_^^^^. FFT ANCESTR Class- c>7/ Book / ^"0 THE TEFFT ANCESTRY COMPRISING MANY HITHERTO UNPUBLISHED RECORDS OF DESCENDANTS OF JOHN TEFFT OF PORTSMOUTH, RHODE ISLAND COMPILED AND EDITED BY REV. CHARLES H. W. STOCKING, D.D. RECTOR OF SAINT JAMES' CHURCH, VINCENNES, INDIANA, AND PROFESSOR OF PEDAGOGY AND NORMAL BRANCHES IN VINCENNES UNIVERSITY. AUTHOR OF THE KNOWLTON. SOUTHWORTH, AND STOCKING ANCESTRIES "// "Were, indeed, a desirable thing to be well descended, but the glory thereof belongs to our ancestors.'' — PLUTARCH. XTbe Xaf^ceiDe iPrese 1904 7/5^ // PREFACE This genealogical work, prepared chiefly for private circu- lation, does not claim to be, and is not, a complete record of this interesting family, which has played so important a part in the civil, military, and religious history of this country. Prepared chiefly for private use, it fulfills, however, the design of its promoters. The editor desires to make thankful acknowledgment of the valuable assistance he has received from various members of the Teflft and Tifft families, more especially from Mr. Oscar W. Tefft, of Greenwich, N. Y.. and Mrs. Maria E. Tifft. of Buffalo. C. H. W. STOCKING. St. James Rectory, Vincennes, Ind., July, igo4. THE TEFFT ANCESTRY The year looo A. D. marks the date on, or near, which sur- names came into recognized use. They were usually taken from the estates owned by the bearers of such names, indicating, therefore, landed proprietors. In process of time the use of surnames was extended to natural objects, trades, and profes- sions, and even to personal traits and characteristics. The name TefEt has undergone the usual changes in spelling, being variously written Tefft, Teffe, Tifft, and Tift. It is of Saxon origin, and means "the place where a house has stood." The theory advanced by some that it is the anglicized form of the French "Thevet" is probably fanciful, and without his- torical warrant, for the name appears in early Saxon annals, and its origin and meaning are attested by William Arthur, and other etymological authorities. The first persons of the name in America were William and John Tefife, or TefTt, the former of whom settled in Boston not later than 1635, and the latter in Portsmouth, R. I. It is probable that these brothers were accompanied by a sister Sara, for there stood until recent years on Cole's farm, near Cole's Station, Warwick, R. I., a memorial slab, with the follow- ing inscription: "Here lieth ye bodie of Sara Tefft, interred March 16, 1642." This stone is now in the possession of the Rhode Island Historical Society, and is the oldest monumental slab in the State. It will be observed by the reader of the following pages that the Teffts were an intensely patriotic family, their names fre- quently appearing on the rosters of regiments in the Colonial, Revolutionary, and 181 2 wars. They were equally prominent in civil affairs, holding both local and State offices, sometimes for very many years. In religious faith they were generally Baptists, the prevailing sect in Rhode Island, a faith to which many of their descendants are loyal to the present time. The TefFt Ancestry There was a large emigration from Rhode Island to Wash- ington County, New York, in 1766, Nathan Tefft, Nathan, Jr., William, and Asa being the first of the name in that quarter. Other Teffts penetrated into Vermont, some remaining but a short time, and removing to Erie County, New York, while others remained permanently, the family name being still per- petuated there. The first emigrants were: I. William, m. Anna . , 2. John. m. Mary Barber. 3. Sarah (probably), d. March 14, 1642. I William and Anna had: (4) Lydia. m. Deeble, and had son Abraham, who rem. from Boston to Haddam, Conn. William emigrated from England about 1633; settled in Boston, and carried on the tail- oring business. He was made a freeman December 24, 1638, and with his wife Anne, was admitted to the church on August 2, 1640. His Last Will and Testament. Entered and recorded at the Suffolk Probate Office, Novem- ber 23, 1672. "The first day of the third Month, one thousand six hundred and forty-six, I William Teffe of Boston, of the Massachusetts Bay, doe make this my last Will and Testament First, I give vnto my daughter Lydia, the Summe of twenty pounds, partly for the discharge of Seaven pounds which I received for her in England being a Lagacie given unto her by one Robert Elvinge, deceased, and partly as a Lagacie from (myselfe) so as shee never make other demands of the Said Legacie given by Said Robert Elvinge, and So She doe not marry without her mother- in -lawe's Consent, or the consent of Such friends as her Said Mother Shall leave her vnto. To be payed in fours of the youngest Cattle, at due prices except the least of all, and in The Tefft Ancestry Such of the household goods and mon (ies) as indifferently shall reach to the making up thereof according to the proportion of it (excepting the feather-bed whereon I now lye and vppon the praisement of the goods within two months after my decease, her Said portion to be putt forth for her best advantage vntil her age of twenty years or day of marryage with consent as aforesaid if shee shall live therevnto, even either of them.) Itm. I give my least Steere Calfe vnto the Eldest child of my brother John Teffe, to be delivered vppon demand, after my decease if he be then living, paying for the charge of the Keeping of it after my decease vntil it be demanded. All the rest of my goods and chattells, whatvoever, together with my dwelling house and garden and grounds vnder and about it, and all the buildings there vppon, and fences about them, and also together with my land at Long Island and the barne and fruites growing vppon the Said ground both vnder my house and at Long Island, I give and bequeath vnto my beloved wife Anna Teffe, whom I make sole Executrix of this my last will, to her and to her heires and Assignes, forever, and in testimonial thereof I have here vnto sett and putt my hand" William Teffe In presence of Thos. Leverett, John Harrison, John Ingolsby. Testified before the Governor (Mr No) well, Mr Hibbins by Thos. Leverett and John Harrison. 2. (9) 1648. Copia Vera. This Will was entered and recorded Nov. 23, 1672. Widow Anna m. Deacon Henry Allen, carpenter and house- wright, whose residence was in Weymouth, and his business in Boston. She d. March 8, 1673. • 1 John Tefft and Mary Barber had: (5) A daughter, m. Samuel Wilson. (6) Samuel, b. 1644, in Providence, R. I. m. Elizabeth Jenckes. (7) Joshua, m. Sarah . . (8) Tabitha, b. 1653. m. February 13, 1670, George Gar- diner. The Tefft Ancestry John Tefft emigrated from England presumably with his brother William, settled temporarily in Boston, and removed thence to Portsmouth (Kings Town), R. I., where he d. Janviary 1 8, 1676. On July 3, 1656, it was ordered by the town officers that "John Teft should haue 13-6-8 peage 6 P. white penny or black 3 P penny, to Keepe auld John mott this yeare for dyat lodging washing and looking to beayde the Cowe and the Corne that the auld man's son adam is engaged to giue." At a Town Meeting on Nov. 30, 1657 it was ordered that "Wm. Carrie and John Teifft shall be supplied with plantinge land on hoge Hand & to injoy to the tearme afore-s'' " He was made a freeman in 1655, a civil and political status which insured one a share in the common land, giving him also the right of suffrage on condition of owning a freehold estate of not less than $134. He is recorded as a resident of Petta- (luamscott in May, 1671. In his will he left to Samuel Wilson, his son-in-law, his new dwelling-house and twenty acres of land. To his wife Mary he bequeathed his cattle, two oxen, two cows, two yearling steers, eight swine kind, a ewe and a lamb, and all other movables: to his son Samuel two shillings; to son Joshua one shilling; to his daughter Tabitha one shilling, and an iron pot after his wife's decease. His debts to the amount of £1. 3s were to be paid equally by Samuel Wilson and son Joshua. Wife Mary d. 1679. 5 John's daughter and Samuel Wilson had: (9) Samuel, d. in Kings Town, R. I., 1690. (10) Mary, b. 1663. m. Robert Hannah, m. 2d, George Webb. She d. 1737. He d. 1706. (11) Sarah, b. 1666. m. John Potter, son of Ichabod and Martha (Hazard) Potter. Shed. 1739. He d. 1715. (12) Janus, b. 1673. i^- Alice Sabeere, dau. of Stephen and Deborah (Augell) Sabeere. He d. 1706. (13) Jeremiah, b. 1674. m. Ann Manoxon;vm. 2d, Mary . He res. in New Shoreham and South Kings Town, and d. June 2, 1740. Residence, South Kings Town, R. I. The Tefft Ancestry 5 6 Samuel Tefft and Elizabeth Jenckes had: (14) John, b. . m. Joanna Sprague. (15) Samuel, b. . m. Abigail Tennant. (16) Peter, b. . m. Mary . (17) Sarah, b. . m. Ebenezer Witter. (18) Elizabeth, b. . m. Solomon Carpenter. (19) Esther, b, . m. November 25, 1708, Thomas Mum- ford. (20) Mary, b. . m. Newton. (21) Tabitha, b. . d. unmarried. (22) Mercy, b. . d. unmarried. . (23) Susannah, b. . m. Peter Crandall. Samuel resided in Kings Town, R. I., where he was a freeman in 1677. He was fined 20s. for not attending Jury of General Court of Trials, but this fine was remitted the following year because he had not been duly summoned by the General Ser- geant. He and twenty -six others bought, on June 28, 1709, the tract called Swamptown, a portion of vacant lands in Narra- gansett. He died in 1725, and his will was proved Dec. 20, 1725. His estate inventoried at ;^i,oio, 2s. 8d. a considerable one for those days, itemized as follows: Wearing apparel, sword, II cows, 4 oxen, 4 steers, 4 yearlings, 5 calves, 121 sheep, 5 mares, 3 horses, 15 swine, 2 linen wheels, 2 spinning wheels, worsted combs, 6 beds, 2 warming pans, cider, cidermill, 22 geese, silver, and ;^i55 in bonds. Elizabeth was dau. of Joseph and Esther (Ballard) Jenckes, and sister of Joseph Jenckes, Deputy Governor of Rhode Island from 17 15 to 1727. She was b. 1658, and d. in 1740, leaving an estate of ;^4oi, 12s. Her father was a man of extraordinary mechanical genius, and he cut the die for the first issue of the "Pine Tree Shilling." / I / The Tefft Ancestry 7 Joshua Tefft and Sarah had: (24) Peter, b. March 14, 1671/2. Joshua resided in Kings Town, R. I. He was captured while fighting on the Indian side during King Philip's War. Roger Williams writes thus to Governor Leverett, of Massachusetts, January 14, 1676: "This night I was requested by Capt. Fenner and other officers of our town to take the examinations and confession of an Englishman who hath been with the Indians both before and after the fight. His name is Joshua Tift, and he was taken this day by Capt. Fenner at an Indian house half a mile from where Capt. Fenner's house (now burned) did stand. He was asked how long he had been with the Narragansetts, and answered twenty-seven days, more or less. He said he was at his farm a mile and a half from Puttuckquam- scott where he hired an Indian to keep his cattle, himself pro- posing to go to Rhode Island, but the day he prepared to go a party of Indians came and told him he must die. He begged for his life, and promised he would be servant to the Sachem for life, and his life was given him as such slave. He was carried to the fort where were eight hundred fighting men. His eight cattle were killed. He said he was in the fort and waited on the Sachem till the latter was wounded, of which wound he died some days afterward. At the court martial a soldier testified that he had seen Joshua fire at the English several times, but he was not able to certify that any shot took efifect. Looking at this matter dis- passionately, one might say in charity that Joshua may have fired blank cartridges, and under compulsion. The witness must have had remarkable eyesight to have singled out'an' individual marksman at the probable distance. The really serious charge brought against Joshua was that he was a heathen, not having attended the Baptist services for several months, and, incidentally, that he had married a Wampanoag squaw. Roger Williams had perhaps forgotten his own experience at the hands of the Massachusetts Puritans, and that compulsory attendance on Divine Service sent him to The Tefft Ancestry Rhode Island to enjoy the rehgious and personal liberty which he denied to Joshua Tefft. So the latter was executed. If Joshua's story were true (and it was never disproved), he was an unwilling slave, and not a rebel soldier. He was exe- cuted January i8, 1676, a sentence that was considered pleasing to God. 8 Tabitha Tefft and George Gardiner had: (25) Joseph. (26) Nicholas. (27) Samuel. (28) Robert. (29) John. (30) George. ^ (31) Hannah, m. Josiah Wescott. '• .' (32) Tabitha. (33) Joanna. Tabitha d. in 1722. George Gardiner d. in 1724. He was the son of George and Herodias (Hicks) Gardiner. T4 John Tefft and Joanna Sprague had: (34) John, b. December 4, 1699. m. December 17, 1721, Mary Reynolds. (35) Joanna, b. 1701. m. April 28, 1721, John Webb. (36) Joseph, b. January 8, 17 10. m. February, 1729, Esther Brownell. (37) Samuel.- m. October 7, 1827, Mary Barber. (38) James, b. April 21, 1715. (39) Nathan, b. March 14, 1717. m. September 16, 1742, Isabel Stanton. (40) Mary. m. January 11, 1729, Benjamin Barber. (41) Mercy, m. Rev. James Rogers. / / The Tefft Ancestry 8 (42) Mehetable. m. Capt. John Rogers. (43) Tabitha. m. James. (44) Sarah, m. March i, 1744, Hezekiah Brown; m. 2d, Cottrell. (45) Ehzabeth. m. SkelHe. Residence, South Kings Town, R. I. Joanna d. in 1757. John d. in 1760. John's estate inventoried at £6,148, i6s., 7d., which was divided among his children and grandchildren. Wife Joanna was dau. of Jonathan and Mehitable (Holbrook) Sprague. 15 Samuel Tefft and Abigail Tennant had: (46) Samuel, b. January 19, 1712. m. Mary -. (47) Daniel, b. June 14, 1714. m. Annie . (48) Stephen, b. October 5, 17 16/8. Served in Rev. War. Prisoner at Quebec, 1775. (49) Tennant, b. September 29, 1720. m. Tabitha . (50) Abigail, b. February 14, 1724. (51) Ebenezer, b. February 14, 1724. m. November 6, 1746, Lydia Sweet (or Swift). Wife Abigail was dau. of Alexander Tennant, b. in 1690, and d. in 1758. Samuel d. in 1760, leaving a moderate estate. Res. South Kings Town, R. I. 16 Peter Tefft and Mary had: (52) Peter, b. December 19, 1699. m. ist, Ann Spicer; m. 2d, May 13, 1730, Jerusha Spicer; m. 3d, December 14, 1743, Sarah Galium. (53) Samuel, b. February 24, 1705. m. . (54) John, b. December 27, 1706. (55) Joseph, b. January 8, 17 10. The Tefft Ancestry (56) Daniel, b. April 10, 1712. (57) Sarah, b. February 14, 1715- (58) Jonathan, b. October 18, 17 18. Peter resided in Westerly, R. I., and Stonington, Conn., where his youngest son was bom, and where Peter died in 1725. 17 Sarah Tefft and Ebenezer Witter had: (59) Sarah. (60) Mary, b. 1696. (61) Josiah, b. 1698. (62) Joseph, b. 1698. (63) Sarah, b. 1707. Ebenezer was son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Witter, March 25, 1688. Sarah Tefft d. before 1725. 18 Ehzabeth Tefft and Solomon Carpenter had: (64) Elizabeh, b. January 4, 1703. (65) Solomon, b. February 26, 17 — . (66) Daniel, b. December 28, 17 12. (67) Sarah, b. August 24, 17 16. Wife Elizabeth d. in 1750. Solomon was b. in 1678, and d. in 1750. 19 Esther Tefft and Thomas Mumford had: (68) John. (69) Sarah. (70) Tabitha. (71) Esther. Thomas Mumford was son of Thomas and Sarah (Sherman) Mumford. His first wife Abigail was murdered by a negro The TefFt Ancestry lo slave, whose body having been subsequently found, the Assem- bly ordered that the head, legs, and arms be severed from the body and publicly exposed, and the body itself burned to ashes, as a warning against similar barbarities. Wife Esther d. in 1726. Mr. Mumford d. April, 1726. 23 Susannah Tefft and Peter Crandall had: (72) James, b. April 17, 1709. (73) Mary, b. February 17, 1711. (74) Peter, b. July 4, 17 13. (75) John, b. June 18, 1716. (76) Elizabeth, b. February i, 17 19. 34 John Tefft and Mary Reynolds had: (77) Deliverance, b. August 19, 1722. m. Barber. (78) Sarah, b. April 27, 1725. d. February, 1726. (79) Jonathan, b. April 29, 1727. m. Jan. 26, 1749, Mary Webb. (80) John, b. March 9, 1729. m. March 14, 1 750/1, Hannah Clarke. (81) Robert, b. May 25, 1732. m. March 27, 1754, Abigail Tefft; m. 2d, Martha Reynolds, in 1769. (82) Mary, b. September 20, 1734. m. Clark. (83) Patience, b. April 21, 1737. m. December 4, 1755, Edward Lillibridge. (84) Deborah, b. May 18, 1739. d. January 6, 1794. m. James. (85) Mehitable, b. August 3, 1742. (86) Elizabeth, b. February 10, 1744. m. October 12, 1766, Stephen Hoxie. (87) Jeremiah, b. May 29, 1747. m. Rhoda Hoxie. (88) Miriam, b. January 16, 1749. d. 1768. I It The Tefft Ancestry 1 1 John Tefft was born in Richmond, R. I. m. ist in Westerly; m. 2d, December 26, 1752, Elizabeth James, of Richmond. He resided in Westerly, and South Kings Town, R. I. 35 Joanna Tefft and John Webb had: (89) Margaret, b. August 21, 1721. m. April 22, 1742, Joseph Rogers. (90) Elizabeth, b. March 27, 1724. m. Skellie (?) (91) Mehetable, b. August 11, 1726. m. January 17, 1744, Jonathan James. (92) Mary, b. March 19, 1730. (93) George, b. May 10, 1733. (94) John, b. October 10, 1735. 26 Joseph Tefft and Esther Brownell had: (95) Elizabeth, b. December 20, 1730. m. July 31, 1768, John Sheldon. (96) William, b. February 29, 1732. m. March 21, 1754, Mary Kenyon. (97) Joseph, b. March ig, 1737. m. Sarah Maxon, July 17, 1757; m. 2d, May 22, 1771, Alice Albro. (98) Ruth, b. March 27, 1739. , W/iPR' iV^'t Jtt^^> (99) Benjamin, b. June 3, 1741. m. Deborah . (100) Esther, b. April 6, 1743. m. April 28, 1765, Oliver Colegrove. (loi) Thomas, b. November 10, 1745. m. December 10, 1772, Lydia Barber. (102) Sarah, b. August 24, 1747. m. October 16, 1785, Ben- jamin Barber. (103) Samuel, b. August 29, 1749. m. December 9, 1770, Amy Gardner. Residence, Richmond, R. I. The Teffc Ancestry 12 2"] Samuel Tefft and Mary Barber had: (104) Abigail, b. December 24, 1731. (105) Mary, b. January 28, 1733. (106) Mercy, b. April 24, 1735. (107) Sophia, b. June 20, 1742. (108) Oliver, b. March 22, 1743. m. Deborah . (109) Alexander, b. July 30, 1746. Residence South Kings Town, R. I. 39 Judge Nathan Tefft and Isabel Stanton had: (no) Stanton, b. July 9, 1744. d. 181 1. m. Mehetable Rogers, (in) Isabel, b. March 14, 1745/6. m. Caleb Tefft. (112) Mercy, b. December 14, 1749. m. James Rogers. (113) Nathan, b. August 28, 1752. d. September 18, 1828. m. Dorcas Babcock. (114) John, b. March 3, 1756. (115) Mary, b. May 2, 1758. m. Nathan Cottrell. (116) Sarah, b. August 14, 1762. m. Asa Crandall. Judge Nathan was b. in South Kings Town, R. I. He m. 2d, Dareis Sheldon, and d. April 3, 1789. "Judge" Nathan rem. from Rhode Island to Albany, in 1766, thence to Washington County, New York, traveling on horseback. He passed through trackless forests where neither path nor road existed, being guided by marks cut in trees, passing through Petersburg Valley as far up as Cambridge and thence across to Washington County, New York. His son Simon, a surveyor, accompanied him, and laid out the tract of land now embracing the Rogers', Collamer's, Richardson's, Parker's, Babcock's, and Tefft's farms. One year later Nathan brought his family to Galesville, N. Y., and built there a saw-mill, the first one on the Batten Kill. His untiring industry and wise management were rewarded with success, and he left a comfortable estate to his children. . Wife Isabel was b. August 13, 1716, and d. in 1777. Nathan The Tefft Ancestry m. E. Dareis (Dorcas) Sheldon, who survived him but a short time. He d. April 3, 1782. Judge Nathan Tefft was Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Kings County, 1763 and 1764. He was Lieutenant of the Third Co. Militia, Col. Pendleton's Regiment, in 1750 and 1753; Captain in 1753 and 1754. 40 Mary Tefft and Benjamin Barber had: (117) Lydia. m. December 10, 1772, Thomas Tefft. 41 Mercy Tefft and Rev. James Rogers had: (118) James, Jr., b. 1746, d. 1796. m. Mercy Tefft, b. Decem- ber 14, 1749, d. April 18, 1837. (119) Thomas, b. 1746, d. September 20, 1816. m. Abigail , who d. March 4, 17 — 8. Rev. James Rogers rem. from Rhode Island to New York State, at the mouth of the Batten Kill, on the estate still owned by his great-grandson, A. Y. Rogers. A historic interest attaches to this farm, since from it Burgoyne's forces crossed the Hudson River on their march towards Albany, and here the Americans blocked his retreat, compelling his surrender at Saratoga, October 17, 1777. Rev. Mr. Rogers d. May 25, 1775. Wife Mercy d. March 25, 1781. 42 Mehetable Tefft and Capt. John Rogers had: (120) Elizabeth, m. December 23, 1759, Lieut. Josiah Rog- ers; m. 2d, James. (121) Mehetable, b. October 3, 1745. m. Stanton Tefft. (122) Sarah, b. 1748. m. Elisha Bentley; m. 2d, Daniel Rose. The Tefft Ancestry 14 (123) John, Jr. (124) James, b. 1752. m. Amy Bronson, b. March 13, 1752. He d. February 13, 1826. She d. April 10, 1840. (125) Mary, m. Benajah Sheldon. (126) Oliver. (127) Tabitha, b. October 15, 1759. m. Samuel Sheldon, b. April 15, 1742, d. August 12, 1834. Lieutenant Josiah Rogers (120) came from England, served in the French and Indian Wars, was a prisoner on Block Island in 1777. Amy Bronson (124) is said to have been a half-breed Indian, an adopted daughter of a Bronson family residing in Princeton, N. J. 46 Samuel Tefft and Mary had: (128) Mary, b. November 2, 1733. (129) John, b. September 27, 1736. (130) Joseph, b. July 19, 1738. m. Lucy Brewster. Res. Scituate and Smithfield, R. I. 47 Daniel Tefft and Annie had: (131) Amey, b. August 29, 1759. m. December 22, 1776, Elijah Babbitt. (132) David, b. August 25, 1761. (133) Daniel, b. December 6, 1764. m. May 3, 1789, Esther Pidge. (134) William, b. September 13, 1767. (135) Obadiah, b. August 30, 1770. Res. Providence, R. I. Son Daniel (133) was Lieut. So. Kingstown Co., Col. Chas. Dyre's (Dyer's) Regiment, 1778-85, and in Third Regiment, 1790-98. The Tefft Ancestry 15 49 Tennant Tefft and Tabitha had: (136) Hannah, b. June 28, 1741. (137) Caleb, b. October 11, 1743. m. Isabel Tefft. Res. South Kings Town, R. I. Tennant was ensign of the Kings Town Reds, 1 746-1 749. 52 Peter Tefft and Ann Spicer had: (138) Peter, b. February 5, 1724. m. . (139) Daniel, b. July 23, 1725. d. young. Peter m. 2d, Jorusha Spicer, May 13,1730. They had: (140) William, b. October 31, 1731. (141) Daniel, b. October 27, 1733. (142) James, b. August 31, 1735. m. Mary . Peter m. 3d, Dec. 14, 1743, Sarah Callum. They had: (143) John, b. September 13, 1744. m. Mary Matheson. (144) Sarah, b. February 11, 1746. (145) Royal, b. 1747. (146) Jemima, b. January 18, 1749. Res. Smithfield, R. I., Groton, Conn., and Providence. 53 Samuel Tefft and had: (147) John, m. December 16, 1764, Anna Crandall; m. 2d, November 24, 1773, Mrs. Mary Lewis. 79 Jonathan Tefft and Mary Webb had: (148) Jonathan, Jr., b. March 20, 1750. d. 18 — . unm. (149) Sarah Ann, b. September 2, 1752. The Tefft Ancestry i6 (150) George, b. January 16, 1754. m. 1774, Rebecca Brown. (151) Reynolds, b. August 7, 1755. ^- ^TQ^- unm. (152) Mary, b. August 29, 1757. (153) John, b. July 29, 1759. d. 1827. (154) Nathan, b. August 12, 1761. d. 1816. (155) Sprague, b. January 23, 1766. d. 1834. m. Mary Bates. Jonathan d. 1783. Wife Mary d. 1819- 80 John Tefft and Hannah Clarke had: (156) Reynolds, b. October 6, 1752. (157) Clarke, b. January 17, 1761. John served in the Seventh Co., Capt. Giles Russell, Col. Samuel Rose's Regiment, which was ordered north for active service in February, 1761. His son Clarke (157) was ensign of Richmond Militia in 1804. 81 Robert Tefft and Abigail Tefft had: (158) Abigail, b. October 6, 1755. m. Johnson King, and d. in Nassau, N. Y. (159) John, b. February 9, 1758. m. Anna Vallett. (160) Robert, b. February 4, 1761. m. Bridget Bailey. (161) Joseph, b. October 13, 1763. m. 1786, Sarah Potter. He d. January 28, 1847. (162) Patience, b. December 10, 1765. Robert m. 2d, 1769, Martha Reynolds of North King's Town, R. I. They had: (163) Martha, b. May 7, 1771. m. July 8, 1789, Levi Foster. Res. Richmond, R. I. Robert was a soldier in the Revo- lution. The Tefft Ancestry 17 87 Jeremiah Tefft and Rhoda Hoxie had: (164) Mary, b. April 24, 1771. (165) Jeremiah, b. December 29, 1772. d. young. (166) John, b. December 18, 1778. m. . (167) Abigail, b. March 29, 1781. (168) Rhoda, b. April 11, 1783. (169) Mercy, b. May 20, 1785. (170) Jeremiah, b. August 11, 1787. m. . (171) Jonathan, b. March 18, 1790. m. Elizabeth Collins. (172) Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1792. Res. Richmond, R. I. Jeremiah was ensign of the Second Richmond Company, Second Regiment of Militia in 1776 and '77, Justice of the Peace, 1802-1806, and deputy to the Legis- lature. 96 Wilham Tefft and Mary Kenyon had: (173) Hezekiah, b. December 16, 1753. (174) Pardon, b. January 25, 1755. ' m. Amy Green; m. 2d, Elizabeth Eldridge. (175) Thankful, b. March 21, 1757. m. John Tanner. He d. June, 1840. (176) David, b. April 19, 1760. m. February 26, 1787, Ruhama James. He d. March 13, 1843. (177) WiUiam, b. March 21, 1763. d. March 30, 1848. m. Elizabeth James. (178) Mary, b. March 13, 1766. m. January 6, 1785, Davis James. She d. March 4, 1844. (179) John, b. April 22, 1769, d. April, 1859. m. Ehzabeth Hammond. (180) James, b. February 18, 1776, d. January 30, 1855. m. Mary Ross. (181) Joseph, b. March 8, 1779. m. February 25, 1800, Chloe Heath. The Tefft Ancestry i8 William was justice of the peace by royal appointment, in Richmond, R. I., and one of a committee to purchase arms for the militia. He removed in 1787 to Washington County, New York, where he d. November 28, 1822. Wife Mary was dau. of David and Mary Kenyon, b. in Charlestown, R. I., November 24, 1733, and d. October, 1824, in Easton, N. Y. 97 Capt. Joseph Tefft, Jr., and Sarah Maxon had: (182) Caleb, b. October 17, 1757. (183) Mary, b. November 24, 1758. (184) Taber, b. March 3, 1761. m. Sarah Barber; m. 2d, Hannah Ross. (185) Jemima, b. July 10, 1763. (186) Joseph, b. April 3, 1766. m. Abigail . (187) Sarah, b. June 13, 1768. Joseph m. 2d, May 23, 1771, Ahce Albro. They had: (188) Anstice, b. April i, 1773. (189) Alice, b. June 16, 1775. (190) Albro, b. September 27, 1778. m. Sarah . Res. Richmond, R. I. Alice Albro was dau. of Samuel Albro, of Exeter, R. I. Capt. Joseph and Capt. Potter were appointed, August 27, 1776, a committee to receive of the State the town's proportion of salt. Joseph, Jr., was lieutenant of the Richmond Company, Kings Co. Regiment, 1769, and captain of the Providence Troop of Horse, 1770. 99 Benjamin Tefft and Deborah had: (191) Joanna, b. February 7, 1766. (192) Edward, b. March 21, 1768. The Tefft Ancestry 19 (193) Elizabeth, b. September lo, 1770. (194) Asa, b. June 2, 1772, d. October 9, 1844. m. Hannah (195) Jesse, b. April 2, 1776. Res. Richmond, R. I. Benjamin was justice of the peace, 1770-73. Son Jesse (195) was captain Second Richmond Co., 1802 and 1803. 10 1 Thomas Tefft and Lydia Barber had: (196) Benjamin, b. September 11, 1773. m. September 8, 1799, Lucy Reynolds. (196a) Sarah, b. April 10, 1775. m. 1797, Samuel Albro. (197) Esther, b. February 18, 1777, d. December 5, 1824. (198) Joseph, b. April 6, 1779. (199) Thomas, b. February 23, 1781. m. January 31, 1805, Lucy Tefft. (200) Welcome, b. October 4, 1782. (201) Abram, b. January 24, 1785. (202) Lydia, b. August 4, 1786. d. young. (203) Mary, b. January 25, 1788. d. April 5, 1827. (204) Lydia. b. June 29, 1790. (205) Ruth, b. July 12, 1794. d. October 22, 1826. Res. Richmond, R. L Wife Lydia d. there May 22, 1797. Thomas was town clerk of Richmond from January, 1777, to June, 181 2; justice of the peace, 1777-93; major of Washington Co. Militia, 1780, and lieutenant colonel in 1785 and 1788 of the Providence Co. Regiment. 103 Samuel Tefft and Amy Gardner had: (206) George, b. May 7, 1772. (207) Susannah, b. June 30, 1775. (208) Annie, b. December 20, 1777. The Tefft Ancestry 20 (209) George, b. October i8, 1780. (210) Josiah, b. September 2, 1782. (211) Esther, b. February 6, 1785. (212) Sarah, b. January 25, 1787. (213) Ehzabeth, b. November 16, 1788. (214) WilHam A., b. October 3, 1791. m. Ehzabeth Betsey Tremaine. (215) Gardner, b. January 26, 1794. Res. Richmond, R. I. Samuel was justice of the peace, 1749-69; deputy to the Legislature, 1776. Another record gives the name of Samuel's wife as Annie Gardiner. 108 Oliver Tefft and Deborah had: (216) William P., b. January 16, 1769. m. March 7, 1832, Jane Balch, of Sherburne, N. Y. Oliver served in the Revolutionary War as ensign of Kings and Kent counties (R. I.) Army of Observation. 1 10 Stanton Tefft and Mehetable Rogers had: (217) Thomas S., b. January 30, 1767. (218) Mehetable, b. August 25, 1769. (219) John, b. July 20, 1772. (220) Isabel, b. December i, 1774- d. young. (221) Nathan S., b. May i, 1777. m. Sarah Remington. (222) William S., b. July 9, 1780. m. Nancy Foster. (223) James S., b. September 9, 1784. m. Sarah Crandall. Res. rem. from Richmond, R. I., to Greenwich, N. Y., in 1763. Stanton served in the Thirteenth Albany (N. Y.) Regiment, in the Revolutionary War. He was also supervisor of the town of Easton, N. Y., in 1794, and d. July 25, 1811. Wife Mehetable was dau. of Capt. John and Mehetable (Tefft) Rogers. She d. September 19, 1836. The Tefft Ancestry 21 III Isabel Tefft and Caleb Tefft had: (224) Tennant, b. September 3, 1766. (225) Caleb, b. March 10, 1769. m. . (226) Isabel, b. August 23, 1771. (227) Nathan, b. January 4, 1775- (228) Tabitha, b. December 2, 1777. (229) Mary, b. March 28, 1780. Res. Richmond, R. I. 112 Mercy Tefft and James Rogers had: (230) Isabella, b. March, 1772. (231) Betsey. (232) Mercy. (233) Susan. (234) Polly. (235) Esther. (236) James, b. August 30, 1779. d. December 7, 1866. m. Experience . (237) Samuel, b. August 30, 1779. d. January 9, 1846. m. Lydia . (238) Thomas, b. March 2, 1784. d. December 19, 1877. m. Betsey Merchant. 7 13 Nathan Tefft, Jr., and Dorcas Babcock had: (239) Benjamin, b. October 16, 1773. d. May 24, 1847. m. Mary Foster. (240) Nathan, b. March 10, 1776. d. January 24, 1848. m. Betsey Buck. (241) Isabel, b. November 27, 1778. d. March 16, 1857. m. John Corliss. The Tefft Ancestry 22 (242) Gardner, b. August 13, 1780. d. November 8, 1803. m. May 31, 1801, Sarah Havens. (243) Sarah, b. January 23, 1783. d. October 6, 1863. m. James Roe. (244) Dorcas, b. June i, 1786. d. April 2, 1866. m. Francis K. Winnie. (245) Simeon, b. August 20, 1788. d. August 30, 1874. m. Fanny Baily. (246) Mary, b. January 28, 1791. d. October 28, 1872. m. Mitchell Corliss. (247) Phoebe, b. November 2, 1796. d. December 2, 1884. m. Henry Conklin. Wife Dorcas was b. December 12, 1753, d. July 10, 1810. Nathan was b. in Rhode Island and rem. to Greenwich, N. Y., and d. September, 1828. 115 Mary Tefft and Nathan Cottrell had: (247A) Thomas, b. . (247B) Adam, b. April 30, 1798. m. 1842, Susan C. Gardiner. He d. November 25, 1877. (247c) John, b. . m. Betsey Dwells. (2470) Mary, b. . 130 Joseph Tefft and Lucy Brewster had: (248) Solomon, b. May 28, 1758. m. December 2, 1779, Eunice Burrows. 138 Peter Tefft and had: (249) Rev. Rufus, b. about 1754. m. Saiah (250) One other child, at least. The Tefft Ancestry 23 142 James Tefft and Mary had: (251) Olive, b. September 26, 1770. (252) Eunice, b. March 22, 1772. (253) Nathan, b. October 16, 1775. (254) Aman, b. September 6, 1776. (255) Eber, b. July 30, 177S. (256) Abigail, b. March 29, 1780. (257) Abia, b. June 18, 1S83. (258) Enoch, b. August 16, 1788. Res. Smithfield, R. I. 143 John Tefft and Mary IMatheson had: (259) Matheson, b. September 12, 1771. m. 1793, Sarah Carr. (260) Charles, m. July 13, 1806, Polly Johns. (261) Massey, b. . m. Otis Russell. (262) Sally, m. April 14, 1799, Roderick Abbey. (263) Prudence, m. John Conger. (264) Royal (sometimes spelled Rual and Rial). John was b. in Providence, R. I.; v/as a shoemaker and tanner. He rem. to Smithfield, R. I., and thence to Vermont, where he became one of eleven pioneers who settled the north- eastern part of the township of Huntington, about 1794. Wife Marv was from Gloucester, R. I. 145 Royal Tefft and had: (265) Royal, Jr., b. January 30, 1789. m. 1811, Celinda Robertson, of Coventry, Conn. (266) John. (267) Elias. (268) Samuel. (269) Willis. Rem. to Jacksonville, 111.; thence to Missouri. The Tefft Ancestry 24 (270) Fanny. (271) Persinda. Royal Tefft rem. with his brother John from Rhode Island to Vermont, and they were members of a pioneer party of eleven men who settled the township of Huntington in 1794. He conveyed land to one Hopkins in 1796. He remained in Ver- mont but a short time, and rem. to Erie County, N. Y. From his numerous real estate transactions recorded in Vermont, it is evident that he had liberal means and active business fore- sight, which gave him prominence and influence. 147 John Tefft and Anna Crandall had: (272) Mary, b. August 19, 1765. m. Jarvis Frink. (273) Nathaniel, b. February 5, 1767. (274) John, b. September 4, 1768. d. February 4, 1852. (275) Samuel, b. May 4, 1770. m. Nancy . Rem. to Attleboro, Mass. (276) David. (277) Lucy, b. February 12, 1772. m. William Fay, Novem- ber 24, 1773. John m. 2d Mary Lewis and had: (278) Joseph, b. October 17, 1774. m. January 24, 1800, Sally Clarke. (279) Peleg, b. May 18, 1777. m. ist, Rebecca Barker; m. 2d, May 12, 1847, Sally West. (280) David, b. March 21, 1779. (281) Stephen, b. April 9, 1781. (282) Lewis, b. November 11, 1783. (282A) Fanny, b. March 27, 1788. m. April 7, 1808, David Babcock. (282B) Annie, b. July 9, 1790. m. Daniel Lamphier. Res. Westerly, R. L, near which is the old homestead, built in 1739. The Tefft Ancestry 25 150 Col. George Tefft and Rebecca Brown had. (283) John, b. October i6. 1775. m. September 21, 1795, Martha Rose. (284) Rhoda, b. August 18, 1777. m. ist, Griswold Denison; m. 2d, James Jones; m. 3d, James Vamum, May 3, 1796 (?). (285) Nancy, b. . (286) Eleanor, b. January 13, 1780. m. Latham Denison. Colonel George was b. 1752, in Exeter, R. I. Rem. to Rens- sellaer County, N. Y., and d. there May 9, 18 13, of an epidemic supposed to be smallpox. He was buried in the Denison Cemetery, North Stephentown, N. Y. His family Bible records the death of wife Rebecca, July 21, 1799, but other records state that she died of the same epidemic. May 17, 18 13. Col. George began military service as Lieutenant of the Kings Town Reds, Col. Chas. Dyer's regiment, Capt. Solomon Tefft 's com- pany. 155 Sprague Tefft and Mary Bates had: (287) Jonathan, b. March 17, 1789. m. 1809, Ruth Kenyon; m. 2d, Mary Gates. (288) Amos, b. 1791. (289) Sprague, Jr., b. 1796. 159 John Tifft and Anna Vallett had: (290) Robert, b. March i, 1779. m. August 30, 1801, Anna Woodward. (291) Abigail, b. October 6, 1780. m. Elijah Gillett; m. 2d, Henry Wait. (292) Jeremiah, b. July 23, 1782. m. January 4, 1806, Mary Brainerd. (293) Simon, b. April 27, 1784. m. Ann Webster. The Tefft Ancestry 26 (294) Mary, b. June 23, 1786. d. June 23, 1855, in Nassau, N. Y. Unm. (295) David, b. July 3, 1788. m. June 8, 1809, Charlotte Smith. (296) Nancy V., b. April 21, 1790. m. February 2, 181 2, Isaac Dunham. (297) Charity, b. May 19, 1792. m. April 4, 1816, Varnum Maxon Babcock. (298) John, b. July 25, 1795. m. December 24, 1818, Chloe Field. (299) Sprague, b. July 17, 1800. m. January 10, 1822, Lydia Culver. (300) Joseph, b. November 3, 1802. m. December 3, 1825, Sally Cross Simmons. (301) George Washington, b. January 30, 1805. m. March 14, 1827, Lucy Enos. John Tifft rem. with his wife and children from Exeter, R. I., to Nassau, N. Y., in 1793, where he previously purchased a farm. The journey was made in winter, the family and house- hold goods being conveyed in sleds. The hardships of such a journey for a mother with eight children, the eldest but fifteen years of age, and the youngest a babe in arms, can readily be imagined. The route for much of the way lay through woods, the proper direction being given by marks on the trees. Storms and cold beset the brave pioneers, but they safely reached their destination in twenty-two days. The home which they planted in Nassau was the center of a domestic circle honored in life and regretted in death, and from which descended a numerous posterity conspicuous for the sterling virtues inherited from their pioneer ancestors. John changed his name to TiflEt. a spelling retained by his descendants. He died April 26, 1813, Wife Anna was the daughter of Jeremiah and Anna (Bissell) Vallett, of North Kings Town, R. I. She died March 13, 1834. The Tefft Ancestry 27 160 Rober Tefft. Served in Capt. Thomas Arnold's Company, Col. Christopher Lippitt's R. I. Regiment. Re-enlisted as private, March i6, 1779, Col. John Tophan's regiment. Re-enlisted April 30, 1782, and January 30, 1783, in Col. Olney's Regiment. His widow, then res. in Towanda, Pa. Was a pensioner. 161 Joseph Tefft and Sarah Potter had: (302) Potter, b. August 29, 1787. m. Sarah Kittell. (303) Benjamin, m. Mary Kittell. (304) Sarah. (305) Abigail E. m. Ebenezer Kittell. (306) Robert. (307) John, b. February 8, 1810. m. • Casey. Res. Wayne Landing, Wis. Joseph was b. in R. I. Rem. to Stephentown, N. Y., and d. there January 28, 1847. Wife Sarah was b. April 13, 1769, and d. January 3, 1841. 170 Jeremiah Tefft, Jr., and had: (307A) Dr. Nathaniel E. Res. Plainview, Minn. (308) Abigail, b. March 29, 1781. m. December 27, 1798, Robert Green. (309) WiUiam, b. April, 1779. m. Mercy Tifft. (310) Dr. Jeremiah. (311) Amos. (312) Rhoda. (313) Jerome. (314) Amy. (315) Robert. (316) Christopher. The TefFt Ancestry 28 (317) Nelson. (318) Asa. (319) Rev. John D. Res. Elmira, N. Y. Jeremiah resided in Charlestown, R. I. Rem. in 1809 to Brookfield, N. Y. Most of the family were farmers. 171 Jonathan Tefft and Elizabeth ColHns had: (320) Dr. Joseph, b. 181 2. m. February 5, 1834, Emeline Gilbert; m. 2d, Lovina J. Ormsbee. Res. Elgin, 111. He d. August 26, 1888. (321) Maria, m. Eliphalet R. Mann. She d. March 14, 1859. (322) Amos. m. Margaret Calvert. Res. Avoca, Neb. (3^3) Jonathan, b. January 23, 1817. m. April 8, 1841, Belinda West. (324) Dr. Erastus. m. June 7, 1843, Rhoda Kenyon. Res. Topeka, Kan. He d. January 8, 1880. (325) Louisa, m. September 30, 1840, Persons Gilbert. She d. January 26, 1879. (326) Eli Alonzo. m. June 15, 1849, Tamar E. Hewitt. He d. March 26, 1889. (327) Mary. m. Thomas Kenyon. (328) Thomas Wilbur, m. Emily B. Joles; m. 2d, Frances Gould Kinloch. (329) Minerva S. m. Alfred Hewitt. She d. September 20, 1852. (330) Solomon Perry, m. Mary Van Wie. He d. July 23, 1864. (331) Emeline. m. William Warden. Res. Topeka, Kan. (332) Electa Ann. (333) Rhoda J. m. Chauncey B. Hawley; m. 2d, Daniel Dye. Res. Barrington, 111. (334) Susan Almeda. Jonathan was b. in Lebanon, N. Y. Rem. to Illinois in 1835. purchased a farm from the U. S. Government, and remained on I I The Tefft Ancestry 29 it until 1865, when he removed to Elgin, 111., and there enjoyed the ample fruits of his enterprise and industry. He d. January 26, 1866. Wife Elizabeth d. August 24, 1856. 174 Pardon Tefft and Amy Green had: (335) Thankful, b. December 8, 1779. m. Augustus Bentley. She d. July 6, 1850. He d. August 16, 1833. (336) Amy. m. Capt. John Bassett. Pardon m. 2d, Elizabeth Eldridge. No child. He was b. in Rhode Island; was ensign of the Kings Town Reds, 1778, and lieutenant, 1780. He rem. to Greenwich, N. Y. 176 David Tefft and Ruhama James had: (337) Elisabeth, b. September 27, 1788. m. August 30, 1806, David Whipple. She d. February 12, 1866. (338) William D., b. April 3, 1790. m. Polly Albro; m. 2d, February 4, 1814, Mary Kenyon. He d. January 2, 1852. (339) Mary, b. April 18, 1792. m. February 26, 1809, Caleb Sheldon. She d. March 7, 1844. (340) Ruhama. m. Amasa White. (341) David, b. January 8, 1797. d. young. (342) David S., b. March 23, 1799. m. January 27, 1823, Eliza Woodard. He d. February 22, 1890. (343) Catherine A., b. June 24, 1803. m. February, 1823, Russell Carter. She d. June 14, 1890. (344) Nancy H. M.,b. June 7, 1806. m. December 25, 1828, Lyman Woodard. (345) Pardon D., b. 1808. d. February 20, 1833. (346) Brinton J., b. 181 1. m. Sarah Cooke. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. The Tefft Ancestry 30 177 William Tefft and Elizabeth James had: (347) James, b. June 6, 1787. m. January 3, 181 1, Patty Hall; m. 2d, 1825, Susan S. Wheelock. (348) Betsey, b. August, 1789. d. June 11, 1818. m. John Estey. (348A) Polly, b. March 21, 1793. m. January 31, 1811, William Norton. (349) Sarah, b. March 18, 1798. m. July 18, 1819, Consider White. (350) Malinda, b. January 25, 1801. m. October 12, 1843, Hill Miller. (351) Almira, b. November 25, 1803. m. September 21, 1840, Hill Miller. (352) Sophia, b. June 26, 1807. m. October 22, 1831, Isaac D. Clarke. (353) Esther, b. September 29, 1810. d. young. Res. Greenwich, N. Y., where William d. March 30, 1848. Wife Elizabeth d. April, 1855. She was daughter of William and Elizabeth (Sabin) James. 178 Mary Tefft and Davis James had: (354) William T., b. March 10, 1786. m. May, 1807, Hannah Perry. (355) Elizabeth, b. February 20, 1788. m. January, 1808, William Taber. (356) Deborah, b. October 21, 1790. m. January 4, 1810, Ephraim Pettys. (357) James, b. May 4, 1793. d. May 25, 1821. (358) David, b. January 28, 1796. d. May 20, 1810. ■ (J59) John, b. January 7, 1799. d. young. (360) Joseph, b. June 5, 1801. d. August 27, 1852. (361) Mary, b. March 19, 1802. d. . Res. Cambridge, N. Y., where wife Mary d. March 5, 1844. Mr. James d. December 26, 181 2. The TefFt Ancestry 31 179 John Tefft and Elizabeth Hammond had: (362) Thankful, b. May, 1794. (363) Betsey, b. 1796. m. Ziba Wilson. (364) Mary, b. 1797. (365) Elvira, b. November 7, 1799. (366) Joseph, b. September 19, 1801. m. Betsey Woodward. (367) Sally, b. February 23, 1808. m. April 29, 1828, James P. Gail. John was drowned in Lake Pepin. 180 James Tefft and Mary Ross had: (368) Henry, b. January 23, 1804. d. young. (369) George, b. February 17, 1806. m. 1849, Eliza A . (370) Eliza, b. February i, 1808. d. January 14, 1816. (371) Pardon, b. March 8, 1810. m. . Had daughter. James owned a farm across from the Batten Kill, on which is an old cemetery where many of the Teffts were buried. The name is spelt Teft. James d. January, 1855. Wife Mary d. February 14, 1867. 181 Joseph Tefft and Chloe Heath had: (372) Laura, b. January 9, 1801. m. September 16, 1823, Thomas Chalk. (373) Maria, b. April 5, 1803. m. April 26, 1826, Thomas Haggerty. (374) Otis, b. May 19, 1805. d. September 25, 1826. (375) Amanda, b. November 30, 1807. m. May 20, 1829, Orson Salisbury, of Greenwich, N. Y. (376) Betsey, b. February 11, 1810. m. March 7, 1839, Talmadge Sheldon. The Tefft Ancestry 32 (377) John H., b. February 23, 181 2. m. December 23, 1835, Dyanthia Winship. (378) Horace J., b. March 13, 1815. d. November 13, 1835. (379) William H., b. January 11, 1819. m. September 10, 1846, Mary Harris; m. 2d, May 6, 1850, Mrs. Susan C. Harris. (380) Mary, b. December 14, 1820. m. April 26, 1S43, James Trumbull, Jr. (381) Jane, b. January 19, 1823. m. August 25, 1846, David Hall. (382) Otis Augustus, b. November 11, 1826. m. November 23, 1856, Mary Carlisle. Joseph was b. in Richmond, R. I., and d. March i, 1870, at Sandy Hill, N. Y., aged 91. Wife Chloe was b. March 10, 1782, in Greenwich, N. Y., and d. March 3, 1867, at Sandy Hill, N. Y. 184 Taber Tefft and Sarah Barber had: (383) Caleb, b. October 14, 1782. m. ist, Hannah Green; m. 2d, Lydia Coon Tefft. (384) Elizabeth, b. June 16, 1784. (385) Sarah, b. . m. Crandall. (386) Thankful, b. . m. James Hay. Taber m. Hannah Ross. They had: (387) Benjamin, b. . m. Dorcas Rogers. (388) Joseph R., b. August 5, 1798. m. Lydia Coon. (389) Taber, Jr., b. August 5, 1800. m. Polly Safford; m. 2d, Anne Post. (390) Betsey, b. October 10, 1802. m. May 2, 1824, Alphonso Dwells. She d. December 24, 1866. (391) Mary, b. October 10, 1802. m. Smith. (392) Esther, b. . m. Easson Rogers. (393) Hannah, b. 1806. m. Lewis Schofield. Shed. October 24, 1863. The Tefft Ancestry 33 (394) Mercy, b. September 20, 1809. m. September 24, 1826, James R. Clark. She d. December i, 1845. (395) Anne, b. . m. John Brown. (396) Pardon R., b. 1813. d. April 5, 1833. m. Caroline Clark. (397) Alvira. Taber was b. November 3, 1761. d. November 3, 1834. Wife Sarah b. April 17, 1762. d. . They rem. from Richmond, R. I., to Greenwich, N. Y. 186 Joseph Tefft, Jr., and Abigail had: (398) Joanna, b. December 22, 1789. m. December 10, 1810, Joseph Clarke. (399) Joseph Maxon, b. September 13, 1791. (400) William, b. January 20, 1794. (401) Nathan, b. October 4, 1798. (402) Sarah, b. February 21, 1800. Res. Richmond, R. I. 194 Asa Tefft and Hannah had: (403) Sarah, b. 1797. d. May 14, 1844. Unm. (404) Asa, b. 1802. d. June 26, 1888. Unm. (405) Hannah, b. 1804. d. October 7, 1882. Unm. (406) Thomas C, b. 1808. d. April 9, 1846. Unm. (407) Benjamin, b. . Res. Greenwich, N. Y. 196 Benjamin T. Tefft and Lucy Reynolds had; (408) Lydia, b. February 3, 1800. (409) Abigail, b. February 20, 1802. The TeiFt Ancestry 34 (410) Lucy, b. April 25, 1804. (411) Rebecca, b. February 15, 1806. (412) Hannah, b. March 25, 1808. (413) Benjamin B., b. May 16, 1810. Res. Exeter, R. I. Wife Lucy was daughter of Stephen and Abigail Reynolds, and d. September 11, 181 1. 196a Sarah Tefft and Samuel Albro had: (414) Benjamin, b. November 22, 1798. (415) Alice, b. August i, 1800. d. young. (416) Alice, b. July 29, 1802. ' (417) Joseph, b. July 21, 1804. (418) Samuel A., b. August 7, 1807. (419) Taber, b. July 23, 1809. (420) Sarah Ann. b. November 15, 181 2. (421) Jeremiah Gardiner, b. November 20, 181 7. Samuel Albro was elder of Six Principles Baptist Church. Res. Richmond, R. L 199 Thomas Tefft and Lucy Tefft had: (422) William, b. at Pine Hills, Exeter, R. L, 1823, and nine other children. 214 Judge William A. Tefft and Elizabeth (Betsey) Tremaine had: (423) William Augustus, b. September 16, 181 5. m. 1839, Sarah Elizabeth Creel; m. 2d, Mrs. Emma Tomlinson Wyatt Hutchinson, of Parkersburg, W. Va. She d. March 13, 1900. (424) Betsey Ann, b. 1816. m. The Tefft Ancestry 35 Judge William A. rem. from Otsego County, N. Y., to Wood County, Va., in 1817, going from Pittsburg, Pa., on a flatboat. He died in 1850. Wife Elizabeth d. in 1859. 216 William P. Tefft and Jane Balch had: (425) Mary Jane, b. April 19, 1833. m. 1855, B. F. Jackson. (426) Julia, b. May 15, 1836. m. George Salisbury. She d. December 21, 1892. (427) William, b. 1839. d. young. (428) Arnold, b. March 15, 1841. d. November, 1856. (429) Diana, b. 1844. m. 1863, N. R. Page. (430) Victoria, b. 1847. m. Edgar Burr. (431) Fitz James, b. May 11, 1850. m. Burr. William P. was son of Oliver and Deborah Tefft, b. in Vermont, January 16, 1769. m. in Sherburne, N. Y., March 7, 1832, and d. June 8, 1862, at Port Alleghany, Pa. He was a farmer. Wife Jane was daughter of Arnold and Meribah Balch, b. at Truxton, N. Y., July 7, 1814. 221 Nathan Tefft and Sarah Remington had: (432) Isabel, b. . (433) Luke, b. . (434) Asa C, b. October 29, 1800. m. Caroline Bassett. (435) Edward, b. December 30, 1802. m. Melissa Rogers. He d. July 8, 1874. (436) Willard, b. February 9, 1805. m. Laura Foster. (437) Mary, b. . (438) Nathan, b. . Res. Greenwich, and Salina, N. Y. Nathan d. December 24, 1865. Wife Sarah was daughter of David and Mary (Sheldon) Remington. Asa C. (434) was member of Assembly for Wash- ington County in 1863. The TefFt Ancestry 36 222 William S. Tefft and Nancy Foster had: (439) Stanton, b. 1809. d. October 6, 1831. (440) Mehetable, b. . (441) Experience, b. 1813. d. October 6, 1831. (442) Amos M., b. March 12, 1816. m. Catherine A. Benson. He d. December 27, 1880. (443) Anne, b. . m. December i, 1842. (444) Charles W., b. 1820. d. October 13, 1862. (445) Asel, b. March 27, 1825. m. Eliza Oatman. He d. April 7, 1869. Res. Greenwich, N. Y., where William d. May 16, 1827. Wife Nancy was b. October 3, 1782. d. January 13, 1857. 223 James S. Tefft and Sarah Crandall had: (446) Lydia, b. February 9, 1806. m. October 26, 1823, James Watson. She d. October 26, 1862. (447) Mercy, b. September 6, 1808. d. May 21, 1809. (448) Mercy, b. August 12, 1810. m. February 2, 1846, James Stevens. (449) Sally, b. January i, 1814. d. young. (450) Catherine, b. January 30, 1817. m. March 21, 1838, William Whipple. She d. July 3, 1874. (451) Isabelle, b. September 30, 1819. d. April 13, 1827. (452) Asahel, b. April 11, 1822. d. January 14, 1825. (453) Caroline, b. September 25, 1824. d. June 15, 1835. (454) James, b. August 19, 1827. d. young. (455) Simon D., b. January 16, 1829. m. February 28, 1850, Laura Inman. He d. February 11, 1834. (456) Stanton, b. October 16, 1832. d. young. (457) James C, b. September 18, 1836. m. April 16, 1854, Betsey E. Taber. Res. Greenwich, N. Y., where James S. d. August 29, 1852. The Tefft Ancestry 37 Wife Sarah was b. November 27, 1788, and d. August 29, 1853. James S. was member of Assembly for Washington County in 1822. 22s Caleb Tefft and had: (45 7 a) Caleb, m. (45 7 b) Stephen. (457 c) John. (4570) Barton. (457E) Henry. (45 7 f) Thomas. Res. Mannsvill, N. Y. Caleb was buried at Pierpont Manor, N. Y. (458 (459 (460 (461 (462 (463 (464 (465 (466 (467 (468 (469 240 Nathan Tefft and Betsey Buck had: Minerva, b. January 19, 1806. m. Philo C. Watson. Phoebe, b. June i, 1808. m. John Catlin. George W., b. June 8, 1810. m. Hannah Rexford. Hiram C, b. June 28, 181 2. m. Ann Parr; m. 2d, Caroline Fowler. Isabel, b. August 10, 1 814. m. Ira Whipple. Abraham, b. August 30, 1816. Eliza, b. December 4, 1818. Charles H., b. February 13, 1821. m. Olive Cozzens. Dorcas, b. May 13, 1823. m. Joseph Smith. , b. October 6, 1825. d. young. , b. October 6, 1825. d. young. Otis, b. January 27, 1827. Res. Greenwich, N. Y., where Nathan d. January 24, 1848. Wife Betsey d. January 16, 1869. The Tefft Ancestry 38 242 Gardner Tefft and Sarah Havens had: (470) Sanford H., b. July 29, 1802. m. April 4, 1824, Mary Sherman. He d. March 17, 1844. (471) Lucina, b. June 28, 1804. d. June 16, 1840. Res. rem. to Greenwich, N. Y., from Rhode Island, where Gardner was 2d Major, 2d Brigade, in 1803. 245 Simeon Tefft and Fanny Baily had: (472) Lavenda, b. October 19, 181 1. m. Allen Rogers. (473) Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1813. m. Harvey Cleaver. (474) Gardiner, b. March 1,1816. m. Sarah Dennis. (475) Norman B., b. January 2, 1819. m. Almira Tefft; m. 2d, Harriet Clark. (476) Dorcas, b. April 13, 1821. m. Asel Kinyon. (477) Fanny, b. April 28, 1823. (478) Fanny Helen, b. February 5, 1827. (479) Nathan B., b. February 22, 1830. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Simeon d. August 30, 1874. Wife Fanny was b. October 10, 1790. d. January 18, 1882. 248 Solomon Tefft and Eunice Burrows had: (480) Betsey, b. August 5, 1780. m. John Benham. She d. November i, 1877. He d. 1859. Res. New London, Conn. (481) Joseph Burrows, b. October 9, 1782. m. Rebecca A. Br ay man. (482) Amos, b. May 19, 1784. m. April 24, 1806, Hannah Forsythe. (483) Solomon, b. September 4, 1786. m. Mary Ann Fair- well. He d. in Charleston, S. C. The Tefft Ancestry 39 (484) Eunice Burrows, b. April 17, 1788. m. Joseph E. Crumb. Shed. April, 186 1. He d. September 5, 1854. (485) Lydia, b. May 14, 1790. m. David Lewis. She d. January 16, 1840. He d. November 9, 1813. (486) Mary, b. May 13, 1792. m. W. Briggs. She d. July 9, 1866. (487) Lucy, b. November 8, 1794. m. Spaulding; m. 2d, Champlain. (488) Sally, b. January 4, 1796. m. Eseck Capwell. She d. 1884. (489) Nancy, b. April 6, 1798. m. William Capwell. (490) Phoebe, b. May 5, 1800. m. August 26, 1821, Samuel Chipman. (491) Abby, b. September 25, 1803. d. young. (492) Abbyline, b. March 7, 1806. m. Nicholas Starr. She d. December 19, 1901. He d. November 15, 1868. Solomon was b. in South Kingston, R. L, 1758. He served in the Revolutionary War, fought at the battle of Groton Heights, Conn., was taken prisoner and confined in the prison ship Jersey. Falling a victim to yellow fever, he became so feeble and emaciated that he was not thought worth exchanging, but at his earnest entreaty, and because of his indomitable determination to recover his health, he was finally exchanged and lived 70 years longer, being the oldest pensioner of the Groton band. He enlisted in the militia, 1 7 7 7-79, was a member of the legislature in 1776, '77 and '78, and died in Old Mystic, Conn., in 1850. He had 3 sons and 9 daughters. 249 Rufus Tefft and Sarah had: (493) James, b. 1783. m. 1804, Joanna Ballou. (494) Arnold, m. Had son, Loren W. (495) Mercy, b. 1790. m. October, 1805/6, Dennis Ballou. She d. February 18, 1826. 13 children. (496) Sally, b. . m. Thomas Entwistle. Rev. Rufus was a Bapti t minister. The TefFt Ancestry 40 259 Matheson Tefft and Sarah Carr had: (497) Joseph, b. . m. ist, Tillie Abbey; m. 2d, Hannah Wheeler. (498) John, b. . m. Louisa Abbott; m. 2d, Anna Bangs. (499) Charles, b. March 25, 1800. m. 1826, Jane A. Chase. , (500) Polly. (501) Keziah. Wife Sarah was b. in Danby, Rutland County, Vt., 1776. d. 1838, and was buried in Cleveland, Ohio. Matheson res. in Danby, Vt., and Cato, N. Y., where he was killed by a runaway team. Was a farmer and shoemaker. 260 Charles Tefft and Polly Johns had: (502) Royal H., b. December 3, 1824. Unm. (503) Charles Saxton, b. July 13, 1813. m. Mary Ann — (504) Polly, b. October 30, 1815. m. Chaffee. (505) Eunice, b. August 3, 181 1. m. Charles Swift. (506) Patty, b. November 7, 1807. m. James Stevens. (507) Elizabeth, b. September 10, 1809. Res. in Vermont. 265 Royal Tefft, Jr., and Celinda Robertson had: (508) Cordelia, b. May 19, 1813. m. James Richards. She d. June 22, 1902. (509) Sophia, b. June 23, 1817. m. Dr. Solomon B. Barrett, of Le Roy, N. Y. She d. August 21, 1848. (510) William Harrison, b. July 11, 1819. m. April 13, 1842, Lurinda Martha Holbrook. Royal Tefft, Jr., was b. in Vermont, rem. to Little Valley, N. Y., and resided subsequently in Forestville, Cuzenovia, Dunkirk, and Hamburg, in the same state. He was a lawyer The Tefft Ancestry 41 and farmer, supervisor in 1819-20, and was appointed a cornet from Cattaraugus County, May 4, 18 14. He was admitted by letter to the Baptist Church in Forestville, with his wife. May 4, 1840, became a deacon in said church, and was very prominent in the conventions of that denomination. He d. in Hamburg, N. Y., January 23, 1864. Wife CeHnda was a Hneal descendant of Ephraim Robertson, a Revolutionary soldier, born in Cov- entry, Conn., August 13, 1787, and daughter of Ephraim and Priscilla (Clark) Robertson. She was transferred to the Baptist Church in Hamburg, with her husband, March 4, 1848, and d. August 12, 1868. 279 Peleg Tefft and Rebecca Barker had: (511) Mary B., b. December 10, 1800. d. 1885. Unm. (512) John, b. 1804. m. Keturah Barber. (513) Peleg Spicer, b. 1808. m. December 7, 1831, Mary Avery; m. 2d, June 30, i86g, Mercy A. Langworth. (514) Ehzabeth B., b. 18 10. m. Willard R. Frazier. (515) Willard, b. 1814. m. January 6, 1846, Nancy Bliver. Wife Rebecca d. June 4, 1843, ^^^ Peleg M., 2d, Sally, daughter of Simon West, May 12, 1847. Peleg d. June 2, 1864. Wife Sally _d. May 26, 1880. Res. in South Kings Town, R. I., where Peleg was Captain 3d company South Kings Town militia in 1804. 283 John Tefft and Martha Rose had: (516) George, b. . (517) Sophronia, b. . (518) Wiatt Rose, b. July 18, 1800. (519) Henry. (520) Lucy. (521) Dr. John. Res. Norwalk, Ohio. The Tefft Ancestry 42 Martha d. December 21, 1808. and John m. 2d, Patty Congdon, they had: (522) Solomon, b. 1810. m. 1852, Martha Hall. (523) Kiram, b. 1812. Patty was b. November 9, 1779, in Pownall, Vt., and d. July 18, 1830. John d. in Venice, N. Y., August 20, 1848. First wife Martha was b. April 26, 1775, daughter of Wiatt and Thankful Rose. 287 Jonathan Tefft and Ruth Kenyon had: (524) Sprague, b. 18 10. d. at Griswold, Conn. Jonathan m. 2d, May 7, 1820, Mary Gates. They had: (524A) Rev. Alfred Billings, b. May 4, 1821. (524B) Israel Gates, b. March 3, 1823. Res. Danielsonville, Conn. (524c) Ruth, b. August 14, 1825. m. William Briggs, of Plainfield, Conn. (524D) Clarke, b. September 28, 1827. Res. Kansas. (524E) Mary, b. August 13, 1829. d. young. (524F) Lucy Ann, b. April 3, 1831. m. Rev. Enos Munger. (524G) Rev. Lyman B., b. July 15, 1833. President Harts- horn College, Richmond, Va. (524H) Jonathan E., b. June 22, 1836. Res. Springfield, Mo. Wife Mary d. in New London, Conn., November 20, 1875. . 290 Robert Tefft and Anna Woodward had: (525) Caroline, b. August 4, 1802. d. young. (526) Jonathan G., b. August 28, 1804. m. February 14, 1824, Caroline M. Tucker. The Tefft Ancestry 43 (527) Sally Ann, b. October 28, 1806. d. September 24, 1852. (528) Ulissa, b. April 5, 1808. m. February 24, 1824, John Turner. (529) Caroline, b. August 30, 1809. m. December 30, 1826, Timothy C. Larkin; m. 2d, Chas. Wicks. (530) Alanson W., b. July 20, 181 1. m. November 24, 1833, Clarinda J. Tucker. (531) Eliza M., b. February i, 1813. m. March 28, 1829, Lewis W. Larkin. (532) Nancy, b. December 25, 1814. m. November 11, 1838, Alonzo Swan. Robert served in the War of 181 2, Col. Carr's Regiment, New York State Militia, from November 8-20, 18 14. His brief term of service is explained by the fact that peace was declared before the regiment reached Sackett's Harbor, its point of desti- nation. Robert d. December 9, 1857, in Stephentown, N. Y. Wife Anna was b. in Lebanon Springs, N. Y., May 3, 1783, and d. September 9, i860. 291 Abigail Tifft and Elijah Gillett had: (533) Nathan, b. June 11, 1797. m. October 24, 1816, Betsey North. Res. Hamlin, N. Y. (534) John, b. August i, 1805. m. November 19, 1831, . Res. Murray, N. Y. 292 Jeremiah Tifft and Mary Brainerd had: (535) David B., b. September 7, 1809. m. July 4, 1856, Charlotte M. Wier (536) Jeremiah V., b. November 23, 181 1. m. February 24, 1838, Palmira Turner. The TefFt Ancestry 44 (537) Rachel M., b. October 30, 1813. m. December 31, 1836, George W. Larkin. (538) Nathan G., b. September 14, 1815. m. March 5, 1836, Mary M. Barber. (539) Polly Ann, b. May 16, 1819. (540) Amasa E., b. February 14, 1823. m. February 11, 1857, Chloe Hand. (541) Joseph N., b. April 12, 1825 m. October 19, 1871, Lilly Lord. (542) Dorothy E., b. May 25, 1827. m. November 11, 1876, Owen H. Damon. (543) Emily S., b. November 2, 1829. m. July 12, 1856, Adoniram Waterbury. Jeremiah was corporal in Lieut. Col. Carr's Regiment, New York Militia, was ordered into active service September 8, 1814, in the War of 181 2, but on arriving at Sackett's Harbor, the Declaration of Peace ended his temporary service. He d. May 23, 1873, in Nassau, N. Y. 293 Simon Tifft and Ann Webster had: (544) Elijah Gillett, b. July 10, 1809. m. March 11, 1831, Lydia Thomas. (545) Hamilton Webster, b. June 20, 181 1. m. January 2, 1836, Lydia Ann Watson. (546) Chloe Ann, b. August 19, 1813. m. Marcus Lasher. (547) John, b. May 18, 1815. m. January 3, 1835, Sally White. (548) Mary, b. March 25, 1817. m. April i, 1843, Merriman J. Lester. (549) Abby G. W., b. October 10, 18 19. m. January 14, 1840, Dennis Lewis. (550) Sophia, b. May 29, 1822. (551) Wrilson S., b. January 10, 1825. m. February 12, 1856, Cynthia S. Lester. The Tefft Ancestry 45 (552) Frances Sophia, b. December 23, 1827. m. Francis Burdick. (553) Webster, b. March 18, 1832. Simon Tifft was captain of a company in Lieut. Col. Carr's Regiment, New York State Mihtia, in the War of 1S12, serving from September S-20, 18 14. They were ordered to Sackett's Harbor, but on reaching Whitehall, N. Y., they learned of the Declaration of Peace, and so returned home. Simon was also for many years captain of Stephentown and Nassau local militia. Simon and Ann were m. at the Webster homestead in Stephen- town, N. Y., and it was said of them at the time that they were the handsomest couple ever m. in that region. Ann Webster was the direct lineal descendant of Governor John Webster of Connecticut, one of the founders of the City of Hartford, Conn., and one of Hooker's party, who made their way from Cambridge^ Mass., through the then trackless forest to the Connecticut River in 1636. He subsequently removed to Hadley, Mass., where he was made magistrate in 1660, and where he died April 5, 1 66 1. His widow, Agnes, m. 2d, George Stocking, a promi- nent member and founder of the Hartford Colony. His monu- ment now stands in the old Centre Church Cemetery, Hartford, Conn., in which city he held many important offices, and where he died at the age of loi years. Simon TefTt d. March 3, 1873. Wife Ann d. September 14, 1859. 295 David Tifft and Charlotte Smith had: (554) Reuben Smith, b. July 17, 1810. m. January 7, 1830, Sally Turner. (555) Joanna Smith, b. October 23, 181 2. m. February 24, 1 83 1, Samuel Coleman Wetherby. (556) Harriet Maria, b. July 31, 1814. (557) William S., b. April 28, 1816. m. April 28, 1839, Cordelia H. Brainard. (558) Miranda Lewis, b. April 2, 1818. m. September 23, 1840, James Harvey Coleman. She d. April 28, 1889. The TefFt Ancestry 46 (559) Edwin Vallett, b. February 9, 1820. m. July 8, 1843, Priscilla Ann Barber. (560) Delia Barnum, b. February 28, 1822. m. May 4, 1838, Reuben Wait. (561) David Russell, b. May i, 1824. m. May 13, 1852, Mary Durbon. (562) Charlotte M., b. July 13, 1826. David m. 2d, Emily Elwell. They had: (563) George Alanson, b. July 6, 1852. David enlisted for the War of 181 2, was ordered to Platts- burg, N. Y., but recalled and discharged before reaching his destination, owing to the Declaration of Peace. He m. 2d, August 6, 1851, Emily Elwell. He d. October 17, 1854, in Veteran, N. Y. Charlotte Smith was b. January 19, 1793, and d. in Nassau, N. Y., February 26, 1849. 296 Nancy V. Tifft and Isaac Dunham had: (564) Ann v., b. March 21, 1813. m. May i, 1834, Isaiah B. Coleman. (565) Priscilla. m. William Wheeler. Res. Lebanon, N. Y. (566) Mary T. m. Isaiah Barnes. She res. in Peatville, Colo. Res. Stephentown, N. Y. Nancy V. d. November 9, 1844. Rev. Isaiah B. Coleman (564) was for forty years the beloved pastor of the Free Will Baptist Church in Stephentown, N. Y. Having liberal private means, he generously devoted much of them to religious and charitable objects, leaving a liberal bequest to missions. He d. March 14, 1883, regretted by all who ever knew him. The Tefft Ancestry 47 297 Charity Tifft and Varnum M. Babcock had: (567) John Tifft, b. December 12, 181 7. d. in Alden, N. Y., 1840. (568) Charity, b. February 15, 1820. m. September 16, 1858, James Dolby Hunt. She res. in Newark, N. Y. (569) Varnum M., Jr., b. March 4, 1824. m. September 11, 1845, Calista M. Cole. Varnum M., Jr. (569), res. in Polk County, Wis.; was chair- man of the board of supervisors twelve years; town clerk and assessor two terms; appointed receiver of public moneys by President Cleveland in 1887; chairman of town board and district attorney in Lincoln, Wis. ; postmaster at Amery, Wis. ; drafted the charter for the latter place ; was an Episcopalian by faith, and vestryman of St. John's Church. 298 John Tifft and Chloe Field had: (570) Martha Ann, b. January 18, 1820. m. September 6, 1838, Rev. Isaac J. Hoag. (571) Nancy M., b. April 3, 1821. m. September 29, 1838, Paul Palmer. (572) Sprague Miner, b. April 8, 1823. m. December 23, 1846, Rebecca Cole. (573) Spelman V., b. January 29, 1828. m. November 29, 1845, Abigail Wheeler. (574) Ursula Cabrilla, b. April 28, 1830. m. April 9, 1846, Edward Vickery. (575) Emily Alvira, b. August 6, 1832. d. July 14, 1844. Residence Nassau, N. Y. Wife Chloe was b. January 27, 1798, and d. April 10, 1864. John m. 2d, April 13, 1867, Harriet Joshling, who d. December 20, 1869, in Cooper, Mich. John Tifft d. there October 20, 1868. The TefFt Ancestry 48 299 Sprague Tifft and Lydia Culver had: (576) Lydia A., b. January 20, 1S23. m. June, 1840, Leander O. Daboll. . Wife Lydia d. March 31, 1823. and Sprague m. 2d, October 24, 1827, Sophia B. Watson, they had: (577) Sprague W., b. October 4, 1829. d. young. (578) Arasmus D., b. February 22, 1830. d. young. (579) George W., b. January 29, 1831. m. October 7, 185:, Julia A. Larkin. (580) James Edward, b. August 12, 1832. m. September 15, 1857, Mary Ann Weir. (581) Willard De Witt, b. August 13, 1834. m. July 4, 1864, Adaline S. Larkin. (582) Frances S., b. June 21, 1836. m. September 9, 1856, Charles S. White. Res. Newark, N. Y. (583) Cordelia Hannah, b. September 26, 1838. m. December 31, i860, Eugene E. Gardner. (584) Samuel W., b. January 24, 1840. d. young. (585) Malinda Vallett, b. August i, 1842. m. September 30, 1870, Jedadiah Chatman. Res. Nassau, N. Y. (586) Amelia C, b. September 25, 1844. Res. Nassau, N. Y. (587) Nelson Isaac, b. December 9, 1846. m. February 2, 1870, Frances Mary Larkin. Res. Hoag's Corners, N. Y. (588) Martha J., b. July 23, 1849. m. March 27, 1873, Isaiah Johnson. Res. East Greenbush, N. Y. (589) Joseph L.,-b. October 21, 1851. m. December 31, 1885, Lillie Bolles. Res. Troy, N. Y. (590) Emerson A., b. September 18, 1853. m. May 28, 1887, Anna B. Tiffany. Res. Chicago. Res. Nassau, N. Y. Sprague d. there April 28, 1896. Lydia Culver was daughter of Levi and Lydia Culver, b. in Stephentown, N. Y., August, 1802. Sophia B. Watson was daughter of David and Hannah Watson, b. in Canaan, N. Y., March i, 1809. The TefFt Ancestry 49 300 Joseph Tifft and Sally C. Simmons had: (591) Abbie Jane, b. October 21, 1826. d. young. (592) Joseph Cyrus, b. January 28, 1828. d. October 29, 1840. (593) Abigail Simmons, b. April 26, 1833. m. January 28, 1866, Zachariah Smith. (594) Susan Ann, b. June 10, 1835. m. February 29, i860, Stephen E. WilHams. (595) Ulissa M., b. April 22, 1837. (596) Sarah Maria, b. November 9, 1844. m. September 5, 1870, George Giles. (597) Charity Matilda, b. August 19, 1845. d. young. Res. Nassau, N. Y. Joseph and his brother Sprague lived jointly on the old Tifft homestead, where they with filial love and duty cared for their venerable mother. Joseph d. May 24, 1879. Wife Sally C. was b. October 5, 1803, and d. March 23, 1885. 301 George Washington Tifft and Lucy Enos had: (598) John Vallett, b. March 28, 1828. m. April 17, 1882, Maria L. Pitkin. (599) Sarah Ann, b. October 25, 1829. m. January 11, 1854, Chas. C. F. Gay, M.D. (600) Lucy, b. April 10, 1837. m. December 2, 1863, Charles L. Whiting. (601) George Harrison, b. April 13, 1840. Killed January 25, 1865, by the falling of a burning hotel in Buffalo. (602) Mary Augusta, b. June 24, 1843. m. September 5, 1865, George D. Plympton. George Washington Tifft res. in Nassau, N. Y., until 25 years of age, rem. then to his farm in Orleans County, N. Y., which he had purchased through his indomitable energy and industry. Thence he rem. to Michigan City, Ind., where he engaged in The Tefft Ancestry 50 the grain business. In 1842 he rem. to Buffalo, forming a co- partnership with the late Dean Richmond of railway fame, in the milling business. In 1843 he engaged in the transportation business, known as the Troy & Michigan Six Day Line, under the name of George W. Tift & Co. His extraordinary business versatility enabled him to engage successfully in various other commercial enterprises, such as the milling, produce and com- mission, real estate, smelting, manufacturing and banking busi- ness. He was a principal founder of the International Bank of Buffalo, the builder and owner of the Tifft Elevator and the Tifft House, whose fame as a hostelry extended beyond the limits of this country. During the last twenty years of his life he devoted himself chiefly to the interests of the Buffalo Engine Works, owned by George W. Tift, Sons & Co. He was a promi- nent and influential member of the Central Presbyterian Church in Buffalo, an ardent Republican and a generous supporter of the administration during the Civil War. He d. June 24, 1882, honored and regretted for his sterling integrity, business enter- prise, staunch citizenship and personal righteousness. 307 Potter Tefft and Sarah Kittell had: (603) Alsena, b. March 27, 1811. d. April 25, 1813. (604) Ira, b. November 24, 1813. m. October 25, 1840, Lydia Carrier. (605) Orsena K., b. March 15, 1816. m. October 12, 1845, Zopher Wheeler. (606) Horatio K., b. June 24, 1818. m. March 31, 1839, Mary Carrier. (607) Joseph, b. February 7, 1821. m. Louisa Pomeroy. (608) Rebekah, b. March 13, 1825. m. October 25, 1844, Luther Pomeroy. (609) Abigail, b. February 11, 1828. m. Ebenezer Kittell. (610) Benjamin P., b. April 5, 1830. (611) Sarah M., b. September 15, 1832. m. December 23, 1854, Wm. R. Wright. (612) Abbie E., b. April 12, 1836. d. April 3, 1894. Unm. The Tejfft Ancestry 51 Res. Stephentown, N. Y., where Potter d. September 2, 1856. Wife Sarah was b. April 13, 1769, and d. January 3, 1841. Most members of this family are buried at Stephentown. 08 Benjamin Tefft and Mary Kittell had: (613) John P. (614) Lucy A.^ (615) Esther. (616) Sarah Melissa, m. Vickery of North Nassau, N. Y. (617) Daniel B. Unm. Res. West Stephentown, N. Y. 310 Abigail E. Tefft and Ebenezer Kittell had: (619) John. m. Margaret Dunham. (620) Robert, d. in Michigan. (621) Mary. Res. West Stephentown, N. Y. 319 WilHam Tefft and Mercy Tifft had: (622) Hoxie. (623) Mary. (624) William. (625) Eliza. (626) Jeremiah. (627) Mercy. (628) Peleg. (629) Levi Ezra. (630) Amos. (631) Martha. (632) Rhoda H. William m. 2d, Sally Campbell. The Tefft Ancestry 52 323 Jonathan Tefft and Delinda West had: (633) Son, b. January 2, 1842. d. young. (634) Mary Eliza, b. April 21, 1843. d. August 9, 1847. (635) Francis M., b. December 24, 1846. d. young. (636) Rhoda Jane, b. November 22, 1850. (637) Frank, b. April 7, 1862. m. June 2, 1897, Mabel Ham- mond. Res. Elgin, 111., where Jonathan d. May 26, 1903. Delinda d. July 8, 1902. Jonathan was a farmer; lived on the old homestead farm near Elgin until his death. Was assistant supervisor of Elgin three years, highway commissioner fifteen years, director of school district, a prominent Mason, and member of Elgin Lodge and Bethel Commandery, K. T. 335 Thankful Tifft and Augustus Bentley had: (638) Pardon, b. August 7, 1799. m. May 29, 1820, Harriet Place. (639) Elsie, b. May 8, 1801. m. 1822, Sterling Mallory. (640) Betsey, b. April 11, 1803. (641) Amy, b. December 25, 1806. m. 1827, James Paterson. (642) Katherine, b. January 31, 1808. m. July 17, 1838, John Ross. (643) Sabins, b. July 20, 1810. m. October 2, 1836, Phoebe Ross. (644) George A., b. August 6, 1814. m. 1838, Martha Lum- bard. (645) Thankful, b. January 8, 1817. m. 1837, James Lum- bard. (646) Ezekiel, b. September i, 1819. m. 1836, Phoebe Ann McClure. Res. Evans, Erie County, N. Y. Thankful d. July 6, 1850. Mr. Bentley was b. August 29, 1770. d. August 18, 1833. The Tefft Ancestry 53 336 Amy TefFt and Capt. John Bassett had: (647) Alexander, b. . (648) Pardon, b. March 6, 1805. m. Sarah Boggs; m. 2d, February 6, 1861, Sarah Tefft. (649) WiHiam, b. . (650) Mary R., b. September 12, 1813. m. WilHam Norton. Res. Fort Miller, Washington County, N. Y. 227 Elizabeth Tefft and David Whipple had: (652) Sidney B., b. June 12, 1807. (653) Ira D., b. April 2, 1808. (654) Ann, b. January 3, 181 1. (655) Job T., b. March 29, 1818. (656) Henry, b. September 28, 1826. (657) Helen T., b. June 18, 1829. (658) Adah D., b. January 19, 1833. 338 William D. Tefft and Polly Albro had: (659) Daniel, b. December 9, 1810. d. September 10, 1837, (660) Angeline, b. June 29, 181 2. Polly d. July 2, 18 12, and William D. m. 2d, Mary Kenyon, they had: (662) Forlcnzo K., b. January 18, 18 15. d. young. (663) Melissa, b. July 6, 1S18. m. November 8, 1840, Samuel S. Sheppard. m. 2d, July i, 1844, Hezekiah W. Whitney. (664) Kenyon, b. March 15, 1820. m. July 4, 1844, Delia Potter. (665) Delina Ann, b. May 6, 1822. m. June 6, 1840, Sydney S. Smith, The Tefft Ancestry 54 Res. Greenwich, N. Y. William D. d. January 2, 1852. Wife Mary d. March 25. 1882. 339 Mary Tefft and Caleb Sheldon had: (666) Sarah A., b. April 12, 1810. m. Seth Folger. (667) Sidney W., b. May 21, 18 12. m. Hannah Hughey. (668) Samuel T., b. December 15, 18 14. (669) Martha A., b. February 2, 1820. m. 1853, Horace Norton. (670) Tabitha A., b. February 13, 1823. m. Horace Taber. (671) Mary E., b. December 21, 1827. m. Russell Taber. (672) D. Henry, b. March 12, 1830. m. March 12, 1854, C. Augustus Searle. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Mary d. March 17, 1844. Caleb d. July 15, 1854. They were both descended from John Teff ist. Mr. Sheldon's line was, Tabitha 5th, Mehetable 4th, John 3d, Samuel 2d, John ist. D. Henry Sheldon compiled in MSS. form genealogical memoranda of the Tefft, James, Rogers, and other allied families, but the work was never published. 340 Ruhanna Tefft and Amasa White had: (673) Pardon, b. . (674) Albert C, b. . (675) Mary E., b. . (676) Sarah Ann, b. March 28, 1816. m. October 4, 1837, Charles Mandeville. Res. Rockford, 111. 342 David Sabin Tiff t and Eliza Woodward had: (677) A. Henry, b. August 24, 1823. m. 1851, Josepha Dana. (678) Mary E., b. December 29, 1824. The Tefft Ancestry ^^ (679) Catilene M., b. July 16, 1839. m. November 18, 1889, William W. Rushton. A. Henry Tifft (677) was commissioner to establish post-offices in California, member of the Constitutional Convention and of the Legislature, and Justice of the Supreme Court in that state. David Sabin d. February 22, 1890. 344 Nancy Helen Maria Tefft and Lyman Woodward had: (680) Rua A., b. May 20, 1831. (681) Kate N., b. March 4, 1833. m. Hall. She d. August 4, 1886. (682) Webster B., b. March 7, 1837. m. Clementina Lang- worthy. (683) Russell C, b. March 8, 1840. (684) Clarke E., b. May 11, 1841. (685) Clarence F., b. May 15, 1847. ^- Sheldon. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Amos Woodward, father of Lyman, was a Revolutionary soldier, a descendant of Richard Woodward, who came from Suffolk, England, in 1636, and settled in Water- town, Mass. 346 Brinton Tefft and Sarah Cook had: (686) Fred L (687) Russell C. (688) Frank. (689) Leroy. (690) Ella C. Brinton was a physician, res. at Conestoga, near Gault, Canada. The Tefft Ancestry 56 347 Judge James Tefft and Patty Hall had: (691) Henry, b. November 7, 181 1. d. June 6, 1833. (692) Edwin, b. December 2, 1813. m. September 20, 1841, Jane A. Rich. (693) Rev. James C, b. March 4, 1815. m. 1850, EHza Benton; m. 2d, 1854, Lovisa R. Sexton. He d. October 16, 1855. (696) EHza, b. April 6, 1818. m. Samuel (or Solomon) Warner. (697) Martha C, m. 1849, Rev. James Bates. (698) WilHam. (699) Martin, b. April 16, 1825. m. Maria H. Scott; m. 2d, Mrs. Lovisa S. Tefft. James m. 2d, 1825, Susan C. Wheelock and had: (700) Caroline, b. 1830. m. 1867, Thomas Ray. (701) John W. H., b. 1833. m. February 21, 1861, Anna E. Hastings. Judge James Tefft rem. from Greenwich, N. Y., to Jackson, N. Y. ; thence to Bolton. He was a magistrate and hotel-keeper. He d. December 30, 1863. Wife Patty was b. in New Braintree, Mass., January 2, 1793. Son Rev. James C. and both of his wives were missionaries at New Mendi, Sierra Leone, West Africa, and James, Lovisa, and a child are buried there. 348a Patty Tefft and William Norton had: (702) James T., b. March 15, 181 2. m. February 10, 1842, Maria M. Steele. (703) Esther E., b. August 7, 1815. m. March 17, 1841, Bentley Harrington. (704) William E., b. July 12, 1818. m. February 23, 1843, Agnes McGregor. The TefFt Ancestry ^y (705) Leroy, b. January 29, 1821. m. February 17, 1850, Sophronia Burch. (706) Charles C, b. March 20, 1823. m. August 30, 1846, Amanda F. Blake. (707) Sarah M., b. February 26, 1825. m. April 29, 1863, Aaron Cartwright. (708) Henry, b. May 28, 1827 m. September 18, 1850, Diana Rood. (709) Mary A., b. December 20, 1S30. m. November 21, 1853, Abram Eager. (710) Edgar, b. December 29, 1832. m. September 27, 1854, Julia A. Welling. Res. Greenwich, N. Y., where Patty d. March i, 185 1. Wm. Norton d. May 10, 1861. 349 Sarah Tefft and Consider White had: (711) George H., b. March 10, 1821. m. 1841, Elizabeth Lyon. (712) Mary A., b. November 17, 1823. m. September 7, 1842, Peter L. Barker. (713) Noah W., b. July 11, 1826. d. young. (714) James T., b. November 21, 1828. m. Lizzie Tozier; m. 2d, Matilda Waterworth. (715) Darwin W., b. March 8, 1831. m. Emeline Roberson; m. 2d, Martha Folger. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Sarah d. January 7, 1881. Consider d. January 6, 1837. 351 Almira Tefft and Hill Miller had: (716) Almira H., b. December, 1842. m. January 19, 1870- Robinson. The Tefft Ancestry 58 Almira d. Jan. 8, 1843, ^"d Mr. Miller m. 2d, Malinda Tefft, his wife's sister, they had: (717) Mary A. 353 Sophia Tefft and Isaac D. Clarke had: (718) Artemus, b. . (719) Henry T., b. . m. Martha Fielding. (720) William, b. . (721) Augustus, b. . Res. Wattsburg, Pa. Sophia d. November, 1865. Mr. Clarke d. July, 1889. 363 Betsey Tefft and Ziba Wilson had (723) Albert C, b. . (724) Elizabeth, b. . m. Chas. P. Disney. (725) Ziba, b. . 366 Joseph Tefft and Betsey Woodward had: (726) Elizabeth, b. 1822. (727) Emily S., b. November 30, 1827. (728) Joseph H., b. November 24, 1830. (729) Julia W., b. June 19, 1832. m. April 10, 1855, Guy Wakely. 367 Sally Tefft and James P. Gail had: (730) Ellen L., b. April 29, 1829. m. 1847, Ethamar S. Town. (731) Lewis W., b. March 22, 1831. d. young. The Tefft Ancestry 59 (732) Marion A., b. July lo, 1832. d. young. (733) Elizabeth, b. December 12, 1833. m. Rev. W. H. Greenwood. (734) Clementine A., b. March 9, 1835. ^- 1861, Rev. Chas. Levan; m. 2d, Rev. Edwin Rogers. (735) Emily, b. May 16, 1838. m. July 10, i860, Benjamin T. Town. (736) Amanda, b. July 31, 1840. m. June 16, 1867, Capt. Loville N. Holmes. (737) Tamar A., b. July 5, 1843. m. June 18, 1879, George W. Jencks. (738) Dora E., b. March 17, 1852. m. October 18, 1879, W. W. Pew. Res. Eden, N. Y., and Mankato, Minn. Emily d. March 6, 1880. 369 George Tefft and Eliza A. had: (738A) Frank G., b. Decembe" 30, 1849. George res. in Hamburg, Erie County, N. Y., and was m. there. He was supercargo on a merchant ship trading in foreign parts. After making many voyages, he again sailed, and was never heard of again, his ship having been lost, as was supposed. His widow m. 2d, Richard R. Landon, since de- ceased. She now resides in Chicago. 372 Laura Tefft and Thomas Chalk had: (739) Ann Maria, b. June 30, 1824. d. December 12, 1830, at Whitehall, N. Y. (740) Sarah Mary, b. August 4, 1827. m. May 15, 1849, Wilham W. Trumbull. She d. October 2, 1861, at Sandy Hill, N. Y. He d. August 20, 1862, at Pt. Lookout, Md. Soldier in Civil War. The Tefft Ancestry 60 (741) Eliza Jane, b. November 2, 1830. d. young. (742) Ann, b. September 25, 1833. m. January 17, 1857, Danvers Doubleday, of Troy, N. Y. She d. June 22, 1869, in New York City. He d. July 27, 1883, at Macedon, N. Y. (743) Almira, b. January 4, 1837. Unm. Laura was b. in Easton, N. Y., and d. at Sandy Hill, N. Y., January 29, 1881. Thomas Chalk was b. November 16, 1800, in Wiltshire, England, and d. in Sandy Hill, December 2, 1889. 373 Maria Tefft and Thomas Haggerty had: (744) Katherine, b. May 14, 1838. m. December i, 1857, David A. Potter, of Fort Ann, N. Y. 375 Amanda Tefft and Orson SaHsbury had: (745) Sarah C, b. September 30, 1831. d. October 31, 1890. (746) John H., b. October 25, 1833. m. Abbie E. Hurd. He d. February 9, 1903. (747) Mortimer S., b. February 19, 1836. m. November 18, 1856, Jennie F. Slade. (748) Horace, b. March 20, 1838. m. Emma Ford. (749) Leroy, b. June 4, 1840. d. January 15, 1875, in Chicago. (750) Mary F., b. May 9, 1842. m. March 10, 1868, Louis N. Philo. (751) Margaret L., b. July 29, 1844. m. Job Tull. (752) Thomas C, b. October 30, 1846. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Amanda d. February 10, 1883. Mr. Salisbury d. April 17, 1877. -1 The TefFt Ancestry 6i 76 Betsey Tefft and Talmadge Sheldon had: (753) -'^'^^ Eliza, b. Jan. 13, 1840. m. 1856, Darius N. Olmstead. Served in Civil War. (754) Henry, b. September 23, 1841. m. June 18, 1870, Georgianna Ripley. (755) Horace, b. June 12, 1844. d. May 31, 1863. Served in Civil War. Betsey d. October 14, 1867, at Easton, N. Y., and Mr. Sheldon m. 2d, Lydia M. Brown. He res. at St. Louis, Mich. 377 John H. Tefft and Dianthia Winship had: (756) Sarah, b. September 26, 1837. Unm. Res. Sandy Hill, N. Y. (757) Mary J., b. November 10, 1839. m. October 3, 1857, George P. Dickinson. He d. July 8, 1884. (758) Harriet C, b. December 25, 1843. m. December 29, i860, Ezra R. Dickinson; m. 2d, October 21, 1874, Chas. A. Dailey. (759) Frances A., b. August i, 1845. Unm. Res. Sandy Hill, N. Y. (760) Horace W. b. March 31, 1848. Unm. Res. Sandy Hill, N. Y. (761) Ella E., b. October 14, 1853. m. May 3, 1874, Nelson Bromley. John H. was b. at Easton, N. Y., and d. March 8, 1873, at Sandy Hill, N. Y. Dyanthia d. March 8, 1899. 379 Wm. Henry Tefft and Mary Harris had: (762) Mary L., b. June 22, 1849. d. May 6, 1858. The Tefft Ancestry 62 Wife Mary d. September 21, 1849, and Wm. Henry m. 2d, Susan C. Harris, they had: (763) Charles H., b. November 6, 1854. d. young. (764) Infant, b. . Susan C. d. June 16, i860, and Wm. Henry m. 3d, May 11, 1862, Martha W. Waite, they had: (765) Martha W., b. September 29, 1865. William Henry d. at Fort Edward, N. Y., February 12, 1900. 380 Mary Tefft and James Trumbull had: (766) Ella, b. November 13, 1844. (767) George, b. December 10, 1846. (768) Charles, b. May 14, 1849. (769) Henry, b. March 13, 1851. Mary d. August 21, 1854. 381 Jane Tefft and David Hall had: (770) Emma J., b. September 24, 1847. d. September 7, 1861. (771) Mary J., b. December 10, 1854. d. September 13, 1861. (772) Carrie, b. July 20, 1858. (773) Emmet A., b. March 14, 1862. Jane d. November 13, 1869. Mr. Hall d. November 17, 1879. The TefFt Ancestry 63 382 Otis Augustus Tefft and Mary Carlisle had: (774) Mary, b. May 25, 1858. d. July 20, 1874. (775) Richard C, b. November 8, 1680. m. June 27, 1888, Mary L. Luther. Res. Sandy Hill, N. Y. (776) Laura C, b. September 10, 1869. Res. Easton and Sandy Hill, N. Y. Wife Mary d. August 11, 1878. 383 Caleb Tefft and Hannah Green had: (777) Marina, m. Ebenezer Conlee. (778) Mariah. m. Eseck Pullman. (779) Renssalaer, b. May, 1810. m. Nancy Beattie; m. 2d, Mercy Closson; m. 3d, Laura Start. (780) Caroline, d. young. (781) Horton. m. Betsey Barber. (782) Horace, m. Esther Powell. (783) John Henry, m. Mary Sherwood; m. 2d, Harriet Betts; m. 3d, Lucy Jane Potts. Res. Richmond, R. I. Hannah d. November 28, 185 1, and Caleb m. 2d, Lydia (Coon) Tefft. Res. rem. to Greenwich, N. Y. 384 Thankful Tefft and Capt. James Hay had: (784) Emeline. m. Justice Weir. (785) Victorine, b. 1813. d. September 6, 1884. (786) John Hay, b. 181 5. d. August 3, 1868. (787) Jane, b. 1817. d. October 8, 1875. (788) Margaret, m. Wallace. (789) James, m. Sarah Brown. (790) Sarah, b. 1822. d. March 12, 1882. (791) Elizabeth, b. 1826. d. January 22, 1889. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Thankful d. April 13, 1870. Capt. Hay d. March 20, 1876. The Tefft Ancestry 64 387 Benjamin Tefft and Dorcas Rogers had: (792) Eliza. (793) Franklin. (794) Mary. m. John Dorr. (795) Clarke. (796) George, b. 1825. d. 1892. m. 1849, Caroline Morey. (797) Ann. m. Charles Downs. Res. Salem, N. Y. Dorcas was a great-granddaughter of Capt. John and Mehetable Tefft Rogers. 388 Joseph R. Tefft and Lydia Coon had: (798) Mary Jane, b. May 4, 1828. m. March 7, 1849, Arnold A. Young. (799) Schuyler C, b. May 27, 1830. m. March 23, 1857, Mary Billings. (800) Martin C, b. April 2, 1832. m. February 12, 1862, Mary Clum. (801) Emeline W., b. March 12, 1834. d. January 7, 1889. m. Henry Inman. (802) Caroline B., b. July 5 1836. d. January 13, 1893. ^• August 31, 1859, Frank Reynolds. (803) Ann Eliza, b. July 27, 1839. d. December 5, 1884. m. March 23, 1870, Wm. Hutton. (804) L. Augusta, b. January 18, 1841. m. December 16, 1875, Chas. E. Clum. (805) Hiram B., b. February 21, 1S43. ^n- December 16, 1875, Sarah A. Smith. He d. July 16, 1898. (806) Susan E., b. January 8, 1846. d. February 18, 1848. (807) Hannah E., b. April 4, 1848. m. January i, 1889, Henry M. Durfee. (808) Mortimer R. b. October 10, 1851. m. January 25, 1898, Anna B. Rice. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Joseph R. d. April 7, 1853. Wife Lydia d. August 19, 1883. The Tefft Ancestry 65 389 Taber Tefft and Polly Safford had: (809) Augustine, b. September 24, 1825. m. John Frost. (810) John Henry, b. September 15, 1827. (811) Sarah, b. October 30, 1829. m. Pardon Bassett; m. 2d, David Miller; m. 3d, John Thorpe. (812) Mary, b. November 24. 1831. m. September 25, i860, James Ketchum. (813) Elizabeth, b. January i, 1834. m. September 4, 1853, Morgan W. Parker. (814) Sally, b. April 27, 1836. m. Henry Rice. (815) Harriett, b. April 25, 1838. m. Newton Carpenter. (816) Ellen, b. October 7, 1840. m. Harry Cobern; m. 2d, Daniel Thurston. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Taber d. April 24, 1866. Polly d. December 10, 1846, and Taber m. 2d, Anna Post, by whom he had no children. 390 Betsey Tefft and Alphonso Dwells had: (817) Lemuel, b. August 16, 1824. m. 1876, Harriet Edwards. (818) Albert James, b. March 16, 1826. m. 1859, Sarah M. Walker. (819) Henry Bolivar, b. July 13, 1827. (820) Caroline L., b. June 8, 1829. m. 1846, Benjamin T. White. (821) Mary E., b. November 16, 1830. d. April 29, 1870. (822) Horace V., b. December 25, 1832. m. Helen Hinman. (823) Horton, b. December 25, 1832. d. June 7, 1870. (824) Lydia M., b. January 19, 1835. ^n. June 28, 1865, Jonathan E. Hoag. (824A) Mariam, b. May 7, 1836. d. young. (824B) Charles H., b. January 27, 1842. d. August 6, 1850. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Betsey was b. October 10, 1802. d. December 24, 1866. Mr. Dwells was b. May 3, 1800. d. Feb- ruary 14, 1884. The Tefft Ancestry 66 393 Hannah Tefft and Lewis Schofield had: (825) Mary Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1829. m. William Tucker. (826) Melissa J., b. September 30, 1830. m. January 20, 1853, Nathan B. Tefft, son of Simeon B. and Fanny (Baily) Tefft. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Hannah d. October 24, 1863. Mr. Schofield d. August 23, 1881. 394 Mercy Tefft and James R. Clark had: (827) Leroy, b. December 19, 1827. m. June 4, 1848, Sarah J. Ostrom. (828) William, b. March 27, 1829. m. August 21, 1849, Martha Phelps; m. 2d, Ada Whipple. (829) Elizabeth H., b. March 28, 1830. d. January 5, 1835. (830) Eleste, b. February 23, 1832. m. July 4, 1849, Joseph Kettle. (831) James H., b. July 30, 1833. d. young. (832) Mary E., b. December 18, 1835. "^- George Myers. (833) Adelia, b. September 30, 1837. m. Cornelius See. (834) Julia, b. May i, 1841. m. January 13, 1859, John Tower. (835) Amanda, b. February 28, 1843. m. October 7, 1858, Henry Potter. 396 Pardon Tefft and CaroHne Clark had: (836) Son. (837) Mary E.,b. . (838) Daughter. Res. Eden, N. Y. The Tefft Ancestry 67 423 William A. Tefft, Jr., and Sarah Elizabeth Creel had: (839) George Talmadge, b. October 14, 1840. m. 1874, Lizzie Scrivener. (840) Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 28, 1842. m. 1861, Godwin Van Winkle. He d. 1883 and she m. 2d, 1893, Albert Van Deusen. Res. Washington. (841) Edwin Alexander, b. January 16, 1844. m. July 24, 1865, Laura L. Tomlinson. (842) WiUiam Augustus, b. December 19, 1845. m. Emma R. Young. (843) Julius La Fayette, b. July i, 1849. Res. Chicago. (844) Paradise, b. 1848. d. young. Wife Sarah Elizabeth d. of typhoid fever, 1852, and William A. m. 2d, 1859, Mrs. Emma Tomlinson Hastings, of Parkers- burg, W. Va., they had: (845) Leland M., b. 1861. m. November 15, 1897. Res. Dav- enport, Iowa. (846) Cora, b. 1863. d. young. (847) Charles D., b. 1865. Res. Grass Creek, Ind. (848) Minnie M., b. 1866. m. 1890, Joseph Friend, Washing- ton Court House, Ohio. (849) Rush C, b. 1868. m. 1898, Lizzie Friend. Res. Wash- ington Court House, Ohio. (850) Alice. (851) Jessie L., b. 1874. m. Clarence Taylor. Res. Michigan. (852) J. Herbert, b. 1876. Res. Davenport, Iowa. (853) Lynn H., b. 1879. Res. Grass Creek, Ind. (854) Nellie L., b. 1882. Res. Washington Court House, Ohio. (855) Floyd H., b. 1885. (856) Tolbert L., b. 1893. Res. in Parkersburg, W. Va., whence the family rem. suc- cessively to La Fayette, Ind., Battle Ground, Ind., and Summit Hill, Ohio. Wm. A. d. in Pulaski, Tenn., April 17, 1894. The Tefft Ancestry ' 68 434 Asa C. Tefft and Caroline Bassett had: (858) Caroline, b. October 13, 1834. (859) Pope C, b. December 18, 1836. (860) Edwin Bassett, b. July 16, 1841. (861) Ruth S., b. January 24, 1844. Asa C. was a member of assembly for Washington County, N. Y. in 1863. 442 Amos N. Tefft and Catherine A. Benson had: (862) Lauriette, b. March 29, 1845. d. March 16, 1894. (863) Caroline b. November 15, 1846. d. August 25, 1852. (864) George S., b. July 19, 1848. d. September 7, 1849. (865) Ella F., b. January 7, 1853. (866) Florence W., b. August 16, 1856. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Amos M. d. Dec. 27, 1880. 455 Simon D. R. Tefft and Laura Inman had: (867) Martin W., b. December 8, 1851. m. January 16, 1889, Christian Tubbs. (868) Fred J., b. October 24, 1853. m. July i, 1876, Emma Foster. (869) Seth R., b. July 17, 1855. m. 1886, Lena Tefft. (870) Sarah, b. March i, 1857. m. January 17, 1877, Clarence Harrington. (871) Julia, b. July 22, 1859. m. December 29, 1880, Arthur Petteys. (872) Deranzel, b. December 25, 1862. (873) J. Edward, b. July 24, 1864. m. March 26, 1893, Mary Huggins. The Tefft Ancestry 69 (874) Harriet, b. July 22, 1867. (875) Brainard H., b. November 16, 1870. m. January 13, 1897, Alice Cameron. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Simon D. R. d. September 19, 1897. 45 7A Caleb Tefft and had: (87 5 a) Orena Angell. Had son Wm. Carleton, Syracuse, N. Y. (875B) William. Res. Lacona, N. Y. (875c) Daniel. Res. Pulaski, N. Y. Had son Wm. B. (875D) Leander. Res. Sandy Creek, N. Y. Had sons Wilber S. and Warren H. 470 Sanford H. Tefft and Mary Sherman had: (876) John B., b. March 2, 1826. d. October, 1900. (877) Lucina F., b. May 24, 1829. m. Seth Whitaker. Res. Cambridge, N. Y. (878) Mary Jane, b. October 26, 1831. d. 1835. (879) Harvey S., b. October 17, 1833. m. January 13, 1859, Mary J. Langworthy. He d. January 13, 1893. (880) Caroline E., b. February 23, 1836. d. 1839. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. Sanford H. d. March 17, 1844. Wife Mary d. in 1856. 493 James Tefft and Joanna Ballou had: (881) Waity, b. October, 1806. m. April i, 1824, Arnold Paine, m. 2d David Carpenter. She d. July 30, 1872, in Franklin, Mass. The Tefft Ancestry 70 (882) Sanford, b. November, 1808. m. January, 1835, Bet- sey Smith. He d. September 30, 1869, in Mans- field, Conn. Two children. (883) Burrill, b. February 12, 181 1. m. December 4, 1834, Rhoda Buffum. He d. February 13, 1884. (884) Ransom, b. March, 1813. m. 1837, Lucy Beckwith. He d. February 19, 1872. Soldier in Civil War. Res. Franklin, Mass. (885) Otis, B., b. January 1815. m. 1837, Lorinda Gleason. He d. February, 1870. (886) William, b . (887) Rufus W., b. July 7, 1820. m. August 27, 1838, Judith Buxton. He d. January 18, 1873. (888) Mary Ann, b. December, 1826. m. William Gurley. m. 2d Charles Gleason. Res. North Smithfield, R. I., where wife Joanna d. December 27, 1863. James d. August i, 1874, in Burrillville, R. I. (889 (890 (891 (892 (893 (894 (895 (896 (897 (898 (899 (900 499 Charles Tefft and Jane A. Chase had: Sarah, m. Joseph Holloway. She d. 1855. He d. 1896. Mary, m. Rufus L. Willard. She d. 1888. George, d. aged 25. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Caroline, m. J. W. Holloway of Akron, Ohio. Adaline. m. Harmon Hayes. Mark C. m. Julia Randall. Soldier in Civil War. Lucinda. d. young. Euphemia. m. Edgar C. Edsell. JuHa. m. A. J. Moody. Jane Ann, d. 1895. Willard H., m. Cordelia Hart. Edwin Herbert, m. Fanny . Charles rem. from Vermont to Cato, N. Y., when young, bought a farm, and also manufactured potash. Through a defective title he lost his farm and rem. to Cleveland, Ohio, a journey of The TefFt Ancestry 71 21 days by wagon. In 1881 he rem. to Cuyahoga Falls, and d. there June 30, 1885. Wife Jane A. was dau. of Joshua and Mary (Hackett) Chase, b. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., August 14, 1809. 510 William Harrison Tefft and Lurinda Martha Holbrook had: (901) Ella Holbrook, b. . m. Edwin S. Barbour. (902) Florine Martha, b. . d. December 27, 1863. (903) Edgar b. . d. young. (904) Frank Holbrook, b. . m. October 2, 1879, Mary Piatt, of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. William Harrison Tefft was b. in Little Valley, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., July 11, 1819. At the age of 15 he had resolved to become a printer, and for this purpose he secured a position on the Cattaraugus Whig. His ambition soon over-leaped the narrow limits of this field, and he directed his attention to mer- cantile life, and spent five years with Walter Chester, of Gerry, N. Y., in general merchandise. He then entered the service of Sidney Shephard & Co., the largest hardware dealers in western N. Y. His industry and ability won him a partnership in the firm, and he remained here fourteen years. Facilities for ex- tending one's business were but few in those earlier days, but young Tefft pushed on westward into the then distant Wiscon- sin, over into Canada, and along the southern shore of Lake Erie, travelling by boat and stage, and creating business by his indom- itable energy and sagacity. In 1854 he associated himself with a Mr. Moore in the manti- facture of car wheels and castings, and the house secured the contract for furnishing the Buffalo & Brantford Railway, the neucleus of what is now the Grand Trunk System. In 1855 he rem. to Detroit and engaged with modest success in the stove trade, buying out also the interests of Mr. Edward Shephard in a hard- ware store. In i860 he purchased a foundry, the lease of which he temporarily surrendered when the Civil War broke out, feai- ing that impending disaster would befall the entire country. A The Tefft Ancestry 72 government contract for furnishing sheet iron camp stools, tin cans, and canteens, soon fortified Mr. Tefft with renewed cour- age and vigor, and in 1S63 he went into the stove business, a venture so successful that three years later he and Mr. Jeremiah Dwyer founded the now famous Detroit Stove Works, whose products are distributed over North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Mr. Tefi^t was president not only of the Detroit Stove Works, but also of the Banner Tobacco Works, the Frankfort Blast Furnace Company, of the Detroit and Saline Plank Road Com- pany, a director of the First National Bank of Detroit, of the Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of the Eldridge Sewing Machine Company, and of the Detroit Steel and Brass Manu- facturing Co., and a heavy stockholder in the Michigan Stove Works. A man of fine physical presence, genial manners, and public spirit, Mr. Tefft easily stood in the fore-front of Detroit's hon- ored citizens. He d. June 19, 1884. His wife, Lurinda Martha, was the dau. of William and Martha (Stebbins) Holbrook, b. in Forestville, N. Y., March 13, 1819. She was a lineal descendant of Ephraim Robertson, a Revolutionary soldier. She d. Jan- uary 26, 1872. 512 John Tefft and Keturah Barber had: (905) John O. (906) Charles William. (907) Martin Van Buren. 513 Peleg Spicer Tefft and Mary Avery had: (908) Peleg Spicer, Jr., b. December 19, 1832. m. September 8, 1856, Lydia G. Bliver. (909) Jacob Avery, b. July 30, 1835. ™- February 4, 1862, Martha Ann Rogers, (gio) Rebecca Maria, b. October 18, 1S41. m. October 18, 1864, Elisha Satalee Allyn. The Tefft Ancestry 73 515 Willard Tefft and Nancy Bliven had: (911) Annie. (912) Alonzo. Willard and Nancy were m. at Westerly, June 26, 1846. 522 Solomon Tefft and Martha Hall had: (913) Henry S., b. 1853. m. . Wife Martha was from England. She d. 1855. Solomon rem. to the South, taught school, was admitted to the bar at Jackson, Miss., where he married. He was a Unionist, and prudently sold his Southern property, investing the pro- ceeds in Nebraska lands. He was arrested in 1863, confined in several prisons, and finally died in Salisbury prison, N. C. His son Henry was a fellow prisoner, and the father starved himself to keep alive his son, who was eventually sent North and cared for by his uncle Hiram at Venice, N. Y. He graduated from Cornell University, and is now a lawyer in Chicago. 526 Jonathan G. Tifft and Caroline M. Tucker had: (914) Martha E., b. December 7, 1825. d. July 24, 1827. (915) Jonathan N., b. June 22, 1828. m. December 31, 1848, Martha E. Fish, of Illion, N. Y. (916) Harry R., b. August 20, 1832. m. September 15, 1859, Mary E. Gray, Brooklyn, N. Y. (917) Mindwell A., b. September 14, 1834. m. December 29, 1859, Chas. B. Shaw. (918) Caroline S.. b. September 3, 1837. m. December 29, 1859, WilHam F. Chittenden. \ \ / The Tefft Ancestry 74 (919) Alanson H., b. September i8, 1843. ™- September 20, 1865, Esther R. Underwood. (920) George W., b. December 2, 1844. d. December 13, 1844. Jonathan G., d. in Charlestown, W. Va., January 30, 1865. Wife Caroline was b. August 17, 1805, and d. April 12, 1891, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 528 Ulissa Tefft and John Turner had: (921) Stephen J., b. May 6, 1827. (922) Mary Louisa, b. April 29, 1829. (923) Robert Tifft, b. January 28, 1835. (924) Anna Frances, b. December 27, 1857. Res. Veteran, N. Y., where Ulissa d. October i, 1871. Mr. Turner d. January 15, 1881. 531 Eliza M. Tifft and Lewis W. Larkin had: (925) Anna Eliza, b. February 4, 1835. (926) Rosalia Caroline, b. July 30, 1838. (927) Lewis Willard, b. June 26, 1841, d. April 30, 1884. Res. Stephentown and Nassau, N. Y. Eliza M. d. March 14, 1894, in Troy, N. Y. 532 Nancy Tifft and Alonzo Swan had: (928) Nelson A., b. March 16, 1839. (929) Mary F., b. December 10, 1844. (930) Sarah A., b. November 10, 1853. Res. Nassau and Stephentown, N. Y., where Nancy d. June 25, 1885. The Tefft Ancestry 75 535 David B. Tifft and Charlotte M. Wier had: (931) Estelle C, b. May 29, 1857. d. 1863. (932) Eulalie A., b. June 13, 1865. m. February 25, 1892, M. J. Rogers, New Lebanon, N. Y. (933) Iranelle, G., b. October 4, 1870. Res. Nassau and Troy, N. Y. 536 Jeremiah V. Tifft and Palmira Turner had: (934) Lewis E., b. June i, 1843. (935) Nelson V., b. February 20, 1846, m. March 24, 1866, Nancy C. Bateman. (936) William L., b. March 16, 1848. (937) Helen Maria, b. November 3, 1853. m. February/ 5, 187 1, Silas J. Bailey. Palmira was b. in Nassau, N. Y., February 9, 182 1. Jeremiah d. there June 20, 1888. 538 Nathan G. Tifft and Mary M. Barber had; (938) Mary Priscilla, b. July 4, 1836. (939) N. Orlando, b. January 17, 1838. d. 1848. (940) WilHam Mortimer, b. October 21, 1839. d. 1847. (941) Amasa G., b. September i, 1849. d. 1856. Res. Nassau, N. Y. 540 Amasa Edgar Tifft and Chloe Hand had: (942) Edgar Hand, b. September 30, 1861. m. February i, 1882, Lizzie Bell Strong, of Genoa, N. Y. Amasa E. was b. in Lebanon Springs, N. Y.., resided for a short time in Illinois, and finally settled in Genoa, N. Y., where he be- The Tefft Ancestry 76 came a thrifty farmer. His estate was a model of intelligent and thorough appointment, its buildings being the best in Cayuga County. He d. November 24, 1894, loved in life and regretted in death for his piety and benevolence. 544 Elijah Gillett Tifft and Lydia Thomas had: (942A) Ursula, b. May 27, 1831. m. June 2, 1849, Levi Moore. (942B) Ann Mary, b. February 12, 1835. m. Leander Ster- ling. She d. September 9, 1876. Lydia Thomas dying, Elijah G. m. 2d, Aug. 29, 1837, Lydia Ann Lewis, they had: (942c) Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1838. m. September 15, 1859, James M. Beman. (943) Simon E., b. May 27, 1840. m. September 20, 1863, Ceclia Ayer. (944) Eugenia Adelaide, b. May 7, 1843. ™- January 21, 1866, John Martin. Res. Angola. (945) Eudora J., b. December 28, 1847. m. December 18, 1867, John Herbert Dingman. (946) Zachary Taylor, b. March 10, 1850. Res. Titusville, Pa. (947) Winfield Scott, b. December 28, 1852. m. . Res. Angola, N. Y. (948) Charles L., b. February 9, 1856. sj. . Elijah G. was supervisor of Nassau, N. Y., for two terms, dep- uty sheriff of Renssalaer County six or eight years, and a pros- perous merchant both at Hoag's Corners and Angola, N. Y. He d. April 7, 1883. First wife was b. in Stephentown, N. Y., June 19, 181 1. Second wife Lydia was b. in Nassau, October 20, 1 818, and d. in Titusville, Pa., June 23, 1891. The TefFt Ancestry -j-j 545 Hamilton Webster Tifft and Lydia Ann Watson had: (94g) William H., h. September 5, 1836. m. July i4,,i86i, Mary Clark. (950) Marcus L., b. September 13, 1837. d. 1841. (951) Webster, b. August 28, 1S38. d. 1841. (952) Laurena H., b. Nov. 23, 1840. m. February 23, 1861, Dalmar W. Dunham. (953) Charles H., b. November 13, 1843. m. December 21, 1872, Lavantha C. Dow. (954) Ellen M., b. February 3, 1849. ^n- October 23, 1864, Alfred Strait. (955) Cynthia L., b. February 12, 1856. Res. East Nassau, N. Y. Hamilton W. d. March 4, 1883. Lydia Ann d. August 16, 1887. 547 John Tifft and Sally White had: (956) Lewis Augustus; b. June 13, 1836. m. June 15, 1869. Lurancie Trask. (957) James Webster, b. October 15, 1838. m. September 22, 1868, Joan C. Palmer. (958) Priscilla Ann, b. November 2, 1842. m. August 25, 1885, Valda Mere Canfield. (959) Mary Adelia b. June 23, 1848. m. September 19, 1866, Lyman Haley. Res. Buffalo, N. Y. John d. January 23, 1852. 548 Mary Tifft and Merriman J. Lester had: (960) Webster T., b. April 21. 1844. d. young. (961) Sophia, b. April 2, 1847. d. October 31, 1849, (962) George W. T. The TefFt Ancestry 78 (963) Charles G. (964) Fred J. 551 Wrilson S. Tifft and Cynthia S. Lester had: (965) Jennie, b. May 23, 1859. d. young. . (966) Charles Lester, b. October 26, 1862. d. October 2, 1870. (967) Curtis Gay, b. April 9, 1866. d. November 3, 1870. (968) Maxon Wrilson, b. March 24, 1875. (969) Lilian Vary, b. June 28, 1877. d- May 16, 1888. (970) Robert Hull, b. June 23, 1886. Res. Buffalo, N. Y. Wrilson Simon m. 2d July 5, 1874, Maria Elizabeth Maxon, of Adams, N. Y., who was b. June 5, 1856. He d. May 3, 1900. Mr. Tifft, like so many others of this widely extended family, was a se.f-made man. His early years were spent on his father's farm, and he gained in the district school the average education of the country-side in those days. When twenty-four years old he rem. to Buffalo, engaging in the dairy business, which he devel- oped into a large wholesale trade, supplying hotels, lake steamers, and grocers. He retired with a comfortable fortune in 1872, and confined himself thereafter, until his death, to his real estate interests. He was a devoted member and for fifteen years a trustee of Grace M. E. Church; generous, but wisely discriminat- ing in his charities, helpful to those less fortunate than himself, and a living illustration of what industry, integrity, and piety can do in fashioning the life and character of man. Mrs. Maria E. Tifft has earned the gratitude of that portion of the Tefft and Tifft families whose records were compiled by her and published in 1896. To her literary labors she has added those of a charitable and religious nature, having been a mem- ber of the Woman's Educational and Industrial Unions of Buf- falo since their organization. 554 Reuben Smith Tifft and Sally Turner had: (971) Charlotte Katherine, b. February 16, 1831. m. Janu- ary 13, 1853, Norman Wood. The Tefft Ancestry 79 (972) John Benjamin, b. November lo, 1832. m. January 17, 1 86 1, Betsey Briggs. (973) David Edwin, b. November 10, 1832. m. October 7, i860, Margaret A. Duefur. (974) Reuben, b. February 19, 1835. m. September 15, 1856, Emaline Rebecca Crane. (975) William Miller, b. September 19, 1837. d. February 27, 1851. (976) Sally M., b. May 27, 1840. d. young. (977) Chloe Angeline, b. March 13, 1843. (978) Lucretia Sarah, b. January 6, 1846. (979) Harvey M., b. July 29, 1854. m. November 19, 1876, Emma E. Anthony. Res. Veteran, N. Y. Reuben S. rem. from Renssalaer County to Chemung County, N. Y., in February, 1829, making the journey with four other pioneers by ox carts in thirteen days, suffering great privations from severely inclement weather. They found but one frame house in the vicinity — a school- house, and their first Sunday worship was conducted in a barn. Reuben S. became a successful farmer, was supervisor of the town, highway commissioner, and a member of the board of judges at the Chemung County Agricultural Fair for many years. He m. 2d, May 6, 1867, Lucinda Martha Coleman, and d. November 13, 1888. Wife Sally was b. in Nassau, N. Y., March 2, 181 1, and d. October 26, 1864. 557 William S. Tifft and Cordelia H. Brainard had: (980) William Alonzo, b. March 23, 1840. m. March 23, 1868, Agnes M. Green. He d. May 20, 1886. (981) Nathan Henry, b. April i, 1844. Served in Civil War. (982) David Brainard, b. December 5, 1847. Res. Millport, N. Y. William S. was highway commissioner for Millport for twelve years and a trustee of the Baptist church for twenty years. Wife Cordelia H. was b. in Stephen- The TefFt Ancestry 80 town, N. Y., April 30, 1829, and d. April 28, 1878. William S. m. 2d January 22, 1880, Phoebe Ann Carr, who was b. in Tireton, Ohio, October 12, 1843. 559 Edwin Vallett Tifft and Priscilla Ann Bar- ber had: (983) Charles Edwin, b. June 26, 1844. m. March 6, 1867, Olive Adelia Vangorden. (984) Emily Frances, b. January 15, 1846. m. April 16, 1866, Leonard Elmer Dufur. (985) Cyrus R., b. July 20, 1848. (986) Mary Adelia, b. July 11, 1850. m. March 27, 1872, Wil- liam Holtz. Res. Elmira, N. Y. Res. Nassau, Veteran, and Millport, N. Y. Edwin Vallett Tifft served the Baptist Church as deacon and trustee for many years. Wife Priscilla Ann was b. November 23, 1820, and d. March 7, 1852. Edwin V. m. 2d, Marion Sirena Lamb, b. August 4, 1835, a devoted Christian woman, prominent for many years in educational, temperance, and missionary work. 561 David Russell Tifft and Mary Durbon had: (987) William Fred, b. January 17, 1855. m. January 5, 1 89 1, Hattie May Burton. (988) Delia LiHan, b. March 5, 1857. m. May 13, 1882, John C. Hadley. (989) Frank Richard, b. September 2, 1859. m. February 24, 1890, Hattie Lorena Davis. (990) Katie Emeline, b. October 4, 1862. m. October 26, 1881, Nathan H. Fosdick. (991) Rose Lottie, b. September 5, 1866. m. November 20, 1892, Leonard Freeman. Res. Veteran, N. Y. The Tefft Ancestry 8i 573 Spelman V. Tifft and Abigail Wheeler had: (992) Melissa, b. May 28, 1847. m. January 5, 1864, Peter Dickerson. (993) George John, b. March 4, 1852. m. July 19, 1874, Pris- cilla Weliver. (994) Edward Spelman, b. September 10, 1854. d. 1857. (995) Carrie Hulda, b. May 5, 1857. m. 1873, Henry Rogers. (996) Eugene Montville, b. January 25, i860, d. April 8, 1877. (997) Francelia Jenette, b. June 15, 1862. m. January i, 1878, Samuel Mowl. (998) Etta, b. May 6, 1865. m. November 25, 1879, Robert Mowl. (999) Fred, b. August 23, 1871. m. November 11, 1891, Effie Bachelder. Res. Cooper, Mich. Spelman V. d. January i, 1895, i^^ Kala- mazoo. 574 Ursula Cabrilla Tifft and Edward Vickery had: (1000) Ira, b. March 8, 1848. Res. Crary, No. Dakota, (looi) Josiah, b. 1850. Res. Kalamazoo, Mich. (1002) Emma, b. Aug. 12, 1851. m. March 8, 1868, Wage Milliman. Res. Otsego, Mich. (1003) Eli, b. 1856. Res. Gobies, Mich. m. . (1004) Olive b. 1864. m. 1889, Christopher D. Lambert. (1005) Josephine, b. 1866. m. July 2, 1892, Robert L. Davis. Res. Pine Grove, Mich., where Ursula d. May 10, 1870. Mr. Vickery was b. Feb. 28, 1826, and d. Dec. 16, 1880. Reserved under Gen. McClellan in the Civil War, and was at both battles of Bull Run. A deacon of the Baptist Church. The Tefft Ancestry 82 579 George W. Tifft and Julia A. Larkin had: (1006) Georgianna L. b. March 4, 1854. d. May 4, 1875. (1007) Flora E. b. Aug. 4, 1856. m. April 9, 1879, Richard Hill. (1008) Carrie E., b. Aug. 22, 1866. m. Oct. 21, 1891, Charles Englemore. (1009) Grace B., b. Oct. 21, 1872. Res. Troy, N. Y. 580 James Edward Tifft and Mary Ann Weir had: (loio) Alice A., b. July 14, 1858. m. John Hitchcock, (loii) Edward S., b. June 8, 1873. James E. served in the Civil War Company E. 1 25th Reg. N. S. V. Aug. 15, 1862-June 5, 1864. Wife Mary Ann d. July 21, i860, and James E. m. 2d March 12, 1871, Carrie E. Sickles. He d. June 15, 1874. Res. Troy, N. Y. 581 Willard DeWItt Tifft and Adaline S. Larkin had: (1013) Winnie, b. Nov. 6, 1866. m. June 13, 1887, James M. Adsit. (1014) Delmar D., b. Jan. 29, 1870. (1015) Charles S., b. July 28, 1873. m. July 14, 1894, Hattie M. Adams. (1016) Jennie A., b. July 4, 1875. (1017) Mabel F., b. July 24, 1881. (1018) Florence A., b. Oct. 9, 1883. Res. Hoag's Corners. Willard S. has been postmaster for many years. Wife Adaline was b. in Nassau, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1840. The Tefft Ancestry 83 604 Ira Tefft and Lydia Carrier had no children. They adopted: Celestia M. Tefft, dau. of John L. who m. D. H. Holhs, of Holyoke, Mass. Ira rem. to West Stephentown, N. Y., and d. there Aug. 24, 1882. Wife Lydia d. April 14, 1869. 605 Orsena Tefft and Zopher Wheeler had: (1019) Joseph. (1020) Cordelia. (1021) William. (1022) Abbie. Res. rem. from West Stephentown to Stockbridge after Mr. Wheeler's death. Orsena d. Dec. 3, 1893. 606 Horatio K. Tefft and Mary Carrier had: (1023) Emma Louisa, b. Sept. 12, 1843. rn- Feb. 7, 1863, Joseph G. Groves. (1024) Albina Eudora, b. May 25, 1846. m. Nov. 6, 1869, Isaiah Snow. (1025) Smith M. (1026) Zyressa L. m. March 5, 187 1, Charles K. Powers. Horatio K. m. 2d, Aug. 14, 1864, Ann G. Balch, they had: (1027) Sarah, b. June 20, 1865. m. Charles Kittell. (1028) Nella A., b. May 21, 1867. (1029) William H., b. Dec. 27, 1869. (1030) Grace Estella, b. March 29, 1872. (1031) Jennie May, b. Jan. 16, 1876. m. Jan. 16, 1900, Henrv S. Rouck. The Tefft Ancestry 84 757 Mary J. Tefft and George M. Dickinson had: (1032) Charles, b. Oct. 27, 1859. m. Nov. 24, 1880, Addie Harris; m. 2d, Nellie Duel. (1033) Walter T., b. March 19, 1874. m. June 25, 1902, Evaline Barnes. (1034) Carrie May, b. July 9, 1876. m. June 6, 1899, John S. Pratt. Res. Glens Falls, N. Y., where Mr. Dickinson d. July 6, 1884. 758 Harriet C. Tefft and Ezra M. Dickinson had: .. (1035) John, b. Jan. 20, 1863. m. July 3, 1888, Mary Gibson Parks. Ezra d. March 8, 1871, and Harriet C. m. 2d, Chas. A. Dailey. They had: (1036) Frank, b. July 14, 1876. m. June i, 1898, Mary Stewart. Res. Sandy Hill, N. Y., where Mr. Dailey d. May 3, 1897. 761 Ella E. Tefft and Nelson Bromley had: (1037) Harley J., b. Nov. 26, 1875. m. April 27, 1898, Jennie Southard. (1038) Howard N., b. Nov. 13, 1877. m. July 3, 1896, Effie Belden. 779 Renssalaer Tefft and Nancy Beattie had: (1039) Horace D. (1040) Caleb B. The Tefft Ancestry 85 Nancy d. May 30, 1840, and Rensselaer m. 2d, Mercy A. Closson, they had: (1041) Harrison H., b. July 19, 1842. d. young. (1042) Nancy M. m. James Dobbin. (1043) Hannah M. (1044) John C, b. July i, 1852. (1045) Harriette, b. Sept. 29, 1862. (1046) Thomas, b. Oct. 19, 1864. 781 Horton Tefft and Betsey Barber had: (1047) Daniel Webster. (1048) Charliphine. yST, John Henry Tefft and Mary Sherwood had: (1049) Mariam. (1050) Ella. (1051) Charles. (1052) Jessie. (1053) Mattie. John Henry m. 2d, Harriett Betts, they had: (1054) Daniel. (1055) Wilham. (1056) Jennie. Res. Greenwich, Conn. John Henry m. 3d, Lucy Jane Potts. He d. 187-. 796 George Tefft and Caroline Morey had: (1057) John, b. Nov. 5, 1851. m. Dec. 24, 1879, Ada Dillon. (1058) Emma P., b. Feb. 9, 1855. m. Feb. 9, 1871, John Q. Green. The TefFt Ancestry 86 (1059) Lizzie M., b. Nov. 28, 1859. (1060) Ida R., b. Jan. 24, 1863. m. Dec. 15, 1892, John Car- penter. (1061) Carrie D., b. Aug. 17, 1867. m. Jan. 17, 1889, Earl Burrows. Res. Salem, N. Y. George d. in 1892. 799 Schuyler C. Tefft and Mary Billings had: (1062) Henry B., b. Nov. 2, 1858. m. May 29, 1882, Alice Mclntyre. (1063) Lincoln, b. March 16, 1861. m. Dec. 14, 1887, May Betts. (1064) Edward A., b. Apr. 22, 1864. m. Aug. 19, 1890, Anna Jerodat. (1065) Julia, b. Nov. 16, 1866. d. young. (1066) Ella A., b. Sept. 23, 1868. m. May 12, 1891, W. A. Jones. (1067) John A., b. Jan. 5, 1872. m. Sept. 26, 1901, Carolyne Wickwire. Had dau., Theora Tressa. (1068) Schuyler C, Jr., b. Nov. 13, 1874. m. Oct. 27, 1897, Mary L. Gamber. Had son Harold. Schuyler C. was born at Greenwich, N. Y., May 28, 1830. m. March 23, 1858. Wife Mary was born at Hebern, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1838. Res. Norah, 111. 800 Martin Coon Tefft and Mary Clum had: (1069) Blanche C, b. July 12, 1864. d. March 15, 1883. (1070) Oscar W., b. Sept. i, 1865. (1071) Nellie F., b. Aug. 26, 1869. (1072) Susan J., b. Feb. 10, 1872. d. 1878. (1073) Grant J., b. Oct. 8, 1874. Res. Greenwich, N. Y. The Tefft Ancestry 87 859 Pope C. Tefft and Harriett C. Paine had: (1074) Asa Paine. (1075) Elizabeth. (1076) Harriett. (1077) Edith. (1078) Floyd. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Pope C. was for many years a member of the Produce Exchange in New York City, but retired recently. 882 Sanford Tefft and Betsey Smith had: (1079) Rachel, b. May, 1835. m. Feb., 1865, Andrew J. Gurley. Res. Spring Hill, Conn. (1080) David H., b. June, 1837. m. Hattie Buckingham. Res. Bloomfield, Conn. Wife Betsey died at the residence of her son David, Dec. 26, 1903- 883 Burrill Tifft and Rhoda Buffum had: (1081) Stephen B., b. Nov. 25, 1837. ^- April 2, 1862, Juliette Booth. Burrill was a thrifty farmer in Westford, Conn., one of the early Free Soil party, and a deacon in the Baptist Church. He d. Feb. 13, 1884. Rhoda d. Jan. 18, 1899. 885 Otis B. Tefft and Lorinda Gleason had: (1082) George W., b. July 29, 1838. m. Nov, 27, 1866, Arietta D. Gove. (1083) Hiram B., b. July 3, 1840. m. Laura A. Harwood. m. 2d, 1877, Lucy H. Stevens. Res. Canton, Mass. (1084) Mary A., b. Sept. 24, 1842. m. Robert Sanford. The TefFt Ancestry 88 (1085) William G., b. Nov. 8, 1844. m. Jan. 8, 1870, Frances Davis. (1086) Charles G., b. Feb. 14, 1847. ™- 1878, Jane Donald. (1087) Lorinda H. Otis B. m. 2d, Eunice Carr, June 20, 1850, they had: (1088) Ellen C, b. Nov. 14, 185 1. d. at Putney, Vt., May, 1873. (1089) Herbert L., b. Oct. 13, 1855. m. 1883, Hattie L. Pierce. (1090) Franklin C, b. Aug. 2, 1858. m. 1883, Clara Coff. Otis B. d. on the home farm, Feb., 1870, from injuries received by the bursting of a grindstone. 887 Rufus W. Tifft and Judith Buxton had: (1091) Mary Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1841. m. April 7, 1859, James M. Phillips. She d. at Pawtucket, R. I. (1092) Maria Louisa, b. Nov. 8, 1852. m. April 17, 1870, Byron Green, m. 2d, Nov. 16, 1874, Samuel S. Daggett. She d. March 31, 1879. Rufus W. d. at North Smithfield, R. I., Jan., 1873. 901 Ella Holbrook Tefft and Edwin S. Barbour had: (1093) Florine, b. . m. William George Henry, M. D. (1094) Frank Harrison, b. . m. Ella Tower, of loftia, Mich. He graduated from Phillips Andover Acad- emy in 1889, and from Yale University in 1892. Was Vice-President of the Detroit Stove Works. He died June 6, 1896. (1095) William Tefft, b. . m. Margaret Bispham Chittenden. The TefFt Ancestry 89 Ella Holbrook Tefft removed with her parents to Detroit, Mich., in 1855. She was educated at the Old Capitol School and at Prof. Beane's Young Ladies' Seminary, afterwards known as the Detroit Female Seminary. She is a Daughter of the Revo- lution by lineal descent from Ephraim Robertson, a Revolution- ary soldier. Edwin S. Barbour was born in Collinsville Conn., son of Samuel and Phoebe (Beckwith) Barbour. He d. in Detroit, April 3, 1897. 904 Frank Tefft and May Piatt had: (1096) Jeanette F. Frank d. July 26. 1884. Wife May d. Feb. 5, 1895. Res. Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. 908 Peleg Spicer Tefft, Jr., and Lydia G. Bliver had: (1097) Mary Frances, b. Jan. 16, 1858. m. May i, 1888, Isaac G. Barber, m. 2d, May 20, 1890, A. Wilson. (1098) Edward Spicer, b. Sept. 16, i860, m. Jan. 17, 1881, Clara M. Palmer. (1099) Walter Tracy, b. June 15, 1863. m. Nov. 10, 1887, Ella E. Pierce. (hoc) Minnie, b. July 10, 1867. m. Jan. 15, 1889, Willis J. Standish. (iioi) Howard Morton, b. Oct. 14, 1870. (1102) Mabel, b. Feb. 12, 1879. 909 Jacob Avery Tifft and Martha Ann Rogers had: (1103) James Avery, b. July 4, 1864. m. Dec. 25, 1893, Hattie E. Wilcox. (1104) Hannah Taylor. (1105) Oscar Hoxie. I The Tefft Ancestry 90 913 Henry S. Tefft and had: (1106) Stella Marie, b. Jan. 20, i860, d. Feb. 7, 1864. (1107) Lena Florence, b. July 20, 1862. Res. North Ben- nington, Vt. (1108) Bert, b. March 3, 1878. d. Sept. 24, 1902. Henrv S. is in the real estate and insurance business. Res. Chicago. 915 Jonathan N. Tifft and Martha E. Fish had: (iiio) Ella, b. May 17, 1853. d. young. (1112) Etta, b. May 27, 1853. d. young. (11 13) Henry N., b. Sept. 6, 1854. m. Nov. 20, 1883, Ger- trude Havens. (11 14) Herbert G., b. July 5, 1856. (1115) Ada, b. Jan. 29, 1857. (11 16) Irving H., b. Oct. 4, 1858. Lawyer, New York City. (1117) William, b. April 17, 1861. Wife Martha was b. Dec. 8, 1827. Jonathan N. d. March 29, 1883, in Washington, D. C. 916 Henry Robert Tifft and Mary L. Gray had: (i 118) Mary E. m. Arthur Louis Fay, of London, Eng. Henry Robert was b. in New York State. In 1824 he rem. to Hamilton County on a farm. Thence he rem. to New York City, and became a clerk in Wall Street, when 18 years old, rising to the dignity of membership for twenty years in the firm of John W. Corlies & Co. He d. March 18, 1902. 917 Mindwell Tifft and Charles B. Shaw had: (1119) Leha C, b. Dec. 6. 1861. d. young. (1120) Charles B., b. July 10, 1863. d. Jan. 4, 1868. The Tefft Ancestry 91 (1121) Martha E.,b. Dec. 19, 1866. m. Nov. i, 1888, Howard Crocker. (1122) Emma L. A., b. Feb. 14, 1871. d. young. (1123) Herbert H. M., b. July 31, 1874. d. young. Mr. Shaw d. Feb. 5, 1876, and Mindwell m. 2d, Oct. 8, 1877, George R. Sprague. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 918 Caroline S. Tefft and Wm. F. Chittenden had: (11 24) William Herbert, b. Sept. 12, 1861. (1125) Henry Neville, b. Oct. 20, 1864. d. young. (1126) Charles Edward, b. March 20, 1867. (11 27) Frederick, b. Oct. 10, 1869. d. young. (1128) Esther Tifft, b. Jan. 28, 1872. (11 29) Agnes Bertha, b. Aug. 10, 1876. (1130) Helen Hughson, b. Nov. 4, 1878. d. young. Res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 919 Alanson H. Tifft and Esther R. Underwood had: (1131) Kittie, b. June 20, 1868. m. June 5, 1888, Thomas C. Bell. (1132) Mary E., b. Aug. 12, 1873. (1133) Tifft, b. March 15, 1878. 1062 Henry B. Tefft and Ahce Mclntyre had: (1134) Bernice, b. April 6, 1883. m. May 2, 1901, Will Thompson. Res. Marshalltown, la. (1135) Sadie, b. May 27, 1887. The TeiFt Ancestry 92 (1136) Frank, b. Aug. 21, 1890. (1136A) Gussie, b. Jan. 9, 1892. Henry B. is of the Tefift-Ross Engineering Co., General Con- tractors, Chicago. 1063 Lincoln Tefft and May Betts had: Fern, b. May 16, 1892. (1138) Fairy, b. Dec. 28, 1893. (1139) Jack, b. April 5, 1898. (1140) Dick, b. April 28, 1901. 1064 Edward A. Tefft and Anna Jerodat had: (1141) Ralph, b. Sept. 26, 1891. (1142) Izelye, b. Jan. 24, 1894. 108 1 Stephen B. Tefft and Juliette Booth had: (1143) Eva R., b. Feb. 2, 1869. m. July 27, 1892, Albert H. Hammond. Res. Woodstock, Conn. (1144) Rufus B., b. Sept. 21, 1872. m. Aug. 19, 1890, Minnie J. Reynolds. Res. Westford, Conn. Stephen B. resides at Westford, Conn. Has been a teacher and farmer, a selectman and holder of various local offices. 1093 Florine Tefft Barbour and William George Henry, M. D., had: (1145) Edwin Barbour, b. July 24, 1898. (1146) William Tefft, b. Dec. 21, 1901. The Tefft Ancestry 93 Res. Chicago, 111. Florine was bom in Detroit, and educated at Miss Porter's Female Seminary, Farmington, Conn. Dr. Henry was born in Ontario, Canada, April 15, 1862, edu- cated in various schools in the United States, and at Upper Canada College, Toronto, graduated from Toronto Medical Col- lege, Toronto University, and from McGill University, Medical Department, in 1883; L. R. C. P. London, 1885; practiced in Montreal General Hospital, and general practitioner in Detroit, Mich. Discontinued practice in 1894, and removed to Chicago, where he is now vice-president of the Detroit Stove Works. 1095 William Tefft Barbour and Margaret Bis- pham Chittenden had: (1147) Irene Tefft, b. March 5, 1902. William Tefift Barbour graduated from Phillips Andover Academy in 1895, and is now President of the Detroit Stove Works, and of the Northern Manufacturing Co., director of the State Savings Bank, and a member of the Detroit, Yondolega, Detroit Racket and Curling, Point Monillie, the Shooting, Grosse Point Country Clubs, and of the Brook Club, New York City. His summer residence is at Birmingham, near Detroit. His wife, Margaret Bispham, is the daughter of William J. and Irene (Williams) Chittenden, and a granddaughter of the late General Williams. She was educated at Miss Porter's Female Seminary, Farmington, Conn. \ INDEX OF TEFFT AND TIFFT NAMES Abbie, 49, 30. Abby, 39, 44. Abbyline, 37. Abia, 23. Abigail, 8, 12, 16, 17, 23, 25, 33, 43, 51- Abraham, 19, 37. Abram, 19. Ada, 90. Adaline. 70. A. Henry, 54. Alanson, 53, 74, 91. Albert, 65. Albina, 83. Albro, 18. Alexander, 12. Alfred, 42. Alice, 18, 67, 82. Almira, 30, 33, 57. Alonzo, 73. Alsena, 50. Aman, 23. Amanda, 31, 59, 60. Amasa, 44, 75. Amelia, 48. Amos, 25, 28, 36, 38, 51, 53, 68. Amy, 14, 29. Angeline, 53. Ann, 46, 64, 76. Anna, 2. Anne, 33, 36. Annie, 19, 24, 73. Anstice, 18. Arasmus, 48. Arnold, 35, 39. Asa, 19, 20, 28, 33, 35, 68, ^^. Asahel, 36. Asel, 36. Augustine, 65. 46, Barton, 37. Benjamin, 11, ig, 32, 33, 34, 50, 51, 64. Bernice, 91. Bert, go. Betsey, 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 58, 61, 65. Blanche, 86. Brainard, 69. Brinton, 29, 55. Burrill, 70, 87. Caleb, 15, 18, 32, 37,63,69, 84. Calista, 15, 18, 32, 37. Caroline, 36, 42, 43, 56, 63, 64, 68, 6g, 70, 73.91- Carrie, 81, 82, 86. Catherine, 2g, 36. Catilene, 55. Charity, 26, 47, 4g. Charles, 23, 36, 37, 40, 57, 62, 67, 70, 72, 76, -n, 78, 80, 82, 85, 88. Charlipine, 85. Charlotte, 46, 78. Chloe, 44, 7g. Clarke (Clark), 16, 42, 64. Clementine, 5g. Cora, 67. Cordelia, 40, 48. Curtis, 78. Cynthia, "j"]. Cyrus, 80. Daniel, 8, g, 14, i5> 5i. 53. 69, 75, 85- Daranzel, 68. David, 14, 17, 24, 26, 29, 43, 45, 46, 80, 87. Deborah, 10. Delia, 46, 80. Delina, 53. Delmar, 82. Deliverance, 10. 94 Index of Tefft and TifFt Names 95 Diana, 35. Dick, g2. Dora, 5g. Dorcas, 22, 37, 38. Dorothy, 10, 44. Ebei, 23. Ebenezer, 8. Edgar, 57,71-75- Edith, 87. Edward, 35, 81, 82, 86, 89, 92. Edwin, 56, 67, 68, 70, 80, 92. Eleanor, 25. Electa, 28. Eli, 23. Elias, 23. Elijah, 44, 76. Eliza, 31, 32,43, 51, 56,64,74. Elizabeth, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 3: 38,40. 41, 58,59, 65,76, 87. Ella, 55,61,68, 71, 84, 85, 86,90. Ellen, 65, 77,88. Elsie, 52. Elvira, 31. Emeline, 28, 64. Emerson, 48. Emily, 44, 47, 58, 59, 80. Emma, 80, 85, 91. Enoch, 23. Erastus, 28. Estelle, 75. Esther, 5, 9, 11, 19, 20, 30, 32, 51. Etta, 81, 90. Endora, 76. Eugene, 81. Eugenia, 76. Eulalie, 75. Eunice, 23, 39, 40. Euphemia, 70. Eva, 92. Experience, 36 Fairy, 92. Fanny, 24, 38. Fern, 92. Fitz-James, 35. Flora, 82. Florence, 68, 82. Florine, 71, 88, 92. Floyd, 67, 87. Forlonzo, 53. Francelia, 81. Frances, 45, 48, 6t. Francis, 52. Frank, 52,55, 59, 71, 80,92. Franklin, 64, 88, 8g. Fred, 55,68,81. Gardner, 20, 22, 38. George, 16, 19, 20, 25, 26, 31, 37, 41, 4^. 48, 49, 59, 64, 67, 68, 70, 74, 81, 82, 87. . Georgianna, 82. Grace, 82, 83. Grant, 86. Gussie, 92. Hamilton, 44, 77. Hannah, 15, 32, 33, 34, 64, 66, 85, 89. Harriet, 45, 61, 65, 69, 84, 87. . Harriette, 85. Harrison, 85. Harry, 73. Harvey, 6g, 79. Helen, 75. Henry, 31, 36, 41, 56, 57. 73- 86, 90. Herbert, 88, 90. Hezekiah, 17. Hiram, 37, 42, 64, 87. Horace, 32, 61, 63, 84. Horatio, 50, 83. Horton, 63. Howard, 89. Hoxie, 51. Ida, 86. Ira, 50, 83. Iranelle, 75. Irene, 93. Irving, 90. Isabel (Isabelle), 12, 20, 35, 36, 37. Index of Tefft and Tifft Names 96 Iselye, g2. Israel, 42. Jacob, 72, 8g. Jack, 92. James, 7, 14, 15. 17.20,30,31,36,39,48, 56, 69, n, 82. Jane, 32, 62, 70. Jeanette, 8g. Jemima, il, 15, 18. J. Edward, 68. Jennie, 78, 82, 83, 85. Jeremiah, 10, 17, 25, 27, 43. 5i. 75- J. Herbert, 67. Jesse, 19. Jessie, 67, 85. Joanna, 7, 18,33, 45- John, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 35, 40, 41, 43. 44, 47, 49, 51, 56, 63, 65,69, 72, 77, 79, 85, 86. Jonathan, 9, 10, 15, 17, 25, 42, 73. 9°- Joseph, 7, 8, II, 14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 44. 48, 49. 58, 64. Joshua, 3, 6. Josiah, 20. Julia, 58, 68, 70, 86. Julius, 67. Kate, 80. Kenyon, 53. Keziah, 40. Kittie, 90. Laura, 31, 59, 63. Laurena, 77. Lauriette, 68. Lavenda, 38. Leander, 69. Leland, 67. Lena, 90. Leroy, 54, 55, 57- Levi, 51. Lewis, 24, 75, IT. Lillian, 78. Lincoln, 86, 92. Lizzie, 86. Lorinda, 88. Louisa, 28. Lucina, 38, 6g. Lucinda, 70. Lucretia, 79. Lucy, 24, 34, 39, 41. 42. 49. 51- Luke, 35. Lydia, 2, 19, 32, 33, 36, 39, 48, 84. Lyman, 67. Lynn, 67. Mabel, 82, 89. Malinda, 30, 48. Marcus, "j"]. Maria, 28, 31, 60, 63, 88, Marina, 63. Marion, 59. Martha, 16, 47, 48, 51. 56, 73, 9'- Martin, 56, 64, 68, 72, 86. Mary, 5,7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 41, 42, 44, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58,62,63,64,65,66, 69, 70, 75. 11^ 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, Mariam, 85. Massey, 23. Mattie, 85. Matheson, 25, 40. Maxon, 78. Mehetable, 8, 10, 13, 20, 36. Melissa, 53, 81. Mercy, 5, 7, 12, 13, 17, 33. 36. 39. 5i. 66 Mindwell, 73, 90. Minerva, 28, 37. Nancy, 25, 26, 29, 33, 39,41, 43, 47, 55, 74, 85. Nathan, 7, 12, 16, 20, 23, 33, 35, 37, 38. 43. 44, 75. 79- Nathaniel, 24. Nella, 83. Nellie, 67, 86. Nelson, 28, 48, 75. Norman, 38. Index of Tefft and Tifft Names 97 Obadiah, 14. Olive, 12, 20, 23. Orena, 6g. Orlando, 75. Orsena, 50, 83. Oscar, 86, 89. Otis, 31, 32, 37,63, 70, 87. Paradise, 67. Pardon, 17, 29, 31, 33,66. Patience, 10, 16. Patty, 40, 56. Peleg, 24,41, 51, 72. Persinda, 24, Peter, 5, 6, 8, 15, 22. Phoebe, 22, 37, 39. Polly, 30, 40, 44. Pope, 68, 87. Potter, 27, 50. Priscilla, ']']. Prudence, 23. Racliel, 44, 87. Ralph, 92. Ransom, 70. Rebecca, 34, 50, 72. Renssalaer, 63, 84. Reuben, 45, 79. Reynolds, 16. Rhoda; 17, 25, 28, 51, 52. Richard, 63. Robert, 10, 16, 25, 42, 78. Rose, 80. Royal, 15, 23.40. Rufus, 22, 39, 70, 88, 92. Ruhama, 29, 54. Russell, 55. Ruth, II, 19, 42, 68. Sadie, 91. Sally, 23, 31, 36, 39, 43. 65- Samuel, 3, 5. 8, 11, 14, 19. 23, 24, 48. Sanford, 38, 69, 70, 87. Sarah, i, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, il, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 30, 32, 33, 34, 49, 50, 51, 57, 61, 65, 67, 68, 70, 83. Schuyler, 64, 86. Seth, 68. Simeon, 22, 38. Simon, 25, 36, 68, 76. Smith, 83. Solomon, 22, 28, 38, 42. Sophia, 12, 30, 40, 44. 58- Sophronia, 41. Spelman, 47, 81. Sprague, 16, 21, 25, 26, 42, 47, 48. Stanton, 12, 20, 36. Stella, 90. Stephen, 8, 24, 37, 87, 92. Susan, 28, 49, 64, 86. Susannah, 5, 10, 19. Taber, 18, 32, 65. Tabitha, 3, 5, 7, 8. Tamar, 59. Tennant, 8, 1 5. Thankful, 17, 29, 31, 32, 33, 52, 63. Thomas, 11, 19, 20, 31, 34, 37. 85. Tifft, 91. Tolbert, 67. Ulissa, 43, 49, 74. Ursula, 47, 76, 81. Victoria, 35. Waity, 9. Walter, 89. Webster, 45, 77. Welcome, 19. Wiatt, 41. Willard, 41, 70, 73. 82. Willis, 41- William, 1,2, 11, 14, 15. I7. 20, 30, 32, 33, 34. 35. 36.40.45. 51.56,61,67,69,70, 71. 75. n> 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, go, 92, 93. Winf^eld, 76. Winnie, 82. Wrilson, 44. - Zachary, 76. Zyressa, 83. INTERMARRIAGES Abbey, 23, 40. Adams. 82. Adsit, 82. Albro, II, 18, 19, 29,34, 53. AUyn, 12. Anthony, 79. Avery, 41, 72. Ayer, 76. Babbit, 14. Babcock, 12, 21, 24, 26, 47. Bachelder, 81. Bailey, 16, 22, 38, 75. Balch, 20, 35, 83. Bailou, 39, 69. Bangs, 40. Barber, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 41,44,46,63,72,75,80, 85, 89. Barbour, 71, 88. Barker, 41, 57. Barnes, 46, 84. Barrett, 40. Bassett,29, 35, 53,65,68. Bateman, 75. Bates, 16, 25, 56. Beattie, 63, 84. Beckwith, 70, 88. Belden, 84. Bell, 91. Beman, 76. Benham, 38. Benson, 36, 68. Bentley, 13, 29, 52. Benton, 56. Betts, 63, 85, 86, 92. Billings, 42, 64, 86. Blake, 57. Bliver, 41, 73, 89. Bolles, 48. 32. Boggs, 53. Booth, 87, 92. Brainard, 25, 43, 45. Brayman, 38. Brewster, 14, 22. Briggs, 39, 42, 79. -— Bromley, 61, 84. Bronson, 14, Brown, 8, 16, 25, 33, 63. Buck, 21,37. Buckingham, 87. Buffum, 70, 87. Burch, 57. Burdick, 45. Burr, 35. Burrows, 22, 38, 86. Burton, 80. Buxton, 70. Galium, 8, 15. Calvert, 28. Cameron, 69. Campbell, 51. Canfield, "]"]. Capwell, 39. Carlisle, 32, 63. Carpenter, 5, 9, 65, 86. Carr, 23, 88. Carrier, 50, 83. Carter, 29. Cartwright, 57. Catlin, 37. Chaffee, 40. Chalk, 31, 59. Champlain, 39. Chase, 40, 70. Chatman, 48. Chipman, 39. Chittenden, 73, 88, 91, 93. 98 Intermarriages 99 Clarke, lo, i6, 24, 29, 33, 38, 58, 66, "JT. Cleaver, 38. Closson, 63, 85. Clum, 64, 86. Cobern, 65. Cole, 47. Colegrove, 11. Coleman, 45, 46. Collins, 17, 28. Congdon, 42. Conger, 23. Conklin, 22. Conler, 63. Cooke, 2g, 55. Coon, 32, 64. Corliss, 21, 22. Cottrell, 8, 12, 22. Crandall, 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 32, 36. Crane, 79. Creel, 34, 67. Crocker, 91. Culver, 26, 48. Daboll, 48. Daggett, 88. Dailey, 61, 84. Damon, 44. Dana, 54. Davis, 80, 81, 88. Deeble, 2. Denison, 25. Dennis, 38. Dickerson, 81. Dickinson, 61, 84. Dillon, 85. Dingman, 76. Disney, 58. Dobbin, 85. Donald, 88. Dorr, 64. Downs, 64. Doubleday, 60. Duel, 84. Dufur, 79, 80. Dunham, 26, 46, 51, "]"]. Durfee, 64. Dwells, 22, 32, 65. Eager, 57. Edsall, 70. Edwards, 65. Eldridge, 17. Elwell, 46. Englemore, 82. Enos, 26, 49. Entwistle, 39. Estey, 29. Fairwell, 38. Fay, 24, 90. Field, 26, 47. Fielding, 58. Fish, 73, 89, 90. Folger, 54, 57. Ford, 60. Forsythe, 38. Fosdick, 80. Foster, 16, 20, 21, 35, 36, 38. Fowler, 37. Frazier, 41. Freeman, 80. Friend, 67. Frink, 24. Frost, 65. Gail, 31, 58. Gamber, 86. Gardiner, 3, 7, 22. Gardner, 11, 19, 48. Gates, 25, 42. Gay, 49. Gilbert, 28. Giles, 49. Gillett, 25, 43. Gleason, 70, 87. Goff, 88. Gove, 87. Gray, 73, 89, 90. Green, 29, 32, 63, 79, 85, 88. Intermarriages lOO Greenwood, 59. Groves, 83. Gurley, 70, 87. Hadley, 80. Haggerty, 31, 60. Haley, ^^. Hall, 29, 32, 42, 55, 56, 62, 73. Hammond, 17, 31, 52, 92. Hand, 44, 75. Hannah, 4. Harrington, 56, 68. Harris, 34, 61, 62. Hart, 70. Harwood, 87. Hastings, 56, 67. Hawley, 28. Havens, 22, 38, 90. Hay, 32, 63. Hayes, 70. Heath, 17, 31. Henry, 88, 92. Hewitt, 28. Hill, 82. Hinman, 65. Hitchcock, 82. Hoag, 47, 65. Holbrook, 40, 71. Hollis, 88. Holloway, 70. Holmes, 59. Hoxie, 10, 17. Hughey, 54. Huggins, 68. Hunt, 47. Hurd, 60. Hutton, 64. Inman, 36, 64, 68. Jackson, 35. James, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 29. Jenckes, 3, 5. Jerodat, 86, 92. Johns, 23, 40. Johnson, 48. Jones, 25, 86. Kenyon, 11, 17, 25, 28, 29, 53. Ketchum, 65. Kettle, 66. King, 16. Kinloch, 28. Kittell, 27, 50, 51, 83. Lambert, 81. Lamphier, 24. Langworthy, 41, 55,69. Larkin, 43, 44, 48, 74, 82. Lasher, 44. Leonard, 80. Lester, 44, -j-j, 78. Lewis, 15, 24, 39,44, 76. Lillibridge, 10. Lord, 44. Luther, 63. Mallory, 52. Mandeville, 54. Mann, 28. Manoxon, 4, 18. Martin, 76. Matheson, 15, 23. Maxon, 11, 17, 78. McClure, 52. McGregor, 56. Mclntyre, 86, 91. Merchant, 21. Miller, 29, 57, 65. Milliman, 81. Moody, 70. Moore, 76. Morey, 64, 85. Mowl, 81. Mumford, 5, 9. Munger, 42. Myers, 66. Newton, 5. Norton, 29, 53, 54, 56. Inter mama ges lOI North, 43. Oatman, 36. Olmstead, 61. Ormsbee, 28. Ostrom, 66. Page, 35- Paine, 6g, 87. Palmer, 47, y-j, 8g. Parker, 65. Parks, 84. Patterson, 52. Perry, 29. Pettyes, 29, 68. Pew, 59. Phelps, 66. Phillips, 88. Philo, 60. Pidge, 14. Pierce, 88, 89. Pitkin, 49. Place, 52. Piatt, 8g. Plympton 49. Pomeroy, 50. Post, 32. Potter, 4, 16, 53, 60, 66. Potts, 63, 85. Powell, 63. Powers, 83. Pratt, 84. Pullman, 63. Randall, 70. R-ay, 56. Remington, 20, 35. Reynolds, 7, 16, 19, 33, 64, 92. Rexford, 37. Rice, 64, 65. Rich, 56. Richards, 40. Ripley, 61. Robertson, 23, 40. Roberson, 57. Robinson, 57. Roe, 22. Rogers, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,20,21,32,35,38, 59,64, 72, 81,89. Rood, 57. Rose, 13, 25, 41. Ross, 17,31, 32, 52. Rouck, 83. Rushton, 55. Russell, 23. Sabeere, 4. Safford, 32, 63. Salisbury, 31, 35, 60. Sanford, 87. Scrivener, 67. Schofield, 32, 66. { Searle, 54. See, 66. Sexton, 56. Shaw, 73, 90. Sheldon, 11,29,31, 54, 55,61. Sheppard, 53. Sherman, 38, 69. Sher^vood, 63, 85. Simmons, 26, 49. Skellie, 8. Slade, 60. Smith, 26, 32, 37, 45, 49, 53,64, 70, 87. Snow, 83. Southard, 84. Spicer, 8, 15. Sprague, 5. Standish, 89. Stanton, 7, 12. Starr, 39. Start, 63. Steele, 56. Sterling, 76. Stevens, 36, 40, 87. Stewart, 84. Stocking, 45. Strait, TJ. Strong, 75. Swan, 73, 74. Swift, 40. Intermarriages 102 Taber, 29, 36, 54. Tanner, "]"]. Taylor, 67. Tennant, 5. Thomas, 44, 76. Thompson, gi. Thorpe, 65. Thurston, 65. Tiffany, 48. Tomlinson, 34, 67. Tower, 66, 88. Town, 58, 5g. Trask, 77. Tremaine, 20, 34. Trumbull, 32, 59, 62. Tubbs, 68. Tucker, 42, 43, 66, 73. Tull, 60. Turner, 43, 45, 74, 75, 78. Underwood, 74, 91. Vallett, 16,25. Van Deusen, 67. Vangorden, 80. Van Winkle, 67. Varnum, 25. Vickery, 47, 81. Wait, 25, 46, 62. Walker, 65. Wallace, 63, 65. Warden, 28. Warner, 56. Waterbury, 44. Watson, 36, 37, 44, 48, -JT. Waterworth, 57. Webb, 4, 7, 10, 11,15. Webster, 25, 44. Weir, 43, 48, 63, 75, 82. Weliver, 81. Welling, 57, Wescott, 7. West, 24, 28, 52. Wetherby, 45. Wheeler, 40, 46, 47, 81, 83. Wheelock, 29, 56. Whipple, 29, 36, 37, 53, 66. Whitaker, 69. White, 29, 44, 48, 54, 57, n- Whiting, 49. Whitney, 53. Wicks, 43. Wickwire, 86. Willard, 70. Williams, 49. Wilson, 3, 4, 31, 58, 89. Winnie, 22. Winship, 32, 61. Witter, 5, 9. Wood, 78. Woodward, 25, 29, 31, 42, 54, 55. 58. Wright, 50. PRINTED BY R. R. DONNELLEY AND SONS COMPANY, AT THE LAKESIDE PRESS, CHICAGO, ILL. ^,