iiliiHli ''iiilll iHilili mmm ^11 1 Mljf! ijiji If I l/i?f/f Jw! /: ;* MMIMIMiim milPvim lUHmmMimmmlmiMmttiim imUimlMnlmm i Glass. Book- MEDALS OF HONOR ISSUFD BY THE WAR DEPART.'^'EI'iT OFFICIAL LISTS PUBLISHFD BY DIRECTION OF THE SECKFTAHY OF ¥«AR \f 1386 U.S.Ad.jut-aiit General's Off ice. WAR OF THE REBELLION 1897 \u4X^vI- '1904 a 906 ■v. 1^ 1910 191f - 1 U«3.ir7ar ^e ^ — Iweaals of epartment Honor Issued up to and including Oct. 51, 1897. (133 p.) g-r^»4.U61e U.S. War Department Medals of Honor Issued up to and including Sep. 1,1904. (153 p.) ■ F 101.L '-e» U.S.V.'ar Department *J^42»3' ft^ Medals of Honor Issued from -^ep. 1,1904 to Dec. 51,1 906, W^.^^ ""^ogetner with a list of corrections made in the ii-iedal of Honor ^ circular of -ep. 1,1904. ( HpO (( iihrnry Wep Dopti '^ cni -i-. tef #^ ) ) \ 1920 U.S. Adjutant general's Office . Congressional Medal of Honor issued by the ITar 'department since Apr. 6, 1917 up to and including General Orders iJo. 126. ..Nov. 11, 1919. [Does not contain the names of any persons awarded M.of H. prior to the 1/torld ii'iar j d 609.U6A6 \ 1927 1937 U.S. Adjutant general' s Office . American Decorations. A list of awards of, " \V Supplement I " J^' " II " :v " III UB 435.A5-1927 [ClKCl :i..\K. ] MEDALS OF HONOK V ISSUKIl 1)V THE WAR DEPARTMENT, ri" T(l AND INCLUDING OCTOBER 3 1, 1897 WITH THK LAWS, ORDERS, AND REGllATlONS RELATIVE TO THE MEDAL, THE RIBBON TO BE WORN WITH THE MEDAL, AM) THE KNOT TO BE W^ORN L\ LIEU OE THE MEDAL. VV I'lBLiSHEl) 15V DIRECTION ol" THK SECKKTAKV OK WAR. WASHIXCTOX: C; O \' K K N M K N T P K I N T I X ( ; ( i 1- I- I C K ^^ rr/t / War DKPARTJtKXT, \\\\shin(;tc)x. D. C, A\':'ni//'r/- /, iSq-. CiKCn.AK: The IdllnwiiiL; laws, iinleis, anil ru^ulatidiis lelatixc tn tlu- Muclal (if lioiiiir, Uie ribhon tn lit worn with the medal, and the knot to lie worn in lieu of the medal, to,<;ether with a list of the names of those to whom the medal has lieen awarded up to and including October 31, iSyy, are published for the information and j4uidance of all concerned. R. A. ALCxKR, Sccictaiv of ]\ 'cir. LAWS, (3RDERvS, AND REGULATIONS RKI.ATIVl". Til THK MEDAL OF HONOR, THE RIBBON TO BE WORN WITH THE MEDAL, AND THE KNOT TO BE WORN IN LIEU OF THE MEDAL. 8 MEDALS OK HONOR. War Dkpaktment, W'ashiiii^ton . June 26, iSgj. By direction of the President, the following regulations are promulgated respecting the award of Medals of Honor, and paragraph 177 of the Regulations is amended to read as follows: 177. Medals of Honor authorized by the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1863, are awarded to officers and enlisted men, in the name of the Congress, for particular deeds of most distinguished gallantry in action. 1. In order that the Congressional Medal of Honor may be deserved, .service must have been performed in action of .such a conspicuous character as to clearlx' distinguish the man for gallantry and intrepidity above his comrades — .service that involved extreme jeopardy of life or the performance of extraordinarily hazardous dut>-. Reconnnendations for the decoration will be judged by this standard of extraordinary merit, and incontestible proof of performance of the service will be exacted. 2. Soldiers of the Union have ever displayed bravery in battle, el.se victories could not have been gained; but as courage and .self-sacrifice are the characteristics of every true soldier, such a badge of distinction as the Congressional Medal is not to be expected as the reward of conduct that doe.s not clearly distinguish the soldier above other men. whose bravery and gallantry have been proved in battle. 3. Recommendations for medals on account of services rendered in the Volunteer Army during the late war and in the Regular Army previous to January i, 1S90, will, if practicable, be submitted by .some per.son other than the propcsed reci]iient, one who is jiersonally familiar with all the facts and circum.stances claimed as justifying the award; but the application may be made by the one claiming to have earned the decoration, in which case it will be in the form of a deposition, reciting a narra- tive de.scription of the distinguished service performed. If official records are relied on as evidence proving the personal .service, the reports of the action nuist be submitted or cited; but if the.se rec- ords are lacking, the testimony must embrace 'that of one or more eyewitnes.ses, who, under oath, describe specifically the act or acts they saw wherein the person reconnnended or applying clearly distinguished him.self abo\-e his fellows for most distinguished gallantry in action. 4. Recommendations for medals on account of service rendered .subsequent to January i. 1890, will be made by the connnanding officer at the time of the action or by an officer or soldier having personal cognizance of the act for which the badge of honor is claimed, and the reconunendation will embrace a detailed recital of all the facts and circumstances. Certificates of officers or the affidavits of enlisted men who were eyewitnes.ses of the act will also be submitted if jiracticable. 5. In ca.ses that may ari.sc for service performed hereafter, reconnnendations for award of medals must be forwarded within one year after the performance of the act for which the award is claimed. Commanding officers will thoroughly investigate all cases of recommendations for Congressional Medals arising in their connnands, and indorse their opinion upon the papers, which will be for- warded to the Adjutant-General of the Army through regular channels. R. A. ALGER, Sfortarv of War. MEMORANDUM. War Department, Fibniaiy /S. iSgj. Under the Joint Resolution of Congress approved May 2, 1896, a medal of honor ribbon of the new pattern, and a bowknot to be worn in lieu of the medal, will lie issued to any per.son, apph-ing therefor, to whom the medal has heretofore been awarded. Whenever new ribbons thus issued shall have been lo.st, destro>ed, or rendered unfit for use, without fault or neglect on the part of the persons to whom they were i.s.sued, other ribbons may be issued to replace them; but the Joint Resolution of May 2, 1896, does not authorize a similar replacement of bow'knots that may have been lost, destroyed, or rendered unfit for use, and in no ca.se will more than one bowknot be issued to or for any one person. Ml-.DAI.S «>1'' HONOR. 9 I^xcept in the case of an applicant whose ideiUilv is clearly esiablished by correspondence or oilier records on tile in the l)e])artnient, neither the ribbon nor the bowknol will be issued to anv aj)plicant therefor tintil he shall have fiu-nished evidence of his identity, such evidence to be the sworn state- ment of at least two reputable jiersons who can testify that they have been ]3ersonall\' aciinainted with the apjilicant for at least five years, and that the\' know liini to be the person that lie re]>resents himself to be. A new ribbon will not I)e issued to any person within one \-ear from the date of issue to him of a ribbon of the new pattern, except upon the sworn testimony of two or more reputable persons to the efiect that the ribbon previously i.ssued was lost, de.stroyed, or rendered unfit for use, without fault or neg'lect on the part of the iier.son to whom it was issued; and similar testimony will be recpiired in any case, re.y:ardless of the date of issue of the ori.tjinal ribbon, in which there shall be any rea.son to doubt that such ribbon was lost, destro\-ed, - the Acts of July twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixtv-two, and March third, ei.ghteen hundred and sixty-three," approved May 2, 1896, a ribbon to be worn with the Medal of Honor, and a knot to be worn in lieu of the medal, is prescribed and established by the President of the Ignited States, to be each of a pattern as follows: The ribljon to be of silk one inch wide and one inch in leii.gth ; the center stripe of white one- sixteenth of an ineli wide, flanked on either side by a stripe of blue .seven thirty-seconds of an inch wide, bordered li>- two stripes of red each one-quarter of an inch wide. The knot to be a bowknol of the same combination th Ohio Inf. 1 I Armstrong, Clinton L , Aug. 15, 1894 Vickshurg, Miss. . .1 May 22, i.S6^ rriv., Co. D, 83(1 Ind. Inf. Arnold, Abraham K Sept. ' i, 189', I)aven])ort P.ridge, Mav 10, 1864 Capt., 5tli U. vS. Cav. ' ' ; Va. Aston, Edgar R July 28, 1,868 ,San Carlos, .\ri/.. . . May \(\ 1.868 I'riv., Co. L, 8th U. S. Cav. ' j Atkins, Charles P Jan. 24, 1865 , 1 Priv., Co. ,\, 2-th Me. Inf. Jan. 24, 1,865 Auld, William M Corp., Co. E, 27th :Mc. Inf. Austin, William G June 27, 1891 Wounded Knee Dec. 29, 1890 Sergt.,Co. E, 7th U. S. Cav. ' Creek, S. Dak. Avery, William B Sept. 2, i.S9'5 Tranters Creek, June 5, 1862 Capt., 1st N. V. Marine Art. ' , N. C. Ayer, William H. H ; Jan. 24, 186'; | I Priv.. Co. II, 27th :\Ie. Inf. ! ' ' Ayers, James F ; Nov. 16, 1876 .Sappa Creek. Kans.' .\pr. 2^, 1875 Priv., Co. II, 6th U. S. Cav. } Ayres, David Apr. 13, 1,894 ' Vicksburg, Mi.ss. . . Mav 22, 1863 Sergt., Co. .-\, 57th Ohio Inf. " , \ ' " Ayres, John G. K .\ug. ',1, 1.S94 Vicksburg, Miss. Priv., Co. H, 8th Mo. Inf. ' " i May 22, 1863 Babcock, John B .Sept. 18, 1897 , SpringCreek,Nebr.; May 16, 1869 1 st Lieut. , 5th U. S. Cav. Babcock, William J. .Sergt., Co. K, 2d R. I. Inf. Mar. 2, 1.895 Petersburg, Va.... .\pr. 2, 1865 Bacon, Elijah W j Dec. r, 1,864 Gettysburg, Pa. . . .| July 3, 1.863 Priv., Co. F, I4tli Conn. Inf. | Bail, William : Jan, 24, 1865 Priv., Co. C. 27th Me. Inf. Bailey, Albert Jan. 24, 1865 Wagoner, Co. F, 27th .Me. Inf. Bailey, James E Sergt., Co. E. 5th U. S. Cay. \pr. 1 2, 1 875 I Winter of 1872-73. Baird, Absalom , Apr. 22, 1896 Jonesboro, Ga 1 Sept. [, 1864 P.rig. Gen., 1'. S. \'ols. Baird, George W 1st Lieut., and .\dit. 5th U. S. Inf. Nov. 27, 1894 Bear Paw Moun- Sept. 30, 1877 tain, Mont. * See note on page 133. Gallantry in placing the colors of his regiment on Battery Hudson. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming part}'." Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party . " By a gallant charge against a superior force of the enemy extricated his connnand from a perilous position to which it had been ordered. Bravery in action with In- dians. ('■") (*) While concealed in a ravine, a.ssisted men on the skir- mish line, directing their fire, etc., and using every effort to dislodge the enemy. Handled his battery with greatest coolness amidst the hottest fire. (*) Rapid pursuit, gallantry, en- ergy, and enterpri.se in an engagement with Indians. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer .stonning part}-. ' ' Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer .storming party. " While .serving witii a scouting colunm this officer's troop was attacked by a vastly superior force of Indians. .Advancing to high ground he dismounted his men, re- maining mounted himself to encourage them, and there fought the Indians until re- lieved, his horse being wounded. First of the regiment in the enemy's works. Capture of flag of i6th North Carolina (C. S. A. ). (*) Gallant conduct during the campaigns and engagements with .A.paches. Voluntarily led a detached brigade in an assaidt upon the enemy's works. Most distinguished gallantry in action with the Nez Per- cys Indians. i6 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and orijaiiization. Date of issue. Action. Place. Date. Baker, Albert Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27th :\Ie. Inf. Baker, John ' Apr. 27, 1H77 I Cedar Creek, etc., Oct. 1S76, to Mns., Co. D, 5th T'. S. Inf. Mont. J.in., 1877. Baldwin, Frank D Dec. 3, 1891 , Peach Tree Creek, ' July 20, 1864 Cajjt. Co. D, 19th Mich. Inf. , ^ Ga. Baldwin, Frank D 1st Lieut., 5th I'. S. Inf. Nov. 28, 1894 ' aicClellans Creek, Nov. S, r,S74 Tex. Bancroft, Neil Oct. 5, 1S7S 1 Little Bi.tc Horn, Priv.,Co. .\, 7th U. S. Cav. ' Mont. June 25, 1876 Banfield, Philip Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Bangs, Willard Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Banks, George L Sergt., Co. C, 15th Ind. Inf. Jan. 24, I.S65 Jan. 24, 1S6.5 Sept. 28, 1897 Mi.ssionarv Ridge, Tenn. Nov. 25, 1863 Barber, James A Corp., Co. G, I.St R. 1. .\rt. June 16, 1866 Petersburg, Va . .\l.,r. Barker, Nathaniel C 1 Sept. 2^ 1897 . .Spottsvlvania, Va Sergt., Co. E, nth N.H. Inf. '1 Barker, William B Corp., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Barnes, Benjamin Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Barnes, William C 1st Class Priv. Signal Corps. U. S. .\. Barnes, William H Priv., Co. C, 38th r. S. C. T. Barnum, Henry A .. Col. 1 49th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 24. 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Nov. 8, i,S,S2 Fort Apache, Ari<^. -Vpr. 6,1865 : Chapin s Farm, near Richmond, Va. Ground of award. 1865 Jlay 12, 1864 (*) Gallantry in engagements. Led his company in a coun- tercharge, under a galling fire, ahead of his own men, and singly entered the ene- my's line, capturing and bringing back two commis- sioned officers, fully armed, besides a guidon of a Geor- gia regiment. Rescued, with two companies, two wliite girls, by a volun- iintary attack upon Indians whose su]5erior numliers and strong position would have warranted delay for rein- forcements, but which delay would have permitted the Indians to escape and kill their captives. Brought w-ater for the wound- ed under a most galling fire. (*) .\s color bearer, led his regi- ment in the assault, and, though wounded, carried the flag forward to the enemv's works, where he was again wounded. In a brigade of eight regiments this flag was the first planted on the parapet. Voluntarily accompanied the infantry in an assault, and turned the captured .guns upon the enemy. Six color bearers of the regi- ment having been killed, he voluntarily took both flags of the re.giment and carried them through the remain- der of the battle. (*) Sept. II, ]88i ' Bravery in action. Sejit. 29, 1864 July 16, i8,Sg Chattanooga, Tenn. Nov. 23, 1863 Barren, Charles L ' May 14, 1891 Near Camden, .S. C . 1st Lieut. Co. C, io2d U.S. C.T. , *See note on page 133. .April, 1865 .-\niong the first to enter the enemy's works, although wounded. Although suffering .severelv from woimds, he led his reg- iment and was again .severe- ly wounded. Hazardous service in march- in.g through the enemy's countrv to bring relief to his command. ^[EI>AI.S 111-- II()N'(.)K. 17 Name, rank, and orsjanization. Date of issue. Barrett, Richard 1st Sertrt. Co. .\, i.st T'. S. Cav. Barringer, William H. . . Priv., Co. 1-', 4tli Va. Inf. Barrows, David S I.st Sergt. Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Barry, Augustus Sertft. Maj. i6tli I". S. Inf. Barry, John P 1st Sergt., Co. A, 24th V. R. C. Bartlett, Charles S Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Bartlett, Joseph W I'riv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Apr. 12, 1S75 July 12, iSg4 Jan. 24. lSft5 Feb. 2.S, i,S7(i May 9, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, I.S65 Action. Place. Date. Sycamore Canyon, ' May 23, 1872 Ariz. Vicksburg. Miss. . . M.iv 22. 1.S63 Crounil of award. I(S6;, to i.Sfis April, 1865 Batchelder, Richard N Lieut. Col. and Chief (J. :M. 2d Corps. Bates, Delavan Col. 30th I'. S. C. T. Bates, Marcus Priv., Co. I), 27th Me. Inf. Bates, Norman F .Sergt., Co. K, 4th Iowa Cav. Baybutt, Philip Priv., Co. .'V, 2(1 Mass. Cav. Bean, Lewis L Priv., Co. I), 27th Me. Inf. Beattie, Alexander M Capt. Co. F. 3d \'t. Inf. Beaty, Powhatan 1st Sergt. Co. Cr. 5tli U. .S. C. T. Beauford, Clay 1st Sergt. Co. P., 5tli T'. S. Cav. May 211, 1S95 Between Callelt < )ct. 13 to 13, and I'airf.ix ,Sta- 1863. tions, Va. June 22, 1S91 Cemetery Hill, \'a. July 30. 1S64 Jan. 24, 1.S65 i June 17, 1865 ColunitiU'-. C.i .Viir. 16, 1863 Oct. 19, 1.S64 Luray, \'a .Sept. 24, 1864 Jan. 24, 1865 Apr. 23.1.894 Cold Harbor, ^"a. June 5.1.864 Beaufort, Jean J Corp., Co. A, 2d La. Inf Bebb, Edward J Priv., Co. I), 4th Iowa Cav. Beckwith, Wallace A Priv., Co. F, 2ist Conn. Inf. Beddows, Richard Priv., 34tli X. V. Battery. -\pr. 6,1863 Cliapin's l^'arni, .Sept. 29, I.S64 near Ricliinond, Va. Apr. 12, 1875 Winter of 1872-73. July 20,1897 ' Port Hudson. La.. I About JNIay 20, lS6v Con.spicuous gallantry in a charge u]3on the Tonto Apaches. Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' vohmteer storming party. ' ' (*) (iallantry in various actions during the rebellion. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, III. (*) (*) Successfully fought his trains through the lines against heavy odds. (rallantr}- in action where he fell, .shot through the face, at the head of his regiment. Capture of Hag and bearer Capture of flag. (*) Removed, under a hot fire, a wounded memlier of his com- mand to a place of safety. Took conmiand of Company G, all the officers having been killed or wounded, aneen killed in a charge, and who w.is surrounded liy the enemy's skirmishers. Rallied and led into action a pe>rtiou of the troops who had given way under the fierce assaults of the eneniv. .\pr. 16, 1863 Capture of Hag and bearer. (*) (*) Mar. 2,s, 1873 j Ciallantry in engagements. .Spottsvlvani.i, \'a . May 12,1864 ' Capture of flag. Turret Mountain Ariz. Prairie Grove, .\rk . , Dec. 1862 Pea Ridge, Ark. I'"ive Forks, Va. Mar. 7, 1862 Apr. 1, 1865 Gallantly charged the posi- tion of the enemy and cap- tured a battery; was severe- ly wounded. Siii.gle handed confronted the enemy, firing a rifle at them and tiius checking their ad- vance witliin i(x) yards of the lines. At a critical stage of tlie battle, without orders, led a success- ful ailvance upon the enemy. *St'(-- note nn jiat'C i3,-\. 20 MKDALS OF HONOR. Action. Name, rank, and orsjani/.alion. Date of issue. Place. Blackwood, William R. D. Surg. 48th Pa. Inf. July 21,1897 Petersburg, Va. Date. Apr. 2, 1S65 Blair, James 1st Sergt. Co. I, 1st IT. S. Cav. Blanchard, Jacob S Priv.,Co. G, 27tb .Ale. Inf. Blanchard, Stephen Cor])., Co. 1, 27th Jle. Inf. Blanquet Indian Scout. Apr. 12, 1.S75 J.in. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.SA5 .\pr. 12, 1S75 W inter of 1S72-7.V Ground of award. Removed .severely wounded olficers and .soldiers from the field while under a heavy fire from the enemy, expos- ing himself beyond the call of duty, thus furnishing an example of nio.st distin- guished gallantry. Gallant conduct during the campaigns and engagements with Apaches. Blasdel, Thomas A Corp.,Co. H, S^d Ind. Inf. Blickensderfer, Milton Corp., Co. E, 126th Ohio Inf. Bliss, George N Capt. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. .•\ug. 1 1, i.Sy4 Apr. 24, 1865 Aug. 3, 1897 Blodgett, Wells H isl Lieut. Co. D, 37th 111. Inf. Blood, Charles H Priv., Co. F, 27th :Me. Inf. Blucher, Charles Corp.. Co. H, 188th Pa. Inf. Bonebrake, Henry G IJent., Co. G, 17th Pa. Cav. \"icksburg. Miss. Petersburg, Va. . Wavneslioro,\'a . Winter of May 22, 1863 Apr. 3, 1,865 Sept. 2,S, 1S64 Feb. 15, 1894 Newtonia, Mo .... Sept. 30, 1862 Bonnaffon, Sylvester, jr 1st Lieut. Co. G, 99th Pa. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Apr. 6. 1865 Apr. 24, 1.S65 .Sept. 29, '^93 port Harrison, near .Sept Richmond, Va. I'ive Forks, \':\ . (") (*) Gallant conduct 5 Xtiv. 15, 1.S93 Mi.ssi(;narv Ridge, Nov. 25, i,S6s Tenn. ' ' I I Bracey, James F Jan. 24, i,S65 Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. ; Bracey, John Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. I. 27th Me. Inf. Brackett, David H Jan. 24, 1.S65 Corp., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Brackett, Lorenzo D Jan. 24, i,S65 Sergt., Co. 1", 27th Me. Inf. Bradbury, Charles W Jan. 24, i.S6,5 Priv., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Bradbury, Eben H. C Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Bradbury, Edward I Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. A. 27th Me. Inf. j Bradbury, Henry M Jan. 24, ).S65 Priv.. Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Bradbury, Joseph F 1 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. | Conspicuous and extraordina- ry bravery in attacking nni- tinous .scouts. Capture of flag. iHravery in action. (*) Leil his regiment in the face of a severe fire of the enemy; was .severely wounded. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) *See note on page 133. 22 MEDALS OF HONOR. Action. Name, rank, and organization. Date of issue. Bradbury, Sanford 1st Sergt. Co. h. «h V. S. Cav. Bradeen, Alcander M Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Bradeen, Henry Priv., Co. D, 27th Jle. Inf. Bradley, Thomas W Capt. Cos. H and B, 1 24tli N. Y. Inf. Mar. 3, 1S70 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Place. Date. Ground of award. Brady, James Priv., Co. F, loth N. H. Inf. Bragdon, Benjamin T Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Apr. 6, 1865 Hell Canyon, Ariz. July 3, 1S69 | Conspicuous gallantry in ac- I tion. (*) (*) Volunteered in response to a call, and alone, in the face of a heavy fire of musketry and canister, went and pro- cured annnunition for the use of his comrades. June 111, 1.S96 ChancellorsviUe , Va. May 3, KS63 Chapin's Farm, near Richmond, Va. I Sept. 29, 1S64 Ca])ture of flag. Bragdon, Edmund, ir 2d Lieut. Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Bragdon, James A Priv., Co. H. 27th Me. Inf. Bragdon, Sumner Priv., Co. H, 27th ]\Ie. Inf. Branagan, Edward Priv., Co. F, 4th V. S. Cav. Brandle, Joseph E I'riv., Co. C, i7tli Mich. Inf. Brannigan, Felix Priv., Co. A, 74th N. V. Inf. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Nov. 19, 1872 Red River, Tex July 20, 1897 Lenoire, Tenn. . (*) (*) (*) (*) Sc])t.29, 1872 Gallantry in action. Nov. 16, 1863 Brant, Abram B Priv., Co. D, 7th U. ,S. Cav. Brant, William Lieut., Co. B.ist N. J. ^■et. Btln. Bras, Edgar A Sergt., Co. K, Sth Iowa Inf. Bratling, Frank Corp.,Co. C, 8th U.S. Cav. Brest, Lewis F Priv., Co. D, 57th Pa. Inf. Brett, Lloyd M 2d Lieut., 2(1 U. S. Cav. June 29. 1.S66 ChancellorsviUe, Va. Oct. 5, 1878 Little Big Horn, Mont. Apr. 24, 1865 I Peter-sliurg. Va. . . June 8, 1S65 vSpanish Fort, .\]i\ Aug. 12, 1875 Sailors Creek, Va yUiy 2, 1863 Apr. 24, 1865 Near F"ort Selden, N. Mex. Brewer, William I Priv., Co. C, 2d N. Y. Cav. Breyer, Charles , Sergt., Co. I, 90th Pa. Inf. Briard, Robert Sergt., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. F'elj. 7, 1895 O'Fallons Creek, Mont. Apr. 24, 1865 Appomattox cam- paign, Va. July 8,1896 Rappahannock , Station, Va. Wliile color bearer of his regi- ment, having been twice wounded and the sight of one eye destroyed, still held to the colors imtil ordered to the rear by his regimental connnander. Volunteered on a dangerous service and brought in valu- able information. June 25, 1876 Brought water for the wound- ed under a mo.st galling fire. Apr. 3, 1S65 [ Capture of battle flag of 46th 1 North Carolina ( C.'S. A. ). .^pr. 8, 1865 j Capture of flag. July 8 to 1 1 , I Services against hostile In- 1873. ' dians. A])r. 6, 1865 I Capture of flag. .Apr. I, 18S0 1 Fearless exposure and dashing bravery in cutting off the Indians' pony herd, thereby greatlv crippling the hos- tiles. Apr. 4,1865 ' Captureof engineer flag. Army of Northern Virginia. Jan. 24, 1865 .Aug. 23, 1862 Voluntarily, and at great per- sonal risk, picked up an un- exploded shell and threw it away, thus doubtless saving the life of a cotnrade whose arm had been taken off by the same shell. (*) *Scc note oil page 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. 23 Name, rank, anil <>ra;anizalion. Date of issue. Action. Bridges, Joseph I'riv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Place. Briggs, Elijah A Corp., Co. B. 2(1 Conn. H. .\. Bringle, Andrew Corp., Co. 1', ujlh X. V. Cav. Brogan, James Sergt., Co. (',, 6th V. S. Cav. Date. .\pr. i.S6s .\pr. 24. 1S65 PetersVmrt;, Va . July _v iSdj Sailors Creek, Va. , .Vpr. 6, 1S55 Jan. 9, 1.S.S0 Simon V.illey..\riz. Deo. 14. 1.S77 Ground of award. Bronson, James H I St Sergt. Co. D, 5II1 V. S. C. T. Brooks, Nathaniel Corp., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. (*) Capture of liattle flag. Charged the enemy and a.s- sisted Sergeant Norton in capturing a field piece and two prisoners. En,a;aged, single h.-mded, two renegade Indians until his horse was shot under him, and then pursueil them so long as he was able. Apr. 6, i,S65 Chapin's I'arm, j Sejil. 29, 1S64 Took command of his com Jan. 24, 1.S65 Brophy, James I'riv., Co. B, .Sth IT. S. Cav. Brosnan, John Sergt., Co. K, 164th N. V. Inf. Brown, Benjamin Sergt., Co. C, 24th I'. S. Inf. July 24, Jan. iS, l.S()9 1,S94 Brown, Charles Sergt., Co. C, 50th Pa. Inf. Brown, Cyrus E . . I'riv., 0>. .\. 27lh Me. Inf. Brown, Edward, jr Corp., Co. ('., 621 1 X. V. Inf. Brown, Henri Le Fevre. Sergt., C.I. B, 72.1 X. V. Inf. Dec. I, Jan. 24, 1S64 1S65 X'ov. 24, i.S,S<) Jinie 23, 1S96 Brown, James Sergt., Co. 1-, 5th V. S. Cav. Brown, James H I'riv., Co. I. 27th Me. Inf. Brown, James W I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Brown, Jeremiah Z Capt. Co. K, i4.Slh I'a. Inf. Dec. 4. '■'i74 Jan. 24, rS65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 June 22. 1.S96 near Richmond Va. .\rizona 1S6S I'eterslnu'g, \'a . . . . June 17, 1X64 .1 I'el). 19, 1.S91) -Vrizona Weldon Va. May 11, 1SS9 Railroad, .\ug. 19, 1S64 Frederickslmrg Mav 3-4. 1.S6-, and Sale m Heights, Va. Wilileriless, \'a. . . . May 6, 1.S64 David.son Canyon, near Cain]) Crit- tenden, .\riz. Peterslmr-', \'a . .Auy 7. »^72 Oct. 27, |.S6| pauy, all the officers having been killed or wounded, and .gallantly led it. Bravery in scouts and actions with Indians. Obtaineth Ohio Inf. Brown, Wilson Priv., Co. F, 2 1 St Ohio Inf. Big Hole, Mont . Jan, 24, 1.S65 Mar. 6, 1.S69 Gettyslnir.n, Pa. . . . Jan. 24, i.S6,5 Mar. 27, 1.S90 ;\Iissionary Ridge, Tenn. Aug. 15, 1.S94 , Vick.sburg, Miss. . . i Sept. , 1.S63 Georgia Ground of award. Aug. 9, 1S7 (*) Voluntarily carried a verbal message from Col. A. C. Par- ry to CTcneral Hugh Kwing through a terrific fire and in plain view of the enemy. Capture of flag. After having been severely wounded in riglit shoulder continued to do duty in a most courageous manner. July 3, 1.S63 Capture of flag. ! (*) Nov. 2,5, 1,S63 Capture of fla.g. May 22, 1S63 .\pril, 1.S62 Brownell, Francis E Priv., Co. A, nth N. Y. Inf. Browner, y\ugust Priv., Co. C, i;>t N. Y. Art. Bruner, Louis J Priv., Co. H, 5th Ind. Cav. Brush, George W Lieut., Co. B, 34th U. S. C. T. Jan. 10, 1S77 Apr. 19, i.Sg2 Mar. 9, 1X96 Bruton, Christopher C Capt. Co. C. 22(1 N. Y. Cav. White Oak .Swamp, Va. Malvern Hill, Va. \Valker'.s Ford, Tenn. Jan. 21. 1897 Ashepoo River, S. C. Mar. 26, 1S65 Waynesboro, Va. . * See Hole on page 133. May 24, 1861 Jime 30, 1S62 July I, 1862 Dec. 2, 1S63 May 24, 1864 Mar. 1S65 Gallanlry in the charge of the ' ' vokmteer storming party. ' ' One of twenty -two men ( in eluding two civilians) who, by direction of General Mitchel (or Buell), pene- trated nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory anrl captxired a railroad train at Big Shanty, Ga., in an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and .\tlanta. Killed the murderer of Colo- nel F;ilsworth at the Mar- .shall House, Alexandria, Va. I Continued to fi.ght after being I severely wounded. Voluntarily pas.sed through the enemy's lines under fire and conveyerl to a battalion then in a perilous position and liable to ca])ture infor- mation which enabled it to reach a point of safety. Voluntarily commanded a boat crew, which went to the rescue of a large number of Union soldiers on board the stranded steamer Boston , and with great gallantry succeeded in conveying them to shore, being ex- posed during the entire time to a heavy fire from a Con- federate battery. Capture of General F^arly';; headquarters flag. Confed- erate national .standard. :MKDALS ()V IloXdR. NaiiK', rank, ,111(1 Dryjanization. Dale ,'anizalioii. , Date of issue. Place. Date. Jan. 24. 1865 Burbank, Monroe A Corp., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. I ) Burbank, Porter M Jan. 24, 1S65 i l'riv.,Co. .'\, 27th Me. Inf. | , Burger, Joseph \ Sept. 1 1, 1S97 Ni.k-nsville, Tenn. Feb. 15, 1S63 Priv., Co. H, 2d Minn. Int. Burk, Michael Dec. i, i,S64 Spottsylvania.Va. . Mayi2, 1.S64 Priv., Co. D, 125II! X. V. Inf. ^ Burke, DaniclW Apr. 21, 1S92 S bepher d .s t o \v n .Sept. 20, i,S62 1st .Seryt. Co. P., 2d r. S. Inf. i i Ford, Va. Ground of award. Burke, Patrick J [ July 24, 1S69 Arizona 1S68 Farrier, Co. B, .Stb U. .S. Cav. Apr. 27, I.S77 ' Cedar Creek, etc., Oct., 1876,10 Mont. Jan., 1H77. Burke, Richard Priv., Co. Ct, 5tb P. .S. Inf. Burke, Thomas Aut;. 24, 1896 Wiblerness, \ i?.t Lieut. Co. H, 97tb N. V. Inf. , May 6, 1S64 Burke, Thomas Feb. 8,1878 Hanover Court vSergt., Co. A, 5th N. V. Cav. House, Va. Burnell, Nathaniel A Jan. 24, 1865 j Corp., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Burnes, George Jan. 24, 1865 Mus.,C<). I), 27th Me. Inf. June 30, 1 863 Burnes, James Priv., Co. I", 27tb :\Ie. Inf. Burnett, George R 2i\ Lieut., 9th U.S. Cav. Jan. 24, 1865 July 23, 1897 Cucbillo Ne.t;ro .Vug. 16, 1.881 Mountains, N. Me.x. Burnham, Charles L Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. I, 27tb Me. Inf. Burnham, Eben Jan. 24, 1.865 Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Burnham, Elbridge Jan. 24, i86,s ' Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Burnham, Francis M I Jan. 24, 1865 , Priv., Co. I", 27th Me. Inf. Burnham, Thatcher W Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. H, 27tbMe. Inf. Burns, James M Nov. 21), 1896 New Market, \'a. Sergt., Co. B, 1st \V. \a. Inf. May i,S, i86.t Burritt, William W Priv., Co. G, ii3tU 111. Inf. JuU- 8, 1.896 \'icksburg. Miss. . . .Apr. 27, 1863 * See note on page 133. (*) I*) Was one of a detachment of sixteen men who heroically defended a wagon train again.st the attack of 125 cavalry, repul.sed the attack, and .saved the train. Capture of flag. Voluntarily attempted to .spike a gun in the face of the enemy. Bravery in .scouts ami actions witli Indians. Gallantry in engagements. .\l the ri.sk of bis own life, went back while the rebels were still firing, and finding Colonel Wheelock unable to move, alone and unaided carried him off the field of battle. Capture of battle flag. (*) (*) (*) Saved the life of a dismounted soldier, who was in inmii- nent danger of being cut off, by alone galloping quickly to his assistance under a heavy fire and escorting him to a place of .safety, his horse being twice shot in this action. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Under a heavy fire of musketry from the enemy, voluntarily assisted a wounded comrade from the field of battle, thereby saving him from ca])ture by the enemy. \"oluntarily acted as a fireman on a steam tug which ran the blockade and passed the batteries inider a heavy fire. MEDALS OK HONOR. -/ Xanit', rank, and orijaiii/atinu. Date of issue. Bussell, George l'riv.,Co. I, 27th Mc. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Bussell. John C I'riv., Co. I, 27tli Ml-. Inf. Butland, Francis : Jan. 24, 1.S65 1st Sert;!. Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf Butland, Nathaniel Priv., Co. I, 27th .Me. Inf. Butler, Benjamin H I'riv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Butler, Edmond Capt.. 14th v. S. Inf. Butler, William N I'riv., Co. D, 27tliMe. Inf. Butler.WillisH. Sersjt., Ct). I-;, 27tli Me. Inf. Butrick, Benjamin I'riv., Co. I, 27lh Me. Inf. Butterfield, Daniel Brig. Genl., U. S. VoLs. Jan. 24, i.Sbs Jan. 24, 1.S65 .Vction. Place. Date. Nov. 27, 1.S94 Wolf Mountain, J.ni. ^,1.^77 Mont. Butterfield, Frank G Lieut., Co. .\, 6th \'t. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Sept. 26, I.S92 (Raines Mill. \a , . June 27, 1862 May 4,1-891 Salem Heights, Va. May 4,1863 Buzzell, Elijahs Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Buzzell, Jacob L Priv., Co. H, 27tli Me. Inf. Byrne, Denis Apr. 27, 1877 .Sergt., Co. Ct, 3th V. S. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Cable, Joseph A Priv., Co. I, 5th I'. S. Inf. Cadwallader, Abel G Corp., Co. M, i.st M(i. Inf. Cadwell, Luman C I.st Lieut. Co. B, 2(1 N. V. \'et. Cav. Caldwell, Daniel Sergt. Co. H, 13th Pa. Cav. Calkin, Ivers S 1st Sergt. Co. M, 2cl .\. V. Cav. A\n: 27, 1877 Jan. 5, 1.S97 :\ug. 17, 1894 Feb. 13, 1865 Cedar Creek, etc., .Mont. Cedar Creek, etc., :\Iont. Hatcher's Run and Dabnev's Mills, Va. Alabama Bayou, La. Oct., 1876, to Jan., 1877. Oct., 1876. to Jan., 1877 I-eb. 6, I, 865 ,Se])t. 20, 1,864 Hatcher's Run, \'a. I-"eb. 6,1865 A])r. 24,1865 ' Sailors Creek, \'a. . .\pr. 6, 1S65 Call, Nathan Jan. 24, 1865 Priv. . Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Callaghan, Patrick May 9, 1865 J St Sergt. Co. H, 9th V. R. C. Callahan. John H I'riv., Co. B, 122(1 111. Inf. Callan, Thomas J Priv., Co. H, 7th r. S. Cav. May 25, 1865 Blakely. .\la Oct. 24, 1.896 Little I'.ig Horn, Monl. ♦See note 011 pnge 133. Ajiril, 1865 .■\lir. 9, 1865 June 23 and 26, 1,876 Ground of award. (*) n (*) ("■) Most distinguished g.dlantry in action with hostile In- dians. r) (*) {") Seized the colors of the .83d Penn.sylvania Volunteers at a critical moment and, un- der a galling fire of the en- emy, led the comni.ind. Took command of the skir- mish line and covered the movement of his regiment out of a precarious ])Ositi(->ii. Oallantry in engagements. Oallantry in actions. Ciallantly planted the colors on the enemy's works in advance of the arrival of his regiment. Sw-am the bayou and captured and brought off a boat un- der the enemy's fire. Capture of flag. Capture of flag of 18th \'ir- ginia Infantry 1 C. S. .A.. 1. In testimony of hi.s faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. Capture of flag. VoUniteered and succeeded in obtainin.g water for the wounded of the cotinnand; also displayed c(.inspicnous- ly good conduct in assisting to drive awav the Indians. 28 JIKDAL.S OF HOXOR. Action. Xaiiif, rank, and (irt^anizaticin. Date of issue. Place. (rround of award. Date. Campbell, William ' Aug. 14, 1894 Corp., Co. I,,V>lli iHiio Inf. Canfield, Heth Jnnt- 22, 1S70 I'riv., Co. C, 21I r. S. Cav. Capehart, Henry Col., 1st W. Va. Cav. Capron, Horace, jr -Serift., Co. C, Sth 111. Cav. Carey, Frank 1st Sergt. Co. E, I2tli V. R. C. Carey, Hugh Sergt., Co. E« .S2il .\". V. Inf. Carlisle, Casper Priv., Co. 1", Indpt. Pa. L. A. Fel). 12, 1.S95 Sept. 27, 1.S65 May 9, 1.S65 Calvert, James S | Apr. 27, 1877 1 Cedar Creek, etc., j Oct., 1876, to I'riv., Co. C, 5th U.S. Inf. Mont. Jan., 1S77 Came, Frank Jan. 24,1865 Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf Woodstock, Va. . . .1 Jan. 22, 1865 Campbell, James A j Oct. 30, 1897 Priv., Co. A, 2d N. Y. Cav. Amelia Conrt Apr. 5, 1865 Hou.se, Va. \'icksl)nrg, Miss. . . May 22, 1863 Little Blue, Nehr. . May 15, 1870 (ireenbrier River, ,Mav 22, 1.S64 \\". \'a. Chickalioniinvand June, 1862 .Ashland. \':>. .\pril, 1.865 Feb. 6,1.888 Cetty.sburg, Pa. . . ., July 2,1.863 Dec. 21, 1892 Oelty.slnirg, Pa. . . . July 2, 1863 Mar. 2, 1865 Carll, William F I Jan. 24, 1S65 ! Corp., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. ' i Carman, \A/arren Mar. 26, 1S65 Waynesboro ,^'a. . I'riv., Co. II, istN. Y. ( Lincoln ) Cav. j Caimen, Isaac H ' Feb. 25, 1895 Vicksburg, Miss. . . ! May 22, 1863 Corp., Ccj. A, 4.8th Ohio Inf. { Carpenter, John R Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27th .Me. Inf. Carpenter, Samuel ] Mav 9, 1865 1st Sergt. Co. K, 7th V. R.C. i Carpenter, Whitney R Jan. 24, tS6s Priv.,Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. ' Carpenter, William H Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. B, 27th Jle. Inf. Carr, Augustus E Ma)' g, 1.865 1st Sergt. Co. D, 12th V. R. C. Carr. Eugene A Col. 3a 111. Cav. April, 1.865 April, 1.S65 Jan. 16.1.894 Pea Ridge, Ark. * See note on page 133. Mar. r862 Gallantry in actions. While his command was re- treating before superior numbers, he voluntarily ru.shed back with one com- panion and rescued his com- manding officer, who had been unhorsed and left be- hind. Captured two Iiattle flags. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party." Gallantry in action. Saved, under fire, the life of a drowning soldier. Gallantry in action. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to vSpringfield, III. Captured the flag of the 7th Virginia Infantry ( C. S. A. ). Saved a gun of his battery under heavy musketry fire, most of the hor.ses being killed. (*) Capture of flag. Saved his regimental fl.ag; also seized and threw a .shell, with burning fuse, from among his comrades. (*) In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. (*) (*) In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. Directed the deployment o f his command, and held his ground, under a brisk fire of .shot and shell, in which he was several times wounded. MI'.nAI.S 111' IIOXOK. 29 Action. Xame, rank, and orLraiiizatiim. Date of is I'laiv. Date. Carr, Franklin Feb. 22, 1865 XaslivilU-. Tc-iin. . Dec. 16, i.S6.( Corp., Co. D, i2.)tU Oliio Inf. Carr, John IVl). i.|, iSjn Chiricalina .Monii- Oct. jn, i.S6y Priv., Co. (',, .Stli \\ ,S. Cav. tain, Ariz. Carr, William T Jan. 24, iS6s rriv., Co. O, 27tli Me. Inf. July 2,|, iShcj .\n/(.na . . Jan. 27, l.'^9.^ Cliick.inianifa, (ia. Sept. 19, i,S6^ , . Atiji. to < )ct. i,S6,S Carroll, Thomas Priv.. Co. \„ Sth r. S. Cav. Carson, William J Mns., Co. E, 1st Btln., 15th l' S. Inf, Cart, Jacob '. . , Nov. 2S, 1.S64 ] Fredericks! ain.;,\"a. Dec. 1 -„ 1N62 Priv., Co. A, 7th Pa. R. C. Carter, George Priv.. Co. 1',. ,stli r. s. C.i\. Carter, John J 2d Lieut. Co. B, 5.vl X. V. Inf. Jnly 24, i,S69 Sept. 10, 1.Sg7 Carter, Joseph F Capt. Co. D, ,vl Md. Inf. July 9, 1S91 Arizona Antielani, Md. Xut;. to Oct., I.S6.S. Sept. 17, 1S62 Fort Stcdnian.Va.. Mar. 25, 1S65 Carter, Mason Xov. 27, 1.S9 ; Bear Paw Moun- .Sejit. v, i'^77 1st Lieut. .,Sth T'. S. Inf. i tain, Mont. Carter, William H vSept. 17, 1S91 Cibicu, Ar I.St Lieut. 6tli U. S. Cav. Aug. 31 ), 1 88 1 Caruana, Orlando E Priv., Co. K, 51st X. V. Inf. Xewliern, X. C. . . . Mar. 14, 1.SA2 X'ov li i8cio Soulli Mountain, Se]it. i.|, 1862 Md. Cary, James L Julv ',,1865 Sailors Creek, Va. . Apr. 6,1865 Coqx, Co. (',, Kith X. V, Cav. ' I " Cary, Michael Jan. 24,1,865 Priv., Co. F, 27tli .Me. luf. Casey, David Priv., Co.C, 25th Mass. Inf. .Sept. 14, I,SS8 Cold II.arI)or, Va. . June 3,1864 Casey, Henry .Sept. 2',, 1.S97 Vickslmr',;, Miss. . . Apr. 22, 1.S6', Priv., Co. C, 20th Ohio Inf. Casey, James S Capt., 5th I'. S. Inf Nov. 27, 1.894 Wolf Moun tain , Jan. 8,187 Mont. Casson, Joseph Jan. 24, i86,s Priv., Co., .\.27tli Me. Inf. Cayer, Ovila .Serijt., Co. A, 14th V. S. Inf. F'eli. IS. 1867 Weldou Raihuad, .\u,i,'. 19, 1.864 \"a. Center, John W 1 Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf, | Ciround of award. Recapture of Fnited States .^uidon from a rebel liatterv. (i.allantrv in action. Bravery in scouts .in., Co. C, 27th Rk-. Inf. Chadbourne, Nathan Corp., Co. K. 27th Me. Inf. Chadbourne, Thomas I'riv., Co. R, 27th JIc. Inf. Chad wick, Nathan A I'riv., Co. F, 27tli Me. Inf. Chamberlain, Joshua L. . . . Col. 20th Jle. Inf. Chamberlain, Orville T .. . . Capt. Co. G, 74th Iml. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24,1.865 Jan. 24.1865 , .\ug. II, 189;, Gettysburg, Pa. . . July 2,1863 Mar. II, 1896 Chickauiauga, Ga. Sept. 20, 1863 Chambers, Joseph B I'riv., Co. F, lootli I'a. Inf. Chaney, Andrew I'riv., Co. B, 27th Ml: Inf. Chaney, Charles H I'riv., Co. B, 27th Jle. Inf. Chaney, Joseph l'riv.,Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Chapman, Amos Scout. Chapman, Charles Priv., Co. 1-, 27111 Me. Inf. Chapman, John I'riv., Co. B, 1st Me. II. A. Chapman, William Priv., Co. E, 27th Jle. Inf. Chapman, W.lliam W Corp., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf Chase, John F I'riv., 5th Me. Battery. July 27, 1871 Petersburg, Va. . . . Mar. 25, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Nov. 4, 1874 \ Wichita River, Tex., Sept. 12, 1874 Jan. 24, 1865 ; Apr. 24,1865 Sailors Creek, Va. . .Vpr. 6,1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Feb. 7, 1888 Chase, Joseph T 2(1 Lieut. Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Chase, Josiah, jr Corp., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Chase, Romanty E Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Chancel ors villi: , Va. May 3, 1863 Ground of award. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Daring heroism and great te- nacity in holding his posi- tion on the Little Round Top and carrying the ad- vance position on the Great Round Top. While exposed to a galling fire, went in search of an- other regiment, found its location, procured ammu- nition from the men thereof, and returned with the am- munition to his own com- pany. Capture of colors of 1st Vir- ginia Infantry (C. S. A. 1 (*) (*) (*) Gallantry in action (*) Capture of flag. (*) (*) Nearlv all the officers and men of the battery having been killed or wounded, this .sol- dier, with a comrade, con- tinued to fire his gun after the other guns had ceased. The piece was then dragged off by the two, the horses having been .shot, and its capture by the enemy was prevented. (*) (*) (*) * See imte on paije 133. MP:DAL.S <)!•■ IIOXOR. Xanie, nink, ;in7th Ml-. Inf. Chellis, Frank I'riv., Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf. Chellis, Oscar D I'riv., Co. K, 27th :\k-. Inf. Chick, Hanson D I'riv., Co. K, 27th Wf. Inf. Apr. 25, 1S91 ' While River, S. Jan. 1, 1S91 Dak. Chick, Sylvester I'riv., Co. (',, 27th .Ale. Inf. Child, Benjamin H Sergt., Battery .\, ist K. I. I,. .V. Jan. 24, iS6,s Jan. 24. i.Sh.s Jan. 24, lS6,s Jan. 24, [.S65 Jan. 24, I.S65 July 20, i,Sy7 Chiquito Apr. 12, ■■S75 Indian Scout. Chisman, William W .Ser:^., Co. I.Svi Iiid. Inf. Aug. 15, 1.S94 Christiancy, James I Oct. 10, I. So 2 1st Lieut. Co. I). 9tli .Mich. Cav. Churchill, Samuel J Corp., Co. G, 2d 111. L. A. Chute, Albion . I'riv., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Cilley, Clinton A Capt. Co. C. 2d Minn. Inf. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Clancy, James T .Sergt., Co. C, ist X. J. Cav, Clancy, John ilus., Co. H, ist r. S. .\rt. Clapp, Albert A 1st Sergt. Co. fi, 2d Ohio Cav, June 12, July ->. '■"igs I.S6.T Jan. 23, 1.S92 Clark, Charles A Lieut, and Adjt. 6th Me. Inf. Apr. 24, Jlav 1.^, 1S65 1S96 .Antietain, Md Sept. 17, 1S62 j Winter of i''^72-7.v Vickslnirg, Miss. . . May 22, I,S63 ilawes Shops, \'a. . M.iy 2S, 1S64 Xashville, Teiin. . . Dec. 15, 1 864 Chickainauga, Ga. Sept. 2(1, 1S63 Vaughn Road, Va. Oct. ],i.S64 Wounded Knee Dec. 29, 1.S90 Creek, S. Dak. Sailors Creek, Va. . .\pr. 6, 1.S65 Brooks I'ord, Va.. M.iy 4.1863 Headed the advance across White River, partly frozen, in a spirited iiiovenient to the effective assi.stance of Troop K, 6th U. S, Cavalry. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Was wounded and taken to the rear in.seiisible, but, when partially recovereil, insisted on returning to the battery and resumed coniinand of his piece, .so remaining until the close of the battle. Gallant conduct during the campaigns and engage- ments with .A]xiches. Gallantry in the charge of tile "volunteer storming party." Voluntarily led his command into the fi,ght, in which he was twice wounded. When the fire of the enemy's batteries compelled the men of his detachment for a short time to seek shelter, he .stood manfully at his post and for some minutes worked his gun alone. (*) Seized the colors of a retreat- ing regiment and led it into the tlnck of the attack. .Shot the Confederate General Dunovant dead durin.g a charge, thus confusin,s< the enemy and greatly aiding in his repulse. Twice voluntarily rescued wounded comrades under fire of the enemy. Captnreof battle flag of tlie.Sth I'lorida Infantry (C. S. A. I. Having voluntarily taken com- mand of his regiment in the ab.sence of its commander, at great personal risk and with remarkable jire.sence of mind and fertility of resource led the command down an exceedingly preci]>itons em- bankment to the Rappahan- nock River, and by his gal- lantry, coolness, and good judgment in the face of the enemy saved the command from ca]iture or destruction. * See note on i>:i:^c 133. MKDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, nncl ortfanization. Date of issue. Clark, Elisha E Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv.,Co. A, 27th Mu. Inf. Clark, Harrison Jnne- 1 1 , 1S95 I'riv.. Cn. K, 125th X. V. Inf. Action. Place. Date. Ground of award. (*) Clark, James G Priv., Co. I'. S.Sth Pa. Inf. .\pr. 311, iSg2 Jan. 24, 1S63 Gettysburg, Pa . Pc'tersl )iu"g, Va . Clark, John E Priv.. Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Clark, John W Aug. 17, iMgi Near Warrenton, i.^it Lieut, and R. O. :\I. 6lh Vt. ' 1 Va. Inf. i Clark, Wilfred Priv., Co. I,, 2d I". S. Cav. I Big Hole, Mont. . . Feb. 2N, 187^ Camas Meadows, I Idaho. July 2,1863 Seized the colors and advanced with them after the color bearer had been .shot. June iS, 1.S64 Distinguished bravery in ac- tion; was .severely wouuded. (*) Defended the division train against a vastly superior force of the enemy; he was severely wounded, lint re- mained in the .saddle for twenty hours afterwards. Conspicuous gallantry; espe- cial skill as sharp.shooter. July 2S, 1863 Aug 9, 1877-1 Aug. 20, 1877 Clark, ^A/illi£m A i Sept. 1 1 , 1897 Xolensville, Tenn . Corp., Co. H, 2d Minn. Inf. Clarke, Dayton P Capt. Co. F, 2(1 \'t. Inf. CUrke, Powhatan H 2d Lieut., mill T. S. Cav. June 30, 1892 Spottsylvania,\'a. Mar. 12, 1891 Pinito Mountains, Sonora, Me.xico. I'-eb, 15, 1863 ' Was one of a detachment of ! .sixteen men who heroically defended a wagon train against the attack of 1 25 cav- alry, repulsed the attack, and .saved the train. Mav 12, 1864 Distinguished conduct in a j desperate hand-to-hand I fight while commandingthe reErimeut. Clarva^c, Samuel J. C Priv., Co. f:, 27th :\Ie. Inf. Clausen, Charles H 1st Lieut. Co. II, 6lst Pa. Inf. Clay, Cecil Capt. Co. K, 58th Pa. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 I June 25, 1892 Spottsylvania,Ya. .\pr. 19,1.892 F"ort Harrison, Va Mav 1 886 Rushed forward to the res- cue of a soldier who was .severely wounded and lay, disabled, exposed to the enemj-'s fire, and carried him to a place of safety. {*) Clements, Henry Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. I), 27th Me. Inf. Clements, James H Jan. 24, i.86s Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Cleveland, Charles F June 12, 1895 Antietaiu, Md. Priv., Co. C, 26th X. V. Inf. Mav 12, 1864 Although severely wounded, he led the regiment again.st the enemy, itnder a terrific fire, and saved a battery from capture. Sept. 29, 1864 Led his regiment in the charge, carrying the colors of another regiment, and when .severely wounded in the right arm, incurring loss of same, he shifted the col- ors to the left hand, which also became disabled by a gunshot wound. (*) Clopp, John E Priv., Co. V, 71st Pa. Inf. Clough, Charles Priv., Co. G, 27th Jle, Inf. Clough, Charles H Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. 1 (*) Sept. 17, 1862 Voluntarily took and carried the colors into action after the color bearer had been shot. F'eb. 2, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.863 Gettysburg, Pa. July 3, 1863 Capture of flag of gth ^'irginia Infantry (C. S. A. ). (*) (*) * See note on page 133. WKDALS OF HONOR. 33 Nairn-, rank, anil orjjaiii/atiiin. Clough, George W Priv., Cc. I", 271I1 Mc. Inf. Clough, Levi Wagoner, Co. C, 27th Mr. Inf. Cluff, George W Priv., Co. 1, 2-ih Me. Inf. Cluff, Samuel I'riv., Co. A, 27U1 Me. Inf. Coates, Jefferson Sergl., Co. H, 7IU Wis. Inf. Cobb, Charles Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Cochran, Adam Priv., Co. I), 27tli Me. Inf. Cockley, David L 1st Lieut. Co. L, loth OhioCav. Date of is.sue. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 2.(, i,S65 Jan. 2.(, iS6,s Jan. 24, rS6,s June 2y, lH66 Action. Place. Date Ground of award. Gettvsliurg. Pa. July I, 1S63 Jan. 24, iS6,s ; Jan. 24, I.S65 j. Aug. 2, 1S97 ' Wayue.sboro, Ga . Cody, William F. Guide. Coey, James ,AIaj. 147th N. Y. Inf. May 22, 1S72 Dec. 4, 1.S64 Pl-itte River, Nelir. A\n. 26, 1.S72 Mav 12, iMy2 Hatchers Run,\'a . I''eli. 6, 1S65 Coffey, Robert J .Sergt.,Co. K, .)tli \l. Inf. Cofifin, Onsville C Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Cohn, Abraham Sergt. Maj.6th N. II. Inf. Colby, Carlos N Sergt., Co. G, 97tli 111. Inf. Cole, Ai S Wagoner, Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Cole, Charles E Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Cole, Gabriel Corp., Co. I, ,sth Mich. Cav. Cole, George C Priv.. Co. I-:, 27tli Me. Inf. Cole, John G Cori).,Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. 7156 3 Ma\- i.'v iSq2 Banks Ford, Va . Jan. 24, 1.S65 Au.g. 24, 1.S65 ; wilderness, \'.i . . Jan. 31, 1.S96 \'icksburg. Miss. Jan. 24, l86,S 1. . May 4, |S6.', M.iy 6, 1864 Mav 22, 1S6;, J.in. 24. i.SO.s Sept. 27, l.Sh4 Winchester, \'a Jan. 24, I.S6,'^ Jan. 24, iH6,5 Se])t. 19, 1.S64 (*) (*) (*) (...) l'nsurpas,sed courage in battle, where he had both eyes shot out. (*) (*) While acting as aid-dc-canip to a general officer, he three times asked perniissioi; to join his regiment in a pro- posed charge upon llie enemy, and, in response to the la.st request, havin.g ob- tained such permissi(.)n, joined hi.s regiment and fought bravely at its head throughout the action. Gallantry in action. Seized the re.giniental colors at a critical moment and, by a prompt advance on the enemy, caused the entire brigade to follow him; and, after being himself severely wounded, he cau.sed himself to be lifted into the saddle and a .second time rallied the line in an attempt to check the enemy. Single handed captured two officers and five privates of the .Sth Louisiana Regiment (C. S. A. ). (*) Rallied and formed, under heavy fire, disorganized and fleeing troops of different regiments. Was a member of a volunteer storming party which made a mo.st gallant assault upon the enemy's works. Capture of flag. (*) * Sec note on page i^;3. 34 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and orsfanizalion. Cole, John W I'riv.. Co. 1", 27th I\Ic. Inf. Cole, Robert I'riv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Collins, Harrison Cor])., Co. A, 1st 'IViui. Cav. Collins, James i.sl .Sertrt. Co. D, loth V. R. C. Collins, Thomas D Scrgt., Co. II, 143(1 X. V. Inf. Collis, Charles H. T Cul. 114th Pa. Inf. Colwell, Oliver i.st I.ient. Co. G. 95th Ohio Inf. Comfoit.John W I'riv., Co. ..\,4th U. ,S. Cav. Compson, Hartwell B 31,ij.,Sth K. V. Cav. Conaway, John W Corp., Co. C, S^d Iiid. Inf. Conboy, Manin 2d Lieut. Co. B, 37th N. V. Inf. Congdon, James Sergt., Co. IC, .Slh N. Y. Cav. Connell, Frustrim Corp., Co. I, i3.Stli I'a. Inf. Conner, John I'riv., Co. A, 27th I\le. Inf. Conner, Richard I'riv., Co. F, 6th X.J. Inf. Connor, John Corp., Co. H, 6th U.S. Cav. Connors, James I'riv., C... I-:. 4,Vl X. V. Inf. Cook, Charles R Sersjt., Co. K, 271)1 Me. Inf. Cook, John Ilu-ler, Battery B, 4l-li V. S. Art. IJate of issue. Cook, John H .Sergt., Co. ,\, 119th Ills. Inf. Cooke, Walter H Capt. Co. K, 4th I'a. Inf. Jlil. Coonrod, Aquilla Sergt., Co, C, 5th V. ,S. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan, 24, 1.S65 Feb. 22, 1.S65 May 9, 1.S65 Aug. 24, 1.S96 Mar. 10, 1S93 Feb. 22, 1S65 Oct. 73, i,S75 Mar, 26, 1.S65 .\iig. 1 1, 1S94 Oct. 1 1, 1S92 Mar. 26, 1.S65 Apr. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Sept. 17, 1S97 Action. Place. Richland Creek, Tenn. Date. Ground of award. (*) (*) .\llg. 2,S, IS70 Oct. 6, 1.S64 Jan. 24, 1S65 June 30, 1894 Sept. 19, 1S911 May 14, 18S7 Apr. 27. 1877 Resaca, Ga Fredericksburg, Va. Na.sliville, TeJin. , . Staked Plain, Te.x, Waynesboro, Va. . . Vicksburg, Miss. . . ^\'illia^lsburg, \'a . Waynesboro, Va. . . vSailors Creek, Va. . Dec. 24, 1S64 Capture of flag of Chalmers's Division (C.'S. A. ). April, 1S65 In testimony of his faithful and exemplary cotiduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to .Springfield, 111. May 15, 1S64 Captured a regimental flag of the enemy. Dec. 13, 1S62 I Gallantly led his regiment in I battle at a critical moment. Dec. 16, 1S64 I Capture of flag. Nov. 5, 1S74 Ran down and killed an In- dian, etc. Mar. 2, 1865 j Capture of flag. May 22, 1863 May 5, 1862 !NIar. 2, 1865 Apr. 6, 1865 Bull Run, Va. -Aug. 30, 1862 Gallantrv' in the charge of the "volunteer storming party." Took command of the com- pany in action, the Cajitain having been womided, and handled it with skill and bravery. Recapture of General Crook's headquarters flag. Capture of flag. Wichita River, Tix. I'ishers Hill. Va.. . The Hag of his re.gimenf hav- ing been abandoned during retreat, he voluntarily re- turned with a sin,gle com- panion under a heavy fire and seciu'ed and brou.glit ofl the flag, his companion be- in,g killeS, i!~!69 Gallantry in action. ]S(~. iSfi.s Cedar Va. Mountain, --Vug. 9, 1.S62 .South road, Side Va. Rail- A])r. 2, 1.S65 Corson, George M I'riv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Co-rux-te-chod-ish ( Mad Bear) . Sergt., Pawnee Scouts, U. S. A. May 9, iS6.=; Jan. 24, i.Sft.s .\ut{. 24, 1.S69 Cosgriff, Richard H I'riv., Co. h. 4th Iiiw.i Cav. Cottle, Oliver Priv., Co. O, 27th Me. Inf. Cotton, Charles Priv., Co. n, 27tli Me. Inf. Coughlin, John Lieut. Col. loth X. II. Inf. Re|iulilicaii River. Kans. June 17, iSfts Cohinilius, C 24, I '^65 .\pril, iN(v July 1.S69 Seized a fallen fl.ag of the regi- ment, the color bearer hav- ing been killed, carried it fonvard in the face of a se- vere fire, and, though him- self .shot down and ])erma- nently disabled, planted the .staff in the earth and kept the flag flying. Raised the fallen colors and, rushing forward in advance of the troo])s, placed them on the enemy's works. In testimony of his faithful ami exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. (*) Ran out from tlieconnuand in jnirsuit of a dismounted In- dian; was shily 12. 1892 2d Lieut., 6th U..S. Cav. Wavneslioro, Va . . Arizona Big Dry I'ork, .Ariz. Mar. 2, i86,s Rescued the body of Lieu- tenant Hodgson from within the enemy's lines; brought up ammunition and encour- aged the men in the mo.st exposed positions under heavy fire. Voluntarily led a charge, which resulted in the cap- ture of fourteen prisoners and in which he himself was wounded. Capture of flag of i8th Georgia (C. ,S. A. ). ' Took the pace of a gunner who had been shot down and in.spired his comrades by his bravery and effective gunnery, which contributed largelv to the defeat of the enemy. .Severely wounded and am- bushed by the enemy, he stripped tlie colors from the .staff and brought them back into line. Capture of flag. .\ng. to Oct.. , Bravery in scouts and actions 1868. with Indians. July 17, 1882 Gallantly charged hostile In- dians, and with his carbine compelled a party of them to keep inider cover of their breastworks thus being en- abled to recover a severely wounded soldier. ♦See note on page 133. MEDALS OF IIOXOR. 37 Name, rank, and organization. Date of issue. Cubberly, William G l*riv.,Co. L, ,Sth T". S. Cav. Cullen, Thomas Corp. Co. I, 82(1 X. V. Inf. Cummings, Amos J vSer.sf>^ liristoe Station, \'a. Oct. 14, iSfij; ■Salem Heights, \'a. May 4, 1.S63 Nov. I, 1W64 ' Shenandoah Val- ley campaign. Oct. 5. i«7''^ Little Bi,g Horn River, Mont. .\ug. toXov.. i',Sb4. June 25, 1.S76 Curtis, John C Sergt. Maj. glh Conn. Inf. Curtis, Josiah M 2(1 Lieut. Co. I, I2lh \V. Va. Inf. Curtis, N.Martin Brig. Gen., U. S. Vols. Apr. 24,1865 Sailors Creek, Va. -i -\i)r. 6, i,S65 i July 30, i.Sg4 ! Vicksl)urg, Miss.. .: May 22, 1.S6;, Jan. 24, I Sf55 ' I Dec. 16, 1H96 Baton Rouge, La. . .\ug. 5, 1.S62 May 12, 1K65 Nov. 2S, 1S91 Custer, Thomas W 2d Lieut. Co. B, 6th Mich. Cav, Custer, Thomas W 2d Lieut. Co. B, 6tli Mich. Cav Cutcheon, Byron M Maj. 20th Mich. Inf. Appomattox cam- paign, Va. Fort P'isher, N. C . , Namozine Church, .\pr. 2, 1S65 Va. JIar. 29 to Apr. 9, 1.S65 Jan. 15, 1S65 ('■round of awanl. ('i.illantrv in action. Capture of flag of 22d or 2.Sth Xortli Carolina (C. S. .X. I. Rendered great assistance in the heat of the action in rescuing a part of one of the field batteries from an ex- treniclv dangerous and ex- ]:)osed ]iosition. Capture of flag. I )ecliued to Ic.ivr the line when wonndeil in the neck during heavy fire, and fought lirave- ly all next day. Caiilure of hattle Hag of 12th \'irginia Infantry ( C. S. A. ). (Vallantrv in the charge of the • ■ vol unteer storming party. " (*1 Voluntarily sought the line of battle, and alone and un- aided captured two prison- ers, driving them 1 lefore him to regimental headquarters at the point of the bayonet. Oallant conduct in battle. The first man to pass through the stockade, he personally led each assault on the trav- erses, and was four times woimded. Ca])ture of flag. Apr. 24, r.S65 va. May 22, 1865 Sailors Creek. Va. . Apr. 6, 1S65 Capture of flag. Cutts, James M Capt., nth U. S. Inf. Daily, Charles Priv., Co. B, Sth U.S. Cav. Daly, William F 1st Sergt. Co. -A, lolh V. R. C. June-29, 1S91 Horseshoe Bend, , Mav 10,1X63 Ky. May 2, 1S91 Wilderness, Spott- sylvania, Peters- burg, Va. July 24, 1.S69 .\rizona May 9, 1.S65 Daniels, James T Sergt., Co. L. 4tli F. S. Cav May 15, 1.S90 Arizona 1S64 Aug. to Oct. , 1S6S. .\])ril, i,S65 Mar. 7, 1.S90 I) i s t i 11 ,g u i s h e d gallantry in leading his regiment in a charge on a house occup-ed bv the enemy. ('■allaiilrv in actions. Braverv in .scouts and actions with Indians. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. Untiring energy and cool .gal- lant'y under fire in an en- gagement with .^jjaclie In- dians. Darrough, John S Sergt., Co. I', I 13th 111. Inf. Davidsizer, John A Sergt., Co. A, isl Pa. Cav. Feb. 5. 1S63 ; Eastport, Miss Oct. 10, 1.S64 Saved the life of a captain. ,\pr. 24,1X65 Paines Cross .^pr. 5,1X65 Roads, Va. : * See note on p-ii^e 1.^3. Capture of flag. 38 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization, ' Date of issne. Davidson, Andrew. . . . Adjt. 30th I". S. C. T. Oct. 17, 1S92 Davidson, Andrew 1 Feb. 5, 1.S95 Asst. Surt;. 47th Oliio Inf. Davis, Albert H ' Jan. 24, 1S65 Corp., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Davis, Charles i Jan. 24, 1S65 Corp., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Davis, Charles A 'Jan. 24, r .S65 Wagoner, Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Action. Place. The Mine, \',-i. Vick.iburg, Miss . . May 3, 1.S63 Date. July 30, 1S64 Grounil of award. One of the first to enter the eneniy'.s works, where, after hi.s colonel, major, and one- third the compan}' officers had fallen, he gallantly as- si.sted in rallying and saving the remnant of the com- mand. Voluntarily attempted to run the enemy's batteries. Davis, Charles C . Maj., 7lh I'a. Cav. Davis, Charles I Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Davis, Frank M Corp., Co. D. 27th Me. Inf. Davis, George E 1st Lieut. Co. D, loth Vt. Inf. Davis, Harry rriy.,Co. G, 46th Ohio Inf. Davis, John I'riv., Co. V. 17th Incl. Mid. Inf June 14, 1.S94 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 May 27, 1.S92 Dec. 2, 1.S64 Shell )yville, Teni. Monocacv, I\Id . Atlanta, Ga June 17, 1S65 Cnlloden, Ga. Feb. 4,1X65 I I'ranklin, Tenn .. June 27, 1863 July 9, 1S64 Davis, Joseph Cne of the most de.sperate and .successful charges of the (*) (*) With his skirmishers defended a bridge to the last, then crossed with his men on the burning railroad ties and rejoined the main com- mand. Capture of flag of 30th Louisi- ana Infantry (^C. S. A. ). Capture of flag of Worrill Cirays (C. S. A.). Capture of flag. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming ])arty." Capture cjf flag. (*) Gallantry in action. (*) Seized the colors of another regiment of the l)rigade, the regiment having been thrown into confusion and the color bearer killed, and bore said colors throughout the remainder of the engage- ment. Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' volunteer storming party. ' ' ,'ilv,iuceil alone into the en- emy's lines an, 1 carried off a wounded soldier of his com- mand, under a hot fire and after he liad been ordered to retreat. ''Sec lloU- nil p;i,i:;e 133. MEDALS OK HONOR. 39 Naint", rank, and organization. Day, Silas Priv.,Co. H,27lU Me. Inf. Day, Thurston P. M I'riv., Co. 11, J7tU Ml-. Inf. Day, William L 1st Si-r"t. Co. !■;, 5th V. S. Cav, Daymen, George W I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me-. Inf. Deane, John M Maj. 29th Mass. Inf. Dearborn, Charles Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Dearborn, Paul C I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Dearborn, Richard Priv., Co. A, 27tU Me. Inf. De Armond, William Sert^t., Co. I, 5tli r. S. Inf. Deary, George Sergt., Co. L, 5th V. S. Cav. Decoff, Charles ^ I'riv., Co. ('., 27th Me. Inf. De Costro, Joseph H Corp., Co. 1, lyth Mass. Inf. Deetline, Frederick Priv., Co. I), 7th U.S. Cav. De Lacey, Patrick I. St Sergt. Co. A, 145CI Pa. Inf. Date of issue. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 2.4, 1S65 Al>r. 12, 1.S75 Jan. Mar. Jan. Jan. Jan. Apr. Apr. Jan. Dec. Get. Apr. 24. ^5 i.S6,s i,S65 IS65 I.S65 i^7,S 1S65 1S64 1S7S 1.S94 Action. Place. Date. 1S72- Torl .Steilnia}!, \':\ . Mar. 25, iS65 (■ro\niil of awanl. Upper Washita, Sept. 9-1 t, Tex. 1.S7.1. Ajjache Creek, Ariz.' .\i)r. 2, 1S74 Gcttyslnirg, Pa ' July 3, 1S63 Little llig Horn, I June 2.S, 1S76 Mont. ' ' Wilderness. \'a. , . May 6,1864 Deland, Frederick N Priv., Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. June 22, 1S96 Delaney, John C 2(1 Lieut. Co. 1, U)7th Pa. Inf. Delavie, Hiram H Sergt., Co. I, nth Pa. Inf. Dennett, Alvan A Corji., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Dennett, Reuben Priv., Co. n, 27th .Me. Inf. Denny, John Sergl., Troo]> H, 9th U. S. Cav. Port Hudson, I,; Aug. 29, 1.S94 Dabne\-s Mill.s, \a. De Puy, Charles H 1st Sergt. Co. II, ist Mich. S. S. Deshon, Elijah B Priv., Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf. Apr. 27, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, iS6,s Nov. 27, 1894 July 30, 1H96 Jan. 24, 1S65 Five Forks, Va . . . Las Animas Can- yon, N. Mex. Petersburg, \'a. . . May 27, 1.S63 Feb. 6, 1S65 .\pr. I, 1S65 Sept. 18, 1879] July 30, 1864 (*) (".allantry iluring the different campaigns and lights with Apaches. IMounted an abandoned gun under heavy lire. (*) (*) {..) ('■allantry in action. Oallanti'}- ill action. (*) Capture of fl.ag of 19th Vir- ginia I C. S. A. I. Voluntarily brought water to the wounded under fire. Running ahead of the line, under a concentrated iire, he shot the color bearer of a Confederate regiment on the work.s, thus contributing to the success of the attack. Volunteered in response to a call, and, under a heavv fire from the enemy, advanced and a.ssisted in filling with fascines a ditch which ])re- .sented a serious ob.stacle to the troojjs attempting to take the works of the enemy b)' assault. Siirang between the lines and brou.ght out a wouiuled com- rade about to be burned in the brush. Ca]iture of Hag. en (*) Removed ,'i wounded com- rade, under a heavy fire, to a place of .safety. Being an old artillerist, aided General Hartlett in working the guns of the dismantled fort.' (:>) oSic null- im |>;il;c- ly. 40 MEDALS OF HONOR. NaiUf, rank, ami orsjanizatioii. De Wi.t, Richard W SL-rw;t., Co. 1), 47tU (.)liio Inf. Dickens, Charles H Cor])., Co. (',. Mil r. S. Cav. Dickey, William D Maj.iijUi N. V. H. A. Dickie, David Sergt., Co. A, yyth III. Inf. Dilger, Hubert Capl. Co. I, 1st Dhio I,. A. Dale of issue. .\ntf. lo, iSg4 I''c'b. 14. l.S/U June 10, 1S96 Jan. 29, 1.S96 .\U!.;. 17, 1S93 Dillingham, John L 1 J. in. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. B, 27U1 .Me. Inf. Dillon, Michael A I'riv., Co. O, 2(1 X. II. Inf. Dixon, Edmund A Capt. Ci>. ("., 27th Me. Inf. Oct. 10, 1.SS9 Action. Place. Vick.slinrtf, Mi.ss. . Chiricaliua Moun- tains, ."^riz. I'etersliurtj, Va. . . Date. Vicksburn, Miss. ClianeeJlorsvi 1 1 1 Va. May 22, iS6.-? ( )ct. 20, 1.S69 June 17, i>S64 May 22, 1S63 May 2, 1863 Williamsburg;, Va . ' May ,s, 1862 Ground of awanl. Oak Grove, Va. Jan. 24, 1.S6.S Jan. 24, 1S65 June 25, l!S62 Dixon, Joseph H Priv., Co. G, 27111 .Me. Inf. Dixon, William Nov. 4, 1.S74 Wichita River, Tex Sept. 12, 1S74 .Seoul. Dockham, George A Priv., Co. P., 27tli Me. Inf. Dockham, Warren C Priv., Co, H, I2isl X. V. Inf. Dodd, Robert F Priv., Co. K, 27tli ISIieli. Inf. Dodds, Edward E Sergt., Co. C, 2i.st N. V. Cav. Jan. 24, i,S65 Apr. 24, iS5,=i Sailors Creek, Va. -\pr. 6, 1.S65 Doe, Joseph D Sergt., Co. B, 27tli Me. Inf. Doieg, Thomas Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Dolloff, Charles W Corp., Co. K, nth \'t. Inf. Donahue, John L Priv., Co. G, Stli V. S. Cav. Donaldson, John Sergt., Co. L, 4tli Pa. Cav. Donavan, Cornelius Sergt., Co. K, Hth I'. S. Cav. July 27, 1.S96 ' The Crater, liefore July 36, 1.S64 j Peter.sburg, \'a. June 1 1, i.Sg6 ;\slil)ys Gap, Va. . . July 19, 1S64 Jan. 24, iS6,s Jan. 24, 1S65 .\pr. 24, i.S6,=i , Petersburg, Va . . . b'eb. 14, 1S70 Chiricaliua Moun- tains, Ariz. .\pr. 24, 1865 Mar. 3, 1S70 Appomattox Court House, Va. Agua Fria River, Ariz. * See note on p:i;':c T33. .\pr. 2, 1S65 Oct. 20, 1S69 Apr. 9, IS5.S Aug. 25, 1869 Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming part}'. ' ' Crallantrv in action. Refused to leave the field, remaining in command, af- ter being wounded by a piece of shell, and led his command in the assault on the enemy's works on the following day. Was a member of a volunteer storming party which made a most .gallant assault upon the enemy's works. Fought his guns until the en- emy were upon him; then with one gun hauled in the road by hand he formed the rear guard and kept the en- emy at bay by the rapidity of his fire, and was the last man in the retreat. (*) Braver}- in repulsing the ene- my's charge on a batter}'. Crawled outside the lines and brou.ght in important infor- mation. (*) (*) (rallanlry in action. (*) Capture of flag of Savannah Guards (C. S. A. ). While acting as orderly, volun- tarily assisted to carry off the wounded from the ground- in front of the Crater while expo.sed to a heavy fire. At great personal risk, rescued his wounded captain and carried him from the field to a place of safety. (*) (*) Capture of flag. Gallantry in action. Capture of flag. Gallantrv in action. MEDALS OF IIOXOR. 41 NaiiU", rank, and Donelly, John S I'riv., Ci>. C.sth V. S. Inf. Donoghoe, Timothy I'riv., Co. li, hylli N. V. Inf. Doody, Patrick I'riv., Co. v., iii.ftli \. V. Inf. Pate of issue. Apr. Action. Placi-. I Dalv Cedar Crirk, i-ti .Mont. Ort., 1.S76, lo Jan..S.iS77. Jan. 17, iSi)| l''rfdi.rii-kslinrt;,\'a. Dec. !■,, I''^62 Dec. I.V I.Sg;, Cold 1 1.irlior, \'a. . June 7, i.'^(>4 Dore, George H Dec. r, \Hfx\ Geltvslmry:, I'.i , . , Jnlv ',, 1.S6', Ser.srt., Co. I ), 1 Jhih X. V. Inf. Dorley, August Jnlv 9, 1S67 Mount I'lcasanl. .\|)r. 11,1^65 I'riv., Co. li, 1st I.a.Cav. ' Ala. Dorman, George H Corp., Co. K, 27tli Mc. Inf. Dorsey, Daniel Corp., Co. H,3,vl < >liio Inf. Jan. 24, i.S6,s Se,it. 17, 1.S6;, C,coriiia Dorsey, Decatur .Scryl., Co. 15, 34th r. S. C. T. Dougall, Allan H \ Feb. 16, 1.S97 1st Lieut, anil .\dit. SStli In' Inf. A])ril, 1.S62 Nov. in, i,S6,s I'etersliuri;, Va....t Jtdy ,v>. '^^64 Bentonville, X. C. . Mar. 19, 1S65 Dougherty, Michael I'riv.. Co. M. i;,tli I'a. Cav. Jan. 23, 1S97 Jefferson, Va Oct. 1 2, iS6,^ Dougherty, William Jnlv 24, 1X69 ' Arizona lUacksinith, Co. H, Sth V. S. Cav. Doun, Reuben Jan. 24, [.Sh^^ I I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Au.t;-. to ( )ct. , l',S6,S. Dow, George P Scrs^t., Co. C, 7tli N. 11. Inf. Dow, Simon B Corp., Co. C, 27tli Me. Inf. Dowling, James Cor])., Co. li, Sth U. S. Cav. May 10, 1.SS4 Near Richmond, Oct. — , I.S64 Va. Jan. 24, 1865 July 24, 1.S69 : Arizona Vui^. ti> ( )ct., I l'.S(iS. * Set- iioteoTi pajre i^y ( >round of awarcl. Ciallantry in actions. X'oluntarily carried a wotinil- ed officer off the field from between the lines; while doini{ this he was him.self wounded. ;\fter makins^ u .succcs.sful per- sonal reconnoissaiice, he gallantly led the skirmish- ers in a night attack, charg- ing the enemy, and thus en- abling the pioneers to put up works. Ca]itnre of Hag. Captiue of Hag. (*) One of twenty-two men (in- cluding two civilians) who, by direction of General Mitchel (or Buell | pene- trated nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Bi.g Shanty, Ga., in an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlatita. Bravery while acting as color sergeant of his regiment. In the face of a galling fire from the enemv-, he volun- tarily returned to where the color bearer had fallen wounded, and saved the flag of liis regiment from cap- ture. At the head of a detachment of his company, dashed across an open field, exposed to a deadly fire from the en- emy, and succeeded in dis- lodging them from an unoc- cupied house, which he and his comrades defended for several hours against repeat- ed attacks, thus preventing the enemy from Hanking the position of the Union forces. Bravery in .scouts and actions with Indians. ("■■) Grdlantry while in connnand of his company during a re- connoissaiice toward Rich- mond. (*) Bravery in scouts and actions with Indians. 42 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Downey, William Priv., Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. Downs, Archibald S I'riv., Co. I. 27th Me. Inf. Downs, David, jr Priv.. Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Downs, Henry W Ser<;t., Co. I, Sth Vt. Inf. Date of issue. Jan. 21, 1S97 Action. Place. A.shepoo River, S. C. Do7ier, Citizen Guide. Drake, James M 1st I.ieut. Co. I), 9th N. J. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Dec. i;,, 1S93 Nov. 19, 1S70 Mar. 1, 1S73 Date. May 24, 1864 Ground of award Volunteered as a member of a boat crew which went to the rescue of a large number of Union soldiers on board the stranded steamer Boston , and with great gallantry as- sisted in conveying them to shore, being exposed during the entire time to a heavy fire from a Confederate bat- tery. {*) (*) Winchester, \'a. . . Sept. 19, 1S64 Voluntarily brought up am- munition under a raking fire from the enemv. Wichita River, Tex. Drew, John Priv., Co. I', 27th Me. Inf. Drown, Alonzo J Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Drown, Orlando Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Drury, James ,Sergl., Cii. C, 4th \'t. Inf. Duffey , John Priv., Co. I!, 4th Mass. Cav. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24. 1S65 Jan 24, 1S65 Jan. iS, i.S9_^ Jan. 2 1, I.S97 Dunlavy, James Priv.. Co. I), 3d Iowa Cav. Dunn, A'anson Corp.. Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Dunn, Daniel Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Dunn, John K Priv., Co. C, 27th :\Ie. Inf. Dunn, William S Corp., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Dunne, James Corp., Chicago Mercantile Bat- terv. 111. L.' A. Dunnell, Samuel, jr 2d Lieut. Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Dunnell, Samuel L Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Mar. 10, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 J.in. 24, 1,865 Jan. 15, 1895 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Welilon Railroad Va. Ashepoo River, S. C. ( J.'iage, Kans . Oct. 5. 187 Gallantry in action and on the march. 1861 to 1865 I Gallant .services in the field; great sufferings in Southern pri.sons, etc. (*) June 23, 1864 May 24, 1864 Vicksburg, Mis Oct. 25, 1.S64 May 22, 1S63 (*) (*) Saved the colors of his regi- ment when it was .surrounded by a nnich larger force of the enemy, and after the greater part of the regiment had been killed or captured. \'olunteered as a member of a boat crew which went to the rescue of a large number of ITuion soldiers on board the stranded steamer Bostoti, and with great gallantry a.s- si.sted in conveying them to .shore, being exposed during the entire time to a heavy fire from a Confederate battery. Gallantry in capturing Gen- eral Marmaduke. Carried, with others, by hand, a cannon up to and fired it through an embrasure of the enemy's works. (*) ♦See iKilf on i)aij:e 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. 43 NaiiK', rank, and ori^anizalion. Date of i.s.sui-. Action. Place. Dale. Dunnells, Loring J.-m. 24. 1.^65 (*) I'riv., Cci. H, 27lhi\U-. Inf. Dunnells, Mark W I'riv.. Co. K, 27II1 Ml-. Inf. Jan. 24, 1.S65 (*) Duran, William Jan. 24, iS(>5 vn I'riv., Co. C, 27th Mc. Inf. Durgin, Albion L Jan. 24, i.Sf)5 (*) .Scrsl., Co. K, 27th Mc. Inf. Durgin, Almon C Jan. 24, 1S65 {*) Corp., Co. F, 27th Mf. Inf. Durgin, George W Jan. 24, 1.S65 (*) I'riv., Co. H, 27th i\R'. Inf. Durgin .William W May 9, I.S65 April, 1S65 In testimony of his faithful anil exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to .Springfield, 111. i.st ScrKl. Co. !■■, loth \'. R. C. Durham, James R. . Mar. 6, iSgo WincUesti r. \'a . . June 14, i.Sd;, I,ed his coniinand over the stone wall, where he was wounded. 2(1 I, lent. Co. K, 1 2th \V. Va. Inf. Durham, John S Sergt., Co. I', 1st Wis. Inf. Nov. 20, 1896 I'erryville, Ky .... Oct. .S, I,Sf)2 .Seized the flat; of his regiment when the color sergeant was shot, and ailvanced with the flag, midway between the lines, amid a .shower of shot, .shell, and bullets, until .stopped by his commanding oflicer. Durkee, Joseph E ]Ma\- 9 iS6=^ .\]>ril, iSh5 In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. (*) isl I.it'Ut. Co. K, 7th \. R. C. Dyer, Charles H Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. C, 27th Ml-. Inf. Dyer, William Jan. 24, 1H65 (*) I'riv., Co. C. 27th Me. Inf. Eastman, Frank I'riv., Co. n, 27th .Me. Inf. Jan. 24, 1.S65 (*) Eaton, Walter Jan. 24, 1.S65 (*) I'riv., Co. K, 27th aie. Inf. Eckes, John N I'riv., Co. IC, 47th ( )hio Inf. July 21, 1S41 \'ii.-ksltur,L;. Miss. . , May 22, 1S6;, C.allantry in the charge of the " volunteer storm i ng party . " Eddy, Samuel E I'riv.. Co. I), 37tli .Mass. Inf. Edgerly, George W ,Se])t. 10, i.Sy7 J.m. 24, iS6,=i .Sailors Creek, Va . . .\])r. (1, 1.S65 .S.ived the life of the adjutant of his re.giment by volun- tarily going beyond the line and there killing one of the enemy then in the act of fir- ing u])on the woundeil offi- cer. \\'as as.saileil by several of the enemy, run through the body with a bayonet and jaiHied to the ground, but while .so .situated he shot and killed his a.ssailant. I'riv., Co. C. 27th Me. Inf. Edgerly, Samuel H Jan. 24, i,S65 (*) I'riv., Co. 1', 27th Me. Inf. Edwards, David I'riv., Co. H, 146th N. Y. Inf. Apr. 27, 1S65 I'ive Forks, Va. . . . .\l>r. 1, 1.S65 Capture of flag. Edwards, George W Jan. 24, 1.S65 {*) I'riv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. * See note uii ]».iv;<-" 133. 44 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and or.uani/.ation. ' Date of issue. Edwards, John R 1st Serjjt. Co. !•■., "Hi \'. K. C. May 9, 1S65 Action. Place. Date. April, 1S65 Edwards, William D Dec. 2, iSyS ^ Bi.i; Ilok-, INlont. . . .Vu,!^. 9, 1S77 jst Sertjt. Co. l'> 7tli U. S. Inf. Eldridge, Edward W Jan. 24, 1.S65 1 ; Priv., Co. B, 27II1 iSle. Inf. I Eldridge, George H Serijl., Co. C, hill V. S. Cav. Aui;. 25, I.S7C1 Jan. 24. 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Wichita Rivei, Tex. July 12, 1S71 Ground of award. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of tlie escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to .Springfield, 111. Bravery in action. {*) Callanlrv in action. Eldridge, Philander Priv., Co. C. 27tli Me. Inf. Eldridge, 'William H Priv., Co. I), 27th Me. Inf. EUiott, Alexander Apr. 24, 1.S65 Script., Co. A, 1st I'a. Cav. Elliott, Isaac Jan. 24, 1.S65 '. Priv., Co. A. 27tU Me. Inf. Elliott, Russell C : Nov. 20, i.Sy6 Natchitoches, La . /' Apr. 19, 1.H64 2d Lieut. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav P a i n e s Cross Roads, Va. (*) Apr. 5, 1.S65 Cajjture of flag. i (*) Elliott, William L I Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. I', 27th Me. Inf. Ellis, Horace r)ec. 1, 1.S64 Priv., Co. A, 7th Wis. Inf. Ellis, William ! Mar. 8, i,S65 1st Ser^t. Co. K, 3d Wis. Cav. ' Weldoii Railroad , Va. Dardanelles, Ark . .Auj^. 21, 1S64 Jan. 14, 1S65 Ellsworth, Thomas F Nov. i.S, 1.S95 Honey Hill, S. C. . Nov. 30, 1H64 Capt. Co. B, 35II1 .Ala.s.s. Inf. Apr. 12, 1875 i Winter of 1872-73 Elsatsoosu Corp., Indian Scouts. Elson, James M Sept. 12, 1891 ' \'icksburir. Miss . .' May 22, 1.S63 Serjft., Co. C, ylh Iowa Inf. Elwood, Edwin L Priv., Co. (V, .Sth r. S. Cav. Embler, Andrew H Capt. Co. 1), 59th N. V. Inf. Emerson, George W Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Emery, Franklin Priv., Co. B, 27111 Me. Inf. Emery, Isaac M Ser,t;t.. Co. 1, 27tli Me. Inf. Emery, John F Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Emery, John H Mus.,Co. E, 27lh Me. Inf. Feb. 14, 1870 Oct. ly, 1893 Chiricahua Moun- tains, .Ariz. Boydton Plank Oct Road, ^■a. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.865 Jan. 24, 1863 Jan. 24, 1.865 ' Jan. 2-), 1865 Oct. 20, 1S69 1864 Seeing a Confederate officer in advance of his conitnaiid, charged on him alone and unaided and captured him. (*) Capture of flag of i6tli Missis- sippi (C. vS. A.). Remained at his post after re- ceiving three wounds, and only retired, by his com- manding officer's order, after being wounded the fourth time. ITuder a heavy fire, carried his wounded commanding offi- cer from the field. Gallantry in campaigns and actions with Indians. Was shot down at the head of troops while carrying the colors, which he attempted to plant on the enemy's works. Gallantrv in action. Charged at the head of two regiments, which drove the eneiny's main body, gained the crest of the hill near the Burgess house and forced a barricade on the Boydton road. (*) * Sec note on pa^e 133. IMKDALS OF HONOR. 45 NaiiK', rank, and iirsjanization. Date of issue. Emery, William R I'riv., Co. ]•;, J7tli Mr. Inf. Emmons, D. Taylor Priv., Co. I, jylli Me, Inf. Emmons, George . . , . I'ri\., Co. I, 27U1 .Me. Inf. Emmons, George W I'riv., Co. I, 27tli .Me. Inf. Emmons, John I'riv., Co. I, 2-II1 Me. Inf. Emmons, John G I'riv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Emmons, Joseph R I'riv., Co. K, 27tli Me, Inf. Enderlin, Richard JIus., Co. I!, 7;,d Ohio Inf. Action. Date. Engle, James E Sergt., Co. I, 97lh Pa. Inf. English, Edmund 1st .Sergt. Co. C, 2(1 X. J. Inf. Ennis, Charles I) I'riv., Co. O, isl R. I. I,. .\. Estes, Lewellyn G Capt. anil .\. .\. ('.en. Vols. Place. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, i.S6=i Jan. 24, i.S6,s Jan. 24, 1N65 Jan. 24, 1.S63 Jan. 24, 1S65 I Sept. ir, i.Sy7 ( "rellysliurL;, I'a. . . . Julv 1-3,1^63 Orounil of aw.iril. Dec. 17, iSyA I'.ernuiila Ilunclred, Mav iS, 1,^64 Va. I'Vb. 13, i.Syl June 2S, i,S92 Wildernt-ss, \':\ . May f>, 1S64 Petersliurg, \';\ ... .\pi. 2, 1.S65 Ethridge, Stephe n L I'riv., Co. K, 27111 Me. Inf. Evans, Corren D I'riv., Co. .\,;,cl Ind. Cav. Evans, Ira H Capt. Co. B, I i6tli r. S. C.T. Aug. 2S, iSi)4 Mint River, C.-i Jan. 24, [.S65 ,\ug. y\ 1S64 .\pr. 24, iSfi5 I .Sail. irsC reek, \'a. ,' .\])r. (1, iSh^ i\Iar. 24, iSy2 Il.itehers Kuii,\'a.| .\]ir. 2, 1N65 Evans, James R Priv., Co. H, 62d N. Y. Inf. Evans, Thomas Priv., Co. D, 54tU Pa. Inf. Evans, William I'riv., Co. !•;, 7th I'. .S. Inf. Everson, Adelbert I'riv., Co. I), iS.sth X. Y, Inf. E wing, John C I'riv., Co. !■:, 21 1th Pa. Inf. Factor, Pompey Priv., Indian Scouts. Feb. 25, i.Sc)^ Oet. 26, 1.S64 Dec. 2, i.S7f, .\])r. 27, iS6s (^) (*) (*) (*) {*) \'(iliintarily took a ride and served as a soldier in the ranks during the fir.st and seeonil days of the battle. Xoluiitaril)', and at his own iiiiniiiieiit ])eril, went intf) the enenu-'s lines at night and, under a sharp fire, res- cueilor ,Sergt.,Co. A, igth Mass, Inf. Fanning, Nicholas I'riv., Co. 15, 4th Iowa Cav. Farren, Daniel I'riv.. Co. n, .Sth r. S. Cav. Fasnacht, Charles H Serjft., Co. A, 99th Pa. Inf. Fassett, John B Capt. Co. P, 2y\ Pa. Inf. Favour, Horace H I'riv.. Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Feaster, Mosheim I'riv., Co. H, 7th U. S. Cav. Fegan, James Sergt.,Co. II,3(IU. S. Inf. Fenderson, Charles W Priv., Co. \, 27th Me. Inf. Ferguson, George A Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Fernald, Albert E 1st Lieut Co. V. 20th .Me. Inf Fernald, Alonzo Corp., Co. G, 27th Me. luf. Date of issue. Jan. 24, 1865 July 27, 1896 July 24, J 869 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, i86,s Feb. 13, i8qi Action. Place. I'ort .Sanders, Knoi\'ville,Tenn. Arizona WillianLsburg, Va P'air Oaks, Va. . . . P.ii; Shanty, Ca. Dec. I, 1864 Gettysburg, Pa. June 17, 1S65 Selnia, Ala July 24 Apr. 2, Dec. 29, Jan. 24, June 23, Oct. 19, 1869 1.878 1894 1 .S65 1 89 1 1878 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24. 1865 Apr. 27. 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 .\iizona Sjiottsylvania, Va Getty.sburg, Pa. . . Date. Nov. 20, 1863 Aug. to Oct. , 1868. \\'ounfled Knee Creek, S. Dak. May 5, 1.862 May V>-V. 1862." June 14-15, 1S64. July 3, 1863 Apr. 2, 1865 Aug. to Oct., i'S6S. May 12, 1S64 July 2, 1863 Dec. 29. i8go Plum Creek, Kans. Mar. 1.868 Five P'orks, Va . Apr. I, 1865 Ground of a' Conducted the " burning par- ty " of his regiment, at the time a charge was made on the enemy's picket line, and burned the house which had sheltered the enemy's sharj)- shooters, thus insuring ,suc- ce.ss to a hazardous enter- prise. Bravery in .scouts and actions with Indians. (*) Assisted in driving rebel .skir- mishers to their main line. Participated in action, though excused from dut}- because of disability. In a charge with his company, was the first man on the enemy's works. Capture of flag. Capture of silk Confederate States flag and two staff officers. Bravery in scouts and iictions with Indians. Capture of flag of 2d Louisiana Tigers (C.S. A.). Recaptured guns which had been taken by the enemy. (-X-) Extraordinary gallantry. While in charge of a powder train en route from Fort Har- ker to Fort Dodge, Kans., was attacked by a party of desperadoes who attempted to rescue a deserter in his charge and to fire the train. Sergeant Fegan, single- handed, repelled the attack- ing party, wounding two of them, and brought his train through in safety-. (*.) (*) Capture of flag. (*) ''Stc nott; ou page 133. MKDALS OF HONOR. 47 Action. Xaiiif, rant, ami ori/anizalion. Date "f issia-. Place. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1X65 Jan. 24, 1865 F"ernald, Benjamin Vnx.. Co. C. 27th Me. Inf. Fernald, Simon l'ri\..Ci>. O, 27th Me. Inf. Fernald, Stephen Priv..Co. K. 27th >le. Inf. Ferrari, George Nov. 23, 1.S69 Cor])., Co. D, Sth I'. .S. Cav. Ferris, Eugene W Oct. 16, 1S97 1st I.ieut. and .\djt. 50th Mas.s. Inf. Date. Ground of award. (*) (*) Red Creei, .\riz. Berrvville, V;i . Fesq, Frank Apr. 24, 1.S65 I'riv., Co. A, 40th X. J. Inf. ' Fichter, Hermann Xov. i ^ 1871 Priv.,Co, F, ,vl I'. S. Cav. Fisher, John H Se]it. 2, iSq^ 1st Lieut. Co. B, 55th III. Inf. Fisher, Joseph Jan. 16, 1.S94 Corp., Co. C, 6ist Pa. Inf. Fitzgerald, David Priv..Co. D, 27tli Me. Inf. Flanagan, Augustine vSergt., Co. A, 55th Pa. Inf. Petersburg, \'a . . . Whetstone Moun- tains, .\riz. \'icksl)urg, Jliss. . Petersburg, Va . . . .May 5, 1.S71 May 22, 1.S6;, .\]ir. 2, 1S65 Flanders, Daniel C Priv., Co. C. 27II1 yiv. Inf. Flanders, George W Priv., Co. G, 27tli Mc. Inf. Flannigan, James ,Se])t. 1 1 , 1897 Priv., Co. II, 2d Minn. Inf. Jan. 24, I.S65 Apr. 6, i.S6,s Jan. 24, I.S65 J:in. 24, 1S65 Chapin's b'arni, .Sept. 29, 18(14 near Ricliniond, Va. Xolensville, Tenn, I'eb. i.S, 1863 Fleetwood, Christian A vSergt. .Maj. 4th U. S. C. T. .■\pr. 6, 1865 Cha]iin's Farm, near Richmond, Va. Flood, Ebenezer T : Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27tU ;\Ie. Inf. Jan. 24, i.86,s Jan. 24, 1865 Dec. I, 1864 Floyd, Daniel Priv., Co. .\, 27th .Ale. Inf. Fly, Stephen S Priv., Co. II, 27th Jle. Inf. Flynn, Christopher Cor])., Co. K, 14th Conn. Inf Flynn, James E June 19, 1S94 Sergt., Co. G, 6th Mo. Inf. Foley, John H ■ Sergt. , Co. B, 3d U. S. Cav. ,Sc]it. 23, 1869 Gallantry in action. .•\pr. r, 186,'S -\cconi])auieistols, wounded three more, and, though wounded him- self, escaped. .\]ir. 2, 1865 Ca])lure of flag of i8th North Carolina ( c! S. A.). Gallantry in action. Gallantry in the charge of the " vol unteer .storming jiarty . " Carried the colors 50 yards in advance of his regiment, and after being ])ainfullv wounded, attem])ted to crawl into the enemy's works. Charged the enemy's works; rushed forward with the colors and called ujjon the men to follow him; was severely wounded. (*) (*) Was one of a detaclnnent of sixteen men who heroically defended a wagon train .against the attack of 125 cavalry, re])ulsed the attack , and .saved the train. Seized the colors, after two color bearers had been .shot down, and bore them nobly through the fight. (*) (*) Sept. 29, 1864 July 3, 1863 Cajilure of ll.ig of 521I North i Carolina I C. S. .\. 1. Gettysburg, Pa. . . . Vicksburg, Miss. . . May 22, 1872 ' Loujie I'ork. Pl.itte j Apr. 26, 1872 j Gallantry in action May 22, 1863 . Gallantry in the charge of the ' ■volunteer storming i)artv. " River, Nebr. 1 * See note on pa.tce 133. 4S MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Pate of issue. Action. Place. Follett, Joseph L 2d Lieut. Co. G, ist Mo. h. A. Folly, William H Priv., Co. II. Hth U.S. Cav. Foran, Nicholas Priv. , Co. L, Sth U. vS. Cav. Force, Manning F Brig. Gen., U. S. Vols. Sept. 19, 1S90 July 24. i.S6q Arizona . - . Jidy 24, i.S6g [ Arizona ... I Mar. 31, 1S92 .\tlanta, Ga Date. Ford, Alvin A Priv.. Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Ford, George V^ 1st Lieut. Co. E, SHtli N. Y. Inf. Forehand, Lloyd D Mav 9, 1^65 1st Sergt. Co. I, iSth V. R. C. Jan. 24, 1.S65 .\pr. 24, 1.S65 Sailors Creek, \'a. Aug. to Oct.. lS6cS. Aug. to Get. , l86ottsyl\ania,\'a. . May 12, 1.S64 I'eb. 17,1894 Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31,1862 Jan. 24, 1865 Bravely a.ssisled in the cap- ture of . D, 27th Me. Inf. Googins, William H Priv., Co. ,\, 27th Me. Inf. Gordon, Charles S Priv., Co. D. 27tli :\Ie. Inf. Gordon, George Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Gordon, Henry Priv., Co. I, 27tli Me. Inf. Gould, Charles G Capt. Co. H, 5th Vt. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1X65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.865 July 30. 1840 Gould, James H Priv., Co. C, 27tli Me. Inf. Gould, Newton T Sergt., Co. (',, I 13th 111. Inf. Gourand, George E Capt. and A, I). C, U. S. Vol.s. Gove, George A Priv., Co. A, 27tli Me. Inf. Gowell, Benjamin Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Sept. 6, 1894 Action. Place. Date. Vieksburg, Miss .Aug. 12, 1893 Honey Hill, S. C . Gowen, Walter A Priv., Co. F, 27th Me-. Inf. Gowen, William B Corp., Co. H. 27th Me. Inf. Grace, Hiram M Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Grace, Peter Sergt.. Co. C, 83d Pa. Inf. Graffam, Joseph Sergt., Co. .^, 27th Me. Inf. Graffam, Joseph l>riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Graffam, William Priv., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Graham, Thomas N 2d Lieut. Co. G, isth Ind. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Dec. 27, 1894 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, [.865 Feb. 15, 1897 Petersburg, \'a. . . .Xjjr. .?, 1865 May 22, 1863 Nov. 3. i.S()5 C:'.i)Uire of flai: June H, I .S.SS / Haight, Sidney Cor])., Co. K, 1st Mich. S. S. Uristoe Station, \':i Maii.'issas, \'a ... July 31, iSy6 Petersburg, \a . .Mav .s, lSf)2 .\ii;j. T — Au.n. ^4 l.Sh July :■>"' lSf>2 I.S64 Haley, Albert I'riv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Haley, James C I'riv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Haley, Thomas I'riv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Hall, Francis B Chaplain i6th N. V. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 I Jan. 24, 1.S65 F'eb. 16, iSi)7 Salem Heights, \"a. May ."v I'^ft,^ \'oluntarily carried a .severe- ly wounded comrade off the lielil in the face of a lari^e force of the enemy; in doini;- so was himself severely wounded and taken pris- oiR-r. Went into the liK'il. allhouyh .severely disabled. \'(ihiiiteered to search the woods for the wounded. liisteadof retreatiii,;^, remained in the captured works, re- gardless of his personal safe- tv and exposed to the firing, which he boldly and delib- erately returned until the enemy was close upon him. Hall, Freeman .\sst. Surg. 27th Me. Inf. Hall, H. Seymour 2(1 Lieut. Co. ('., 27tli N. Y. Inf Capt. Co. F, I2ist X. Y. Inf. Hall, IvoryA Ser.gt-. <^"- K. -'71'' M*^- I"''- Hall, John I'riv., Co. B, Sth l'. S. Cav. Hall, John 2(1 Lieut. Co. p;, 27th Me. Inf. Hall, Newton H Corp., Co. I, 104th ( )hio Inf. Hall, William P ;.st Lieut. 5th U. S. Cav. Jan. 24, iSfis Aug. 17, iNi)i ' Caines.MUl.X'a. . . . June 27, iSr>2 Ra])])a h a 11 nock Station, \'a. Nov. 1S63 .\llg. to Oct. |'S6S. Jan. 24, 1.S65 July 24, 1.S69 .Arizona Jan. 24, I.S6,S Feb. 4,1865 I'raiikliii, Teiiii ... Nov. ,^1, 1^64 Sept. iS, 1.S97 Near Camp on White River, Colo. Oct. 20, 1879 Yoluntarily exposed himself to a heavv fire during the thickest (jt the fight, and carried wounded men to the rear for treatment and at- tendance (*) Although wouiide(l,he re- mained on duty and ])artici- jKited in the battle with his company. .\mong the first in the enemy's rifle pits. (*) Hravery in .scouts and .actions with Indians. (*) Capture of flag, believed to liave belonged to Stewart's Corps (C. S. A. I. With a reconnoitering party of three men, was attacked bv thirty -five Indians, and several times expo.sed him- self to draw the fire of the enemy giving his small part\- opportunity to reply with much effect. >* See note 011 ])n)iv . jj. 58 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and orjjanization. Hanna, Marcus A St-rtjl., Co. ]'., .soUi Mass. Inf. Hanna, Milton Corp., Co. II, 2il Minn. Inf. Hanscom, Albert rriv.,Co. O, 27th Me. Inf. Hanscom, Charles H Priv., Co. I, 2-lh Mf. Inf. Hanscom, Elias l'riv.,Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf. Action. Date of issue. Hallock, Nathan M I'riv., Co. K, I24tli N. Y. Inf. Ham, George C Priv., Co. K, 27lh Me. Inf. Ham, Norris S Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Ham, Orrin F Priv., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Hamilton. Frank Priv., Co. H, .Sth V. S. Cav. Hamilton, Mathew H Priv.,Co. (;, 7th I". S. Cav. Hammel, Henry A Sersjt., Battery A, ist Mo. L. A vSept. 10, 1.S97 Jan. 24, TS65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Mar. 3, 1S70 May 25, 1.S91 Mar. 10, 1896 Place. Bristoe Station, Va Hampson, Charles Priv., Co. F, 27tli Me. Inf. Haney, Milton L Chaplain 5.slh 111. Inf. L Hanford, Edward R Priv., Co. H, 2.1 r. S. Cav. Hanley, Richard P Ser^t., Co. C, 7th U. S. Cav Hanna, John 1st Sergt. Co. P., 14II1 \'. R. C. Jan. 24, 1S65 Ground of award. Date. Jure 15, 1S63 \t imminent peril saved froin death or capture a di.sabled officer of his company by carrvin.i; him, under a hot musketry fire, to a place of safety. (*) (*) (*) Agua Fria River, Ariz. \Voimded Knee Creek, S. Dak. Crand Gulf, Miss. . .\ug, 25, T.S69 ' Gallantry in action. Dec. 29, 1S90 Braverv in action. Nov. 3, 1S96 Atlanta, ( Oct. 14, Oct. 5, 1.S64 i,S7S Woodstock, Va. May 9, 1S65 Nov. 2, 1.S95 Sept. 1 1, 1S97 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, i,S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Little Bi.y Horn River, Mont. Port Hudson, La. Apr. 2.S-29, 1863. July 22, 1864 Oct. 9, 1864 June 25, 1876 April, 18^5 July 4. '■'^63 Xolensville, Tenn.; I'el). i,s, 1S63 With two comrades voluntari- ly took position on board tile steamer C/iccsevian , in charge of all the guns and ammunition of the battery, and remained in charge of the same for a considerable time, while the steamer was unmanageable and subject- ed to a lieavy fire from the enemy. (*) Voluntarily carried a musket in the ranks of his regiment and rendered heroic .service in retaking the I'ederal works which had been cap- tured l)y the enemy. Capture of flag of 32d Battalion Virginia Cavalry (C. S. A. I. Recaptured, s i n gl e-h a u d e d and without orders, within the enemy's lines and under a gallin.t; fire, la.sting some twentv minutes, a stampeded pack nuile loaded with am- munition. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Sprin.gfield, 111. \'oluntarily exposed himself to a heav\' fire to get water for comrades in rifle pits. Was one of a detachment of sixteen men who heroically defended a wagon train against the attack of 125 cavalry, repulsed the attack, and saved the train. (*) (■"■) * Sl-c iioIl- Dii pa^e 133. MEDALS OF HOXOR. 59 Name, rank, and orf^anization. Date of issue. Action. Place. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Hansconn, John F Jan. 24,1865 Priv.,Co. (",, 27th Me. Inf. Hanscom, Moses C Dec. i, 1864 Bristoe Station, V:; Corp., Co. I'", 19th Me. Inf. . Hanscom, William L Priv., Co. D, 27th :\Ie. Inf. Hanscome, Lyman M ' Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. B, 2-th Me. Inf. Hanson, John S Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. H, 27th Jle. Inf. Hanson, Lewis B Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. D, 27tli Me. Inf. Hanson, Lorenzo S Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Date. C>rttsylvania,Va. I'Vb. 18. 1.S74 N e w Market I Heights, \'a. * See Hole OH page i.>.^. 1 Mav 3,1863 Carried the colors to the top of the heights and almo.st to the muzzle of the enemy's guns. Sejit. 12, 1874 ' \Vhilecarryingdispatches,was attacked by 125 hostile In- dians, whom he and hiscom- rades fought throughout the day. Se]it. 23, 1,869 Gallantry in action. June 23, 1876 I Brought water to the wound- j ed, at great danger to his life, under a mo.st galling 1 fire from the enemv. May 12, 1864 S'-'pt. 29, iS'i) Capture of flag. Gallantry in the assault. 6o MEDALS OF HONOR. Harris, Moses 1st Lieut. 1st r. S. Cav. Jan. 23, 1S96 Harris, Sampson Priv., Co. K, .villi Ohio Inl'. Harris, William M rriv..Cc>. 1). rth r. S. Cav. Hart, John W Slti/I.. Ci>. II. lull I'a. Ko> Jiilv 10, Oct. 5. Auu 1S94 1S7.S Sinitlifieia. Va. Vicksliiii'ij, Mis Little Hit; Horn River, INIoiit. Hart, William E Priv.,Ci>. B. .Slh N. Y. Cav. Hartranft, John F . Col,4lli I'a. Mil. Hartzog, Joshua B I'riv., Co. H, isl r. S. Alt. Harvey, Augustus Priv., Cci. I). -'7tli Mc. Inf. Harvey, Charles A Cor()., Co. 1), 27th Ale. Inf. Harvey, Harry Corp., C". A, 22(1 N. Y. Cav. Harvey, Henry G ist Serut. Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Harvey, John VJ Priv., Co. B, 27tli Me. Inf. Haskell, Marcus M Sers-t., Co. C, 35tli Ma.ss. Inf. I n an attack upon a largely su perior force his personal gal- lantry was so conspicuous as to inspire the men to extra- ordinar}- efforts, resulting in complete rout of the enemy. Gallantry in the charge of the " voltmteer storming part}-. ' ' \"oluntaril\' brought water to the woumled under fire oi the enemy. Was one of six volunteers who charged upon a log hou.se near the Devil's Den, where a squad of the enemy's .sharp- .shooters were sheltered, and compelled their .surrender. Gallant conduct and services as scout in connection with cajiture of the guerrilla Har- j I ry Cilniore, etc. Aug. 21, 1886 Bull Run. ^'a July 21, 1S61 I Volunteered his services when his regiment marched to the re.-ir to be mustered out. 1897 I Getty.sburg, Pa. July r-., 1872 Shenandoah lev. Xa. \al- Aug. 28, 1,864 INIa}- 22, 1863 June 25, 1876 July 2, 1863 18(14 and 1.865 Mar. 24, 1,891 Jan. 24, 1.865 Jan. 2.), 1865 Wounded Knee Creek, S. Dak. Dec. 29, 1890 Went to the rescue of the com- manding officer, who had fallen se\erely wounded, picked him up and carried him ai;c 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. 6l Nrinif, rank, anil orjianizaliim. Datu of issue. Hatch, Elmore J I'riv., Co. i:, J7lh Me. Inf. Hatch, James W I'riv., Co. H, 27tli Mf. Inf. Hatch, John P Briti. Gen., V. S. Vols. Hatch, Joseph E i'riv., Co. K, 27tli Mi-. Inf. Haupt, Paul Corp., Co. I„ Slh r. S. Cav. Havron, John H Sergt., Co. G, isl R. I. Art. Jan. 24. i,S6,s Jan. 24, 1.S65 Oct. 2S, rSq-, Jan. 24, i.S6,s Mar. 3, 1.S70 Action. Place. Date. Gnnuiil of award. Sonlh Mount,iin» Se]it. 14, 1.S62 M.l. (*) ( * ) Was severely wounded while Uadin,g one of his hrigailes in the attack under a heavy fire from the enemy. Hell Canyon, .\ri/. Jidy 3, i.Sdcj Gall.iiitry in .action. Hawken. James M Storekeeper, (_).M. I)e])t., r.S..\. Hawkins, Gardner C 1st Lieut. Co. L, 31! \'t. Inf. June 16, i.Sfi6 I'eterslinrg, V,a , , . .\pr. 2, I.S65 .\pr. r6,i.S(>7 St. l/>uis, .Mo . Sept. 5. r.S(.4 Sept.jo, KSy3 j I'eterslnui;. \'a \]ir. 2, i.Sfi.s Hawkins, Martin J Corp., Co. .\, 33d Ohio Inf. Sept. — , 1S63 Hawkins, Thomas Sergt. Maj.6th T. S. C. T. Hawthorne, Harris S Sergt., Co. I', !2ist X. V. Inf. Hawthorne, Henry L 2d Lieut., 2d L. S. Art. Hay, Fred S Ser.t,4., Co. I, 5th U. S. Inf. Hayes, Calvin L Sergt. Jlaj. 27th Me. Inf. Hayes, Charles E Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Hayes, Frederick 2d Lieut. Co. I), 27tli Me. Inf. Hayes, George H Cor])., Co. Ct. 27111 :\Ie. Inf. Hayes, John C I'riv.. Co. .\, J7tli Me, Inf. Hayes, John M I'riv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Hayes, John W 1st Sergt. Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Hayes, Samuel D Corp., Co. D. 27tli Me. Inf. Haynes, Asbury F Corp., Co. I", I7tli Me. Inf. I-eb. •S, 1S7,, Dec. 29, 1S94 ( )ct. 1 1, 1.S92 .'Vjir. 2,1, i.^7,S J.ni. 24- 1S65 Jan. 24, i,S65 Jan. 24. 1865 J,.n. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24. i,S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24. i,S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Apr 24. 1S63 Georgi.a .Xjiril, i,S62 Deep Bottom, Va . , July 21, 1S64 .Sailors Creek, \'a. . .\pr. 6, I.S6,^i Wounded Knee I lee. 29, 1S91) Creek, S. Dak .... Lpper Washita, Sept. 9, 1.S74 Tex. Sailors Creek, Va. . .Vpr. 6, 1S65 ♦See note 011 pai^e 133. \'oluntarily accompanied the infantry column in the a.ssault oil the enemy's works, and in turning the captured guns n]iou tlie enemy. I':xtingnislic.il an incendiary fire in a ((u.arter ma st er ' s warehousL-, I.eil llie 4tli Wrniout, under a destructive fire, into tile enemy's lines until he fell severely woun miles .south into the enemy's territory and ca])tured a railroad train at Big Shanty, (ia., in an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlanta. Rescue of regimental colors. Captured the Confederate general Cu.stis Lee. Distinguished conduct in brit- tle with hostile Indians. Gallantry in action. (*) (*) (*) {"} (*) (...) (*) (*) Capture of flag. 62 MEDALS OK HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Hays, John H Priv., Co. I'', 4th Iowa Cav. Heartery, Richard Priv., Co. 1), 6th V. S. Cav. Heise, Clamor Priv., Co. B, Sth V. S. Cav. Heller, Henry Serijt., Co. A, 66th Ohio Inf. Helms, David H ist Serrt. Co. B, .S-,il Iml. Inf. Date of issue. June 17, 1865 July 20, KSy.S July 24, 1869 Action. Place. Date. Columbus, Ga. Cibicu, Ariz. . . Arizona Apr. 16, 1865 Au}<. y>, 18.S1 Aug. to Oct., 1868. Ground of award. Julv 29,1892 Ch.-UK-ellorsv ille, , Mav 2,1863 Va. July 26, 1894 Henderson, Alvah i Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Henry, Guy V Col. 40th Mass. Inf. Vicksburg, Mi.ss. May 22, 1863 Dec. 5, 1893 ' Cold HarVior, Va . . Jiuie i, 1864 Henry, James 1 Julv 9, 1894 Vicksburg, Miss. vSergt.,Co. B, 113th 111. Inf. I May 22, 1863 Henry, John 1st vSergt. Co. 1, 3d U. S. Cav. Henry, William W Col. loth Vt. Inf. Herron, Francis J Lieut. Col. 9th Iowa Inf. Hersom, John H Priv., Co. 1), 27th Me. Inf. Hesse, John C Corp., Co. A, 8th U. S. Inf. Hesseltine, Frank P Col. T3th Me. Inf. Heyl, Charles H Oct. 26, 189' June 1,1880 Ro.seliud River, June 17, 1876 Mont. Dec. 21, 1892 ! Cedar Creek, Va. . . Oct. 19, 1864 Sept. 26, 1893 Jan. 24, 1865 Sept. 10, 1S64 Mar, 2, 1895 Pea Ridge. .\rk . Mar. 7, 1862 2d Lieut., 23d U. S. Inf. Hibson, Joseph C Priv., Co. C, 48th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 23, 1897 San .'Vntonio, Tex . Matagorda B a v , Tex. Near Fort Hartsuff, Nebr. Near Fort Wagner, S. C. Apr. — , 1 861 Dec. 29, 1863 .\pr. 28, 1S76 July 13, 1863 July 14, 1S63 July l8, 1863 Capture of flag and bearer, .•\vistin's Battery (C. S. A. ). Bravery in action. Bravery in scouts and actions with Indians. One of a party of three who voluntarily brought in a wounded Confederate .sol- dierfroni within the enemy's lines in the face of a con- .stant fire. Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer stormingparty. " (*) Led the assaults of his brigade upon the enemy'.s works, where he had two horses shot under him. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer .storming party." Gallantry in action. At the head of his men, se- cured three pieces of artil- lery which w'ere about to fall into the enemy's hands. Was foremost in leading his men, -allying them to re- peated acts of daring, until him.self disabled and taken prisoner. (*) Preser\'ed and brought away the colors of the 8th United States Infantry after cap- ture of the regiment. First to plant the colors on the enemy's ground. Voluntarily, and with most conspicuous gallantry, charged with three :nen upon six Inilians who were intrenched upon a hillside. While voluntarily performing picket duty under fire, was attacked and his surrender demanded, but he killed his assailant. Responded to a call for a vol- unteer to reconnoiter the enemy's po.sition, and went within the enemy's lines under fire and was exposed to great danger. Voluntarily expo.sed him.self with great gallantry during an assault, and received three wounds that perma- nently disabled him for ac- tive service. *S(.'c iiott on page 133. i\ri';ii.\i,s OK iioxoR 63 Ai-li.m. Nariu-, rank, ami urbanization. Pate of issue. Place. Date. Hickey, Dennis W Sergt., Co. !•;, 21I X. V. Cav. Hickok. Nathan E Corp., Co. .\, Stli Conn. Inf. Higby, Charles rriv.,Co. I", 1st I'a. Cav. Higgins, Thomas P l'riv.,Co. I), Sth ;■. S. Cav. -\l>r. i.S, iSyi Ston\' Crifk Uriil.nr, June 29, 1S64 Va. ('■rounil of award. With a (letaeliuunt of three men, tore U]) the liriil^e .at Stony Creek, heinj^ the last nuiu on the Ijridge and cov- erin.t( the retreat until he was shot down. Apr. 6, i!S6,s 1 Chapin's I'arni, 1 Sejit.^y. iSh.} I near KichuMnd, Apr. 2_), 1.S65 .Appomattox cam- Mar. 29 to paign, Va. ' .Apr. 9,1865. Aug. to Oct., 1S6S. July 24, iS(u) .\rizona Highland, Patrick Corp., Co. I), 2;,d III. Inf. Higley, .\lbe't A Priv.. Co. 1'., 27th Me. Inf. Higley, Eben N Triv., Co. H, 27th Jle. Inf. Hill, Albert G I'riv..Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Hill, Barnabas R I'riv.,Co. 1, 27th Me. Inf. Hill, Daniel Sergt., Co. C, 27th Me, Inf. May 12, 1.S65 Ajipoinattox cam- Mnr. 29 to paign, Va. .\i)r.9, 1.S65. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, I.S6,=i Jan. 24, 1SA5 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Hill, Edward Capt. Co. K., 16th :\Iich. Ii: Hill, Frank E Sergt., Co. K, 5tli V. S. Cav. Dec. 4, 1.S93 Cold Harbor, \'.i June I, 1.S64 Aug. 12, 1.S75 Date Creek, Ariz. , .; Sept. S, 1S72 Hill, Frederick R Sergt., Co. !•:, 27th Me. Inf. Hill, Henry Sergt., Co. C, 50th Pa. Inf, Jan. 24, 1.S65 Sept. 23, 1S97 The Willie rn ess, Va. May 6, 1864 Hill, James Sergt., Co. C, 14th N. Y. H. A. Hill, James 1st Lieut. Co. I, 2 I.St Iowa Inf. Ca])ture of llag. Capture of flag. Bravery in .scouts and actions with Indians. C.allant conduct in battle. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Led the brigade skirmish line, in a des])erate charge on tile enemy's masked bat- teries, to the nnizzles of the guns, where he was se\erely wounded. Secured the person of a hos- tile Apache chief, although, wliile holding the chief, he was severely wounSergt., Co. B, 7th U. S. Cav. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24. 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, ]S65 Jan. 24, T.S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Action. Place. Date. Ciround of awanl. Oct. Hyatt, Theodore 1st Sergt. Co. D, I27tli 111. Inf. Hyde. Henry J Sergt., Co. M, 1st I'. S. Cav. Hyde, Thomas W Maj. 7II1 Me. Inf. 5, 1.S7S Little Big Horn June 25, i,S76 River, Mont. Julv 9, 1S94 Vicksburg, Jlis Aug. 12, 1S75 Hymer, Samuel Ca])t. Co. I), iistli 111. Inf. May 22, 1S63 Winter of Apr. .S, 1.S91 Antielain, Md Sept. 17. 1.S62 Immell, Lorenzo D Corp., Co. F, 2d r. S. Art. Inscho, Leonidas H Corp., Co. F„ 1 2th Ohio Inf. Mar. 2.S, 1.S96 ' Buzzard's Roost ' Oct. i-,, 1S64 Cap, Ga. July 19, 1S90 , Wilsons Creek, Mo. Aug. 10, 1S61 Irsch, Francis Capt. Co. D, 45th N. V. I nf. Irwin, Bernard J. D Asst. Surg., U. S. .\rniv. Irwin, Patrick i.st .Sergt. Co. H, i4tli Mich. Inf. Jan. ;,i, 1S94 May 27, 1S92 South Mountain, Md. Sept. 14, 1S62 Gettysburg, Pa July i, iS6,^ Jan. 24, 1.S94 .Vrizona Apr. 2S, TS96 Jonesboro, Ga. . Feb. i 1S61. -14. .Se])t. I, 1R64 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Guarded and carried the wounded, brought water for the same, and posted and directed the men in his charge, under galling fire from the enemy. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party. ' ' Gallant conduct in campaigns and engagements w i t h Apaches. Led his regiment in an assault on a strong body of the enemy's infantry and kept up the fight until the greater part of his men had been killed or wounded, bringing the remainder safelv out of the fight. With only fort3'-one men under his coniinand, defended and held a blockhouse against the attack of Hood's Divi- sion for ne.'irh' ten hours, thus checking the advance of the enemy and insuring the safety of the balance of the regiment, as well as that of the Hth Kentucky In- fantry, then stationed at Ringgold, Ga. Bravery in action. .\lone and unaided and with his left hand disabled, cap- tured a Confederate captain and four men. In a flank movement captured a number of prisoners. Voluntarily took command of troops and attacked and de- feated the hostile Indians he met on the way. In a charge by the 14th Michi- gan Infantry against the in- trenched enemy , was the fir.st man over the line of works of the enemy , and demanded and received the surrender of a Confederate general offi- cer and liis command. ■ "" I«iK<- 133- MliUALS OF HoXok. 69 Action. Name, rank, ami orsraiii/uitioii. Date of issue. Place. Ground of award. Dale Jackson, Anthony I'riv.. Co. I. 27th Me. luf Jackson, Frederick R 1st Sergt. Co. F. 7th Conn. Inf. Jackson, James Capt., 1st U. S. Cav. Jan. 24, KS65 , I.S63 James Island, S. C. June 16. 1.S62 Apr. 17. IS96 Camas Meadows. Idaho. Jacobs, Charles I'riv., Co. K, 271I1 Me. Inf. Jacobson, Eugene P Sergt. ilaj. 74tli X. V. Inf. James, Isaac Priv., Co. H, I loth Ohio Int. James, John Corp., 5th r. S. Inf. James, Miles Corp., Co. B, 36th v. S. C. T. Jan. 24, 1.S6.S Mar. 29, 1.S65 Cliancellorsvill e, Va. Having his left arm shot away, in a charge on the enemy, he continued on duly, tak- ing part in a .second and a third charge, until he fell exhausted from loss of blooi I . Aug. 20, JS77 Dismounted from his horse, in the face of a heavy fire from pursuing Indians, and with the assistance of one or two of the men of his com- mand, secured and carried to a place of safety the body of his trumpeter, who had been shot and killed. (*) Brax'ery in conducting a scout- ing party in front of the enemv. Mav I .S63 Apr. 24, 1.S65 Petersburg, \'a. . . . Apr. 2, 1S65 Capture of flag. Apr. 2^,1875 Upper Washita, Tex. Sept. 9 to II, Gallantrv in action. 1.S74. Apr. 6,1865 Chapin's I" arm near Richmond Va. Jardine, James 1st Lieut. Co. I", 54lh Ohio Inf. Jarvis, Frederick Sergt., Co. G, ist U. S. Cav. Jefferds, Henry Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Jellison, Benjamin H Sergt., Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Sept. 30, 1864 Having had hisarm mutilated, makin,g immediate amputa- tion necessary, he loaded ami discharged his piece with I one hand and urged his men forward; this within 30 yards of the enemy's works. iSg4 Vicksburg, Miss. . . IMay 22, 1S63 Gallantry in the charge of the ' ■ volunteer storming party. ' ' Gallantrv in action. Jellison, John W Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Jellison, Joshua C Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Jellison, William H Priv., Co. B, 27111 Me. Inf. Jenkins, Charles W Sergt., Co. B, 27th Jle. Inf. Jennings, James T . Priv., Co. K, 56th Pa. Inf. Jennison, Maverick M. Sergt., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Jetter, Bemhard Sergt., Co. K, 7lh I". S. Cav. Jewell, Roscoe Priv., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Jewett, Erastus W 1st Lieut. Co. .\, 9th \'l. Inf -^pi". .S. Feb. 14, 1870 Chiricahua Moun- tains, .\riz. Jan. 24, r86,s Dec. I, 1864 Gettysburg, Pa. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24. 186.S Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, i.S6,s Dec. I, 1864 Welilnn Railroad, Va. Jan. 24, iS6,T Apr. 24,1891 Sioux campaign .. . Jan. 24, 1865 Sejrt. 8,1891 Newport Barracks, N. C. *Sfc Hole on pa^e l,>3. Oct. 20, 1.869 (*l July i,S6 3 Capture of flag of 57th \'ir- ginia Infantry 1 C. S. .A. 1. (*) (*) (*) .\ug. 20, 1.864 Ca])ture of flag of 55th North Carolina Infantrv i C. S. A. ). Dec, 1890 Distin,guished bravery. ' (*) Feb. 1864 Bv lon,g and persistent resist- ance and burnin.g the bridges, kept a superior force of the enemy at a dis- tjince, and thus covered the retreat of the garrison. 70 MEDALS OF HONOR. Xanie, rank, and orsfanization. Date of issue. Jim Sergt.. Indian Scouts. Apr. 12, 1875 July 14. 1894 John, William Priv., Co. E, 37th Ohio Inf. Johndro, Franklin Apr. 6, 1865 Priv., Co. A, I iSth X. Y. Inf. Action. Place. Vicksburg, Miss. Date. Johns, Elisha Corp., Co. B. 113th 111. Inf. Johns, Henry T Priv., Co. C, 49th Mass. Mil. Inf. Aug. 9, 1S94 Nov. 25, 1893 Johnson, Andrew Aug. 9, 1894 Vicksburg, Miss Priv., Co. G. Ii6th 111. Inf. I Johnson, Daniel E ' Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. A. 27tli Me. Inf. Johnson, David E Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. H, 27tli Me. Inf. Johnson, Edward P Jan. 24, 1865 ' Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Johnson, FoUett , Apr. 6, 1892 New Hope Church, Corp., Co. H, 60th N. Y. luf. Ga. Chapin's Farm, near Richmond, Ya. Yicksburg, Miss. . . Port Hudson, La . . Winter of 1872-73- May 22, 1863 Sept. 30, 1864 May 22, 1863 May 27, 1863 Ground of award. Gallantry during campaigns and actions with Apaches. Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer .storming party . " Capture of forty prisoners. Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' \olunteer storming party. ' ' Yolunteered in response to a call, and took part in the movement that was made upon the enemy's works, under a heavy fire there- from, in advance of the gen- eral assault. May 22, 1.S63 Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party. ' ' (*) Johnson, Henry Sergt., Co. D, 9th U. S. Cav. Se])t. 22, 1890 I Milk River, Colo . Johnson, Ivory Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. 1 Johnson. John, jr , Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. C, 27tli :\Ie. Inf. May 27, 1864 I Voluntarily exposed himself to the fire of a Confederate sharp.shooter, thus drawing fire upon himself and en- abling his comrade to shoot the sliarpshooter. Voluntarily left fortified shel- ter and. under heavy fire at close range, made the rounds of the pits to instruct the guards; fought his way to the creek and back to bring water to the wounded. (*) Oct. 2-5, 1879 Johnson, John Priv., Co. I), 2d Wis. Inf. Johnson, John O Priv., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Johnson, Ruel M Maj. iixith Ind. Inf. Johnson, Samuel Priv., Co. G, 9th Pa. Res. Aug. 19, 1893 ! Frederick.sburg,Ya. Dec. 13, 1862 Johnson, Solomon Priv., Co. D. 27th Me. Inf. Johnston, David Priv.. Co. K, 8th Mo. Inf. Johnston, Edward Corp., Co. C, 5th U. S. Inf. Johnston, Willie Mus., Co. D, 3d Yt. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 . Aug, 24, 1896 Sept. 17, 1863 Jan. 24, 1S65 Aug. 16, 1S94 ' \'icksburg. Miss. . Apr. 27, 1877 Cedar Creek, etc. Mont. Sept. 16, 1S63 (*) Conspicuous gallantry in bat- tle, in which lie was severely- wounded. (*) Nov. 25, 1863 While in connnand of the regi- ment, bravely exposed him- self to the fire of the enemy, encouraging and cheering his men. Sejit. ]7, 1.S62 Individual bravery and daring in capturingfrom the enemy two colors, receiving in the act a severe wound. (*) May 22, 1863 Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party." Oct., 1875, to Jan., 1S77. Gallantrv in actions. * See note 011 page 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. Xainc, rank, and (>r,!.;aiii/.alil issue. Action. Place. Jones, David I,ii.'ut., Co. I, 54th Ohio Inf. Jones, William 1st Ser^t. Co. .\. 7,vi .V. V. Inf. Jones, William H Farrier, Co. I,, 2cl V. S. Cav. Jordan, Absalom Ci->ri).,Co. X, 3(1 Inil. Cav. Jordan, George Sergt,, Co. K, 9th U. S. Cav. Jordan, George H •Scrtft., Co. A, 27th Ml: Inf. Date. July 13, 1894 Vicksburg, Miss. . May 22, 1S63 Deo. I, I.S64 j Spottsylvania, \'a. | May T2, 1.S64 [ Little Muddy May 7,1877 ,, , V V w Creek, Mont. I 1-eb. 2.\i&,M ^^.^„,.,^ Meadows, Ani;. 2n, 1S77 I Idaho. Ajir. 24,1865 Sailors Creek. Va. . .Xpr. 6,1.863 Fort Tnlerso. X. .Mav 14, 1880 Me.x. j' Carrizo Canvon, .Vug. 12, 1881 N. Mex. May 7, iSgo Jose, Thomas L Priv., Co. 1, 27lh :Me. Inf. Judge, Francis W 1st vSergt. Co. K, 79th X. V. Inf. Judge, Patrick Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Kaiser, John Sergt., Co. p;, 2(1 U. S. .Vrt. Kaltenbach, Luther Corp., Co. !•", 12th Iowa Inf. Kane, John Corp., Co. K, looth N. Y. Inf. Kappesser, Peter Priv., Co. B, I49tli X. V. Inf. Karpeles, Leopold .Sergt., Co. H, 57th Ma.ss. Inf. Fort Sanders, Knoxville.Tenn. Xov. 29, 1863 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, r.865 Xov. 2, 1870 Jan. 24, 1S65 Apr. 2, 1878 Richmond, \'a , , . June 27, 1862 I*eb. 22.1865 Xashville, Tcnn . .' Dec. 16,1.864 Mav 12, 1865 Aijporaattox cam- ] Mar. 29 to i paign, \'a. ' .\])r. 9,1865. June 24, 1865 I Lookout Moiin- Xov. 24, 1863 lain, Tenn. Apr. 3(1, 1870 Wilderness, \'a . .^ ilay 6. 1864 Karr, John 1st Sergt. Co. D, 14th V. R. C. Kauss, Augustus Corp. , Co. H, 15th X. Y. 11. A. Kay, John Priv., Co. L, 8th U. S. Cav. May 9, 1865 April. 1865 .\])r. 27, 1.865 I Five Forks, \'a . .\pr. i, 1865 Mar. 3, 1870 Keating, Daniel Corp. , Co. M, 6th U. S. Cav. Keay, John F Priv., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Keays, William W Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf, .\rizona Oct. 21, 1868 Nov. 19, 1870 ! Wichita River. Tex., Oct. 5, 1870 Jan. 24. 1865 Jan. 24. 1.865 ' --I * See note on IKi.m! 13.^. Ground of award. Oallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party." Capture of flag of 65tli \"ir- .ginia Infantry I C. S. .\. ). Miallaiitrv in actions. Ca])ture of fl.ag. \\'liile commanding a detach- ment of twenty-five men, repulsed a force of more than 100 Indians. While commanding the right of a detachment of nineteen men, he stublioriilv lield his ground in an extremely ex- posed po.sition and gallantly forced back a much supe- rior number of the enemy, preventing them from sur- rounding the command. (*) (*) Capture of flag of 51st Geor- gia Infantry (C. S. A. ). (*) (iallant and meritorious serv- ice during the seven days' battles before Richmond, Ya. Capture of flag, supposed to be of 5th Mississippi In- fantry I C. S. .-\. I. (iallant conduct in battle. Capture of Confederate flag ( Bragg's Arm}-). While color bearer, rallieti the retreating troops and in- duced them to check the enemy's advance. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. Capture of battle flag. Brought a comrade, .severely wounded, from under tlie fire of a large party of llie enemy. Gallantry in action and in pursuit of Indians. (*) MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and orsjanization. Keels, Joseph Sergt. Maj. iS2d N. V, Inf. Keen, Hamden C Priv., Co. G, 27th Rlf. Inf. Keen, Joseph Priv., Co. B, 2olh N. V. Inf. Date of issue. Oct. 25, i.%7! Action. Place. North Anna, Va. Date. May 23, 1S64 Petersburg, Va .... June 16, 1.S64 Keen, Josiah E Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Keenan, Bartholomew T Trumpeter, Cn. Ct, 1st V. S. Cav. Keenan, John Priv., Co. B, Sth W S. Cav. Keene, Harrison M 1st Sergt. Co. II, 27II1 Me. Inf. Kelley, Charles Priv., Co. ("t, 1st f. S. Cav. Kelley, George V Capt, Co. A, 104th Oliio Inf. Kelly, Alexander 1st Serg^t. Co. F, 6th I'. S. C. T. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Nov. 2.S, 1892 I I"rederickshurg,Va.' Dee. 13, 1862 Jan. 24, 1.S65 (iround of axvar.l. Feb. [4, 1870 ' Chiricahua Moun- Oel. 2(i, 1869 tains, Ariz. I I Julv 24, i.S6g ! Arizona Aug. to Oct., I 1 868. Jan. 2.1, 1865 l"eb. 14, 1S70 Fell. 4,1865 P'rankliu, Teun. . . . Nov. ,v>i 1S64 Chiricahua ^lonn- Oct. 20, 1.S69 tains, Ariz. Kelly, Daniel Sergt., Co. G, 8th N. V. Cav. Kelly, John J. H Corp., Co. I, ,sth r. S. Inf. Kelly, Thomas Priv., C". A, 6th X. V. Cav. Kelly, Thomas Priv., Co. I, 5th F. S. Inf. Kelsay Indian Scout. Kemp, Joseph 1st Sergt. Co. D, 5th Mich. Inf. Kendall, William W 1st Sergt. Co. A, 49th hid. Inf. Apr. 6, 1865 Cha])in's Farm, .Sept. 29, 1864 near Richmond, Va. Carried orders to the brigade commander which resulted in saving the works his regi- ment was defending. Participated in the charge with his regiment, though .sick and unfitted for duty. (*) \'oluntarily seized the colors after several color bearers had been shot down, and led the regiment in the charge. (*) Gallantry in action. Bravery in action.s and .scouts. (*1 Gallantry in action. Capture of flag supposed to be of Cheatham's Corps. Gallantly seized the colors, which had fallen near the enemy's lineof abatis, raised them and rallied the men at a time of confusion and in a place of the greatest danger. Mar. 26, 1865 Waynesboro, Va . . . Mar. 2, 1865 Capture of fla. Kennedy, John Priv., Co. M, 2d F. S. Art. Kennedy, Philip Priv., Co. C,5th U.S. Inf. Apr. 2',, 1875 Fpper Washita, ,Se]it. 9, 1874 Tex. Aug. 22, 1.S64 I'ront Royal, \a. . . .\ng. 16, 1864 Ajir. 2',, 187=; Fpper Washita, Sept. 9,1874 Tex. Apr. 12, 1875 W in t e r o f j i«72-7.V Dec. 1, 1864 ' Wilderness, \'a ... . May 6, 1864 F'eb. 12, 1894 Black Kiver Bridge, Mav 17, 1863 Miss. Aug. [t), KS92 Treviliau .Station, June 11, 1864 I Va. Apr. 27, 1877 Cellar Creek, etc., | Oct. 21, 1876, Mont. I to Jan. 8, 1877. Kennison, Horace Corp., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Kenyon, John S vSergt., Co. D, 3d N. V.Cav. Jan. 24, 1,865 .Sept. 2,8, 1897 , Trenton, N. C May 15, 1862 * Set note on pji.^r 1.^3. Gallantry in action. Capture of flag. Gallantry in action. Gallantry during the c.im- paigns against Apaches, Capture of flag of 31st North Carolina (C. S. A. 1. Voluntarily led the company iu a charge and was the first to enter tlie enemy 's work s, tak - iuga number of prisoners. Remained at his .gun, resi.st- ing with its implements the advancing cavalry, and thus secured tlie retreat of his detachment. Gallantrv in actions. Volnntarilv left a retiring col- umn, returned in face of the enem)-'s fire, helped a wounded man upon a horse, and .so enabled him to escape capture or death. MHDAI.S i)l- 110N(_)R. 73 Name, rank.aiiil ()ry;aiii/atioii. Date of issue. Action. Place. I Date. Grouiiil of awanl. Kenyon, Samuel P I'riv., Co. B, 24tli N. \'. Cav. Keough, John Corp., Co. !■;, 67th I'a. Inf. Kerr, John B Capt.,6th I'. S. Ca\. Kerr, Thomas R Capt. Co. C, 14th I'a. Cav. Apr. 24. 1S65 : Sailors Creek, \'a.. .\pr. 6,1X65 | Capture of battle flag, .\\n\ 2;, 1S6.5 Sailors Creek, \'a. - .\pr. 6, i.^J .\pr. 25,1891 White River, S. Jan. 1,1^91 Dak. I June I ;,, 1.S94 ' Mourlielil, W. \'a , , .Vug. 7, 1S64 Kerr, William I'riv., Co. B, 27U1 Me. Inf. Kerrigan, Themes Sergt., Co. H, 6th 1/. S. Cav. Kidder, George E I'riv., Co. II, 271)1 Me. Inf. Kiggins, John Sergt., Co. D, 149th N. V. Inf. Kilmartin, John I'riv., Co. I-", yl U.S. Cav. Capture of battle flag of jolh Georgia Infantry (C. S. A. ). Distinsjuisheil services. .\fter being most ilesperately wounded, he captured the colons of a Confederate regi- ment. (*) Jan. 24, T.S65 .■\ug. 25, i.S7(> Wichita River, Tex. July 12,1.870 Callantry in action. Jan. 24. iSfi.s , , Jan. 12, 1S92 , Lookout .Mountain, Nov. 24, 1S63 Tenn. Nov. i;,, 1S71 I Whetstone Moun- May ,s. 1871 tains, Ariz. Kimball, Alpheus T ' J.aii. 24, 1S6.5 I'riv., Co. I, 27th Jle. Inf. Kimball, Charles Priv.,Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Kimball, John E. L Surg. 27th Me. Inf. Kimball, Joseph I'riv., Co. B, 2(1 W. \'a. Cav. Kimball, Lewis ' J.in. 24, 1.S65 I'riv., Co. C, 27th M.'. Inf. Kindig, John M Corp., Co. A, 63d I'a. Inf. King, Horatio C Maj. and y. JI., U. S. Vols, Jan. 24, 1.865 Jan. 24, 1865 .\;ir. 24, 1865 Sailors Creek, \'.i . Apr. 6, 1865 Dec. 1,1.864 I Spottsy Ivan 1.1, \'a. . May 12,1864 Sept. 25, 1897 King, Thomas J ' Jan. 24, 1,865 rriv.,Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Kinrick, Eben S Jan. 24, 1865 I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Kinsey, John Corp., Co. IS, 45th I'a. Inf. Kirby, Dennis T . . Maj. 8th Mo. Inf. Near Din wicldie Jlar 31,1865 Court House, Va. Mar. 1,897 .Spottsylvani.i, \'a . May 1.8,1.864 Jan. 31, 1894 Aug. 25, 187 Vicksburg, Miss. . . Mav 22, 1.863 Wichita River, Tex. July 12, 187(1 Kirk, John 1st Sergt. Co. L, 6th U. S. Cav. Kirk, Jonathan C ' June 13, 1.894 North .\niia River, Ma\' 23, 1864 Capt. Co. F, 20th Ind. Inf. Va. Kirkwood, John A Sergt., Co. M, 3d U. S. Cav. Oct. 16, 1S77 Slim Buttes, Dak . , Sept. 9,1876 r) Waved the colors to save the lives of the men who were being fired upon by their own batteries, and thereby drew upon himself a concen- trated fire from the enemy. Gallantry in action. n in (*) Capture of flag of 6th North Carolina Infantry ( C. S. .V. I. D Capture of flag of 28th North Carolina Infantry (C. S. .\. 1. Was often under fire during the action while acconipauying the division commander as a volunteer aide-de-camp. (*) (*) Seized the colors, the color bearer havin.g been .shot, and with great gallantry suc- ceeded in saving theni from capture. Seized the colors when tlie color bearer was killed, and bore them liimself 111 the as- .sault. (■>allanlrv in action. Volunteered for dangerous service and, single handed, captured thirteen armed Confederate .soldiers a 11 d marched them to the rear. Hravelv endeavored to dis- lodge some Sioux Indians secreted in a ravine. * Sec note on page 13^. 74 MEDALvS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Kirwin, James Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Kitchen, George K Sertct., Co. H, 6th U. .S. Cav. Kline, Henry Priv., Co. E, 40th X. Y. Inf. Kloth, Charles H Priv., Cliicajjo llcrcantile Bat- terv. 111. L. A. Knaak, Albert Priv.,Co. B, Hth U. S. Cav. Knight, Charles H Corp., Co. I,9tli N. H. Inf. Knight, Edward F Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Knight, John H Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Knight, Joseph F Sergt., Co. F, 6tli U. ,S. Cav. Knight, Porter Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Knight, Roscoe G Corp., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Knight, \A/'illiam Priv., Co. E, 2ist Ohio Inf. Knowles, Abiather J Priv., Co. I), 21I Me. Inf. Knox, Edwin M 2d Lieut. 15th N. Y. Battery. Knox, George F Priv.,Cc:>. G, 27th Me. Inf. Knox, Hosea B Corp., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Knox, John W Corp., Co. I,5tli IT. S. Inf. Date of issue. Jan. 24, 1S65 Apr. 23, 1.S75 Apr. 24, 1865 Jan. 15, 1895 Action. Place. Upper Washita , Tex. Sailors Creek, Va Vicksburg, Miss. . July 24, 1869 ' Arizona July 27, 1S96 I Petersburg, Va . . . Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Ground of award Date. Sept. 9, 1874 A])r. 6, 1865 May 22, 1S63 Aug. to Oct., 1868. July 30, 1864 May I, 1 89 1 White River, S. I Dak. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.S65 — , 1S63 Georgia Jan. I, 1.S91 Dec. 27, 1894 Bull Run, Va. . . Oct. 1.8,1892 Gettysburg, Pa. Koelpin, William Sergt., Co. I, 5th U. S. Inf. Koogle, Jacob I.St Lieut. Co. G, 7tli Md. Inf. Kosoha Indian Scout. Kountz, John S Drummer, Co. G, 37lh ( )hio Inf. Upper Washita, Tex. April, 1.S62 July 21, 1861 July 2,1863 Sept. 9, 1874 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Apr. 23, 1873 Apr. 23, 1.S75 Apr. 27, 1865 Five Forks, Va. .. . Apr. 1,1865 Apr. 12. 1875 Upper Washita, Sept. 9, 1874 Tex. I Winter of 1.872-73. Aug. I -,,1.895 Mi.s.sionarv Ridge, Nov. 25, 1S63 Tenn. * .See note on page 133. (*) Gallantry in action. Capture of battle flag. Carried, with others, liy hand, a cannon up to and fired it through an embrasure of the enemy's works. Bravery in actions and scouts. In company with a sergeant, was the first to enter the ex- ploded mine; was woundeil, but took several prisoners to the Federal lines. (*) (*) Led the advance in a spirited movement to the as- sistance of Troop K, 6th U. S. Cavalry. (") (*) One of twenty-two men ( in- cluding two civilians) who, by direction of General Jlit- ciiel (or Buell), penetrated nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Bi.g Shanty, Ga., in an at- tempt to de.stroj'the V)rid,ges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlanta. Removed dead and wounded under heavy fire. Held his ground with the battery, after the other bat- teries had fallen back, until compelled to draw his piece off by hand; he was se\erely wounded. (*) (*) Gallantry in action. Gallantry in action. Capture of battle flag. Gallantry during the cam- paigns again.st Apaches. Seized a musket and Joined in the charge. MKDAI.S OK HONOR. 75 Naiiu', rank, ami ')ir. 27, 1877 Cedar Creek,, etc., J Jlont. July 211, i,Sg7 ! Vicksburg, Mi.ss, . ^lar. 26, 1S65 Waynesboro, Va , . .\pr, 7, lS6,s Jonesboro, Ga, , , . Au,g, 24. i.S6g Near Republican River, Kans, Aug, Mar. Apr. 1S94 1S6.5 1865 Ground of award. Date. .Sel)t.2y, 1S64 Oct. 21. 1876,10 Jan. ,S, 1877. May 22, 1863 Mar. 2, 1S65 I .Se])t. 1. 1864 July S, 1869 I May i[, 18S7 Vicksburg, Miss. , . May 22, 1863 W'.aynesboro, Va , . . Mar. 2,1865 Chapin's I" arm, Sept. 29,1864 near Richmond, \-a. Jan Apr. Jan. Mar. Apr. Jan. 1S65 1S65 1S65 1866 1.865 I ■'^95 P a i n e ' s C r o r Roads, Va. s ' .\]ir. 5, 1865 NearJetersville.Va . .Apr, 6.1865 .Sailors Creek, \'a , ,' .\pr, 6,1865 Camden, N, C Apr. 19, 1862 Apr. 25,1865 j Sailors Creek, \'a. ., .Apr. 6,1.865 Se])t. 29, 1872 Inf. Lawton, Henry W Capt. Co. A, 30th Ind. Inf. Nov. 19, [872 , Red River, Tex Jan. 24, 1865 Sept. 2, 1893 I Vicksburg, Miss, . ., May 22, 1863 July 24, 1.869 . .Arizona Jan, 24, 1.865 June II, 1.895 McMinnville.Teiin, May 22, 1.893 , Atlanta, Ga, Aug. to Oct. 1868. Oct, 3,1863 Aug, 3, 1864 Took one of the first prison- ers, a captain. Gallantry in actions. Carried, with others, by hand, a cannon u]> to .and fired it through an enibra.sure of the enemy's works. Ca])ture of flag. Capture of flags of 8tli and 19th ArkaiLsas ( C, S, .A, j. This soldier and two others were attacked by eight In- dians, but beat them off anil badh' wounded two of them. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party. " Capture of battle flag. Was among the first to scale the ])arapet. Offered his services to the Government after expira- tion of his term. (*) Capture of flag. (*) Capture of flag of gunboat Xai/scDtoiid. Capture of flag of i illi Florida Infantry (C. S. A. ). Voluntarily, and under a heavy fire, went to the aid of a wounded officer. Capture of flag of fjeueral Kershaw's headquarters. Gallantry in action. (*) Gallantr}- in the charge of the "volunteer .storming party." Bravery in actions and scouts against Indians. (*) Went to the aid of a wounded comrade between the lines. Led a charge of skirnii.shers again.st the enemy's rifle pits, and stubliornly ,ind suc- cessfully resisted two deter- mined attacks of the enemy to retake the works. ♦See note on p.n^c 1 ;,^, 76 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Date of issue. Lawton, John S Sergt., Co. D, 5th U. S. Cav. June 7, iSSo Jan. 24, 1865 Learned, Peter Priv., Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf. Leavett, Henry ■ Jan. 24, 1865 Sergt., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Lenihan, James Apr. 12, 1875 Priv., Co. K, 5tli U.S. Cav. Leonard, Edwin I Aii.g. 16, i.Sg4 Sergt., Co. I, 37tli Mass. Inf. Leonard, Patrick Corp., Co. A, 23<1 U. S. Inf. Leonard, Patrick Sergt., Co. C, 2(.l U. S. Cav. Leonard, William Priv., Co. L, 2d V. S. Cav. Leonard, William E Priv., Co. F, .S5th Pa. Inf. Aug. 26, June 22, .\ug. 8, -Apr. 6, Leport, William F Aug. 4, Sergt., Co. K, 27th N. J. Inf. I Leslie, Frank Priv., Co. B, 4tli N. Y. Cav. Levy, Benjamin Priv., Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Lewis, De \Vitt Clinton . . Capt. Co. F, 97tli Pa. Inf. 1S76 1870 1877 1S65 1 888 Aug. 22 r864 Mar. I, 1S65 Apr. 23. 1896 Action. Place. Milk River, Colo. Date. Ground of award. Sept. 29, 1879 Coolness and steadiness under fire ; volunteered to accom- pany a small detachment on a very dangerous mission. (*) (*) Clear Creek, .\riz. . Jan. 2, 1873 Gallantry in action. Near Petersburg, June 18, 1864 ' Voluntarily e.xpo.sed himself Va. I j to the fire of a Union brigade I to .stop their firing on the Union .skirmish line. Near Fort Hart- suff, Nebr. Apr. 28,1876 Gallantry in charge on hostile Sioux. Little Blue, Nebr. . May 15, 1870 Gallantry in action. Mnddv Creek, Mont. Deep Run, Va. . . . May 7, 1877 Bravery in action. Aug. 16, 1864 I Capture of battle fl.ag. 1863 Offered his ser\'ices to the Government after his term of enlistment had expired. Aug. 15, 1864 ] Capture of colors of 3d Vir- ' ginia Infantry (C. vS. A. ). Crlendale, Va ' June 30, 1862 1 Saved the regimental colors. F'ront Roval, Va. . Lewis, Oilman Jan. 24,1865 Priv., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Lewis, Rufus W I.St Sergt. Co. K, iSth W R. C. Lewis, Samuel E Corp., Co. G, 1st R. I. Art. Lewis, William B Sergt., Co. B, 3d U. S. Cav. Libby, Aaron R Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Libby, Arthur Corp., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Libby, Benjamin F Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Libby, Charles G Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. May 9, 1865 June i5, 1866 Mar. 28, 1879 Jan. 24, 1,865 Jan. 24, 1,865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan 24, 1865 .Sece.ssionville,S.C. June 16, 1S62 Petersburg, Va. Bluff Station, \V\ April, 1865 Apr. 2, 1865 Jan. 20 to 22, 1S77. While retiring with his men before a heavy fire of canis- ter shot at .short range, re- turned in the face of the enemy's fire and rescued an e.xhausted private of his company, who, but for this timely action would have lo,st his life by drowning in the morass through which the troops were retiring. In testimony of his faithful and exemplar)' conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. Voluntarily accompanied the infantry column in the as- sault on the enemy's works, and aided in tnrnin.g thecap■ tureic 133. 78 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and ortjanization. Date of issue. Lohnas, Francis W Priv., Co. H, 1st Nebr. Vet. Cav. Lombard, Osbright A I'riv., Co. F, 27th Mf. Inf. Lonergan, John Capt. Co. A, 13th Vt. Inf. Long, Oscar F 2(1 Lieut., 5tli U.S. Inf. Longee, Lorenzo J Priv., C(i. K, 27th Me. Inf. Longshore, William H Priv., Co. D, 30th Ohio Inf. June 30, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Oct. 2S, 1S93 Mar. 22, 1.S95 Action. Place. Oilman's Ranch, Nebr. Gettysburg, Pa. . . . Bear Paw Moun- tain, Mont. Jan. 24, 1S65 Lord, Charles E Priv., Co. H, 27th Jle. Inf. Lord, Edward Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Lord, Ezekiel S ' Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Loid, George A ' Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Lord, John W '■ Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27th Jle. Inf. Lord, Lyman Priv., Co. 1), 27111 Me. Inf. Lord, Timothy H Sert^t., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Lorish, Andrew J Conini'\- Sergt. ist N. V. Dra- goons. Loud, Elbridge Priv., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Love, George M Col. 116II1 X. Y. Inf. Lovering, George M 1st Sergt. Co. 1, 4th Mass. Inf. Lowell, John H Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Lowell, Moses Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Lower, Cyrus B Priv., Co. K, 13th Pa. Res. Lower, Robert A Priv., Co. K,55th 111. luL Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1,865 ' Sept. 27. 1864 Winchester, Va . . Jan. 24, 1865 Mar. 6,1865 I Cedar Creek, Va. Nov. ig, 1 89 1 Port IIuiImih, La J.an. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 July 15,1887 Wilderness, Va . . Sept. 2, 1893 Lowthers, James 1 Nov. 16, 1876 Priv.,Co. H, 6th U. S. Cav. | Date. May 12, 1865 July 2, 1S63 Sept. 30. 1877 Jan. 24, 1S65 . Aug, 10, 1S94 ; Vicksburg, Miss. . . May 22, 1863 Jan. 24, 1S65 Crcumd of award. Sept. 19, 1864 Oct. 19, 1S64 June 14, 1863 May 7, 1S64 Vicksburg, Mi,ss. . . May 22, 1863 Sappa Creek, Kans.! Apr. 23, 1S75 * See note on page 133. Gallantry in defending Gov- ernnient property against Indians. (*) Gallantry in the recapture of four guns and the capture of two additional guns from the enemy; also the capture of a number of prisoners. Having been directed to order a troop of cavalry to advance, and finding both its officers killed, he voluntarily as- sumed command, and, under a heavy fire from the In- dians, advanced the troop to its proper position. (■■') Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' volunteer storming part}'. ' ' (*) (*) (--) (*) (*) (*) (*) .'■ Capture of Confederate flag. (*) Capture of battle flag of 2d South Carolina (C. S. A.). During a momentary confu- .sion in the ranks caused by- other troops rushing upon the regiment, he checked what \\'ould have been a retreat. (*) (*) Gallant services and .soldierly qualties in voluntarily re- joining his command after having been wounded. Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer storming party . " Bravery in action. MEDALS OF HONOR. 79 Name, rank, and or<;anizatic)n. Date of issne. Loyd, George Sergt., Co. I, 7th T. S. Cav. Loyd, George ^ Priv., Co. A, I22cl Ohio Inf. Lucas, George W Priv.,Co. C, 3d Mo. Cav. Apr. 16, 1S91 .\]ir. 24, 1.S65 Action. Place. Oround of .award. Date. Wounded Knee Creek, S. Dak. Peter.sburg, ^'a . . . . Dec. 29, 1S90 .\\)r. 2, 1S65 Luce, Moses A Sergt., Co. E, 4th Mich. Inf. Ludgate, Wilham Capt. Co. G, 59th N. Y. Vet. Inf. Ludwig, Carl Priv., 34th N. Y. Batterj-. Dec. — , lS64 Benton, .\rk July 25. 1.S64 Lunt, Alphonso M Sergt., Co. F, 3Sth Jlas.s. Inf. Lunt, John W Priv.,Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Lutes, Franklin W Corp., Co. D, 1 1 ith N. Y. Inf. Luther, James H Priv., Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Luty, Gotlieb Sergt., Co. A. 74th N. Y. Inf. Fel). 7, 1S95 I Laurel Hin,\'a. . . . .■\ug. TO, iSSg Faruiville.Ya July 30, 1.S96 Peterst3urg,\'a . . . . Slay 10, i,Sg4 Oi)equanCreek,\'a. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Apr. 3, 1S65 Peter.sburij.Va May lo, 1.S64 A])r. 7, 1865 June iS, I,S64 Sept. ig, 1H64 Mar. 31, 1.S65 June 2.S, 1 890 Fredtricksl:mri;.\'a. Jlav 3, 1.S63 Lydston, Charles Priv.. Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Lyman, Joel H O. M. Sergt. Co. B, ytli N. Y. Cav. Lynch, John B Priv.. Co. D, 3d Ind. Cav. Oct. 5. 1876 Jan. 24, 1S65 .\ng. 20. 1894 Lyons, Frederick A Corp., Co. A, 1st \'t. Cav. Lytle, Leonidas S Sergt., Co. C. 8th U. S. Cav. Lytton, Jepiha L Corp., Co. A, 23d T. S. Inf. MacArthur, Arthur, jr 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 24th Wis Inf. Machlin, Heniy W. B Blacksmith, Co. H,7th U. S. Cav. ChancellorsviUe, Jlav ^, 1S63 Winchester, Va. . . . Sept. ig, 1.S64 Nov. 23. 1872 Frederick.sl)urg,\'a. Jlay — , 1S64 Oct. 26.1864 } Cedar Creek. \"a. . . Oct. 19,1864 .\])r. 12, 1S75 Near Fort Selden, Julv 8 to 11, ! N. Mex. ■ 1873. Aug. 26, 1876 I Near Fort Hart- Apr. 28, 1876 .sufF, Nebr. Machol Priv., Indian Scouts. June 30. 1890 Missionary Ridge, Tenn. Oct. 5, 1S78 Apr. 12, 1S75 Nov. 23, 1863 Little Big Horn, June 25, 1876 .Mont. Arizona * See noti- nil ]iaE;e ^^^• 1872 and 1873 Braver)-, especially after hav- ing been severely wounded through the lung. Capture of division flag of General Heth. Pursued and killed the Con- federate brigadier-g e n e ra 1 George M. Holt, .Arkansas Militia, capturing his arms and horse. Saved the life of a wounded conu'ade under fire. .Advanced and rallied the men to advance, to .save a bridge about to be fired b\- tlie enemy. -As gunner of his piece, in- flicted singly a great loss upon the enemy and dis- tinguished himself in the removal of the piece while under a hea\y fire. Sa\'ed the regimental colors at imminent personal risk. Capture of flag of 41st Ala- bama Infantry (C. S. A. ). .Among the first to jump into the enem\-'s rifle pits, he himself captured and brought out three prisoners. Bravely advanced to the en- emy's line under heavy fire and brought back valuable inform.ation. (*) In an attempt to capture a Con- federate flag, he captured one of the enemy's officers and brought him within the lines. Carried dispatches from the President tr. .S, TS94 Weldon Railroad, .Vug. 10, iNh) ( '.allantlvniade a mo.st dan.tjer- Va. Jan. 34, i.S6,s ous reccinnoissani'L-. Mar. 25, 1863 Georgia .\pnl, iShj Mason, Joseph T Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Matthews, David A Corp., Co. E, 8th l'. .S. Cav. Matthews, John C Corp., Co. \, 6 1 St Pa. Inf. Matthews, Milton Priv., Co. C, 61st Pa. Inf. Mattingly, Henry B. Priv., Co. B, loth Ky. Inf. Maus, Marion P 1st Lieut., 1st U. .S. Inf. Jan. 24, KS65 ,^'ept. 6, 1.S69 .\rizona (.)ne of twenty-two men (in- cluding; two civilians) who, bv direction of General jSiitchel (or Buell), pene- tr.ited nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory and ca])tnred a railroad train at Bi.i; Slianty, Ga., in an at- tempt to destroy the hridge:. and tr;ick between Chatta- nooga and .\tlanta. (*) . . . .' t.S6.Sand 1S69 ' Bravery in actions and scouts against Indians. Pel). 13, 1.S91 Petersburg, \'a. . . , .\pr. 2. i,S65 Apr. -\pr. Nov 24. 1S65 7. 1865 27. 1S94 Petersburg, Va. Jonesboro. Ga . . Apr. .Sept. 2, lS6,s I, iSft4 Maxham, Lowell M Corp., Co. F, 7th Ma.s.s. Inf. .Aug, 24, 1.S96 Sierra Mad re Jan. ii,i.S.S6 Mountains, Mex- ico. I I're\ P. S. Inf. Apr. 27, US77 Cedar Creek, etc. INIont. Oct. 3 and 4, 1S62. McCarren, Bernard Dec. i, 1S64 Priv., Co. C, 1st Del. Inf. McCauslin, Joseph May 12, 1S65 Priv., Co. 1), I2lh W. \'a. Inf. McCleary, Charles H Feb. 22, 1865 I St Lieut. Co. C, 721I Ohio Inf. McClelland, James M \u.<,^ 13, 1894 Priv., Co. B, 3otli Ohio Inf. McClernand, Edward J Nov. 27, 1894 2d Lieut., 2d U, S. Cav. Oct. 21, 1876, to Jan. S, 1877. Gettysburg, Pa. . . . July 3, 1863 Apponiatto.v cam- paign, Va. Nashville, Tenn . . Vickslnirg, Miss. . Bear Paw Jloun- tain, Mont. June 8, 1,865 Blakely, Ala Mar. 29 to Apr. 9, 1865. Dec. 16, 1864 May 22, 1863 Sept. 30, 1877 .\])r. 9, i86,s McConnell, Samuel . Capt. Co. H, 119th 111. Inf. McCormick, Michael Apr. 27, 1877 I Cedar Creek, etc., Oct. 21, 1876, Priv., Co. G, 5th U. vS. Inf. Mont. 1 to Jan. 8, ' 1S77. McCornack, Andrew Jan. 10, 1895 : Vick.sburg, Miss. . . May 22, 1863 Sergt., Co. I, 127th 111. Inf. McCulloch, Adam, jr Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. I, 27tli Me. Inf McDonald, Franklin M, . . Aug. 31, 1872 Priv., Co. G, nth P. S. Inf. McDonald, George E July 21, 1865 Priv., Co. L, 1st Conn. Art. McDonald, James Julv 24, 1869 Cor])., Co. B, 8th U. S. Cav. McDonald, Robert Nov. 27, 1894 1st Lieut.,. 5th P. S. Inf. McElhany, Samuel O Apr. 24, 1865 Priv.. Co. .\, 2d \V. \'a. Cav. McEnroe, Patrick H , Sept. 27, 1.S64 Sergt., Co. D, 6th N. V. Cav, McFall, Daniel . Julv 27, 1896 Sergt., Co. E, 17th Mich. Inf, I Near Fort Griflin, Aug. 5. 1872 Tex. ! FortvStedmau.Va. . Mar. 25, 1865 Arizona Aug. to Oct. 1868. Wolf Mountain , Jan. 8,1877 Mont. Sailors Creek, Va, , Apr. 6,1865 Winchester, Va . . . , , Sept. 19, 1864 Spottsylvania.Va. . I\Iay 12, 1864 Bravery in actions and scouts against Indians. Bra\ery in action with .\pache Indians. Gallantry in attack on a large party of Chej'ennes. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111, Voluntarily assumed c o m - niand of his company, then under fire, on C)ctober 3, 1862, and .so continued in command until the repulse and retreat of the eneni}' on the 4tli of October, 1S62; the loss to this companv' during the battle being very great. Gallantrv in actions. Capture of flag. Gallant conduct in action. Capture of flag of 4th plorida ' Infantry (C.S. A. ). Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer stormin,g party." Gallantlv attacked a band of hostiles and conducted the combat with excellent skill and boldness. Capture of fla.g. Gallantrv in actions. Gallantry in the charge of the " vol intteerstormin,g party." Gallantry in defeatin.g Indians who attacked the tnail Capture of flag. Bravery in actions and scouts against Indians. Led his command in a suc- cessful charge a.gainst su- perior numbers of hostile Indians, strongly posted. Capture of flag. Capture of colors of 36th \"n- ginia Infantry ( C. S. A. ). Captured the colonel com- manding the Confederate brigade that charged the P'nion batteries. * See uote on page 133. ISIKDALS OF JIUNOR, S3 Name, rank, and ori;anizalion. Dak- n! issne. Actiim, Place. Date. ( '.round III' auaril. McGann, Michael A 1st Serijt. Co. !•', J^d U. S. C:i McGar, Owen I'riv.. Co. C, ,stli U.S. Inf. McGinn, Edward I'riv., Co. 1-", .S4th Ohio Inf. McGonagle, Wilson I'riv., Co. B, 30tli Ohio lid". McGonnigle, Andrew J Capt. and Asst. O. II., I'. S.Vols. Aug. 9,1880 I Koselind Kiver, |une 17, 1876 I Mont. Apr. 27, I.S77 Cedar Creek, etc., Oct. 21, 1876, Mont. I to Jan. 8, 1S77. Jiuie 28, i,S94 ' \'ickshurt;. Miss. . .: May 22, i.S6,^ •Xiit;. 15, 1.S94 \'irksl>urij. Miss. . .1 Mav 22, 1.863 July 21, 1.S97 Cedar Creek, \'a. . .1 Oct. 19,1864 McGough, Owen Corp., Battery I). 5th I'. S. Art. .Any. 28, 1897 Bull Run.\'a. . , July 21, i,S6i McGraw, Thomas Serjrt., Co. B, 23d 111. Inf. McGuire, Charles Priv.. Co. I). 27tli :\Ie. Inf. McGuire, Patrick Priv., Chicaj^o Jlercantile Bat- tery, 111. L. A. McHugh.John Priv.,Co. A. 5tli U. ,S. Inf. Mclntire, Henry Priv., Co. K, 27tl) Me. Inf. May 12, 1865 Pelersl)UrK,\'a .\pr. 1, 1.865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 15, 1895 \'ic-k.sl)Ui;.j, Miss. . .' May 22, 1,863 .\pr. 27,1877 Ce.art v." ("rallaiitry in tile charge of the "volunteer storming part v." While acting cliitf i,uarter- m.isterof C.eiieralSlKridan':; forces operating in the Shen- andoah Valley, wassevcrelv wimniled while leading a liri- gaile of infantry, and was connnended for the greatest gallantrv bv General Sheri- .1.111. Through his personal exer- tions under a heavy fire, one of the guns of his bat- tery w:is brought off the field; .ill the other guns were lost. One of the lliree soldiers most conspicuous for gallantry in tlie final a.ssault. (*) Carried, with others, by hand, a cannon up to and fired it through an eml)rasure of the enemy's works. Gallantrv in actions. (*) Voluntarily risked his life iu rescuing, under the fire of the enemy, a wounarty." .\]ii. 2,1865 Capture of standard of I2tli Mississippi Cavalrv ( C. S. I .A. ), B6 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. | Date of i.ssue. Miller, John Priv..Co. H. Sth N. Y. Cav. Mar. 26, 1865 Action. Place. Date. Wavnesboro.Va. . .] Mar. 2, 1865 Ground of award. Capture of flag. Miller, John Dec. i, 1S64 Gettysburt;, Pa . . July 3, 1.S63 Capture of two flags. Corp., Co. G, nth Ohio Inf. j Jan. 24, 1S65 (*) Miller, Mark Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Miller. William E ' July 21. 1S97 | Gettysburg. Pa. . . . July 3, 1.S63 Without orders led a charge of (Japt. Co. 11, 3d Pa. Cav. i his squadron upon the flank of the enemy, checked his attack, and cut off and dis- pensed the rear of his col- umn. J\lillerkin. \A/illiam, jr Jan. 24. 1865 1st Lieut. Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Milliken, Charles H ' Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv.. Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Milliken, John S Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. A. 27th Me. Inf. Milliken, Moses S Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. 1", 27th Me. Inf. Milliken, Nathaniel M Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv.. Co. I", 27th Me. Inf. Mills, Elihu J Jan. 24. 1865 Priv., Co. B. 27th Me. Inf. Mindil, George W Feb. 10, 1887 Col. 27th N. J. Inf. June 17, 1863 (*) (*) {*) (*) (*) (*) Volunteered the .services of his regiment after its term had expired. Mindil, George W Oct. 25,1893 Williamsburg, Va. . May 5,1862 As aide-de-camp led the charge Capt. Co. I, 6i.st Pa. Inf. Mar. 27. 1.S90 Spottsylvania.Va. . j May 12, 1.S64 Mitchell, Alexander H Capt. Co. A, io5tli Pa. Inf. Mitchell, Charles H Jan. 24. 1S65 . , - Pri\. , Co. K. 27th Mc. Inf. Mitchell, Deodat | Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. , Mitchell, Edwin Jan. 24. 1.865 ! Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. , Mitchell, John 1 Apr. 23, 1875 Upper Washita, 1st Scrgt. Co. I, 5th U. S. Inf. | ' ' I Xex. Mitchell, John J | Mar. 3. i''^7o IkU Canvon, Ariz. Julv 3,1869 Gallantry in action. Corp., Co. L, 8th r. ,S. Cav. ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 with a part of a regiment, pierced the enemy's center, silenced some of his artil- lery, and, getting in his rear, caused him to abandon his po.sition. Capture of flag of i8th North Carolina Infantry ( C. S. A. ). Sept.gtoii, i Gallantry in engagement 1874. j with Indians. Mitchell, Joseph S Jan. 24, 1,865 I (*) Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Mitchell, Joseph S., jr Jan. 24,1865 ' 1 ! (*) Priv.. Co. F. 27th Me. Inf. I Mitchell, Theodore Apr. 24, 1865 ; Petersburg, Va. . . . .\pr. 2, 1.S65 Capture of flag. Priv., Co. C, 61st Pa. Inf. I Moffitt, John H Mar. 3, 1891 Corp.. Co. C. 1 6th N. Y. Inf. Molbone, Archibald Sergt.. Co. Gt, i.st R. I. .\rt. June 16, i,S66 Gaines Mill.Va. . .1 June 27, 1862 Petersburg, Va. Voluntardy took up the reg- imental colors after several color bearers had been shot down, and carried them un- til himself wounded. Apr. 2, 1.S65 Voluntarily accompanied the infantry coUunn in the as- sault on the enemy's works, and turned the captured guns upon the enemy. *SL-f note- on puge 1,13, MEDALS OK HONOR. 87 Action. Name, rank, and oryani/alion. I >alf of is.siR'. Place. ( troiiiicl (if award. Date. Monaghan, Patrick | Dec. i, 1864 Peter.slmrg, Va. . . . June 17, 1.S6.J Corp., Co. C, 4Stli Pa. Inf. ! .\]>r. 27, 1S77 Cedar Creek, etc., Oct. 21, 1.S76. Mont. to Jan. S, 1S77. Jan. 24, 1S65 Montrose, Charles H I'riv., C.i. I, jth r. S. Inf Moody, Charles H I'riv., Co, I, 27th .Me. Inf. Moody, James E Priv., Co. 1, 27th Me. Inf. Moody, William H iht Sersjt. Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Mooie, George A Priv., Co. H, 27tli Me, Inf, Moore, Geoige D Priv., Co. I), iitli W. \':\. Inf. Moore, John Priv.. Co. II, 27tli Me. Inf. Moore, Wilbur F Feb. 22, 1.S65 Na.'.-lu ille, Tenn . . . Dec. 16, [S^rj Priv,, Co. C, 117111 111. Inf. ' I Moquin, George Jan. 27, iS.So | Milk Kiver, Colo. .! .Sept. 29 to Corp., Co. I", 5tli r. S. Cav. ' ( )ct. 5, 1S79, Moran, John Mar. 3, i,S7i) Seneca Monnt.iin, ; .^njf. 25, I1S69 Priv., Co. I', Sth r. S. Cav. ' .\ri/. Morey, Delano -Xajr. 14, 1X43 McDowell, \"a Mav .\ i.Sh Priv., Co. H, .S21I Uhio Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jail. 24, uS6,=i Oct. 6, 1.H64 ' I'ishers Hill, \'.i .. Sejit. 22. 1S64 Jan. 24. i.S6,= Morford, Jerome Priv., Co, K, 55th 111, Inf, Morgan, George H 21I Lieut,, 3d I'. S. C.iv. .Sept. 2,1893 I Xickslinr.!,', Miss. . . May 22, r.S6;, July 15, iSc)2 liij^'Dry I'ork, .\ri/. i Jul\- 17,1882 Morgan, Lewis | Dec. i, 1864 Spottsvlvaiiia,\'a. ., Mav 12, 1.S64 Priv,, Co, I, 4tli Ohio Inf. Morgan, Richard H June 17. 1.865 Cohinilius, ('.a .\)n. 16. 1865 Corp., Co. .•\, 4th Iowa C.iv. Morgan, William F J.in. 24, 1S65 j Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Morriarty, John .Sept. 6, 1S69 | -Xrizoua , . . . r86Sand 1869 Sergt., Co. E, Sth V. S. Cav. | Morris, James L .Vug, 12, 187,5 1st Sergt. Co. C, 8th U,.S. Cav, i Morris, William 1 .\pr. 24, 1863 J Sailors Creek, Va. ., Apr. 6, i8h= Sergt,, Co. CistN.V. f Lincoln) ' I Cav. I Morris, William W ! Apr. 2-;, 1S75 I'pper Washita, ! Sept,9tori, Corp., Co. II, 6th U. S. Cav. ; ' j Tex. 1874. Morrison, Francis Aug. 2, 1.897 ' Bermuda Hundreil, June 17, 1864 Near Fort Seldcn, Julv 8 to 11, N, Me.x, 1873. Priv., Co. H, 85th Pa. Inf. Va. Morrison, Ivory C Jan. 24, i:li;e l.;,^. 88 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and orijaiiizatioii. Date of issue. Action. Mostoller, John W Priv., Co. K, 54th Pa. Inf. Dec. 27, 1894 Place. L,yiichl)urg,Va . . . Date. June iS, 1864 Mott, John Serjit., C". F, 3d U. S. Cav. Moulton, Alonzo P Jan. 24, 1IS65 Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Moulton, Charles H ' Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co, I, 27th Me. Inf. Moulton, Erastus ' Jan. 24, 1.S65 Sc-rtjt., Co. I. 27th Me. Inf. Nov. 27, lSq4 Nov. r;,, 1.S71 | Whetstone Moun- tains, Ariz. Ground of award Voluntarily led a charge on a Confederate battery (the officers of the company be- ing disabled ), and compelled its hastv removal. Moylan, Myles Capt., 7th r. S. Cav. Mugridge, Samuel Jan. 24, iS6,s Priv., Co. (",, 27111 Me. Inf. Mulholland, St. Clair A Col. 1 i6tli Pa. Inf. Bear Paw Moun- tain, Mont. May 5, 1.S71 Callantrv in action. I ("■) j (*) i (*) Sept.;v>, 1S77 Mar. 26, 1.S95 i Chancellorsvill t Va. Mundell, Walter L Corp., Co. p;, 5th Mich. Inf. Mt-nsell, Harvey M ' Feb. 5, 1.S66 .Sergt., Co. A, gqth Pa. Inf. .\pr. 24, i'S65 I .Sailors Creek, \'a. Gallantly led his command in action against Nez Perces Inilians until himself severe- ly wounded. May 4 and 5, Held the enemy in check all 1863. A\>v. 6, iS6,s Capture of flag night to cover the retreat of the .Armv. March, Orrin Jan. 24, 1N65 Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Murphy, Daniel Dec. 1, 1S64 Hatchers Run, Va Sergt., Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Murphy, Dennis J. F Sergt., Co. F, 14IU Wis. Inf. 1S61 to iSb.s j ,Services during the rebellion; carried the colors of the regiment through thirteen engagements. Jan. 22, i,S92 Corinth, Mi.ss. May 9, 1865 Murphy, Edward 2d Fieut., Co. H, loth V. R. C. Murphy, Edward [ Feb. 14, 1870 ChiricahuaMoun- Priv., Co. G, I.St r. S. Cav. tains, Ariz. Murphy, Edward F 1 .\pr. 23, i8,So Milk River, Col Cor]!., Co. 1), 5th r. .S. Cav, Oct. 27, 1864 ; Capture of flag of 47th North Carolina Infantrj- (C. S. A. ). Oct. s and 4, ! Carried the colors until three l!S64. i times wounded. .\pril, 1865 In testimony of his faithful I and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. Oct. 20, 1869 ! Gallantry in action. Sept. 29, 1879 ' Gallantry in action. Murphy, James F ,Sei)t.25, 18S6 Petersburg, Va Priv., Co. L, I.St Conn. .'\rt. Murphy, Jeremiah Oct. 16, 1877 Priv., Co. M,,vl U. S. Cav. ' Murphy, Join B Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. I", 27th Me. Inf. Mar. 25, 1865 } .\ piece of artillery having been silenced by the enemy, I this soldier voluntarily a.s- sisted in working the piece, conducting liimsel f through- out the engagement in agal- lant and fearless manner. Powder River, , Mar. 17, 1876 , I'.iavery in action with Sioux. Mont. (*) Murphy, John P Priv., Co. K,,'Sth Ohio Inf. Murphy, Joseph W Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Murphy, Michael C Lieut. Col. 170th N. V. Inf. Sept. 1 1, 1M66 ,\ntielam, Md . Jail. 24, 1865 Jan. 15,1897 .N'orlli .\nna, Va. . Sept 17, 1862 Cajiture of flag of 13th Ala- : bauKi Infautrv iCS. A.). May 24. 18C-4 This officer, commanding the regiment, kept it on the field, exposed to the fire of the enemy, for three hours, without being able to fire line .shot in return, because j I if the ammunition being ex- hausted. *See mile- (in page 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. 89 Action. Name, rank, andortfaniz.ition. Murphy, Philip Corji., Co. I", Sth V. S. Cav. Murphy, Robinson B JIus., Co. A, 127IU 111. Inf. Mar. 3, 1.S70 July 22, 1890 Seneca iiountain, Ariz. Atlanta, f.a Murphy, Thomas Corp., Co. V. Sth I'. vS. Cav. Murphy, Thomas Corp., Co. K, i.S'Sth X. V. Int' Murphy, Thomas C Corp.. Co. 1,31st 111. Inf. Murphy, Thomas J istSertrt. Co. G. 146th N.V. Inf. Murray, Thomas Scrfft.. Co. B, 7tli r. S. Cav. Myers, Fred Sergl., Co. K, 6th I'. S. Cav. Myers, George S I'riv., Co. I", loist Ohio Inf. Myers, William H Priv., Co. A, I St Md. Cav. Nannasaddie Indi.in Scout. Nantaje Imlian .Scout. Nason, Priv., Nason, Priv.. Nason, Priv. , Nason, Priv.. Nason, Scr.tjt Nason, Priv.. Nason, Priv., Nason, Priv., Neahr, Priv.. Andrew J Co. F. 27th Me. Inf. Freeman Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. John Co. (;, 27th Me. Inf. Luther C.I. P.. 271I1 Me. Inf. Nathan P .. Co. C. 27th Me. Inf. Robert Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Samuel E Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. WiUiam H Co. I. 27th Me. Inf. Zachariah C Co. K, r42d N. V. Inf. I\I.ir. 3, i.S7() Seneca Mountain, Ariz. Cliapin's I'arin, near Richninnil, Va. .\]ir. 6, i,S65 .\u!i. 14, iSy3 Vicksliur.L;, ^li Ground of award. Date. :\u.l'. 25, 1S6;) July 2.S, i!S64 .\;i.i;. 2,s, i.S6(i Sept. 24, i.Sf)4 :\Iav 22. 1.S63 .\])r. 27, i.%.s Five p'orks, \'a . . . .Vpr. 1. iS(i5 (hi, ,S, 1878 Little r.i.u; Horn. Jinn- 2,s, 1^7(1 Mont. I'eli. 4, r.Syi White River. S. Jan. 1, iScji Dak. A]ir. 9. 1S94 C h i ck ania n.i,'a . Sejit. 19, I. '-'63 'I'enn. |nne 14, 1S71 .\p])oin;;ttox Court .\]i','. 9, i.Sd.s House. \'.i. .\|ir, I 2, iS7~ .\]ii-. 12, 1.S75 1.S72-1.S73 1S72-1.S73 Neal, John F Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Jr.n. 24, i.S6,s . . Jan, 24, i.S6,s . Jan. 24, iSf,.s . - Jan. 24. 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1X65 I, - Jan. 24, i.S6,s Jan. 24. iS6,s - Jan. 24, 1.S63 Sept. II, 1890 p'orL I'isher. N. C . . Jan. 16. 1.S65 J.an, 24, i,S6,s | ('yallaiUry in action. l'.,in,i.; orderly to the bri.gade coininander, he voluntarily led two regiments, .as reen- forcenients. into line of bat- tle, wlieie he had liishor.se shot under him. ( '.:\llantry in rclion. C:'iiture of fla^. Voluntarily cro.s.sed the line of heavy fire of rnioii and Confeeated eiTorts to re- capture it. Saved the le.giniental colors by .greatest ])er.sonal devo- tion and braverv. Oallantry in action; w.is five times wounded. Gallant conduct in campaigns and engagements with .-\paches. Gallant conduct in cain])ai.gns and en.ga.gements with .\paches. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (■') Voluntarily advanced with the heaalisadiii,g. (*) *Sec uote on page 13.^. 90 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and orscanization. Neal, Solon D Priv., C. -\. 7t1i r. S. Cav. Needham, Frank E I'riv., Co. I-;, 27th .Me. Inf. Neilan, Frederick S ,St.TKl., Co. A, 6th r. S. Cav. Nelson, Jacob F 1st Ser.nt. Co. .X, 9th V. R. C. Aui.;. 25, 1X70 Wichita River, Tex. July 12,1870 Apr. 25,1891 ! Sioux campai,t;ii .. . Dec. 1890 Jan. 24, 1S65 ! Callantrv in action. I )i.stinj'iushed liraverv. Apr. 2-;, 1875 , T'pjjer Washita, ■ Sept. 9-11, Tex. 1S74. May 9. 1865 .\pril, 1.865 Nevers. Robert 2d Lieut. Co H. Sth N. Y. Cav. Neville, Edwin M Capt. Co. C, 1st Conn. Cav. Newbegin, Luke L I'riv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Newman, Henry 1st Sercrt. Co. F, 5th V. S. Cav. Newman, William H Lieut., Co. B, S6th N. Y. Inf. Nichols, Franklin I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Nichols, Henry C Capt. Co. E, 73r. 2, 1865 Col. 61st Pa. Inf. Ort'l, Jacob G Corp., Cii. D, 28lli I'.i. Inf. Osborne, 'William Sergt., Co. M, ist ['. S. Cav, Jan. II, [.86- .\ntictani. Mil . Sc])t. 17, 1862 Osgoo J, Henry B 1st Lieut. Co. I, 27tli Me. Inf. Oss, Albert Mav 6. 1,892 Priv.,Co. B, nth X. V. Inf. .\])r I 1. 187!; Winter of 1872-7;,. Jan. 24, 1865 i Chanccllorsvillc, ' Mav ^, 186.^ Va. O'SuUivan, John I'riv., Co. I,.(tli I'. S. Cav. Otis, William M Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Overturf, Jacob H Priv., Co. R, 85d Ind. Inf. Owen, Elijah J. C Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Owen, Mark L. H Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Owen, Melville C Priv., Co. C, 27lh :\le. Inf, Packard, Charles F Priv., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Packard, Loren F Sergt., Co. K, .Sth X. V. Cav. Oct. i},. li^JS ' Staked Plains, Tex. Dec. 8,1874 Jan. 24, 1865 .\ug. 1;,, 1894 \'icksburg. Miss. . . May 22, 1.86;, J.-in. 24, 1.86.S , . Jan. 24, 1.86.S I Jan. 24, 1.865 Jan. 24, 1865 I .\ug. 2(1, 1S91 ' Raccoon Ford, Va. Xov. 27, 1863 Page, Amos W Jan. 24, 1865 I St Lieut. Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Capture of flag of 31st Geor- gia Infantry (C. S. A. ). Bravery in action. While in charge of a brigade, assisted in preventing a di.s- aster caused by Union troops firing into each other. Took up the colors from tlie hands of the color bearer, who had been shot down, and bore them through the remainder of the battle. Bravery in action. Capture of flag of 5'ith Vir- ginia Infantry ( C. S. A. ). Gallantry in actions. en Bravery in actitnis and scouts against Indians. Gallantry in campaigns and engagements with Apaches. Carried the colors, at the head of the column, in thea.ssault, after two color bearers had been shot down. Capture of flag, sujiposed to be of 7th South Carolina Infantry (CS. A. ). Gallantry^ in campaigns and engagements with .\])aches. Remained in the rifle pits af- ter the others had retreated, firing constantly and contest- ing the ground step by step. Gallantry in a long cha.se after Indians. (*) ('■allantry in the charge of the " volunteer .storming party . " (*) {*) (*) Charged alone on three Con- federate soldiers, and res- cued a comrade whom they had captured, (*) * See nolt nn page 133. MEDALS OK IIOXOR. 93 AcUolK XMiia-, rank, ami oru;aiii/.ali(>ii. Datcol ismu-. ("irinind of award Place. Date-. Paine, Adam I'riv.. Iiiiliaii Si-outs Palmer, George H . .Mu.s., iM 111. Cav. Palmer, James W I'riv.. Co. C. 27tli Mr. Inf. Palmer, John G. Corp., Co. 1', 21st Conn. Inf. Palmer, William J Col. 15U1 I'a. Cav. Pardun James M I.St Ser^t. Co. K. 24th W K. C. ,)an. 2.\, 1S65 Oct. .v>, 1.S46 IhIi. 2|. iS'M .1 May 9, 1.S65 Parker, Benjamin F I'riv., Co. <;,. 27tli Ml-. Inf. Parker, Horace B I'riv., Co. G. 27tli Mf. Inf. Parker, Joseph D 1st Lieut. Co. G. 27th Ml-. Inf. Parker, Thomas Corp., Co. !',. 2.1 R. I. Inf. Pa-ks, James W Corp., Co. I'. I itli Mo. Inf. Parks, Jeremiah Priv.Co. A, 9th X. V. Cav. Parnell. William R 1st Lieut.. 1st r. S. Cav. Oct. I,v I'^75 ' Staked Plains. Tex. Sc])t. 2u. [,S7.| (iallantr\ in action. Mar. 10, i,S96 Lcxiii,L;ton. Mo. . . . Sept. 20, l.Sfti V'oluiitctrcil to fitjlit in the trenches, and also led a charjje which resulted in the recapture of a Lnion hospital, t<),i;ether with Con- federate sharpshooters then occu])\'iiig the .same. (*) ;. i.S(i2 X'oluuteered to assist as .t;un- ner of a battery upon which the enemy was concentrat- ing; its lire, and fou;;ht with the battery until the clo.se of the eui^aL^enient. I. iNfiT With 150 men, attacki'd and defeated a sujierior force of the eueniy. capturintj their iieldpiece ;nicl about luo lirisoners. without the loss of a man. In testimony of liis faithful and exemplary conduct .is one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Sjiringfield, III. I * I (*) (*) 1.S65 Planted the fnsl color on tin- cueun's works. .Vjiril, i.Sd.s Jan. 24. i.Sfis Jan. 24. 1S65; Jan. 24, i.S6,s Petersliur". \'a .\l.r. May 9, i,S67 Sailors Creek, \'.'i .\pr. 6, 1.S65 Carried tile regimental colors over the creek after the regi- I nunt had broken and been I re])nlseil. l'"el>. 22. i.S6,s Xashville. Tenn , , , Dec. 16, rSfj) Capture of (lag. Oct. 26, 1.S64 Cedar Creek. \a . Oct. 19. 1S64 Capture of tl.ig. SejJt. 16, 1.S97 ; Wliite ]!ird Can- June 17. |S7 Wliite Hird Can- von. Idaho. Parody, John I'riv., Co. K, 27th Me. luf. Parrott, Jacob Priv., Co. K, 33d Ohio Inf. J.m. 24, ise.s Mar, 25, 1.S63 Oeorgia .\pril, 1.S62 Parsons, Joel Priv.. Co. H, 4th Va. Inf. .Vn.g. 16, iS9.j X'icksburg, ^liss. . . May 22, 1.S63 I * Sec note on ])aj;e 133. With a few ineu. in the face of a heavy fire from pursuing Indians, and at iinniinenl peril, returned and rescued a soldier whose horse had been killed, and who had been left behind in the retreat. One of tw^enty-tvvo men (in- cluding two civilians I who. by direction of Oeneral jiitchel (or BucU), pene- trated nearly 2(x) miles south into the enemy's territory and ca]itnred a railroad train at Hig Shanty, Ga.. in an attempt to destroy the bridges and track lietween Chattanooga and .Atlanta. Gallantry in the charge of the " vol nnteerstorinin.g party." 94 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and oricaiiization. Patch, John, jr Priv., Co. K. 27th Me. Inf. Patterson, Gardiner Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf Patterson, John H 1st Lieut., nth U. S. Lif. Date of issue. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Action. Place. July 23,1897 Wilderness, Va . Patterson, Mark Priv.,Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Paul, Elbridge R Corp., Co. G, 27111 Me. Inf. Paul, Henry M Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Paul, William H Sergt. , Co. E, 90th Pa. Inf. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan, 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Pay, Byron E Priv., Co. H, 2(1 :\Iinn. Inf. Payne, Irvin C Corp., Co. M, 2d N. Y. Cav. Payne, Isaac Trumpeter, Indian Scouts. . Pearsall, Platt Corp., Co. C, 30th Ohio Inf. Pearson, Alfred L Col. 155th Pa. Inf. - Nov. 3,1896 Antietaiii, Md. Sept. 11,1897 : Nolensville, Tenn Date. May 5, 1864 .Sept. 17, 1862 Feb. 15, 1863 Apr. 24, 1865 Sailors Creek, Va. . ' .\pr. h, 1.S65 Peavey, Chandler Priv., Co. I, 27tl' Me. Inf. Peck, Cassius. Serg., Co. F, 1st U. S. S. S. Peck, Theodore S 1st Lieut. Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. May 28, 1875 j Pecos River, Tex. . Aug. 14, 1S94 j Vick.sburg, Mi.ss. . . Sept. 17, 1897 Lewis' Ivirin, \'a . . Ajir. 25, 1875 May 22. 1863 Mar. 29, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.S65 ( )ct. 12, I.S92 Sept. 8, i8gi Peirsol, James K Sergt., Co. F, 13th Ohio Cav. Blackburn's Ford, Va. Newport Barracks, N. C. Apr. 24,1865 Paine's Cross i Roads, Va. * See note on page 133. Sept. 19, 1862 Feb. 2, 1S64 Apr. 5, 1865 Ground of award. (*) (*) Under the heavy fire of the advancing enemy, picked up and carried several hun- dred yards to a place of safety a wounded officer of his regi- ment, who was helpless and would otherwise have been burned in the forest. (*) (*) I7nder a mo.st withering and coiicentrateil fire, volunta- rily picked up the colors of his regiment, when the bearer and two of the color guard had been killed, and bore them aloft throughout the entire battle. Was one of a detachment of .sixteen men who heroically defended a wagon train against the attack of 125 cavalry, repulsed the attack, and saved the train. Capture of Virginia State col- ors. Gallanlrv in action. Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' volunteer storming party. " Seeing a brigade forced back by tile enemy, he seized his regimental color, called on his men to follow him, and advanced upon the enemy under a severe fire. The whole line took up the ad- vance, the lost ground was regained, and the enemy was repulsed. (*) Took command of such sol- diers as he could get ind attacked and captured a Confederate battery of four guns Also, while on a recon- noissance, overtook and cap- tured a Confederate .soldier. By long and persistent re- ■'sistance and burning the 1 iridges, kept a superior force of the enemy at bay and cov- ered the retreat of the gar- rison. Capture of flag. MEDALS OF HONOR. 95 Action. Name, rank, and organization. Date of issne. Ground of award. riatv. Date. C") Pendexter, Paul Jan. J4, 1865 l'riv.,Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Pengally, Edward ' Feb. 14,18701 Chiric.iliua Mimii- ( )ct. Jo. iS6c/ Callanlrv in action. I'riv., Co. C. stli f. S. Cav. Pennell, Horace. I'riv., Co. C, 271I1 Mc. Iiif. Pennsyl, Josiah Sergt., Co. -M, 6th U. S. Cav. Pennypacker, Galusha . Col. 97th Pa. Inf. tains, At\/,. Jan. 24, i86,s -Vpr. 2^,1875 I'piK-r Wasliil.i., .Sc])!. 11, 1874 Tex. .Vug. 17, 1891 I'ort f'isher, N. C. . Jan. 15, 1.S65 . Sept. 24, 1879 P.lakc-1\ . .\.hi -\)>r. 9. 1.86.S Pentzer, Patrick H Cor])., Co. C. 97tli 111. Inf. Perkins, George D Jan. 24. 1865 I I'riv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Perkins, James G [an. 24, 1.865 I'riv.. Co. E, 27111 Me. Inf. Perkins, John Jan. 24, 1.865 I'riv., Co. B, 27th Mc. Inf. Perkins, John W Jan. 24, 1865 2d I.ieut. Co. F, 27 Me. Inf. Perkins, Otis W Jan. 24. 186=; . I'riv.. Cn. I, 27th Me. Inf. Perkins, Samuel Jan. 24. 1865 . . I'riv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Perry, Pharaoh Jan. 24, 1.895 I'riv., Co. I), 27tli Me. Inf. Perry, William R | Jan. 24, 1865 I'riv., Co. D, 271I1 Me. Inf. i Pesch, Joseph Jlar. 10, 1896 Ciiand Ctulf, Mis-.. .\]ir. 28-29, Priv., Battery .\, 1st Mo. L. A. , 1863. Pettigrew, Colby H I'riv., Co. G, 271)1 Me. Inf. Pettigrew, John Corp., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Petty, Philip Sergt., Co. A, 136th Pa. Inf. Jan. 24. 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 .Xug. 15, i.^q', I'rc(lericksl)ury, Dec. is, 1862 \'a. Phife, Lewis July 24, 1869 .\ri/.ona . . ■\n,i;. to Oct.. Sergt., Co. B. 8th U. S. Cav. i ' [ 1868. Philbrick, Ira A Jan. 24, 1865 • Pnv.,Co. H, 27lh Me. Inf. Philbrick, Robert S Jan. 24.1865 Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Philipsen, Wilhelm O Dec. 12,1.804 Milk Cretk. Col". , Sept. 29, 1879 Blacksmith, Troop D, 5th U. S. i i I *Sec nylc ou page 133. Gallantry in action. Gallantly led the charge over a traverse and planted the colors of one of his regi- ments thereon; was severely wounded. Capture of flag. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) i'n With two comrades volunta- rily took position on board the steamer C/nrsfiiiaii, in charge of all the guns and ammunition of the battery, and remained in charge of the same, although the steamer became unmanage- able and was e.xposed for some time to a heavy fire from the enemy. (*) (*) Took up the colors as they fell out of the hands of the wounded color bearer, and carried them forward in the charge. Bravery in actions ann. l)atr nf issue. Place. Dale ( '.niiinil cif award. Pittinger William Sergt., Co. C, 2(1 Ohio Inf. ;\Iar. 25, 1863 (ieorgia .Vpr. 6, 1.S65 Pittman, George J .Vpr. 24, i.Sfi5 Sailors Creek, \'a . Sergt., Co. C, istN.V.( Lincoln 1 Cav. Pitts, George Jan. 24, rS65 I'riv.. Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Plant, Henry E .Xpr. 27, I.S96 Ik-iitonville, N. C. . liar. 19, 1865 Priv., Co. I'', 14th Mich. Inf. Ajjril, 1.S62 Piatt, George C July 12, iSq, ' I-airfielil, Pa . Priv., Troop H, 6th U. S. Cav. July 3, 1.S63 Platten, Frederick Nov. 16, 1876 1 Sappa Creek, Kans., Apr. 23, 1.S75 Sergt., Co. H, 6th U. S. Cav. Plowman, George H j Dec. i, 1864 Petersburg, Va ... June 17, 1864 vSergt. Maj., 3d Md. Inf. ' Plumer, Jeremiah Jan. 24, 1865 Capt. Co. I", 27th Me. Inf. Plumer, William Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Plunkett, Thomas Mar. 30, 1866 i Fredericksburg, Va. Sergt., Co. H, 21.SI Mass. Inf. Dec. 1 1, 1862 Poole, James A Priv., Co. I', 27th Me. Inf. Poppe, John A Sergt., Co. I". 5tli I'. S. Cav. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 27, 1880 , Milk River, Colo. Porter, John R , 1863 or 1864 ' Georgia Priv., Co. G, 2ist Ohio Inf. Sept. 2g to Oct. 5, 1879. .\pril, 1.862 ( )ne of twenty-two men I in- cluiling two civilians) who, by direction of General Mitchel (or Buell), pene- trated nearly 2f« miles .south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Hig Shanty, Cra., in an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlanta. Capture of flag of the Sumter Heavy Artillery ( C. S. A. ). Rushed into the midst of the enemy and rescued the col- ors, the color bearer having fallen, mortally wounded. Seized the regimental flag up- on the death of the standard bearer, in a hand-to-hanrl fight, and prevented it from falling into the hands of the enemy. Gallantry- in action. Recaptured the colors of the 2d Penn.sylvania Prt)visionaI Artillery. (*) (*) Seized the colors of his regi- ment, the color bearer hav- ing been .shot down , and bore them to the front, where both his arms were carried off by a .shell. (*) Grallantrv in action. ( )ne of twenty-two men ( in- cluding two civilians) who, by direction of General Mitchel (or Ruell), pene- trated nearly 200 miles .south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Big .Shanty, Gn.. ni an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and .Atlanta. Porter, Samuel h'arrier, Co. L, 6th IT. S. Cav. Porter, William Sergt., Co. H, i.st X. J. Cav. Post, Philip Sidney Mar. 18, 1.89^ Nashville, Tenn. . . Dec. 15- 16, Col. 59th III. Inf. I ' : 1.864.' .\ug. 25, 18711 Wichita River, Tex.' Jidy 12, 1870 ' (kdlantry in action July 3,1865 I Sailors Creek, Va . . .A])r. 6,1865 .Among the first to check tin- enemy's countercharge. With his brigade, attacked a strong ])Osition under a ter- rific fire of grape, cani.ster, and musketry, where he was struck down by a grape shot. 7156- *See note on page 133. 98 MEDALS OF HONOR. Action. Name, rank, and ori;anizatinn. Date of issue. Place. Postles, J. Parke Capt. Cci. A, 1st ])el. Inf, Potter, George W Priv., Co. C, i-t R. I. L. .\. July 22, 1892 I'eb. 27, 18S6 Gettysburg, Pa . Date. July 2, 1863 Petersburg, Va . . . .' .Xpr. 2, 1865 Ground of award. Potter, Norman F 1st Si-rsft. Co. K, 149th N. V. Inf. Powell, William H .Maj. 2d W. Va. Cav. June 24, 1865 I Lookout Moun- I Nov. 24, 1S63 I tain,Tenn. July 22, 1890 vSinking Creek Val- 1 Nov. 26, 1862 ley,Va. Powers, Thomas Ccirp., Co. Cr, i.sl U. 8. Cav. Powers, Wesley J I'riv., Co. 1". 147th 111. Inf. Pratt, James Hlacksmitli, Co. I, 4th V. S. Cav. Pray, William A . . . Priv., Co. I), 27th Mf. Inf. Pray, William H Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Prentice, Joseph R Priv., Co. K, 19th U. S. Inf. I'Vl). 14, 1870 Chiricahua Moun- Oct. 20, 1.S69 I tains, Ariz. ( )et. 24, 1.S95 Oostanoula, Ga. . . . Apr. 3,1865 Nov. 19, 1872 Red River, Tex . . .' vSept. 29, 1872 Jan. 24, 1865 I Jan. 24, 1865 ] Feb. 3, 1894 I Stone River, Tenn. Dec. 31, 1S62 Prescott, Alpheus Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Prescott, Roswell Priv., Co. A., 27th Me. Inf. Prescott, \A^allace Priv.. Co. A, 2-jU\ Me. Inf. Preston, Noble D Capt. Co. A, lotli N. Y. Cav. Purcell, Hiram W Sergt., Co. G, 104th Pa. Inf. Purman, James J Lieul., Co. A, i4olh Pa. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24. 1865 Nov. 22, 1889 Trevilian .Station, June 11, 1864 Va. Jlav 12, 1894 ' Fair Oaks, Va May 31, 1862 Oct, 30,1896 Gettysl)urg, Pa. . . . July 3,1863 Putnam, Edgar P Sergt., Co. D, 9lh N. Y. Cav. Pym, James Priv., Co. B, 7th U. S. Cav. May 13, 1892 ; Crumps Creek, Va. May 27, 1864 Oct. 5,1878 Little Big Horn June 25, 1876 River, Mont. 1 * Sec note on page i.v^. Voluntarily delivered an order, . in the face of heavy fire of the enemy. One of the charging column which turned the enemy's guns; was severely wounded. Capture of flag (Bragg's army). Distinguished services in raid, where, with twenty men, he charged and captured the enemy's camp, 500 strong, without the loss of a man or gun. Gallantry in action. Swam the river under heavy fire to establish a cross- ing. Gallantry in action. r) (*) Voluntarily rescued the body of his commanding officer, who had fallen mortally wounded. (*) (*) {*) Volunlarily led a charge, in which he was .severely wounded. While carrying the regimental colors on the retreat, he re- turned to face the advancing enemv, flag in hand, and saved the other color, whicli would otherwise have been captured. Voluntarily assisted a wound- ed comrade to a place of apparent .safety while the enemy were in close prox- imitv; he received the fire of the enemy and a wound which resulted in the am- putation of his left le.g. With a small force on a recoii- noissance, drove off a strong body of the enemy, charged into another force of the enemy's cavalry, and .stam- peded them, taking twent\-- seven prisoners. X'oluntarily went for water, ami secured the same, un- der heavy fire. IMEDALS OF HONOR. 99 Quimby, Hosea M Si-rj^t., Co. I), 27U1 Mv. lilt" Quinlan, James .Maj. .S8lhN. V, liil' Quinney, James I'riv., Co. I), 27th Me. Inf Raerick, John I'riv., Co. 1., Mh U. S. Cav Rafferty, Peter I'riv., Co. B, 69111 N. Y. luf. Ragnar, Theodore 1st SL-r^t. Co. K, 7th V. S. Cav. Ramsdell, Paul R I'riv., Co. 1), 27th JU-. Inf. Rand, Charles F Priv., Co. K, 1 2th N. Y. Inf, Rand, Edward M .\iljt. 27tli Mv. Inf. Rankin, William Priv.,Co. !■■, 4th V. .S. C.iv. Ranney, Myron H Priv.,Co. G, i.Uh N. Y. Inf. Ransbottom, Alfred Kst Sergt. Co. K, 97th Ohio Inf, Ratcliff, Edward 1st Sergt. Co. C, 3Stli U. S. C. T, Raub, Jacob F As.st. Surg. 2 loth Pa. Inf. Raymond, William H Corp., Co. A, loSth N. Y. Inf. Read, Mort A Lieut., Co. 1), Sth N. V. Cav. OrouiKl of aw.iril. .\lthough out of .service, he voluntarily resumed iluty on the eve of battle and took :i conspicuous part in the charge on the heights. (*) Led his re.giment on the ene- my's l)attery. .silenced the guns, held the position against overwhelming num- bers, and covered the re- treat of the 2d Army Corps. Oct. 14, 1S69 I Cr.'illantry in action with In- dians. Having been wounded and di- rected to the rear, declineil to go, but continued in action, receiving several additional wounds, which resulted in his capture by the enemy and his total disability for military .service. Hraverv. (*) Remained in action when a part of his regiment broke in disorder, joined another company and fought with it through the remainder of the engagement. (*) Oallantrv in action with In- dians. Picked up the colors and car- ried them off the field after the color bearer had been .shot down. Nov. 30, 1.S64 I Capture of flag .■\pr. .6, i,S65 Apr. 20, 1896 Mar. U), 1.S96 -\pr. 24, 1S65 Chapin's Farm, , ,Se])t. 29, 1.S64 near Riclinioiul, Ya. Hatchers Run, \'a. | Feb. 3, i,S6.s rettvsburg, Pa. .Vppomattox Sta- tion, Ya. * Sec note on page 1.^3. Commanded and gallantly led his company after the com- niandiug oflicer had been killed; was the first enli.sted man to enter the enemy's works. Discovering a flank movement by the enemy, apprised the commanding general, at great peril, and, though a noncombatant, voluntarily partici]5ated with the troops in repelling this attack. Yoluntarily and under a .severe fire, brought a box of ammu- nition to his comrades on the skirmish line. Apr. S, 1S65 I Capture of flag of i.st Texas I Infantry (C.S. A.). July 3, 1.S63 lOO MEDALS OF HONOR. Xame, rank, and orj^anizatiou. Date of issue. June 8, 1S65 Rebmann, George F SersJl., Cn. H. i icjlh 111. Inf. Reddick, William H Mar. 25, 1S63 Corp., Co. B, 33d Ohio Iiif, Redlon, Gideon W, T Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Redlon, Isaac Priv., Co. C, 27th :Me. Inf. Action. Place. Blakely, Ala . Geort;ia Jan, 24, 1S65 : Jan. 24, 1865 Au.i;, 16, 1895 Gfttysbur^;, Pa, Jan. 24, 1865 I July 2, 1863 Reed, Charles W liii.yler, 9th Mass. Battery. Reed, George C Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Reed, George W Sept. 3, 1864 ' AVeldon Railroad, Au.y. 21, 1864 Priv,, Co. E, nth Pa. Inf. ' Va. Date, Apr, 9, rS55 April, 1S62, Reed, James C Priv,, Co, A, 8th V. S. Cav. July 24, 1869 , Arizona Reed, Thomas May 17, 1884 Priv., Co. C, 27th N.J. Inf. Reed, William Dec. 12, 1895 Vicksbura;, Mi.ss Priv,, Co. H, .8th Mo. Inf. I Apr. 29, 1 868 1863 May 22, 1S63 Apr, 2, 1865 June 17, 1864 , .' Oct. 26, 1864 ' Cedar Creek, Va. . . Oct. 19,1864 . . .\u.t;. 15, 1894 Vicksburg, Miss. . . May 22, 1863 Reeder, Charles A Apr, 3, 1867 Batter}^ Gregg, near Priv., Co, G, I2th W. Va. Inf. Petersburg, Va. Reid, Robert Dec. i, 1864 | Petersburg, Va . . . . Priv., Co. G. 48th Pa. Inf. j Reigle, Daniel P Corp., Co. !••, 87th Pri. Inf. Renninger, Louis Priv., Co. II, 37tli Olii.i Inf Reynolds, George Sept. 27, 1864 ' Winchester, Va ... Sept. 19, 1864 Priv., Co. M, gtli N. V. Cav Rhodes, Israel K ] Jan. 24, 1865 Mu,s,, Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Thoroughfare Gap, Rhodes, Julius Priv., Co, E, 5th N. Y. Cav. Rhodes, Sylvester D Capl. Co. D, 6isl Pa. Inf. Mar. I, 1887' Feb, 16, 1S97 Va, Bull Run, \"a. I'isher's Hill, Va . Aug. 28, 1862 Aug. 30, 1862 Sept. 22, 1S64 Grounil of award. ♦See note on page 133. Capture of flag. One of twenty-two men ( in- cluding two civilians) who, by direction of General Mitchel (or Buell), pene- trated nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Big Shanty, Ga., in an at- tempt to destroy the l)ridges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlanta. Rescued his wounded captain from between the lines. (*) Capture of flag. Defended his position ( with three others ) again.st a party of seventeen hostile luflians, under heavy fire at close quarters, the entire party ex- cept himself being severely wounded. Offered his services to the Government after expira- tion of term of enlistment. Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer .storming party , " Capture of flag. Capture of flag of 44th Geor- gia Infantry (C. S, A. ), Capture of flag. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer .storming party. ' ' Capture of Virginia State flag. .^fter having had his horse shot imder him in the fight, he voluntarily joined the 105th New York X'olunteers and was conspicuous in the advance on the enemy's lines. Gallantry in the advance on the skirmish line, where he was wounded. Was on the skirmish line which dro\e the enenn- from the first intrenchment, and was the fir.st man to enter the breastworks, capturing one of the .guns and turning it upon the enemy. MEDALS OF HONOR. lOI Name, rank, and urganizatioii. Dale of issue. Rice, Edmund aiaj. iglh Mass. Inf. Oct. 6, 1.S91 Jan. 4, 1.S95 Action. (".rnund of award. Place. Date Gettysburg. Pa .... . Julv .^, i.Sh;, Cons])ieuous bravery on the tliinl day of the battle, in the countercharge against Pickett's Division, where he fell severely wounded within the eneniv's lines. Wilderness, Va. May 5, 1S64 Saved the life of an officer. Rich, Carlos H 1st vSergt. Co. D, 4tli \'t. Inf. Richards, Orin E Jan. 24, 1S65 . Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Richardson, Joseph P Jan. 24, 1.S65 . Priv., Co. H. 27tli :\Ie. Inf. Richardson, \A/ilIiam R .\pr. 7, 1.S66 I Sailors Creek, Va.| Apr. 6, 1.S65 Inirnished important infonua- Priv., Co. A, 2<1 t)hio Cav. 1 tion as to the position of the enemy, and the approaches thereto, to General Sheri- dan. Richey, William E Nov. 9, 1.S93 Chickamauga, Ga Sergt.. Co. .\. i.sth Ohio Inf. Richman, Samuel Sejit. 6. 1S69 .\rizona Priv.. Co. ]•:, .Sih r. S. Cav. Richmond, James Dec. 1. 1.^64 Cyetlx sliurg, Pa . Priv., Co. F, ,Sth Ohio Inf. Ricker, Alonzo F Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Sept. 19, 1S63 While on the extreme front, between the linesof the com- batants, single handed he captured a Confederate ma- jor who was armed ami mounted. r,S6.'i-i5 Capture of Hag. (*) Roach, Hampton M Jan. 27, r.SSo Corp., Co. I", 5th {'. S. Cav. Milk River. Colo . July I. TS62 Hrought up two regiments, which he led against the enemy, himself being se- verely wounded. Sept. 29 to p;rected breastworks under Oct. 5.1.^79. fire; al.so kept the conun.ind supplied with water three consecutive niglils, while expo.sed to lire from am- bushed Inilians at close I range. *Sre ni)te 011 pai^c 1,^3. I02 MEDAtS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. , Date of issne. Robbins, Augustus J 2(1 Lieut. Co. H, 2(1 Vt. Inf. Action. Place. Mar. 24, 1S92 Sjiottsylvania, Va Robbins, Marcus M I'riv., Co. H.dth V. vS. Cav. Roberts, Alvah Jan. 24, 1S65 I'riv., Co. 1, 27th .Mf. Inf. Roberts, Dimond, jr ' Jan. 24, r,S65 Corp., Co, I, 27th Me. Inf. Roberts, George H ' Jan, 24, 1.S65 Seri;t., Co. I, 27tli Me. Inf. Roberts, John ' Jan. 24, 1.S6.S Priv., Co. Ct, 27th Me. Inf. Roberts, Joshua Jan. 24, 1.S65 I'riv., Co. G. 27tli Me. Inf. Roberts, Luke H Jan. 24, 1S65 Corp., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Roberts, Otis O ' Dec. 28, 1S63 Serjft., Co. H, 6th Me. Inf. [ Roberts, William F j Jan. 24, 1S65 Corp., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. | Robertson, Robert S ! Au.t;. 2, 1.S97 1st Lieut. Co. K, 93(1 N. Y. Inf. Nov. 16, 1876 ; Sa])pa Creek, Kans Robertson, Samuel. I'riv., Co. G, Ohio Inf. vSept. - , 1S63 Robie, George F June 12, i.S,S3 Sergt., C(.i. I). 7th N. H. Inf. Robinson, Edwin A Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. A, 27th :SIe. Inf. Robinson, Emery S Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Robinson, George E Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Robinson, Horace V Jan. 24, 1S65 Corp., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Robinson, James H April 4, 1.S65 ■Priv., Co. B, 3d Mich. Cav. Robinson, John Dec. i, 1S64 Priv., Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. Robinson, John C Mar. 2.S, 1S94 Brii,'. Gen., U. S. Vols. Date. Ground of award. May 12, 1.S64 Ajir. 1H7.5 Rappahannock Station, Va. Corbin's Bridge, Geor,gia Nov. 7, 1863 May 8, 1864 April, 1862 Before Richniom: Va. .Vrkansas , Sept.—, 1864 Gettysburg, Pa . Laurel Hill, Va. July Mav 3. I '^63 8, 1864 While voluntarily serving as a staff officer, successfully withdrew a regiment across and arouitd a severely ex- posed position, to the rest of the command; was severely wounded. Gallantry in engageJuent with Indians. ("} (*) (,.) (*) (*) (*) Capture of flag of Sth Louisi- ana Infatitry (C.S. A. ). While acting as aide-de-camp to a general officer, seeing a regiment break to the rear, he seized its colors, rode with them to the front in the face of the advancing enemy, and rallied the re- treating regiment. One of twenty -two men (in- cluding two civilians) who, by direction of General Mitchel(orBuell ^penetrated nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Big Shanty, Ga., in an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlanta. Gallantry on the skirmish line. (*) (*) (*) (*) Successfully defended hini- .self, single handed, against .seven guerrillas, killing the leader and driving off the remainder of the party. Capture of flag of 57th Vir- ginia Infantry ( C. S. A). Placed himself at the head of the leading brigade in a charge upon the enemy':; breastworks; was severely wounded. *See note on p.-ii^e 133. MI'IDALS OF HONOR. lo. Name, rank, and orfjanization. Date of issue. - Robinson, Joseph 1st Sei'Kt. Ci). I), :-.i\ U. S. Cav Robinson, Omen V7 l'iiv.,Criv.,Co. H, 8ist I'a. Inf. Roche, David 1st Ser,t;t. Co. A, ,=;th V. S. Inf. Rock, Frederick I'riv., Co. .\,37Ui()hio Inf. Rockefeller, Charles M\ Lieut., Co. A, lySth N. V. Inf. Ctroiind of auanl. Discharijeil his duties while in I'liiirj^e of the skirmish line under fire with judjjment and .ijreat coolness, anil brousjht up the led horses at .1 eritical moment. 1,1864 SpottsyIvaiiia,Va. . May 12, i.S6_i Capture of llajj;. Apr. 27, 1.S77 I Cedar Creek, etc., I Oct. 21, 1S76, Mont. I to Jan. S, Aut;. 10, 1.S94 Vickshurt;. ;\Iiss. . . May 22, 1.S63 Auk. -.'■'^97 l''ort Blakely, Ala. . Apr. 9,1865 Rodenbough, Theophjlus F . Capt., 2(1 U.S. Cav. Rodenburg, Henry I'riv., Co. A, 5th U.S. Inf. Rogan, Patrick Sergt., Co. .\. 7th U. S. Inf. Rohm, Ferdinand F Chief Bugler 16th I'a. Cav. Se])t. 21, 1.S9', Trevilian Station, June 11, 1S64 \'a. Apr. 27, 1S77 Cedar Creek, etc., ( Oct. 21, 1876, Mont. to Jan. 8, ■«77- Dee. 2,1878 liig Hole, Mont. . . Aug. 9,1877 Oct. 16,1897 Reams Station, Va. .^ug. 25, 1864 Romeyn, Henry i.st Lieut., 5th U.S. Inf. Rood, Oliver P I'riv., Co. B, 20th lud. Inf. Rooney, Edward Priv.,Co. D, 5thU. vS. Inf. Roosevelt, George W 1st Sergt. Co. K, 26th I'a. Inf. Nov. 27, 1894 I Bear Paw Moun- Sept. 30, 187 tain, Mont. Dec. 1,1864 ('TCllysburg, I'a, , . July ,',,186', A])r. 27, 1877 Cedar Creek, etc., Oct. 21, 1876, Mont. ; to Jan. 8, I J877. Bull Run.Va \ Aug. t,o, 1862 July 2. 1887 Oettysburg, I'a. . . . July 2,186,^ (Tallautr\' in actions. (iallantry in the charge of the "volunteer stonniug party." Vttsylvania,VH. May 6, 1864 May 12, 1864 Roush, J. Levi Corp., Co. D, 6th Pa. Res. Rowalt, John F Priv., Co. L, 8th U. S. Cav. Rowand, Archibald H Priv., Co. K, 1st W. Va. Cav. Aug, 3, i8q7 Mar. 3, 1870 Mar. I, 1.873 Rowdy Mav 15, 1890 Sergt., Co. A, Indian Scouts. Rowe, Henry 'W Dec. i, 1.864 I'riv., Co. I, mh X. H. Inf. Rowell, Alexander Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Roy, Stanislaus Sergt., Co. A, 7th I'. S. Cav. Rundle, Charles W Priv., Co. A, ii6th 111. Inf. Oct. 5, 1878 Gettysburg, Pa. . . . July 2, 1.863 Lyry Creek, Ariz . .\rizona Petersburg, Va . ( )ct. 14, 1.869 1.861 to 1865 Mar. 7, 1,890 June 17, 1.S64 Little Big Horn, Mont. July 26, 1S94 Vick.sburg, Mi.ss. June 2$, 1876 Mav 22, 1863 (*) (*) One of twenty-two men ( in- cluding two civilians ) who, by direction of General Mit- chel (or Buell), penetrated nearly 200 miles south into the enemy's territory and captured a railroad train at Big Shanty, Ga., in an at- tempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chatta- nooga and Atlanta. Encouraged his cannoneers to hold a very dangerous posi- tion, and when all depended on several good shots, it was from his piece that the most effective were delivered, causing the enemy's fire to cease and thereb)- relieving the critical position of the P'ederal troops. Crallantry in action- with In- dians. Capture of flag of 13th North Carolina Infantry (C. S. A.). (*) (*) Cai)ture of flag. Was oneof si.x volunteers who charged upon a log house near the Devil's Den, where a squad of the enemy's sharjishooters were shelter- ed, and coni])elle(l their .sur- render. (iallantry in action uilli In- dians. Gallant and meritorious .serv- ices during the war as a, scout in the Army of the Shenan- floah. Bravery in action uitli .\|)ache Indians. Capture of flag. (*J Brought water to the wounded at great danger to life and under a most galling fire of the enemy. Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' volunteer .storming party. ' ' * .See iiutL- oil p.i.Lif 1,^3. MEDALS OK HONOR. 105 Action. Name, rank, ami orijanizaUon. Date of issne. Place. Date. Russell, Charles L Dec. i. 1.S64 SpottsylvaniaA'a. . May 12, rS64 Corp., Co. H, 9,vl X, Y. Inf. Russell, James Feb. 14, i.Syo Cliiricaluia Moun- Oct, 20, iS6g Priv., Co. G, Kst r. S, Cav, tains, .\riz. Russell, Milton Sept. 28, 1897 Stone River, Tenn. Dec, 29, 1862 Capt. Co, .A., 51st Inil, Inf. Cnninil of award. Russell, Otis F Chaplain 27th Jle, Inf. Rutherford. John F 1st Lieut. C{ the oppos- ing skirmi.shers before them. (*) Made a successful charge, by which ninety' ]jrisoners were captured. In a gallant dash on a supe- rior force of the enemy, and in a personal encounter, captured his opponent. .\t great risk of his life, went to the assistance of a wound- ed comrade, and while under fire removed him to a ])lace of safety. Gallantry in actions. Courage while in command of a detachment. Capture of fourteen Confeder- ates in the .severest part of the battle. .Saved from capture a gun of the 5th Maine Battery. \'oluntarily carried orders which resulted in saving froi ; destruction or capture the picket line of the First Division, Second .\nny Corjis. (*} Gallantry in killing an Indian warrior and ca]]tiiring ]), 12;,(1 N. V. Inf. Date of i.s,siie. Nov. 9, 1.S93 Action. Place. Date. Orounil of award. Dabiieys Mills, Va.' Feb. 6-7, 1S65 Orasped the enemy's colors in the face of a deadly lire, and l)roni;ht them inside tlvj lines. Sept. 2, iSq-^ Vick.sbnrt;', Miss ..! l\Iav 22, 1S63 (iallantryin the charge of the " volunteer .storinint; party . " Oct. 2S, 1.S91 ! I'etersburii, Va . . . . : A]ir. 2, 1S65 b'ir.s-t to scale the enemy's works and plant the colors thereon. Nov. 17, iHg5 Savacool, Edwin F Capt. Co. K, istN. V. I Lincoln) Cav. Sawyer, Isaac I'riv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Sawyer, Joseph R I'riv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Sawyer, Obediah Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Saxton, Rufus UriK. Gen., U.S. Vols. Scammon, Nicholas Corp., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Scanlan, Patrick Priv.. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Chancellorsville, Mav S. I'^'^i Va. Was severel\- wounded b_v a t(nn,shot in his left arm, went half a mile to the rear, but insisted on returning to his eom])any, and continued to fight bravely until he became exhausted from the loss of blood and was compelled to retire from the field. .\])r. 24, 1.S6.S .Sailors Creek, Va . Aj)r. G. 1.S65 ' Capture of fiag, Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Apr. 25, 1S9;, Jan. 24, 1865 Harpers I'"erry. Va Ma\'26to3o, Distinguished g.allantry and 1S62. I good conduct in the defense. (*) Jan. 21,1897 ' Ashepoo Kiver, S. C. ajay 24, 1864 Scales, David 'W. C •. . . . Priv., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Scheibner, Martin E Priv., Co. G, 9(.)th Fa. Inf. Schellenburger, John S Corp., Co. 1!, 85th Pa. Inf. Schenck, Benjamin W Corp., Co. I), 1 16th 111. Inf. Schiller, John Priv., Co. F;, 158th N. V. Inf. Schlachter, Philip Priv., Co. F, 73d N. Y. Inf. Schmal, George W Blacksmith, Co. M, 24th N. Y Cav. Schmauch, Andrew Priv., Co. A, 3uth Ohio Inf. Jan. 24, 1,865 June 23, 1896 Apr. 6, 1.865 Mine Run, Va . Nov. 27, 1863 Deep Run, Va. . . .; Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 14, 1894 Vicksburg, Mi,ss. . Apr. 6,1.865 1 Chapin's Farm, I near Richmond, Va. Dec. 1, 1S64 Apr. 2.1, 1S65 Spottsylvania, Va. Paine's Cross Roads, Va. July 9, 1894 I \'icksl)urg. Miss. . . * See note 011 page 133. Volunteered as a member of a boat crew which went to the rescue of a large number of Union soldiers on board the stranded steamer Boston, and with great gallantry as- sisted in conveying them to shore, being exjjo.sed during the entire time to a heavy fire from a Confederate bat- tery. (*) Voluntarily extinguished the burning fuse of a shell which had been thrown into the lines of the regiment by the enemy. Capture of flag. Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer storming party . " Sept. 29, 1864 Advanced to the ditch of the enemy's works. May 12, 1S64 Capture of flag of I5tli Louisi- ana Infantry (C. S. A. ). Apr. 5, 1865 Capture of flag. May 22, 1.S63 Gallantry in the charge of the I "volunteerstormiiigjjarty. Mav 22. 1.863 MEDALS OF HONOR. 107 NaiiK.-, rank, and organization. Date if issue. Action. Orouiid of awanl. Place. 1 Date Mar. 16, lSq6 Wini'lu-sliT, \'a Sc pt. 11). iSb) \\\nl to the assistance of isl Sertft. Co. K, 2d V. S. Cav. hi . regimental commander, w hose liorse had lieen killed nnder him in a charf,'e, mounted the ollieer behind liim, mideraheavv fire from llie enemy, and returned him to his connnand. Schmidt, William Nov. 9. i^9,S Missionary Kiili^e, \( IV. 2.S, iWV^ Rescued a wouuiled comrade Priv.,Co. 0, -,7th Ohio Inf. Tenn. uuiler terrific lire. Schneider, George Seri^., Co. A, 3d Md. Vet. Inf. Schnell, Christian Corp., Co. C, .vlli Ohio Inf. Schnitzer, John Wagoner, Troop ('., 4th l". S.Cav July 27, I.S96 Petersliurij, \'a ... July 30, i,S64 July 111, I.S9.I Vickslinry, .Mis-... . May 22. 1.S63 .\ug. } 7, i.Sgb Horseshoe Canyon, Ajir. 23, 1SS2 X. Mex. Schofield, John M . Maj. I.St Mo. Inf. Schon, Julius Corp., Co. I, 22(1 V. S. Inf. Schorn, Charles Chief Bugler, Co. M. ist W. \'a. Cay. Schroeter, Charles Priv., Co. G, Mil I'. S. Cav. Schubert, Martin Cor])., Co. E, 26th X. V. Inf. July 2, I.S92 I Wilsons Creek, JIo. Nov. ig, i.S,S4 Sioux campaign . Apr. 24, iS6,s .\ppomattoN,\\ Chiricaliua Moun- tains, .\riz. Keh. 14, 1S7C Sept. I, 1S93 i I'rederickslmrg.Va. Schwenk, Martin Sergt., Co. B, 6th I". S. Cay. Scofield, David S O. M. Sergt. Co. K, 5th N. Y.Cav Scott, Alexander Corp., Co. D, loth \'t. Inf. .■\]ir. 2;, iSSy Millerslown, Pa. Oct. 26, 1.S64 Cedar Creek, Va. Aug. 10, 1S61 1S76 Apr. S, 1.S65 Oct. 20, 1.S69 Dec. 13, 1S62 July — , I.S63 .\fter the color sergeant had been .shot down, seized the colors and jilanteil them on the enemy's works iluriug the charge. (lallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party." Assisted, under a heavy fire, to rescue a woundeil com- rade. Was conspicuously gallant in leading a regiment in a suc- cessful charge against the enemy. Carried dispatches to Fort Buford. Capture of flag of the Sum- ter hiving Artillery (C. S. A. 1.' Ciallantry in action. Relinquished a furlough granted for wounds, entered the battle, where he picked u]) the colors after several bearers had been killed or woundeMK . Action. Place. ' Date. Shambaugh, Charles Corp., Co. 1'.. r ith I'a. Re.s. Shanes, John rriv.,Co. K, i.(th \V, Va. Inf. Shapland, John I'riv., Co. I), U)4lli 111. Inf. JiUK- 29, 1S66 I Charles City Cross June ,vi, i^'i^ Roads, Va. Jan. ^i,i.Sy6 Carter's I'"ann, \'a . }u\y 20, i,S6.j Oct. 30, 1X97 Klk River, Teiin . . Jnly 2. I.S63 Shapleigh, Dennis M 2(1 I,ieul. Co. C, 27th He. Inf. Shapleigh, John I'riv., Co. (',, 27th Me. Inf. Shapleigh, Morris G l'ri\., Co. C, 27tli :\Ie. Inf. Shapleigh, Roscoe G I'riv., Co. (',, 27II1 Me. Inf. Shapleigh, William H I'riv., Co. (',, 27th ;\Ie. Inf. Sharpless, Edward C Corp., Co. H, 6th U. S. Cav. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, iS6,s Jan. 24, i,S65 Jan. 24, i.S6.=i Ajir. 23, 1S75 Tjiper \Vasliita, ,Se]it. 9 i 1. Tex. 1.S74. Shqw, J. Lyman Jan. 24, 1.S65 I'riv., Co. I), 27th Me. Inf. ' Shaw, Thomas Dec. 7, iSgo I Carrizo Can\ on, Any. 12, r8Si Sergt., Co. K, 9tli I". S. Cav. 1 N. Jle.x. Shea, Joseph H I'riw, Co. K. 921I N. Y. Inf. Apr. 6, 1S65 Chapin's I''.[rni, Sept. 29, 1.S64 near Rielmionil, Va. Sheerin, John An,i;. 12, 1.^75 j Near Fort Selden, Jnlv S- i 1 , Hlacksniitli,Co. C, Sthr. S. Cav. ' ' ' N. Mex. 1H73. Shehan, George R rriv.,Co. F, 27th Jle. Inf. Shepard, Irwin Corp., Co. K, J7tli Mich. Inf. J,in. 24, i.S6,s .\n!.;. .^, 1.S97 Kno.wille, Tenn, , Nov. 17, 1X63 Shepherd, William I'riv., Co. .\. ,;(1 Inil. Cav. Sheppard, Charles I'riv., Co. A, 5th r. S. luf. Sherman, Marshall I'riv., Co. C, i.st .Minn. Inf. Shiel, John Sergt,, Co. li, gtal destrnction; this at the iiuininent risk of his life from the lire of the ail- vancin.t; enemy. Capture of Hag. Braverv in action with Sioux. Capture of fl.ag of 58th \'ir- ginia Infantry (C. S..A.). Carried a dangerously wound- ed comrade into the I'nion lines, thereby preventing his cai)ture liy the enemy. *Scc nolc oil p.itje ijj. I lO MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Shields, Bernard Priv., Co. E, 2(1 \V. \a. Cav. Date of issne. Action. Shilling, John 1st Sert^. Co, II. 3d Del. Inf, Shipley, Robert F Apr, 27, 1S65 Five Forks, Va. Si-rirt., Co, A. 140th N, V. Inf. Shoemaker, Levi | Nov, 26, 1864 | Nineveh, Va Serift., Co. .\, 1st W. Va. Cav. 1 Apr. 24, 1865 .Sept. 6, 1864 Apr. 27, 1S65 Place. Appomattox, Va , Weldon Railroad Va. Shopp, George J Apr. 27, 1865 Priv., Co. E, 191st Pa. Inf. i i Shory, Henry W | Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf, Shubert, Frank j Apr. 24, 1865 vSergt., Co. E, 4y\ N. V. Inf. Sickles, Daniel E | Oct. 30, 1897 Maj. Gen., U. S. Vols. Sidman, George Apr, 6, 1892 Priv., Co. C, 16th Mich. Inf. Simmons, John Apr. 24, 1865 Priv., Co, D, 2(1 N. V. H. A. | Simmons, William T I"eb. 22, 1865 Lieut., Co. C, 1 [th Mo. Inf. Simons, Charles J ' Ji'ly ^7, 1896 vSergt., Co. A, 9th N. H. Inf, Simpson, Enoch A Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Sivel, Henry 1st Sergt. Co. E, 2d Md. Vet. Inf. Jan. 24, i86,s Jul)' 10, 1896 Skellie, Ebenezer Corp., Co, D, I I2th N. Y. Inf. Skillings, Daniel Mus., Co, C, 27th Me, Inf. Skillins, Lorenzo D Priv., Co. !•■, 27th Me. Inf. Skinner, John B Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Sladen, Joseph A Priv., Co. A, 33d Ma,ss. Inf Slagle, Oscar Corp., Co. D, 104th 111. Inf. Apr. 6, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 July 19, T895 Oct. 30, 1897 Five Forks, Va . Petersburg, Va . _ . Date. Apr. 8, 1865 Aug. 21, 1864 Apr. I, 1865 Nov. 12, 1864 Apr. I, 1865 Ground of award. Capture of flag of the Wash- ington Artillery ( C. vS. A. ). Apr. 2, 1865 Gettysburg, Pa, . . .! July 2, 1.863 Capture of flag. Capture of flag. Capture of flag of 22d Virginia Cavalry ( C. S. A. ) . Capture of flag. (*) Capture of two markers. Displayed mo.st conspicuous gallantry on the field, both before and after the loss of his leg. Distinguished braverv in l)at- tle. ' Gaines Mills, Va. . June 27, 1862 Sailors Creek, Va. . Apr. 6,1865 , Capture of flag. Nashville, Tenn. . . Dec. 16,1,864 Peter.sburg, Va. July 30, 1864 Petersljurg, Va. Chapiu's Farm, near Richmond, Va. Re.saca, Ga. July 3", 1864 Sept. 29, 1864 May 14, 1864 t;ik River, Tenn . . July 2,1863 *Scc note on page 133. Capture of flag of 34th .Ala- bama Infantry (C. S. A. ). Was one of the first in the exploded mine, captured a number of prisoners, and was hiuLself captured, but escaped. (*) Finding himself among a squad of Confederates, he fired into them.killin.g one, and was himself wounded, but succeeded in bringing in a sergeant and two men of the 1 7th South Carolina Reg- iment as pri.soners. Took the colors of his regi- ment, the color bearer hav- ing fallen, and carried them through the first charge; also, in the second charge, after all tlie color guard had been killed or wounded, he carried the colors up to the enemy's works, where he fell wounded, (-"■) (*) Voluntarily engaged in action at a critical moment and by personal example inspired the troops to repel the en- emy. Voluntarily joined a small party that, under a heavy fire, captured a stockade and saved the bridge. MEDALS OF HONOR. Ill Nainr. rank, ami nrijanization. ! Dale of issue. Slavens, Samuel rriv., Co. K, 331I Ohio Inf. Jul)' .'S, i.SS:; Sloan. Andrew J I'riv., Co. 11, I2tli Iowa Inf. Small, Alfred Coi'l)., Co. II, 27th Me. Inf. Small, Arthur L I'riv., Co. K,27th Me. Inf. Small, John C I'riv., Co. 11, 27tll Me. Inf. Small, Lewi , L I'riv., Co. .\. 27th Me. Inf. Small, Roland E I'riv., Co. I', 27th Me. Inf. Smalley, Reuben S Priv.,Co. I), 104th 111. Inf. Action. Place. I Date. Georgia .\l)ril, 1.S62 Ground of awaril. One of twenty-two men ( in- cluilini; two civilians) who, bv direction of General Mitchel (or Buell I, pene- trated nearly 200 miles .south into the enemy's territory and captured a r.iilroad train at Big Shanty, Ga., in an attempt to destroy the bridges and track between Chattanooga and .\tlanta. Feb, 22, 1.S65 , Nashville, Tenn. . Jan. 24, i,S6,s Jan. 24, 1S55 Jan. 24, iS6,s Smalley, Ruben I'riv., Co. !■■, .S;,,! Ind. Inf. Smart, Almond O Capt. Co. H, 27II1 Me. Inf. Smith, Alonzo .Sergt., Co. C, 7tli Mich. Inf. Smith, Amasa I'riv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Smith, Andrew J Sergt., Co. (t, .Slh U. S. Cav. Smith, Atwood F Corp., Co. l\ 27lh Me. Inf. Smith, Charles B I'riv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Smith, Charles E Corp., Co. H, 6th U. S. Cav. Smith, Charles F Corp., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Smith, Charles H Col. 1st Me. Cav. Smith, Charles T I'riv., Co. F., 2-th Me. Inf. Smith, Cornelius C Corp. , Co. K, ()th U. S. Cav. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Get. 30, 1.S97 I'-lk River, Tenn.. July 2, 1S6;, Jidv 9,1^44 Viekslnirg, Miss, . . May 22, 1.S63 Jan. 24, 1.S65 1 •Vov. 14, i.Sh4 Hatchers Run. \'a . Oct. 27, 1.S64 Jan. 24, 1S65 I'eb. 14, 1S70 Chiricahua Moun- Oct. 20, 1.S69 tains, Ariz. Dec. ift, |S()4 Capture of flag. (*) (*) )an. 24, i,S6,s I j Jan. 24, 1S65 j .\ug. 25, 1.S70 Wichita Ri\er,Te\. July 12, iS7c Jan. 24,1865 .\pr. ri.i.Sgs St. Marv's Church. June 24, 1.S64 Va. Jan. 24, r.S65 l-'eb. 4,1891 Near White River, : S. Dak. Jan. I, 1.S9T Smith, Francis M 1st Lieut, and .\iljt. i.st Md. Inf. .\ug. i,v i8'),S Uabneys Min,\'a. I'eli. 6, 1S65 * See note on page i.vv (*) \'oluntarily joined a small party that, under a heavy lire, captured a stoekaile .and saved the bridge. Gallantrvin the charge of the "volunteer storming jiarty. " I*) Capture of flag of 26th North Carolina Infantr\- 1 C. S. .\. I. Gallantry in action. Gallantry in action. (*) Remaiueil in the light to the close, .ilthough sevenly wouniled. (*) With four men of his troop, aKe 1,^3. (*) (*) With the a.ssi.stance of a few men captured two ])ieces of artillery and turned them U])on tile enemy. 114 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Spillane, Timothy Priv., Co. C. i6lh Pa. Cav. Date of issue. Sept. ID, 1880 Action. Place. Hatchers Run, Va Spinney, James P Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. C, 27tli Me. Int. Spinney, Nicholas E Jan. 24. 1S65 Sergt., Co. Cr, 27th Me. Inf. Spinney, Stephen S Jan. 24, 1865 , Priv., Co. (;, 27th Me. Inf. j j Sprague, Benona ! July 10, 1894 ' Vickslnirg, Mi.ss. . . Cor])., Co. F, ii6th 111. Inf. Sprague, John W Jan. iS, 1S94 Col. 6y\ Ohio Inf. Date. Feb.5-7, 1865 GrounrI of award. Springer, George Feb. 14, 1S70 Priv., Co. G, i,st U. S. Cav. Spurling, Andrew B ' Sept. 10, 1S97 Lieut. Col. 2d Me. Cav. Stacey, Charles Priv., Co. I), 55th Ohio Inf. Decatur, Ga . Chiricahua Moun- tains, Ariz. Evergreen, Ala . . May 22, 1S63 July 22, 1.S64 Oct. 20, 1S69 Mar. 23, 1.S65 June 23, 1S96 j Gettysburg, Pa. Stacy, Uranus Priv., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Stahel, Julius Nov. 4, Maj. Gen., U.S. \'ols. Stance, Emanuel June 28, Sergt., Co. F, 9th U. S. Cav. , Stanley, David S Mar. 29. Maj. Gen.,r. S. Vols. Jan. 24, 1.865 1870 1S93 Apr. 12, Mar. T,, Stanley, Eben Priv., Co. A. 5th U. S. Cav. Stanley, Edward Corp. , Co. F, 8th U. S. Cav. Stanley, John R Jan. 24, Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Staples, Charles F Jan. 24, Corp., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Staples, William H | Jan. 24, Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Staples, William M ' Jan. 24, Sergt., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Starkins, John H Ji''y 30, Sergt.. 34th N. Y. Battery. Stauffer, Rudolph ist Sergt. Co. K, 5th U. S. Cav. 1S7.5 July 2, 1S63 Piedmont, W. Va. . June 5,1864 Kickapoo Springs, j May 20, 1870 Tex. I Franklin, Tenn . . .' Nov. 30, 1S64 Near Turret Moun- 1 tain, Ariz. Mar. 25 and 27. 1S73. 1S70 Seneca Moimtain, .^ug. 26, 1869 Ariz. 1865 1865 1865 i,S65 1896 Campbell .Station, Nov. 16, 1863 Tenn. July 30, 1872 Near Camp Hual- pai, Ariz. * See note on p.nge 1.^3. 1S72 Gallantry and good conduct in action; bravery in a charge and reluctance to leave the field after being twice wounded. (*) (*) (*) Crallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party. ' ' With a small command de- feated an overwhelming force of the enemy and saved the trains of the corps. Gallantry in action. Advanced alone in the dark- ness beyond the picket line, came upon three of the enemy, fired upon them (his fire being returned), wounded two, and captured the whole party. Voluntarily took an advanced position on the skirmish line for the purpose of as- certaining the location of Confederate sharpshooters, and under heavy fire held the position thus taken until the company of which he was a member went back to the main line. (*) Led his division until he was severely woiuided. Gallantry on scout after In- dians. Distinguished bravery in bat- tle, where he was severely wounded. Gallantr)' in action. Gallantry in action. (*) (*) (•*) (*) Brought off his piece without losing a man. Gallantry on scouts after In- dians. MEDALS ov Honor. ii.S Name, rank, and iir<;ani/atii>n. Date of issiu". Jan. 2.[, i.S()5 Steadfast, Thomas S Priv., Co. C, 27II1 Me. Inf. Steele, John W I Sept. 2!S, i S97 Maj. ami .\. I). C, T. S. Vols. Steiner, Christian Saddler, Co. G, Sth U. .S. Cav. Steinmetz, William Priv., Co. C, Svl Ind. Inf. Stephens, William G Priv., Cliica}{o Jlercantile Bat- tery, 111. L. A. Sterling, John T Priv., Co. 1). nth Ind. Inf. Sprin.n Hill, Tenn. .Nov. Jy, 1.S64 I'VIi. i.(, Jnly 12, Dec, 21, i.Syo Chiricaluia ,Monn- tain.'i, .Xri/. 1X94 I Vicksburn, Miss, . I.S94 Virksl)Uri;, Miss. . Oct. 20, 1S69 May 22, 1.S63 Mav 22. 1.S63 Mar. 5, US65 Winchester, Va . . . . Sept. iq, 1.S64 Stevens, Charles E Priv., Co. B, 27th Jle. Inf. Stevens, Hazard Capt. and A. A. O., V. S. Vol.s. Stevens, Herrman Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Stevens, Osgood W Priv., Co. I', 27th Me. Inf. Stevens, Thomas W Priv., Co. I), 7th r. S. Cav. Stevenson, William Priv.,Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Stewart, Benjamin F Priv., Co. I<;, 7th r. S. Inf. Stewart, George W 1st Sergt. Co. E, ist N. J. Cav. Stewart, Joseph Priv., Co. G, i.st Md. Inf. Stickels, Joseph Serift., Co. .X.S^d Ohio Inf. StickofTer, Julius H Saddler, Co. h, Sth I". S. Cav. Stillings, Calvin Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Stimpson, Thomas J Priv., Co. .\, 27th Me. Inf. Stockman, George H 1st Lieut. Co. C, 6lh Mo. Inf. Stokes, Alonzo 1st Sergt. Co. II, 6th I*. S. Cav. S'.okes, George Priv., Co. C, I22d III. Inf. Stoltz, Frank Priv.,Co. G, S3d Ind. Inf. Stone, James M Lieut. Col. 27th Me. Inf. Jan. 24, June 1,^, Jan. 24, Jan. 24, Oct. 3, Jan. 24, Dec. 2, .Apr. 24, Apr. 27, June S. Mar. ;,, Jan. 24, Jan. 24, July 9, .XuK. 25, Feb. 22, July 9. Jan. 24, 1.S65 1.S94 P'ort linger, \'a. . . . .Vjir. 19, i.S6.^ i,S65 i.S6,s i,S7,S 1S65 1.S76 I.S6,S isr,5 |,S(.5 I.S70 I.S65 I.S65 1.S94 iS7(i l.S6,i l,S9.t I.S65 Little Bi.g ll.irn, Mont. Big Horn River, Mont. I' a i n e ' s Cross Roads, Va. I'ive Forks, Va. lilakelv, .\la Cienaga ,Springs, Utah. \'icksl)urg, .Miss. . . Wichita Ri\er,Tex , N.ishville. Tenn . . . X'icksburg, Mi.ss. . . May 22. I.S63 July 12, 1S70 Dec, 16, I,S64 May 22, I,S63 Ground of award. Durin.g a ni.ght attack of the enemy u])(jn the wagon and ainmunitimi train of this officer's corps, he gathered up a force of stragglers and others, assumed command of it, though himself a staff officer, and attacked and dis- persed the enemy's forces, thus savin.g the train. Gallantrv in action. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer .storming party." Carried, with others, by hand, a cannon up to and fired it through an embrasure of the enemy's works. Captured fourteen of the en- emv in the severest ])art of the' battle. (*) Gallantly led a party that as- saulted and captured the fort. (*) \'oluntarily brought water to the woimded under lire. Carried dispatches to General Crook at innniiient risk of his life. Capture of flag. Capture of flag. Capture of Hag. Gallanlr\- in ac-tioii. (*) CM Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteerstormin.gp.irty." Gallantry in action. Capture of Hag, Gallantrv in the charge of the "volunteer storming party." *Sii- iHili' nil i>:i..i<- ix:,. ii6 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and or<;anization. Stone, Lewis G Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Stone, Simon, jr Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. S.orey, John H. R Sergt. , Co. K, 109th Pa. Inf. Storr, Robert Priv., Co. A, 15th N. Y. Eng. Stover, Eben Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Strasbaugh, Bernard A 1st vSergt. Co. .\, jcl Md. Inf. Strayer, William H Priv., Co. B, y\ V. S. Cav. Streile, Christian Priv., Co. I, 1st N. J. Cav. Strivson, Benoni Priv.,Co. B, 8th U. S. Cav. Strong, James N Sergt., Co. C, 49th Mass. Mil Sturgeon, James K Priv., Co. I', 46th Ohio Inf. Date of issue. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Aug. 25, 1S96 Sept. 30, 1.S71 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Dec. I, 1S64 Action. Place. Dallas, Ga. Petersburg, \'a . Ma}- 22, 1.S72 : Loupe Fork, Platte River, Nebr. Apr. 24, 1S65 Paine's Cross Roads, \'a. July 24, 1869 Arizona Nov. 25, 1893 Port Hud.son, La. Sullivan, Thomas I'riv., Co. G, 1st U. S. Cav. Sullivan, Thomas Priv., Co. H, 7th U. S. Cav. Summers, James C I Feb. 25, 1895 Vicksburg, Miss. Priv., Co. H, 4th W. \'a. Inf. j Sumner, James , Feb. 14, 1S70 Priv., Co. G, I St U.S. Cav. Surles, William G Aug. ig, 1S91 Priv., Co. G, 2d Ohio Inf. Cliiricahua Moun- tains, Ariz. Perryville.K}'. . . . Sutherland, John A ; July 24, 1S69 Arizona Corp., Co. L, 8th U. S. Cav. Swan, Charles A | June 17, 1865 .Selma, .Via. . . , Priv., Co. K, 4th Iowa Cav. Swayne, Wager Aug. 19, 1893 Corinth, Miss . Lieut. Col. 43d Ohio Inf. 1 Sweatt, Joseph S. G I Mar. 22, 1892 Priv., Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Sweeney, James Priv., Co. .•\, I.St Vt. Cav. Sweetsir, John W Corp., Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Carsville, Va. Date. May 28, 1864 1S61 and 1862 Ground of award. Jan. 2,1895 Kenesaw J\Ioun- tain, Ga. Feb. 14, 1870 Cliiricahua Moun- tains, Ariz. June 23, 1891 Wounded Knee Creek, S. Dak. June 17, 1864 Apr. 26, 1872 (*) While bringing in a wounded comrade, under a destruc- tive fire, lie was himself wounded in the right leg, w-hicli was amputated on the same day. Services during the rebellion. (*) Recaptured the colors of 2d Pennsylvania Provision al Artille'ry. Gallaiitrv in action. Apr. 5, 1865 Capture of flag. .Aug. to Oct. , 1868. May 27, 1S63 June 15. 1864 Oct. 20, 1869 Dec. 29. 1890 Jlay 22, 1863 Oct. 20, 1869 Oct. 8, 1862 Aug. to Oct. , 1 868. Apr. 2, 1S65 Oct. 4, 1862 May 15. 1863 Cedar Creek, Va. ..' Oct. 19, 1864 Oct. 26, 1864 Jan. 24, 1865 1 * Sec note 0:1 at(e 133 Braverv in .scouts and actions with Indians Volunteered in response to a call, and took part in the movement that was made upon the enemy's works, under a heavy fire there- from in advance of the gen- eral assault. Advanced beyond the lines and captured a number of prisoners. Gallantry in action against In- dians concealed in a ravine. Conspicuous bravery in action against Indians concealed in a ravine. Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer storming part V. " Gallantrv in action. In the hottest part of the fight he stepped infront of his col- onel to shield him from the enemy's fire. Bravery in scouts and actions with Indians. Capture of flag ( supposed to be 1 ith Missi.ssippi ) and bearer. Con.spicuous gallantry in lead- ing his regiment in a charge. When ordered to retreat this soldier turned and rushed back to the front, in the face of the heavy fire of the ene- my, in an endeavor to rescue his wounded comrades, re- maining by them until over- powered and taken prisoner. Capture of North Carolina State colors. (*) MEDALS OF HONOR. 117 Action. NaiiR', rank, aivl i)rj,'aiu/atiuTi. Date of issue. Place, Sweetsir, Stephen £ Priv,,Co. A, 27t1i Mc, Inf. Swegheimer, Jacob , . . Priv,, Co, 1,54th Ol'.io Inf. Swett, Augustus D Priv,, Co, C, 27th yiv. Inf. Swift, Frederick W Lieut. Col. 17th Jlich. Inf. Swift, Harlan J. . . 2cl Lieut. Co. H, : Jan, 24, 1S65 I July 14. '^94 Mcksljurg, Miss. Jan. 24, 1.S65 Date. May 22, 1.S63 Ground of award. l-'eb 15, 1.S97 Lenoir Static Tenn, Nov, 16, 1.S6;, N, V. M. R. July 20, 1.S97 Petersburg, Va . July 30, 1S64 Swinehart, Chester ist Sergt. Co, D, 7th \", R. C, Tabor, William L, S Priv., Co, K, 15th X, H. Inf. Jlay 9, iy65 Mar. 10, 1S96 Siege of Port Hud- son, La. .\pril, 1H6.S. July, 1.%:, (*) (jallantry in the charge of the ' ■ \olunteer storming party, ' ' (*) (lallanth' .seized the colors and rallied the regiment after three color bearers had been shot, and the regiment, hav- ing become demoralized, was in imminent danger of capture. Having advanced with his regiment and captured the enemy's line, saw four of the enemy retiring toward their second line of works. He advanced upon them alone, compelled their .surrender, and regained his regiment with the four prisoners. In testimony of his faithful and exemplary conduct as one of the escort to the re- mains of President Lincoln to Springfield, 111. \'oIuntariIy exposed himself to the enemy only a few feet away to render valuable services for the protection of his comrades. Taggart, Charles A Priv., Co. B, 37th :\Iass. Inf. Tanner, Charles B 2d Lieut. Co. H, Jst Del. Inf. Tapley, David G Priv., Co. .V, 27th Me. Inf. .\pr. 24, i.S6,'5 Sailors Creek, \'a. . .\pr. 6, 1.S65 Capture of flaj; Dec. 13, i.'S.S9 ' Antietam, Md Sept. 17, 1S62 Tapley, William H . . Priv., Co. A, 27tli Me. Inf. Tarbox, Alphonso Priv., Co, F, 27th Me. Inf. Tarbox, George Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Tarbox, Thomas B Priv., Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Taylor, Anthony 1st Lieut. Co. A, 15th Pa. Cav. Taylor, Bernard Sergt,. Co, -\, 5th U. S. Cav. Taylor, Calvin M Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Taylor, Charles i.st Sergt. Co. I), 3d f. S. Cav. Taylor, Daniel D Corp., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, I.S63 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Dec. 4, 1S93 Apr. 12, iS7,s Jan. 24, 1S65 Dec. 16, iS,S2 Jan. 24, 1S65 Carried off the regimental colors, which had fallen within 20 yards of the ene- my's lines, the color guard of nine men having all been killed or woinided ; was him- self three times wounded. (■") (*) {*) (*) Chickaniau.ga, r,a. , Sept. 20, 1 863 ' Held out to the last with a I .small force against the v.d- i vance of superior number of the enemv. Near Sunset Pass, .■\riz. Nov. I, 1874 Hnivery in rescuing Lieut.; ant King, .5th United Stat'^ Cavalry', from Indians, {*) P.ig Drv \Vash,.\riz. Julv [7,1882 , Cianantrv in action. i'. L...' c * See note on pa.uce 133. ii8 MEDALS Ol' HONOR. Name, rank, and orijanization. Date of issue. Taylor, Forrester L Nov. 2, lE Capt. Co. H, 231I X. J. Inf. Action. Place. Chancellorsv i 1 1 e, Va. Ground of award. Date. Taylor, George A Jan. 24, iS6s Priv., Co. E. 27II1 Me. Inf. | " ] t Taylor, George W Jan. 24, 1865 ' . . Priv., Co. I, 27tli Me. Inf. Taylor, Henry H Sept. i, 189', Vicksburj;, Miss. vSerijt., Co. C, 45lh 111. Inf. May 3,1863 1 At great ri.sk, voluntaril}' saved the lives of, and brought from the battlefield, two wounded comrades. (*) (*) June 25, 1863 I Was the first to plant the Union j colors upon the enemy's ' works. Taylor, Horace Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Taylor, Joseph Priv., Co. E, 7tli R. 1. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Jidv 20, 1897 Weldon Railroad, Va. Aug. 18, 1864 Jan. 24, 1865 Taylor Oliver G l'riv.,Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Taylor, R -chard Nov. i, [864 Priv., Co. E, iSth Ind. Inf. Taylor, Wilbur N .Sept. 6, 1869 .Vrizona Corp., Co. K, Sth U. S. Cav. Cedar Creek, Va While acting as an orderly to a general officer on the field and alone, encountered a picket of three of the enemy and compelled their surren- der. (*) Taylor. William \iig. 2, 1S97 Sergt., Co. II, and I.icut. Co. , M, 1st Md, Inf. 1 P'ront Roval, Va. Weldon Railroad Va. Nov. 16, 1876 .Sappa Creek, Kans. .\pr. 23, 187: Tea, Richard L vSergt., Co. II, 6th V. S. Cav. Terry.John D Oct. 12, 1867 Newbern, N. C. Sergt., Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Oct. 19, 1864 Capture of fla.g. 1868 and 1869 Bravery in actions with In- dians. May 23, 1862 Then a sergeant, he was pain- fully wounded while obe}-- ingan order to burn a bridge, but persevering in the at- tempt, he burned the bridge and prevented its use by the enemy. Aug. 19, 1864 Then a lieutenant, he volun- tarily took the place of a disabled ofiicer and under- took a hazardous reconnois- sance beyond the lines of the army; was taken prisoner in the attempt. Oallantrv in action. Thackrah, Benjamin i Mav 2, 1,890 I'ort Gates, Ela. Priv., Co. II, I i.sth X. V. Inf. Thatcher, Charles M 1 July y, 1896 '< Petersburg, Va. Priv., Co. B, 1st Mic'.i. ,S. S. Thaxter, Sidney W. Maj., 1st Me. Cav. Thomas, Charles L .Sergt., Co. E, i itli ( )liio Ca\ . .Sept. U), 1897 liatcJiers Run, \'; .\ug. 24, 1894 Powder River Ex pedition. * See note on i):iKe i,-^^. Mar. 14, 1862 In the thickest of the fight, where he lost his leg by a shot, still encouraged the men until carried off the field. .•\])r. I, i,S64 I Was a volunteer in the ,sur- I prise and capture of the I enemy's picket. July 30, 1864 Instead of retreating or sur- rendering when the works were captured , regardless of his personal safety, contin- ued to return the enemy's fire until he was captured . Oct. 27,1864 Voluntarily remained and par- ticipated in the battle with conspicuous gallantry, al- though his term of service had expired and he had been ordered home to be mustered out. S u ni m e r of 1865. Carried a message through a country infested with hos- tile Indians and saved the life of a comrade en route. MEDALS OF HONOR. 119 Action. Name, rank, and orsrani/.ation. Date of issue. Place. Thomas, Hampton S. . ,AIaj., I, St Pa. Vet. Cav. Thomas, Stephen Col. Sth Vt. Inf. Jan. 15, 1.S94 Amelia Sprin.ns, \'a. Thompson, Adrial, jr Priv., Co. K, 27th Jle. Inf. Thompson, Allen Priv.,C(i. 1,4th X. V. H. A. Thompson, Caleb Priv., Co. K, 27tli Me. Inf. July 25, KS92 Cedar Creek, \'a. . Jan. 24 1S65 Date. .Vpr. 5, i.S()5 Oct. 19, 1.S64 Groinid of award. Conspicuous i^allantry in the capture of a field battery and a number of battle Ilajrs and in tlie destruction of the enemy's wagon train. Distintfuislied conduct in a desperate hand-to-hand en- counter, in which the ad- vance of the enemy was checked. Apr. 22, 1S96 Jan. 24, 1865 White Oak Road, Apr. Va. Thompson, Charles A Sergt., Co. D, 17th Mich. Inf. Thompson, Freeman C Corp., Co. I', Ii6th Ohio Inf. Thompson, George F Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Julv 27, 1.S96 I Spottsylvauia,\'a. . May 12, 1.S64 May 12, Jan. 24, 1S65 r.S6=; Thompson, George W Priv., Co. C, 2d l". S. Cav. Thompson, George W Sergt., Co, E, 27lh Me. Inf. Thompson, Henry C 1st Sergt. Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Thompson, James Priv,, Co. K, 4th X. Y. H. A. Thompson, James B Sergt., Co. G, ist Pa. Rifles. Thompson, J. Harry Surg., U.S. Vols. June 22, 1S70 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Appomattox paigu, Va. Mar. 29 to Apr. 9, 1H65. (*) Made a hazardous ad\'auce througli timber and slash- ing.s, precedin.g the I'niou line of battle. {*) .\fter the regiment was sur- rounded and all resistance seemed useless, fought sin- gle handed for the colors, and refused to .give them up until he had appealed to his superior officers. fkdlant conduct in battle. Little Blue, Nehr. . May !,s, 1870 Gallantry in action. (*) in Thompson, John .Sergt., Co. G, i.st U. S. Cav. Thompson, John Corp,, Co. C, 1st Md. Inf. Thompson, Peter Priv., Co. C, 7th V. S. Cav. Apr. 22,1896 While Dak Ki Va. Dec. 1,1864 Gettys)>urg, Pa. .\pr. I, 1.S65 Made a hazardous advance through timber and slash- ings, preceding the Union line of liattle. Nov. 1 1, 1870 New'beru, X. C Feb. 14, 1S70 Chiricahiui Moun- tains, .\riz. Thompson, Thomas ►Sergt., Co. A, 66th Ohio Inf. Sept. 10, 1897 Oct. 5, 1878 July 16, 1892 Hatchers Run, \': Little r.ig Horn. Mont. Chancel lorsvil li Va. J\lly 3, 1.S6;, Mar. :4, 1862 Oct. 20, 1869 Feb. 6, iS6,s June 2.S, 1876 Mav 2, 186;, Capture of flag of IJth (Veor- gia Infantry ( C. S. A. I. \'oluntarily recoimoitereil the enemy's position, and car- ried orders inider the hottest lire, Bravery in action with In- dians. .\s color bearer, with most con- si)icn 1.S65 1H65 l«95 1884 1865 1S96 Tobey, Samuel A Priv., Co. G, 27th. Me. Inf. Tobey, William W Sergt., Co. c;, 271)1 M Tobin, John M Capt. Co. I, 9th Mass. Inf Inf. Toffey, John J 1st Lieut. Co. G, 33d N. J. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Mar. 1 1, 1896 Sept. 10, 1S97 Colunibu.s, Ga. Bear Paw Moun- tain, Mont. Richmond c a m - paign, Va. Sailors Creek, Va . Aiken, S. C Apr. 16, J 865 Malvern HilLVa . Chattanooga, Tenn Sept. 30, 1877 1864 Apr. 6, 1.S65 Feb. 1 1, 1865 July 1, 1862 Nov. 23, 1863 Ground of award. Capture of flag of 55th Vir- ginia Infantry ( C. S. A. ). (*) Volunteered to ascertain the character of approaching troops, rode up .so closely as to distin.guish the features of the enemy, a n d as he wheeled to return they opened fire with musketry, the Union troops returning same. Under a terrific fire from both sides Lieutenant Thomson rode back unhurt to the Federal lines, avert- ing a disaster to the Army bv his heroic act. (*) (*) Capture of flag and bearer, Austin's Battery (C. S. A. ). (*) Fearles.sly risked his life and displayed great gallantry in rescuing and protecting the wounded men. Gallant conduct in the field. Was among the first to check the enemy's countercharge. Voluntarily and at great per- sonal risk returned, in the face of the advance of the enemy, and rescued from impending death or capture Maj. William C. Stevens, gth Michigan Cavalry, who had been thrown from his horse. i*) (*) Voluntaril}' took command of the gth Massachusetts, while adjutant, bravely fighting from 3 p. m. nntil dusk, ral- lying and re-forming the regiinent under fire ; twice picked up the regimental flag, the color bearer having been shot down, and placed it in worth}' hands. Although excused from duty on account of sickness, went to the front in connnand of a storming party, and with conspicuous gallantry par- ticipated in the a.ssaidt of Missionary Ridge; was here wounded and permanently disabled. * See note on page 133. MEDALS Oi- HONOR. 121 Name, rank, and orsjanization. Date of issue. Treat, Howell B Sergt., Co. I, 52d Ohio Inf. Trefethern, Horatio V/ . . Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. luf. Action. Place. Tolan, Frank r?iv., Co. I), 7th U. 8. Cav Tompkins, Aaron B Sergt., Co. G, LSI X. J. Cav Tompkins, CharlesH Kst. Lieut, 2d I'. S. Cav. Tompkins, George W Corp., Co. !■', 1241I1 X. V. Inf. Tompson, \A?illiam Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Toomer, William .^eryt., Co. F, 127th 111. luf. Torgler, Ernest Sergt., Co. G, 37II1 Ohio Inf. Toy, Frederick E 1st Sergt. Co. G, 7th U. .S. Cav Tracy, Amasa S Lieut. Col. 2d \'t. Inf. Tracy, Benjamin F Col. 109th X. V. Inf. Tracy, John Priv., Co. G, 8th V. .S. Cav. Tracy, William G Maj. I22d X. Y. Inf. Oct. 5, July 3. Trafton, Ham. N Priv., Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Trafton, Osborn Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Trautman, Jacob isl .Sergt. Co. I, 7th U. .S. Cav Traynor, Andrew Corp., Co. D, 1st Mich. Cav, 1S78 I Little Big Horn, Mont. lS6s Sailors Creek, Va . X^ov. 13, 1893 I Fairfax, Va . -Apr, 4, 1865 I Petersburg, Va, Jan. 24, 1865 July 9, 1S94 May 10, 1S94 May 26, 1 89 1 June 24, 1892 June 21, 1895 Feb. 14, 1S70 May 2, 1895 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Mar. 27, 1891 Vickslnirg, Miss . . Ezra ClKi]>el, Ga . Wounded Knee Creek, S, Dak. Cedar Creek, Va. . . Wilderness, Va . Chiricahua Moun- tains. .\riz. Cliancellorsv i 1 1 e, Va. Date. June 25, 1S76 Ground of award. Apr. 186 s June I, 1 86 1 Mar. 186.5 May 22, 1.S6;, July 28, 1,864 Dec. 29, 1890 \'oluutarily brought water to the woinided under fire. Charged into the enemy's ranks and captured a battle flag, having a horse shot un- der him and his cheeks and shoulders cut with a saber. Twice charged through the enemy's lines, and, taking a carbine from an enlisted man, shot the enemy's caji- tain. Capture of flag of .S9th Ala- bama Infantry ( C. S. .\. ). (*) Gallantry in the charge of the ' ' volunteer stonnin,g party. ' ' At great hazard of h's life he saved his commanding offi- cer, then badly wounded, from capture. Bravery. May 6, 1864 Oct. 19, 1S64 I Took command of and led the brigade in the assault on the enemy's works. Seized the colors and led the regiment when other, regi- ments had retired, and then re-formed his 1 i it e and held it. Oct. 211,1.869 Bravery inaction with Indians. Mav 1863 Wounded Knee Creek, S. Dak. Sept. 28, 1897 Masons Hill, Va Aug. [4, i.Sg4 I Buzzards Roost, Ga Jan. 24, 1865 Dec. 29, i.Sgo Mar. 16, 1864 May 1 1, 1864 Having been sent otitside the lines to obtain certain in- formation of great impor- tance, and having succeeded in his mission, was .surprised upon his return b}' a large force of the enemy, regain- ing the Union lines old)' after greatlv imperiling his life. (*) (*) - Killed a hostile Indian at close quarters, and, although entitled to retirement from .service, remained to the close of the campaign. Having been .surprised anr. 25. 1875 June 25, 1.S64 Ward, Thomas J ' Julv 27, 1894 \'icksl)urt;. Miss. May 22, 186;, Priv., Co. C, Ii6th 111. Inf. i ' ; Jan. Ward, William H Capt. Co. B, 47th Ohio Inf. Warden, John Sept. 2, 1893 ' Vicksburi;. Miss 1st Lieut. Co. K, 55th 111. Inf. ' j 1S95 I Vicksl)urK, Miss. . . May 3,1863 Mav 22, 186^ Warfel, Henry C Priv., Co. A, 1st Pa. Cav. Warren, Chadbourne Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Warren, Francis E Corp., Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. Apr. 24, [S65 [ Pai lie's Cross Roads, Va. Jan. 24, 1S65 Sejit. 22, 1.S93 ' Port Hudsim, l,a. Ajir. 5, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1.S65 May 27, 1863 Warren, Joseph F Capt. Co. C. 27th Me. Inf. Warren, Nathaniel F Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Warrington, Lewis ' Apr. 12, 1S75 Mnclia.uue \'alley, 1st Lieut., 4th U. S. Cav. 1 : Tex. \Vatson, Daniel Jan. 24, 1865 Priv.,Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Watson, George W Sergt., Co. I'. 27th Me. Inf. Watson, James C Corp., Co. L, 6th U. S. Cav. \A^atson, Joseph Priv., Co. 1-, .Sthf. S. Cav. Watson, Seth Priv., Co. I'. 27th Me. Inf. Weaher, Andrew J Priv., Co. 11, Sth r. S. Cav. Webb, Alexander S , Brig. Gen., U. S. Vol.s. Dec. .S, 1.S74 Wichita River, TcN . July 12.1870 Near Picacho June 4,1869 Mountain, Ariz. Jan. 24, 1,865 Aug. 25, 1870 Mar. 3, 1870 Jan. 24, 1.S65 July 24, 1869 .-Vrizoiia Sept. 28, 1.S91 j Gettysburg, Pa. . . . July 1-3,1863 ! I *Sce iiotu oil pnilc 133. Aug. to Oct. I.S68. While tlic enemy were in clo.se ])roxiinity this .soldier sprang forwanl and bore off in safety the reginient.'il colors, the color bearer hav- ing fallen on the field of battle. Gallantry in action with In- dians. I*) Continued to fight after being .severely wouiuled. Gallantry in action with In- dians. Volunlarih- took part in a charge; went alone in front of his regiment under a heavy fire to secure the body of his captain, who haS6th 111 Inf. Sept. 17, 1S97 Action. Place. Ground of award. Date. Bull Run, Va Aug. 30, 1S62 fune 22, 1S95 Kenesaw Monn- June 27, 1S64 tain, Ga. Webber, Alfred C Jan. 24, 1865 I'riv., Co. F, 27tli Me. Inf. Webber, Orin B Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. 1-", 27th Me. Inf. Webber, William C Jan. 24, 1865 Mus,, Co. K, 27th Me, Inf. Weeks, John Dec. i, 1864 '■ Spottsylvania, Va. . May 12, 1864 Priv.,Co. H, I52d X. Y. Inf. i Weeks, Noah ! Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Weinert, Paul H Corp., Co. K. ist U. S. Art. Weiss, Enoch R Priv., Co. G, 1st U. S. Cav. Welch, Charles H Serift.,Co. I), 7th U.S. Cav. Welch, Charles H Priv., Co. II, 27tli Me. Inf. Welch, George Priv., Co. A, nth Mo. Inf. Welch, Michael vSergt., Co. M, 6th U. S. Cav. Welch, Richard Cor])., Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Welch, Stephen Sergt., Co. C, I54tli N. Y. Inf. Mar. 24, 1891 Wounded Knee Creek, S. Dak. Welch, \A^entworth Priv., Co. P., 27th Me. Inf. Wells, Alexander B Corp., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Wells, Hartley L Jan. Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Feb. Oct. Jan. Feb. Nov. Apr. Apr. Jan. Jan. Wells, Henry S Priv., Co. C, 148th X. Y. Inf. \A^ells, John Priv., Co. (.;, 27th Me. Inf. Apr, 14, 1870 .S. 1S78 24, 1865 22, 1865 19, 1870 24, 1865 13. 1S94 24, 1.S65 24, 1865 24, 1865 6, 1865 Chiricahua Moun- tains, Ariz. Little Big Horn, Mont. Dec. 29, 1890 Oct, 20, 1S69 June 25-26, 1S76. Xasliville, Tenn, , Dec, 16, 1864 Wichita River, Te.x. Oct. ,s, 1870 Petersburg, Va. . , Dug Gap, Ga Apr. 2, 1.S65 May 8, 1S64 Jan. 24, i,S65 Chapin's Farm, near Richmond, Va. Sept. 29, 1864 Under heavy fire, voluntarily carried information to a battery commander that en- abled him to save his guns from capture. Was severely- wounded, but refused to go to hospital, and participated in the remainder of the cam- paign. Voluntarih' joined in a charge against the enemy, which was repulsed, and In* his rapid firing in the face of the enemy, enabled many of the wounded to return to the Federal lines; with others, held the advance of the enemy while temporary works were being con- structed. (*) (*) (*) Capture of flag and color hearer. Taking the place of his com- manding officer, who had fallen, .severely wounded, he gallantly served his piece, after each fire advancing it to a better position. Gallantr}- in action with In- dians. Voluntarily brought water to the wounded, under fire. (*) Capture of flag. Gallantry in action. Capture of fla,g. Risked his life in rescuing a wounded comrade under fire of the enemy. (*) {*) (*) Gallantry in action. (*) ^ See note on pni^e 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. 127 Name, rank, and ort;;ini/.ation. Date of issue. Wells, Octavius E Jan. 24, 1S65 rriv.,Co. 1, 27th .Mf. Inf. Wells, Thomas M Oct. 26, 1S64 Chii-f nuyli-r, 6th X. V. Cav. Action. Place. Date. Cellar Creek, Va .. . Oct. 19,1864 Gettysburg, I'a. . . - July ;,, KS63 Wells, William ! Sept. S, i.Sgr Maj., 1st Vt. Cav. j Welsh, Edward ' Mav 1 1, 1S94 \'icksl(iirg, lli.ss. . . -Alay 22, 1863 Priv., Co. D, 54th Ohio Inf. I Wentworth, Albert F Jan. 24, 186,5 I'riv., Co. B, 27th :\le. Inf. Wentworlh, Bradford H Jan. 24. 1.S65 I'riv., Co. K, 27111 Me. Inf. Wentworth, Enoch J Jan. 24, 1.S65 I'riw, Co. K, 27tli .Me. Inf. Wentworth, Henry ' Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Wentworth, Lewis H Priv., Co. H, 27lh Me. Inf. Wentworth, Mark F , . . Col. 27th Jle. Inf. Wentworth, Samuel T Priv.. Co. B. 27tli .^Ic. Inf. Wentworth, William Priv., Co. H, 27lh Me. Inf. West, Frank 1st Lieut., 6th U.S. Cav. West, Silas Corp., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Westerhold, William Sers,4., Co. G, 52d X. V. Inf. Wheaton, Loyd Jan. 16, 1894 Lieut. Col. 8tli 111. Inf. Jan. 24. 1,865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 July 12, 1892 Bi,t; Drv Wash, , Julv 17, 1882 .■Vriz. Jan. 24, 1865 Dec. 1,1864 ' Spottsylvania.Va. .' May 12,1864 FortBlakely, Ala. . Apr. 9,1865 Wheeler, Daniel D 1st Lieut. Co. G. 4th Vt. Inf. Mar. 28, 1892 Salem Heights, Va. May 3,1863 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Wheelwright, Moses F Priv., Co. Iv, 27tli Me. Inf. Wherry, William M Oct. 30, 1895 1st I,ieut. Co. D, 1st Mo. Res. Inf. White, Adam Corp., Co. G, nth W. Va. Inf. \A^hite, Joseph H Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. White, Patrick H Ca]it. Chicago Mercantile Bat- lerv, III. L. A. Whitehead, John Priv., Co. I", 27th Me. Inf. June 13, 1.865 Jan. 24. 1,865 Jan. 15, 1895 Wil.sons Creek,, Mo. Aug. 1S61 Hatchers Run, \'a, Apr. 2,1,865 Whitehead, Patton G Priv., Co. C, 5th V. S. Inf. Jan. 24, 1865 Apr. 27. 1S77 Vicksburg, Miss. . . IMay 22, 1S63 Ground of award. Cedar Creek, etc., Oct. 21, 1876 Mont. to Jan. 8, *SCL- unit.- oil li:ii;(.- 1.;,;. Capture of colors of 44tli Geor- ,gia Infantry (C. .S. A. ). Led the second battalion of his regiment in a daring charge. Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party. ' ' (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Rallied his command and led it in the advance against the enenu's fortified position. (*) Capture of flag of 23d Vir- ginia Infantry [C. S. .A. ). Led the right wing of his regiment, and, springing through an embrasure, was the first to enter the en- emy's works, against a strong fire of artillery and infantry. Distinguished bravery in ac- tion where he was wounded and had a horse shot under him. (*) Displaj-ed cons])icuous cool- iie.ss and heroism in rallying troops that were recoilin.g under lieav)' fire. Capture of flag. (*) Carried with others, by hand, a cannon up to and fired it through an embrasure of the enemy's works. (*) Gallantrv in actions. 128 MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. Whitehouse, Harrison Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Whitehouse, Joseph A . . . . Priv., Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. Whitman, Frank M Priv.,Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. Whitmore, John Priv., Co. F, 119th 111. Inf. Whitten, John G Corp., Co. I, 27th Jle. Inf. Whittier, Edward N 1st Lieut. 5th Battery, Me. L. A. Date of issue. Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1865 Action. Place. .\ntietam, Md. Feb. 27, 1S74, June R, 1S65 Jan. 24, US65 vSpottsylvania , Va . Blakelv, Ala Date. Sept. 17,1862 May iS, 1,864 Apr. 9,1865 Jan. 13, 1S92 I Fishers Hill, Va. . .! Sept. 22, i,S64 Whitney, William G Capt. Co. B, 1 ith Mich. Inf. Widick, An drew J Sergt., Co. B, i i6th III. Inf. Widmer, Jacob I St Sergt. Co. D, 5th U. S. Cav. Oct. 21, 1S95 \A^iggin, George A Priv., Co. B, 27th :Me. Inf. Wiggin, James E Corp., Co. B, 27th .Mf. Inf. Wiggin, John H Corp., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Wiggin, John W Priv., Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Wiggin, Mark N Priv., Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Wilcox, William H Sergt., Co. G, 9tli N. II. Inf. Aug. 1 1 , I S94 May 4, iSSo Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 Jan. 24, 1865 Jan. 24, 1S65 Jan. 24, 1.S65 July 28, 1,896 Wilder, Wilber E !st Lieut., 4tli U. S. Cav. Wilds, Erastus P.iv., Co. D, 27th Jle. Inf. W l;y, James S^-rgt., Co. B, 59lh N. V. Inf. .\ug. 17, 1896 Jan. 24, 1,865 Dec. I, 1864 Chickamauga.Ga. Vicksburg, Miss. Milk Creek, Colo. Sept. 20, 1863 Spottsylvania.Va. Horse.shoe Can- yon, N. Mex. May 22, 1,863 Sept. 29, 1879 May 12, 1S64 Apr. 23, 18S2 Ground of award. (*) (*) Was among the last to leave the field, and was instru- mental in saving the lives of several of his comrades at the imminent risk of his Was foremo-st in line in the assault, where he lost a leg. Capture of flag. (*) Gallantry in battle, so conspic- uous as to attract General Sheridan's personal atten- tion. As the enemy were about to charge, this officer went out- side the temporary Union works, among the dead and wounded enemj', and at great exposure to himself cut off and removed their cartridge boxes, bringing the same within the Union lines, the ammunition be- ing used with good effect in again repulsing the attack. Gallantry in the charge of the ' 'volunteer storming party. ' ' Volunteered to accompany a small detachment on a very dangerous mission. (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Took command of his com- pany, deployed as skirnn.sh- ers, after the officers in com- mand of the .skirmish line had both been wounded, conducting himself gal- lantly ; afterwards, becom- ing separated from his com- mand, he asked and obtained permission to fight in another company. Assisted, under a heavy fire, to rescue a wounded comrade. Gettysburg, Pa ... . July 3, 1863 Ca])ture of flag of a Georgia regiment. *Scc note on page 133. MEDALS OF HONOR. 129 Name, nink, antl ors;a]iizatii>ii. Datf of issiir. Action. IMacv. DaU-. Wilhelm. George Capt. Co. l",56th Ohio Inf. Nov. 12, 1SS7 Champion Hill or May 16, r.S63 BaktT.s C r c e k , Miss. r I, it tic MucMs May 7, 1.S77 Wilkens, Henry ,, , .^j, ^,_^, | Creek, Mont. istSertft. Co. !., 21I r. S. Cav. i I'e >• 2. , !■ y (_■;,„,;, s Meadows, .Auk- 2", 1S77 I Idaho. ' July .v. i'"!')4 Wilkins, Leander A Seri;t.,Co. II, (jth N. II. Inf. Wilkinson, Stephen Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Willcox, Orlando B Col. 1st Mich Inf. Willey, Andrew. Priv., Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. Willey, Frederick L Priv., Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Williams, Ell wood N ,Sept.2.S, Priv., Co. A, 28th 111. Inf. Dec. I. iNfx) Petersburg;, V.a . Williams, George C y. M. Scrgt. 1st Battn., r.4th U. S. Inf. Williams, Joseph B Corp., Co. ("., 27th Me. Inf. Williams, Josiah Priv. Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. W.Uiams, Moses 1st vSergt. Co. I, 9th r. S. Cav. Williams, William H l'ri\., Co. C, S21I < ihio Inf. Williamson, James A. Col. 4th Iowa Inf. Nov. 12, i,Sy6 I'oothills of the Aug. 16, iSSi Cuchillo Negro Mountains, N. Me.\. Williston, Edward B 1st I.ient.. 2(1 r. .S. Art. Wills, Henry I'riv., Co. C, .Slh U.S. Cav. 7156 9 June K). 1894 Peach Tree Creek, Julv 20, 1.864 Ga. ; Jan. 17,1895 Chickasaw Bavon, J Dec. 29,1.862 Miss. ■ I .•\pr. 6, 1.892 Trevilian Station, )une ij, 1.864 V.i. Aug. 12, 1875 Near I'orl .Stlilen, Jul\ 8 lo 11, N. -Me.x. " 1873. * See noU- on page 1.^,^. Grouiiil of award. llaviiijilieen Iiadly wounileil in the breast .and ca])lured. he ni.adea ]irisonerof hisc.a]>lor and brouglit him inlcj lamj). [Bravery in actions with In dians. Recaplnreil tile colors ef 2ISI Ma.ssacliuselts Infantry. Led repeated chars^es uniil won ill led and taken pri.soner. .\ bo.x of ammunition havin.;; been abandoned between the lines, this .soldier volun- tarily went forward with one companion, under a heavy fire from both armies, se- cureil the box. and delivered it within the line of his re.if- iment, his companion bein.-; mortally wounded. While (ju dut_\' with the wa,i;- on train as (juarterniaster .ser.tceant, he voluntarily left his place of safety in the rear, joined a company, and fought with distin.guished .gallantry through ilie ac- tion. I ■■) ■) Kallieil a detachment, .skill- fully conducteil a runnin.g light of three or four hours, and b)' his coolness, braverv, and unflinchin.g devotion io duty in standing b v h i s commanilin.g officer in an cxjiosed position under a he.avy fire from a large ])arty of Indians, .saved the lives of .at lea.st three of his comrades. \'oliinteered lo go beyond the lines to observe the enemy ; also aideil a wounded com- rade. I.eil his re.giment against a sujierior force, .strongly en- trenched, and held li i s ground when all support had bieii withdr.awii. Distinguished gallaiitrv. Services a,g,iinst hostile In- di.ans, JtSSAILS Cji- jaOVGak. Aczjrm, rxmi. irnL tt.j. '-'I't.T jm- -U^z m Iteii. Xt- -^- -^— 'S S-Ti^TT •g-T-°^ Ti^ CcL 5. rf-TC. &E_;z3iry rx ananiL -" t rr W-— i-TT^ 32 om- U^^LSaX. ^.HE r:iJ.Tr=- ir jiEnf.- Eaf iia£ Twz> I* isnr^ r'TTp~t~^ "^ "r^.Oi-i.- * j r^ j>:>= « E5 3±E £31" T^TTT i p— rr :<1S= ac— •X- •»-_isnE_ iiiEX ^ -^eic — Jiir- ,-.en=E3i- :±fc >Ti=-7T-r txd zx- r jef. tbr _-^'-^- -nv -* Ti ~ . t » r- — K^- TirilCu "■\^~'t,^' -r =,— "^ '3:1:- — ~i*-; «-lTI-> ED" ' — - -Tit- -n. jSss- t -■ij;^-,t^- nr auTT- u ritf- ■ ■-E j^smean. ^-iitt- Siiac - ^"HE t. ::r~ 'j.a-i:-:" ■SnsuT -BT- -zfc ifrrsr un IE ac- TflUEz: wiiiiggEX : -UOi^ or TEEt- ICEZ jt-^rrre -i^nr j-at :m-i-.':-,,_i-.g. _sia: Tr : W^ifissr, iu -' ■":- i - "W W3x£^S- Jesse 3 rti • ■ rTTi» n: t '^ 'a r-~x-TT >A r'f u I II "iST^ 1Brccc.St3=k ■WsctL 3tciE W 13^ MEDALS OF HONOR. Name, rank, and organization. I Date of issue. Woodbury, Eri D Sergt., Co. E, ist Vt. Cav. Woodruff, Alonzo SerKt., Co. I, ist V. S. S. S. Woodruff, Carle A ist Lieut., 2d U. S. Art. Woods, Brent Sersrt., Co. B, glli V. S. Cav. Woods, Daniel A rriv., Co. K, 1st Va. Cav. Woodsome, James L Priv., Co. B, 27th JVIe. Inf. Woodward, Evan M i.st Lieut, and .^djt. 2d Pa. Res. Inf. Oct. 26, 1864 Jan. 29, 1896 Sept. 1, 1893 July 12, 1894 Action. Place. Date. Cedar Creek, Va. ! Oct. 19,1864 Hatchers Run, Va. I Oct. 27,1864 Ground of award. Newby's Cros? Roads, Va. New Mexico July 24, 1863 Au,ii. 19, 1 88 1 Apr. 24.1865 ' Sailors Creek, Va. Jan. 24. 1865 Dec. 14, 1894 Wormwood, John P ' Jan. 24, 1865 Priv., Co. I, 27th JMe. Inf. Worster, Charles H Jan. 24, 1 865 Priv., Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Wortick,Joseph ' July 14, 1894 Priv., Co. A, 8th Mo. Inf. Wortman, George G i July 24, 1.S69 Sergt., Co. B, 8lh V. S. Cav. Wray, William J Dec. 15, 1892 Sersjt.,Co. K, ist V. R. C. Wright, Albert D Apr. 24, 1893 Capt.,Co. G, 43'1 L- S. C. T. Jan. 24, 1865 Fredericksburg.Va. Vicksburij, Miss. Arizona Capture of flag. Saved a wounded comrade from capture, if not death, at innninent risk of his own life. Distinguished gallantry. Saved the lives of his comrades and citizens of the detach- ment. .\])r. 6,186s I Capture of flag of 1 8th Florida Infantry (C.S. A.). (*) Advanced between the lines, demanded and received the surrender of the 1 9th Georgia Infantrv, and captured their battle flag. {*) {*) Gallantry in the charge of the " volunteer storming party . " Braverv in actions and scouts again,st Indians. Dec. 13, 1862 May 22, 1863 Aug. to Oct. 1868. Fort Stevens, D. C . I July 12,1.864 Rallied the company at a criti- Cid moment during a charge. Petersburg, Va . Wright, George C Priv., Co. I, 27tli Me. Inf. Wright, Robert Nov. 2,s, 1869 Priv., Co. Ct, 14th I'. S. Inf. July 30, 1864 1 Advanced beyond the enemy's lines, capturing a .stand of colors and its color guard, and made a dash at the enemy's works; was severely wounded. (*) Wright, Samuel Corp., Co. H, 2d Jlinn. Inf. Wright, Samuel C Sergt., Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. ■yeager, Jacob F Priv., Co. H, loist Ohio Inf. Sejit. II, 1897 Jan. 29, 1896 Aug. 3, 1897 York, Charles E Jan. 24, 1.865 Priv., Co. F. 27th Me. Inf. 1 york, Enoch I Jan. 24, 1.S65 Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. York, George H I Jan. 24, 1S65 Priv., Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. I Ch.-ipel House j tJct. 1,1864 , Gallantry in action. Earm, \'a. i Nolens\ille, Tenn ,| I'eb. 15, 1.863 1 Was one of a iletachment of sixteen men who heroically : defended a wagon train 1 against the attack of 125 j cavalry, repulsed the attack, and .saved the train. .Vntielam, Md . Buzzard's Rotist, Ga. Sept. 17, 1862 Voluntarily advanced under a destructive fire and removed a fence which would have impeded a contemplated charge. Jl.av 1 1, 1864 Seized a shell with fuse burn- ing that had fallen in the ranks of his company, and thi'ew it into a stream, there- by probably sa\-ing his com- rades from injury. (*) *See note on page 133. MKDAL.S OK HONOR. ^3i N.ii I1K-, rank, and urj;;un/.aUon. Dati.' of issue. Action. (irouiid of award. Placr Date. York, William H Jan. .'4, 1865 Priv., Co. K, 27th .Ml-. Inf. Young, Andrew J . Sergt., Co. F, 1st I'a.Cav. Young, Augustus D ! Jan. .14, 1S65 I'riv., Co. Ct, 27111 Ml'. Inf. Young, Calvary M Mar. 17, 1S65 ."^eryl., Co. L. 3d Iowa Cav. .\])r. 2.(, 1.S65 Pai lie's Cross .Xpr. s, i!^65 Caiitiiri- of (lag. Roads, \a. ^ I (-■■') Young, John Priv.. Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Young, Orileas L Priv., Co. Iv, 27tli Me. Inf. Youngs, Benjamin K Dee. i. 1S64 Corp., Co. I, 1st Jlieh. S. S. Jan. 24, i,S65 Jan. 2,^, 1S6.S Younker, John L Priv., Co. .\, 12th I". ,S. Inf. Yount, John P Priv., Co. F, 3d r. ,S. Cav. Ziegner, Hermann Priv., Co. K, 7tli I'. .S. Cav. Nov. 1, 1.S93 Nov. 13, 1.S71 June 23, 1.S91 Osasie, Kans .Sept. 26, i.S6.| (lallantrv in eajituriiig (Gen- eral Cabell. Peter.sburs.;, \'.'. , Jnni.' 17. 1.S64 Capture of flag of 35th North Carolina Infantry ( C. S. A. ). Cedar Monnlaiii, .Aug. y. 1.S62 Voluntarily carried an order, Va. at great risk of life, in the face of a fire of grape and canister; in doing this he was wounded. Whetstone Mouii- ! May 5, i.S?! Oallantry in action with Iii- tains, .Ariz. diaiis. Wounded Knee Dec. 29-30, 1 Conspicuous braver^-. Creek and White I 1S90. i Clav Creek, S. I Dak. I * Note. — The term of sei"^MCc of the 27th Maine Iiif.intry being al>ont to expire, the regiment was orderetl to Arlington Heights, \'ir- ginia, where it arrived June 25. 1S63, preparatory to being sent home for muster out. While the regiment was at that i>lace the President requested it to remain in ser\'ice a short time longer, on account of I^ee's invasion of Pennsylvania. Al)out yxi officers and enlisted men volunteered to remain, and did remain, at ,\rlin.L,ton Heights, Virginia, in the defenses south of the Potomac, until the result of the battle of Gettysburg was known. They were sent home on July 4. The remainder of the regiment, consistingof about 5^0 officers and enlisted men, was sent home on July 1. The entire regiment was mustered out of service at Portland, Me., on July 17, 1S63. On Januai*\' 2.1, iS.''\s. medals of lionor, st't.t in number, were issued to all members of the regiment who were mustered out with it- The official records show that it was intended to issue the medal to those who volunteered to remain in ser\-ice beyond the expiration of their term, but, evidently through inadvei-tencr. the medal was also issued lo aliout s6o membets of the regiment who did not volunteer to remain in ser\-ic<--. The records do not show either the names of those wliu volunteered lo remain or of those who did not so volunteer. -»— ^Sjvvj-^f^ H;|i!illi!i!li!ili!!!iiH^ iiZ«°''°^^^^ 011 460 7526 iliiii iiiii