Class _L1L4___ Book.._BU:i3. CQEnUGKT DEWSfT. CtyLjA. i^Cc^. A HISTORY OLD BRAINTREE AND QUINCY, WITH A SKETCH OP KANDOLrn AND HOLBEOOK, WILLIAM S. PATTEE, M. D. QUINCY: PUBLISHED BY GREEN & PRESCOTT, No. Si Hancock Street. 1878. Copyrighted, 1879. By William S. Pattee. *> ILLUSTEATIONS. V William S. Pattee, Frontispiece. XowN House, 109 Robertson's Block, 175 Old Unitarian Church, 234 Unitarian Church, 242 Episcopal Church, ....... 258 Universalist Church, 260 St. John's Catholic Church, 278 Adams Academy, • 342 Thayer Academy, 346 ^ Gen. Joseph Palmer, 486 ' Joseph Richards, 515 ' John Adams Green, 529 ''Benjamin V. French, i 578 THIS WORK IS DEDICATED TO THE HON. CHAELES FEANCIS ADAMS, THE OLDEST LIVING REPRESENTATIVE OF A DISTINGUISHED FAMILY, WHOSE DEVOTION AND PATRIOTISM TO THEIR COUNTRY HAVE BEEN TRANSMITTED TO POSTERITY IN HER ANNALS. THEY WERE AMONG THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS AND EARLY SETTLERS OF OLD BRAINTREE AND QUINCY. FROM THE FIRST SETTLEMENT DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME THEY HAVE BEEN ACTIVELY AND INTIMATELY ASSOCIATED WITH HER ECCLESIASTICAL, EDUCATIONAL AND CIVIL AFFAIRS. THE AUTHOR. PEEFACE. The compiler of this history of old Braintree and Quincy has endeavored to give a correct and faithful account of it. No one is more sensible than he of its deficiencies and shortcomings, which the reader must attribute to the want of skill in book- making, lie, as Strype relates in his annals, has "chosen to set down things in the very words of the records and originals, and of the authors themselves, rather than in my own, without fram- ing and dressing them in more modern language, whereby the sense is sure to remain entire as the writers meant it ; whereas, by affecting too curiously to change and model words and sen- tences, I have observed the sense itself to be often marred and disguised." For some years a history of old Braintree and Quincy has been demanded, and efforts have been made in the town to have one published, but without success. April 4th, 1842, the town in public meeting assembled, chose an able committee to wait on the Hon. John Q. Adams, and request him to write a history of old Braintree and Quincy, which request was with regret declined, for the want of time from important public duties. In 1827-8, Rev. Geo. Whitney published his history of Quincy in pamphlet form, of sixty-four -pages, which was valuable for the time, but was largely traditional. Hancock, Cutler and Lunt's century sermons, with occasional i)ublic addresses, con- tain all the written knowledge of the town. It is somewhat singular that a town so noted and distinguished as old Braintree and Quincy, should remain so long without a published record of her public events; a town that has furnished two presidents of the United States ; the first president of the Provincial and second of the Continental Congress ; eminent diplomatists, who ably and faithfully served their country in foreign courts of Eu- rope, viz.: Russia, Germany, Holland, France, Great Britain 1 PBEFACK. and others; profound judges, noted jurists, and many other per- sons eminent in the public walks of life ; two presidents of Har- vard University, and one tutor, Mr. Henry Flynt, who taught the youth in the earlier days of its existence longer than any other person, and longer than the corporation desired that any other person should teach, as after his death, a rule of limitation was enacted by the board of managers.^ The first governor of 1. " Tutor Flynt, sou of the Rev. Josiah Flyut, of Dorchester, audgraudson of the Eev. Henry Flyut, of old Braiutree, was born in 1676, His early youth and most of his life were passed, either as a student or instructor, within the walls of Harvard College. He held the office of tutor fifty-five years. During sixty years he was fellow of the corporation, and through almost the whole period he also served as clerk of the Board of Overseers. He was respected by his contemporaries, and his name and character thus intimately interwoven with the history of the College, long continued favorite topics of reminiscence among its graduates. His learning and ability were sufficient for the several stations he occupied, and his zeal and fidelity in the discharge of his duty were unsurpassed. His long continuance in office evidences that he was useful and acceptable. He was mild in his notions of government, an advocate of gentle- ness in punishing offenders, and although the custom of the age required great solemnity in administering discipline, tradition represents him to have been ever ready to temper severity with a smile, often apologizing to them by re- marking that ' wild colts make good horses.' By constitutional temperament Flynt was inclined to firmness and moderation. Possessing a clear and dis- criminating intellect, he was also characterized by great steadfastness in opin- ion, but without obstinacy or obtrusiveness. In the religious controversies which divided the Province and broke the peace of the college, he oftener kept aloof than mingled, ' thanking God for their ignorance who thought him not Orthodox.' When occasion called, he preached discourses— serious, practical, and instructive, leaving doctrinal disputes to the contentious. " The experiment of a tutor seventy-nine years of age was sufficiently incon- venient, and caused the government of the institution to guard against a simi- lar occurrence in the future. Soon after the resignation of Mr. Flynt, a vote passed both boards " that no person chosen henceforward into the office of tutor shall abide therein more than eight years."— Quincy's Hist, of Harvard College, Vol. If, pp. 82-3. "At the time of an earthquake, when some students who had been waked up by the noise and shaking, ran to the room of their old, respected tutor, as if for shelter from nature's rage, he calmly said to them, ' Poh, boys! go back to your room; earthquakes never do any harm in these high latitudes.' In his cor- poral appearance, he was rather short and thick set. Some twenty sermons of his, and a Latin oration at the iuterment of President Wadsworth, were pub- lished." The following anecdote is an extract from an entertaining narrative written by David Se wall, of a journey from Cambridge to Portsmouth, in 175i, made PREFACE. XI the old Commonwealth was a native of the North Precinct of Braintree, and the country has been ably represented in her congressional halls by some of her citizens. Not only has the town been distinguished for its noted individ- by Tutor Flynt, of Harvard, and Mr. Sewall, then an iinderiti-aduatc — afterwards Jiuljie Sewall, and friend of President Jolm Adams, among whose papers this manuscript was found, and rend by flie Hon. Charles F. Adams before the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1S7S. This narrative was pub- lished by the society, and is now to be found anions ifs printed proceedings: — "After dinner, we passed through North Hampton to Greenland, and after coming to a small rise of the road, the hills on the north of Piscatacjua Eiver appearing in view, and a conversation passed between us respecting one of them which he said was Frost Hill. I said it was Agamenticus, a large hill in York. AVe differed in opinion, and each of ns adhered to his own idea of the subject. During this conversation, while we were descending gradually at a moderate pace, and at a small distance and in full view of Clark's tavern, the ground being a little sandy but free from stones or obstructions of any kind, the horse somehow stumbled in so sudden a manner, the boot of the chair being loose on Mr. Flynt's side, threw Mr. Flynt headlong from the carriage into the road ; and the stoppage being so sudden, Lad not the boot been fastened on my side, I might probably have been thrown out likewise. The horse sprang up quickly, and with some difficulty I so guided the chair as to prevent the wheel passing over him ; when I halted and jumped out, being apiirehensive from the manner in which the old gentleman was thrown out, it must have broken his neck. Several persons at the tavern noticed the occurrence, and immediately came to assist Mr. Flynt; and, after rising, found him able to walk to the house, and after washing his face and head with some Avater, found the skin rubbed off his forehead in two or three places, to which a young lady, a sister of William Par- ker, Jr., who had come out from Portsmouth with him and some others that afternoon, applied some court plaster. After which, we had among us two or three single bowls of lemon punch, made pretty sweet, with which we refreshed ourselves, and became very cheerful. The gentlemen were Jolm Wendell, William Parker, Jr., and Nathaniel Treadwell, a young gentleman who was paying suit to jSIiss Parker. Mr. Flynt observed, he felt very well, notwith- standing his fall from the chair, and if he had not disfigured himself he did not value it. He would not say the fault was in the driver; but he rather thought he was looTiing too much on those hills. John Wendell was just upon the point of marrying to a.^Miss Wentworth, and he [Flynt] was asked if he had come at this time to attend the wedding. He replied he had not made the journey with that Intent, but if it hapi)ened while he was at Portsmouth, he should have no objection of attending it. " I was directed to pay for one bowl of the punch and the oats our horse had received, after which we proceeded on towards Portsmouth ; !Mr. Treadwell and Miss Parker preceded us in an open chair. William Parker was going on to Kensington, where he was employed in keeping school, and J. AVendell re- turned on horseback to Portsmouth. The punch we had partaken of was XU PREFACE. uals, but for its attempt in the early history of the Colonies, to establish several important and valuable industries. The first was the establisliment of an iron manufactory, in 1643 ; in Pro- vincial times, glass works, spermaceti, salt works and stocking weaving. The first and largest merchant ship for the East India trade was constructed within her limits. From her soil Avas dug the first huge boulders of syenite as a material for the construc- tion of substantial public and private buildings, which have adorned our cities and towns. In the western section of the village was built the first railroad in the United States, on which the first serious and fatal accident hajipened in New England. As far as the author can learn, the North Precinct of Braintree was the first town in the Colony to construct its meeting-house of stone. It was here that the first principles of liberal theology were taught by that able divine, the Rev. John pretty well charged with good old spirit, and Father Flyiit was very pleasant and sociable. About a mile distant from the town there is a road that turns off at right angles (called the Greek Road) into town, into which Mr. Tread well and Miss Parker (who afterwards married Captain Adams) entered with their chair. Upon which Mr. Flint turned his face to me and said, 'Aye, prithee, I do not understand their inotions; but the Scripture says, 'The way of a man with a maid is very mysterious.' " It was the custom in the early days of the college for students to present their tutor or professor who had heard their yearly recitations, a present of some kind. Hall, in his book of college words and customs, page 322, relates the following anecdote in relation to a present given to Tutor Flynt: — " Many years ago, some of the students of Harvard College wishing to make a present to their tutor, Mr. Flynt, called on him, informed him of their inten- tions and requested him to select a gift which would he acceptable to him. He replied that he was a single man, that he already had a well-filled library, and in reality, wanted nothing. The students, not all satisfied with this answer, determined to present him with a silver chamber pot. One was accordingly made of the appropriate dimensions, and inscribed with these words — ' Mirif/ere cum hombis Res est saluberrima luinbis.' "On the morning of Commencement Day, this was borne in procession, in a morocco case, and presented to the tutor. Tradition does not say with what feelings he received it, but it remained for many years in a room in Quincy, [This room is still called Flynt's study in the house now occupied by Mr. Peter Butler, on Hancock street] where be was accustomed to spend his Saturdays and Sundays, and finally disappeared about the beginning of the Eevolutiou- ary War. It is supposed to have been carried to England." Tradition does uot relate whether it was deposited as a curiosity in the British Museum or not. PREFACE. XIU Wheelwright, in 1636, which so much annoyed the Separatists; the irerm of which was never eradicated, as it continued to grow until it hurst forth in the full sunlight of its glory under the ministrations of the Kev. Mr. Rriant, which society continues to exist as the First Church of the town. Calvinism did not get a foothold in the old North Precinct of Braintree until 1831. He has given these incidents in no boasting manner, but only to illustrate the many important events to be found in her history. He regrets that he has not been able to give a more extended slietch of the first church of Randolph. At the time he was writing up the churches, he desired the clergyman of this parish to furnish the material for it, but parochial duties so absorbed his time that he was unable to comply with the re- quest. Hence the reason why so brief a history of this old church has been given. It was his intention to have given sketches of the old land- marks of the town, but as the volume had greatly exceeded its specified limits, the publishers considered it not exj)edient. As he has the material it is his intention, at some future time, to have it published in a separate volume. The town records for some twenty-five or thirty years after its incorporation, are quite irregular and imperfect. After that period they proceed in regular order. For this early period of the town's history much more information can be gleaned from the Massachusetts Colonial Records. It is to be regretted that the First Church records, covering the period of the Rev. Messrs. Tompson and Flint's pastorate, are not to be found, as they might throw some light on the building of the first stone meeting-house. They were in existence at the time of the Rev. John Hancock's pastorate, as he makes frequent mention of them; after this they seem to have disappeared. Also, the book of possessions which contained a record of the allotments and divisions of the town's lands. The Xorth Preginct records begin in December, 1708, immediately after the separation of the second church from the first, and Mr. John Marshall (whose manuscript journal, hereafter referred to, is still to be seen in the Massachusetts Historical Library) was the first precinct XIV PREFACE. clerk. This record embraces the period from 1708 to 1792, or to the time of the separation of the North Precinct from Brain- tree, and incorporated ns the town of Quincy. From its incor- poration the parochial and town matters will be found blended together in the town records, until the final dissolution of church and town, in 1824. This volume has been compiled by topics, rather than in a chronological order. This he thinks the better method for a local town history. The matter has not been as methodically arranged as he had desired, or intended it should have been ; the delay in receiving important facts obliged him to give them somewhat out of the regular order. Ill health and business engagements is the compiler's apology for its many short com- ings. He would be greatly obliged to any one who will supply any valuable matter, or facts that may have been omitted or overlooked, so that in the future a more jjerfect history may be written. The compiler presents the manuscript of this history of old Braintree and Quincy to the town free of all expense to them. The price asked for the work will be only sufficient to compen- sate the publishers for its publication and expense of binding. To the various libraries, viz. : Boston Public, Massachusetts Historical, New England Historic Genealogical, State and Con- gregational, he would tend his warmest acknowledgments for their kindness in granting him the privilege of consulting valua- ble documents, original manuscripts, rare works and old news- papers. He is also under many obligations to Mr. David Pulsifer, of the State Department, for many favors, especially in deciphering old manuscripts, and to whom he always re- ferred, in verifying doubtful points, and to Dr. Edward Strong, of the State Archives. He cannot forbear mentioning the local historian, Mr. Charles P. Tirrell, from whom he received much valuable information ; also, Mr. E. W. Underwood, wdio has made a large collection of matter connected with the history of the town, and to all others who have in any way assisted or contributed to this volume, he extends his thanks. EAELY SETTLEMENT AND INCOEPOKATION OF THE OLD TOWN OF BKAINTREE. Captain John Smith, of Pocahontas notoriety, on his second voyage to America, his first being to the Virginia Colony sailed from the Downs, in England, on March 3d, 1614, and, as he relates,^ he landed at Monhegan, an island lying twenty miles southwest from the mouth of the Penobscot. Not meet- ing with success, in his search for whales, Smith, with eight men in a small boat, left the ships and the rest of the party to be employed in fishing, while he ranged the neighboring coast to the southwest in quest of furs. He says,^ " he availed himself of the opportunity to draw a map from point to point, isle to isle, and harbor to harbor, with the soundings, sands, rocks, and landmarks." On this map, which is annexed to his history, Quincy is given the metropolitan name of London, and the "signs of a castle and cathedral are annexed as indicative of its future prosperity and grandeur." In 1625, Captain WoUaston, with about thirty other adven- turers, came from England, and, in September of the same year, began a plantation near where tlie liouse of John Quincy Adams, Esq., now stands.^ Things not being equal to Wol- laston's expectations, lie left the Colony in the foU'owing year, and went to Virginia, leaving tlie phuitation in the hands of Lieutenant Filcher. 1. Smith's Geuerall Historic. 2. Smith's Generall Ilistorie, p. 207. 3. The particulfir hill which caused the uanie of ]SIount, is in the farm of John Quincy, Esq., late one of the Council for the pt-oviuce.— Ilutchinsou's Hist., Vol. I., p. 8. 2 2 EAKLY SETTLEMENT AND INGOEPOKATION. Among those who remained at Mount Wollaston was a cer- ^ tain Thomas Morton, a lawyer of CHfford's Inn, London, through whose instigation the settlers at the Mount rebelled against Lieutenant Filcher, compelling him to leave the Colony, and Morton was chosen the leader at the Mount. From this, dates the free and easy reign, of which so much has been said ; the two leading features of which were rioting and drunken- ness. Morton, by his kind treatment to the Lidians, secured their lasting friendship ; they keeping him and the rest of the company, constantly supplied with game ;^ thus showing how susceptible the Indians are of kind acts. Having no cares, they' gave themselves up to a gay and hilari- ous system of living, changing the name of the place from V Mount Wollaston to Merry Mount, where, as it is stated in the New England Memorial,^ " they setting up a May-pole,^ adorned with bucks' horns ; drinking and dancing about it, and frisking about it like so many fairies, or furies, rather ; yea, and worse practices, as if they had anew revived and celebrated the feast of the Roman's Goddess, Flora, or the beastly practices of the mad -Bacchanalians." 1. "There are Geese of three sorts, vize. : brant geese, which are pide, and white geese which are bigger, and gray geese which are as bigg and bigger than the tame geese of England, with black legges, black bills, heads and necks black; the flesh farre more excellent, then the Geese of England, wild or tame, yet the purity of the aire is such, that the biggest is accompted but an indifferent meale for a couple of men. There is of them great abundance. I have had often 1000 before the mouth of my gunne, I never saw any in Eng- land for my part so fatt." — New England Canaan, Force II., V. 4G. "The, turkie, who is blacker than ours, I have heard several credible persons affirm they have seen turkie cocks that have weighed forty, yea sh-ty pounds; but out of my personal experimental knowledge I can assure you, that I have eaten my share of a turkie cock, that when he was puU'd and garbig'd, weighed thirty-nine pounds." — New England Earities, p. 41, " I have scene some lob- sters myselfe that have weighed IG pounds; but others have had, divers times, so great lobsters as have weighed 25 pounds, as they assure me." — Higginson'a New Eng. Plantation, 1. c, p. 120. The Indians, it seems, sometimes dried them, "as they do lampres and oysters; which are delicate breakfast-meat so ordered."— Josselyn's Voyages, p. 110. "The oysters be great ones, in form of a shoe-horn; some be a, foot long." — New Eng. Prospect, Ch. IJC. 2. New Eng. Memorial, p. 136. 3. Prince says, it was the only May-pole ever raised in New England. EAKLY SETTLEMENT AND IXCOEPOEATION. 3 " The inhabitants of Pasonagessit (having translated the name of their habitation from that ancient salvage name to Ma-re- Monnt, and being resolved to have the new name confirmed for a memorial to after ages,) did devise amongst themselves to have it j^crformed in a solemne manner with Revels and merri- ment after the old English custom, prepared to set up a May- pole upon the fostivall day of Philip and Jacob, and therefor brewed a barrel of excellent beare, and provided a case of bot- tles to be spent, with other good cheer, for all comers of that day. And because they would have it iu a complete form, they had prepared a song fitting the time and present occasion. And upon May day they brought the May-pole to the place ap- pointed, with drumes, gunnes, pistols, and other fitting instru- ments for that purpose ; and there erected it with the help of Salvages that came thither of purpose to see the manner of our Revels. A goodly pine tree of eighty f oote was reared up, with a peare of buckshorns nayled one somewhere neare to the top of it; where it stood as a faire sea mark for directions how to find out the way to mine host of Ma-re-Mount. " And because it should more fiilly appeare to what end it was placed there, they had a poem in readiness made, which was fixed to the May-pole, to shew the new name confirmed on that Plantation ; which (although it were made according to the occurrent of the time, being Enigmatically composd), puzzled the Sepcratist most pitifully to expound it, which for the better information of the reader we have here inserted." THE POEM. " Rise CEdipeus, and if thou canst unfold What meanes Caribdis underneath the mould, "When Scilla Sollitary on the ground, (Sitting in form of Niobe,) was found; Till Amphitrites Darling did Acquaint Grim Neptune with the tenor of her plaint, Andcaus'd him send forth Triton with the sound Of Trumpet loud at which the Seas were found So' full of Protean formes, that the bold shore Presented Scilla a new paramore. So strange as Sampson* and so patient, As Job himself, directed thus by fate To Comfort Scilla so unfortunate. ♦The man who brought her over was named Sampson Job. 4 EAKLY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. I do professe by Cupid's beautious mother Here's Scosan's Choice for SciUa, and none other; Though Scilla's sick with greife, because no signe Can there be found of Vertue Masarline. Esculapius come, I know right well ; His laboure's lost when you may ring her knell. The fatal! sister's doome none can withstand, Nor Pitharea's powre who poynts to laud, With proclamation that the first of May At Ma-re-Mount shall be kept holly day." " The setting up of this May-i:)ole was a lamentable spectacle to the precise Seperatiste, that lived at New Plymouth. They termed it an Idol ; yea, they called it the Calfe of Horeb ; and stood at defiance with the place, naming it Mount Dagon ; threatening to make it a Avoeful Mount and not a Merry Mount. " The Riddle for want of CEdipus they could not expound, only they made some explication of part of it, and say'd it was meant by Sampson Job, the Carpenter of the shipp that brought ■ over a woman to her husband, that had bin there long before, and thrived so well that hee sent for her and her children to come to him ; Avhere shortly after hee died ; having no reason but because of the sound of those two words ; when (as the truth is,) the man they applyed it to was altogether unknown to the author. " There was likcAvise a merry song made, which, (to make their Revells more fashionable,) was sung with a Corns, every man bearing his part ; which they performed in a daunce, hand in hand, about the May-pole, whiles one of the compimy sung, and filled out the good liquor like Ganymedes and Jupiter. "THE SONGE." " Dvinke and be merry, merry merry boyes— Let all your delight be in Hymen's Joyes — Joy to Hymen now the day is come, About the merry May-pole take a roome, Make greene garlons, bring bottles out, And fill sweet nectar freely about. Uncover thy head, and feare no harme. For hero's good liquor to keep it warmo. Then drinke aud be merry, &c. Joy to Hymen, &c. EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 5 " Nectar is a thing assigned By the Deities owne mind — To cure the heart oppress' t with greife, And of good liquors is the cheife — Then drinke, &c. Joj- to Hymen, &c. " Give to the niolancolly man A cup or two oft now and then; This physick will soone revive his blood, And make him be of a merrier moode— Then drinke, &c. • Joy to Hymen, &c. " Give to the Nymphe that's free from scorn. No Irisch stuff, nor Schotch over-worno; . Lasses in beaver-coats come away, Yee shall be welcome to us all the day — To drinke, &c. Joy to Hymen, &c. ^ " This harmless mirth made by younge men (that lived in hope to have wifes brought over to them that would save them a labore to make a voyage to fetch any over,) was much dis- tasted of the i:)recise Seperatists, that keepe much adoe about the tyth of mint and cummin, troubling their braines more than reason would require about things that are indifferent ; and from that time sought occasion against my honest Host of Ma-re- Mount to overthrow his undertakings and to destroy his Plan- tation quite and cleane. " It cannot but be remarked how very plausible Morton makes his conduct appear; — but not so, precisely, did it appear to our scrupulous but worthy forefathers. No excuse, perhaps, will be necessary for further extracts from his singular book. "The Seperatists, envying the prosperity and hope of the Plantation at Ma-re-Mount, (which they perceaved beganne to come forward, and to be in a good way for gaine in the Bea- ver trade), conspired together against mine host, especially, (who was the owner of that Plantation), and made up a party against him ; and mualered up what aide they could ; account- ing of him as a great monster. " Many threatening speeches were given out, both against his 6 EAELY SETTLEMENT AND INCOEPOEATION. person and his habitation, which they divulged should be con- sumed with fire ; — and taking advantage of the time when his company, (which seemed little to regard theire threats), were gone up into the inlands to trade with the Salvages for Beavers. They set upon my honest Host at a place called Wessaguscus, where, (by accident,) they found him. The Inhabitants there were in good hope of the subversion of the Plantation at Ma- re-Mount, which they principally aymed at, and the rather, be- cause mine host was a man that endeavoured to advance the dignity of the Chiirch of England, which they, (on the contrary part,) would labour to vilifie with uncivile termes ; enveying against the sacred book of Common Prayer, and mine host, that used it in a laudible manner amongst his family as a practice of piety. " In breife, mine host must indure to he their prisoner untill they coi^d contrive it so that they might send him for England, (as they said), there to suffer according to the merit of the fact which they intended to father upon him ; supposing (belike) , it would prove a hainous crime. " Much rejoicing was made that they had gotten their cappi- tall enemy, (as they concluded him,) whome they purposed to hamper in such sort, that hee should not be able to uphold his Plantation at Ma-re-Mount. " The conspirators sported themselves at my honest host that meant them no hurt, and were so joccund that they feasted their bodies and fell to tippeling, as if they had obtained a great prize ; like the Trojans, when they had the custody of Hippeus' pine-tree horse. " Mine host fained grecfe ; and could not be persuaded either to cate or drinke ; because he knew emptiness would be a meanes to make him as watchfull as the Geese kept in the Roman Cap- itall ; whereon the contrary part, the conspirators would be so drowsy that hee might have an opportunity to give them a slijD insteade of a tester. Six joersons of the conspiracy were set to watch him at Wessaguscus. But hee kept Avaking, and in the dead of night, (one lying on the bed for further suerty,) uj:) gets mine host, and got to the second dore that hee was to passe, which, (notwithstanding the lock,) hee got open, and shut it EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 7 after him Avith such violence, that it affriglitcd some of the conspirators. " The word which was given with an alarme was, O he's gon, he's gon, what shall we doe, he's gon. The rest half asleep start up in a maze, and like rames ran their heads one at another full butt in the darke. " Their grand leader, Capt. Shrimp, tooke on most furiously, and tore his clothes for anger, to see the empty nest and their bird gone. " In the mean time, mine host was got home to Ma-re-Mount through the woods, eight miles round about the head of the river Monatoquit, that parted the two Plantations — finding his way by the heljie of the lightening, (for it thundered as he went, tei'ribly), and there he prepared powther, three pounds dried for his present iniployment, and four good gunnes for him, and the tAvo assistants left at his howse with bullets of several sizes, three hundred or thereabouts, to be used if the conspirators should pursue him thether ; and these two persons promised their aides in the quarrell, and confirmed that promise with a health in good rosa solis. " After holding a Councell," continues Morton, " Capt. Shrimp^ takes eight persons more to him ; — and like the nine worthies of New Canaan, they imbarque with preparation against Ma-re- Mount, where this monster of a man, (as their phrase was,) had his denne — the whole number, (had the rest not bin from home,) being but seaven, would have given Ca])t. Shrinq), (a quondam Drummer,) such a wellcome as would luive made Iiim wish for a Drume as bigg as Diogenes' tubb, that hec might have crept into it ought of sight. " Now the nine worthies are approached and mine host pre- pared ; having intelligence by a Salvage that hastened in love from "VVessaguscus to give him notice of their intent. " The nine worthies coming before the Denne of this supposed monster (this seavcn-headed liydra as they termed liim,) began like Don Quixote against the wind-mill, to beate a i)arly and to offer quarter, (if mine host would yeald,) for they resolved to send hhn for England and bad him lay by his armes. 1. Captain Miles Standish, 8 EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. " But mine host had no sooner set open the clore, and issued out but instantly Capt. Shrimpe and the rest of the worthies stepped to him, lay'd hold of his armes ; and had him downe, and so eagerly was every man bent against him, (not regarding any agreement made with such a carnall man,) that they fell upon him as if they would have eaten him. " Captain Shrimpe and the rest of the nine worthies made themselves (by this outragious riot,) masters of mine host, of Ma-re-Mount, and disposed of what he had at his Plantation."^ They sent him to England ; this was in 1628.^ "He returned again into the Country in some short time, with less punishment than' his demerits deserved, as was apprehended."* It was in August, 1629, that he returned. In September, 1631, he was again sent to England, his house being burnt, and liquors con- fiscated, by order of the General Court.* In 1634 he published a book, called, " New England Canaan." This book is a queer specimen of literature. In turning over its pages, you will see that it abounds iu nick-names; such as Capt. Shrimp, for Capt. Standish; Capt. Littleworth, for Endicott; Dr. Nobby, for Fuller, &c. Hutchinson says,^ " he came to New England again in 1643 ; a letter^ and a book, full of invectives, 1. New England Canaan, pp. 139 to 142. 2. 1828. The following assessments were made upon the scattered inhabi- tants of New England to pay the expense of the capture of Morton. The whole amount assessed for this purpose was twelve pounds and seven shillings. " Of this amount Plymouth has set against it, two pounds ten shillings; Naumkeak [Salem], one pound ten shillings ; Pascataquack [Portsmouth], two pounds ten shillings; Mr. Jeffrey and Mr. Burslem [Isle of Shoals], two pounds; Natas- cot, one pound ten shillings; Mrs. Thompson [Squantum], fifteen shillings; Mr. Blackstone [Shawmut], twelve shillings; and Edward Hilton [Dover], one povmd" — Belknap, Am. Biography, II., 334. 3. New England Memorial, p. 140. 4. "The smoke that did ascend appeared to be the very sacrifice of Kain. Mine host, (that a farre of abourd a shipp did then behold this wofull spec- tacle,) knew not what he should doe in this extremity; but bear and forbeare, as Epictetus sayes; — it was booteless to exclaime." — New Eng. Canaan, p. 1G4. 5. Hutchinson's Hist., Vol. I., p. 32, note. 6. *' My very good gossip. If I should commend myself to you, you would reply with this proverb, propria lausfordet in ore; but to leave impertinent sa- lutes and really proceed, you shall hereby understand that altho' when I was first EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INCOEPORATIOX. 9 which he liad wiitten, was produced against him ; lie was truly called the accuser of the brethren ; the Court fined him 100£. He was poor and nnahle to pay it, nothing but his age saved him from the Avhii)ping post." He went to Acamenticus, now the town of York, in the State of Maine, and there died about 1G45. From 1G84, can clearly and distinctly be traced the first per- y manent settlement of the town of Braintree. Previous to this time, those who came here were mere adventurers, as we have before stated ; who had no sympathy or interest with the civil or ecclesiastical sentiment of the permanent settlers of the Colony. The people that came to Braintree to settle were generally from the old Counties of Devonshire, Lincolnshire, and Essex sent to Englaiul to make complaint against Ananias and the brethren, I effected the business but superticially (through the brevity of time) I have at this time talcen deliberation and brought the matter to a better jmss, and it is brought about that the King hath taken the matter into his own hands. The Massachu- setts patent by an order of council was brought in view, the privileges therein granted well scanned, and at the council board, in presence of Sir K. Salton- stall and the rest, it was declared, for manifold abuses therein discovered, to be void. The King hath re-assumed the whole business iuto liis own hands, and given order for a general governor for the whole territory to be sent over. The commission is passed the privy seal, I saw it, and the same was sent to my Lord Keeper to have it pass the great seal, and I now stay to return with the governor, by whom all complainants shall have relief. So that now Jonas being set ashore may safely cry, repent j'e cruel schismatics repent, there are yet but fortj- days. If Jove vouchsafe to thunder, the charter and the kingdom of the Separatists will fall asunder. My Lord of Canterbury with my Lord Privy Seal, having caused all Mr. Cradock's letters to be viewed, and his apology for the bretlireu particularly heard, protested against him and Mr. Humfries that they were a couple of imposturous knaves, so that for all their great f.iends they departed the council chamber in our view witli a pair of cold shoulders. — 1 have staid long, yet have not lost my labour. The brethren have found them.selves frustrated and I shall see my desire upon mine enemies. Of these things I thought good by so convenient a mes.^enger to give you notice lest you should tliink I died in obscurity, as tlie brethren vainly intended I should. — As for llatcliffe he was comforted by their lordships, with the cropping of Mr. Winthrop's ears, which shews what opinion is held amongst them of King "Winthrop with all his inventions and his Amsterdam and fantastical ordinances, his jneachings, marriages and other abusive ceremonies wliicli exemplify Ids detestation of the Church of England and contempt of his Majesty's authority and wholsomc laws. I rest your loving friend," "Thomas Mokton." "May 1, lH3i."— Hutch. His., Vol. 1., p. 31. 3 10 EARLY SETTLEMENT AKD IXCOllPORATION. in England. Jt appears by the laws of the Massachusetts Colony tliat Irish emigration was forbidden.-^ The tide of emigration to New England had now commenced. They soon found Boston was the most convenient for shipping and for trade, consequently the land upon that peninsular was quickly taken up. In the year 1634, what Avas then called Mount Wollaston, com])rising fifty square miles of territory, was annexed to Boston, as will be seen by the following order of the General Court: — "The Court hath ordered that Boston shall have convenient enlargement at Mount Wollaston, to be set out by four indifferent men, who shall draw a plot thereof and pre- sent it to the next General Court, when it shall be confirmed."^ On the twenty-fifth day of September it was "Ordered, lliat Boston have enlargement at Mount Wollaston and Ilumney Marsh." It will also be seen that by order of the Court that large tracts of land were given to certain inhabitants of Boston to come to the Mount and settle ; quite a number of those who re- ceived grants of land here did not come to Braintree^ to reside, but contimied to be domiciled in Boston, and held the land here as a matter of speculation. The first step was to give their pastor, the first minister of 1. Which Avas owins, probably, more to their relij^ious views tlian their na- tionality. "Oct. 19, 1G52. Mr. Daniel Sellake, craving pardon for his offence in bringing some of the Irishmen on shore, hath liis fine remitted, so as the first opportunity be taken to send them out of this jurisdiction. Tlie said Mr. Sellake, on his request, hath liberty for the bringing another I;'/6.7*»i(ni on shorre, to endeavour his recovery, provided he give bond to send him out of this ju- risdiction when he is well." — Record of Mass., Vol. III., p. 2!)1. " Oct. 23, 1G52. Martlia Brenton desireinge an Irish boy and girle about the age of 12 years, for servants, hath her request graunted, so as the parties are proved before two magistrates to be born of English parents."— Records of Mass., Vol. III., p. 2i»4. Sed quere, How Irish if born of English parents? 2. Rec. City of Boston, Vol. I., pp. 4 and 5. 3. Mr. Adani-i in his aduiirablc address on tlie opening of the Town Hall in Braintree, July 29th, 1858, gives the following derivation of the name of Brain- tree:— "This name is variously written in ancient records. In the Domesday Survey, it appears as Branchetreu, which is said to be Saxon, and to mean a town near a river. In this particular the New England namesake is placed appropriately enough. Much more so, indeed, than the County in which it is situated. For here Norfolk is south of Suffolk. Other ancient designations of the town are Brauketre, Brauchetrefeu, Brauctoe, Brautreo, Bromptre." EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 11 Boston, a ])lantatioii, and, " It was onlorod that Mr. Wilson the Pastor (in lieu of liis land granted liini at tlic North River by Mystic, which he shall pass over to the town of Boston) shall have as much land at the Mount Wollaston as he elects; and after, so much as shall be his jiortion of other lands be- longing: to this town; to be laid him out so near his other land at ]\rount Wollaston, as may be for his most convcniency." On the fourteenth of December, 1635, we find the following : "It is agreed by general consent that Mr. W. Colburne, Mr. W. Aspinwall, Mr. J. Sampford, W. Balstone and Richard Wright shall in behalf of the town, go and take view at Mount Wollas- ton, and bound out there what maybe sufficient for Mr. William Coddingtou and Edmund Quincy to have for their particular farms there ; and accordingly as they five or four of them shall agree upon to stand, and the same to be entered in this book." Immediately after this comes the following : — " Item, it is agreed that all the allotments at Mount Wollaston shall be set out by Mr. Coddington, William Colburne, William As]) in wall, Edmund Quincy and Richard Wright, or some four of them ; and that every allotment shall have a convenient i)roportion of meadow thereunto, according to their number of cattle that have the same."^ Many grants contained from two to five hundred acres such as those given to Coddington, Wilson, Quincy, Hutchinson and Wheelwright. John Winthrop, Jr., and others, in 1644, re- ceived a grant of three thousand acres for the encourao-emcnt of iron works. The town of Braiutree was incorj)orated- on the thirteenth 1. Eec. City of Boston, Vol. T., p. TiO. 2. "The petition of the inhahitants of Mount Wollaston was votc:y Ad- ams, Thomas Adams, John Sheopard, Henry Adam, Junior, Samu: Adams, John Adams, Christopher Adams, William Vaysey, Pdchard Brackett, Chris- topher Webb, Edward Sparlden, Thomas Meakins, Nicho: Woode, Enl)ert Qnelues, Thom: Barret, Daniell Shode, William Ellice, Deodatus Curtis, Tliomas Waterman, Nathaniell Herman, Humfry Grigs, John Hastings, George Aldridge, John Wheateley, Thomas Wihnet, Henry Madsley, John French, Arthur Waring. They being about twenty of the thirty-two suh- .scribers free men." — Mass. Bee. 11., p. 128. 1048. " Upon the request of the Earle of Warwick, the Court allowes Sam- uel Gorton now ou shippboard, one full Weeke after the date hereof for the transportation of himself and his goods, through o'r irusdiction, to the place of his dwelling, he demeaning himselfe inoffencively, according to the Contents of the said Earles letter; & that the JNIarshall, or some other, be appointed to shew him a Coppy of this order, or to fix it to the Main ISIast of the ship, in w'ch he is."— Mass. llec, II., p. '-'42. For a more extended account of Samuel Gorton and his various exploits, see AVinthrop's History of New England, Palfrey's History of New England, and Sparks' American Biography, New Series, Vol. Y., p. 317, where a full account of his life is given. Also, the His. Genealogical Reg. EARLY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. 17 seven be freemen, to disjjose of town affairs ; and that they build ten houses there witliin this twelve month." Tliis attempt to settle with Gorton did not succeed for the reason, that Mr. Browne, one of the Commissioners from the United Colonies, without authority being given him by the Court, forbid them going to Gorton's settlement, as Mr. Browne claimed that this territory was within the limits of the Plymouth Colony, and that the Massachusetts Colony had no jurisdiction in the matter. [See note on Gorton.] It has been claimed that the settlement of Braintree began with the arrival of Capt. Wollaston at the Mount, in 1625. We have carefully searched all written and traditional accounts given in reference to this matter, and have been unable to find any record or even traditional authority to substantiate this point. In fact the written evidence goes to prove that the attempted settlement at the Mount was some three years earlier than the time Wollaston is said to have come here, as Morton in his New England Canaan relates, that he arrived here with thirty servants in June, 1622, and then began to erect his houses. Winthrop's History agrees with this statement of Morton, as he asks of Dr. Young to correct in the next edition of his Chroni- cles of the First Planters of Massachusetts Bay, the mistake he had made in regard to Morton's arrival. Every one admits that Captain Wollaston remained here but a short time, and from some cause or other, left the Mount and removed to Virginia, before the first year of his arrival had expired ; therefore he could not have carried on the settlement. Soon after Wollaston left, Morton took jwssession of the Mount and commenced his free and easy reign, which continued until his demoralizing effect upon his followers, and the Indians, so exasperated the Plymouth Colony, that they ordered in 1628, Captain Standish to march upon Morton's jovial village and capture him. This expedition was successful ; Morton was arrested, and, after a trial, sent back to England. After the Chief was captured and sent abroad, his followers scattered and joined the other plantations, which evidently disin- tegrated and brought to an end this Bacchanalian community, to the great relief of the other })lantations, and also happily for the 3 18 EAELY SETTLEMENT AND INCORPORATION. Mount, in preventing the rapidly increasing population, from being mostly of Indian origin. Another reason that leads us to believe that this settlement was not permanent is, that if there were any settlers located here, the General Court would have had no right or jurisdiction over the land, therefore they could not have granted it to Boston as they did in 1634-5. The settlers were very tenacious of their rights to the land they had taken up, and the Court sustained all their just claims, as was the case between Boston and Dorchester, in reference to the boundary line between the Mount and Dorchester, At the time the Mount was annexed to Boston, the question arose, where the northerly boundary line of the Mount should be located. Boston claimed, that it was the Neponset river ; Dorchester disse'nted. The disj^ute grew out of several of the inhabitants of Dor- chester claiming land or farms on the south side of the river. The subject came before the General Court for a decision, the Court not being able to agree u])on the matter, referred the whole subject to a committee for a final settlement. This com- mittee reported in favor of the claimants, and the Squahtum lands went to Dorchester, and her southerly boundary was established to run a little south of the old Squantum road, and extended to the Milton line. To our mind, the most conclusive evidence that this settle- ment was not permanent, is, that in September, 1634, when the General Court assessed six hundred pounds upon the several plantations in the vicinity of Boston, to pay the public charges, no mention is made of a settlement at Mount Wollaston, in enumerating the amount of tax that each was to pay, viz.: "Dorchester, £80 ; Rocksbury, £70 ; New Towne, £80 ; Wa- terton, £60 ; Saugus, £50 ; Boston, £80 ; Ipswitch, £50 ; Sa- lem, £45 ; Charlton, £45 ; Meadford, £26 ; Wessaguscus (now Weymouth), £10; Barecove (now Hingham), £4."^ From 1634-5, when Mount "Wollaston was given to Boston, and she in turn granted land to various persons to come here and settle upon, we can fairly and definitely date the beginning of the first permanent settlement of the town of old Braintree. 1. Masa Kec. Vol. I., p. J29. LAND GEANTS. It is jn-oposed to give a full compilation, and general view of the manner hi which the territory included in Mount Wollaston and the old township of Braintree was taken up ; also of the ve>xatious troul^les the common lands gave the inhabitants. By order of the General Court, Mount Wollaston was in 1634-5 given to Boston, which in turn granted tracts of land to indi- viduals to come out and settle on. Many persons after having acquired their grants, did not come here to reside, but held them for speculation, to the great annoyance of the actual settlers. We endeavored to locate these allotments, but the indiscrimi- nate, and irregular manner in Avhich the grants were made, and the great uncertainty of the bounds, caused us to give it up. — After having examined some two hundred deeds and wills, we found matters so mixed, that it was useless to proceed further, and preferred that at some future time an expert conveyancer might illustrate his peculiar innate intuition, by establishing bounds, locating blazed trees, finding heaps of stone that have passed out of existence centuries ago, and accounting for rivers that are now inferior brooks, or no brooks at all. The first difficulty that occurred from the 2>ublic grants of land, grew out of establishing tlie boundary line betAveen Boston and Dorchester. In 1634-5, the General Court gave to Boston the whole of the Mount ; previous to this conveyance, several of the inhabitants of Dorchester had taken up farms on the south side of Neponset river, which caused a dispute, whether these farms belonged to Boston or Dorchester. After consider- able contention the General Court ai)pointed a Committee to settle these differences, consisting of Lieut. Feakes, Mr. Tal- cott, and Mr. Woolridge. Ensign Gibbons and William Felps were also directed to accompany them ; all other persons were l)rohibited from going with them, or being present at their delib- 20 LATSTD GRANTS. erations. In September, Mr. Feakcs l^nd Mr. Talcott made their report, which was accepted, establishing the soutli line of the town of Dorchester on the sea, at a point in Quincy Bay south of Squantum, and running westerly to Mr. Stoughton's farm, ("Mr. Stoughton's farm consisted of IGO acres, including nearly the whole of Milton Hill, and the front on tlie river to the bend, Avliere the shi|)yard of Mr. Briggs was located,"^) giving a large l»ortion of the upland and all the salt marshes on the south ■bank of Neponset river to the town of Dorchester, nn extent of ten miles of shore, and establishing the right of Roger Ludlow, Mr. Rosseter, and Mr. Newbury and others to hold their farms on the south side of Neponset. Mr. Roger LudloAv, who was chosen Deputy Governor in 1684, had by this decision confirmed to him one hundred acres of land lying between " Musquantuni Chaj^ell,"^ and the mouth of Ne- ponset river. A part of this Squantum farm was known for many years as Ludlow's Point. Mr. Edward Rosseter was a person of some note, having been chosen as early as 1629, one of the assistants. The extent of his farm I have not been able to iind, but repeated mention is made of it in the old records. Mr. Newbury's grant was much larger than the others, as his farm contained some four hundred acres large measure, bounded on the south by what afterwards was Mr. Wilson's farm ; on the east by the sea at Ioav water mark, and on the west (including the old Squantum road) it stretched to the boundaries of Dor- 1. " It is a conjecture of long standing, that, that well known point in Dor- chester (called Sciuiiutuni,) received its name from Squanto, an Indian Chief. The rustic legend, that it was so named because an Indian Squaw threw herself from the roidvs there, in 'early times,' is not deemed worthj' consideration. — For the want of a better derivation, probably, some one converted ' Squaw Tumble' into Squantum. If named for the Indian before mentioned, the time when, and the circumstances which occasioned it, are alike unknown. It is very possible that the name Squantum, however, had nothing to do with this Indian at all."— Drake's Antiq. of Boston, p. 43. 2. " Abrupt pile of rocks, known by the name of ' the Chapel,' at the north- east extremity of the peninsular of Squantum. "Here, for many years, was celebrated ' Pilgrim's Feast,' to which people from all parts of the State resorted, and spent the day in social glee, in memory of the I'ilgrim Fathers, and their landing at Plymouth. It has been discon- tinued many years."— Whitney's History of Quincy. TuXST) GRANTS. 21 Chester, now, since 1662, Milton. He also had another farm further up the Neponset river. This large farm was sold to the Hon. John Glover in 1640. As to Mr. Pynchon's and Mr. Wol- cott's, we cannot even ascertain their location, nor have we been able to establish the time these farms were taken up, but it must have been at a very early period. The first grant was that which provided for the Minister of the first Church of Boston, the Rev. John Wilson, in the place of the former grant at Mystic or Medford. • This vote was adopted during his absence to bring over his wife from England. 13th April, 1635. "It is agreed by general consent that our Pastor, Mr. John Wilson, shall have liberty to improve what ground may be for him at Mount Wollaston, Avith free reserv- ing unto him his grant at Mystic until his coming home for further agreement with the inhabitants," Mr. Wilson arrived in Boston in October. By the next vote it api)ears that this promised gift was burdened with an encum- brance of the Indian riglit of possession. 4th December, 1635. "Item, — Whereas the greatest part of the ground at Mount Wollaston intended to have been given from the inhabitants to our Pastor, Mr. John Willson in lieu or exchange for his farm at Mystic, has proved to belong unto the Indians and others, Avhose interest therein he hath been forced to purchase — the inhabitants do therefore relinquish all claim unto his said land at Mystic, and do further confirm unto him his interest in his said land at Mount Wollaston, with further allowance to have by way of purchase from the Indians and others, or otherwise, so much of the upland ground within or about his said grounds there as may make him up a convenient farm there." "The town seems to have had some trouble in buying up the rights of settlers as well as of the Indians, to make good this grant." It is evident that it was the intention of Boston to grant the Squantum lands to the Rev. Mr. Wilson, as will be seen by the following vote : 16th September, lGo6. "Item, — At this Assembly it was agreed upon by common vote and by lifting up of hands, that the five hundred and sixty -five acres, as they are described in a map, and which were formerly purchased of Mount Wol- 22 LAND GRANTS. laston, with the consent of this town, partly of Mr. Pynchon, partly of Mr. Wolcott, partly of Mr. Smith, (or at least his title utterly silenced), and partly of the Indians, should be and is the allotment of the said John Wilson there, together vnth .the lands then in controversey betwixt Dorchester and Boston, if the Court adjudge them to BostonP As the Court adjudged these lands to Dorchester, Mr. Wilson had to receive the more southerly grants. There can be -no doubt that this allotment was made in the northern part "of what is now called Quincy, as Dr. John Wilson, one of the first physicians settled in this town, and grandson of the minister, inherited a large part of these lands. His resi- dence was on the land of Edmund B. Taylor, and now in the possession of his son, and whose house, within a few years, has been taken down. The Wilson grant contained the Taylor and Rawson farm, and also a large part of what is noAv called Wollaston Heights. The next grants in regular order were those to Quincy and Coddington. 14th December, 1635. "It is agreed by general consent that Mr. W. Colburn, Mr. W. Aspinwall, Mr. J. Samp- ford, W. Balston and Richard Wright, shall in behalf of the town go and take view at Mount Wollaston and bound out there what may be sufficient for Mr. William Coddington and Edmund Quincy, to have for their -particidar farms there; and accordingly as they five or four of them shall agree upon to stand, and the same to be entered in this book." Immediately after this follows a general authority to make allotments in the following words : — " Item, — It is agreed that all the allotments at Mount Wollaston shall be set out by Mr. Coddington, William Colburn, W^illiam Aspinwall, Edmund Quincy and Richard Wright, or some four of them ; and tluit every allotment shall have convenient proi)ortions of meadow thereunto, according to their number of cattle that have the same." The following is the re])ort of the first Committee on the allotments to Coddington and Quincy : 14th March, lGo6. "And whereas at a general meeting the 14th of the 10th month last, it was ordered that Mr. W. Col- LAND GRANTS. 23 burn, Mr. W. Aspinwall, J. Sampford, W. Balston and Richard Wright, should bound out Mr. W. Coddington's and Edmund Quincy's farms at Mount Wollaston, and the same accordingly to be entered in this book." " Now the said five persons have thus given in the bounds thereof, viz. : that Mr. Wilson's lot shall be the northerly bound, and the sea on the east part, with so much of the neck of land towards Nut Island unto the marked trees of the neck, and so to be compassed about on the south and west part as Ave have marked it out by trees, from place to place, unto the dead swamp next to Mr. Wilson's, excluding a parcel of marsh land, in which thei'e stands three hummocks with pine trees upon the east side of the marsh near the water." " It will be perceived that this boundary includes both farms, and comprehends the whole of the extensive tract on the seaboard from the dead swamp on the north to Hough's Neck on the south, including what is called Mount Wollaston, but excluding the great plain of salt marsh on the south of it, as well marked by tlje thfee hummocks at this day as it was two centuries ago, although the wood has changed from pine to oak and walnut." The arrival of Mr. William Hutchinson to the Colony, which occurred on the 13th of September, 1634, and one of the great Antinomian leaders, now introduced the seeds of the great schism at Mount Wollaston, which created an exciting religious con- troversy in the Colonies for some time, or until they were banished. 4th January, 1636. "Item, — That Mr. William Hutchinson shall have a sufficient farm laid him out at Mount Wollaston, beyond Mr. Coddington's farm and Mr. Wilson's into the country adjoining Dorchester bounds, by the aforesaid live persons or four of them, at their discretion." It would appear from the following, that the collision be- tween Pastor Wilson and the Hutchinsons was not altogether confined to spiritual boundaries : 9th May, 1636. " Item, — It is ordered that William Aspinwall, Wm. Brenton, Wm. Balston, John Sampford, and James l*enne, or some four of them, shall lay out our Pastor, Mr. John AVjlson's bounds and Mr. William Hutchinson's at Mount Wollaston." 24 LAND GEANTS. 9th January, 1637. "And Avhereas, at a general meeting, the 4th of tlie eleventh month, 1635, it was ordered that Mr. W. Coddington, Mr. W. Colburn, W. Aspinwall, Edmund Quincy, and J. Sampfoixl, should lay out Mr, W. Hutchinson a sufficient farm at Mount "Wollaston at their discretion. Now the said five persons have at this day under their hands thus given in the laying out thereof, viz. : They have assigned unto him five liun- dred acres of ground lying betwixt Dorchester bounds and Mount Wollaston river from the back of Mr. Coddington's and Mr. Wilson's farm, up into the country, and if there be not sufficient meadow ground within this lot, to have such competent meadow assigned to him as there shall be found most fitting for him." When Mr. Hutchinson's land was laid out it was supposed to have been within the Braintree line, but when a survey was made in laying out the towns of Braintree and Dorchester, a large part of Hutchinson's lot was found to fall Avithin the line of the latter town ; in fact, including the whole east corner of the to^n of Milton, or what is now called East Milton, beside a large tract within the Braintree line. The next grant is to Atherton Hough : 4th January, 1636. " It is agreed by general consent that Mr. Atherton Houghes shall have six hundred acres laid him out beyond Mount Wollaston, from between Monatyquot river to the bound that parts our bound from Weymouth, and if there be not sufficient meadow there for this said farm, then he is to be accommodated with meet meadow for it in the little meadow at the uj)per end of the fresh brook called the " stand," and to be laid out by the former five mentioned persons or four of them." " Thus far it has not been difficult to understand the course of the allotments. They appear to have extended coastwise from Ne])onsite to the Weymouth river, beginning at the north and going southward. But there was yet one great tract left, and this seems to have been granted later to Mr. Hough in exchange for some portion of his first grant. It is the same which has ever since been known by his name, as ' Hough's Neck.' " 4th December, 1637. " Also it is agreed that Mr. Atlierton Haulgh shall have all that neck of land (as yet not laid out) join- LAND GRANTS. 26 ing to Mr. William Cocldington, north-west of the Brethren's meadow lots there, and to have it made up, seven hundred acres upon the main land, fifty acres thereof to be in tlie little meadow where Mr. William Hutchinson had hay mown this last year, and if the meadow exceed not threescore acres, then is Mr. Ilaulgh to have the whole meadow, and it is left to his choice to begin from the west, either at the little meadow, and so to come downward to the Brethren's lots of seven acres upon a head — or to begin from their lot and so up to the meadow, all upon the north side of the Stony Brook — and for the rocky ground thereinto have alloAvance, as the Brethren have unto their rocky ground there — and to have commonage as the Brethren have there, and if the said meadow do exceed threescore ^acres, then is Mr. Haulgli to have his fifty acres therein where he pleaseth taking it altogether at which end thereof he will." This allusion to Hutchinson's meadow is explained by the following order : 28th August, 1637. " Also it is agreed that Mr. William Hutchinson have leave for the present sumuier to mow the little meadow at the head of Monatiquot river, and to be considered of for further enjoyment of it." The final settlement with Mr. Hough was made as follows : — 28th October, 1639. " It was fully agreed on and concluded between said overseers on the town's behalf on the one part, and the said Mr. Atherton Haulgh on the other part, that Mr. Haulgh shall relinquish all claim unto all the land commonly called the Captain's plain, lying over against the southern end of the second Company of lots at Mount Wollaston, and lying on the west side of the fresh brook, bounded towards the north and east by the said fresh brook running out of a swamp in the midst of the plain near adjoining unto the said fresh brook towards the west of the marked trees. In consideration of Avhich the men chosen in the town's behalf aforesaid, do grant and agree that the said Mr.* Haulgh shall have with all conve- nient speed measured out unto him as much land in quantity as the plain bounded as aforesaid containcth in it, and eighty acres overplus to adjoin unto the southmost side of land already laid out to him, to lie all along a line already set out, extending about five hundred rods in length, and to be of equal breadth 5 26 LAND GRANTS. from the said line in all places, as much as the quantity granted to him (whatever it be) shall require." The next large and important grant of land was made to the celebrated John "Wheelwright, a minister, who was expelled from the Colony for his religious views. 20th February, 1637. " It is agreed that our brother Jolin Wheelwright shall have an allotment of two hundred and fifty acres set off for him at Mount Wollaston where may be most convenient, without prejudice to the setting up a town there, to be laid out by Mr. Coddington for our brother Wheelwright." It appears that they located his grant near the marsh called the three hill marsh, immediately south of Mount Wollaston. 3d April, 1637. " Whereas at a former meeting it was agreed that Mr. W. Coddington and our brother Richard Wright should lay out our brother, Mr. J. Wheelwright, his allotment of two hundred and fifty acres at Mount Wollaston." "Now they have brought in the laying out thereof, thus, viz.: Forty acres thereof in the sunk marsh, lying south and by east of the lands of the said William Coddington ; five acres for his house lot, and two hundred and five at the end of it running with one side of the first lot and the line of twenty acres of the planting ground allotted, to be extended into the country ground till his full proportion of two hundred and five acres between those lines be runned out." " The disposition of this land seems to have been in conflict with the rights of the other grantees, so that when Wheelwright's lands came to be sold after his banishment, it became necessary to settle the question how far they extended." 27th January, 1641. " It is ordered that whereas there was formerly granted to Mr. John Wheelwright a great lot of 250 acres, 205 acres whereof have been laid out where parts of the first allotments should have lain, and the purchaser of Mr. Wheel- wright's grant hath consented to thfe parting with the said two hundred and five acres for the having in lieu thereof, all the Captain's plain, and eighty acres more. " Also for ending the differences between the purchasers of Mr. Wheelwright's lands and the owners of the second division or lot at Mount Wollaston, for as much as the said purchasers • LAND GRANTS. 27 cannot liave their lands supplied in course, as those of the first lot had, without prejuflice to many men, who had improved their lots ; it is therefore ordered, by consent of divers of the parties, that the purchasers of Mr. Wheelwright's lands shall have (in lieu of the two hundred and five acres Avhich was taken away towards the making up of what was wanting to the first division or lot there) the one hundred and thirteen acres at the end of his land, and the Captain's plain, being about one hun- dred and fourteen acres, and that the widow Shelley's son and those who challenge interest in the said plain shall have their parts first supplied and laid out where no grant is already made in particular, and together therewith the thirty acres remaining of Mr. Wheelwright's proportion beside, and the purchasers are to have in lieu of the residue, moi*e than thirty acres, which they allowed to the said widow Shelly's son and the rest, such proportion of the rocky ground lying next the said plain, and the said forty-three acres, as the surveyor, upon view shall find answerable to the eighteen acres remaining to them." It would appear by the Boston town records that those per- sons who had land granted them here were held o^ certain re- strictions, as in 1638, Richard Wright, a prominent actor in these land grants, for disposing of his lands at Mount Wollas- ton without permission being given him by the town of Boston, was fined for this neglect. " At this day it hath appeared that the said Richard Wright hath sold one hundred and thirty acres of land at Mount Wol- laston to one Mr. Pane of Concord, without the consent of the town alloters, contrary to the former order, and he is therefore to pay for a fine to the town stock, to be paid at the next town meeting, the fine of six pounds." These second smalle;^ allotments are very diflicult to locate, as there was a constant stream of them made to individuals without regularity or discrimination, as will be seen by the fol- lowing grants made in Braintree by Boston, to various persons, as taken from the Boston records of land grants. It will be seen by the allotments that each member of 'a family received four acres. For the .convenience of those who are in jiursuit of genealogical information, we have designated with a star the 28 LAND GRANTS. names of those who came here to reside, and are to be found on the Bvaintree town and parish records : 1640. Feb. 24th 1638. 1640. (( 1639. 1638. 1640. Feb. 19th. liouse plot Feb. 24th. a u Feb. 19th, Mar. 30th. Feb. 24th, 1638. Feb. 19th 1639. 1688. 1640. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1639. 1640. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1638. 1640. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1637. 1640. 1637-, Nov. Feb. Feb. Feb.' Nov. Jan. Sept. Feb. Feb. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. Jan. 25th. 19th. 24th. (( ' 19th. 25th. 27th. 30th. 24th. 19th. 30th. 27th. 29th. 24tli. 30th. 19th. 29th. Sept. 30th. Castle Feb. 21st. (( (( Jan. llth. Jan. 9th. Feb. 24th. Oct. 30th, *Adams, Henry, 3s. an acre, *Allye, Benjamin *Aldrich, George * Allen, Samuel *Arnold, John *Award (Ilayward) Richard, a on condition of inoffensive carriage Burrill, George Belfield, Samuel *Belcher, Gregory, 3s. an acre. Bell, Thomas Bird, Thomas Blysse, Thomas *Brackett, Peter Brisco, William , Brown, William Burdon, George Bushnell, Mq,rtha Carter, Richard *Clark, James *Clark, John *Clark, Thomas Cole, Clement Collyns, Christo})]ior, CoUyns, Jolin of Monaticot, Corey, James Crabtree, John (( a Critchley, Richard Cullymore, Isaac *Dnssett, John *Davis, William Dennys, Edward fiast, Francis *Elliot, Francis Foster Thomas, Governor of the Island, *French, Jolm, of Monaticot, Gilbert, Thomas, Grame, Samuel Gunnismi, Hugh Ilarlar, John Ilassett, John Heads. Acres. 10 40 3 12 5 20 7 28 2 8 a A 9 36 5 20 13 52 3 12 3 12 ■ 9 36 12 48 8 32 3 12 5 20 3 12 5 20 3 12 2 8 10 40 6 24 8 32 7 28 2 8 3 12 4 16 2 8 3 12 5 20 4 16 7 28 5 20 3 12 2 8 4 16 6 24 5 20 7 28 4 16 3 12 3 12 3 12 LAND GRANTS. 29 Heads. Acres. 1640. (( 1638. 1640. Mar. Feb. 1638. 1639. 1638. (( 1640. 1639. 1640. Mar. Jan. u Jan. July Fob. a Feb. July Feb. SOth. 19th. 31st. 27th. IlnthaAvay, Nicholas Haven Robert Hawkins, James Hawkins, Thomas 1638. Feb. 18th - 1638. 1639. 1640. (( 1638. 1640. Feb. Nov, Jan. Feb. Feb. 1638, '1640. 1639. 1640. Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. 1639. 1640. (( 1640. 1638, 1639. 1640. Mar Dec. Feb. Aug, Feb. Feb. Dec. Feb. Mar. Feb. 30th river, 30th. 24th. 26th, 24th. 19th. 30th. 24th. 30th. 24th. 1638. April 19th. Perry, Arthur Place, Thomas *Plumley, Alexander *Puffer, George *Porter, Alx'l *Potter, William Reade, Jolm Rickett, Richard Rodgers, David *Roso, George *Scott, Robert 9 4 4 4 5 8 5 5 3 6 3 3 3 2 3 Hewstead, Robert " Hogg, Richard, houseplot, garden, 29th. Hunne, George, 8th. Hurd, John 19th. Hutchinson, Edward the younger, " Jackson, John 24th. *Jewell, Thomas 2nd. Jepson, John, 3 shillings an acre, 24th. Kidby, Lewis Kirkly, William *Keayne, Benjamin, a great lot of meadoAv and upland at Monaticot 19th. *Kinsley, Stephen 9 25th. Lisle, Francis 5 24th. Lovel, Daniel 3 27th. Lugg, John 9 19th. Lowe, John 4 24th. -*Maudsley, Henry 3 " " " *Merchant, John •) 1640 Feb. 24th. *Mekyne, Thomas Jr., 7 *Miles, John H [I " " Millard, Thomas 5 " Moore, John 3 19th. Mower, William 9 24th. *Neale, Henry 3 27tli. *Needham, William 3 24th. NcAvton, Anthony 3 Sept. 30th. Offley, D. 1.5 P'eb. 24th. Onyon, John * o *Pafflyn, John o Parker, Richard, on Monaticot 36 16 16 16 20 32 20 20 12 24 12 12 12 8 12 200 36 20 12 36 16 12 8 28 44 20 12 36 12 12 12 60 8 8 7 5 3 5 2 11 11 10 2 5 12 500 28 20 12 20 8 44 44 40 8 20 48 30 LAND GRANTS. 1638. April 16th. Sellen, Thomas, house plot 1640. Feb. 24th. Sharpe, Robert " " " *Sheppard, George • " Jan. 27th. Shrimpton, Henry " Feb. 24th. Snnons, Thomas " " " Sinnott, Waters " " " Smyth, Matthew " Jan. 27th, *Spoor, John " Feb. 24tli. Stephens, Robert 1638. Feb. 19th. Staunyan, Anthony 1640. Jan. 27th. Stoddard, Anthony 1639. Nov. 25th. Storer, Richard a639. Dec. 10th. *Tinge, Edward, on the upper side of the pond, 1640. Feb. 24th. *Tayer (Thayer) Thomas " Jan. 27th. Thompson, William, free from the rate of 3 shillings, 1638. Feb. 19th. Wardall, William " Jan. 29th. Wayte, Gammell " " " Wayte, Richard " » " *Webb, Henry 1640. Feb. 24th. Wells, Daniel 1639. Aug. 26th. Williams, Nathaniel 1640. Feb. 24th. Wilson, Jacob " " " Wiseman, James 1639. Dec. 30th. Wooddas, Richard 1640. Jan. 27th. *Wright, George 3 12 1639. Feb. 18th. *Wright, Richard, a narrow piece of land lying at Mount Wollaston, between the mill andtlie fresh brook, to begin at tlic end of the lirst lot, and to extend four score rods in length to the furtherance of his water mill building there, and in regiird of his ready serviceableness to the town's oc- casions. After the incorporation of the toAvn,. the following larger grants were made to the several persons here enumerated, viz.: Heads. Acres. 1641. July 31st. Bendall, Edward 400 1641. Jan. 31st. Briscoe, William 1 4 1644. July 29th. *Elliot, Francis and others, land within the common fence of Braintree, near tlie Kniglit's Neck, (seeMatson, *Penniman, ^ and Payne.) 1644. July 2<)th. *FIint, Henry (see *Thom})Son, William.) !acls. Acres, 4 16 18 3 12 10 40 3 12 5 20 5 20 3 12 11 44 100 3 12 250 76 120 3 12 10 40 4 16 10 40 20 80 4 16 4 16 3 12 3 12 LAND GRANTS. 31 Heads. Acres. 1G44. July 29th. Matson, Sargent (see Elliot, Francis.) 1G41. Nov. 29th. Palmer, John • 2 8 1G44. July 29th. *Payne, Moses (see Elliot, Fran- cis.) ^ " July 29th. *Penniman, Joseph, (see Elliot Francis,) and *R()bert Scott, adjoined to Webb's, with allowance for rock land, or swamp, 200 . 1G41. July 2Gth. Sterns, Henry 5 20 1G44. July 29th. Thompson, William and Flynt, Henry, marsh in the three hills marsh not ' formerly granted to J. Wheelwright, to- gether Avith two hillocks of upland. 1644. Sept. 28th, Webb, Henry, beyond jNIonaticot river, adjoining to Edward Tyng's and Edward Hutchingson's farms. 200 1G41. July 31st. Wheelwright, John, in the three liills marsh. 40 »1G44. Jan. 19th. Winthrop, John Jr., and others, for the encouragement of an iron work, 3000 In 1641, the town passed the following vote as a precautionary measure to prevent, as far as they were able, the trouble and annoyance these allotments to so many people in Boston were liable to produce by the grantees claiming exemption fi'om tax- ation, or paying their share of the town's charges ; therefore they preferred to purchase all land for sale, by any one in the place, so that it might be owned by the permanent residents of the town : " It is ordered that no inhabitants of the town shall sell or dispose of any house or land to any that is not received as an inhabitant into the town, without it be first offered unto the men appointed to dispose of the town affairs, and in case it be not bought u]) by them Avithin twenty days after the first olfer, that they shall have liberty to dispose of it, only to such as the townsmen shall ai)prove on, and therefor it is agreed that every acre of land, or house so disposed on, Avithout the townsmen consent, shall pay the whole sum of nineteen shillings and seven pence ; moreover, it is furder ordered that no man that is not received an inhabitant into the town shall have liberty to build any house or cottage within the limits of the town, without the 82 LAND GRANTS. consent of those that are chosen to dispose of town affairs. — The method of cultivating the common lands was also a. bone of contention.^ Notwithstanding all these precautions, the town in 1647, was obliged to enter into a new negotiation with the people of Boston, which terminated in the following agreement for the conveyance of land in the town : " This writing witnesseth : That it is agreed betwixt the se- lectmen for the town of Boston, on their part, and Martin Saun- ders, Samuel Bass and Mathew Barns for and in the behalf of the town of Braintree on the other part ; that, whereas Boston hath certain lands, lying between the lands of Dorchester and the bounds of Weymouth, as by the grant of the Court will appear. It is now agreed by and betwixt the parties aforesaid, 1. "For some time there had been a contention among the inhabitants of the town in reference to tlie manner of planting, sowing, and pasturage of the com- mon land, not being able to settle this vexatious question with any degree of satisfaction among themselves, they, in May 6, 101(5, Petitioned the General Court to regulate the method of cultivating the common lands by enacting a law for the purpose. The General Court in answer to their petition referred them to the following law passed in 1643: "Oct. 17, 1643, Whereas it is found by experience that there hath been much trouble and difference in several towns about the manner of planting, sowing, and feeding of common fields, and that upon serious consideration we find no general order can provide for the best improvement of every such com- mon field, by reason that some consists only of plowing ground, some.liaving a great part fit only for planting, some of meadow and feeding ground ; also, so that such an order as maj' be very wholesome and good for one field may be exceedingly iirejudicial and inconvenient for another. It is therefore ordered, that where the commoners cannot agree upon the manner of improvement of their fields, either concerning the kind of grain that shall be sown or set tlierein, or concerning the time or manner of feeding the herbage thereof, tliat then such persons in the several towns that are deputed to order the prudential affairs thereof, shall order the same, or in case where no such are, then the major part of the freemen, who are hereby enjoyned with what convenient speed they may to determine any such difference as may arise upon any infor- mation given them by said commoners; and so much of any former order as concern the improvement of common fields, and that is hereby provided for, is liereby repealed."— Rec. of Mass., p. 4it. "May 0, lfi4(i. The inhabitants of Braintree, for an answer to their petition are referred to an order of Court made the 7 month, 1043, about common fields." — Kec. of Mass., p. 149. LAND GRANTS. 33 (as followeth,) The Selectmen of Boston for and in belialf of tlie town, do grant that, all such lands of tlieirs within the pre- cinct aforesaid, being heretofore commonly called and known by the name of Mount WoUaston, shall be accounted within the townshij) of Brantry, and liable to bear all common charges in the town, when they are layed out and improved ; the town of Bos- ton still retaining the right and power of allotting and disposing of all those lands to particular persons, that are yet unlotted out ; the town of Brantry paying the sum of fifty pounds in manner as followeth, unto the use of the town of Boston, viz. : Ten pounds the 10th of January next ensuing the date hereof, and ten pounds each first month ensuing (the next first month excepted) for four years successively until the whole be paid ; all the said payments to be made in merchantable corn, as wlieat, rye, peas, and Indian, at fifty shillings in each of them, Avhich said sum of fifty pounds being paid, the inhabitants of the town of Brantry are not only to enjoy for a common the 1500 acres formerly laid out for a common, but also the above liberty and power with all their inhabitants, as other towns, to bring in all improved lauds to bear common charges with them, jjrovided that Mr. John Wilson, Pastor of the church of Boston, shall not be rated unto Brantry, for his farm at Brantry, only that his tax shall be still liable as heretofore. Finally it is agreed by the said three men of Brantry, to make the aforesaid payments at the meeting house of Boston to the Selectmen thereof, which shall be successively chosen the several years. "In witness whereof the Selectmen of the town of Boston for the time being on the one part, and Martin Saunders, Sam- uel Bass and Mathew Barns on the other part in the behalf of the town of Brantry, interchangably have set to their hands, this 20th October, 1G47. William Colbokn, James Everett, Jacob Elliott, Thomas Marshall, Anthony Stoddard, James Penn." This covenant or agreement, did not end their troubles, as new pretentions were made by inhabitants of Boston, claiming to be grantees of the unsurveyed land ; by these claimants tlie 6 34 LAND GRANTS. people of Braintree were threatened with vexatious litigation. At last the inhabitants of the town became so exasperated that a town meeting was held the tenth of January, 1697-98, and the following agreement was made by the freeholders and the inhabitants of the town in defence of their rights, which was signed by seventy of the citizens of Braintree. " Then agreed to by the freeholders of Braintree the sub- scribers hereunto, that whereas there are some persons of Bos- ton, that make some claims or pretentions to some land in our township of Braintree aforesaid, and now in our jjossession by runninof of bounds : We the subscribers, inhabitants of the said township, do therefore mutually agree to defend our ancient rights, and will oppose in a course of law, those and all those that shall by any means disturb, molest or endeavor to dispose any of said inhabitants, of said land as aforesaid, and do prom- ise and engage, each to the other, that we will defray all such charges as shall arise, by any such suit or suits concerning the same ; as witness our hand the day and year above written. Lieut. John Baxter, Caleb Hubbard, Martin Saunders, Joseph Arnold, Joseph Penniman, Sen., Ensign William Veasey, ^' Ensign Samuel Penniman, Benjamin Savil, William Nightingal, Peter Newcomb, Samuel Spear John Thayer, ^ Joseph Penniman, Jr., Nehemiah Hayden, Joseph Adams Jonathan Hayward, Nathaniel Spear, Henry Crane, Samuel Belcher Clemant Cock, Thomas Holbrook, Thomas Copeland, Nathaniel Owens, Theopliilus Curtis Thomas Frencli John French, Samuel Paine, Dependance French, Solomon Veasey, Joseph Allen, Lieut. Samuel Neil, John Marshall, Peter Adams, Samuel White, Jr., Josiah Hubbard, Peter Webb, Nathaniel Thayer, Samuel Thayer, Thomas White, Sen., Jonathan Paddleford, Samuel Savil, John Baxter, Jr., Benjamin Webb, Benjamin Thompson, ^f Joseph Parmenter, John HoUis, William Linfield, Ebenezer Spear, John Pain, ^Samuel Penniman, V LAND GEANTS, 35 Edward Derby, Benjamin Hobart, Ebenezcr Thayer, John Cleverly, Samuel Bass (cooper), Cornelius Thayer, Samuel Baxter, Joseph Neal, Thomas White, Josiah Owens, Benjamin Neil, John Bass, Sen., John Copeland, John Bass, Jr., William Copeland, Jr., Simon Bryant, Samuel Bass (carpenter,) Captain Samuel White, ^ John Newcomb, Sen., Peter Allen. In 1700 the inhabitants of the town became so indignant that they concluded to make a clean sweep of the whole matter, and agreed to* purchase all of the waste land held by Boston claimants, and at a public meeting passed the following vote for the purpose : 26th January, 1700. " Then voted, the inhabitants of Brain- tree aforesaid, would buy all the whole lands, the Blue Hill lands and all, at seven hundred pounds as it is proffered by Boston men ; and to prevent any further annoyance from non- residents and foreign claimants, they voted as follows : Then voted also, that no person now purchasing shall make any con- veyance of the said land now purchased to any person out of this town as a security thereby to let them have a foothold or interest in said purchase or any other way." On the 5th of February, 1699, the first release of these claims was made by the Boston claimants. The second was made by Boston, Feb. 1st, 1708,^ she having reserved a right over the acts 1. The following votes are taken from the Boston Town Records in regard to the settlement of the Braintree lands, from the sale of which lands the town of Boston, it seems, establislied a fund for the Public Latin and other Schools, as follows : " 24th January, 170S. The committee on the Braintree lands make the fol- lowing report : — AYhereas the town of Boston at a general meeting (lawfully warned) convened the 8th of March, 1707-8, did nominate and appoint a com- mittee in behalf of the town, to treat with sundry persons about the waste lands in Braintree, according to the memorial given in at said meeting, pursuant to ye said vote, we the subscribers being the said committee do signify to the town that agreeable to the memorial we have treated with the committee of those that esteem themselves Proprietors of the waste lands in Braintree belonging to the town of Boston, about the five hundred pounds, the sum they sold the land for, and come to the unanimous agreement, that the income of the five hundred pounds be forever impropriated and improved for a school or school§ 36 LAND GRANTS. of their grantees. The £700 raised for the j^urchase of these claims, were procured by an association of one hundred of the citizens of Braintree, and raised by voluntary subscription. The following is a vote of the association in regard to the division of these lands: — "Voted, That there should be three divisions made of said lands with all convenient speed, one of the six hundred acres, — one, of the land above Moors farm, — and one, of the Chochecha land, or now Randolph." The first of these three divisions, was the six hundred adjoin- ing the Milton line. The second division lay principally in what is now the westerly part of Braintree. The third division embraces a large tract within the present limits of Randolph, adjoining to Bridgewater. " There was also another division of what was called the Middle Cedar Swamp, adjoining to Wey- mouth, " Each of the hundred proprietors appear by the record to have drawn one lot in each division, until the whole amount was exhausted. The names of the drawers are given in the Com- pany's books, together with the number of the lots assigned to each. From the third division, in a very short time, sprang up the settlement of the present town of Randolph. Soon after they had been relieved of their land troubles with for writiug.and Arithmetic, and that some part of God's word be read by a schol- ar or scholars by turns at the discretion of the Master, and that further according to the said memorial we have had several meetings with the committee of the purchasers of the aforesaid waste lands, and at length did agi-ee with them to offer it as our advice to the town of Boston, that for the future peace of the town, and the consideration of the sum of five hundred pounds being impropri- ated and improved for j^e public good of the town forever, and in consideration of twenty pounds to be paid to the town for the use aforesaid, by the said pur- chasers, that the town do give a quit claim to said purchasers with the reserva- tion of the land at Blue Hill now in the town's possession, as by plan of the same on the town records, taken 1653-4, by Mr. Joshua Fisher, surveyor, and the Selectmen's addition expressed by said plan, to run a straight line from A, B, to the top of Blue Hills, and that the town impower a committee to give an equal claim accordingly; and that agreeable to the direction of the town and said memorial we applied ourselves to the Gentlemen the purchasers of those that claim, &c. About the two hundred pounds, the sum the said land sold for more than the first cost, Mr. Sargent, Mr. Hutchinson and JSIadam Shrimpton did declare that wherever they did not intend a personal advantage in the purchase so they freely gave their part of 'the two hundred pounds to ye town LAND GRANTS. 37 Boston, the town found themselves in the same position in refer- ence to their own common lands. A large tract of land had come into their possession by the Boston agreement, comprising about fifteen hundred acres, called the " South and North Com- mons and the Ministerial lands." This, like Fourierism or communities holding land in common- age, was more troublesome and vexatious than any material ad- vantage that might be derived from it, as this proved to be. For years, at the annual town meeting, complaints of trespass and encroachments were rei^orted to the town, and committee after committee was appointed to fine and prosecute all offenders, but it availed nothing. Those who had leased the land of the town not being able to receive reasonable profit, owing to the many trespasses and encroachments, were obliged to give them up ; and in their statement to the town assigned the following reasons for so doing : " That, during the whole term of our leases we have labored under the greatest discouragement, and have been great sufferers by reason of an open way lain out through said land after said leases were executed. For, although we repeatedly attempted to fence against the same by a sufficient stone wall, yet we were as often prevented by certain unknown evil minded persons, who, as fast as we built up the wall by day, did in the night time throw the same down again, by which means, and innumerable other trespasses upon the premises which could neither be foreseen or prevented. We have been unexpectedly deprived of the great part of the profit Ave hoped to have reaped by our im23rovcments of said lands ; so upon the whole, Ave are very certain tliat all deducting ye charges for the use aforesaid. The committee offer to the town to accept the same with their thanks to them for the same. Mr. Gee at present refuses to give his part to ye town. Daniel Oliver, Timothy Clarke, Thomas Fitch, Thomas Gushing, Oliver Noyes.— Vol. 2, p. 302. "March 10th, 1710. Voted, That the present Selectmen, Aiz. : Addington Davenport, Esq., Messrs. Isaiah Gage. I'luael Oliver, Thomas Gushing, Dr. Oliver Noyes, Jo.seph Wardsworth, and Edward Hutchinson or any one per- son of them be a committee to sell tlie town's lands in JJraintreo, ijnd that they have full power to sign and execute Deeds for the same and yt tlioy lay out ye said money in some real Estate for the use of the rublic Latin school. That yo stock be not exhausted, Provided ye town be advised with before the money be disposed."— Vol. 2, p. 209. 38 LANB GRANTS. the benefit we have derived from the land, Avill not recompense the labor and expense we have been at." The town not being able to devise any plan to prevent these annoying trespasses, concluded at last to sell the common lands. On the 29th of March, 1762, the town appointed Josiah Quincy, Samuel Niles, and Thomas Wales a committee to sell the South Common. They were not able at this time to get a vote to sell the North Common, as the opposition of the North precinct Avas too powerful, they voting solidly against it. But three years after, 1765, the Middle and South precincts joining together, out voted the North, and instructed the town to appoint a committee to sell the North Common. The following gentlemen were ap- pointed a committee for that purpose : Samuel Niles, John Adams, Jonathan Bass. The South Common included that high ridge of rocky hills directly south of the easterly end of Water street, extending southerly nearly to Quincy Neck. Summer street is a portion of the old lane laid out by the town into the South Common. This lane is not a part of the old Plymouth road, as many have sup- posed. The North Common commenced with the town lands on Gran- ite street, included the quarries now in possession of the town, also those belonging to the following individiials : Charles H. Hard wick, Frederick & Field, Mr. Henry Wood's heirs, Greenleaf heirs, Nathaniel F. Safford, Esq., of Milton, and ex- tending through to Adams street, including the Mount Ararat Pasture. The Blue Hill Lands were also included in this sale.^ The following persons are the only purchasers that we have been able to find who had their deeds recorded at that time, which was a small part of the common land sold : "For the sum of £84. 10s. 7d., Zachariah Marquand, of Brnin- 1. The 3000 acres of land granted to Mr. Wintlirop for establishing iron works at Braintree reverted back to Uoston from breach of contract, and in 1711, disposed of by Boston. The grantees were Manassah Tucker, Samuel Miller, and John.Wadsworth, all of Milton. The Court refused to annex the whole purchase to Milton, for the reason that a large part of this tract of land was within the bounds of Braintree, and decreed that it should be divided as to Jurisdiction between the towns of Braintree and Milton, each to have au eq ual division of the 1500 acres. LAlfD GRANTS. 39 tree, bought the southwest corner of the North Common, known as the Babel pasture, containmg forty-three acres. 1765. For £62. 13s. Od., John Adams secured two lots m the North Common. Lot No. three in the fourth division of the most southerly part of the common, containing twenty-three acres, two quarters and seventy-one rods ; also lot No. 6 in the third division of the most southerly j^art, containing fourteen acres. Oct. 14th, 1765. Moses and Jonathan French, for £35. 15s. 5d., pm-chased two lots. No. seven in the second division of the wood lot, contain- ing twelve acres ; the other the first lot in the third division, containing fifteen acres, and tweixty-five rods. Benjamin Baxter, yeoman, for £51. Os. 8d., bought three lots in the most southerly part of the common. Lot No. one in the first division, nine acres, 2 quarters, fourteen rods on the town way ; lot No. three in the first division, 15 acres, three quarters, and seven rods ; also lot No. five in the same division, fifteen acres, five rods. Reserving to the inhabitants of the town of Braintree a drift way for horses, teams, cattle, as has been used through each of the lots aforesaid, from the town road by the Scotch Pond, so called, quite round the Seth Bass corner, which drift way through the lots is to be guarded and secured by gates and bars. Also reserving to the town a little building standing on the premises called the poAvder house, and the right of improv- ing it for a powder house as the town shall think proper. May 13th, 1765. Peter Boylston Adams secured eighteen acres, five rods for £28. 5s. Od. Lot No. four in the first division of the most north- erly division of the North Common. Benjamin Hayden, William Whitmarsh, James Faxon, John Vinton, equally to be divided between them as tenants in common, not as joint tenants, four lots of land in the North Common lot No. 6, in the first division of tfte most northerly part, containmg twenty-three acres two quarters eleven rods, bounded westerly on the centre line and extending from Seth Basses corner to the Captain's Bridge. Lot No. five in the second division of the most northerly part of tlic common, containing sixteen acres three quarters four rods. — Lot No. six in the second division containing sixteen acres 40 LAND GRANTS. two quarters and two rods. Lot No. four in tlie second division twenty acres, two quarters and eight rods. May 7tli, 1765. April 12th, 1762. Josiah Quincy, Samuel Niles and Thos. Wales were appointed a committee to sell the South Commons. At a meeting held by the town on the 21st of May, 1764, they were instructed to receive back part of said land sold to Jona- than Allen, deceased, and for thirty three pounds, this piece of land, containing fifteen acres, was sold to Mr. Isaac Copeland." Thus ended the strifes, contentions, litigations and ill-feelings that it had engendered in the town between neighbors, friends and citizens for a century and a quarter ; it also removed a great element that was yearly manipulated and used in the interest of politicians at the election of town officers in jobbing out the town common to the friends of the successful candidates. The sale of these commons aj^pears to have supplied the town treasury with quite a large fund, as these barren, rocky lands brought a good price for the time they were sold, averaging about eleven dollars per acre, and this, too, before the art of stone quar- rying was understood in this vicinity. The tradition that the North Common was sold for a yoke of oxen will hardly be borne out in fact. Even if the commons had been sold for so small an amount, it was more than the King of England considered the whole of North America worth, as will be seen by the following historical fact. " "When the hard-faced old Cabot went home to the King of England, and told him that he had discovered North America, what did the King of England say to him ? We have the King's account-book of that day's exi)cnses. In that book there are these items : — " To the damsel that danceth, £12 " To the man who foimd the new island, 10 " To Jake Haute for tennis play, 9 " To a woman with a red rose, 2 shillings. " By this it would seem that the Continent of North America was rated less than a dance, and cost the Crown of England just the price of one hundred roses." Aside from the troubles resulting from the allotments and commonage that we have enumerated, still another serious diffi- culty arose. A certain Richard Tiiayer, in 1682, laid claim to LAND TROUBLES. 41 all the territory of the town of Braintree, by virtue of a surrep- titious Indian Deed ; he petitioned the King of England and obtained a hearing. The inhabitants of tlie town sent a remon- strance to the King, and also one to their colonial agents in Lon- don. The petition seems not to have been granted, as there is no record of the final hearing. Still it created much uneasiness^ among the citizens of the town, as will be seen by the following remonstrances : "At the Court at Whitehall, 2d day of March, 1682. " By the King's most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords of his Majesty's Most Honored Privy Councill. •" Upon reading this day at the Board, a report from the right Hon. the Lords of the Councill for Trade and Foreigne Plan- tations. "May it please your Majesty. "In obedience to your Majesty's order in Councill, the 8th of December last, we have considered the Petition of Richard Thayer,'^ complaining that the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1. Mr. Thayer's claim to the township seems to have somewhat alarmed some of the inhabitants as to their land titles. To relieve their anxiety and apprehensions, a public meeting was called, March 5th, 1C82, for the pm-pose of assuring the timid land holders that the town would secure to them their titles at all hazards, notwithstanding the Indian deed. "At this meeting it was voted that every proprietor in the Town of Braintree, that are Legally so by the Town's consent, shall have and enjoy all his own lands and proprities in the township of Braintree which they have bought & enjoyed from the first being of the Town unto this day all their Legall right and titles to lands as their own proper right, notwithstanding any expression in ye Indian Deed from Josiah Sachem." 17th July, 1C83. " At a public Towne Meeting, it was voted, that the pres- ent Selectmen, together with Caleb Hobart and Joseph Crosby, shall be a Com- mittee, and be impowered by the Towne of Brantry, to consider and act accord- ing to their best discretion, what may be most advisable in order to a transmis- sion of an Authentic Copie of a Deed from Josiah Sachem, according to his Majestie's order; and also to consider and to doe what may be most conducable for thcTowne's safety, in all the premises, to doe in behalfe of the Towne, ac- cording to their best judgments; only the Towne to have a sight to what is sent." 2. " To the King most Excellent Majesty. The Humble Peticoner of Ricliard Tliare, of Braintry, in New England. Sheweth : "That yo'r Peticoner, with severall other of yo'r Majesty's Subjects, about forty years ago went over to New England and purchased a large Tract of Land of Wampatuck Josias, a great Indian Sachem, as by Deed and other writings 7 42 LAND TROUBLES. in New England, have wrongfully dispossed him of the town and Lands of Braintree, which he and others long since pur- chased of an Indian Sachem, under pretence that said town and lands are within the grant to that Colony, and praying that he fully appears, though that land is now Braintry, where they settled themselves and families and enjoyed quiet possession for many years ; that the Southern bounds of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, extend hut three miles in a direct southern line from every part of Charles River, as by their charter doth appear. Yet, under a pretence of an imaginary line, they have enlarged their Southern boundary and thereby taken the Town of Brain- try, with other towns and land thereunto belonging, into their jurisdiction, and by an order of a General Court, have disposed of a great part of yo'r Peticon- er's land by Capt. Thomas Savage and Capt. Clapp, now or late inhabitant of Boston. That yo'r Peticoner hath for many years been disturbed in his posses- sions by said Savage and Clapp upon their order of General Court, and being comx)elled to defend his claims to said Land in the Court of Boston, yo'r Peti- coner at the Tryall produced His Enroled Deed from the said Wampatuck Josias, but they would not be allowed of, whereupon yo'r Peticoner did in open Court at Boston appeal to yo'r Majesty in Couucill, to the end he might attain a fair Tryall for his said Land, but that being also refused, yo'r Peticoner, about 3 years since, came over hither to make his appeal in person to yo'r Majesty. But through the persuasion of Mr. Stoughton and Mr. B— , their then New England Agents there, who promised yo'r Peticoner if he would forbear putting in his Peticon, and appeal, he should have all Justice and Eight don in New England, and be restored to his Lands. Yo'r Pet'r accordingly forebore his prosecution here and returned again for New England, when, instead of restor- ing him, they have lately granted judgement and execution against yo'r Pet's Lands and Plantation, and have thereby dispossessed him and his wife and family of their Estates, to his bitter Ruin, without yo'r Majesty's Rovall Justice and favor vouchsafed to him. Now, for as much as the said Town of Braintry, and several adjacent Towns and the Land thereto belonging, are not included within the Extent of the Charter or Grant either of New Ply- mouth or the Massachusetts Bay, but are independent from either of their juris- diction, and immediately under yo'r Majesty's Government and Authority, and that yo'r Peticoner and the other Proprietors being Loyall Subjects, and desir- ous of being ruled according to the laws and methods of yo'r Majesty's gracious Government here, both in Church and State, and not to be Subject to the Tyranny and oppres.sion of the said Colony. "Yo'r Peticoner Most Humbly prayes yo'r Sacred Majesty to take the great injuries and suffering of yo'r poor Loyall Subjects into yo'r princely piety and consideration, and to order the New England Agents now attending your Majesty to make it appear before yo'r Majesty, (if they can) to the satisfaction of yo'r Royall Wisdom that the said Town and Lands of Braintry are within the limits or legal construction of the said Massachusetts Charter, or that yg'r Peticoner may, by yo'r Royall Authority and order, be forthwith restored to the said Town and Lands according to his said purchase and former long enjoyment LAND TROUBLES. 43 niav be relieved. To which Petition we liavc caused the Agent for the Colony of the Mass. to give their answer in writing. ' The Petitioner also showing a ])rotest which he made against the town of Braintree, for refusing to give him thereof, yo'r Peticoner being by the unjust dissision altogether impoverished and incapable to obtain his right otherwise than by yo'r Majesty's Gracious in- terposition and assistance. " And yo'r Peticoner, as in duty bound, shall ever Pray. " At the Court Whitehall, Dec. 8th, 1682. " Present." "The King's INIost Excellent M.ajesty in Councill, upon Reading the Peticon of Itichard Tharo, of Braintry, in New England, complaining of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, for wrongfully dispossessing him of a large tract of Land in that Country, which he and others long since purchased of an Indian Sachem, on the pretence that the said Land is within the limits of their Charter or Grant, as in said Peticon is more largely expressed. "It is this day ordered by his Majesty in Councill, that a Copy of the Peticon be given the Lords of the Committee for Trade and Foreign Plantations, who are to examine the application thereof, and to report to the board how they find the same, together with their Lordships' opinion, and his Majesty will declare his further pleasure. " At the Committee of Trades and Plantations, at the Councill Table at Whitehall, Thursday, 25th Jan., 1682-3. Present : Lord Hooper, Lord Presi- dent, Earl Sunderland, Earl of Clarendon, Earl of Craven, Earl of Conway, Earl of Rochester, Lord Vic. Fauconberg, Lord London, Lord Dartmouth. "The Peticon of Richard Thare, referred to their Lordships by order of the Councill dated the 8th of December last, is now read, setting forth the Colony of the Massachusetts had wrongfully dispossessed him of the Town Lands of Braintry, in New England, for which, after a Tryall had at the General Court at Boston, he had prayed an appeal to his Majesty in Council, which was not allowed of them, as also that the Government of the tts had by colour of an imaginary line extended their Southern Bounds, and thereby taken the Town of Brantry, with other Towns and Lands, into their jurisdiction, and imposed great hardships upon the proprietors thereof, wherefor Their Lords ordered that a copy of the said Peticon be sent to the Agents of the Massachu- setts Colony now attending his Majesty, and they return an Answer thereunto. "Ex't WILLIAM BLASHWAYH.' " "In obedience to the order of the Right. Hon., the Lords, the said Commit- tee of Trade and Plantations of Jan. 25th, 1082-3, in Answer to the Peticon of Richard Thare of Brantry, in New England, Joseph Dudley and John Rich- ards, in behalf of the Massachusetts Colony, Though Humbly offered. " That the Peticoner is but one of the inhabitant of the Town of Brantry, consisting of about Seventy or Eighty families, of all whose Lands the said Thare is so far from being the owner, as he seemeth to intennate in the prayer of his Peticon, that his title or pretence (that we ever lieard of) will scarcely reach the one hundredth part thereof, and he produced no Authority from his neighbours, Inhabitants of that Town, for his Peticon, 44 LAND TROUBLES. the benefit of a Deed wherein he was concerned, to clear his title to the land claimed by him. Upon consideration whereof we are humbly of an opinion that the {)etition of appeals be received, and heard by your Majesty's Councill, and not only the Town of Braintree may be ordered to present an authcntique Copy of the said Deed, wherein the said Thayer is concerned, But that the government of Massachusetts Bay be also obliged to give notice to the Defendant, Thomas Savage and Capt. Clapp, of said appeals, and to send to the Boai'd such " That originally the same Town was a small Hamlet of farms belonging to the town of Boston, granted unto them by the General Assembly of the Colony of the INIassachusetts, and afterwards erected into a Town by there allowance, and certain forests Lands added to said farms for the accommodation of the Inhabitants, upon which grant both he and his neighbours have peaceably lived for about 25 years before the Deed was obtained from Josiah Sachem, in the Peticon mentioned. "That the said Deed mentioned as granted from Josias Sachem (as we sup- pose Mr. Thare will own) was not therefore the foundation of their Settlement upon said Lands and the Town of Braintry, but was many years since obtained on the account and behalf of all the Inhabitants of the Town jointly and not singly for Mr. Thare, they having Equal Eights and share in it, and that in greater proportion than the Peticoner, and was taken of the said Sachem as a further confirmation of their title to their several possessions, which they have been long peaceably settled. "That the line between his Majesty's Collonys, the Massachusetts and New Plymouth, hath been a Collony for forty years settled, and many times since confirmed to their mutual satisfaction, particularly to Maj. Winslow, the late Governor, and severall others commissioned from both Collonys about twenty years since, and is at this time questioned by nou as we know off but !Mr. Thare, who hath sometimes (as he pleaseth himself) judged it to belong to the Massa- chusetts, sometimes to Plymouth, and now to neither. "That his Tryall with Mr. Savage, Capt. Clapp, when holden in his Majes- ty's Court before sworn judges, jurors, and there determined as a question of private Right between the partyes, who had the better Eight to the land in ques- tion, the Massachusetts Collonj- being no way concerned to support the title of the one or the other, but to do justice between both parties. "That the Inhabitants of Braintry and other Towns, within the jurisdiction of his ^Majesty's Collony of the said Massachusetts, have had no hardship im- posed on them by the Massachusetts, no Laws being made without the Depu- ties' Assistance, and it is believed Mr. Thare hath very few (if any) to join with him in that complaint. " Any further particular account of the proceedings in the copy mentioned in his Peticon referring thereto, we cannot, having not in our hand the papers or record thereof. " "No Signature. Feb. 5th, 1682."— Mass. Arch., Vol. 3, p. 34-35. LAND TROUBLES. 45 papers and Records as shall bo necessary for the full dcsission of the Case. "Councill Chamber, February IGth, 1G82-3. " His Majesty, in Councill, was pleased to approve thereof, to receive and admitt the appeal of the said Richard Thayer, and it was therefore ordered that the whole matter be heard at this board the first Councill day in Michalmas Term next, and that the matter may be then finally determined. It was likewise further ordered that the said town of Braintrec do forthwith have sent an authentique copy of the Deed^ wherein the said Thayer is concerned, and the Government of the Massachusetts Bay are also required to give notice to the said defendant, 1. The following is an authentic copy of this Indian Deed. It is still pre- served, and to be seen in the town honse of old Braintrec. On the back of it is the following: " In the 17th reign of Charles II., Brantry Indian Deede, given IGGo, Aug. 10th. Take great care of it." " INDIAN DEED. "To all Indian people to whom these presents shall come : — "Wampatuck, alias, Josiah Sagamore, of Slassachusetts, in Newenglaud, the son of Chicka- tabut, deceased, sendeth greeting : Know yoo that the said Wampatuck, being of full age and power, according to the order and custom of the natives, hath with the consent of his wise men, viz. : Squamog, his brother Daniel, and old Hahatun, and "William Mananiomott, Job Nassott, Manuntago, William Na- hanton. The abovesaid Wampatuck Sagamore, for divers good and valuable reasons thereunto, and in special for, and in consideration of twenty-one pounds, ten shillings in hand, payd by Samuel Basse, Thomas Faxon, Francis Eliot, William Needham, and William Savill, Henry Neale, Richard Thayer, Chris- topher AVebb, all of Braintrey, in the County of Suffolk, in New-England, in the behalf of the inhabitants of the Town of Braintrey, above said, within themselves; whereof and wherewith the said Wampatuck doth acknowledge himself fully satisfieil, contented and paj'd ; thereof and of every part thereof doth exonerate, acquit and discharge the abovesaid Samuel Basse, Thomas Faxon, &c., with all the inhabitants of the Town of Braintrey, them, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assignes, and every of them. And by these presents have given, granted, bargained, sold, enfeoffed and confirmed, and by the.«e presents do give, grant, bargain, soil, enfeoff, and confirm unto the said Samuel Basse, Thomas Faxon, &c., and wiili Uieuiselves, in the behalf of all the inhabitants of the Town of Braintrec, them, their heirs and assignes, forever, all the East of lands within the bounde of Braintrey, above-said, bo there more or lesse, being bounded on the sea side with the North East, and with Dorchester line on the North West, and by Waymouth lino by the Soutli East, and by Dorchester line on the South "West. Excepting ]Mr. Wilson's farmo, Mr. Coddington's farme, Mr. Hough's Neck of laud, Mr. Quiusey's farmo, which 46 LAND TKOUBLES. Thomas Savage and Capt. Clapj), of the said appeals, and to send to this Board such papers and Records as shall be necessary for the final desission of this Case, at the same time, according to the said report. FRANCIS GUYN." Mass, Arch. Vol. 1, page 187. "Remonstrance made by the town of Braintree, within the Massachusetts Colony in New England, against a complaint exhibited to the King's Most Excellent Majesty by Richard Thayer, complaining against us : " Whereas, having first made the most sincere and solemn protestation of our loyalty and subjection, under sacred obliga- tions, unto our sovereign lord the King, with our most hearty and humble acknowledgement of his Majesty's royal favor in granting and given unto us a being under his Government of the Massachusetts, by benefit of which we have lived under the most benign influence of his princely wisdom, 2)ower, grace, and lands were purchased by the abovesaid men of his predecessors, which the said Wampatuck doth hereby confirm, being all the lands within the bounde of Braintrey, abovesaid, with all the trees, timber, wood, underwood, standing, lying, growing thereon, together with all the meadow lands, swamps, ponds, rivers, and brooks, lying between the bounde of Dorchester and Waymouth, together with all privileges and appurtenances belonging or anyways appertain- ing to the same, to the said Samuel Basse, Thomas Faxon, &c., in the behalf and for the use of all the inhabitants of Braintrey, to them, their heirs and assignes, forever. To have and to hold the said bargained premises, as before buttelled and bounded, together with all deeds, evidences, M'ritings and monu- ments, thnt concern the same, in particular, fair and uncancelled unto the said Samuel Basse, Thomas Faxon, &c., to the only and proper use of the inhab- itants of the Town of Braintree, to them and to their heirs and assignes, forever. And the said Wampatuck, for himself, and for his heirs, and executor.s, administrators and assignes, doth covenant and grant with the full consent of his wise men, abovesaid, and with Samuel Bass, Thomas Fax- on, &c., and with them, in the behalf of the inhabitants of the Town of Brain- trey, aforesaid, to them, their heirs and assignes, by these presents, that the said AVampatuck is the right owner of the said bargained premises, and to every part thereof, unto the day of the date thereof, anooy children, of which this Richard was one, came into New England two- and-forty years ago, in the year forty-one, in exceeding mean and low condition, and was suffered to sojourn, as a poor man and stranger, in a remote and obscure part of the town, untill he adventured to purchase only four acres of land, which at that time, and in that place, might be bought shillings , a very small matter, yet more than the poor man was able or willing to pay. The grantor, yet living with us, now saith he is not paid for it to this day. This Richard, who now affirms him- self to have been such a mighty purchaser as to make himself a partner and proprietor, with about seven more, in and of a town- ship, lands and plantations, which he talk of, was then, and di- vers years after, in his nonage, incapable to be such a potent purchaser or great proprietor as he pretends he was. And, — " Whereas, he saith that himself, with several others, about forty years ago came to New England, and purchased, &c. We do not know that any one who came with him settled in this town, or were any way concerned with him in this or any other purchase. Sure we are, that none of them nominated with him upon the Indian Deed, by which he claims, came to New Eng- land with him, or know anything of him untill he aj)peared in the pitiful condition aforesaid. " He also pretends his great j^urchase to be made about two- and-forty years ago of Wompatuck Josias, whereas that sachem was then in his nonage as well as himself, under guardianship, not capable to sell his country ; which indeed was really sold by Kickquatabut, his father, and Sagamor John, his grandfather, and other petty sachems, and bought by the English long before Richard Thayer was brought to New England, and, we, believe, more than tAventy years before the deed was given by Wompa- tuck Josias, which indeed was given and received only as con- firmation of the English title, long before truly made by pur- chase, but not so amply confirmed by writing, which was not LAND TROUBLES. 49 thought SO necessary unto Indian Conveyances untill of later thne. Ncitlier can it be thought tliat Womijatuck Josias, wlio was known to be of more than ordinary understanding in the hinguage and affairs of the English, — being bred up froni child- hood among us, and a great lover of us, — would sell our town- ship:* and lands from us to Richard Thayer, much less for twenty- and-four pouiuls, which he knew [sic] was valuable at so high a rate with the English proprietors, had he not acknowledged our former right from his predecessors to be good, and accej^ted that small sum as an acknoAvledgement from us for his confirmation of our former title by writing. "He saith, 'themselves and families enjoyed qiuet i)Ossession for many years,' whereas it is known that neither he, nor any other i)urchaser nominated upon the said deed, ever i)ossessed the townshi)) of Braintree, or any part thereof, by virtue of that purchase; both he and they had possession aiul enjoyment long before his pretended purchase was made. Neither have any of those nominated with him ui)on said deed ever jiretended any the least right of propriety to any lands or possession by virtue of that deed. What other deeds and writings in his complaint he speaks of, we know not ; we were never concerned Avith him in any other. The deed itself, whereby he makes his claim, de- clares him to be only a jHirchnser for and in behalf of said town and inhabitants thereof, and therefore that he purchased no ]n-operty unto himself or unto any other, but only purchased the confirmation of the common right, from the Indian title, to his own and to every other particular inhabitant of Braintree, — every other inhabitant having as good claim by that deed to the town of Braintree, and his own ])articular possession therein, as Richard Thayer, and most of them much better, and jiaid n:ore to that ])urchase. It cannot be imagined that we betrustcd Richard Thayer to buy both ourselves and our children out of all lands and possessions, and so out of the world. " The complaint of the General Court hath disi)osed of a great part of his lands, to his grief. It is true those lands were disposed of by the General Court tAventy or thirty years before Thayer was a purchaser, or the deed by which he claims had any being. That ever he had any trial with Capt. Clapp for any 8 50 LAND TROUBLES. land within the townshij) of Braintrec, or by any claims from the foresaid deed, we do not iiudcrstand. That Major Savage miglit defend his right and possessions ag:unst his imaginary, pretend- ed Indian Claims, rightfully we believe. " lie yet further complains that he hath been dispossessed of his lands and plantation, and prays in his petition that he may be forthwith restored to the town and lands, according to his purchase and former long enjoyment, &c. We never understood that he made such vast claims to whole jjlantations in New Eng- land, nor unto oiir town, much less that he had possession, — and (as he saith,) long enjoyment of our town and lands, and we know that he hath never been dispossessed and ejected. If ever he had possession and enjoyment of the town of Braintree, he hath it still. The government never ejected him that we know of, "He presiiines boldly in his complaint, that this and divers other adjacent towns are neither within the Massachusetts nor Plymouth jurisdiction. But how is it then, that Richard Tliayer himself hath been so often and great plaintiff in his Majesty's Courts of Justice here, and brought so many cases and actions to a trial under this Government of tins Massachusetts, and pleaded the liberties and laws of it? or, how doth he complain of wrong and injury by their not granting of him an appeal, if both himself, his lands and possessions be (as he saith,) without their jurisdiction, and independent thereupon, and consequently his case beyond their cognizance? Or, how could he return from England (as he said he did) ui3on promise from the then New England Agents, with confidence and ex^^ectation of all justice and right to be done him by this Government, whicli he pleads had never any power to exercise any jurisdiction over him or his territories? Or how can he, with those others whom he pretends to personate in his com})laint, ap])rovc themselves such good and loyal subjects to his Majesty, having, without charter from him, i)urchased and possessed some of his Majesty's towiijj and plantations, (and as now he sui^poseth,) lived between forty and fifty years without any exercise of his Majesty's Government, and so could have been contented to live forever had it not been for the tyranny and oppression of this Colony, LAND TROUBLES. 51 which he makes such grevious cry nnd complaint of, and in the same breath confesseth that he and his peoi)le had quiet posses- sion for many years, and former long enjoyment of his said pur- chase, -which was made but about tAventy years since? Surely, then, it is but very lately that he hath felt that tyranny and oppression. " And -whereas he complaineth most deeply and sensibly of the utter ruin of himself and family ; we believe it to be the real burden of his complaint. But we are witnesses to our knoAvl- edge that he ha'th brought this ruin upon himself ; for although he was never much better, yet now we believe he hath made him- self somewhat worse than poor ; having expended his time, and that little estate which he had in contention and litigation by law- suits, and we more than fear, driven an unlawful and dangerous trade with the Indians, tending much to their debauching, with Avhom he hath been dealing so much for Indian deeds and titles to land, and by these ways, having made himself one of the forlorn hope among men of desperate fortunes, he hath left him- self little or nothing but such imaginary vexatious claims to his neighbors lands and possessions ; and can find nothing for his living but by lliis way of lying and romancing about his vast dominions and territories of lands, plantations and towns to pros- ecute his fictitious claims, whilst his wife and family live in sordid poverty at home. " We have received notice that he hath presented a protest against us for refusing to give him a copy of the said deed to his great damage ; whereas the town never gave him such denial, only some persons told him the deed was not then perfected, a c()])y he might have taken long since at his jileasure. Neither did we then understand it the town's business to give him or any other particular inhabitant a copy; and if the town be Richard Thaycr\s by virtue of that deed, as he supjioseth, the town was not concerned in said deed. In obedience to his Majesty's order, avc do readily transmit an authentic copy out of the public records. " That Richard Thayer hath represented us (not only) as his poor terre-tenants and vassals, living upon his lands and i)lanta- tion without rendering unto him his dues, but also as a vagrant 52 LAND TROUBLES. people living together, with many others in the adjacent towns, withovit any of his majesty's jurisdiction and the exercise of his Majesty's Government, and also insinuates that we of Braintree and the people of other towns do find ourselves aggrieved by the extension of the southern line of the Massachusetts, and oppressed by the tyranny of his Majesty's Government. Herein he hath most evidently wronged ns, for it hath appeared by an humble address to his sacred Majesty, made and subscribed by an hundred and thirty-four hands out of this small town (con- sisting of about ninety or a hundred families at • the most) and by as many proportionably out of the neighboring towns, that we, together with the body of the people in these towns are far from such sense of tyranny and oppression here. " We cannot tell whetlier Richard Thayer can find one beside himself that will complain as he liath done. We are beyond oiir expression thankful for the mercy of God, and the grace and favour of our gracious Sovereign in continuance unto us that Royal Charter, whereby we are settled under his Majesty's Government in the Massachusetts Colony, upon which our fathei-s with their families were by his Majesty's authority here placed upon and possessed of these lands by the indubitable rights of our Charter, as indisputable by him, the true bounds and limits thereof, and that from the first original of the planta- tion of this Colony, and liave ever since, both l)y i)erson and es- tate, supported his Majesty's Government here, and endeavoured to the utmost of our i)0wer and Tibility to serve his Majesty as his true and loyal subjects, rejoicing in all those great acts of grace wlicieby his Majesty hath most graciously heretofore and liither- unto at all times owned and cherished us as his good subjects of the jNIassnchusetts, and we shall ever pray that (as such) we and ours after us, may live to fear God and honor the King." ^ " Remonstrance of the inhabitants of Braintry to the Colonial Agents : " To our Honoured Agents, Josepli Dudley and .lolin Rich- ards, Esqrs. : "Besides the universall thanks of an whole colony, wliich your faithfull and constant endeavours for the preservation of our im- 1. See Mass. Hist. So. Coll., Fourth Series, Vol. V, p. 104. LAND TROUBLES. 63 munitys call for, and most really deserve, and our hearts and hands joync in. Wee, your poore neighbours in IJraintry, inhab- itants, thinke ourselves bound to render our particular thankes for your most nervous and suitable answer exhibited to his sacred Majesty and Council, to sundry reports exhibited and insinuated by Richard Thayer of our towne, Avhose endeavors to pursuade his Majestic and Council that wee are discontented with or tyr- annized over by this Government is iitterly ffalse. That wee have sworne loyaltie yourselves can attest, which is more than ever he jjractized if ever he promised. Neither is it likely that he that layes a traine to blow up the reputation, liberty and rights of his poore tieighbours, Avould (like another F. Faux) refuse to put lire in a more desperate Case. Had wee any com- plaints to make (as meane as wee are) Avee could find more man- ly advocates, yet not so sordid, as (if possibly to bee avoided and evaded) to admitt such a bramble to rule over us. Wee (as to the Commission sent over) have attended it. Some things are to be i)ractised, not disputed, of which nature this is. By what (this Mr. Thayer, as your Honours please to call him) is buoyed uj), wee cannot see, but hee lookes like a litle Soveraigne here, before the power be in his hands. And of a mushrome, hee's SAvolne in conceipt to a Coloss, or giant of State, and dreams of a Dukedome or petty province, since at first essay hee hath gotten a Maister-shippe. His father's slioj)pe, Avho was a cobler, would now hardly contcine him Avith his arms a KemboAV. The vast tract of land he makes such a puther about is a mere Utopia, or, if more, a derne solitary desert, and his share therein can hardly reach the five hundredth part. As for the limits of the Colonys, wee have nothing but records, they having been stated by a speciiU order from his Majesty, above tAventy-five years since, and disputable only by Mr. Thayer, Avho, having sold himself out of both colonies, seeks to draAV in sovereigne assis- tance to create him a ncAV Avorld botAveene them. The body of the toAvne are of one soule as to satisfaction in the present Goa- enimont, and looke at themselves as basely traduced by Thayer's reports. Whose cards, had they been good, hee had the less need of cheating, fraud and fjilsehood to helpe him out. If any whose birth or breeding Bralntry knows not, have crept into the 54 LAND GRANTS. skirts of our scattering towne at una^vares, such, and such only, can wee suspect of willingness to alter the present Government, whose despicable fortunes and spirits by such innovations may be heightened to doe their innocent neighbours a mischiefe and themselves no good. Our consciences doe not chide us for dis- loyalty, nor our Sovereigne. Nor are wee afraid to looke our neighbour in the face, having hopes to bee believed in our reports as well as hee, who hath given out such vapouring words, as are sufficient to make an host of cowards run out of y'r Avits, but we hope none of us shall step out of the colony. The same clem- ency that hath appeared in our Sovereigne, to lend an eare to a single complaint, wee hope will not be stopt at the petitions of many hundreds living, and thousands unborne, for the con- tinuance of our wonted liberties, according to our arajDle charter by the Royall James, and by Charles the first of 'blessed memory, and by our present and most celebrated Sovereigne continued, and which wee have never violated. Wee cease not day nor night to pray for his Royall p'son, Our great defender under God, and for his most Honourable Council. Neither do we forget your honours, our most faithfull advocates, but begge the most high to secure your persons, succeed and prosper your consulta- tions, dispatch your affaires, and hasten your returne, that thoiisands who at your departure disbursed floods of tears, may once at length embrace you with an ocean of joy. " Your Honours affectionately obliged serv^'ts, Richard Brackett, Edmund Quinsey, Samuel Tompson, CHRisToriiER Webbe. Caleb Hobart. " Braintry, Newengland, 14th, 6th, 1683. "Addressed. 'To our Honoured agents, Joseph Dudley ancj John Richards, Esqurs, at London.' " Endorsed in Dudley's hand, Brainti-y." ^ It might be useful to describe some of the old land marks noticed in the early records in laying out and locating the bounds of land, &c., tliat have now become extinct. Tlie Newbury Farm, in the early settlement of the town, was in Dorchester, noAV ward twenty-four, Boston, and located this 1. See Mass. Gen. Hist. Kegister, Vol. XIX, p. 53. LAND MARKS. 55 side of the Neponset river ; it has since been annexed to Quincy. Tliis farm contained about four hundred acres. The Wilson Farm joined tlie Newbury Farm on its northerly bounds. This farm embraced Avhat is now Mr. E. ]>. Taylor's, Rawson's, and a part of John J. Glover's farms ; also a portion of Wollaston Heights. The Furnace Brook probably derived its name from an old iron furnace having been erected on it. It takes its source in the southwesterly part of the town, and runs in a northeasterly direction, and enters Quincy Bay at the Mount Wollaston farm. This portion of the stream goes by the name of Black's Creek, deriving this name from Mr. Moses ]51ack, a former owner of this farm, now occupied by Mr. Peter Butlei-, and formerly the old Quincy domain. It is said that vessels have been built on this creek. Town Brook runs through the centre of the town, or as it is called in the early records, the " heart of Braintrce," and empties into the Quincy Canal, Standing or Dead. Brook is at what is now Wollaston Heights, running tlirough Mr. Josiali Quincy's laud into the bay. Bear Meadow and Wolf Pit, so often mentioned in the old records of deeds, we have not been able to locate. Shij) Cove was at what is now called Quincy Neck, and was the earliest place where vessels were built. They were ])rinci- pally constructed for fishing purposes. The Great Fenced Fields so frequently mentioned in the old records comprised the land at Quincy Point, and extended to Knight's Neck, (now Quincy Neck) including Ship Cove. Stony Fields embraced the Cranch farm, so-called, directly back of President's Hill. Scotch Pund Uoad was the old Avay to the North Comrnons, and lau in a northwesterly direction througli the Commons to Adams street, opposite the estate of Mr. William Greenough. For years it has been discontinued. The Old Fields District was that })art of the town now called Quincy Point. Woods' District embraced that ])art of the town now called West Quincy. 56 LA.ND MARKS. The Farms included that tract now called North Quincy. Pumpkin Hill, — It seems by the old records that on this eleva- tion, jjumpkins, those luxuries of " ye olden times," were raised in common. It was in the vicinity of 'what is called Souther's Hill, and a part of Dublin. Monatiquot, — It appears by the records of deeds that this name, so constantly mentioned to locate land in this vicinity, was used to designate the old town of Braintree. Randol])h, or the south precinct of the old township of Brain- tree, before its incorporation, was described as Quocheco, Cocha- to, and latterly Scadding, "The Three Hill Marsh is the great salt marsh lying immedi- ately southeast of Mount Wollaston." We find so many Captain's Plains and Captain's Bridges that it is of little or no use to define them. Moor's Farm was on a tributary of the Monatiquot river, and near Great Pond. By a vote of the town in 1766, they prohib- ited shutting up of any dam that would exclude the course of alewives up the Moor's Farm River. " Bcndal's Farm was probably the tract granted to Mr. Edward Bendal in July, 1641, of four hundred acres. It lies in the west- erly part of Randoli)h, probably between the site of the present Congregational Meeting-house on the south, and the Baptist Meeting-house on the north." Knight's Neck was formerly called Braintree Neck, and was annexed to Quincy April 24th, 1856. It is now called Quincy Neck. Shed's Neck included that tract of land which is now called Germantown. Hough's Neck still retains its original name, Penn's Hill was named after a Mr. William Penn, who, in the first settlement of the town, owned tlie most of the hill and also a large tract of land on the Monatiquot river, which he sold to the Iron C()mi)any. In the first town records it is always called Penn's Hill, and we can find no authority for calling it by any other name. INCOKPOEATION OF UUINCY. We find ns early ns 172S, an effort was made to iiK'or])orate the Nortli Precinct of Braintree into a sei)arate town, wliieli proved unsuccessful, as will be seen from the followintx acticm of tlie town on the question, viz : — " There was a meeting of the town of Braintree, to receive the re])ort of tlie committee to whom was referred the subject of dividing tlie town, who reported in favor, l)nt the town would not accept it." ^ 1. " Jan. 31st, ]728-!). It was then voted that a Committee be chosen in be- half of the Town, to confer and agree upon sonje method for dividing the Town at their next meeting, for their accei)tance, the said Committee to have consid- eration of the dividing line. " Then also voted that a Committee of eight men, (four in the North precinct, and four in the other Precinct,) be cliosen for the affair abo\e said, after which Major .Tohn Quincy, Lt. Joseph Xeal, Mr. Benjamin Heal, ^Ir. Josej)h Crosby, Mr. Thomas White, Mr. Nehemiah Hayden, ISIr. Benjamin Lndden, and Mr. Itichard Thayer, Secundtts, being nominated, were separatly voted to be the Committee above said, after which, a vote being passed, therefore the meeting was adjourned until the last Monday in February next, at one of the Clock, afternoon." "On February '_'4th, 17l.'roportion of all debts now due from the said Town of Braintree, and .shall be cnlitlwl to receive their proportion of all debts and monies now due to the said Town ot Ikaiutree, and also their propor- tionable part of all the other property of the said Town of Braintree, of what kind or description. 62 INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. The municiijal organization of the town of Qnincy at this time, was at an important ejDOch in the country's history, as the old civil and ecclesiastical customs and usages, Avhich had gov- erned the colonies and province for nearly two centuries, were fast passing away, and a newer, higher, and nobler civilizatipn was rajiidly emerging from darkness into light. Church and State Avere in the last decade of their existence, and contin- tinued to languish in this town until 1824, when the final separation of town and church was consummated. The Rev. Peter Whitney, in 1800, was the last minister ordained under the old. regime, and the Rev. William Parsons Lunt, D. D., Avas the first minister ordained under the new. The begin- ning of the tOAvn as an independent organization Avas nearly Sect. 3. Provided always that the lands belonging to the said Town of Braintree, for the purpose of maintaining schools, shall he divided between the said Town of Braintree and the Town of Qnincy in the same proportion as they were respectively assessed for the payment of the last State tax, and no Town tax shall be laid by either of the said Townes upon the said lands so long as the rents thereof shall be appropriated to the purpose of supporting a school or schools. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Benja- Beale, Jr., Joseph Beale, John Billings, Eben Glover, Josiah GloA'er, inhabitants of that part of the Town of Dorchester, in said County of Suffolk, called Squantum and the Farms, with their lands and estates lying within the limits of Dorchester, called Squantum and the Farms, be and they hereby are set off from the said Town of Dorchester and annexed to the said Town of Quincy. Sect. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said Benjamin Beale, Jr. Joseph Beale, John Billings, Eben Glover, and Josiah Glover, shall pay all the arrears of taxes which have been asses.sed upon them by the Town of Dorches- ter, togethc r with all the expenses of maintaining the widow, descendants, or any part of the family of Thomas Wells, late of said Dorchester, deceased, which are or may become chargeable as the poor of the Town of Dorchester, and shall not be held to pay any other expenses whatever to the said Town of Dorchester. Sect. (>. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Richard Cranch, Esq., be and he is hereby authorized to issue his warrant, directed to some principal inhabitant, requiring him to warn and give notice to the inhab- itants of said Town of Quincy, to assemble and meet at some suitable time and place in the said Town, as soon as conveniently may be, to choose all such officers as towns are required to choose at their annual Town Meetings, in the month of March or April annually. This act passed February 22d, 1792. Signed by JOHN HANCOCK, Governor. IXCOKrOltATION OP QUINCY. G3 coeval witli tlie formation of tlie National and State Govern- ments, and tliey have continued to progress together in harmony and prosperity, until nearly a century of their existence lias been completed. The person selected to give a name to the town was Rev. Anthony Wibird, then the minister of the First Church, but Mr. Wibird declined, and the Hon. Richard Cranch was then re- quested to furnish a name for the place, who recommended its being called Quincy, in honor of Col. John Quincy, which was accepted. This was not fully satisfactory to the people, as the inhabitants called a public meeting on May 14th, 1792, to see if the town would petition the General Court to have the name altered or changed to some other. After a candid and somewhat exciting discussion whether Hancock or Quincy should be the name, it was by a close vote decided that it should continue to be called by the name of Quincy. No better description can be given of the natural scenery of the town, than the following by the eccentric sovereign of Merry Mount. In vicAving with admiration the beauties of nature from his rude castle, which is said to have been located on the Mount, near the lone, barren savin tree, which has for ages with- stood the blasting storms as the only living emblem of the past, Morton gives the following poetical and truthful picture of the natural scenery of our beautiful village, before the white man's hand had adorned it by art and cultivation : "In the month of June, 1622," he says in his New England Canaan, " it was my chance to arrive in the parts of New Eng- land, Avith thirty servants, and provision of all sorts fit for a ])lantation ; and while our houses were building, I did endeavor to take a survey of the country. The more I looked the more I liked it. " And when I had more seriously considered the beauty of the jilace, with all her fair endowments, I did not ihhik that in all the known world it could be i)aralleled. For so many goo.lly groves of trees, dainty, fine, round, rising hillocks, delicate, fair, largi' ])lains, sweet, crystal fountains, and clear running streams, that twine in fine meanders through the meads, making so sweet a murmuring noise to hear, as would even lull the senses with 04 INCOilPOUATlON OK iJUlNcV. (li'liij;lit ;isUh'1>, so ploasaiitly ilo tln'V yTnU' u|ioii (hi' ]n'l)liU'-sloiu's, ji'ttinti most j*)cniii(lly wheiv tlioy n- tiiinod within the volume of the land, fowls in abundance, fish in multitudes; and discovered besides, millions of turtle doves on the »;reen boughs, which sat peeking of the full, ripe, pleasant grapes, that were supported by the lusty trees, whose fruitful load did cause the arms to bend ; while here antl there dispersed you might sei' lillies, and oi the Daphnean tree,^ which made the l.uid to me seem Taradisc. For in u\ine eye 'twas Nature's masterpiece, her chiefest maga/iiu' of all, where lives her stori". If this land be not rich, then is (he whole world poor." In ISOO the in^judation of the town was oidy 1,(»S1, piiiu-ipally fanners, quite jioor and siu\ple in tlu'ir habits; but by iiuluslry and fr\igality in their agricultural i)ursui(s, they weri' enabled (o make a comfortable living. Their luunes were hives of industry, and (he music of thi' s])inuiug-wlu'el - w:is heai-d from t'nrly 1. ]>ii[>tnienn tree; laurel or buy tree. In Mythology Daphne, a nymph tlyinj; troin Ajxilio, was supposed to have Iwen turned into a l>av or l;>ini>l tivc, '.'. Aliout 1718 the foot or linen wheel, formerly so familiar in the luMisi'hoMs of New Kufiland, was introduced by a colony of Sootili- Irish emigrants. IMio uuinufai'ture of linen eloth was considered of jjreat importauco to the coinitry. The people of l?oston and neij;hl)orliood took hold of the matter with jjreat earnestness and enthusiasm. A town meetiiiu; was callod, and .Indue Sewall l)residiHl as Modorator, for the i>urpo.>inniiij^ Siliools. The result was the erection of a larj;e, hand.some brick buildiu}; fi>r the purpose, on the east side of Lonj; Acres, (now Tren\ont street,) near the pivsent Hamilton Place. On llu> front of the buildinji was placed a llguro of a wouum holdinji a distalT, as emblematic of its futiu'c use. An act was passed by the General Assembly, taxing carriages and other luxu- ries for the support of these schools. Spinning wheels were the hobby horses of the puldii'. The enthusiasm ran so high that the females of the town, rich and l>oor, gathered in cri>\vds on the l'omnuu\, with their wheels, and vied with each otlu>r in the dexterity of using tliem. l<\)r the times, probably a larger con- course of i)cople never was drawn together. The yearly anniversary of this institution was celebrated l»y the trustees and comj)auy attending jiulvlic wor- ship, when a sermon was delivered snitetl to the occasion, and a contribution nuide to aid the business. For some years it was si)iritedly conducted, l)ut as soon ns the oxoitoment died out the institution went with it. History, in this case, like nuiny others, repeats itself, showing that the Yankee characteristic of overdoing many things they undertake was as rife at that time as at the present day. I.VrOia'OUATION OF er currency liad left its ruinous and financial trouble iijton a de- pleted and nearly bankrupt community. Their amusements were few, but highly enjoyed. Esj)ecially did they look forward with great pleasure to the autumn husk- ings, which, to them, was the merry festival of tlie yeai-. Even to tins day, elderly peojde relate with a great deal of zest the great pleasure and enjoyment they derived from the cheerful, sentimental songs and inerry dances of tlie husking ))arties, con- sidering them much superior to all modern amusements. "Farewell the pleasant huskin"; night, it's merry after scenes, ^VlleIl puiniikiii-pies are placed beside the giant pot of beans ; When ladies ji>iued the social band, nor once affected fear, But gave a pretty cheek to kiss, for every crimson ear ! " During the ])rocess of husking, if a red ear of corn was found by any one of the ladies, she was liable to receive a kiss from some of the company. The surface of tlie town is diversified by hills, valleys and plains. Back from the bay some three miles is a range of elevated land, which, in some parts, is more than six hundred feet above the sea. These hills contain an inexhaustible su|»ply of syenite. Tlie height of Quincy, near the centre of tlie village, is two hundred and ten feet above the sea; (4reat Ilill ninety- four feet, and Scpiantum ninety-nine feet. (Jnincy is bounded on the northeast by Quincy Ray and Bos- ton IIarl>or; on the south by Weymouth, Braintrce and Ban- dolpli; and on the northwest by Milton and Boston. In ter- ritory it contains thirteen and one-half square miles. The soil of the town is generally of an excellent (piality, and under fair cultivation. There are a number of line, large and well cultivated farms ; still, with all the skill, judicious and eco- 10 66 IXCOEFORATIOX OF t^UINCY, nomical nianagemeut, they are far from being profitable. Those who conduct milk farms reaj) a larger and more satisfactory financial income. The means of travel and transportation of merchandise to and from Boston and other places at the time of its incorpora- tion, were very limited. Those living on the sea-coast usually went by water ; others, living more inland, slung their panniers across their backs and accomplished their journey on foot; while the more wealthy, or those able to own horses, either travelled on horseback or in their carriages. There weie in the town about a dozen one-horse chaises, cumbrous and antiquated in their construction and mechanical execution. We have heard elderly people relate how they used to sling their panniers across their horse's back or their own shoulders, and fill them with boots, shoes, or other merchandise, and travel off to Boston, and there exchange their goods for groceries or housc- keejiing materials, and return home the same day. Some quar- ter of a century after this, stage-coaches and omnibusses were established. The roads were few and poorly constructed, or not constructed at all. Franklin, School, Hancock and Adams streets comprise what was then the Plymouth Turnpike,^ passing over Milton Hill, the only thoroughfare to Boston at that time. Elm street commenced at Hancock, passing by where the Universalist Church now stands, and connected with Sea (now Canal) street 1. " The laying out and locating the old Plymouth Road was a source of great annoyance and trouble. Committee after committee was appointed, without coming to any definite result. It was eight or nine years in controversy before its final settlement. "We find that in 1C41, June 2d, a committee was chosen, consisting of Mr. John Glover and Humphrey Atherton, who were authorized to lay out a public highway. After having A'iewed the premises and decided upon its location, they reported their decision to the town. Their report not being satisfactory to its inhabitants, another committee was appointed the 7tli of October, KMl, con- sisting of Mr. Peck, Mr. Parker, Goodnum Bate and Stephen Paine, who wma instructed to view the way and certify the same to the General Court. Their effort, it appears, to relieve tlie public of this vexatious (juestion, was unsatis- factory, as in l()4;i Mr. Parker, INIr. John Glover, and Goodman IJate were re- appointed to settle this highway at Braiutree. Their results, it seems, were not agreeable to the wishes of tlie town, as i u September, 1643, a committee of the INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. 67 by passings over the canal (then a brook) on ste])]>ing-stones. South street led to Knight's Neck ami Bent's Point. Sea street was at a very early period laid out one-and-a-half rods wide to (iermantown and Hough's Neck. Gates and bars obstructed this road for a long time. After long contentions for years in town meetings, these gates and bars were removed in ISOS, by a mutual agreement of the town and all j)arties concerned. This was brought about by the untiring exertions of the Hon. Thomas (4reeideaf. Miller's stile, so-called, connected Elm street with Sea (lujw Canal), and was laid out as early as 1655, viz: — '' 11th, 12th m., 1655. Uj)on the same day there is laid out a town made the following report in opposition to the report made by the commit- tee appointed by the General Court, viz: — "It is conceived by those that are appointed to lay out the way between Weymouth and Braintree, that the way without the ffields at Monaticnt is con- ceived to be nearer and more comfortable, and not so troublesome to the country in regard to i)utting up and down the rayles, neth'r will so much damage re- dound to the inhabitants in regard of spoyling their corn, as formerly it hath been. " Moses Paink, Robeut Maktin, Edward B., n Martin Sanders." Mass. Rec, Vol. II., p. 40. "This ([uestion continued to be agitated until 1G4S, when the matter was finally agreed upon and settled by the following committee, viz: — "Agreed this 25th, 12th month, 1648, between Thomas Holbrook, Henry Kingman and Nathaniel Adams, a committee of Waymouth, and Stephen Kingslj' and Samuel Bass, a committee of Braintree, for laying out of the high- way for the country from Waymouth to Dorchester, that the said country high- way shall lye the pr[ent] wonted highway from Waymouth to I?raintree meeting, four rods wide; and whereas at the said the way cannot be conveniently had at one end thereof, we appoint the said way to run .so as to be two rods at one end of the said meeting-house, and two rods at the other end, and so to fall at foure rods againe at a markt stump a little beyond the sairi(l<;e tinder their act of incor])Oration, sent a second ])etition to tlic Legishiture in 1803, to liave the location changed, and that tomber 3d, 1035. The General Court ordered tliat John Holland should keep a ferry between Capt. Poynte, now Connnercial Point, and Mr. Ncwbcrry'.s Creek, now Billing.s Creek. " He was to receive four pence for each pa.ssenger, and threepence if there were two or more." Thi.s, not being a paying busincs.*?, and as Mr. Holland could do better at navigation he soon gave- it up. One hundred and .sixty-seven years after, the Neponset Bridge Company received a charter to construct a bridge in the same place, but as we have before stated, it was changed to its present location. This Ferry having been given up, the General Court the fith of September, 1(538, ordered that another one .should be opened, and appointed Bray Wilkins to act as ferryman; under the direction of Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Glover, he was to receive one penny a person. This ancient ferry was from the ridge in Quincy to Sling Point in Dorchester, about half way between the Neponset and Granite bridges. Afterwards Penny Ferry was in the same vicinity, the relics of which can be seen to this day.— The following statement in reference to Penny Ferry, is taken from the Quincy Patriot, December 25th, 1875 : "In 1823, ex-President John Adams was asked whether Judge Edmund Quincy of Braintree, went to Boston over Milton Hill? He replied, 'No, Judge Quincy would have thought it unsafe to venture as far inland as Milton Hill, for fear of the Indians; he was accustomed to go to Boston by the way of Penny's Ferry;'— a ferry so called because passengers paid a penny a piece to be' rowed over the Neponset." At what time Penny ferry was discontinued, we have not been able to find out; in all probability its business was of an occasional nature, and it must have proved a financial failure, as being located over a tidal river, it would de- lay travellers more or less in waiting for the tide to get at its proper lieight to ferry them across. It would have been as convenient, if not more so, to have taken the regular road over the bridge at Milton Mills to Boston. This ferry, while it existed, was evidently a continuation of Glover's Ferry. In 1048, it was ordered that no ferrynnxn should bo compelled to put out his boat until the ferryage Avas paid, and that the ferryman might refuse any AVam- pum not "stringed," or unmerchantable. This year, 1(>48, the Court was informed that no ferry existed for the accom- modation of the public to cross the Neponset river, and issued the following order : " May, l(i48. Vppon certayne informatio giuen to this Court that there is no ferric kept ouer Nepon.set Kiver betweene Dorchester and Brauntry, whereby all that are to that way are enforced to head the riuer, to the great preju- dice of those townes thereabouts, and that there yet appeares no ma that will keepe it he may be accommodated with hous, laud and a boat, at the charge of the country, its therefore ordered by the authoritie of this court. 70 INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. they might he authorized to construct a l)ridge across the Ne- jjonset river at a place called Horse Hommock, in said town of Quincy, and to lay out and make a road from the meeting-house in Quincy (this meeting-house is now the Stone Temple) to said bridge. The Legislature, after due consideration, was of an opinion that this change would better facilitate and accommodate the ]i)ublic travel. In accordance with these views, they granted the "Neponset Bridge Company" a new charter, changing the loca- that INIr. Jon Glour .shall and hereby hath full powre giuen him, either to graunt it to any p'sou or p'-sons for the ternie of 7 years, so it he not to the countr3', or else to take it to hiniselfe and his heires as his owne inheritanc for ever, p'vided that it be kept in such a place and at such a price as may be most convenient for the country and pleasinge to the gennall court."— Mass. liec. Vol. HI., p. 128. . The tirst mention of a bridge over the Neponset river was in 1G52, when the town of Dorchester was fined five pounds for not erecting a bridge over this river, and the fine was to be remitted provided the bridge was bnilt according to law within three mouths. The Court ordered that as the river bed was hard and passable for horse and cart, that Mrs. Stonghtou might be discharged by making a good foot bridge with a "good rayle." This bridge was cheaply constructed and of a temporarj' nature, as three years after, in 1655, a complaint was made to the court that this bridge was wholly ruined and unsafe for public travel. "2.3d May, ICmo. This Court having ordered that all bridges in country high- waycs, as need shall be, shall, from time to time, be made and mayntayned bj' each county- in which they are, and that the bridge at Neponsit Riuer is wholely ruined and that there is, as is aleaged, a necessity of a cart bridge oner that riuor in soiv.e place neere Mrs. Stoughton's mill, which, if deferred, cannot be made vp b 'fore winter which, if it should not be, would be very dangerous to man and b- ast, it is therefore ordered, that Capt. Luchas, Capt. Savage, Mr. Collicott, iMr. Win. Parkes, Thomas Dyer and Deacon Bass, or the major l)'t of them, arc appoynted a committee to consider and determine whether to erect a bridge there, and if so, then to agree with workmen for the same, and to returne the same to the next County Court, who shall ]/ portion the charg ac- cording to law." — Mass. Rec, Vol. III., p. .'iTii. This Avas the original County bridge, over which the old Plymouth turnpike passed, aiul was the principal thoroughfare to Boston before the Neponset turnpike was established. The rapid of the stone business had so multiplied and increa.sed the inhabitants of West Quincv and East Milton, that they demanded a more con- venient and direct communication with Boston than the old way, and to re- lieve this urgent necessity, the General ('ourt granted a charter for a new bridge INCOKl'OUATION OF tjLINTV. 71 tion fiom l'ivstt)irs Point, now ConinuTciiil 'I'oint, to Horse Horamock, :is tlu' iirayer of tlic i»c'titioners (U'siivd. The coini):iny then made satisfaetory arrangements with the town in referenee to tlie ohl way to Squantum, they i)ermitting them to Uikv wliatever portion of tlie old road tliat was needed to complete tlie new. From that time to tiiis it has been the principal thoroughfare to Boston. The cost of this turniuke and bridge, as reported to the State, was 684,000, including all land jiurchases. The amount of receipts from October 28th, 1803, to ])cceml)er 31st, 1841, was 8197,878; disbursements in the same given period, !5;r)2,(;(K;; making the balance of net proceeds, $145,272. A very good re- turn to the stockholders of this successful turnpike cori)oration. The State enacted a law. May 2Gth, 1857, for the Counly Commissioners to lay out the Nei>onset and Weymouth turn- pikes, for the purpose of having them opened to the public as free and common higliways. The Braintree and AVeyniouth Turni)ike Company received their act of incorporation March 4th, 1803. The Quincy and Hingham Bridge and Turnpike Corjmration was incorporated March 5th, 1808, but was not opened until about 1812. These turnpikes demanded toll of all wdio passed over them, which made travelling to and from Boston quite expensive. When tlie Old Colony Railroad was established it seriously interfered with the financial income of the Turn])ike Cor]..)ra- tions, so much so that several years after the railroad had been in operation tliey were dissolved. In 1845 the Old Colony Railroad was opened for general business, which greatly changed the social and material character over NepoiKsot Kiver, which was cuiistnicto.l in ]«;«!, an.l callo.l fli(. firaiiite I!ii(I^jo, altlunijih built of wood. Thi.s ferry wa.s the first coniraunicatiou established betweon WcvmoiUli an.l Hraintree over tlie Monati(|i.ot river. As early as l(i3o, a ferry' was esfib- lishcd between Weymouth and Hraintree, vi/.:-" Thomas Appk-ato wis li- rense,l to keepe a fferey betwixte We.s.sajjuscus and Mount \\-oliaston. lur whi.l, hee IS to have Id for every p'.son and ;!d a horse." ThLs ferry was at East IJraintrue, and connected with the old road over I'ei Hill. n s 72 INCOEPORATION OF QUINCY. and interests of* the town. The effort to locate the termmus of tliis raih-oad in Quincy, by some of her progressive citizens, was not accomplislied ; as an opposition, influenced by the livery- stable keepers and the proprietors of the stage coach line, was too powerful and voted it down. It is somewhat amusing to see how great and important improvements are defeated by such fallacious and sophisticated arguments as were used on this occa- sion. The -whole sum and substance of their reasoning was : That there would be no further use for horses, and the business of the town would be ruined. There has seldom, if ever, been a time, since the Old Colony Railroad was established, that there has not been a greater demand for horses than before this impor- tant improvement was contemplated. Keal estate has rapidly advanced in value, rents are higher, stores have increased in number, and the population of the town has nearly trebled. In 1855, James Bradford, Isaiah G. Whiton, Hiram Prior, Naaman B. Holmes, Levi W. Moody, and George Thomas, re- ceived an act of incorporation as the Quincy Point and German- town Ferry Company, with a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars, to run between Quincy Point and Germantown. This ferry was established soon after the above gentlemen received their act of incorporation. After a few years, not proving a financial success, it was discontinued, A few public-spirited persons of the town, Wm. S. Morton, John J. Glover, and Robert B. Leuchars, petitioned the Legisla- ture for an act of incorporation to establish a Horse Railroad, The company was granted an act of incorporation February 15th, 1861. This road was soon constructed, and extended from the foot of Penn's Hill to Field's Corner, in Ward twenty-four, Boston. At this place it connected "with the Metropolitan Railroad. This'was a cheap and pleasant method of conveyance for our citizens, between this town and the city, and a great convenience in getting to various parts of the town on the line of the road. The company ])urchased two steam or dummy engines at great expense, which proved successful as far as locomotion was con- cerned. The expense of running these was so much greater than liorse power, that they were finally abandoned. This was INCORPORATION OF QUINOV. 73 a costly experiment for the company, which caused tliem to be- come embarrassed, and finally to discontinue the road. Up to the time of this unfortunate cxpi-rinient they had transacted a very successful business. In 1854, Henry II. Faxon, John Faxon, and Robert Morse received an act of incor])oration, by ihe name of the Quincy Gas-Light Company, with the privilege of holding real estate to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and the whole capital stock not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This attempt to establish a gas company in Quincy, from various causes, proved a failure.' Subsequently another effort was made by the following gentlemen, which proved more successful : Daniel P. Nye, F. M. Johnson, and Eleazer Frederick, in 1860, applied to the Legislature for an act of incorporation for the purpose of manufacturing and selling of gas in the town of Quincy. This company was incorporated February 24th, 1860, by the name of the Citizens' Gas-Light Company. At first, some time Avas spent in experimenting with different materials, to see if gas could be manufactured cheaper or better than by the ordinary method of production from coal. It was found that it could not be more economically produced, and the old system of making gas had to be adopted. The streets were soon }»iped, and the citizens of the town then had the pleasure of lighting their com- fortable homes with gas. The streets were not .lighted until seven years after the company was established. In 1867 the town agreed to pay for the gas and lighting of the street lamps for every person who would erect a lamp-post and lantern at their own expense, at certain distances apart. As lighting the streets with coal gas had become quite expensive, the town, in 1874, to try the exjjeriment in cheapening this light, had the street lamps lighted with naptha gas, which was continued for two years, when the Gas-Light Comjjany reduced their prices, and June 9th, 1876, lighting the streets with coal gas was resumed. The first action taken by the inhabitants of old Braintree for her protection from the ravages of fire was in 1641, 10th month, 11 74 INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. 19th day, when the following i^ersons assembled in town meet- ing : — Samuel Bass, John Albee, Stephen Kinsly, Martin Sanders, Thomas Matson, Thomas Flatman, and Peter Brackett. At this meeting they passed an order that every householder in the town should, by the first day of March, have a ladder to stand up against the chimney of his house, to secure them and the town from fire. In neglect of this order they were to pay such a pen- alty as the town might impose on them. Immediately after the separation of the town fi'om Braintree, its citizens formed a Fire Association, for the mutual protection of each other's projDcrty from the devastations of fire. They were provided with the primitive fire apparatus of the times ; buckets, ladders and fire-hooks. This was the first organized voluntary fire department in Quincy. This Association, during the war of 1812, found their facilities for extinguishing fires rather limited, and behind the times. To improve their condition they, by voluntary subscription, pur- chased a hand engine of the most improved construction for tliat day. This engine was without suction, and to make it effectual it became necessary to form a bucket company, for the purpose of supplying it with water at fires, by forming a line to the source of supply. At times it was found impossible to form a line, owing to the distance of the fire from the supply of water ; then the engine had to be taken to the water, filled, drawn back, to the fire, and pumped out, this process being repeated until the fire was extinguished. This was the first fire-engine owned in town. It was called the Columbia, and located on Hancock street, a short distance north of the Stone Temple. Not to be behind the Centre District, the South, some years after, formed a voluntary fire association and purchased a fire- engine, of similar construction to the Columbia, called the Adams ; it was stationed at first on School, afterwards on Frank- lin street. About 1826, the State passed a law exempting all persons who belonged to the fire departments from doing military duty. This caused a great accession to the ranks of the fire companies, as INCORPOEATION OF QUINCT. • 75 many had become dissatisfied with military duty, preferring to acliieve heroic honors by fighting the fiery element rather than by a bloody conflict. This method of extinguishing fires proved inefficient and un- satisfactory, which caused private fire associations, in 1840, to pur- chase a suction engine called the Niagara, built by S. & E. Thay- er. It was the first engine of the kind ever owned in the town. In 1840, an effort was made by the inhabitants of the town to establish a fire department, to be under the control of a Board of Engineers. A committee was chosen for the purpose, who reported in its favor, and also recommended the following assess- ment to be made for the support of this organization : One new engine, $650.00 ; two hundred feet of leading hose, ; one hundred and twenty new buckets, $270.00, (buckets seem to have been of more account than hose ;) fire hooks and ladders, $50.00 ; repairing two old engines, $50.00 ; also an additional sum of $650.00 to pay the expenses of the fire dei^artment the year ensuing ; and to be under the control of a Chief Engineer. As unanimous as this report was by the committee, the town did not think it expedient to establish a fire organization at this time, and the question as to the adoption of the report was voted in the negative. This matter was delayed but a few years. February 9th, 1844, the town voted to purchase the Columbia and Niagara Engines of the volunteer fire association, by paying the debts of that organization. The amount paid for these two engines Avas $157.83. From 1844 can then be dated the first organization of a fire department under the control of the town. Later in 1844, an engine fever grew out of the Town House excitement, and three hand suction engines were voted to be purchased. All three were built this year, and came into town within a month or two of each other. The Vulture was stationed at the Point, the Tiger at South Quincy, and the Granite at West Quincy. The cost of constructing the Tiger and the Granite, by Hun- neman & Co., was $2,098.00. The town j.aid S. & E. Thayer, for the Vulture, $906.30. In 1845 they paid the balance due on the Vulture, of $150.00, making th« total cost $1,056.30. The 76 INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. Tiger and Granite Houses cost $1,018.30 ; the Vulture, $536.12. All three of these engines are still in active service, but have had their works somewhat remodeled and changed. The first Niagara was sold in 1857, and a more powerful one constructed by liunneman & Co., was p\irchased to supply its place. This engine, with the house and apparatus, was burnt on the 22d of January, 1876. This was the first engine ever burnt in town. The first act to establish a Fire Department in Quincy, was passed by the Legislature, April 8th, 1853. In 1845, the Granite Hook and Ladder Company petitioned the town to have their State and town tax abated for services rendered,^ which was referred to the Board of Engineers. This appears to have been the first Hook and Ladder Company estab- lished under the regular organized fire department. In 1856, a Hook and Ladder Company was established, a truck procured, and located on Canal street. In 1870, the Washington M. French Hose Company Avas formed, for the purpose of supplying the hand engines with a greater amount of hose, in case of fire, than they were able to take with them on their own carriages. In 1873, several of the citizens of the town made an attempt to purchase a steam pump by voluntary subscription. A pump was procured, but it was found that there were not funds enough subscribed to pay for it. An ajipeal was then made to the town for a sufficient amount of money to pay the balance. The town responded by voting at a special town meeting, held Octo- ber 19th, 1874, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to pay the outstanding bill, for which the town was to have absolute possession and control of the steam pump. This pump was located in Mr. Panton's currier shop, on Hancock street, beside the town brook, where an ample supply of water can always be j^rocured. This addition to the fire api)aratus of tlic town has 1. Tlie Town Records appear to be wrong in reference to the Granite Hook and Ladder Conipaiij' liaving been at Quincy, as it was located in ^lilton, although some of its nieuibers resided in AVest Quincy, which most probably caused the niistalce, as it was the members in West Quincy wlio petitioned for 3,batement of taxes, INCORPORATION OP QUINCT. 77 proved to be a very efficient arm of the fire department, nearly equal to a first-class steam fire-engine within the range of two or tliree tliousand feet from where she is located. She would be of still greater advantage in protecting the property of the town from fire, if the streets were piped and hydrants attached, both as to efficiency and economy. In 1876, the town built a reservoir at Wollaston Heights, and also purchased a new chemical engine to protect this enterprising settlement from fires, which within a few years iiave occurred frequently. Large and ample reservoirs have been, from time to time, constructed in various parts of the town, for its better security in case of extensive conflagrations. The fire department, as now organized, is as efficient and active as any can be under the old hand-engine system. For two or three years past, the progressive citizens of the town have been very active in trying to have the town procure a steam fire engine, for the better protection of the town in case of a severe conflagration, but as yet have been unable to accom- plish this most desirable object. A radical change always meets with strong, and, in most cases, unreasonable opposition ; fire departments are not an exception, for no class of people are more tenacious of their organization than fire associations. So much so is this the case, that when Boston, in 1825, endeavored to make some change in the system of extinguishing fires by utilizing and making more efficient the engines then in use, by placing them, in case of fire, in line, con- necting one with the other, for the purpose of throwing a contin- uous stream of water upon the fire, — this the department refused to do. When the city authorities insisted upon it the companies decided to disband, so strong were their prejudices against this change. At this time Boston had fourteen fire engines, supplied with eight hundred feet of hose, being an allowance of about fifty feet to each engine. In 1865, tl;:- g"cat fire on Doane, Central, Broad and State streets occurred, Avhich clearly demonstrated to the citizens of Boston the inefliciency of the then existing sys- tem of extinguishing fires, as the folloAving statement, made at the time, will illustrate : 78 INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. ^ " The scene, on this occasion, was one of extreme embarrass- ment and confusion. The lines, formed by the firewards with great difficulty, were soon broken or deserted, and great dej^re- dations were committed on property brought forth indiscrimi- nately, and left uni^rotected in the streets. The engines were dragged one thousand feet to the docks, and half the water obtained was lost before they could be dragged back again, and put in operation." Out of this disaster, after a long and severe struggle, grew a more efficient system ; for the city purchased two engines of approved power — one in New York and one in Philadelphia — and a Hydraulicon, which Avas a small engine with one chamber, used for forcing water through hose as a supply to the other engines. From this they passed to suction engines, and then to steam. Steam engines were first used, in London, in 1830, at the fire of the Argyle Rooms. At this period an engine was manufactured for the King of Prussia, that threw about 61 3-4 tons of Avater per minute. The first seamless hose was woven in 1720, at Leipsic, After this they were made by Erka, a linen weaver of Weimar ; and at a later period they were made of linen at Dresden. Hose or pipes of a primitive kind for conveying water, were, however, not entirely unknown to the ancients. At least the architect Appollodorus says : "That to convey water to high places exposed to fiery darts, the gut of an ox, having a bag filled wi h water affixed to it, might be employed, for on com- pressing the bag, water would be forced up through the gut to the place of destination." The first town clock ever owned by the town of Quincy, was presented by Mr, Daniel Greenleaf, in 1844. In consideration of this gift the town appropriated fifty-one dollars to defray the ex- pense of providing a place for it in the tower of the Stone Temple, where it remained until 1869, when the citizens of Quincy, desiring a more accurate time-kee])er, voted to purchase the present one,- at a cost of 1581.49; painting, gilding and placing it in the tower, 1200.54 ; making the total cost, #782.03. The first Centennial, in commemoration of the organization of INCORPORATION OF QUINCY. 79 the First Church, was noticed by the delivery of two sermons by Rev. John Hancock, the pastor of the society, September 16th, 1739. They were published in 1739 ; also reprinted in 1811. The second anniversary was commemorated in 1839 by two sermons, preached by Rev. William Parsons Lunt, D. 1). These interesting sermons were published, and in the appendix a full historical account of the church was given. The first celebration of the incorporation of tlie town was held in 1840, in commemoration of its two hundredth anniver- sary. Considerable feeling and rivalry grew out of making arrangements for this public event, between the " Old Folks," so called, and the young men. The inhabitants of Randolph and Braintree had been invited fo take a jjart in making arrange- ments for this commemoration. They chose delegates for t\n>i. purpose, but on their meeting they could not agree, some desir- ing that it should be held in Braintree, others considered it more appropriate to hold it in Quincy ; the delegates not agreeing, the subject was given up, and Quincy had the honor of the cele- bration. In 1839 several town meetings were held, for the purpose of making suitable preparation for the proposed Centennial. Those who undertook it at this time were called " Old Folks." After a long delay, they not being able to make any satisfactory arrangements for the success of it, concluded to give it up. Upon this, the young men were determined that such an impor- tant event in the history of the town should not be passed by without some observance, and immediately called a meeting, chose a committee, who in a short time made all suitable ar- rangements for the celebration of this public event. The following extract, taken from the appendix of the printed address of Mr. Gregory, will more fully illustrate the spirit of the time : — "The young men of Quincy, seeing that the 'Old Folks' had failed, anrC0RP0RATI0N OF QUINCY. of five divisions. Their burlesque representations were iini(nie, grotesfjne, and to the point. The decorations of the buildings along the route of the procession were quite numerous. At nine o'clock some twenty-live yaclits engaged in a race at Quincy Point. The children of the town had a pleasant, agreeable and inter- esting entertainment at the Town Hall. On Granite street a large pavilion had been erected, where the commemorative exercises were held. The exei^iscs commenced with music by the Weymouth Band ; the singing was executed by a choir of one hundred voices ; and the Declaration of Inde- I)endence was read by six young ladies. The opening historical address was delivered by Charles Francis Adams, Jr., and was followed by historical sketches of the several churches in town, given by their respective pastors. In the absence of a settled clergyman over the Unitarian Society, Mr. Edwin W. Marsh spoke for that church. Col. Parker, Superintendent of the Schools, gave a brief history of the educational institutions. Mr. Charles H. Porter closed with an account of the town's war record. ^ Fireworks in the evening closed the ])eaceful commemomtion of tlie first centennial of our nation's existence as a free and en- lightened republic. An extended and full account of this cele- bration can be found in the Quincy Patriot issued July 8th, 1876, There have been several annexations of territory and people to the town of Quincy, (principally from the old town of Dor- chester, now Ward twenty-four, of Boston,) but in small and detached portions, as many of these people were loath to leave their native town of Dorchester. The first was in 1792, at the time of the incorporation of the town, when the following fam- ilies and their estates were added to the town of Quincy, viz : Benjamin lieale, Jr., Joseph Beale, John Billings, Eben. (ilover and Josiah Glover. In 1819, February l-Jtli, Mr. ('aleb Faxon and his estate was annexed. This land was a part of the estate now owned by Madison Glover, n'ear the new Catholic church at North Quincy. In 1820, it will be seen by the following enactment, that another large i)ortion of the Farms was added, viz : INCORPORATIOX OF QUINCY. 83 "Sectiox 1. Be it enacted, that the Neponset river be and is now hereby established, as the boundary line between the towns of Dorchester and Quincy, in the County of Norfolk, and all that part of the town of Dorchester which lies on the southerly side of the river, called Squantum and the Farms, be and is hereby set off from the said town of Dorchester and annexed to the town of Quincy. Provided, nevertheless, that John Po})e, Edmund Pope, Moses Billings and Oliver ]>illings, with their re- spective families, and all their lands and estates lying in said Squantum and the Farms, and also Thompson Island, so called, with the inhabitants thereon, shall remain annexed to the town of Dorchester, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstand- ing ; and provided, also, that all lots or parcels of Salt Marsh, lying in said Squantum and the Farms, now owned by the town of Dorchester in its corporate capacity, or by the several inhabi- tants of the said town, shall, so long as they remain the }»roperty of any of the inhal)itants of said town, be exein))ted from taxa- tion by the town of Quincy, but may be taxed by the town of Dorchester in the same manner as though the act had never l)assed. " Sect. 2. Be it enacted, that the tOAvn of Quincy shall main- tain and support all paupers, who now have or may hereafter acquire a settlement in each and every part of Squantum and the Farms, which by this act and all former acts have been set off from the town of Dorchester and annexed to the town of Quincy. " Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, that the proprietors of lots of upland and marsh lying in that ])art of the town of Dorches- ter which is by this act set off from the said town and annexed to Quincy, shall be holden to pay taxes which have been legally assessed on them by the said town of Dorchester, in the same manner as though this act had not passed. "February 21st, 1820."^ The final and last annexation of the Squantum lands from Dorchester to Quincy was in ISoS, when "so much of the town of Dorchester, Avith the inhabitants thereon, as lies on the soiitli- easterly side of Neponset river, near to and at the jdace called Squantum, and including the estates now owned and occupied by 1. Special Laws, Vol. V., p. 355. 84 INCORPORATION OF QTJINCY. George B. Billings, Edmund Pope and George W. Billings, is hereby sot off from said Dorchester and ahnexed to the town of Quincy. « May 2d, 1855." April 24th, 1850. Braintrcc Neck, foi-merly called Knight's Neck, was annexed to the town. Annexations to the town have been quite numerous, but not large in extent of territory. CHAPTER OF AMALS. The following is tlic first warrant issued for a town meeting, by Judge Richard Cranch, in 1792, in accordance with the Act of Incorj^oration : — Suffolk, ss. Lieut. Elijah Veazie : You, one of the principal inhabitants of the town of Quincy, in the County of Suffolk, are hereby requested to issue and post the following warrant : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you arc hereby required forthwith to warn and give notice to all the inhabitants (jualified to vote in town affairs, to assemble and meet at the meeting-house in said town, on Friday, the eighth day of March next ensuing, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to clioose such tOM'n officers as towns arc required to choose at the annual town meetings, in the month of March or April annually. RICHARD CRANCII, Justice of the Peace. At this meeting the following toAvn officers were chosen : — Town Clerk, — Eben. Vesey. Treasurer, — ^Thomas B. Adams, Esq. Selectmen a7\d Assessors, — Ebenczer Miller, Esq., Capt. John Hall, Benjamin Beale, Jr., Esq. Constable, — Joseph Neal Arnold. Fence Vieioers, — Lieutenant Peter Brackett, Lieut. Jonathan Baxter. Surveyors of IHghways, — Lieut. Peter Brackett, Ebcnezer Nightingale, Lieut. Jonathan Baxter, Ensign Samuel Bass, Jon- athan Boalc. Jlogreaves, — Peter Adams, 2d, John Sanders. 86 CpAPTER OF ANNALS. Tithingmen, — William Adams, William Sanrlers. Surveyor of Boards and Stileioorks^ — Lieut. Thomas Pratt. Surveyor of Hemp, — John Billings. Packer of Beef — Ebenezer Adams. Culler of Fish, — Capt. Samuel BroAvn. Bread Weigher, — Dea. Jonathan Webb. Sealer of Leather, — Thomas Cleverly, Jr. Hay Wards, — John Nightingale, Lemuel Billings. Fire Wards, — Edward Willard Baxter, Samuel Nightingale. The following is the first warrant issued under the town au- thority for the choice of State and County officers. It will be seen that a property qualification was required at this time to vote, and was not abolished until 1820, when a State Convention was convened for the purposd of altering and amending tlie constitution : — Suffolk, ss. Joseph Arnold, Constable of the town of Quincy, in said County. Greeting : You are hereby required, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the male inhabitants of the said town of Quincy of 21 years of age, and u})Avards, having a freehold estate within the CommonAvealth of the an- nual income of three pounds, or an estate to the value of sixty pounds, to meet at the Meeting-house in said tqwn, on Monday, the 2d day of April next, at one of the clock in the afternoon, to give their votes for a Governor, Lieut. Governor, Senators and CouncilK)rs, agreeable to the Constitution of said Commonwealth, also to give in their votes for County Treasurer. Given under our hand, and seal of said town of Quincy, this 19tli day of March, Anno Domini, 1792. At this meeting the following was the result of their ballot : — For Governor, — John Hancock, 51. For Lieut. Governor, — Samuel Adams, 50. For Senators, — James Bowdwin, 9; Thomas Dawes, 34; Hon. Oliver Wendall, S ; Wm. Pliillips, 25 ; Stei)hen Metcalf, 28; Cotton Tufts, 33 ; Benjiunin Ausiin, 10; Tln)mas llussell, 30 ; Wm. Ileatli, 33 ; John Reed, Est]., 1. For County Treasurer, — Thomas Crafts, 29. CUAPTEK OF ANNALS. 87 The first warrant issued for a town meeting ^ for the transac- tion of town business, was in 1792. At a meeting hehl ]\Iay 14th, 1792 : — After an exciting dehate on tlie artiele in the warrant, wliich was to see if tlie town wouUl petition the General Court to luive the name of the town altered to some other, tlie question Avas decided in the negative. Voted to raise three hundred and fifty pounds, to defray the town expenses the present year. In 1792, the town first established hospitals for the purpose of inoculation for the small pox.^ September 3d, 1792, the town 1. Suffolk, ss. Joseph Neal Arnold, Constable of the town of Quincy, in said County, Greeting: Yor are hereby requested, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, to notify and warn the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town qualified by law to vote in town mtjeting, viz: — Such as pay the one single tax, besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two-thirds of a single poll tax, to meet and assemble at the Meeting-house, on Monday, the second day of April next, at three o'clock in the afternoon, to act on the following articles: — Akticle 1. To choose a JNIoderator. Art. 2. To choose such officers as may be necessary. Art. 3. To raise such sum or sums of money for defraying the necessary charges of said town, as they nuiy think proper. Akt. ■i. To see if the town will direct the Selectmen to let the school lands, or divide the same with the town of Braintree, as the leases are out this spring, or choose a committee for that purpose. Akt. 5. To see what the town will do respecting the poor. Art. G. To see what the town will do respecting the schools, and wood for the .same. Art. 7. To see what manner the town will have the highways repaired. Art. 8. To see if the town will a Pall or Burying cloth. Art. !I. To see if the town will sell four pews, formerly the singers'. Art. 10. To see whether the town will do anything respecting a number of notes lying in the hands of Deacon Jonathan Webb. Art. 11. To see if the town will allow any of the inhabitants to build stables near the Meeting-house. Art. 12. To see what the town will do in respect to building a I'ound. Art. 13. To choose a committee to settle all accounts and matters whatever between this town and the town of Hraintree, and any other committee the town may think proper. KBENEZKR MILLEK, ) .lOJlN HALL, Selectmen. BENJAMIN JiEALE, ) 2. It was the custom at this time to inoculate people for the small pox from small pox matter, which custom (according to Dr. Collison's history of the small xjox) the Chinese had practiced from the sixth century, and the Brahmins 88 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. instructed the Selectmen to open the following houses for the inoculation for the small pox, viz : Jesse Beale's, Benjamin Beale, Jr.'s, on Squantum ; that any and all houses on German- town be made use of, as suitable places for those who are inocu- lated for the small pox ; that Samuel Badcock's and Lemuel from a remote antiquity. It was not, however, till Lady Mary Wortley Monta- gue, in 1721, introduced this custom into England from Turkey,* that her people became interested in the subject. It met with great opposition, both from the medical profession and the clergy. In 1722, Rev. Edward Massey of England, preached a powerful sermon in opposition to its use, in which he asserted that Job's distemper was confluent small pox, and that he had been inoculated b^' the devil. In 1721, Dr. Cotton Mather, a minister of Boston, had, by reading several philosophical transactions on the inoculation for the small pox, become con- vinced that this was a safe and sure preventative from having this loathsome disease, and he recommended a trial of it to the physicians of Boston. They all declined except Dr. Boylston, who by this means made himself quite obnoxious to the people. The doctor was so strong in the faith that he began the experi- ment upon his own children, which proved successful. The people declared that if any of his patients should die he ought to be condemned as a murderer, and the opposition became so enraged that his family were quite unsafe in his house, and he was frequently insulted in the streets. The excitement was so great that the Justices of the Peace and Selectmen of Boston called a meeting of all the doctors, who, after considerable deliberation, arrived at the following conclusions: — "That it appears by numerous instances that inoculation has proved the death of manj' persons soon after the operation, and brought distemper upon many others, which in the end have proved deadly to them. That the natural tenden- cy of infusing such malignant filth in. the mass of blood is to corrupt and putrify it, and if there be not sufficient discharge of that malignity, by the place of incision or elsewhere, it lays a foundation for many dangerous diseases. That the continuing the operation among us is likely to prove of the most dan- gerous consequences." Hutchinson, in his history, relates the following opposition to Cotton IMather: " Doctor Mather, the first mover, after having been reproached and villified in pamphlefs and newspapers, was at length attacked in a more violent way. His nephew, Mr. Walter, one of the ministers of Roxbury, having been pri- vately inoculated in the Doctor's house, in Boston, a villain, about three o'clock in the morning, set fire to the fuse of a granado shell filled with combustible stuff, and threw it into the chamber where the sick man was lodged. The fuse was fortunately beat off by the passing of the shell through the window, and the wild fire spent itself upon the floor. It was generally supposed that the bursting of the shell was by that means prevented. A scurrilous, menacing writing was fastened to the shell or fuse." Notwithstanding all this opposition it gradually gained the confidence of the communitj', and finally came into general use. CHAPTEK OF ANNALS. 89 Billings' house at the Farms may l)e made use of for tlic same purpose. Xo person shall have liberty to inoculate after the first of October. Each of these institutions were obliged to erect a smoke-house, and no person was allowed to leave until they had been thoroughly smoked, and had a certificate from the doctor certifying the person cleansed. The Selectmen were instructed to limit the ground upon which any person belonging to the hospitals, who has been inoculated, shall walk ; any indi- vidual who shall cross the line or limits made by the proper ofticers of the town, shall pay a penalty of three pounds. That one of the Selectmen attend the Court of Sessions on the morrow for instructions. There having been unpleasant differences betAveen Lieut. Seth Spear and Mr. James Brackett, a committee was chosen to ac- commodate matters between them. Perhaps it would have been more satisfactory to the inhabitants of the town if this ancient custom had been continued, although it might have seriously interfered with the legal profession. February 12th, 1793. The following persons were warned by the Selectmen to depart the limits of the town, viz : Thomas Welsh and wife, Barnabas Swift, Seth Joice, Thomas Swift, James McDaniels, James Dorren, Jacob Fowle and family, Mr. Copeland, Luke Herd and family, Thomas Haskell, Samuel Withington and family, John Paul and family, James Faxon and family. Gains Thayer and family, Wm. Jenkins, and Patty Page (so called.) April 80th, 1793. It was voted at this meeting that a drift-way should be laid out to Nut Island. August 12th, 1793. Voted, That Judge Cranch, Moses Black, Esq., and Ebenezer Miller, Esq., be authorized to petition the General Court to have the town of Quincy annexed to Suf- folk County. A standing committee was chosen, to see that there be not any privateering fitted out from this place by any of the citizens of the United States or others, against any of the belligerent jtowers, in order that strict neutrality may be kept up between us and them. December 30th, 1793. In future the bell will toll for the com- 13 90 ' CHAPTEE OF ANNALS. mencement of divine service at half-past ten o'clock a. m., and half-past one o'clock p. m., from the first of November to the first of April ; at ten o'clock a. m., and two o'clock p. u., from April to the first of November. March 10th, 1794. Voted, That Benjamin Beale, Esq., Thomas Pratt, Capt. Daniel Baxter, Lieut. Elijah Veazie, and Mr. Charles Newcomb, be a committee to make and exhibit a plan or plans of a house for the poor, with cost for erection. Two shillings allowed for each day's work on the highways. May 12th, 1794. At this meeting the committee chosen to select a plan for a poor house reported in favor of building one, and that they had selected for its site the town's land near Scant's swamp. Messrs. Benjamin Beale, Peter B. Adams and Moses Black were a committee to build the house, and it was decided that it should be built forthwith. This house stood nearly on the spot where the town's pound now stands. Voted, To have a town meeting called to see if the town will sell the body seats in the meeting-house. May 29th, 1794. Voted, To sell seats on the south side of broad alley. June 19th, 1794. Capt. Daniel Baxter was authorized to col- lect the taxes, at nine-and-a-half pence per pound. Also, to cause the two opposite body seats to be made into two pews, corresiJonding in every particular with the two the ground was sold for. September 15th, 1794. Deacon Jonathan Webb, Benjamin Beale, Esq., and Capt. John Hall were chosen a committee to take or cause to be taken a plan of the town, agreeable to an act of the General Court parsed June 18tli, 1794. A committee was also chosen to confer with the Rev. Mr. Wibird, about shutting up the meeting-house during his poor health. November 3d, 1794. Capt John Hall, Capt. Daniel Baxter, Lieut. Alpheus Cary, Esq., were chosen a committee to assist Capt. Joseph Brackett to procure his quota of men to go into the army, if called for. January 5th, 1795. To allow the committee £9, 7s, Gd, agree- able to their account rendered this day, it being for a bounty l)aid by them to sundry persons enlisted as soldiers. CHAPTER or ANNALS. 91 January 5th, 1795, Voted^ That the Rev. Mr. Briggs, or some j>cr.son, be requested to supply tlic pulpit until next March meeting. April Gth, 1795. Voted, To let the pews in the meeting-house adjoining the Rev. Mr. Wibird's, lately built, for the term of one year, these pews to be let out at vendue to the highest bidder. To allow the Town Clerk thirty shillings, for the jiast two years' services. May Gth, 1795. Moses Beal was chosen Representative. The following is the vote given for and against the revision of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: For re- vision, 5 ; against it, 34. May 27th, 1795. The Selectmen be empowered to hire a piece of ground of Mr. James Brackett for a garden for the i)oor of the town, what they may think sufficient, for a term of four years. October 1st, 1795. Voted, To build a school-house. A com- mittee was chosen to make a plan and estimate the cost of said school-house. Noveinber 16th, 1795. Voted, That the school-house shall be built on the Training Field, and that part of it which the com- mittee thinks most proper. January 17th, 1796. Mary Dunham, Lettiee Pierce, Widow Lettiee Pierce, and other persons were warned to depart tlie limits of the town. March 7th, 1796. Rev. Mr. Flint to officiate in the meeting- house until the second Sunday in April. That the poor be put into the house built for their accommo- dation, excepting such iis the Selectmen think not proper to be ])laced there. .(This was the first almshouse built in town.) The school to be kept the same manner as last year, and the master to be hired by the year. December 8th, 1796. Voted, To accept the Committee's re- port chosen to settle the line of fence between Mr. Seth Burrell and the town lands or training field, according to the following agreement, enclosed in said report to the town : — " And we have further agreed to allow said Burrell ten dollars for taking down the old bake-house, and to run a straight line from the south 92 CHAPTER OF ANNALS, corner of the new scliool-house until it comes within four feet of the underpinning of said new school-house ; then to turn and run back into said Burrell's land four feet ; and then turning and running parallel with said new school-house until it extends be- yond the easterly corner of said new school-house four feet ; then running on a straight line ten rods to the north corner of the town pound, or as far as said BurrelPs land extends. Said town to have liberty of four feet of land back of the line, behind the new school-house and seven feet long, to build a necessary-house on." March 6th, 1797, Voted, To sell the old school-house, and move it away from the ground where it now stands. April 3d, 1797. Eighty-five pounds to be appropriated for schooling, the whole to be for the new school-house and not for any other the present year. That all the poor belonging to the town shall go to the poor-house, and there be provided for the current year. May 1st, 1797. Votes were called for by the Selectmen for a Kepresentative to the General Court, which were as follows : Moses Black, 29 ; Benjamin Beale, Esq., 12 ; John Hall, 5 ; Peter B. Adams, 4. • Voted, That every man shall have the privilege of voting for a colleague to settle in the ministry who is twenty-one years of age. The vote was taken for said colleague, and the result Avas as follows, viz :— Mr. Whitney, 46, and Mr. Flint 34 ; on the second ballot, Mr, Whitney 60, and Mr. Flint 8. A committee was chosen to make estimates and proposals what they supposed Avould be a proper and sufficient salary for a minister to settle over the parish. May 6th, 1797. To raise two hundred .dollars for repairs of the highways, according to the new method prQj^osed by the Selectmen, June 19th, 1797. Voted, To secure three thousand dollars as a fund to erect and support an academy in the town of Quincy, agreeable to a resolve of the General Court. July 31st, 1797. At this town meeting the question of settling a colleague with Mr. Wibird was again brought before the toAvn, and acted upon with the following result : Mr. Jacob Flint of Reading, 45'; to hear further, 20. . . CHAPTER OF ANNALS. 93 Voted, To choose a committee to treat with Mr. Flint on tlie subject of being settled here as an assistant minister. August 7th, 1707. The committee appointed by the town of Quincy on Monday last, being the 31st of July, for the purpose of making estimates and proposals to the town, what they should think would be a proper offer to Mr. Flint, as a salary to settle here as a colle:\gue with the Rev. Anthony Wibird, beg leave to make the following report : — " Your committee would say that they have attended to said matter, as follows : That they have carefully taken into consid- eration the present state and circumstances of the town of Quincy at large, and the Congregational Society in particular, and on the whole it is their o])inion and niatm-e judgment that the sum of five hundred dollars, without any settling be offered to Mr. Flint as a salary for one year, if he should not settle as a colleague with Mr. Wibird. And in order that the salary in future may be such as shall from year to year be just and equi- table jjroportions to the increase and decrease in jsrices of the most necessary articles of Life, your committee has leave to lay before the town their thoughts upon the subject, in the follow- ing necessary articles of food, viz : Indian Corn, Rye, Beef, Pork, at the proper season of the year for purchasing of the above-named articles; the same to be made the standard by which to estimate the salary for said year. The prices of the articles at the present time are as follows, viz : — " Indian Com, per Bushel, " Rye " " "Beef, per Hundred, " Pork, per Pound, After having read the above report, a letter was read from Mr. Flint declining the invitation to settle here, on the ground of the inadecpiacy of the amount offered him for his salary. The letter is too long to insert here, as it would amount in spirit, sentiment and length to an ordinary sermon. September 25th, 1797. At this meeting another proposition was made to the town, — to make an addition to the salary of Mr. Flint, — but it w.;s voted in the negative. £ s. D. 6 7 6 1 16 6." 94 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. This syBtem of basing the salaries of clergymen on the neces- saries of life, which custom had been in vogue from the earliest organization of religious societies in the colonies, had at this time become unsatisfactory and unjust to all parties. So much so was this the case, that this was the last public meeting of the citizens of Quincy in which this old ecclesiastical usage was brought before the town. The following is the report of the committee, October 23d, 1797, on their new departure from this old custom : — " Your committee think it a matter of great importance that a minister and his people should thrive together in mutual love and harmony, and that everything ought to be avoided relating to the settling that might interrupt ; therefore, on the most mature consideration of the subject taken in every point of view, your committee are of an opinion that it will not be best to place the salary on any of the necessaries of life, knowing that such a settlement, based on the necessaries of life, has generally proved a ground of uneasiness, either on the side of the minister or the j^eople, who will differ considerably in their judgment on the subject. Your committee give it as their most mature judgment that it would be best for the town to offer the Rev. Mr. Whitman such a sum, to be pnid to him annually, as will enable him to maintain liimself and family comfortably and with such decency as will do honor to the society that supports them ; and it is the opinion of your committee, that the sum of five hundred dollars per annum will afford him and his family a decent support, and they do now accordingly report that sum for the consideration of the town. Your committee would further report that it is their oi^inion that it would be better and more proper for the town to procure a dwelling-hoiise for the Rev. Mr. Whitman and family, at the town's expense, for them to live in from the time he may come to settle with us till the first of April, 1799, in order to give him time to dispose of his interest at Pembroke and purchase here." A vote was accordingly passed to give the Rev. Kilborn Whit- man a call to settle here as a colleague with the Rev. Mr. Wibird. Mr. Whitman, in a long and cordinl letter declined the invita- tion to settle here, his reason being the want of unanimity of CHAPTER OF ANNALS. 95 those who gave him the call. The meeting, after having received this unexj)ecte(l answer, made a division of said meeting on tlie subject as follows, viz : Seventy-eight voted for, and eight against it. The meeting was then dissolved. March 4th, 1798. Voted, To give liberty to individual sub- scribers to erect a pair of hay-scales in the town, on the town land, where it will be most convenient and not incommode the liighway. They were erected nearly opposite what is now Hancock Court. 3Iarch 5th, 1798. Peter B. Adams, Lieut. Elijah Veazie, and Lieut. Jonathan Baxter were chosen Selectmen for the ensuing year. August 19th, 1799. Voted, That Mr. James Tuckerman preach four Sundays, and Mr. Kendall four Sundays. September 80th, 1799. The thanks of the town were present- ed to the President of the United States, [John Adams,] and Moses Black, Esq., for the present of a clock to be put into the First Church. December 2d, 1799. The following vote was taken upon set- tling Rev. Peter Whitney as a colleague with the Rev. Anthony Wibird : Rev. Peter Whitney, 48 votes ; to hear further, 8. The following salary was decided upon : $500.00 with settling, and 8550.00 without settlement. January 13th, 1800. To take into consideration the ordina- tion of Rev. Peter Whitney. The 5th of February was appoint- ed as the day set apart for the purpose, and that a council of ten churches attend the ordination. , March Gth, 1800. A.t the annual meeting Mr. Moses Black was chosen Moderator ; Mottram Vesey, Clerk ; Moses Black, Treasurer ; Deacon Elijah Veasey, Lieut. Jonatlian Baxter, J^ieut. Aljdieus Carey, Selectmen. Three thousand dollars were raised for town expenses the year ensuing, four hundred dollars to be raised for schools, viz : School-house, §270.00 ; Farm Dis- trict, 827.50; Squantum, 810.00; Hough's Neck and German- town, 822.50 ; Old Fields District, 811.00 ; Penu's Hill District, 822.50; Woods District, $22.50; North District, 114.00. Tlie vacancy where the old stairway was in the church, be appropri- ated for the use of the black people to sit in. 96 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. April 7th, 1800. The following votes were cast for Governor : Caleb Strong, 55; Elbridge Gerry, 11 ; Hon. William Heath, 1. To widen Old Field Road one rod and one-Jialf. May 5th, 1800. At this meeting a Representative was chosen to the General Court, the vote standing as follows : Moses Black, 50; Benjamin Beal, 16; James Brackett, 1. January 11th, 1802, To choose two agents to assist with their Representative in aiding a petition in General Court to build a bridge over NejDonset river, the expense to be defrayed by the town. This year it was voted to adorn the green, on which the First Church stands, with trees. March 7th, 1803. There shall be jn-ovided, at the expense of the town, seventy-five hundred weight of powder and two hun- dred weight of balls, to be kej^t in stock and dei^osited in some proper place, for the use of two companies of training soldiers when re(piired. August 29th, 1803. The committee chosen on the Neponset turnpike made the following report : — " That the town do grant to said corporation all their right and title to the old road, between Mr. Black's and the stone post at the corner leading to Squantum, excepting that j^art of the road which leads to Jesse Fenno's and the marshes, whenever the said corporation shall open the new road, agreeable to their act of incorporation, it being understood that this grant is made to said corporation upon condition that they shall convey the said old road to the respective jiroprietors of the land who have given the new road, agreeable to the agreement made between said corporation and said proprietors of the land. "Peter Adams, ") " Joseph Baxter, >- Committee." "Daniel Greenleap, ) Voted, That the poor be let out at vendue to the lowest bid- der, to be supported for the term of one year, on the same con- ditions that they were let out last year, viz : They are to be furnished with provisions, clothes and fire-wood, what may be necessary to support them comfortably. Accordingly the poor were put up by the Moderator, and were struck off to John Spear, at $495, for said term. CHAPTER OF ANXALS. 97 April '2(1, 1804. To grant the singers tlie sum of twenty-five dollars to jirocure a bass viol for the use of the congregation. To lay out the floor in the side galleries 'for pews, and to sell the same. May 7th, 18U4. The committee made the following report on the siibject of making a straight road through the centre of the town, viz : — '^ That jNlr. Ebenezer Veasey offered to straighten the road according to the burying-ground wall, fill uj) the old well, remove the barn, and make the fence through the land into the road, as it is now staked out, for $200 ; reserving to him- self the turf or soil, also as much of Capt. John Newcomb's land as may be necessary to sfi'aighten the road, at $G00 per acre." April 2d, 1804. This year we find for the first time recorded the votes for a full list of Presidential Electors, although three l»residential elections, previous to this date, had been held since tiie incorporation of the town. The vote for Electors at largo was as follows, viz: Hon. David Cobb of Goldsborough ])is- trict, Maine, 90 ; Hon. Oliver Wendall of Boston District, 90 ; James Sullivan of Boston District, 27 ; Elbridge Gerry of Cam- bridge District, 27. District Electors : Norfolk District, Cotton Tufts of Weymouth, 90 ; Norfolk District, Hon. William Heath, 27. The remaining District Electors we have omitted, but each l)arty cast the same number of votes for all of their respective candidates. It was not, it appears, until this year that the ma- chinery of the presidential election got fairly into working order. At the Presidential election in 1790, the citizens of the town seem to have bolted the regular Federal nominees for Electors, ^uid to have voted for an independent candidate, an inhabitant of their own town. It api)ears a little singular that the jMassa- chusetts Electors, wdio gave their suffrage to Mr. John Adams, did not receive a vote at this election in Quincy. Why the town refused to cast their ballots for Mr. Adams, we are unable to state. The following is the record of this election : — " The inhabitants of the town met for the choice of Electors for Pres- ident and Vice-President, and gave in their votes as follows : Benjamin Beale, Esq., 88 ;" and this appears to have been the only Elector voted for in town. Mr. Beale, also received 14 98 CHAPTER OP ANNALS. two votes in Randolph, and it will be seen that he was not one of the Massachusetts Electors who cast their ballot for Mr. Adams.^ December 10th, 1804. The committee on widening the road through the centre of the town are further empowered to pur- chase of Theophilus Thayer such a piece of land as may- be thought necessary for tlie above purpose, at the rate of six hun- dred dollars per acre. If he is not willing to sell at this rate, take the land and abide the decision of the law. This estate was located where now stands the Congregational Church. May 6th, 1805. Moses Black, Esq., James Brackett, and Peter B. Adams, Esq., were further empowered to meet the town of Braintree Agents, respecting a division of a piece of land known by the name of Owens Fields, lying in Quincy. April 7th, 1806. Voted, To dismiss the article respecting fishing and fowling on half-moon, viz : — " To know if the town will maintain their right and priviledge, according to old custom, in fishing and fowling on half-moon, and if any inhabitant should be prosecuted on that account, that the town, as a town, would defend the prosecution." April 7th, 1807. A committee was chosen to lay out a road to Bent's Point, from the meeting-house. April 11th, 1808. The committee to whom was re-committed the subject of laying out the road to Hough's Neck and German- town, made a lengthy report on May 23d, which was accepted by the towli. The following is an abstract of said report : " That said road laid out by this committee was more convenient than 1. The following persons were chosen as the Presidential Electors of Massa- chusetts for 17% :— ELECTORS AT LARGE. "William Sever, Stephen Longfellow. DISTRICT ELECTORS. No. 1, — Samuel Hollis. No. 8, — David Rosseter. No. 2,— Edward II. llobbius. No. !),— Nathaniel "NVells. No. 3,— Elbridge Gerry. No. 10,— Ebonezer Hunt. No. 4, — Ebeuezor Mattoou. . No. ll,~Elisha May. No. 5, — Samuel riiillips. No. 12, —Joseph Allen. No. 6, — Increase Sumner. No. 13,— Thomas Rice. No. 7, — Thomas Dawes. No. 14, — Ebenezer Bacon . CHAPTER OP ANNALS. 99 the road as used and laid out in 1673, and a saving of one hun- dred rods in distance, and would quiet this unpleasant subject which had so long agitated the puhlic mind, and do away with the bars and gates which have been of so much annoyance to their free communication to the Neck and Germantown." November 7th, 1808. That the thanks of the town be pre- sented, through the Selectmen, to the Hon. Josiah Quincy, for his generous and valuable gift to the First Church, in tliis town, of a large Bible for the use of the sacred desk ; and further, that the Selectmen be requested to cause a place to be made in the pulpit, for the purpose of keeping it secure from danger ; and that the old Bible be presented to the Rev. Mr. Whitney, as a gift from the town. April 3d, 1809. This year school districts were first estab- lished by metes and bounds, viz : Hough's Neck and German- town District, Old Fields District, Pcnn's District, Wood's District, North District, Farms District, Squantum District, Centre District. April 17th, 1809. For years cattle were allowed to be pas- tured in the old cemetery, locatq^ on Hancock street. This desecration of the cemetery by cattle trampling down tomb- stones had become a matter of considerable complaint; by the liberality of several of the town's most noted citizens, the people were relieved of this trouble. It was voted that a deed present- ed this day to the town, signed by the Hon. John Quincy Adams and the Hon. Josiah Quincy, conveying the right of passage, herbage and pasturage in and over the burial ground in said town, be accepted on the conditions expressed in said instru- ment, and that the thanks of the town be presented to these gentlemen for their liberal donation. May 6th, 1809. Voted, To purchase a new bell for the meeting-house, (which was the First Church,) the weight to be thirteen hundred pounds. The sale of the old one to be left with the committee. Voted, To accept the road, as laid out by the Selectmen, from the new bridge to the training field, and the expenses on said bridge not to exceed ninety dollars. August 30th, 1809. An attempt was made to introduce inoc- 100 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. ulation, or, as it is now called, vaccination, from the kine or cow pox. After a long and earnest debate the question was decided in the negative, that it would be of no use, nor any protection to the public against the loathsome disease, small pox. May 6th, 1811. The Selectmen are requested to procure ac- commodations for the inhabitants of the town to sit in the hall at town meetings. November 12th, 1812. Vote for the choice of Electors for the Southern District : William Heath, 121 ; Joshua Thomas, 121 ; David Scudder, 121 ; William Rotch, 121 ; John Adams, 28 ; Nathaniel Morton, 26 ; John Davis, 25 ; Joseph Barker, 26. May 31st, 1813. A committee was chosen for the pur230se of communicating and receiving information concerning husbandry, so that the town could better understand what improvements had been made in agriculture. Voted, To allow the singers the sum of twenty dollars. May od, 1814. A report of a committee on the annexation of a part of Dorchester to Quincy was received, viz : — That all that tract of land lying on the south side of Neponset river, and within the old line of the town of Dorchester, about eight acres, known by the name of Horse Hommock ; also a tract of land called Bayfield, containing seventeen acres, be annexed. Voted, To allow the soldiers twenty dollars per month, and that they be paid, and to deduct the interest" of one year if paid within two months from this date. October 2d, 1815. Abstract of report of committee on build- ing an almshouse : — "They liave given much time and attention to the duty assigned them, and have caused to be completed a firm, substantial and convenient house, for the permanent accom- modation of the poor of the town. The estimated amount for building the house last May, as they reported to the town, was $2,200, but by economy in purchasing the materials, and judi- cious management in contracting the work, we have been ena- bled to complete the house for |1,973.18." Tliis house is the same as now used for the town's poor. The Town Hall, in which was included the Grammar School Room, was burnt down December 30th, 1815. March 4th, 1816. The committee on Town House and CHAPTER OF AXNALS. 101 School House made the folloAving report, to wit : — " Your com- mittee are unanimously of the opinion that it will be expedient for the town to cause to be erected a building of sufficient dimensions to allow two school-i'ooms on the lower floor, the second story to be reserved and conveniently arranged as a Town Hall, for the inhabitants to meet in. Your committee were also requested to report on a site for said building, but not having had time to give this point suitable consideration, would have it referred to another committee, and they be clioscn by ballot." This was agreed to. May 6th, 1816. The Committee on the Town Hall reported as follows : — " That, for the purpose expressed in their commis- sion, it will be expedient to erect a house in dimensions 30 feet by 55 feet, and 20 feet high, to be completed agreeable to a plan submitted for your consideration. Your committee also present for investigation an estimate of expense, material and work, by which it appears that if the house is built according to the re- ported plan of wood, it will cost $2,200 ; if of stone, $3,600. Your committee was also requested to point out a site the most convenient for said building. To this part of their commission they have given considerable time and attention ; the result of their inquiries is as follows : The only convenient place or site is a part of Mr, John Briesler's lot adjoining the burying ground. It can be bought for six dollars per rod, at which i)rice the land required will cost about two hundred." Hon. Tliomas Greenleaf, Thomas B. Adams, Benjamin Page, Deacon Josiah Adams, and Edmund Billings were chosen a com- mittee, and directed and duly authorized to mark out, on some part of the training field, the most convenient site, in their ojjinion, on which to erect, for the accommodation of the town, a building for a School House and a Town Hall, and that they cause the same to be properly staked out, and give due notice to the building committee. June 24th, 1810. The former vote on tlie Town Hall and School House was reconsidered, and a new committee chosen and authorized to purchase one acre of land of Mr. Jolin Bates, all the front northerly on the road leading to Bent's Point, so-called, on which to erect a Town Hall and School House, at the price 102 CHAPTEB OF ANNALS. of three hundred dollars per acre. Deacon Spear, Capt. John Hall and Frederick Hardwick were the committee chosen for the above purpose, and they were also empowered to give their obligations in behalf of the town to Mr, Bates for payment of the land, and take a deed for the same. July 8th, 1816. The town not being satisfied with their pre- vious action, in choosing a committee and authorizing them to purchase a lot of Mr. Bates, reconsidered the vote, and chose another committee, viz : Mr. Thomas Greenleaf, Noah Curtis, Deacon Spear, Edmund Billings and Asa Pope, who were authorized and requested to ascertain if there were any other lots that would in their opinion afford a more convenient site for said building, with better accommodations for the town, than that purchased of Mr. Bates. July 16th, 1816. The committee made the following report on the Town House : — " That there are several lots of land in the vicinity of the training field, which may now be purchased, either of which, in the opinion of your committee, will afford a more eligible site for a public building, and will better accommodate the inhabi- tants of the town. '■^First, — A lot of Mr. Briesler's, adjoining the burying ground, which measures fifty-five rods, five feet. The price is six dollars per rod ; whole cost of said j^iece of land, three hundred and thirty-nine dollars. " Second^ — A lot of Mr. Savil's, adjoining Mr. Quincy's sheds, measuring twenty-one rods. Price, three hundred dollars, about fourteen dollars per rod. " Third,— A lot of Deacon Webb's, north of Mr. Burrell's house, measuring twenty-five rods. Price per rod, eight dollars. " Fourth, — A lot of Deacon Adams', opposite the engine house, measuring twenty rods, at fifteen dollars per rod. "Your committee are of the unanimous opinion that Mr. Briesler's lot possesses the greatest advantages for the town, and is the most eligible site." The above report was accepted, and the same committee was instructed to have said Town House erected, and purchase the land of Mr. Briesler ; also to let the land purchased of Mr. CHAFTEB OF ANNALS. 103 Bates. Thus ended this long and vexatious question of locating the Town House, which was as difficult and troublesome as is the settling a minister in some of our churches. July 21st, 1817. The committee reported the School House and Town House completed, at a cost of $2,127.19. April 11th, 1818. Voted, That Mr. Daniel Hobart be author- ized and directed to keep the boys in order in the meeting-house on Sundays. April 5th, 1819. Voted, To allow the singers fifty dollars. Voted, To add that portion of the land purchased of Mr. Briesler not occupied by the new Town House to the burying ground, reserving, on the southeast side and southwest end, eighteen feet, for the purpose of erecting tombs. November 18th, 1819. Voted, That a private way be laid out for the benefit of Mr. "William Packard, to his quarries of stone, at his own expense, for the purpose of transporting the same. April, 1820. Voted, That the thanks of the town be present- ed to their Agent, for his valuable services in assisting the town petition for establishing Neponset river as the boundary line be- tween Dorchester and Quincy. This was the settlement of a question that had long been in controversy, relieving the town from a great deal of trouble and expense in assessing and col- lecting taxes. April, 1820. This is the Committee's report on schools: — " The whole number of scholars in both schools during the last winter, exclusive of some that were transient, was two hundred and four, seventy-nine of whom belonged to the cyphering school, which was kept in the smallest room, nearly the whole number attending. The room was so much crowded that the scholaVs were obliged to wait one for the other, for seats, notwithstand- ing the master gave up his desk, and used every means in his power to accommodate them. The committee recommend the enlargement of the room, which seems to be needed." April 7th, 1823. Voted, To allow the singers ninety doUars; also, to see what right individuals have to take children to board from out of town, for the purpose of sending them to the town school. For years it had been a desirable object to establish a more 104 CIIAPTKK OF ANNALS. convenient and easici' metliod of conveying stone from the quar- ries to the wharves or ph^cc of transportation, than by tlie slow, tedious and extremely burdensome system of carting them by cattle ; and also to lessen the heavy expense which attended this manner of transportation. No way had as yet been devised for taking stone to the wliarves but ])y teams, and, as it could not in those days of poor roads and insufficient vehicles be easily taken to the water, a ])lan was devised for bringing tlie water nearer to the stone. Accordingly, in the s})ring and summer of 1824, a canal was projected and begun by Mr. Joshua Torrey, an enterprising citizen of the town. It was intended it should run from the head of the creek, east of the almshouse, nearly to the stone meeting-house, which Avould economize a great part of the carriage by land. It was entered upon and pursued for a time with great spirit. Tlie town chose a committee to investigate the fcnsibility of this imjiortant ])roject, who reported strongly in its favor, but were unable to afford it any pecuniary assist- ance, and it proving too expensive, at least for one individual, the whole design of this much needed and connnendable iin- ]u-ovement was finally abandoned. Although Mr. Torrey's commendable ])roject proved a failure, it seems to have awakened a spirit of public enterprise among the citizens of the town, as in the sj)ring of 1825 they set on foot another ])lan for the construction of a canal, Avhich was to follow the stream enlled Town Iliver, from the tide-mill up to the stone bridge on the llinghani and Quiney Turnpike, and by dredging out the old channel, so that large sloops could easily approach the spacious wharves that were to be built for the j)urp()se of making navigation prolitable, and make it more convenient for the inhabitants of the town to i)rocure their hunber, grain and other merchandise at a more reasonable price. A company was incorpt)rated, under the name of the (Quiney Canal Corporation, the shares were readily sold, and its construc- tion was comnu'noed Avith a great deal of enthusiasm, and san- guine hopes of future success. After considerable delay, caused by making unsatisfactory contracts, the uiulertaking Avas finally et)mi»leted in the autumn of 182G, at a cost of ten thousand dol- lars. The corporation continued in operation for some time, with CHAPTER OF ANNALS. 105 varied success, but finally proving unsuccessful, was dissolved some years ago, at a great loss to the sliare holders. During the construction of the canal, a more important and bolder enterprise was started for the building of a laihvay for the transportation of stone, as in January, 1820, a petition was presented to the Legislature for an act of incorporation to con- struct a railway in Quincy, from the stone quarries to Neponset river. The following is the form of the petition : — "The undersigned petitioners represent, that it wouhl be of great public utility to establish a railway from certain cpiarries in the town of Quincy to the tide waters, for the carrying of stone to be used in building. That yoiir petitioners arc disposed to establish the same, or to aid in effecting it ; but that it will require a voluntary subscription, and employment of a large sum of money, and such sum can only be obtained by extending \ the subscription among many persons, and that it would greatly facilitate the enterprise if those who are engaged in it should act under corporate power.s." This })etition was signed by Thomas Handeyside Perkins, William Sullivan, Amos Lawrence, Solomon Willard, David Moody and Grfdley Bryant, all of Boston with tlie exception of Solomon Willard. This, like other great cx])erimcnts of internal improvement could not be projected and carried on without opposition from zealous and interested parties, who thought their selfish inter- ests should be paramount to the public good, as was the case in this instance. Many of the inhabiunnts of Quincy, as well as individual owners of quarries, desired that the railway should run through the town to Brackett's Wharf or the Point. Tins route they endeavored to make appear more feasible, as its construction would be attended with much less cost, and would be more fa- vorable to the interests of those who were in possession of valu- able quarries in the North Commons, where stone had been taken for years. They anticipated that this enterprise might enable the railway company to absorb all the business by their greater facilities in cheapening the transportation of stone, and they would have to give up their business or construct a railway 15 106 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. at their own exj^ense, which, with their Hmitecl means, was too great an undertaking for them to accomplish. Tliis, like all other imaginary troubles, soon came to an end. Those who have carried on the stone business in the North Commons, have been as successful as those who have transacted the same business at the railway. The only official action ff the town we liave been enabled to ■ find, was, that at a public meeting held January 25th, 1826, a committee of fifteen of the most influential citizens was chosen to confer with the Legislative Committee, and instructed to favor or oppose this project, if in their judgment it would prove favorable or unfavorable to the interest of the town. The fol- lowing gentlemen were chosen the committee, viz : Hon. Thomas Greenleaf, Edward Miller, Esq., Josiah Bass, Isaac Riddle, Esq., Hon. Tfiomas B. Adams, George W. Beale, Elisha Marsh, Noah Curtis, Josiah Adams, Josiah Brighara, Frederick Hardwick, Daniel Greenleaf, John Souther, Henry Wood, and Edmund Billings. The opposition to this important object did not seem to have been very successful, as an act of incorporation was granted it by the Legislature, and was approved on the fourth of March, 1826. The company, as soon as sufficient capital could be pro- cured, was organized by making choice of Col. Thomas H, Per- kins, President. The railroad was built during this year, but not without much delay; the estimated cost was one hundred thousand dollars. This was the first incorporated railroad in America. It was not until the twenty-seventh of March, 1827,'that the contract for the transportation of stone was made. By this contract the company agreed to carry, during the year 1827, three thousand tons of hewn granite. This great internal improvement grew out of a project of constructing a monument on Bunker Hill, in commemoration of a great historic battle, fought on this eminence at the open- ing of the American Revolution. The Monument Association had purchased a cpiarry in Quincy, for the pur])ose of procuring suitable material for the construction of this monument. Up to this time large blocks of granite had not been used or trans- CHAPTER OF ANNALS. 107 ported. It then became a serious matter of consideration with tlie Association, what method Avould be the most economical and successful for the carrying of stone. The committee, after l)ecoming satisfied tliat tlie system adopted in England for the conveyance of% heavy merchandise, especially coal and iron from the mines, by tramways, was successful, reasonably con- cluded that if a similar system was established here it would meet their desired wants. And so it proved, by a saving of gi-eat expense to the Association. At this time the successful experiment of Blockett and Stephenson, in the facilitating of locomotion by the application of steam, was not generally known or in use, and this three miles of raihvay to the Neponset river was oi)erated by horse- power, and continued to be so until it was mostly absorbed by the West Quincy Branch of the Old Colony Railroad. May 3d, 1841. Voted, That the paupers be allowed a temper- ate use of ardent spirits when they work on the road, or farm. Ninety-six voted in favor, and eighty-six against. The paupers also asked of the town the privilege to sell their rations. February 9th, 1844. The subject of establishing a railroad came up at this meeting. A committee was chosen to meet the Legislative Committee, to make the best possible arrangement they could, so as to have the proposed railroad between Boston and Plymouth pass through the centre of the village of Quincy ; t and if they deemed it expedient to employ counsel. The folk)w- ing committee were chosen for the purpose, viz : James New- comb, George Clapp, Daniel Baxter, and William B. Duggan. As early as 1841, the question of building a Town House was agitated. March 3d it was voted to build a new Town House on land of Daniel French, provided a suitable site could be ob- tained for a thousand dollars. From this time to 1844 the ques- tion was frequently brought before the meetings Avitli various results. February 9th of that year the following vote was passed : — Voted, To indefinitely postpone the purchasing of the Uni- versalist Meeting-house for a Town Hall. It was then decided to build one on the old site. A motion was then made that when the ToAvn Hall was built it should be constructed of stone. 108 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. which was decided in the negative. A committee of five was then chosen to procure a suitable plan for a Town House, of wood or stone, and estimates of the same. The committee chosen were as follows : Solomon Willard, John Savil, Gershom Clements, John A. Green and Noah Curtis. It fras recommend- ed that the Town House should be eighty-five feet long, includ- ing portico, and fifty feet wide ; and that it be built of wood. March 5th, 1844. The committee on the Town Hall reported that the cost of its construction of wood, including the cellar and underpinning, would be $7,587.20. They decided not to build on the old site by the following vote : 203 voted in favor, and 268 against. A motion was then made to build it on the Hancock lot, which was decided in the negative. Voted, That the Town Treasurer be authorized to purchase forthwith the land called the Faxon and Willett lots,^ agreeable to a plan exhibited to the town this day, and also to choose a building committee of five persons. Daniel Baxter, Benjamin Page, James Newcomb, John Souther, and George Veazie were chosen said committee. At an adjourned meeting the committee, through the Town Treasurer, made a report on purchasing the Faxon and Willett lots, viz: — "That in pursuance of the vote of the town, your committee proceeded forthwith to examine the title of the two lots before referred to, and found, partly by tradition and partly by'record, that on one or both of said lots was erected, in the early settlement of the town, a stone garrison house,'^ to protect the inhabitants from the inroads and attacks of the hostile Indians ; that at a subsequent date, in more peaceable times, the garrison house was converted into and used as a church, which church more than a century ago fell into decay, and another church was erected on the same site, and in time became disused and deserted." As soon as this report was made, a motion was offered to re- consider the vote to purchase these two lots, and was successful 1. The Faxon and "Willett lots were located on the northerly corner of Han- cock and Canal streets. 2. We have not been able to find any recorded, or well authenticated tradi- tional evidence, that a stone garrison house ever stood in this locality. TOWN HALL, (iUINCY. ERECTEB IN 1844. CHAPTER OF ANNALS. 109 by the following vote: 327 for, 281 against reconsideration. April 18th, 1844. The town voted to authorize the Treasurer forthwith to purchase the lot of land offered to them by Mr. Daniel French, for the purpose of building a Town House upon, by the following vote : 325 for, and 229 against. To the build- ing committee appointed March 5th the following persons were added, viz : Solomon Willard, Henry Wood, George W. Beale, William Torrey, Abel Wright, Thompson Baxter, Levi G. Fol- som, Ebenezer Jewett, Jonathan Jameson, John A. Simpson. They were instructed to have the Town Hall completed by the first of November next. Then voted to reconsider the vote whereby the town had voted to build it of wood, and that it be built of stone. The vote for reconsideration was as follows: 31G in favor, and 223 against. Thus ended the long and bitter strife for the selection of a site and the erection of the present Town House. Mr. Thomas Adams was instrumental in securing this result, by his untiring exertions among the workmen on stone, by promising them that if they would vote to have the Town House erected on the site where it now stands, it should be built of stone. By this chicanery he was enabled to carry his point, and change the location of the Town House from its former proposed site ; and South Quincy lost the privilege of having this public edifice con- stnicted within her limits. This contention left for years a bitter feeling between the Centre and South parts of the town. The cost of the construction of the stone Town House was $19,115.93. The following arc the principal items which went to make up this cost : — Solomon Willard, drawing plans and superintending building five months, S 280.00 J. B. Whicher & Co., contract, - - 4,244.00 AVright & Barker, « . . _ 2,573.00 Rowland Owens, "... 2,375.00 William Gardner, «... 2,200.00 Ebenezer Jewett, "... 600.00 James B. I'erkins, "... 4,654.18 Daniel French, land fof Town House, - 1,000.00 In 1871, the Town House was enlarged by removing the two ante-rooms in front of the TTnll, each side of the main entrance; also other alterations were made, at a total expanse of $0,478.08. 110 CHAPTER OF ANNALS. This year, 1844, the following items made up the amount of School money : — Apjiropriated for Schools, - - - $3,100.00 School Fund, 139.60 Income of Coddington Fund, - - - 75.00 Of this sum six hundred dollars was divided equally between the six districts, and the remainder according to the number of children in each district between the ages of four and sixteen, as ascertained on the 1st of May. Centre District, Pupils 269, South " " West " " Point " North " " East " ' April 15th, 1845. James Newcomb, Joseph Richards, and George Newcomb received a charter to construct a railroad from the quarries to Quincy Point, the number of shares not to exceed eight hundred. Not being able to procure sufficient capital for this much needed enterprise, it never was carried into operation. 269, Share of Money, $870:27 240 787.24 207 692.74 137 492.30 57 263.23 38 208.60 CEMETERIES. HANCOCK CEMETERY. " With tby rude ploughshare, Death, turn up the sod, And spread the farrow for the seed we sow ; This is the field and acre of our God; This is the place where human harvests grow I " — Longfellow. We have not been able to find by the Town Records any mention made as to what time the old cemetery on Hancock street was established. It, however, must have been as early as the first settlement of the town, as we find by the epitai)hs on the grave-stones that it was here that most of the original settlers were buried. Still all the dead were not depositdl here, as it was then the custom for many })eople to inter the dej^arted on their own farms or lands. In these early days, the austerity of the religioug views of the Pilgrims appears to have imbued the people with the same gloomy ideas in the management and selection of their grave- yards. These were generally on some barren plain, selected more for convenience than for adaptability, and cleared of its trees and shrubs, where the last resting-i)lace of the dead pre- sented a repulsive and desolate aspect, by being covered with obnoxious weeds and overgrown grasses. They never beautified their graves with flowers, shrubs and trees, both native and exotic ; considering the unadorned ground a more ai)i)ropriate resting-place for departed and loved friends. Tlie refinement of modern times, in adorning cemeteries with all that is beautiful in nature and art, is a renewal of ancient customs, improved by the advancement of civilization in con- foiming with the more congenial feelings of the human heart. 112 CEMETEBIES. The old Hebrews chose some secluded and remote place for the interment of their dead, " with all the trees thereon, and the borders round about," The Romans buried their dead beside the Appian Way, one of their public thoroughfares, along the sides of which were erected sculptured monuments of their illustrious dead. These were not reared in common and neglect- ed wastes, but amid luxuriant foliage of trees and shrubs. " Stop, traveller ; and give a passing thought to the memory of departed heroes," was often found inscribed on these Roman monuments. Even the Mohammedans took their dead beyond the cities and villages to the place of sej^ulture, and commonly planted a cypress tree over the graves of their friends, which has reared those solemn cypress groves along the Asiatic shores of the Bosphorus. " In Switzerland the little burial places of the Al- l^ine villages were made beautiful by the unaffected love of those who planted flowers upon the graves of the departed, or hung garlands upon the simple crosses," as affection's offering for loved ones passed away. The customs and method of conducting burials by the early Puritans must have been repugnant to all the natural and rever- ential feelings of humanity towards departed kindred and friends. Lechford, in his "Plain Dealings," a writer of that day, relates thqt no prayers, sermons or singing were allowed at the house or the grave, in respect to the living or dead.^ 1. "Concerning burials, this they say: All prajers, either over or for the dead, are not only superstitious and vain, but also are idolatry, and against the plain Scriptures of God. * * * Mourning in black garments] for the dead, if it be not hypocritical, yet it is superstitious and heathenish. Funeral sermons they also utterly condemn, because they are put in the place of trentals, and many other superstitious abuses follow thereby. To be brief, * * the Nonconformists will have the dead to be buried in this sort, (liolding no other way lawful,) namely, that it be conveyed to the place of burial, with some hon- est company of the church, without either singing or reading ; yea, without all kind of ceremony heretofore used, other than that the dead be committed to the grave with such gravity and sobriety as those that be present may seem to fear the judgments of God, and to hate sin, which is the cause of death. And thus do the best and right-reformed churches bury their dead, without any ceremo- nies of praying or preaching at them."— J. Canne's Necessitie of Separation (1()34,) Hans. Kuolly's Soc. Ed., p. 112-113. Comp. Mather's Ratio Disci- pline, 117. CEMETERIES. 113 Mr. Trumbull, in his note to Lecliford, assigns as the reason for this custom that funeral sermons ami prayers would be Popish, and encourage the superstitious customs of the Catholic church. It was not until 1685, as far as we are able to learn, that prayer was first made at a funeral in Massachusetts.^ The oldest head-stone in the old cemetery is to be found at the grave of the first minister, Mr. William Tompson, bearing date December 10th, 1666. Most probably the first tomb constructed in this old ground was that of Leonard Hoar, M. D.,^ the third Presiitent of Har- vard College, in 1675. The inscription on this tomb was renewed a few years since by one of bis worthy descendants. 1. " The first instance, as far as is known, of prayer at a funeral in Massa- chusetts, was at the burial of Rev. William Adams of Roxbury, August mth, 1()85, when, as Judge Sewall noted in his diary, Mr. Wilson, minister of Med- field, prayed with the company before they went to the grave."— Palfrey's Hist, of N. E., Vol. III., p. 495, Note 1. 2. "After the death of Mr. Channcey, which was at the latter end of the year 1701,* the Alma Mater Academia must look among her own sons, to find a Pres- ident for the rest of her children ; and. accordingly, the Fellows of the Colledge, with the approbation of the overseers, July 1.3th, 1C72, elected Mr. Leonard Hoar unto that office, whereto, on the 10th of September following, he was inaugurated. "This gentleman, after his education in Harvard Colledge, travelled over into England, where he was not only a preacher of the gospel in divers places, but also received from the University in Cambridge the degree of a Doctor of Physick. The Doctor, upon some invitations relating to a settlement in the pas- toral charge with the South Church at Boston, returned into New-England, having first married a virtuous daughter of the Lord Lisle, a great example of I'lety antl patience, who now cross'd the Atlantick with him; and quickly after his arrival here, his invitation to preside over the Colledge at Cambridge super- seded those from the church in Boston. Were he considered either as a scholar or as a Christian, he was truly a worthy man, and he was generally reputed such, until happening, I can .scarce tell how, to fall under the displeasure of some that made a figure in the neighbourhood, the young men in the Colledge took advantage therefrom, to mine his reputation as far as they were able. He then found the Rectorship of a Colledge to be as troublesome a thing as ever Antigonus did his robe, and he could subscribe to Melchior Adams' account of it: ' Sceptrum illud scholasticuni, plus habet soliciludinis quam ]ndchritmlinis, plia< curcB quam auri, plus impcditnenti quam arijetiti.' (Translation,— The academic sceptre is more fruitful of anxiety than of pleasure, brings more care thau cash, more embarrassmeut than romuueratiou. ) The youny plants turned 16 114 CEMETERIES. The second tomb built, we think, was that of Edmund Quincy, in 1699. In Fairfield's Diary we find the following account of Mr. Quincy's burial : — "January 10th, 1697-8. Helped dig Mr. Quincy's grave. Frost is one and near two feet thick." "January 11th. Made an end of digging, bricked the grave. Weather warm." " Sejatember 16th, 1699. I carted stone for Mr. Quincy's tomb." The old Ministerial Tomb was erected by the Rev. Moses Fisk, the third minister of the First Church, in which he and his two wives were buried. After his death this tomb was selected as the ministerial sei^ulchre, in which all the ministers of the First Church who have died here have been interred, with the exception of Mr. Tompson and Mr, Flint. Over tlie grave of the latter was placed a large flat stone, as was then the custom, to prevent the wild beasts from removing the re- mains of the dead from their last resting-place. Not long before the decease of the Rev. Peter Whitney, the monument over the tomb was renewed by the ladies of Quincy with granite, and the freestone tablet that surmounted it was preserved. It is somewhat a wonder that any of the old grave-stones were left as the only mementoes of the mouldering relics of the first settlers of the town, as this old cemetery was uninclosed cud-iveeds, and, with great violations of the fifth commandment, set themselves to travestie whatever he did and said, and aggravated every thing in his be- haviour disagreeable to them, with a design to make him odious ; and in a dai/ of temptation, which was now upon them, several very good men did unhappily countenance the ungoverned youths in their uugovernableness. Things were at length driven to such a pass that the students deserted the Colledge, and the Doctor, on March 15th, 1675, resigned his Presidentship. But the hard and ill usage which he met withal made so deep au impression upon his mind that his grief threw him into a consumption, whereof he dyed November 28th, the win- ter following, in Boston; and he lies now interr'd at Braintree, where he might properly enough have this line inscribed over him for his Epitaph : Mains celeri sa^icius Africo. (Translation,— His masts all splintered by the driving gale.") — Mather's Magnalia, Sec. Am. Ed., Vol. II., p. 14. *This date is evidently a mistake, as Mr. Chauncey was inducted into the office as President of Harvard College in 1()54, and died in office February l!)th, 1G72, but we have given it as we have found it in the Second American Edition of the Magnalia. CEMETEEIES. 115 and used as a pasture for cattle. For nearly two centuries this sacrilege of pennitting cattle to roam about this depository of the dead, obliterating epitaphs by destroying tomb-stones, was allowed, until, to the honor of a few public-spirited citizens of the town, in 1808, viz: Peter B. Adams, John Adams, Josiah Quincy, Benjamin Beale, Moses Black, James Brackett and sons, Ebenezer Adams, Josiah Bass, Samuel Savil, Josiah Ad- ams, Peter Brackett, and John Hall, procured by voluntary subscription one hundred and fifty dollars, with which they purchased the right of herbage and pasturage in this cemetery of Ebenezer Vesey, Mottram Vesey and Mary Vesey. As mentioned in the Chapter of Annals, at a town meeting in 1809, a deed was presented to the citizens of Quincy, giving them absolute control over this cemetery, on the following con- ditions : — " Provided^ That the inhabitants of the town shall never licreafter allow the said burial ground to be used as a pasture, or any horse, or cattle of any description, to run at large therein, and that it shall at all times cause a fence to be maintained around the said burial ground, sufiicient to exclude all cattle therefrom; and that no trees shall be permitted to grow within the said ground." April 4, 1842. Voted, To enlarge the cemetery, by purchas- ing a piece of land adjoining it of Deacon Samuel Savil, for eight hundred dollars. This land, not proving a suitable tract for burial purposes, the town sold a portion of it to the Old Colony Railroad Company. By a vote of the town April 1st, 1844, about one-half an acre of land, in the southerly part of the cemetery, was annexed. This piece of vacant land, added to the ohl burial ground, was where the old Town House formerly stood. This year the Rev. Dr. Lunt and the ladies of the Unitarian Society held a fair, the proceeds of which were for the })urpose of adorning and constructing a more suitable inclosure around the ground. The present a|)propriate iron fence was built from (he receipts of this fair. April 7th, 1845. The Selectmen were instructed to extend the wall on the north side of the burial irround. 116 CEMETERIES. Burials in this old ground are still continued, by some of the older families. INSCEIPTIOJfS m HANCOCK CEMETERY. 1666. Here lies buried the body of the Rev. Mr. William Tompson, the first pastor of Braintrey Church, who deceased December 10, 1666. ^tatis suae, 68. • " He was a learned, solid, sound divine. Whose name and fame in both Englands did shine." And -by his side lies Mrs. Ann Tompson, his wife, deceased October ye 11, 1675. Aged 68 years. 1668. [A stone in the form of a monument lies over the re- mains of Mr. Flint and his wife, with another at the head, on which is the following inscrijDtion :] Here lies interred the body of the Rev. Mr. Henry Flint, who came to New England in the year 1635, was ordained the first teacher of the Church of Brain- trey 1639, and Died April 27, 1668. He had the character of a gentleman remarkable for his piety, learning, wisdom, and fidel- ity in his office. By him, [on his right hand,] lies the Body of Margery, his bdoved consort, who died March, 1686-7. Her maiden name was Hoar. She was a gentlewoman of piety, prudence, and pe- culiarly accomplished for instructing young gentlewomen, many being sent to her from other towns, especially from Boston. They descended from ancient and good families in England. 1708. [Rev. Mr. Moses Fiske was the third minister of the First Church, Braintree. On his tombstone is this inscription :] Here rests the body of Rev. Mr. Moses Fiske, Deceased Aug. 10th, 1708, in the 66th year of his age and 36th of his ministry. Braintree! Thy prophet's gone, this tomb inters The Rev. Moses Fiske, his sacred herse. Adore heaven's praiseful art that formed the man. Who souls not to himself, but Christ oft won : Sail'd through the straits with Peter's family, Kenown'd and Gaius' hospitality, Paul's patience, James' prudence, John's sweet love. Is landed, enter'd, clear'd, and crown'd above. By his side Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Moses Fiske, Deceased 2 December, 1692 ; also Mrs. Ann, wife of Mr. Moses Fiske, died July 24th, 1708. CEMETERIES. 117 1725, [On the same tomb-stone are the following Ascrip- tions:] Here Rests the remains of Rev. Joseph Marsh, 4th minister of the 1st Congregational Church in this town. De- ceased March 8th, 1725-6 ; 41 year of his age, and 17th of his ministry. 1744. Here Rests Rev. John Hancock, 5th minister of the 1st Congregational Church in this town, and Father of John Hancock the Patriot. Deceased May 7t]», 1744, in 42 year of his age, and 18 of his ministry. 1800. Rev. Mr. Anthony Wibird, 7 minister of the 1 Congre- gational Church in tliis town. Deceased June 4, 1800, 46th of his ministry, aged 72. 1801. Here Rests the Remains of Norton Quincy, Esq. De- ceased Sept. 29, 1801, JEtatis 84 Years, 11 months, 2 days. 1843. Rev. Peter Whitney, the eighth minister of the 1st Congregational Church in this town. Deceased March 8d, 1843, in the 74 Year of his age, and 44 of his ministry. And Mrs. Jane his wife. Deceased Nov. 11, 1832, in 57 year of her age. Abby Warren, Daughter of Rev. William P. Lunt. Deceased Sept. 12, 1841, ^ 15 mos., 4 days. 167^ . Judith Reyner, Daughter to Edmund and Joanna Quincy. Relic of the Reverend John Reyner, late minister of Dover, aged 23 Years. Deceased March 8, 1674J^. ^ 1688. Henry_Neal, aged 71 years. Died October 16th, 1688. The father of 21 children, 1737. Here lyes buried the Body of Capt. Lieut. Josejih Neal. lie died 23d of December, 1737, in ye 78 jpar of his age. 1746. Here lyes buried ye Body of Mr. Benjamin Neal, who Died June 12th, 1746, in 78 year of his age. 1747. Here lyes buried ye Body of Mary Neal, widow of C^jt. Lieut. Joseph Neal. Died April 18, 1747, aged 83 years. 1747. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Benjamin Neal, who died December 5, 1747, in ye 54 year of his age. 1730, Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Mchctable Neal, the wife of Mr. Benj. Neal. She died Sept. 16, 1730, in the 29 year of her age. 118 CEMETERIES. 167^ In memory of Mrs. Sarah Tompson, late wife of Mr. Samuel Tompson, aged 43 yeai-s. Deceased Jan. 15, 1679. 1695. In memory of Mr. Sajnue) Tomj^son, who was Deacon of Braintry Church, aged 64 years. Deceased June 18, 1695. 1706. Here lyes buried ye Body of Elizabeth Tompson, wife of Deacon Samuel Tompson of Braintry, aged 69 years. Died Nov. 5, 1706. 1713. Sarah Tompson, Daughter of Hannah Tompson, Died October 1713, in ye 12 year of her age. 1680. Here lyes buried the Body of Grace, the late wife of John French, aged 59 years. Deceased Febuary ye 28, in ye year 1680. 1681. Here lyes buried ye Body of Mr. William Veazay, aged 65. Died ye 16 June, 1681. 1683. Here lyeth buried ye Body of Roger Billings, senior, aged 65 years. Departed this life ye 15 day of November, 1683. 1684. Here lyeth ye Body of Sarah Hayward, aged 4 years. Died June ye 23, 1684. 1690. Here lyeth ye Body of Mr. Jonathan Hayward, aged 49 years. Died November ye 21, 1690. 1734. Here lyeth ye Body of Mr. Jonathan Hayward, son to Mr. Jonathan Hayward, who died September 12, aged 40 years, 1734. 1745. Here lyeth ye Body of Mrs. Ruth Hayward, wife to Jonathan Hayward, Deceased June 22, 1745, 29 year of her age. 1688. In memory of Thankful, Daughter of William and Ann Rawson, Born in Dorchester Aug. 6, 1688, and Dyed August 21, 1688. ^ 1692, In memory of Ebenezer, son of William and Ann Rawson, aged four months. Deceased 28 August, 1692. 1690. Here lyeth buried y^^ body of Capt. Richard Brackett, Deacon, aged 80 years. Deceased March 5, 1690. -H 1690. Here lyeth y® Body of Joseph, the sou to Joseph, and Waiting Penniman, who was borne in the year 1670, and De- ceased 1090. 1690-1. Here lyes ye Body of Lieutenant Robert Twelves, Deceased March 2, 1690-1, aged 80 years. The memory of the Just is Blessed. CEMETERIES. 119 1695. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Joseph Crosby, who Died November 20, 1095, aged 50 years. Dedicated To tlie meinory of Joseph Adams, senior, who died December 0, 1094, aged 08. And his wife, whose first name was Baxter, who died Aug. 27, 1092, aged 58. Tliis tomb Erected by a great-grandson in 1817. In memory of Henry Adams, who took his fliglit from the Dragon persecution in Devonshire, in Enghind, and alighted with eight sons near Mount Wollaston. One of the sons returned to England, and, after taking time to explore the country, four moved to Medfield and the neighboring towns ; two to Chelms- ford ; one only, Josei)h, who lies here at his left hand, remained, Avlio was an original Proprietor in the township of Braintree, incorporated in the year 1039. This stone and several others have been placed in this yard by a great-great-grandson, from a veneration of the Piety, humil- ity, simplicity, prudence, patience, temperance, frugality, indus- try and i^erseverance, of his Ancestors, in hopes of Recom- mending an imitation of their virtues to their posterity. In memory of Joseph Adams, son of Joseph Adams senior, and grandson of Henry and of Hannah his wife, whose maiden name was Bass, and daughter of Thomas Bass and Ruth Alden, parents of John Adams, and grandparents of the Lawyer John Adams. Erected December, 1823. 1736. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Joseph Adams, who died Feb. 12, 1730, aged 84 years. • 1739. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, widow of Mr. Josei)h Adams, who died Feb. 14, 1739, aged 71, years. 1751. Here lies interred the remains of Mr. Samuel Adams who deceased 17th of July A. D. 1751, in the 57 year of his age. The meinory of the just is Blessed. 1761. In memory of Mr. Boylston Adams, who died Decem- ber 1701, aged 70 years. 1777. In memory of Sarah Adams, wife of Samuel Adams, Avho died June 23, 1777, in the 80 year of her age. 120 CEMETERIES. 1769. Here lies ye Body of Mr. Micajah Adams, who Died June 18th, 1769, aged 77 years. 1778. In memory of Mr. Moses Adams, who died October 9, 1778, in the 46 year of his age. j^lg^. Sacred to the memory of John Adams, who died May 25, A. D. 1761, aged 70 years. And of Susanna, his Consort, Born Boylston, who Died April 17, A. D. 1797, aged 88. The sweet remembrance of the just, Should flourish when they sleep in dust. 1699. In memory of Mr. Lawrence Copeland, who Died Dec. 30, 1699, 100 years old. 1675. [This monument is erected over the remains of the. learned Leonard Hoar, M. D., the third president of Harvard College. The following curious inscription is on this tomb, but hard to identify, such have been the ravages of time :] Epitaph wrote for the Tomb of Leonard Hoar Doctour of Phisicke who departed this life In Boston the 28 November, Was interred here the 6 December And was aged 45 years, Anno Dom, 1675. Three precious friends under this tombstone lie Pattern to aged, youth, and infancy, A great mother, her learned son, with child. The first and least went free, he was exil'd. In love to Christ, this Country, and dear friends, He left his own*cross'd seas, and for amends Was here extoU'd, envy'd, all in a breath. His noble consort leaves, is drawn to death. Strange changes may befall us ere we die, ]51est they who well arrive eternity. ^ God grant some names, O thou New England's friend, Don't sooner fade than thine, if times don't mend. 1723. Died in Boston, May 25, 1723, Dame Bridget Usher, formerly wife of Dr. Leonard Hoar. Was brought hither from Boston, and interred in the same grave, May 30, 1723, according to her desire. CJ3;METElilE^5. 121 1692. Ill memory of Mr. Francis Newcomb, who Died May 27, 1092, aged 100 years. 1680. Here Lyclh IJurriod ye Body of Mrs. Joanna Quinoy, ye wife of Mr. Edmund Qiiiney, aged 55 years. Died 16tli of May, 1680. 1775. [In the immediate vicinity of tlie tomb wliero lies interred Josiali (Juincy, Jr., is a marble monument, surmounted with an urn, and upon its east side is inscribed tlie following epitaph, written by John Qnincy Adams :] Sacred To the memory of Josiah Quincy, Jan., Late of Boston, Barrister at law, Youngest son of Josiah Quincy, Late of this town, Plsquire. Brilliant talents, uncommon eloquence, & indefatigable application Raised him to the highest eminence in his profession. His early enlightened, inflexible attachment to The cause of his country, Is attested by monuments more durable than this, And transmitted to posterity By well-known productions of his Genius. He was Born the 23d Feb., 1744, And died the 26th April, 1775. His mortal remains are here deposited. With those of Abigail his Wife, Daughter of William Phillips, Esquire, Born 14th April, 1745. Died 25th March, 1798. Stranger, In contemplating this monument as the frail tribute of filial gratitude and affection, Glows thy bold breast with patriotic Ihunc? Let his example point the paths of fame; Or seeks thy heart, averse from public strife, The milder graces of domestic life; Her kindred virtues let thy soul revere, And o'er the best of mothers drop a tear. 17 122 CEMETERIES. [On the north side of the same monument can be seen the following inscription :] Josiah Quincy, Jun., Born 23d of February, 1744, Died 26th of April, 1775. And Abigail Quincy, His Wife, Born 14th of April, 1745, Died 25th of March, 1798. To There united and beloved Memory This Monument is erected, By Their only surviving child. "^ 1705. Here lyeth ye Body of Deacon Joseph Penniman, aged 05 years. Deceased November y" 5, 1705. ^ 1718. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Moses Penniman, aged about 42 years. Died July 29, 1718. 1690. Here lyeth Buried ye Body of Capt. Richard Brackett, Deacon, aged 80 years. Deceased March 5, 1690. 1718. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. James Brackett, who Died ye 8 day of April, 1718, in ye 73 year of his age. [The following six individuals are buried in the Brackett family tomb :] 1713. Nathaniel Brackett, who died 1713, aged 66 years. 1781. Mr. James Brackett, his son, who died 1781, aged 72 years. 1791. Mr. Ebenezer Brackett, son of said James Brackett, who died 1791, aged 43 years. 1794. Dr. Ebenezer Brackett, wlio died 1794, aged 21 years. 1797. Samuel E. Brackett, Avho died 1797, aged 19 years. 1802. Mrs. Betsey Brackett, Wife of Mr. Charles Brackett, who died 1802, aged 25 years. This tomb repaired by Mr. Lemuel Brackett, 1844. CEMETERIES. 123 1785. In memory oLMiss Snrah Brackctt, third daughter of Mr. Janios and Mary Brackctt. Ilcr death was from fever. Died Oct. 31, 1785. jEt. 18 Years. 1786. In memory of Mrs. Mary Brackctt, and daughter of Mr. John Spear, Consort of Mr. James Brackctt. She died Con- sumptive, July 10, 1786, in the 48 year of her age. The mother of 10 Children. 1789. Mrs. Polly Odiorne, Wife of Mr. George Odionie, of Boston, and eldest Daughter of Mr. James and Mary Brackctt. Died July 15, 1789, in the 37th year of her age. 1690. Here lyes Buried the Body of Mr. Stephen Pain, aged 38 years. Deceased ye 24th of May, 1690. 1743. Here lyes the Body of Mary, Wife of Deacon Moses Pain, aged 78, who died July ye 4, 1743. 1746. Here lyes the Body of Deacon Moses Pain, ^vTlo died June the 22, 1746, 87 year of his age. 1690-1. Here lyes ye Bodjr of Deborah, ye Daughter of Ed- mund and Sarah Sheffield, aged 23 years. Died January yo 18th, 1690-1. 1692. Stephen Cleverly, aged 19 years. Died March ye 10th, 1692. 1694. Here lyes the Body of Sarah, ye wife of Mr. John Clevei-ly, aged 54 years. Deceased October ye 25, 1694. 1763. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Lieut. John Cleverly, aged 68 Years. Departed His life May the 5, 1763. 1786. In memory of Mrs. Sarah Cleverly, who died April 27, 1786, in the 50 year of her age. 1806. In memory of Mr. Stephen Cleverly, Deceased June 16th, 1806, aged 75 years. 1708. Stephen, Son of Mr. John and Mary Marshall, aged 2 years. Died September 2, 1708. 1704. Here lyes the Body of Elizabeth Ilobart, Wife to Mr. Caleb Ilobart, aged 71 years. Died August ye 9, 1704. 1711. Here lyes the Body of Mr. Caleb Ilobart, aged about 89 years. Died September ye 24, 1711. 1713. Here lyes liuricd the Body of Joshua llubart, aged about 74 years. Died December ye 28, 1713. 124 CEMETERIES. 17U4. Here lyes the Body of Sarah, i)aughter to Mr. Daniel and Mary Willard, aged about 15 monthly. Died August ye 31, 1704. 1711. In memory of Mrs. Lydia Saunders,^ who died March the 9tb, 1711, at 12 O'Clock A. M., in a good old age. 1816. Susanna Saunders, youngest Daughter of Mr. William and Ann Saunders, Who Died May 19th, 1816, aged 20 years. 1822. In memory of Miss Elizabeth Saunders, Daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Ann Saunders, who died Nov. 27, 1822, aged 28. " Welcome sweet hour of full discharge, That sets our longing souls at large, Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cells, And gives us with our God to dwell." 1826. x\nn. Wife of William Saunders, and eldest daughter of Dr. Elisha Savil, Who died April 2, 1826, aged 72 years. " No mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, "While angels watch ber soft repose." 1880. Mr. William Saunders ; He was a Native of this Town. Died October 27, 1830, aged 83 years. 1711. Here lyes yc Body of Mrs. Elinor French, Wife of Mr. John French, aged 85 Years. Deceased April 23, 1711. 1713. Here lies ye Body of Mr. Samuel Spear, Deceased December 24, 1713, in the 55 year of his age. The memory of thy life is blessed. 1732. Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Nathaniel Spear, who Deceased December 3d, 1732, in ye 41 year of his age. 1776. In memory of Mr. John Spear, who died July 5, 1776, in the 66 year of his age. 1780. In memory of Mrs. Hannah Spear, Wife of Mr. Wil- liam Spear, who died Ai)ril 10, 1780, Mt. 70 years. The present monument Erected by her Grandson, Daniel Spear, Nov. 1827. 1782, In memory of Mr. William Spear, AVlio died July 13th, 1782, ^t. 74. 1. Mrs. Saunders' death was very sudden. She sank down in her seat and died instantly, in the Houkg of God in the time of divine service. CEMETERIES. 125 1787. In memory of Mrs. Judith S])ear, wife of Lieut. Setli Spear, wlio died July 10, 1787, aged 41 years. The motlier of 13 ehihlrcn. Here's one who lived in peace on earth, And here's her sleeping dust; The sonl we trust in Heaven is And reigns amoung the Just. 1795. Erected to the memory of Elizabeth Spear, Daughter of Mr. Seth and Judith Spear. Died August 25th, 1795, aged 1-4 years. Boast not thyself of to-morrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. 1802. In memory of Stephen S])ear, who died April 20, 1802, ^t. 60 years. 1802. In memory of Elinor Spear, Avho died May 14, A. D. 1802, ^Et. 66 years. 1802. Here lies the Body of Jason Spear, Obt. on Georges Island of the Quinzy, the 23d of June, 1802, ^t. 6 years, 1 month. 1750. Here lyes Buried ye Body of William Bass, the Son of Mr. Samuel Bass, who died October the 15th, 1756, aged 3 years. 1702. John Bass, aged 12 days. Died ye 31 of Env. [?], 1702. 1714. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. William Nightingale, aged about 77 years. Died May ye 10, 1714. 1715. Here lyes ye Body of Joseph, ye sou of Mr. Joseph and Hannah Nightingale, aged 2 years and months. Died July 29th, 1715. 1718. Here lyes ye Body of Hannah, the wife of Mr. Josei)h Nightingale. Died Oct. ye 11, 1718, in ye 27 year of her age. 1725-6. Hero lyes ye Body of Joseph Nightingale, who De- ceased June 17th, 1725-6, in yo 49 year of his age. 1717. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Ebenezer Ilayden, aged 73 years. Died Feb. ye 13, 1717. 1718. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. John Uuggles, Deceased January ye 25th, 1718, in ye 56 year of his age. 1741. Here lies the Body of Mrs. Mary Kuggles, Wio(ly of I\Irs. Anna White, wife of Mr. Sanmol Wliite, aged 68 years. Deceased Feb. 13th, 1737-8. 1737. In memory of Mr. Joseph Parmonter, \vlio died Feb. 20th, 1737, in the 82 year of his age.^ 1750. Jonathan, son of Mr. Josiali and Mrs. Charity Capen. lie died October yo 3, 1750, in the 8 year of his age. 1753. Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Benjamin Beale, who departed this life September, 1753, aged S4 years. 1758. Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Abigail Beale, wife of Capt. Benjamin Beale, who departed this life May the Oth, 1758, aged 30 years. 1793. In memory of Jonathan, son to Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Mariah Beale. He died Jan. 21, 1793, in ye 3 year of his age. 1794. In memory of Mrs. Thcodocia Chorley, wife of Capt. John W. Chorley, and daughter of Mr. Joseph Beale and Mrs. Lily his wife, who died July 19th, 1794, aged 19 years. How loved, how valued ouce, avails thee not To whome related, or by whome begot ; A heap of dust alone remains of thee, 'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be. 1792. In memory of Mrs. Anna Beale, wife of Capt. Benja- min Beale, who died January ye 16th, 1792, in ye 74 year of her age. 1780. In memory of Elisha Beale, son of Mr. Joseph Beale and Lilye his wife, who died June 10, 1780, in the 10 month of his age. 1794. In memory of Thomas Swift B., son of Mr. Jonathan J>eale and Mrs. Mariah his wife, who died September 24th, 1794, aged 1 year, 6 months, 21 days. 1793. In memory of Capt. Benjamin Beale, who died April 3d, 1793, in the 91 year of his age. Old age, with all lier dismal train, Invades our f^olden years With sighs, and groans, and raging pain, And death, which never Spares. 1. Mr. Joseph Parmenter's death occurred very suddenly, ho liaving dropped down dead in the pulpit, at the time of church service. 18 \^ 130 CEMETERIES. 1797. Mr. Joseph Beale, departed this life July 23, 1797, ^tat. 54. Mercy, Good Lord, Mercy I crave, This is the total sum; For mercy, Lord, is all my suit. Lord, let thy mercy come! 1836. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lilly Beale, widow of Mr. Joseph Beale, who died Feb. 10, 1836, ^t. 84 years. 1753. Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Bethiah Adams, wife of Mr. Peter Adams, & Daughter of Deacon Samuel Sauel. She died October 23, 1753, aged 33. 1754. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Hannah Belcher, wife of Lieut. Nathaniel Belcher, who departed this life Feb. 3, 1754. 1761. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Belcher, ye wife of Lieut. Natha. Belcher. She died June 24th, 1761, in ye 61 year of her age. 1800. In memory of Mr. Elijah Belcher, who departed this life June 1, 1800, ^tat 70 years. 1754. Here lyes ye Body of Mary Belcher, daughter of Mr. John Glover, of Dorchester, who departed this life November 2, 1754. 1757. Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, wife of Capt. Elisha Glover, the Daughter of Thomas Glover of Dorchester, who died the 12 day of May, 1757, aged 18 years and 8 months. 1758. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mr. Thomas Glover, of Dorchester, who departed this life June ye 16th, A. D. 1758, aged 67 years. My God, my all, Sufficient Good, My portion and my choice ; In thee my vast desires are fill'd. Add all my powers rejoice. 1768. Here lyes ye Body of Mr. John Glover, who died July 6th, 1768, aged 81 years. In the cold mansions of the silent tomb. How still the Solitude, How deep the Gloom, Here sleeps the dust, unconscious, close confined. But far, far distant dwells the immortal mind. CEMETERIES. 131 1775. In memory of Mrs. M^jy Glover, wife of Mr. John Glover, who died Dec'r 19th, 1775, JEt. 71. • Completely shono through every scene of life, A tender parent and a virtuous wife, Though her loved form lies mouldering in the Tomb, In happier climes her kindred virtues bloom. 1783. In memory of Mrs. Sarah Glover, wife of Mr. Eben- ezer Glover, and daughter of Dea. Benjamin and Mrs. Ester Wadsworth of Milton, who died Jan. ye 8th, 1783, in 35 year of lier age. ^ Stop here, my Friend, and cast an iiye, As you are now so once was I ; As I am now so must you be, Prepare for death and follow me . 1792. In memory of Mr. Ezra Glover, who died January 1st, 1792, aged 66 years. My flesh shaU'slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound, Then burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise. 1796. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, widow of Mr. Thomas Glover, who died Jan. 10th, 1796, aged 92 years. 1797. In memory of Mr. William Glorer, Avho died March 7th, 1797, in the 66 year of his age. Remember me as you pass on; As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be, Therefore, prepare to die. 1808. In memory of Sarah Glover, daughter of Mr. Nathan- iel & Mrs. Ester Glover, who died May 28th, 1808, aged 11 years. Crop'd a bud from yonder tree, • She is gone to rest, from trouble free. 1803. In memory of Mr. Josiah Glover, who died Dec-ember 14th, 1803, aged 77 years. Great God, I own the sentence just, And nature must decay, I yield my body to the dust. To dwell with fellow clay. 132 CEMETERIES. 1800. In memory of Polley Glover, daughter of Mr. Wil- liam ani Mrs. Mary Glover, who died the 12th of December, 1800, ill the 16tli year of her age. 'Tis God who lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave, He gives, and hlessed be his Name, He takes but what he gave. 1807. Ill memory of Mr. Ebenezer Glover, who died Dec. 25th, 1807, aged 71 years. Our life is ever on the wing, And death is ever nigh, The moment when our life begins, We all begin to die. - 1813. In memory of Mrs. Glover, widow of Mr. William Glover, who died November the 11th, 1813, ^t. G3 years. And must this body die, This mortal frame decay. And must these active limbs of mine. Lie mouldering in the clay? 1814. In memory of Eliza, daughter of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Sophia J. Glover, who died March 23d, 1814, aged 11 months. 1815. In memory of Mr. Benjamin Glover, Avho died March 21, aged 40 yeai-s. Friends nor physicians could not save, My mortal body from the grave ; Nor can the grave confine me here. When Christ shall call me to appear. 1819. In memory of Mary D. Glover, Daughter of Mr. Eli- sha and Mrs. Mary Glover, who died December 17, 1819, iEt. 4 years. 1820. In memory of Mrs. Mary Glover, wife of Josiah Glover, Avho died 1820, aged 82 years. Our life is ever on the wing, And death is ever nigh ; The moment our life begins. We all begin to die. 1883. In memory of Mrs. Mary Glover, lielict of Mr. Jibeneger Glover, who died June 7th, 1833, iEt. 82 years. CEMETERIES. 133 1754. Here lyes the Body of Mrs. Lydia Brackett, tlic wife of Ca]»t. Richard Brackett, who died April 6th, 1754, aged 43 years. 1793. In memory of Capt. Moses Brackett, who died July 24th, 1798, aged 76 years. 1805. In memory of Mrs. Mary Brackett, widow of Capt. Moses Brackett, who died Oct. 24th, 1805, ^t. 76, Formerly wife of Mr. Martin Ricker. 1818. In memory of Rachel Brackett, wife of Capt. Joseph Brackett, wlio died August 5, 1818, aged 72 years. 1821. In memory of Capt. Joseph Brackett, who died Nov. 18, 1821, aged 79 years. 1826. Sacred to the memory of INIr. Moses Brackett, who died April 21, JEt. 74. 1827. Sacred to the memory of Capt. Peter Brackett, who died Jan. 3, 1827, aged 72 years. 1835. In memory of Mrs. Theodora Clark, Born 1763, Feb. 1, Died Aug. 9, 1835. Spirit of the loved one blest, In thy peaceful slumbers rest, Till the great decisive day, God calls to life thy sleeping clay. 1777. In memory of Edmund Clark, son of Capt. James Clark, and Mary his wife, who died July 13, 1777, aged 5 years. 1799. In memory of Capt. James Clark, who died Nov. 3, 1799, aged 71 years. 1822. In memory of Mrs. IMnry Clark, wife of Capt. James Clark, who died March 1, 1822, aged 89. When such pure spirits yield to death, No fears the Christian mind Controul, 'Tis but resigning mortal breath To reign immortal in the soul. 1827. In memory of Henry H. Clark, who died July 12, 1827, ^t. 29 years. 1766. Here lyes Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Hall, wife of Lef. efohn Hall, Avho died Feb. the 23, 1766, aged 60 years. 1780. In memovv of Lieut. .John Hall, Avho died Sept. 27, 1780, in yo 83 year of his age. 134 CEMETERIES. 1770. Hero lyes Buried Mrs. Sarah Vesey, the wife of Mr. William Vesey. She died December 15th, 1770, aged 58 years. 1787". Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. William Vesey, who died the 23d of May, 1787, ^t. 79. 1802. Erected in memory of Miss Sarah Vesey, who died July 29th, 1802, aged 67 years. 1802. Erected in memory of Mr. William Vesey, who died Apr. 7, 1802, aged 63 years. 1772. Here lies interred the Body of Mrs. Deborah Field, Consort of Mr. Benjamin Field, who died Feb. 4, 1772, in the 24 year of her age. 1790. In memory of Mrs. Mehitable Field, wife of Mr. Joseph Field, who died June 28, 1790, in ye 42 year of her age. 1791. In memory of Polly Brown, Daughter to Capt. Samuel and Mrs. Susannah Brown. She died May 15th, 1791, aged 9 months. ' 1798. In memory of Mr. Samuel Brown, Jun., Avho died September 29, 1798, ^t. 23. Stop, my Friend! Come think on me; I once was in the world like thee ; But now lie slumbering in the dust, In hopes to rise amount the Just. 1794. In memory of Mr. Solomon Thayer, who died August 8th, 1794, aged 36 years. 1698. Here lyeth ye Body of Lieut. Alexander Marsh, aged about 70 years, Dec'd March 7th, 1698. This inscription renewed by Wilson Marsh, his great-grand- son, 1824. 1799. In memory of Mrs. Abigail Marsh, wife of Mr. Wilson Marsh, who died April 19th, 1799, aged 83 years. 1804. In memory of Mrs. Miriam Marsh, wife of Mr. Jona- than Marsh, and daughter of Mr. Moses and Mrs. Pheebe Reed, of Abington, who died May 24, 1804, aged 47 years. Lean not on earth, 'twill pierce thoe to the heart; A broken reoil at best, and oft a Spear, , On whose Sharp point peace bleeds, and hope expires. 1814. In memory of Mr. Ambrose Marsh, who died June 25th, 1814, aged 24 years. CEMETERIES. 135 1797. In memory of Susannah, daughter of Mr, Wilson and Susanna Marsli, who died April 6th, 1797, aged 4 years. 1798. In memory of Mr. Wilson Marsh, who died May 20th, 1798, aged 88 years. 1831. Erected to the memory of Miss Anna Marsh, Daughter of Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Susannah Marsh, wlio died July 29, ■ 1831, ^t. 47. " Can the world one joyous thought bestow To friendship weeping at the Couch of Woe? No ! but a brighter soothes their last adieu. Soul of impassioned mould, she speaks to you! Weep not, she says, at nature's transient pain, Congenial spirits part to meet again. 1814. Ambrose, son of Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Sophia Marsh, who died December 15th, 1814, aged 6 weeks. 1815. In memory of Mrs. Susannah Marsh, wife of Mr, Wil- son Marsh, who died June 1, 1815, uEt. 59 years. 1822, In memory of Mr. Jonathan Marsh, who died Nov. 6, 1822, aged 70 years. In memory of Elisha Marsh, Son of Wilson and Susanna Marsh, Who Died April 17th, 1847, Aged 65. A kind husband ; A firm friend ; A valuable citizen. Erected By his wife, As a testimonial Of his virtues. And her affectionate Remembrance. ''Then .shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it." 136 CEMETERIES. 1828. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Wilson M.irsh, who died July 7th, 1828, aged 78 years. 1827. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sophia Marsh, wife of Mr. Jonathan Marsh, and daughter of Mr. Seth and Mrs. Abigail Spear, who died August 29, 1827, ^t. 37 years. 1855. Susannah Savill Marsh, daughter of Wilson and Su- sannah Marsh, who died March 29th, 1855, in the sixty-first year of her age.^ 1841. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Patience Marsh, wife of Mr. Jonathan Marsh, formerly wife of Mr. Whitman Bailey, and daughter of Mr. Henry and Mrs. Elizabeth Crane, who died August 13th, 1841, JEt. 51 years. 1845. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Emily Marsh, wife of Mr. Charles Marsh, and daughter of Mr. William and Mrs. Lucy Packard, who died Nov. 11, 1845,"^t. 25 years. 1798. In memory of Mrs. Deborah Bent, wife of Mr. Eben Bent, who died August 17th, 1798, aged 85 years. In memory of Mrs. Nelly, Wife of Mr. Jabeze Wilson. Died Oct. 11th, 1804, Aged 28 years. Also, Their Daughter Isabella. Died Oct. 5th, 1804. Ased 6 months Also, Their Daughter Thirsey. Died Oct. 6tli, 1804, Aged 2 years. Here lies a Mother and two Babes, Who God has Shortly Called to their graves, In Heaven we hoiie they are blest, There-to remain in eternal rest. 1808. In memory of Susanna Curtis, daughter of Mr. Noah and Mrs. Abigail Curtis, who died July 4th, 1803, aged 1 year, G months. 1803. In memory of Benjamin Curtis, son of Mr. Noah and Mrs. Abigail Curtis, who died July 17th, 1803, aged 4 years. 1804. In memory of Mrs. Abigail Curtis, wife of Mr. Noah Curtis, who died Feb. 7th, 1804, aged 29 years. 1808. Benjamin Curtis, son of Mr. Noah and Mrs. Cur- tis, who died Sept. 27th, 1808, aged 14 months. 1 . This numerous family of Marsh are the immediate- descendants of Mr. Alexander Marsh, who died in 1698.— [Author. CEMETERIES. 137 1809. In memory of Mr. Adam Curtis, who died Feb. 25, 1S09, aged 80 years. 1811. In memory of Mr. vSamucl Curtis, who died Jan. 28th, 1811, aged 83 years. 1814. In memory of Ann Curtis, daughter of Mr, Noah and Mrs. Ann Curtis, who died Sejitember 20th, 1814, aged montlis. 1825. Sacred to the memory of IMrs. Elizabeth Curtis, wife of Mr, Samuel Curtis, who died April 6th, 1825, aged 90 years. 1807, Sacred to the memory of Master Ichabod Johnson, celebrated teacher of musick, Avho died Aug. 5th, 1807, aged 42 years. And let this feeble body fail, Aud let it faint and die, My soul shall (juit this mournful valo, And soar to worlds on high. Shall join the disembodied saints. And find its long-sought rest, That only bliss for which it pants. In the Redeemer's breast. 1826. [On the east end of the first Congregational Church, at the right of the pulpit, a mural monument is erected, sur- mounted by a bust of John Adams from the chisel of Greenough. On the tablets beneath the bust are the following inscriptions :] Libertatem^ Amicitiam, Ibidem, Retinehis. D. O. M, Beneath these walls Arc deposited the mortal remains of JOHN ADAMS, Son of John and Susanna [Boylston] Adams, Second President of the United States ; Born 19-30 October, 1735. On the Fourth of July, 1776, He pledged his Life, Fortune, and Sacred Honour To the IXDEPENDEXCE OF IIIS CoUNTRY. On the third of September, 1783, lie affixed his seal to the definitive Treaty with Great Britain, Which acknowledged that Independence, And consummated the redemption of his pledg-e. 19 138 CEMETEKIKS. On the Fouith of July, 1826, He was summoned To the Independence of Immortality, And TO THE Judgment of ins God. This House will bear witness to his Piety ; This Town, his birth-place, to his munificence ; History to his Patriotism ; Posterity to the depth and compass of his mind. At his side Sleeps, till the Trump shall sound, ABIGAIL, His beloved and only wife, Daughter of William and Elizabeth [Quincy] Smith. In every relation of life a pattern. Of Filial, Conjugal, Maternal and Social Virtue. Born Nov. 11-22, 1744, Deceased 28 October, 1818, Aged 74. Married 25 October, 1764. During an union of more than half a century They survived, in harmony of sentiment, princi])le, and affection, The tempest of civil commotion. Meeting undaunted and surmounting The terrors and trials of that Revolution, Which secured the Freedom of their Country ; Imi)roved the Condition of their times ; And brightened the prosiiects of Futurity To the race of man u})on Eartli. PILGRIM. From lives thus speut, thy earthly duties learn ; From Fancy's dreauis to active virtues turn; Lot Freodoni, Friendship, Faith, thy soul engage, And serve like them thy country and thy age. 1848. [A mural monument has been placed in the First Congregational Church in this town, to the memory of John CEMETERIES. 139 Quincy Adams, by his son, Hon. Chas. F. Adams. It is erected on the east end of the chnrch, on tlic opposite side of tlic pulpit from liis father's, sunnounted by a bust of John Quincy Adams, from the chisel of Powers, lender the bust is the follow- ing sentence, sejjarated by an oak l)ranch with two leaves and an acorn : — '•'■ Alteri Sectdo;" then follow the inscriptions:] A. O. Near this place Reposes all that could die of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Son of John and Abigail [Smith] Adams. . Sixth President of the United States. Born 11 of July, 1767. Amidst the storms of Civil Commotion lie nursed the vigor Which nerves a Statesman and a Patriot, And the Faith Which inspires a Christian. For more than half a century, Whenever his Country called for his labors. In either Hemisphere or in any Capacity, He never spared them in her cause. On the twenty-fourth of December, 1814, He signed the Second Treaty with Great Britain, Which restored Peace within her Borders. On the twenty-third of February, 1848, He closed Sixteen Years of Eloquent Defence Of the Lessons of his Youth, By Dying at his Post In her great National Council. A Son, worthy of his Father ; A Citizen, shedding Glory on his Country •, A Scholar, Ambitious to advance Mankind ; • This Christian sought to walk humbly In the sight of his God. 140 CEMETERIES. Beside him lies His Partner for Fifty Years, LOUISA CATHERINE, Daughter of Joshua and Catherine [Nuth] Johnson. Born 12 February, 1775 ; Married26 July, 1797; Deceased 15 May, 1852, Aged 77. Living through many Vicissitudes, and Under high Responsibilities, As a Daughter, Wife and Mother She proved Equal to all. • Dying, She left to her Family and her Sex The blessed Remembrance Of a " Woman that feareth the Lord." " Herein is that saying true, one soweth and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor. Other men labored, and ye are entered into their labors." 1858. [On the opposite or west end of the First Church, in the year 1858, tablets were erected to Rev. Peter Whitney and Rev. Wm. P. Lunt. That to Rev. Mr. Lunt was erected through the efforts of the ladies of the Parish, while the de- scendants of Rev. Mr. Whitney erected the one to his memory.] In memory of REV. PETER WHITNEY, Born in Northborough, Jan XIX., MDCCLXX. Of Clerical Descent and Dispositions, Pie became the Minister of this Toavu At the Commencement of the passing Century ; Serving in his Office till Old Age, Steadily, Gravely, Kindly. During his Ministry These Walls were built, And within them he continued to ajjpear, Till, by a Sudden Malady, And in an Instant of Time, CEMETERIES. 141 He ceased to be Mortal, March III., MDCCCXLIII. " llie reapers are the angels." In memory of WILLIAM PARSONS LUNT, D. D., Pastor of this Church. Prized, Honored, Lamented, Theologian, Poet & Scholar. He devoted his Life To Intellectual Pursuits and Sacred Exercises. Weighty & Accomplished as a Writer, Eloquent as a Preacher, Conservative in a Liberal Doctrine ; Of a Grave & Earnest Spirit, He loved the Highest Meditations, And meditated the Truest Services. Born in Newburyport, April XXL, MDCCCV. ; Installed here June III., MDCCCXXXV. He died at Ezion-Geber, on his Way to Jerusalem, March XXL, MDCCCLVII. " Even so says the Spirit, for they rest." EPISCOPAL CEMETERY. " So fihall we fade and fall at length; Yiiuth's blooming cheek,— the silvery hair Of reverend age,— and manhood's strength, Shall here repose ; then hear our prayer I " thou, who by thy Son hast said, — From fear of death to set us free, — ' God is the God, not of the dead; ' That we, for aye, may live in thee!" The Church-yar<1 on School street, corner of Phipps, was given to the Episcopal Church of this town on August 1st, 1725, by 142 CEMETERIES. William and Benjamin Veazie. In this ground the first Church of England was built, and in accordance with the customs and usages of the English Church it was also \!sed as a depository for the dead. Since the removal of the church this ground has continued to be used as the Church-yard. Here rest the remains of a number of the old jirominent families of the town, viz : The Millers, Vassels, Clarks, Dr. Turner, Veazies, Cleverlys, and some of Governor Shirley's family. INSCRIPTIONS IN THE EnSCOPAL CEMETERY. jSub hoc Cespici Tumulatxvr Hachilphus, • Wilhelmi Shirley^ Unpcr do Wivelsjield, in Agro Sussexiensi, cqiud Anglos^ Nunc de Hostonio, Novanglor^tm, Armiger. Ex Francisca, {Nuper Barker de Civitate Londinensi^) Uxore JEjiis, Films Nattc Nieyximus. Natus JSostonie, 20 Janudrii, A. 6\ 1734. Donatus in hoc Villa^ 13 Sextilis^ A. S. 1737. " Uti Flos Succisus AratroP — Virg. TRANSLATION. Beneatli this Sod is Buried Ralph, The Youngest Son of William Shirley, Formerly of Wivelsfield, in the County of Sussex, England, Now of Boston, in New England, Esquire. By Frances, (Formerly Barker, in the city of Loudon,) His Wife. Born at Boston, 20 January, A. S. 1734. Deceased in this town, 13 August, A. S. 1737. "Like a Flower cut down by the Husbandman." — Virg. CKMETEEIE8. 143 [On tlie reverse side of the tomb-stone will be found the fol- lowing inscription :] Ralph Shirley, Born 20th January, A. D. 1734, Dyed 13th August, A. D. 1737. " lie cometli forth like a Flower, and is cut down."— Job 14:2. This son was omitted in Drake's pedigree of Governor Shir- ley's family. He further omits to state what part of England the Governor came from, which by this epitaph appears to have been Wivelsfield, Sussex.^ 1740. Here lyes buried the body of Mrs. Dorothy Vassel, wife of Mr. Lewis Vassel, aged 28 years and 9 months, who departed this life August y« 10, 1740. 1743. Here lyes the body of Mr. Lewis Vassel, aged 34 years and 1 month, who departed this life September the 15th, 1743. 1 . William Shirley was born in England, and came from Wivelsfield, Sus- sex County, to Boston, about the year 1733. In 1741 he was appointed Provin- cial Governor of Massachusetts, which position he held eight years, or until September, 1749, and was re-appointed in 1753. This administration lasted three years, when, in September, 175G, Spencer Phips was selected for the position. During his term of office Louisburg was taken. Governor Shirley was some- what of a politician, and while the French and Indian Wars (so-called) were going on, whenever he desired an appropriation for the expenses of them, if successful he would say, I desire so-and-so for my expedition; if unsuccessful, I wish for such au amount for your expedition. He rendered his administration of 1754 quite popular by refusing to sign the Excise Bill. In 1755 he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British forces in North America, but was soon succeeded by Abercrombie. After being re-called from Massachusetts to England, he was selected as Governor of the Baliama Islands. In 1770 he returned to Massachusetts, and resided at Roxbury, now a part of Boston, until 1771, when he died, and was buried under King's Chapel in Bos- ton. He was the author of "Electra," a tragedy, and " Birth of Hercules," a " Marsq." In 1753, a company of merchants of Boston, bought I'ulliiig Point. Their object and intention was to have established here a fishing station. After all preparatory matters had been arranged, and the place prepared for business, the company invited Governor Shirley to go down with them and partake of a social repast. He accepted the cordial invitation. A fine time, and a sumptuous din- ner concluded the festivities of the occasion; at this time, by permission of his Excellency, "Pulling Point" received the name of Point Shirley. From that period Point Shirley has been noted for its good cheer, and the most fastidious epicurean can be served with un unsurpassed variety of choice game, and be provided with the most rare and delicious of the finny tribe. 144 CEMETERIES. 1754. Here lyes the body of Mrs. Margretta Etter, the wife of Mr. Peter Etter, who departed this Hfe May the 1st, 1754, aged 30 years and 6 months.^ 1761, In memory of Sarah Marquand, ye wife of Peter Mar- quand. She died May ye 31, 1761, aged 81 years. 1772. In memory of Mr. Peter Marquand, who died May 27, 1772, aged 86 years. One of the Pillars of this Church. 1782. In memory of Sarah Cleverly, wife of Mr. Benjamin Cleverly, who died July 26, 1782, aged 70 years. 1789. In memory of Mr. Benjamin Cleverly, who died July 3d, 1789, in ye 78 year of his age. 1793. John Cleverly, who died May 12, 1793, aged 42 years. 1794. In memory of Joseph Cleverly, 2d, who died October 27, 1794, in the 55 year of his age. 1798. Mrs. Molly Cleverly, widow of Mr. Joseph Cleverly, 2d, who died November 8, 1798, aged 57 years. 1773. Erected in memory of Dr. Henry Turner, who died Jan. 21, 1773. 1808.- In memory of Mr. Zachariah Marquand Thayer, who departed this life May 24, 1808, aged 56. Lament me not as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now so you must be, All flesh is mortal you may see. 1809. In memory of Arthur Pickering, Esq., of the Island of St. Croix, who departed this life April 17, 1809, aged 28. 1815. In memoriam Eeverendi Gulielmus Clark, cujus cineres sub hoc capide sunt depositi, olim quibusdam M-inis apud Dedham. Min- ister Episcopalis at pro annis plurihus ab officio sacerdoti, per cor- poris infirndtatis exclusus molestias varias et dolores, per vitam sustinuit proveindentiae diviae submissus, et in spe ad vitayn eternam resurrecti07ies beatae. Obit. Ifov. die IV., A. D. MDCCCXV., ^t. LXXV. 1. Mrs. Etter was the wife of Mr. Peter Etter, who was one of the Glass Company that settled at Germantown, and was a stocking-weaver hy trade. Mr. Etter was engaged by the Provincial Government at the time of the arrival of the German Protestant emigrants as an interpreter. He also took quite an active part in the town affairs of old Braintree during the Revolutionary period, and was quite severely censured for his royalistic sympathies. Mr. Etter sur- vived his wife some years. CKMETKKIES. 145 1772. Here lies buried tlic body of Mrs. Elcnnor Clark, daughter of Mr. Ricluird and Mrs. Mary C'lnrk of IMilton, wlio died May yi^ 27, 1772, aged 27 years. Here mingles with its Kindred Eartli, The Body of Manlius, Son of Lucius Manlius and Mary Sargent. Born January 27th, A. D. 1824. Died July 8d, A. D. 1825. " Suffer little ehildren and forbid them not to come unto me, for of sucli is the Kingdom of Heaven." — Matt, xix., 1-1. " To God who gave, thy spirit I resign ; Of all I loved, thy dust alone is mine. Go, little child, Iinniamiers promise share, A sainted mother waits her offspring there; A Saviour calls, then go my darling boy, Unsullied yet, and free from life's alloy." The old Miller tomb is still kept in good condition by the family. In this receptacle of the dead, Dr. Miller, the first Rector of the Church, was entombed, as also have been many of his descendants. The old Boise and a number of other tombs are to be found in this venerated churchyai-d, but the ravages of time have so erased the inscriptions upon them that they are now illegible. We venture a hope that these inscriptions on the old tombs may be renewed. 1873. [Within the Episcopal Church, at the right of the altar, a tablet has been erected to the memory of Rev, Dr. Miller, bearing the following inscrij)tions :] "Thky Rest from thkik Laboks, and tiikir Works no Follow them." In memory of REV. EBENEZER MILLER, S. T. D., First Rector of the Church, Son of Samuel and Rebecca [Belclier] Miller ; Born at Milton, June 20, 1703. Received into Holy Orders as Deacon, at London, June 20, 172G; Ordained as Priest by the Bishop of London, July i), 1727 ; 20 1.46 cemeteKieS. Appointed Missionary for Braintree, New England, by the Society for i)ropagating the gospel in foreign parts, August 26, 1727. Entered upon his ministry over this church, Dec. 25, 1727 ; And died Feb. 11, 1763, after faithful service as a pastor of More than thirty-live years. Also of MARTHA, his wife. Daughter of Thomas Mottram, of Addlethorp, in the County of Lincoln, England. Married at the church of St. Martin in the Fields, Westminster, November 16, 1726, And died at Braintree, [Quincy,] October 28, 1755, In the fifty-second year of her age. This tablet is erected by their great-grandson, Charles Edward Miller, August, A. D. 1873. Semper Paratus. HALL CEMETERY " Then gentle hands their ' dust to dust ' consign ; With quiet tears their simple rites are said; And here they sleep, till, at the trump divine, The earth and ocean render up their dead." In June, 1841, the following persons, viz : Justin Spear, Joseph French, Samuel Ela, Solomon Willard, William D. Gray, Asa S. Johnson, Frederick A. Trask, George H. Locke, John Long, Matthew Carroll, and Michael McKendrick, desiring to be organized as a corporate body for the purpose of procuring suit- able ground to establish a rural cemetery in West Quincy, peti- tioned John M. Gourgas, Esq., to issue a warrant to legally organize the association. The meeting was held at the time specified, and proper rules and by-laws adopted, and the ofticers chosen. This burial ground is located on Cemetery street. The land was given by the late James Hall, (a wealthy, generous bachelor CEMETERIES, 147 who resided on Adams street,) and was a|)i)ropriately laid out and adonu'fl by Mr. Willard, and was consecrated in tlie fall of the same year. This cemetery is })leasantly situated in the neighborliood of the quarries. Mr. Hall liad unbounded confidence in Mr. Willard, and, after the cemetery Avas laid out, the latter suggested to him that an iron fence for the front was needed. He inquired what it woidd cost. Mr. Willard replied, " About a thousand dollars." Mr. Hall, jocosely remarking, "You got the land, and now you want the money," gave him the desired amount. In this rural depository of the dead, some few years after it had been laid out, Mr. Willard raised the " Rejected Column," intended for the New York Exchange, weighing over thirty tons. It was removed by himself and four men, Avith the aid of his machinery, a distance of more than forty rods, and erected in the centre of the cemetery as a monument, and it forms a most cons}»icuous and impressive object in the ground. This remarkable shaft was erected as left by the workmen. Mr. Wil- lard deposited in its top a com])lete set of stone-cutter's tools. This beautiful garden cemetery makes a fit resting-jilace for the hewers of stone and artistic workers of monumental granite, Avhose sculptured monuments adorn and perpetuate the last resting-place of man. CATHOLIC CEMETEIIY. " Earth's tombs aro doors to heaven ; its graves Typos of tliosc fluctuant waves That bear you on to fulness and to bliss." Before the Catholics of Quincy had purchased a burial-ground for the interment of their dead, they were accustomed to de- ])0sit the remains of their departed frieiuls in the Bunker Hill Catholic Cemetery, at Charlestown. This long distance beiu"- very inconvenient, they concluded, in 1841, to i)urchase a tract of land for a Parish Church and Churchyard. After examining 148 CEMETERIES. several pieces of ground, they decided to secure a lot of Mr. James Hall, in West Q.uincy, on what is now Cemetery street, (at that time Cemetery street was not constructed.) They immediately prepared the ground for burial purposes. In Sep- tember, 1842, the cemetery was consecrated with due solemnity by Bishop Fenwick, who began the services with the blessing of the water with which the ground was to be asperged. In closing the recitation of his earnest and appropriate prayer, he urged the Children of the Church to resolve to be good and virtuous, and with God's heli^ to act ujjon that resolve, so that when their bodies were brought to this holy consecrated ground, their souls Avould be in peace ; and when the living came there they should never forget to offer up a prayer for the souls of the departed. The Churchyard, becoming too small to accommodate the in- creasing number of burials, required an increase of land, which was i)urchased of Mr. Joseph W. Robertson in 1853 ; and some few years ago another addition was made, by purchasing the estate of the late Garret Barry, adjoining the church. This pleasant cemetery now contains about eight or nine acres. MOUNT WOLL ASTON CEMETERY. " I now shall be peopled from life's busy sphere; Ye may roam, but the end of your journey is here. I shall call! I shall call! and the many will come From the heart of your crowds to so peaceful a home ; The great and the good, and the young and the old. In death's dreamless slumbers my mansions will hold. " And sweetly secure from all pain they shall lie, Where the dews gently fall, and still waters are nijih; While the birds sing their hynms, amid air-harps that sound Through the boughs of the forest-trees whispering around, And flowers, bright as Eden's, at morning shall spread. And at eve drop their leaves o'er the slumbcrer's bed ! " For several years it had been found that the old cemetery on Hancock street had become too small and crowded, and that it CEMETKRIES. 149 WHS a public necessity tliat some otlier ])lace should be ])rovi(led by the town for a burial-ground. At the annual town meeting, held in March, 1854, the follow- ing committee was chosen to select a proper site for a cemetery, and report to the town at the adjourned meeting, viz: — William S. Pattee, Israel W. Munroe, Washington ]M. French, George White, and Wyraan Abercrombie. This committee, after due consideration, came to the conclusion to take a now departure in selecting a site for a les were stroii^ly anti-Catholic, and who swept the State and town like a whirlwind for two or three years, electing their ofticers with larue majorities, revived in a most bitter and liostile manner a strong' opposition to the Catholics. So powerful was this antagonistic sentiment at this time, that a large majority of the Conimittee on the Mount Wollaston Cemetery, were opposed to its consecration, as it was a Popish custom and ought not to be tolerated. Notwithstanding this opposition, the minority of the com- mittee concluded to have the ground consecrated and abide the consequences. Many were so prejudiced in their views that they openly declared that the granite gateway ought to be demolished because it had a cross carved upon it, and one of the leaders of this faction was a member of the Board of Selectmen. -■ ORDER OF EXEKCISE.S AT THK CONSECUATION OK MOUNT WOLLASTON CEMETERY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1855. I. INVOCATION,— By Rkv. D. L. (Jear. ir. HYMN. "To thee, O God, in huml)le trust, Our hearts their cheerful incense burn, For this thy M'ord, 'Thou art of dust. And unto dust shalt thou return. " And what were life, life's work all done, The hopes, joys, loves, tliat cling to clay ; All, all departed, one by one. And yet life's load borne on for aye! "Decay! decay! 'tis stamped on all, All bloom in flower and tlesh .shall fade; Ye whispering trees when ye .shall fall, Be our long .sleep beneath your shade. 152 CEMETERIES. under the old buttouwood tree, near Maple Avenue. The day was a beautiful one, and nature had attired herself in the fulness of her crimson autumnal beauty; the gentle southerly wind made the ou!t-door exercises agreeable and pleasant. The first lots were sold at auction, for the right of choice. May 5th, 1856.1 It was found in 1870, that the lots in the new cemetery had nearly all been taken up, and that an addition to it was required to meet the incieased demands for interments. This led the citizens to call a town meeting September 20th, 1870, to consider " Here to thy bosom, mother earth, Take back in peace what thou hast given, ' And all that is of heavenly birth, O God, in peace, recall to heaven." — Pikrpont. in. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS,— By William S. Pattee. IV. PRAYER,— By Rev. W. W. Dean. V. ADDRESS,— By Rev. Nelson Clark. VI. HYMN. ' Home of the coming dead ! The spot whereon we tread Is hallowed ground: Here earth, in sacred trust. Shall hold their sleeping dust. Until her bonds they burst, And rise unbound. Here shall the weary rest. And souls, with woes oppress' d. No more shall weep; And youth and age shall come, And beauty in her bloom, And manhood, to the tomb; Sweet be their sleep! ' Around their lowly bed Shall flowers their fragrance shed. And birds shall sing; On every verdant mound Love's offering shall be found, And sighing trees around Their shadows fling. And there's a holier light! Hope, with her taper bright. On every tomb. Points upward to the sky. There every tear is dry, There is no mourner's sigh. Nor death, nor gloom.' ' VII. BENEDICTION. 1. May 5, 185(). Numbers ;>70 and 546 were the first disposed of, and the Hon. Charles F. Adams was the purcha.^er, at five dollars each. Mr. Holt, No. 322, at six dollars; Mr. Hall, No. KJ, at six dollars; Mr. Dow, No. 240, at five dollars and fifty cents; Mr. Whiting, No. 15, at six dollars; Mr. Cudworth, No. 270, at five dollars and fifty cents; Mr. Flint, No. 271, at five dollars and fifty cents; Mrs. Boltenhouse, No. WJ, at seven dollars. These were all the lots sold at this time. CKMETEUIES. 153 the question of enlargimj; the ground. It w:is found at tliis meeting, after a candid consideration, that an extension was immediately demanded. In accordance witli this fact the town voted unanimously to make the addition, and a committee was chosen to directly surroun4. In memory of Mrs. Kuth Wild, wife of Cajit. Silas Wild, who died Jan. 12, 1704, in the 01 year of her age. 1807. In memory of C'a}»t. Silas Wild, who died Sept. 30, 1807, aged 71 years. 1730. Here lies interred the body of l>cnjaniin Hayraintree was incorporated in 1G:59, by the following part of the inscription, taken from the tomb- stone : " Mr. Adams, one of the original proprietors in the town- ship of Braintree, incorporated in the year 1639." The record- ed evidence states that Braintree was incorporated May 13th, 1640. It is quite evident that Mr. John Adams, when he wrote this inscription, got the incorporation of the town mixed with the organization of the chuj'ch, which Avas in 1630. In this eccle- siastical i)eriod of the Colonial History, the organization of the church was of as great, if not greater importance than the incorporation of the town. Inscriptions on tomb-stones, to inform the world of personal virtues and heroic deeds, are of ancient origin ; these and hiero- glyphics were extensively used by the old Egyptians thousands of years before Christ, and have been of great assistance to Wilkcnson, Lepsus, Davis aiul other arclueologists, in writing the remote history and antiquities of Egypt and old Carthage. They also Avere in use by the Greeks until forbidden by Lycur- gus, except to his heroes who died in battle. Since the stern ami iron age of this old Grecian, wit, humor, sarcastic burlesque, and various sentimental sentiments have been exhausted on monu- mental marble and stone. " Voltaire wrote epitaphs on birds, Byron and Pope on dogs, Avhile Prior demolished the pretensions of Westminster Abbey in four lines : " " Nobles and heralds, bj' jour leave, Here lies what once was Matthew Prior; The sou of Adam and of Eve, Can Stuart or Nassau claim higher? " 1. Veneration for these old grave-stones will hardly allow us to suggest that they may sometimes point to a falsehood, and that the first line, "Here lies," engraved upon many of them, may bo the most truthful part of the inscription. PUBLIC HOUSES. The first church, and tlie first public house, were established the same year. Both in 1639 ; one for the spiritual, and the other for the physical comforts of man. June 6th, 1639, Martin Sanders, the first landlord in Braintree, was licensed as an innholder, and May 18th, 16,10, received a license t'o " draw wine." The colonists, in their restrictions for the sale of spirit- uous liquors, were not so prohibitory as they were in regard to the sale and use of tobacco, which was forbidden under a pen- alty of two shillings and six pence.^ Mr, Sanders was a man of some note in the town, having been Selectman, and also held many other prominent positions relating to the management of town affairs. The inventory of his estate gives the penury of the public houses of that day.^ 1. " It is ordered, That uoe p'son that keeps an ordinary shall take ahove VId. a meale for a p'son, & not above Id. for an ale quarte of beare, out of meale tyme, vnder the penalty of Xs. for eny offence, eith'r of dyet or bearo. "Likewise, That victulars, or keeps of an ordinary, shall not suffer any to- bacco to be taken in their howses, vnder the penalty of Vs. for eny offence, to be payde by the victuler, & Xlld. bx the p't'y that takes it. "Further, It is ordered that noe p'son shall take tobacco publiquely, vnder the penalty of lis., VId., nor privately, in his owue howse, or in the howse of another, before strangers, & that two or more shall not take it together, anywhere, vnder the aforesaid penalty for eny offence." 2. This appraisement of the goods and chattels of the landlord of the first inn in Braintree, fully illustrates the poverty of the times in household furniture, and the customary utensils for culinary purx^oses. Knives and forks were not in use at this time ; a few pewter dishes answered for the modern crockery ware ; as little was known of ceramics ; feather beds v.-ere expensive and not in com- mon use. The principal beds were what were called flock beds, or beds filled with flocks of sheep's wool. Three bedsteads, four chairs, and an ordinary table made up the principal furniture of this old inn. £ s. D. Waring apparel, - - - - - - - 8 00 Linnings, - - - - - - - - 740 ffother boulsters, - - - - - - - 2 15 PUBLIC HOUSES. 165 After the death of Mr. Sanders, which occurred in 1658, Mr. John Mills received authority to establish a house of enter- tainment in Braintree. This was the second public liouse in the town, and was located on the westerly side of Hancock street, about two hundred feet south of the junction of Canal street with it. Mr. Mills, who succeeded his father in business, petitioned the Governor and Council, in 1710, for a remittance of his fine for selling " drink " without a license. In later times this house Avas knoAvn as the Ben Faxon House. It was con- sumed by fire May 24th, 1843, Avith two other dwelling-houses, one stable and two shops. This Avas the greatest conflagration ffour quishons, - - - - Two fflock beds, one ffether bed, - - - . ftive blankets, -...-. Two pillows, ...... A set of curtains and bedstead, .... Three coverlids and two ruggs, .... Three old curtains, two bedsteads, with cord, Brass, ....... A brass kittle, ...... Pewter, ....... One table, and form, &c., .... One still, wool and loom, .... Two hogsheads, &c., ..... Wooden ware, baskets, two casks, ... Two wheels, and measures, and three pailes, Three cieves, and cheese press, - . . - ffour chairs, and some small wooden vessels, TJie dwelling-house, with out housing and land adjacent, A dripping pan, & cla\'ers, and some iron tools, One parcel of meadow land, .... Earthen ware & glass, &c., . - . - Bible and two other books, .... A musket, iron wedges, &c., .... A mare, colt, and old lumber, .... Twelve cows, ...... A parcel of l;^d at Pumpkin Kill; 10 acres, more or less, Two oxen, one calf, and heifer, .... Three sheep, one hogg, . . . . - Debts due, -..---- Total, Debts owing, ...... £ s. D. 12 4 G 2 8 2 10 6 18 1 12 4 2 10 2 14 2 10 2 (! 5 1 8 G 6 fi 17 (30 10 40 13 1 1 10 17 51 40 15 10 3 17 30 321 17 15 10 166 PUBLIC HOUSES. which ever occurred in Quincy as regards the number of biiild- ings destroyed, but the loss was not near as much in the amount of vakie as that by many other fires, especially by the destruc- tive fires of 1875, which, for their number and the loss of prop- erty, were the greatest the town has ever experience;!. Mr, Mills was captain of the military company, and also deputy to the General Court, and liis tavern was the noted public house of that day. It was in this locality that the three public institutions of the town were situated, the churcli, school house and tavern, all within a stone's throw of each other. Mr. Whitney, in his History of Quincy, relates that the second public house was kept on Penn's Hill by a Mr. Penniman. We are of an opinion that it may have been the third, although we have not found any record that a public inn was kept here ; still very probably one might have been located on this side of the hill, not far from where the residence of Mr, Henry Hard- wick now stands. The relics of an old cellar are still pointed out as the location of this jjublic house. The Pennimans resided in this neighborhood, as Joseph bought an estate in this vicinity, as early as 1675, of Mr, William Penn, after whom the hill was named. Mr. Penn ^ was one of the first benefactors to the town, having made by his will bequests to the church, schools, the first school teacher, and the poor of the town. The next house that we have been able to find was established 1. Mr. William Penn was a resident of Boston at the time he made his will, and in this instrument his desire was that his remains sliould be buried in Braintree, in the bnrying-place. "Item, — I give unto the church of Brantry two pounds, the one half in money and the other half in country pay. (This country pay was probably in produce, as was the custom of the times.) I give unto the use of the schools of the town of Brantry ten pounds, one half in money and the other half in country pay. I give to Deacon Tompson, of Brantry, two pounds in silver; and to his sou Edward I give two pounds in money. I give to Mr. Benjamin Tompson, (who was the first school master,) fourty shillings in money, and to every one of his children now living fourty shillings aj)iece J^ silver. I give to Stephen Pain of Brantry, whome I made overseer of my revoked will, two pounds in silver; and his son Stephen two pounds thereof, half in silver, the other half in country pay. I give to the poor people in Brantry three cows. And I order that all legacies shall be paid within eighteen months. " Sworn, Feb. 14, 1688-S>." PUBLIC HOUSES. 167 by j\[r. Thomas Crosby about 1739. In this house Daniel Al- len, the Indian, died.^ Its location seems to have been uncer- tain. Mr. John Adams, in his diary, says it was situated " exactly ten miles from town," (meaning Boston,) which location has for years been designated by a stone post jilaced in the wall in front of the late Lemuel Brackett's estate, on Hancock street. Mr. Whitney relates, in his History of Quincy, that it stood near the house formerly owned by Mr. Peter Boylston Adams, on Adams street, now in possession of Mr. Rice. We shall, in a note, give tlie bounds of this estate, as it was at the time ^\r. Crosby's executors sold the jiroperty to JNIr. Samuel Bass, and let the readers locate it for themselves.- AVc ]. It has been claimed that the Colonial and Provincial Government dis- played a spirit of great inhumanity towards the Indians, but in tbis instance they seem to have exhibited a very liberal and humane act toward a suffering Indian. " To his Excellency William Shirleij, Governor and Capt. Gcneral-in-Chie/e in and ovei' his Majestie's Province of the Masnachusetts Bay in New Enr/land, and to his Majestie's C'ounrill in Councill Assembled: Feb. 8, 1743. "William Hunt, John A(hims, and Ebenczer Copelaiul, Selectmen of lirain- tree, Humbly Sheweth, — Tb.nt Daniel Allen, an Indian man who hath no set- tled inhabitant in any town in this Province, and who had been some consider- able time in the government's service in the quality of a soldier at Fort George Eastward, under the command of Henjamin Larrabee, was, daring his being in said service, rendered so infirm that said Larrabee discharged him his said service on Sept. 4, 1741, upon which he, having .some friends at the Cape, directed his course that way; but so it happened he had travelled so far and his infirmities increased so fast, that he was unable to travell farther, and on De- cember 2, 1741, lie then being at the house of Thomas Crosby in liraintree, said Cro.>*by, by direction of the Selectmen of said Town, took care of him. and be continued there in a very langui.xhing condition for ten weeks, wanting three days, and dyed; during which time the necessary expences in waiting and other attendance, with his funeral charges, amounted to fom- poumls, eleven shillings, and .seven pence half penny. Xow, inasmuch as the charge aforesaid, that has ari.sen to the town aforesaid, on account of said Daniel Allen, is a charge that properly belongs to the ProviiTce to pay, your petitioners therefore humbly pray your Excellency and Honor to give full directions in the i)remises, as to law and justice appertaining. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, shall over pray. COL. JOSEPH GOOCil, for petitioners; And also deputy for the town." Allowed, £1, lbs., 7d.— Mass. Arch. '_'. Mary Crosby, widow of Thomas Crosby, ami .lonatlian his son, of Hoston, a mariner, executors of the estate of the late Thomas Crosby, bargained and Bold to Samuel Bass, Jr., for 78 pounds, several parcels of land. One piece of 168 PUBLIC HOUSES. are very confident that Mr. Whitney's statement is correct, and that the Crosby house stood in the neighborhood of the late Peter B. Adams'. Mr. Brackett's estate could not at that tfme have been in the possession of the Crosbys, as this estate was then the southerly boundary of the Hancock lot, and in the possession of a Mr. Beals. Mr. Crosby seems to have been a timid j)erson, and afraid to visit Boston for the purpose of renewing his license, on account of the small pox being there ; Avhich neglect put him to consid- erable trouble to procure one.^ In 1759 Mr. Crosby died, and his wife Mary, and Jonathan his son, of Boston, a mariner, were appointed his executors. They disposed of the old tavern to Samuel Bass, Jr. Mr. Bass con- tinued to carry on this place as a house of entertainment. - Previous to Mr. Bass commencing business, Mr. James Brack- four acres, bounded as follows, viz: — Southerly on land of Joseph Crosby; east- erly on land of Edmund Quincy; westerly on land set off to the widow Crosby; northerly on land of grantee. The other pieces of land appear not to have been connected with the tavern lot. 1. " To his Honor Spencer Phips, Lieut. Governor and Commander-in- Chief: Dec. 21, 1752. "The memorialist, Thomas Crosby of Braintry, in the County of Suffolk, humbly sheweth, — "That he hath kept a public Tavern in said Brantry, on the Road leading from Boston to Plymouth, for many years last past, as he apprehends to the General acceptance of Travellers. But it so happened that the Small Pox in Boston, in July last past, which was License Court time in said County, and for some other reasons, ye memorialist did not Renew his license again ; but so it is, may it Please your Honor, that there is no Tavern near, and many of his old Customers who Travell said Road complain that they can't be lutertained, and have Repeatedly solicited your memorialist again to keep a Tavern in his now Dwelling-house in said Brantry. Therefore your memorialist prayes your Honor or Honors, That the Justice of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the County, at their next term may be impowered to grant the memo- rialist a License to keep a Tavern in said Brantry, the time by law being elapsed Notwithstanding." — Mass. Arch. 2. "To his Excellency Thomas Powell, Esq., Governor and Commander-in- Chief: " Your memorialist Humbly Sheweth, — Apr. 11, 1759. " That Mr. Thomas Crosby was Licensed by the Court of General Session.s of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, to be an Innholder in the town of Brain - tree, for about twenty years past, and was so for the current year; but said Crosby dying a few months since, your Petitioner has bought the House and PUBLIC HOUSES, 1G9 ctt had constructed a large and commodious house on the corner of Ehn and Hancock streets, for a jjublic hotel. In looking over the old almanacs, before, during and after the Revolutionary War, we find in the tables giving the list of the stage lines " to tlie principal Towns on the Continent,^ from Boston, Avith the Names of those who keep Houses of Entertainment," that Mr. Brackett's hotel is the only house mentioned in Braintrec. From tliis we infer that the other taverns were not of much impor- tance, and that Mr. Brackett's house was the fashionable resort of that day. The first house was taken, down, and in 1794-5 the present one erected on the site of the noted old Brackett tavern. There is no doubt that on this site a hotel was kept for a longer time than at any other locality in town, it having been occupied as a tavern upAvards of a century. This house was discontinued about 1835. The last landlords were IMr. Downs and Mr. Leonard, who kept it but a sliort time. Mr. Downs attempted to carry it on as a temperance house, but it proved a complete failure, notwithstanding his noted sign hung out, representing by inverted rum bottles that a little wine for the stomach's sake could not be had at his inn. This estate was sold to Mr. Francis Williams in 183G, who had the old hotel remodeled and extensively rej^aired. The property is now in possession of his son, Mr, Joliu S. Williams. Mr. John Adams began the practice of law in Braintrec in 1758, In 17G1 he found tliat the small lawyers and public houses had increased to such an extent that the inhabitants of the town were kept in a constant broil. To bring about a reform in this matter he declared open warfare upon them, as will be seen by the following extracts from his diary : "The dirty and ridiculous litigations have been multiplied in this town, till the very earth groans and the stones cry out. The town is become infamous for them throughout the county, I have absolutely heard it used as a jn-overb in several parts of the Land thereto bolonping, which said Crosby improved for a Tavern. Therefore he prayes the Court for a license to continue the business."— Mass, Arch. 1. Tlie continent, accordins to the almanac of that day, was bounded on the south by South Carolina, on the west by the Missis.sijipi, on the north by Cana- da, on the east by the Atlantic ocean and the Eastern Provinces of Great Britain. 23 1-70 PUBLIC HOUSES. * Province, ' As litigious as Braintvee.' This multiplicity is owing to the multiplicity of pettifoggers, among whom Capt. H is one, who has given out that he is a sworn attorney till nine-tenths of the town really believe it. But I take this opportunity publicly to confront him and undeceive the town. He knows, in his conscience, that he never took the oath of an attorney, and that he dare not assume the impudence to ask to be admitted. Pie knows that the notion of his being a sworn attorney is an imposture — is an imposition upon this town. And I take this opportunity publicly to declare that I will take all legal advantages against every action brought by him, or by Capt. T , or by any other pettifogger in this town. For I am determined, if I live in this town, to break up this scene of strife, vexation and immorality. "Discharged my venom to Billy Veasey against the multi- tude, poverty, ill-government and ill-effects of licensed houses, and the timorous temper, as well as the criminal designs of the Selectmen who grant them approbation. Here the time, the money, the health and modesty of most that are young, and many old, are wasted ; here disease, vicious habits, bastards and legislators are frequently begotten. N would vote for any man for a little flip, or a dram. The number of these houses have been lately so much augmented, and the fortunes of tlie owners so much increased, that an artful man has little else to do but secure the favor of taverners, in order to secure the suffrages of the rabble that attend tliese houses, which in many towns within my observation makes a very large, perhaj)s the largest number of voters." Tins evil continued to increase until it culminated in active aggression by Mr. Adams in 17G1, he having an article inserted in the warrant^ for a town meeting to decrease the number of licensed houses in town, and through personal exertion at tliis meeting he Avas successful in accomjilishing this much needed reform. 1. "Secondly: — 'To consider and determine upon some effectual method whereby to reduce the number of licensed Ijouses in the town, as it is thought the present number are unnecessary.' " After a full debate upon the second article it was, by a great majority of PUBLIC HOUSES. 171 A public house was kept on Hancock street, near tlie residence of Col, A. B. Packard ; first by ^Ir. Cleverly, who was succeeded by Mr. Marsh in 1794. Afterwards Mr. Arnold kept the house until 1802. The next was in a house that stood on the site where Col. Packard's house now stands. Mr. John NcAvcomb, as landlord and proprietor, opened this house to the public in 1803, and con- tinued as its landlord until about 1820. At one time ]Mr. Ilayden conducted the house for Mr. Newconib. It Avas at this public house that Josiah Bemis, George Stearns and ]\Iichael Wild^ the three worthy Knights of the Iron Wedges, resorted in 1803, to enjoy their convivial repast on that memorable Sabbath, after having achieved the remarkable success of splitting, for the first time, a large stone with iron wedges. At that time this was con- sidered a great and important event, in establishing a system that would enable them more readily and expeditiously to work stone for building and other purposes. At tlie beginning of the present century a public house was opened on the Avosterly side of what is now Washington street, on Souther' s^llilj, Avhere now stands Mr. John Ii. Graham's house. Mr. Joseph Baxter was its host, and it was called the Hen Tavern. It is related that it derived its name from the following incident : — Mr. Baxter was one of the old patriots of the early part of this century, and a great admirer of the noble American bird, the eagle. After having selected an artist to execute a sign- board for his house, he gave him i)articular instructions that the American eagle should be represented on it. In due time the ar- the members present, voted : That, althonp;h licensed houses, so far as they are conveniently situated, well accommodated, and under due regulation, for the relief and entertainment of travellers and strangers, may be useful institutions, yet there is reason to apprehend that the present prevailin;; depravity of man- ners through the land in general, and in this town in particular, anlock. The upper stories were converted into a spacious first-class modern hotel, Avhile the first flat was arranged for stores. This house was opened by Mr. William P. F. Meserve, one of the former land- lords of the old Hancock. House, and is called the Robertson House, in honor of its public-spirited proprietor. This was the first brick block of stores ever erected in this town. The first block of brick houses Avas constructed on Sea, now Chestnut street, in 1874. There are several other public houses in various parts of the town. At Wollaston Heights, the Wollnston Hotel ; shore houses at Scpiantum ; at Houghs Neck Mr. Mears', for transient private parties, but not for permanent boarders. West Quincy also had a hotel, the Willard House, which was burnt August 12th, 1876, since which time it has been witliout a hotel. French, from July, 1841, to March, 1850; Daniel French, froru March, 1850, to April, ISjl; Geor;jre H. French, from April, 1851, to April, 1855; George H. Bundy, from April, 1855, to Xovember, ISoii; Albert Webb, from November, 185(;, to February, 1801; William P. F. Meserve, from February, 1801, to No- vember, 18(i5; J. T. AVilley, from November, 1865, to October, 1870; Samuel T. Alleu, from October, 1870, to July, 1873. POST OFFICES. At the time the town was first settled, regular i^ost offices were unknown ; still a sort of a post oftice was established by the Colonial General Court as early as 1639.-^ It seems to have been the custom at that time for correspondents with and from England and the various colonies, to have their letters deposited in some public jjlace, such as tlie Town House or Exchange in Boston, or the taverns in small hamlets, villages or towns. Per- sons expecting written intelligence, or desiring to communicate with their friends, would visit these public i^laces of resort, and receive their letters or forward them to the place of destination at their pleasure. This careless and uncertain method of postal arrangement caused the Colonial Council, in 1677, to appoint John Hay ward ^ " post master for the whole colony." It was only a few years previous to this period, that the parent government had established a Post Oftice Department, as consti- tuted and managed at the present time. This method of trans- 1. November 5th, 1G3!). "For preventing the miscarriage of letters, & it is ordered, that notice bee given that Richard Fairbanks, liis liouse in Boston, is the place appointed for all letters wliicli are brought from beyond the seas, or are to bee sent thither are to be brought unto; & he is to talie care that they be delivered or sent according to tlieir direction; and he is allowed for every such letter a Id, & must answer all miscarriages through his own neglect iu this kind; provided that no man shall bee compelled to bring his letter thither ex- cept he please." — Mass. Rec, Vol. I., p. 281. 2. " In ans'r to the request of seuerall merchants of Boston, declaring that they haue heard many Complaints made by merchants and others that haue binn sencible of the losse of letters, whereby merchants, w'th their friends & imployers in forreigne parts, are greatly damified; many times letters are throune vpon the exchange, that who will may take them vp, &c. ; therefore humbly desire this court to depute some meet person to take in & convey let- ters according to y'r direction. This Court judgeth it meet to grant the peti- tioners' request herein, and haue made choyce of ISIr. John Hayward, the scriv- enner, to be the person for the service."— Mass. Rec, Vol. V., p. 147. POST OFFICES. 177 mittini; the mails was carried into effect December 27th, 1660.' The management of the postal affairs was under the control of the colony until 1692 ; from this period till 1710, under the Province Law. For some time there had been considerable complaint and dis- satisfaction in regard to the careless and irregular method by whidi letters were transmitted. To relieve them of their com- l)laints, and also desiring to receive a greater revenue from tlieir colonial subjects, tlie home government established a post office 111 North America, Avhich continued until the colonies were sepa- rated, and declared themselves a free and independent nation by the war of the Revolution. In 1784, a year after the close of tlie war, postal affairs in Massachusetts were quite limited.'^ At the first session of the first Congress, in 1789, a resolution of an experimental kind was passed, to establish rules and regu- lations for the transmission of tlie mails, and the question con- tinued to be agitated until 1792, when a law was enacted for the purpose of organizing a Post Oftice Department, also to define and shorten the mail routes. This law, however, was of a tempo- rary nature, as will be seen by the last clause in the act :— " That the act shall be in force for the term of two years from the first ointed to suc- ceed Mr. Gill. Mr. Bass received his commission September 21st, 1866, and removed the office to Mr. Veazie's apothecary shop, No. 95 Hancock street. After remaining there several years, he removed the office to No. 80, on the opposite side of the street, where it is still kept under his administration. It wdl be seen that there have been but ten postmasters in Qnincy for the space of nearly a century, or eighty-five years, until the recent appointments of offices for local accommodation. The first post office established in Braintree was in February, 1825, and Avas kept on Washington street, in the house of Mr. Asa French, who was appointed the first postmaster. The first office located in South l^raintree was March 13th, 1845, and Jud- son Stoddard, Esq., received his commission as the first post- master. This office stood on the corner of AVashington and Pearl streets. The office at the present time is under the man- agement of Mrs. Elias Hayward, widoAV of the late local histo- rian of the toAvn, and who for several years i)revious to his de- cease Avas the postmaster. North and P:ast Braintree are accommodated Avith ample postal facilities ; also Randoljih and Holbrook. There are, at the present time, in the four tOAvns formerly comprising the old township of Braintree, ten post offices, as folloAvs :— Central office, at Quincy; Atlantic office, for the ac- commodation of the North Quincy village ; also one each at Wollaston Heights, Quincy Point and West Quincy. The fol- lowing are the present locations of the three Braintree jiost offices : The Braintree office, located at the corner of Washing- ton and Elm streets ; South l^raintree, at the corner of Wash- ington street and Holbrook avenue ; and one at East Braintree. There is one at Bandolph; two at Holbrook, called the Hol- brook and Brookville offices. KELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. FIRST CHURCH. — \ The religious history of Quincy .sliould be passed by with no hasty glance, for it is radiant with i)oiiits of rrroat interest. It was here and at Boston that Antinomianisni reaehed its ]iei<,ditli ; here was settled one of the first and greatest advocates of Vm- tarianisni, and among the first settlers of this town can be mentioned men of great intellect and high cultnre, but zealous advocates of liberalism. The religious history of this town begins with the year 163G, when the inhabitants of Mount Wollaston, which was then a l)art of Boston, petitioned that they might have a minister. This was reluctantly granted, and after some discussion i\Ir. Wheelwright was delegated to preach at the Mount. This was in fact nothing more than a branch of the first church of ]>oston, over which John Wilson was settled as pastor, or rather as JElder, as ministers were called in those days. Mr. Wilson was one of the earliest Pilgrims, having come from England in Gov. Win- throjj's company in 1630. He was ordained as pastor over this church soon after his arrival, and officiated until his death, which occurred in 1667, he then being 78 years of age. He was among the first grantees of Mount Wollaston. Associated with Mr. Wilson as teacher of the first church was the famous John Cotton, of whom ]\Ir. Lunt says: — "His opin- ions were looked ui)on as law, and he is spoken of by the histo- rians of the j)eriod as doing more than any other individual to fix the principles of Congregationalism, and tu mouM into the form which they have in the main preserved to this day, our ec- clesiastical institutions and observances." 182 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. It was here at Mount Wollaston and during Wheelwright's ad- ministration, that the first seeds of Antinomianism were sown in New England. This doctrine, as a plant, flourished for a while, but soon faded and passed away. Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, its principal advocate, was wont to gather at her house, after the weekly lectures at Mr. Cotton's meeting-house, her associates and friends, then to discuss the meagreness of the doctrines preached. Mrs. Hutchinson^ came over to this country in Sep- 1. The theologians who were opposed to Mrs. Hutchinson and her Antino- mian doctrines, excused their expelling her from the colonies for her religious belief by saying it was for the falsehood of her declarations. Some of the Puri- tan writers go so far as to state that her sad death, by being massacred by the Indians, was a remarkable judgment of God for her heresies. Mr. Weld, an ardent divine at that period, says in his work "that she was delivered of as many unformed fretus's at a birth as she maintained errors, and that another actress was delivered of a monster, and that all the women were seized with a violent vomiting and purging. Stories as creditable as that regarding the Flanders Countess, who is said to have had as many children at a birth as there are days in a year." Samuel Gorton, friendly to the Antinomian cause, the author of a small tract published in 167(5, under the title of " A Glass for the People of New England," relates, " The next piece of wickedness I am to mind you of is your barbarous action committed against Mrs. Hutchinson, whom you first imprisoned, then banished, and so exposed her to that desolate condition that she fell into the hands of the Indians, who murdered her and her family, excepting one child, and after that made a notorious He on the destroyed woman, which Samuel Clark, priest of London, taking the lie out of his brother Weld's short story, must needs put it into his book called ' God's Judgment against Heresy.' The woman before mentioned, ha%'ing been by the priests and professors pumped and sifted to get something against her, laying their snares to entrap her, and taking their opportunity when husband and friends, as it were said, were ab- sent, examined and banished her. So she goes by water, with many others who perceived they must go to pot next, and providentially fell in with Rhode Island, where they made a cave or caves, and in them lived until the cold win- ter was pas.sed, in which time it was known to the profe.ssors where they were, .and that they had bought the island of the Indians. And the professors began to stir and endeavor to bring the island within the compass of their patent. So the poor molested woman, it is like, let in fear, and thought she would go far enough from their reach; so, going southward to seek a place to settle upon, there she and her family might live in quietness, fell upon a piece of land that was in controversy between the Dutch and the natives, and the natives being in a heat came upon them and were the executioners of what the New England priests, magistrates and church members were the occasion, through their wicked and cruel proceedings in forcing them to flee from their rage and fury. BHLIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 183 tember, 1634. Her husband had a grant of land made to liim at Mount Wollaston, whicli afterwards, by investigation, was found to be mostly in the town of Milton. She is described as a woman of great gift of speech, and powers of mind keen enough to loosen the tightest knots of metaphysical polemics ; but Weld in his book says she was " a woman of a hauglity and fierce car- riage, of a nimble wit and active spirit, and a very voliiablo tongue, more bold than a man, though in understanding and judgment inferior to many women." Yet this description from Weld must be taken with some allowance, as he was a bitter antagonist of Antinomianism. Wliatever her powers were, true it is that she converted to her doctrine some of the most learned and influential men then residing in this vicinity, viz : John Wheelwright, Henry Vane, William Coddington, Mr, Dummer, Mr. Haugh and Thomas Savage. "Henry Vane descended from a family which had been long distinguished in English History. He was born in 1612, emi- grated to America in 1635, and was received in Boston with every demonstration of respect. In 1636 he was elected Gover- nor of Massachusetts, being then only twenty-four years of age. So, readier, thou mayest see the rajie and envy of thia professing generation, for they imprisoned and banished this tenderly bred woman in or toward winter, and what with fear and tossing to and fro the woman miscarried, upon which they grounded their abominable untruth. Many witnesses might be produced to prove this, and to disprove their abominable, frequently told slanders, and also printed by priests, and New England professors, and their confederates here in England." The only apology we are able to make on this seeming unjust persecution is, that it was an intolerant age. Toleration was preached against as a sin of the greatest magnitude, and which, if encouraged, would bring down the eternal judgment of heaven upon them and the colonies. So confirmed was Gov. Dud- ley in this Itelief that, at the time of his death, there was found in his breeches ptxket, {the receptacle of many unprepared oratorical dinplays, ) this sentiment, fully written out in verse, of which the following two lines were the essence: " Let men of God, in court and churches watch O'er such as do a toleration hatch." " This doctrine prevailed many years, until their eyes were opened by a fresh persecution coming upon themselves from King James. This made his decla- ration for general liberty of conscience welcome, and they thanked the King for allowing to them what they before thought themselves bound in conscience to d«uy to others." 184 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. His party was, liowever, put down,^ and he sailed for England in August, 1637. He was a member of the Long Parliament, and a decided and consistent friend of liberty, although he disaj)- proved of the trial and execution of King Charles. He was too pure and just not to be an object of hatred and suspicion to ] . In 1(j37 an election was held for the choice of a governor, deputy gover- nor, and other officers of the colony. The religious excitement ran so high at this time that this election was as hotly contested between the Puritans and the Antinomian leaders as any ever held in New England, if not more so. Tlie contest became so earnest that the Kev. Mr. Wilson, the first minister of Bos- ton, mounted the branch of a tree with his coat off, which was probably the first stump or tree speech ever made in Massachusetts. This political or religious contest was held on Newton Common, in the open air, in accordance with the custom of holding elections in old England at the hustings for the choice of members of Parliament. It is evident that the reason for selecting Newton as the place for election was for the purpose of getting away from the influence of Boston, as that was the stronghold of Antinomianism. From the branch of the tree Mr. Wilson harangued the multitiUle upon the religious aspect of the case, and denounced Antinomianism in no very liberal terms. This declamation, it is said, carried the election in favor of Gov. "Winthrop, and was the cause of the defeat of Gov. Vane, to the great chagrin of himself and his friends. The following is Hutchinson's account of the election: — "At the opening of the Court of Election, 1037, which was not done until one o'clock, May 17th, a petition was again oifered from many of the town of Boston, which the governor, Mr. Vane, would have read; but Mr. Winthrop, the deputy governor, opposed it as being out of order, this being the day by charter for elections, and the inhabitants all convened for that purpose, if other business was allowed to take up the time the election would be prevented; after the elections were over, the petition might be read. The governor and those of his parly would not proceed unless the petition was read. The time being far spent, and many persons calling for election, the deputy governor called to the people to divide and llie greater number should carry it; which was done, and the greater number was for proceeding. Still the governor refused, until the deputy governor told him they would go on without him; this caused him to submit. Mr. Winthrop was chosen governor, Mr. Dudley deputy governor, INIr. Saltoustall, son of Sir Kichard, and Mr. Stoughton, new assist;uits, and Mr. ^'ane and his friends of the same persuasion, Dummer, Haugh and Codding- tou, left out of the magistracy. There was great danger of a violent tunnilt that day. The speeches on both sides were fierce, and they began to lay hands one on another, but the manifest majority on one side Avas a restraint to the other. Boston waited the event of this election of magistrates before they would choose their representatives for the other business of the General Court, and the next morning they chose Mr. Vane, the late governor, Mr. Coddington and Mr. Haugh. This election of Boston was immediately determined by the Court to be undue. The reason is not assigned in the record, but it is said this BELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 185 Cromwell, when that ambitious personage had secured to him- self the supreme power. After the death of Oliver Cromwell, Vane came forth from his retirement and became a member of Parliament, where he was instrumental, by his eloquence, in overthrowing the government of Richard Cromwell. Upon the restoration of the monarchy, Vane, who had always been a decitled Republican, was seized and impi*isoned, and finally beheaded. After he had been condemned to death it was sug- gested that by making submission to the King, his life might i)er- haps be saved. His noble reply was, ' If the King does not think himself more concerned for his honor and word than I am for my life, let him take it. Nay, I declare, that I value my life less in a good cause than the king can do his promise. He is so reason was given, that all the freemen were not notified. A warrant was issued for a new choice, and Boston returned the same men again, and then they were not rejected. The sergeants who used to attend Mr. Vane laid down their hal- berds and went home as soon as the new governor was elected, and they refused to attend him to and from the meetings on the Lord's Day, as had been usual. They pretended this extraordinary respect was shown to Mr. Vane as a person of quality. The Court would have appointed others, but Mr. Winthrop took two of his servants to attend him. Mr. Vane professed himself ready to serve the cause of God in the meanest capacity. He was, notwithstanding, n)uch mortified, and discovered his resentment. Although he had sat at church among the magistrates from his first arrival, yet he and those who had been left out with him placed themselves with the deacons, and when he was iuvited by the governor to return to his place he refused it." " An extraordinary act made by the General Court this season very much heightened the discontent. Many persons of the favorite opinions in Boston were expected from England. A penalty, therefore, was laid on all persons who sliould entertain in their houses any stranger who came with intent to reside, or should allow the use of any lot or habitation above three weeks without lib- erty from one of the standing council or two other assistants. The penalty on I)rivate persons was forty pounds, and twenty pounds besides for every month they continued in the offence. And any town whicli gave and sold a lot to such stranger was subject to one hundred pounds penalty ; but if any inhabitant of such place .should enter his dissent with a magistrate, he was to be excused his part of the fine. This was a very severe order, and so disliked by the people of Boston that upon the return of the governor from Court they refused to go out to meet him or show him any respect." Mr. Cotton was so di.ssatisfied with this law that he says "he intended to have removed out of the jurisdiction to Quinnypicak, since called New Haven, but finding the law was not improved to exclude such persons as he feared it would be, he altered his mind." 25 186 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. sufficiently obliged to spare my life that it is fitter for him to do it than for me to seek it.' " ^ Mr. Wheelwright was the brother-in-law of Mrs. Hutchinson, and a zealous advocate of her doctrines. He arrived in Boston on the 26th of May, 1036, and on the eighth of October of the same year was granted a right to preach at Mount Wollaston, and here, on the twentieth of the next January, it being a specially appointed Fast Day, he preached the famous sermon which finally occasioned his expulsion from the colony. The text of this sermon was taken from Matthew ix : 15, "And Jesus said unto them, can the children of the bridechamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with tliem ? But the day will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast." This sermon set forth the doctrine of Antinomianism in a very lucid manner. On account thereof Winthrop says that, at a court which began Maich 9, 1636-7, Ml'. Wheelwright was adjudged "guilty of sedition, and also of contempt."- Sentence was deferred, however. There followed 1. See Life of Vane, by Eev. C, W. Upliani. Spark's Biography. 2. " It was coiicliuled by the Court that Mr. Wheelwright was guilty of con- tempt ami sedition." March i), l(i3()-7. " Mr. John Wheelwright was enjoyned to appear at the next session of this Court, to answer further or receive such sentence as the cause shall require." May 17, l(i37. " Mr. William Aspinwall, being questioned in reyard to his hand was to a peti- tion or remonstrance, & he justified the same, maintaining it to be lawful!, the Court did discharge him from being a member thereof. Mr. John Coggesliali, affirming that Mr. Wheelwright is innocent & that he was persecuted for the truth, was in like sort dismissed from being a member of the Court." H'mT. " Mr. John Wheelwright, being formerly convicted of contempts sedition, & now justifying himself, & his former practise being to the disturbance of the civill peace, bee is by the Court disfranchised & banished, having 14 dayes to settle his affaires, & if within that time he dei)art not the patent, bee promises to render himselfe to Mr. Stoughton, at his house, to'bee kej)! till bee bee dis- ])o.sed of. & Mr. Hofx undertook to satisfy any charge tliat bee, Mr. Stough- ton, or the country should bee at." 2 November, l(io7. Mr. Savage, in his Winthrop, relates in reference to disarming the friends of Mr. Wheelwright and Mrs. Hutchinson, tliat, " in no part of the history of any of the United States, perhaps, can a parallel be found for this act." This high- lianded injustice left them without any protection to themselves or tlieir fam- ilies from the scalping knife, or the horrors and barbarism of an Indian mas- sacre. And all this persecution for their religious belief! RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 187 reinonstranccs and petitions from tlie governor, (Mr. Vane,) and other dissenters, as well as from the Boston First Church, justi- fying the sermon and condemning the court's jiroeeetlings. A synod was also convened, consisting of all the ministers of the colony, l»y ^\Ii()ni the theological questions involved in the con- troversy Avere discussed. This assend)ly terminated unfavorably for Mr. Wheelwright. In the mean time a political revolution liad been effected. Vane and Coddington, friends of Wheel- wright, had been left out of the offices they had ])reviously held. At lengtli, " the General Court being assembled, in the 2d of the 9tli month, and finding upon consultation that two so opposite jiarties could not continue in the same body without ajiparent ha;5ard of ruin to the whole, agreed to send away some of the principals, &c. Then the Court sent for oNfr. Wheelwright. lie persisted in justifying his sernuui, whole jiractice and o})inions, refusing to loave either the place or liis jjublic exercises. lie was disfranchised and banished, upon which he appealed to the King, but neitlier called witnesses nor desired any act to be made " Whereas, the opinions antl revelations of Mr. Wlieelwrinlit and Mrs. Hutchinson have sednccMl nml led into danserons errors many of the people heare in Newe England, inasnuuh as there is just cause of suspilion that tliey, as others in Germany in former times, may, upon some revelation, make some suddain irruption upon those that differ from tiiem in jud^nient; for preven- tion whereof it is ordered that all those whose names are underwritten shall, (upon warning given or left at their dwelling-houses,) hefore the .'JOth day of this month of Xovemher, deliver in at Mr. Cane's (orCapt. Jveayne, as it was after- wards spelt,) house at Boston, all such guns, pistols, swords, powder, shot and match as th(!y shall hee owners of, or have in their custody, upon paine of tenn pounds for every default to bee made thereof, wliich arms are to bee kept by ^Ir. Cane till this Court sliall take further order therein. Also it is ordered upor> like penalty of £X, tliat no man who is to render his aims by lliis or- position to these measures was ineffectual, he entered his pro- test, that his dissent might apjiear to succeeiling times; and, though he was in the fairest way to be great in the IMassnchu- setts as to outward things, yet he voluntarily quitted his advan- tageous situation at IJoston, his large property and his imjirove- ments at Braintrce for ])eace sake, and tln.t he might defend, ])rotect and assist the ]uous ])eo]»le who were meditating a re- moval from that colony on account of their religious differences." After leaving Massachusetts he went to l^hode Island and founded that colony. lie was elected their chief ruler annually for seven years. In the year l(i47 he assisted in fornuiig a body of laws which has been the foundation of the constitution and government of IMiode Island ever since. '•'In Kif)! he had a commission fnnn the supreme authority then in Knglaml to be governor of the island, persuant to the j)owers reserved in the ])atent." Some trouble having arisen under the ch.irter, he read- ily laid down his commission. .After this he seems to have retired from jiublic business till toward the latter end of his days, "when he was again divers times prevailed with tt) take the government upon him. He died November 1st, 1G78, in the seventy-eighth yvAv of his age. Thus, after he had the honor to be the hrst judge and governor of this islaml, (Kliode Island,) after he had sjient much oi his estate and tlie jirime of his life in propagating plantations, he dii'd governor of the colony."^ Mr. Adams, in his address at the opening of the Town Hall in l>raintree, in speaking of Mr. Coddington said, "His memory is now holden in honor among the pt-oph' of that State, as that of ]Minos and Charontlas, Lycargus and Zaleucus, was held by those of ancient (ireet'e, as the foundt-rs and legislators oi nations. Such a life supplies a most signiticant Marning of the folly and conti'utions and strife of zealous and mutual hatred, 1. Seo Callender's Century Sermon. Rhode Island Hist. So. Col., Vol. "V. UELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 191 as they sonu'times arise from tlio most insignilicaiit causes, in the midst of the best ordered communities. Altlioug:!! Mr. Coddiiigton h;ul a large grant of land at the IVIount, we are of an oi)inion that he never residetl there. lie, like many others, held the land for sale, as a matter of profit rather than a place of domicile. My reasons for this statement are these : — December 14th, 1(385, the ninth month of the yeai-, a committee was appointed by the court to lay out at the IMownt certain portions of land for ."Mr. William Coddington and ^Ii-. Kdujund CJuincy. This committee made their report gi-anting them their allotments ]\[areh 14tli, 1G;JG. This was the date or time that tliey legally came in possession of their grants. In .January, IGoG, Mr. Coddington, Mr. Vane and others, came to the Mount from Uoston, to keep Fast Day with Mr. Wheel- wright. On tliis occasion was delivered that famous sermon that set the whole colony in a blaze, and it was so extensive and intense that it severely scorched' several of the eminent Puritan divines, such as the Ilev. Mr. Cotton, Cotton ]\[ather and others. Immediately after the preaching of this sL'rmon the followers of ]Mr. Wheelwright were, by order of the court, condemned for "contempt and sedition," and were soon ordered to leave tlie colony. On March I'ith, 1G37-8, a warrant was issued for Mr. Coddington and his friends to depart from it. IJy the si)irit of this warrant it would appear that they were expelled at their own request, they anticipating that this method was the better way, and the most judicious manner to get out of the difficulty of having the jjcnalty of banishment pronounced upon them, or they may have only intended a short absence and to return again. The authorities may have been more lenient towards Mr. C<»act in his admirable history of the first church. "Mr. Tompson was ordained Nov. 19th, 1639, and Mr. Flint March 17th, 1639-40. According to the distinction observed in those early times in churches, ^[r. Tompson became pastor and Mr. Flint teacher. 'Olr. Tompson graduated at Oxford and commenced preaching in the Xorth of England. From the beginning he was a zealous advocate of the Protestant religion. The date of his arrival in New England cannot Ije determined with certainty, as historians differ greatly ; but certain it is, that he came either in 1637 or 1638. One of the most important incidents in the life of Mr. Tompson was, his being chosen one of three ministers to go on a mission to Virginia in 164'2, upon a request from certain indi- viduals in that remote colony, that competent ministers of the Congregational order should be sent to i)reach the gospel to ihein. The following extract from Hubbard's History of New England will explain the reasons and object of this mission : "In the same year, 164'i, one Mr. Bennett, a gentleman of Virginia, arrived at Boston, bringing letters with him from sun- dry well-disposed people there, to tlie minister of New England, bewailing their sad condition for want of the means of salvation, and earnestly entreating a supply of faithful ministers, whom u])on experience of their gifts and godliness, they might call to office. Upon these letters (which were openly read at Boston on a U'cture day) the ministers there jnct, agreed to' set a day apart to seek God in the thing, and agreed uj»on three, which might most easily be spared, viz : Mr. Phillips of Watertown, ^Ir. Tompson of Braintree and ]Mr. Miller of Ifowley, (these churches having each of them two ministers,) which the General 196 KELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Court approved of, and ordered that the Governor should com- mand them, by his letters to the Governor and Council of Vir- ginia. But Mr. Pliillips not being willing to go, Mr. Knowles, his fellow-laborer, and Mr. Tompson were sent away, with the consent of their churches, and departed on their way on the 7th of October, 1642, to meet the vessel that should transport them, at Narraganset ; but Mr. Miller, because of his bodily weakness, did not accept the call. Both the churches were willing to dis- miss their ministers to that work, and the Court likewise did allow and further it, for the advancement of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus, not fearing to part Avilh such desirable persons, be- cause they looked at it as seed sown, that might bring in a plen- tiful harvest. " They that were sent to Virginia Avere long wind-bound at Rhode Island, and met Avith many other difficulties, so as they nuide it eleven Aveeks of a dangerous passage before they arrived there ; but had this advantage in the Avay, that they took a third minister along with them, viz : Mr. James, (formerly the pastor of the church at Charlestown,) from Ncav Haven. They found loving and liberal entertainment in the country, and Avere be- stowed in scA^eral places, by the care of some honest-minded persons, that much desired their company rather than by any care of the Governor. And though the difficulties and dan- gers they Avere continually exercised with in their Avay thither, put them upon some question Avhether their call Avere t)f God or not, yet Avere they much encouraged by the success of their ministry, through the blessing of God, in that place. " Mr. Tompson, a man of a melancholy temper and crazy body, Avrote Avord back to his friends that he found his liealth so repaired, and his spirit so enlarged, that he had not been in the like condition since he first left England. But he fared with them as it had done before Avitli the Apostles in the primitive times, that the people magnified them, and their hearts seemed to be much* inflamed Avith an earnest desire after the Gospel, though the civil rulers of the country did not alloAV of their public preaching, because they did not conform to the orders of the Church of England ; however, the people resorted to them, in private ho\ises, as much as before. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 197 " At their return, which was the next summer, by the letters which they brought with them, it appears that God had greatly blessed their ministry for the time while they were there, wliich was not long ; for the rulers of the country did in a sense drive them out, having made an order that all such as would not con- form to the discipline of the English Church, should depart the country by such a day. " It appears, from what is related concerning this mission, that, although it did not succeed, as had been anticipated, and was abruptly terminated by the order from tlie authorities of the Virginia colony, yet it was not wholly without fruit. Many seem to have been favorably impressed by the preaching of Tompson and his associates; and the early historians of New England mention particularly the removal of Daniel Gookins from Vir- ginia to New England, as the result of the deep impression pro- duced by the Puritan preachers from the North. This individual seems to have been highly esteemed in his day. He removed to this part of the country in 1644, and settled in Cambridge; was Major General of the Massachusetts Colony, and was author of 'The Historical Collections of the Indians in New England.' Mather thus alludes, and in no bad strains, to the dangers and benefits that attended this mission : " 'SVben Eeverend Knowles and he, sailed band in band, To CLrist espousing the Virginian land, • Upon a ledge of craggy rocks near starved, His Bible in his bosom thrusting saved; The Bible, the best cordial of his heart, ' Come tloods, come flames,' (cried he,) ' we'll never part,' A constellation of great converts there, Shone round him, and his heavenly glory were. Gookins was one of these; by Tompson's pains, Christ and New England a dear Gookins gains. "Mr. Tompson met with a severe bereavement in the death, during his absence, of his wife, who is described as 'a godly young woman, and a comfortable help to him, being left behind with a company of small children, she was taken away by death, and all his children scattered, but well disposed of among his godly friends.' " Mr. Tompson married for his second wife, Anne, the widow of 198 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Symon Crosbie of Cambridge. The date of this second marringe of Mr. Tompson I liave not ascertained, but sujipose it to have been in 1646 or 1647. Tlieir only child, Anna Tompson, was born March 3d, 1648. " The next notice I have met with of Mr. Tompson is connected with the synod, which was convened at Cambridge in 1648, and Avhich framed the phitform of Church Discipline for our Congre- gational churches, Mr. Allen of Dedham pi-eached out of Acts XV, a very godly, learned and particular handhng of near all the doctrines and ajiplications concerning that subject, etc. " It fell out about the midst of his sermon, there came a snake into the seat where many of the Elders sate, behind the preacher. It came in at the door where ])eople stood thick upon the stairs. Divers of the Elders shifted from it, but Mr. Tompson, one of the Elders of Braintree, a man of much faith, trod u})on the head of it, and so held it with his foot and staff, with a small pair of graines, until it was dead. " This being so remarkable, and nothing falling out but by di- vine providence, it^is out of doubt, the Lord discovered somewhat of his mind in it. The serpent is the devil ; the Synod, the repre- sentative of the churches of Christ in New England. The devil had formerly and lately attempted tlieir disturbance and dissolu- tion ; but their faith in the seed of the woman overcame him, and crushed his head." This incident here related so gravely, to- gether with the remarks made upon it by such a man as'Win- throp, furnishes a singular illustration of the character of our fathers. " Eor several years before his death Mr. Tompson's happiness and usefidncss ajipear to have been destroyed, by a fixed melan- choly, probably eonstitutional, and which amounted at times to i]iental alienation. He left his imblic labors as a ])reacher, in the year 1658, about seven years before his death. The state of his mind, in the latter portion of liis life, doubtless incapacitated him for the management of his temporal affairs, as well as the discharge of his official duties. In the archives of the State is a document entitled, 'A proposal for the issue of the complaints presented by the beloved brethren, the Deacons of the Church of Braintree, in reference to our beloved sister, Mrs. Tompson, yet RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 199 standing ineiiibor of the Clmicli of Cambridge, drawn u]i by tlic Elders .and some brethren of tliat Church, wlio liad a lieaiing thereof at Cambridge, October LJtli, IGGl.' This unlia)ti)y differ- ence between Mrs. Tompson and the officers of tlie Braintree Church seems to have continued. After the decease of her Iius- band, she ])resented a petition, in IGGS, to tlie General Court, in Avhich she complains of certain moneys being withheld, that wen' due to her husband, for his services, and asks for ivlicf, although she 'humbly ciaves, that she may not be inter])reted to accuse the Church of acts of any injustice or neglect in the jilace where she lives.' In this connection it may be mentioned that in the Dorchester Church Records is the following entry : "The -26 (1) 'Go. " The day aforesaid, at the motion of Mr. Mather, there was a contribution for Mr. Toin])son at Braintree, unto which there was given in money £G Os. 9d. besides notes for corn and other things above 30s.; and some more money was added afterwards to the value of 8s. 3d. " It is not easy to account for Mr. Tom|(Son's becoming so re- duced in his circumstances. Johnson, in his ' Wonder-working Providence,' has a ]»assage which bears uj)on the subject. 'This town ' (he is speaking of the town, then recently incorporated at Mount WoUaston, by the name of Braintree,) hath great store of land in tillage, and is at })resent in a very thriving con- dition for outward things, although some of Boston retain their farms from being of their town, yet do they lie within their bounds, and how it comes to pass I know not ; their officers have somewhat short allowani'e ; they are well stored with cattle and corn, and as a people receive, so should they give. The Rev. Mr. Tompson is a man abounding in zeal for the propagation of the gospel, and of an ardent aifcction, in so much that lie is a]»t to forget himself in things that concern his own good, ami yet from the report of the committee appointed by the General Court to inquire concerning the maintenance of ministers in the county of Suffolk, it appears that the salary allowi'd their ministi'r in Braintree^ was, considering the size of the place, quite as good as 1. See Mass. Historical Collection, 3d series, Vol. I. 200 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. in the neighboring towns. That committee, consisting of Thomas Savage, Eleazer Luther, John Johnson, met on the 22d of July, 1659. " According to their report, Hingham, having about one hundred families, allowed £90 per annum. Weymouth, £100 per annum, with sixty families ; Dorchester, £100, one hundred and twenty families ; Roxbury, to Mr. Eliot and Mr. Danforth each £60, eighty families ; Dedham, £60, one hundred and sixty- six families ; Medfield, £50, forty families ; Hull, £40, twenty families. The report likewise mentions, that the mode of raising the salaries in Braintree, was by public contribution, and for this reason, perha2:)s, the amount raised was liable to vary from time to time. " Death at length came to deliver the pastor from his outward straits, and to relieve his mental distress. It is gratifying to be assured, that before his dej^arture, the cloud that had settled up- on him for years, lifted, and he enjoyed a brief season of peace. He died December 10th, 1666, according to his grave-stone, which is still standing in the burying-place in this town. " Although this is doubtless the true date of his death, there is a singular diversity on this point in contemporary notices of the event, which serves to show how difficult it is to attain to histori- cal exactness, where exactness is of more moment than in the present instance. The Roxbury Church Records, in noticing the event, makes it occur the 12th of the tenth month, 1666, Ho- bart's manuscript journal, has the following entry, 'December 9th, 1666, Mr. Tompson, minister at Braintree, died 9th day.' The Braintree register of births, deaths, &c., Mr. Adams' copy gives 10th of the tenth month, 1666. Mr. Hancock, in a note to one of his century discourses, gives the date December 10th, 1668, which is manifestly a mistake, and probably a misprint. Whether Mr. Tompson's first wife, who died in his absence, Avas buried in Braintree, I do not know. There is no stone remaining here to her memory. His second wife died October 11th, 1675, and lies buried beside him. " Mr. Tompson died intestate. There is in the Suffolk Probate Office an inventory of his effects, which corresponds too closely with Mather's lines : RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. "iOl " Braintree was of this jewel then possest, Until himself he labored into rest, His inventory then, with John's was took ; A rough coat, girdle, with the sacred book." " Mr. Henry Flint, (or Flynt as it is found most frequently spelk'tl,) who was associated witli Mr. Tompson astcaelier of the First Church, arrived here in the year l(j;i5. 'lie was admitted of Boston Church, 15t]i Xovember, tliis year, (10H5) a fortnight after Vane.' ^ In a nianuscrijit journal of liev. Josiah Flint, son of the first teacher of Braintree, is found the following entry : ' Mr. Henry Flint came to New England 2 (12) m. 1635.' I know- not liow to reconcile this with the date of his admission into the Boston Church, except by supposing that by tlie Tith month, (which was February,) Avas intended that which closed the year 1634, according to the computation then in use. And I am con- firmed in this supposition by what is added, namely, ' was or- dained teacher of the Church of liraintree, 1640.' He was in fact onhnned, 17th of March, 1639-40. His ordination at Braintree may liave been postponed, to afford him liberal opportunity for this recantation. It is possible that his sin of charity, thougli repented of, may have left a taint of error, which influenced some of Braintree, to receive the sacrament at Boston, after the gathering of a church in their own town." Winthroj), Vol. I., pp. 196, 247, 313. This part of the nianusciij)t was, I su])pose, Avritten by Henry Flint, Esq. The year then conimenced Avitli March, so that Feb- ruary closed the year, instead of being, as now, the second month of a new year. He was admitted Freeman, twenty-fifth of May, 1636. During the Antinomian excitement, he seems to have fa- vored the new views, perhaps out of deference to Mr. Cotton, whom he is said to have admired so much ; and if so, he followed the example of ]Mr. Cotton still further, by abjuring the doctrine of Mr. Wheelwright, Avhen he and his principal friends liad been obliged to leave the colony. " There is enteretl," says j\Ir. Savage, "so late as 13 ]May, 164(1, the submission of JMr. Henry Flynt." But the victory over him was well deserving of notice, as he was 1. Wiuthrop Hi.story of New England, Savage's Ed., Vol. I., p. IGU. 27 202 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. a distingviislied young man, then chosen minister at Braintree.^ It will be perceived by the following extract from the "Wonder- working Providence," which is the orthordox view of the matter, that Mr. Flint was honored as one of the instruments for correct- ing the heterodoxy that had prevailed at the Mount, in the time of Wheelwright. " They had formerly one Mr Wheelwright to preach unto them (till this government could no longer contain them) they, many of them, in the meantime, belonging to the Church of Christ in Boston, but after his departure, they gath- ered into a church themselves ; having some enlargement of land, they began to be well peopled, calling to office among them, the reverend and godly Mr, Wm. Tompson and Mr. Henry Flynt, the one to the office of a Pastor, the other of a Teacher ; the peo- l)le. are purged, by their industry, from the sour leven of those sinful opinions that began to spread, and if any remain among them, it is very covert." From a report of a committee made in 1657, it appears that Mr. Flint and Mr. Tomj^son received fifty- five pounds as their salary.- Mr. Flint died on the twenty-seventh of April, 1068, having survived the pastor, IMr. Tompson, a little over a year and four months, and his remains lie in our burying- ground. A stone over them bears a lengthy inscription which can be found on page 116. It was most probably written in Mr. Plancock's time, per- haps by Mr. Hancock himself. He says in a note to one of his Century Discourses: "Mr. Flynt's monument is still to be 1. "Where farms or villages are, as at Rumney Maivsh, (now Chelsea,) and Marvill-heatl, (now Marbleheail, ) there a minister or a brother of one of the Con- gregations of Boston for the Marsh, and of Salem for JNIarblehead, preachetli and exerciseth prayer every Lord's day, which is called prophesying in such a place. And so it was heretofore at INIonntwoollaston within Boston precincts, thongh since it became a church now called of Braintree, but before they of the Mount did, and those of the Marsh and Marblehead still come and receive the Sacra- ment at Boston and Salem respectively, and some of Braintree still receive at Boston." Lechford Plain Dealing, Vol. I., p. 41. 2. The General Court appointed a committee to ascertain the amount of sal- ary paid to the clergymen of the various towns in the colony. The following- named persons constituted the connnittee, viz. : " Thomas Savage, Eleazer Ln- ther and John Johnson. They met at Braintree 27th July, 1(157, and made the following report in reference to this town: The deacons of Braintree informed us that Mr. Flint and Mr. Thompson are each of them allowed 55 pounds per RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 208 scoii, tliou^li nuK'li gone to decay, but T hope to see tlie tomb of tlic ])r(»])hct rebuilt. ^ This note taken in connection Avitli tl)e nioiloin style of the inscription, lenils me to infer that the old in- scription had been effaced by time, and that this was composed anew or at least re-written. The age of Mr. Flint at his death, is not given on his tomb stone. But in the lloxbury First Church Records, there is entered a notice of the event in these words : " 27, 2m., '68, Mr. Henry Flynt, Teacher to the Churcli at Brain- trey, aged Gl, deceased." He was, therefore, about 32 years of age Avhen he was settled in Braintree, and eight or nine years younger than the pastor. The date of Mrs. Flint's decease, which is not given in full in the inscription ujion the stone, is thus settled by contemporary manuscripts : " Mrs. ]\[argcry Flynt died 10 ]\[arch, 1GS6-7, about G of the clock in the morning and was buried on the Tith." " 1G87, March 10th, jNfrs. Flint de- ceased at l^raintree, Thursday." Morton, in his memorial, makes resjtectful niention of Mr. Flint, as " a man of known piety, grav- ity, integrity and well accomplished, with other qualifications fit for the work of the ministry." Mr. Hancock has the remark, "During the time of Mr. Tom]ison's and Mr. Flynt's ministry there Avcre 204 adult members of this church." The first race of ministers in this church, those who had been born in England and Avho had exercised their ministry there, had now passed away, and their successors Avere all educated in this country. From April 27th, 1668, to Sept. 11th, 1672, the church was without a settled minister. There were unhappy divisions in the church, which seem to have occasioned great disturbances and to have been a subject of concern to the neighboring churches. From a manuscript journal kept by the llev. Josiah Flint, son of the teacher of this church, some light is thrown upon the history of the interval. It appears from this manuscript, that Mr. Flint annum, paid generally in such time as themselves take up and accept of from tlie iiiliabitanls, paid ordinarilj' yearly or within the year, the town being about eighty families. Mr. Tompson's family being about three persons, Mr. Flint's about seven or eight. Their elders generally depend upon public contribution." Mass. Hist. Col, Vol. I., 3d Series, p. ."JO. 1. Hancock's Century Sermons, p. 24. 204 • EKLIGIOUS SOCIETIES. j^reached to this church for some time, and to<]cether with a Mr. Bulkley, actually received a call to settle, and that an offer was made, of £00 per annum to each, besides certain privileges; but the divisions that rent the church into parties, prevented any set- tlement, and Mr. Flint soon after accepted a call to become pas- tor of the neighboring church of Dorchester. Finally Mr. Moses Fiske was sent here by order of the County Court held at Bos- ton. Hancock in his century sermons snid, " Mr. Fiske being sent by the Court of Sessions for the County of Suffolk, to preach God's word to the Church of Braintree in their destitxite, divided state, I thought it not amiss to give a transcript of the order ver- batim, because of the rarity and success of such an extraordinary proceeding. ' At a county court held at Boston, by adjourn- ment, 23d of Nov. 1071, the court having taken into considera- tion tlie many means that have been used with the Church of Braintree, and hitherto nothing done to affect, as to the ordain- ing the ordinances of Christ among them, this court therefore orders and desires Mr. Moses Fiske, to improve his labors in preaching the word at Braintree until the church there agree and obtain supply for the work of the ministry, or this court take farther order. This is a true copy as attest, 'Freegrace Bexdall, Clerk.'" "Mr. Fiske obeyed and went not without the advice of the neighboring elders, and preached his first sermon here Dec. 3d, 1071. The next day about twenty of the brethren came to visit him, manifesting (in the name of the church,) their ready accept- ance of Avhat the honored court had done and thanking him for his compliance therewith ; and on Feb. 24th, following, the church gave him a unanimous call to the pastoral office." He was ordained Sept. 11th, 1072. Mr. Lunt says, that it is probable that Mr. Fiske preached on this occasion himself, in conformity with a ])ractice that prevailed at that early jieriod in New Eng- land. In the records of the First Church is the following vote : "11th, 7th mo., 1072, this Avas the day of my settlement espous- als to this church and congregation, being settled to the office of a pastor to them. The churches present by their messengers, were these ; three at Boston, Roxbury, Dorchester and Way- jnouth, six churches ; Mr. Eliot prayed and gave the charge, Mr. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 205 Oxenbridgo and tlie deacons joined in the laying on of hands, and Mr. Thatcher, gave tlie right liancl of fellowshiii. Dej). Gov. Leveret, Mr. Danforth, ]\rr. Tinge and Mr. Stougliton, Avere present." AVitli Mr. Fiske's adniinistiation, the eliureh records are su))posed to commence. Mr. Fiskc was the son of the Rev. John Fiske, who came from England before 1G87, was a ])liysician and minister, and was the first minister of Wcnliam and Cluslms- ford in wliich latter place he died, 1077. Mr. Moses Fiske's min- istry in this town was a long one, extending over thirty-six years. He died here, Aug. 10th, 1708, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. lie left a large family. His first wife was Mrs. Sarah Symmes, daughter of 'Mv. "William Symmes of Charlestowii, whom he mar- ried on the 9th of the 7th mo., 1671, by wliom he liad fourteen children. Mrs. Fiske died Dec. 2d, 1G92 ; he then married Mrs. Anna (Juinsey, daughter of Rev. Thomas Shepard. of Cliarles- town. In the Braintree records the marriage is recorded as fol- lows, "Rev. Moses Fiske and Mrs. Anna Quinsey were married 7th Jan'y, 17U0, by Samuel Sewall, Esq." She died July 24th, 1708, less than three weeks before his own decease. By his sec- ond wife he had two children. Mr. Fiske preached tlie sermon before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, on the day of their annual election, June 4th, 1()1)4, and the original ser- mon in his handwriting is in the archives of the j\[ass. Historical Society. In a diary kept by Mr. John Marshall,^ wlio was a mason by trade, in speaking of Mr. Fiske, says, " This excellent person was ordained pastor of the church in Braintrec, in September, 1672, in whicli sacred employment lie continued till his dying day, a dili- gent, faithful laborer in the harvest of Jesus Christ ; studious in tlie Holy Scriptures, having an extraordinary gift in prayer above 1. Marshall's maiiuscriiit diary has been by Mr. Lunt and others called Fair- licld's diary, which is evidently a mistake, as at the time this diary was kept there was no person by the name of Fairfield to be found in tlie town, but a l>erson by the name of John Marshall, a mason and carpenter by trade, is fre- i|uently to be found. The births and deaths that occurred in hi.s family, as rororded in his diary, exactly ajjrce with recorded on the town records, whii.'h to my mind is proof sutticient that this diary was the production of Mr. .IdIui Marshall, and is now so inscribed on the C(jver of the book, alth()uj;h it was formerly attributed to Mr. Fairiield as its author. ^ 206 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. many good men, and in preaching equal to the most, inferior to few ; zealously diligent for God, and the good of men ; one Avho thought no labor, cost or suffering, too dear a price for the good of his people. His public preaching was attended with convinc- ing light and clearness, and poAverful, affectionate application, and his private oversight was performed with humility and un- wearied diligence. He lived till he was near sixty-five years of age, beloved and honored of the most that knew him. On the 18th day of July, being the Lord's day, he preached all day in public, but was not well. The distemper continued and proved a malignant fever, so that little hopes of recovery appearing, his church assembled together, and earnestly besought the great Shepherd of the sheep, that they might not be deprived of him. But heaven had otherwise determined, for on Tuesday, August 10th, he died about one in the afternoon, and was, with suitable solemnity and great lamentation, interred in Braintree, in his own tomb, the l'2th day." During the last part of Mr. Fiske's ministry, a controversy arose between the North and South Precincts of the town. This contention grew out of the fact, that the south part of the tOAvn considered that they had increased to a sufficient number to organize a new church, and that it Avas very inconvenient for those who resided there, to come so far to meeting. This con- tention Avas carried to such a height, that it Avas found neces- sary to call a council of elders and messengers. Marshall, in his diary, makes the folloAving entry : " 1704-5, Jan. In this month past Ave had two church meetings in Braintree, Avhich occasioned much debate, and some misapprehension, about church discipline ; by reason Avhereof Ave had much sinful discourse in this toAvn ; for, as the Avise man saitl), in the multitude of words there Avants not sin, Avhich Avords and debates caused such differences as that it Avas the beginning of the separation of the town and church, and the erecting a meeting-house and forming a congregation at Monatoquod. Nine of the church withdrew from the Lord's table, and in many things acted so disorderly, as that it occasioned a council of the elders and messengers of nine churches, avIio met in the old meet- ing-house in Braintree, May 7th, 1707. Mr. Nehemiah Hobart, RBLIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 207 of Newtown, was choscMi moderator. Tlie disorders anionic us call for tears and lamentations rather than to be remembered.'" Not rceeiving satisfaction from this body, they went still fur- ther, and sent in petitions to the General Court. Tiie following are the petitions of the North and South Precincts, the contents of which will explain this controversy to a great degree.^ The in- hal)itants of the North Precinct were very loath to permit those of the South to secede, as it would (lei)rive them of a ])roj»or- tional part of the salary of Mr. Fiske, the minister. True it is, that those of the South Precinct withdrew and built them- selves a separate church in 1706. The following, explanation of the construction of the church at 1. "To his excellency the Governor, and to the Honorable Couiicill, and the Kepreseiitatives of the Province in General Court assembled : " Tlie humble address and petition of the liretheren of the South Church in 15raiiitree, on the behalf of themselves and the rest of the Neighbors, Submis- sively sheweth, viz: For as much as a considerable Council! of nine Cliurchos at their several sessions about our ecclesiastical affairs, have in their judicious results, declared their satisfaction in our weiifhty reasons, offered for counte- nancing an assembly for religious worship in the southern j)art of IJraintree. Hut have directed us to apply ourselves to tlie civil Authorities, that we uuiy from thence be put into best method for supi)orting the ministers that after an orderly manner might be settled among us. " Moreover, seeing by the Last Results of the Honored Council! wo had granted us such a legally and orderly dismission from the Nortli Ciiurcli in Braintrec, as being at a gospel liberty to embody ourselves into a distinct Church state, and in the public gatliering of our Churcli, according to tlie order of the Gospel. We luive been resjiectively favored witli the presence, assistance, and complacence of the reverend and Honored Elders and Delegates of five neigliboring Churches who (Neemine Contradicent) were pleased, most fairly, openly and solemnly, to ordain our Pastor, the Rev. Mr. Hugh Adams, in by and unto him also, they were pleased to give our Church, the Right Hand of Fellowship. " Being therefore well assured of your fatherly compassion to us, aiul Chris- tian tenderness for the interest of religion amoungst us, we humbly petition that we may obtain the favor which that venerable Council! has invited us to ask and to liope for. " Wlierefor with a submissive sense of our necessary dependence on tliecliris- tian government, and majestracy and Civil Power, wliich tlie most higli (iod, tlie Supreme majesty of Heaven and Eartli has vouchsafed to our land. We do now as one of the regularly constituted (though the meanest of the) Churches of tlio Lord Jesus Christ in New England, humbly adventure so far to presume on tlie placable lenity and candor of your Jlonours, as to seek for shelter under the wing of your paternal care and conduct. And we do earnestly iutreat and begg, that you wiU please to order our Precinct for us and settle according to the providuu- 208 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. the south end of the town, is to be found in the ^Massachusetts Archives : " The inhabitants of the soutli part of the Town of Braintree having lately built a meeting-house for the Public Worship of God in that part of the Town, have this to say for themselves in answer to what may be objected to them. " That although their proceedings herein through inadver- tency have not been so regular as they ought to have been, on the account of which they crave favour, humbly acknowledging whatsoever may be justly charged as an irregularity upon them, tially appointed line of division already laid out and run between and limiting the two military companies in Braintree. There being in the northern part of the town, Colonel Edmund Quincy's company containing seventy-two families, and in the southern part of the town, Capt John Mill's company, consisting of families seventy and one, both enumerated by exact computation, each of which vicinities distinctly and separately, both as to quantity and quality, with the Providential smiles of Heaven, and the authoritative determination of your Honours, may be able vvith a sufficiency, comfortably to support each pastor in his proper Church affairs and ministry. All this for preheminence we must own, that in all our town rates, the North End "congregation are about a fifth part higher and more able in raterable and improverable estates than our South congregation. " And to demonstrate the legality, equity and rationality of this our reiiuest for the above said Precinct, we have here from under the hand of our town clerk a copy of a town vote passed fairly, foi- our being released from our North End bretheren and neighbors, to be a different congregation by ourselves, and in granting this our petition ever hereafter, to pray for the presence of Christ whose name is Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, with the infinite wisdom and Grace to influence, preserve and moderate-in his Majesties Honorable As- sembly of the Rulers'of his New England Israel, you will indispensably oblige. From Naphtali, if your Honours please so to name our neighborhood, from Gen- esis, 30th chapter, 8th verse, and Matthew, 4th chapter, 15 & IG verses. South Braintree, October 28th, 1707. " Your Honours most humble, obedient, and grateful, though most unworthy servants. Samuel White, Sen., Samuel Bass, William Nightingale, Samuel Niles, Jr., Samuel Payne, Thomas Wells, Caleb Hobart, Ebenezer Thayer, Benjamin Niles, Nehemiah Hayden, Ebenezer Spear, John Niles, Jr. Joseph Allen, Samuel Littlefield, Mass. Arch., Vol. IT. "Whereas before this most Honorable Court the last W^ednesday, our opposers in their objections against our petition, were pleased to nnsrepreseut several things which we think and know in our conscience, are not right, we do now humbly crave liberty to answer thereunto. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIKS. 209 with all llioy have tliorcin done amiss, yet they hope that the fol-6 lowing considerations, may he of weiglit, sufficiently to demon- strate that their ])roceedings have not been altogether irregular, nor to be condemned as at first. " The old meeting-house in the said town being built many years ago, when the town was small, was accommodated for both situations and measures, to the circumstances of the town in that day, and is altogether inconvenient for the town, i. e., the whole town in its present circumstances ; and as it is now situated in two distinct parts, considerably distant from the other, and not large enough to contain with comfort above two-thirds of the in- habitants. " The aforesaid inhabitants of the south end of the town find- " 1st. It beiii}j insinuated about the vote passed for our release from the North congregation, that their being such an even division between the two companies three or four from the North joining with the South, miglit make a majority of voters. And that which Colonel Quiusey said, that several of them withdrew and entered their dissent. " We must answer thereunto, the whole truth of the matter, that when the town meeting was generally convened the last November, we proposed to the North End that they would be pleased to vote bj^ themselves, distinctly from us, whether we should be released, &c. " Colonel Quinsey then rei)lyed in their behalf, that as a part of the towuonlj', they could not legally pass any vote, but that it must be the whole town to- gether. Accordingly when it was thus fairly put to vote, it passed so generally throughout the whole assembly of our town inhabitants, as that we could hardly discern any of those hands that were not then held up, whereby it was and is very evident to us, that we had the major part by far, of the North congrega- tion, as it may appear by its being afterwards, presently put to the negative vote and there were but three or four hands held up at the most, and we can prove that neither Colonel Quinsey nor any others of them did, at that town meeting, either withdraw or enter any dissent. " 2d. Whereas the Kev. Mr. Fisk was pleased then to desire this Honorable Court to examine into the legality of our Cimrch dismission, granted us in Bos- ton by general council of Churches, &c. "We answer that the Churches had as much warning of it as possible, 'and for any to question the validity of any act of an ecclesiastical council, l) there appears not the majority of Ministers, who themselves sit only with the brethe- rcu in such a council as delegates, but equally concerned, seems to argue for Prelacy too Papisticall for New England Churches. " 3d. \Vhat Mr. liaxter was plea.sed to object, that we are so poor as to be just able to maintain our own minister, we own it to be true, and that the North End congregation are as well able proportionably to jiay the ninety i)ounils to their minister, as we to pay seventy to our minister, may bo easily made to appear. 28 210 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. ing it very irksome, (especially in the winter,) to come so far as most of them come to meeting, and through such bad ways, (whereby the Lord's day, which is a day of rest, was to them a day of labour, rather,) and knowing that tlie inhabitants of their part of the town, for numbers did almost, (if not altogether,) equalize the other part, who did of themselves when these were few, if any inhabitant in the south part, maintain two worthy ministers at once to their satisfaction, have made their application to the town at sundry times for near a dozen years at their general town meeting, that they would consent to have a larger meeting-house built for the whole, which might contain all the inhabitants, and might be something nearer to them, the other being now at the Capt. John Mills was Moderator on ye day of town meeting above said, and can if there be occasion, give a more full account of the work of that day. Joseph Adams, Nehemiah Hayden, Samuel Payne, Samuel French. " To his Excellency and to the Honorable Councill and the Representatives of the Province in General Court assembled: " The humble address of several of ye bretheren of ye North Church, Brain- tree, and other inhabitants in behalf of themselves, and many other of their neighbors most humbly sheweth, viz: " That whereas there has been an address preferred to the Honorable Assembly by divers inhabitants of ye South End of Braintree, containing in it principally their request for a distinct Precinct, to be ordered and settled by your Honours, and that, according to the providentially appointed line of division already laid out and run between and limiting ye two military companies in Braintree, which desire of theirs, they ask and hope for, yet seems in complyance with ye direc- tions of ye Honored Councill of Churches, and in pursuance, as they say of a legal and orderly dismission from ye North Church in Braintree, and so of an orderly settlement of a minister among them. Which how far that dismission and their settlement upon it, has been according to rule and order respecting matters of such a nature, and how far to be approved of, is most humbly sub- mitted to your Honours, great wisdom and judgement. " But that we may not molest and trouble this great and general as.seinbly, with too tedious a narrative of the many steps of precipitancy and disorder that have been from first to last taken in this matter, and presuming that your Honours are already too senceable of it to be in any degree imposed upon, we your hum- ble petitioners shall take leave to answer only those two things petitioned for by our South End neighbors, which we presume are one of them expressed and ye other intended. " The thing expressed, is their desire of a Precinct, to be settled according to ye formentioned line of division, which if it should ]ilease this Honorable Court, too unreasonable a weakuiug ye old and standing part of ye town, for as much as ye RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. lill Other 011(1 of the town ; but the otlier eiitl of the town have wholly refused to gratify them in tliis their reasonable desire, and this notwithstanding there was a clear vote that there should be a new house builtTso long ago as the year 1695, which now stands up- on record. And they did all to hinder the prosecution of the said vote, without our knowledge at a private meeting for that end, at oM Col. Quinsey's, did agree amoung themselves to shin- gle the old house. Pretending to be at the Avhole charge them- selves, and some jiersons going about to see what people would subscribe thereto, which notwithstanding sevcrall pounds Avere afterward gathered by a rate ujjon the whole town. far greater part of our land, for future settlement, is on ye South side of ye afore- said pretended line. " The thing »)^e?!f?ef/ and implied, is their earnest desire to be released and discharged from their own obligation and engagement for the support of ye Kev. Mr. ]SIoses Fisk, which by a fair and legal vote of the town they are unde- niably under. " The legality and equity of that their discharge they have insinuated (as this Honorable Court has already wisely observed) to be demonstrable by a vote of the town (as they say) wherein it was agreed, that the southern part of Hrain- tree be a separate congregation by themselves. As to this vote your luuuble pe- titioners have only this to answer, that the town was not notified of any such assembly. " There needing, we conceive, no further answer to be made, (your Honours poor supplycants not doubting of your wise and judicious proceedings, in mat- ters of such consequence) beg leave earnestly to pray, that it should seem meet to your Honours to divide our town into two distinct Precincts for the future, that it may be ordered without weakening the north part of ye town, and that our South End neighbors and bretheren may not be released from bearing their usual part of that charge, which they were forward in ye day of it to vote for and agree to. " In granting this our himible request, ever hereafter to pray for ye conduct and guidance of Heaven to influence and direct this Honorable as-sembly of the fathers of our land, you will endlessly oblige your humble and most dutiful and obedient though undeserving servants, John IJeales, John Marshall, James Brackett, Joseph Crosby, John Newcom, Jr., IJenjamiu Savill, Nathaniel Spcare, Joseph IJrackett, Joseph I'armentor, Samuel Belcher, Peter Newcuni, Gregory Belcher, Simon Brient, John Brackett, Samuel Baxter. \Vm. Savill, P^dmund Quinsey, • " We whose names are hereto subscribed, being members of the Church in Braintree and inhabiting tho Northern part of the town, who attend likewise 212 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. "They yet at sundry times have acquainted the town wdth their grievances, asking a gratification of their desire, and have offered that if tliey wouhl build altogether they avou^ consent to have the timber gott out and raised, and when ready to raise, it should be left to a committee of indifferent men not otherwise concerned in the matter to appoint the place where it ^should set up, and would consent without objections let it be where they pleased, which being still denyed gave them sufficient reason to think of building themselves. most duly on the public worship of Gofl in the old meetinghouse, in hearty love and zeal to the interest of religion at the South end of the town, and to our be- loved fellow-members and bretheren inhabiting there, do hereby declare our full consent and willingness, that our said bretheren should have a dismission from our Church in order unto their embodying themselves into a Church State, in the south congregation, in testimony whereof, we hereto sett our hand on this third day of May, anno, 1707. " We whose names are here unto subscribed, being of the North part of Brain- tree, do hereby signify that we have consented, and still do consent that the peo- ple of the South end of our town, should be a congregation by themselves. Braintree, Nov. 19th, 1707. Joseph Adams, Eleazer Benjamin Neale, John Baxter, Sen., Peter Adams, Samuel Savill, Clemant Cock, Nathaniel "Wales, John Bass, Jr., Nathaniel Owen, John Bass, John AVebb, Joseph Haydon, Thomas Lamb, Samuel Bass, John March, Joseph Beall, John Penniman,^ Samuel Tompson, Samuel Speare, Theophilus Curtis, William Rawson, Joseph Bass, Samuel Howard. Mass. Arch., Vol. IT., p. 240. "To his Excellency the Governor and to the Honorable Councill and the Rep- resentatives of this Province in General Court as.sembled: " The humble acknowledgement of the bretheren of the South Church in Braintree, sheweth. " Being informed that your Excellency and the Honorable Councillers and Representatives in this most Honorable Court assembled, have resented it, as our precipitancy, without our previous complaint, to the General Court, of our aggrievances to be considered and redressed and without our asking your advice, direction, or permission for us to adventure to erect and build a new Meeting House, to form ourselves into a public assembly for Religious Worship, and to proceed unto the calling and settling a minister amongst us. The first aspect of all, whicli»may seem to be a contempt of Authority and an indignity to our Rulers as a factious or rebelliou.5 design, which construction, to be put upon our hasty proceedings, we from the sincerity of our hearts most utterly disclaim and detest. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 213 " Whereon tlicy did the winter jcist, talk very hotly of build- ing a meeting-house by themselves, as they had several times be- fore discouraged, and come to something of resolution therein but were squib'd and floured by several of the other end of the town, that were the chief antagonists in the case, especially after they had gotten some of their timber, which notwithstanding they went on to build, as they had concluded ; now after they had considerable progress, some of those that were most against them, fearing what it would come to, began to stir, and would have them desist from their work, and they would noM' join with them to build together, but the others thought they had little rea- son to regard them, then seeing that they had all along been so obstinate, thinking the south end were not able to build alone, and that they had thereby an advantage to hold them to their humors as they pleased. " Their meeting-house being so far finished, as that they might comfortably meet in, that they might keep peace with their " Nevertheless we must .ami ilo freely acknowledjre our rashness and error, too apparently an occasion thereof, and wherein we liave thereby transgressed the Holy Law of God, or the wholesome and good law and customs of the land, we do earnestly and penitently crave pardon of God in and through our Lord Jesus Christ and of this most Honorable Assembly of our Rulers, desiring humbly to submit to your pious, paternal chidings for our so blamable haste in our proceed- ings and with shame to accept the testimony your Honours may please to bear against us, humbly hoping that no christian people in New England will be so impudent as to take pattern by us in anything wlierein we have so much erred in our obedience to the civil authority over us. " Notwithstanding which, seeing this matt Honorable Assembly, having been pleased to manifest such a christian tenderness and fatherly indulgence of us, as with your benignant goodness to overcome the evil of our so unlicensed pro- ceedings, it being according to the divine Oracles, the glory of your Honorable Court, has shined forth in the admission of our poor petition, to such an audience and concurrence in both of these Honorable Houses, as for us and our opposers, to be favored, this day, with an opportunity to speak to this petition before this Honorable Assembly ami heartily accept with all thankfulness, who are your Honours most unworthy though greatly obliging servants. Braintree, Not. lilth, 1707. Joseph Allen, Neheniiah Harden, Samuel Payne, Samuel French. In the names of, and behalf of the rest. "The humble confession. Acknowledgement of the Bretheren of the South Church iu Braintree." Mass. Arch., Vol. II., p. '247. 214 KELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Brethercn, Thoy.have nt a town meeting lawfully convened the 25th of this instant, Novembei-, made such j^roposals as these which, (n word illegible,) by the moderator, after there was a major vote that they should be a congregation by themselves, viz : first, whetlier the other end of the town would pay Mr. Fi»k to his satisfaction, the south end being at the whole cost of their own meeting-house and maintaining a minister amoung them- selves, and quitting their right in the old house ; this denied. A second proposal was made, whether they of the north end would pay Mr. Fisk 80 pounds per annum, and the other doing as afore- said and paying ten pounds per annum to Mr. Fisk ; this denied. They made a third proposal, viz: whether if they would pay Mr. Fisk 90 pounds per annum, the south end doing as aforesaid and paying 20 pounds per annum to Mr. Fisk, which yet was denied.^ And now notwithstanding all the clamor that has been made, and irregularity charged upon them, they hope that no judi- cious unbyassed person will condemn them, yea, they think they may say, let their enemies themselves, guided by their own con- science, be judges, for it may be proved easily that both Mi*. Fisk with several others of their antagonists have at sundry times ac- knowledged, (and dare not deny,) that tlie lower part of the town have been and are more to blame in the matter than the south end. Brain try, Xov. 25th, 1706. Samuel Payne, Nehemiaii Haydex, Samuel French." Mass. Arch., Vol. II., pp. 248, 249. 1. Not being able to settle Mr. Msk's salary amicably among themselves, the question was referred to the General Court, who after due consideration, passed an Act regulating the matter as follows: " In council, November 2'2d, 1707. In the Case of Braintry, Heard yesterday, and voted, " That the Agreoment of the Town of Braintry for the support of Mr. Fisk, During the Exercise of his ministry there is good and valid, and that the whole Town is obliged annualy to rayso the same as formerly. The Hearers of the new congregation forthwith take care by subscription to rayse a maintenance, for the minister there and present the same to the next session of the Court, who may then proceed to assign the Precinct for their Auditory, having always re- gard to the Ancient Settlement of the Town, that they may not be left uncapa- blo to support the ministry among them. " Sent down for concurrence, in the House of Representatives, Nov. 25, 1707. Reftd, Tas'd in concurrence." Mass. Arch., Vol.. II, p. li5U. RELIGIOUS vSOCIETIES. 215 3Ir. Hugh Adams was ordained as their jtastor, Sci)teinbcr 10th, 1707. " Tlie excitement that had \vn out of this division of the town gratlually subsidod, a reconciliation was effected soon aftei" the settlement of .Mr. Marsh in the North Precinct, and the liar- niony of the two parts of the town was completed, by Mr. Adams officiating in tlie north meeting-honse, which lie did, March 19, 1709-10. "The establisliment of Mr. Fisk's salary was a source of con- siderable trouble, as well as questionable management. There was more legislation in regard to Mr. Fisk's ministration than any other minister settled over the first i^arish. He was sent to the society by order of the General Court, to be their pastor -be- cause they could not agi-ee among themselves to have a perma- nent clergyman settled over them, and legislation was required to establish his salary. The following tiepositions sent to the Gen- eral Court will illustrate the nu'thod adopted by his friends in town to get the ninety pounds voted by them as his yearly stipend : " Benjamin Neal, of full age, testifieth and saith that he being in the house of Col. Edmund Quinsey a few days befoi-e the vote l)ast in the town meeting for Mr. Fisk having ninety pounds per annum, said Col. Quinsey would have persuaded me to take one part of the town to endeavor to inlluence and i)ersuade them to ])ass such a vote, and urge as an argument that we sliould oblige the Churchmen among us to pjjy their proportion of it, or words to that effect, and further saith not. BEN.rAMix Neal." " Samuel French of full age, testifieth and saith that being in the house of Capt. John Mills about a fortnight or three weeks before the town vote jjassed for the ninety pounds. Col. Quinsey calling me forth and said, you know what has fell out in the town, the churchmen now are seeming to get a foot in the town, if you will join with us in a vote, we'll suppress tlie churchmen ; I have got sixteen already. I answered, I was not willing to this mat- ter; he replied, you* may be afraid that this will hinder you being a distinct congregation at the south end ; but this will do you no harm, or be any hinderance to you ; I replied that I 216 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. ATOuld consent to no vote in that matter, but from year to year and further saith not. Samuel French." " Xehemiah Harden of full age, testifieth and saith that Col. Quinsey came to me some time before the £90 vote passed and persuaded me to consent to it, saying that^thereby Ave should bind the churchmen to pay to Mr. Fisk, and by this persuasion I consented to it, further saith not, or words to that effect. Mass. Archives, Vol. II., p. 242. Xehemiah Hatden." " The inhabitants of Braintree lawfully assembled August ye 7, 1704. Then voted by the major part of the freeholders,^ and other inhabitants of said town, that the Rev. Mr. Moses Fisk have a salary of ninety pounds in or as money, (he finding him- self with wood,) to be annually well and truly paid to him, ye Mr. Moses Fisk, or his assigns for sujDport and maintenance dur- ing his performing ye work of the ministry in the town, from the first of March, one thousand seven hundred and four." Mass. Archives. Mr. Joseph Marsh succeeded Mr. Fisk ; he was ordained May 18th, 1709. The records of the Cambridge Church under the date of Xov. 28th, 1703, contain the following entry, " Joseph Marsh, student," this is the first mention of him that can be found. He graduated at Harvard College in 1705. On the records of the General Cgurt, under date of May 26th, 1708, it is stated that upon complaint being made that the town of Tiverton, (then belonging to Massachusetts,) did not comply Avith tlie law and provide themselves with a minister ; the order directs that Mr. Joseph Marsh be treated with and obtained, if it 1. "A man miglit be a freeholder and not a freeman, and rece versa. He misht be a voter in town affairs, and yet neither be a freeholder nor a freeman. A freeman was one who had taken the freeman's oath, and which alone entitles him to vote in the nomination of magistrates, choice of deputies, alias, town representatives. A freeholder was one who either by grant, purchase, or inheri- tance, was entitled to a share in all the common undivided lands. When any town officers were to be chosen or money raised by way of rate, all the inhabi- tants could vote. Thus we sometimes find the expression, At a meeting of the freemen, sometimes, a meeting of the freeholders, or a meetiugof the freeholders and~proprietors, or a meeting would be called of the freeholders and the inhabi- tants, or a general town meeting. The expressions in the call for the meeting, would always indicate the nature and object of the business to be transacted." BELI6I0US SOCIETIES. 217 may be, and sent to said town. There is also a petition from Mr. Marsh, dated Feb. 7th, 1709, which says that he preaclied ten Sabbaths in Tiverton, and that having been called to Braintree, had obtained a substitute for his former place. The North Precinct records contain the following : "Feb, 14th, 1708-0, Then voted by the freeholders and other inhabitants of the North End Precinct, regularly assembled, to raise the sum of £70 j»cr annum, to be given to the Rev. Mr. Joseph Marsh, upon his settlement with us in the work of the ministry, during the time of his performance of that service, beginning the first day of March next. Then it was also voted, to give to the said ]Mr. Joseph Marsh £100, upon his settleriient with us, and that to be final for said settlement." Mr. Marsh continued to preach here until his death, which occurred March 8th, 1725-6, in the 41st year of his age. Mr. Hancock, in his century sermons says he was buried in the same tomb with Mr. Fisk. "The number of members added to the church under his ministry, including himself is 102. Baptisms 288. In the vacancy between his death and the settlement of his successor, there were eight baptisms. Mr. Marsh, June 30th, 1709, married Anne Fisk, daughter of his predecessor, who survived him many years. Mr. Joseph Marsh, son of the pastor, kept for many years a private classical school in this town. Mr. John Hancock followed Mr. Marsh as minister of the First Church, and was ordained Nov. 2d, 172G. His father was for many years minister in Lexington. John Hancock's name appears on the records of the C-ambridge First Church under (late of Dec. 21st, 1718, as a student admitted to full communion. He graduated at Harvard College in 1719. The North l*recinct records contain the following : "June 29th, 1720. At a meeting this day, a unanimous call was given to Mr. Hancock to settle in the work of the ministry. A yearly salary was at the same time voted, of £110, in good and lawful bills of public credit on this province, for his sujiport ; and a settlement of £200, in good and lawful bills of jjublic credit, was also voted." An account of his ordination in liis own handwriting is contained in the church records, and is as follows : " On Wednesday, Nov. 2d, 29 218 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 1726, Mr, John Hancock was ordained the pastor of the Church of Christ, in the North Precinct of Braintree, by the solemn imposition of the hands of the jireshytery. Tlie churches sent unto, and desired to be present at the solemnity, were tlie churches of Cambridge, Lexington, Dorchester First Church, Milton, Braintree South Church, Weymouth P^'irst Church, and Hingham First Church. The Rev. Mr. John Danforth made the first prayer. My honored father, the Rev. Mr. Hancock of Lex- ington, preached the sermon from Luke xxiv : 49. The Rev. Mr. Thacher gave the charge, and the Rev. Mr. Danforth the right hand of fellowship. The Rev. Mr. Niles and Mr. Ap]>leton laying on hands. His lelter of dismission from the Church of Cambridge was read at the same time by the Rev. Mr. Hancock. The auditory was very numerous."^ Mr. Hancock preached here until his death, which occurred on the 7th of May, 1744, in the forty-second year of his age. He is buried in the same tomb with Mr. Fisk and Mr. Marsh. He married the widow of Mr. Samuel Thaxter of Hingham. Her maiden name was Mar}^ Hawke. By her he had three children, Avhose baptisms are thus recorded by his own hand : " Mary Han- cock, my first-born, April 13th, 1735 ; John Hancock, my son, Jan. IGth, 1736-7; Ebenezer Hancock, my son, Nov. 22d, 174L Mary was born April 8th, 1735 ; John, Jan. 12th, 1736-7 ; 1. We have not been able to find the expense of Mr. Hancock's ordination, but it must liave been qiiit« an onerous charge on the parish, if the cost to them was as much as it was to the church at Woburn, ou the iiistaUatiou of tlie Rev'. Mr. Jackson in 1729, over their church. Ordinations at this jjeriod were a severe charge upon the not over-wealthy societies of the province. There can be no doubt, but what this ceremony at Woburu was a highly spiritual one as the following items would indicate:— " To 243 Dinners, at two and sixpence a dinner, - - - Supper and Breakfast for one hundred and seventy-eight, - Keeping thirty-two horses four days, ... () Barrels and one-half of Cyder, - - - . 28 Gallons of Wine, ------ 2 (Jallons of Brandy and four of Rum, - . . Loaf Sugar, Ijime Juice, and Pipes, . . . £ s. D. 'A 2 c. S IS r, ■1 11 il 10 1 16 1 12 83 9 6" RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 219 Ebcnozor, Nov. 15tli, 1741." The above births are taken from tlie Braintree Church liecords, Book I. Tlie completion of tlie first century from the gatherint; of the cliurch occurred also during 3Ir. Hancock's ministry. In the church records is the following in his handwriting: "The Church of Christ in ]>raintree, was embodied Sept. 17th, 1(389. X. ]). On Sept, 10th, 1039, being Lord's day, the First Church in Braintree, both males and females, solemnly renewed the covenant of their fathers, immediately before the ])articipation of the Lord's Supper. The text ]n-cach('d u))on at the solemnity was Lsaiah lxiii : 7. The two sermons deliverc(l on that occasion were pid)lished the same year, and a second edition in ISII. The whole number of baptisms during Mr. Hancock's ministry was 355. Mr. Lunt says, " Several individuals of high and deserved celebrity have been nurtured in the bosom of our church. John Hancock, as has been said, was baptized here by his father. John Adams, the second President of the United States, was son of a deacon of the church, was baptized by Mr. Hancock, Oct. 20th, 1784, became Jan. 3d, 1773, a member of the church, and was to the close of his life, a devout and con- stant worshipper in the })lacc where his fathers had worshipped before him. The (Juinseys, from the earliest time, have lent their influence to suj)i»oi-t, and their virtues to adorn, the institu- tions of religion here, as well as the institutions of government and learning on a wider theatre. Judge Edmund Quinsey, who died abroad in the service of his country, is affectionately men- tioned in a sermon preached by Mr. Hancock, after the intelli- gence was received of his death. John Quinsey was for forty years representative of this town in the General Court, and for many yi-ars in succession, Speaker of the House of ]ve])resenta- tives. His name, which aj^jtears in the Town and J'recinct ]|ec()rds in coiuiection with all |)ublic meetings, was given to this North Precinct of Braintree, when in 1792, it was set off and incorporated as a distinct town." ^Ir. Lunt in sj)eaking of iNIr. Hancock says, lie "was singularly favored in some of the circumstances of his life and ministry. He transmitted to his son a name, which has been rendered by 220 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. that son's conspicuous position and acknoAvledged virtues, illustri- ous in the eyes of the world, and which must ever be repeated in connection with the history of freedom in this Western Con- tinent. And with the Avater of christian baptism, he gave the name of John to anotlier individual, who stood before kings and princes, the fearless and persevering advocate of his country's rights, who raised himself, with the consent of millions, to the people's throne, and who fell asleep in an honored old age, with the glad shouts ringing in his ears of a nation he had helped to redeem." P'or a year and a half after Mr. Hancock's death, there was no settled minister over this church. Mr. Benjamin Stevens sup- plied the pulpit for several Sundays, and on the 22d of October, 1744, by a unanimous vote Avas elected pastor of this church, and invited to settle here, but he declined. At a subsequent meeting the call Avas repeated, but he declined again. At a meeting held on the 25th of Feb., 1745, three gentlemen Avere put in nomination, Mr. Vinal, Mr. NcAvman and Mr. Stevens. Mr. Stevens noAV had the largest number of votes ; but there Avas a division in the minds of the people, and in his reply, he pro- posed that the matter of his settlement should be laid before a council of clergymen of the neighboring churches, Mr. SteA^ens finally concluded not to accept. On July 29th, 1745, it was voted to extend an invitation to Mr. Lemuel Briant Avho Avas, on the 16th of Sept., 1745, unanimously elected minister of this church. On the 23d of the same month, " the precinct voted that there should be alloAved and paid unto the Rev. Lemuel Briant, (if he settle with them in the work of the ministry,) one hundred pounds in bills of credit on this province of the last emission, fifty pounds to be })aid at the end of the first year after his ordination ; the other fifty pounds to be paid at the end of the second year, as an encouragement toAvards his settling Avith them in the aforesaid work ;" and they then A'oted " that there should be alloAved and paid unto him, the said Mr. Lemuel Briant, fifty j)Ounds per year in bills of credit on this province of the last emission, for tAVO years after his first settling with them ; and at the end of two years, there should be an addition made of tAvelve pounds and ten shillings in bills of the like emission, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 'i'il or in other bills equivnlent, as a yearly salaiy during his pei-form- wiX the work of the ministry among them." It ai)|)ears by an entry in the churcli records, that at a meeting held Sept. loth, 1745, it Avas voted "that the cluirch will forego the privilege of preceding the other qualified inhabitants in the choice of their minister, and Avill join with the other inhabitants of the said precinct, pursuant to a warrant made out for assem- bling them on the IGth instant, in order to the choice of a gospel minister to settle among them." Mr. Briant evidently accepted the call, for the church records contain the following : " Wednes- day, Dec. 11th, 174;"), Lemuel Briant was oi-dained the pastor of the first church of Christ in Braintree. The churches sent to Avere, the church at Lexington, the second church in Scituate, the second in Braintree, the first in Hingham, the first in Scitu- ate, the church in Milton, the first in Stoughton, the church in Doi-chester, the fix'st in Weymouth. The Rev. Mr. Bourne of Scituate, began with prayer. The Kev. Mr. Eells of Scituate preached from '2d Cor. iv : 5. The Rev. Mr. Niles of Braintree, gave the charge. The Rev. ]\[r. Taylor of Milton, the right hand of fellowshij*." Mr. Lunt says, " it has been said that Mr. Briant was not examined, at his ordination, as to his creed." Mr. liriant was born about the year 17'i2. He was a native of Scituate, ]\Iass. He graduated at Harvard College in 1730, and was admitted to full communion with the church in Scituate, July 5th, 1741. Before coming to Braintree, he preaclied some time in Wor- cester. His ministry here was brief, for his healtli failing him he petitioned to be dismissed. A precinct meeting Avas called October 22d, 175:} ; one object of Avhich was " to take into serious consideration the matter of the Rev. ]\[r. Briant's petition, bearing date October lOth, 1758, inscribed to the North Parish in Braintree; more especially that clause in the petition which earnestly desires that you Avill make Avay for the settling a minis- ter, by dismissing your present pastor from the burdens and labors of his office ; and if the ])arish after mature consideration had on the premises, shall think it ad\isal>l(' audit will l)e for the best, (all things considered,) both for the ])arisli, and for our Rev. Pastor, to grant him a dismission ; or if otherwise the I'ar- 222 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. ish shall think best to Avait patiently some time longer, to sec if it may not please God in his good providence, to restore our revei-end pastor to his former state of health." John Quincy was chosen moderator. "Then the vote was put whether they would proceed according to the Avarrant ; it passed in the affirmative. Then the vote was \mt Avhether they would grant to the Rev. Mr. Briant his request in respect to his dismis- sion, and it passed in the affirmative. A committee Avas chosen, Edmund Quinsey, Esq., Major Joseph Crosby, Deacon Parmenter, Mr. Josiali Quinsey and Deacon Moses Belcher, to acquaint the Rev. Mr. Briant Avith the proceedings of the meeting, viz : that they have dismissed him from his ministerial office in this place ; and to return him thanks for his labors in the ministry among us." He died the year folloAving at Hingham, and Avas buried at Scituate. " From Mr. Biiant''s publications, one Avould be justified in }>ro- nouncing him a man of strong native abilities, of a capacious and vigorous intellect. He Avas a bold thinker, and fearless and independent in liis judgment. His Avit Avas pungent; he had considerable command of language and skill in the management of an argument ; and he was capable of giving forcible, pointed and felicitous exj)ression to his thoughts. In theological specu- lations, he had advanced considerably beyond the prevalent opinions of his day, and Avas one among that small but honored company of Ncav England divines, Avho had been able to extri- cate their minds from the dogmas of Calvin, and to discover and appreciate the native Avorth of simple, primitive Christianity." ^ After Mr. Briant's death, an inA'itation to settle here Avas extended to the eccentric Dr. Barnes of Scituate, but he declined. 1. This letter was written by President John Adams to Dr. ]Marsh in refer- ence to the first effort made to establish liberal theology in the first parish: Quincy, May ]5th, 1815. "Dear Doctor, " I thank you for your favor of the 10th, and the pamphlet enclosed, entitled, 'American Unitarianism.' I have turned over its leaves, and found nothing that was not familiarly known to me. In the preface, Unitarianism is repre- sented as only thirty years old in New England. 1 can testify as a witness to its old age. Sixty-five years ago, my own minister, the Kev. Lemuel Briant ; BKLIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 223 On Oct. 8th, 1754, Anthony Wibinl was uii.uiitnonsly clioscn pastor of tlie Braiutrec First Clmrcli. lie was horn in Ports- mouth, X. II., and graduateil at Harvard College in the year 1747. At first it was voted that he should receive a settlement of £133 6s. 8d. lawful money, and £80 yeai-ly salary. lie declined the invitation, hut heing requested to reconsider the matter, he accepted the offer finally made him, Avhich was, that he shoidd receive £100 salary and no settlement. The church records contain the following: "Wednesday, Feh- ruary the fifth, 1755, Anthony Wibird was ordained pastor of the first church of Christ in Braintree. The churches sent to were, the second and third churches in said town, the Rev. Mr. Xiles, pastor of the second, and the Kev. Mr. Taft, pastor of the third ; to the Kev. Messrs. Sewall and Prince of Boston ; to the first church in Cambridge, the Rev. Mr. Appleton, pastor; to the first church in Portsmouth, the Rev. Mr. Langdon, pastor ; the Rev. Mr. Bowman, pastor of the church in Dorchester; the Rev. Mr. Robbins, pastor of the church in Milton; the IJev. ]\lr. Smith of Weymouth ; the Rev. Mr. Gay of Hingham, and the Rev. !Mr. Dunbar, pastor of a chuicli in Stoughton. The Rev. Mr. Langdon began with ])raycr. The Rev. Mr. Appleton preached from those words in the lOtli Levit. od, ' I will be sanc- tified in them that come nigh me, and before all the peojile I will be glorified.' The Rev. Mr. Gay gave the charge. The Rev. Mr. Dunbar, the riglit hand of fellowshii)." * ^Ir. Whitney in his history in sj)eaking of Wibird, says, " he was a learned man, though in his habits somewhat eccentric, and withal of great dignity, and beloved and respected by his j)eo- ple." He died June 4th, 1800, in the 4Gtlj year of his ministry, anresent I will name only one, liiciliard Cranch, a man who liatl studied divinity, and .Jewish antl Christian anti(|uities, more than any clerj^yman now existiiif; in New England. Jona Ax>\M>i." 224 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Anthony Wibird, senior pastor of the Congregational Church in Qiiincy, aged 72. His funeral was attended on the 7th, when the Rev. IVIr. Williams of Weymouth made the prayer, and the Rev. Mr. Weld of Braintree preached from the words of the Apostle Paul, ' I have finished my course.' " Mr. Wibird for many years prior to his death was unable, from bodily infirmities, to attend upon the duties of his office, consequently it was neces- sary to supply his pulpit with other clergymen the greater part of the time. Mr. Whitman, afterwards a lawyer in Pembroke, and Rev. Mr. Flint, afterwards a minister in Cohasset, received calls to settle as colleagues with Mr. Wibird, but did not accept them. Rev. Peter Whitney having supplied the pulpit a short time, was invited to settle, and was ordained Feb. 5th, 1800. The services at his ordination were by the following clergymen : Introductory prayer, by Rev. Prof. Ware of Cambridge, then minister at Ilingham ; sermon by Rev. Mr. Whitney of North- borough ; ordaining prayer by Rev. Dr. Fisk of West Cam- bridge ; charge by Rev. Mr. Cummings of Billerica ; riglit hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. McKean of Milton ; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Harris of Dorcliester. Mr. Whitney was born at Northborough, Jan. 19th, 1770. He was the son of Rev. Peter Whitney of Northborough, and grandson of Rev. Aaron Whit- ney of Petersham ; he graduated from Harvard University in 1701. His death occurred suddenly March 3d, 1848, he being •seventy-four years of age. In 1835, William Parsons Lunt received and accepted a call to become a colleague pastor Avith Mr. Whitney, who was then advanced in years and not reluctant to divide the labors of his office with a younger man. The services of installation took place on the tliird of June, that year. The order of services were as follows, namely : Introductory prayer and selections from the Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Whitney of West Roxbury ; sermon by Rev. Mv. Frothingham of Boston ; prayer of installation by Rev. Peter Wbitney of Quincy ; charge by Rev. Dr. Parkman of Bos- ton ; right hand of fellowship by Rev. Mr. Cunningham of Dor- chester; address to the society by Rev. Mr. Gannett of Boston; concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Huntoon of Milton. Mr. Lunt was born in Newburyport, Mass., April 21st, 1805. While quite RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 2*25 young his i)arcnts removed to Boston, wliere he coimneneed liis scliool education ; at tlie age of ten lie was sent to jirepare for college at an academy in the town otVMilton ; he entered Harvard College in 1810, graduating in iJS'ivJ. The year subsequent to his graduation was spent in teaching school in I'lyniouth. From Plymoutli he returned to Boston and commenced tlie study of law ; but soon became convinced that this Avas not the profes- sion to Avhich, either by his nature or his habits, he was adapted. He entered the Theological School at Cambridge in 1825. Before he liad completed the prescribed term of tlieological study, he was invited to the i)astoral charge of the Second Congregational Unitarian Society, in the city of New York, Avhich, although it had been gathered some time before and had already erected its house of worship, had never, until his settlement, enjoyed a stated ministry. For six years previous to. this period the Rev. William Ware had been the only minister of the Unitarian faith in that great city. Mr. Robbins says, "hand in hand they walked, side by side they toiled, for more than five years, meekly and faith- fully fulfilling their sacred ministry." Mr. Lunt obtained a dis- mission from the church in Xew York in November, 1833. The interval between that period and his settlement in (Juincy, was employed in recruiting his strength by comparative rest, and in the occasional sui)ply of vacant puljuts. Mr. Lunt left Quiiicy on the tlrst of January, 1857, to visit the Holy Land, he having for many years cherished a desire to visit that region. On the 22d of February, he Avrote from Cairo : " Our tent is now pitched in the great square opposite my Avin- dow, and yesterday we tried for the first time the camel's back. It is more like a dream than anything wliiciihas ever hajtpened to me. Only fifty-three days have elapsed since I left home and now, here I am, Avith my most cherished jtlan about to be accom- jtlished ! Hoav amazing it seems to me to be commencing a jour- ney in which, all the way throu(/h, the Bible is the best guide- book ! Our expectation is to be in Jerusalem in about forty days, Avhich will bring us to the (3th of April. Easter this year falls on tlie 10th of Apiil, ami that will be a truly intei-estiiig occasion to be in Jerusalem. Vou will not, therefore, expect to hear from me or of me for a long time after this. But 1 trust 30 226 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. in the kind care that has preserved me thus far, to enable me to carry through to a happy result this, the darling wish of my life." On the 28th of February he writes from the desert itself, a few miles distant from Suez : " Our ride in the desert has been beau- tiful, the atmosphere has been clear and bracing. I never enjoyed any scenery more highly. At sunrise this morning, while the Bedouins were striking the tents and loading the cam- els, our party walked forth to enjoy the exhilarating air. The hills on either side, although composed of nothing but stone and sand, yet presented the most beautiful forms against the clear sky, and were colored with the softest tints. Every shade imagina- ble of brown and purple was displayed upon their many angles, and mingled with the masses of shade. I have just mounted one of them, and with a telescope, had the pleasure of seeing the Red Sea, stretching its blue line down from Suez, and beyond it the hills of Asia. I never felt better in my life, and everything looks inviting before me." His tone was cheerful — ever jubilant. He little thought then that in a few short days he should pass away even before reaching the sought-for goal, but so it proved. The day after leaving Sinai, a disease which had been coming on stealthily for several days previous, began to manifest more decided symptoms, and was evidently fastened upon him. The only chance of relief was in getting to some inhabitable place. He was carried forAvard for three or four days, by short stages, as carefully and gently as was possible on a camel's back. They halted at Akaba, a small and mean village of Arabia Petraea, sit- uated at the northern extremity of the Elanitic gulf, the east arm of the Red Sea. Every thing was done to comfort the inva- lid that the skill and kindness of his intelligent fellow-travellers could suggest or supply. But it was in vain. While neither they or he anticipated immediate danger, he was already beyond the reach of human aid. The second night at Akaba, after a short fever, attended with delirium, a deep sleep fell upon him, and in it he passed away. Decently and reverently, on the morning of the 'ilst of March, his mortal remains were laid away in the sand. A rude heap of stones marks the spot.-^ 1. Mr. Robbins says of him, " All his writings — for the pulpit, for the mag- azine, for the regular services of the church aud fur extraordinary occasions, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 227 Mr. Lunt was the greatest pulpit orator and sermonizer, and the Rev. Mr. Briant the most noted controversialist, that ever adorned the sacred desk of the First Cluirch. After the death of Dr. Lunt, the i)ulj)itof this society remained over three years vacant ; during this interval various clergymen preached as candidates for settlement. At this time the Rev. ^Ir. Ilepworth received an invitation to be settled over this par- ish, but declined the call. In the year 1860, Rev. John I). Wells received a call and acce])ted. Rev. Mr. AYells was ordained over the First Church, Thursday, December 27th, 1860. The ordina- tion exercises were as follows : Prayer by Dr. S. K. Lothrop ; sermon by Dr. J. II. Morrison of Milton ; ordaining prayer by Dr. Ezra S. Gannett ; charge by Dr. A. P. Peabody ; right hand of fellowship by the Rev. Rufus Ellis; address to the peoi)le by C. A. Bartol, D. D. ; concluding prayer by Wm. Xewell, D. D.; theological, moral, biographical, historical, and literary, rise above the ordinary level. lint some of his occasional discourses are almost unrivalled in their de- partment. They are models and will be, long after these granite -walls, which echoed his elo(iuence, shall have crumbled into dust. For vigor of thought, for closeness of reasoning, for acuteness of discrimination, for correctness, dignity, and force of style, for soundness, maturity, and independence of opinion, and for solidity and earnestness of conviction, they are justly entitled to the high distinction they have already acquired and to an enduring fame. But, in addi- tion to all these features of excellence, there is discoverable in many of his fin- est discourses another quality, so characteristic of himself as he really was, and yet so unliice what he may have seemed to be to those who judged of him only by the surface that I cannot in justice to my impression of him refrain from at- tempting to describe it. It is a certain repressed heat, a pent up fervor underly- ing the thought and style; — as the earth's central fire underlies the calm face of nature, the cool and quiet pastures, the gently curving hills, and the moun- tains with their gray and passionless brows,— the existence of which the reader or hearer might fail to suspect, till at some unexpected moment it would Hash out upon him in a sudden tlame of eloquence or heave up a majestic .sentence. The discourse delivered at the interment of his venerable parishioner, one of America's most renowned sons, one of freedom's most valiant and illustrious defenders, one of history's most honored names is worthy of a place beside of any funeral oration of ancient or modern times. That also in commemoration of the great statesman and eloquent orator whose name is identified with the Con- stitution and engraved upon the arch of our union, has no superior amongst the many eulogies that were pronounced over his grave. The two historical ser- mons preached here on the two hundredth anniver.sary of the gathering of the First Church in Quincy have earned for their writer an enviable reputation in another department of literature which he cultivated with a lively interest." 228 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. benediction by the pastor. Mr. Wells was greatly devoted to his parish, bat was more of a pastor than a preacher. During the latter part of his administration he received a greater salary than any other of his predecessors. July, 18G4, he enlisted as a private in the regiment of three months men who were stationed in the west. In 1871, being out of health, he asked of the society a vacation of a few months for the purpose of taking a tour to Europe for the restoration of his health. This request was freely granted him by the parish. On his return, with renewed health, he resumed his labors where he continued to minister to their Avants until failing health caused him to resign his charge. Mr. Wells delivered his farewell sermon May 28th, 1876, which closed his pastorate with the First Church, after having been connected with the parish about nine years and five months. Mr. Wells while connected Avith the church established and carried on quite a large and extensive private school. He graduated at Harvard College in 1854, and from the Divinity School in 1859, and was twenty-five years of age at the time of his settlement here. At the present time we believe he is settled over a parish in Los Angeles, California. Since his resignation the society have been without a .settled pastor ; during this time the pulpit has been most of the time supplied by candidates for settlement. In the year 1877, they extended tAVO calls to eminent clergymen. The first was to the Rev. Dr. Putnam, D. D., of Brooklyn, New York ; the other was to the Rev. Ellery Channing Butler, of Danvers, Mass., both of which were declined. Mr. Hancock, in his century sermons, delivered in 1739, page 25, makes the following statement in reference to the first meet- ing-houses erected by the First Congregational Society of this town : " This is the third house, in Avhich Ave are now Avorship- ])ing, that Ave and our fathers have built for the public Avorship of (4od." Of the time of construction or site of the first meeting-house Ave can neither find traditional nor recorded evidence. Of the second stone church Ave cannot find a record regarding the time it Avas built, although a vane that was taken from this house at RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 229 the time it was pulled down, bore date of IGGG, wliioli by some has been considered tin- time of its construction; this is very uncertain, and to my mind conjectural. But as to its location we have recorded testimony reu^istered in Suffolk County, Avliich makes it appear that the building stood opposite the ))resent Public Library, in the road, near the corner of Canal and Hancock streets, although tradition relates that it stood a short distance north of this. The old Plymouth road was laid out in 1640, and when it came to this church it divided and went two rods at each end of it ; from this it would appear that it stood east and west. It was small, but large enough for the times. The ])rc('isc time the town ])laced a bell on the old Stone Church we are not able to state ; it might have been when the vane was })ut on, in 1G6G. It is very evident that this old meeting-house was supplied with this very necessary appendage to call the worshippers together, and also to be used as an alarm bell. We have said that it was very cei'tain that a bell was on this house from the fact that December 24th, 1694, the town appropriated twenty-five shillings to pay ]Mr. Thomas Revells for ringing the bell and sw^eeping tlio meeting-house the year previous. The bell was small, weighing about 200 pounds, and in 1709-10 had become cracked and un- serviceable ; and ]\Ir. Daniel Legaree, having a strong antipathy, to being elected to the office of constable, agreed to rejiair the bell free of all cost, if the town would agree not to choose him constable. At the precinct meeting it was voted that, " Whereas the meeting-house bell, by reason of the great crack in it, is become utterly unserviceable, and Mr. Daniel Legaree offering to mend it on condition of his being freed from being chosen constable, as also that he will run the hazard of losing his labor and cost in case he cannot mend it; and further, that if .•inything should happen whereby it should be melted or broken, that he will return the same weight of the same metal that he receives. It is voted that the bell be forthwith committed unto him upon the condi- tions above said, and if said Legaree shall mend it well and work- manlike, whereby it shall again prove sufticiently serviceable according to its dimensions, he shall either be freed from being 230 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. constable as he desires, or be paid for his labor according to its due value." It appears that Mr. Legaree was not able to fulfil his contract, as Mr. Edmund Quincy was appointed in 1715 to purchase a bell of 250 pounds weight, that had recently arrived from England, for £40 ; but it was not until 1721 that they were able to procure one of 290 pounds weight. The other bells that were subse- quently placed upon the church were of the following weights : 949, 1500 and 3600 pounds. By a vote of the precinct in 1715, the custom of ringing the bell at nine o'clock at night Avas first established. In 1714, the Old Stone Church went through a general repair. " Then voted, that the walls of the meeting-house be effectually mended and plastered to the plate within, white-washed and painted without ; the lower floor and stairs, with their entry spaces, be repaired, and that any small pieces of ceiling not be- longing to the pews be done ; that the windows be well mended as to the frames and glass, excepting what belong to the pews, and effectually provide gutters for the conveyance of water from the walls ; as also to see the platform on the top be sub- stantially mended by the advice of skillful workmen, and a turret built upon it." It would appear from this vote that there was no spire upon the church, but that the bell was hung in a frame erected upon a platform, and that they Avere about to build a cupola for it. The old church was furnished with seats — pews were too ex- travagant a luxury for the common people of that day; but in course of time pews were built by those who desired them at their own expense, and with consent of a vote of the precinct. After 1700 a constant stream of votes for the permission to con- struct pews are to be found on the records. The sexton found it rather a vexatious task to seat the congregation, as the records indicate numerous com})laints and debates in the precinct meet- ing, on the question that many of them were assigned too low a seat in the synagogue. The women were separated from the men. The church was without heating apparatus, having neither fire-place nor stove. Foot stoves, so fashionable at one time, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 231 were not in use. But they preached their brimstone theology with sucli fervor tliat it imparted sufficient cah^ric to keep them comfortably warm in the coldest weather during those long, (and would have been to modern worshippers) tedious services ; long they must have been, if their clergymen's prayers were as lengthy as some of the lie v. Samuel Torrey's of Weymouth, who, upon a public Fast Day in 1096, prayed two hours ; and so gifted was he in prayer that some of his audience desired that he might have continued an hour longer. In 1095 the worshippers, owing to the increase of the inhab- itants of the town, found their church too small, and somewhat in a decayed condition. At a public meeting in November of this year they voted to build a new one, but this vote was not complied with, as at a subsequent meeting "Mr. Caleb Hubbard and Mr. Benjamin Savill were instructed to stop the leaks in the south side of the meeting-house." This seems to have relieved them of their trouble, and satisfied them for thirty-five years ; in the mean time, they had been relieved of a considerable por- tion of their congregation by the establishment of a new society in the middle precinct. March 30th, 1730, the church was again so out of repair that the town paid Mr. Joseph Parmenter, Precinct Clerk, twenty shillings for clearing cart-loads of snow from inside the church. At this time the canine race became so imbued with the re- ligious sentiments of their masters, that they began to attend church. This so annoyed the congregation that the town voted to instruct Mr. Parmenter to expel all the dogs out of the meeting-house on the Sabbath day, for which he was to receive twenty shillings. The society decided to build a new church in 1730-31 ; the old stone one remained until 1747-8 before it was sold. The first account we find in the town records relating to its sale was to Brackett and Field, September 25th, 1747, on condition that tliey would build a poor house ^ on the same site for the use of the I. September 25, 1747. At this meeting the question of building .i poor liouse for the town's poor came up for consider.ition, and on the debate of this question it was moved to said meeting that the old stone meeting-house miglit, iu manner, be made to serve in that case by some alteration. A committee being 282 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. town. They were to receive from the town, when the building was completed, all the stone and timber of the old meeting- house, and fifty pounds in bills of credit. From some cause or other this sale seems to have proved abortive. We have been unable to find any other mention of this church in the town records. According to the precinct records it was sold the latter part of February, 1748, to the highest bidders, Serg. Moses Belcher and Mr. Joseph Nightingale, for £127, old tenor." The following abridged historical account of the third meeting- house erected by the First Church was written by the Rev. Fred- eric Augustus Whitney, son of one of its former pastors, and published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Reg- ister, 18G4. After they had decided (March 2d, 1731) to erect a meeting- house, Mr. Edmund Quincy, Samuel Tompson, Benjamin Webb, and Joseph Crosby were chosen a committee to solicit subscrip- tions, make a plan, and divide the pews into different divisions tlien instantly appointed by said meeting^ and desired directly to go and view the same and report again to this present meeting what they should think ad- visable in the affair. The said committee instantly going, returned, and by their report thought it not advisable to improve the said house as proposed, by alteration ; but rather to pull down the said stone meeting-house, or make sale of it, and to build another in the same place, as proposed, for to be im- proved for the poor as the town shall think best. "^And then, after some further consideration and debate thereon, and upon the motion made by Messrs. Eichard Erackett and Ebenezer Field to said meeting, ' That, if thej-^ would let them have the said stone meeting-house, viz: All the Stone, Timber, with all therein and thereon, and also give them fifty pounds in Bills of Credit of the old tenor, (viz., in passable Bills of Credit ecjuivalent thereto,) that they would undertake and build the Town a Double House on the same spot where the stone meeting- house now stands/ viz: build a house Thirty-six feet in length and Sixteen feet in breadth, within Boards or Studs; They, the said Brackett aud Field, to find the Timber, Boards, Nails, aud all other material necessary, and to frame, raise, complete, aud finish said House, in all parts and respects at the cost and charge of said Brackett and Field, by the first of March next coming; for which ser- vice and cost the said Brackett and Field to have the said old stone meeting- house, witli all the Stone, Timber, Boards, Nails, or whatsoever belongs to the said house in such sort, excepting only so many of the Stone as to stone a small cellar under the House they are to build as aforesaid, and to have fifty pounds in Bills of CJredit of the Old Tenor, — or in other passable Bills Equivalent also us aforesaid.' Put to vote, aud it passed in the aiKrmative." RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. / *238 and prices, as follows, viz : eight pews at twenty-five })Ountls, twelve at fifteen, eight at twelve, six at ten, and six at seven ]iounds. The galleries to have twenty pews, eight in the front against the wall at ten pounds, six on each side against the wall at eight pounds each. The following are the names and amounts of those who subscribed for pews in the new church : "Edmund Quincy one at C'i") ; John (^uincy one at £*25; Jos. C'rosbyone at £:i5 ; David Kawson one at £25; John Beale one at f 25 ; John Baxter one at £25 ; Jolin Ruggles one at £25 ; Peter Adams one at £15 ; Benjamin Webb oneat£15 ; Joseph Brackett one at £15; Nathan Brackett one at £15; David Bass one at £15 ; Samuel Tompson one at £15 ; Samuel Belcher one at £15 ; Ebenezer Xightingale one at £15; Josiali Adams one at £15; .Tohn Sj)ear one at £15 ; John Mills one at £15 ; .John Adams one at £15 ; Joseph Xeal one at £12 ; Benjamin Xeal one at £12 ; Seth Bass one at £12 ; Samuel Penniman one at £12 ; Moses Belcheiiv' one at £12; Closes Belcher, .Jr., one at £12; Benjamin Iiaxter one at £12 ; Stephen Cleverly one at £12 ; Benjamin Beale one at £10 ; Pelatiah Rawson one at £10 ; Samuel Savil one at £10 ; Ebenezer Adams one at £10 ; Moses Paine, Jr., one at £10 ; Wil- liam Spear, one at £10 ; John Marshall one at £7; .John I^ass one at £7 ; Samuel Bass one at £7 ; Joseph Pray one at £7 ; William PMeld one at £7 ; Ebenezer Field one at £7. And in the gallery, Nathaniel Belcher one at £10 ; Christopher Webb one at £8 ; ^ Ebenezer Crane one at £10; Thomas Crosby one at £10; Simon Crosby one at £8 ; Nathan Brackett, for his niece, one at £10. "The church was raised in July,^ 1731, and was dedicated Oct. 8th, 1782. 'The text i)reached upon at the dedication,' says the minister. Rev. Mr. Hancock, ' was Isaiali, i.x cliapter, 18th verse.' The sacranu'iit of the T^ord's Supper was then admin- istered. "Madam Norton jjresented to the church a very handsome velvt't cushion for the ])ulpit. 1. " After considerable debate at the meeting, conceriiin<; the raising of the new nieetinfj-hoiise, the (luestioii \v:is \mt whetlier the roniniittee sliould jmr- cliiise Bread, Cheese, Su;,'iir, Kniii, Sider, and lieer at tlie cost of Hit* i)recin(t, '^ and it passed in tlie athrniativo. The church was raised July L'Tth, "JStli, 'Jiith, 17:il." — Precinct liccords. 31 234 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. "The subjoined diagram, abridged from the original, repre- sents the division of the ground floor after the alterations of the building in 1805, and when it was taken down in 1828. Tower. NORTH. = 2 74^ t2!0 75 76 > p ■77 78 79 pr 80 a ? ■ 81 s 1 82 \ Billings ! & S ; Faxon. | IP. Brac- I kett. r [Judge I - Cranch g I ^ & J. a Greenleafi ^ i James I & § Bent. Deacon & S L. Bass. IE. Adams &J. 5 I Whitney. S5 to 1 ■0 5- 3 w 3 CD 3 to s J1 1 <; a 2 3 -4 00 j 2 "S-S 1 S C5 -1 i-b GO ^ .3fF N) tc OJ to CD -^ OS OI pp. Porch. SOUTH. Dwelle & 8.3 H. Wood, Spear. sg 29 19 (19 fiS 82 IS 9!d OS 2!^; 3 cc 22 i5 "i^ 2 [1? 1? g Beale. Adams g & Turner. 30 Town's -^ Poor. 1 1 1 a n> p hJ p C6 ' elow is the communion table, forming the front part of a large ])ew, according to ancient custom, made foi- the accommodation of the deacons, or perhaps, for the ruling elders. In front of tl)e gallery for the choir of singers is a handsome clock, ])re- sented to the society by two ladies : Madam Abigail Adams, Avife of President Adams, Senior, and Madam Esther IJlack, Avidow of the late Moses Black, p]s(j.' "As the dimensions, Avhen tlie churcli Avas taken down, Avere sixty-one feet by tifty-six, and, as fifteen feet Avere added in the Avidth in 1S05, the original size Avas sixty-one by forty-one. At first, the galleries AA'ere reached by stairs in the Avest corners of the church, as customary in early times, and all the pcAvs Avere square. There Avere tAA^o rows of body seats in front, on A\'hich Avere seated men and women on opposite sides. Behind these Avere tA\'(^ rows for tlie singers. AVhen the singers stood, they faced each other, AA^th a jtartition betAveen them, on Avhich to lay their books. The deacons sat in their place before the ])ul- jtit and lined off the Psalm. Mr. Lemuel J>rackett, Avho Avas born in 17S0, and is of the best authority on these matters of and near his time, informs me that Avhen he aa\'is a boy, Mr. Bab- cock, Avho afterAvards remoA^ed to Milton, led the shiging, using a ])itch-pipe. " It Avill be remembered by those Avho recall the old church, that it rested for underpinning on tA\^o roAA's of neatly hammered stone, and that the door steps Avere of similar material. The (Imrch as originally constructed had not this ; but it Avas added a])out 1700. The toAvn contemi)lated putting the liammered stone only under three walls of the church, leaA'ing the back, or east side, in its first rough finish. Now this side of the church looked towards Thompson Baxter's house, in AA-hich Rev. ]\[r. Wibird boarded, and Avas that AA'hich the pastor first a])proaclied in coming to his pulpit. He heard of the purpose of the tOAvn, and exclaimed : ' Why should not my side be hammered stone, too? It must be; I Avill jiay for it myself.' And, according to his accustomed liberality, he actually insisted on defraying the cost of that part of the stone. It Avas not uncommon, as I 236 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. learned from my father, his successor in the ministry, for Rev. Mr. Wibird to look over the list of rates prepared for the pay- ment of his salary, and erase some names saying : ' this man has been unfortunate,' — or ' such an one needs the money more than I do,' — and thus, deductions were frequently made from his stated stipend. The hammered stones above named were used in the underi^inning of the houses erected on Cottage Avenue from the materials of the old church. '- When the church Avas taken down, each owner signed and sealed, and received fifty dollars for a pew beloAV, and ten dol- lars for one above. As owners and occupants could not be described on the diagl-am, we add a brief notice of each — given from the deed — of the owners on the final disposition of the edifice.^ 1 . It will be borne in mind that the following list was published in 1864, hence many of the persons herein enumerated have since deceased: "No. 1. Owner, President John Q. Adams. His oldest son, George "Wash- ington Adams, attorney, of H. U., 1821, signs for him. President John Adams, former owner, died July 4th, 1826, in his 91st year. His wife, Abigail, died October 28th, 1818, aged 74. He was never absent from church, forenoon or afternoon, when in Quincy ; and was accustomed in the latter years of his life to sit on the short seat across the head of the pew. His son, the President, was as punctual at church; he died February 23d, 1848, in his 81st year. His widow Louisa Catharine, died May loth, 1852, aged 77. Xo. 2. Owner, Daniel Greeuleaf, who came from Boston in 17t'7; and raanj- years after, bought and occupied both the pew and the large and beautiful estate of Moses Black, — the original estate of Edmund, ancestor of the Quincy family. Mr. Greenleaf died March 25, 1853, aged 90 years, 6 mos. His wife died Jan. 6th, 1839, aged 73. He was a brother to John, of pew Xo. 70, and cousin of Thomas, of pew No. 18; also, cousin to his own wife Elizabeth Greeuleaf. No. o. Owner, George Nightingale, formerly town clerk and treasurer; who died Feb. 25th, 1864, aged 77 years, 9 mos. Seth Burrill occupied before him. Asa Pope also occupied. No. 4. Owner, Cotton Tufts, H. U., 1777, died 1833, aged 76. This family lived in TVeymouth, attending constantly here. He was son of Dr. Cotton Tufts of "Weymouth, H. U., 1749, and fatherof Quincy Tufts, who is still a merchant at Ko. 105 "Washington street, Boston, where he has been engaged longer than any other single trader or lirm, ou the street. No. 5. Owner, Isaac Eiddle of Quincy Point. Nathan Josselyn also occu- pied it. No. 6. Owner, Anthony "'rt'ibird Baxter from the west part of the tow-n, died Sept., 1822. His widow Catharine signs the deed,. as executrix. No. 7. Owner, "^'illiam Hayden, Sen., deed signed for him by Wm. Haydeu, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, '237 "The old edifice stood towerless through the surarncr of 1828, while the new temple was progressing by its side. On the 3d of October, as tlie latter drew towards its coxn]»letion, the l)eU was drawn up from its summer position on tlie old roof to the cupola Jr., attorney. Judge Thomas Bcylston Adams, of H. U., 17!)0, son of Presi- dent John Adams, occupied it. He died 1832. No. S. Owner, George W. IJeale, (see Xo. 85.) Occui)ied hy John Brie.sler, merchant. No. y. Owners, Hannah Miller and her son Edward, of H. U., 1813, attornej'. He died in 1842. No. 10. Owner, Josiah Quincy. He owned, also, pew No. 34, and by a door connected the two for greater accommodation. This venerable statesman and true patriot, now in his !i3dj|-ear, passed the last summer as usual, at his coun- try seat at Quincy, where his ancestors settled and worshipi)ed more than two centuries ago. No. 11. Owner, Capt. Oliver Jenkins from (Quincy Point; died August, 182!). Occupants, Ebenezer Shaw and Perez Chubbuck, also of the Point. No. 12. Owners, jointly and occupants, Benjamin and Job Faxon. No. 13. " " " " Joseph Brackett, and widow Jerusha Newcomb. No. 14. Owner, James Hall. Occupants, Abner "Willett, ami Daniel French proprietor of the old tavern, afterwards called the Hancock House. No. 15. Owner, Elijah Spear, avIio owned and occupied until his death, the house still standing near the head of the Quincy canal, in which IJcv. ^Ir. Wi- bird lived, unmarried, through his ministry, then the estate of Thompson Baxter. No. 16. Owner, Jonathan Beale, whose house was on the western border of Quincy, close upon the Milton line. No. 17. Owners, Heirs of Samuel Spear. He lived at Houghs Neck, Quincy. The deed is .signed by Daniel Baxter, Jr., in behalf of the heirs. No. 18. Owner, Thomas Greenleaf, of H. U., 1784. He came from Boston in 1803 — though a temporary resident here from 17!)0. His house in which he lived more than tifty years, west, beyond President Adams's, once belonged to Kev. Dr. Charles Chauncy of First Church, Boston, who lived here a few months of several successive years. Mr. Cireenleaf died Jan. 5, 1854, in his 87th year. His widow, Mary Deming, (Price,) died Feb. 22d, 185(i, in her 8yth year. He was brother to the wife of Daniel, of pew No. 2. No. 1!). Owner, Capt. Josiah I$ass, whose estate on Neponset turnpike con- nected with Hon. Josiah Quincy's. No. 20. Owner, Deacon Daniel Spear. It was before owned by Theophilus Thayer; then by (feorge his son. Josiah Brigham, merchant, occupied it. No. 21. Owner, Oliver Jenkins, as of No. 11. No. 22. Owner, James Mayo of (Juincy I'oint. Deed signed by his widow Lucinda. It was occupied by Capt. Ezra Prior's family, also of Quincy Point. No. 23. Owner, Edward W. Baxter's estate. Josiah I'.axtcr signs deed for one-half of it. John Colman also occupied it. No. 24. Parish pew for minister's family. 238 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. of the new church, without at all coming to the ground, leaving the old house ready to he taken down. Here the society gath- ered for the last time, for religious worship, on Sunday, October twelfth. In the afternoon, the pastor, Kev. Mr. Whitney, de- No. 25. Owner, James Baxter, whose estate adjoined Thomas Greenleaf's. No. 2(5. Owners and occupants jointly. Deacon Daniel Si>ear and Nedabiah Bent. No. 27. Owner, Jonathan Baxter of Quinc.y Point. No. 28. Owner, Bryant Newcomb, who also owned a pew in the east end of the south gallery where he always sat himself. No. 29. Owner, Adam Curtis, occupied also by his brother Samuel, sons of Noah, and all extensively engaged in the manufacture of boots. No. 30. Owner, Noah Curtis from Pain's Hill, town treasurer. No. 31. Owner, Deacon Samuel Savil, occupied also by his son Josiah Savil. No. 32. Owner, Ebenezer Crane, occupied also by his son-in-law, Josiah Nightingale. No. 33. Owner, \Vm. Baxter, Jr., occupied also by Paul Wild. No. 34:. Owner, Josiah Quincy, connecting with No. 10. No. 3.'5. Owner, Frederick Hardwick. No. 3G. Owner, Josiah Bass, as of No. 10. No. 37. Owners, Edmund Billings' estate, by Lemuel Brackett administrator, one-third, — Jernsha and Mary Billings, each one-third. No. 38. Owner, Daniel Greenleaf (as of No. 2), occupied by his sister Priscilla widow of John Appleton, and her son Alfred. No. 30. Owner, George H. Apthorp. The deed is signed for him by Rev. Benjamin Clark Cutler, of the Episcopal Church, Quincy. Aaron Mason also occupied, of the tirraof Chamberlin and Mason, wheelwrights. No. 40. Owner, Lemuel Brackett, (see No. 54,) occupied by Ebenezer Green. No. 41. Owner, Lemuel Pope, from S(iuantum, north-east part of the town. No. 42. Owner, John Savil, son of Deacon Samuel Savil. No. 43. Owner, John Souther, shipwright at Souther'.s wharf, Quincy. No. 44. Owner, James Hall, son of Capt. John Hall, former owner. No. 45, Owner, Ezra Glover. No. 4(5. Owner, Jesse Fenno. Deed signed by Daniel Spear, executor. No. 47. Owners, Edward Glover, Polly Glover, administratrix, one-half each. No. 48. Owner, General Thomas Taylor, from "the Farms." No. 49. Owner, John Quincy Adams; deed signed as No. 1. John Spear occupied. No. 50. Owners, Saujuel and Ebenezer Rawson, one-half each. No. 51. Owner, Deacon Josiah Adams, occupied also by his son Josiah, Jr. Deacon Adams died April 24th, 1844, aged 80. He and his brothers, of pews Nos. 0" and 77, were second cousins to President John Q. Adams. Deacon Adams' widow, Margaret, died Feb. 3d, 1849, wanting 9 days of 75 years. No. 52. Owner, John Bass, kindly remembered by many; living on Granite street to an advanced age, his sister l^olly with him; both unmarried. Occu- pied also by William Seaver, teacher, and Dr. Ebenezer Woodward. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 239 livereil a farewell discourse, approjtriate to the occasion, from the words of the Prophet Zechariah i : f). 'Your Fathers, where are they? and the Prophets, do they live forever?' " In the afternoon of the next day the old church was sold at No. 53. Owner, Elislia T. Crane. Occupied also by Ebenezer Nightingale. This pew formerly belonged to Thompson Baxter, with whom Rev. Mr. W'ibird lived. 'No. 54. Owner, Lenuiel Urivckett. Helonsed fortnerly to lii.s' f;itlier Juiiios, who died August Kith, ]S'_'5, in his HOtii year, a constant attemlant at church, and, in his lutter years, sitting in the pulpit hj' reason of deafness. He is great- great-great-grand .son of the original ancestor. Captain Kichard Uracikett, Dea- con, Boston, l(i.'52, — who, with wife Alice, joined Hraintree, now Quincy, First Church, — town clerk. — third captain of the town, which ottice, by reason of in- tirniities he begged to lay down in 1684, and the court appointed Edm. Quincy to succeed him. Richard gave a silver cup to the church which is iu.scribed with the initials of him and his wife, after the ancient custom, thus: p ^.' » He died March 5th, 1690, aged 80. No. 55. Owners, jointly, Capt. James lirackett, older brother of Lemuel, anil Thomas Phipps as administrator. Jt was occupied also in the latter years of the church by the families of William \\'liall and Charles Park. Capt. Jirackett kept a store by his house, which was on the north-east corner of Hancock and Kim streets. The old town hay scales, unlike what we see now, stood in front of this store. This house was built in 17!)4-5, by James, father of Capt. James, and was on the site of the old well-known JJrackett tavern kept by James, grand-father of Capt. James. Capt. James Brackett removed from Quincy in 18'_'5, to Philadelphia; and, after residing .some years at Greeilport, L. I., died at Philadelphia, April l«th, 1855, in his 8(>th year. No. 50. Owner, Dr. Thomas Phipps, who succeeded his father. Dr. Thomas, of H. U., 1757, as physician in Quincy, and who fell dead, August .'iOth, 18;5'_', from ossification of the heart, as he was leaving his house on School street, walking to the Town Hall to meet the officers of the regiment and resign liis comnii.ssion as its surgeon. He was at ("ambridge commencement, with his family, seeming never in better health, on the day before, when his son Harri- .soa Gray Otis Phipps, afterwards mini.ster at Cohasset, took part on graduating. The first owner of this pew was Capt. Joseph Neal Arnold, who was named for old Deacon Neal. No. 57. Owner, Capt. James IJrackett, of No. 55. Lewis Baxter occupied it. No, 58. Owner, Henry Hardwick, who lived at the foot of I'ain's Hill. No. ."jil. Owner, Peter Keating. His son-in-law Lemuel IJaxter, and Thomas Niuhtingale also occupied it. No. (iO. Owner, Elijah Spear of No. 15. Occupied by Ueetl Marsh and Kdniund, brothers, who carrieil on a boot factory on Hancock street, opposite bouse of L. Brackett. No. (il. Owner, Elisha Marsh, who dietl April 17th, 1847, aged (55. His widow Lucy died Jan. 23, 18G4, aged 81. Former owner, bis father, Wilson Marsh, 240 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. public auction by Deacon Daniel Spear ; the tower, as we have seen, having been disposed of before. Its parts were separately sold and in the following order : The pulpit window, broad and handsome, with a semi-circular top, alone had inside blinds, and who died July 7, 1828, aged 78. Wilson was great-grandson of the original ancestor, Lieut. Alexander Marsh, Freeman, 1654, who married, probably, Dec. 19, 1655, Mary, daughter of Gregory Belcher, and died March 7, 1698, aged about 70. Alexander's son John was father, probably, of John, of H. U., 1726. No. 62. Owner of one-half, William Newcomb. Occupied also by his sons. No. 63. Owner, John Pray, who died at an advanced age; father of Lewis G. Pray, long engaged in business in Boston, now residing at Roxbury. No. 64. Owners, jointly, Joseph Tield from the foot of Pain's Hill, and Wil- liam Baxter, School street. No. (55. Owners, jointly, .Jedadiah and Peter Adams, brothers; from whose estate on Sea street, Rev. P. Whitney purcha.sed land in 1801, on which to erect his house, and subsequently, in 1809. No. 06. Owners, jointly, William Spear and Daniel Hobart, the latter being sexton for many years. No. 67. Owner, Ebenezer Adams. He died June 10, 1841, aged 79 years, 1 mouth. His widow Elizabeth died Sept. 26, 185(5, aged 81 years, 20 days. John Wliitney, merchant, at Quincy Point, also occupied it, who died Jan. 2, 1850, in his 65tli year. He was brother, and the wives of Ebenezer Adams, of Dea- con Josiah Adams, and of Lemuel Brackett, were sisters, of Rev. Peter Whit- ney. Mr. Adams bought this pew of the estate of Gen. Palmer, who lived at Germantown. No. 68. Ownef, Lewis Bass, son of Deacon Jonathan Bass, former owner. No. 69. Owner, Wm. James, jr. Hannah Bent and mother also occupied it. No. 70. Owner, John Greouleaf, formerly Judge Richard Cranch's pew, whose daughter Lucy he married April 4, 1795. His estate was the ancient Cranch estate on School street. He was son of Sheriff William Greenleaf of I?ostou. Rev. Dr. Lunt, in the appendix to his sermon after the death of Hon. Thomas Greenleaf, says: 'there were two sheriffs of Suffolk at that time, and what is remarkable, they were brothers, one a Tory, Stephen Greenleaf, aad the other, William Greenleaf, an ardent Whig.' A sister of Mr. John Greenleaf, Nancy, married his wife's brother. Judge William Cranch of Washington. Mr. Greenleaf died March 29, 1848, aged 84 years, 6 months. His wife died previ- ous — Feb. 18, 1846, aged 79 years. Her mother and President John Adams's wife were sisters— the daughters of Rev. William Smith of Weymouth. Dr. Lunt concludes liis excellent senuon oti Mr. Thomas Greenleaf in these words: 'And may it be our felicity, when our earthly work shall be ended, to leave be- hind us as untarnisehd a name, and as distinct, as unequivocal and as reliable, evidences of a useful and honorable life, as have been left behind him by the venerated friend, fellow-townsman and fellow- worshipper, upon whose grave I lay this humble tribute of affectionate respect.' And of Mr. John Greenleaf I )r. Lunt writes, as follows : ' This venerable man had been blind from his youtli ; but the care wliich his condition required was an office of love, and never a RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 241 was sold first, to Isnac Dodge, for $3.00 ; then the stove, stand- ing on the north-west side, opposite tlie tower door, was sohl, witli its appurtenances, to David Riddle, Esq., for S4'2.50. The puljrtt and pews below were also sold to him for $53.00. The residue of the building was sold to Ebenezer Adams, for $202. burden, through his uniform cheerfulness and christian goodness. Mr. and ^Irs. Greenleaf were among the excellent of the earth; and the memory of their quiet worth is cherished in many hearts.' Mr. G., we may add, though blind, was a constant attendant at church. He was likewise proficient on the organ and other musical instruments. No. 71. Owners, Peter Brackett, one-eighth; Betsey Brackett, one-fourth and two-tenths; Mary P. Adams, one-eighth; Frances Spear, Mehitable and Sarah Nightingale, one-tenth each. No. 72. Owner, Daniel Spear. John Billings and Mrs. Faxon also occupied it. No. 73. Owner, William Wood, master builder of the new stone church. The family of Thomas Crane also occupied it. No. 74. Owner, Peter Bicknell from Germautown, south-east part of Quincy. No. 75. Owners, Horatio N. Glover, one-half; Nathaniel Glover and Thomas Adams, one-quarter each. No. 7G. Owner, Jonathan Marsh, son of "Wilson, of pew No. Gl. He was much interested in historical and genealogical research. He endured a long and painful confinement in christian patience and hope, and died December 10, l.Sdl, aged 74 years, 8 mouths, 5 days. No. 77. Owner, Thomas Adams, whose estate was on Neponset Turnpike. He was brother of Deacon .Tosiah and Ebenezer. No. ~H. Owner, Solomon Nightingale. James Green also occupied it. No. 7i). Owner, Adam Hardwick. No. SO. Owners, Jonathan Cook and Daniel Spear. No. 81. Owner, "William Wood. George Veasie occupied it. Deacon Elijali "Veasie, his father, formerly. No. 82. Owners, Oliver Billings, one-half; George M. Gibbens, one-quarter; George B. Billings, one-quarter. No. 83. Owner, John Dwelle from Pain's Hill. Henry, brother of William Wood, also occupied it. No. 84. Owners, Luther Spear, two-thirds; Frances, widow of Seth Spear, one-third. No. H'). Owner, George W. Beale. He fell dead in his yard, of disease of the heart, Nov. 19, 1851, aged Gl). His father, Captain Benjamin Beale, former owner, died in 1825, at a very advanced age. Their largo and beautiful estate adjoined I'resideut Adams's on the west. No. 8(1. Owner, Peter Boylston Adams, brother to President John Adams. Ho died at a very advanced age. The deed is signed by Peter Turner as Guar- dian of Peter Boylston Adams, fur one-third; Mary Turner, for one-third; and Davis Hoardman for one-tliird. Elislia Turner also occupied it. No. 87. Parish pew for town's poor. 32 242 KELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. The stone underpinning and steps were sold to Cotton Pratt for $82.50. Total, $383.00. "On the 28th of March, previous, the tower had been sold at auction, together with the underpinnings and dooi'-steps -con- nected with the same, to Mr. John Spear, for 170.00. The vane and ball on the cupola were purchased separately, by Mr. Henry Wood, for 13.25. The yet proceeds of the old church, including the tower and vane, were $456.25. " On the 8th of April following, the bell was moved from the cupola to the north-west end of the roof ; and on the 14th, in the presence of a large number of spectators, the cupola was thrown to the ground with a loud crash. " In the course of ten days after the sale of the church, it was wholly taken down and the spot graded, there having been no cellar beneath the building. The society worshipped in the Town Hall on three Sabbaths previous to the dedication, relig- ious services being susjieuded on the first Sabbath after the destruction of the old church edifice." In 1826, the question was agitated in reference to the building of a new edifice. April 11th, a committee was appointed by the parish, to whom was referred the subject of constructing a stone church. This committee reported, Nov. 6th, in favor of such a house, and their report was nearly unanimously accepted. A building committee was chosen, viz : — Thomas Greenleaf, chairman, Noah Curtis, John Souther, Lemuel Brackett and Daniel Spear. The cellar was commenced April 9tli, 1827, and on the 11th of June, the corner stone was laid with appropriate solemnities. A prayer was offered and an address made by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Whitney. Hon. Thomas Greenleaf, chairman of the building committee, made some interesting remarks and read the inscrip- tion^ on the plate, which was deposited in a lead box, together with the several deeds of land presented to the town by the late President Adams. The new church was located on the north-west of the old. 1. The inscription is as follows : " A temple for the public worship of God, and for public instruction in the doctrines and duties of the Christian religion. "Erected by the Cougregatioual Society in the town of Quincy; the stone r \ I T A It I A \ < II r i: (■ ii RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. . 243 nnd iinnicdiately contiguous; so close indeed were the corners of the two buildings, that in order to complete the right end of the stone ])ortico, it was necessary to remove the tower of the old church. The new church was dedicated to the service and worship of the one living and true God, on Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 18*28. Kev. Dr. Gray offered the introductory prayer ; Rev. Mr. Brooks read selections from the Scriptures ; Rev. Dr. LoAvell offered the dedicatory prayer; the pastor of the church. Rev. Mr. Whitney, jiveachcd from Genesis xxviii : 17 ; Rev. Dr. Porter offered the concluding prayer. The church is built of granite, with a pediment in front, sup- ])ortcd by four Doric pillars, the shaft of each being a single block. It contains one hundred and thirty-four pews on the lower floor and twenty-two in the galleries. According to the report of the building committee, contained in the parish rec- ords, the work included in the original estimate made by the architect, was performed at a cost of $3000 within that estimate. The total cost of the building with the improvements around it, was §30,488.56, to which must be added the sum of $4350 voted to be paid to the proprietors of pews in tlie old meeting-house, and the cost of the furnace. The debt incurred by the erection of so costly an edifice, was finally, in the year 1833, wiped off. taken from the granite quarries given to the town by the Hon. John Adams, late President of the United States. This stone was laid June 11th, 182", in the fifty-first year of American ■ Independence. The Rev. Peter Whitney, Pastor of the Society. John Quincy Adams, President of the United States. Levi Lincoln, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of ]Massachusetts. John Whitney, Daniel Spear, John Souther, Selectmen of the Town of Quincy. Building Committee, — Thos. Greenleaf, Chairman; Noah Curtis, John * Souther, Lemuel Brackett, Daniel Spear. Alexander Parris, Architect. W^illiam Wood, Master Builder. Memoranda: The population of the town, estimated at 2000. That of the United States, at 13,000,000. Engraved by Hazeu Morse." 244 , RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. It lias been said that the stone for this church was all taken from the quarry given by Mr. Adams for this purpose, which is somewhat of a mistake, as the large columns and cajis Avere taken from the quarry now worked by Jesse Bunton & Co., formerly called the Rattle-snake Hill quarry. They were the first large shafts quarried in Quincy. Under the portico of this church, lie in a granite tomb, the remains of President John Adams and Abigail, his wife. The remains of John Quincy Adams and his wife are also deposited under this edifice. Feb. 16th, 1837, the parish granted permission to individuals to place an organ in the church, for the use of the worshippers. This organ had previously belonged to Trinity Church, in Bos- ton, and remained there until disposed of by the society for a better and more powerful instrument. The following is a list of the sacred vessels belonging to the church, with the inscriptions they bear, namely : — A small cup, having two handles, and marked on the bottom, '.' Joanna Yorke, 1685, B. C." A small cup of the same form as the preceding, bearing a coat of arms on the surface and marked on the bottom, "B. C, 1699." A small cup of the same form as the preceding, plain on the surface, with the following inscription : — " The gift of Deacon Samuel Bass, Wm. Veasey, Jno. Ruggle, David Walesby, 1694." A high cup marked below the rim, "The gift of William Needham to Brantry Church, 1688." A high cup without mark or date, but apparently very old. A high cup marked, " The gift of Mrs. Mehetable Fisher to the First Church of Christ in Braintree, 1741." A cup marked, " The gift of the Ilon'ble Edmund Quincy, Esq., to the First Church in Braintree, Feb'y 23d, 1737-8." A tankard marked, " The gift of the Hon'ble John Quincy, Esq., to the First Church of Christ in Braintree, 1767." A tankard marked, " The gift of Mrs. Sarah Adams (Relict of Mr. Edward Adams, late of Milton) to the First Church in Braintree." There is no date added, but the church records fix the time Nov. 4, 1770. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 245 Four large-sized flagons, marked as follows : — " Presented by Daniel Greenleaf to the Congregational Church in Quincy, 1828." Three plates, marked thus : — " Presented to the First Congre- gational Church in (Juincy, by Deacon Josiah Adams, Deacon Daniel Spear and Deacon Samuel Savil, 1828." A baptismal vase having this inscription : — " Presented to tlie Congregational Church in the town of Quincy, by Mrs. Eliza Susan Quincy, 1828." The two volumes of Scriptures, used in the pulpit, contain the following : — " To the Church and Congregational Society of the Town of Quincy, this Bible, for the use of the Sacred Desk, is respectfully presented by Josiah Quincy. Boston, Oct., 1808." " New bound and divided into two volumes, Oct., 1828." The following is a list of the clergymen of the First Church, in the order of their settlement, pastorate and time of death : — Name. Age at onlination. Pastorate. Age at death. Tompson, 41 27 68 Flynt, 32 29 61 Fisk, 30 36 66 Marsh, 25 16 41 Hancock, 24 18 42 Briant, 24 8 32 Wibird, 27 45 72 Whitney, 31 43 74 Lunt, 30 22 52 Wells, 25 15 •~~ CHRIST CIIURCII. "It is commonly supposed that 1727 was the date of the par- ish's l)irth. But I have recently nsccrtained that its history goes far back of that. It is, I believe, with the e.\'ce])tion, possibly, of Trinity Church, Newport, the oldest Episcopal parish in New England, now that King's Cliai)el has changed hands. In an answer of the Church of England, in Braintree, to a charge laid 246 ' RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. against them, bearing date, 1709, we read, 'Mr. Vese^^ minister of the Church of New York, when he was a youth, can say that he, with his parents and many more, were communicants of the Church of England, and that in their family at Braintree, divine service was daily read, which things to mention, would argue great pride and vanity, were it not in our own defence ; also, we leave it to your lordship to judge, how contrary to reason it is, that a fit of contradiction in us should last more than twenty years.' From which it appears that as early as 1689, a little company of church people held services here. In 1701, the charter of the society for the propagation of the gospel in for- eign parts was granted, and in March of the following year, quite a number of missionaries were sent out. The earliest mention of a missionary in Braintree is made at this time, which 1 take from the only complete set of proceedings of the ven- erable society in this country, now in the library of Brown University, and is as follows: — 'Mr. William Barclay, the min- ister of the Chui'ch of England, at Braintree, in New England, had an annual encouragement of £50, and a gratuity of £25, for present occasions.' You will observe he is spoken of as already here. There is no record of the date of his coming. We do know that in 1679 there were two Church of England ministers in and about Boston, for King William granted £100 for their support. Whether Mr. Barclay was one of these, it is impossi- ble to say ; but we know certainly that he was here in 1702. In this year we have some words of a Col. Lewis Morris, of East Jersey, to Mr. Archdeacon Beveridge, Avhich are interesting, as showing what was thought of this place at that time : — 'Braintry should be minded,' he writes ; 'it is in the heart of New Eng- land, and a learned and sober man would do great good and en- courage the other towns to desire the like. If the church can be settled in New England, it pulls up schisms in America by the roots, that being the fountain that supplies, with infectious streams, the rest of America.' " By 1704, we find Mr. Barclay has returned to England. The paper that gives us this fact is a very valuable one, as the earliest document attesting the organization of the church in Braintree, the original of which, the endorsement shows, was RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 24t doubtless placed on file in the Archives at Fulham, by Mr. Eb- ^ ciiezcr jVIiller, when he went over for orders. It is an address to the Bishop of London, dated April 22d, 1704, and signed by William Vesey and John Cleverly, church wardens ; Jonathan Hayden, Samuel Tompson, John Sanders, John Daniel, Benj. White, Moses Benniman, John Vesey, Solomon Vesey, John Bass and Josiah Belcher, vestrymen ; thus showing what hereto- fore, I believe, lias not been known, that there was an organized parish here at that early day. In October of the same year, they ])rove their official capacity, by giving their testimonial to Mr. Geo. Muirson, returning to England to receive holy orders, and beseech the Bishop of London to send them a minister. In 1709 the same officers answer to the charge referred to, and renew their request. No response is made until 1713; in February of Avhich year, a Mr. Lambton, of Newbury, writes, 'there is not the least chance of reviving the church in Braintry.' Nevertheless, in August of the same year, the Rev. Thomas Eager is here, and writes a letter of considerable interest. He mentions two main impediments to the growth of the church : the taxing of the church people for the support of independent ministers, and v the want of a place of worship, the people fearing censure as conventiclers, if they should attend service in a i)rivate house. ' The number of my hearers is uncertain, — sometimes thirty, sometimes fewer; but yet I am pleased to tell you that there are al)ove twelve communicants who receive monthly. I make no doubt but that this people use their interest to break our little community, by sending home false reports of my people, and of myself in particular. But we rely on the wisdom of the hon- orable society to discover their little artifices, which, if taken notice of, will, I fear, prevent our church ever getting footing in Braintry. This town consists of one hundred and twenty families, and was divided some years since, into two districts, as I am credibly informed, to prevent a Church of England min- ister to come among them. This whole province has been very much disturbed on account of my coming to this })lace, and accordingly have not failed to affront and abuse me wherever they meet me. Atheist and papist are the best language I can get from them. The people are independents, and have a per- 248 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. feet odium to those of our communion.' And now comes a sentence which I think you will enjoy. It is to be hoped the title has lost its applicability, if it ever had any. ' Had this province,' he says, 'been called New Greet, instead of New England, it had better suited ; for the people are very great strangers to truth, and I do really believe that I have not passed one day since my arrival without one false report or other being raised upon me.' "But the people were not so untruthful as he represented them. Mr. Eager was anything but what he should have been. ' A sorrowful account I hear from everybody referring to Mr. Eager,' writes Gov. Dudley, ' and the church is greatly hurt by him. During the few mouths of his stay here he was frequently in quarrels and fighting, and sending challenges for duels, that at length the auditory at Brandry were quite ashamed and dis- couraged, and he is gone to Barbadoes without any direction or order, and the congregation without any minister.' His place was filled in 1715 by the Rev. Henry Lucas, who very shortly, however, went to Newbury. The record reads 1716, ' to the Rev. Mr. Lucas, at Newbury, a library to be removed from Braintree, whither a supernumerary one had been sent by mis- take,' which allusion makes this a proper j^lace to mention, that in 1704, the library now on the shelves at the rectory, and num- bering about twenty volumes, was sent over for the perpetual use of the rector. The seal of the venerable society, on which this date appears, is a most curious design." The above historical sketch of Christ Church was written by their late rector, the Rev. Reginald H. Howe. Up to 1725 no church had been erected. The land on which the first meeting-house was built was granted to them as a free gift, by William and Benjamin Vesey, August 2Gth, 1725, " for the building of a Church of Enghmd on, and no other purjiose." In August, 1725, Samuel Paine gave a bond to jiay five pounds to Peter Marquand and other members of the com- mittee, for the erection of a Church of England in Braintree, As soon as sufficient funds could be procured, and definite arrangements made for its construction, the work was begun, and the meeting-house Avas completed in 1728. Dr. Miller, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 1249 their first rector, has recordid that the first meeting in tlie church was liehl on Easter Monday, 1728, Early in the year 17*26, Ilonry Turner, Peter !^^ar()uan(l, Jolni \'esey, George Cheesnian, Benjamin Vesey and Samuel Paine, made an agieement with Mr, Miller, by which he was to receive one hundred pounds to pay his expenses while absent in Eng- land, preparing for the ministry. This sum of money was to be returned to ^\v. Turner and other members of the committee, with interest, in one year, if before that time he should not l>e aj)pointed as a rector of the Episcopal Church in Braintree, by the honorable society for the ])ropagation of the gosind in foreign parts. Dr. Ebenezer Miller was the second son of Samuel Miller, and was boi'n on Milton Hill in 1703, He was j^repared for college by ]Mr, Thacher, and graduated at Harvard College, Cambridge, as Master of Arts, in 1722, when he immediately commenced the study of divinity, and soon manifested a strong inclination for the Episcopal form of worship. After his agreement with the church committee, he went to England, and was ordained Deacon by Edmund, Lord Bishop of London, June 20th, 1720, and received the order of Priest, •Tidy, 1727, He was made ^Master of Arts at O.vford, July 16th ; and was licensed to preach the gospel in Massachusetts, July 24th, 1727. He was appointed Minister to Braintree, in New England, August 26th; and Chaplain to the Duke of Bolton, September 28th, 1727, Soon after his return to Ncav England, he commenced his ministerial duties over the ch\irch at Brain- tree. About this time there seems to have been a controversy with the State Govei-nmeiit about taxing the society for the sup- ]iort of the minister of the First Church.^ As far as we have been able to learn, Dr. ^Miller was the first native of the Puritan Prc)vincc, who receivcMl holy ordei-s in England to jireach under the P^piscojial form of worship. He returned to England again and received the degree of Doctor of 1. " To Col. Qiiincy, from the Lieut. Governor : Ai)ril 7th, 1727. Sik: — "I have received a ineiuoiial from some persons living within the North Precinct, i!i I5r;iintree, who [irof(\ss tlionisclves of the (JInircli of Knglaiul, complaining of their being la.xed for tlie settlement of your minister, of which 33 250 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Divinity, at Oxford, December 8tli, 1747. His rectorship over tlie society continued thirty-six years. Tn Xov., 17()"2, Rev. Dr. Miller received a paralytic attack, under which he continued until the 11th of February, 17G3, when, to the great loss of the church, he departed this life, and was entombed in the church cemetery, on School street. At the close of his ministerial duties a list of tifly families belonged to the congregation, and fifty members of the com- munion ; tour hundred and eighty-eiglit infants and atlults were admitted to baptism, during the same time. His African slave liad a great and affectionate interest in him, as well as for the i-hurch, which was manifested by a silver cup being presented to the church for the sacrament, by his bondsman, which is still held in veneration by the society. It will appear, from the following extracts, taken from ]N[r. Hancock's century sermons of the First Church, and some time contemporary with Dr. Miller, that the most friendly and chris- tian relations existed between the two societies; and especially commendable was the spirit exhibited by the First Church to the Episco])als. viz : — ''In the vacancy before the Kev. Dr. Mil- ler received lu^ly orders for tliis place, this c-hurch admitted to their communion, all such members of the Church of England as desired to have occasional communion with them, and allowed them what posture of devotion they pleased, and they received you have a copy enclosed. I am surprised to find this matter driven to extrem- ity, especially, after the ho}>es you had raised in me, that your people were thoroughly disposed to make those of the Church of England amougst you easy in all these matters. " I am not iuformed who are your parish comnuttee, (tho" I suppose you are one. ) and therefore I pray that you wQuld acquaint them with my desire that a meeting may be called to consider of the case of these memorialists, and that you would use your utmost iutlueuce that it may be with gootl etfect. that those people nuiy obtain the relief they look for, as I think coumion justice entitles them to, whilst they contribute to the settlement and support of their owu min- ister. These are a matter of that weight with me, as 1 think highly to effect ye character and welfare of ye government. That I hope that it will not be passed over slightly by you and the people of liraiutree, and therefore I hope to hear some good account of it from you in a very short time." (No signature) —Mass. Arch., Vol. II, p. 41!». William Dummer was then Lieut. Governor, but this letter is in thehandwrit- iag (peculiiu- and difficult to decipher, ) of Secretary Willard. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 251 the siu-raineiit stnmling. That tliouartly on land of Benjamin Ruggles and partly on land of Grizzet Apthorp. May 23d, ITGo." — Suffolk JJeeds, Vol. CIV, p. 138. There is every reason to believe that the church would have sunk in«-ruins after the American Revolution, had it not been for the house and land, the rent of Avhicli kept it in repair, and afforded the occasional services of clergymen. A large fund may be of little advantage to a church, but a moderate amount of landed property greatly conduces to its i)ermanent estab- lishment. Some years ago this estate was sold by the church authorities to the late John D. Whicher, and is now in the pos- session of his heirs, on P]lm street. After ]\Ir. Whicher pur- chased this estate he sold the old rectory, and it was taken down. The llev. Edward Winslow officiated over this church thir- teen years, and was highly beloved and appreciated for the great interest he took in advancing the prosperity and welfare of the church, louring his rectorship, the number of families in the congregation was increased from fifty to sixty-eight ; the number of baptisms registered was two liun(he. Howe, Kev. Calvin Wolcott, Kev. William Clark, E. !». Lippitt and Dr. S. H. Tyng. Tp to IH'2'2, the church was in an inanimate and lifeless con- dition. At this time the wardens of the society were very for- 1. The following iiisi^riptiou is to be foiiml on liis tomb-stone : — " Here lies tlie mortal remains of a man whose virtues are reyistereii in the heart of every Episcopalian, a man wlio will be remembereil for the ^lcoocI deeds he has done to the house of his God aud to the offices thereof." 256 IJKMtiKU'S SO(MKTtKS, lunate ill siM'miiiL!,' (lie viilualilo sorvii'os of tl\o \\o\ . l)iMiJMmin CI.Mvk Culler, wlu) \\vU\ div iiu> services in Clirist (Muireli in l\I:iy of this ve;ir, nml cnnic licrc \o r('si(I(> tlu' .Iiily followlnu". lie was ordained Deacon l>y (lie IJijjflit \\v\. A. \". (Jriswold. Si'|it. IDtli, IS'2'J, and Priest, the ttilli of IMareli, IS'Jf). T\w lirsl ordi- iiMlion w .'is ill Iliis cliiircli, mid the socoiid in S(. Ann's ("liurcli, J.owelK it lieiiiiL;" more eonvt'iiiiMit for the l>islio|) to attend the servie»> iit that time and i>laee. Under Mr. (^itliM-'s reetorshi]> (he society riipidlv iiirrcasiMl in |>ros|H'iil y, and for the lirsl lime since its ors;aiii/ation, lu'came inde|n'ndcnt and sclf-su|i|>ortini;'. Some (d' the old conimnnic;inls retnnuMi and many new t';iinilies joined the socict\, niid in m;my r«'s|tccls il \v;is a new church. The nnmlicr oi fninilics ltclon;Miiu' lv> the socii'ty ;il ihis lime was scventy-i'inlil ; nnmlicr of cinninnnic:ints, sixty-eight, sixly- five of whom had lH>en added since his I.ahor o\' love lH\Li'an ; oin> hundred .iini eleven Impl isms lia\in>;' Ihhmi recorded in ihe mean lime. Iu'\ . iNlr. ('nller's l.iliois ;is reclor i^^^ this church hisU'd fiU' ihe hrief |icriod of ti\(' }ears. when he w;is e;illed away lo ;i l.aru'cr Held t>\' duty, ;is r(>c(or i\( S(. Ann's Chureh. iMdoklyii, New York. .\fler Ihe resi!j;n,'il ion i^i Mr. ("ntler. ihe chureh nu'.'iin icW inli> (hn-liiu'. and (•onlinned on willi \:iried success simih' o( ihe linu' by lay re.aders, and :il oiIum- shorl |HM'iods by I'ler^'yinen — unlil the l\ev. IMr. Uiirrouuhs was called lo seltle over the p.arisli, when il w as a<;";iin revived h\ ;i w aUtMiiii;;' a new interest in (he M|)is('o|>al service, and new and inllnenlial families joined the sociclv. !Mr. nnrron^hs w ;is succeedt'd by the l\»>\ . (di.arlcs II. IJrainard, w ho .actively and .arthaitlv iMilcrcd into the wtnk of ex- tending" the fruits of I'lpiseop.icy in town. His eceeiurieities howev«M\ not being ;i|>in-oveil by the | he w;is dismissed. Mr. Ib;iinaid was succeeded by the devoni rector, the Kev. Heg- inald II. Ilowe, who, bv his nnlirin^' excrliiuis for the good o\' the society, soon b«>canu' :itt\>clionalely beloved by his |>arish and the town's |u>o|tU>. .\fli>r ;i sh(>rl ici'lorship of abou( four or live y«'ars. he had ;i call to b(>conie ri't'ttU' of a idiuri'li ;i( Wt)od, Itrooklinc. Mass.achuseKs, which lu> aceeplcd. .and re- moved (heir in the spring of ISTT. The Kev. 'rii.iddeus A. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 257 Snively of Huntington, L. I., having received a eall, accepted the rectorsliip of this society, and commenced liis labors with them April 1st, 1878. The first church by tlie Episcopal Society of this town was erected between 1725 and 1728, on land granted to the church by William and Benj. Vesey. It was located on School street, where Christ Church Cemetery now is. The church Avas built on the south-easterly part of this land and stood east and west. It was enlarged thirteen feet at the east end, in 1773, during the rectorship of the Rev. Mr. "Winslow, and two ncsV wings were added during Rev. Mr. Cutler's ministerial labors ; but this not proving sufficient to accommodate the increasing congregation, the question of erecting a new church was thoroughly canvassed and finally agreed upon. Mr. Apthorp, one of the old benefac- tors of the church, presented the society with a lot of land suffi- cient for the purpose, on the corner of Elm street and Quincy avenue. A fine commodious wooden church with a square tower, was built in 1832 on this site, which had four round holes in the belfry ; the main building was ornamented with large Gothic windows. On Saturday evening, Nov. 19th, 1859, this church was de- stroyed by fire — being the first church ever burned in town. Its bell was seriously missed by the citizens of South Quincy, as it was a favorite alarm bell in that part of the town, in case of fire. With untiring energy, the few friends of the society soon had another fine Gothic structure of stone erected on the ruins of the old church, and it was consecrated Sept. 13th, 18(30. On the morning of November 1st, 1873, went forth the un- welcome alarm, that the third church built by the Episcopal Society was on fire ; but with all the skill, energy and active exertions of the fire department, this fine structure was soon consumed by the fiery element and lay in ruins ; the rectory ad- joining the church, however, was saved without being much damaged. This disaster would have been enough to have discouraged 34 258 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. most other societies ; but having strong friends and being imbued with that great christian spirit tliat knows no failure, they were soon enabled to construct a suitable building for the jDromulga- tion of the noble principles of conservative christian philanthro- py — free and untrammeled by dogmatic theology. This fine and commodious stone church was completed in 1874, and opened for public worship in August of the same year ; making the third church erected on this site, and the fourth constructed since the organization of the society in this town. At this time the rectory was removed a few rods back, to another site that had recently been purchased for the purpose, and considerably enlarged. The fine mural tablet in commemoration of Dr. Miller, was at the burning of the church destroyed. A similar tablet was re- produced by the family, and again placed upon the walls of the church — a worthy monument in commemoration of the first rector of Christ Church in Quincy. Christ Church has a very long and honorable historic record. Among its communicants have been many of the most wealthy and influential citizens of the town ; especially was this the case of the old families now extinct in the parish, viz : — Apthorps, Borlands, Cleverlys, Millers, AYinslows, Vassalls,^ Stedmans, Cheesraans, Veseys, Marquands, Paines and Governor Shirley; some of whose children lie buried in the church cemetery, 1. Mr. Leonard Vassall seems to have been an ardent believer in the Episco- pal Church, as in his will he states that in case his wife should renounce her religion, she should forfeit her riglit to her bequest. Mr. ^"assal owned, resided, and constructed the house now occupied, and in the possession of Hon. Charles F. Adams. His brother Lewis owned the fine estate now in the possession of Mr. James Edwards, on School street, on which he had constructed a beautiful residence, which some years since was removed to Water street, where it now stands. The indenture reads as follows : — " By certain articles of indenture before marriage with my present beloved wife, Pheba, I therein covenanted in case I died before her, either by deed duly executed or by my late will, to give and devise unto her the sum of two thou- sand pounds. New England currency, as by articles. Now for the faithful imrfovmance of this indenture, I hereby give and devise to her during her con- tinuing my widow and a professed member of the Episcopal Churcli of England as by law established, and no longer, the use, possession and improvement, of my dwelling liouse, orchard and garden, in Braintree, in the County of Suffolk, aforesaid, and the land thereto belonging ; I also give unto her forever the sum CHRIST CHURCH, tillXCY. ERECTKI) IX 1874. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 259 Nearly all of the old families have passed away, and the com- municants of the present time are mostly new families to the society and the town ; and may Christ Church, at its next cen- tennial celebration, hold as honorable a jiosition in town as it did in the last, and that it will be in as hiojh a state of i)rosperity in 1927, as it was in 1827, when ])r. Cutler delivered liis century sermon in commemoration of the completion of the tinst century of Christ Cliurch in Quincy. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH. Universalism is a doctrine which its advocates claim to be of very ancient origin, and dates its existence back to the earliest christian writers, e. g. :— The Sibylline Oracles, A. D. 150. The origin of Universalism as a distinct religious sect, is more a feature of American than P^uropean society. The Rev. John Murray, about 1770, became the great apostle, originator and proj)agator of modeni Universalist doctrines, and from that time an organization lias sprung up which contains many able, learned and pious divines. In 1830, Charles P. Tirrell, Silas Leonard and John Chamber- lin, were desirous to establish a Universalist society in Quincy, but were unable to do so until 1831. Dr. Thomas Whittemore Avas engaged by the above-named ])ersons to enlighten the citi- zens of the town upon the religious principles of this sect. After considerable trouble they were able to procure the Town Hall for the purpose, and in May, 1830, Dr. Whittemore ]>reached his first sermon from the following text : — " For as concerning this sect, Ave know that everyAvhere it is spoken against," which soon of three thousand pounds in bills of credit on the Province aforesaid, instead of the two thousand pounds, and I likewise give unto her my chariot and best pair of couch horses, she herself to make choice of them, together with my sil- ver tea-kettle ; and also the use of my negro coachman named Pompey and his wife Fidelia, and the household goods and furniture of my house at Uraintree. If my wife discontinues to he my widow, or a professed member of the Episco- jtal Church of Kngland, as by law establislicd, tlien the i)roperty is to go to my daughter. June "24, 1737." 260 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. led to the organization of this society. The remaining part of the year occasional sermons were preached by the Senior Bal- lon, Dr. Sylvanus Cobb, Paul Dean, Dr. John Brooks, Dr. Ben- jamin F. Whittemore and Sebastian Streeter. So well did this movement succeed that on the 10th of March, 1831, the follow- ing persons formed themselves into a religious society, under the name of the First Universalist Society in Quincy : — John Pray, Jedediah Adams, Abram Prescott, Levi B. Josephs, Charles L. Pierce, John A. Newcomb and twenty-three others. The first board of officers was as follows : — Silas Leonard, Moderator ; Levi B. Josephs, Clerk ; Alpheus Spear, Treasurer ; Silas Leonard, Abram Prescott and John Chamberlin, Parish Committee. March 14th, 1832, the society was incorporated, and during this month the Rev. William Morse of East Milton, was en- gaged to preach a part of the time. That year there was a strong desire on the part of its parishoners to build a church. A lot of land was purchased on the corner of Washington street and Elm place, and a church erected, which with the site cost the society 15,003.01, and was dedicated Dec. r2th, 1832.— The sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Morse, their pastor. In May, 1832, the church was organized with a membership of thirty-three persons ; but not continuing in that harmony and unity that is so necessary for success, Mr. Morse resigned his pastorate about the first of December, 1832. The society remained without a settled clergyman until the first of May, 1835, when the Rev. Daniel D. Smith was engaged to impart new life to the church. Mr. Smith, the next year, established a Sunday School. Under his brief ministration the parish was in a flourishing condition. Rev. Matthew IL Smith succeeded his brother in the pastorate, who, after a brief settle- ment, in the autumn of 1837, accepted a call at Haverhill. In the fall of 1837, the Rev. John Nicholls was settled over the society, and closed his brief pastorate after having been con- nected with the parish one year. After this, the church became somewhat disorganized. July 1st, 1839, the Rev. John Gregory was settled as minister over the society. He commenced his labors with that energy and enthusiasm which was peculiar to RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 261 liini, ;ui(l Avas able Jan. 31st, 1841, to re-organize tlie clmrcli, with forty-nine members ; but tliis did not amount to much, as he entered strongly into the temperance agitation that was going like a tidal wave through the New England States at that time. This agitation of temperance created serious disaffection in the parish, and many of his most influential parishoners left the society, no more to return. This finally caused Mr. Gregory to close his ministration with the church in the spring of 1843. Mr. Gregory was the first, and we believe, the only clergyman that has ever represented the town in the State Legislature ; the reason being perhaps, that our citizens think ministers more adapted to expound the divine laws, than to make civil. At the close of Mr. Gregory's ministerial duties the society was financially embarrassed, and the remaining members of the parish much disheartened ; but through the energetic and benev- olent exertions of a few of its most influential members, they were soon relieved from their pecuniary difliculties. April 1st, 1844, the Rev. S. A. Davis was selected as their pas- tor, and by judicious management, he was able in a short time to allay the animosities of the parish, and establish peace and harmony in the society. His successor was the Ilev. J. C. Wal- do, who supplied the pulpit about a year. In the spring of 1847, the Rev. W. W. Dean was engaged to settle over the parish, and after a peaceful pastorate of between seven and eight years, he closed his labor here Oct, 1st, 1855. Mr. Dean was a law- yer by profession, before assuming the ministry. While in Quincy, he was a strong friend of education in the common school, and for some years an active member of the school board. Mr. Dean, also, dui'ing his ministration here, revived the char- ter of the Rural Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, which had been surrendered in anti-masonic times. The most good and godly man to assume charge of the soci- ety, was the Rev. Luther Rice, who was settled Feb. 1st, 1856, and resigned his charge over the ])arish in August, 1858. Mr. Rice was succeeded by the Rev. Quincy Whitney, who was settled in October, 1858, and relinquished his laTjors over the parish, April 1st, 1860. July 1st, 1860, the Rev. Albert Tyler was selected as their clergyman, and resigned his jiastorate 262 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. ill the spring of 1861, In May, 1861, the Rev. J. G. B. Heath was called to take charge of the society, and after a peace- ful pastorate of about four years, resigned liis ministerial duties here, April 1st, 1865, and went to Xew York city. Mr. Heath, while in Quincy, was much interested in the welfare of our schools, and a valuable member of the school committee. . In July, following Mr. Heath's resignation, the Rev. S. T. Aldrich was called to take charge of the parish, and continued its pastor until the spring of 1868. He was succeeded in June, 1868, by the Rev. Herman Bisbee, who remained in charge of the society until April, 1869, when he resigned and entered upon a larger field of duty in the West. During his labors here the meeting-house was improved in its interior arrangements. The Rev. G. W. Skinner succeeded Mr. Bisbee as clergyman over the society, and resigned his parochial duties in July, 1871. April 1st, 1872, the Rev. G. "W. Whitney was settled over this parish and continued its pastor until April 1st, 1878, when he accepted a call to take charge of a large and prosperoxis soci- ety at Augusta, Maine. During his stay in Quincy the parish was able to construct a fine and commodious parsonage, and the society was in a flourishing and prosperous condition. The church now contains a membership of about seventy persons, the Sunday School one hundred and eighty-seven, and the congregation more than one hundred and twenty-five fam- ilies and parts of families. The following persons are now the ofiicers of the society, viz : Parish Committee, Dr. J. W. Small, Richard G. Elliott and Chas. H. S. NewcoTub ; Treasurer, Urbane Cudworth, Jr.; Clerk, John W. Moore ; Superintendent of the Sunday School, John O. Hall. May peace and harmony ever continue within its walls. EVANGELICAL COXGREGATIONAL CHURCH. . This denomination of christians is a branch of the old historic church of Xew England, Avhich was for two centuries the estab- lished religion through all the colonial and i)rovincial periods, RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 263 as well as nearly half a century after the formation of the United States Government, and among its noted clerirymen have been found some of the most eminent and profound theological di- vines and scholars in New England. . This church was established in Quincy, between the years 1831 and '32, by a few families who seceded from the Episcopal Society, and some others who M-ere believers in this metliod of worship. This is not, as many suppose, the first organized Congregation- al society in this town. The first Congregational church formed in Quincy, dates its existence back as a distinct denomination, to the year 1639, and continued as such until 1750, when under the ministration of the Rev. Lemuel Brient, after a long and heated controversy with the neighboring churches, and in council, changed its creed from Trinitarian to Unitarian, and is still called the First Church. From that time to 1831, or for nearly a century, there was no Calvinistic organized society in the North Precinct of Braintree, now called Quincy. The faithful few that had convened together for the purpose of disseminating the religious sentiments embodied in Congre- gationalism, engaged the Town Hall, and selected Dr. Lyman Beecher to deliver a course of lectures to them ; this proving so ausj)icious, that in IMarch, 1832, they procured a smaller hall and held regular Sabbath services. Ai)ril 5th, 1832, they formed themselves into a religious soci- ety, and called the Rev. T. Field to preach to them, whose labors were so successful, that they had an Ecclesiastical council con- vened, Aug. 16th, 1832. At this council they adopted the con- fession of faith and covenant, received their solemn charge, and were oflicially constituted a Congregational Church, entitled to all the rights and privileges of the association. They selected as their name the Evangelical Congregational Church of Quincy. At this time the membership consisted of twenty-one persons — five males and sixteen fein:iles. The first two years, they were without a pastor. The judpit was supplied for one year and a half by the Kev. T. Field ; ho being followed by the Rev. Stephen S. Smith, who continual to 264 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. supply the pulpit for the next six months. August 4th, 1834, this young society called for its first j^astor the Kev. William M. Cornell, who accepted this call, and was installed August 20th, 1834, as pastor of the church. Mr. Cornell constructed a house on School street, and also ^ building adjoining for a school house, in which he established a private school, that was quite popular for a time. During his ministration, Mr. Cornell went outside of his parochial duties; making reflections upon the religious character of the town, which so incensed the citizens, that a j^ublic meeting was called to investigate the matter. The meeting assembled in August, 1835, and after a candid consideration of the subject, a commit- tee of eleven of the most influential citizens were chosen to make inquiries into the alleged assertions, and report at an ad- journed meeting. The following jjersons were chosen as this committee : — Hon. John Q. Adams, Thomas Greenleaf, Josiah Brigham, E. Smith, Noah Curtis, Jedediah Adams, Jedediah Hollis, George W. Beal, Ebenezer Bent, Ebeuezer Jewett and Frederick Hardwick. At the adjourned meeting, the committee reported through the Hon. John Q. Adams, their chairman, that "the statement made by the Rev. Wm. M. Coi'uell gravely affected the moral and religious character of the town of Quincy, and was wholly destitute of truth and reasonable foundation." This report was signed by each of the committee, accepted by the town, and by them ordered to be recorded on the tOAvn records. Those who are desirous of perusing this unhajipy matter can be gratified by reading the "Columbian Centinel,'' "Daily Advertiser," "Patriot" and "Trumpet," newspapers of the day; alsa, a pamphlet published at the time, containing the whole of the unhappy controversy. Rev. Mr. Cornell, after a pastorate of about five years, closed his connection with the parish, July 8th, 1839. From this time until Jan. 28th, 1841, the society was witho'ut a clergyman. In the mean time the pvdpit was supplied by various ministers. In 1841, the Rev. William Allen received a unanimous call, which he accepted, and was immediately installed as its pastor. His ministration over the church Avas attended with harmony RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 265 and peace, and after a pastorate of about eight years, it was terminated Aug. 28th, 1849. During his parochial ministration the churcli was enhirged by the addition of twenty pews. The Kev. Xolson Chirk succeeded Mr. Allen, and Avas installed over the churcli Jan. 2d, 1850. During his faithful and laborious ministration an unha]ij)y controversy arose, Avhich resulted in the meeting-house being closed ngainst him, but the larger portion of the society followed their able pastor to the Town Hall, where they worshipped for some time. His ministration over the parish continued about nine years, terminating in 1859. The Rev. Mr. Thayer followed Mr. Clark, and preached here several months, but was not ordained. Tlie Rev. Edward P. Thwing was ordained Nov. 19th, 1862, and after a pastorate of about five years, was dismissed June 24th, 1867. Mr. Thwing was succeeded in his ministerial office by the Rev. James E. Hall, who, having accepted a call from tlie society, was installed April 16th, 1868, and after a ministration of about five years, was dismissed Feb. 4th, 1873. On the 16th of June, 1874, the Rev. Edward Norton, the pres- ent pastor, Avas installed, and under his charge the society has been in a very prosperous condition. The Sunday School num- bers on its roll at tlie present time, three hundred members. The first meeting-house Avas erected on the corner of Canal and Hancock streets, and is now used by the town as a ])ublic library. A short time after the society relinquished holding divine services within its old and familiar walls, the steeple and bell Avere taken doAvn . While the society Avas under the ministration of Mr. Hall, they felt the need of a better and more commodious church, and though the enterprise at first suggestion seemed formidable, yet they did not lack courage to meet the demand. The pastor and people worked resolutely to overcome the emergencies and about the first of June, 1870, the present house of Avorship, on the corner of Hancock and Cliestnut streets, Avas framed and raised. The house is pleasantly located and is very convenient and com- modious. Tlie building is of Gothic architecture, constructed of 35 266 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. wood. The effort has been not to disguise its material by imi- tating stone constructions — an absurd custom too often practised by American architects. The roof and spire are banded with purple and green slate. The small tower at the chapel entrance is 50 feet high — that upon the main building is 123 feet. In this tower there is j^laced a bell weighing 1800 pounds, pitched in the key of F, and of a very fine tone. The cost of building and land was about $36,000. Within three years after the completion of the church the society was entirely free from debt. It was dedicated July 19th, 1871. The first church organized at Wollaston Heights was a union society for religious purposes. They selected a hall in the Wol- laston Hotel as their place of worship, and Sept. 11th, 1870, the first sermon was delivered before them by the Rev. Mr. Davis of Hyde Park, from Kings i : 7. As a distinctive religious sect, the Baptist was the first society organized here, but composed of communicants of other sects. The Congregational element wor- shipping with them, not agreeing with their theological tenets on the questions of baptism and close communion, concluded to establish a church more in accordance with their distinctive religion. The first action for the purpose of organizing a Con- gregational church was taken Sept. 23d, 1874, and on the 7tli of October following, articles of faitli and church polity were agreed upon. The first meeting of a religious nature was a prayer meeting held about the 16th of April, 1875, at tlie house of Mr. J. P. Haynes. These meetings continued to be held at various houses for about a year, or until their meeting-house was erected. For several weeks, however, before the completion of this edifice, their prayer meetings were held in the vestry of the church. The Wollaston Land Association granted them tlie pleasant site upon which their meeting-house is constructed. By the activity of their building committee, they were soon able to complete their fine house for religious worship. An Ecclesiastical council met on the afternoon of May Stb, 1876, and proceeded to recognize and regularly form them as a relig- ious body. The addresses on this occasion were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Longworthy and Plumb, together with Deacon RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 267 Farnsworth and the Rev. Mr. Beiler of the Methodist Church. Mr. A. W. Sprague received the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the society. In the evening of the same day, the church was dedicated. Tlie sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Doe, of Wisconsin, from tlie text found in Hebrew ii. : 4 : — " By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and by it — he being dead, yet speaketh." This was the first sermon ever preached to this society. The church at this time consisted of twenty-one members. For sev- eral weeks the pulpit was supplied by different clergymen, when on the 18th of June, 1876, Dr. F. N. Zabriskie^ their present luinistei*, who was on a visit to Cambridge from Saybrook, Con- necticut, was called to supply the sacred desk. His preaching was so acceptable to them that they extended a call to him to become their pastor, which call was accepted Aug, 8th, and he was installed Oct. 19th, of the same year, although his official connection with this church began Sept. 15th, 1876. He still continues to preach his liberal theology to this infant church : — " We have sought to build up here no mean sectarian organiza- tion. We sincerely desire, and have striven to open, a taber- nacle lofty as the cross and broad as the gospel." This church began with twenty-one members, but at the present time is con- stituted of more than twice that number. The Sabbath School was organized Jan. 16th, 1876, and is in a flourishing condition. The society has been admitted a member of the Suffolk South Conference. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal Church, the most numerous of any one of the Protestant denominations of the United States, had its humble origin in New York, about 1766, from a small com- pany of Irish emigrants who arrived there a short time previous. The first-class reader and local preacher was Philip Embury, one of this little band of christian emigrants. 268 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. From this small beginning soon followed those eminent pio- neers of American Methodism, — Asbury, Coke, Whatcoat, Gar- rettson, Lee, and numerous other shining lights, who laid the foundation of tlie fabric upon Avliich this great and numerous .denomination of liberal theology has been built in flie United States. It was several years after that before this sect began its labors in New England, Avhicli Avas about 1790 ; when the first pioneer of New England Methodism, the Rev. Jesse Lee, on that pleas- ant, serene and memorable July afternoon, took his stand upon an ordinary table, placed under the branches of the venerable old ehn tree that was once the glory of Boston Common — here, an utter stranger without friends or assistance, he commenced liis services by reading a hymn and making a fervent prayer to four persons, but before he had finished proclaiming the great truths of Methodism, his audience had increased to three thou- sand. It was not until about 1838 that a Methodist society was organized in this town, by several persons who had settled at Quincy Point and Germantown, from the Cape towns, for the purpose of carrying on the fish business. After several pre- liminary meetings, they selected a site for their meeting-house at the corner of Washington and South streets. This churcli was soon erected, and Avas dedicated July lOtb, 1838, by the noted Fatlier E. T. Taylor, of tlie old North End Bethel, located at the east side of North square, Boston. It soon came under the jurisdiction of the New England Conference. From tlae circumstance of its having been for a long time the only church located at the Point village, (until recently a Bap- tist society has been formed there,) whose inhabitants Avere made up of persons of various religious beliefs, it has at times been somcAvhat of an independent church — sometimes Avithin the limits of the conference, and at other periods out of its jurisdic- tion. At the present time, the pulpit, by the desire of its Avor- shippers, is supplied by a clergyman of tlu^ Congregational order, Eev. Mr. Drake. While under the charge of the IMethodist Conference, tliis society has had located among them many eminent christians of RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 269 this persuasion ; among whom, were the well-known Rev. John T. Burrell and Rev. Samuel Kelley; the latter has recently done much to increase the usefulness of Methodism in this town. About 1844, Charles A. Cummings, John Andrews, Samuel Higgins and others, seceded from the Point church, and pur- chased a site for a Methodist church at the corner of Sea and Canal streets, (now Chestnut and Canal streets.) Upon this site they had a small chapel built, which was dedicated November 20th, 1844, and came under the jurisdiction of the Providence Conference. The Rev. J. C. Goodridge was the first pastor, who preached here from November, 1844, to June, 1845, and was succeeded by the Rev. Samuei Fox, whose ministerial labors continued two years, or from 1845 to 1847, which is the extent of time that their clergymen are allowed to remain in one place, excepting the superannuated ministers, who are allowed to remain a longer period. Rev. Mr. Fox Avas followed by the Rev. Anser B. Wheeler, who preached here from 1847 to 1849. In 1849, Rev. J. B. Gould commenced his services with this feeble society, and appears to have been the last minister located here. In a short time the faithful few were obliged to dissolve, for the want of financial support. For some years the meeting-house remained closed. About 1864, Mi-. Clift Rogers purchased this estate, and Avas instrumental in having a Spiritualist church established here. In the spring of 1876, this building was purchased by the Quincy Reforni Club, a temjjerance organization, and large ad- ditions Avere made to it, at a cost of seven or eight thousand dollars, (including the interior embellishments,) and Avas ded- icated Aug. 31st, 1876, under the name of "Faxon Hall," and is still in use by the club. In 1872, a Methodist society was organized in West Quincy, and through the untiring exertions of Rev. Samuel Kelley, former pastor of the Methodist Church at Quincy Point, and noAV chaj)- lain of the National Sailors' Tlome, (avIio has done more to disseminate the doctrines of this sect in Quincy than any other ]>erson,) a considerable sum of money Avas collected tOAvards the erection of a church, Avhich stands a short distance off Ceme- 270 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. tery street. In the absence of a located minister over this church Mr. Kelley supplies the pulpit at the present time. The Methodist Society at Wollaston Heights was organized in 1873, and held their services for nearly a year in the school- house, or until their chapel on Beale street was completed, with Rev. S. L. Beiler as pastor. In the year 1877, the conference left the pulj^it to be supplied. Rev. Mark Trafton, who resides there, occasionally supplies the sacred desk; in his absence a part of the summer a Sweden- borgian clergyman has preached to the congregation. At the present time the Methodist churches of this town are without settled jDastors. ^ CATHOLIC CHURCH. The first religion brought to New England by civilized people, was the Catholic, which was as early as 1609, eleven years before the Pui'itans landed on Plymouth rock. The location selected by the two French Jesuit Fathers, Rev. Peter Biard, a native of Grenoble, and Father Enemond Masse, was the Neutral island in Schoodic river. Here they erected a chapel, which in all probability was the first church constructed in New England. This location not proving a desirable one, they in a short time removed this mission to Mount Desert island, at the mouth of Penobscot river; this occurred about the years 1612-13, It was not many years before this religious station was obliged to be given up ; the settlers being driven away by the English.^ — Afterwards Father Druillettes, and some years later, Father 1. At this time Sir Thomas Dale, the Governor of Virginia, fitted out an expedition to dislodge the French from Acadia. "Captain Argall was ap- pointed to the command of the force destined for this purpose, which consisted of three armed vessels. Father Biard, glad of an opportunity to be revenged of Biencourt, offered to pilot the vessels to the basin of Port Eoyal ; and Argall, having reached the Bay of Fundy, entered the harbor and landed forty men. A gun was fired from the battery, as a signal to the people who were abroad, but he advanced with such rapidity that he found the fort abandoned, and im- mediately took possession of it. He then sailed up the river Laquille with his boats, where he viewed their fields, barns and mills. Tliese he spared, but on his return, he destroyed the fort and defaced the arms of the King of France. BBLIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 271 Rale, revived and attempted to carry on this field of christian labor, and their efforts were attended witli some degree of suc- cess ; but the Indian wars and other difficulties interrupted and laid waste their Indian missions after long years of suffering and persecution. In 1713, Governor Dudley made an effort to pros- elyte the Abnaki tribe, by offering to rebuild their church that had been burnt, if they would renounce their religion and receive a Protestant minister instead of a Catholic "blackgown." The noble reply of the Indians to Governor Dudley in his attempt to have them change their creed by bribery, is worthy of all com- mendation.^ Owing to the Province wars, and the French loss Bieucourt was at this time surveying the country at a distance, but being called home, he requested a conference with the English commander. They met in a meadow, with a few of their followers. After an ineffectual assertion of rights equally claimed by both, Biencourt proposed, if he could obtain protection from the Crown of England and get the obnoxious Jesuit in his possession, to divide the fiir trade and disclose the mines of the country. But Argall refused ' to make any treaty, alleging that his orders were only to dispossess him, and threatening if he should find him there again, to consider him as an enemj-. Whilst they were in conference, one of the savages came up to them, and in broken French, with suitable gestures, endeavored to mediate a peace between them, wondering that persons, who appeared to him to be of one nation, should make war on each other. This affecting incident served to put both of them in a good humor. After Argall' s departure, some of the Frenchmen dispersed them- selves in the woods, and mixed with the savages ; others went to the river St. Lawrence, and strengthened the settlement which Champlain had made there; the rest were carried to England, and reclaimed by the French Ambassador. Thus terminated the first effective settlement in North America, after an exist- ence of eight years." — Halliburton's History of Nova Scotia, Vol. I, p. lij. 1. " When the Abiuiki orator heard this singular offer, with great dignity he arose and said, ' You were here first and saw me a long time before the French governors; but neither you nor your nnnisters sjjoke to me of prayer or the Great Spirit. You saw my furs, my beavers and skins, and of these only did you think then. But when the French black(/otcn came, though I was loaded with furs, he disdained to look at them. He sjjoke to me of the Great Spirit of Heaven and Hell, of the prayer which is the only way to reach Heaven. I heard him, and was delighted with his words. At last, the prayer pleased me; I asked to be instructed, and was finally baptized. Thus have the French acted. Had you spoken of the i)rayer, (prayer with the Indians was synonymous with faith) as soon as we met, I should now be so luihappy as to pray like you, for I could not have told whether your prayers were good or bad. Now I hold to the prayer of the French— I agree to it; I shall be faithful to it, even until the earth is destroyed. Keep your men, and your gold, and your ministers; I will go to my French fathers.' " 272 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, of their American possessions, these French and Indian settle- ments came to an end.^ The poet Longfellow has related the persecutions and suf- ferings of the poor Catholics in his sad story of the Acadian heroine, " Evangeline." In Massachusetts, even up to the Rev- olutionary War, Catholicity Avas held in great contempt; the Pope was frequently burnt in effigy, and so much so had this become the practice in the army, that General Washington, on his arrival at the camp at Cambridge, was obliged to issue the following order, which speaks for itself : — " Nov. 5. As the Commander-in-Chief has been apprised of a design formed for the observance of that ridiculous and childish custom of burning the effigy of the Pope, he cannot help expressing his surprise that there should be officers and soldiers in the army so void of common sense, as not to see the impropriety of such a step at this juncture; at a time when we are soliciting, and have really obtained the friendship and alliance of the people of Canada, whom we ought to consider as brethren embarked in the same cause — the defense of the general liberty of America. At this juncture and under such circumstances, to be insulting their religion is so monstrous as not to be suffered or excused; indeed, instead of offering the most remote insult, it is our duty to ad- dress public thanks to these, our brethren, as to them we are so much indebted for every late happy success over the common enemy in Canada." — Sparks' Washington Works, Vol. Ill, p. 144. At the close of the Revolutionary War, a Chaplain of the French Navy, by the name of Claude Florent Bouchard de la Porterie, remained in Boston and privately celebrated mass. His stay, however, was of short duration ; he was followed by the Rev. Louis Rousselet, who was soon succeeded by the Rev. John Thayer, '-^ the first native of New England, (being a descend- 1. See Halliburton's History of Nova Scotia, Vol. I, p. 176; also, Abbe Ray- ual, Vol. 5, pp. 278 to L'86, inclusive, Edinburgh Edition. 2. The Rev. John Thayer was born in Boston, but descended from Old Braintree through Cornelius Thayer, his father. Mr. Thayer was educated for the church, and became a Congregational clergyman. Among his first duties as a minister was holding the position of chaplain to Governor Hancock. At this time he saj's, " Having a secret inclination to travel, I determined to take a European tour, to learn the languages which are most in use, and to acquire a KELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. '273 ant of old Bi-caiiitree,) converted to Catholicity. While travel in u* in Rome he became a convert, and was admitted into the church in INIay, 1783, and prohably was the tirst Catholic Priest who knowledge of the constitution of the States— of the manners, customs, laws and governments of the principal nations, in order to gain by this political knowl- edge a great consequence in my country, and thus become more useful to it. Such were my huniau views, without the least suspicion of tlie secret designs of Providence, which was preparing for me more jirecious advantages." In 17S1, he sailed for France, and from there he journeyed on to Kome, where he might become more familiar with the manners and customs of this classic land. Mr. Thayer had been educated in the religion of the Puritans. His early edu- cation caused him to uourisJi a strong and bitter hatred to all questions con- nected with Catholicity, as well as to all classes and nations, that had embraced these theological views; with all this animosity against this doctrine, he entered Rome. The cordiality by which he was received, soon softened his religious prej- udices. After a candid and prayerful investigation of the principles and doctrines of this religion, its pure refulgent light dawned in upon his anxious soul, and removed all doubt as to his future dutj'. From this time he renounced Protes- tantism, and became a zealous advocate of Catholicity. At the sacred fount of the church at Rome, INIr. Thayer was baptized, received holy orders, and was admitted into this church of Christ in Maj', 1783. On leaving Rome, he returned to Paris, where he immediately entered the famous seminary of St. Sulpice. Here in Paris, after several years of studj' in gaining a more thor- ough knowledge of the theology of the Catholic faith, he was ordained and received the full fellowshii) of the priesthood, and was the tirst Puritan clergy- man convert to the Romish Church. The following letter, written to a friend after the arrival of Mr. Thayer in Hostou, shows the cordiality with which he was received on his return: — " My Dear Fuiend: — I reached Boston on the 4th of January last, and have everywhere been received with the most flattering attention. My own relatives expressed the greatest joy at my return. The Governor of the State, chaplain I formerly was, has promised to do all in his power to forward my views, and favor the work for which I have been sent to Roston, I have received nothing but kindness and attention from the ministers of the town. Many of them have visited me and evinced a degree of cordiality whitdi I had little reason to expect. The officers of the Custom House have also carried their politeness so far as to be unwilling to take anything for my large boxes, which I had procured from France and England, having looked upon their con- tents as things designed for the church. "On the tirst Sunday after my arrival, I announced the word of God, and all flocked in crowds to hear me. A great degree of curiosity is manifested to become acquainted with our belief, and the free toleration allowed here has enabled me to enter into a full expo.sition of it. Rut I was not long in a condi- tion to satisfy the curiosity and eag(!raess of the i)eople of lioston. 1 hacl been only a fortnight in the town when it pleased Almighty God to affiict me with a sickness that kei)t me confined to my bed for a mouth. The danger a^ipeared 36 274 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. publicly oolobratod mass in the little Froiu'h llu>2,uoiiot Churoli, tluMi in School stroot. Boston, which was ivniovod years auo. It stood about where the building numbering U>, 18 aiul '10 now to me so serious, on one occasion, that I request4?d tlie lioly vaticiini of a Fivnoh clergyman, with whom I am associated in the work of the Tx)rd and of his church. My health was restored by degrees, and as soon as I had received suf- ficient strength. T availed myself of the privilege allowed me to celebrate n>ass in my chanibor. When my health was sullioiontly restored. I resumed my functions of preaching, confessing, and visitiuc tlie few sheep that oouii>oselans to found a convent in his native city of Hoston. In ]80;\ Mr. Thayer proceeiled to Europe for this purpose. After having travelled some years in soliciting aid for this project, he was enabled to establish a fund of eight or ten thousand dollars for it. In ISll, he took up his permanent residence in Limerick, Irelaiul, where he acipiirod uuiny ardent and genial friends, among whom was Mr. James Kyan, whose two pious daughters came to Boston and entered the I isuline Convent of Three Kivers. In 1S18, after the expiration of their uoviceship. they began their noble labors in the convent which had been prepared adjoining the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, under Bishop Cheverus. Sisters Jlary .lo.-icph and 31ary Magdalen, as they were called, were the pioneers of this institution. The Ursuliuos removed to tlieir new convent on Mount Benedict, Charlestown, in 1S1.'7. ilr. Thayer, in the early part of 181,"), was taken sick in Limerick, where he died. Though among strangers, his last moments were consoled by the affections and tender care of his devout spiritual followers. ^Ir. Thayer was iu>t a brilliant preacher, but was better adairted to controversy; this being one rea.-^on why he was called to so many extensive liclds of labor. Subsciiuent to the Kevolutioiuxry War, Catholic literature began in controversy, and for many years it was their great and important weapon of defence. The Hcv. dolui Tli.iycr was the ihanipion and originator of this home literatui"e. " RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 275 Stands. This was llie first church occupied by the Catholics of Boston.^ On the arrival of Dr. Matignon in Boston, Aug. 20th, 1792, Father Thayer was somewhat relieved of his arduous duties; enabling hini to extend his field of usefulness, by visiting nearly all the large towns and villages in New England, wlien many converts were made to Catholicity. In 1799, the Kight Rev. Bishop Carroll of Baltimore, (at this time there was but one bishop for all the United States,) desiring some one to open the important field of religious labor in the State of Kentucky, se- lected Father Thayer for the purpose, on account of his adapta- bility and ardent zeal in missionary Avork. While in Kentucky, 1. In Mr. Drake's old landmarks of Boston we find the following in refer- ence to this old church : — "Just before you come to where the Universalist Church formerly stood, ascending School street towards Tremont street, was the little church of the French Hu,<;uenots, of Boston. This was the church of the Faneuils, Baudoius, Sigourneys, Boutineans and Johonnots. The church was built of hrick about the year 1704; was very small, and for a long time its erection was opposed by the town. Before building, the French occupied one of the school-houses. Queen Ann presented a large folio bible to this church, which afterwards fell into the pos.session of Mather Byles; Andrew Faueuil gave in his will three pieces of plate for coninmnion and baptism, besides his warehouse in Kings St. Peirre Daille, the first minister, died in 1715, and was succeeded by Le Mecier. * * * After the dissolution of the society, the house of the French Church fell into the hands of the Twelfth Congregational Society, which arose during the excitement caused by the coming of Whitefield. Mr. Crosswell was the pastor — dying in 1785, when the house passed to the Roman Catholics. Mass was celebrated in the cliarch in November, 1788. It was re- moved in 1802." It is singular enough that the Huguenots who Avorshipped in this church, and who had fled from Catholic persecution, should have fallen into the hands of the Romish Church. On the destruction of this church, they purchased a site on Franklin street, and through the efforts of Rev. Father Matignon, who came to Boston in 17!i-, and of the Rev. John Cheverus, erected the Cathedral Church of the Holy Cross, in 1803. "Bishop Cheverus, afterward Cardinal, was sincerely- beloved in Boston, by the Protestants and Catholics alike. Otis and Quincy were his friends. He took a deep interest in the heated controversy that ensued over the treaty negotiated with Great Britain, by Wash- ington, known as Jay's Treaty. On this question, Harrison Gray Otis came before the people of Boston for the first time, in a public speech, and the good was so charmed with the brilliant oratory of the speaker, that he threw liis arms around Mr. Otis, and exclaimed, while the tears ran down his face: — ' Future generations, young man, will rise and call theo blessed.' " 276 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. the idea occurred to him, that one subject of great importance had been omitted in promulgating and establishing Catholicity in the United States ; and that was, the construction of a con- vent for young Catholic females for their christian education. So firmly had this idea become impressed on his mind, that he relinquished his ministrations in Kentucky, and went to Europe for the purpose of soliciting means for this noble institution, where he procured eight or ten thousand dollars. From the proceeds of this fund, under the direction of Right Rev. Dr. Cheverus, (to whose charge the design and construction was left by Mr. Thayer at the time of his death,) a convent was erected, near and in connection with the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Franklin street, Boston. This convent was removed to the ill-fated one on Mount Benedict, Charlestown, Mass., in March, 1827. So Father Thayer, after all the ridicule and con- tumacy that had been thrown out against the idea of erecting such an institution in the State, was by his untiring exertions, successful in accomplishing the object, of all others which he most desired ; and to him must be attributed the honor of being its worthy founder. Fortunately he did not live to be pained by seeing this institution .so near his heart, fall a victim to the incendiary's torch by the prejudice and bigotry of his own coun- trymen, on the 11th of August, 1834. As far as we have been able to learn, the first mass celebrated in (Juincy, was in the old Crane house, on Common street, in 1828 ; this estate now being in the ])Ossession of Mr. John Fal- len. Father French of Eastport, State of Maine, officiated on this occasion. At various times mass was celebrated in the old long house, (so called,) which Avas located on Adams street, a short distance north-east of Eaton's bridge. About 1839-40, occasional mass was celebi-ated by Father T. Fitzsimmons of South Boston, in the old West District school- house, from which they were expelled by those persons of the district Avho were opposed to Catholicity ; .but, after talking the matter over Avith those Mdio had objected to their Avorshipping there, reconciliation Avas effected and services were resumed again in the old school-house, AAdiere they remained until the erection and dedication of the St. Mary's Church, on Cemetery RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. ZU street. This society being now orgnnizecl, and their meeting- house built, Father Fitzsimmons first began religious services in it in the fall of 1842. He was succeeded by Father John O'l^cirne in 1843, who remained with them about one year, or until 1844, when the bishop appointed him to take charge of a parish in Roxbury Highlands. After tlie removal of Father O'Beirne, the Rev. Bernard Carraher was appointed his successor over the St. Mary's, July 27th, 1845, and was tlie first resident priest. After remaining here a few years he received his dismission, and Fath- er Fitzsimmons was recalled to officiate over this church, Avhere he remained three or four months; being succeeded by Father Rodden, who took charge of this extensive mission in December, 1848. This mission included at that time, the towns of Abing- ton, Randolph, Kraintrec, Weymouth, Hingham, Cohasset and Milton. Father Rodden Avas a person of fine ability, improved by a filiislicd education and extensive reading. At this time he was the princij)al literary editor of the Boston Pilot. His judi- cious management of the society, and his amiability, not only made him popular with his parish, but also with the town's peo- ple. At the close of his peaceful labors Avith this rapidly increas- ing mission, the bishop directed that Father Ikoche should officiate as Parish Priest over the 8t. John's Church. Father Roche continued his able and efficient ministrations over his faithful flock for several years, and Avas succeeded by the Rev. James llalley, Avho Avas oiie of the most devout fathers that was ever installed over them ; untiring in his exertions for the the spiritual advancement of the society, working night and day, out of season as Avell as in season, for their temporal comfort. His social (pialities were such as to endear him to all. By his executive ability aiid uiicominon economical administi'ation of the affairs of the parisli, he was gratified at the close of his pas- torate, to inform them that they were free from all debt. Rev. James Sullivan followed Fatlier Halley as parish priest, but after being connected with the society for several years liis health failed him, and a great share of the arduous duties of (lie church was conducted by the curate. After some time of painful suf- fering from a lingering consunipl ion, he was rt'niovc(l by death from his parochial aptist society in Randolph. After a prayerful consultation, they agreed to form a church, and selected several of the brethren as a committee to prepare 292 KELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. a covenant and articles of faith. At a subsequent meeting, the covenant and articles of faith were submitted to them. After a careful consideration, they were accepted, to which thirty breth- ren and sisters subscribed, and at the completion of the building, of the meeting-house, in November, there were forty-seven members on the roU.^ This little flock invited the Rev. Warren Bird to become their first pastor, who accepted, and was installed in April, 1820, "at a salary of one hundred pounds lawful money." Owing to ill- health, Mr. Bird's labors were of short duration, he being obliged to resign his charge in May, 1821. Mr. Bird subsequently em- braced the doctrine of Swedenborg. He was born in Marsh- field, Mass., Oct. 25th, 1791, and died at Foxboro' in 1863. A few months after the resignation of Mr. Bird, or in September, 1821, the Rev. S. C. Dillaway was selected to supply the pulpit for one year. He was succeeded by the Rev. Benj. Putnam, who had for some time been supplying the sacred desk, and received a call to become their pastor. After accepting the position, he was ordained July 2d, 1823. Mr. Putnam's pros- perous labors terminated with this parish April 1st, 1829. This worthy divine was born Sept. 1st, 1788, in BakerstoAvn, Maine, and commenced preaching at the early age of eighteen years. For one year the Rev. Amos Lefavour supplied the church, after which the Rev. Joseph M. Driver was installed Nov. 16th, 1830. He remained until October, 1832, when he was dismissed to assume another pastorate. Mr. Driver was followed by the 1. The following is a list of members upon the roll at the completion of the meeting-house :— Daniel Alden, Seth Alden, Hosea Alden, William Ahlen, Harmony Alden, Thankful Alden, Phebe Beals, Hepsibah Howard, Polly- Lines, Aaron Littlefield, Micah Littlefield, Meribah Littlefield, John Madan, John Madan, Jr., Abigail Madan, Benjamin Mann, Seth Mann, Hannah Mann, Louisa Mann, Polly Mann, Mary D. Keed, Avis Smith, Zeba Smith, Joshua Spear, Joshua Spear, Jr., Otis Spear, Zeba Spear, Hannah Spear, Nancy Spear, Polly Spear, Sarah Spear, Jonathan Stetson, Charlotte Stetson, Joshua Thayer, Shadrach Thayer, Zaccheus Thayer, Thomas W. Tolman, Sarah Tolman, Betsy Tucker, Jonathan Wales, Jonathan Wales, Jr., Caleb White, Calvin White, Livingston White, Micah White, Nathan White, Sarah White. The first clerk of the church was Thomas W. Tolman. His sou, Gilbert A. Tolman, was afterwards clerk for about twenty years. Seth Alden and Zeba Spear were their deacons, and Dr. Jonathan AVales acted as treasurer. RELlGIOirS SOCIETIES. 293 Rev. J. M, Coley, who, after having supplied the church for several months, was installed June 11th, 1833, and after a short pastorate, relinquished his charge in February, 183G. The sixth minister that was called to preach to them, was the Rev. Conant Sawyer, who was ordained in April, 1836, and during his short term of service the vestry of the church was constructed. The subscription commenced in the dying chamber of that noble, generous and worthy pillar of the church, Mr. Thomas W. Tol- man, who then gave $200 in aid of that building. Mr. Sawyer's pastorate closed in 1838. He was born in Monkton, Vermont, May 28d, 1805, and was about thirty-one years of age when he began his labor of love with the parish. Mr. Sawyer was suc- ceeded by the Rev. Otis Converse, who was installed April 1st, 1838, under whose ministrations large accessions were made to the membership of the church, but ill health compelled him to resign his pastorate. His successor was the Rev. Charles H. Peabody, who was settled over this society in December, 1840. During the great revival under his labors, he baptized seventy- three persons in the months of January, February and March. His labors seem to have impaired his health ; as, while this good work was going on, he was called by his Master, April 21st, 1842, from these arduous services to attend to the higher duties of singing eternal Hosanna around the altar of his God. Mr. Pea- body was born at Amherst, New Hampshire, now Mount Ver- non, June 12th, 1799, and was forty-three years of age at the time of his regretted and much-lamented death ; after whom, the Rev. Henry Clark was settled over this church, in 1842, and relinquished his charge in December, 1846. Mr. Clark was succeeded by the Rev. R. W. E. Brown, of Portland, Maine, who Avas ordained June 22d, 1848, and in less than a year, resigned. A few months after, the Rev. Thomas Driver, who had been su])plying the pulpit, was settled over this parish. He resigned his pastoral charge April 1st, 1852. The church then extended an invitation to the Rev. Benjamin Wheeler to become their pastor, who accepted, and in May of the same year, began his labors, which were terminated Dec. 2d, 1858. His resignation was much regretted. Mr. Wheeler was followed by the Rev. William F. Stubbert, -01 KKl.ltJlOl'S KOtMKTTlCS. wluwiitcri'il Upon his(liili»\s April Isl, IS.i'.i, w licit' lu' olVu i.'iU'tl ' Mr. \» nil riiuMi'u upiiu lusiiiiiH'.s .vpiii isi, i,-v.i;', \\ licit' lie diiici.ii ('(I willi m-c:it .ufcplMbilil y until he resigned, Ot't. 7lli, IS(il). INlr. SluhlnMl w :is sucfcctlctl hy I lie K'c\ . NN'illcll \'ary in April, ISttti. whose pMstiUMf t' w MS ol* liul eleven iiitnilhs" iliii:il iiui. In .Inne, IS(»S, John I'lyor, h. I )., w mm enga^'tnl lis nImIciI supply, l'(>r six nuMiths. At the t>\ [lirMt ion ttf his term, he \> ms re- .......... ...I I.. \.,..;i !..< ivi-.o t..,i .,..,<; I 1.;. 1..1 •;) 1 I . ' I .-. 1 A 1 I 1 I ' I I I 1 I .^ , .11 I I U t \ I ) 1 I . I I I W I I * » I I I I ,T I \ 1 i I I , cneMm'il to .\piil 1st, IS(>;i, hut eontinuetl his l.iliois iinti isl, of the sMiue \t'Mr. in ()itoliei-, the K'e\. .Imiiics I'".. Wilson rci'cixeil M e.ill ms m i>;t)»)tl shepherd I'or t his ehrisi inn lloek, nnd w .IS ordMliied in I )t'i'i, iiiiil still idtly ministers to their spirit umI w.iiits. I'ri'vitxis to IjiMHy; NOttlt>tl Mt l\Mntlolph, he liMtl lieen the p.istor of tlio First Haptist. ( 'hureh ill l?e\t'ilv sivlecn ycMis. The nnnilter of eonimnui('Mnts :i(hled to the ehui-eh since the prt'sent p.Mstor w :is tird.'iincd, is si\t\ three, .ind the whole nnmlier of memher.s of the ehnrch Mt the lu'cseiil time is two hundred Mini sixty-t)nt'. 'The lou;;t'st |>MsttMMte in the histtUN' of the pMiish w ms six ye.Mis Mild siv lutuitlis. '['he elei'>;yiii:m tlnit served this length of time w MS the K'ev. l>cniMiiiin Wheeler. The Ntulh l>Mptist,or :is it is now cMllcd, the l''irst l>Mptist. Church of liMiidolph, luiill their first iiiect in;', house on the prOH- ent site in ISl'.l, Mt m cost ,(H»0, .iiid it w ms tIe.licMted Nt>V. oti, t»f the s.Miiie vcMr. .Ainoii;;,' the hir^cst snhsciihers w :is I >r. W.mIcs, who !;m\i' !ii<;i(l(l. Its diineiisions were l;» l>y ;»(> feel. The hind iiptMi w liicli it. w'.is const nictt'd, w :is i^'cnertuisly hcipicMthcd lt> them 1>\ INIr. /eli.i Spe:ir, a wtM'lhy memher tif the church Mt. its lirst tuj^'.Miii/.Mt ion. The church w ms cnhiri'i'd mihI othcrw'iso iinp|-o\ctl in ISI,'!, .il. :in e\peiisi< etpi;il to its tirsi cost. In I S7'i, llic (picstiiui tif renioy the niemhers td" the Hoeiel.y. Imnu'diMic Mcliou w ms t.ilvcn for this purpose. Mini il. WMH HO inotlei'ui/.cd il litciMlly w ms ni.hh' .1 new sinietiire at. n cost id" :i!<'Ji't(l(l. ,S|i,.rl ly :if|er, t he meiiilicis of the pMiisli ctUl eludeil lliMt, the iM cliunli (Ui^lil. to he reno\Mletl, Mini heiny; liheiMlly supplied with suiricieni mcMiis, they lteu;Mi> t(» recon- htrncl il, from ihe imi, iisiii!.'; such porlioii of the «dd KELIOIOUS SOCIETIES. 295 ]>uil<]ing as they thouglit necessary. The oh] church was ex- toiided at }K»tli C'IhIh, inakinj^ the whole length of the jjresent edifice ninety-four feet l>y fifty-KCven in width, and virtually a new structure was built on the most itnjiroved system of architecture, A graceful Hj>ire of one hundred and sixty feet adorns this fine and beautiful meeting-house, and in the belfry a new bell of eighteen hundred pounds weight was jdaced, pitched in tlie key of F. A new town clock was also added for the con- venience of tlie neigliborhood. Tliis was all accomplished at a cost of ^;{0,()00, which fias all been jtaid, leaving tlie society out of debt or emljarra.sstriciit. TliiH (idifice is a conspicuous orna- riH'.ut to the pleasant town of Randolph, This society celebrated their senii-centennial anniversary Nov. Ttli, 1809, with becoming anpriate servi(;es. The anniversary of tlie organ- i/alion of the parish falling on Wednesday, the /id day of Nov., 180'J, they decided to celebrate that event with suitable cere- monies on the following Sabbath, Nov. 7th. Two of the former pastors took a part on this occasion. The old folks who had belonged to the old choir enlivened the oc<'asion with their (piaint hymns arul j)salmH, accoin|)ani(;d by the anticptated instrumental choir music; of tlu; "olden times" — the base viol, violin, flute and horn. The church was finely decorated, and approi)riately selected texts and mottoes wer(; surrounded with evergreens. The M(!thodist Chapel is located on the pleasant eminence calliMJ Tower Ilill, and is now in a flourishing condition under the judicious ministrations of the Rev. Mr. CJoIman. This society is within the JMi'isdiction of tin; New Kiigland Conference, and can worship in this (tliapcl as long as tlujy com])ly with the con- ililions of th(f propiietor; which is, that they shall hold regular services here on the Sabbath. Th(! St. Alary 's Catholic; Clnir<;h was organized Dec. 1st, 1H4S. Kath(!r Ritihlcn, soon ;il'tcr a sociiety was formed, had ere(;ted ihc pl(';isant and ciiniiniKlions niceting-house for the public worship of (ioil. The first parish |>riest was the K'cv. .Mr. K'oddcn. 'I'lic |ii(S( lit pastor is the; Rev. Tlios. O'lJricn. The iiiiiiibcr of members of (lie churcli, incliiding llolbrook, is 1800. 296 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. IIOLBROOK CHURCHES. Tliis town was formerly East Randolph, l)ut M^as incorporated as a distinct town, Feb. 29t]), 187*2. Mr. Elisha N. Holbrook, (a wealtliy inhabitant of the town,) informed its citizens that if they would jn-ocure an act of the Legislature to change the name of the town from East Randolph to Holbrook, he would make them a public bequest, by giving them sufficient means to erect a com- modious town hall ; also a fund to establish a public library, which they agreed to do. The citizens of the town petitioned tlie CTcneral Court for this purpose, and after considerable man- agement, they succeeded in getting an act passed by the Legis- lature clianging the name from East Randolph to Holbrook. The iirst society was established Dec. 15th, 1818, by a large number of Mr. Pomeroy's church, in West Randolph, seceding and forming themselves into a distinct parish, which was incor- porated as the East Parish of Randolph. The Rev. David Rrigham was their first pastor, who was installed on the 21st of Dec. 1819, and continued his labors of love for seventeen years, being dismissed Nov. 22d, 1836. Mr. lirighani was succeeded by the Rev. Dennis Powers, who was ordained Dec. 5th, 1838, and received his discharge April 15th, 1841. Mr. Powers was followed by the Rev. AYilliam A. Peabody, who was settled over this church Marcli 2d, 1843, and relinquished his charge Oct. 2d, 1849, having been appointed professor at Amherst College. This vacancy was filled by the eminent divine. Rev. Ezekiel Russell, who was ordained May 8th, 1850, and resigned his pastorate Jan. Isl, 1856. This society was mei-ged into the Winthrop Cliurch, Dec. 30t]i, 1856, and Dr. Russell was called to settle over them as their pastor, and was ordained Feb. 3d, 1857. Tlieir meeting-house, as Avell as the fine town hall of Holbrook, was consununl by fire, on Christmas morning in 1877, a great and severe loss to this young village. In the south village of Holbrook, called Brookville, is located the Baptist Church, which was organized JVIay 30th, 1868, and at the time of writing these sketches of the churches in Hol- brook, this society was without a settled clergyman. SOCIETIES IN GENEEAL. MASONRY. Tliis ancient fraternity claims its existence back to the build- ing of King Solomon's Temple. " But on the plains of Shinnr man again rebelled, and as a punishment of his rebellion, at the lofty tower of Babel, language was confounded, and Masonry lost. The philosophers and sages, however, still retained, or discovered by the dim light of nature, some traces of these great doctrines of Masonry, the unity of God, and the immortality of the soul. But these doctrines they dare not teach in public, for history records what would have been the fate of such temerity when it informs us that Socrates paid the forfeit of his life, for his boldness in proclaiming these truths to the Athenian youths." " They therefore taught in secret what they were afraid to inculcate in public, and established for this purpose the ancient mysteries, those truly masonic institutions, which by a series of solemn and imposing ceremonies, prepared the mind of the initiated for the reception of those unpopular dogmas, while by the caution exercised in the selection of candidates, and the obligations of secrecy imposed upon them, the teachers were secured from all danger of popular bigotry and fanaticism. Their members went through a secret ceremony of initiation, by which they became entitled to a full participation in the esoteric knowledge of the order, and were in possession of certain modes of recognition known only to themselves." Although there has been some change in the ritual and symbols from the first ancient mysteries, still they approximate in a great measure to the original craft. The degrees have been varied in number and character, from the original, and are com- paratively of modern date. The following ancient degrees 39 298 SOCIETIES IN GENERAL. contain all the legitimate and noble elements of Masonry: — Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason. What can be more enobling, both to the spiritual and humane charac- ter, than the great principles of religion and morality, inculcated and imparted by the imposing ceremony to the Apprentice on taking his first degree, when the lesson " of humility and con- tempt of earthly grandeur is impressed upon his mind by symbolic ceremonies, too important in their character ever to be forgotten." "The beauty and holiness of charity depictured in emblematic modes are stronger and more lasting than mere language can ex- press." Although he is an Entered Apprentice, and allowed to sit in the lodge of his degre.e, he cannot speak or vote in the proceed- ings. The Fellow Craft, on entering, is instructed in the enlarge- ment of the mind and truths of the science, now clothed in the white garment of innocence, he advances by the j^orch of the temple to the middle chamber, where he is taught the method of discriminating between a friend or foe; he is directed to the wonders of nature and art, and the differences between operative and speculative Masonry are unfolded, until by instruction and contemplation, he is led to view with reverence and admiration the glorious works of the creation, and is inspired with the most exalted ideas of the perfection of his Divine Creator. Master Mason is the third degree of all the rites. In this, which is the perfection of symbolic or ancient craft Masonry, the purest truths are unveiled. " None but he who has visited the Holy of holies, and travelled the road of peril can have any con- ception of the mysteries unfolded in this degree ; its solemn observances diffuse a sacred awe, and inculcate most impressively the lessons of religious truths. From the sublimity of the truth developed in it, and from the solemn nature of the ceremonies, it has received the appellation of the ' Sublime Degree.' From this degree alone can the officers of the lodge be chosen." The first Supreme Council of the 38d degree, was established in Charleston, South Carolina, by John Mitchell and others. May 31st, 1801, and on the 5th of August, 1813, a similar SOCIETIES IN" GENERAL. 299 council was legally authorized in the city of New York, by the proper authorities. " This, and the council at Charleston, are the only recognized councils which exists, or can exist, accord- ing to the secret constitution of tlie United States. The seat of this council has, within a few years, been removed to Boston." The Rural Lodge of Quincy, grew out of a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons formed in Randolph,^ the 8th of June, 1801, and of Masonry, 5801.^ 1. Tlie Randolph Lodge ■n-as temporarily orlaces, as a committee now to be chosen, to join with the major part of the Selectmen, Mr. 328 SCHOOLS. Joseph Crosby, Lt. Samuel Allen, Mr. Epraira Thayer, shall agree, and to agree with the school-master." May 15th, 1728. " The moderator then put the question to the town whether the Middle Precinct in the town should have lib- erty to move the school now kejjt in that precinct to two other places, to be kept at each place a third part of the year, (or half a year at each if the said precinct see cause ;) provided the said precinct will be at the whole charge of such removal, the place nominated being one at the south-east corner of the little pond, where the ways part, and the other near the house of Nathaniel Wales. And it was voted in the affirmative." We now come to the first vote to establish a school in that part of the town, now Randolph. Nov. 2d, 1730. " A memo- rial of the new South Precinct was then laid before the town, which was presented at the last town meeting, concerning a school there, and the question being put whether the new South Precinct shall have eight pounds paid out of the town's treasury toward supporting a school in that i:)recinct yearly, until the town take further order, the first year to be understood to com- mence from March last. It jDassed in the affirmative." For thirty years matters went on in this manner, or until the population had become so large in the various precincts, that it was found to have become necessary to establish permanent school-houses in each of the precincts. March, 1763. "Voted, that there be a school-house built in each precinct of said town, at the town's expense ; that the school-house in the Middle Precinct be erected on the south-east corner of Mr. Benjamin Hayden's land, at the lane leading to Mr. Lemuel Thayer's ; that the school-house in the North Pre- cinct be erected opposite the ten-mile stake ; that the South Precinct have liberty to provide a place upon which to erect a school-house." We have given all the material history of the schools of the three towns, nearly to the time when they became distinct and independent townships. After the separation of the town, it became necessary for its inhabitants to reorganize their school system. In 1792, the first action taken by the town was to appoint the Selectmen to in- SCHOOLS. 329 spect the schools, and seventy-five poiuula were appropriated, to be raised by taxation for their support. April 11th, 1793, the town voted to build a school-house^ on the training field, which embraced all the land M'here the First ("liurt'h now stan*ds, a jKirt of AVasliington street and a large share of Temple street. This building was a plain, two-story house, and stood about one hundred feet north of the church. 1. This school-house stood nearly opposite the Granite National Bank, on what then was called the training field. The school-room was about twenty by twenty-eight feet, and not very conveniently arranged for the accommodation of the scholars. The estimated cost of this school-house was ninety pounds. The writing desks and seats were long, and constructed for the use of from four to eight pupils. No paint, blackboards, maps or mottoes adorned its walls. The proclivity of the New England youth in the use of tlie jack-knife was fully exemplified by the various carvings on its blackened walls. Its heating apjiara- tus was a tire-place, and a small box stove, in which wood, instead of coal was used for warming the room. In cold winter days the pupils would, on coming to school, burst into a furor of indignation because their ink was frozen, and they were obliged to stand around the fire for half a day to thaw their ink, and limber up their digital extremities so that they could write their exercises. For some three months of the year the school was divided, and the advanced pupils were sent to the upper room, which was called the " ciphering school." About 180(), Alpheus Cary taught this school two years, and Mr. John A\')iitnej' three years; Mr. Josiah Brigham from 1811 to 1814, when he was succeeded by Mr. William Seaver, the veteran school-master of Quincy, who for twenty-eight years taught school in the centre and south parts of the town, and was instructor for its youth and adult pupils for a longer time than any other person. Mr. Eliot Valentine and Ibrahim Bartlett, also taught the "ciphering school." All these teachers, with the exception of Mr. Alpheus Cary, were from North- boro', in Worcester County, of this State. The raw-hide securely locked in the master's desk was the great discipliner of that period. At this time Mrs. Bass, widow of Deacon Jonathan Bass, kept a dame school in a dwelling-house on Poverty street, so called, now Franklin, near the southerly junction of Pearl. Why the street was called Poverty, was on account of a weed by that name growing in abundance in it, and not from the poverty of its residents. This weed has long since disappeared. A horse block was located on the training field. This relic of antiquity was on the southeasterly part of this field, nearly opposite Mr. CI. F. Wilson's store, Temple street, where the lamp-post now stands. "It consisted of a granite block about seven feet long and three and one-half feet wide. It was supported at either end by small blocks, projecting beyond the upper blocks, so as to form steps. I ts use was to enable persons who came to church, town meeting or for other, to mount their horses with greater ease and con- venience. At this period horse-back riding was very common, as carriages were exiiensive, and not generally in use. 43 330 SCHOOLS. The upper story was used as a town hall, and in the winter a "ciphering school" was kept in the same room; on the lower floor the Grammar school was taught. The first town meeting held in this hall was on Thursday, Dec. 8th, 1796. This build- ing was burnt Dec. 29th, 1815, and until a .new school-house could be constructed, the school Avas kept in the hall of the house, near the eastei'ly corner of P"'ranklin and School streets, next building south of the Tiger cnghie-house. After considerable contention upon selecting a site for the rebuilding of the town hall and school-house, it w:is finally decided to erect one on land contiguous to the southerly part of the Hancock Cemetery, and the building was constructed in 1817. It remained in this locality until 1841, when it was moved to near the site where the Coddington school-house now stands. After remaining there some fourteen years, it was moved again to nearly its old site, Avhere it was remodeled and additions made. It is now used as the District Court-room. The first recorded appropriations for the establishment of the Primary Departments, in the various local neigliborhoods, was in 1800. That year there were approjDriated $400 for the several school districts, and the man's school in the centre of the town, which were divided as follows: — The man's school, $270.00; Farms District, $27.50 ; Squantum District, $10.00 ; Hough's Neck District, $22.50 ; Old Field's District, $11.00 ; Penn's Hill District, $22.50 ; Wood's District, $22.50 ; North District, $14.00.-^ This appropriation was made in accordance Avith the number of pupils in each locality. Tlie meets and bounds were not run for the school districts until 1809, viz : — 1. Thinking it may be of use to those who are interested in the progress of the schools of the town, we give the town appropriations for the public schools, for every fifth j'ear up to 1855. Since that period they can be found in the pub- lished reports of the committees : — ]805, — Mau's school at the school-house, $400 ; woman's school at the school- house, $40 ; North District, $40 ; Farms District, $40 ; Wood's District, $40 ; Hough's Neck and Germantown, $40; Old Field's District, $40; Squantum, $16. 1810, — Man's school at Centre District, $420 ; woman's school at the Centre District, $40 ; North District, $40 ; Wood's District, $40 ; Farms District, $40 ; Hough's Neck and Germantown, $40 ; Old Field's District, $40 ; Penn's Hill Di-strict, $40; Squantum, $18; Joseph Hunt, Jr., .$4. 1815, — Mau's school at Centre, $470 ; woman's at Centre, $44 ; North District, SCHOOLS. 331 Hough's Neck ami Germnntown, to inohule all easterly of the causeway near Half Moon, so called, to be one district. Old Field's District, or what is now called the Point, to begin at and include Nedebiah Bent's, Jr. ; also, to begin at and in- clude Edward Miller's, Esq., and to include all easterly of said place. Penn's Hill, to liegin at Braintree line and extend northerly as far as the church. (This church was the Episcojial, then located at the corner of School and what is now Phipps streets.) Also, to include Deacon Veazie's IMill. Wood's District, to begin at and include the house lately oc- cupied by Benjamin Pray, deceased, and also to include Richard Dexter's house, and all southerly of said place to the Braintree line. North District, to begin at and include Capt. Benjamin Bcal's dwelling house, and run to Milton line, and southerly as far as ^44 ; Farms District, $44 ; Squantuni, $18 ; Hough's Neck and Gennantown, $44 ; Old Field's District, $44 ; South District, $44 ; Wood's District, $44 ; Joseph Hunt, Jr., $4. 1820,— Man's school at Centre, including ink and fuel, $C35 ; woman's school at Centre, $57 ; man's school at Farms, $(>(! ; North District, $(iO ; Hough's Neck and Gennantown, $00 ; Old Field's District, $60 ; South District, $60 ; Wood's District, $G0 ; Squantum, $27 ; Joseph Hunt, Jr., $o. 1825,— Man's school at Centre, $085 ; woman's at Centre, $00 ; man's school at the Farms, $71 ; woman's, $60; North District, ^60 ; Hough's Neck and Germantown, $00 ; Old Field's District, $(i0 ; South District, $00 ; Wood's Dis- trict, $00 ; Squautum, $24. 1830, — Master's school at Centre, $423 ; wood and ink, $50 ; Master's school in South District, $425 ; wood and ink, $30 ; Master at the Point, $140 ; Master at the Farms, $120 ; Centre Primary, $00; South Primary, $60 ; North Primary, $00 ; Farms Primary, $00 ; Wood's, $00 ; Point, $00. 1835, — At this period, the town made a general .appropriation, and the com- mittee divided the money according to the wants of the several districts. The amount to he raised this year hy taxation for the schools was $2,000. 1840, — The amount to be assessed for schools was $2450. 1845, — There were as.sesscd and collected at this time for schools $3100. The town increased their appropriations nine hundred for the year 1850, making the aTuount $4000. In 1855, the appropriation was increased to nearly double what it was the year previous, or thirty-tive hundred dollars, making the whole amount $7500. The whole number of children between the ages of five and fifteen for the year 1855, were 115SI. For further investigations, see School CJommittees' reports, the first publi- cation in pamphlet form, was in 1851. 332 SCHOOLS. to include Neddy Curtis's farm. Tlie school-house for this dis- trict was located near the junction of Common and Adams streets. This district was afterwards organized as the West School District which inchided at that time the greater part of the West Quincy village, it being principally settled on or towards Adams street. S(piantum District embraced all the families on said place whi(t]i appertain to this town. Farms District began at and included the Avidow Mariah Ann Tieal's house, and extended to Dorchester and Milton line; also, as far as, and inchnled, Mr. John Billings' farm. Centre Distri(;t included all not within the bounds of the afore- mentioned districts.' The bounds wore run Aj)ril 8d, 1809. In 1810, the name of the Penn's Ilill District was changed to t. The Centre District was organized as a pru( district in 1831. Abner Willett was chosen the first prudential coinniittee, in whicli office he served three years. The last committee chosen in the district was Mr. John llard- wick, in 1852. The first clerk chosen was Mr. Lewis Bass, who served seven years. The last clerk was Edwin H. Ravillc who served as such for the years 18.51-2, or until the district was dissolved. The first meeting of the South School District for the purpose of organiz- ing as a j)rudeiitial district was on a warrant issued by the Selectmen in con- formity to the statute. The meeting was held Marcli 'i.'jth, 1831. At this meeting Mr. Samuel Curtis was chosen prudential committee, and Mr. George Veazie, clerk. A committee was selected to ascertain how the money should be expended which the district was entitled to, and the number of schools that should be kept within its limits. At an adjourned meeting held the 28th of the same month, it was voted to divide the district at Mr. John Veazie' s, the easter- ly bound to be the Town Common, and that the Wood's District should have its ])roportion of tlie money according to the number of children within its limits between the ages of four .an. 15 2 Z 4 2 3 4 3 1 5 () () 368 MILITARY. seems to have been considerable insubordination among those wlio were drafted in Braintree for an expedition to Canada : — "Brantky, July, 1689. " Therefore this is to signify, To the Honorable Governor and Council setting at Boston, That I have taken all the pains, and used all means to pursuade men, but by reason of Bad Councill by some evil persons with us, that discourage our men, that out of 13 men impressed there is not but two or three who will go. I can do no more, without there be some sent for and made ex- amjjle to the rest. To behold such a spirit, is of an awfull con- sideration. "I beg your advice and direction what I shall do. To day 5 or 6 come to my house, all left fell off. Humble Servant, Edmund Quinsey." The names of those who would not obey : — " Caleb Hobart, William Nightingale, ffrancis Almy, Josiah Haiden, Joseph Pen- niman, Josiah Belcher, Thomas Copeland." Benjamin Ludden, as will be seen by the preface to his will,^ is an illustration of the spirit of the times. He was one of the soldiers engaged in the Indian wars, who appears to have been insiHi-ed with the same ardor and religious enthusiasm as the knights of old on their crusade to the Holy Land, in their con- flict and descent on Palestine for the recovery of Jerusalem from the infidels. The treaty at Eyswick produced a lull in the storm of cruel warfare which had so long hung upon the English frontiers, con- tinually menacing the Colonists with wide-spread destruction. 1. " I, Benjamin Ludden, in New England, being now called for thas a soul- dier in the time of great distress for to fight the Lord's battles against the bloody enemies of the Christ and people of God in New England, namely, those Auti Christians and bloody ffrench, together with those Bloody, Marther- ous and Salvage Indians, And considering whether I may return again with my life to see my parents, wife and relations, Committing my soul to God that gave it, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and my body to the dust from whence I came, Hopping that both soul and body shall be raised up by the power of my Redeemer and meet together at the day of Res- urectiou when I shall enjoy the blessed presence of Jesus Christ, Saints, An- gels, and that to all eternity." Suff. Prob. Rec, Vol. VIII, p. 23. 1G90. MILITARY. 369 It was very brief- however, for pretexts for another war were soon found. James the Second died in September, 1701. While an exile he had been sheltered by Louis the Fourteenth, who acknowledged his son Charles Edward, the pretender, as the lawful heir to the English throne. This seriously offended the English, as the crown had been given to Anne, the second daughter of James, who was considered a Protestant. In con- nection with this, and other causes, England considered it a sufficient pretext to declare war with France. In 1702,. hostili- ties began, which continued until the treaty of Utrecht, in 1713. During this conflict the Colonists suffered much from the cruel- ties of the Indians, who were under the influence of the French, and Braintree was obliged to bear her j^rojjortion in supplying men and means in carrying on this unfortunate conflict. This was called Queen Anne's War. In 1707, the town had so increased in population that they were able to organize two military companies ; one in the north part of the town, which consisted of seventy-two families, under command of Edmund Quincy ; and one in the south part, or what is now called Braintree, consisted of seventy-one families, under the command of Capt. John Mills. We have nothing material to relate of military matters from this time until 1739, when Col. Joseph Gooch came to Braintree and was chosen moderator of a town meeting. At this time, this curious individual commenced his military and political in- trigues. He was supposed to have been born in Boston — a man of property and education, and a lawyer by profession. Finding that his secret manipulations would not avail him much in Bos- ton, he came here and became a churchman, and immediately commenced his plottings with Mr. Miller and Mr. Apthorp, in- fluential friends of Governor Shirley, promising them, if they would send him as representative to the General Court and procure liim the position of colonel of the regiment, he would build them a tower for their church at his own expense. This proposition appears to have been satisfactory, as he was elected representative and received his commission as colonel of the regiment. This purchased popularity soon vanished ; the third 48 370 MILITARY. year the inhabitants of the town decided not to re-elect him. This caused him to become so indignant that he declared he would no longer reside in Braintree, nor construct a steeple for the church. He removed to Milton Hill, and there built him a house, which was called the Church-hill House, where he resided about thirty years.^ After a quietude of some years, Governor Shirley concluded to have another trial of militaiy strength with the French. 1. 17G0. Mr. John Adams gives the following singular intrigue of Colonel Gooch to dispossess Colonel Quincy of his regiment, by means of Dr. Miller's and Mr. Apthorp's influence: — "Joseph Gooch, a native, I believe, of Boston, had considerable property, and was reported and reputed to be very rich. He had been educated at the Temple in England, and returned to Boston to practice law; he had very little success. He had been a man of pleasure, and bore the indelible marks of it on his face to the grave. He was extremely ambitious, and the Rev. Mr. Niles, of the second parish in Braintree, who was well acquainted with him, told me he was the most passionate man he ever knew. Not succeeding at the bar in Boston, he had recourse to religion to assist him; joined the Old South Church, to avail himself of the influence of the sisterhood, and set up for representative for the town of Boston; but failed, and disappointed of his hopes in law and politics, he renounced the city, came up to Quincy, hired a house, turned churchman and set himself to intriguing for promotion, both in the military and civil deiJartments. He interceded with the favorites of Governor Shirley, in this place, to procure him the commission of colonel in the regiment of mili- tia, and an election for representative of the town in the General Court. He promised to build a steeple to their church, at his own expense. "Assiduous importunity was employed with Governor Shirley to procure him the command of the regiment; but this could not be obtained without cashier- ing the colonel then in possession, and who had long been in possession of that oflice, and given universal satisfaction in it. " Colonel John Quincy had been in public life from his early youth. He had been near twenty years Speaker of the House of Representatives, and many years a member of His Majesty's Council, and was as much esteemed and re- spected as any man in the province. He was not only an experienced and ven- erated Statesman, but a man of letters, taste and sense. Shirley was, with great ditiiculty, prevailed on to perform the operation of dismissing so faithful a servant of the public, and adoi^ting one of so equivocal a character; and he said some years afterwards, that nothing he had ever done in his administration had given him so much pain, as removing so venerable a magistrate and officer as Colonel Quincy. But the church party had insisted upon it so i)eremi)torily, that he could not avoid it. Probably he dreaded their remonstrances to the Archbishop of Canterbury. "These facts were currently reported and universally believed, and never contradicted. MILTTAKY. 371 Early in January, 1744, he called the General Court together, in secret session, to consider the expediency of an attack on Louis- burg. After several days of deliberation and earnest discussion, this projected expedition was voted in the negative. Governor Shirley not desiring to have this favorite enterprise of his de- feated, managed to have by a little intrigue, the most substantial and influential merchants of the several large towns to petition for another hearing. In compliance Avith these petitions, the Assembly again considered this great question. Their delibera- tions were conducted with calmness and moderation. After a long debate, a resolution was passed in favor of thi's expedition " Gooch was appointed colonel, and Quincy dismissed. The next thing to be done, was to new model the subordinate officers in the regiment. Application was made to all the captains, lieutenants and ensigns, in that part of the regi- ment which lies within three parishes of the ancient town of Braintree, to see if they would accept commissions under Colonel Gooch, and agree to vote for him as representative for the town. The then present officers were men among the most respectable of the inhabitants, in point of propertj', understanding and character. They rejected the proposition with scorn. " My father was among them ; he was offered a captain's commission. He spurned the offer with disdain; would serve in the militia under no colonel but Quincy. Almost, or quite an entire set of new officers were appointed through the whole town. These were of a very different character from those who were dismissed. Men of little property or no property at all; men of frivolous char- acter in understanding and morals. " It was at this time the corrupt practice of treating, as they called it, at training and at elections was introduced, which so long prevailed in the town of Braintree. All this corruption, young as I was, I attributed to the King of Great Britain and his Governor and their bigoted Episcopal party ; and, young as I was, I was thoroughly disgusted before I was ten years of age. " Gooch imder the influence of all this machinery, obtained an election as representative, but the next year all the substantial people of the town aroused themselves and turned him out,* which so enraged him that he swore he would no longer live in Braintree ; renounced the church, refused to build their steeple, built him a house on Milton Hill, and there passed the remainder of his days."— Adams's Works, Vol. II, p. 93. * We think INIr. Adams is mistaken in his statement that Mr. Gooch was chosen but one year as deputy for the town, as the House Journal of. the IjCgis- lature, and the town records make it appear that he was elected for the two years of 1742-3, and acted as such. This was a pardonable error of Mr. Adams, for this account of Col. Gooch wag evidently written up from memory, or tradi- tion, years after it happened, as Mr. Adams was only about seven years of age when this episode occurred. 372 MILITARY. by one vote.^ A number of men enlisted and were impressed from Braintree to take part in this expedition to Louisburg, Cape Breton. The Colonists, after a brilliant attack on this Gibraltar of America, were successful, which caused great re- joicing throughout the Colonies. The first three inter-colonial wars or conflicts, between the English and French Colonies, already mentioned, had their origin by the disagreement of the home governments, with their neighbors across the channel, who brouglit their hostili- ties to American soil, and plunged the Colonies into a bloody and expensive war. The fourth and last conflict was called the French and Indian War. The termination of this territorial war resulted in establishing the supremacy of the English over the American Colonies. This war continued for seA^en years, or from 1756 to 1763. From the provincial muster roll we Imve selected the names of persons from the town of Braintree, who were engaged in the various campaigns. We do not pretend that Ave liave given the names of all the persons that Avent to the Indian Avars, as they are scattered through a great number of miscellaneous muster rolls, and to find all of them you Avould be as successful as looking for a needle in a hay-stack. The place of residence of the captains Ave have given where they were designated in the muster roll. The readers have the same opportunity of conjectui'ing where those that Ave have not given Avere located as Ave have, and perhaps more so. We have endeaA'- ored to give as correct a list as Ave were able to find, Avhich is as follows : — 1. " Among the members of this assembly, were two persons who afterwards acted a conspicuous part in the most interesting scenes of American History. Hutchinson, who became the historian and Governor of Massachusetts; and Oliver who was associated with him in political sentiment, and in command as Lieutenant-Governor. Both had expressed their disapprobation of the expedi- tion. As OliA'er was repairing to the house on the day when the proposal which he was determined to resist, was finally to be debated, he chanced to fall and break his leg. In consequence of his absence, when the house divided, the numbers on both sides were found to be equal. Hutchinson, Avho was the speaker, thereupon surrendered his opinion to Avhat seemed to him the general desire of the province, and gaA'e his casting vote in favor of the expedition." MILITARY. 373 "Jacob Qiiincy of Braintree, Surgeon's Mate, one of the staff officers in Col. Joseph Dwiglit's regiment in the late Crown Point expedition, from Feb. 18th, 1756, to the 8th of November following." The following named persons enlisted under Samuel Thaxter, major and captain for the Crown Point expedition, who were in service from Feb. IGth to Nov. 10th, 1756 : " Benjamin Nash, Benjamin Nash, Jr., Caleb Dunham, Jr., Mathias Chees- man, Silas Ludden, Alexander French, Caleb Thayer, Adam Howard, William Sergant, Joseph Blanchard, (deserted)." Captain Samuel Clark, of Braintree, organized a company in 1756, to go to Crown Point. The men that comprised his com- pany were from Taunton, Abington, Bridgewater, Scituate, Bos- ton and several other towns. Only one name can be found on the roll from Braintree, which was Philip Smith. Capt. Clark's expenses for the organization of the company were as follows : — " Fifteen days subsistence in making up the muster roll, one pound, two shillings and six pence, and two days travelling from Braintree to Boston, eight shillings." The following named persons from Braintree are found on the roll of Capt. Nathaniel Blake, of Milton, Aug. 9th, 1756: "Ben- ony Spear, (Husband^) ; Moses Marsh, (Husband) ; Timothy French, (Tanner) ; Jesse Wild, (Heelmaker) ; Jonathan Fes- senden, Lieutenant, aged 33, from Capt. Brackett's company; Daniel Ames, aged 14, enlisted; Seth Dogett, (Cordwainer), impressed ; John Dogett, impressed, (Wheelwright) ; Jonathan Bishop, (Cordwainer), volunteer; Jacob French, (Labourer), (Hired); Timothy French, (Currier), volunteer; Jacob Gold- waite, from Capt. Allen's company, aged 17, (Roaper), volun- teer ; David Gay, (Labourer), aged 17, impressed ; Samuel George, aged 30, (Labourer), volunteer ; Peter Hubbard, aged 46, (Laboui'er), impressed; Zebulon Holmes, aged 20, volunteer; Wm. Hevins, aged 20, (Cordwainer), volunteer ; Samuel Haws, aged 18, (Labourer), volunteer; William Hubbard, aged 16, (Labourer), volunteer." For Fort William Henry expedition. "Elisha Hayden enlisted in Colonel Lincoln's regiment. Sim- 1. Probably meaning husbandman. 374 MILITARY. eon Pain, of Braintree, enlisted in Captain Burk's company, of Fall Town, now Bernardstown, and was at the capitulation of Fort William Henry." Campaign of 1757. Capt. Peter Thayer's company marched in August, 1757, at the alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry. They marched as far as Roxbury and then returned. The following is the roll, viz: "Peter Thayer, Captain; John White, Lieutenant ; Joseph Hayward, Ensign ; Moses Brackett, Seth Turner, Samuel Hunt, Sergeants ; Samuel Marsh, Richard Faxon, John Tower, Corporals ; Charles Baxter, Samuel Steph- ens, William Adams, Peter Underwood, Joseph Lambart, David Pain, Joseph Cleverly, sou to Benjamin Cleverly, Elijah Neal, Richard Thayer, Jr., Silas Love well, Jesse Wild, Elijah Thayer, Nathaniel Capen, Samuel Curtis, .Jr., Malachi Newcomb, Sam- uel French, Jr., Samuel Bedlow, of Weymouth, John Hunt, Jr., Daniel Hunt, Jr., Daniel Pratt, Joseph Lovewell, Samuel Nash, Adam French, John Hollis, John Bagley, Ephriam Hunt, Jr., Joseph Tower, Jr., Nathaniel Pain, Joshua French, Nathaniel Pratt, Nehemiah French, Lemuel Baxter, David Bates, Jr., Stephen Pratt, John Shaw, Isaac Shaw, Isaac Porter, Elijah Hayden, James White, Ephriam Thayer, Jose^^h Nightingale." — Mass. Archives. Campaign of 1758. Captain Ward's company, of Hingham, Avas organized to take part in the reduction of Canada. The following named j^ersons enlisted in this company from Brain- tree : " Seth Turnei-, Lieutenant ; Mathias Cheesman, Caleb Al- drich, Corporals ; Jacob Pain, Drummer ; Jonathan Clark, Seth French, Elijah French, Jonathan Green, William Hayden, Clem- ent Playden, Jonathan Willis, Noah Howard, Edward Jones, Silas Lovell, Joseph Lovell, Joseph Niles, John Niles, Benjamin Nash, William Niles, Amos Stetson, John Spear, David Solon, Stephen Salsbury, Richard Thayer, Jesse Thayer, Elijah Thayer, John Tower, Joseph Tower, Edmund Littlefield." The following named persons of Braintree enlisted in the war- ship King George, under the command of Capt. Benjamin Hal- lowell, Jan. 10th, 1758, this ship being stationed on the coast for its protection : Jonathan Crosby, (mate) ; Jonathan Crosby, (2d mate); Benjamin Gleason, (armorer); Winter Besson, Gregory ^ MILITARY. 375 Bass, Richard Brackett, Thomas Cleverly, Nathaniel Gallop, Ephriani Graves, Moses Pcnniman, Joseph Sanders, William ^ Spear." Jotham Gay's company went to Halifax in 1759, and was in service from March 31st to November 30th of this year. The following named Braintree men enlisted iu this company : " Na- ham Belcher, Sergeant ; John Noyes, Corporal ; Clement Crane, "Winter Besson, Benjamin Baxter, Thomas Belcher, John Boyles, Nehemiah Blauchard, Joseph Blake, Nathaniel Capen, Thomas Fenton, Adam French, David French, Jonathan Green, Jona- than Hollis, David Horton, Isaac Hayden, Benjamin Hunt, Wil- liam Hobart, Clement Hayden, Daniel Hayden, Jonathan Niles, John Niles, Stephen Pain, Isaac Smith, Paletiah Stephens, Zac- cheus Thayer, Simeon Thayer, Noah Thayer, Abel Thayer, John Tower." As the time of service of the companies was short, many of the men reinlisted in other companies on their return, which causes the repetition of the names of a number of those who went again into the army. The following served under the command of Captain Nathan- iel Blake: "Jonathan Fessenden, Lieutenant; Moses Marsh, Corporal; Daniel Ames, Drummer, (pay to Dr. Miller, as his servant) ; Jacob French, Jonathan J^ishop, Jacob Goldwaite, Peter Hubbard, Timothy French, James Puffer." Capt. Samuel Thaxter's company. The following named per- sons from Braintree were members of this company for the Crown Point expedition in 175G : " William Whitmarsh, Lieu- tenant ; Nathaniel Bagly, Ensign ; Thos. Gill, Sergeant ; Ben- jamin Baxter, Sergeant ; John Pratt, Jr., Sergeant ; Thomas Hearsey, Clerk; John King, Hosea Dunbar, Thomas Hollis, L. Lincoln, Corporal ; Edmund Crane, Drummer ; Samuel Joy, Nehemiah Blanchard." The following named Braintree people were in Capt. Josej)!! Hodges' company, made up mostly from Taunton and Norton : "Mathias Cheesman, 26; Benjamin Nash, 24." Crown Point expedition, 1756. In Bytield Lyde's, Esq., company. Ezra Niles, 22 ; Elisha Hayden, 21 ; Clement Hayden, 19." Vol. IV, p. 430. In Cajjt. Wm. Arbuthnott's company, 1758, not in the capitu- 376 MILITARY. lation, "Jacob French, Setli French, Samuel Lee, Ephriam Pray, Joshua Russell, Nemiah Blanchard." In Capt. Wra. Arbuthnott's company, of Marlborough, there were at the capitulation of Fort William Henry, " William Cor- nell, William Hubbard, Jonathan Blanchard." In Capt. Samuel Robbin's company, "Joseph Nichols (killed or taken), Silas Warner, Zephaniah Batchler." In Capt. Jeremiah Richard's company, of Roxbury, 1759, "David Hayden, Wilson Marsh, Joseph Nightingale, Ephriam Pray," for the reduction of Canada. In Capt. Asa Foster's company, for the reduction of Canada, 1759, "Jonathan Walker, Joseph Walker." In Capt. Simeon Cary's company, of Bridgewater, 1759, "Wil- liam Nightingale, Joseph Niles, Gideon Thayer, from 14:th of May to Jan. 2d, following." In Capt. Benjamin Beale's company, 1759, " Benjamin Diah, Jonathan Diah, Christopher Dyer, Eliphalet Hinckley, from May 12th, 1759, to Feb. 23d, 1760:" Crown Point. In Capt. Jabez Snow's company, "Thomas Chevers, Josiah Sanders, Joseph Ruggles Pain, from July 2d to Dec. 15th, 1760." In Capt. Josiah Dunbar's company, of Bridgewater, " John Downing (deserter), Silas Clark, Enoch Hayden, from Feb. 14th to Dec. 28th, 1760." \ In Capt. Thomas Penniman's company, of Stoughton, "Barash Jordan, Sergeant ; Jonathan Clark, Drummer ; William Hub- bard, Enoch Hayden, Joseph Man, Hezekiah Ludden, Daniel Hayden, Benjamin^ Dyer, Joseph' Nyles, Samuel Jordan, Isaac Allen, Thos. Hollis, Lemuel Veasey, Silas Nyles, Elijah Thayer, Isaac Dunham, Joshua Thayer, Samuel Jones, Richard Hayden. Feb. 7th, 1761." Vol. XCVIII, p. 292. In Capt. Stephen Whipple's company, of Ipswich, " Christo- pher Thayer. 1761." Vol. XCVIII, p. 381. In Capt. Timothy Hament's company, "Abijah Neil, Peter Newcomb, Ebenezer Niles, John Perry, Benj. Stetson, Christo- pher Thayer, Lemuel Thayer, Abel Thayer. Mar. 19th, 1762." Vol. XCVIII, p. 418. In Capt. Samuel Dunbar's company, 1763, "Moses Littlefield, MILITARY. 377 Levi Ludden, John Niles, Jonntlian Niles, James Niles, Ebene- zer Xiles, Jacob Nash, Daniel Pratt, Benjamin Stutson, Tliomas Sever, John Stoddard, John Thayer, William Tliayer, I'aul Thayer." REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. We now come to the Revolutionary Period. The home gov- ernment had completed a peace at Paris, in 1763, which created great rejoicing in the Provinces, as they looked forward to a long period of prosperity. Young King George the Third had just ascended the throne, and the Provinces placed great confi- dence in his expected just administration; but they were soon doomed to disappointment. The king was under the influence of a corrupt ministry, led and controlled by Burt, a designing demagogue and an unprincipled Scotchman, who soon showed their hatred to the Provinces by having onerous and oppres- sive laws enacted, such as the Writs of Assistance and the Stamp Act. Mr. Pitt, afterwards Earl Chatham, an able States- man and a brilliant orator, who was opposed to the taxation of the Provinces, was succeeded by Burt, the king's favorite. But a revenue they must have, and the Provinces must pay it. So Pariiaraent, in the year 1765, passed an act for this purpose, called the Stamp Act, which was instrumental in producing that spirit of opposition to the parent government that, ten years after, burst forth into open hostilities. This bill was brought into Pariiament by Mr. Grenvill, and ad- vocated by Mr. Townsend. Colonel Barre opposed it in his Avell-known eloquent and powerful speecli, which availed noth- ing, as the bill passed the House of Commons by a vote of two hundred and lifty in favor and fifty against it. So strong was the sentiment in the House of Lords in support of the bill that there was not a word spoken against it. It took its final passage on the 22d of March, 1765. Dr. Franklin wrote to Mr. Charles Thompson (afterwards secretary of Congress), on the night after its ]>assage :— " The candle of liberty is set ; you must set up the candle of industry and economy." He said to Mr. Ingersoll, 49 378 MILITARY. who asked his advice about accepting the agency to distribute stamps : — " Go home and tell your countrymen to get children as fast as they can." Intimating by this assertion that war was inevitable, and that suitable material was wanted in the Colonies to establish an army for active warfare. The passage of this impost tax on the Colonies was received in Massachusetts with indignation and sorrow, thinking as they did, that this action of the jjarent government in imposing such excessive taxes upon them, would result in a dreaded, uncalled- for and internecine war. The newspapers ardently regretted the Provinces' loss of lib- erty, and urged the people to organize into associations for their mutual protection against the tyranny of the home government. Upon this call of the press, the inhabitants in many of the towns came together and formed patriotic societies, which were called " Sons of Liberty." These associations in a number of towns set out liberty trees,^ under which these sons of freedom used to assemble and proclaim those earnest, patriotic sentiments for liberty and an active aggression against the crown, that set the Colonies in a blaze, and ultimately consummated in the war of the American Ivevolution. The sentiment of the inhabitants of Braintree at this time, cannot be better illustrated than by giving the following extract from Mr. John Adams' interesting Diary, Vol. I, p. 185, in which he gives an account of a town meeting of that year, stat- ing that it was " the first popular struggle of the Revolution in the town of Braintree."^ 1. 17(36, " May 4tb, Sunday. Eeturuing from meetiug this morning; I saw for the first time a likely young button- wood tree, lately planted on the triangle made by the three roads, by the house of Mr. James Brackett. The tree is well set, well guarded, and has on it an iuscriptiou, ' The tree of Liberty, and cursed is he who cuts this tree ! ' Q. What will be the consequences of this thought ? I never heard a hint of it till I saw it, but I hear that some persons grumble, and threaten to girdle it." — Adams' Diary, Vol. II, p. VJi. Tradition says that this tree died a natural death in eight years. It was located at the junction of Hancock, Elm and School streets, where the reservoir now is, and was then called Brackett's corner, now called Williams' corner. 2. " Mar. 1st, Saturday. Spent a part of last evening with Mr. Jo. Cleverly. He is a tiptoe for town meeting ; he has many schemes and improvements in his head, — namely, for separating the offices of constable and collector ; collect- SriLITARY. 379 The repeal of the Stamp Act, in 17C6, was received in Boston on the IGth of May, and general rejoicing was had in most of the towns of the Colony, by the firing of guns, ringing of bells and beating of drums. But in Braintree the Tory element was iug taxes has laid the foundation for the ruin of many families. He is for five selectmen, and Avill vote for the old ones, ISIr. Quincy and INfajor Miller. He hears they arc for turning out all the old selectmen, and choosing a new sot ; they for having hut three, &c. " The only way is to oppose schemes to schemes, and so break in upon them. Cleverly will become a great tovm meeting man, and a great speaker in town meeting. Q. What effect will this have on the town affairs ? Brother tells me that William Veasey, Jr., tells him he has but one objection against Jona- than Bass, and that is, Bass is too forward. When a man is forward, we may conclude he has some selfish view, some self ends. Brother asked him if he and his party would carry that argument through. It holds stronger against Captain Thayer and Major Miller than it ever did against anybody in this town, excepting Colonel Gooch and Captain Mills. But I desire the proof of Bass's forwardness. Has he been more so than Major Miller? Come, come, Mr. Vea- sey, says Master Jo. Cleverly, don't you say too much; I an't of that mind. Ego. Bass is an active, capable man, but no seeker by mean begging or buy- ing of votes. "3d, ISIonday. My brother Peter, ISIr. Etter and Mr. Field, having a number of votes prepared for Mr. Quincy and me, set themselves to scatter them in town meeting. The town had been very silent and still, my name had never been mentioned, nor had our friends ever talked of any new Selectmen at all, excepting in the South Precinct; but as soon as they found there was an at- tempt to be made, they fell in and assisted ; and, although there were six differ- ent hats with votes for as many different persons, besides a considerable number of scattering votes, I had the major vote of the assembly the first time. Mr. Quincy had more than one hundred and sixty votes. I had but one vote more than half. Some of the church people,— Mr. Jo. Cleverly, his brother Ben and son, &c., and Mr. Ben. Yesey, of the middle precinct, Mr. James Faxon, &c., —I found were grieved and chagrined for the loss of their dear jNIajor Miller. Etter and my brother took a skilful method ; they let a number of young fellows into the design, John Iluggles, Peter Newcomb, &c., who were very well pleased with the employment, and put about a great many votes. Many per- sons, I hear acted slyly and deceitfully ; this is always the case. I own it gave me much plea.sure to find I had so many friends, and that my conduct in town has been not disapproved. The choice was (luite unexpected to me. I thought the project was so new and sudden that the people had not digested it, and would generally suppose the town would not like it, and so would not vote for it. But my brother's answer was, that it had been talked of last year and some years before, and that the thought was familiar to the people in general, and was more agreeable than anything of the kind that could be pro])Osed to many, and for these reasons his hopes were strong. But the triumph of the party was very considerable, though not complete; for Thayer and Miller, and the late 880 MILITARY. SO Strong and influential that no public demonstration was held. And Mr. Adams i-elates, "A duller day than last Monday, when the Province was in a rapture for the repeal of the Stamp Act, I do not remember to have passed. And the town of Braintree insensible to the common joy." In 1765, the noted Braintree instructions to their Representa- tive were drawn up by Mr. John Adams, and presented to the lessees of the north commons, and many of the church people, and many otliers had determined to get out Deacon Penniman; but, instead of that, their favor- ite was dropped, and I, more obnoxious to that party than even Deacon Penni- • man or any other man, was chosen in his room, and Deacon Penniman was saved with more than one hundred and thirty votes — a more reputable election than even Thayer himself had. "Mr. Jo. Bass was extremely sorry for the loss of Major Miller; he would never come to another meeting. Mr. Jo. Cleverly could not account for many things done at town meetings. His motion for choosing collectors was slighted ; his motion for lessening his fine was thrown out; and he made no sort of figure as a speaker; so that I believe Mr. Cleverly will make no hand. Elisha Niles says, ' set a knave to catch a knave.' A few days before a former March meet- ing, he told Thayer that he had a mind to get in Deacon Penniman. Thayer asked him who he would have with him. He answered, Capt. Allen. Thayer made him no answer, but when the meeting came, was chosen himself. "Mr. Thomas Faxon, of this end of the town, told my wife he never saw anybody chosen so neatly in his life, — not a word, not a whisper beforehand. Peter Newcomb gave him a vote; he had one before for Miller, and had heard nothing of me; but he thought I should have one. So he dropped that for Mil- ler. Jo. Nightingale asked my wife, ' Mr. Adams will have too much business, will he not; the courts to attend, selectman and representative at May, &c?' Mr. John Baxter, the old gentleman, told me he was very well pleased with the choice at the north end, &c. Old Mr. John Ruggles voted for me; but says that Thayer will (be chosen) at May. If I would set up, he would vote for me, and I should go, but Mr. (^uincy will not. Lieut. Holbrook, I hear, was much in my favor, &c. Thus the town is pretty generally disputing about me, I find. " But this choice will not disconcert Thayer, at May, though it Avill weaken him. But, as I said before, the triumph was not complete; Cornet Bass had the most votes the first time, and would have come in the second, but the north end people, his friends, after putting in their votes the first time, withdrew for refreshment, by which accident he lost it, to their great regret. " Mark the fruits of this election to me. Will the church people be angry, and grow hot and furious, or will they be cooler and calmer for it? Will Thayer's other precinct friends resent it and become more violent, or will they be less so? In short, I cannot answer these questions; many of them will be disheartened, I know; some will be glad. "10th, Monday. Last week went to Boston and to Weymouth, &c. I hear that Mr. Benjamiu Cleverly has already bespoke Mr. John lUiggles, Jr., against / MILITARY. 381 inhabitants of tlic town at a legally assembled meeting, on the 24th of September, and unanimously voted, " that instructions should be given their Representative for his conduct in General Assembly on this great occasion." The active part that Mr. Adams took in these instructions can be better understood by giving it in his own language : — " I drew up a petition to the Selectmen of Braintrce, and pro- cured it to be signed by a number of the resjjectable inhabitants to call a meeting of the town, to instruct their Representative in relation to the stamps. The public attention of the whole continent was alarmed, and my principles and political connec- tions were well known. I prepared a draught of instructions at home, and carried them with me. The cause of the meeting was explained at some length, and the state and dangers of the country pointed out ; a committee was appointed to ])repare in- structions, of which I was nominated as one. We retired to Mr. Niles' house, my draught was j^roduced and unanimously adopted without amendments, reported to the town and ac- cepted without a dissenting voice. These Avere j^ublished by Draper's paper, as that prhiter first applied to me for a cojiy. They were decided and sj^irited enough. They rang through the State, and were adopted in so many words, as I was in- formed by the Representatives of that year, by forty towns, as instructions to their Representatives. They were honored suffi- ciently, by the friends of the government, with the epithets of inflammatory."^ • May meeting,— promised him as much as he could eat and drink of the best sort if he will vote for Captain Thayer; told him he would not have acted as he did, at March, if it had not heen for Thomas Newconib, and that he would vote for Thayer, at May, if it was not for Thomas Newcomb. By this, tlie other side are alarmed; the craft, they think, is in danger; but I believe their fears are groundless, though I wish there was good reason for them. "Drankteaat Mr. Etter's. He says all the blame is laid to liim, and tliat a certain man takes it very ill of him. By the way, I heard to-day that Major Miller and James Brackett, Jr., were heard, since March meeting, raving against Dea. Palmer, and said he was a knave, &c. Q. About this quarrel ?" 1. "To Menezer Thayer, E.oq. :— "Sir: In all the calamities which have ever bofallen (his county, wc liavo never felt so great a concern, or such alarming apprehensions, as on this occa- sion. Such is our loyality to the King, our voiieration for both houses of Farli- 382 MILITARY. The French and Indian War had caused such a severe drain upon the resources and limited means of the Province, that the town was obliged to make the following law in regard to econo- my, industry and the protection of home manufacture, viz, : — " Whereas, the well-being and happiness of all civil commu- nities depend on industry, economy and good morals. And this town takes into serious consideration the great decay of the trade of the Province, the scarcity of money, the heavy debt con- tracted in the late war, which still remains on the people, and the great difficulties to which they are by these means reduced. ament, and our affection for all our fellow-subjects in Britain, that measures which discover any nnkindness in that country towards us are the more sensi- bly and intimately felt. And we can no longer forbear complaining, that many of the measures of the late ministry, and some of the late acts of Parliament, have a tendency, in our apprehension, to divest us of our most essential rights and liberties. We shall confine ourselves, however, chiefly to the acts of Par- liament, commonly called the Stamp Act, by which a very burthensome, and in our opinion, unconstitutional tax, is to be laid upon us all; and we subjected to numerous and enormous penalties, to be prosecuted, sued for and recovered, at the option of an informer, in a Court of Admiralty, without a jury. " We have called this a burthensome tax, because the duties are so numerous and so high, and the embarrassments to business in this infant, sparsely-settled country so great, that it would be totally impossible for the people to subsist vmder it, if we had no controversy at all about the right and authority of im- posing it. Considering the present scarcity of money, we have reason to think, the execution of that act for a short space of time would drain the country of its cash, strip multitudes of all their property and reduce them to absolute beg- gary. And what the consequence would be to the peace of the Province, from so sudden a shock and such a convulsive change in the? whole course of our business and subsistence, we tremble to consider. We further apprehend this tax to be unconstitutional. We have always understood it to be a grand and fundamental principle of the Constitution, that no freeman should be subject to any tax to which he has not given his own consent, in person or by proxy. And the maxims of the law, as we have constantly received them, are to the same effect, that no freeman can be separated from his property but by his own act or fault. We take it clearly, therefore, to be inconsistent with the spirit of the common law, and of the essential fundamental principles of the British Consti- tution, that we should be subject to any tax imposed by the British Parliament; because we are not represented in that assembly in any sense, unless it be by a fiction of law, as insensible in theory as it would be injurious in practice, if such a taxation should be grounded on it. " But the most grievous innovation of all, is the alarming extension of the power of Courts of Admiralty. In these Courts, one judge presides alone! No juries have any concern there! The law and the fact are both to be decided by MILITARY. OQo Therefore voted, that the town will use their utmost endeavors and enforce tlieir endeavors by example in suppressing extrava- gance, Idleness and vice, and promote industry, economy and good morals, in the town. And in order to prevent the unnec- essary exportation of money, of which this Province lias of late been so much drained. It is further voted that the town will by all prudent means, discontinue the use of foreio-n superflui- ties, and encourage the manufactures of the Province, and par- ticularly those of this town." May 25th, 1770. Protest of the town against a meeting at Cambridge:-" Whereas, the present precept directing us to choose one or more representatives, requiring our sending such tl^ same single judge, whose commission is only during pleasure, and with iT r;* .T :%Z '' *■" "^^^ '--hievous of an customs has become estab- lished, of taking commissions on all condemnations; so that he is under a pecumary temptation ahvays against the subject. Now, if the wisdom of the mother country has thought the independency of judges so essential to an impar- tial adm„nstrat:on of justice, as to render them independent of every pier on earth-mdependeatof the King, the Lords, the Commons, the people nly ndependent m hope and expectation of the heir-apparent, by contiLing the^; tZT" r: T'" '' ^'^^^'^^"'' ''''^' ^■^•■^^'- -'^ impartiality are we thee thousand miles distant from the fountain, to expect from such a Judge o Admiralty. We have all along thought the acts of trade in this resp:ct a grievance, but the Stamp Act has opened a vast number of sources of new crnnes, which may be committed by any man, and cannot but be committed by multitudes, and prodigious penalties are annexed, and all these are to be tried or wi.t 1 V '""\ ' '""'*■ ^''* "'^^ ^^ ^"°*'°^' ■''''' this, but a weak or .icked manfor a judge, to render us the most sordid and forlorn of slaves"' We mean the slaves of a slave of the servants of a Minister of State. We cln: not help asserting, therefore, that this part of the act will make a great chan-^e in Itself, for bi that Charter, 'no amerciament shall be assessed, but by the oath of honest and lawful men of the vicinage ' ; and, ' no freeman shall be taken -.prisoned, or dessei.ed of his freehold or liberties of free customs nor p ed H.:' "IT t:r"^\'"-„'r '''-''' ^■"'^'"^" ^^ '-^^ --• - ^^ *^« '--^ *:' b tween . " "^''^ '"''^ distinctions, and create such a ditierence between the subjects in Great Britain those in America, as we could not have expected from the guardians of liberty in ' both ■ J As these, sir, are our sentiments of this act, we, the freeholders and other nhabitants legally assembled for this purpose, must enjoin it upon ou to comply with no measures or proposals for countenancing the same or assist'in! >n the execution of it, but by all lawful means, con.sistent with oi.r X^Tc: to he Ivxng and relation to Great Britain, to oppose the execution of it. till we can hear the success of the cries and petitions of America for relief. 884 MILITARY. person or persons to Cambridge ; but the law positively directs that the General Court shall meet at the Town House in Boston. We do protest against said requirements for the General Court to meet at Cambridge as illegal, and an infringement of our rights and privileges, and that our compliance with the precepts aforesaid is through necessity, and shall not hereafter be drawn into precedents. Dea. Joseph Palmer, Dea. James Penniman, / Capt. Benjamin Beal, Dea. Jonathan Webb, Dea. Jonathan Wild, a committee on Pamphlet." ^ Committee's Report, March 1st, 1773 : — " 1st. That we apprehend the state of the right of tlie Colo- nists and of this Province in particular, together of the infringe- ments and violations of tlie right as stated in the pamphlet com- mitted to us, are in general fairly represented ; and that the town of Boston be hereby thanked for this instance of their ex- traordinary care of the public welfare. "2d. That as our Fathers left their native country and friends in order that they and their jDosterity might enjoy that civil and religious liberty here which they could not enjoy there, " We further recommend the most clear and explicit assertion and vindica- tion of our rights and liberties to be entered on the public records, that the world may know, iu the present and all future generations, that we have a clear knowledge and a just sense of them, and, with submission to Divine Provi- dence, that we never can be slaves. "Korean we think it advisable to agree to any steps for the protection of stamped papers or stamp officers. Good and wholesome laws we have already for the preservation of the peace; aud we apprehend there is no further danger of tumult and disorder, to which we have a well-grounded aversion; and that any extraordinary and expensive exertions would tend to exasperate the people aud endanger the public tranquillity, rather than the contrary. Indeed, we can- not too often inculcate upon you our desires, that all extraordinary grants and expensive measures may, upon all occasions, as much as possible, be avoided. "The public money of this country is the toil and labor of the people, who are under many uncommon difficulties and distresses at this- time, so that all reasonable frugality ought to be observed. Aud we would recommend particu- larly, the strictest care aud the utmost firmness to prevent all unconstitutional draughts upon the public treasury. ^k^^x.^-^. Niles, John Adams, Norton Quincv, James Penniman, v' John Hayward." MILITARY. 385 we, their descendants, are determined, by the grace of God, tliat our conscienoes shall not accuse us with having acted unworthy such pious and venerable heroes, and that we will by all lawful ways and means, preserve at all events, all our civil and religious rights and privileges. ■ " 4th. Tliat by the divine constitution of things, there is such a connection between civil and religions liberty, that in what- ever nation or government the one is crushed, the other seldom if ever, survives long after; of this, history furnishes al)undant evidence. "5th. That all civil officers are, or ought to be, servants to the peo2»le, and dependant upon them for their official su])port, and every instance to the contrary, from the governor down- wards, tends to crush and destroy civil liberty. " 6th. That we bear true loyalty to our lawful King, George the III, and unfeigned affection to our brethren in Great Brit- tain and Ireland, and to all our sister Colonies, and so long as our mother country protects us in our Charter rights and privi- leges, so long will we, by Divine assistance, exert our iitmost to promote the welfare of the whole British cmi)ire, Avhich we earn- estly pray may flourish uninterruptedly in the j^aths of right- eousness till time shall be no more. " 7th. That Mr. Thayer, our representative, be hereby direct- ed to use his utmost endeavors that a day of Fasting and Prayer be appointed throughout the Province, for humbling ourselves before God in this day of darkness, and imploring Divine direc- tion and assistance. "8th. That an attested copy of the town's proceedings in this matter be transmitted as soon as may be, by the town clerk, to the Boston committee. t -o Joseph Pal:mek, Benjamix Beal, Jonathan Wild." March 11th, 177-4. Then the meeting proceeded to the con- sideration of public affairs. " We have reason to be alarmed when all that is dear to us is at stake, and there can be nothing more influencing" than the danger of losing our civil ami religious Privileges, Benefits in 50 386 MILITARY. themselves truly valuable and obtained at such expense of treas- ure and toil, attended with such Hazards and Hardships as not paralleled in History. The recovery of such as are abridged and preserving those that remain, will undoubtedly be judged objects worthy the highest attention. " The declarative rights of the British Parliament to tax the American Colonies without their consent, and to make laws binding on them in all cases whatsoever, is evidently repugnant to the views our Predecessors had of their Privilege, and should it take j^lace, must leave us and our Posterity nothing to hope but everything to Fear, that a prejudiced or corrupted Minis- try should see good at any time to im230se on us ; and as the doctrine of Passive obedience and non-resistance is not less mis- chievous in Politicks than religion, and as we have an unques- tionable right to use every lawful means to ward off impending danger, we resolve : — "1st. That the great end and design for which men first formed themselves into Governmental society and submitted to Government, was the greater good of the whole, and not to enrich or aggrandize one or a few. " 2d. That it is essential to this great end, the greater good of the whole, that all Laws be by the consent of the People, either Personally or by their Representatives, Since without this right, they must ever be exposed to oppression from their rulers. "3cl. That it necessarily follows that no British Law can justly be binding upon us who neither have, or (from our local situation) possibly can have, either personally or by Representatives, any equal share in enacting them. And we therefore resolve, in the spirit of the law of the late Colony of New Plymouth, above a hundred years ago ' That no act, imposition laAV or ordinance, be made or imposed upon us at present or to come, but such as (has or) shall be enacted by the consent of the body of Freemen or Associates, or their Representatives legally assembled, which is according to the free liberties of the free born people of Eng- land,' and of the same i>urport have been the resolves of our own Parliament or General Assembly, to the present day. " 4th. That we have reason thereof to complain, that there are now in being sundry acts of the British Legislature, the MILITARY. 387 professed design of which is to raise a revenue in America, and by which our jiroperty is by unconstitutional measures extorted from us, and applied, not to pay Brittain's debts, but to support Revenue Commissioners, etc., in idleness and luxury, to the waste of our property and danger of our morals. And in partic- ular the late act of the British Parliament, which, through artful ministerial contrivance, allows the East India cor. to export Teas to America, charged with a duty payable here, is craftily calculated to establish a revenue, which, if effected, will proba- bly render abortive all future opposition. And we must then be liable to all the variety of taxation which Brittain now pays upon a Number of articles most necessary for the convenience of life, besides a large tax upon our Land. For the preventing whereof, Ave resolve as far as in us lies, to put an end to the use of all East India teas and piece goods, and to consider every person among us who shall hereafter Buy, sell or use said teas or piece goods until our grievances are redressed, (if not intention- ally), yet practical enemies to our Rights and Liberties. " 5th. That the declarative right of the British Parliament, that they have a right to make laws, binding to the Colonies in all cases Avhatsoever, is very alarming ; the universality of this declaration evinces that our Religious rights are in danger as Avell as our civil. For, as agreeable to this declaration, they have in fact deprived us of some of our civil rights, and imposed taxes upon us ; so, in conformity to the same declaration*, by an act of uniformity or otherwise, they may imjiose any Religious Shackles upon us, and we know of no instance wherein a people have been deprived of their civil rights but that they have lost their religious rights also, and from the nature of things, they must, or fall together. " 6th. That at the same time wc so freely resolve and deter- mine against submission to foreign taxation, and that we deter- mine, by the will of God, to stand fast in the liberty wherewith we are made free, and to hazard life itself rather than submit to foreign taxation. We also resolve to pay all obedience to our Provincial Laws, and that avc will not use our liberty as a cloak of licentiousness. " 7th. "We greatly lament the want of a truly Patriotic spirit, 388 MILITARY. and that private views and interests are so apparently the gov- erning motive of so great a part in this day of Distress and Danger, while every individual is interested, or can we have, notwithstanding all our resolves and Determinations, any pros- pect of a favorable issue unless our private interests give place to the general good, and we unitedly engage and use our utmost efforts to promote it, and to that end we shall readily join, not only with our Brethren in this Province but through this wide- extended continent, in every lawful, just and constitutional measure for recovering and preserving inviolate, all our civil and religious rights and privileges, against all opposition what- ever; and by this means, (to use the words of his Majesty's Council,) ' we hope to see happiness and tranquillity restored to the Colonies, and especially to see betwixt Great Brittain and them, a union established on such an equitable Basis as neither of them shall ever wish to destroy. We humbly supplicate the sovereign arbiter of human affairs for this happy event.' " September, 1774. For some time it had been surmised by the inhabitants of the Middle and South Precincts, that the North (which is now Quiucy), symjDathized with the parent gov- ernment, and was by them considered the Tory end of the town, Avhich fact will be illustrated by the following attempt of the Provincial government to secure the powder belonging to the Province : — In Sept., 1774, William Battle, Esq., who had been frequently cKosen counsellor under the charter, suggested to Governor Gage that it might be a stroke of j^olicy to secure the Provincial ammunition. Upon this suggestion the governor acted, and ordered two companies of soldiers to Charlestown to secure the jiowder stored in the arsenal; which they did. This act of the British soldiers so enraged the people, that next morn- ing several thousand of them, mostly in arms, assembled at Cambridge and proceeded to Lieutenant-Governor "Oliver's house, and they also visited the houses of some of the recently elected Counsellors, who, on their demand, resigned, declaring that they would not act under such unjust and arbitrary stat- ute." The report of this transaction reached Braintree on Fri- day. On Sunday, an English soldier was seen lurking about tlie north commons where the powder-house was located. (The :Nrn.TTARY. 389 powder-house f 01' Braintree was located in the. North Precinct, which is now Quincy, near Scotch pond.) This fact was imme- diately, with lightning speed, conveyed to the Middle and South Precincts, who, on receiving the news, sent a force of about two hundred men to secure the ammunition stored in the jiow- der-house. Mrs, John Adams gives the following graphic ac- count of this episode, who at that time resided on Franklin street, in the old Adams mansion : — "Intelligence of it was communiated to the other parishes, and about eight o'clock, Sunday evening, there passed by here about two hundred men, preceded by a horse cart, and marched down to the powder-house, from whence they took the powder, and carried it into the other parish, and there secreted it. I opened the window upon their return. They passed without any noise ; not a word among them till they come against this house, Avhen some of them, perceiving me, asked me if I wanted any powder. I replied, No, since it was in so good hands. The reason they gave for taking it was, that we had so many Tories here they dared not trust us with it ; they had taken Vinton in their train (Vinton was Sherreff under the Provincial Govern- ment), and upon their return they stopped between Cleverly's and Etter's and called ujjon him to deliver two warrants, (which were probably for them, as they were susposed to have been royalists). Upon his producing them, they put it to vote whether they should burn them, and it passed in tlie affirma- tive. They then made a circle and burnt them. They then called a vote whether they should huzza, but it being Sunday evening, it passed in the negative. They called upon Vinton to swear that he would never be instrumental in carrying into execution any of these new acts. They were not satisfied with his an- swers ; liowever, they let him rest. A few days afterwards, upon making some foolish speeches, they assembled to the amount of two or three hundred, and swore vengeance upon him unless he took a solemn oatli. Accordingly, they chose a committee and sent it with him to Major Miller's, to sec that he complied; and they waited his return, Avhicli proving satis- factory, they then dispersed." Oct. 3d, 1774. "Whereas, a report lias been spread in the 390 MILITARY. town of Boston and other places, that a considerable Number of Peoj^le in this town had entered into a combination to Distm-be and harass the Rev. Mr. Winslow and other members of the Church of England, with a letter obliging them to leave the town. And no evidence appearing to sujiport the charge, therefore Voted, 'That said report is malicious, false and injurious, and calculated to defame this Town, and that we Protest against all such combinations as being Subversive of good Government We being as ready to allow that right of private judgment to others which we claim for ourselves.' " The relation Mr. Peter Etter made respecting his conduct is satisfactory to the town. The resolves of the Committee of Correspondence of the several Towns in the County of Suffolk, respecting the withholding material from the Soldiers, &c., be adopted by this town. Voted, 'that the Committee of Observa- tion and Prevention be raised in this town to carefully observe and Prevent any person or Persons acting contrary to the true intent of the aforesaid Committee of Correspondence.' A Com- mittee of Observation of fifteen was then separately chosen for that purpose, five from each Precinct, viz : — Mr. Edmund Bil- lings, Dea. Daniel Arnold, Mr. James Brackett, Jr., Mr. James Clark, Mr. Peter B. Adams, Mr. Thomas Newcomb, Mr. William ' Penniman, Mr. Moses French, Mr. Edmund Soper, Capt. Nath. Wales, Capt. Thomas Penniman, Mr. Moses Spear, Mr. Nath. Niles, Mr. Nathaniel Belcher, Jr., and Mr. Jonathan Bass, and that the committee serve gratis. "Voted, 'that whereas, by the present embarrassment of our Civil Libertjy, the People's minds are easily effected with every appearance of Danger, and in some cases may be ready to allow their resentment to rise to an undue pitch. Therefore all Persons within this town that are or may be aggrieved by the conduct of others respecting our jjublic affairs, are directed to apply to the Committee of Observation, who are desired, if possible, to remove the grounds of such uneasiness (if real), and direct all inquiries respecting their duty under the Present circumstances of things.' "The town then proceeded to the consideration of appointing one or more Persons to "attend a Provincial Congress at Con- ' MILITARY. 391 cord, the Second Tuesday of this inst., and it was decided to send two persons to said Congress. Mr. Eben. Thayer and Jos. Pahner were selected for that jjurpose." Nov. 14th, 1774. "The Moderator of the meeting was de- sired to request such Military Commissioned Officers as are present, to resign their respective Commissions, and the follow- ing Gentlemen made a Declaration to the town of their free resignation of their office, viz: — Col. Ebenezer Thayer, Nathan- iel Wales, Joseph Hayward, Benjamin Hayden, Capts. Peter B. Adams, Jonathan Thayer, John Vinton, Eben. Thayer, 3d, Lieut. Thomas White, John Hall, Jr., Isaac Spear, Ensigns. Also, Capt. Benjamin Bass. " The Assessors of the North and Middle Precincts within the said town, are desired to call a meeting in their respective Pre- cincts, to regulate the Militia agreeable to the recommendations of the Provincial Congress. The Committee of Observation, &c., are desired to inform themselves relating to the conduct of such Persons within the town, (if any there be), who do not strictly conform to the non-importation and non-consumption agreement. And if there be any of the Members of the town who continue to Practice in violation of said agreement, by sell- ing or consuming Teas or otherwise, and persist therein, that in such cases they publish his, her or their Names, that they may be known and esteemed as Practical enemies to our rights and privileges." Nov. 28th, 1774. "John Adams, Esq., to be joined to the members of the Provincial Congress as a member from this town." Jan. 23d, 1775. " It was decided to send but one Delegate to the Provincial Congress, the first of February next. Deacon Joseph Palmer was chosen. The following are the instructions to the said Delegate : — " As you have been ai")pointed as a delegate to Represent us in the Provincial Congress to be lield at Cambridge the first of February next, and as our duty and interest lies in carefully and strictly adhering to the recommendation and resolves of the Continental Congress, We, your constituents, direct and instruct you to attend to the spirit and letter of said resolves, i)articu- 392 MILITARY. larly where tliey recommend to us to submit to a Suspension of the Administration of justice when it cannot be procured in a legal and peacable manner, under the rules of the Charter and the law founded thereon, until the effect of their application for a repeal of the Act, by which our Charter rights are infringed, is known. Also, their direction resj^ecting General Gage and his Majesty's troops, Stationed in Boston, and that we peacably and firmly persevere in the Line in which we were then Conducting on the Defensive. And that you in no wise strain their sense and act as may be construed repugnant to their meaning, which must have a tendency to involve us in remediless ruin, which would inevitably be our case should we lose their support. James Pen- niman, in the Name of the Committee." Dea. Palmer, Mr. Peter B. Adams, Mr. Edmund Soper, Capt. \ Hayden, Mr. Sawen, Capt. Penniman and Aziriah Faxon, as a military committee, made the following statement to the town, for the reorganization of the militia : — " Whereas, much time is generally spent by the Militia of the Town in perfecting themselves in necessary JMilitary exercises, many of whom cannot well afford it, and it being wisdom at all times, esiDccially at this, to put ourselves in a good state of Defence, and being desirous to encourage a Military spirit in the most equitable manner, do vote, ' That from and after the last day of this month untill the last day of March next, every person in the Militia who shall attend said exercises shall be paid out of the town treasury for every half day's attendance, Provide such persons shall be paid for no more than for one half day in a week, and Provided, also, that the Captain and Clerk of each and every Militia Company do certify to the Selectmen for the time being, that such person has faithfully attended to his duty at said exercises, from three to six o'clock in the after- noon of such days at which hour the Roll shall be called, and no person paid who has not attended and answered to both calls on each and every day, and the parents. Masters or Guardians of such as are under age shall be paid for such Minors, and Pro- vided also, that all such as may not be sufficiently equipt Avith arms and ammunition, in the judgment of the field officers, shall have his wages laid out for such equiptments, and such as are MILITARY. 393 sufficiently eqiiipt sliall receive tlieir wages in money when the treasury is in casli. The oquiptment intended is a good Fire- lock, Bayonet and Cartouch box, one pound of powder. Twenty- four balls to fit their Gun, twelve flints and a Knapsack. The town shall allow the Militia that attend exercises agreeable to the above report, one shilling for each and every half day.' " The following committee, selected by the town on the 6th of March, to prepare a covenant agreeable to the desires of the Continental Congress, made a report of a covenant which was adopted by the town: — Joseph Palmer, Norton Quincy, John Adams, Ebenezer Thayer, Elisha Niles, Esq., Mr. Thomas New- comb, Mr. Jonathan Bass, Mr. Isaac Spear and Mr. Eliphalet Sawen.^ 1775. This year the schools were closed and general business was af a stand-still. The whole attention of the people was 1. The following is an abstract of their report: — ""We the inhabitants of the town of Braintree in the Province of Massa- chusetts Baj-, having taken into most serious consideration the subject matter of the association entered into by the Continental Congress on October 20th, 1774, and being determined to do everything in our power to confirm and estab- lish that union which at this time so happily subsists among ourselves, not only in this town and Colony but also throughout the continent, and which we humbly hope may be blessed by heaven as the peaceable means of securing and establishing our rights and Liberties in such a manner as to hand them entire to Generations yet unborn, have freely and voluntarily entered into the following association:— Avowing our allegiance to the King, our affection and regard for Brittou in all parts of the world, affected with the deepest dnxiety, and the most alarming apprehension, at those grievances and distress with which British Americans are oppressed, and having taken imder our most serious Deliberations the state of the whole British Continent, so far as our abilities and opportunities permitted, find that the present unhappy situation of our affairs is occasioned by a ruinous system of Colony administration adopted by the British ministry about the year 17Go, evidently calculated for enslaving these Colonies, and with tliem the whole British empire. In prosecu- tion of which system various acts of Parliament have been passed for raising a revenue in America, for depriviug American subjects in many instances of the constitutional tryal by jury ; exposing tbeir lives to danger, by creating a new and illegal tryal beyond the sea for crimes alleged to have been committed in America, and in the prosecution of the same system several late cruel and oppressive acts have been passed respecting the Town of Boston and Province of Massachusetts Bay, and also an act for extending the Province of Quebec, so as to border on the Western frontier of these Colonies and establishing an arbitrary government therein and discomagiag the settlement of British subjects 61 394 MILITAEY. engaged in making prej)arations to pi'eserve their town and property from the ravages of the enemy. Sunday morning, May 24th, 1775, the alarm guns were fired, bells rung and drums beat. The cause of this constei'nation was the anchoring of thr^e British sloops of war and one cutter, below Great Hill. It was supposed by the inhabitants that they designed an attack on Germautown or Weymouth. So great was the alarm, that men, women and children came flying into Braintreo for safety, and others went to Bridgewater. In a short time, two thousand armed men arrived from Weymouth, Hingham and other towns within a radius of thirty and forty miles. It was then found that this expedition was for the pur- pose of plundering hay from Grape Island. In a short time a lighter and a sloojj were procured by the Americans from Hing- ham, with six port holes. Captain Elihu Adams,^ the younger brother of John Adams, with his company, was among the first to go on board. They immediately put oft for the island ; the enemy, on the approach of this imi)romptu naval force, de- camj^ed, after having secured about three tons of hay. The Americans set fire to the barn and remaining hay ; eighty tons were consumed. After this encounter Captain Turner's com- pany was stationed at Germantown and Captain Vinton's at Squantum, for the protection of this coast. iu that wide and extended country. Thus by the influence of civil ijrinciples and ancient prejudices to dispose the inhabitants to act with hostility against the free Protestant Colony wlienever a wicked Ministry shall choose to direct. "To obtain redress of these grievances which threaten destruction to the lives, liberties and property of his Majesty's subjects in North America, "We are of opinion that nou-iuiportation, uon-consuniptiou and non-exportation agree- ments faithfully adhered to, will prove the most speedy, effectual and peaceable measure. Therefore we do for ourselves in particular, as well as being members of said town of Braintree firmly agree and associate under the sacred ties of virtue, honor and love of our country, as follows: — " First, That we will not import from Great Britain or Ireland or from any other place, any such goods, ware or merchandise as shall have been imported from Great Britain or Ireland, nor will we from this day import any East India from any part of the world, uor any molasses, syrup, Pauely coffee, or pimento from the British Plantations or Dominions, or wine from Madeira or the West- ern Islands or foreign indigo." — Braintree liecords. 1. Capt. Adams died of dysentery contracted in cam^) while with his company at Cambridge. MnjTART. 395 July, 1775. Three hundred men, commanded by Maj.Tuppcr, manned the Avhale boats lying at Germantown, went to Long Island and brought off seventy sheep, fifteen head of cattle and sixteen prisoners, thirteen of whom had been sent to the island to mow the grass. They were found asleep in the house and barn ; three women were also found with them. Tlie Ameri- cans not desiring that this barn and house should afford the enemy so comfortable a shelter, concluded the next day,- to fit another expedition to the island and destroy the house, barn and hay. This enterprise consisted of twenty-five men under Capt. Wild of Braintree, and twenty-five men of Capt. Gold's com- pany of "Weymouth, with volunteers amounting to one hundred. Receiving permission from head-quarters, they went to Moon Island and set fii'c to the buildings and hay. The British cut- ters immediately surrounded the island and comnienced a hot and continued, fire upon the Americans, the bullets flying in all directions. Many citizens of this town witnessed this spirited jlction with great anxiety, expecting every moment to see their friends killed. Our forces came off of Long Island without even a man being wounded. One man of the covering forces on Moon Island was killed by a cannon ball from the enemy's man- of-war ships. A few days after this encounter, an expedition of the Brain- tree, Weymouth and Ilingham companies went to Nantasket, reaped the grain and brought it off. They then took whaleboats and started for the Boston Lighthouse and set fire to it. On their return the English came down upon them with eight barges, one cutter and one schooner, in battle array and opened a terrific fire upon them. The Americans arrived safely back, with the exception of two, who were slightly wounded in the legs. Our forces brought off with them from the lighthouse one field piece, a swivel, and the lamps of the lighthouse. Soon after this skirmish, the ]3ritish sent thirteen carpenters, and thirty marines as a guard to protect them while repairing the lighthouse. Tiie Americans, on the evening of the thirtieth of July, under JMajor Tu])j)er, with men from Squantunr and Dorchester, attacked the Bi-itish at the lighthouse, killed the lieutenant, one man, and captured all of the enemy, — fifty-three 396 MILITAEY. in number. Our forces were hotly pursued by the enemy, and were obliged to run one of their whaleboats ashore. One of their number by the name of Griffin, from Rhode Island State, the only person killed in this fight, having been shot through the temples, was buried from Germantown with military honors. Minister Wibird, of this town, conducted the funeral services. The next day General Washington, in general orders, commend- ed their gallant and soldier-like conduct. After this year the seat of war was removed from this section of the country, and its inhabitants relieved from the alarms of an approaching ene- my. For an account of these brilliant skirmishes, see Bancroft Gordon's Revolution Remembrances, and Mrs. Adams' letters. Mr. John Adams, the previous year, was chosen, with other gentlemen,^ a delegate to attend the Continental Congress which was to be held in Philadelphia, and after its adjournment he returned home. He again went to Philadelphia, after its recess, and it may be a matter of some importance to give the items of the expenses^ of his second journey to that jjlace. Probably Mr. Adams did his own barbering, as we find no tonsorial bill against him ; but we do find quite a bill against Mr. Samuel Adams, his kinsman and also a delegate to the Continental Con- gress, viz : — " For three months' shaving and dressing, one hun- dred and seventy-five pounds," which was paid by the Colony of Massachusetts. 1. The delegates appointed ia June, 1774, by the General Court, to attend the Continental Congress, were as follows : — Mr. Bowdoin, Mr. Cushing, Mr. Sam- uel Adams, Mr. John Adams and Mr. Robert Treat Paine. After a laborious and incessant session, they took a short adjournment in the summer of 1775. On their arrival home they immediately took their seats in the State Council, to ■which they had been chosen, where they acted during the recess of Congress. 2. ''COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY: To JOHN ADAMS, Dk. 1775. £ s. D. Aug. 28. To cash paid at Davis's, Eoxbury, for oats, . .008 " " Watertown for horse keeping and ser- vant's board, &c., . . . 1 14 2 " " Baldwin's for oats, . . .008 " " Buckministers, at Framingham, . 5 • " " Bowman's, at Oxford, . . .024 " " Sherman's, in Grafton, . . 18 MILITARY. 397 The method ami fashion of travelling has so changed, that the curious may like to know the course Mr. Adams took at this time. He hired a sulky, in which he rode and was escorted by his man servant, Joseph Bass, on horseback, although a note on Oct. Sept. 4. To cash paid at Hide's, in "Woodstock, for board, lodg ing for ourselves and servants, and horse keeping, from Sat. to Monday, " " Clark's, at Pomfret, . " " Gary's, at Windham, " " Gray's, at Lebanon, . " " Taynter's, in Colcliester, " " Smith's, in Haddam, . " " Camp's, in Durham, " " Bear's, of New Haven, " " Bryant's, of Milford, " " Stratford Ferry, " " Stratfield's, for oats, " " Betts's, of Nor walk, . Penfield's, of Fairfield, , " " Fitch's, of Stamford, " " Knap's, of Horseneck, " " Bull's, of White Plains, " " Jasper's, the ferryman at Dobb's Ferry, for dinner and ferriage, " " Mrs. Watson's, at Hackensack, " " Pierson's, of Newark, " " Graham's, of Elizabethtowu, '* " Elizabeth Town for horse shewing, " " for horse and man to Newark, after our man, and to the hostler, " " Dawson's, at Wood bridge, " " Farmer's, of Brunswick, at the ferrj-, " " Jones', at Ten Mile Inn, " " Princeton, ..... " " Trenton, .... " " Priestley's, at Bristol, Wilson'.s, .... " " Shammony Ferry, Cash paid for paper, sealing wax, &c., Cash for Tavern expenses of connuittee. Pamphlets, pajjer, wax, mending bridle and pistol, For tobacco, a plan of Boston Harbor, and sundry other small things, ...... John Wright, for pasturing my horse. Paid an apothecary for family medicines. Sept. 14. 16. £ s. D. 1 13 2 7 4 'J 10 () 4 8 () 6 8 10 2 6 6 14 7 6 11 16 3 8 Nov. 1. " 13. 4 8 10 2 10 18 4 JO 5 8 16 8 10 8 (> 3 12 2 8 6 2 6 12 14 2 14 12 MILITARY. page 421, vol. II, of Mr, John Adams' works, says, "he was on horseback," Avhich evidently implies that he went to his place of destination mounted. This, we think, is a mistake, as he relates in his bill of items, that he met with a serious accident to his Nov. 15. Mr. McLane, for Leather Breeches and Doublet, " 27. Mrs. Lucy Leonard, for Mrs. Yard's bill, Dec. 8. Paid Mr. Atkin's account, " Diy washerwoman, " ]\lr. John Stille, " Mr. Marshall, " James Starr, " Mr. Smith, " Biy man, Joseph Bass, " Mrs. Lucy Leonard, " Mr. William Barrell, . " Mr. Hiltzerman, " Mr. Joseph Fox, " William Shepard, To one pair of leather gloves. To balance of Mrs. Yard's board bill, Dec. 9. Cash paid at Anderson's, the Red Lyon, " 9. " " Bassenith, at Bristol, " 10. " " Shammony Ferry and at Trenton Ferry, Cash paid Williams, ..... " Hire, at Princeton, " Farmers, . . . . . " at the Ferry, . . . Dec. 12. " Dawson, at Woodbridge, " Graham, at Slizabeth Town, " Pierson, at Newark, . . . , " Hackensack, Phillipsborough and White Plains, including ferriage at North Biver, Dec. 13. " at Knap, Horse Neck, " Betts, Norwalk, .... " for shewing horse at White Plains and Nor- walk, ...... " Fairfield for dinner and shewing horse, . Dec. 1(1. Bryant's, at Milford, ..... Bear's, New Haven, ..... Robinson's, at Wallingford, and at another tavern for oats, ....... Collins, at Hartford, for entertainment and horse shewin Nicholas Brown, for girth, and transporting my wrecked sulky, (90 miles,) from Horse Neck to Hartford, . Paid for oats and hay at Woodbridge, East Hartford, . £ s. c 2 IG If) 16 1 4 3 4 8 10 10 4 2 8 10 2 3 8 10 10 14 6 23 18 c 3 4 8 2 1 G 3 11 8 4 1 6 7 G 3 3 1 4 G 8 4 7 8 G 5 G 11 1 5 fi 1 MILITARY. 399 sulky while travelling througli Connecticut State, by his horse taking fright and running against a rock and dashing the top and body in pieces, and also, that he had to transport it ninety miles for repairs. It is also somewhat curious to see how Paid Fellow's, at Bolton, for dinner, oats and hay, . Cash paid at Windham, for entertainment and horse keeping, ....... Paid at two Taverns for oats, .... " Providence, for entertainment, " Mory's, of Norton, .... Dec. 21. " Col. Howard's, Bridgewater, Paid my man for his account, .... Paid my man for another account, Paid my man for another account, To the hire of two horses from August 1st to December 21st, 115 days, . . . . . . Cash received from the Treasury, Received of Mr. Samuel Adams, for his share of our expenses from Woodstock to Philadelphia, Balance due the Colony, .... ''COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY: To JOHN ADAMS, Dk. 1775. £. s. D. To the hire of two horses from April 26th to August Uth, 110 days, . . . 28 " " a .sulky from April to Dec, . .800 To wages of a servant from the 2Gth of April to August 14th, at £;! per month, . . . . 10 IG Cash paid Mrs. Yard, in Philadelphia, for board and lodging, for myself and servant. Paid for keeping my horse, .... " Dibley and Stringer, for keeping my horse, " Moses Marshall, for sundry medicines, " Daniel Smith, for sundries, . " cost of saddle at Neck, after my sulky was wrecked and destroyed, Cash paid for a light suit of clothes. Cash paid for my expenses of keeping two horses, and a servant's expense upon the road from Braintree to Philadelphia, and from thence to Braintree, with sundry miscellaueous expeuaea while there, . 2G 12 11 £ s. D. 2 f) 7 1 4 12 4 2 8 6 1 7 1 11 G 11 5 20 127 7 10 130 5 fi 4 135 (J 4 7 18 6 30 18 10 4 IG 3 7 8 3 31 4 400 MILITARY. punctiliously exact Mr. Adams was in enumerating the most minute and trivial items in his bill of expenses while travelling to and in Congress, from which members of Congress at the present time, might take an examjDle. £ S. D. Paid Mr. Joseph Bass for a surtout coat and a pair of leather breeches before I went, which were brought out of Boston, April Itlth, and there remained, . 3 16 To damages done my sulky, by my horse taking fright and running against a rock and dashing the top and body in pieces, . . . . . 12 8 G 134 8 Balance due the colony from another sheet, . . 7 18 6 Prior charge of Mrs. Yard, . . . . 4 15 9 12 14 3 Balance due Mr. Adams, , . . . 121 13 9 A true account, errors excepted, John Adams. Nov. 13. To 2 ounces of Cinnamon, , . . .060 " 13. To 1 ounce of Turkey Rhubarb, . . . 2 6 " 13. To 1 ounce of Cloves, . . . . .020 To 1 ounce of Pink Hoot, . . . . 2 11 6 Nov. 29. To washing 7 dozen of linen, at 3s. 6d. per dozen, . 15 9 For mending, . . . . . . 13 9 Board from Sept. 12th to December 8th, at 30s. per week, 18 17 Servant's board for the same time, at 15s. per week, . 9 8 6 Clubb in Punch and Wine, at dinner, in your own room, 110 Spermaceti candles, at 5s. per week, . . , 3 Fire wood for 8 weeks, at 7s. 6d. per week, . . 110 Cash paid for Post, . . . . . 3 46 8 " HON. SAMUEL ADAMS AND JOHN ADAMS, To JOSEPH BASS, Dk. £ S. D. Nov. 8. For travelling charges to Philadelphia, One dozen jjipes, ..... Horse hire, . . . , . Nov. 28. For one dozen pipes, .... For 1-2 dozen ditto, ..... To two pounds of tobacco, 23 15 9 One-half by Mr. John Adams. 19 8 15 1 3 9 18 3 18 MILITARY. 401 The system of enlistment, in Avhicli they served in the ]levo- lutionary war, was simihiv to tlie French and Indian war. Tlie time of service being short, the name of the same person will occur several times as they re-enlisted. Still the draft upon the town for men and money was quite onerous and severe. Tlie first year of open hostilities she sent nine com]>anies, the second ten, and in the other years of the war a like proportion. The patri- ' JOHN ADAMS, ]77o. To J. YOUNG, Dk Juue U. To new pad and doublet, reiued curbed bridle, " luendiug an old bridle, July 3. " a cover for a sword scabbard, July 1-1. " a small pad for housings, July 3. " a portmanteau and strap, July 3. " a pair of pistol bags, £ s. D. 14 (J 1 ;i 2 1 7 10 "JOHN ADAMS, 1775. To WILLIAM BAKRELL, June 21. To 2 1-2 yards of Nankeen, at 15s. 23. " 1-2 yard more, Oct. " 2yardsquality binding, 4s. " JOIIJV ADAMS, To MR. STILLE, June 24. To making a suit of Nankeen, 3 3-4 yards of Linen, 3s. Gd., " Buttons, Thread, Is. Gd.; silk, 3s.; hair, 2s.; Buckram, 3<1.; and Staying, Is. (id., Nov. 7. To making 2 pair drawers, 3 yards of supertiue white llannel, 7s., May 13. To 1 bottle Brandy, -(J. " 1 bottle Brandy, July 10. " 1 quart of spirits, . To 5 dinners. Club, with the delegates, Sept. IG. To Glb.s. Cut Tobacco, Is., " Pigtail, 2s. (id., . . , * ' "1 Earthen Pot, . . , 52 3 7 G ., Dk. £ s. D. 1 17 (! 7 G 8 2 13 :, Dn. £ s. D. 1 G 13 i 2 7 8 3 4 1 1 3 14 10 i 2 6 2 G 2 (5 2 U 8 2 17 2 G 2 G 4 8 10 " 402 MILITARY. otisni of the town is fully exemplified by the active part she took in the conflict, sending about sixteen hundred men into the field of strife out of a population of 2871. Even half of this pro- portion would liave been a large number to have sent. No wonder that Mrs. Adams says, " tliat if this great demand for men continues, the women will be called upon to attend to the agricultural pursuits." The call for means to carry on the war was equally as oppressive on the inhabitants of the town as the call for men. In one year the town assessed upon its citizens the large sum of one million of dollars for the purchase of beef for the array and other necessary expenses of the town. The enhanced price of all articles required to sustain life caused great suffering and distress, as in 1779 Mrs. Adams says: — -"We have been greatly distressed for the want of grain. I have scarcely known the look or taste of biscuit or flour for this four months. Yet thousands have been much worse off, having no grain of any sort." At this juncture of the conflict, when money and men were hard to procure, the liberal, generous and patri- otic General Palmer, an Englishman by birth, came forward in open town meeting and gave them one thousand and eighty dollars for tlie enlistment of thirty-six men, called for by Con- gress in 1780, and at the adjourned meeting it was found that another call had been made for nine more men. For this call he gave two Inindred and seventy dollars more, making the total amount thirteen hundred and fifty dollars, for which he received the gratitude and earnest thanks of tlie town. Thus, we see tlie great sacrifices our ancestors were obliged to make in estab- lishing the American Republic. The following persons of Braintree received high military ])romotions : — Jonathan Bass, as Colonel, from, the South Pre- '^ cinct; Major Stephen Penniman and Colonel Ebenezer Thayer, from tlie Middle ; General Palmer, from the North, first as Col- onel and afterwards as General. Capt. Seth Turner's company of minute men of the South Precinct of Braintree, Col. Benj. Lincoln's Kegiment, assembled April 19th, 1775. Time of service, four days.^ ]. We do not vouch for the correct orthography of these names; we have riveu the uames ou these rolls as we have foimd them. MILITARY, 403 " Seth Tiu'ner, Captain ; Moses Speai*, 1st Lieutonant ; Natlian- iel Pain, 2d Licntcnant ; Noali Tliayer, Josejih ToAver, Samnel Belcher, Josepli Spear, Sergeants ; Isaac Nilcs, Ebenezer Crane, Samuel Cheesman, Hezekiah Thayer, Corporals ; Micajah White, Fifer ; Eli Spear, Drummer ; Joseph Ilaywanl, Jonathan Wild, N Thomas Penniman, Thomas French, Isaac Spear, Josepli Gooch, Joshua Hayward, Ephriam Wales, Hezekiah Ludden, Nathaniel Luddeu, Jr., Joshua French, Isaac Spear, Jr., Seth Turner, Jr., John Jordan, Xehemiah French, Deering; Spear, Nathaniel Pain, Timothy Smith, Levi Tliayer, Pufus Stetson, Zehulon Ilayward, Samuel Cheesman, Isaac Thayer, Jolin Hunter, Seth Mann, Micajah White, Epliriam Hunt, Timothy French, Gideon Tow- er, JohnJSlone, David Slone, James Stoddard, Phillip Silvester, John Wild, Isaac Smith, Josiah Thayer, Jr., Sampson Dunbar, Pompey Negro, l^ufus Thayer." — Muster Rolls, Vol. XIII, p. 144. A true return of the travels and service of Capt. Eliplialet Sawen's company of minute men of Braintree, in Col. Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment, assembled April 19th, 1775. Time of ser- vice, eight days. "Eliphalet Sawen, Captain; Nathaniel Niles, Lieutenant; Mathias Cheesman, Ensign ; Zaccheus Thayer, Clerk ; Joseph y Poison, .lacob Wales, Beiij_amin Hayward, John Niles, Sergeants ; Moses Littlefield, Gideon Stetson, Samuel Wood, James Niles, Corporals ; Lemuel Spear, Drummer ; Elisha Wales, Fifer ; Noah Cheesman, Ebenezer Niles, David liurrell, Daniel French, Thomas French, Jr., Paul Clark, Joshua Clark, Joseph Gooch, Jr., Benoni Hayward, Aaron Hayward, Jr., Ilopestill Bradley, Jacob Himt, Samuel Crane, Ephriam Man, Benjamin Dyer, John Slone, Jr., Jacob Spear, Samuel Spear, 2d, Jeremiah Thayer, Eleazer Taft, Robert Milton, Jonathan Wild, Jr., Ebenezer White, Jonathan Wales, Timothy Thayer, Noah Whitcomb, Benjamin Stetson, Josiah Thayer, Jr., Joseph Porter, Paul Thayer, John Wild, Samuel Cheesman, Jr., Nathaniel Niles, Jr., Joshua French, Jr."— Muster Rolls, Vol. XIII, p. S8. A muster roll of Lieut. Linficlirs comjtany of IJraintree, in Col. Benjamin Lincoln's Jlegiment. Term of service, four days. • 404 MILITAEY. "Elibu Adams/ Captain; David Linfield, 1st Lieutenant; Sim- eon Thayer, 2d Lieutenant ; Epliriara Thayer, Joseph White, Jr., Matthew Pratt, William Linfield, 3d, Sergeants; Jacob Whit- comb, Eben Pratt, Cornelius White, David Linfield, Jr., Cor^DO- rals ; Zebulon Hayward, Drummer ; Joseph Waters, Fifer ; Barnabus Clark, William Linfield, Moses Curtis, Jonathan Ran- dall, Benjamin Thayer, Elijah French, Nathaniel Hunt, Joseph Belcher, Thomas Belcher, David White, Joseph Porter, Timothy Thayer, John Hollis, Jr., Stephen Cheesman, William Thayer, Bartholomew Thayer, Nathaniel Linfield, Samuel Allen, Elijah French, Jr., Daniel White, Jr., John White, Jr., Thomas King- man, John Whitcomb, Samuel Linfield, David Linfield." (One name could not be deciphered.) — Muster Rolls, Vol. II, p. 184. A true return of the travel and time of the minute company, under the command of Capt. Silas Wild of Braintree, in Col. Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment, April 19th, 1775. In service nine days. " Silas Wild, Captain; Stephen Penniman, Lieutenant; Rob- ert Hayden, Ensign ; William Harriman, Jonathan Nash, W. Hayden, Jonathan Holbrook, Sergeants; Amminadab Hayden, James Tower, Ebenezer Thayer, John-Thayer, Corporals ; Jesse Pratt, Drummer; AVilliam Wild, Fifer; Joseph Niles, Abel Cheesman, Samuel Noyes, Benjamin Cheesman, James Lovell, Samuel White, (illegible) French, Josiah Thayer, Caleb Faxon, Joseph Arnold, Samuel White Thayer, Ebenezer Thayer, Clem- ent Hayden, John Tower, Alexander Hayden, Uriah Thayer, Samuel Clark, Daniel Hayward, Samuel Veasey, Benjamin Veasey, Jacob Nash, Loring White, Edmund Soaper, Joseph Allen, Nathaniel Wales, Calvin Thayer, Eli Ludden, Thayer, (the sirname was illegible,) Thomas Ludden, Belcher, (the sir- name was illegible.)" — Muster Rolls, Vol. XIII, p. 152. 1. There seems to have been some mistake about this roll, as Elihu Adams, the younger brother of President John Adams, is interlined in the place of Mr. Liulield, as Captain of the company. Mrs. John Adams, in her letters, seems to corroborate the fact that Mr. Adams was Captain of the company, as she says in her account of the .attack of the Americans on the English foraging P'irty at Grape Island, — " Botli your brothers were there; your younger brother with hia company. He Avas one of the first to ventui-e on board a schooner, to laud upon the island." :^rILITARY. 405 Time of service of a company of minute men, in Brainti'ee, under the command of Copt. John Vinton, in Col. Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment, assembled April 29th, 1775, three days, " John Vinton, Captain ; Eben Thayer, 3d Lieutenant ; Thomas Hollis, Jr., Ensign ; Nathaniel French, Adam Ilobard, Silas IIol- lis,Ichabod Ilolbrook, Jr., Sergeants; Zebah Hayden, Ephriam Thayer, Josiah French, Reuben French, Corporals ; Caleb French, Drummer; Robert Ilayden, Isaac Thayer, Enoch ITayden, Adam Curtis, Edward Checsman, Lemuel Veazie, Elkanah Thayer, James Faxon, Jr., William Hobard, Daniel Hayward, Daniel Ilollis, Zach. Markquand Thayer, Elihu Penniman, Benjamin Veazie, Jr., Nathaniel Thayer, Nathaniel Tlollis, Nathaniel Wales, Jr., Benjamin Whitmarsh, Eli Ludden, Ephriam Field, Benjamin French, Nathaniel Thayer, 2d, Nehemiah Thayer, John Hobard, 2d, Joseph ITayden, Silvaniis Ludden, Oliver Thayer, Benjamin Ludden, 8dj Daniel Ilayward, 2d, Samuel Cheesman, Jr., Joseph Biford, Phillip Thayer, Solomon Thayer, 2d, James Nash, Peter ^Slone, John Thayer, Jr., Abraham Thayer, Jr., Anthony Hunt, Christopher Thayer, Jr., Noah Thayer, Jr."— Muster Rolls, Vol. XIII, p. 145. A true return of the time and service of a company of minute men, under the command of Capt. Stephen Penniman, in Brain- tree, in room of Capt. Silas Wild, Avho marched the 19th of April, 1775. In service from April 28th to May 5th, 1775. ~N Names. Time of Ser VICE. Amount Paid, " Stephen Penniman, Captain, seven days, 1 10 Robert Hayden, Lieutenant, C( 1 Jonathan Ilolbrook, Sergeant, (( 12 James Tower, Corporal, (( 11 John Thayer, Corporal, (( 11 Jesse Pratt, Drummer, (( 11 William Wild, Fifcr, il 11 Jacob Nash, 11 10 Loring White, 11 10 Abraham Thayer, a 10 Edmund S(»|»er, Jr., (( 1(1 Joseph Allen, (( 10 ISriTJTARY. * £ s. D. seven days, 10 u 10 three days, 4 2 1-2 a 4 2 1-2 406 Calvin Thayer, Eli Ludden, John Thayer, Joseph Blanchard, Sixteen men."— Muster Eolls, Vol. XIII, p. 63. A true return of the time and service of a company in the North Precinct of Braintree, iinder the command of Capt. John Hall, Jr., in Col. Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment. Assembled April 19th and 29th, 1775. Time of service, seven days. "John Hall, Jr., Captain; Daniel Arnold, Lieutenant; Seth Baxter, 2d, Thomas Newcomb, Samuel Bass, 2d, Thomas Pratt, John Vinton, Sergeants; John Mills, William Field, Eben Field, Jr., Moses Brackett, Corporals ; Joseph Gleeson, Fifer; Benja- min Pray, Drummer ; Lemuel Field, William Marsh, Jr., Jona- than Marsh, John Briesler, Jacob Spear, Peter Newcomb, Eben. Brown, James Clark, Jr., Nathan Arnold, John Nightingale, Oliver Newcomb, Edmund Bass, Samuel Spear, Daniel Spear, Abram Newcomb, Nathan Tirrell, John Field, Jr., Stephen Hay- den, Benjamin S:^nders, William Spear, Jr., William Brackett, Joseph Field, 2d, Jackson Field, Isaac Copeland, Samuel K. Glover, John Pray, Seth Copeland, John Copeland." — Muster Kolls, Vol. XII, p. 174. The several independent companies enlisted in 1775, .at tlie beginning of the war, not being regimented, caused some little controversy between the town and the Continental Congress, in reference to their pay, as the following report of General Wash- ington will illustrate : — " Enclosed you have a copy of a representation sent to me by the Legislative body of this Province respecting four companies stationed at Braintree, Weymouth and Hingham. As they were never regimented, and Avere doing duty at a distance from the rest of the Army, I did not know whether to consider them as a part of it; nor do I think myself authorized to direct pay- ment for them without the approbation of Congress." Dec. 31st, 177.5._Sp:uk's Washington, Vol. Ill, p. 21 S. Gn this same (luestion John Adams says, in a letter dated at Philadelphia, .7an. Kith, 177B : — " Congress has just received a let- MILITARY. 407 ter from General Washington, inclosing the copy of an applica- tion of our General Assembly to him, to order payment to four companies stationed at ]5raintree, Weymouth and Ilingliam. The General says they Avere never regimented, and he cannot comply with the request of the Assembly, without direction of Congress. A committee is aj)pointed to consider tlie letter, of which I am one. I fear there Avill be a difficulty, and therefore "^ I shall endeavor to prevent a report on this letter, unless I shall see a prospect of justice being done the Colony." Roll of Capt. Seth Turner's independent company, all enlisted from May 3d to May 13th, 1775. " Seth Turner, Captain ; Seth Baxter, 1st Lieutenant; Thomas Newcomb, 2d Lieutenant ; Jacob Wales, Joseph Payson, John Vinton, Jacob Frieze, Sergeants ; Benjamin Dyer, James Niles, Lemuel Dwelle, Elijah Gurney, Corporals ; Eli Spear, Drum- mer ; Joseph Wales, Fifer ; Nathaniel Arnold, John Avers, Ed. Willard Baxter, Hopestill Bradley, Moses Brackett, Jr., William Brackett, John Briesler, Noah Cheesman, Leonard Cleverly, Elisha Wild, Joseph Curtis, Lemuel Clark, Regemmelech Gush- ing, Samuel Clark, Joshua Clark, Ichabod Dyer, Lemuel Field, Timothy French, William Ford, Adam Hunt, Ebenezer Han- cock, Nathaniel Ilayden, Simeon Ilollis, Thomas Hay ward, Zeb- ulon Hayward, Nathaniel Ludden, John Morrain, Abraham Newcomb, Bryant Newcomb, Daniel Nash, Moses Nash, Jr., Micajah Newcomb, Peter Newcomb, Benjamin Pain, William Penniman, Benjamin Richardson, Jacob Spear, Jacob Spear, 'id, Rufus Stetson, Wm. Sumner, Benjamin Thayer, Seth Turner, Benjamin Veazie, Daniel White, Jr., John Wild, Noah AVhit- comb, Samuel Wild." All the names on the roll, stated to have belonged to Brain- tree. Term of service, against each man's name, was from 8 months, 1 week, 1 day, to 8 months, li weeks, 4 Ephraim Thayer, 2d Lieutenant ; Samuel Jones, Jonathan Wales, William Linfield, Samuel Allen, Elisha Wales, Sergeants ; William Blanchard, Daniel French, Corporals ; Benjamin Clark, Drummer ; James Kingman, Fifer ; Joshua French, Jr., Samuel Linfield, Nathaniel Paine, Jr., Reuben Thayer, Timothy Thayer, Bartholomew Thayer, Joseph White, Jr., John White, Jr., David White, Jacob Whitcomb, John Whitcomb, Samuel Bass, Joseph Belcher, Mathias Cheesman, John Jordan, Ziba Chees- man, Jonathan Randall, Simeon Thayer, Jacob Gloyd, David Linfield, Jr., John Lovell, Nathaniel Belcher, Lemuel Ludden, >' Peter Thayer, Jr., Noah Thayer, Jr., Simeon Tliayer, Jr., Setli Turner, Jr., Cornelius White, Noah Whitcomb, Jr., Moses Whitcomb, Eben Pratt, Thomas Wales, William Thayer, Micah 414 MILITARY, Thayer, Daniel White, Jr., Solomon White, Joseph Porter, Israel Beatty, Jr., Thomas Belcher, William Linliekl, Joseph French, Joshua French, Nathaniel Hunt." — Muster Rolls, Vol. XVII, p. 82. A true return of the time and service of Captain Eliphalet Sawen's company, in Col. Joseph Palmer's Regiment, assembled at Braintree, June 14th, 1776. Served four days. "Eliphalet Sawen, (^aptain ; Moses Sj)ear, 1st Lieutenant; Josepli Tower, '2d Lieutenant; Isaac Thayer, I'aul Thayer, Eben- ezer Niles, Lemuel Spear, Sergeants ; Samuel Cheesman, Zebulon Howard, Jacob Spear, Joshua Clark, Nathaniel Niles, Corpo- rals ; Luther Spear, Drummer ; Phinehas Taft, Fifer ; David Slone, Peter Slone, Deering Spear, John Slone, Benjamin Stet- son, Gideon Stetson, Richard Thayer, Jos. Payson, John Tliayer, Samuel Spear, Isaac Smith, John Wild, James Niles, James Tilley, Adonijah French, John Stetson, John Niles, E. Thomas French, Simeon IIoAvard, ]>enj. Mann, Reuben Thayer, Arron Howard, Jr., Ebenezer White, Benoni Howard, Thomas French, Jr., Isaac Niles, Jr., Mathew Pratt, Noah Cheesman, Levi Thayer, Jeremiah Thayer, Jr., Oliver Thayer, Isaac Niles, Gideon Tower, Eliphalet Thayer."— Muster Rolls, Vol. XXII, p. 188. Pay roll of Capt. Isaac Thayer's company, under the command of Col. Tlwmas Marshall, from the last day of July to the 1st day of Jan. 1777. Served five months. The following Brain- tree men enlisted in this company. " Isaac Thayer, Captain; Josiah Thayer, 1st Sergeant; Eben- ezer Brown, 4th Sergeant ; Abraham Thayei-, 1st Corj)oral ; Anthony Hunt, 2d Corj>oral ; Lemuel Clark, ;>d Corporal ; Zenas French, Drummer ; Hayward, Eleazer Beals, Isaac Beals, Timothy Thayer, Isaac Hollis, Rufus Thayer, Solomon Thayer, Samuel Hayward, Levi Wild, Nathaniel Savil, Ebenezer Nightingale, Jeriah Bass, Richard Shaw, Scth Hunt, Jonathan Curtis, Reuben Thayer, Caleb Thayer." — Muster liolls. Vol. XXV, p. 1)1. The balance of this company was made up of persons enlisted from Abington and Taunton. The same com])any was also in the same service from June 1st to July lUst, 177G, with the exception of Caleb Tliayer. — Muster Rolls, Vol. XXV, p. 113. MILITAKY. 415 A muster roll of the iiidepenclent company under command of Captain Setli Turner, 1777. Time of service, eiglit mouths, two weeks and four days. " Seth Turner, Captain ; Seth Baxter, Thomas Newcomb, Jacob Wales, Joseph Payson, John Vinton, Jacob Frieze, Benja- min Dyer, James Niles, Lemuel Dwelle, Elijah Gurney, Eli Spear, Joseph Wales, Nathaniel Arnold, John Ayers, Edward W. Baxter, Hopestill Bradley, Moses Brackett, Jr., William Brackett, John Briesler, Noah Cheesnuui, Leonard Cleverly, Joseph Curtis, Lemuel Clark, Regimelcak Cushing, Samuel Clark, Joshua Clark, Ichabod Dyer, Lemuel Field, Timothy French, William Foard, Adam Hunt, Ebenezer Hancock, Na- thaniel Hayden, Simeon Hollis, Thomas Hayward, Zebulon Hayward, Nathaniel Ludden, John Marrain, John Wild, Samuel Wild, Abraham Newcomb, Bryant Newcomb, Daniel Nash, Moses Nash, Jr., Micajah Newcomb, Peter Newcomb, Benjamin --» Payn, William Penniman, Benjamin Richardson, Jacob Spear, Jacob Spear, 2d, Rufus Stetson, William Sumner, Benjamin Thayer, -Seth Turner, Benjamin Veazey, Daniel White, Jr., Noah Whitcomb, Elisha Wild." A pay roll of Capt. Joseph Tower's company, in Col. Benja- min Gill's Regiment, from Aug. 16th to Dec. 12th, 1777. " Eleazer Taft, Lemuel Clark, Sergeants ; John Niles, Ebene- zer Thayer, Corporals ; Samuel Belcher, Eleazer Beals, Isaac Beals, Benjamin Cheesman, Abel Cheesman, Stephen Cheesman, Adouijah French, Jacob Hayden, Nathaniel Hunt, Levi Hayden, Benjamin Ludden, Bezor Ludden, Benjamin Nash, Nathaniel Pain, Benjamin Pain, Prince Pero, Luther Sj^ear, Samuel Spear, Simeon Spear, Alex. Thayer, Calvin Thayer, Timothy Thayer, John Thayer, Noah Thayer, Caleb Thayer, David Whitcomb, Isaac West."— Muster Rolls, Vol. XXIII, p. 151. ^ Names of men enlisted into the Continental Army in 177-7, for three years, as the quota for Braintree. Those marked thus * ^ were non-residents, who were credited to Braintree. "Allen Amos,* Ezekiel Averel,* Edward Archer,* Ebenezer Brown, Edward Bass, David Burrell, Oliver Blossom,* Joseph Blanchard, William Blanchard, William Blanchard,* William Brackett, Beza Burrell,* Solomon Bloom,* Edward Burke,* 416 MILITARY. Joseph Benoih,* Joseph Curtis, Jonathan Curtis, Jonathan Clev- erly, Paul Clark, Caeser (a negro), Benjamin Dyer, Seth Dut- tin,* Michael Dais,* Ichabod Dais,* Tristam Daggett,* Gilleora Duror,* William D ,* Ichabod Douty,* Archibald Edmond- ston,* Elijah French, Joseph French, Ohay French, Francis Fontrey,* James Grandy,* Isaac Hollis, Jonathan Hill, Stephen Hayden, Thomas Hayward, Benoni Hayward, Adam Hayward, Josei:)h Hayden, Ziba Hayden, Nathaniel Hubbard, William Hayden, Cyrus Hayden, Stephen Hollis, Geo. Hudson,* Stephen Hollis, Isaac Harder,* Benjamin Jones, Samuel Johnson,* Wil- liam Kendall,* John Lovell, William Lynes,* Christopher Lear,* John Lelton,* John Letton,* Daniel Lynes,* Louis Langue,* Ephraim Milton, Joseph Marshall, Peter Murphy,* John Massey,* Pear. Mainard,* Charles ISTewcomb, Joseph Niles, Hugh Paul,* Stephen Pratt, Joseph Pray, Daniel Patterson,* John Proctor,* Richard Raines,* Thomas Reily,* Samuel Stoddard, Reuben Skillings,* Cornelius Stilphin,* John Shaw,* Bartholomew Thayer, Joseph Taft, John Thomas,* Nehemiah Vickey,* Wil- liam Walker,* Geo. Wheeler, Samuel Wescut,* Peter Waddy.*" —Muster Rolls, Vol. XXVII, pp. 81 to 109. 1777. For some time the citizens of the town had been sus- picious that some of its inhabitants were friendly disposed tow- ards the parent government, and that there should be no further doubt about the matter, called a town meeting, June 9tli, 1777, to settle the question which had for some time been agitated, and created much feeling in the community. At this meeting the Selectmen submitted to the town the names of several peo- ple whom they considered Royalists, as follows, — " The Select- men present a list to the town, of those persons they esteem inimical to the United States, viz :— Rev. Edward Winslow, Maj. Ebenezer Miller, John Cheesman, Mr. Joseph Cleverly, James Ap thorp, William Veazie, Benjamin Cleverly, Oliver Gay and Nedabiah Bent, all which were voted to be persons esteemed inimical to the United States. Then the following persons were nominated and voted to be added to the aforesaid list of persons esteemed inimical to the United States, viz : — Joseph Cleverly, E. William Veazie, Jr., Henry Cleverly, and Thomas Brackett." MILITARY. 417 The town f\t the same meeting decided to choose some person wlio was " firmly attached to the American cause, to procure and lay before the Court appointed for the trial of those inimi- cal persons, the evidence that may be had of their inimical dis- position," and William renniman was unanimously chosen for V this purpose. Feb. 2d, 1777. The articles of confederation and perpetual union between the several States now represented in the Conti- / nental Congress, are laid before the town, which are to be dis- tinctly and repeatedly read, and mutually considered, whereupon it was voted, " that this town do approve of the said Confedera- ^ tion, excepting the first clause in the ninth article, where the United States in Congress assembled have the sole and exclusive right and power of determining on peace or war. The town proposed this amendment : — " The United States in Congress Assembled shall first obtain \ the approbation of the Legislative Body of each of the United ) "X. StateSy or the major part of them, before they shall determine on peace or toarP It appears by this action of the town, that Braintree was a ^ strong advocate of State rights. The town being called upon to furnish more men for the Continental Army, " Sept. 8th, 1777, selected a committee to use their utmost endeavors in the town or elsewhere, to procure a sufficient number to make up their quota for the army, if possi- ble, and also to indemnify Col. Ebenezer Thayer, ter., from any fine that may be imposed upon him in omitting to draft the men agreeable to a resolve passed the 15th day of August last." It was decided that the committee should consist of six per- sons. "Then Deacon Ebenezer Adams, Messrs. Joseph JJaxter, ^ William Penniman, Capt. Silas Wild, Maj. Seth Turner and Lieut. E2)hraim Thayer," be a committee chosen for the purpose. Feb. 2d, 1778. "Voted, That the town will make up tlie wages of those soldiers who are doing duty at Cambridge, in Capt. Silas Wild's company, to six pounds per month from this time, including what is or shall be allowed by the Court, pro- vided they continue in the service to Aj)ril 1st." In 1778, the town voted to allow each laborer on the high- 64 418 i\Mi,n".\uY. Av;\v (wolvo shillings per day, jiiul tliiit a single ]>oll shall bo taxi'il as a day's work, and Marcli 14lh, JT80, the cuneney had St) donivciatod that, thoy votod tliat four ])ounds and ton shil- lings should 1)0 tho stipond tor ono day's \vi>rk on tho highways. April i;5th, 177S. "Tho town votod that tho Soloolnion pro- vide the stockings, shoos anil shirts, for tho soldiers as soon as possible." Juno -'2d, 177S. '••'riio tmvn took into i-onsidoralion the case of those j)Orsons who wore tVtun this to\\ n in tho (\)ntinontal Borvieo, in tho year 1777, wlio n\arohod out ot" tlio State, and that ihort^ l>o a oouiniittoo I'lioscu to take tho matter into oonsiil- eration, and rei>ort to tho town at their next annual mooting, of what sum those persons are worthy id" for their sutferings. TIumi ^ C\>1. Thayer, Major IVMuiimau, Captain Kreneh, Captain Arnold and Captain iSawon were ehoson." A true return of a company of unlit ia under tho command i>t' Cajtt. Eliphalot Sawou, in Col. William Alelntosli's Kog- iinent, fin- guard in IMassaehnsotts J>ay, in tho service of the United States, .Vug. 'Jit h, 1778. Time of service, thirteou days. '' Mli[)halet Sawon, Cai)(aiu ; Nathaniel I'^-oucli, Isi Lieuten- ;uit ; Mphraiui 'IMiayor, '2d Lieutenant; Mnoch llayden, Jona- than ^^'ales, Zeba llayden, Solomon Thayer, Sergeants ; Totor Niles, Nathaniel Wales, .lan\os Howard, Timothy Thayer, Cor- porals; Zona I'^rench, l)runnuer; Mlijah Niles, Fifor; Joshua \ Howard, Stephen ronniman, Jonathan Thayer, Moses French, John Vinton, Soth l>a\ter, Tliomas IloUis, John Hall, Silas llolli.s, Isaac Thayer, Kobort llayden, .lolin llolbrook, Joseph Ibackolt, Jonathan Fossondon, Crogory Clark, lloni-y Field, JMosos l>rackott, William Adams, Kal[)h Tope, Floa/.or Taft, Joseph Adams, San\uol Spear, William Field, William Stephens, Flijali In-K'her, .lob l-'ioKI, Isaac llortou, Nathaniel llolhrook, .lonalhan Wild, William Thayer, ,lohn (iooch, David llolbrook, Jr., n.aniel ^Vild, IMosos Spear, Alexander Kingman, Simeon Thayer, William l.intloKl, .lacob (iloyd. Zeba Choesman, Caleb White, Kbonozor Fratt, Samuel Helcher,Timothy French, Oecr- ing Spear, Samuel Man, l.ouniol \ oasoy, Samuel Curtis, .Vbru- ham Thayer, Zeba Th.iyor, Jonathan ^Vrnold, Oliver Thayer." —Muster KoUs, \ol. XXI 1, p. -JOt). / ^rir.TTAUY. 419 Jan. *i8th, 1770. " Tlie town chose the Seleotnion a conunit- .tec to procure grain for the town, antl also instructeil tlieni to purcliase one thousaml bushels, if they consider it will be for the interest of its inhabitants." March 15th, 1779. " Voted, That Dr. ]\h)scs Baker be desired to leave the town, also voted, that the eiuht men that Dr. ]>aker got a warrant for, go innnediately and deliver themselves up to justice." V "Voted, That James Penniuian, Kscp, Col. Edmund Hillings, Azariah Faxon, Capt. John Vinton and Capt. Peter I>. Adams, be a committee to use their influence with proper authority, to suppress any vexatious lawsuit, that may be brought by Dr. Baker against any of the inhabitants of the town, and that said committee shall be allowed for their lime. "Messrs. William Penniman and Joseph Spear entered their dissent to the last vote as being illegal and imi)roi>er, as there was no such an article in the warrant, only on general terms." Dr. Moses liaker -was then a jH-acticing physician in the South Precinct, now liandolph. Even in this war, when the country was struggling for her national existence and indejKMidence, the love of money by the y citizens of the town w-as paramount to their ardor for patriot- ism, as will be seen by the following extract taken from Mrs. /(^ Adams' letter to Mr. John Adams, then absent as a member of the Continental Congress, on the spirit of, the times: — "I am sorry to see a spirit so venal jjrcvailing everywhere ; when our men were drawn out for Canada, a very large bounty Avas given them, and now another call is made upon ns ; no one will go without a large bounty, though only for two months ; and each town seems to think its honor engaged in out-bidding the others. They draAV out the jiersons most unlikely to go, an Field, Lemuel Clark, Samuel Curtis, Edward Savil, Josiah Bass, Thomas Vinton, Jas. Bass (colored), Greg- ory Clark, Lewis Glover and Bryant NcAvcomb. They sailed for the coast of England and Ireland, in hopes of securing or capturing rich prizes. After having been fortunate in taking one vahiable prize, tliey soon Avere unfortunate enough 55 426 MILITARY. in having their high hopes blasted by being taken by the British ship, Queen Charlotte, of thirty guns, on the east coast of Ire- land, June 4th. They were put in irons and transported to Portsmouth, England, where they went through the hardships of prison life until their release, in 1782. Another illustration of the depreciation of the currency will be seen by the instructions given by the town to the Collector of Taxes, in 1782, as to the basis on Avhich he was to receive the Continental money for hard money, Avhich was as follows: — " One dollar of the new emission for forty dollars of the old, or one dollar in silver for one hundred and twenty in paper." The following are some of the receipts for bounty paid for ser- vice in the Continental Army : — "Boston, Aimllst, 1782. Received of Mr. Joseph Spear, Chairman of Class No. 11, for the town of Braintree, the sum of sixty pounds, lawful money, as a bounty to serve in the Con- tinental Army for the term of three years. Witness my hand, James Howard. "Boston, April 12th, 1782. Received of Capt. Joseph Baxter, Chairman of Class No. 5, for the town of Braintree, the sum of fifty-seven pounds, lawful money, for the term of three years service in the Continental Army. John Davis. "Boston, April 2d, 1782. Received of Matiiias Ciiasman, Chairman of Class No. — , for the town of Braintree, the sum of sixty-nine pounds, lawful money, as a bounty to serve in the Continental Army for the term of three years. Atest: Gardiner Gould, George West. Nathan Smith." — Mass. Arch. We have given the names of all the individuals of Braintree that we have been able to find who served in the land forces of the Revolutionary War. Still we do not claim that we have given all of them, as many of the muster rolls have been lost ; especially was this the case in the last part of the war. Neither MILITARY. 427 have we given any of those who served in the Navy, such as it was, which consisted principally of cruisers or privateers ; as on the rolls of enlistments for this service the place of residence is not given. We find many Braintree names on the list, such as Abel Ilayden, Joseph Bass, Cleverlys, Sanders, Thayers, &c., but we should have to conjecture where they were from ; and this we do not desire to do. The citizens of Braintree had just as much reason to reliel as the other towns that went into Shay's Rebellion ; the poverty of the times bore as heavily upon her inhabitants as it did upon other portions of the State. To relieve her grievances, she took the wiser course in adopting peaceable means, instead of the sterner method of resorting to open warfare, as will be seen was unsuccessfully done in many parts of the Commonwealth. To accomplish an amicable solution of her troubles, she called a to'^ni meeting, and there drew up and passed a code of reform- atory instructions for her Representative to the General Court to be governed by.^ 1. "To Col. Ehenezer Thayer, Sept. 25th, 1786. Sir, — This town having made choice of you to represent them in the Great and General Court this present year, apprehend it tlieir indispensable duty as well as undoubted right to instruct you relative to some very important matters which ought to be so far a rule of your political conduct, as we have but just immerged from the horrors of a most tedious and unnatural war, and taken rank among the Royal Powers of the World, or ever had entered the possession of that darling freedom which cost us almost everything that was dear. The clouds are gathering over our heads, pregnant with the most gloomy aspect. We abhor and detest violent measures. To tly to clubs or arms to divert the impending ruin, the consequences of which would render us easy victims to foreign and inveterate foes. No, as Loyal subjects and citizens, iutiamed with true patriotism we feel ourselves cheerfully willing to lend our aid at all times iu supporting the dignity of Government, but inasmuch as there are uujuerous grievances or intolerable burthens by some means or other lying on tlie good subjects of this republic, our eyes under heaven are upon the Legislature of this Commonwealth, and their names will shine brighter in the American annals by preserving the invaluable liberties of their own people, than if they were to carry the terror of their arms as far as Gibraltar. Wo therefore, under these considerations, do instruct you that in the next session you give your close attention and use your utmost efforts that the following grievances and unnecessary burtlicns be redressed, viz; — "1st,— Tliat the public salarys of this Commonwealth, be reduced in an equitable manner. We feel ourselves willing that every public ofticer should 428 MILITAKY. The roll of Capt. Elisha Wales' company of militia, in Col. Ezra Badlam's Regiment. This company was organized in a few hours, at Brackett's Corner, to assist in j^utting down Shay's Rebellion,^ and marched from Braintree, Jan. 19th, 1787, and was discharged at Northampton, Feb. 22d, of the same year. "Elisha "Wales, Captain ; Wm. Allen, 1st Lieutenant ; Daniel Baxter, 2d Lieutenant; Benjamin Hay den. Clerk ; Jos. Crane, Samuel Allen, Daniel French, Sergeants ; Nathan Tirrell, James Penniman, Jonathan French, Abraham Newcomb, Corporals; Moses French, Drummer ; Thomas French, Samuel V. Turner, Jacob Clark, Silas Pain, Samuel Jones, Dennis Ryan, John Clark, Jonathan French, Isaac Hollis, Jos. Kingman, Seba Pain, John receive a Quantum Meruit, but not an extravagant salary, and also that the number of salary men be reduced. "2d, — That the Court of Common Pleas and the General Sessions of the Peace be removed in perpetuam rei memoriam. " 3d, — That the money raised by import and excise be appropriated to pay our foreign debt. " 4th, — We are of opinion that there are unreasonable grants made to some of the officers of Government. " 5th, —We object against the mode adopted for collecting and paying the last tax. "6th, — We humbly ask that there may be such laws compiled as may crush or at least put proper check or restraint on that order of gentlemen denominated lawyers, the constitution of whose modern conduct appears to us to tend rather to the destruction than the preservation of this Commonwealth. " 7th, — That the General Court be removed from Boston. "8th,— That Eeal and Personal Estate be a tender for all debts when called for, provided the interest be punctually paid. " 9th, — That certain premiums be granted to encourage our own manufactures. "10th, — That if the above grievances cannot be redressed without a revision of the Constitution, in that case for that to take place. " 11th, — It is our earnest request that every Town Clerk be a Register of Deeds for the same town. " The foregoing instructions were read this day in Town Meeting, and the town then voted that their Clerk should serve their Representative with a copy of the same, and that he record them in the Town Book, and that they be pub- lished in the publick print." 1. Shay's Rebellion, so called, was a sort of a communistic movement, which began in 1781, and broke out into active aggression in 1786-7. The familiar cry was raised that the rich were increasing their wealth at the expense of the poor. The i^redisposing cause of this outbreak was largely owing to the bankrupt state of the community at the close of the Revolutionary war. Depreciated Continental currency, excessive taxation, the great private and public debts, MILITARY. 429 Bent, Samuel Ripley, Nedy Curtis, Seth Bass, Samuel Savil, Abel Hayden, Eliphalet Chandler, Micah Adams, Jonathan Mil- ler (who had served in Burgoyne's army), Peter Burrell, Caleb Hayden, John Spear, Elisha Hayden, Joseph Curtis, Nathaniel Hayden, Abraham Thayer, Benjamin Thayer, Bethner Penni- man, John White, James Thayer. The whole amount of the company's expense on this expedition was i)155 9s. 4d." — Mass. Arch., Vol. CXCII, p. 189. QUINCY LIGHT INFANTRY. This old and venerated company was incorporated in 1790,^ and was celebrated for its high military character. During its existence it was called upon to perform escort duty on all public occasions. In its ranks, for over half a century, were found many of our most influential citizens. The company was first and as they considered the unjust method by which legal means were taken for the collection of claims. This created a strong prejudice against the Courts, and in some of the counties they were closed by the mob. The head of this insur- rection was one Daniel Shay, formerly a captain in the Revolutionary service. It however was of short duration, as the military of the State, true to the honor of the old Commonwealth, soon put it down, a few were killed; a large number taken prisoners, some of which were tried and convicted of treason ; "six were convicted in Berkshire County, six in Hampshire, one in Worcester, and sub- sequently one in Middlesex, all of whom received the sentence of death ; while a number of others convicted of seditious words and practices, were variously sentenced; one, in particular, a member of the House of Representatives, was subjected to the ignominious punishment of sitting on the gallows, with a roj)e about his neck, and was finally let off by paying a tine of fifty pounds, and was bound to keep the peace for five years." Those desirous of becoming more familiar with this important transaction can find an extended account of it in Minot's Insurrection, and Holland's Western Massachusetts. 1. The following is a petition of the citizens of Quincy, for an Infantry company : — " Jan. 18th, 1700. We, the subscribers, wish for the liberty of forming our- selves into an Infantry Company, that when our numbers amount to thirty-six, wo may choose our officers, and that it may be augmented to the number of forty-eight rank and file including Corporals, on condition it does not reduce the other company below what the law requires. AVo agree that when .said company is incorporated, we will readily obey the command of our own ollicers from time to time, and will be obedient to such other officers as have lawful 430 MILITARY. organized by making choice of Mr. Daniel Baxter as Captain ; Peter Brackett, Lieutenant ; John Newcomb, Ensign ; EHphalet Chandler, Drummer; Benjamin Cleverly, Fifer, who agreed to fife for the company when on regular duty for three shillings per day — all other times, gratis. The captain agreed to furnish him with a uniform coat, the cloth to cost twelve shillings per yard, with the understanding that Mr. Cleverly was to return the uniform when he resigned his position. At their first meeting they decided, by a vote of the company, that no spirituous liquors should be brought to the place of mil- itary exercises, and agreed to celebrate " Independence Day" in the following complete uniform : — " Blue coats, buff waistcoats and breeches, guns all alike, white stockings, half gaiters and powdered hair." The first time they were called into service was in 1814,^ Sun- command over us. That we will equip ourselves suitably for such a company. That we will do all in our power to promote good order and discipline, and no minor be admitted, without liberty first obtained of those who have the immedi- ate care of them." Names on the roll at the organization of the company : — "Daniel Baxter, Peter Brackett, John Newcomb, John Pray, Ebenezer Adams, Jr., Joseph Arnold, Josiah Adams, "William Baxter, Joseph Baxter, Joseph Cleverly, Jr., Josiah Bass, Seth Burrell, Edward Curtis, Ebenezer Crane, Eliphalet Chandler, Benjamin Cleverly, Daniel Arnold, Thomas Adams, Micajah Adams, Anthony Baxter, Elijah Belcher, Jr., Nathaniel Blanchard, Seth Bass, Jonathan Bass, John Cleverly, I.«muel Dwelly, James Field, Henry F. Gay, John Glover, Henry Hardwick, Frederick Hardwick, Nathan Hunt, Adam Hardwick, Charles Hardwick, James Hall, Abel Hayden, John Newcomb, Ebenezer Newcomb, Stephen Randall, Loring White, John Spear, Hezekiah Bass, Nathaniel Glover, Thomas Crane, Josephus Curtis, John Belcher."— Braintree, Feb. 11th, 1790, Company Records. 1. June 11th, 1814. "This Sunday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, the bells rang an alarm. The Quincy Light Infantry Company immediately assembled under the command of Lieut. Elisha Thayer, for the purpose of marching to Scituate, where two tenders manned with marines, had come into the harbor and set fire to the shipping, and returned without further violence. This act of the English can hardly be called honorable warfare ; ten vessels, fishing and coasting crafts, were lost. On arriving at Hingham, it was found that the enemy had returned to their seventy-four gun ship, and they were ordered not to proceed further. These bloodless heroes formed a hollow square around a barrel of cider, pre- sented to them by the citizens of Hingham, upon which they made a powerful aud heroic assault, and it was soon captured." MILITARY. 431 day afternoon, June 11th, when an alarm was given by the ring- ing of bells, that the enemy were going to attack Cohasset, but instead of that, they entered Scituate Harbor and burned sev- eral vessels. In 1812, the town allowed each man detached from the military companies one dollar per day when called out to do duty, in consequence of such detachment. That whenever they shall be called on by proper authorities to march to a distance, the town will make up to them the sum of twenty dollars per month, including the pay by the government, and to deduct one year's interest if paid within two months of date. Sept. 12th, 1814. The company under the command of Capt. Thomas TirrcU, agreeable to general orders, marched to Boston Common, where they reported to the Adjutant-Genei'al, and were ordered to South Boston, and went into barracks. They remained here without any important event, until Oct. 30th, 1814, when they broke camp, and began their march for Quincy at 12 o'clock, noon, and arrived in town at 3 o'clock, p. m. Sunday morning, Nov. 5th, 1814, the company proceeded to the First Church for the purpose of a public acknowledgment to " Almighty God for preserving them from the perils of war, and permitting them to return safely to their homes and fami- lies." July 18th, 1817. Marched to Roxbury, where they were or- dered to do guard duty on the reception of the President of the United States. 1819. Escorted the citizens and Mr. Whitney, orator of the day, to the Fii-st Church, after which they partook of a dinner at the town house. July 4th, 1823. The company celebrated this day by a public parade, and marched to the town house, where they enjoyed a sumptuous dinner, provided for them by the much-esteemed school-master, Mr. Seaver. On this occasion the venerable John Adams honored them with his presence. July 5th, 1824. The company proceeded to the house of the Rev. Peter Whitney, and there received the following gentle- men, viz : — Messrs. Whitney, Cutler, Colman, Brooks and Geo. W. Adams, Esq. They then marched to the meeting-house of the First Church, where an oration was delivered by Mr. Adams. 432 MILITARY. This oration was published. After the services they closed the festivities of the day by a dinner at the town hall. July 4th, 1826.^ The company assembled at 7 o'clock, and proceeded to the house of the Rev. Mr. Whitney, to receive their new and elegant standard, provided for them by the la- dies of the town at a cost of one hundred and fifty dollars. After the remarks of Miss Caroline Whitney on the reception of the flag, the company escorted the clergymen of the town and Mr. George Whitney, to the First Church, where the Dec- 1 . "In compliance with the request of several of the ladies of this town , I now present to you this Military Standard, for the use of the Quincy Light Infantry, confiding that in the possession of so well disciplined and patriotic a company it will never be surrendered to a foreign enemy. Be pleased to accept it, Sir. Let it be an incentive to you to be always ready in times of peace, and your rallying point in the hour of trial. And should you in the course of provi- dence he called to contend with an invading foe, you will meet the crisis with unshrinking courage, will stand by your country's rights at all hazards, and maintain that Independence, which fifty years ago this day was completed, and was secured at the expense of so much blood and treasure." Ensign Gay, on receiving the standard, made the following reply : — " Miss Whitney,— In behalf of the Quincy Light Infantry Company, I tender you, and through you to the ladies of Quincy, our warmest acknowledgments for this distinguished token of your confidence and liberality. Be assured that should we be called to unfurl this standard in defence of our country, our rights, our firesides, this, and the recollection of its fair donors, shall rouse us to a manful performance of our duty, shall fill our hearts with patriotism, and nerve our arms for war." This standard was very appropriate in design and execution, and purchased for one hundred and fifty dollars, which amount was collected by the ladies of the town, and by them piesented to the company on this occasion. On one side of it was the national emblem, on the reverse a figure of Minerva, with the bust of the venerable ex-President John Adams, and his distinguished son; on the background an accurate representation of the mansion of the ex-President. Over these patriotic emblems was engraved the following motto : — ^' Palmam qui meruit fer at." At the close of this exercise occurred the most thrilling episode of the day. The president of the occasion stated that he held a toast from the venerable John Adams, and by permission would present it to them. — " Independence For- ever." About fifty minutes after this toast was drank by the assembly, Mr. Adams expired, and this patriotic sentiment may be considered among the last of this venerated patriot and renowned statesman, to commemorate this fif- tieth anniversary of his coimtry's birthday. It must, however, be borne in mind that this sentiment was given to Mr. John Whitney, president of the day, on the 30th of June, and not on the 4th of July, as many have supposed. MILITARY. 433 laration of Independence was read by the Hon. Thomas Green- leaf, and an eloquent oration delivered by Mr. George Whitney. Tlie celebration of the day was closed by the usual and custom- ary dinner at the town hall. July 4th, 1835. This day was celebrated by the company re- ceiving the Washington Guards of Hingham, at the Point, and proceeding to the Stone Church, where public services were held ; after which, they escorted the citizens of the town to the Hancock lot, where a dinner had been provided for them under a large pavilion. March 8th, 1837. This year, for the first time, the company voted to engage three pieces of music, other than the customary drum and fife, at the coming muster. 1840. This was a busy year for the company, as public cele- brations were quite numerous. The first Avas the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their organization, which occurred April 13th, by a public dinner. Capt. Joseph Bass was chosen president of the day, and Ex-Capts. Whitney, Brigham, Glover, Hardwick, Gay and others, made sjieeches and offered toasts, after which, the past officers made a donation of fifteen dollars in aid of the company. May 25th. The company performed escort duty for the citi- zens of Quincy, who this day celebrated the two hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town. They proceeded to the Universalist Church, from whence the procession took up its line of march through Elm, Hancock, Sea and Washington streets, to the Stone Temple, accompanied by the Boston Brass Band. Prayer by Dr. Lunt ; historical address by the Rev. Geo. Whitney, of Roxbury; address to the young men by the Rev. John Gregory ; poem by Mr. Pearse Crancli. The Union Sing- ing Society furnished them with excellent singing. At half-past two, they re-formed, accompanied by several hundred ladies and gentlemen, and marched to the Hancock lot, where, under a spacious pavilion, a sumptuous repast had been prepared by Mr. Daniel French. Hon. Josiah Quincy, president of the day, presided over the festivities of the occasion. July 4th. The company j)aiaded, this day, for escort duty for the Democratic celebration on the Hancock lot, and were 56 434 MlLITAEY. paid by the party twenty dollars for their services. They assem- bled at 9 o'clock, A. M., and proceeded to the Unitarian Church, where the procession was formed under the direction of Col. Freeman White, as Chief Marshal ; from thence they marched over the President's hill (now called Goffe street), accompanied by the Dorchester Brass liand, to Dr. Lunt's house, where they received the clergymen of the town, then ])roceeded to the Stone Temple. The Declaration of Independence was read by the Rev. John Gregory; oration delivered by the Hon. Increase Sumner; jjrayers by Dr. Lunt and the Rev. Mr. Cornell; sing- ing of patriotic songs by the Union Singing Society. The pro- cession re-formed at one o'clock, and marched to the Hancock lot, where a pavilion had been erected for the occasion, and a dinner pi'ovided by Daniel French & Son. About seven hun- dred ladies and gentlemen were j^resent, and Mr. Bradford L. Wales, of Randolph, presided at the table in his usual happy manner. Party S2)irit ran so high in this presidential campaign that it created a division in the infantry company, which had never been known before to have occurred in its ranks. Many of the members resigned, and from this date the dissolution of the company may be considered to have began, as it continued to dwindle away until 184G, when it expired. Sept. 13th, 1845. The company of seven members marched to Boston Common for general inspection and review, viz : — Capt. George Crane, Lieut. Elislia Packard, Mr. Pope, D. Monk, William S. Glover, James T. Penniman. Aug. 28th, 184:0. The company, with the Tiger Engine Com- pany, paraded for target practice at the Point Holes (so called). William Barnard, of the infantry, won the first prize of three dollars ; Warren Whicher, of the Tiger, won the second of two dollars; the third of one dollar was won by Mr. John Faxon, of the Tigers. Dec. IGth. This day the property of the Quincy Light Infan- try Company was sold at auction. The marquee, tables, benches, Indian^ and chest, which had cost about two hundred dollars, sold for fifteen. The bass drum, which cost two dollars and 1. This Indian was the noted target of the Coiuijauy, which had for years valiantly withstood the attack of its best shots. »riLITART. 435 sixty-three cents to repair, sold for one dollar and sixty-three cents. On the evening of the sale, the remaining members of the company met at the Hancock House and received a dividend of one dollar and twenty-five cents. They then, on the pro- ceeds of the sale, partook of a supper. After relating the many pleasant times they had enjoyed in the ranks of the old com- pany, they bid it a long farewell. Thus expired the Quincy Light Infantry Company, after having been connected with the ^ Massachusetts military for fifty-six years. WAR OF 1812. For some years the English Government had been making hostile aggression upon the commerce of the United States, by sending ships of war to cruise along the shores of the principal ports of the United States for the purpose of intercepting Amer- ican merchant vessels; capturing and sending them as lawful prizes to England. Another grievance and outrage committed on our marine service, was the impressment of American sea- men into the service of Great Britain. This so exasperated the United States, that in June, 1812, the President, by authority of Congress, formally proclaimed war against England and all her dominions. This war was called the War of 1812, or the second war for independence, for the consummation of those })rinciples which were supposed to have been decided by the War of the Revolution. This conflict was very unpopular in the New England States ; especially was it so in Massachusetts, she standing squarely on the doctrine of State Rights. Governor Strong, then the Fed- eral Governor of the State, refused to send troops from the Commonwealth for the protection of the United States from the invasions of a foreign foe, on the requisition of tlie Presi- dent for this purpose ; he believing that the President had no authority to call the State troops out of the Commonwealth. Still, with all this opposition, many citizens took an active and renowned part in this conflict, which was done by voluntary action on their part. 436 MILITARY. This war officially ended Dec. 24th, 1814, when both govern- ments signed a treaty of peace at Ghent, Belgium, but its rati- fication did not reach the United States in time to deprive General Jackson of his glory at New Orleans ; which battle was fought Jan. 8th, 1815, some days after the signing of the treaty. Peace was not proclaimed by the President of the United States until Feb. 18th, 1815. As the war progressed, the Federal party of New England waxed stronger in their opposition to it, and in 1814, called that noted Hartford Convention together, for the purpose of seeing if some definite action could not be devised to set New England off as an independent community from the States; by this means she would not be responsible for this unjust war, as she thought. The principle having been established by the government of the State, that her military could not be called out of it, and only could be used for the protection of her own soil, was prob- ably the reason why the Light Infantry of this town was only called into service twice during this strife ; once at South Bos- ton, and the second time, on an alarm that the British were landing at Cohasset or Scituate. Capt. Ralph Arnold's Com- pany, of Braintree, was also called out on the same occasion. A detachment of Captain Arnold's Company was ordered to join the Randolph Rifle Company, for guard duty, to protect the coast from any further invasions of the enemy. The names of the inhabitants of Quincy that served in land and naval service of the war of 1812, we are not able to give, as the muster rolls are deposited in the United States Archives at Washington. The si^ecial tax assessed on the citizens of Quincy, to pay the expenses of this war, was more than nine hundred dollars. The only vessel belonging in Quincy taken by privateers, that we have any account of, was the Enterprize. It is somewhat singular that this schooner was taken by the people of their own State, and carried into Marblehead as a prize.^ 1. statement of Mr. Brackett, a passenger on board the Enterprize at the time of her seizure : — July 14th, 1812. " J/7'. Russell, — Misstatements having been made of an outrage committed on MILITARY. 437 MEXICAN WAR. Texas, formerly a part of Mexico, had by war achieved her independence, and sustained it for nine years, being recognized as such by several European nations. Under her president, Gen, Samuel Houston, she applied, in April, 1844, for annexa- tion to the United States. After considerable debate in Con- gress, the bill for admission was defeated. Another application was made the next year, which proved successful, and Texas the coasting schooner Enterprize bj- a Marblehead privateer, and having been a passenger on board the Enterprize, I am induced to give the following state- ment of facts : — "The Enterprize, Hersham, master, sailed from Penobscot as a coaster, with firewood in hold, and fish and lumber on deck. On the (Ith of July, inst., in Boston Bay, about two miles from Half Way Rock, we fell in with the IMarble- head privateer Germantown, Hooper in command, who very valiantly fired at and brought us to, and then boarded with a prize-master and eight men armed with pistols and cutlasses, in such a rufiian-like manner, as very much fright- ened a lady passenger and her child, and whoso ferocious conduct could not be restrained by the prize-master, who appeared to be as much of a gentleman as the nature of his new profession would admit. This crew examined the schooner half an hour, and then ordered us to bear down to the privateer, — the captain of which came on board, searched and examined the papers and then ordered us to proceed. "We had proceeded about a mile when we were again fired at, and the same prize-master and crew boarded us a second time, made a bon prize of us, and made sail for Marblehead. A proposition was then made to them to conduct us to Quincy, and there to inspect the unloading of the schooner, which would save them expense, which they refused, but carried us into Marblehead, where the vessel was again examined, the deck load taken off, and we delayed nearly two days. They then began to talk of compromise ; when, being only a freighter, and being anxious for the release of the lady under my care from her fears, I stipulated that they should land the lady and child, and my freight in Quincy, free of all expense, and pay me forty dollars for the forty hours detention, which they agreed to, fulfilled, and gave me what they called an honorable discharge. As the public may wish to know who the owners of this privateer is, which is aiding the enemy in making war on American property, I give their names, to wit : — Thomas Appleton, AVm. Boar, J. H. Gregory, John L. Harris, .T. G. Hooper, S. AV. Phillips, John Humphcys, S. Turner, Edward Barry, William Elliott, Richard Brewer, B. Robinson, James Topsham, Jr., Ambrose Martin, Lot Martin, David Kings- bury, (the last two conducted themselves towards us like gentlemen,) J. C. Blackler, T. B. Brown, Benjamin Stevens, Dan. Weid and John Johnson. With esteem and regard, your humblo servant, James Bkackext, Jr." 438 MILITARY. ■was admitted into the Union as a State, Dec. 29th, 1845. Out of this grew the Mexican War, which was declared between the United States and Mexico, May 11th, 1846. This war was very unpopular in the New England States. Notwithstanding the war was so obnoxious to a majority of the citizens of Massachu- setts, a volunteer regiment was organized under the command of Caleb Gushing. In this regiment five persons enlisted from this town, viz : — Capt. George Crane,^ Timothy Wiggin, Charles Andrews, William Wood and Erastus Prior ; all of whom re- turned with the regiment after the close of the war, but in poor health. In all the wars, from the Indian, French and the Revo- lution in Colonial times, down to the civil conflict between the Northern and Southern States, some of the inhabitants of that l^art of Old Braintree called Quincy, have taken an active part. At the time Quincy became an independent municipality there were but two military organizations — the Quincy Light Infantry and the militia company. Early in the present century, a cav- alry company was organized from her citizens and the neighbor- ing towns. This fine independent company was for years the pride of the village ; but a short time after the close of the War of 1812, the people having had enough of military, lost their interest in it, and the horse company was disbanded. The stat- ute requiring all persons between certain ages to be enrolled for service, together with the rapidly-increasing population of the town, obliged them to form another company. To prevent all confusion and trouble betAveen them and the other existing or- ganizations, the town established Hancock street as the boun- dary line between them. All west of it was to be called the west and all east of it was to be known as the east company. The west was the new company to be organized. This duty being obligatory upon them, made the service very obnoxious, and was the cause of its formation being delayed for some time, by making choice of officers that they knew would not serve ; thinking by this means to evade the statute and prevent its per- manent organiziation. As an illustration of this point, they chose for captain. Rev. Peter Whitney, who they knew would 1 Ciipt. George Craue had beeu Oaptaiu of the Quincy Light Infantry. MILITARY. 439 not accept ; also, an inmate of tho almshouse was selected for the position. Finally, after much time had been spent, in these burlesque organizations, they chose Dr. Sanborn, of West Quin- cy, as captain, who accepted, but soon resigned his command. Mr. Samuel Eaton Brackett, then a young man, Avas then elected as first officer, and Mr. Charles P. Tirrell as orderly sergeant. Treating being the custom at that time, made the position as officers of the company quite burdensome ; especially was this the case in Capt. Brackett's time, when the roll numbered three hundred. Among the commanders of the east company were Captains Boylston Adams, Taylor, Drake, Hortou and others. These unwieldy bodies of men were very difficult to manage, as they had no desire for military duty or exercise, but were forced to assemble for inspection. So distasteful was this duty to the members of these military organizations, that they Avould appear at the place of parade with all manner of costumes and accoutrements ; half a dozen guns would answer for the Avhole company at inspection, a small corn broom for a brush to keep the pan clean, a tamping iron or some other uncouth instrument for a priming Avire, mustard seed for ammunition — supposing that the inspecting officer did not know the difference between powder and this noted condiment. At last, these organizations had become such a burlesque on the State military, that they were disbanded, which Avas the end of the "Ragamuffin Brigade," so called. In 1855, or about ten years after the dissolution of the Quincy Light Infantry, the Hancock Light Guards Avere formed out of a " Know-nothing " organization, called the " Guards of Liberty." The Liberty Guards desired to be organized as an indei)endent company, but finding that it could not be legally accomplished, they concluded to form a company under the military law of the State. After having received their charter, they completed their or- ganization by making choice of tlie following-named persons as ofiicers : — Abner B. Packard, Ca])tain ; William S. Glover, 1st Lieutenant; William Nash, 2d Lieutenant; Thaddeus H. New- comb, 3d Lieutenant ; Franklin Curtis, 4th Lieutenant. Under 440 MILITARY. these competent officers, they became a well-disciplined and flourishing company. In the civil conflict of 1861, between the North and South, Company H, which was the official letter by which the Han- cock Light Guards, of Quincy, was regimented, was among the first to respond to the call of the Government.^ This company was a member of the 4th Regiment, which regiment was under the command of Col. Abner B. Packard, who was first captain of Company H. On receiving their orders to proceed to For- tress Monroe, they took their leave for Boston and rendezvoused in Faueuil Hall. After remaining there some twenty-four hours or more, the regular officers of the company not appearing, they concluded to make choice of a new set, which were as follows : — 1. The following persons not starred were members of Con>pany H, Fourth Regiment, at the time of their departure for the seat of war in 1861. Those marked with asterisks subsequently enlisted as recruits, one month later, and joined the company at the South : — Capt. Franklin Curtis, aged 31; Edward A. Spear, 1st Lieutenant, 44; Benja- min F. Meservey, 2d Lieutenant, 23; Charles F. Pray, 1st Sergeant, 27; Mat- thew M. C. Chubbuck, Sergeant, 22; John Williams, Sergeant, 23; Robert Monk, Sergeant, 21; William H. H. Lapham, Corporal, 20; Thomas Smith, Corporal, 23; William S. Wilbur, Corporal, 26; Morton Packard, Corporal, 21; Albert Keating, Musician, 20;* Henry F. Barker, 22;*' Benjamin F. Bass, 25;* William H. Baxter, 17;* Edward F. Bent, 21;* Luther S. Bent, 30;* James A. Brainard (Weymouth), 25; Edwin Brown, 23;* Caleb Brackett, 27; David J. Burrell, 29; David T. Chubbuck, 29; Perez Chubbuck, Jr., 26;* George F. Cleverly, 28;* Lemuel A. Colburn, 28; Charles H. Crickney, (Braintree), 34; James H. Cunningham, 21;* Noah L. Cummiugs, 25; Edward Damon, Jr., 20;* James J. Dowd, 23; Joseph S. Enderly, 18;* Lendell H. Ewell, 19;* William H. Feltis, 16; Richard H. Fisher, 28;* Daniel F. French, 29; Alonzo Fur- uald, 18;* Charles E. Gannet, 21, (Weymouth); George W. Gibson, 19; Na- thaniel E. Glover, 25;* George L. Hayden, 24; Charles N. Hunt, 38;* Charles H. Jameson, 17; Freeman Joseph, 19;* Robert Josselyn, 18; Edwin L. Joyce, 25;* Howard M. Kimball, 21; John H. Lamson, 19; Frederick A. Lapham, Jr., 23; Joseph A. Lapham, 18; John Larkin, 23; Frank M. Marden, 17; Peter P. Marque, 33;* Peter Newcomb, 18;* Alonzo A. Nightingale, 19; Samuel A. Nightingale, 23; Wyman B. Nightingale, 20;* Charles A. Nutting, 17; Edward W. H. Nutting, 20; John Parker, Jr., 20;* Edward L. Perkins, 18; Charles E. Pierce, 19;* Eugene C. Philips (Boston), 20; Alexander P. Pope, 20; William O. Pope, 19; Hiram B. Prior, 21 ;* William W. Reynolds, 28; Charles D. Riley, 24; Luke A. Rideout, 23, William W. Robinson, 25; Emerson H. Shaw, 17; Christopher A. Spear, 21 ;* Warren Q. Spear, 22; Horace O. Souther, 19;* Francis L. Souther, 24;* Freeman M. Totmau, 22; Henry C. Turner, 19; John B. Turner, 17; Henry G. Wildmau, 27; William G. Sheen, 22.* MILITARY. 441 Franklin Curtis, Captain ; Edward A. Spear, 1st Lieutenant ; Benjamin F. Mcservey, 2d Lieutenant ; Charles F. Pray, Mat- tliew M. C. Clmbbuck, John Williams, Robert Monk, Sergeants ; William II. II. Lapham, Thomas Smitli, William S. Wilbur, Morton Packard, Corporals. They proceeded to Fortress Monroe and were placed under the command of Col. Dimmock, and a few weeks after, under Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. This regiment, with others to the number of about four thousand men, was called upon to take a part in the first serious conflict of the war. This was at the battle of Big Bethel, Virginia, fought June 10th, 1861, under Brig.-Gen. E. W. Pierce, of Massachusetts. After several hours of fighting, Gen. Pierce Avas obliged to order a retreat. This defeat of the Northern troops was attributed to the incapacity of the general in command. At this action Francis L. Souther, a member of Company H, received mortal wounds, of which he died the same day. He was the first soldier killed in the war, and was a native of Quincy. Mr. Souther was sent home by his comrades, and buried in the Mount Wollaston Cemetery with suitable military honors. This record of the late civil war has been compiled from the war record of the town, made by Mr. Eben. W. Underwood, and published by the town in 1866. The call for men to go into the army was large and often. The increased demand for money to carry it on, created a bur- densome tax ujaon her inhabitants and a large town debt, which has not, as yet, been fairly wiped out. Api-il 16th, 1861, eighty-three persons were ordered for three years ; May 3d, the same year, seventy-eight more were called into the service for the same time; June 17th, one hundred and forty-three more were ordered to serve for the same time ; mak- ing the whole number called into the field, the first year, three hundred and four (304). May 28th, 1862, seventy -five men were ordered for three years ; July 4th, one hundred and fourteen were selected for the same time ; Aug. 4th, seventy-one more were ordered into the army for nine months ; making the total number for 1862, two hundred and sixty (260). 57 442 MILITARY. July 1st, 1863, the town sent eighteen volunteers to the war; July 17th of the same year,^ upon orders from the U. S. Gov- ernment, ninety-nine men were drafted for the army. Out of this number but four of the principals went to the field of strife 1. lu 18G3, the government made a requisition on the town for a draft, and ninety-nine of her citizens were drafted at Taunton, July 17th, viz : — Those marked 1, were accepted and held for service; 2, furnished substitutes; 3, paid foOO commutation; 4, exempted for disability; 5, exempted as being the only son of a widow, or the only son not in service; 7, claimed to be non-resi- dents; 8, aliens, or erroneously enrolled ; 9, never reported. Abbott, Henry S., 4 Adams, Harrison T. ,«3 Armstrong, Patrick, 4 Badger, Leone C, 1 Bancroft, Stephen K., 4 Barnes, Oramel C, 3 Barker, William P., 4 \ Bartlett, Edward A., 4 Bass, Benjamin F., 4 Baxter, Daniel W., 4 Baxter, Jonathan, 2d, 3 Beale, George F., 7 Beard, George A., 4 Beckford, Dudley M., 7 Berry, John F., 1 Berry, James, 5 Boyle, Robert, 4 Brackett, George A., 3 Burr, James, 4 Burrell, David J., 2 Burrell, Winslow, 5 Cain, Adoniram, 4 Cain, Lewis H., i) Chad wick, John H., 3 Chubbuck, Henry, 4 Dell, Lewis, 8 Douglass, Francis, 2 Eaton, Horace, 4 Edwards, James, 3 Ela, Samuel A., 4 Ellis, Richard, 8 Ewell, Charles F., 3 Ewell, John J., 5 Faxon, Thomas, 4 Feltis, Asa W., 4 Field, George H., 3 Fletcher, Joseph, 5 French, Francis W., 4 French, Lewis L., 2 Glover, William B., 4 Hammond, Charles, 8 Hayden, Bartlett, 4 Hardy, Benjamin, 9 Hardwick, Frederick, 4 Howland, William O., 3 Howley, Michael J., 4 Ivers, Timothy, 3 Johnson, Jonathan, 8 Kennison, George F., 4 Kirby, William T., 4 Chubbuck, William K. , 5 Leahy, Michael, 4 Conway, Thomas, 8 Cook, Michael, 8 Crooker, Andrew, 4 Cunningham, Jas. H., 4 Curtis, George, 2d, 4 Daily, Edward, 4 Davis, J. Alba, 2 Newcomb, Harrison G., 4 Newcomb, Samuel F., 4 O'Brien, Michael, 2 O'Niel, James, [) Owens, Thomas P., 4 Patterson, James F., 4 , Pennimau, Wm. W., 4v Pierce, Chas. F., 4 Pope, John A. , 4 Pope, Silas H-, 2 Pratt, Wesley J., 1 Preston, Andrew J., 2 Prior, Paran H., 2 Putnam, Joseph E., 4 Heed, Francis L., 3 Keed, James, 4 Kideout, James W., 4 Rogers, Charles A., 4 Ryder, James E., 2 Sargent, Walter C, 3 Saville, John F., 5 Saville, Charles L., 5 Sidelinger, Zenas H., 4 Spear, Samuel H., 4 Sprague, Phillip S., 4 Stearns, Levi, Jr., 4 Tirrell, James E., 2 Tirrell, Quincy, 3 Lincoln, Thomas W., 2 Lombard, Joseph W., 4 Megerve, William P. F., 4 Walsh, Michael, 5 Miller, Charles E., 4 Webb, Thomas H., 4 Nutting, Edward, 4 White, Isaiah, 4 Newcomb, Benj. L., 3 Whiting, Joseph W. 2d Newcomb, Bryant, Jr., 1 Wilbur, Hanibal P., 3 The following men were drafted May li)th, 18(J4:— Baxter, George L., 2d, 4 Crouin, Michael, '.) Hardwick, Frederick, 4 Brown, Charles H., 3 Cunningham, Jas. H., 4 Johnson, William, 8 MILITARY. 443 for three years, and eleven fumislied substitutes. Oct. 17tli, of tJie same year, twenty-nine volunteers M^cre sent for three years service. Total number, one huiulred and forty-six (146). Owens, Thomas P., 3 Prescott, William G., 2 Parker, Chase, 3 Shortland, Thomas, 4 Smith, Vernon, 9 Spear, Albert B., 3 Thayer, George, 9 Wliitney, Adams, 3 White, George, 4 Wells, John D., 3 Tlie following persons were drafted June loth, 18(!4, but were not called for the Selectmen having furnished substitutes previous to the time of their bein- called into service :— ^ Adams, . Joseph, Marshall, J. P. C. , Newcomb, C. Otis, Faxon, William, Newcomb, Charles F., Owens, John, ' Hayden, Arthur L., The following list comprises the substitutes furnished to complete the quota of Quincy, the parties furnishing them, the organization to which they were attached, and their term of service as far as known :— Principals. Burrell, David J., Cahill, George, Curtis Noah, Davis, J. Alba,* Douglass, Francis,* Faxon, J. Franklin, French, Lewis E.,* Gill, George L., Lincoln, Thomas W.,* Litchfield, Liba, Morse, Stephen, Jr., Nash, John W., O'Brien, Michael,* Pope, Silas H.,* Pratt, Edwin B., Prescott, William G., Preston, Andrew J.,* Prior, Paran H.,* Eyder, James E., Sawj-er, Henry M., Spear, Horace, Tirrell, James E., Whicher, John D. , Williams, John S., Williams, Stedman, Substitutes. Thomas Molony, Michael Fitzgerald, John Boy, William McKnight, Alexander Sproul, • John Tool, William Mullen, John Nash, Andrew Murphy, Michael Toomy, Okganization. 11th Regiment, (iOtli Eegimeut, Navy, Navy, Navy, Navy, 19th Eogimont, Time. 3 years. 100 days. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. 1 year. 3 years. 3 years. 1 year. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. 3 years. 1 year. 3 years. 3 years. William Schmidt, Jefferson Bonn bo, John M. Driscoll, Navy, John Smith, John McCarty, George Jones, Patrick Scannell, * These individuals paid their bounty to the government, who was supposed fo have procured substitutes for thorn, and for this reason we are unable to give the names of the substitutes. 444 MILITAKY. Feb. 1st, 1864, twenty-five volunteers were called into the field for three years. March 15th, the same year, sixty-four vol- unteers were sent for the same length of time. May 19th, six- teen men were drafted, out of which number not one of the principals went into the army ; six paid three hundred dollars commutation, five were exempted for disability, one furnished a The following substitutes were furnished by the Selectmen : — Alsten, Michael, 2d Regiment, 3 years. Barret, William H., 3d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. Blaisdell, Lemuel J., 61st Regiment, 1 year. Brannon, John N., 1 year. Briggs, William H., 2d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. Dewoody, Mortimer L. , Vet. Res. Corps, 3 years. Dolan, John, 3d Regiment Cavalry, 1 year. Donna van, Timothy, Vet. Res. Corps, 3 years. Eccles, John, 61st Regiment, 1 year. Flaherty, William, Vet. Res. Corps, 3 years. Frost, Charles, 61st Regiment, 1 year. Garrjty, Bernard, 3d Regiment Cavalry, 1 year. Goldie, Henry F., 3d Regiment Cavalry, 1 year. Hastings, William, 4th Battery, 3 years. Hathaway, George B. , 33d Regiment, 3 years. Hennessy, John, Navy, 3 years. Johnson, William, 2d Regiment, 3 years. Kennedy, James, ■22d Regiment, 3 years. Kibber, Charles L., 3d Regiment Cavalry, 1 year. Lincoln, Charles K. , 3d Regiment Cavalry, 1 year. Linnehan, William, 1 year. Lomar, William, 2d Regiment, 3 years. Lourney, Dennis, Vet. Res. Corps, 3 years. Maley, Melville, 17th Regiment, 1 year. Malouey, David, 3d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. McGrath, John, ith Battery, 3 years. Mitchell, William, 2d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. Molly, George, 2d Regiment Cavalry, 3 years. Mullen, Andrew, 4th Regiment Cavalry, 1 year. Murphy, James, 2d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. Murphy, Michael, 3d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. Noyes, John, 3d Regiment, H. A., 1 year. Powrigh, Alfred, 2d Regiment Cavalry, 3 years. Snowden, James, 33d Regiment, 3 years. Trask, Joseph E., 29th U. Co., H. A., 1 year. H. Farnam Smith, Esq., and Mrs. Mary J. Quincy each procured rci>re.senta- tive recruits, who were credited to the quota of Quincy. The Selectmen pro- cured eight others, who nominally represented eight ladies of Quincy. MILITARY. 445 substitute, three never reported — one as an alien, or erroneously enrolled. June 15th, seven men were drafted for three years, but were not called for, as the Selectmen procured substitutes to fill their places. July 6th, seventy-three men w^ere sent into the field for one hundred days. July 19th, forty-eight volun- teers were dispatched to the anny for one year. Dec. 19th, twenty-six men were sent by the town to the war for one year. Total number of men called for by the government for the year 1864, two hundred and fifty-nine (259) ; out of which number two hundred and forty-four went into service (244). All sol- diers here enumerated were volunteers, excepting those where a draft is mentioned. Thus it would appear, that during the three years of the war, the town was called upon to furnish nine hundred and sixty- nine men, and sent by draft and volunteers, nine hundred and fifty-four. The balance of fifteen men not procured we are not able to account for. A large number of the citizens of Quincy who entered the army were honored with commissions, as follows, viz. : — Colonels, — Abner B. Packard, July 10th, 1857, who received his commission before the Avar, but A\'ith his regiment (the 4tli) was called into the field at the breaking out of it; Henry "Walker, Dec. 6th, 1862; Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Feb. 15th, 1865. Lieutenant-Colonels, — Henry Walker, April 30th, 1862 ; Chas. F. Adams, Jr., July 15th, 1864. Majors,— Luther S. Bent, July 29th, 1864, (U. S. Volunteers by Brevet, Sept. 30th, 1864) ; William G. Sheen, (U. S. Volun- teers by Brevet, April 1st, 1865) ; Benjamin F. Meservey, (U. S. Volunteers by Brevet, April 1st, 1865.) Surgeons, — Henry M. Saville, July 11th, 1857 ; Edward Rus- sell, Feb., 1863 ; Wm. L. Faxon, Aug. 25th, 1863. Assistant Surgeons, — William L. Faxon, April 16tli, 1801 ; Geo. L. Smalley, July, 1862 ; Edward Russell, July 29th, 1802 ; Edward Russell (of Cavalry), Feb. 3d, 1864; John F. Saville, Dec. 5th, 1864; John F. Saville (of Cavalry), June 26th, 1865, Captains, — Franklin Curtis, April 17th, 1861; Edward A. Spear, Aug. 14th, 1862; Charles N. Hunt, Aug. 22d, 1862; Ben- 446 MILITARY. jamiii F. Meservey, Oct. 24tli, 1862 ; Charles F. Adams, .Jr., Oct. 30tli, 1862 ; Otis Rogers, Dec. 29th, 1862 ; Charles M. Sampson, April 16th, 1863 ; Charles F. Pray, Oct. 15th, 1863 ; Luther S. Bent, Dec. 24th, 1863; Joseph W. Morton, Jan. 5th, 1864; F. Edward Bent, July 14th, 1864 ; Wm. G. Sheen, Sept, 8th, 1864; Chas. H. Porter, Sept. 8th, 1864. Adjutant,— Henry Walker, April 2d, 1861. First Jjieutenants, — Edward A. Spear, April 17th, 1861 ; Ben- jamin F. Meservey, Aug. 20th, 1861 ; Otis Rogers, Oct. 8th, 1861 ; Charles F. Adams, Jr., Dec. 19th, 1861 ; Wm. G. Sheen, Aug. 14th, 1862; George W. Gibson, Sept. 2d, 1862;. Joseph W. Morton, Sept. 10th, 1862 ; Charles F. Pray, Nov. 1st, 1862 ; David T. Chubbuck, Dec. 21st, 1862 ; Luther S. Bent, Dec. 25th, 1862; William E. Rudderhara, Jan. 15th, 1863; Charles IL Por- ter, Jan. 25th, 1863; John A. Pratt, Jan. 15th, 1864 ; Joseph E. Spear, March lltli, 1864; William H. Follett, March 11th, 1864; William F. Tanzy, March, 1864; Warren W. Adams, July 14th, 1864; Daniel F. French, Aug. 7th, 1864 ; Charles E. Pierce, Sept. 2d, 1864; Geo. A. Barker, Sept. 8th, 1864; John W. Martin, Nov. 14th, 1864 ; Charles N. Perkins, April 3d, 1865; F.Edward Bent, April 17th, 1865; Charles L. Nightin- gale, May 6th, 1865. Second Lieutenants, — Benj, F. Meservey, April 17tli, 1861 ; Joseph W. Morton, Feb. 20th, 1862; Charles F. Pray, April 3d, 1862; David T. Chubbuck, July 1st, 1862; George W. Gibson, July 29th, 1862 ; Luther S.Bent, July 30th, 1862; William G. Sheen, July 31st, 1862 ; Charles IL Porter, Aug. 14th, 1862 ; Wm. H. Follett, Oct. 12th, 1862; Joseph E. Spear, Oct. 18th, 1862 ; Thaddeus II. Newcomb, Oct. 22d, 1862 ; Horace A. Der- ry, Jan. 6th, 1863; William Boyd, May 16th, 1863; Thaddeus Churchill, Oct. 5th, 1863; Daniel F. French, April 26th, 1864; George A. Barker, May 4th, 1864 ; Albert Keating, July 14th, 1864; Wm. Q. Baxter, Sept. 2d, 1864; Jonas Shackley, Sept. 2d, 1864; Charles N. Perkins, Sept. 8th, 1864 ; F. Edward Bent, Feb. 28th, 1865 ; John Parker, Jr., March 7th, 1865. Acting Assistant Paymasters in the Navy, — Geo. W. Morton, Sept. 25th, 1861 ; Samuel Thomas, Jr., Aug. 4th, 1863 ; Henry Lunt, Aug. 31st, 1864. MILITAKY, 447 Ensigns in the Navy, — Alonzo Elwell, March, lS63 ; William II. Elwell, Aug., 186.S ; K. Warren Ehvcll, Aug., ISO.S. The. number of deaths by being killed, wounded and other casualties, during the war, Avas one hundred and five, constitu- ting about one-ninth of the wliole number sent into the field.^ 1. Deaths of soldiers wlio went to the late war from Quiucy:— Killed in battle or who died of wounds,— Francis L. Souther, June 10th, ISfil ; John McGoveru, Oct. 21st, 1801 (missing, supposed to have been killed); James Eyan, March 14th, 1862; Patrick Dermody, July 11th, 18()2; Peter P. Marque, Aug. 30th, 1862 (missing, supposed to liave been killed); Samuel S. Pierce, Aug. 30th, 18G2; Henry A. Holden, Sept. 3d, 1862; Horatio N. Faxon, Sept. 17th, 18G2; Luther M. Bent, Oct. 1st, 1802; Loring Bigelow, Oct. ISth, 1802; I^muel A. Colburn, Nov. 11th, 1802; Charles W. Carver, Nov. 20th, 1802; Francis L. Nott, Jan. 1st, 1803; Henry F. Packard, Jan. 3d, 18()3; John Manning, Dec. 13th, 1802; Ptichard Lawless, Dec. lOtli, 1802; Garrett Fleming, June 30th, 1803; Joseph Flynn, May 5th, 1804; George Wyman, May 5th, 1804; John Dag, May 6th, 1864; Elisha T. C. Ela, May 8th, 1804 (missing, supposed to have been killed); Michael McGlone, May 12th, 1804; James Hughes, May 13th, 1864; James Kelly, May 19th, 1864; Timothy Sheahan, "May 19th, 1864; Noah L. Cummings, May 26th, 1864; Charles F. Pray, June 3d, 1864; James Chubbuck, June 3d, 1864; "William H. H. Lapham, June 3d, 1804; Edwin L. Joyce, June 10th, 1864; George W. Turner, June 18th, 1804; Thos. Wood, June lUth, 1804; Osmaud Bennett, June, 1804; Matthew Keenau, July 30th, 1804 (missing, sup- posed to have been killed); George W. Basley, Aug. 5th, 1804; John Horgan, Aug. 17th, 1804; Joseph M. Luzarder, Aug. 18th, 18i)4; John P. Brown, Oct. 19th, 1804; James Douley, Feb. Gth, 1805. Whole number, 39. Died in Prison, — 1804 — Arthur Dunn, Jan. 28th; Samuel N. Perry, March 3Ist; John Kelly, July 25th ; John Cronin, Sept. 1st; Freeman M. Totnian, Oct. 7th; Bryant Newcomb, Jr., Oct. 21st; Wm. H. Burns, Nov. 27th; George W. Savil, Dec. 5th; Henry A. Newcomb, Dec. 23d; Thos. W. McGaun, Dec. 24th; 1805— Edward Damon, Jr., Jan. 3d; Michael Feuton (unknown); Wm. F. Thayer (unknown); Jonathan C. Durgin, Jan. 5th; Charles C. Dickerman, Jan. 25th; William E. Colburn, Feb. 18th; Vernon Smith, March 9th; Timothy Conlin, July. Whole number, 18. Drowned,— 1864— William O. Pope, Jan. 23d; 1805— Chas. F. Leavitt, Jan.; Wm. F. Tanzy, Oct. 14th. Whole number, 3. Died of Disease, — 1802— Dennis Moriarty, Feb. 17th; Richard B. Hayden, April lOth; Wm. Jones, April 19th; Leonard B. Harrington, May 22d; Henry Trask, June 3d; George F. Lapham, July 27th; John Kehoe, Aug.; Ezra Bad- ger, Oct. 14th ; Edward J. Gib.son, Oct. 21st; George L. Smalley, Nov. 23d; Lorenzo D. Parker, Dec. 17th; 1803— Michael Enright, Jan. 11th; George Star- buck, Feb. 24th; ObedF. Allen, March 21st; William Flynn, May ;kl; Uriel Joseph, July 7th; Francis G. Chubbuck, Oct. 2d; Cliarles D. Piiloy, Nov. 19th; Setli Crane, Dec. 22d; lS(i4 — Greenleaf P. Foster, March 3d; William Sheahan, March 2(ith; Josiah N. Jvittredge, A])ril 23d; George Burns, June 27tli; Ebeu- ezer F. Cleverly, July 22d ; Frederick Fletcher, Aug. 24th ; David W. liate^. 448 MILITARY. The expenses incurred to the town of Quincy for this wfir were as follows : — Amount paid for bounties, |i84,()o2.50 ; amount subscribed by her citizens, 112,651.63 ; expense of recruiting, transportation tof recruits, Avar records, meetings and extra ser- vices of the town officers, $1,627.98 ; making a total amount of $48,912.11. A lot Avas selected in the Mount Wollaston Cemetery for the soldiers' graves, Avhich has been adorned by a fine monument of Quincy granite, thirty-four feet, three inches high, and Aveigh- iug thirty-five tons; a fitting tribute to the i)atriotic dead. This monument was erected at an expense to the town of 11,691.18, and Avas dedicated June 25th, 1868, Avith suitable and appropri- ate services. McCLELLAN GUARDS. After the close of the late civil Avar, between the North and South, the adopted citizens of Quincy organized a military com- pany, Avhich Avas called the McOlellan Guards. This company selected for its first officers, William Boyd, Ca}>tain ; James Lycett, 1st Lieutenant ; Martin Ileatherson, 2d Lieutenant. LTnder these competent ofiicers, the company soon took a high rank for their efficiency in military exercises. For their excellency in regimental drill they had the honor of receiv- ing tAVO prizes, as the most thoroughly-disciplined company in the 4th Regiment. In 1873, the company disbanded, for the Avant of financial encouragement, and also, not having a sufii- Sept. 9th ; Michael J. Howley, Sept. 23d ; William Price, Oct. 14th ; Morton Packard, Oct. 20th; Theodove H. Lunt, Oct. '-'.Sd; Henry T. Packard, Dec. 17th; 1SG5 — Erasmus Thomas, JNIarch 14th; Eli Pierce, April 3d; Beuj. P. Pierce, July Kith. AA'holo number, ;;i. The following have died of di.soaso, contracted while in the army, after being discharged :— 1SG2 — Charles E. Messer; l.S()3 — Isaac T. Newcomb, April 1st; Garrett Daily, April 5th; 1S(!4 — JNlichael Manning, May 14th; Henry C. AA'hito, Aug. 3d; Ed- ward L. Perkins, Sept. 10th; Charles (!. Duggan, Dec. 20th; 18(jri— AVilliaiu Buchan, Feb. 2tith;. John McCiaun, Aug. 3d; Samuel A. Nightingale, Aug. 20th; Joseph AA'illiam .Morton, Dec. 17th. MILITAJiY, 449 cient number in their ranks to comply with the change made in the military statute of the State. There is not, at the present time, a military company in Nor- folk County, and we believe that the McClellan Guards was the last company disbanded, of the many line military organizations that have existed in this County. Since that part of the military history of Quincy which relates to the War of 1812 was printed, tlie author has obtained from Horatio Woodman, Esq., pension agent, the roll of Capt. Thos. Tirrell's compauy of militia, which served about thirty days, in September and October, 1814. Thomas Tirrell, Captain; Elihu Thayer, Lieutenant; John Whitney, Ensign ; Elisha Marsh, Josiah Glover, James Green, Benjamin Page, Sergeants; Josiah Brigham, William James, John Savil, George Nightingale, Corporals; Eliphalet Chandler, William Wheeler, John Talbot, William A. Field, Musicians ; Joseph Arnold, Joseph Burrell, Seth Burrell, 2d, William Bel- cher, Charles Chandler, Jonathan Cook, Lewis Cleverly, Benj. Gray, Elisha Glover, Solomon Nightingale, John Newcomb, John Osborn, James Pratt, James Pray, Peter Pray, Henry Put- nam, Daniel B. Spear, Lutlier Spear, George Tirrell, Stephen Veazie, Thomas White, Samuel ILiyden, 2d, Nathaniel Dexter, Ezra Damon, Joseph Wales, Josiah Adams, Solomon Ilayden, Ebenezer Chandler. 68 IRON WOEKS. The first attempt to establish a manufacturing industry in Braintree was as early as 1643, or three years after the town was incorporated, but for the want of funds it was not com- pleted until two or three years after. Mr. John Winthrop came to the Colony with one thousand pounds in money, and workmen for the purpose of establishing the . manufacture of iron ware, which was needful for the use of the Colonies. The first impor- tant action that we find taken on the subject, was by the town of Boston, who took a great and lively interest in the success of this important enterprise. The citizens of the town called a public meeting on the 19th of Jan., 1643, and there, after con- siderable debate, granted to John Winthrop, Jr., three thousand acres of land, viz : — "There is granted unto John Winthrop, Jr., and his partners, and to their heyrs and assigns forever, three thousand acres of the common land of Braintry, for the encouragement of an iron work, to be set up about Monaticot River. The said three thou- sand acres to be layed out in the land next adjoyning and most convenient for their said iron works, by the direction of the Select Townsmen." It is said that this estate reverted back to Boston by breach of contract. In 1711, Manassah Tucker, John Wadsworth and Samuel Miller, of the town of Milton, purchased this tract, which at that time was supj^osed to have been in that tovvn.^ On sur- veying it, a large part of this territory was found to be within the limits of Braintree. Milton and Braintree could not ajrree as to the jurisdiction of the land, and to definitely settle the question, it was referred to the General Court by the two towns 1. See address of Mr. James M. Robbius, delivered before the citizens of the towu of Milton ou the two hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of that town. 18(52. Page 37. IRON WORKS. 451 for a decision,* The Court, after a full hearing, decided that fifteen hundred, or one-half of the three thousand acres, be- longed to Braintree, which was accepted as final. These lands were called the Blue Hill lands, and were sold by 1. " The humble petition of the town of iMilton within tlie said Province. "Showeth,— That whereas they have lately with a great snm of money pur- chased of the Town of Boston, a great Tract of Land containing about three thousand acres of land called by the name of the Blue Hill Lands, bounded, upon Milton Line, northerly by Dorchester Land, westerly by land called Mr. Hully's, Easterly by Monotocot River, easterly* and whereas the Tract of land is a part contained within the Township of Braintry, your petitioners most humbly prny the favour of this great and General Assembly, to annex the same to, and make it part of the Township of Milton, to which end the said town of Milton humbly pray your Excellency and Honor to consider, for the following reasons: — " That the situation of the land is some miles nearer to Milton than any other Town, the greater or best part of it lying within a mile and a half of the Milton meeting-house. " The poor circumstances of Milton, and the straitness of their Township is such, that they are under great difficulties and discouragement in the discharge of the public charges, and this addition would very much enable and encourage them to cheerfulness in their public affairs. "Whoever they are who shall inhabit and improve lands, must of necessity attend the public worship in Milton it being so near, and their chil- dren also may conveniently have the benefit of schooling in said Town, and cannot have it in any other Town. " The inhabitants of said place must cart and transport their wood, hay and other matters through the town, and soon get to be of some advantage as well as a burthen. " The said Town as is above said have purchased it, upon which account it is most equitable they should have the jurisdiction who have the property; unless any great inconvenience to the contrary, which cannot be pretended ; all which whatsoever else your poor petitioners have to offer, being considered by the wis- dom and justice of Honorable Court, they humbly hope they may obtain the favour of granting their rights, which shall be most thankfully acknowledged by the Town. To your Excellency and Honor, Henry Vose, Manassah Tucker, John "Wardsworth, a committee in behalf of the Town, March 14, 1711. " The answer of the Town of Braintry to the Petition of the Town of Milton: "And whereas the Petitioners say they have lately with a great sum of money purchased of the Town of Boston a great tract of land containing about three thousand acres, called by the name of the Blue Hill Lands, bounded, &c., which said tract of land the petitioners own is contained within the township of Braintry, but most humbly pray the favour of the Great and General Court to annex the same to, and make it a part of the Township of Milton, for which they offer several reasons to consideration. ♦There appears to bo some mistake here, but we have given it as wo found it. 452 IRON WORKS. a committee of the town of Braintree, at public sale, with the other common lands, in 1765. Another version of the disposition of these lands is to be found in Vinton's Memorial, page 471, and is most probably the correct one : — "Dec. 7th, 1682. Capt. Ephraim Savage, shopkeeper, of Bos- ton, and Sarah, his wife, for £500 current money of New Eng- land, sell John Hubbard, of Boston, merchant, 2400 acres of land " And whereas the Petitioners say iu the Preamble to their petition that they have lately purchased, &c. " 1st. The Respondents answer, That it was purchased by some few of the inhabitants of the town of Milton, as private persons, and not by the Town of Milton. " 2d. That the greater the Tract of Land is, the more unreasonable it is that the Petition should be granted. "3d. First Reason That the scituation of said land is (as they say) by some miles nearer to Milton than any other Town, the greater and best part of it lying within a mile and a half of the Milton meeting-house. "The Respondents, answer That the matter alleged in this reason is by no means true. But if they had said it was nearer to Milton than any other town, excep Braintree, it had been well enough for that purpose; the best part may ly near Milton, yet the far greater part of the land lie nearest Braintree. " As to their 2d Reason, The Respondents answer. That the Township of Braintree being lately divided into two Precincts, are under as great, if not greater, difficulties and discouragements than the Town of Milton can pretend to be. No doubt but the addition they pleaded for, would enable and encourage them &c., so it would encourage and enable the Respondents if such a part of the Town of Dorchester or Milton were added to their Township, but believe the Great and General Court will not judge it reasonable, so have not yet Petitioned for it. " As to their third reason, the truth of which is therein asserted, depending upon the first which is not true, it must fall with it, but supposing it may be true with to some few particulars, it is but the common misfortune of some few private persons iu all Towns whatsoever. As to the Fourth Reason, The Respondents say, admitting the matter therein contained to be true, yet it is but a common kindness, and the Town of Milton do now pass through Braintree to go to the salt meadows. As to the fifth reason, it is answered already iu the answer to the first, in the preamble, in part as to what remains the Respondents cannot for the reasonableness of it, That they who have the property, should have the jurisdiction, for as much as that would alter the constitution of most Towns in the Province. All which with what else may appear your Respond- ents humbly hope this great and General Court will see full cause to dismiss the said Petition.— Edmund Quincy, John Cleverly, Neamiah Haydcn, Peter Adams, Committee in behalf of the Town of Braintree."— Mass. Arch., ^'ol. CXIU, pp. 592—595. IRON -WOKKS. 453 in Brantery, commonly called Iron Works Land, and is jjart of that 3000 acres formerly granted by the town of Boston to the company of the Iron Works, according to a plot thereof drawn and signed by the Selectmen of Boston, bounded east on land of Capt. John Holbrook, (which was part of said land) ; west on Boston Common Lands ; North, part on Manaticut River, part on land of John Hull, Esq. ; South, on Boston Commons." The General Court, on the 7th of March, 1643-4, granted the undertakers the monopoly of manufacturing iron within the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Colony, for twenty-one years, providing that in two years they would fabricate a sufficient quantity to supply the Colony. As soon as suitable arrangements could be made, the follow- ing gentlemen were organized as the company, viz : — Lionel Copeley, Esq., of York County, England ; Nicholas Bond, Esq., of Westminster, England; Thomas Pury, Esq., of Westminster, England ; John Bex, merchant, London ; Wil- liam Beauchamp, merchant, London; Thomas Foley, gentleman, London ; William Greenhill, Stepney, County of Middlesex ; Thos. Weld, minister, Gateshead, Durham ; John Pococke, mer- chant tailor, London; William Beeke, merchant tailor, London; Wm. Hicock, citizen, London ; Mr. Winthrop, Jr., Henry Webb and others of this country, were added. These gentlemen estab- lished iron works at Lynn and Braintrce. After the establishment of the furnaces and forges, they seem to have been in a prosperous condition up to 1645, when they issued the following document, Avhich sounds very much like incorporations of the present day, who desire to water their stock, by issuing loud-sounding circulars to inform the commu- nity of the great importance to those who would subscribe to the stock of the com])any and become rich; as it appears to us it was the case in this instance, we give their own statement, which will better illustrate the subject, viz : — " Whereas, it is now found by sufficient })roof that the iron work is very successful, both in the richness of the ore and the goodness of the iron, and like to be of great benefit to the whole country, especially if the inhabitants here should be interested therein in some good proportion, — one-half at the least; and 454 IRON" WORKS. whereas the time limited for adventurers to come in will be expired in the ninth month (November) next, this court taking the same into serious consideration, and being careful that such an opportunity for so great advantage to the Commonwealth might not be let slip, have taken orders that speedy notice thereof should be given to every town within this jurisdiction; expecting that all such persons as are of sufficient ability, and intend their own benefit with the common good, will forthwith appear to come in to share in the work, according to their abili- ties ; and for their better instruction and direction herein, they are hereby to understand that there is already disbursed between £1200 and £1500, with which the Furnace is built, with that which belonged to it, and good quantity of Mine, Coal and wood provided, and some tons of sow iron cast, and some other things in readiness for the forge, etc. They are also to know that no adventurer is to put in less than £100 ; but divers may join together to make up that sura, so it come all under one name. There will be need of some £1500 to finish the forge, &c., which will be accepted in money, beaver, wheat, coals, or any such commodities as will satisfy the workmen, and these are to be paid in to Mr. Henry Webb of Boston, by such direction as they may receive from the undertakers, Mr. John Winthrop, Jr., Major Sedgwick, Mr. Henry Webb, aforesaid, and Mr. Joshua Hewes. The ncAv adventurers are also to know that they must bear their j^art in such loss as is befallen the first stock, by for- bearance or otherwise, to the time of the new adventurers pay- ing in their adventures ; and all such as will venture are desired to hasten their resolutions, that the work may go on speedily." — Mass. Archives, Vol. LIX, p. IG ; Colony Records, Vol. U, p. 103. A few months after, they received their charter from the court, granting them a monopoly and all the privileges they de- sired.^ This, like many other early enterprises in the Colonies, struggled on with varied success until about 1653, when they became so embarrassed as to be obliged to give up the under- ]. The following is a copy of the charter granted the Iron Works: — " At a session of the General Court, the first of the 8th month, 1645, Inprimis, that the uudertakers, their agents and assigues, are hereby granted the sol IRON WORKS. 455 taking as utterly bankrupt.. The contemporary writers of that dny give an account of this unfortunate project. Johnson, in his Wonder-working Providence, written in 1G52, makes the fol- lowing mention of them : — "The land affording very good iron stone, divers persons of good rank and quality in England, were stirred up by the provident hand of the Lord to venture their estate upon a iron work which they began at Braintree," etc. He further says, that the operations of the forge were not at- privilege and benefit of making iron, and managing of all iron mines and workes, that now are or shalbe discovered and found out, or hereafter shalbe in this iurisdiction, for thetearme of twentj'-one yeares from the former graunt; provided, that the said adventurers, their agents or assignes, do, within three years fro' the former date, use their bestendeavo' to their utmost skill to perfect 80 many of the said workes that the inhabitants of this iurisdiction be furnished with barr iron of all sorts for their use, not exceeding twentye pounds per tunn ; provided also, that it shalbe in the liberty of any within this iurisdiction to be adventurers with the undertakers, if by the last day of this October, they being in their adventures, not lesse, in one mans name, then fifty pounds with alowance to the adventurers for the stock of one thousand pounds by them already disbursed. " 2d. The court doth hereby grant to the said undertakers, their agents and assignes, in all places of wasts and lands not impropriated to any towno or person, that the said undertakers, their agents or assigues, at all times during the said tearnie of 21 yeares, shall and may, freely and at their own discretion, have and take all manner of wood and limber, to be converted into coales, or any other uses for the service of the undertakers, as also all manner of earth, stoanes, turfe, clay and other materialls for buildings and reparation of any of their workes, forges, mills, or houses, built or to be built, or for making or moulding any manner of gunns, potts and all other cast iron ware; and for con- verting wood into charcoale; and also to get, dig and carry away, of all manner of stone, iron ore and wood of all sorts, and any other materialls or things of use for their workes, and it is hereby also granted to the said undertakers , their agents or assigues, that they shall have free liberty to make all convenient wayes and passages, as also all manner of pooles, dams, water courses, sluice- ponds for water, in all wast grounds or other conveniences to, from, and for the service of the said workes built or to be built, not impropriated to any towue or person, during such time as the said workes shall continue; provided if, by any pond, sluce, water-course, dam, or any other worke, (though in land unimpro- priated,) they should spoyle, or any wayes preiudice, the land appropriated to any towne or person, the said undertakers shall make due and iust satisfaction. "3d. The court doth hereby further grant to the said adventurers, their agents or assignes, in all the grounds that are or shall be appropriated, that the said adventurers, their agents or assignes, shall have free liberty at all times during the said tearmo to digg, gett, carry away all manner of stono or iron ore, and to make and use all uouvenieut wajes and water-courses, pooles, dams, 456 IRON WORKS. tended with i)rofit, but loss, which he attributed in part to the high price of labor, and in part to the want of skill and experi- ence in the manufacture of iron, but expresses a hope " that the owners may pick up their crumbs again ; hopes they will perse- vere, and expresses a great satisfaction in the thought that in addition to these commodities which the people of New Eng- land were already to exjiort, — as wheat, rye, oats, barley, peas, beef, pork, fish, butter, cheese, timber, masts, tar, soap, lumber, sluces, ponds for water and otlier conveniences to, from, and for the service of the said works, through all the said grounds that are or hereafter shalbe im- propriated, (except houses, or orchards not exceeding three acres, and yards,) giving such due and full recompense for the same to the owners thereof, for the time being, as three indifferent men shall adiudg, whereof one to be appointed by the said court at the next generall meeting after the undertakers, their agents, or assignes, shall make or use any of the said wayes or water courses, or other perticulers herein mentioned for the services aforesaid, and one other by the owner of the land for the time being, and the third by the undertakers or adventurers. "4th. The court doth hereby further graunt unto the said adventurers and to their heires and assignes forever, so much land now or hereafter to be in this iurisdiction, as aforesaid, as shall containe in sixe places, three miles square, in each place, or so much in quantity as containeth three miles square, not ex- ceeding four miles in length, to be set out in such places and parcels as the said undertakers or their agents shall make choyce of, not being already impropri- ated, as aforesaid ; upon which said land the said adventurers shall have free liberty, and hereby do undertake, that within the said tearme of years, to search, sett and find out convenient places within the said compas of land, for the building and setting up of six forges, or furnaces, and not bloomaries onely, or so many more as they shall have occasion for, for the making of iron as aforesaid, which they shall (th« iron, stone and other materialls p'ving proper and fit for the making of iron, as aforesaid) build and set up w'in the tearme aforesaid; provided, that ye court may graunt a plantation in any place where ye co't thinketh mute, the adventurers or their agents there residing haveing first notice thereof, and not making clioyce of the same for part of the land to be set out and graunted to them, for the designe of planting the said iron works, and making iron, as aforesaid. "5th. It is gi'aunted and ordered, that what quantity of iron, of all sorts and qiialities, the said adventurers, their agents or assignes, shall make more than ye inhabitants shall have neede and use of, for their service, to be bought and paid for by the said inhabitants, as aforesaid, they shall have free liberty to transport the same by shiping to other parts or places of the world, and to make sale thereof in what way and place the said adventurers shall please, for their best advantage, provided they sell it not to any i)erson or State in actuall hos- tility with us. " Oth. That it is graunted and ordered that the said erktuers, their agents and IRON WORKS. 457* etc., they were likely to be able to export iron and lead." Mr. Hubbard, in his New England histories, makes the following quaint allusion to the cause of the breaking up of this unfortu- nate project, viz. :_» Which was projected and strenuously car- ried on for some considerable time, but at length, instead of drawmg out bars of iron for the country's use, there was ham- mered out nothing but contentions and lawsuits, to the great disadvantage of the undertakers." It is useless for us to go over the extensive field of contro- versy in reference to whether Lynn or Braintree erected the first iron forge in America. It is of little moment to us whether Lynn or Braintree began their works one or six months previous to the other, as they were one and the same company, and most probably tlieir works were established as near together as the nature of the circumstances would admit. We are, however, of an opinion that the evidence preponderates to Lynn; still it is an open question, and we think will ever remain as such. Tiie first branch forge and furnace, for the manufacture of iron ware in America, (as it was one branch, the other having been servants, shall, from the date of these presents, forever have and euioy all lib- erties and inmnities whatsoever, p'sent or to come, equall with any within this lorLsaiction. according to the lawes and orders thereof for the time being, and according to the rightes and priviledges of the churches. "7th. It is also grauuted, that the undertakers and adventurers, together with their agents, servants and assignes, shallbe and are hereby free from all taxes, asseasments, contributions and other public charges whatsoever, for so much of their stock, store or goods, as shall be implied in and about the said iron works, for and during the tearme of years yet to come, from the date or these presents. " 8th. It is hereby graunted and ordered, that all such clarks and workmen as miners, founders, finers, hamermen and colliers, necessarily implied or to be implied in and about the said workes, built or to be built, for any the services hereof, shall, from time to time during the said tearme of years, bo, and hereby are, absolutely freed and discharged of and from all ordinary trainings watchings. &c., but that every person at all times be furnished with arms, pow- der, shott, etc.. according to order of court. "9th. It is lastly ordered by the court, that in all places where any iron worke IS set up, remote from a church or congregation, unto which they cannot conveniently come, that the undertaker.s will be pleased to provide some good meanes whereby their families may be instructed in the knowledge of God by such as the a.urt or standing councell shall approve of."-Mass. liecords, Vol iJ., p. 125. 69 458 IRON WORKS. built at Lynn, by the same company), was constructed in that part of Braintree which is now called Quincy, on what has ever been known as the Furnace brook. My reason for this asser- tion against all written authorities, is as follows : — In 1653, the general iron company became embarrassed and failed. It appears in the apprizement of their effects, made at that time, that there was but one forge or furnace belonging to them in the town of Braintree. In 1674-5, after twenty years litigation with the company, Mr. Thomas Wiggin obtained possession, in satisfaction of a judgment of a certain tract of land ; he conveyed the same to one Thomas Savage, who sold it to Gregory Belcher and Alex- ander Marsh, and it appears below that a furnace was located upon this land held by Belcher and Marsh ; it also appears that this land included within its bounds. Furnace brook. We have searched the records in all directions for the sale of detached portions of the other landed estates enumerated in the comjjany's apprizement, belonging to them, to ascertain if any other forge was to be found in the possession of this association in Braintree, and have been unable to find the least intimation that there was. This forge was constructed in the most south- erly i^art of the Hall Cemetery, on the Furnace brook, a short distance south of the Catholic Church, on Cemetery street. West Quincy, where the relics are to be seen to this day. It is hoped that the town, or some public-spirited individuals, will have a monument erected over this mound to perpetuate this noted locality where the first iron forge was established in the United States. Mr. Vinton, in his memorial, gives an extended account of the iron works in Braintree, in which he endeavors to make it appear that the first forge and furnace in the United States was erected on the MonatiqTiot river, in tliis old township. To establish this point, lie has based this assertion upon a false conclusion, by making the great and fatal mistake in asserting that tlie Fur- nace brook was tlie Monatiquot river, which is not the case ; as the Furnace l>rook is now, and always has been in tliat l^art of old Braintree, now called Quincy. The old petrified foundation timbers can be seen to this day embedded in the IKON WORKS. 459 banks of this quiet stream ; slags of iron, and old cinders can be seen in this locality at any time, which to our mind clearly proves that the manufacture of iron Avas carried on here. Tra- dition relates that the forge on the Furnace brook was more successful than it Avould have been if it had been erected on the Monatiquot river, on account of sow iron being more easily ob- tained, of better quality and in a greater supply, from the exten- sive swailips that surrounded this locality. Mr. Vinton commits another error in stating that Mr. Belcher and Mr. Marsh were not able to hold the furnace land after they had j)urchased it. Mr. Alexander Marsh, the progenitor of the Marsh family in this town, came into possession of Mr. Belcher's share of the furnace land by inheritance through his wife, who was the daughter of Mr. Belcher. It can also be proved by the inventory of Mr. Marsh that he held this estate at the time of his decease. To show that he was in possession of this property at this time, we will give the following item as taken from his executor's account to be found in the Suffolk Probate Court Records, Libro VIII, folio 123, viz: — "The furnace land at Crane's Plaine containing two hundred and fifteen acres valued at four hundred pounds, and also the Barnabas Dorifield's lot adjoyning the furnace land, containing sixteen acres." There was no reason why Mr. Marsh could not hold this land, as he was at that time one of the three wealthiest men in the town, the other two were Mr. Edmund Quincy and Mr. Joseph Crosby, whose respective estates were apprized as follows : — Mr. Quincy's, a little rising twenty-two hundred pounds ; Mr. Cros- by's, rising fifteen hundred jiounds, and Mr. Marsh's something over twelve hundred pounds. But to settle this question beyond a doubt, we will give the bounds of this land as sold by Mr. Savage to Belcher and Marsh in 1674-5 : — " The old furnace at Braintree with all the houses thereon belonging, Avith all the land thereto, being in estimation two hundred acres, be it more or less, being bounded on the land of Elder Kingsly on the north, (Mr. Kingsly's estate was in West Quincy, adjoining East Milton, and he was the first Elder of the First Church, and afterwards removed to Milton) ; on the west by the Common lands of Braintree, (which were the Blue Hill 460 IRON WORKS. lands) ; on the south and east on the Furnace brook, with land obtained by Thomas Wiggin, by judgment against the estate of the undertakers of the iron works, levied by execution and sold by said Wiggin unto said Savage, with the wood, under- wood, trees, timber lying and being thereon, together with all the privileges, appurtenances, belonging thereto, as also si,\teen acres of land abutting upon the said furnace land which was lately in the occupation of Barnabas Dorifield." Another fact which goes to corroborate its having been estab- lished, on the Furnace brook at this early period is, that a few years ago, in making an excavation at the old forge, a sign plate of iron was found bearing date of 1646, which to my mind is conclusive evidence that the furnace was in this locality at this time. Then again the facility and access for procuring and trans- porting fuel for the forge from their supposed grant of three thou- sand acres of woodland, (one-half of which was in East Milton, embracing what is called the Scotch Woods, and the other fifteen hundred acres were the Blue Hill lands in Braintree,) was decid- edly more convenient to the Furnace brook than to the Monat- iquot river, as doubtless it was here the coal was manufactured for the use of the furnace. The consumption of so much wood caused an oj)position to arise among the inhabitants of the town to the iron works ; as they considered that if the works continued many years they would not have sufficient fuel for domestic and other purposes. The greater part of the capital and principal business was at Lynn, as at the time of the failure of the iron company the apprizements of their estate at Lynn amounted to £3295 2s. 6d., and at Braintree, £666 3s. 3d. The following is an abstract of the apprizement at Braintree, Avhich contains the principal effects belonging to the company at the time of their failure, in 1653 :— " A little house, 2 350 loads of coal, - - - . 197 Tlie forge, dam, water courses, flood gates, pond, and all things belonging to it, 297 Tairs (or Thayers) Lott, 1 accor 17 rods, 2 10 10 10 15 £ 8. V. 17 17 6 ■ 3 4 10 7 5 4 10 2 17 6 1 5 36 10 1 0" IRON WORKS. 461 Penns Lett. 78 accors, - - _ Old Rugglcs Lett. 20 accors, Young Rugglcs Lott. 30 accors, - Martin Sanders Lott. 29 accors, - Good (man) Newcombs. 18 accors, - Chapmans. 1 accor, - . _ . Levitts House Lott. 41 Rods, Widow Hunns Lott. 20 accors, - 6 tun of Cast Iron, at £6 the tun, 10 of barr Iron, ----- John ffrerck. 60 rods, - - - —Mass. Arch., Vol. LIX, p. 47. The remaining portion of the apprizement is made up of anvils, hammers and other implements connected with the works. By this inventory it appears that there is but one forge mentioned as being in Braintree, as we have before stated ; this was the forge purchased by Belcher and Marsh. The names of the workmen that we have seen recorded appear to have been Scotchmen. It was the custom at this period for individuals to be sent from Great Britain to America and sold into limited ser- vitude by indenture as a matter of speculation, and the laborers of the iron works were procured in this manner. Servitude by indenture continued to exist in the Colonies and Provinces down to the Revolutionary period. At the time of the failure of the iron company, this system of servitude left the workmen very poor and without money for subsistence, and liable to become a town charge. To relieve the town of this exigency, they peti- tioned the General Court for assistance, as follows, viz : — " In answer to the petition of Braintree humbly desiring some relief to several persons brought in by the OAvners of the iron works, yet are likely to be chargeable to them, especially in relation to Jun Frauncis, his poor condition calling for present reliefe, &c., so this court refers this part of their petition to the next County Court in Suffolk, where all parties concerned may have liberty to present their respective pleas and evidence." The second iron works Avcrc erected on the Monatiquot river in Braintree, between the years 1682 and 1684, l)y Mr. John 462 IRON WORKS. ( Hubbard, a merchant of Boston, who had purchased the iron com- jsany's Lands in this vicijiity. No doubt that when the iron com- pany purchased this tract in Braintree, they contemplated build- ing there; but from some cause or other, they did not. It is very evident that when Mr. Hubbard purchased this estate, in 1682, there had never been a furnace or forge built on this river, as in the deeds of conveyance to hira there is not the least sug- gestion or intimation that they had ever existed in this locality. After he had made his purchase of Savage and Penn, he went to work and improved these lands by building a saw mill, fur- nace and forge. This improvement enabled Mr. Hubbard to more readily dispose of this estate in small parcels to various individuals; which he did as a matter of speculation. The most important circumstance contained in his deeds of conveyance, is the settlement of the vexed question of the time, and by Avhom the forge was erected on the Monatiquot river, which the following conveyances will illustrate — two of them being made in one day, viz : — "Hubbard to Dummer, In consideration of a valuable sum of money to me paid, I, John Hubbard, of Boston, County of Suffolk, sold to Jeremiah Dummer, of Boston, goldsmith, of said County of Suffolk, one-sixth part of all that plotte or parcel of land scituated, lying and being in Braintrey, within the County of Suffolk, near the road or highway leading from Braintry to Weymouth, which I purchased of William Penn by deed, 18th of October, 1682, which land is bounded on the county road to an elm tree standing near the landing place, and from the elm tr#e running southeasterly to low-water mark ; and bounded northerly with Monotoquod river ; bounded westerly with a runell of water issuing from a swamp commonly called the soap- house swamp, and as a speciall appertenance and j^riviledge annexed thereunto, as much more land adjoyning, and bounded by the river, as the said Hubbard shall have occasion to fflow. The parcel of land is commonly known by the name of William Penn's Upper Landing place, where the saw pitts are, with the jDriviledge of a river for the setting up of a mill, and ingress, egress and regress, way and passage to and from the same ; also the just sixth part of all the land and rights, liberties and privi- IKON WORKS. 463 ledges, I purchased of Joseph Alleine, of Brantery, upon the northwest side of Monotoquod river, as may appear by deed upon record hearing date tlie 2Gtli of December, 1GS2, togetlier with one-sixth part of tlie Iron TFbr^s, Forge, Dam and Pond, fflume and Saio Mill, by 3fe Greeted and Made, now standing, or near the river, and all housing, ediffices and buildings what- soever, upon the land. 1684, 13th Dec."— Lib. 14, fol. 361. "Hubbard to Samuel White, of Boston." Mr. Hubbard sold to Mr. White on the same day, one-sixth part of this estate. The bounds being the same as the former conveyance, we shall not repeat it. " Hubbard to Addington. Mr. Hubbard sold to Isaac Addinir- ton, of Boston, the full moiety of one-half part of a fforge and other buildings belonging thereunto, with the ground it stanroper use in the town. " Thirdly, — That the committee shall or may seize all stone that they shall find dug or carted on and off said common lands, the digger or carter Avhereof is not known, and the same dis- posed of to the best advantage for the town, by sale or other- wise, deducting one-quarter part thereof to themselves, in full satisfaction as above said." For years after, the same complaint was made at the annual town meetings, that it was impossible for the town to enforce the rules they had adopted. The inability to execute these regulations was probably caused to some extent by the more liberal vie^vs of its citizens who opposed it, and who were not in harmony with those who advo- cated and sustained these rigid rules. Tliey doubted the feasi- bility and justice of passing such onorous laws, depriving them of the use of stone for common purposes, and at a meeting held in 17'20-30, they were prompted to dissent from the action of the meeting. This, eventually, no doubt, was the cause why the town was obliged to sell the North and South Commons in 1762 and 1765. 1729-30. At this meeting it was voted, " That no person be allowed from lienceforth to take stone for his own use from off tlie common for building, fencing or the like, without first giving notice to a committee by the town appointed, of his so doing, and rendering a true account of their quantity, and how he dis- posed of them. Then voted, that there be five persons of a STONE QUARRYING. 501 committee, any three of which sliall be a quorum, anrl Init three paid. The following persons being then nominated to be the committee, were voted for singly, viz. : — Mr. Thomas White, Mr. Benjamin Luddin, Mr. Benjamin Neal, Mr. Joseph Crosby and Mr. Ebenezcr Thayer. Against the vote and order above said, after some of them had been decided by polling, and after one of the committee was chosen, the following entered their dissent : — " Joseph Pray, Christopher Webl), Moses Belcher, Jr., Moses Paine, Thomas Copeland, Stephen Cleverly, Samuel Arnold, Joseph Tower, Samuel Cleverly, John French, Moses Belcher, Joseph Brackett, Moses Paine, Jr., Dcpendance French, William Belcher, Ephraim Arnold, John Curtis, Nathaniel Belcher, Elka- nah Wales, Abijah Allen, Benjamin Allen, Jr., Benjamin Paine, Jonathan Hayden." Xot much thought had been given to the stone quarries until the early jiart of the present century, Avhen Jackson Field, Jo- siah Bemis, Wm. Wood^ and AVra. Packard first began to open quarries for the purjiose of carrying on the stone business. They may be considered the first persons who established the stone business in a legitimate manner in this town, but it was in a very small way, as there was no great demand for large building stones ; and if there had been, they would not have been able to supply the material for the want of proper apparatus and ma- chinery for lifting and hoisting large blocks of granite. The stone quarried at this time was principally for underi)innings, door steps, etc. In 1822, the question began to be agitated in regard to erect- ing a monument on Bunker Hill, in commemoration of/ this American marathon. After the committee had been chosen on the design, they finally agreed with Mr. Willard'^ that it should 1. Williatu "Wood was accidentally killed by the falling of a stone upon him. 2. Solomon AVillard was not a native, hut a voluntary citizen of (Juincy, coming here in 1825, to construct the Bunker Hill IMonunient— the great, and to him the greatest episode of his life. Mr. Willanl was horn at Pctcrshain, "Wor- cester County, Massachusetts, on the 2(lth of June, 17.S3. His father, known as Deacon AVilliam Willard, was a native of Biddeford, Maine. Ho received his early education at the country school of that day, which consisted of six months in the year. 502 STONE QUARKYING. be in the style of an obelisk. This design having been agreed upon, the next question of importance was tlie selection of a suitable architect and superintendent for the construction of this patriotic and noble enterprise. At the first meeting of the com- At the age of twenty-one, he bade his native home farewell, and in October, ]S04, came to Boston, not as many do, " waiting for something to turn up," but rather to turn something up, and see what perseverance, energy and activeyn- dustry might accomplish. Here he commenced the trade of a carpenter, and Avith his broad axe and willing heart, he began with fitting a set of piles for the building of a wharf, at iifty cents per day and board. His employers were Pond & Gale, for whom he worked ten days. The first year of Mr. Willard's residence in Boston, he worked for several parties; and after settling his personal expenses, as well as the purchase of tools, books, etc., Salmon ISIorton, on the I'ith of Oct., 1805, paid him two hun- dred dollars for eight months' work. At this time he made his first investment by a loan of two hundred and five dollars, to William Willard, which was after- wards paid by installment. In 1808, Mr. "Willard was employed as a carpenter on the famous Exchange Coffee House, an immense and costly edifice extending from Congress to Dev- onshire .street. " This building combined the Merchants' Exchange and Hotel. There were in this building three principal staircases, of which the grand spiral pile, on the southerly side of the building, which extended from the basement story to the roof, and intended especially for the hotel, was built by Mr. Wil- lard, and was the work of considerable calculation, judgment and skill, in the joiner's art. Probably there was no piece of joiner's work in the country at that time, which would compare with it in spaciousness, architecture or finish." This building was seven stories high, and most elaborately finislied. It was destroyed by fire on the 3d of Nov., 1818, and the light of the conflagration was seen at a distance of one hundred miles from Boston. In the mean time, Mr. Willard had been improving his mind by the study of architecture and per- spective drawing; he also acquired a knowledge of the French language, and attended anatomical lectures. So noted had he become as a carver, that he was constantly employed. Among his works were the Ionic capitals for the Brighton meeting-house; Ionic and Corinthian capitals for Park-street Church, Boston; also, for Dr. Channing's Church, on Federal street, Avhich has since been taken down. In 1810, he carved a colossal spread eagle, which was placed on the old Custom House in Boston. It is now to be seen on the United States Bonded Warehouse. He executed another eagle to adorn the Beacon Hill Mon- ument; when this monument was taken down, the eagle was suspended in the Kepresentatives' Hall of the State House. In 1813, he connected ship carving with his profession. His master-piece of this kind of work was the large bust of Wasliingtou, executed by him in 181(), for the 74-gun ship, Washington, l^reviously, ISlr. Willard had been engaged in his profession at Washington, Baltimore, Philadcli)hia and New York. In 1818, Mr. Charles Bulfinch, the architect of the capitol at Washington, engaged Mr. Willard to construct a model of the capitol building. STONK QUARRYIXC;. 503 niittee, they made the judicious selection of Mr. Solomon Wil- lard for that purpose, Oct. 31st, 1825. As soon as Mr. Willard liad been selected for this important trust, he found that the arduous task of selecting a sufficient amount of appropriate material for its construction devolved u{)on him. He declared In addition to many other models of public buildings in various parts of the country, that Mr. Willard was called upon ,to execute, was the plaster models of the old Koman pantheon and parthenon of exact proportions, which were used by Mr. Edward Everett, in a course of lectures delivered by him in 1821-2. We believe these models are yet to be seen in the basement room of the Boston Athena?um. Mr. Willard was called upon to design and execute work for all the principal buildings in the early part of the present century, in connection with which, he taught at his studio, lessons in architecture; lie was also one of the original projectors of the Merchants Institution of Boston in 182G. In 1825, he became a member of the Charitable Mechanic Association. After laying aside the foreplane and broad axe and entering upon the higher branches of mechanical art, architecture, sculpture and modelling, the idea occurred to him that one important matter connected with his profession had been neglected. That was the inadequate and unsatisfactory system that had been adopted for heating large public buildings, and making the better class of dwelling-houses more comfortable in the extreme weather of our winters; upon this idea he went to work and made a model for the construction of an apparatus for producing artificial heat, and ventilating the various apartments of the building. Thus to Mr. Willard belongs the honor of being the first inventor of the Hot Air Fur- nace, upon which he charged no royalty; if he had, he might have become quite wealthy, as the furnace became popular and was extensively used. The manu- facturer of these furnaces, Mr. Daniel Safford, of Boston, with his assistant workmen was employed night and day in supplying the market. These f urnace.s were placed in the Old South, St. Paul's, Dr. Lowell's and other churches; also in the United States Capitol at Washington ; they were constructed mostly for wood, as fuel. Anthracite coal was little in use at this time, 182.3. In 1820, three years previous, only three hundred and sixty-five tons of anthracite coal was used in the whole country. Improvements have been made in the construction of Hot Air Furnaces. Mr. Willard's furnace to some extent continued to be manufactured up to 1840. The crowning glory of Mr. Willard's life was when the distinguished com- mittee on the Bunker Hill Monument, accepted his plan and adopted his suggestions for the construction of the monument, although many have tried to rob him of this honor. Mrs. Lee, in her " Familiar Sketches of Sculpture and Sculptors," states as follows: — " It is well known that Horatio Greenough fur- nished the design for the Bunker Hill Monument, though at that time an undergraduate of Harvard College; it was forwarded to the Board of Directors with an essay, and fiiuilly accepted." We have omitted to relate in this note his adventure in the stone business, as it is enumerated in the text. After the construction of the monument, Mr. Willard spent the remaining portion of his (luiet bachelor life, in West Quincy, iu connection with the stone 504 STONK QUARRYING. this Avas oue of tlife most laborious and difficult undertakings in connection with the building of the obelisk, for the reason that the use of stone for building purposes was little known, or not known at all in the form of large-sized blocks of syenite, as he desired for this object. Mr. Willard immediately commenced his explorations for this project, and after having walked three hundred miles, critically examining quarries in various places, finally decided for color, durability and all other requirements business, excepting a year or two of the latter part of it, when his time was mostly taken up with experiments in agricultural chemistry. He was a great follower of Liebig, the noted German chemist. Before commencing his agri- cultural juirsuits in West Quincy, which was an unhealthy part of the town, its inhabitants (.lying oif like sheep, with dysentery and typhoid fever, ISIr. Willard, by irrigating, clearing up and draining the swampy low lands of this section of the village, caused it to become as healthy as any other part of the town. Mr. Willard was a fair example of a self-educated man ; retiring in his liabits of life, yet always willing to converse and freely impart instruction or knowl- edge to any one who desired it, and strongly opposed to all ostentation or flattery ; this point is well illustrated in the following communicatiim with Mr. Edward Everett; the correspondence occurred in reference to what Mr.M'illard's fee was for a plan of his, which had been adopted by the buildiug committee, for a monumeutto be erected at the " Old North Bridge" in Concord, Mass., in commenunation of a skirmish there in Ilevolutionary times. The following is Mr. WilliU'd's characteristic reply : — " I did not think of making any charge, and am sorry you should give yourself any trouble about it." He further says in the same note, — " Many of my friends are in the habit of adding an Esq. to my name in the superscription of their letters, supposing me possessed of the little vanity which it would gratify, but as I have no claim to such distinction, it would bo more pleasing to have it omitted." This request was ever after scrupulously complied with by Mr. Everett. Mr. Willard had, in his humble and unostentatious way, been a great friend to education, and the citizens of West Quincy did him no more than simple justice, when they honored him by calling the school-house erected in that district, after the person who had done so much for their welfare. On the morning of the twenty-seventh of February, 18()1, Mr. Willard, when about to take his place at the breakfast table, was stricken with apoplexy, and in about twenty minutes' quietly expired. His death caused sudden and sad gloom to come over the village of his residence, and his funeral was attended with every degree of respect; the schools were dismissed, the bells tolled, and the school children, with all the citizens of West Quincy, in sad and solemn procession, while the band played a dirge, proceeded to the Hall Cemeterj^, where all that was once mortal of Solomon Willard was deposited, and the rejected shaft of the New York Exchange, which some years previous he had unaided placed there, is erected near the last resting place of this public-spirited man, and benefactor of the town. STONE QUARKYING. 505 desired of stone for the erection of this monument, that tlie Quincy syenite was the best. The quarry approved of by Mr. Willard was what is called the Bunker Hill Quarry, and con- sisted of four acres. It was purchased in June, 1825, by Mr. Gridley Bryant, of Mr. Frederick Hardwick, for which was paid two hundred and fifty dollars, and sold by Mr. Bryant to the company for a slight advance. Previous to this, INlr. Amos Lawrence, one of the building committee, had also purchased a quarry at Rockport, Cape Ann, for building the monument. This quarry, not being considered as desirable for the purpose as the one selected by Mr. Willard, was given up. If the quarry purchased by Mr. Lawrence had been of the desired quality, it would in all probability have been many years before the quar- ries of Quincy stone would have achieved their present celebrity. The opening of these stone quarries led to the discovery and opening of other quarries which had laid dormant since the cre- ation. It also was the cause of the building of the first railroad in America.^ This road was constructed for the more rapid trans- 1. The following is au account of the opening of the first railroad in Amer- ica, as given by the papers of that time: — " This railroad, the first we believe in the country, was opened on Saturday, in presence of a number of gentlemen, who take an interest in the experiment. A quantity of stone weighing sixteen tons, taken from the ledge belonging to the Bunker Hill Association and loaded in three wagons, which together weigh five tons, making a load of twenty- one tons, was moved with ease by a single horse from the quarries to the landing above Neponset bridge, a distance of more than three miles. Tlie road declines gradually the whole way, from the quarry to the landing, but so slightly that the horse conveys back the empty wagons, making a load of five tons. After the starting of the load, which re- quired some exertion, the horse moved with ease in a fast walk. It may therefore be easily conceived how greatly the transportation of heavy loads is facilitated by means of tliis road. A large quantity of beautiful stone already prepared for the Bunker Hill Monument, will now be rapidly and cheaply transported to the wharf at the termination of the railroad, whence it will be conveyed by lighters to Charlestown. The road is constructed in the most substantial manner. It rests on a foundation of stone laid so deep in the ground as to be beyond the reach of frost, and to secure the rails on which the carriage runs effectually against any change of their relative position ; they are laid upon stones of eight feet in length, placed transversely along the whole extent of the road at a distance of six or eight feet from eacli otliur. The space between these stones is filled with smaller stones or earth, and over the whole between the rails a gravel path is nuide. The rails are formed of pine timber, 65 506 STONE QUARRYING. portation of the stone to Charlestown for the construction of the monument, but did not meet the expectations of Mr. Willard.^ It also gave an impetus to the stone business by bringing to the atten- tion of the community a building material, which has adorned many of our cities with a class of noble and substantial buildings, both public and private. This experiment of Mr. Willard in opening the stone quarries in this place has added millions of dollars to the wealth of individuals and the town, as well as to enable the Bunker Hill Monument Association to procure first- class material to erect the monument. About seven years after this road was opened, a fatal and serious accident occurred on it, which was the first railroad acci- on the top of which is placed a bar of iron. The carriages run upon the iron bars, and are kept in place by a projection on the inner edge of the truss wheels. The wheels are of a size considerable larger than a common cart wheel. " We learn from a gentleman who has visited the principal railroads in England, that in point of solidity and skill in construction this is not exceeded by any one there.— Columbian Centiual, Oct. 11, 1820, and taken from the Daily Advertiser." The cost of this tramway was thirty-four thousand dollars. See Charles F. Adams', Jr., "Railroads; their Origin and Problems." " Next comes the Lowell, incorporated in 1 830 ; then followed the Worces- ter, Providence and others. The Lowell was first opened for public travel in June, 1835; the Worcester in July, the same year; the Providence was also opened in 1835, wi^h a single track. The Maine was opened from Wilmington to Andover, in 1836, to South Berwick, 18-43. The Eastern comes next, in 1838, which year it was opened to Salem. The Old Colony began in November, 1845. The Fitchburg in 1845, and the Hartford and Erie in 1849, under the name of the 'Norfolk County Road.' It is somewhat singular, that all the railway stations in Boston stand on ground reclaimed from the sea." 1. " There has been a strange misaj)prehensiou respecting the importance of the railway to us. I think the following statement, will illustrate this point: The whole quantity of stone carried from our ledge to the water, is 2287 tons, which at 35 cents per ton comes to !iJ800.50. The price offered by a respectable company for the hauling the common way, was lifty cents i)ev ton, so that all the gain that ever was expected, provided they had fultilled their agreement, was only the difference between 35 and 50 cents on 2287 tons, ^8343.05 in a work where $28,000 had been expended. On the other side of the account we must reckon the loss of two years in waiting for this company to perform a job which amounts to a little more than §800. For loss in time no estimate in money can be made. It has been, however, an iujury which is irreparable. The loss in cash paid to men with their hands tied in consequence of the delinquency of the Railway Company, (1 should say to speak within bounds) was ten times the whole cost of carrying 2287 tons to the water." STONE QUARRYING. 507 dent in New England, if not in the United States. July 25th, 1832, four gentlemen left the Treraont House, Boston, to come to Quincy and view this new railroad enterprise. After having examined the process of transporting large and weighty loads of stone, they were invited to ascend the inclined plane in one of the vacant returning cars. While the car was ascending this inclined plane, the chain gave way, and they were precipitated over the precipice, a distance of twenty or thirty feet. Mr. Thomas Bachus of Cuba was killed. Mr. J. Gibson of Boston had both legs broken. Mr. W. G. Bend of Baltimore was severely and Mr. Andrew E. Belknap of Boston slightly injured. We give below in a general note the expense of building and other matters connected with the construction of the mon- ument.^ 1. "The following are the prices? paid the workmen in the various depart- ments for the construction of the monument: — "Quarryraan's department. One master at .?2.00 per day; five common at — ; three capsin men at — ; one blacksmith, $l.Cu per day. " Hammerer's department. Thirty hammerers at :^1.73 per day; two black- smiths at ^1.67 per day; one pattern maker at $1.19 per day. "Hoister's department. One rigger — ; one master, §2.00 per day, one foreman SI. 07 per day; three common hands, §4.50 per day for the three. " Mason's department. One master mason §2.50 per day; three jonrneymeu at §1.07 per day; one apprentice §1.00; one blacksmith; one tender. Whole cost of monument, §103,963.08. The measurement of the monument by the Engineer, was as follows, viz :— DIMENSIONS OF THE OBELISK. Height of obelisk to base of pyramid, 208 feet, 5 inches. Height of monument to the apex, 221 feet, 5 inches. Sides of the square, first course, 30 " Sides of the square at base of pyramid, 15 " Thickness of wall at the base, one-fifth, G " Thickness of wall at the top, 2 Circumference of chamber in the top, 3G " Height of chamber, 18 Diameter of chamber, 11 " 6 inches. Height of each course in the monument, 2 " 8 Diminish in each course, 2J Number of courses to base of pyramid, 78 Number of steps in the circular stairs, 204 Height of riser, 8 inches. Foundation 50 feet square; G courses, 2 feet each, 12 feet deep. 508 STONE QUARRYING. Six years after the opening of the Bunker Hill Quarry, Mr. Willard wrote the following letter to Mr. Joseph Grinnell, of New Bedford, which gives a fair insight into the stone business of that period : — " The high j^rice demanded for granite for the fifteen years past, and particularly for blocks of large dimensions, has had a tendency to discourage the i;se of it, and my object in engaging in the stone business was not to make money, but to make exper- iments in order to remove the obstructions to the extensive use of granite as a building material, and to ascertain the lowest price at which it could be afforded with the common facilities for doing business. I left the profession of architect, which I had followed ten years in Boston, and took charge of a corps of quarrymen, at the Bunker Hill Quarry, in Quincy, six years DIMENSIONS OP THE CONE. Height of the cone from the flooring, 196 feet, 9 inches. Diameter of the first course, 10 " Diameter of the top course, 6 "2 " Thickness of wall, at base, one-sixth, 1 "8 " Thickness of wall at top, 1 " Height of each course, 1 "4 " Number of courses, ] 47 Diminish in each course, G-lOths ef an inch. DIMENSIONS OF THE PYRAMID. Vertical height from base line to apex, 13 feet. Number of courses in the pyramid, G Sides of the base, 15 feet. From base line to apex, 15 " " The following are the names of the workmen and the amount of money sub- scribed by them for the construction of the monument, viz:— Solomon Willard, $1000; Ezra Badger, $20.00; Hazen Abbott, $5.00; Theodore Rogers, $5.00; John White, $5.00; Joseph French, $5.00; Daniel Leonard, $5.00; Jacob B. Collins, $5.00; William Frederic, $5.00; D. M. C. Knox, $5.00; Samuel Ames, $5.00; Andrew Buntin, $5.00; John Adams, $5.00; John C. Knox, $5.00; John Frederic, $5.00; George Frederic, Jr., $5.00; John Robertson, $5.00; Samuel Bla, $5.00; Eli Stebbins, $5.00; Eleazer Frederic, $5.00; Daniel Ela, $5.00; Almoram Holmes, $50.00. Whole amount, $1,165.00." "A copy of this document, among Mr. Lawrence's papers, contains several other names, as follows:— Luther Marble, John Devanny and Thomas Pike, Jr., five dollars each, and Mr. James S. Savage, fifty dollars,, making the aggregate •$1,230. Probably they did not pay their subscription, as Mr. Rus- sell's receipt is only for the $1,100 as above." STONE QUARRYING. 509 ago the fifteenth of the present November. The committee of that work had previously advertised for proposals for furnishing the stone required, and received but one, and that was sixty-two cents per cubic foot, for the raw material delivered in Charles- town. A combination had taken place among the dealers in stone to keep up the prices, as is usually the case. The quarry- ing of four thousand tons was finally done by the day, by men under my charge, and cost the association but thirteen cents and three mills per cubic foot delivered on a Avharf in Charlestown." Still this was hardly a fair statement of the expense of cutting stone at that time, as Mr. Willard's services to the association were gratuitous ; but even at these prices there was a large mar- gin for profit, if a superintendent had been paid fair wages for overseeing the work. The United States Branch Bank, Boston, was the first build- ing that we know of which was constructed of large stone. "The corner stone was laid the 5th of July, 1824. The heavy columns in the portico of this building were cut from a huge boulder of granite in the town of Westford, Mass., known as The following is the surveyed distance for the transportation of the stone by road from the Bunker Hill Ledge to the monument at Charlestown :— MILES. QKS. KODS. Howard's Corner, Railway House, Stone marked 8 miles to Boston, Commencement of lower road at mills, Road leading to Neponset Bridge, Turnpike, Glover's Corner, Draw of Free Bridge (to South Boston), Church, head of Sea street, (now Federal street), Hanover street, through Federal and Marshall, Bunker Hill Monument, In order to understand the price of dressing stone about this period, we mean first-class work, per cubic foot, was as follows :— "At the General Hospital, for columns, !t?1.00; at the Branch Bank for archi- traves, $2.00; which were to have been paid for columns, !i?1.00; at the Tremont House for columns, $1.00; at the Tremont House, blocks for cornice, 00 cents; at the Washington Bank, for footing, §1.00; at the Arcade in Providence, for footing, $1.00; at the Dry Dock in Charlestown, 00 cents; at Norfolk for Dry Dock, 70 cents; at the New Bank in State street, for piers, $1.00; for the new Court House, $1.00. Average price for these sales, 99 cents." 3 40 2 2 58 2 3. 4 2 5 2 40 6 44 7 1 40 10 10 10 2 4 11 72 12 1 29 510 STONE QUARRYING, the Chelmsford granite. They were twenty-four feet in height, including the cnp, and four feet in diameter at the base," and would be called inferior in size to some columns since cut. This building Mr. Willard completed before beginning the monument. The first large stone columns quarried in Quincy were those taken for the Unitarian Church in this town, in 1828, from the Rattlesnake Quarry, which is now owned and worked by Jesse Bunton & Co. They were hammered by a Mr. Hazen Abbott, with a pean hammer, and must have been a very laborious job with this primitive instrument. The old red chalk lines can be seen to this day by which the stone was lined off. The Tremont House was erected in 1828, and the corner stone was laid by Mr. Samuel T. Armstrong, president of the Massa- chusetts Mechanic Association, July 4th, of that year ; the stone was hammered at the State Prison. " The ornamental part of the entablature — the facade and the portico — were executed by Mr. Samuel R. Johnson, of Charlestown." It was among tlie first hotels of this class erected in the country. The Masonic Temple, now the U. S. Court House, was built in 1831. Mr. Willard furnished the plan of the monument for Mr. Edward Everett, in commemoration of the fight at the old North Bridge, Concord, in 1825, but it was not completed until 1836. He also made the design for the Franklin Monument, in the Granary Burying Ground, which was constructed in 1827. He furnished the jDlan for the Harvard Monument, which was erected in the old historic cemetery, in Charlestown, in 1828. Mr. Willard made the plan for the old Norfolk County Court House, at Ded- ham, which was built in 1826, and at that time was considered one of the best specimens of his architecture. He seems to have been at that 2)eriod, the principal architect of the times. The Suffolk County Court House was also designed by him, and completed in 1835. The two Doric porticos were supported by eight stone columns, which were twenty-five feet six inches in height, and four feet six inches in diameter, and measured about fifty tons. It required a team of sixty-five yoke of oxen and twelve horses, to transport them to Boston. The Court House has since been enlarged, by removing the Doric jjortico on the southerly end, and there building an extension. STOXE QUAKBYING. 511 These large columns for the Court House, we believe, were the third ones in chronological order taken to Boston. The Branch Bank, in 1824 ; Faneuil Hall or Q.uincy Market, in 182G, from Chelmsford granite; and the Court House, in 1835. The Boston " Custom House, on State street, was by act of Congress, authorized to be built in 1835, but it was two years after, before its construction was begun, which was in 1837, and the time of building it was twelve years. The building is con- structed in the form of a Greek cross, and the external part of it is in the pure Doric style of architecture, and was wholly built of Quincy syenite. Its walls, columns and roof, are constructed of stone, and it is surrounded by thirty-two massive stone col- umns, each of which are five feet two inches in diameter, thirty- two feet high, and weigh about forty-two tons. This attractive and noble building rests on, as a foundation, about three thou- sand piles. The cost of the Custom House was about one mil- lion of dollars, including site and foundation. The stone for the Custom House was taken from the quarries of Richards, Munn & Co., O. T. Rogers & Co., Thomas Hollis, Jr., Granite Railway ' Co. and Henry Wood. Mr. Willard, in 1836, superintended the construction of the New York Exchange,^ which stones were taken in part from the 1. The following is a partial list of tlie public buildiugs erected from Quincy syenite, and the names of the firms furnishing it: — The stone for the United States Dry Dock at Charlestown, Mass., was taken from the Granite Railway Quarry, and dressed in the Navy Yard, in 1828. The stone for the United States Dry Dock at Gosport, Va., was taken from the Granite Railway and other quarries, including the " South Common," of pink stone, and worked at that time by Jonathan, Samuel and James Newcomb three brothers. The stone for the New Orleans Custom House was furnished between the years 1849 and 1850, by a combination of all the principal granite firms in Quincy, Boston antV vicinity. Mr. Luther Munn acted as agent fur the several firms, with the government. The building occupies a whole square, three hun- dred feet on a side, and covering an area of more than two acres. The stone for the Mobile Custom House was furnished by O. T. Rogers & Co., Granite Railway Co., and J. B. AVhitcher & Co., the contract being with O. T. Rogers ^ Co. The stone for the Savannah, Ga., Custom House furnished by O. T. Rogers &. Co. and others. O. T. Rogers & Co. had the contract with the governm ent. 512 STONE QUARRYING. Wigwam Quarry, now worked by Badger Brothers. O. T. Rog- ers & Co. and Barker & Co. furnished the material for the entab- lature. This building required a large amoiint of heavy stone, including eighteen fluted columns of over thirty tons each. These columns, when finished, were thirty-two feet, eight inches in height. Among the stone contractors there seems to have been a doubt whether Mr. Willard would be able to secure them, as will be seen by his own statement, viz : — " I do not apprehend much difliculty in getting the whole out, although our neighbors in the stone business appear to be much concerned about it. I presume we can get them, if anybody can, and at less than half the cost to them. We are now drilling a line of holes eighty feet long, and have a fair chance of getting two columns at the next split. We have wedged off our long split about an inch, and 1 think will make what was intended. Our quarrymen have had to proceed with great caution, on account of the great length ; this block must have measured from one hundred to one hundred and fifty tons. Another block was partly got out which it was expected would make four columns, but it was not successful." One year from this time, during which much of the stone for the Exchange and Custom House in Boston had been secured and forwarded. The stone for the Portland, Me., Custom House (since destroyed and rebuilt) was furnished by J. B. Whitcher, & Co. and Barker, AVright & Co. The stone for the San Francisco, Cal., Custom House was furnished by Rich- ards, Munn & Co. and others. The stone for the Providence, R. I., Custom House was furnished by Fred- erick & Field and E. C. Sargent. The stone for the Boston Court House was from the Granite Railway Quarry, in 1833. The stone for the Essex County, Salem, Court House was furnished by O. T. Rogers & Co. The stone for the Worcester County Court House was furnished by O. T. Rogers & Co., and Thomas HoUis, Jr. The stone for the Boston Exchange was from the Wigwam Quarry, by Mr. Willard, with the exception of the pilasters, which were furnished by O. T. Rogers & Co. The stone for the San Francisco Exchange was furnished by Richards, Munn & Co., and others. The stone for the old Masonic Temple and the old Trinity Church, Boston, were furnished by Richards, Munn & Co. ; the temple iu 1833 and the church in 1828. STONE QUARRYING. 513 Mr. Willard wrote, July 8th, 1841, as follows :— " We expect to get through shortly aud to have the greatest hurrah and throw- ing up of caps that ever was in Quincy. We have saved three cartridges for the Yankee, to be fired off when the last column is loaded," Four months later, he wrote, — " We are about getting the seventeenth column to the wharf ; the eighteenth we expect to get finished on Tuesday next, and the whole column and archi- trave afloat in the course of next week." The discarded column was set up in the Hall Cemetery, as we have before stated, in speaking of that cemetery; and here we wish to correct an error that we Avere led into by the author of Mr. Willard's memoirs, in which he caused us to make the statement that a full set of stone tools was placed in the top of the monument, when since, we have learned they were placed in the base, and we should say, the most proper locality for them. The cost of some of the columns as stated in an estimated work, was about fifteen hundred dollars, while two of them, upon which extra work was ordered, are put down at four thou- sand dollars, and Mr. Willard in one of his letters remarks, "that the prime cost of getting out one of these shafts is as much as the prime cost of a Doric column with its capitals, for which five thousand, two hundred dollars was paid at the Custom House." The estimated work upon each was equal to four men for forty-five days. The tall, plain and fluted pilasters in front of the Merchant's Exchange in Boston, which were taken from the old Rogers Quarry, are much the largest in that city, and were raised into position by means of screws. The corner pilas- ters are forty-one feet, eight inches in height, six feet wide, aud measure about fifty-five tons. Mr. Willard and others in the business, were enabled to handle these large blocks and stone columns with great ease and facility by Mr. Willard's improved lifting and puUing-jack, in connection with Mr. Holmes' hoisting apparatus. Mr. Holmes was also the inventor of the derrick. ^x Mr. Willard, the pioneer of the stone business in this town, lived to see a great change in this branch of business, which was brought about by extensive competition, by quarries being opened in other places where lighter colored and cheaper stone 66 514 STONE QUARRYING. could be procured for such purposes ; many preferring the lighter shades for the construction of buildings. By far the largest amount of Quincy stone that has of late been used for building, lias been furnished by the enterprising firm of Messrs. Henry Barker & Sons, for the Philadelphia market, where many supe- rior public and private structures have been erected, among which are the New Masonic Temple and the Ridgway Library, which for architectural designs, workmanship, finish and cost of manufacture, have not been surpassed in this country. Pi'obably seven-tenths of the syenite now quarried in Quincy is used for cemetery and monumental work, which is now the principal business of the town. So noted has it become for these purposes, that it has been sent to all parts of the country, and even to South America and Europe. Syenite and granite have of late years become extensively used for paving streets, and millions of paving blocks are yearly manufactured out of Quincy stone ; also from quarries in other places. Mr. Willard somewhere about 1840 furnished the first paving stones from our quarries, and they were laid in front of the Tremont House, Boston. They were, however, much larger than the blocks used at the present time. The small blocks or cubes now in use were first suggested and manufactured by our enterprising townsman, Mr. Henry Barker, in 1858, now of the firm of Henry Barker & Sons. Much oppo- sition was made to their introduction, especially in Boston, but merit and perseverance have proven stronger than prejudice, as can be shown by the large quantities that have annually been called for and used in the city of Boston; also, their extensive and increasing use in New York, Philadelphia, Washington and other places where durable and economical paving material is wanted. Mr. Barker has the satisfaction of having lived to see them adopted and come into general use. Up to 1825, syenite and granite were rarely used for anything but rough work; as cutting and dressing stone mouldings and carved ornamental work was little known here. In the con- struction of buildings at that time, the walls were carried up in regular courses of stone, merely squared, and most generally crowned or finished with a cornice of wood. STOXE QUARRYING. 515 One Sunday in 1803, the first experiment in splitting stone with wedges, was made by Josiah Bemis, George Stearns and Michael Wild. It proved successful, and so elated were these gentlemen on this memorable Sunday, that they adjourned to Newcomb's Hotel, Avhere they partook pf a sumptuous repast. The wedges used in this experiment were flat, differing from those in use at the i)resent time. The stone-cutters found it so troublesome to go to the centre of the town to have their tools sharpened, that in 1S04, t]iey had the first blacksmith shop in the Commons built near the quarry of the late Henry Wood. Mr. Joseph Richards,^ of the former firm of Richards & Munn, Avas a man of uncommon ability and intelligence, and was pos- sessed of much inventive genius. About the year 1831, he in- ^ vented the bush, or axe hammer ; which term is the more proper we are not able to say, as no name for it is to be found in any of the dictionaries, although this instrument has been in use about half of a century. The name of bush hammer is evidently local, as at Philadelphia and some other places, it is called axe hammer, from the several little axes being keyed into the cheeks of the instrument, and we think it the most correct name of the "^ two. There are six, eight, ten, or more axes connected with it. 1. Hon. Joseph Richards was born in Cummington, Mass., Aug. 26th, 1784, and was educated in the District School. When about twelve years of age, he removed with his parents to the northern part of the State of New York, where he was engaged with his father in farming, 'until he was eighteen years of age, •when he left home and came to Quincy. His first engagement in this town was with President John Adams, as coachman, who after a few months' service in that capacity, suggested to him that he was worthy of a higher position. From these suggestions of Mr. Adams, he went to Abington, where he under- took the duties of a school teacher, a position for which by nature ho was eminently qualified even at that early age. Possessing an instinctive knowledge of human nature, he governed without force or coercion. He was an ardent lover of the science of mathematics, in the higher branches of which ho was (juite proficient. From Abington he returned to Quincy, or " Braiutree Neck," (now Quincy Neck) in 18(i;5, where he engaged, for many years, in quarrying and working stone in the summer, with IJryant Newcomb, his future father- iu-law, and school teaching in the winter until the of the stone business in which he was engaged, engro.ssed his whole time. Altjiough obliged to aban- don the profession in which he delighted, his love of knowledge continued unabated until the close of his successful life, Feb. 12th, 1848. He was chosen to the State Senate for the years 1843 and '44. Mrs. Richards sur- vived her husband a number of years. 516 STONE QUAERYING. The number used depends upon the fineness the artisan desires to dress the stone. This useful instrument to stone-cutters was first made by Mr. Richards, solid or wholly in one piece, for which he received a patent ; since then improvements have been made upon it by constructing it in several pieces. Mr. Richards was also the first to suggest, construct and utilize the Louis hole, / / as now applied for blasting purposes. No consideration would induce the quarrymen to relinquish or give up this imj^roved method of blasting. The advantage gained by the quarrymen is, that the split in the stone generally runs in the direction they desire. Efforts have been made to dress stone by machinery, but have not been fully successful in this country. A machine for dressing stone, patented by Mr. Charles Wilson of New York, i Z' was set up in Quincy in 1853, by Richards, Munn & Co. Not proving a success, it was removed to Cape Ann, where it was used for one season only, by Barker, Wright & Co., Avith toler- able success. The same principal is said to be in successful operation in Aberdeen, Scotland, at the present time for the dressing of syenite and granite. As the stone business becomes better understood, greater improvements will be made. Mr. Henry Barker & Sons have recently, or in 1877, had constructed at their stone works a sawing machine, which is the first machine in constant use established for sawing syenite and granite by iron globules, in \^ the United States ; by this means stones are sawed out in the same manner as boards. This is accomplished with great facility with chilled iron globules, but must be seen to be understood. By this method they are able to manufacture stone mantles, tops for tables, or for any other purpose for which marble is used. This sawing machine seems to be, as yet, the nearest approach to a stone-dressing machine, and may at no distant day execute the plainer kinds of work to great advantage. Within a few years a new process in the dressing of stone has come into extensive use, which is called polishing. So extensive has this process become in the embellishment of our syenite, that most of the firms engaged in this business have been obliged to have constructed within their stone yards, large \ STONE QUARRYING. 517 buildings in which expensive machinery has been placed for this purpose. This custom of polishing syenite is a revival or resto- ration of the Egyptian system of embellishing their syenite which is as old as their everlasting pyramids and monument. The im- provement in this branch by the use of machinery has so reduced the cost, as to make polished work more common than formerly. The polished surface is much more beautiful ; it is also much more durable, as the surface isthereby rendered perfectly impen- etrable to the disintegrating elements and the ravages of time, as may be seen in the beautiful specimens of polished red syenite of ancient Egypt, which still retain the original polish and color unimpaired. The recent discovery and development of a vein of red syenite in the Greenleaf Quarry, completes the parallel in this respect between the ancient syenite of Egypt and the modern in Quincy. Although a lighter shade of red or pink, syenite of excellent quality has been for years quarried in the South Com- mon, which quarry is now carried on by Capt. George B. Wen- dell & Co.i 1. It may be of interest to enumerate some of the old and large firms of stone contractors that have been engaged in the business. Also, to give the date- of their copartnership, which we have done so far as we have been able. 1803. Newcomb & Eichards, composed of Joseph Richards and Bryant New- comb. 1817. William Packard. 1823. Granite Railway Co., incorporated 1825; Gridley Bryant, agent, suc- ceeded by S. R. Johnson, George Penniman, J. B. AVhicher and O. E. Sheldon. 1827. Richards & Newcomb, South Common, composed of Joseph Richards and Jonathan Newcomb. 1827. Bunker Hill Association, Solomon Willard, agent. 1827. Samuel Martin. 1828. Thoma.i Hollis. 1829. Newcomb Brothers, South Common, composed of Jonathan New- comb and Samuel Newcomb. 1829. Richards & Munn, Boston, composed of Joseph Richards and Luther Munn. 18.34. Thomas Hollis, Jr. 18;M to 1842. Wright & Barker, composed of Henry Barker and Abel Wright. 1842 to 1864. Barker, Wright & Co. 186G. Henry Barker & Sons. 1835. O. T. Rogers & Co., composed of O. T. Rogers, Jesso l?uiiton, Sainuol Babcock, and Noah Cummings. 1836. Mosea Day & Co., Packard Quarry. 518 STONK QUARRYING. One important featni'e of all these quarries is, that the deeper they are worked the closer the texture, and more permanent and durable the color of the material. Some of these quar- ries have been worked to the depth of from seventy-five to one hundred feet, affording a quality of stone that is without a par- allel either in ancient or modern times. The great strength of Quincy syenite has been proved by experiments. Professor • Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, says, "the result of his experiments upon Quincy stone is, that it will bear a pressure of seventeen thousand pounds to the* cubic inch, while marble only stood the pressure of two thousand, three hundred pounds." The various great improvements in the method of quarrying Quincy syenite must be noted : — At first the nide, primitive manner was to heat the stone and let fall i;pon it a large iron ball to split it. Another system was to excavate a deep cavity in the ground under the large boulders, and fill the "excavated space wdth brush or some other combustil)le matter, and set fire to it. When the stone became sufticiently heated, it was broken in various parts by the use of large, heavy sledge hammers. Then came the process of blasting, by drilling single holes in the stone, which was in use until Mr. Richards utilized or sub- stituted the Louis hole. 1836. A. J. Moshier & Co. 183fi. Beals & Frederick, composed of Horace Beals and Eleazer Frederick. 1837. Frederick & Field, composed of Eleazer Frederick and William Field. 1838. New York Exchange Co., Solomon Willard, agent. 1840. Richards, Munn & Co., composed of Joseph Kichards, Luther Munn, Lysander Richards and John S. Lyons. 1844. J. B. Whicher & Co., composed of J. B. Whlcher, O. E. Sheldon, Jonathan Jameson and Samuel Ely. 1847. Newcomb & Chapin, composed of B. B. Newcomb and E. S. Chapin. The following are names of parties engaged in quarrying, but not contractors for dressing or building stone: — Josiah Bemis, Joel Bemis, George Follett, Thomas Drake, Greenleaf Quarry; James Newcomb worked in the South and North Commons; Bryant Newcomb, South Common; Jonathan Newcomb, do.; Samuel Newcomb, do. ; Ezra Beals, Gass Quarry, now worked by John Q. Wild; Wm. Packard, Packard Quarry, now worked by C. H. Hardwick & Co. ; Samuel Martin, Thomas Hollis and Flanders, Rattle-snake Quarry, now worked by O. T. Rogers & Co. ; Moses Nightingale, Bass Quarry, now worked by Fred- erick & Field; William Ividder also worked the Ba.«s Quarry; John L. Dutton,-- Gass Quarry ; Ezra Badger, near Mount Ararat, now Churchill & Co. STONE QUAKEYING. 519 There are no monuments that can be placed over the graves of our citizens, so lasting, or appropriate, as our syenite. Many of the sacred and costly sarcophagi, tombs and monuments, con- structed for tlie honored dead have been dug out of our hills of stone, and now commemorate and adorn the graves of those who quietly lie slumbering in Mount Auburn, Forest Hills, Greenwood and other garden cemeteries of the country. It has also been extensively used for the construction of large and imposing monuments, Avhich have been erected in public places, and important squares in many of our large cities, in commemo- ration of the memory of our most distinguished and celebrated citizens for their noble deeds and lives. COACH LACE BUSINESS. Among the pioneers for the manufacturing of lace for the trimming of carriages, in New England, was Mr. Wilson Marsh, who established this industry in Quincy, about the year 1797. He began in a small way by placing a few hand looms in his house, on School street, where the old Marsh mansion yet stands. Several years after he began business, his two sons, Elisha and Jonathan, were connected with him, and the firm was called Wilson Marsh & Sons. They continued to successfully prose- cute this branch of industry until the death of the senior part- ner, in 1828, when the surviving partners formed a new firm under the name of E. & J. Marsh. The goods manufactured by this firm became noted as reliable and first-class articles. This established reputation of their coach lace so increased their business, that in 1836, they employed seven males and sixteen females, and the value of goods manufactured was estimated at twelve thousand dollars. Mr. George Marsh, son of Jonathan, having been added to the firm the year previous, the name was changed to E. and J. Marsh & Co. The latter part of 1836, their business had so increased that they built an addition to their factory, which stood near the homestead. After the new addition was completed and before the machinery was ready for operation, Mr. Bigelow invented a loom by which the lace could be woven by water or steam power. This improvement in machinery, by which this class of goods could be manufac- tured with greater facility, gave the old process of hand weav- ing its death blow, and in a few years Messrs. Marsh, finding it useless to compete with the power loom, abandoned the busi- ness. This manufactory, with its collateral branches, gave employ- ment to many persons who found it very acceptable at that time. COACH LACE BUSINESS. 521 " There are still among us elderly ladies who, in their youthful days, carded the wool and prepared the raw material, besides weaving much of the lace. They found this occupation a wel- come soui'ce of income." Messrs. Marsh also had connected with their manufactory a dye house, where the raw material received its various colored hues, preparatory to its being fabricated into fine coach lace. During the dull times of the War of 1812, this firm connected with their legitimate business the dyeing of garments, in wliich they established quite a business. On the close of this industry and the dissolution of the firm, the younger members of the family converted the lace house into a boot manufactory, where this business was conducted for years. On its abandonment, the four brothers went to Boston and engaged in the leather business, where one of them is still engaged. The manufacture of coach lace became extinct in Quincy with the dissolution of the house of Marsh & Co. 67 FISH BUSINESS. The first action tlie town took in reference to enconraging and establisliing this branch of industry was at a public meeting held March od, 1755, when as an inducement for the citizens of J>raintree, or persons from other towns, to engage in this enterprise, the following terms were voted : — " that for tlie encouragement of the bank cod fishery to be set up and carried on within this town, that such persons either of the town or who may come into the town from other places, and shall annually during the proper season of the year, employ themselves in their own vessels or those of others, in cetching and curing of codfish, are hereby freed and to be freed from and released of their poll tax, for the space of three years next ensuing the time of their commencing in the said business, and so long as they continue in it within said term upon the pro- vision, that all such persons who come from other places shall be approved of by the Selectmen of the town or a major part of them, from time to time, and such of them as shall be by the Selectmen disaj^proved of shall be still subject to be warned out of the town according to Law." To what extent the business was transacted under this encour- agement of the town we are unable to say. However, this in- dustry was cari'ied on at that time to considerable extent, as building vessels for this trade continued to be iM'osecuted at the Point and neighborhood from that time to the Revolutionary War, when it was susjiended, and the hardy fishermen were selected to man our imj^romptu navy. The fish business was then, as now, an important item in the traffic and business of Massachusetts. So important was it, tliat ninety-four years ago, or nearly a century, the State passed a resolution that a codfish should be placed in the llepresentatives' Hall, in the old State House, as emblematical of this industry, FISH BUSINESS. 523 whicli W.MS ]).issccl with great un.nniniity. Tlie coflfisli was iifter- Avards removed to tlie present House of Rejire^entatives, and liuiig in the arched niche of the soutli wall, facing the Speaker's chair. The person who made the motion to place the codfish in the old State House, which has excited so much inquiry and curi- osity, was Mr. John Kow,^ an eminent merchant of Boston, and most active among the sons of liberty. He served on imjwrtant committees with James Otis, Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Thomas Cushing. After the Revolutionary War the fish business was revived in Quincy. In the early part of this century, Mr. Nickerson, M ajor Vinal and Mr. Bramhall were engaged, to a considerable extent, in this business at the Point. It continued to be suc- cessful until the embargo and the War of 1812 seriously inter- fered with its prosperity. At the close of the war the business Avas again revived, and continued to prosper with varied success. A large share of the business Avas in the hands of capitalists of Provincetown and other Cape Cod towns. In 1833, the fish in- terest began to concentrate at Germantown. Capt. Brown took up his residence there that year ; Capt. Ilodgkinson in 1834, and Capts. Prior, Rich, Holmes and others, about that period. The land at Germantown was mostly occupied l)y fish flakes, as great numbers were brought there to be cured. In 183G, the business amounted to a little rising thirty thousand dollars.— Ten vessels were engaged in cod and mackerel fishing. The amount of codfish caught and cured was six thousand and two hundred quintals, the value of Avhich was estimated at eighteen thousand and eight hundred dollars. The number of barrels of mackerel packed for market, Avas one thousand and seven hundred and fifty, the value of Avhich Avas estimated at twelve thousand, two hundred and forty-tAvo dollars. The num- ber of men engaged in the business was one hundred. ] Weiliiesday, March 17, 1784. " Mr. I{ow moved tlie House, that leave iiii;,'ht he f;iven to haiiR up the rcp- roseiitatioii of a in the room where the House sit, as a niciuorial of the importance of the Cod Fishery to the welfare of this Commonwealth as had been usual formerly. Tin- said motion beiu;; seconded, the (luestiou was put, and leave yiveu for the purpose aforesaid. "—House Jourual. 524 FISH BUSINESS. We believe the old, curious and eccentric Lieut. Peter Bicknell, an old resident of Germantown, was not connected with the fish business. So eccentric was tliis old denizen of Germantown, that one fine summer day, the 4th of July, we believe, he har- nessed his horse in a sleigh and took a pleasure ride to Boston, which caused no little amusement to those who witnessed a sleigh ride in midsummer. The local fish trade was at first car- ried on by different persons, who would go out in the morning and procure fish, and in the afternoon dispose of their fine large fresh fish from their wheelbarrows, for six cents each. In 1823 the first cart, owned by a Mr. Rice, was used for the disposal of fish. Mr. Snow of Boston, succeeded Mr. Rice, and made a fortune out of the business. Mr. Samuel Andrews, well known to many of our citizens, was engaged in the local trade longer than any other person, and died at a ripe old age of 75 years, 10 months and 11 days. Thomas Morton came to Mount Wollaston, in 1622, two years after the Pilgrims landed, and he relates that the brooks, rivu- lets and the coast shore abounded with the most delicious fish.^ 1. " Among Fishes, First I will begin with the Codd, because it is the most commodious of all fish, as may appeare, by the use which is made of them in foraigue parts. "The Codd fishing is much used in America, (whereof New England is a part) in so much as 300 Sayle of shipps, from divers parts, have used to be im- ployed yearely in that trade. "I have seene in one Harboure next Richmond Island, 15 Sayle of shipps at one time, that have taken in them driyed Codds for Spaine, and the Straights, and it has bin found that the Saylers have made 15, 18, 20, 22, p. share for a common man. "The Coast aboundeth with such multitudes of Codd, that the inhabitants of New England doe dunge their grounds with Codd; and it is a commodity better than the golden mines of the Spanish Indies ; for without dried Codd the Span- iards, Portingal and Italian would not be able to vittle of a shipp for the Sea; and I am sure at the Canaries it is the principall conmiodity, which place lyeth neere New England very convenient, for the vending of this commodity, one hundred of these being at the price of 300 of New Found Land Codds, greate store of traine oyle, is mayd of the livers of the Codd, and is a commodity that without question will enrich the inhabitants of New England quickly; and is therefore a principal commodity. "The Bass is an excellent Fish both fresh and salte, one hundred whereof salted (at a market) have yielded 5 p. They are so large, the head of one will give a good eater a dinner, and for daintinesse of diet, they excell the Mary- FISH HUSINKSS. 525 Whale-fishery business was established at Germantown and at Quincy Point about the same time. The first vessel fitted out, of any note, at Germantown, was the Cambrian, in 1839 — a top- sail schooner, which sailed on a cruise of eighteen months under Capt. Holmes, of Germantown, The Cambrian made quite a successful voyage, having procured twenty whales and secured four hundred and twenty barrels of sperm oil. The Ontario sailed bnder the command of Capt. Prior ; also, the John Bove Dodge, the Curacoa and others, which were equally as fortunate in supplying their owners with oil from these greasy monsters. The Cambrian was j^robably the first whale-ship that sailed from this port. The Creole, under the bones of Beefe . There are such multitudes, that I have seeue stopped into the river* close ad joyning to my house with a sand at one tide, so many as will loado a ship of a 100 Tonnes. " Other places have greater quantities in so much as wagers have bin layed, that one should not throw a stone in the water but that he should hit a fish. I my selfe, at the turning of the tyde, have seen such multitudes passe out of a pound, that it seemed to mee, that one might goe over there backs drishod. These follow the bayte up the rivers, and sometimes are followed for bayte and chased into the bayes and shallow waters, by the grand pise; and these may have also a prime place in the Catalogue of Commodities. " The Mackarels are the baite for the Basse, and these have bin chased into the shallow waters, where so many thousands have shott themselves a shore with the surfe of the sea, that whole hoggesheads have bin taken up on the sands; and for length they excell any of other parts, they have bin measured ]8 and 10 inches in length, and seaven in breadth, and are taken with a drayle, (as boats use to passe to and froe at sea on businesse) in very greate quantities all along the Coaste. The Fish is good salted, for store against the winter, as well as fresh, and to be accounted a good Commodity. " This Sturgeon in England is regalis piscis, every man in New England may catch what he will, there are multitudes of them, and they are much fatter then those that are brought into England from other parts, in so much as by reason of their fatnesse, they doe not looke white but yellow, which made a cooke presume they were not so good as them of Ronshea; silly fellow that could not understand that it is the nature of fish salted or pickelled, the fatter, the yellower being best to preserve. " For the taste, I have warrant of Ladies of worth, with choice pallats for the commendations, who liked the taste so well, that they esteemed it beyond the Sturgeon of other parts, and sayd they were deceaved in the looks, therefore let the Sturgeon for a commodity. *This river was probably Black's Creek, as Morton's house was near this stream of water. 526 FISH BUSINESS. command of Cnpt. Cook, tho principal owners of which were Messrs. Calvin White of Brnintree, Simon Gillctt, Ebenezer Woodward, Daniel Baxter, Isaiah G. Whiton and Charles A. Brown, of Qnincy, sailed the latter part of the year 1840, for the Western Islands, where she was fortunate in securing a fine cargo, consisting of five hundred and forty barrels of sperm oil and ten of black fish, which liberally remunerated all those con- nected with the vessel and voyage. She was absent nine months and a half. The brig Eschol also sailed as a whaler. For some years New Bedford was the largest whaling port in the world, but of late years this l)ranch of business has matei-i- ally decreased. The most popular instrument for catching whales has been the harpoon ; other ingenious methods have been used, but have never l)ecome ]»oi)ular with the whalemen. " Of Salmons there is sreate abundance, and these may be allowed for a Com- modity, and placed in the Catallogue. " Of Herrings there is greate store, fat and faire, and (to my mind) as good as any I have scene, and these may bo preserved and made a good commodity at tho Canaries. " Of Eeles there is abundance, both in the saltwaters, and in tho fresh; and the fresh water Eele there, (if I may take the judgement of a London Fish- monger) is the best that bee hath found in his life time, I have with jioole potts found my howsehold, (being nine persons, besides doggs) with them, taking them every tide (for 4 moneths space) and preserving of them for winter store; and these nuiy prove a good commodity. "Of Smelts there is such abundance, that the Salvageg doe take Ibem up the rivers with baskets, like sives. "There is a Fish, (by some called sliadds, by some alewives) that at the spring of tho yeare passe up the rivers to spaune in the ponds, and are taken in .such multitudes in every river that liath a pond at the end, that the inhabitants doung their ground with them. You may see in one township a hundred acres together, set with these Fish, every acre taking lOOO of them, and an aero thus dressed will produce and yoald so much corne as ."i acres without lish, and (least any ^'irginea num would iuferre hereupon, that the ground of New England is barren, because they use no fish in setting their corne, I desire them to be remembered, the cause is plaine in Virginea) they have it not to sette. But this practice is onely for the Indian Maize (which must be set by hands) not for English graine, and this is therefore a commodity there. " There is a large sized fish called Hallibut, or Turbut; .some are taken so bigg that two men have much adoc to hale them into th(^ boato; but there is such plenty, that the fisher men only eate the heads and fiiines, and throw awa^^ the bodies; such in ]*aris would yeeld 5 or G crownos a pooco; and this is no dis- commodity. irisii BUSINESS. 527 One process was, " that a glass lube containing prussic acid slionld be so jilaced in the sliat't of tlie liarpoon, that the mo- ment the cord or line was pulled taught, it would be broken in the animal's boily, and occasion instant death. " Another mode of employing j)rnssic acid was, to enclose a glass tube containing it in a hollow ritie bullet about four inches long, which was fired from a ritie made for that purpose. The bullet also contained an explosive substance connected with a fuse, wliich ignited as the ritie was tired, so that the bullet ex- ploded immediately after jienetiating the whale, and spread its deadly poison through the tlesh. The bullet is made of zinc, because it breaks into fragments more angular than any other metal. The success of this method is found to be perfect, but sailors object to its use, dreading to touch the carcass of a whale which has been killed by so powerful a poison, for a whale struck by a bullet charged with prussic acid, only disappears for about "There are excellent Plaice and easily taken. They (at riowing water) do almost come ashore, so that one may .stepp but halfe a foote deepe, and pick them up on the sands; and this may passe with some allowance. "Hake is a dainty white fish, and excellent vittell fish, and may passe with other commodities, because there are multitudes. "There are greate store of Pilchers at Michelma.-i, in many places, I have seene Cormorants in length 3 miles feedinge upon the Sent. "Lobsters are there infinite in store in all the i)arts of the land, and very excellent. The most that I made of them, in 5 years after I came there was but to baite my Hooke for to catch IJasse, I had bin so cloyed with them the first day I went a shore. This being knowne, they shall passe for a commodity to the inhabitants, for the Salvages will meete 500 or 1000 at a place where Lobsters come in with the tyde, to eate, and save dried for store, abiding in that place, feasting and sporting a mouth or G weekes together. " There are greate store of the Oysters in the entrances of all Rivers; they are not rounde of England, but excellent fat, and all good, I have seen an Oyster banke a mile at length. "Mustles there are infinite store. 1 have often gon to Wassagusrus, where were excellent Mustles to eate (for variety) the fish is so fat and large. " Clames is a shellfish, wliioh I have .seene sold in Westminster for 12 pe. the skore. These our swine feede upon, and of them there is no want, every shore is full, it makes the swine proove exceedingly, they will not faile at low wator to be with them. The Salvages are much taken with the delight of tiiis lislio, and are not cloyed (notwithstanding the plenty) for our swine we finde it a good commmlity. " Kaser fishes there are. Kreeles there are. Cockles and Scalloix'S, and divers other sorts of Shellfish vers good fomle." 528 FISH BUSINESS. five minutes, and rises to the surface dead. Strychnia has been used instead, and with similar result. "The greatest number of whales known to have ever been captured by a single vessel in a season, was forty-four, yielding two hundred and ninety-nine tons of oil, of two hundred and fifty-two gallons each ; this was in 1814. The fortunate vessel belonged in Petershead, Scotland, and the oil alone, according to the price that year, which was about one hundred and sixty dollars per ton, was worth the nice little sum of forty-eight thousand, eight hundred and forty dollars." JOHN ADAMS GREEN , NEWSPAPEKS. The Quincy Patriot, the Aveekly journal so welcome to our homes and firesides, was established Jan. 1st, 1837. The editors and proprietors were John A, Green and Edward B. Osborne. The senior member, Mr. John A. Green, Avas a native of Quincy and son of Mr. John Green, He was born Aug. 1st, 1814, and selected printing as a business. After acquiring his trade at Hingham, he was engaged as editor of the Oswego Republi- can of New York. The copartnership between Messrs. Green and Osborne was of short duration, as the latter gentleman with- drew at the end of three months. The Patriot from that time was conducted by Mr. Green, for about fourteen years. July 1st, 1851, Mr. Green disposed of the Patriot to Mr. Gideon F. Thayer and Mr. George White, the present Judge of Probate for Nor- folk County. Judge White was a native of this town, and son of Nathaniel White. He fitted for college with William M. Cornell, LL. D., and at Exeter Academy, N. H. ; graduated from Yale College in 1848, and from Harvard Law School in 1850; studied law with Hon. Robert Rantoul, Jr., in Boston; admitted to Suffolk Bar, and became partner with Mr. Rantoul in 1851. He was a n>ember of the Constitution Convention from Quincy in 1853. Appointed Judge of Probate and Insol- vency in 1858, which office he still holds. Gideon French Thayer Avas born in Watertown, Mass., Sept. 21st, 1793, and was adopted and brought up by Gideon French, a tallow chandler, of Boston. His orphan boyhood was passed in Brookline and Boston ; his school education was acquired in the Grammar Schools of those towns. At the age of 14, he was placed as a salesman in a retail shoe store. In 1820, lie commenced a private school with one scholar, but by his char- acteristic energy his school became flourishing. Mr. Thayer purchased a site for a school house in Chauncey place, now 68 530 NBWSPAPEKS. Chauncey street, where he opened what is now known as the Chaunccy ITall School, in 1828. This noted school under Mr. Thayer became a success. In 1855, he resigned his charge of the school on account of failing health, and accepted the Presi- dency of the Prescott Insurance Office. He resigned his position in the Insurance Office to prevent threatened apoplexy, and the remainder of his life was passed with his friends, at Keene, N. II., where he died March 27th, 18G4, aged about 71 years. April, 1852, Mr. Thayer sold his interest in the paper to Judge White, who continued it until April, 1853, when he sold all right and title to the l*atriot, to its former editor and ])roprictor, Mr. .lohn A. Green. Mr. Green continued to publish it until his death, which occurred July 11th, 18G1. Messrs. Thayer and White not being familiar with conducting a country journal, sank from one to two thousand dollars in the experiment. After the death of Mr. Green, his widow assumed the responsibility of the office. In 1809, Mr. George W. Prescott, the former busi- ness manager, entered into copartnership with Mrs. Green, and from that time to the present, the Patriot has been published under the firm name of Green & Prescott. The first twenty- five years, or until a year or two after the war broke out in 18G1, the Patriot was not a financial success. Its publishers were obliged to work hard, late and early, to n\ake both ends meet. The Patriot has always been published as an independent ]);iper in a folio form. Its size at the time of its first publication was twenty by thirty inches, about one-half its present size. The original size of the paper appears rather diminutive coin- ])ar('d with the iiresent sheet, still it was as large as its editor desired for the poor remuneration he received for its publication. The Patriot has been enlarged three times. Messrs. Thayer & White increased its size to twenty-two by thirty-two. It con- tinued in this form until 18GG, when increasing business caused its publishers to make another addition to it, which increased its size to twenty-four by thirty-sii: inches. In 1S72, it was again enlari;t'd to ils pi'esent sv/.v of an oiglit-cohiinn paper, twenly-six and one-halt by forty-one inches. May tlie Patriot be as gra- ciously rei-eived for the forty-one years te» come, as it has for forty-one years past. NEWsr.vrKKs. 531 The next newspaper tliat was )ml)lishe»l in Quincy was called the Quiney Aiivoia. This paper was establislu'd by JMr. Charles Clapji, a native of tliis town, Jan. 1st, l84o. In ])olitics, it was an ardent supporter and an able advocate of the jirinciples of the late Whig party. The Aurora was a six-cohunn paper, of the size of twenty-two by thirty-two inches. This pa]>cr was frequently in bitter con- troversy with llie Patriot, which finally ended in a libel suit at law, and in all probability shortened its days, as it was discon- tinued after an existence of a little ovi'r three years and one month. The following extract from its valedictory will give the editor's version of the cause of its demise : — Feb. rith, 184H. "This is the last number of the Quincy Aurora that we shall Issue. We need not mention in detail the various considerations that have influenced us in coming to this conclusion. .It is enough to say, that our patronage from the beginning has not been sufiicient to enable us to make the ])aper ^vhat we wished to make it, or to yield us an adetpiate compensation for our time and labor. Additions, it is true, have been made to our list of subscribers from year to year, but three years experience has fully convinced us that no jtaper of the kinil which we would be willing to edit can be fairly sup- ported in this place." The i)ublishing office of the Aurora was on Hancock street, over Mr. Briesler's store, now kept by the firm of Whitney & Nash. Its subscrii)tion price was two dollars a year in advance. On Saturday, Sejit. 7th, 1878, the first number of the Quincy Free Press was issued by Mr. N. T. Merritt, who is editor and j>roprietor. The Free Press is published as a county })apcr ; its principles are in sympathy with those advocated by the Demo- cratic party. It is an eight-column paper, twenty-four by forty inches, and is published in Temple Block, on Temitlo street, at two dollars per annum. RANDOLPH. The first newspaper established in the town of Randolph was the Handolph Transcript and Advertiser. 'I'his was published 532 NKW'.SI'Al'ICKS. weekly as an independent family and business jonrnal, at one dollar a year. The first specimen luimbcr was issued March 14tli, 1857 ; the first number of the first volume was ])ublished March 28th, 1857. Samuel P. ]>rown was the editor and proprietor. 7\])ril 'Jd, 1S51), the same publisher changed the name of the paper to the Jiandolph Transcript and New Eng- land Advertiser, and also increased the yearly subscription to one dollar and a half. It continued to Ix^ publislied by this title, until A])ril 7th, 1 8(50, when it assumed the name of the lian- dol])!! Transcri])t and Norfolk Co. Advertiser. From June 14th, 1862, only small supplements were issued for seven weeks, but not numbered in the volumes, which again began regular Aug. 2d, 1862, with No. 12, Vol. VI, but Aug. 23d of that year, Mr. IJrown, its editor and proprietor, announced its discontinuance. Aug. ;Ust, of the same year, it was revived under the name of the llandolph Advertiser, and was printed on a snudl sheet at fifty cents a year. April 4th, ISG^, the liandol])h Transcript and Advertiser was enlarged by its editor and i)roprietor, Mr. Samuel P. Brown. Oct. 10th, 1863, it was discontinued. The folloAving is the valedictory : — " Six years and six months we have published tliis pa])er, though never a source of profit. In taking leave of our ])atrons, wc; Avill say, that as much has bcjen done by some of them for the encouragement of a local paper as is done in any i)lace. They have been more than just — they have been generous. By words and deeds tlu^y have cheered and helped us, and we shall never forget them. As to the com- munity generally with whom we have come in contact, we liavc had from it our share of commendation and condemnation ; probably of the former .as luucli as we deserved — the latter we will forget, or try to, as much as cannot be made beiu'liciai for us all to remend)er." Mr. Brown, Jan. 7th, 1865, issued a new series of 1-he I'ran- script and Advertiser, and July 8tl), eidarged it. The price of it at that time was one dollar and a half. Oct. 1st the paper changed hands; Mr. Joseph Jones became editor and ]»r()])ri(!tor, and called it the Kast Norfolk Register; i)ub]ished at two dollars per year. July 5tl), J807, Klmcr W. JIolmcK became; editor aiul propii- NEWSPAPERS. 533 etor; Mar. 19th, 1869, Stillman B.Pratt and David S. Hasty became editors and proprietors under the firm name of Pratt & Hasty; April 22d, 1871, E. Marchant assumed control; Aug. 19th, 1871, it passed to Ichabod N. Fernald ; Jan. 20th, 1872, E. Marchant again assumed control ; Oct, 5th, 1872, Charles M. Vincent became the editor and })roprietor, and remained as sucli until March 15th, 1873, when Daniel II. Iluxford assumed that office, which he still ably fills. BRAINTREE. Newspaper business in Braintree has not met with mucli suc- cess. It being a sparsely ])opulated town, it has given but a feeble support to local papers. Three attempts have been made to establish a paper in Braintree, but they have only received a limited encouragement. In 1869, a paper called the Braintree Reporter, was published by Charles G. Easterbrook, editor of the AVeymouth Gazette, but before two years had passed, he felt compelled to stop it. In April, 1875, a newspaper Avas started by C. Franklin David, a resident of Braintree. It was called the Old Colony Bulletin, and issued semi-monthly. In October, altout six months after the Bulletin was started, Mr. David purchased the Abington Journal and moved his type and presses to that jdace. In January, 1878, a third attempt was made to establish a ncAvspaper in this good old town. A handsome sheet, called the Braintree Observer, was started by Daniel II. Iluxford, editor of the Norfolk County Register, and edited by William MacEwan, of l?i-aintree. Although ably conducted it does not receive the support it deserves. MISCELLANEOUS. 1640. This was the year the town of Braintree received lier act of incorporation as an independent municipality. It was a gloomy and inauspicious time for the inhabitants. No money or demand for their home productions ; emigration had in a great measure ceased. Winthrop says, " Corn would bring noth- ing; a cow which last year cost twenty pounds might now be bought for four or five, and many are going out of the country, so no man could pay his debts, nor the merchants make return into England for their commodities, which caused many of them to speak evil of us." This change was brought about by the great reform in State and Church by the home government ; the Earl of Stafford had been beheaded, the Archbishop — the great enemy of the Colonies, — and many other dignities of the realm imprisoned, which produced an utter stagnation of all business. So great had this evil become that the General Court was obliged to pass an order to try and alleviate their troubles, ay follows, viz, : — " Oct. 7th, 1640. It is ordered, that after the last day of this month no man shall bee compelled to satisfy any debt, legacy, line, or any other payment in money, but satisfac- tion shallbee accepted in corn, cattle, fish, or other commodities, at such rates as this Court shall set down from time to time, or in default thereof, by apprizement of indifferent men to be ap- pointed by the officer; provided, that this order shall not extend to any debts or payments due or arising upon any contract, or other original cause proceeding the last day of this month afore- said. And this Court doth order, that Indian Corn merchanta- ble, shallbee so payable at the rate of four shillings the bushel, summer wheate at six shillings, rye at five shillings, barley at five shillings, and pease at six shillings, hemp and flax seed at twelve shillings a bushel, and all these ])rizcs to bee intended of such corn and seed as shall grow in this jurisdiction." MISCELLANEOUS. 535 The first entry found transcribed on the town records is, the partly illegible record of the Coddington School Fund grant to the town of Braintree. No business transactions of the town appear to be regularly recorded on the town books,^ but we see by the Colonial Records that the Colonial tax on Braintree at this time was twenty-five pounds. "Martin Saunders, Ri. Right and Al. Winchester were ap- pointed to value horses, mares, cows, oxen, goats and hoggs, and they were to value them under their worth, rather than above their worth." By the General Court, the first magistrates were appointed for the town of Brtiintree, Oct. 7th, 1640, as follows, viz. : — " Richard Right, Alexander Winchester and Will. Chees- bro, to end small business at Braintree under twenty shillings." 1641. This year Ave find the first vote in reference to the old grist mill : — May 1st, " it is ordered, that there shall no other mill be built in the plantation without the consent of Richard Right, or his heirs, so long as the mill remain in their hands, which was built by the said Richard Right, unless it evidently appears that the sd mill will not serve the plantation, and that he or 1." For years the records of the town were not kept in chronological order, and some not at all. The first business transaction of the town recorded in the town's book was in 1643; and what should have been the first matter recorded at the opening of the business of the town, was not entered until ItJSG, and that had reference to the layiug out of the Plymouth Turnpike. It is evident that the minutes of the proceedings of the town meeting were kept on slips of paper and subsequently recorded. The same discrepancy, as to the chronological order of dates, is also to be found in the marriages, births and deaths. The first record on the book of registration is in 164;5, as follows, viz : — " Solomon , Curtis, .son of Decodatus Curtis and Rebeckah Curtis his wife, born the eighth day of June, 1643." Subsequently, the foUowiug entries are made:— "Mary Newcomb, the daughter of Francis Newcomb, and Rachel his wife, was born March 2d, 1640. Jonathan, the .son of John Hoidon and Susanna, his wife, was born the iy-3-l(>40; Hannah Niles, daughter of John and Jane, born 16-r_'-l(i3(); John Niles, son of John and .Jane, born the 4-l-l(;.'58. The first marriage we find recorded is Henry Adams and Elizabeth Pain, who were married the 17-8-1643. The following appear to be the first deaths recorded:— 1(!43, — Mary Pain, buried 2d day of the fourth month, but is not recorded on the book until 1732. l(»46-.S-8, Henry Adams was l)uricd, and is registered on the town book, at page 144 of the original iccords." These few selections from the records, illustrates what wo before have said in reference to the irregularity of keeping the town records for several years after it was incorporated. 536 MISCELLANEOUS. they will not build another in convenient time." The next was the laying out a foot-way from the old church : — " There is a foot way to ly from the laine of Goodman Penniman, where it / is marked on the paills, and two ladders appointed to be made for a stile, and from thence upon a straight line to the meeting- house, over the old bridge." Mr. John Glover and Humphrey Atherton were appointed by the Court and authorized to lay out the way (which was the old Plymouth road) in difference at Braintree. " Alexander Winchester, Rich. Right and Samuel Bass, were appointed associates for the Court, and commissioners in the town. The Court also gave orders to imj^loy Will. Cheesbrough and Richard Right to get a firkin of iron ore for Mr. Edward Alleyn." This year (1641) they ordered that no wheat bread should be baked for sale, which seriously interfered with the bakers' business, and illustrates the great poverty of the Colony and the self-sacrifices they were obliged to make for the purpose of bringing money into the Colony. " Forasmuch as it appeareth to this Court, that wheat is like to bee a staple commodity, and that a ship is with all convenient speede to be set forth, and fraited with wheat, for the fetching in of such forraine commodities as wee stand in need of, it is therefore ordered, that after the last day of this jjresent eighth month, no baker, ordinary keeper or other j^ersons, shall bake or sell, or set to sale, any bread or cake made of wheat meale, or wherein any wheat meale shallbee j^ut, upon paine to forfeit double the valewe thereof. And the Cunstables of every town are hereby required to see that this order bee observed, and that they shall make seisui-e of all such bread so set to sale, and dis- tribute the same to the poor. Mr. Peck, Mr. Parker, Goodman Bate and Stephen Paiu are desired to view the way at Braintree and certify the next General Court." Mr. Winchester was appointed Ijy the Court to grant summons and attachment, for Braintree. "It is ordered that in every town one shallbee apj^ointed to grant summons and attachment in all civil actions ; and attachments are to bee granted Avhen the party is a stranger not dwelling amongst us, or for some that MISCELLANEOUS. 537 is going out of our jurisdiction, or that is going about to make away his estate to defraud his creditors, or when persons are doubtful in their estates to the plaintiff, and the same persons to graunt replevy ; and when they graunJb any replevy, they are to take band, with sufficient security, (of the j^arty that desireth the replevy) to prosecute the suite. They are to have for a war- rant, two pence a peece ; for a replevy or attachment, three pence a peece ; for a band, four pence a peece." In the year 1641, "Three men coming in a shallop from Brain- tree, the wind taking them short at Castle Island, one of them stepping forward to hand the sail, caused a fowling piece with a French lock, which lay in the boat, to go off. The whole charge went through the thigh of one man within one inch of his belly, yet missed the bone ; then the shot (being goose shot) scattered a little and struck the second man under his right side upon his breast, so as above forty shot entered his body, many into the capacity of his breast. The third man being now only able to steer, but not to get home the boat, it pleased God the wind favored him so as he did fetch the Governor's garden, and there being a small boat and men at that time, they brought them to Boston before they were too far spent with cold and pain, and beyond all expectations, they were both soon perfectly recov- ered, yet he who was shot in the breast fell into a fever and spit blood." It api^ears there was no record of the town's business for the years 1642-43, but by the Colonial records we find that Brain- tree's Colonial tax for that year was fourteen pounds, and that the town was to be supplied with one barrel of powder. In 1643, the Court ordered that Samuel Bass, James Penniman and \/ Alexander Winchester shall end small cases in Braintree, under twenty shillings. Tliis year the Colony was divided into four counties, viz. : — Essex, IMiddlcsex, Suffolk and Norfolk. Noi'- folk was at that time more appropriately located than now, as it was north of Suffolk, as its name denotes that it should be, and it comprised the following towns, viz. : — " Salsbcrry, Hampton Haverhill, Excetter, Dover and Strawberry Banck." The pres- ent Norfolk County was not organized until 1793, one hundred and twenty-five years after the firat one was established. Mr. 69 688 MISOELLANKOUS. Peter BrackoU wns :ij)pointed clerk of llic writs, or town clerk, as was then the custojii. It appears, even at this early date, tliat some jjersoiis were addicted to illegal voting, as the Court ])asse(l the following order to restrain our I*uritan fathers from this misdemeanor: — "It is ordered, if any j)erson shall put in more than one pa])er or bean for the choice of any olllcer, ho shall forfito ten ])ounds for every offence, and any man that is not free, puting in any vote shall forlite like sum of ten j)ounds." It was also the cus- tom to use coi'Ji for ballots. The Iiulian corn, if in a majority, dcnotcMl the election of the person or ])ersons voted for, and beans his non-election. 1G44. The principal record of the town this year, was a vote passed Feb. 11th, to ])rotcct their proi)crty from lire, by obliging all the property holders to procure ladders and to have them attached to their houses. The town of liraintree, this year, with other towns received her sliare of Mr. Andrews' gift, of five ])0uiuls, t)r a cow. JMr. Tlioiiuis IMekins was chosen one of the Ivepresentatives this year, aiul from some cause or other, was dismissed from the General Ccnirt, at the recpiest of the town.^ From what cause Mr. Mekins was discharged from the Court, we are unable to enlighten the reader. 1G45. "At a town meeting, there being ])resent Mr. Welde, ^ James Penniman, Martin Saiulers, Thomas JMekins, Samuel IJass and Peter Bass, It was ordered that the foui'teen acres of Town Marsh shall be improved to the Klders' use — Mr, Thompson and Mr. illint — to such time as the Towusnu'u shall see lit, or oth- erwise to dispose of it. Jt is ordei-tnl that IJraijitree sliall he abated out of their ne.vt levey, for their deputies' lodgings, ten shillings." IGIG. "At a meeting, there being ])iesent Samuel IJass, ,Ias. i ]*enniinan, Gregory Belcher, Henry Adams and Samuel vVdams, It is ordered that every man that is an inhabilant of the town shall have Lilierty to take any timber off the (Jommons for any use in the town, (provided) so they make not siilc of it out of 1. Tho inliabitiuits of liraiutroo drew up a i)etition, which was HiKiiod by its cili/.uiiM, rcqiiosliiij; tlio < !«ii(>r;il (Joint to diHiiii.s.s or (ll,schiU-j;o Mr. JSlokiiis Iroiii the Legialaturo, which tlicy did. MISCELLANEOUS. 589 tlic Town, and in case any shall make sale of it ont of the town, cither in boards or holts; or any other waycs, whole or sawed, they shall pay for every tunne of timber five shillings a tunne to the town." Mr. Henry Adams, by petition of the town to the General Court, was appointed clerk of the writs, and one of the three men to end small cases in the town, in the place of Mr. Peter Brackett. It was the custom at this period, for the town clerk to be appointed by the Legislature, instead of being chosen by the town, as is now the i)ractice. It lias been claimed, and is recorded on the Hy leaf of the town records, that Mr. Adams was the first town clerk, but it appears by the General Court records that he did not receive his appointment until six years after the town was incorporated, or in 1G46; and that, in the place of Mr. Peter Brackett, who received his oflicial commission as clerk of the town in 1643-4, and it is our belief that Mr. Peter Brackett has prior claim to this office, and was the first town clerk of old Braintree. This error most probably occurred from some one— we think it was Mr. Mills, a former town clerk, in writing up a list of these officers some years after, from memory, as he evidently had done, in making up a list of the earlier mili- tary commanders of the town. We find no record for the year 1647. 1648. "Mr. fflint made acknowledgement of the sale of the house and lot which was lately John I*aflins, and since his death sold unto the said Henry fflint, by William Fenno, by virtue of execution sued out by him in the presence of all the townsmen, the said Henry fflint doth acknowledge himself fully satisfied by Mr. Doctor John Morlcy, for the said house, only the said Mr. Doctor doth promise tliat if he should be called forth of the Town to surrender back again the said house to Mr. fflint, at the same rate of seven pounds, which he paid, being allowed at the discretion of indifferent men for such charges as he has been at, in witness hereof, the said Henry fflint and Mr. Doctor have hereto set their hand in presence of Samuel Bass, Richard Brackett, Moses Pain, Thomas Blanchard, Mathcw ]iarns, Wm. Allen and Martin Sanders. Henrv Fflint, Jon>f Morley." 540 MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. William Ting was this year chosen captain of the military company of Braintree, and his commission was confirmed by the Court. For several years no record appears on the book of any importance. 1651. At this time, we find the^rst case of insanity in the town. "In answer to the petition of John Heydon of Braintree, for relief in respect of his distracted childe, as also some loss lately befalne him, this Court doth order, that the said John Heydon shall have from the County, towards the charges of keeping the childe, five pounds per annum, to be payed out of their own Town levy, and the Town to bear the rest of the charge till the Court se cause to withdraw their benevolence." 1659. This year the town was engaged in their first law-suit, which was a rum case, and decided by the Court against the town ; the cost of which failed the town, or at any rate, it em- barrassed them so much that they had to petition the Court for an abatement of their County taxes, so that they might be able to pay the expense of Court, and some other charges of Frizell's freezing. " In the case of Richard Brackett and Samuel Bass, in behalf of the Town, plaintiff, against John Andrews and Benjamin Phippeny, defendants, in action of the case for giving John Frizell so much licquor as made him drunk, and occasioned his miserable freezing, the Court, on hearing the case and evidence, do find for the defendant." May 31st, 1660. "In answer to the petition of the townsmen of Braintree, the Court judgeth it meet to allow them ten pounds for the present year out of their County rates in ref- erence to their charge about Frizell." 1660. Much has been written to prove that Goffe, one of the three judges who condemned Charles I, once resided in old Braintree. This we think is not the case, as they arrived in Boston July 27th, 1660, where they resided until discovered by the officers of the home government, and were obliged to flee from Boston for safety. All authority relates that they went to Hadley, Mass. ; also, to New Haven, Conn. After searching all recorded evidence, we cannot find the least shadow of proof that they ever domiciled here. Those who desire to become ' MISCELLANEOUS. 541 more familiar with an account of these regicides, can find a full and able history of them by Dr. Ezra Stiles, president of Yale College, published in 1794. Dr. Ebenczer Brackett, of this town, Avho in 1793, wrote and had published a poem, prefixed by a history of Goffe, Whalley and Dixwell, the regicide judges, makes no mention that they ever resided hcre.^ 1666. A number of the inhabitants of the town, this year petitioned the General Court for a grant of six thousand acres of land. The reason assigned for it was, that the land in Braintree was worn out, and would not afford them a comfortable support. The Court answered their petition by granting them the six thousand acres, but after having received this grant it ai")pears that they did not care much for it, as it was nearly half a centu- ry after, when probably nearly all of the original petitioners were dead, that some of the inhabitants of the town raked up this old matter to ascertain if their old title was good. Finding that it was, they had it located in Worcester County, from Avhich was organized the town of New Braintree, incorporated in 1751, nearly a century after the original grant was made. This year, the great pest of the apple orchards made its appearance, which was the canker worm. From an old account book we find that apples and turnips were one shilling a bushel ; the pay for one day's mowing was two shillings and two ponce ; a com- mon laborer's pay Avas two shillings per day, and ten pounds by the year; women received from four to five pounds per year; board by the week was four shillings. Turnips were an impor- tant article of diet at this time, as they were used as a substitute for potatoes. Potatoes were not cultivated in New England until about 1719. 1670. " There being a meeting called, the inhabitants gener- ally met together, and it was voted and concluded there should be a church rate made to the sum of sixty-slx_ pounds, and dis- posed of as follows, viz : — Fifteen pounds to Mr. Buckley of Con- cord, twenty shillings a man for ministers that had been helpful! to the church, and the remainder should go to Josiah fllint. ]. See Hutchinson's History, Holmes' Annals, Allen's American Biograph- ical Dictjonary and Palfrey's History. Also, see an article by Frederick A. Whitney, in Quincy Patriot, Dec, 18GU. 542 MISCELLANEOUS.' 1672. "Voted, to give the Rev. Mr. Fisk ,£00, ns in lieu thereof the use of a house and land. The Hclectmcn also deter- mined that the ancient way into the Commons over ]3arnabas Derifield's land shall be at the head of the furnace pond, and so into the way that goes into the mill pond." 1G73. Action was taken this year by the town to regulate the holding of their town meetings; before this they had been very irregularly held at their neighboi^s' houses, where a few would gather together and transact the town business. " It was agreed by the inhabitants of the town of Uraintree, that all public meet- ings should be held upon the first second day of March, and the last second day of October annually, and that there should be uj)on these days a generall Town meeting of the whole inhabi- tants to consult and agree upon all things that may concern the good of the Town, and for the choice of Town officers." This year the difference about the old giist mill was settled. This old mill was located on the westerly side of the bridge, at the junction of School and Fort streets. It was this old mill that for a long period of years supplied the inhabitants of the town with their corn or Indian meal for their johnny cakes and hasty puddings. It was to this null John Adams for a few pen- nies took his favorite teacher's grist to have ground for her daily repast. The second owner of this mill was Major Gibbons, one of Morton's followers and convivial companions at the Mount.^ 1. This account of Edward Gibbons ia taken from Mr. Palfrey's History of New England, Vol, II, p. 225 :— " Tlio history of Edward Gibbons was poouliar. lie first appears as one of Tliomas Morton's unsavory company at Merry Monnt. Probably ho was a brother of Ambrose Gibbous, and had been j)rovi()UHly with hini at the mouth of the Piscataqua, (see I'alfrey, Vol. I, p. 52;!, Nolo 1.) Before long ho joined the church in Boston, where he became a frooman nt the first court of I'Mections. —Mass. Rec, Vol. I, p. 3(>C>. " When he left Merry Mount, ho had not left off his old habits, for in August, after he became a citizen the Magistrates had occasion to fine him twenty shil- lings, for abusing himself disorderly with drinking too much strong drink, (Ibid 90.) lie, however, represented Charlestown as one of the two of every idantation appointed (Ui;i2) to confer with the court svbout raising of a public stock, (Ibid 95.) His military turn was recogni/.od in MVM and 1(;;{7, by his being promoted to be successively Gapt. Unilorhill's ensign and lieutenant (Ibid 12iscopal Church, 3 furlongs, 24 rods ; from the Stone Temple to North Iiraintree meeting-house, 2 miles, 2 furlongs, 11 rods; length of Hancock street from its junction wilh School to Neponset Bridge, 3 miles 1 furlong, 8 rods; lengtli ol" Washington street, 1 mile, 7 fur- longs, 1 rod. In giving an account of the loads in Quincy at the time it was set off from Braintree, we neglected to mention Woods road, now Granite street, which then ran from the old Plymouth road, now Hancock street, to Scotch Pond road. MISCELLANEOUS. 561 By a legislative enactment, in 1859, the office of Trinl Jus- tice was created. A Court of this nature -was establislied in Quincy, and William S. Morton and John Q. Adams, Esquires, were commissioned for the purpose of trying all cases within the jurisdiction of it. Trial Justices Avere intended by this leg- islative enactment to take the ])lace of Justices of the Peace, so far as criminal jurisdiction was concerned, but the power to try civil cases was continued in the Justices of the Peace. In 1872, the Legislature established the District Courts. The one in this town was called the East Norfolk Court, and it has continued to exist by the same name to the present time. It takes the place of the Justice Courts before mentioned, Avith the additional authority of trying civil cases. The following towns are included within its judicial limits, viz: — Quincy, Weymouth, Braintree, Milton, Randolph, Holbrook and Cohasset. It has a much greater criminal and civil jurisdiction than was formerly vested in the Courts held by Trial Justices. It is also a Court of Keoord. The judicial officers that preside over it are as fol- lows : — One Justice, two Special Justices and a Clerk. This Court holds daily sessions at nine o'clock, in Quincy. The Court-room is on Hancock street, contiguous to the old Hancock Cemetery. The present officers of the Court are : — Everett C, Burapus, of Weymouth, Justice ; James A. Tower of Randolph, and Sol- omon J. Beals of Cohasset, Assistant Justices ; J. White Bel- cher, of Randolph, Clerk. A Probate Court is also held in this town once a month at the School Committee's room, in the Town House. At the March meeting of 1878, the town appropriated three thousand eight hundred dollars, to purchase a steam i)ump, erect a house for its shelter and pipe the streets as far as the approi)ri- ation would allow. The Board of Fire Engineers was instructed to take charge of this improvement. As soon as arrangements could be made, a lire-proof house of brick and iron was con- structed at the corner of Hancock street and. Cottage avenue. Hancock street was piped with a six-inch iron pipe from the corner of Elm street to near the corner of Washington street, and six hydrants attached. The trial experiments and its work- 72 562 MISCELLANEOUS. ings since, have given perfect satisfaction. The pump selected is of the Blake 2:)attern, and its capacity for discharging water is five hundred gallons a minute. The steam boiler is a patent, called the Herreshoff boiler, manufactured at Bristol, Rhode Island. Its rapidity for generating steam has not been sur- passed, if it has ever been equalled, as it requires but five min- utes from the time the fire is lighted to supply the pump with sufficient steam to put it in working order. This improvement, for economy and protection to property from fires within the range of the j^urap, is a great addition to the fire department of this town. We find Market Pond, at Hough's Neck, mentioned in the old records as early as 1700. Whether it derived its name from a market having been located there, we are unable to say. The following is a list of the deputies or rejDresentatives from old Braintree from 1640 to the time of the separation of the town of Quincy from it, in 1792. It has been taken from the House Journal and is more correct tlian the town record^ as for many years the records make no account of them : — 1640, Oct. 7th, Wm. Cheesbro and Stephen Kingsley. 1641, June 2d, Stephen Kingsley and Samuel Bass. Oct. 7th, Stephen Kingsley and Alexander Winchester. 1642, May 8th, Alexander Winchester and William Cheesbro. Sept. 8th, William Cheesbro and Samuel Bass, 1643, May 10th, Samuel Bass and Stephen Kingsley. 1644, March 7th, Samuel Bass and Peter Brackett. May 29th, Stephen Kingsley and Thomas Meekins, 1645, May 14th, Peter Brackett and Samuel Bass. 1646, May 6th, Peter Brackett. 1647 and '48, May lOth, Stephen Kingsley. 1649, May 2d, Capt. Wm. Ting and Samuel Bass. 1650 and '51, Capt. Wm. Ting and Stephen Kingsley. 1652, Stephen Kingsley and Samuel Bass. 1658, Stephen Kingsley and Peter Brackett. 1654, Samuel Bass. 1655, Capt, Richard Brackett. 1656, Peter Brackett. 1657, Samuel Bass. 1658, Peter Brackett. 1659, Samuel Bass. 1660, '61 and '62, Peter Brackett. 1663 and '64, Samuel l^ass. 1665, Capt. Rich. Brackett. 1666, Ensign Moses Paine. 1667, Caj^t. Richard Brackett. 1668, Ensign Moses Paine. 1669, Thomas Faxon. MISCELLANEOUS. 563 1670, Lieut. Edmund Quincy. 1671 and '72, Capt. Richard Brackett. 1673, Lieut. lidmund Quincy. 1674, Capt. Richard Brnckett. 1675, Lieut. Edmund Quincy. 1676, '77, '78 and '79, Samuel Tompson, before AYood. 1680, Samuel Tompson, (special session) ; Richard Brackett, (regular session). 1681, Lieut. Edmund Quincy. 1682, '83, '84, '85 and '86, Samuel Tompson. 1687 and '88, (no session).^ 1689, Samuel Tompson, Christopher Webl) and Joseph Crosby. 1690 and '91, Samuel Tompson. 1692, Ednaund Quincy and Alexander Marsh. 1693, John Baxter, Sen. 1694, Caleb Hu- bord. 1695, William RaAvson. 1696, Nathaniel Wales. 1697, John Ruggles. 1698, Dr. John Wilson. 1699, John Baxter. 1700, Capt. James Brackett. 1701, Lieut. John Baxter. 1702, William Veazie and John Baxter. 1703, '04 and '05, Lieut. John Baxter. 1706, John Baxter. 1707 and '08, John Webb. 1709, Capt. John Mills. 1710, Capt. John Mills. 1711, Nathan Hubbard. 1712, Capt. 1. The reason why the General Court was not held in the years of 1(187-88 was, that it had heen abolished by the tyrannical Sir Edniond Andros who had been appointed Governor of the New Enpland Provinces by King James. He constituted himself aiid Councils the governing powers. Governor Androa interfered with the freedom of the press, levied enormous taxes without proper authority. The most arbitrary and outrageous act was the disturbing the land titles from which he and his friends derived a large income. " Many of the towns liad common lands, used by the inhabitants for the pasturage of cattle. Often these lands, situated near settlements were of great value. By the Gov- ernor's orders, portions of these common lands of Lynn, Cambridge and other towns, were enclosed, and given to some of bis friends." Finally the people became so exasperated at these tyrannical actions, that they rose in open revolt, and came rushing into Boston armed, and in great rage, which made the loyal citizens fearful of the result, as " nothing would satisfy them but that the Gov- ernor should be bound in chains or cords, and put in a more secure place, and that they would see done before they went away. To satisfy thena, he was guarded to the fort." Graham, Palmer, West and others of his friends were securely placed in the Castle in the custody of Fairweather. Randolph was in- carcerated in the jail, under charge of the new keeper, " Scates, the bricklayer;"' his other satraps were securely imprisoned in other places. With all the watch- fulness of the guard, Andros came near effecting his escape. " Disguised in women's clothes he had safely pas.sed two sentries, but was stopped by a third, who observed his shoes wliicli he had iieglectetl to change." Andros was soon .sent home to England, and the inhabitants of the I'rovinco assume 2 10 \ / 566 MISCELLANEOUS. But they were small farmers, viz: — Barnabas Derrifield and Mr. Thomas Faxon, who died about 1680. In their inventories, hay and corn are enumerated as being in their barns. How did our ancestor live? We answer, in the plainest and most simple and economical manner. When they arrived in this To 1 Feather bed, bedstead and fiu-niture, To 2 Square Tables and 13 chairs, To Pewter vessel.s, To Brass Kettle and other Brass ware, To ;{ I'r. andirons, To Limbeck, glasses and other ware, To Books, To one bed, and Trundle bed, with furniture for both, To one carpet, To 1 Table and Looking glass, (i chairs, To 1 bedstead and other Lumber, To Pork and beef, barrels, tubs and Lumber in the cellar, To 1 small table, kneeding trough and other Lumber, To 4 Iron pots, 2 Iron Kettles, tramel, si)its, dripping [tans, and frying pans, To 1 negro man and women and 3 boys. To a cart, and wheels, plows and other utensils for husbandry, To 1 stone mortar, To 70 sheep, £24. 8 cows, £24. 4 steers, 3 heifers, £l!), 10s, To (5 yearlings, £7. 2 calves £4. To 3 horses, £15. 2 sows and six pigs, To housing, out housing and Farm that he lived on, To the Farm called Moors Farm and housing upon it. To 40 acres of Land lying near Major Hunt's saw mill, To 30 acres of Land adjoining unto Moor's Farm, To Barley and Indian Corn, Due to the Estate. 2073 12 ^ SAMUEL PENNIMAN, NATHANIEL WALES. £ H. D. 10 4 5 10 3 ') '_j 10 5 1 10 1 8 5 4 1 C 1(10 11 10 (•.7 10 11 1() 10 1400 2(,0 20 15 10 20 Estate of Lieut. Alexander Marsh, of Braintree, who deceased the 7th of March l(Ji)7-8, as it was taken and apprized by the subscribers, as follows: — £ s. u. ' ' To Wearing api)arel, 12 10 To Musquet and 3 swords, 1 10 To 2 Tables, 2 cliairs, 2 stools, 1 chest, 1 5 To a Pair of Stillyards, 10 MISCELLANEOUS. 567 inhospitable land they found it a barren wilderness ; the fields or open spaces were not covered with the green carj)et of verd- ure, as at present. No grass was to be found suitable to nourish their cattle, excepting salt grass; This barrenness obliged them to wait until they could send home to England and procure To 1 bed and fiiruiture, £.5 10s. To 2 coverlids & 7 Blanketts, £5 10s, To 1 chest, 2 boxes, 11 jd of blanketting. To 1 bed and other small things in garret. To Pewter and Earthen ware, To IJrass and Iron pots, kettle and other Iron ware. To 1 Table, (! chairs and other small things, To Books, Saddle and bridle. To Flock bed, a bolster, a pillow and blanket, To 1 chain, 2 hoes and old Iron, To Warming pan, 1 hatchet 15s. To Cyder Casks and tubbs, 30s. To 1 cart and wheels, yokes and chaines, 3 ploughs, grind stone. To 4 oxen, 4 steers of 3 years old. To 8 cows and 2 heifers, 2 years old, To 3 yearling calves £4. 7 horsekind £12, To 50 sheep, £20. 13 swine £(J, To Several parcells of Land in Salters Farm, To G acres of Salt meadow at Rock Island, To 4 acres of Salt meadow in Salters Farm, To i of an acre of fresh meadow in Salters Farm, To Land in Stony field & the piece where his house stands now. To Derrifield Lott, To the Furnace Land at Cranes plain, containing 215 acres, To a house and Laud at Boston, To 50 acres of Swamp near JNIoors Farm, To 80 liushell of oats, 18d per Bushell, To 150 Bushells of Barley, To Indian Corn by estimation 100 Bushells, To Debts due the Estate, To cash now in house, To 2 Scyths, 3 axes, a beetle and wedges, To corne liouso and stable, Togo lb of yarn, To an Indian man's time 2 years. To an Indian boy's time 2 years. £ S. D. 9 1 19 1 10 4 10 5 1 1 10 1 4 2 5 4 10 24 29 10 2() 54 50 40 5 45 24 4:30 200 40 2(j 5 15 159 7 27 7 18 n 5 3 5 l'J90 March 31, 1798. V JOSEPH PENNIMAN, NATHANIEL WALKS, BENJAMIN SAVELL. 568 MISCELLANEOUS. grass seed to sow the land with. This condition of matters made salt meadows for the time being, quite valuable, as one acre of salt meadow was worth two of upland, and upon this basis the division of land was made. The dwellings of the earlier settlers were constructed of logs and called block or log houses. The better class of them had their chinks filled up with mud to protect them from the cold, chilly blasts of winter. A chimney was erected from the centre of the building, through the roof. The enclosed top of the structure was thatched, and so important did the Colonists con- sider the preservation of this material for the ])rotection of these log houses from the inclemency of the weather, that every town was ordered to construct a house in which to secure the long, beach grass for this purpose.^ In these rudely-constructed log cabins some of the first town meetings were held, by a few neighbors assembling together for the transaction of town busi- ness. They were a sort of travelling institutions, — sometimes being held at Mr. Saunder's and at other times at Col. Quincy's, Mr. Brackett's, etc., or in neighborhoods where the principal business of that meeting was to be acted upon. Their culinary utensils were few and simple ; j^ewter dishes and plates, and a limited number of pots and kettles, were all they had. No knives or forks, — fingers and napkins were the popular etiquette of the table in the management of their hum- ble repasts. Knives and forks were not much known in Eng- land before 1650, and did not come into common use in the Colonies until a much later period, as we are not able to find them enumerated in the earlier inventories of estates of the first settlers of the town. The morning and evening meals, for over 2. " The inhabitants of a towne within this jurisdiction, at their first setting down, did gennerally agree to sett apart a certaine parcell of land to the value of about 20 acres, lying betwixt tlie salt marsh and the lowe water mark, for the use of the whole town, to be iniprooved ffor thatching bowses, the want whereof is very prejudicial to the towne, since which time this honnored Generall Court, by an order of theirs, have made all lands to low water marks to belong to the proprietors of the laud adjoyning thereunto. The aforesaid inhabitants, not being able to resolve themselves, humbly desire the resolutions of the honnored Generall Courte, "Whether the order of Court make voyd the proceediug towne order."— Mass. Records, Vol. Ill, p. 181. MISORIJ-AXEOUS. 5G9 a century, were liasty i>u(l(lin<;, milk iiiul lioniiiiy, brotli or por- ridge, as it was called, Havered by salt poi-k being boiled in it. ]\Ieat was rarely used, as their oxen were preserved for draught, cows for their milk and butter, and sheep for their wool to clothe themselves ; also, to make their Hock beds. Tliose who could spare time from their farm labor could procure wild fowl and fish near the shores, aiid a few wild turkeys by hunting them in the woods.' Their substitute for tea and coffee, was home made beer. The malt for making tlieir beer was j)rocured at Mr. Joseph Adams' malt liousc, or at Mr. ]?ass'. After their orchards of apple trees were established, the social mug of old cider became a favorite beverage. Why tea and coffee were so long deferred from coming into the Pi'ovinces, we are not able to state, unless it was the high prices asked for these articles of luxury. Tea was very rarely used in England before 1G57, and was sold from six to ten pounds per pound. Pepys, the noted connoisseur and great lover of good cheer, does not record his first cup of tea until Sept. 25th, IGGO. Coft'ee was not brought into England until 1G41. The first coffee house was oi)ened by a -Tew in Oxford, in 1G50. A Greek opened the first house of this nature in London, on Lombard street, in 1G52. It was about a century after this period, before tea began to be commonly used in the Provinces, and it was over a century before coffee was familiarly known, or in common use by our ancestors. Subsequently, baked beans, the New Englander's favorite dish for Sunday meals came into use, and on Saturdays, minced cod- fish and potatoes, and rye and Lulian bread, was the fashioualde meal, not on Friday, as that would be popish, and whoever used it on that day would be eternally damned, and all the jirayers of Cotton Mather and his saintly elders could not have saved him from ])erdition. The observance of Christmas by our ancestors was considered a crime, and the penalty for keei)ing it, was the same as tl»e ])('nalty for j)laying at dice or cards, and the now jiopiilar amuse- ment of dancing was frowned upon as tending to licentiousness and immoral conduct. Tiie (ieiicral Court, always desiring to have a fatherly car*' over her subjects, concluded that a few sum])tuary laws were 73 ^^^ MISCELLANEOUS. required for the welfare of our good fathers and mothers, and that there should be no mistake or misunderstanding about the matter, they enacted a law to regulate their costume,^ and also to regulate their diet, by forbidding the use of cake or buns, 1. " The Court taking into consideration the greate, superfluous and unnec- essary expence occasioned hy reason of some newe and immodest fashion as also the ordinary weareing of silver, golde, and silke laces, girdles, hatbands &c., hath therefore ordered that noe person, either man or woman, shall here- after make or buye any apparell, either woolen silk or lynnen, with any lace ou It, silver, golde. silk or thread, under the penalty of forfeiture of such cloathes " Also, that noe person, either man or woman, shall make or buy any slashed cloathes, other than one slashe in each sleeve, and another in the backe also all cutt works, imbroidered or needle worke capps, bands, and rayles arL for- bidden hereafter to be made and worne, under the aforesaid penalty, also all golde or silver girdles, hattbands, belts, ruflfs. beaver hatts, are prohibited to' be bought and worn hereafter, under the aforesaid penalty. " Moreover, it is agreed, if any man shall judge the wearing of any the fore- named particulars, newe fashions, or longe hair, or anything of the like nature to be uncomely or prejudiciall to the common good, and the party offendin- reform not the same upon notice given him, that then the nexte Assistant bein° informed thereof, shall have power to binde the party soe offending to answer It att the nexte Court." The tailor was the fashionable dress maker of this period, as the ornamenting and trimming of ladies' dresses with gold and silver lace, had to be executed under his charge. '• Whereas there is much complaint of the excessive wearing of lace and other snperrtuities tending to little use or benefit, but to the nourishing of pride and exhausting of men's estates. It is ordered, that no taylor, or any other person whatsoever shall hereafter sit any lace or points upon any garments, either hnneii woollen, or any other wearing clothes whatsoever, and that no person hereafter shalbee imployed in making of any manner of lace, but such as they shall sell ,0 such persons as shall and will transport the same out of this juris- diction, who in such case, shall have liberty to buy the same. And that here- after no garment shalbee made with short sleeves, whereby the nakedness of ' the arme n.ay bee discovered in the wearing thereof; and such as have garments already made with short sleeves shall not hearafter wear the same, unless they cover their armes to the wrist with linnen, or otherwise; and that hereafter no person whatsoever shall make any garments for woemen, or any of their sex with sleeves more than half an ell wide in the widest place thereof, and so pro' portionable for bioger or smaller persons." ■ The stringenc3^ of these sumptuary laws created a bioil between the Court and Church. Ihe elders complained that some of their members had been too ununarily dealt with for not observing the statute, and that the Court he exceeded its jurisdiction in enforcing its penalty on church members believ hat a 11 tie whitewashing was more appropriate for their saintly member t.^ the penalty of the law. The Court not to be put down, after paying d^ie e^" MISCELLANEOUS. 571 excepting at burials, marriages or such like occasions; the wear- ing of all ornaments, gold, silver, or silk lace Avas forhidden, as well as hat hands, ruffs, also enihroidory or needle work, and the wearing of long hair was an abomination in the sight of God. This enactment was not very acceptable to the dry goods mer- chant or the fashionable dress maker of that day. ence to the church, answered them by sayinj;, that all persons of whatever quality or condition, should and would be punished for the non-observauce of the statute. " And whereas some have beene grieved that such excesses were presented to the Court, which concerned the members of the churche, before the parties had been dealt with at hoame, intimating thereby that the churches would, upon notice of those abuses in apparell have taken such course as would have reformed their members, and so have prevented the trouble of the Court. " This Court hath, therefore, thought fitt, (in the great confidence it hath of the care and faithfulness of the churches,) to stay all proceedings upon the said presentment, in expectation that the officers and members of all the churches, haveing now cleare knowledge, both of the said disorder in apparrell, and the resolution of the Court to attain a generall reformation, will speedily and effectually proceed against all offenders in this kind, and that they will also (from observation of our proneness to follow new fashions, and to fall to excessive costliness in attire) keepe the more strict watch over all sorts for time to come, and this Court doth hearby intimate to all whom it may concerne, (of what quality or estate soever they may bee) that all such persons as, after all these admonitions and forbearances, shall obstinately persist in their exoesse in this kind, shall be looked at as contemners of authority, and regard- less of the publicke weale, and must expect to bee proceeded against by the strictest course of justice, as their offenses shall deserve." DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. John Adams was born in Braintiee, Oct. 19tli, 1735, in the most northei'ly of the two old mansions on Franklin street, owned by his fatlier, and now in possession of his descendants, and graduated at Harvard College in 1755. On leaving college, he taught school in Worcester, wliere he also studied law in the office of Col. James Putnam. He began the practice of liis pro- fession in Braintree about the year 1758, at the age of twenty- three years. The first writ issued by Mr. Adams was on an action of trespass for a rescue. This gave him considerable uneasiness, as he was apprehensive that it was defective,^ which it proved to be, as it Avas abated. He soon after removed to Boston, where he became eminent in his profession, and was appointed Chief Justice of the Sui)reme Court; he was chosen one of the delegates to the first Continental Congress in 1774. Mr. Adams was married to Abigail Smith, daughter of the Kev. William 8mitli, of Weymouth. ]5y this marriage he be- came allied to a numerous and highly-respectable family con- nection, which greatly assisted him" in his professional business. 1. "Monday, Dec. 18, 1758. I this evening delivered to Mr. Field a declara- tion in trespass for a rescue. I was obliged to finish it without sufficient exam- ination. If it should escape an abatement, it is quite undigested and unclerk- Hke. I am ashamed of it, and concerned for it. If my first writ should be abated, if I should throw a large bill of costs ou my first client, my character and business will suffer greatly; it will be said I do not understand ray business. No one will trust his interest in my hands. I never saw a writ on tliat law of the province. I was perplexed, and am very anxioiis about it. Now I feel the disadvantages of Putnam's insociabiiity and neglect of me. Had he given me, now and then, a few hints concerning practice, I should be able to judge better at this hour than I can now. I have reason to complain of him, but it is my destiny to dig trea.sures with my own fingers; nobody will lend me or sell me a pickaxe. How this first undertaking will terminate, I know not. I hope the dispute will be settled between them, or submitted, and .so my writ never come to an examination; but, if it should, I must take the consequences; I nmst assume a resolution to bear without fretting." DIRTINGl'ISIIKD INmVIDU AI.S. 573 In 1778, Congress selected him as one of the Commissioners to France; Feb. 13th, he sailed in the frigate IJoston, whh his son John Q. Adams, then ten years of age, and arrived at Bor- deaux, France, April 8th. Owing to some misdemeanors of Mr. Silas Dean, the commissioners were i)laceri in an embarrassed position; so much so, that Mr. Adams concluded to take no part with them, and returned home after an absence of seven- teen months. On his arrival home he was selected by the town of Braintree as delegate to attend a convention for the formation of a State Government, Avhere he took an active and important i)art; but he Avas soon called away from the convention to attend to the duty of a commissioner to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain, and for some years he was the American Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Mr. Adams was chosen Vice-President of the United States in 1789, and at the expiration of Washington's term of otHce, as President of the United States, Mr. Adams was chosen to suc- ceed him in this high and important position. After his term of ottice expired he retired to his residence in Quincy. In 1820, he was selected by the citizens of his native town, as a delegate to the State Convention that assembled to amend the State Con- stitution. The remaining portion of his long life was spent in literary labors, and holding correspondence with the most emi- nent statesmen of that period. lie, with his co-patriot, Thomas Jefferson, expired on their country's birthday, the 4th of July, 1826. Mr. Adams' age at "the time of his death was ninety-one years. Jedidiah Adams was born in Braintree, Jan. 21st, 1711, and graduated at Harvard College in 1733. On graduating he stud- ied theology, and after preaching as a candidate, he iinally set- tled in Stoughton, Feb. 19th, 1746, and the same year married- Mary Marsh, of r>raintree. He was the seventh son of Caj-t. Peter Adams, and died in 1799, aged about eighty-nine. John (Juincy Adams was born in tlu' North Precinct of P.rain- tree, July 11th, 1767, in the most southerly of tlu- two old 574 DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUAI S. mansions now Ptanding on Franklin street. lie was named for John Quincy, the person from whom the to\vTi of Quincy derived its name after its separation from Braintree. In March, 1786, Mr. Adams entered the junior cLiss of Har- vard College and graduated in 1787; he received the high com- pliment of having his graduation oration published. Mr. Adams after leaving college, began his law studies at Newburyport, in the office of the late Chief Justice, Theophilus Parsons, where he remained three years. On leaving Newburyport, he opened an office in Boston, where he obtained a successful business and a high rank in the profession. He remained in Boston until higher and more important duties called him into the field of diplomacy, for Avhich his previous education had so well fitted him. In 1794, the United States Senate unanimously confirmed his nomination as Minister to the Netherlands, for which place he embarked in September, the same year, and took up his resi- dence at Hague. In 1796, he received, while there, an appoint- ment from the Secretary of State, as Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Portugal, with instructions not to leave Hague until further orders ; he did not receive these instructions until his successor, Mr. Murray, arrived, when he left for England. On his arrival at London, he found his appointment to the Court of Portugal superceded by another to the Court of Berlin. While being delayed in reference to this appointment, Mr. Adams was married on the 26th of July, 1797, to Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughter of Joshua Johnson, the American Consul at London. He went to Berlin, and in July, 1798, received his credentials, and resided there until 1801, when he returned home and re- sumed his profession of law in Boston. The antipathy of the Federal party, which had been brought about by Hamilton and his friends, in opposition to Mr. Adams' father, appears to have subsided, as they united on Mr. Adams and elected him to the State Senate. In November he was nominated as a candidate for Represen- tative to Congress, but was defeated by Mr. William Eustis, he having received fifty-nine votes more. The papers of that day attributed his defeat to the cause that it was a rainy day, but Mr. Adams supposed it was owing more to the apathy of the DISTIXGUISHED IXPIVIDUALS. 575 leaders of the Federal party, and made the following remarks on the occasion of his non-success. "This is among the thousand proofs, how large a portion of Federalism is a mere fair weather j)rinciple, too weak to overcome a shower of rain. It shows the degree of dependence that can be placed on such friends. As a party, their adversaries are more sure and more earnest." In 1803, Mr. Adams, after three ballotings, was chosen to the Senate of the United States ; in tlie fall of the same year he took up his residence in Washington. During his senatorial term, he became obnoxious to the Fed- eral party for the course he pursued in supporting many import- ant measures of Jefferson's administration in direct opposition to his own party. This so incensed the Federal party, that at the expiration of his term in 1809, they elected James Lloyd in his place. In 1805, the corporation of Harvard College chose Mr. Adams as Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, which position he accepted. In 1809, President Madison appointed him Minister Plenipotentiary to St. Petersburg. After his confirmation, the Federal party took this opportunity to state through the press, that this appointment was a reward for Mr. Adams' apostacy in joining the administration party. Mr. Adams ably defended himself against this severe animadversion. After having been a])pointed one of the commissioners to treat for peace with Great Britain, he left St. Petersburg, April 28th, 1814, and proceeded to Ghent, where he met the other commissioners and with them signed the treaty of peace Dec. 24th, 1814. Peace being amicably settled between the two countries, Mr. Adams, in 1817, embarked in the packet ship Washington for the United States, where he arrived the 7th of August. Soon after his arrival he was appointed by President Monroe, Secre- tary of the State, and he ably fulfilled the duties of this otHce through both terms of Mr. Monroe's administration. On the expiration of President Monroe's tenn of ottice, Mr. Jolm Quiiicy Adams was chosen by the House of liepresenta- tives. President of the ITnited States. After the expiration of his term in 1829, he -retired to his home. lu 1831, he Avas chosen National Representative, and the 576 piSTiNrarisiiED indivtdttals. greater part of his useful life was spent in the halls of Congress, even to the day of his death. On the 21st of February, 1848, he entered the Representative Hall as well as usual, and after the session had begun its duties, he arose paper in hand to address the sjjeaker, and was taken with a shock of paralysis, and fell into the arms of an associate member. While falling he uttered these, his last words, "This is the last of earth, I am content." He was taken to the Speakei'^s ])i'ivate apartments in the Capitol, where he remained insensible until the evening of the 23d of February, when his noble sjurit departed this earth, at the age of eighty years and seven months. Charles Adams, fourth child and second son of President John Adams, graduated at Harvard College in 1789, and engaged in the profession of law in New York, where he died in 1800. Thomas Boylston Adams, tifth child and third son of I'resi- dent Adams, was born Sept. 15th, 1772, and graduated at Har- vard College in 1790. He engaged in the practice of law in this town, and was a])pointed Chief Justice of the Southern Cir- cuit of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in 1832. (xeorge Washington Adams, son of John Q. Adams, graduated at Harvard irniversity in 1821. He chose the profession of law, and began ])iactice in ]>oston. In 1825, he delivered a Fourth of July oration before the citizens of Quincy, which was published. He was chosen in 1826, Pepresentative to the State Leiiislature from Bostoti. Mr. Adams died in 1829. John Adams, second son of John Q. Adams, died Oct. 23d, 1884. Charles Francis Adams, third son of John Q. Adams, was ])orn in Boston in 1807, and a large jjart of his youthful education was obtained abroad, while his father was Minister to Foreign Courts. He graduated at Harvard University in 1825 ; after graduating he studied law and Avas admitted to the bar in 1828. Mr. Adams represented the city of Boston five years in the DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. 577 State Legislature, three years in tlie Senate, and two in the House ; lie also was editor of the " Boston Whig." In 1848 he was a candidate for Vice President on a ticket with ]\Iartin Van Buren. In 1858 Mr. Adams was elected to represent tlie third Massa- chusetts Congressional District in Congress. In 18G0 he was again re-elected. Mr. Adams did not serve out this term, as he was api)ointed by President Lincoln, Minister to England, where he sustained the high reputation his grandfather and father had established as a diplomatist. Mr. Adams remained at the Court of St. James until succeeded by Reverdy Johnson, in 18G8. Under the treaty with Great Britain signed May 8tl;, 1871, which treaty stipulates that a board of arbitrators shall be appointed by the respective governments to meet at Geneva, Switzerland, to settle the Alabama Claims, Mr. Adams was appointed by the United States, to serve on this commission. Mr. Adams has been quite extensively engaged in the field of literature, having edited the Revolutionary correspondoice of his grandfather and grandmother which was published in 1841 ; he has had published ten volumes of the works of INIr. John Adams, of which he was editor. These were published in 185G. He has recently edited and published twelve volumes of fthe works of John Q. Adams. In 18G4, Harvard CuUege con- ferred the honorary degree of LL. D. upon him. Ebenezer Brackett, son of James Brackett, was born May 7th, 1773, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1789, studied med- icine and commenced j^'actice in Quincy. He wrote a poem in commemoration of Goffe, Whalley and Dixwell, to which an abstract of their history was attached ; this poem and history was published in 1793. Dr. Brackett died ]\[ay 9tli, 1794, aged twenty-one years. He w^as a young man of great promise. Ebenezer Crosby was born in the North Precinct of Braintree, and graduated at Harvard College in 1777, and at Yale in 1782. He was Professor of Obstetrics in Columbia College, New York. Mr, Crosby died in 1788. In tlie earlier period of the Revolu- 74 67S DISTmOUISHED INDIVIDUALS. tionavy War he was appointed Surgeon to Washington's Guards, where he continued till near the close of the war. The subject of this sketch, the Hon, Benjamin Vinton French, was the eldest son of Moses and Eunice V. French, born in Braintree, July 29th, 1791, married Caroline French, his cousin, Sept. 22d, 1817. Mrs. French after being united in marriage twenty-six years, died Sept. 4th, 1848, aged forty-five. His second wife was Harriet Alice Seger, cousin to Dewitt Clinton, and daughter of William Seger, a native of London, England, and resident of the city of New York. Their marriage occurred Oct. 12th, 1848. In early life, or at the age of twenty-one years, Mr. French began the business of a grocer in Boston. By active diligence, integrity and amiability towards his customers, he amassed a fair competency. As early as 1818, agricultural pursuits attracted his attention, and at this time he began farm- ing in Braintree. His agricultural labors having proved suc- cessful, he made by purchase another addition to his farm in contemplation of making Braintree his permanent place of resi- dence. At the relinquishment of his business in 1886, he came to Braintree and there devoted his time exclusively to his farm of two hundred acres. At the latter part of his life, he became financially embarrassed, but on investigation his estate turned out better than was anticipated. Mr. French was among the first scientific agriculturists in Massachusetts ; he was one of the founders of the Norfolk Agri- cultural Society, as well as one of its most active members ; also, of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and was among its principal contributors. He was for years a member of the Mas- sachusetts Board of Agriculture and also one of its founders. Through his exertions the School of Agriculture was established by Legislative enactment in 1856, which was not organized until some years after. He was also a member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society from 1845, and a life member from 1857. Mr. French always having a taste for the beautiful originated the idea of garden cemeteries, and was one of the most active in establishing Mount Auburn Cemetery. Mr. French was much in public life, having while in Boston SouthvoT& 4f Hawes Dr ; WnCot Sanjth "^c ■ ^— = DISTINGUISHED 1X1)1 VIDUA I,S. 570 been a Director for tlic TTonsc of Reform and Juvenile Delin- quents; Assistant Assessor aiul Overseer of tlie Poor, })esi(1es Director of banks and insurance offices. In 1S48, Mr. Frencli was chosen a member of the Executive Council. Mr. French from his larije and well selected library of stand- ard works on agriculture became well versed in tlie theory of farming, so much so, that the elder Quincy, now deceased, him- self a veteran farmer, once related " that in varied husbandry Mr. French had no competitor; liis great love of nature and her ])roductions was the all absorl)ing theme of his useful life, especially in the department of ])omology, to which he had given especial attention. "In IHf)!, Mr. French exhibited in the Horti- cultural Rooms in Boston, two hundred and thii'ty choice speci- mens of as many different varieties of the apple and the pear for which he received a splendid piece of plate." Subsequently he increased his varieties to four hundred, and one hundred varieties of the cherry and the plum, besides?" a great variety of other fruits, Avhich could be cultivated in this climate. In his nursery were to be found nil the native as well ns rare exotic flowers and shrubs. Mr. French died Avithout issue at Harrison Square, in the Dorchester District of ]5oston, April 11th, 1800, aged G8. He was eminently distinguished among his fellow associates in the Horticultural and Agricultural profession. Mr. Thomas Greenleaf was born in Boston, the 15th of May, 1767, he received the greater part of his early education in the Boston Latin School. During the siege of Boston his ])arents removed from the city and while they were absent he attended the Dummer Academy. On their return to Boston he again entered the Latin School, Avherc he prepared for college, Mr. Greenleaf graduated at Harvard University in 17S4, at the age of seventeen. He did not pursue professional studies. From 1790, he resided a part of the year in Quincy, but took up his permanent residence here, on the old Ncale estate,^ in 1. This fine estate on Adams Street, is now in the possession of Mr. William W. Greeuougli, and was purchased by Mr. Greenleaf of Dr. Charles Oiaunct-y, the noted pastor of the First Church in Boston. 580 DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. 1803, which he purchased in 1790, and resided there until his death. His aptitude for public business was such that in the early part of the present century, the town intrusted him with various and important duties, which he discharged with great fidelity. In 1808, he was chosen by the citizens of the town as Repre- sentative to the General Court, and for twelve consecutive years he filled this honorable office, and at one time was selected as temporary Speaker of the House, during the ilhiess of the Hon. Timothy Bigelow, who was permanent Speaker. In 1820, he was chosen a delegate to a convention to revise the Constitution of the State. For upward of thirty years Mr. Greenleaf was called ujion to preside over the deliberations of our town meetings, and in all matters favoring the prosperity of tlie town he took an active and responsible part. Mr. Greenleaf was married on the 19th day of April, 1787, to Mary Deming Price, daughter of Ezekiel Price and Ruth Avery, sister of Secretary Avery, all of Boston. They lived together in a union of uninterrupted harmony and devoted attachment for the long period of nearly sixty-seven years. He died Jan. 5th, 1854, aged 86 years, 7 months and 21 days. Mrs. Greenleaf died Feb. 23d, 1856, aged 88 years, 8 months and 12 days. John Hancock, the son of the Rev. John Hancock and Mary his wife, was born Jan. 12th, 1736-7, in the North Precinct of Braintree. His father was then the pastor of the First Church, and resided in a house that was located on a lot where the Adams Academy now stands, and always called the " Hancock Lot." His father died while he was quite young, and the youth- ful Hancock Avas adojDted by his paternal uncle, of Boston, one of the most opulent merchants of the Colony. Under his care he received his education preparatory to entering college. Mr. Hancock graduated at Harvard College in 1754, and at Yale in 1769. While in college he held a respectable rank as a scholar, but was in no wise distinguished ; he gave little promise of the high eminence to which he afterwards achieved. On leaving college, he entered the counting-house of his uncle, and DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. 581 in 1760, made a tour to England for the purpose of a personal acquaintance with the distinguished merchants with whom his house was intimately engaged in business transactions. Shortly after his return from England, in 1704, his imcle died, and the nephew inherited this large mercantile business, as well as the princely fortune of his uncle, then considered the largest estate in the Province. This large fortune, together with an upright and honest character, gave him great influence and a high posi- tion in society. In 1766, he was elected to the Provincial Legislature.^ Tliis important event seems to have given direction to his future career, as he became associated with such patriots and strong opponents to the oppressive laws of the Home Government as Samuel Adams, Otis and others. March 5th, 1774, he was called upon by the citizens of Boston to deliver the fourth consecutive address in commemoration of the Boston massacre, which was an able and eloquent produc- tion .^ When the time came for the great struggle between the Home Government and the C olonies, Mr. Hancock was found to 1 Gordon gives the followin- humorous account of the way in which ISIr. Hancock first came to he elected to the House of Representatives:-" When the choice of members for Boston, to represent the Town in the next General Court was approaching, Mr. John Rowe, a merchant who had been active on the side of Liberty in matters of trade, was thought of by some influential persons. Mr Samuel Adams artfully nominated a different one, by asking, with his eyes lookin<^ to Mr. Hancock's house, ' Is there not another John that may do bet- ter-^ • '^The hint took. ^Ir. John Hancock's uncle was dead, and had left h.m a very considerable fortune. Mr. Adams judged that the fortune would give credit and support to the cause of Liberty ; the popularity would please the pos- sessor, and that he might be easily secured by prudent management and might make a conspicuous figure in the band of Patriots." 9 " The Saints professing loyalty and godliness at Boston, send us by every vessel from their port, accumulated proofs of their treasoi.s and rebelhons. That mighty wise patriot, Mr. John Hancock, from the Old South meeting- house, has lately repeated a hash of abusive treasonable stuff, compo.sed for bun bv the joint efforts of the Eev. Divine, Samuel Cooper.-that Rose of Sharon and by the very honest Samuel Adams. Clerk, Psalui-singer. purloiner and curer of bacon. This great and honorable master Hancock is very well known in London to many; indeed, unfortunately for them, too well known. Mien he was in London about twelve years ago, he was the laughing-stock and the contempt of all his ac,uaintancos. 'He kept sneaking about the kitchen of his uncle's correspondent; drank tea every day with the housemaid, and on 582 DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. have arrayed himself on the side of the Americans. His high position and influence was such, that he was chosen a delegate to the first Provincial Congress, held at Concorrl, Mnss., and was chosen its first president. Mr. Hancock was also a member of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, and was selected for its second president. After the committee appointed had completed the draft of the Declaration of Independence, Mr. Hancock, Avith a clear, bold and steady hand, without a qniver, Avas the first to sign this in- strument declaring the " United Colonies should, and of a .right ought to be. Free and Independent States." In 1772, Mr. Hancock subscribed towards the erection of the second Brattle-street Church, £1000. In 1775, Mr. Hancock married Miss Dorothy Quincy, daughter of the fourth Edmund Quincy, by whom he had an only son, which was named John George Washington Hancock. This son, at the early age of five years, was inoculated for the small-pox. So great was this event considered that Mr. Quincy thought it worthy of a letter.^ This only son met with a sudden and sad death while skating on the ice, Jan. 27th, 1787, at the age of Sundays escorted her to White Conduit House, &c.' The temper and abilities of the rebellious Saints in Boston are easily discoverable in Hancock's oration ■who, at his delivery of it, was attended by most of His Majesty's Council, the majority of the House of Representatives, the Selectmen, Justices of the Peace, and the rest of the rebellious herd of Calves, Asses, Knaves and Fools, which compose the Faction."— Drake's Antiquities of Boston, p. 720. ]. "Boston, Sept. 25th, 1783. Mr.t. Hancock, Point Shirley : — Dear Daughter Hancock: I have only time to give you joy as to your Son's courage expressed at ye time of inoculation and to tell you that we've great reason to be confident (according to the Common course of Success, which the practitioners here and abroad have met with, especially in such young patients) that your Son will do well, as hear all without exception have done, under ye distemper heretofore inoculated; a very happy remedy which, through the Goodness of Divine Providence, the world is favored with. Still more happy the world will be if mankind should prove obedientially grateful, instead of being careless, under the blessings, conferred upon them. I hope soon to hear the Symptoms upon a prospect of eruption are favorable, and witli my most devout wishes of a Favorable Issue, I remain. Dear daughter, Your Most Affectionate Father, Edmund Quincy." —Hist. Gen. Reg., Vol. XT, p. (il. bisi'mauisHED individuals. 58^ nine years. Mrs. Hancock was married at the age of twenty- four, and filled her illustrious position with grent dignity, and dispensed with queenly grace the hospitalities of her house. So obnoxious was Mr. Hancock and Samuel Adams to the parent government, that Gnge, while governor of tiie Province, issued a proclamation offering a general pardon to all who wo\dd proselyte themselves to the royal authority, excepting Hancock and Adams. Mr. Hancock held the distinguished position as president of the Continental Congress until October, 1777, when he was obliged to resign on account of ill-health. When the Constitution of Massachusetts was adopted, Mr. Hancock was elected its first governor, in 1780, to which office he was annually chosen until 1785, when liis health ngain prov- ing poor, he was obliged to resign. Subsequently, after a rest of two years from the tedious and constant labors of public duties, he was again called to the gubernatorial cliair in 1787, where he continued to serve until the 8th of October, 1793, when he died at the age of fifty-five years. Mrs. Hancock sub- sequently married a Mr. Scott. Thus lived and died one of the noblest men of the American Revolution of 1776, who sacrificed his health, life and property to secure the independence of the United States. "Full justice was done to his memory, at his death, in the expressions of grief and affection which were offered over this patriot's remains by multitudes wlio thronged his stone mansion house on Beacon street, while his body lay in state, and who followed all that was mortal to the grave." Gov. Hancock was a strong defender of the doctrine of State rights, and considered the State sovereign to the United States; which doctrine was exemplified in the reception that was given Gen. Washington on his visit to Boston in 1789,^ and also, "in 1. " It is well kuown that wlieu Washington, 'with a mind oppressed with more painful sensations than he had words to express,' accepted the presidency, and undertook the more difficult task of guiding in peace the nation wliich lie had saved in war, he thouj;ht it a jiroper expression of his resjject to tlie nation to take the tour of tlie country. " Wherever he came, lio was received with every mark of lionour and regard that a grateful and contiding people couKl hestow. "Mr. Hancock was willing to show him attention in any way which allowed hNitlltlllM|ll'l>i| ||(j|l|||||4li l\lllMMIII>llllMMl,llt III I'll V HI' III' WllllMIII VllAHIll, lilnij , liiMVMX i^tliiiliiitiunl liy H wril< Id Mlin^'^il In llin |i|iiNii|i||||iiii III Hill Ciiiiii mI' iIm. 1 1 nil till rihiliiM: Mill III* i|i>it||iiiiil I III! niiiiillMMJi iMiiitMinnltiii wliii'li imIuIiIi Ivmt^h llii< Iiii|m|ii>iii|ii||i>ii m|' IIih MlillM) t\llMeili ililiillinU'4 Wi'lM IIIIIIImIihI III llln MjlltVllt'l III* I3ll|l|lilll|i|| liJH h|iIiiImii w iili iiiimhimm mill illuiijliyi*' lllMliy ||m|MI, iI IIIMIiIiHI m|' HM tl||||||h|l| lt|||||)||||^ llMllMtl lll' r\||U lIlM UIIVMI'IIIII' I'M IIIIh) |ll'MliMl|HIIMt« llC lIlM |llli«llli-lll I llM F4li(|M, lltMII|tll IHIIiI'iuIhI' IllM, «^MH MIM'Mllllmi, mill ^llll (jlHMlMC llMIM lllllll IJM fllllll' IIIIIUIkIIHImV Mh Hi «VIIN mhIIImiI III liN iiiliiil lllllll ii||i|iiii||it iMi|iilii'ni' iiivmmII', ynii will IimIIm^m him, I iln mil: iMumil •"i'Miiinii,Vi liiiliHiMiM iHiiii Mlii|iiMliMiliiM In m,v iiltiMM wliluli I iiin mill lilt llliMiliV I 'I WiMVM, M,v mImIim In Him hHmiiHiiii HiiiIi Iiiin Iimmii miilMiiiil I'MmIn il|inii Hut i|||mn iinii, wliMlliMi' Him wliniM iMtjiMiilMi Himi II jiml I uttt inlil/ mmIiI Iim, 'HimIi Him "iiii'Mi l.ifluni liiiiM Iimmii iImmIi^iimiI, mill Hiiili Him hiiIi|mi-Ii wmm MiiimlilMiMil In Mniin I'll' 'NilH wiimMmiiImiI Hum KMiiilMinmi miiIiI, linwMVMf, 'Hi wiiN iiIihmivmiI HiiiIi Him tni.iililiini, (if Him HiiIImiI ^IhImm wmm miM iiMiMnnitUM mill Mim mnlniMiviiiIni nl' iliM H'immmIi im|iiiIiIIm minlliMl |iMl«nniltiM ' • Wliv Hmli li.(iiml>, mI), H' Him «iiIi|mm|i MiiM mill liMl'niM Him mmiimmII / ' Mm miIiImiI, "I'IiIm MliMiimvlMm-M Iikm Iimmii mi illmi i'ImmhIiIm mill mmltl'vlnii Hiiili I iiiiihIi Mitt, (inlwlHiMliimlHiu mII Him iiiihIm iif "■MjiMi'ii mill iiIImmHiiii immmIvmiI I'iniii Him tnliiiliHimilK iit MnNlnii, liiiil I miiHmI|iii ""I ill, I wmilfl liMiVM iii^'iiIiImiI Him |ilimM,' 'I'Iih iih«Ii tliij^ Him unvMHmi- mhIImiI mi 'Iim iiimmDImiiI, mill Him IiiHmi imIiIiiiimiI Him iiHiMiillmt, miil Mn liilMIMmiMM WIM "liMMMll " |l|HriNMIilhll|i;ii INIil VIMIiAI.H rtNf) hli'iiliiin, lliillilinl, witN liiH'M ill lliinl.nli, III IVUH. Illn iiiullitiri (Wlliinti llllliilt'll llllllio VVim Willlll'*!), WIIH II. lllllivti III' Itniilllll'll, iniw (t>ililii\v, Mini Willi lini' llllhliiiiiij, wilH Innl ill null wlliln oil II voyiiH^ti hi Miirit|M<. Mr, IIii|m<, n |iihii' Imy, iifinr ri il«il|nii lixriiliii' lliiil I lli'lr itlnrltN WMl'K ill {jri'Kiil ili'iiiiiinl ' 'I'liin Ihilrli Iimiimk mi|i|iln iI I. '"riiii tjiiiiil I'lillli wiiH iiiiiliiliitiiiiil iiiilll iiliiiiil, Mill iiililiMii iif Hill liml I'Dii liny, wliiHi Hill iiiiiiiiit4i, llml nil wiiM Miifu, 'I'liii uMiiil |i(iii|ili) iif IIiiIIimmI liHlluvtiil UN lill ui'MhIm iif lli«lr ni'llMll, lliiit uvnry lliirlii wlilrli nlrniilaliiil iim ImiiiIi iiiDiiny liml lln iiiiilitllliiiiiMiHMliiniil In Mm IrmiMiiry uf Mm liiiiili, hihiIkiI up Hniiiiinly liy ihiIIim, limmitlv iiml ^niiil |iiilti y. 'riiU hllml ii riiiil luiiimillnliily h<;}-4. TIk; town of Jjoston sclcitted him in M;iy, Ki'U, as one of her liist llcpresentatives to the first Colonial (General Court, and Ik; was appointed one of a connnittee to j)urchase the jKuiinsula of Shawmut of Mr. lUaxton. He was among the first to receive a grant of land at Mount Wollaston, from IJoston. Soon after receiving this grant he died, at the early age of 33 ycMrs.^ 1. Sots works of Saimiel AilaiiiH, by William V. W'olls, Vol. II, \)]>. 121 U> 124, wlioro a yrajiliic account is tjiviMi of this Hcvoliitionary iiicifkitit. 2. IOiIiiuiikI (iiiiiicy of W'igstliorjK!, Nortliaiiiptoiisliin^ iiiarri(Ml Ann I':ilni- or, Oct. I-ttli, ].'»!»;'.. 'J'lioii- .son KdnmniJ was ha]Hi/.c'2o, Judith I'ures, and Jived on hiu estate at Achurch, DISTIKGUISHKI) I VniVinUALS. 587 Kdiiuiiul Qiiiucy, son of Kdimind (iiiii)cy, was horn in Kn^^- lanil ill HVll. Wv iiilicritcd and settled on liis fatlicr's estate at Mount "Wollaslon. '^Flie Colonial Governnicnt a|ii»ointed liini Magistrate of the County, and lie also received a eoininission as Lieutenant of the Suffolk regiment; lie was one of the military eommittee for the town of iJraintree. He died in 1G07-S, aged about 70 years. Tlu; Court appointed him one oi llic (committee to estahlish and verify the charges against Sir Kdmunuincy cut in stono, were inserted in a table nu)nu- ment over the tonil), made about I70(), by .Judge Kdnnmd C,)uincy. These wore thought to have been of lead, and broken at the same time the other monuments wore robbed, but when tho mistake was discovered they wore left in a fractured state. Tiiey were removed and placed together, and the original coat of arms copied, and is still ip possession of tho family." Tho arms for 150 years after the emigration of lildmund (i)uiucy in KkW, were considered asuilicient mark of the ownership without name orcyj)her, and wero engraved on a silver (;np bcipufathcd to the First (!hurch of rJriiintree, (now tho Unitarian,) by I'Mmund (^hiincy who died in l(i'.)7-S. AVheu Mr. rjiint wrote his Centennial sermon, tho giver of the iilato was not known, tho arms being forgotten, and uu inscription was added. 588 |)IH'l'INl) AI.H. nil.y in Hi'.l'J, :miiI ••nl-cicd cnily iiilu |iiililic lire MS l{,r .IikIl^t r(!(|iilriiiK, liundon, I'Vli. 'I.'id, I'/.Ti, in llii- !>,l\i y(y,iy of liiii aj^o." DIRTINGUISIIKI) IN'I)IVII>UAI,S. 589 WMS Spofiker of llu^ House. This record was taken from tlie " House Joiiriiiil," and does iiol aijree with other priiitiMl state- ments that lie represented the town for f(jrty consecutive years. Mr. (^uincy died in 1767, aged 78. "Kdinund Quincy, son of Edmund (iuincy who died in Lon- don, was l)orn in ]>raintrec in 1703, and graduated at Harvard University in ITII. He was many yeai-s a merchant in IJoston, afterward resided on liis paternal estate in IJraintree, was author of a treatise on ' llenij) Husbandry,' ]»ul)lished in 170;'), and (lied an Acting Magistrate of the Ccjunty of Suffolk, in July, 17^^k" Dr. Jacob (Quincy, son of Edmund (^lincy, was boni in Bos- ton in 17;}4, and graduated at Harvard (College in 17^):}, and is said to liave practiced medicine in the North Precinct of Jirain- tre(! nntil he went upon the staff of Col. Joseph Dwight's regi- ment as surgeon's mate, on an expedition to Crown I'oint, in 1750. He died at St. Eustatia, June l.'')th, 1778. "Josiah (Quincy, youngest son of Edmund (Quincy who dicl in London, was born in JJraintree in 1701>, was graduated at Harvard University in 172S, and entered into business as a merchant in Boston. In 1737 he accompanied his fatlier to P^ngland, passed several years in P2urope at different periods of his life, and ilnally returned to America in 1749. He was appointed, in 175.5, by Ciov. Shirley, joint commissioner with Thonias I'ownali, afterwards Gov. I'ownall, to negotiate with the Colonies of Pennsylvania and New York, for assistance in erecting a frontier barrier agahist the French at Ticonderoga. He retired from business in 1750, and resided in IJraintree on a portion of Iiis paternal estate, until his death in 17S-1." "Edmund (Quincy, ehh'st sou of Josiah (Quincy, was born in Biaintrcic, in Oct., 17:'.:{, graduated at Harvard University in 1752, entered into business as a merchant in Boston, and visited England in 1700 and 170:5. He was a zealous Whig and a political writer of periou^ l"ri(!iMl. At West Toiiit :i liiK; lifc-Hi/e portrjiit of (Jcii. 'IMiMycr Miloiiis the vvuIIh of tlii.s notcid inilit.'iry institution. Tlio \lvv. I'(!t(u- Wliitn(fy was born .Ian. I'.ltli, 1770, in Nortli- l»(»i<)ii;^li, WoiT.OHt(!r (bounty, M;mM. He cntcicil ('imihiiflL't.'i (!ol- 1(1^(1 in I7H7. Wliilc purHiiiiif^ liiw Ktiidics in tlic UnivcMsity ho tini^^Iit Hcliool in tlic vvintci-H, in ( JliarlcHtown ; li(^ tfradiiatcd in 17!)l. Soon aJ't-cr ^radiiatiM-;' li(! went to I linj^liain, Mass., vvlK^n! lid vvnH iippointtid AHsistant Preceptor in tlio Derby Aciideniy, .Inly 'i.OtJi, 1701. A|)ril 21st, lHi;{, lie. wa|^ sclcctod ono of its tntstct'H, and was president of the hoard for twcnity-foiir years, resij^ninj^ his position in IH.'')7. lie had heen approhattMl anuincy, Sept. IDth, 1 SO 1, .at the i-on- secralion o( the I Jural Jjodi'i'. DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. 595 A sermon delivered Aug. 7tl), 1805, at the ordination of the Rev. Perez Lincoln, called to the care of the First Church of Christ in (Tloucester. A discourse delivered at (Juincy, Oct. lOtli, 1811, at the inter- ment of the Hon. Ricliard Cranch, who died Oct. 16th, and of Mrs. Mary Cranch, his wife, who died Oct. 17th, 1811. A discourse delivered in the morning at Quincy and in the afternoon to the third religious society in Hinghajn, on the day of the State Fast, July 23d, 1812. A sermon delivered on the Lord's day succeeding the inter- ment of Madam Abigail Adams, consort of the Hon. John Adams, late president of the United States, Nov. 1st, 1818. A discourse delivered in Quincy at the interment of John Adams, late president of the United States, July 7th, 1826. A sermon delivered at Quincy Jan. 1st, 1837. Mrs. Mary White was the third child of Col. Thomas Hollis, of Braintree, by his wife Lydia Holbrook. She was born on "West street, in that town, July 25th, 1776, and married Nathan- iel White, of Weymouth, May 7th, 1795, by Avhom she liad six children. She died in Braintree, Aug. 12th, 1878, aged one hun- dred and two years, five months and sixteen days; her husband died Feb. 16th, 1837, aged sixty-five years. She lived in Weymouth the first years of her married life, where all her children Avere born except the youngest, llutli, who is the wife of Hon. George M. Rice, of Worcester. Mrs. White was a lineal descendant on lier paternal side from John Hollis, one of the earliest settlers of the town of Wey- mouth ; on her maternal side from Thomas Holbrook, who came to this country from Broadway, Somerset County, England, in 1635, and settled in Weymouth. Her ancestors bore their fair share of the burdens of citizenship in their several generations. Some of them were soldiers in King Phillip's War, others in the French and Indian Wars, while her father and several of her uncles were soldiers in the War of the Revolution. She remembered vividly to the last days of her life seeing the soldiers on their return from the Revolutionary War at its dose. When she was born the last representative of royal authority in 596 DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS, tliis State, Gen. Howe, Avas shut in Boston by Gen. Wasliinoton and liis patriot arm^^ A few weeks after lier birtli, lier father and many others from the hills in Braiiitree saw, witli glad hearts, a long line of ships going down tlie harbor bearing away the dreaded red coats, nevermore to return. In fact, her life spanned the nation's life — extending from the election of President Washington to that of President Hayes — and although her lot in life was humble, she always took a lively interest in political affairs and had decided opinions on all politi- cal questions. Mrs. White was always interested in the affairs of the church. She joined the Congregational (Orthodox) Church in l>i-aintrce in 1814, then under the pastorate of Dr. Storrs, and i-ernained through life a faithful member. Her last days were cheerful and hopeful, suffering but little from the infirmities which often accompany old age. The descendants of Mrs. White number six children, twenty- six grand-childre)i, thirty-seven great-grand-ehildren, and seven- teen sxreat-ureat-^rand-children. Dr. Ebenezer Woodward was the son of Ebenezer Woodward of Canterbury, Conn., and Delia Adams of Lincoln, Mass. He was born in Cambridgeport, March 12th, 1791, while his parents were on a visit to that village. At the age of six years, ho removed to Hanover, N. IL; here he prepared for and entered Dartmouth College, where he graduated in 1817. Dr. Wootl- ward took up his residence in Concord, Mass., Avherc he com- meitced the study of medicine under the instruction of Dr. Isaac Hurd. Subsequently he proceeded to Boston, where he contin- ued .his professional studies under his uncle, Dr. Samuel Adams. At this period he entered Harvard Medical School, from whence he graduated in 1823. After graduating, he commenced the ]»ractice of medicine in Quincy, April 1st, 1823. Not finding busiucss as successful as he anticipated, he in 182(5, sold out his practice to Dr. W. B. Duggan, but in about a year he ])urchase(l liis business back again, and from that time to his death, he con- tinued the leading physician of the town. At the time of his death, he gave a large part of the Greenleaf ])r()j)crty that he DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. 597 had received by inheritance, to tlie town for the establishment of a Female Institute, as has been before related. Dr. Wood- ward died, without issue, May 21st, 1809, ac^ed 71. He married Mary Ann Wroe, the youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Green- leaf, Nov. 13th, 1837, who died Jan. 23d, 1870, aged 73 years and 9 nionths. There are a number of memorial sketches interspersed through tliis volume, not in regular order. The reason Avhy they are not connected is, that the publishers thought there would not be room for a chapter of biographical sketches, but subsequently decided to 2"»ublish one. Hence the irregularity. APPENDIX. W:e cannot ^o back further tlian 1837 for the inilustrial statis- tics of the ioJu, as this was the first year that they were ordered to be taken by the authority of the State. These statistics are as correct as the truthfuhiess of those who reported them to the census taker will allow ; still with all care in collecting them tliey seem far from being exact in their correctness, but are as reliable as statistics of this nature generally are. We have given them as we have found them in the official documents, and the reader must be the judge of their reliability. These business state- ments are worthy of consideration in showing the numerous changes that have, for the last forty years, taken place in the various industries of the town. INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS OF QUINCY FOR 1837. Boots manufactured, 27,437 pairs: shoes, 18,002 pairs; value of boots and shoes manufactured, SlU.HSl; males employed, l(i3; females, 5«. Tanneries, 4; hides tanned, 8,3i)0; value of leather tanned and curned, ,^17 074- hands employed, !(>; capital invested, ^1!),800. ' Hat manufacturers, l; hats manufactured, 1,000; value of hats, $2,250; hands employed— males, 2; females, 1.* Salt manufacturers, 2; salt manufactured, 3,135 bushels; value of the san,e, $\ 500; hands employed, 2; capital invested, :Sl,()OO.t ' Vessels built in the five preceding years, 13; tonnage of the same, 2,594; value, S122,()50; liands employed, 50. Vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishing, 10; tonnage of the same 734- codfish caught, (i,200 quintels; value of the same, $18,800; mackerel cau<>ht, 1,750 barrels: value of the same, «12,242; capital invested, r.'ii.OOO; salt used in cod and mackerel fishing, 11,250 bushels; hands employed, 100. Syenite quarried. (^4,590 tons; value of the same, §248,737; hands employed. 533. • . The Hat Manufactory of Mr. John Hall Wius located on Adan.s street, where the old " Cherry Tavern" formerly stood. t m the early part of the present century Mr. Josiah Qulncy carried on salt worlcH in North Quincy. near the «latc .luarries. In 1824, Mr. Luch.s Manlius Saru.-nt .slaLHshea salt works on his estate at Quincy Point, which estate is now in possession of llie heirs of the late 11. Farnuin Smith, Esq. 600 APPENDIX. Slate qnarried, ],200 tons; value of the same. $2,500; hands employed, 5. Value of coach lace manufactured, $12,000; hands employed— males, 7; fe- males, 1G. Beeswax bleached, 47,000 pounds; value of the same, $17,000; hands em- ployed, 4.* Value of Coach, Chaise, Harness and Wheelwright business, $32,050; hands employed, 36. INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS FOR 1845. Saddle, harness and trunk manufacturers, 3; value of articles, $8,500; capi- tal, s$3,500; hands employed, 12. Establishments for the manufacture of coaches, chaises and other vehicles, 3; value of vehicles manufactured, $4,700; capital, $2,200; hands employed, 12. Salt manufacturers, 1; salt manufactured, 1850 bushels; value of the same, $426; capital invested, $1,000; hands employed, 1. Chair and cabinet manufacturers, 1; value of articles manufactured, $2,500; capital, $1,000; hands employed, 2. Tin ware manufacturers, 1; value of ware, $1,500; capital, $1,000; hands employed, 1. Tanneries, 7; hides tanned, 18,160; value of leather tanned and curried, $67,125; capital, $12,000; hands employed, 26. Boots manufactured, 41,876 pairs; shoes, 15,605 pairs; value of boots and shoes manufactured, $133,273; males employed, 203; females, 98. Value of building stone quarried and prepared for building, $324,500; hands employed, 526. Value of slate quarried and prepared, $2,000; hands employed, 6. Value of blacking manufactured, $1,000; hands employed, 2. Firewood prepared, 979 cords; value, $5,106; hands employed, 15. Vessels launched, 2; tonnage, 60^ value, $2,100; hands employed, 3. Vessels employed in the whale fishery, 1 ; tonnage, 94. Vessels employed in the mackerel and cod fishery, 4; tonnage, 118; mackerel taken, 1,000 barrels; value, $5,500; codfish caught, 500 quintals; value, $2,125; salt consumed, 400 bushels; hands employed, 22; capital, $3,050. Sheep, 310; value, $565. Horses, 397; value, $27,155. Neat cattle, 723; value, $17,318. Swine, 660; value, $7,920. Indian corn or maize raised, 3,360 bushels; value, $2,016. Rye, 469 bushels; value, $375. Barley, 360 bushels; value, $284. Potatoes, 9,673 bushels; value, $2,418. Other esculent vegetables, 2,364 bushels; value, $456. Hay, 1,565 tons; value, $21,539. Fruit, 4,579 bushels; value, $2,290. Beeswax bleached, 30,000 pounds; value, $15,000; hands employed, 2. INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS FOR 1855. Harness manufacturers, 2; business principally repairing. Vessels built during the year, 1; tonnage, 1,500; capital invested, $30,000; hands employed, 50. * This business was established by Mr. "William G. Appletou, about 1836, on the estate now owned by Mr. J. R. Graham on Washington street. From here Mr. Apple- ton moved his bleachery to his estate on Adams street, now owned by Mr. Edward H. Dewson, where he continued the business until his removal from town in 1850. APPENDIX. 601 Establishments for buikliug boats, 1; boats built, 20; capital invested, S-50; hands employed, 2. Establishments for the manufacture of wagons, sleighs and other vehicles, 2; value of wagons, &c., 87,500; capital invested, $2,000; hands employed, 7. Chair and cabinet manufacturers, 2; value of articles manufactured, Sil,000; capital, 82,500; hands employed, (i. Tin ware, sheet iron and stove manufacturers, 2; value of goods, 814,500; capital, 83,500; hands employed, 4. Tanneries, 2; value of leather tanned, 810,000; capital, 84,000; hands em- ployed, 4. Currying establishments, 5; value of leather curried, $45,000; capital, 812,000; hands employed, 18. Manufacturers of patent and enamelled leather, 1; value of leather manufac- tured, 810,000; capital, 82,000; hands employed, G. Boots of all kinds manufactured, 79,925 pairs; shoes, 6,000 pairs; value of boots and shoes, 8309,500; males employed, 425; females, 146.* * Previous to the present century, or shortly after the close of the Revolutionary war, Mr. John Pray began manufacturing shoes, in a building on the easterly side of Hancock street, near its junction with Adams street; this estate is now owned by Mr. Edwin B. Pratt. Subsequently Mr. Frederick Hardwick, Eli Veazey and others, began the business in a small way. These persons desiring to establish a market for their goods, but not having money to employ an agent, decided to club together and raise a fund for the purpose, and send some person on a southern tour. They considered Mr. Pray the best salesman of their number and engaged him. Mr. Pray immediately pro- ceeded on his journey; his first sale was made in Providence, R. I. He continued on disposing of bis goods in the various large places, until be arrived at Richmond, Vir- ginia, where he closed out his merchandise. He found that his sales had been success- ful and that he bad received eleven hundred dollars, all in hard money, which was a large sum for the times, and as much as he desired to carry with him, as there were no banks where he could exchange his specie for paper. This large amount of money caused Mr. Pray great uneasiness as to its safety. On bis journey home, while waiting on the wharf for the ferry boat to take him across a river, a gentleman who was stand- ing by, witnessing his uneasiness, said to him, " Sir, you have money with you." Mr. Pray replied that he had. The gentleman then said, " if you cross that stream without protecting yourself with some weapon of defence, you will be robbed by those negroes who command the boat ; as soon as they get in the centre of the river, they will slack up and then take your money." On this suggestion Mr. Pray acted ; he selected his weapon and cautiously concealed it under his coat and proceeded on his way. On ap- proaching the centre of the stream, he found that the statement of tlie gentleman on the wharf was too true, for sure enough, the negroes on nearing the centre of the river began to slack up and make preparations to relieve him of his money. Now was tlie time for his defence. Mr. Pray iiuietly took from under his coat a huge club, and with a tirm hand and determined air exclaimed to the negroes, " By the great Gods, if you do not proceed, I will smash the first negro's head who refuses to do his duty." This declamation had its desired effect, as he soon safely reached the shore. This journey was probably the first attempt to establish a southern wholesale market for this class of goods. Mr. Noah Curtis was among the pioneera of the boot and shoe business. He learned his trade of a Mr. Ripley. In 1791, at the age of nineteen he began to make shoes, and in April 1794, began to manufacture them for sale. In 1795, nine hundred and fifty-one pairs were made and sold. The price paid the workmen for hand sewed shoes, was one 77 (50'i AITKNDIX. \aluc of buildiiij; Htouo «|uiiiiied iiiul prepared for buildins, $238,000; hands einployod, .'U4. Firewood preparod for market, 2'tO cords; value, #1,500. Horses, 302; value, $3r),()!t.'). Oxen over three years old, Tii; steers under three years old, — ; value of oxen and steers, .tf.^.iMiO. Milch cows, 442; heifers, r>; value of cows and heifers, .'H!ir),(ir)0. Indian corn, 100 acres, with 43 bushels per acre; value of corn, #."), 155.70. Rye, 38 acres, with 24 bushels per acre; value of rye, f 1,140. Barley, 35 acres, with 25 bushels i)er acre; value of bar- ley, .tfH75. Potatoes, 50 acres, with 110 bushels per acre; value of potatoes, •tf5,5()0. Turnips, Ij acres, with 400 bushels per acre; value of turnips, #175. shiUtiif; per pair, or two dollars per dozoii, and they wore sold rroni eight shillings six peiK'o to nine wliillings si.x peneo per pair. In ISO'.', boots began to coino into use, for which ho paid for making and lilting .ti!l.r>(), exclusive of iltting !»0 cents per pair for hand sowed, and roeoivod for these from $5.00 lo $f).50 per pair. In 1S22, he begun to consign his boots to soutiioru houses in New Orleans, Savannah, diarlostoji and Kichmond; in tlioso southern towns and cities lie (wtablishod a largo trade. Jfis manufactory was on Penn's Hill. His sons Adam and Sanuusl began business in isl!) at Mr. Dwello's place on the same hill. In 1820, they moved to the old Adams mansion on Fraidvlin street, where they carried on their business until IS2!), when Mr. Adam Curtis erectod his house on Frank- lin street. In connection with his house ho built a shop where ho remained until IS.^O, when he built his largo factory on the corner of Fraidtlin and Pearl streets. Messrs. ('urtis carried on a large business in line Froiurh goods. From 1853 to 1858, their factory for the maJiing of uice French calf boots was the largest and most extensive of any in the Stales for haml sewed wt>rk, emi>loying three hundred of the best artisans in the country; they also gave employment to one hundred titters. Their boots were known and sold lu all the principal cities throughout the United States. In 1842, the linn was changed to Aiiam Curtis & Oo. 185C was their largest year's work, when they inanu- tuctured four thousand cases, or forty-eight thousand pairs. The civil war seriously interfered with their large .southern trade; heavy losses and other causes, caused the firm soon after the close of the war to relinipiish business. Frt>m 1820 to 1830 Mr. Nathaniel White carried on a very large business in the manu- I'ai'tnre of heavy brogans for the southern trade, in which industry he accunnilated iiuite a competiMicy for that time. Subse(puintly he entert^d into company with Mr. I'llijah Spear, and the tirm's name was White & Spear. This lirm gave up making bro- gans and eounnencod the manufacture of fine calf boots. After the death of Mr. Elijah Spear, in is;!!), Mr. White t'ontinucd the business. Kelimiuishing the nnmufacturo of boots, Mr. White entoro7,t)()5 ; capi- tal, SSOl.OOO; males employed, 351; females, 121. Blacking manufacturers, 1; value of stock used, §5,000; value of blacking, $!10,000; capital, .1?1,000; hands employed, 2. Gas establishments, 1: value of stock used, $2,500; value of gas, S4,0()(), capital, $12,500; hands employed, 2. Ice dealers, 2; tons of ice preserved, 2,1(X); value, $2,000; capital, $2,200; hands employed, 3. Bakeries, 1; value of stock used, $7,0(K); value of bread manufactured, $10,- 000; capital, $1,000; males employed, 3; females, 2. Subsequently Mr. Joseph Adams and Mr. Patrick Garrlty carried on there the dressing of leatlier. Finally INIr. "Williams disposed of this estate to Mr. J. Q. "Wild, who removed tlie buildings, and this old tannery ceased to exist. The next tannery was built by Mr. Elijah Veazie on Granite street, nearly opposite the old Scotch Pond road which has been for years discontinued. Mr. Veazie con- structed this work sometime previous to the Revolutionary "War. Not much business was transacted liere after the commencement of the present century with the exception of grinding a little bark. Mr. Henry A. Gay built a tannery on Canal street about 1831, nearly opposite the junc- tion of Chestnut street with it, where Mr. Edward Turner's house now stands. Mr. Gay's tannery was a model one, as he had constructed his vats and pits in tlie most improved manner, which enabled him to transact his business more economically. l7i early times a ^Ir. Glover built a tannery at Squautum, where he was quite extensively engaged in business. At the present time there is no tanning carried on in town. In the early settlement of the Colonies the tanning and currying business was of great importance, as they not only had to dress leather for making shoes, but also clothing. The understandings of our " Forefathers," were not the degenerate sizes of the present period, as the ordinary sizes of that day were from tens to thirteeus. For many j'ears the dress of servants, and to a large extent of all the active classes consist- ed in part of leather. Deer skins were the favorite skins tanned as buff leather, and many of them were obtained by the sportsman's musket, or in trade with the Indian, which provided them with a substantial material for their clothing, "hose of leather, lyued with oiled leather," •' gloves of calves leather," and " breeches of oyled leather." By statute, " No leather over lined or insutliciently tanned, or not thoroughly dried after tanning, might be exposed for sale. Tainiers putting leather into hot or warm * moors' or sitting there ' fatts' in places improper where the leather would heat and burn, were to forfeit A;20 for each offence." At the time Mr. Webb began the business of tanning the price of green hides were 3 pence, and dry hides 6 pence, selling price 12 pence. Buck, doeskin and deer skins for clothing were dressed in oil, sold from 8s, 6d. to 5s ; those dresseil with hair on one side sold for Is. to 8s. per pound. So great was the demand for this commodity, that in 1747, South Carolina exported 720 hogsheads of deer skins ; in 1755, North Carolina exported 30,000 deer skins; Georgia 213,475 pounds. The tanneries of this early date were constructed in the most primitive and rude manner. " A greater or less number of oblong boxes or liogsheads, was sunk in the ground near a fresli water stream, without cover or outlet below, to serve as vats and leeches. Similar boxes above the ground for lime vats and pools. .Vn open shed for a beam house, and a circular trough fifteen feet in diameter, in which the bark was crushed by alternate wooden and stone wheels, turned by two old bliml liorses, at the rate of half. a cord a day." This completed a lirst-class tannery. 606 APPENDIX. Olains taken, 2,500 bushels; value, .D!2,5(X); capital, $500; hands employetl, 8. Alewives taken, 15,000; value, fl50; hands employed, 7. \'^essels engaged in coasting or carrying trade, 3; tonnage, 88,"$; value, .fnOjOOO; amount received for freight, f-14,(W7; hands employed, 21. Apple trees, 7,940; value of apples, .'}f;i,084. Pear trees, 3,789; value of pears, f 1,433. Another trees cultivated for their fruit, 1,122; value, ?i!500. Value of berries cultivated or gathered for market, lii!750. Grapes, do., $300. Sheep, 73; value, $305. Wool produced, 219 pounds; value, $109.50. Horses, 447 ; value, $(i7,050. Oxen over four years old, 30 ; value, $4,500. Milch cows, 545; heifers, 25; value of cows and heifers, $27,875. Gallons of milk sold, 210,220; value, $42,045.20. Pounds of butter sold, 500; value, $2(K). Beef dressed, 0(i9,200 pounds; value, $80,204. Pork, 130,410 pounds; value, $23,473.80. Mutton, 9,100 pounds; value, $1,092. Veal, 160,50 pounds; value, $2,080.50. Swine, 530; value, $10,()00. Value of poultry, $858. ^'alue of eggs sold, $1,345. Slate quarries, 1 ; A-alue, $800; capital, .$2(K); hands employed, 2. Establishments for melting lead and preparing it for market, 1 ; value of lead, $10,000; capital, $3,000; hands employed, 3. Sloops and other vessels employed in freighting stone, &c., 15; tonnage, 715; value of vessels, $18,500; receipts for freight, $25,000; hands employed, 00. Smelts and other tish seined for market, 20 tons; value, $3,000. Other tisli, 2 tons; value, $320. Capital, $100; haflds employed, 0. Pump establishments, 1 ; value of stock used, $40; value of pumps, $90; capital, $100; hands employed, 1. Manufacturers of coffins and burial cases of all kinds, 1 ; value of stock used, $18; coffins made, 12, value, $30; capital, $100; hands employed, 1. Stone quarries, 10; value of building stone quarried and prepared for market, $271,880; capital, $133,000; hands employed, 30(!. Kirewood prepared for market, 701 cords; value, $(i,088; capital, $2,000; hands employed, 'Mi. Farms, ()(>; acres, 4,095; A-alue, including buildings, $504,650; number of acres improved, 3,038; hands employed, 151. ITnimproved land, 1,050 acres; unimprovable land, 1,000 acres; woodland, 2,850 acres; value, $85,500. Indian corn, 97 acres, 3,004 bushels; value, $4,500. Rye, 11 acres, 107 bush- els; value, $283,090. Harley, 2 acres, 10 bushels; value, $32. Potatoes, 40 acres, 5,022 bushels; value, $0,277.50. Turnips, 11 acres, 2,201 bushels; value, $1,100.,50. Onions, 4 acres, 488 bushels; value, $970. Carrots, acres, 1,975 bushels; value, $987.50. Cabbages, 7 acres; value, $1,258. Winter squashes, 4 acres; value, $282. ISIarket gardening, 5 acres; value of products, $928. lieets and other esculent vegetables, 2 acres, 320 bushels; value, $200. Cran- berries, i acre, 20 bushels; value, $UX). English mowing land, 1,495 acres, 1 ,()20 tons of hay ; value, $50,910. Wet meadow or swale land, 00 acres, 57 tons of hay; value, $798. Salt marsh land, 098 acres, 732 tons of hay; value, $14,040. Vessels employed in freighting tish to market, 2; tonnage, 20; value of ves- sels, $500; hands employed, 5. APPENDIX. 607 Aggregate of domestic and agricultural products, for the towns of Braintree, Holbrook, Quincy and Randolph, tor the year 187"): — liRAiuTREE, — Domestic products for use, $4,1H0; domestic products for sale, $4,170; hay, 1,2:M tons, .125,73:5; other agricuUural i)roducts, .11171,080. Total, $105,11:?. Holbrook, — Domestic products for sale, ■$2,7;iS; domestic jjroducts for use, $180; hay, 4(50 tons. $6,.j01 ; other agricultural products, $2,0ri'2. Total, $11,477. Quincy, — Domestic products for sale, ■'5_',!'.")"2: domestic products for use, $r)4l>; hay, 1,428 tons, $.S0,529; other agricultural ])roducts, .*i!8!i,ll(). Total, §12:5,14:5. Randolph, — Domestic products for sale, $11,1:58; domestic products for use, .$4,108; hay, 911 tons, $1.5,0(>1: other agricultural products. .$24,1.57. Total, .$54,4(54. Value of farm property, stock, &c. : — Braintree,— Number of farms from 'A acres upwards, 118; value of land, $329,{»05; number of buildings, 27:^; value, $312,aTO; fruit trees and vines, $20,077; domestic animals, .$;59,.565; agricultural implements in use, $11,500. Total, $713..S97. Holbrook, — Number of farms from 3 acres upwards, 8; value of land, $19,205; number of buildings, 8; value, .$5,7.50; domestic animals, $1,(505; agricul- tural implements in, $250. Total, .$2(5,810. Quincy, — Number of farms from :5 acres upwards, 4(5; value of laud, $549,905; number of buildings, 144; value, $103,1.50; fruit trees 'and vines, .$G,9:50; domestic animals, $48,508; agricultural implements in use, $1(5,87(5. Total, $(522,219. Randolph,— Number of farms from :> acres upwards, 70; value of land, .$213,405; number of buildings, 287; value, $2:52,100; fruit trees and vines, $9,()7:>; domestic animals, .$2(),40G; agricultural implements in use, $13,048. Total, .$4!H,(5:i2. BUAINTREE. 1875. Number of Capital Viihie. Establishiueuts. Invested. Manufactures (goods made), 21 .1i>(53<5,7.5() $1,019,705 Occupation (work done), 20 11, (j:;:: 29,(501 Total, 41 $(548,38:; $1,G49,:50() Some of the principal manufactures: — Boots, Boots and Shoes, Cardigan Jackets, Leather, Sawed Lumber, Cabinet Organs, () $142,1.50 $2.59,407 •-> 3,20() l(i,407 1 3,900 8,000 1 5(),()(H) 200,(^)0 1 4.(HtO 15,(K)0 1 1 1 ,:m 15,800 608 APPENDIX. Indian and Rye Meal, Wrapping Paper, Ilailroad Conductor's Punches, Shoe Nails, Tacks, Brads, etc.. Stoves, Animal Traps, Tinware, etc., Yarn, Twine, Webbing and Crash, Some of the principal occupations : — Blacksmithing, Butchering, Harness and Saddle Repairing, Painting, W heel wrigh ting, Number of Istablishnients. Capital Invested. 1 17,000 1 20,000 1 2,500 1 25,000 2 7,500 3 350,000 5 2,900 1 2,000 2 2,150 2 2,808 2 650 HOLBROOK. 1875. Manufactures (goods made). Occupation (work done), Total, Some of the principal establishments Boots, Boots aud Shoes, Shoes, Shoe Strings, QUINCY. 1875. Manufactures (goods made). Occupation (work done). Total, Some of the leading industries:— Bread and Pastry, Men's Boots, Boots and Shoes, Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Calf and Split Leather, Rough and Dressed Granite, Stone Cutting and Dressing, Felt Goods, Ships Built, Iron Castings, Blacksmithing, Carpentering and Joining, Masonry, Painting, Meal, Corn and Rye, Buildings, 28 5 33 $228,400 600 f22}),000 Value. 56,600* 47,891 3,000 .^5,000 7,600 955,000 9,200 3,000 2,934 4,427 2,740 1,044,996 4,800 1,049,796 18 $91,400 $483,316 7 11(),000 417,680 2 20,000 137,000 1 1,000 7,000 82 $954,180 $1,764,266 96 82,411 322,806 178 $1,036,591 $2,087,072 1 $6,000 $60,000 1 30,000 304,501 7 12,700 80,362 2 9,000 35,600 4 9,100 36,990 25 538,000 619,284 12 50,200 156,600 1 25,000 33,945 2 140,000 149,300 1 45,000 59,657 7 4,500 28,912 14 7,250 59,775 9 4,800 25,250 9 3,040 16,625 1 10,000 55,000 16 23,380 158,025 APPENDIX. Number of Establishments. 43 101 143 RANDOLPH. 1875, Manufactures (goods made), Occupation (work done), Total, Some of the leading industries: Boots, Boots and Shoes, Leather Shoestrings, Stone Cutting and Dressing, Butchering, Carpentry and Joinery, Clothing (custom made). Shoddy, inner soles and heels, Number of votes cast annually for Governor in incorporation in 1792 to 1878 inclusive:— Capital Invested. S;i49,450 58,181 609 Value. $1,152,951 149,4:?5 $-207,031 $1,302,380 10 $27,200 $164,396 15 65,550 648,340 1 25,000 200,000 1 8,000 20,000 1 16,000 13,000 6 13,700 51,000 3 2,500 27,175 1 1,200 13,000 the Town of Quincy from its YEAR. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1790. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804, 1805 John Hancock, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, William Cashing, Samuel Adams, Samuel Adams, Increase Sumner, Increase Sumner, James Sullivan, Moses Gill, Increase Sumner, Increase Sumner, . William Heath, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, William Heath, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, William Heath, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, , Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, 78 VOTE. 51 40 32 10 41 40 13 44 5 44 57 9 55 11 1 GO 19 70 25 1 70 17 68 17 98 28 YEAB. NAME. 1806. Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, William Heath, 1807. James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, 1808. James Sullivan, Christopher Gore, 1809. Christopher Gore, Levi Lincoln, 1810. Elbridge Gerry, Christopher Gore, 1811. Elbridge Gerry, Christopher Gore, 1812. Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, 1813. Caleb Strong, Joseph B. Varnum, 1814. Caleb Strong, Samuel Dexter, 1815. Caleb Strong, Samuel Dexter, 1816. John Brooks, S. Dexter, 1817. John Brooks, Henry Dearborn, 1818. John Brooks, VOTE. 106 47 1 03 91 59 87 93 52 65 100 08 89 127 59 140 .54 127 45 120 37 115 53 115 45 107 Benjamin Crowninshield, 34 (jlU APPENDIX. YEAK, NAME. VOTE. YEAR. NAME. VOTE. 1819. John Brooks, 112 1841. M. Morton, 320 Benjamin Crowninsliield, 37 John Davis, 280 1820. John Brooks, 110 Scattering, 14 William Eustis, 42 1842. M. Morton, 30.3 1821. John Brooks, 120 John Davis, 272 William Eustis, 40 Samuel C. Sewall, 21 1822. John Brooks, 110 1843. M. Morton, 304 William Eustis, 44 G. N. Brij-gs, 278 1823. H. G. Otis, 135 Samuel 0. Sewall, 57 William Eustis, ()9 1844. G. N. Briggs, 318 1824. William Eustis, 77 G. Bancroft, 326 Samuel Lathrop, 140 S. E. Sewall, 64 1825. Levi Lincoln, 91 1845. G. N. Briggs, 258 Samuel Ijathrop, 2 Isaac N. Davis, 191 1826. Levi Lincoln, 105 Samuel E. Sewall, 41 James Loyd, 2 Henry Shaw, 25 1827. Levi Lincoln, 90 1840. G. N. Briggs, 225 Samuel Hobart, 9 Isaac N. Davis, 169 1828. Levi Lincoln, 85 S. E. Sewall, 45 M. Morton, 1 1847. G. N. Briggs, 249 1829. Levi Lincoln, 142 Caleb Gushing, 225 M. Morton, 1 Samuel Sewall, 34 1830. Levi Lincoln, 129 Eleazer Wright, 3 M. Morton, 9 1848. G. N. Briggs, 255 1831. Levi Lincoln, 210 Stephen C. Phillips, 250 M. Morton, 14 0. Gushing, 34 1832. Levi Lincoln, 87 B. F. Hallett, 4 Samuel Lathrop, 91 1849. G. N. Briggs, 272 M. Morton, 20 G. S. Boutwell, 101 1833. John C^. Adams, 149 Stephen C. Phillips, 130 John Davis, 44 1850. G. N. Briggs, 272 M. Morton, 53 G. S. Boutwell, 189 1834. John Davis, 85 Stephen C. Phillips, 126 John Bailey, 87 1851. n. C. Winthrop, 302 M. Morton, 40 G. S. Boutwell 250 1835. Edward Everett, 138 John G. Palfrey, 119 M. Morton, 42 1852. John H. Clifford, 287 183(i. Edward Everett, ItJG H. W. Bishop, 227 M. Morton, 148 Horace Maun, 189 1837. Edward Everett, Hu 1853. Emery Washburn, 264 M. INIorton, 103 H. W. Bishop, 156 1838. Edward Everett, 172 Henry Wilson, 116 M. Morton, 200 B. L. Wales, 60 1839. Edward Everett, 231 1854. H. J. Gardiner, 549 M. Morton, 320 B. L. Wales, 74 1840. M. Morton, 374 E. Washburn, 44 John Davis, 326 H. W. Bishop, 12 YEAR. NAME. V 1855. H. J. fTardiner, E. T>. Beach, Julin.s IJockwell, S. H. Walley. 1856. H. J. Gardiner, George W. Gordon, E. D. Beach, Luther. V. Bell, 1857. H. J. Gardiner, E. D. Beach, N. P. Bank.'!, 1858. N. P. Banks, Amos A. Lawrence, E. T>. Beach, 1850. N. P. Banks, Benjamin F. Bntler, George X. Briggs, 18G0. John A. Andrews, E. D. Beach, Amos A. Lawrence, Benjamin F. Butler, 1861. John A. Andrews, Isaac Davis, 1862. John A. Andrews, Charles Devins, Jr., ISG;?. John A. Andrews, Henry W. Paine, 1864. John A. Andrews, Henry W. Paine, 18(55. Alexander H. Bullock Derius N. Couch, 1866. Alexander H. Bullock, Theodore H. Sweetser State Elections were originally held November. APPENDIX. oxx OTE. YEAR. NAME. VOTP. :{r,7 1867. ,Tohn Q. Adams, 650 180 Alexander H. Bullock, , 348 80 1868. William Claflin, 662 •27 John Q. Adams, 583 484 18t)0. John Q. Adams, 581 182 "William Claflin, .370 274 1870. John Q. Adams, 504 15 William Claflin. 43.-. 2x^ Wendell Phillips, 48 178 1871. W. B. AVa,shhurn, 504 178 John Q. Adams, .367 258 E. M. Chamherlin, 76 1(14 Pohert C. Pitman, 14 244 1872. W. B. AVashbnrn, 842 212 Francis W. Bird, .3.53 200 1873. W. B. Wa.shburn, 400 1(^4 William Gaston, 4.50 426 1874. Thomas Talbot, 480 2:?."> William Gaston, .58(; 2:5.'? 1875. Alexander H. Eice, ;i60 21 William Gaston, .5i)6 :no C. F. Adams, 50 251 John I. Baker, 00 .'522 1876. Alexander H. Kice, 811 400 C. F. Adams, 871 358 John T. Baker, 31 233 1877. William Gaston, 627 570 Alexander H. Kice, 47:'. 3()0 John I. Baker, 148 , 823 1878. Thomas Talbot, 845 284 Benjamin F. Butler,. 666 , 574 Josiah G. Abbott, 100 , 4;?4 in April, but in 1835, were changed to Census of the Town of Braiutree in 1765:— „ 327 Houses, ^ ... .... - .'557 Famihes, Males under sixteen, Females under sixteen, Males above sixteen, '''_'' Females above sixteen, „ ----- ••*• Negroes, Total, exclusive of ludiaus, ..---- '■A6 612 APPENDIX. Population of Braintree from 1765 to 1875 inclusive. The firs ifc com pi !e.^e cen- sus of Massachusetts was ordered to be taken in 1764 , but was not, how ever. completed until the latter part of May, 1765 :— Braintree. Holbrook.* Quincy, Randolph. Total. U. S. Census, , 1776, 2,871 — — 2,871 " 1790, 2,771 — — !,771 " " 1800, 1,285 1,081 1,021 3,387 " " 1810, 1,.351 1,281 1,170 3,802 11 i( 1820, 1,466 . 1,623 1,546 4,635 << « 1830, 1,758 2,201 2,200 6,159 " " 1840, 2,186 3,486 3,213 8,867 11 11 1850, 2,969 5,017 4,741 11 !,827 State 1855, 3,472 5,921 5,538 14,931 U. S. 1860, 3,468 6,778 5,760 16,006 State 1865, 3,725 6,718 5,734 16,177 U. S. 1870, 3,948 7,442 5,642 17,032 State " 1875. ' of married 4,156 women. 1,72€ i 9,155 n 1875, (including 4,064 all who If an ),101 The numbei living i 5 or have been married,) with the number of births to each mother :- - Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Number of Children. o PQ ? 4 2 o 1 o H o d c 2 6 o P3 > 1 % 'S 1 3 o c u o M a) 'A 6 One, 142 29 171 61 5 66 225 69 294 112 19 131 Two, 125 25 150 56 12 68 229 85 314 93 21 114 Three, 86 27 113 40 9 49 195 76 271 92 22 114 Four, 80 30 110 34 4 38 158 61 219 63 32 95 Five, 51 30 81 14 8 22 108 75 183 38 37 75 Six, 33 22 55 10 — 10 67 72 139 33 38 71 Seven, ' 14 21 35 10 4 14 48 60 108 30 25 55 Eight, 18 17 35 9 7 16 (!0 39 99 20 30 50 Nine, 13 20 33 6 5 11 34 35 69 10 20 30 Ten, 15 9 24 5 — 5 23 22 45 6 22 28 Eleven, 1 6 6 2 1 3 7 17 24 2 7 9 Twelve, 2 G 8 4 — 4 3 8 11 3 7 10 Thirteen, 1 1 2 1 — 1 2 9 11 — 7 7 Fourteen, — 1 1 — — — — 3 3 — 2 2 Fifteen, — — — — — — 2 1 3 1 1 2 Sixteen, 1 — 1 — — — — 1 1 — — — Seventeen, — — — — — — 1 — 1 — 1 1 Twenty, — — — — — — — — — 1 — 1 Total mothers, 582 243 825 252 55 307 1162 633 1795 Total married women, 984 451 2118 504 291 795 !M;5 * Holbrook was incorporated in 1872, Quincy in 1792 and Randolph in 1793. APPENDIX. 613 Nativities with ages, in 1875. (Aliens include all foreign-born males above twenty years of age not naturalized):— Aliens. Under 10 yrs. 10 to 14. 15 to 20. Above 20. BRAINTEEE. a S S i 1 Born in town named, 299 311 74 70 112 91 374 367 Other towns in Mass., 84 110 50 53 83 105 344 425 Other States, 21 21 6 9 22 17 136 162 Foreign countries. 27 13 10 19 21 35 336 349 Total, 431 455 140 151 238 248 1190 1303 HOLBROOK. Born in town named, 161 154 47 67 62 70 220 200 Other towns in Mass., 23 23 7 6 15 14 143 1(W Other States, 4 4 9 2 4 6 46 (^6 Foreign countries, 4 2 3 2 9 4 102 77 Birthplace unknown. — 1 — — 1 — 2 - Total, 192 184 66 77 91 94 513 509 QUINCY. Born in town named. 620 642 251 217 293 275 535 597 Other towns in Mass., 222 187 95 87 131 131 652 722 Other States, 45 44 30 31 77 54 414 419 Foreign countries. 52 48 45 48 79 100 1050 955 Birthplace unknown , — — — — — — 7 — Total, 939 921 421 383 580 560 2658 2693 RANDOLPH. Born in town named. 325 317 149 171 191 188 408 396 Other towns in Mass., G3 ()3 32 2() 44 61 258 258 Other States, 8 11 4 4 10 10 125 124 Foreign countries, 8 7 7 10 19 10 382 375 Total. 404 398 192 211 264 269 1173 1153 161 63 526 98 The place of birth of the inhabitants of Braintree, Holbrook, Quincy and Randolph, in 1875, is shown in the following tables: — Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Born in town named, Other towns in Mass., Other States, Foreign born , Unknown, 859 840 mn cm 185 209 394 415 •3 e 490 491 16<«> 1731 1073 1072 188 209 1100 1127 3<>7 408 63 78 rm 548 147 149 118 85 1226 1151 416 402 3 1 7 — — — 614 APPENDIX. Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. S "3 o <0 a 1 o H "3 "3 a fa 3 o 6 Is CD a ^ ® O Born in England, 42 49 91 4 1 5 106 79 185 14 6 20 Ireland, 233 249 482 67 54 121 668 722 1390 354 342 69(5 Scotland, 42 50 92 — — — 83 60 143 2 3 5 Wales, — — — — — — 36 26 62 — — — Dominion of Canada, 58 56 114 45 26 71 219 208 427 32 42 74 Other British Possessions, — 2 2 — 2 2 2 — 2 1 3 4 France, — 5 5 _. — — 18 4 22 3 — 3 Germany, !) o 11 1 1 2 19 14 33 4 3 7 Portugal and its Colonies, 2 — 2 — — — 2 1 3 2 1 3 Italy, — — — — — — 15 1 16 — — — Sweden and Norway, 2 2 4 — — — 31 28 59 — ') •> Spain and its Colonies, 2 — 2 — — — 1 — 1 1 - 1 Denmark, 2 — 2 — — — 5 2 7 — — — Russia, Poland & Finland — — — 1 — 1 6 2 8 2 2 Holland and Brazil, 1 — 1 — — — — 1 1 1 — 1 Switzerland, 1 — 1 — — — 2 1 3 — — — Austria, — — — — — — 3 — 3 — — _ Greece and Persia, — — — — — — 4 — 4 — — — Countries not designated. — 1 1 — — — .-! 1 4 — __ _ At Sea, — — — — — — •' 1 4 — — — The aiies of the inhabitants of Braintree, Holbrook, Quincy and Randolph, for the year 1875, are given in the following table: — Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Age. t« fa S fa f^ fa t^ fa 1 month. (! 6 — 3 (5 13 4 4 2 months, 4 5 3 — 9 9 8 2 3 1 4 o 1 15 10 4 5 4 4 8 2 1 9 10 2 2 5 4 3 2 ;; 9 12 1 4 6 5 4 4 1 16 13 7 6 7 7 2 1 2 7 5 8 1 8 5 6 2 1 • 10 11 2 2 9 " 5 1 4 3 7 4 — — 10 4 5 2 — 3 9 — — 11 1 — 1 — o 2 — — 1 year. 2(5 36 9 • 8 71 87 4(5 44 2 years, 44 53 2(5 O;; 98 113 51 33 3 " 45 44 25 21 114 100 31 54 4 " 49 60 20 18 89 90 35 28 615 Age. 5 years, C. " 7 8 " !) " 10 " 11 " 12 " 13 " 14 " 15 " 16 " 17 . " 18 " 19 " 20 " 21 " 22 " 23 " 24 " 25 " 26 " 27 " 28 " 29 " 30 " 31 " 32 " 33 " 34 " 35 " m " 37 " 38 " 39 " 40 ' 41 ' 42 ' 43 ' 44 ' 45 ' 46 ' 47 48 APPENDIX VJJ in Braintree. Holbrook. Quiiicy. Randolph. 1 1 V i 15 S i 24 31 22 28 106 104 43 52 37 48 20 20 77 92 25 31 44 38 17 20 102 73 44 37 40 42 18 20 94 8S 50 43 54 39 12 10 69 74 35 4() 26 37 1() 10 89 7() 40 48 38 26 17 21 75 76 29 39 33 32 6 12 101 69 43 ;«; 31 44 19 20 71 8() 46 37 40 ;56 8 17 93 78 41 57 36 43 17 12 108 84 48 37 32 64 13 21 91 9() 40 48 43 40 13 14 103 82 35 43 55 57 12 16 95 110 39 50 55 42 19 10 97 99 44 49 25 55 17 24 82 102 M 41 28 48 15 8 102 83 49 ;?5 33 50 21 17 93 105 44 27 24 44 18 14 104 88 37 35 35 27 17 14 102 88 38 29 42 36 12 18 95 1(H) 31 33 23 31 12 12 93 97 *)'> 29 ;58 34 14 13 75 69 41 ;{5 47 39 16 15 91 91 36 32 20 30 <) 13 64 72 20 26 42 38 15 13 111 hh; 3i» 40 25 28 10 6 46 53 25 27 27 21 15 10 iio 59 28 30 26 23 23 ■'2 12 9 ;) 11 73 49 58 51 24 19 2() 26 33 26 37 24 9 12 16 12 77 54 80 73 37 20 32 22 25 33 13 20 51 55 27 21 29 24 11 20 57 65 26 24 22 37 16 2() 41 18 10 21 8 lit 13 11 4(J 87 ;'.6 60 99 39 14 29 17 29 39 11 18 28 10 7 50 48 27 17 25 24 24 25 23 20 33 29 11 7 16 9 8 15 5 9 43 ;j5 77 32 39 43 68 34 Hi 16 35 17 21 23 29 12 12 20 7 8 32 25 16 — ' 34 29 11 8 44 50 20 25 616 APPENDIX. Braintree. Holbrook. Quincj'. Randolph. Age. 01 a e s S 49 years. 19 26 6 4 29 44 18 21 50 " 27 31 12 10 61 62 45 47 51 " 20 14 5 3 29 28 14 10 52 " 14 15 7 11 31 47 15 14 53 " 14 22 6 3 28 26 13 16 54 " 26 14 10 9 42 39 19 18 55 " 24 15 4 5 59 38 36 26 56 " 19 16 4 6 43 24 18 16 57 (( 14 10 10 8 31 26 13 9 58 " 21 12 4 7 37 16 16 25 59 <( 6 9 8 5 28 10 10 8 60 " 18 19 5 5 58 42 35 24 61 " 7 12 7 6 14 18 11 11 62 " 11 9 4 8 19 26 18 12 63 <( 7 13 6 3 25 30 17 5 64 (1 12 13 5 2 16 22 13 10 65 (( 13 12 6 6 38 30 14 12 66 (1 8 10 3 2 12 23 3 12 67 (( 11 10 2 8 21 21 12 14 68 (( 6 7 3 4 14 21 7 6 69 " 15 6 6 2 18 13 7 6 70 (( 13 13 5 3 25 29 18 8 71 (( 9 9 4 4 10 8 6 9 72 <( 5 7 5 3 12 '8 5 15 73 (( 7 5 4 3 14 9 6 3 74 (( 7 6 2 2 7 12 6 8 75 (( 8 9 1 3 20 13 2 7 76. " 6 7 — 3 15 9 4 — 77 " 2 4 4 1 5 11 4 — 78 11 5 4 1 5 3 7 5 3 79 (( — 2 — 1 7 9 4 2 80 K f> 5 2 1 4 12 3 4 81 " 3 1 1 1 3 — 2 ') 82 1( 4 2 3 1 1 6 3 2 83 (( 2 1 — — 1 5 — 1 84 (< 2 1 1 — 4 1 2 •) 85 (( — 5 — 1 — 5 — 1 86 (> — 1 1 — — — — 1 87 (( — 1 1 — — 2 1 1 88 (( — 2 — — — 3 1 — 89 " — — — 1 — 1 — — 90 92 93 11 1 1 — 1 1 1 — 2 11 1 APPENDIX ■• Dl< Braintree. Holbrook. Qui ncy. I Randolph. (D Age. 1 1 1 S to o Females. Males. S fa Males. Females. 94 years, — — — — — 1 — — 95 " - - — — — 1 — 1 9(3 " - 1 — — — — Unknowu, 5 7 5 9 11 17 Births for 1875:— Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Population— State Census, 4156 1726 9155 4064 Whole number of births. 92 46 243 91 Males, 43 24 114 49 Females, 49 22 129 42 American parents, 55 30 96 50 Foreign parents, 20 12 110 27 Am. fathers and foreign mother s, 5 — 10 9 Foreign fathers and Am. mothers, 11 4 26 5 Unknown, 1 1 Marriages for 1875:— Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Number of couples. 35 8 (35 19 13 Americans, 26 7 41 Foreigners, 6 1 14 1 Am. males and foreign females , — — 4 ■^ Foreign males and Am. females, 3 — 6 3 Deaths for 1875:— Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Whole number of deaths. G3 31 164 f ) Males, 26 15 86 32 Females, 37 16 78 24 Number whose ages are registered, G3 31 164 56 Aggregate age, Average age, 2274 35.53 1021 32.94 4986 30.40 i;t95 35.62 Births for eleven years:— Braintree, Holbrook. Quincy, , Randolph Whole number of births. 902 173 2138 urA Males, 477 93 1089 75;> Females, 481 80 1046 700 Unknown, 4 — 3 1 Births to 100 persons living, 2.11 2.51 2.12 3.25 31 Persons living to one birth, 47 40 47 79 618 APPENDIX ■• Marriages for eleven years :- - • Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Number of couples, 313 52 669 407 Marriages to 100 persous liviug. .68 .75 .66 .91 Persons living to one marriage, 146 133 151 110 Deaths for eleven years:— Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Whole number of deaths, 714 lOG 1501 999 Males, 353 ■ 53 797 499 Females, 361 53 704 496 Unknown, — — — 4 Deaths to 100 persons living, 1.56 1.54 1.49 2.23 Persons living to one death, 64 65 67 45 Statistics of the four towns that formerly comprised the town of Braintree :— Population and sex, 1875 — Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Total. Males, 1999 862 4598 2033 9492 Females, 2157 864 4557 2031 9609 Total, 4156 1726 9155 4064 19,101 Polls and voters- Native voters, 829 391 1548 816 3584 Naturalized voters, 176 37 428 243 884 Total, 1005 428 1976 1059 4468 Ratable polls, 1190 509 2569 1185 5453 Families and dwelling-houses, 1875— Braintree. Holbrook. Quincy. Randolph. Total. Dwellings occupied, 728 327 1507 724 3386 Dwellings unoccupied, 20 2 27 28 77 Total, Families, 748 929 Size of families- 1 2 Braintree, Holbrook, Quincy, Randolph, 24 158 168 177 8 90 80 80 146 69 329 411 98 29 1534 1941 893 3363 4174 79 30 22 13 22 11 11 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 — 1 16 4 2 — — 50 276 359 361 328 214 147 98 40 34 17 10 14 2 2 1 25 156 157 161 143 99 57 36 The numerals at the head of the columns indicate the number of persons in each family, the last column having 16 and over in each family. APPENDIX. 619 Value of real and personal estate in 1878: Personal estate, Keal estate, Total. Braintrce. Holbrook. Qnincy. Randolph. Total. $837,275 Sl8,5,7r)0 $1,707,290 $(i4C,120 $3,370,435 2,115,075 809,845 5,740,200 1,461,3.30 13,127,050 .$2^52"^ $995,595 $7,447,490 $2,107,450 $16,503,485 Horses, Cows, &c. Horses, Cows, Sheep, Acres of taxable land. Dwelling Houses, 1878— 309 398 28 8107 813 170 160 4370 447 050 549 8070 1,698 318 261 5802 700 Conjugal condition — Single ISIales, " Females, Married Males, " Females, Widowed Males, " Females, Divorced Males, " Females, Braintree. 1088 1173 818 811 85 ]08 8 Holbrook. 449 413 380 393 27 57 Qnincy. 2729 24."9 1747 1735 118 371 4 12 1.519 l.T)8 28 20,955 2,418 Randolph. 1148 1000 810 810 66 153 9 Number of schools, expense, attendance, &c. :— 1838-9 * Braintree. Quincy. Randolph. Valuation, $308,749.14 $528,891.25 $419,012..'-.O Sum raised by tax for support of schools. 1,000.00 No. scholars in the public schools, (summer), -^ 'Zi Males 10 to 15 years, 2 2 4 — 1 1 8 1 9 6 — 6 Females " " 2 2 — — — 8 7 15 o — o Males 16 to 19 years, 1 3 4 — 1 1 — 5 5 — 2 o Females " " 2 2 4 — — — 1 8 9 2 — 2 Males 20 and 21 years, — — — — — -^ 1 7 8 2 1 3 Females " " 2 2 — — — 2 2 4 — — — Males abov^e 21 years, G 67 73 1 23 24 19 198 217 9 55 64 Females " " 8 121 129 — 12 12 12 300 312 3 107 110 Total illiterates, 21 197 218 1 37 38 51 528 579 24 165 189 Cannot read. — — — — — — 1 2 3 — — — Cannot write. 10 49 59 — 4 4 23 109 132 15 GO 75 Cannot read nor write. 11 148 159 1 33 34 27 417 444 9 105 114 £ s. D. 12 9 4 3 7 8 15 17 It may be of interest to many to know the method by which the taxes were assessed at the organization of the town, as well as to ascertain its value at that period. For this reason we have given the official from the original tax-book. It appears that the system adopted by the Selectmen and Assessors of the town of Quincy at the separation in 1792, in assessing the town tax was based on an extreme undervaluation, as will appear from the following official state- ment, viz: — Whole amount of real estate in the town as apprized by the Assessors, was Amount of personal estate, Total "Whole number of polls, 192. The relative largest amount of money received by taxation for town expenses was collected from the poll taxes, which was seven shillings and six pence per head. It also apj^ears that one-half mill on a dollar was the basis upon which the taxes were assessed. The star (*) indicates the persons upon whom only a poll tax was assessed; the dagger (f) denotes the iiayment of two poll taxes; a double dagger (|) iudicates the payment of three poll taxes. This was in ac- cordance with the custom of that day in assessing the polls of male servants, or farm hands, to their masters or principals, who were obliged to pay them. This control of masters over their servants was the last relics of feudalism, which rapidly disappeared before the refulgent rays of the sun of civilization, and manhood assumed its supremacy. APPENDIX. o»s Tax on Tax on Value of Value of Names. ' Real Personal Real Pei-sonal Estate. Estate. Kstatc. Estate. s. D. S. D. £ S. D. £ 8. D, Hon. John Adams, 9 G 3 8 G 9 4 5 Peter B. Adams, Esq., 3 () 2 (i 3 1 G 2 3 11 Ditto for Paul Baxter's place, 1 17 7 Boylstou Adams,* James Aptliorp, 9 <) 13 2 2 11 Widow Grezzill Apthorp, 1 G 1 G 4 Ebenezer Adams, 5 4 7 4 5 10 Josiah Adams, 8 4 11 8 r, 10 Heirs of Dea. Ebenezer Adams, 2 6 3 2 3 10 4 5 William Adams, 3 3 4 2 17 1 5 10 Peter Adams, 1 7 3 1 7 10 4 5 Macajah Adams, 1 G Jedediah Adams, 1 2 17 7 2 11 •Joseph Neal Arnold, 1 9 3 1 10 9 4 5 Daniel Arnold, 5 7 4 Deacon Benjamin Bass, J 2 1 2 1 IG 7 2 11 John Bass,* Ensign Samuel Bass, 3 3 2 12 8 4 5 Joseph Bass, 2d,t Jonathan Bass,t 9 1 13 2 1 G Seth Bass,* Lieut. Samuel Bass, 5 7 4 Moses Black, 12 10 10 10 8 14 8 Capt. Joseph Baxter, t 4 8 1 G 4 1 11 14 8 Lieut. Jonathan Baxter, | 2 4 G 2 10 8 9 Ditto for John HoUis' place. 9 13 2 Capt. Thompson Baxter, t 3 3 2 17 1 7 G Edward W. Baxter, t 1 3 2 1 1 11 2 11 Capt. Daniel Baxter, 5 1 4 7 10 17 7 Hannah Baxter, 8 11 8 Capt. Benjamin Beale, 10 G 8 15 7 8 9 Benjamin Beale, Esq., 12 10 7 10 10 8 15 10 Joseph Beale, 2 10 3 2 9 9 4 5 David Bass, 1 1 17 7 1 G Nathaniel Beale, 2 2 11 Jonathan Beale,* Ditto for Grendal Ftawson's place, 5 7 4 John Billings,! 3 3 2 12 8 5 10 Col. Edmund Billings, t 4 G 3 10 3 8 9 Ditto for Benjamin Billings, Esq., 8 11 8 Edmund Billings, Jr.,* Nedibiah Bent, t 11 2 IG 1 2 11 Frederick Billings,* James Baxter— a negro,* Capt. Moses Brackett, 2 2 9 1 18 1 13 2 624 APPENDIX. Names. Moses Brackett, Jr. ,* Lieut. Peter Brackett, Ditto for ^ of his father's farm, "Widow Mary Brackett, James Brackett,! Ditto for Veseyand Domett's land, James Brackett, Jr., Capt. Joseph Brackett, t Ebeuezer Brackett, Capt. Samuel Brown, f Lieut. Peter Bicknell, Jjemuel Badcock, Lemuel Billings, Ditto for Benjamin Beal's farm, Seth Burrell,t Josiah Bass,* Peter Burrell, "William Baxter, Bichard Cranch, Esq., Capt. James Clark, t Alpheus Carey, Ditto for Virchild lands, Joseph Cleverly, 2d,t Benjamin Cleverly, 2d,* Henry Cleverly,* Thomas Cleverly, Jonathan Cleverly,* John Cleverly, Leonard Cleverly,* Thomas Cleverly, Jr.,}: Ditto for Charles Newcomb's land, Joseph Cleverly, Jr.,* Eben Crane,* Nedde Curtis,* Samuel Copeland,* Daniel Crane,* "William Chandler, Eliphalet Chandler, Thomas Cook,* William Coze, John Copeland,* James Dorren,* Lemuel Dwelle,* John Dill,* James Faxon, Jr., Tax on Real Estate. Tax on Personal Estate. Value of Real Estate. Value of Personal . Estate. s. D. s. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. 8 11 8 o 2 6 1 18 1 8 9 5 7 4 G 4 2 JO 5 11 2 2 9 9 4 5 10 2 0^ 2 11 1 8 3 1 9 3 4 5 2 1 15 1 1 3 G 1 1 11 8 9 5 G 1 9 4 16 7 1 10 9 G 3 8 9 4 5 8 4 11 8 5 10 3 2 12 8 2 1 2 11 1 6 G 1 8 9 1 G G 6 8 9 8 9 2 8 o 2 2 6 10 1 18 1 3 4 4 2 18 6 5 10 8 1 4 7 2 5 10 G 8 9 2 3 2 1 19 6 2 11 4 5 10 1 3 10 1 1 11 14 8 4 2 5 10 2 11 4 5 10 3 4 5 1 1 G 2 3 2 11 4 Names. Ditto for Virchild's Pasture, Ditto for John Adams' Farm, "William Field, Jackson Field, Eben. Field, Beiijaniiii Field, Joseph Field, t Ditto for Penniman's Place, Samuel Field,* James Field, Jacob Fowle,* William Glover, Capt. Elisba G lover, t Josiab Glover, ]Satliai)iel Glover, Eben Glover, f John Glover,* Henry Turner Gay, Ebeuezer Vesey Gay,* John Hall.t Frederick Hartwick, Heury Hartwick, Frederick Hartwick, Jr., Ditto fur Dormit's Place, Peter Hartwick,! Charles Hartwick,* Caleb Hayden, Abel Hayden, Nathaniel Hayden, 2d,* Luke Hurd,* Sanmel Hobart, Joseph Hunt, Anthony Hunt, Enoch Horton, Thomas Haskell,* John Hutchiugs,* James Hay ward, I'eter Hobart,* Seth Joist,* William Jenkins,* Ebenezer ^liller, E.sq., Wilson Marsh, Jr., Jonathan Marsh, t George Mears, William Pierce Meade, 80 APPENDIX. vzo Tax on Real Estate. Tax on Personal Estate. Value of Real Estate. Value of Personal Estate. s. D. S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. 5 7 4 7 9 G 2 11 13 2 1 9 1 10 9 9 2 13 2 2 11 5 1 7 4 1 G 3 1 4 5 1 G 2 9 i> 2 8 3 2 11 4 5 10 1 8 3 2 1 1 t) 11 8 4 6 8 4 G 14 7 5 10 1 8 17 7 11 9 1 4 3 1 3 5 4 5 5 7 4 3 G 9 3 1 G 13 2 11 4 4 3 10 3 5 10 G 8 9 5 7 4 5 7 4 G 8 9 2 1 2 11 1 6 1 1 1 G 1 G 2 2 11 1 '> 1 G 2 11 1 G 4 1 G 4 5 10 3 1 4 5 1 G 2 2 11 16 1 8 3 1 9 3 4 7 G 1 S 9 1 G 1 2 17 7 2 11 4 5 10 2 2 11 OJit) APPENDIX. Names. Tax on Keal Estate. Tax on Personal Estate. Value of Real Estate. Value of Per.sonal Estate. s. D. s. D. £, S. D. £ s. D. Richard Newcomb, 4 1 5 10 16 Charles Newcomb, 6 6 8 9 8 9 John Newcomb, 10 3 14 8 4 5 Ebenezer Newcomb, Jr.,* John Ruggles Newcomb, 1 16 2 11 Josei^h Nightingale,! 1 2 16 2 11 Samuel Nightingale, 6 2 8 9 2 11 Ensign John Nightingale, 10 2 14 8 2 11 Ebenezer Nightingale, 7 2 10 3 2 11 Samuel Nightingale, 2d,* Ruggles Nightingale,* Dr. Thomas Phipps, 1 4 9 13 5 13 2 Thomas Pratt,! 1 2 5 10 6 7 4 John Pray, J 9 3 13 2 4 5 John Pope,* Benjamin Pray, t 5 1 7 4 16 Josiah Pratt, 1 16 Norton Quiucy, 13 6 o' 10 11 8 3 14 8 Widow Ann Quincy, 2 1 15 1 Ditto for Woodland, 1 17 7 Jonathan Rawsou, 2 4 3 2 10 4 5 William Spear, t 1 2 2 10 6 2 11 Lieut. Seth Spear, f i ti 1 4 3 19 13 5 Daniel Spear, Zeb SpeaT,* John Sanders, 9 3 13 2 4 5 William Sanders, 5 2 7 4 2 11 Benjamin Sanders,* Benjamin Savill, 5 2 7 4 2 11 Samuel Savill, 2d,* Ditto for John Bright's Farm, 20 3 1 15 1 4 5 Barnabas Swift at Bickuell's,* Elisha Turner,* Joseph Tirrell, Jr.,* Nathan Tirrell,* Ditto for Dr. Greenleaf 's place. 1 10 3 1 12 2 4 6 Josiah V^esey,* William Vesey, 2 13 2 Widow Sarah Vesey, 6 8 9 Lieut. Elijah Vesey, Jr., 1 7 10 1 7 10 14 8 Widow Mary Vesey, 13 1 1 1 11 16 Ebenezer Vesey,* Mottram Vesey,* Deacon Jonathan Webb, 2 6 6 G 2 3 11 5 14 1 Thomas Welch.* Lemuel Withington.* APPENDIX. 627 Non-resident tax-payers who resided in the town of Braintree:— Names. No. of Acres. Value. Tax. £ S. D. £ S. D. Ehenezer Thayer, Esq., 38 7 4 5 Caleb Hobart, 13 4 5 3 Adam Hobart, 7 2 11 2 Joshua Hobart, u 1 6 1 Samuel Curtis, 11 2 11 2 Adam Curtis, IJ 1 6 1 Gedeon Thayer, 4 4 5 3 Richard Thayer, 2 2 11 2 Benjamin Thayer, 2 2 11 2 Simeon Thayer, U 1 (J 1 Abraham Thayer, 3 2 11 2 Levi Wild, 3 2 11 2 Gen. Ebenezer Thayer, Jr., Esq., 26 8 9 G Elkana Thayer, 30 10 3 7 Ditto as guardian of Anon Hayden' s children, 2 1 G 1 Asaph Faxon, 2 2 11 2 Jo.seph Spear, 9 5 10 4 Seth Turner, Jr., 40 13 2 9 James Holbrook, 2 1 G 1 Dr. Ephraim "Wales, 2 2 11 2 Joseph White, Jr., 3 4 5 3 INIajor Benjamin Hayden, 17 5 10 4 Solomon White, 2 2 11 2 Widow Mary Holbrook, 2 1 6 1 James Holbrook, 2 1 G 1 JNIoses Holbrook, 2 1 6 1 Capt. Nehemiah Holbrook, 2 1 G 1 Heirs of Ichabod Holbrook, 3 2 11 2 Capt. Thomas Hollis, Jr., 3 2 11 2 Ensi;:;n John Hollis, 10 8 9 G Samuel Bass, Esq., 6 5 10 4 Jonathan Holbrook, 2 1 fi 1 vJHeirs of Capt. Xathauiel Belcher, Samuel Belcher, 2 1 6 1 2 1 G 1 Hobart Clark, 2i 2 11 2 Major John Holbrook, 2 1 G 1 Reuben (or Rufus) Thayer, 2 1 G 1 ■^ Thomas Penninian, Esq., 3 2 11 2 V Major Stephen Penniman, 2 1 G 1 Deacon Samuel Holbrook, 3 2 11 2 Lemuel Vesey, 3 3 2 Ebenezer Newcomb, 3 2 11 2 Deacon JNIoses French, 6 5 10 4 Benjamin White, 2 1 6 1 ('.lis Al NMi.K-r.. ("itpl. SiliiM Willi, .loniillmn Wild, A/,i«iiiili l''i(Xt)ii, ('ill» 1''!1X'I11, Williiini llowililoh, /.ju'limiiili M. 'I'liiiycr, W'illiMni lliniuiiu, ( ':i|il .liiini'.s It'Mxon, 1 'Miiii'l I .oriiij', InliMlillMtits of IMiiliin I'lihvar.l II ludiliiiiM, \<)hi\., I'nr l>r. ItllVVNon'M lloil'M, lloii'M III' I.IUK'cloll. I'oltVO, W llliiiin IViiv. <'!i|)(. Willliiiii I'cir.'o, l.liMil, ClimloM I'rlrro. l,«imiol I »iivls I'l'liiT, SiiiiiiK'l \'iim> iitiil \\'m(1'i\\ (Hill, ('ill. I'llirllr/lT W'iliilUlIM, llotir.v Sinilli, iMiint" 'riinlii'V, li'.dwiinl II. Iv'ohliliiM, I'Inii,, ImmiuIiI <• .spraniio iiuil Mr. hnwtM'N, lloli'M ol' .loNHKiiliili iSiiiniHir, llnliH 111' ('ill. Willliim 'Pii.vliir, lli'll;< ul MilhldllilK ('lll(r.v, HoiiIk'mIoi' Ciipl. Olivi'i lUlliiiKM, lOiMicli (lliivor, lloliN 111' l'',/,ni i ilii\oi-, ■''aioM Hhilio, .loNHI' l''i>imii, Mliimi'/oi' lliilnir, ll«niiii'il ('iipmi, ItoMluii SiimiiiM \\'< II 1) 1 1 1 1 II Tax, V M. II. :t I I I I -J 'M ( 1 ** -1 ( ) ft m < • 10 1 Id 1 1 1 ( 10 11 » .'1 3 ( 1 1 (i ( ) (1 1 I'fl 1 1 ,s !l ( 1 li Ifl ( 1 1 i. ( 1 D :i IH ( > ■.' II ( 1 (1 •^ !«) ( 1 ,s I ) (1 1 ll- 100 l,% ( '' 10 ( 1 1 1 > 1 '.' 1 D -J 1 ' 1 , "(Ml t 1 I" 1 t 1 1 ;< II ( 1 1 ( 1 D :i (10 ( ) n; 1 ( 1 D II 20 t > ■,• II ( 1 -J II ( 1'.! t 1 1 t 1 ft ( 1 D :i > :i ilO ( > s ( ) ll m i 1 Id :i ( 1 ',' HO < 1 ,s t 1 D ll 21 < ) 1 1 ( 1 (1 ;t '20 ( » ri 10 ( 1 D 1 no t ) i:i '.', ( 1 '.1 '.!(> ( ) 10 :t 1 ) 7 "0 ( • i< HI ( 1 ,| ID ( II < 1 D 'J 10 t 1 ••' 1 1 ( 1 (1 'J 111 1 ' 1 1 ( 1 ft !in < 1 , ID ( 1 D 1 30 . 1 H ;i ( 1 D li 20 • 1 1 ft ( 1 ;i Will. ■1. fi ( 1 ft ( .'1 APPWNDIX. 029 Niiiuos. AVtWrnoutli ('iii>t. .liuiu's ^Vllill^ Ki.'lKiiil TIkim'v, No. of Al-H'H. Viilu.'. 'I'lix. i; w. II. C s. I). 2 1 f, 1 2 I f. •JOO 17 -J '> I " K1?F,NF/KK MIM.KU, ) Si-UMtinoii 1'.FNM.\M1N UKALH, ) A.ssossora. BANTaN(^, INSTITUTIONS. The first bank of drculation aiu1 was>.nuo.v, m, IM.. .uul oalU.l tlu> (Jninoy Ston. Ua.U. It wus a Stuto bunU. ov,an>ml .nul.r the State l-ankin, bnvs, with a .aintal of .*100.0:l, with a ea,nla of ^m m, ana subsequently eular.HHl it to Sir.(>..H.O. This hank was also estah- UshoaasaStaU>bank,an.l about lS(i4 a.loptea the national svston.. an.l was calle.1 the National Mount ^,on Bank. r «,oo ,hv> Uum ,,,„, ,,„,,,lph Uank was ehartenul in ISIV.. with a eap.tal of .1:1.H . H. , Uu ness haa b. u,e so prosperous that an aaaUional ^-^'^:^^'':^:^^ orioinal capital, which has still further been u.crea.sea t,. .K.H^.tHK). Ih 8 hank : ; securea the beneHts of the national n.etho.l of baukin. in 18.V . ajul^na.. it. or.ani.ea as a national hank, called the Nationa 1^-;^"' » .^^'^ ;• ^ ' ,.;« been a ren.arkably prosperous and suc.essful banku., lun .n. a surnlus of .S'JtXl.tXIO. ... , • The Union Bank of Weynu.uth ana Braintree also transacts hanku., busi- ness with a capital of »150.00(). ana was institntea as a nn.tual hauk,n>; insti- tution between the two towns of ^Vey mouth ana Brau.tree. , „ ,, . The Quincv Savings Uank was estahlishea in IS-l... The business of the bank .r t hst c uriea on in Mr. ..osiah Uri.hanis store on llane..ek street from ^ once it was transferrea to the Qnincy Stone Uank. now the .Iranite Bank After bavin,, for a .series of years, transaetea its business here in con- W on with this baiac. it was ti.ially removea to S4 Hancock street, where it is rrsueccssfully n.ana.ea as a aistinct institution, unaer a .separate treasurer. In1S77,itsamountof aepo.sit wasSl.'JSr.,!iHi.'.H.. The Hanaolph Savings Hank was incorporatea in Apnl. is..., and is U.catea i„ the same room with the National Uandolph Hank, both bein. ... the Turner Stone Library Uuildin,'. Amount of aepos.t ... IH.N b>i\mi ;,. Savings Hank was incorporated March ^'-. ^f ^ J^^'; -^ "^ corporators, twenty-two. A...ount of .leposits ... .lan..ary. 1«. . •^^''•'^"'^ •'• T,.e C^lnincv Motual LMre lns..ra..ce Co.npany was or«a.....ea ... Mar h. IS . a..a ha.s t.a..s.unea a la.^e a.ul aavauta.eous business. Us (una .Ian. l.t. 1S7S, was s«i:«U,llti-5S. Surph.s over, •> 103,3.0.00. EREATA. Page 8, 13th line,— for Sept., 1G31, read Dec, 1630; Gth line from bottom,— for 1G34 rea.l 1G37. " 14, 1st line, — for tenth read eleventh. " 23, 22d line,— for 13th read 18th. " 38, last line of note should read, division of 3000 acres. " 47, The words "Josiah alias Wampatuck, his 10 marke, his seale," should be taken from the bottom of the left-hand column of note, and placed at the top of the ri^lit-hand column, he being the principal and not a witness. " 61, 3d line, — for twenty-third read twenty-second. " 69, 2d line of note, — for Capt. read Captains. " 70, 23d line of note, — for Luchas read Lusher. " 71, 1st line of note, — for 1836 read 1837-8. " 73, last line,— for 1641, 10th, read 1645, 11th. " 74, 1st line,— for 19th read 11th. " 75, 5th line, — for 1840 read 1841; 12th line, — after the word organization read provided !8>650 is subscribed. " 76, 18th line,— for 1870 read 1869. " 82, 3d line from bottom, — the word James should precede IMadison. " 85, 10th line from bottom, — for Thomas B. read Peter Boylstou. " 86, 2d line, — for stileworks read slitvvork. " 88, 2d line,— for Jesse read Joseph; 5th line,— for Samuel read Lemuel. " 89, 19th line, — for Feb. 12th read Jan. 25th; 23d line, — for Sanmel read Lemuel. " 91, 9th line, — for Moses read Benjamin. " 92, 1st line, — for new read old. " 95, 11th line from bottom, — for 6th read 3d. " 96, Gth line,— for 50 read 58; 12th line,- for March 7th read April 4th; 13th line, — for 7500 weight read .seventy-five weight. " 99, 8tli line from bottom,— for 1809 read 1811; 4th line from bottom,— before word voted, prefix date of April 2d, 1810. " 100, 17th line,— for May 3d read Feb. 10th; 23d line,— before word voted, prefix date of June 28lh. " 103, 18th line,— the words " their Agent for his valuable services " should read, the agents for their valuable services without compensation; 24th line, — for April read ^lay 5th. " 105, 19th line, — for Haudeyside read Handa.sydo. " 107, 16th line,— for May 3d, 1K41, read March 5tli, 1839; 27th line,— the name Josiah Bri^'liam should follow that of William B. Uuggau; 29th line, — for March read May. 632 EEKATA, Page 108, loth line,— before words " They decided " prefix date of April 1st. 114, 2d line, — for Fairfield's read Marshall's. 118, 2d and 3d lines from bottom,— for 1690-91 read 1696-7. 142, 4th line in epitaph, — for Unper read Nuper. 147, 19th line, — for top read base. 174, 2d line from bottom of note,— after Samuel Savil add "to 1824." 175, last line of text,— for 12th read 10th. 191, 7th line, — for ninth read tenth. 193, 2d line from bottom of text,— for 16th read 17th. 200, 2d line, — for Luther read Lusher. 222, 1st line of note,— for Dr. Marsh read Dr. Morse. 232, The second paragraph on this page should be transferred to the top of page 234. 247, Stli line, — for Denniman read Penniman. 261, 9th line,— for first read second, as the Rev. Peter Whitney was Eep- resentative in 1825. Whitney and Gregory are the only two clergy- men who have represented the town in the State Legislature since its separation. 262, 20th line,— for construct read complete; same line,— after the word parsonage add (which had been commenced in 1871). 269, 4th line, — for John read Samuel. 277, 25th line,^for James read William James. 319, 22d line,— for 1678 read 1678-9. 322, last line, — for uneasy read weary. 329, 3d line,— for April 11th read Jan. 14th. 330, 4th line,— for Dec. 8th read Nov. 7th; 13th line,— for 1817 read 1816; for 1841 read 1842. 335, 24th line,- for 12th read 26th. 342, 17th line, — for Continental read Provincial. 348, 10th line, — for nineteen read seventeen. 394, 3d Hue,— for May 24th read May 21st; 15th line,— the words " with six port holes" should follow the word sloop in the line above. 410, 9th line from bottom of text, — for Edward Willard, Josiah Vesey Baxter, read Edward Willard Baxter, Josiah Vesey. 416, 2d line from bottom,— for Cleverly, E., read Cleverly, 2d. 425, 4th line from bottom,— the word and omit, and add the words Na- thaniel Beals. 433, 17th line, — for Joseph read Lewis; 30th line, — forPearse Crauch read C. Pearse Cranch. 469, lOih line, — for John read James. 493, 10th line, — before Mr. Josselyn add John L. Souther. 511, 7th line of note,- read Jonathan and Samuel Newcomb, brothers, and James Newcomb. 51(), 5th line, — for pieces read parts. 538, 15tb line, — for property-holders read house-holders. 542, 6tli line,— for 1673 read 1672; at the beginning of the third paragraph prefix the date 1674. 548, 16th line, — for Aleau read Alsun. ERRATA. 633 Page 550, 9th line, — for four read five; last line, — for land meadow re:i(l land and meadows. " 558, 3d line, — for Dernion read Deering;. " 610, Samuel C. Sewall should read Samuel E. ; Isaac N. Davis .should read I.saac Davis; Eleazar Wright should read Elizur. " 611, The vote of 1.S65 should read Alexander H. Bullock, 382; in 1K77, John I. Baker should read Robert C. Pitman. " 335, 10th line from bottom, — for stove read fire-place. 81 GENERAL INDEX. Academy, 92; Adams, 341; Thayer, 346. Accident, 507, 537. Adams, Academy, 341 ; bioRraphical sketch of Clinrles, 576; ('harles F., 570; George W., 57(i; Jedediah, 57;>; John, 572; John Q., 573; Thomas B., 57G: Literary Association estab- lished, 310. Adams', Samuel, barber bill, 3i1(5. Ages of Inhabitants in 1875, 014. Agreements, betw'n Boston and Brain- tree, 11, 32; between Weymouth and Braintree, 07. Aqricultnre, relating: to, 100. Almshovse, 90, 91, 92, 100, 231. Ammunition, 96, 358, 389, 537, 554. Ancient House, 338. Annexations of territory, 82, 100. Antinomian troubles, 182. Approprkitions, first town, 549. Assessment for arrest of ;^Io^ton, 8, Assessors, first appointed, 535. Assessors' Book for 1792, 022. Banking Institutions, 629. Bear Meadow, 55. Beeswax Bleacheries, 000. Bell, ringing of regulated, 89; new, 99, 230; repairs on 229. Bendall's Farm, 5(5. Bills of Credit, 551, 552. Biographical Sketches of Charles Ad- ams, 570; Charles F. Adams, 570; George W. Adams, 570; Jedediah Adams, 573; John Adams, 572; John Q. Adams, 573; Thomas B. Adams, 570; Ebenezer Brackett, 577; Richard Cranch, 490; ^Ebenezer Cro.sby, 577; Benjamin V. French, 578; Edward Gibbons, 542; Jo-seph Goucb,370; Thomas Grcenleaf, 579; John Hancock, 580; Henry Hope, 584; Samuel Nightingale, 5S0; Jos. Palmer, 4S0; Joseph I'earse Palmer, 58f! ; Edmund Quincy ( Puritan ), 580 ; Edmund (Juincy {(/'olonel),587; Ed- mund (i)nincy (.1 ndge), 5S7 ; Edmund Quincy (Merchant), .W9; Edmund Quincy (.son of Josiali), 589; Jacob Quincy, 5.S9; John tjnincy, 588; Jo- siah Quincy, 589; Josiali Quincy (Patriot), 5!)0; Josiah (Juincy (Hon. ) 591; Samuel Quincy, 590; Jo.sepb Eichards, 515; William Shirley, 143; John Souther, 495; Amasa Stetson, ;>49; Gideon French Thayer, .529; Pev. John Thayer, 272; Sylvanus Thayer, .591; WiilianiTompson, 195; George Wliite, 529; INIary White, 595; Peter Wliitney, 594; Solomon' Willard, 501: Ebenezer Woodward, 590. Birds, 2, 551. Birthplaces of Inhabitants in 1875, 613. Black's Brook and Creek, see Furnace brook. Boars, appropriations for, 550. Boot Business, history of, in Quincy, 001.' Boundary Lines, 103. Boinitiet<, see military. Brackett, Ebeu'r, biographical sketch of, 577. Braintree, cemetery, 154; census, 611 to 619; churches, 284; derivation of name, 10; incorporated, 11, 5.34; in- dustrial statistics, 007; instructions, 380; library, 353; newspapers, 533; post oftice, 180; schools, .'145; school Statistics, 619; Weymouth Turn- pike Corporation, 71 ; banks, 029. Bread, baking of prohibited, 5."{(j. Bridges, Captain's, 5(!; Hingham and Quincy, 71; Stoughton, 70; Nepon- set, ()8, 9(5; Braintree and Wey- mouth, 71; Granite, 71. Brooks, Furnace or Black's, 55; Town or Webb's, 55; Standing or Dead, 55. Bidls, appropriations for, 550. Burial Grounds, see cemeteries. Canals, 104. Captcfin's Bridge and Plain, .56. Cemeteries, Braintree, 154: Catholic, 147; Epi.scopal, 141; Hall, 146; Han- cock, 99, 103, 111; Mount Wollas- ton, 148. Census of Qnincv, Braintree, Ran- dolidi and Hoibrook, Oil to OlS. Centennial Anniversaries, 78, 79, 81. Churches, First (Braintree, now Quin- cy), 90, 91, 92, 9:{, 95, Vi^. W:',, ISl, 541, 542, 549; Second (Braintree), 2H4; Third (Randolph). 2'.K); Thinl (Braintree), '_'K8; Catholic (Quincy), 270; (PandolplO. 295; (Braintree), 290; Christ (Quincy), 245; Baptist 636 GENERAL INDEX. (Quincv), 280; (Braintree), 289, 290; (Randolph), 291; (Holbrook), 29(); Congrecrational (Orthodox, Quincv), 2fi2; (Holbrook), 296; Methodist (Quincy), 2(i7; (Braintree), 289; (Eandoliih), 295; Universalist (Quincy), 259; Union (Weymouth and Braintree), 287. Clerk of the Writs, 538, 539; first town, 539. Clocks, 78, 95. Coach Lace business, 520. Cochato, see Randolph. Coddbigton Lands, donated, 315; divi- sion of, 315; first applied for school jmrposes, 317. Commismry Supply, 300. Convent, Ursuline, established, 274, 276. Cost of North America, 40. County Divided, 537, 553. Courts, District, established, 561 ; Pro- bate, 561. Covenant, First Church, 194. Cove, ship, 55. Cranch, Richard, biographical sketch of, 490. Crosby, Ebenezer, biographical sketch of, 577. Currying, sketch of business in Quin- cy, 604. Dead Brook, 55. Deaths, 549, 556. Delusion of Parmenter, 547. Deputies, list of, 562. Description of the Toivn in 1800, 64 ; in 1878, 65. Distances, table of, 560. Division of the Town, 57, 58. Donations to the Town, 78, 95, 99, 166, 423, 538. Dress, regulation of, 570. Early Births, 535; customs, 568; mar- riages, 535; deaths, 535; records, 535; settlers, 1, 9, 11, 17, 18. Earthquake, 556. Epitaphs, 116, 154. Excommunication of James Faxon, 156. Expenses of John Adams to Continen- tal Congress, 396. Fairfield's Diary, 114, 205. Farms, see North Quincy. Ferries, 68, 72. Fires, 8, 13, 77, 100, 257, 306, 330, 479, 487, 549 ; first action of the town rel- ative to, 74, 538. Fire Engines and Apparatus, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 561. First draft, 360; race course, 173; set- tlers, see early settlers. Fish, description of, 2, 524; business, 522; whale fishery, 525. Flint, Henry, biograi^hical sketch, x. Footways, 67, 536. Foiol, description of, 2. Free Masonry in Quincy, 297. French, Benj. V., biographical sketch of, 578. Furnace Brook, 55. Funerals, sevv'wQS prohibited, 112; first prayer at, 113; precautions against premature burials, 153. Gas, companies incorporated, 73; first in use, 73. Genealogy of Tompson family, 323. Germantown, 56, 67, 98, 309, 475, 525. German Settlers, 482. Gibbons, Edward, biographical sketch of, 542. Glass Works, established, 473. Gqfe, the Regicide, 541, 577. Goy'ton' 6' arrest and imprisonment, 15; settlement, 16. Gouch, Joseph, biographical sketch of, 370. ^ Grand Army of Republic, 311. Granite, quarries, 106, 497; railway, 105, 505; turnpike and bridge, 71. Great fenced fields, 55. Great Hill, 308, 394. Greenleaf, Thos., biographical sketch of, 579. Gubernatorial Elections, 609. Half-moon Island, 98. Hancock, John, biographical sketch of, 580; cemetery, 99, 103, 111; Light Guards, 439. Hard Times, 423, 534. Hat Manufactory, 599. Hay Scales, 95. High School, 3.39. Holbrook, census of, 612; churches, 296; incorporated, 296; industrial statistics, 607; library, 354; post office, 180; schools, 350; statistics, 622. Ho]:ie, Henry, biographical sketch of, 584. Horse Block, 329. Hotels, see public houses. Hough's Neck, 56, 67, 98, 308, 309. Hutchinson, Ann, see Antinomian troubles. Illegal Voting, prohibited, 538. Indian deed, 45; three persons killed by, 363; troubles, 357, 359, 549, 551. Industrial statistics, 599. Inhabitants in 1875, ages of, 614; birth- place of, 613; births, 617; births for 11 years previous, 617; census of, 612,617; deaths of, 617; deaths for 11 years previous, 618; marriages, 617 ; marriages for 11 years previous, 618; nativity of, 613. Injury to Miss Palmer, 488. GENERAL INDEX. 637 Inoculation for small pox, 88, 99. Insane persons, 540, 547, 548, 550. Insurance Co., Quincy Mutual Fire, (i2<). Inventory of Estates, of Iron Works Co., 4(50; Alexaniler Marsh, .")G(!; Martin Sanders, 104; Edmund Quin- cy, 565. Irish Emigration forbidden, 10; as a political element, 280. Iron Works in Braintree and Quincv, 31, 38, 450: location, 458, 461. Islands, Half -moon, 98; Nut, 89. Kidnappina. ca.oe of. 5.'5. Kinf) of Encjland's price of North America, 40. Kni'/hts of Honor, 307; of Pythias, .•^07; Neck, 12, 13, 55, 56. Know Xothinris, extent of their preju- dices, 151. Knives and Forks, first introduced, 568. Land Bank, 553. Land Disputes, Gorton's. 17: Boston and Dorchester, 18, 22, 31: Seth Spear and James Brackett, 89; town and Theophilus Thayer, 08; town and Benjamin Tompson, 5.")0; North and South Commons, 37; town and Richard Thaver, 40. Land Grants, original, 11, 13,19; 6,000 acres, 14, 541; petitions for, 16, 451, 482, 553. Land Pvrchases, for town house, 101, 102, 108; John Morely of Henry Flint. 539. Latin School, Boston, .37. Launch of the Massachusetts, 493. Laio Sri its, town vs. Andrews and Phippeny, 540; town vs. Thomas Gatliffe, 543; town vs. Benjamin Owen, 555. Leather Gun, 362. Libraries, Public, Braintree, 353; Hol- brook, 354; Quiucy, 351; Eandolph, 353. Ludden, Benjamin, preface to the will of, 368. Lyceum, Quincy, 310. Magistrates, appointed, 535, 536. ^faps of the town, 90. Ma-rc Mount, .see Merry Mount. Murriaqe contracts, 54(5; intentions of, 155, 551. Marsh, Alexander, inventory of estate of, 5()(5. Marshall's Diary, 114, 205. May Pole, 2, 3, 4. McClcllan Guards, 448. Mi'fiiini-hiiuses. .see churches, Mem/ Mount, 2, 3, .5, (i, 7, 8, 63. Mevican War, 437. Military, bounties, 90, 100: preneral history of, 355; soldiers in Indian wars, 363; Revolutionary War, 377; minutemen and other soldiers, 402; Tories, 416; Gen. Palmer's dona- tion, 423; bounty juIn^)e^, 4'25; pri- vateer Ussex, 425; soldiers in Shay's Rebellion, 428; Quincv Lifrht In- fantry, 429, 438; War of 1812, 4;«; soldiers of 1814. 449; Mexican War, 437; .soldiers of, 438; Hancock Light Guard, 4.39; Civil War of 1861, 440; the first company to take part, 440; the tirst soldier killed, 441 ; number of soldiers furnished, 441; drafted men, 442; substitutes furnished, 443, 444; list of commissioned officers, 445; of soldiers wlio died or were killed, 447; Quincy's by the war, 448; soldier.s' monument, 44S: McClellan Guards, 448. Mill, privilege granted, .30, 535; dis- pute relative to, 542, 543. Ministers, see churches. Miller's Stile, 67. Monatiquot, 56; river, 7. Moor's Farm, 56. Morton's description of Passonagessit in 1622, 3, 6.3. Mount Da(/vti, 4. Mount W'oUaston, first .settled, 1, 2; first English name, 1 ; annexed to Boston, 10; land grants 11; An- tinomian troubles at, 182: Wheel- wright's sermon preached at, 186, 19ir church formed at. 193: John- son's description of, 199; bank, 629. Names now evtinct, 557. National Jianks, 629. National Sailors' Home, 310. Nativity of the inhabitants in 1875, 613. Neponsei Bridge and Turnpikes, 68, 96. New Braintree, 15. Newbury Farm, 54. New.'hical sketch of, 48(5; his donation, 402. 423. Palmer. Joseph Pearse, biographical sketch of, ri>^{i. Pastors of First Church, '24o. 638 GENEEAL INDEX. Penn's Hill, 56; name derived, IGG. Fenny Ferry, G'.), 547. Persons warned out of town, 89, 91. Petitions, to incorporate Braintree, 11; for prant of (5000 acres, 14, 541; for prant of 1000 acres, K!; for prant in lieu of 4000 acres in Milton, 55,3; for a church at Mount WoUaston, 193; of Benjamin Tompson, for a land grant, 321; of Gorman settlers for relief, 482; relative to Daniel Ar- nold, an Indian, KiT; relative to Crosby's tavern, lf)8; for a second church, 207; of members of Christ Church, 249; for renewal of charter of Rural Lodne, 1505; of Richard Thayer, 41, 1504; for an Infantry Company, 429; of the Town of Mil- ton, 451; of the Punkajiog Indians, 552. Few Owners in First Church, a list of, 23;?, 234, 236. Filgrim's Feast, 20. Poetry — Morton's poem, 3; sons. 4; hynnis sunij at dedication of Mount Wollaston Cemetery, 152; Luut's poem at laying of corner-stone of Sailors' Snug Harbor, 308; verses on the death of Sarah Thayer, 158; Tompson's poem on the death of the Rev. S. Whiting, 320. Pond Market, 562. Poor, garden for, 91 ; let out at auc- tion, iili; allowed the use of liquors, 107; allowed to sell rations, 107. Poorhoiise, see almshouse. Post Offices, rules and regulations estabiished, 177; Quincy, 178; Brain- tree, 180. Potatoes, first cultivated, 541. Pound, 90. Powder removed from North Com- mons, 389. Presidential Electors, 97, 98, 100. Prices of provisions, 93; regulated, 5.34. Privateers prohibited, 89; schooner Enterprise, 436; schooner Essex, 425. Private Schools, 340. Pablic Ilmtses, l(i4; Brackett, 169; Hen tavern, 171; Noponset, 172; Han- cock, 174; Landlords, 174. Pliblic Libraries, Braintree, 353; Hol- brook, 354; Randolph, 353; Quiucy, 351. Pumpkin Hill, 56. Qvincy, Edmund, biographical sketch of, ,586, ,587, 589; Jacob, 589: John, 588; Josiah, 589, 590, .591; Samuel, 590; inventory of estate of Edmund, 565. Quincy Charitable Society, 307. Quincy Light Lifantry, see military. Quincy Lyceum, 310. Quincy JVeivspapers, Patriot, 529; Au- rora, 631 ; Free Press, 531. Quincy and Hinghnm bridge and turn- pike, 71. Qxdncy Mutual Fire Insui-ance Co., ()29. Quincy Ned; 12, 1.3, 55, 56. Quincy Point, 55; railroad, 110. Quincy Point and Germantown Ferry Co., 72. Quincy Stone Bank, 629. Qvincy, town of, incorporated, 61; banks in, 629; census of, 612; in- dustrial statistics of, 599; school statistics of, 619, 622; births, deaths and marriages in 1875, (517 ; nativity of inhabitants in 1875, 613; valua- tion in 1878, ()19; valuation and tax- list of 1792, 622; deaths, marriages and births for eleven years prior to 1875, 617; schools of, 91 to 110, 325 to .340, .5.5(); post office, 178; churches, 181 to 284; library, 351; cemeteries, 111 to 154. Railroad, Old Colony, 71, 107; Quincy horse, 72; Granite, 105, 505; Quincy Point, no. Randolph, town of, incorporated, 13; early names, .56; cemeteries, Kil; post offices, 180; banks, 629; schools, 328, 348; churches, 290; library, .353; new.spapers, 531 ; industrial statis- tics, 607; census, 612; births, mar- riages and deaths in 1875, 617; na- tivity of inhabitants, 613; valuation in 1878, <)19; school statistics, 619, 622; births, marri.ages and deaths for eleven years, 617. Rebellion, of 1861, 440; Shay's, 428. Representatives, election of, 91, 92. Revolutionary War, 377. Richards, Joseph, biographical sketch of, 515. Roads, see streets. Roycdists, see Tories. Rumney Marsh, 10. R^im case, the first in town, 540. Rural Lod(/e, Freemasons, history of, 299; petition of, 305. Sacred Vessels, belonging to the First Church. 244. Sailors' Home, National, 310. Sailors' Snuy Harbor, 308. Sale of North and South Commons, 38. Saltpetre, .358. Sanders, Martin, inventory of estate of, l(i4. Savings Banks, 629. Scadding, see Randolph. Schools, Braintree, early history of, 312; first ma.ster, 313, 319; first house, ,325; sketch of, 345; statis- tics of, 619, 622. Schools, Holbrook, sketch of, 350; sta- tistics of, 619, 622. Schools, Randolph, first house, 328; GENEBA.L INDEX. 639 sketch of, 348; statistics of, 619, 622. Schools, Qniiicy, appropriations for, <)o 330; districts established, OS), 331, 332, 337; L;ttiii, 338; Hi^'li, 33!); pri- vate, 340; houses. 91, i; report of 182".l, 103; text-boolis used in 1838,619; statis- tics of, 110, 619, t)22. Scotch i'ond Road, 55. Shay's Rebellion, 428. Shed's Neck, see Germantowu. Ship-building, 493. Ship Cove, 5r,, 4^0. Shirley, William, biographical sketch of, i43. Shoe liysiness, 001. Shoeinakei; the first, in Mass., 603. Shoe Peqs. first introduced, 603. Sinners', 97 , 100, 103. Small Pox, 88, 100; hospitals estab- lished, 87. Soldiers, in the Indian wars, .''.()4 to 3(57; Civil War, 440; INIexicau M'ar, 4:38; Revolutiouary War, 402 to 426; Shav's Rebellion, 428; War of 1812, 430,'449. . ^ ^ Souf/, Morton's, at the erection of the Mav-pole, 4. , , c Souther, John, biographical sketch ot, 495. Spinning Wheel, first introduced, 64. Sqiointam, derivation of name, 20; feast of, 20, 173. _ St(tit. Aptl-.orp, GeortreH.. 2.38; Griz/.el, 2.5.3, (523; James. (50, 41(5. (523; John, 252; Mr., 257, 3(59, .370, 55(5. Arbuthnott, William, ,375, .376. Archer, Edwanl. 415. Argall, Capt.. 270. 271. Armstronjr, Patrick, 442; Samuel T , 510. Arnold, , 171; Abide M . .^53; Capt.. 418; Daniel. .59. 390, 40(5, 430, (;23: David, 422; Kphraim, .501, .549; .I.din. 2H; .lonafhan. 4().S. 418. 422; J(.so|di. .34, 404. 421. 449; Jo.seph X.. .59,85, 8(5, K7, 2.39, (523; Mct.scs, 40S; Nathan, 40(5; Nathaniel, 407, 410, 411,415,422; Halph, 436; Samuel, .501; William, 410. Aspinwall, William, 11, 22, 23, 24, ISC, 1X7. Atherton, Humjihrey, 6(5, ;?(52, 3(53, 5.36. Atkins, .lames, '.MA. Austin, Benjamim,8«5; Cornelius, ,5.57 Averel, Ezekiel, 415. 642 INDEX TO NAMES. Avery, Ruth, 580; Secretary, 580. Ayers, John, 407, 410, 415. Babcock (Badcock), Lemuel, 59, 624; Mr., 235; Samuel, 88, 422, 517. Bachus, Thomas, 507. Bacon, Ebenezer, 98. Badjier Brothers, 512; Ezra, 447, 508, 518; Leone C, 442. Badlam, Ezra, 428. Bagley, James, 161, 557; John, 374, 550; Nathaniel, 375; Samuel, 161, 549. Bailey, Ebenezer, 591; John, 610; Whitman, 13(). Bainbridjje, Commodore, 173. Bains, Canterbury, 421. Baker, David, 412; Ebenezer, 628; John I., 611;, 419. Balstone, W., 11, 22, 23, 188. Ballon, Hosea, 260. Bancroft, George, 610; Stephen K., 442. N Bangs, Abijah, 412. Banks, Nathaniel P., 611. Barber, Daniel, 557. Barclay, William, 246. Bardon, John, 410. Barker & Co., 512; Frances, 142; Geo. A., 446; Henry, .514, 517; Henry & Sons, 514, 516, 517; Henry F., 440; Jo.seph, 100; Wni. P., 442; Wright & Co. , 512, 516, 517. Barnard, William, 434. Barnes, Dr., 222; Matthew, 32, 33, 539, 557; Oramel C, 442. Barre, Col., 377. Barrett, Thomas, 16, 5,57; William H., 444. Barry. Edward, 437; Garrett, 148. ^^ Bartiett, Edward A., 442; Henry, 364; Ibrahim, 329, 332; Mr., 173. Bartol, Cyrus A., 227. Basle V, George \V., 447. Bass"(Bas), Benjamin, 60, 391, 623; Benjamin F., 440, 442; Cornet, 380; David, 60, 233, 623; Edmund, 406; Edward, 408, 415; E. W. H., 602; Gregory, 375; Hezekiah, 430; James, 425; Jeriah, 414; John, 35, 125, 233, 238, 247, 412, 490, 548, 623; John B , 180; Jonathan, 38, 60, 240. 329, 333, 379, 390, 393, 402, 412, 413, 430, 56t, 623; Joseph, 60, 212, 326, 380, 397, .398, 400, 412, 427, 433, 548, 623; Josiah, 59, 106, 115, 237, 238, .302, 303, 425, 430, 624; Lewis, 240, 332; Peter, 538; Polly, 238; Samuel, 14, 32, 33, 35, 45, 46, 47, 60, 67, 70, 74, 85, 125, 158, 167, 168, 208, 212, 233, 244, 316, 3()4, 367, 406, 408, 413, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 548, 562, 565, 569, 627; Seth, 39, 233, 429, 4.30, 623; Thomas, 60, 119, 325, 548, 549; Wil- liam, 125. ^ Bassett, Thomas, 557. Batchelder, Zephaniab, 376. Bate, Goodman, 66, 536. Bates, Ambrose, 420; Carver, 411; Cornelius, 421; David, 374; David W., 447; Edward, 187; John, 101, 102, 103; William, 410. Battle, William, 388. Baxter, Anna, 126; Anthony W., 236, 4.30,604; Barnabas, 127; Benjamin, 39,233,375; Catherine, 236; Charles, 374; Daniel, (iO, 90, 107, lOS, 12(>,237, 301, 410, 428, 430, 526, 623; Daniel W.,412; Edward, 127; Edward W^., 59, 86, 237, 407, 410, 411, 415, 623; Eli- jah, 305, 603; George, 179, 180; Geo. L , 442; Gregory, 126, 127; Hannah, 623; Jame.s, 238, 623; Jerusha, 127; John, 34, 126, 212, 233, 380, 548, 563; Jonathan, 59, 85, 95, 238, 442, , 623; Joseph, 60, 96, 126, 127, 171, 412, V 417, 420, 425, 426, 430, 623; Josiah, 237, 305, 410; Lemuel, 239, 374; Lewis, 239; Lydia, 126; Mary, 126, 127; Mehitabie, 126; Mr., 209, 316, Paul, 623; Rhoda, 127; Samuel, 35, 126,127,211; Sarah, 126; Seth, 59, 127,406, 407, 412, 415, 418; Su.san- na, 126; Thompson, 60, 109, 235, 237, 239, 339, 603, (523; Williani, 238, 240, 301, 30(5, 430, 624; William H., 440; William Q., 446; Wilson, 127. Beach, Erasmus I)., 611. Beale (Beal, Beals), Abigail, 129; An- na, 129; Benjamin. 57. (50, 61, (52, (58, 82, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, i)6, 97, 115, i 129, 233, 241, 331, 376, 384, 385, 623, 1 624, 629; Eleazer, 299, 408, 414, 415; Elisha, 129; Ezra, 518; George F., 442; George W., 106. 109, 237, 241, 264; Horace, 518; Lsaac, 414, 415; I Jesse. 88; John, 211, 233, 32(5; Jon- athan 60, 85, 129, 237, 623; Joseph, 1 60,62,82, 129, 130, 212. 623; Lilly, i 129,130; Maria, 129; Mariah Ann, .332; Moses, 91; Nathaniel, (50, 412, (523; Phebe, 292; Solomon J., .561; Thomas S., 129; & Frederick, 518. Bean, Nathaniel M., 68. { Bear^ William, 437. j Beard, George A., 442; Thomas, 603. j Beatty, Israel, 414. Beauchampe, William, 453. I Bebsten, Mary E., 478. Beckford, Dudley M., 442; James M., ! 179. Bedlow, Samuel, 374. Heecher, Lyman, 2(53. Beeke, William, 453. I Beex, John, 453, 465, 468. ! Beiler, S. L., 267, 270. Belcher, , 404; Ann, 323; Elijah, (50, 130, 412, 418, 421, 430; Gregory, 28, 194. 211, 240, 326, 327, 458. 459, 538; Hannah, 130; John, 4.30, .549; Joseph, 323, 404, 409, 413; Josiah, 247, 368; J. White, 5()1; Linus, 334; Mary, 1,30, 240;, 222, 232, 233, 464, 472, 501; Mrs., 326; Nahum, 375; Nathaniel, i;!0, 233, 390. 408, V^ 411, 413, 420, 421, ."01, <527; Richard,-A IXnEX TO NAMES. 643 420; Samuel, 34, 211, 233, 403,415. 418, 422, 550, 627; Sarah, 130; Thos., .375, 404, 408, 414, 420; William, 449, 501. Belkuap. Andrew E., 507. Bell. Lntlier V, till; Thomas, 28. Bellfield. Samuel, 28. Bemi.s Joel, 518; Josiah, 171, .501, 515, ,518. Bend, W O., 507. Bendall, Edward, 30, 50, 188: Free- orace, 204. Bennett, Mr., li)5; Osniand, 447. Benoih, Joseph, 41(). Bent, Deborah, ]3(!; Eben, ISC), 2(14; F. Edw.ard, 440, 44(): Hannah, 240; John,42i); Luther M., 447: Luther S., 440, 445, 446; Nedebiah, 238, 331, 416, 623. Berry, James, 442; .Tohn F., 442. Besson, Winter, 374, 37."). Beveridiie, , 24(i. Biard, Peter, 270. Bicknell, Peter, 59, 128, 241. .316, .524, 624. Biencourt, , 270, 271. Biford (Riford), John, 560; Joseph, - 405, 410, 413. Bigelow, George T., 252; Jabez, 603; Loring, 447; Timothy, 580. Biggs, Ch.arles, .5.57; John, 187. Billings, Benjamin, 623; Edmund. .59, 101, 102, 106, 238, 390, 412, 419, 623; Frederick, 623; Georse B., 84,241; George W., 84, .332; Jerusha, 238; John, 60, (i2, 68, 82, 80, 241, 3.32, 623; Lemuel, 60, 86, 88, 334, 624; iSIary, , 238; Moses, 83; Oliver, 8.3, 241, 628: Roger, 47, 118. ^ Billington, Thomas, 470, 557. Bird, Franci.s V,'., 611; Thomas, 2.H; AVarren, 292. Bisbee, Herman, 262. Bishop, Henrv NV., (ilO; .Tonathan, 373, 375. Black, Esther, 235; Moses, 55, 59, 68, 89. 90, 92, 95. iK), 98, 115, 2.35, 2.36, 279, 280, 316, 333, ()23. Blackburn, John L., 2.55. Blackler, J. C, 437. Blacknian, Peter, 421. Blackstoue, , 8. Blai.sdell, Lemuel J., 444. Blake, Amariah, 628; Enos, 628; Jo- seph, 375; Nathaniel, 373, 375. Blancliard, Elisha.411; Epliraini, 410; Jonathan, -376; Jo.«ei)h, .30;>, .373, 406, 408,415; Nathaniel, 60, 4:50; Nehe- miah, 375, ,37(i; Thomas, 539; Wil- liam, 303, 409, 413, 415., Thomas, 28. Bloom, Solomon, 415. Blossom, Oliver, 415. Boanlnian, Davis, 241; Fanny, 1.5(!. Bolter, Thomas, 5,">7. Bolteuhouse, Mrs., 152. Bonaparte, Louis, .5H(i. Bond, Nicliolas, 367, 4.53, .557. Borland, John, 252. Bos worth, Zaciieus, 187. Boubo, Jefferson, 443. Bourne. Mr., 221. Bout well. George S., 610. Bow6, 367, 375, 539, 540, 546, .562, 574; Edward, 415. l'.uriis, Georye, 447; William II., 447. Burr, Charles, 421; Cushinjj, 421, James, 442. Burra^e, .lohn, 422. Burrell, (Barren ). Beza, 415; David, 40:!, 415; David J.. 440, 442, 44:5; (Jeorj^e, 28; John, 412; John T., 2(;!); Joseph, 44!l; I'eter, (>0,42!), ()24; Seth. .511. 1)1, !)2, 102, 2:;(J, 4.'?0, 449, 557, (124; Winslow, 442. Burrou<;lis, Rev. Mr., 25(i. Burslem, , 8. Burt, ,.S77; J. H. .337. Buslmall, Martha, 28. Butler, Benjamin K., 441, till; Ellery C, 22H; Peter, xii, 55. Button, -lohn, lH7. Bylos, Mather, 275. Byion, James, 177. Cahill, Georfie, 443. Cain, Adoniraiii, 442; Benjamin, 411; Lewis H., 442. CaKfiil, William, 412. Calef, Mehitable, (128. Campbell, Neal, 540. Cai)en, Bernard, 028; Charity, 121); .lo.siah, 120; Nathaniel 374, 375, 409, 413. Carder, Richard, 188. Carew, Thomas, 557. Carey, Alpheus, ^K), 95, 329, 024; Sim- eon, 370. Carley, Henry, 557. Carlton, .1. Warren, 003. Carraher, Bernard, 277. Carroll,, 275; Matthew, 140. Carter, Hiclianl, 28. Carver, Charles W., 447. Ceaser, , 410. Chadwick, John II., 442. Chamberlin, Edwin M., Oil; John, 259, 200; cSi Mason, 2.38. Chandler, Charles, 449; Ebenczer, 449; Elii)halet, 429, 4.30, 449, G24; Wil- liam, 00, 024. Chapin, 10. S.,51S; Josiah, .557. Chapman, Tlichard, ."03, 5.57. Chauncy, Charles, 113, 114, 237, 579. Chcesbro, William, 11, 535, .530, 502. Cheesman, Abel, 404, 411, 412, 415; Benjamin, 404, 411, 412, 415; Ed- ward, 405, 408; Georjie, 249; John, 00, 410; Joseph, 409; Matthias, .373, .374, .375, 40.3, 41.3, 420; Noah, 403, 407, 409, 414, 415; Samuel, 403, 4('5, 409, 414; Stephen, 404, 415, 421; Zeba, 408, 413, 418. Cheney, -lohn, 307. C-hevers, 'J'')iomas, .370. Cheverus, Bishop, 274, 275, 270. Chikataubut, 48; .losiah, 41, 45, 40, 47, 48. 49 (Indians). Child, Thomas, .5.57. Chorley, .John W., 129; Theodocia, 129. ' Chote, Capt.. 4H4. Chubbuck, David T., 440, 440; Fran- cis G., 447; Henry, 442; .lames, 447; Matthew, M.(! , 440, 441 ; Perez, 2.37, 440; William K.,442. (Jhurch, Moses, 177. Churcliill, Thaddens, 440; & Co., 518. Clatlin, William, Oil. Clapp, Api)olI()S, 172; Cajit., 42, 44,40, 49; (Jharles, .531; Georv.,289; Wm., 144, 2.55. Clements, Gersbom, 108 Cleverly, , 171; lienjamin. (iO, 144, 374, 379, 380, 410, 4.30, 5.50, 024; Eb- enezer F.,447; Geo. F, 440; Henry, ,59, 410, 024; Jonathan, 411, 410, 422, 024; -John, ;«, 00, 123, 144, 247, 324, 4.30, 452, 548, 024; Joseph, 5!t, 00, 144, 255, ;}74, .378, ;{79, 380. .389, 410, 4.30, 024; Leonard, .59, 407, 415, (!24; Lewis, 449; Molly, 144; Samuel, .501, 5.50; Sarah, 12.3, "144; Stephen. 123, 233, 501; Thomas, 00, 80, 375, 024. Clifford, John H., 010. Clinton, Do Wit, 578. ClouKb, John, 120; William, .5.57. Cobb, David, 97; Sylvan us, 2(50. Cock, Clement, 34, 212, 320, .5.57. Coddiimton, William, 11, 12, 22, 2.3, 24, 25, 20, 45, 149, 1.53, 183, 184, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 31(), .3137. Cos«eshall, John, 180, 188. Colbourne. William, 11, 22, 2.3, 24. Colbnrn, Lcnmel A,, 440, 447; Wil- liam E., 447. INDEX TO NAMES. 645 \ Colby, Lewis, 282. Cole, Clement, 28; Samuel, 187. Coley, J. M. , '27: Ephraim, W7; Isaac, 40, 40(i, 410; Jacob, 422; John, 35, fJO, 40(5, 408, 411, 412, ()24; Lawrence, 120. 557; Mr.,8i); Samuel, «24; Seth, 400,410, 413; Thomas, :M, 3CA, 368, 501; Wil- liam, 35. Copeley, Lionel, 453. Cordley. C. M.. 291. Corey, James, 28. Cornelius (nejiro), 421. Cornell, William. .37(5: William M., 2(54, .340, 434. .529. Corvis, John. 557. Cose, William, ()24. Cotton, .lohii, 181, 182, 185, 191, 201, 465, 58)), .587. Couch, Darius N.. 611. Cours, James, .557. Crabtree. John, 28. Crafts. Thomas, 86. Cranch, Chri.'itopher P., 80, 81. 4.33; Luc V, 240; Mary, 487, .595; Richard. 59, 62, 63. a5, 80, 178, 223, 240, 475, 476, 482, 487. 490, 491, 492, 564, 565, 595, (524; William. 240. 492. Crane, Clement, .375; Daniel, 59, 624; Ebenezer, 60, 233. 238, 403, 4.30. 549, 624; Edmund, 375; Elisha T.. 239; Elizabeth. 136; Friend. .3.36; Oeo., 434, 438; Henrv. 34. 136, 422; Jos., 60, 422, 428; Ralph, 422; Samuel, 403; Seth, 447; Thomas. 241, 4.30. Crellius, Jos., 473, 474, 475. 476, 477. Cricknev, ('harlcs H , 440. Critchley, Richard, 28. Crocker, Theopliilus, 411. Cromwell, Oliver, 185, 189; Richard, 189 Cronin. John, 447; Michael, 442. Crooker, Andrew. 442, Crosby (Crosbie), Annie. 197; Betsy, 156; Ebenezer. 577; Jonathan, 167. 168, 374; Jo.seph. 41, .57, 119, 168. 211, 222, 2.32, 2.33, 319, 328. 364. 459. 501, 551, 5.52. .5.57, .563, .564; Mary, 167, 168; Sanuiel. (iO; Simon, 198, 233; Thomas, 167, 168, 169, 2.33. Crowninshield, Benjamin, (JOit. 610. Cudworth, Urbane, 152, 262. Cullymore, Isaac, 28. Cumminjis, , 224; Charles A., 269; Noah, 517; Noah L., 440, 447. Cunningham, James H., 440, 442; Rev. Mr. 224. Curtis, Abi^'ail, l.'Wi; Adam, 137, 238, 405, 409, 413, ()02, 627; Ann, 137; Beii.iamin. 1.3(), 'MO, 603; Charles & I^ewis, 603; Deodatus, 16, 535; Ed- ward, 4.30; Elizabeth, 137; Franklin, 4.39, 440, 441, 445, tK)2; Georsie, 442; Jesse, 411; Jonathan, 414, 416; John. ,501; Joseph. 407, 415, 41(), 429; Jo.sephus, 4:M); Moses, 339, 404; Neddv, ()0, 3.32, 429, 624; Noah, 102, m;, 108, i;{6, 1.37. 238, 242, 243, 2rA, 443, 601, 602; Fiebekah, .5.35; Sam- uel, 137, 238, 332, .374, 409, 413, 418, 425, 552, 602, 627; Solomon, 535; Su.sanna, 1.3(); Theopliilus, 34, 212, 285, .548; Thomas, (M)2. dishing:, Caleb, 438, 610; Joshua, 174; Mr. .396;, 412; Rejxemelech, 407,415; Thomas, 37, 523; William, 609. Cutler, Benjamin C, ii, 81, 238, 256, 257, 431. Cutshamokiti, (Indian), 356, 357. Dap, John, 447. Dasset, Tristam, 416. Daily, Edward, 442; Garrett, 448. Dais", Icbabod, 41(); Michael 416. Dale, Thomas, 270. Daly, John,. 558. Damon, Edward, 440, 447; Ezra, 449. Danforth, John, 218; Mr., 200, 205. Daniel, John, 247. Darling, John, 558. Darlv, I.>ennis, .558. Das.sett, John, 28, 194. Davenport, Addington, 37. David, C. Franklin, .53.3. Davis, Capt., 3()4; Isaac. 610, 611; John, 68, 100, 426, 610; Jo.seph A., 442,443; Rev. Mr. 26(j; Samuel, 558; Samuel A., 26! ; William, 28. Davy, John, 187. Dawes, Judse, 492; Thomas, 86, 98. Diiv, Moses & ('.)., 517. Deadman, Joel P , .{.34. Dean, Paul, 260; William W., 152, 261, 304, 305. Dearborn, Henrv, 609; Major Gen., 592. Decrow, Valentine, .558. Deerinir, Samuel, 5,58. Delaiid, Georiie, 289. Dell, John, 5.5H; Lewis, 442. Dennehy, Rev. T. J., 278. Dennison. Daniel, 470. Dennys, Edward, 28. Denton, .facob, 422. Derby, Edward, .3.5, .558. Dermody, I'atrick, 447. Derry, Horace A., 446. Despard, Lambert, 5.58. Devanv, John. .508. 646 INDEX TO NAMES. Devens, Charles, Jr., 611. Dewoody, Mortimer L., 444. Dewson, Edward H., 600. Dexter, Lord Timothy, 603; Nathan- iel, 449; Richard, 331; Samuel, 609. Deza, William. 558. Dickerman, Adeline, 335; Charles C, 447; Lysander, 288., Peter, 558. Dill, John, 624. Dillaway, S. C, 292. Dimblebee, William, 549, 558. Dimmock, Col., 441; William R., 342. Dinelv, William, 187. Ding, Edward, 558. Ditson, William, 603. Dixwell, , 541. Doble, John, 408; Jo.seph, 408. Dodge, Isaac, 241. Doe, Rev. Mr. , 267. Doggett, Isaac, 558; John, 373; Seth, 373. Dolan, John, 444. Donahue, Gen., 179. Donley, Jame.'^, 447. Donnavan, Timothy, 444. Dorr, Edward, 558. Dorren, James, 89, 279, 624. Dorifield, Barnaba,«, 460, 542, 558, 566. Dossett, John, 558. Douglas.s, Francis, 442, 443. Douty, Ichabod,416. Dow, Everett, 152. Dowd, James J., 440. Downara, John, 558. Downer, Daniel, 408. Downing, Deerman, 558; John, 376. Downs, , 169. Drake, Rev. Mr., 268; Thomas, 439, 518. Drew, Samuel, 558. Driscoll, John M., 443. Driver, Joseph M., 292; Thomas, 293. Druillettes, Father, 270. Dudley, Jc^eph, 43, 52, 184, 248, 271. Duggan, Chas. G., 448; William B., 107, 332, 596. Dummer, Jeremiah, 462; Richard, 183, 184; William, 250, 551. Dunbar, Hosea, 375; James, 411; Jo- .siah, .376; Rev. Mr., 223; Sampson, 403, 420; Samuel, 376. Dunham, Caleb, 373; Isaac, 376; Ma- ry, 91. Dunn, Arthur, 447. Durant, Nicholas, 558. Durgin, Jonathan C, 447. Duror, Gilleom, 416. -Duttou, John L., 518; Seth, 416. Dwelle, John, 241; John B., 602, 603; Lemuel, 305, 407, 415, 430, 624. Dwight, Henry E., 291; Joseph, 373, 589. Dyer (Diah), Benjamin, .^76, 403, 407, 410, 411, 415, 41(i; Christopher, 161, 376; Ichabod, 407, 415; Jonathan, 376; Thomas, 70; William, 187. Dyke, Col, 411. Eager, Thomas, 247, 248. Eanies, David, 161. East, Francis, 28. Easterbrook, Charles G. , 533. Eastman, Lucius R., 289. sl/teaton, Elisaeus, 290; Elisha, 558. v^ Horace, 442; Nathaniel, 411; Sam- uel, 411. Eccles, John, 444. Edmondston, Archibald, 416. Edwards, James, 17S, 258, 442, 491. Eelis, Nathaniel, 323; Mr., 221. Ela, Daniel, 508; Elisha T. C, 447; Samuel, 146, 508, 518; Samuel A., 442. Elkins, Henry, 187. Elliott, Francis, 13, 16, 28, 30, 45, 68, 558; Jacob, 33, 188; John, 356; Mr., 200, 204; Richard G., 262; William, 437. Ellis, Hannah, 323; Richard, 442; Rufus, 227. Ellison, Richard, 558. Ellsworth, A. A. 288. Elwell, Alonzo, 447; R. Warren, 447; William H,, 447. Embury, Philip, 267. Emerson, Burkley, 177; Thomas A., 287. Enderly, Joseph S., 440. Endicott, , 8. Enright, Michael, 447. Etter, Margaret, 144; Peter, 144, 379 381, 389, 390, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478 Eustis, William, 574, 610. Everett, Edward, 503, 504, 510, 610 James, 33; Timothy, 558. E well, Charles F., 442; John J., 442 Lendell H., 440. Ezgate, Eleazer, 558. Fairbanks, Richard, 176, 187. Fairfield, , 114, 205. Fallon, John, 276. Faneuil, Andrew, 275; Peter, 499. Farnham, Chas. C, 354; Daniel, 155. Farnsworth, Deacon, 267. Farrer, Jonathan, 420. Faxon, , 413, 549; Ann, 156; Asaph, 627; Azariah, 392, 410, 413, 419,591,628; Benjamin, 237; Caleb, 82, 404, 628; Edward, 410; Francis, 408, 412; Henry H., 73, 156, 175,283; Horatio N., 447; Isaiah, 408; James, 39, 89, 156, 379, 405, 409, 624, 628; J. & H. H., 603; Job, 156, 237; J. Franklin, 443; John, 73, 434; Josiah, 422; Mrs., 241; Relief, 1.56; Richard, 156, 374, 4(54; Thos., 45, 46, 47, 380, 442, 543, 545, 546, 562,566; William, 443; William L., 310,445. Feakes, Lieut., 19, 20. Feltis, Asa W., 442; Wm. H., 440. Fenno, Jesse, 96, 238, 628; Samuel, 422; William, 539. Fenton, Michael, 447; Thomas, 375, 558. INDEX TO NAME8. 647 Fell wick, Bishop. 148. 278. Fernahl, Ichabod N., 533. Fessenden, Renjaniin.SoS; Jonatliaii, 373, 375, 408, 412, 418. Ffurr, Old, 558. Fidelia (Slave), 259. Field, Benjamin, 60, 134, 625; Debo- rah, 134; Ebenezer. 60, 232,233, 406 412, 625; Ephraim, 405; George H. 442; Harvey, 332; Henry. 418, 422 Jackson, 60, 40/Gardiner, David, 421: Robert, 420. Gardner, Henry J, 610,611; William, 109. Garing, ,!ohn, 16, .558. Garrity, Bernard, 444; Patrick, 605. Gaston, William, (ill. Gatliffe, Thomas, .543, 545, 546. 558. Gay, Heiijamin, 432, 433; David, 373; Ebenezer V., (JO. (!25; Henrv A.. 605; Henrv F, 430; Henry t, 60, 625; Jotham, 375; Oliver, 253, 416; Rev. Mr., 223. Gear, D. L., 151. Gee, , 37. Gent, John, .5.5.S. George, John, (Indian John,) .364,3(i.5, 366, 3(i7; Simon S., (Indian,) 552; Samuel. 373. Gerry, Klbridge, 7, 558. Harder, Isaac, 416. Hardier, Richard, 547, 558. Hardings, Jonathan, 558; Robert, 188. Hard man, Jolin, 558. Hardwick, (Hartwick), Adam, 241, 430,4X0; Charles, 430, 625; Charles H., 38; C. H. .« Co., 518; Eliza- beth, 478; Frederick, 60, 102, 106, 238, 264, 339, 340, 4;50, 433, 442, 505. 601, 602, 625; Frederick Philip, 480; Henrv, 60, 1()6, 239, 325, 430, 480, ()0;<, 625; John, :tt2, 479, 480; John Peter, 480; Peter, 59, 625; Philip, 480; W. P. & J. M.,602. Hardy, Benjamin, 442. Haremau, Nathaniel, 16. Harmon, William, 628. Harlar, John, 28. INDKX TO NAMES. 649 Harper, Joseph, 558. Harriman, William, 404. Harrington, Leonard 15., 447. Harris, John L., 437; Richard, 5.58; Th;uldensISI.,224, 302. Har.«krthin, C'hristian S., 478. Haskell, Thomas, 89, 625. Hassfttt, John, 28. Hastings, Jonathan, 177; John, \C>, 558; William, 444. Hasty, David S., 533. Hathaway, George B., 444; Nicholas, 2!l. Hatman, Thomas, 558. Haven, Rohert, 29. Hawes, Samuel, 373. Hawke, Mary, 218. Hawkins, James 29; Thomas, 29. Hayden, (Hoyden,) (Hoidon,) 171; Ahel, 427, 429, 430, 025; Alexander, 404; A mi nadah, 404,421,422; Anon, (i27; Arthur L., 443; Rartlett, 442; Reniamin, 39, 157, 328, :i91, 392, 428, 027 ■ Caleb, 00, 408, 409, 429, 025; Clement, 374, 375, 404; Cyrus, 408, 410; Daniel, 375, 370,408,421; David 370; Ebenezer, 125, ^CA, 410; Eh, 4113; Elijah, 374; Elisha, 373, 375, 429- Enoch, 370, 405, 408, 41H, 420, 421; George L., 440; Henry, 412; Isaac, 375; Jacob, 408, 412, 415, 422; Jonathan, 247, 501, 535; John, 412, 535,540; Joseph, 212, 405, 410; Jo- siah, 332, 308; Levi, 415; Lewis, 3:«, 420, 422; Nathaniel, 407, 410, 412, 41 .")' 4''0, 421 , 429, ()25 ; N eheniiah, 'M , 57 208, 210, 213, 214, 210, 28.5, 411, 452, 548, 550; Richard, 370; Richard R 447; Rohert, 404, 405, 409, 413, 418; Samuel, 251, 3(14, 449; Solomon, 449; Stephen, 400, 40S, 41(); Susan- na 535; William, 230, 374, 404, 411, 410, 421, 422; Zebra, 405, 409, 413, 410i 418, 422, 425. Hayes, Rresident, 5iKi. Havnes, Aaron, 289; J. V 200. Hayward, Aaron, 403; Abraham, 410; \dam, 410; Rarnabas, 411; Ren.ia- niin 403,409; Reuoni, 403, 409, 410; Caleb, 413; Daniel, 404, 405, 408 410,411,42(1; Daniel 1*., 157; David V 409,413; Ebenezer, 1.57, 177,414; Ellas, 180; Elizabeth, 157; Jame.^ 420 025; John, 1.57, 170. 384, 498; Jonathan, 34, 118, .320; Joseph, 374, .391 403,409; Joi^hua, 403; Lois, 1.57; Obadiah, 422; Ritdiard, 28; Ruth, 118- Samuel, 414; Sarah, 118; Silas, 408- Simeon, 409; Thoma.s, 407, 410, 411, 415, 41(), 421, 422; Zcba, 40.5, 409; Zebulon, 403, 404, 407, 409, 415. Heath, J. G. R., 202; Willi.un, .MO, 9(., 97, 100, 009. Heines, Abraham, .5.58. Hennessy, .fohn, 444. Henshaw, William, 422. Hepworth, , 227. Herdin, John, 558. 83 Herrick, Gideon, 422. Hersey, ,421; David, 422; Reu- ben,' 421; Thomas, .375. Hetherston, Martin, 448. Hevens, William, 373. Hewes, Joshua, 4.54; Nathaniel, 538. Hewstead, Robert, 29. Hickok, Charles H., 282; Wm., 453. Higjiins, Daniel, .5.58; Samuel, 209. HifC'lonathan, 410. Hilt, J(din,4Sl. Hilton, Edward, 8. Hincklev, Ebenezer, 5.58; Ehphalet, .370; William, XH. Hitchcock, Calvin, 291. Hoar. I/3onard. 113, 120. Hobart (Hobard. Huborff), Adam, 405, 409, 413. (127; Henjamin, 35; Caleb, 34. 41,. 54, 123, 20H, 231. 308, 410, 548, .503, 027; Daniel, 10.3, 240; Elizabeth, 123; .fohn, 405, 408, 410; Joshua, 123, 408,410.41.3,027: Jo- siah, 34; Nathaniel. 410, 422; Nehe- miah. 200; Peter, .373, .37.5, 025; uel, 59, 421, 422, 010, 025; William, 375, ,370, 405, 408. Hodges, Joseph, .375. Hodgkin.son, Michael, .523. Hoffenborn, J(tbn, 307. Hogg, Richard, 2!t. Holbrook, (^aleb. 159; David, 1.59,410, 413,418; Kbenezer. 420; Elisha N., 2!M); Ichabod, 40.5, 408, 027; James, 410, 413, 027; John, 413, 418, 4.5.3, 4()4, 471, 027; Jouatban, 1.59, 404, 40.5' 409, 027; Lieut, .'580; Lydia, .595; I»Iarv. 027; Moses, 1.59, ()27; Mr , .549;" Nathan. 412; Nathaniel, 40H, 418; Nebemiah. 410, 413, 027; Sauuiel, (!27; Silas, 405,420; Thom- as, :U, 07, .304, 40S, 410, .549, .595. HoldoM, Henry A., 447; John O., 179; Randall, 1.5. Holland, .lames, 421; John, 09. Hollis, Uarnabas, 40H; Renjauiiu, 411. 412- Daniel. 00,405.408; David, 410; Isaac, 414. 410. 421, 428; Jedediah, 2M; -lohn, .'54, 374, 404, .595, 02:'., 027 ; Jouatban, 375; Nathaniel, 405; Sam- uel. 98; Silas. 405, 408.418; Simeon, 407 415; Steidieu. 410; Thomas. 375, .370, 40.5, 409, 413, 418, 511, 517, 518, .595, 027. Holmes, Almoran, .508; Elmer W., .532; Naaman R., 72. 523, 525; Sam- uel, 412: Z('buUm,373. Holt, Albert. 1.52. Hooper. J. (i., 437. Hope, Hcmy, .584, 585, 580;, 477; Zachery, 477. Horgau, John, 447. Horttni, (Houuhton), I>avid, .375; Ebenezer, .5,58; Enoch. t^O, 025; Isaac, 413 41.M, 422; Lemuel. 422; Lloyd G., 439; Samuel, 422; William, 422. Hough, (Haulsh), Athertou, 12, 24, 25, 45, 1S.3, 184, :K)8. Houston, Sanuiel, 437. 650 INDEX TO NAMES. Howard, Aaron, 414; Adam, 373; Be- noui, 414; Hepzibah, 292; James, 60, 418, 426; Joshua. 41S; Noah, 374; Samuel, 212; Simeon, 414; Zeb- ulon, 411, 412, 414. Howe, (How), Gen., 596; James B., 255; Reginald H., 248, 256; Timo- thy, 558 Howell, Luke, 420. Howland, William 0.,442. Howley, Michael J., 442. Hubbard, John, 452, 462, 463, 471; Nathaniel, 4(;3. 563. Hudson, , 67; George, 416, Hughes, James, 447. Hull, John, 356, 453, 471, 472; Robert, 187. Humphreys, John, 437. Hunne, George, 29. Hunneman & Co., 76. \Hunt, — , 499; Adam, 407, 415; Anthony, 495, 408, 414, 422, 625; Benjamin, 875, 411, 412; Caleb, 409, 413; Charles N., 440, 445; Daniel, 374; Ebenezer, 98, 422; Eliphaz, 411; Epbfaim 374, 403, 408, 463; Gideon, 420; I. 146; Capt., 364; Catherine. 140; Dr., 254; Edward 543; Francis M., 73; Ichabod, 137; James, 187; John, 193, 200, 437; Jonathan, 442; Joshua, 140, 574; Louisa Catherine, 574; Samuel, 416; Samuel R., 510, 517; William, 442, 444. Joice, (Joist, Joyce), Edwin L., 440, 447 ; Seth, 89, 625. Jones, Abraham, 412; Benjamin, 416; Edward, 374; Ephraim, 558; Geo., 443; Jacob, 422; Jo.seph, 532; Peleg F., 493, 495; Samuel. 37(), 409, 413, 422, 428; William, 447. Jordan, Barash, 376; John, 403, 409, 413; Samuel, 376. Josephs, Freeman, 440; Levi B., 260, 603; Uriel, 447. Josselyn, Nathan. 236, 493, 495; Rob- ert, 440. Joy, Jacob, 420; Samuel, 375. Jusee, Peter, 558. Jyans, Matthews, 187. Kash, Godfrey, 484. Keating, Albert, 440, 446; Peter, 239. Keayne, (Kean, Keene), Benjamin, 29; Robert, 187. Keenan, Matthew, 447. Kehoe, John, 447. Keith, Harrison A., .340; Solomon, 411. Kelly, James, 447; John, 447: Kellev, Samuel, 269, 270. Kendall, Rev. Mr., 95; William, 41(!. Kennedy, James, 444. Kennison, George F., 442. Kent, Richard, 5.58. Kettell, Rebecca, 349. Keyahgun.son, Thomas, (Indian), 47. Kibber, Charles L., 444. Kidby, Lewis, 29. Kidder, William, 518. Kimball, Howard M., 440. King, Ebenezer, 558; John, .375; Phil- ip, (Indian), 359, 36(). Kingley, John, 548, 558. Kingman, Alexander, 418; Henry, 67; James, 409, 411, 413; Joseph, 428; Thomas, 404. Kingsbury, David, 437. Kingsley, (Kinsley), Samuel, 558; Stephen, 16, 29, 67, 74, 158, 194, 459, 558 562. Kirby, Wilham T., 442. Kirkley, William, 29. Kirtlaud, Philip, 323; Susanna, 323. Kittridgo, Josiah N., 447. Kneelaud, John, 421. Knowles, Mr., 196, 197. Knox, Daniel M. C, 508; John C, 508. Kutshanuikin, (Indian), see Ciitsha- mokin. / INDEX TO NAMES. 651 Labaree, John C, 291. Labonchere, Herirv, 585. Lamb, John, 54.S, 558; Thomas, 212. Lambert, (Lambart), Joseph, 374; ^lajor, 5.51>. Lambton, , 247. , Lamont. Robert, 558. Lani.'son, Ebenezer,55S, 559; John H., 440. I^ane, ,420; Eli, 421; Levi, 420; R. & C. , 334, 335. Lansdon, Rev. Mr., 223. Langne, Louis, 416. Lapham, Frederick A., 440; George Y 447; Joseph A., 440; William, H.' H., 440, 441,447. Larkin, John, 440. Larrabee, Benjamin, 167. Lathrop. Samuel, 610. Lawless, Richard, 447. Lawrence, Amos, 105, 505; Amos A., 611. Leader, Richard, 466, 467, 468. Leahy, Michael, 442. Lear, Christopher, 416. Leavitt, (Levit), Charles F., 447; Dan- iel, 5.59. ^, ... l>ee, Jesse, 268; John, 422; Philip, 411; Samuel, 376. Leech, Isaac, 411 ; Samuel, 411. Lefavour, Amos, 292. I^garee, Daniel, 229, 558; Francis, 285. Lelton, John, 416. Leonard, , 169: Daniel, 508; Hen- ry, 469, 470; John, 469; John B., 289; Silas, 259, 200, 3:^4. Litherland, William, 187. Letton, John, 416. Leuobars, Robert B., 72. Leveret, Dep. Gov., 205. .361. Lewis, Jacob, 481. Lincoln. Abraham, 180, .577: Benja- min, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406; Charles K., 444: Jacob, 421; L.,.375; Levi, ''43, 609, 610; Lvdia N., 495; Perez, .595; Thomas W., 442. 443. Lines, Polly, 292. Linfield, David, 403, 404, 409, 413; Niithaniel, 404; Samuel, 404, 413; William, .34, 161, 404, 40it, 413, 414, 418. Linnehan, William, 444. Lippett, E. R., 255. Li.sconie, Daniel, 559. Li.sle, Francis, 29. Litchfield, Liba, 443. Little, James L. , 310. Littlefield, Aaron, 292, 410, 412 mnnd, 161, .374; Meribah, Micah, 292; Moses, 376, 403, 409, 410,412; Nathaniel, 161; Samuel, 208. Lloyd, James, .575, 610. Tjocke, George H., 146. Loinar, William, 444. Lombard, Joseph W., 442. Long, John, 146. Ed- 292 • Longfellow, Stephen, 98. Long worthy. Rev. Mr., 266. Loriiig, Daniel, 62H. Lothrop, S. K., 227. Lournev, Dennis, 444. Lovell,"(Lovewell), Daniel, 29; Gen., 420; James, 404; John, 413,416, 421 ; Joseph, 374; Samuel, 420; Silas, 374, 408, 410, 421. Lowe, .John, 29. Lowell, Rev. Dr., 243; Thomas, 559. Lucas, (Luchas), Capt. 70; Henry, 248. Ludden, Benjamin, .57. 368, 405, 408, 415, .501 ; lieza or Bizer, 408, 411. 412,415: Eli, 404, 405, 406; Joseph, 558; Hezekiah, 376, 403; Lemuel, 413; Levi, .377; Nathaniel, 403, 407, 411, 415, 422; Samuel. 412, 420; Silas, .373; Sylvanus, 405, 408, 411, 412; Thomas," 404. Ludkin, George, .5.58. Ludlow, Roger, 20. Lufkin. I.saac, 421. Lngg, John, 29. Lunt, Abbv W., 117; Henry, 446; Theodore H.. 448; William P., ix, 02, 79^ 11.5, 117. 140, 141, 181, 19.5, "04 205 219, 221, 22J, 225, 227, 240, 245^ 308, 43:'., ilU, 587, .594. Lusher, Eieazer, 70, 200. Luzarder, Joseph M., 447. Lycett, James, 44K. I Lyde, Bytield, 375. ! Lynde, Symon, 545. I Lynes, Daniel, 416; William, 416. j Lyons, John S. , 518. MacEwan, William, .53.3. Madan, Abigail, 292; Jojin, 292. Madison, James, ;>19, .575. Mainard, Pear, 416. Maley, Melville, 444. Maloney, David. 444. Mamuntago. Robert, (Indian), 45,47. M.Tun, (Man), Benjamin, 292, 409, 414, Ephraim, 403, 412: Hannah, 292; Horace, 315, 61(1, t)19; Joseph, 376, 411, 412, 420; Louisa, 292; Polly, 292; Samuel, 412, 418; Seth, 292, 403, 409. 412. Manning, John, 447; Michael. 448. Manunion, Josi'|di, (Indian), 47; Wil- liam, (Indian), 45, 47. Marble, Luther, 50H. March, John, 212. Marchent, E., 53.H. Marden, Frank M., 440. Marquand, Peter, 144, 5.5il; Sarah, 144; Zachariah, 38. Marque, Peter I' , 440, 447. Marrain, .lohn, 415. Marsh, ,171; Abigail, 134; Am- 1 brose, 134,1.35; Anna, i:i5; Alexan- der, l.U, 13(i, 240, 458, 459, 547, 548, 563, 566; ('has., 136, 603; Edmund, 239: Edwin W., 82, 603; Elisha, 248, 249, 550, 652 INDEX TO NAMES. 100,135,239, 302, 449, 520; Emily, 13f); P:. & J., 520; George, 520; John, 240; Jonathan, 59, 134, 135, 13fi, 241, 303, 400, 412, 520, G25; Jo- seph, 117, 215, 2in, 217, 218, 245, 338, 340, 590; Lucy, 239; Mary, 573; Mi- riam, 134; Moses, 373, 375; Moses R., 239; M. R. & E., 603; Patience, 130; Samuel, 374; Sophia, 135, 130; Susannah, 135, 130; William, 400; Wilson, 00, 134, 135, 130, 239, 240, 241,370,520,025; Wilson & Sons, 520. Marshall, J. P. C, 443; John, xiii, 34, 123, 205, 200, 211, 233, 559; Jos., 410; Mary, 123; Samuel, 324; Ste- plien, 123; Thomas, 33, 187, 410, 414. Marstons, Miss .341. Martin, Amhrose, 4.37; John W., 440; Lot, 437; Rohert, 67; Samuel 517, 518. Ma.son, , 412; Aaron, 2.".S. Massey, (, Kdwanl, 88; Ene- mond, 270; Jolin, 410. Mather, Cotton, 88, 191, 199, 300, 3(!1, 307. Matignon, Father, 274, 275. Matson, Thos., 13, 30, 31, 74, 1,S8, 559. Matthews, Jjyman, 288. Mattoon, Ehenezer, 98. Maud.sley, Henrv, Ki, 29, 5.59. Maul, \V. K., 282. May, Elisha, 98. Mayhevv, Jonathan, 223. Maynard, (Mainard), Lambert, 174; Peter, 41(). Mayo, James, 237; Lucinda, 237. MciJarty, John, 443. McDaniela, James, 89. Mc(iann, John, 448; Thomas W., 447. McGlone, Michael, 447. McGovern, John, 447. McGrath, John, 444. Mcintosh William, 418. McKean, , 2J4. McKendrick, Michael, 140. McKnight, William, 443. McRee, William, 592. Mead, Elisha, 603; William, 59; Wil- liam P., 025. Mears, (Mearsh), James, 175; (Jeorge, 59, 478, 559, 025. Meekins, (Meedyns), Thomas, 10, 29, 538, 559, 502. Mekusett, Modica, 559. Mellows, Oliver, 187. Merchant, John, 29. Merritt, N. T., 531; Richard, 422. Meserve, W. P. F., 175, 442. Mcservey, Benjamin F. , 440, 441, 44.5, 440. Messer, Charles E., 448. Metcalf, Stephen, 80. Millard, Thomas, 29. Miller, Charles E., 140, 252, 442; Eb- enezer, 59, 01, 85, 87, 89, 145, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 410, 490, /] 559, 025, 029; Edward, 100, 237, 331, 333,309,370,375, 379, 380, 381, 389; Hannah, 237; Jonathan, 429; Mar- tha, 146; Mr. 195,196; Rebecca, 145; Samuel, 38, 145, 249, 450, 464, 472. Mills, John) 29, 105, 160, 208, 210, 215, 233, 327, 309, 379, 400, 539, 559, 563, 564; William, 408. Milton, Benjamin, 408; Ephraim, 410; Robert, 403, 421. Mingo, (Slave), 549. Mitchell, Charles R., 150; John, 298; William, 444. Molloy, George, 444. Moloney, Thomas 443. Monk, Daniel, 434; Robert, 440, 441. Monroe, James, 575, see Munroe. Montague, Mary W., 88. Moody, David, 105; Levi W., 72; Rev. R. B., 289. Moore, (Moor), Charles W., 305; John, 29, 559; -John W., 262. Morgan, William, 303. Morley, John, 53!», 559. Moriartv, Dennis, 447. Morrison, Dr. J. H., 227. Morrain, John, 407. Morris, Lewis, 24{i., Hazen, 243; Rev. Dr., 173; Robert, 73; Stephen Jr., 443; Wil- liam, 200. Morton, George W., 44(!; Joseph W., , 440, 448; Marcus, 610; Nathaniel, 100; Salmon, 502; Thomas, 2, 5, 7, 9, 17, (>3, 524, 542; William S., 72, 501. Moshier, A. J. & Co., 518. Moss, William, 559. Mos.sett, Thomas, 559. Mott, Nathaniel, 303, 559. Mottram, Thomas, 14(). Mountjoy, George, 323,559; Mary, 323. Mower, William, 29. Muirson, George, 247. Mulford, John, 004. Mullen, Andrew, 444; William, 443, 559. Muiin, Luther, 511, 517, 518. Munroe, Israel W., 149. Murch, James, 559. Murphy, Andrew, 443; James, 444; Michael, 444; Peter, 410. Murray, John, 259. Mycall, James, 559. Nahaton, William, (Indian), 45, 47. Nash, Benjamin, 373, .374, 375, 408, 410,415; Daniel, 407, 415; David, 410; Francis, 304; Jacob, 304, 377, 404,405,408; James, 405, 408 ; John, 443; John W., 443; Jonathan, 404; Moses, 407, 410, 411, 415; Samuel, 374; William, 439, 603; Zadoc, 410, 411. Neal, (Neale, Neil), Abigal, 376, 5.50, Benjamin, 35, 117, 212, 215, 233, 464, 501, 548, 549, 552; Elijah, 374; INDEX TO NAMES, 653 Henry. 29, 45, fi7, 117, 5")!); .Tosoph, 35, 57, 117, 2:W, 239; Mary, 117; Me- hitable, 117; Samuel, 34. Needliani (Meedam), John, "38, 559; \ViUiam, 14, 29, 45, 244, 559. Newbury, Mr,, 20. ->, Newcoinb (Nufom), Abraham, 407, 410, 411, 415. 428; Abram, fiO, 40!); lienianiin L., 442; Brotber.i. 517: liryaiit, 59, 238, 407. 410, 411, 415, 421, 425, 442, 447, 515, 517, 518; Brv- aiit r.., 518; Charles, 5)0. 4ir,. 421. 024,020; Charles F., 443; Charle.s H. S., 202; Charles O., 443; Eben- ezer, 00, 01, 412, 430, 020, 027; Fran- cis, 00, 121, 422, 535; Georire, 110; Goody, 549; Harrison G. O., 442; Henry A., 447; Isaac. .550; Isaac T., 448; James, 107, 108, 110. 511, 518; Jeru.sha, 237; John, .35, .59, 97, 171, 211. 285, 430. 449, 020; John A., 200; John R., 59, 020; Jonathan, 511, 517, 518; Malachi, .374; Mary, 535; Micah. 410, 411; Mioaiah. 407, 415; Oliver, 00, 400, 410, 412; Peter, 34. 211, 370, 379, 3H0, 400, 407, 410, 411, 415, 440, .548; Eachel, .5.35; Re- member, .59; Richard. -W, 020; Sam- uel, GO, 412. 511, 517, 518, .548; Samuel F, 442; Thaddens H., 439, 440; Thomas, on, 381 , 390, .39.3, 400, 407, 410, 411, 415, 422; William, 240; Winslow M., 002; & Cliapin, 518; & Richards, 517. Newell, William, 227. Newman (Numan), Mr., 220; Noah, 559. Newton, Anthony, 29. Nichols, Grise, 559; John, 200; Jos., 370. Nickersou. , 523. Ni'Thtinsale, Alonzo A., 440; Charles L., 440; Daniel, 00; Ehenezer. 00, 85' ''33, 239, 414, 020; George, 230, 449" Hannah, 125; John, 00, 80, 400, 408*020; Jo.seph, GO, 125, 2.32, 374, 370,380,020; Josiah, 238; Mehita- blo 241;, 518; RuLTRles, 020; Samuel, 00, 80. 580. 020; Samuel A., 440 448; Sarah, 241; Solomon, 241, 449; Thomas. 239; William, 34, 125, 208.' .308, 370; Wyman B., 440. Niles, Ann, 1.54; BenjamiTi, 101, 208; Khenezer, 102, 376, 377, 403, 414; Eliiah, 418; Elislia, 380, .39.3, 422; p:iizabeth, 1.54; Enoch, 422; Ezra. .375; Hannah, 5^; Increase, :340 :W1 3.S4 .38.-., 391, 392, .393, 402, 4(Vi' 412, 414, 4-':?, 424, 475, 470, 479. 4.H(), 4H2, 48<;, 487, 48.S, 489, 4!K), 5rn, .'t.'i5; William, xi, :'.:;n, xn, ;t;i'.». I'liilirH, VVilliimi, 70, I'arldiiiiJi, li'r(w. I)r.,'22'l'. 1'ii.i'iiiciil.iM', .loliii, ;t(i7, .li>H(t|ili, ;il, !',!!), 2i;i, '2;il, :i(il; Mr. ,517; i)iiiM'()ii ItolxM-l,, 'J'.!'.!, MH, M,\). I'luriH, Aliixiih(|(ir, 'Jl.'l; .Idliii, rM). I'lit'HoiiH, IOIi/,iilK^(,li, '.VSA; .)iiMii|>li, .'t'J.'l; i;,<)l)«il,, nnil; Sunmoi, :t2.'<; TlnM.plil- iiiH, r.7i, i"M,rro(i, vviiiiiiiii s., ii'.i, I/-.'.!, riil.lniHuii, I >aiiiol, t id; .J iiiikih, 1 1'.J, I'liiil, IIiikIi. IIi>; .IoIiii, H'.i I'll.VMitii, JoHiipli. 107. lO'.l, III, 'Un. I'oiiImmIv, a. I'., 'J.i7; CIiiiiIoh II., '^!t;t; Williiim A., iJllll. INicU, , (1(1, TiMd. I'lM'Jutr, .liuiKt.s.d'JH. I'nil, Williaih, |H7. roiin, .liiiiHm, '2;i :<;(; Willlain,5d, KKI, •1(W. ' INuiniiiiaii, — , l(l(t; Aiiiasa., 'I2'i; M.^lliimr, r.!'.); MoniaH, 155; lOlMnm- •/,nr. lO'.l, Ilil.l-J'!; lOliliii, 105; Kiiooli, 10'.), Ii;t; (iiMii'K'o, 517; (iooilinaii, 5.111^ .JallH^H, II. 1,1. 155, IHH, •JH5, ;iHO, .■tHl, ;ti»:!, II'.). i':'., liH, 5;t7. 5;ih, 5Kl; .)\u^u^H 'I'., Lll, do;t; .loliii, '.!I'J, 'iHrt; .loH.'i.ii, .11, :ii. UK, 1'.".!, 1(1(1, ;i;t!),;id7, ;t(lH, 5l,S, 5)17; MohIk^iiU. Ill ; Momc.m, I'.;;!, VJ'17. .'175; If.iiMi, 15(1; Saimiol, :M. *J:i;I, .TJO, .-ilH, 5ll(l; Slophon, ;iid, •lO'.!. 101, lo:.. Ill, ll;!, lis, (127 ; 'I'liKiiiaM, ;i7(i, ;t;))i, ;i')'.!. ioh. d'j7; Wailing; IIH; William. 15(1, ;i'.»l), 107, 110, 115. 117, 11!). 1(11; W)ii.W.,M.;. I'oiliiiiH. <'lia)'l(tM N.. 11(1; I'Mwai'd \,., 110, IIS; .lam.'M I! . 10',); .lomiM, '.'HH; 'I'Ikiiiims II , l(),'>. 10(1. r.-io. I'rin.r, II'!. 115. I'liny, ,\)l,lii)r, '.-';); .lolMi,;i7)l; Samiinl N., 117. I'lmsiiDi.s. ( liicliaii), :I5!), Ildl. IMiolpM, (^i,p(, , 17.1; William. I',). IMillip, Ki));;, ( liK.liiui). '15'.), :i(;d. riiilJjp.s. lOiiKOiio ('., 110; Mr., 105, l'.))l; liioiil.. (!()v., I7;t; SaiDdol, itK; S(«pli.m (1., dIO; S. W. 1.17; Wim- .lall.dll; WilliiMi). S)l, l-JI. riiippi'iiy, Itotijamiii. 510. riiipp.s, (IMiiiLH), II. (1. ()., -.Ml); SpiMi r.-r, IdS; liaimas, do, •j;t!». (12)1; Wil liaiii, ;i(li'. I'ioKtaiii;;. AiMliiir. III. ri(>r('(<. .'Mtraliam, 17'.!, 171; It.iilliolo mitw.dO; UtMi jaiiii)i lv..'IIS; Clia.'^. (10, )il , '.'(10, )l'.!,s'; <'liail.>.s |i;., 1 10, lid; ('liail«,M 1'",. 11'-!; l';h(Miil l).,d'2H; l,«lliil)(trl, (!., (II I. I'iU,, •, :i77. I'lac.n, 'riir(,.irii\ «!liiiid(i K. I!, dn la, '272. \'i>iUn-, llolxirl., 4(i;t; William, '2!), 104. I'owoll. Arlliiir, 55!); 'I'liomaH, KIH. I'owinH, Dimiii,^, '2H,S, '20(1. I'ovvri-li, A II rod, 444. I'raU,, Aant)!. I'iO; Arlali. 4'2(); i-U Urn, '242; Dairml, ;t71, :!77 ; lOlimi. oziir, 401, 401), 4i:t, 41S; I'ldwiii U.. 44:t, dOI; .lamos, II!); .h^sHii, 401, 405, 411, 412; .loliii, :i7n; dohii A., 44(1; .l(di)i W., 442; .lo.'^hiia, 420; .lowiali, (12(1; ljii.haii, 120; MaMlunv, (10, 401, 414, 422; N:iiliaMi<4, :!7 1 ; Solomon, 420; SUmiIkoi. ;i7 I, 41(1. 121 ; MMllmaii H., 5:i;!; 'riiomn,.-*, dO,.Hd, !)(), :m, 40(1, d'2d; \' iia,s(,.v. 5: 1.1. I'rav, . 470; lltmjamin, .5!), .'t.U, ■l()(l, 112, (l'2(i; Cliarlos I''., lit). III, 41(1,417; I'lpluaim, ;t7d, 55(1; .lallH^,>^, II!); John, (10, '240, '2(10, 40(1, (10l,(l'2(l; ,loS(*pli.2:t:!. 11(1, .501, 55(1; Lt'wiH ()., '210; l'(M.M-, II!). I'rti.MooU,, Ahram, 2(10; , 4!)l; Ivov. Mr., '2'2:i. Prior, l';raHUi,>4, i;W; lOy.ra, 2;t7; Hiram. 72, 5'2.t, 5'25; 1 1 iram H.. 1 10; Paraii ll.,44'2, 44.1 (i^t^o Prvor). Proctor, John, ;i()0, :!()l. 11(1. Prvor, .loliii, •204. Piillor, (l(H>rn<(, 20; .lamcw, ."175, 550. Piirv. 4''liomnH, •I5;t. Piilsil'tM', David, xiv. Pill. nam. .Arlliiir A.. 22.S; I(.'^»n'), Abigail, 121, 1'22; Anil. (10, (l'2d;" Anna, '205; ('ol., 48H; INDEX TO NAMES. 655 Dorothy, 5R2; Edmund (Puritan), 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 45, 47, 191, 2:?*;, SSfi, 587; Edmund (Lieut. Col. ), 54, 114, 117, 121, 208, 359, 3(if), 3G7, 368, 3rt9, 4.59, 547, 549, ,503, 505, 568, 587; Ed- mun.l (.rud}re),69, 208, 20<), 211, 215, "^Ki 219 236, 232, 233, 244, 249, 285, 452', 551! 553, 564, 5K7, .588, 589; Ed- mniid (Merchant), 1(!8, 222, .582, 5S9; Edmund (son of Josiah), 589; Ed- mund (the present), 592; Eliza Su- san, 245, .587, 591; Jacob. .373, .589; Joanna, 117, 121; John, .57,63, 219, 222, 233, 244, .370, 371, 474, 478, 480, 5.50, 551 , .552, .5,53, 564, .574, 588; Jo- siah (son of Edmund), 38, 40, 222, 425,480,486, 564, 589, .590; Josiah, Jr. (Patriot), 121, 122, .340, 590; Jo- siah, Hon. (son of Josiah, Jr.), 68, 9«), 115, 237, 238, 245, 4.33, .591, 592, 599; Josiah, Jr. (son of Hon. Jo- siah), .55, 80, 81; Judith, .587; Major, 173; Marv J., 444; Norton, 59, 117, 316, 379, 380, 384, .39.3, 474, 475, 477, 490, 626; Samuel, 5!)0. Rach, Conrad, 480. Rafnes, Richard, 416; Rainsfoard, Edward, 187. Rale, Father, 270. Randall, Henrv, 193; John, .5.50; Jon- athan, 404, 413; Stephen, 60, 4.30. Randolph, Peyton, 290. Rantoul, Robert, 529. Rawson, Ann, 118; Cato, 422; Davul, 233; Dyar, 60; Ebenezer, 118, 238; Edward, 546; Elliot, 628; firendal, 623; Jonathan, 626; Mr., 22, .5.5, 365, m) 549, .550; Pelatiah, 233; Samuel, 238'; Thankful, 118; William, 118, 212, 549, 563. Reade, John, 29. Reed, Francis L., 442; James, 422, 442; John, 86; Mary, 292; Moses, VM; Mrs., :W4; Phebe, 1.34. Reilv, Thomas, 416. See Riley. Revell, Thomas, 229, 549, .5.59. Rewett, John, .549. Reyner, John. 117; Judith, 117. Reynolds, William \V., 440. jiiee , 167, 173, .524; Alexander H.', .310, 611; Geortte M., .595; Luth- er, 2(51; Robert, 187; Ruth, .595; Thomas, 98. Rifch, Capt.,523; Robert, 465, Richards, Daniel, 410; Jeremiah, 376; John, 43, .52; Joseph, 110, 515, 516, 517 518; liysauder, 518; Ly.>*aiider S "179; Miinn & Co., 511, .512, 515, 5i(i, 518; & Munn, 517; & New- comb. 517. Ricliard.-(oii, Benjamin, 407, 41it, 41. >; Daniel, 411. Richmond, Abzerther, 411. Ricker, Martin, 133. Rickett, Richard, 29. Riddle, David, 241 ; Isaac, 10«). 2.3(., 3.34. Rideont, James W., 442; Luke, 150; Luke A., 440. Riford, (Wriford or Biford), John, .560; .Jo.sepli, 4')5, 410, 413. Riley, Charles D., 440,447. See Reily. Ripley, John, .364; Mr., 601; Samuel, 429.' Roach, John W., 481. See Roche. Robl)ins, Chandler, 225, 226; Edward H., 98,628; Janu^sM., 4.50, 464, 472; Rev. Mr., 223; Samuel, 376. Robertson, John 508; Joseph W., 148, 175 Robinson, B., 437; William W., 440. Roche, . 277. See Roach. Rockwell, Julius, 611. Rockwood, John. .559. Rodden, Father, 277, 278, 295. Rogers (Rodders), Charles A., 442; Clift, 269, 284; David, 29; Otis, 44<); O. T., 517; O. T., & Co., 511, 512, 517,518; Theodore, .508. Rose, Francis, 5.59; George, 20, 194. Rossiter, David, 98; Edward, 20. Rotch, William, 100. Rousselet, Louis, 272. Rowe (Row), Charles H., 283; Han- nah, 60; John, 523,581. Rubbuck, Thomas, 420. Rndderham, William E., 446. RuL'L'les, Benjamin, 253; George, 68, .5.59; John, 125, 126, 2.33, 244, 319, 320 379, .380, 548, 550, 563, 564. 628; Josiah, 126; Mary, 125, 126; Sarah, 126. Russ, Richard, .559. Rus.sell, Edward, 445; Ezekiel, 296; Joshua, 376; Noahdiah, 547; Rev. T. C, 289; Thomas, 86. Ryan, Dennis, 428; James, 274, 447. Ryder, .lames E., 442, 443. Sacan. Martin, 'MM. . , „ „„ Safford, Daniel, .503: Nathaniel F., 38. Sage, Svlvester, 286. Salshurv, Stephen, .374. Salter, Nicholas. .5.59; William, 188. Salt(nist;ill, Richard, 184. Sampford (Sanfo.ard), John, 11, 22, 23, 24, 187. Sampson, Charle.>« M., 446. Sanborn, Dr., 439. Sargent (Sergant), Ezekiel C, 512; Lucius M., 145, 599; Manlius, 145; Mary, 145; Mr., :$6; Walter C, 442; Wiliiam, .37.3. Saunders (^Sanders). Ann, 124; Benja- min, 60, 406, 626; Eliz.aheth, 124, .546, .547; John, 60. 85, 247, 323, .549, 626- Jos., 375; Josiah, ,376; Lydia, 124; Martin, .32, :«, .34, 67, 74, 1(54. 1()5, 194, ;{.58, 364, .5:55, .5.38, .5.39, .54<), 547 .548, .5.59, .568; Susannah, 124, 32.3'; William, 60, 8<;, 124, 62(i Savage, Capt., 70; Kphraim, 4.52, 471; .Fas S.,.508; Sarah, 4.52, 471 ; Thos.. 42, 44, 46. .50. lH;t, 186. 187, 200, 4.58. Savi*! (S'avill, Saville, Savel), Abigail, 656 INDEX TO NAMF;S. 128; Benjamin, 34, 60, 211, 231, 5fi7, 626; Charles L., 442; Efliiunul, 59; Edward, 420,425; Edwin H., 332; Elisha, 124, 127; George W., 447; ■ Hannah, 127; Henry M., 445; Job. 127; John, 108, 238, 303, 305, 332, 421, 449; John F , 442. 445; Josiah, 238; Nathaniel, 408, 414; Nici, 549; Patience, 127; Samuel. 34, 59, ilO. 102, 115, 127, 128, 130, 174, 17H, 179, 212, 233, 238, 244, 302, ;303, 304, 3(16, 338, 429, 548, 626; William, 45, 211. 364, 54!). Sawin (Sawen), Eliphalet, 392, 393, 403, 409, 414, 418. Sawyer, Conant, 293; Henry M., 443. Scannell, Patrick, 443. Scant, William, 559. SchAiidt, William, 443. Schrontcnbrack, Conrad, 480. Scott, Duke, 411; John, 555; Mr., 583; Peter, 5.59; Robert, 29, 31; Stephen, 559. Scucider, David, 100; Jolm, 408. Scale, John, 559. Searl, Jabez, 559. Seaton, Andrew, 174. Seaver, William, 2.3S, 329, 333, 340, 431. See Sever. Sedfiewick, Major, 454. Sejier, Harriet A.,, 578; William, 578. Sellake, Daniel, 10. Sellen, Thomas, .30. Sever, Thomas, .377; William, 98. Sewall, David, x; J. B., 347; Judge, xi, 113; Rev. Mr., 223; Samuel, 205; Samuel E., 610. Seward, William H., 303. Slmckley, Jonas, 337, 446. Shiillpasse, Jopannschard, 422. Sharp, Robert, 30. Shaw, Henjamin, 411 ; Ebenezer. 237; Henry, 610; H. Emer.-«on,440; Isaac, 374; John, 374, 416; Richard, 414. Sheahan, Tiuiothy, 447; William, 447. Shed (Shode), Daniel, 16, .559. Sheen, William G., 440, 445, 446. Sheffield, Deborah, 123; Ednumd, 123, 559; Saral), 123. Sheldon, O. E., 517,518. Shelley, , 27. Sheppard (Shepard, Sheopard), Geo., 30; John, 16; Mr., ;>21; Samuel, 559; Thomas, 559. Shirley, Ralph, 142, 143; Wm., 142, 143, 167, 17H, 369, 370. Shooter, Peter, .j59. Sbortland, Thomas, 443. Shove, Nathaniel, 559 Shrimpton, Henry, 30; Madam, 36. Shute, Rev. Mr., '223. Sidclinger, Zenas H., 442. Silvester (Sylvester), Beajamin, 559; Philip, 403, 410. Simons, Perez, 411; Thomas, 30. Simp.son, John A., 109. Siniiot, Waters, 30. Skillings, Reuben, 416. Skinner, George W., 262. Slone, David,'40.3, 409, 414; John, 40.3, 408, 409, 414; Peter, 405, 408, 409, 414. Small, J. W.,262. Snialley, George L., 445, 447. Smith,' (Snivthe), ,22, 223; Abi- gail, 491, 572; Avi.s, 292; Daniel D., 260; Edmund, 410, 411; Eliphalet, 264; Elizabeth, 1,38; Henry, 628; H. Parnam, 444; Isaac, 375, 403, 414, 420; John, 1, 443; J. V. C, 306; Mary, 491: Matthew, .30; Mat- thew H., 260; Philip, 373; Stephen S., 2(i3; Thomas, 440. 441; Timothy, 403; Vernon, 443, 447; William, 1.38, 240, 491, 492, 572; Zeba, 292. Sniouse, George, 481. Snell, Isacher, 299. Snively, Thaddeus A., Rev. 257. Snow, , 524; Jahez, 376. Snowden, James, 444. Soley, John, 300. Solon, David, .374. Soper, Benjamin, 559; Edmund, 156, 3<)0, 392, 404, 405, 422; Eunice, 1.56; C, 156; Martha, 1,56; Tl)eoi)h- ilus, 156. » Souther, Francis L., 440, 441, 447; Horace O., 440; John, 106, 108, 238, 242, 243, 493, 495. Sparlden, Edward, 16. Spear, Ahig.ail, 1.S6; Alpheus, 260; Benony, 373; Clhas. H., .339; Chris- topher A., 440; Daniel, 102, 124, 237, 23H, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 40^), 412,626; Daniel B., 449; Deerins, 161, 403, 409, 411, 412, 414. 418; Eb- enezer, ,34, 161, 208; Edward A., 440, 441, 445, 446; Eli, 403, 407, 409, 410, 415; Elinor. 125; Elijah, 237, 239, 602: Elizabeth, 125; Frances, 241; Han!iah,124, 292; Horace, 443; Isaac, 391, ,39.3, 403; Jacob, 403, 406, 407, 410, 414, 415, 420; Ja.son, 125; John, 96, 123, 124, 233, 2.38, 242, :".74, 429, 430; Joseph, 161, 403, 409, 419, 426, 627; Joseph E., 446; Joshua, 292; Judith, 125; Justin, 146; Lem- uel, 40.3, 409, 414; Luther, 241, 409. 414, 415, 449; Moses, 390, 403, 414, 418; Nancv, 292; Nathaniel, 34. 124, 161,211; dtis,292; Polly, 292; Rich- ard, 409, 412; Samuel, 34, 124, 212, 237, 403, 406, 408, 409, 411, 414, 415, 418, 421, 548, 549, 5,55: Samuel H., 442; Sarah, 292; Seth, ,59, 89, 125, i;56, 241, 410, 412, 626; Simeon, 415; Stephen, 125; Warren Q., 440; Wil- liam, 60, 124, 2,33, 240, ,375, 40li, 410, 412, 626; Zeb, f!26; Zeba, 292, 294, Spencer, Siimuel, ,559. Spoor, John, ;50. Sprague, A. W., 267; John, 628 629; Philip S., 442. Si)roule, Alexander, 443. Squamog (Sipiamaug, Indians), Dan- iel, 45, 47; Hezekiah H., 552. INDEX TO NAMES. 657 N' Standish, Miles, 7, 8, 17. Staunyoii, Anthony, 30. Staples, Samuel, 55!). Starbnck, Edward, 281; George, 44< Slearns (Sterns), (ieorse, 171, 51o; Henry, 31; Levi, Jr., 442. Stebbins, Eli, 508. Stedman, Benjamin, 553, 559. Stei>hens, Isaac, 409; Joseph, 559; Paletiah, 375; Robert, 30, 559; Sam- uel 374; \Vm.,418. See Stevens. Stetson, Amasa, 348, 349; Amos, (iO, 374 410, 412; Heiijamin, 37b, 37/, 403", 409, 414; Charles E.,34fi; Char- lotte, 292; Gideon. 403, 411, 412,%14, i 4''0- John, 349, 409, 414; Jonathan, j 292'; Knfus, 403, 407,415, 422. Stevens, Benjamin, 220, 437. See Stephens. i Stiles, Ezra, 541. Stilidiin, Cornelius, 416. Stoddard (Stoder), Anthony, .30, 33, Col 484; James, 403, 421; John, :m, 559; Judson, 180; Samuel, 411, 41(>; Stephen, 421; Thomas, 421. Stole, John, 480. Stone, Daniel J., 282; John, 5.59. Storer, Richard, .30. Storey, Nathaniel, 5.59. Storrs, Ann S., 160; Rev. Charles B 160: Harriet, 160; Rev. Rich- ard S., 159, 160, 286, 287; Sarah S., 160. Stott, Benjamin, 559. Stoushton, Israel, 20, 42, 69, 70, 184, 18(5, 205. Streeter, Sebastian, 260. Strong, Caleb, 96, 173, 609; Edward, xiv; Jonathan, 286, 291. Stubbert, Rev. William F., 293, 294. Stubing, George M., 478, 480, 5.^9. Suberbuhler. Sebastian, 482. Sullivan, James, 97, 277, 278, 60i); William, 105. Sumner, Increase, 98, 434, 609; Jesse- niah,628; Nathaniel, 559; William, 407, 415. Sur.ah, John, 486. Sutton, Hezekiah, 409; Lemuel, 409. Swain, Joseph, .559. Sweetzer, Theodore H . , 611. Swift, Barnabas, 89, 62<;; Thomas, 89. Syder, Frederick, 478. 5.59. Symmes, Elenor B.. 323; Sarah, 205 "Thomas, 323; William, 205. Taft, Eleazer, 403, 415, 418; Jo.xeph, 416; Moses, 2'.»1; Phineas, 414; Kev. Mr, 223. Talbot, John. 449; Thomas, 611. Talcott, ,19,20. Tanzv, William F., 446, 447. Taylor Edmund B., 22, 55, 68; Rev- Edward M., 289; Rev. E. T., 2<.8 Jolm%.;Kev.Mr..221; Thomas 238, 439; William, (>2H. Tenn'ey, Rev. Francis U., 288. 84 Terry, Mr . .547. Thacher, Mr . 205, 218; Oxenbridge, 590; Peter, 1.54. Thathson, Thomas, 559. Thaver, Abel. 375, .37(i; Abner, 422; Abraham. 405, 408, 414, 418, 42'.t. (i27 ; Alexander, 412. 415; Amasa, 422; Amos, 421; Ann, 127; Barnabas, 409, 413, 422; Bartholomew, 404,410, 413' 41H; Benjamin, 404, 407, 415, 420, 6-'7; Caleb, 1.59, 373. 414. 415; Calvin. 404. 406, 40«, 411, 412, 415; Chri.stopher, 376. 405; Cornelius, :«, '272; Daniel. 161; David, 411, 412; Dorcas, .591; Ebenezer, :i5, 2(»S, 316, 379, :«0, :«1, :585, 391, 393, 402, 404, 405, 408, 415, 417, 418, 427, 490, .501, 5M, 5(55, 627; Elihu, .303, 305, 449; Elijah, 374, 376, 409, 412; Eliphalet. 414"; Eliphav, 411, 412, 422; Elka- nali, 405, 409, 413, (!27; P:phraim. 1.58 328, :?74. 404, 405, 408, 409, 413, 417, 418, 420; Caius, 8!l, 409, 413; I (icorge, 237,443; (Jideon. .376, 627; I Gideon F , .529, 5:iO; (ioody, 549; Henrv, 410; Hezekiah, 40.3, 410; ! Isaac', 367, 403, 405. 40S, 409, 414, ' 418 422; .lames, 174, 40S, 42;>; Jere- j iniah, 403, 409, 414; Jesse, 374; 1', 34, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 377, I 404 405, m\, 40K, 414, 415, 422; .Ton- 1 ath'an, 391. 408, 40'.t. 418; Joshua. 1 2, .3<>6, :«;7, 374, 408, 40!), 410. 414, 627, 62!l; Rufiis, 403, 414, 627: Samuel. :U, 412- Samuel W., 404; Sarah, 1.58; Shadrack, 2!tl, 2!)2; Simeon. 375, 404 409.413,418.627; Solomon. 1.34, 405 408, 414, 418; Sylvanu.s '■W<. ^ •i53 .5!il; S. \- E.. 75; Tlieophilns. i)S 2.37; Thomas, .30, 127; Timothy, 403 4(U. 40!i, 410, 413, 414, 415, 418, 4-)l'4'2- Uriah, 4m, 408, 411: Wil- liam, 377. 404, 408. 40!", 41.3. 418, 422; William F., 447; Zaclianah, 420; Zachariah M., 144, 405, 410, 413, (.28; Zacheus, 2!)2, 375, 403; /t-bali, 408, . 418, 422; it White, .5:^» Thaxter, John. Jr.. 412: Samuel, 218, 373, 375 Thomas, Krasmus, 448; George. 72. 47, 403, 410, 414; Freeman, 4:U; George, 149, 443, .529; Hetny C . 448; T.-4, 95,117,22.3, 224, 235, 236, 2.37, 2.39, 245, 339, m^, 5<)5, 594. Wiirgin, Thomas, 4.58, 460; Timothy, 4.38. Wilbur (Wilbore), George, 411; Han- nibal P., 442; Samuel, 187; Shad- ra<"li, .560; William S., 440, 441. Wild, Daniel, 41K: Kli.«iha, 407, 415; Jesse, .37.3, 374; John, 40.3. 407. 410. 412,414,415; John Q , 518. 605; Jon- athan. :VS4. :585, 403, 418, .5.56, 628; Jose])li, 408, 410. 412, 413; Levi, 408. 414,627; Micah, 408, 412 ; Michael, 171, 515; Nathaniel. 603; Paul. 2;W, 422; Knth, 1.57 ; Samuel, 407, 415; Silas, 1.^)7, .■!95, 404, 405, 417, 62H; Wil- liam, 401, 40.-., 40,S, 411. 412. Wilder, Daniel, 420, 124; Robert, 420: Thomas 420. Wildm;in, Henrv G.. 440. Wilkins, Brav. 69. Willard, Daniel, 124, .560; Edward, 410,.560; Mary, 124: Mr., 320; Sarah, 124; Scretarv 2.50; Solomon, 10.5, lOS, 109, 146, 147, 3.36, .501, .502, .503, .504, .50.5, rm, ,508. .509, 510, 511. 512, 5i:i, 514, .517; William, .501, .502. Willett, Aimer, 237, .332. 660 INDEX TO NAMES. Willey, (Willy), George, 560; John T., 175. Williams, Bishop, 279; Ebenezer, 628; Francis, 169, 179, 278, 604, 605; George B., 282, 289; John, 421, 422, 425, 440, 441; John S., 169, 443; Mas- cal, 177; Nathaniel, 30; Rev. Mr., 224, 287; Stedinan, 443. Willicut, Zebulon, 421. Willis, Jonathan, 374; Stephen, 560. Wilmet, Thomas, 16, 560. Wilson, Charles, 516; Edward, 560: George F., 179, 329; Henry, 610; Isabella, 136; Jabez, 136; Jacob, 30; James E., 294; John, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 45, 55,68, 181, 184,563; Nellv, 136; Rev. Mr., 113; Thirsey, 136; William, 187. Winchester, Alexander, 11, 535, 536, 537, 559, 562. Winniett, John, 477. -jWinslovv, Edward. 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 390,416,477; Isaac, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 480; Joshua, 254, 477; Major, 44. Winter, Andrew, 481; Timothy, 560. -^ Winthrop, John. (Gov.), 181, 184, 185, 188, 189, 198, 356, 357; John, Jr., 11, 31, 38, 450, 453, 454, 464, 472; Mr., 320; Robert C, 610. Wise, Jeremiah, 323. Wiseman, James, 30. Withington, Lemuel, 626; Samuel, 89. Witty, Goodwife, 548. Wolcott, , 21, 22; Calvin, 255. Wollaston, Capt., 1, 17. Wood, Henry, 38, 106, 109, 241, 242, 511, 515; Nicholas, 16, 560; Samuel, 403, 409; Thomas, 447; William, 241, 243, 335, 501; William, 438; & Cleverly, 603. Wooddas, Richard, 30. Woodlauder, John, 560. Woodman, Horatio, 449. /Woodward, Ebenezer, 238, 344, 526,v^ 596; Mary A. W.,597. Woolridge, , 19. Woolworth, Aaron, 28fi. Wright, (Right), Abel, 109, 517; Eli- zur, 610; George, 30; Josephine, 341; Richard, 11, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 316, 535, 536, 545, 559; Samuel, 560; & Barker, 109, 517. Wyman, George, 447. Yearly, John, 560. York, James, 560. Young, Capt., 174; Cora I., 352. Zabriskie, F. N., 267.