f) p< 79 . not alter 202 his conduct soon 183 , he will be punished for his obstinacy. changer - conduite bientot n.b. ; opiniatre'te'. What a difference between him and your brother. This 88 is a young 20 entre 53 n.b. man who pleases every body. Every body wishes him 162 well, and 202 10G . (f)p.79. dubien, rejoices at his prosperity. All who know him, wish for his com- se rejouir Touts ceux , pany. I met with him the other day at a friend's of mine, and I was 87 137 J delighted with his conversation. I was struck with astonishment at charmer f rapper seeing so young a man enjoying 154 his reputation with (so much 8 ) 154 38 jouir' 202 taitt n.d. modesty ; sensible of praises, without seeming 154 to wish for them, ; louange, paraitre m dfoirer , and satisfied with the pleasure of having done his duty. His satisfaire 15i devoir. /riends were transported with joy at seeing him covered with glory, tramporte 158 154 couvrir ', and animated with the desire of pleasing 154 them. He is a young animer 202 leur.f 65 man for whom I feel a particular esteem. (Young as) he is, I would particulier* 2 Tout jeune que , trust 802 him sooner than any body that I know. I would answer for sefier (o) tout autre repondre him as for myself. I am much obliged to you for the good opinion comme fm^) n.b. bien (o) (s) * Express Nothing but by Ne before the verb, and Qvfi after. t The preposition is implied in this pronoun, % Turn, One can not trust, %c. EXERCISE. 385 PREPOSITION recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules. you have of him, and I thank you (fok it.) Look at those flowers. , remercier * M en fleur. How beautiful they are! Do not touch 202 them 63 . They are not 103 belle 62 toucher y* <* mine. If you wish for one, ask that gentleman for it. No, indeed ; 88 , monsieur t , vraiment ; I will not ask him for any. I would rather look for one myself. (f) p. 79. (p) aimer mieux en 70 chercher (m)v.B. I do not like to ask for flowers from a stranger. If he offered you 169 9 u tt ranger. t one, would you not accept of it? Perhaps I might 70 . I do not care en 70 , n-b. se soucier for flowers. I do not know what I was thinking of, when I raen- 83 155 t parle*' de tioned flowers. I beg of you, Madam, that you will accept of this 86 . 138 prler , , § n.b. Sir, you are very kind. I am much obliged to you (for it.) This , avoir bien de la bonte". bien 138 (o) * 55 en. gentleman has asked your sister a question, and she has not answered || faire l82 1C3 , repondre «« him. Sister, why do not you answer that gentleman? I beg the luiS 13 , 202 || demander gentleman's pardon. I did not know that you were talking about 25 «T 155 me. I was thinking of something that (just occurred to my mind.) 155 w vient de me venir a - l f esprit. What does he want of me? I do not know; ask him. He seems 83 vouloir - 31 ; **(f)p.79. (very much) taken up with you. I think he is (in love) with toe* ' occupe" - 221 amoureux you. What ! in love with me ? You surely 1 " do not mind what certainement penser a ** you say. I onlv said so in joke. He wants to know if you can 1W ' 133 ce l a pnu) . nr° ' ignorer n.b. aeo to persuade my father to send me to Russia, but I will not go, if persuader 202 envoy er 6 Russie, , I can help it. I would rather remain here, than live in a country, tviter aimer mieux tester , (II) demeurer 230 , and amongst a people whose manners do not suit 202 mine. I should parmi 226 mani&re convenir 85 like to go first to France, to see my brother who is in Paris ; 169 premierement 6 , 172 ; then to go to Switzerland, from Switzerland to Italy and Greece, from puis Suisse, ltcdie Grece, Greece to pass into Spain and Portugal, and then to return to passer Espagne , alors 265 fingland. You could not do that in less than two years. I think pouvoir (°b) moins 48 2 " 21 I could do it in (twelve months.) I do not think you could 145 . Do ima». i sax 70 lw not you think that I can 145 go to Paris in four days ? I think you N.B. 221 / e 70 may 1 ? 8 . I shall be there before you, for I shall set out either on Mon- poiaoir. y M , || - Lun- day or Tuesday. Will you set out in the morning or in the evening. di Mardi. *» 2a4 " » The preposition is implied in this pronoun, f Note f p. 33?. % Note § p. 262. || Note * p. 379 EXERCISE. 387 PREPOSITION. recapitulatory exercise o?i the foregoing rules. I intend to (set oui) about twelve o'clock. I wish I could go avoir dessein 163 partir vers ^js 180 (un) with you. I wish you? could. I shall drink tea at your sister's 321 146 * this afternoon. Shall you be there? No, I am engaged at Mrs. B.'s. apris midi. y w , (There is) a ball at your aunt's on Friday 18e . Will not you go ? I do 348 tante Vendredi. *.b. f ~° not think 221 I shall? ; I have been ill for several days. I did not 145 n.b. ■ malade 136 rest for three days and three nights. Come and sit by the fire reposer ( nn ) vous asseoir feu. Do not stand by the door. As it is cold, and you are not well, you setenir 240 , 219 ui would be in danger of (catching cold.) I called at your house on vous enrhumer. 26S Wednesday in the morning, but (there was) nobody in. I was not Nercredi , ** 97 _ uo (far off.) I was at my uncle's. I had been by myself all the morn- loin. oncle. 140 234 ing. I went into the fields to take a walk 263 before dinner, and in 172 n.b. dine", en coming home, I called at my uncle's. He had some company at -evenir t au logis, 266 dinner, and he prevailed upon me to stay with him. After dinner , engager - tester we played different games. Some played at cards, some at chess, jouer d. t jeux. 94 } carte, tcliecs, some at draughts, and some at (backgammon.) After tea we made 94 dames, trictrac, the" 7 a little concert. I played on the flute, my (brother-in-law) played on petit jouer de% , beau-frere the violin, my sister played on the harpsicord, and my cousin on the violon, clavecin, cousine harp ; and some ladies and gentlemen entertained us with several good harpe; || rtgaler de songs. We parted at (twelve o'clock,) (very well) pleased with the chanson. se siparer 236 , tres content manner (in which) we had spent the evening. We shall meet munitre dont 140 *H 2 31 s'assembler again on Saturday evening 234 , at our house, and have another concert. encore Samedi au soir , , 53 • See note § p. 355. ) See note t p- 241. X The verb Play, speaking of garnet, require* a before the noun which follows it ; speaking of instru- ments, it requires de. i| See note f page 282. 2 b2 388 EXERCISE. CONJUNCTIONS. The Conjunctions modify the verbs which follow them. conj auction modifier suivre 217. The following 32 conjunctions require the verb which follows suivante l5 ' 2 demander them in the indicative ; Aussi, so, therefore ; car, for, because ; d. 2 indicatif; , so, THEREFORE ; , for, beca use ; cependant, pourtant, yet, however ; comme, as, since ; Mais, but ; , , YET, HOWEVER; , AS, SINCE; , BVT ; Neanmoins, nevertheless; ni, neither, nor; on, either, or, , NEVERTHELESS ; , NEITHER, NOR; , EITHER, OR; parce que, because; puisque, since; Quand, Lorsque, when; Quand, , BECAUSE ; , SINCE ; , , WHEN ; , THOUGH, IF EVEN; QU€, THAT; Si, IF, WHETHER. THOUGH, IF EVEN; * , THAT; , IF, WHETHER. 218. The following conjunctions require the verb which follows them suivant 152 (in the) subjunctive; aJIii que, pour que, that, to the end that; UU Sllbjonctif ; , , THAT, TO THE END THAT ' a Moins que, unless ; Avant que, before ; Bien que, Quoique, though, , unless; , before; , , though, although ; en cas que, if, in case that ; de crainte que, de peur que, ALTHOUGH'; , IF, IN CASE THAT; , , lest, for fear that ; juaqu'a, ce que, till, until ; pourvu que, LEST, FOR FEAR THAT; , TILL, UNTIL; , provided; Que, that; sans que, without; soit que, whether. provided; * , that; , without; , whether. 219. When a conjunction governs several verbs, it is expressed regir plusieurs , 62 - s'eiprimer (ii) n.b. before the first verb only, and Que is added to the other verbs, (with seulement, - $ , ajouter(ii)i**. , the same mood after it) as if the conjunction itself was repeated; suivi du mime mode que elle-meme uo rtpetd 158 ; Since you are busy, and you can not come with me, I will go. Puisque occupi, , vuis t m'en aller. J I will never forgive you, unless 195 you come back (this way) and dine pardonner n.b. revenir par ici with me. Bring my horse, that I may go now, and be back 256 , afin que 178 partir , de retour in time 158 . Let us go now, for fear it should rain 1 * 8 , and we should d terns. - - partir , 2ie pleuvoir, be wet 158 . Though it is hot, and the sky is cloudy, I do not think it mouilli. 2i0 chaud, ciel nuageux, * il will rain. Unless 195 we go now, and (make haste,) we shall be wet. n.b. partir , se dtpecher, in • See note f page 255. f See note t P"*g e 312. t See N. B. page 116. EXERCISE. 389 CONJUNCTION. 220. When si, if, governs two verbs, instead of repeating si before , IF, regir , 154 the second verb, we 90 use Que (with the subjunctive after it,) though , n.b. employer suivi du subjonctif , the verb which follows si is in the indicative ; If you walk so fast, 218 a ; marcher vite, and will not wait for us, we will go back. If you go back, and 173 £ true or it is not. I will see you cither in going or in (coming back.) 7° en revenir. N. B. Either, followed by a noun, may also be expressed by Either, 200 , 7° - (ii) n.b. sort; as, Either through fear or respect, he remained silent. ; , pur ™ x garder ^silence. 224. Neither, nor, followed by a verb in the indicative or (in the) Neither, aor, f,)0 a «»* subjunctive, are expressed neither by ive, and nor by jvi ne; I neither , - s 1 exprimer ( ii ) n.b. , nor ; 390 EXERCISE. REMARKS ON THE CONJUNCTIONS. know that man, nor want 260 to 168 know him. I neither love nor esteem , avoir envie him. I neither care for him, nor for all that he can say or do. 68 se soucier de 50 , 20 ° ce que If after neither, nor, there is a verb in the infinitive, an adjective, NEITHER, NOR, (I , a noun or a pronoun, neither is expressed by Ne before the verb, and , NEITHER -s'eipri7ner(iiJ-N-v-par , by Ni after, and nor by Ni; as, He can neither read nor write. He > NOR ; is neither rich nor poor. He is useful neither to himself nor to others. utile (m) n.b. aux autres. 225. Whether used in the sense of if, is expressed by si, with Whether employe" if, (ii) n.b. , the following verb in the indicative ; Do you know whether we shall qui suit 3 ' 2 a ; have peace or war ? I want to know whether that news is true or 7 7 arc nouvelle vrai not. I must go and inquire whether there has been any news to-day. non. m (nn)s' informer 246 eu 9 Whether used in the sense of let, is expressed by Que, or soit Que, Whether let, - (ii) n.b. , f with the fo wing verb (in the) subjunctive ; Whether, or, let that news 32 be true or not, I do not care. Whether we have peace or war, I will non, s' en soucier. 7 7 , go to France. I will go, whether you come with me or not. 6 non. 226. Though, although, if even, followed by a conditional tense Though, although, if even, suivis 200 32 are expressed by Quand; Though that news were true, I would go. - (ii) n.b. • serait , ?° We would go, though we were sure that we should never 190 return. If 7° , serions ** (nn) n.b. 265 even I had said so, you ought not to have (taken advantage of it.) awais dit cela, 177 vous en prtvaloir. 227 But for, if it were not for, if it had not been for, But for, if it were not for, if it had not been for, had it not been for, are generally expressed by scrns ; But for your HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR, - 183 (U) N.B. • father, or if it had not been for your father, I should have lost my , , perdre (law suit.) Had it not been for him, I should have been ruined. If proces. , miner. it had not been for this gentleman, we should have been all lost ue , monsieur, perdre. EXERCISE. 391 CONJUNCTIONS. recapitulatory exercise on the foregoing rules* A.s it is late, and you are not ready, I will go. Since they are tard, prety vaisf m'en alter. Puisque all gone, and you will not stop any longer, I will go too. Stay partir l58 , rester plus long terns, t aussi. Attentive till 218 I am ready, that we may go together. You know we have a long que , afin que *' 8 ensemble. way to go before we can stop. I do not think I can go with you chemin a. faire, nous arreter. H5 now ; it is too late. I shall not go, unless 195 you come with me. I have ; tard. $ , n.b. neither horse nor money to go. I can not go before my father has 170 - 238 returned. If you have a mind to go, and you want 250 a horse, I 265 24 envie 163 X > av °i r besoin de , will lend you mine. If you want money, and your father is not at 260 home, I will let you have whatever money (s) you want. You will , dormer - tout V * dont 260 be too late, unless 195 you go immediately, and make all the haste (s) urriver , n.b. partir tout d t'heure, diligence you can. If your cousin is there, and you have an opportunity to 142 cousine y 54 , ** occasion speak to her, remember me to her. Is she not very handsome? Yes; (0) , rappeler 58 t\ son souvenir. belle f ; she is both rich and handsome; but I neither value beauty nor riches; I ,• estimer 7 7 ; only value the qualities of the heart. Though she is amiable, and has a 184 aimable, handsome fortune, I do not hear that any body proposes to marry beau bien, apprendre personne se proposer 261 her. There is no 8 time lost yet. 183 Shall you (come back) this way, if 248 n.b. encore, n.b. revenir par ici, it is fine, and it is not too late? I will call, if nothing detains 240 beau terns, 266 , " retenir me, and you will promise to come and sup with me. But if it was , - souper too late, and I could 149 not come, what must I do ? Will you go, , pouioir , " * X , whether I call or not ? I do not know yet. Either you intend le8 to passer encore. avoir dessein go, or you do not. If you will (walk in) till the rain is over, and t , || i4 » entrer pluie passee, the weather is clear, I will tell you whether I can go or not. terns iclairci, i non. • See note • pape 281. t Note t page 312. J Note f page 354. U Turn ; Either you have intention to go there, or you have not it. 392 EXERCISE. CONJUNCTION. recapitulatory exerc.se on the foregoing rules. I will wait as long- as you please 142 , provided you come and bring 4a long terns vouloir, pourvu que 258 your sister with you. If you go now, and ride gently, I think we partir , alter doucement, shall (be able) to overtake you. Do not set out before I call, or you pouvoir atteindre imrtir 266 , hear 2rs from me, for I shall not go unless 195 the weather is fine, and apprendre de mesnouvelles, * t N - B - 240 , my cousin comes with us. Do not you know whether he intends 16P to avoir dessein go or not? No, I do? not, but I will send to inquire. If it had not t , *>'•"• , $ ni en informer. been for him, we should have been back before now. What is it to , de retour ce terns. (y) us whether he comes or not? Though he should not come with us, that 226 , (bb) would not prevent us going 15 *. But if he should 14 * call, and you were empecher i nb. 29 ° , not at home, what must I say to him? Tell him that if he does not aubgis, «» m (o) (f)p.79. keep his word better 183 , and he disappoints people so, 183 nobody tcnir parole n.b. } iromper 2 ~ 9 ainsi, n- b - 9; will trust 202 him. Do you know whether Mr. A. will be at 208 your sefier n.b. house ? I dare say he will 70 . He is a strange man. Whether he || 221 y sera, n-b 65 ^ro/e ( i e wins or loses, he is always the same. I wanted to speak to him the gagner pcrdre, 260 (o) other night, but he (went away) without my seeing 156 him. If it 235 , s'en aller sans que n8 ** had not been for him, I should have won the game. Speak low for , gagner partie. bas fear somebody should hear 148 us, and they might report it to him. 195 on entendre , 90 - ly5 rapporter (o) Unless 195 you are very attentive, and take your measures well 183 , you will k«b attentif, 195 mesure n.b., never succeed. You should watch both 222 your cards and 204 those of rtussir 176 veiller sur n.b. carte sur (bb) des other people. Neither grandeur nor riches can make men happy. autres — 39 "' 7 richesses 249 7 heureux. I would not have that place, though it were offered to me. 174 _ t 226 92 ( Q j * Note * page 379. t Note t page 354. i Note + page 312. 1] Dare say. Dare in this sense cannot be rendered by Oser, which expresses boldness, audacity ; I dare say must be expressed by Je pensc, Je m'imagine, Je puis dire, Sans duute, je ne doute pas or 'seme similar expression. ** Turn, Without that I should see him. EXERCISE. 393 IDIOMS. Promiscuous exercise on the idioms. Good morning 234 , sir. This is 240 a fine morning. How do you do this N.B. * 185 2U morning? I hope you are very well. Very well, sir, I thank you. How 255 241 - f does all your family do? How are your wife and children ? They are •241 241 3 241 better, I thank you. And you; how do you do? Tolerably well for (b) p. 72. , t ; 2n Ptusablement an fold man). Do not talk of being old yet 183 ; it will be time enough vieillard. purler xieux dejd. n-b. • § twenty years hence. How old do you think I am 239 ? I should dans d'ici. 221 n.b. take you to be 289 between thirty and forty. I am 239 near fifty. You pour n.b. cntre ans.l en 70 n-b. prcs de do not look so old. You look very well for your age. I am very glad you 2^3 fiv^ 233 221 think so You have been in the country, (I understand.) Yes, I have 70 , 143 le 5i d. *** , dcequej'entends. , n.b., (i.e. been there). I am just returned thence. How do you like it ? I like 214 205 r e \ p> 74 # 185 268 62 it (very much). It is a beautiful country ; and the people are uncom- beaucoup. M "■ ; 2 " 29 ex- monly civil and obliging. I am fond of industrious people. I like tremement obligeant. IT 22a those good country people. They look so cheerful and happy. I '25 233 g (l l 40 am going there to-night; will you come with me? How long do you intend lce to stop ? I will sleep there, and return in the morn- uvoir dessein rester? ** y ** (e) p. 74, 205 * 216 2ai ing. But you have no occasion to return so soon. You may 178 besom 1C8 285 pouvoir stay there all the morning. You may stay till twelve o'clock. rester 234 1;a jusqu'u 236 Nay 184 , you may spend the whole day there, if you like. Our meme, * 71 233 y **, vouhir. people will be glad of your company. We will endeavour to make 823 bien aise tucker 249 you as happy as we can. What time do you (go to bed) ? We 43 ** 142 ^ b« heurc se couche>- • Turn ; It isjine this mornitg. r See note • page 261. X As we have several words in frencn foi this expression, we vary them as often as we can ; sec not* *, page 261. § Turn; Enough time; sec not-; • page 368. I) We always add An to the number in fiench. ^[ See note J page 326. *• The verb SLEEP, so often used in english in the sense of LIE, is not expressed in french by Dormir but by Cuucker; because a person may LIE abed, and not SLEEP. 394 EXERCISE. TDIOMS. Promiscuous exercise on the idioms. generally go about twelve o'clock. If you do not like to ordinairement se coucher vers 936 stop, you may 1 ? 8 return at night. It will be moon 25 light, and the rester, pouvoir ^ le 235 faire lune clair, roads are very good. The weather is so fine, that it 62 is a pity chemin Zi0 , n.b. dommage to remain (shut up) in a town. How does the country look? It 108 rester renfermi 253 e2 looks 253 very well, indeed. I never saw it look 253 better. Are the * 136 | _ crops 134 promising 158 ? Very. If this weather lasts, there will be rccolte promettre Beaucoup. durer, 24S abundance of (every thing). I should like to go (very well) 183 , but w t fort, § n.b t It is rather too far for a walk, You have no occasion to walk ; you 24(5 un pen pour \\ besoin || ; may 1 ? 8 ride, if you will. You will ride 262 my horse, I will ride that pouvoir j] , N.B. y 88 of my servant and he will walk. If you would rather ride 202 in the domesdque, aimer mieux n,b. carriage, it will be here (by and by) ; you may ride 262 in it 64 . voiture, 62 tantot ; m n»b. dedans - No, I would rather ride on horseback. Come ; the country air , aimer mieux 252 ; . 25 will do you good. I hope it will 70 ; for I am not well. What %ien. 221 (i e. dome some ;) 241 is the matter with you ? You look very well. I do not know 281 363 how I look, but I am not well. I am always cold. My feet are quelle mine j'ai, 241 239 froid. 239 always cold. The weather is so bad that I (am afraid) of going 240 craindre 154 out for fear of (catching cold). The weather has been very bad de peur de m'enrhumer. 240 lately. Is 240 the weather always so bad in this country ? Is it depuis quelque terns. 230 24 ° always so damp and so cold ? It is never very warm. However, humide 24 ° . chaud. Cependant, (it is to be expected) that it will be finer in a short time. The il faut ^ espSrer ^ - peu de weather ought to be fine at this season ; it is near midsummer. devoir 24 ° ; 11 pres de la Saint Jean, * Turn; It has a very Jine appearance. f Turn; T have never seen it finer. t See note t page 354. § See note t page 241. | When WALK is used by opposition to RIDE, it is expressed by Alter a pied, and RIDE by Altera eheval. 1T 1 urn ! ^ e are ne w % c \ EXERCISE. 395 IDIOMS. Promiscuous exercise on the idioms. Our spring generally 184 comes late. We never have it here so early ■print ems ordinairement turd. 190 de si (bonne as you have it in your own country. (How many 3 ) years havfc heure) que - 230 Combien n-b. 233 you been in this country? I have been about two years. I dici * t environ not think it was 145 so long. Do you like it? I like the people well 140 2 -> 6 long terns. 268 223 ossez enough 183 , but I do not like the climate. It does not agree with me ; bien, X n-b-, climat. convenir - 5i ; the weather is so cold and so changeable. If I can not accustom myself variable. accoutumer me 5i to it this year, I will not stay another year. You should walk out 63 233 ^ regter 233 m 23 3 £ ^ oftener than you do. I can not walk. I have hurt my foot. I am 47 faire. S37 se blesser 15 pied. afraid I have put my 15 ancle out of joint. Come; do not afflict (nn) S8T se d6mettre cheville. - - § Allons ; yourself; I dare say 221 you will be well in (a few) days. Here is Mr. B. 97 ; See f] p. 392. 241 quelques ** How long have you been in town ? I am just come. I have just 186 g en *** arriver. 244 alighted from my horse. Are you come to stop any time? No, descendre - venir 17 ° rester qnelque , I shall (go back) to-night. (How many 8 ) times a week do you s'en retourner 235 n.b. 232 12 come to town? Sometimes twice, sometimes three times. You 7 deux foisy 23 ' 2 should come oftener. You should come every day. You should 178 y 70 41 y 70 touts les jours. bring your wife with you. I wish I could bring her ; but we (nn) can not well leave the house both (at the) same time. Sir, you are quitter 1- " en , ' " wanted**. Who wants 260 me ? A gentleman is in the street who n.b. n.b. See t, p. 307. % wants to speak to you. Tell him to (walk in). He says he can 290 (0) N est 2:,'j happy. I hope they will be so long. She desired 136 me to give her 821 le s * long terns. 232 faire ses iove to you. Please to 168 let her know 248 that I will call and umitits (o) il Avoir la boute* lui n.b. 9tJ " (nn) pay my respects to her at the first opportunity. How far is their 808 pour rendre (o) 5 * a occasion. ii9 n.b. • Put Si after the hi tide d, because si being here an adverb, can not be separated from the adjective which it modiiies. +/ Walk back, Rttvemr u pied, or Retourner a pied, see 2i>5 rule. J £ee note X pnge 241. i Instead of repeating the verb agreeably to the 7 »* 23 ° couleur, De cxur. An everlasting' peace between all men. What a pity that all men do not tternelle' 62 paix entre 7 20 dommage think so. They would spare themselves many afflictions. We will drink ainsi. ipargner se 54 ( e) cltagr'm. see f p. 312. this toast, to shew you that we join with you in your wishes, toste, m. 17 ° faire voir joindre * souhait, but I hope you will excuse us from drinking any more. Since you will 221 excuser 154 t Puisque not drink, would you like to take an excursion on the water ? We have , faire tour a fine river (close by) 103 , with good boats and good boatmen. I should riviere tout pres n.b. ; 10 bateau 10 batelier. like it (very much). And I too. Well, since you all like it, we will beaucoup. 52 aussi. Eh bien, $ , go. Which do you like best sailing 151 or rowing? I think 221 70 8C le mieux alter it la voile, aller d la rame ? sailing is the most pleasant. They make such a noise with their oars. 154 agrdable. tant de bruit rame. Boatman, what do you ask an 1 * hour for your boat? We generally Batelier, combien par heure 184 charge three shillings an hour. That is (too much.) I will give you 2 ? 2 12 Ce. trap. - . half a crown. That is too little. I will not give you more. Well, tin petit 38 icu. Ce peu. t Eh bien, come, I will not cheapen with you. Where shall we go ? I do not see § p. 400. marchander Ou, mind ; (please yourself.) (It is all the same to us.) Are you fond s'en soucier; ou vous voudrez. § Cela nous est d. gal. V of bathing 154 ? Yes, very. The sea is not far off here. (It is) not a se baigner^ , beaucoup. mer loin d'ici. 24 ° above a mile and a half. If you wish to bathe, we will go 70 . Can you jilus de - demi. se baigner, * * swim ? I can swim a little, but I do not like to (go out of my depth.) nager ? , perdre fond. As for you, I know you can swim like a fish. Not quite ; but Quant a , 221 comme poisson. Pus tout H fait ; I can swim pretty well. It begins to be late. I (am afraid) the assez se fa've turd. craindre 2il ladies will (catch cold 146 ). We will (go back,) if you please. Yes, 195 s'enrhumer. s'en retourner, vouloir. , * ffejoin with you in your wishes, turn ; ffejoin our wishes to yours. t See note \ page 400. t Put this adjective after the verl> in freneh. 5 Not, Plaiscz-vuus, which would express quite a different idea. || Not, // est le meme a nous, which is not a freneh expression. % See note || page 326. •• See note \ page 354. 2 c 402 EXERCISE. IDIOMS. Promiscuous exercise on the idioms. I think it is time. We had a very agreeable, sail, had we 221 il en 70 est ws 32 promenade en bateau, 283 not? Very agreeable indeed. I will procure you that diversion as often procurer amusement 43 as you will favour me with your company. We are (very much) 43 accorder le plaisir de bien - obliged to you, sir; and we wish you a good night 234 . Good nio-ht, 158 Co) 55 , h w.b. & ; ladies; I wish you a pleasant walk. Mr. M. you used to be very 18 ; agr&ible 257 f or f fond of music ; do you ever (make use) of your violin now ? I use musique ; jamais se servir violon 25 7 it sometimes ; very seldom. Since you do not use it, I will be obliged ; rarement. Puisque 257 to you, if you will let me have it, till 218 I have got one made. I (0) , prete^ - , jusqu' d, ce que 251 do not think you will (be able 145 ) to use it ; the strings are all broken. 221 pouvoir 25 ? en 5i ; corde mj I will get them mended. I will get new ones put (to it.)' Who 250 raccommoder. 25 ° de neuies en 59 % mettre y 54 made it you? A (man of the name) of Fiddle. When you see 142 him, I 136 55 59 Un nommt - n.b. beg you will desire him to make me 54 one (like it.) (How much) did t 252 m'en 7 °un semblable. Combien 136 he charge vou (for it?) He charged 130 me twenty guineas. He charged 272 en 2,-2 27a you (too much.) He did not use me well. If I were in your place, I trop. - ™ 25 7 + £ ' would get one made in Paris. You would get it better and cheaper. 251 & avoir (b)p.72. dmeilleur march L I suppose 221 you do not intend to 168 return home to night. Yes, I 254 avoir dessein 2a5 chez vons 235 , do 70 . You will drink a cup of tea before you go. I n.b. i. e. intend to return. § || s'en aller. can not stay. Our people will be waiting for me. They will be anxious reste-. 229 155 201 54 inquiet to hear from me. I long to see how they are. I have not heard from 2 7* see long p. 175. 241 *~>* them for these three days. The tea will be ready just now. Get the if tout de suite. Appreter tea ready as fast as you can 142 . Come near the table. Shall I bring the * * 43 43 N . B . 2/4 274 * Note !| page, 326. + I beg you will desire him, turn ; / beg you to desire him, fyc. t See note + page 337- _ § See note \ page 355. _ || Before may be expressed by Avant de with the following verb in the infinitive, or by Avant que with the subjunctive; butherethe two verbs having the same nominative, Before should be expressed by Avant de. See note (nn). 1f For these three days, may be expressed two ways ; je n'ai pas appris de leurs nouvellcs depuis 2( >5 trois jours ; or II y a 248 trois jours queje n'ai appris, §c. ** Ready is implied in the verb Appriter EXERCISE. 403 Promiscuous exercise oh the idioms. table nearer to you? It will do very well where it is. Bring' the « de 62 - est 62 255 tea, and take 255 these children out of the room. Is there no coffee ? , emmener hors Yes ; there is both 222 tea and coffee. Which will you have ? I will ; 248 N.B. 9 * Dliquel 17 * - * drink a cup of coffee. Eat a little 8 bread and butter. Is your coffee +. N.B. 134 sweet enough? Yes, it is very pleasant. You will drink another cup ; sucrt see * p. 368. , 62 agriable. t will you not? No, no more, I thank you. Now I must go. 282 , pas davantage, A present 181 see N.B. p. nc. Tf you will come with me, I will take it kindly of you. Yes, I will 70 . 144 J 87? . § Bring me my horse. Bring me my whip and 3 spurs. (There is) your 256 253 fouet tperons. 247 whip, and (here are) your spurs. They are not right. What is the «* Men. matter with them ? You find fault with (every thing.) Can not you 2»l 273 107 do without spurs? No, I can not. I want to return as fast as I can 142 , 230 70 2C0 265 43 43 N-n# to go and meet a friend of mine who is coming to spend (a few) days - 7 ° (nn) V* 87 V55 172 271 quelques at 208 our house. It will be too late; will it not? I am afraid it will 70 . N.B. ; 2*2 jj K.fl. I never can (get ready) in time. In vain I tell these people to keep s'appreter d, 277 dire il 229 tenir always ready the things which I want, they will not do it. Whatever pret™ dont 2G0 , vouloir W I may say or do, they will J 7 4 have every thing their (own way.) They , vouloir faire 10 ' a leur tete. make me very unhappy. If I were 140 you, I would turn them 249 ^T que de vous, met Ire away. What will you have 1 ? 4 one do? One can not do without a la parte. n.b. *> f a i re ? oo 28o somebody, and it is very unpleasant to be alwavs changing 155 people. 65 , disagreeable - changer de True ; but I would not keep people who would not attend to my Cela est vrai ; garde" 8 259 orders. Come; do not mind them. They are all alike. A lions ; faire attention a 50 - * * se ressembler Happy they who can do without them. Heureux 68 28 ° en. * See note t page 312. + See note § page 355. } Sec note * page 334. § Instead of repeating tlie verb here, you might say, oiri.jc le vcux Lien. i| Instead of repeating / am afraid it will be too late ; yon may say : je le cra'uis, or jc crains qu'out. ^ See note f page 83/. ** Put this adjective after the verb in frencl). 2 c 2 404 EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. It having been represented to the author that the utility of thisivork might be increased by lengthening the exercise, he, in consequence, has added the following amusing little novel, which is full of the most essential rules, especially on the nouns, pronouns, and verbs/ BATHMENDI, an Eastern Tale. Under the reign of a king of Persia whose? 5 name I have forgotten, * Perse n.b. f a merchant of Balsora was ruined by bad speculations. He collected 137 10 entreprise. 'recueillir the wreck of his fortune, and retired to the (remotest part) of the dSbris plur. , se retirer fond province of Kousistan. There he bought a small country house and La 25 a field which he cultivated very badly, because he was always think- labourer mal, 155 ing of the time when he had something more pleasant to (attend to.) 200 que 140 98 (cc) agreable™ a I'occuper. Grief shortened the days of this merchant: feeling himself near his abreger : 5i pres de end, he called to him four sons that he had, and addressed them , aupresde 58 140 , bZ parler leur (in these words) ; My dear children, I have no other property to leave ainsi ; , t bien 169 you but this house, and the knowledge of a secret which I was 242 198 connaissance ai 136 du not to reveal to you till now. In the time of my opulence, I had t in (o) que 213 opulence, H0 for a friend the genie Alzim. He promised me to take care of you avoir when I should be no more, and to divide a treasure amongst you. 190 + > partager § w This genie lives a few miles hence, in the great forest of Kom. Go a quelques d'ici, to him, ask him for that treasure, but (take care) not to believe . . . || ** , % segarder 193 Death did not allow him to finish. The four sons of the merchant, permettre lui 5i achever. after having bewailed and buried their father, went to the forest of Kom,. 154 pleurer enterrer , They inquired for the residence of the genie Alzim. They had no trouble s'informer de demeure peine * See note f page 281. f Express No, Nut, by Ne only, because Que which comes after the Terb supplies the place of Pas. t When I should be no more, may be expressed by apres moi. $ Leave out this preposition in french. |j Express to by the verb trouver. ^ See note II page 29G EXEUCJSE. 405 Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. to find it. Alzim was known to the whole country : he received 133 169 62 140 de 38 tout 230 * : accueillir kindly all those who came to see him, he listened to their complaints, avec bonte* l ? 2 , tcouter — plainte, consoled them, lent them money, when they (were in want) (of it) ; but 139 , l62 , avoir besoin en**; these favours were on a condition ; (they were) to follow blindly the advice bienfait & ; Ufallait ^ 2 conseil which he gave them ; this was his whim ; No one was admitted into - ; ce manie ; Nul 101 recevoir his palace till he had taken an oath (of it). This oath did not avant de (nn) avoir fait Ie sermerit en 55 . alarm the three eldest sons of the merchant ; the fourth, whose (name ejfruyer aim 32 ; , qui se nom~ was) Tai", found this ceremony ridiculous. However he wished to mer , Cependant vouloir (go in) and receive the treasure : he then 184 swore like his brothers; but entrer ; done comme j reflecting (on the) dangerous consequences of this indiscreet oath, (calling aux * * y se rap- to mind) that his father, who was in the habit of visiting this palace, peler avoir ~ - coutume 15i , had passed his life in committing blunders, he wished without being 169 faire des sottises, 154 a perjurer, to secure himself from all danger ; and whilst they 90 were - , mettre a Vabri 5i de ; n.b. conducting them to the genie, he stopped his ears with scented conduire 155 vers , boucher odorife'rante 3i wax. (Having taken) this precaution, he prostrated himself before the 9 Muni de , prosterner 5i 20s throne of Alzim. Alzim bid the four sons of his ancient friend to faire f ancien * - rise, embraced them, and ordered a large chest filled with daricks to v elever\, , faire $ grand coffre de darique § — (be brought). Here, said he, is the treasure which I have designed for apporter | ii7 , , 247 destiner - you. I am going to divide it amongst you, and then I will tell each 55 partager - 5i , ensuite dired. 103 of you the road he must follow to be perfectly happy. Ta'i did not (s) devoir prendre 17 ° hear what the genie said, but he observed him attentively, and saw J Ij B . II * Put this adjective before the noun. See note (i) page 199. ■(• The two verbs faire and rclevcr must come together, because/aire here means to cause; he did not cause the four sons, but he caused to rise. X Faire and apporter must come together; see note j above. § Small pieces of gold. I Th 137 douer de vive 3 ' 2 feconde imagination ; You see objects not as they are, but as you wish ; 7 , vouloir them 174 to be ; You have often genius, and not always common sense ; N.B. • , » 32 7 * Put this adjective before the noun. ^ f See note f page 312. t L'aine not le plus ahie, because aine means eldest. § In familiar tales and in familiar conversation, the French generally use the second person singular instead of the second person plural. Ij Put this verb in the present tense. The French often use the present instead of the perfect in nar- rations, to show the suddenness of the action, or fco call the attention of the hearer or reader more parti- cuiarly to it. EXERCISE. 407 Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. You will be a poet. Take the way to Agra ; it is amongst the wits 23 chemin de ; ce beaux espriL and the fine ladies of that city, that you will find Bathmendi. Tai (bbj advanced in his turn ; and thanks to the wax 25 balls, he did not hear s'avancer & ; grace boule, a word of what Alzim said to him. It has been known since that (o) 91 savoir he had advised him to turn dervis. The four brothers, after having lui 55 se faire derviche, , 154 thanked the beneficent genie, returned to their home. The three eldest bienfuisaut demeure. thought of nothing but Bathmendi. Tai unstopped his ears, heard them rever & * 198 dSboucher arranging their departure, and proposing to sell their small house to the lU 154 first (person that should offer), (in order to) divide the amount (of it.) offrant , 17 ° partager prix en 5i Tai asked to be the purchaser. He got 250 the house and field valued, acquereur. faire t estimer t paid with his gold the share that came to each of his brothers, wished de part 7i revenir io3 , them every prosperity, embraced them tenderly, and remained alone toutes sortes de , , resler tout seul in the paternal house. It was then that he (set about) executing a project 29 32 Ce 137 alors s'occuper de 154 which had for a long while been the object of his thoughts. He was auquel il pensait depuis - terns $ (in love) with the young Amine, the daughter of a neighbouring farmer. amoureux de , 22 son voisin 32 laboureur. Amine was handsome and prudent. She had the management of her sage. soin father's house, and asked of God only two things; the first was that her 20 menage, , d i — father should 146 live long ; the second that she might become the wife of 110 long terns ; - de § femme Tai. Her wishes were granted. Tai asked for her and obtained her hand. 137 eiuucer. 301 The father of Amine came to live with his (son in law), and taught demeurer chez gcudre , uppreiuire him the art of making the earth yield all that it can give to those 162 faire [| it la rendre \\ ce que 6i • Express Nothing by Ne only, because que which comes after, expresses nothing but. + The two veibs/euYe and estimer must come together. J Had been the object of his thoughts is all expressed by the verb penscr. \ Fat this verb in the infinitive. || Faire and rendre must come together before a la terre; lot h« did not make the earth, but he made or caused to yield 408 EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. who cultivate it. The field doubled in value ; and as he was laborious, 62 de valeur; comme , and his wife economical, each year encreased their revenue. Amine econome, 102 augmenter had many 8 children. Children who ruin the rich idle people of towns, l3T * N.B. 7 oisif 39 7 enrich the (husbandman). At the end of twelve years, Tai', the laboureur. bout , 22 father of ten pretty children, the husband of a good and virtuous 33 , 2i epoux ** wife, master of several slaves, and possessor of two flocks, was the , plusieurs , , happiest farmer in Kousistan. Meanwhile his three brothers were 49 m. Cependant running after Bathmendi. Bekir had 148 arrived at the camp of the 155 238 Persians. He presented himself to the grand vizier, and asked to Perse. 5i vizir, -• serve in the corps that was the most exposed. His appearance, his 82 figure, willingness pleased the vizier who admitted him into a troop of horse. bonne volonte -202 cavalerie A few 8 days after, a bloody battle (was fought.) Bekir performec n.b. sanglant se donner. faire wonders, saved the life of his general, and took with his own hand prodige, d , de — the general of the enemy. The praises of Bekir resounded every where, celui f retemir $ , and the vizier (out of gratitude) raised his deliverer to the rank of a reconnaissant, ilever liberateur grade — general officer. Alzim was right, said Bekir to himself; it is here 32 239 5 139 _ $e 54 ; cg that fortune awaited me ; every thing shews that I am going to meet 7 attendre 138 : 107 annoncer with Bathmendi. The glory of Bekir, and especially' his preferment, 201 , surtout Elevation, excited the envy and the murmurs of all the satraps. Bekir unhappy § by his very success, lived alone, always on his guard, and exposed meme jj , , jj , every moment to receive an affront. He regretted the time when he d tout outrage. ou was only a common soldier, and was waiting with impatience for the 1T - simple , 201 * See note * page 226. t Instead of repeating- the noun, the French -would here use a pronoun. t Les louanges de Bekir rctcntirent partout would be french; but, Tout retcntit des louanges de Bekir would be better. i Persian, nobleman. | Make this word plural in frenck, "ft Sec note* page 275. EXERCISE. 409 Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. end of the war, when the Turks reinforced by fresh 10 troops and led 13 ? , quand 157 nouvelle * guider by a new general, came and attacked the division which Bekir nouveau * t (nnj (***) commanded. This was an opportunity which the satraps of the army Ce occasion (had long been waiting 155 for.) They used a hundred times more 8 - attendaient 140 depuis Long terns. employer 2l k-b. skill to get their commander beaten, than they had showed in all their 250 T chef battrei en™ lives to (avoid being) beaten themselves. The brave Bekir forsaken, % pour Tietre pas 158 eux-memes. abandonner, covered with wounds, overpowered by numbers, was taken by the 200 , accabler sous le nombre, 137 janissaries, and sent to Constantinople, where he was thrown into a janusuire, , jetter dungeon. Alas! exclaimed he, in his prison; I begin to think that cachot. Re'las! s'icrier 139 , ; Alzim has deceived me, for I can not expect to meet with Bathmendi , espe'rer 201 here. 183 The war lasted fifteen years, and the satraps always prevented n.b. f 184 empecher the exchange of Bekir. His prison was not opened (till peace was made). § qu' & lapaix. He ran immediately to Ispahan to seek the vizier his protector, whose aussitot chercher , & qui life he had saved. (Three weeks elapsed) before he could speak to II fut trois semaines sans * * - pouvoir (o) bim. (At the) end of that time, he obtained an audience. Fifteen years 54 A u bout , 23a imprisonment alter a little the figure of a handsome young man. Bekir tie prison changer (could hard 1 )' be said to be the same) ; so the vizier did not know itait d. peine reconnaissable ; aiissi rcconnaitre him again. However, by dint of (calling to mind) the different epochs of - , a force se rappcler lM * his glorious life, he recollected that Bekir had formerly done him a little * , se souvenir rendre 162 service. Yes, yes, my friend, said he to him, I remember you ; you , , , (o) 5i , remcllre ; are a brave man; but the state is much encumbered; a long war and • ; bien ol>6r4 ', • * Put this adjective before the noun. t Faire and batlre mast come together before chef. X This word must be singular in french, because it implies the life of each person individually, not of them collectively § Express Not by Ne only, as Que which comes after supplies the place of Pas. |J Turn ; to whom he bad saved the life. •• Tins preposition governs the infinitive in french. 410 EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. great festivals have exhausted our finances ; however come to me hgfaih fete epuiser ; revenirvoir w I will try, I will see. ... Ah ! my lord, I have no 8 bread, and for tdcher, Eh ! , n-b. , depui this fortnight that I have been waiting for an opportunity to speak to — que - — | 201 i e moment 168 your lordship, I should have perished with misery, but for a soldier of grandeur, 238 mourir de , 22 7 the guard, my ancient companion, who has shared his pay with me. , vieux camarade, That is very well of that soldier, replied the vizier ; it is truly noble Ce d , rtpondre ; cela vraiment and affecting 3 I will mention it to the king. Call upon me again; touchant ; parler en 5i Revenir voir 5i * ; you know I (have a regard for) you .... In saying these words, he 221 aimer 54 turned his back (upon him). Bekir called again the (next day), but he 15 lui 54 revenir * lendemain, (was denied admittance). Overwhelmed with despair, he left the palace trouva la porte ferme'e. Accabler 200 , sortirdu and the city, resolved never to enter it again. He threw himself at de la , 19 ° rentrer y M * jetler 5i the foot of a: tree on the bank of the river Zenderou. There he bord fieuve Ld. reflected on the ingratitude of viziers, on all the misfortunes which he a 7 , a had experienced, on those which still- 84 threatened him, and (unable 140 eprouver, 159 & (bh) encore , 'pouvant any 190 longer) to support these melancholy ideas, he rose to throw ne plus 17 ' 2 soutenir triste , se lever 17 ° prtcipiter himself into the river; .... but he felt himself embraced by a beggar 34 , 54 || mendiant who bathed his face with tears, and exclaimed sobbing; it 62 is my 138 visage 200 , 136 en sanglotant ; n.b. brother, it 62 is my brother Bekir! Bekir looks, and recognises Mes- , n.b. t reconnoitre rou. Every man feels pleasure no doubt in meeting again with a 104 avoir 9 sans doute 1(39 retrouver * 201 brother he has not seen for a long time; but an unfortunate man (s) depuis - ; 39 without resource, without a friend, who is going to (put an end to) j % , , 172 finir * The adverb again is expressed by the preposition re prefixed to the verb. t He having- been waiting till the moment he was speaking, the French would put the verb wait in the present, and leave out have and been. jj Put thi-s verb in the infinitive. % After the preposition Sans, ttye noun is generally used without an article, because the preposition and the noun ape considered either as an adjective or as an adverbial expression. EXERCISE. 411 Promiscuous exercise o/z.all the rules. his existence in despair, thinks he sees an angel from heaven, in joiirs de , croire (nn) 7 , en finding again a brother whom he loves. Such was the sentiment retrouver - Ce l3J which Bekir and Mesrou felt at the same time. They mutually eprouverd - fois. 184 pressed (each other) in their arms, they mingled their tears, and after * se 54 , confondre* larme, the first moments given to tenderness, they looked at (each other) with 1ST , * 201 se 51 eyes full of surprise and affliction. Art thou then also unfortunate? t - surpris afflig£. Tu es done exclaimed Bekir. This, answered Mesrou, is the first moment of s'ecsier w , , ** happiness which I have enjoyed since we 136 parted 23 7. At these words, dont se quitter. , the two unfortunate men embraced (each other) again ; they leaned 39 * se 54 encore ; s'appuyer * on each other; and Mesrou seated near to Bekir, thus 184 began his contre m ; assis pres de , ainsi history. You remember the fatal day when we went to Alzim's. 202 32 Gl l 203 Thac perfidious genie told me I might find at court that Bathmendi per fide % 2n 7 whom we wished (so much) to meet. I followed his pernicious advice, 140 tant funeste $ conseil, and soon arrived at Ispahan. I became acquainted with a young female 184 53 d. faire connaissance une - a9 slave who belonged to the mistress of the first secretarv of the o Ta nd 140 " & vizier. This slave conceived an affection for me, and introduced me to de V 58 } her mistress, who made me pass for her youngest brother. Soon the , petit youngest brother was presented to the vizier, and a few days after, he 137 , - quelques , obtained an employment in the palace. The Sultana distinguished me, emploi Sultane , and took me into an intimate friendship. From that moment, honours and 213 32 m& f 7 riches began to shower upon me. The monarch himself shewed some § pleuvoir 5a ttmoigner regard for me. He liked to converse with me, because I flattered him affection - M 14 ° causer yj0 • To show the quickness in which the action was done, the french would put this verb in the present tense. f Leave out this adjective, and make surprise and ajjliction into adjectives, \ Put this adjective before the noun. § Make this word plural in french. 412 EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. with address, and always advised him to do what he had a mind to do. , 219 ™conseiller l6i - - 8t - 40 24 cnvie * 68 - This was the way to make him soon do what I should wish. Ce 140 rnoyen lc8 * lui 5i faire* vouloir. That failed not to happen. (At the) end of three years, I saw myself (bb) manquer 168 An bout , 54 at once prime minister, favourite of the king", (having* in my power) d. lafois > , maitre to appoint and to remove the viziers, deciding- every thing by my de nommer dcplacer , 10 7 influence, and receiving every morning the great men of the empire, credit, touts les matins 39 , who came to wait (till I awoke) to obtain from me a smile of protection. 139 monrcveil V* de 5B (In the) midst of my glory and of my fortune, I (was astonished) that An s'etonner 140 - I did not 190 meet with that Bathmendi I was seeking. (I feel no (nn) n.b. 201 ( s y ji ien ne mc want of any kind), said I to myself; why (do I still want Bathmendi)? manque , l33 - me 54 ; Bathmendi me manque-t-il 1 This idea and the constraint (in which) I spent my life, poisoned all gene oit(v) 2ri , my pleasures. The passion of the king for a young- Mingrelienne amour came to (fill up) my misfortune. The whole court cast their eyes to combler 2 infortune. sa toumer les 15 de that side, in hope that the mistress would (turn out) the minister. I , ?espoir chasser parried the blow by connecting myself with the Mingrelienne, and parer (hh) tier me 54 , flattering the passion of the king : but that passion became so violent, 204 that the monarch, determined to marry his mistress, asked me for 201 ,, decider a 261 , f my advice. I wavered for some days. The Sultan's mother, who avis. tergiverser - Suitane mere, || was afraid of losing her influence if her son should 144 marry, came credit n-b. se marier, to declare to me that, if I did not break off that match, she would 173 (o) , rompre - manage, have me assassinated on the very 32 day of the ceremony. An hour after, 250 - meme the Minffrelienne came and assured me that, if I did not get her (nn) 54 , § 250 * Make do, Fairefaire, must come together in french. •)• See note jj page 296. I Mere being here considered as an adjective, must come afier Sidtane. § See note j page 387. EXERCISE. 413 Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. married to the king (the very next day), I should be strangled the day 281 par des le lendemain, after. My situation was embarrassing-; I had to choose (between the) d'apres. position il fallait 17 " 2 du * dagger, 204 the rope or 204 flight. I chose 136 the last. I disguised myself , du cordon dela prendre dernier parti. 138 23? w as you see, and have escaped from the palace with some diamonds , 237 sichapper i in my pockets, which will support me with you in some corner of , faire vivre quelque Indoustan, far from the Sultanas, the Mingreliennes and the court. * , loin ,*>* 2(H After this recital, Bekir related his adventures to Mesrou. They both ricit, 122 % agreed that they would have done just as well not 190 to have (rambled convenir totit aussi n.b. - courir about) the world, as they had done, and that the wisest thing they - , comme 14u , meilleur (s) could do, was to return into Kousistan, to their brother Tai, where 50 , li0 de 5 , aupresde , the diamonds of Mesrou would enable them to lead a sweet and easy 29 mettre en t"tat 168 mener 3 " 2 aise life. After this resolution, they (set out on their journey), and travelled , se mettre en route marcher for several days without meeting with any adventure. As they were crossing the province of Farsistan, they arrived towards dusk at a traverser , vers le soir small village where they intended to spend the night. It was a holy compter * 71 uo fete day. On entering the village, they saw several peasants' children 23 En entrer da us |l , 25 returning 153 from walking, attended by a kind of (school-master) badly 130 n.b. 't promenade, conduit™? espece magister mat clad, walking with his head down, and having the appearance of (being vetu, marcher - la 15 basse, air absorbed in) (melancholy thoughts). The two brothers approached this river U tristement. 2 ? 4 * * school-master, looked at him attentively... What was their surprise! it c8 was t * * 201 82 * * N .B. * * Sadder, it c2 was their brother Sadder whom they embraced. What 83 ! my , n.b. •• •* Eh quoi! * The preposition between is here expressed likeo/. + See note j page 282. t Put tins pronoun ijtcr the verb. § All these words may be left out in frencl.. il The French do not say entrer un endroit, to enter a place ; they say entrer dansa/j endroit, to entei into a place. If Express the words being absorbed in by the verb river. •* To express the suddenness of the action, the French would here use the present tense. 414 EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. friend, said Bekir to him, is this (the way) in which genius is rewarded? , (o) , ce ainsi - que 7 w You see, replied Sadder, that it is treated much (in the same way as) , , 9 " 2 d. peu pres comme valour is ; but philosophy finds (in it) abundant food for reflection 7 - ; y 54 un grand sujet de and that (is no small consolation). In saying these words, he bid 202 (bb) console beaucoup. En , ordonner a all the children go (to their homes), took Bekir and Mesrou to his 168 a09 , conduire little cottage, dressed himself a little 8 rice for their supper, and after cabane, appreter (m)N.n. n.b. > having 154 (asked them for) their histories, he told them his own in these s'etre 237 fait raconter , dire lti2 85 - en words: The genie Alzim, whom I suspect much of delighting in mot : , aimer 154 — (other people's) afflictions, advised me to seek that (not to be found) autrui 25 mal * , introuvable Bathmendi in the great city of Agra, amongst the wits and the , beaux esprits fine ladies of that city. I arrived at Agra; and before I mixed ; avant de (nn) me repandre with the world, I wished 13 ? to (make myself known) by some dans , vouloir m'annoncer quilque striking work. (At the) end of a month, my work appeared : d'eclat'^K Au bout it was a complete course of ail human sciences, in a small volume 65 32 cours iz 7 , cn divided into chapters. Each chapter was a tale, and each tale taught par 102 14 ° a science thoroughly 183 . My book and I soon 184 became fashionable parfaitement n.b. 127 bientot u la mode, I was invited to all the societies that pretended to have any sense ; 92 7i sepiquer ii0 tin peu d- esprit ; (there was no talk) but of me, and the favourite Sultana wrote to On ne parlait que de ft3 , 3 ' 2 (0) me with her own hand a note (badly spelled), to ask me to come de - billet sans orthographe, 17 ° prier to court. Well! I said to myself, Alzim has not deceived me: 7 Courage! (ee) 139 - me 54 , my glory is (at its) height ; I will sustain it by surer 41 means au comble ; soutenir 6 ' 2 S2 9 than those of intrigue ; I will please, and I shall find Bathmendi. *ut this word in the singular in french. EXERCISE. 415 Promiscuous exercise on all the rule*. I was (most agreeably) received in the palace of the grand Mogul: The 137 parfaitement accueillir favourite Sultana declared herself openly my protectress, presented me 32 5i hautement , to the emperor, bespoke verses from me, gave me pensions, admit- , commander 9 — ** » 9 > ted me to her private suppers, and swore to me, a hundred times a ■petit , (o) 21 12 day, a friendship (that would stand any test). I thought 140 I was , (X touie epreuve. croire (nn) toucher (on the) point of meeting with Bathmendi, when my protectress au moment * n , quarrelled with the vizier about the government of a province which se brimiller vizir pour un - the latter refused to the son of the confectioner of the favourite. The celui-ci confiseur Sultana exasperated at this audacity, asked the emperor to dismiss the outre" 157 de , chasser insolent minister ; but the emperor liked his vizier, and refused the 140 favourite. Then it (became necessary) to (set on foot) a regular 38 intrigue Alors il fallut 17 ' 2 etablir en regie to ruin the patronized vizier. I entered (into the) plot, and (was 13 ? 170 perdre soutenu 3 ' 2 etre V3 ~ du complot, 53 recevoir desired) to compose against the minister a cutting 32 satire, and to spread ordre 1C3 sanglant , rcpandre it amongst the public. The vizier soon discovered that I was the author r ' 2 duns bientot (of it). He went to the favourite, brought her the commission which he en 5i alter trouver , 162 bretet had refused (at first), an order for a hundred thousand daricks on the 140 d'abord, ordonnance de 21 royal treasury, and only asked her lc2 (in return) to permit him 162 to , lui pour recompense de lui throw me into a dungeon. That is a trifle, answered the favourite, and cuchot. Ce misere, , I am very fortunate in (having it in my power) to do something that heureux ( g) de pouvoir }~ 2 7l may be acceptable to you. I will send immediately for that wretch agrfable (0) t envoyer tout a llieure chercher % mist-ruble who has dared to insult you (in spite of) my express orders, and l: " malgri W defense, deliver him into your hands. Luckily for me a slave of the favourite remettre entre Heureusement • See note « page 275. + See rof" t prigc 312. $ The preposition Fur a f, .er trie verbs Co and Send, \a not expressed by J'uur, bulby the verb Chercher 416 EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. who was present, came to relate their conversation to me; I had only , raconter (o) 54 ; 13 ? * time to escape. Since that time, I have (wandered all over) I'ndoustan, se sauver. Depuis Spoque, parcourir tout 5 , hardly 184 gaining my livelihood by writing- novels, and making verses. H peine vie Cl 154 romans, 204 154 9 (As long as) I had money, my works had been master-pieces; as soon as Tant que avaiseu 9 , 9 chef-d 'ozuvrcs ; sitot que I was in misery, (all that I wrote was nonsense). (At last) disgusted 137 7 , je ne fis plus que des sottises. Enfin with instructing the world, I have preferred to 1 ? 2 teach peasants to 200 154 univers, mieux aim4 dpprendre d, 9 f read, and have 23 ? turned school-master in this little village where I live 53 se faire oil upon brown bread, and where I do not expect ever to see Bathmendi. 200 bis 32 , esperw 184 (You may leave it if you like), said Mesrou to him, and (go back) II ne tient qu' X & vous de le quitter, (o) 54 , 204 retourner with us into Kousistan, where some diamonds which I take with me, 5 , 13 emporter — - , assure us a sweet and easy 32 life. He had not much difficulty to deter- 82 tranquille 13? peine a mine Sadder. (The very next day) the three brothers (set out) from the Des le lendemain sortir village before (daybreak), and took the road to 5 Kousistan. They* were lejour, du en 140 on their last (day's journey), and (at no great) distance from the jaw-ne'e, pres de arriver a small house of Tai'. This idea consoled them ; but their hope was 140 ; espoir 14 ° mingled with fear. Shall we find our brother? they said: we left him meler de (ee) : 136 very poor ; he will not have met with Bathmendi, since he has not . 201 ) » (been able) to (go in search of) him. My dear friends, said Sadder to pu 17 ' 2 chercher 5i , (o) them, I have meditated a (good deal) on this Bathmendi of whom Alzim , rejlechir - beaucoup 183 & 7* has spoken to us. To (tell you the truth), I believe that the genie (o) A purler franchement, has (made game) of us. Bathmendi does not exist, and has never 23 7 se moquer , existed ; for since my brother Bekir did not meet him, when he § 217 136 i * See note * page 275. f Turn; to teach to read to peasants. } II ne tient que is a very common expression, but it can not be expressed literally in english. i| See note f page 282. § See note * page3?9. EXERCISE. 417 Pro?niseuou$ exercise on all the rules. Commanded half of the persian 32 army ; since Mesrou did not ia moitii persanne ; 217 136 (hear his name mentioned), when he was the favourite of the great en 55 entendre parler , lorsque king; since I myself could not even guess what it was at a time ; 136 mime w ce dans le when I was loaded (with the) favours of glory and fortune; it 61 is que combler des 7 2 en - fureur j have taken my sword from me! Oh! my diamonds! my poor dia- arracher — 55 Eh ! monds ! replied Mesrou weeping. It was dark; The three unfortu- rtpondre en pleurant. fuire nuit ; nate men (made haste) to reach the house of their brother Ta'i. They 33 i.e hater gagner (at length) reached it, and the sight of that house caused their tears enfin 184 arriver y 5i , vue faire t to flow. They stopped at the door ; they dared not knock ; all their - couler.i ; * ; fears, all their doubts (were renewed). Whilst they were wavering , incertitude recommence r. balancer thus, Bekir rolled a large stone, got upon it, and finding a cleft in the , * gros 29 , monter * 6i t fente window shutter, he looked and perceived in a neat, plainly furnished 25 conlrevent, * • 32 , simplement meubl6 2i * To show the quickness of the action, the French would here use the present tense; but the perfect may also l>e used. t Turn ; caused tojlve their tears ; the two verbs fail e nail coulcr uvusl come together in french, for it did not cause their tears, but it caused tojlow tears. 2 D 418 v EXERCISE. Promiscuous exercise on all the rules. room, his brother Ta'i at table, (in the) midst of ten children who were , & , au eating, laughing and chattering all (at once). Ta'i had on his right his 155 , 155 babiller alufois. 14 ° a wife Amine who was feeding her youngest child, and on his left was 155 faire manger dernier , & a little (old man) with a sweet" and cheerful countenance, who was vie'dlard de 32 gai 32 physionomie, (pouring out) drink for Ta'i. At this sight Bekir rushed into the arms terser d. boire d, se pricipiter * of his brothers, and knocked at the door with all his might. A servant , f rapper * de forces. valet came to open it, and screamed with fright, at seeing three men completely * J 7 2 , jetter* des cris de fiayeur, en tout naked. Ta'i ran to the door. The strangers fall (on his 15 ) neck, they 90 29 * - On t lui saute au n.b. cou, n.3. call him brother ; they 90 bathe him with tears. He was confused (at first). 18 ; n.b. * soo * troubler d'abord, but he soon recollects Bekir, Mesrou, Sadder. He presses them in his 184 reconnaitre , , serrer arms, he can not embrace them sufficiently. All the children ran , suffire cL leurs embrassemenls. accourir to see what it was. Amine also came, but she (drew back) with her tf 2 84 il y avait. 184 , se retirer daughters at the sight of the three naked brothers. (The little old man aspect 32 11 n' y eut que was the only one) who did not quit the table. Ta'i gave clothes to his le petit vie'dlard 9 brothers, presented them to his wife, and made them kiss his chil- 162 0&) dren. Alas ! said Bekir affected at this sight ; thy happy lot consoles He* las'. attendri spectacle; sort lis for all that we have suffered. Since the moment (we parted,) 200 ce que Depuis instant de notre separation, our life has been only a series of misfortunes, and we have not enchainement infortune ; even (had a glimpse) of that Bathmendi after which we have all seulement entrevu - 76 been running. I readily believe it, said the little (old man) then 183 who 155 " bun 184 54 , vieillard alorsx.B. 75 remained (all this time) at table; J have not stirred hence. How! i-io toujours ; bouger Comment I exclaimed Mesrou, you are. . .1 am Bathmendi, replied the (old man;) I'tcrie* , > reprendre may * To shew the quickness of the action, the French would here use the present tense, but the perfect ay be used. too. f This noun would be expressed better in french by the indejinite pronoun On, EXERCISE. 419 Promiscuous exercise on all the kules. it is quite natural that you should not know me, since you have never 189 simple* t , 217 seen me; but ask of Tai, ask of the good Amine, and of all these little 200 200 204 ) J > children, there is not one (of them) but knows my name. The three 248 en bi 199 j brothers who could not (keep their eyes otf) this little (old man), wished 140 se lasser de considirer , voulorr to embrace him. Gently, said he to them ; I do not like these great 172 Doucement, (o) ; raptures. (People 191 should) be friends before they (make so free). It mouvements. 11 n.b. faut etre avant de (nn) se caresser. you wish that we should ever become so, be not (too much) (taken up) 146 le 54 , - trop s'occuper with me. In saying these words, he (got up), kissed every one of the 200 , se lever, 105 children, made a gentle bow to the three brothers, gave a smile to , petit sulut , — Amine and to Tai, and went to wait for them in their bed 26 chamber. 201 coucher 25 Tai' (sat again) at table with his brothers, and ordered beds to be got se remettre , faire% - - appre- ready for them. Next day he showed them his fields, his flocks, and tei'% - leur bi he lendemain 162 , , gave them a detail of all the pleasures (s) he enjoyed. Bekir would 13 ? faire 162 dont 14 ° vouloir (work in the fields) (that very day) ; so he was the first that became labourer lejourmeme; aussi 137 7 * the friend of Bathmendi. Mesrou who had been prime minister, was 140 137 head shepherd of the farm, and the poet (took upon himself) to go and premier , se charger 168 - sell in town, the corn, the wool, and the milk which was sent to market; a 7 , , 92 139 7 ; his eloquence brought customers, and he was as useful as the others attirer chalmid, I40 4a 43 (At the) end of six months, Bathmendi (vvas pleased) with them, and Ait bout , se plaire 137 58 , their numerous 32 and quiet days (glided on) gently (in the) bosom nombreux " cuuler 137 doucement an. of happiness. It 62 is perhaps unnecessary to say that BATHMENDI 7 n.b. inutile de (in the Persian language) means HAPPINESS. en Person signifier 7 * This adjective requires the following verb in the suhjunctive. i See note * page 140, the difference between Savbtf ;ind Connaitre. j Turn- ordered to (jet ready beds, &c. for he did not order the beds but he ordered to get ready. 2 d 2 420 -A COMPENDIUM op. THE PRINCIPAL RULES. CONTAINED IN THIS TREATISE.* What are the words commonly called 15 * the parts of speech, of which 82 , appeler parti", ? discours ti the french language is composed? 32 langue composer 158 ? (What is) a noun? Qa'est-ce que (y) nom ? (How many 8 ) sorts of nouns do we 90 distinguish in grammar ? Combien n.b. n.b. distinguer en grammairef (How 8 many) genders (are there) in french ? N.B. 246 How do we 90 know the gender of the names of the beings without 185 n.b. connultre nom etre life, which are commonly called 92 things? , — appeler (How 8 many) numbers (are there) ? How do you make the plural n.b. 246 185 former pluriex number of nouns ? Has this rule any exceptions ? What are they ? 134 9 82 62 (What is) an article ? (y) What are the words which are commonly called article in french? 82 _ 92 What agreement does the article require with the noun ? accord demander What sign do we use, when the noun which follows the article signe employer, is (in the) singular, and begins with a vowel, or an h mute ? au , par voyelle, muette ? When several nouns which require the article meet in the same plusieurs demander se rencontrer * The learner must translate these questions into french, as he has done the foregoing exercises; and ne must also write in french an answer to every question, with au explanation of the rule, and two or three appropriate examples from his own imagination. This exercise would perhaps be useless to grown persons who have read the rules with attention, but I think it will be particularly useful to ail young learners. A COMPENDIUM 421 of the principal rules contained in this treatise. sentence, is it necessary to repeat the article before each nonn ? ■phrase, 1M Do the names 134 of persons and of towns require the article ? nom demander Do the names of countries require the article? 184 pays Has not this rule some exceptions ? What are they ? \34 * 82 82 (Is there) not a small number of words which are never excepted, 248 8 t i. e. which always require the article ? Name them. 184 Nommer What article do common Barnes require, when they are used 82 commun 134 demander, - s'employer in a general or in a particular sense ? particulier sens How is of expressed before a noun used in a general sense, 185 _ s'exprimer (ii ) n-b. preceded by a noun used in a partitive sense ? What article do common names require, when we 90 use them in a 13; n.b. employer partitive sense, i. e. to denote only a portion of the thing (spoken of?) d, designer dont on park? What sign do we 90 put before a noun used in a partitive sense, when signe n.b. partitif , t is attended by an adjective which must be placed before that noun ? accompagne de devoir - se placer (Are not there) some adverbs in french which require the preposi- 248 * tion De, when the words which represent them in english do not re- , representer quire any 8 preposition ? What are they ? N.B. 82 How is the numeral article a, an expressed? 1B5 _ (ft} n.b. How are a, an expressed before nouns of measure, weight, number, 8 * 0i poids, 204 and periods of time used in a collective sense ? 2«* J 37 collect if™ What are the words which are called demonstrative article? 82 - 92 demonstratif How do we 90 make in french that local 32 distinction which is mnde n.b. de lieu, - se fairc in english by means of the words this, these; that, those? au moyen • See note f page 282. t See note • page 192. 422 A COMPENDIUM of the principal rules contained in this treatise. What are the words which we 90 call possessive article ? 82 n.b. possessif 3 * Is not the possessive article my, thy, his, her, our, your, their sometimes expressed by the definite article ze, La, zes ? 184 s'exprimer (ii) n.b. Are not the possessive words my, thy, his, her, our, your, their, _ 134 sometimes expressed by au, a La, aux? (ii) n.b. Do not the French sometimes use Mon, ma, Mes, before a nour, 131 181 employer when the corresponding 32 signs are not used in english? qui y correspondent - (U)n.b. In what instances are the signs called article (left out) in french ? cas - 134 s'otnettre When two nouns govern each other, which of the two nouns is to sertgir m , 2 « be placed the first in french ? 243 se placer (ii) n.b. premier By what preposition are these nouns united together? - 134 s'unir ensemble ? How is of expressed before the proper names of countries? < 185 - (ii) n.b. nom Do not the French sometimes use the name of a country, when 134 184 employer the English use the adjective derived from that name ? d6riv6 What is an adjective? (y) adjectif? What agreement does the adjective require with the noun? accord 13i demander How is the feminine gender of an adjective formed? - - se former (ii) n.b. (Are there) any exceptions to this rule, and what are they ? 248 9 82 62 How is the plural number of adjectives formed ? When an adjective qualifies two nouns, of what gender and number qualifier , * must that adjective be? devoir Are adjectives placed in french before or after the noun ? 13i se placer (ii) n.b. * Repeat here Of what before number. A COMPENDIUM 423 of the principal rules contained in this treatise. Has not this rule some exceptions ? 131 * What place do the adjectives of number keep with the noun? -place 134 tenir How are the adjectives of number expressed and where are they - s'exprimer, (ii)y^- ou — placed, when they are used to distinguish some personage? se placer, - s 'employer * personnage ? How are the adjectives of measure and dimension long, broad, 204 long, large, , high, deep, fyc. placed with the number in french? haut, profond, e fronds in this si-n-e may be conndrred as nouns. t Express Nut b.v nc only, because aucun that follows is a negative expression which taken the place of pas. 423 A COMPENDIUM of the principal rules contained in this treatise. How is which expressed after a preposition, when it relates 185 ~ s , exprimer(ii)*.*. , se rapporter to the word thing ? Plow is which expressed after a preposition, when it relates to a place? 00»- B - , lieu? How is which interrogative expressed ? - interrogatif (ii ) n.b. Explain the different ways of expressing the pronoun what. Eipliquer manure 154 How do we 90 express the possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, n.b. possessif 3 * ours, yours, theirs, when they relate to a noun (mentioned before) ? » dont on a fait mention 1 How are the possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, ours, &c expressed, when they are used instead of the personal pronouns me, »•»-, - s 'employer thee, us, you, him, her, them; as, this book is mtne? ; , THIS BOOK is MINE? How are the possessive pronouns mine, thine, his, hers, &c. ex- pressed, when they are joined by the preposition of to the noun to (ii)*.*., of which they relate ; as, a book of mine, &c. ? ; , A BOOK of MINE, 3$C. ? How are the demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those, - dimonstratij " 62 expressed? — How is the distinction made between these words in french? (U)n.b. - 92 entre How are this, that expressed, when they relate to the word - (ii) n.b.j se rapporter thing understood? Explain the different properties of this, that, these, those.* proprie'te' How do we 90 express the words one, we, they, people, when they N.B. do not refer to any particular 32 person? se rapporter aucune en particulier personne How are the indefinite expressions such as these ; it is thought, indefini™ 13i tetles que 88 ; , IT is said, expressed in french ? • (U) N.B. How are these other indefinite expressions i have been told, i - autre 3 ' 2 , * See note (bb) page 217. A COMPENDIUM 427 of the principal rules contained in this treatise. Was advised, &c. expressed in french? , (ii) n.b. What is a verb? C y ) verbe ? What agreement does the verb require with its nominative? 82 accor I demander son nominatif? When two substantives of different persons are the nominative of substantif* he same verb, of what number and person must the verb be ? , 82 t devoir Of what person is the verb, when it has Qui for its nominative? Of what person must the verb be, when Qui relates to two sub- devoir se rapporter stantives ot different persons? Of what number must the verb be, after the collective substantives collectif 32 La plupart, infinite, Nombre, Qiiantite, Troupe, Multitude? Of what number is the verb, after ze Quart, re Tiers, La Moitie ? What is the place of the nominative with the verb, in an interro- 82 place , gative sentence, when the nominative is a personal pronoun ? phrase, 32 What is the place of the nominative, in an interrogative sentence, when > t that nominative is a noun, or any other word but a personal pronoun? , tout autre que When is the present of the indicative used 92 ? - employer When do we 90 use the compound of the present ? n.b. compost When do we 90 make use of the perfect tense of the verb? n.b. usage parfait - Explain the different uses of the imperfect. Kxpliquer usage When is the future used? Is not the present sometimes used futur 92 - 1Ji for the future? Does not the french language require the future, 134 demander in some instances (in which) the English use the present? X cas oil How are will, would expressed after the conjunction if ? 185 - s'exp rimer if? • See note page 205. t Of what must be repeated before person. X 3ee note f p;i 428 A COMPENDIUM of the principal rules contained in this treatise. Mention the different instances in which the subjunctive Is used. llupporter cas ? 6 subjonc.tif - ° 2 When is the present of the subjunctive used ? _ 92 When is the perfect of the subjunctive used? Does the present participle agree with the words that attend it ? 32 participe s'accorder accompagner How is theenglish participle in ing expressed, after a preposition? — ^ s'exprimer, How is the english present participle expressed, when it is joined to the auxiliary verb be ? BE? Does the past participle agree with the noun to which it is joined 32 13i ?« joindre? When a past participle comes after the auxiliary verb Eire, to be, y t does it require any agreement, and with what word does it agree? quelque accord, s'accorder When a past participle comes after the auxiliary verb Avoir, to have, » t does it require any agreement, and with what word does it agree? » Does the past participle agree after Avoir, when it is followed by de another verb in the infinitive? Explain this rule. d. Expliquer How is to, the sign of the infinitive in english, expressed in french ? - 134- 22 signe t (U)N.B. (Are not there) some instances in which this preposition is left out 246 t cas 78 - s'omettre in french? Name them. Nominee Is will 134 always the sign of the future, and would the sign cf WILL , WOULD the conditional of the verb which follows it? conditionnel How are will have, would have expressed ? — Explain these words. - (U)nb. How do we 90 express should; should have, ought to have> KB. How do we 90 express may, might; could have, might have? * See, pages 236, 237, 23 g » the different ways of expressing; TO before an infinitive, and peruse often the list of those verbs. f See note t page 282. A COMPENDIUM 429 of the. principal rules contained in this treatise. How is wish expressed when it is followed by another verb 183 - s?exprimer(ii)v.*. 200 (ill the) imperfect, or (in the) conditional ? a V imparfait, au conditionnel ? How is must expressed, and what mood does it govern? - (U) n.b.j mode rigir How must 181 we express must have in the sense of being in need? n.b. sens What is an adverb ? ( y) adverbe ? What place do the adverbs keep with the verb? place 134 tenir Which are the words that we 90 call negative adverbs ? 79 n.b. ntgatif™ How are the negative adverbs placed with the verb? - se placer (ii) n.b. How are they placed, when the verb is in the infinitive? (ii) n.b. a Are not pas, point sometimes left out ? 134 184 s'omettre (ii) n.b. How are no, not expressed without a verb ? (ii) N.B. How is not expressed with the verb take care, prendre garde? (ii)K.B. (Are there) not in french some words which require Ne, when 2,9 * demander , (there is) no negation in english? Which are these words? 216 79 How do we 90 express but in the sense of the adverb only ? N.B. BUT ONLY ? How is but expressed in the sense of a relative pronoun? - BUT (li)N.B. What is a preposition ? (y) proposition? Are the prepositions always expressed by the words which generally correspond to one another in both languages? Mention the words $e correspond™ m les deux Ilapporter the most frequently used 15 ' with which the prepositions differf? 184 employer 78 diffirer ? Do not some verbs require a preposition in english, when the • demander , corresponding 88 words do not require any in french ? Name them. qui y correspondent (p) Nommer * See note f page 282. + See, pages 247, 248, 249, 250 251, a list of the words with which the prepositions differ, and peruse it often. 430 A COMPENDIUM of the principal rules contained in this treatise. (Are there) not (on the) contrary some verbs which require a pre- 246 au contraire * position in french, when the corresponding 32 words do not require , qui y correspondent any in english ? Name them. (V) May the prepositions be placed in french, as they sometimes are f 1Si - se placer (U)k-b. ? «2 is* placed in english, either before or after the words which they govern? (UjN.B. f 223 62 rffof Are the prepositions repeated before all the words which they govern? - 13i se re'p&ter 62 Explain the following 32 prepositions : for. before. by. Expliquer suivant 29 Explain at, to, from with verbs denoting being 154 at, going 154 , 7 qiri ddsignent etre &, alter , or coming to, going or coming from a person's 25 house? venir d, de - quelqu'un Explain the different properties of in, into. in, before the dif- proprUU in, into. in, ferent parts of the day ; and on before the days of the week. partie ; cn What is a conjunction? (y ) conjonction ? Which are the conjunctions that govern the indicative mood? 79 - rtgi" indicatifl - Which are the conjunctions that govern the subjunctive? 79 74 snbjonctif? When a conjunction governs several verbs, is it 62 necessary to re- plusieurs , n.b. i^ 8 peat it before each verb? 62 102 (Is there) not something to be remarked about the conjunction si, if ? 246 243 ausujetde May not some conjunctions (be left out) in english, when the con- + * 134 somettre ' , junctions which represent them can not (be left out) in french? Explain the conjunctions both. either, or. neither, nor. Explain the conjunctions whether. — though, although, if even. BUT FOR, IF IT WERE NOT FOR, IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR, &C * See note f p ^ v o o x ■J- ,\v x ^ * 3> A N V- v. V 0\- s- . \ • K J> x ^ '7-' a,,* v ^ : * ,<" % j -A \ ^ ^ ** ^ ; A° A^'