•CT5 1903 Class r . ,02, Book , C75 L " puksknted by The Society of the Sons of the Revolution in Connefticut Decennial Report 1903 . f)arttor& preae : The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company 1903 c .f- 7s 'to 3 =k Publication Committee WALTER L. WAKEFIELD, . . . Hartford, Conn. HANFORD L. CURTIS, .... New Britain, Conn. CHARLES B. WHITTELSEY, . . . Hartford, Conn. FOUNDERS OF The Connecticut Society of the Sons of the Revolution. Instituted May 24, 189}. Incorporated September 7, 189). Chief Engineer Louis Joseph Allen, U Cyrus Sherwood Bradley, Augustus Floyd Delafield, . Frank Curtis Dowd, Thomas Benjamin Fairchild, William Freeman French, M.D., Reverend Alexander Hamilton, . Brigadier-General Dwight Morris, Robert Clark Morris, D.C.L., Edward Wood Riker, . Lieut. -Colonel George Bliss Sanford, William Henry Sanford, Satterlee Swartwout, . Jesup Wakeman, .... Reverend Henry Nicoll Wayne, . Colonel Henry Walton Wessells, S.N., U.S.A Brooklyn, N. Y. Southport, Conn. Noroton, Conn. Madison, Conn. Stratford, Conn. Noroton, Conn. Lyon's Plains, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. New York. Stamford, Conn. Litchfield, Conn. Litchfield, Conn. Stamford, Conn. Southport, Conn. New Britain, Conn. Litchfield, Conn. Officers of the Connecticut Society, 190M904. President. Hon. Morgan G. Bulkeley, Hartford, Conn. Vice-President. Hon. Daniel N. Morgan, Bridgeport, Conn. Secretary. Walter L. Wakefield, Hartford, Conn. Assistant Secretary. Charles B. Whittelsey, Hartford, Conn. Treasurer. Colonel Henry W. Wessells, Litchfield, Conn. Registrar. Hanford L. Curtis, New Britain, Conn. Chaplain. Reverend Frederick R. Sankord, New Haven, Conn. Historian. Charles B. Whittelsey, Hartford, Conn. Board of Managers. A. Floyd Delafield, Isaac W. Birdseye, Ransom N. Fitzgerald, John S. Jones, . David H. Gould, Frederick D. Street, William F. Waterbury, N. Burton Rogers, Francis H. Parker, Noroton, Conn. Bridgeport, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Westport, Conn. Southport, Conn. Darien, Conn. Stamford, Conn. Danbury, Conn. Hartford, Conn. 3m tl|p £>atiB of % SUirolutum /|t\ Slum roljo turnrat ttjr ijrarta of tljp rljilbrrn VI7 to % fatJirra, anb IjaBt brrlarrb tljat tljr rlgljt- poub aljall be Imb in ruprlaating rnupmbranrr, wp tljank QHjfp for tlip inspiration roljirb. rallpb into px- iatrnrr tljp S>nrtPty of ttir g>ona of Irjr Srunlution ; anb tljr blpaatng aibult baa littljrrto attrnbpb it: Anb me pray QUirr to rontinup to aib our i&ortPtg in tliia anb aurrprbing grnrrationa. in tljr pinna mork of pprprtuating life mputnry of tljr- aarrifirpa, anb auffpringa, anb nalor of our fatljrra, through, wljirlj our prirrlpaa liprttagr nraa won. Anb finally uiljrn utp alao altall Ijanr ar-rurb ®b.pp in our gpnpration, may ujp bp gatljrrrb unto our fatlirra, pairing tb,P tratimony of a goob ron- aripnrp ; in faunr unfit 3b.pr our (Sob '; anb in prr- fpft rhartty uiifb. fiir utorlb: All u)b,irb. ujp aak through. 3pbub (Cbnat our lEorb. Amrn. SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Instituted May 24, 1893. Incorporated September 7, 1893. CONSTITUTION. Preamble. Whereas, it has become evident from the decline of proper celebration of such National holidays as the Fourth of July, Wash- ington's Birthday, and the like, that popular interest in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is less than in the earlier days of the Republic; And Whereas, this lack of interest is to be attributed not so much to lapse of time as to the neglect on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes to perform their duty of keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors, and of the times in which they lived, and of the principles for which they con- tended ; Therefore, the Society of the " Sons of the Revolution," has been instituted, to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in mili- tary, naval, or civil service, by their acts or counsel, achieved American Independence; to promote and assist in the proper celebration of the anniversaries of Washington's Birthday, the Battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, the Fourth of July, the Capitulations of Saratoga and Yorktown, the formal Evacuation of New York by the British Army, on the 3d of December, 1783, as a relinquishment of territorial sovereignty, and other prominent events relating to or connected with the War of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the manuscript rolls, records, and other documents and memorials re- lating to that War ; to inspire among the members and their de- IO SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. scendants the patriotic spirit of their forefathers; to inculcate in the community general sentiments of Nationality and respect for the principles for which the patriots of the Revolution contended ; to as- sist in the commemorative celehration of other great historical events of National importance, and to promote social intercourse and the feeling of fellowship among its members. Article I. Name of Society. The Society shall be known by the name, style, and title of " Sons of the Revolution." Article II. Membership. Any male person, above the age of twenty-one years, shall he eligible to membership in the " Sons of the Revolution " who is descended from an ancestor, as the propositus, who either as a mili- tary, naval, or marine officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, or official in the service of any one of the thirteen original Colonies or States, or of the National Government representing or composed of those Colonies or States, assisted in establishing American Independence during the War of the Revolution, between the 19th day of April, 1 775, when hostilities commenced, and the 19th day of April, 1783, when they were ordered to cease. Provided: That when the claim of eligibility is based on the serv- ice of an ancestor in the " minute men," or " militia," it must be satisfactorily shown that such ancestor was actually called into the service of the State or United States, and performed garrison or field duty ; and Provided further: That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an ancestor as a " sailor " or " marine " it must in like manner be shown that such service was other than shore duty and regularly performed in the Continental Navy, or the Navy of one of the original thirteen States, or on an armed vessel, other than a mer- chant ship which sailed under letters of marque and reprisal, and that such ancestor of the applicant was duly enrolled in the ship's com- pany, either as an officer, seaman, or otherwise than as a passenger; and CONSTITUTION. 1 1 Provided further: That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an ancestor as an " official " such service must have been performed in the civil service of the United States, or of one of the thirteen original States, and must have been sufficiently important in character to have rendered the official specially liable to arrest and imprisonment, the same as a combatant, if captured by the enemy, as well as liable to conviction of treason against the Government of Great Britain. Service in the ordinary duties of a civil office, the performance of which did not particularly and effectively aid the American Cause, shall not constitute eligibility. In the construction of this article, the Volunteer Aides de Camp of General Officers in Continental Service, who were duly announced as such, and who actually served in the field during a campaign, shall be comprehended as having performed qualifying service. The civil officials and military forces of the State of Vermont, during the War of the Revolution, shall also be comprehended in the same manner as if they had belonged to one of the thirteen original States. No service of an ancestor shall be deemed as qualifying service for^membership in the " Sons of the Revolution " where such ancestor, after assisting in the cause of American Independence, shall have subsequently either adhered to the enemy, or failed to maintain an honorable record throughout the War of the Revolution. No person shall be admitted unless he be eligible under one of the provisions of this Article, nor unless he be of good moral character and be judged worthy of becoming a member. Article III. Officers. The officers of the Society of the " Sons of the Revolution " shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, and a Chaplain, who shall be chosen by ballot at every annual meeting from among the members thereof. Article IV. Board of Managers. The Board of Managers of the Society shall be fifteen, namely : the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the j 2 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Registrar, and the Chaplain, ex officio, and nine others who shall be chosen by ballot at every annual meeting from among the mem- bers of the Society. Article V. Admission of Members. Every application for membership shall be made in writing, sub- scribed by the applicant, and approved by two members over their signatures. Applications shall contain, or be accompanied by, proof of eligibility, and such applications and proofs shall be submitted to the Board of Managers, who shall have full power to determine the qualifications of the applicant. Payment of the initiation fee and subscription to the declaration required by the Constitution of this Society shall be a pre-requisite of membership. Article VI. Declaration. Every member shall declare upon honor that he will endeavor to promote the purposes of this Institution and observe the " Constitu- tion " and " By-laws " of this Society, and, if he be a citizen of the United States, shall declare that he will support the Constitution of the United States. Such declaration shall be in writing, and sub- scribed by the member making it. Article VII. Institution Considered. At every meeting the purposes of the Institution will be fully considered and the best measures to promote them adopted. No question, however, involving the party politics of the day within the United States shall ever be discussed or considered in any meeting of the " Sons of the Revolution." Article VIII. Commemorations. It shall be a standing Regulation that the members shall, when practicable, hold a commemorative celebration and dine together at least once every year. CONSTITUTION. 13 Article IX. Seal. The seal of the Society of the " Sons of the Revolution " shall be one and seven-eighths of an inch in diameter, and shall con- sist of the figure of a " Minute-man " in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry, and holding in his left hand a musket and an olive branch, and grasping in his right hand a bell rope. Above, the cracked "Liberty bell"; issuing therefrom a rib- bon, bearing the motto of the "Sons of the Revolution": " Exegi Monumentum ZEre Perennius." Across the top of the lad- der, on a ribbon, the figures " 1776," and at the left of the Minute- man, and also on a ribbon, the figures " 1883," the year of the Cen- tennial commemoration of the permanent evacuation by the British army of American territory; the whole encircled by a band three- eighths of an inch wide ; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each, and at the bottom the legend, " Sons of the Revo- lution "; the following being a facsimile thereof: The Secretary shall be the custodian of the seal, which shall be identical in every particular with this description. Article X. Insignia. The insignia of the " Sons of the Revolution " shall consist of a badge pendant from the ribbon by a ring of gold. • The badge shall be elliptical in form, with escalloped edges, one and one-quarter inches in length and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle, with wings displayed, inverted. On the obverse side a medallion of gold in the center, el- 14 SONS OF THE RESOLUTION. liptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier in Conti- nental uniform, with musket slung. Beneath, the figures " 1775"; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side, in the center, a medallion, corresponding in form to that on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face Houdon's portrait of Washington in bas relief, encircled by the legend, " Sons of the Revolution." Beneath, the figures " 1883," and upon the reverse of the eagle, the number of the particular badge engraved ; the medallion surrounded by a plain gold border conform- ing in dimensions to the obverse, upon which members may have their names engraved in script. The ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged with buff, one and one-half inches wide and one and one-half inches in displayed length. The insignia shall be worn by the members conspicuously and only on the left breast on all occasions when they shall assemble as such for any stated purpose or celebration. The badge shall never be worn as an article of jewelry. The Treasurer of the Society shall procure and issue the insignia to the members and shall keep a record of all issued by him. Such insignia shall be returned to the Treasurer of the Society by any member who may formally withdraw or resign or be expelled, but otherwise it shall be deemed an heirloom. No member shall receive more than one badge, unless to replace one, the loss or destruction of which shall first be satisfactorily es- tablished. On occasions other than the meetings for any stated purpose or celebration, members may wear a rosette of the prescribed ribbon arid pattern in the upper buttonhole of the left lapel of the coat. The Treasurer shall procure and issue the rosettes to members. Article XI. Alterations and Amendments. No alteration nor amendment of the Constitution of this Society shall be made unless notice thereof shall be duly given in writing, signed by the member proposing the same, at a meeting of the So- ciety, nor unless the same shall be adopted at a subsequent meeting, held at least thirty days after such notice, by a vote of three-fourths of the members present. BY-LAWS. 15 BY-LAWS. Section I. Initiation Fee, Dues, and Contributions. The initiation fee shall be two dollars; the annual dues, three dollars, which shall be payable on or before the first day of January in every year. The initiation fees and dues must accompany every application for membership. The payment at one time of forty dollars shall henceforth exempt the member so paying from the pay- ment of annual dues. Any member who may contribute one hundred and fifty dollars to the " Permanent Fund " of the Society shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues, and this exemption shall extend in per- petuity to his lineal successors in membership from the same pro- positus, one at a time, who may be selected for such exemption by the Society. Section II. Permanent Fund. There shall be a " Permanent Fund," to be derived from contri- butions, and to remain forever to the use of the Society, the income only of which shall be expended. Section III. President. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or in his absence a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, and shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, under general parliamentary rules, subject to an appeal to the Society in proper cases under those rules. The President shall be, ex officio, a member of all committees other than the Committee on Nominations. He shall have power to 16 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. convene the Board of Managers and appoint the place of such meeting when called by him. He shall also perform such other representative duties on behalf of the Society, either personally or by correspondence, as it or the Board of Managers may find desirable or necessary, or as customarily appertain to his office, and he shall enforce a strict observance of the Constitution and By-laws of the Society. In case of his decease, resignation, neglect to serve, or inability from any cause to act as President, the duties of the office shall de- volve on the Vice-President until the vacancy caused by such decease, resignation, or neglect to serve shall be filled, or until the inability shall cease. Section IV. Secretary. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and keep a record thereof. He shall notify all qualified and accepted candidates of their admission, and perform such other duties as the Society or Board of Managers or his office may require of him. He shall have charge of the seal, certificates of incorporation, by-laws, historical and other documents and records of the Society other than those required to be deposited with the Registrar, and shall affix the seal to all properly authenticated certificates of membership and trans- mit the same without delay to the member for whom it shall be issued or to his proper representative. He shall also notify the Registrar of all admissions to membership, and transmit to him the applications and proofs of eligibility of all persons so admitted. He, together with the presiding officer, shall, when necessary, certify all acts of the Society, and, in proper cases, authenticate them under seal. He shall have charge of all printing and publications directed by the Society or by the Board of Managers. He shall give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, and shall attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society and the Board of Managers, and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society or of the Board of Managers, affecting them or appertaining to their re- spective duties; and at the annual meeting, and oftencr if required, shall report to the Society the names of those candidates who have been admitted to membership, and also the names of those members BY-LAWS. i y whose resignations or voluntary withdrawals have been consented to and accepted, and also the names of those members who have been ex- pelled or dropped for non-payment of dues or for failure to sub- stantiate claim of descent. In his absence from any meeting, a Secretary pro tempore may be designated therefor, unless the Assist- ant Secretary shall be present to act in such capacity. Section V. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society; and as often as those funds shall amount to one hundred dollars they shall be deposited in some bank, which shall be designated by the Board of Managers, to the credit of the Society of the " Sons of the Revolution," and such funds shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums only as may be ordered by the Society or by the Board of Managers, and shall perform such other duties as the Society or Board of Managers or his office may require of him. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and, at each annual meeting, render the same to the Society with a full statement of the financial condition of the Society, when a com- mittee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. For the faithful performance of his duty he shall give such se- curity as the Society, or Board of Managers in lieu of its action thereon, may from time to time require. Section VI. Registrar. The Registrar shall receive from the Secretary, file and keep on record, all the proofs upon which memberships have been granted, declarations of members on admission of adherence to the Constitu- tion and By-laws of the Society, together with a list of all diplomas countersigned by him, and all documents, rolls, or other evidences of service in the War of the Revolution of which the Society may become possessed ; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make or cause to be made for file in his office, copies of such original or certified documents as the owners thereof may not be will- ing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. !8 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Section VII. Chaplain. The Chaplain shall be a regularly ordained minister of a Chris- tian denomination, and it shall be his duty to open and close all meetings with customary chaplaincy services and perform such other duties as ordinarily appertain to such office. Section VIII. Historian. The Board of Managers shall have power to appoint a Historian, who shall keep a detailed record, to be deposited with the Secretary, of all the historical and commemorative celebrations of the Society ; and he shall edit and prepare for publication such historical ad- dresses, essays, papers, and other documents of a historical character, other than a Registrar of Members, as the Secretary may be re- quired to publish ; and at every annual meeting, if there shall be a necrological list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same, with carefully prepared biographies of the deceased members. Section IX. Assistant Secretary. The Board of Managers shall have power to appoint an As- sistant Secretary, who shall assist the Secretary in the performance of such duties of that office as the latter may from time to time de- volve upon him, and may, in such cases, give required notices and certify and authenticate, when necessary, any acts, documents, or records of the Society. In case of the absence of the Secretary from any meeting of the Society or of the Board of Managers, or of his decease, resignation. neglect to serve, or inability from any cause to act in that capacity, the duties of the office shall devolve on the Assistant Secretary until the Secretary shall return, or until the vacancy caused by such decease, resignation, or neglect to serve shall be filled, or until the inability shall cease. Section X. Board of Managers. The Board of Managers shall judge of the qualifications of every candidate who shall make proper application for admission to the BY-LAWS. 19 Society, and shall have power to admit him to membership therein, if found eligible under the Constitution of this Society. Three negative votes shall be a rejection of the applicant. They may, through the Secretary, call special meetings of the Society at such times as they may see fit, and they may arrange for commemorative celebrations by the Society. They shall recommend plans to the Society for promoting its purposes, and, when practicable, may digest and prepare business for its meetings, and shall supervise all publications issued in its name, and decide whether copies of records or other documents or papers may be furnished on request of any party in cases not pertaining directly to the business of the Society and the proper conduct of its affairs. They shall generally superintend the interests and shall have the control and management of the affairs and funds of the Society. They shall also perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution and By-laws, or required by any Standing Rule or Re- solve of the Society; provided, however, that they shall at no time be required to take any action nor contract any debt for which they shall be jointly or severally liable. They shall be competent to consent to and to accept the resignation or voluntary withdrawal from membership of any enrolled member of the Society. They may require the attendance* of any member of the Society, or any official or committee thereof, at any meeting, for consultation and advice. The Board of Managers shall meet as often as they may desire, or at the call of the President, or upon the written request of any three members of the same addressed to the Secretary. A majority of the Board of Managers shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. At every annual meeting they shall submit to the Society a general report of their proceedings during the year then closing, and at such other time as may be required by the Society. Section XI. Expulsion and Suspension. The Board of Managers shall have power to expel any enrolled member of this Society who, by a conduct inconsistent with a gentle- man and a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in general or of this Society in particular, may render 20 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. himself unworthy to continue a member, or who shall persistently transgress, or, without good excuse, willfully neglect or fail in the performance of any obligation enjoined by the Constitution or By- laws or any Standing Rule of this Society. Provided, that such member shall have received at least ten days' notice of the com- plaint preferred against him, and of the time and place for hearing the same, and have been thereby afforded an opportunity to be heard in person. Whenever the cause of expulsion shall not have involved turpitude nor moral unworthiness, any member thus expelled may, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Managers, but not otherwise, be restored to membership by the Society at any meeting. The Board of Managers shall also have power to drop from the Roll the name of any enrolled member of the Society who shall be at least two years in arrears in the payment of dues, and who, on notice to pay the same, shall fail and neglect to do so within ten days there- after, and upon being thus dropped, his membership shall cease and determine, but he may be restored to membership at any time by the Board of Managers, on his application therefor, and upon his payment of all such arrears and of the annual dues from the date when he was dropped to the date of his restoration. The Board of Managers ma}' also suspend any officer from the performance of his duties, for cause; which proceeding must be reported to the Society and acted upon by it within thirty days, either by rescission of the suspension or removal of the suspended officer from office, or otherwise the sus pension shall cease. Section XII. Vacancies and Terms of Office. Whenever an officer of this Society shall die, resign, or neglect to serve, or be suspended, or be unable to properly perform the duties of his office, by reason of absence, sickness, or other cause, and when- ever an office shall be vacant, which the Society shall not have filled by an election, the Board of Managers shall have power to appoint a member to such office pro tempore, who shall act in such capacity until the Society shall elect a member to the vacant office, or until the inability due to " suspension, absence, sickness, or other cause " shall cease. Provided, however, that the office of President or Sec- retary shall not thus be filled by the Board of Managers when there shall be a Vice-President or Assistant Secretary to enter upon the duties of those offices respectively. BY-LAWS. 21 In like manner, the Board of Managers may supply vacancies among its members, under the same conditions and limitations ; and in case any member thereof, other than an officer, shall be absent from three consecutive meetings of the same, his place therein may be declared vacant by the Board of Managers and filled by an ap- pointment which shall continue in full effect until the Society shall elect a successor. Subject to these provisions, all officers of the Society, and the members of the Board of Managers, shall, from the time of their elec- tion or appointment, continue in their respective offices until the next annual meeting, and until their respective successors shall be duly chosen. Section XIII. Resignation. No resignation or voluntary withdrawal from membership of any member enrolled in this Society shall become effective as a release from the obligations thereof unless consented to and accepted by the Board of Managers. Section XIV. Disqualification. No person who may be enrolled as a member in this Society shall be permitted to continue in membership where the proofs of claim of qualification by descent shall be found to be defective and insufficient to substantiate such claim, or not properly authenticated. The So- ciety, or the Board of Managers, may, at any time after thirty days' notice to such person to properly substantiate or authenticate his claim, require the Secretary to erase his name from the list of mem- bers, and such person shall thereupon cease to be a member: Pro- vided, he shall have failed or neglected to comply satisfactorily with such notice. Where the Board of Managers shall direct the erasure of a per- son's name for a cause comprehended under this section, such person shall have a right of appeal to the next annual meeting of the So- ciety ; but he shall not be restored to membership unless by a vote of three-fourths of the members present on that occasion, or at a subse- quent meeting to which the consideration of the appeal may have been specifically postponed. 22 ' SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Section XV. Annual and Special Meetings. The Society shall hold an annual meeting at the headquarters of the Society in the Nathan Hale Schoolhouse in the town of East Haddam in the month of June, 1901, and each year thereafter at the call of the Board of Managers, at which a general election of officers and managers by ballot shall take place. In such election the polls shall be open one and one-half hours, and a majority of the ballots given for any office or for a manager shall constitute a choice therefor; but, if on the first ballot no mem- ber shall receive such a majority, then a further balloting, in such case, shall forthwith take place, in which a plurality of votes given shall determine the choice therefor. During any election the regular Order of Business may be proceeded with. Special meetings shall be held by direction of the Board of Managers, or upon the written request of thirty members of the Society, at such time and place as said Board may direct. At such special meeting no business shall be transacted except such as shall be specified in the notice therefor. One week's notice of time and place of annual or special meet- ings shall be given by mailing through the post-office in said city a written or printed notice to every member of the Society. At all meetings of the Society the members present shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The meetings of the Society for business shall be generally con- ducted according to parliamentary law and the following Order of Business shall, as far as the same may be applicable, be followed: Order of Business. 1. Meeting called to order by Presiding Officer. 2. Prayer by the Chaplain. .}. Reading of minutes of prior meetings not previously acted upon. 4. Election of officers and managers, when necessary. 5. Communications from or Report of Board of Managers. b. Reports of Officers. 7. Reports of Special Committees. 8. Unfinished business. 9. Written communications requiring action of the Society. 10. Specially noticed business. 11. Notices of motion for subsequent meeting. BY-LAWS. 23 12. Miscellaneous business. 13. Reading of the Preamble to this Constitution. 14. Closing Prayer by the Chaplain. Section XVI. Service of Notices. It shall be the duty of every member to inform the Secretary, by written communication, of his place of residence and of any change thereof, and of his post-office address. Service of any notice under this Constitution or By-laws upon any member of the Society, addressed to him at his last recorded place of residence or post-office address, and forwarded by mail, shall be deemed sufficient service of such notice. Section XVII. Recommendation of Candidates. No member shall approve an application for membership in this Society unless he shall know the candidate to be worthy, and shall have satisfied himself by due examination of proofs that such candi- date is eligible, and will, if admitted, be a desirable member. Section XVIII. Nominating Committee. The Society may, at the annual meeting, choose a Nominating Committee, of nine members, to nominate officers and members of the Board of Managers, for election at the succeeding annual meeting. In case the Society shall not choose such a Committee, the Presi- dent shall, prior to every annual meeting, appoint such a Nominating Committee of nine members from among the members longest en- rolled as such, who may consent to serve on such Committee, ex- clusive of officers or members of the Board of Managers. The Nominating Committee shall select and nominate a ticket of the names proposed to fill the respective offices, to be elected by ballot, which ticket shall be printed and distributed as the " Regular Ticket " at the ensuing annual election. In order to secure as far as may be in the Board of Managers stability in procedure and familiarity with precedents in the busi- ness affairs of the Society, every Nominating Committee shall, in making nominations for the suffrages of the Society of members of said Board other than those who are ex officio members, so arrange their 24 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. recommendations as to provide for the retirement annually of not less than three nor more than four of those who shall have served longest continuously on said Board, and for the continuance of a pro- portionate number. Section XIX. Decease of Members. Upon the decease of any member, notice thereof, and of the time and place of the funeral, shall be given by the Secretary by publica- tion, and it shall thereupon become the duty of the members, when practicable, to attend the obsequies. Any member, upon being informed of the decease of a member, shall make it his business to see that the Secretary is promptly notified of the fact, which fact shall also, in due time, be communicated to the Society. Section XX. Certificate of Membership. Every member shall be entitled to receive a certificate of mem- bership, which shall be authenticated by the President and Secretary, and countersigned by the Registrar of the Society, and to which the seal of the " Sons of the Revolution " shall be affixed. The cer- tificate shall be in form following: "SONS OF THE REVOLUTION." Be it known that has been duly admitted a member of this Institution in right of the services of in the cause of American Independ- ence during the War of the Revolution. Dated at the city of , this day of , in the year of our Lord thousand hundred and , and of the In- dependence of the United States of America the .^^a^-. President of the Society. Secretary of the Society. Registrar. BY-LAWS. 25 Section XXI. Marshal. The President of the Society may, from time to time, in his dis- cretion, designate a member to act, under his direction, as Marshal for the Society in its commemorative celebrations, parades, and other meetings, and to perform such duties as usually appertain to such a position. Section XXII. Alterations or Amendments. No alteration nor amendment of the By-laws of this Society shall be made unless notice thereof shall be duly given in writing, signed by the member proposing the same, at a meeting of the Society, nor unless the same shall be adopted at a subsequent meeting, held at least thirty days after such notice, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 26 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS. The application must be presented in duplicate upon the forms issued by the Society. The record of the ancestors' military service should be given fully, but concisely. It is not necessary to show the pedigree any farther back than the ancestor who served in the war. The Society does not accept encyclopedias, genealogical works, or town or county histories, except such as contain rosters, as authori- ties for proofs of service. In referring to printed works the volume and page should be given. Reference to authorities, in manuscript, must be accompanied by cer- tified copies, and authentic family records must be submitted, if re- quired. Every application must be signed by the applicant, and sworn to by him, and it must be indorsed by two members of the Society. When the applicant is not personally known to any member of the Society, whom he can ask to recommend his application, he must submit to the Secretary, when he files his papers, the names of two respectable citi- zens of the State to whom he refers by permission. When an applicant claims descent from more than one Revolutionary ancestor, then " Supplementary " applications must be made in duplicate from each ancestor. Supplementary claims are to be treated in form and procedure precisely as original applications. No extra cost for filing supple- mentary claims. To begin to make a search for proofs, the applicant must know the State the ancestor served from, and in writing officials simply ask " for the military services of A. B., said to have been a soldier in the Revolutionary War," and they will inform you what rank they find and any other data the records show. Also, give the name of town or county he served from, if you know. And correspond with the following officials, and others, named in the various States, for certificates of military service, and the fees for the same : INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS. 27 Vermont. Write General T. S. Peck, Adjutant-General, Mont- pelier. No charge for making research, but where the name is found the charge is $2 for furnishing certificate. New Hampshire. Write Hon. Ezra S. Stearns, Secretary of State, Concord. No charge for making research, but where name is found the charge is $3 for furnishing certificate. Massachusetts. Write Hon. Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of State, Boston. No charge for making research, but where the name is found the charge is $1 for furnishing certificate. Rhode Island. Write Secretary of State, Providence. No charge for making research, but where name is found the charge is $1.50 for furnishing certified record. Delaware. Write Secretary of State, Dover. The charge for furnishing records is two cents per line, and $1 additional for cer- tificate. Connecticut. This State has published a very complete roster containing 27,000 names. New York. This State has published a roster containing 40,000 names. New Jersey. This State has very complete records. Write General Wm. S. Stryker, Adjutant-General, Trenton. No charge for making research or furnishing certificate. Pennsylvania. Write Dr. Wm. H. Egle, State Librarian, Harrisburg, who will cause a search to be made to find the name, the fee for which will be $2, and if the name is found and a certificate furnished, $1 more, or $3 in all. Maryland. Write Hon. Philip D. Laird, Annapolis, Commis- sioner of the Land Office, who will make a research for name, for twenty-five cents and seventy-five cents additional for furnishing certificate. Virginia. The Revolutionary records in this State are very meager and it is difficult to find anything, and consists mainly of rec- ords of land bounty warrants which were issued by the State to soldiers who had served three years or more. Write Mr. W. G. Stannard, 314 West Cary Street, Richmond, a gentleman highly recommended, who has given considerable attention to tracing Virginia genealogies, who will make research of everything there is available at the State capitol to find the name, for which he charges $1 to be paid in ad- vance. If he finds the name he will notify applicant and will charge $1.50 more to furnish certificate of whatever he finds. North Carolina. The Revolutionary rolls of this State are very meager. Mr. T. P. Jerman, Chief Clerk in the State Auditor's 28 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Department, Raleigh, will undertake to search for any name, and if found will furnish a certificate of the same for $5. .No charge unless certificate is made. South Carolina. There are no rosters in existence of the Revolutionary soldiers from this State so far as known, the principal records preserved are those of officers. The New York Historical Society, 175 Second Avenue, New York city, has a few volumes containing some rosters of officers and privates, but very meager. Georgia. Write Wm. Harden, Secretary Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, for information of Georgia soldiers. That so- ciety has books and manuscripts which contain much useful infor- mation relating to the Revolutionary period. PENSIONS. 29 PENSIONS. The Government passed no general pension laws until 1818, when it granted pensions to those who had served nine months or more in the Continental Army or Navy. In 1832 pensions were granted to all officers and soldiers, whether Continental, State, or Militia, who had served in one or more terms, a period of two years. If the ap- plicants have reason to believe their ancestors drew a pension under these Acts they can get a record of their military service by writing the Honorable Commissioner of Pensions at Washington. There is no cost for obtaining this data, and it takes about thirty days to get a reply. A mistaken idea prevails that there are on file in the Adjutant- General's office in Washington complete rosters of the soldiers of the Revolutionary War, and that it is only necessary to write to that de- partment to obtain a record of the ancestors' service. There are no complete rosters of the Revolutionary soldiers in any department of the government nor anywhere else. The rosters that were on file in the War Department were lost by the destruction of the temporary building, in which they were stored, by fire, in 1800, and again by the burning of the public buildings, by the British, in 1 8 14. The records remaining in the different departments at Washing- ton containing the rosters of the Revolutionary soldiers have been transferred to the charge of Colonel F. C. Ainsworth, U. S. Army. Chief Record and Pension office, War Department, Washington, D. C, who will furnish free of charge the record of any Revolution- ary soldier whose name may be found on the rolls in his office. Colonel Ainsworth has established the following rules : The applicant in his request for information must give the name of the State his ancestor served from, also give the relationship of the ancestor to the applicant, and the purpose for which he desires the information. The fees should in all cases accompany the inquiry made of offi- cials, who will return the money where no charge is made for re- search. 3 o SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. INSIGNIA. Authority has been given by Congress to the officers and men of the army and navy to wear the Insignia of the Societies of the Revo- lution and other military societies, and thus has given recognition to the following: " Society of the Cincinnati," " Sons of the Revo- lution," "Society of the War of 1812," "Aztec Society," "Loyal Legion," and " Grand Army of the Republic." The joint resolution of Congress is as follows: i. Joint Resolution granting permission to officers and enlisted men of the Army and Navy of the United States to wear badges adopted by Military Societies of the Men who served in the War of the Revolution, War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the War of the Rebellion. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled: That the distinctive badges adopted by Military Societies of Men who served in the armies and navies of the United States, in the War of the Revolution, the War of 181 2, the Mexican War, and the War of the Rebellion, respectively, may be worn upon all occasions of ceremony by officers and enlisted men of the Army and Navy of the United States, who are members of said organizations in their own right. Approved, September 25, 1890. ROLL OF MEMBERS. 31 ROLL OF MEMBERS Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Connecticut. Member. Residence. Chief Engineer Louis Joseph ) Brooklyn Navy Allen, U.S.N., ) Yard. William Taylor Andrews, Noroton, Ct. Elmer B. Abbey, Hartford, Ct. Cyrus Sherwood Bradley, Southport, Ct. Thaddeus Bell, William Leslie Baldwin, Wilson Leslie Bell, James Barton Bowen, Morgan Gardner Bulkeley, Thomas Dudley Bradstreet, Albert Porter Bradstreet, Edward Thomas Bradstreet, Henry Baldwin, Louis Worthington Button, Darien, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Putnam, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Thomaston, Ct. Thomaston, Ct. M.D., Meriden.Ct. New Haven, Ct. Rocky Hill, Ct. Ancestor. \ Ensign Jacob Strembeck. I John Dibble, Private, Lemuel Taylor, Private. Simeon Brooks, Private. Ensign Levi Bradley, Seth Bradley, John Wakeman, 2d, John Dimon, Corp. Daniel Sherwood, 2d, Simeon Couch, Gershom Bulkley, Simon Couch. Thaddeus Bell, Private. Lieut. Nathan Baldwin, Capt. Charles Pond. Thaddeus Bell. Abiel Chaffee. Lieut. -Col. Eliphalet Bulkeley, William Avery Morgan. John Bradstreet. John Bradstreet. John Bradstreet. Roger Sherman, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Joseph Foster. 32 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Member. Col. William Eliphalet Adams Bulkeley, Rev. George Israel Brown, Seymour Percy Bradley, Isaac Washington Birdseye, Oliver Russell Barlow, Eugene Boardman, Samuel Newell Brainard, Edward Brinley Brinley, Daniel Putnam Brinley, Henry Waite Bigelow, William Francis Joseph Boardman, Rev. Nathaniel Ellsworth Cornwall, Charles Francis Chase, James Woodbridge Cheney, Charles Stanhope Cotton, Jr., Rear Admiral Charles Stan- hope Cotton, Capt. Robert McEwau Clark, Robert Moses Clark, Frank Storer Caldwell, Hanford Lorenzo Curtis, Harvey Le Mond Crandall, Augustus Floyd Delafield. Frank Curtis Dowd, George William Dean, William Lowell Damon, Dr. John Nicoll Dimon, John Wilson Drown, George Larned Eastman, Chauncey Smith Foster, Rev. Louis French, Rev. Louis Mardenbrough French, Ransom Ney FitzGerald, Walter Colyer Faxon, Howard Eugene Gates, M.D. John Frederick Gorham, David Henry Gould, Residence. | Hartford, Ct. Bellefonte, Pa. t Murray Hill Hotel, J ( New York. ( Bridgeport, Ct. Waterbury, Ct. East Haddam, Ct. East Hartford, Ct. Riverside, Ct. Riverside, Ct. Hartford, Ct. £ Hartford, Ct. ■ Stratford, Ct. New Britain, Ct. So. Manchester, Ct. Seattle, Wash. [Washington, D. C. New Britain, Ct. New Britain, Ct. New Britain, Ct. New Britain, Ct. Farmington, Ct. Noroton, Ct. j Madison, Ct. Stamford, Ct. -j New Britain, Ct. New London, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Danbury, Ct. West Winsted, Ct. Noroton, Ct. - Noroton, Ct. Hartford, Hartford, Ct. Ct. Ancestor. Lieut.-Col. Eliphalet Bulkeley. Major-Gen. Israel Putnam. Constant Redfield, Isaac Johnson. Capt. Joseph Birdseye. Ensign Aaron Barlow. Capt. James Greene. Capt. William Brainard. Major-Gen. Israel Putnam. Major-Gen. Israel Putnam. Major-Gen. Israel Putnam, Major Daniel Putnam, Major Richard Waite, Shubel Brown, Asa Bigelow. Capt. Elizur Goodrich, Capt. John Francis. Lieut. Solomon Ellsworth. Col. Aaron Davis. Capt. Timothy Cheney. Sergt. Rowland Cotton. Sergt. Rowland Cotton. Jonathan Miller. Jonathan Miller. Corp. Timothy Cadwell. Daniel Curtis, 3d. - Ebenezer Hill. Col. William Floyd, Joseph Hallett. Col. William Douglass. William Dean, Ephraim Dean. Stephen Damon. Thomas Filer. David Foster. Stephen Eastman, Drummer. Eliphalet Clark. Lieut. William Glenny. Lieut. William Glenny. Alexander Keeney, Jr. Ebenezer Faxon. ,, , j ,, , ( Major John Wait Garrett, Colorado Springs, Col. 1 , ' „ J y 6 ( John Garrett. Westport, Ct. Southport, Ct. Daniel Tredwell. j Sergt. Eleazer Gould, I Ebenezer Gould. ROLL OF MEMBERS. 33 Member. Arthur Harold Godard, Marshall Winslow Greene, William Robbins Goodspeed, Rev. Alexander Hamilton, Norwalk, Ct. Leigh Richmond Hoyt, Harrie Trowbridge Hoyt, John Edward Heaton, Charles W. Hodge, Frank Howard Hotchkiss, George James Holmes, M.D. Frederick Jabez Huntington George Arthur Hadsell, U.S. Charles Edwin Hart, Charles Kellogg Hunt, Eugene K. Herrick, John Smith Jones, William Hawley Judd, Walter Clinton Jones, Edwin Augustus Knapp, Arthur Guernsey Krom, Augustus Knapp, George Francis Lincoln, Charles Henry Leeds, Herbert Lawton, George Frederick Lyon, William E. Luke, Frederick Miles Lincoln, Robert Clark Morris, D.C.L.. Daniel Nash Morgan, Charles Bailey Mason, Charles Edmund Mason, William Ebenezer Nichols, Dr. George H. Noxon, Howard G. Proovost, D.D.S. Albert Jay Potter, Lucius Pinney, Francis H. Parker, Residence. Ancestor. New Britain, Ct. Daniel Pratt. New York. Capt. James Greene. East Haddam, Ct. Capt. Nathan Goodspeed. f Brevet-Col. Alexander Hamilton, Major-Gen. Philip Schuyler, Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull, Brigade-Maj. Jonathan Lawrence. Sergt. Nathaniel Osborne. j Major Benjamin Hickok, 1 Eliphalet Smith. ( Capt. John Jennison, ■) Capt. John Fuller, ( Corp. Theophilus Goodyear. Philo Hodge. Henry Baldwin. Sergt. Jabez Holmes. Brig.-Gen. Jedediah Huntington. Lyon's Plains, Ct Danbury, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Roxbury Sta., Ct. Thomaston, Ct. New Britain, Ct. Norwich, Ct. A., Washington, D. C. Capt. Phineas Smith. New Britain, Ct. Winsted, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Westport, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Middletown, Ct. Greenwich, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Greenwich, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Hartford, Ct. New York, N. Y. Bridgeport, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Danbury, Ct. New York. Darien, Ct. West Winsted, Ct. Prattsburg, N. Y. So. Manchester, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Roger Filer. Lieut. Russell Hunt. Zalmon Taylor. Lieut. John Jones. Hezekiah Knapp. Brig.-Gen. James Clinton. Major Samuel Lyon, Capt. John Crane, Ensign Benjamin Brush, Moses Fowler. Thomas G. Van Steenbergh. Joshua Knapp. Stephen Lincoln. Lieut.-Col. James Mellen. Robert Lawton. Nehemiah Webb Lyon. Capt. Philip Dodders. i Stephen Lincoln, ■j Sharon Pease, ( Benjamin Miles. Brevet-Maj. James Morris. Conductor Zedekiah Morgan. Ensign Samuel Curtis. Ensign Samuel Curtis. Joseph Gillett. Dr. Oliver Norton. Samuel Proovost. Sergt. Jabez Holmes. Ephraim Brockway. ( John Parker, I Josiah Lyon. 34 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Member. John Marvin Parker, Jr., Reuben Booth Pearce, Edward Wood Riker, Herbert Samuel Rowland. George Rapelye, George Presbury Rowell, Charles Emery Rowell, Edward Everett Rowell, Edward Everett Rowell, Jr. Cephas Brainard Rogers, Nathaniel Burton Rogers, Lieut. -Col. George Bliss Sanford, U.S.A., William Henry Sanford, Satterlee Swartwout, Simon Couch Sherwood, Residence. Hartford, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Waterbury, Ct. Xew Britain, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Danbury, Ct. Danbury, Ct. - Litchfield, Ct. Litchfield, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Southport, Ct. Abram Baldwin Sturges, M.D., Southport, Ct. Frederick D. Street, Darien, Ct. Frederick Harriman Sanford, Linus Ward Scofield, Rev. Frederick R. Sanford, William Seward, Jr., Walter Henry Tilton, William Henry Tubbs, Jesup Wakeman, Rev. Henry Nicoll Wayne, Danbury, Ct. Stamford, Ct. Lyme, Ct. Hartford, Ct. New Haven, Ct. Hartford, Ct. Southport, Ct. Col. Henry Walton Wessells, Litchfield, Ct. Howard Nichols Wakeman, Southport, Ct. Warren Gookin Waterman, Southport, Ct. Rev. Edward Livingston Wells, Pittsburg, Pa. William F. Waterbury, Stamford, Ct. Henry Joseph Warren, Stamford, Ct. Walter Leslie Wakefield, Hartford, Ct. Rev. Henry Townsend Wayne, Armonk, N. Y. Harry Guley Waterbury, Stamford, Ct. George Walter Weir, Ridgefield, Ct. Frank Kaile Warren, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Belden Warner, East Haddam, Ct Frederick William Wakefield, Meriden, Ct. Charles Barney Whittelsey, Hartford, Ct. Ancestor. John Parker. Lieut. Jedediah Hull. I Sergt. Ananias Weed, ' James Wallace. Capt. Eliphalet Thorp. I Capt. Nathaniel Churchill, I Ezra White. Samuel Rowell. Samuel Rowell. Samuel Rowell. Samuel Rowell. Ichabod Rogers. Ichabod Rogers, j Sergt. Elihu Sanford, I Ensign Elihu Lyman. J Sergt. Elihu Sanford, ( Ensign Elihu Lyman. j Capt. Abraham Swartwout, ( Benedict Satterlee. f Daniel Sherwood, I Corp. Simon Couch, | Ensign Ebenezer Jesup. I Joseph Hyde. Joel Jennings, j Capt. Joseph Mather, (Rev. Moses Mather, D.D. James Sanford. Lieut John Waterbury, 2d. Capt. Gideon Hotchkiss. Chaplain Rev. Wm Seward, Michael Carter. Daniel Tubbs. Gershom Bulkeley. Brig-Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull. Hrigade-Maj. Jonathan Lawrence. Elijah Holcombe. John Wakeman. Dan Storrs. John Hotchkiss. Enos Waterbury. John Hickok. Lieut.-Col. Alexander Campbell. Brigade-Maj. Jonathan Lawrence. Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull. Brig.-Gen. David Waterbury. Samuel Weir. John Hickok. Capt. James Green. Lieut.-Col. Alexander Canipbell. Capt. George Sexton. IN MEMORIAM. 35 3ln Htwuirurat. Brigadier-General DWIGHT MORRIS, Bridgeport, Conn. A Founder of the Connecticut Society. Died September 26, 1894. THOMAS BENJAMIN FAIRCHILD, Stratford, Conn. A Founder of the Connecticut Society. Died February 7, 1897. WILLIAM FREEMAN FRENCH, M.D., Noroton, Conn. A Founder of the Connecticut Society. Died January 27, 1898. NATHAN GILLETTE POND, Stratford, Conn. Died July 29, 1894. TIMOTHY JONES, Danbury, Conn. Died July 21, 1903. Colonel HEUSTED W. R. HOYT, Greenwich, Conn. Died April 8, 1894. Colonel FREDERICK CURTIS JOHNSON, Ansonia, Conn. Died December 24, 1896. THOMAS RUSSELL HOYT, Danbury, Conn. Died June 27, 1896. SAMUEL J. BARLOW, Waterbury, Conn. Died November 28, 1899. General WILLIAM HENRY BULKELEY, Hartford, Conn. Died November 7. 1902. JULIUS DEMING, Litchfield, Conn. Died December 30, 1902. JAMES EDMOND MILLER, Danbury, Conn. Died June 29, 1902. JAMES CAMPBELL, M.D., Hartford, Conn. Died October 17, 1899. FRANK TREMAN WYCKOFF, Stamford, Conn. Died February 19, 1903. GEO. F. LINCOLN, Hartford, Conn. Died July 23, 1903, at Brussels, Belgium. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. 37 General Society of the Sons of the Revolution. OFFICERS. General President, Hon. JOHN LEE CARROLL, Ellicott City, Of the Maryland Society. General Vice-President, GARRET DORSET WALL VROOM, Trenton, Of the New Jersey Society. Second General Vice-President, POPE BARROW, Savannah, Of the Georgia Society. General Secretary, JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, 102 Front St., New York, Of the New York Society. Assistant General Secretary, WILLIAM HALL HARRIS, No. 216, St. Paul St., Baltimore, Of the Maryland Society. General Treasurer, RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER, No. 133, South 12th St.. Philadelphia, Of the Pennsylvania Society. Assistant General Treasurer, HENRY CADLE, Bethany, Of the Missouri Society. General Chaplain, Rev. THOMAS EDWARD GREEN, D.D., S.T.D., Cedar Rapids, Of the Iowa Society. General Registrar, WALTER GILMAN PAGE, No. 90 Westland Ave., Boston, Of the Massachusetts Society. General Historian, HENRY WALBRIDGE DUDLEY, No. 23 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Of the Illinois Society. CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. 39 CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF SONS OF THE REVO- LUTION. It being evident, from a steady decline of a proper celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradu- ally declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immi- gration from foreign countries, as to the neglect, on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes, to perform their duty in keep- ing before the public mind the memory of the services of their an- cestors and of the times in which they lived ; therefore, the Society of Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, and other docu- ments relating to that period; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers ; and to promote the feel- ing of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State Societies, which shall meet annually on the day appointed therefor in their respective by-laws, and of tener if found expedient ; and at such annual meeting the reasons for the institution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies, at each annual meeting, shall choose, by a majority of the votes present, a President, a Vice-President, a Secre- tary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such other officers as may by them respectively be deemed necessary, together with a 40 SONS OF Til!: REVOLUTION. Board of Managers consisting of these officers and of nine other members, all of whom shall retain their respective positions until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annually, or oftener, to the other State Societies, a circular letter calling atten- tion to whatever may be thought worthy of observation respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general union of the States, and giving information of the officers chosen for the year; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary, to be preserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society; judge of the qualifications of their members or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this Constitution; and expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman or a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in general or of the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each member shall contribute, upon his admission to the Society and annually thereafter, such sums as the by-laws of the respective State Societies may re- quire; but any of such State Societies may provide for the endow- ment of memberships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a permanent fund, the in- come only of which shall be expended. The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every three years, and special meetings may be held upon the order of the General President or upon the request of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of the General Officers and a representa- tion not exceeding five deputies from each State Society, and the neces- sary expenses of such meeting shall be borne by the State Societies. (The following amendment to the Constitution was proposed at the meeting of the General Society held in Denver, Colorado, on April i g, 1899, and will be voted on at the next regular meeting: " Strike out from the seventh paragraph of the Constitution of the General Society the words ' of the General Officers and a repre- sentation not exceeding five deputies from each State Society,' and in- sert the following: 'of two delegates from each State Society and one additional delegate for every one hundred (too) members or major fraction thereof: and on all questions arising at meetings of the ( reneral Society each delegate there present shall be entitled to one vote, and no votes shall be taken by States.' ") CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY. 41 At the regular meeting a General President, General Vice-Presi- dent, General Second Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Registrar, Historian, and Chaplain shall be chosen by a majority of the votes present, to serve until the next regular general meeting, or until their successors are duly chosen. At each general meeting the circular letters which have been trans- mitted by the several State Societies shall be considered, and all measures taken which shall conduce to the general welfare of the Society. The General Society shall have power at any meeting to admit State Societies thereto, and to entertain and determine all questions affecting the qualifications for membership in or the welfare of any State Society as may, by proper memorial, be presented by such State Society for consideration. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one who, as a military, naval, or marine officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States, or of the Conti- nental Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority, or a descendant of one who signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress or of the Con- gress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Independence by services rendered during the War of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to con- viction of treason against the government of Great Britain, but re- maining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. The Secretary of each State Society shall transmit to the General Secretary a list of the members thereof, together with the names and official designations of those from whom such members derive claim to membership, and thereafter upon the admission of members in each State Society, the Secretary thereof shall transmit to the General Secretary information respecting such members similar to that herein required. The Society shall have an insignia, which shall be a badge sus- pended from a ribbon by a ring of gold ; the badge to be elliptical in form, with escalloped edges, one and one-quarter inches in length, and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle, with wings displayed, inverted ; on the obverse side a medallion 42 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. of gold in the centre, elliptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier in Continental uniform, with musket slung; beneath, the figures " 1775"; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side, in the center, a medallion corresponding in form to that on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face the Houdon por- trait of Washington in bas relief, encircled by the legend, " Sons of the Revolution "; beneath, the figures " 1883 "i and upon the reverse of the eagle the number of the badge to be engraved ; the medallion to be surrounded by a plain gold border, conforming in dimensions to the obverse; the ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed, and watered, edged with buff, one and one-quarter inches wide, and one and one- half inches in displayed length. The insignia of the Society shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such for any stated purpose or cele- bration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony ; it shall be carried conspicuously on the left breast, but members who are or have been officers of the Society may wear the insignia suspended from the ribbon around the neck. The custodian of the insignia shall be the General Secretary, who shall issue them to members of the Society under such proper rules as may be formulated by the General Society, and he shall keep a register of such issues wherein each insignia issued may be identified by the number thereof. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a Minute-man in Con- tinental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry; in his left hand he holds a musket and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope ; above, the cracked Liberty Bell ; issuing therefrom a ribbon bearing the motto of the Society, " Exegi monumentum aere perennius " ; across the top of the ladder, on a ribbon, the figures " 1776"; and on the left of the Minute-man, and also, on a ribbon, the figures " 1883," the year of the formation of the Society; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of one inch wide; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each ; at the bottom the name of the General Society, or of the State Society to which the seal belongs. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 43 ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BALDWIN, HENRY. . Private Sixth Company, Captain Edward Shipman, Seventh Con- necticut Continental Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, July ii, December 18, 1775. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 82.) Hotchkiss, Frank Howard. BALDWIN, NATHAN, Lieutenant. 1 755-1805. Appointed Lieutenant with the command of the Fort at Milford, and also empowered to cruise in the Sound with the boat be- longing to the fort, 1782. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 631.) Baldwin, Wilson Leslie. BARLOW, AARON, Ensign. 1 750-1 800. Private Tenth Company, Captain Zalmon Read, Fifth Con- necticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury; discharged November 28, 1775; Ensign Captain John Gray's Company, Colonel Samuel Whiting's Regiment Connecticut Militia; October 5-October 19, 1777. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 71, 516.) Barlow, Samuel J. Barlow, Oliver R. 44 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. BELL, THADDEUS, Sergeant. 1759-1851. Private Captain Gregory's Company, Colonel Sellman's Regi- ment, March-April, 1776; private Eleventh Company, Cap- tain Jonathan Bell, Ninth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel John Mead commanding, in the service at New York, August 13-September 1 1, 1776; private in same company in service on the Westchester border October 24- December 24, 1 776; private same company, Captain Eli Reed, in service on the Westchester border December 27, 1776- January 8, 1777; private same company in service January- March, 1777; private First Company, Captain Jesse Bell, same regiment, Colonel John Mead, March-September, 1777; engaged at Ridgefield April 27, and at Compo April 28, 1 777 ; Sergeant Eleventh Company, Captain Eli Reed, same regi- ment, in service March-June, 1778, and July, 1779, January, 1780; engaged at Fairfield July 8, and at Norwalk July 12, 1779; Sergeant same company, Captain Nathaniel Slason, in service April-June, 1780, and June-July, 1 781; taken prisoner with the congregation of the Church at Middlesex July 22, 1 781; released December, 1 78 1 ; Sergeant, Captain Jesse Bell's company, same regiment, Colonel Steven St. John, April-October, 1782. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 456, 487, 488, 650, 662. His appli- cation for the pension which he received ; statement Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Bell, Clarence W. Bell, Thaddeus. BIGELOW, ASA. 1 755-1830. Private, April, 1775, Lexington Alarm, 10 days' service. As- sistant Commissary to Colonel Champion, the Commissary- General ; he went several times into New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, and Virginia; enlisted August 3, 1778, Captain Na- thaniel Pomeroy's Company, Colonel Samuel Champion's Regiment; was discharged September 18, 1778. They en- gaged in the attempt to dislodge the British at Newport and were present at the battle of Rhode Island, August 29, 1778. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 45 (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 531.) Bigelow, Henry Waite. BIRDSEYE, JOSEPH. 1740-1817. Captain Colonel Whiting's Regiment, 4th Militia, commanded by Lieutenan-t-Colonel Jonathan Dimon, October, 1777; en- listed October 5, discharged October 31; was Captain in Colonel Whiting's Regiment at New Haven and Fairfield, Conn., in July, 1779, during Tryon's Invasion of Connecticut. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 515, 518, 548, 550. Orcutt's " His- tory of Stratford," pages 381, 1107.) Birdseye, Isaac Washington. BRADLEY, LEVI. 1758-1829. Private Fairfield Coast Guard, November 4, 1776-February 7, 1777; Private, " Danbury Alarm," April, 1777; engaged at Ridgefield. (MS. Records Fairfield Coast Guard in Pequot Li- brary, Southport ; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 629.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. BRADLEY, SETH, Ensign. 1735- 1798. Ensign Thirteenth Company, Captain Samuel Wakeman, Fourth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Gold Selleck Silli- man, May, 1774- January, 1778; appointed Ensign Captain Eliphalet Thorp's Company, First Battalion Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Samuel Whiting, November, 1776; resigned. (" Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 14, page 266; "State Record of Connecticut," Volume 1, pages 67, 486 ; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 424.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. 4 6 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. BRADSTREET, JOHN. 1718 . Private Captain Moses Jewett's Troop of Horse, Third Regi- ment Massachusetts Militia, Colonel John Baker, Lexington Alarm April, 1775; three days' service; private Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, Thirty-eighth Regiment, Col- onel Loamun Baldwin. April 23-December, 1 775; private Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, Twenty-sixth Regi- ment, January, 1776. (MS. Revolutionary War Archives of Massachu- setts, Volume 12, page 163; Volume 15, page 64; Vol- ume 56, page 257 ; Volume 57, file 27 ; Volume 58, file 3, page 2 ; certificate of Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of State of Massachusetts, on file.) Bradstreet, Albert Porter. Bradstreet, Edward Thomas, M.D. Bradstreet, Thomas Dudley. BRAINARD, WILLIAM. 174b Ensign Captain John Morgan's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant Levi Wells' Regiment; raised in the spring of 1780 for service along the western coast; Captain Fifth Com- pany in the Twenty-fifth Regiment of Militia ; his com- mission was given him by Jonathan Trumbull. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 615.) Brainard, Samuel Newei.i.. BROCKWAY, EPHRAIM. 17541837- Private Captain Conklin's Company of Sharon, Conn., May, 1776, five months' service; April 1, 1 777-January, 1778, Col- onel Enos. (Copy of Report of Comptroller of the Treasury Department, on file with application.) Pinney, Lucius. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 47 BROOKS, SIMEON. 1740-18 19. Private; enlisted May 8, 1775, Captain Ely's Company, Sixth Regiment of Connecticut; discharged October II, 1775; Col- onel Samuel H. Parsons; enlisted June- July, 1776, Captain Stevens' Company, Colonel Mott's Battalion ; served under General Gates at Ticonderoga: retired November, 1776; enlisted October 6, 1777, Captain Bristol's Company, Colonel Whiting's Regiment, Fourth Connecticut Militia; served at Peekskill in October, 1777; discharged December 6, 1777. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 77, 390, 521.) Abbey, Elmer B. BROWN, SHUBEL. 1761-1836. Private in Colonel Samuel Canfield's Regiment at West Point, September, 178 1, from Pomfret, Conn. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 583.) Bigelow, Henry Waite. BRUSH, BENJAMIN. Ensign Captain Charles Smith's Company, Ninth Regiment of Militia; marched November 10, 1776; discharged January 11, 1777. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 489. Adjutant-General's Certifi- cate on file with application.) Knapp, Edwin Augustus. BULKELEY, ELIPHALET, Lieutenant-Colonel. 1746-1816. Captain Third Company, Twelfth Regiment Connecticut Mili- tia, Colonel Wm. Williams, May, 1773; eleven days in serv- ice, Lexington Alarm April, 1775; appointed May, 1776, Captain Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment Connecticut State Troops ; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Twenty-fifth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Elias Worthington, May, 1780; Deputy to the General Court for Colchester, October, 1778, and January, 1779. 48 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. (" Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 14, page go; Volume 15, page 300; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 7, 440; " State Records of Connecticut," Volume 2, pages 122, 130, 170.) Bulkeley, Morgan Gardner, Hon. Bulkeley, William Henry. Bulkeley, William Eliphalet Adams. BULKLEY, GERSHOM. 1750-1791. Private Eighth Company, Captain Jonathan Dimon, Fourth Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Gold Selleck Silliman, May, 1776; private in same company in service in New York, 1776; in service in Fairfield Coast Guard May 30-November 1, 8, 27, 1776, January 27-February 10, 1777, and in 1777, 1778, and 1779, three months in each year, and in 1780, six months, and also in 1781 and 1782; private, " Danbury Alarm," April, 1777, also in service at the burning of Fair- field, July 8, 1779. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 616; MS. muster roll in possession of Cyrus S. Bradley, Southport; MS. Records Fairfield Coast Guard, in Pequot Library, Southport ; application of his widow, Amelia Bulkley, for the pension which she received ; statement of Greene B. Raum, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. Wakeman, Jesup. CADWELL, TIMOTHY. 1747-1 787. Corporal Captain Abraham Sedgwick's Company ; enlisted Janu- ary 19, discharged February 28, 1776; was also enlisted at the Lexington Alarm. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 13, 388, 413.) Cadwell, Frank Storer. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 49 CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, Lieutenant-Colonel. 173 1-1807. Lieutenant-Colonel Sixth Regiment, Lincoln County, Massa- chusetts Militia, 1776-1777. (MS. Records State of Massachusetts, Volume 28, page 103; Volume 26, page 28; certificate of Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of State, on file.) Wakefield, Walter Leslie. Wakefield, Frederick William. CAMPBELL, JAMES, 2D. 1753-1835- Private Captain John Perry's Company Massachusetts Militia, Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; private Captain John Perry's Company, Colonel Timothy Walker's Regiment Massachu- setts Militia, April 28, 1775; served three months one week and four days ; private Captain John Perry's Company, Twen- ty-second Massachusetts Regiment, Colonel Timothy Walker, October 6, 1775; served eight months. ("Records State of Massachusetts," Volume 13, page 31 ; Volume 16, page 2; Volume 56, page 136.) Campbell, James, M.D. CARTER, MICHAEL. 1840. Enlisted March, 1781, in Captain McFarland's Company, per- forming guard duty at Boston; detached December, 1781, as marine under Captain Parks on board Frigate Alliance, thir- ty-six guns, Captain Barry ; made three voyages to France and captured seven prizes. (His application for the pension which he received; statement of Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Tilton, Walter Henry. CHAFFEE, ABIEL. 1761-1847. Private Captain John McGregier's Company, Fourth Regiment "Connecticut Line," formation of 1777-1781, Colonel John Durkee, July, 1779-January, 1780; private Captain William 4 jO SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Judd's Company, Third Regiment " Connecticut Line," formation of 1 777-1781, Colonel Samuel Wyllys, July I- December II, 1780; private Captain Timothy Allyn's Com- pany, Third Regiment " Connecticut Line," formation of 1 781-1783, Colonel Samuel Blatchley Webb, February b, 1 78 1 -February, 1782. ("Records of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 180, 333, 633, 663; his application for the pension which he received : statement of Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Bowen, James Barton. CHENEY, TIMOTHY, Captain. 1731-1795. Captain Lexington Alarm, from town of Hartford, April, 177s. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 13.) Cheney, James Woodbridge. CHURCHILL, NATHANIEL. Private Captain H. Wells' Company, Colonel Erastus Woll- cott's Regiment, at Boston, December, 1775-February. 1776; Ensign Second Battalion, Colonel Thaddeus Cook, State Regiment, under Generals Spencer and Wooster, 1776-1 777 ; Second Lieutenant, Colonel Roger Eno's Regiment, June, 1777; Captain in Fifteenth Connecticut Militia, 1778. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 383, 424, 625.) Rapelye, George. CLARK, ELIPHALET. 1756- Private Captain Charles Pond's Company, Sixth Regiment, "Con- necticut Line," formation of 1777-1781, Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs, October, 1777-May 2, 1780, substitute for his brother, Samuel Clark, who had enlisted on May 2, 1777, for three years; engaged at storming of Stony Point, July 15. 1779- ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 51 (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 209, 641 ; his application for the pen- sion he received ; statement of Wm. Lochren, Commis- sioner of Pensions, on file.) Foster, Chauncey Smith. CLINTON, JAMES, Brigadier-General. 1736-1812. Appointed Colonel Third New York Regiment, June 30, 1775, and accompanied General Montgomery to Quebec; August 9, 1776, was made Brigadier-General and was in command at Fort Clinton when it was attacked, in October, 1777, by the British, under Sir Henry Clinton; was a member of the New York Convention that ratified the Constitution of the United States. Jones, Walter Clinton. COTTON, ROWLAND, Sergeant. 1 757-1848. Private Captain Stephen Brown's Company, Fourth Regiment "Connecticut Line," Colonel John Durkee, April 20, 1777; appointed Corporal September 1, 1777, discharged April 20, 1780; Sergeant Captain Lemuel Clift's Company, First Regi- ment " Connecticut Line," Colonel John Durkee, January 17, 1781-December 31, 1781; Sergeant on roll of Susque- hanna Men, in First Connecticut Continental Regiment. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 186, 319, 626; certified copy of state- ment of Colonel F. C. Ainsworth, U. S. Army, Chief of Record and Pension Office, War Department, on file.) Cotton, Charles Stanhope, Captain United States Navy. Cotton, Charles Stanhope, Jr. COUCH, SIMON. 1 729-1809. Authorized to raise recruits for the Continental Army, 1 78 1. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 629.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. Sherwood, Simon Couch. 52 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. COUCH, SIMON, Corporal. 1755-1807. Corporal Captain Ezekiel Hull's Company, Third Regiment Light Horse, Major Ezra Starr; honorably discharged June 9, 1783- ( Original MS. discharge in possession of Cyrus Sherwood Bradley, Southport.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. Sherwood, Simon Couch. CRANE, JOHN. Captain Colonel Henry Luddington's Seventh Regiment of Dutchess County, New York, Militia, General Swartwout's Brigade, 1 776-1780. ( Statement of Record and Pension Office, War De- partment, Washington, D. C, on file with application.) Knapp, Edwin Augustus. CURTIS, DANIEL, 30. 1 737-1795- Private. Served as Coast Guard in Stratford in 1778. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 546.) Curtis, Hanford Lorenzo. CURTIS, SAMUEL, Ensign. 1742-1826. Private Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Fifth Continental Regiment, Colonel David Waterbun, May n-Octobcr 28, 1775; Ensign Thirteenth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Au- gust 19-September 3, 1776; one of the crew of the Continental Frigate Confederacy. 1779; private of a military company from the society of Northbury in Waterbury, July 4, 1776. ("Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 68, 468, 601, 612; " History of Dan- bury," pages 55, 57, 58.) Mason, Charles Bailey. Mason, Charles Edmond. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. S3 DAVIS, AARON, Colonel. 1 709-1 777. Captain Massachusetts Militia, 1775; later Colonel Massachu- setts Militia; member Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1 774-1 775 ; member Massachusetts General Court, 1 775- 1776. (Journals Provincial Congress, W. Lincoln, 1838; Drake's " History of Roxbury," 1878.) Chase, Charles Francis. DEAN, EPHRAIM. 1759-1804. Private Captain Boyd's Company of Drake's Regiment New York Troops, 1775. (Archives State of New York; "The Revolution," under Title " Roster of State Troops," pages 355-6.) Dean, George William. DEMING, JULIUS, Captain. 1755-1838. Captain Commissary Department under Colonel Henry Cham- pion ; pensioner under Act of 1832. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 630, 653.) Deming, Julius. DEMONS-DAMON, STEPHEN. Private Captain Elijah Dwight's Company, Massachusetts Mili- tia. (Revolutionary Records, State of Massachusetts, Vol- ume 18, page 148; Copy of Certificate of Secretary Wm. N. Olin, on file with application.) Damon, William Lowell. DIBBLE, JOHN. 1759-1852. Private Captain Sylvanus Brown's Company First Battalion, Colonel Gold Selleck Silliman, Brigadier-General James Wadsworth's State Brigade, June-December, 1776; private 54 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Captain John Bell's Company Coast Guard, March-Septem- ber, 1777; private Captain Reuben Scofield's Company First State Battalion, raised for the defense of the sea coast, Colonel Roger Enos, September, 1777-March, 1778; private Captain Jesse Bell's Company Coast Guard, eighteen months in serv- ice, 1778; private Captain Slawson's Company Coast Guard, nine months in service, 1780; private Captain Jesse Bell's Company Coast Guard, April-October, 1782; also private, " Danburv Alarm," April, 1777, engaged at Ridgefield and Compo. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 650, 662 ; his application for the pen- sion which he received ; certified copy of statement of Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Andrews, William Taylor. DIMON, JOHN. 1730-1777- Private " Dan bury Alarm," April. 1777; taken prisoner; taken to New York and died there. ("Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 493; MS. Records of the Probate Court of Fairfield, Volume, 1778-1 781, page 164.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. DODDERS, PHILIP. Captain in Second Regiment, Sussex County, New Jersey, Mili- tia. (Certificate of Service made by Adjutant-General of the State of New Jersey, on file with application.) Luke, William E. DOUGLASS, WILLIAM, Colonel. 1742-1777- Commissioned May I, 1775, Captain Sixth Company First Con- necticut Continental Regiment, Major-General David Woos- ter; appointed May, 1775, Major Second Regiment Connecti- cut Militia, Colonel Jonathan Fitch; resigned October, 1776; appointed June 13, 1775, Aide-de-Camp to General Woos- ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 55 ter; discharged December, 1775; appointed January 11, 1776, by Council of Safety, Major Colonel Andrew Ward's Regi- ment, Connecticut State Troops; discharged February, 1776; appointed May, 1776, Major Colonel Andrew Ward's Con- tinental Regiment, but did not serve ; commissioned June 20, 1776, Colonel Fifth Battalion, Brigadier-General James Wadsworth's State Brigade; discharged January 4, 1777; commissioned January 1, 1777, Colonel Sixth Regiment " Connecticut Line " ; died from effects of previous service, May 28, 1777; Deputy to the General Court of Branford, May, 1776. ("Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 14, page 423; Volume 15, pages 42, 225, 270, 300, 422, 428; " State Records of Connecticut," Volume 1, pages 28, 13, 400, 558 ; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 37, 41, 127, 205, 387, 392, 406, 432.) Dowd, Frank Curtis. EASTMAN, STEPHEN. 1719-1797. Drummer on muster roll of Captain Moses McFarland's Com- pany, Colonel John Mixin's Regiment, dated August 1, 1775; enlisted April 30, 1775; December 20, 1775. (Massachusetts Revolutionary Rolls, Volume XV, page 62; Volume LXVI, page 21 ; Volume LXVII, file 3-) Eastman, George Lamard. ELLSWORTH, SOLOMON, Lieutenant. 1737-1822. Lieutenant Second Company in East Windsor, Captain Lemuel Stoughton, Nineteenth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Col- onel Erastus Wolcott, 1775; seven days in service Lexington Alarm, April, 1775. ("Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 14, page 273 ; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 10.) Cornwall, Nathaniel Ellsworth, Reverend. 5 6 SONS OF THE RESOLUTION. ELWOOD, THOMAS. Lieutenant. Private Captain David Dimon's Company, Lexington Alarm ; seven days in service, April, 1775; private Fourth Company, Captain David Dimon's Fifth Connecticut Continental Regi- ment, Colonel David Waterbury, May 10-December 14, 1775; Lieutenant of Marines on Frigate Alliance, Captain Peter Landais, afterwards Captain Harry, August 24, 1778; retired from service May 1, 1783. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 11, 67; other references on file with New York Society.) Fairchild, Thomas Benjamin. FAXON, EBENEZER. 1749-1811. Private. August 15, 1776, name appears on muster roll of Lieu- tenant Charles Seymour's Company, also on Lexington Alarm list, April, 1775. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 13. Connecticut Historical Society Collections, Volume viii, page 274. History of the Faxon family, page 114.) Faxon, Walter Coli.yer. FILER, ROGER (or Tyler sometimes spelt). 1778. Private Captain Fitch Bissell's Company, Seventeenth Connecti- cut Continental Regiment, Colonel Jedediah Huntington, 1776. ("Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 102; Stiles' "Ancient Windsor," Vol- ume 2, pages 276, 298 ; " Steven Hart and His Descend- ants," pages 190, 224, 747, 869, 1 104.) Hart, Charles E. FILER, THOMAS. 1739-1777. Private. Enlisted November 1, 177b, in Second Company of the Fourth Regiment, New York Line; was killed near Pough- keepsie, N. Y., October 31, 1777. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 57 (Archives of State of New York, " The Revolution," Volume I, page 211. Year Book. Empire State Society Sons of the American Revolution, 1899, pages 199, 428.) Dimon, John Nicoll. FLOYD, WILLIAM, Colonel. 1734-1821. Member Continental Congress, 1774-1783; Signer Declaration of Independence ; member New York Provincial Convention, April 20, 1775; Colonel First Regiment, Suffolk County (New York) Militia, 1775; member New York Council of Safety, 1777; member New York Senate, 1777-1788. (" Lanman's Biographical Annals of the Civil Gov- ernment of the U. S.," pages 149, 487; "Civil List State of New York," Series 1889-91, pages 113, 116, 416; Ar- chives of the State of New York, Volume I, page 287.) Delafield, Augustus Floyd. FOSTER, DAVID. 1756-1818. Private Lexington Alarm, April, 1775, Captain Jacob Gould's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regiment, six days ; four months' service Captain Richard Peabody's Company, Colonel Wigglesworth's Regiment, 1776; Five months from November 4, 1777, Captain Cad Ford's Company, Colonel Brooks' regiment ; One month and fifteen days in Captain John Dix's Company, Colonel Mcintosh's Regiment from August 1, 1778. (Revolutionary Rolls, Massachusetts Archives. United States Pension Records, Department of Interior.) Drown, John Wilson. FOSTER, JOSEPH. 1 762-1846. Joseph Foster was one of twelve sons who, with their father, Timothy Foster, enlisted for service from Dudley, Mass. Joseph Foster was fourteen years of age at time of enlist- ment and served as a fifer. Louis W. Button. 58 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. FOWLER, MOSES. Private Captain Jacob Purdy's Company. Second Regiment of Westchester Militia, Colonel Thomas Thomas, June 9, 1779. (Treasurer's Certificates, Volume 3, State of New York, page 2.) Knapp, Edwin Augustus. FRANCIS, JOHN. 1 744-1824. Sergeant Captain Hezekiah Wells' Company of Wethersfield, Colonel Erastus Wolcott's Regiment, January to March, 1776; Private Captain Chester Wells' Company, Colonel Belden's Regiment, April 10 to May 22, 1777; Ensign Cap- tain Nathaniel Bunnell's Company, Colonel Roger Enos' Regiment, June, 1777; Second Lieutenant Captain Elijah Wright's Company, Colonel Enos' Regiment, June 29, 1778; Lieutenant Captain Samuel Granger's Company, Colonel Levi Wells' Regiment, 1780; Captain of First Company of Wethersfield in Provisional Regiment, 1781. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 383, 497, 539, 586, 614, 615. Rec- ords of State of Connecticut, Volume 1, pages 255, 256, 466; Volume 2, pages 29, 91, 284, 459, 533. Boardman Genealogy, page 586, 614, 615. History Hartford Coun- ty, pages 475, 476.) Boardman, William Francis Joseph. FULLER, JOHN, Captain. 1731-1801. Captain Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Massachusetts Regiment, 1775-1782. (MS. Revolutionary War Archives of Massachu- setts, Volume 14, page 85; Volume 28, page 62; Volume 51, page 89; MS. Archives of Massachusetts, Volume 146, page 83; Volume 147, page 156; Volume 148, page 115.) H eaton, John Edward. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 59 GARRETT, JOHN WAIT, Major. 1778. Appointed Lieutenant First Company, Twenty-fourth (West- moreland) Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Zebulon «Butler, October, 1775; promoted Captain October, 1776 ; promoted Major October, 1777; killed in action at Wyom- ing July 3, 1778. ("Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 15, page. 152; "State Records of Connecticut," Volume 1, pages 31, 430; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 440.) Gates, Howard Eugene, M.D. GILLETT, JOSEPH. 1756-184—. Private, Corporal, Lieutenant, Captain of the Sixth Company, in the Third Regiment of Connecticut Militia of Lyme, Conn. (His commission and roll book is in possession of ap- plicant. Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 655, 661.) Nichols, William Ebenezer. GLEN NY, WILLIAM, Lieutenant. 1760- 1800. Sergeant Fourth Regiment " Connecticut Line," formation of 1777-1781, Colonel John Durkee, January 1, 1777; pro- moted Ensign Captain John Durkee's Company, First Regi- ment "Connecticut Line," formation of 1781-1783, Colonel John Durkee; Ensign First Regiment "Connecticut Line," formation of January-June, 1783, Colonel Zebulon Butler; promoted Lieutenant, Colonel Heman Swift's Regiment "Connecticut Line," final formation, June-December, 1783; member Society of the Cincinnati, 1783. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 183, 320, 359, 368, 373-) French, Louis, Reverend. French, Louis Mardenbrough. French, William Freeman, M.D. 60 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. GOODSPEED, NATHAN. 1735-1818. Corporal, April 1, 1779, to November 1, 1779, Connecticut State Militia; December 4, 1780, appointed on "Committee of Supply for Soldiers' Families for Year Ensuing," *at East Haddam, Conn. (Connecticut Historical Society Collections, Volume VIII, page 21 1. History of Middlesex County [Beers], page 288.) Goodspeed, William Robbins. GOODRICH, ELIZUR. 1 730-1785. Private Ninth Company of Wethersfield Second Regiment, Cap- tain John Chester, Colonel Joseph Spencer, at Battle of Bunker Hill; enlisted May 15, 1775; discharged December '7. 1775 ; Third Company, Captain Selah Heart's Company, Colonel Wolcott's Regiment, from January to March, 1776; Sergeant of Lieutenant David Smith's Company, Sixth Regi- ment, Colonel Thomas Belden ; enlisted April 13, discharged May 19, 1777; served on committee appointed by the Town of Wethersfield to purchase articles requested by the Gover- nor and Council for the use of the Continental Army raised in this State and forward same to Elisha Hubbard, Commissary ; also to borrow money to pay bounties offered by the Town, etc. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pages 51, 383, 496. Hin- man's " Connecticut in the War of the Revolution," page 292. Goodrich Genealogy, page 76. Wethersfield Town Records. Boardman Genealogy, pages 400, 694, 695.) Boardman, William Francis Joseph. GOODYEAR, THEOPHILUS, Corporal. 1731-1793. Private Third Company, Captain Samuel Peck, Fifth Battalion, Colonel William Douglass, Brigadier-General James Wads- worth's State Brigade, 1 77b ; Corporal Captain Joseph Mans- field's Company, Sixth Regiment " Connecticut Line," forma- ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 6 1 tion of 1 777- 1 78 1, Colonel William Douglass, April 1, 1777- December 31, 1779; invalid pensioner. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 207, 408, 649.) H eaton, John Edward. GOULD, EBENEZER. 1760-1809. Private Captain Job Knap's Company Massachusetts Militia, in service at Rhode Island February 28-March 13, 1781. (MS. Revolutionary War Archives of Massachu- setts, Volume 2, page 175; certificate of Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of State of Massachusetts, on file.) Gould, David Henry. GOULD, ELEAZER, Sergeant. 1720 . Sergeant Captain Caleb Whiting's Company Massachusetts Mili- tia; ten days in service Lexington Alarm, April, 1775. (MS. Revolutionary War Archives of Massachu- setts, Volume 13, page 167; certificate of Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of State of Massachusetts, on file.) Gould, David Henry. GREEN, JAMES. 1728-1809. Captain. Was Senior Captain of the Second Regiment of Light Horse of Connecticut, and was present with them at New York in September, 1776, also at Saratoga and the capture of Burgoyne in 1777, and later did duty in Rhode Island and often in the State. Nathan Hale, while teaching at East Haddam, Conn., 1773-4, lived at the house of Captain James Green, and Richard Green, the son, was a scholar of Nathan Hale in the old schoolhouse. (Munson Genealogy II, 762. Winslow Genealogy I, 104. Lineage Book, D. A. R., IV, 25.) Greene, Marshall Winslow. Warner, Charles Belden. Boardman, Eugene. 62 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. HALLETT, JOSEPH. 1731-1799. Member of New York Committee of One Hundred, May I, 1775; member of New York Provincial Congress, 1775-6. ("Civil List, State of New York," Series 1889-91, pages 1 14, 452-3 ; " Archives of the State of New York," Volume 1, page 3.) Delafield, Augustus Floyd. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, Brevet-Colonel. 1757-1804. Appointed Captain New York Provincial Artillery, March 14, 1776; Aide-de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel by Brevet, September 28, 1783, to end of war ; member Society of the Cincinnati. ("Archives of the State of New York," Volume 1, pages 84, 244, etc.; Heitman's "Register of Officers in the Continental Army," page 206.) HICKOK, JOHN. 1734-1810. Private Captain Daniel Benedict's Company, Ninth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel John Mead, Au- gust 12-September 8, 1776; enlisted in same company under command of Lieutenant John Carter January 12, 1777; dis- charged January 25, 1777. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 459, 485.) Warren, Henry Joseph. Warren, Frank Kaile. HILL, EBENEZER. Private. Pensioner of the War of the Revolution. (Affidavits on file with application.) Crandall, Harvey LeMond. HODGE, PHILO. 1 756-1842. Private Captain Peter Perritt's Company, Nineteenth Conti- nental Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, January, 1776- Janu- ary, 1777; private Captain Benjamin Hine's Company, Second ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 63 Battalion Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Thaddeus Cook, January- April, 1777; also in service a few days in "Dan- bury Alarm," in Second Company, Captain Samuel Treat, Second Regiment Connecticut Militia, April, 1777. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 635, 663; his application for the pen- sion which he received ; statement of Wm. Lochren, Com- missioner of Pensions, on file.) Hodge, Charles W. HOLBROOK, JOHN. 1 726-1 801. Member Derby Committee of Inspection, elected December II, 1775 I member of committee to take care of soldiers' clothing, elected December 14, 1778. (" Derby Town Proceedings," Volume 1, pages 106, 107, 126, 127; certificate on file.) Johnson, Frederick Curtis, Colonel. HOLCOMBE, ELIJAH. 1731 . Private Third Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Enos, Sec- ond Connecticut Continental Regiment, Brigadier-General Joseph Spencer, May 7-December 19, 1775; private Captain James Judson's Company, Major John Skinner's Regiment Connecticut Militia, Light Horse, July 8-August 3, 1776; private Second Regiment Continental Light Dragoons. Col- onel Elisha Sheldon, January 1, 1 781-1 783. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 47, 283, 476.) Wessels, Henry Walton, Colonel. HOLMES, JABEZ, Sergeant. 1751-1817. Sergeant Captain William Stanton's Company, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver Smith, Sep- tember 8-November 17, 1776. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 453 ; Records Pension Office, War 64 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Department ; certificate of Colonel F. C. Ainsworth, U. S. Army, Chief of Office, on file.) Holmes, George James, M.D. Potter, Albert Jay. HOTCHKISS, GIDEON. 1716-1807. Member of the Committee of Inspection of the Town of Water- bury, 1776, 1777; acted as Commissary, procuring and con- ducting provisions and clothing to the American forces on the Hudson River, 1777; Captain of a company raised in and sent from Waterbury, to take part in the War of the Revolu- tion. ("Anderson's History of Waterbury," Volume I, pages 411, 460, 463.) Sanford, Frederick R., Reverend. HOTCHKISS, JOHN. 1779. Volunteer, killed at New Haven July 5, 1779. (The Connecticut Journal, New Haven, Wednes- day, July 28, 1779, in the Library of Yale University, New Haven.) Wells, Edward Livingston. HULL, JEDEDIAH. 1732-1790. First Lieutenant Captain Diamond's Company of Fairfield, May '7, 1 775- (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution.) Pearce, Reuben Booth. HUNT, RUSSELL. 1732-18—. Second Lieutenant Second Battalion, Thaddeus Cook, Colonel, John Watson, Captain. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 424.) Hunt, Charles Kellogg. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 65 HUNTINGTON, JEDEDIAH, Brigadier-General. 1 743-1818. Colonel Norwich Connecticut Militia, Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Colonel Eighth Connecticut Continental Regiment, July 6-September 10, 1775; Colonel Seventeenth Connecticut Continental Regiment, 1776; Colonel First Regiment "Con- necticut Line," formation of 1777-1781; Colonel Twentieth Regiment Connecticut Militia; Brigadier-General Conti- nental Army, May 12, 1777, to close of War. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 19, 36, 85, 96, 101, 141, 145, 312, 439; " Heitman's Register of Officers of the Continental Army.") Huntington, Frederick Jabez. HYDE, JOSEPH. 1761 . Private Fairfield Coast Guard nine months ; private " Danbury Alarm "; engaged at Ridgefield; wounded at Compo; also in service at the burning of Fairfield, and at Norwallc. (Autograph statement and affidavit of Joseph Wake- man, dated October 19, 1838, both in possession of Simon Couch Sherwood. ) Sherwood, Simon Couch. JENNINGS, JOEL. 1753 . Private Fourth Company, Captain David Dimon, Fifth Con- necticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury, May 13-November n, 1775. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 67.) Sturges, Abram Baldwin, M.D. JENNISON, JOHN, Captain. 1744-1804. First Lieutenant Captain Christopher Webber's Company, Col- onel Benjamin Bellow's New Hampshire Regiment, March 16, 1776; promoted Captain; in service till 1780. (New Hampshire MS. State Papers, Volume 10, pages 591, 593, 594, 595, 596, 599, 602, 603; Volume 5 66 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. 14, page 297 ; Volume 1 s. pages 23, 37 ; Volume 17, pages 528, 532.) H eaton, Jonx F.dward. JESUP, EBENEZER. M.D., Ensign. [739-1812. Ensign Captain Thomas Nash's Company, in service of the Fourth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Dimon, at Peekskill, October 5-30, 1777. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 518.) Sherwood, Simon Couch. JOHNSON, ISAAC. 1758-1805. Private. Enlisted May 8, 1777, in Captain Humphrey's Corn- pans, Sixth Regiment, " Connecticut Line." Transferred August 1, 1 78 1, to First Regiment. Bradley, Seymour Percy. JONES, JOHN, Lieutenant. 1739-1817. Second Lieutenant Captain Noble Benedict's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion, Brigadier-General James Wadsworth's State Brigade, 1776. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 414.) Jones, John Smith. Jones, Timothy. Miller, James Edmond. KEENEY, ALEXANDER, Jr. . Private Captain Timothy Cheney's Company of Hartford in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 13.) Fitz-Gerald, Ransom Ney. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Qj KNAPP, HEZEKIAH. 1 749-1840. Private Captain Timothy Lockwood's Company, Colonel John Mead's Regiment; enlisted in July, 1778; served eighteen months; served as guard at Greenwich, Conn. (Statement of Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, on file with application.) Judd, William Hawley. KNAPP, JOSHUA. Private Captain Joseph Hubby's Company, Ninth Regiment Con- necticut Militia, Colonel John Meade. (Statement of Record and Pension Office, War De- partment, Washington, D. C, on file with application.) Knapp, Augustus. LAWRENCE, JONATHAN, Brigade-Major. 1802. Member New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1777; Brigade- Major Queens County, (New York) Militia, 1775; Lieuten- ant Captain Nathaniel Tomm's Company, Colonel William Malcolm's Regiment Additional Continental Infantry, Janu- ary 10, 1777-April 22, 1779; Captain Lieutenant-Colonel H. K. Van Rensselaer's Regiment New York Levies, 1779; Cap- tain Colonel John Harper's Regiment New York Levies, May n-November 30, 1780; Captain Sappers and Miners, June 12, 1781-November 25, 1782. (" Civil List, State of New York," Series 1889-91, pages 453-4; "Archives of the State of New York," Vol- ume 1, pages 4, 240, 256, 257, 286, 413.) Hamilton, Alexander, Reverend. Wayne, Henry N., Reverend. Wayne, Henry Townsend. LAWTON, ROBERT. . Private Providence Company of Cadets under Colonel Nightin- gale, serving at Pawtuxet, 1777; Deputy from the Town of Portsmouth to the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in 178 1, 1782, 1783. 68 SONS OF THE RE] 0L\ TIO \ (Certified copy of statement of Charles P. Bennett, Secretary of the State of Rhode Island, on file.) Lawton, Herbert. LINCOLN, STEPHEN. 1 751-1840. Private August, i77S-February, 1779, in the Rhode Island cam- paign, in which General John Sullivan attempted, unsuccess- fully, the siege of Newport. (Records of Oakham, Mass.; certificate of Jesse Al- len, Town Clerk, on file.) Lincoln, George Francis. Lincoln, Frederick Miles. LYMAN, ELIHU, Ensign. 1760 . Ensign Captain Elihu Hubbard's Company Seventeenth Conti- nental Regiment, Colonel Jedediah Huntington, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner in action at Long Island Au- gust 27, 177O; exchanged May, 1778; member Society of the Cincinnati. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 101, 376; State Records of Connecti- cut, Volume 1, page 258; Volume 2, page 51.) Sanford, George Bliss, Lieutenant-Colonel Uni- ted States Army. LYON, JOSIAH. 1829. Private May 10, 1775, to December 17, 1775, Captain James Chapman's Company, Colonel Samuel H olden Parsons, Sixth Regiment of Continental troops; Private September 8, 177b, to November 2, 1776, Captain Keyes' Company, Major Back- us' Regiment of Light Horse; Private August 24, 1777, to October 30, 1777, Captain Amos Jones' Company, Colonel Jonathan Latimer's Regiment. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 75, 478, 506.) Park 1 r. Ik wcis H. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. <5g LYON, NEMIAH WEBB. 1 759-1860. Private Captain Najah Bennett's Company, General David Waterbury's State Brigade, for the defense of the post at Horseneck, and places adjacent; in service at Green's Farms March, 1 78 1 ; pensioner, under the Act of 1840. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 576, 662.) Lyon, George Frederick. LYON, ROGER. 1715-1797. Private, Colonel Thomas Thomas' Regiment, Westchester County, New York, 1779. (Statement of Record and Pension Office, War De- partment, Washington, D. £., on file with application.) Knapp, Edwin A. LYON, SAMUEL. Private Captain Caleb Lawrence's Company, Second Regiment, Westchester County, New York, September, 1779, Colonel Thomas Thomas commanding ; Private Captain Richard Sack- ett's Company, January, 1781. (MS. Volume Treasurer's Certificates of New York State, Volume 9, page 29; Volume 3, page 7.) Knapp, Edwin Augustus. MATHER, JOSEPH, Captain. 1 753-1840. Private First Company, Captain-Lieutenant Sylvanus Brown, Fifth Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury, May 9-December 10, 1775; Private Eleventh Company, Captain Jonathan Bell, Ninth Regiment Connecti- cut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel John Mead commanding; in service at New York August 13-September 16, 1776; Private same company, in service on the Westchester border October 24-December 24, 1776; Private same company, Captain Eli Reed, in service on the Westchester border December 28, 1 7 76- January 8, 1777; served in same company three months; Sergeant same company, " Captain " Nathaniel Slason, eight 7o SONS OP THE REVOLUTION. months in service, 1779; promoted Ensign; in service July, 1780; promoted Captain; six months in service, 1781. ("Record of Connecticut .Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 64, 456, 488, 586, 619, 650; his appli- cation for the pension which he received ; copy of state- ment of Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Street, Frederick D. MATHER, MOSES, D.D., Rev. 1719-1806. Taken prisoner with the congregation of the church at .Middle- sex July 22, 1781, and confined in the Provost prison, New York. ("Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution," Benson J. Lossing, Volume 1, page 414; " Poetical Relation," Peter St. John.) Street, Frederick D. MELLEN, JAMES, Lieutenant-Colonel. . Captain Colonel Jonathan Ward's Regiment Massachusetts Troops, 1775; served three months, fourteen days; Lieutenant- Colonel Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1777; Lieu- tenant-Colonel Colonel Wasson's Regiment January I -De- cember 31, 1780; Lieutenant-Colonel Fourth Regiment Mas- sachusetts Troops, June, 1 781 -December 20, 1782. (MS. Records State of Massachusetts; certificate of Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of State, on file.) Leeds, Ch \ri.es II. MILES, BENJAMIN. 1724-177O. Private Captain Adam Wheeler's Company, Colonel Ephraim Doolittle's Regiment ; was in camp at Charlestown and Win- ter Hill in 1775. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolu- tionary War, Volume X, page 731. Year Book, 1897-9. Connecticut Society, Sons of American Revolution, page 73I-) Lincoln, Frederick Miles. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 71 MILLER, JONATHAN. Private Captain John Barnard's Company, Colonel Samuel Wyllys' Regiment; enlisted January 10, 1778, for the term of one year. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 176.) Clark, Robert Moses. MORGAN, WILLIAM AVERY, Sergeant. 1 754-1842. Private Captain Isaac Gallup's Company Tenth Continental Regiment, Colonel Samuel Holden Parsons, December I, 1775-December, 1776; was in the battle of Long Island, and during the engagement a musket ball passed through his hat; promoted Sergeant about the time New London was burned, he was drafted and went to that place and served about one month, but under what officers is not stated ; was one of the first to enter Fort Griswold after the massacre. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 100, 656, 661 ; his application for the pension which he received ; statement of Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Bulkeley, Morgan Gardner, Hon. Bulkeley, William Henry. Bulkeley, William Eliphalet Adams. MORGAN, ZEDEKIAH. 1744 . Conductor of teams for transporting supplies from Danbury, Conn., to the Connecticut Army, 1 779-1 781. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 628.) Morgan, Daniel Nash, Hon. MORRIS, JAMES, Brevet-Major. . Commissioned June 20, 1776, Ensign Fifth Company, Captain Abraham Bradley, Second Battalion, Colonel Fisher Gay, Brigadier-General James Wadsworth's State Brigade; com- missioned, January 1, 1777, First Lieutenant Fifth Regiment "Connecticut Line," formation of 1777-1781, Colonel Philip 72 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Burr Bradley; taken prisoner in the Battle of Germantown October 4, 1777; exchanged January 3. 1781 ; promoted Cap- tain-Lieutenant July 29, 1780; promoted Captain August 22, 1780; Captain Second Regiment "Connecticut Line," forma- tion of 1781-178.}, Colonel Heman Swift; detached from Second Regiment to serve in Colonel Alexander Scammell's Light Infantry Regiment May, 1781; served with Southern Army; retired by consolidations January 1, 1783; member Society of the Cincinnati. ("Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume is. page 426; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 194, 325, 3=54, 375, 395.) Morris, Dwight, Brigadier-General. Morris, Robert Clark. NORTON, OLIVER, Dr. 1763-1838. Private, August, 1778, two months service; 1779, two months' service; April, 1780, nine months' service; 1781, two months' service. (Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C, his pen- sion, granted August 20, 1832.) Noxon, George H. OSBORN, NATHANIEL, Sergeant. . Private Second Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Whiting, Fifth Connecticut Continental Regiment, Colonel David Waterbury, May 10-November 17, 1775: re-entered service; Private Captain Robert Walker's Company, Colonel Samuel Elmore's Continental Regiment, April 16, 1776; Sergeant Captain John Yeates' Company, Colonel Roger Enos' Regi- ment Connecticut Militia, in service on the Hudson May 29- August 27, 1778; Sergeant Corps of Sappers and Miners, Sep- tember 9, 1779-1783. ("Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 65, 115, 298, 538: statement of Edgar B. Hoyt, on file.) Hoyt, HUESTED W. R., Colonel. Hoyt, Leigh Richmond. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. PARKER, JOHN. 1732-1806. 73 Private Captain Eliphalet Holmes' Company of Minute Men raised in East Haddam, May, 1 776 ; Private June, 1776, to December 25, 1776, Captain Eliphalet Holmes' Company, Fourth Battalion, Colonel Wadsworth's Brigade; was in battle at White Plains; Private August 3, 1778, to September, 1778, in Captain Seth W. Holmes' Company, under Brig- adier-General John Tyler ; Private November 8, 1 780, to January 6, 1 78 1 , Captain Z. Hungerford's Company, Colonel Samuel McLellan's Regiment, at New London and Groton. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 404, 532, 580, 611.) Parker, Francis H. PARKER, JOHN. 1758-1839. Private Captain Martin Kirtland's Company, Colonel Erastus Wolcott's Regiment, New London, Conn., February 28, '777>' Private Captain Martin Kirtland's Company, Colonel R. J. Meigs' Regiment, May 20, 1777, to May 20, 1780. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 613, 636; and Certificate of Com- missioner of Pensions.) Parker, John Marvin, Jr. PEASE, SHARON. 1746 . Private Captain Loomis' Company, Major Backus' Regiment of Light Horse, 1776, ordered to army near New York; also in detachment of Third Troop in Fourth Regiment of Light Horse, and served as an escort to Convention Troops (pris- oners of Burgoyne's army) passing through Connecticut No- vember, 1778. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 479, 546 ; Allen's History of En- field, page 2495.) Lincoln, Frederick Miles. 74 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. PHELPS, BERIAH. . Private Captain John Skinner's Company, Colonel Jonathan Lati- mer's Regiment, August 25-November 2, 1777; Corporal Cap- tain Daniel Dewey's Company, Colonel Obadiah Johnson's Regiment, 1778. (His application for pension which he received; state- ment of D. T. Murphy, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Skiff, Charles William. POND, CHARLES, Captain. 1 744-1832. Ensign Captain Perrit's Company, Colonel Webb's Regiment, at siege of Boston; Lieutenant, 1776; June, 1776, in command of armed sloop Schuyler; re-captured prizes taken by the Eng- lish; Captain Sixth Regiment "Connecticut Line," formation of 1 777-1 781, Colonel William Douglass, January 1, 1777; resigned April 20, 1779; Captain brig-of-war New Defense, 1770,; taken prisoner and confined on prison ship Jersey. (" Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 15, page 94; "Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 8.?, 104, 206, 376; "American Ar- chives," fourth series, Volume (>, pages 974, 991 ; " Thir- ty-six Voyages," George Coggeshall, New York, 1858, pages 26, 27, list of prisoners on ship Jersey.) Baldwin, Wilson Leslie. Pond, Nathan Gillette. PROVOST, SAMUEL. 1740-1835- Private Captain Bell's Company, Ninth Regiment Connecticut Militia, under General Wooster, 1776-1777; pensioner under the Act of 1832. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 490, 651.) Provost, Howard G, D.D.S. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 75 PUTNAM, DANIEL. 1 759-1831. Aide-de-Camp with rank of Major to his father, Major-General Putnam, 1 776-1 780; First Lieutenant Colonel Durkee's Regi- ment, Twentieth Continentals, 1776. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 97, 106, 142, 376, 636.) Bigelow, Henry Waite. PUTNAM, ISRAEL, Major-General. 1718-1790. Lieutenant-Colonel Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; appointed by the Legislature at the special April session, 1775, Second Brig- adier-General of the Regiments then ordered for the safety and defense of the Colony ; also, at same time, appointed Col- onel of the Third Regiment, commission dated May I, 1775; Major-General Continental Army, 1776; Major-General Continental Army, 1777-1781 ; incapacitated December, 1779; borne on the rolls with full pay to close of the war, June, 1783 ; retired under Acts of Congress as half-pay officer for life. ( " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 20, 36, 37, 53, 58, 95. 97. 129, 131, 141, 312, 436; " Life of Israel Putnam," by J. N. Tar- box; "Life of Israel Putnam," by Mack, Andrus and Woodruff, Ithaca, 1839.) Brown. George Israel, Reverend. Brinley, Edward Brinley. Brinley, Daniel Putnam. Bigelow, Henry Waite. REDFIELD, CONSTANT. 1753-1839- Private Captain Bezaleel Bristol's Company, Second Regiment, " Connecticut Line." Bradley, Seymour Percy. ROGERS, ICHABOD. 1754-1821. Private, enlisted June 18, 1776, Captain Smith's Company, Col- onel Bradley's Battalion; discharged December 28, 1776. 76 SONS OF THE REIOLUTION. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 420, 621.) Rogers, Nathaxiel Burton. Rogers, Cephas Brainard, 2D. ROWELL, SAMUEL. 1754- 1830. Private, enlisted 1774 from Londonderry, New Hampshire, Cap- tain Henry Drummond, Colonel John Stark's Regiment; engaged in Battle of Bunker Hill; August, 1775, with Eighth Company, Colonel John Stark's Regiment, under Colonel Benedict Arnold, went to Quebec; enlisted November 29, 1 775, Captain Titcomb's Company, Colonel Poor's Regi- ment; July II, 1776, Captain John Nesmuth's Company, Col- onel Wingate's Regiment, at Brooklyn Heights: July 20th, Captain Daniel Reynolds' Company, Colonel Moses Nichols' Regiment, Stark's Brigade, at Battle of Bennington; dis- charged September 28, 1777; enlisted April 28, 1778. Colonel Moses Keiley's Regiment, Sullivan's Brigade, at Fishkill-on- the-Hudson; enlisted April, 1780, Captain Nathaniel Hutch- ins' Company, Colonel Joseph Cilley's First New Hampshire Regiment, and marched to West Point; discharged March, 1781. (New Hampshire Records; Records Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C.) Rowell, George Presburv. Rowell, Charles Emery. Rowell, Edward Everett. Rowell, Edward Everett, Jr. SANFORD, ELIHU, Sergeant. 1 759- 1 839- Corporal Captain David Smith's Company, Eighth Regiment "Connecticut Line," formation of 1 777-1 781, Colonel John Chandler, February 16, 1777; promoted Sergeant May 27, 1778; Sergeant Captain David Dorrance's Company, Fifth Regiment "Connecticut Line," formation of 1 781-1783, Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Sherman, January 1 -December 31, 1781. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. yj (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 231, 348, 637.) Sanford, George Bliss, Lieutenant-Colonel Uni- ted States Army. SANFORD, JAMES. . Private Captain Ebenezer Hill's Company, Seventh Regiment " Connecticut Line," Colonel Heman Swift, formation of 1777-1781; Private Captain Stephen Billings' Company, Second Regiment " Connecticut Line," Colonel Heman Swift, formation of 1781-1783. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 225, 326, 644, 662; " Burr's History of Redding," page 221; his application for the pension which he received ; certificate of Wm. Lochren, Commis- sioner of Pensions, on file. ) Sanford, Frederick Harriman. SCHUYLER, PHILIP, Major-General. 1733-1804. Major-General Continental Army, June 19, 1775; resigned April !9> J 779; member Continental Congress, 1775-1781; member New York Provincial Convention, April 20, 1775; member New York Senate, 1 780-1784; member Society of the Cin- cinnati. (" Heitman's Register of Officers in' the Continental Army," page 358 ; 'Archives of the State of New York," Volume 1, pages 8, 15, etc.) Hamilton, Alexander, Major-General. Hamilton, Alexander, Reverend. SEXTON, GEORGE. 1756-1815. Was appointed or enlisted and served as Ensign, March 25, 1777, to September 21, 1778, Colonel Seth Warner's Regiment of Vermont; Lieutenant September 28, 1778, to August 1, 1780, Colonel Seth Warner's Regiment of Vermont ; Captain Au- gust 20, 1 78 1, to November 25, 1781, Colonel Ebenezer 78 SONS OF THE REVOLl //"A Walbridge's Regiment of Vermont; Captain April i, 1782, to October 22, 1782, Major Gideon Bronson's Regiment of Vermont, and engaged in the Battles of Bennington and Sara- toga. (Affidavits of Commissioner of Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. ; Chief of Bureau of Rolls and Li- brary, Department of State, Washington, D. C. ; Chief of Record and Pension Office of Washington, D. C. : Ad- jutant-General of the State of Vermont.) Whittelsey, Charles Barney. SEWARD, WILLIAM, Reverend. 1747-1822. Chaplain in Colonel David Waterbury's Regiment in 1775 at Stillwater, N. Y. ( His name is found in a list of Sick Bills of 1775, being itemized accounts of the expenses of individual soldiers.) (Connecticut Historical Society Collections, Volume VIII, page 19; " Biographical Sketches of Yale Gradu- ates," by Dexter, Volume III.) Seward, William, Jr. SHERMAN, ROGER. 1 721 -1793. Assistant, May, 1774-May, 1780; member Continental Con- gress, 1 774- 1 780; member of Committee appointed to prepare the Declaration of Independence and signer of the same; member Connecticut Council of Safety, May, 1774-May, 1780; delegate to the Springfield Convention, July, 1 777 ; delegate to the New Haven Convention, January, 1778; dele- gate to the Philadelphia Convention, January, 1780. ("American Archives," Volume I, pages 554, 895; " Journals of Congress," Volume 2, pages 206, 207, 245 ; " Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 14, pages 254, 324; Volume 15, pages 4, 136, 272; " State Records of Connecticut," Volume 1, pages 10, 221, 253, 355, 4'7. 477. 6°o. 601, 609, 610, 612; Volume 2, pages 3, 18, 134. 251, 287, 462, 579.) Baldwin, Henry. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 79 SHERWOOD, DANIEL, 2 d. 1735-1819. Private Eighth Company, Captain Jonathan Dimon, Fourth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Colonel Gold Selleck Silli- man, May, 1776; in service in Fairfield Coast Guard Novem- ber 7, 1776; Clerk Fairfield Coast Guard, Captain George Burr, in service at Fairfield August 7, 1777, and at Peekskill under Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Dimon, October 5-14, 1777. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 521, 616; MS. Records Fairfield Coast Guard in Pequot Library, Southport; MS. muster roll and order in possession of Cyrus Sherwood Bradley, Southport.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. Rowland, Henry Lincoln. Rowland, Herbert Samuel. Sherwood, Simon Couch. SMITH, ELIPHALET. 1 761-1836. Private Captain Beardsley's Company Fairfield Coast Guard, September-December, 1779; Private Sixth Company, Captain Ebenezer Morehouse, Fourth Regiment Connecticut Militia, Major Elijah Abel, in service September, 1780-January, 1781 ; Private Captain Daniel Sturges' Company Fairfield Coast Guard April-August, 1782. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 65 1 ; his application for the pension which he received ; statement of Wm. Lochren, Com- missioner of Pensions, on file.) Hoyt, Harrie Trowbridge. Hoyt, Thomas Russell. SMITH, PHINEAS, Captain. 1717-1789. Captain Colonel Porter's Regiment Massachusetts Troops Lex- ington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain Fourth Hampshire Coun- ty Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776; Captain Colonel 80 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Ruggles Woodbridge's Regiment Bennington Alarm, August 17-21, 1777. (Records State of Massachusetts, Volume 13, page 101 ; Volume 42, page 83 ; Volume 23, page 75 ; Volume 176, page 460 1-2 ; statement of Wm. M. Olin, Secretary of the State of Massachusetts, on file.) Hadsell, G. Arthur. STORRS, DAN. 1748 . Clerk under Lieutenant-Colonel Experience Storrs, Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; twenty-seven days in service. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 16.) Waterman, Warren Gookin. STOWE, SAMUEL, Midshipman. 1758-1830. Midshipman on Continental Frigate Trumbull, Dudley Salton- stall Commander, December 15, 1 776- December 15, 1777; Midshipman on State Man-of-War Oliver Cromwell, Cap- tain William Coit, January 20-March 16, 1778. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 598, 596.) French, Louis Mardenbrough. French, William Freeman, M.D. STOWE, STEPHEN. 1 727-1 777. Volunteered as nurse to the Continental soldiers confined in the prison ships, and died of a contagious disease while in such service. (Inscription on tombstone at Milford, Conn., erected by the State.) French, Louis Mardenbrouch. French, William Freeman, M.D. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 8l TAYLOR, LEMUEL. 1 765-1848. Drummer Captain George Terrell's Company, Lieutenant-Col- onel Samuel Canfield's Regiment, Connecticut Militia, in service April-October, 1779; Private Captain Brewster's Com- pany on guard duty, April-July, 1780; Private Lieutenant Colfax's Company, Colonel Samuel G. Webb's Regiment, on guard duty, October-December, 1781. (His application for the pension which he received; certified copy of the statement of Wm. Lochren, Com- missioner of Pensions, on file.) Andrews, William Taylor. TAYLOR, ZALMON. — -18 16. Private, enlisted May 16, 1775, Captain Ichabod Doolittle's Company, Colonel Waterbury's Regiment ; enlisted April, 1776, Captain Benedict's Company, in Colonel Philip Brad- ley's Regiment; was wounded at Battle of St. Johns. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 69, 422.) Herrick, Eugene K. THORP, ELIPHALET, Captain. 1740-1795. Member Fairfield Committee of Inspection, elected December 28, 1775; Captain Fourth Company, Fourth Regiment Con- necticut Militia, Colonel Samuel Whiting, May, 1776 . . ; in service at Peekskill, October 5-31, 1777; Captain in the First Battalion Connecticut State Troops, Colonel Samuel Whiting, November, 1776-March, 1777. ("Colonial Records of Connecticut," Volume 15, page 341 ; State Records of Connecticut, Volume I, page 67 ; " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 424, 515 ; MS. Town Records of Fair- field.) Rowland, Herbert Samuel. TREADWELL, DANIEL. 1 756-1815. Private Captain Elijah Abel's Company, Colonel Philip Burr Bradley's Battalion, Brigadier-General James Wadsworth's 82 SONS OF THE RESOLUTION. State Brigade, June 20-November 16, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington November 16, 1776; invalid pensioner. ( " Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 415, 647.) Gorham, John Frederic. TREMAN, ABNER. 176 1-1823. Private Second Regiment New York, Colonel Philip Van Cort- landt commanding; he was discharged on June 8, 1783, and was accredited with five years and two months' actual service; he. also, at the time of his discharge, was honored with a badge of merit for three years' faithful service; he was one of twenty men selected personally by General George Wash- ington to clear away the abatis that obstructed the advance on Stony Point, which was captured by the American troops on the night of July 15, 1779; he was with Sullivan's army in the Battle of Chemung, August 29, 1779; received bounty of 600 acres of land in the present town of Trumansburg, N. Y. (See Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions; copy of certificate on file with application.) Wyckoff, Frank Treman. TUBBS, DANIEL. 1736 . Private Captain Jonathan Hale's Company, Colonel Erastus Wolcott's Regiment, December, 1775-February, 1776. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 385.) Tubbs, William Henry. VAN STEENBURGH, THOS. G. 1757 . Private, New York Regiment, enlisted at Ulster County, N. Y. ; pensioner ; was in battle at Stillwater. (See Department of Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington.) Krom, Arthur Guernsey. ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 83 WAIT, RICHARD. 1711-1790. Major Third Regiment of Militia under the general organiza- tion of 1775-1 783, being promoted from Captain February, 1781. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 433.) Bigelow, Henry Waite. WAKEMAN, JOHN, 2D. 1731-1809. Private Eighth Company, Captain Jonathan Dimon, Fourth Regi- ment Connecticut Militia; Colonel Gold Selleck Silliman, May, 1776; in service in Fairfield Coast Guard October 28, 1776; Private Fairfield Coast Guard, Captain George Burr; in service at Peekskill under Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Dimon, October 5-30, 1777. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 521, 616; MS. muster roll in posses- sion of Cyrus Sherwood Bradley, Southport; MS. records Fairfield Coast Guard in Pequot Library, Southport.) Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood. Wakeman, Howard Nichols. WATERBURY, DAVID, Brigadier-General. 1722-1801. Colonel Fifth Connecticut Continental Regiment, 1775; Colonel Connecticut State Regiment at New York, February-April, 1776; Brigadier-General, 1776; taken prisoner in the action at Valcour's Island, Lake Champlain, October II, 1776; ex- changed, 1780; Brigadier-General Connecticut State Brigade, 1781. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 64, 304, 387, 389, 564; "History of Stamford," pages 417-423.) Waterbury, Harry Guley. 84 SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. WATERBURY, ENOS. 1 761-1846. Private Captain Sylvanus Brown's Company First Regiment Connecticut State Troops, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant Mathew Mead, June, 1779-March, 1780; Private Captain Reuben Scofield's Company Coast Guard, April 10, 1780- January 1, 1781 ; Private Captain Charles Smith's Company, Brigadier-General David Waterbury's State Brigade, March- December, 1 78 1. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 558, 651, 662; his application for the pension which he received ; statement of Wm. Lochren, Commissioner of Pensions, on file.) Waterbury, William F. WATERBURY, JOHN, 2D, Lieutenant. 17 18 . First Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Elmore's Continental Regiment, 1776. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," page 114.) Scofield, Linus Ward. WHITE, EZRA. Private Captain William Judd's Company, Third Regiment " Connecticut Line," Colonel Samuel Wyllys, April 21, 1778, to December 31, 1779; Captain Hezekiah Wells' Company, State Regiment, at Boston, Colonel Erastus Wolcott, January to March, 1776. (Adjutant-General's Report of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, pages 179, 383.) Rapelye, George. WILLIAMS, JOSHUA, Sergeant. . Private under Lieutenant-Colonel George Pitkin, Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Private Captain John Durkee's Com- pany, Third Regiment, Colonel Israel Putnam, May 8-Decem- ber 10, 1775; Corporal Captain Thomas Abbe's Company, ROSTER OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 85 Third Regiment " Connecticut Line," Colonel Samuel Wyl- lys, formation of 1777-1781; Sergeant Captain Simon Spal- ding's Company, First Regiment, Colonel John Durkee, forma- tion 1781-1783 ; Private Captain William Stanton's Company, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Militia, August, 1780. (" Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution," pages 13, 54, 170, 318, 561.) Erichson, Charles Burns, D.D.S. WOODHULL, NATHANIJEL, Brigadier-General. 1722-1776. Colonel Long Island Militia, 1775; Brigadier-General same, 1776; member New York Provincial Convention April 20, 1775; member New York Provincial Congress, 1 775-1 776 ; President of same, 1776; taken prisoner and wounded after capture at Jamaica, Long Island, August 28, 1776, and died from wounds September 20, 1776. (Civil List, State of New York, Series 1889-91, pages 113, 452-3 ; "Calendar of Revolutionary Papers," Albany, N. Y., Volume 1, page 134; Heitman's " Register of Officers in Continental Army," page 443 ; "Archives of the State of New York," Volume 1, pages 4, 80, 126.) Hamilton, Alexander, Reverend. Wayne, Henry N., Reverend. Wayne, Henry Townsend. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS in; ii i inn ii 1 1 in f in in 1 1 011 712 627 4 f