$ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.! I FORCE COLLECTION.] | $ # •{■UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. J THE SPANISH WORD BOOK, OR FIRST STEP TO THE Spanish ftaitguag*. On the Plan of the French Word-Book. BY Mr, G. GALINDO. LONDON: PRINTED FOR DULAU AND CO. 37, SOHO SQUARE. 1824. Price One Shilling. ADVERTISEMENT. The favorable reception with which similar elementary works have been received by the public has induced the compiler to present the present small volume^ hoping it may prove acceptable as an Introduction to the Spanish Language, G. Galindo. THE SPANISH ALPHABET. A has the sound of ah in English. B B. C C hard before a, o, u, and of th before e or i. Ch... ch. D .D. R fl. F f. G G hard and of * before e, i or y H silent, I ..* J *. L L. LI the M //i" in Bdellium. m . m. N N. fi the « ni" in Onion* O ....O P M Q Q. R fl. S S. T T. U *.....♦.« oo as in Room. V r. X * and of x when the following letter is marked with an \ Y ,...e. Z , th. * Guttural sounds. THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK »♦» Words o/'one Syllable. LESSON 1. LESSON 2. Spanish English Coz - - kick cruz - - - cross Don - - gift Fe - - - faith fin - - - - end flor - - blossom Grey - Jlock Haz - i faggot hez - - - f/re#s Spanish English hoz - - - sickle Ley - - - law luz - - - light Mar - - - sea me& - - month Pan - - - bread j par - - pair paz Seftc* pei - -fish H 2 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. LESSON 3. Spanish English Spanish English son - - - sound plan - - - plan Tos - - - cough Rey - - - king Vez - - - time red* - - - net via - - waif Sal - - - salt vid - - vine sed - - - thirst voz - - - voice sol - - - - sun Words of two Syllables. LESSON 4. *Abra - - creek agraz - sour grapes agua - - water &la - - - wing £mo - - master amor - - - love arbol - - - tree &rca - - - chest &rte - - art asno - - ass ave - - - bird LESSON 5. Banco - - stool barba - beard baxel - vessel baxo - shoal boca - mouth brazo - - arm buey - ox burla - - - joke Cabo - - - end calle - - - sheet calor - - - heat * When d terminates a word, it has the sound of " th n in the. * The words are to be accented upon that syllable having the acute accent over it. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 5 LESSON 6. Spanish English Spanish English dolor - - - 9 ri *f cam a - - - bed duda - - doubt campo - - field fico - - - echo candil - - lamp espin - hedgehog cara - - - face Falce - - scythe carcel - - jail falta - - - want carga - - load fame - - hunger came - - flesh fain a - - fame caxa - - - chest fanal - - lanthorn casa - house LES cesped - - tvrf Fardo - - bundle chiste - - joke favor - assistance LESSON 7. flecha - - arroiv cima - - - top fondo - - bottom clavo - - - nail fossa - - - ditch colmo - - heap freno - - bridle corral - court yard fre nte - forehead cosa - - thirty frio - - coldness cuba - - - cask fruta - - - fruit cuco - caterpillar fij^a - - - flight cuerda - - cord furor - - ; f ur lf culpa - - fault fulgor - brightness cumbre - - height LES! Dama - - lady Galgo - greyhound dafio - - damage gallo - - - cock LESSON 8. gana - - - - will Dedo - - finger garra - - - claw dia - - - - day gata - - cat Dio - - - God geute 15 3 ." " people THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish English golpe - blow goma - - - gum gota - - - drop gozo - - joy grada - - - step LESS( grajo jackdaw grano - - grain guante - - glove guarda - ■ - guard guia - - - guide gusto - Haba - - - taste - - bean haca - - - nag hacha - - torch hkmbre - hunger heces * - dregs ^ LESSC hembra - female bija * - • daughter hijo - - - - son MJo - thread hoja - hollin - - - leaf - - soot hombre - - man h6mbro - shoulder honor - - honor honra - • respect - - hour hora - LESSON 13. Spanish English homo - - - oven humo - - smoke hurto - - - thejl Ida - - departure ira - - - passion Jardin - - garden jarro - - pitcher joven - - youth joy a - - - jewel juez - - - judge junta - assembly LESSON 14. Lado - - - side ladron - - thief lago - - - lake lana - - - wool lance - - accident lanza - - - lance lazo - - - snare ieche - - - milk Jecho - - - bed lector - - reader lengua - - tongue lefia - - - wood LESSON 15. leon - - - lion letra - - - - letter libra - - pound WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Spanish English libro - - - book llaga - - wound llama - - flame Have - - - key lobo - - wolf loco - - madman lodo - - - mud 16sa - - flat stone loza - earthenware LESSON 16. Ingar - place lumbre - - light I una - - - moon luto - - mourning luces - - lights Madre - - mother maid ad - wickedness mahcba - - sport inanjar - flood mano - - hand inarfil - - ivory marmoi - marble LESSON 17. margen - mar gen mata - - - bush medias - stockings merced - - flavor \ merla - blackbird mesa - - table Spanish English meson - - - inn tniel hmtey miga - - cruvib milla - - - mile min a - - - mine mira - - intention LESSC \ mi tad - - half moda - - fashion moho - mouldiness mouge - monk monja - nun mono - ~ monkey monton - - heap mosca - - - fly m tiger - - woman mula - - - mule mundo - - world mtiro - - - wall LESSON iy. musa - - muse Nad a - - nothing nadie - - nobody nariz - - - note nata - - cream nifio - - - child noclie- - - night nodo - - - knot nombre - - name THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK, Spanish uube nuez - Enhli&h cloud nut LESSON 20. Obra - work qjo - - 61 mo - - - eye - - elm olor - ■ • - smell onda - - - wave onza - ounce orden order orin - - rust oro oso - - gold - - bear ostra - oyster i LESSON Padre - - father padres parents pais - - country paja straw pajar - palo - straw loft - - stick panes - pano - loaves cloth papel pared parte parto - - paper wall part .- - birth LESSON 22. Spanish Paso - pastor pavo - pavon pece - pecho pelo - pen a - pena - perdon perro - peso English - step shepherd turkey peacock ■ - fish - breast - hair • trouble - rock pardon ■ - dog - weight LESSON 23. peste pie - piel placer planta plata plomo pluma poder polvo pozo prado plague - foot - skin pleasure - plant silver - lead feather - power dust well meadow LESSON 24. presa purita prey point WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Spanish English Spanish English punto - moment soga rope punal - - dagger sombra shade puno - - fist Tabla - plank Quadro - square tarde evening queja - complaint taza - - - cup queso - - cheese temor - fear quinta -country house tinta - - ink Kaiz - - - root LESSO rarao - - branch toriel - cask ran a - - .frog toro - - bull LESSON 25. tdrre tower razon - - reason trage dress regla - - rule trapo - " - ra 9 relox - - clock trato trade reo - criminal Iribu tribe rio - - river trigo - wheat ropa - - clothes tropel - crowd rostro - - face Una - finger nail Sala - - - hall 11 so - use salud - - health u va grape sangre - - blood LESSO sazon - - season Vaca COID seda - - - silk vejez old age LESSON 26. ve!a candle selva - - wood verdad - - truth senda - - path vino - - - vine serial - - sign 1 virtud - >- virtue siglo - - - age vista sight silla - - chair ! Xabon - - soap 10 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish xefe English chief Spanish Ze!o - English - - zeal Yegua - - mare zona - - - fox yerba - - grass zumo - jmce Words of three Syllables. LESSON 29. caida - - fall Avena - - oats caldero kettie ayuda - assistance calidad - quality azena - water mill camara - - bed- azogue - quicksilver chamber Ballena whale caftuno - - road barrajo - - strife LESSON ! battata - potatoe can dado - padlock beII6za beauty caracol - - snail bexida - bladder carnero sheep bigote whisker cebada barley biscocho - biscuit cebollo - - onion bocado - mouthful ceniza - - ashes LESSO certitud - certainty borrasea storm cielo - - heaven Caballo - - horse ciervo stag cabello - - hair eongoja ' 9V™f cab est ro - halter corazon heart cabeza head corpse corona - - crown cadaver LESSC cad en a chain corteza bark WORDS OF THItUE SYLLABLES. II Spanish costumbre covacha - criada cuenta cuento '- cuerda cuerno - cuero - - cuerpo - cuervo - English custom - cave servant account tale - rope - horn leather - body - croup LESSON 33. calebra - snake cumulo - - heap Dadiva - - gift derechos - rights descato - disrespect desculpa - excuse des manes - misfor- tunes deseo - - desire deuda - - debt diriero - - money diosa - goddess doctrina - learning LESSON 34. doncella - - girl dneao - master durvza - hardness Spanish Empi esa enfado - engafio enojo ensaye entrada entranas envidia English -undertak- ing recommen- dation uneasiness deceit - anger - - trial - entrance - bowels - - envy LESSON 35. esmero - - care espada - - sword espalda - shoulder espanto - fright especie - - kind espejo - looking glass estado - - state cstampa - print estrella - - star Fabula - - fable familia - family fatiga - - fatigue LESSON 3b\' fiesta - - feast figura - - figure fcmtana - fountain fragata - frigate 12 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish English franqueza -liberality fuego - - ~ fire fuerza - - force Gaceta - newspaper gallina - - hen ganado - - cattle garganta - throat gatillo - - kitten LESSON 37. gigante - giant ginete - horseman gracia - - favor grandeza - greatness guantes - gloves guarda guard guerra - - war guerrero - warrior gusano - worm Habito - - dress hambre - hunger hazada - - spade LESSON 38. herida - wound bermana - sister hermano - brother hidalgo - gentleman hielo - - frost hierba - - grass hierro - - iron Spanish honradez hormiga huerfano hues a hueso English honesty ant orphan - ditch bone LESSON 39. huesped - landlord huevo - - - egg Imaged - image insula - - island interes Jornada - juego - jumenio juventud Lagriuia lastima libertad interest day's work - game - jackass - youth - - tear - - . p^y - liberty LESSON 40. leehuga - lettuce lechuza - - owl liebre - - hare lieuzo - - linen limosna - - alms lisdnja - flattery I lu via - - rain Madera - timber majestad - majesty mancebo - youth WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 18 Spanish English LESSON 43. manteca butter Spanish English manzana apple nieve snow nobleza - nobility LESSON 41. novedad - novelty manana - morning nuevas - - news maquina - machine Obispo - - bishop inartillo - hammer opera - oreja - orilla - work matador - murderer - - ear medias - stockings brink mendigo beggar ortiga - nettle mentira mercader- lie merchant oveja - Paldbra - sheep - word mexilla - miedo - - - cheek - fear paraje - - place LESSON 44. milaoro - miracle / . . mollino - - mill pareeer - opinion patria - paxaro - - country LESSON bird moneda - - coin pecado - - - sin montana - mountain pecaddr sinner muchacha - ff !ri pedazo - - piece muchacho - - hoy pereza laziness mudanza - change persona person muerte - - death pescado - - - fish musica - - music picaro - - rogue musico — musician piedad - - Pity Narices - nostrils piedra - stone navaja - - razor \ < LESSON navio - - - ship pierna - - - % necio - - - fool pieza c piece 14 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK, Spanish pla^eres planeta platica - pleito - polvora - precio - priesa principe proceder promesa English - pleasures \ - - planet \ discourse \ - lawsuit \ gunpowder value | haste | prince - behaviour - promise Spanish raposa - rebelde rectitud recurso reino - rescate reyna English - - fox - - rebel uprightness - recourse - kingdom ransom queen LESSON 46. provecho -advantage \ proyecto - project i prueba - - proof puebla - - town puente - - bridge puerco ^- - hog puerta. - - door puerto - - port pundda - - thump pureza - - purity Quadrilla - troop quantid&d - quantity LESSON 47. querrella - quarrel quitasol - umbrella Ribano - radish racimo - - bunch r&pidez - rapidity LESSON 48 e ribera - - banks rivera - - rivulet riesgo - - danger rueda - - wheel Secreto - - secret servitud - slavery sitio - - situation socorro - succour sol dado - soldier sombrero - - hat sorpresa - surprize sortija - - ring LESSON 49. suelo - - ground sueno - - sleep suerte - - - lot sugeto - - subject tarea - - - tctsk theatro - theatre thetera - tea pot tiernpo - - time WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 15 Spanish English Spanish English tierra - - earth ventana - window tienda - - shop ventura - - luck tintero - iuk-stand viaje - - voyage trabajo - - pains vicio - - - vice LESSON 50. vidrio - glass tristeza - sadness vie«to wind Us&nza - custom visage - face Vanidad - vanity voluutad - - will vecino - neighbour Words of fouu Syllables. LESSON 51. Spanish English Abanico - fan abuelo - - - grandfather aceite - - - oil acertajo riddle acuerdo agreement agasajo present agujero hole alab&nza - praise apuesta wager arriero - - - c airier aventiira - adventure c 2 16 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. LESSON 52. Spanish English Bandolero - - highwayman Caballero - - gentleman calabdzo dungeon calentura - - heat capitulo chapter cardenillo - - verdigris cerradura - - lock corregidor - - chief magistrate cortapluma penknife coyuntura - -r- opportunity cuchillero - - cutler Desatino folly LESSON 53. desprecio - - contempt desverguenza - impudence dificultad - - difficulty divertimiento - diversion Elefante - + elephant embustero - - cheat encuentro - - encounter enmienda - - amendment ensenaoza - - instruction escndero - - squire escuela - - - school esperanza - - hope WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 17 LESSON 54 Spanish English estomago - - stomach estrangero - - stranger estruendo - - great noise estremidad - extremity Fantasia - imagination fecundidad - fertility felicid&d - happiness ferocidad - - fierceness Galeote - - galley slave ofentileza - gentility gentilidad - - paganism oobierno - government LESSON 55. guijarro - pebble guitarra - guitar Habilidad - - hability hacienda - wealth hostalero - inn-keeper huerfano - orphan lndustria - indvstry Juramento - - oath Ligereza - lightness limpieza - cleanliness Mansedumbre - tameness monosprecio contempt c 3 18 THE SPANISH WORD-NOOK. LESSON 56. Spanish mentecato - meson ero - Nacimiento Ocasidn ojeriza - - oprdbrio oracidn - - Pasatiempo pedacito pensamiento pesadumbre posteridad - English madman inn-keeper birth opportunity grudge reproach prayer diversion a little piece thought sorrow posterity LESSON 57. propdsito relampago - relieves respuesta Sacerddte - soberano Tinieblas tranquilidad Urbanid&d - utilidad Varied ad purpose flash of lightning, scraps answer priest sovereign darkness tranquillity civility utility variety WORDS OF FIVE SYLLABLES. 19 Words of five Syllables. LESSON 58. Spanish Abaceria abaxamiento abondamiento abrasamiento acogimiento acrecimiento adolescente afligimiento and urri ales atrevimiento English oil shop debasement abundance a burning reception increase youth affliction bye-places boldness LESSON 59. azemilero - Caballeriza castigamiento - ciudadano - - conocimiento - Decendimiento desconfianza descubrimiento divertimiento - muleteer stable chastisement citizen knowledge descent mistrust discovery diversion THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. LESSON 60. Spanish Entendimiento evangelista Licenciado - • Mercaderia Ociosidad - ■ ofrecimiento Padecimiento Rccibimiento remordimiento Universidad English understanding evangelist student merchandize idleness offer suffering reception remorse university Words of six Syllables. LESSON 61. Abarrancadero - aprovechamiento arrepintamiemo - Descaecimiento - Eternecimiento Obedicimiento Verosirnililud - - precipice profit repentance decay compassion obedience likelihood NOUNS WITH THEIR ARTICLES. 21 Nouns with their Articles. LESSON 62. Spanish English El mundo -the world el cielo - the sky la tierra firme - the continent una isla - an island una peninsula - a pe- ninsula un ismo - isthmus un imperio - an em- pire una republica - a republic un condado- a county un cerro - - a hill un v&lle - a vale el gldbo - the globe LESSON 63. el trueno - thunder el relampago - light- ning el granizo - hail el hielo - - ice una niebla - ^fog el aire - the air el norte the north Spanish English el sur - the south el oriente - the east el poniente the west la latitud-Me latitude la longitud - the lon- gitude LESSON 64. el oceano - the ocean el mar - - the sea una laguna - a lake un rio - - a river un golfo - a gulph un bahia - a bay un arroyo - a rivulet la playa - the shore un puerto - a harbour los estrechos - the straits las ondas - the waves la corriente - the cur- rent LESSON 65. un sayo - a coat una almilla a icaist coat 22 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish English Spanish English una faltriquera - a albarlcoques - apri- pocket cots cal zones - breeches damascenas - dam- calzones de } - trow- marinero - } sers sons persigos - peaches unacamisa - a shirt moras - mulberries un panuelo - a hand- LESSON 67. herchief el oro - - - gold una corvata - a cravat la plata - ■ - stiver zapatos - - shoes el cobre - copper medias - stockings el bronce - brass unreloxdel . , n i A • > a watch faltriquero ) el acero - el hierro - - steel - iron botas - - - boots el plomo - el peltre - - lead LESSON 66. pewter una naranja - an el estaiio - - tin orange LESSON una manzana - an el pan - - bread apple el th6 - - - tea una pera - a pear el cafe - - coffee las uvas - grapes el azucar • - mgar una cereza - a cherry la c&rne - - mieat crespinas - goose- la vaca - - beef berries la ternera - - veal pasas de Corintio-cwr- el carnero - mutton rants el puerco - ~ pork frezas - strawberries el cordero - lamb zarzamoras - black- el tocino - bacon berries el jamon - - ham NOUNS WITH THEIR ARTICLES. 2* LESSON 69. Spanish English la sal - - - salt la mostaza - mustard la pimienta - pepper el vinagre - vinegar el vino - - wine lacevveza-beerorale Spanish English el queso - cheese fa manteca - butter un cuchillo - a knife un tenedor - a fork cuchara - table spoon cucharita - tea spoon ialeche - - milk LESSON 70. Spanish English la Inglaterra - ■ England la Francia - - - France la Espana - - Spain la Suecia - - • Sweden la Dinarnarca Denmark la Prusia - - Prussia la Portugal - - - Portugal la Austria - - - Austria la Rusia - - - • Russia la Oldnda - - Holland la Irlanda - - - Ireland la Escdcia - - • Scotland la Alemaoia - Germany la Turquia - Turkey la Grecia - Greece la Italia - - - Italy la Suizia - Switzerland Napoles - - - Naples 24 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Span is b A'rgel - - Tunez - - English - Algiers - Tunis la Europa - la Asia - - - Europe - Asia la Africa - Africa la America - - America CARDINAL NUMBERS. LESSON h uno one dos - - - - two tres - - three quatro - - - four cinco - five seis - - - - six siete - seven ocho - eight nueve - - - nine diez - ten LESSON 2. once - eleven doce - twelve trece - thirteen catorce - fourteen quince - - diez y seis - - fifteen - sixteen CARDINAL NUMBERS. 25 Spanish diez y siete diez y ocho diez y nueve viente - - English seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty LESSON 3. viente y uno - twenty one viente y dos, &c. - twenty two 9 Sfc. trienta - - - thirty quarenta - - forty cinquenta - - fifty sesenta - - - sixty setenta - - - seventy ochenta - eighty noventa - ninety ciento - one hun dred LESSON 4. dos cientos - trecientos - quatrocientos quinientos - seiscientos - setecientos - ochocientos novecientos mil - - . mil Ion - - - two hundred - three hundred - four hundred - Jive hundred - six hundred - seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred - a thousand - a million 28 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOk. ORDINAL NUMBERS, LESSON 1. When relating to a feminine noun, the fe* minine article la is used, and the final o changed to a. Masc. Fem. Spanish El primero, or la prim era el segundo el tercero - - el quarto - - el quinto - - el sexto - - eJ septimo el octavo - - el nono - - el decimo - - el undecimo - el duodecimo - English > - the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth the eleventh the twelfth LESSON % el decimo tercio - the thirteenth el decimo qu?irlo - el decimo quinto,&c el vigesimo - - the fourteenth the fifteenth, Sfc. the twentieth el vigesimo primo,&c.-Me twenty first ORDINAL NUMBKKS. 27 Spanish el trigesimo - - el quadragesimo - el quinquagesimo el sexagesirno el septuagesimo - el octogesimo el nonagesimo el centesimo - - English the thirtieth the fortieth ■ the fiftieth the sixtieth the seventieth the eightieth the ninetieth the hundredth Declension of a noun, with the masculine article el. Singular. Nom. El hijo Gen. del hijo Dat. al hijo - Ace. el hijo - Voc. the son of the son to the sou the son All. Cde 1 ^por \ £en,&c.) Cof el hijo f Ae sons (en,&c.) (in \ Declension of a noun, zvith the feminine article la. Singular. Norn. La muger - - the woman Gen. de la muger - - of the woman Dat. a la muger - - to the woman Acc. la muger - - - the woman Voc. All i^ e £ I i°f ? th e wo ~ * ( por,8cc. $ a mu & er 2 by,&c. $ man. Plural. Nom. Las mugeres the women Gen. de las mugeres - of the women Dat. a las mugeres - to the women Acc. las mugeres - the women Voc. . ( de 1, 5 °f 1 the wo- A ' J por,&c. } las mu S eres i by,&c. } men. ADJECTIVES OFTEN OCCURRING. 29 A List of Adjectives often occurring* LESSON 1. Spanish English Bueno - - - good bien - - well dulce - - sweet agria - - sour nuevo - - new viejo - old largo - - long breve, corto - short reddndo • • round profundo - - deep vado - - - - shallow LESSON 2. hueco - m hollow duro - - hard bl&ndo - - - soft vivo - - - - quick lento - - . - sloto feliz - - - - happy infeliz - - unhappy sabio - - - - wise ignor&nte • - ignorant ancho - broad estrecho - . narrow .) 3 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. LESSON 60. Spanish Entendimiento evansrelista Licenciado - ■ Mercaderia Ociosidad - ■ ofrecimiento Padecimiento Recibimiento remordimiento Universidad English understanding evangelist student merchandize idleness offer suffering reception remorse university Words of six Syllables. LESSON 61. Abarrancadero - aprovechamienfo - arrepintamiento - Descaecimienfo - Eternecimiento Obediciiniento Verosirnililud - - precipice profit repentance decay compassion obedience likelihood NOUNS WITH THEIR ARTICLES. 21 Nouns with their Articles. LESSON 62. Spanish English El mundo -the world el cielo - the sky la tierra firme - the continent una isla - an island una peninsula - a pe- ninsula un ismo - isthmus un imperio - an em- pire una republica - a republic un condado- a county un cerro - - a hill un valle - a vale el globo - the globe LESSON 63. el trueno - thunder el relampago - light- ning el granizo - hail el hielo - - ice una niebla - a fog el aire - the air el norte the north Spanish English el sur - the south el oriente - the east el poniente the west la I atitud-f he latitude la longitud - the lon- gitude LESSON 64. el oceano - the ocean el mar - - the sea una laguna - a lake un rio - - a river un golfo - a gulph un baliia - a bay un arroyo - a rivulet la playa - the shore un puerto - a harbour los estrechos - the straits las ondas - the waves la corriente - the cur- rent LESSON 65. un sayo - a coat una almilia a waist coat 22 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish English una faltriquera - a pocket calzones - breeches calzones cle 1 - trow- marinero - J sers unacamisa - a shirt Un panoelo - a hand- herchief una cor vata - a cravat zapaios - - shoes medias - stockings unreloxdel . z r i A • > a watch faltriquero ) botas - - - boots LESSON 66. una naranja - an orange - an apple a pear grapes una manzana una pera - las uvas - una cereza - a cherry crespinas - goose- berries pasas de Corintio-cwr- rants frezas - strawberries zarzamoras - black- berries Spanish English albaricoques - apri- cots darnascetias - dam- sons persigos - peaches moras - mulberries LESSON 67. el oro - - - gold la plata - - silver el cdbre - copper el bronce - brass el acero - - steel el hierro - - iron el plomo - - lead el peltre - pewter el estano - - tin LESSON el pan - - el the - - el cafe - - el azucar - lac&rne - - la vaca - la ternera - el camera - el puerco - el cordero - el tocino - el jamon - 68. bread - tea coffee sugar meat - beef - veal mutton - pork lamb bacon - ham NOONS WITH THF.IK ARTICLES. 2-T LESSON 69. Spanish English la sal - - - salt la mostaza - mustard la pimienta - pepper el vinagre - vinegar el vino - - wine iacevveza-beerorale Spanish English el queso - cheese fa manteca - butter un cuchifio - a knife un tenedor - a fork cuchara - table spoon cucharita - tea spoon laleche - - milk LESSON 70. Spanish la Inglaterra la Francia - - English England France la Espana - - Spain la Suecia - Sweden la Dinamarca - Denmark la Prusia - Prussia la Portugal - - Portugal la Austria - - Austria la Rusia - - - Russia la Olanda - - Holland la Irlanda - - Ireland la Escdcia - - Scotland la Alemania - Germany la Turquia - la Grecia - Turkey Greece la Italia - - la Suizia - Italy Switzerland Naooles - - - Naples 24 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish A'rgel - - Tunez - - English - Algiers - Tunis la Europa - la Asia - - - Europe - Asia la Africa - Africa la America - - America CARDINAL NUMBERS. LESSON 1. uno one dos - - - - two tres - - - - three quatro - - - four cinco — five seis - - - - six siete - seven ocho - eight nueve - - - nine diez - ten LESSON 2. once - eleven doce - twelve trece - thirteen catorce - fourteen quince - - diez y seis - - fifteen - sixteen CARDINAL NUMBERS. 25 Spanish English diez y siete - seventeen diez y ocho - eighteen diez y nueve - nineteen viente - - - twenty LESSON 3. viente y uno - twenty one viente y dos, &c. - twenty two, Spc. trienta - - thirty quarenta - forty cinquenta - - fifty sesenta - - - sixty setenta - ^ - seventy ochenta - eighty noveuta - ninety ciento - - - one hundred LESSON 4. dos cienfos - „ two hundred trecientos - - three hundred quatrocientos - four hundred quinientos - - Jive hundred seiscientos - - six hundred setecientos - - seven hundred ochocientos - eight hundred novecientos . nine hundred mil - - - - a thousand millon - - - a million 2(> THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. ORDINAL NUMBERS. LESSON 1. When relating to a feminine noun, the fe~ minine article la is used, and the final o changed to a. Spanish English Masc. EI primero, or 7 rem. la primera \ the first el segundo the second el tercero - - - the third el quarto - - - the fourth el quinto - - - the fifth el sexto - - the sixth ei septimo the seventh el octavo - - -. the eighth el nono - - - the ninth el decimo - - ~ the tenth el undecimo - - the eleventh el duodecimo - - the twelfth LESSON 2. el decimo tercio - the thirteenth el decimo qu?ir(o - el decimo quinto,&c el vigesimo the fourteenth the fifteenth, Sfc. the twentieth el vigesimo primo,&c.-*Ae twenty first ORDINAL .NUMBERS. : Spanish el trigesimo English the thirtieth el quadragesimo - el quinquagesimo el sexagesirno the fortieth - the fiftieth the sixtieth el septuagesimo - the seventieth el octogesimo el nonagesimo el centesimo - - the eightieth the ninetieth the hundredth 27 Declension of a noun, with the masculine article el. Norn. El hijo Gen. del hijo Dat. al bijo - Ace. el hijo - Voc. Cde J Abh f en,&c.] Singular. -the son - - of the son - - to the sou «• - the son Cof el hijothe son /in, &c.S Nom. Los hijos - Gen. de los hijos Dat. a los hijos Plural. - the sons - of the soils - to the sons d 2 28 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Acc. los hijos - - the sons Voc. Sde J Corf por vlos hijos 1 by \the sons en,&c.) (in \ Declension of a noun, tvith the feminine article la. Singular. Norn. La rauger - - the woman Gen. de la muger - - of the woman Dat. a la rauger - - to the woman Acc. la muger - - - the woman Voc. 4fc.j (de >, $of ? the wo- Abl. < Q > la milder < , > (por,&c. J & <|by,&c. 5 man. Plural. Nom. Las mugeres the women Gen. de las mugeres - of the women Dat. a las mugeres - to the women Acc. las mugeres - the toomen Voc. {por,&c.} ,asmUgereS {by,&c} the wo- men. ADJECTIVES OFTEN OCCURRING. 29 A List of Adjectives often occurring* LESSON 1. Spanish English Bueno - - - good bien - - well dulce - - sweet agria - - sour nuevo - - - new viejo - old largo - - lung breve, corto - short reddndo • • round profundo - - deep vado - - - - shallow LESSON 2. hueco . - hollow duro - - hard blando - - - soft vivo - - - - quick lento - - . - sloxo feliz - - - • happy infeliz • - unhappy sabio - - - - wise ignordnte - - ignorant ancho - broad estrecho - - narrow i) 3 30 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish soberbio humilde diligente perezdzo falso - - vero - - dificfl - facil - - util - - inutil LESSON 3. English - r proud humble diligent - - lazy - - false - - true - - difficult - - easy - - useful - - useless LESSON 4. cuidaddso - - careful descuidado - - careless espeso'grueso - thick ralo'delg&do - thin rico - - - - rich pobre - - - poor gordo - - - fat fldco - - - - lean fuerte - - - strong debil - - - - weak atento - - - attentive LESSON 5. grande - - - great ADJECTIVES OFTEN OCCURRING. 81 Spanish English pequeiio - - little alto - - - - tall muchos - - - many pocos - - few bueno - - well enfermo - - - ill malo - - - - bad enxuto - - - dry mojado - - - wet LESSON 6. liso - - - - smooth aspero - - - rough cdrbo - - crooked derecho - - V straight feo - - - - ugly bonito - - - pretty limpio - - - clean siicio - - dirty caliente - - - hot frio - - - - cold vivo - - - - alive rauerte - - - dead LESSON 7. honrado - - - honest deshonesto - - dishonest igual - - - equal 32 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish desigua! obscuro - luz'Iumbre hambriento sediento - fiel - - infiel English unequal dark light hungry thirsty faithful unfaithful LESSON 8. negro - - black bldnco - - - white azul - - - - blue verde - - green amariilo - - - yellow roxo - - -f - red moreno - - - brown pdrdo - - grey purpureo - purple PRONOUNS. Yo tu cl ella PERSONAL. - - / - - thou - - he - - the PRONOUNS, :J3 was. nosotn Jem. nosotras mas. vosotros Jem. vosotras mas. ellos Jem. ell :ras ) ros ) ras I - ice os 1 as) you they POSSESSIVE. m as. mio ) fern. mia J - mine mas. fern. tuo > tua J - thine mas. suyo - - his fern. suya - - hers mas. nuestro) nuestra 1 fern. - ours mas. vuestro? fern. vuestra £ - yours mas. suyos 1 suyas | - theirs Jem. RELATIVES. Singular. quien mas. cuyo P Jem. cuyaj qual - que - - who - whose - which - that, what 34 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Plural. quienes - - who cu y° s l - - whose cuyas j quales - - which DEMONSTRATIVES. mas. estej _ ^ Jem. est a $ mas. aquel ? _ fhal Jem. aqueilaj ma*, estos) _ _ ^ e jfow. estas i mas. aqueliosl _ tJwse Jem. aquellas) Conjugation of the Verb haber — to have. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Yo he - - - - /" have tu has . - _ - - thou hast el ha - - - - - Ae has REGULAR VERB HABER. 35 nosotros habemos - we have vosotros habeis - - you have ellos han - - they have IMPERFECT. Yo habia - - - tu babias - - - el habia - - - - - nosotros habiamos - vosotros habiais ellos habian - - - I had thou hadst he had we had you had they had PERFECT. | Yo hube - - - tu hubiste - - el hubo - - - nosotros hubimos vosotros hubisteis ellos hubieron - / had thou hadst he had we had you had they had FUTURE. Yo habre - - - tu babras - - - el habra - - - - nosotros habre mos - vosotros habreis ellos habran / shall have thou shalt have he shall have we shall have you shall have they shall have 36 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. Yo haya - - - - I may have tu hayas - - - - thou mayst have el haya - - - - he may have nosotros hayamos - ice may have vosotros h ay a is - - you may have ellos hayan - - - they may have IMPERFECT. Yo hubiera - - I should, or might have tu hubieras - - - thou shouldst have el hubiera - — - he should have nosotros hubieramos - tee should have vosotros bubierais - you should have ellos hubiorau - - they should have FUTURE. Si yo hubiere - - if I should have si tu hubieres - • - if thou shouldst have si el hubiere - - if he should have si nosotros hubierenios-?/'?0e should have si vosotros hubiereis - if you should have si ellos hubieren - if they should have INFINITIVE MOOD. haber — to have. Pres. Part* habienclo - having. REGULAR VERB ESTAR. 37 Ser or Estar — to be. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Yo soy or *estdy - - - - / am tu eres or est&s - - - - thou art el es or esta - - - - - he is -nosotros somos or estamos - we are vosotros sois or estais - - you are ellos son or estan - - - - they are Imperfect. yo era or estaba - - - - ;u eras or estabas --.--. el era or estaba - - - - nosotros eramos or estabamos - vosotros erais or estabais - ellos eran or estaban - - - Perfect Indefinite, yo fui or estuve - - - - tu fuiste or estuviste - - el fue or estuvo - - - - I was thou toast he was we were you icere they were I was thou wast he was * Not yo estoy, and so of the rest. The accents are placed over the letter bearing the greatest emphasis. E 38 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. nosdtros fuimos or estuvimos - we were vosotros fuisteis or estuvfsteis -you were ellos fueron or estuvi6ron - they were Perfect Definite. yo he sido or estado - - / have been tu has sido or estado - - thou hast been el ha ------- he has been nosotros hemos - - - -we have been vosotros habeis - - - - you have been ellos han ----- they have been Pluperfect. yo hube* sido or estddo - / had been lu hubiste ----- thou hadst been el hubo - - - - - he had been nosotros hubimos - - - we had been vosotros hubisteis - - - you had been ellos bubieron - - they had been Future. yo sere or estare - - - - / shall be tu ser&s or estaras - - thou shah be el sera or estara - - - - he shall be nosotros seremos or estareinos - we shall be vosotros sereis or estareis you shall be ellos seran or estaran - - - they shall be * Or habia. REGULAR VERB ESTAR. 39 IMPERATIVE MOOD. se or esta tu - - - - be (thou) sea or este el - - - - let him be seamos or estenios - - let us be sed or estad - - - - be ye sean or esten - - - - - let them be SUBJUNCTIVE MGOD. Present. yo sea or este - - - - I may be tu seas or estes - - - - thou mayst be el sea or este - - - - he may be nosotros seamos or estenios - we may be vosotros seais or esteis - you may be ellos sean or esten - - - they may be Imperfect. yo fuera, seria, &c. - - I might should or would be tu fueras, serias - - - thou shouldst be el fuera, seria - - - - he should be nosotros fueramos, serfamos-w?e should be vosotros fuerais, seriais - you should be ellos fueran, serian - - they should be e 2 40 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Perfect. yo haya sido or estado - I may have been tu hayas sido or estado - thou mayst have been el haya sido or estado - he may have been nosotros hayaraos sido or estado - we may have been vosofros hayais sido or estado - you may have been ellos hayan sido or estado - they may have been Future. si yo fuere or estuviere - if I should be si tu fueres or estuvieres - if thou shouldst be si el fuere or estuviere - - if he should be si nosotros fueremos or estuvieremos - if we should be si vosotros fuereis or estuviereis - if you should be si ellos fueren or estuvieren - if they should be REGULAR VERB ACABAR. 41 A Regular Verb of the First Conjugation, acabar to finish. INFINITIVE MOOD. Acabar — to finish. Part. Pres. acabando - finishing. Part. Past, acabado - finished. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. *Acabo - - - I finish acabas - - thou finishest acaba - - - he finishes acabamos - - we finish acabais - - - you finish acaben - - - they finish Imperfect. acababa - - I finished acababas - - thou finishedst acababa - - he finished * The pronouns are generally omitted in conversation unless the verb should apply very particularly to any person. E 3 42 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. acababamos acababais - acababan - we finished you finished they finished Perfect* acabe - - - / did finish acabaste - - thou didst finish acabd - - - he did finish acabamos - - we did finish acabdsteis - - you did finish acabaron - - they did finish Future* acabare - - acabaras - acabara - - acabaremos acabareis acabaran I will finish thou wilt finish he will finish we will finish you will finish they will finish IMPERATIVE MOOD. acaba acabe ~ acabemos acabad - acaben ~ finish (thou) let him finish let us finish finish ye let them finish REGULAR VERB ACABAR. 43 SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present* acabe - - acabes - - acabc - - acabemos - acabeis acaben I may finish thou mayst finish he may finish we may finish you may finish they may finish Imperfect. acabara - 1 should* finish acabaras - r thou shouldst finish acabara - - he should finish acabdramos - we should finish acabdrais - - you should finish 1 acabaran - - they should finish Future. si acabare - - si acabares si acabare - • si acabaremos si acaMreis si acabaren if I should finish if thou shouldst finish if he should finish if we should finish tf you should finish if they should finish * Also would or might. 44 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Regular Verb of the Second Conjugation, temer — to fear. INFINITIVE MOOD. Temer — to fear. Part. Pres. temiendo - fearing Part. Past, temido - - feared INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. temo - I fear temes - - thoufearest teme - - he fears tememos - we fear temeis - - - you fear temen - - they fear Imperfect. temia - - I feared temias - - - thoufearedst temia - - he feared temiamos - - we feared temiais - - - you feared temian - - - they feared Perfect. temi - - - - 1 did fear REGULAR VERB TEMER. 45 temiste - - - thou didst fear temio - - he did fear temimos - - - ice did fear temisteis - - you did fear temieron - - they did fear Future. temere - - I shall fear temeras - - - thou shaltfear teiner& - - - he shall fear temeremos - - ice shall fear tcmereis - - you shall fear temeran - they shall fear IMPERATIVE MOOD. teme - fear (thou) tema - - let him fear temamos - let us J ear temed - ~ - fear ye teman - - let them fear SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. tema - - I may fear temas - ~ thou maystfear tema - he may fear temamos - we may fear temais - - you may fear teman - ~ they may fear 46 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Imperfect. temiera - - - I should fear lemieras - - thou shouldstfear temiera - - - he should fear temieramos - - we should fear temiera is - - you should fear temieran - - they should fear Future. si lemiere - - if I should fear si temieres - - if thou shouldstfear si temiere - - if he should fear si temieremos - if we should fear si temiereis - if you should fear si temieren - - if they should fear Regular Verb of the Third Conjugation, prohibir 4o prohibit. INFINITIVE M00d. Prohibir — to prohibit. Part. Pres. prohibiendo - prohibiting Part. Past, prohibido - prohibited INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. prohibo - - - I prohibit prohibes - - thou prohibitest REGULAR VERB PROHIBIR. 47 prohibe - prohibimos prohibis prohiben prohibia prohibias prohibia prohibiamos prohibia is « prohibian - - he prohibits - - we prohibit - you prohibit - - they prohibit Imperfect. - I prohibited - - thou prohibit est - he prohibited we prohibited you prohibited they prohibited Perfect. prohibi - - prohibiste - prohibit) prohibimos - prohibisteis - prohibieron - prohibire prohibiras - prohibira prohibiremos prohibireis - prohibirdn - - 1 did prohibit - thou didst prohibit •• he did prohibit - we did prohibit - you did prohibit - they did prohibit Future. - / shall prohibit - thou shalt prohibit - he shall prohibit - we shall prohibit ~ you shall prohibit - they shall prohibit IMPERATI\E MOOD prohibe prohibit (thoit) 48 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK, prohiba - prohibamos prohibid - prohiban - let him prohibit let us prohibit prohibit ye let them prohibit SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. prohiba prohibas - prohiba prohibamos probibais - prohiban - - / may prohibit - thou may st prohibit he may prohibit we may prohibit - you may prohibit - they may prohibit Imperfect. prohibiera - - prohibieras prohibiera - - prohibieramos - prohibierais - prohibieran / should prohibit thou shoiildst prohibit he should prohibit we should prohibit you should prohibit they should prohibit si prohibiere si prohibieres - si prohibiere - si prohibiereinos si prohibierais si prohibieren Future. if 1 should prohibit if thou shouldst prohibit if he should prohibit - if toe should prohibit if you should prohibit if they should prohibit REGULAR VERBS. 49 Table shewing the Terminations of the Regular Verbs in Spanish. First Conjugation* INFINITIVE MOOD — ar. Part. Pre?, ando. — Part, Past. ado. INDICATIVE MOOD. Pres. Imperf. Perf. Future. Im Sin. 1. o. aba. e. are. 2. as. abas. aste. aras. a. 3. a. aba. 6. ara. e. Plu. 1. amos. abamos. amos. aremos. emos. 2. ais. abais. asteis. areis. ad. 3. an. aban. aron. aran. en. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Pres. Sin. 1. e. Imperf. ara. Future. are. 2. es. aras. ares. 3. e. ara. are. Plu. 1. emos. ararnos. aremos. 2. eis. arais. areis. 3. en. aran. aren. * To which Conjugation a verb belongs is easily discovered, as the verbs of the first in the Infinitive, end with ar> those of the second with er, and those of the third with ?>. 50 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Second Conjugation. INFINITIVE MOOD. er. Part. Pres. iendo. — Part. Past. ido. INDICATIVE MOOD. Pres. Imp erf. Perf. Futnre. Imp. Mo Sin. 1. o. ia. i. ere. 2. es. ios. iste. eras. e. 3. e. ia. io. era. a. Plu. 1. em os. iamos. imos. erenios. amos. 2. eis. iais. isteis. ereis. ed. 3. en. ian. ieron. eran. an. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Pres. Imperf. Future. Sin. 1. a. iera. iere. 2. as. ieras. ieres. 3. a. iera. iere. Plu. ]. amos. ieramos. ieremos, 2. ais. ierais. iereis. 3. an. ieran. ieren. REGULAR VERBS. 51 Third Conjugation. 1NFINIT1NE MOOD. ir. Part. Pres. *.~Part. Past. *. INDICATIVE MOOD. Prcs. Iraperf. Perf. Future. Imp. Mo, Sin. 1. * * * ire. * 2. * * * iras. * 3. * * * ira\ * Pitt. 1. imos. * * iremos. * 2. is. * * ireis. id. 3. * * * iran. * SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Pres. Imperf. Future. Sin. 1. * * iria. 2. * * irias. 3. * * iria. Plu. 1. * * iriamos 2. * * iriais. 2. * # F 2 irian. 52 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. The second and third Conjugations being so similar to each other the blank spaces are left, as any person in the third Conju- gation being sought for, will be found in its corresponding place in the second. The use of this table will be obvious to the Spanish student, if he compare a verb throughout all its inflexions with the termi- nations given. If he wishes to express any particular person in Spanish, let him after seeking in the dictionary for the verb, (which he will there find in the infinitive,) cast oflf the final ar, er, or ir, and apply the root to the particular termination desired ; for example, if he wishes to express, " 1 shall finish, ' he will find in the dictionary, to finish, acabar, cast off the ar, as that is the mark of the infinitive, and apply the root or part remaining, to the first person of the future tense of the first Conjugation, which will form acabare, I shall finish; and so of any other tense and person. IRREGULAR VERB DAR. 53 Conjugation of the Irregular Verb, dar — to give. INFINITIVE MOOD. Dar — to give. Part. Pres. dando Part. Past, dado giving, given. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. doy das da - dames dais dan daba dabas - daba dabamos dabais - daban - I give thou givest he gives we give you give they give Imperfect. 1 gave thou gavest he gave we gave you gave they gave f 3 54 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. JPreterite. di . - - - I gave diste - - - thou gavest di6 - - - - he gave dimos * - - we gave dfsteis - - - you gave dieron - they gave Future. dare ~ . - I shall give daras - - - thou shalt give dara - - - he shall give daremos - - we shall give dareis - - - you shall give daran - - - they shall give IMPERATIVE MOOD, da - - - - give (thou) de - - - - let him give demos - - - let us give dad - - - give ye den - - - let them give SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. de - - - - / may give des - - - - thou may st give de - - - - he may give IRREGULAR VERB DAR. 55 demos - - - we may give deis - « you may give den - - they may give Imperfect. diera - - - I should give dieras - - - thou shouldst give diera - - - he should give dieramos - - we should give dierais - - - you should give dieran - - - they should give Future. si diere - if I should give si dieres - - if thou shouldst give si diere -ifhe should give si dieremos - if we should give si diereis - ' if you should give si dieren - - if they should give Conjugation of the Irregular Verb, ir — to go. INFINITIVE MOOD. Ir— to go. Part. Pres. yen do - - going. Part. Past, ido - - - gone. 56 THE SPANISH WORD-ROOK. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. voy- - - - I go vas - - - - thou goest va - - - - he goes vamos - - - we goes vais - - -. - V 0U 9° van - - - - they go Imperfect. iba - - - - / went ibas - - thou wentest iba - - - - he went ibamos - - - we went ibais - - you went iban - - they went Preterite. fui - - - - 1 went fuiste - - - thou wentest fue - - - - he went fuimos - - - we went fuisteis - - - you went fueron - - - they went Future. ire - - - - / shall go iras - - - - thou shalt go ira - - - - he shall go IRREGULAR VERB IR. 57 iremos - - - we shall go ireis iran - - you shall go they shall go IMPERATIVE MOOD. ve - - . - go thou vaya - - let him go vayamos - - let us go vayais vayan - . - go ye let them go SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. vaya - - 1 may go vayas - - - thou mayst go vaya - - he may go vayamos - - we may go vayais - - - you may go vayan - - - they may go Imperfect. fuera - - "' « 1 should (fyc.) go fueras - - - thou shonldst go fuera - - - he ^should go fueramos - - we should go fuerais - - - you should go fueran - - - they should go 58 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Future. si fuere si fueres - si fuere si fueremos si fuereis - si fueren - if I should go if thou shouldst go if he should go if we should go if you should go if they should go A List of Jldverbs often occurring. LESSON 1. Spanish English Bien - - - well mal - - - - badly presto - - * quickly despacio - - slowly adonde - - where hoy or oy - - to day ayer - - - - yesterday manana - - - to morrow muy - - very lu6go,al punto - directly LESSON 2. si - - yes no - - - no despues - - - after ADVERBS OFTEN OCCURRING. 59 Spanish English antes - - before, rather si em pre - - - always jamas lejos - - - - never - far cerca - - near poco-ha - - - lately LESSCW 3. casi - - _ - almost de do - - from, whence entonces - - then hasta - - until con tal que - on condition apenas - ahora - scarcely - now asaz - - - - enough cerca - - near LESSON 4. semejante quiza recien - - like - perhaps - lately tan - - - - so tanto - - so much traves ~ - across otravez - - - again mientras - whilst 60 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish en efeto - entonces English - in short - then LESSON 5. de repente - desde - - finalmente - non obstante felizmente - tampoco - - do quiera - correctamente suddenly since lastly notwithstanding happily neither whereever correctly LESSON 6. bienaventuradamente carinosamente - - encarecidamente - - embarazosarnente dissimuladamente asosegadamente - -r acabdilladamente fortunately affectionately earnestly difficultly slyly quietly orderly a - de Prepositions. LESSON 1. at , to of, from PREPOSITIONS. 61 Spanish English en - - - - in, into con - - - - with sin - - - - without para, por - - for lexos - - off exterior - - - outside LESSON 2. sobre - - upon debaxo - - - under de parte a parte - through delante - - - before detras - - - behind cerca - - near encima - - - at top abaxo - - - below LESSON 3. atras - - after arriba - - - above b&xo - - below entre - - among allende - - - beyond entre - - between por, de - - - by antes - - before 62 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish y- - mas - si o - - ni ni que - que no como Conjunctions. LESSON I. English - and - but - if - or - nor - neither - that - than - as LESSON 2. aun - - - - yet aunque - - - sino - - - - though unless desde - - - since porque - - - si - - - - because whether luego - - -- por J a qual - - sin embargo therefore wherefore nevertheless ay ! - chito ! Interjections. - - ah ! - - hush ! EA8Y READING LESSONS. 63 Spanish English viva ! - - - long live! quitate! - - - avaunt ! valgame dios! - bless me! desdichada de mi l-unforttmate me ! EASY READING LESSONS With a literal translation. LESSON 1. Miguel - ~ - Michael Cervantes - - Cervantes cuyos - - - whose escritos - - - writings hda - - - - have illustrado - - illustrated la Esp£na - - Spain y - . - ■ - - and divertido - diverted la Europa - - Europe vivio - lived pobre - - - poor y - - - - and desgraciado - unfortunate y - - - ( and r> 2 64 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish murio — — English died casi - - - • almost olvidado Madrid - - - forgotten Madrid Sevilla - . - Seville Lucena - - - Lucena y - - - . and Alcala - - ~ Alcala han - - . - have disputado el - - - disputed the honor - « honor de - - haber - - of to have dado - - el nacimiento - given birth a - . to Cervantes. - - Cervantes* LESSON 2. En - - . „, In Alcaladefi ieokves- Alcala de Henares ciudad - - - a city de - - °f Castilla - - . Castile nacio - - was born Cervantes - _ Cervantes ei - - - * the EASY READING LESSONS. C5 Spanish English dia - - - - day nueve - - nine de - - i - of Octubre - - _ October mil - . one thousand cinco cientos - Jive hundred quarenta - - forty y siete. - - - and seven* Fue - - . - He was hfjo - - - - son de - - - - of un - - - - a hidalgo - - gentleman que - - - who le daba - - - gave him una - - . - a education _ - education bucna - - - good y - - - - and no - • ^ not le - - him dexo - - left bienes - - - wealth alguno, - - - any. LESSON 3. Sus - - . » His priineros - - first G 3 66 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish English ensayos - - attempts no - - - - not fueron - - - were felfces - - - fortunate, y - - - - and no - - - - not recibiendo - - receiving auxilio - - - assistance de - - - - from alguuo - - - any one, el - - - - he se vio - - - saw himself precisado - - obliged a entrar - - - to enter corao - as criddo - - - servant al - - - - to the Cardinal - Cardinal Aquaviva - - Aquaviva. El - - - - T } e estado - - - situation de - - - - °f . soldado - - soldier, le ofrecio - - offered him muy - - - very pronto - - - soon un - - - - a recurso - - - recourse mas - more EASY READING LESSONS. 67 Spanish English honrdso - - - honorable. pero - - - - but tambien - also mas - - - - more peligroso - - dangerous. LESSON 4. Fue - - - - He was herido - - - wounded en - - - - in la - - - - the mano hand izquierda - - left, a - - at la - - - - the famosa - - - famous batdlla - - - battle de - - - - of Lep£nto Lepanto, y - - - - and quedo - - - he remained estropeado - - maimed el - . - - the resto - - rest de - - - - of su - - - - his vida - - Irfe: pasd - - he passed 68 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish despues English afterwards a - - - - to Napoles donde - - - Naples where se alisto he enlisted himself en - - - - in la - - - - the guarnicion - - de - - - - aquella - - - ciudad; - - - garrison of that city; volviendo - - tr£s anos returning three years despues a Espana - - afterwards to Spain en un - - - in a galera, - - - fue - - - - galley, he was apresurado - - y conducido taken and carried a Argel to Algiers por - - - - Arnaute Mami. - by Arnaut Mami, el corsario - - the corsair mas - - - - most temible - - - dreadful de - - - - of su - - - - his tiempo. - - * time. \ EASY READING LESSONS. 69 LESSON 5. Spanish La fortuna - English Fortune que - - - . who agotaba - - drained SU8 - - - - her rigores - - sobre el desgraciado Cervantes - - severities upon the unfortunate Cervantes no pudo - could not veneer - - - overcome su valor; - his valour ; esclavo - - - slave de - - - un amo cruel _ of a cruel master. segfuro - - de - - - • sure of los tormentos - torments y de - - - and of la muerte - - death) si - .- atrevia - - - he dared a hacer - - - to make la raenor - the least tentaliva - attempt para recobrar r for to recover su libertad - - his liberty, 70 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish concerto su fuga con catorce cautivos Espanoles. - - Convinieron rescatdr uno de ellos el qual - - - debiair - - - a su pairia - - y solver con una bdrca - - - para - llevar - - - a los deroas una noche - - La execution - de - - - - este proyecto - no era - - - facil - porque - - - 6ra necesario - recoger desde luego el rescdte - - de un prisionero English he concerted his flight with fourteen captive Spaniards. They agreed to ransom one of them who was to go to his country and to return with a bark for to carry away the rest one night. The execution °f. this project was not easy for it was necessary to gather up directly the ransom - of a prisoner ; EASY READING LESSONS. 71 Spanish despues escapar todos - de la casa - - de sus arads y poder estar - - reunidos - - sin ser - - - descubiertos hasta - - el momento que la barca llegase a - - recogerlos - - English afterwards all to escape from the house of their masters, and to be able to be united without being discovered, until the moment that the bark should arrive to take them up. LESSON 6. Tantas - - dificultades parecian insuperables, pero el amor - - de la libertad las vencio - todas. - Un cautlvo - Espanol empleado - So many difficulties appeared insurmountable^ but the love of liberty overcame then. all. A captive Spaniard employed 72 THE SPANISH WORDBOOK. Spanish por su amo en un gran - jardin - - a la orilla - del mar - - se encarg de abrir, en el lugar - mas oculto, - - un subterraneo - capaz - - - para los quinceEspanoIes* El tardo - - dos £nos - en esta obra - en cuyo tiempo - ganaron ya con limosnas - ya a fuerza de trabajar - - el rescate - - de un Espanol - Ilamado Vione - en quien - - tenian confianza* - Pronto el dinero - y acabado - - el subterraneo - English by his master in a great garden, on the shore of the sea, undertook to open, in the place most retired, a cave capacious, for the •fifteen Spaniards He delayed two years in this work, in which time they gained sometimes by alms, sometimes by dint of labour, the ransom of a Spaniard named Vione, in whom they had confidence. Ready the money, and finished the cave, EASY READING LESSON*. 73 Spanish Vione partio - despues - - de haber jurado de volver - - en poco tiempo. English Vione set off after having sworn to return in a short time. LESSON Vione cumplio su palabra volviendo en - • un bergantin - al mes - - - de su partida; - tocaba una noche en la costa; el jardinerp - ■ le percibe, y va corriendo a avisar - - a Jos Espafioles. - Olvidan - - tod os sus males - al oir esta feliz noticia, - - se apresuran - - a salir - - - - del subterraneo, - y iniran - - - Vione fulfilled his word, returning in a brig at a month after his departure; it touched one night at the coast; the gardiner perceives it, and goes running to inform the Spaniards. They forget all their misfortunes at hearing this happy news, they hasten to come out of the cave, and they look at 74 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish con lagrimas - - de gozo - - - la barca - - - cle su libertador; - pero j que lasi ima ! quando la proa - ya tocaba - - - la tierra - - - pasan - - - - muchos Tiircos - y grftan - - - al arma. - - - Vione trembl&ndo - h£ce la vela - - al momento - - y los infelices Espanoles van a llordr - - al fondo - - - del subterraneo - English with tears the bark of' their deliverer; - but alas! when the prow had just touched the land, there pass by many Turks and cry to arms. Vione trembling sets sail directly, and the unhappy Spaniards go to weep at the bottom of the cave. LESSON 8. Mas uno - - - But one de sus companeros - of his companions va a ver - - goes to see al Dey de Argel, - the Dey of Algiers, se hace Musulman - turns Mussulman y lleva - - - and brings EASY READING LESSONS. 75- Spanish una tr6pa - - de soldados - - que encadenan a los Espanoles. - Conducidos - - ante el Dey - - les promete - - la vida - - - si quieren - - - descubrir el autdr - de la la empresa. - Yo soy - - - dixo Cervantes; - salva a mis - - hermanos. - - - El Dey - - fue aturdido de - su intrepidez, - - y le volvio - - a su £mo - - * Arnaule Mami. - El infeliz - - - jardinero - * - fue colgado - - por un pi6 - - h£sta - - - - el ahogo su sangre. - Enganado Cervantes por la fortuna English a troop of soldiers who chain the Spaniards. Conducted before the Dey he promises them life, if they will discover the author of the undertaking.. I am said Cervantes; save my brothers. The Dey was astonished at his intrepidity, and returned him to his master Arnaut Mami* The unfortunate gardener was hung by one leg until his blood choahedhim* -Cervantes deceived by fortune 76 THE SPANISH WORD-BOOK. Spanish English y restituido - - and restored a sus primeros to his first cadenas - - - chains contraxo - - - contracted mayor ardor - - greater boldness por romperlos. to break them. Quatro veces - - Four times erro el golpe - - he missed the blow y estuvo - - - and was a pique - - - on the point de ser empalado - of being empaled. LESSON 9. ElDey - - - The Dey mando - - - ordered encerrar - - - to be shut rip Cervantes, - - - Cervantes, y algun tiempo - and some time despues - - - afterwards pidio su rescate - he wished his ransom a Espana. - - - to Spain* Los padres - - - The fathers <\e la Redencion - of Redemption rescatieron ransomed Cervantes Cervantes por quinientos for five hundred escudos - - - crowns. el diez y nueve - the nineteenth EASY READING LESSONS. 77 Spanish de Septiembre - del580, - - ■ despues - - - de una - - - esclavitud de cinco anos. - VueHo - - - - a Espdna - - - disg-ustado de la vida - - militar y resuelto a dedic£rse - - enteramente - - a las letras, - - se retiro - - - a casa - - - - de su madre - - con la esperanza - de poder - - - mantenerla - - con su trabajo; escribio - - algunas corned ias y la obra - - que fue conocida en todo el mundo entitulado - - - Don Quixote. - English of September, of 1580, after a slavery of jive years. Returned to Spain disgusted of the life military, and resolved to dedicate himself entirely to letters, he retired to the house of his mother, in the hope of being able to maintain her by his labour ; he wrote some plays and the work that was known throughout the world entitled Don Quixote. 78 THE SPANISH' WORD-BOOK. Spanish Vivio pobre - - y desgraciado - - y su miseria - - hubiera sido - - completa - - - si el Cdnde de L6mos y el Cardinal de Toledo- no le hubiesen ayud&do quo - - no pereciese - - de nambre. - Su reeonociraiento - fue tan vivo - - como urgente - - su necesidad. - - Muri<5 en - - - tranquilid&d - - en el &iio 1616 - English He lived poor and unfortunate, and his misery would have been complete if the Count of Lemos, and the - Cardinal ofTaiedo had not him assisted, that he might not perish with hunger. His gratitude was as lively as urgent his necessity. He died in tranquillity in the year 1616. THE END. G. Schulze, Printer, Poland Street. 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