Author Title Imprint 16— 47372-S OPO S PE E C H OF BEiNJAMlN CirHAMlS, ESQ. OF ST, MARY'S COUNTY UPON THE REPORTS OF THl:: C O iM M 1 T T C E ON SECRET SOCIETIES. ^ IN THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES OF MARYLAND, Mk. Speaker : When a few evenings since the majority of the Committee on Secret Societies, made their report^ and asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject, 1 entered my objec- tion, and stated, that that majority had not performed (he duties imposed upon them by ihe resolutions under which they received their appointment. I was unwilling, sir, that this House should take any action at (he instance of that majority which even by implicaiion could be looked upon as an approval of the course which they had thought proper to pursue. They have failed, sir, completely and, I may say^ willfully, in the performance of their duties, and instead of our commendation;; they should re- ceive our stern rebuke. Wliat were those duties ? They were instructed to enquire and report ^'whether any and what Secret Political Societies are known to exist in this State" — "whether any and what society or portion of the peop\e of this State, or any of the United Slates, have in- U 06 need religious issues, inlo tlie field of political agitation.''^ Tiiey were also instructed "to ascertain as far as may be in their power^ what are the character and import of the secrets which are supposed to be held or maintained by such societies, if any such should he found to exist, and to use their endeavours to obtain if possible, a statemer^t or description of the principles, objects and punjuscs of siM-ii socielies," and sir itJ older to furnish tliem with ever facility to cuiry out fully the enquiry, lliey were vested with (he extrrioniinary power of sending for persons and papers, and of examining such persons upoa oaih. This Cominiitee, sir, miaht well he called, as from its cieationit has been called, the Coiriniit- lee of enquiry — the Investigating Committee — for their duties clearly and distinctly defined in their commission, were to make diligent seaich into /ac/5, and facts only. This Mouse surely did not expect from tiiis CoiiimiUee, thus raised, a rehash of that po- litical dish which nauseates every healthful and conservative stom- ach ; they did nut expect a new edition of Know Nothing quib- bles and evasions. They expected, sir, and required, a statement of well authenticated fads in regard to the matter referred to this ConuTiiittee, and yet sir not one fact, not oxxq paper, not one wit- ness, have they produced, or liied to produce, uoiv.'ithslanding they were ordered expressly to make a tremendous effort to do so, and to overcome every thing but imposslbdilus in order to gratify the strongly expressed desire of this Bonorable Body. They have to my surprise, and no doubt to the surprise of this House, not only been guilty of the sin of on>ission but of commis- sion. Tiiey have presumptuously and daringly (and I here charge them with it,) exerted the mere brute power, which they had as a majority, entirely to smother all investigation. The ininority of this Committee, anxious to perform their clearly defined duties were prevented by the majority from taking one step towards that end. The minority produced the names of witnesses to be brought befoie the Committee v;l!0 would have testified to the very facts which v/ere to be enquired into, and yet, sir, the majority, fearful of the expense to the State attending the smyimoning of those witnesses, and very probably more fear- ful of the testimony they would give, denied the privilege. Under ihis undoubted state of facts can any one here declare that this majoiity have fulfilled t'leir duties, and should receive the appro- bation of this House? Could any one here, sir, have anticipated when this Committee was inaugurated, that such a report as this would have been the only result? When the Honorable Chair- man introduced these resolutions, with such a bragndocio air, could any one have imagined that lliis grand proclamation — this tremendous flourish of trumpets — would usher nothing upon the stage, but General Tom Thumb. When the mountain thus quaked and labored, senditig terror and consternation to the very heart of man, must not all be surprised that the product is only— - a mouse? Such must indeed be the feeling of th.-a House in viewing tliis report, and the sudden transition would make us laugh, if our disposition to do so were not restrained by our feel- ings of resentment for the contemptuous disregard of the order of this House, as displayed in the course of the majority of that Committee. As a literary production, sir, I will not undertake to criticise this report. If any merit of that kind can be found in it., ^ 8 let it be awarcled to the Honorable Cliairnmn. But, sir, iliis I will say, that if in that respect (his production would be tin honor to an Irving, or an Evcrelt, I would look upon ii as of inHniielv less value to the chnracler of i(s author, and of (he tnnjoriiy of (his House, (iinn would be the simplest siatement of vreli avouciied facts showing (hat he and they were intiocent of liie charges made against (hem by (he Governor in his annual message. The con(emplible alieclaiion ihat Ihey were not aware that (he Governor, in his animadversions on secret socieCcs in his niessace, aiiuded to the Know party would set badly even upon a simpering school girl. It is diplomacy without ingenuity. It is hypocrisy wiiliout coiiceahr.ent. I assert, sir, Vv'iihout the fear of successful contradiction, tiial every member of (hat Commliiee, and every member of this Mouse, knew as well as (he Governor did, (0 what party lie alluded, if so, then tlic Honorable Chair- man, v.'hen he introduced his unfortunate i-esolulions, knew well, as did (he oilier members of (he Commiitee, what issues they had joined and what evidence v;as required (o prove (hose issues. If upon (his (rial, (heir opponents, the sniisority, had failed to pro- duce evidence to s'now (hat (heir pai!y was a ^'■secret political society,^^ (ben lliey would have been relieved from (hat charge. Had (lie minority failed to show that (hat party had introduced religious issues into the field of political acritatioji, then (hat charge would have been justly dismissed, and if (hat minority had firriher failed to shov/ that that party held or maintained secrets, objects and purposes violixhwe of oiir Constitution and that of the United Stales, tuerj, sir, the majority and iheir party here and elsewhere would have been relieved of the charoe of beino- secret conspirators against their country, and been held fesponsible only for their oper^ and avowed principles — a responsibility suffi- ciently awful for any whose consciences are not seared as with a red hot iron. This course of (rial, so obviously (h.e cori-ect one for the ascertainment of truth was i-ather unpalatable to the ma- jority of this Commiitee. Tiiey chose rather to rely upon (he meie assertion of their and your innocence— an assertion worth less than nothing to you and them, if by your vote adopiing this report, you shall avoid (he investigation which you yourselves have in- augurated, thus strengthening suspicion of guilt, instead of fur- nishing proof of innocence. Tiie question then, sir, which (his House lias to consider, is, whe(her by adopting this majority re- port arid sanctioning their proceedings, (hey will allow themselves to be involved in a suspicion wiiich such action would justify? It is to be hoped (hat (his Honorable Body v/ill have more self- respect and a higher regard for public opinion than to do so. I3u(,sir, let us now enquii-e, what were the reasons for (he course which the majority of (he Committee have thourrht proper 10 pursue in i-egard to this investigation ? These are gUmmering- /y alluded to in the report presented by the Chairman',' but in ord'er to see them more distinctly, let us go to (heir committee room, (foiUjn;>(ely not n (laik-lniUeitied cavern) and find them out there. My lionorable friend from Charles county, (Mr. Merrick) lias given «hem, in the niinoiity report, an unenviable chance for notoriety as well as preservation. The iitst reason given was contained in a resolution ofTered in that room, and declares in effect that the Governor in his i-epli/ to the Committee clearlij indicates the Anierican Party of the Plat- form of 1855, as the object of the animadversions in his message. This, sir, that Committee knew well before the Governor addressed his special communication to them ; aye sir, they knew it before their Chairman drafted the resolutions iniroduced into this House, one of which so unblushingly asked this communication from His Excellency. This cotUemptible subterfuge I have before alluded to, and given it the character it deserves. Another resolution adopted in that room by the majority of the Committee decrees in substance that the enquiry into the secrets, principles, objects and purposes of this Know Nothing Parly — the very enquivy they were ordered to inake — "is an insult to the intelligence of a large majority of the people of Maryland through iheir representatives." And nnolher resolution decrees (for it will be observed they are all decrees) that it is unnecessary to have any persons or papers before them, be- cause forsooth the puriti/ of the principles, objects and purposes of their party are sufficiently vouched for by the fact of that party's being represented by a majority on this floor. These decrees adopted in a committee room of the Maryland Legislature and not in the daik council of the order, are clearly, and I may say impu- dently in conflict with the resolutions of this House under which the Committee received their appointment. They positively and in defiance of this Honorable Bt)dy refuse to carry out the instruc- tions they have received. We surely sir will not allow the ma- jority of one of our ov.7n Committees to compromise our charac- ter and dignity, and then sanction the degradation by an approval of its course? No sir. This House intended, what they said. They intended an enquiry and investigation into the matter set forth in their resolutions, although they themselves were implicated. They had joined issue with the Governor of Maryland, and the tribunal they had selected for the trial, was public opinion, and the record- ing clerk of the court was to hold the pen of History. The fact of your being here as the represenlativesof a majority of (he people with the attestation of your ^7J»Mn7?/" which such a fact affords, and even the fact of conscious innocence if it existed, were to be thrown aside in this trial. You yourselves demanded a (rial upon the facts which should be thorough, and convincing to the whole world, now and forever. This House intended that, or it, veri/ solemnly intended nothing. Such, sir, was their intention, or they have enacted a farce which would disgrace even Harlequin him- self. They knew well that an appeal to public opinion cannot be met by the mere brute force of a majority voting this thing up or that thing down. They were well aware before they instituted 5 this enquiry that they had the power (o siiile all investigation, but they also knew that such a course woultl create a suspicion of guilt rather than furnish proof of innocence. They knew, and now know, that they can enter a 7iolle prosequi to this prosecution, but they also know, that the bloodiest pirate that sweeps the ocean would do the same thing if he couid, when brought before the bar of public justice to answer for his crimes — but he would be pirate still. History shows too plainly that such acquittals will not an- swer as pleas in bar, with public opinion. The earl Bolhwell came forward for trial on the charge of murdering Darnley. Bothwell had a thousand men at arms within call. He was dis- charged, no one daring to appear as his accuser. But his name has come down through the pages of impartial history stained with murder and treason. A later case occurs to my mind. Aaron Burr was upon trial, actually acquitted of the charge of treason against his country. He lived a freeman from his trial to his grave; public opinion drew distinctions which the law cannot draw, and the fair fame he had previously won in the service of his country, withered before the blight, and his name has been branded with everlasting infamy. The intelligence of this House knew these things when they ordered this investigation, and it was ordered that public opinion should be satisfied upon the questions at issue. They intended not to avail themselvesof the paltry pretexts andeva- sions suggested by the majority of the Committee in order to escape this investigation. They will not surely thank this Commit- tee for attempting to place them in the inconsistent position of pro- posing this enquiry and of then retiring'from the contest. It will surely meet your indignant frown that your Committee should as- sume that you can first act like the blustering bully, and will then TQUr&Wke {\-\Q skulking coioard. What, sir, will this Honorable Body declare as the majority of this Committee have, that this en- quiry instituted by theniselves would be an insult to the majority of the people of this State ? Will they thus shield themselves? Whence, sir, did this proposition for enquiry come ? It v.-as bro-jo-ht foiv/ard by the distinguished leader of the majority of this Hou°se, being also chairman of this Committee. Sui'ely, that Honorable' gentleman in offering it, did not intend to insult his dear constitu- ents; and surely too the majority of this House knew whether or not it would be aa insuk to the majority of the people to have such an enquiry. And, sir, this lecture upon propriety and decorum comes with an ill grace indeed from this Committee. But the cruelty of imposing upon the Honorabiegentleman, (Mr Kennedy) who inaugurated this enquiry, the task of declaring its insultin^^ character ts unparalleled in our political history. Shame! Shame'' that the fond parent should be forced to acknowlege his bantlin