* •©. ^^ y „o i*\->^'.\. .co^.^^.>o ./\c;^/v , rr.' A .«5o^ r>V V^ . 4 r ▼. < c>.. ♦v-:^.' A Vf* iO -*i. 'i^^.* ^•fr' ''i*. '♦. ^o. '4. '. ♦ *^ ^ A. S. BARNES & COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS. Walter Oolton's Works. WRITINGS OF REV. WALTER COLTON, LATE CHAPLAIN IN THE U. 8. NAVY. I. SHIP AND SHORE IN" MADEIRA, LISBON, AN^D THE MEDITERRANEAN. Illustrated with engravings. 1 vol. 1 2mo. II. LAND AND LEE IN THE BOSPHORUS AND ^GEAN, OR VIEWS OF CONSTANTINOPLE AND ATHENS. With engravings. 1 vol. 12nio. III. DECK AND PORT, OR INCIDENTS OF A CRUISE IN THE UNITED STATES FRIGATE CONGRESS TO CALIFORNIA. WITH SKETCHES OF Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lima, Honolulu, and San Francisco. Illustrated with engravings. 1 vol. 12mo. IV. THREE YEARS IN CALIFORNIA. With portraits and engravings. 1 vol. 12mo. " This work is an authentic history of CaUfornia, from the time it came under the flag of the United States down to the present explora- tions, new settlements, and gold-diggings. While the reader is instructed on every page, he will laugh a hundred if not a thousand times, before he gets through tliis captivating volume, and though he sits alone in his chair." — Washington Republic. V. THE SEA AND THE SAILOR, NOTES ON FRANCE AND ITALY, AND Other Sketches from the Writings of Rev. Walter Colton ; WITH A MEMOIR, BY REV. HENRY T. OHEEVER. Illustrated with engravings. 1 vol. 12mo. / 4^^ 7-^ THE SIA Alffl 1 ffil iAHLSle ETC. ETC. N /•^--^ 7 ^-— — --^ y. j^ THE SEA AND THE SAILOR NOTES ON FRANCE AND ITALY, AND OTHER LITERARY REMAINS REV. WALTER COLTON. llVitl) a Mnmvfyy^ BY REV. HENRY T/CHEEVER, AUTHOR OF " THE ISLAND WORLD OF THE PACIFIC, AND HI8 CAPTORS," ETa THE WHALE " Learning is not like some small bird, as the lark, that can mount and sing and please himself, and nothing else : she holds as -well of the hawk, that cart soar aloft, jind after that, when she sees her time, can stoop and seize upon her prey." Lord Bacow. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY A. S. BARNES & CO., NO. 51 JOHN-STREET. CINCINNATI:— H. W. DERBY & CO. 1851. t^\ .Gt.47 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one, By a. S. BARNES & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Stbbhottpbd by EICHABD C. VALENTINE. New Tork. F. C. GUTIERREZ, Printer, Comer of Jotin and Dutcli streets PREFACE. When the fragments and manuscripts of Mr. Colton were put into the hands of the Editor, it was supposed that an entertaining volume of Miscellanies could be made up, with little to do on the compiler's part but to select, combine, correct, and put to press. It was soon found, however, that none of the manuscripts, except portions of the poems, had ever been at all adjusted, or put into shape for pubhcation. All the diamonds in them were diamonds in the rough, and the gold was either in quartz, or scattered through clay and sand. The work to be done, therefore, was that both of the miner and the lapidary. The shaft here opened has proved a productive one, and we think it rare for the merely post- humous remains of a literary Naval Chaplain to yield so rich a vein. The part we have called '' The Sea and the Sailor" is made up mainly of two manuscripts, without a name, in the shape of Sermons, or Addresses, which it is supposed Mr. Colton was in the habit of using, or having recourse to, when preaching in behalf of seamen. Other appropriate 8 PREFACE. matter has been incorporated witli them, and the whole assorted into chapters, so as best to answer the end had in view — the preparation of a volume uniform with Mr. Col- ton's previous works. The same has been done with the " Notes on France and Italy," which were left by the Author just as he jotted them down upwards of twenty years ago. They have been here revised and put into sections, and suitable insertions have been made when necessary to complete the integrity of the text. The Aphorisms, Laconics, and Selected Editorials were generally found complete of themselves, and have been furnished with titles. It is believed that the poems are worthy of the labor bestowed on them, both by their Au- thor and Editor, and that they will constitute a pleasing variety in such a volume of Miscellanies. The specimens of " Walter Colton in the Pulpit" will be valued by a wide circle of the friends of the Chaplain, on the ground of their intrinsic merit, as well as that of per- sonal regard for the preacher. Our honest aim has been to do him justice, and no other hberty has been taken with the manuscripts than we would like to have used in such a case with our own. For the aid given in furnishing materials and hints for the Memoir, by the brothers, class-mates, and other friends of the deceased, the Editor would hereby return his grate- ful acknowledgments. And to the bereaved widow of the PREFACE. departed he is under special obligation for her frank sub- mission to his discretion, of the prized letters and memo- rials of her husband. If a volume shall prove to have been made satisfactory to her, and to the wide range of Mr. Colton's friends, and vrorthy also of his fair fame with the public as a Chaplain, Editor, Author, and Judge, the labor of its preparation will be ever deemed by the biographer one of the happiest of his hfe, since the end he has constantly kept in view, of mingling the true and useful with the agreeable, will have been attained. In adding this work to the great fund of reading for the Parlor and District School Library, the most appropriate wish of the Editor and Publishers for themselves and their readers would be, that they might ever have to do with men and writers as noble, generous, and genial as the lamented Walter Colton. H. T. C. Few Yor:p, June 11th, 1851. CONTENTS. QL{)C Bca anh i\)c Sailor. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Ocean in its Grandeur and Sublimity — The Ocean aa a Theatre of Man's Power — Triumphs of Sail and Steam — Its Effect on Character — The Traits of the Sailor — His Generosity and Courage — The Tar in the Constitution — On Deck and on the Parapet — Obe- dience to Orders — Insensibility to Danger 19 CHAPTER 11. The Sailor's chivalric Devotion to Woman — Roughness and Honesty in Courtship — His way of bearing unrequited Love — Prodigality and its Causes — Jack at the Bunker- Hill Fair — His Price for a Kiss — Exploits of the Crew of the North Carolina — Buying a Hotel for a Ball — Giving it back to the Landlord — Superstition of the Sailor — Intolerance of the Shark and the Cat — Jack's way of getting a Breeze — Belief in Ghosts and the Spirit- World — A Messmate from the Dead — Indigna- tion at Injustice — Jack's Definition of a Nondescript — Battle between the American Roundabouts and the French Dress-coats 28 1^ 12 CONTENTS. CHAPTER m. PAQE Humanity of the Sailor — Emotions in View of the Dying Dolphin — Jack and the Porcupine — His Fondness for Excitement — Addictedness to the Cup — Temptations offered him— Government to blame — Abolition of the Whisky Ration argued — Facts in Point — Congress bound to supply a Substitute — Teetotalism the only Safety for Army and Navy — The Sailor's Susceptibil- ity to Religion — Privation of Christian Privileges — Error Corrected — The Sailor Remembered on the Cross — His Dialect the Wing of Prayer — Shaking in the Wind 41 CHAPTER IV. Navy Chaplains — A Reformer in Word and one in Deed — The Capstan as a Pulpit — The Sailor in view of Death — Sickness at Sea and on Shore compared — Burial in the Deep and under the Sod — The World's Debt to the Sailor — Christianity his Creditor — His Life and Character little known — His Nature in Ruins — How to be built again — Homes versus Boarding-houses — The Plea of Philanthropy — An Appeal to the Pocket- Sources of Encouragement — Christian Philanthropy mighty 62 CHAPTER V. The Relation of the Church to the Sailor — The Poetry and the Prose of his Lot — His Privations and Hardships — His Wear, Tear, and Fare — Now reefing on the Yard- arm — Now buffeting the Billows — Now a pale Corse in the deep Sea — The Lazaretto at Sea and the Epi- CONTENTS. 13 PAGE demic Ashore — Home unknown to the Sea — Where to find Solitude — The Social Condition at Sea necessarily a Despotism — The Sabbath practically unknown — Effect of this Moral Bereavement 65 CHAPTER VI. Peculiar Position of a Ship at Sea — A Question for Philan- thropy — Physical and Moral Disabilities can be relieved — The Responsibility of Merchants — Inadequate Med- ical Relief for Seamen — Public Opinion embodied in Law — The Duty of Men Ashore — How to impress the Sailor — Capturing the Citadel of his Heart — Hints for a Sailor's Preacher — What we can do — Hope for the Mariner — The Church his Patron and Friend — ^Plea in his behalf 75 % ^ah of tl)e 0ea : A Poem 87 J^ot^s on Stance anb Ital^. CHAPTER I. Cruising after Hibernating — Notes of the last Bird — Remi- niscence of Maria— Grudge against the Lady Abbess — First Day out — Hurry-skurry in Cabin and Ward-room — The Watch-boy aloft — We Anchor in Toulon — The Sentence of Quarantine — Practical Absurdity of its Regulations — A Hint for Restorationists — The Arsenal of Toulon — Naval Disciplme of the French — Suburbs 14 CONTENTS. PAGE of the City — Hy^res — Massillon — A Nut for Socialists — Inquisitors of the Custom-house — Overhauling the Dead — A willing Farewell to Toulon 95 CHAPTER II. Mysterious Sailing in a Calm — Speculations of the Tars — A Charmed Ship — The course of Time an Augury of Eternity — The way of the Wise Man — Approach to Genoa — The City of Palaces — Blind Musician and his Daughter — Effect upon the Crew — Their noble Lib- erality — Music of the Opera compared — The Carla Felice — Fantastic Architecture and Ornaments in Churches — Protestantism and Romanism compared — An Episode on young Divines — A sprightly Bed-fellow — Parisian Fleas in the Waltz — Tour through the Pal- aces — Glimpses of the Proprietors — Riddles to be solved 10 J CHAPTER III. Genoa and the Genoese — A Reunion by Moonlight — The Suicide's Bridge — The Dome of Carignano — The Altar of Hope — Reluctant Confessions — Chapel of John the Baptist — Canova's Grief, Hope, and Faith — Raphael's St. Stephen — Paintings of Rubens and Guido — Chapel of the Carmelites — Saloon of the Serra Palace — Paint- ing of Carlo Dolci — Asylum for Mutes — The Girls of Genoa — The Magdalen of Paul Veronese — The Bust of Columbus — The Past and the Present of Genoa — Aspirations of Hope for the Future 122 CONTENTS. 15 CHAPTER IV. PAGE Departure from Genoa — Drifting in a Calm — A Theologi- cal Frog — Consummation of Love — Anchoring at Leg- horn — Morning and Evening — Sequel of a happy Mar- riage — Mutual Recognition — Night after Lobster — Reminiscences of Childhood 137 CHAPTER V. City of Pisa — Magnificence of the Cathedral — Violations of Taste pointed out — Galileo and the Lamp — Beauties of the Baptistry — The Leaning Tower — Extent of Human Credulity — The Campo Santo of Pisa — Soil from the Holy Land — Signs of Antiquity and Decay — The Ancestry of Pisa — Her ancient Glory — Causes of Decay — A Warning to the World of the West — The Disasters of Disunion — Dangers apprehended from Slavery — Duty to Africa 146 CHAPTER VI. Custom-house Inquisitors of Lucca — We are robbed of our Cigars — We moralize like a Philosopher — Lucca from the Mountains — Groups of Peasantry — A joyous Wed- ding-party — The Croakings of a Bachelor — The good Offices he fills to Society — Virtues of the Lucchese Citizens — Liberty in the Mountains — A better Destiny for Man — Future Liberty, Fraternity, and Peace— A Tribute to departed Youth, Beauty, and Genius— Tri- umphing in Death through Faith in Christ 156 16 CONTENTS. PAQS A Poem 171 ^|j|)orism0, ittdxims, anh laconics. Aphorisms, &c 193 ^tt Enfinisljeir Satire, In Verse 217 SeUrtions from €bitorials. The True Freedom of the Press 231 Rights of Private Judgment 233 Editorial Responsibility 234 Public Men 236 Independence of Character 237 Morals in Politics 239 Morals of Congress 240 Profanity in the Senate 242 Politico-Religious Action 243 The Bankrupt Law 245 Revolutions in Europe 247 Removals from Office 248 The Slave-Trade, and Right of Search 250 Domestic Slave-Traders 254 United States Bank 256 Resumption Day 260 May-Day in the Country 262 Associations of Christmas 264 Early Religious Instruction 267 CONTENTS. 17 FAQE Customs at Funerals 271 Province of Sabbath-Schools 273 The Force of Parental Education 276 John Quincy Adams 277 Daniel Webster 281 Death of General Harrison 284 Funeral of President Harrison 287 Mr. Clay and Mr. King 291 Death of General Jackson 293 toalter dLohon in tlje Ij^nlpit Dignity, Destiny, and Danger of the Soul 299 The Sin of Neglecting or Denying Christ 320 Memoir of Eet). IJD alter Colton. CHAPTER I. The Vermont Family, and Sketches of Walter as a Boy, Youth, and Man 337 CHAPTER II. Life in Washington, and Entrance upon the Duties of a Navy Chaplain on Ship and Shore 365 CHAPTER m. Cruise in the Mediterranean, and Life and Labors in the Navy-Yards 376 18 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE Departure for the Pacific, Life and Labors in California, and Private Correspondence 392 CHAPTER V. Return from the Pacific, Engagements with Publishers, Last Illness and Death 409 CHAPTER VL An Epitome of the Life and Character herein displayed ... 418 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. CHAPTER I. I LOVE the sailor — his eventful life — His generous spirit — his contempt of danger — His firmness in the gale, the wreck, and strife : And though a wild and reckless ocean-ranger, God grant he make that port, when life is o'er. Where storms are hushed, and billows break no more. THE OCEAN IN ITS GRANDEUR AND SUBLIMITY THE OCEAN AS A THEATRE OF man's POWER TRIUMPHS OF SAIL AND STEAM — ITS EFFECT ON CHAR- ACTER THE TRAITS OF THE SAILOR HIS GENEROSITY AND COURAGE THE TAR IN THE CONSTITUTION ON DECK AND ON THE PARAPET OBE- DIENCE TO ORDERS INSENSIBILITY TO DANGER. The most fearful and impressive exhibitions of power known to our globe belong to the Ocean. The volcano, with its ascending flame and falling torrents of fire, and the earthquake, whose footstep is on the ruin of cities, are circumscribed in the desolating range of their visitations. But the ocean, when it once rouses itself in its chainless strength, shakes a thousand shores with its storm and thunder. Navies of oak and iron are tossed in mockery from its crest, and armaments, manned by the strength and courage of millions, perish among its bubbles. 20 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. The avalanche, shaken from its glittering steep, if it rolls to the bosom of the earth, melts away, and is lost in vapor ; but if it plunge into the embrace of the ocean, this mountain mass of ice and hail is borne about for ages in tumult and terror : it is the drifting monument of the ocean's dead. The tempest on land is impeded by forests, and broken by mount- ains, but on the plain of the deep it rushes unresist- ed ; and when its strength is at last spent, ten thou- sand giant waves, which it has called up, still roll its terrors onward. The mountain lake and the meadow stream are in- habited only by the timid prey of the angler ; but the ocean is the home of the leviathan — his ways are in the mighty deep. The glittering pebble, and the rainbow-tinted shell, which the returning tide has left on the shore as scarcely worthy of its care, and the watery gem, which the pearl-diver reaches at the peril of his life, are all that man can filch from the treasures of the sea. The groves of coral which wave over its pavements, and the halls of amber which glow in its depths, are beyond his approaches, save when he goes down there to seek amid their silent magnificence his burial monument. The island, the continent, the shores of civilized and savage realms, the capitals of kings, are worn by time, washed away by the wave, consumed by the flame, or sunk by the earthquake ; but the ocean still remains, and still rolls on in the greatness of its un- SUBLIMITY OF THE OCEAN. 21 abated strength. Over the majesty of its form and the marvels of its might, time and disaster have no power. Such as creation's dawn beheld, it roUeth now. The vast clouds of vapor which roll up from its bosom float away to encircle the globe : on distant mountains and deserts they pour out their watery treasures, which gather themselves again in streams and torrents, to return, with exulting bound, to their parent ocean. These are the messengers which proclaim in every land the exhaustless resources of the sea ; but it is reserved for those who go down in ships, and who do business on the great waters, to see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep. Let one go upon deck in the middle watch of a still night, with naught above him but the silent and solemn skies, and naught around and beneath him but an inter- minable waste of waters, and with the conviction that there is but a plank between him and eternity, a feeling of loneliness, solitude, and desertion, mingled with a sentiment of reverence for the vast, mysterious, and unknown, will come upon him with a power, all unknown before, and he might stand for hours en- tranced in reverence and tears. Man also has made the ocean the theatre of Jiis power. The ship in which he rides that element is one of the highest triumphs of his skill. At first this floating fabric was only a ii-ail barque, slowly urged by the laboring oar. The sail at length arose and 22 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. spread its wings to the wind. Still lie had no power to direct his course when the lofty promontory sunk from sight, or the orbs above him were lost in clouds. But the secret of the magnet is at length revealed to him, and his needle now settle? with a fixedness which love has stolen as the symbol of its constancy to the polar star. Now, however, he can dispense even with sail, and wind, and flowing wave. He constructs and propels his vast engines of flame and vapor, and through the solitude of the sea, as over the solid earth, goes thun- dering on his track. On the ocean, too, thrones have been lost and won. On the fate of Actium was sus- pended the empire of the world. In the Gulf of Sal- amis, the pride of Persia found a grave; and the crescent set forever in the waters of J^avarino ; while at Trafalgar and the I^ile, nations held their breath, As each gun From its adamantine lips Spread a death-shade round the ships, Like the hurricane's ccUpse Of the sun. But of all the wonders appertaining to the ocean, the greatest, perhaps, is its transforming power on man. It unravels and weaves anew the web of his moral and social being. It invests him with feelings, associations, and habits, to which he has been an entire stranger. It breaks up the sealed fountains of his nature, and lifts his soul into features prominent EFFECTS OF THE SEA ON CHARACTER. 23 as the cliffs whicli beetle over its surge. Once the adopted child of the ocean, he can never bring back his entire sympathies to land. He will still move in his dreams ovei' that vast waste of waters, still bound in exultation and triumph through its foaming bil- lows. All the other realities of life will be compara- tively tame, and he will sigh for his tossing element, as the caged eagle for the roar and arrowy light of his mountain cataracts. But let us leave generalities, and look more closely at the distinctive features of character which an ocean-life impresses on the sailor. Among these, generosity is, perhaps, the most prominent. You may take the most gnarled and knotted heart that I can be found, one where a kindly emotion seems never to have existed, and send it out on the sea, and it will soon begin to crack and expand. This same being, who, if he had remained on land, might have seen orphans starve around him without a pitying impulse, and cheated the poor sexton out of his fee for tolling the bell at his burial, will, in the development of his ocean-life and character, be seen dividing his last shilling with an unfortunate ship- mate; and when all is gone, show no dismay, or distrust of " The sweet little cherub who sits up aloft, And watches the life of poor Jack." You never see a sailor, when he falls in with a 24: THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. fellow-being in distress, no matter in what clime bom, or wbat may be the color of his skin, play the Levite ; he acts the good Samaritan, and as naturally, too, as the blood rolls from his heart to the- extremities of his frame. ]^or does the sailor ever meet a national foe in a spirit of malice, or of personal hostility. He fights not for himself, but for his flag ; not for his own honor, but the honor of his country. When the enemy has once struck his colors, he would consider another shot an act of cruelty and disgrace. If the enemy's ship be in a sinking condition, he dashes through the boisterous waves to reach her, even at the imminent peril of being carried down in the maelstrom of her disappearing hulk. He scorns stratagem with an enemy, or any ad- vantage which gives him the victory on unequal terms. He would hardly consent to engage a man- of-war in a steamer armed with a Paixhan gun, where he might quietly take his distance and riddle her at such a remove that her guns could not reach him. He would prefer throwing himself alongside of her in a ship of equal capacity, and then battling it out with her on what he would consider fair and honorable terms. I once asked an old sailor who had been in three signal engagements in the last war with Great Britain, and victorious in each, what he thought of the Torpedo system of blowing up an enemy. "Sir," said the old sailor, touching his tarpaulin, " I think JACK IN THE CONSTITUTION. 25 it was a sneaking way of doing the business. It is only the assassin, sir, that stabs in the dark." Courage is another feature of character strongly impressed on the sailor by his ocean-life. He is al- ways in peril ; he lives with but a plank between him and eternity. If the sea be smooth, and the sky free of clouds at the setting sun, still before his midnight watch is out, his spars may be falling in fragments aroimd him, and the tempest roaring through his shrouds like the blast of the Judgment trump. Tlie caverns of the sea are full of sailors, who have sprung from their hammocks and gone down before even one prayer could be uttered. O'er their dark unfathomed slumbers Wakes no human wail or knell, But the mermaid pours her numbers Through her wild elegiac shell. Thus accustomed to danger in all the forms which the gale, the breaker, the lightning of the cloud, and the iron hail of the enemy can present, the sailor becomes a stranger to fear. Peril is his element as much as w^ater is that of the leviathan that floats around him. He has, therefore, no new character to assume, when summoned to a work of des2)erate daring. The same strong muscles, the same un- shrinking courage, the same indomitable resolution which are now to be tasked, have been tested in other life-suspending emergencies. He rushes into the 2 TIIE SEA AND THE SAII^OE. deatb-striiggle like the war-horse, whose arching neck is clothed with thunder. "When the Constitution fell in with the Guerriere, and it was hardly yet ascertained whether she was a ship-of-the-iine or a frigate, a sturdy sailor walked aft to Commodore Hull, and said in an eager, deter- mined tone, " Commodore, if you will lay us along- side, sir, we will do our duty." " Clear the ship for action," cried the commodore ; and they did do their duty. They captured the enemy before his recovery from the astounding eifects of their first broadside. They broke the charm of British invincibility, and filled the heart of the nation with courage and reso- lution. E"ot only on the battling deck, heaped with the dying and the dead, is the sailor firm, but when thrown upon land he is the last to quit the unavailing battery. When others had fled at Bladensburg with a speed that might have taken them to the foot of the Rocky Mountains, if not the shores of the Pacific, one stout fellow still remained at his gun, and was found when the enemy was within a few rods of him, very coolly ramming home to give him another shot. He was a regular Jack tar, who had very little re- spect for the lessons of the old distich : He who fights and runs away, May live to figlit another day.' When an order reaches the ear of a sailor, he never HIS INSENSIBILITY TO DANGER. 27 stops to inquire what may be the consequences to himself of canying that order into effect. The pres- ervation of his own limbs and life comes not into the account. The order is all-j^aramount with him, and he obeys it as if it possessed an irresistible power over the energies of his will. It may be one full of the extremest peril, as is often the case, still he exe- cutes it as promptly as if danger were a fiction, and death a dream. An order given, and he obeys of course, Though 'twere to run his ship upon the rocks, Capture a squadron with a boat's crew force, Or batter down the massive granite blocks Of some huge fortress with a swivel, pike, Or aught whereby to throw a ball, or strike. He never shrinks, whatever may betide : His cutlass may be shivered in his hand, His last companion shot down at his side. Still he maintains his firm and desperate stand ; Bleeding and battling, with his colors fast As nail can bind them to his shattered mast. 28 THE SEA AND THE SAILOK. CHAPTER II. Such men iiill not unmourned : their winding-sheet May be the ocean's deep, unresting wave ; But o'er that grave will wandering winds repeat The dirge of millions for the fallen brave ; While each high deed survives in safer trust, Than those consigned to mound or marble bust. THE sailor's CHIVALRIC DEVOTION TO WOMAN ROUGHNESS AND HONESTY IN COURTSHIP HIS WAY OF BEARING UNREQUITED LOVE — PRODIGALITY AND ITS CAUSES JACK AT THE BUNKER-HILL FAIR HIS PRICE FOR A KISS EXPLOITS OF THE CREW OF THE NORTH CAROLINA BUYING A HOTEL FOR A BALL GIVING IT BACK TO THE LANDLORD SUPERSTITION OF THE SAILOR — INTOLERANCE OF THE SHARK AND THE CAT JACk's WAY OF GETTING A BREEZE BELIEF IN GHOSTS AND THE SPIRIT WORLD A MESSMATE FROM THE DEAD — INDIGNATION AT INJUSTICE JACk's DEFINITION OF A NONDESCRIPT BATTLE BETWEEN THE AMERICAN ROUNDABOUTS AND THE FRENCH DRESS-COATS. Another prominent feature in the cliaracter of the sailor is his rough, honest, heartfelt esteem for the fair sex. His devotedness has all the generosity which characterized the highest noontide of chivalry, but without any of the follies and crimes which be- longed to that system of self-immolation. The ex- ploits of the knight-errant have been the very soul of romance and song, while the deatli-daring love of poor Jack has been hymned only by the billow. THE SAILOR IN LOVE. 29 His love, it is true, has not that exquisite refinement which expresses itself in the delicate tints and odors of flowers, but it gushes up warm and fresh out of his strong heart. Were he to encounter you in a nocturnal serenade, with yom- sentimental eyes rolled up to the lattice of your lady-love, and with guitar in hand singing, Love wakes and weeps, while Beauty sleeps ; Oh ! for music's softest numbers, To prompt a theme, for Beauty's dream, Soft as the pillow of her slumbers ; — were he to meet you in this interesting attitude, he would be very likely to ask you what you wanted to disturb that fair sleeper up there for, as it was not her watch on deck, and he would advise you to call upon her when she should be wide awake, and tell her like an honest man, that you loved her, and ask her to ship with you for life. Were the gentle being whom you thus tenderly accost in these dulcet strains, in a house enveloped in flames, or amid the surge of boiling breakers, poor Jack's rough humanity would rescue her before your exquisite sentimentality had sufficiently recovered its wits to ascertain whether any thing could be done or not ; for he excels all men in presence of mind and promptitude of action. When you ofifer yourself to a lady and she refuses you, you would be gratified, perhaps, were she at )0 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. last to wed a knave or fool, simply because she de- clined marrying yon. Not so with poor Jack — he wishes her all happiness, and hopes to meet her again on the great ocean of life; and does he meet her there, and in destitution, she shall not want while a shot is left in the locker. Such is Jack's retaliation of unrequited love. Were there more of his frank- ness and generosity in sucli matters generally, there would be fewer unhappy marriages ; for who ever heard of a sailor's troubling the courts for a divorce ? If he cannot make good weather on one tack, then he tries another ; but he never scuttles his sliip, or throws his mate overboard. A world without woman in it would be to him like a garden without a flower, like a grove without a bird to sing in its branches, like an evening sky without a star to smile through its blue depths. Another prominent trait in the character of the sailor is his i3rodigality. I^o other being earns his money through such perils and hardships as he, and yet no one spends it so freely. Tlie wages of a long South Sea voyage, or of a three years' cruise, are spent in a few months, often in a few weeks. The reason of this is the comparatively few convivial occasions w^hich cheer his hard lot, and a conviction that with him life at longest is short. His maxim is, live while you live — and that, it must be confessed, by no means in the highest or best sense : he says to himself, make sure of the jack's price for a kiss. 31 present : he dips of the current as it flows. I have often tried to induce the sailor to hiy up his earn- ings, to put his money into the Savings Bank ; and have told him, by way of inducement, that he would find it there with interest in his old age. "Ah!" replies the sailor, " and suppose I should die in the mean time ?" This apprehension of an early death, and the novelties of the shore, make the sailor a prod- igal. He never, how^ever, throws away his money in the luxuries of the table ; it is generally in some freak of fancy, some whim which would never enter the imagination of any other being, nor his own per- haps, either, unless inflamed with the boozy wine. At the Bunker Hill Fair in Boston, among the crowds which entered the magnificent hall where it was held, there rolled in a frank Jack-tar of the deep. He moved along in his white pants, his blue roundabout, and new tarpaulin, till one of the ladies, and the most beautiful one in the hall, arrested him at her stand with a solicitation to buy some of her fancy articles. " E"o," said the sailor, " I don't think I want any of them 'ere spangles, but I will give you twenty dollars for a kiss." " Agreed," said the fair, when the sailor saluted her on the cheek, and, draw- ing out his purse, handed her twenty dollars. " Cheap enough at that," said Jack, and rolled on. Those who have never studied the sailor's character, may im- pute to him improper feelings. Not so : he would have perilled his life to protect that lady from indig- 33 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. nity ; and never was a thorough sea-bred sailor known to insult a virtuous woman. "When the crew of the Korth Carolina, on her re- turn from the Mediterranean, were discharged at ISTorfolk, several hundreds of them started in company for New York. They arrived, at length, in the State of Delaware, which they crossed on foot, (for railroads were then unknown,) and, night coming on, they cast about for quarters. The keeper of the hotel in the village at which they had arrived, looking at their numbers, and recollecting that his large hall had been engaged for a ball that night, declined all at- tempts at accommodating them. The mention of the ball struck the imagination of the sailors at once. They asked him what he would take for his hotel ; he stated the sum, which was moderate, as the building, though large, was old and somewhat decayed. Instant- ly they raised the amount, handed it over to the aston- ished keeper, and took possession of the premises. The ladies and gentlemen soon began to arrive, and were received with great cordiality by the sail- ors. The old hotel was for once brilliantly illumina- ted, and every attention was paid to the ladies which the re'spectful homage of poor Jack could suggest. When the gentlemen called for their bills, they were informed by the sailors that no charge had been made, and no money would be accepted. As the company departed, three cheers were given to the ladies. The sailors remained through the following J'KODIGALITY AND SUPEKSTinON. 83 clay and night enjoying their smig harbor ; and, the next morning, calling for the landlord of whom they had purchased the hotel, made him a present of it, on the condition that he would never again turn aw^ay a sailor so long as a foot of unoccupied room remained. Now, whoever heard of landsmen purchasing a hotel from a freak of fancy, and then giving it back again to its previous owner ? It is that sort of busi- ness operation which belongs only to the sailor ; but, after all, it is quite as safe and profitable as many of the speculations into which much sounder heads sometimes enter. These are a few illustrations, out of a hundred that might be quoted, of the benevolent, careless prodi- gality of the sailor. He purchases a hotel to secure a night^s lodging, gives twenty dollars for the privi- lege of respectfully saluting a lady, and empties his purse for a song ! This trait in his character can never be made to undergo a radical change. It is blended with the veiy elements of his moral and so- cial being. It can never be reached by the lessons of a cool, calculating prudence : it is above the influ- ence of time and the force of circumstances. You who censure this trait in the sailor, did you ever reflect that you often spend your money for that which contributes as little to your substantial com- fort and happiness as he does? You spend thou- sands for splendid furniture in your dwellings which 2^ 34 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. never yet started a pure impulse of pleasure, or relieved one pang of sorrow, but which you are vain enough to exhibit, and others weak enough to envy. Superstition is another characteristic feature of the sailor. He will never go to sea on Friday if he can help it, and still insists that the horse-shoe be nailed to the foremast, as a protection against the visits of the Evil One. How this rim of rough iron came to be regarded as possessing such a potent charm, his own philosophy, not mine, must explain. The Evil One, in his opinion, always tries to conceal his club- foot, and this shoe would so exactly fit it, that its very sight repels the intruder. A sailor regards the presence of a shark about a ship a most fatal omen to the sick on board. The highest exultation I ever witnessed on board a man- of-war, was occasioned by harpooning a shark that was hanging about us while a favorite sailor was sick ; though I rather doubt if it was the harpoon that saved the sailor's life ; and yet it may have had as much agency in it as the doctor's pills. A sailor will never tolerate in his ship a member of the feline species, especially if she has a dark com- plexion. We took on board at Gibraltar a large, beautiful black cat ; we were bound to Mahon, and, as it happened, encountered a tedious succession of light head-winds and dead calms. The sailors at last began to look at our new-comer as a sort of Jonas on A MESSMATE FKOM THE DEAD. 35 board. Tlie next morning the black cat was missing, and suspicions fell very justly on an old sailor, who had been heard to threaten her life. I asked this old sailor what could induce him to commit such an act of cruelty. " Sir," said he, " we have been boxing about here for two weeks without making any head- way, and I determined at last to put that black cat out of the way. I didn't murder her, sir ; I tied a shot to her and she sunk without a scream ; and now you see, sir, we have got a fine breeze." The sailor is also a profound believer in ghosts : one of these nocturnal visitants was supposed, at the time to which I refer, to frequent our ship. It wa^^ with the utmost difficulty that the crew could be in duced to turn in quietly at night. You might have seen the most athletic, stout-hearted sailor on board, when called to take his night-watch aloft, glancing at the yards and tackling of the ship for the phantom ; and square off, muttering his challenge to it to come in some honest shape, and not be skipping about there on the sky-sails and moon-raker, half the time in sight, and half the time lost in shadow. It was a long time, in the opinion of the crew, before this phantom left the ship ; and no philosophy that was preached in sermons or otherwise could shake their confidence in its reality. ISTow and then an occurrence takes place on board ship which seems to in\^est these mysterious phe- nomena with some reasonableness and force. A sail- 36 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. or in one of our ships-of-tlie-line had died of a slow, lingering disease. He was laid out on a plank, as is customary, and after some fifteen or twenty hours, his messmates were called to wrap him ' for burial, when he rose to a sitting posture, white as his linen. With eyes glassed in death, he told the crew, as they were standing in breathless awe around him, that he had been sent back into this w^orld to warn them, and that unless they repented of their sins, and reformed their lives, they would perish forever. His language, though a comrnon seaman, was select and forcible, and free of the technicalities which make up the dialect of the sailor. When he had finished his admonitory appeal to the crew, which was uttered with indescribable so- lemnity, he sent for the commander-in-chief. This officer came to him : " Commodore," said he, " a few hours ago it was for you to command, and for me to obey ; it is now for me to speak, and for you to listen. Commodore, you are tyrannical to your crew, and profane to your Grod. You must repent of your sins and cast yourself on the compassion of Christ, or you are undone. My mission is now accomplished, and I must return." He then sunk slowly back again on his death-pillow. The body was kept for a week or so, and then consigned to the deep. Such was the appalling impression produced by this occurrence, that for several days scarce a loud word was heard among the crew, and tlie commander- NONDESCRIPT. 37 ill-chief carried tbe iiiipressioii with him to the grave. I had this narrative from the sm-geon of the ship, who was present and witnessed the whole. If you ask me whether I believe this sailor had really departed to the world of spirits and reappeared among iis again, I answer that I have stated the facts of the case as related to me by an eye-witness, and I leave you to draw your own inferences. I know nothing in the Bible which discredits a belief in the return of departed spirits. One shadowy visitant may be sent to startle the sinner from his fatal slum- bers ; and others may be commissioned to cheer the weak, to sustain the dying : Hark ! they whisper : angels say, Sister spirit, come away. The uncomplaining submission of the sailor to just punishment, and his indignation at unmerited chastise- ment and rebuke, form another prominent trait in his character. He seldom seeks, when guilty, to escape the penalty through prevarication and deceit. He has no lawyer to tell him to plead not guilty, and to extricate him through some technical informality in the proceedings. He acknowledges his offence, and submits to the punishment as an admonition to himself and others too. But he resents, with the full force of his moral nature, even the imputation of crime when innocent. When Small confessed his participation in the pro- 38 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. jected mutiny on board tlie Somers, not the shadow of a shade of doubt respecting his guilt rested on my mind. Had he been innocent, the very keel of that ship would have trembled with his remonstrance. A sailor tamely submitting to death in expiation of a crime he never committed or purposed! — such a thing is not known in all the annals of the ocean. He will not silently submit even to an opprobrious epithet on board a man-of-war. One of our officers in charge of the deck called a sailor a nondescript. He had scolded him for some supposed neglect of duty, and then said, " Go forward ! you are such a perfect nondescript, I don't know what to do with you." Forward the sailor went, muttering to himself, " Nondescript — what does that mean ? Here, Larkin, can you tell me what nondescript means ?" " Why, what do you want to know what nondescript means for ?" " Why, the officer of the deck called me a nondescript, and it means something bad, I know, for he was angry." '* Well, I don't know what it means," said Larkin : " send for Wilkins, he can tell." l^ow, Wilkins was a sort of ship's dictionary ; and, though ignorant as any on board, he had a reason for every thino;, and a definition besides. So Wilkins came : " What is the meaning of nondescript ?" inquired the aggrieved sailor. " Nondescript," said Wilkins, after a moment's pause, " nondescript means one who gets into heaven without being regularly entered on the books." "Is that all it means?" said the sailor: THE POLLIWOG VS. THE ROUNDABOUT. 39 '' well, well, I shall be glad to get there any way, poor sinner as I am !" If there was more of that sailor's sjnrit ashore, there would be less wrangling on doctrinal points. A prejudice against all innovations is another trait in the character of the sailor. Holding to ancient usage with the fidelity of a Turk, a habit conse- crated by time has with him a sacredness which he will not lightly surrender. He is attached to a cus- tom because it is a custom, And scorns to give aught other reason why. Ko regular sea-bred sailor will ever go on board one of our steam frigates, except by compulsion. He detests steam even in a dead calm, though he must lie there " As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean." He thinks it fit to be used only in crawling ofi" a lee shore ; and even then, sooner than resort to it, he would risk a thump or two with the breakers. He likes an oj)en sea, long swee]3ing waves, an ample spread of canvas, a stiff, steady breeze, and the foam rolling away as if in terror from his careering keel. Some French sailors once went ashore at Mahon in dress-coats. They were encountered there by American sailors in their roundabouts, and a battle ensued, in which some bones were broken. When the matter was inquired into by the proper authori- 40 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. ties, the reason assigned by our tars for their terrible onslaught upon the French boys was, that they wore coats with tails to them. " I don't care," said Jack, " about the tails on their coats, if the polliwogs didn't call themselves sailors ; they disgrace the pro- fession, sir." A sailor, fickle and impulsive as he may be on other subjects, is firm in his prejudices. He is a child of mere impulse and passion, Whose prejudice oft deals his hottest blows, And fickle as the most ephemeral fashion, Save in the cut and color of his clothes ; And in a set of phrases, which on land The wisest head could never understand. HUMANITY OF THE SAILOR. 41 CHAPTER III. He thinks his dialect the very best That ever flowed from any human lip, And whether in his prayers, or at a jest, Uses the terms for managing a ship ; And even in death would order up the helm. In hope to clear the " undiscovered realm." HUMANITY OF THE SAILOR EMOTIONS IN VIEW OF THE DYING DOLPHIN JACK AND THE PORCUPINE HIS FONDNESS FOR EXCITEMENT ADDICTED- NESS TO THE CUP TEMPTATIONS OFFERED HIM GOVERNMENT TO BLAME ABOLITION OF THE WHISKY RATION ARGUED FACTS IN POINT CON- GRESS BOUND TO SUPPLY A SUBSTITUTE TEETOTALISM THE ONLY SAFETY FOR ARMY AND NAVY THE SAILOR's SUSCEPTIBILITY TO RELIGION PRI- VATION OF CHRISTIAN PRIVILEGES ERROR CORRECTED THE SAILOR REMEMBERED ON THE CROSS HIS DIALECT THE WING OF PRAYER SHAKING IN THE WIND. Another feature in the character of the sailor is his humanity to dumb animals. Though he may knock down a T rench sailor for wearing a coat with a tail to it, he will never turn out a poor old faithful horse on a public common to die. He leaves such accursed inhumanity to those who surfeit the guest, and starve his steed. When pushed hard for fresh provisions on a cruise in the West Indies, we took our lines and angled for the dolphin. One was at last hooked and brought on board. As this most beautiful fish of the ocean was -12 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. dying, I observed an old sailor leaning over it and watching its spasms. As its complexion trembled through the successive colors of the rainbow to the last one, when death set its seal, a big tear floated in the eye of the old tar, while his lips half unconsciously murmured, '' That's hard — that's hard." He believes with Shakspeare, " The poor beetle that we tread upon, In corporal suffering feels a pang As great as when a giant dies." We had on board the Constellation a lamb, which became quite a pet with our crew, but from a fracture of one of its limbs by the falling of a belay ing-pin, it became necessary to kill it ; but not a sailor who had played with it would touch a morsel of its meat. " Eat Tommy !" said Jack ; " I would as soon eat my own child." We had also many pets on board, among them the greyhound, the gazelle, the falcon, and that most en- deared of all pets, the carrier pigeon ; but the favorite with the sailors was the fretful porcupine. They re- spected him, for they said he could take care of him- self; and indeed he did, as there was scarce a nook or corner of the ship where the rogue did not commit his depredations. Our ]!^ewfoundland dog was trained by the sailors to take his station regularly when all hands were called, and he always led off when the main-tack was manned. Our sailors could manage LOVE OF EXCITEMENT. 43 every thing but the monkey ; they could never make any thing out of that mischievous caricature of man Another feature of character impressed on the sailor by his ocean life, is a passionate fondness for excitement. The great element on which he moves is never at rest. If it be quiet at one point, storms are howling and breakers lifting their voices in thun- der at another. Here, an iceberg, in mountain ma- jesty, tumbles on its terrific way ; there, a roaring waterspout seems as if emptying another ocean from the clouds ; and yonder, the vast maelstrom draws whole navies down its whirling centre. Reared amid these stirring wonders, the sailor becomes im- patient of repose. It is his life's first pulse to be in motion, Roaming about, he scarce knows where or w!iy ; He looks upon the dim and shadowy ocean As his home, abhors the land, and e'en the sky, Boundless and beautiful, has naught to please. Except some clouds which promise him a breeze. He looks up to the sky to watch that cloud, As it displays its faint and fleeting form ; Then o'er the calm begins to mutter loud. And vows he would exchange it for a storm, Tornado, any thing, to put a close To this most dead, monotonous repose. This love of excitement in the sailor leads him to the CUP — liis flattering, false friend ; his companion 44 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. in moments of conviviality ; his refuge in hours of gloom. He sees not the serpent which lurks in the fatal bowl, and wakes up to his peril only in the death-horrors inflicted by its fang. And yet the Government, the kind, paternal Government, puts this poisoned chalice to his lips ! If you would re- form him, strike the fire-whisky out of his ration. Let the moral power of your disapprobation be felt in your acts, not proclaimed in your theories. But, instead of this, you go to him with a cup of whisky in one hand, and a temperance tract in the other ! The wonder is, that he ever dashes the whisky aside, and listens to the total abstinent lessons of the tract. And yet, not one-third of the sailors afloat in our national ships touch the whisky ration thus pre- sented to their lips by the Government. If Congress would forego President-making for the people, and give more time to those whose lives are at issue upon their legislative acts, they would better consult their own duty and the interests of human- ity. Nor can any man make a better nse of the influence of his name than by appending it to a memorial to Congress to abolish at once this whisky ration in the E'avy. Tliere was a time when most of those connected with the Navy were in favor of the whisky ration. It was regarded as an element which the habits of the sailor, if not the hardships of his condition, had rendered expedient. We were once of this opinion ourselves ; but experience, tliat TllK NAVY WHISKY RATION. 45 m-oiit and final test of all things, lias produced a dif- lerent conviction. It has been shown, with, a conclusiveness that ad- mits of no cavil, that the hardest sea service is best performed by those who use no alcoholic drinks. I We adduce, in evidence of this, the health and strength found in our whaling vessels, where no I spirituous liquors are used, and where the hardships are unequalled in any other branch of our marine. I We have, also, hundreds of merchantmen afloat, where the utmost enterprise and vigor prevail, and where no artificial stimulants are used. But our evidence stops not here : we have men-of- war in service, where, among a large proportion of the crews, the whisky ration has been voluntarily commuted for other articles, and where still the high- est degree of alacrity and strength prevails. And, further, we have one frigate, at least, afloat, where, as we are informed, every soul on board, from the commander dowm to the loblolly-boy, is a teetotaller ; and where order, discipline, and energy are unsur- passed. With these facts before us — facts founded in experience — we are prepared to say that the whisky ration in the Navy can well be dispensed with. The law, as it now stands, makes it a part of the sailor's ration ; and no commander, not the Secretary of the N"avy himself, can withhold it. A large pro- portion of the crews of our public ships voluntarily relinquish it. A few, from the force of habit, or ig- 46 THE SEA AND THE SAILOK. norance of the benefits of giving it up, continue its use. This comparatively small number are called on deck twice or thrice a day, where, in the presence of all the rest of the crew, the w^iisky is dealt out to them, and where their faces are lighted up for the moment with the delirious excitement imparted. Now what must be the effect of such an example ? What its effect on the youth of the crew, and on that sailor whose abstinent purpose sometimes wavers ? Temptations out of sight lose half their power. It is our eyes that give the forbidden fruit its charm. And yet no commander, under our present law, can refuse to present this pernicious, infectious example to his crew every day. He cannot have this in- sidious poison administered in secret ; he has no rio-ht to order the men down into the hold for the purpose ; nor can he cast uj)on the indulgence any stigma or rebuke. It is honored and protected by law, and he is obliged to respect that law. What, then, in view of all these facts, is the duty of that body which made this law, but to repeal it ? Can any man face this evidence and protect it ? Can he look at the evils which it inflicts, and plead for it ? Can he stand over the ruins of soul, mind, and body which it entails, and defend it ? No, no ; not for one moment. It ought to be abolished at once, utterly and forever. It ought never to have been incorpo- rated with the provisions of the service. But igno- rance of its destructive nature allowed its enactment. V7I1ISKY IN THE ARMY. 47 That ignorance, however, now no longer exists, and there is no apology left for its continuance. Let Congress, then, strike it from our E'aval statutes, and substitute for its poison what will promote the com- fort, health, and strength of our seamen. Most of the evils, also, which exist in the Army, result from the use of ardent spirits. The gill jpev diem which Government allows to each soldier would not of itself produce these ruinous effects ; but this allowance only creates a craving appetite for more, and the means of indulging it to a fatal excess is presented by the sutler. Thus hundreds who en- tered tlie Army with habits of temperance are led on, step by step, in this ruinous course, till they sink into an untimely grave, or are cast into hospitals, the mere relics of what they once were ; while hundreds more drag out a miserable existence between the tempting cup and the pangs of a relentless chastise- ment. Such were not the men who achieved our independ- ence ; nor are they those u]3on whom this country could place much reliance in the hour of peril. They are a mere apology for a defence, and, so far from being fitted for active service, they could scarcely make even a reeling demonstration. ISTow all this wretchedness, misery, and death have not the slightest necessity to plead as an apology. It is in the power of Congress to banish intoxicating liquors from the camp ; and the voluntary surrender 48 THE SKA AND THE SAILOR. of their allowance by the garrisons at Fort M'llenry and Sackett's Harbor, show that no great violence would be done to the feelings of the more rej)ntable part of onr soldiers if the sutler's license to deal in sj^irits should be withdrawn, and the whisky ration be commuted for articles that cannot injure the healtli or morals of the soldier. It is the opinion of General Macomb (than whom no man in the country has a better opj^ortunity of knowing) that ardent spirits can be dispensed with in the Army, and that incalculable good would flow to the troops from a vigorous prosecution of measures calculated to secm-e this object. But another feature in the character of the sailor, whom I may seem for a moment to have forgotten, is his susceptibility to religious impressions. A great affecting truth connected with the destiny of the hu- man soul, finds a ready access to his feelings. It has no prejudices to break down, no skeptical doubts to overthrow : it is unresisted by his intellect ; it falls at once, with its full force, on his heart. It is well for him that it is so : if truth reaches! his heart by the same slow degrees that it generally does that of other men ; if it had first to be filtered through the alembic of his intellect, it would rarely, if ever, accomplish the errand upon which it was sent. He has incomparably less time and fewer opportunities than other men. His home is on the ocean ; he is rarel}'' in a vessel that has a religious commander ; JACK AND KELIGION. 49 and still more rarely in a ship where there is one wliose duty it is to instruct him in the great truths of Kevelation. He starts on a voyage across the Atlantic, or into the South Seas, or to the East Lidies, and during his long absence never, perhaps, once hears a chapter read from the Bible, or a prayer offered to his God. He returns, and is on shore for a few weeks ; he has no sacred and endeared home of his own to go to ; and he seeks those scenes of amusement, excitement, and conviviality which are congenial to his roving habits, and for which his long deprivations have given him a keen zest. Before the land has become stable around him, and the buildings have ceased to rock as the masts of his vessel, his money has been spent, and he is off to sea again. And now, is it strange that you cannot catch him in this whirl of enjoyment, and make a sober Chris- tian of him? Catch a wild Mohawk, and make a Cincinnatus of him as well ! There are thousands who live ashore in the midst of a praying community, have faithful evangelical preachings on the Sabbath, two or three lectures a week, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little — and, after all, exhibit but faint traces of piety ; and then affect to wonder that poor Jack, thrown ashore for a few weeks among our grog-shops and stews, does not at once become religious ! The wonder is, that he becomes religious at all : 3 50 niE SEA AND THE SAILOR. indeed, he never would, did he not possess ten times the susceptibility which some of those evince who affect to wonder at him. Truth has to do its work with him at once : its sacred image must strike his soul with the suddenness and fidelity of the daguerre- otype impression. It is no small obstacle to the success of religious efforts with sailors, that they are generally considered as the least likely of any class in the community to be brought under the saving influences of grace ; and the clergyman who attempts it, is regarded by many as leading a forlorn hoj)e. When I entered the Navy, a staid clergyman of New England asked me, " Is it possible that you are going to throw away your tal- ents and education on sailors ?" I said to him what I would say to all such inqui- rers now, the sailor was remembered on the Cross, and if worthy of the dying agonies of the Son of God, he certainly is of the efforts of a poor fellow- mortal. The fact that the Saviour died for him is sufficient evidence that he may be, and in some instances will be, a trophy of redeeming love and grace. The dialect of the sailor, again, prejudices the se- riousness of his Christian character with the com- munity. You can hardly associate the solemnity of religion with the qiicerness of his nautical phrases. And yet, his dialect is the most concise and expres- sive known to human speech ; and it will wiug a SHAKING IN THE WIND. 51 })rayer to heaven as fast as that conveyed in more polished terms. Among the sailors in one of our navy-yards, one winter that I was connected with it, there was un- usual religious feeling. Of the little crew attached ' to the receiving ship, almost all became hopefully pious. I asked one of those sailors, as I met him in ' the yard, how they were getting on as to religion. " Oh," said he, " we have all got on the right tack I now, except one, and he is shaking in tlie windP ' !N"ow find me, in all the compass of the English tongue, a phrase so significant and expressive as this of the i situation of one hesitatinoj between inclination and I , duty. 52 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. CHAPTER IV. Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as others see us, It wad frae mony a blunder free us, And foolish notion ! Burns. NAVY CHAPLAINS A REFORMER IN WORD AND ONE IN DEED THE CAPSTAN AS A PULPIT — THE SAILOR IN VIEW OF DEATH SICKNESS AT SEA AND ON SHORE COMPARED BURIAL IN THE DEEP AND UNDER THE SOD THE world's debt TO THE SAILOR CHRISTIANITY HIS CREDITOR HIS LIFE AND CHARACTER LITTLE KNOWN HIS NATURE IN RUINS HOW TO BE BUILT AGAIN HOMES VERSUS BOARDING-HOUSES THE PLEA OF PHI- LANTHROPY AN APPEAL TO THE POCKET SOURCES OF ENCOURAGEMENT CHRISTIAN PHILANTHROPY MIGHTY. We have been told, througli one of our religious journals, that the sailors connected with our national service would be much better men, if their chajDlains were better ministers. This indiscriminate reproach was penned by one who had just entered the service as a sort of moral reformer. His rebuke, liowever, was confined to his language; it derived no force from his own example ; for when ordered to sea, he threw up his commission. This was Ms way ot showing his interest in sailors. I have nothing to say in eulogy of the chajolains : many of them are well qualified for their duties, and CAPSTAN FOR A PULPIT. 53 are faithful in discharging them ; while a few owe their aj)pointments to political influence, and are a moral incubus on the corps. But a bishop inditing a party pasquinade, and a politician consecrating a priest, are both very much out of their calling. So far are sailors themselves from being removed by their habits beyond the influences of religious truth, that could I at all times select my pulpit, place of worship, and auditory, I would take the capstan of a ship-of-the-line, with her tliousand sailors on her spar-deck, and if I failed of making an impression there, I should despair of making it anywhere. It is true, however, that these impressions are less permanent than those made on other men, for an im- pression, the more easily it is made, is the more easily obliterated. An inscription in wax perishes almost ■under your style, but engraved on marble it remains, and will be read long after the hand that traced it hath forgot its cmming. Yet, without doubt, many a sailor will retain the images of truth impressed on his soul, and will be graciously remembered in that day when God shall nmiiber up his jewels. Another feature in the character of the sailor is his resignation in death. He looks upon this dread event, come at what time and in what shape it may, as a fixed dispensation of Providence which he cannot alter. He regards it as the decision of a power which it would be idle to resist ; as the appointment of a wisdom which it would be impiety to arraign. Hence 54 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. he submits himself cahnly, and without a murmur, to the fearful issue. One call on his forgotten God to save, One thought of those he never more may see, A desperate struggle with the conquering wave, A wild farewell, a gasping agony, A bubbling groan, and all with him is o'er ; — Nor friends nor home will see the sailor more. Oh, there is something in this hurried form Of leaving life and all its lovely things, Which fills the heart with dread — 'tis not the storm, The rock, or wave, that gives to death those stings: It is the sudden, unexpected stroke By which our last link to the world is broke. Death is a serious thing, come how it may ; Fearful though it appear in our repose. When this our breath and being ebb away, As music to its mild, melodious close ; And where no parting pangs a shadow east On that sweet look — the loveliest and the last. But 'tis not thus the shipwrecked sailor dies — A sudden tempest or a hidden rock. And on the gale his fluttering canvas flies, And down he sinks, with one engulfing shock ! While 'mid the dashing waves is heard his prayer, As now he strikes his strong arms in despair ! It has been my melancholy lot to see many sailors die. In the West Indies we were swept to the sepul- chre of the wave by the yellow fever, and in the Mediterranean by the cholera. These diseases, suf- A BURIAL AT SEA. OO iiciently terrific on land, are inexpressibly more so -^'itliin tlie confined inclosures of a man-of-war. Our sailoi-s fell like the first drops of a thunder-shower ; but not a word of fear or complaint escaped the lips of any. As death approached, the sufiferer, confessing his manifold transgressions, threw himself on the compassion of Christ. As objects grew dark around him, as his breath ebbed away, and the pulses in his frame stood still, I have seen that eye lit with a trans- port over which death and the grave have no power. We die at home in the Sabbath calm of our hushed chamber; the poor sailor dies at sea, between the narrow decks of his rolling vessel. The last accents which greet our ears are the tenderest expressions of sympathy and afiection, such as flow from a mother's devotedness, a sister's truth, a husband's solicitude, or a brother's cares. The last sounds heard by the dying sailor are the hoarse murmurings of that re- morseless wave, which seems to complain at the delay of its victim. We are buried beneath the green tree, where love and grief may go to plant their flowers, and number over our virtues; the poor sailor is hearsed in the dark depths of the ocean, there to drift about in its under-currents, without a memorial, and without rest, till the great judgment-day. Always the child of misfortune, impulse, and error — his brief life filled with privations, hardships, and perils — his grave in the foaming deep ! Though man pity him not, God 56 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. will remember his weaknesses and trials in the day of his last account. It should be remembered and noted here, that the most of what is endured by the sailor inures to the benefit of his species. The whole world shares in the fruits of his sufferings. The light of the sun is scarcely more univereal than the benefits which flow from his enterprise. To his hardships we are in- debted for most of the elegancies, and for many of the substantial comforts of life. He is the only being who puts his life at peril to bring to our hearth the products of other climes, the fabrics of other lands. But for the courage and hardships of the sailor, what would have been the condition of this continent of ISTorth America, now the fairest abode of humanity and freedom on the face of the earth ? Would golden harvests wave over its hills, and the sound of its manufactories overpower the roar of its waterfalls ? Would the sacred temple heave its spire above a hundred swelling cities and ten thousand romantic villages ? Would the triumphs of philosophy and art adorn the portico and grove ? Rather, would not the primeval forest still gloom over these hills and val- leys ; their thick shadows be broken only by the wig- wam and watch-fires of the naked savage ? And but for the same daring enterprise of the sailor, we, who sit safely under the shadow of the American tree of liberty, might be slavishly picking the crumbs of a miserable subsistence, under the crushing weight 57 of the aristocratic institutions of Europe. Under God, it may be that we owe our very existence to the sailor, certainly much that dignifies and adorns it. But for the sailor, all intercourse with foreign lands would at once cease ; every ocean would be as impassable as the fabled waves of that sea over which even the adventurous bird never winged its way; our very position on the globe, central as it now is, would be as isolated as the Egyptian pyramid tower- ing above its desert of sand, or Mohammed's coffin, susj)ended between heaven and earth. But for the sailor, the breaking light of Christianity might have lingered for centuries on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean; and never, perhaps, have reached the magnificent throne of the Caesars, till that throne had crumbled under the iron heel of the Yandal. And now, who but the sailor carries the missionary to his field of labor, and the Bible to the hearth of the pagan — that blessed book whose holy light is kindling along the icy clifis of Greenland, throwing its radiance over the benighted bosom of Africa, and pouring the splendors of a fresh morn along the darkened banks of the Ganges ? In the last great jubilee of nations, redeemed by the love of Christ, millions on every shore will hymn the obliga- tions of the WORLD to the sailor. We have thus attempted to trace a few of the more marked features in the character of the sailor, as they are impressed upon him by his ocean-life. I have 3* 58 THE SEA AND THE SAILOK. sketched his generosity, his courage, his improvi- dence, his prejudices, his superstition, his submission to just punishment, his love of excitement, his respect for female excellence, his humanity to dumb animals, his frankness and honesty, his susceptibility to religious impression, his resignation in death. Those who have followed me through these traits of his character, with the veritable illustrations which have been given, have arrived, I doubt not, at this conclusion, — that the character of the sailor is but imperfectly un- derstood by those whose occupations confine them to the land. Another conviction must also have anchored itself in our minds, and that is, that the character of the sailor, in many of its features, is peculiar to himself; and that the ordinary rules of moral judgment, ap- plied to him, would do a serious injustice. We have found, in the analysis of his character, some traits which call for our stern reprehension ; but many more which claim our admiration and tears. The sailor is the most affecting illustration that can be found on our globe of the magnificent ruins in which our nature lies. Tlie massive wall and majestic column, the sculptured architrave and glowing frieze of this moral temple, are blended together in one common wi-eck. Such are the habits, tastes, and associations of the sailor in his wild, rude, ocean-life, that they quite unfit him for the elegancies, and even the sober re- alities of the shore. When he lands among us, seek- HOMES VERSUS HELLS. 59 ing rest and diversion from the fatigues of his long voyage, where shall he go ? Friendless and kinless as he often is, he finds none to take him to a genial home, and Question liim the story of his life ; Of moving accidents by flood and field ; Of hair-breadth 'scapes i' the imminent, deadly breach, And love him for the dangers he has passed, As he would you, that you did pity them. Oh, no, onr Desdemonas are all dead ; though the tragic tales of Othello still survive in the disastrous lot of the sailor. "Where, then, shall the homeless mariner moor his ship, and find snug-harbor? Save in the establish- ment of Sailors' Homes, there is but one anchorage left him, and that is those grog-shops under the name of sailor boarding-houses, on every portal of which should be written, Tms is the way to hell, leading DOWN TO the gates OF THE GKAVE. For what is the fate of the poor sailor in these receptacles of drunken- ness and crime ? Just what might be expected : he is made delirious with drugged liquors, robbed, and turned half naked into the streets. If it be possible for Satan to be disgusted with any of the miserable wretches driven into his realm, it must be with the monsters who keep these dens ! From such monsters, less merciful than cannibals — for they devour their victims and end their misery — the sailor has but one refuge, and that is in the pro- 60 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE, visions of pliilanthropy — in those homes which Hu- manity and Christian Benevolence are solicited to provide for him. In such a home only is he safe. In any other place he will inevitably be the dupe and victim of avarice and crime. I have no confidence in those sailor boarding- houses which have reformed themselves for the sake of custom. The motive stamps the whole establish- ment with just suspicion. They have always two systems of accommodation, as they have two sets of customers. They have cold water for those who dis- like rum, and rum for those who dislike cold water ; and little is the difference to them, provided only they can keep their man till they have gone to the bottom of his pocket. If it be asked where is the necessity for taxing the benevolence of the community for the support of the Sah^ors' Home, since he returns with the wages of his voyage in his pocket, I answer with another ques- tion. What are you going to do with him, who, before he has reached this Home, has fallen into the teeth of those land-sharks, and been devoured of all his means ? Where shall lie go ? Where shall he find a Good Samaritan and a hospitable inn ? Where, but in that happy resource of Christian Philanthropy — a well-organized and authorized Sailors' Home? — a home where he can rest from the w^eariness and fa- tigue of his voyages. These intervals in a sea-life are dearer to the sailor APPEAL TO THE POCKET. 61 than landsmen know. Into them are thrown the few hom's of rest and enjoyment ^vhich relieve his hard lot. His sea-attire excludes him, on coming to land, from our large, well-regulated hotels. Nor could he, if admitted into one of them, endure the expense. Shall he be forced, then, into those abodes of vagrancy and guilt, which jeopard the peace and pollute the moral atmosphere of our large cities ? Long enough have these infamous haunts of dissipation and crime been the resort of the sailor. In them he has left the earnings of his best years, his peace of conscience, and his hope of heaven ! They have been the grave of his soul. We must, then, provide him with something de- serving the name of home on a scale of keeping with his better taste, and commensurate with his wants. It should be furnished with agreeable apart- ments, a wholesome, attractive table, and a reading- room, supplied with the papers and periodicals of the day. It should contain within itself sources of innocent recreation and amusement ; all intoxicatino; drinks should be excluded, and the whole should be under the care of a family who love the sailor, who will sympathize with his bereavements, watch over him when sick, restrain his improvidence, take a heartfelt pleasure in ministering to his wants, and be to him father, mother, and sister. Let such a home as this be furnished the sailor in reality and not merely in name, and you have laid 62 THE SEA AND THE SAILOK. the foundation of liis respectability and usefulness here, and his happiness hereafter. But without this primary provision, all our efforts to elevate him. to establish him in habits of sobriety and virtue, will be in vain. Our house will be built on the sand ; and we shall find that we have but curbed and graded the stream of his depravity, while the fount- ain boils as high as ever. Here, then, is a tangible object which all who read can reach. If you cannot build entire a sailors' home, you can each put a stone into its foundation, and a brick into its walls. It was such contributions as these that j^iHared the mag- nificence of the Ephesian temple, and reared over the august shrine of St. Peter's the splendors of the heaven-sus^Dended dome. In such a home only as we argue for can the sailor enjoy religious instructions, or be brought under moral restraints. He is on shore but a few wrecks, or months, at longest ; and it is of infinite moment to him, as an accountable being, that divine truth and the elevating influences of correct social life should reach him in every shape j)ossible. Even witJi these brief advantages, he must be almost a miracle of susceptibility, if he do not go to sea again without any radical transformation of character. Without them, what then can be hoped for ? The moral results of this exclusion from the light of truth and the humanizing influences of society are fatal to any class of men, but fearful especially to the GROUNDS OF ENCOUEAGEMENT. 63 sailor. It is this social neglect and Christian abandonment that makes the pirate. Cast any class of men, whose hearts the restraints of reli- gion have not reached, upon the ocean, and cut off all intercourse with the social influences of the shore, and they wdll become a reckless crew of rov- ing corsairs. Even in a three years' cruise in a man-of-war, though frequently in contact with the shore, there is often a perceptible degeneracy in those on board. Let this deprivation of moral and social influence be con- tinued, and the Somers' tragedy would be but a prelude to the bloody drama of horrors that would invest the ocean. So that the lives of the defenceless thousands who traverse the deej), and all the great maritime interests of the world, are at issue on the moral influences which you throw around the sailor while on land. It is proper to remark here, that there is nothing in the alleged failures of past experience to discour- age such benign efibrts in behalf of seamen, espe- cially when these efibrts are contrasted with results in other departments of Christian philanthropy. Twenty, and, I may say, forty sailors, have been converted to Christ to one Mohammedan or intelli- gent Hindoo, though the efforts and sacrifices for the latter would outweigh, ten to one, those made for the former. Yet, who thinks of abandoning the Mussul- man and Gen too to their fatal superstitions ? No f4 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. one. We pursue our labor of love ; we exercise our FAITH ; we hold on to the pkomises ; and the Church will continue to do the same, unless her hopes shall have been realized, when centuries have rolled over our graves. CHRISTIANITY FOR THE SAILOR. 65 CHAPTER V. Look to the weather-bow, Breakers are 'round thee ; Let fall the plummet now — Shallows may ground thee ; — Reef in the foresail, there 1 Hold the helm fast ! So ! let the vessel wear, — There swept the blast ! Mrs. Southey. the relation of the church to the sailor the poetry and the prose of his lot his privations and hardships his wear, tear, and fare now reefing on the yard-arm now buffet- ing the billows now a pale corse in the deep sea the LAZARETTO AT SEA AND THE EPIDEMIC ASHORE — HOME UNKNOWN TO THE SEA WHERE TO FIND SOLITUDE THE SOCIAL CONDITION AT SEA NECESSARILY A DESPOTISM — THE SABBATH PRACTICALLY UNKNOWN EFFECT OF THIS MORAL BEREAVEMENT. We have sent our missionaries to the icj cabins of the Greenlander, the scorching huts of the Hottentot, the squalid tents of the Arab, the desolate shrines of the Greek, and the funeral pyres of the Hindoo. Nor would I recall one of these heralds of the Cross from his field of labor, or divert from their present object his messages of love. I would swell their numbers, and animate and sustain their efibrts, till every nation, enliglitened by the truths which they 60 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. convey, should exclaim — How beautiful are the feet of them who preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things ! But I would say, also, " Go up, and look towards the sea." Those ships moving to and fro are freighted with human life. Those veering sails obey the will of men, who sway the strong ship to their purpose, as the rider his steed — of men whose graves miay be in the depths of ocean, but over whose immortal natures the gale and wreck have no power. Could they per- ish, could the wave wdiich sepulchres their forms be the winding-sheet of their souls, we might withhold our sympathy and concern. But they have spirits that will sing in worlds of light, or wail in regions of woe, when the dirge of the deep sea is over. It is this after state of being that gives the sailor's lot its strongest claim upon our Christian solicitude, and makes it meet that we should endeavor to miti- gate its physical evils, in order that we may secure its future and everlasting good. His life at sea, at the best, is full of hardship and peril. It can never be any thing else, so long as the winds and the waves remain. The 23oet may roll through it the melodies of his verse, and the painter throw around it the enchant- ments of his pencil ; but its stern realities will still remain, and still assert themselves in the tragic hor- rors of the gale and the wreck. The ocean's harp plays only anthems for the dead. TtiE sailor's hard fars. 07 That they whose life is on the deep may, at times, little reck of the perils that environ them, is true ; but this is the result of being inured to the danger, even as the peasant, rocked by the earthquake at the shaking base of Etna and Vesuvius, sleeps soundly, although that sleep may be his last, and day may dawn over the tomb of another Herculaneum ! Tlie caverns of the deep are full of corpses which will start from their abysses at the summons of the last trump ; and millions will wake to an endless life of bliss or woe — "That sank into the wave with bubbling groan, Unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown." But when these last disasters of the sea are escaped, the life of the sailor is full of hardship. Of all the quiet comforts and fresh luxuries of the shore he is utterly bereft. The products of the garden, the fruits of the vine — all that give variety and attraction to our tables, never relieve his hard fare. His meals are made from bread which often the hammer can scarcely break, and from meat as dry and juiceless as the bones which it feebly covers. A flowing bowl of milk, which the child of the poorest cottager may bring to its lips, is as much beyond his reach as the nectar which sparkled in the goblets of the fabled divinities on Ida. When Adam, under the rebuke of God, went forth from his lost Eden, he still found some flowers spring- 68 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. ing up amid the briers and brambles that infested his path, and he still had a confiding companion at his side to share the sorrows of his lot ; but the sailor finds no flowers springing along the pathway of the sea, and no soothing companion there, except in his dreams of some far-ofi" shore. When the night-storm pelts our secure abode on the land, we can close our shutters, and quietly for- get its violence in the arms of slumber. ISTot so with the sailor ; it summons him from his hammock to the yard-arm ; there, on that giddy elevation, while his masts reel to the sea, while the tempest is roaring through his shrouds, the waves howling in tumult and terror beneath, the thunder bursting overhead, and the quick lightning scorching the eyeballs that meet its glare, the sailor attempts to reef sail ! One false balance, one parting of the life-line, and he is precipitated into the rushing sea. A shriek is heard ! but who, in such a night of storm and terror, can save ! A bubbling groan ascends — the eddying wave closes over its victim — and he sinks to his deep watery bier. His poor mother will long wait and watch for his return, and his infant sister, unacquaint- ed with death, will still lisp his name in gladness. But they will see his face no more. He has gone to That dim shore, from which nor wave, nor sail, Nor mariner has e'er returned — nor one Fond farewell word traversed the waters back. Tliese are not perils which overtake him merely DISEASE IN A MAN-OF-WAR. 60 once in liis life, or once in the progress of a voyage. They come at all times, in every clime, and in every sea. They are constantly occurring links in the chain of his strange exj)erience ; they are his life's history ; they belong to the sailor's universal lot. They are the first as well as the last act in the great tragedy of the sea. When disease assails us on land, when a fatal epi- demic strikes our cities, filling all hearts with dread overpowering the timid, and reducing the brave to despair ; when only the hearse is heard in the streets, and they that look out at their windows are darkened, we have an escape left, at least a temporary refuge in the surrounding country. But when this fatal malady reaches a man-of-war, it comes like the exe- cutioner to a prisoner in his cell. Beyond the wall of that floating prison there is no escape but into the depths of ocean. Each must stand in his place under this cloud charged with death. He may not move, or even tremble, though the next bolt is to strike himself. Confined as all are to their floating lazaretto, they only can go over the ship's side, who move in silence and in canvas cerements to the sepulchre of the sea. That hollow sound — that plunge of the hammocked dead into the deep, can be imagined, perhaps, by those who have heard the coffin of a loved companion mournfully rumbling into its untimely grave. But the putrid corpses of the buried coming up through the 70 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. stagnant surface of the sea, and floating in spectral ter- ror around the devoted ship, constitute an appalling climax of horror which landsmen can never know. JSTo carnage that war ever yet made on the decks of a man-of-w^ar, can rival in terrors the helplessness and desj^air caused by the pestilence. Phrensy may fill churches when the earthquake rocks, but it is ne- cessity that dooms mariners to die in masses on a man-of-war, when the cholera, or yellow fever, or East India dysentery have invaded her. The battle and the breeze have exciting charms for the robust sailor, that reconcile him to many of the evils of his lot. But in scenes like those of sickness and death, he sighs for the shore, and the stoutest heart quails and feels, if it does not say with the poet, " Ah ! let me live on land, where rivers run, Where shady trees may screen me from the sun ; Whore I may feel, secure, the fragrant air ; Where, whate'er toil or wearying pains I bear, Those eyes which look away all human ill May shed on me their still, sweet, constant hght, And the hearts I love may, day and night. Be foimd beside me safe and clustering still." But how little is the sailor conversant with delights like these ! That word Home, with the thousand quiet thoughts and endearing associations which it brings with it, is not known to the vocabulary of the sea. Were strangers to enter our dwelling, turn our wife and children out of it, throw the furniture into the THi: SEA KNOWS NO HOME. streets, swing hammocks in the chambers, fill the parlors with the arms and munitions of war, narrow the foundations to a keel, unroof the walls, and set the whole rocking as if an earthquake were under it, we should have some conception of a sailok's home. We might possibly endure such a home, could wife or children share it with us ; but without them, it w^ould be like a ruined altar where the vestal flame had gone out, or a trampled shrine from which the divinity had fled. There is nothing at sea like home. The sympathy which sanctifies the domestic hearth is all unknown to the sailor. Those tender assiduities which flow from hearts allied, relieve not his rough experience. TJiere are no hearts around him into w^hich he can pour the sorrows that oj)press his own. Although the fountain may be there, and swelling up to its marble curb, tears may not channel his rough cheeks. His grief is confined within him, as lightning in the iso- lated cloud. It is this sense of loneliness, this excision from social love and sympathy, that gives to the sailor's lot its most dreary features. It throws a desert around him, barren as that on which the solitary palm of the Arabian desert casts its shade. "Would you know what real solitude is, wake up on board a man- of-war, or in the heart of London or Paris, where, among the swarming multitudes of the mighty me- tropolis, there is not one that has ever heard of your 72 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. existence ; and where your death would be as little noticed as the falling of a leaf in the great forest. The social condition and government of a ship is, necessarily, perhaps, a despotism. There must be some one there whose authority shall be supreme. Emergencies are constantly occurring which forbid all consultation. The slightest delay in giving the orders w^ould put in peril the lives of all on board. The shij^'s safety lies in instant action. This makes it necessary that her commander should have abso- lute sway. This authority, too, he must possess at all times. If emergencies only can confer it, who shall judge of the necessity? A disagreement on that point might result in mutiny. The sailor is, therefore, necessarily under a despot- ism, and is exposed to all the ill-treatment and cruel- ties which an abuse of this absolute authority can inflict. To question this authority is a crime ; to resist it is death. He has no alternative but in sub- mission ; and he does submit, though his wrongs lay in ruins his strong heart. ISTor do the hardships and cruelties which the sailor endures stop with those which result from oppression and tyranny in his commander ; the ocean has been incarnadined with his blood, to gratify the animosity or ambition of princes. Tlie terrible triumphs of Trafalgar and the Nile filled tlie English Isle with exultation ; but it filled the ocean with her dead. And never was the naval battle fought, or victory A MORAL BEEEAVEMENT- won, which the life-blood of the sailor did not pay for. Could the sea reveal its secrets, could the wrongs endured on that element find a tongue, there would be louder thunders there than those which roll from the breaker and the cloud. If the spirits of those whom Moslem jealousy has murdered and sunk in the Bosphorus still float that stream in the form of complaining birds, which never rest, the ocean might be covered with these shrieking symbols of outrage and crime. It is no wonder that the organ tones of the sea are so full of plaintive melancholy and grief; nor is it surprising that all the minstrelsy of the mariner partakes of the sam^ sad- ness. Any other notes with him are like jocund airs under the cypress that droops over the dead. Were there now an offset to all the sailor's dis- abilities in his improved moral condition when at sea, neither himself nor his friends would remon- strate or complain in his behalf But so far from this, the institution which is at the foundation of all true morality and religion, is almost unknown at sea, as to the observance required of it in the law of God. If the Sabbath bring with it a cessation from labor in some extraneous departments, still the great busi- ness of managing the ship in the midst of fickle and violent elements must go on. The sailor is, therefore, deprived of the greater part of the benefits whicli result from a regular observance of the Lord's day. 4 74 THE SEA AND THE SAILOK. This is a moral bereavement wliich no Christian community on land could long survive. To take the Sabbath from the heart and habits of man, is like taking the dew of heaven from the plant. The last weapon which Atheism has resorted to has always been its extinction. The little religion which the sailor possesses must take root then without such nourishment ; and it grows as do violets and myrtles on the verge of the avalanche. NO MINISTER AT SEA. T5 CHAPTER VI. May pleasant breezes waft them home That plough with their keels the driving foam : Heaven be their hope, and Truth their law ; And Conscience keep their souls in awe ! PECULIAR POSITION OF A SHIP AT SEA A QUESTION FOR PHILANTHROPY PHYSICAL AND MORAL DISABILITIES CAN BE RELIEVED THE RESPONSI- BILITY OF MERCHANTS INADEQUATE MEDICAL RELIEF FOR SEAMEN PUBLIC OPINION EMBODIED IN LAW THE DUTY OF MEN ASHORE HOW TO IMPRESS THE SAILOR CAPTURING THE CITADEL OF HIS HEART HINTS FOR A SAILOR's PREACHER WHAT WE CAN DO HOPE FOR THE MARINER THE CHURCH HIS PATRON AND FRIEND PLEA IN HIS BEHALF. The moral condition of the sailor receives little or no advantage from the ordinance of the gospel min- istry. Not one ship in a thousand that floats the deep has a person on board whose sacred office it is ' to inculcate on those around him the precepts of re- ligion ; and by too many even the Bible has been considered as almost out of its element, and useless if sent among sailors. It reached the watch-fires of the savage long before it found the capstan of the mari- ner. It threw its light around the solitary steps of the Arab, when Egyptian night hung on the great highway of nations. Prayers may have been offered for those who go 76 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. down to the sea in ships, and who do business on tlie great waters, but they have been often passionless as purchased masses perfonned for the dead. The rela- tive position of a ship at sea to the rest of the Chris- tian world, has, until recently, been like that of a ball suspended in the centre of a hollow sphere. It is this isolation that has placed it beyond the reach, and seemingly beyond the sympathies of those who dwell on the land. Too many have regarded it as a thing with which they had no community of interest or feeling, no common bond of brotherhood ; and they have abandoned it to its calamities and its crimes. When guilt and misery have done their worst, when the pirate-flag has been unfurled where the in- signia of commerce streamed before, instead of ac- cusing their own moral negligence and apathy, they have seemed to regard the terrible spectacle as an exemplification of human depravity, in respect to which they had neither responsibility nor control. But the practical question now arises in a philan- thropic age like this — What can we do to relieve the ph^^sical and moral disabilities of the sailor, and what ought to be done by mercantile and Christian com- munities in his behalf? We cannot, it is true, lay the storms which reduce his vessel to a wreck ; but we can provide him with something better than a naked plank on which to es- cape from a watery grave. ISTo vessel ought to be allowed to leave a Christian port where there is not I PHYSICAL DISABILITIES. 77 ample provision in the shape of life-boats for the preservation of all on board. The practice of shipping passengers without such a provision, is cruelty to them and treachery to the crew. In the extremities of a disaster at sea, there is no possibility of escape, except for the few who take possession of the boats. The rest must sink with the ingulfed wreck ; and the owners of such a ship unprovided with life-boats, have a responsibility which they must carry to the bar of God for the hu- man life sacrificed through their culpable neglect. Christian benevolence cannot, indeed, of itself furnish our packets and merchantmen with boats for such emergencies ; but it can expostulate with their own- ers, and through public opinion it has power to make that remonstrance felt. We can relieve the physical condition of the sailor in other respects : we can insist upon it that, first and foremost of all, his health and comfort shall be consulted in the quarters he is to occupy. To make room for an additional quantity of freight, he is now often obliged to swing his hammock where he has no wholesome air, or where he is exposed to the ele- ments. His hours of rest are always precarious ; and when they do occur, it is barbarous that he should not be allowed the few poor comforts which his hard lot per- mits. We cannot reprobate too sternly that avarice and inhumanity which are more anxious for the T8 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. preservation of a bale of goods than the life of a human being. The horrors of the Middle Passage are not confined to the African slaver : they are found in other departments of the marine service ; and it is the duty of Christian communities to look to these wanton cruelties, and bring their authors to merited chastisement. We can also relieve the physical condition of the sailor in reference to his food. We cannot furnish him with the fruits of the garden and the fresh products of the field ; but we can insist upon it, that the provisions which he does have shall be whole- some and sound, and that they shall have all the variety compatible with a sea life. This variety is meager enough at best ; for there is not an alms- house in the country where the inmates are not bet- ter fed than the sailor. If he complains of his fare, he is met with re- proaches, and sent back to his work with abuse and menace. It is for us to come to his relief, and to bring the weight of public opinion to bear upon his wrongs. He cannot redress his own grievances ; but we can redress them, we ouglit to redress them, and we SHALL redress them, unless the instincts of human- ity within us are dead. We can relieve the physical condition of the sail- or, also, in reference to disease. ^N^o provision, worthy of the name, is now made for his relief in sickness. The pharmacopia of a merchantman or AVERAGE TEEM OF LIFE. 79 wliale-ship that may have a large crew on board, is confined to a vial of laudanum, an ounce of mercury or blue ptll, and a few pounds of Epsom salts. Nor is there ordinarily a person on board that knows when or how even these should be administered. And if the use of the lancet be attempted, it is just as likely to strike an artery as a vein ! Yet, with these inadequate medical provisions, to which we would hardly commit the life of a pet dog, the sailor is obliged to traverse every ocean, and be exposed to the maladies of every clime. Is it to be wondered at that he does not live out half his days, or that the average life of American seamen is but thirty-six years ? ISTow it is for religious and humane communities to require that every vessel shall have attached to her, in the capacity of captain, mate, seaman, super- cargo, or loblolly-boy, a person who shall have some knowledge of medicine. The presence of such a per- son should be made indispensable to her clearance at the custom-house. If she attemj^ted to leave port without one, heavy penalties should fall on her owners. Public opinion must be made to embody itself in the shape of law ; and that law must be enforced, not by the occasional spasms of humanity, but by a consistent and profound sense of duty. It is the cer- tainty of its execution that gives a law its moral power. The Ottoman throne, with all its political 80 THE SEA AKD THE SAILOK. deformities, stands, because the cimiter of the heads- man is sure to follow the evidences of guilt. I inquire now, "What can we do, and whafought we to do, to relieve the moral condition of the sailor which we have already surveyed ? We cannot, it is clear, gather these sons of the ocean into our churches on the Sabbath ; but we can run up the Bethel flag- over their own decks. They have no aversions to that flag, as a class : it is to them the symbol of peace and love, and the harbinger of that haven where the tumults of life's ocean cease, and the weary are at rest. It is a messenger-bird, come through night and storm from the spirit-land. Yet, let no one think that mere sentiment can mold the character of the sailor. The beings who compose that mass of life which stirs from keel to mast-head on board ship, are like rocks from nature's quarry — feeble blows will not shape them for the great Builder's use. Long before they could be fashioned by such a j)rocess, the hand that should attempt it would have forgotten its cunning. Occasion is every thing in making an impression on the sailor. There are pauses in the storming pas- sions which sweep our earth when the gentle accents of truth can be heard. There are periods of repose in the conflicts of the moral elements when celestial influences can reach the human heart. The dew falls when the Avinds are laid. These intervals of calmness and reflection are ever occurrinoj in a sea HOW TO TAKE THE HEART. 81 life : and it is in these that the silent messages of truth will exert their greatest force, and produce their most decisive results. When the wind, the fire, and the earthquake had passed, that still, small voice became audible, in which the prophet recog- nized the whisper of his God. These messages of truth must be addressed directly to the heart of the sailor. Their power should be exerted, not on those phantoms of skepticism which flit through his mental twilight, but on their source, — not on those bubbles of frivolity which brim the fountain of his gushing heart, but on the fountain itself, and the secret springs in which it takes its rise. Of all beings, the sailor is most the creature of feeling. Impulse is with him the prime source of action. His heart is the bow from which the arrow of his life takes its flight and direction. It is his heart, therefore, that we are to move upon with our undivided strength : it is this that we are to be- leaguer with all our forces, and press upon it at all points, as the encircling wave embraces and en- croaches upon the diminishing isle. The heart of a sailor once captured, the citadel taken — the outposts fall. Even the last poor picket- guard of doubt and desperation lays down its arms. The smTender is entire : nor will that captive to Christ ever seek a ransom, or ever forgive himself that he held out so lono- before he struck his black 4* 82 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. flag to the banner which streams in light and love from the Cross. But this conquest is not easy : un- tutored and impulsive as the heart of the sailor may be, it is yet too gigantic in its strength to be easily overcome. Cradled on the dqep, and reared amid the exhibitions of its gloomy grandeur and strength, moral realities must be made to take to his mind a corresponding vastness, solemnity, and power. The sailor must be made to Feel his immortality o'erleap All space, all time, all pains, all fears, and peal. Like the eternal thunders of the deep, This truth into his ears — thou livest forever ! It is also of the last importance to know how to approach the sailor, and in what shape to exert your moral strength. You should not waste your energies in attacking the phantoms of his superstition. You should not attempt to drive away the spectre, but to pour light into its grave. Let the response of the oracle go, but dash in pieces the oracle itself. There is an altar in the heart of the sailor inscribed to the unknown God. Him whom he thus ignorantly wor- ships, aim to enthrone there in the majesty of su- preme intelligence, rectitude, and love. Exhibit truth to him in its real character. Throw the prac- tical into prominent relief : let metaphysical distinc- tions lie where they belong — in shadow. But man's guilt, the cross of Christ, and the judgment-bar HOW TO AID THE SAILOR. 83 bring out from the canvas, as if there were only eter- nity beyond. The sailor prefers to meet the dread truths of Rev- elation as he would meet the rocks of ocean, not be- neath the wave but above it, where he may be ap- prised of the danger before he is wrecked. He is open to these truths : he is not a philosopher to be reached only through his intellect. All the sensibil- ities of his ardent nature are so many avenues of ap- proach. Through these, we can cast pure or adulterated metals into the flaming alembic of his soul. There are with him, as with all men, moments when moral repulsion seems suspended, and when truth may reach his heart with the suddenness of the flashing sun's daguerreotype impression. That image, if you can but seize the favorable moment, though momen- tary in its production, will remain, and all its lines will be found distinct and legible, when the light of eternity shall play upon the tablet. Such are some of the methods by which we can benefit the sailor, physically and morally. K we cannot pour milk and honey into his cup, we can pour truth into his mind ; if we cannot quench the thirst which parches his lips, we can relieve the drought which withers his soul ; if we cannot calm the storms around him, we can lay the tempest within ; if we cannot secure him the sympathy and protection of man, we can ofier him the guardianship 9 84 THE SEA AND THE SAILOE. of God ; if we cannot lift him into authority, we can make him cheerful in a state of obedience ; if we cannot take the intoxicating aliment from his sea allowance, we can make him refuse to drink it. If we cannot ward ofi" from him disease, we can lift him above the fear of death ; if we cannot make him a philosopher, we can help to make him a Christian ; if we cannot confer upon him a possession on earth, we can offer him an inheritance in heaven; if we cannot make him the associate of princes, we can make him a companion of the saints in light. All this, through the divine assistance, we can do ; and, if there be joy in heaven over one sinner that repent- eth, this is enough. Our duty and responsibility, therefore, in reference to the sailor, reach to the joys of heaven and to the agonies of hell. The disasters of unfaithfulness are irretrievable. If Christian philanthropy abandon him, his ruin is inevitable. There are no other in- fluences but those of the Gospel that can save him. If he falls into the sea, he may clasp the life-buoy and be rescued ; but there is a deep to which no such provision of humanity extends — a deep where the signals of distress are all unseen, and where eternity only answers back tlie minute-gun of despair. Shall this be the portion of the poor sailor? Shall he, after all the neglects, hardships', and perils whicli he has endured here, lie down at last in sorrow ? Shall he have lived in exile from our Christian com- THE DUTY OF THE CHURCH. 85 munities, to be exiled at last from heaven ? Shall he escape from his last wreck here, to be wrecked again and forever, when heaven's last thunder shakes the sea? Oh ! if wrongs could fit the soul for the presence of its Maker ; if cruelties endured here could win hap- piness hereafter, the sailor need not be without hope ! But the laws of our moral being cannot be changed, or the requirements of infinite rectitude set aside. The pure in heart only can see God ; and that moral purity is never the natural consequence of moral wrong. Oppression drives even the wise man mad ; how much more the fool, which all men are until re- generated by grace ! The Church must, therefore, be the friend of the sailor, the advocate of his rights, his patron under injuries, the stern rebuker of his wrongs. She must pity him w^hen others reproach, pray for him when others denounce, cling to him when others forsake, and never abandon him, even though he should abandon himself That love which never wearies, that affection which never forsakes, have rescued thousands whom retributive justice would have de- livered over to hopeless misery and crime. Many a sainted spirit, ere it winged its way to heaven, has cast on erring youth a chain of light and love which has brought its footsteps back to the paths of life and peace. The ocean, as well as earth, has its moral gems, which will one day sparkle in the diadem of him who has saved a soul from death. 86 THE SEA AND THE SAILOR. There is a loss, compared with which that of life is not worthy of being named. From this fearful loss we can all do something to save the sailor. We have seen the moral perils and hardships of his lot. We know his uncomplaining fortitude, and his gen- erous disregard of danger ; we know his weaknesses, his sins, and his sorrows. He is a noble being, but in ruins. It is for us to recover him, to strengthen him in the right, and to guard him against the wrong. He is the child of impulse, the creature of circum- stance ; and it is our duty to see that these eventful influences are not fatal. He will repay this care in his gratitude, his reformation, and his prayers. Then give him a helping hand. He would spring from deck or rock, amid sweeping sea or breaker's foam, to save yoic / save him, then, from perils worse than those of a watery grave. A TALE OF THE SEA. We dropped our loaded net in quest of shells Among the tideless caverns of the sea — Those coral grottoes, where the mermaid dwells And charms the naiads with her minstrelsy — And " lifting in," found on its dripping comb, What brought to all the sweetest thoughts of home : A golden ringlet ! — fair, and soft, and flowing As on a living brow — once near an eye That flashed with light and love — nor faintly showing Dimness or stain upon its glossy dye. It seemed as if it had by stealth been taken From one who slept, and in a breath might waken. m. Would that she might awake ! but no, the seal Which death has dimly set, may not be broken, Nor can a look or line henceforth reveal Of all once worshipped there one tender token. And yet we linger near — and half believe 'Tis some delusive dream o'er which we grieve. 88 A TALE OF THE SEA. Oh that this fair-hau-ed tenant of the grave Could but one moment reappear to light ; And bless the living v^^ith the look she gave E'er death had throw^n its still and starless night Upon her radiant features — but, alas ! She sleeps beyond that boundary none repass. No more on her will beam the smile of love, Nor voice of parent, brother, sister, friend, Or aught of all the accents wont to move Her heart to gladness, on her dream descend : No more the breaking morn or purpling eve, Or thought of home her spirit glad or grieve. Still at her father's hearth the lisping child Will oft repeat in free, unconscious gladness, His sister's name — wondering that those who smiled At that loved sound, now look in silent sadness, Giving his artless questions no reply. Except a starting tear or deep-drawn sigh. VII. How came she to her solitary grave ? By treachery's wile, or grief, or wan disease ? By gale, or wreck, or pirate's flashing glave ? Where was her home — and who her kindred? — these Quick, melancholy questions, ne'er will be Solved by the incommunicable sea. A TALE OF THE SEA. 89 A pirate once, while in his dungeon lying, To him who shrived his guilty soul, confessed, That on the wave o'er which our flag was flying, Those deeds were done which now his conscience pressed ; And 'mid the many then consigned to slaughter, Were two — an old man and his only daughter. IX. The latter was so young, so sweetly fair, The pirate-crew, in melting mood, agreed Her tender years should not thus early share The death to which her father was decreed. This sentence passed — the parent bade a wild And last adieu to his despairing child. X. His eye was cast to Heaven in silent prayer, Then to his daughter, as he walked the plank ; No word of weakness broke from his despair, As through the parted waves his white locks sank, And far above the circling eddies' close. One low, deep moan in bubbling anguish rose. But fear is ever with the guilty — they Who sought to save, saw in that timid child Their strong accusing angel — they could slay. And wade in blood — but one so undefiled. So free of all that virtue ever feared. With every glance their throbbing eyeballs seared. 90 A TALE OP THE SEA. She read her fate in that dejected air, That meditative, melancholy cast Of countenance which men will sometimes wear, When they perceive their destiny has passed To deeds which all their sympathies disown — 'Tis nature, speaking in an under-tone ! As round their victim closed the pirate ring, A sudden tremor shook her airy frame; Sorrow for her had no new pang to bring, But when a whisper breathed her father's name. Quick o'er her soft, transparent features spread The pale and pulseless aspect of the dead. XIV. And to the deck she fell — as falls a bird Smitten on high by some electric stroke ; While through the savage crew no whispered word, Or hurried step, the breathless silence broke : But each, with shrinking aspect, eyed the rest, As if some secret sin his soul oppressed. XV. But he to whom the headsman's evil lot Had fallen, still his fearful work delayed, And stood as one arrested near the spot Where he had some confiding friend betrayed, — One whose unquiet ghost in piteous plight Now slowly rose to his bewildered sight. A TALE OF THE SEA. 91 Amid the ring, he whose commanding air And eye of sternness well bespoke him chief, Rushed to the child so statue-like and ftiir — 'Twas not to save or proffer short relief, But cast into the sea, ere conscious breath Might break this swoon, and give a pang to death. XVII. An idle pity ! — her pure soul had fled ; And as he, bending, raised her nerveless form Pale o'er his brawny arm, the drooping head Lay as a lily bowed beneath the storm ; While o'er her features fell the corsair's tear, As he consigned her to a watery bier. xvra. Perchance the glossy ringlet which the sea Yielded to our deep search, once lightly rolled O'er that fair brow — but this deep mystery Nor breeze, nor breaking wave, will e'er unfold: Yet ftincy still the flowing lock will trace To that once known and long-remembered fjice. XIX. And when the last great trump shall thrill the grave, And earth's unnumbered myriads reappear. She, too, will hear the summons, 'neath the wave That now in silence wraps her sunless bier ; And, coming forth, in timid meekness bowed, Unfold the tongueless secrets of her shroud. A TALE OF THE SEA. XX. How darkly changed this world since that first hour When o'er its brightness sung the morning stars ! Time, care, and death's dark footsteps had no power Upon its beauty : man, who madly mars His Maker's works, has swept it with a flood Of orphans' tears, and deluged it with blood. XXI. It has become a Golgotha, where lie The bleaching bones of nations ; — every wave Breaks on a shore of skulls — and every sigh The low wind murmurs forth, seems as it gave This mournful tribute, unconfined and deep To millions, for whom man has ceased to weep. It is a dim and shadowy sepulchre, In which the living and the dead become One common brotherhood — and yet the stir And sting of serpent-passion, and the lium Of jocund life, survive with but a breath Between this reckless revelry and death. XXIII. It is a rolling tomb, rumbling along In gloom and darkness through the shud'ring spheres, And filled with death and life, and wail and song, Laughter and agony, and jests and tears ; And — save its heartless mirth and ceaseless knell — Wearing a ghastly, glimmering type of hell ! A TALE OF THE SEA. 03 VV^hen woman dies, 'tis as the silent leaf The forests drop — the boughs wave on the same — The dew-drops, nature's seeming tears of grief. The young Aurora dries with her first flame; While that poor leaf, where'er its grave may be, Lies unremembered in the wild-wood's glee. Thus perish all — except the honored few — The great in Arms, Religion, Letters, Art — The urns of those the tears of crowds bedew ; And yet that worth which fires the nation's heart, Beneath a mother's faithful culture grew — She held the bow from which the arrow flew. NOTES ON FRANCE AND ITALY. CHAPTER I. Hail to thee, blithe spirit I Bird tliou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart. In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. Teach me half the gladness That thy brain must know, Such harmonious madness From my lips would flow, The world should listen then, as I am listening now. Shelley. CRUISING AFTER HIBERNATING ^NOTES OF THE LAST BIRD ^REMINISCENCE OF MARIA GRUDGE AGAINST THE LADY ABBESS FIRST DAY OUT HURRY- SKURRY IN CABIN AND WARD-ROOM THE WATCH-BOY ALOFT WE AN- CHOR IN TOULON THE SENTENCE OF QUARANTINE PRACTICAL ABSURDI- TY OF ITS REGULATIONS A HINT FOR RESTORATIONISTS THE ARSENAL OF TOULON NAVAL DISCIPLINE OF THE FRENCH SUBURBS OF THE CITY HYERES MASSILLON A NUT FOR SOCIALISTS INQUISITORS OF THE CUSTOM-HOUSE — OVERHAULING THE DEAD — A WILLING FAREWELL TO TOULON. The winter had passed, the time of the singing of birds had come, and the voice of the turtle was heard in the land ; when, as if obeying these awakening in- stincts of nature, we weighed our anchors in the frig- ate Constellation, from the safe bed in which they had 0'-^ FRANCE AND FRENCHMEN. liave an opportunity of returning her ungrateful ef- frontery ; for if we drop anchor at Madeira on our return home, it may not be my fault if she has not one the less nun on whom to rivet the chain of her sanctimonious tyranny. The morning of our first day out was peculiarly brilliant and serene, promising us a quiet and pleas- ant passage ; but towards evening the wind chopped about directly in our teeth, and suddenly assumed the dark and formidable frown of a gale, obliging us to take in sail, and heaving against us a heavy head sea. It was not less diverting than melancholy to wit- ness the effect produced by the rolling and plunging of our ship. We had come out sleek as if born and cradled in a band-box ; not a bit of lint disfigured the coat or pantaloon ; not a soil dimmed the reflect- ing surface of the cravat; and tlie smooth corners of the shirt-collar, peering above the carefully adjusted stock, shot forward like the ears of a rabbit, listening to some rumpling sound ahead, when lo ! a saucy wave broke over our bow, sweeping the whole length of the ship, and all this starch and gloss went down just as I have seen the peck-feathers of an old family rooster, hieing from a drenching shower to his covert. Nor was the scene below less afflictive, for every thing that had not been previously secured, was now moving about, all hurry-skurry, some sliding along, but more tumbling round, ''like ambition o'erleaping THE WATCH-BOY ALOFT. 99 itself." Mj air-port, bj some mistake, had been left oj^en : the sea had now made a tunnel of it ; and my state-room door being shut, mj wardrobe and library, and — horribile dictu — my manuscripts, also, were drifting about in a most disastrous and drowning condition. My only anxiety was to save the latter, forecasting how much would be irreparably lost to the world in their destruction ! I thought of the Alexandrian Library, and knowing water to be as fatal as fire, seized at once these invaluable treasures, but was not a little mortified and vexed in finding them the most light and buoyant^ things in my apartment : even the web of an unfortunate spider sunk at their side. 'No serious disaster, however, happened to the ship ; but a watch-boy posted aloft fell sound asleep, even while the masts were sweeping through nearly half of a frightful circle. Oh, sleep — Wilt tbou upon the high and giddy mast Seal up the ship-boy's eyes, and rock his brains In cradle of the rude, imperious surge, — And in the visitation of the winds, Who take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them With deafening clamors in the slippery shrouds, — That with the burly, death itself awakes ; Canst thou, oh, partial sleep ! give thy repose To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude. And in the calmest and most stillest night Deny it to a king ? 100 FRANCE A2^D FRENCHMEN. The wind subsided the next morning, and on the evening of the day succeeding we anchored in Tou- lon. We were preparing to go on shore, when an officer, with a most grim, uncompromising visage, such as would befit a man whose business it was to announce the fatal sentence to condemned crimi- nals, approached our ship, and inquired where we were from, and, on being told, informed us that we must perform a quarantine of ten days. This was enough to upset the patience of a Job, or tip the equanimity of a Turk. We had merely come over from Mahon, a place perfectly healthy, and known to be so, and had on board at this time scarcely a case of even ordinary indisposition, cer- tainly nothhig more alarming, or contagious, than a toothache, or broken finger, and yet we were plunged into a quarantine as if w^e had come from some Gol- gotha, freighted with reeking skulls. But there is as little use in scolding now as there was in quarrelling then. Men who have the least reason for their conduct, are the last to be influenced by argument. We tested this truth still more thor- oughly on a subsequent 'occasion; our ship had come to Marseilles, and we had freely commimicated with the place ; after spending about a week in mingled concourse with its inhabitants, a party of us went over by land to Toulon, where it was well known who we were, and from whence we came : for not a mouse stirs in France without being narrowly watched ; ABSURDITIES OF QUARANTINE. 101 and it is said that the appearance of a strange baboon on her Spanish frontier was once telegraphed to the Police at Paris, and a detachment of the gendarmery sent out to watch the motions of the ambiguous stranger. In the mean time our ship came round to this port, and was put in quarantine ! We appeared be- fore the magistrates of the Health Office, and told them that we were officers attached to the Constella- tion, and had left her at Marseilles freely communi- cating with the shore, and that we had ourselves come over uninterruptedly by land, bringing con- tagion in our own skirts if there was any. But the only reply was a shrug of the shoulder — a French- man's last and only resort when confounded in argu- ment ; and our ship had to perform her week's quar- antine, merely because the sanitary regulations of Marseilles had not exacted the penalty. We might laugh at such a farce as this were it not so excessively annoying that the most ludicrous, blundering incon- sistency, and otherwise burlesque and grotesque as- tuteness would fail to provoke a smile. I have now done with quarantines ; nor will I trouble the reader with the details of any more, though they should come thick and fast as the plagues of Egypt. I detest the whole system, and only wish that every species of moral wrong wore in my eyes an equally repulsive and abhorred aspect. 1 wonder our universal Pestorationists, instead of 102 FRANCE AND FRENCHMEN. transporting a spirit at once from a place of ntter pollution to one of immaculate purity, never thought of putting him in quarantine, not only as a further punishment, but as a salutary precaution on the part of Heaven ! It would have a greater check on me than any thing which now enters into their purgato- rial fiction ; and, I must say, of all fictions that ever yet insulted the common sense of mankind in the shape of a religious creed, I consider this the most unqualifiedly absurd. As if the companionship of devils and a com- munion with the damned, could fit a man for the fel- lowship of angels and of the " S2:)irits of just men made perfect !" As if the blasjjhemies of hell could attune his spirit to the seraphic harmonies of heaven ! Let him gather to himself all the sanctity, virtue, and meekness that ever was, or ever can, w^ithout a contradiction of terms, be acquired in that region of cursing, hate, and agony, it cannot fit him for heav- en, or by any conceivable possibility render him happy if admitted there. He would be a stranger among strangers ; abash- ed at his own conscious unfitness for the place, he would fain hide himself from the pure presence of the redeemed and holy. Heaven might shake with the swelling anthem of the blessed, but not a chord in his breast would vibrate : he would stand amid the transcendent glories of that upper world, lone and desolate as a tree scathed and riven by EOYAL AESENAL OF TOULON. 103 liglitning, amid the living verdures of an earthly landscape. I have generally refrained from topics of a reli- gious nature, not from a want of interest in them, but for reasons which I shall assign, if need be, in another place. I do not seek an exemption on this or any other subject from a reasonable responsibility, or conceive that, because I am four thousand miles from home, I am any the less accountable to the religious and moral sense of the country where I Avas born, and where I hope to die. Nor will I, as some of the antagonists of religion have done, charge a masked battery, and engage another to fire it off when I am myself safely under the shelter of the grave. Infidelity has often been driven to this miserable shift, thus developing two of those quali- ties which most offensively disgrace and disfigure human nature — a deep, disingenuous malignity, and a skulking cowardice. We were now on shore in Toulon, casting about to see what it might contain worthy of the pains we had taken. The Arsenal has in effective operation all the intentions of its gigantic plan ; and exhibits a mass of waiting force, happily at present in a state of masterly inactivity, worthy of the interests which look to it for protection, and worthy, too, of its con- nection with the spot where Bonaparte first im- pressed the terrors of his genius on the astonislied forces of England. 104 FRANCE AND FRENCHMEN. The Frencli excel in the model of their ships, in every thing which belongs to the science of naval architecture ; and if they could only fight a ship as well as they can build her, their flag would now be flying over many a deck that has passed to the hands of the stranger. Their failure lies not in a want of courage, but in the absence of that thorough, rigid, dove-tailed discipline which nearly divests the moral mechanism of a ship oiindividual volition. This surrender of private will and judgment is not so indispensable to success in an engagement on land ; for there a man hacks away more for himself: he has more scope for that shouting, cutting, and slashing enthusiasm, which in such a situation per- haps more than compensates for the absence of con- sentaneous, constrained action ; but which, on board a man-of-war, by the derangements it would intro- duce into the consecutive means whereby each gun is to be discharged, and each evolution of the ship effected, would, perhaps more than any thing else, contribute to her capture. - This is the reason why the French, who can con- quer on the land, are defeated at sea. The spirit which covers them with laurels in their military^ plunders them of their flag in their naval engage- ments. Divest an army composed of Frenchmen of that personal, private, reckless enthusiasm, which blindly mingles its own impulses with the national honor; which would rush with as little hesitancy BIRTH-PLACE OF MASSILLON. 1 Of) over the breast of a fallen friend as the body of a foe, and which cuts its own way to preferment and plunder, and you would deprive it of all its efficiency — you would take from it the very sinews of its strength — ^you would reduce it to an inert, impotent mass. The harbor of Toulon affords a quiet and safe an- chorage, while the sweeping lines of its shore swell into lofty and picturesque elevations. The town itself has a forbidding, heavy appearance given it by the dull character of its architecture, and the massive military works which render it impregnable. The streets are narrow and foul, but their darkness and dirt are relieved by a broad, brilliant quay, two or three comfortable hotels, the complaisant demeanor of the inhabitants, and, above all, by the sweet, re- freshing retreats which the adjacent country presents. Among the latter, Hyeres takes the precedence. It has, it is true, no antiquities to stir your imagination, although it used to be the spot from which pilgrims to the Holy Land took their departure ; but it is filled with ambrosial shade, and it contains, among other habitations, that in which Massillon was born ; he who stood like a warning angel in the voluptuous court of Louis the Fourteenth. Here, also, among more recent fabrics, stands the beautiful Chateau of Baron Stultz, one of the very few who ever earned a title of nobility by the dexterity and industry of the needle. 5* 106 FRANCE AND FRENCHoVIEN. Some affect to sneer at liis ribbons ; but I. do not see wliy a tailor has not as good a riglit to cut out a baronetcy with shears as a trooper with his sword ; for, of the two, it is vastly the more peaceable mode of getting a title : it does infinitely less injury to so- ciety, and, after all, displays more skill ; for it is much easier to put a sword through a man's body than to nicely fit a coat to his back. None of this partiality therefore ; let every man become a baron, a marquis, or a duke in his own way ; no longer con- fine these brilliant baubles to the successful sabre of a cut-throat, or the lineality of one incapable perhaps of understanding any thing else. We now returned on board ship, and with much less annoyance than some of us ex]3erienced in get- ting on shore ; for the agents of the custom-house here are extremely rigorous in the discharge of their inquisitorial trust. If a man has not an epaulet on his shoulder, or a cockade on his hat, even his pock- ets will hardly escape the dishonor of a search. 'Nor is the insj^ection always confined to the living ; it sometimes extends to the dead. We had occasion to bury one of our crew here, and as we came on shore to pay him this last sad ofiice, his cofiin was uncere- moniously opened to ascertain that it contained no contraband goods ! We always knew the French to be an extremely shrewd and inquisitive people, but we did not sup- pose they would ever carry their researches into the THE CUSTOM-HOUSE AND COFFIN. 107 secrets of the grave. Ah, Death ! we have heard thee accused, by some, of being an inexorable tyrant — by others, of being an indiscriminate leveller ; but never before, by saint or savage, have we heard thee accused of being a smuggler ! And even if thou wert such, what couldst thou want of aught that our poor ship contained? Wast thou in quest of pea- jackets and tarpaulins ? But thy sailors never go on watch : each in his hammock still slumbers as he laid himself down. Or wast thou in need of charts and quadrants ? But thy ships never leave their moorings ; each rots down piecemeal in its own berth. Or was it thy desire to obtain Bibles and Hymn-books ? But there is no worshipping as- sembly in thy dominion, and the Preacher's voice is never heard there. Ah, Death ! thou art falsely suspected and basely dishonored by the Frenchman! — by him, too, who should ever regard thee with the most indulgent feelings ; for he has crowded millions of corses into thy domain. From the chilling snows of Russia to the burning sands of Egypt, he has sunk his victims into thy pale realm, thick as the quails that fell for food around the famishing tents of wandering Is- rael. I had intended to sketch a few of the most easily detected features in the domestic habits of the people of Toulon, but this affair of the coffin — which will be discredited by many, but which can be established 108 FRANCE Ain) FKENCHMEN. by the oath of fifty witnesses— has so disaffected me with the place, I leave it without further comment. I only hope it may not be my mournful lot to die here, to be insulted in my shroud. The most deeply wounding and irreparable wrong, is that which falsely suspects the dying ; and the most mean and dishonorable distrust, is that which looks for selfish, sinister concealment beneath the simple obsequies of the dead. Man is a curious thing — a medley strange, Of all concordant and discordant things ; And wheresoe'er you meet him, 'mid the range Of cringing vassals or the court of kings, He is the same, excepting his exterior. Which marks his rank as menial or superior. One time we find him struggling after fame, Burning what poets call the midnight taper. And then we find him writhing 'neath the shame Of an exposure in a public pa]>er ; And lastly, peaking, prying, after pelf. Shrouded and hearsed, and buried in himself. And then he falls in love, a curious feeling, A kind of melancholy flow of soul, A soft sensation o'er his heart-strings stealing ; One which his sternest thoughts cannot control — A secret fountain gushing from his heart, Watering the flowers that round its being start. MYSTERIES OF A CALM. 109 CHAPTER II. The helmsman steered, the ship moved od, Yet never a breeze up blew ; The mariners all 'gan work the ropes, Where they were wont to do ; Till noon we quietly sailed on, Yet never a breeze did breathe ; Slowly and smoothly went the ship, Moved onward from beneath. Rime of the Ancient Planner. MYSTERIOUS SAILING IN A CALM SPECULATIONS OF THE TARS — A CHARMED SHIP — THE COURSE OF TIME AN AUGURY OF ETERNITY THE WAY OF THE WISE MAN APPROACH TO GENOA THE CITY OF PALACES— BLIND MUSI- CIAN AND HIS DAUGHTER EFFECT UPON THE CREW THEIR NOBLE LIB- ERALITY MUSIC OF THE OPERA COMPARED THE CARLA FELICE FAN- TASTIC ARCHITECTURE AND ORNAMENTS IN CHURCHES PROTESTANTISM AND ROMANISM COMPARED AN EPISODE ON YOUNG DIVINES A SPRIGHT- LY BED-FELLOW PARISIAN FLEAS IN THE WALTZ TOUR THROUGH THE PALACES GLIMPSES OF THE PROPRIETORS — RIDDLES TO BE SOLVED. A SIGNAL-GUN from the Flag-Ship to get under way had been cheerfully and promptly obeyed, and we were now holding our course, as well as ships can that have no wind, from Toulon for Genoa. Yet, strange as it may seem, our ship that never won a laurel in a breeze, would now, in a dead calm, log several knots in each watch. This apparently cause- less advance was an inexplicable mystery then, and 110 A CHARMED SHIP. is SO still ; some, indeed, ascribed it to an impercep- tible current, but, in that case, lying passive on lier element, slie would make no progress through tlie water, though she might change her relation to the coast. Some, who were perhaps more imaginative than philosophical, attributed it to the impulses of an aerial vein, or breath, too weak to produce any visible eifect on the sails, yet of sufficient strength to move the ship. The simple tar, who never puzzles himself with the intricate relations of cause and effect, declared that the shij) went ahead because it was in her so to do ; and, in truth, I was myself very much of his oj)inion. A ship is not like a man who gives a reason for his deportment ; she appears to be actuated by some ir- responsible whim, some self-consulting, independent caprice, that disregards the complexion of her out- ward condition. Under the urgencies of a quick breeze she will frequently lie almost motionless, and then, again, in a condition less favorable, as if moved by some impulse from within, she " walks the waters like a thing of life." I have ever believed our shij) to be undei some mysterious charm, since I saw her, without a breath of wind, move %ij[) in the middle of the Tagus, while two smaller vessels nearer each shore were movino* down at the same time ; and I was quite confirmed in this opinion when I saw her, in the utter silence AUGUKY FOR ETERNITY. Ill and dim solemnity of a midnight-watch — the ocean lying still as the slumber of the grave — move three times around in the same fearful circle, leaving the gaping track of her keel as entire and unclosed as if the waters had lost their returning power, or had been converted, by the dark magic of her drifting shadow, into substance. Those may smile who will, at this belief in a ship's subtle, innate source of motion ; but I can assure them it is not more irrational and absurd than the forms of belief on which one-half mankind rest their ho]3es of heaven. I would much sooner believe that a ship may establish a character for good sailing in a dead calm, than that a man, who has been acting the devil to the verge of human life, can then, as if by the force of an upward glance, be transformed into an angel. You may as well believe that a stream can move on half-way to the ocean, a current of putrid blackness, and then flow the rest in liquid transparency, as to suppose that the current of our moral being, which has flowed darkly and corruptedly to the edge of the grave, can then move on in j)urity and brightness. As it rolled upon earth, we must expect it to roll through eternity ! I little thought my wizard theme would lead me into a topic of such real moment. But let those who may justly question its relevancy ponder the truth it con- tains : it is never too soon to forsake an error — it may 112 ITALY AJ^D THE ITALIANS. be too late to retrieve it. The wisest man is he who leaves in his conduct through life the least room for subsequent regret and sorrow. I would blot these lines as irrelevant, did they not spring from the deep- est fount of my convictions. But I know they in- volve truths that will affect both reader and writer when the fleeting interests of this life appear only as the phantoms of a troubled dream ; and when many of the objects that may have most enchanted us here, have only that remembrance which must be bathed in our tears. We are born under a cloud, but the light that melts through it, is sufficient to guide our hesitating steps. We were now within a few leagues of Genoa, as appeared from our dead-reckoning, which was kept as accurately as any such precarious calculation could be amid conflicting currents and calms — for we had no meridian sun to designate our position, or promi- nent cliff" to inform us of our bearings and distances. These had been lost us in the opaqueness of a thick stagnant atmosphere. We were, of course, rather sad at the thought of approaching the " City of Palaces," and from the sea, too, under circumstances so ex- tremely unfavorable. But, to our most pleasurable sur23rise, towards evening a strong wind, rushing from the icy region of the Alps, rolled one bank of clouds against another till the whole departed, leaving Genoa without an obscuring veil upon its beauty and grandeur. It THE CITY OF PALACES. 113 stood there proudly ascending a circling acclivity of the Apennines : the setting sun shedding upon it the effulgence of its liberated beams, the greeting birds breaking into sudden song, and the green trees waving their fresh leaves over tower, terrace, and gayer balcony. I thought when sailing up the Bay of Naples it would be impossible for any other city or shore to make my heart beat so quickly, but here I found emotions within me, though less deep and dilated, yet equally replete with delight. There was, indeed, no burning mount, with its cataract of fire, to create awe — no disinhumed remains of perished greatness to awaken a bewildering reverence ; but then here were castled steeps, frowning as of old, to impress respect ; long ranges of marble palaces, whose builders are in the grave, to excite admiring wonder ; and a lofty background, sprinkled with villas, to inspire a sentiment of security and quietude, and which seemed as a shield cast over the architectural magnificence of the spot. Such appeared Genoa as we first saw it from the sea ; a nearer view may chasten the tone of enthusi- astic admiration which its first impressions have awakened. The most enchanting beauty can rarely stand the test of the thoroughly informed eye, and I have never met with a city without a deformity in many of its features. Our anchor had scarcely been let go, when an old man lli ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. and his daughter came alongside, and solicited permis- sion to come on board, which was cheerfully granted. The father was blind, and had found a partial refuge from the affliction in the music of his violin. The daughter was young, of a childlike bearing, and ac- companied the touching strains of the parent with a voice of expressive sweetness : " And she began a long, low island song, Of ancient days, ere tyranny grew strong." The crew gathered around in close, wordless audi- ence, as if she had been some sweet seraj)h delegated for some inspiring purpose to breathe here, for a short time, the melodies of a haj^pier sphere. But as she was not an angel, and of course not exempt from the wants which betide humanity, our crew began to cast about how they might best relieve the bereavements of her condition. They pronounced it an impropriety, bordering on shame, that one so young, so beautiful, and who could sing so sweetly, should be left to want any of the good things of this life ; and immediately raised a sub- scription sufficient to afford an ample com|)etence, for many months to come, to her and her blind father. As she floated oft' in her light skift' towards the shore, with a purse in hand containing two hundred dollars in gold, the sailors watched her as they would had she been a sweet cherub that had just dropped out of heaven. SAILORS AND SINGING GIRL. 115 There is no being in the world so easily moved to acts of charity as a sailor ; he will share his last jDennj, not only with a needy shipmate, but with a. stranger, with a person he never met before, and never expects to meet again. Almost any amount of money, exceeding, perhaps, that due the individual members of the crew, might be raised on board one of our ships, in behalf of a plain, simple object of charity. It is necessary, on such occasions, to limit them to a certain sum, otherwise but few would return home with a shilling in their pockets. Though, in truth, this would but little affect their pecuniary condition three weeks after -having reached the shore, this being usually a longer time than is necessary for the sailor to rid himself of all his wages for three years of hard- ship and peril. Those of us who fancied in ourselves a passion for music of a higher pretension than what flowed from the lips of the little girl, went on shore to the Carla Felice, where we heard Madam Unguer, in Anna Boleyna — an opera in which she displays the full force of her astonishing powers. Her genius is adapted to the wild, turbulent, and tragical incidents of life ; she expressed the love, indignation, despair, and con- scious innocence of Henry's wife, with a power and pathos that reached every heart. Each motion, look, and tone, betrayed the grief, anger, and forgiveness of the roval victim. IIG ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. ISTot the sight of the execrable axe in the Tower of London, with which she was beheaded, affected me half so deeply. The one produced a dark revulsion of feeling, the other filled me with a living sym^pathy ; the one disposed me to execration, the other to tears. JSTo man, it appears to me, can listen to this opera, sustained in all its parts with the ability it was this night, without imbibing a fi^esh reverence for virtue, and a deeper detestation of vice. Carla Felice, as an edifice, reflects credit on the present taste of the Genoese. It is rich and stately, and free of the meretricious ornaments which disfigure their earlier architecture. The arrangements and or- naments of the interior are elegant and chaste, while many of the stage decorations are truly superb. In finishing and famishing a theatre, there is usually a wide departure from the simplicity of good taste. It would seem as if some reeling vision of delight had dazzled and confounded the judgment of the artist, and he heaps one ornament upon another till the beauty of the original design is lost in a maze of gilding and false devices. Nor does the Sanctuary, with all its high and sa- cred associations, often escape entirely the effects of tliis frivolous, fantastic spirit. Not only are tlie churches in Genoa, and in Catholic communities generally, scandalized in this form, but they seldom escape where they have been reared and consecrated by the iconoclastic spirit of Protestantism. A SPRIGHTLY BED-FELLOW. 117 You will sometimes find, even in a Methodist iiieeting-house, where the seats have scarcely the comfort of a back, a red velvet cushion on the pulpit, with its showy embroidery, long fringe and prodigal tassels, falling far down over the many colored panels : all the work of aspiring young ladies, who it would seem had hit upon this mode of displaying, to the best advantage, their handicraft, in the hope, perhaps, that it may attract the eye of the young expounder, or of some one else in want of a quiet, industrious, and excellent wife. What a pity our sprigs of divinity lose, as they usu- ally do, all the advantage to be derived from these unerring intimations, by getting a wife before they get a pulpit ; or, what is worse, by entering into engage- ments, which, by the way, they sometimes break, and without any other provocation than the superior attractions of another ; a breach of trust for which they ought to be broken themselves. If one of them ever enters the pulpit of a church where I am, though my seat should be in the upper gallery, I would get out of the building, if I had to let myself down by the lightning-rod. Enough of this. At the close of the opera, we went and took rooms at the Hotel de Yille, one of the many excellent establishments of the kind to be met with in Genoa. Here you have nothing to annoy you, save at night, a little fellow, who springs from his covert Avith an uncertainty and ubiquity of mo- lis ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. tion whicli the most dexterous politician, in all Lis shifts for office, can never surpass. He is more sub- tle than the mosquito, who foolishly sounds his little horn at his approach ; for the only warning he gives is in the injury he inflicts ; and, if you attack him, he is off at some other point, where perhaps he was least expected, till, at last, wearied with this unavailing warfare, you resign yourself unconditionally to his malice. Pity he has none, since the most tender of the other sex are most thoroughly his victims. Still, there is something to admire about this little fellow : his selection of Italy as the favorite place of his abode, his choice of the ladies in his piratical ad- ventures, and the soft hour of night in which he moves, are all indications of a refined taste and an exquisite classic turn. At Paris they treat him with a rudeness utterly at variance with the urbanity which we are accustomed to accord to this most polite people. We saw four of them there harnessed into a car- riage, which they rolled about with a quick, well- regulated step ; others were dancing a quadrille, in which they balanced and exchanged partners with the most unexceptionable ease and grace. The waltz appeared to make them giddy, or perhaps its want of delicacy offended them ; for they never could be coaxed or compelled to excel in it. Others still, who had been less favored of nature, were on a treadmill, where, step by step, upon the ever deceiving wlie< ^ TOUR THROUGH THE PALACES. 119 tlicy were compelled to turn a complication of ma- clunerj which none but French ingenuity could ever have adapted to the energies of a flea ! The next morning, taking with us a cicerone, who was rather an honorable exception to the usual char- acteristics of his frail fraternity, we sallied forth on a tour of palaces — an occupation in which we were agreeably entertained for several days. These ad- mired edifices, though rarely constructed of the most precious material, and often disparaged by architect- ural imitations painted on the fa9ade, are yet not de- ficient in solidity and grandeur. The spacious court around which the whole is built, w^ith its marble porticoes tow^ering up through the centre of the vast pile, — the broad marble steps on which you ascend to the different lofts, — the mar- ble balconies from w^hich you survey the busy streets below, — the lofty terrace, waving wath the orange, oleander, and lemon, that here strike their roots deep and strong in a soil sustained by spreading arches, and refreshed with the play of sparkling fountains, — the magnificent saloons, with their floors of smooth and beautifully stained mastic, and arched ceilings, covered with classic frescoes, and the walls, hung with tapestries, mirrors, and gold, or adorned with the still richer triumphs of art, — all excite an admira- tion w^hich, if not unqualified, is yet deep and en- durino*. o These princely mansions are not only to be found 120 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. sep^irately in different sections of the city, but they border three of the principal streets so continuously, that scarce an intervening object occurs to break the overpowering impression. Captious criticism may indeed find in their architecture faults sufficient to stir its supercilious vanity and spleen, but to one v\'lio forgets minor defects in prevailing excellencies, they will ever be objects of genuine admiration. The proprietor of such a princely mansion is often encountered by the visitor gliding softly through the apartments, and presenting, in his dress and person, an evidence of abstemiousness and simplicity that would more appro]3r lately become the cell of an an- chorite. His incurious look leads you to regard him as some poor stranger incapable of appreciating the objects of art around him, or as some dreaming en- thusiast whose thoughts have run on more exalted and subtle themes, till he has ceased to be affected by these tangible forms of magnificence and beauty. Yet, before you have finished this comment, you will find him perhaps suddenly pausing before some half perished painting, which to you is little more than a blank, and with steadfast look prying into its dim shadows, as if he were penetrating the mysteries of death. Would that he could penetrate the reali- ties of that untried change, and bring forth its moral map ! But the secrets of the shroud lie beyond the men- tal reach of man. What we were, before embodied MYSTEIUES OF THE FUTURE. 121 in this breath iiig world, and what we are to become Avhen we pass out of it, are to him alike unknown. Life, death, the past, and the future, are all a deep and solemn mystery : yet we are gay as if we knew from whence we came, and whither we are going. We are but bubbles which the stream of time bears on its ruffled breast to the ingulfing ocean of eter- nity. Like bubbles on a sea of matter borne, We rise, we break, and to that sea return. 6 122 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. CHAPTER III. Hark to the bell, from convent turret pealing ! Its mellow music fills the balmy air ; Meekly around the white-robed altar kneeling, The vestal virgins hymn their matin prayer : Their pure devotions breathe again on earth The sacred charm that hovered 'round its birth. GKNOA AND THE GENOESE A REUNION BY MOONLIGHT THE SUICIDe's BRIDGE THE DOME OF CARIGNANO THE ALTAR OF HOPE RELUC- TANT CONFESSIONS CHAPEL OF JOHN THE BAPTIST OANOVA's GRIEF, HOPE, AND FAITH RAPHAEL'S ST. STEPHEN PAINTINGS OF RUBENS AND GUIDO CHAPEL OF THE CARMELITES SALOON OF THE SERRA PALACE PAINTING OF CARLO DOLCI ASYLUM FOR MUTES THE GIRLS OF GENOA THE MAGDALEN OF PAUL VERONESE THE BUST OF COLUMBUS THE PAST AND THE PRESENT OF GENOA ASPIRA- TIONS OF HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. The streets of Genoa, with a few splendid ex- ceptions, are extremely narrow ; and their confined alley-like character is rendered seemingly still more restricted by the attitude of the buildings. You look up from the pavement as from the bottom of some deep chasm, and discover, with a feeling bordering on insecurity, the elevation of the aperture communi- cating with the blue sky, but you quite des]jair of reaching that place of freer resph-ation, except by some ladder little less in height than the one which rose on the Patriarch's dream ! MEETING BY MOONLIGHT. 123 You occasionally discover an arch thrown across from the balcony of one dwelling to another, though a youth of elastic limb would hardly need that giddy bridge to aid his transit, especially if winged by the impatient hope of meeting there the Medora of his heart. The spot itself may sometimes be the mutual refuge or resting-place of affection ; for I once saw on one of these, at the dead of night, between me and the moon, two clasping forms, so light, distinct, and soft in outline, you would have said the grave had given up the most beautiful of its tenants — or that two embodied 'spirits had stepped from their wandering cloud to linger there in admiration of the splendor and silence which reigned over the sleeping life of the city. But these slight arches, trod by love, are far less lofty than one connecting two more substantial ele- vations within the precincts of the town. This springs bold and free over the tops of buildings, high enough of themselves to dwindle the jostling crowd of the street into dwarfs. From this the ruined in fortune and the broken in hope, frequently cast themselves down, ending at once life and its press- ing sorrows. This fatal step would less deserve our criminating rebuke, could they in that fall "leap the life to come ;" but they only pass to the fearful reali- ties of that existence from which, even in the ut- most depths of the future, there is no escape to be found. 124 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. Yet, I never stopped at the forsaken grave of a poor suicide without feeling more inclined to tears than maledictions. The bitterness of disappoint- ment, the weight of anguish, and the wear and fever of the heart that can in themselves reconcile a man to death, and make him consent to become his own executioner, must have an energy which none but those who have some time or other partially har- bored the frightful purpose, can fully comprehend. AYhat man of intellect and sensibility could rail at the grave of the author of Lacon ? Even merited reproach falters at a recollection of his transcendent powers, and erring charity veils the terrors of his suicidal guilt. But in times like these, when this species of crime is becoming fearfully frequent, I connnend to my thinking reader the Suicide's Argu- ment, and Nature's Answer — by Coleridge : Ere the birth of my life, if I wished it or no, No question was asked me — it could not be so ! If the Hfe was the question, a thing sent to try, And to Uve on be yes ; what can no be ? — " To die." nature's answer. Is't returned as 'twas sent ? Is't no worse for the wear ? Think first, what you are ! Call to mind what you were ! I gave you innocence, I gave you hope, Gave health, and genius, and an ample scope. Return you me guilt, lethargy, despair ? Make out the invent' ry ; inspect, compare ! Thtiii die — if die vou dare ! RELUCTANT CONFESSIONS. 125 K^ear this bridge of death — as if to lure the de- spairing to the light and promises of a better hope — stands the beautiful churcli of Carignano. A dome of graceful spring lets in the soft light upon the wor- shipper, as he kneels in the low nave amid the breathing statues of those who, like him, have meekly wrestled with their lot. He feels there not utterly forsaken in his sorrows ; around him are those who once wept, trusted, and triumphed. There, too, is the sweet face of hek whose all-pitying look sheds encouragement over the broken heart of the penitent — and there, too, is the boundless compassion of Him whose merits and mercy are the refuge of a ruined world. To this altar let 7ne come ; but, alas ! I haye no offerings to bring, except the blighted remains of be- trayed purposes, and violated vows : these bathed in tears I lay down with a blush of contrition and shame. May the strength of higher and holier resolves brace me to the responsibilities which gather wide and deep over this deathless soul. I have slumbered too long : the fresh hours of the morning have all passed from the dial of my life ; the index has reached the meridian, and nothing yet has been attempted worthy of myself, or the duty I owe my God and my fellow- men. Awake, my heart ! though pulseless, prostrate, and cold, yet awake ! The bent reeds where the tempest hath been, have come up ; and the fettered earth on 120 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. which the winter had cast its icy chain, has opened into blossoms and song, but thon, like one on whom the grave hath closed, stirrest not ! Awake ! rise in thy rallied life and strength, if it be but to struggle, to bleed, and die ! Although these confessions and self-reproaches flow all unbidden from m}^ inmost heart, yet I must turn to that in which the reader can find a more pleasing interest. Leaving the statues which adorn the nave of Carignano, and which are the work of Puget — the Michael Angelo of France — we went to the Cathedral, which derives its interest less from its architectural pretensions, than its venerable age. The exterior is cased with alternate layers of white and black marble, distinct, and strongly marked as the American and the sable sons of Africa, whom oppression and crime have chained to our soil. In one of the chapels dedicated to John the Bap- tist, we were shown the iron urn believed by many to contain the ashes of that forerunner of Christ. As this pioneer was sacrificed to the whim of a frivolous female, none of her sex are allowed to approach his shrine. We found here, also, the celebrated emerald vase, reputed to have been presented by the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, and taken at Cesarea by the band- ed hosts that went out to rescue the Holy Sepulchre. I cannot but half regret that the recent tests of skep- tical science have decided this splendid trophy to be only a composition of polished glass ! Life itself is 127 a delusion, and why break the bubbles that float on its breath ! A monumental group in this church struck me as one of the most delicate and pleasing efforts of Cano- va's genius. Grief, in the likeness of a weeping angel, looks down with tender resignation on the tomb, while Hope, in the earnestness of an unfaltering faith, looJvS up to that anchor which Faith hath cast within the veil, l^ever before, or since, has death to me been SO disarmed of its terrors. Say what w^e will against the visible representation of sj)iritual existences, they affect us the most deeply in this form. In the one we have shape, substance, sympathy ; in the other, only a vague, intangible, ideal conception, that addresses itself to no outward sense. Think you, that the multitude would linger so around that statue which enchants the heart, if there were nothing there but the invisible creation of mind ? I think not ; and hence it is that the Catho- lic faith, with its striking palpable symbols, danger- ous, and to be deprecated as some of them are, will ever take precedence with those who are influenced more by their outward senses, than their abstract convictions. The church of St. Stephen derives its leading in- terest from a representation of that first martyr, by Kaphael, as he bows himself, with the forgiving spirit of his master, to the malice of his mnrderers. His very look of innocence and meekness w^ere enough, 128 ITALY AND TIIE ITALIANS. one would suppose, to disarm the most savage breast of its hatred. But man, when he persecutes in the name of religion, seems the more steeled to all the kindlier impulses of his nature. He lights his pro- fane brand at the altar of Heaven, and then kindles up a conflagration at which Hell might shudder. The church of the Annunziata is splendid in its marbles, but frightful in the malefactor of Corloni — broken on the wheel ; while the Ambragia, of less ambition in design and richness in ornaments, has the milder and deeper attractions derived from the life-imparting pencils of Rubens and Guido. But of all the sanctuaries here, none charmed me more than the chapel of the Carmelite nuns. This is small, simple, chaste, and in harmony with the noiseless habits of those who here enshrine their timid hopes of immortality. Would that she were here who weeps within the walls of Santa Clara ; here to kneel and hymn her vesper prayer, and then, with the wings of a dove, to fly away and be at rest. Into whatever quarter of the heaven she might j)ass, I should watch her flight as one that would pursue. But, ah ! Maria, though the wing of the turtle-dove were lent thee, and a pinion granted me of equal fleetness, yet whither could we fly ? Where escape from the all-shadowing Upas of sin and evil that blights this earth ? There is no isle, in the most sunny clime, that sor- row hath not touched ; no shore on the remotest sea. SALOON OF THE SERRA PALACE. 129 wliere Death liatli not his empire. The pall, the plume, and the sable hearse move from every point of this globe to that shadowy realm, where the mourner soon becomes the mourned. Thou strikest down the monai-ch in his hall, And leavest not the courtiei* at his side ; Thou minglest with the dance at marriage-ball, And carriest off the bridegroom and the bride ; Thou hear'st the home-returning sailor call To her he loves, then dash'st him in the tide — The brave and young, the beautiful and gay, The •' shining mark" thou ever bear'st away. We will then, sw^eet one, build our altar to Hope, and earnestly look for that promised land, where tears and farewells are unknown ; where the counte- nance of the dw^eller is ever filled with perfect light ; where the unwithered and uncrushed flowers still breathe their fragrant homage ; and where the rich harp-string mingles its music with the voice of the Eiver of the Water of Life, that floAVS " Fast by the oracle of God." Could any thing tempt our thoughts back from the excursions of Hope to this earth, and the brilliant vanity of its cities, it might be the splendors of a saloon in the Serra palace of Genoa. Here, walls and columns covered with mirror and gold, a floor of tesselated marbles, and tables of richest mosaic, fasci- nate the eye ; and you at first lialf conceive yourself 0'" 130 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. realizing the gorgeous fictions of some oriental dream : and you begin to forget the poverty, strife, and wretchedness which disfigure the condition of man. But there is one painting, among the many which adorn the costly galleries of this mansion, which brings you back to the painful reality; it is from the vivid pencil of Carlo Dolci, and represents that scene in the garden of Gethsemane in which holy Inno- cence, amid the sorrow and dismay of our shrinking nature, resigned itself to the agonies and ignominy of the cross ! He that can gaze on this scene, and feel no emotions of grief and reverence, must have a heart that pity cannot touch, or Heaven forgive ! I could take the reader to other princely edifices, to the unrivalled paintings which adorn them, the statues and marbles which heighten their claims to admiration, for no city in the world is so rich in palaces as Genoa. But there is one feature of this city which must not be passed unnoticed ; it is the provision which has been made by individual wealth for the relief of the unfortunate and poor. Here the deaf and dumb are taught to communicate their feelings, and catch the meaning of others, without the aid of an articulate language ; here the aged whom the turning tide of fortune has left wrecked on the shore, find a simple, but generous asylum ; here the orphan-boy is furnished the means of procuring a present subsistence, and of acquiring a knowledge that may subserve his after years ; and here the little ASYLUM FOR DEAF MUTES. 131 girl, who has no mother and no home, may find a cheerful refuge, where she may braid her flowers, receive the avails of her work, and at a becoming age, perhaps, make another happy with her beauty and timid worth. These are the benefactions of the more wealthy citizens of Genoa, and bespeak virtues that will be revered, when the usual forms in which wealth expresses itself will be remembered only to be pitied and despised. We were cautioned, in coming here, not to go in our purchases beyond the assurances of our own know- ledge, and we at first hesitated distrustingly over the genuineness of a string of coral beads, those little gifts which one gets abroad for an infant sister, a lisping niece, or one deeper in the vale of years, and perhaps, scarcely capable of receiving them without a surrender of the heart. But in all the purchases we made — and they were many, and some of no in- considerable value — I heard no complaints of the Li- gurian fraud. The jewelled watch that exhausted my little purse, has proved as true to the promise of its vender, as a steed to the word of a Turk. I wish I were as regular in my habits as this is in its hom's ; and as true to my real interests as this is to the sun. But I am not ; neither can you be : but were it as easy for us to correct our faults, as it is to detect them, virtue would lose the merit she now derives from the conflict. It is the hardest of substances that polish the steel the brightest. 132 ITALY A^"D THE ITALIANS. The Genoese, especially the young women, are re- markably neat in their person; even those in the humblest condition seldom offend you in a negligence of dress. The kerchief that protects the bosom may have been rent, but it has been repaired ; and its snowy whiteness blushes back the living carnation of her cheek. The stocking may betray the frequent efforts of the needle, but it sets snugly to the round instep, and there is nothing else there to make you wish the a-entle w^earer had forded one of her moun- tain streams. The daughter of the simple gardener, as she sits at market by the side of her little vegetable store, seems to have caught her conceptions of propriety from the violets of her parterre ; and the blooming girl of Recco understands how to give an additional attrac- tion to a smooth orange, or a cluster of grapes ; for she comes in her blue silk bodice, her rose-colored petticoat, her Maltese cross of gold, with her hair fancifully braided, rolled up, and interlaced with flowers, where the tuberose and the pomegranate blossom, and sprigs of rich jasmine in their mingled beauty and fragrance, are not more captivating than the bright smile which plays over her sweet face. "Who would not purchase of such a one ! I could not pass her by, though her osier basket held only the perished fruits of some blighted tree. I have ever observed that he who solicits charity for another, ur essays to sell what is liis own, is uiost successful MAGDALEN OF PAUL VERONESE. 133 when he rather stirs our admiration than pity. Emo- tions which flow from objects, in themselves agree- able, are ever more welcome guests at the heart, than those which come to claim om* compassion ; and hence it is that rich men, dying heirless, oftener Ije- queath their property to the wealthy than the poor. What a miserable thing, after all, is human nature ! But I am moralizing again without knowing it. Can a stream leave the spring and not carry with it the properties of its fountain ? We could not leave Genoa without a farewell visit to the Mary Magdalen of Paul Veronese, in the Regal Palace. This truly feminine being is here represented as in the house of the Pharisee, at the feet of our Saviour, and so full of life and tender force is each limb and feature, that your feelings, unperceived by yourself, begin to flood your eyes. Her attitude so meek and devoted ; her long and flowing locks of gold, concealing more of her face than her emotions ; that timid hand half failing in its ofiice, that look of grief and love, and those tears as they swim and fall, make you feel that there is a tenderness and sweetness in piety, which nothing can surpass or supply in the female heart. We have been to the palace of the Doges, but there is only enough there to make you grieve for what is gone. The great Council Chamber, with its lofty ceiling of Yenice-frescoes, and its stately columns of beautiful Brocatello, remains, but the statues which 13-1: ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. once adorned it have departed, and their place has been supplied by such representations as plaster and a fault-concealing drapery can bring. These men of clay and ruffles, standing so astutely in this hall of legislative wisdom, reminded me of those members of our Congress unconditionally instructed by their constituents ! But there is one thing here to which an American heart can never be wholly dead : it is a marble bust of Columbus ; and there are also three letters ad- dressed to citizens of Genoa, in his own hand-writing. These memorials reconciled us to the desolate sensa- tions of the spot ; they brought back, with flashing power, the virtues and trials, the triumphs and suffer- ings of one to whom the North owes its greatest debt of gratitude ; and who sunk to his last rest in dis- trust, desertion, and chains. But it is not for me to dress his bier, nor will I presumptively cast a flower into that fragrant and imperishable garland, that "Washington Irving has woven on his grave. Yirtue may be misrepresented, persecuted, and consigned to the shroud, but the righteous wake not more assuredly to the reality of their hopes, than this to an immortal remembrance. The reader must not suppose that every thing in Genoa wore to my eye so much of the couleur de rose as I may at first seem to intimate. I might have darkly shaded some features of this picture, without being unjust to the original ; but my first glance of 4 Genoa's past and present. 185 the place from the sea disarmed me, and I was like a painter sketching the face of the one he loves. I might with truth have brought out into mournful prominence the ignorance of the great mass, their delusive confidence in the pageantries of their re- ligion, their easily disruptured connection with a virtuous life, the jealousies and feuds which trouble their social relations, the absence of sufficient en- couragement to enterprise and industry in their civil condition, the spirit of discontent which poisons their peace, and, above all, the hated and massive des- potism that grinds them to the earth. The lingering forms of her freedom have at length departed : her Doges are in the grave ; her commerce has fled from the ocean ; Egypt and Palestine, Asia Minor and Thrace, the Mediterranean and Levant, with the thousand bright isles that gem those waters, where she was once respected and obeyed, now know her no more. Even Venice, her ancient rival, has ceased to dream of her worth. To all the East she is — what are now the thousands that once went from her bosom to perish in the Holy Land — a phantom of perished power. But a better day may yet dawn on Genoa : she is not yet the ruined votary of vice, or the crouching and creeping slave of tyranny. Another Doria, like her first, may yet arise to rally her scattered and dismayed strength, to break the iron that eats into her soul, to send the malignant despot that rivets her 136 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. chain back to his petty isle ; and, sustained by the slanting vigor of fraternal cities, she may yet grapple with the force of Austrian interference, and with indignant energy hurl back the broken links of her fetters into the very teeth of that Moloch of despotism. May this day come — may these eyes see it ; and, lovely Genoa, were not the proffer beneath thy pride, here is a heart and hand for thee ! Strike for free- dom and for self-respect, for the greatness lost and the gifts that remain ! Thousands mourn thy slum- ber, and the spirits of thy Fathers sj^eak to thee from the grave ! Sons of the mighty dead, why are ye weeping Your hearts away in unavailing woe ? Nature is bright and gay, as she were keeping A festival in heaven's seraphic glow ; But ye are sad — alas ! those dirges sweeping That plaintive Lyre — so mournfully and low — That Lyre that Harold's magic fingers strung — Too soon in sadness on the cypress hung. There it shall breathe its melancholy lay, In memory of him, whose soul of fire Gleamed through its tenement of heated clay.. Kindling and glowing down each tuneful wire, Till heart — soul — feeling — passion's wildest play, Seemed as existent only in his Lyre. Love — Freedom — Glory were his theme. Oh! when, If ever, will such numbers wake again ! FAKEWELL TO GENOA. 13' CHAPTER IV. " Oh, Italy ! how beautiful thou art ! Yet I could weep — for thou, alas, art lying Low in the dust ; and they who come, admire thee, As we admire the beautiful in death. Thine was a dangerous gift, the gift of Beauty. Would thou hadst less, or wert as once thou wast, Inspiring awe in those who now enslave thee !" DEPARTURE FROM GENOA DRIFTING IN A CALM A THEOLOGICAL FROG CONSUMMATION OF LOVE ANCHORING AT LEGHORN MORNING AND EVENING SEQUEL OF A HAPPY MARRIAGE MUTUAL RECOGNITION NIGHT AFTER LOBSTER REMINISCENCES OF CHILDHOOD. We had said or sung our farewell to Genoa, and were now on board ship, moving in company with the Flag towards Leghorn ; but it was such a move- ment as a criminal, conscious of a love of life, would desire on his way to execution. So still lay the wa- ters around us, a dog jumped overboard on to the shadow of our ship. Not a breath came sufficient to crisp the sea, and a tortoise travelling on shore in the same direction, went out of sight, though he ap- peared to be a paralytic in two of his legs, and to have lost one of the others by some unaccountable misfortune. Perluips in some horougJi election he had gone the 188 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. whole qiiadrujped^ and thinking a vote defeated as good as one gained, had scuffled himself out of a limb instead of an eije^ as is visually the case. Be that as it may, he got ahead — it may be owing to the fact that our ship did not move at all — but certainly I never saw a tortoise travel so fast as that one. The three most miserably helpless things in the world, are a ship in a calm, a whale thoroughly stranded, and a politician in bad odor. The devil himself would have nothing to do with either, unless it were the last ; he seldom utterly forsakes a political game-cock ; But keeps him at the battle, or the drill, To woi-k his master further mischief still. But what have canvassing and cock-fighting to do with our getting to Leghorn ? Just as much, reader, as the winds and waves, for they are both so breath- less and still, that our ship headed indifferently, first for the port to which we were bound, then for that which we had left. " Zounds !" said Jack, rubbing his eyes and looking again at the compass, " the stem of the ship has got into her stern, or we are going back to Genoa." " Going !" interrupted a boatswain's mate dryly, " the rocks on that shore move as much as this ship ; we have not logged a fathom these six- teen watches, and what matter which way she heads, since she don't stir. The Paddy that got on wrong side afore was right till his horse got under way ; 5 A FROG FALLING IN LOVE. 139 when the toad jumps it will be time to say whether it be back'ard or for'ard." Here the dialogue was interrupted ; but the allu- sion to the toad, so singular from the lips of a sailor, reminded me of an old friend with whom I became acquainted during my connection with the Theologi- cal Seminary at Andover, and who was, perhaps, the most remarkable frog of this age. He had, it is true, none of those glaring and striking qualities which blind one with their very brilliancy ; he was rather distinguished for sedateness, and dignity of demeanor, and that graceful amenity of deportment which intimated his high extraction. He lived a7)iong his brethren, but ahove them. There was no pride in his look, and yet he admitted none into terms of per- fect familiarity. He did not appear to be rebukingly averse to such irregularities and improprieties in others, but his voice was never heard disturbing the stillness of the night, or the sweet slumber of the morning. Like a true gentleman, he made his appearance about mid-day, under the protection of a juniper which shades the verge of the parapet on which the Institution stands. Here he was wont to sit, with a wide and variegated landscape spread out before him, and with the half-abstracted air of one pleased with outward objects, but meditating with much deeper interest on the profound mysteries of his own nature. He seemed ever to be filled with incommunicable 140 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. thouglit. His features, though strongly marked, and indicating an intellect of a high order, never but on one occasion, that I recollect, betrayed those swelling emotions, which, I know, must frequently have surged over his spirit. A small bird, with short bill and speckled wings, had alighted upon the juniper, and soon turning from all the attractions of the tree, began as devotedly to regard the beautiful green and azure dress of the being that sat composedly beneath, as if she had forgotten, in some erring fondness of fancy, those amphibious qualities so incompatible with her own habitudes and tastes. She looked, she fluttered her little wings, she jumped down from spray to spray, each one still lower, till she reached the very lowest, and then she breathed the sweetest note I ever heard from bill of bird or lip of beauty. But ere the sound died away, he whom she had thus strangely chosen, and secretly won, looked up, and the soul-yielding tenderness of that look may be imagined, but never described ! The look of my Uncle Toby into the eye of Widow Wadman, for the speck which was not in the white, might have had as much benevolence in it, but could not have had one half the fondness. From that day to this, I never saw that frog again ; but I was told, that one very much like him was seen next morning, at daybreak, making music, and that a beautiful bird was singing in concert at his side ; and tljat a few evenings after this — a thing that WE ANCHOR AT LEGHORN. 141 grieves me to relate — an owl was seen perched on a very low stump, who appeared, in the gravity of a justice of the peace, to be pronouncing between the parties an irreparable divorce. Probably this con- nection, like most of those which result from beauty, music, and sudden aifection, had proved unhappy. Whose fault it was, in this particular instance, I pre- tend not to say ; but my daughter, I would say to you — if I had one — an attachment, to be lasting, must be based upon qualities not only congenial, but equally indestructible with itself. There are proper- ties in the heart, which familiarity cannot chill, nor time impair. But I forget the ship and her destination. After nine days, by the aid of a few vagrant zephyrs, and a slight current that set in our favor, we let go our anchor at Leghorn ; a place the more welcome to me as it held a couple whom I had contributed to make happy while at Marseilles. One was a youthful Hi- bernian of character, wealth, and enterprise, the other a young Tuscan lady, as sweet and romantic a being as ever sported on the green banks of the Arno. They were devotedly attached to each other, but as he was a Protestant and she a Catholic, they could not be united here, without a virtual renunciation on his part of the distinguishing features of his creed. They had come, therefore, to France, in the hope that the less rigid forms of the Church there would per- mit their marriage ; but the ecclesiastical authorities l-i-2 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. there did not feel themselves at liberty to gratify their wishes. This was the more trying, as tlie wife of the Scotch merchant, under whose protection the young lady had come to Marseilles, was bound to her native hills, and the timid Tuscan could not discreetly return to Leghorn without her. This was their perplexing predicament when I incidentally fell in with them, and they at once consulted me on my willingness to perform the ceremony, and the extent of mj privi- lege on this subject. I told them that the rite, as performed by me, would be sacred and sound, mor- ally, the world over, and civilly, in all Protestant countries. This was enough ; their countenances lightened up ; they rose as by one impulse, took each other by the hand — their hearts had been united long before — were wed, and were happy ! This was one of those bright spots which will occa- sionally occur in a man's life ; and though I felt suf- ficiently compensated in having contributed in this form to their happiness, yet several gold pieces, mas- sive and bright, soon came to acknowledge me as their owner. But these did not much avail me, for the ladies there declaring it highly improper that a gentleman, not married himself, should be benefited by marrying others, formed a conspiracy against these little fellows of the yellow jacket, and the re- sult was, they were all dissolved in ice-creams and other delicious confectioneries. A HAPPY HONEY-MOON. 143 I have ever found that it is better in such cases to yield at once; for I had rather contend against twenty robbers, armed with pistols and knives, than one lady in the dexterous use of her innocent gifts of beauty, wit, and smiles. We must yield — it is a law of nature — and yield not only a few sequins, but that cherished ind&pendence as dear to many as life itself. Dazzled, bewildered, fascinated, we cast it down, and seem to riot in the sacrifice we have made. I said we had reached Leghorn ; and my first in- quiry was for the residence of this recently united couple, for the first moon had not yet waned on their wedded life. I found them in a quiet, vine- clad villa, crowning an eminence that swells up among the green hills which overlook the town. He was sitting in the saloon, with a volume of Burns in his hand ; she was at the harp, giving the over- flowings of her happy heart to its warbling melo- dies. They received me as if I had been the embodied spirit of their enjoyment ; and when obliged to leave them, they accompanied me down through the em- bowered walk of the garden to its gate ; and, in part- ing, he ascribed the happiness of his condition to my friendly ofiices — and she, pointing to the green leaves, told me that these might wither, but that there was a grateful remembrance of my kindness in her heart that would never fade. 144: ITALY AND IHE ITALIANS. I assured her the obligations were on my part — that I was happy in seeing her so ; and, though I had not exacted that bridal kiss, yet and here she liquidated the claim, before the sentence that might have involved it could be uttered. Keader, forgive that indiscretion : it was not my fanlt ; for what I said was wholly without an intended meaning : neither was it hers; for it was the overflowing of irrepressible gratitude. I broke from them, and, wending my solitary way back to town, felt, for once at least, very much dissatisfied with a single life. The next morning we started for Pisa ; — but shall I pass over the night that intervened ? It was not a night of soft dreams and delicious visions; it was more like the last hours of one expiring on the rack. I had supped upon lobster, and it lay upon the func- tions that should have overmastered it, like an indis- solvable rock. I had every reason, from previous experience, to apprehend such a result ; but such a silly compound is human nature, I must try again the tempting bait ; and dearly did I pay back in penitence the price of my weakness. I never could persuade myself that this animal was originally intended to be eaten ; I rather inclined to the belief, and am now fully confirmed in it, that he was intended as a visible personation of the Evil One. But I must confess, to tell the truth, that I owe this deformity of the deep an old grudge ; for my nurse, when I was jet a child, ran at me with REMEMBKANOES OF CHILDHOOD. 145 one of tliem twisting and sprawling in her hand. I was so terrified, that for a year there was no percep- tible growth in body, bone, or limb ; and this is the reason that I have never reached the stature to which my lineage entitled me. The reader may, perhaps, think this a small mat- ter, but I can assure him I do not ; for there is in man an innate reverence for height. Never shall I forget the admiring wonder with which I listened as my nurse told me of the giant who stepped over mountains and seas as if they had been mere ant- hills and puddles ; and who shook the pea-vines and plum-trees that grew in the moon ! Dear woman I I forgive her the wrong she did me in the fright, for the marvellous creations that laughed and wept, whispered and thundered through her stories. If there is about me the least touch of romance, the least love of the wonderful, I owe it all to her : she filled my infant dreams with beings of another order, with a love and madness that are not ours, with ex- ultations and agonies that belong not to man, with the sigh of winds and the shout of torrents that move not on this earth. But I forget the lobster: if I ever again, on going to rest, eat of another — meat, claw, or feeler of him — may I awake in his like- ness! 146 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. CHAPTER V. Look 'round below On Arno's vale, where the dove-colored oxen Are ploughing up and down among the vines ; While many a careless note is sung aloud, Filling the air with sweetness : — and on thee, Beautiful Florence, all within thy walls. Thy groves and gardens, pinnacles and towers, Rogers. city of pisa magnificknce of the cathedral ^violations of taste pointed out galileo and the lamp beauties of the baptistry the leaning tower extent of human credulity the campo santo of pisa soil from the holy land signs of antiquity and decay the ancestry of pisa — her ancient glory causes of decay a warning to the world of the west the disas- ters of disunion dangers apprehended from slavery duty to africa. The next day, taking a light, compact carriage, drawn by two Tuscan horses of vigorous limb and free spirit, we crossed the wide plain which borders, in rampant fertility, the banks of the Arno, and ar- rived at Pisa. Our first and most eager visit was paid to the Cathedral and its contiguous monuments ; for we were like an ambitious man looking out for a wife, who glances about at once for the queen of the circle. And, after all, this may not be so injudicious a PISA AND ITS CATHEDRAL. 147 hiethod as might at first seem ; for, if the arrow fails of reaching the bird on the topmost twig of the tree, it may strike one beneath ; and it is not always the highest bird that has the sweetest voice and the most beautiful plumage. The wild-goose always flies high ; the hawk and crow rest on lofty and barren limbs, except when engaged in rapine and plunder ; they then, like human nature in the practice of vice, descend; but they have this advantage over us — they can remount ; but man, once in the slough, is ever apt to find there his liome and his grave. It is strange that a look for the Cathedral should have brought me into this moral mire, for nothing can be more unlike it, as it is not only invested with the inspiring sentiments of its design, but with a deep charm caught from the silent lapse of six cen- turies. Its dimensions, grand and colossal, — its architecture, verging upon the massive force of the Gothic, — its material, too firm and enduring to be corroded by time,— its lofty doors of solid bronze, wrought into a maze of expressive relief, — its long, sweeping aisles, separated only by stately columns of Oriental granite and marble, — its pavement, laid in rich Mosaic, and the rosy light streaming through the stained windows, and bathing every object in hues of softest vermilion, — all im]3ress the stranger with the costly magnificence of this sacred pile. Yet, with all these excellencies, the Cathedral has defects, and violations of taste which camiot escape 148 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. the most untutored eye. The peristyle of the central nave, instead of being the support of incongruous arches, ought to pillar at once a deep dome consonant with its own majesty; and the shafts of the side aisles, instead of wandering off into the form of a cross, should have j^reserved their rectilineal posi- tion, and maintained, as far as compatible with the strange mixture of their orders, the unity and har- mony of the main design. The marble pulpit, instead of reposing on the shoulders of a statue, bending in agony under its pressing weight, should rest upon some form more substantial, more calm, more in keeping with the spot and the serene truths which it unfolds ; and the satyrs which figure on the tombs of the great, look as if they were holding a revelry over death : one would not wish to awake at the last day under the sneering laughter of such beings. It was in this metropolitan church of Pisa that Galileo was standing one day, when he observed a lamp which was suspended from the ceiling, and which had been disturbed by accident, swinging backward and forward. This was a thing so com- mon, that thousands no doubt had observed it before; but Galileo, struck with the regularity with which it moved backward and forward, reflected on it, and perfected the method, now in use, of measuring time by means of the pendulum. The Baptistry, standing in self-relying separation TIIE LEANING TOWER. 149 from the Cathedral, presents a lofty rotunda, reared of the most precious material, and combining an as- semblage of beauties and blemishes unequalled in any other monument of the middle ages. Standing in the centre, and looking up through the showering expression of its gorgeous features, you are as much at a loss whether to admire and acquit, or censure and condemn, as was the susceptible judge, pro- nouncing sentence on an erring woman whose beauty had touched his heart and bewildered his oath. The profusion of ornaments — arches swelling over arches to no visible purpose, and columns towering above columns, without an object, with the splendors of the dome, floating, like Mohammed's cofiin, be- tween heaven and earth, dazzle your vision, and over- power your critical judgment. I^or is your perplex- ing wonder diminished, when told that this magnifi- cent pile is consecrated to the christening of those little beings that have just budded to the light. The tomb of Agamemnon was an appropriate memorial of his greatness, a befitting emblem of his fame; but this sumptuous mass towers immeasurably above its uses. ISTear by stands the Campanile, or Leaning Tower, celebrated alike for the beauty of its architecture and the mystery of its inclination. Eight peristyles, ris- ing over each other in lightness and grace to the summit, relieve the solitude of its elevation, and ele- gantly robe its naked majesty. You ascend to the 150 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. top on a spiral stairway leading steeply up through the interior ; and, as you emerge to the light, at an elevation of one hundred and seventy feet, feel amply compensated for the fatigues of the ascent, in the wide and rich prospect spread beneath. From the broad and fertile valley tlirough wdiich the Arno rolls its waters, the eye turns in wilder wonder to the lofty peaks of the Apennines, pier- cing the distant sky, or to the waves of the Mediter- ranean, ever rolling and rejoicing in their light and strength. The inclination of this tower has been ascribed, by some, to an eccentricity of taste in the architect, but it more probably lost its perpendicular in the unequal settling of the foundation. I state this reasonable conjecture reluctantly ; for, so far as it may have influence, it must mar the beautiful mys- tery that has hung for ages around this monument, like a soft cloud veiling a mountain pinnacle. It has caught a mysterious charm from the silent lapse of centuries. People like so dearly to be imposed upon, and find so much pleasure in the miraculous, that I would not, were it in my power, destroy their belief in a ghost, tlie sea-serpent, or the man in the moon. I regret that the recent discoveries in that orb have been confessed a hoax ; they were fast gaining cre- dence, and would soon have passed as genuine and modest, not excepting even that crystal three hun- dred and fi'fty miles in length, and those winged CAMPO SANTO OF PISA, 151 men-bats ! Were people as credulous when informed of their weaknesses and errors, as thej are when told of the antics of a hobgoblin or the rappings of a wandering spirit, what blushes and dismay it would spread uj)on the face of a self-complacent world ! At a slight remove from the Cathedral, and in harmony with its sacred associations, lies the Campo Santo, or burial-place of the Pisans. It is an oblong- square, tastefully walled in, and affording, around the interior, a paved walk, covered with gracefully springing arcades, ornamented with vivid frescoes, where the footstep of Beauty bounds along lightly as if decay and death were not there. Let nature be cheerful about our tombs ; let the bird sing and the violet bloom — but let man bring only the tribute of his tears. He will soon need himself this tender token of regard : there is no fel- lowship in the grave ; death gives us but one em- brace, and that so cold and full of change, that they who have known us will know us no more ! The earth of this cemetery was brought from Pal- estine in the Pisan galleys, instead of the living be- ings w^hom they had taken out in Lanfranchi's cru- sade. It is held in such estimation, that the spirit which here resigns its mortal tenement is supposed to be far on its way to that land of which this is only the faint type. Were it the general faith of mankind that there were some absolving soil through which we might 152 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. all pass at last purified to the better country, many, indeed, would think lightly of it in their hours of health, but in the day of death it would be their only object of solicitude. Why, then, turn from that fountain opened in Judah and Jerusalem, whose wa- ters can wash out the deepest stains, and from which the soul may pass as without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, to the bosom of its Saviour ? Decay and ruin have now cast their deep, sepul- chral shadows over all the pride and magnificence of the Pisans. Their palaces have crumbled, their lights of science have been extinguished, their com- merce has departed, their population has gone down to the grave, and even their beautiful harbor, where once floated innumerable ships, the sands of the Arno have filled, till the weeds and wild grass wave there, as if it had ever been a stranger to the keel and oar. Silence reigns in the untrodden streets, and the lofty arches of her marble bridge, which once echoed to the stirring tread of thousands, are now gloomil}^ still as the trees that bend in darkness over the Stygian flood. Looking upon Pisa, you feel as you would were you bending over the grave of the one you love ; you almost forget the beauty that remains in the light and charms that are fled. Could we lift but one veil, it would be that which conceals the Past! The antiquity of Pisa is not a subject of greater ANCIENT GLOKY OF PISA. 153 curiosity to you than of pride to its inhabitants. They trace their origin to the veins and adventures of a few brave Greeks, who, after the results of the Trojan w^ar, w^andered hither from the banks of the Alpheus; and this high descent, seemingly so full of vanity and fable, is partially confirmed by the authority of Strabo. The separate dignity and polit- ical existence of Pisa were at length lost in the all-ab- sorbing power of Rome ; but when that overgrow^n despotism had fallen in ruins, and left only darkness and crime in its place, Pisa came forth in the form of a Pepublic, and, so far from evincing the feeble- ness of age, exhibited the energies of exulting youth. Corsica and Sardinia bowed to her prowess ; Na- ples and Palermo obeyed her dictates ; and even Carthage surrendered the treasures of its pride and fame. Her voice was heard in the shape of law among the hills of Palestine, and inspired a submis- sive respect along the castled banks of the Tiber. Her eminence in letters, her achievements in the arts, no less than the triumphs of her arms, excited the warm wonder of mankind, broke up the sleep of surrounding nations, and covered Italy with the splendors of a fresh morn. But this day-spring, even before it waxed to its meridian, was doomed to disaster ; — the bright star had not yet reached its zenith, when Florence, like a hostile orb rising in an opposite direction, encoun- tered it in t]je full heaven :— it fell, still f]asl)ing with 154 ITALY AND THE ITAIJANS. light as it sunk to its grave. Its fate was like that of all the Republics of Greece, and flowed from the same source — a spirit of fratricidal jealousy. It was this which laid Thebes in ruins, overthrew the tow- ers of Memphis, filled the Pagodas of Palibothra with woe, and drove the plough-share of ruin over the foundations of Carthage. This spirit of jealous rivalry has been the bane of all Rej^ublics, and the prime source of their calami- ties. It has driven Liberty out of the Old World — may it not expel her from the New ! Let the rival States of America realize, if their present bond of union should be dissolved, what must be the conse- quence. It would be a miracle in the experience of man, if mutual bloodshed did not ensue. Rivalry, jealousy, and sectional prejudice would bring on col- lision and disaster ; the alienated States would rush in conflict ; and their slaughtered heaps would be the funeral pyre of Freedom ! That man who talks to us of liberty and peace when the Union has been broken up, is infected with treason or insanity. You might as well talk of com- posure amid the throes of the earthquake, or of safety on the flaming verge of the volcano. All history gives his flattering prediction the lie, and what we still see in human nature stamps it with an insane absurdity. Union gone, every thing great and good must go with it : the advocates of free institutions would be covered with confusion ; while the very 15i graves of despotism would give up their dead in exul- tation. Let, then, the motto of every American be. My country as a whole, — not the ]S"orth or the South, not the East or the West, — but my country as a great and glorious whole. Let rivers roll and mountains swell to diversify its surface, but over all the pat- riotic pride and sympathies of the American heart must flow, undistinguishing and deep, as one united republican realm of the free. Alas, my country ! it is now thy sin. And ought to be thy grief, remorse, and shame — That thou, a land of freedom, hast within Thy bosom those on whom thou hast no claim But that of rapine. Dost thou think to screen Thy guilt ? yet prate of liberty 1 — yet drain Thy thankless bread from out the captive's blood? Up ! place them on the homeward-heaving flood! Oh, Africa! thy captive sons ere long Shall break their chains and hasten home to thee ; Already seems to float their freedom-song In every breeze that westward sweeps the sea — There shall they live thy plantain bowers among — A nation of the generous, good, and free : Then let that heart sink cold and motionless That pants again to traffic in thy flesh. 156 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. CHAPTER VI. Down by the City of Hermits, and, ere long, The venerable woods of Vallombrosa : Then through these gardens to the Tuscan Sea, Reflecting castles, convents, villages, And those great Rivals in an elder day, Florence and Pisa — who have given him fame. Rogers' Italy CUSTOM-HOUSE INQUISITORS OF LUCCA WE ARE ROBBED OF OUR CIGARS WE MORALIZE LIKE A PHILOSOPHER — LUCCA FROM THE MOUNTAINS GROUPS OF PEASANTRY A JOYOUS WEDDING-PARTY THE CROAKINGS OF A BACHELOR THE GOOD OFFICES HE FILLS TO SOCIETY VIRTUES OK THE LUCCHESE CITIZENS LIBERTY IN THE MOUNTAINS A BETTER DES- TINY FOR MAN FUTURE LIBERTY, FRATERNITY, AND PEACE A TRIBUTE TO DEPARTED YOUTH, BEAUTY, AND GENIUS TRIUMPHING IN UEATH THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST. Leaving Pisa on our way to Florence, a short drive brought us to the Lucchese border, where our pass- ports were demanded by an officer of the police, who seemed to feel the full dignity of his occupation. When these had undergone the inquisition, our trunks were taken down and overhauled ; the search resulted in the discovery of a box of cigars, which were at once pronounced contraband. It was hard to give up these cigars, especially when we knew these drones would so soon be enjoying their fragrance, while we, their PHILOSOPHY SERVED. 157 rightful owners, would perhaj)s be smoking any vile twist of the weed that we might fall in with. There is something in a good cigar peculiarly en- dearing and precious to those habituated to it ; it is not so much the positive happiness it can afford, as its power to soothe irritation, and calm the nervous anxieties of those to whom it has become as a neces- sary of life. It is to the body what philosophy is to the mind — a source of tranquillity. We never see an old man, after the toils of the day are over, calmly enjoying his j)ipe without a sentiment of ]3leasure ; but to see a young man puffing and prattling, creates a very different feeling. With the one it is a habit endeared and consecrated by time ; with the other it is mere affectation, or a vicious indulgence demanded neither by his cares nor his years. Kesuming our seats, it was some time before a loud word broke the sullen silence which followed the loss of the cigars. There was enough of the soft and beautiful in the scene around to wean one, as it would seem, from a much deeper calamity, but it had no such beguiling effect over our sorrow. The sun went down unobserved ; twilight came on with its purple charm unnoticed, and the bird of night poured its melody on unheeding ears. Our thoughts, feelings, and sympathies were hovering in vain regret over the loss we had sustained — a loss, after all, too trivial for a sober thought. This unfolds one of the cardinal principles of our 158 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. nature. We are all philosophers in great misfortunes, but lose our equanimity in trifles. The man of busi- ness will hear of the failure of a house deeply in his debt, or of the loss of a ship at sea, and dine with his friend as if nothing had occurred ; but if filched out of a few dollars by some designing knave, he frets, accuses his credulity, and half believes there is no honesty in the world. The man of refinement will hear that his horse has been stolen, or struck by lightning, and composedly purchase himself another ; but if some rogue has bobbed his flowing tail, he seizes his loaded whip, determined to flog every boy that shall in future approach his stable. We have seen a man stand unmoved while the flames enveloped his richly furnished dw^elling, and then be on the verge of suicide in consequence of having broken out one of his front teeth. We have seen a lady witness, without an aj^parent emotion, the crash and ruin of her carriage, and smilingly order another ; and then, in a paroxysm of anger, dismiss all her servants, because the note which By- ron wrote her could not be found. The truth is, we fret ourselves to death about trifles ; great calamities we endure with becoming fortitude, but little crosses and disappointments worry us just in proportion to their insignificance. Our feelings are like streams which chafe most where the water is the shallowest. Ascending a circling range of lofty elevations, Lucca presented itself below, in the midst of a broad GROUPS OF THE PEASANTRY. 159 verdant valley, around which nature had cast this mountain barrier. Daylight yet lingered sufficient to betray its embracing wall, with its broad, con- tinuous parapet, and embowering belt of trees. The tumult of the city had subsided, or partially passed oif with the peasantry, who were seen in every direction wending their way to their distant homes. The burdens they were bearing showed that their arrival would make many a heart glad around their hearths ; these were not luxuries, or any of the ex- travagancies of pride and variety, but simple, ser- viceable articles, such as affection, with the most slender means, would procure. The brother had not forgotten his fond sister ; the son had remembered his widowed mother, now waiting the return of her orphan-boy ; and the father had numbered over his children again to see that he had procured for each some gift ; nor was she, who had been newly arranging the coarse furniture of the cabin, and trying to create a pleasurable surprise in the more comfortable appearance of the household, beyond the recollections and tokens of that conjugal devoted heart. " At length his lonely cot appears in view, Beneath the shelter of an aged tree ; The expectant loee-things, toddlin, stacher thro' To meet their dad, wi' flichterin noise and glee. His wee bit ingle, blinkin bonnily, 160 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. His clean heartlvstane, his thriftie wifie's smile, The lisping infant prattling on liis knee, Does a' his weary carking cares beguile. An' makes him quite forget his labor and his toil." Leaving our passports with the police at the gate, we passed to the Hotel Rojal de I'Europe, an ex- tensive establishment, exceedingly well kept, and usually quiet, but which had now been rendered rather tumultuous, and extremely gay by the festivi- ties of a wedding party. They were full of song, anecdote, and repartee ; and their occasional bursts of laughter shook the whole building with their ex- plosive energy. Why cannot people enter into the marriage state without such a troublesome exhibition of joy ? We see nothing in the occasion calculated to inspire mirth, but on the contrary, much that might justly awaken solicitude and tears. Who can tell what may betide ? That nuptial wreath may not yet have faded when the eye that now flashes beneath its fragrant bloon^ may be closed in death ! That costly bridal dress, enriching and betraying the beautiful form, may not yet have received a soil from time or an invasion from fickle fashion, when it must be laid aside for the pulseless shroud ! and those who have now met to congratulate and make merry, may, ere another moon shall wane, meet to sympathize and mourn ! But this, you will say, is like a crusty old bachelor, w^ho never furnishes such an occasion of rejoicing USES OF AN OLD BACHELOR. 161 himself by submitting to the chains of Hymen, and croaks when others do. ITow I take this occasion to say in behalf of the whole bacheloric fraternity, that the flings so often thrown out against us are by no means deserved. The life of a bachelor is as full of benevolence as the sun is of light ; wherever he goes he is regarded as common property, or rather a com- mon blessing, and all avail themselves of his kind- ness, indulgence, and simplicity as freely as they breathe the atmosphere. There is not a mother who does not look upon him as the husband of her daugh- ter, provided her more youthful expectations shall be disappointed elsewhere. He is considered a resource against all contingen- cies of this kind ; and then the widows, too, they re- gard him as one providentially left in this state to meet their condition. Besides this, the little chil- dren of the whole neighborhood look to him as a sort of common uncle ; they run to meet him as he walks ; gather around his chair as he sits, climb his knees, finger his locks, pick out his breast-pin, and get his watch out of his pocket to their ear, and then they want to know when he is going to take another ride in his carryall, when he is going again to Mrs. Bus- tle's fancy shop, or Mrs. Filbert's confectionery. He, with a benevolence that melts like dew on the tender plants, instead of feeling himself annoyed, has a smile, a kiss, and a promise for each and for ah. And he will keep that promise, too ; he is the only 162 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. being in the world wlio keeps his promises to chil- dren. But he is not only this kind and benevolent being, when those around him are in health, but more es- pecially so, when sickness has overtaken any of them. He will hunt all day to find a bird that may suit the weak or fastidious stomach of the patient ; and though after all this |)ains-taking, not a bone of it may be picked, yet he is just as ready to start the next day and look up another : and all this is done for wife, widow, or child alike. If death renders vain these kind attentions, his benevolence flows off in another channel. Those mourning dresses, which were beyond the means of the mourner, but not beyond her grief, have been, unbeknown to others, supplied by him ; for he letteth not his left hand know what his right hand doeth. Often the simple slab is erected by him, and still oftener those left in orphanage and want share the affection and solicitude of his paternal heart. Were his hearth large enough they would all be grouped about it, a group now more dear to him as their other supports and hopes have been broken. Such are the feelings, and such the benevolent habits of the good old bachelor. He is a blessing to the community in which he lives. He is a hus- band for all the widows, and all those disappointed elsewhere ; he is the indulgent uncle of all the chil- dren ; he attends to the sick, buries the dead, and VIRTTJES OF THE LUCCHESE. 163 takes care of the living. Blessings on him ; bless- ings on his occupation ; blessings on his memorj ; and be his the blessing of a patient cherishing wife long before he shall be under the sod. There is but little in Lucca to detain the curious traveller. The cathedral is in imitation of the one at Pisa, but inferior in every respect ; the royal palace, in the absence of architectural pretensions, has one feature to recommend it — every article of its superb furniture is the work of Lucchese artisans. The citi- zens are remarkable for their industry, virtue, and love of liberty ; the peasantry, especially those occu- pying the woody steeps, are hardy, and represent a race that gloried in their independence. They sub- sist mainly on the chestnut, which grows here very large ; and when boiled or roasted, is very nutritious. On this simple fare their spirits are always light and buoyant, and notwithstanding the exertions of despotism, their limbs are still fetterless and free as the winds that visit their lofty dwellings. .Those in the vales, and the lowlands of the Serchio, may clank the chain, but the songs of freedom will still be echoed about the stupendous steeps of the Apennines. Their rallying-call is the loud thunder, their spears are tipped with lightning, and their rush is like that of the torrent rolling from the dark bosom of the rent cloud. The car of despotism has rolled in triumph over all the peopled plains of the civilized world, but on 164 ITALY AND THE ITALIANS. the nigged mountains, and about tlie inaccessible cliffs, there have ever been those who have main- tained their indej^endence ; who have kept the beacon- lights of freedom constantly burning — watch-fires, that with inore than a comet's power have cast their ominous light into the pale recesses of kings. When tyranny shall have extinguished these, it will have achieved its last triumph, and liberty lost its last hope. But they are not thus to be extinguished ; a better destiny awaits human nature. Man shall not always mourn, and lowly bend His neck to pave a pampered despot's way ; His spirit " cribbed, confined," will yet ascend, As eagles soar towards the source of day: His freedom-shout shall with his torrents blend, And fill Imperial Senates with dismay. While on the wall an unseen hand will fling The mystic words that blanched Assyria's king. Like him disowned of God, denounced, discrowned, Monarchs shall mock the diadems they wore ; Nor parasite nor crouching slave be found Where satraps knelt and nations bowed before ; While o'er the mount, the river, plain, and sea. Ascends to God the anthem of the free. Spirit of Liberty ! thou art endowed With such an energy as will compel This earth to thy embrace : monarchs have bowed To thee, and must, or hear their hurried knell ! Spirit of Liberty ! thy sacred light Streams up the heaven to herald in the day FUTURE FBATEKNITY Al^D PEACE. 165 When roused-up nations, resting fronai the fight And carnage of the field, shall meekly lay Their clashing weapons by, no more to blight And mar that form which God hath clothed with light. Then will the clarion, voiceless as the grave, No more arouse the war-steed with its breath, Nor summon forth the unreturning brave, Nor peal its larums through the ranks of death — But through the world shall sound the slave's release, And loud hosannas to the Prince of Peace. After a page or two more on Florence, abruptly suspended in the midst of a sentence, the Notes on Italy were never re- sumed by Mr. Colton ; and they were left to the day of his death uncorrected, just as he jotted them down in the leaves of his Journal. The work of the Editor in putting the foregoing Notes into shape, as well as those we have called " The Sea and the Sailor," has been not unlike that of the painter in restoring an old picture, or of an engraver in cutting the lines of his design. Though it be not exactly what the Author would have done, had he himself attempted it, the Editor ventures to believe that full justice has been done to his head and heart. Our track of Mr. Colton's footsteps in the Mediterranean, which many have followed with pleasure through " Ship and Shore " and " Land and Lee," is here necessarily ended. With the following delicate tribute of regard to one whose presence in the Constellation, during her cruise in the Mediterranean, gave an embellishment seldom known to life in a frigate, we pass to other valuable remains never before published. There was one — who often accompanied us in our diversions along the shores of the Mediterranean — one who frequently gave to such occasions an interest loo A TRIBUTE TO WORTH AND BEAUTl'. beyond the objects which lured our steps — one who Avould light up the most common themes with her sparkling gems of thought, or supply the worn topics with others, brilliant and fresh from recollection and fancy — one who made others happy, without seeming to be conscious that she was the source ; and who ever delicately evaded, as if misplaced, the admira- tion her youth, genius, and beauty awakened — who now, alas ! has left us forever ! She has gone from the circle of our friendship, and the hearth of her fond father, to return no more ! Over the pleading youth of her age, and the retaining force of our affec- tion, death has sadly triumphed ! The delicate virtues that had bloomed, and those that were timidly expanding to the light, have per- ished from the earth ! The form that moved so lightly; the eye that beamed with such tenderness and hope ; the lips that ever breathed the accents of gentleness and truth ; the ear on which music never sacrificed its charm ; the rich locks that rendered the cheek still more transparent in the relief of their raven darkness ; and the face, filled with the expres- sions of sweetness and beauty, and where no frown ever cast its shadow — all have gone down into the silent recesses of the grave ! The ship in which she had traversed the ocean — ■ where she had seen the wonders of God displayed in the deep — had returned from its long absence : the green hills of her native land were breaking thehori EXPECTATION AND DISAPPOINTMENT. 167 zon ; another day, and she would tread that beloved shore. Many were gathered there to whom she was tenderly allied, and who waited to embrace her with a sister's yearning love : she had redeemed the j^ledge in which they parted ; and often beguiled their lonely hours with the gi-aphic beauties of her pen : they now waited to enfold her in their arms, and half blamed the breeze that brought the ship so slowly to her anchor. They were the first on board, and sought first the one they most loved. Alas ! the pale form was there, but the spirit that gave it light and animation had fled ! Still the tokens of its peaceful departure lin- gered in the sweet composure of her face ; the calm brow was still written with thought ; the cheek softly tinged with the dreams of her rest. They had come to greet her, to hear her speak, and welcome her home ; but the only office that now remained, was to consign to the earth this beautiful relic : with break- ing hearts, they dressed her grave on the banks of that stream where she strayed in her childhood, and where long the melancholy wave will murmur the music of her name. What avails it now that she so widely surveyed the scenes which lend attraction to other shores ? that she wandered among the hills of Greece, and gazed at the bright isles of the JEgean ? — that she lifted her eye to the solemn dome of St. Sophia, and vvalked in the deep shadows of the Coliseum at 168 THE SECRET OF HEK PEACE. Kume? — that she saw Yenice emerging in splendor from the wave, and Etna still sending up its steep column of cloud ? — that she glanced through the gay saloons of Parisian pride, and lingered along the banks of the Nile ? — that she surveyed the pyramids of moldered Egyj)t, and made her pilgrimage to the desolate city of David ? — that she stood in the garden v/here persecuted love resigned itself to the bitter- ness of its cup — on. that, mount where the Innocent suffered, that the guilty might live — and by that tomb which once sepulchred the hopes of the world ? Ah ! these availed her ; for these mementoes of a dying Saviour's affection, and of his triumph over death, were themes upon which her latest and fond- est thoughts dwelt. She knew, at length, that her hour had come, but her confidence in the faithful- ness of this Redeemer made her a stranger to dis- may ; she felt that she was passing beyond the as- siduities of mortal friendship and affection, but she cast herself resignedly upon the love of this compas- sionate Jesus. Her last faint accents whispered of the Cross, and of that land where tears and farewells are unknown. Shall we see one dying so young, and with so many objects to attach her to life, and not be re- minded of the hastening hour when we must follow her? Shall the admonition that tenderly speaks from her grave be lightly regarded ? Shall the se- raphic look in which she died be soon forgotten ? FAITH TRIUMPHS OVER DEATH. 169 Shall the religion, displaying the signet of her resig- nation and triumphant hopes, continue to be a stran- ger to these hearts ? If one so faultless could not die without the light of a Saviour's love, how shall we, in our sins of deeper shade, meet the King of Terrors ? Ah ! there is only one Being that can sustain in that last hour of need ; only one that can furnish, in this extremity of nature, a refuge for the soul. This One has long been near us, waiting to be gracious ; he has tarried without, suing for admission to our confidence, till his locks are wet with the drops of the night. Happy he who admits this Saviour to his in- most heart : death may then break down and lay in ruins this mortal form ; but the spirit will have given it " the wings of the dove, that it may fly away and be at rest." 8 RODIEKER'S YOUTH A POEM. Around an infant's grave fresh flowers are springing, Which scent the zephyrs with their balmy breath ; Above that grave the early birds are singing, Blithely as they who little know of death : How lightly falls on flowers and waving leaf, And warbling bird, the touch of human grief! And near that grave a little child is seen. With flowing ringlets and a glancing eye, Darting about the fragrant shrubs between, In eager haste to catch the butterfly : He little heeds the tender flowrets crushed, As o'er their forms his flying footstep rushed. m. Rodieker's mother o'er his infant mind The tender light of heavenly truth diff'used ; She taught him where his withered hopes might find A higher boon than fortune had refused ; A fount of bliss whose gushing wave shall roll In limpid freshness o'er the thirsting soul. 172 eodieker's youth — a poem. IV. She made him feel he lived beneath an Eye Whose sleepless vigilance extends to all — Beneath a Love that hears the raven's cry, Beneath a care that marks the sparrow's fall ; And that the Smile which cheers these fragile things, Around his steps a holier radiance flings. And oft at eve she knelt with him in prayer : His little hands were clasped — his eyes to heaven In trusting sweetness lifted, as if there Some infant error sought to be forgiven — Some sorrow soothed — some disappointment made A blessing to the hope it had betrayed. VI. How sweet, how beautiful that kneeling pair ! It was as if a bright-eyed cherub knelt Beside its guardian-angel, lighting there, And breathing o'er its plumes the bliss it felt, And, like the bird that soars the Alpine height. Tempting its nursling to a higher flight. vn. And yet, all mortal rose that mother's prayer: " Father," she said, " oh ! bless my darling child Preserve his infant steps from error's snare. And keep his tender bosom undefiled ; And grant to him that gem of heavenly light, Which only they who have can read aright." -A POEM. 173 vm. And then she laid him in his quiet rest, But often to his couch would softly creep, And hang above his lightly-heaving breast ; And often would she smile, and often weep : She wept, she knew not why ; but 'twas a joy, E'en through her tears to watch her sleeping boy. A mother's love ! how innocent and deep ! E'er gushing up from its exhaustlesa source : Alike through shade and sun its waters leap. With silent, salient, and resistless force : So pure, a seraph might within its wave Untouched by earth its glowing pinions lave. My mother ! sure in that seraphic sphere. Where dwell the meek, remembrance thou'lt retain, And cherished care of loved and lost ones here ; For oft, when night asserts her silent reign, Adown the depths of air that music streams With which thou lull'dst to rest my infant dreams. XI. I seem to lie in thy dear arms as then. And look up to thy face so full of light ; Thy soft maternal eyes meet mine again, As shaded fountains gush upon the sight : Its silken lashes seem as if they hid A heaven of speechless rapture 'neath the lid. 174 eodiekee's youth — a poem. XII. It cannot be, my mother, thou art dead : — A fond illusion proffers this relief: If not thy breast on which I lay my head, It is thy care that thus consoles my grief : — Ah, death ! that lifeless form may rest with thee, My mother's love shall still survive with me. XIII. And I will hive it deep in my heart's core, And to its teachings turn with that sweet awe, In which the meek enthusiast kneels before An oracle that speaks in shape of law : Yet breathes its mandate in so soft a tone. The listener thinks the whisper was his own. XIV. Rodieker's gentle mother had those features Which rather win than waken admiration; She might have furnished young poetic preachers A key to portraits limned in Revejation So indistinctly, that a living soul Seems requisite to represent the whole. But she was one who, at a hasty glance. Would hardly strike as beautiful, and yet Some hidden charm of form or countenance, Like silver planets when the sun has set, Would seem to cast its veil of shadows by, And timidly advance upon the eye.- -A POEM. 1T5 XVI. Her very presence on your wonder stole With such an atmosphere of tender light, It seemed as some aurora of the pole Were melting down the silent depths of night ; And yet you felt that merely light and air Could never form a thing so sweet and fair. Her features were most delicately molded, And so transparent seemed her dimpled cheek, That when her large black eye its rays unfolded, Her face was lighted like some Alpine peak. When zephyrs roll the circling mists away. And on its summit breaks the blush of day. Her step was airy, yet it had precision As lifted in a certain place to light ; Her form just filled your chastened eye's decision; Her stature rose beyond the medium height, And yet so harmonized in every part, It seemed quite small when mirrored on the heart ! XIX. Her voice was soft as warble of a bird, And yet it had sufficient depth of tone — You listened to its flow as if you heard A strain of music, which the breeze had thrown Upon your ear from some wild woodland lyre, Or Seraph's harp, or old Cathedral choir. 176 rodieker's youth — a poem. XX. She broke upon you softly as the day, Or Dian from her circumambient cloud ; The triumph which her beauty bore away Was not the noisy homage of the crowd It was that silent worship which ascends As o'er its shrine a trusting spirit bends. XXI. You felt that such a one, if death were nigh, Could cheer and soothe you, though she might not save ; You thought how sweetly on your closing eye Would fall each glance her tender spirit gave ; While meekness showed where guilt might be forgiven, And mercy plumed the parting soul for heaven. xxn. Rodieker's father was a shrewd physician, With less of science than of tact and skill ; No word of sternness or of cold derision E'er mocked the most imaginary ill : He deemed such patient might be often cured, By listening to the ills which he endured. XXIII. And he would sit from hour to hour and list The random snatches of a nervous dream, Which took as many features as the mist That shapes its shadows o'er a murmuring stream And still he listened on, as if he caught Some new idea in each vagrant thought. 177 But when disease its real shape betrayed, And peril on his panting patient pressed, Observant, cool, collected, undismayed — Detecting symptoms doubtfully expressed — He traced the fearful fever to its source, With skill and power to grapple with its force. If health ensued, he never spoke of skill ; If death, he stood resigned and calm as one In silence watching, o'er the twilight hill, The circle of the disappearing sun : He felt that orb will not more surely break The Orient wave, than man from death awake. XXVI. But glance we now at young Rodieker's home — A stern old mansion, built of rough-hewn stone, And standing 'neath the deep embowering dome Of antique oaks and maples, which had thrown Their sturdy limbs and leaves, in matted woof, Above its heavy walls and moss-grown roof. XXVII. Behind it towered, precipitously steep, A mountain-range of forest-feathered rocks ; The toppling crags frowned o'er a torrent's leap. Whose rushing footsteps shook the granite blocks, And plunged into a lake below, where rose That strangling strife which mutual hate beiRtow^ir 8-^ 178 eodieker's youth — a poem. The deep lake trembled to its shaded shore, And rolled its crested waves against the foe ; But each advancing billow sunk before Its whelming strength, and disappeared below ; While others crowded on as fierce and brave, To shout defiance o'er their roaring grave. XXIX. But far removed from this tumultuous scene. Where circled from the lake a quiet bay, Protected by the rocks which intervene, And screened by chestnuts from the summer's ray, Was seen a snow-white swan, pure and at rest. Like conscious innocence in virtue's breast. XXX. And near this swan a little bark canoe Was glancing o'er the waters — light the oar Which urged its course, and glad the wild hallo That hailed the swan, which seemed to shun the shore, But ever to the boat turned back its eye, Like girl to lover whom she feigns to fly. XXXI. And young Rodieker balanced well his boat, A Huron chief could not have trimmed her better; Few, save a politician, thus afloat, But would have missed their balance and upset her ; But he excels all others as a trimmer. And, if capsized, will prove a dextrous swimmer. -A POEM. xxxn. Now light as cork he floats among the bubbles, And keeps the current whereso'er it tends : He has at times, 'tis true, his little troubles, Such as the trimmer has with drowning friends But off he darts, as quick as flying trout, And leaves them all to help each other out. Give me a Locofoco in foul weather : When drives the wrecking gale through hail and fog, He calmly calls his haggard crew together, And orders each a double glass of grog ; Then jumps into the boat, when they are drinking, And in an hour is safe while they are sinking. XXXIV. Why should a man perplex his soul for others ? Or like the Tribune talk of obligations, As if mankind were all a band of brothers, And nature's God had sanctioned these relations ? No, better be as cool as Peter Schlemil, Reserved, and self-concentred as the devil. XXXV. And then he'll pass you for a gentleman, The incarnation of the beau-ideal — A perfumed martinet in fashion's van. Though almost too exquisite to be real : But still a mortal whose capacious soul, In dancing Polka, gains its utmost goal. 180 eodieker's youth — a poem. The Polka ! most repulsive rigadoon That ever revelled in the satyr's dance, When romping on the hills beneath the moon- First copied by some harlequin in France ; But now the pet of parlor, hall, and stage. And with the higher circles all the rage. When first beheld, the maid and matron blushed, As if an act of shame had found the light ; But now they wonder why that color rushed To modest cheeks at such a harmless sight : We gaze on naked statues by degrees, And what offended first now seems to please. XXXVIII. But if thou'lt keep thy heart and soul untainted. Set chastest sentinels about thine eyes ; Through them it is the shameful — chiselled, painted- Its silent, secret cankering poison flies ; Then let no image on your soul be thrown, Which Virtue's purest thought would blush to own. Return we to Rodieker's childhood-home. O'er which the maple cast its grateful shade ; While near a rushing torrent rolled its foam In ceaseless thunder down the steep cascade, And spread into a lake so broad and bright, A thousand stars slept in its depths at night. KODIEKER's youth A POEM. 181 XL. The grove resounded with the lays of birds, The verdant hills were garlanded with flocks ; The meadows sprinkled o'er with lowing herds, The plough-fields studded with the reapers' shocks ; While floated on the breeze that crisped the pool The shout of children just let loose from school. XLI. The church, from out a granite quarry reared. No chiselled phantasies of art betrayed : Compact and stern, and, save the cock that veered Above a swinging mass of chestnut shade — Withdrawn from sight, like some strong heart in prayer O'er secret sins which conscience whispered there. xLn. And many graves within the church-yard swelled, Where youth and age, and infant beauty slept : How oft that slowly swinging bell had knelled The fate of one by all beloved, bewept. While each, as on his ear the death-dirge stole, Felt nearing fast himself his final goal I xLm. I wish my humble obsequies might share The artless tears our village maidens shed, When unavailing proved love's fondest care, And sorrow whispered that their friend was dead Beside his flower-strewn bier, all hand in hand, They sang his passage to the spirit-land, 182 The parson's mansion stood not far remote, So tranquil in the aspect that it wore, You seemed to hear his evening worship float In solemn whispers ere you reached the door : The gayest wight no look of lightness cast, As near that house his slackened footstep passed, XLV. He was a man of calm, yet austere mood, And in his sternness showed his pedigree ; For he was born of Puritanic blood : To no one did he ever bend the knee, Except to God, and even then expressed Less seeming homage than his heart confessed. His brow was marble, but his heart was mild ; The fountain gushed, though curbed its sparkling rim ; His eyes, as he chastised a froward child. Were oft with nature's gentle dews made dim ; He struck with those fond feelings he betrayed, As round his old arm-chair the urchin played. XL VII. His words were few, select, and pertinent, Each understood and well performed its task ; Before their force frivolity grew silent. And guilt in sudden fear let fall its mask : And yet, though strong his bow and sharp his steel, He only wounded men that he might heal. 183 XL VIII. From off the pulpit's consecrated seat He rose as one there called by God's behest j His locks fell on his shoulders like a sheet Of snow upon a bending maple's crest ; His brow, above his eyes in sternness piled, Repressed the lightness of the gazing child. XLIX. His prophet-eye looked out as if its ray Could travel through the grave's eclipsing night, To some far-distant clime of cloudless day, Some spirit-land that rose upon his sight, As Judah's vine-clad hills in glory sweep On his who gazed from Horeb's towering steep. He was a breathing, bold impersonation Of moral outlines, which he often drew, Impressing portraits, sketched in Revelation, By corresponding features full in view : A living picture strikes, when one that's sainted Will sometimes fail, however strongly painted. LI. But if you take the living, let it be Some one whose points of character are strong: 'Tis not enough that he is merely free From striking faults and overt acts of wrong ; His virtues must be positive — a thing Whose echoes ever on life's anvil ring. 184 kodiekeb's youth — ^a poem. This world is full of action : he must ride The foremost wave who would direct its motion; The timid seaman on the inland tide Can never feel the mighty heaves of ocean : Then lift your anchors, spread your strongest sail, And speed with steady helm before the gale. LIII. Around Rodieker's home a colonnade Of native beech its glancing shadows flung ; Its shafts and branching architrave displayed The climbing evergreen, whose tendrils hung In fragrant festoons round the blushing grape, That sought its love in this fantastic shape. Beneath its eaves the blue-bird built its nest : That bird had watched Rodieker's infant play, Nor feared the child would e'er its young molest, For oft he listened to her matin lay ; And when it ceased, he looked and listened on, As if with that some secret joy had gone. LV. The floors and ceilings were of solid oak ; No Wilton carpet sunk beneath the tread, No gilded mirrors on your wonder broke, No chandeliers their flashing radiance spread : No glowing landscape lit the sombre wall, No sculptured fawn or fay danced in the hall. 185 LVI. And yet the good old mansion had an air Of cheerfulness which reached your very heart ; A warmth and soul which oft enticed you there, And made you linger when you should depart ; But none, of all who came and went away, Could tell wherein the fascination lay. LVII. It was the heaven-born hope which therein dwelt, The light of love which filled each quiet room ; A mental halo which each bosom felt, Like gush of sunlight in a forest's gloom, Or blossoming of stars when dying day In evening's sable shadows melts away. Lvin. He was the youngest child of two ; for only These two had crowned, it seems, a parent's bliss , No daughter made its mother's hours less lonely, Or ran with him to share the envied kiss : We half forget lost Eden when we see A sweet child climbing up its father's knee. His brother died in infancy : the grief Which shook its mother's bosom may be guessed From strains wherein her spirit sought relief: Her pregnant sorrows breathed themselves to rest. Like harp-strings which the winds have rudely rent. In this bewailing, yet resigned lament. 186 eodieker's youth — a poem THE MOTHER'S LAMENT. My child ! my sweet one ! speak to me ; It is thy mother calls to thee ; She who felt too deeply blessed, When thy lips to hers were pressed, When thy little arms were flung Round this neck, where thou hast clung, Caressing and caressed. Thy infant step was light as air. As 'mid the garden flowers I watched thee, glancing here and there, Between the April showers ; Thy cherub cheek was sweetly flushed, Thy locks the free breeze stirred, As through the vines thy light form rushed To reach the new-fledged bird. I saw thee in my raptured dreams, Clad in the hues of youth ; Thy path resplendent with the beams Of honor, love, and truth. I thought should he, whose noble worth Thy brow the promise bears. Be summoned from our humble hearth, How soft would flow thy cares ! How soft to her, whose lonely breast Would then such solace need ! How sweet 'twould be, I thought, to rest On such a gentle reed ! 18T Ah, little thought I then, my child! That thy quick, balmy breath, And pulses, running warm and wild, Would now be chilled in death ! In death 1 Oh, no ! that sable seal Disease can never set. Where lip and brow so much reveal Of life, that lingers yet. I still shall feel that gushing joy Which thrills a mother's breast, Whene'er she clasps her bright-eyed boy From out his cradled rest. Come, meet thy mother's warm embrace, Return her fervid kiss. And press thy sweet cheek to her face, " My first-born bud of bliss !" Alas, my child ! thy cheek is cold. And yet thy forehead gleams as fair As when those flaxen ringlets rolled In life and gladness there. But then thy lips are deadly pale — That were of rose-red hue ; And thy long lashes, like a vail. Fall o'er those eyes of blue ! Still round thy lip, where mine delays, A smile in tender sweetness stays. The imaged transport of the soul, Escaping from its brief control, Yet leaving, as it passed away. This smile of rapture on the clay, To tell us, in this trace of bliss. There breathes a brighter world than this. 188 rodieker's youth — a poem. I feel reproved that thus I strove — The errings of a mother's love — To keep thee here, when only given To glance a gladness 'round our hearth, And, all untouched by stain of earth, Fly back again to heaven ! 'Twcre wrong in me, had I the power. To win thee back the briefest hour ; For guilt and grief are all unknown Where thy seraphic soul hath flown : Be mine the task, through faith and prayer. And Christ's dear love, to meet thee there. Twelve vernal suns had called the wild-birds back, Since first Rodieker heard their joyous trills ; This infant stage on life's ascending track Had little felt the weight of human ills : If 'mid its light a trace of sadness lay, It seemed some shadow that had lost its way. But there was one from whose large lustrous eyes Each scene a brighter ray of gladness caught ; Her hand in his to each light thrill replies. Her eye returns the glance his own had sought :- A timid glance — but all his heart can claim — Since hers the source from which the token came. -A POEM. 189 LXIL « Bright sainted one ! the bloom of youth was on thee When thou didst smile and die — when I beside Thy couch, with doubting tears, still gazed upon thee, And idly thought thou yet wouldst be my bride : So like to life the slumber death had cast On thy sweet face, my first love and my last. Lxin. " I watched to see those lids theii* light unfold, For still thy forehead rose serene and fair As when those raven ringlets richly rolled O'er life, which dwelt in thought and beauty there : Thy cheek the while was rosy with the theme That flushed along the spirit's mystic dream. LXIV. " Thy lips were circled with that silent smile Which oft around their dewy freshness woke, When some more happy thought or harmless wile Upon thy warm and wandering fancy broke : For thou wert Nature's child, and took the tone Of every pulse, as if it were thine own. LXV. " I watched, and still believed that thou wouldst wake, When others came to wrap thee in the shroud ; I thought to see this seeming slumber break, As I have seen a light, transparent cloud Disperse, which o'er a star's bright face had thrown A shadow like to that which veiled thine own. 190 " But no ; there was no token, look, or breath : The tears of those around, the tolling bell And hearse, told me, at last, that this was death ! I know not if I breathed a last farewell ! But since that day, my sweetest hours have passed In thought of thee, my first Love and my last !" Thus mourned Rodieker, as he left the spot Where, 'neath the flowers, his lost Cathara sleeps A being by the world too soon forgot ; But one lone heart its faithful vigil keeps, And pours, unseen, a soft, undying flame O'er that loved face and fondly cherished name. APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. Among the papers of Mr. Colton, the Editor found a few leaves of original aphorisms, and valuable sententious sayings, to which he has added more from other published and unpublished fragments. They are here revised, and presented with suitable captions, or titles ; and they are embodied in these Remains as giving a fair exhibition of the sentiments, the principles, and the style of their Author. APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. THREE LEVELLERS. The vanity of those distinctions on whicli mankind pride themselves will be sufficiently apparent, if we consider the three places in which all men must meet on the same level — at the foot of the cross, in the grave, and at the judgment-bar. SHIFTS OF POLITICIANS. A POLITICIAN, who has no resources of his own, al- ways connects himself with some great temporary excitement ; just as a hungry shark rushes along in the wake of a ship, to pick up the damaged provi- sions, amputated limbs, and even old shoes, that may be thrown overboard. COWPER AND YOUNG COMPARED. The gloom of Cowper flowed from the maladies of his nature — that of Young from the maladies of his ambition. The former was a victim against his will, and sought to veil his sorrows even from the few ; the latter threw himself on the rack, and called on the world to witness his agony. 9 194: APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. THE LAWYER AND HIS FEES. Lawyers find their fees in the faults of our nature ; just as woodpeckers get their worms out of the rotten parts of the trees. PULPIT AMATEURS. The pulpit has its amateurs, and the fiddle also : and they both perform occasionally for the amuse- ment of mankind. FRANKNESS WITHOUT SINCERITY. There is no dissimulation so impenetrable as that which apparently leaves nothing to penetrate. It is art without artifice, concealment without disguise, and frankness without sincerity. He who can suc- cessfully practise these may escape exposure here, but must inevitably be detected in that day when the heart will be required to give up its secrets, and the grave surrender its dead. HABITS OF YOUTH THE SEEDS OF AGE. Those habits which dignify, or dishonor manhood, obtain their shape and complexion during our earlier years. The fruits of summer and autumn vegetate in the spring, and the harvest of old age germinates in youth. COUNSEL THROWN AWAY UPON SELF-CONCEIT. Advice, given to self-conceited men, is like water cast upon a duck's back — it never penetrates. 195 LITTLE MEN AND LARGE MEASURES. The patronizing air with which some men pipe to every great movement in the community, is often extremely ludicrous. The vast objects on which they bestow their gratuitous favors, so far from lifting them into their own element, and making them par- takers of their sublimity and grandeur, only have the effect to dwarf them the more, to render their in- significance still more palpable, and expose their vanity to the mirth of mankind. They resemble one who should fiddle, on the desert of Sahara, to the towering columns of sand, whirling in their sirocco waltz. PIETY IN THE LOFTY AND THE LOW. The piety of the humble and obscure is less im- posing, but it is more vital, as it is more simj)le, than that which emanates from imapproachable superi- ority. The mountain torrent may dash downward magnificently to the plain, and roll on in splendor to the ocean ; but it is the little streamlet, winding around in the valley, and revealing here and there the traces of its brightness and purity, that fertilizes and refreshens the earth. ACTIONS SURVIVE THEIR ACTORS. Death may remove from us the great and good, but the force of their actions still remains. The bow is broken, but the arrow is sped, and will do its office. 196 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. INTREPIDITY GROWING OUT OF IGNORANCE. Ignorance is often the source of the most intrepid action, and the most implicit faith ; since there are none so fearless as those who have not light enough to see their danger ; and none so confident as they who have not sufficient knowledge to discover their own errors. HAPPINESS NOT IN CIRCUMSTANCES. Some men ascribe all their unhappiness to the nar- rowness of their means ; but place them in the im- mediate enjoyment of all that enters within the circle of their present hopes and desires, and they will no sooner have entered on the enrapturing possession, than new hopes and desires will begin to manifest themselves. You cannot place a man in such a situ- ation that he will not look above it and beyond it ; give him the whole of this world, and, like the hero of Macedon, he will inquire for another. TYRANNY OF EVIL HABITS. He who has struck his colors to the power of an evil habit, has surrendered himself to an enemy bound by no articles of faith, and from whom he can expect only the vilest treatment. YANITY OF LOVERS. Sentiments of friendship merely, are ever con- strued by a vain lover into the diffident expressions of deep affection. APHOKISMS, MAXIMS, AJifD LACONICS. 197 DEPENDENCE OF LOVE ON IMAGINATION. Divest the objects of our affections of every thing but reality, and love would become friendship, and poetry prose. INDECISION A PROOF OF WEAKNESS. Indecision is an evidence of weakness, because it evinces a want of capacity to apprehend what is best, or a want of energy to pursue it. FRIVOLITY OF EARTHLY DISTINCTIONS TO HIGHER INTELLI- GENCES. The greatest earthly distinctions, in the estimation of angels, are, probably, as frivolous as the little fa- vor itisms of infancy, in the estimation of men. SCANDALS COME BACK ON THE AUTHOR. Peksonalities are like woodpeckers, which always hunt for the defective parts of trees ; and scandals are like chickens which always come home to roost. THE LADIES IN THEOLOGY. Ladies are always interesting to us on profound theological questions ; they never take us down into the dark and troubled depths of the stream; they skim its bright surface, resembling a duck which flies and dips at the same time. The motion of the dolphin is much more amusing than that of the whale, though the latter makes the deeper plunge, and stirs the waters more lustily in his path. 198 APHORISMS, KAXIMS, Al^D LACONICS. TALK NOT OF SELF. Sat nothing respecting yourself, either good, bad, or indifferent : nothing good, for that is vanity ; no- thing bad, for that is affectation ; nothing indifferent, for that is silly. FOLLY OF HUNTING A LIE. !N'ever chase a lie ; for if you keep quiet, truth will eventually overtake it and destroy it. CONFIDENCE SOLICITED GENERALLY BETRAYS. IN'ever trust a person who solicits your confidence, for in nine instances out of ten, you will be be- trayed. OPENNESS TO FLATTERY A PROOF THAT ONE CAN EASILY BE MADE A FOOL. If you wish to make a fool of a man, first see whether you can flatter him ; and if you succeed, your purpose is half gained. THE WISDOM OF HUMAN CONDUCT JUDGED BY ITS RESULTS. Be careful how you charge another with weakness or inconsistency ; he may be governed by motives beyond your apprehension : it is the final result that stamps our conduct with wisdom or folly. A GOOD RULE OF CONDUCT. Secure the approbation of the aged, and you will enjoy the confidence of the young. APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. 199 BOAST NOT OF YOUR PARENTAGE. ]S'ever talk of your parentage ; for, if it is honor- able, you virtually acknowledge your claims to rest on tlie merits of others ; or, if it is mean, you wish to show that something good has at length come out of Kazareth ; or, if it is neither, your conversation can be interesting only to yourself. CENSORIOUSNESS OFTEN A PROOF OF ROTTENNESS. While you say that the religion of your neighbor is like a garment that sets loosely upon him, be care- ful that yours is not like a glove, that fits either hand. Those who have the least piety are ordinarily the most censorious : a dishonest man is the first to detect a fraudulent neighbor. Set a thief to catch a thief. The voice of envy's ever prone To slander merit not its own — Reduce the good to its own level, And paint an angel like a devil. Thus liars think all men are false ; Knaves, all dishonest, rich, or worse ; Thus sots no temperate man can find, And rakes, none chaste of woman kind. AMBITION A FOE TO FRIENDSHIP. An ambitious man is himself the most sensible of his folly ; and his ambition travels on a road too nar- row for friendship — too steep for safety. 200 APHOEISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. A man's TALK HIS MINd's LOOKING-GLASS. Common conversation is the best mirror to a man's heart and head ; and he that can be deceived by a person with whom he has been intimate, discov- ers a want of discernment that, were it possible, would excuse the imposition. ATTENTION CHANGED TO INDIFFERENCE. A PERSON who has treated you with attention, but now with indifference, labors under a conviction of having previously mistaken your character, or is now chargeable with misconstruing your conduct : the first shows a mortifjdng want of discernment ; the last a pitiable want of generosity. THE HEART MORE POTENTIAL THAN THE HEAD. IToTwiTHSTANDiNG the deference man pays his in- tellect, he is governed more by his heart than his head. His reason may pronounce with a certainty that seems to imply an impossibility of mistake ; but, after all, his heart will run av/ay with the action. IGNORANCE THE PARENT OF PRESUMPTION. Theke is the most assurance usually where there is the most ignorance : we feel certain of safety, be- cause we have not light enough to discover our danger. THE CONFLICT BETWEEN PRIDE AND POVERTY. The hardest grapple upon earth, is that which obtains between pride and poverty : and the man APHORISMS, MAXmS, AND LACONICS. 201 who has become the disputed province of these two belligerents, is a stranger to repose and happiness. SOCIETY WHEN PROFITABLE AND WHEN UNPROFITABLE. Social intercourse is of great value as a means of improvement, when it has that object in view, and is guided by a sincere regard for those with whom we associate, and a real interest in their society. But when such intercourse becomes a mere compliance with artificial rules of fashion, and we are driven to it by the authority of public opinion, and maintain it mechanically, it occasions waste of time, and renders the social circle a place unworthy of a cultivated mind and an independent spirit. PRINCIPLES HAVE THEIR TIMES AND THEIR SOILS. It is not often that the politician who makes the most noise, efiects the greatest amount of good for his party. Principles are seldom planted deep and strong in tumult and excitement : they may be de- veloped and enforced on such occasions, but not per- manently established. The foundations of a city are never laid while the ground is rocking with the earth- quake. THE OLD FOR COUNSEL— THE YOUNG FOR ACTION. There is an adage that says, old men for counsel and young men for action : there ought to be one which should say, old divines for comments on the Prayer-book, and young divines to enforce them, 9* 202 APHOKISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. RESULTS OF BLUNDERS. The upsetting of a gig was the occasion of "Wash- ington's being born in the United States, and the subsequent establishment of our national indepen- dence ; an error of the miner in sinking a well led to the discovery of Herculaneum, with all its magnifi- cent treasures of ancient art ; and a blunder in nau- tical adventures, resulted in the discovery of the island of Madeira, with all those delicious wines which have ever since Filled banquet-halls with song, and wit, and laughter ; But salts and soda-ivater the day after ! CHARACTER DISCOVERED BY TRIFLES. Many are j)hilosophers in great misfortunes, who lose their equanimity in trifles. Their troubles re- semble streams which ripple most where the water is the shallowest. The current of our life is ruffled most at its surface ; its dej^ths are seldom disturbed. POLITICAL AMBITION AND TIMIDITY. A MAN ambitious of playing a prominent part at a public meeting, should have courage enough to put his name to its proceedings without an apologetic ex- planation. It is not for him To do, then half undo what one has done ; To speak, then half recall the spoken word ; To cast a stone in this scale, then in that, Till Justice falls asleep upon the beam. APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. 203 RELIGION AT THE BALLOT-BOX. There is a morbid apprehension abroad tliat the names of licentious and unprincipled men will ere long cease to disgrace the ballot-box ;— that gam- blers, and duellists, and drunkards, and all that genus, will be deemed at least as unfit for civil offices as clergymen. The rabid are known by their fear of water. It is not without reason, however, that they represent the exercise of common rights by religious men, and by those who desire upright and virtuous rulers, as the entering wedge of something greater ; for it is already inscribed on the chief record of the Church, " The kingdom and dominion, and the great- ness of' the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High." Therefore, if they are emulous of office, it win be their safest way to alter their character. SANCTITY OF MOTIVE AN EXEMPTION FROM INJURY. YiRTTJE and goodness can never be overthrown by attempts at ridicule and profane wit. They have been assailed by such weapons before, but have always come off unharmed. The shafts fail of reach- ing their objects, and frequently fall on those who fling them. There is a sanctity in good motive^ whith exempts their possessor from injury. There is a conscious rectitude of purpose which has sustamed itself amid sneers, frowns, and flames of the stake. 204 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. The last surrender which an upright man will make, is the comforts and hopes of his religion, and this surrender he will make only with his life, when he commits them with his deathless soul to the hand of his God. FORCE OF EARLY EDUCATION. In very early life our conduct flows from the prin- ciples of our animal constitution ; but in age it is, in a great measure, the result of habit. The infant that expresses itself only in its smiles and tears is, indeed, the child of nature ; but the man whose eyes are sel- dom, if ever, wet with these soft dews of the heart, has gradually yielded himself to a passionless habit, and is fixed beyond the influence of his softening propensities. The opening of our being, like that of the flower, shows the simple original properties ; but as the color of the rose is affected by the state of the atmosphere in which it is placed, so the complexion of our character is derived from the circumstances of education. SELF-IGNORANCE THE SOURCE OF SELF-CONFIDENCE. Men who think they can dupe others, are the most easily duped themselves. They are reached them- selves through that very vanity which led them to think thev could overreach others. APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. 205 THE THREE FOES OF LIBERTY. Ignoeance, and Yice, and Luxuiy, are the gor- gons that will devour the liberties of this country. Csesars and Catilines are always abundant; and when this dreadful trio, sent up from darkness, have accomplished their work, the fabric of freedom tum- bles of itself, and party spirit or foreign power sets up his tyrant-vulture to brood upon its ruins. Ghosts of departed republics, of Greece and Kome, and names less illustrious, bear testimony, all of you, that this, and this only, was the process of your destruc- tion ! Brutus, Cato, and Demosthenes, are then only reeds in a torrent, or feathers in a whirlwind. The blood of a despot may produce a civil war, but, at the same time, it seals the charter of a tyrannical lineage. THE FALSE WISDOM OF TACITURNITY. E'oTHiNG is more ridiculous than the wordless taciturnity of some men. They wish to pass for pro- found thinkers. They know that a shallow stream usually makes the most noise — that a deep current is scarcely heard ; therefore, they resort to silence. Mark them : how fixed and tranquil is each feature — ^how steadfast the insufferable scrutiny of the eye — what an air of the contemplative clothes the change- less brow — what an expression of deep and solemn thought pervades the whole man ! They move among us like a superior order of beings, who would 200 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. have no communion with our dusty thoughts — no sympathy with our grovelling affections. They would fain to live apart, in the retirement of their own minds, and to be familiar only with those thoughts which are either too deep or too high for the intel- lectual ken of those around them. JSTow, we hesitate not to say that, amidst all this apparent thoughtfulness, there is a total absence of thought — that, amidst all this seeming profundity, there is nothing but surface — and that this atmos- phere of golden light is a land of darkness as dark- ness itself, and where the light is as darkness. Doubtless there are men of few words and profound thoughts, but there are also men of few words and still fewer thoughts. Taciturnity is as far from being an evidence of uncommon profoundness, as the tranquil face of a lake is of unfathomable depths beneath. OPPOSITION OWING TO STRENGTH AND FIRMNESS. A MAN of a weak, complying disposition, whom no one fears, no one will be at the trouble to oppose ; while a man of a strong and fixed character will be liable to opposition, at least from those who expect to derive a certain kind of importance from the dig- nity of their adversary. But he will compel even this opposition into subserviency to himself, just as the mariner obliges the wind that opposes him to help him forward. APHORISlSrS, MAXmS, AND LACONICS. 207 THE CONDUCT OF GREATNESS AND OF WEAKNESS IN DISASTER. When a political demagogue has been overthrown he always attempts to relieve the mortification of his disaster by a charge of foul play. There was a greatness in the fall of Sampson, for he overwhelmed his jeering foes with himself But in our politician, we discover only a loss of sight, and an impotent hand laid to the pillars of the temple. There was dignity in the sufferings of Prometheus, for his invisible mind was superior to agony. But in the demagogue we see only the flappings of the vul- ture, and hear only the screams of the victim. COMPANIONSmP A SHIELD TO CRIME. Yenality in others, seems to conceal one-half its guilt in us. The reflection that our neiglibors are as bad as ourselves, has a wonderful effect in quieting conscience. It does not indeed make our crimes the less, but it is one thing to commit faults in the so- ciety of sinners, and another thing to commit them in the company of saints. WEAPONS AND WORDS TO SUIT THE MARK. They w^ho cry for help in their distress, should be the last to crow when misfortunes come upon their benefactor. :N'ever ward off a bumblebee with a cutlass ; or resort to the solemnity of an oath to meet an idle conjecture. 208 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. THE SURFACE OF LIFE AND ITS UNDER CURRENT. Glances at men and things seldom penetrate be- yond the surface of their subjects. The springs of action, the habits from which these visible forms and features take their shape, remain untouched. Mo- tives, which form the under current of life, and which can be reached only by patient study, or a profound sagacity, are seldom essayed, and never brought dis- tinctly to light. It is the surface of life at which most men look ; if the face of the stream sparkles, they care but little for the darkness and tumult which prevail in its depths. THE ACTION OF A GREAT MIND AFTER SUSPENSE. A GIANT mind may be held in suspense, but that suspense must be brief, and the action which follows it will be more decided and energetic in consequence of that detention ; just as a stream rushes with greater force for a temporary obstruction. A GOOD man's AGENCY IS ENDURING. The influence of the good man ceases not at death ; he, as the visible agent, is removed, but the light and influence of his example still remain ; and the moral elements of this world will long show the traces of their vigor and purity ; just as the western sky, after the sun has set, still betrays the glowing traces of the departed orb. APHOKISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. 209 LOTTERIES FOUNDED IN FRAUD AND DISSEMBLING. "Were the venders of lottery tickets to publisli their honest convictions in as glaring capitals as they do their prizes, their offices would be the resort only of those who could not read. CREDULITY BETTER THAN SKEPTICISM. In estimating the claims of human nature, it is better to err on the side of credulity than skepticism, inasmuch as all social happiness is founded on mutual confidence. THE PASSION FOR DRESS. Age, which tames all other passions, never subdues the passion for dress in some females. Gay costume for advanced life, is like " flowers wreathed around decay." Splendid jewelry on parchment necks, is worse than a pun cut upon a tombstone. THE IMMORTAL REWARDS OF VIRTUE. YiRTUE may be misrepresented, persecuted, con- signed to the grave ; but the righteous wake not more assuredly to the reality of their hopes, than does vir- tue to an immortal remembrance. MORAL WRONG FOLLOWED BY SUFFERING IN THIS LIFE. Theee is not a selfish or vicious action of which man is capable, from which he is not deterred, by a punitive consequent attendant upon it, even in this life. 210 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. A CONTENTIOUS MAN SOON SPENT, IF NOT CONTENDED WITH. If a person is bent on quarrelling with you, leave him to do the whole of it himself, and he will soon become weary of his unencouraged occupation. Even the most malicious ram will soon cease to butt against a disregarding object, and will usually find his own head more injured than the object of his blind ani- mosity. EDITORIAL DISREGARD OF COURTESY. Some editors cast themselves so far beyond those courtesies which obtain between well-bred men, that they find in their very position an exemption from responsibility. 'No man who has clean apparel him- self, will return the mud-balls with which he may be assailed by one who has taken his stand in the ditch. THE RADICAL IN OFFICE AND OUT. You may take any radical you please, and place him in an oflice of dignity and emolument, and he will very soon loose all his levelling notions. If a particle of the loco remain in him, it will be in theory, not practice. When we see men going barefoot who can afford to have shoes, without coats when they have credit with tailors, and living in log cabins when they have the means of constructing palaces, we shall believe locoism belongs to human nature ; but till then, we shall consider it something very much governed by circumstances. APH(miSMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. 211 THE STAR THAT NEVER SETS. There is one star that will never disappoint tlie hope it awakens ; its ray is never dimmed, and it knows no going down ; its cheering light streams on through ages of tempest and change; earth may be darkened, systems convnlsed, planets shaken from their spheres, but this star will still pour its steady, undiminished light. The eye that is turned to it will gladden in its tears; the countenance that it lights, sorrow can never wholly overcast; the footstep that falls in its radiance finds no gloom even at the portal of the grave. It is the star- First in night's diadem — The star, the star of Bethlehem. THE CAUSES OF NATIONAL WEAL AND WOE. The destinies of a nation depend less on the great- ness of the few, than the virtues or vices of the many. Eminent individuals cast further the features of her glory or shame ; but the realities of her weal or woe lie deep in the great mass. The curling tops of lofty waves are the crest of the ocean, but from its depths flows the overpowering strength of its tides. THE HIGHEST IN STATION MOST EXPOSED TO FALL. They who occupy the most eminent stations, have the most at stake in preserving the public tranquillity ; for in popular convulsions, as in earthquakes, the highest objects are the first to topple and fall. 212 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. THE COST OF BEING A REFORMER. He who maintains the right, though countenanced by the few, and opposes the wrong, though sanctioned by the many, must forego all expectations of popu- larity till there shall be less to censure than aj)plaud in human conduct. And when this is the case, the millennium will have dawned. THE SECRET OF A FEMININE WEAKNESS. A LADY of fashion will sooner excuse a freedom, flowing from admiration, than a slight, resulting from indifference. The first offence has the pleasing apol- ogy of her attractions ; the last is bold, and without an alleviation. But the mode in which she disposes of the two, only shows that her love of admiration is stronger than her sense of propriety. EARLY LOVE IN WOMAN. A YOUNG girl, scarcely yet awake to the mysteries of her nature, and fluttering over the first demon- strations of Love, is like a child sporting on the rip- pling strand of the sea, when a high tide is about coming in. THE reformer's REWARD, He who writes against the abuses of the age in which he lives, must depend on the generosity of the few for his bread, and the malice of the many for his fame. APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. ^13 SCURRILITY BETRAYING ITS FOUL NEST. Scurrilous epithets are like foul birds, which tran- siently disturb and disfigure the foliage of the trees on which they light, but whose nature is never mis- taken, for they carry on their feathers the pollutions of the nest in which they were hatched. THE MANAGEMENT OF RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSY. In religious controversy, we seldom apply the Ba- conian philosophy of letting facts go in advance and establish the theory. We rather adopt the theory first, and then go on in search of facts to prove it. How few there are who take the Bible alone for their theory, and allow it to explain itself! One thing is remarkable in these controversies ; men seldom differ in general principles which have regard to outward conduct. It is rather in matters of belief in regard to some minor doctrine, and the difference is so small that it sometimes requires the imagination of a meta- physician to perceive the difference. If all the words which have been wasted in telling people what they should helieve, had been employed in telling them what they should do, the world would be much better than it now is. A celebrated author says— " Two things, well considered, would prevent many quar- rels ; first, to have it well ascertained whether we are not disputing about terms rather than things ; and secondly, to examine whether that on which we difter is worth contending about." 214 APHORISMS, MAXIMS, AND LACONICS. THE WORTH OF SMILES MEASURED BY THEIR RARITY. A man's smiles should be like fruit on a high limb. People lightly value what they get without pain. If diamonds could be picked up among the pebbles of our brooks, who would wear them for or- naments ? THE TRUE PHILOSOPHY OF PUNISHMENT. It is the certainty of punishment, rather than its severity, which prevents crime. Many charged with murder now escape conviction ; some through a feint of insanity, some through the misapplied sympathy of a juror, and others through a moral aversion to the punishment itself. The execution of the sen- tence, too, when decreed, often loses no small portion of its moral force from bewildering sympathy with the sufferer. Should imprisonment for life be ever substituted for capital punishment, the possibility of pardon should be cut off from every source what- ever. MEN CONQUERED THROUGH SELF-ESTEEM AND THE POCKET. If you wish to make use of a man, ascertain the measure of his susceptibility to flattery ; for all that you can raise him, in self-estimation, will be at your disposal. Convince any man that you can teach him to play on two fiddles, equally well, at the same time, and he will promise that one shall be played mainly for your advantage. APHOEISMS, MAXmS, AND LACONICS. 215 IGNOKANCE OF ITS TIME, AN ARGUMENT FOR HABITUAL PRE- PARATION FOR DEATH. Death is tlie most certain, and yet the most un- certain of events. That it will come, no one can question ; but when, no one can decide. The young behold it afar in the future ; the aged regard it still at a distance ; but both are smitten suddenly as by a bolt from the cloud — a serpent from the brake — or a shaft from an unseen quiver. There is no safety, therefore, save in that habitual preparation which nothing can deceive, and nothing surprise. AN UNFINISHED SATIRE. IN VERSE. I WANT — what Byron wanted onee — a hero, On whose achievements I can hang my rhymes : He might as well have taken Faust, or Nero, As Juan, young in years, and old in crimes :— But then no doubt his choice was made at random, Besides— "de gustibus non disputandum." The " est" has been left out in this quotation, As its insertion would destroy my measure ; But then its strict grammatical relation The learned reader can restore at pleasure ; And will, no doubt, with something very fine About my mangling thus his classic line. III. A fop in learning, and a downright fool, Differ, but in their claims upon our pity ; The first still prating Greek, picked up at school, The last essaying something grave or witty ; Both stir those subtle thoughts in him who hears, Which burst in laughter, or dissolve in tears. 10 218 A SATIRE IN VERSE. IV. 1 want a hero free of affectation, All coarse vulgarity, or mock sublime ; Whose deeds can bear no misinterpretation, Too frank for falsehood, and untouched by crime ; A sternly honest man, plain, and free-spoken. And one whose word once given, is never broken. I want a hero free of self-conceit. Of resolute, and self-relying spirit ; Exempt from pride, vindictiveness, deceit, Commanding by the force of his own merit: No woman's slave, yet sensible to love— " Wise as the serpent, harmless as the dove." VI. Of course I shall not go among the lawyers To find me sucli a being — a profession Whose conscience always sticks to their employers, And who maintain, in spite of his confession, A client's innocence — advising him to plead Not guilty — though he has confessed the deed. Nor will I take a thorough-bred physician. Of all, the most accomplished homicide ; He kills his patients with such learned precision, Men swear 'twas of the fell disease he died ; And then forestalls the final resurrection, And disinhumes his victim for dissection. A SATIRE IN VEESE. 219 Nor yet, select ray hero from the clergy, Of whom, are some blind leaders of the blind ; And others with a threat of hell will urge ye Direct to heaven — and stay themselves behind ; But some there are, and many such, I trust. Whom Christ will place at last among the Just. IX. Nor will I take a modern politician, His party's oracle, and polar star, Inflated with the pomp of his position, Like Phaeton in Jove's imperial car: His prototype fell in the roaring Po, But he will probably bring up below. Nor will I choose a poet — one of those Who weep themselves to make their readers weep, But find at last, o'er all their unveiled woes, Mankind in sneering laughter — or asleep ; Then try another phase in mortal sadness, And feign a fatal touch of downright madness. Nor will I take an antiquary : !u* Would sack a city — sift a nation's dust, To find a copper — then in ecstasy Hang o'er its letters, eaten out by rust — At last, on good authority, restore A name and date it never had before. 220 A SATERE IN VERSE. Nor yet a dandy, alias a fool, Although no doubt he never plead the latter, In bar of being soundly whipped to school : He seems a creature boon to fawn and flatter, And thinks each woman some celestial dove. With his exquisite beauty deep in love. Nor will I take a broker : he's a sharper, Who outwits others — then's himself outwitted; In purchasing he plays the croaking carper, But sells as if another's wants were pitied : Alike in puff, and pity insincere. The first a lie, the last without a tear. XIV. Nor will I take a tailor — his sly theft Is now notorious as his shears or goose : The Bible says a remnant shall be left, And this, by his interpretation — rather loose- Refers to cabbage filched from you and me : The devil quoted Scripture, so can he. XV. Nor will I take a woman — her creation Was left entirely out in Heaven's first plan : If rightly I interpret Revelation, The earth was first created, and then man; And both were perfect, free of sin and pride, While woman slumbered still in Adam's side. A SATIRE IN VEESE. 221 XVI. When waked to being, what was her first act But one of weakness, guilt, and endless shame And when accused of this, adroitly packed On Satan's shoulders almost all the blame. Or sought to do so ; but she did not try, Like modern knaves — to prove an alibi. But let this pass— to Adam, Eve was dear, Dearer, perhaps, than had she never erred. As will from his own elegy appear : No heart by deeper grief was ever stirred. Or overcast with darker clouds of woe, Than that from which these tender accents flow : — XVIII. " Sweet solace of my life ! my gentle Eve ! The idol of this heart thy beauty blest ! More than for Eden's early loss I grieve To close the earth above thy narrow rest. What now to me fair sky, or sparkling wave. Or day, or night, since thou art in the grave ! XIX. " Forgive the frown that darkened on my brow. And fell on thy sweet face like an eclipse, When the fair, fatal fruit was plucked its bough, And turned to ashes on our pallid lips : Thy thirst for knowledge triumphed o'er thy fears, And prompted crime, since cancelled by thy tears. 222 A SATIRE IN VEKSE. XX. " When I remind me of the noontide hour I first beheld thee, near Euphrates' stream, And led thee, sweetly blushing, to my bower, The ills that we have felt appear a dream ; So warm and blest, the memory of the time When thou wert faultless — I without a crime. XXI. " How freshly on our slumbers broke the morn ! How sweet the music of the mountain stream ! How all things seemed of bliss and beauty born, And bounding into life with day's young beam ! Alas! the sin that could such joys forego, And fill an infant world with guilt and woe ! XXII. " But mine the fault, for I stood silent by, Nor sought dissuasion by a look or sign ; But, dazzled by the tempter's gorgeous lie. That we should be than gods scarce less divine, Assented, fell ; and found, too late to save. This virtue guilt — its only gift the grave. XXIII. " But Eden lost, this heart still found in thee A depth of love it else had never known ; As clings the vine to its sustaining tree, When 'gainst its form the tempest's strength is thrown, So thou, as each new care or sorrow pressed. The closer clung to this unshrinking breast. A SATIKE IN VERSE. 223 XXIV. The birds still sing, to wake thee from thy rest ; The young gazelle still waits to greet thy glance; The flowers still bloom thy early cares caressed; Thy shallop's sails still in the sunbeams dance. Oh, that on these unheeding things were spread The deep and tender thought, that thou art dead I XXV. 7 ■' But now, to whom can my deep sorrows turn Where find in others' tears for mine relief? I only live to dress thy gentle urn, And shrine thy virtues in a widowed grief, Till near thy side I seek my native dust. And wait that signal trump that calls the just." XXVI. This elegy, or epitaph, was found Graved on a golden urn near Eden's site, Within the centre of a mighty mound— And by a recent earthquake hove to light A traveller, halting there to sip a cup Of Mocha-coffee, saw the urn come up ! XXVII. The elegy was set around with gems. Which flashed a radiance on its Hebrew letters Like that which foils from Moslem diadems Upon a Christian slave's indignant fetters: The truthful traveller says, the light they gave Might wake a young Aurora in the grave! 224 A SATERE m VERSE. XXVIII. This urn our new lights in geology Maintain upsets the credibility Of all our Scriptural chronology : The earth, they say, then in its infancy, And man a savage, without steel or derrick, Could never have bequeathed us such a relic ! These savans find on mountain-tops a shell, And say the deluge never placed it there ; They see in caves a petrified blue-bell. And think it never bloomed in uj)per air ; And therefore gravely tell us — age of wonders !- The Book of Genesis is full of blunders ! But to my tardy theme, or rather, story, — Perhaps I ought to christen it a song, As it is written less for gold than glory; And any madrigal may be as long. Unless, as often happens near the sun. The maiden wooed is in the mean time won. XXXI. This shall be brief — I do detest great length In any thing, unless it be a kiss ; And that, I think, oft loses half its strength, By such a prolongation of the bliss; For, after all, nothing the heart can capture So much as brevity in wit and rapture. A SATIRE IN VERSE. 225 XXXII. I cannot bear great length, even in a sermon, Except where thoughts their heavenly truth instil Sweetly as fall on flowers the dews of Hermon, And musical as rolls the mountain rill ; But when you would the stupid sinner start, Then pour the truth in thunder on his heart. xxxui. Some austere writers stamp with guilt and shame Whatever in this world of fair and good May still remain : yet from the folding flame Which wraps the freshness of the forest wood, As scattered trees escape, so may we find Surviving virtues in the ruined mind. XXXIV. Now unrequited love is seen deriving Its very life from out its own despair ; — The mother, for her infant boy contriving Those schemes of future good she may not shar< The sister, sweetly winning back to truth The erring wildness of a brother's youth. XXXV. Here, too, is found the young and guileless girl, Whose joyous heart is fettered by a tie She scarce can comprehend. — Deep as the pearl In Oman's wave, and pure, those fountains lie, From which the soft, mysterious feeling springs, Like magic tones from undiscovered strings. 10^ 226 A SATIRE m VEKSE. XXXVI. The symptoms of this tender passion are, The downward castings of a pensive eye, A countenance not wholly free from care, The scarcely heard, yet all-absorbing sigh, A want of interest in what's said or seen, Mixed with a certain carelessness of mien. I know not why it is, but there are words Found in the soft complainings of the dove, As well as merrier notes of other birds, That seems the truest syllables of love; The very language which, if man might choose, Would be the only one that he would use. A man in love is fond of solitude : He flies away from busy life and men To some sublime interminable wood ; Some deep, unknown, and almost sunless glen; For nature there seems just as she had caught The very hue and coloring of his thought. He loves to wander on the shore of ocean. To hear the light waves ripple on the beach ; For there is something in their murmuring motion Closely allied to language, and can teach His young, unpractised heart the very tone Of passionate tenderness that is love's own. A SATIRE m VERSE. 22 i He loves to wander on a starlit night Along the pebbly margin of a lake, Whose tranquil bosom mirrors to his sight The dewy stars — where not a wave nor wake Disturbs the slumbering surftice, nor a sound Is heard from out the deep-hushed forests round. XLI. And there each star lies in the tranquil water So tremulous, so tenderly serene, He can but think it is the tintless daughter Of that pure element in which 'tis seen ; For there it lies, so bright, so sweetly fair. It seems a sinless spirit dwelling there ! XLII. A sentimental youth makes love in posies ; His fluttering heart is veined on every leaf; The perfume, only meant to please our noses, Exhales the tender touches of his grief: Till, by degrees, the nuptial noose is thrown Around some heart as silly as his own. xLin. Oh ! how unlike to this soft, floral wooing Was theirs whom we are proud to call our sires ! They left to doves such simpering, senseless cooing. And, seated 'round their ever social fires. With right good common sense talked o'er the matter, And ne'er forgot the pudding-bag and platter. 228 A SATIKE IN VEKSE. Let their example teach our young and gay, Who plunge in marriage as a mere diversion, And seem to think that state a holiday — That love, which can survive a stern reversion Of all its outward fortune, is a thing Not taught by flowers — they only bloom in spring. XLV. Let those who kindle at the slightest spark Of Cupid's torch, and go off like a rocket, Without an aim, an object, or a mark, Con o'er the dying words of David Crocket : " This maxim keep in force — when I am dead — See first that you are right, then go ahead !" SELECTED EDITORIALS THE PHILADELPHIA NORTH AMERICAN SELECTIONS FROM EDITORIALS. THE TRUE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. Theee is no country in the world where there is more talk about the freedom of the press than in this, and no one, perhaps, where less of it is enjoyed. The fetters come not in the shape of arbitrary law, or the prohibitions of absolute censorship, but in a form little less effective. The fear of giving offence, or of saying something that may possibly clash with the interests of a subscriber, exerts a more paralyzing influence than any mandate of regal jealousy or despotic sway. There is no antagonist so difiicult to contend with as a man's own fears. Against this foe he has no heart, no resolution. He has not even that little courage which resentment can impart. Let the press yield to these fears, and the greatest sufferers would be they who create them. They would hear the language of commendation and flat- tery, but rarely that of impartiality and truth. It is often the most unwelcome sentiments for which we should be the most grateful. We get into the right by being told that we are in the wrong. But this 232 SELECTED EDITORIALS. lesson comes from those only who respect us more than they respect our prejudices ; who would sooner censure and correct, than flatter and betray. We do not propose to establish in this paper any claims to praise for independence of thought, speech, or opinion, but we wish to escape the humiliation of the opposite. There is no merit in exercising all the freedom which we claim, but there would be a re- proach in surrendering it. Our sea notions of liberty may, perhaps, require too much sco23e for the land. But it would be a little singular if that freedom of thought which is acquired under the monarchical forms of ship discipline, should prove too much for republicans and democrats. We claim no freedom of speech which we shall not allow in others, and in our own columns too. Any man who sustains this press, differing with us in opinion on any point, may here, frankly, fearlessly, express his dissent. He may combat our opinions ; he may assail our arguments, and, if he can, over- throw our conclusions. It is the conflict of mind with mind that discovers moral truth, and reaches those great social and political principles on which the honor and happiness of communities repose. It is the ivise and the good that we should pursue ; it is the right that we should seek, and to which we should pay our homage, wherever found. Truth never for- sakes its friends, never disappoints the confidence it has won. It may at times be overpowered, but it EIGHTS OF PRIVATE JUDGIklENT. 233 lives on still, and will yet assert its unconquerable energies. While error will inevitably cover its vota- ries with dismay. Truth, crushed to earth, will rise again. The eternal years of God are hers ; While error, wounded, writhes in pain. And dies amid its worshippers. RIGHTS OF PRIVATE JUDGMENT. Proscription for political opinions, and martyr- doms for forms of religious faith, differ but in the degrees of suffering which they inflict. They are the same in their natures ; they both flow from the same spirit of cruel intolerance, and both merit the repro- bation of mankind. They are a violation of the rights of the citizen, guarantied to him by the constitution under which he lives ; they are an outrage uj)on every instinct of humanity, and every cherished sentiment of moral justice. The pilgrim fathers who planted our institutions, and the revered patriots who achieved our indepen- dence, never dreamed that the day would come when their children would be dragged to the political guil- lotine, for having exercised the rights of American freemen. Such a spectacle, even in prophetic vision, would have cast as sickly a light over their last mo- ments, as the face of Cain in his fratricidal guilt on the dying countenance of Adam. There is nothing in despotism, in its most absolute forms, so revolting as these political hecatombs, which 234 SELECTED EDITORIALS. are oiFered on the altars of party proscription as often as a new aspirant reaches the executive chair of the nation. Tyranny is consistent; it professes to know no rights but its own ; but republicanism is full of professions of regard for the rights of others. It calls every lover of freedom its brother, and then stabs him "under the fifth rib." Because he conscien- tiously supported, at the ballot-box, a different person than the one who has succeeded, his head must be brought to the block. His capacity, his integrity, his past services, weigh nothing against the crime of having voted as his judgment dictated. He is visited with the last penalties of a law which knows no for- giveness, no mercy, no remorse. And this is called freedom, republicanism, and liberty of conscience ! I^ever were revered names so mocked and blas- phemed. Let us cease to talk about the serfs of Europe till we have made ourselves free. Let us cease to prate about the horrors and crimes of the Bastile, while the guillotine overshadows our own ballot-box. There is scarce a dungeon in the Liquisition where the rights of private judgment have not been as much respected as they are in the results of a presidential election. EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY. There is, we apprehend, no class of men in the country, that exert their influence so recklessly as EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY. 235 the conductors of public journals. Thej appear, many of them, to have no steady polar star by which to direct their course. They are, like a hulk on the ocean, carried away by every current that prevails. "We do not expect them to be more than human ; but it does not require an angel's decision or energy to hold something like a consistent course through the moral and political elements of this world. It is the suggestions of self-interest, the heat of party strife, and the absence of fixed principles, that give rise to all this inconsistency and insane deportment. Most of the blind and irrational excitements that disturb the tranquillity of the public, originate with the press, or are fostered by it, with the hope of turn- ing them to some political or sinister account. We do not implicate the whole editorial fraternity in this charge. There are not a few noble exceptions. But how many of them are there, who have nothing to guide their devious steps but the fluctuating light of a transient policy ! And hence it is that the men and measures that are cursed one year, are applauded the next ; and one system of operations is buried in ignominy, only that its moldering remains may be brought again to the light, and invested with all the fascinations of a fresh existence. Had Satan's course from hell to Eden been as crooked as that of some editors, he would not have reached it to this day ! 236 SELECTED EDITORIALS. PUBLIC MEN. The test of public men which, doubtless, prevails to a very great extent in this country, is faithfulness to party and sectional interests, and the determina- tion and the ability to bear them onward, in defiance of justice and of truth. Thus, while with entire propriety we shun and stigmatize the religious test of England, we actually use one ourselves which is far more abominable, and dangerous to liberty. It is beyond dispute that our public offices ought to be filled with men who, in some way or other, excel. This is implied in the very idea of an election. But it is equally dishonorable and dangerous to cast our votes, or raise our voice, in favor of those who have nothing to commend them but the insidious power to rise without merit, or their indissoluble ad- hesion, with an utter recklessness of principle, to the ranks of a party. It is high time that both these characteristics should serve only as a dead- weight to sink those who bear them far beneath the level of negative qualities. What, then, are the proper inquiries to be made respecting those proposed to be the rulers of this republic ? Is Tie honest — is Tie capable f is a proverb in every mouth ; but seldom, indeed, does it reach the heart, or govern the practice. It dies by the poison of political intrigue, or is blasted by the breath of party. Still it is the genuine watchword of liberty, and the only one that can secure its safety. Let every INDEPEimENCE OF CHAEACTEK. 237 patriot, then, do his utmost to give it power and dis- tinctness. Let those individuals and parties who in practice discard it, be marked as unworthy of freedom, and the real foes of their country. Let the qualifications and character of candidates be extensively and accurately known, and for this purpose let the venders of political delusion be held in universal abhorrence. Let suspicion no longer breathe its calumnies, while silence conceals or per- fidy praises the daring violation of vital and invalu- able j)rinciples. Let those who pass the rubicon that guards the Constitution and laws of the nation, under the pretence of their country's good, meet their own, and not their country's ruin. And let it be forever taken for granted, as a self-evident and immutable truth, that the dishonesty of political craft, and the weakness, vices, and obliquities of private conduct, can never be regenerated or sanctified by the eleva- tion of power or the robe of authority. INDEPENDENCE OF CHARACTER. Political partisans are the last men who have any claims to independence of character ; and this con- viction has not been weakened by the manner in which most of the measures have been disposed of that have been introduced upon the floor of Congress. Indeed, if any body of legislators can be excused from consulting their own innate convictions, and from acting upon the decisions of their private judgments, 238 SELECTED EDITORIALS. it is the very body that assembles daily in our Rep- resentatives' Hall. In the first place, they are bound np confessedly to the will of their constituents, right or wrong ; and, in the next place, they are bound up to their political party, and threatened, in case of dissent, with all the opprobrious epithets of hypocrite, renegade, and trai- tor. Under such circumstances, it is hardly reason- able to expect that a man will consult his private convictions, and act upon the simple responsibilities of his own understanding. Hence it is that every question capable of a political bearing, is decided by party considerations : the merits of a measure, its connection with the righteous claims of an individual, or the reasonable expectations of a community, are forgotten, and it is doomed to stand or fall just ac- cording to its political complexion. The true source of all this evil is found in the dis- tempered corrupted state of public sentiment ; it flows from that violent party spirit which is poisoning the heart of the nation. Public legislators are like other men; they are not exempt from the infirmities of our common nature ; and when the country is shaken and convulsed by the tempests of party strife, they must participate largely in the shock — the vessel must move with the storms and currents which agi- tate the ocean. When the people wish for legislative measures which shall be honorable and beneficial to the coun- MOKALS m POLITICS. 239 tij, they must calm their own passions, lay aside their sectional feelings, surrender their party distinctions, and delegate men to represent them who, unseduced by flattery or unawed by frowns, will lean upon their own convictions, and surrender themselves to the un- prejudiced decisions of an enlightened understanding. MORALS IN POLITICS. The political principles which a man entertains, and which he asserts at the ballot-box, reach to the happiness or woe of millions. They embrace in their ultimate results the safety or ruin of nations. In as- serting these principles, therefore, whether with the pen, or through the rights of the elective franchise, a man should ever feel the high responsibility under which he acts. What are personal preferences, or mere party triumphs, when w^eighed in the scale against such tremendous issues ? They are less than the dust of the balance. Petty jealousies and private prefer- ences cannot live for a moment in the breast of one who feels the full force of the political principles which he avows. As well might a man be wrapt in the dread magnificence of the ocean, and busy him- self with the chafing pebbles of its shore. Our forefathers felt the force of principles. Their reverence for truth, their devotion to those great moral rights which lie at the foundation of social virtue and political freedom, forced them, through 210 SELECTED EDITORIALS. countless perils, to these inhospitable shores. More welcome to them the wilderness, with their princi- ples, than palaces without. When these principles were invaded, they rose in arms, and put their lives, their fortunes, all interests this side the grave, at is- sue in their defence. Their faith in these principles never wavered : they baptized them with their blood, and bequeathed them to us, and shed upon them the benediction of their dying prayers. Shall we trifle with these sacred legacies ? Shall we sport with the blessings which they bestow, or the responsibility which they impose ? Shall party names, or private ambition, be substituted for their inestimable benefits ? Let those who are now assem- bling in the capitol of this nation answer these ques- tions. Their example must reach the extremities of the land, and mold opinions long after they are in the grave. Our influence over others, remote as well as near, when we are dead as well as when living, en- ters into the sum of our virtue or guilt, our merit or our shame. MORALS OF CONGRESS. If our obligations keep pace with our opportuni- ties, then men in eminent public stations are under a fearful responsibility. They are not at liberty to feel and act as those who move in humbler spheres ; their situation demands higher sentiments and more elevated endeavors. The influence attached to their MORALS OF CONGRESS. 241 example is enough to make one tremble : if pure, it will be a fountain of moral life ; if depraved, it will convey to the hearts of multitudes ' the immedicable sickness of the second death. Do the public men who annually assemble in our Capitol at Washington realize this truth? Do they rightly estimate the consequences w^liich must flow from their morals as well as their measures ? Do they feel that every virtue or vice practised there is to af- fect the character of a nation? With these truths be- fore them can they stoop to folly? Can they pass around the intoxicating bowl? Can they mingle with the reckless and profane at the gambling board ? Can they defile the sanctity of their office in the haunts of licentiousness ? W"e would not throw out an indiscriminate censure or suspicion. There are men in that body to which we allude, of a purity of life that may fearlessly chal- lenge the strictest scrutiny. But we have reason for believing that there are those also whose conduct is deplorably at variance with their professions, and at war with those virtues on which the purity and peace of society depend. These men seem to leave the mantle of their correct habits at home, and to divest themselves of that sense of responsibility which the presence of domestic piety and affection impose. We cannot conceive of a more infamous breach of ti'ust than what that man is guilty of, who finds in 11 242 SELECTED EDFrOKIALS. the ignorant credulity of absent friends a release from the wholesome restraints of morality. It is a species of deception and treachery as much to be reprobated as that open profligacy which may be much more callous to shame. PROFANITY IN THE SENATE. Several of the members of this body are in the familiar habit of using the name of the Supreme Being for the sake of giving emphasis to a weak or worthless sentence — and of hauling into their speeches garbled quotations from the sacred Scriptures for the sake of giving piquancy to a witless sarcasm. This is w^hat might be expected in a wrangling bar room or a babbling brothel, but it inflicts the deepest dis- grace on the morality and dignity which the public have ever been in the habit of associating with the Senate of the United States. It merits the execra- tions of every man who has any reverence for his God, or any love for his country. Justice to the other members would seem to require us to single out those gross offenders against moral decency ; but the seal of opprobrium can be set without this personality from us — the guilty are already known, and will, we trust, suffer that chastisement which the moral sense of this nation has never yet failed to visit on the im- pious and j)rofane. The higher the object the hotter is the lip-htning that blasts it. POLITICO-UELIGIOUS ACTION. 2-1:3 POLITICO-RELIGIOUS ACTION. We stated the other day that the political move- ment of Bishop Hughes and his confederates would not stop with their defeat at the election. The subse- quent resolutions of that body show that our appre- hensions were well founded. They have resolved to prosecute their object and never relinquish it till their perseverance shall be crowned with success. They will prove fearfully true to their j)urpose. They hold the balance of power between the two great political j)arties which divide the State, and they will exert it for the attainment of this object. Having succeeded in New York, a similar move- ment will be made here. The same motives and ob- jects exist in the two places, and must be achieved by the same means. This political ball once in mo- tion, and impelled by the hands of crafty prelates, encouraged by assurances from Home, will continue to roll on. The discreet Homan Catholic may with- hold his hands, and disclaim participation, but For- eign jpriests^ and they over whom their authority ex- tends, will ply the work. The prelates of the Papal See have always inter- fered with the political institutions of Protestant countries. With us they are not native-born citizens — they spring not from the great mass. They are strangers in our midst, and with all the unfoj-tunate prejudices whicli attach to a foreign birth. They have not, and it is not in the nature of things that 244 SELECTED EDITORIALS. tliej should have, a sympathy with our republican institutions. They cannot respond to the jealousy with which we guard every encroachment of eccle- siastical power upon civil rights. They have been accustomed from their cradles to contemplate Keli- gion in connection with the provisions of State. They cannot appreciate its pure, separate existence : it is with them a moral anomaly. The Papal See, that great archetype of opinion, is itself a combination of temporal and sj)iritual power. From this seat of supreme authority tliey are sent forth. There they receive their commissions ; there lies their allegiance ; there rest their responsibility and hope of preferment. The ecclesiastics of all other persuasions act under an authority which be- longs to this country, and can be checked, censured, or deposed, without the intervention of a foreign tri- bunal. But from such liabilities a representative of the Roman See is exempt. Still, so long as this fearful power is used for wise and good purposes, for objects compatible with free- dom of conscience, and the genius of our institutions, we shall not complain ; with the discharge of appro- priate offices, parochial duties and obligations sug- gested by charity, we shall not interfere. It is against the political movements of these foreign prelates, and their unjust interference with our civil institutions, that we offer resistance. For this tliey denounce us — for this they introduce us with obloquy into their THE BANKRUPT LAW. 24:5 public discourses — concert against us in their private conclaves, and even interfere with the better judg- ments of those who find it for their advantage to ex- es tend their favors to our journal. But we shall not retaliate ; we shall not retui-n evil for evil ; but we shall do our duty, temperately and firmly — unawed by menace, and uninfluenced by any sectarian spirit. We owe this to the community and the social and civil interests of our common country. THE BANKRUPT LAW. The elements of this law are good, and the spirit which pervades its provisions is honorable to human nature. The difficulty lies in realizing its advantages and escaping its evils — in securing the benefit and avoiding the abuse. 'No good man will consent to be released from his liabilities, if his release is to be made a source of mischief and calamity to the community. He will not wish to have a door unbarred to him, if through that door swindlers are to rush. He will not accept emancipation on such terms ; he will not walk forth to liberty in such company. He will consider a law 60 latitudinarian as this, as a libel on his own integ- rity. No ; he will plant himself on his own unshaken honesty, and, though surrounded by the sad results of adversity, ask for nothing, and desire nothing in- compatible with the public good. Such a man finds his protection in his uprightness and in the moral 24:6 SELECTED EDITORIALS. sense of the community. The creditor who should attempt to invade his condition, to chain the energies and crush the hopes that still remain to him, would be overpowered by public censure and rebuke. He would be withheld from the execution of his wicked purpose by influences stronger than law — by a moral power superior to legal enactments. That a bankrupt law may be shaped so as to secure the just benefits of the present one, and escape the evils to which it is obnoxious, we cannot doubt. Patient application and an honest purpose can effect these objects. The present law was hurried through the forms of legislation with an impetuosity that left much more scope for the relieving pictures of the imagination than the careful decisions of a sober judgment. The nation was captured with the hu- manity of its spirit, but forgot, in this gush of sym- pathy, to guard sufiiciently its provisions. In their zeal to relieve the debtor, they lost sight of the claims and condition of the creditor. Legislation conse- quently looked all one way. "What should now be done is to suspend its going into effect till sober judgment and fidelity to its prin- ciples can revise its provisions and rectify their im- perfections. This should be done without delay ; it* should be done in good faith. It is the firm convic- tion of many of the first men in the country — men practically and thoroughly informed on this whole subject — that if the banl^rupt law, in its present REVOLUTIONS IN EUROPE. 247 shape, should go into operation, it will make ten bank- rupts where it will relieve one. Over such a mass of prospective disaster, misfortune itself should pause. REVOLUTIONS IN EUROPE. The thrilling influences of the French Kevolution are pervading the continent of Europe. The IN'ether- lands are in arras, and the bloody conflicts of Paris have been acted over in Brussels. Austria is filled with alarm, and Italy is deluged with an armed force to keep her in subjection. Spain reels to her founda- tions, and the throne of Portugal totters to fall. The dynasties of Germany are convulsed, and even the autocrat of all the Kussias feels insecure. The powei-s of Prussia would fain shut out the light and freedom that beams from France, and rivet in darkness and degradation that despotism that has become too odious for the intelligence that surrounds it. These popular movements that are disturbing the whole of continental Europe, have something in them more stable and portentous than belongs to the ebullitions of momentary passions, or the blind rush of a reckless rabble. The first demonstrations of disafiection and resistance may, perhaps, be found among the more rash and unreflecting part of the populace, but this is only the foam that floats on the ocean that is rocking to its lowest depths. The age of uninquiring submission is past ; new light has over- spread the nations, and sentiments of self-respect, in- 248 SELECTED EDITOEIALS. dependence, and personal responsibility, have taken possession of the human breast. Little is now ap- parent but tumult, disorganization, and falling frag- ments of antiquated systems ; but out of these wrecks a new order of things will be brought forth, suited to the present age and the condition of man. The last twenty years has been a period of inquiry and penetrating scrutiny into the insolent claims of despotic power ; and what we now see is the result of this bold inquiring spirit : it is not a momentary excitement, accompanied by no intelligence, and di- rected to no definite object. Those who regard these popular movements as the mere transient symptoms of a blind phrensy, will find themselves deceived. They have within them a voice to which kings and their privileged nobility will do well to turn a listen- ing ear. They may, perhaps, by a timely compliance with the claims of oppressed and indignant humanity, escape the disastrous doom that otherwise inevitably awaits them. This age is to stamp the character of centuries yet to come. The moral and political con- dition of the millions that shall move over our dust, is now trembling in the scales. God grant that this generation may be true to its high and fearful re- sponsibilities. REMOVALS FROM OFFICE. The whole administration press is now uttering its remonstrances against removals from office. Softly, REMOVALS FEOM OFFICE. 2i9 gentlemen, softly. The doctrine of removal is one of your own concocting ; it is a cup of your own min- gling : and a bitter cup it is, too ; it is w^ormwood and gall, hemlock ' and henbane to the brim. You made the poor whigs swallow it, and you stood by unmoved by the agonies whieh the poison occasioned. It sickened the whole land ; it threw the whole nation into convulsions ; the great whig party was like a Prometheus overpowered and chained to the Cau- casian rock, with the vultures at his heart. But that stern Titan had sympathy ; the daughters of old Ocean bent over him and softened his tortures with their tears. But no such compassion mingled in the suf- ferings of the poor w^higs ; there was none to pity, none to deliver. But now the tide of fortune has turned ; the victim has become the victor, and "even-handed justice presents this poisoned chalice to your lips." Alas, for you ! Alack the day you compounded that cup ! You should not have gathered those herbs ; you should not have extracted their poison ; you should not have mixed that bowl of convulsive and penal torture. You could then protest; you could then appeal to justice and humanity ; but now your re- monstrance is without power ; it gasps and dies in conscious guilt. Still we hope you will not be called upon to drain that cup. We know its bitterness so well, we w^ould save your being required even to taste it, were it in our powder. Forgiveness is a virtue, re- 11^ 250 SELECTED EDITOKIALS. venge a crime. The " poisoned chalice" some men administer to others without compunction. Its bitter- ness they never fully understand, until it is returned to " their own lips." THE SLAVE-TRADE^ AND RIGHT OF SEARCH. An armed expedition from the U. S. ship Yin- cennes, cruising in the West Indies, was sent out on the 28th of March, 1843, to exj)lore a part of the south side of Cuba. " In the Guava river," this expedition, as the authentic narrative states, "fell in with a Spanish slaver, which submitted to an examination of her papers, which were all found correct. She did not attempt to resist, nor was a gun fired. She was well armed, with a crew of forty-three men, and had left Africa with five hundred and fifty slaves, of whom thirty-four had died, and two jumped over- board in delirium : had been at sea twenty-eight days. This slaver was permitted to pass, which was regretted by all." And why was she permitted to pass ? Why was she not captured, the public indignantly exclaim ! Why ? because our government have taken up a position on this subject which forbids capture ; and visitation too, even in going on board of that slaver, ascertaining her character and accursed occupation. We violated our non-visitation principle ! a principle that splits diplomatic hairs, and allows a continent to be rifled of its helpless children ! which shapes a THE 'SLAVE-TRADE, AND EIGHT OF SEARCH. 251 definition, and covers our coast with the miseries and horrors of the slave-trade ! Kever was a Christian nation before jjlaced in such an attitude of humiliation and reproach. We were the first nation to declare the slave-trade piracy. We invoked England and other Cliristian powers to join us in measures for the condign punishment of those engaged in it, and the final extirpation of the in- human traffic itself. When these powers at last thoroughly moved in the matter, and on the force of impulses which we first gave, we at once backed out, and we have now taken up a position which turns all our previous measures, our holy horror and penal enactments, into a burlesque. We have made our- selves perfectly powerless so far as the slave-ships of all other nations are concerned. The ocean may swarm with them, and we cannot capture one unless she has American papers, nor can we even go on board to ascertain that fact. The slaver has only to run up the flag of any other nation, and her immunity is complete ; she may laugh at our armed force, and send up her jeers amid the whole squadron which we are about sending to the coast of Africa. Such is the condition to which we have been reduced by our foolish jealousy and hair-splitting diplomacy. Were we to stop here, we might, perhaps, have the virtue of consistency, in our humiliation and shame ; but, as if to relieve our condition, we are about sending out to Africa an armed squadron, 252 SELECTED EDITORIALS. which our non-visitation principle, if carried out, will render as idle as if sent to the moon. We cannot stir there, tack or sheet, without violating the very restrictions which we have imposed on other powers. We cannot capture even an American slaver that has the wit to run up foreign colors ; we cannot allow an officer or sailor to profane her deck with his intrusive footstep. Had we set our ingenuity to work to in- vent some plan by which to protect, in the most effectual way, the slave-trade, w^e could not have been more successful than we have in our non-visitation principle. It is a jDerfect shield to the slave-ships of all other nations, and our own too. We trust this nation will not long submit quietly to this attitude of helplessness and reproach. We owe it to ourselves, to the moral principles of the age, to the claims of humanity, and the requirements of infinite justice, to throw at once this diplomatic quib- bling to the winds. We should say, frankly and fearlessly, to all the powers of Christendom, capture and sink the slaver wherever found, and under what- ever colors she floats. Should abuse in any instance follow^, demand and enforce redress : any thing but this skulking behind a diplomatic quibble, and seek- ing to protect the honor of a national flag by a defini- tion. It is more disreputable than even the torj)edo system of the last war. Instead of standing aloof, declaiming about the right of search, allowing our comnierce to be im- THE SLAVE-TKADE, AND RIGHT OF SEARCH. 253 peded, and our flag used as a protection for pirates, it would better become us to unite in the humane purpose of other nations, and depend a little more on our own courage and activity, to prevent any abuse attendant on a mutual concession of the right of search. We have declared the slave-trade piracy, and it ill becomes us now to say that no nation shall interfere with the wretch who attempts to carry on this ac- cursed traffic, under an abused use of our flag. It would be much better, and much more honorable in us to say to other nations, you may pursue the slave- ship under whatever flag she floats, but you must not abuse this privilege, you must not interfere with our legitimate commerce ; and then to place at the dis- posal of the Secretary of the Navy, a force sufficient to protect our interests and honor on the African coast. But to do neither of these, only evinces in- difference to character, and insensibility to crime. Oh, Africa ! in blood at every pore ! Thy nameless sufferings are a world's disgrace ! Nations have battened on thy brood ; each shore Has been the grave of thy ill-fated race ! — Worse than the grave, for thou hast lived, and bore Thy wrongs, while death had been a resting-place. What voice shall now thy captive sons reclaim ! What arm secure thy children that remain ! 254: SELECTED EDITORIALS. DOMESTIC SLAVE-TRADERS. If there is a class of men that ought to be regarded with universal and unmingled detestation, it is the miserable beings that are often lurking in this city and district, in the character of slave-traders. They are prying into each cabin and kitchen, searching out the circumstances of each person of color ; and where they think a speculation can be made, endeavoring to effect a purchase. But they do not confine their impertinent inquiries and merciless bargains to the district ; they perambulate the country, tempt the planter who has become embarrassed in his finances, and at length succeed in making the requisite pur- chases : a vessel is chartered, and several hundred of these unfortunate beings are shipped on board for the New Orleans market. The anguish and despair that are thus occasioned by breaking up the strongest ties of nature, by drag- ging away children from their parents, brothers from their sisters, and the mother from her infant child, may, perhaps, be conceived, but never described. It is no uncommon thing to see a young female slave, ascertaining that she has been purchased by one of these merciless traders for the Southern market, fly- ing from house to house, endeavoring to sell herself for a higher price than that for which she has been bartered away, so that she may be able to satisfy the demands of her repacious purchaser, and live and die among her relations. IDOMESTIC SLAVE-TEADEKS. 255 AVere such things transacted on some barbarous coast, where the humanizing influences of civilization and Christianity were unknown, our amazement might be less ; but when we see them openly coun- tenanced in a land that boasts of the freedom of its institutions, and the mildness and equity of its laws, we are ready to regard benevolence, virtue, and reli- gion as a mockery. Reason, justice, and humanity demand of our na- tional Legislature the immediate enactment of a law prohibiting, under severe pains and penalties, this wholesale traffic in. human flesh. The man who finds himself in the possession of slaves, entailed upon him perhaps with his patrimonial inheritance, and who treats them kindly, is entitled to our most charitable considerations ; but the heartless being who goes about buying up his fellow-creatures, as a mere matter of cold-blooded speculation, instigated only by the most sordid and reckless avarice, merits our unmingled scorn and abhorrence. His occupation is a piracy on human life and hap- piness : he thrives on the tears and agonies of his fel- low-beings ; and the dungeon, with its chains, or the scaffold with its ignominy, ought to be his immediate allotment. And yet these inhuman monsters are allowed to shelter themselves under the very eye of our Capitol, and to prosecute their fiendish schemes with as much impunity as if life and liberty were meant only for 256 SELECTED EDITOEIALS. their sport. The deluded being who lifts his hand against the transportation of a few idle letters and worthless pam]3hlets, we consign to an unwept grave ; but the wretch that, like a vampyre, battens on the life-blood of the commnnity, is allowed to pass un- molested. UNITED STATES BANK. Why should some be so sensitive on the subject of this institution ? Why regard every inquiry with distrust and aversion ? Why construe every sugges- tion into an evidence of hostility ? It is one thing to stand before an institution as its unqualified enemy ; it is another thing to stand before it as an unques- tioning worshipper ; it is another thing still, to stand before it as one ready to correct the wrong, to strengthen and uphold the right. Convince the public that an institution is privileged against inquiry ; that it is exempt from investigation ; that its errors are to be kept a secret, or spoken of only in whispers, and you destroy at once the confi- dence of the community in that institution. It is the full persuasion that its errors will be known — that its faults will be corrected, its evils rectified — that sus-, tains it in the calm judgment of mankind. ISTor is this vigilance and honesty to be the less active and faithful with its friends, because the institution may have its foes. They are not to be excused from cor- recting real faults because others may be attacking UNITED STATES BANK. 257 imaginary ones. It is our weak points that we should fortify; our stronger ones will take care of them- selves. "When General Jackson waged his blind, extermi- nating war against this bank, heading his forces in person, closely investing it with the bristling strength of his beleaguering lines, erecting his engines, and heaving against wall and bastion the full force of his enormous battering-ram, prudence and good policy required the besieged to stand strictly on the defen- sive ; to husband their resources ; to strengthen every weak point ; to watch every movement of the enemy, and to meet every charge with firmness and compo- sure. But instead of this we had a series of sorties, all gallantly led, it is true, and making a brilliant display, but leaving no permanent impression on the beleaguering foe ; while that old battering-ram, un- diverted by these transient sallies, was shaking bas- tion and buttress with the thunders of its impetuous strength. The voice of the old hero in the mean time was heard at every point rebuking the inactive, cheering on the resolute, and shouting for glory or the grave. But the besieged committed a worse folly than that of their sorties : they sent out scouts and recruiting parties in all quarters — not to bring up forces, to man the walls, and strengthen the besieged citadel, but for an outside battle. So numerous wxre those sent out in this recruiting capacity, and such the sums 2 "8 SELECTED EDITORIALS. spent to procure their aid, that the citadel itself was fearfully weakened and impoverished. The mer- cenary troops in the mean time were tardy in coming to the relief of the besieged, and, when they did ar- rive, they were without an experienced commander, without discipline, or any concerted plan of action. The consequence was, they made a poor fight of it. Some were dismayed, some proved treacherous, some fled, and a few fought like men. But the old hero was too strong for them ; too strong in numbers, and too strong in that phrensied resolution which forgets all things else in the achievement of its object. The fortress, weakened by its sorties, and disap- pointed in the conduct of its mercenaries, was at last obliged to capitulate ; or rather, it threw out a new banner upon the breeze — one in which the glorious star of Pennsylvania shone bright and alone. The besieging general, amazed at the new insignia, and well knowing that it was not against such a banner that he had declared war, seemed at first in doubt how to act. But, suspecting some artifice, he only par- tially suspended hostilities ; but it was enough to give the besieged time for breath, for consultation, and for arranging a new plan of action. And what was this new plan of action at length adopted ? It was to make a new demonstration under this new banner. It was to secure champions and friends for it in the I^orth and the South, in the East and the West ; to have it welcomed from a thousand UNITED STATES BANK. 259 hills and plains. Under this new enthusiasm, past misfortunes were to be retrieved, lost laurels won, and the tide of victory rolled back on the foe. But all these new alliances, these new friendships, kept drawing heavily on its resources. Every community that sent in its allegiance expected its reward. They required, in some shape, an adequate return for their fealty. Few communities expected this, and none certainly claimed it, in the form of a direct largess. But they sought it on the face of securities which had no sound claims to the confidence which they required. In this way the energies of the institution, instead of being concentrated or posted where they could be called into immediate action, upon any emergency^ were dispersed far and wide, and so mixed up with other interests which had none of its solidity or recu- perative force, that their efficiency and ability to ren- der prompt relief was utterly lost. The consequence was disaster, and almost ruin, when the day of trial came. When we consider the substantial service which this institution had rendered the country, the benefits it had conferred at home and abroad, the good char- acter it had sustained for uprightness, and when we consider, too, the blind malignity with which it was assailed, the fury and force of the war waged against it by General Jackson, we are almost ready to excuse any errors it may have committed flowing from meas- 260 SELECTED EDITORIALS. ures of defence, However fatal they may have proved. But it is worse than idle to say that no such errors have been committed, or that none have occurred which financial ability and moral firmness could have avoided. Let the errors of the past be our monitors for the future, and let it be our business to correct faults rather than excuse them, to rectify evils rather than seek their concealment. RESUMPTION DAY. It would puzzle the pencil of Hogarth to sketch the motley scene presented at the counter of the United States Bank, in Chestnut-street, on the day of its resuming payment. First you would see some active, sharp-sighted broker, very polite, and asking for only some fifty thousand ; then would follow a distrustful depositor, half doubting whether it was best after all to burden himself with the specie, and when he had got it, lookhig for all the world as if he knew not where to go, or what to do with it, and quite ready to accuse his stars for his folly. 'Not so with the next one ; he is a gaunt, tall figure, with a face so thin that only one j)erson can look at it at a time, pinching a few bills in his long, bony fin- gers, and quite determined to hold on to it with one hand, for fear of some cheat, till the specie shall rattle in the other. Then comes a Hostess Quickly, witli her full, red RESUMPTION DAT. 261 face, and go-ahead manner, shaking her bills, and determined to take ample revenge for all the shin- plasters and counterfeit notes which her roguish cus- tomers have palmed off on her. Then comes up a sailor, taken all aback when he sees the piles of gold and silver, and looking as if ready to knock down the man who had told him the bank was not safe and sound. Then strides up a huge Irishman, bringing his own bill, and those of some dozen others. But what shall he do with the dollars ? he finds a hole, or suspects there is one, in each of his pockets. So he offs hat and has them thrown into that, when out drops the crown, and the dollars roll around the floor, to the merriment of all save the son of Erin. Then approaches a spare laundress, with her ten-dollar bill, asks for gold, takes the eagle and deposits it safe in her snuff-box before she has stirred an inch from the counter. Then comes the Ethiopian, with his white ivory flashing through the curl of his dark lips ; he has somehow got a ten-dollar bill, wants it all in fifty- cent pieces, shoves the shiners into his pockets, ejacu- lating as he turns away, " I guess we'll empty their big box for them to-day." Then strides up a locofoco with his elbows out, and his nose red enough to illu- minate his footsteps in the darkest night, "Here, Mister, is a shinplaster of yours ; if it's good for any thing, give us the hard stuff." Then comes wheezing along a countryman, with a bag on his back filled 262 SELECTED EDITORIALS. with specie, rolls it from his shoulder upon the coun- ter, and requests its amount in bank bills. Had a man sprung out of his grave, the astonishment of the motley group could not have been greater. The wo- men dropped their specie, the locofoco stood speech- less, the pickpocket forgot he had fingers, and Hostess Quickly was pale and still as Lot's wife in monu- mental salt. MAY DAY IN THE COUNTRY. Spking-time is a season full of hope and promise. It is symbolical of youth, and its opening is worthy to be kept with innocent pastimes, and as a joyous holi- day. The beautiful customs of the rural population of England have never yet been introduced among their descendants in this country. " May Day" is hardly known with us, except as a season of common, social congratulation. In England it is kept as a festival full of delightful interest, its associations being of the most joyous and fascinating character. The season there is one of rich horticultural beauty, the meadows throwing off the delicious fragrance of their wild-flowers, while the hill-sides blossom with the woodbine and honeysuckle. In many of the villages the custom of celebrating May Day is kept alive. It beautifully tends to infuse poetical feeling into common life, while it sweetens and softens the rude- ness of rustic manners without destroying their sim- plicity. MAY DAY IN Tlffi COUNTRY. 263 In England, the " May-pole" is erected in some choice and beautiful spot. It is decked with jessa- mines, and garlands of flowers, and honeysuckles hunff in beautiful clusters from its summit. The youth of both sexes join in the rural dance and song, and pastimes of the most guileless nature are enjoyed by the unsophisticated population of the rural districts. The "Queen" selected to preside, becomes the object of distinguished admiration, often bringing the most ambitious swain at her rustic feet. The influence of this beautiful season has been most salutary in England, but it declines with the chilling habits of gain, and as the country mawkishly apes the customs and fashions of the town. With us but few rural customs are known, and none are extensively observed among the rustic popu- lation. Yet the season of spring-time comes alike to all with welcome loveliness. The dreary winter has passed, and nature, throwing off the cheerless em- brace of cold and tempest, gladly opens her bosom to the warm dalliance of soft winds and yellow sun- shine. Man and beast alike feel the reviving influ- ence of the genial warmth which this season of youth- ful beauty diffuses. Vegetation revives, and the world teems with resuscitated vegetable, animal, and insect life. The green lawn brightens with its fresh verdure. The buds swell and open, and the foliage thickens upon the leafless forest-trees. Birds, those sweet 26tt SELECTED EDITOKIALS. messengers of love, and objects of refined admiration, carol on iiouse-top and bush, and swell their gay notes even among the dust and clamor of the great city. Flowers spring up by the narrow walk, and the fragrance of the rose diifuses its rich perfume at every opening window. The honeysuckle throws out its tendrils and clings to whatever it finds to lean upon, while the woodbine climbs up the dizzy wall, as if in reach of light and a pure atmosphere ; and household plants, which have been hid from the rough wdnd of winter and the cold sunbeams, are now seen at the open lattice, turning their bright tints and lily hues to the warm sun, and drinking in the soft winds of spring-time. ASSOCIATIONS OF CHRISTMAS. The one hundred and twenty bells which hang in the turrets of Mafra castle, are now in joyful chime. That old cathedral bell of England, which at other times only wakes up to toll the death of kings, hath found a merry tongue. All the bells which swing in the countless towers of Christendom, are now pouring their music forth to hail this happy morn. Palace and cottage, the swelling city and the castled steep, catch and return the glad echoes. The young yield themselves to festive mirth, and the aged are happy again ere they depart this earth. The eyes of the dying light up ; and immortal hope cheers even the gloom of the grave. ASSOCIATIONS OF CHRISTMAS. 265 This should be the happiest day in the year. It has a source of gladness all its own. This is not the greeting of friends, nor the gathering of childhood and age once more around the family hearth. It is not the interchange of kind wishes, or the mingling of glad voices over the banqueting board. It is not that bright promise which greets the glance of the father in the face of his boy, nor those smiles of infant beauty over which the mother hangs in transport; nor is it that sacred tie which binds a brother's pride to a sister's confiding love. It is a love beyond this, beyond all that human heart hath known. It was born far back in the depth of ages. 'No earthly splendor encircled its cradle ; no philosophy taught it lessons of wisdom ; no sys- tems of humanity matured it into higher strength. Yet at its word sorrow forgot its tears, and despair smiled — the lame leaped like the roe, the deaf listened to unwonted harmonies, the blind caught visions of transcendent beauty, the dumb shouted for joy, and the dead left the dark prison of the grave. But this love was unrequited ; it was persecuted and betrayed. The form in which it dwelt was man- gled on the cross, and yet it prayed for those who did the deed. Over its divinity death had no power ; it rose from out the gloom of the grave ; poured its light over the hills of Palestine, over the isles of Greece, and through the palaces of imperial Rome. The divinities of superstition saw it and fled ; while 12 2G6 SELECTED EDITORIALS. the dark systems of philosophy, like shadows at the break of morn, melted away in its light. Ages have passed away, nations disappeared, the storms of revolution and time swept over the wrecks of human greatness, but this divine light still streams on. It glows this day over the city of David ; it is hailed in the baronial halls of England ; it gleams amid the relics of Rome ; it kindles along the icy cliffs of Greenland ; it melts over the dark bosom of Africa ; it illumines the isles of the southern seas ; it pours its splendors along the banks of the Ganges. It is this light which cheers our temples ; w^hich sanctifies the hearth of our homes ; whicli fills this day the swelling city, the quiet hamlet, and the aisles of the deep forest with hymns of gratitude and devotion. This is that light which came from heaven ; that love w^hose mission of mercy flows to all lands, and which will yet reach the sorrows of every human heart. The voice of the angels, as in Bethlehem, still peals the anthem, Peace on earth and good-will to men ; and the cross of Christ stands now as it stood eighteen hundred years ago, unworn by age, and throwing its sacred light through the earth. Repentant multitudes through the past have turned to it, and forsaken the paths of guilt and error. Good men in all ages have lifted to it the eye of faith, and talked of its glories in their dying hour. Martyrs at the stake, the scaf- fold, and the block, have looked to it and forgotten their persecutors and their j)ains ! No wonder then EARLY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. 267 that the angels watch'ed that hour when the Saviour was born — that they hymned, in seraphic numbers, that love which induced the Son of God to veil his divinity in mortal form, and which made him the hope and refuge of a lost world ! It is this event for which these Christmas bells are in chime. It is this event that has given such beauty and brightness to this morn. It is this event that has poured such a tide of happiness and love through the myriads of hearts that beat in Christian lands. May this happiness, dear reader, be thine ; may this love be the light of thy soul ; may this Saviour be to thee the chief among ten thousand. This choice and af- fection his fidelity will repay ; he will be thy stay and strength when other supports shall fail ; he will sustain thee when the lamp of life goes out, and gra- ciously remember thee in that day when he shall number up his jewels. EARLY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. It has been argued by one of the popular female writers of the present age, that religion ought not to be taught in early life, lest the mature faculties should be trammelled or misguided by early impres- sions, and should thus fail of arriving at the truth. It seems a pity that one so learned as Miss Edgeworth should appear not to have discerned the distinction hetween personal religion and technical theology ; or, if she discerned it, she perhaps confounded the two 268 SELECTED EDITORIALS. together, as the French infidels did Popery and the Christian religion, for the purpose of effecting the ruin of both. "We will not at present advocate the opinion that all children and youth should be made theologians. But now, and ever, we shall neither be afraid nor ashamed to maintain that the conscience of all, that spiritual censorium of whatever is salutary or perni- cious, that secret but heavenly monitor, should be rendered and kept as susceptible, active, and efficient as possible ; and that religious motives should be brought to act with all their power on youthful minds, to deter them from dangers which are fatal to so many, and to urge them onward to excellent attain- ments. It seems almost idle, on this subject, to appeal to Scripture, if it has ever been read. Its decision ap- pears to us full, clear, and unequivocal. If its nu- merous injunctions to teach its truths to the young, and to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, mean what we suppose they must mean, there can be no dispute with regard to early reli- gious instruction, except with infidels, or those who merit the name by their perversion or neglect of the Bible. But with such we are willing to argue briefly on other than Scriptural grounds. In the first place, then, we assert, without fear of contradiction, that in communities where the Bible is a common book, for every young person that is in- EARLY RELIGIOrS INSTRrCTION. 269 jnred by error, superstition, fanaticism, or moroseness, derived from early religious impressions, there are tens and hundreds that are far more injured for the want of seasonable religious instruction. What are, in fact, the great sources of vice and ruin to the young in such communities ? Who ever heard of religion, pure or erroneous, amidst their scenes of idleness, quarrelling, gambling, drinking, revelry, drunkenness, prodigality, and debauchery, except when it sounds a secret note of alarm, through an accusing but stifled conscience? It will be a new era in the history of such communities, when these ruinous irregularities can be ascribed to the errors, and not to the want of early religious instruc- tion. The actual evils, then, of religious mistake, under the advantages which we enjoy, are no more to be compared to the evils which religion is designed and calculated to prevent and remedy, than a cold or headache to the pestilence. It is proposed, however, to substitute wordly considerations for the mighty power of religious motives ; as if they had not been tried before ; as if the world were reforming too rapidly ; as if the furious horse, even while he is bursting through the barriers of brass and shattering curbs of steel, may be considered already mild enough to be led by a hair, or confined by hedges of poppies ; as if the temptations of the age may be warded by a shield of bulrushes, and rampant nature 270 SELECTED EDITORIALS. in the blood and brains of youth may be checked and controlled by curbs of tinsel. We look at the tests of experience. We look at the actual condition of society. We have no respect for those Utopian schemes which are not at all adapted to that condition, but to the imaginary condition of an imaginary people. We have thus far advocated early religious instruction, merely for the sake of worldly benefits and worldly advantages. We have not taken into the account the infinite importance of preparing, in due season and in a proper manner, for a certain and unchangeable eternity. We slight mere worldly motives, in training the young, not only on account of their comparative in- efficacy, but on account of their actual tendency, as it is very often exhibited. Fashion and custom are the almost universal powers of worldly principalities ; and it need not be told how despotic is their sway among worldly motives, nor how often they are even hostile to the purity of virtue, the correctness of taste, and the excellence of character. Besides, the youthful heart is apt to aspire to mere greatness : it may ba greatness of merit or greatness in crime ; and it naturally pants no more to emulate a Solon or a Daniel, than a Tamerlane or Bonaparte. Though it is seen that the indulgence of vicious pro- pensities is in general a hindrance to great attain- ments, yet as there are some excej)tions to this gen- eral rule, and as each fancies himself one of the num- CUSTOMS AT FUNEEALS. 271 ber, lie is not unlikely to endeavor to make his way, through the recklessness of moral restraints, to the distinction which he desires. Thus, for one chance of guilty eminence, he runs a thousand of wretched debasement. If these views are correct ; if there is an obligation resting somewhere to bring information and motives from the eternal world to bear upon the movements of the youthful mind, and to aid in the formation of the youthful character, it doubtless rests especially on those to whose care they are intrusted, in the event- ful and often dangerous connections and transitions of colleges, schools, and academies ; where, separated from the restraints and happy influence of home, they are hastening to a moral and intellectual matu- rity, and putting forth a profusion of bloom which many a mildew threatens to blight, and many a cor- rupting contagion may turn to excrescence or bring to premature decay. CUSTOMS AT FUNERALS. FAsmoN obtrudes itself even at the threshold of the grave. Customs have been established which often give pain to the sober. Yet they must be observed by the most discreet. When a friend dies, the dwell- ing of the departed should not become the resort of the curious or vacant crowd, l^one but the most in- timate of the family circle should presume to ask ad- mittance. Quietness is essential to absorbing grief, 272 SELECTED EDITORIALS. and strange faces pain hearts which are wrung with bitterness and anguish. We would dispense with all the machinery of preparation, where tailors, niantua- makers, and milliners congregate, to talk gossip and speculate upon dress and the latest fashions. There is in all these hurried and jarring operations, where the dead lies untombed, a mockery of woe. Private funerals are most impressive. They are in accordance with the sensitive feelings, which shun contact with observation, when bleeding from com- plicated wounds. Funerals should be simple, unos- tentatious, not disfigured with pomp, and parade, and nodding plumes, in long procession. The shocking mummery of hired mourners, seen in an array of empty carriages, whether bipeds or quadrupeds, should be rejected as an abomination. The religious exercises should be condensed, comprehensive, and suitably fitted to the place, the person, and the occa- sion. The simple prayer of aifection at the burial of a virtuous man, in a village grave-yard, is more touch- ing and impressive than all the regal pomp and mer- cenary dis]3lay thrones can command. We would that the lifeless remains should be deposited in the grave with simplicity and reverence, with the entire absence of heartless show and empty pageantry. This is in accordance with chastened taste. Certainly they have the sanction of Christianity. PROVINCE OF SABBATH-SCHOOLS. 273 PROVINCE OF SABBATH-SCHOOLS. The modesty of the Sabbath-school institution brought upon it at first the indifference of some — the contempt of others. But there were those who had the wisdom to perceive that merit does not always consist in noise and parade, and who, overlooking the comparative insignificance of the institution, and fixing their eyes on remote results, found in it an importance which appealed to their deepest sympa- thies, and warranted their most strenuous efforts. They saw consequences flowing from this institution which involved the highest interests of society ; they determined by self-denial and indefatigable exertions to sustain it, and for years plied their humble task with the patience and zeal of the martyr. No orator lifted an eloquent voice in eulogy of their sacrifices and efforts ; no poet rolled their silent triumphs through his applauding numbers ; yet they went on with unfaltering constancy and firmness. Such cour- age and perseverance show that piety has within it- self that which can dispense with the stimulants of human applause. They who are engaged in giving instructions in the Sabbath-school are molding the very elements of society ; they are filling the future with the living monuments of their own virtue. They are training for posterity the advocates of piety and patriotism, whose influence will be felt in the undisclosed des- tinies of this nation. They are fashioning for a 12^ 274 SELECTED EDITORIALS. brighter sphere spirits over whom death and the grave have no power. It is this living and acting for the future that dig- nifies and ennobles life ; it is this supreme reference to interests which shall quicken when we are dead, that invests our conduct with abiding greatness ; and this is the homage which this nation owes every individual who is submitting to the self-denying la- bors of the Sabbath-school. The most retired female in these nurseries of morality and religion is touch- ing a string that will vibrate when all the harps of mortal minstrelsy are silent ; she is lighting a taper that will burn when suns expire ; she is laying a train of influences which will move on when the schemes of the profoundest politician shall have reached their utmost limit. There is, in our opinion, no institution upon earth so humble in its pretensions, and, at the same time, so commanding in its effects, as that of the Sabbath- school. It exists among us without noise, operates without parade, and is accomplishing the most stu- pendous results without any of the showy appen- dages that usually accompany a great enterprise. It is like a stream which has no cataracts to astonish us with their magnificent thunder, but which winds along in the tranquil valley, asserting its existence only in the life and verdure which appear along its course. THE FOKCE OF PARENTAL EDUCATION. 275 THE FORCE OF PARENTAL EDUCATION. The parent should never resign his child to the influence of chance, and do nothing for him because he cannot do every thing. He can aid in the devel- opment of his faculties ; he can turn the current of feelings into suitable channels ; he can Hx his attention on worthy objects. He can present examples of sub- lime eminence in poetry, and tempt the wing of his fancy towards heaven ; he can pour the impassioned language of the orator on his ear, and waken his heart to the majesty of eloquence ; he can spread be- fore him the results of science, and rouse his curios- ity ; he can echo the language of the dying patriot, and kindle a love of country; he can call up the sen- timents of the martyr to virtue, and inspire a venera- tion for exalted goodness. These young sentiments he can nourish ; he can plant them as vigorous shoots deep in the soul ; he can twine them with the roots of every principle in his moral and intellectual being ; and, if the harvest does not equal his reason- able expectations, his withered hopes will at least find consolation in the consciousness of duties dis- charged. In the power of habit, however, he has a strong, though conditional pledge of success. This myste- rious power, by uniting itself with the tenderness of our nature, lays the foundation for improvement, and becomes the guarantee of exalted excellence ; or it hastens our progress to ruin, and binds us over to ir- 276 SELECTED EDITORIALS. retrievable sorrow. We may be insensible to its transforming power, and dream only of its imbecil- ity ; but when tlie re very of our dream is past, we shall find that under its subtle energy our tenden- cies, whether good or bad, have been strengthened ; that our characters have become more fixed, and that we are nearer the illustrious limit which mor- tality has afiixed to human excellence ; or nearer that inglorious grave, where we can hope to escape shame and contempt only in the forgetfulness of mankind. The parent may gaze with prying intensity upon his infant boy — catch eagerly every expression that breaks from his undissembling features — watch the gathering intimations of intelligence, and the bright- ening dawn of reflection; he may discover in his coimtenance a resemblance to that of men who have been eminent in genius, learning, and patriotism ; and he may fancy that he has ascertained what age will do for this young object of his solicitude ; but it is mere fancy — aside from the influence he can exert on his education, he can form no rational conjecture respecting the future character of his child." For aught he can tell, the diflicult sciences may lie beyond the grasp of his intellect, the regions of poetry soar beyond the reach of his genius, and the political creed of his nation lie beyond the extent of his comprehension ; or the dark lineaments of vice may one day creep over that countenance — the deep JOHN QUmCY ADAIklS. 27' shadows of unbridled passion cast over that brow, or the weight of accumulated sorrows crush that heart which now beats joyfully to his clasping hand. He may, indeed, realize his glorious hopes in the future happiness, the moral and intellectual elevation of his child ; but these are to be the result of circumstances over which he has so limited a control, that he can- not calculate on it with assurance. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. We were in the Hall of the House of Eepresenta- tives, when the concerted attack of the South and West on the old statesman of Massachusetts unrolled its thunder. It was fierce and terrific; it seemed to embody the bursting force of long accumulated wrath. It came down with a shock that took away men's breath. It for a time overpowered even sym- pathy, and left the victim of its vengeance silent and solitary under the appalling crime of perjury and treason. The silence which followed was like that which invests the verdict of a jury awarding death ! In this silence the old statesman slowly rose from his seat, feeble under the weight of years ; the dim light of the Hall falling faintly on his bald head, and touching the few gray hairs that remained. He stood there the representative of the past ; the sur- vivor of a generation now gone ; and his own step only lingering ere it should bear him to the silent 278 SELECTED EDITOKIALS. assemblage of the dead. He was calm ; passion was still ; a sense of wrong and a consciousness of right shed over him an air of solemn dignity and repose — " His look Drew audience and attention still as night, Or summer's noontide air." The old man knew his strength, and where it lay. A few bold strokes at constitutional law, and the principles involved in our great charter of freedom, and light flashed forth : the dark accusations of his opponents melted away like vapor at the rising sun. He now stood as one on a lofty rock from which the clouds have passed, challenging himself the spirits of the departing storm. To his accuser from the West, who had been seduced into the position of a prosecutor by false friends, he was somewhat lenient. Still, he swej^t away his legal pretensions, and left his judicial claims only that bewildered respect inspired by his other qualities. The pity reserved for the accused, strayed off through an unexpected channel to meet the wants of the accuser. To his accuser from the South he was less lenient, as his attack had flown obviously from the most malicious motives. Fastening his steady eye upon him, he said — ^There came into this House a few years since, a man stained with the crime of mur- der : his expulsion was proposed ; I threw myself JOHN QUmCY ADAMS. 279 between that man and the execution of this purpose, declaring against the constitutional competency of this House to sit in judgment on the crime. This man now comes here, with the blood of a fellow- being still dripping from his garments, and charges me w^ith perjuyy and treason for having presented a petition ! Let him go and appease the shade of the murdered Cilley ; let him purge from his soul " The deep damnation of his taking off." Here he paused, when , pale and confounded, rose, and sought to escape responsibility through a deeper implication of his associates. He sought to heave the crime from his own breast upon that of others, and to effect this, violated all the obligations of personal friendship, all the sanctities of private confidence. Such is the honor of duelling when put to the test. We have noticed this scene, not for the purpose of casting odium on the accusers of Mr. Adams, but to bring out one great practical truth — the moral power of being in the right. It was this which gave the accused his strength, his defence, his vindi- cation. It was this sacred constitutional right of the constituent to petition his representative, which armed him against the most fearful odds and ren- dered him invincible. This rigJit is independent of abolition movements ; it derives not its b^-eath or being from that quarter. The slave question has 280 SELECTED EDITOEIALS. only brought it to the test ; it will survive the ordeal and triumph. It will live, assert itself, direct opin- ion, and shape measures, when they who have bat- tled against it have moldered in their graves. We must come back again to the ways of our fore- fathers. We must select men of years, experience, and practical wisdom, as legislators. We must dis- miss young Hotspurs to the stumps and pot-houses from whence they came. Even, if sober in their habits, they must still tarry in Jericho till their beards are grown. Their youth, inexperience, noisy oratory, and sprouting ambition, are a burlesque on grave legislation. How we were ever weak enough to send them, is one of those problems in human folly which will never be explained. But there they are, and there they will remain till we supply their places with men better fitted to the station. Their situation is as much a subject of ridicule among themselves, as it is of humiliation to the pub- lic. They have one merit, at least, that of properly appreciating each other. No one mistakes his com- panion for a Solon. He knows full well where sound may pass for sense, and silly personalities assume the shape of sober reproof. They have wit sufficient to discover the faults of others, though not enough to detect their own. This partial sagacity age may perhaps mature into something better : they may then perhaps be returned to the places which they now occupy. But till then, it would be kindness to DANIEL WEBSTER. 281 them, as well as a duty to the public, to allow them to remain at home. One old statesman like John Quincy Adams, can rout a hundred of them. He merely uses one portion of them as weapons with which to demolish the rest ; or he ties them together, like Sampson's foxes, with fire-brands in their tails. DANIEL WEBSTER. To be misrepresented, abused, calumniated, is the penalty which greatness pays for station. The same individual who is slandered in a public position, in a private one passes unharmed. Calumnies are like storms, striking with the greatest force the most ele- vated objects. Were Daniel "Webster a private citizen, or merely exercising his great powers at the bar, who believes that the slanders with which he is now assailed would have been set afloat ? Even if there had been just occasion, calumny would only have spoken in whispers ; but it is now open-mouthed and unscrupu- lous. It has at last, however, committed one of those excesses in which even calumny destroys itself. It had passed so long unrebuked, that, gathering impu- dence and assurance from previous impunity, it at last took a fatal stride, and perished in the enormity of the outrage attempted on the innocent. It was like a wild beast rushing at a man on the edge of a precipice, and which, missing its object, plunges itself over the steep verge and perishes in the abyss. 282 SELECTED EDITORIALS. It has been our lot to spend not a few of our years in Washington city. We have there had an oppor- tunity of seeing how great men are made and how they are unmade. Tliere are three methods of de- stroying a man among the political cliques that an- nually assemble there. One is, by assailing his in- tellectual claims, and pouring affected contempt on the aid he can bring to a cause. Another is, by im- peaching his political principles, perverting their character, rendering them odious, and, if possible, infamous with the public. A third is, by undermin- ing his moral character, overthrowing his j)i'ivate virtues, and shuddering with affected horror over his unrelieved depravity. No man from any section of the country, or from the bosom of any party, ever went to Washington to occupy a commanding political position, who was not assailed through one or more of these three chan- nels. We challenge the individual who may ques- tion the correctness of this allegation, to find a soli- tary exception to its sw^eeping truth. Let him call to mind all the great names that have figured at the seat of Government, and designate, if he can, one who has not been attacked, abused, and slandered, in one of the three forms which we have named. Even Washington, he will find, did not escape jeal- ousy and reproach. Mr. Webster could not be reached through his in- tellectual claims, for they were known and confessed DANIEL WEBSTER. 2 S3 of all men. He could not be successfully assailed through his political principles, for these, as exhibit- ed in the weightier actions of his life, were regarded as sound and patriotic. His private character, how- ever, remained as a medium of attack. This is what no public acts can thoroughly protect in any one : the visible cannot serve as a protection for the invis- ible — the known, for the unknown. Here, then, lay the great point of attack. Out of this unknown, monsters were formed to suit the most malevolent purpose, and then against these creations a constant flight of arrows were dis- charged, till, at last, a portion of the public, deceived and duped in the matter, began to believe in the reality of the objects against which this war of vir- tuous indignation was carried on. They who sped the shafts knew they were shooting at shadows ; or, rather, through shadows, at virtue, uprightness, and commanding worth. The arrows ever rebounded ; often wounding and killing those who threw them. But the wounded were bandaged, and the dead buried unseen and in silence. The man who may now believe the slanders heaped on Mr. Webster, and congratulate himself on his exemption from such faults, should he ex- change situations with that great statesman, might soon find his own character and claims crumbling away under the assaults of his adversaries. Per- sonal jealousy, party interest, and political rancor, 284 SELECTED EDITOEIALS. would not spare him. He might appeal to his integ rity, his imcorruptecl honor, but his appeal would be in vain. The martyr at the stake might as well talk of that faith which led to his persecution, and for which the fagot has been lighted. If such would inevitably be our own fate, we should have a little charity for those who share it in our stead. This war on Mr. "Webster has been carried on longer than that which levelled the strength of ancient Troy. But the citadel of his fame still holds out ; bastion and tower remain. There it stands, and there it will continue to stand, through this and coming genera- tions. Time will hallow, but not impair its strength; while each departing year will cast upon it an imper- ishable garland ! DEATH OF GENERAL HARRISON. The President is no more ! He breathed his last at half past twelve to-night. He was aware of his approaching end ; anticipated it with composure and Christian resignation. It brought with it to him no terrors, no dismay, though it will fill multitudes with surprise and sorrow. The sudden and fatal termina- tion of his disease was apprehended more by himself than others. He retained his reason, with a good degree of vividness and force, to the last : his energies rallied at intervals, but were at last overpowered. He took leave of his family and Mends as one that is going on a journey, and expects soon to meet again DEATH OF GENEKAL HARRISON. 285 those from whom he parts. The members of the cabinet were present, and received his last injunction. Tears fell from eyes that seldom weep. He died like a statesman and a Christian ; his last thoughts were for his country, his last hopes in his God. " You UNDERSTAND THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CoNSTITU- TlOisr ^YOU WILL SEE THAT THEY ARE FAITHFULLY CARRIED OUT," were the last w^ords uttered by William Henry Harrison. Overpowered by his disease, he had sunk into a state of apparent insensibility, but before this relapse, had requested that the Yice-President be sent for ; in his revery that followed he had, it would seem, imagined his request fulfilled, when emerging with sudden energy from this state, he fastened his eyes wildly on his supposed friend, and uttered the words which I have quoted; then sunk away and soon breathed his last ! His death has filled all hearts with grief and gloom. The event has come so suddenly that no one seemed prepared to meet it ; indeed it now seems more like some tragic dream than a mournful reality. Men can hardly persuade themselves that William Henry Harrison is dead. But, alas! it is true; and we must bow resignedly to this afflictive dispensation of an all-wise Providence. But one month, and what a change of condition in the man of our choice! How wide the extremes separated by this brief interval of time ! Then he stood forth encircled with the splendors of the in- 2S6 SELECTED EDITORIALS. auguration, and the enthusiastic confidence of mil- lions. E'ow he lies in the silent embrace of death ! Thousands came to utter their congratulations, and invest him with the high robes of his ofiice. They will now come to pay the tribute of their tears, and wa^ap him in the dark pall of the hearse ! With him life, light, and a nation's love, are all exchanged for the perpetual night of the grave ! Men will long speak of his worth, and mourn his death ; but the tokens of their reverence and sorrow can never reach him. They who sought to darken his fair fame, and defeat his honorable ambition, will now relent, but their regrets can never ]3ass the stern barrier of his repose. The voice of eulogy, and the tones of accusation will fall alike unheard on the stillness of his tomb ! The flowers may spring there, the young tree put forth its green leaves, and the birds sing in its branches, but his senses are all sealed to their freshness and melody. The soldier will still rouse himself at the roll of the morning drum, but that rallying call will never more break the slumbers of his rest. With him the weapons of war are all laid aside, and the watch-fires have gone out ! When will it be morn in the grave ! He is gone ! the moral workman has been removed, but the principles which he has molded abide ; the torch has been quenched, but the lamp it has lighted still burns on ; the bow has been broken, but the arrow is sped and will reach its destination. William FrNEKAL OF PRESIDENT HARRISON. 287 Henry Harrison is dead, but the light and influence of his virtues survive, and the moral elements of this nation will long show the evidences of their vigor and purity, as the western sky, when the sun has set, still betrays the glowing traces of the departed orb. From the pale relic that now awaits only the last sad tribute of our respect, an admonition comes to each and to all — " Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh." Shall that voice pass unheeded ? shall the accents of the dead be lightly regarded ? The w^eb may have left the loom that is to weave our shroud ; the tree may have left the forest that is to build our coffin ; before another sun goes down w^e may find a grave sunk across our path : beyond that grave we cannot go ; and the character which we carry with us down into its silent recesses, we carry with us to the tri- bunal of our God. FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT HARRISON. Washington, April 7, 1841. The funeral service for the deceased President was performed in the great saloon of the Executive man- sion. The coffin was placed in the centre ; in a wide circle around it were seated the members of the be- reaved family, the Vice-President and Cabinet, ex- President Adams, with the late Secretaries of State and War, the foreign ministers, the attending phy- sicians, the twentv-four pall-bearers, and the clergy. 238 SELECTED EDITORIALS. The rest of the saloon was filled with ladies and gen- tlemen anxious to participate in the solemnities of the occasion. The service was read by the Eev. Dr. Halley of this city, out of the Bible and Prayer-book purchased by Gen. Harrison, for his private use, a few weeks since in this city. He found the mansion without either of these books, and his first business was to procure them. It is a singular circumstance, and pleasing as it is singular, that the last chapter which General Har- rison read in his Bible, is the one so much used in the burial service ; it is the 15th of the 1st of Cor- inthians. Had it pleased an all-wise Providence to spare the life of the deceased President, the Executive mansion would have presented a good examj^le of religious decorum and domestic piety. But for ends, mysterious to us, it has been ordered otherwise. It becomes us, without a murmur, to bow to this be- reavement. Our plans and purposes are the result of a knowledge that is dim and imperfect ; they are overruled by superior wisdom and goodness for our benefit. Bereavement and affliction often lay us under the deepest obligations to their Author. Pros- perity may make us gay, but adversity makes us wise, and sorrows sanctified make us good. It is the frui- tions of a higher state for which we should live ; the happiness of a better world for which we should be willing to resign the pleasures of this. This is a dark day ; dark in its asj)ect ; still darker FUNERAL OF PEESmENT HARKISOK. 2^ in its events. The clouds hang in heavy masses, and cast far and wide below their desponding shadows ; the city is veiled in gloom, every dwelling is dressied in the coronals of the grave. The vast multitudes that have assembled to witness the solemnities of the day, are wrapt in silent sorrow ; it is the stillness of an all-pervading grief for the departed — the voiceless" homage of man's heart to death. Only &e great river moves on its wonted way ; that still rolls to the ocean — an emblem of our eternal existence. The solemn service for the dead now fills the gloomy halls of the Executive mansion. In its dark saloons kneel the beauty of the city, the associates of the deceased, the renowned in the field, the forum, and pulpit, and the condoling dignitaries of other lands. Upon all falls a deep sense of bereavement, and a sad earnest of the time when they who weep will claim for themselves these last tokens of respect and sorrow. All are bound to the inevitable grave, and the revisions jof the judgment-bar. The body is borne in slow and solemn state from the portals of the mansion to the armed lines \ they open and receive it with presented arms. Then wakes from martial bands the deep anthem of the dead. Then peals aloud from steeple and tower the mono- tone of the funeral knell ; then rolls from tiie steps of the capitol the thunders of the minute-gum. The coffin, veiled in darkness, and wreathed wj^h that type of our immortality which blooms in the ever- - 13 290 SELECTED EDITORIALS. green, is lifted to the sable hearse. Amid the un- dying leaf lies the roll of the Constitution. Six milk- white steeds, each with its African groom in white, and all draped in mourning, are to roll the funeral car. The procession, stretching far away till dis- tance becomes dim, is formed. Flashing arms, glan- cing helmets, nodding plumes, the liveries of state, and banners in the dark symbols of grief, wave over all. The roll of the muffled drum, through the inter- vals of the column, gives the signal, and the long procession, with slow and measured tread, moves for- ward. It comes down the wide avenue which lies through the heart of the city. Every building that lines it is in mourning. The thousands that from pavement, porch, roof, and balcony watch its progress, are mute;- and every ear is turned to the solemn dii'oje of the dead. The sio^h of sorrow breaks from the oppressed heart ; tears fall from eyes that seldom weep. The tomb, on the living outline of the city, is at length reached ; the procession is suspended in its steps ; the body is borne from the funeral car to the silent cliaml)ers of its last receptacle ; a voice ascends clear and distinct over the silent multitude, uttering, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; yea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." The heavy door of the sepulchre returns upon its complaining hinges, closing in darkness the departed ; when the silence is again ME. CLAY AND MR. KING. 291 broken bj the volleyed thunder of the last farewell — a prelude of that louder summons which will one day break up the sleep of the grave ! Thus rest in peace, and sacred trust, the remains of William Henry Harrison — beloved in life, honored in death, and embalmed in the grateful recollections of his country. May his mantle fall upon his succes- sor, and the nation realize the anxious bequest con- veyed in his dying injunction. MR. CLAY AND MR. KING. The reconciliation of these distinguished senators affords unalloyed pleasure to a large circle of personal and j)olitical friends. It is precisely the course which gentlemen, possessing a just sense of honor and per- sonal responsibility, would pursue. 'No man should hesitate to admit a wrong, or acknowledge an error, when it becomes apparent. To retreat from a bad position, which nothing but misunderstanding led one to assume, is not only virtuous, but an imperative duty. The language of menace and detraction which is used to such an alarming extent among the mem- bers of Congress, demands the serious attention of that body. Reformation and reform are needed in the legislative halls, at Washington, quite as much as economy is desired in the finances of the govern- ment. The rudeness and insults which are daily in vogue there, are subjects of fruitful offence every 292 SELECTED EDITOEIALS. where, and are exceedingly painful to the minds of reflecting, and honest private citizens. The conciliatory course pursued by these gentle- men will have its influence, we confidently believe, in another way. It may lead smaller and more des- perate politicians to follow out an equally politic course when their honor is thought to be doubted or their characters impeached. One instance of virtuous forbearance between distinguished men, such as the case under consideration, will exert a pro- digious influence upon public sentiment. We hope it will do something to check the career of the cold- blooded duellist ; that public feeling may not be wounded, and the character of the country again outraged by the sanguinary deeds of members of Congress. The wrongs inflicted uj^on the moral sen- sibilities of the nation by the wanton sacrifice of Cil- ley, are not yet healed or forgotten. God grant that this species of fashionable butchery may no longer be tolerated by public sentiment, or enacted by those who lead in the great political and social improve- ments of the country. "We rejoice that the Execu- tive no longer smiles upon the barbarous jDi'actice of duelling. May we not hope that his frowns upon the ferocious custom will not only bring it into dis- pute in private life, but also brand it with infamy in elevated stations ? DEATH OF GENERAL JACKSON. 293 DEATH OF GENERAL JACKSON. The intelligence of the death of General Jackson, which reached us yesterday morning, will produce, wherever it shall travel, no slight sensation. He was no common man. All the features of his mental and moral constitution were strongly marked. He would have possessed a striking individuality of character in any community. His virtues were never veiled by a shrinking modesty, and no hypocrisy ever disguised his faults. As a military leader, his courage and sagacity have never been questioned. He may have been impetu- ous, but he backed up his impetuosity with all the powers which he possessed. His strength lay not in the maturity of his counsels, but in the quickness of his sagacity, and the promptitude of his action. The qualities whicb crowned him with victory at 'New Orleans, would probably have covered him with dis- aster in the Eevolution. He had an iron endurance when action had commenced, but an uncontrollable impatience at the delay of a decision. If the beam trembled long on the level, he made a preponderance, and trusted the consequences to the energy of his conduct. As a statesman he was patriotic in his purposes, and extremely arbitrary in enforcing them. His opinions were rather the result of impulses than a calm comprehensive survey of facts. His generosity might be touched, but his will was inflexible. His 294 SELECTED EDITOEIALS. determinations were never shaken by menace or de- feated by difficulties. He was a democrat in bis creed and in his social intercourse, and an irrespon- sible dictator in discharging his Executive functions. He regarded the constitution as the sacred ark of liberty, but interpreted for himself the inscription on the tables which it contained. He set his iron heel on the decisions of the Supreme Court, but forced a refractory state, at the point of the bayonet, to rever- ence the authority of that tribunal. He respectfully submitted his nominations to the Senate, but in the event of their rejection still kept the incumbent in place. He acknowledged the constitutional compe- tency of two-thirds of the popular branch of our na- tional legislature to pass a law which met with his official disapprobation, but effectually defeated it by retaining it in his possession. He overthrew, with Spartan perseverance, a na- tional bank, that might have been rechartered, had his prejudice been conciliated and not his power de- fied. He threw his political opponents from place, not to gratify personal hostility, but to appease the clamor of pretended friends. It was his crowning calamity, as a statesman, to have confided where he should have distrusted, and distrusted where he should have confided. As a citizen he was beloved and respected. He was as sincere in his friendships as he was undiguised in his hostilities. He was courteous alike to all. His DEATH OF GENERAL JACKSON. 295 amenity never forsook him, unless in some paroxysm of anger, and this was transient. The heavens be- came clear again when the cloud had passed, and even before its thunder had ceased among the re- verberating hills. Even in his stormiest hours the memory of his departed wife would come over him, serene as the bow arching the tumult and terror of the cataract. His manifestations of the religious sen- timent shone out like stars between the broken rack of the sky. His last days were brightened with the steadfast hope of a happy immortality. He died with an unquenchable faith in the merits of the Ee- deemer. He will be remembered for his valor, for his iron force of character, and the Christian meek- ness in which he rendered back his being. He has left his impress on his age : an impress which time, disaster, and death will never efface. WALTER COLTON IN THE PULPIT. In this volume of Remains hitherto, and in the previous volumes, we have seen Mr. Colton as a traveller, a journalist, a poet, a satirist, and a moralizer. It is in place also to present him now as a sermonizer ; handling the deep things of God, holding forth the word of life, arguing with the reason, grappling with the conscience, addressing himself to the religious sensibilities of his fellow-men, and inviting them to Christ as a Christian minister. Mr. Colton never prepared a sermon for the press, nor was he in the habit of writing his discourses in full. An intimate friend and relative, who may be supposed to have known well his habits, says of him, that he very seldom read a sermon, and scarcely ever had the original manuscript about him. "Before going into the pulpit he almost invariably prepared, for the time, a new brief. That paper was torn up on leaving the pulpit ; and if he preached the same sermon on the next Sabbath, the brief was again writ- ten, occupying usually less than the space of half a sheet of letter-paper. His manner in the pulpit was always dignified and solemn. I never heard him there indulge in a quip or merry turn. In preaching he was as far from any thing like levity as any man I ever knew. There was in his matter and manner a something which chained and held the hearer." His sermons seem to have been logical in their construction, and eminently beautiful in their diction and illustrations ; and the impressions they left upon the hearer were always solemn. He was a close preacher, and came down at once upon the con- science and heart. He knew that sailors wanted a something that would pierce and probe, and his aim was to give that to them. He clung to the last to those principles of Christian be- lief often termed Puritan, wherein he had been trained in early 13^ 298 POWER AS A prp:aciier. life. He used the Episcopal service at the Naval Station, and on board the man-of-war, but for other reasons than any preference of his own. A clerical acquaintance in Philadelphia gives this testimony in regard to his preaching while there : " As religious worship was observed at the Naval Station only in the morning of the Sab- bath, Mr. Colton frequently preached for me in the afternoon or evening, and always to the gTeat acceptance and profit of the people of my charge. The train of his thoughts was always original and instructive ; his illustrations, beautiful and striking ; his style, chaste and simple ; and his applications deeply solemn and impressive." Respecting one of the sermons that follow here, it is proper for the Editor to add that it is the substance of that with regard to which Mr. Colton himself said, in a letter to his brother, that the most animating and gladdening thing that ever occurred to him, was when a lady of great influence in the South told him that her attention was first excited to personal religion by his sermon on the soul. " I would not," said he, " exchange that fact, and the results that followed in her case, for all the laurels which the most successful literary course could win." A long period of time after the delivery of another sermon a gentleman met and made himself known to him while travelling, who told him that the impressions made upon his mind by lis- tening to a discourse from him twenty years before, had never been effaced ; and that the practical effect of it he hoped would appear in a son then travelling with him, in whose education he had never lost sight of the principles illustrated in Mr. Colton's discourse. There is other evidence, also, of pleasing practical results from his preaching, which, if narrated, would give addi- tional value and interest to the specimens of his pulpit efforts which we now present. DIGNITY, DESTINY, AND DANGER OF THE SOUL. What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ? — Mark viii. 36, 37. This interrogation of Christ involves topics of a deeply impressive interest. Tlie value of that soul, which can be contrasted with the whole world, must be of inconceivable magnitude. Though we may not be able to fathom the depths of this subject, yet we can sketch some of its more prominent features, and penetrate it sufficiently to understand the awful irp- port of the question presented in our text — " What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul ? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" The value of the soul is partially developed in tJie extent of its powers. Here is an intellect that can grasp the mighty question, hold it steady and strong before its penetrating eye, unravel its intricacies, search through all its parts, measure its proportions, calculate its effects, and exult in its luminous con- clusion. Here is an intellect that can penetrate the 300 THE REACH OF ITS POWERS. subtle sciences, render itself familiar with the deep and difficult objects of knowledge, establish trembling truth, overthrow inveterate error, eject old opinions, introduce new ones, conquer prejudice, secure confi- dence, and bind the faith of men to unwelcome ob- jects. Here is an intellect that can sway human conduct, kindle the brightest hopes, awaken the darkest fears, stir the strongest passions, rouse the mightiest energies, move a whole nation as by one impulse, and thus accomplish what may exhaust the strength of millions. Here is a memory that treasures up each new discovery, each fresh experience, — embalming them, binding them together, rendering our existence a continuous chain, bringing back upon us in age the freshness of youth ^ restoring to us the joyous feelings, the happy incidents, the ardent friendships, the ro- mantic devotions of our earlier years, supplying us in our desolate hours with themes of thought, bring- ing before us vanished objects, and beguiling us of present loneliness and sorrow by ten thousand recol- lections in which tfee past still lives in all its original beauty and freshness. Here, too, is an imagination impatient of the earth, spm-ning each grovelling sphere, full of lofty aspira- tion and daring curiosity ; it renders itself familiar with all that is wild, and beautiful, and sublime in nature ; it visits the sunny vale and the thunder- searred cliff, the bleating field and the howling wilder- THE RANGE OP ITS AFFECTIONS. 301 ness, the quiet spring and the tempest-stricken ocean, the populous city and the trackless desert, the ray- less cavern and the glittering heaven. It walks with the living, it communes with the dead ; rides upon the tempest, and is familiar with the lightning ; looks beyond all that is real, creates other worlds, peoples them, sends through them the voice of health and gladness, the shout of rivers, the roar of ocean, the solemn anthem of a mighty creation kindled into the love and worship of the superior, all-presiding Intel- ligence. Here, too, are aftections which bind us by a chain of sympathy not only to real, but to imaginary objects. We smile in the hall of festivity, and weep at the couch of pain ; we talk lightly in the social circle, and tremble at the grave of the stranger. We hang delighted over the cradle of infant life, and linger around age for its last lesson. We follow the joyful youth to the nuptial altar, and the weeping captive to his dungeon and his chains. We shout the patriot victor to the rich harvest of his triumj)hs, and wail with indignant sorrow over the rack of the holy martyr. We go beyond reality, and spread OTir affec- tions and sympathies over ideal existences. The loveliness with which poetical rhapsody invests its favorite character, kindles the deepest feelings of our hearts, and makes us sigh to gaze on this vision of a romantic dream. The virtue, the suffering, the pa- tience in which the melancholv mind embodies its 302 niMORTALITY ITS CEOWNING GEM. feelings, extorts our waraiest tears, and chains us up to fictitious sorrow, as if we were bending over the couch where mortal sufferance exchanges earth for heaven. The majestic elevation which a lofty soul gives to its master-creation, imposes a veneration upon us such as would become humanity in the presence of an angel. We move around among these ideal ob- jects, admiring, weeping, trembling, exulting, with as much intensity as if they w^ere the living substance of our nature. These are a portion of the proj^erties inherent in the human soul. An intellect of all- grasping and all-subduing energy, an imagination of tireless and limitless power and curiosity ; a memory vigilant and faithful to the countless objects of its trust ; sympathies and afiections which spread them- selves in a radiant mantle through the universe. But were the soul, with all its transcendent powers, destined to corruption in the grave, we should regard it only as the passing vision of a majestic dream. "We might sigh that aught so glorious should be so frail, and even supplicate inexorable sovereignty for a longer date. But though the soul inhabits a house of clay, the tenant survives its tabernacle, and will flourish vigorous and young when its dwelling is formless dust. Yes, the stars may fall, the sun ex- pire, the heavens be palled in endless night, but the soul shall emerge from this vast tomb radiant in the immortal image of its Maker. This imperifehable VASTNESS OF ITS ETERNAL DESTINY. 303 property of the soul — its immortality— gives it a value that outweighs ten thousand worlds. Who can tell what it may experience, what it may enjoy, what heights of knowledge it may attain, what depths of wisdom it may penetrate, when this glorious universe is a rayless wreck ! There is something in the idea of eternal duration and an endless progression of improvement which fills the mind with amazement, and overpowers the giant thought that struggles to comprehend it. The conception stands before us like some stupendous mountain, swelling into the -heavens, and becoming, as we approach it, measureless and illimitable in all its proportions. "We gaze, tremble, and sink into the dust! What arm shall raise us? what Almighty power come to our aid ? Stand up, thou amazed, fal- tering spirit, it is thy destiny ! Though man cannot adequately comprehend it, nor ocean with her ten thousand voices of living thunder express it, yet it is thy destiny ! We can conceive of numbers upon numbers till we have told the stars, counted the leaves upon the forest tops, and calculated the sands that spread the shore of ocean, but thy years, oh eternity 1 thy dura- tion, thou immortal spirit, has only begun where our last numbers end ! We only penetrate the surface of this fathomless theme. We see only the first link of an endless chain. We catch a glimpse only of that great future where space and splendor vie in the 304 ITS CAPACITY FOE IMPROVEMENT. prodigality of their gifts. But we discover enough to convince us that its immortahty is the crowning gem in the coronet of the soul. This is its throne, sceptre, and diadem of dominion. Without it, in- stinctive nature might almost sport with its preten- sions ; with it, angels would scarcely stoop to envy, such is now the dignity, destiny, and worth of the soul. If the human intellect, with all the clogs and re- straints upon it incident to its connection with the body, is capable of the prodigious improvement in knowledge we observe here, what may not be ex- pected when these obstructions are removed — when, passionless and pure, above prejudice, debility, ex- haustion, it apj)lies its powers to subjects which the highest intelligences in heaven ponder with intense interest ! How may it not ascend from theme to theme, from one sublime truth to another, in a glori- ous endless climax ! And the memory, if with the effacing agencies which exist here it can still retain the traces of pass- ing events, how will its mental tablature kindle into characters of clearest significance, when the search- ing light of heaven plays upon its imperishable form I Here, like a troubled pool, it reflects only the flowers that bloom upon its brink ; there, like a tranquil lake spread wide and clear beneath ineftable splendors, it will mirror forth its unfading resemblances. And the imagination, if it can wing the heaven ITS FUTURE EMPLOYMENTB. 305 and tempt the uncreated here, how will it exult when this mortal weight is laid aside, and when it is braced hj a pinion that can never grow weary ! How will it range the dread magnificence of that heavenly region, where all the loveliness and grandeur of the universe is expressed ! How will it wander back to the ruins of this world, and extort from every faded fragment some recollections deeply interesting to its celestial companions ! How will it wander down the track of man's redemption, weeping, wondering, and wor- shipping along this highest achievement of the Al- mighty ! And the affections and sympathies of the soul, if they can spread themselves through the heavy at- mosphere which weighs upon all things here, how will they wander, kindle, and expand in that world where all is buoyancy, light, life, health, and holy transport ! How will they circulate among that con- genial, countless multitude that have been redeemed out of every kingdom, and clime, and tongue under heaven ! How will they mingle in that universal chorus, that like the sound of many waters, shall pom- in a tide of ceaseless harmony down the lapse of eternity ! What a glorious vision of intelligence, creative power, and boundless enjoyment does the ransomed spirit present ;— all mental darkness, depression, and satiety removed ! Glod alone can tell its elevation and bliss. Well might our Saviour exclaim, " What 30G MEASUREMENT OP ITS VALUE. shall it profit a man, if lie shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" If language can have mean- ing, this is full of it. It not only embodies the im- port of every deduction of enlightened philosophy, of every revelation of deepest interest from Jehovah, but it is sustained by sacrifices and sufferings in which the Son of God himself expires. If the faith of the martyr inspires us with confidence from his steadfastness amid persecutions, what shall we say of His declarations, whose words are oracles written in his own blood! What shall we say to His assev^- erations who appeals to his own omniscience for his authority, and to his dying agonies for his sin- cerity ! It is not the profound opinion of a deeply medita- tive philosopher ; it is not the solemn conviction of a mitred priest ; nor is it the awful disclosures of an inspired prophet, that here arrest our attention. It is the word of the King of kings, the Lord of lords, Christ our Almighty Redeemer, expressed in his own person, and under circumstances impressive enough to wake the dead : What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul ? — what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Plad this language been uttered in heaven, and rolled down in thunder upon this earth, it would not have the power which it now has, coming as it does from the lips of Him who has sealed its tremendous pur- WHAT HAS BEEN DONE FOE IT. 307 port by anxieties, sacrifices, and sufferings unparal- leled in the records of humanity. Had our Saviour commissioned an angel to im- press upon the inhabitants of this world a sense of the soul's value, had he delegated the highest seraph to bleed and die in attestation of his divine commis- sion, it were all insignificant, compared with what has actually transpired on Calvary. It is Deity stooping to a human form, subjecting himself to the infirmities of our nature, enduring sorrows, encoun- tering ingratitude and persecution, warning and ex- horting inconsiderate man, weeping over his obsti- nacy and blindness, kneeling in the Garden of Geth- semane, wearing a crown of thorns, fainting up the height of Calvary, hanging on the cross, bleeding and dying for man, — it is Deity in these attitudes that impresses us with a sense of the soul's high val- ue. How inconceivable, then, must be the worth of that object which could induce such humiliation and suffering on the part of the Son of God ! Man may lay down his life for the accomplish- ment of a benevolent purpose, and it may still be a question whether the object were worthy of the sac- rifice ; but he who had created the soul knew the extent of its powers and capacities, what it might suffer, what it might enjoy ; and it was this knowl- edge, united with a compassion of exhaustless depths, that brought the Sovereign of life into the manger of Bethlehem, and laid him a mangled martyr in the SOB ITS DEADNESS TO EEDEEMING LOVE. grave. And he that cannot perceive, in the sacri- fices and sufferings of his dying Redeemer, evidence of the soul's value which no language can express, must be dead to the strongest conclusions of human reason, and to the common sympathies of our nature. The very rocks might reproach his apathy, and the madness of hell were sanity in contrast with his. And yet, to the astonishment of devils, there is scarce a tale of fabulous distress or imaginary sor- row, that will not awaken a stronger sympathy in the breast of many, than this story of redeeming love ! They turn away from this heart-melting reality, and shed their tears over the morbid pages of a sickly dream. When w^e attempt to impress the value of the soul by considerations connected with the suffer- ings of Christ, we make as little impression as shad- ows cast upon marble. The reason of this is found in their aversions to the theme. Would they but fol- low our Saviour through Jerusalem, would they but pore over his character with that steadfastness of at- tention, which they bestow upon the hero of a bewil- dering fiction, their hearts must melt into sorrow and veneration. If not, the dead were only one remove from them in coldness and insensibility. But we turn from this melancholy topic of man's insensibility to a consideration of his danger. The soul is in imminent danger of being lost ! Though of such transcendent value, that the w^hole world dwindles in the comparison, yet it is in fearful jeop- ITS ENSLAVEMENT TO SIN. 309 arcly of ruin. In its natural state, the soul is unfit for heaven, and its salvation can only be the result of the sovereign grace of God, united with the most intense and laborious warfare on the part of man. Even a resolution oai the subject of personal religion is not the easiest purpose of an individual, but the carrying of that resolution into effect will leave no faculty unexhausted. 'No man who has not vigorously attempted the great work of his soul's salvation, has any adequate conception of the difficulties with which he must con- tend. Could he be left alone to this work, could the restraints of the world for once be removed, the last retarding influence suspended, he would, neverthe- less, falter and faint in the overcoming task. But he will not be left alone. The world has a strong at- tachment for him : it is at enmity with God, at va- riance with the high interests of the soul, and will endeavor to counteract every effort he may make to alienate himself. This conflict with the world is the first obstacle Avith which the awakened sinner has to contend ; and it is so formidable, that thousands, after a few unsuc- cessful efforts, resign themselves to the calamity of their condition. They are the slaves of the world, of its opinions, forms, maxims, pursuits. A more subduing, crushing vassalage never existed. It weighs upon every faculty of the man. Thousands, having caught some indistinct glimpses of the free- 310 THE DIFFICULTY OF ITS DELIVERANCE. dom of the sons of God, resolve to possess it, — strug- gle, feel the weight of their chains, and expire. But suppose this firet mighty step to be taken: suppose the sinner has got clear of the world ; that he is at liberty to devote his entire powers, as con- science and reason may dictate ; and suppose he does consecrate all his faculties to the work of saving his soul — he will, nevertheless, reel beneath the magni- tude of the undertaking. He has got to recall his past life, to go back in his memory through the pain- ful recollection of his misdeeds, and break the im- penetrable shield in which sin has incased his heart ; he must go down into its sickly depths, wind through its dark labyrinths ; bring forth every lurking failing, every wicked disposition ; expose them to the light of heaven, and put them to death beneath the Cross. This work itself is enouo-h to shake the firmest purpose. It never would be accomplished, nor even attempted, did not the consequences of a failure in- volve eternal misery. Were there any alternative left the sinner but heaven or hell, he would never become a follower of the meek and lowly Jesus. As it is, he will slumber on till his salvation is a mir- acle. Multitudes are never roused till the flames of the bottomless pit receive them. They dream away life under the visionary hope of awaking in heaven, as if salvation were their rightful inheritance. They are as much at ease as if they expected to glide as gently into the Christian character as a tranquil THE FEAKFULNESS OF ITS STUPIDITY. 811 Stream floats to its silent bourne, or as a star moves through the different stages of its serene ascension in the heaven. To alarm these men, to make them feel their dan- ger, and to rouse them to action, is beyond the power of human effort. Unassisted by divine energy, you would as soon invest the tenant of the shroud with the attributes of life. Could you condense into one sentence every startling sound and sentiment in the universe, and j)our it in a rending cadence upon the hearing of the stupid sinner, he would still slumber on in the depths of his untrembling repose. Such is the palsying apathy which sin spreads over the sen- sibilities of our moral nature. The source of this stupidity is found in the wilful ignorance of the sinner. He courts a voluntary blindness to his true character. Let him but see his heart as God sees it, and as he will see it in the day of his last account, and he w^ould loathe and abhor himself : his self-complacency would dissolve in tears and shame. But he blinds his eyes to this loath- some spectacle ; or he throws around it the illusive coloring of his fancy. He will not examine it ; he will not probe its ulcers. He prates of its soundness when it is diseased to its inmost sense ; he talks of life in the midst of death, and feels secure of heaven on the brink of perdition ! You perhaps see the peril of his situation ; you de- termine that he must and shall be aroused from his 312 ITS POWEES OF EESISTANCE. false security; you repeat in his hearing all the alarming declarations of Scripture ; you apply the high and holy requisitions of the divine law to his heart ; you show him in the light of revelation this body of sin and death ; you point him to that fount- ain which cleanseth from sin, to that Spirit which helpeth our infirmities, to that Saviour before whom the humble and contrite never weep and tremble in vain ; you show him the brevity and uncertainty of life, the magnitude of the work before him, the mo- mentous consequences that are pending, — and you beseech him by all that is dear to himself, by all that is due to his Maker, to immediate, strenuous, deci- sive action. But your admonitions and appeals have as little effect upon his listless senses, as whispers on the ear of the dreamer. This impenetrable apathy is not confined to a few darkly conspicuous for their hardihood, but it spreads itself over all who have not received Christ in the meekness of a broken, contrite spirit. It settles down on every sinner in this assembly, stifiing every ray that would divinely illuminate the heart, and blasting in the bud every sentiment of a holier and sublimer nature. It nullifies the most powerful ex- hibitions of Gospel truth ; prevents the access of the hovering, quickening Spirit ; blinds its possessor to the certainty of his destruction ; wra^ps the conscience in the torpors of moral death ; and becomes, as it deepens, the grave of the soul ! THE GREATNESS OF ITS DANGER. 313 Say, then, is not this soul in danger ? "What voice can rouse it from its fatal slumber? What power recall it from its untimely grave? "When will it come forth to the light of heaven, and to the quick- ening beams of the Sun of Eighteousness ? When will it be able to stand erect in renovated life and imperishable beauty ? How shall it gather to itself this better purpose, nomish it into energy, and sus- tain it unshaken to the last? How shall it look steadily at its own pollutions ; its utter unfitness for heaven ; its jDeril in this state of alienation from Christ ? How shall it break up its connections with the world, part with its earthly possessions, renounce its cherished friendships, abandon its idol gods, feel its helplessness and ruin, loathe itself, abhor its past life, and, renouncing every other refuge, every other hope, betake itself to the humbling provisions of the Gospel — to the Cross of Christ — and there, with penitence, contrition, and shame, weep over its guilt and degradation? Oh, ye who trifle with the warnings of inspiration, and sport with the anxieties of the awakened sinner ! your levity is amid the graves of thousands — it is ech- oed from each coffin's lid ! You presume where others perished, and are gay where others despaired ! You are full of presumption and reckless mirth, where all your predecessors have left the bleeding fragments of their best hopes ! — ^you are as one that sleeps at mast- head, or slumbers on the plunging verge of the cataract ! 14 314 THE EUIN OF THE SOUL TOTAL. The destruction of which the soul is in danger is total — extending to all its powers and capacities. Were all its other faculties at an immense remove from the pit of perdition, and the imagination only doomed to hover around this place of unalleviated suffering, with what representations of sorrow would it confound the peace of the soul ! The sight of an execution will live long and frightfully in the mind of the spectator. He still sees the miserable victim of justice suspended from the scaffold, and still hears his coffin rumble down the untimely grave. If the violent extinction of animal life will so haunt and distress the mind of the spectator, what would those sighs, and groans, and unavailing lamentations do which crowd the world of woe ! Even in such a situation, the soul must be inconceivably miserable. "What, then, must be its anguish when itself be- comes the sufferer ! — when the spectator becomes the victim ! — when all these appalling representations of agony pour in endless reality through its every sense ! — when every capacity is full and overflowing with unmingled sorrow ! — when every effort at relief ends in a gasping sense of utter helplessness ! — when every recollection only deepens its distress, — every anticipation only strengthens its despair, — and every sensation only brings with it a crushing consciousness of utter ruin ! The intellect which could here find an escape from adversity in the conclusions of its calm philos- ITS AGONY AND DESPAIR ETERNAL. 315 ophy, will there find, in every reflection, an exhaust- less soui'ce of anguish ; the memory which could here brighten the present with reflections from the past, will there restore only sources of remorse ; the imagination which here would promise what might never be enjoyed, may there, in its horror, predict what can never be endured ; the aflections which could here twine themselves around other and hap- pier beings, and thus participate in pleasures not its own, will there turn to hate, and pour into the deso- late soul the bitterness of unavenged malice ; con- science, which could here be stifled into silence, will there speak so that all hell shall hear — its rej^roaches will awaken the deepest pangs which Infinite dis- pleasure can decree, or a deathless spirit survive ! The ruined soul will, therefore, find within itself no one unbroken faculty upon which it can repose, — no less subdued, less agonized sense upon which it can lean. Every refuge is only an escape to fresher anguish and more poignant despair : and it has no resource from without. There is no being in the universe upon w^hom it can call for aid, — no object upon which its wandering thoughts can rest, — no spot endeared by recollection, where it can partially wean itself from present sufiering. The world where it once dwelt is changed, — its busy myriads are gone, — its palaces and towers are in the dust, — and the knell of time alone is heard through its lifeless desolations. All is as one empty grave ! The soul is SI 6 HOPE NEVER COMES THAT COMES TO ALL. thus left to its own nnspoken, unpitied misery — abandoned of all sympathetic beings — and impas- sably confined within the burning circle of its quenchless agony! The scorpion, begirt by flame, can destroy itself ; but this self-destructive power is not a property of the soul. Essentially immortal, it will, and must survive, though it survives only to pant for death. The destruction of the soul is, therefore, not only totals extending to all its powers and capacities, but it is eternal. This is the darkest and wildest feature in its doom. It might, perhaps, brace itself to the wrenching tortures of its rack, had it but the most distant prospect of relief : it might still, perhaps, en- dure its sufferings, could they but cease when as many centuries have elapsed as there are particles that compose this globe. It might then watch in its pangs for the numbering of the last, lingering sand ; but there is no such reprieve, even in the further est future. This globe might waste away, though but one particle were to perish in a thousand centuries, yet the lost soul would even then be but in the in- fancy of its woe ! Were the duration of its suffering concealed from the condemned spirit, it might cherish a deceptive belief of final deliverance, and it might find in this vague hope some motive to resolution, some antidote to despair. The mariner, cast upon a desolate rock in the ocean, realizes less the true horrors of his 317 situation from the cherished possibility of a friendly- sail : but no such beguiling possibility of relief comes to the wi'ecked soul in hell. There are no flattering delusions mingled with the terrors of the second death. The lost soul is smitten at once with hope- less and endless despair ! ]N"ot even the prospect of annihilation relieves the agony of its irreprievable doom. Its guilt and shame, remorse and woe, have passed under the awful seal of eternity. The dead may wake from their graves, corruption start into life ; but that seal will never — no, never be broken ! Why, alas ! is all this shame, remorse, and despair to be endured ? Why is it that this soul, endowed with faculties which might fit it to range all the magnificence of heaven, and enjoy the companion- ship of God and angels, is thus to be brought down a bleeding, burning wreck into hell ? What is the 2yi''iGe at which man thus parts with the hirthriglit of his soul ? — what is the strength of that bribe for which he thus sells his immortal peace and happi- ness? One would think the temptation must be so strong as not to be within the power of human nature to be resisted. But no ; it is a little pleasure, which cloys and disgusts as soon as embraced ; it is a little honor which a breath hath made, and a breath can destroy ; it is a little wealth which will scarcely suf- fice to gild the coffin and shroud! These — tJiese are the trifles for which man parts with God and 318 INCONSISTENCY OP CONDUCT WITH CEEED. glory ! — these are tlie worthless baubles for which he barters away his everlasting life and blessedness ! "Where, my God, is that reason with which man was originally endowed ? — was it not lost amid the ruins of the fall? Self-ery page is full of glowing thoughts, sublime truths, pure morals, and beautiful aphorisms. It is a book that will never be out of date — it is a gem that will become brighter every day. We predict that this volume will run through several editions." — Pittsburg Morning Post. " This work is published in a beautiful style, and is full of highly interesting scenes and incidents, detailed by a master hand. It has been seldom that we have found a work more instructive, and at the same time so interesting as the one before us. To say .my thing in praise of the author, would be useless. His fame is so well settled, that our opinion could neither raise it higher nor detract from its merits. "Everything related, is clothed in the rich garniture which is rifforded by a well Btored and well cultivated mind, governed by high moral principle. The whole tenor of the work, while it aims at instructive narration, is also calculated to impress upon the mind pure and elevated ideas, both of men and things. "We have no hesitation in saying to all who want a ^oorf, wse/ii/, and interesting book, that they cannot do better than to secure a copy of this. It will richly repay a perusjil." — Massillon JVews. " His pen has the wand-like power of making the scenes which it describes live and move before the mind of the reader. We can cheerfully recommend this as a charta ing book, full of informatitni iuid entertainment." — Hartford C/iristian Hicretary. A. S. BARNES & COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS. Lady Willoughhy's Diary. LADY willoughby; OR, PASSAGES mm. THE DIAEY OF A WIFE AJS^D MOTHER IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. "This interesting and excellent book purports to be a diary of a lady of royal birth two hundred years ago. From its being written in a style so simple, with so much o! pure devotional and domestic feeling, and displaying so naturaUy the unaffected, womanly thoughts of a daughter, wife, and mother-its modern authorship has been more than suspected. Be this as it may, it has been deemed by many mteUigent readers to have emanated from Lady Willoughby ; or, at all events, to have been the production of an excellent mind, and one which had undergone the disciplme of real experience. The original book was long hoarded up as a literary cm-iosity ; but upon examination, this ancient quaito, with 'ribbed paper and antique type,' was found to possess too much of character, feeling, and general popular interest, to be shut up in the cabinets of the virtuosos. It soon ran through the first edition, and the preset beautiful American reprint is from the second London issue."— JVerZonf an. « A mo^^t remarkable work, which we read, some time ago, in the original Englisri shape, with great delight. Its character is peculiar. Lady Willoughby is a fictitiou> character, personating an English lady of the seventeenth century, who, while th-- civil wars were faging, lived quietly apart from the scene of strife, bringing up hei children, and manifesting her conjugal as well as maternal affection in the 'Diai-y. which, had it emanated from the pen of a real Lady Willoughby of the time, could not have been a more beautiful, a more affecting, or a more mstructive record. - JVeio York Tribune. ''The ori^ .4? ►• i"^ .'-••- *> •0" .♦: //•^'' £^°^ % >^ x4? V* V : ^. '0-** ^'\ <> ^-'TVV* ^^0^ "O,^ '*».*- .A .^ ». %.^^ ^Wo ^.^ .^^ .^.«iiK^ \^/ ,^^, ^^^^^^^ /^ • jp^ . .« A ' "^-.r * .-^^..V .^' vV 0> • "^iatJpf^^ • "^0 :^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. |§| # DEC 88 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 '*^**^^*'y 1^: %.^ {MM'- ,V «,. A* ^\^J" %<^^ • -