Class Book __. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT From a photograph by F. Pinard, Manatee and Tampa. MADAM JULIA ATZEROTH, The lady who raised the first coffeeVown in the United States. NOTES FROM SUN LAND, ON THE IJanatBe ^m, (|ulf Coa?! OF SOUTH FLORIDA. ITS CT.TMATE, SOIL AXD PRODUCTrOXS. The Land of the Orange and. Quava, The Pine-Apple, Date and Cassava. By SJ^^yCTJIEL C. TJIPIHIJ^qyC. ILLUSTRATED. BRAIDENTOWN, FLA.: r.Q...^.Q.l:k.:ty^ rHiLADELPiiiA, 25 South Eighth Street. '-'■'' Published by the Author. iSSi. '?r Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, By SAMUEL C. UPHAM, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washingtc, D. C. TO HAMILTON DISSTON, Treasurer of the ATLANTIC AND GULF COAST CANAL OKEECHOBEE LAND COMPANY, Not because he is a millionaire, but for the interest he has evinced in the welfare and progress of Florida; for his integrity as a citizen, and his sterling worth as a man, this Brochure is respectfully dedicated by The Author. PREFACE. Two or three letters written by myself to friends at the North having found their way into print, I have been literally flooded with letters during the past six months, from all sections of the Union and British Provinces, asking for in- formation in relation to the Manatee region of Florida. Hundreds have been replied to, and many remain unanswered for want of time. This little book has been written with the belief that it will answer the requirements of my numerous cor- respondents, and also prove a welcome guest to others who desire reliable information concerning this portion of the Gulf coast of South Florida. With these brief remarks I cast my little waif upon the tide of public opinion, with the hope that favorable breezes will waft it into the hands of those who will be benefited by its perusal. SuNNYSiDE Cottage, Braidenioxviif Florida, April /, 1881. CHAPTER I. Manatee Bay — Its Tropical Scenery — Egmont Key — Snead's Island — Date, Palm and Olive Trees^ Climate — Insects — Braidentown and its Surround- ings — Manatee, the Oldest Town on the Bay — Its Early History — Braiden Castle — Fair Oaks — Orange Groves — Willemsenburg and Fogartyville. The Manatee River, or, more properly speak- ing, bay, is one of the most picturesque sheets of water in Florida. It is fourteen miles in length, with an average width of one and a half miles. One of its tributaries — the Manatee River proper — extends still further eastward, some twenty miles; and another northward, half that distance. Its course is nearly due west to Egmont Key, where it mingles its waters with those of Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. It lies between the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth parallels of north latitude, and in longitude 5^° west from Washington. A person passing up the bay on the mail steamer for the first time, will be charmed with the tropical and semi-tropical scenery that meets his view on either side of the bay, from its mouth to Braidentown, the present terminus of steamboat navigation. Egmont Key, with its 7 8 Notes f, om Simian d. forest of cabbage palmettos nodding their ever- green plumes in the morning sun ; the stately date- palms and olive trees on Snead's Island, on the north side of the bay, and the pretty villas sur- rounded by young orange and banana groves on the south side, between Palmasola city and Man- atee, form a landscape of rare tropical beauty, unexceled in the land of flowers, and unrivaled by the fairest scenes in Italia's famed land. Until quite recently, this part of Florida, the great sanitarium of the world, has, comparatively speaking, been a sealed book to the invalids and pleasure -seekers of the North and West, who spend their winters in Jacksonville, St. Augustine and the towns on the St. Johns, Halifax and Indian Rivers, and console themselves with the idea that they have seen all parts of Florida worth visiting. The principal drawback which the Gulf coast has had to contend with, and which partially exists at this time, is lack of speedy transportation and comfortable hotel accommodations. These are being remedied, and, when the Manatee region shall have become as thickly populated as the St. Johns, our facilities for transportation, etc., will equal those of the Atlantic coast. The railroad now being built by Eastern capi- talists, between Palatka on the St. Johns and Tampa at the head of the bay of that name on the Gulf coast, will be completed within two years. Notes frojii Sunland. 9 Then the iron horse, with bowels of fire, muscles of steel and breath of steam, with a shriek and a snort, will rush over the metallic track and anni- hilate time and space so rapidly, that the Atlantic and Gulf coasts will be within a few hours of each other. A narrow-gauge railroad from Tampa to the Manatee, and thence to Sarasota Bay, will soon follow, giving us direct and rapid communi- cation with the principal cities of the North and West. The round-about route over King David's Transit Railroad to Cedar Key, and thence by steamboat to the Manatee, will then be abandoned, and henceforth remembered only as a necessity of by-gone days. The recent comjDletion of the Louisville, Nashville and Great Southern Rail- road, with a terminus at Pensacola, will soon give us direct and speedy communication with the cities of Louisville, Nashville, Cincinnati, Indian- apolis, Chicago and St. Louis, and open up the best and most available markets for the fruits and vegetables of the Gulf coast. General Alexander, Vice-President of this company, recently expressed his willingness to assist in the establishment of a line of steamers between Pensacola and Manatee, touching at other points along the coast. Our climate is far superior to that of any other part of Florida; and, I do not think I hazard much in saying, to that of any part of the habita- ble globe. Having, during a somewhat eventful lo Notes from Sunland. life of sixty-two years, visited Europe, Asia, Af- rica, Soutli and Central America, Mexico and California, I say, and '^I say it boldly," that in my varied travels, nowhere have I found so health- ful and desirable a climate as '' Sunland," on the Manatee Bay. We are exempt from ice and the chilling blasts that sweep along the St. Johns and Halifax, and also from tornadoes and hurricanes, so destructive on the Atlantic coast. Insects are neither numerous nor troublesome. I have been worse annoyed by mosquitoes in the City of Philadelphia than in this part of Florida. The ubiquitous flea is, I admit, rather prevalent here, but one soon becomes reconciled to his habits, and honors his drafts whenever he presents his bill. Snakes are not as numerous here as in Pennsylvania. There are, however, rattlesnakes and moccasins in Florida. The former I have never seen, and the latter but seldom. Those that came under my observation, appeared to be worse frightened than I was, and made a hasty exit. Alligators are not numerous in this section, and are comparatively harmless. Like a once noted statesman, they desire to be let alone. If closely cornered, they will fight ; but they prefer to run, if a chance is offered for escape. Braidentown, the embryo town of the Manatee, is situated on the south side of the bay, about eight miles above its entrance into Tampa Bay. Notes from Suriland. 1 1 Located on a bluff some fifteen feet above tide- water, it commands a fine view of the surrounding country and of the entire bay. Being constantly fanned by the breezes from the gulf ''with heal- ing on their wings," it is in point of healthfulness all that the most fastidious pleasiire-seeker or in- valid could wish for. From Jack's Creek, its eastern boundary, to its western terminus. Ware's Creek, it contains a frontage on the bay of three- fourths of a mile, dotted with picturesque villas, surrounded by tropical fruits and flowers. Al- though yet in a chrysalis state, being scarcely two years old, it contains two boarding-houses, two stores, a meat-shop, post-office and a warehouse, with a wharf connecting it with the shore — the only one on the bay east of Palmasola city. Pas- sengers for Manatee and other places on the bay are conveyed on shore in sail or row-boats. Ma- jor W. I. Turner, the projector of Braidentown, a Virginian by birth, has been a resident of Florida for forty-five years. Although on the shady side of life, he is still hale and hearty. May he live to see his bantling, now in her leading-strings, the county-seat of Manatee County. Stranger events have happened. This is an age of progress j the world moves, and Florida, after her Rip Van Winkle sleep of three hundred years, is moving with it. Sportsmen visiting this place can be accommo- 1 2 Notes from Siinland. dated widi sail boats for fishing, or mule and ox teams for a hunting trip to the Miakka, the sports- man's paradise. Captain Charles Miller and Billy Stowell, alias '^Buffalo Bill," both ''old salts" and reliable men, can be engaged with their re- spective crafts, the Sancho Panza and Onkeehi, at reasonable rates. Ox and mule teams can be had of John N. Harris and Dr. S. J. Tyler. The reader will pardon a slight digression, and allow me to state, that if any person who knows how to run a hotel, will start one in Braidentown, he will most assuredly put money in his purse, and at the same time satisfy a great public want. A hotel containing one hundred rooms, properly conducted, would be filled with guests six months of the year. We have fish, oysters, clams and game in abundance, on which boarders could fare sumptuously every day. Shall we have a hotel ? One and a half miles east of Braidentown, on the low, sandy beach of the bay, is the irregularly constructed village of Manatee. A stranger visit- ing Manatee will invariably ask himself why a town was ever built here? The following will solve the problem. Adjacent to the village, in a southerly direction, are rich hammock lands, which, in consequence of their malarial surround- ings, could not be domiciled by their owners. The pine land on the bay shore offering a more healthful location for building, the early settlers Notes from Siinland. 13 availed themselves of it and erected their log and palmetto cabins first, and afterward more pre- tentious and architectural structures. The Indian war breaking out soon after the first settlers had located at Manatee, their cabins formed the nu- cleus of a settlement as a protection against the savages. Thus Manatee became a village, and for many years was the only settlement on the Mana- tee Bay. The hospitality of her citizens is pro- verbial. The stranger within their gates who asks for bread is never requested to masticate a stone. Unfortunately, the citizens of Manatee are not as progressive as hospitable. A plank wharf or foot- way, connecting the steamboat warehouse with the shore, is badly needed, and should be constructed at once. There is a great deal of vitality lying dormant in the old town, which, if thoroughly aroused and properly applied, would place an en- tirely different aspect on the face of affairs. The village contains a Methodist church, five stores, three boarding-houses, a drug store, an academy, a meat-shop and a post-ofiice. Dr. George Casper, an enterprising Manateean, wishing to extend his usefulness, a^nd being impressed with tire belief that It would be a good thing to mix literature with physic, has issued the prospectus of a weekly newspaper, to be called the Manatee County News. It will be the pioneer paper of the county, and its editor will have plenty of elbow-room — Manatee 14 Notes f7'07?i Sunland. County being as large as the States of Connecticut and Rhode Island. One mile east of Manatee, on a point of land formed by the junction of Braiden Creek with the bay, stands a historic structure, known as Braiden Castle. It is composed of a concrete of lime and oyster-shells, two stories high, surmounted by a cupola or observatory, constructed of wood, from which a charming view of the surrounding country can be had. South-east, Braiden Creek, winding like a silver thread among innumerable evergreen islands, presents a view worthy of a poet's dream. Westward, as far as the eye can scan, can be traced the blue waters of the bay glinting in the sun or dancing in the moonbeams on their way to the gulf. Northward, across the bay, the eye meets hammock, pine land and prairie stretching far away toward Tampa Bay. This old relic, scarred by Indian bullets, stands a sad memento of better days. Who shall write its history ? At Fair Oaks, about one and a half miles south of the castle, on a portion of the old Braiden plan- tation, is the largest and most thrifty young orange grove on the gulf coast of South Florida. It com- prises nearly four thousand trees ; belongs to the Hon. Charles H. Foster, ex-State Treasurer, and is a living, growing, bearing monument to Yankee pluck, enterprise and industry. Mr. Foster is now erecting at Fair Oaks the handsomest private resi- Notes frojH Siinland. 15 dence in South Florida. The most direct route to Fair Oaks is by the way of Manatee, and the scenery en route is unsurpassed in the land of the myrtle and ivy. Leaving Rocky Ford, you pass Glen Falls, whose pellucid waters sparkle and dance over rock and through chasm, on their course to the Manatee. Graceful palms, with their evergreen foliage ; stately live oaks, draped with pendant moss, swaying to and fro in the breeze; girdled oaks, gayly festooned from base to apex with ivy, yellow jessamine and Virginia creeper, gladden the eye on either side of the road, and orange-blossoms perfume the air with their delightful fragrance, rendering the scene enchant- ing as fairy land. In the village of Manatee and adjacent ham- mock may be seen the orange groves of Mrs. Gates, Revs. Edmund Lee, A. A. Robinson and E. Gla- zier, Messrs. Pelote, Curry, Harllee, Mitchell, Vanderipe, Lloyd, Clark, Warner, McNeill, Cas- per, Gates, Wyatt, Adams, Broberg, Reed and Wilson. Mrs. Gates, Parson Lee and Major Adams also have banana groves in bearing. The latter gentleman is engaged in erecting a large concrete mansion, with carriage-house and ser- vants' quarters of the same material. Situated in an eligible position on the bank of the bay, sur- rounded by tropical fruits, flowers and vines, whose evergreen foliage constantly waving in the breeze, renders the location highly picturesque. 1 6 Notes from Sutiland. Some four or five miles south of Manatee, eti 7'oiit({ to Sarasota Bay, are thrifty young orange groves, belonging to the Messrs. Helm, father and sons, Dryman, Marshall, Younglove, Dunham, Saunders, Azlin, Howell, Thompson, AVilliams and Whitted; and on Black-jack Ridge, near Braidentown, may be seen the thrifty grove of Judge E. M. Graham. The groves of the Messrs. Helm are pronounced by every one who have seen them to be the most promising of their age in the State. They are only four years old, but will put to the blush many groves .twice their age. They are monuments of clean and persistent culture. On the west side of Ware's Creek, skirting the bay, is Willemsenburg, consisting of three houses and the frame of a mammoth hotel. This grim skeleton, gray with age, has a history. Erected originally by Dr. Hunter, at one time a noted physician of New York, and Charles W. Skinner, a Boston capitalist, on Sanibel, or '^Sanitarium" Island, near Punta Rassa, it was soon blow^n or washed down. A portion of the wreck, with ad- ditional lumber from Cedar Key, was soon after- ward erected at Sarasota Bay, where another part- ner. Dr. Dunham, of St. Louis, joined in the enterprise. A misunderstanding between the trio resulted in the withdrawal of the two medical men before the structure was completed. Mr. Skinner subsequently razed the building to the ground, Nofrs frojH Siinland. 1 7 rafted it through Pahnasola Bay into the Manatee, and erected it on its present site, where it has stood in an unfinished condition during the past five years. The decease of Mr. Skinner soon after its erection, caused its progress to stop as suddenly as did ''my grandfather's clock" at the death of its owner. Westward, separated by an imaginary line, is Fogartyville, a community composed principally of boat-builders and seafaring men, with their families. It contains a store, boat-builder's shed, half a dozen dwelling-houses, a floating dry-dock with two sections in working order, and two addi- tional sections nearly completed. The Messrs. Fogarty and Captain Bhart are the owners of the dry-dock. In this cozy little settlement, close down by the waters of the bay, lives Madam Julia Atzeroth, and in the garden attached to her house was cul- tivated with her own hands the first coffee grown in the United States. Madam Atzeroth, or Madam ''Joe," as she is called by her friends, is a char- acter, and deserves an extended notice. CHAPTER II. Madam Atzeroth — Birth, Parentage and Marriage • — Arrival in New York — Visit to Philadelphia, Easton and New Orleans — Arrival in Florida — Locates on Terraceia Island — Vicissitudes of Pio- neer Life — A Friend in Need, a Friend Indeed — Arrival of her Sister and Family — Trip to New- NANSVILLE — CoRN-DODGERS AND SaWDUST — DeATH OF Mrs. Nichols — Removal to Fort Brooke, Tampa — Col. W. W. Belknap and Family — Return to Ter- raceia — Homestead Papers Illegally Executed — Return again to Tampa — Gale of 1846 — Remove to Palmetto — Indian War — Scenes during the War of the Rebellion — Sell out at Palmetto and Settle IN FOGARTYVILLE — FiRST CoFFEE GrOWN IN THE United States — Its History. Madam Julia Atzeroth, whose maiden name was Hunt, was born in the City of Bradford, near the River Rhine, in Bavaria, on the 25th day of December, 1807. Of a family of four children — two males and two females — she is the only survi- vor. The death of her mother occurring when she was eleven years of age, she was adopted by an uncle on the maternal side, with whom she resided until she attained her majority. At the age of twenty-four years she married Joseph At- 18 JVofcs front Suu.^a?id. 1 9 zeroth, also a native of Bavaria. The young couple soon after the birth of their first child, a daughter, left the Fatherland and immigrated to America. They arrived in New York in the month of August, 1841, where they remained only a few months. In consequence of the failing health of Madam Atzeroth, they visited Philadel- phia and Easton, Pa. ; but deriving no benefit from change of location at the North, her physician ad- vised her to go South. They accordingly went to New Orleans, where they remained about one year. Madam Atzeroth's health not improving, her at- tending physician, a German, proposed a trip to Florida. Laying in a supply of provisions and medicines, and accompanied by the physician, they engaged passage on board the schooner Essex ^ a tender for the United States troops stationed at Fort Brooke, Tampa, where they arrived in the spring of 1843. Soon after landing at Tampa, Mr. Atzeroth com- menced prospecting for a desirable place to locate. After looking about for two or three weeks, he concluded to homestead one hundred and sixty acres of land on Terraceia Island, and on the 12th day of April, 1843, accompanied by his wife, little daughter, the German physician and his dog Bonaparte, landed on the east side of the island about midway of Terraceia Bay, The hammock was so dense that the men were compelled to use 20 Notes from Sun land. their axes to clear a space on which to pitch their tent. The underbrush and vines were so thick, and the progress made by the men so slow, that Madam Joe seized an axe and assisted them. This was her first attempt at chopping and grubbing in Florida. Since that time she has become an ex- pert at the business. When the tent was erected and dinner prepared, it was eaten with a keen relish. From that time forward Madam Joe felt new life and strength. Her torpid liver began to perform its normal functions, and she forthwith discharged the physician and destroyed his medi- cines. The doctor went to Key West, where he died soon afterward. Having become weary of tent-life, Madam Joe proposed to her husband the erection of a palmet- to hut. Mr. Joe, as the madam always called her husband, drove the stakes for the frame and gath- ered the palmetto fans or branches. The madam mounted the roof and thatched it ; but her work was performed so badly that the first shower of rain deluged the interior, and its inmates sought refuge under the table. The hut was subsequently re-thatched, and three of its corners made fast to trees, which prevented the wind from blowing it down. Soon after the completion of the hut, their provisions ran short, and Mr. Joe started in a canoe for Tampa to replenish them. On his re- turn, adverse winds blew his frail craft around Notes from Sunland. 2 1 Shaw's Point into Palmasola Bay, and becoming bewildered, he landed at Sarasota instead of Ter- raceia. After being buffeted about by the wind and waves for more than a week, he finally reached home. During his absence, Madam Joe and her child had no companion save the dog Bonaparte. The panthers, wild hogs and owls made the nights hideous with their screams, growls and hootings. One night a raid was made by an owl on the chickens roosting on the trees overhanging the hut. Madam Joe seized an old musket of the Methodist persuasion, which usually went off at half-cock, with the intention of frightening away the " wild varmints," but it was unloaded. Never having loaded a musket, she was in a quandary whether to put in first the powder or the shot. Luckily, she put in the powder before the shot, and stepping to the door of the hut, discharged the musket into the tops of the trees. She put in too much powder, and like another gun we read about, it "Bore wide the mark and kicked its owner over." The owl escaped that time in consequence of be- ing at the wrong end of the musket. It v/as sub- sequently killed by Mr. Joe, and peace reigned once more among the chickens. Madam Joe sub- sequently became an expert with both the shot-gun and rifle, and if reports are reliable, her unerring aim has caused more than one red-skin to make a 2 2 Nolcs from Sunland. hasty exit to the '' happy hunting-grounds." She can also ride a horse astride or otherwise — seldom otherwise — like a Camanche. Becoming disgusted with their frail palmetto hut, Madam and Mr. Joe felled the trees and com- menced the erection of a log-pen house, consisting of two rooms, with a wide passage running between them. As there were no saw-mills in the country, boards could not be had at any price. The roof of the house was covered with split cedar planks, and the interstices between the logs filled with moss and clay. A chimney was improvised of sticks plastered with mud. Subsequently, glazed sash for the windows were imported from New Orleans. Meanwhile the axe had not been idle. The stately live oaks and graceful palms around the house had been felled and burned, the land grubbed, and a good-sized vegetable garden was in successful cultivation. Fort Brooke, some thirty miles distant, offering a good market for their surplus produce, they hired a man with a boat to transport and sell their vegetables. Although bountiful crops rewarded their labor, they were not entirely happy. Madam Joe was anxious that her only sister, residing in New York, should emigrate with her family to Florida. But how was the matter to be accomplished without money? Where there is a will, there is always a way to accomplish things which at first sight seem to be Notes from Sun land. 23 impossibilities. The matter was laid before Col. W. W. Belknap, the commander of Fort Brooke, who cheerfully advanced the required funds, and Mr. Joe left immediately in a schooner for New York, via Key West. The voyage was long and tedious, but it was accomplished, and in due course of time, Mr. Joe returned safely with his brother-in-law, wife and child. Another trouble now presented itself. The Armed Occupation Act having expired previous to locating their land on Terraceia, they were com- pelled to go to the United States Land Office, at Newnansville, one hundred and sixty miles distant, to file the requisite papers. The country being wild and sparsely settled, Mr. Joe and Mr. Nichols, his brother-in-law, were compelled to pack their provisions on their backs, which rendered their journey wearisome and slow. On the third day they reached a cabin, where they remained over night. While at breakfast on the following morn- ing, most of their provisions were stolen by some thieving negroes. The theft not being discovered until they stopped at mid-day to lunch, they were in a sad plight. They pushed on as fast as possi- ble, and late in the evening came to a cabin in- habited by very poor people. A scanty supper was set before them, which they ate and retired for the night. The breakfast-table on the following morning wasbountifully supplied with hog, hominy 24 Notes from Sunland. and corn-dodgers. Mr. Nichols having never be- fore seen a corn-dodger, took a large mouthful of one, and then walking deliberately to the door, spat it out. On resuming his seat at the table, he requested Mr. Joe, in German, not to eat those saw-dust cakes. Mr. Joe, knowing the difference between saw-dust and corn-meal, continued to put away the dodgers, to the great disgust of his bro- ther-in-law, who finished his breakfast on hog and hominy. They finally reached Newnansville, transacted their business and returned safely home, after an absence of about two weeks. Soon after the return of her husband from New- nansville, Mrs. Nichols gave birth to a child. It lived only two hours, and in less than one week from its birth its mother followed the little angel to " The undiscovered country, from whose bourne No traveler returns." The surviving child, a little girl two years old, was adopted by Madam Joe, who reared and educated her. She is at this time the wife of Mr. William O'Neil, who resides at Palmetto, on the north side of the Manatee Bay. The money borrowed from Colonel Belknap still remained unpaid, which was a source of great trou- ble to Madam Joe. She had the inclination, but not the means to cancel the debt. The colonel proposed to send for his family at the North, and Notes fro?n Sunland. 25 install Madam Joe as housekeeper. The proposi- tion was cheerfully acquiesced in ; and early in the year 1845, Madam Joe, accompanied by her hus- band, daughter and niece, went to Tampa and re- sided in the house of Colonel Belknap, at Fort Brooke. The Terraceia homestead was left in charge of Mr. Nichols and a hired man. The colonel's family at that time consisted of his wife, two daughters and a son. That son, General W. W. Belknap, at present, I believe, a resident of New York, made an honorable and enviable record during the war of the Rebellion, and was afterward Secretary of War during a part of President Grant's administration. During the eight months Madam Joe resided with the family of Colonel Belknap, she frequently saw the wily chief, Billy Bowlegs, and other noted Seminoles, for whom, to use her own words, she '^cooked many a meal.'* Close confinement caused a recurrence of her old disease — liver com- plaint — and she reluctantly left the hospitable house of Colonel Belknap for her homestead on Terraceia, where by constant out-door exercise, she soon regained her usual health. Even at the present day, Madam Joe's universal panacea is ' ' the grubbing-hoe and elbow-grease. ' ' She prac- tices what she preaches, and unlike the medical profession, takes her own medicine. Soon after the return of Madam Joe and family to Terraceia, 26 Notes from Sun land. Mr. Nichols concluded to go to New Orleans. During that year- — 1846 — the yellow fever nearly depopulated the city, and Mr. Nichols was proba- bly one of its victims, as he has never been heard from by his friends since he left Terraceia. In the fall of 1846, one of the severest gales that ever visited this section of the country passed over Tampa, Terraceia, Palmetto and Manatee. Ma- dam Joe's house was blown down and all her fur- niture destroyed. The hen-house was the only structure that survived the storm. The fowls were dispossessed of their domicile, and the family oc- cupied it until another house was built. In 1848, a government official visited this part of Florida to examine proofs of claimants to land under the Armed Occupation and Homestead Acts. On examining Madam Joe's papers, it was discovered that two permits had been issued for the same number. This error could only be rec- tified at the General Land Office in Washington. It was deemed advisable by Madam Joe and her husband to return to Tampa and remain there until the mistake in relation to their homestead could be rectified. Mr. Joe hired a man to assist him in building a house at Tampa, ^nd they went up the Hillsborough River to cut logs and make shingles for the structure. In the month of September the logs for the house were formed into a raft and the shingles placed on it. Everything being in readi- Notes f re III SunL.nJ. 27 ness for a start, a furious gale set in, which de- stroyed the raft and scattered the logs and shingles for miles along the banks of the river. Having gathered the logs and shingles together and rafted them down to Tampa, Mr. Joe visited his family at Terraceia, where he learned that during the late storm his wife, child and niece had taken refuge in the house of a friend on another part of the island. He returned to Tampa, and his family followed soon after. When Madam Joe arrived, she did not admire the location her husband had selected for the house. The frame was taken down and erected on a lot on the town-side of the river, and was soon occupied by the family. The prop- erty is still owned by Madam Joe, Misfortunes, it is said, never come single-handed. In the early part of 1849, ^^^- J^^ injured one of his feet, and soon after was attacked with chills and fever, which, despite medical treatment, con- tinued nine months. At this time Madam Joe's finances were at a fearfully low ebb ; but being equal to the emergency, she cast about for some- thing to do whereby she could earn an honest penny. She accordingly started a home-made beer and cake shop, which being liberally patron- ized by the soldiers, soon placed her in easy finan- cial circumstances. Her husband at the same time kept a sutler's store at Fort Chiconicla. About this time a partly-finished house, built by 2S Notes fro 1)1 Su ft land. a friend — Mr. Reece — in Palmetto, was sold by the sheriff, and Madam Joe became the purchaser, with the hope that Mr. Reece would be able to redeem the property. Failing to do so, Madam Joe and family left Tampa and located in Palmetto in the year 1851. Here they opened a small store, in which they did a thriving business. They also cultivated their farm on Terraceia Island, and by degrees, as their means permitted, stocked it with cattle, horses and hogs. Additions were also made to their stock of goods, and finally they purchased a colored man, who was an excellent farm hand, and proved of great service to his owners. In 1855 another Indian war broke out. A^olun- teer companies, home-guards and boat comj^anies were organized for protection against Indian in- cursions. Many plantations were abandoned and homes broken up. Mr. Joe belonged to one of the boat companies, and a ten days' scout being prolonged to twenty days, it was reported that the entire party had been massacred by the Indians. During the scout they visited the Indian camps in the Everglades, from whence Mr. Joe brought away as trophies a silver cup and a spoon belong- ing to Billy Bowlegs. The cup was subsequently sold to Colonel Jewett, U. S. A. The country was in a state of commotion and fever of excite- ment until the close of the war, in 1858. During IVofcs fro>ii Sun Ian J. 2C) these eventful years, Madam Joe stood guard with her musket or rifle whenever her services were re- quired. She never showed the white feather. Peace had scarcely been restored, when the civil war of 1 86 1 broke out, and Florida was again in a state of anarchy. Mr. Joe enlisted in the Confederate service, and served in Tennessee and Kentucky. At the close of the war. Madam Joe sold her place at Palmetto, with the intention of returning to Europe^, but her physician informed her that she could not survive a change of climate, which induced her to abandon the idea of visiting the Fatherland. The family again took up their residence on Terraceia, where Mr. Joe died on the 29th of October, 1871. Madam Joe sold part of her Terraceia plantation and moved to Fogarty- ville, her present location, in the year 1873. Her garden at this place comprises only four acres, but nowhere else in Florida can be found so many different varieties of trees, plants, vegetables, vines, shrubs and flowers. Mrs. William Fogarty, the daughter of Madam Joe, with her husband and son, reside with the madam. Here, in the year 1876, was planted a few grains of Mexican coffee, received from a neighbor, Mrs. E.^ S. Warner. On the 20th of February, 1880, Madam Joe sent to the Commissioner of Agriculture, at Washing- ton, the first pound of coffee gi'own in the United States, for which she received ten dollars. This 3© ' JVotcs from Sun! ami. spring she has sent to the Agricultural Department, at W;ishington, four pounds of coffee, the product of two trees. Next year she will have eight coffee trees in bearing, and at least one hundred young trees in her nursery. As quite a diversity of opinion exists in relation to the origin of the seed from which the first coffee was grown in the United States, I append the following communications from Mrs. E. S. Warner, of Manatee, Fla., and Dr. A. A. Russell, of Cordova, Mexico, published in the Tampa Tribune, of September 26th, 1880: "Manatee, Fla., August joth, jSSo. " Dr. Wall : Dear Sir — I inclose a letter from Dr. A. A. Russell, of Cordova, Mexico, the gentleman from whose plantation the coffee-seed was procured that has been suc- cessfully reproduced by Madam Atzeroth here. As the sub- ject of coffee-raising in this State is causing considerable inquiry, and as this letter contains much valuable informa- tion on the subject, I submit it to you for publication, asking the favor of having a copy forwarded to the doctor from your offfce as soon as issued. Very respectfully, " E. S. Warner." " Cordova, Mexico, May igth, 1880. "Mrs. E. S. W^arner: Madam — It was quite a plea- sure to receive your very kind letter of April 1st. I con- gratulate you most heartily, and am proud to learn that from the seed I sent was produced the first coffee in the States. I think I wrote you that the plant requires shade. In this climate we prefer to plant in fresh, timbered land ; cutting out at first onlv the underjrrowth, and taking: out a few trees Notes from Sun land, 3 1 every year after for two or three years, thus graduating the shade and ventilating as appears to be required. The pala- tine (or plantain, or banana, as you probably call it) makes a good shade, and may be cut out, or under leaves trimmed off as may seem to be necessary. Coffee requires a rich, vegetable soil, or manure. The berry is fully ripe when dark red, but the grain is matured if the berry is picked when it has become yellow or only turning red ; however, the coffee is of better quality if the berry is fully ripe, that is, of a deep or dark red. When gathered, it should be spread out at once to dry in the sun. It may be dried on mats, scaffolds or platforms of planks or boards. In good or favorable weather it requires about three weeks to dry. Here it is often dried on the ground. It may be spread from two to four inches thick, and should be stirred twice or three times a day; and if it should get wet a few times on the dryer, before half dry, no harm will be done and the coffee not injured in the least, if frequently stirred to prevent fermentation. When half dry it should be protected from rain and dew. If it has been wet a few times it will be more easily cleaned, but if frequently wet it will be of a darker color; also much darker, and even black and spoiled, if allowed to heat and ferment. It may be pulped by some of the pulping machines now in use, the day it is gathered, then washed and dried. The pulped coffee will dry in a few days, occupies less space in drying, and is of a lighter color, which, with you, I presume, are considerations of little im- portance at present. " You will know the coffee is sufficiently dry when the hull crushes readily under the foot. The most simple, and, by the way, not a very bad process for cleaning the coffee, is the primitive mode of cleaning rice ; that is, to beat it out in a deep mortar with a heavy pestle, and as the chaff accu- mulates dip out the coffee with a cup in the left hand, pour- 32 Notes from Suniand. ing back into the mortar from the same height, at the same time blowing off the chaff with a fan in the right hand, re- peating the process until clean. ** There are a variety of machines for hulling and clean- ing coffee, which will be a matter of consideration when the production requires it. Now that you have succeeded in producing the grain, you will have less difficulty in propa- gating from the acclimated seed, which should be thoroughly ripe, squeezed out of the pulp and dried in the shade. Hope you will continue successfully, and establish plantations of importance. Your obedient servant, "A. A. Russell." The portrait of Madam Joe, forming t\iQ fro7ttts- piece of this book, is a truthful likeness. Above themediumheightof her sex, with features bronzed by a tropical sun and the exposure and hardships of a pioneer life, she is nevertheless a well-pre- served matron of seventy-four years, with as noble and generous a heart as ever pulsated within the breast of a human being. She is passionately fond of music and waltzing, and can " Trip the light fantastic toe" as gracefully as a miss of sixteen. May her days in the land be prolonged beyond fourscore years and ten. CHAPTER III. The Warners, Mother and Sons — Palmasola City — Steam Saw-mill and other Improvements — Sam Nichols and his Shell-mound — Palmasola Bay — Sarasota Bay and its Surroundings — Snead's Island — Shell-mound — Date-palm and Olive Trees — Uncle Joe and his Dogs with Glass Eyes — Sapp's Point — Palmetto — The Patten and Turner Plan- tations — JuDAH P. Benjamin — Oak Hill — Terra- ceia Island — Landing of De Soto in 1539. Westward of Fogartyville, on the south side of the bay, among the most prominent residences, are those of the Warners, mother and sons. Thence westward, across a bayou, on a sand-spit projecting into the bay, stands the steam saw and planing-mill of Messrs. W. S. Warner & Co., just completed. This mill, wharf and warehouse are the nuclei of Palmasola City, which is soon to skirt the adjacent sand hills, and cause the sur- rounding ^'wilderness to blossom as the rose." Mr. Warner is a Bay State Yankee of indomitable pluck, and his partner, Mr. J. S. Beach, who re- sides at Terre Haute, Ind., controls the money bags of a national bank. If capital and pluck can build a city, the success of Palmasola may be 34 Notes fro)ii SiinlaJid. set down as assured. Along the bay, west of the Warners, are the ranches of Messrs. Sweetzer, Burgess, Sykes and Bishop. A few miles further west is Shaw's Point, at the mouth of the bay. Here, on an immense shell -mound, surrounded by hammock and pine land, Mr. Sam Nichols, a native of Alabama, has entered a homestead of i6o acres of land. Although severely wounded during our late ''unpleasantness," Mr. Nichols has beaten his musket into a plowshare, his sword into a pruning-hook, and, like a good citizen, is earning his bread by the sweat of his brow. Along the Gulf coast, southward, skirting Pal- masola and Sarasota Bays, may be found the hos- pitable homes of Messrs. Farrar, Adams, Moore, Buckner, Harp, Stephonse, Tyler, Spang, Crow- ley, Dorch, Callan, Riggin, Dunham, Smith, Helveston, Whitaker, Willard, Bidwell, Ed- mondson, C. E, and M. R. Abbe, Liddell, Greer, Yonge, Boardman, Young, Lancaster, Conliff, Woodworth, Jones, Anderson, Crocker, Hansen, Bronson Bros., Glower, Lowe, Webb, Griffith, Bacon, Knight, Guptrel and Roberts. On the north side of Manatee Bay, at its en- trance into Tampa Bay, is Snead's Island, sepa- rated from the mainland by a narrow and shallow ''cut-off" leading into Terraceia Bay, and also by a wider and deeper channel opening into Tampa Bay, and separating it from Terraceia Is- Notes frojn SiinlauJ. 35 land. Midway of the island, fronting on Mana- tee Bay, is a curiosity in the shape of a shell- mound or earth-work, crescent-shaped, and some forty feet in height. The distance between the points of the crescent on the bank of the bay, is five hundred feet. On the highest point of the mound, and nearly in the centre, stands a frame dwelling, somewhat dilapidated, erected by a former owner of the place. On the eastern angle are two date-palm and two olive trees. The former are fifteen inches in diameter and forty feet in height. The latter are eighteen inches in diameter two feet above the ground, and fifty feet in height. Both the olive and date-palms bear fruit ; the former in large quantities. On the mound in the centre of the crescent, and near the house, are two olibanum trees, eighteen inches in diameter and fifty feet in height. Was this mound an Indian burial place, or was it thrown up by the early Spanish invaders as a defense against the Natchez, a warlike and semi-civilized tribe of In- dians, who, at the time of the Spanish conquest, inhabited this part of Florida ? Qiucn sabc ? The only human occupants of the island at this time are uncle Joe Franklin and his wife, an aged couple. Uncle Joe lives in a palmetto hut with a shell floor, and with the old 'oman and two glass- eyed dogs as companions, " His hours in cheerful labor fly." 36 Notes from Sunlaml. Uncle Joe is a character, and all visitors to the Manatee should call on him, examine his mam- moth wild fig tree and hedge of century plants. Mem. Ask him to chain his dogs before you go ashore, otherwise the seat of your inexpressibles will require repairs. I have been there. Eastward, above the Terraceia cut-off, is Sapp's Point. Further along, and directly opposite Braidentown, is Palmetto, a young town contain- ing two stores and a post-office. The reader will perceive that Uncle Sam distributes post-offices in Florida with a lavish hand. We have three of these convenient institutions within a radius of one and a half miles — Braidentown, Manatee, Palmetto — and Palmasola City, only three miles distant, will have one as soon as Postmaster War- ner shall build an office to protect the mail matter of that growing city. Immediately in the rear of Palmetto is a prairie of several miles in extent. North-east of the town, about one mile distant in the hammock, Mr. Hendricks, of Palmetto, has a promising six- years-old orange grove, grown from seeds planted with his own hands. Mr. Hendricks cultivates vegetables between the rwvs of his orange trees, and last year he realized several hundred dollars by shipping his early tomatoes, cucumbers and snap-beans to New York and other Northern markets. To Mr. Hendricks belongs the credit Notes from Siinland. 37 of starting the early vegetable boom in the Mana- tee region. Mr. David Zehner, from Louisiana, has recently- purchased a strip of scrub hammock, east of the town, where he intends to make the cultivation of grapes and strawberries a specialty. He has already received several thousand cuttings and plants of the choicest varieties. A few miles further eastward, you reach the plantation of Major W. I. Turner, the god-father of Braiden- town, who has forty acres in tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes and beans. He has already commenced shipping his vegetables to the Northern markets. Half a mile east of Major Turner's is the ex- tensive plantation of Major George Patten. Gen- eral Hiram W. Leffingwell, ex-United States Mar- shal for the Eastern District of Missouri, has recently jDurchased 200 acres of this land, and is negotiating for more. Two of the general's sons, with their families and an unmarried nephew, are now encamped on the land, and are busily engaged in erecting dwelling-houses and the ne- cessary out-buildings. The general and his wife will arrive later in the season. In addition to the cultivation of the various fruits of the citrus family, the general will devote his attention to general farm crops and the growing of early vege- tables for the Northern and Western markets. Another St. Louis gentleman, Mr. C. G. B. ^8 Notes from Sunland. Drummond, Assistant U. S. District Attorney, has purchased 120 acres of land on the Rogers' ham- mock near Oak Hill, on which he will set out an orange grove this summer. Mr. H. O. Cannon, a California Argonaut, and late resident of New Albany, Ind., after having spent several winters prospecting Florida, has, like a sensible man, concluded to pitch his tent on the Patten plantation. With this view, he has purchased twenty acres of land, which he has commenced grubbing and fencing, preparatory to planting an orange and lemon grove. Mr. C. H. Walworth, of Milwaukee, has purchased twenty acres of land adjoining Mr. Cannon, which he will have cleared, grubbed and planted in orange and lemon trees this year. In ante hclluvi times, the present Patten planta- tion was know first as the Gamble, and afterward as the Cofield and Davis plantation, and was the largest and most thoroughly equipped sugar plan- tation in the State of Florida. The owners worked 200 hands, and had 1,400 acres of sugar-cane in one field. Their sugar-mill and refinery contained all the modern appliances, and, at the commence- ment of the war, was worth half a million dol- lars. Soon after the breaking out of hostilities, most of the slaves were sent to Louisiana, and work on the plantation was abandoned. During the last year of the war, a Federal gunboat entered the JVofcs from Sun/ami. 39 Manatee Bay, and a boat's crew, commanded by an officer, blew up the sugar-house and set fire to the refinery. The destruction was complete ; and to- day may be seen the ponderous fly-wheel of the en- gine, broken shafts and crumbling walls — sad me- mentos of the event. The family mansion, a large two-story brick structure, with galleries around three sides of both stories, escaped the hand of the destroyer. Although bearing the finger-marks of time, it is at this day, a substantial structure, and, with slight repairs, would weather the storms of another century. Connected with this old man- sion is a history, now for the first time published. Within these walls during the last days of the Southern Confederacy, when that fiibric (on paper) was fast crumbling to pieces, Judah P. Benjamin, a fugitive from justice, and flying for his life under the assumed name of Charles Howard, was the guest for nearly two months of Captain Archibald McNeill, its then occupant. When on that mem- orable Sunday, in the spring of 1865, Jeff. Davis and his cabinet hastily fled from Richmond, Ben- jamin and Breckinridge struck out for the wilds of Florida, which seemed to offer a secure retreat. Arrived at Gainsville, Breckinridge sought refuge on the Atlantic coast, and Benjamin, under the guidance of Captain L. G. Leslie, started for the Gulf coast, z'/rt; Tampa, and arrived safely at the mansion of Captain McNeill. After remaining 40 Notes from Sunland. nearly two months at Captain McNeill's, Benja- min was conveyed in a boat to Manatee, and from thence to Sarasoto Bay in a horse-cart, by Rev. E. Glazier, of Manatee; from thence to Cape Florida in a small sail-boat, commanded by Captain Fred. Tresca, also a resident of Manatee. At Cape Florida a larger boat was procured, and after several hair-breadth escapes from Federal gun- boats and the perils of the sea. Captain Tresca landed his charge safely on one of the islands of the Bahama group, and returned to Manatee ^1,500 richer than when he left home. Benjamin reached England safely, where he has acquired fame and fortune. Should this page by chance meet his eye, he will no doubt be pleased to learn that Captain McNeill, past threescore and ten, has re- tired from active life and settled in Manatee, sur- rounded by a large family. Captain Tresca, or Captain ''Fred.," as he is called by his friends, lives with his wife and two children on a small plantation near Braidentown. Although he counts his years away up among the nineties, he is still a well-preserved ''old salt." Rev. E. ■ Glazier is still a resident of Manatee, and looks as though he had renewed his lease of life for another half century. Judas betrayed his Master for the paltry sum of thirty pieces of silver. Twenty-five thou- sand dollars was the price offered by the United States Government for the corpus of the fugitive. Notes from Sun land. 41 The example of Judas was not followed by those who assisted Benjamin to escape. There are more than a thousand acres of the rich hammock land belonging to this plantation for sale at from ^15 to ^25 per acre, according to location. When the fact that it cost originally ^75 per acre^o clear this land, is taken into con- sideration, it will be seen that the price at which it is now offered is very low, and places it within the reach of persons of small means. The land will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Adjoining the grounds of the Patten mansion is the residence of Hamet J. Craig, who has a young orange grove of three hundred trees and ten acres of hammock land under cultivation. Five miles further on, in a north-easterly direction, is Oak Hill, the former residence of Major W. I. Turner. At this place the major has a bearing orange grove of several hundred trees, and also one of the most promising six-years-old groves of six hundred trees to be found in the Manatee region. Adjoin- ing Major Turner is the grove of Walter Tresca, just coming into bearing, and near by is the young grove of Mr. William Gillett. Terraceia Island, separated from Snead's Island by a narrow channel, is bounded on the west by Tampa Bay, on the north by Frog Creek, and on the east by Terraceia Bay. This island contains several tracts of excellent hammock land, most of 42 Noti s from Sunland. which is under improvement. On this island are located the bearing orange groves of Messrs. Hal- lock, Lennard and Williams ; ^Messrs. Kennedy, Howard, Gifford, Watkins, Hobart, Patten and Wyatt are also located on this island. Judge Cessna, of Gainesville, has recently purchased a plantation on the island, and will.-^soon locate there. Other persons on the line of the Transit Railroad having become disgusted with frost and ice, are seeking homes in the Manatee region. On the mainland, on the east side, and about mid- way of Terraceia Bay, is the plantation of Mr. John Craig. Mr. Craig raises the finest cane and has the reputation of making the best sugar in Manatee County. A short distance north of Terraceia Island, on the mainland, Hernando De Soto, fresh from the conquest of Peru, where he was associated with Francisco Pizarro, landed his troops in the latter part of May, 1539. He sailed from Havana on Sunday, May i8th, 1539, with his troops embarked in five large ships, two caravels and two brigan- tines. The disastrous fate of his predecessors in Florida cast no gloom on the mind of De Soto,, and his assurances of success imparted confidence to those who accompanied him. He had never been defeated in battle, and was believed by his soldiers to be invincible. His officers were men of valor and ripe experience, and his troops were Notes from Sunland. 43 well disciplined, a majority of them having served in many campaigns, and all were well acquainted with Indian warfare. His wife, Dona Isabella, did not share his en- thusiasm, and desired to accompany him and share the dangers she believed he was about to encoun- ter ; but De Soto strenuously opposed her wishes, and encouraged her to believe that the time of reunion was not far distant. The conquest of Florida appeared to De Soto to be an easy task, from which he could soon return with large acces- sions of wealth and glory. Contrary and baffling winds kept the squadron tossing about in the Gulf of Mexico for several days. De Soto and his troops obtained their first view of the Land of Flowers on the morning of the 25th day of May, and in the afternoon of the same day they came to anchor about two leagues from the shore. The shoals which extended along the coast prevented the ships from coming nearer. They had, in the meantime, been discovered by the natives, who had kindled beacon-fires along the beach, now known as Pinellas, as signals to collect their forces and be in readiness to repel their enemies. De Soto's vessels were anchored off the mouth of Tampa Bay, called by the Span- iards the Bay of Espiritu Santo. The Natchez, who inhabited the neighboring country, were governed by a chief named Ucita, 44 Notes from Sun land. whose hatred of the Spaniards is easily explained. When Pamphilo de Narvaez visited this region in 1528, he was kindly received and hospitably en- tertained by the Chief Ucita, and a treaty of peace between them was formed ; yet, on a very slight pretense, the wily and bloodthirsty Pam- philo caused the chief's nose to be cut off, and his aged mother to be torn to pieces by dogs ! Hence, the reason why Ucita displayed implaca- ble resentment in his behavior to De Soto and his companions in arms. Thus, it will be seen that from the earliest his- tory of our country, the aborigines have been treated with the most impolitic and unchristian- like barbarity ; and it is highly probable that much of that ferocity which characterizes the In- dians of the far West at this time, may be ascribed to the harsh and merciless treatment which their ancestors received from the early Spanish ex- plorers, who acted on the principle that the In- dians had no rights that a white man was bound to respect. Wishing to avoid a collision with the Indians at that time, De Soto weighed anchor, and pro- ceeded with his fleet two leagues further up the bay, where he disembarked his troops in boats. The place where he landed was on the eastern shore of Hillsborough Bay, above the mouth of the Little Manatee River, and near the line which separates Hillsborough and INIanatce Counties. Notes from Sun/and. 45 The Indians being anxious to get rid of De Soto and his followers, informed them that £1 Dorado, for which they were seeking, was further north- ward. De Soto sent his ships back to Havana, and commenced his toilsome march overland, which ended with his death and burial in the Mississippi River, on the 5th day of June, 1542, three years and one month after the date of his arrival in Tampa Bay. CHAPTER IV. "Sunnyside" — Orange AND Banana Groves — Lemons AND Limes— Coffee Trees and Pine- apples — Cali- fornia Grapes — Quality of the Land — Mode of Cultivation — Florida, Past, Present and Future — Increased Production — Better and Cheaper Trans- portation — Interrogatories and Answers. Having given the reader a hasty outline of the Manatee region, I will add a brief I'esuine of my personal experience at ^'Sunnyside" during the past eighteen months. On my arrival in Braiden- town, in the fall of 1879, '^Y \2^\di was a ''howling wilderness." At this time I have a young orange grove of six hundred trees, sixty lemon, fifteen lime, ten guava, half a dozen olive, two soft-shell almond, twenty coffee, four each Japan plum and persimmon, two pomegranate, two cocoa-nut and four Le Conte pear trees, all of which are growing luxuriantly. I also have one acre in bananas and sixty pine-apple pfants, both of which will bear fruit next year. Around the fence inclosing my house lot, I have sixty California grape-vines of the choicest varieties, viz. : Flaming Tokay, White Muscat of Alexandria, Mfssion and Rose of Peru. The vines are looking well, and will bear fruit next year. 46 Notes from Suuland. 49 The land on which I am located is spruce-pine, interspersed with water-oak and scrub palmetto, which would be pronounced by the average Flo- ridian worthless. I had at the commencement, and still have, abiding faith in the white sand of Florida with a mulatto sub-soil. No matter how white the surface, if underlied by a mulatto or yellow sub-soil, the citrus family will thrive. The foliage of my young trees is dark green, and their vigorous growth astonishes the '' crackers," who predicted a failure. Owing to the mildness of the climate — my location being exempt from frost — niy trees grew all last winter. My orange trees are set in parallel rows, thirty feet apart each way ; the lemon and lime trees twenty-five feet apart ; the bananas twelve feet, and the pine- apples two feet apart. I hoe my grove every two months, and plow it four times a year. Thus, by keeping the soil constantly tickled with the hoe, my trees laugh with a bountiful foliage. What I have done, can be performed by others. There is no secret about the matter. We welcome im- migrants from the frigid North, from tli.e prairies of the West, and from the lands beyond the sea. To all we say, come and tarry with us. Florida, the first State belonging to the Union, discovered and settled by Europeans, has, during the past 350 years, been hustled about from pillar to post like a shuttle-cock. The repeated Indian 50 Notes from Sunland. wars from 1816 to 1858, rendered life so insecure, that the early settlers literally carried their lives in their hands. Is it then a matter of surprise that Florida is so sparsely populated ? Mr. J. S. Adams, former Commissioner of Immigration, truthfully remarks: ''The wonder truly is," not that she has not attained a more flourishing con- dition, but that she exists at all, and that her boundless forests, her lovely rivers and her beau*- tiful lakes are not fast locked in the silent embrace of a moveless desolation." Since slavery, which rested like an incubus of original sin on the soil of Florida, has been removed, immigration has been pouring in from the North and the West, and from the isles of the ocean. Germany, Italy, France and England have each furnished their quota, and the forests along the line of the rail- roads, as well as those accessible by steamboats, are beginning to show the effects of an advanced civilization. The gigantic undertaking of drain- ing Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades, to- gether with the construction of a ship canal, con- necting the Atlantic Ocean with the Gulf of Mexico, by Mr. Hamilton Disston, of Philadel- phia, and his coadjutors, is proof positive that anew era is beginning to dawn on the Land of Flowers, and, ere many years, the southern portion of the State will be one vast orange grove, interspersed with the guava, lemon, lime, pine-apple and ba- Notes from Sunlaud. 5 1 nana. I hear the skeptic say: '^ You will over- stock the market, and your fruit will not pay the cost of transportation." The orange par excel- lc7ice can be grown only in the soil of Florida, therefore competition with foreign countries need not be feared. Florida will soon be able to sup- ply the cities of the Mediterranean with a superior fruit to that grown on their own shores, and more cheaply. Increased production and transj^orta- tion will cause a corresponding reduction in freight, and also insure greater and better facili- ties in the modes of transportation. There will also be a large reduction in price to the consumer, which will enable the man of limited means — in other words, the poor man — to indulge with the millionaire in the daily luxury of the golden apple of the Hesperides — the Florida orange. The above may be deemed by some persons chimeri- cal, but time, the great arbiter of events, will solve the problem. By every mail I am in receipt of letters asking all manner of questions in relation to the climate, soil, productions, etc., of this part of Florida. At first I cheerfully complied with the requests of my numerous correspondents, but the novelty has worn off, and the task has become slightly mo- notonous. Recently, I received a four-page cai> sheet letter from a gentleman in Utah Territory, to which was appended seventeen interrogatories 52 Notes from Sun land. in relation to the Gulf Coast of South Florida. That straw broke the camel's back, and, in reply to the following question: ''I see by the last census that Manatee County has a population of over 4,000, and not a death recorded for 18S0. Do people ever die there?" I wrote immediately, ''Hardly ever. When we want to start a grave- yard, we kill a man." I am firmly impressed with the belief that my Mormon correspondent, with a ''family of ten persons," will not immi- grate to the Land of Flowers. Below will be found twenty-five questions in relation to Florida, from correspondents the "wide world over," with an- swers appended : ist. "At any time of the year do you have severe storms of thunder and lightning?" During the rainy season, thunder showers, ac- companied by lightning, frequently occur, but they are not more severe than in the Northern and Western States. 2d. "Are venomous reptiles numerous?" During my residence and travels in Florida, I have never seen a rattlesnake ; I have seen a few moccasin, garter, coachwhip and blacksnakes. The two latter are harmless, and are seldom killed by the natives. Alligators are not numerous in this vicinity, and are comparatively harmless. Scorpions and centipedes are seldom met with. Their sting is no more severe than that of a bee. Notes from Sun land. 53 3d. "Is the land about Braidentown sandy or clayey ?" The land on the margin of the bay is sandy ; further back in the hammock, the soil is dark gray and chocolate color, underlied with clay and lime- stone. 4th. ''Are the people mostly Northern?" Like an Englishman's favorite beverage, they are 'alf-and-'alf. 5th. ''What is the name of your nearest town of any importance?" Have no towns of "importance " in this section of the country; they are in the womb of time — not hatched yet. 6th. "What is the character of your society?" Mixed. 7th. " Do you consider Florida as healthy as California ?" I consider this Manatee region the sanitarium of the world. A more healthful spot cannot be found on God's footstool. 8th. "Do malarial fevers prevail in your section any time during the year?" In the rich, low hammock lands, where vegeta- tion is rank, malarial fevers exist in the fall of the year. Chills and fever here yield more readily to proper medical treatment than in the West. Pine land is exempt from malaria. 9th. "Docs the summer heat prove enervat- ing?" 5 4 Notes from Sunland. That depends on a man's constitution. If born tired, yes. loth. ''Is it true that the summer weather with you is more pleasant — less oppressive — than at the North?"' Yes; the thermometer rarely registers more than 96°. It reached that point only twice last summer. I ith. " Are the nights in summer always cool ?' ' Generally ; sometimes cooler than in the winter. 12th. '' Can you work out of doors during the day in summer time ?' ' Yes, when it does not rain. I have not seen a day too hot to work out of doors since my arrival in Florida. 13th. '' Do the crops of vegetables and grass burn under the summer sun ?" We don't raise vegetables in the summer. Our vegetables are grown in the winter and spring, when the land at the North is locked fast in the embrace of frost and ice. The grass here is very nutritious, and large herds of cattle fatten on it. This section of country supplies Cuba with beef. 14th. "Are insects — fleas and mosquitoes — more troublesome than at the North?" Fleas sometimes make it lively with us; but there are fewer mosquitoes in this locality than in a majority of the Northern States. 15th. '' Do you consider Manatee County one of the best to settle in?" Notes from Sunland. 55 It suits me better than any other part of Florida. You might go further and fare worse. i6th. '*Do you think the Gulf Coast equal to the Atlantic Coast for climate, health, etc.?" Yes ; far superior. 17th. ''What is the price of land in your sec- tion?" That depends upon quality and location. Here, in the settlement of Braidentown, land is selling at from $2^ to ^100 per acre. ' A short distance back of the town, pine land can be purchased at from ^1.50 to ^5 per acre j and hammock land at ^10 per acre. Across the bay, nearly opposite Manatee, on the Patten plantation, good ham- mock land, once under cultivation, can be pur- chased at from ^15 to ^25 per acre, according to location. This land is being rapidly metamor- phosed into vegetable gardens, whose products — tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas, etc. — reach the Northern markets during the month of March. 1 8th. ''What are the business prospects for a new-comer?" That will depend a great deal on the "new- comer." Come, investigate and judge for your- self. 19. " Can sugar-cane be grown to advantage in your neighborhood ? and what amount of sugar can be made to the acre?" The Manatee region is the natural home of the 56 Notes from Sunland.- sugar-cane. Here it tassels, and consequently fully matures.' Florida is the only- State of the Union in which the cane tassels. When the Co- field and Davis, now Patten plantation, was in full operation, the average product was two hogs- heads of sugar to the acre. The cane here ra- toons from six to eight years. 20th. '^ What is the cost of clearing land ?" That depends on the quality of the land. The average pine land can be cleared and grubbed at from ^10 to $20) per acre. Hammock land will cost double that price. 2 1 St. *^ Can lumber be had on the Manatee, and if so, at what price?" Heart-pine lumber, suitable for fencing or building purposes, can be had here at ^15 per M. Light wood posts can be purchased at ^10 per hundred. 22d. ** What is the price of labor in your vicin- ity?" Colored laborers can be hired at from ^15 to ^20 per month, with board or rations. The price is j^i per day when the laborer boards himself. 23d. "Are fish, oysters and game plentiful?" Our rivers and bayous are literally alive with mullet — the mackerel of the South. Sea-trout (black bass), jack-fish, sheepshead, red-fish, angel- fish, drum and pompino can also be had in abund- ance in the water around Palm Key, at the mouth Notes from Sunland. 5 7 of the bay. Oysters and clams of a superior quality can be had in Terraceia and Sarasoto Bays. Deer, squirrels, quail and wild turkeys abound in the adjoining hammocks. 24th. '^ Can you refer me to any person in your vicinity whose health has been benefited by the climate?" Yes ; several. Rev. Edmund Lee, of Manatee, arrived here forty- five years ago, a confirmed in- valid ; in fact, nearly gone with pulmonary con- sumption. On his first arrival he was so weak that it required considerable effort to pull a mullet off a grid-iron. The healthfulness of the climate, together with out-door exercise and a clear con- science, have enabled him to fight the flesh and the devil successfully to the present time. He is at this time a well-preserved patriarch of seventy- two years; has outlived two wives, and bids fair to remain many years longer on this side of Jor- dan. Mr. John M. Helm, residing some three miles south-east of Braidentown, arrived from Windsor, Ind., about four years since. He also was nearly gone with consumption. One lung was hepatized, and on the other a tubercle formed, and dis- charged after his arrival here. Physicians at the West pronounced his case hopeless — beyond the reach of medicine — and recommended the cli- mate of Florida as a last resort. He is now a well 58 Notes from Sunland. man, and can hoe more orange trees in a day, and hoe them better, than any man I know in Florida. Two years ago I arrived here, clad in porous- plasters, suffering with chronic rheumatism. Two months later I was as frisky as a lamb in spring time. I am convinced that my old complaint has left me never to return, so long as I remain here. I could record other cases, but the above must suffice for the present. 25th. ** State the most direct route to Braiden- town." By rail to Cedar Key, the terminus of railroad communication, thence by the boats of the Tampa Steamship Company to this place. A boat leaves Cedar Key on Monday and Friday afternoon of each week, and arrives at Braidentown early on the following morning. Fare, ^8. The above is the advertised programme, but it is sometimes changed to suit wind and weather. Captains Jackson and Doane are thorough seamen, and do everything in their power to render passengers comfortable. Whatever may be the opinion of travelers in regard to the speed and accommoda- tions of the boats, they will unanimously agree that the fare — $8 for a distance of less than 100 miles — is first-class. A line of light draught, modern-built and comfortably fitted-up steam- boats, between Cedar .Key and Braidentown, would be liberally patronized. Shall we have the boats? Echo repeats the question. CHAPTER V. Florida Letter Published in a California Paper- Editorial Remarks — The " Fountain of Youth " — The Manatee River and its Surroundings — Tropi- cal Fruits — Game and Fish — The Sportsman's Par- adise — Letter to the Editress of the " Philadel- phia Sunday Times" — The Land of Promise — Sunstroke and Hydrophobia Unknown — Cool Nights During the "Dog Days" — Preparing the Land and Planting an Orange Grove — The Flo- rida Orange — Route to the Manatee — Climate of THE Gulf Coast of South Florida — Record of Thermometer and Rainfall for the Year 1880 — No Frost — Report in Relation to the Effects of the Freeze on the Atlantic Coast in December Last. As THE following letters and communications have a direct bearing on the Manatee region, the reader will pardon their republication. Among the chaff perchance may be found a few grains of information that will pay for the perusal. The first letter was written to a personal friend in the city of New York, who forwarded it to the San Francisco Examiner. It was first published in that paper with the following editorial remarks : " Old Californians are not unfamiliar with the name of Mr. Samuel C. Upham, an editor upon this coast in the early m. 59 6o Notes from Sunland. days, and, of late, the author of a work entitled Voyage to Calif 01-nia via Cape Iloni, and Scenes in El Dorado in 1849 and 1850. We are permitted to copy a letter from that gen- tleman, written in his humorous style, and addressed to an old Californian friend, which may prove of interest to others." Philadelphia, June i6th, iSyg. Friend C : I owe you a letter, and the following is what I have to say : You are aware that I went vSouth last winter for the benefit of my health, and that I returned in the spring as frisky as a lamb. The late hot weather has pulled me down considerably, and I sigh for the Land of Flowers, where Ponce de Leon searched for. the fountain of youth, and Upham found it. I was so charmed with the climate of the Gulf Goast of South Florida, that, while there last winter, I purchased 225 acres of land on the Manatee River, fifty miles south of Tampa, and Mrs, U. and myself are going down to that land of promise the coming fall, to plant an orange grove, and sit under our own vine, orange and euca- lyptus trees. It is a delightful country, away down below " frost line," where the pine-apple, banana, guava, sapadillo, pomegranate, date, cocoa-nut, orange, lime and lemon grow almost spontaneously. The rivers are overflowing with fish, and the forests are overrun with game. Roasted wild turkeys run about with carving-knives and forks sticking in their backs, and ask to be eaten. The country now is a trifle wild, but will soon become tamed and civilized. The people are hospitable, and welcome all classes of strangers, with the ex- ception of "carpet-baggers." They have been tried and found wanting. I shall locate in the village— if two stores and four houses can be ■ dignified ' by that name— of Braidentown, Manatee County, Florida. The place is scarcely twelve months old, but is bound to be heard from — after I locate there. The Notes f)-oi]i Sunland. 6 1 climate is delightful — sort of an earthly Paradise. The ther- mometer during the winter, months .ranges from 70° to 75°, and in summer rarely exceeds 90°, with a sea-breeze blowing constantly either from the Atlantic or the Gulf. The nights in summer are. invariably. cool, and one can lie comfortably under blankets during " dog days.' I do not expect to make money in Florida, but I do pect to enjoy better health than in this city ; hence the reason of my exodus. I shall, first off, plant an orange grove of 500 trees, which, in eight years, barring accidents, ought to yield me a handsome revenue. Should I " shuffle off this mortal coil " before these orange trees commence bearing, I shall feel dis- appointed — that's all. I think the change will give me a renewed lease of life ; and, as I intend to plant three-years-old trees, I think the chances are rather in my favor. The Good Book says : " What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own life?" I am not prepared to "hand in my checks" just yet; hence my change of base. I have been watching and praying the past four or five years for the "good time coming " to put in an appearance, but it has not arrived, and will not, I fear, during my sojourn in this vale of tears. I have a mortal dread of the poor-house. In Florida that institution is unknown. My eldest son will take chai-ge of my store and laboratory in this city, so the business will go on without interruption. As I have spun out this letter to a great length, I will say domino. Truly yours, S. C. Upham. The following letter was published originally in Taggart's Philadelphia SnndayTiines, under :the following caption : '' Life in Florida. Inter- esting letter from Samuel C. Upham, formerly of 62 Notes from Simian d. Philadelphia, but now located in Florida, ad- dressed to our lady editress. Hints to those who may wish to visit the Flowery Land." SuNNYsiDE Cottage, Braidentown, Fla., Jimc 8th, 1880. My Dear Mrs. Bladen: In the Sunday Times of the 30th ult., you say : " Mr. Samuel C. Upham, whose popular songs and Avon- derful California experiences render him a Philadelphia celeb- rity, has a large plantation near Jacksonville." It is pleasing to know, when one is far away, that he is not entirely forgotten by his friends ; but you are slightly mistaken when you say I own a large orange plantation near Jack- sonville. I am located on the Manatee River, some eight miles above its entrance into Tampa Bay, on the Gulf coast of South Florida, in latitude 27j^°, and below "frost line." I visited Jacksonville and all the towns and landings on the St. Johns, Flalifax and Matanzas Rivers, and also " did" the Suwanee pretty thoroughly befoi-e locating in Braidentown. I prefer this part of Florida to the Atlantic coast for the fol- lowing reasons : Ileathfulness of climate, pui'ity of water and immunity from frost and insects. My health has im- preved wonderfully since' my arrival in the Land of Flowers, and I am pretty thoroughly convinced that I have obtained a new lease of life. The sea breezes that fan my brow at morning, noon and night, act as a tonic on my enfeebled con- stitution, and I am daily gaining strength and muscle. I have to-day worked six hours in my banana grove, with the ther- mometer at 90° in the shade, without experiencing any in- convenience from the heat. The heat is so modified by the constant sea breeze that one can work in the sun at all hours of the day and at all seasons of the year. Sunstroke and Notes front Sun la mi. 6^ hydrophobia are unknown here. This statement can be talcen luitJioui salt. In midsummer the nights are invariably cool. Blankets at night are the rule, not the exception. This much about location and climate ; now, a few words about that orange grove. My ranch is new, and consequently rather crude. When I located here in November last, a large portion of it was a " howling wilderness." Since that time, I have felled the trees, piled the logs, burned the brush, grubbed and fenced fifteen acres, on ten acres of which I am now setting out 500 two-years-old sweet seedling orange trees, which I hope to live long enough to see bear fruit. Some two months since, I set out 200 banana plants, and they are doing remarkably well ; many of the stalks are six feet in height. They will bear fruit in about eighteen months. I also have a patch of sixty pine-apple plants which will bear fruit next year. I have a few coffee and tea plants, Japan plum and persimmon, pome- granate, almond and olive trees that are growing luxuriantly. I brought with me from Philadelphia, half a dozen cocoa- nuts, which I planted on the 1st of November last, and had given up all hope of ever seeing them sprout, when, to my great surprise, some two weeks since, two of them threw up sprouts. They are now one foot high, and are growing vig- orously. The guava thrives admirably here. I have several trees, and expect soon to luxuriate on guava jelly of my own manufacture. I will send you a few sample boxes. Have you ever eaten a Florida orange, fresh plucked, that ripened on the tree? If not, visit Florida, and enjoy the greatest luxury of your life. It is the fruit /ar excellence — fit food for the gods. I have, in the course of my somewhat eventful life, eaten oranges in the groves of the Mediterra- nean, South America, Mexico and the West Indies, but none can compare with the orange grown in this State. Our soil is peculiarly adai)ted to the growth and maturity of the per- 64 Notes fro)]i Sunland. feet orange. No other soil can produce it. The West India and Louisiana seedling orange tree is wonderfully improved by being transplanted in Florida soil. South Florida will, ere long, be one vast orange grove, and will supply the world with her incomparable fruit. She will supply the Mediterra- nean ports with better oranges than can possibly be raised in that country. Won't that be "carrying coals to Newcastle?" I may not live to see the above prediction verified, but there are persons living at this time who will. If any of your numerous friends think it would be a good thing to have an orange grove, advise them to visit the Gulf coast of South Florida before locating elsewhere. Also tell them to drop in at Braidentown. They may go further and fare worse. The most direct route to this place is by rail to Cedar Key, the present terminus of railroad communication, thence by steamer down the coast. The mail steamers leave Cedar Key twice a week for this place and Tampa. Leave Cedar Key at 4 o'clock P. M. on Monday and Friday of each week, and arrive at Braidentown at 7 o'clock the following morning. An revoir. S. C. UphaM. The following communication was published in the Florida Ag7'lculiurist in January last, under the caption of the '' Climate of the Gulf Coast of South Florida. ' ' Having kept a record of the state of the thermometer at 6 o'clock A. M., 12 o'clock M. and 6 o'clock P. M. at Brai- dentown, Manatee County, Florida, from the 1st day of Jan- uary to the 31st day of December, 1880, inclusive, I herewith inclose you a synopsis of the same for publication in the Agriculturist, with the hope that it may interest your numer- ous readers, especially those in the Northern and Western States who are seeking homes in The land of' the orange and guava. The pine-apple, date and cassava. Notes from Suuland. 6s I also send a statement of the rainfall for the year 1 880. Temperature. Average temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., . . . 71^^ Average temperature at 12 o'clock M., . . . §3/^° Average temperature at 6 o'clock P. M., . . - I^Y^^ Highest temperature at 12 o'clock M., July ist and August 26th, 96° Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., Dec, 31st, . 38° Rainfall. January, . February, March, . April, . . May, . . June, . . July, . . August, . September, October, . November, December, Total. 104 188 5 19 12 3 24 5 3 24 7 I 29 I 12 4 27 18 8 22 1-2 6 25 18 8 23 13 15 15 10 19 12 3 15 15 6 ^7 14 177 Rainfall during year, 69 J^ inches. At least one-half the days classed as " cloudy and partly cloudy" were clear one-half of the day, and a majority of the "rainy days" were clear three-fourths of the day. Dur- 66 Notes from Sunland. ing the gale on the 29th and 30th of last August, which was so destructive on the Atlantic coast of the State, rain fell here almost uninterruptedly for nearly forty-eight hours, but the wind did little or no damage. The rainfall during the two days was six and one-half inches, the heaviest of the season. I have resided here during the past fourteen months, and, up to this time (January 7th, 1881), there has been no frost, and my tropical fruits and plants have grown luxu- riantly every month of the year. The year just closed, in its dying throes, kicked the mercury in the thermometer down to 38°, and a slight frost occurred on the opposite side of the Manatee River, and also in the hammock four or five miles south-east of Braidentown, The water protection — ^being surrounded on three sides by the aqueous fluid — has rendered Braidentown exempt from^ost. Although the rainfall of 1880 has been some nine inches in excess of the average rainfall in this State, I have passed one of the most agreeable summers of my life. While the denizens of the St, Johns and Atlantic coast are shivering in the chilling blasts of winter, we on the Gulf coast of South Florida are basking in the sun, with a temperature of 65° at 6 o'clock A. M., 75° at 12 o'clock M. and 70° at 6 o'clock P. M. If any locality north of latitude 27^° can present a more favorable record, Braidentown will yield the palm. Nous verrons. S. C. Upham. SuNNYSiDE Cottage, Braidentown, Fla., Jan. 7th, 1S81. The following report, now for the first time printed, explains itself: Notes from Su nla mi. 6 7 SuNNYsiDE Cottage, Braidentown, Fla., Feb. ^tJi, jSSi. D. H. Elliott, Esq., Sec. " Florida Frtdt Gro^uers' Association^'' Jacksonville, Fla., Dear Sir : In the Report of the Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the " Florida Fruit Growers' As- sociation," held in Jacksonville on the 27 ult., and published in the Daily Union of that city on the following morning, the annexed resolution was published, with the name of your humble servant appended as one of the committee : " Resolved, That a committee be appointed to investigate the effects of the late freeze on the orange and other fruits and vegetables ; said committee to report to the secretary at Jacksonville at the earliest practicable moment." Having received no official notice of my appointment to serve on the aforesaid committee, I have resolved myself into a committee of one, and have the honor to respectfully report as folloM's : The old and trite aphorism — " If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain " — seems peculiarly applicable to the above resolution. Ergo, if the orange and other fruits of the citrus family will not thrive 'mid frost and ice, cultivate them in a more genial climate. "With the experience of last fall and the present winter before me, together with a careful investigation of the climatology of Florida during the past fifty years, I have come to the conclusion that the fruits comprising the citrus family cannot be successfully cultivated in this State north of the 28th parallel of latitude, and the sooner and more widely this fact is promulgated, the better it will be for all persons interested or about to become interested in this laudable and growing industry. The fact that the late freeze killed the 6S Notes fro7n Sun land. scale insects on the orange trees in middle and north Florida, is cold comfort for those engaged in orange culture. There are fruits better adapted to the climate of Florida north of latitude 28° than the orange, lemon, lime, guava, banana and pine-apple. Why, then, persist in endeavoring to cultivate those fruits with so dim a prospect of success ? It is kicking against the pricks, hoping against hope. In conclusion, plant your orange, lemon, lime and banana groves below the 28th parallel of latitude, tickle the soil constantly with the hoe, and success will crown your efforts. So mote it be. S. C. Upham. Notes from Sunland. 69 METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentown^ Florida, for the month of January, 1880, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. ^ . •tI ^ Date. !' "on; Remarks. I 6^ 80 76 E. i/b in. CloudyA.M., clear P.M. 2 64 78 76 E. Clear. 3 68 82 74 E. A. M. clear, P. M. cloudy. 4 64 80 77 E. Clear with strong E. wind. 5 66 80 74 S.E. Clear A. M., cloudy P. M. 6 64 80 74 E. Clear. 7 62 80 72 N. W. << 8 62 70 W. Cloudy. 9 62 82 72 W. Clear. 10 61 84 75 E. " II 62 82 72 E. '< 12 62 82 74 E. " 13 64 74 70 N.E. " 14 .S« 78 73 E. " 15- S8 78 S. " 16 55 86 68 E. " 17 S8 78 72 W. " 18 55 76 66 N. W. " 19 52 74 70 E. " 20 ^^ 78 68 S.W. " 21 s6 78 70 s. Cloudy. 22 64 76 72 s. 2 in. Rain A. M., clear P. M. 23 6^ 82 56 w. ^/8 in. " " " " 24 54 S8 58 N.W. %in. Clear A. M., rain P. M. 25 S8 73 70 E. Cloudy. 26 71 78 70 S. W. i/o in. Rain A. M., clear P. M. 27 64 68 62 w. Cloudy. 28 58 66 63 N. W. " 29 58 80 72 E. Clear. 30 63 86 70 S.E. " 31 62 80 70 W. Sums, 1,788 2,315 2,168 3^in- Av'ge 57^3 74% 70 Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 19th inst 52° Highest " 12 " M., i6th and 30th insts 86° 70 Notes from Sun/and. meteorological; Record of the Theruiometcr and Rainfall at Braidento7vn, Florida, for the month of February, 1880, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. Date. opt; VO 3 c Remarks. I 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 62 66 56 52 55 62 60 58 66 ti 64 63 62 67 5^i 60 62 68 8l 70 72 80 69. 74 80 74 86 83 82 79 80 74 78 82 86 77 76 I? 80 80 88 82 87 63 6^^ 58 74 62 64 ?8 74 74 i 76 •74 70 72 70 66 69 70 72 74 74 72 74 N.W. s. N.W. S. E. E. E. E. W. E. w. E. w. S. s. N.E. E. E. S.W. N.W. E. w. w. w. E. S. E. S. N.E. w. S. E. I in. c R W c R C CI CI R. CI oudy. [all day. ain at night. Strong wind ind has blown a gale all day ear A. M., cloudy P. M. ain during night, clear all oudy. [day. ear. ear. Wind blowing a gale, lin during night, cloudy all ear. [^^^y. Sums, Av'ge 1,744 60/8 2,303 79K 2,034 70/8 ii^i.i. Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 4th inst. Highest " 12 " M., 27th inst.. .46° .88^ Notes f?'0}ii Siinlaud. 71 METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Ramfall at Braidentorun, Florida, for the month of March, 1S80, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. Date. VO .2 P< Remarlcs. I 2 3 4 I I 9 10 II 12 13 14 :i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 60 64 68 67 64 64 6^ 76 § 71 67 72 69 70 70 % % 1 68 P 62 52 8^? 80 82 % li 82 84 84 86 86 86 ll 84 ^ 84 83 80 81 li li 82 72 ?^ 76 74 76 73 78 73 78 73 73 7I 73 76 78 73 74 74 72 74 75 78 73 77 72 69 74 74 s, N.W. S. W. S.W. s.w. w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s. s.w. i: s.w. s.w. s.w. E. E. E. E. N.W. E. E. S.W. W. W. S. E. E. Vs'in. Clear. Cloudy. Clear. Rain during night, cloudy all Cloudy. [day. Rain during night, cloudy all Cloudy. [day. Clear. Rain A. :.!., cloudy P. M. Clear. Sums, 2,093 AVge 671^ 2.530 8l3^ ^^ ...... i/in. Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 31st inst 52° Highest " 12 " M., i2th, 13th and i4lh insts 86° 72 Notes from Sunland. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentown^ Florida, for the month of April, iSSo, with Remarks in relation to Wind ajid Weather. ^ M 0^* Date. . ?^S ^o< VO I 60 81 2 60 79 3 67 82 4 70 80 5 6q 8i 6 6^ «3 7 68 82 8 68 82 9 70 77 lO 59 76 II 6^ 79 12 6S 78 13 58 77 14 62 88 15 6s 81 i6 68 83 17 70 84 i8 75 85 19 74 8S 20 76 86 21 73 86 22 6g 86 23 72 ^5 24 73 ^7 25 73 86 26 72 87 27 73 86 28 76 88 29 74 87 30 76 88 Sums, 2,065 2,497 Av'ge 68g 83^/i 2,351 78>^ S. W. N. W. s. w. S, E. S. W. E. N. W N. W. W. S. W. W. W. W. S. W. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. s.w. li'in. larks. Clear. Cloudy, with rain in the Clear. [evening Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 13th inst , Hrghest " 12 " M., 14th, 28th and 30th insts. .58° Notes frovi Sunland. 73 METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thei'i7ionicter and Rainfall at Braidentown, Florida, for the month of May, iSSo, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather, ^ '^ ^ u cj Date, 1^' 0^ |S' c Remarks ^ J 73 89 86 E. Clear. 2 72 89 79 S. E. yjn. Cloudy, tv'ith rain P. M. 3 72 80 79 S. E. " with Scotch mist. 4 78 84 84 s.w. Clear. 5 75 79 8i S. E. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. 6 74 83 83 E. Cloudy. 7 74 90 74 E, I in. Rain during P.M. and night. 8 75 80 76 E. 21/ in. It a it It 9 76 85 78 E. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. lO 74 87 86 S.W. Partly cloudy. 11 73 87 79 S.W. 1 in. Rain in the afternoon. 12 75 78 S.W. ij^in. tt tt it 13 72 83 83 S.W, Cloudy. 14 75 84 83 S.W. " 15 75 83 81 E. Cloudy; wind blowing a gale. 16 72 85 79 E. It t( it 17 70 86 80 E. Cloudy, 18 73 87 83 E. " 19 73 90 84 • E, " 20 75 90 82 S. E. %in. Rain during P.M. and night. 21 75 90 80 S. E. 1 in. " " " " 22 75 79 78 S. E. 2 in. " " the day. 23 78 86 78 S. E. I in. " " " 24 78 86 78 S. E. li in. it it tt 25 76 75 78 S. E. Kin- " " " 26 76 88 78 S. E. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. % 75 89 86 S. E. Partly cloudy. 76 89 89 S. E. tt tt 29 76 90 87 S. E. ij'in. Rain during night, day clear 30 78 95 87 S. E. Clear. 31 80 91 86 S. E. Sums, Av'ge 2,319 ^^y^ 2,657 3^ ii3/iin Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 2d, 3d, 13th and 16th insts...72<^ Highest " 12 " M., 30th inst 95'^ 74 Note s from Sun/and. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentown, Florida, for the fuonth of June, 1880, with Retnarks in relation to Wind and Weather. ^ ^ M Date. 1^' 5^" ¥ 1^' 1 .5 Remarks. :^^' "^ OfL, ^ fS I 80 88 84 S. E. % in. Cloudy. 2 82 82 81 S. E. >^ in. " 3 80 87 85 w. >^ in. Rain in the afternoon. 4 78 91 85 S. E. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. 80 89 82 S. E. i3^"in. Rain in the afternoon. 6 81 87 80 S. E. >^ in. " " " 7 79 90 85 s. w. Clear. 8 80 89 87 S. W. " 9 82 91 90 S. W. I in. Rain in evening. 10 78 92 78 s. w. I in. " " afternoon. II 80 90 78 s. w. K in. •' " " 12 79 92 88 s. w. Clear. 13 82 90 88 s. w. " 14 84 91 87 w. " 15 86 92 88 w. " 16 85 87 w. " 17 79 89 88 s. w. I in. Rain A. M., clear P. M. 18 80 88 88 s. w. Clear. 19 77 79 83 s. w. ^ in. Rain A. M., clear P. M. 20 80 86 76 E. Cloudy. 21 76 80 78 s. w. yk in. " 22 74 88 80 S. E. K in. Rain P. M. and at night. 23 78 87 84 s. I in, Rain during night. 24 78 ^% 84 S. E. Cloudy. 25 78 86 s. 15 in- Rain during afternoon. 26 80 92 86 S. E. Shower during afternoon. 27 86 91 84 S. W. Light shower in afternoon. 28 82 88 89 S. W. ^X in. 29 81 86 86 S. W. " " " " 30 S3 94 86 S. W. J Sums, 2,408 2.657 2,53^ m in. Av'ge 80K 88>^ 84M Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 22d inst 74° Hi-hest M., vAh inst. •94^ Notes from SiiJila7icL 75 METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermo f?ieier and Rainfall at Braidentown^ Florida, for the month of July, i8So, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. M ^ ^ Date. 8s Is Is .B Remarks. ■?■ 0^ I 82 96 82 s.w. iKin. Rain during the afternoon. 2 82 92 87 s.w. 3^ in. " " " 3 84 91 90 s.w. Clear. 4 84 91 84 s.w. Cloudy. 5 82 93 QI s.w. Clear. 6 84 92 88 s.w. Scotch mist in the afternoon. I 84 84 79 93 84 89 S.E. S. E. TS in- Vt. in. Rain during P. M. 9 81 85 81 S. E. 3^ in. " " " lO 82 92 88 S.W. Clear. II 86 89 82 S.w. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. 12 82 84 86 S.w. ".'.'.'.'. " " " 13 83 93 87 s.w. Cloudy. 14 86 90 83 s.w. Kin. Rain in the afternoon. 15 82 92 88 s.w Cloudy. 16 88 s 88 s.w. " 17 86 88 S.E. " 18 84 93 90 s.w. " 19 86 90 88 s.w. " 23 88 91 89 s.w. Clear. 21 88 93 90 s.w. " 22 88 90 87 s.w. %:"in. Cloudy; rain in the evening. 23 84 92 84 s.w. Cloudy. 24 84 93 88 s.w. ij^'in. Cloudy ; rain in the evening. 25 84 94 82 S.E. Scotch mist in the afternoon. 26 80 80 83 S.E. ^"in. Rain in the evening. 27 80 80 83 S.E. I in. " " afternoon. 28 80 87 83 S.E. Hin. " " " 29 83 90 87 S.W. Cloudy and misty. 30 82 90 85 S.W. Clear. 31 80 84 83 S.W. h'in. Rain at noon. Sums, 2,593 2,778 2,688 iVx in. Av'ge ^% 863^ Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A.M., 26th, 27th, 28th and 31st insts..8o° Highest " i: " M., ist inst 96^ 76 Notes from SunlanJ. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentown, Florida, for the jjionth of Angtist, iSSo, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. ^ -y ^ . ^ . Date, ¥. "Ss' Remarks. ^ l I 82 9^ 86 s.w. Clear. 2 82 91 83 S. E. " 3 82 90 86 s. w. Tin'. Rain during night. 4 78 82 79 S. E. ii^ in. " " day and night. 5 78 80 82 S. E. i^ in. " " forenoon. 6 78 83 82 S.W. liin. " " afternoon. 79 93 80 S.W. " " " 8 82 92 84 S. E. I in. " " " 9 82 92 83 S. E. Vt. in. " " " lO 81 91 88 S. E. Cloudy. II 82 94 80 S. E. Vz in. Rain in the afternoon. 12 84 94 84 S. E. J^in. " " " 13 82 90 87 S. E. Cloudy. 14 81 91 92 S.W. " 15 82 93 79 S. E. J^'in Rain in the afternoon. 16 80 93 84 S. E. Cloudy. 17 82 95 80 S. E. 2 in. Rain in the afternoon. 18 80 91 86 S. E. Cloudy. 19 78 93 90 S. E. Clear. 20 82 89 86 S. E. 1^5 in. Cloudy, rain in the P. INI. 21 80 89 89 S.W. Clear, 22 84 92 89 S.W. " 23 86 96 90 S.W. " 24 84 93 88 S. E. f£ Cloudy, with rain in the P.M. 25 82 95 85 S.W. it " " " " 26 81 96 88 S. E. I in. " " " " " 27 82 94 91 S. E. Clear. 28 82 95 88 S. E. *_' _ [and night. 29 84 84 83 S.W. ■i% in. Rain, wind blowing gale day 30 78 82 82 S. 3 in. " " " " " 31 80 90 84 S. E. Ji in. Rain during the forenoon. • Sums, 2,520 2,814 2,642 17 in. Av'ge 84 93^/^ 88 Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 4th, 5th, 6th, 19th and 30thinsts, 78O Highest " 12 " M., 23d and 26th insts 96'' Notes from Sunland. 77 METEOROLOGICAL. Recoj'd of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentowii, Florida, for the month of September^ iSSo, 7oith Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. ^ ^ ^ — • Date. 1^; Is .5 Remarks, VO 0'^ ^ I 81 86 82 S. E. ^in- Cloudy, with rain in P. M. 2 78 88 78 S.W. I in. " " " 3 78 92 81 s. I in. " " " 4 80 92 92 88 S. E. Clear. 5 82 87 S. E. ClearA.M., cloudy P.M. 6 81 90 87 S. E. Clear. 7 81 88 85 S.W. " 8 81 90 84 S.W. " 9 82 ■ 92 86 S.W. ^i'in. Rain in the afternoon. lO 80 94 87 S. E. /sin. " " " II 82 92 88 S. E. Cloudy. 12 82 94 87 S.W. I in. Rain in the afternoon. 13 80 92 90 S. Vz in. Clear day, rain during night. 14 82 90 88 S. E. Clear. IS 80 91 83 S. E. y^ in- Clear day, rain during night. 16 78 77 78 S. E. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. 17 75 87 88 S. E. Clear. 18 78 85 81 S. E. Cloudy, with strong wind. 19 75 90 81 S. E. IS in. ^in. Clear A. M., rain P. M. 20 78 90 84 S. E. Rain in the afternoon. 21 78 93 88 S. E, i/in. 22 78 92 87 S. E. Clear. 23 78 94 89 S. E. " 24 77 94 90 S. E. " 25 80 90 85 S. [night. 26 78 92 87 S.W. % in. Rain during early part of 27 80 87 86 S.W. I in. Rain in the morning. •28 85 90 86 N.W. Clear. 29 79 88 84 S. E. " 30 73 90 87 S. E. Sums, 2,377 2,702 2,562 75^ in. Av'ge 79^X 90 85 .... Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 30th inst 70° Highest " 12 " M., loth, i2th, 23d and 24th insts...94° 78 Notes from Sun land. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer mid Rainfall at Braidentoivn, Florida, for the month of October, 1880, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. ^ ' .i4 -^ . rt _. Date. -§^. %^ 3 Remarks. VO ^ "3 I 73 92 87 S. E. Clear. 2 70 90 85 S. E. " 3 76 92 87 S. E. " 4 76 85 S. E. " 5 77 86 81 S. E. Vs in. Cloudy, with rain. 6 76 8a 80 S. E. /sin. " " " 7 78 8d 78 S. E. 3^ in. Cloudy, with heavy rain. 8 8^ 86 85 S. W. 2 in. Clear A. M., rain P. M. 9 80 82 79 S. E. Cloudy. 10 76 90 87 S. Clear. 11 78 90 86 E. " 12 78 88 82 E. " 13 70 88 88 E. " 14 76 93 82 E. " 15 70 87 82 E. " 16 68 87 80 E. " 17 72 85 77 S. % in. Rain in the afternoon. 18 66 79 75 E. Clear. 19 69 84 81 N. E. " 20 75 86 80 S. E. J^ in. Rain in the morning. 21 70 87 82 S. E. I in. " during the night. 22 78 82 76 N. W. 5^ in. " in the morning. 23 68 78 73 N. W. Clear. 24 62 8d 76 S. E. << 25 60 79 80 E. " 26 62 82 80 S. E. " 27 68 86 81 S. E. " 28 74 72 74 S. E. j'yl'in. Cloudy, with heavy rain. 29 1^ 80 79 N. W. IX in. " " rain. 3'3 75 80 76 N. W. Cloudy 31 72 82 78 s. w. Clear. Sums, 2,245 2,625 2.502 9% in. Av'ge 72 J^ 843/i 80.% Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 25th inst 60° Highest " 12 " M., 14th inst 93° Notes from Sunland. 79 METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Therjnonieter and Rainfall at Braidentozvn, Florida, for the month of November, 1880, ivith Remarks in relatioji to Wind and Weather. ^ ^ ^ Date. Is 1^ ¥. Remarks. ■^•< VO ^ I 68 86 79 S.E. Cloudy A. M., Clear P. M. 2 68 82 78 N.W. Clear A.M., Cloudy P.M. 3 68 83 78 s.w. . Clear. 4 70 80 80 N.E. K'in. Rain during the night. 78 86 82 S. Clear. 6 77 86 81 s. " 7 74 75 76 N. Cloudy. 8 70 80 77 S.E. " 9 72 90 85 E. Clear. 10 77 85 78 S. Cloudy. ir 70 84 78 S. E. Clear. .12 70 82 82 E. " 13 70 87 86 S.E. " 14 74 83 80 S. ii'in. Clear day, rain at night. 15 70 70 66 N.E. Cloudy. 16 50 72 71 \¥" Clear. 17 60 75 73 w. " 18 64 80 76 w. Cloudy. 19 70 78 79 E. " 20 77 75 72 N.E. %in. Rain in the forenoon . 21 62 76 77 E. Clear A. M., Cloudy P. M. 22 68 84 76 E. " " " " 23 63 76 67 N.E. Cloudy. 24 65 79 79 S.E. " 25 71^ 80 74 N.W. " and foggj'. 26 71 75 75 S. E. " 27 72 80 76 S.E. Clear. 28 71 84 78 S. " 29 71 84 84 S.E. " 30 70 86 78 S.E. Sums. 2,081 2,412 2,321 xM in. Av'ge 69^ 80/3 77/3 Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., i6th inst 50° Highest " 12 " M., 9th inst 90° So Notes from Sunland. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentown^ Florida, for the month of December, j8So, 7uith Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. Date. 1 T 1 .S Remarks. I 2 3 4 5 6 I 9 lO II 12 13 14 15 'J 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 :? 29 30 31 ^6 ?6 56 45 52 52 45 50 50 1 70 70 42 46 52 52 43 54 40 38 80 84 82 82 82 11 68 72 73 69 72 75 ?B 78 81 82 82 11 81 60 56 71 s 66 65 71 51 50 80 84 82 80 78 p 64 69 72 75 73 73 75 75 65 55 54 68 67 68 t t 45 53 s. w. s. w. s. s. s. w. N. E. E. N. E. N. E. N. E. N. E. N.W. S. E. S. S. s. s.w. s. N.W. N.W. N. E. S. E. S.W. S. N. E. N.W. S. E. S. E. N.W. N. E. ^'iii. >^ in. Hin. J/s'ln. I in. Cloudy. Clear. Cloudy, with rain. Clear. Rain morning and afternoon. Rain in the afternoon. Cloudy. Clear. Rain in the afternoon. Cloudy. Clear. Rain in the afternoon. Cloudy. [of the year. Drizzling rain. Coldest day Sums, Av'ge 1,788 573/i 2,237 74/3 2,117 68K 2)^ in. Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 31st inst. Highest " 12 " ]M., 2d inst .38° .84° Notes from Siinland. 8i METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentoiun, Florida, for the month of fanuary, i88r, with Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. ^ ^ ^ Date. 5S' ¥■ s Remarks. "o4 in. Rain in the afternoon. 9 66 75 72 S. E. Cloudy. lO 73 80 75 S. y. in. Rain during the night. afternoon. II 68 76 65 N.W. /sin. 12 54 62 62 E. Cloudy. 13 48 78 75 E. Clear. 14 64 75 70 S. Cloudy. 15 68 77 70 w. Hi"- Rain in the afternoon. i6 66 82 76 s.w. Clear. 17 64 83 80 S. E. " i8 66 87 79 E. " 19 66 83 78 S. E. " 20 66 77 72 S. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. 21 66 75 70 S.W. Clear A. M., cloudy P. M. 22 60 76 66 S. E. Clear. 23 57 60 58 N.E. X'in. Rain P. M. and night. 24 53 60 56 N.W. Sin. " " 25 52 55 52 N.E. Cloudy. 26 44 76 64 N.E. Clear. 27 48 72 62 N.E. li 28 54 67 64 N.E. Cloudy. 29 80 74 E. Clear. 30 60 78 76 N.W. " 31 55 78 74 N.W. " Sums . 1,861 2,293 2,132 sKin. Av'ge 60 74 683^ Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 26th inst 44° Highest " 12 " M., 17th and 19th insts 83'^ 82 Notes from Sunland. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of the Thermometer and Rainfall at Braidentoxun, Florida, for the month of February, 1881, with Remarks in relation to Wind aitd Weather. Date. J4 VO "8 . VO 3 c Remarks, I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 56 65 54 50 S 66 64 68 65 48 52 58 59 62 67 ^9 65 60 5^ 58 60 60 65 69 76 71 75 75 78 79 72 84 81 66 84 85 82 81 76 80 80 80 72 62 ^9 69 72 73 ?? ?^ 62 66 ^^ 76 74 74. 69 66 73 74 74 77 S. E. S. w. s. w. S. E. N. E. N. E. N. E. E. S. E. S. E. S. s. w. w. N.W. N. W. N. E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.W. N.W. S.W. S. E. N. E. E. S. E. S. w. /4 in. Vz in. :::::: 2 in. Clear. Rain in the afternoon. Clear. Cloudy. Clear. Clear, wind blowing a gale. Rain in the afternoon. Clear. Rain in the afternoon. Clear. Cloudy. Clear. [gale. Rain, with wind blowing a Clear, " Sums, Av'ge 1,712 61^8 2,054 1,970 73K 70>^ 2Kin. Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock A. M., 14th inst 48° Highest " 12 " M., iSth ipst , 85° JVofes froDi Suiihmd. ^2. METEOROLOGICAL. Record of tJie Ther7)ioi)U'te)' and Raiiifall at Braidento7vn, Florida, for the month of March, 1881, loith Remarks in relation to Wind and Weather. .:^ ^ Date. . 59 is p^ Remarks. J 74 61 N.W. Clear. 2 75 69 N. W. " 3 60 75 71 S.W. " 4 59 71 63 N.W. " 5 66 74 63 N.W. " 6 59 68 68 N.W. " 7 53 72 73 E. " 8 60 78 69 S. xV^'i". Rain P. M. and night. 9 62 78 67 N.W. Clear. 10 57 72 70 S. E. " 52 79 73 S. E. " 12 73 81 75 S.W. Cloudy, with Scotch mist. 13 73 75 72 N.W. " " 14 65 80 77 N. E. Cloudy. 15 67 88 80 N. E. Clear. 16 67 83 75 S. " 17 66 80 76 S.W. " 18 72 82 78 S.W. " 19 72 79 76 S.W. I in. Cloudy, rain P.M. and night. 20 68 70 64 N.W. Cloudy. 21 63 74 67 S.W. ii i'V Cloudy, with rain at night. 22 62 65 61 N. E Clear, wind blowing a gale. '-2 3 52 66 58 N.W. Clear. 24 59 74 71 N.W. " 25 56 74 66 S.W. " 26 65 70 69 S.W. ...... Cloudy. 27 60 72 63 S.W. Clear. 28 52 78 71 S. E. .... . " 29 57 75 70 S.W. ...... " 30 59 65 64 N.W. Clear, wind blowing a gale. 60 68 63 N.W. 214 in. Sums, 1,914 2,315 2,143 Av'ge 62 74K 693^ Lowest temperature at 6 o'clock, A. M., nth, 23d and 28th insts 52° Highest ■• I-; " M., 15th inst 83'= ELLENTON PLANTATION LANDS The undersigned offers for sale the unsold portion of the '•Ellenton" (formerly "Gamble'") Plantation Lands. These lands lie on the north side of the Manatee River, opposite the village of Manatee. About one-half (say twelve hundred acres) were cleared and cultivated in cane before the war, and have lain waste since. The other por- tion is uncleared. It is all First Quality Dry Hammock^ and is the largest body of fine land on the Gulf Coast; admirably suited by climate, soil and accessibility for the successful cultivation of all the semi-tropical fruits, garden vegetables, etc., etc , which can be grown in Florida. These lands are now selling rapidly in parcels of ten, twenty and forty acres to settlers from all the States, and from the more northeiTi parts of the Peninsula, who ai-e making it, what it is destined to be, "THE GARDEN OF FLORIDA." For health and pleasantness it is unexcelled. Society is good and constantly improving by the immigration of moral, intelligent, cultivated and thrifty settlers. Semi -weekly communication by Mail Steamers with Cedar Keys, thence by Rail with all sections. Persons desiring to secure homes on these lands must apply soon. ADDRESS : GEORGE PATTEN, Manatee, Florida. NO AGENTS. EDGAR M. GRAHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Cliancefp) Real [state Apnt, Manatee and Braitlentown, Florida, Will Practice in all the Counties of the Sixth Judi- cial Circuit of Florida. Having been Probate Judge for seven years, is especially qualified to attend to all matters connected with the estates of deceased persons. Is thoroughly acquainted with the situation and quality of all classes of lands subject to entry and purchase in Manatee County. Has been engaged for the last thirteen years in the selection and location of Homesteads, having had official and professional connection with nine-tenths of the Homesteads located in the county. Maps and abstracts of titles furnished at reasonable prices. Homestead blanks of all descrij^tions constantly on hand. Correspondence solicited and information furnished. Tracts of the hcsifruii and vegetable lands in the county, from ten to forty acres, for sale, within a mile of Sunnyside Cottage. These lands are situated on the most elevated and beautiful ridge in Manatee County, with splendid building sites and delightful springs of water, and being situated only a little more than a mile from the Steamboat wharf and Post Office at Braidentown, and entirely cut off" from the high winds sometimes prevailing on the coast. Refers, by permission, to all the matters stated in the above card, to Mr. Samuel C. Upham, and to professional standing to the " Bradstreet Company" and H. K. & F. B. Thurber, New York. Post Offfces at Braidentown and Manatee. FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL AND WKLL LOCATED PLACE Adjoining the town of Palmetto, 138 acres — 126 prairie, six timber, six in cultivation ; house of five rooms ; bearing trees, six orange, four lemon, two citron, five guavas, one grape ; fruit trees in grove, 200 orange, eleven Japan plum, ten sand pear, four Japan persimmons ; a lot of lemon, guavas, limes, mulberry, chestnut and 100 Concord grape vines, strawberries. Pond water on prairie. Will make good stock farm. Thirty acres fine orange land. Fine boat landing near house; fine sulphur spring near house, will become noted some day. Finest garden of flowers, shrubs, etc., in the county. For further description of my place, see page 35 of this book. Price, $i8co Cash. Call on or address, D. ZEHNER, Palmetto, Manatee, Co., Florida. DAVID SCATTERGOOD, S. E. Cohner Fifth and Chestnut Streets, (Three doors above the Post-office,) PHILADELPHIA, Wood Engraving of all descriptions done with dispatch. Buildings, Store Fronts, Machines, Labels, Show Cards, Illustrated Price Lists, Book Covers, Newspaper Heads, Trade Marks, Advertising Designs, Etc, Drawn and En- graved in the best stvle. and at low Prices. HOMES IN FLORIDA. A most admirable way for those contemplating a settle- ment in the genial climate of Florida to procure correct and valuable information concerning it, is to subscribe for z. first- class newspaper devoted to the development of every section of the State, TJe Florida Uqion is such a paper. Its Daily Edition, the only Daily in the State, contains full Associated Press Dispatches and gives the freshest news to the people of the State. Each number of The Weekly Union contains facts about the State valuable to the intended settler, and its Agricultural Department, edited by an experienced agriculturist, is invaluable to the farmei> fruit grower and horticulturist. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, per Year, . " Three Months, $10.00 2.50 C( " One Month, . 1.00 "Weekly, " Year, 2.00 (( " Six Months, 1.00 (1 " Three Months, .50 ADDRESS McCALLUM & LAWTON, Jacksonville, Florida. PHOTOGRAPHER. Gallery at Manatee next to Harllee's Store. In Tampa, next to Jackson's Store. Viewsof Residences, Mills and Public Buildings a Specialty. TAMPA AND THE GULF COAST! If you want reliable information from South Florida, subscribe for the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl PUBLISHED AT TAMPA, FLORIDA, At $2.00 per Year. Dr. J. P. WALL, Editor. T. K. SPENCER, Publisher. This Paper has done more to develop the resources of this section than any other paper, and has rehable correspon- dents in every County. Gives facts with no rose coloring. SAMPLE COPY, TEN CENTS. J. M. HELM Sl son, Having made orange culture a special study for the past four years, during which time we have tried various experiments, both in the manner of planting and mode of cultivating the orange tree, we feel safe in saying to the public that we are now prepared to prosecute orange culture in a manner guaranteeing the best results. Hurserj Trees of the Finest Quality Always on Hand. Persons desiring anything in our line will receive prompt attention by calling on or addressing J. M. HELM & SON, Manatee, Florida. PINEAPPLE AND BANANA LAND, A few acres of land admirably adapted to the cultivation of the Pine Apple and Banana, situated on the east bank of Ware's Creek, in the village of Braidentown, will be sold in lots to suit pur- chasers. ADDRESS : SAMUEL C. UPHAM, Braidentown, South Florida. HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWOER, Prepared in Two Shades, Flesh and White. Established in London, 1850, ami in Philadelphia in 1855. Sustaining injunction granted by the Courts of Philadelphia, in 1881. A ROMANCE OF REALITY. The Devices of the Queens of Society. How Plain Features are Made Attractive. The Biemishes of Nature Hidden by the Witchery of Art Is the BEST Beautifying Cosmetic in the World. BERFECTLT HARMZiESS. J^m^L Fin* Complexion is a Gift without which there is no Beauty.'^^H This Delightful Prenaration, by its notirishing action on the skin, speedily and permanently IMPARTS NATURE'S ROSEATE HUE OF HEALTH TO THE COMPLEXION. As its merits be- come known throughout the fashionable world, it is rapidly driving out and superseding all other cosmetics claiming to beautify and improve the skin and complexion. In Philadelphia alone OVER FIVE HUNDRED of the best Druggists and Dealers in Fine Toilet Goods have adopted it as The Best Cosmetic. For this zmprecedenfed patronage^ the proprietor is happy to ac- knowledge his indebtedness to the ladies who, after giving it a trial, and finding it all it claimed to be, called for it. and passing high encomiums upon its excellent qualities, induced their Iriends, also, to give it a trial. HUNT S COURT TOILET POWDER removes all blemishes and conceals every draAvback to beauty : and while it is perfectly innocent and hakmlkss, it is so LIFE-LIKE IN ITS EFFECTS, THAT THE CLOSEST SCRUTINY FAILS TO DETECT ITS USE. PRICE. 25 Cts.f by mail, 30 Cts., stamps taTcen. ivi one ccenuine unless signed . ,, .,..., ^^^ ' ^ All genuine has fac-simile SA-'TO rVl ri /\ />-v\ signature of D. P. MASON on «KJ, / . / f Li-*-^ €/r\y^ jij^^ ^jf ijox-lid, of which you Successor to Hunt & Co. ^^'i^l see an imprint on this Beware of injurious counterfeits. ^ * ' SOLD EVERYWHERE. Address all communications to J*. O. Jiox 2097, PUILADELPMIA, PA. FLORIDA. For RELIABLE INFORMATION regarding Florida, its Climate, Production and Resources, subscribe for the FLORIDA jlGRlCULTURIST, A Large 8-Page Weekly. $2.00 per Annum. C. CODRINGTON & CO., DeLand, Florida. All interested in Florida, especially the Gulf Coast, subscribe for the MANATEE COUNTY NEWS. $2.00 PER ANNUM. ADDRKSS": P. 0. Box 1, Manatee. G. CASPER, Editor. THE SPRING PHARMACY. Pure Drugs I Chemicals Alwajs in Stock. MANATEE, S. FLORIDA. PRICE, 25 CENTS. NOTES FROM SUN LAND, ox THH Jfanatee ^m, (|ulf doa^t ol' SOUTH FLORIDA. ITS CLIMATE, SOIL AXD PLODUCTLOXS. The Land of tte Orange and Guava, Tlie Pine-Apple, Date and Cassava. sy s.i^:M:Tj:Eii. c. tj:pi3:..^:m:. ILLUSTRATED. BRAJDENTOWN, FLA.: Philadelphia, 25 South Eighth Strkkt. Published by ttiic Author. 18S1. W, S. WARHER & COMPAHV, Palma Sola, Manatee Co., Fla., MANUFACTURERS OF lellow Fins, Cyprsss 46k Uer Fruit anfl VegetaWe Crates, Lalli M SMngles. DEALERS IN DOORS. SASH, BUNDS, MOLDINGS. BUILDERS' HARD^ WARE, LIME, CEMENT, STONE, Etc. PROPRIETORS OF PALMA SOLA DOCK & WAREHOUSE, STOCK YARD AND "CASH STORE." Contractors for the erection of Public Edifices, Residences or Stores in any part of South Florida or Cuba. House frames complete, shipped to any point, with all fittings and trimmings numbered and fitted ready to put together. All the Standard Sizes of Vegetable and Fruit Crates Kept in Stock and any size made to Order. Sponge and boat poles of any length turned to order. Any style of wood turning or scroll sawing done in the best manner. Door and Window frames of all regular sizes always on hand. HARD PINE FLOORING OUR SPECIALTY. BLACKSMITH, WHEELWRIGHT and MACHINE WORK done in the best possible. style. Work guaranteed. A full stock of steam pipes, fittings and tools enables us to give bottom prices in this work. Rubber Belting, Packing and Engine supplies always in stock. Write us for prices. W. S. WARNER & CO. Florida ponie^. l^OR SALE a well-finished 2^ -story house 32 X 43 feet, with large dining-room and cook- house attached ; two stores, warehouse and wharf, all nearly new, with ten acres of land on the bank of the Manatee River, in the village of Braiden- town. The house contains ten rooms, and is now occupied as a boarding house. Also, forty acres or more of excellent hammock land on the old Cofield and Davis plantation, on the north side of the Manatee River, nearly oppo- site the village of Manatee. From twenty acres of this land were shipped this spring 2500 crates of vegetables, mostly tomatoes, netting the owner ;^2.oo per crate. Also, eight years' old bearing orange grove of nearly 1000 trees, at Oak Hill, 2^ miles from the Manatee River. Also, 360 acres of best quality hammock land, in Sumter County, Fla., on the line of the rail- road now being built between Ocala and Tampa. For further particulars, address, WM. I. TURNER, Braidentown, Florida. VOYAGE TO CALIFORNIA TOGETHER WITH SCENES IN EL DORADO, In the Years 1849 and '50. -WITH AN APPENDIX- Containing Reminiscences of Pioneer Journalism in California — Cali- fornia Day at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, September 9th, 1876 — Together with Articles of Association and Roll of Members of " The Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California." 333r JS.A-lVtXJ:E3Xj O- XJI^H-A-IVE WITH FORTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS. "All of which I saw, and a part of w^hich I was." This work contains 600 large octavo pages, printed on fine, heavy book paper, and is bound in Turkey cloth, with heavy beveled boards. Only a few copies remain unsold. Price, $3.00. PRESS NOTICES. New York Herald, Nov. 29th, 1878, says : "The work throughout is highly entertaining, Mr. Upham's perambulations through the diggings are graphically related, as are the queer and comic incidents that occurred at various stopping places during the voyage. From title-page to finis the book is highly interesting." Col. Forney's Progress says, Jan. 25th, 1879 • " A volume of Adventure and History that could be compounded in no other country under the sun. Mr. Upham has rendered a signal service to the country by his beautiful book ; it is full of interest to the editor, bringing back to mind such names as General Winfield S. Han- cock, Bayard Taylor, Commodore Stockton and General John W. Geary." Philadelphia } ublic Ledger says, Nov. 30th, 1878 : "The Author having experience as a journalist as well as mer- chant, being of quick perception and with a keen sense of humor, and having been eye-witness to what he describes, his story is told in graphic style and with manifest relish in the telling." Kennet Advance, Kennet Square, Pa., May 8th, 1880, says : '■ F'or the general reader it possesses an interest far beyond that of an ordinary book of travels or personal adventure. As long as this book lasts Mr. Upham will have the gratitude of every reader fortunate enough to turn its pages." , Emerson Bennett, the eminent novelist, author of "Prairie Flower," "Phantom of the -Forest," etc., says, "It reads like Robinson Crusoe.'" Sent, post-paid, to any address, by S. ZENAS UPHAM, 25 South Eighth Stireet, Philadelphia, Pa.