MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY OF RESIDENTS OF KENNEBUNK, ENLISTED DURING THE LATE CIVIL WAR. MILITARY NAVAL HISTORY OF RESIDENTS OF KENNEBUNK, WHO ENLISTED DURING THE LATE CIVIL WAR. BY ANDREW WALKER KENNEBUNK: 1868. /^/.^^ /j \^' At a public meeting held in this town, in the spring of 1862, I was requested to keep a military history of each resident sol- dier who went from Kennebunk, during the late civil war. I have tried to do as requested, and the following imperfeft ac- count is the result. All persons who may know of any soldier or seamen, whose name is here omitted, or discover any mis- take made in the record, will confer a favor by informing the writer. ANDREW WALKER. Kennebunk, Feb. 15, 1868. VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS, >\ESIDENTS OF KENNEBUNK, WHO ENLISTED IN 1861. AMOS C. EMP:RS0N, son of Washington Emerson ; ist Regt., Co. I, United States Artillery. He enlisted in April, 1861, and was discharged at the expiration of his term of service, in April, 1864. JOSEPH C. HILL, Sergeant, a law-student, formerly of York ; 2d Regt., Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted May 11, 1861 ; by an unexplained cause was discharged in July, 1861. He was mus- tered in Second Lieutenant of Co. A, First Regt. Maine Cavalry, Oft. 31, 1861, which position he resigned, 061. 24, 1862. He was in Kennebunk but a few months before the war commenced, and did not return after the war was over. ROBERT HATCH, Sergeant, son of Robert P. Hatch ; 2d Regt., Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted May 11, 1861, was pro- moted sergeant Aug. i, i86i,in place of J. C. Hill. At the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, i8'i2, he was wounded by a shot in his shoulder; will probably lose the use of his arm during life, as it was paralyzed when he was discharged by a certificate of dis- ability at Fort McHenr\-, Baltimore, Md., Oft. 30, 1862. HARRISON SARGENT, adopted son of N. K. Sargent ; 2d Regt., Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted May 11, 1861, was dis- charged by a certificate of disability. May 17, 1862. He was mus- tered into the 5th Regt., Co. C, Maine Infantry, as a recruit, Sept. 19, 1862, and died of consumption, at Point Lookout Hospital, Md., Feb. 15, 1865, aged 34 years. JOHN L. TAYLOR, Corporal, son of James Taylor; 2d Regt. Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He was enrolled May 17, 1861, and dis- charged, Dec. 9, 1863, at Estell Springs, Tennessee, by reason of second enlistment in the same Regt. pnd Co. His second dis- charge was at Washington, D. C, July 14, 1865. 6 rilA'I'CIlI'.R I. IIl'Fl', son of Seth HulT, of Kennebunkport ; 2fl Rcgt., Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted in May, 1861, was wounded in his right side and arm, at the battle of Cedar Moun- tain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862, was a prisoner in Richniond one month. Discharged by a certificate of disabilit)-, a( .Alexandria, Va., Feb. KDWARl) 15. P.rTL.VNl), son of Isaac Butland ; zd Regt., Co. R, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted in May, 1861, was wounded in his side, at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Discharged at Chattanooga, I'enn., May 23, 1864, his term of ser- vice having expired. JESSE M. STEVENS, son of Frederick Stevens, 2d Regt., Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted in May, 1861. was killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863, aged 23 years. JAMES PORTER HILL, son of Alvah Hill ; 2d Regt., Co. B, Mass. Infantry. He enlisted in May, 186 1. Near the close of the year 1862, by the consent of the officers of the 2d Regt., he enlisted in the 4th Regt., Co. F, V. S. Regular Artillery. He was discharged from the U. S. service in March, 1867. JOHN G. KNIGHTS, son of Abel Knights ; 2d Regt., Co. K, X Mass. Infantry. He enlisted in May 1861, and died of fever, Feb. 10, 1862, in Frederick city, Md., aged 20 years. His remains were brought home. JOSHUA HATCH, Jr., son of Joshua Hatch ; 5th Regt., Co. D, Mass. Infantr}-, a three months regiment. He enlisted in May, 186 1, and received his first discharge in August, 1861. He after- wards re-enlisted as Sergeant, for nine months' service in the 50th Regt., Co. G, Mass. Infantry. EDWARD W. KIMBALL, Wagoner, son of Joseph Kimball, farmer, nth Regt., Co. F, Mass. Infantry. He was enrolled April 30, 1861, and discharged from LT. S. .service, June 24, 1864, at Bo.s- ton, Mass., by reason of three years' service. Copy of a note on his discharge ; "Participated in McDowell's, McClellaii's, Pope's, Burnside's, Hooker's, Meade's, and Grant's campaigns, — a brave and true soldier." MICAJAH POPE, known in the army as William Ross ; 42d Regt., Co. C, New York Infantry. He enlisted, Aug. 16, 1861 ; was detached from this Regt., August, 28, 1861, to the "Signal Corps" of the Army of the Potomac. Was discharged at the headquarters of that army, August i6, 1864, in consequence of ex- piration of his term of ser\ice. Note on his discharge : "A good and faithful soldier." GEORGE G. DOWNING, son of John Downing ; 2d Regt., of Maine Infentry. He was mustered in as a musician, August 30, 1861, and discharged in the summer of 1862, by Act of Congress discharging regimental bands of music. ALBERT WEBBER, son of Johnson Webber ; 5th Regt., Co. B, Maine Infantry. Mustered in, June 24, 1861. While retreat- ing with the army of the Potomac, June 27, 1862, from near Rich- mond, Va., to James river, he was shot and taken prisoner. He died of his wound, the next day, aged 21. SETH PRENTISS WHITTEN, son of Seth Whitten ; 5th Regt., Co. B, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, June 24, 1861, and deserted July 25, 1861 ; afterwards re-enlisted by the name of JOHN P. HILL, (as is reported,) in the 8th Regt., Co. I, New Hampshire Infantry. He died of fever. in a New Orleans hospital, August 16, 1862, aged 19. LORENZO S. EMERY, son of Joshua Emery, Jr. ; 5th Regt., Co. C, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, June 24, 186 1, and deserted Sept. 7, 186 1, according to published report of the Adju- tant General BENJAMIN E. BURGESS, son of Richard Burgess ; 7th Regt., Co. D, Maine Infantry. Mustered in, August 21, 1861. W'hile as- sisting to convey a stick of timber in the trenches at Yorktown, his back was badly hurt. He was discharged ni Oct., 1862, at Cen- tre street hospital, at Newark, N. J., in consequence of injuries received in the service. Died at home, December 18, 1862, aged 20. GEORGE W. EMERSON, son of Washington Emerson ; 7th Regt, Co. G., Maine Infantry. Mustered in August 21, 1861. He was discharged, by a certificate of disability, March 8, 1862, at Camp Griffin, Fairfax County, Va. [See 27th Regt.] WASHINGTON EMERSON, Corporal, formerly of Portland ; 8th Regt., Co. F, Maine Infantry. Mustered in, Sept. 7, 1861. He died of consumption, at Port Royal, South Carolina, Dec. 27, 1863, aged 42. 8 SAMUEL COLE, Sergfeant, son of John Cole ; 8th Regt., Co. 1'", Maine Infantry. Mustered in, Sept. 7, 186 1. He was dis- charged from U. S. service, Sept. 15, 1864, at Augusta, Maine^ by reason of three years' service. PLUMMER A. ADJUTANT, son of George W. Adjutant ; 8th Regt., Co. F, Maine Infantry. Mustered in, Sept. 7, 1861. lit March, 1864, he re-enlisted in the same regiment and company. Was discharged at Fortress Monroe, Jan. 19, 1866. WILLL\M H. CLARK, son of Abiathar Clark ; 8th Regt., ^r Co. F, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, Sept. 7, 186 1 ; died of chronic diarrhoea, at U. S. Hospital in Philadelphia, 061. 20, r864, aged 20 years. His remains were brought home. GEORGE STORER DUTCH, formerly of Brownfield ; 8th . 1 H. Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, Aug. 18, 1862, and died in the general hospital, near Falmouth, Va., l^ay 17, 1863, aged 19. JACOB T. LOCKE, Corporal, son of James Locke, of Hollis ; 1 6th, Regt.. Co. F, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, Aug. 14, 1862, and, discharged by a certificate of disability, July 15, 1863. 15 NINE MONTHS MEN. FORTV-SIX SOLDIERS WHO ENLISTED IN SEPT., 1862, FOR NINE .MONTHS IN THE U- S. SERVICE. They received from the town of Kennebunk, a bounty of S200 each, amounting to $9,200. They all enlisted in the 27th Regt., Co. I, Maine Infantry, except John Q. A. Ford, who was in the 25th Regt., Co. A, Maine Infantry. SETH E. BRYANT, son of William M. Bryant; Captain of Co. I, from Sspt. 22, 1862, until the Regiment was mustered out of service. HENRY LITTLEFIELD, Sergeant, son of James Littlefield ; promoted Second Lieutenant. ISAAC M. EMERY, Sergeant, son of Benjamin Emery. WILLIAM H. MOODY, Sergeant, son-in-law of Samuel B. Jelleson. (See 2d Cavalry Regt.) EDWARD N. LARRABEE, Corporal, son of Ebenezer Lar- rabee. GEORGE W. EMERSON, Corporal, son of Washington Emerson. JOHN G. COLE, Corporal, son of John Cole. NICHOLAS GRANT, Wagoner, son of Benjamin Grant, of Lyman. GEORGE W. ADJUTANT, a rock workman, 54 years old. CHARLES L. BURNHAM, son of Isaac Burnham. NATHANIEL BUTLAND, son of Jedediah Butland. BENJAMIN BUTTRICK, formerly of Windham, N. H. WILLIAM G. COUSENS, son of Joseph Cousens. ORLANDO DROWN, son of Oliver Drown. CHARLES E. GARLAND, son of James Garland, of Lim- erick. ALBRA GARLAND, son of James Garland, of Limerick. (See 2d Cavalry Regt.) CHARLES W. GOOCH, son of Daniel Gooch. JOHN B. GOOCH, son of Luther Gooch. WILLIAM H. GOOCH, son of Luther Gooch. JAMES C. HALEY, son of Sylvester Haley, of Lower Bid- deford. CHARLES HANSCOM, son of Silas Hanscom. IG SAMUEL L. HILL, son of Prentiss Hill, of Kennebunkport. CHARLES S. HITKHARI), son of Charles Hubbard. (See 32d Regt., Maine Lifautry.) ANTHONY JACKSON, son of Benjamin Jackson. THOMAS L. JOSE, son of William Jose, of Lyman. ALPHEUS T. KIMBALL, son of Abraham Kimball. CHARLES KIMBALL, son of Joseph Kimball, Baker. EMERSON LITTLEFIELD, son of Davis Littlefield. JOHN S. MANSON, son of Joseph Manson, of Alfred. ADAMMcCULLOCH, Jr., son of Adam McCuUoch. (See 2d Cavalry Regt.) JONAS F. MERRILL, son of Jonas Merrill. JAMES E. MOODY, son of James Moody. (See 2d Cavalry Regt.) GEORGE \V. OAKES, son of Benjamin Oake.s. (Sec 2d Cavalry Regt.) OTIS PERKINS, son of Henry Perkins, of Sanford. EMERY S. ROBINSON, son of John Robinson. GEORGE E. ROBINSON, son of John Robinson. HORACE V. ROBINSON, son of John Robinson. ORRIN W. ROBINSON, son of Benjamin Robinson. JAMES M. STONE, son of James Stone, of Kennebunkport. (Chosen Captain, promoted Major and Lieut. Colonel.) GEORGE W. TAYLOR, son of George Taylor. HORACE TAYLOR, son of James Taylor. (See 2d Cavalry Regt.) CHARLES I). TRIPP, promoted Corporal, son of Daniel Tripp. GEORGE W. WAKEFIELD, formerly of Brownfield. (See 2d Cavalry Regt.) HARTLEY L. WELLS, son of Issachur Wells, of Kenne- bunkport. OCTAVIUS E. V;ELLS, son of Nathan E. V/ells. JOHN Q. A. FORD, son of George Ford, of Limerick. He was mustered out of service at "Camp Abraham Lincoln," near Portland, July 10, 1863. When Company I was organized, Sept. 17, 1862, James M. Stone was chosen Captain. When the 27th Regiment was organ- IT ized, Sept. 19th, he was elected Major, and on the nth of Feb. 1863, was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel. This Regiment was mustered into U. S. Serxice Sept. 30, 1862. It was not in any engagement, being employed on picket duty in Virginia, part of the time at x\rlington Heights, part of the time in the vicinity of Hunting Creek, and still another part at Chan- tilly, on the outermost line of Infantry in the defences of Wash- ington. The Regiment was mustered out of service at "Camp Abraham Lincoln," near Pordand, July 17, 1863. The forty-five men in this Regiment, from Kennebunk, returned to their respec- tive homes in supposed good health. The following are the names of were drafted in Pordand, July 22, Samuel Shackley, Robert Mitchell, Joseph T. Brown, Joseph \V. Chick, James Buzzell, Joseph Houston, Jr., William Symonds, Charles Miller, John Litdefield, John G. Littlefteld, Tristram Goodwin, Nathaniel C. Bragdon, Horace P. Thompson, Gaorge B. Litdefield, Stephen P. Trafton, Augustus F. B.-own, Nathan Dane, Jr. Charles A. Peabody, Albert L. Burnham, Palmer F. Drown, Thomas Brown, Jacob Emery, Charles T. Smith, William H. Hanscomb, fifty-seven Kennebunk men v;ho 1863 : Burleigh Wakefield, Charles W. Drown, Francis A. Noble, Horace P. Webber, Daniel Perkins, Stephen F. Fairfield, Moses M. Day, Calvin Wormwood, Burleigh S. Wells, Frederick P. Hall, George E. Peabody, William \X. \Ax'bber, Cornelius McCuUoch, William R. Pitts, George Phillips, Samuel E. Robinson, John C. Lord, Owen Bragdon, John Gillpatrick, Joseph L. Stevens, Mark H. Ford, Henry F. English, Henry E. Bennett, Elias Stevens, IS Oliver Perkins, James Berry, Ashbiiry C. Trafton, Stephen G. Dorman, Simon N. Buzzell, Robert Shackley, William A. Parsons, George T. Jones. Charles Thompson, Jr. Of the preceding fifty-seven drafted men, only nine were ac- cepted by the Surgeon, appointed by the U. S., to examine them. The accepted men were : WILLIAM SYMONDS, who paid a commutation fee of $300. HENRY E. BENNETT, who paid a commutation fee of S300. HORACE P. THOMPSON, who paid a commutation fee of ^^,300. ALBERT L. BURNHAM, who paid a commutation fee of $300. CHARLES T. SMITH, who paid a commutation fee of $300. GEORGE T. JONES, obtained a substitute' in Portland, pay- ing him $310, as G. T. Jones says. SAMUEL E. ROBINSON, obtained a substitute in Portland, paying him $325, according to report. ROBERT MITCHELL, obtained a substitute in Alfred, paying him $100, other expenses about $15, according to report. Members of the Republican party subscribed $1200, and mem- bers of the Democratic party subscribed $1200, in order that each of the above drafted and accepted men might, if they wished, pay their commutation fee or hire a substitute ; and each of the above men did accept $300 for that purpose. WILLIAM A. PARSONS, was at sea vvhen the above men were examined. When he returned he was examined, accepted, and paid a commutation fee of $300. The town afterwards refunded to him $275. WHO ENLISTED IN 1863. Thirty-four soldiers, being the quota of Kennebunk, under the President's proclamation of 061. 17, 1863. Of these 34 men, 12 were obtained in this town, by a bounty of $300 each, amount- ing to $3,600 ; tu'enty-two strangers v.^ere obtained elsewhere at IS $1:75 each, amounting to $6,050. Whole amount of bounty paid the 34 soldiers, $9,650. CHARLES NASON, son of Moses Nason, of KennebunkiDort. He was appointed Chaplain to the 2d Maine Cavalry Regt., Dec, II, 18&3, and discharged from U. S. service, by resignation, March I, 1865. WILLIAM H. MOODY, son-in-law of S. B. Jelleson ; Second Lieutenant in 2d Regt., Co. L, Maine Cavalry. GEORGE W. WAKEFIELD, Sergeant, formerly of Brown- iield. JAMP:S E. moody. Sergeant, son of James Moody. GEORGE W. OAKES, Corporal, son of Benjamin Oakes. ALBRA garland, Wagoner, formerly of Limerick. FREEMAN A. COBB, grandson of Abner Wormwood. WILLIAM CLEAVES, son of Stephen Cleaves. GEORGE O. COOK, son of Nathan Cook. JOSEPFI KIMBALL, son of Joseph Kimball, Baker. HORACE TAYLOR, son of James Taylor. ADAM Mcculloch, jr., son of Adam McCulloch. He was transferred June 30, 1864, to sloop of war Lackawana. (See Na- val Service.) JOHN W. HANSCOM, formerly of Portsmouth, N. H. He Avas transferred June 30, 1864, to gun-boat "Metacomet." (See Naval Service.) The last mentioned 12 men, were enrolled in the 2d Cavalry Regt, Co. L, Dec. 10, 1863, and mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 24, 1S53. They were discharged at Barancas, Florida, Dec. 6, 1865, excepdng the two men transferred to the Naval Service. GEORGE T. WEBBER, son of Johnson Webber ; 29th Regt, Co. E, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, Nov. 13, 1863, and discharged at Charleston, South Carolina, Aug. 22, 1865. FRANK STEVENS, son of Ivory Stevens ; 30th Regt., Co. C, Maine Infantry. He v/as mustered in, Dec. 19, 1863, and died of chronic diarrhc^a, in Virginia, July 24, 1864, aged 21: JOHN WINSLOW FISHER, son of Francis Fisher; i6th Regt., Co. G, Maine Infantry. He enlisted in Portland by the najiie of John Winslow. Was mustered in U. S. service, Aug. 10, 1S63 ; wounded in his left arm in front of Petersburg, Va., June 20 iH, xS'64, and discharged by a certificate of disability, at August.% in Jan., 1865. GILBERT WAKEFIELD, son of Charles Wakefield ; ist Regc, Co. C, Mass. Cavalr}'-. This regiment was mustered into U. S.. service, Jan. 26, 1863, and mustered out, July 20, 1865,. WHO ENLXSrEI) IN 1864 AND 1865.. SETH E. BRYANT, son of William M. 'Bryant ; Captain of Co. A, 32d Regt., Maine Infmtry. He was mustered in, March. 3, 1864, and resigned his CDmniission, while in front of Petersburg, Va., Nov. 25, 1864. STEPHEN G. DQRMAN, fonnerly of Sanford ; First Lieuten^ ant of Co. K, 320! Regt., Maine Infantry. He was niustered in., May 6, 1864, and resigned his commission Aug. 24, 18-64. CHARLES S. HUBBARD, Sergeant, son of Charles Hub- bard; 32d Regt., Co. K. Maine Intantry. He was mustered in. May 6, 1864. While in " a charg'e " in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864, he was shot in his abdomen, and died of hi& wound the next day, aged 21 years. HENRY P. SHOREY, a recruit, son of Wyman Shorey, of W^a- terville ; ist Regt., Co. M., Maine Cavalry. He was mustered in., Jan. 26, 1864. In a skirmish at Ryansville Creek, Va., Oct. 27.; [864, he was wounded, taken prisoner, caJried to Richmond, where he died in Libby prison, Dec. 7, 1864, aged 29 years. CHARLES H. ROBINSON, a recruit, son of Andrew Robin- son ; ist Regt., Baker's District of Columbia Cavalry. He en- listed at Waterville, Jan. 20. 1864, ^'^''^s mustered in, Feb. 8, 1864, and soon after transferred to the First Maine Cavalry Regt., Co. C, He died of typhoid fever, at City Point, Va., hospital, Sept. 27, 1864, aged 20 years. ALBERT F. PITTS, a recruit, son of Benjamin Pitts ; 29th Regt., Co. E, Maine Infantry. He enlisted in Portland, March 26, 1864, and was discharged at Galloup's Island, Boston harbor, June 10, 1865, without joining" the Regt. CHARLES F. HATCH, a recruit, son of George W. Hatch ; 9th Regt., Co. E, ]\Iaine Infantry. He was enrolled in Portland, 21 Ocl. 5, 1864, fo'' one year's service, and discharged at Raleigh, N. C, July 13, 1865. WILLIAM C. GOODWIN, a recruit, son of Simeon Goodwin ; nth Regt., Co. C, Maine Infantry. He was enrolled in Portland, 0(5l. 8, 1864, for one year's service, and discharged at Richmond, Va., Oa. 7, 1865. CHARLES P. WHITTEN, a recruit, son of Seth Whitten ; 12th Regt., Co. F, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, Feb. 23, 1865, ^"cl died of chronic diarrhoea, at David Island hospital. New York, 061. 2, 1865, aged 17 years. WILLIAM GILPATRICK, a recruit, son of James Gilpatrick ; 1 2th Regt., Co. H, Maine Infantry. He was mustered in, March 13, 1865, for one year's service, and discharged at Savannah, Ga., March 16, 1866. IN NAVAL SEKVICE. WILLIAM SYMONDS, son of Col. Archelaus F. Symonds, of N. H. ; commissioned ensign in the Navy, Feb. 11, 1864. Was appointed Sailing Master, on board gunboat "Pinola." On ac- count of ill health, he resigned his commission Jan. r7th, and re- ceived his discharge June 20, 1865. HENRY F. CURTIS, son of Capt. Ralph Curtis : commis- sioned Ensign in the Navy, May 23, 1864. \^"as appointed to command the torpedo boat "Gamma" on James river, nine miles below Richmond, Va., afterwards in the Sounds of North Carolina. He was discharged in New York, Nov. 15, 1865. JOHN C. LORD, son of Capt. John Lord ; commissioned Ensign in the Navy, June 22, 1864. Was appointed Sailing Mas- ter on board steamer "Yantic," afterwards Navigator on board gunboat "Gettysburg." He was discharged Aug. 23, 1867. EDWARD THOMPSON, son of Theodore Thompson : was enrolled in the Navy, May, 1864 ; appointed Master's mate on board steamer "Niagara," afterwards on board steamer "Vander- bilt." He was discharged in New York, Feb. 28, 1865. SAMUEL W. BROWN, son of Capt. Theodore Brown ; en- listed in Boston, Aug. i, 1861, for two years' service. Was on 22 board gunboat "Louisville," until .Vug. 8, 1863, when he was dis- charged. FREDERICK H. LITTLEFIELD, son of Lance Littlefield ; enlisted April 16, 186 1, was on board brig "Perry,"' then trans- ferred to the steamer "Santiago De Cuba," where he remained un- til his time of service expired, when he was discharged June 3, 1864. GUSTAVUS B. LITTLEFIELD, son of Lance Littlefield ; enlisted May 13, 186 1, for one year's service; was on board steam- er "Niagara," until discharged, June 20, 1862. JOSEPH S. BROWN, son of John Brown at the Port ; en- listed in New York, Sept. 30, 1861. Served on board steamer "Shawsheen," twenty-three months, then transferred to steamer "Miami." Was discharged at City Point, Va., Oft. 3, I864. CHARLES H. THOMPSON, son of Joseph Thompson ; en- listed in New Bedford, Mass. 06b. i, 1861. Served on board ship ''Shephard Knapp," of the West India Squadron, until Jan. 7, 1863, wh^n he was discharged at the Navy Yard, in Charlestown, Mass. JEREMIAH P. WcmMWOOD, son of Ezekiel Wormwood ; enlisted in Portsmouth, N. H., April 17, 1862. Was on board gunboat "Mohaska" about twenty-nine months,- then transferred to the gunboat "Nipsic," Discharged in Portsmouth, N. H., April 22, 1865. FRANK KIMBALL, son of Samuel Kimball ; enlisted in the spring of 1862. Was on board bark "Midnight" fifteen months, when be was discharged in New York, 061. 26, 1863. JOHN BRING, formerly of Nova Scotia ; enlisted in Ports- mouth, N. H., in Sept. 1864 ; was on board steamer "Colorado" until March, 1865, when he was discharged at Brooklyn, N. Y. DANIEL M. CHAPMAN, son of Daniel Chapman of Ips- wich, Mass ; enlisted in New York, July 20, 1864, was on board the transport "Queen." He was discharged in New York June 9, 1865. GREENLEAF C. HUTCHINS, son of Oliver Hutchins ■ en- listed in New York, July 20, 1864. Was on board the transport "Queen," then on the gunboat "Shawmut" from July, 1865, to Dec. 23 i866, then on board the gunboat "Peoria" until July, 1867, when he was discharged at Norfolk, Va. ADAM Mcculloch, jr., son of Adam McCulloch ; he was transferred from the 2d Cavalry Regt., June 30, 1864, to sloop of war "Lackawana," where he was rated quarter-master. He died of chronic diarrhoea at Barancas, Fla., Dec. 31, 1864, aged 34j'ears. JOHN VV. HANSCOM, formerly of Portsmouth, N. H ; he was transferred from the 2d Cavalry Regt., June 30, 1864, to gun- boat "Metacomet." He was discharged, by a certificate of disa- bility, in Philadelphia, 'Nov. 12, 1864. PHILIP LYNCH, colored; lived when young with Jos. Water- house. Enlisted in the spring of 1865, was on board Sloop ot War "Vandalia." He remains in the Naval Service. di9^c SUMMAKY. Residents of Kennebunk, who enlisted in (he Army, 151 " " " " " Navy, 17 168 Died of disease, while in the U. S. Service, 24 Killed in battle, or died soon after from their wounds, 5 Missing, supposed to be dead, i Deserted, according to published report of Adjutant General, 2 Discharged from the Army and Navy, 135 Now in the Naval Service, i 168 It will be remembered that the number of 168 does not repre- sent actual men, but enlistments, of which 2 1 of our townsmen had their names twice enrolled. Forty-two soldiers and six seamen enlisted previous to Aug. i, 1862. They did not receive any bounty from the town. All who did enlist in the Army or Navy, after that date, received this additional inducement, excepting those who enlisted as commissioned officers, 24 including chaplains, who do not by law recei\-e a bounty or count in a quota. In addition to the i68 residents of this town, 78 substitutes were obtained out of town, to furnish the required quota, hence the whole number of enlistments for Kennebunk were 168 and 78, making a total of 246. The amount of bounties paid by the town of Kennebunk, to residents and non-residents, was $46,205 50 The exact expenses of the town, attending the en- rollment and enlistment of the men, cannot now be ascertained, as the office of the Select- men, with their books and papers, were burnt Nov. 25, 1866. The least estimated ex- pense is 3,794 50 $50,000 00 LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 041 220 n