S 598 .^ "^ / :^hCo' '\^0 T^ ^_ctflr^^^---Tr^ \^ - - " CLBY SOIL LITERS Fig. 6. — Soil curves. Absorption of potassium by soils from a solution of potassium chloride and the removal of the absorbed potassium by water. in the percolates gives no indication of the quantity of absorbed potas- sium present in the soil, although it must be admitted that this is in a form readih^^ soluble in water, as is shown by its continued removal by water in the above experiments. The magnitude of these absorp- tion results and the removal of the absorbed material show very con- clusively that in experiments dealing with the solubility of finely powdered substances of slight solubility, such as soils or rock-forming minerals, it is not so much the solubility itself with which one is deal- ing as with the decomposition and absorption phenomena and the removal of the absorbed products of decomposition. In figure 6 are shown the results expressed in terms of the soil itself, the abscissas being the volume of solution or water passed through the soil, and the ordinates the amount of potassium absorbed by the RESULTS OBTAINED WITH POTASSIUM CHLORIDE. 37 soil. It is at once apparent that the different soils show marked dif- ferences in their absorptive power for potassium. The clay loam, for instance, is approaching a saturated condition with a concentration of potassium in the soil at which the clay soil is still absorbing- at a rapid rate. Similar differences in the extent of the absorption are shown by the other soils, but the general run of the curves is the same as those of the more thoroughly studied clay soil and clay loam. The removal curves drop rapidly at first and then run downward in a straight line in the case of both of the soils studied. The similarity of the absorption curves to those of the phosphate given in figure 3, in that thej tend to approach a horizontal asymptote, is striking. It has been found that these results are quite accurately described by the same differential equation which describes the phos- phate-absorption curves. dv K{A-y) or integrating \og {A—y)=\og A— Kv where ^is a constant and A is the maximum amount of potassium the soil can absorb under the conditions of the experiment — i. e. , ^ is the specific absorptive capacity of the soil for potassium, y is the amount of potassium the soil has absorbed when the volume v of solu- tion has passed through the soil. In these experiments, however, as in the case of the sodium phosphate, on account of the fact that the curves do not pass through the origin, it is necessar}^ to substitute log {A—y^ for log JL, where y^ is the ordinate of the point taken as the first reading, and also to substitute the value of {v—v^ for v where v^ is the volume corresponding to the y^ taken as the first reading. The formula has been applied to the results obtained with the clay and the clay loam. When the following values are used a very good agree- ment between the experimental results and the calculated results is found to exist. Clay soil . . Clay loam , 1,000 650 log (^-2/o). 2.886 2.740 0. 000864 . 000622 The method of calculation is exactly the same as already described with the phosphate absorptions. The calculated results for the respec- tive soils are given in the fourth columns of the absorption tables. In figure 6 the absorption curves for the clay and the clay loam are drawn through the calculated points, the experimental points being indicated by the respective signs and the plots show, therefore, how well the calculated and found figures agree. 38. ABSOEPTION OF PHOSPHATES AND POTASSIUM. Acknowledgments are due Messrs. H. C. Keith and R. M. Goss for assistance in carrying out analytical and other experimental details of the work. SUMMAET. The data presented in the foregoing pages throw much new light on the behavior of phosjDhates and potassium in the soil. The successive solutions obtained by slow percolation of water through the four soils have been shown to have a concentration in phosphate which is prac- tically a constant for any given soil, thus substantiating the experi- ments of Schloessing and other authorities, as well as the conclusions advanced in former publications from this Bureau deduced from entirely different lines of evidence. The soils studied, moreover, yielded solutions which differed little in concentration, except in the case of the Podunk fine sandy loam, which has a low absorptive capacity and is acted upon by water to an unusual extent. The absorption experiments with the phosphates have shown that at the start this is very rapid and complete, the strong phosphate solu- tion being reduced to the concentration characteristic of the water solution for that soil. This seems to show that the application of con- siderable quantities of a soluble phosphatic fertilizer would not mate- rially increase the concentration of the phosphate dissolved in the free soil moisture. On tracing the absorption of phosphate further, by the percolation of more phosphate solution, it has been found that while absorption continues it is becoming less marked and finall}^ a saturated condition will be reached. The law which appears to govern this change has been found to be that the quantity absorbed from a unit volume of the phosphate solution as it passes through the soil is proportional to the quantity which may yet be absorbed. This absorption process is mathematically represented by the differential equation where A" is a constant, A the maximum quantity the soil can absorb, and y the quantity it has absorbed when the volume v of phosphate solution has passed through the soil. The quantity A is defined as the specific absorptive capacity of the soil. The value of A differs considerably for the different soils, being highest in the clay and lowest in the sand}^ soil. In the case of the clay and the clay loam the same values were found with the sodium phosphate as with the monocalcium phosphate, but in the fine sandy loam and fine sand these two phos- phates gave entirely different results, the specific absorptive capacity with the monocalcium phosphate being over twice as great as with the sodium phosphate. SUMMARY. 39 The removal of the absorbed phosphate appears to be in general the same as the removal of the phosphate from the original soil. The concentration of the percolates becomes constant when onl}'^ a fractional part of the absorbed phosphate has been removed, and this concentration is practically that yielded by the original soil with a far less phosphate content. It would therefore seem that the con- centration of the phosphate in the soil solution is practically the same, whether the soil contains a large or a small quantity of absorbed phos- phate, and that it is this absorptive power of the soil which controls the concentration of the phosphate in the free soil moisture. It fol- lows that with change in the absorptive power of the soil the concen- tration of the phosphate in the free soil moisture would also change. Attention has been called to the unusual extent to which the Podunk fine sandy loam is acted upon b}^ water. It is therefore interesting to note that the concentrations of the phosphate in the aqueous perco- lates from this and the other three soils came closer together after the soils had been treated for some time with the calcium or sodium phos- phate solution than they did before this treatment. This seems to indicate that by the similar treatment of the soils with considerable quantities of the same chemical substances the soils have been made more alike in their chemical behavior toward water, so far as phos- phate — the only constituent studied in this case — is concerned. It is also noteworthy that the absorbed phosphate is not insoluble, but is slowly and continuously diffusing into the free soil moisture and becoming, therefore, directly available to plants. The results obtained in the potassium experiments, while not so comprehensive, nevertheless show the same general tendencies. The five soils studied for their absorption all show a more or less marked absorptive power for potassium, which is, however, considerabl}^ less than the absorptive power of these soils for phosphate. The law gov- erning the absorption process appears to be the same with potassium as with phosphate, and the curve of the absorption is quite accu- rately described by the same differential equation: , The constancy of the removal of the absorbed potassium by water is even more striking than in the case of the phosphate and the con- clusion that the concentration in the free soil moisture is dependent on the absorptive power of the soil is well sustained by these results. The absorbed potassium, like the absorbed phosphate, is continually diffusing into the free soil moisture and becoming, therefore, directly accessible to plants. hr o H 181 84 • "^1 -X i-8Je'07 r \ , 1^ -, « • '^^ *• •"• ^V 4 > » • '^^ >N^ ' v"^^ " >^ o^ >^ o_ o^ * 'bV" * .V / o_ * V 'j^ •'^ o ♦ . **'% '• . »* ^ <. *' . .1*^%% .^^\.^>.\ c^^:^^^"- .//^k-% A^ . ^/ o.^ ^^ * *' .K^ jV • • ^ "^"^ * >" _ • • • . 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