570 3 17h py 1 J. aANSATLANTIG WAR CONGRESS IN 1917 REVIEW OF LEGISLATION GIVEN NUMERICALLY AND RY SURJECTS Sixty-fifth Congress - - - Second Session / COJvipiLED BY Wi RAY LOOMiS Assistant Superintendent Document Room House of Representatives JANUARY 1. 1918 tif ^\ WASHINGTON GOVEHNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 • • p. of D- FEB C 19 '3 h - i ST ] ^4) ^-L INTRODUCTORY. This pamphlet is issued by the document room of the House of Representatives to meet an apparent demand among Members of Congress for a concise resume of the activities of the two Icgishitive bodies in respect to war measures. In order to make the compilation complete, bills and resolutions not considered as war measures are included in the references. Part I gives the status of all war legislation by subjects, at the conclusion of which will be found another subject list dealing in mis- cellaneous legislation. The status of each bill is given at the time of the adjournment for the holidays. Attention is also called to the list of laws of the Sixfy-fourth Con- gress having a direct or indirect bearing on the international situa- tion as well as a complete list of all laws of the Sixty-fifth Congress approved to date. Part II consists of a numerical index. Heretofore Members had no authentic means of ascertaining the outcome of various bills intro- duced, in statistical printed form, except in the bound Congressional Kecord. As the aforenamed publication will not be available for distribution for several months, it is believed this pamphlet will be found a valuable reference. Attempt is only made to specify the last action on each public bill. Private bills are not listed. Note. — The information contained in First Session of the War Congress, issued by the document room at the conclusion of the first session, is amended in this pamphle!: and all legislation is brought down to date. Additional information to be noted includes : (1) Legislative developments of first 13 days of the second session, (2) Status of all resolutions calling for investigations. 3 LEGISLATIVE DEVELOPMENTS OF FIRST 13 DAYS OF THE SECOND SESSION. " (Comi'lete refereuce to bills and resolutions acted upon from December 3 to IS. liJlT, inclusive, adjournment baviug been taken on last-named date until Thursday, January 3, IDIS. Full liistory of all measures listed hereunder may be found in subject index, Part I; first ti'ace number of measure in I'art II (numerical index). The alphabetical refereuce iu last colunm, opposite number for which search is being made, will indicate portion of subject iudex in Part I iu which the history of the particular measure may be found.) HOUSE BILLS. Num- ber. 195 294 344 2310 3232 4G17 5558 5833 G176 6967 6975 7237 7572 7634 7697 7731 To provide eale of coal ard arphalt deposits in mineral lands, Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, Oklahoma (Carter). For additional judge of district court in eastern Mis- souri (Igoe). To regr late salaries in custodian service (Smith, N. Y.). To promote export trade (Webb) Coal, oil, gas, etc., exploration bill (Ferris) Authoritv for absence of homesteaders during war (Ferris"). Relating to Oklahoma courts (Thompson) Relief of Ida Cottrell Hodg on Authority for bridge across the Monongahela River, W. Va. (Neely,). Increasing midshipmen at Naval Academy (Padgett).. Authority to U. S. sailors to serve under Dominican Republic (Padgett). Post Office appropriation bill (Moon) . . . ,. Continuing President's $100,000,000 appropriation and for Members' mileage (Fitzgerald). Omnibus pension bill (Sherwood^ To call Philippine forces into service (Jones, Va.) Amending farm loan act as to purchase of bonds by ! Treasmy (Glass). I Progres'5 in second session. Passed House. Reported in House , Do. Pasred Senate. Reported in House. S. 2334 substituted. Reported in House. Private Law 3. Reported in House. Public Law 93. Reported in House. Passed House. Public Law 92. Passed House. Reported in House. Do. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 1 169 •Proposal for woman suffrage amendment (Raker). Declaration of war on Austria (Flood) 174 ! Relating to patent and use of Garabed energy generator (Church). 188 Extending effective date of sec. 10, Clayton antitrust law (Carlin). 189 'For commission on social insurance (London) 193 Authority to pay congressional employees December salary on day of adjournment (Fitzgerald). 195 Amending war revenue act relating to salaries of Mem- j bers of Congress (Kitchin). Reported in House. S. J. Res. Ill sub- stituted . Passed House. Reporteel in House. Do. Public Res. No. 18. Passed House. CONGEESS IN ^^HE WAE. SENATE I ILLS. Num- ber. 352 994- 1419 14(i2 1463 2334 2489 28G0 3235 To pension members of Life-Savino; Service (Martin). . . Pu1)lic Heallli Service to look after seamen on all U. S. vessels (Pomerene"). Water-power bill (Shields) Establisli foi^ signal at Port Washington, Wis. (Husting). Establish aid to navigation at Fond du Lac, Wis. (Husting). Authority for absence of homesteaders during war (Myers). For two additional justices, Supreme Court of District. of Columbia (OvermanV To transfer Hardeman County (Tex.) court district (Culberson). Amending farm-loan act as to purchase of bonds by Treasmy (Hollis). SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 17 Nation-wide prohibition amendment (Sheppard) 90 Relating to procedure in amending the Constitution j (Brandegee). 106 I Extending effective date of sec. 10, Clayton antitrust ' law (Overman). • 110 ; Rental authority for vocational education board (Smith, Ga.). 111 , Declaring war on Austria (Stone) : 114 Extending powers of Pneumatic Tube Commission (Bankhead). 115 j Providing additional telephone operators for Congress I (Overman). 117 i To permit outside applicants to take civil-service ex- aminations in District of Columbia (McKellar). Progress in second session. Reported in Senate. Do. Passed Senate. Reported in Senate. Do. Public hiw No. 94. Reported in House. Passed Senate. Do, ; Passed. I Reported in Senate. j Passed Senate. [ Reported in House. I Public Res. No. 17. ' Public Res. No. 19. Passed Senate. Do. INVESTIGATIONS. (Resolutions introduced on various sub.iects during Sixty-tifth Congress.'* [An Msterisk (*) at left of title inrlicates resolution was asreed to.] Conifiiittee on Mamifacfnres. *To }nvesti.gate su.uar and coal shortage. S. Kes.J63 (Lodge). To investigate feasibility, of Bureau of Manufactures. S. lies. 60 ( Shepijard). * To investigate riots at East St. Louis (Pou). Plouse Report 142. Committee on Rules. To investigate Senate comuiittee and legislative systems. S. Res. i) (Newlands). To investigate Pleflln-Mason controversy on House floor. H. Res. 166 (Britten). Committee on Judieiari/. * To extend tinie for report on lobby investigation. S. Res. 15 (Overman). CONGKESS IN THE WAR. 7 Coin Ill/if tee on J'J.rpcinIi lures. To investigate salaries of department employees. H. lies. 34 (Austin). To investigate economy system for Government departments. H. Res. liiO (Edmonds). Coin iivif tee on blvpeniUfiires, War Departnit iit. To investigate war expenditures. H. Res. 127 (Hull)prt). Coiiiinittee on Post Offlee Expenditures. To investigate railway mail service. H. Res. 107 (Lobeck). OoiHiNitt' c Oil Atilitarti Affairs. To investigate importation of fni*m laboi- from United States to Canada. H. Res. 67 (Blasou). To investigate cantonments. S. Res. 8-" (Sterling). *• To investigate ammunition supplies. H. Res. 133 (Dent). Hou,se Iteport 133. Committee on the Public Lands. To investigate publicdaud question. H. Re.s. 75 (Ferris). District of Coliunhiu Cotniiiittee. To continue investigation into fiscal relations. S. Res. 49 (Smith, Md.) Coiiniiitiee on Agriculture. To inve.stigate garden niovenioiu in Eun-pe. S. Res. 61 (Sheppard). To investigate proposal to import Chinese farm labor. S. Res. 160 (Gallinger). Coiniiiitce on Patents. To inve.stigate refusal to accept Herl)ei- gas(i!i:ie patent. S. Res. 80 (Cummins). Ooaimittce on IMcreltmit Marine. To investigate Shipping Board. H. Res. 204 (Edmonds). Coniinittee on Interstate Commerce. *To investigate transportation repoi-t of Interstate Connnerce Commission. S. Res. 171 (Cummins). Coiinnittee on Coiumerce. "'To investigate Shipping Board. S. Res. 170 (Harding). To Appoint Special Comnvittees. To investigate car strike in District of Columbia. S. Res. 17 (Hughes). * To investigate car strike in District of Columbia. S-. Res. 23 (Hughes). Senate Report 7. To investigate dairy products. H. Res. 52 (Linthicum). To investigate Pocahontas coal prices. H. Res. 84 (Emerson). * To investigate Mongolia accident at sea. S. Res. 71 (Frelinghuysen). Senate Report 69. To investigate suffrage riots. H. Res. 130 (Baer). To inve.stigate ammunition supplies. H. Res. 134 (Dent). House Report 141. To investigate all boards and commissions. H. Res. 137 (Clark, Fla.). To investigate Heflin charges of German influence in Congress. H. Res. 148 (Fordney). 8 CONGRESS IN THE WAR. To ascertiiin if German money luis been sjieiit fm- le.nislaLive iiiUueiice VI Kes 149 (Doolittle). To investigate Heflin charjies of GeiMiiaii inlhuMice in Congress. H. Kes. 151 (Norton). *To investigate Heflin charges. H. Res. 16r> (Stephens, IMiss.). House Ileport 201.' ' To inquire into Heiiin's atljtude. H. Kes. 169 (Britten). To investigate worldiouse at Occoquan. H. Res. 171 (Rankin). To investigate sugar shortage. H. Res. ],S4 (Rlartin). To Appoint Joint Coniinittecs. To investigate East St. Louis riots. S. Con. Res. 10 (Sherman). Reported but not agreed to. See under " liules Comniittee." Tariff Coniniis.^ion. To investigate cost of crops in insuhir possessions. H. Res. 53 (Clarlv, Fla.). Federal Trade Commission. *To investigate abuses in manufacture of flags. S. Res. 35 (Pomerene). To investigate prices of flags. H. Res. 77 (Frear). Interstate Commerce Commission. To investigate application of railroads for increased freight rates. S. Res. 44 (Smitli, Ga.). To investigate application of railroads for increased freight rates. S. Res. 47 (Smitli, Ga.). To investigate Boston & Maine Railroad. S. Res. 65 (Cummins). Attorney General. To investigate cement prices. H. Res. 74 (Dyer). To investigate alleged coal combination. H. Res. 78 (Dyer). To investigate " Food Trust " in District of Columbia ; also high rents. H. Res. 101 (Emerson). To investigate E.soteric Prison League. H. Res. Ill (Rodenberg). Secretary of Agriculture. To investigate probable advance of high cost of living as result of increased freight rates. S. Res. 73 (Sheppard). Bureau of Standards. To determine uniformity of taxation. H. Con. Res. 27 (Hiiliard). No Agency of Investigation Specified. To investigate conditions at Camp Mills. H. Res. 205 (Rankin). PART I. STATUS OF WAR LEGISLATION (BY SUBJECTS). ( A ) Agriculture : Ftirm loan act. To amend. See under " Banking and Currency." Fertilizers, importation of. See under " High cost living." *Food control — H. 1{. 49G1 (Lever), House Report 75. Passed House. Passed Senate. Conference: House He- port 117. Public laAv 41. S. '22G3 (Gore), Senate Report 37. S. 24G3 sub- stituted. S. 2403 (Gore). Reported June 15, 1917. H. R. 49G1 substituted. *Food survey — H. R. 4188 (Lever). House Report 44. Passed House. Passed Senate. Went to conference June 29. Conference: House Report 188. Pub- lic law 40. S. 2344 (Gore), Senate Report 44. H. R. 4188 sub- stituted in Senate. Grain and cereal production. To investigate feasibility qf Government cultivation, public lands. S. Res. 129 (Johnson, S. Dak.). Senate Report 129. Motor-truck delivery for farm products. To experiment. See under " Post Office." President's food proclamation, Indorsing. S. Res. 34 (Owen). Passed Senate. Prizes for food production. S. J. Res. 40 (Gore). Sen- ate Report 39 (included in H. R. 4188). Secretary of Agriculture to submit plan to increase food production. S. Res, 2G (Reed). Passed Senate. Senate Document 11. Two additional Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture. S. J. Res. 53 (Gore). Senate Report 40 (included in H. R. 4188). (AA) Aeronautics: Aeronautics personnel bill. H. R. 532G (Dent). House Report 97. Passed House. Reported in Senate Jtdy 17. Passed Senate. Public law 29. Aircraft Board, to create. S. 2705. Senate Report lOG (Sheppard). Passed Senate. House Report IGl. Passed House. Public law No. 48. 33316—18 2 y 10 co]s;gkess jm the war. (AA) Aeronautics — Conliniied. Aviation station, San Diego, Cal. H. R. 4892 (Dent). House Kepoit SS. Passed House. Senate Eeport 83. Passed Senate. Approved July 27. Public law 31. Establish Department of Aeronatics. H. R. 3 (Hul- bert), S. 80 (Sheppard). Hearings have been con- ducted before Senate Committee on Military Af- fairs. In Sixty-fourth Congress. H. R. 13838 (Lieb). Xavj/- air station site at Cape May, N. J., to acquire. S. 2437 (Frclinghuysen). Senate Eeport 99. Passed • Senate. House Report 177. Passed House. Public law No. 62. (B) Apj)ropriations: Army appropriations. H. R. 13 (Dent). Passed House. Senate Report 3. Passed Senate. Conference : House Report 42; Senate Document 15. Public law Xo. 11. Error in sundry civil law (salary of Panama governor). H. J. Res. 105 (Fitzgerald). Passed House and Sen- ate. Public resolution No. 7. General deficiency. H. R. 12 (Fitzgerald). Passed House. Senate Report 2. Passed Senate. Confer- ence : House Report 13. Public laAv No. 2. Joint Committee on War Expenditures, to appoint. See under "" Foreign.'' Military Academy appropriations. H. R. 14 (Dent). Passed House. Senate Report 4. Passed Senate. Conference: House Report 43; Senate Document lf>. Public law No. 18. Post Office appropriations. See under "Post Office." President's $100,000,000 fund continued available. See Zb under "Appropriations," Rivers and Harbors appropriations. See under " Rivers and harbors." Sundry civil. H. R. 11 (Fitzgerald). Reported in House without amendment. Passed House. Senate Report 5. Passed vSenate. Conference: House Report 71. Public law No. 21. Urgent dv^ficiency (Army and Navy). H. R. 3971 (Fitzgerald). House Report 36. Passed House. Senate Report 41. Passed Senate. Conference: House Reports 61, 67, 70, and 71. and Senate Docu- ment 39. Public laAv No. 23. Urgent deficiency (second bill). IT. R. 5949 (Fitz- gerald). House Report 137. Passed House. Sen- ate Rejjort 134. Passed Senate. Conference : House Report 186. Public law No. 64. (BB) Army: Aeronautics bills. See under "Aeronautics." Alien slackers. See under " Foreign." Ammunition seut to France, asking for infoi-mation. II. Res. 132 (McLemore). Passecl House. H. Res. 133 (Dent). House Report 133. II. Res. 134 (Dent). House Report 141. CONGKESS IN THE WAK. IX (J3B) Army— Continued. Army appropriations. See under "Appropriations." Aviation station, San Diego, Cal. See under "Aero- nautics." Chaplains at large, to appoint 20. H. E. 5271 (Siegel) House Report 134. Passed House. S. 2527 (Shep- pard). Senate Report 90. Passed Senate. House Report 170. Passed House. Public laAv No. 79. Chaplains. To appoint one for each 1,200 officers and men. S. 2917 (Chamberlain). Reported in Senate September 29 without amendment. Passed Senate Civil Rights bill. H. R. C)361 (Webb). House Re- port 181. Passed House. S. 2859 (Chamberlain). Condemnation of lands for militarv purposes. S. 2453 (Robmson). Senate Report 55. Passed Senate. House Report 83. Passed House. Public law No. 26. Corps of Engineers, relating to retired officers. S. J. Res. 70 (Ransdell). Passed Senate. House Report i2. Passed House. Public resolution No. 6. Dental Corps authorization. Included in H. R. 4897. Dental Corps, to provide campaign badges for. S. 2701 (New). Reported August 20 without amend- ment. Passed Senate. Dependents of soldiers, for separate allowance. See bill to amend national-defense' act. Dependents to receive pay while absent. S. 2883 (Un- derAvood). Senate Report 135. Passed Senate House Report ISO. Passed House. Public law No GO. Drafting of aliL-ns (friendly), to provide. S. J. Res. 84 ( Chamberlain). Senate Report 94. Passed Senate. See also under "Foreign" (Alien Slackers). Dm f ting of aliens (friendly), to secure agreement by allied countries. S. Res. 108 (McCumber). Senate - Report 93. Passed Senate August 1. H. J. Res. 115 (Rogers). H^ouse Report 115. Drafted men to iiesent to Europe onlv bv their con- sent. S. 2717 (Hardwick). ' Senate Report 125 (adverse). Drafted men. Secretarv of War required to fui-nish data. S. Res. 90 (Calder). Passed Senate. Drafted men, Secretary of Commerce asked for infor- mation on census estimates. S. Res. 105 (Bran- degee). Passed Senate. Enlistment of allies in ITnit^'d Stntes. See under " Foreign." Foreign officei-s assisting United States, to defray ex- penses. S. 2858 (Wadsworth). Senate Report 117. Pass(^d Senate. House Report IGO. " ^ H. R. 6024 (Dent). Former officers, authority to recommission. S. 2746 (Wads^vol■t]l). -Vnnte" Re]iort 105. Passed Senate. 12 CONGBESS IN THE WAR, (BB) Army — Continued. Lield Artillerv or Infantry to be used as Cavalry. H. R. 5918 (Dent). House Report 13G. Passed House. Senate Report 147. Passed Senate. Public law No. 89. (lenerals and lieutenant generals, authority to appoint. S. 2973 (Hitchcock). Reported in Senate October 4. Homesteaders. To protect soldiers from forfeiture pro- visions of land laws. See S. 2918 under "Public lands." Homestead land affiilavits before military authorities, to pro\ ide. See under " Plomesteads." Immoral influences among soldiers. To further curb (Weeks). Reported in Senate without amendment September 29. Passed Senate. ludinua-Kentucky ('antonment, asking for facts in selecting site. S. Res. 94 (New). Passed Senate. Insuranco^ system for soldiers. See under "Insurance." Land purchases by Ordnance Department. Granting authority. H. J. Res. 162 (Sherley). Passed House and Senate without report. Public Resolution No. 16. Lieutenants in Medical Corps, to promote. H. R. 4897 (Hulbert). House Report 84. Passed House. Sen- ate Report 131. Passed Senate. Public law No. 86. Longevity-pay claims. H. R. 1691 (Graham). House Report 4. Medal of honor law. To amend S. 1720. Senate Re- port 73. Passed Senate. House Report 40. Medals presented by foreign powers. To permit wear- ing. S. 2796 (Lodge). Senate Report 114. Passed Senate. House Report 173. Military Academy. Secretary of War required to fur- nish data. S. Res. 67 (Jones, Wash.). Passed Senate. Military Academy appropriations. vSee under "Appro- priations." *National defense act, to amend — S. 1786 (Chamberlain). Senate Report 12. H. R. 5166 (Dent). Officers in lower grades of staff corps. Authority to issue commissions to. H. R. ,6350 (Dent). House Report 179. Passed House. Senate Report 148. Passed Senate. Public law No. 76. Officers in Reserve Corps. To remove age limits requir- ing discharge. H. R. 6350 (see above). Philippine forces. To call into service. H. R. 7697. House Report 225. Plumb Island Reservation, N. Y., transfer. S. 1852 (Calder). Senate Report 50. Passed Senate. Prayers for success of armies. To set aside dav for. S. Con. Res. 12 (Myers). Senate Report 124. Passed Senate. House Report 160. Passed House. Public-land entrymen in service. See under " Home- stead," " Mining," and " Public Lands." CONGRESS IN THE WAR. 13 (BB) Army — Continued. Kifles, etc., for home guards. S. 995 (Lodge). Re- ported April IG. Passed Senate. House Keport GO. Passed House. Public laAv No. 22. Rifles, Secretary of War required to furnish informa- tion. S.Res. 82 (Smoot). Passed Senate. S. Doc. 5G. Snobbery among officers and enlisted men. Secretary of War to report situation. S. Res. 165 (Overman). Passed Senate. Smithsonian Grounds for Army buildings. H. J. Res. 91 (Clark of Fla.) . Plouse Report GG. Pass-d House. Passed Senate. Public resolution No. 5. Target range at Great Piece Meado^YS, N. J. S. 282 (Frelinghuysen). Senate Report 29. Passed Senate. Urgent dehciency appropriations. See under "Appro- priations." *War army (conscription and draft) — H. R. 3515 (Dent). House Report 17. Passed House. Passed Senate. Conference: House Re- ports 19, 52, 53. Public law No. 12. S. 1871 (Chamberlain). Senate Report 22. H. R. 3515 substituted. (C) Banking and currency: See also under " Coinage " (Ze). '•'Amending Federal reserve act — H. R. 3G73 (Glass). House Report 35. Passed House. Passed Senate. Conference: House Re- port 73, Senate Document No. 4G. Public laAv No. 25. S. 179G (Owen). Senate Report 11. H. R. 3G73 substituted. Amending farm loan act, section 4. S. 2921 (Owen). Reported in Senate without amendment September 29. Amending farm loan act as to purchase of bonds by Treasury. H. R. 7731 (Glass). House Report 228. S. 3235 (Hollis). Senate Report 181. Passed Senate. Notes of small denomination. For larger circulation. S. 2922 (Owen). Reported in Senate without amend- ment September 29. Passed Senate and House. Pub- lic law No. Gl. H. R. G180 (Glass). House Report 1G9. S. 2922 substituted. (CC) Bond-issue authorizations: See under " Financing the war." (CSC) Civil Service: District of Columbia examinations, to allow entrance of applicants from States. S. J. Res. 117 (McKellar) . Passed Senate. - claims. For relief from assessment work. S. J. Res. 33 (Walsh). Passed House and Senate. Public resolution No. 10. Suspend labor requirements of owners of claims during war. S. J. lies. 78 (Shafroth). Senate Report 74. Passed Senate. House Report No. 128. Passed House. Conference; House Report 171. Public Res. No. 12. (NN) Naturalization: Citizenship of Germans declaring intention before April C, 1917. H:. R. 3132 (Raker). House Report 92. Declaration of citizenship, to amend naturalization laws relating to. S. 2854 (Calder). Senate Report 13G. (O) Navy: Aeronautics bills. See under "Aeronautics." ■•'Age limit, Naval Reserve officers, to increase — H. R. 2340 (Padgett). House Report 5. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. 8. S. 1537 (Swanson). Senate Report 17. H. R. 2340 substituted. Civil rights bill. See BB, under "Army." Commutation price for rations, to fix. S. 2495 (Swan- son). Senate Report 70. Passed Senate. Court-martial trials. To prescribe procedure. H. E. G3G3 (Padgett). House Report 17G. Passed House. Reported in Senate October 4. Passed Senate. Pub- lic law No. 78. Dependents of deceased sailors, to pav six months' gra- tuity to. H. R. G30G (Padgett). House Report 175. Passed House. Reported in Senate October 4. Passed Senate. Public law No. 74. Dominican Republic, authority to sailors to serve under. PI. R. Gy75 (Padgett). House Report 208. Enginemen, blacksmiths, etc., to establish new ratings for. H. R. 5G48 (Padgett). House Report 122. Passed House. Reported in Senate October 4. Passed Senate. Public law No. 88. Enlistments in Naval Reserve Force, relating to. H. R. 2337 (Padgett). House Report 40. Passed House. Senate Report 35. Passed Senate. Public law No. 15. *Extending minority enlistments — H. R. 2008 (Padgett). House Report 8. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. 5. S. 1534 (Swanson). Senate Report 13. H. R. 2008 substituted. *Fleet Naval Reserve for active duty — H. R. 1771 (Padgett). House Report G. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. 4. S. 153G (Swanson). Senate Report 14. H. R. 1771 substituted. 20 CONGKESS IN THE WAR. (O) Navy — Continued. *HydrooTapliic Office, additional officers for — H. E. 2838 (Padgett). House Report 7. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. G. S. 1538 (Swanson). Senate Report IG. H. R. 2338 substituted. *Increase man power of Naval Establishment — H. R. 3330 (Padgett). House Report 31. Passed House. Senate Report 3G. Passed Senate. House Conference Report 51. Public law No. 17. S. 1873 (Swanson). Senate Report 30. H. R. 3330 substituted. Insurance for seamen (war risk). See under "Mer- chant marine." Insurance sj^stem for sailors. See under " Insurance." liquor provision in Army draft law. To apply to Navy. H. R. G3G2 (Padgett). House Report 178. Passed House. Reported in Senate October 4. Passed Senate. Public law No. 77. Aiongolia accident. For investigation. S. Res. 71 (Fre- linghuysen). Senate Report 01. Passed Senate. *Naval Academy enrollment — H. R. 2339 (Padgett). House Report 10. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. 7. S. 1587 (Tillman). Senate Report 15. II. R. 2339 substituted. Naval Academy enrollment, to increase (second bill) — H. R. G9G7 (Padgett).. House Report 209. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. 03. Property lost by seamen. H. R. 5G47 (Padgett). House Report 121. Passed House and Senate. Public laAv No. 70. Public Health Service to aid seamen. See K, under "Interstate and Foreign Commerce." Public-land entrvmen in service. See under " Home- stead," " Mining," and " Public lands." Rations, to fix 40 cents as commutation price. H. R. 5G4G (Padgett). House Report 123. Passed House. Reported in Senate October 4. Passed Senate. Pub- lic law No. 87. Requisitioning of private vessels. See under "Mer- chant marine." Senator Gerry's yacht, to use. S. 1845 (Gerry). Sen- ate Report 18. Passed Senate. House Report 19. Passed House. Private law No. 1. Women of ill-repute, to apply provisions in Army draft laAv to sailors' camps. See PI. R. G3G2, under headmg of " Liquo!' ■' (above). (OO) Newspapers: Socialistic periodicals, relating to suppression of. bee under "Post office." German-language press, to require English translations in parallel columns. Included in trading-Avith-enemy bill. CONGRESS IN THE WAR. 21 (P) Mag-ara Biver and Falls: '•"'Diversion of Avaters and survey — H. J. Ees. 109 (Flood). House Keport 87. S. J. Eos. 13 substituted. S. J. Res. 13 (Wadsworth). Passed Senate and House. Conference: House Eeport 91. Public resolution No. 8. ^ (PP) Nitrates: Authority for exploration. See under " Public lands." (Q) Panama: Ivules for measuring vessels. See under " Interstate and foreign commerce." Salary of governor. See under "Appropriations." (QQ) Patents: Gnrabed energy generator, relating to patent and use by Government. H. J. Res. 11(5 (Grosser). House Eeport 9-1. Passed House and Senate. Vetoed. Re- introduced in second session. H. J. Ees. 171 (Cliurcli). House Eeport 213. Passed House. Patent Office, additional force of eniplovees for. H. E. 5-287 (C. B. Smith). _ House Eeport 95. *Publi cation of inventions of value to enemj^ to pre- vent — H. E. 52G9 (C. B. Smith). House Eeport 9G. S. 2531 (Weeks). Senate Eeport 119. Passed Senate and House. Public law No. 80. (E) Post office: Appropriations for fiscal year ending June 30, 1919. H. E. 7237 (Moon). House Eeport 205. Passed House. Kiii: Socialifiic nevrspapers, asking for data on suppression of. H. E. 115 (London). House Eeport 109 (ad- verse). Motor-truck delivery for farm products, to experiment. S. 2718 (Hardwick). Senate Eeport 101. Passed Senate. House Eeport 159. (EE) Potash: ^ . Authority for exploration. See under " Public lands." (S) Public building's: Annex for Treasury Department. S. 2177 (Swanson). Senate Eeport 7G. Passed Senate, House Eeport . 139. Public law No. 45. (SS) Public Health Service. See under " Interstate and for- eign commerce." , (T) Public lands: Allidavits, to allow to be taken before military authori- ties. See under "Homesteads." Food production on public lands. See under " High cost of living:." 22 CONGRESS IN THE WAR. (T) Public lands — Continued. Uraiu nnd cereal production on public lands, to investi- gate feasibility of Government cultivation. See under "x\griculture." Mining of coal, phosphate, oil, gas, potassium, and sodium, to encourage. S. 2812 (Walsh). Senate Kc- port IIG. H. R. 3232 (Ferris). House Report 20G. Nitrates and salts, authority for exploration. S. 215G (Pit-tman). Senate Report 100. Passed Senate. House Report 145. Passed House. Public law No. 49. Soldiei-s owning desert land, for relief of. II. R. 8331 (Raker). Plouse Report 77. Passed House. Senate Report 87. Passed Senate. Public law No. 3G. Soldiers, to protect from forfeiture provisions of land laws. ' S. 2018 (King). Senate Report 142. PasseTl Senate. Soldiers, to suspend payments due. S. 2SG5 (Myers). Senate Report 1G3. (TT) Keclamation: Excess land to be held five years. H. R. 4958 (Taylor, Colo.). House Report 120. Passed House. Drainage in Texas and New ISIcxico. authority to ex- tend ^funds. S. J. 89 (Jones, N. Mex.). Reported without amendment September 24. Passed Senate and House. Public resolution No. 14. Stimulate food production. See under "High"~cost living." (U) Red Cross: ••'Authority for tempornrv buildinirs — S. J." Res. Gl^ (Williams). ^Passed Senate and PIousc. Public resolution No. 3. H. J. Res. 8G (Slaydent^ House Report 5"1. S. J. Res. Gl substituted. (UU) Kivers and harbors: Appropriations for improvements. H. R. 4-285 (Small). House Report 46. Passed House. Senate Report 81. Passed Senate July 2G. Conference: Senate Docu- ment G9, House Report IIG. Public laAv No. 37. (V) Russia: Congratulations to Republic — H. Con. Res. 1 (Goodwin). Plouse Report 12. S. Con. Res. 7. Passed Senate June 2G. (VV) Socialistic periodicals: Relating to suppression of. See under "Post OlBcc." (W) Smithsonian Institution: Use of grounds for buildings. See under "Army." (WW) War-risk insurance: To amend act. See under " Merchant marine." CONGRESS IN THE WAR. 23 BILLS NOT LISTED AS WAR MEASURES. (Za) Agriculture: S. J.Rgs. 39 (Gore). Cattle tick, for eradication of. Senate I?eport 3S. S. Res. 137 (Shields), Annnonia and nitrogen, to pro- vide for investigation. Agreed to in Senate. (Zb) Appropriations: li. K. 122 (Fitzgerald). A])propriations for mileage, stationer}^, and pages, House of Representatives. House Report 2. Public hnv No. 1. H. R. 7572 (Fitzgerald). Appropriations for mileage, Members of Congress, and continuing President's $100,000,000 allotment. Passed House ond Senate. Public ]aw No. 02. H. R. 5405 (Fitzgerald). Appropriations for pages in House and Senate. Public law No. 28. (Zf) Bridges and dams: H. R. ir370 (Knutson). Mississippi River, Minn., au- thority to build bridge. House Report 22. S. lOOG- substituted. H. R. 2343 (Bland). Wabash River at Vincennes, Ind.. authorit.v to build bridge. House Report 34. Senate Report 42. Public law No. IG. H. R. 3041 (Kraus). Wabash River at Logansport, Ind., anthority to bnild bridge. House Report 08. S. 210G substituted. H. R. 4232 (Park). Flint River, Ga., authority to extend time limit for completing bridge. Plou'se Report 101. Passed House. Senate Report 150. Passed Senate. Public law No. GO. H. R. 4427 (Hastings). Arkansas River, Okla., autlior- ity to build bridge. House Report 104. S. 2710 sub- stituted. H. R. 4045 (Borland). Missouri River, Kansas City, Mo., authority to extend time limit for completiiig bridge. House Report 00. H. R. 5147 (Wingn). Arkansas .River, Fort Smith, Ark., authority to build bridge. House Report 105. li. R. 5250 (Wilson). Bayou Macon, Wisner, La., authority to build bridge. House Report 102. H. R. 52G7 (Cooper). Tug River, W. Va., authority to_ build bridge. House Report lOG. S. 2GG3 sub- stituted. H. R. 5335 (Langley). Big Sandy River, Ky. and W. Va., authority to build bridge. House Report . 113. Passed House. Senate Report 133. Passed Senate. Public law No. 4G. H. R. 533G (Caraway). Little River, Ark., authority to build bridge. House Report 112. 24 CONGRESS IN THE WAR. \'/a'.) Bridges and dams — Continued. 11. K. 5431 (Goodwin). Saline River, Ark., authority to build bridge. House Keport 111. Passed House. Public law ^^o. 47. H. Iv. 5040 (Jacoway). Arkansas Kiver, Ark., author- ity to extend time limit for completion of bridi^e. House Report 1-29. S. 2S30 substituted. H. R. 581U (Copley). Authority to build bridge. House Report 104. H. R. 5839 (Esch). Mississippi River, Aitkin County, Minn., authority to build bridge. House Report 140. Senate Report 140. Passed Senate. Public law No. 54. H. R. 0045 (Carawa}'). Authority to build bridge. House Report 158. S. 2938 substituted. H. R. 0170 (Neely). Monongahela River, W. Va. House Report 204. H. R. 0310 (Cooper). Mahoning River, Ohio, House Report 174. Passed House and Senate. Public law No. 75. H. R.03S0 (Jacoway). Arkansas River, Little Rock, Ark. House Report 187. S. 2937 substituted. H. R. 0412 (Blanton ) . Rio Grande River, El Paso, Tex. House Report 100. S. 1000 (Nelson). Mississippi River, Morrison County, • Minn., authority to build bridge. House Report 21. Senate Report 28. Public, 13. S. 1007 (Nelson). Mississippi River, Bemidji, Minn., authority to build bridge. Senate Report 33. House Report 20. Public, 14. S. 2100 (Watson). Wabash River, Ind., authority to build bridge. Senate Report .34. House Report 100. Public, 33. S. 2434 (Nelson). Mississippi River, Cass and Itasca Counties. Minn., authority to build bridge. Senate Report 72. House Report 103. Passed House. Pub- lic law No. 57. S. 2435 (Nelson). Mississippi Rivei", Cass and Itasca Counties, Minn., authority to build bridge. Senate Report 122. Pnssed Senate. House Report 147. Passed Plouse. Public law No. 58. S. 2003 (Pomorene). Tug River, W. Va. Senate Re- port 121. Passed Senate and House. Public law No. 81. S. 2000 (Robinson). Arkansas River, Ark., authority to build bridge. Senate Report 88. Public law 30. S. 2007 (Ransdell). Bayou Macon, Wisner La., author- ity to build bridge. Senate Report SO. Public law. 34. S. 2088 (Stone). Missouri River, Kansas City, Mo., to extend time for completion. Senate Report 101. Passed Senate. Plouse Report 148. S. 2005 (Robinson). Little River, Ark., authority to build bridge. Senato Report 01. Public law 35. CONGRESS IN THE WAR. 25 (Zc) Bridges and dams — Continued. S. 2710 (Owen). Arkansas Eiver, Okla., authoritv to build bridge. Senate Report 107. Passed Senate. House Eeport 151. Passed House. Public law No. 59. S. 2774 (Sutherland). Little Kanawha Pviver, W. Va., authority to build bridge. Senate Eeport 12G. Passed Senate. House Eeport 150. Passed House. Public law No. G3. S. 27S5 (Eansdell). Mermentau River, La., authority to build lock and dam. Senate Eeport 112. Passed Senate. House Eeport 135. Public law 42. S. 2813 (Bankhead). ]\Iobile Bay, Ala., authority to build bridge. House Eeport 52. Senate Eeport 127. Passed Senate. House Eeport 152. Passed House. Public law No. 51. Eed Eiver, Sarcas Ferry, Tex. Passed Senate. House Eeport Public law No. 52. Fox Eiver, at Elgin, III., authority Senate Eeport 120. Passed Senate. . 2S1G (Sheppard). Senate Eeport 128. 149. Passed House. . 2823 (Lewis). to build bridjze. Passed House. Public law No. Do. S. 2830 (Eobinson). Arkansas Eiver, Ark., authority to extend time for completing bridge. Senate Eeport 118. Passed Senate and House. Public law No. 44. S. 2878 (Simmons). Waccamaw Eiver,. Pireway Ferry, N. C., authority to build bridge. Senate Eeport 132. Passed Senate. House Eeport 107. Passed House. Public law No. GO. Arkansas Eiver, Little Eock, Ark. Passed Senate and House. Pub- S. 2937 (Eobinson). Senate Eeport 149. lie law No. 84. S. 2938 (Eobinson) Ark. Senate Eeport 143. Public law No. 07. S. 2947 (Sheppard). Eio Grande Eiver, El Paso, Tex. Senate Eeport 151. Passed Senate and House. Pub- lic law No. 85. Little Eiver, Poinsett County, Passed Senate and House. (Zd)_ Cannon donations: S. 291 (McKellar). Senate Ee- (Ze) Murfreesboro, Tenn. port 24. Passed Senate. S. 1420 (Shields). Nashville, Tenn. Senate Eeport 25. Passed Senate. S, 17G7 (Shields). Lewisburg, Tenn. Senate Eeport 20. Passed Senate. S. 2920 (Overman). Carthago, N. C. Passed Senate and House. Public law No, 83. Coinage: II. E. 3548 (Ashbrook). Twenty-five cent piece, to modify design. House Eeport 78. Public, 27. S. 2099 (Owen). Twenty-iive cent piece, to modify de- sign. Senate Eeport 31. I f . E. 3548 substituted. 26 CONGRESS IN TUE WAR. (Zf) Constitution: S. J. Kes. 17 (Sheppard). National prohibition. See Tinder " Liquor." S. J. Ees. 2 (Jones, N. Mex.) and H. J. Ees. 1 (Raker). Woman suffrage. See under " Woman suffrage." S. J. Ees. 12 (Sliafrotli). To abolish electoral college and change time of inaugurations and terms of Sen- ators and Representatives. Senate Report 1G5 (ad- verse). S. J. Res. 90 (Brandegee). Relating to procedure in amending Constitution. Reported Dec. 17, 1017. (Zg) Courts: H. K. 294 (Igoe). Missouri, additional judge for. ITouse Report 210. H. R. 5558 (Thompson). Oklahoma, to amend judicial code relating to districts. House Report 207. S. 70 (Walsh). Montana, additional judge for. Re- ported Avithout amendment May 21, Passed Senate. S. 74G (Williams). Mississippi, additional judge for. Reported without amendment July 9. Passed Senate. S. 1S3G (Shields). Tennessee, judge for middle dis- trict. Reported ATithout amendment May 29. Passed Senate. S. 211G (Gerr}^. Rhode Island, increase salary dis- trict attorney. Reported Avithout amendment May 28. Passed Senate. S. 2489 (Overman). District of Columbia, additional justices for Supreme Court. Reported July 23. Passed Senate. House Report 216. S. 2777 (Hollis). New Hampshire, additional judge for first district. Passed Senate without report. S. 28G0 (Culberson). Transfer Hardeman County, Tex., court district. Passed Senate. S. 29iG (Johnson, Cal.). Jurisdiction under workmen's compensation laws. See under "Labor" (Zoa). Public 93 (Trading with enemy act). Contains pro- visions bearing on Bankruptcy laws. (Zh) Customs: H. R. 344 (Smith, N. Y.). To regulate salaries in Cus- todian Service. House Report 202. S. 2203 (McCumber). Northgate, N. Dak., to make port of enti-y. Senate Report 54. Passed Senate. House Report 182. Passed House. Public law No. G5. S. J. Res. 99 (Calder). Distilled spirits imported, to allow exporting Avithin three years. Passed Senate without leport. House Report 183. Passed House. Public resolution No. 15. (Zi) District of Columbia: ., S. 1800 (Fletcher). Real estate belonging to I. O. O. ^ F., to amend law. Public, 9. S. 2123 (Smith, Md.). Pediatry, to regulate practice. Senate Report 45. Passed Senate. CONGBESS IN THE WAR. 27 (Zi) District of Columbia — Continued. S. 2-189 (Overman). Additional justices for Supreme Court. See under " Courts." H. J. Ees. 23 (Foster). Government fuel yards, to establish in District of Columbia. House Report 189. (Zj) Fisheries: S;. 1481 (Chamberlain), Columbia River fisheries, re- garding jurisdiction of Washington and Oregon. Reported May 21, 1917. (Zk) Foreign: S. J. Res. 80 (Stone). Aurelio Caliozo, of Cuba, to admit to West Point. Senate Report 92. Passed Senate. (Zl) Homesteads: S. 937 (Myers). Amending law as to certificates and proof of residence. S.enate Report 159. S. 955 (Myers). Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont. Senate Report 1C>2. S. 2493 (Kendrick). Stock-raising homesteads, to amend section 3 of net of December 29, 191G. Senate Report 14C. Passed Senate. S.277G (Jones, N.Mex.). Stock-grazing lands, for clas- sification in certain States. Senate Report 115. Passed Senate. (Zm) Incorporations: S. 23G0 (Wadsv\'orth). A^merican Academy of Engineers. Senate Report 8G. Passed Senate. (Zma) Indians: H. R. 195 (Carter, Okla.). Choctaws and Chickasaws, Oklahoma, for sale of mineral deposits. House Re- port 192. Passed Plouse. H. R. 2G9 (Kayden).. For construction of roads, bridges, etc., on reservations. House Report 191. H. R. 1G81 (Hastings). Five Civilized Tribes, to con- fer authority to superintendents. House Report 19G. Report withdrawn. H. R. 35G8 (Chandler, Okla.). Osage Tribe, Okla- homa, to employ attorney. House Report 193. S. 934 (Myers).' Crow Indian Reservation, Mont. See under " Public lands." S. 385 (Ashurst). To permit mining for metalliferous minerals on reservations. Senate Report IGG. S. 932 (Myers). Flathead Reservation, Mont. See under " Public lands." - S. 955 (Myers). Fort Peck, Mont. See under " Public lands." ' S. J. Res. 24 (Myers). Crow Indians in Montana. See under " Public lands." (Zn) Interstate and foreign commerce: S. 1419 (Shields). Water-power bill. Senate Report 179. Passed Senate. 28 CONGRESS IN THE WAK. (Zo) Irrigation: 8. J.I^es. 43 (Jones, AVash.)- Yaldma. Wash., Indian project, to make funds available for. Reported April 30. Passed' Senate. See uJfo under '"'Rcclanuuion." (Zoa) Labor: Social insurance, for commission on. House Report 218. Workmen's compensation laws, to amend Judicial Code relating to jurisdiction of district courts. S. 20iG (Johnson, Cal.). Senate Report 139. Passed Sen- ate and House. Public law No. 82. (Zp) Liquor: S. 2GG0 (Broussard). Industrial alcohol, to permit ex- emijtions under bone-dry law. Senate Report 110. S. J. Res. 17 (Sheppard). National prohibition by con- stitutional amendment. Senate Report 52. Passed Senate. House Report 211. Passed House and en- acted. Takes no law number, as it does not require signature of President. S. J.Res. 99 (Calder). Distilled spirits imported, to al- loAv exporting within three years. See under "" Cus- toms." (Zq) Merchant marine: H.R. 4988 (Alexander). Steamer Calder^ to authorizt change of name. House Report 119. S. 14G3 (Husting). Establish aid to navigation, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Senate Report 183. S. 14G2 (Husting). Establish fog signal at Port Wash- ington, Wis. Senate Report 182. S. 1544 (Fletcher). Decisions of local inspectors, lo pro- vide appeals from. Senate Report 59. Passed Senate. S. 1545 (Fletcher). Relating to crews of vessels. Senate Report GO. Pa.ssed Senate. S. 154G (Fletcher). Petroleum, etc., to permit shipments. Senate Report Gl. Passed Senate. S. 1547 (Fletcher), Motor-boat law. to amend. Senate Report G2. Passed Senate. S. 1549 (Fletcher). Require numbering and recording undocumented vessels. Senate Report 03. Passed Senate. S. 24G9 (Harding). Steamer Colder^ to authorize change- of name. Senate Report 80. PassecF Senate. (Zr) Monuments and memorials: H. J.Res. 70 (Linthicum). James Puclianan. to erect statue. Hou.se Report 38. (Zra) National Parks: S. 1555 (Shafroth). Establish Rocky Mountain Park, Colorado. Senate Report 1G9. (Zrb) Pensions: H. R. 7G34 (Sherwood). Omnibus pension bill. House Report 214. Passed House. CONGBESS ]J^' THE WAR. 29 (Zs) Post office: S. J. Kes. 00 (Bankhead). Pneumatic tube, to make appropriation available. Public resolution 4. S. J. Ees. 114 (Bankhead). Extending powers of pneu- matic tube commission. Passed Senate and House. Public resolution 19. (Zt) Public lands: 8. 23 (Pittman). To grant 7,000,000 acres of land to Nevada for public schools. Senate Eeport 152. S. 20 (Pittman). Interstate timber cutting by mining concerns, to permit. Senate Keport 153. S. 44 (Walsh). Eeclamation settlers, to grant addi- tional rights. See under " Reclamation." S. 93 (Smoot). To consolidate national forest lands. Senate Report 173. S. 95 (Smoot). Alaskan coal lands, to provide for agricultural entries in. Senate Report 174. S. 102 (Smoot). Relating to vacancies in district land offices. Senate Eeport 175, S. 309 (Poindexter). Port Angeles, Wash., conveyance of lands. Senate Eeport 77. Passed Senate. Passed House. Public law No. 50. S. 389 (Ashurst). Timber cntting on Coconino and Tusayan National Forests, Ariz. Senate Report 155. S. 730 (Warren ) . Granting coal lands to Kaj^cee, Wyo. Senate Report 171. Passed Senate. S. 932 (Myers). Providing for stock-watering privi- leges on Flathead Indian Reservation, Mont. Senate Report 150. . i S. 934 (Myers). Pertaining to withdrawals, Huntley irrigation project, Montana. Senate Report 157. S. 930 (Myers). Conveying land to Bozcman, Mont. Senate Eeport 158. S. 950 (Myers). Nonmineral entry of rriineral and coal lands in Alaska. Senate Report 101. S. 939 (Myers). Relating to newspaper notices. Sen- ate Report 100. S. J. Ees. 24 (Myers). To dispose of Montana lands ceded by Crow Indians. Senate Eeport 101. S. 2423 (Chamb?rlain). California & Oregon Railroad lands, i-elating to taxes. Senate Repoi-t 79. Passed Senate. See also under " Homestead." (Zu) Reclamation: H. R. 3135 (Hayden). Ynma project, Arizona. House Report 199. PI. E. 4954 (Raker). Reclamation law. To apply to irrigation districts. House Report 93. S. 27 "(Pittman). To encourage reclamation in Nevada. Senate Report 170. Passed Senate, S. 44 (Walsh). Granting additional rights to settlers. Senate Report 154. 30 CONGEESS IN THE WAK. (Zv) Rivers and harbors: S. J. Kes. 93 (Jones, Wash.)- AViHapa Harbor and River, Wash. To improve. Senate Keport 123. Public resolution 11. (Zw) Woman suffrage: S. 2380 (Sluifroth). SufFrage for Hawaii. Senate Re- port 108. Passed Senate. H. J. Res. 1 (Raker). Suffrage by constitutional amend- ment. House Report 219. S. J. Res. 2 (Jones, N. Mex.). Suffrage by constitu- tional amendment. Senats Report 130. H. Res. 12 (Raker). For committee on woman suffrage in House. House Report 1G3. Passed House. (Zx) Miscellaneous subjects: S. 340 (Gallinger). Botanic Garden, to increase area of. Senate Report G7. Passed Senate. S. 1553 (Smith, Ariz.). Migratory birds, relating to. Senate Report 27. Passed Senate. S. 2180 (Nelson). Minnesota and Wisconsin boundary dispute, relating to. Reported May 28 without amendment. S. 2852 (Hardwick). Public building at Moultrie, Ga., to increase limit of cost. Senate Report 144. Passed Senate. S. J. Res. 28 (Overman). Capitol police, for additional force of. Passed Senate; reconsidered. S. J. Res. 30 substituted. S. J. Res. 30 (Overman). Capitol police, for additional force of. Passed Senate. House Report 115. S. J. Res. 101 (Smith, Ariz.). For Government control of print-paper industry. Senate Report 177. S. J. Res. 102 (INIartin). To advance October salaries to Senate and House employees. Passed Senate and House. Public resolution 13. S. J. Res. 103 (Smoot). Pay $1,G00 to J. S. McCoy for extra services. Passed Senate. S. J. Res. 110 (Smith, Ga.). Vocational Education Board, authority to rent quarters. Passed Senate. House Report 229. S. J. Res. 115 (Overman). Telephone operators for Capitol Building, pi-ovide for additional nimiljer. Passed Senate. H. R. G094 (Clark, Fla.). Public building at Durant, Okla. To increase limit of cost. House Report 154. Passed House and Senate. Public lav^ No. 72. H. J. Res. 188 (Carlin). Extend effective date of sec- tion 10 of Clayton antitrust law. House Report 227. S. J. Res. lOG (Overman). Repoj-ted Dec. 7. 1917. Passed Senate. H. J. Res. '193 (Fitzgerald). To advance December salaries to Senate and House employees. Public resolution 18. 'Zv) Private bills are not listed by subjects. PUBLIC LAWS ENACTED IN THE SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. No. 1. Appropriations for mileage, stationery, and pages, House of Representatives. (H. K. 122.) 2. General deficiency appropriations. (IT. R. 12.) 3. War bonds, seven billions, authority to issue. (H. E. 27G2.) 4. Assignment of fleet naval reserve to active duty. (H. 11. 1771.) 5. For extension of minority enlistments, naval service. (II. li. 2008.) 0. Authority for additional officers, Hj^drograpliic Office, Navy. (H. iCiZ'SS.) 7. Increase of midshipmen at Annapolis. (II. R. 2339.) 8. Increase age limit for officers, NavalReserve. (II. R. 2340.) 9. Amending act to authorize I. O. O. F. to sell real estate in Dis- trict. (S. 1800.) 10. Relating to foreign enlistments in United States. (H. R. 2893.) 11. Army appropriations. (II. R. 13.) 12. War Army bill, draft and selective service. (II. R. 3545.) 13. Bridge, IMississippi River. (S. lOOG.) 14. Bridge, Mississippi River. (S. 1007.) 15. Relating to enlistments in Naval Reserve Corps. (H. R. 2337.) IG. Bridge, Wabash River. (II. R. 2343.) 17. Increase enlisted strength of Navy and Marine Corps. (H. R. 3340.) 18. Military Academy appropriations. (H. R. 14.) 19. Car-service regulations. (H. R. 328.) 20. "War-risk insurance for seamen. (S. 2133.) 21. Sundry civil appropriations. (H. R. 11.) 22. Issuance of rifles to State troops. (S. 995.)* 23. Army and Navy deficiency appropriations. (H. R. ?)971.) 24. Suppression of espionage. (H. R. 291.) 25. Amending Federal reserve act. (H. R. 3G73.) 2G. Condemnation of land for Army. (S. 2453.) 27. Modification of 25-cent piece. (H. R. 3548.) 28. Appropriations for pages in House and Senate.^ (H. R. 5405.) 29; Aeronautics personnel and appropriations. (11. R. 532G.) 30. Bridge, Arkansas River. (S. 2GGG.) 31. Autlioritv to acquire aviation training sites. San Diego, Cal. (H. R:. 4892.) 32. Relief of homesteaders in military or naval service. (S. 1811.) 33. Bridge, Wabash River. (S. 216g.)* 34. Brido-e. Bavou Macon, La. (S. 2GG7.) 35. Bridge, Little River. Ark. (S. 2G95.) 3G. Protection of desert-land entrymen in Army or Navy. (II. R. 3331.) 37. Rivers and hnrhors npproprisitions. (H. R. 4285.) 32 CONGRESS IN THE WAR. No. 38. Increasing membership, Interstate Cojinrierce Commission. (S. , ISIG.) _ 30. For priority of railroad shipments and control of tr:iin service. (S. 235G.) 40. Food-survey anthorizfttion. (H. R. 4188.) 41. Food-control authorization. (H. R. 49G1.) 42. Authority for lock and dam, Mcrmontau River, La. (S. 2785.) 43. War bonds, authority for second Liberty Loan issue. (II. R. 5901.) 44. Bridge, Arkansas River. (S. 2830.) 45. Authority to construct building for Treasury Department. (S. 24'77.) 4G. Bridge, Big Sandy River. (H. R. 5335.) 47. Bridge, Saline RiVer, Ark. (H. R. 5431.) 48. Creating aircraft board. (S. 2705.) 49. Authority to explore for nitrates and potassiiun. (S. 21 5G.) 50. War-revenue measure. (H. R. 4280.) 51. Bridge, Mobile Bay, Ala. (S. 2813.) 52. Brido-e, Red River, Tex. (S. 281G.) 53. Bridge, Fox River, 111. (S. 2823.) 54. Bridge, Mississippi River, Minn. (H. R. 5839.) 55. Providing repatriation of citizens in armies of allies. (S, 2G23.) 5G. Conveying land to Port Angeles, Wash. (S. 309.) 57. Bridge, Mississippi River, Minn. (S. 2434.) 58. Bridge, Mississippi River. Minn. (S. 2435.) 59. Bridge, Arkansas River, Okla. (S. 2710.) 00. Bridge, Waccamaw River, N. C. (S. 2878.) ('•1. For larger circulation, of notes of small denomination. (S. 2922.) G2. Providing for Navy air-station site at Cape May, N. J. (S. 2437.) 03. Bridge, Little Kanawha River, W. Va. (S. 2774.) G4. Urgent deficiencj'' measure appropriating $5,35G,GGG,01G. (H. R. 5949.) 05. Establishing port of entry at Northgate, N. Dak. (S. 2203.) OG. Allowing dependents to receive pay while nbsent abroad. (S. 2883.) 07. Bridge, Little River, Ark. (S. 293,8.) 08. Regulating use of explosives during Avar. (LI. R. 3932.) G9. Bridge, Flint River, Ga. (H. R. 4232.) 70. Providing for property lost by seamen. (H. R. 5047.) 71. Permission to take public-land affidavits before military authori- ties. (IL R. 5082.) 72. Public building at Durant, Okla. (H. R. 0094.) 73. Permitting coastwise trade b,y foreign vessels. (H. R, G175.) 74. Providini>- six months' gratuity to dependents of deceased sailors. in Navy. (H. R. 0300.) 75. Bridge, Mahonin^^ River, Ohio. (H. R. G310.) 7G. Providing commissions in Army staff corps and removing age limits of Reserve Coi'ps officers rcv^uiring discharge. (H. R. 035O.) 77. Extending liquor and immorality sections of Army draft law to Navy. (H. R. 0302.) 78. Prescribing couit-martial procedure in Navy. (H. R. G3G3.) C02S"GKESS IN THE WAB. 33 No. 79. Appointing chaplains at large in Army. (8. '2527.) 80. Preventing publication of military inventions. (S. 2531.) 81. Bridge, Tug Eiver, W. Va. (S. 2GG3.) _ 82. Amending Judicial Code relating to jurisdiction of district courts in worianen's compensation laws. (S. 291G.) 83. Donating cannon to Carthage, N. C. (S. 2920.) 84. Bi-idge, Arkansas Kiver, Ark. (S. 2937.) 85. Bridge, Kio Grande Eiver, Tex. (S. 29i7.) 8G. delating to Medical and Dental Corps. (H. R. 4897.) 87. Fixing 40 cents as commutation price for rations in Navy. (H. E., 5G4G.) 88. Establishing neAV ratings for enginemen, blacksmiths, etc., in Navy. (H. 11. 5G48.) 89. Distribution of Cavalry units in Army, providing for. (H. R. 5918.) 90. Providing military and naval insurance. (II. E. 5723.) 91. Pegulating trading Avith enemy. (H. P. 49G0.) 92. Deliciency appropriations for Alembers' mileage and for continu- ing President's $100,000,000 fund. (H. R. 7572. )__ 93. Increasing Naval Academy enrollment. (H. R. G967.) 94. Authorizing absence of homestead entrymen during war. (S. 2334.) PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS ENACTED IN THE SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. No. 1. Declaring Avar on Germany. (S. J. 1.) 2. Authority to seize enemy vessels. (S. J. 42.) 3. Authority to Red Cross to erect temporary buildinfjs. (S. J. Gl.) • • ^ 4. Money made available for pneumatic tube investigation, Postal Service. (S. J. GG.) 5. Permission to War Department to erect buildings on Smith- sonian grounds. (H. J. 94.) 6. Relating to eligibility of retired Army, engineer officers. (S. J. 7. Correcting error in sundry-civil law relating to salary of Panama governor. (IT. J. 105.) 8. Extending time for Niagara water diversions. (S. J. 13.) 9. Pensions m Public Health Service. (S. J. G7.) 10. Excusing, soldiers and sailors from assessment work on mining ^ claims. (S. J. 33.) 11. For improving AVillapa River and Plarbor, Wash. (S. J. 93.) 12. Suspending labor requirements of owners of mining claims dur- ing war. (S. J. 78.) 13^ Advancing October salaries to House and Senate employees. (S. J. 102.) 14. Authoritv to extend reclamation funds for drainage in Texas and New Mexico. (S. J. 89.) 15. To allow exporting of distilled spirits within three years of im portation. (S. J. 99.) IG. Authorizing land purchases by Ordnance Bureavi, War Depart-; ment. (11. J. 1G2.) 17. Declaring -war on Austria-Hungary. (S. J. 111.) 18. x^^dvancing December salaries of Senate and House employees. (H. J. 193.) 19. Extending powers of pneumatic tube commission. (S. J. 114.) .34 I LAWS OF SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS WITH DIRECT OR INDIRECT BEARING ON TRANSATLANTIC WAR. ARMY. No. of Lnw. Public, 85. Army reorgunization (national defense act). Public, 5G. Establishing medal of honor roll. Public, 79. Authority to issue supplies to military schools and , colleges. Public, GO. Increasing cadets at West Point. Public, 92. Appropriating $200,000 for National Guard. Public, 133, Urgent deficiency appropriations, Army and Navy. Public, 191. Militai'^' Academy appropriations (1st sess. ). Public, 242. Army appropriations (1st sess.). Public, 309. Appropriations for fortifications. Public, 349. Authoritv to transfer certain retired officers to active list. Public resolution, 11. Authority to increase enlisted men for Mexican campaign. Public resolution, 23. Drafting of militia into Regular Army. Public resolution, 32. Relief of homesteaders in Mexican campaign. Public resolution, 35. Amending national defense act relative to reserve officers' training camps. Note. — Provision for creation of Coimcil of National Defense )'" • (*) (*) 1 Passed 1 Senate. Reported in House. 1 Enacted into law. Reference to subject i index in 1 Parti. i • i HH. j Zfc. 1 Zt. (*) Zu. Zu. (*) 22. Zt. Zt. Zt. (*) (*) BE. Zd. Public 50 .. Zt. (*) I. (*) ^ Zx. L. (*■> HH. (*) (*) (*) • "(12)'" (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Zina. Zt. HH. (*) (*) Zt. Zg. iC Zt. zt. Zt. ■■ Zl. Zt. zt. Zl. L. K. Public 22 BB. (*) (*) L. L. Public 13 1 Public 14 1 Zc. Zc. J """(*)"" (*) 1 (*) (14) (15) ' (*) (*) Zn. i Zd. i Zq. Zq. ! i 0. (16) , a (13) ... .. i 0. (V) 1 Zq. CONGRESS IN THE WAE. SENATE BILLS —Continued . 43 1545 1546 1547 1549 1553 1555 1587 1720 1725 1767 1786 1796 1797 1800 1802 1811 1816 1836 1845 1852 1854 1867 1871 1873 2099 2106 2116 2123 2133 2I56 2180 2203 2263 2334 2344 2356 2360 2380 2423 ^434 2435 2437 2447 2453 2463 2469 2477 2481 Pveported in Senate. -- - ■■"(V)-" (17) Passed Senate. . (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Reported in tfouse. Enacted into law. Reference to subject index in Part I. Zq. Zc. zd. Zra. . 0. (*) BB. (*) ---(V)--' (*) (18) I. (*) Zd. BB. C. IVOT Publico Zi. (*) HH. Public 32 Public 38 -. 11. - K. (*) Zjt. Private 1 o': "■(20)" (*) (*) BB. E. ♦ HH. (19) BB. 0. (21) Ze. Public 33 Zc. (*) Zg. (*) Zi. Public 20 MM. Public 49 T. (*) Zx. Public 65. -. Zh. (*) A. ■ Public 94 11. (22) A. Public 39 K. .... 1 (*) (*) (*) Zm. Zw. Zt. Public 57. -- Zc. Public 58 Zc. _ - Public 62 AA. (*) LL. Public 26 BB. (23) A. (*) Zq. . Public 45 S.^ (24) 44 CONGRESS IN THE WAR. SENATE BILLS— Continued No. 2489 Reported in Senate. Passed Senate. Reported in House. (*) Enacted into law. Reference to subject : index in Part I. i Z2. 2493 -- .- -- __ (*) (*) Zl. 2495 0. 2527 Public 79 Public 80 Public 55. BB. 2531 QQ. 2623 HH. 2660 (*) Zp. Zc. 2663 Public 81 Public 30 Public 34 2666 Zc. 2667 Zc. 2688 (*) Zc. 2695 Public 35 Zc. 2701 (*) ■ BB. 2705 Public 48 AA. 2710 Public 59 Zc. 2717 (26) BB. 2718 (*) R. 2746 (*) B3. 2774 Public 63 Zc. 2776 (*) (*) Zl. 2777 Za. 2785 Public 42 . - - Zc. 2796 (*) BB. 2812 (*) T. 2813 Public 51- -. Zc. 2816 Public 52 Zc. 2823 Public 53... Zc. 2830 Public 44 Zc. 2852 '"(*)"' (*) Zx. ^2854 NT^. 2858 (*) BB. 2S()0 ""(*')'" (*) Zj?. 2865 T? 2878 Public 60. Public 66. Public 82 Zc. 2883 BB. 2916 Zoa. 2917 (*) (*) BB. 2918 T. 2920 Public 83 Zd. 2921 (*)" C. 2922 Public 61 C. 2932 (*) BB. 2937 Public 84 Zc. 2938 Public 67 Zc. 2947 Public 85 Zc. 2973 (*) BB. 3235 (*) C. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS. [Alphabetical notations refer to subject index in Part I.] No. of joint res- olution. Reported in Senate. Passed Senate. Reported in House. Enacted into law. Reference to subject index in Part I. 1 PubHc Res. 1 HH. 2 * (40) Zw. 12 Zf. 13 Public Res. 8 Enacted P. 17 (51) Zp. Zt. 24 (*) (26) 25 HH. 28 (32) Zx. 30 * Zx. 31 * I. 33 Public Res. 10 N. 39 * (33) Za. 40 A. 42 Public Res. 2 MM. 43 "(34)" * * Zo. 47 53 A. 61 A Public Res. 3 U. 63 # * K. 66 Public Res. 4 Public Res. 9 Public Res. 6 Zs. 67 K. 70 BB. 73 * J. 78 Public Res. 12 N. 84 * * BB. 86 ZK. 89 i Public Res. 14 TT. 90 i * Zf. 93 Public Res. 11 Public Res. 15 Zh. 99 i Zx. 101 (*) Zx. 102 Public Res. 13 Zx. 103 . (38) * 106 i Zx. 110 * Zx. 111 Public Res. 17 Public Res. 19 HH. . 114 , Zs. 115 * * Zx. 117 CSG. 45 INTERESTING SIDE LIGHTS. Congress was in session 188 days during the first session. More than 10,000 Army, Navy, and Marine Corps nominations were confirmed. Special missions from Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Russia, and Japan addressed both Houses. Appropriations and contract authorizations for the present fiscal year total $21,390,000,000, including $7,000,000,000 in loans to allies. In round numbers the authorizations are approximately as follows: Army $8,911^000,000 Navy 1, 875, 000, 000 Merchant shipping fleet 1, 889, 000, 000 Loans to the allies 7,000,000,000 Defense fund for — President 100,000,000 Food and fuel control 173, 000, 000 Soldiers' and sailors' insurance 17G, 000, 000 Interest on bonds and certificates 200,000,000 Civil establishment of Government 958,000,000 All other expenses -_ 102,000,000 46 NOTABLE DATES OF 1917. Mar. 21. Proclamation by President calling extra session. Apr. 2. Congress convenes in extra session pursuant to the sum- mons of the President. Apr. 2. President AVilson addressed Congress. Apr. 4. Senate passed joint resolution declaring war to exist. Apr. 6. House passed joint resolution declaring war to exist. Signed by President immediately upon enrollment. Apr. 24. President signed bill authorizing first issue of Liberty bonds and providing loans to allies. May 1. Reception in House of Representatives to war commission from France. May 3. Reception in Senate to war commission from France. May 5. Reception in House of Representatives to war commission from Great Britain. May 8. Reception in Senate to war commission from Great Britain. May 12. President signed bill appropriating $273,040,322 for sup- port of Army for fiscal year 1918. May 18. President signed selective-draft bill making 10.000,000 men liable to military service. May 22. President signed bill increasing strength of Navy and Ma- rine Corps from 87,000 to 150,000 men ih the first in- stance and from 17,400 to 30,000 in the second. May 31. Reception in Senate to war commission from Italy. June 2. Reception in House of Representatives to war commission from Italy. June 15. President signed bill to suppress espionage. June 15. President signed bill appropriating $3,281,094,541 for the Military and Naval Establishments on account of war expenses. Up to this time this was the largest appro- priation act known to this or any other country. Among other things it appropriated $405,000,000 for an emer- gency shipping fund with which to begin construction of the greatest merchant fleet the world has ever seen. June 22. Reception in Senate to war commission from Belgium. June 23. Reception in House of Representatives to war commission from Russia. June 20. Reception in Senate to war commission from Russia. June 27. Reception in House of Representatives to war commission from Belgium. July 24. Pi'esident signed bill uppropciating $640,000,000 for aero- nautics. Aug. 10. Presideut signed food survey and food control bills. Aug. 30. Reception in Senate to war commission from Japan. Sept. 5. Reception in House of Representatives to war commission from Japan. • 47 48 COJSJGKESS IN THE WA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ 020 934 314 9 Sept. 24. President signed bill authorizing second issue oi' bonds to meet expenditures for national security and defenses, and for the purpose of assisting in the prosecution of the war and to extend credit to foi'eign governments. Oct. G. President signed bill to define, regulate, and punish trad- ing with the enemy, appropriating $-150,000 to enforce the provisions thereof. Oct. 6. President signed bill providing military and naval family allowance, compensation and insurance fund for the benefit of soldiers and sailors and their families, and making an appropriation thereof of $170,250,000. Oct. 6. President signed bill appropriating $5,35G,GGG,016 to sup- ply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year 1018 and prior years on account of war expenses, and authorizing contract obligations to be met by future Congresses amounting to $2,401,458,893. This is the largest appropriation act passed by this or any other countr3^ It makes further appropriations of $G35,- 000,000 for the emergency shipping fund and raises the limit of cost to carry out the purposes of the shipping act to $1,734,000,000.' Oct. G. Congress adjourned until Monday, December 3, 1917, which date will mark the beginning of the second session of the Sixty-fifth Congress.. Dec. 3. Congress convened and at once began the task of preparing supply bills and clearing the path for legislation needed to successfully prosecute the war during 1918. Dec. 4. President Wilson addressed Congress urging a declaration of Avar on Austria -Hungary. Dec. 7. Both Houses passed joint resolution declaring war on Aus- tria-Hungary. C) LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 020 934 314 9