66th Congress 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES /Document £d Session j \ No. 446 Sale of Surplus Supplies by the War Department LETTER FROM THE ACTING SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TRANSMITTING REPORT OF SALES OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES WAR DEPARTMENT December 2, 1919.— Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 66th Congress 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES /Document 2d Session J \ No. 446 Sale of Surplus Supplies by the War Department — - — ■ m69 LETTER FROM THE ACTING SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TRANSMITTING REPORT OF SALES OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES WAR DEPARTMENT December 2, 1919.— Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Department and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 .±i\ »7 •f i. REPORT OF SALES OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES. War Department, WasMngton, December 1, 1919. Sir: In accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress relative to the sale of war supplies (Public No. 193, approved July 9, 1918), I have the honor to submit to Congress the following report relative to such sales: This report is exclusive of sales overseas of property in the posses- sion of the American Expeditionary Forces. The transactions covered by this report are those occurring sub- sequent to those reported to Congress on December 2, 1918, and em- brace those reported to the Office of the Director of Sales up to and including November 14, .1919. This report is submitted in two forms: The one consisting of a detailed record of each transaction, showing specific articles sold, the person to whom sold and the price received therefor; the other in a condensed form covering the same transactions shown in the detailed report, and certain allocations to other Government depart- ments, but grouping the articles sold into general classifications and indicating the total amounts involved in each classification. The purpose and object of the sales and transfers covered by this report was the disposal by the War Department of surplus property no longer needed by it, the reimbursement of the Treasury with the proceeds thereof, and to fill the needs of various other Government departments and agencies whenever and as specifically authorized by statute. 3 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. CONDENSED REPORT. Classification of property. Amounts of sales exclusive of those made to United States Government departments or agencies. Cost to Govern- ment of property allocated or transferredto United States Government de- partments or agencies. Aeroplanes and equipment Animals - Artillery and artillery am munition Building materials, miscellaneous Building utilities Chemicals, acids, and explosives Clothing and equipage Electrical equipment Ferrous metals (including scrap) Nonferrous metals (including scrap) Fuel".. Hardware Land and buildings Leather Lumber Machinery and engineering equipment Machine tools Medical, hospital, and laboratory suppUes Motor and miscellaneous vehicles and equipment Nonmetallic scrap Office equipment Oils, greases, etc Packing containers Railway materials Railway rolhng stock Small arms and small-arms ammunition Subsistence Textiles (exclusive of wool) Trench warfare materials Tractors Wool Unclassified Retail stores Total $3,959, 21,169, 24, 777, 804, 23,045, 8,590, 536, 8,611, 24,806, 197, 1,065, 3,115, 3, 840, 2,778, 3,731, 3,549, 88, 1,735, 1,016, 179, 776, 594, 1,455, 70, 157, 7, 312, 26,013, 44,542, 16, 55 201, 810^ 521, 9, 846, 961. 27 666.16 870. 75 818.89 847. 58 369.25 442. 02 787. 20 089. 32 366. 56 273. 68 044. 60 627. 30 561. 15 651. 32 295. 06 176.86 487. 53 872. 27 570. 11 5S9. 06 598. 29 187. 51 430. 17 122. 83 310. 46 273. 37 947. 54 399. 35 019. 98 824.83 727. 15 665. 25 $249,924.15 1,500.00 47,130.70 209,356.10 10,334,556.54 1,421,792.44 24,863.60 17, 432. 02 79,822.48 389, 934. 73 2,700.00 3,149.55 13,261.56 106,558.92 1,605.00 2,192,019.98 38, 311, 973. 27 49, 240. 28 36,153.66 2,600.00 12,841.79 7,627,259.01 826,930.88 15,626.46 7,128.16 476,727,874.67 61,985,421.28 Percentage of recovery on sales, exclusive of those made to United States Government departments or agencies, 73.6 per cent; including Government transactions, 81.1 per cent. Very respectfully, Benedict Crowell, Acting Secretary of War. To the Speaker of the House of Representatives. DETAILED REPORT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1 2 Feb. 3, 1919 do Committee for relief in Belgium. . do Gray sheeting, 36", 64 x 68, 3.50 Jute canvas padding. 22" Brown denim, double and twist, 28", 2.40 weight. Sheeting, gray, 36", 56 x 60, 4- yd. 16d, common wire naOs, 3J 8d. common galvanized nails. Denim, blue S166,607.51 121,475.00 3 do .do 252,736.80 4 do ... do .. 2,614.64 5 do 900. 00 ■ 6 do .. do 140. 00 7 ... do Cyrus D. Scott Mfg. Co., Gal- veston, Tex. Committee for relief in Belgium. . .do 7,286.35 8 . .do 28" double and twist brown denim. Gray sheeting, 39", 64 x 68, 4-yd. Denim, 2.40, firsts 85,312.00 9 do 115,620.00 10 do Cyrus W. Scott Mfg. Co., Gal- veston, Tex. do 4,056.02 11 do Denim, 2.40, seconds 3, 242. 88 12 . .do Commission for relief in Belgium . State Board of Health, Indiana. . P. C. Lincoln Soap 665,000.00 13 do Mattresses 67.50 14 .. .do 245. 00 15 do Shipped from New York on ac- count Panama Canal. Pads, saddle 95.00 16 do .. 3, 750. 00 17 .. .do New York American Xmas fund. Acme Rubber Co. , Trenton, N. J. W. S. Hoge & Bros Soup, vegetable. No. 1 Nozzles, hose 977. 50 18 do 95.00 19 Feb. 1, 1919 .....do 13, 950. 00 20 Theo. P. Huffman & Co .do 1,405.30 21 .do do do ... 1, 410. 00 22 do Frank Richards .do 1,360.65 23 .do J. M. Renter & Co do .. 1,411.20 24 .. ..do .do do 1, 440. 00 25 do Wilkinson Gaddis & Co .do 1, 500. 00 26 . .do Theo. P. Huffman & Co do 1,435.20 27 do ...do .do 1, 410. 00 28 .do do do ... 7, 082. 90 29 do .do do 4, 137. 60 30 do Western States Grain & Feed Co. (Inc.). J. M. Reuter &Co .do 1, 152. 00 31 do .do 1,000.00 32 .do do do .. 1, 000. 00 33 do Theo. P. Huffman & Co do 1, 099. 80 34 do do .do 1, 538. 40 35 do Frank Richards do 1, 346. 55 36 do Western States Grain & Feed Co. (Inc.). Theo. P. Huffman & Co .do 1,231.20 37 do .do 1, 200. 00 38 do do do ... 1,099.80 1, 432. 80 39 do .do .do 40 do .do do 1, 192. 80 41 do do .do 1, 450. 00 42 ....do .do do .. 6, 532. 50 43 do ....do do 4, 092. 00 44 do Frank Richards ..do 3, 677. 75 45 do Theo. P. Huflman & Co do 1, 610. 40 46 do do .do 1, 430. 40 47 do ..do do 1, 404. 00 1,377.10 48 do Franlc Richards .do 49 do ...do do 1,410.00 50 do do do 1,410.00 1,410.00 1, 410. 00 51 do .do do 52 do do .do 53 54 Feb. 3, 1919 Feb. 5,1919 do Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111. Capt. John M. Courtright, V. C Sold by zone supply officer, San Antonio, Tex. Committee for relief in Belgium. . This was not reported to the Surplus Property Division. Raincoats and slickers Harness, ambulance 13,223.66 60.30 55 Wood, cord 500. 00 56 Feb. 10,1919.... January, 1919.... do do Reclaimed shoes 598, 430. 25 774,613.70 57 [Horses: Cavalry 58 Artillery 1, 174, 470. 57 59 Mules: Draft 2,925,516.37 342,310.68 60 do Pack . 61 do 1. Animals sold but not classified . 269,277.96 6 SALE OP SUKPLTJS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPAKTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 12, 1919.... ....do ....do Nov. 23, 1918- Jan. 18, 1918. Feb. 18, 1919.... ■Williek & Co., New York. ....do ....do Not reported Rice, Sai?on. do....... do Wool .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. .do. ....do Feb. 7 and 8, 1919 Feb. 18 .do. .do. Jari. 18-Jan. 25, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919 Feb. 21, 1919... Feb. 26, 1919... .do. .do. .do. Unknown, sold by zone supply officer, Chicago. State of California do do Oakland Motor Car Co., Pon- tiac, Mich. Bucknell University, Lewis- burg, Pa. "Wiley University, Marshall, Tex. University of Illinois, Cham- paign, 111. Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Henderson Brown and Ouchita College, Arkadelphia, Ark. East Tennessee State Normal, Johnson City, Tenn. do Louisville, Ky Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock, Ark. Susquehanna University, Salin- grove, Pa. College of Washington, Pull- man, Wash. Not reported Coal, Jeddo, anthracite. Raincoats Drawers, summer Undershirts, summer. . Trailer, kitchen chassis. Cots, steel. ....do.... ....do.... -do. .do. .do. Mattresses Lot of harness Blankets, commercial, 3 lbs. Cots, steel. do.... Wool do do do Feb. 27, 1919. do Feb. 3-Feb. 18, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Feb, 26, 1919.... Mar. 1,1919 Mar. 3, 1919. Mar. 1,1919. Mar. 3, 1919. Mar. 4, 1919. Mar. 5, 1919. .do. do do [Canceled.] F. W. & F. Carlisle, Saginaw, Mich. Joseph M. Herman Shoe Co., Boston, Mass. J. E.TUtShoeCo University of Mississippi College of Washington, Pull- man, Wash. Susquehanna University, Sa- linsgrove. Pa. College of Washington, Pull- man, Wash. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111. A. S. Schapp & Sons, 394 Broad- way, New York. do {Leather, black harness: Grade A Grade B Lasts, welt, Munsbn Goodyear. do Cots, steel. Mattresses . .do. Covers, mattress. Slickers [Canceled.] A. B. Kirschbaum Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Maryland State College, College Park, Md. University of IlUnois, Cham- paign, HI. Maryland State College, College Park, Md. The Electric Storage Battery Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Wyman Partridge Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. .do. L. F. Robertson & Sons, New York City. Gordon & Ferguson, St. Paul, Minn. Sol. satin, Venetian, width 54" (imported black). Sol. satin, Venetian, width 32" (imported black). Horses, cavalry Horses, artillery. Mules, draft Mules, pack Satin, sol., Venetian, width 32" (imported black). Mattresses Cots, steel. Blankets, commercial Storage batteries, 12-plate. Leather, sheepskin, shearlings: CTradeNo.2 Grade No. 1 Leather, sheepskin, shearlings GradeX Grade XX Grade XXX Leather, sheepskin, shearlings Ordnance Clippers Leather^ sheepskin, shearlings. $29,371.12 13.5, 7 '.G. 34 33. 028. 49 21,201,511.00 3, 780. 00 212. 00 1, 285. 80 4,717.20 286.50 380. 00 57.00 162. 50 243. 75 162. 50 78.00 144.00 5,030.00 175. 50 114.00 104. 00 3, 362, 368. 00 I R, 022. 98 [• 23, 270. 86 3, 000. 00 480. 00 1,053.00 192.00 120.00 83.20 496. 08 37. 687. 50 38,062.50 587, 966. 76 897, 326. 30 1,763,454.06 317, 862. 34 2, 750. 00 600. 00 72.98 400. 00 28,098.03 562. 60 303. 14 1,850.00 4,437.40 1,996.98 15,000.00 2,250.00 20,400.00 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 7 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Mar. 5, 1919. ....do .do. ....do Mar. 5, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do .....do ..do... ..do... do do do Mar. 8, 1919. do ..do .do. -do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. ....do Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 8, 1919.. ....do ....do ....do Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 8, 1919.. Mar. 10, 1919... ..do.... ..do ..do Star Sporting Goods Co., Brook- lyn, N.Y. Duhamel Co., Rapid City, S. Dak. L. Frank Saddlery Co., San An- tonio, Tex. I. Spiewak & Sons, New York City. Jos. P. O'Brien & Co., Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Tanning & Clothing ■Co., vfilwaukee, Wis. Canadian Glove Co. (Ltd.), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Guiterman Bros., St. Paul, Minn. .do. .do. .do. I. Spiewak & Sons, New York City. Elgin Saddlery & Harness Co., Elgin, 111. I. Spiewak & Sous, New York City. do Interstate Fruit Product Co., Baltimore, }i±d. University of Mississippi, Ox- ford, Miss. Zivone Co-Operative Mercantile Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah. B . A. Corbin & Son Co., Boston, Mass. Milwaukee Shoe Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. I. Applestein, Baltimore, Md... Rosen wasser Bros. (Incj, Long Island, N.Y. Chas. P. Keighley, Vineland, N.J. Tho;npson-Smith Shoe Co., St. Paul, iVlion. Not reported Georgetown University, Wash- ington, D. C. A. A. Van Voorhies & Co., Sac- ramento, Calif. John Kuilman, Miles City, Mont. Booth & Flinn, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pioneer Tent & Awning Co., Boise, Idaho. A.M. Stevenson, Port Washing- tOQ, Long island, N.Y. Coleman Bros., < 'helsea, Mass. . . B. A. Corbin & Son lo., Boston, Mass. Schenectady Illuminating Co., Schenectady, N.Y. *J. T. Hunter, 920 M St. NW., Washington, D. C. A. A. Brager 'Ov Baltimore, Md. B, F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. Leather, sheepskin, shearlings. Rock Island selection. Leather,sheepskin.s,shearlings, No. 2, W. and E. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings, No. 1 W.and K. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings: No. 1, Aviation No. 2, Aviation Rejects, etc Tear offs, etc Leather, sheepskin, shearlings, R.I. black. Leather,sheepskins, shearlings, all grades. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings, Ordnance selection. Leather,sheepsldns,shearlings, No. 2,' Aviaiion. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings, No. X. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings: Aviation selection No. 1 , Rock Island Leather,sheepskins,shearlings, as in selection. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings: No. 2, Aviation Rej eots, etc Pieces Brooms, stable Leather,sheepsldiis, shearlings, No. 2, Aviation. Leather,sheepskins,shearlings, pieces, etc. Vinegar Mattresses . Lasts, shoe. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Wool Mattresses . Mattresses, used. Bags, nose .do. .do. .do. do Lasts, shoe. 3-phase transformers: 50 k. V. a 25 k. v.a 15 k. v.a 10 k. v.a 5 k. V. a Bags, nose Tea, Kekko !#.. Flexible hose Flutter vahcs... Clarifying tubes. $21, 006. 72 360. 00 750.00 3,000.06 14,617.40 1,367.85 172. 71 333.32 23,904.25 9, 750. 00 19,012.49 10, 500. 00 11,644.61 50, 958. 55 3. 420. 00 3,822.40 1,070.22 1,069.11 250. 00 618. 30 65.64 765. 00 1,944.00 6L50 •451.80 417. 60 30.60 3,234.90 476. 10 300. 00 7, 553, 991. 00 877. 50 135. 00 100. 00 75.00 750. 00 125. 00 500. 00 100. 00 208. 80 334. 00 412. 00 730. 00 1, 120. 00 760. 00 750. 00 562. 50 528. 00 81.00 240. 00 8 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Mar. 5, 1919. Mar. 8, 1919. -do. .do. Mar. 10, 191§.. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. Feb. 19-Mar. 1, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Jan. l-Mar. 19, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Mar. 14 and 15, 1919. ....do Mar. 12, 1919. . Mar. 10,1919 Mar. 12, 1919. . .do. .do. .do. do do do do Mar. 13, 1919. Mar. 12, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pynetree Paper Co., Gordon, Ga. Spring HiU College, Spring Hill, Ala. [Canceled.] Maryland State College, College Park, Md. J. E . Swan, Moorcraft, Wyo W. S. Hansen & Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. Ferdinand R. Horn, 468 Hudson St., New York City. F. Levisson, Passaic, N.J Levy Bros., 360 Maujer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Union Sulphur Co., 17 Battery Place. New York City. At public auction .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do [Cancellation.] [Cancellation.] A. A. Brager Co., Baltimore Md. J. T. Hunter, 920 M St NW., Washington, D. C. Mississippi Warrior Waterways, N. Orleans, La. ...do [Canceled.] A Schapp & Sons, 394 Broadway, New Y ork City. ....do ...do do do American Grocers Society, 9 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. Luban & Sitomer 197 Division St., New York City. A. Schapp & Sons, 394 Broadway New York City. Luban & Sitomer, 197 Division St., New York City. A. Schapp & Son, 394 Broadway, New York City. J. C. McQuigan, 3137 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. Schapp & Son, 394 Broadway, New York City. do Thomas Roberts & Co., 116 S. Front St.. Philadelphia, Pa. A. Schapp & Son, 394 Broadway, New York City. Luban & Sitomer, 197 Division St., New York City. do M. Seligman, 97 Water St., New York City. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] H. Kauflman & Sons, Saddlery Co., 206 Division St., New York City. Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Phillips University, Enid,Okla. Wood, cord. Cots, steel. . . Bedsteads, iron. Bags, nose . ....do .do. .do. .do. Ships supphes and stores. Horses, cavalry Horses, artillery. Mules, draft Mules, pack Horses, cavalry. Horses, artillery. Mules, draft Mules, pack Horses, cavalry. . Mules, draft Coffee, roasted and ground . . Shearlings, clipper, selection. Raincoats, commercial . Blankets, commercial.. Capers Sardines Pepper, white... Peas, split Curry powder. . . Cream of tartar. Cocoanut Jam, crew Paprika Mace Extracts, flavoring. Citron Chicken, canned. Beans, Lima Barley, pearl. Bay leaves... Peas, dried. Allspice Bags, nose. Mattresses. Blankets, cotton warp, single, olive-drab, wool. $1, 390. 82 182. 81 462.00 25.00 50.00 500. 00 50.00 1,250.00 8,828.60 399,801.75 636,013.40 697, 184. 35 49,205.14 123,572.10 154,901.51 347,156.06 37,567.49 113,002.64 108,693.30 1,440.00 300.00 119. 83 450.00 206. 54 10,448.76 150.67 1,376.05 68.88 332.50 358. 75 273.70 656. 15 282.00 427. 68 693.34 77.88 907.76 273.94 118. 87 1,624.04 30.85 600.00 337.50 357.50 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 9 SERLA.L LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date ot sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 201 Mar. 13,1919. -- ....do Mar. 14,1919. ....do Mar. 15,1919. do do Mar. 17,1919. Mar. 19, 1919. Mar. 15, 1919. Mar. 17,1919. Mar. 18,1919. Mar. 3-13, 1919. do do do Mar. 18,1919... do Mar. 19, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. ....do do .do. .do. .do. Mar. 19, 1919. do do Mar. 14 and 15, 1919. do Mar. 20,1919.... Mar. 21, 1919. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. Philips University, Enid, Okla. C.S.Martson,jr^Haverhlll,Mass. Stetson Shoe Co., South Wey- mouth, Mass. Georgetown University, Wash- ington, D. C. Bauer & Black, 45 W. 25th St., Chicago, 111. San Matec Feed & Fuel Co., San Matec, Calif. W. H. Ketchum, W. H. Cokely, Frank G. Hodge, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Geo. H. Ament Co., Baltimore, Md. Atlantic Christian College, Wil- son, N. C. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 803 Hibbs Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. G. A. Gilchrist. Worthington Pump & Machin- ery Corporation, branch office, Munsey Bldg., Washington, D.C. At public auction do do ...do Georgetown University, Wash- ington, D. C. do Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Cliaton, S. C. Wiley University, Marshall, Tex, St. Johns College, AnnapoUs, Md, Bethamy College, Lindsboro, Kans. Hendrix College, Conway, Ark... Phillips University, Enid, Okla. . Edw. G. BuddCo., Philadelphia Pa Bienfleld Glass Works, 850 Driggs Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. do Seligman & Co., Tamaqua, Pa. At public auction do Mar. 22, 1919.... do do do Auction Goodman Eng. Co., Zanesville, Ohio. Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. do Springfield Gas Light Co., Springfield, Mass. Clark Stewart Co., Atlanta, Ga. M. J. ColKns, 50 Thayer St., Boston, Mass. Henderson Brown College, Ark- adelphia, Ark. St. Bonaventure College, Alle- ghany, N. Y. Henderson Brown College, Ark- ad elphia. Ark. do Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Chnton.S. C. Atlanta Christian College, Wil- son, N. C. Middle Term. State Normal Col- lege, Murfreesboro, Term. J. W. Carter & Co., Nashville, Tenn. La Crosse Boot & Shoe Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. Washington Shoe Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. Mattresses . Lasts, shoe. ....do Blankets, commercial . Cloth, Meades, 36# Wood, cord do Cots, steel , Plates, carbon. Coal, anthracite Pumps, feed, 4A x 2| x 4" Horses, cavalry. Horses, artillery. Mules, draft Mules, pack Cots, steel, used. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Chassis, kitchen trailer . . Negatives, aerial, 4 x 5". Negatives, old, 4x5" Lantern sKdes, standard, cleaned. Brooms, stable, with handle.. Horses, artillery Mules, pack Cocks, bibb, brass, |" . Covers, mattress Blankets, commercial, 4-lb . Coal, bituminous .do. Shearlings, wool skins, clipper selection. Blankets, commercial Blankets, commercial, used . Mattresses, used Comforters . Mattresses.. Covers, mattress. Cots, steel Lasts, shoe do do 10 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SUEPLUS PBOPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Mar. 22, 1919. ....do ....do do .do. .do. do Mar. 24, 1919. .do. .do. .do Mar. 25, 1919. do ...do ...do ...do ...do..... Mar. 26, 1919. do .". Mar. 27, 1919. do Mar. 28, 1919. do Mar. 24, 1919. do do Mar. 22, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. Mar. 29, 1919. do Mar. 2S. 1919. do ... Mar. 29, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. Mar. 31, 1919. do do do M. Ulrich, 183 Sycamore St., Buffalo, N. Y. A. Freedman & Sons, Brockton, Mass. Henderson Brown and Onashita College, .-Vrkadelphia, Ark. Washington Shoe Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. [Canceled.] E. J. Ramsey Co., 967 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. [Canceled.] Canadian Glove Co. (Ltd.), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Armour Ammonia Works, Chi- cago, 111. Canadian Glove Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Glove Co. (Ltd.), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Glove Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. H. B. Sherman & Sons, Long Beach, N. J. Mathieson Alkali Works Store, Salt^'ille Va. do do do F. J. Russell, Letchworth Vil- lase, Thiells, N. Y. Lubetkin Bros., 10 Front St., New York City. I. Singer, 582 Broadway, N. Y. . City of Aki-on (Ohio), purchas- ing department. Keuflel & Esser Co., Hoboken, N.J. Tabulating Machine Co., 50 Broad St., New York City. Hercules Mfg. Co., Canton. Ohio, Walker Bros., Boston, Mass Aschner Bros., Dallas, Tex , Wallace McLean Vinegar Co., Memphis, Tenn. Wayne County Products Co., New York (Newark). E. S. Shelby Vinegar Co., Sa- vannah, Ga. A. Schapp & Co. ,394 Broadway, New York City. W. R. Hunt Co., Chicago, HI... Bauer & Black, 45 W. 25th St., Chicago. 111. Edw. G. Budd Mfg. Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Maryland Poultry Co. Hagers- town, Md. Mountain City Mills Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. do do aty of Peoria (111.), Depart- ment of Public Works. Nestles Food Co., 134 Williams St.. New York Qty. E. W. Coon, 29 S. Water St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sheffield Farms Co. (Inc.), 524 W. 57th St., New York City. Rosedale Dairy Co., 1680 Park Ave., New York City. Lasts, shoe. ....do Bugle with sling . Cots, iron Lasts, shoe .do. Shearlings, wool skins: A. I. clipper , A. I. clippers , Natura. black , Ammonia, anhydrated , Cylinders Shearlings, wool skins: No. 2 Aviation, gray and black. Clippers, gray and black . . Shearlings, wool sk^ns: No. 1 Aviation selection. . , No. 2 Aviation selection. . Clipper selection Shearlings, wool skins: Clipper Natural black Bran Straw. Oats Bran Hav Potatoes, 1 United States standard red. Flour, issue Nainsook, white, 30" Brooms, stable, with handle.. Integrater, mechanical (am- slers). Cards, tabulating Motor, Class B, Hercules. Vmegar, 40 gr., cider do do .do. .do. Turkey, frozen Leather, elk, smoked: Grade A Grade B Gauze, gray, 36", 28 x 24. Liners and reflectors for kitch- en stove. Flour, oatmeal Com meal. Flour, corn , Flour, rice , Brooms, stable, and handies. Cans, milk, 10-gal. do .do. .do. $31. 80 108.00 3.76 140.25 49.20 378.00 1,566.63 15,495.00 1,364.67 1.397.70 600.00 322.92 239. 1() 503.01 772. 92 791.36 1,334.36 2L00 792. 19 32.78 45.00 5.45 42.20 509.22 22,000.00 350. 77 459.00 145.00 140.0^ 505.00 657.60 715. 50 4,003.20 9,676.03 4,236.23 10,890.00 341.91 1,975.67 24,000.00 7.53 75.00 710.50 462.00 831.25 91.80 3,250.00 3,250.00 16,250.00 812.50 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 11 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B R A NCH— Contin ued . Date of sale. Mar. 31, 1919... .do. .do. do do Apr. 1, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919. do Feb. 15-Mar. 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919.. do do Apr. 5,1919.. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do Apr. 4, 1919. . Apt. 3, 1919.. Mar. 25, 1919. do Mar. 28, 1919. do Apr. 5,1919.. do Name and address of buyer. Supplee- Wills Jones Milk Co., 1515 N. 26th St., Philadelphia, Pa. [Canceled.] University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Branch Normal School, Pine Blufl, Ark. Arapahoe Mfg. Co., 24 E. St., New York City. Fuller & Sullivan, Boston, Mass, Canadian Glove Co. (Ltd.), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. At public auction Article. Roughton-Halliburton Co., Ma- con, Ga. Mishawaka Wooien Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. Carter Carburator Co., St. Louis, Mo. B. A. Corbin & Son Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Z. Horikoshi & Co., 115 E. 23d St., New York City. J. S. Rosenthal Co., 112 Madison Ave., New York City. Fired Mendelson & Co., 221 4th Ave., New York City. C. Itch & Co. (Ltd.), 233 Broad- way, New York City. Feinberg & Kahn, 130 E. 25th St., New York City. Hartmann Bros. (Inc.), 334 4th Ave., New York City. S. M. Goldstein & Co., 329 4th Ave., New York City. J. R. Simon & Co., 53 E. 25th St., New York City. Newchester Waist Co. (Inc.), 199-201 Greene St., New York City. Mitsui & Co. (Ltd.), 25 Madison Ave., New York City. Belmont Casket Mfg. Co., Co- lumbus, Ohio. L. Dannebaum's Son & Co., 930 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel Laber & Son, 438 Broad- way, New York City. Frank & Lambert (Inc.), 115-117 Wooster St., New York City. J. A. Blum & Son, 19-25 E. 24th St., New York City. Holbrook Grocery Co., Keene, N. H. Empire Bottling Works, New- ark, N. J. T. H. Callahan Co., 113 S. 4th St., Paducah, Ky. Red Seal Shoe Factory, Atlanta, Ga. Givren Blunt Shoe Co., 102 Lin- coln St., Brockton, Mass. Felder Shoe Mfg. Co. 2507 West- em Ave., Seattle, Wash. Nestle'sFood Co., 134 William St., New York City. F. W. Jannsen, 109 Grand St., Hoboken, N. J. Cans, milk, (6) 5-gal. cans . Cots, steel. do.... Cans, milk: (6) 5-gal. cans (Davis- WatMns). (c) 5-gal. cans (H. Kream- er). Shearlings, wool-skin: Ordnance selection No. 1 Aviation selection. . . Shearlings, wool-skin, clipper selection. Cots, steel Wool Onions (sprouting and rotting) B oots, rubber, short Motor, class B Lasts, shoe , Silk, Japanese, Habatui, white, "Red Label." Silk, Japanese, Habatui, white: "Red Label" 36" Silk, Japanese.Habatui, white, "Red Label," 36". Silk, Japanese, Habatui, white . Silk, Japanese, Habatui, white, "Red Label," 36". Silk, Japanese,'Habatui, white, "Red LabCi." do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Silk, Japanese, Habatui, white: "Blue Label" "Red Label" Silk, Japanese, Habatui, white: "Red Label" "Red Label" "Blue Label" 'Blue Label" "Red Label" Vinegar, 40 gr., cider. ....do Lasts, shoe ....do .do. .do. Cans, milk, (a) 10-gal. cans . do 540.00 12,822,680.00 60.00 100, 314. 00 250.00 57.60 8, 531. 25 12 SALE OF SITEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAH DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DWISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 5, 1919. do do do do ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. Apr. 7, 1919. ....do. ....do. do Apr. 6, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. do ......do Mar. S-Mar. 22, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919 do do do Apr. 9, 1919. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. Apr. 10, 1919..., do Apr. 11, 1919.... Mar. 17, 1919.... Feb. 21, 1919.... Apr. 8, 1919. . . . Apr. 10, 1919... Apr. 12, 1919... do do.. do.. .do. do.. do do Mar. 17, 1919. do Mar. 15, 1919. do. do do do do The Keystone Dairy, 622 Madi- son St., Hoboten.'N. J. [Canceled. 1 Breakstone Bros., 314 Green- wich St. , New York City. Albanv Hardware & Iron Co., 41 State St., Albany. N. Y. Arapahoe Mfg. Co., 24 E. 21st St., New York City. do Maj. F. T. Wright, Douglas, Ariz. do Frank H. Lancaster, 40 Cedar St., New York City. Hoag Bros. & Rice, Seattle, Wash. [Canceled.] City of Chicago Department of Public Works. Belknap Hardware & Mfg. Co., Louisville, Ky. [Canceled.] The Geo. Lawrence Co., Port- land, Oreg. Beraheimer Bros., Baltimore, Md. American Fork & Hoe Co., Cleveland, Ohio. At public auction -do. Wiley University, Marshall, Te.x. do At public auction do Various bidders do Joseph M. Herman Shoe Co., ilillis, Mass. S. A'. TomUnson, North Wilkes- boro, N. C. Not stated A. Schaap & Sons, New York City. Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga. . Aschner Bros. Mfg. Co., Dallas, Tex. Acme Vinegar Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Ephraim Bass, care of Harry Lippmann, 11 John St., New York Citv. Superior Tanning Co., 1244 W. Division St., Chicago, 111. Capt. W. H. Hoch, Boston. Mass. A. Freedman & Sons, Brockton, Mass. [Canceled.] Coleman Bros., Pearl and Mar- ginal Sts., Chelsea, Mass. Doherty Hardware Co. (Ltd.), 441 Lafayette St., Baton Roiige, La. American Red Cross, Washing- ton, D. C. do do Ephraim Bass, care of Harry Lippman, 11 John St., New York City. do do do do do [Canceled.] Epliraim Bass, care of Harry Lippman, 11 John St., New York City. Cans, milk, (o) 10-gal. cans.. .do. .do. .do. Cans, milk, (c) 5-gal. cans. X-ray, bedside, complete. . Tube, Coolidge (radiator type). Nose bags Onions, fresh. Brooms, stable, push, with . handles. Brooms stable, push, 16", with handles. Shearlings, wool skins, No. 2 Q. M. Forage, miscellaneous: Oats, bran, hay. Rakes, garden, steel heads Wool. Preserver, wood. Reeves. Mattresses, cotton .do. Harness, ambitlance, lead Harness ambulance, wheel, double set. Wagons . escort , used A mbulances , used Lasts, shoe Harness, Engineer, logging. . Blankets, commercial, new.. Peaches, No. 10, pie fruit Cots, steel Vinegar, 100 gr., colored, dis- tilled. ....do Shearlings, wool skins: No 1 Q. M. selection. N0.2Q. M. selection. Leather, smoked elk, (a) . (6) Lasts, shoe ....do $975. 00 3,250.00 975.00 30,790.50 34.80 400.00 80.00 1,250.00 727. 32 1,350.00 91.80 1,170.00 5L89 2,500.00 16,223,004.00 100.00 90.00 366. DO 507.00 2,430.00 2, 896. 00 loo. 00 3,000.00 75.00 221.00 3, 89S. 95 97.50 950. 00 1,440,00 13.80 11.20 163.00 709.50 .60 108. 00 Lashes, whip, 10' Lashes, whip, S-plait, 10'. Peas, canned, No. 2 Tomatoes, canned, No. 2^. Corn, canned, No. 2 Shear Ungs, wool skins .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 25.00 75.00 2,500.00 4,600.00 2,400.00 66.50 41.00 7.87 27.00 27.49 25.59 20.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 13 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. .do. .do. Apr. 16,1919. Mar. 23-31, 1919. do do do Apr. 17,1919.... do do Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 19,1919. Feb. 21, 1919. Mar. 6, 1919... Mar. 14, 1919. do Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 23, 1919. do Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. do Apr. 21, 1919. -do. .....do ....do Wilder & Co., 228 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. R. T. Frazier, Pueblo, Colo [Canceled.] Voss-Barber Mfg. Co., Little Rock, Ark. Gambrill Grain Products Co., Baltimore, Md. At public auction do do do Various bidders , Belgium Commission for Pur- chasing War Supplies, Wash- ington, D. C. G. W. Griffith, 25 W. 42d St., New York City. R. T. Frazier, Pueblo, Colo Marks Bros. Saddlery Co., 1109 Howard St., Omaha, Nebr. do The Schaefer Tent & Awning Co., Denver, Colo. Smith-Eismann Corporation , 217 Broadway, New York. City. Pioneer Tent & Awning Co., Boise, Idaho. Lichtenberger-Ferguson Co., 219 N. Los Angeles St., Los An- geles, Calif. Maddox Coffee Co., Atlanta, Ga. DufEy-Mott Co., Ravena, N. Y. . Reed & Costello, Lynn, Mass Wallace Vinegar Co., Savannah, Ga. E. S. Shelby Vinegar Co., Savannah, Ga. Wallace Vinegar Co., Savannah, Ga. Maddox Coffee Co., Atlanta, Ga. Geo. B. Adams Shoe Co., Sioux Citj^ Iowa. B. A. Corbin & Son Co., Boston, Mass. Sherman L. Smith, Ranger, Tex. Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., Poplar Bluff, Mo. Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.,. Columbia, Mo. International Shoe Co., Wash- ington, D.C. Kansas City Saddlery Co., Kansas City, Mo. do Various bidders . do .do. .do. .do. Kansas City Saddlery Co.. Kansas City, Mo. do Askew Saddlery Co., Kansas City, Mo. Dodson Fisher Brockmann Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Shearlings, wool skins: Ordnance selection No. 1 Aviation Shearlings, wool skins. Rock Island selection. do Flour, various kinds: Rice flour Victory flour Graham flour Potato flour Barley flour Horses, cavalry Horses, artillery Mules, draft Mules, pack Wagons, escort, used. . Denim, blue, 28", 2.20. Bags, nose. Shearlings, wool skins. No. 1 selection. Shearlings, wool skins do Bags, nose. do do Lashes, whip, 10'. Vinegar, 95 gr., distilled, col- ored. Vinegar, cider Coal, anthracite Vinegar, 100 gr., colored Vinegar. Vinegar, 95 gr., colored. do Lasts, shoe . Cots, steel. . Lasts, shoe. .do. .do. Shearlings, wool-skin. No. x selection. Shearlings, wool-skin. No. 2 Rock Island selection. Harness, ambulance, lead, B.. Harness, ambulance, wheel, B . do Harness, ambulance, lead, B . . do Harness, ambulance, wheel, A do Harness, ambulance, wheel, B. Shearlings, wool-skin. Rock Island selection. Shearlings, wool-skin: No. Iselection No. 2 selection Shearlings, wool-sMn: No. Iselection No. 2 selection Shearlings, wooj-skin, No. 1 selection. 14 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMEITT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 23, 1919. do -do. -do. .do. .do. Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 1-14,1919... do , do do Apr. 24,1919.. do Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 24,1919. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. do do Apr. 28, 1919. do.... ..do.... .-do.... ..do.... do do ..do Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 30,1919. Apr. 23, 191 9. Apr. 26, 1919., do do Apr. 29, 1919. Mar. 23 to Apr. 5, 1919 May 2, 1919 R. Seril & Sons, New York City. M. Silvermann & Son, Phila- delphia, Pa. Keyston Bros., San Francisco, Calif. [Canceled.] Brown Shoe Co., Litchfield Fac- tory, Litchfield, 111. Food Administration, Grain Corporation Branch, 42 Broad- way, New York City. Brydon Bros., Harness & Sad- dlery Co., Los Angeles, Calif. At public auction , do do do Al. Furstnow, Miles City, Mont. John Clark Saddlery Co., Port- land, Oreg. United States Food Administra- tion, Grain Corporation, 42 Broadway, New York City. Al. Furstnow, Miles City, Mont. Irwin Bros., 807 State St., Chicago, 111. [Canceled.] John Clark Saddlery Co., Port- land, Oreg. Mississippi Normal College, Hattiesburg, Miss. University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Various bidders A Schaap & Sons, 394 Broadway, New York City. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] City of New Bedford Street, De- partment, C. F. Dawton, superintendent streets, New Bedford, Mass. City of Little Rock (Ark.) C Street Department, ity of Mobile (Ala.) Street Department. W. G. Tait Coal Co., Spring- field, Mass. Sing Sing Prison, Industrial Department No. 2, Ossining, N.Y. Hamilton Brown S^oe Co., St. Louis, Mo. C. W. Zaring & Co., 710 Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. City of Springfield Services De- partment, O. E. Carr, City Manager, Springfield, Ohio Ferdinand R. Ham, 468 Hudson St., New York City. United States Food Administra- tion, Grain Corporation, 42 Broadway, New York City. John C. McQuigan, 2137 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. [Canceled.] R. Seril & Sons, New York City. Martin Mfg. Co., West Newton, Mass. do At public auction "Weiss & Klau Co., 426 Broad- way, New York City. Marquisette, 40", 16-pouit... do Shearlings, wool-skin. No. 1 selection. Lasts, shoe Flom-, civihan relief. Shearlings, wool-skin. Ord- nance selection. Horses, cavalry Horses, artillery Mules, draft Mules, pack , Shearlings, wool-skin. No. 1 aviation selection. Shearlings, wool-skin Flour, civilian relief. Shearlings, wool-sMn, Rock Island selection. Turkey, frozen Shearlings, wool-skin. No. 1 selection. Blankets, wool, commercial, 4-lb. Mattresses Harness, ambulance, lead, A. ....do ....do Prunes, dried: S0"60's 40-50's Brooms, stable, push, 14", with handle, tufts of bass- wood. Brooms, stable, push, 14", with handle, ratan tufts. Brooms, stable, push, 14", with handle, basswood tufts Coal, anthracite (Jeddo egg) . . . Lasts, shoe ....do Flour, cornstarch. Brooms, stable, push, 14", with handle. Bags, nose . . Floiu', issue. Cream of tartar. Marquisette, 36", 10-point,ecru, Marquisette, 36", 20-poLnt: Bleached , Ecru Marquisette, 36", 20-point, gray. Wool Oilcloth, table, 54". $2, 625. 00 10,500.00 219. 54 36.00 726,982.53 80.75 186, 482. 12 210,098.42 157, 077. 91 19,938.80 21.56 248. 47 259, 753. 91 19.90 202. 50 337. 58 171. 00 121.50 5,090.36 693. 00 561. 14 8,381.66 16,345.94 47.25 47.25 47.25 2,593.05 150. 00 273.60 666.80 47.25 500.00 790, 995. 10 20.00 2, 625. 00 5, 846. 90 4,577.40 46, 390. 40 17, 019, 801. 00 6,162.50 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 15 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BR ANCH— Continued . Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 461 462 463 Apr. 6-12, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919... do do May 2, 1919 do do do do do do ....do ....do do , May 3, 1919. .do. ..do ..do .do. do , ....do....... May 5, 1919. .do. do do May 6, 1919. do , May 7, 1919. .do. .do. .do. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ....do ....do ....do ....do May 8, 1919. At public auction [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Carson Pine Scott & Co., Adams & Franklin St., Chicago, 111. N. Porter Saddle & Harness Co., Phoenix, Ariz. do L. S. Knoek & Co., 188 State St., Hartford, Conn. White Motor Car Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Jacob Thurman, 148 State St., Boston, Mass. Strecker Bros. Co., Marietta, Ohio. Harpham Bros. Co., Lincoln, Nebr. Cal Hirsch & Sons Merc. Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. do Marshall Wells Co., Duluth, Minn City of Boston Department of Street Cleaning and Oiling Service, care of Col. Thos. F. Sullivan, 650 S. Albany St., Boston, Mass. [Canceled.] City of Savannah, care of L. P. Cone, City Lots, Savannah, Ga. Borman Sheep Lined Coat Co., 97 E. Ruston St., New York City. Johnson & Johnson, New Bruns- wick, N. J. A. A. Edwards, care of zone sup- ply ofiBcer, San Antonio, Tex. H. Kauffman & Son Saddlery Co., 206 Division St., New YorkCitj. Boy Scouts of America, Wash- ington, D. C. [Canceled.] U. S. Reduction Co., East Chi- cago, Ind. [Canceled.] Dodson Saddlery Co., Dallas, Tex. Joe Gendelman, 601 VTiet St., Milwaukee, Wis. Geo. Windheim, Utica, N. Y Deming Ranch, Oswego Kans. H. Gendelmand, 443 Murray Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Barrett & Zimmerman, St. Paul, Minn. Standard Harness & Saddlery Co., Boston, Mass. Yimes-Gorman (Inc.), Worces- ter, Mass. do do do ■ do • do .' P. L. Bates, Sandy Point, Me... Mishawaka Woolen Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. Racine Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, 111. H. KauflEman Saddlery Co.. 206 Division St., New York City. Goodman Eng. Co., Zanesville. Ohio. ' Sanitary department. City of Montgomery, Ala. Mark S. Yathes, 96 Willett St , New York City. Wool. Oilcloth, table , ShearUngs, wool-skin, No. 1, Aviation and Ordnance. Shearlings, wool-skin. No. 1 selection. Lanterns, railroad Muffler assemblies, part No. 108, g. a. g. Fish, dried cod Shearlings, wool-skin, No. 1 selection. Bags, nose Engineers' oilers, common, 1 pt., 10" spout. Lanterns, railroad ....do Brooms, stable, push, 14", with handle. .do. Shearlings: Rock Island Ordnance Cloth, Meade, white, 36" Wagons, escort. Bags, nose Blankets, commercial . Solder, bar. Shearlings, wool skins. Harness, double set, Engineers C. and H., with collars ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. Overshoes, arctics, cloth top and rubber top. do do do "" do do ;; Coal, anthracite , Overshoes, arctic, wool-lined .' '. Cotton, nonabsorbent Bags, nose Lanterns, railroad Brooms, stable, push, 14", with handle, tufts of bass- wood. Apples, fresh $13,766,812.00 3,650.00 149.46 82.52 93.60 2,699.90 165.60 78.95 250.00 30.00 65.00 390.00 47.25 47.25 20.19 22.37 5, 772. 80 2, 925. 00 1, 000. 00 270.00 8,850.00 215.41 654.00 515.00 360. 00 610. 50 2, 625. 00 17, 833. 90 25,988.60 15,466.00 98,516.00 27,500.00 330,000.00 82,770.60 42.90 12,026.88 10,236.80 5,000.00 2.60 141.75 1,377.60 16 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 8, 1919 . Apr. 30, 1919. Mays, 1919... ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 13-19,1919. May 7, 1919 ....do do , do , May 13, 1919. May 12, 1919. May 10, 1919. ....do Mays, 1919..- May 10, 1919. do do May 9, 1919.. do do , .do. ..do... ..do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Bureau of street cleaning, City of Altoona, Pa. . Mansboch, Kane & Co., 1731 Broadway, New York City. National Box & Lumber Co., Newark, N. J. Grand Rapids Show Case Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Mogul Wagon Co., Hopkins- vUle, Term. North Vernon Lumber Co., North Vernon, Ind. H. B. Bond, Nashville, Term. . . Frank H. Lancaster, Syracuse, N. Y. Turner, Day & "Wool worth Handle Co., Louisville, Ky. James C. Lindsay Hardware Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Marshall Wells Co., Duluth, Minri. New Wrecking Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. At public auction Yunes-Gorman Co. (Inc.), Wor- cester, Mass. Mishawaka Woolen Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. do B. H. Shapiro, Chicago, 111 Yimes-Gorman Co. (Inc.), Wor- cester, Mass.- .do. Bona Allen (Inc.), Buford, Ga. . Ferdinand R. Horn, 468 Hud- son St., New York City. Strecker Bros. & Co., Marietta, Ohio. R. F. B. Mfg. COy 382 5th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Voss-Barbee Mfg. Co., Little Rock, Ark. H.W. Leubke, Yankton, S. Dak. C. A. Turner (Inc.), 117 3d Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. C. D. Francke & Co. (Inc.), 170 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. Dinkins-Davidson Hardware Co., Atlanta, Ga. C. A. Turner (Inc.), 117 3d St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Croswel & Co., Atlanta, Ga Committee for Relief in the Near East, A. C. Garner, 1924 13th St., NW., Washington, D. C. Horton & Horton, McKinney & Velasco Sts., Houston, Tex. Turner, Day & Woolworth Handle Co., Louisville, Ky. James C. Lindsay Hardware Co., 12 8th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. MarshaU-WeUs Co., Duluth, Miun. Oliphant & Kreh, Vinceimes, Ind. Brooms, stable or street, push, 14", with, handle, tuft of basswood. Bags, burlap Wagon, log or lumber . ....do ....do ....do ....do Wagons, escort Handles, ax, 36"... Handles, shovel, D. ....do Jacks, wagon Wool Arctics, cloth tops and rubber tops. Overshoes, arctic, cloth top Overshoes, arctic, wool lined. . Overshoes, arctic, 4 buckle Overshoes, arctics: (a) (b) (c) id) (e) (/) Overshoes, arctics, cloth and rubber tops. Leather, harness: B ends Trace sides, B grade Leather, harness, trace sides, B grade. Leather, harness, trace sides, A grade. Leather, harness .do. Leather, harness, sides, B Chisels, blacksmith: 1|'' hot, handled.. li" cold, handled. Chisels, blacksmith: li'' hot, handled.. if" cold, handled. Chisels, blacksmith: IJ' hot, handled.. l|" cold, handled. Blocks, swage Vinegar Furniture, ofB.ce: Desk, flat top Tables, small type . Tables, 60" Chairs, side Handles, pick, 36" .do. Handles, shovel, long . do Flour, oatmeal $0.45 52,185.21 160.00 320.00 3,200.00 320.00 160.00 750.00 1,842.50 63.00 1,350.00 4,050.00 8,426,575.00 204,485.60 4,665.60 250.56 11,500.00 18,304.00 2,719.20 11,193.60 41,228.00 4,994.00 57,315.50 8,492.00 165. OC 38,500.00 3,406.92 5,154.3>; 2,448.00 1,275.00 23,358.6^ 3,338.7:^ 2,392.00 320.0' 440 '■ 90.0 90.. 125. 1 100.'' 302.' 1,020... 46. 6v 32.: S5. 70.1 1,614.- 51:'0u, eoo.-Ou 990.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 17 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 9, 1919 . .do. .do. .do. .do. May 10, 1919. May 9, 1919.., May 10, 1919. May 12, 1919. May 10, 1919. do do May 11, 1919. May 12, 1919. ....Ido. do , do May 13, 1919. do do do do ....do do May 14, 1919. do .do. -do. do do do May 15, 1919. . do do ....do May 14, 1919. May 15,1919. .do. -do. ...do ...do Apr. 15-May 10, 1919. El Paso -Grain & Milling Co., El Paso, Tex. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Mansbach, Kane & Co., 1733 Broadway, New York City. At auction Mogul Wagon Co., Hopkins ville, Ky. New Wrecking Co., 810 N. Sen- ate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. do Various bidders D.H.Purvis, Camp Bowie Julius Frey, 707 Grand St., Jer- sey City, N. J. Pfister & Vogel Leather Co., Milwaukee, Wis. St. Johns College, Annapolis, Md, Peden Iron & Steel Co., 700 N. Jacinto St., Houston, Tex. W. S, Cox (Inc.), Silver City, N. Mex. Iver Johnson Sporting Goods Co., 155 Washington, St., Bos- ton. Mass. Joseph M. Herman Shoe Co., Millis, Mass. B. A. Corbin & Sons Co., Bos- ton, Mass. B. F. Goodrich Co., Boston,Mass Eastern Grain Co., Plymouth Street^Bridgewater, Mass. George H. Geiger & Co., Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Geo. W. Griffiths, Box 175, PaU- sades Park, N. J. Campbell Building Co., Salt Lalte City, Utah. Voss-Barbee Mfg. Co., Little Rock, Ark. The Harris Saddlery Co., Cairo, HI. Des Voigne & Co., Odell, 111 Plant Rubber Co., 318 1st St. north, Minneapolis, Minn. W. S. Cox (Inc.), Silver City, N. Mex. Schmidt & Zeigler (Ltd.). 510 Paydras St., New Orleans, La. Paul E. Mary, 401 Board of Trade Bldg., New Orleans, La. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa. Stagmaier & Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Wilder & Co., 226 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Herman Sanford Saddlery Co., Springfield, Mo. Umted States Food Administra- tion, Grain Corporation, 42 Broadway, New York City. El Paso Grain & Milling Co., EI Paso. Tex. [Canceled.] Herman-Sanford Saddlery Co., Springfield, Mo. McCord Stewart Co., Atlanta, Ga. Urquhart Bros., 5 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mass. At public auction Commeal, white. Apples, fresh. Harness, ambulance: Wheel Lead Wagons, log or lumber. Forks, manure Pickaxes, 7 lb., used. Wagons, escort do Bags, nose Calfskins, rawhide. Mattresses Picks, railroad, 7 lb., without handles. do Films, Eastman, 6 exposures, 3i X 5i". Lasts, shoe .do. Stockinette, olive-drab, 52"., Flour, cream of maize Presses, letter Lanterns, railroad do Leather, oiled, lace, class A. . . do .do. .do. Rope, manila, |". Commeal, white. do do Bedpan Slop jar Washbasin Flour, cornstarch. Shearlings, wool-skin, No. 1 Aviation selection. Shearlings, wool-sMn, clipped selection. Flour, wheat Cornmeal, yellow. Shearlings, wool sMns: No. 1 selection No. 2 selection Pickles, cucumber (Squire Dingee). Pickles, cucumber, sour Oak kegs Horses, artillery $3,520.00 1,279.80 1,754.00 80.00 6,240.00 1,200.00 200.00 525.00 300.00 125.00 2,493.69 450.00 500.00 30.00 108.00 570.00 792.30 53.83 2,088.00 9.23 65.00 65.00 700.00 840.00 95.00 1,620.00 72.00 300.00 3,055.00 4,966.00 1.50 3.00 1.25 1, 223. 95 2,602.62 1,536.78 1,202,040.00 2,046.00 695. 18 1,176.29 671. 25 682.65 3.75 68,417.59 .152015 °—H. Doc. 446, 66-2- 18 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 15-May 10, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do May 15, 1919 May 8, 1919. ....do May 13, 1919. . . May 15, 1919.. ....do -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. May 16, 1919. -do. -do- May 17,1919.... Apr. 20-26, 1919- May 17,1919--.. --.do.. ...do.. do do May 2, 1919. . May 7,1919.. May 19, 1919. ---.do. ....do. do do May 20, 1919- do do Mar. 28, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. do May 5, 1919... May 7, 1919. do May 13, 1919- May 16, 1919. At public auction. .do. -do. .do. .do. Voss-Barbee Mfg. Co., Little Bock, Ark. B. A. Corbin & Sons Co., 183 Essex St., Boston, Mass. do Terrell Military College, Terrell, Tex. National Biscuit Co., New York City. Wisconsin Butter, Egg & Poul- try Co., Milwaukee, ' \^is. Swift & Co., Kansas City, Kans . Fox River Butter Co., Chicago, 111. Hind & Harrison Plush Co., Clark Mills, N. Y. Fairmont Creamery Co., New York City. Oneida County Creamery Co., Utica, N. Y. M. N. Thomson, 161 Summer St., Boston, Mass. C. H. Finley Co., El Paso, Tex. . Utterback-Gleason Co., Bangor, Me. Ansel Raynor, Seaford, Long Island^ N. Y. At public auction H. Kauffman & Sons Saddlery Co., 206 Division St., New York City. .....do Samuel Brown, 727 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Kansas City Saddlery Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. G. P. Smith, zone supply officer. New Orleans, La.. Philips & Stephans, 708 13th St. WV., Washington, D. C. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills New York City. Standard Rice Co. (Inc.), 233 N. Peters St., New Orleans, La. Hyatt & Co., Waynesville, N.C. Al. Furstnow, Miles City, Mont . .do. White Co., Cleveland, Ohio J. T. Hunter, 920 M St. NW., Washington, D. C. J. H. Bowling, El Paso, Tex -do. England, Walton & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Phillips Zeigler, Wilber, Nebr.. Panama Canal Purchasing De- partment, Washington, D. C. T. K. Mosser Co., Wilhamsport, England Walton & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. [Canceled.] Panama Canal Purchasing De- partment, Washington, D. C. GrSttan & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Horses, cavalry. ....do Mules, pack Mules, draft do Shearlings, wool skins. No. 2 selection. Duck, No. 6, 31", olive drab. . . ....do Cots Mattresses . Butter .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do- Shearlings, wool skins. . Oatmeal, 24-oz. cartons. Bags, nose Engine, gas, "Hercules' Wool Bags, nose. -do. Shearlings, wool skins. do Wagons, escort Lumber KhaM, Army, duck, 12.4-oz. Rice Coal, bituminous Shearlings, wool skins. No. 1 Aviation. Shearlings, wool skins. Rock Island. Material for motor ears, raw and semifinished. Bags, nose Blankets, commercial un- renovated. Blankets, commercial reno- vated. Unrenovated Leather, medium, russet, class A. Leather, russet, harness, class A. do Leather, russet, harness: Class A Class B Leather, russet, harness, class A. .do. .do. SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 19 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 23, 1919. May 20, 1919. May 21, 1919.. May 15, 1919. May 14, 1919. do May 23, 1919.. May 22, 1919.. ....do do do .do .do .do May 23, 1919.... do do do do Apr. 27-May 3, 1919. May 24, 1919.... May 14, 1919. do May 22, 1919. do May 24, 1919. .do. .do. do do do May 26, 1919. do do do do do do United States Leather Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City. H. W. Kane, 149 Broadway, New York City. United States Food Administra- tion, Grain Corporation, 42 Broadway. New York City. Cooper & Sisson, Providence, R.I. Mollman Harness, Co., East St. Louis, 111. Universal Trading Co., 230 5tli Ave., New York City. S. W. Schaefer, 1827 Biggs Place, Washington, D. C. R. L. Young, Corinth, Miss W. T. Adams, Machine Co., Corinth, Miss. Schmidt Bros. Construction Co., Chicago, 111. W. E. Russ, Madison, Ohio Lakeville State Sanatorium, Middleboro, Mass. M. Silverman & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. Hyman Bros., 67 Essex St., Boston, Mass. H. KaufEman & Sons Saddlery Co., 206 Division St., New York City. Rosalie G. Jones, Syosset, Long Island, N. Y. Charles A. Eaton Co., Brockton, Mass. Issick Melnick, 400 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. Mclnnis Farms, Hattiesburg, Miss. A. Polk & Son, Hattiesburg, Miss. At public auction Government Loan Organization, 151 5th Ave., New York City. [Canceled.] William S. Hansell & Sons, 131 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips & Stephens, Washing- ton, D. C. Rosenberg Felt Co., Chicago, III.. Jos. P. O'Brien & Co., 157 Sum- mer St., Boston, Mass. Jones & Naudin, Gloversville, N. Y. do -do. Charles H. Mead, Bridgeton, N.J. Herman Sanford Saddlery Co., Springfield, Mo. The Eider Walhs Dry Goods Co., Dubuque, Iowa. Henry E vers Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. The Phillips-Hecker Co., Bos- ton, Mass. A. Schaap & Sons, New York City. Winslow Bros. & Smith, Nor- wood, Mass. Armour Leather Co., Chicago, 111. C. M. McClung & Co., Knoxville, Tenn. Leather, russet, harness, class A. Sheets, steel, soft, open-hearth. Flour, civilian relief Butter , do Leather, oiled, lace: Class A Class B Leather, oiled, lace, class A.... Lasts, shoe, Goodyear Munson, welt. Engine, gas, Hercules do .do. .do. Cans, ash or garbage, with cov- ers: 18"x21" 20"x26" Bobbinet, gray, 72", 10-point. Velveteen, bufl colored, 27" . . B ags, nos e Engine, gas Lasts, shoe Wood, cord Harness, ambulance, wheel, B Saddles, class B Wool Duck, rubberized Leather, oiled, lace, class A... Lumber, yellow pine Cotton, nonabsorbent Shearlings, woolskins: No. 1 aviation Heavy weight, greasy back , Rock Island selection Shear hngs, average run Shearlings, wool skins: No. Xselection Rock Island selection Shearlings, wool skins. No. 2 selection. Gas engines, Hercules, with sparepartspackedwith same. Shearhngs, wool skins Felt, O. D.,20-oz Poles, tent, shelter, new Felt, interlining, gray, 13-oz. . .do. .do. Shearlings, wool skins, Ord- nance selection. Calfskins, rawhide Shovels, long handle, round point. $224. 70 35,632.33 8,972.64 71,439.34 76, 489. 83 84.00 34.50 25,482.54 .30 210.00 2, 100. 00 210.00 210. 00 45.00 53.52 4,375.00 4,245.17 13,000.00 210. 00 136.20 4,165.32 180. 00 60.00 , 088, 526. 00 1, 050. 00 82.50 23, 000. 00 4,960.53 274. 33 163. 20 211.19 9.18 7.00 7.60 11.40 420.00 669.53 4,375.00 200.00 48, 553. 96 2, 875. 00 5, 660. 00 441.75 2,534.75 750.00 20 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPAKTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. May 26,1919. ....do ....do ....do.. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do .do .do May 14, 1919.. do May 28, 1919. May 23, 1919. do May 26, 1919. ..do .do. May 27, 1919. .do. ....do May 28, 1919. May 27, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. May 28, 1919. do May 29, 1919. ...fdo.. May 28, 1919. ,....do .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa Velde Roelfs & Co., Pekin, HI.. Saginaw Hardware Co., Sagi- inaw, Mich. Montgomery-Ward & Co., Chi- cago, HI. .do. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa Seligman & Co., Tamaqua, Pa . . Wm. Messer Co., 27 Suffolk St., New Yrok City. Middle Tennessee State Normal, Mmfreesboro, Tenn. National Jobbing Co., Boston, Mass. Stein, Hall & Co. (Inc.), Boston, Mass. The F. H. Knowlton Co., 315 Railroad Exchange Bldg., Seattle, Wash. S. L Reed & Co., 223 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Samuel Brown, Boston, Mass.... Silverman & Shannon, Stam- ford, Conn. E. Berg, Stamford, Conn W. P. Thurston Co., Richmond, Va. A. & M. College of Oklahoma, Stillwater, Okla. British Ministry of Food in Uni- ted States of America, 165 Broadway, New York City. M. Levin & Sons, San Francisco, Calif. Producers Hay Co, San Fran- cisco, Calif. C. H. Finley Co., El Paso Tex.. Bates CoUege, Lewiston, Me A. F. Brombacher & Co., New York City. Article. Clark Witbeck Co., Schenectady, N.Y. Silberman Hardware Co., 214 Canal St^New York City. Wardwell Hardware Co., Rome, N.Y. Heller Tool Co., Newark, N. J.. Abilene Christian College, Abi- lene. Tex. School of Engineering, Milwau- kee, Wis. Atlanta University, Atlanta, Ga. Woflard College, Spartanburg, S. C. Burleson College, GreenvlUe, Tex Kansas City Saddlery Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. City Street Commissioner, Pat- erson, N. J. Sargent & Co., 94 Centre St., New York City. Forks, manure, 5-tine, long handle. Handles, file: No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 Handles, file: No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No.l4 No. 15 Handles, file: No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 i.. No. 15 Pritchels, B. S.,12" ...do Handles, hatchet, 14" do Mattresses, new... Flour, cornstarch. ....do do do..... do Leather, oiled, lace. Leather, oiled, lace: Class A ClassB Shearlings, wool skins. Coal, anthracite Coal, bituminous Engine, gas, Hercules . Mattresses, losed. Butter Straw, wheat, for bedding. .do. Straw, wheat, for animal use.. Pickles, cucumber Cots, steel, used Handles, hammer, 12". Handles, hammer, 12" do 13" 14" 13" 14" Cots, steel, used. .do. .do. .do. .do. Shearlings, wool skins. Rock Island selection. Brooms, street, push, with handle. Planes: Fore, 2i" blade Jack, 2" blade Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 21 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 28, J919. May 15, 1919.. May 27, 1919.. May 16, 1919.. do do .do. .do. do .....do .....do May 20, 1919. May 21, 1919. May 5, 1919.. May 29, 1919. ....do ....do June 2, 1919 . do do do , do do do , May 31, 1919- do do June 2, 1919... May 31, 1919... Maya, 1919... do do May 14, 1919... May 4-10, 1919. June 3, 1919... May 7, 1919.. May 28, 1919. June 2, 1919. do do June 3, 1919. L. Q. White Shoe Co., Bridge- water, Mass. The Peerless Bedding Co., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Shapiro & Co., 58 Greene St., New York City. Adwerth Mfg. Corporation, 274 Church St., New York City. The Columbia MiUs (Inc.), 225 Fifth Ave., New York City. Bayer Bros., 53 5th Ave., New York City. [Canceled.] Millville Mfg. Co., 626 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M. R. Jacobs, Room 1109, 320 Broadway, New York City. Heyman, Cohen & Sons (Inc.) 38 W. 21st St., New York City. Central Bag Mfg. Co., 3622 Iron St., Chicago, m. Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole, Mass.. Bauer & Black, Chicago, 111. Knopf Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass.. . The Schaeffer Tent & Awning Co., Denver, Colo. S. Armstrong & Bro., Atlanta, Ga. Edinger & Co., Louisville, Ky.. Boss Mfg. Co., Kewanee, 111 do Chas. Willms, 401 Woodlawn Road, Roland Park, Balti- more, Md. Morehouse & Wells Co., Deca- tur, 111. Chas. M. Brenowitz, 1482 Broad- way, New York City. W. Bergman Hardware Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Canton Hardware Co., Can- ton, Ohio. Peck & Mack Co., New York City. New Wrecking Co., Indianap- olis, Ind. Phillip Kohn, Dayton, Ohio Army & Navy Military Shop, 241 42d St., New York City. [Canceled.] M. R. Jacobs, 320 Broadway, New York City. Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole. Mass.. MiUville Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Slater Construction Co., Pon- tiac, Mich. At pubUc auction D. M. Oberman Mfg. Co., Jeffer- son City, Mo. Yunes-Gorman (3o. (Inc.), Wor- cester, Mass. , British Ministry of Food in United States A.rmy, 165 Broadway, New York City. PhlUps & Stephens, 708 13th St. NW., Washington, D. C. [Canceled.] Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, 111 H. D. Lee Mercantile Co., South Bend. Ind. Lasts, shoe Gauze, 44 x 40, 38§", 8.20 yds. Gauze, 44x40, 38i" Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38i" do do .do. .do. .do- .do. Gauze, gray: 44x40,384" 32x28,36" 44x40,381" Gauze, medicated, gray: 44x40, 38J" 28x24,36" 32x28,36" Shearlings, wool skins. Ord- nance selection. Bags, nose Engines, gas, Hercules, K-12-A. Hominy, coarse Gloves, Jersey, knit Gloves, protective Engine, gas, Hercules Trowels, mason, 11" ....do do Trowels, mason Clamps, saw Chisels, bricklayer's, 3" 3i" 4" H" Mops, cotton.. Helmets, steel. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38§", 8.20. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38i", 8.2. ....do Engines, gas, Hercules . . Wool Denim, indigo blue, 2.40. Overshoes, arctic, cloth and rubber top. Butter Lumber. Ham Denim, indigo blue, 2.40. S825.00 878.40 29,268.25 117, 172. 83 117,024.03 117,205.92 58,518.84 58,536.60 29,268.30 11,707.32 119,512.20 10,743.58 100,040.66 27,746.34 19,200.00 9,600.00 11,951.81 750.00 630.00 5,209.40 .25 .30 210.00 135.00 270.00 86.40 135.00 300.00" 262. 50 262.50 262.50 262.50 5,650.00 50.00 15,036.44 73,170.72 2,928.96 840.00 ,364,811.00 1,540.98 20,231.20 65,504.63 52,253.02 280,674.80 7,884.04 22 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DR^ISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. June 3, 1919- .do. .do. .do. June 4, 1919. May 22 do. Junes, do. June 3, do. do. June 4, do. do. Mav 2S, ...".do. June 4, do. do. 1919. 1919.. 1919. 1919. 1919."! do .do., .do.. .do. June 5, : do. June 6, June 5, do. 1919. 1919. do. June 6, do. do. do. do. 1919. do do June 4, 1919. do do June 3, 1919. June 4, 1919. .do... .do... Name and address of buyer. H. D. Lee Mercantile Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. do do Stuart, Keith & Co., Baltimore, Md. Various bidders Paul E. Mary, New Orleans, La. . Pelican Cracker Factory, New Orleans, La. Monroe Hardware Co., Monroe, La. Harpham Bros. & Co., Lincoln, Nebr. M. Silverman & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. Western Union Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, Mo. Jobbers Overall Co., Lynch- bur2j_ya. Geo. W. Griffithes, Palisades Park N. J. Graham & Collins, 306 W. Com- merce St., San .Ajitonio, Tex. Araphoe Mfe. Co., New York City. M. Fr:.5dman, Worcester, Mass.. do M. Silverman & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. The Liberty Commerce Corpora- tion, New" York City. United States Food Administra- tion, Grain Corporation, New York City. W. M. Finck & Co., Detroit, Mich. do Wm. S. Hansell , Woolworth Bldg., New York City. W. S r>imoan, .\tlauta, Ga Walden Butler Co. vine.), Brooklvn. N. Y. Voss-BarVee Mfg. Co., Little Rock. Ark. rCanctjled.l [Canceled.] P. W. Dryden Co., 25 Beaver St., New York Citv. Q. R. Porter, Bostoii. Mass W.BersmanHardware Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Elder Mfs. Co., St. Louis, Mo.. J. H. Bowling, El Paso, Tex. . . Aschner Bros. Mfg. Co., Dallas, Te::c. Kelly-Sprinsfield Truck Co.. SpVingnela. Ohio. Oscar Levy . Chicago. Ill Globe Shirt & Ovatall Co., Abingdon, IlL Leather, russet, strap backs, A grade, 9-1(^08. Floiu-, issue: LotNo.3 LotNo.6 LotXo.S LotNo.9 Floiir, issue: LotXo.S LotNo.9 Floiu-, issue ShearUngs, wool skin. No. 2 selection. Com meal, white Oatmeal.. Com meal. Flour, substitute, com. Flour, substitute, potato Flour, substitute, Graham — Trowels, mason, 11" , Com meal . do Pliers, gas-bmnen 6" S" , Pliers, gas-burner: 10" 12" Phers, lineman's, side-cutting, S.V'. Leather, strap, backs, A grade. Sheets, steel, blue, annealed. No. 11 gauge, oS" wide x 9' 7' long. Flour, com Pliers, long-n(»e. 6" Shearlings, wool skins. Lanterns, railroad Shearlings, wool skins: Aviation selection Rock Island selection . Brushes, marking Penixa, blue. 2.40 Blankets, commercial: Renovated l■n^eno^•ated Vinegar, colored, distilled . Covers, truck, class B. Penim, blue, 2,40 do tarpaulins, SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 27 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. June 16, 1919. do June 17, 1919. June 23, 1919. June 13, 1919. June 18, 1919. do ....do ....do June 21, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do June 23, 1919.... ....do ....do May 25-31, 1919.. June 24, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..-do ....do ....do Juno 21, 1919.... ....do ....do June 18, 1919 ....do Name and address of buyer. Jersey Ice Cream Co., Schenecta- dy. N. Y. Worthington Hardware Co., Staunton, Va. Adler Export Co., New Orleans, La. Standard Rice Co., Houston, Tex. [Canceled.] Gross Bros. Produce Exchange, 6 Broadway, New York City. Acme-Jones Co., Louisville, Ky Boren-Stewart Co., 1801 N. I^ainar St., Dallas, Tox. Kansas City Saddlery Co., Kan- sas (3ity, llo. Chase liolling Mill Co., Water- bury, Conn. W. Shanhouse & Sons, Rock- ford, 111. Carson-Pirie-Scott Co., Chicago, 111. Riverside Overall Co., Danville, Va. D. M. Oborman Co., Jeflerson City, Mo. Louis Loavitt, Brooklyn, N. Y.. M. Augenblick & Bros. (Inc.), Newark, N. J. J. W. Jackson & Son, Indian- apolis, Ind. At public auction Oliver Johnson & Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Indiana indestructible Paint Co., Chicago, 111. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111. J. R. Wood Supply Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Vulcan Proofing Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. Janney, Semple, Hill & Co., MiniieapoUs, Minn. Ceresit Waterproofing Co., Chi- cago, 111. Geo. W. Eddy Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Wm. T. Baker (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J. R. F. Johnston Paint Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Gilman Faint & Varnish Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Louisville Paint Mig. Co., Louis- ville, Ky. J. M.Gates Sons Co., Cliarleston, W. Va. W. Bergman Hardware Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A. S. Hoifetz, Boston, Mass Carpenter Morton Co., Boston, Mass. Huron Chemical Co., New York City. Sanger Bros., Dallas, Tex [Canceled.] John Hugh Lally, Room 916, 69 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Robinson Bros. & Co., Louis- ville, Ky. McGregor-Noe Hardware Co., Springfield, Mo. Article. Engine, gas, Hercules . Cans, milk, 2-gal. cans. Corn meal, lot 30.. Flour, corn, lot 31. Rice Flour, rice: Lot No. 43 , Lot No. 61 , Lot No. 64 Corn meal : Lot No. 14 Lot No. 20-21..., LotNo.2,5 Lot No. 49-50-51 . Syrup, issue , Shearlings, wool skins Rods, copper, •^" Denim, Falls Co., 2.35 W. B . do do Oleomargarine, in tins. Butter, in tins Denim, While Mills, 2.40, blue. Wool Lampblack . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Denim, blue, McKintex, 2.40: Firsts Seconds Brooms, com. Shovels, long handles, round point. Shovels Toliil sale price. J420.00 162. 50 439. 30 597.70 19,863.73 25.20 6.26 11.40 747.00 253.03 735. 54 1,031.41 17,940.00 405. 60 5,740.36 1,157.94 2,315.88 2,315.88 2,705.64 1, 185, 750. 00 673, 125. 00 8,924.00 2,309,725.00 70.00 700.00 225.00 450. 00 750. 00 125.00 62.50 62.50 240.00 412.50 240. 00 180.00 60.00 60.00 575.00 256. 25 2,222.00 30, 137. 12 8,949.23 5, 000. 00 162.50 150.00 28 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. saie No. Date of sale. 1006 June 18, 1919.... 1007 do 1008 June 19, 1919.... 1009 June 21, 1919.... 1010 June 25, 1919.... 1011 do 1012 do 1013 do 1014 do 1015 May 7, 1919 1016 May 9, 1919 1017 June 23, 1919.... 1018 June 18, 1919.... .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do.... ....do.... June 19, 1919. do .do. June 20, 1919. do June 21, 1919. ....do June 23, 1919. May 21, 1919.. May 22, 1919.. do do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Name and address of buyer. H. Q. Lipscomb & Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. Brooklyn Eastern Tenninal Ry. 88 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Monroe Hardware Co., Monroe, La. Portland Market, Portland, Oreg. Miller Bros, Galveston, Tex A. B. Frank Co., San Antonio, Tex. U. S. Overall Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Rose Mfg. Co., Dallas, Tex Long Hargrove Mfg. Co., Tyler, Tex. Yunes Gorman (Inc.), "Wor- cester, Mass. W. D. Byron & Sons Mfg. Co., Hanover, Pa. Boren-SteTrart Co., 1801 N. Lamar St., Dallas, Tex. American Grain Products Co., New York City. Atlanta Trading Co., Atlanta, Ga. Morrow & Co., 226 Produce Ex- change, New York City. Habig Bros., S. Meridian St. & Bell Ry., Indianapolis, Ind. Atlanta Trading Co., Atlanta, Ga. Mr. G. P. Smith Boy Scouts of America, "Wash- ington, D. C. [Canceled.] Boy Scouts of America, "Wash- ington, D. C. "Winslow Bros. & Smith, Nor- wood, Mass. Max Rosenberg, AUentown, Pa. "Wm. S. Hansen & Sons, 131 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. "Will J. "Van Meter, 2221 Mala St., Parsons, Eans. Russell Hardware Co., McAles- ter, Okla. Holbrook Grocery Co., Keene, N. H. Burlington Vinegar Co., Bur- lington, Iowa. Robert Weigand Pickle Co., New Orleans, La. Alart & McGiiire, 63 Veseey St., New York City. Alart & McGuire, Brooklyn, N. Y. Budlong Pickle Co., Chicago, 111. John Sexton & Co., Chicago, 111 Squire Dtngee Co., Chicago, 111.. Glazer CrandellCo., Chicago. lU. M. Wo\S & Sons, Chicago, 111... Squire Dingee Co., Chicago, 111.. Budlong Pickle Co., Chicago, 111 Article. Shovels Pumps, Novo-Barnes, and ad- ditional spares as per requi- sition B. E. D. T. Ry. Spares Leather, oiled, lace Cherries, canned Denim, blue, 2.40, McKtntex: Firsts : Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Overshoes, arctic, cloth, and rubber tops. Leather, strap, russet: foz. sides, A grade |-oz. sides, A grade Vinegar Flour, rice.. do do do do do Flour, corn. do do do do do do do Flour, oatmeal . Flour, barley. . . "^'agons, escort, class B Blankets, commercial, re- claimed. Cots, steel, canvas, folding, class B. Shearings, wool skins Straw Nose bags. Cornmeal, white . . Cornmeal, yellow. Brooms, corn Vinegar Pickles, cucumber. do do -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Total sale price. $187.50 1,500.00 114.90 525.00 439.25 11,640.00 2,873.63 7,760.00 1,915.75 19,400.00 4,789.38 9,700.00 2,298.90 3,880.00 957.88 110,000.00 143.33 142.86 2, 245. 53 4,906.20 1, 147. 50 1,101.60 265.20 765.00 874.65 525.00 570.00 739.20 603.41 1,164.00 4.11 53.92 2,664.00 1,304.00 134.00 330.00 12.00 142.50 5,033.05 38.50 50.00 1,185.00 840.00 2,500.00 79.80 915.00 1,800.00 6,847.26 1,664.33 749. 70 749. 70 749. 70 749. 70 900.00 7,200.00 1,800.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 29 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 ■1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 May 23, 1919... May 22, 1919.. May 21, 1919... do May 22, 1919... do do do do May 23, 1919... June 4, 1919... do June 13, 1919.. June 20, 1919.. June 24, 1919.. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. June 25, do.., .do. -do. -do. do.. June 2, June 18 1919.. , 1919. Jime 25, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. June 26, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Burlington Vinegar Co., Bur- lington. Iowa. Squire Dmgee Co., Chicago, 111. . Jonn Sexton Co., Chicago, 111... Hirsch Pickle Co., Louisville, Ky. Harbeauer Co., Toledo, Ohio... Stohrers Keystone Pickle Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A. Gohl & Co., Chicago, 111 C. F. Claussen, Chicago, 111 Squire Dingee Co., Desplatues, Alart & McGuire, Williams- town, N. J. Borman Sheeplined Coat Co., New York City. Winslow Bros. & Smith Co., Boston, Mass. W. B. Anderson, 140 Hudson, St., New York City. The Diekar Corporation, Times Bldg., 42d St. and Broadway, New York City. H. Kauflfman & Sons, Saddlery Co., New York City. do do do do Arizona Hercules Copper Co., Ray, Ariz. "Witherspoon, Engler Co., Grant, Smith & Co., Elkhart, Ind. C. A. Turner (Inc.), Pittsburgh, Pa. do do Albert Mackie Co., New Orleans, La. Shenandoah Valley Apple Cider & Vinegar Co., Winchester, Va. Hitchcock Hill & Co., Chicago, 111. Atlanta Trading Co., Atlanta, Ga. United States Food Adminis- tration, Grain Corporation, 42 Broadway, N. Y. [Canceled.] Hiller-Heyd Vinegar Co., New Orleans, La. G. R. Porter & Co., 200 Sum- mer St., Boston, Mass. Stein, Hall & Co. (Inc.), 141 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Market Warehousing Co., Bos- ton, Mass. .do. Market Warehousing Co., Bos- ton, Mass. American Grain Products Co., Produce Exchange Bldg., New York City. Jacob Thurman, Boston, Mass. Lubetkin Bros., 10 Front St., New York City. [Canceled.] Russell Jobber's Mills, Okla- homa City, Okla. Pickles, cucumber. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Shearlings, wool skins. do Okra Bobbinet, gray, 10-point: 36" gs, nose . .do. .do. .do. -do. Packet, first-aid. Army style. Bars, wrecking. Stoves, brass, kerosene Pots, cast-iron Reservoir, kerosene, 1-qt. Oatmeal Vinegar, cider. Pickles, cucumber. Cornmeal... do do do do do do Flour, issue . do do Vinegar, cider Shearlings, wool skins. Rice, flour do..... do do Flour, graham . do do do do Flour, rye Flour, oatmeal . Flour, rice Floru-, com, white. Flour, barley. . Vinegar, cider. 30 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 26, 1919.. June 25, 1919.. do ....do do June 18, 1919.. June 26, 1919.. June 20, 1919.. June 27, 1919.. June 26, 1919.. .do. do June 27, 1919. do do June 30, 1919. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. do Julyl, 1919... June 30, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. do July 1, 1919. do do do The National Catholic "War Council Rehabilitation School, Leonard Hall Academy, Leon- ardtown, Md. Theo. Weiss & Co., New Or- leans, La. Tel. Tex. Co., Dallas, Tex Sherman Overall Mfg. Co., Sher- man, Tex. M. Halfi & Co., San Antonio, Tex. Atlanta Trading Co., Atlanta, Ga. Various bidders Reinman & Wolfort, Little Rock, Arlc. Randolph-Macon Academy, Front Royal, Va. Various bid'ders .do. Peter J. Cajoleas, 300 Camp St., New Orleans, La. Conrad Kolb, 125 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. Wiley- Wrav Elec. Co., 118 W. 3d St., Cihcinnati, Ohio. Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R. . Theo. Fredmann & Son (Inc.), 351 4th Ave., New York City. Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole, Mass . . Seabury & Johnson, New York City. Gamer Print Works and Bleach- ery. New York City. Johnson & Johnson, New Bruns- wick, N-Y. The Palmer Bros. Co., New London, Conn. do S. M. Schwab, jr., & Co., New York City. Ardwerth Mfg. Corporation, New York City. Columbia Mills (Inc.), New York City. National Catholic War Council, 30 E. 42d St., New York City. J, T. Hunter, 920 M St. NW., Washington, D. C. Roach-McLymont Co., Del Rio, Tex. Habig Bros., Indianapolis, Ind., Gibbs Preserving Co., Balti- more, Md. Southgate & Co., Norfolk, Va... Thomas Roberts & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. National Wholesale Grocery Co., Fall River, Mass. Stuart Keith & Co., Baltimore, Md. William G. Happy, New York City. A. B. Frank, San Antonio, Tex. Cyrus W. Scott Mfg. Co., Hous- ton, Tex. Blankets, commercial, all- wool. Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue, 2.40, McKintex: Firsts Seconds Flour, oatmeal ....do Harness, ambulance: Wheel Lead Do H. T. G. cable trace harness. Cots, steel Harness, ambulance: Wheel Lead Harness, ambulance: Wheel Lead Oil, cooking .do. Motors, Westinghouse Drums, empty, carbide cans. . Gauze, gray, 44 x 40: 28". lot No. 2 30",lotNo.3 Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38i", 8.20 do .do. .do., .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Blankets, new, commercial, wool, gray. Brooms, street or stable, push — one with handle. Oatmeal Beans, white. do do do Beans: White.... Pmk Red Beans, white. Denim, blue, 8 oz.. No. 3. .do. Denim, blue, 2.40. do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 31 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 1, 1919. do do do July 3, 1919. July 1,1919. do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do do do do do ....do ....do ....do. ....do. ..do. ...do. ...do. ..do. ..do. ..do. do. do. -do. Ginsburg Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Chester & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. M. Solodsky Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Keystone Dairy Co., 622 Madi- son St., Hoboken, N. J. At public auction Ozark Cider & Vinegar Co., Rogers, Ark. H.J. Room & Co., 3 Winter St., Worcester, Mass. L. Frank Saddlery Co. , W. Com- merce St., San Antonio, Tex. George H. Bloom, 516 Denison St., Muskogee, Okla. (Dan E. Root, 1405 Burnet St.,1 \ San Antonio, Tex. j Jos. Leaman, 2323-25 Avenue C, Galveston, Tex. Jeo Wasicek, Wallis, Austin Co., Tex. EidsonDry Goods Co., 423 Cha- parral St. , Corpus Christi , Tex. Leon LawTence, Ranger, Tex. . . Glenn Bros. Furniture Co., 1315 Houston St., Fort Worth, Tex. Dr. D. Roach, Cisco, Tex Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Baltimore, Md. Hickory Overall Co., Hickory, N. C. Vilt-Mayes Manufacturing Co., Warrensburg, Mo. U. S. Overall Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B. Frank Co., San Antonio, Tex. W. Cohen Bros., Baltimore, Md. Iron King Overall Co., Balti- more, Md. Longfellow Manufacturing Co., Seaford, Del. Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Baltimore, Md. S. Rosenbloom, Baltimore, Md.. Stuart, Keith & Co., Baltimore, Md. Trimount Overall Co., Boston, Mass. Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Baltimore, Md. Richmond Dry Goods Co., Rich- mond, Va. M. Fine & Sons, 1 Greene St., New York City. Scott Mebane Manufacturing Co., Graham, N. C. U. S. Overall Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Globe Shirt & Overall Co., Ab- ingdon, 111. Lyon & Co., New York City Union Special Overall Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. H. Rosenblatt & Sons, Beloit, Wis. L. H. Baker, Evansville, Ind. . . Arom & Lehman, Cincinnati, Ohio. Superior Garment Co., Colum- bia City, Ind. Knocker Shirt & Overall Co., Portland, Ind. Berne Manufacturing Co. , Berne, Ind. Martin Bros. , Minneapolis, Minn W. M. Finck & Co., Detroit, Mich. H. Shimelfarb, Chicago, 111 Denim, blue, 2.4e do Denim, blue, 2.20 Cans, milk, 10-gal Wool Blankets, commercial . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do Denim, blue, 2.40 . Denim, blue, 2.20 Denim, blue, 8-oz. No. 3 . . . Denim, blue, 8-oz. No. 4 . . . Denim, blue, 2.40 Denim, blue, 2.20. do .do. .do. .do. .do. do Denim, blue, 2.40 Denim, blue, 2.45 Denim, blue, 2.40, firsts. .. ....do Denim, blue, 2.40, seconds. do .do. Denim, blue, 2.20. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. 7,605,526.00 75.00 32 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 1, 1919. July 2, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ....do ....do do do do do do ....do ....do , do , do ....do , do do , do do , do Julys, 1919. do do do do , Washinrton Manufacturing Co., New York City. Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Baltimore, Md. Wheeler & Motter Merc. Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Cowden Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, MiuTi. Noll Hauworth Co., Quincy, 111. Globe Shirt & Overall Co., Ab- ingdon, 111. Washineton Manufacturing Co., New York City. Bernstein Cohen & Co., Chicago, 111. Beloit Shirt & Overall Co., Be- loit, Wis. Badger Sewing Co. , Ton du Lac, Wis. The Robert Krause Co., Daven- port, Iowa. Vitt-Moyes Manufacturing Co., Warrensburg, Mo. W. Shanhouse & Sons, Rock- ford, 111. Miller Bros., Galveston, Tex Sanser Bros., Dallas, Tex Globe Shirt & Overall Co., Ab- ingdon, 111. Red Diamond Clothing Co., St. Louis, Mo. H. S. Peters, Welland, Ontario, Canada. Burlington Overall Manufactur- ing Co., Kansas Citv, Mo. New State Shirt & Overall Man- ■ufactiiring Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Everwear Manufacturing Co., San Francisco, Calif. Riverside Overall Co., Danville, Va. Crown Overall Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Spokane Dry Goods Co., Spo- kane, Wash. Wheeler & Matter Merc. Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Goldstone Bros., San Francisco, Calif. Everwear Manufacturing Co., San Francisco, Calif. U. S. Overall Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Black Manufacturing Co., Seattle, Wash. Spokane Dry Goods Co., Spo- kane, Wash. Keet & Rountree Dry Goods Co., Springfield, Mo. Hickory Overall Co., Hickory, N. C. Superior Garment Co., Colum- bia City, Ind. Scott Mebane Manufacturing Co., Graham, N. C. Richmond Dry Goods Co., Richmond, Va. American Shirt & Overall Manu- facturing Co., New York City. Baltimore Bargain House, Balti- more, Md. Volunteer Manufacturing Co., Nashville, Term. Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co., Omaha, Nebr. Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Baltimore, Md. Cyrus Scott Manufacturing Co., Houston, Tex. Welch Cook Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Denim, blue, 2.20 Denim, blue Denim, blue, 2.20, firsts. do .do. .do. do Denim, blue, 2.20 Denim, blue, 2.20, firsts. do do do do Denim, blue, 2.40, firsts. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. Denim, blue, 2. 40 do do Denim, blue, 2.40, firsts. do Denim, blue, 2.40 do do do Denim, blue, 2.40, firsts. . do do do do do do do Denim, blue, 2.20 Denim, blue do Denim, blue, 2.40 Denim, blue, 2.20 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 33 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. saie No. Date of sale. 1209 1210 July 5.1919 . do . . . 1211 . do 1212 . do 1213 . do ... 1214 . do 1215 . do 1216 . do ... 1217 do 1218 . . do 1219 ' . do . . . . 1220 1221 do . do ... 1222 . do ... 1223 do 1224 . . do 1225 . do ... 1226 do 1227 ....do 1228 . do 1229 ...do 1230 do 1231 do 1232 .. do 1233 . do 1234 . do ... 1235 do 1236 do 1237 do 1238 do 1239 1240 do ...do 1241 .. do 1242 . do 1243 1244 do ...do 1245 ...do 1246 ...do 1247 do 1248 do 1249 do 1250 do Name and address of buyer. "Wise Bros., Baltimore, Md Stahl Urban & Co., Terre Haute, Ind. H. B. Glover Co., Dubuque, Iowa. Baltimore Bargain House, de- partment D, Baltimore, Md. Simon & Cohen, Patterson, N. J. Sol Heller & Sons, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Big Ben Manufacturing Co., Middlesboro, Ky. Hazelton Overall Co., Hazelton, Pa. B. & O. Manufacturing Co., Baltimore Md. Aram & Lebam, Cincinnati, Ohio. Syracuse Dry Goods Co., Syra- cuse, N. Y. W. R. Moore Dry Goods Co., Memphis, Tenn. H. B. Glover Co., Dubuque, Iowa. Stahl Urban & Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Adam H. Bartel Co., Richmond, Va. Johnson & Co., St. Peter, Minn. . Kaufman & Flonacher, New Orleans. La. Hickory Overall Co., Hickory, N. C. Green Bay Specialty Co., Green Bay, Wis. Wayne Overall Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Irwin-Phillips Co., Keokuk, Iowa. H. J. Hohnan & Sons, Sheboy- gan, AVis. .Tohn Rissman & Sons, Chicago, 111. Hodge Ludman Manufacturing Co., ZanesviUe, Ohio. La Crosse Clothing Co., La Crosse, Wis. Blubuck Manufacturing Co., Hopkins^alle, Ky. Scott Mebane Manufacturing Co., Graham, N. C. The Globe Manufacturing Co., Pittsfleld, N. H. Morotock Manufacturing Co., Dan-\Tlle, Va. Big Ben Manufacturing Co., Middlesboro, Ky. Geo. English, jr., & Co., Sham- okin, Pa. Hazelton Overall Co., Hazelton, Pa. Sol Heller & Sons, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Anthracite Overall Manufactur- ing Co., Scranton, Pa. Rummel Himes & Co., Ship- pensburg, Pa. Mulroney Manufacturing Co., Fort Dodge, Iowa. Spokane Dry Goods Co., Spo- kane, Wash- Little Bros. Co., KnoxvUle, Tenn. Smith Kinney Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Shramm & Schimieg Co., Bur- lington, Iowa. O. J. Beyer & Sons, Buffalo, N. Y. Van Wert Overall Manufactur- ing Co., Van Wert, Ohio. 152015*'— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 3 Article. Denim, blue, 2.20. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do Denim, blue Denim, blue, 2.45. . Denim, blue, 2.40.. Denim, blue, 2.20.. ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 34 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAB DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 1251 1252 1253 1254 1266 1256 1257 125S 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 Julys, 1919. ....do .-..do .do. .do. ...do. ...do. ....do. July 7, 1918. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. -...do. .-..do. ..-.do. ..-.do. do. do. do. ....do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. -do. -do. .do. Steiner Lohman Dry Goods Co., Montgomery. .\la. Shnll Day Co.. Tacoma. Wash. . . Phillips Lester Manufactiuing Co., Birmingham, Ala. Muscatine Overall "Works, Mus- catine, Iowa. Baumgardner & Co., Toledo, Ohio. O'Bryan Bros.. Nashville. Tenn. Perkins Drv Goods Co., Dallas, Tex. Kahn Manufactiu'ing Co., Mo- bile, Ala, Colorado Garment Co,, Denver, Colo. Sweet Orr & Co., Joliet, HI Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., Chicago, lU. do Blubuck Manufactiutog Co., Hopkinsville. Ky. E. R. Deputv Co.,Lincoln,Nebr. D. L. Marx Co., Cairo. Ill W. Shanhouse & Sons, Rock- ford, 111. D. M. Oberman Manufacturing Co., Jefferson City, Mo. Wheeler & Motter Mercantile Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Riee-Stix Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, Mo. Janesvllle Clothing Co., Janes- vllle, Wis. Superior Garment Co. , Columbia Citv, Ind. Great Western Overall Co., Chi- cago, m. M. E. Smith & Co. (Inc.), Oma- ha, Nebr. Ehnnann Manufacturing Co., Tern.' Haute, Ind. Mead Manufacturing Co., Bur- lington, Vt. Straus Manufacturing Co., Erie, Pa. Greenbay Specialty Co., Green- bay, Wis. Clark-McDaniel Co., Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. Warsaw Overall Co., Warsaw, Ind. Anthracite Overall Co., Scran- ton, Pa. Liberty Overall Co., Cleveland, Term. Riverside Overall Co., Danville, Va. D. M. Oberman Manufacturing Co., Jefferson City, Mo. H. Rosenblatt & Sons, Beloit, Wis. Morotock Manufacturing Co., Danville, Va. Forest Citv Overall Manufaotiu:- ingCo.,1lookford, III. Colorado Garment Manufactur- ing Co., Denver, Colo. Ehrmann Manufacturing Co., Terre Haute, Ind. A. R. Overall Co., Fond du Lac, Wis. Western Garment Manufactur- ing Co., Wilwaukee, Wis. Blubuck Manufacturing Co., Hopkinsville, Ky. GuitermanBros., St. Paul, Minn. Welch Cook Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. U. S. Overall Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Denim, blue, 2.20. ....do ....do .do. .do. ....do. ....do. .....do Denun, blue, 2.35. Denim blue, 2.20. do Denim, blue, 2.35. ....do Denim, blue. ....do .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. Denun, blue, 2.35. do do do do do do do do do do do Denlin. Wue do do -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. SALE or SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAH DEPARTMENT. 35 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RAN CH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 7,1918. do .do. -do. -do. ....do ....do do July 1, 1919. July 8, 1919. July 7, 1919. do , do , do do do July 8, 1919. do do do , do , do , July 7, 1919. do do May 22, 1919., do ....do June 24, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do June 25, 1919. June 2, 1919.. May 23, 1919. do do Little Bros. Co.. Knoxville,Tenn. American Shiri & Overall Co., 524 Broadway, New York. Tennessee Overall Co., Tulla- homa, Term. H. S. Peters, Dover, N.J Globe Shirt & Overall Co., Ab- ington. 111. Hanna Manufacturing Co., Oskar loosa, Iowa. W. M. Flnck & Co., Detroit, Mich. Oshkosh Overall Co., Oshkosh, Wis. E. W. Kirkland, 200 Oeden Ve., San Antonio, Tex. Montgomery, Ward tembach & Co., New York Citv. S. Steinfleld & Co., New York Citv. do do.." do H. Herman Stembach & Co., New York City. A. Frank & Sons", Baltimore, Md. S. Steinfleld & Co., New York Citv. Fred Butterfield & Co., New York City. Lawrence Mulligan, New York City. The i)ickar Corporation, Broad- way, New York City. Standard Rice Co. (Inc.), New York City. Standard Rice Co., New Orleans, La. C. W. Franke Co., Algonquin, 111 \Miitcombe, McGeachin & Co., 22 W.37th St., Now York City State Highway Commission, Trenton, N.J. Tanner Gross & Co. (Inc.), New York City. General Agent Forwarding Co., Baltimore, Md. S. Steinfleld & Co., New York Citv. do do do do H. Herman Stembach & Co., New York City. do : A. Shapiro & Co., New York City Maurice Cohn, New York Citv . . S. Steinfleld & Co., New York City. A. Shapiro & Sons., New York City. A. Frank & Son., Baltimore, Md. Sol Brandt, New York Citv S. M. Hexter & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Bradford Mills, New York City . . A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. do Maurice S. Goodman, New York City. International Tailoring Co., New York Citv. Sol Brant, New York City Morrow & Co., New York" City . . Various bidders Joseph D. Lewis, Philadelphia, Pa. Amalgamated Mercantile Cor- poration, New York Citv. J. W. McGreedy, 5 Bank St., New York Citv. The Citadel Military College, Atlanta, Ga. Thompsons Malted Food Co., ■\Vaiikesha, Wis. F. B. Cutter Co., 50 Church St., New York City. Denim, blue, 2.40 do do Venetian, black, lot No. 55, 32" Venetian, black, lot No . 26, 54" Venetian, black, lot No. 34, 32" Venetian, black, lot 35, 32" Venetian, black, lot 36, 32" Venetian, black, lot 37, 32".... Venetian, black, lot 31, 32" Venetian, black, lot 31, 32". .. . Venetian, black, lot 31, 32".... Venetian, grav, lot No. 12, 38", 2.90, 156 X 64. Bobbinette, 72", 10-point, gray, do FIoiu*, rice do Flour, oatmeal Sheetine, lot 4, gray, 36", 3.50, 64 x6S. Pipe, culvert, C. S Commeal, yellow do Venetian, black, lot 32, 32". . .. Venetian, black, lot 33, 32". .. . Venetian, black, lot 2S, 32". .. . Venetian, black, lot 20, 32" Venetian, black, lot 30, 32" Venetian, black, lot 33, 32" Venetian, black, lot 25, 54" — Venetian, black, lot 59, 32" Venetian, black, lot 40, 32" — Venetian, black, lot 75, 32' — Venetian, black, lot 70, 32" Venetian, black, lot 66, 32". .. . Venetian, black, lot 78, 32" Venetian, black, lot 78, 32" Venetian, black, lot 60, 32". .. . Venetian, black, lot 63, 32" Venetian, black, lot 64, 32". .. . Venetian, black, lot 65, 32" Venetian, black, lot 61, 32".... Venetian, black, lot il, 32" Commeal, yellow Harness, ambulance, class B: Wheel Lead Brushes, scrub do Bobbinette, 72", gray, lO-poLnt . Overcoats Boiler, steam, horizontal water- tube, 300 h. p. Boiler, steam, horizontal, 300 h.p. SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 39 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 11, 1919. .do. July 10, 1919... .do. .do. -do. -do. ....do.. ....do.. ..do. .do. .do. .do .do .do. .do. .do. ...do-. ...do.. ....do. do. .do. .do... .do... do.... do.... .do. .do. .do. ...do... .do. .do. July 11, 1919... do July 10, 1919... do .do. .do. .do. do July 11, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 10, 1919. do .do. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., 1800 Elliott Ave., Detroit, Mich. (■LouisA.Tarr(Inc.),203 W. Con- ■\ way St., Baltimore, Md. S. Steinfield & Co., New York City. Maurice Cohn, New York City . . ....do Abraham Katz Co., New York City. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md. do A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. Samuel Greenblatt & Co. (Inc.), New York City. do A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. Kursham Bros., New York City. S. Steinfield & Co., New York City. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md. Sam'l Greenblatt & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Pve, Wimpfheimer & Co., New York City. S. Steinfeld & Co., New York City. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. Nehemiah Getelson, New York City. Pye, Wimpfheimer & Co., New York City. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. C. Kenyon Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. M. Gottesman, New York City. C. Kenyon Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. Sam'l Greenblatt & Co., New York City. H. Herman Sternbach & Co., New York City. Sam'l Greenblatt & Co., New York City. Morse Bros. & Ehrlich, New York City. Various bidders do M. Lowenstein & Sons, 40 W. 23d St., New York Citv. Bradford Mills, 37 E. 12th St., New York (. ity. Higginbotham, Baily, Logan & (:o., Dallas, Tex. Wm. Simpson Sons & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Higginbotham, Bailey, Logan Co., Dallas, Tex. Conners' ille Furniture Co. , Con- nQrsville, Ind. M. Silverman & Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, 111. .. Maurice Cohn, New York Citv. Practical Clothing Co., New York City. International Tailoring Co., New York City. Boilers, steam, horizontal, wa- ter-tube, 300 h. p. Boilers, steam, vertical ....do .-..do ....do Venetian, black, lot 42, 32"... Venetian.black, lot43, 32"... ' en etian, black, lot 44,32".. Venetian, black, lot 45, 32" . . Venetian, black, lot 33 Venetian, black, lot 54, .32"... Venetian, black,lot 52,32"-., Venetian, black, lot 51, 32".., Venetian, black, lot 58, 32".. . . .---do Venetian, black, lot 57, 32".... Venetian, black, lot 56, 32".. . . Venetian, black, lot 55, 32".... Venetian, black, Hot 53, 32".... Venetian, black, lot 59, 32".. . , Venetian, black, lot 76, 32". . . Venetian, black, lot 68, 32".. . Venetian, black,lot 92 , 36"..- Venetian, black, lot 80, 32"„- Venetian, black, lot 81, 32".. . Venetian, black, lot 82, 32"... Venetian, black, lot 83, 32"... .do. Venetian, black, lot 47, 32" Venetian, black, lot 78, 32".. . Venetian, black, lot 79, 32"... Venetian, black, lot 24, 54".. . Venetian, black, lot 23, 54".. . ...do Venetian, black, lot 39, 32"... Horses, cavalry Horses, artillery Galatea, red and white, 28", 3.35. do... .do. .do. .do. Gum box board: (1) 12-14' and ]6'8-12".... (2) 12-14' and 16' 13-17".. (3) 12-14' and 16' 7-12"... Bobbinette, grey, 36" Hammer, steam, Chaml.ers- burg, 6,000 lb. Venetian, l)lack, lot 38, 32"... Venetian, black, lot 50, 32"... Venetian, black, lot 49, 32"... 40 SALE OF SURPLtrS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SUEPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B R AN CH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 10, 1919. do do .do. .do. do , do July 16,1919. do do , do July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919 - ....fdo. .do., -do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. Jnlvll. 1919. Jul \- 10, 1919. do Jul • 12, 1919. do July 10, 1919. do do .do .do -do .do -do .do do do -do .do .do .do do do do do... do do do Wm. Wallach Co., New York Citv. Santord Simmons & Co., New York Citv. S. Steinfeld & Co., New York Citv. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md. H. Krlans;er Bhimgart & Co., New York Citv. Pye, AVimpfheimer & Co., New York Cit^•. Sam'l Greenlilatt & Co. (Inc.), New York Citv. 111. Smelting & Refining Co., Chicago, 111. Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. [Canceled.] Bos H. McGinnis, Cartersville, Ga. J. AV. Brehm, Gettysburg, Pa... A. J. Phillips, Drv'Branch, Ga.. H. Miller & Co., New York City. .do. Royal Curtain Co., Boston, Mass. Wvman Partridge & Co. , Minne- apolis, Minn. Oklahoma A. & M. College, Still- water. Okla. Ezl. Dunwoody Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Maine Dairy Co., Portland, Me.. Various bidders American Red Cross, Los Angeles, Calif. Various bidders [Canceled.! \Vm. L. Barren & Co. , 8 Thomas St., New York ('it-. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md Michall Dann, New York City. . A. Shapiro & Son, New York Citv. do do do do do S. Steinfeld & Co., New York Citv. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md. S. Steinfeld & Co., New York Citv. Sol Brandt, New York aty A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. A. Frank & Sons, Baltimore, Md. Stern Da%-is & Co. (Inc.), New York City. C. Kenvon & Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York Citv. L. Freudential & Son, Balti- more, Md. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. S. Steinfeld & Co., New York City. A. Shapiro & Sons, New York City. Cornell University Medical Col- lege. Bellevue Hospital, New i'ork. Venetian, black, lot 27, 54"... Venetian, black, lot 48, 32".. Venetian, black, lot 47, 32"... Venetian, black, lot 46, 32".... do do Venetian, black, lot 52, 32".. . . Sulpho, Bistre Sulphur, dark-brown Sulphur, Cutch Grinder, heavy guide-bar, 60". Flour, issue Wood, cord do Shirting, cotton, 32", 5.16, 76 x64. Shirting, cotton, 32", 3.45, 53 x42. Shirting, olive-drab, 32", 3.45, 53 -x 42. Shirting, olive-drab, 32", 5.16, 76 .\ 64 Cots, steel, used » Barley Cans, milk: 5-gal 2-gal Mules, draft Blankets, commercial, new, wool. Tents, pyramidal, large Sateen, rubberized, khaki, 50", 1.50, lot No. 6. Venetian, black, lot No. 52, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 91, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 90, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. S?, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 88, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 87, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 86, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 85, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 84, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. S3, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 62, 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 71 , 32" Venetian, black, lot No. 69, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 68, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 67, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 66, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 74, 32". Venetian, black; lot No. 73, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 72, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 52, 32". Venetian, black, lot No. 57, 32". Surgical supplies. X-ray equip- ment. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 41 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1571 July 11, 1919 July 10, 1919.... .... do Lilly Hardware Co., 114 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Geo. W. Griffithes, Box 175, Pal- isades Park, N. J. American Hardwood Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. City of Louisville Street Clean- ing Department, Room 2, City Hall, care of Geo. T. Cross, city buyer, Louisville, Ky. Louis Leavitt, 456 Driggs Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. H. W. Kane & Co., 149 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Bound Brook Greenhouse, Bound Brook, N.J. National Chemical Products Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The Barrett Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City. Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. Columbia Institution for the Deaf, Kendall Green, Wash- ington, D. C. Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. Al Lamport & Bros.^ 405 Broad- way, New York City. Cowden Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, Minn. Lakin-McKay Manufacturing Co., Port Scott, Kans. O'Bryan Bros., Nashville, Tenn. Western Union Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, Mo. H. D. Lee Mercantile Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Freeland OverallManufacturing Co., Freeland, Pa. Silver Manufacturing Co., Osage City, Kans. Harma Manufacturing Co., Oska- loosa, Iowa. M. Silverman & Sons, Philadel- phia. Samuel Naitove & Co. (Inc.), 215 Greene St.. New York. M. Silverman & Sons, N. W. cor. 6th and South Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. do Trowels , masons' ,11" $86 40 1572 1573 Lanterns, railroad, combina- tion. Wagons, log 162.50 250 00 1574 1575 July 11, 1919.... June 11, 1919 May 28, 1919.... July 16, 1919.... do Cans, ash or garbage, approxi- mately 18 X 25", w ith covers. Bacon, issue 181.00 713,860.56 350.00 140.00 780 45 1576 1577 1578 Bobbinet, 72", 10-point, gray. Coal, bituminous (R. 0. M.) . . Sodium sulphide, chipped Cans, carbide, empty 1579 do 528 15 1580 do Drill grinders, with motors and controllers. Blankets, commercial, re- claimed, 4-lb. Lathes, patternmakers', No. 26. Sheeting, gray, 39J", 2.40, 64x64. Denim, blue 459 00 1581 do 262 50 1582 do 511 70 1583 1584 July 10, 1919.... July 15, 1919.... do 226.96 1 105 80 1585 do 1,382.25 1,382.25 1,382.25 1,382.25 1 382 25 1586 do do 1587 do do 1588 do do 1589 do do 1590 do do. 515 02 1591 do do 1,382.25 2 519.26 1592 July 10, 1919.... July 12, 1919 do July 10, 1919. . . Bobbinet, gray, 36" 1593 Bobbinet, gray, 48" 3, 110. 27 1594 Bobbinet, gray, 36" 290 64 1595 Bobbinet, gray, 52" IS 26'' 50 1596 ....."do Wyman, Partridge & Co., Min- neapolis, Minn. Al Lamport & Bros., New York City. Charles William Stores, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Macliinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. Bucvrus Co., South Milwaukee, Wis. Portsmouth Cotton Oil Refining Corporation, Portsmouth, Va. S. M. Schwab, Jr., & Co., 24 White St., New York City. [Canceled.] Contractors' Machmery & Sup- ply Co., 509 Wabash Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. do Flannel, outing, striped do 5 550 00 1597 do 9 905 84 1598 do do 10 160 00 1599 1600 July 17, 1919.... do Machine, pipe-threading. No. 304. do 1,890.00 450. 00 1601 do Machine, pipe-threading. No. 306. Sheeting, gray ,36", 4.00, 56 x 60 Hose, wire-wound, boiler Wrenches, boiler: Handhole 576 50 1602 1603 1604 1605 .July 10, 1919.... July 17, 1919 July 16, 1919.... do 4,648.18 15.00 do 2 00 Manhole 2.00 1606 Cleaner, boiler, air-driven, Lagonda. Cornmcal, yellow 100 00 1607 do Wilham Rogers Milling Co., Washington, D.C. Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. do 1, 456. 00 July 18, 1919.... do do 1,325.00 1,675.00 11 725 00 1608 1609 Lathe, with motor and start- ing equipment. Lathes, with motors and start- ing equipment. 1610 do [Canceled.] 42 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAKTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. JtQy 18, 1919 - do July 1, 1919. . ....do... ....do... ....do... do do July 18, 1919. do do , do , do .do. .do. do do July 21, 1919. do do do do do July 12, 1919. do do do do do do do June 12,1919. do , .do. .do. .do. .do. do do July 18, 1919. .....do .do. .do. July 19, 1919. July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 10,1919. Baltimore Bargain House, de- partment D, Baltimore, Md. Everwear Manufacturing Co., San Francisco, Calif. Finck, Van Slyck, McConville, St. Paul, Minn. Standard Overall Co., Balti- more, Md. High Point Overall Co., High Point, N. C. W. R. Moore Dry Goods Co., Memphis, Term. A. M. Robinson Co., Atlanta, Ga. M. Fine & Sons, 1 Greene St., New York. Richmond Dry Goods Co., Rich- mond, Va. D. M. Oberman Manufacturing Co., Jefferson City, Mo. H. D. Lee Mercantile Co., South Bend, Ind. Keet & Roimtree Dry Goods Co., Springfield, Mo. Richmond Dry Goods Co., Rich- mond, Va. Fine & Sons, New York City Perkins Dry Goods Co., Shreve- port, La. do Wise Bros., Baltimore, Md Carson, Pirie Scott & Co., Chi- cago, 111. Haymon, Krupp & Co., El Paso, Tex F. A.' Patrick & Co., Duluth, Minn. Sal Heller & Sons, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Richmond Dry Goods Co., Rich- mond, Va. H. D. Lee Mercantile Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Katz, Fieisher & Co., Boston, Mass. Joseph Gross, Philadelphia, Pa.. WearweU Pants Co., Baltimore, Md. Al Lamport & Bros., New York City. Sam'l Greenblatt & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Wearwell Pants Co., Baltimore, Md. do do do S. Steinfeld & Co., New York City. Robert G. Parr, New York City. do Linker & Klein, New York City. L. Freundenthal & Sons, Balti- more, Md. Prince Lauten Co., New York City. Al Lamport & Bros., New York City. The United Natural Gas Co., of Oil City, Pa. Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. do United States Food Administra- tion, Grain Corporation, New York City. New Wrecking Co., Indianap- olis, Ind. Girl Scouts, Washington, D. C . Samuel Naitove & Co. (Inc.), 215 Greene St., New York City. Royal Curtain Co., Boston. Mass. Denim, blue, 2.20. do Denim, blue: Seconds, 2.20.. Firsts, 2. 20..., Denim, blue, 2.20. -do. .do. do Denim, blue, 2.45. Denim, blue, 2.20. Denim, blue, 8-oz. Denim, blue, 2.50. Denim, blue, 2.20. Denim, blue, 2.45. do Denim, blue, 2.20. do Denim, blue, 2.40. Denim, blue, 2.20. Denim, blue, 2.40. do do do do Twill, black .-..do Twill, olive-drab . Moleskin, olive-drab . Twill, Italian black. . Twill, olive-drab ....do do Sateen, olive-drab. . . Twill, Italian black. Twill, black do Twill, oli\'e-drab. do .do- .do. Gas engine, Pittsburgh model. Machine, threading and cut- ting. Machines, grinding Flour, issue Picks, railroad Pins, tent, pyramidal, large. . Bobbinette, gray, 72" Twill, olive-drab, 34", 2.00, 88 X 46, lot No. 10. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAH DEPARTMENT. 43 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 10, 1919. do July 11, 1919. July 18, 1919. do ....do ....do ....do July 19, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 17, 1919. do July 16, 1919. do July 17, 1919. do July 16, 1919. July 17, 1919. do do July 19, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 8, 1919.. do July 24, 1919. .....do do .do. .do. ...do... ...do... ...do... .do. .do. .do. .do. do July 23, 1919. ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. .do. .do. do July 21, 1919. July 23, 1919. Higginbatham Bailey Logan Co., DaUas, Tex. Cape Ann Mfg. Co., Gloucester, Mass. Peter Costello, Elizabeth, N. J. . Wallis Jenkins, Dallas, Tex H. J. King, Glen Flora, Tex Mr. Abe Rose, Del Rio, Tex J. P. Jemigan, Harrisburg, Tex. C. H. Finley Co., El Paso, Tex. . J. W. Bell, Spartanburg, S. C... Omaha Steel Works, Omaha, Nebr. Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. do Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. Omaha Steel "Works, Omaha, Nebr. Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. Omaha Steel Works, Omaha, Nebr. The Eclipse Stove Co., Mans- field, Ohio. Omaha Steel Works, Omaha, Nebr. Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. City of Savannah, Ga. (Chief Engineer N. W. Dixon, jr.). Colmnbia Smelting & Refining Works, New York City. Y. W. C. A., Washington, D. C. . Boston Iron & Metal Co. (Inc.), Baltimore, Md. Brand & Oppenheimer, New York City. S. Silverstein & Sons, New York City. A. Golden, Providence, R. I H. F. Burdick, Woonsocket, R.I. Catawba Sanatorium, Catawba Sanatorium, Va. H. M. Sanger, Providence, R.I. National Cloak & Suit Co., New York City. H. F. Burdick, Woonsocket, R.I. Stern Trading Co., New York City. Old Colony Storage Co., Boston, Mass. Gimbel Bros., New York City. . Old Colony Storage Co., Boston, Mass. Harry L. Keen, Omaha, Nebr... Colorado State Penitentiary, Canon City, Colo. Border Gas Co., Laredo, Tex J. L. Brandies & Sons, Omaha, Nebr. Harry L. Keen, Omaha, Nebr... Ethel Bourbeau, Omaha, Nebr.. H. Mueller, San Antonio, Tex... Nathan Sharlov, South 5th St., Shamokin, Pa. John C. Towns, Dallas, Tex W. L. Fain Grain Co., Atlanta, Ga. W. R. Routt, Sonora, Ky J. P. Lillie Co., Pierce BIdg., St. Louis, Mo. Atlanta Trading Co., Atlanta, Ga. TwiU, olive-drab, 34", 2.00, 88x46, lot No. 10. ....do Coal, anthracite Wagons, escort do do do do Flour, issue Lathe, standard, 18" x 22'. Lathes with motor and con- troller. Lathes: 24" 42" Lathe, engine Machine, punching. do Machine, threading and cut- ting. Machine, standard planing, 30 X 30" X 10'. Machine, standard planing Grindstone, power, American. Pumps, Novo-Barnes, with spare parts. Solder, bar, 40 per cent tin, 60 per cent lead. Sheets Steel, bars, Bessemer, J x 8", 15-18'. Sateen, bleached, 28J", 3.50, 64 X 120. do Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do .do. ..do... ..do... .do. Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. Blankets, commercial, camp- ing. do Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, wool and cotton mixed. do Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Corn meal, white do Flour, cornstarch . Flour. 44 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 23, 1919 . do do do July 21, 1919.. do do July 24, 1919. do July 23, 1919. do July 24, 1919. do , July 23, 1919. July 24, 1919. do , do July 21, 1919. do , July 24, 1919. do do do , July 23, 1919. do , do , do July 24, 1919. do do do do do .do. .do. do July 23, 1919. do July 24, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. W. P. Tanner-Gross & Co., 23 Beaver St., New York City. Acme Jones Co. (Inc.), Louis- ville, Ky. W. L. Fam Grain Co., Atlanta, Ga. do Bradley & Metcalfe Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. C. A. Turner (Inc.), Pittsburgh, Pa. Huev & Phillips Hardware Co., Dallas. Tex. Kjiopf Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass. . . J. P. O'Brien & Co., Boston, W. Gordon, 628 Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. England- Walton Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. P. Mulherm, Augusta, Ga Various bidders Tanner Gross Co., New York City. J. A. Muckelroy, San Antonio, Tex. Carrollton Feed Co., New Or- leans, La. Bay State Grocery Co., Boston, Mass. Wayne Co. Produce Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Y. W. C. A. Washington, D. C. Gray & Dudley Co., Nashville, Tenn. The J. R. Wood Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio John B. Lagarde, Anniston, Ala. Kayser Tanning Co., St. Louis, Western Electric Co., New York City. Seafreat- Woodruff Co., 802 Con- over Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. Ervin A. Rice & Co., Chicago, 111. DeLue & Co., Boston, Mass H. Midwood Sons Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Benjamin I. Brudno, Boston, Mass. V. Gianakopoolos, 413 Warren St., Roxburg, Mass. H. Midwood & Sons Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Thompson & Kelly, Boston, Mass. H. Midwood & Sons Co., Provi- dence. R. I. Miller Candy Co., Boston, Mass. Thompson & Kelly, Boston, Mass. S. G. ShaghaUn & Co., Boston, Mass. John P. Mulherin, Augusta, Ga. Beechhurst Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Czecho-Slovakian Government, through Allen Sales Service (Inc.), New York City. do .do. American Red Cross 1st Lieut. Walter E. Allen, M. C, Ward, Ala. 1st Lieut. Samuel D. Avery, M. C, Troy, Mo. Button Dixie Corporation, Chi- cago, 111. Flour, issue. Flour, com.. ....do Flour, rye.. Lasts, shoe. Grinders, hand tool . do Shearlings. do Leather, backs, russet, strap, grade A. Leather, russet, strap, backs: Grade B, 9-10^ oz Grade A, 9-10| oz Wagons, escort, class B do Corn meal, white... do do Corn meal, yellow. Vinegar, cider Cots, steel. . Padlocks, 2" Handles, pick railroad, 36". .. Sugar, granulated Calfsktas, rawhide, leather Gloves, Iraeman's Machines, multiple, spindle . . . Syrup, issue Bags, nose Corn meal, yellow. Candy, chocolate, cherry and chocolate pineapple loaf. do .do. .do. Candy, chocolate lunch, with nuts. Candy, chocolate cocoanut cream. do Candy, cut stick lasses kuties. Candy, chocolate, vanilla, al- mond and walnut bars. Straw Salt, issue Corned beef. No. 2 (24 to case). Corned beef, 6-lb. cans (12 to case). Corned beef, No. 1 (48 to case). Jam, assorted AustraUan Belt, waist, medical offlcer's... Belt, web, medical officer's. . . Cotton, nonabsorbent SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 45 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 July 23, 1919. July 24, 1919. do do , do , do do .do. .do. do. Various bidders. 1761 July 15, 1919 1762 ... .do i7as do 1764 do 1765 do 1766 do 1767 do 1768 do 1769 do 1770 do 1771 do 1772 do 1773 do 1774 do 1775 do 1776 do 1777 do 1778 do 1779 do 1780 1781 do do 1782 do 1783 do Western Electric Co., 463 W St., New York City. National Hdwe. & Supply Co., Duluth, Minn. The J. R. Wood Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Albert Steinfleld & Co., Tucson, Ariz. W. S. Sawrie & Sons, Nash- ville, Tenn. Miss M. Lindlay, psychological department, board of school trustees^ Vancouver, British Columbia. Stevenson Smith, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. C. S. Yoakum, bureau of per- sonal research, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pitts- biu-gh. Pa. R. M. Royer, purchasing agt., Ohio State University, Col- tunbus, Ohio. Roanoke Overall Co., Roanoke, Va. Hauser-Garrison Dry Goods Co., Wichita, Kans. Spokane Dry Goods Co., Spo- kane, Wash. Bayley Underbill Mfg. Co., Den- ver, Colo. Warsaw Overall Co., Warsaw, Ind. J. Baker & Sons, Evansvllle, Ind. Hicks-Fuller-Pierson Co., Sioux City, Iowa. Charleston Mfg. Co., Charleston, W. Va. Badger Sewing Co., Fond du Lac, Mich. John Rissman & Sons, Chicago, 111. Carson, Pirie Scott & Co., Chi- cago, 111. Stuart Keith & Co., Baltimore, Md. Anthracite Overall Co., Scran- ton, Pa. Oscar Levy, Chicago, 111 Rome Mfg. Co., Rome, Ga Clark McDaniel Co., Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. John S. Brittain Dry Goods Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Rider WaUis Dry Goods Co., Dubuque, Iowa. Lewis Meier & Co., IndianapoUs, Ind. S. Rosenbloom, Baltimore, Md.. Western Garment Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. John S. Brittain Dry Goods Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Wyman, Partridge Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Harness, ambulance: Lead Wheel Duplex sets, telegraph . Picks, railroad.. do do Bacon (serial 8) . Blanks. do. do. do.. do. do. do. ....do- ....do. Denim, indigo-blue. do .do. Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue, firsts . Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue .do. do Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, iadigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue. ....do .do. .do. 46 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPABTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DFVaSION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 -794 1795 1706 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 JB34 July 24, 1919. do do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do July 15, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. ....do.... do July 23, 1919. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do. July 15, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. do. do. .do. .do. July 24, 1919. do do do S. Rosenbloom, Baltimore, Md.. Marcus, Loeb & Co., Atlanta, Ga. J. W. Jackson & Sons, Indian- apolis, Ind. Old Kentucky Overall Co., EUzabetlito'wn, Ky. Riverside Overall Co., Danville, Va. [Canceled.] American Shirt & Overall Co., New York City. Herman Slierman & Glazer, Baltimore, Md. Sol Heller & Sons, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. A. B. Frank & Co., San An- tonio, Tex. Cory Mfg. Co., Fostoria, Ohio... Jobbers Overall Co. (Inc.), Lynchburg, Va. Ferguson, Hene & Nevens, New York Citv. M. Fine & Sons, New York City. Crown Overall Mfg. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Mortock Mfg. Co., Danville, Va. . Spartan Mfg. Co., Davton, Ohio. H. A. Baker & Co., Sioux City, Iowa. Anthracite Overall Co., Scran- ton, Pa. Vitt-Mayes Mfg. Co., Warrens- burg, Mo. M.E. Smith & Co., Omaha, Nebr. M. Solodsky, Philadelphia. Pa.. J. Chester & Co., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Ginsburg Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. Avrach Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. . Louis Specht, Cleveland, Ohio. . Keet, Roimdtree Dry Goods Co., Springfield, Mo. U. S. Overall Mfg. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. E. R. Deputy Co., Lincoln, Nebr. Boston Overall & Coat Co., Boston, Mass. King Overall Co., Suffolk, Va. . . W. Cohen, Baltimore, Md Blue Star Overall Co., Nor- wich, Conn. J. Chester & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Berger Overall Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. Buckeye Mfg. Co., Newcastle, Pa. C. B. Cones & Sons Mfg. Co., Indianapolis , Ind . Phoenix Mfg.Co.,Baltimore,Md. Ranney-Davis Mercantile Co., Arkansas City, Kans. Higgenbotham, Bailey, Logan Co., Dallas, Tex. Martin Bros. Co., La Crosse, Wis. Martin Bros. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Scranton Overall Co., Scranton, Pa. B. & O. Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md Sears, Roebuck Co., New York City. Morotock Mfg. Co., Danville, Va Crown Overall Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Salzman Bros., Chicago, 111 Straus Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa A. R. Overall Co., Fond du Lac, Wis. Vitt-Mayes Co., Warrensburg, Mo. Denim, indigo-blue. ....do -...do .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. ....do Denim, blue, 2.40... Denim, indigo-blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, indigo-blue. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Denim, blue ....do Denim, blue, 2.40... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Denim, blue . do .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do... ..do... .do. Denim, blue, 2.40. do do .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 47 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. July 24, 1919 . . . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. July 23, 1919. 1879 1880 1881 1882 .do. .do. July 24, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do , July 23, 1919. do Name and address of buyer. August E. Steffen Co., Daven- port, Iowa. Scnranim & Schmeig Dry Goods Co., Burlington, Iowa. Patent Garment Mfg. Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Tootle Campbell Dry Goods Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Thompson Mfg. Co., Balfast, Me. Colol Overall Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. Janesville Clothing Co., Janes- vUle, Wis. Altoona Overall Factory, Al- toona, Pa. Charleston Mfg. Co., Charleston, W. Va. Globe Mfg. Co., Pittsfield, N. H. . Beaver Dam Overall Mfg. Co., Beaver Dam, Wis. Koch Mfg. Co., Plymouth, Wis. . Happ Bros. Co., Macon, Ga H. T. Holman & Sons, Sheboy- gan, Wis. Hugo Shirt Co . , Mahkato, Minn . . Enterprise Mfg. Co., BuUalo, N. Y. Martin Bros. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. The Jacob Levi Co., Paters on, N.J. Never Rip Overall Co., Fall River, Mass. F. Brody & Son Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Anthracite Overall Mfg. Co., Scranton, Pa. Hershey Rice Mfg. Co., Colum- bus, Ohio. Mascoma Mfg. Co., Canaan, N. H. Longfellow Mfg. Co., Seaford, Del. New Star Mfg. Co., Boston, !M3iSS Euclid Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio Warsaw Overall Co., Warsaw, Ind. Southern Mfg. Co., Charlotte, N. C. Superior Garment Co., Colum- bia City, Ind. Coast Brand Overall Co., Marion, S. C. Berne Mfg. Co., Berne, Ind Wolens & Rubenstein, Chicago, 111. Bernstein Cohen & Co., Chicago, 111. Colorado Garment Mfg. Co., Denver. Colo. Trimount Overall Co., Boston, Mass. Sturt Keith & Co., Baltimore, Md. Great Western Overall Co., Chicago, 111. D. L. Marx Co., Cairo, 111 Johnston & Larimer Dry Goods Co., Wichita, Kans. Liberty Overall Co., Clevaend, Tenn. Louis Lewin Co., Chicago, 111.. N. & W. Overall Co., Lynch- burg, Va. Miller Bros., Galveston, Tex... Niagara Overall & Pants Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Riverside Mfg. Co., Utica, N. Y., L. H. Baker, Evansville, Ind. . . Hirsch Mirviss Mfg. Co., Minne- apolis, Minn Horn & Blum, Eau Claire, Wis. Article. Denim, blue, 2.40. ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Denim, blue . do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do Denim, blue, 2.40. do do do .do. .do. do do do do Denim, blue. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 48 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 28, 1919- ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do July 24, 1919. .do. .do. .do. ....do , ....do July 23, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 1922 1923 1924 J. 1925 1. 1926 1. do ....do do July 19,1919. do July 18, 1919. do .do. .do. 1927 July 24, 1919. Khannah Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hillsboro Overall Co., Hillsboro, Ohio. Christensen, Mendenhall Gra- ham Co., Duluth, Minn. Clark Thomas Clark Co., Alliance, Ohio. H. Rosenblatt & Sons, Beloit, Wis. Fly Mfg. Co., Shelbyville, Tenn. H. Halff & Bros., San Antonio, Tex. Wm. G. Happy, N. Y. City Forest City Overall Mfg. Co., Rockford, 111. J. H. Levy, Cleveland, Ohio John Rissman Co., Chicago, 111. . Robert Krause Co., Davenport, Iowa. Bell Overall & Mfg. Co., Winder, Ga. Roanoke Overall Co., Roanoke, Va. Gross Bros. Mfg. Co., Galesburg, 111. Perkins Dry Goods Co., Dallas, Tex. Thomas Overall Co., Green Bay, Wis. W. Shanhouse & Sons, Rock- ford, 111. J. A. Lamy Mfg. Co., Sedalia, Mo. L. Mohr & Sons, New York City. B. F. Moore & Co., Newport, Vt. Trenton Overall Mfg. Co., Tren- ton, N. J. Theo. Weiss & Co. (Inc.), New Orleans, La. Berne Overall & Shirt Co., Berne, Ind. Granite Overall Mfg. Co., Nashua, N. H. Green Bay Specialty Co., Green Bay, Wis. Frank Howard Mfg. Co., Atchi- son, Kans. F. A. Patrick & Co., Duluth, Minn. Hickory Overall Co., Hickory, N. C. Tel Tex Co., Dallas, Tex National Overall Co., New York City. Hirsch Weiss Mfg. Co., Portland, Oregon. Berkshire Mfg. Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Wiseberg Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. . Ironall Factories Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Sicelofl Mfg. Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Kingsburg Mfg. Co., Ft. Worth, Tex. Twin City Mfg. Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Colorado Garment Manufactur- ing Co., Denver, Colo. Clark McDaniel Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Trimount Overall Co., Boston, Mass. Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co., Omaha, Nebr. M. Fine & Sons, New York City. Geo. English, jr., & Co., Sha- mokin. Pa. M. Fine & Sons, 1 Greene St., New York City. Denim, blue. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Denim, blue, 2.40: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue .do. .do. .do. Denim, blue, 2.20. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 49 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 19, 1919.. do July 24, 1919., July 23, 1919.. do do .do. .do. do , July 24, 1919. do July 26, 1919. do do do -do. .do. .do. July 24, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. July 30, 1919 do do July 29, 1919. do do do July 30, 1919. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 1,1919. do Triangle Overall Co., Evans- vllle, Ind. W. Shanhouse & Sons, Rock- ford, 111. H. Mueller, 415 Burnett St., San Antonio, Tex. Sherman Overall Mfg. Co., Sher- man, Tex. A. Schaap & Sons., New York City. United States Overall Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Butler Bros., New York City Everwear M:fg. Co., San Fran- cisco, Calif. Atlantic Overall & Shirt Co., Philadelphia, Pa. North American Textile Mfg. Co., 225 4th Ave., New York City. Fa'torv Products Corporation, 2 Rector St., New York City. Timothy Smith Co., 2267 Wash- ington St., Boston, Mass. Cape Ann M:fg. Co., 21 Main St., Gloucester, Mass. M. Silverman & Sons, 6th and So. Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. do Trimount Overall Co., 217 Friend St., Boston, Mass. Cape Ann Mfg. Co., 21 Main St., Gloucester, Mass. Prince I auten, 24-28 University PI., New York City. Divine Grain Co., Cheyenne, Wyo. W. P. Taimer Gross Co., Kansas City, Mo. The Boys and Girls Aid Society, San Francisco, Calif. National Cloak & Suit Co., New York City. Red Wing Hospital, Red Wing, Minn. J. B. Lehman, Natchez, Miss... Albert Mackie Co., New Orleans, La. do do do Leslie A. Smith, Omaha, Nebr.. E. I. Horn, Omaha, Nebr J. B. Inderrioden Co., Chicago, 111. Lovelace, Farmer, Martin, Tenn. H. L. Singer Co., Atlanta, Ga... Jim Anderson, Knoxville, Tenn. do Carter Grocery Co., Gainesville, Ga. J. P. Michael, Indianapolis, Ind. Reid, Murdock Co., Chicago, 111. H. C. Gilbert, Indianapolis, Ind.. Sprague, Warner Co., Chicago, 111. Reid, Murdock Co., Chicago, 111. D. Pender Grocery Co., Norfolk, Va. Thos. Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. D. Pender Grocery Co., Norfolk, Va. The Emporium, San Francisco, Calif. Schumaker Co., Houston, Tex.. Denim, blue: Firsts Seconds Denim, blue: Firsts Seconds Blankets, commercial, wool, new: (a) Blue-gray (6) Blue Denim, blue .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. Denim, blue: Firsts-... Seconds., Denim, blue. Denim, brown, 28" 68 x 42, W. B. do , 2.20, Denim, brown, 40", 1.60, 76 x 42. Denim, brown, 28", 2.20, 68 X 42. Denim, brown, 28", 2.35, 64 X 38. do do Flour, rice. do Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do .do. Peas. Corn. .do. Beans, baked. No. 1. do Beans, baked do Corn .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Peas do do Beans, stringless . do. Corn . . . Peas . . . do. Corn . . . .....do. 152015°— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- 50 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RAN OH— Continued. Date of sale. July 1, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. -do. July 24, 1919. ....do ....do , July 8, 1919. July 24, 1919. July 26, 1919. July 24, 1919. do do do July 23,1919. ....do July 24, 1919. July 26, 1919. .do., .do.. .do. .do. July 29, 1919 July 28, 1919 Aug. 1,1919. do do do do do do do July 30, 1919. ....".do do .do. ....do ....do do do do July 19, 1919. . . . ..do ..do Name and address of buyer. Boren Stewart Co., Dallas, Tex. Paris Grocery Co., Paris, Tex... Ed F. Melcher, San Antonio, Tex. M. Dayton, San Antonio, Tex... Adkias-Polk Co., Dallas, Tex. . . do Wormser & Co., San Francisco, Calif. Carl E. Huyette, Detroit, Mich. Otis L. Beardsley, Chicago, 111 . . Detroit Golf Club, Detroit, Mich. Randolph Macon Academy, Front Royal, Va. Frank Orbin, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bates College, Lewiston, Me Rice-Sorin Saddlery Co., Sagi- naw, Mich. W. B. & W. G. Jordan, Minne- apolis, Minn. Henrv Homer & Co., Chicago, 111." Wolpert-Davis & Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Dietrich Bros., Baltimore, Md.. J. R. Wood Supply Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. The Neptime Raincoat Co., 16 E. Broadway, New York City. Beardmore & Co., 37 Front St., East Toronto, Canada. [Canceled.] N. R.Allen's Sons Co., Kenosha, Wis. [Canceled.] Gratton & Knight, Worcester, Mass. Y.W.C.A., CampFunston Des Moines Tent & Awning Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Ullman, Stem & Krauser, San Antonio, Tex. Wormser & Co., San Francisco, Calif. Star Cash Stores Co., Dallas,Tex. Ed. F. Melcher, San Antonio, Tex Star Cash Stores Co., Dallas, Tex. Blair & Hughes, Dallas, Tex do Adkins-Polk Co., Dallas, Tex.... Eldridge Baker Co., Boston, Mass J. S. TwomblyCo., Boston, Mass. Rosen, Reiohardt Brokerage Co., St. Louis, Mo. Scudder, Gale Bros. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Reid, Murdoek Co., Chicago, HI . . W. B. & W. C. Jordan, Minneap- olis, Minn. Buehlen Bros., Chicago, HI J. S. TwomblyCo., Boston, Mass. J. Aron & Co., New York City. . . Mason, Ehrman & Co., Portland, Oreg. J. H. Newbauer & Co., San Fran- cisco, Calif. California Packing Corporation, San Francisco, Calif. Article. Corn... do. do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Blankets do Mattresses, new Blanks. do do Sacks, bed, used Leatlier, harness, russet, baoks, buffed, grade A. do Sirup, issue .do. .do. Iron: Flats Rounds Iron: Flats Roimds Raincoats, commercial, new. Leather, russet, bag, sides: A grade B grade Leather, russet, harness, backs, grade B. Leather, russet, harness, backs: A grade B grade C grade Blankets, commercial, wool, re-laimed. BIani:ets, commercial, cotton and wool, mixed, reclaimed. Com ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... . . do.. . ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. Beans, strincless. . . . Beans, baked. No. 1. do Peas Sugar, refined, granulated. Raisins, seedless Raisins, seedless, No. 1. .do. .do. .do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 51 SERIAL LIST OP SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 July 19,1919. do July 24, 1919. do .do. -do. .do. do July 26, 1919. July 28, 1919. ....".do .do. .do. .do. do July 26, 1919. July 28, 1919. July 26, 1919. do July 25, 1919. July 21, 1919. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. ...do.... 2050 do 2051 do 2052 do 2053 do 2054 do 2055 do Caifornia Packing Corporation, San Franeisc, Calif. Haas Bros., San Fran 'isco.Calif Jas. S. Dunbar, Portland, Oreg. . Sussman, Wormser & Co., San Francisco, Calif. Mason, Ehrman & Co., Portland, Oreg. Rosenburg, Bros., San Francisco, Calif. Geo. Shelley & Son, San Diego, Calif. M. A. O'Dea, San Francisco, Calif [Cam'eled.] Dreifas & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cal Hirsch & Sons, New York City. P. B. Minor, Eutaw, Ala Walpert Davis Co., Minneap- olis, Minn. Wm. S. Hansen & Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Walter Cornell, Philadelr)hia,Pa. National Catholic War Council, Washington, D. C. Col. W. Garland Fay, Washing- ton, D. C. Dr. D. M. Marvin, State Hos- pital, Osawatomie, Kans. C. S. Danielson, Columbia Uni- versity, New York City. White Co., Cleveland, Ohio Col. Walter Dill Scott, North- western University, Evanston, 111. L. H. Johnson, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. R. W. Swetland, Peddie Insti- tute, Hightstown, N. J. Steward, Girard College, Phila- delphia, Pa. C. E. Benson, Missouri State Normal, Cape Girardeau, Mo. J. C. Christian, University of Michigan, Ann Harbor, Mich. Rose S . Hardynck, New England Home for Little Wanderers, Boston, Mass. D. S. Starch, University of Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. M. J. Van Wagener, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Frank E. Morris, Connecticut College, New London, Conn. Paul J. Kruse, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Benj. D. Kaplan, 356 2d Ave., New York City. Earl C. Norris. 2106 Central St., Evanston, ill. L. A. Pechstein, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Francis N. Maxfield, Puhlic School Clinic, 25 Market St., Newark, N. J. Raisins, seedless do do Peac-hes, evaporated . do .do. -do. .do. Blankets, commercial, wool, 5-lb., new. do Saddles, commercial. do -do. -do. .do. -do. Blankets, commercial, wool, new, gray. Harness, ambulance, wheel, with collars. Blanks .do. Accessories, motor. Blanks .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .rlT. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. 52 SALE OE SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SEKIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DR^ISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 2056 2057 205S 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 206S 2069 2070 2071 5072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 July 21, 1919. do do do -do -do .do ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. do. do ....do do.. do.. ..do.. do.. do.... -do. -do. Charles W. Newhall, Shattuck School (Inc.), Faribault, Minn. Burdette G. Lewis, department institutions and agencies, State House, Trenton, N. J. Matilda Kitzmaer, Ethical Cul- ture School, Central Park "West and 63d St., New York City. R. H. I/atham, superintendent city public schools, AVinston- Salem, N. C. Charles "W. Boardman, Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn. Christian A. Rnckmich, LTni- versity of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Howard C. "Warren, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Samuel Gaiser, board of educa- tion depository, 42 Lafayette St., Newark, N. J. First Lieut. Paul A. Mertx, S. C. Ursinus College, CoUege- ville. Pa. Sam. D. Jones, board of educa- tion, Adams Building, Louis- ville, Ky. Capt. L. aV. Cole, University of Colorado, department of psy- chology, Boulder, Colo. Prof. J. R. Angell, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. M. R. Trabue, department of educational adroinistration, Columbia University, New York City. David Canip Rogers, Smith Col- lege, Northampton, Mass. "Wilford E. Talbert, Berkeley, Calif. V. A. C. Henman, University Hall, University of "Wisconsin, Madison, AVis. do. T. J. Berk. Chicago, 111 D. E. Draper, accountant. AVashington State Normal School. EUensbiorg, AA'ash. H. C. McComas, psychological laboratory, Princeton Umver- sity, Princeton, N. J. James P. Porter, Clark College, AA'orcester, Mass. Robert H. Gault, Old College 31, North AA'estem University, Evanston, 111. Henry H. Goddard, bureau of juvenile research, Columbus, Ohio. Blanks. ....do.. ...-do.. ....do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do. -do. -do- .do- .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. -do- .do- -do- -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do- -do- -do. -do. -do- -do- .do- -do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do- ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 53 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued . Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2078 July 21, 1919.... .do Dale Wolf, employment and service, the Miller Lock Co., Philadelphia, Pa., purchasing agent. Leland Standford, jr., Univer- sity, San Francisco, Calif. E. C. Rowe, Central State Nor- mal School, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Charles H. Elliott, Rutgers Col- lege, New Brunswick, N. J. Gustave A. Feingold, Hartford Public High School, Hartford, Conn. Marion P. Hoyer, courthouse, St. Paul, Minn. Maj. Ralph L. Jackson, Western Military Academy, Alton. 111. Sebastian C. Jones, Superinten- dent New York MilitaryAcad- emy, Comwall-on-Hudson, W. N. Fashbaugh, vice presi- dent The Western Union Tel- egraph Company, 195 Broad- way, Ntew York City. Prof. R. H. Stetson, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. M. L. Ashley, 7113 Normal Bldg., Chicago, 111. T. H. Davis, St. Paul, Minn Blanks $0.80 do .80 2079 do 30.00 do .do do 7 50 2080 do do 33.75 1 60 2081 do .35 do do 7.50 do 1 30 do 7.50 2082 do 1.50 .. .do do 1 05 do 10. 50 do .65 do .80 2083 . ...do .35 do do .08 do .80 do .65 do .80 2084 do 7.50 2085 do do .35 .do do .08 do 15.00 2086 do do .35 do 3.75 2087 do do 5.25 2088 do .60 do do .32 do 7.50 do 3.00 do 1.60 2089 do .35 do Arthur A. Hanek, Miami Con- servancy District, Dayton, Ohio. Foster P. Boswell, Hobart Col- lege, Geneva, N. Y. Sam. P. Hayes, Mount Holy- oake College, South Hadley, Mass. D. Ellery Edwards, Woolworth Bldg., New York City. Walter F. Dearborn, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Paul Wauden, Vocational Edu- cation Bureau, 15 E. 40th St., New York City. C. S. Danielson, Columbia Uni- versity, New York City. Thos. J. Britwieser, Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. Buford Johnson, Bureau of Edu- cation Exper., 16 W. 8th St., New York City. Knight Dunlap, Johns Hopkins University, Homewood, Bal- timore, Md. Henry T. Moore, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. do .08 do .80 do .65 do .80 2090 ... .do .16 do do L60 do 1.30 2091 do 37.50 do do 3.75 2092 do .35 do do .35 do 3.75 do .65 do .80 2093 . . .do .24 .....do do 2.40 2094 do 3.75 do do 3.75 2095 do .35 do do .70 do 7.50 do .65 do 7.50 2096 do 7.50 .....do do 7.50 do .35 ..;..do .08 do 3.00 2097 .do . . 3.75 do do .80 2098 do 1.60 do do 1.60 2099 do 3.75 do do 3.75 2100 do. . 15.00 do 3.75 do. 3.00 54 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2101 July 21. 1919.... do .. .do W. C. Ruediger, 2023 G St. NW., Washington, D. C. Dr. G. Rand, the Library, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. J. R. Bullington, Batesville High School, 2114 Blakemore Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 1st Lieut. Mark A. May, Syra- cuse, N. Y. W. A. Mehnn, George Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn. Harold 0. Rugg, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. W. A. Bratton, secretary Wliit- man College, Walla Walla, Wash. Director of Psychological Labo- ratory, WeUesley College, Wellesley, Mass. F. W. Freemen, Emmons Blame Hall, 59th and Kim- bark Ave., Chicago, 111. Dr. E. L. Thomdike, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. 1st Lieut. John T. Metcalf, S. C, Cornwall Bridge, Litch- field Co., Conn. At public auction Blanks $0.24 do 2.40 ... .do 2.40 2102 do .35 do .08 do 3.75 do .80 2103 do 1.60 2104 do do 7.60 2105 do do do .35 do 1.40 do 15.00 do .65 do .80 2106 do : 3.75 do do 3.75 2107 do do .53 do .12 do 1.20 do .98 do 1.20 2108 do 7.50 do do do 1.30 do .70 2109 do 1.50 do .35 do 3.75 do 3.00 do 3.75 2110 do do 15.00 do 7.50 2111 do 7.50 June 7-July 5, 1919. July 30, 1919 do... . do .70 do 1.95 2112 Wool 23, 505, 092. 00 2113 Solomon Wiekersham, Safford, Ariz. Swift & Co., El Paso, Tex Peas 150.00 2114 .do 2, 331. 00 2115 do J. W. Le\'y, El Paso, Tex M. B. Goldenberg Co., Tucum- cari, N. Mex. M. Arnso & Sons, El Paso, Tex. . Jas. A. Dick & Co., El Paso, Tex. Standard Grocery Co., El JPaso, Tex. F. S . Arnso & Sons, El Paso, Tex Com 384. 00 2116 do do 756. 00 2117 2118 do do do Beans 216.00 606.00 2119 d do ..do 1,200.00 420.00 2120 ....do 2121 do Swift & Co., El Paso, Tex Solomon Wiekersham Co., Saf- ford, Ariz. Western Grocery Co., El Paso, Tex. Standard Grocery Co., El Paso, Tex. Jas. A. Dick Co.. El Paso, Tex. .do 756.00 2122 do do 68.75 2123 do Corn 456.00 2124 do .do 2, 400. 00 2125 do do 12,480.00 2126 do Swift & Co., El Paso, Tex . . .do 1, 000. 00 2127 do Kremming Schlapp Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Scudder Gale Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Kremming Schlapp Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Goddard Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Buchanan Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. do do 5, 746. 84 2128 do . .do 194. 40 2129 do do 7,941.89 4,440.00 3, 552. 00 2130 do .do 2131 do .do 2132 do .do 10, 665. 60 2133 do do J. M. Anderson Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Central Mercantile Co., Hutch- inson, Kans. Niese Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Rosen, Reichardt Brokerage Co., St. Louis, Mo. Goddard Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Rosen, Reichardt Brokerage Co., St. Louis, Mo. do 1,069.20 2134 .do 1, 069. 20 2135 2136 do do do .do 3,855.40 1,069.20 3, 855. 40 2137 do do do 2138 do 2,759.46 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 55 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2139 July 30, 1919.... do Buchanan Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. do Corn 18,024.54 4,488.00 6, 050. 00 2,800.00 2,520.00 34, 200. 00 14,392.08 4,500.00 5, 746. 84 2140 -do 2141 do Wallace Brokerage Co., Okla- homa City, Okla. F. W. Toops & Co., Horse Cave, Kv. R. W. Mc Kinney, Paducah, Ky. do do 2142 do do 2143 do do 2144 do . -do . . 2145 do Buchanan Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Neisc Grocery Co., Sr. Louis, Mo . Rosen. Reichardt Brokerage Co., St. Louis, Mo. Scudder Gale Grocery Co., St. Louis, Mo. Reid MurdockCo., Chicago, 111.. McNeill & Higgin Co., Chicago, New Wrecking Co., Indianap- olis, Ind. Buchler Bros., Chicago, 111 do 2146 do do 2147 do -do ... 2148 do .. -do... . 5, 746. 84 4,673.43 7,341.42 2149 do Peas . 2150 do do 2151 do do 2,935.83 1, 665. 00 2152 do do 2153 do H. C. Gilbert^ Indianapolis, Ind.. . ...do" 5, 196. 00 2154 do J. B. Michael, Indianapolis, Ind. New Wrecking Co., Indianap- oUs, Ind. Durond & Kosper, Chicago, 111. . do 2,040.00 1, 539. 50 2155 do do 2156 do do 3, 000. 00 2157 do Reid Murdock Co., Chicago, 111.. do 3,291.84 2158 do Hillmans, Chicago, 111 do 11, 877. 00 2159 .....do Reid Murdock Co., Chicago, 111.. . -do... . 34,372 80 2160 do Griggs Cooper Co., St. Paul, Minn. Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. H. C. Gilbert, Indianapolis, Ind. Alton MercantileCo.,Enid, Okla. Forsch Packing Co., Baltimore, Md. Francis Leggett Co., New York . do do 11,649.90 2161 do do 49, 860. 71 2162 do do 34, 111. 17 2163 do do 6, 600. 00 3, 164. 00 2164 do Corn 2165 do do 9, 290. 70 9, 497. 16 2166 do .do 2167 do A. A. Brager, Baltimore, Md do 2, 195. 60 2168 do Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. do do 10,380.00 15, 730. 00 2169 do . .do 2170 do Mollen, Thompson & James Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Francis Leggett Co., New York . A. A. Brager, Baltimore, Md.. do 2, 300. 00 2171 do do 27, 281. 58 4.40 2172 do .do 2173 do Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Gilbert Grocery Co., Lynch- burg, Va. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. do do 27, 288. 64 3, 150. 00 2174 do do 2175 do do 11, 429. 16 2176 do do 98, 060. 96 2177 do General Agent Service, Balti- more, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. General Agent Service, Balti- more, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Silver Bay Association, Lake George, N. Y. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. do do 309. 60 2178 do do 5, 342. 40 2179 do do 2, 150. 00 2180 do do 85, 663. 50 2181 do do... 300. 00 2182 do .do 6, 205. 24 2783 do do 2, 385. 62 2184 do McCord Stewart Co., Atlanta,Ga. Arapahoe Manufacturing Co., New York. do Peas 25, 602. 72 2185 do do 9, 950. 20 2186 do do 5, 057. 38 2187 do McCord Stewart Co., Atlanta, Ga. J. C. Felsenthal Co., Memphis, Tenn. Perkins & Sharp, Tampa, Fla... do 27,911.52 2188 do . ..do 2, 200. 00 2189 do do 2,300.00 2190 do Lovelace- Farmer Co., Martin, Tenn. C. M. Taimer Grocery Co., Carrollton, Ga. H. G. Leiding Co., Charleston, S. C. do 720. 00 2191 2192 do do do do 510.00 2,100.00 56 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAH DfiPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued . Sale No. 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 ')218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 Date of sale. July 30, 1919.... .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. do , do July 31, 1919. do do .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do.... .do. .do. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ...do. ...do. .do. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do.... ...do.... do.. do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. Carter Grocery Co., Gainesville, Ga. McCord Stewart Co. , Atlanta, Ga Arapahoe Manufacturing Co., New York. Earle Bros., Birminfrham, Ala... H. L. Sincer Co., Atlanta, Ga... McCord Stewart Co., Atlanta, Ga, White-Wilson-Drew Co., Mem- phis, Tenn. Arapahoe Manufacturing Co., New York. Slovdon, Fakes & Co., Asheville, N. C. Gilbert Grocery Co., Lynchburg, Va. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. W. Myers Co., Hagerstown, Md. A. A. Brager, Baltimore, Md J. W. Myers Co., Hagerstown, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Silver Bay Association, Lake George, N. Y. do General Aeent Service, Balti- more. Md. J. AV. Myers Co., Hagerstown, Md. do Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. W. Myers Co., Hagerstown, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. W. Mvers Co., Hagerstown, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. do J. W. Mvers Co., Hacerstown, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia , Pa. do do do J. W. Myers Co., Haserstown, Md. LvVens Mercantile Co., Lvkens, "Pa. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. do J. W. Myers Co., Hagersto-n-n, Md. W. H. Schwartz, Baltimore, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. W. H. Schwartz, Baltimore, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Albermarle Grocery Co., Char- lottesville, Va. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. do Albermarle Grocery Co., Char- lottesville, Va. Silver Bav Association, Lake George, N. Y. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. W. Myers Co., Hagerstown, Md. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Article. Peas. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Beans, baked, No. 3 cans. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Beans, baked, No. 1 cans. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Beans, baked. No. 3 cans. ....do ....do ....do ....do Total sale price. $1,512.00 4,368.00 15, 757. 04 2, 300. 00 4,405.56 14,645.28 2,190.00 12,232.00 1, 140. 00 440. 00 13,314.24 1, 914. 00 4,292.20 1, 914. 00 8. 115. 12 78.00 222.00 2,751.10 1,914.00 15, 498. 00 1, 914. 00 24, 138. 00 1, 914. 00 4,450.28 5,221.20 1, 001. 00 9,678.72 175,373.10 73,211.04 762.54 1,337.60 90.00 137,404.88 394,397.90 781.00 2,640.00 3,981.60 2,400.00 2,794.40 240. 00 24, 407. 60 13,346.20 161.00 45.00 2,779.70 1,221.00 2,99'-.20 SALE OJP SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 57 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 31, 1919. do do do do. July 30, 1919. do do do July 29, 1919.. do do July 28, 1919.. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. July 30, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. do... do.., J. W. Myers Co., Hagerstown, Md. Mollen, Thompson & James, Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Mollen, Thompson & James, Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Buehler Bros., Chicago, 111 Benj. Bosse, mayor, Evansville, Ind. Reid, Murdock Co., Chicago, 111 Durand & Kasper, Chicago, 111. . Pacific Sales & Brokerage Co., Seattle, Wash. Schwabacher Bros. Co., Seattle, Wash. Ullman, Stem & Kraussee, San Antonio, Tex. J. A. Mucfcleroy, San Antonio, Tex. Harpham Bros., Lincoln, Nebr . M. & M. Roseman, San Antonio, Tex. O. W. Wilson, San Antonio, Tex. John D. Roberts, San Antonio, Tex. Amim & Lane, Flatonio, Tex. . . James & Cameron, Hot Springs, Ark. The Southwestern Telephone & Telegraph Co.,, Fort Worth, Tex. The Mayer Co., San Antonio, Tex, The Fellman Dry Goods Co., Galveston, Tex. Central Boarding & Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo. Marice Rosenthal, San Fran- cisco, CaUf. H. J. Lowe, Del Rio, Tex Glenn Bros. Fin. Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Frank Doughty, Austin, Tex.... Rorabaugh Brown Mfg. Pry Goods Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Josef H. Noyes, Paris, Tex Jr. E. M. Howard. Pearsall.Tex . Seton Infirmary, Austin, Tex . . . August Anderson, Burk Bur- nett, Tex. Charles Golden, San Antonio, Tex. WilburF. Crawford, Waco, Tex. The J. E. Hutt Contracting Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Jno. G. Towns, Dallas, Tex The Dalkowitz Bros., San An- tonio, Tex. Leon Lawrence, Ranger, Tex. . . H. N. Jones, San Antonio, Tex. . . Walpert Davis & Co. (Inc.), Minneapolis, Mum. Hogan All-Noch Dry Goods Co., Houston, Tex. Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole, Mass.. Crescent Mills, New York City. . S. Silberstetn & Sons, New York City. Metropolitan Hospital Supply Co., New York City. do Al Lamport & Bros., New York City. Western Shade Cloth Co., Chi- cago, 111. Theo. Tiedemann & Sons, (Inc.) New York City. Beans, baked. No. 3 cans. do do : Beans, baked. No. 1 cans.. ....do Beans, stringless. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, re- claimed, cotton and wool, mixed. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38i", 8.20. do Gauze gray, 22 x 18, 36", 19-yd. .do. Gauze gray, 44 x 40, 32",9.87-yd Gauze gray, 44 x 40, 38^", 8.20. . .do. .do. 58 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 3231 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 July 30, 1919 . do ....do ...do ...do ...do ...do ..do. ..do. .do. -do. .do. .do. ..do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do July 28, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do do Aug. 1, 1919. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 2, 1919. .do. .do. Aug. 1, 1919. Bauer & Black, Chicago, 111 Paas & Teen, New York City . . . American Drugelst Syndicate, Long Island, N. Y. Lamport Manufacturers' Supply Co., New York City. Max M. Horowitz, New York City. Nehimiah Getelson, New York City. Seabuiy & Hohnson, New York City. Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole Mass... Gamer Print Works, & Bleach- erv. New York City. ....do The Columbia Mills (Inc.), New York City. ...do Johnson & Johnson, New Bruns- wick, N. J. do S. Steinfeld & Co., New York City. Al Lamport & Bros., New York City. Prince Lauten Co., New York City. Tatuin, Pinkham & Greey, New York City. do Du Pont Young Corporation, Boston, Mass. Albert D. Smith & Co., New York City. W. D. Young & Co., New York City. The Fellman Dry Goods Co., Galveston, Tex. H. H. King, Green Flora, Tex.. . . Rorabaugh Bro-wTi Drv Goods Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Hogan Alhioch Dry Goods Co., Houston, Tex. A. C. White, San Antonio, Tex. . Will T. Van Meter, Parsons, Kans. H. Mueller, San Antonio, Tex . . . Jno. G. Towns, Dallas, Tex Glenn Bros., Fort Worth, Tex .. G. A. Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. August Anderson, Burk Bur- nett, Private, Tex. The MaverCo., San Antonio, Tex Chapin Colgamizer Construction Co., San Antonio, Tex. Finck Cigar Factory, San An- tonio, Tex. Dalknowitz Bros. Co., San An- tonio, Tex. Armim & Lane, Flatonio, Tex.. D. A. Foley & Co. (Luc), Delta, Utah. The Wood Oswald Co., Omaha, Nebr. City of Douglas, Atlanta, Ga., care of A. H. Staples, M. D., Douglas, Ga. Amim & Lane, Flatonia, Tex. . , Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Co., Omaha, Nebr. Golden Cycle Mining & Produc- tion Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. Colo. Sweet, Orr & Co., New- burgh, N. Y. O'Bryan Bros., Nashville. Term Oshkosh Overall Co., Osnkosh, Wis. H. S. Peters, Dover, N. J Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38^", 8.20. ....do ....do .do. Gauze gray, 22 x 18, 19-yd Gauze gray, 22 x 18, 36", 19-yd. ....do .do. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38i", 8.20. Gauze gray, 44 x 40, 36", 8.77.. Gauze gray, 32 x 28, 36", 13 yds. Gauze gray, 44 x 40, 38J", 8.20. . Gauze gray, 22 x 18, 36", 19-yd . Gauze gray, 32 x 28, 36", 13 yds. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40",38i", 8.20. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 32", 9.87. . . Gauze, gray, 22 x 18, 36", 19-yd . Gauze, gray, 32x28, 36", 13 yds. Gauze, gray, 44 40, 38i", 8.20. . . . do...: .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, cotton and wool, new, mixed. ...do ...do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. do .do. Denim, tadigo-blue, double- twist, 2.40. do do Denim, indigo-blue, double and twist. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 59 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRA NCH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 1, 1919. .do. .do. ....do....... Aug. 2,1919. Aug. 5,1919. do Aug. 6, 1919. do July 30, 1919. do July 28, 1919. Aug. 6,1919. Aug. 2,1919. Aug. 1,1919. July 29, 1919. do July 30, 1919. .do. .do. do. do. do ....do July 29, 1919.. July 28, 1919. July 31, 1919. Aug. 1,1919.. July 23, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 28, 1919. .do. do July 30, 1919. do do do July 81, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. H. D. Lee Mercantile Co.,Kansas City, Mo. Sanger Bros., Dallas, Tex Western Union Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Lewis Meier & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Wyman Partridge Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Wolpert Davis Co., 125-129 Washington Ave., Minne- apolis, Minn. Sam. Heiman, Maxwell, N. Mex National Chemical Product Co., "Philadelphia^ Pa. American Gram Products Co., New York City. Carter Grocery Co., Gainesville, Ga. Snow, Bryan Co., Tampa, Fla. . Warner Bros., Newark, N. J Young, Saain Baling Co., San Francisco, Calif. Export Flour & Feed Co., New York City. Geo. D. Christophides, New York City. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. do J. B. Inderrieden Co., Chicago, 111. do Ben Bosse, mayor of E vansville, Ind. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. J. B. Inderreiden Co., Chicago, 111. Durand & Kasper, Chicago, 111. . Franklin Mc Veagh, Chicago, 111 . J. W. Bell Spartanburg, S. C... Hammond Snyder & Co., Balti- more, Md. The City Transfer Storage Co., Marietta, Ohio. L. A. Mousseau, Baltimore, Md. City of Birmingham, Birming- ham, Ala. J. W. Bell Spartanburg, S. C... Hertzberg Bros., New York City. Feilchenfeld & Aaron, Chicago, 111. Hertzberg Bros., New York City. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Snow, Bryan Co., Tampa, Fla.. Britt, Wirick & Co., Atlanta, Ga. American Commercial Co., Greensboro, N. C. C. M. Tanner Grocery Co., Car- roUton, Ga. Lovelace, Farmer Co., Martin, Tenn. W. I>. Murdock Brokerage Co., Birmingham, Ala. Waughn Grocery Co., Winston- Salem, N. C. Dewitt & Meredith, KnoxviUe, Tenn. Thomas Roberts Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. do do Malone & Hyde, Memphis, Tenn. Orr, Mizzell & Mussey, Nash- ville, Tenn. Chas. W. Butt Co., Asheville, N.C. Denim, indiero-blue, double and twist, 2.40. ....do ....do .do. Shirtinp, cotton, olive drab, 32", 76x64, 5.16. Crackers, soda do Flour, corn. Flour, rice Beans, striagless . do Cherries Milk, evaporated, 8-lb. cans. Flour, rice . . . Apples, fresh. Corn .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do Flour Bacon, Serial 10. Bacon, Serial 8. . Cornstarch (Argo). Flour, issue Flour , Commeal, yellow. do " Cornmeal, white . . .do. Com . . , do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 60 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. No. 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 31, 1919.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do , do , do do July 30, 1919. do , ....do .do. .do. .do. do. do. do. do. Aug. 2, 1919. .do. ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. ....do July 30, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do Aug. 1, 1919.. July 29, 1919. do July 31, do.. July 16, do. do. May 17, Aug. 2, 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. , Kelly Canning Co., Waverly, Iowa. White, "Wilson, Drew Co., Memphis, Tenn. Slavden Fakes & Co., Asheville, N. C. Huntsman Bros. Co., Bristol, Tenn. Dewitt & Meredith, Knoxville, Tenn. Jim Anderson Co., Knoxville, Tenn. Perkins & Sharp, Tampa, Fla Earle Bros., Birmingham, Ala. . J. C. Felsenthal Co., Memphis, Tenn. Burchfield Bros., Tuscaloosa, Ala. H. G. Leiding Co., Charleston, S. C. Britt, Wirwick Co., Atlanta, Ga. do do Wells-KahnCo., Pensacola, Fla.. Altshiler & Co., Louisville, Ky. . do Griggs, Cooper & Co., St. Paul, Minn. Steel Wedeles Co., Chicago, III.. . Hillmans, Chicago, HI Griggs Cooper & Co., St. Paul, Minn. Fisher Bros. Co., Louisville, Ky.. Altshiler & Co., Louisville, Ky.. . Buchler Bros., Chicago, 111 Griggs Cooper Co., St. Paul, Minn. Boy Scouts of America, Omaha, Nebr. Iowa State Automobile and Tractor School, Sioux City, Iowa. Akin & Fletter, Malvern, Iowa. . W. F. Crawford, Waco, Tex Michigan Tent & Awning Co., Detroit, Mich. Cleveland Wrecking Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Albert Pick & Co., Chicago, 111. . Grigga, Cooper Co., St. Paul, Mirm. J. P. Michael Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., Ciacionati, Ohio. Reid Murdoch Co., Chicago, III. Franklin McVeagh, Chicago, III.. W. B. & W. G. Jordan, Minne- apolis, Minn. Steel Wedeles Co., Chicago, 111. . . Altshiler & Co., Louisville, Ky.. J. Zinsmeister, Owensboro, Ky.. Auto Finance Co., Chicago, III.... W. S. Cox (Inc.), Silver City, N. Mex. Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. John H. Lally , Chicago, IlL Piedmont Trunk Co., Atlanta, Ga. Albert D. Smith & Co., 290 Broadway, New York City. Western Shade Cloth Co., 2100 S. JefEerson St., Chicago, 111. S. Silberstein & Son, 3-5 Wash- ington Place, New York City. Samuel Laber & Sons, New York City. Peerless Belt Lacing Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Com... ....do. ....do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Cots, steel, folding. do .do. .do. .do. .do. do. Corn.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Touring ears. Ford, 5-passen- ger. Rope, manila, J" Saddles, commercial. Trucks, Republic, 1-ton. Trucks, Reo, 5-ton Gauze, gray, 38i", 44 x 40, 8.20 Gauze, gray, 38i", 44 x 40 do Silk, Jap, Habatui, Blue Label Lacer, Peerless belt.... $11, 632. 60 6,570.00 3,420.00 2,300.00 6,593.33 2,340.00 2,300.00 6,720.00 4,400.00 2,200.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 1,968.60 2,160.00 2, 100. 00 4, 675. 32 10,368.51 2,886.80 9,414.26 11,747.69 10, 497. 90 1,579.77 1, 579. 77 1,710.00 2,040,00 255.00 187.50 62.50 2,060.00 4,000.00 9,825.00 22,420.00 6, 780. 00 2,040.00 184,507.31 31,957.75 5,377.86 4,359.46 1,015.92 1,015.92 3,250.71 3,410.33 5, 911. 60 72.00 1, 162. 50 100.00 150.00 75,250.00 18,540.00 46,209.30 6,000.00 100.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAB DEPARTMENT. 61 Serial list of sales; surplus property division, purchase and supply BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of bu3rer. Article. July 31, 1919. July 29, 1919. July 28, 1919. July 26, 1919. July 31, 1919. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. July 24, 1919.. July 31, 1919.. July 28, 1919., do do Aug. 2, 1919.. do do do Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919.. July 28, 1919.. -do. -do. July 24, 1919. .do. .do. -do. July 31, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919.. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919., ..do... Wolfert Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Charles W. Boardman, Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn. R. S. Calloway, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Anchor Leather Co., 1001 W. Division St., Chicago, 111. Merion Paper Co., Philadelphia, Pa. do do do do Wolfert Davis Co., Minneapolis, Minn. M. Silvermen & Son, 601 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. Empire Taiming Co., Chicago, 111. D. B. Stuart, Philadelphia, Pa. Strecker Bros. Ohio. Co., Marietta, J. Paskus & Sons, New York City. Criminologist, Public "Welfare, Chicago, 111. Elizabeth Lord, Boston State Hospital, Boston, Mass. Dixon Motor Service Co., Char- lotte, N. C. Southern Mercantile Co., San- ford, Miss. White & Hodgin Co., Raleigh, N. C. Dixon Motor Service Co., Char- lotte, N. C. W. S. Ingham, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. S. Sineberg, Cleveland, Ohio G. Walter Booth, Civil Service Commission, Akron, Ohio. Chas. E. Lively, superintendent Madison public schools, Alli- ance, Nebr. W. H. Bates, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Thos. M. Balliet, New York University, New York City. Purchasing agent, Colorado State Teachers College, Gree- ley, Colo. Williams Hardware Co., Strea- tor. 111. A. H. Sutherland, Los Angeles, Cal. Various persons Mogul Wagon Co., Hopkins- ville, Ky. Illinois Smelting & Refining Co., Chicago, 111. Bags, feed, reclaimed. Blanks .do. Leather, rawhide, calfskins. Cellu cotton .do. .do. .do. .do. Covers, horse, reclaimed Raincoats, black, commercial , new. Leather, strap, russet, backs, 9-lOi oz. Leather, strap, russet, backs: 6-7oz.,B grade 7-8 oz., A grade Leather, russet, strap, backs: 7-8 oz., A grade 7-8oz.,B grade Leather, russet, strap, backs: 7-8oz.,B grade 7-8 oz., A grade Blanks do do Wood, cord. do -do. Coal, bituminous. Blanks. do., do. do. do., do.. do.. do.. do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do., ....do., ....do., ....do., ....do., ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Trowels, masons', 11" Blanks Wagons, escort, class B. Wheels, escort: Hind Front Hooks, meat 62 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 2, 1919. do , ....do , ....do , July 28, 1919. July 24, 1919. ....do ....do .do. Aug. 4, 1919. do do Aug. 5, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919. .do. Aug. 5, 1919. do Aug. 4, 1919. May 7, 1919.. do Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919. do Aug. 13, 1919. do do do do do Aug. 12, 1919. do Aus. 11, 1919. do do .do. .do. Aue. 5, 1919. do Aug. 12,1919. do Aug. 8, 1919.. July 30, 1919. ....fdo. Brown Shoe Co., St. Louis, Mo., R. P. Hazzard, Gardiner, Me Brown Shoe Co., St. Louis, Mo.. B. H. Corbin & Son Co., Marl- boro, Mass. Petroit Steel Products Co., De- troit, Mich. FrederickE. Bolton, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. J. P. Bye, The Darlington Sem- inary, West Chester, Pa. H. L. Kent, Kansas State Agri- cultural College, Manhattan, Kans. Dr. Bertha M. Luckey, Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio. Various persons, as per attached list. Various persons , ....do [Canceled.] Quincy Boy Scouts of America, QuincY, Mass. Harvard E. Ashbury, 810 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. E. B. Meyrowitz (Inc.), 5th Ave., New York. National Catholic War Coimcil, Washington, D. C. Purchasing agent, Colorado State Teachers College^ Greeley, Colo Yumes Gorman (Inc.), Worces- ter, Mass. do [Canceled.] Wayne County Produce Co., BrookhTi, N.' Y. Philadelphia Vinegar Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. General Coffee & Tea Co., Balti- more. J Id. Warfleld Pratt Howell Co., Sioux City, Iowa. Paxton & Gallagher, Omaha, Nebr. Smith, Lichty & Hilkaan Co., Waterloo, Iowa. Paxton & Gallagher, Omaha, Nebr. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Mason Ehrman & Co., Port- land, Oreg. do M. Ainsa & Sons, El Paso, Tex. Boren Stewart Co., Dallas, Tex, M. B. Goldenburg Co., Tucum- cari, N. Mex. Western Grocery Co., El Paso, Tex. M. B. Goldenburg Co., Tucum- cari, N. Mex. P. S. Amisa Co., El Paso, Tex.. Wolfert ra\'is Co., 125-129 Washington Avenue, Miruie- apoUs, Minn. [Canceled.] Lexington Grocery Co., Lexing- ton, N. C. Swift & Co., New York City Snow Bryan Co., Tampa, Fla McCord, Stewart Co., Atlanta, Ga. Laces, russet, shoe, 40" ....do ....do ....do Steel, chrome, vanadium spring. Blanks do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. Wagons, escort, class B. .do. Wagons, escort, classes B and C Blankets, commercial re claimed Screens, intensifying: 8x10" 10x12" 14x 17" Telescopes do Towels: Huck Bath Group examination blanks, Alnha. Overshoes, arctic, cloth and rubber tops. do Vinegar, lot No. 4 Vinegar, lot No. 3 Tomatoes, No. 1 , lot No. 1 . . . Tomatoes, No. 2i do do do Tomatoes, No. 2i, lot No. 3. . . do Tomatoes, No. 2J. do do Tomatoes, No. 3.. Tomatoes, No. 2J. do Crackers, ginger. do Peaches, evaporated. Frozen pork, loins... Beans, baked, No. 1. do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 63 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SUEPLTJS PROPERTY EIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH- Continued. Rale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2658 2559 2560 2581 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 Aug. 8, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do Aug. 1, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. do do do . ..f .do do do .....do do Aug. 9, 1919.. .do. Aug. 13, 1919. do ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Aug. 12, 1919. July 29, 1919.. do Aug. 4, 1919.. July 29, 1919. do .do. .do. Aug. 8, 1919. do Aug. 9, 1919 . July 28, 1919. Aug. 1, 1919. do Aug. 8, 1918. Aug. 1, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919. do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Rosen Reichardt Brokerage Co. , St. Louis, Mo. Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. do do Rosen Reichardt Brokerage Co., St. Louis, Mo. do do Barnes Hospital. St. Louis, Mo. Smiley & Gessford, Baltimore, Md. B . H. Shapiro, Chicago, 111 J . D . Fullam, Chicago, 111 Frederic Greer, Chicago, 111 J. D . Fullam, Chicago, 111 L. Pankow, Chicago, 111 B . H. Shapiro, Chicago, 111 L. Pankow, Chicago, 111 B . H. Shapiro, Chicago, 111 do American Grain Products Co., New York City. W. S. Hoge& Bro., Washington, D.C. Boren, Stewart Co., Dallas, Tex, Western Grocery Co., El Paso, Tex. Jas. a'. Dick, El Paso, Tex H. G. Leiding, Charleston, S. C. . Thomas Roberts Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. City of Memphis, Memphis, Tenn Blaies, Dallas, Tex.r &Hugh Ed. F. Melcher, San Antonio, Tex. P. Pastene & Co., Boston, Mass. . F. S . Ainsa Co. , El Paso, Tex . . . . M. B. Goldenberg Co., Tucum- cari, N. Mex. James A. Dick, El Paso, Tex American Grocers Society, New- ark, N. J. Hudson River Bay Line, New York City. The Concordia Mercantile Co., Concordia, Kans. Swift & Co., Chicago, 111 Sanger Bros., Dallas, Tex H. J. Lowe, Del Rio, Tex F. G. Bigelow, Aransas Pass, Tex. F. Ness Co., Savannah, Ga Geo. H. Bloom, Muskogee, Okla. (A) Boy Scouts of America, Washington, D.C. (B ) The National Service School, Washington, D. C. Louis Solar, Chicago, 111 Burgeleisen & Jacobson, New York City. Harris Machinery Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Duluth Iron & Metal Co., Du- luth, Minn. Clark Wit beck Co. , Schenectady, Anderson & Iceland, Baltimore, Md. Davis Hunt Collister Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Cromton, Anderson & Bear, Montgomery, Ala. Dir kins Davidson HardwareCo., Atlanta, Ga. Harris Machinery Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. Peas, No. 2 . do do -do. .do. .do. do do do Cornstarch (Argo). Tomatoes, No. 3 . . do do do do do do Tomatoes, No. 10., do Flour, rice Corn meal, white . Vinegar, lot 2 Tomatoes, No. 3 . .do. Tomatoes, No. 3, lot No. 4. do Tomatoes, No. 3, lot No. 3. Corn do Rice, lots Nos. 1 and 2 . Peas, lots , do do. Peas . . . Mutton, frozen, lot No. 1 . Beans, baked. No. 3 Pork loins, frozen Blankets, commercial, cotton and wool, new, mixed. do Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. do... do ..-.do Poles, tent. .do. Stands, music. do Anvils, blacksmith ..-.do Spades, steel, D handles. ....do . ...do Wood, cord Anvils, blacksmith ....do S21,991.32 3, 661. 68 4,416.67 5, 550. 00 21,212.84 37,263.24 6,384.00 60,211.20 900. 00 5,814.00 8, 434. 60 5, 162. 83 5, 162. 83 2, 372. 79 14, 577. 96 24,703.40 22, 139. 39 3, 829. 46 1, 152. 65 249. 14 14,378.80 3, 369. 60 705. 00 1,530.00 14, 100. 00 2, 199, 227. 53 3, 840. 00 12, 085. 48 630.00 43,350.00 420. 00 276. 00 2, 400. 00 4, 400. 00 1,803.24 2,000.00 273, 868. 29 4, 200. 00 15,400.00 344. 00 48.75 375.00 75.00 23.40 23.40 170. 00 533.34 389. 55 449. 73 175. 00 500. 00 ISO. 00 3,750.00 2,679.93 4,303.92 64 SALE OF SUEPLrS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAKTMENT. SERL\L LIST OF SALES; SUE PLUS PEOrERTY rn"ISIO>r, PUECHASE AND SUPPLY B E AN CH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Aug. 8, 1919.. ....do do Aug. 7, 1919.. July 2S, 1919.'. Aug. 9, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919. ....do July 31, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919. July 8, 1919. . do ....do do Aug. 7,1919 do July 31, 1919. Aug. S, 1919.. Aug. 7, 1919.. do Aug. 6,1919 do ATjg. 14, 1919... do Aug. 8,1919.. Aiig. 13, 1919. do do do do do do Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Julys, 1919... do do do do do do do Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more. Md. A. H. Bullard, Bridgeport. Conn. Claflin l"ng. Co.. Lancaster, Ohio. Stetson Shoe Co., South 'Wey- mouth, Mass. L. B. Howitz, New York City. . . Foley Bros., Philadeliihia, Pa . . . Kenip Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. Machinery Merchants (Inc.). New York City. Empire Tanning Co., Chicago, 111. Phillips & Stephens, Washing- ton, D. C. Schafer Saddlexv Co., Decatiu, Ind. Canton Hardware Co., Canton, Ohio. G. S. ^[eser\-e. St. Augustine. Fla. Poe Hardware A- Supply Co., Greenville, S. C. F. A. Cocke Livestock Co., Nat- chez, Miss. Union Eibbon & Carbon Co., riuladelphia, Pa. Johnson & Johnson, New Bnmswick, N. J. E.R. DeputvCo.,Lincoln,Nebr. J. E. Labatt, Fort "Worth, Tex.. United Hebrew Charities of the City of New York, industrial and supply department. New York Citv. C. J. O. Keefe Co., Marlboro, Mass. J. D. Miuray, Natick, Msiss Quincv Bov Scouts, Quincy, Mass. do Stuart Keith & Co., Baltimore, Md. Purchasing agent. University of Pittsbiu^h, Pittsburgh, Pa. Everwear Mfg. Co., San Fran- cisco, CaUf." Byrnes Hammer Dry Goods Co., Omaha, Nebr. Green Bav Specialty Co., Green Bav. AVis. Tootie^CampbellDryGoodsCo., St. .Toserh. Mo. D. M. i:>herman Mfg. Co., Jeffer- son City, Mo. A. B. Frank Co., San Antonio, Tex. Mocul Wagon Co. , Hopkinsville, l^v. Colorado Garment Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. Suwannee Hardware Co., Live Oak, Fla. Sickles v.. Twill, olive-drab, 2S", 6.10, S4 X 50, lot No. 107. Osnaburg, brown, 29", S-oz., 44 X 2S. Drill, gray, 55", 1.65, 70 x 44, lot 24. Drill, gray, 50", 1.64, 72 x 50, lot 22. Sheeting, gray, 5.35. 64 x60.... Sheeting, grav, 39", 4.00, 64 x 6S. Sheeting, gray, 38i". 5.35, 64x60. Sheeting, gray, 36", 2.S5, 44 x 4S. Sheeting, grav, 36", 4.00, 60 x 56. do do Candy, orange bars, IJ-ounce packages. Hani-iles, hatchet , Car, motor, Studebaker. 7- passenarer,' motor No. 4S1SS, serial No. 64S522. Car, motor, Studebaker, 7- passonger, motor No. 6 D42567, serial No. 6513VX). Boilers, steam, sterling. 202 h, p. Padlocks, No. li^iC , .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 85 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued . Sale No. 3486 3487 Date of sale. Sept. 22, 1919.. .do. Name and address of buyer. .do. General Public, New Orleans, La. .do. Article. Total sale price. .do.. 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 do.... Sept. 9, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. do Sept. 10, 1919. .do. M. Silverman & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. Gutmann & Co., Chicago, 111. . Chas. P. Shipley Saddlery & Merc. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J. P. Jessen, Green Bay, Wis — The Seholl JVIfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Gutman & Co., Chicago, III. Sept. 6, 19r Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 16, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919., Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. ....do ....do Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919.. Sept. 15, 1919.. do do W. R. Hunt & Co., Chicago, 111. Sept. 26, 1919.... R. Levin, Chicago, 111 Kayser Taiming Co., St. Louis, Mo. Max Bernstein, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. R. Hunt & Co., Chicago, 111.. Anchor Leather Co., Chicago, 111, S. I. Reed ^ Co., Chicago, 111..., Shadlium Bros., Buford, Ga Herman Leesher Co., Chicago, 111 Penn Garment Co., Williams- port, Pa. Poe Hardware Co., 212 S. Main St., Greenville, S. C. Joslyn Mfg. & Supply Co., Chicago. 111. Morcy & Co. fine), 50 Church St.; New York City. Gustavus Werber, Newberry, S. C. W. E. Bingham, Coolville, Ohio Brown Fence & Wire Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The Wayne Co. Produce Co., 221 Newell St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. ....do Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. Blanket,-*, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. do Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. Denim md denim substitutes: Lot No. 1, brown, seconds. Lot No. 2, brown duck. . Lot No. 3, twill Leather, russet, strap: 6-7 oz., A grade, lot No. 57. 6-7 oz., B grade, lot No. 58. Leather, backs, russet, harness. Leather, backs, black, bridle. . Leather, russet, strap: 6-7 oz., B grade, lot No. 61. Sheepskins, jerkin leather. No. 2 grade, lot No. 126. Leather black, strap and rus- set sides: A grade, lot No. 105 B grade, lot No. 56 A grade, lot No. 55 Leather, black, strap, lot 107.. Chrome retanned upper, lot 121 Chrome retanned upper, lot 123 Leather, strap, russet, 7-8 Oi., C grade, lot No. 64. Leather, latigo sides, lot No. 96. Leather, automobile, lot No. 144. Leather, shearlincis, slips Leather, latigo, sides, lot No. 97 Leather, rawhide, calfskins Leather, latigo, backs, lot 92. . . . Leather, latigo, backs, lot 03... Leather, chrome, retannod, upper: A grade, lot No. 114 B grade, lot No. 115 A grade, lot No. 117 B grade, lot No. 118 Tannery run, lot No. 119. Serge, olive-drab, 12-13 oz Supports, messenger, clamps.. Climber, linesman's. Reels, pay-out Hand jointers, 12"... Wire, barb, galvanized . .do. .do. Kegs, water, 5-gal . 25.00 2,700.00 325. 00 1, 787. 50 214. 60 160. 00 93,774.98 86 SALE OP SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SEBIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 3512 Sept. 26,1919-... Sept. 27, 1919.... do Polev Bros., 716 N. Marshall St., Ptiiladelpliia, Pa. Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Co., Omaha, Nebr. do Kegs water, 5-gal $2, 750. 00 3513 Tent pins, 25" large 350.00 3514 Tent pins, 16", small 400.00 3516 do The F. J. Bureh Mfg. Co., Pueblo, Colo Sugar Products Co., New York City. Poe Hardware Co., Greenville, S. C. S Federbush, Paterson, N.J . . do Kegs, water, 5-gal 354. 69 3516 Sept. 26, 1919.... do 6,211.40 3517 do 80.00 3518 do .... do 50.00 3519 Sept. 27, 1919.... do Palm our ja'ardware Co., Gaines- ville, Ga. Palace Hardware & Arms Co., Phoenix, Ariz. E Ness Augusta, Ga . . do 75.00 3520 do 600.00 3521 do Wood, cord 5 569.69 3522 3523 Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 20, 1919.... Sept. 28, 1919.... do Mogul Wagon Co., Hopkinsville, Ky. Post Office Department Wheels, escort, new, painted: Escort wagon, front Escort wagon, hind Supplies, subsist nee (includ- ing Aug. 30. isiy). Supplies, subsistence (Aug. 25-Sept. 1, 1919). SuppUes, subsistence (Sept. 1-6). SuppUes, subsistence (Aug. 17-25). SuppUes, subsistence (Aug. 3-17, 1919). SuppUes, subsistence (up to and including -A^ug. 2, 1919). SuppUes, subsistence ( for " eek ending Aug. 23, r"19). SuppUes.subsistence (for week ending Aug. 30, 1919). Supplies, suboist^nce (Aug. 17-24). SuppUes, subsistence (.A.ug. 18-24, 1919). Leather, russet, strap, sides, 6-7 oz., B grade, lot No. 54. Rivets, brass, clinch, 4/16" Tent pins, large 2,000.00 2,000.00 6, 279. 59 3524 3525 Government employees, post- mast- rs. Municipalities, P. 32,029.13 20, 990. 30 3526 3527 do do Municipalities and charitable institutions. Government em- ployees. City of Douglas, Ariz 78,399.63 4, 335. 20 3528 do Municipalities and organizations. ....do 46, 636. 22 3529 do 9, 720. 00 3530 do do 6,480.00 12, 790. 07 3531 do Post Office Department 3532 3533 3534 3535 do Sept. 24, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 10,1919.... Sept. 22, 1919.... Sept. 23, 1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... do Municipalities and six organiza- tions. Schoellkopf & Co., Dallas, Tex. . . Louis Lefko^vitz & Bros. (Inc.), New York Citv. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., 440 N. Wells St., Chicago, lU. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Wor- cester, Mass. Harbison & Gothright 18,088.73 29,620.64 3,132.96 162. 50 do 75.00 do 68.75 ..do 62.50 Tent pins, small 318. 75 3536 3537 L6ather,russet,hamess,backs, B grade, lot No. 8. Leather, russet, strap, backs, grade 3, 7-8 oz., lot No. 27. Leather, finished calfskin, rus- set, C grade, lot No. 104. Cromeretanned upper leather, A grade, lot No. 120. Cromeretanned upper leather, C grade, lot No. 122. Cut lace leather, lot No. 145... Leather, shearlmgs, medium cUpped, lot No. 134, items 22 and 23. Leather, shearlings, medium short, brown, lot No. 132. Leather, russet, strap, backs, A grade, lot No. 42. Leather, russet, strap, sides, 6-7 oz., A .grade, lot N 0. 53. Leather, 7-8 oz., B grade, lot No. 63. Black strap leather, sides, B grade, lot No. 106. Leather, russet, harness, backs: A grade, lot No. 5- 11,491.35 8, 116. 68 3538 3539 3540 L. B. Harmtz, New York City.. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chi- cago, 111. Chas. J. Appli & Sons, Chicago, 111. [Canceled.] California Tanning Co., St. Louis, Mo. John C. Nichols Co., Sheboygan, Wis. The Schultz Belting Co., St. Louis, Mo. 576.30 1,397.92 459.77 36.33 6,495.12 795. 95 3541 3542 3643 3544 Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 24, 1919.... do Sept. 26, 1919.... 15,531.9t 14,327.99 22,043.21 8,406.09 2, 938. 43 B grade, lot No. 10 C grade, lot No. 11 12,004.35 16,215.06 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 87 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RAN CH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 26,1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. ....do May 22, 1919.. Sept. 28, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919.. Graton & Kniglit Mfg. Co., Wor- cester, Mass. S. Stemberg&Co., Philadelphia, Pa Stenifeld, Weil & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. S. Sternberg & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa J. Harry Land, Kingsport, Tenn. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919.. Aug. 14, 1919. . Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 16,1919.. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. do Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919., Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. do Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919., General public. General public, New Orleans, La. Vanderbilt University, Nash- ville, Tenn. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies. Al. Lamport & Bros., 507 Broad- way, New York City. Converse Rubber Shoe Co., Mai- den, Mass. MorotockMfg. Co., Danville, Va. Straus Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa. Al. Lamport & Bros., 507 Broad- way, New York City. Bauer & Black , Union of Siberian Creamery As- sociation (Inc.), New York City. Various parties The Walter M. Lowny Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Lewis Flanders & Co., Boston, Mass. C. L. York Co., Boston, Mass.... L. F. Seyferts Sons (Inc.), 437 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. .do. .do. The Athletic Shoe Co., Chicago, 111. Winslow Bros. & Smith Co., Boston, Mass. Bona Allen (Inc.), Buford, Ga., Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. Morotock Mfg. Co., Danville, Va. Bona Allen (Inc.), Buford, Ga... Leather,russet,hamess,backs: A grade, lot No. 1 B grade, lot No. 2 Leather, russet, harness, sides: A grade, lot No. 17 B grade, lot No. 18 Leather, russet, harness, backs. Leather, russet, strap, backs, 7-8 oz. Leather, russet, strap, backs, 9-lOJ, oz. Leather,russet,hamess,backs, A grade. Supplies, subsistence (cover- ing week ending Sept. 13, 1919). Blankets, commercial, wool, new do Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. do Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. do Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. do Blankets, new, gray, wool Duck, gray, 29", 8-oz., S. F.. . do Duck, gray, 12.9, 30i" .do. Denim, blue, 2.20, double and twist, Erwln, firsts. Denim, blue, 2.20, double and twist. Canton, firsts. Denim, blue, 2.40, double and t\dst, firsts, White Bros. Duck, khaM, 29^", 12.4 Gauze, gray: 32x28,36" 44x40, 35i" , 44x40,36" 44x40,38^" , Twill, black, 32", 4.74, 72 x 78. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Chocolates, vanilla, Ht"- pack- Wagon jacks. .do. Anvils, blacksmith, approxi- mately 70-75 lbs. do do Denim, brown, 2.40,double and twist. Cone Export & Com. Co. Denim, brown, 2.40, double and twist. Denim, brown, 2.20, seconds.. Shearlings, grade X, lot No. 129. Shearlings, leather, lot No. 142. Shearlings, lot No. 141 Jean, corset, bleached, 37", 3.00. Denim, blue, 2.50 Leather, latigo backs, grade B, lot No. 91. 5(5 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAKTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 23, 1919.. do Sept. 26, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919.. ....do.... ....do.... do Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919... Sept. 24, 1919... Sept. 23, 1919... Sept. 24, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919... Sept. 25, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919. do do Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. do....... Sept. 29, 1919. do do do Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. W. W. Reid, 235 W. Lake St., Chicago, III. John C. Nichols Co., Sheboygan, Wis. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. Louis Lefkowitz <& Biros., 1-17 Green St., New York City. do W. W. Reid 235 W. Lake St., Chicago, HI.. Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York. Commonwealth of Mass Lamport Mfg. Supply Co., 507-9- 11 Broadwav, New York. Universal Trading Co., 230 Sth Ave., New York City. Winslow Bros. & Smith Co., Boston, Mass. Universal Trading Co., New York aty. Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York Cfity. M. Silverman & Son, comer 6th and South Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Lamport Mfgrs. Supply Co., 507-9-11 Broadway, New York City. Capt. T. H. Sweetser, 2509 Pills- burv Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. .do. .do. .do. M. Silverman & Son, 6th and South Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.. H. Miller & Co., 59 White St., New York City. G. T. Buswell, assistant professor, Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn. M. Silverman & Son, comer 6th and South Sts., Philadelphia, Pa Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York. Universal Trading Co., 230 Sth Ave., New York aty, N. Y. do do do Lamport Mnfr. Supply Co^ 507 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M. Silverman, Philadelphia, Pa. Lamport Mnfr. Supply Co., 507 Broadway, New York City, N.Y. H. Miller & Co., 59 White Street, New York, N. Y. John P. Williams, registrar. Uni- versity of New Mexico, Albu- querque, N. Mex. R. E. Tope, A. M., superinten- dent. Grand Junction Public Schools. Grand Jimction, Colo. Louis Lefkowitz & Bros. (Inc.), New York City, Leather, russet, strap, sides: Grade A, lot No. 75, 7-8 oz. Grade B, lot No. 76, 7-8 oz. Leather, russet, strap, hacks, grade D, lot No. 23, 7-8 oz. Sateen, bleached, 28^", 4.00, 112 X 64. Feed bags (nose bags) Feed bags (nose bags) Leather, russet, strap, backs: Grade A, lot No. 24, 7-8 oz. . OradeB, lot No. 25 Grade A, lot No. 44, 9-lOi oz. Grade B . lot No. 45, 9-10^ oz. Denim, blue, 2.40, double and twist. Shoes, marching, new Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, SSJ", 8.20.. Denim, brown, 8.1 oz., W. B. Sec. Sheepskins, grade No. 1, lot No 125. Sheepskins, grade No. 3, lot No 127. Shearlings, short clippers, lot No. 135. Duck, khaki, 29i", 12.4 oz Duck, khaM, 12.4 oz., 29i".... Duck, khaki, 12.4, 29^" Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38i", 8.20. Belt, waist, medical officer's. . . Denim, brown, double and twist, 28". Denim, brown, W. B., 2.20 Duck, bleached, 8-oz., 29" Duck, gray, 12.9-oz., 44 x 32, 30i". Duck, gray, 1.90, 35" ...do ....do Sheeting, gray, 39", 4.00, 80 x Blanks, group, examination, Alpha. Psychological record blanks. . . Duck, S. T., gray, 35", 1.90, cut selvage. Denim, blue, 2.40, double and twist. Gauze, gray, 22 x IS .do. .do. .do. Duck, bleached, 8-oz., 29" Duck, khaki, 12.4-oz., 29i" Duck, khaki, 29J", 12.4-oz Jean, corset, gray, 3.75, 84 x 56. . Group examination blanks. Alpha, form 6. Group examination blanks, Alpha (equal number of Forms 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). Rivets, brass, clinch, /," SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 89 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DVIISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 23, 1919... Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 1,1919... do do do do do do do do do Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. do do do do do do Oct. 2, 1919. do do Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... do Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. .....do Oct. 1, 1919... M. Silverman & Son, corner 6tli and South Sts., Philadelphia, .do. Lamport Mnfr's Supply Co., 507 Broadway, New York City. The Millville Mfg. Co., 626 Chest- nut Street, Philadelpliia, Pa. A. Schaap & Sons, 394 Broadway, New York Qty. Mr. Geo. Melcher, Room 225, Public Library Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. Municipalities and organizations. do Through parcel post City of New Orleans, La . City of Lake Charles, La.. City of Baton Rouge, La. Cit V of Meridian, Miss Municipalities City of New Orleans, La Municipahties and organizations. Baker, Murry & Tmbrie (Inc.) 10-15-17 Warren St., New York City. United States district engineer, P. O. Box 72, Louis\dlle, Ky. Clark Witbeck Co., 416 State St., Schnectady, N. Y. Charles B. Rouss, 549 Broadway, New York City. Dudley Hardware Co^ 192 Dud- ley St., Roxbury, Mass. Lenane Supply Co., 261 FrankKn St., Boston, Mass. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., 440 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111. Hibbard Spencer Bartlett & Co. 303 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Keith, Simmons & Co., Nash- ville, Term. Wm. P. Johnson Lumber Co., 19thand Monon R. R., Indian- apolis, Ind. Reuling Engineering Co., Front and Pine Sts., Muscatine, Iowa. Lenane Supply Co. (Inc.), 261 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. J. R. Wood Supply Co., 917 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Enterprise Foundry & Machine Co., Hattiesburg, Miss. Simon Roswald, jr., Montgom- ery, Ala. Dave Roswald, Montgomery, Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York, N.Y. Stern Sales Ccx, New York, N. Y. Decatur & BLopkins Co., 120 High St., Boston, Mass. H. W. Kane & Co^ 149 Broad- way, New York City. Municipalities and organizations. Bobbinette, gray, 48". Bobbinette, gray, 36" Duck, gray, 29", 8-oz., 76 x 28. . Gauze, gray, 30", 44 x 40, lot 1. Gauze, gray, 28", 44 x 40, lot 2. Mops, cotton Group examination blanks. Alpha, Form 6. Drilling, gray, 30", 3.00, 70 x 44 (Aug (Aug (Sept Aug (Sept (Sept Supplies, subsistence, 7-13j inclusive). Supplies, subsistence 3-17, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence 1-6, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence, 24-31, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence 1-6, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence (Sept 1-6, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence 1-6, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Ser>t. 7, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (Sept. 1-6, inclusive). Wood,motor cycle skid chains, size 26 x 3. Boiler, steam, locomotive-tvpe. 125 h. p. Tapes,metallic,25-ft.,lotNo. 1. Tapes, netallic, 50-ft., lot No. 2. Tapes, metallic, 25-ft., lot No. 1. .do. .do. Tapes, steel, 100-ft., lot No. 3.. Tapes, metallic, 25-ft., lot No.l. Tapes, steel, 100 ft., lot No. 3 . . Tapes, metallic.lOO ft.,lotNo.4. do Stocks and dies, B. S., Little Giant No. 40, J-l}" Stocks and dies, B. S., Little Giant No. 50-55, |-2". Stocks and dies, B. S. Little Giant No. 40, i-lf". Stocks and dies, B. S., Little Giant No. 40, -i-l^". Coal, smithing Coal, bituminous do Denim, incligo, 28", 2.60, double and twist. Rivets, brass, clinch, ■^" Tapes,metallic, 25-ft., lot No. 1 Tapes, steel, 100-ft., lot No. 3.. Ore, manganese, ground Supplies, subsistence (tor Aug. 3-17, 1919). 90 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 1, 1919. ....do ....do Oct. 3, 1919. ....do , ....do Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919. ....do Sept. 25, 1919. Sept 24,1919. -do. .do. -do. Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 23,1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919... Sept. 25, 1919... Sept. 24, 1919... Sept. 25, 1919.. . Sept. 22, 1919.... Oct. 2, 1919.... Through parcel post Through Post Office Department Municipalities and organizations. Through Post Office Department .do. From Chicago depot The Excelsior Laundry, 3115 Rosa St., comer Estrella, El Paso, Tex. Strauss Saddlery Co., 27th and Locust Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Henry Kaiight & Sons Co., Louisville, Ky. Construction Metallique, Ant- werp, Belgium, care of port zone transportation officer. New York City. do Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City Lamport Mfrs Supply Co., 507-511 Broadway, New York aty. ...do.. ....do Charles Cohn, 274 Church St., Broadway, New York, N. Y. S. C. Sugarman, 35 Nassau St., New York Citv. Daniel O'Connell's Sons, 480 Hampton St., Holyoke, Mass. H. W. Cox, dean. Teachers' Col- lege and Normal School, Uni- versity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Yankee Export & Trading Co., 40 W. 23d St., New York, N. Y, H. Miller & Co., 59 White St., New York, N. Y. Dr. Esther Crane, professor of psychology, Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa. John P. Bruck, 88 Indian Church Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Boston Store, 10 N. State St., Chicago, 111. T. C. Smith, storekeeper, the University of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y. Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 6, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for period ending Aug. 23, 1919). do Supplies, subsistence (for period ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 6, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 20, 1919). Prosperity garment presses, 38". Saddletrees, Wild West Bread, Iiard do Shaper, Cincinnati, heavy- duty, 20". Machine, grinding, knife, au- tomatic, Yates, 36". Denim, brown, 2.40, double and twist. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38*", 8.20. .do. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 36. Duck, gray, 8-oz , 30" . . Brushes, scrub Stocks and dies, B. S., Little Giant No. 40, i-li". Group examination blanks, alpha (300 each of Forms 7, 8, and 9). Duck, gray, 29", 8-oz., 76 x 28. . Duck, gray, 30", 8-oz., 76 x 28. . Duck, gray, 29", 8-oz., 76 x 28. . do do do Sheeting, gray, 36", 4.00, 56 x 60 Sheeting, gray, 35", 3.50, 64 x 68 Sheeting, gray, 36", 3.00, 44 x 48 Blanks, phychological exami- nation. Blanks, psychological record.. Blanks, group examination, alpha. Blanks, group examination, beta. Blanks, psychological exami- nation. Blanks, psychological record. . Blanks, group examination, alpha. Blanks, group examination, beta. Denim, brown, 2.00, W. B Denim, brown, 2.40, W. B Denim, brown, 2.20, W. B Denim, brown, 2.40, double and twist. Tapes, metalUc, 25-ft., lot No. 1 Tapes, steel, 100-ft., lot No. 3.. do Tapes, metalUc, 100-ft., lot No. 4. do Blanks, group, examination, alpha. $13,394.49 6,504.12 18,964.66 22,972.61 25,761.99 28,192.22 160.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 28,980.75 1,485.00 688.54 1,390.98 10,586.54 16, 047. 84 33,948.84 42,173.95 10,969.44 72.00 6.75 114,436.31 66,021.14 5,992.74 3,167.80 45.12 120.61 3,840.00 8,600.00 15,750.00 .35 2.40 .04 .01 64.69 39.78 11.07 275.29 125.00 770.00 300.00 375.00 300.00 7.60 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 91 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 1, 1919. do do do do Oct. 2, 1919.. do Oct. 1,1919. Oct. 2, 1919. ....do ....do .do. ....do Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. . , ....do ....do Sept. 23, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. . ....do ....do ....do. ....do. Sept. 29, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Prof. G. M. Stratton, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Miss Hall's School, Pittsfleld, Mass. T. T. Allen, superintendent, Dubois Public Schools, Du- bois, Pa. Col. Walter Dill Scott. 1106 City Hall Square Building., Chi- cago, 111. N. Conger, director psychologi- cal clinic, Warren City Schools, Warren, Ohio. E. W. Buckley, secretary State Industrial Conunission, 230 5th Ave., New York City. H. E. Brown, 20 Abbott St., Wellesley, M:ass. Purchasing agent, Cincinnati Abattoir Co., Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Grand Rapids School & Equip- ment Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. The Parrish Manufacturing Co., Reading, Pa. The Oaks Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Keokuk Electric Metals Co., Keokuk, Iowa. Indiana Bridge Co. , Muncie, Ind . Henry Evers Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. All Russian Central Union of Consumers Societies. Fred Butterfield & Co., New York City. The White Co., Cleveland, Ohio. General public. New Orleans, La, Middleton & Smith, Brook- haven, Mass. W. A. Lovett, Hattiesburg, Miss. H. J. Middleton, Brookhaven, Mass. Rice, Sorin Saddlery Co., Mus- kegon, Mich. M. A. Sulkowitch Co., Portland, Me. Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. Polish Relief Commission, New York City. ....do S. I. Rund, Hattiesburg, Miss. . . Topping Bros., New York City. M. Silverman & Sons., Philadel- phia, Pa. I Blanks, psychological exami- nation. Blanks, psychological record . Blanks, examination, group. Blanks, examination, group, beta. Blanks, examination, group, alpha. ...do .do. -do. -do. -do. Blanks, psychological exami- nation. Blanks, psychological record.. Blanks, group examination, alpha. Blanks, group examination, beta. Tire and carriage bolts and washers. Chrome-nickel steel Steel, spider, 156" thick, 9f" wide, 76" long, hot-rolled strip, pickled and oiled. Rope, manila, J" .do. Tent pins, new, large and small, Twill, olive-drab, 38", 1.79, 90 X 44, lot No. 108. Venetian, gray, 2.90, 38", 156 x 64. Drill, 4-spindle, No. 1-B, Av- ery, Serial No. R 6908. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. Harness, wheel, ambulance, class B . Harness, lead, ambulance, class B. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Lea ther,russet, strap, grade B, lot No. 73. Rope, manila,!" .do. Shoes, reclaimed . .do. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Nails, wire, 16 d. (100 lbs. in keg). Marquisette, bleached, 40" . . . . 92 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 27,1919. Oct. 2, 1919. . do.... do.... do Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. do Oct. 4, 1919... Oct. 3, 1919... Oct. 1,1919... Oct. 3, 1919. . . do Oct. 27, 1919. . Oct. 3, 1919... do Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 1,1919... do Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. do Oct. 3, 1919... ....do ....do ....do ....do Junes, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919.... ....do Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919.. ....do Srere Bros., Detroit, Mich S. Sternberg & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City, N. Y. Commonv.'ealth of Massachusetts G. M. Kennedy, Camp Shelby, Miss. Clint M. Palmer, Camp Shelby, Miss. The Lamport Manufacturers' Supply Co., 507 Broadway, New Yorlc, N. Y. Des Voigne & Co., Odell, 111.... .do. The Winthrop State Guards, Boston, Mass. Le^^^s AVreckingCo., Greenville, S. C., Camp Sevier. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City, N. Y. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York, N. Y. do All Russian Cfjntral Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. H. Miller, 59 White Street, New York, N. Y. Phoenix Manufacturing Co. , 1201 S. Sharp St., Baltimore, Md. The Columbia Mills (Inc.), 225 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City, N. Y. F. A. Brady (Inc.), 30 Church St.,NewYorkCitv. H. Miller & Co., 59 White Street, New York, N. Y. Manufacturers' Leather Co. , 173 William St., New York City, N. Y. Gimbel Brothers, 1275 Broad- way,New York, N. Y. N. R. Allen's Sons, Kenosha, Wis. Phoenix Manufacturing Co., 1201 S. Sharp St., Baltimore, Md. F. A. Brady (Inc.), 30 Church Street, New York City. do ....do ....do Various persons. Union of Siberian Creameries Association (Inc.), New York City. ....do All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies, 136 Lib- erty St., New York, N. Y. Union of Siberian Creameries Association (Inc.), New York City. Mayor of Las Cruces, N. Mex L. B. Horwitz, New York City.. Sheffer & Rossum Co., 104 E. 10th St., St. Paul, Minn. Charles Cohn, 274 Church St., New York, N. Y. Denim, broivn, lot No. 2 Leather, russet, strap, sides. . . Sheeting, gray, 36", 2.85, 48 x48. Bed sacks , Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B, do Duck, gray, 12.9-oz., 30J". Leather, black, bridle, lot No. 110. Leather, black, strap, lot No. 108. Stockings, wool, light, new Sawing outfit, Hercules, wood. Sheeting, gray, 36", 2.96, 52 x 48 Sheeting, gray, 4.00, 56 x 60 Gauze, gray, 32 x 28. . . Undershirts, winter, fleece-lined. new. Gauze, gray, 32 x 28 Twill, olive-drab, 37f", 8i-oz., 92 X 64. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 32" Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 28" Candy, Peter's chocolates (J-lb containers). Sateen, bleached, 28^", 4.00, 112x64. Leather, russet , harness , backs grade B, lot No. 4. Melton, 20-oz., olive-drab, 56- 58", type B, unshrunk. Leather, russet, harness, backs lot No. 3. Osnaburg, gray, 7-oz., 30" Candy, chocolate, assorted (2-oz. packages). Candy, Waneta chocolate, sweet (2-oz. packages). Candy, chocolate, Waneta (2- oz. packages). Candy chocolate, almonds (1^- oz. packages). Blankets, commercial, re- claimed. ....do ...do Drawers, summer, balbriggan, new. Drawers, summer, jean, new. . Drill, brown, 50", 12i-oz Blanliets, wool, new. Blankets, cotton and wool, new Leather, russet, harness, backs, grade A, lot 13. Leather, sole, imion backs, lot No. 101. Drill, 56", 1.73, 72 x 42, gray.. SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAKTMENT. 93 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buver. Article. 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 Sept. 23, 1919. Shadburn Brothers, Buford, Ga. Oct. 6, 1919. --..do Oct. 2, 1919. Oct. 4, 1919. do Oct. 6, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919. do Oct. 6, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. do Oct. 4, 1919. do Oct. 6, 1919. do Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919. .... do Oct. 6, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919. do Oct. 8, 1919... do Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 8, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919. The Bell Overall & Winder, Ga. do Co., H. T. Poindextcr & Sons Mer- chandise Co., Kansas City, Mo, Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. do Chas. Cohen, 274 Church St., New York, N. Y. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York, N. Y. Yankee Export & Trading Co., 40 West 23d St., New York, N. Y. The I. O. O. F. Rainbow Sani- tarium, Rainbow Lake, N. Y. Allied Drug & Chemical Corpo- ration, 2356 3d Ave., New York. C. B. Wells, 411 E. 6th St., An- niston, Ala. J. Blum, 21 Walker St., New York City, N. Y. M. A. Sulkawitch Co., 369 Fore St., Portland, Me. John M. Larsen, 347 Madison Ave., Equitable Bldg., New York City. M. T. Davidson Pump Co., New York City. Dr. John E. Anderson, Yale Psychological Laboratory, 307 York St., New Haven, Coim. Wrought Iron Range Co. , 6 Port- land St., Boston, Mass. Washington State College, Pull- man, Wash. Police Commissioners, Balti- more, Md. Ignatius Maday, 24 School, Fill- more Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa. Passaic General Hospital, Pas- saic, N. J. Eli Lilly Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lafayette County Home, R. F. D. No. 3, Lexington, Mo. The Sisters of St. Joseph, Mount Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Kans. Catawba Sanitariimi, Catawba, Va. The Ellsworth Hospital, Ells- worth, Kans. House of the Good Shepherd, Wheeling, W. Va. Cairo Childrens' Orphan Home, Cairo, 111. Russian Union Consumers' So- ciety, 136 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Leather, russet, baelcs, grade A, lot No. 28. Leather, russet, strap, lot No. 67. Leather, russet, strap, sides, grade C, lot No. 69. Leather, russet, strap, sides, grade B, lot No. 78. Leather, latigo, sides, grade B, lot No. 95. Denim, blue, 2.20, 28", 6S x 38 double and twist. Denim, blue, 2.40, Sunset, double and twist, 28", 68 x38. Denim, Stonewall, 2.20, double and twist, 28", brown. Gauze, gray, 22 x 18 ....do Gauze, gray, 32 x 28, 36" Sheeting, gray, 36", 4.00, 56 x 60. Duck, gray, 8-oz., 29" Blankets, wool, new Camphora, pulvis, 40-lb. cases Plates, soft-steel, 6,000 pieces, 37| X 10 X tV'- Angles, soft-steel, 5 x 3 x /j", 400 38-ft. long, 400 9' 6" ft. long. Straps, 10-hole, oval, 19i'^ long, 1 J" wide,7-9 oz. leather, used for Deitz Vesta lanterns. ...do Belting, rubber, 10", 6-ply Belting, rubber, 12", 6-ply Belting, rubber, 16", 6-ply Belting, rubber, 18", 6-ply Pumps, Davidson steam, ver- tical, Simplex. Blanks, psychological record Blanks, group examination alpha. Blanks, group examination beta. Griddles, No. 9 Cots, steel Bridles, cavalry, model 1909, new, complete. Blanks, group examination, alpha. Cots, steel Towels, bath, new Chloralum hydratum Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. ...do ....do Blankets, wool, new, light gray Towels, bath, new Towels, buck, face, new 94 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 7, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 do do do do Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919... do Oct. 4,1919... do do do do .do. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919.. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Name and address of buyer. The Boston Store, Chicago, HI. . John Mooney, Presque Isle, Mo.. Maj. Thomas K. Lewis, Caro- lina Military Naval Academy, Hendersonville, N. C. James C. Devoss, director, Kan- sas State Normal School, Em- poria, Kans. J. J. Petti John, director, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. D. H. Peck, business agent. Uni- versity of Kentucky, Lexing- ton, Ky. P. A. Brady (Inc.), 30 Church St., New York City. District enguieer, Montgomery, Ala. Hayman Weil Co., 720 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa. Through Parcel Post, Seattle, Wash. do .do. .do. Municipalities and organizations. .do. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Society (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York N. Y. Through Post Office Depart- ment. Municipalities and organiza- tions. do Through parcel post. do Municipalities and organiza- tions. Through parcel post Municipalities, Government em- ployees, and post offices. Municipalities, Government em- ployees, and postmasters. Post Office Department Municipalities and organiza- tions. Municipalities and organiza- tions, etc. Through parcel post Article. Carts, hand (new), specifica- tions J-89. Wheels, escort, new, rear Blanks, group examination, alpha. .do. Blanks, group examination, beta. Blanks, reiJort of psycholog- ical examination. Blanks, psychological record.. Blanks, group examination, alpha. Blanks, group examination, beta. Blanks, group examination, alpha. Blanks, group examination, beta. Candy, chocolate, sweet (1-J- oz. packages). Pitch, waterproofing material. Brushes, scrub Broom, corn Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 20, 1919). Supplies, subsistenf e ( for week Aug. 25-31, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence (lor pe- riod ending Sept. 20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for pe- riod from Sept. 15-20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for pe- riod from Aug. 26 to Sept. 1, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence (Sot pe- riod from Aug. 25-30, in- clusive). Stockings, cotton, new Supplies, subsistence (for pe- riod ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsisteni e (f jr pe- riod Sept. 22-27, 19191. Supplies, subsistence (report from San Antonio for period endmgSept.20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from San Francisco for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Washington, D. C, for week ending Sept. 27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Boston for period Sept. 8-13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from El Paso for period Aug. 18-23, 1919). Supphes, subsistence (report from Omaha for period Sept. 8-13, 1919). Supplies, sulsi'^tence (report from Omaha for period Aug. 22-27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Boston for week end- ing Sept. 27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from zonesupplv office. New York City, for Sept. 9-15, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from El Paso for period Aug. 18-23, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from San Francisco for week ending Sept. 20, 1919. Total sale price. $230.00 200.00 .80 15.00 1.60 .35 .08 .80 .80 3.75 3.75 8,761.03 112.86 255.00 51.84 5,701.52 37, 633. 48 21, 377. 22 5,202.22 2,524,340.99 26, 108 93 36, 000. CO 29, 774. 58 68, 897. 91 11,903.00 1, 852. 28 9, 675. 15 213, 597. 22 20,496.08 7,280.63 12, 083. 33 16, 558. 27 226,899.11 17,485.93 23, 677. 04 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 95 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 10, 1919. . .do. -do. -do. ....do Oct. 1, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919. ....do Oct. 8, 1919. ....do , Oct. 9, 1919. ....do , Oct. 11, 1919- Oct. 10, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct.3, 1919... Oct. 1, 1919... .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do , ....do , ....do Oct. 6, 1919. ....do Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 4, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919. do do Oct. 1, 1919. Chicago depot. Tlirough Post OflBce Depart- ment. .do. Miuiicipalities and organiza- tions. Municipalities, Government em- ployees, and post offices. Natcliez, Miss., sliipped by par- cel post. New Britain General Hospital, New Britain, Coim. Y. W. C. A., 120 W. Cunning- liain St., Butler, Pa. Samuel W. Bowiie, Memorial Hospital, Poughlfeepsie, N. Y. Sanitarium Gabriels, Sisters of Mercy, Gabriels, N. Y.- Y. W. C. A., 120 W. Cunning- ham St., Butler, Pa. Home for the Friendless, 904 Campbell St., Williamsport, Pa. Passaic General Hospital, Pas- saic, N. J. Grant Hospital, 125 S. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Russian Union Consumers' So- ciety, 136 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. S. C. Sugarman, 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. St. Landry, La. (parcel post) Breaux Bridge, La. (parcel post). Gatesville, Miss, (parcel post) . . Crystal Springs, Miss, (parcel post). Paincooi-tville, La. (parcel post). Pittsboro, Miss, (parcel post) Carencro, La. (parcel post) RomeviUe, La. (parcel post) F. A. Brady (Inc.), New York City. do H. E. HUdreth, scoutmaster. Boy Scouts of America, care of C. J. Hildreth Co., Albany, Ala. American Sales Agency, 253 Broadway, New York City. The Murray Co., Main St., Honesdale, Pa. Martin J. Rubin, 505 W. Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Police commissioners, Balti- more, Md. Louis Lefkowitz & Bros. (Inc.), 1-17 Green St., New York, N. Y. Tenison Bros. Saddlery Co., Dallas Tex. Powell Fuel Co., Columbia, S. C. New Verda, La. (parcel post) . . . Supplies, subsistence (packing- house products, covering pe- riod from July 15-Sept. 6, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from San Antonio for period ending Aug. 30, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from San Antonio for period ending Sept. 20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from San Francisco for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Omaha for period Sept. 15-20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do .do. .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, cotton and wool mixed, reclaimed. Towels, huck, new , Towels, bath, new , Drawers, summer, new. TwUl, Uning, black, Albert, 32", 3.90, 78x104. Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for period ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). do .do. .do. -do. .do. Candy, chocolate almond bars, li-oz. bars. Candy, almond bars, 1-oz. bars. Bugle -do. .do. Coldwater, Miss, (parcel post). Wells Point, La. (parcel post). Wagons, escort, class A, new. Rigs, wood-sawing, Hercules. , Leather, russet, strap, backs, 7-8 oz., grade B, lot No. 29. Saddles, McClellan, Cavahy, model 1904, russet. Leather, russet, bag, sides, lot No. 83. Leather, latigo, grade A, lot No. 94. Harness, cart, new, specifica- tion J 95. Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). do do 96 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 1, 1919. do do do do Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 10, 1919.- Oct. 9, 1919. do...... do , Oct. 3, 1919. do Oct. 7, 1919. do Oct. 8, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919... do Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919. do Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919... do Oct. 9, 1919... do Sept. 20, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 11, 1919.. do Oct. 13, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... Pette Camp, Miss, (parcel post). Woodville, Miss, (parcel post).. Ten Mile, Miss, (parcel post). .. Welsh, La. (parcel post) Tvlerto-ivn, Miss, (parcel post).. Charles Cohen, 274 Church St. New York City. S. I. Reed & Co., 223 Lake St. Chicago, 111. Bona Allen (Inc.), Buford, Ga. Wm. G. CarroU, Dallas, Tex. . . Delphi Mills, 297 Church St., New York City. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York. ...do Passaic General Hospital, Pas- saic, N. J. Memorial Hospital, 106th St., Central Park West, New Ybrk City. I. O. B. B. Home for Aged and Infirm, Riverdale Ave., New York City. Seflren Scrap Iron & Machinery Co., 213 N. Nalsted St., Chi- cago, II!. do .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Victor Iron Supply Co., 1752 Webster Avenue, New York Citv, N. Y. do Oct. 8, 1919. Louis Salzinger, 55 Orchard St., New York, N. Y. Knopf Mfg. Co., 125 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. Charles Springer Cattle Co., Ci- marron, N. Mex. J. C. Brown, president State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn. Josiah Morse, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. M. O. Tandvig, University Ex- tension Bldg., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Charles Cohn, 274 Church St., New York. House of Good Shepherd, Wheeling, W. Va. Boy Scouts of America, Memo- rial Bldg.j New London, Conn. Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Sept. 13, 1919. — do ...do ...do do Gauze, gray, 36", 32 x 28 Leather, russet, strap, sides, lot No. 74. Leather, latigo, sides, lot 94. . . Leather, russet, strap, backs, grade A, lot No. 26. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, Denim, blue, 8-oz., W. B Denim, blue, 2.40, W. B Gauze, gray, 32 x 28 .do. Blankets, commercial, cotton and wool mixed, new. do .do. Beams, I, 8" section, 12' 8" long, 18 lbs per ft. Beams, I, 8" section, 12' 11" long, 18 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 8" section, 14' long, 18 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 8" section, 12' long, 18 lbs. per ft. (216 lbs. in beam). Beams, I, 8" section, 13' long, 18 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 6" section, 15' long, 12.25 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 4" section, 12' long, 7.5 lbs. per ft. (90 lbs. to beam). Beams, I, 10" section, 20' long, 25 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 6" section, 15' long, 12.25 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 6" section, 15' long, 12.25 lbs. per ft. Shearlings, No. 1 Aviation, clipped, lot No. 24. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Wagons, escort, new Blanks, examination, group, alpha. .do. .do. Blanks, examination, group, beta. Gau^, gray, 36", 32 x 28 Stocldngs, wool, heavy, new: Dark-blue color White Light gray Blankets, commercial, wool, new. SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMEE"!. 97 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 9, 1919 do ....do. .do. ....do Oct. 10, 1919.... do Oct. 11, 1919. do Oct. 13, WW- Oct. 7,1919. Oct. 6, 1919. do Oct. 7, 1919. do do Oct. 9, 1919 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Boy Scouts of America, Man- warring Bldg., New London, Conn. Edgar S. Kiefer Tanning Co., Chicago, lU. Barber Leather Co., North Adams, Mass. Max Gorewitz, 46 Branford St., Newark, N. J. Wm. Reichert, & Co., 179 Sum- mer St., Boston, Mass. S. I. Reed & Co., 223 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. do Good Samaritan Hospital, Zanesville, Ohio. do H. W. Kane & Co., 149 Broad- way, New York City. Seflren Scrap Iron & Machinery Co., 213 N. Nalsted St., Chi- cago, 111. Victor Iron Supply Co., 1752 Webster Ave., New York City. Louis Salzinger, 55 Orchard St., New York, N. Y. Seflren Scrap Iron & Machinery Co., 213 N. Nalsted St., Chi- cago, 111. Victor Iron Supply Co., 1762 Webster Ave., New York City. Wilson & Bennett Mfg. Co., 6532 S. Menard Ave., Chicago, 111. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York City. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Oct. 13, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919.. Ohio Valley General Hospital, Wheeling, W. Va. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York City, N. Y. Blankets, commercial, cotton, new. Leather, russet, strap, grade A, lot No. 60. Leather, smoked, elk, sides, grade A, lot No. 88. Leather, smoked elk, sides, grade B, lot No. 89. Leather, russet, strap, backs, grade B, lot No. 147. Leather, russet, strap, backs, grade A, lot No. 38. Leather, russet, sides, lot No. 123J. Leather, russet, strap, backs, grade A, lot No. 146. Leather, russet, strap, sides, grade A, lot No. 65. Leather, russet, strap, sides, grade A, lot No. 72. Leather, russet, bag, sides, grade C, lot No. 84. Leather, finished calfskins, russet, grade B, lot No. 103. Shearlings, lot No. 1 8 Shearlings, lot No. 131 Leather, russet, harness, bai ks, lot No. 14. Leather, russet, harness, batks, lot No. 15. Leather, russet, bridle, sides, lot No. 86. Brooms, com Brushes, scrub Bars, steel, flat, drop-forging, IJ X J" in 8-ft. lengths. Beams, I, 8" section, 17' long, 18 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 4" section, 12' long, 7.5 lbs. per ft. (90 lbs. in beam). Beams, I, 4" section, 12' long, 7.5 lbs. per ft. (90 lbs. to beam). Beams, I, 6" section, 15' long, 12.25 lbs. per ft. Beams, I, 8" section, 15' long, 18 lbs. per ft. Sheets, Bessemer, No. 23 gauge, 354 x 80^", approxi- mately 160 lbs. per bundle. Galatea, red, 28", 3.35, 110x52, lot No. 66. Twill, olive-drab, 66", 1.06, 78 X 39, lot No. 114. Lining, 'raincoat, olive-drab, 36i", 6.35, lot No. 63. Osnaburg, brown, 29", 8-oz., 44 X 28, lot No. 72. Drilling, gray, 29§", 5.07-oz., 84 X 36, lot No. 36. Drill, brown, 39", 9.08-oz., 88 X 40, lot No. 38. Sheeting, gray, 39", 64 X 68, lot No. 87. Sheeting, gray, 38i", 64 X 60, lot No. 97. Tablets, ink, black Tablets, ink, red Sheeting, gray, 36", 2.85, 44 X 48, lot No. 78. 4.00, 6.36, $3.00 1,905.78 3,182.67 6, 677. 82 1,892.07 3,536.17 109. 20 8,646.72 6,434.36 6,178.71 3,381.42 6,978.60 3,032.26 8,517.08 2,698.76 6,330.82 2,420.27 61.84 2.04 437.38 16.4 1,499.40 1,485.00 4,164.42 39.12 10,234.00 1,496.45 21,760.00 2,113.63 1,100.00 1,317.54 3,690.00 22,500.00 11, 100. 00 3.20 1.00 6,626.00 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- 98 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 3899 3900 Oct. 9, 1919 do All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York City, N. Y. do Sheeting, gray, 36", 4.00, 60 X 56, lot No. 88. Sheeting, gray, 36", 4.00, 60 X 56, lot No. 89. Sheeting, gray, 36", 4.00 56 X 60, lot No. 91. Duck, gray, 29", 8-oz., S. F., lot No. 43. Duck, olive-drab, 36i", No. 9, lot No. 53. Drawers, winter, new $1,025.00 615. 00 1,640.00 20, 810. 00 3901 do .. do 1,980.00 22,500.00 3902 Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... Oct. 9, 1919 .. . do 3903 do Stockings, wool, light, new Twill, black, 32", 4.74, 72 x 78, lot No. 103. Duck, gray, 8-oz., 30", S. F.... Osnaburg, brown, 30", 7-oz., 44 X 28, lot No. 68. Galatea, white, 28", 3.35, 110 X 52, lot No. 55. Leather, russet, harness, sides, grade A, lot No. 20. Drill, grav, 37", 6.85, 64 x 40, lot No. 29. Drill, gray, 29 J", 4.00, 70 x 46, lot No. 31. Drill, gray, 55", 1.65, 70 x 44, lot No. 24. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Drill, gray, 50", 1.64, 72 x 50, lot No. 22. Beams, 1, 9", section, 18,i 21 lbs per ft., lot No. 11. Bars, steel, |" x 18' 20, 000. 00 3904 . do 481.00 3905 3906 3907 Oct. 1, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 Yankee Export & Trading Co., 40 W. 23d St., New York City, N. Y. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York City. do 3,190.83 1,720.00 320.00 3908 3909 Oct. 9, 1919 .do Max Gorewitz, 46 Branford St., Newark, N. J. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), New York City, N. Y. . .do 2,230.91 5, 425. 00 32,977.56 28,050.00 660 00 3910 do 3911 do Middleton & Smith, Brook- haven, Miss. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), New York, N. Y. Victor Iron Supply Co., 1752 Webster Ave ., New York City, N.Y. Detrich Bros., Calvert Station, P. R. R., Dehvery, Baltimore, Md. Stemfeld, Weil & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York, N.Y. Through post office, St. Louis.. Through parcel post, Washing- ton, D. C. Organizations 3912 do 55.00 1 290.00 3913 3914 Oct. 7, 1919 do 1, 724. 22 660 00 3915 3916 Sept. 3, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 Oct. 11, 1919 do Leather, backs, russet, strap, 7-8-oz., grade B. Leather, backs, russet, strap, 9-lOi-oz., grade B. Leather, backs, russet, strap, 7-8-oz., grade B. Drilling, brown, 50" 92, 917. 97 49,616.71 248.52 21,200.00 266.66 10, 703. 44 2,465.74 1,365.00 2 200 00 8917 3918 Supplies, subsistence (report from St. Louis for week end- ing Aug. 30, 1919). Supphes, subsistence (report from Washington for week ending Sept. 20, 1919). SuppUes, subsistence (report from St. Louis for week end- ing Aug. 30, 1919). Osnaburg, brown, 26i", 6i-oz., 44x28, lot No. 69.' Twill, oUve-drab, 38",1.79, 90 X 44, lot No. 108. Twill, oUve-drab, 28", 6^oz., 84 X 50, lot No. 107. Bars, steel, cold-rolled, J x \"- 18', 6-8 bars per bundle. Blankets, wool, reclaimed Ambulances, Ford, new and and crated. 3919 do 3920 3921 Oct. 8, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York, N.Y. ...do 3922 Oct. 8, 1919 ....do 24, 637. 11 2,425.50 32,000.00 4, 899. 79 3923 3924 3925 Oct. 7, 1919 Sept. 27, 1919.... Oct. 7, 1919 Victor Iron Supply Co., 1752 Webster Ave., New York, N.Y. Russian Union Consumers' So- ciety, 136 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. The Cuban Government, Maj. Emilie Rousseau, Cuban Army, room 1735, 150 Nassau St., New York City, N. Y. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 99 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 2, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919. do do do Oct. 9, 1919- Aug. 9, 1919. Oct. 13, 1919. do do Oct. 16,1919. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. ....do , Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. Franklin Steel Works, Joilet, III. C. A. Turner (Inc.), Pittsburgh, Pa. Clark Witbeck Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Keith, Simmons & Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. Nixon Hardware Co., Rome, Ga. All Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies (Inc.), 136 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Boston Store, 10 North State St., Chicago, 111. United Shoe Repairing Machine Co., Boston, Mass. do do Municipalities, organizations,and through parcel post. .do. Municipalities and organizations. do Through parcel post do do Municipahties Municipalities and organizations do Municipalities,organizations,and Post Office Department. Through parcel post Mimicipahties and organizations . Municipalities,organizations,and through parcel post. Through Post Offices. Mimicipalities Article. Calks, toe, sharp, Nos. 3, 4, 5. Calks, toe, blunt, No. 2 Calks, toe, blunt, Nos. 3, 4, 5 . Anvils, blacksmith Through parcel post , Hudson City Hospital, Hudson, N. Y. By parcel post..' Municipalities, organizations, and through parcel post. To post offices .do. .do. .do. Twill, bleached, 37", 3.25, X 76, lot No. 116. Grinders, hand Machine, sole-laying. .do. .do. Supplies, subsistence (from At- lanta report for period Sept. 21-27,1919). Supplies, subsistence (from San Antonio report for pe- riod ending Sept. 13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence(from At- lanta report from Sept. 14- 20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Portland report for week ending Sept. 27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Seattle report for week end- ing Sept. 27, 1919). Supphes, subsistence (from San Francisco report for weekending Sept. 27, 1919). Supphes, subsistence (from Los Angeles report for week ending Sept. 21, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Baltimore report for period Sept. 22-27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Boston report for period Sept. 29, to Oct. 4, 1919, Supplies, subsistence (from El Paso report for period Sept. 7-13, 1919). Siipphes, subistence (from St. Louis report as of Sept. 27,1919). Supplies, subsistence (from El Paso report for period Sept. 7-13, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Newport News report for week ending Aug. 30, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Baltimore report from Sept. 15-20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Portland report for week ending Sept. 27, 1919). Supphes, subsistence (from Blatimore report for period Sept. &-14, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from do Blankets, wool, new Supplies, subsistence (from Los Angeles report for week ending Sept. 28, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Baltimore report from Sept. 15-20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from Boston report for week end- ing Oct. 4, 1919). Total sale price. %2, 562. 30 1,215.76 4, 775. 21 10,389.60 105. 00 204. 40 273. 75 2, 448. 00 1,294.80 292. 50 257. 50 279. 20 56, 828. 95 48, 509. 36 37,609.93 3,114.72 15, 659. 80 48,390.13 8, 921. 34 9, 880. 66 22, 141. 67 3, 141. 95 45,746.70 12,661.52 1,024.80 6,531.63 7,392.48 13, 706. 18 30, 719. 56 200. 00 12, 908. 16 4, 698. 40 63,073.68 100 SALE or SUEPLTJS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEKL'VL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PKOPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 16, 1919... do .do. Oct. 14, do. do. do. do. Oct. 13 Oct. 7, Oct. 13 Oct. 11 1919. , 1919. 1919... , 1919. ,1919. Oct. 15, 1919. do Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 8,1919-. Oct. 13, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do , Oct. 10, 1919. ....do Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919. do Oct. 16, 1919. do Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. IS, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Organizations Municipalities and organizations. Through parcel post Vanderbilt University, Nash- ■^-ille, Tenn. Northern Maine General Hos- pital. Eagle Lake, Me. Ohio Vallev General Hospital, Wheeling, ^A^ Va. Mount Sinai Hospital, 1800 E. 105th St., Cleveland, Ohio. H. Kramer, 195 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Strauss Bros., Baltimore, Md — Hannach Bros., 291 S. Main St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Morotock Mfg. Co., Dan^"iIle, Va . Delphi Mills, 297 Church St., New York. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York City. Delplii MiUs, 297 Church St., New York. Jos. Klein Co., 2-20 Astor Place, New York City. Various bidders Article. J. F. Buchanan & Co., 1719 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Smith & Hemenwav Co., 130 Coit St., Irviugton, N. J. Geo. Der Vaigne, Odell, 111 Harry L. Brooks, 1320 Moreno St.", Pensacola, Fla. H. B Ashton, Fresno, Cahf Hetty Bros., 362 ElUs St., San Francisco, CaUf. Gower-Mason Electrical Co. (Ind, Greenville, S. C. Sylvan Telephone Co., Sylvan "Grove, Kans. Louis A Tarr (.Inc.), Baltimore, Md. do Lojer Products Co., 82 Wall St., New York City. Louis A. Tarr (Inc.), Baltimore, Md. do Davis Hunt Collister Co., On- tario and Prospect Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. Huey & Philp Hardware Co., Dallas, Tex. City of Allentown, Allentown, Pa. James Zutton, recorder, Berke- ley, Calif. J. W. Bare, psychological ex- aminer, Wentworth Mihtary Academy, Lexington, Mo. L. A. Atwood, deputy sheriff, San Bernardino, Calif. Grant Hospital 125 S. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. American Red Cross, New Ha- ven Chapter, New Haven, Conn. Various persons E. T. Banks (no address given) . Supplies, subsistence (from Baltimore report for period Sept. S-14, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (from San Francisco for week end- ing Sept. 27, 1919). SuppUes, subsistence (from At- lanta report from Sept. 15- 20, 1919). Blankets, wool, new Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. Blankets, wool, new Blankets, commercial, wool, new, 84x66". Duck, gray, 12.9-oz., 30i" do Oct. 15, 1919... do J.B. William.s (no address given) .do. Denim, blue, 2,20, W. B. .do. Denim, blue, 8-oz., W. B Denim, blue.W. B., 8-oz, firsts Denim, blue, W. B., S-oz., sec- onds. Denim, blue, 26", 2.20, W. B. . . Cloth, cotton, oUve-drab, 33", 8-oz. Wool (sold during period from Aug. 16-Sept. 20). Kits, pocket, electricians' or inspectors'. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Engines, steam, Ajax, 30 h. p.. do Kegs, water, 5-gal. Boilers, steam, locomotive- type. 80 h. p. Cans, ash or garbage, approx- imately 20 x 26". do Material, fencing, erected with watchman's clock system and flood light. Blanks, group examination, alpha. do Cots, steel Towels, huck, new. Towels, bath, new . Wagons, escort , class B Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, wheel . . . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEISTT. 101 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Oct. 16, 1919.... .do. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919- do Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 1,1919... Oct. 18, 1919. do Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. do do Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. do .do. Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. do -do. .do. do. do. do. Various persons . .do. .do. United States Railroad Admin- istration, Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal, 129 Front St., New York City. Ohio Valley General Hospital, Wheeling, W. Va. Reception Hospital, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Rainbow Sanitarium, Rainbow Lake, FrankUn County, New York, N. Y. Columbia County Chapter Red Cross, 410i Warren St., Hud- son, N. Y. Vanderbilt University, Nash- ville, Term. Al. Lamport & Bros., 405 Broad- way, New York City, N. Y. Yankee Export & Trading Co., 40 W. 23d St., New York City, N. Y. L. V. Cavine, West Virginia Uni- versity, Morgantown, W. Va. American Red Cross, New Ha- ven Chapter, New Haven, Conn. Various persons Lewis A. Tarr (Inc.), Baltimore, Md. Siems, Helmers & SchafEner, 514 Guardian Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Interstate Equipment Corpora- tion, Norfolk, Va. Howard F. Grow, 1306 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Queen City Iron Metal Co., Charlotte, N. C. W. T. Adams Machine Co., Corinth, Miss. Keystone Pipe & Supply Co., Butler, Pa. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa . Police commissioners, Balti- more, Md. L. S. Knoek & Co., 188 State St., Hartford, Conn. Westmoreland Public Health Association, Coulter Bldg., Greensburg, Pa. William M. Myers, director de- partment public safety, City Hall, Richmond, Va. Westmoreland Public Health Association, Coulter Bldg., Greensburg, Pa. C. C. Bohn Electric Co., 820 6th Ave., New York, N. Y. J. H. Bunnell & Co., 32 Park Place, New York, N. Y. L. S. Knoek & Co., 188 State St., Hartford, Conn. Article. Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Harness, class B, Harness, class B, Harness, class B, Harness, class B, Pimips, Novo Barnes, with spares packed in case in ac- cordance with order No. 38161. Rope, manila, f , ambulance, wheel, ambulance, lead, ambulance, wheel, ambulance, lead, Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do .do. .do. Duck, bleached, 8-oz., 28". Duck, gray, 8-oz., 30" Blanks, group examination, alpha. Towels, buck, new Harness, ambulance, wheel, class B. Harness, ambulance, lead, class B. Receivers, air, vertical do do .do. Boilers, K. D., lOh. p Boilers, vertical, tubular, 12 h.p. Belting, rubber, 12", 6-ply Belting, rubber, 10", 5-ply . . . . Belting, rubber, 6", 5-ply Belting, rubber, 14", 6-ply Belting, rubber, 10", 5-ply Belting, rubber, 8", 5-ply Belting, rubber, 6", 5-ply- do Belting, rubber, 4". 4-ply Belting, rubber, 2|", 4-ply. . . . Saddles, McClellan, cavalry, model 1904, russett. Cuffs, hand Safes, Army, field. Cuffs, hand. .do. Kits, tool, electricians' . ....do .do. Total sale price. $2, 981. 50 1,601.00 3, 145. 00 1, 425. 00 3,375.00 747.50 500.00 36.00 66.00 72.00 250.00 1,500.00 12, 678. 88 33,002.93 .80 144.00 6, 775. 50 2,837.00 404. 05 287. 24 300. 00 78.50 3,111.75 606. 00 832.00 584.00 368.00 824.00 288.00 696.00 190.00 120. 00 104.00 50.40 40.00 1, 000. 00 21.50 48.00 2.00 30.00 250. 00 1, 000. 00 102 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4027 Oct. 16, 1919 Oct. 21, 1919 Oct. 20,1919 Oct. 14, 1919 Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 16, 1919 Oct. 22, 1919 Oct. 15, 1919 Oct. 3, 1919 Oct. 21, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919 do Eddy Valve Co., Waterford, N. Y Mr. Harry W. Kane, 149 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Dickinson & Radabauch Co., 218 Ave. C, San Antonio, Tex. W. H. Bates, secretary the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Charles H. Elliott, professor of education, Rutgers College, New Brunswick N. J. W. T. Adams Machine Co., Corinth, Miss. Greenlee Bros. & Co., Rock- ford, 111. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. M. Silverman & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. Charles Cohn, 274 Church St., New York, N. Y. Lamport Mnfrs. Supply Co., 507 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Charles Cohn, 274 Church St., New York, N. Y. H. Miller, 69 White St., New York, N. Y. Lamport Mnfr. Supply Co., 507 Broadway, New York, N. Y. M. Silverman & Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Pistorino & Yunes 123-125 Ful- ton St., Boston, Mass. Through Post Office Depart- ment, San Antonio, Tex. By parcel post Lathes, turret 82, 605. 00 3.00 150. 00 3.75 3.75 60.00 36 00 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 Posts, screw, 4' 10" long Press, garment, "Prosperity, 38". Blanks, group examination, alpha. Blanks, group examination, beta. Blanks, group examination, alpha. Machine, balancing 4033 4034 4035 Machine, boring, vertical Leather, russet, harness, sides, grade B, lot No. 18. Leather, russet, harness, backs, lot No. 1. Leather, russet, harness, backs, grade B, lot No. 2. Leathr, russet, harness, backs. lot No. 5. Leather, russet, harness, backs, lot No. 10. Leather, russet, harness, backs, lot No. 11. Leather, russet, harness, backs, lot No. 17. Melton, olive-drab, 16-oz., 54- 56". ..do 600.00 105, 807. 63 19,208.19 45,182.60 2,938.42 12,004.35 16, 215. 06 24, 093. 90 297,500.00 21, 000. 00 5,854.95 32,365.80 48 453 60 4036 4037 Twill, olive-drab, 29", 5J-oz., 75 X 42. Twill, olive-drab, 30", 5-oz., 75 X 36. Denim, brown, 2.40 4038 do 19,500.00 1,739.40 6, 512. 50 22, 500. 00 168. 75 17,052.66 8, 108. 24 10 741 51 4039 Oct. 20, 1919 Sept. 24, 1919.... Oct. 3, 1919 Sept. 29, 1919.... Oct. 22, 1919 do Cloth, Terry. 30" Cloth Terry, 36" 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 Sateen, rubberized, 50-51" Shirting, flannel, 66", 9 J-oz Almonds, Jordan, sugar-coated, all i-oz., 1-oz., ^-oz., and 2- oz. packages: items 1, 2, 4, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Supplies, subsistence (report from San Antonio for period ending Sept. 27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Los Angeles for week ending Sept. 28, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Boston for week end- ing Sept. 6, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Oct. 4, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from New Orleans for week ending Sept. 27, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (report from Philadelphia for week ending Oct. 4, 1919). do 4045 do Post offices 26, 832. 72 4046 do 4047 do do 41 n4.S fifl 4048 do do 302 377 14 Oct. 16, 1919 Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 14,1919 Oct. 7, 1919 Post offices 7, 383. 26 215.00 4049 Kemp Macliinery Co., Balti- more, Md. Minneapolis Army & Navy Store, Minneapolis, Minn. H. W. Kane & Co., 149 Broad- way, New York City. Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa. Saw, hack 4050 4051 Buckets, canvas, collapsible, capacity 2^ gals., olive-drab cotton duck. Kegs, water, 5-gal 105. 00 5.60 4052 Brushes, scrub 36.72 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 103 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— Continued . Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 23, 1919.. Oct. 20, 1919. do Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919.. Oct. 23, 1919. do Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 1,1919.. . Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. do....... do Oct. 21, 1919. do Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919.. do Oct. 22, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919.. Oct. 22, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 21, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... do :.. Oct. 3, 1919... Oct. 22, 1919.. do Sept. 22, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919.. S. C. Sugarman, 35 Nassau St., New York City. Moses Taylor Hospital, Scran- ton, Pa. State Training School, Planking- ton, S. Dak. Chas. Cohen, 274 Church St., New York City. Thompson & Kelly, 161 Sum- mer St., Boston, Mass. The Lamport Mnf'rs. Supply Co., 507 Broadway, New York City. St. Lukes Hospital, Davenport, Iowa. do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. Riverside Coal Co., Worcester, Mass. Henry D. Shuldiner, 319 E. 53d St., New York City. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York. M. Lowenstein & Sons (Inc.), 40 W. 23d St., New York City. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York. Strauss, Bros., 109 Hopkins Place, Baltimore, Md. Henrv D. Shuldiner, 319 E. 53d St.,' New York City. do .do. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York City. do Union of Siberian Creamery As- sociations, 280 Broadway, New York City. District engineer, post office building. New London, Conn. do Panama Canal Purchasing De- partment, Washincton, D. C. H. Miller & Co., 59 White St., New York City. Luther S. Pajme, Piedmont, S. C. George R. Bliss, Silver Spring, Md. Railway Administration Re- gional Purchasing Committee, Roanoke, Va. H. Miller, 59 White St., New York. W. Shanhouse & Sons, Rockford, ni. Hannach Bros., 291 S. Main St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Newark Uniform Mfg. Co., 86 8th Ave., Newark, N. J. Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York. do Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. S. C. Sugarman, 35 Nassau St., New York City. Brushes, scrub Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do Gauze, 36", 32 x 28 Osnaburg, olive-drab, 30", 5.4- oz. Osnaburg, brown, 8-oz., 28J". Table, glass top, used Cabinet, for instruments and dressings, used. Carriage, ward dressing Racks',' for bedpans and urinals. Tables, bedside, iron, with shelf, used. Frames for folding bed screens, used. Table, Hawley Stands, irrigator, used Stands, basin, single, used Stands, basin, double, used. . . Denim, brown, 2.20 Jean, corset, gray, 39", 3.00, 96 X 64. Duck, bleached, 27", 7.25-oz., 80 X 27. Duck, Khaki, 8.42, 28^", 54 x 41. Duck, gray, shelter tent, 35", 1.90. Duck, gray, shelter tent, 35" . . Duck, gray, shelter tent, 1.90, 35". Osnaburg, gray, 30", 8-oz., 40 X 30. Drilling, gray, 56", 10-oz., 66 X 44. Drilling, gray, 53", 16-oz., 66 X 50. Sheeting, olive-drab, 4.00,36J". Melton, olive-drab, 56-58", 20- oz., unshrunk. Engines, hoisting, 9 x 10", 3- drum. Derrick, Stiffleg, 5-ton, com- plete. Nails, 16d Sateen, rubberized, olive-drab, 50-52", 29-oz., 100 x 64. Outfits, Hercules, wood-saw- ing. do Beams, I, 5" section, 9' long, 9.75 lbs. per ft. Drilling, gray, 61", 10-oz., 48 x 66. Denim, blue, 2.40, W. B Denim, blue, 28", 2.40, W. B.. Melton, olive-drab, 20-oz Duck, bleached, 44", 7-oz., 88 x 30. Duck, bleached, 48", 8-oz., 88 X 31. Duck, gray, 35}", 1.90, shelter tent. Duck, gray, 35", shelter tent.. $3,500.00 200. 00 110.00 3, 169. 26 18,762.35 1,700.00 1.00 45.00 22.00 9.00 7.20 28.00 23.40 2.50 15.00 16.00 2,922.66 16,002.81 7,811.04 55,635.08 37,175.04 15,500.00 31,000.00 3,741.54 11,708.25 15, 681. 60 20, 950. 95 248,395.50 3,493.00 1,930.00 151.80 7,500.00 151.50 151.50 1,146.54 6,172.40 1,784.80 223. 10 6,125.00 947.54 21,319.75 91,450.00 93,000.00 104 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 25, 1919. do Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 25, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919., .....do Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919.. do , Oct.20, 1919- ....do Oct. 23, 1919. ....do Oct. 26, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. .do. ..do .do. .do. Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 13, 1919. James C. DeVoss, director, Kan- sas State Normal School, Em- poria, Kans. Robert M. Yerkes, chairman, Research Information Service, 1201 16th St., Washington, D. C. Leonard Outhwaite, Bureau of Industrial Research, 289 4th Ave., New York City. J. W. Field, AVashington Mis- sionary College, department of psychology, Washington, D. C. C. W. Richards, supt. Ardmore city schools, Ardmore, Okla. Various persons .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. United States Endneer Depart- ment, Charleston, S. C. Sigmund Eisner Co., Red Bank, N.J. do Thompson & Kelly, 161 Sum- mer St., Boston, Mass. Metropolitan Hospital Supply Co., New York City. Freidman Bros., 330 Pearl St., New York. W. W. Reid, 235 W. Lake St., Chi-ago, III Huron Chemi'^al Co., 51 Bergen St., BrooVlyn, N. Y. Sidney Tanning Co., Sidney, Ohio. The Tom Padgitt Co., Waco, Tex. H. V. Bretney Co., 220 E. Main St., Springfield, Ohio. .do. The Tom Padgitt Co., Waco, Tex. C. A. Hilllard, State ranger, Asherton, Tex. Chester County Hospital, West Chester, Pa. University Hospital, Augusta, Ga. Blanks, examination, group, alpha. Blanks, examination, group, beta. Blanks, examination, group, alpha. do .do. Harness, ambulance, class B: Wheel Lead Harness, ambulance, class B: Wheel Lead Harness, ambulance, class B, lead. Harness, ambulance, class B: Wheel Lead Harness, ambulance, class B: Wheel Lead Harness, ambulance, class A: Wheel Lead Pump, engine, Novo, gas, in- cluding s^are '^arts. Melton, " olive-drab, 56-58", 20 oi., all wool. ....do Osnaburg, brown, 31", 3.10.. . Osnaburg, brown, 28.5", 8-o3. Osnaburg, gray, 7-oz., 38 x 31 . Leather, russet, strap, sides, grade B, lot No. 63. Leather, various kinds Camphor, powdered Leather, russet, strap, backs, grade B, lot No. 39. Leather, russet, strap, sides, grade B, lot No. 50. Leather, russet, strap, grade B, lot No. 68. Leather, russet, harness, grade C, lot No. 19. Leather, russet, harness, grade B, lot No. 21. Leather, russet, harness, grade C, lot No. 22. Leather, rawhide, lace, sides, lot No. 112. Leather, rawhide, lace, backs, lot No. 113. Leather, shearlings, tannery run, lot No. 136. Leather, russet, bridle, backs, grade light, lot No. 87. Leather, russet, bridle, backs, lot No. 111. T eather, russet, strap, grade A, lot No. 51. T eather, russet, strap, grade B, lot No. 59. Handcuffs Talbets, ink: Black.... Red Tablets, ink: Black.... Red SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 105 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 14, 1919. 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 .do. .do. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 31, 1919. ....do do do do Foxborough State Hospital, Foxborough, Mass. West Side Hospital Association, JaoV-son St. and Gromley Ave., Seranton, Pa. Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa. City of Milwaukee, "Wis Officers, soldiers, and Govern- ment employees. Municipalities By parcel post Post offices, municipal ities- do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Post Office Department, nicipalities. Post offices, municipalities. Municipalities do Post offices, municipalities. Municipalities and organizations. Charitable institutions Through parcel post do Oct. 24, 1919.. Oct. 29, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919. Oct. 25, 1919.. ....do , Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 11, 1919. Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. Metropolitan Hospital Supply Co., 24 E. 21st St., New York. Mitchell & Co., Haverhill Mass. . Metropolitan Hospital Supply Co., 24 E. 21st St., New York City. do S. W. Long Textile Co., 60 Worth St., New York Citv. H. P. Ayer, 68 High St., Boston, Universal Trading Co., 230 5th Ave., New York City. H. Kramer, 105 Summer St., Boston, Mass. The Atlas Textile Co., 291 Broad- wav, New York Citv. Martin M. Gragdv, 334 W. 19th • St., New York City. C. A. S. Products Co. of Michi- gan, 790 Woodward Ave., De- troit, Mich. Wm. F. Johnson Lumber Co., 19th St., and Monon R. R., Indianapolis, Ind. J. K. Love, care of Fort Stanwix Hotel, Johnstown, Pa. North American Textile Mnlrs. Exports Association. Cans, ash or garbage: Approximately 21 x 25i". . Approximately 18 x 25" . . . Cans, ash or gavbage: Approximately 21 x 25i".. Approximately 18 x 25" . . . Cans, ash or garbage: Approximately 21 x 25i".. Approximately 18 x 25" . . . Brooms, street or stable, push, with handles. Supplies subsistence (cover- ing Sept. 1,2,5). Supplies, subsistence (for Sept. 1-6, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 20, 1919). do do Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 27, 1919). do Supplies, subsistence (for period Sept. 6-13, 1919, in- clusive). do Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 13, 1919). do. Supplies, subsistence (for week ending Sept. 20, 1919). do Supplies, subsistence (for Sept. 9-15, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence (for period Sept. 2-8, inclusive). Supplies, subsistence ffor week ending Sept. 16, 1919). do Supplies, subsistence (for Sept. 20, 1919). Supplies, subsistence ffor week ending Oct. 11, 1919). Supplies, subsistence (for weekending Oct. 4, 1919). Jean, corset, bleached, 37", 3.00. Flannel, outing, light stripe, 36", 3.50. do Drilling, gray, 63". 10-oz Drilluig, gray, 36", 2.45, 68 x 42. Cloth, convalescent, 30", 9-oz.. Shearlings, nat. bark, Rhode Island selection, lot No. 31. Sheeting, gray, 36", 3.00, 44 x 48. Sateen, rubberized, olive- drab, 50" and 52", 29-0/;., 100 X 64. Drilling, gray, 58", 97, 70 x 40. . Bobbinette, gray, 72" Steel bars, cold-rolled, round and hexagonal: h", round I", round , I", round I", roimd Kits, tool, electrical , Bridles, cavalry, model 1909. . . Melton, olive-drab, 56-58", unshrunk, type A, all wor- sted, lot No. 1. 106 SALE OF SUKPLTJS SUPPLIES B'V THE WAR DEPARTMEIfT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 25, 1919. Oct. 24, 1919- Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 23,1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do , do do ....do do , do do do Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Oct. 3, 1919... Sept. 25, 1919. Oct. 14, Oct. 20, Oct. 21, Oct. 27, Oct. 30, do. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do. .do. .do. do. Oct. 24, Oct. 29, Oct. 28, do. Oct. 27, Oct. 24, Oct. 31, do. Oct. 28, Oct. 29, 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do. Oct. 28, 1919. do Oct. 29, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. Name and address of buj'er. Merrill Textile Co., 68 Essex St., Boston, Mass. J. K. Love, care of Ft. Stanwix Hotel, Johnstown, Pa. Union of Siberian Creamery Associations, 280 Broadway, New Yorli City. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. District engineer, United States engineer's office, customhouse, Charleston, S. C. M. Lowenstein & Sons (Inc.), 40 W. 23d St., New York City. H. Miller, 59 WUte St., New York City. Lamport Mnfr. Supply Co.. 507 Broadway, New York City. Lansburgh & Bros., "Washing- ton, D. C. M. Silverman & Son, 601 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. Universal Trading Co., 230 6th Ave.. New York City. Anchor Leather Co., Chicago,IlI. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. . . Commonwealth of Peimsyl- vania. Committee of Public Safety and Defense, Walt. S. Greevy, superintendent, 205 Commerce Bldg, Altoona, Pa. Dinkins-Davidson Hardware Co., Atlanta, Ga. Jesse T. Peck, police depart- ment, care of police station, Evansville, Ind. Department of Public Safety, Henry B. Grevey, director, Hamilton, Ohio. City of Gary, police department, Gary, Ind. H. W. Kane & Co., 149 Broad- way, New York City. M. T. Blassingham & Co., Nor- folk, Va. D. T. George, Piedmont, S. C. J. D. Sherrcian, Piedmont, S. C. . Col. C. A. McKenny, Washing- ton, D. C. Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. The Hazelton Mills, 152 Worces- ter St., New York City. do Strauss Bros., Baltimore, Md. . Wallace Jenkins, D. G., Oppen- heim, Dallas, Tex. do Strauss Bros., 109 Hopkins Place, Baltimore, Md. do Wallace Jenkins, D. G., Oppen- heim, Dallas, Tex. Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York City. Article. Flannel, outing, blue stripe, 36', 3.50. Saddles, McClellan, cavalry, model 1904. Melton, olive-drab, 20-oz ....do do ....do do do do ....do do do do do do Melton, olive-drab, unshrunk, 56-58 '. Carts, hand, new Denim, brown, 2.40. .do. Denim, brown, 2.40, W. B... Denim, brown, 2.40 Denim, brown, 2.20, W. B. . . Denim, brown, 2.20 Denim, olive-drab, 8-oz Shirting, flannel, olive-drab, 56", 9i-oz. Sateen, warp, gray, 56", 1.25, 108 X 60. Sheeting, gray, 40", 2.55, 44 X 48. Leather, calfskins, rawhide... Kits, tool, electrical Anvils Handcuils . .do. do Bolts, shoe, sleigh Sawing outfit, wood, Hercules. .do. .do. .do. Generator sets, gas and elec- tric, 115-volt, 2-wire. Duck, bleached, &-oz., 80 x 28. Duck, gray, 8-oz, 76 x 28. . Duck, gray, 8-oz., 28-30". Duck, gray, 8-oz., 29" . Duck, gray, 8-oz.,,29", 74 x 29, S F Duck, gray, 8-oz., 29^', 31 x 42. Duck, gray, 8-oz., 30", 78 x 28. Duck, 35i", 8J-0Z., gray, 60 x 60, S. F. Duck, gray, 18-oz., 36" Total sale price. $23,500.00 120. 00 22, 792. 00 68,651.00 34, 280. 00 56,992.25 17,618.00 11,281.00 29, 453. 25 288,985.50 3, 193. 50 44,187.75 40, 870. 75 11,265.75 49, 354. 50 161,604.50 36.00 336,413.03 3, 118. 44 468. 88 12,916.51 1,698.69 10, 784. 76 12,453.25 112. 50 4, 525. 89 205. 92 45,223.82 2.50 37.50 1,679.00 12.00 10.00 24.00 10,526.12 151.50 151. 50 151.50 151. 50 17, 860. 00 90, 728. 00 18, 435. 12 26,237.51 4, 559. 94 24,666.07 558. 13 11,656.94 7,269.55 3,780.00 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAH DEPARTMENT. 107 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 28, 1919. ....do 6150 5151 Oct. 30, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919. do Oct. 29, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. do Oct. 29, 1919. do Oct. 30, 1919. Oct. 29, 1919. do .do. S115 Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 24, 1919.... Oct. 30, 1919.... Oct. 23, 1919.... Oct. 24, 1919.... Oct. 14, 1919.-.. Julys, 1919... July 11, 1919.. June 10, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919. June 16, 1919.. Aug. 14, 1919., July 8, 1919... Aug. 23, 1919.. June 25, 1919., Julys, 1919... June 25, 1919. July 23, 1919.. June 25, 1919. June 20, 1919. May 23, 1919.. May 21. 1919.. June 30, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Aug. 25, 1919. do Sept. 22, 1919... Sept. 18, 1919... do Sept. 27, 1919... Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... July 3, 1919.., Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Strauss Bros., Baltimore, Md . . ....do Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., New York City. ....do Phoenix Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md. Wallace Jenkins, D. G., Oppen- heim, Dallas, Tex. Charles Cohen, 274 Church St., Dallas, Tex. Atlas Textile Co., room 1904, 291 Broadway, New York City. do Merrill Textile Co., 68 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Columbia Hat Co., 588 Broad- way, New York City. do B. Flaumenbaum, 297 Church St., New York City. do General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Third Avenue Ry. Co., 2396 3d Ave., New York City. A. B. Wells, 411 E. 6th St., An- niston, Ala. Stone Bros. & Co., 1501 Polk St., Chicago, 111. Henry Evers Mfg. Co., St. Loui';, Mo. A. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Win.ston-Salem, N. C. Red Cross ...do ....do ...do ....do ....do... ...dff do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. Knights of Columbus, .-..do , ....do.... Red Cross. do.... do.... do.... .do. .do- .do. Knights of Columbus. .do. .do. Article. Duck, khaki, 28i", 8.42, 54 x 32- Duck, khaki, 29", 8.25-oz., 54 x 40. Duck, khaki, 36", 15-oz., No. 10. Duck, olive-drab, shelter tent, 1.92,68x56. Duck, olive-drab, shelter tent, 8-oz., 33" 62 X 52, seconds. Flannel, outing, blue stripe, 36", 3.50. Flannel, outing, light stripe, 36", 3.50. Jeans, gray, 27", 4.00, 60 x 90. . Drilling, gray, 56", 1.60, 46 x 64- Silesia, sub. olive-drab sheet- ing, seconds, 36". 3.25. Denim, blue, 8-oz, W. B Denim, blue, 2.20, W. B., firsts. Denim, blue, 2.20, W. B Denim, blue, 2.45, double and twist, firsts. Smith Hogg "Mass." Denim, blue, 2.45, double and twist, seconds, Smith Hogg "Mass." Generator set. gas and electric, 220-volt, 2-wire. Generator set, gasoline electric, 25-kw., 115-volt. Angles, steel, soft, 5 x 3 x ■^" . . Plates, steel, soft, 6,000 pieces, 37.75 X 10xtreg Sam Houston, Tex... Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D.C.... Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 Coliunbus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind Los Angeles, Calif New Orleans, La Philadelphia, Pa New York City Omaha, Nebr Pittsbiu-gh, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex... San Francisco, Calif.. Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. Chicago, HI Columbus, Ohio Denver, Colo El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind — New Orleans, La Newport News, Va. . NewYork, N. Y Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex... Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo , St. Paul, Minn , Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass , Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 Columbus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich , El Paso, Tex Article. Miscellaneous materials. -QO -do .do .do -do .do .do -do -do -do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do .do -do. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do -do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do -do .do .do .do -do .do -do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do ..do -do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Total sale price. $29, 20, 28, SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 115 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Oct. 16, 1919 . Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Jeffersonville, Ind — Los Angeles, Calif — New Orleans, La Newport News, Va . . NewYorlr, N. Y Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia^, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex... San Francisco, Calif.. Seattle, Wash St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C — Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 CoUunbus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeflersonville, Ind — Los Angeles, Calif New Orleans. La Newport News, Va. . New York, N. Y Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex... San Franicsco, Calif. . Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass , Charleston, S. C , Chicago, 111 Colimibus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeflersonville, Ind . . . Los Angeles, Calif. . . New Orleans, La Newport News, Va.. Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa PortlarCd, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex. . Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S.C Chicago, 111 Columbus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeflersonville, Ind... Los Angeles, Calif. . . New Orleans, La New York, N.Y.... Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex. . San Francisco, Calif. Schenectady, N. Y. . Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... Article. Miscellaneous materials, do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Total sale price. 592.54 285. 14 387. 66 852. 03 882. 10 701.50 088. 73 964.28 196.73 539. 32 754.61 566.63 012.00 073. 88 489. 14 991.30 481. 32 060.05 183.46 160. 20 525.60 928. 13 737.97 180.91 175.75 610. 02 871.15 684. 49 373.83 590.79 345.44 331.14 721.93 376.03 049. 29 711.00 722. 50 261. 15 557. 70 407. 89 ; 057. 26 796.25 ,074.09 070.04 ,761.68 701.67 ,412.26 053.42 :, 504. 01 , 827. 92 :,702.30 i, 153. 95 200. 82 509. 53 ; 821. 81 ,114.05 i, 171. 95 066.00 ,212.51 ,643.84 1,298.87 ,242.65 i, 414. 20 1,239.55 ,803.52 070.74 234.40 610.56 i', 302. 69 ,282.90 650.96 480.06 i; 146. 50 041.84 313. 22 776.19 ,338.37 157.00 i; 549. 75 935.17 112.00 '.344.24 116 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 10 Oct. 21, 1919 Oct. 22, 1919 Oct. 23, 1919 Oct. 24,1919 Atlanta, Ga Miscellaneous materials do $32, !«i - in Baltimore, Md 7 35 6 4 1 18 5 9 4 33 3 5 17 17 14 29 5 8 30 4 7 37 5 23 18 17 13 5 10 2 37 10 15 17 10 10 4 26 11 2 17 8 36 5 13 6 9 16 6 10 1 33 2 6 23 18 10 15 4 10 4 3 10 37 6 22 6 7 16 6 8 1 25 3 11 19 9 8 568 45 do 984. 78 Charleston, S. C do 804 54 Denver, Colo do 629.20 El Paso, Tex do 386 93 Jeffersonville, Ind do 126.31 Los Angeles, Calif . ..do 814.01 New Orleans, La do 028. 31 Newport News, Va do 315 46 NewYork, N. Y do 252 00 Omaha, Nebr .do 738. 11 Philadelphia, Pa do 237.51 Pittsburgh, Pa do 658.75 Portland, Ore? do 645. 52 Sam Houstonl^Tex do 898. 56 San Francisco, Calif do 333. 85 do 967.00 Seattle, Wash do 127 35 St. Louis, Mo do 610. 58 Washington, D. C do 227 48 11 Baltimore, Md do 552. 85 do 313 47 Charleston, S. C do 098. 14 Chicago, 111 do 712. 83 Columbus, Ohio do 757.42 Detroit, Mich do 891.96 El Paso, Tex . . do 769.97 Jeffersonville, Ind do 392. 76 Los Angeles, Calif . do 608. 61 New Orleans, La do 289. 36 Newport News, Va ..do 130.03 New York, N. Y do 694. 95 Philadelphia, Pa ..do 225.23 Pittsburgh, Pa do 676. 74 Portland, Oreg ..do 541.81 Sam Houston, Tex do 021.36 San Francisco, Calif ..do 768. 73 Schenectady, N. Y do 989.00 St Louis, Mo ..do 403.12 St Paul, Minn do 432.00 ..do 985. 78 12 do 083.71 do 818. 02 Boston, Mass do 901.94 Charleston, S. C ..do 583. 85 do 370. 03 Coliunbus, Ohio ..do 420.74 Detroit, Mich do 469. 82 El Paso, Tex ..do 864.79 Jefiersonville, Ind do 287. 14 Los Angeles, Calif . ..do 459.02 do 855. 46 ....do 900.17 NewYork, N.Y do 064.25 Omaha, Nebr do 610. 24 Philadelphia, Pa .do 879. 19 Pittsburgh, Pa do 458. 20 Portland, Oreg ..do 500.67 Sam Houston," Tex do 488.65 San Francisco, Calif do 325. 16 . ..do 882.00 Seattle Wash do 474. 76 St Paul, Minn ....do 440.00 Washington, D. C ..do 402. 52 13 ....do 842.78 . . do 626.97 Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 do 719. 69 . ..do 287.25 Columbus, Ohio .do 658. 55 Detroit, Mich do 206.07 El Paso, Tex . ..do 785. 89 do . 154.69 do 807.64 New Orleans, La . ..do 170. 47 Newport News. Va do 481.26 NewYork,N.Y ....do 986.46 Omaha, Nebr . ..do 234.34 Philadelphia, Pa do 278.44 Portland, Oreg . ..do 177.17 Sam Houston, Tex ..do 125. 59 San Francisco, Calif do 385.97 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 117 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 13 Oct. 24, 1919... 14 Oct. 25, 1919. Oct. 26, 1919. Oct. 28.1919. Oct. 29, 1919. Schenectady, N. Y. . Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... Atlanta, Ga.: Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S.C Chicago, 111 Columbus, Ohio D etroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind.. . Los Angeles, Calif. . . New Orleans, La Newport News, Va. . New York, N.Y.... Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex. . San Francisco, Calif. Schenectady, N. Y.. Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C. . Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S.C Chicago, 111 Columbus, Ohio Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind. . . Los Angeles, Calif New Orleans, La Newport News, Va. . New York City , Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Sam Houston, Tex. . San Francisco, Calif., Schenectady, N. Y. . . Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... Portland, Oreg Atlanta, Ga , Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, ni , Colimibus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind... Los Angeles, Ca'if... New Orleans, La Newport News, Va.. New York City , Omaha, Nebr Philadelphia, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex. . . San Francisco, Calif. . Schenectady, N. Y . . . Seattle, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, ni Columbus, Ohio Miscellaneous materials, .do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., -do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., -do., -do., .do., -do., .do., -do., .do., .do., -do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. 118 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DH^ISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 17 Oct. 29, 1919.... Oct. 30,1919 Oct. 31,1919 Nov. 1,1919 Detroit, Mich Miscellaneous materials do $8, 670. 03 E! Paso, Tex 1, 407. 65 do 14, 579. 70 Los Angeles, Calif do 9, 530. 39 do 13,921.36 Ne\\'poi"t News, Va do 1, 082. 42 New York City do 34, 052. 24 do 2, 095. 68 11,123.64 Phi'adelpliia. Pa do Pittsburgh. Pa do 1,592.03 17, 196. 20 Portland, Ores do do 10,091.60 San Francisco, Ca if do 9,537.09 3,424.00 Schenectady, N. Y do Seattle, Wash do 12, 293. 71 St. Louis, Mo do 27, 090. 46 St. Paul, Minn do 5, 750. 00 18 Atlanta, Ga do 14, 237. 94 do 7, 120. 91 Boston, Mass do 46, 538. 45 Charleston, S. C Chicaso, 111 do 8,863.25 do. 12,482.92 do 5, 675. 73 do 9,584.41 D etroit , Ikfich do 8,081.24 El Paso, Tex do 1,329.15 do 13, 206, 43 do 13,610.11 New Orleans, La do 23,320.91 do 907.53 New York City do 37, 153. 33 Omaha, Nebr do 2, 688. 38 Philadelphia, Pa do 6, 194. 84 Pittsburgh, Pa do 26, 668. 12 do 16, 095. 33 do 15, S34. 47 Schenectady, N. Y do 6, 016. 00 Seattle, "Wash do 16,795.37 St. Louis, Mo do 25,493.16 St. Paul, Minn do 6,010.00 Washington, D. C do 6,360.62 19 Atlanta, Ga do 16,025.32 BaHimore, Md do 7, 019. 91 do 42,540.76 Charleston, S. C do 6, 183. 95 Chicago, 111 do 23,514.26 do 5,858.38 do 3,938.22 do 6, 290. 54 El Paso, Tex do 2,072.17 do 11,817.98 do 889.34 do 57,508.72 do 1,503.61 New York City do 40,365.25 PhiladelpWa, Pa . ... do 11,368.20 Pittsbiu-gh, Pa do 13,335.50 do 14, 110. 76 Sam Houston, Tex ..do 11, 710. 50 do 12, 008. 03 do 5, 963. 00 St. Louis, Mo do 21, 034. 55 Washington, D. C .. do 4, 040. 91 20 do 18,006.92 do 4,977.37 .. do 44, 968. 61 Charleston, S. C do 5, 803. 07 Chicago, 111 do 23,883.30 ...do 3,942.74 do 3,576.27 D etroit, Mich do 5,598.00 El Paso, Tex do 911. 17 do 10,572.42 do 9,858.14 do 9,686.33 . do 2,054.00 do 35,755.85 do 2,487.32 Pittsburgh, Pa ... ... do 9,968.28 do 10,551.96 7,467.57 San Francisco, Calif SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 119 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 20 Nov. 1, 1919. Nov. 1, 1919. 22 Nov. 4, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. Nov. 6, 1919. Schenectady, N. Y . . . Seattle, Wash , St. Louis, Mo , Washington, D. C At'anta, Ga BaKimore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, III Columbus, Ohio Denver, Co'o Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex JefFersonville, Ind... Los Ange'es, Ca'if. . . Newport News, Va. . New York City Phi'ade'phia, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex.. San Francisco, Ca'if. Schenectady, N. Y . . St. Louis, Mo St. Pau',Minn Washington, D. C... At'anta, Ga Ba'timore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 Co'umbas, Ohio Denver, Co'o Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind... Los Angeles, Ca if... New Orleans, La Newport News, Va.. New York City Phi'ade'phia, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa Port'and, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex.. San Francisco, Ca'if. Schenectady, N.Y.. Seatt'e, Wash St. Louis, Mo St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C... At'anta, Ga Ba timore, Md Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Chicago, III Columbus, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex Jeffersonville, Ind... Los Ange es, Ca if. . . New Or:eans, La Newport News, Va.. New York City Omaha, Nebr Pliilade phia. Pa — Pittsburgh, Pa Portland, Oreg Sam Houston, Tex.. Schenectady, N. Y.., St. Louis, Mo , St. Paul, Minn , Washineton, D. C Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass , Charleston. S. C , Chicago, 111 Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich El Paso, Tex , Jeffersonville, Ind Los Angeles, Calif. . . Miscellaneous materials. do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .flo., .f'o., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do. .do.. 120 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. -Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 24 Nov. 6, 1919 Nov. 7, 1919 Nov. 8, 1919 Nov. 10, 1919.... New Orleans, La Miscellaneous materials do $12, 203. 89 1,316.45 Newport News Va New York City do 59, 243. 06 6,403.43 Omaha, Nebr do Philadelphia, Pa do 17, 372. 34 Pittsburgh, Pa do 14, 913. 25 Portland, Oreg do . . 12,901.05 Sam Houston, Tex do 10, 738. 91 San Francisco, Calif do 8,349.32 Schenectady N. Y do 5, 161. 34 Seattle, Wash do 25, 687. 28 St. Louis, Mo do 26,248.32 St. Paul, ilinn .. . do 8,056.00 Washin<;ton, D. C do 3,088.29 25 Atlanta, Ga .. . do ... ... 159, 565. 34 Baltimore, Md do 6, 686. 20 Boston, Mass do 38,614.28 Buffalo, N.Y .... do 22, 123. 56 Charleston S. C . . do 33, 754. 71 Chicago, HI do 15, 799. 76 Columbus, Ohio . . do 4,955.28 Denver, Colo do 2, 653. 88 Detroit, Mich do 10, 375. 35 El Paso, Tex .... do 1,042.30 Jeffersonville, Ind do 7, 637. 99 Los An-'eles, Calif .... do 18, 267. 16 New Orleans, La . . do 10,425.23 Newport Nevs, Va .... do 1, 343. 23 NewYorkCity . do 26, 847. 25 Omaha, Nebr do .. . 2, 818. 00 Philadelphia, Pa . do 21,018.21 90.17 Pittsburgh, Pa do Portland, Oreg . . do 12,815.97 Sam Houston, Tex do 11,509.86 San Francisco, Calif .... do 6, 187. 76 Schenectady, N. Y do 9, 124. 69 Seattle, Wash ... do 48, 812. 76 St. Louis, Mo do 95, 379. 02 St. Paul, Minn do 12,261.00 3, 416. 17 Washington, D. C do 26 Atlanta, Ga do 22, 586. 77 Baltimore, Md do 6, 766. 63 Boston, Mass do 48,541.73 Buffalo, N. Y do 13, 782. 38 Charleston, S. C do 9, 603. 99 Chicago, 111 do 18, 604. 30 Columbus, Ohio ... do 5, 725. 77 Denver, Colo do 4,137.67 Detroit, Mich ... do 11,138.58 El Paso, Tex . do 755. 36 Jeffersonville, Ind ... do 15,221.55 Los Angeles, Calif . . do 11,771.02 New Orleans, La do 9, 165. 75 Newport Ne^s, Va " . . do 2, 107. 85 New York City do 25,204.45 Omaha, Nebr ... do 1,992.63 Philadelphia, Pa do 15,439.08 Pittsburgh Pa .... do 3,254.99 Portland, Oreg .. do 63, 718. 66 Sam Houston, Tex ... do 10,316.77 San Francisco, Calif . do 7, 888. 27 Schenectady, N. Y do 6, 942. 87 Seattle, Wash do 21, 700. 98 St. Louis, Mo . . do. 28, 236. 95 6, 989. 16 St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. .... do ! 3,547.62 27 Atlanta, Ga . . do 19, 243. 28 Baltimore, Md.. do 6,497.15 Boston, Mass do 34,183.72 Buffalo,N.Y ... do 10, 625. 82 Charleston. S. C . do 10,617.22 22,300.28 10, 466. 49 3, 957. 64 Chicaffo, 111 do do Denver, Colo do Detroit, Mich . . do 15, 890. 77 El Paso, Tex do 1, 176. 50 do 62, 682. 03 Los Angeles, Calif do 17,903.44 New Orleans, La do 10, 574. 48 Newport News, Va do 1,611.80 New York City do 33,383.14 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 121 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— RETAIL STORES— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 27 Nov. 10,1919-... Nov. 3, 1919 Nov. 11, 1919.... Miscellaneous materials .... rlo . . $2, 556. 86 Philadelphia, Pa 56, 436. 07 .... do 23,097.87 Sam Houston, Tex do 9, 152. 79 San Francisco, Calif .... do 15,415.23 Schenectady, N. Y do 5, 258. 49 Seattle, Wash do 17,490.68 do 30, 500. 84 St. Paul, Minn do 11,614.17 Washington, D. C . . do 3,053.77 28 .. . do 18, 980. 49 do 5,998.42 Boston Mass do 39, 623. 42 Charleston, S. C .... do 6, 559. 65 Chicago 111 do 20,202.40 . . do 13,885.93 do 4,578.08 . . do 14,993.08 El Paso, Tex do 1,377.64 JefEersonvOle, Ind do 12, 766. 63 ... do 20, 408. 31 New Orleans, La do 14,711.90 New York City . . do 62, 822. 40 Newport News, Va do 1,444.91 Philadelphia, Pa . . do 19, 358. 34 Pittsbiugh. Pa do 19, 354. 84 Portland, Oreg .. . do 17, 327. 96 Sam Houston, Tex .do 8, 925. 28 San Francisco, Calif ... do 17, 050. 99 Schenectady, N. Y do 5, 998. 77 Seattle, Wash do 48, 703. 34 St. Louis, Mo .... do 31,476.15 St Paul, Mian ... do 7, 075. 00 Washington, D. C .... do 3,517.05 29 Atlanta, Ga . . do 23, 234. 70 Baltimore, Md do 2,315.13 Boston, Mass do 7, 738. 65 Buflalo, N . Y do 19, 522. 64 Charleston, S. C .... do 11,080.33 Chicago, 111 do 22,622.37 Columbus, Ohio .... do 7, 223. 79 Detroit, Mlich .. . do 8,937.04 El Paso, Tex .... do 1,073.96 JeffersonvLlle, Ind do 18, 294. 20 do 10,055.76 Newport News, Va do 1,112.20 New York City do 92, 156. 02 Omaha, Nebr .... do 10, 334. 64 Philadelphia, Pa . . do 35,232.53 Seattle, Wash do 23, 632. 05 do 27,617.81 St. Paul, Minn .... do 6,33L41 Washington, D. C do 10, 131. 92 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH.— TRANSFERS. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 Oil 012 013 Feb. 3, 1919. ....do -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. do. do. do. do. A. G. S. D., Middletown, Pa. . . . Army General Hospital No. 31, Carlisle, Pa. Quartermaster Emb. Hospital No. 52, Richmond College, Pa. Camp supply oflBcer, Camp Lee, Va. Q. M. C, Fort McHenry, Md... Camp supply officer, Camp Humphreys, Va. Quartermaster, Aberdeen Prov- ing Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. Colgate warehouse. Canton, Md. United States Engineer officer, Engineer depot, Lanberts Point, Norfolk, Va. Camp supply officer, Camp Lee, Va. Office service branch, O. D. P. S . Construction Division Shipped from Philadelphia on account Bureau of Aircraft. Wood, cord. do -do. .do. Coal, bituminous. do -do. .do. .do. .do. Hollerith key-punching ma- chine. Barracks heaters Duck, lO-oz., olive-drab, W. P, $1,871.00 4, 677. 50 935. 50 34, 613. 50 57, 830. 00 24, 433. 17 57,830.00 3,469.80 17,349.00 47,276.02 375. 00 15, 505. 00 60,000.00 122 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 6, 1919.. Feb. 13, 1919. do do Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. -do. -do. ....do Mar. S, 1919. -do. Mar. 7, 1919. ....do Mar. 6, 1919. Mar. 8, 1919 . . Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 15, 1919. ....do -do. -do. Mar. 21, 1919.. Mar. 25, 1919.. Mar. 28, 1919.. do Apr. 1, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Apr. 2, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919... do Apr. 9, 1919.... Apr. 11, 1919. do Apr. 12, 1919. do do Apr. 14, 1919. do Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 16, 1919. General Supply Committee for War Risk Bureau. Canceled.] Canceled.] Canceled.] *Javy Department District engineer office, Norfolk, Va. C. S. O., Camp Lee, Va C. O., Seven Pines Bag Load- ing Co. C. S. O., Camp Humphreys, Va. Depot quartermaster, United States Marine Corps, Phila- delphia, Pa. Zone supply officer, Colgate warehouse. No. 3 Canton, Baltimore, Md. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Navy Department, United States Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. United States Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks. United States Marine Corps Post Office Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps storehouse, 55 WiUow St., Philadelphia, Pa. ....do Navy Department, Medicine and Surgery Bureau, care of Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole, Mass. Depot quartermaster, United States Marine Corps, 1100 Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. General Supply Committee, 14th and B Sts., Washington, D. C. Government argon production plant, Fort Worth, Tex. Zone supply officer, Washing- ton, D. C. Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa . do do United States Coast andGeodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. United States Navy Panama Canal United States Marine Corps, Navy Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Treasury Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. Panama Canal, Purchasing De- partment, Washington, D. C. Treasury Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington/D. C. United States Marine Corps United States Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. United States Marine Corps [Canceled.] United States Navy Panama Canal, 1709 G St. NW., Washington, D. C. United States Navy. The Panama Canal, Purchasing Department, Washington, D. C. do Chairs, bentwood . Gauze, gray, 32 x 28, x 36". Coal, bituminous .do. .do. -do. Extinguishers, fire, Pyrene, 1-qt. Tape, steel Gauze, unbleached, 36 x 32 x 28". Boilers, galvanized-iron, range, 82-gai. Milk, evaporated, Borden's. .. Duck, gray, 12.9-oz., 30i" Beans, baked. No. 3. Pepper, black, 4-oz. tins Gauze, unbleached, 36", 28 x 24, and 38.5", 44 x 40. do Stockings, woolen, light Type^^Titers, Corona. Chairs Typewriter desk Ta'Lles Binders, loose-leaf, 3-ring: 5x7.5" 5.5x7.5" Safes, field, Army Handles, pick, railroad, 36".. Handles, ax, 36" Lead, white, in oil Cylinders, oxygen, valve and gas. Shoes, mule, No. 4 Lumber, oak, white Cans, garbage, large size, with covers. Cord, lamp , Flour, cornstarch. Beef, corned, 1-lb... Hose, garden, f": 20' lengths 50' lengths Beef, corned, No. 2. Cylinders, oxygen Boots, rubber: Hip Knee Combination band rip and re- saw, motor 10 h. p., 220-volt, Westinghouse Wrenches, screw, monkey Screw drivers, 8", No. 2. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 123 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919 . ....do ....do ....do-- Apr. 23, 1919 . do .do. Apr. 26, 1919.... -do. .do- ----do Apr. 28, 1919 . .do. do May 5, 1919. May 9, 1919. May 7, 1919. May 8, 1919. May 9, 1919. -do. -do- -do- -do- do May 10, 1919- .-.-do do. do- do. May 12, 1919. do Name and address of buyer. Navy Department Marine Corps, Charleston, S. C, United States Marine Corps, Charleston, S. C. do Depot Quartermaster, Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. do do do [Canceled.] Depot Quartermaster, United States Marine Corps, Philadel- phia, Pa. do Depot quartermaster. Marine Corps, Delaware Ave. and Kenilworth St., Philadelphia, Pa. ...do Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. do Officer in charge, naval supply station. United States naval operating base, Hampton Roads, Va. United States Navy provisions and clothing depot, Brooklyn, N. Y. Depot quartermaster. Marine Corps, Charleston, S. C. United States Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Purchasing Department, Washington, D. C. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. United States Department of Agriculture, district forester, Forest Service, San Francisco, Calif. GeneralSupply Committee, 14th and B Sts. SW., Washington, D.C. do do Department of Agriculture, dis- trict forester. Forest Service, Portland, Oreg. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D. C, Purchas- ing Department. do do United States Department of Agriculture, district forester, Forest Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. United States Department of Agriculture, district forester. Forest Service, Missoula, Mont . United States Department of Agriculture, district forester. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. United States Department of Agriculture, S. L. McT aurin, propertyclerk. Forest Service, 930 F St. NW., Washington, D.C. Navy Department, Bureau of SuppHes and Accounts, Charlestown, Mass. Depot quartermaster. United States Marine Corps, Charles- ton, S. C. Article. Rice Salt, issue. . . Flour, issue. Beans, stringless . Brooms, com Brushes, scrub.. Forges, portable. Screwdrivers, 6" Cord, lamp. No. 18, type C . Climbers, linemen's, with straps. Tape, friction, J" wide, in ^Ib. roU. Tape, rubber, "Okonite," J" wide, in |-lb. rolls. Handcuffs Screwdrivers, S" Vinegar .do. Beans, stringless. Lampblack Cans, garbage, with covers 20 X 26", galvanized iron. Cans, ash, with covers, vanized iron, 21 x 24". Cots, steel. Desks, field: Company Regimental Plate frames for zinc plates. Dictaphones (Edison) Cans, garbage .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Lampblack Beans, baked, No. 1 cans. Total sale price. 124 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 May 12, 1919 . . . - May 14, 1919. May 13, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. ....do May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. ....do ....do ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. -do. May 19, 1919. do 0111 do 0112 May 20, 1919. 0113 May 21, 1919. 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 May 23, 1919. do .do. do. do. do. do. .do. General Supplies Committee, Washington, D. C. Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. do Marine Corps, 5th and Willow Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, Mariae Corps wharf, Columbus St., Charleston, S.C. Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, 5th and Willow Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, Marine Corps wharf, ColumbusSt., Charleston, S.C. Post quartermaster. Marine Bar- racks, Paris Island, S. C. Depot quartermaster. Marine Corps, Columbus St., Charles- ton, S. C. General Supply Committee, superintendent of supplies, Washinsrton, D. C. United States Department of Agriculture, district forester. Forest Service, Denver, Colo. United States Department of Agriculture, district forester. Forest Service, Alberquerque, N. Mes. General Supply Committee, superintendent of supplies, Washington, D. C. Property clerk, S. L. McLaurin, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, district forester, Ogden, Utah. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, district forester, Portland, Oreg. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, district forester, Missoula, Mont. United States Public Health Service^ Capt. Cole, Perry- ville, Md. Treasury Department, Wash- ington, D. C. General Supply Committee [Canceled.] Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, Marine Corps wharf. Columbus, St. Chariest on,S.C. United States marine hospital, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y. United States Public Health Service hospital. Camp John- ston, Jacksonville, Fla. United States Public Health Service, Capt. Cole, nitrate plant, Perryrllle, Md. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, district forester, Missoula, Mont. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, district forester, Portland, Oreg. Table, sorting Tablets, ink, red Tablets, ink, black Beef, corned, 6 lbs Beef, corned, No. 1 Bacon, issue, canned ....do Flour, wheat ....do Floor mops Floor-mop handles Cots, steel, spring, folding ....do Screwdrivers: 8", assorted 12", O.V.B. brand.. Cots, steel, spring, folding .do., .do. .do. Carts, sanitary. Equipment, surveying: Transits Level rods Steel tapes Typewriters, Corona Sugar, granulated, packed in 100-lb. sacks. Coal, anthracite, A. Coal, bituminous. . . Oil, transmission, heavy. Tanks, oil, steel (55,000 bbls.). Blankets, commercial .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 125 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B R ANCH— TR AN SF E RS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 23, 1919 . . May 24, 1919. . May 26, 1919. . do do do May 27, 1919. do May 28,1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. May 20, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. May 29, 1919. do .do. May 31, 1919. .do. do do do do June 2, 1919.. May 31, 1919. June 2,1919.. do May 31, 1919. do do do do .do. .do. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, district forester, San Francis- co, Calif. Bureau of Engraving & Print- ing, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Superintendent of Lighthouses, New York. Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. General Supply Committee, Washington, D. C. .do. .do. .do. .do. [Canceled.] General Supply Committee, Washington, D. C. do do Public Health Service, in ac- cordance with sec. 3, act of Congress, Mar. 3, 1919 , PubMc Health Service..' [Canceled.] [Canceled.] United States Public Health Service Hospital, Augusta, Ga. Department of Commerce, Wash- ington, D. C. Navy Department, care of John- son & Johnson, New Bruns- wick, N. J. United States Public Health Service Hospital, Corpus Chnsti, Tex. General Supply 14th and B Sts, ington, D. C. do Committee, SW., Wash- Post Offloe Department, aerial mail depot, Newark, N. J. Public Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. do June 2,1919.. May 31,1919. June 2,1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Blankets, commercial, new, wool, gray. Denim, brown, 2.40 Cylnders, oxygen Cinnamon Mimeograph machines: No. 80 No. 78 Mimeograph chairs do Tables, folding Brooms, com Brushes, scrub Hatchets: Claw Bench, No. 3 Shears, office Wrenches, monkey, 12" Machines, dictating and tran- scribing: Edison Dictating Edison Transcribing Columbus Dictating Columbus Transcribing. . Bands, rubber: No. 16 No. 18 No. 19 No. 32 No. 84 Chairs, folding Coal, bituminous Gauze, unbleached, 36". 28 x 24. Gauze, gray, 28 x 24, 36" do Coal, Cannel Shovels, "D" handle, round point. Shovels: Round point.. Square point.. Safes, field. Army. Blankets, wool, gray, com- mercial. do Blankets, wool, gray do Blankets, gray Stockings, wool, light, new Stockinette Stockings, cotton, new Drawers, cotton, fleece-lined. . . Bags, barrack, new Blankets, commercial, wool. .. do Blankets, commercial gray Blankets, commercial wool, gray. Undershirts, summer Sateen, rubberized, olive-drab, new. Blankets, commercial Drawers, summer, cotton, new. Calfskin, rawhide S978.00 112.50 192. 66 330.00 990.00 3,375.00 736. 00 741.00 3, 500. 00 250. 00 287. 50 420.00 160.00 576. 30 743. 75 425.00 106. 25 97.25 30.00 60.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 1,500.00 2,216.15 73.91 93,343.83 32,911.13 1, 120. 95 324.36 204.00 300. 00 537. 50 13,323.30 7, 187. 50 3,400.00 749.00 6,785.00 39,458.00 6,581.10 8,000.00 8,072.35 2, 139. 82 5,216.00 7,514.30 232, 218. 00 748. 50 12,000.00 15,200.00 7,009.00 6,320.00 1,600.00 126 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B R AN CH— TR AN SF E R S— Continued. Sale No. 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 017<^ 0179 OlSO 0181 0182 01S3 01S4 0185 0186 0187 018S 01S9 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 Date of sale. May 31, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. May 23, 1919. do June 3,1919.. do Jime 2, 1919. .do. do do do May 22, 1919. June 4, 1919. do .do. .do. ....do do .do. do do do Junes, 1919., .do. May 23. 1919 ....do.. Jime4, 1919. Jimef, 1919 ....do June 7, 1919 ....do.. ....do.. .do. June 9, 1919.. Name and addross of buyer. Article. Public Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. do do Post Otfice Department, aerial mail depot, Newark, N. J. do United States Public Health Ser\-iee hospital. Camp Sevier, Greenville. S. C. United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Ser^^ce, S. L. McLaurin. property clerk, Washington. D. C. Public Health Service .do. Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps storehouse, 5th and Willow Sts.. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Pubhc Health Service .do. .do. .do. .do. United States PubUc Health Service. Norfolk, Va United States Public Health Service hospital, Jacksonville, Fla. General Supplv Committee, Wasliington. D. C. Bureau of Public Roads, United States Department of Agricul- ture, Willard Bldg., 513-515 14th St. NW., Washington, D.C. do United States Public Health Service. Post Office Department, Wash- ington. D. C. Supplv officer, navv vard. Mare Island. CaUf. General Supply Committee, 14th and B Sts. SW., Wash- ington. D. C. .do do [Canceled.] United States Penitentiary, Atlanta. Ga. United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service, Denver. Colo. United States Department of Agriculture, district forester, Forest Service, Ogden. Utah. United States Department of Agriculture; district forester. Forest Service, Denver. Colo. General Supplies Committee, 14th and B Sts. SW., Wash- ington, D. C. United States Public Health Service. [Canceled.] Public Health Service, nitnite plant. Perrvville, Md. [Canceled.] Public Health Service, nitrate plant, PaTyville, Md. .do. United States Public Health Service. Stockinette, olive-drab, 42". . Blankets, commercial, new. Drawers, wool, reclaimed... Brooms, com Cans, ash or garbage. No. 3, 21 -X 25i" — with covers. Coal, bituminous Blankets, commercial, new, wool, gray. Insulators, porcelain. No. 4. Nails, wre, 16d Sugar, in 100-lb. sacks. knob Cutters, tube, with extra knives and cutter wheels. Climbers, lineman's. 16", with straps and pads. Cord, lamp Grips, Buffalo, No. 1 Switches, 3-point , Tourins: cars , Trucks, light Trucks, heavy Ambulances Shovels, D handle, roimd point. Levels, Y (Gurley) Levels, diunpv Type\\Titers, Corona. Duck, gray, 12.9-oz., 30i". Sugar, granulated Shovels, fire, long-handle . . Spades DriUs(star, ixlS"). Denim, blue Blankets, wool, commercial, 4-lb. Blankets, commercial, new, wool. Wrenches, monkey: S" , 10" 12" Griddles, No. 9 Pencils, carpenters' . Cans: Garbage Ash Cans , garbage do Thimbles, saddlers' . Total sale price. $4,026.53 125,000.00 53,500.00 366.67 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 127 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Junes, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. June 10,1919. ....do ....do June 11, 1919. .do. .do. June 12, 1919. .do. June 11, 1919. ....do .do. June 12, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do June 13, 1919... .do. .do. June 16, 1919. June 17, 1919. ....do Public Health Service, nitrate plant. Perry ville, Md. do do do do do United States Public Health Service. General Supply Committee United States Public Health Service. Panama Canal do June 18, 1919... ....do June 19, 1919... ....do do ....do June 20, 1919... District engineer, customhouse, Charleston, S. C. United States district engineer, Tuscaloosa, Ala. do United States district engineer, care of R. S. Thomas, Mobile, Ala. Department of Commerce, Light- house Service, Tompkinsville, N. Y. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] United States Public Health Service Hospital, Corpus Christl. Tex. United states district engineer, Tuscaloosa, Ala. ^Canceled.] 'Canceled.] 'Canceled.] 'Canceled.] 'Canceled.] 'Canceled.] 'Canceled.] Canceled.] United States Department of Agriculture, Forestry Service. Provisions and clothing officer, Navy Department, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bureau Yards & Docks, United States Navy, ship to Hamp- ton Roads, Va. Depot quartermaster, United States Marine Corps, Phila- delphia, Pa. Navy Department, ship to Lewis Mfg. Co., Walpole, Mass. United States post office, Chi- cago, 111. Department of Agriculture, dis- trict forester. Forest Service, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, Frank- fort, Ky. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, Chey- enne, Wyo. General Supply Committee United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Portland, Oreg. City yards, Paterson, N. J General Supply Committee, Washington, D. C. Mr. U. S. Marshall, senior high- way engineer. Bureau of Pub- lic Roads, United States De- partment of Agriculture, Troy, Mont. Anvils, approximately 75 lbs. each. Handles, hatchet Picks FlashliL'hts, Everready, 3-cell Iron, fire, set Brushes, scrub Knives, draw, 10" Rulers, office, 18" Sulphur Mule shoes. No. 4 Shoes, horse: No. 1, front No. 1, hind Lanterns, combination Padlocks 2", Sargent & Co... Picks, railroad, 6.'5, 7 lbs Handles, ax do.. S416.25 35.00 61.42 1,077.75 63.50 156. 25 110.00 193. 75 3, 000. 00 180. 25 17.25 11.50 21.60 8.10 34.56 18.00 18.00 Tickings, blueand whitestripe Wood, cord Handles, pick, 36" . 3,177,480.34 4,910.47 17.40 Horses, cavalry... Sugar, granulated . Tanks, oil, storage, 55,000 bbls Pressing machine Gauze, gray, 28 x 24, 36" Tape, rubber, I", J-lb. rolls... Cots, steel Tapes,steel, 100' Levels, dumpy Bands, rubber Cans, garbage, 20 x 26", with covers. Brooms, street or stable, with handles. Wire, rubber-covered: No. 12 , No. 6 , Cots, steel, folding 1,500.00 38,763.90 17,000.00 1,100.00 24,516.79 280.00 162.50 48.00 660.00 250.00 211.00 30.96 51.00 422.50 128 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS TROrERTY PIYISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BR ANCH— TRANSFER S— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buver. Jime 21, 1919. do June 23, 1919. June 12, 1919- Jime IS, 1919. do June 19, 1919. .do. .do. .do- do June 20, 1919. June 21, 1919. .do. June 19, 1919. June 21, 1919. June 23, 1919. do do do June 24, 1919. do do June 26, 1919- do 0270 June 12, 1919. 0271 June 30, 1919. Supply officer. United States naval air station, Brooklvn, N. Y. Suppiv officer, navv rard. Mare Island, Calif. District engineer, Charleston, S. C. Panama Canal July 12, 1919. United States Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, More- head City, N. C. Depot quartermaster, United States Marine Corps, Phila- delpliia, Pa. United States Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agri- culture. do General Suppiv Committee, Wasliinsiton, D. C. United States Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agri- culture. do do United States Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Ajzri- culture, ship to State hishxvay commissioner, Richmond, Va. United States Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agri- culture. United States Public Health Service, act of Congress, sec. 3, approved Mar. 3, 1919. Bureau Public Roads, Depart- ment of Agriculture. F. F. Gatlin, jimior engineer, Tuscaloosa. -\la. District Engineer, Charleston, S. C. [Canceled. 1 United States Bureau PubUe Roads, Department of .\gri- cultiu-e. Appraiser's Stores, Treasiu-y Department, New York City. United States Soldiers' Home, I'niversitv Station, Washing- ton, D. C." United States Bureau PubUe Roads, Department of Agri- culture. United States Indian warehouse, 3tlS S. Oreen St., Chicago, HI. Post Otfice Depanment, ^^'ash- Lngton. D. C. Treasury Department. Bureau EngraSing-and Printing. United States Engineer, care of D-night C. Trevarthen. junior engineer, Columbus, Ohio. District forester, Missoula, Mont. United States Department of AErriculture. Bureau of Soils, AVa^ihington. D. C. District forester, Missoula, Mont . District forester, Portland, Oreg. District forester, San Francisco, CaUf. District forester, Ogden, Utah... Bureau of Engravins: and Print- ing, Treasurv Det>artment, AVasbJngton, D. C. United States Bineau of EflS- c.ency. Cots, steel. Sugar Jacks, screw, telescopic. Shectin?, 36", imbleached 4.00, 56 X 60". Tank, wood, stave, 17' 7" diameter. t^ndersliirts, cotton: Size 40 Size 42 Transits, engineers' do Axes, handled.. Levels, dumpy. Transits, enaneer. do : do .do- Cord, lamp. No. IS, B. & X.. Transits, engineers' Jacks, screw, telescopic. Jacks, hydraulic, 60-ton. Cameras, kodak, 3-A, auto- graphic. Supplies, laboratory and chem- ical. Shaper, 20", Cinomnati, heavy- duty. Transits, engineers' Overall', bib. new Leather, russet, strap Gauze, 22 x IS, 36", 19 yds... Rope, manila. j" , Blankets, commercial, new, wool. Canteens, Army Blankets, commercial, new, wool. do .do. do Flovu-, comstarcli. Blanks, psychole^eal test. do do do do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 129 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total salo price. Iune27, 1919. July 12, July 19, July 10, do.. do.. do.. do.. July 11, July 10, do.. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do. .do. July 9, July 8, do. July 9, do. 1919.. 1919.. 1919. July 8, 1919. do June 24, 1919. July 3, 1919... July 16, 1919. do July 10, 1919. .do. July 16, 1919. July 17, 1919. do do , do do , do July 19, 1919. July 17, 1919. Nitrate plant, Perryville, Md., United States Public Health Service. Department of Interior, officer of Indian Service. United States Public Health Service. Navy Department supply offi- cer, navy yard Mare Island, Calif. United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils. Supplv officer, fleet supply base. South Brooklyn, N. Y. Supply officer, navy yard, Phil- adelphia. Office of Indian Affairs, Depart- ment of Interior, Chicago, 111. Emergency Fleet Corporation, United States Shipping Board. Bureau of Engraving and Print- ing, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. United States Shipping Board, Baltimore, Md. Navy yard. Mare Island, Calif. . Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Supply officer, navy yard, Bos- ton, Mass. S. L. McLann, property clerk, Forest Service, 930 F St. NW., Washington, D.C. W. S. Keller, for Alabama State Highway Commission. United States Public Health Service. do Navy Department supply offi- cer, navy yard, Charleston, S. C. do Navy yard. Mare Island. Calif... United States Bureau ot Public Roads, Department of Agri- culture. Panama Purchasing Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. United States Public Health Service. Watertown Arsenal, Water- town, N. Y. .do. comrndssion, department, commission, commission. State highway Dover, Del. State highway Hartford, Conn. State highway Boise, Idaho. State highway Atlanta, Ga. Department of public roads, Frankford. Ky. State highway department, Columbus, Ohio. State highway commission, Cheyenne, Wyo. Public Health Service United States Public Health Service, medical officer in charge supply depot, Perry- ville, Md. Blanks, Psychological test. do do do do do Denim, blue, 2.20 quality... Medical and hospital supplies Axes, handled , Covers, canteen. Army Cots, Army, field-type Cots, field-type, Army Jumpers, blue, denim Tanks, oil, storage, 55,00(>-bbl Acidum, acetyl saUcylicum 324-mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle. Paulins, used Rice Blankets, commercial, gray, wool-flUed, 4-lb., new. Cots, Army, field-type Blankets, commercial, new, gray, wool, 4 to 4J lbs. Pipe, culvert, cast-iron Medical and hospital supplies Laboratory apparatus and reagents. Axes, handled , do Rice Levels, dumpy. Harness, wheel, ambulance Cotton, nonabsorbent Punch and shear, 42" throafc, double end — Ryerson; aJso spare parts. Punch and shear, single end: Ryerson, 18", extra parts.. Ryerson, 60", extra parts. . Pipe, culvert, galvanized iron. Pipe, culvert, cast iron. ....do .do. .do. .do. Pipe, culvert, 3-ft., cast iron. Supplies, medical. Cotton, cellu 105. 00 65.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 20.00 1,075.00 623,840.00 118. 80 81.25 7,600.00 2,280.00 1,020.25 85,000.00 35.20 1,325.00 3,671.50 34.80 3,800.00 125.00 32,081.50 70,005.63 35,612.74 288.20 2,090.00 6, 122. 50 18,040.00 360.00 875.00 4,400.00 7,000.00 6,600.00 3, 847. 76 10, 759. 97 28, 070. 63 2,691.33 7,680.33 23, 588. 02 12,217.03 145, 519. 81 975. 00 152015— H. Doc. 446. 66-2 130 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 16, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 19, 1919. .do. United States Public Health Service hospital, Camp Beau- regard, Alexandria, La. [Canceled.] United States Public Health Service. do July 21, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do -...do -...do ..-.do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do -.-.do .-..do -...do --..do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do -...do ....do ....do ....do .-..do --..do ....do ....do ....do State highway department, Oklahoma City, Olcla. State high^'ay department, Columbus, Oiuo. State highway commission, Raleigh, N.C. State highway commission, Trenton, N. J. State highway department, Lincoln, Nebr. State highway department, Helena, Mont. State highway commission, Jefferson City, Mo. State highway commission, Jackson, Miss. State highway commission, T anstng, Mich. State roads commission, Balti- more, Md. State highway commission, Madison, Wis. State highway commission, Olympia.Wash. State highway commission, Richmond, Va. State highway commission, Austin, Tex. State highway commission, Pierre, S. Dak. State board of public roads. Providence, R.I. State highway department, Topeka, Kans. State highway commission, Indianapolis, Ind. State highway commission, Boise, Idaho. State highway commission, Atlanta^ nz Wire, galvanized, barb 118. 20 0476 do Seneca School, Wvandotte, Okla. do 19.20 0477 do Seser School, Weatherford. Okla. do 20.88 0478 do . .. Sherman Institute, Chemawa, Calif. do 20.18 0479 do Ziuii -\a;encv, Oallup, N. Mex... do 19.70 0480 do do do 39.45 0481 Shawnee School, Thackenr, Okla. . ..do 40.05 0482 do Canton .\sylum for Insane In- dians, Canton, S. Dak. do 39.45 0483 do Pine Ridge Day School, Rush- ville, Nebr. Wire, barb, black-pamted 32.45 0484 do United States Public Health Service. Wood , cord 158. 40 0485 Aug. 12, 1919.... United States Department of Calks, blunt: Aug. 13. 1919.... Interior, Indian Service. Biu'eauEn£n"a\'ingand Printing, Toe, No. 2 .. 34.50 Toe, No. 3 20.13 0486 Cylinders, oxvgen, with cap 225.00 Treasurv Department, Wash- valve and 20'0 cu. ft. of gas. insrton, b. C. 0487 Aug. 4,1919 Biu-eau Public Roads, Depart- ment of AsTiculture, care of .\.. Plows and parts 334.05 V. "Williamson, Monarch, Colo. 0488 .. do Bureau of Public Roads, Mr. E. J. Finch, San Francisco, Calif. do 729.05 0489 do Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. marshal, Missoula, Mout. do 711.84 0490 do Bureau of Public Roads, E. S. Wheeler, Albuquerque, N. Mex. do 679. 15 0491 Aug. 18,1919.... Department of Interior, Indian Service. Rope, manila, V 303. 60 0492 Aus. 14, 1919 Postmaster, Buffalo, N. Y Tires, clincher 1,380.00 0493 Aug. 16, 1919.... States Relation Service, United Str.t:s Department of .-Vgricul- ture. Blankets, commercial, new, wool. 10 00 0494 Aug. 18, 1919.... United States Public Health 8.091.04 Service, Perrvrille, Md. 0495 Aug. 13, 1919.... iCanceled.l 0496 Aug. 14, 1919.... Treasury Department, Bureau of Enarravius; and Printing, W'ashin<:ton,'D. C. Binding, white stay, i" 30.00 0497 do Postmaster, Washinsrton, D. C. . . Tires, clinchers, 31 x 4" 5,520.00 0498 do United States Public Health Service hospital. Camp Han- Wood, cord 562.00 cock, Ga. 0499 Aug. IS. 1919.... Department of Agiiculture Dynamite, DuPont gelatin, 40 per cent low freezing. 920.00 0500 Aug. 9, 1919 General Supplr Commission, Desks, field: 14th and B Sts. NW., Wash- Small 16.70 ington, D. C. Department of Interior, care of Superiatendent of Indian 11.82 0501 Aug. 16, 1919.... Rope, manila, J" 159. 50 warehouse, 310 Elm St. St. Louis, Mo. 0502 Vug 4 1919 420. 70 States Department of Agi-i- culture, care of L. E. Smith, Duraugo, Colo. 0503 June 19,1919.... United States Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agri- Transits 17,050.00 culture. 0504 \UCT 14 1919 do Jacks, screw 138.50 0505 Aug. IS, 1919 Indian School, La^^Tence, Kans. Nails, wire, 16 d 19.60 0506 Aug. 16, 1919 Department of Interior, care Brushes , scrub 59.22 of Superintendent of Indian warehouse 608 Harvard St., San Francisco, Calif. 0507 Aug. 18, 1919. . . . United States Public Health Supplies, medical "•; 214,873.00 Service. 0508 .A.ug. 22,1919.... State Hishwav Department, Springfield, lU. Tractors, Titan 5,430.00 0509 do State Highway Commission, Ames, Iowa. .. .do 3, 620. 00 0510 do State Highway Commission, Charlotte, Mich. do 3,620.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 135 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. 0511 0512 0513 0.514 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 0520 0521 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 0528 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 22, 1919. do Aug. 25,1919. ....do Aug. 21,1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do Aug. 26,1919. .do. -do. -do. .do. Aug. 29,1919. Aug. 27,1919. do Aug. 29,1919. Sept. 10,1919. Sept. 9, 1919. do ...do.. ...do.. Sept. 10,1919. do Sept. 4,1919. Sept. 5,1919. State Highway Commission, Boise, Idalio. State Highway Commission, Bismarck, N. Dak. War Trade Board do State Highway Commission, Sedalla, Mo. State Highway Commission, Pacific, Mo. State Highway Commission, Jackson, Miss. State Highway Commission, Harrisburg, Pa. State Highway Commission, Atlanta, Ga. Board of county commissioners, Abilene, Kans. Board of county commissioners, Junction City, Kans. State Highway Department, Monmouth Junction, N. J. State Road Commission, Charles- ton, W. Va. State Highway Commission, Spooner, Wis. State Highway Commission, Richmond, Va. State Highway Commission, Rhinelander, Wis. State Highway Department, Reno, Nev. United States Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. United States Bureau of Pub- lic Roads, State Highway Engineer , care of E. O. Wheel- er, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Bureau Public Roads, Depart- ment of Agriculture, care of L. E. Smith, Durango, Colo. United States Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agri- culture, care of A. V. William- son, Monarch, Colo. United States Bureau of Public Roads, J. S. Bugh, Denver, Colo. United States Bureau of Public Roads, care of E. E. Kidder, sr., Ogden, Utah. State Highway Department, New Orleans, La. Division of Supplies and Print- ing, Department of Justice, Wasliington, D. C. District forester, United States Department of Agriculture, Portland, Oreg. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. United States Soldiers' Home, Wasliington, D. C. War Department, Mississippi River Commission, care of dis- trict engineer, Memphis, Term. United States Bureau of Public Roads. do Mr. Lewis Kennedy, Inspector, care of Frank Milhouse, Selma, Ala., district engineer, United States Engineers. General Supply Committee, Wasliington, D. C. do Tractors, Titan. ....do Potatoes, dehydrated - Carrots, dehydrated. . Tractors, Titan ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do , do , do do Cotton, absorbent. Pumps, Novo Barnes . Spare parts Pumps, Novo Barnes . Spare parts Puinps, Novo Barnes . Spare parts Pumps, Barnes, Novo. Spare parts Pumps, Barnes, Novo. Spare parts Truck parts, Nash quad . Handcuffs Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Cans, ash or garbage, with covers, small and large. do Blankets, commercial, gray, new. Lanterns, railroad Handles, pick Tapes, steel, 50-ft.. Safes, field, Army. Department of Agriculture. Public Health Service Brushes, scrub Cans, ash or garbage: 17x24" 24x34" Caps, blasting, electric. Hospital eqmpment.... $1,810.00 1,810.00 2,565.00 1, 170. 00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 5, 430. 00 3,620.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 1,810.00 25, 440. 72 803. 90 115.90 803. 90 401. 95 79.80 803.90 150. 20 401.95 115. 80 711,601.42 150. 00 2,095.00 4.35 600. 00 135.00 96.22 216.53 21.50 1,875.00 345.00 870.00 5,901.88 143,855.44 136 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B R ANCH— TR ANSF ER S— Continued. Sale No. 0547 0548 0549 0551 0552 Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 10,1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0559 0560 0561 0562 0563 0564 0565 0566 0567 0568 0569 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. United States Bureau of Public Roads: Denver, Colo Albuquerque, N. Mex Missoula, Mont Portland, Oreg United States Bureau of Public Roads, care of C. H. Purcelt, acting district engineer, Port- land, Oreg. United States Bureau of Public Roads: Womble, Ark Durango, Colo Monarch, Colo Ogden, Utah General Supply Committee, Washington, D. C. United States Bureau of Public Roads. United States Bureau of Public Roads: Portland, Oreg Missoula, Mont. United States Bureau of Public Roads: San Francisco, Calif , Ogden, Utah United States Bureau of Public Roads: Portland, Oreg Missoula, Mont United States Bureau of Public Roads: Womble, Ark , Durango, Colo Monarch, Colo Ogden, IJtah Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Atlanta, Ga. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Hartford, Conn. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Denver, Colo. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Salt Lake City, Utah. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Cheyenne, Wyo. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Madison, Wis. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Charleston, W. Va. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Richmond, Va. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Austin, Tex. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Salem, Oreg. Department of Agriculture. State Highways, Oklahoma City, Okla. Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Columbus, Ohio. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Bismarck, N. Dak. Picks, railroad do do do Shovels, round point. do do do do Rope, Manila: Handles, pick Tapes, metallic and steel: 25-ft., metallic. 50-ft., metallic. 100-ft., steel 25-ft., metallic. 50-ft., metallic. 100-ft., steel Tapes, metaUie, 100-ft . do : Tapes, metallic, 100-ft. do Picks, railroad . do do do Posts, fence, steel, 6-ft. do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 137 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B R ANCH— TR AN SF E R S— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0570 Sept. 10, 1919. . . do United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Raleigh, N. C. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Santa Fe, N. Mex. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Monmouth Junction, N. J. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Concord. N. H United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Carson City, Nev. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Lincoln, Nebr. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, St. Paul, Minn. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Lansing, Mich. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Baltimore, Md. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Great Bend, Kans. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Ames, Iowa. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Indianapolis, Ind. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Dover, Del. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Sacramento, Calif. Bureau of Public Roads,Charles- ton, W. Va. Bureau of Public Roads, Austin, Tex. Bureau of Public Roads, Salem, Oreg. Bureau of PubUc Roads, Okla- homa City, Okla. Bureau of Public Roads (20 each to Tupelo, Meridian, and Jack- son, Miss.). Bureau of Public Roads, Bis- mark, N. Dak. Bureau of Public Roads, Colum- bus, Ohio. Bureau of Public Roads, Ra- leigh, N. C. Bureau of Public Roads, Port- land, Oreg. Bureau of Public Roads, Sacra- mento, Calif. Bureau of Public Roads, Den- ver, Colo. Bureau of Public Roads, Indian- apolis, Ind. Bureau of Public Roads, Fair- bam and Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Bureau of Public Roads, various, Pennsylvania. Bureau of Public Roads, various, Boston. Bureau of Public Roads, various, South Carolina. Bureau of Public Roads, Mont- gomery, Mb,. Bureau of Public Roads, Phoe- nix, Ariz. Bureau of PubUc Roads, State Highways: Atlanta, Ga $1, 440. 00 1 201 44 0571 .do 0572 do do 895. 68 0573 do -do 312 96 0574 do do 968 64 0575 do .do 1,602.24 2,133.60 2 170 08 0576 do ... .do 0577 do do 0578 do .. -do 655 20 0579 do do 696. 00 05sn do do 1,200.00 2 024 64 0581 do-...-. .do 0582 do ... .do 123.84 n5S.s do .do 1 440 GO 0584 Sept. 16, 1919 do Forges, portable 721. 50 0585 . .do 1,950.00 1 07'. 50 058f) do . . .do 0587 do . .do. ... 97.50 0588 do .. .do 1 170.00 05S?> do .do 195 00 0590 .....do .do 487 50 0591 do -do 975.00 0595? do .do 409 50 0593 do -do 1 950.00 0594 do .do .. 585.00 0595 do -do 1 833.00 0596 do .do 39.00 do do 487. 50 0597 .. .do 702. 00 0598 do do 409. 50 0599 do do 897. 00 OfiOO do .do 585.00 0601 do . .do 936.00 0602 Sept. 15,1919.... do 916.50 Valdosta, Ga ....do 916.50 138 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0603 Sept. 15, 1919... ■- do . .do Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Trenton Jimction, N. J. Bureau of Public Roads, Stale Highways, Los Limas, N. Mex. Biu-eau of Public Roads, State Highways, Dover, Del. Biu-eau of PubUc Roads, State Highways, St. Paul, Minn. Bureau of Pubhc Roads, State Highways, Lincoln, Nebr. Bureau of PubUc Roads, State Highways, Reno, Nev. Bureau of PubUc Roads, State Highways, Madison, Wis. Bureau of PubUc Roads, State Highways, Cheyenne, Wyo. Bureau of PubUc Roads, State Highways, Concord, N. H. Bureau of PubUc Roads, State Highways: Mound City, Kans., 1: AbiUne, Kans., 10; Olathe, Kans., 1 ; Yates Center, Kans., 4; Oswego, Kans., 2; Atchi- son, Kans 2; Fredonia, Kans., 1: Alwood., Kans., ); Oska- loosa, Kans., 1; Mankato, Kans. 2: Concordia, Kans., 1. United States Bureau of PubUc Roads: Womble, Ark.; Du- rango and ^tonarch, Colo.; Ogden, Utah. Public Health Service, Wash- ington, T>. C. Quartermaster, Fort BUss, Tex. . PubUc Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. ..do Forges, portable $234.00 0604 0605 do do 1,092.00 117.00 0606 ...do do 1, 677. 00 0607 do do 780.00 060S do do 487. 50 0609 0610 do -do . . .. do ... .do 1,716.00 195. 00 0611 -do .. do 234.00 0612 .do do 507.00 0613 0614 Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 15, 1919.... Sept. 16, 1919.... Sept. 15, 1919.... -do .. Shovels, long-handled, round- point. 420.00 110.00 0615 0616 0617 Salt, rock, packed in 100-lb. sacks. Sapo molUs (soap), chips SuppUes, dental 48.95 879.32 57,600.54 0618 -do .do SuppUes , medical 4.805.00 0619 Sept. 16,1919.... . .:do Post Office Department, Balti- more, Md. PubUc Health Ser\-ice, Wash- ington, D. C. Public Health Service, New York City. Public Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. United States Sugar Equaliza- tion Board, 111 WaU St., New York City. Representatives of the Depart- ment of Interior, Office of In- dian Affairs. Department of Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, .do Cans, ash or garbage 17.40 0620 Medicines 13, 650. 00 0621 Sept. 15, 1919.... do Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 11,1919.... .do . .do 4, 297. 50 0622 0623 lodiun-potassi-iodum, in tubes 212. 50 53,161.92 0624 7, 378. 06 0625 11,496.63 0626 do Apples, evaporated 8,666.00 0627 Sept. 6, 1919 Sept. 15, 1919.... .do Commissioners of the District of Columbia. PubUc Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C. ..do Cots, steel 1,787.50 0628 Dental suppUes 709. 48 41,536.67 Dental equipment 685.00 0629 1,590.00 0630 do .do Chloraliun hvdratum 750.00 0631 . ..do ..do Camphor, pulvis 8,020.86 0632 Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 11, 1919.... Sept. 6, 1919 .do United States Department of -Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads, San Francisco, CaUf., Ogden, Utah. State Highway Commission, Ames, Iowa. State Highway Commission, Sacramento, CaUf. State Highway Commission, New Orleans, La. State Highways Department, Frankfort, Ky. State Road Department, TaUa- hassee, Fla. State Highway Department, Boise, Idaho. Tapes. 50-ft ., steel 126.00 0633 0634 0635 Chains, Stanley, hook, skid. . . Chains, Stanley, hook, skid, 40 X 6", dual, with hook and ring, .do 191.25 212. 50 85.00 0636 do do . ... 127. 50 0637 .do .do 85.00 0638 Sept. 10, 1919.... ... .do 85.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEKT. 139 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. ..Sept. 10, 1919. ....do ....do Sept. 5, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sept. 9, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. S. H. Purcell, district engineer, Bureau Public Roads, Port- land, Oreg. J. S. Bright, district engineer, Denver, Colo. State Higliway Commission, Madison, Wis. State Highway Department, Helena, Mont. State Highway Department, Providence, R.I. State Highway Department, Montgomery, Ala. State Highway Department, Phoenix, Ariz . State Highway Department, Boston, Mass. State Highway Department, Springfield, 111. State tlighway Commission, Little Rock, Ark. State Highway Department, Olympia, Wash. State Highway Department, Montpelier, Vt. State Highway Commission, Columbia, S.C. State Highway Department, Nashville, Tenn. State Highway Commission, Augusta, Me. State Highway Commission, Albany, N. Y. State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa. State Highway Commission, Jefferson City, Mo. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Columbus, Ohio . United States Department of Agriculture, Bismarck, N. Dak. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Topeka. Kans. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Cheyenne, Wyo. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Austin, Tex. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Richmond, Va. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Pierre, S. Dak. United States Department ol Agriculture, State Highways, Salt Lake City, Utah. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highwaysi, Jackson, Miss. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Oklahoma City, Okla. Uaited States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Salem, Oreg. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Charleston, W. Va. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Santa Fe, Nt.Me\. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Raleigh, N.C. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Denver, Colo. Article. Chains, Stanley, hook, skid, 40x60", dual with hoo andk ring. ...do ....do ....do Chains, hook, skid, Stanley . . . ....do ...do ...do ....do ....do ...do do ....do ....do ...-do ....do ...do ....do ...do ...do ...do ...do do do do do do ....do ....do do do do ....do 140 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0672 0673 Sept. 9, 1919 do United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Lansing. Mch. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Dover, Del. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Indianapolis, Ind. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Baltimore, Md. United States Department of Agriculture, Lincoln, Nebr. United States Department of Agrif-ulture, St. Paul, Minn. United States Department of Agriculture, Trenton, N.J. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Atlanta, Ga. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Hartford, Conn. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Concord. N.H. United States Department of Agriculture, State Highways, Carson City, Nev. United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Public Roads: Portland, Oreg., Mis- soula, Mont. United States Bureau of Public Roads: Chains, hook, skid, Stanley. . . do $191.25 21 25 0674 do do 191 25 0675 do do 63 75 0676 do do 148 75 0677 do do 191 25 0678 do do 85 00 0679 do do 191 25 0680 . do do 42 50 0681 do do 0682 do do 85 00 0683 Sept. 10, 1919.... do Tapes, 50-ft ., steel 126 00 0684 Tapes: Metallic, 25-ft do 90 00 Ogden, Utah Metallic, 50-ft 147 00 Steel, 100-ft 125 10 Metallic, 25-ft 60 00 United States Bureau of Public Roads: Denver, Colo Metallic, 50-ft 98 00 Steel, 100-ft 83 40 0685 Tapes, metallic, ICO-ft do 80 00 do : 60 00 Care of Willard Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. United States Bureau of Public Roads: Denver, Colo do 200 00 0686 Tapes, steel, 50-ft do 75 60 do 50 40 Care of Willard Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. United States Bureau of Public Roads: do 730. 80 0687 Shovels, long-handled, round point. do Sept. 15,1919.... do Missoula, Mont .. . do . 180 00 0688 0689 Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Tallahassee, Fla. Bureau Public of Roads, State Highways, Boise, Idaho. Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Springfield, 111. Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Augusta, Me. Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Ames, Iowa. Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Salt Lake City, Utah. Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Deer Lodge, Mont. Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways, Montpelier, v't . Bureau of Public Roads, State Highways. Charlotte, M.ich. Bureau of Public Roads, Staje Highways, Baltimore, Md. Forges, portable do 780.00 390 00 0690 do .. . do 2 964 00 0691 do do 390 00 0692 do do 487. 50 0693 do do 760. 50 0694 do do 685. 00 0695 do do 117. 00 0696 do do 1, 950. 00 0697 do ... do 604. 50 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. 141 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 18,1919. do do Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. do do do do do do Sept. 22, 1919. .do. .do. Sept. 22, 1919.. .do. .do. Sept. 23, 1919. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Public Health Service, New York City. United States Public Health Service. do Depot Quartermaster, Marine Corps wharf, Columbus St., Charleston, S. C. United States PubUc Health Service, New York City and Chicago. Bureau of Public Roads, Great Bend, Kans. Bureau of Public Roads, Ash- land, Kans. Bureau of Public Roads, Abi- lene, Kans. Bureau of PubUc Roads, Yates Center, Kans. Bureau of Public Roads, Me- ridian, Miss. Bureau of Public Roads, Jack- son, Miss. Bureau of Public Roads, Tupelo, Miss. Department of the Interior, Bu- reau of Mines, Washiagton, D. C.,ship to Dr. C. W. Seibert, United States Government Experimental Station, Fort Worth, Tex. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, State Highway Commissi on, Mont- gomery, Ala. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, State Highway Commission, Phoe- nix, Ariz. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, State Highway Commission, Sacra- mento, Calif. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, State Highway Commission, Port- land, Conn. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, State Highway Commission, Den- ver, Colo. State Highway Department, Ames.Iowa. State Highway Department, Phoenix, Ariz. State Highway Department, Sacramento, Calif. State Highway Department, Deerlodge, Mont. State Highway Commission, Los Lune, N. Max. Board of county commissioners, Yates Center, Kans. State Highway Department, Lincoln, Nebr. State Highway Springfield, 111. State Highway Madison, Wis, State Highway Boisejidaho. State Highway Commlsaion, Augusta, Me. State Highway Department, Portland, Conn. State Road Department, Talla- hassee, Fla. State Highway Department, Atlanta, Ga. State Road Commission, Balti- more, Md. Department, Commission, Department, I Camphor, powdered Jars, large, for dressings. Swabs, iodine.. Squash, No. 10. Supplies, medical and hospital. Posts, fence, angle, 6-ft., steel, do ....do do do ....do ....do Touring car, Hudson, 7-pas- senger, 13003-C2. Wagons, sprinkler. .do. .do. .do. .do. Tanks , galvanized-steel plates, 480-gal. do .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. 142 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS TROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of burer. Article. Sept. 23, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sept. 24, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. do do do do do do Sept. 23, 1919. do do Sept. 25, 1919 do do do do do do do do State Highway Department, New Orleans, La. H. D. Judson, St. Joseph, Mo... State Highway Commission, Bismarck, N.Dak. State Highway Commission, Oklalioma City, Okla. State Highway Department, Pendleton, Greg. State Highway Department, Harrishurg, Pa. State Highway Department, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. State Highway Department, Raleigh, N. C. State Highway Department, Richmond, Va. State Highway Department, Hamhne St.," Fair Grounds, Minn. State Highway Department, Fort Rogers, Charlotte, Mich. State Road Commission, Salt Lake City, Utah. State Highway Commission, Rutland. Vt. State Road Commission, Charleston, W. Va. State Highway Commission, Monmouth Jiinction, N. J. State Highway Commission, Concord, N. H. Stale Highway Commission, Cheyenne, Wyo. State" Highway Department, Reno, Nev. LTnited States Bureau of Public Roads: Richmond, Va Staunton, Va Bristol , Va Lynchburg, Va Boiird of county commissioners, Yates Center, Kans. Board of county commissioners, Atchison, Kans. Board of coimty commissioners, Fredonia, Kans. State Road Department, Talla- hassee, Fla. State Highway Commission, Cheyenne, AVyo. State Highway Commission, Rutland, Vt. State Highway Commission, Salt Lake City, Utah. State Highway Commission, Raleigh, N. C. State Highway Commission, Westfield, Mass. Board of coimty commissioners, Atcliison, Kans. State Highway Commission, Monmouth Junction, N. J. State Highway Commission, Concord, N. H. State Roads Commission, Balti- more, Md. State Highway Commission, Augusta, Me. State Highway Portland, Conn, State Highway Dover, Del. State Road Commission, Charleston, W. Va, State Highway Department, Reno, Nev. State Highway Department, Lincoln, Nebr. Department, Department, Tanks, galvanized-steel plates , 4S0-gal. ....do .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. Forges, portable do do do Tanks, galvanized-steel, bar- rel-shaped, 165-gal. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pumps, Novo Barnes, and spares, as on Engineer Order No. 3S161. ...do .do. Tanks, galvanized-steel, 165- gal. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Tanks, galvanized. ....do SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 143 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Tofal sale price. Sept. 26,1919.. do do do do do do do do , do do , do , do , do , do .do. .do. do ....do.. do ....do Sept. 23, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. State Highway Department, Ames, Iowa, State Highway Department, Phoenix, Ariz. State Highway Department, Sacramento, Calif. State Highway Commission, Deerlodge, Mont. State Highway Commission, Los Lunos, N. Mex. State Highway Department, Nashville, Tenn. State Highway Commission, Greenfield, Mass. State Highway Commission, Westfield, Mass. State Highway Commission, Bismarck, N. Dak. State Highway Commission, Oklahoma City, Okla. State Highway Commission, Salem, Oreg. State Highway Department, Pendleton, Oreg. State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa. State Highway Department, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. State Highway Commission, Raleigh, N. C. F. F. Rogers, Charlotte, Mich. . . , State Highway Department, Boise, Idaho. State Highway Commission, Denver, Colo. State Highway Commispion, Madison, Wis. State Highway Commission, Richmond , Va. State Highway Department, Atlanta, Ga. State Highway Department, Sacramento, Calif. State Highway Department, Phoenix, Ariz. State Highway Department, Madison, Wis. State Highway Commission, Los Lunas, N. Mex. State Highway Commission, Denver, Colo. State Highway Commission, Reno^ev. State Highway Commission, Lincoln, Nebr. State Highway Commission, Deerlodge, Mont. State Highway Commission, Hamline St., Fairgrounds, Minn. State Highway Commission, Ames, Iowa. State Highway Commission, Boise, Idaho. State Highway Department, Albany, N. Y. State Highway Department, Springfield, 111. Joplin Special Road District, JopUn, Mo. State Highway Commission, Bismarck, N. Dak. State Highway Commission, Oklahoma City, Okla. State Highway Commission, Pendleton, Oreg. State Highway Commission, Harrisburg, Pa. State Highway Department, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Tanks, galvanized do ....do do do do Tanks, galvanized-steel. . do do do do Tanks, steel, galvanized. do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pumps, Barnes, Novo, and spares, as on Engineer Order No. 38161. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 144 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BR ANCH—TR AN SF E R S— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 0810 0811 0812 0813 0814 0815 0816 0817 0818 0819 0820 0821 0822 0823 0824 0825 0826 0827 0828 0829 0830 0831 0832 0833 0834 0835 0836 0837 0838 0839 0840 Sept. 23,1919..., do do Sept. 22, 1919... do Sept. 24, 1919... do do do do Sept. 22, 1919... do do do do Sept. 10, 1919... Sept. 16, 1919. do do Sept. 30, 1919. ....do ....do do do do ....do do do do do do do State Highway Department, Austin, Tex. State Highway Department, Richmond, Va. F. F. Rogers, Charlotte, Mich Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, Mitchell, S. Dak. Department of Agriculture, dis- triel forester, Albuquerque, N. Mex. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Canceled.) [Canceled.] United States Public Health Service, Philadelphia, Pa. Department of Agriculture, dis- trict forester, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Department of AgricuIture.State Highway Commission, Mitch- ell, S. Dak. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads. Department of Agriculture, dis- trict forester. United States Bureau of Public Roads. Post Office Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Post Office Department, Detroit, Mich. Union of Siberian Creamery- Associations (Inc.), New York City. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, Atlanta, Ga. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Commission, Augusta, Me. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, New Orleans, La. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of PubUc Roads, Frankfort, Ky.. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, Augusta, Ga. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, Macon, Ga. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, Columbus, Ga. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, Valdosta, Ga. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, Springfield, 111. Department of Agriculture, State Highway Commission, Ames, Iowa. Department of Agriculture, board of county commis- sioners, AbUene, Kans. Department of Agriculture, board of county comniission- ers, Mound City, Kans. Department of Agriculture, State Roads Comniission,Balti- more, Md. Pumps, Barnes, Novo, and spares as on Engineer Order No. 37161. do .do. Lanterns, combination. do Chloratum, hydratmn, 324- mgm. tablets, 500 in bottle. Shovels, long-handled, round- pointed. ...do Shovels, long-handled, square- pointed. Forges, portable .do. Tapes, metallic and steel: 25-ft., metallic 50-ft., metaHic 60-ft., metallic 100-ft., steel Paper, toilet .do. Osnaburg, brown, 28 inch, 7-oz., 44 X 28. Wagons, sprinkling .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Wagons, sprinkling, 450-gallon, -do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 145 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0841 0842 Sept. 30, 1919.... do Department of Agriculture, State Highway Department, North Reading, Mass. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads, Char- lotte, Mich. State, War, and Navy Building Washington, D. C. District forester. Forest Service, Spokane, Wash. Board of Inspection, post office garage, 132 Q St., NE., Wash., D. C. Post Office Department, post- master. New York City. Division of Equipment and Sup- plies, new post-office building, Washington, D. C. Public Health Service Wagons,sprinkling,450-gallon. do , $1,417.32 2,834.64 240 00 0843 Sept. 22, 1919.... do Sept. 26, 1919.... .....do Aug. 8, 1919 Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... do Paper, toilet 0844 0845 0846 Blankets, commercial, wool, new, 4-lb. Gauze, gray, 44 x 40, 38^' do do 5,000.00 14.63 682. 50 1,170.00 258,974.19 1,334.95 6,922.05 2 07 0847 Supplies, medical and hospital . Office supplies 0848 Treasury Department, Jackson, Miss. [Canceled.] Treasury Department, Madison, Wis. 0849 0850 do 0851 Aug. 26, 1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... Sept. 29, 1919.... Oct. 3, 1919 do Tincture iodine,in i-lh. bottles (32-ozs.). Compoimd, antidimming Prunes, fancy, 50's-60's Spare parts, Ford 0852 0853 0854 Depot Quartermaster, United States Marine Corps., 1100 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Alaskan Engineering Commis- sion, Seattle, Wash. United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Treasury Department, Balti- more, Md. Treasury Department, Provi- dence, R. I. Treasury Department, Washing- ton, D. C. do . . 8,000.00 618.75 644 52 0855 63 00 Desk, sin^e type, 50 x 60.". Desk, flat-top, 55 x 60 264. 90 229 02 83 70 Tables, 60 x 72 121 69 0856 Chairs, oak, side, without arms. Desk, single typewriter, 50 x 60. Desk, flat-top, 55 x 60 78.75 264 90 do 229 02 83 70 Tables, 60x72 121 69 25 88 0857 63 00 0858 do do 94 50 0859 do Treasury Department, Boston, Mass. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Bureau, Augusta, Me. do Desks, single typewriter, oak.. Desks, flat-top, 55 x 60 397 36 do 343.54 125 56 Tables 121 69 25.88 0860 Desk, single typewriter, 50 x 60. Desks, flat-top, 55 x 60 Chair, swivel, oak 397 36 do 343.54 125 56 Tables, 60 x 72 121. 69 Chairs, bentwood 25 88 0861 94 50 0862 do Treasury Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing. United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. do Boots, knee, sizes 12/7, 12/9, 12/10, 12/11. Covers, canvas, for Velie trucks. Storm aprons for Velie trucks. . Solder 156 00 0863 0864 Sept. 29, 1919.... Sept, 20. 1919.... 384.06 160. 00 212 04 0865 Sept. 30, 1919.... Oct. 1, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919 do Department of Agriculture, State Highway Commission, Indianapolis, Ind. District engineers, Kansas City, Mo. State board of control, West Vir- ginia Penitentiary, Mounds- ville, W. Va. do Wagons, sprinkling 2, 834. 64 0866 0867 Blankets, wool, commercial, new. Apples, evaporated 2,400.00 1,425.00 814 00 0868 Prunes 0869 do do 1,217 00 0S70 Sept. 23, 1919.... Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 3, 1919 Marine Corps wharf, Cohmibus St., Charleston, S. C. Department of Commerce, Light- house Service, 12th district, Milwaukee, Wis. Treasury Department, Bureau Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. 1,944.00 0871 0872 Blankets, commercial, wool, new. 200.00 39.00 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 10 146 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0873 0874 Sept. 30, 1919.... do Department of Aariculture, Bureau of Public Roads, Mis- soula, Mont. Department of -A.gricultiu'e, Bu- reau of Public Roads, C. H. Swcetser, district engineer. Mills Building, San Francisco, Calif. Department of -Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, C. H. Purcell, district engineer, Port- land, Oreg. Department of Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, E. S. Wheeler, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Department of -Vgricnlture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, J. S. Bright, district engineer, Den- ver j^ Colo. Department of -Agriculture, Bu- reau of Public Roads, B. J. Finch, district engineer, Hud- son Building, Odgen, Utah. District engineer of Kansas City, Mo. Authorized agent of United States Public Health Ser\lce, Clueago, 111. do Tanks, galvanized steel, 165- gallon. do $52.85 264.26 0875 Sept. 29, 1919.... Sept. 30, 1919.... do do 264.26 0876 0877 do do 264.25 264.25 0878 do do 264.25 0879 0880 Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 3, 1919 do Blankets, wool, reclaimed, commercial. 1,900.00 1, 896. 00 0881 2,913.80 3,993.30 9,611.40 613. 09 0882 do do do do 0883 Beans, stringless. No. 10 0884 do Authorized agent of United States Public Health Ser\ice, Baltimore, Md. Authorized agent of United States Public Health Service, -AtUmta, Ga. Authorized agent of LTnited States Public Health Service, Baltimore, Md. do 0885 do 5, 181. 10 0SS6 . do Peas, No. 2 393.66 0887 do 40.63 0888 do do 355. 95 08S9 do Oct. 6, 1919 do Authorized agent of United States Public Health Service, -Atlanta, Ga. Mississippi River Commission, Jetfersonville, Ind. Bureau Public Roads, care of C. H. Piucell, district engi- neer, post-office bldg., Port- land, Oreg. Bureau Public Roads, care of U. 8. Marshall, senior high- way engineer, Montana Bldg., Missoula, Mont. Bureau PubUc Roads, care of C. H. Sweetser, district engi- neer. Mills Bldg., San Fran- cisco, Calif. Bureau Public Roads, care of B. J. Finch, district engineer, Hudson Bldg., Ogden, Utah. Bureau PubUc Roads, care of J. S. Bright, district engineer, 301 customhouse bldg., Den- ver, Colo. Bureau Public Roads, care of E. S. "\^1ieeler, senior high- way engineer, Diuin-Strickler Bldg.. -Albuquerque, N. Mex. Bureau Public Roads, care of J. S. Bright, district engineer, room 301. custombouse bldg., Denver, Colo. Department of Commerce, mas- ter United States Fisheries steamer Gannet, Booth Bay Harbor, Me. Commissioners of District of Columbia, Washington, D. C. District engineers, Little Rock, Ark. 813.90 0890 25.00 0891 Lanterns, combination, rail- road. do 225.00 do 225.00 .. do 225.00 do 225.00 do 225.00 do 225.00 0892 Shovels, short handle, round point. Blankets, wool, new 1,173.84 0893 Oct. 8, 1919 do Oct. 1,1919 120.00 0894 0895 Drawers, winter, fleece, new. . . Blankets, commercial, wool, new. 1,080.00 375.00 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT, 147 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY B RANCH— TRANSF ER S— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0896 0897 0898 0899 0900 Oct. 3, 1919 Oct. 1, 1919 Oct. 3, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919 do Authorized agent of United States Public Health Service, Baltimore, Md. . United States Engineers, post- office bldg.. Savannah, Ga. Authorized agent of United States Public Health Service, Baltimore, Md. United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. W. F. Collins, export agent, American Red Cross, New York City. Bureau Public Roads, care of J. S. Bright, district engineer, room 301, customhouse bldg., Denver, Colo. Commissioners of District of Columbia, Washington, D. C. War Department, Mississippi River Commission, district engineer, Memphis, Tenn. Commissioners of District of Columbia, Washington, D . C. United States Public Health Service, supply depot, Perry- ville, Md. Commissioners of District of Columbia, Washington, D. C. do Corn, No. 2 $i, 270. 95 Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Oatmeal, No. 2 500.00 1 953 25 Spare parts for Ford cars Soap, laundry 2,610.00 8,798.28 Oct. 6, 1919 Oct. 4, 1919 Oct. 10, 1919 Oct. 4, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 . . do do 69, 660. 63 0901 0902 0903 0904 0905 0906 0907 Chains, log, i" x 20' 358 50 Cans, ash or garbage, 17 x 24" . . Rope, manila, J" 10.35 240. 00 36.00 232, 500. 00 74.40 Blankets, commercial, wool re- claimed. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Blankets, cotton and wool mixed, reclaimed. Blankets, wool, new 4, 100. 00 0908 0909 Oct. 8, 1919 .do United States Engineers, first district. New York, N. Y. do 218. 00 120.00 0910 do Commissioners of District of Columbia, Washington, D. C. United States Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. . ..do 600. 00 0911 0912 Oct. 6, 1919 do Miscellaneous supplies: Eye shades, single Eye shades, double Instruments, surgical: Applicators, throat, metal, No. 542. Cases, genito-urinary Cases, post-mortem Bandage scissors, 7J", screw lock, No. 115. Saw, amputating. No. 136. Medicines, miscellaneous lot. . . Shovels, long handle, round point. No. 2. Bedding, miscellaneous Instruments, surgical, miscel- laneous. 132. 50 210. 00 0913 do do 28.00 43, 908. 00 6, 900. 00 2, 000. 00 130.00 35, 912. 50 0914 0915 0916 Oct. 11, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 Oct. 11, 1919 Oct. 6, 1919 Oct. 7, 1919 do Department of Interior, United States Reclamation Service. United States PubUc Health Service, Washington, D. C. Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Washington, D. C. United States Public Health Service, PerryviOe, Md. United States PubUc Health Service, Washington, D. C. United States Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. . do 36.00 2,784.00 478.39 50.00 0917 Medicines and instruments: Extractum belladonnse foliorum. 340.00 700. 00 0918 Cauteries (Pacquelin), with two platinum points. No. 306. Supplies, medical and hospital: Beds 1,900.00 124, 040. 00 ... do 74 200.00 do 47, 600. 00 do 98,000.00 3,250.00 0919 Miscellaneous supplies, racks for urinals and bedpans. Medicines, hvdrargyri chlori- dimite, 1,000 6.5-rttgm. tab- lets in bottle. Medicines, oleum terebin things reotivicatum. Medicines, Qitroglycerin, 65- mgm. hypodermic tablets (20 in tube). 0920 Oct. 6 1919 69.00 0921 do do 480. 00 Oct. 9, 1919 United States Engineers, Masonic Temple, Jacksonville, Fla. 600.00 1, 000. 00 0922 Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. 600. 00 148 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. 0923 0924 0925 0926 0927 0928 0929 0930 0931 0932 0933 0934 0935 0936 0937 0938 0939 0940 0941 0942 0943 094rl 0945 0946 0947 0948 0949 0950 0951 0952 0953 0954 0955 0956 Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 1, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919.. Oct. 13, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919.. Oct. 11,1919. do do do do do Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 14,1919. Oct. 17, 1919. .do. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 8,1919. Oct. 3, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. .do. .do. .do. do Oct. 9, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. .do. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. United States Engineers, Kewanee, Wis. Commissioners of District of Columbia, Washington, D. C. Department of Interior, OfRce of Indian Affairs, Haskell In- stitute, Lawrence, Kans. Superintendent State, War, and Navy Building, ISth and C Sts. NW., Washington J). C. United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Treasiu-y Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. Commission of the District of Columbia, M. C. Hargrove, purchasing officer, Washing- ton, D. C. Department of Interior, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C. do Commission of the District of Columbia, M. C. Hargrove, purchasing officer, Washing- ton, D.C. United States Shipping Board, E mergency Fleet Corporation, Norfolk, Va. do do do do do Depot quartermaster, Marine Corps, Marine Corps wharf, Columbus St., Charleston, S.C. Department of Interior, St. Fliz- abeths Hospital, Washington, D.C. Commissioners of the District of Columbia, M. C. Hargrove, purchasing officer, Washing- ton, D. C. Treasury Department.Bureauof Engraving and Printing, Wa'shington, D. C. Commissioners of the District of Columbia, M. C. Hargrove, piuchasing officer, Washing- ton, D.C. Treasury Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. Federal Board of Vocational Education, Washington, D. C. Medical officer in charge. United States Public Health Service, supply depot, Perryville, Md. United States Engineers, 329 customhouse,New Orleans, La. do do Treasury Departmentj Director Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. do Commissioners of the District of Columbia, M. C. Hargrove, purchasing officer, Washing- ton, D. C. United States Engineers, 329 customhouse.New < Tleans, La. Department of Interior, United States Reclamation Service, Grand Junction, Colo. Depot quartermaster. Marine storehouse, 5th and William Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Lighthouse tender Dandelion, care of United States dry dock, 1 Keokuk, Iowa. Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Towels, bath, new Nails, 16 d. Cans, ash or garbage, approx- imately 18 X 25", with covers, Beans, stringless. No. 2 cans... Matches, safety Bacon, crate. No. 8. Bacon, Serial No. 8. Apples, evaporated . do Tobacco, Velvet. Tobacco, Prince Albert Tobacco. Tuxedo , Tobacco, Dukes Mixture, bags . Tobacco, plug, Star , Tobacco, Climax, plugs , Salt , issue , .do Soap, issue. do Paper, toilet. .do. .do. .do. Towels, bath, new. Towels, huck, new Bars, mosquito, new Oilers, engineers', common, 1-pt., 10" spout. Handles, hatchet, 14". Prunes, evaporated. . Blankets, commercial, wool, new. do Salt, issue Towels, bath, new. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 149 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BR ANCH— TR AN SF ER S— Continued. Date of sale. C985 0986 0987 0988 0989 0990 0991 0992 0993 Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. .do. .do. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 7,1919.. Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919.. .....do Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919., Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. do Oct. 2, 1919. Oct. 24, 1919. ....do Oct. 29, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. Oct. 29, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. Oct. 29, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919. .....dp Nov. 1, 1919. .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. Article. Lighthouse tender Dandelion, care of United States dry dock, Keokuk, Iowa United States Engineers, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Department of the Interior, fuel- yard garage, 58 B St. SW., Washington, D. C. Department of Interior, United States Reclamation Service, Grand Junction, Colo. United States Kngineers, 329 customhouse, New ' rleans.La. United States Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. do United States Engineers, 3d Mississippi River district, Vicksburg, Miss. Lighthouse tender Dandelion, care of United States dry dock, Keokuk, Iowa. The Panama Canal Postoffice Department, office of purchasing agent, Washing- ton, D. C. do United States Engineers, 329 customhouse. New Orleans , La. Department of Commerce, Light- house Service, Baltimore, Md. United States Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. Medical officer in charge of Umted States Public Health Service, GreenvillC; S. C. United States Engmeers, 3d Mississippi River district, Vicksburg, Miss. United States Engineers, Flor- ence, Ala. Department of the Interior, Ireedmans Hospital, Wash- ington, D. C. City Engineers, 3d Mississippi River district, Vicksburg, Miss. Quartermaster, National Guard, District of Columbia, 472 L St., NW., Washington, D. C. do GeneralSupply Committee, 14th & B Sts. SW., Washington, D.C. do do United States Navy Depart- ment, Supply Officer, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. J. S. Garland, superintendent, Water Department, Ecking- ton yard of B. & O. R. R., Washington, D. C. General Supply Committee, 14th & B Sts. SW., Washington, D.C. do do do United States Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. Post Office Department, office of purchasing agent, Washing- ington, D. C. do United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C. do do Towels, huck, new. .do. Cans, ash or garbage, approxi- mately 22i X 34". Blankets, commercial, cotton, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial, wool, reclaimed. Curettes, bone (Whiting), size 6, No. 188. Acetanilidum Towels, huck, new Paper, toilet . Nails, 16d Boots, rubber, hip, size 9. Boots, rubber, hip, size 11. Boots, rubber, hip .do. Medicines, miscellaneous. Flour, issue Blankets, commercial, wool, new. Blankets, commercial cotton and wool mixed, new. Blankets, commerical wool, reclaimed. Blankets, commercial cotton and wool mixed, new. Bridle, cavalry, model 1909 . . Saddles, cavalry, McClellan. . . Baskets, wire, waste , do Desks, flat-top, oak. . Shovels, long handle: Round polat Square point Lead, pig Desks, typewriter, single- pedestal. Desks, flat-top, 54 to 60" Tables, oak, 48" and 72" Chairs, arm, revolving, oak.... Acidum boricum, pulvis Boots, rubber, hip . .do. Picks, mattocks (handled). .do. .do. 150 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SURPLUS PROPERTY DIVISION, PURCHASE AND SUPPLY BRANCH— TRANSFERS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 0994 0995 0996 Nov. 3, 1919 Oct. 27, 1919 Oct. 9,1919 Oct. 24, 1919..... Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 26, 1919 Nov. 3, 1919 Oct. 28, 1919 Oct. 23, 1919 Oct. 30, 1919 Oct. 31, 1919 Department of Commerce, Li^ht- touse Ser\-ice, Philadelphia, Pa. Office of Public Buildings and Grounds, Washington, D. C. Panama Canal, zone supply Officer, Medical SupplV Branch, 461 Sth Ave., New York City. Department of Commerce, Light- house Service, Boston, Mass. United States Engineers, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Department of Commerce, Light- house Service, Boston, Mass. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Office of Public Buildings and Grounds, 172S New York Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Ih'iustrv, Washington, D. C. U. S. Public Health Service, Perryville, Md. do Picks, railroad, Hubbard & Co. Boots, rubber, half-hip Suits, pajamas, new $8.91 132.00 2, 592. 00 0997 Towels, bath, new 33.12 0998 do 27.60 0999 01000 Towels, huck, new Paper, toilet 28.80 500. 00 01001 do 50.00 01002 01003 01004 Soap, ivory (small size) Medicines, miscellaneous do 220.00 29,585.08 35,376.50 803.90 01005 Sept. 16, 1919.... Agricultural Department, Bu- reau of Public Roads. Pumps, Barnes, Novo, and spares, as on Engineer Order No. 3S161. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. 1 Feb. 6, 1919 do Various purchasers Scrap, kindling wood $9.00 2 do 3 00 3 do do do 12 00 4 do do do... 4 50 5 do do do 2 75 6 do do do 9 00 7 .. ..do do do . 12 00 8 do do do do 7 00 9 do . ..do... 20 00 10 do do 18.00 11 Feb. 10, 1919 Feb. 13, 1919 do Feb. 15, 1919.... do Daniel I. Murphy, 234 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. B. B. Steiber, Bridgeport, Conn. do Various pm-chasers, at Wood- bury, N. J. do . . . . . Cartridge cloth 1,709.20 29.35 12 Lumber, 4x4" x 8' 13 Lumber. 2x6" x 12' 175.50 14 Scrap, kindling wood 8.00 15 do 2 00 16 do do.... do 2 25 17 do do do 3 50 18 do do do 4.00 19 do do do . . 20 00 20 do do 1 52 21 do do do 3.06 22 do do . . do 2 00 23 do do 18 00 24 25 Feb. 4, 1919 Feb. 11, 1919 do do Feb. 7, 1919 Feb. 11, 1919 Feb. 20, 1919.... do Daniel I. Murphy, Camden, N. J. Fertel-Dangler-Wilson Co., Cleveland, Ohio. G. F. Kolb Powder-bag waste, cartridge cloth. Borings and turnings 1,075.43 301. 27 26 Oil barrel, double-head Tools, high-speed steel Oil barrels, double-head Boxes, empty packing do 1 00 27 28 0. K. Tool Co., Bridgeport, Conn. W. A . Cunningham 20.00 77.00 29 L. Moore . . 50 30 Union Tool Co^ Orange, Mass 45.00 31 Electric Auto- Lite Corporation, Toledo, Ohio. do Borings, malleable iron do 276 99 32 do 57.22 33 do do ...do 219 14 34 do do do 1,720.35 45 50 35 do do do 36 Feb. 19, 1919 Feb. 1, 1919 do do ...do 70.22 37 Chelsea Tire & Repair Co do Tires, rubber 12. 1275 38 do 26 0925 39 do do do 6. 11625 40 do do . . do 4.515 41 do do do , .9975 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 151 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 1, 1919 Chelsea Tire & Repair Co. do do do John Abbott Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. ....do ....do Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. ....do ....do Feb. 13, 1919. ....do Feb. 8, 1919.. Feb. 17, 1919. ....do Feb. 7, 1919.. Feb. 8, 1919.. Feb. 24, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919. Feb. 5, 1919.. Feb. 10, 1919. Feb. 4, 1919.. Feb. 12, 1919. ....do Feb. 10, 1919. Feb. 16, 1919. Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919. do ....do do Feb. 17, 1919. Feb. 14,1919. Feb. 11,1919. Feb. 12, 1919. Feb. 8, 1919 . . Feb. 25, 1919. do do do do do Feb. 13,1919. Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919. Feb. 6, 1919.. do Feb. 26, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. do Feb. 11, 1919. do Feb. 10, 1919. do do do Feb. 17, 1919 . do do Feb. 18, 1919. .do. .do. ...do. ...do. ...do. Henry A . Hitner Sons Co C. Cowles& Co Balbaeh Smelting & Refining Co. Winchester Repeating Arms Co. Magnus Co. (Inc.) ....do ....do ....do Bristol Brass Co., Connecticut... ....do F. A. Niles Co., New York Chase Metal Works Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co W. J. BuTch, Elberton, Ga T. R. Drone H. Tate, Indianapolis, Ind Max Gordon. Bridgeport, Conn . Stamford Rolling Mills Co ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. J. H. Printz, Nashville, Term. . . C. N. Cowden, Nashville, Term. . T. O. Morris, Nashville, Tenn ....do Fred Roe, Indianapolis, Ind Jerome Plaut, Hamilton, Ohio. . Providence Bag & Burlap Co.... M. M. Hall, Nashville, Tenn . . . , O. M. Davis, Nashville, Tenn . . , Lubric Oil Co do do Columbia Smelting & Refining Co. , New York City. Cambridge Smelting & Refining Co., Cambridge, Mass. F. H. Niles & Co., Woolworth Bldg., New York City. Foster, Merriam & Co. , Meriden , Conn. S. J. Liftig, New Haven, Conn . . Magnus Co. (Inc.), New Haven, Conn. Balbaeh Smelting & Refining Co do Fred Row, Indianapolis, Ind Wagner Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. do G. Mathes Metal Co Mississippi Valley Iron Co G. Mathes Metal Co do do do do do do J. T. Henderson, Hermitage, Tenn. T. O. Morris, Nashville, Tenn.. P. G. Cantrell, Hendersonville, Tenn. Nashville Bridge Co., Nashville, Tenn. G. A. Henderson, Hermitage, Tenn. Howington & Co., Nashville, Tenn. Tires, rubber ...do Lumber, pine and oak, all sizes. Cold-rolled steel Brass bars Ashes, foundry Brass coils Nickel trimmings Nickel chips Nickel jackets, leaded Nickel jackets, clean Brass shells Brass cupping Copper, scrap do do Cotton ties Old tires Packing boxes, 33 x 31 x 11" . . Brass, scrap do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Scrap, kindling wood Scrap lumber .....do do Scrap, kindling wood Machine-shop sweepings . Burlap Fertilizer, manure Cotton ties Barrels do do Scrap, piglead Total sale price. $4. 3875 25.62 50.00 32.54 647.36 .do. Cupro-nickel burnt jackets . Packing boxes Brass fired shells Nickel trimmings Brass and copper, popped. Sweepings Scrap, kindling wood Iron turnings and borings . .do. Low-phosphorus steel turn- ings and borings. do....: Bronze turnings and borings . . do Bronze castings do Low-phosphorus steel forgings . Malleable-iron castings Low-phosphorus steel turnings Scrap lumber Lumber, scrap . do .do. .do. Scrap, kindUng wood . 37, 102. 68 5, .500. 00 1,449.85 1,195.05 2,904.30 7, 500. 00 1,588.66 84, 399. 00 27,807.50 1,286.16 10.00 21.15 57.39 9,468.75 9,468.75 9, 562. 50 3, 187. 50 3, 187. 50 9, 562. 50 9, 562. 50 9, 562. 50 40.00 100. 00 30.00 20.00 4.50 14.98 732.24 6.00 199.32 115.50 6.00 1.50 5,061.27 8,498.77 5,627.23 35.70 696. 55 2,228.60 4.60 42.73 63.78 526.27 405.29 638. 47 70.00 292.23 873. 72 134. 99 4.82 56.49 20.00 50.00 100.00 140. 00 60.00 50.00 ' Not y et reported. 152 SALE OF SUEPLITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 1,1919.. Jan. 24, 1919.. do do do do do Mar. 3, 1919.. do Feb. 28, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Feb. 26, 1919. Feb. 6, 1919.. do do Jan. 29, 1919.. Jan. 24, 1919.. Jan. 29, 1919.. Feb. 6, 1919.. Feb. 26, 1919. do do do do do Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 26, 1919. .do. .do. do Feb. 11, 1919. Feb. 26, 1919. do do Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 2, 1919.. Feb. 6, 1919.. Feb. 8, 1919.. do Feb. 2, 1919.. Feb. 12, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. L. B. Martin, Hermitage, Tenn. . The Ebner Sons Co. , Springfield, Ohio. Jos. Regan, New Haven, Conn. . do do do do do Dan. I. Murphv, 234 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. do Various purchasers do do do do ....do Buffalo House Wrecking & Sal- vage Co. do ....do ....do AVatertown Paper Stock Co ...do Jos. Joseph Bros. Co Defiance Paper Co ....do Buffalo House Wrecking Co Poland Belting Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Briggs & Ttirivas, shipped to Inland Steel Co., Indiana Har- bor, Ind. do do Progressive Metal & Refining Co., Milwaukee, WMs. do do Kissel Motor Car Co., Hartford, Wis. Kelsev Wheel Co do do do do do Gifliord Engine Co., Lansing, Mich. Hammond Iron & Metal Co., Hammond, Ind. do do .do. .do. Feb. 12, 1919.. Briggs & Turivas, shipped to Cranberry Furnace Co., John- son City, Tenn. Chermyk Iron & Metal Co., Chicago, ni. do do Briggs & Turivas. shipped to Minnesota Steel Co., Steelton, Minn. Racine Brass & Iron Co., Ra- cine, Wis. Kelsey Wheel Co. (Inc.), De- troit, Mich. Bratt & Lang, Racine, Wis do do Mr. John Jakebeak Briggs & Turivas, shipped to Cranberry Furnace Co., John- son City." Tenn. Haynes Stellite Co., Kokomo, Ind. Lumber, scrap Machine-shop turnings. Steel turnings Heavy melting steel. Aluminum castings . Aluminum turnings. Brass chips Babbitt Burlap Silk waste Scrap kindling wood. '!!!!do"!!;;!!!]!!!!! do do Fertilizer, manure Brass scrap do do German silver Cold-rolled steel, rejected parts No. 3 steel, rejected parts No. 3 steel, turnings do do Aluminum turnings Scrap leather belting Steel plate shearings, heavy meltmg steel. ....do ....do Bronze scrap. do Brass borings. . Used motor oil. Scrap wood Steel turnings Heavy melting steel. Steel turnings , Heavy melting steel. Malleable iron scrap. Steel scrap Scrap burlap Scrap rubber Miscellaneous scrap, bus cas- ings. Miscellaneous scrap, inner tubes. Miscellaneous scrap, waste paper. Nickel-steel turnings and bor- ings. Nickel-steel butt ends Nickel-steel turnings Nickel-steel saw cuttings . . . Steel turnings and borings. Cast-iron castings . Steel crop ends Barrels , do , do Kindling wood , Steel borings and turnings. Tool steel. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 153 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale pnce. Feb. 2«, 1919.... Feb. 12, 1919.. Feb. 13, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. Jan. 29, 1919.. Feb. 16, 1919. Feb. 26, 1919. Feb. 27, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919. do do , do , Feb. 18, 1919... do , do Feb. 17, 1919..., Feb. 26, 1919..., do Feb. 25, 1919. Feb. 29, 1919. Feb. 27, 1919. Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 27, 1919. Mar. 1, 1919.. Feb. 18, 1919. Mar. 4, 1919.. Mar. 3, 1919.. Feb. 26, 1919. Feb. 20,1919.. Feb. 21,1919.. .do. .do. .do. Feb. 28, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. ....do ....do Feb. 2, 1919. . Feb. 5,1919.. Feb. 2,1919.. Feb. 25,1919. Feb. 28, 1919. ....do ....do , ---.do , -...do do Feb. 12, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Briggs & Turivas, shipped to Inland Steel Co., Indiana Har- bor, Ind. Silver Iron & Steel Co., Racine, Wis. do do The Kissel Motor Car Co., Hart- ford, Wis. Hell Co., Milwaukee, Wis Briggs - . J. Tobias-Zeman Co. J. W. Buchanan Kissel Motor Car Co. Foster Merriam Co . . Sinaiko Bros Chernyk Iron & Metal Co. do .do. .do. .do. .do. Spartan Machine Co. (Ltd.). Robb Engineering Works. . . do Spartan Machine Co. (Ltd.). Dodge Bros Morgan Eng. Co. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Wehr Steel Co..... Kelsey Wheel Co. do Briggs & Turivas. Carl Edelstein do do do .do. Chernyk Iron & Metal Co . do do H. Emerman Co do Louis Berlowitz Bratt & Long do Silver Iron & Steel Co. Heavy steel melting scrap Aluminum borings and turn- ings. Yellow brass borings and turn- ings. Aluminum, spoiled castings. . Iron and steel turnings and borings. Steel, sheet scrap Bronze borings Steel borings do Wood, kindling Used motor oil Rough wooden packing boxes Borings and turnings, 2 per rent nickel steel. Nos. 2 and 3 bronze borings and turnings. Common bronze borings and turnings. Phosphorous-bronze castings . Nos. 2 and 3 bronze castings.. Common bronze Phosphorous-bronze turnings and borings. Forgings, scrap steel Scrap copper, electrolytic Scrap steel, shell trom which test specimen has been cut. do --- Nickel-steel breech blocks, breech rings, cores from breech blocks. Turnings and borings, Nos. 3 and 4, yellow bronze. Castings, Nos. 3 and 4, yellow bronze. do Steel castings, defective , Castings, No. 2, and phosphor- bronze. Castings, Nos. 3 and 4, yellow brass. Turnings and borings, No. 2, bronze. Turnings and borings, Nos. 3 and 4, yellow bronze. Steel turnings Steel borings and turnings, mixed. Steel scrap, No. 1, steel idler wheels. Wood, oak and hickory, spoiled and checked spokes and fellies. Heavy melting steel, spoiled hubs and rings. Machine-shop borings and turnings. Otis bronze borings and turn- ings. Watertown bronze borings and turnings. Michigan bronze borings and turnings. Bronze and iron mixed, ma- chine-shop borings and turn- ings. Eureka bronze borings and turnings. Miscellaneous iron and steel scrap. Controllers, iron, steel, slate, and brass. Yellow bronze turnings and borings Steel turnings, mixed do Busheling scrap Oil barrels Grease barrels No. 2 light busheling scrap 168 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1118 May 2, 1919 Apr. 10.1919.... May 2, 1919 May 6, 1919 do Goldie McCuUoch Co. (Ltd.) . . - . Sol Slavin & Co Scrap steel $17.50 34 62 1119 German silver turnings Scrap steel .... 1120 Goldie McCuIloch Co. (Ltd.) Nortliern Metal Co 42.00 1121 7.13 1122 do 246. 40 1123 1124 May 7, 1919 do J. Miller, Eddystone, Pa T. A. Cairns, Eddystone, Pa C. O'Donneli Scrap wood, gunstocks 1.60 1.60 1125 do do 1.60 1126 do J. Barber do 1.60 1127 do do 1.60 1128 do C. L. Bailey do 1.60 1129 do T. F. Houlahan do 1.60 1130 do A C Dickinson do . 1.60 1131 .. . do M Clemick do 1 60 1132 do J Richard Jackson 824. 90 1133 . . do R H Sakers Scrap walnut stock blanks 4 00 1134 May 6, 1919 do Alfred Johnson .50 1135 do .50 1136 do A R Enion do .50 1137 do do .50 1138 do Chas B Bright do .50 1139 do T. J. Fitzgerald do .50 1140 do . . . Hugh Pattison . . . ^ .. . do .50 1141 do Thos Padgin do .50 1142 do Wm. E. Chapin do .50 1143 do Edith M. Evens do .50 1144 do S. Smith do .50 1145 do Percy G. Hall ... do .50 1146 do do .50 1147 do . F Buckley . . do .50 1148 do do .50 1149 do Wm J.Gorman . . do '. . . .60 1150 do Geo. H. Roche do .50 1151 do . . . S R Woods .do .50 1152 do do .50 1153 do A F Millison ..do .50 1154 do do .60 1155 do Chas May .do .50 1156 do. R. M. Courtney . . do .60 1157 do Morris Snyder .. ..do .60 1158 do. J. F. Gressang . . do .50 1159 do J. Mason Homan .... do .50 1160 do David Boldwin . . do .50 1161 do Maj. W. H. Tilton .... do 1.50 1162 do Maj.B. C.Welsh . . do .50 1163 do. . . H. H. Steinle .... do .50 1164 do Geo. H. Meehan do .50 1165 do J Corkery do .60 1166 do Chas. M. Wing . . do .60 1167 Apr. 23, 1919 May 6, 1919 Northern Metal Co Light forging scrap and car- bon steel. Scrap metal parts of United States rifle, model 1917. do 501 72 1168 Alfred Johnson 1.50 1169 E. H. Pearson 1.50 1170 do A. R. Enion do L50 1171 .. . do Chas. Scheimreif . do 1.50 1172 do Chas. B. Bright .... do 1.60 1173 .... do T. J. Fitzgerald do 1.50 1174 . do Hugh Pattison . . do 1.50 1175 do Thos. Padgin do 1.50 1176 .. . do Wm. E. Chapin . . do 1.50 1177 Edith M. Evens . do L50 1178 .. . do S. Smith do 1.60 ll79 do Percy G.Hall . . do L50 1180 do Howard M. Kay . do 1.50 1181 ... . do F Budkley do 1.50 1182 do Wm. J. Landis . . do 1.50 1183 do Wm. J. Gorman .... do 1.05 1184 .. . do Geo. H. Roche do 1.50 1185 do S R Woods do 1.50 1186 do H. Longworth do 1.50 1187 . do A F. Millison do 1.50 1188 do Clyde Lamborn ... do L60 1189 do Chas May . . do 1.60 1190 .. . do R M.Courtney do 1.50 1191 do Morris Snyder . . do 1.50 1192 do J Mason Homan . do 1.50 1193 .. . do J. F. Gressans: do 1.60 1194 do do do 1.50 1195 Mai W H. Tilton . . do 4.50 1196 do Mai B C Welsh do 1.50 1197 do H.H. Steinle do 1.50 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 169 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 6, 1919. do do do do May 5, 1919... Mar. 12, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. do Geo. H. Meehan. Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. do May 5, 1919. . ...:do Apr. 30, 1919. May 1, 1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. ....do Apr. 30, 1919. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do May 2, 1919. . J. Corkery Chas. M. Wing Northern Metal Co .-..do E. F. Figuere Vanadium Alloys Steel Co McFarren Cartage Co American Purcliase Sales Cor- poration. Bohn Foundry Co Briggs & TurivasCo do M. Reichsten Son do Valley Scrap Iron Co H. Kramer Co Dodge Bros New Brunswick Iron & Metal Co. ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do Apr. 30, 1919. do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. May 1, 1919.. May 2, 1919.. do Mar. 31, 1919. do Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919.. do Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919. May 1, 1919.. May 5, 1919 . do do do do do do .....do May 7, 1919.. .....do Apr. 30, 1919. May 3, 1919.. ....:do May 5, 1919.. do May 7, 1919.. do May 3, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. do ....do Ben]. Harris & Co , Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co C. Cowles&Co do do do Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co do Schulz Ice Co Jacob Bros Bridgeport Paper Box Co Louis Veronica Capt. J. A. Root O. M. Davis Nashville Bottlers' Supply Co.. Various do Gerst Brewing Co O. M. Davis Coates, Bennett & Reidenbach. Joseph & Miller L. Schutzman ...do Star Woolen Co ....do ....do do ....do F. E.Ward Scovill Mfg. Co R. B. KJnapp Benj. Harris & Co do do United Smelting & Aluminum Co. Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co do Fertel-Dangler-Wilson Co Jas. T. Kelly's Sons Unknown Hem-y A. Hitner's Sons Scrap metal parts of United States rifle, model 1917. ....do ....do Brass scrap Scrap burlap Wood, gunstocks High-speed steel scrap, solids.. Waste oil do Heavy bronze scrap Shoveling steel scrap do Steel turnings and borings. . . Nichel-steel scrap 3" O. H. lap-weld steel tubing Hub box, hub riag, and hub bands, forged steel. Babbitt borings and chunks... Brass valves, fittings, etc... Aluminum fans and covers. . . Lead pipe and sheets Rubber boots and shoes Rubber gloves, acid eaten Rubber aprons Hose, cotton, and rubber tire. Rubber garden hose Rubber auto tubes Copper coils Copper wire Copper tubes Iron and steel pipe, valves, fit- tings, etc. Rubber auto shoes Brass cabbages , ....do Brass mill ends , Brass bars , do do Brass cupping , do Ashes Waste paper Empty bandoleer cases Scrap wood Kindltag Burlap Bottles and jugs Scrap casings, rubber Iimer tubes, rubber Bottles Iron scrap Steel gas shells and cast-iron gas shells. Scrap Osnaberg-cloth clippings Burlap Scrap cartridge-cloth clippir^s do ....do..... Scrap felt clippings Scrap cartridge-cloth clippings. Scrap felt clippings Lumber J weathered Cupro-nickel scrap Air-slacked lime Brass shells and trimmings Trimmings, fine Brass cabbages Manganese bronze chips Benj. Harris & Co. F. H. Niles&Co.. Borings and turnings Trimmings, nickel Heavy melting iron Cast-iron pipe and fittings Wood r Stamping and forming steel dies. Brass cupping Cupro-nickel cups 170 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE W.\Il DEPARTMENT. SEllIAL LIST OF SALES: STOKES AND SCRAl' SECTION, SCUAP BHANOll, OIIDNANCE DE PAUTMENT— Coutiuuod. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and ailtlre.ss of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1272 Apr. 25, 1919 Apr. 22, 1919 Apr. 25, 1919.... Apr. 26, 1919.... do Lehman Bros Cupro-nickel cupping $5, S06. 3S 1273 Bridgeport; Iron & Metal Co Benj. Harris & Co Brass cabbages 7.50 1274 Brass overhauling chips do 4,778.82 1275 do 3, 184. 92 1276 do 1,212.12 1277 Apr. 17, 1919.... Apr. 26, 1919 Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co do Brass cabbages 4,000.30 1278 do 6, 004. 30 1279 Mav 7, 1919 Mays, 1919 do W. B. Keiser Rubber gloves 1.88 1280 1281 Columbia Smelting & Refining Co. do Detective brass cartridge clips. Brass turnings 20,034.99 32,617.03 1282 do National Metals Co Dofeotixe brass cartridge shells. Coats, rubber 10, 544. 10 1283 Mav 7, 1919 .....do W. B. Keiser 43.92 1284 do 2L11 1285 do ....do Boots, rubber 79.98 1286 Apr. 30, 1919.... do Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co nolVciive primers 1, 101. 56 1287 Brass cupping scrap 900.00 1288 do do. . do 9, 686. 15 1289 Apr. 29, 1919.... do Beni. Harris & Co Defective shells and euttmgs.. Cartridge cutt ings 14,499.72 1290 do 10, 961. 10 1291 Apr. 30, 1919 do Cartrijlgo trimniings 765. 72 1292 do Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co .. .do. Primer'gilding cupping do 867. 62 1293 do 1,085.94 56. 34 1294 MavS, 1919 Mav 9, 1919 Mav 8, 1919 ....".do Shell forgings 1295 ChilT .Vmmimit ion Co Scrap steel forgings 18.00 1296 McFarlano Eng. Co . do 7.82 1297 do 9.00 1298 do Apr. 30, 1919.... do do 32.25 1299 1300 Marion Steam Shovel Co do Steel turnings and borings do 292. 88 16. 14 1301 do do do 4.06 1302 do do. . . Steel, heavy melting castings. No. 1 rt\l brass 8.45 1303 do do 3.12 1304 do do. . Brass turnings and borings Steel, low-phosphorus 28.55 1305 do do 21.30 1306 do do Brass castings 9.78 1307 do do Steel cast uigs 143.58 1308 do Kelsev Wheel Co Turnings 58.25 1309 do .. ..do. . Steel t urn ings 544.38 1310 Apr. 28, 1919.... do Quebec Scrap Metal & Paper Co. (Ltd.V Jacob Bros Steel plates 3.45 1311 Cast-steel scrap 17.93 1312 Mays, 1919 Mav 12, 1919 Apr. 29, 1919 Mav 9, 1919 do Babbit hammer-heads 823.00 1313 F. H. Niles & Co Cupro-nickel 7,398.16 1314 John Williams. . . . ^^'ood, scrap 55.00 1315 Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co 522. 36 1316 52.01 1317 do Mixed-st eel scrap Broken tools, carbon-steel scrap Heavv melting scrap 36.31 1318 do do 2.28 1319 Mav 10, 1919 Mav 13, 1919 Mav 9, 1919 ....".do 101.63 1320 Nicholson & Weed . Afis;ee1liiTienns 1.imbor.«i 285.00 1321 Bridgeport Iron ct Metal Co S. B. Alderman. Brass clips 10, 380. 50 1322 1, 759. 80 1323 Mar. 31, 1919.... May 7, 1919 do Donald McCreight Wood 7.00 1324 Dominion Arsenal Brass scrap do 24.44 1325 .. ..do. . 136. 64 1326 do. . .do .do 36.80 1327 do do do 146. 54 1328 do do. . do 116. 37 1329 do do do 3.38 t330 1331 do do do 4.20 do ... .do. .. do 19.46 1332 do do do 10.76 1333 do do do 1.40 1334 Apr. 22, 1919.... Mav 12, 1919 May 7, 1919 May 9, 1919 May 7, 1919 Mav 12, 1919 Mav 7, 1919 Mav 12, 1919 do Briggs & Turivas Steel tuniings 138. 38 1335 Mr. E. C. Bord^vav Scrap, kindling wood 1.25 1336 do 1.25 1337 Sinaiko Bros Brass turnings imd borings and odd pieces of scrap, mixed. Scrap, kindluig wood 15.81 1338 2.60 1339 Mr. Ed Rankawek do 1.25 1340 H. Emerman & Co Steel tm-nings imd borings — Miscellaneous shop scrap Steel, miscellaneous shop scrap do 316. 12 1341 Erie Iron & Metal Co 101. 20 1342 do 185. 25 1343 do ... . do 185.25 1344 do Canadian AUis-Chalmers Co., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. do Scrap steel 27.75 1345 do do 38.64 1346 1347 Apr. 19, 1919.,.. do do Turnings and borings Sheet iron, black 199.84 S06.39 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 171 KEHIAL LIST OJ' SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. l>ate of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 1, 1919... Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. May 13, 1919. do May 16, 1919. Mays, 1919.. ...fdo May 14, 1919. do May 13, 1919.. May 10, 1919., May 14, 1919.. May 6, 1919... do Mays, 1919... May 10, 1919.. May 12, 1919., May 1.3, 1919.. May 14, 1919., Apr. 22, 1919. May 10, 1919.. Apr. 24, 1919. May 9, 1919... Mays, 1919... May 14, 1919.. do Apr. 30, 1919. do ....do , May 9, 1919.. May 14, 1919. do Apr. 22, 1919. May 9, 1919. May 2, 1919. do May 13, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. do Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919.. May 9, 1919.. do May.'), 1919.. do May 1.5, 1919. Mar., 1919.... Apr., 1919. Feb., 1919. Jan., 1919.. Feb., 1919. Jan., 1919. Jan., 1919.. Mar., 1919. Feb., 1919. Mar., 1919. American Metal Co Consolidated Iron & Metal Co.. Hankers Life Co G. Mathes Metal Co do Max Oxman II. Emcrman Co., Chicago do Chcrnylc Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, III. do Briggs & Turivas Sami. Garber Co Chernyk Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, 111. Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co G. F. Kolb Mrs. Tennett , A. E. North A. Bedford E. McGuire B . Epstein Northern Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. B. B. Steibcr, Bridgeport, Conn Velick Scrap Iron & Machinery Co., Cleveland. Erie Iron & Steel Co., Erie, Pa., Erie Forge Co., Erie, Pa A. Goldberg, Indianapolis, Ind. Kottkamp & Sc Jimidt Briggs & Truvias, Chicago, 111.. Click & Schpok, Jackson, Mich .do. Frledland Iron & Metal Co Maxwell Motor Car Co., Chal- mers plant. do , Northern Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Lhicoln Furniture Co., 19th and Lehigh Ave. Stanton L. Drelfus, Philadel- phia, Pa. do Jos. Hyman & Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. Dave Iloyt, Indianapolis, Ind., .T. Lipsitz Co., Chelsea, Mass Tony Borelli & Splnozzo J. W. Sikos, Hermitage. Tcnn. . . J. T. Woodward, 200 Del. St., New Castle, Dei. Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co do Jacob Bros., Bridgeporc do Dana & Co H. Edoli-tonc Co., 146 Summer St., Boston. H. Edelstone Co., Carteret, N. J. J. Wheeling, Philadelphia, Pa... B. n. Wilder, Manayunk, Phila- delphia, Pa. Susquehanna uilk Mills, New York City. Grovernor-Dale Co., Providence, R.I. Herman Golden, Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Gubbins, Philadelphia, Pa. Sam Macktaz, Woonsocket, R. I. Lister's Apcricultural Chemical Works, 2 Rector St., New York City. Sheet steel Iron hoops Window shades Bronze castings Miscellaneous heavy melting scrap. Light stamping scrap Mixed steel turnings do Baled paper Sheet and hoop iron Borings and turnings Cast-iron scrap, good grade... Miscellaneous scrap (rivets, castings, pipe iron). No. 3 bronze chips, scrap Scrap iron Women's overalls Scrap wood do do Brass cupping Barrel steel, scrap Scrap (iron window frames and rolls of wire). Mixed brass and copper Miscellaneous shop scrap, heavy melting. 155-mm. shell forgings, heavy melting. Barrels Burlap Rifle-grenade bodies 15.5-mm. mark V, high-explo- sive shell. 7.'>-mm. shell and 1.55-mm. shell Heavy melting steel Cojjper Bronze Light forging scrap and car- bon steel. Scrap walnut stock blanks... Nickel-steel scrap .do. High-speed solids, scrap. Barrels, 2-head, wood Scrap iron, miscellaneous pipe, rods, valves, etc. Waste paper, loose Cast scrap iron Lumber Scrap die blocks Gun-barrel ends Heavy manganese bronze . Gun-metal scrap Pitch Silkspiiming dirt do Nails and straps. Cotton ties Wooden packing cases. ....do Silk spinning dirt ....do ....do ....do 172 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr., 1919. Mar., 1919. May 1,5, 1919., Feb. 13, 1919. May 7, 1919... May 9, 1919... May 13, 1919. May 21, 1919. May 1.5, 1919. do ..do.... ..do.... do do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do May 2, 1919.. May 13, 1919. May 15, 1919. do May 2, 1919. do May 17, 1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 29, 1919. May 17, 1919. Mav 13, 1919.. May 17, 1919., May 20, 1919. ....do. ....do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. .do. .do. do do do do do ....,do do do Apr. 30, 1919. May 16, 1919., do do do J. Scatchard's Sons, German- town, Philadelphia, Pa. H. Edelstone Co., 140 Summer St., Boston. Tony Borelli & Spinozzo Price Iron & Steel Co Racine Brass & Iron Co., Racine, Wis. do Moritz Bergstein F. H. Nilos & Co S. Mendelson, Toronto, Canada . B. Cohen & Co., Sherbrooke, Province of Alberta, Canada. Canada Metal Co., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Russell Motor Car Co., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. S. Mendelson, Toronto, Canada. . do do do do do do do T. M. Gibbs, Hammonton, N. J. Moritz Bergstein B. Cohen Co., Sherbrooke, Prov- ince of Quebec, Canada. do H. A. Hitner's Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. T. M. Gibbs, Hammonton, N. J. North\vestem Heating & Con- struction Co., Erie, Pa. Cyclops Steel Co., Titusville Pa. . ..."..do Isreal Bros., Dayton, Ohio .do. S. Graicerstein, Waterbury, Conn. Friedland Iron & Metal Co., Lansing, Mich. P. A. Benson, Paulsl^oro, N. J . . Cyclops Steel Co., Titusville, Pa, L. S. Tarshis & Son, Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada. do Dominion Bridge Co :...do do Lachine Manufacturi:ig Co Darling Bros. (Ltd.) do do do P. Lyall & Sons do do do do do do do Caron Bros do do do Henry K. Fort Co Various individual parties. do do do SiUj spinning dirt. ....do Waste paper Steel turnings Cast-iron scrap, mi?:ed. -do. Scrap lead, packing auto tires. Cupro-nickel Shell steel forgings Test copper bands Test forgings, 75-mm. shell . 9.2" copper bands Shell steel do do do. do do do do Tent frames Auto tubes Brass base plate. Lead disk Iron, boiler tubes, brake bars- etc. Second-hand scrap lumber Steel pipe High-speed steel do Iron and steel, .06 and under carbon, light melting scrap. Iron and steel, .06 and under carbon, borings and turn- ings. Wooden packing cases Cast iron, rejected parts. Hand grenade High-speed-steel scrap. Test forgings .do. .do. .do. .do. Shell steel Scrap copper Scrap lead Scrap brass Scrap copper, copper bands . . . do Scrap lead, lead ^vires Scrap lead, lead disks Scrap copper, copper covers . . . Scrap copper, copper bands. . . Scrap lead, wires Scrap lead, lead disks Scrap copper, copper base covers. Scrap copper, copper bands . . . Scran lead, wires Scrap lead, disks Copper scrap, covers Copper scrap, copper bands. . . Scran lead, \\'ires Scrap lead, disks Scrap copper, covers Zinc, scrap Scrap, gunstock [[[[do]]""]"]]]"""""'.'. Scrap metal parts of one LTnited States Rillo, model 1917. do do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 173 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 22, 1919. do do do do do do Apr. 29. 1919 . Apr. 1, 1919.. May 14, 1919. . May 19, 1919. May 15, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 16, 1919. May 15, 1919. do do May 15, 1919. do May 20, 1919. do do do ....do ....do ....do do do do do May 23, 1919. May 22, 1919. May 26, 1919. ....do ....do May 23, 1919. do ....do May 7, 1919. -do. ....do May 14, 1919. May 16, 1919. May 13, 1919. ....do May 9, 1919.. ....do May 14, 1919. May 26, 1919. ....do do May 28, 1919. . . May 7,1919-... May 9-17, 1919. May 17, 1919. May 28, 1919. do May 26, 1919. do do do do do do Mar. 21, 1919. ....^0 do May 26, 1919. Great Western Smelting & Re^ lining Co., Detroit. do do do do do do Morgan Eng. Co F. H. NilesCo Lehman Bros., Hoboken, N. J. . Joseph & Miller, New York City Bridg^ort Iron & Metal Co Benj. Harris Co., Cliicago, 111 Benj. Harris Co., Bush Termi- nal. Brooklyn, N. Y. S. B. Alderman do Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co B. Cohen & Co., Sherbrooke, Providence of Quebec, Canada. do P. Lyall & Sons do do do Munitions & Machinery (Ltd.).. Fairfax forgings (Ltd.) Dominion Copper Products (Ltd.). do do do Canadian AlHs-Chalmers , Kelsey Wheel Co Jos. Hsrman & Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. Roxbury Iron & Metal Co., Mil- ton, Mass. do do Modem Tool Co. , Erie, Pa A. B. Ormsby &Co .do. Consolidated Iron & Metal Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Nashville Bottlers Supply Co., Nashville, Tenn. do M. M. WoYfe,"Philade'lphia,' Pa .' .' '. do do J. Richard Jackson, Philadel- phia do Tenants Roxbury Iron & Metal Co., Mil- ton, Mass. Indiana Metal & Machine Co do Peters Cartridge Co Scovill Mfg. Co Friedland Iron & Metal Co., Lansing, Mich. Erie Iron & Steel Co., Erie, Pa . . . R. Richard Jackson, Philadel- phia, Pa. do Morgan Eng. Co ....do do ....do ....do ....do ....do M. Borak ....do ....do H.B. Labov Red brass, scrap. Babbit metal Yellow brass, castings , Copper wire Aluminum borings Aluminum chunks Babbit metal Scrap steel Lead dross and bullet lead Cupro-nickel Osnaburgh scrap, clips, cotton cloth. Shoveling steel, grade A Tinned .30 shells, copper Brass shells Brass mill rolls. Brass buttons.. Brass cupping.. Shell forgings... Test forgings, 75-mm. shell . . Scrap copper, copper bands . Scrap lead, wires Scrap lead, disks Scrap copper, covers Scrap copper, copper bands . do do Scrap lead, wires Scrap lead, disks Scrap copper, 14 covers Shell steel Turnings High-speed tool-steel scrap . . Brass shavings Brass trimmings Brass shells Steel 5" test shell and 5" test cop- per bands. Copper bands Miscellaneous iron and steel . Barrels, wooden do Scrap wood Fired empty brass shells do ....do Scrap walnut stock blanks . . . ....do Eondllng wood. Brass piercings. Cast scrap, cast and malleable. Steel, heavy melting Bullets, lead Cupro-nickel scrap Steel, light melting Machine-steel turnings . Miscellaneous scrap do Steel turnings , Steel turnings and borings. . , Steel turnings Steel turnings and borings . . . do ....do Castings Barrels, double-head Barrels, single-head Barrels, apple 4.7" common steel shell 17-i SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCR AT BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of salo. Name and address of biivor. Article. Total sale price. Mav 2S, 1919. ...".do do Coates, Bennett & Reidenbach . . ....do , . . -do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. do Mav 26. 1919. -do. do Mav 22, 1919. Mav 20. 1919. ...".do. do Mav 23, 1919. Mav 2S, 1919. ....".do May 26, 1919. Mav 23, 1919. ....".do do Mav 22, 1919. Mav 23, 1919. Fisher Motor Co.. Orillia, Onta- rio, Csmada. ....do Steve Siwinskl , Sparttxn Mche , do do Various individual parties — , . . Abe Cooper, Syracuse, N. Y Peters Cartridge Co Forxl Motor Co.. Highland Park, Mich. Jacob Bros Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co do E. B. LeafCo Jacob Bros ....do Mav 17,1919. ...".do. Mav 23, 1919. ...".do do ....do Mav 24, 1919. Mav 26. 1919. Mav 21, 1919. May 26, 1919. MaY21,19l9. Mav 29. 1919. Mav 26, 1919. Mav 2S, 1919. ....".do Mav 20, 1919. May 21, 1919. do do do -do. Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co. E. B. LeafCo., New York. . G. F. Kolb M.P.Walsh Mr. Perry B. Epstein Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co. G uard L vuch Wolfe ^t Co A. Cohen, Indianapolis, Ind. Wolfe .<: Co Standard Oil Co., Dayton, Ohio S. Dwares, Pro\"ideuoe, H. I. . ., Various indi\idual parties Mr. Nolan E. B. LeafCo., New YorkCitv Wolf&Co '.. do do do May 27, 1919. . . . Mav 22. 1919. . . . Ma"v 26. 1919. . . . Mav 22, 1919. . . . ...".do. do Mav 2S, 1919. . . . Mav 21,1919.... do May 2S, 1919. Mav 2,1919-. Mav 19, 1919. May 2, 1919. . . May 19, 1919. . Mav 15, 1919. Mav 31, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. May 21. 1919. May 2S, 1919. Louis Cohen & Son, Wilkos- Barre, Pa. Mr. J. Kemeny Sivyer Steel Co Mr." Nick Sweets do Mr. Louis Cabuk C. Cowles & Co Silver Iron & Steel Co., Racine, Wis. do Maxwell Motor Co., Dayton, Ohio. Juniata Jimk Co., Lewiston, Pa. A. Blackstone, 2453 S. Loomls St.,Cliicago. 111. Anthony H. Peters, McClure, Pa. A. Blackstone, 2453 S. Looniis St., Chicago, 111, Boston Iron Metal Co D . B . 1. and . employee H. Uoldberi; ". Andrew Watson & Sons Bronze turnings Bronze crop ends Brass and bronze, mixed anal- ysis. Brass sockets and lamps, broken electric light bulbs. Babbitt scrap, broken and dirty. Copper and wire tubing, etc. . Miscellaneous iron suia steel, mixed analysis. High-speed steel crop ends and chips. Shell steel Copper bands Scrap kindling wood Scrap lead, wires Scrap lead , disks Scrap copper, base covers Women's overalls Broken tools Bullseyo powder Empty wooden packing boxes, artillery-polo packing cases. No. 3 brou/o turnings MiscelUiiunnis scrap iron Machine-shop t urnings Shoveling steel Mixture, steel, emery, and glue. Mixed steel scrap Borings and turnings Cirade B shoveling steel Toilet bowl Scran wood Brass cupping Coudenuiod gnu barrels I.ii;ht corrugated sheet iron. . . Yellow-brass borings Steel turnings ivnd drop forg- ings. Mixed brass borings W ooden barrels Waste paper Women's overalls Scrap iron Steel forgings Heavy yellow brass Red brass, broken pieces Red brass, borings Mixed brass and babbitt, bor- ings. Crop ends from 75-mm. forg- ings. Kindling wood Heavy molting scrap Scrap kindling wood do do Brass mill ends Galvanized iron No. 2 busheUng, mixed. Cast-iron castings Scrapped nickel steel. Yellow borings Scrapped leather belting, short pieces. Yellow crop ends A. Blackstone, 2453 Loouiis St., Chicago, 111. Nickel-steel turnings Wood scrap Rope grommets. sisal rope. . .. Steel, defective adaptei-s, and boosters. Cast-iron scrap SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 175 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of salfi. May 15, 1919.. May 31, 1919.. ....do ....do ....do May 27, 1919.. May 12, 1919.. May 29, June 2, May 27, Junfi 3, May 27, ....do. May 28, Juno 2, 1919. 1919.. 1919. 1919., 19)9. 1919. 1919., May 29, 1919.. May 27, May 28, Apr. 10, May 27, June 2, May 31, May 29, do. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919... 1919.... .do. .do. May 28, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. ....do May 31, 1919.. May 28, 1919.. .Tune .5, 1919.. June 3, 1919.. June 4, 1919 . . Junes, 1919.. June 4, Apr. 29; May 28 June 2, May 15 May 9, 1919.. , 1919. , 1919. 1919.. , 1919. 1919.. Name and address of buyer. 1919.... 1919.... June 5, 1919. Junes, do. May 31, 1919.... May 31, do. 1919. 1919. i'9'19. June 5, 1919 . . Apr. 28, 1919. Itoy27, 1919. BridKcport Iron & Metal Co. Schultze Ice Co do do Mr. Slovak Yansiok do Henry K. Fort Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Raritan River Sand Co Stewart Wire Wheel Corpora- tion. Chemyk Iron & Metal Co I'eters Cartridge Co Chemyk Iron A Metal Co do do North wcsf em Barrel Co., 2014 W. Walton St., Chicago, 111. FJmployees, Mitchell Motors Co., Racine, Wis. Chemyk Iron & Metal Co M. Bernstein C. II. flohn, Foundry Co., De- troit, Mich. F. C. Hausman, AUenton. . . . . . Chas. L. Moser's Sons, Chester, J'a. Unknown Kelsey Wheel Co .do. .do. .do. Fricdland Iron & Metal Co. Lansing, Mich. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. C. M. Stiver, Lansing, Mich H. Kramer & Co., Detroit, Mich H. E. Smith M. M. Wolf, Philadelphia, Pa. . do J. Richard Jackson, Philadel- phia, Pa. Various individual parties Ford Motor Co., Highland Park, Mich. W. .lohason. . ^. Baker Gun & Forging Co Crosby Co J. Richard Jackson, Philadel- phia, Pa. The Bridgeport Iron & Metal Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. Drisbrow Peters Cartridge Co Marion Steam Shovel Co do do .do. Flshel-Marks Co Saginaw Malleable Iron Co K. Krevltz. 3929 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Article. Brass clips Ashes Firebrick do Railroad ties Wooden blocks for guns. Brass scrap Kindling wood. Turnings, steel . Navy Brass cashings Cartridge casts, fire^ brass Lead bu.shings Brass trimmings Copper wire Barrels^ single-head^ lubricat- ing oil, grease, i size. Scrap lumber, broken boxes. .. Solid rubber tires on steel rims. Mixed and miscellaneous scrap Heavy bronze scrap Empty T. N. T. containers. Wooen oil barrels , Wood, scrap Turnings, machine-shop turn- ings and borings. Busheling steel, commercial flange steel. Wood, hickory and oak No. 1 busheling steel, com- mercial carriage bolts and nuts. Shims and clippings, yellow brass. Tubing, mbber Cast-iron aimealing pots Bar ends, yellow brass Cast brass, yellow Cast brass, red Aluminum cast Tubing, copper Phosphor bronze, bar ends Babbitt, brass, steel turnings and iron turnings, mixe/1. Radiator sections, various Cushions, leather, hair and wire springs. Shoveling steel, mixed Women's overalls White metal Fired empty brass shells, 80- cal. Miscellaneous scrap Scrap wood Empty wooden boxes, packing Women's overalls . . . Belting Scrap dies and tools. Scrap wood Reinforcing square twisted iron. Scrap wood Cartridge cases, fired brass Steel turnings and borings do Steel, low-phos. under car. phos. sulph. Steel, low phos. under 0.04 phos. sulpn. Cold-rolled steel 3" O. H. lap-weld steel tubing. Cotton ties, iron bands 176 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: STORES AND SCRAP SECTION, SCRAP BRANCH, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. June 4, 1919. June 6, 1919. do do Junes, 1919. May 31, 1919. June 2, 1919. May 29, 1919. June 3, 1919. do May 31, 1919. June 6, 1919. .do. .do. .do. do , do Jime9, 1919.. May 21, 1919. do do do do do do Jime3, 1919. do June 6, 1919. June 9, 1919 . Mar. 29, 1919. June 9, 1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. June 2, 1919. June 6, 1919 . do June 5, 1919.. June 11,1919. Mav 31, 1919. . do do June 6,1919. June 9, 1919. June 6,1919. do do do do do June 11,1919. do June 2, 1919.. June, 1919.... R. A. U. M. C. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Otis-Fensom Elevator Co., Ham- ilton, Ontario, Canada. J. Bertram & Sons Co. (Ltd.), Dundas, Ontario, Canada. E. Leonard & Sons (Ltd.), London, Ontario, Canada. Fred Roe. Indianapolis, Ind. . .. J. Richard Jackson, Philadel- phia, Pa. Mr. Cassel, Mays Landing, N. J. . Columbia Smelting & Refining Co. Cal. Hirsch ct Sons, Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. do Friedland Iron & Metal Co., Lansing, Mich. Mahler & Fineberg, Detroit, Mich. -do. -do. Great Western Smelting & Re- fining Co., Detroit, Mich. do do American Mfrs. Supply Co., Detroit, Mich. Maxwell Motor Car Co. (Inc.), Chalmers plant, Detroit, Mich. do do do do do do Jos. Morgan, Culvert St., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. The Peters Cartridge Co., King's Mills, Ohio. Union Brass Foundry Co., Lowell, Mass. National Metal -annealed slieet 14-gauge, 30.i x 107J". Box shooks, type A 21" flat steel bars steel. Mixed acid, nitric 5S.4 per cent, sulphuric 35.35 per cent. 6d. cement-coated wire nails, 7d. cement-coated wire nails. Wooden packing boxes, 27J X -m X 135". Pearson's blunt 7d. nails Cement-coated nails, 6d., 7d., Sd.: blunt Pearson's nails, 7a 32" tissue-paper parachutes. . . Steel trench helmets .do. 11" round cold-rolled steel Empty steel drums, 110-gal. capacity. 1 lot of lumber, oak Olive-drab baking enamel Hot-rolled strip steel, SJx 0.037 X Sli". Sheet-steel stampings 75 nun. partially machined shells. 21" flat bars... Cold-rolled bar steel, i" square. Quick-drying black paint .... loo mm. partially machined shell. Malleable iron bodies for rifle grenades, machiued. 9.2" shell forgings Gray iron castings, 1,200 lbs. each. Screw pipe Pipe ... Tafieta silk. Quenching oil, No. 2 1^" round cold-rolled steel 2J4" round cold-rolled steel IH" round cold-rolled steel 5-6" eyebeams, 20' long ... 2H" cold-rolled steel Lead wire, Pb 9SJ per cent, Sb IJ percent. Antimony, TK brand .do. Bialosky Bros. Co., Cleyehuid, Ohij.' Omaha & Grant pig lead Ocncrete grovel Missis.-;ippi River sand Concrete graveL 9.2" shell steel slugs .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Ba^e adapter forgings. 9.2' ' shell steel slugs . . . do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 2]. 7 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. June 19, 1919.... June 17, 1919.... June 18, 1919.... June 17, 1919.... do Junes. 1919. July 10, 1919. do July 14, 1919. June 6, 1919.. July 15, 1919 .....do July 11, 1919 June 30, 1919 July 9, 1919. July 2, 1919. July 7, 1919. July 8, 1919. . June 13, 1919. July 11, 1919., do July 8, 1919. . July 11, 1919. . July 15, 1919. . July 19, 1919... July 23, 1919... July 21, 1919... July 22, 1919.. July 23, 1919.. do July 22, 1919. do July 24, 1919. July 25, 1919. do July 24, 1919. do July 25, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 22, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 28, 1919. Juy 25, 1919. . Wm. E. Freidman, New York, N. Y. Buffalo Bolt Co., North Tona- wanda, N. Y. Union Iron & Metal Co., To- ronto, Canada. Buffalo Bolt Co., North Tona- wanda, N. Y. do Bialosky Bros. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Seldner & Enequist, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. C. Wiarda & Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. A. Klipstein, New York, N. Y.. Jacob Brothers, Bridgeport, Conn. David Kaufman & Sons, Eliza- bethport, N. J. Powers, Weightman, Rosen- garten, Philadelphia, Pa. F. H. Mason, New York James A. Blake, Cambridge, Mass. Harry Benjamin Equipment Co., St. Louis, Mo. Scoville Manufacturing Co., Waterbury, Conn. Harry Benjamin Equipment Co., St. Louis, Mo. J. T. Pearson & Sons Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. J. C. Goss Co., Detroit, Mich.... Riegel Sack Co., Jersey City, N. J. H. F. Simons, New York, N. Y. David Lupton's Sons Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. C. F. Garrigues, New York, N. Y. Raymond Concrete Pile Co, Ilion N. Y. David Belais, New York, N. Y. . Hoover & Strong (Inc.), Buffalo, N. Y. A. Robinson & Son, New York. . N. Y. Baker & Co., Newark, N. J. . J. Milhning (Inc.), Chicago, 111.. Drosten Jewelry Co., St. Louis, Mo. J. Mehrlust, New York City Dentists' Supply Co., New York City. Dinhofer Bros., New York City Wildberg Bros., New York City, Handy & Harman, New York City. Oscar Heyman & Bros., New York City. Kastenhuber & Lehrfeld, New York City. Goldsmith Bros. S. & R. Co., New York City, N. Y Henry A. Hitners Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bald-win Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Bonney Vise & Tool Co., Allen- town, Pa. National Metal Edge, Phila- delphia, Pa. Henry Hoffman, Atlantic City, N. J. Chicago Rawhide Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 2" X 7" X 8" flat steel bars. 82-mm. round steel bars 9.2" shell steel slugs 82-mm. round steel bars do 9.2" shell steel slugs. . Ammonium chloride . do .do. Cold-rolled strip steel, 1^^ x 0.048 X 45". Steel shells with copper bands, from explosion. Lead sulphocyanate Denatured alcohol Empty pyro cases, zinc-lined. Cast steel ingots for 240-mm. shells. Grand Cspelter 4 switches, 4 frogs, 8 guard rails, 4 sets automatic switch throws. 7 d. special nails Olive drab cotton duck, 12-oz., 29" wide. Khaki-colored thread, 24/4 .do. Khaki-colored thread 50/3 . Steel castings, defective . . . Mercury fulminate . Crushed stone Platinum, granular, iridium... do Granular platinum. Platinum, iridium Granular platinum, iridium. Granular platiniun Granular platiniun, iridiiun. . . Platiniun, iridium Granular platinum, iridium.. ...do ....do .do. -do. .do. 3" common steel shell, scrapped. do Grinding wheels, 15i x 4" Die-steel blocks Kraft paper tape, 3" wide. ... Cots, sheets, chiffoniers pillow cases, blankets, mattresses, pillows. Leather straps, JxJ" 218 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of biiver. Article. July 22, 1919. do do do Julv 19, 1919. July 20, 1919. .do. -do. .do. .do.. do July 22, 1919. July 16, 1919. . July 2S, 1919. July 10, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 22, 1919. July 23, 1919. June 11, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 21, 1919.. Julv 23, 1919.. July 25, 1919.. July 15, 1919.. Julys, 1919... July 22, 1919.. do do do July 31, 1919.. July 22, 1919.. July 21, 1919.. July 19, 1919.. July 25, 1919.. July 29, 1919. July IS, 1919. July 26, 1919. July 2S, 1919. July 23, 1919.. Julv 25, 1919. July 2S, 1919. do do July 21, 1919.. do Briggs & Turivas, Toronto, Canada. do do do Ilion Hardware Co., Ilion.N. Y. Reynolds Corporation, Loiiis- ■\4Ue, Kv. do...". J. P. Brennan & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio. J. A. Church Box Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Huenefeld Co., Cincinnati, Oliio. N. & W. Ry. Co., Roanoke, Va. . Fostcr-Sonl^er Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Canadian Steel Foiuuiries, Mon- treal. Ontario, Canada, Samuel C. Tatum Co., Cincin- nati. Ohio. .\, Oolden, Providence, R, I Benjamin Iron it Steel Co., BuiTfalo, N, Y. Mr. Hunt, Toronto, Canada Hepponstall Forge & Knife Co., Pittsburgh, Fa. Roehm i Davison, Detroit, Mich. Gibbs Mueller Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic Refrigerating Co., Bruns- wck, Ga. Harsliaw, Fuller & Goodwin, New York, N. Y. California Cap Co., Stege, Calif. . . R. L. Crossth\\-aite, New York City. .Vtlaritic DyestutTs Co. , Burrage, Mass. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Curtain Supply Co., Chicago, III. E. W. Ellis Lumber Co., Grand Rapids, Wis. Curtain Suppiv Co., Cliica£;o, 111. S. W. Hamilton, Harvey, ill Mahler & Fineberg, Detroit, Mich. Landers Bros., Toledo, Ohio 2J4" round, cold-rolled steel bars. do do do Tiu-pentine Blackannealed sheets,26-guage. Flux oil Camouflage paint. Frank A. Daloy, Winchester, Mass. Wolfert. Davis i Co,, Minnea- polis, Minn. Hess Steel Corporation, Balti- more, Md. Briggs i Turivas, Toronto, Canada. WilUam J. Kees, Philadelphia, Pa. National Metals Co., New York City. "Wall Chans Trading Co., New York, N. Y. Pain's Fireworks Co., New York Citv. J. Miller, Perth Amboy, N. J. . . . Henry Hitners Sons Co., Phila- deliiliia. Pa. 1 Standard Oil Co., Baltimore, ! Md. • ! Ralph C. Paul, Detroit, Mich. .. Briggs & Turivas, Chicago, 111 do I Packing boxes ^^ith Uds Pav envelopes, with printed slogan. McBce binders Second-hand screw pipe, 12 feet and over. 9.2" shell steel slugs , Bifurcated steel rivets. Kraft paper tape, cartons and trays. Head forgings for 7o-mm. shrapnel. Oil heater, second-hand , Stationery Black sheet steel, 10-22 gauge. Cement-coated nails 4 d. to 7 d. including bill-posters' tacks. Common bricks , Slag Glvcerine Fulminate of mercury. Barrels Mixed acid, nitric 49 per cent, sulphuric 45 per cent. Edis compoimd, used in pickling. Black glazed, smooth drill oil- cloth. Flat bright screws, J", No. S. . MusUn, small pieces Blue annealed sheet steel, 30 x 96 X .02-2". Blue annealed sheet steel, 11 gauge. 10-oz. bm'lap buckram, 3S.V' wide. Brass rod, ■h",H", i" Feniinettes. overalls. Lot of material comprising all miscellaneous operating tools and material on hand at close of contract. 240 mm. O. H. steel forgings. . . Cement-coated nails. Pig lead, St. Joe Antimony, miscellaneous brands. Aluminum powder, 150 mesh. . Red brick 3" steel shells stripped of cop- per bands and brass and lead base plates. Mixed wash oils, new and old. , Nash quad truck, worn out and scrapped. 9.2" shell forgings do SALK OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT, 219 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 2.3, 1919. July 22, 1919. July 25, 1919. do July 24, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 24, 1919. July 14, 1919. July 26, 1919. July 22, 1919. do July 30, 1919.. July 29, 1919. July 18, 1919.. June .5, 1919.. July 9, 1919... June 25, 1919. July 25, 1919.. .do. -do. -do. do June IH, 1919. July 22, 1919. do July 23, 1919. July 21, 1919.. July 22, 1919. July 25, 1919.. July 28, 1919.. July 21, 1919.. June 25, 1919. July 22, 1919. July 21, 1919.. do June 14, 1919. July 29, 1919.. Aug. 1,1919.. July 26, 1919.. Aug. 1,1919.. Aug. 6, 1919. . July 21,1919.. Aug. 1, 1919.. Briegs & Turner, Chicago, 111... Maclison Desk Co., New York City. National Lead Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. National Lead Co., Baltimore, Md. United Lead Co., Perth Amboy, N.J. Canadian Steel Foundries, Mon- treal, Canada. Calumet Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, 111. J. Aronofl, Cincinnati, Ohio M. Bermas & Bros., Now York City. Briggs & Turivas Co., Toronto, Canada. Link Belt Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Allegheny Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Edgowater Steel Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Wilkod' Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Globe Varnish Co., Pittsburgh, i'a. Canadian Explosives Co., James Island, B. C, Canada. Canadian Explosives Co., Mon- treal, Canada. do do do .do. Max Solomon, Pittsburgh, Pa... Reigel Sack Co., Jersey City, N.J. ....do Seaboard By- Products Coke Co., Jersey City, N. J. H. R. Roeder, New York City. . . R. L. Crosstnwaite Co., New York City. J. & H. Flyer, New York City. . Columbia Smelting and Refin- ing Co., New York City. Canceled.] "". S. Howard Plant, Yonkers, N. Y. ^ Metropolitan Engine Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Borough Metal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. do R. M. Hollingsworth Camden, N.J. Howard F. Grow, Philadelphia, Pa. W. Raymond Robb Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Wm. Meyer Co., Philadelphia, Pa. G. Weaver Looper, Philadel- phia, Pa. Sterling Iron and Steel, Coates- ville. Pa. Fred Messmer Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Christian Phlaum, jr., Phila- delplua. Pa. National Metal Edge Box Co., Pblladelphia, Pa. A. Salus & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. 6" shell forgings Laboratory workbench. 9' X 20"; laboratory table, 6' X 20"; showcase and stand, 9' X 20". Lead, Bunker Hill brand Lead, Federal brand. Lead, Bunker Hill brand. 9.2" shell steel slugs 21" round cold-rolled screw stock steel. II" round cold-rolled screw- stock steel. Sole leather, 3J x ,52 " strips Mohair clips, waste 2H" round cold-rolled Bes- semer screw-stock steel. Malleable charcoal pig iron Forged steel axles, rough, and and rounds. Low phosphorus pig iron 155-mm. diaphram forgings.. Orange shellac Nitrate of soda, crude Sulphuric acid, 20 per cent oleum. Nitrate of soda do Sulphuric acid, 20 per cent oleum. do 155-mm. shell forgings Khaki-colored ink do Debenzolized oil. Ammunition box paint Empty picric-acid barrels... Granulated platinum Aluminum die cast knobs. Tool steel and miscellaneous parts for special tools for 7S-mm. gun. Black sheet steel 22-gauge, 36 X 90", deep drawing quality. Soldering strips Seamless Steel Tubing, J' diameter, 20"length. Packing boxes, 34 x 20J x 13i" Packing boxes, 25 x 20 x 10". . Cabinet glue Pierson's blunt 7d. nails 1-gal. oilcans Ax pockets Cast-iron bodies for T. M. fuzes in process. Brass clamp screw castings . . . Cast-iron spider castings Candy Tobacco. . Groceries. 220 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERL^LS, SALVAGE BOARD. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 11S2 1183 IIS-I 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 Date of sale. July 22,1919.. Aug. 1, 1919. . Mar. 23, 1919. July 28, 1919.. Aug. 1,1919.. Aug. 2, 1919.. July 31, 1919.. Aug. 1,1919.. July 25,1919.. July 31, 1919.. July 28, 1919.. Aug. 4, 1919... Julv 25,1919.. Aug. 4, 1919... July 30, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919... do July 22, 1919.. do Aug. 4, 1919... do July 17, 1919. July 23, 1919. do July 29, 1919. June 3, 1919.. July 30, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919.. do July 31, 1919. do do do June 7, 1919. 1191 July 29, 1919. 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 Aug. 2, 1919.. July 16,1919.. July 31, 1919. Aug. 2,1919.. do July 1, 1919. . July 14, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Retail Store, Tullytown Arse- nal village. Shearer &"Boggs, Philadelphia, Pa. M. Reichman & Sons, Newark, N.J. David Lupton's Sons Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Chicago Rawhide Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. National Lead Co., New York Citv. R. C. Hoffman & Co., Balti- more, Md. J. T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Balti- more. Md. T. A. Hennesy (Inc.), Brooklyn, N.Y. Daniel H. Mulford, Woodbury, N.J. B. F. Bond Paper Co., Balti- more, Md. Liiria Bros. <.t Co., Reading, Pa . . F. Hemingway (Inc.), New York Joyce Crfdland Co., Dayton, Ohio. H. SofranscyCo., AUentown, Pa. Durex Chemical Co., New York City. J. C. NViarda. Brooklyn, N.Y James S. Miller & Co., Chicago, 111. Freidlander Box Co, Chicago, 111 . E. K. Morris & Co., Cincinnati, Oliio. Joseph Greenspoon Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Detroit Stamping Co., Detroit, Mich. James S. Miller & Co., Chicago, HI. Racine Barrel & Cooperage Co., Racine, "Wis. American . Red Cross, Phila- delphia, Pa. Ford Motor Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Thos. J. Dee & Co., Chicago, 111.. Hoover i- Strong, Buffalo, N . Y. . R. & H. PlatLnum "Works, New York City. Percy Hine. New York City Kastenubex & Lehrfeld, New York City. Siemimd Cbhn, New York Citv. . David Belais, New York Citv.". . . Sabulite Canada (Ltd.'), Fort Coquitlan. Gas Oil Stove Co., Detroit, Mich. Toch Bros., Long Island City, N.Y. Cal Hirsch Mercantile Co., St. Louis. Mo. J. Lee Davis, Richmondj Va F. J. Lewis Manufacturing Co., Chicago, HI. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., New York City. Brown-Hunkele Corporation, Newark, N. J. SculhnSteelCo., St. Louis, Mo... Article. Hershey's chocolate bars '\^^ooden boxes Cold-drawn music wire Rejected M. G. parts, steel. . . Scrap leather St. Joe pig lead Cast-iron flasks (11% cast iron flask hearts (22"», cast iron flasks, incomplete (2). Pig lead Miscellaneous boosters, adap- ters shell casings, fuze sock- ets. Hay and rye Manila Moquin paper . 155-nim. shell body forging Nitric acid 42°. . ." " Rex AA high-speed tool steel 21" and iV' round, 2x4 rec- tangular. ' 5i" gotliic steel billets, 175 lbs. multiple bars. Ammonium chloride do 6" shell forgings. Packing boxes, 15x15x30" Machine steel scrap 4" olive-drab Lap weld steel tubuig. Packing boxes, 28 x 17 x 5" 6" shell forgings. Box shooks: TypeF... Type C . . . Tents, 12x14'. Lumber and box parts Granular platinum iridium . do do .do. .do. do do Ammonium nitrate. Lot of material used In con- stniction of benches, brack- ets, etc., in connection with moimting of machinery. "^"hite powdered shellac Asbestos mill-board strips Miscellaneous lot of groceries . . Napthaline, crude Paint, black asphaltum Fiber flashlight cases, complete Concrete gravel. River sand SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 221 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. .Tune 20, 1919. July 31, 1919.... do do Aug. 1,1919.... July 31, 1919.... Aug. 1,1919 July 30, 1919.... July 31,1919.. do do .Tune 23, 1919. Aug. 5, 1919.. July 22, 1919.. Aug. 5,1919.. ....do ....do June 30, 1919. July 26, 1919. Aug. 1,1919.. ....do June 23, 1919. July 3, 1919.. July 30, 1919.. Aug. 5, 1919.. ...do. ...do. ....do ....do July 10, 1919.. June 30, 1919. July 10,1919.. July 11,1919.. Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. Erie Iron & Metal Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Jones, Dabney Varnish Co., Louisville, Ky. Brier Hill Steel Co., Youngs- towii, Ohio. J. R. Wood Supply Co., Cincin- nati^ Ohio. Miami Cycle & Manufacturing Co., Middletown, Ohio. Columbia Smelting & Refining Co., New York. Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Franlcel Bros., Toronto, Can do do Hirsch Rolling Mill Co., St. Louis, Mo. Robert S. Armstrong & Bros., Atlanta Ga. Alex Seidler Drug Co., Newark, N.J. Schroeder Headlight & Gener- ator Co., Evansville, Ind. P. Lyall & Co., Montreal, Que- bec. F. E. Smith (Ltd.), Montreal, Canada. Chas. A. Runge, Meridean, Conn. Gier Pressed Steel Co., Lansing, Mich. Scullin Steel Co. , St . Louis, Mo. . . Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. Sisson Drug Co., Hartford, Conn. ....do do Fewless-Leen Brass & Iron Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Sterling Nail & Specialty Co., Chicago, 111. Geo. Mehl & Co., Middletown, Ohio. Louisville Ry. Cc-Louisville^Ky. Lincoln Iron & Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Jacob Bros., Bridgeport, Conn . . . 30-cal. case metal, brass cast- ings. 30-caI. case-metal, brass sheet . 30-cal. primer gilding metal casting. 30-cal. primer gilding metal, rolled. 30-cal. primer gilding metal, sheets. 30-cal. primer anvil metal, casting. 30-cal. primer anvil metal, rolled. 30-cal. primer anvil metal, sheets. do 82-mm. round adapter steel Commercial rosin for water proof in containers. Ferrosilicon M.& F.i" cocks, L.H. i''bibbs. Gray baking enamel Sheet copper 4.7" steel forgings 75-mm. steel forgings 75-mm. forgings do Railroad equipment: No. 7 frogs for 70-pound rail 12' switch points, includ- ing bars. 526' 75-pound steel rails Single-throw switch stands Guard rails, 10' long Switch ties Iron and steel scrap removed from accumulators. Parafflne No. 8 D cement-coated nails 5J" steel broken billets 155 mm. partially machined shells. Scrap steel, consisting of adapt- ers and boosters. Acid tanks, steel, 6,000-gal. capacity. Commonred brick Metal phenol drums Sisson Drug Co., Hartford, Conn Suisman & Blumenthal, Hart- ford, Conn. J. A. Katz, Hartford, Conn Saltpeter, in barrels American emery. No. 60 Sal soda I" round brass rod, |" black iron rod. fos. 5, 6, and 8 d. cement- coated nails. Striker points for hand gren- ades. Bituminous coal IJ" X 1|" X J" X 20' steel angles . Bouchons and base plugs, 90 per cent Pb, 10 per cent St). Cyanide ofsoda Gray paint Oil-skin aprops, furnace burn- ers, gas inspirators, pot- support castings, magazine bases, rivetmg pins, cold- rolled steel, special rolled steel, pots. 222 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVA(;E BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 5, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919. Mar. 3, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919. do do do July 28, 1919. July 24, 1919. do do Aug. 8, 1919. do do do July 16, 1919. Feb. 18, 1919.... July 21, 1919. July 23, 1919. July 24, 1919. July 7, 1919.. July 9, 1919... July 21, 1919.. July 14, 1919.. June 30, 1919. June 26, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919.. do July 28, 1919.. June 24, 1919. June 19, 1919. July 9, 1919... July 10, 1919.. June 26, 1919.. May 31, 1919. July 30, 1919. AUg. 2, 1919.. July 18, 1919.. July 15, 1919. July 29, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. July 23, 1919. do Neyc Wildberg Box Co., Cincinnati, Oliio. Ho\yard F. Grow, Pliiladel- phia, Pa. American Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Edwards Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Boebinger Hardware Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Isaac Joseph Iron Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Peters Cartridge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. E. P. Sanderson Co., Boston, Mass. Columbia Wax Works York City. General Kfayal Stores, New York City. M. Feigel ct Bro., New York City. Girard Iron & Metal Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Henry A. Hittner Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Bethlehem Steel Co., Peim- sylyania. ....".do Sherbrooke Iron Works, Sher- hrooke. Canada. Stamford Rolling Mill Co., Springdale, Conn. Briges & Turvias, Chicago, 111.. Jas. S. Miller & Co., Chicago, III. do : Pittsburgh Rolls Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa. E. E. Zimmerman, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Screw & Bolt Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bessemer Gas Engine Co., Grove City, Pa. Republic Metal Ware Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Jos. Joseph Bros. & Co., New York City. Wm. H. Scheel, New York City. General Explosives Co., New York City. Citizens Gas Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Houghton Detroit Sales Agency, Detroit, Mich. Fiske Bros. Refining Co., To- ledo, Ohio. Standard Oil Co., Detroit, Mich.. Detroit Soluble Oil Co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit Metal Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. .do. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich. Kentucky Distillery & Ware- house Co. , New York City. A. F. MuUin Co., Philadelphia. National Lead Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Jno. W. Brown Mfg. Co., Colum- bus, Ohio. Newman Bros., Detroit, Mich.. Keller Pneumatic Tool Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Hercules Powder Co., Wilming- ton, Del. No. 5 d. cement-coated nails. No. 17 wire brads, |" Wooden bo.xes, 27 x 20 x 13". 2" round hot-rolled bar steel. Retainers for fuze boxes and parts for fuze bo.xes. Wooden dowels in strips, A X 36". 155-nun. shell forgings Hercules bull's-eye powder.. I" round cold-rolled screw- stock steel. B eeswax Rosin Tallow 75 mm. shrapnel case forg- ings. 4.7" A. A. shrapnel case forg- ings. 3" shell-steel forgings 2.95" shrapnel-case forgings.. 4.7" copper bands, defective. Grade A spelter 9.2" shell forgings 6" shell forgings do Breech-block forgings Rosin Wooden boxes, 3' x 12 x 12". . Wooden crates, 14 x 21 x 72". Coke-coated tin plate, 20 x 28", 75-lb. wasters. 75-mm. forgings Shellac Ammonium nitrate Fresh wash oil Houghton, No. 1 boring oil.. Magic soluble oil -\tlantic red engine oil Reclaimed and filtered boring oil. Miscellaneous steel scrap re- sulting from manufacture of ammunition truck bodies. Cast-steel ingots for 9.2" shell Tracing cloth sheets, IS x 24" sheets bearing Dodge Bros, name. Benzol Machine holts, J x 41" hexag- onal. Bunker Hill & St. Joe lead. . . Packing boxes, 25 x 9 x 6" . . . Bronze hub-Uner rings and screws. Forged steel spanner wrenches Infallible powder $96.00 3.72 220.86 20,000.00 50.00 1.00 1, 698. 50 1,200.00 87.75 316.05 1,563.00 21.76 7,278.50 24, 719. 59 1,447.20 774. 40 5.13 5,062.50 12,278.55 657. 77 5,204.91 408.00 1,735.20 400.00 2.30 8,736.00 29,701.35 84.84 4,000.00 2,090.00 88.00 29.70 15.84 66.50 1,025.72 180.00 295.16 125.00 13,941.01 45.00 171.99 .25 84,000.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 223 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 23 Aug. 8, Aug. 7, July 26, June 20, do- ,1919.... 1919 1919 1919...., 1919... E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Wil- mington, Del. A. Schwartz & Son, Milwaukee, Wis. American Copper & Brass Works, Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank Millnew Trenton, N. J. . Montgomery- Ward Co do .do. -do. July 22, July 18, July 29, Aug. 4, July 29, Aug. 11, do.. ....do.. July 10, 1919. July 31, 1919. 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919.... Sussman & Blumenthall, Hart- ford, Conn. Commercial Iron & Metal Co., Waterbury, Conn. Unique Art Mfg. Co., Newark, N.J. C. E. Scully, Baltimore, Md.... Ballistic powder Packing boxes, 15 x 8 x 23". . Copper rounds, copper rivets. 0.870 round steel bars Wire poultry staples Wood screws. No. 9, 1§", flat- head. No. 8, flat-head, wood screws, IJ" St. Joe brand lead St. Joe pig lead. .do. July 15, 1919., July 14, 1919 Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919. . May 15, 1919... July 7, 1919.... Aug. 9,1919.. Aug. 2, 1919. . Aug. 4,1919.. Julys, 1919... July 25, 1919.. July 11, 1919. July 31, 1920. do ....do ....do July 24, 1919. ....do July 29, 1919.. June 28, 1919 . July 11, 1919.. June 28, 1919. .do. .do. Jno. T. Lewis Bros. Co., Balti- more, Md. Chas. Boldt Glass Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. American Frog & Switch Co., Hamilton, Ohio. J. R. Wood Supply Co., Ctu- cinnati, Ohio. General Silk Importing Co., New York City. Griswold Worsted Co., Darbey, Pa. Sam Bristman, New York City Lackawanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. E. I. DuPont Co., Carneys Point, N. J. United States Mint, Philadel- phia. Clarence W. Neu, Eastwood, Ohio. C. M. Liphart, Philadelphia Hofman-Sproul Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Herman Bumiller Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls N. Y. Triangle Traveling Bag Works, Cincinnati, Ohio. Read Phosphate Co., Savannah, Ga. J. T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Balti- more, Md. Schwarzenbach-Huber Co., New York City. Franken Bros., New York City. . J. A. Blum & Son, New York City. Gimbel Bros., New York City . . . 3" round tool steel, No. 7 Colonial. Salvaged lumber. No. 3 com- mon novelty siding. Pig lead, I. L. R. brand , 8" drain tile, seconds.. Steel line shafting, 1-^" Taper pins Spring and music wire Steel tubing, miscellaneous sizes. Raw Tussah filature Sidney Blumenthal & Co., New York City. Suisman & Blumenthal, Hart- ford, Conn. ....do Jacob Bros., Bridgeport. Conn... M. S. Little Mfg. Co., Btartford, Conn. Royal Typewriter Co., Hartford, Conn. M. S. Little Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. ....do ...do Tussah filature, raw; Tussah filature, boiled offj Tussah filature, boiled off, picked and shredded. Habutai silk, 36" ....do ....do 82 mm. bars, 82 mm. billets, 5J" square billets, 9.2" ingots Hercules powder boxes, 13 x 19 X 30". Cupro-nickel bands J" black iron pipe. Hot-rolled bar steel, 1" round do 100' lengths No. 18 insulated copper wire. Aloxite, No. 120 Bifurcated coppered split rivet 66° sulphuric acid Omaha & Grant pig lead 36" habutai silk used for Very signals (parachutes). Habutai silk 45" habutai silk 36" white domestic habutai silk. Tussah floss, Tussah filature waste. Bouchons, 90 per cent Pb, 10 per cent Sb. Booster casings Manila envelopes, 3.75 x 3".. . Nitrate of soda Quenching oil. Gasoline Fire clay Fire-brick plates. 224 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. June 28, 1919. July 28, 1919.. July 11, 1919.. June 28, 1919... do Aug. 5, 1919.. July 30, 1919. July 29, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. do do Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 4, 1919.. June 5, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 7, 1919.. do do Aug. 8, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919.. July 15, 1919. Aug. 11, 1919... Aug. 12, 1919... do Aug. 8, 1919.... Aug. 14, 1919... July 23, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919. Aug. 9, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. ....do J. S. Lamson Bros., New York City. Wm. Wallach Co., New York City. M. S. Little Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. do Royal Typewriter Co., Hart- ford, Conn. M. S. Little Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. do Chas. A. Runge, Meridan, Conn. do Russel & Erwin Mfg. Co., New Britain, Conn. American Machinery & Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. E. C. Humphreys Co., Chicago, 111. Hyman-Michaels Co., Chicago, 111. M. M. Cohen Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlantic Refining Co., Bruns- wick, Ga. United States Mint, Philadel- phia, Pa. [Canceled.]! Snead Iron Works, Jersey City, N.J. Standard Rolling Mills, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Foster Mfg. & Supply Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. H. Stokes, Toronto, Canada Frank Bros., Hamilton, Canada. Frank Bros., Ontario, Canada.. . Frank Bros., Hamilton, Canada. Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., Detroit Mich. Foster-Songer Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hercules Powder Co., Wilming- ton, Del. Siemon & Eltinge, Irvington, N.J. Various purchasers W. E. Friedman, New York City. E. Pullan, Toronto, Canada Frankel Bros., Toronto, Canada. ....do Hartman-Sanders Co., Chicago, 111. George Schorr Co W. H. StanageCo Higgin Mfg. Co Jno. Lipps Hudepohl Brewing Co Seaboard By-Products Co., Jer- sey City, N. J. Scullen Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. . J. T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Balti- morCj Md. J. Levme & Max Smith, New York City. Jos. P. Cooper, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Roxbury Iron & Metal Co., Mil- ton, Mass. Lindemann Jewelry Co., San Francisco, Calif. Interstate Smelting & Refg. Co., Newark, N. J. Bergundy pitch Sulphite screening paper . Fire-brick plates Cement Emery polish. Tin cups Steel tiunbling barrel. Scrap steel, boosters... Soluble cutting oil Box strapping Scrap lumber, random lengths, miscellaneous sizes. 50 per cent ferrosilicon Hand-grenade bodies, malle- able iron. Men's canvas and leather gloves. Common brick, slag, washed gravely crushed stone. Cupro-nickel driving bands.. Brass cartridge cases, con- demned by explosion. Wood casting-mold pattern. . Wood screws Lumber used for bracing shaft pullej's. 155-mm. shells, partially ma- chined. 75-mm. shell, forgings, rough. . 75-mm. forgings, rough , 240-mm. O.H. steel forgings. . Screw pipe, second-hand . Saltpeter Diphenylamine . Miscellaneous boxes, etc Cold-rolled strip steel, 150 x6i X 93f', in 558 bundles. Ledger paper, cardboard, and old books. 155-mm. rough forgings ....do 7 d. cement-coated nails Time books - ....do ...-do ....do ....do Wash oil Concrete gravel Pig lead, Granby & Picher Scrap material, consisting of component parts of drop bombs. Platinum Musketry rule, slide plunger springs and tools. Platinum, iridium .do. iSee Sale No. 2i;40. SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 225 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buj'er. Article. Aug. 13, 1919... Aug. 12, Aug. 13 Aug. 7, Aug. 14 do.. , 1919. , 1919. 1919.. , 1919. 1919.. , 1919. 1919. do.. Aug. 7, Aug. 14, do.' do. Aug. 6, July 24, July 23, Aug. 14, July 25, Aug. 14, 1919... do , July 29, July 10, 1919.. 1919.. 1919. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. July 17,1919 Aug. 14, 1919.... do Aug. 15, 1919.... Aug. 9, 1919 Aug. 12,1919.... July 26, 1919 July 31, 1919 July 21, 1919 July 9, 1919 do July 11, 1919... July 9, 1919 July 11, 1919... July 9, 1919 July 17, 1919... July 10, 1919... July 16, 1919... .do. .do. .do. Buffalo Houscwrecking & Sal- vage Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Boston Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Wallensak Optical Co., Roch- ester, N. Y. Machine & Stamping Co., To- ronto, Canada. Boebinger Hardware Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Isaac Joseph Iron Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. H. Simon Co., Cleveland, Ohio.. J. F. C. Hagans, San Francisco, Calif. A. <.T. jonnson, Kjiiwdgu, iii , Minn. Steel & Machine Co., Min- neapolis, Minn. J. T. Le\vis & Bros. Co., Balti- more, Md. Zenith Steel & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Briggs & Turvias, Chicago, III., do LuriaBros.& Co., Reading, Pa. H3Tnan Michaels Co., St. Louis, Mo. T. Hanlon& Co. (Inc.), Roches- ter, N. Y. Geo. W. Pfohl & H. Robin, Buffalo, N.Y. L. K. Dempsey, Philadelphia, Pa. do Spencer Wire Co., Worcester, Mass. J. H. McVeigh, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. do Henry Shapiro, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Ashtabula Corrugated Box Co., Ashtabula, Ohio. Monsanto Chemical Works, St Louis, Mo. Moran B olt & Nut Co. , St. Louis , Mo. Pittsburgh Screw & Bolt Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. E. P. Sanderson Co., Boston, Mass. Bossert Corporation, Utica, N.Y. . Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Newark Paper Stock Co., New- ark N. J. Just Manufacturing Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. ReUance Metal Spinning & Stamping Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. Reeve & Busteed Leather Co., New York City. G. S. Alexander & Co., Savan- nah, Ga. H. A. Wilson Co., Newark, N. J. Handy & Harman, New York City. Baker & Co., Newark, N. J R. & H. Platinum Works, New York City. Dentists' Supply Co., New York City. Steel bar braces, J x If x 18" . Sheet steel, 23 x 96", 16-gauge . Sheet steel, 6i x 38^", 16-gauge. Sheetsteel,17x38y', 16-gauge. Sheetsteel, 18J x 21", 16 gauge. Iron castings, ranging in weight from 20 to 2,340 pounds. Nos . 14 and 16 soft brass No. 2 Houghton quenching oil. Wing high-speed babbitt metal. 3i" round steel billets 155-Tnm. shell forgings Nitrate of soda^ 95 per cent pure, Valparaiso assay. Scrap kindling No. 28-gauge black sheet steel, 28" X 96". Antimonial lead, 87J per cent Pb., 12i per cent Sb. Hot-roUed strip steel, 6J" x 42" X 0.093". 9.2" shell forgings do 155-nun. body forgings 6" square Gothic billets 2" jute webbing, gray Quenching oil, flash point 395°, viscosity 140 per cent. Wood screws No. 10, IJ" Wood screws: No. 9, IJ" No. 10, li" Cold-rolled strip steel, 2,^" x .020. Copper rivets, i", oval head. . . Wood screws. No. 2, J" Upper tray hinges, steel 75-mm. cartridge cases Metal phenol drums Carriage bolts. f"x4", hexag- onal nuts, J X 4". Pine boxes, 12" x 12" x 3' Cold-roUed bar steel, 1 J" round, 8' to 10' lengths. Helmet edgings, helmet loops, helmet loops steel wire, hel- met steel tabs, soft steel rivets. One-pass cold-rolled black sheet steel, 24-gauge, 27J x 90. Paper tubes for packing, IJ" diameter x 1|" long. Cardboard for packing, 7f x 162" thick. Coketinplate, 20 x 28", 107-lb., 112 sheets to box. Black shoe buttons and cable cord. Nitrate of soda, damaged Platinum, iridium Platinum, granulated; iridium. Platinum, iridium do Platinum, sponge 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 15 226 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORT>NANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1401 Aug. 6, 1919 Aug. 16,1919.... Aug. 2, 1919 Jacob Bros., Bridgeport, Conn. . J. H. McVeigh, ^\'llkes-Barre, Pa. R. T. Moorehouse Paper Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Iron City Sand Co., Pittsbiu-gh, Music wire $12.48 1402 12.50 1403 146.95 1404 Aug. 7, 1919 Second-hand lumber, S x 10 307.35 Pa. and 8 x 12. 1405 Jime2, 1910 Vallev Scrap Iron Co., Sas:inaw, Mich. If" cold drawn Bessemer screw-stock steel. 2,488.31 1406 Aug. 19, 1919.... Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Machined bronze parts forma- cliine-gini tripods. 5,081.84 1407 Aug. 15, 1919.... Washiusrton Gas Light Co., AVashineton, P.C. 38.91 1408 Aug. 13, 1919.... Aug. 12, 1919.... Gilfallan Bros , New York Citv . 5,450.00 1,732.50 1409 M. F. Patterson Dental Supply Co., Minneapolis, Mimi. 1410 . .. do Harry Wander, New York City . Carrau & Green, San Francisco, Calif. Triangle Jewelry Co., New York Citv. 1,050.00 1,050.00 1411 Aug. 15, 1919.... Granular platinum: iridium. . . 1412 do 1,050.00 1413 Aug. 12, 1919.... Anchor Jewelry Co., New York Citv. do 1,050.00 1414 Aug. 16,1919.... Aug. 12,1919.... Havden Chemical Co., Garfield, N. J. Phenol 6,000.00 5,000.00 1415 York City. 1416 Aug. 16, 1919.... do Lard oil 19,500.00 1417 Aug. 12, 1919 .... do 14, 743. 00 1418 do United States Industrial Alcohol Kccovered solvent 3,173.63 Co., Curtis Bay, Md. 1419 Aug. 16, 1919.... Kalbfleisch Corporation, Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Sidphuric acid, 81 per cent sulphuric, 1.32 per cent nitric. 4,500.00 1420 July 31, 1919.... SidneyBlumenthal & Co.,(Inc.), Silks: New York City. Filature tussah, S-cocoon.. 2-thread tussah on warp beams. 2-thread tussah on section beams. 2-tliread tussali on bobbins sized. 2-thread tussah on bobbins imsized. 38,1 tussah spun silk on parallel tubes 20/1 spim silk on parallel tubes, quahty No. 1. 20/1 spim silk on parallel tubes, quality No. 2. 20/1 spim silk on parallel tubes, quality No. 3. 38/1 spim silk on parallel tubes, quality No. 2. 38A spun silk on parallel tubes, quahty No. 3. 38/1 spim silk on warp and section beams. 20/1 spun silk on warp and section beams. 198. 404. 72 108,308.89 8,897.68 11,874.69 36,978.75 14,054.61 193,950.50 293,096.65 648.00 58,727.60 403,596.00 126,285.78 144,570.30 1421 do . ...do Raw silk, tussah Newchang, boiled off Antimg washea 77, 055. 16 15, 310. 23 tussah. 2,857.94 1422 Aug. 15,1919.... D. L. & R. Raincoat Co., New York City. No. 50/3 cotton khaki thread. . 126.00 1423 do Nassau Carpet Co., New York Citv. Members of New York Ordnance Department. Donner Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Axminster rugs, 6' x 9' . .do 1 237.10 1424 do 152.90 1425 Aug. 21, 1919.... 9.5" shell steel forgings 5,580.19 1426 ...\^do:. .. .do . . 4 78 shell steel forgings 13, 279. 83 1427 July 22, 1919 Allegheny Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 2, 397. 40 1428 July 25, 1919 Ben J. Selkirk & Sons (auction- eers'), St. Louis, Mo. Tinned-iron box liners 75.95 1429 do do Hinged-lid wooden boxes Mark in, IV, and "S" fuze boxes. 2.76 1430 do do 145.95 1431 do do 278.«7 1432 do do do 30.00 1433 do do do 28.99 1434 do do 157.50 1435 do do do 34.77 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 227 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. June 20, 1919. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. ....do ....do do June 12, 1919. Sept. 8, 1919.. Aug. 22,1919. June 18, 1919. May 20, 1919.. Aug. 19, 1919. do Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. July 22, 1919. . July 15. 1919.. July 17, 1919. . Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 14,1919. July 17,1919.. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. do Aug. 22, 1919. do Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, IIL ...do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Hirsch Rolling Mill Co., St. Louis, Mo. Chas. Runge, Meriden, Conn A. Borinstein, Indianapolis, Ind Mueller Metals Co., Port Huron, Mich. Pullman Co., Pullman, 111 Union Brush & Wire Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Brown Mfg. Co., Zanesville,Ohio. Smith & McCrorken, New York City. Harry Lesser, New York City. . . State Thread Co., New York City Silberman Hardware Co., New York City. L. B. Wasserstrom, New York City. Inter. Bureau of Supplies, New York City. Cameron Machine Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. G. Rammler, Detroit, Mich Anderson Forge & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn. Massey-Harris Harvester Co., Batavia, N. Y. S. Mendelson, Toronto, Canada . Standard Box Co., Detroit, Mich. Ford Motor Co., Highland Park, Mich. Globe Chemical Co., Ctncinnati, Ohio. Kalbfleisch Corporation, Chatta- nooga, Term. Canadian Explosive Co., New York. Edwards Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bonniwell Calvin Iron Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Edward B. Fulper, Trenton, N.J. A. M. Lewin Lumber Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Edwards Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Abraham Noden, Brooklyn,N.Y L. B. Wasserstrom, New York.. Anvil metal sheets, 4i" x .05" . Anvil metal sheets, 4i" x .41". Anvil metal sheets, 4|" x .06". Anvil metal castings, 4§ x 4i X li". Primer guilding metal sheets. Primer guilding metal sheets, 4i" X .427". Primer guilding metal castings , 4i" X .7". Case-metal brass sheets, 6J" x .126". Case-metal castings, brass, 6" xl". No. 7 frogs for 70-lb. rail Switch points, 12' 526 ft. 75-lb. raU Switch stands, single-throw . . . Switch ties Guard rails, 10' long Zinc anodes Malleable-iron rifle grenades. . . Grade A Horsehead spelter in slabs. Hoop, banding, steel, 20-gauge, 1" wide. I" machine brushes Battleship gray mixed paint . . 2 d. nails 4 d. nails 5 d. nails 8 d. nails Iron staples, H" x |" Picture hooks, 1\" x ^" Screws, 1 J" x 11" Cowhide Russet Jap for leather strips. 9.2" cast-steel forgings 9.2" cast-steel base plugforgtngs 4.7" cast-steel forgings 155-mm. shell body forgings. . . Packing boxes, J" pine Powdered charcoal Cartridge brass "Dreadnaught" high-speed steel. I beams and channel iron Boxes for 240-mm. trench mortar shell, I" pine, 12 x 12 X 42". IJ" round hot-rolled forge bar steel. Silicate of soda SulphiKic acid, 81 per cent sulphuric, 1.32 per cent nitric. Ammonium nitrate Felt, 3'x3" strips Hexagonal steel rods, f " Linseed oil If" No. 12 wood screws I" No. 7 wood screws li" No. 10 wood screws 7 d. cement-coated naUs 8 d. cement-coated nails 5 d. cement -coated nails i" sisal rope Leather pockets, rivets and caps attached. Cowhide strips, 47 bundles IJ" wide, 22" long; 48 bundles li" wide, 53" long. 228 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 22, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. do July 7, 1919.. .do. -do. July 10, 1919. do July 14, 1919., July 11, 1919.. May 9, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. May 2, 1919.. June 11, 1919 . May 9, 1919.. June 17, 1919. Junes, 1919.. June 6. 1919.. Junes, 1919.. July 25, 1919. June 23, 1919. Apr. 14. 1919. July 11, 1919. Julys, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919.. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919 . June SO, 1919. do Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 19, 1919. July 15, 1919. do do do Aug. 29, 1919. Julys, 1919.. Aug. 15, 1919. June 7, 1919.. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. Hill Ingram Co., New York John T. Lewis Bros. Co., Balti- more, Md. State Thread Co., New York City. / United States Mnt Wm. Wallach Co., New York City. Johnson & Johnson, New Bruns- wick, N. J. MetropoUtan Engine Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Geo. Posner, New York City Pittsburgh Rolls Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa. do do. J. C. Wiarda & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Seldner & Enequist, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. Klippstein, New York City . . F. H. Mason, New York City . . . National Anihne & Chenucal Dye Co., New York. Siemon & Eltinge, Irvington, N. Y. E. I. Du Pont Powder Co., New York City. Pacific Coast Borax Co., Bay- onne, N. J. Natural Products Refining Co., Jersey City, N. J. Hercules Powder Co., Wilming- ton, Del. Natural Products Refining Co., Jersey City, N. J. Pacific Coast Borax Co., Bay- onne, N. J. F. Hemingway, New York City. do do do C. F. Carrigues, New York City. Read Phosphate Co., Savannah, Ga. Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Howard Grow, Philadelphia Denny-Rine Co., Chicago, 111 Republic Metal ware Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. do Lawndale Manufacturing Co., Elkhart Ind. Wm. Wallach Co., New York City. Briggs & TurivaSj Chicago, III... Lackawanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. do do [Canceled.] H. Klaff & Co., Baltimore, Md.. Jno. T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Bal- timore, Md. Frank Luenzmann & Co., Mil- wauliree. Wis. A. Schwartz & Son, Milwaukee, Wis. Frank Tilk Ornamental Iron Works Co., Kansas City, Mo. Vulcan Supply Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cotton thread, olive-drab, 16/4 ply- Pig lead do Webbing, olive-drab, IJ-oz., 1" wide and various lengths. Cupro-nickel bands, finished . . Cupro-nickel bands, scrap Cupro-nickel bands, unfiaished Sulphite screening paper . . . Bleached cotton lintws. Gas grenade boxes Packing boxes, yellow-pine, 14^' X lOi". 155-mm. howitzer annealed forgings. 4.7" breach blocks 4.7" locking hoops , Howitzer 155-mm. block forg- ings. Ammonium chloride .do. do Denatured alcohol . Diphenylamine . . . do Ether, sulphuric Sulphuric acid, 66° B . do do do do Nitric acid do do do Mercury fulminate . Sulphuric acid 66°. Aloxite, No. 120.... Tiro tape Primers for hand grenades, copper. 75-lb. coke tin plate, 20 x 28", wasters. do , Paper cartons Sulphite screening paper Malleable iron grenade bodies, rough. 82-mm. steel biUets 5i" square steel billets . 9.2" cast-steel ingots. .. St. Joe pig lead, Omaha & Grant pig lead. Ontario pig lead Anchor block for drop bomb boxes, I X 3|". Pacldng boxes for H. C. drop, Mark I. 3A T steel Gimlet-point lag screws . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 229 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 29, 1919... Aug. 12. 1919... Aug. 22; 1919... do Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 12. 1919. June 25, 1919. July 2, 1919.. June 27, 1919. July 22, 1919. July 18, 1919. July 26, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. May 29, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. do Aug. 19, 1919. do.'. July 18, 1919. Sept. 2,1919. Aug. 2, 1919. do. July 17, 1919.. May 29, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 2.5, 1919. Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. do do Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. do Aug. 22, 1919. American Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Robt. H. Coit, Chicago, 111 Hill Ingram Co., New York City. Various residents in vicinity of Chicago storage depot. Jno. B. Varick & Co., Manches- ter, N. H. Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Bonniwell Calvin Iron Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Wakefield Brass Co., Vermil- Uon, Ohio. David I. McMeekan, Philadel- phia, Pa. Henry A. Hitners' Sons Co., Philadelphia, Pa. do do Frank Millner, Trenton, N. J. . . do Harry Goldberg, Detroit, Mich. . Detroit Metal Refining Co., De- troit, Mich. Boston Iron & Metal Co,, Balti- more, Md, Jas. S. Miller Co., Chicago, Dl . . , do do Jos. Joseph Bros. & Co., New York City. Geo. Mehl & Co., Middletown, Ohio. Fishel & Marks, Cleveland, Oh>. do Foy Prushing, Detroit, Mich Detroit Metal Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. Edgewater Steel Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Frank Luenzmann & Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. M. Wilk, Philadelphia, Pa E. B. Breining, Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic Dye Stuff Co., Boston, Mass. Foster Mfg. Co. & Supply, Philadelphia. Battelle & Renwick, New York City. Wm. Sauer & Son, Baltimore, Md. Wah Chang Trading Co., New York City. Wah Chang Trading Corpora- ■ tiou, New York City Henry A. Hitners Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Abe Shapiro, Warsaw, N. Y K. D. Lamp Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. CM. Liphart, Philadelphia, Pa. United States Mint, Pliiladel- phia. do 2J" cold-rolled steel . Boxes for 3" T. R. shells Olive-drab cotton thread, 16/4 ply- Kindling wood Boxes for 3" Stokes mortar shell. Charcoal tin plate, 20 x 28", prime, 107 lbs. 1^" round, 16" long bar 0,37,5" X 0.12" diameter iron rivets. Lifting plug forgings 0.269" round cold-rolled steel rods, y square hot-rolled bar steel. . Y' bar stock fl" square bar stock 0,870 steel bars 6" copper bands 5" copper bands 6" copper bands do 155-mm, shell forgings Brass disks for cannister shell 6" shell forgings do do 9.2" cast-steel forgings. Wood cores, 6" and 9.2" diam- eter; used in container man- ufacture. Manganese sheet steel: 13i"x0.036" 15"x 15" X 0.038" Complete fiber cartons, 24=J X 13 X 15. 75-mm. shell forgings Pig nickel. Detonator compartment ma- terial. Brass shell cases, 75-mm., empty. do Mixed acids, 40.84 per cent nitric, 38.97 per cent sul- phuric, 4-1 wire-bound boxes Saltpeter. Kindling wood buyers, Chicago, New rosin, grade H . Used rosin, grade H MM and MAG antimony. RMN brand antimony. . . 3" steel shells, finished, stripped of bands and plates. Corrugated paper boxes No. 18 insulated copper wire. . J" roimd hot-drawn steel Cupro-nickel bands, unfin- ished. Cupro-nickel bands, fbiished. . Cupro-nickel bands, scrap Kindling wood $7,060.86 8.00 120. OS 15.00 14.43 3.152.65 14.76 20.04 1,255.72 328. 95 2,78L10 1, 018. 75 3,973.03 215. 95 .30 .70 8.00 5.20 120.307.04 9, 491. 11 10, 681. 83 1, 704. 48 6,960.21 37,589.45 1.00 167. 25 3, 120. 70 2, 516. 43 35, 203. 19 1, 641. 23 65.00 1.50 6.00 73,315.00 199. 20 2, 887. 50 465.25 984. 40 6, 898. 69 2,061.36 381. 96 338. 55 958. 85 24.80 903. 50 7, 338. 63 2, 203. 76 4.00 230 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919.. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. . Aug. 25, 1919. . ....do ....do Sept. 2, 19,19.. Aug. 28, 1919. July 28, 1919.. June 24, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. July 17, 1919.. Aug. 21, 1919. do May 19, 1919.. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. 28, 1919. do do Aug. 27, 1919. Jan. 11, 1919.. do June 6, 1919.. do Sept. 5, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919.. Aug. 30, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919.. H. Emmerman & Co., Chicago, m. Wollensak Optical Co., Ro- chester, N. Y. Empire Junk Co., Ithaca, N. Y. . New York Cordage Co., New York City. Howard Grow, PMladelpliia, Pa Tubular Rivet & Stud Co., Boston, Mass. New York Cordage Co., New York City. Tubular Rivet & Stud Co., Boston, Mass. Pressed Steel Co., Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Inter. Fireworks Co., New York. do do Columbia Smelting & Refining Co., New York Citv. T. R. Brawley, Brooklyn, N. Y, H. H. Bryant (The Felters Co. (Inc.)), Brooklyn, N. Y. Metropolitan Hospital Supply Co., New York City. United American Iron & Steel Co., New York City. Garden City Platiag & Mfg. Co., Chicago, HI.. H. C. Moultnrop, Detroit, Mich. Manitoba Steel Foundries (Ltd.); Montreal, Canada. Davison Chemical Co., Ciurtis Bay, Md. [Canceled.] B. F. Bond Paper Co., Balti- more, Md. Bialosky Bros. & Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. A. F. Mullin & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. F. M. Spellman Fuel Co., Osh- kosh. Wis. Wm. E. Friedman, New York City. Briggs & Turvias, Chicago, 111.. . do do do W. R. Landis, Philadelphia, Pa. F. S. Brunner, Pidladelphia, Pa. M. Fisher, Philadelphia International Clay Machine Co., Dayton, Ohio. Wollensak Optical Co., Ro- chester, N. Y. Crosby Co., Buffalo, N. Y , Chas. Dreifus Co., Pixtsburgh^ Pa Geo. A. McLean Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Gordon-Lawless Co., Omaha, Nebr. Michigan State Auto School, Detroit, Mich. Jas. S. Miller Co., Chicago, 111. . . C. L. Benson, Chicago, 111 Robt. H. Coit, Chicago, lU H. M. Foster Co., Baltimore, Md Breakable cast-iron furnace.. Cast-iron square bench legs.. Cast-iron castings, gray I" "Eureka" sisal rope Drawing oil Black paint Caps, No. 530, second part of rivets used in manulacture of tool roll. CUmax rope, -j-V' No. 291 rivets, used in manu- facture of tool roll. Dies for use in manufacture of mark V fuze boxes. Dies for use ta manufacture of mark III fuze boxes. Dies for use in manufacture of mark V fuze boxes. 36" parachutes 32" parachutes Lead, desilverized Balbach brand. Grav felt, consists of 83,500 felt inserts, 1" diameter x i" thick, were to be used in manufacture of adapter plugs. Felt 72", gray, style C, B f" . . Black oxidized safety pins Mark I howitzer shell forgings, 240-mm. Cold-rolled steel, 4 x 0.028 x 91" . Taxaco aloph oil Taxaco grease. No. 1. 4.7" rough forgings. . . Sulphuric acid, 60° Manila moquin paper , 9.2" base-plug forgings Primer protector caps, canvas. Trays for detonator fuze box, mark III. 2ii" round cold-roUed steel 6" shell forgiugs do do do Steel helmets do 75-mm. brass sheU case, empty. do I" round brass rod Cold-rolled strip steel, IW X 0.025. Spiegeleisen 75-mm. shell forgings Coke-coated tiaplate, 20" x 28'' 75-pound primes. Cadillac motor, including clutch and transmission. 6" shell forgmgs Packing boxes do 6rs" diag. steel billets SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 231 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. July 9, 1919... June 17, 1919 . do do Sept. 2, 1919.. Aug. 29, 1919 . Sept. 4, 1919.. June 18, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919.. July 17, 1919.. Sept. 9, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. ..do Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919 . Aug. 30, 1919 . Aug. 29, 1919 . Aug. 28, 1919 . Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Sept.3, 1919.. Sept.6, 1919.. June 19, 1919 . Aug. 29, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. do Sept. 4.1919.. Aug. 16, 1919. July 23, 1919.. June 14, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Union Iron & Metal Co., To- ronto, Canada. Wilson & Bennett Mfg. Co., CMcago, lU. do .do. National Can Co., Detroit, Mich. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. L. P. Lasher, New York City.. Union Iron & Metal Co., To- ronto, Canada. Security Iron & Metal Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Roxbury Iron & Metal Co., Dor- chester, Mass. Standard Box Co., Detroit, Mich. C. G. Winans Co., Newark, N. J. . Chas. Bowden, Brantford, Canada. Russel Motor Car Co., Toronto, Canada. Mechanical & Chemical Equip- ment Corporation, Phillips- dale, R. I. Fredd Messmer Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Northwestern Barrel Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Montgomery County Historical Society, Hillsboro, 111. S. Ward Hamilton Co., Harvey, 111. Geo. Lowe, Chicago, 111 Fred Sellinga. Chicago, 111 Jas . Flavtu, Chicago, 111 A. Golden, Providence, R.I Hyman-Miohaels Co., St. Louis, Mo. Luria Bros. & Co., Reading, Pa . Wollensak Optical Co., Roches- ter, N. Y. Luria Bros. & Co., Reading, Pa.. Reigel Motor Car Co., Chicago, Mai. Latlirop Collins, Chicago, Dr. H. B. McDonnell, Maryland State College, Md. Fidehty Metal Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. [Canceled.] Baker Gun & Forcings Co., Ba- tavia, N. Y. F. Hemingway (Inc.), New York City. Ideal Mfgrs. Supply Co., New York City. E. G. Drew & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Fybush Bros., New York City . . M. K. Champion, Camden, N. J. . Alberta Foundry & Machine Co., Medicine Hat, Alberta. Ithaca Junk Co., Ithaca N. Y . . . Article. 9.2" adapter forgiugs Cold-rolled sheet steel, 32 x 100", 16-gauge. Cold-rolled sheet steel, 28 x 100", 18-gauge. Cold-rolled black sheet iron, 40 X 100", 24-gauge. Coke-coated tinplate, 20 x28", 75-lb. wasters. 6" I beam, 20' long Fiber container ends, 155-mm. steel. 9.2" shell forgings Counterweights, cast-iron Miscellaneous steel scrap, con- sisting of screws, phis, etc. Steel scrap, billet crop ends. . Packing boxes, 10 x 15 x 20". Kraft wrapping paper Building sand High-speed tool steel Unassembled bouchons for hand grenades, 90 per cent Pb., 10 per cent Sb. Spelter, grade A , Type F box shooks, type C box shooks. Malleable-iron hand grenades. 25-gauge sheet steel, 30 x 96". . Kindling wood do do Barrack cleaning rods, 0.250" brass weld rod, 36" length. Ingots for 8" shells, 330 lbs. each. 165-mm. body forgings do I" X 8' brass rods Body forgings for 165-mm. shrapnel. O. H. lap-weld steel tubing, 3" outside-dlameter, lengths 1' 8" to 22' 8". Hand grenades, rifle grenades . Granular nitrate of ammonia. . Antimonial lead A" red cut tool bits. I" red cut tool bits. . J" drill rod A' ' drill rod \" Vasco vanadium steel I" X tV' dreadnaught steel Shear blades Cast iron Incomplete tools Nitric acid Imitation leather sample boxes .do. Imitation leather sample boxes, small size. Leather apron straps _ . . Brass shell case, 75 mm. empty Lead disks, calking wires . . . Cold-rolled steel, 2^" diame- ter, in 12' bars. 232 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 11, 1919 Sept. 13, 1919 June 16, 1919 . Sept. 11, 1919 Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919 Sept. 4, 1919.. Aug. 4, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919.. Aug. 19, 1919.. July 17, 1919.. Aug. 15, 1919.. Aug. 20, 1919.. Aug. 28, 1919.. Aug. 13, 1919... Aug. 22, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919... Sept. 12, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919.. do Sept. 9, 1919... Sept. 13, 1919.. Aug. 13, 1919.. Sept, 3, 1919.., Aug. 22, 1919., Aug. 12,1919., do Sept. 2. 1919.. June 30, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Miller Lock Co., Philadelphia, Pa Smith & Hood, Newark, N. J... Frankford Machine Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Kalischer & Rubin, New York City. Manufacturers & Consumers Trading Co., New York City. Consolidated Car Heating Co., Albany, N. Y. Brantford Metal Co., Brantford, Canada. J. Levine & Max Smith, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Henry C. Griffin & Co., New York City. Sigmund Eisner Co., New York City. W. E. Friedman, New York City J. B. Wise (Inc.), Watertown, N. Y. Hilb & Bauer, Cincinnati, Ohio . . W. P. McCrone, Cincinnati, Ohio F. P. Smith, Chicago, 111 F. Hemingway (Inc.), New York, N. Y. Hyman-MiehaelsCo., St. Louis, Mo. Brantford Metal Co., Brantford, Canada. [Canceled.] Briggs & Turivas, Chicago, 111. . . [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Fybush Bros., New York City . . Fidelity Metal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y". P.P. Smith, Chicago, 111 Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Clyde E. Pyle, Edgewood, Pa. . . Geo. B . Finney, Mays Landing, N.J. Frank Samuels, Philadelphia, Pa T. A. Hennesey, Brooklyn, N. J. Ohio Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. A. W. Newth, Philadelphia, Pa. Lee Tire & Rubber Co., Consho- hoken. Pa. Howard Grow, Philadelphia, Pa. .do. Luria Bros. & Co., Reading, Pa. . W. F. Robertson, Iron & Steel Co., CincLonati, Ohio. United States Mint, Phila- delphia, Pa. No. 22 music wire Waterproof envelopes 7J" wide cold-rolled strip steel in coils. Tins, i X 2", used in manu- facture of tool rolls; end clips. No. 2631 flashlights, less bat- Oil, soluble. No. 14 Coal oil Mobile A oil Westinghouse Engine oil Pine lumber, hemlock lumber. Vanes for dummy drop bombs, sheet-iron, No. 20 gauge, 2x12x6"; pieces of clay used on bombs, 2'x4.9"; washer nosepieces, cast iron, 1^" thick X 1}" diameter; wind- shields, sheet-tin, 26-28 gauge, 2ixl"; Axiam tubes, sheet-tin, 26-28 gauge, 1" diameter x 9" long; iron wire; firing pins, steel, i" long X yV' diameter; steel springs; wood screws. No. 4, White flake glue 9-oz. duck Seamless steel tubing, O.340"x 0.28.5". 37-mni brass disks, copper 70 per cent, spelter 30 per cent. One-pass cold rolled black sheets, 48x96", 20 gauge. Closet bowls Lavatories Wire netting, J" mesh, 36" wide. 10-gal. carboys 155-nim billets, broken Gray iron castings Round cold rolled screw stock Partially complete leather aprons. Triangular bar solder Wire screening, i" mesh, 36" wide. 1 J" hexagonal cold rolled steel Pyro packing boxes, linings removed. Asbestos board, burnt Low-phosphorus pig iron. 155-mni. shell forgings Nitric acid, 42° Wood blocks for fuzes . Unrefined rubber Large nestings, boxes not made up, boxes made up. Olive-drab paint Body forgings for 155-mm shrapnel. Box strapping, f ", enameled, coated, in coils. Cupro-nickel bands, unfinished SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLliES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 238 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919., Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 8, 1919.., July 17, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919., July 17, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919., Sept. 8, 1919.., do Aug. 28, 1919., Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 8, 1919.., Sept. 9, 1919.., July 17, 1919. June 14, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. do Sept. 6, 1919 July 1,1919 June 3, 1919 June 25, 1919.... July 5, 1919 May 2, 1919 May 26, 1919 May 15, 1919 May 12, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 11,1919. do Sept. 17,1919. Sept. 1,1919.. Sept. 19,1919... Pyrene Manufacturing Co, New York City. Otis Elevator Co., Chicago, 111.. Remington Arms U. M. C. Co., Ilion, N. Y. Bidden Cliemical Works, New York City. Independent Metal Scrap Co., New York City. Newman Bros., Detroit, Mich. . Martin Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich H. A. Montgomery, Detroit, Mich. Martin Bros., Detroit, Mich Kelsey Wheel Co., Detroit, Mich Newman Bros., Detroit, Mich. . do Mott AVheel Co., Jackson, Mich . Remington Arms U. M. C. Co., Ilion, N. Y. Allegheny Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, 'Pa. E. A. Guthman Co., New York City. Detroit Stamping Co., Detroit, Mich. Briggs & Turivas, Chicago, 111.. , A. McCullern, St. Louis, Mo Mildred Wilk, Philadelphia, «:>a. New Jersey Zinc Co., New York City. J. C. Wiarda, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . Seldner & Enequist, Brooklyn, N.Y. A. Daigger & Co^ Chicago, 111. . . JohnC. Wiarda, Brooklyn, N. Y. Metropolitan HardwareCo., New York City. Ohio Chemical Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. May Hosiery Mills, Nashville, Tenn. Mclntyre Floral Co., Nashville, Tenh. B. K. Hibbitt Salvage Co., Nashville, Tenn. Neuhoff Abbatoire Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. J. G. Littleton, Puryear, Tenn. . Spurlock-Neal Co., Nashville, Tenn. Ward Belmont College, Eden- wold, Tenn. do American Rust Proof Co., New York City. Reece & Buckley, New York City. Harry Benjamin Equipment Co., St. Louis, Mo. American Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. John Schulz Feed Co., St. Louis, Mo. Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Curtis & Co. ] Mo. ?. Co., St. Louis, Carbon tetrachloride. Steel billets, 6 x 6" x 10' Union Garnet Paper, No. 1. . . Hammer handles, 12" lead . . . Tallow Beeswax Raw linseed oil Steel box strapping unannealed and painted,5/82 x 0.015x18". Bronze and brass parts for artillery wheels. Paper boxes, 4 x 6x 4^" , Drawing compound Corrugated cardboard fillers and ends. Hickory spoke billets for artil- lery wheels. Bronze and brass spoke shoes . Bronze and brass wheel parts Quenching oil Union Garnet Paper, No. 1... 3J per cent nickel steel bars . . Long white garnetted silk waste. Long colored garnetted silk waste. Packing boxes, 15 x 15 x 29" . . . 9.2" shell forgings SMpping covers for 155-mm. container. Bronze and brass wheel parts . Hickory spoke billets Steel helmets complete with lining and strap. Grade A spelter Ammonium chloride Sal ammoniac, 99 per cent. Ammonium chloride ....do Lag screws Ammonium nitrate. Chloride of lime Manure Lot of condemned groceries . Tripe, 75-lb. packages . Tripe, 35-lb. packages . Manure Luden's cough drops. . Manure. do Vatudrip oil Steel drums Ammonium chloride . 240 mm. C. S. shell forgings. . . 2" round hot-rolled bar steel. . KJnocked-down cartridge boxes Commercial cold-rolled strip steel, 0.022 x2y'. Commercial cold-rolled strip steel, 3f X 0.04". Sheet steel, 19i x 57f x 0.125"; sheet steel, 19i x 38i x 0.125"; sheet steel, 18f x 55 x 0.130"; sheet steel, 18i x 13 x 36J". 234 SAUE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 11,1919. ....do July 1, 1919. Aug. 28,1919. Sept. 11,1919. Sept. 9,1919.. Sept. 26,1919. Sept. 3,1919.. Aug. 18,1919. Aug. 8,1919.. Sept. 3,1919.. Sept. 4,1919.. Aug. 22,1919. Aug. 12,1919. June 14, 1919. Sept. 19,1919. ....do Sept. 9,1919.. Sept. 20,1919. Aug. 14,1919. Sept. 5,1919.. do Aug. 20,1919.. Sept. 19,1919... do Aug. 14,1919... July 9,1919... Sept. 16,1919. Aug. 29,1919. Sept. 3,1919.. July 31, 1919.. do July 5,1919... July 31, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Miss Edith R. Napheys, Phila- delphia District Ordnance Office, Pa. --..do A. N. Edwards, .Chicago, 111 Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria, 111 C. H. Hanson Co., Chicago, 111. . Leo Goldblatt, Chicago, 111 American Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., Chicago, lU. Wisconsin Smelttag Co., Racine, Wis. Donald McCreight, Tullytown, Pa. Leo Goldblatt, Chicago, 111 Art Bedstead Co., Chicago, 111. . . Pennsylvania Steel & Iron Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Boston Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Jas. S.Miller Co., Chicago, 111 Geo. Harrison, jr.. New York City. W. Stokes Kirk, Philadelphia, Pa. [Canceled.] Art Metal Works (Inc.), Newark, N.J. Anhydrous Food Products Co., Chicago, 111. Robt. H.Coit, Chicago, 111 Hjrman Michaels Co., Chicago, 111. J. T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Balti- more, Md. Max Solomon, Pittsburgh, Pa... Aeronautical Equipment (Inc.), New York City. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. Western Screw Products Co., St. Louis, Mo. Midwest Forge & Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. John J. Ferry, AtlanticCity, N. J. Northwestern Barrel Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Harry C. Gilbert Co., Indianap- ohs, Ind. E. L. Martin, Lexington, Ky Old Hickory Sales Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. Altsheler Co., Louisville, Ky Austin-Nichols & Co., New York City. Boren-Stewart Co., Dallas, Tex.. Columbus Grocery Co., Colum- bus, Ga. The Fair, Chicago, 111 W. W. Gambill, Nashville, Tenn. Wm. Gerst Brewing Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. Gilbert Grocery Co., Lynchburg, Va. Hackney Grocery Co., Jellico, Tenn. S. Frieder & Son, Cinctanati, Ohio. General Cigar Co., Memphis, Tenn. Haserat Co., Cleveland, Ohio Helena Wholesale Grocery Co., Helena, Ark. Lewis, Hubbard & Co., Charles- ton, W. Va. Turkish towels. Blankets, Glade 54 x 74" , Linen lockstitch machine thread. Packing boxes J" annealed steel, 6-12' lengths Hot-rolled coil and strip steel, l|x 0.102". Hot-roljed coU and strip steel, 1| X 0.065" X 16'. Brassweld copper clad rod, J" 12' 3" lengths. M. I. body castings, rifle gren- Hershey almond bars Matches 2J X 0.050" strip steel do Lacquered iron sheets, 23 x 23", 2G-5auge. Cast-uron castings 6" shell forgings 75-mm. shells complete with fuze and cartridge case. Miscellaneous lot of Japanese paper. Cold-rolled strip steel Fiber containers for 3" Stokes trench mortar shell. Boxes for 3" trench mortar shells. 9.2" shell forgings ILR pig lead, commercial; St. Joe pig lead, commercial; Federal pig lead^ commercial, 4.7" shrapnel forgings 9.2" shell forgings Bushing clamp lock washers. Elevation work bushing Eyepiece draw tube Oakite for shell washing Billets for 155-mm. cast-steel shells. Commissary supplies Containers Canned vegetables . Groceries Perishable groceries . Groceries. do... .do. .do. do do Ice-cream salt . Groceries. do... Tobacco.. do... Groceries. ...do .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 235 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 31, 1919 . ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do Sept. 2,1919... Sept. 20,1919.. do........ Aug. 12,1919.. July 29, 1919. . Sept. 19,1919.. Aug. 28,1919.. Aug. 18,1919.. Sept. 17,1919. Sept. 4,1919.. Sept. 19,1919. Aug. 14,1919. July 24, 1919. . do Sept. 20,1919. Sept. 24,1919. Aug. 8,1919.. Aug. 20,1919. do Sept. 4,1919.. Aug. 1G,1919. Aug. 20,1919. Hamilton Harris & Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Hermitage Supply Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. New "Wrecking Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Jim Anderson Co., Knoxville, Tenn. Anniston MercantOe Co., Annis- ton, Ala. Hulman & Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Interstate Grocery Co., Helena, Ark. Kothe- Wells & Bauer Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. H. L. Koll, Owensboro, Ky Coleman & Co., Nashville. Tenn. G. W. Long Grocery Co., Athens, Ga. F. G. Lowe & Co., Nashville, Tenn. McEwen & Epstein, Chicago, 111. Old Hickory Y. M. C. A., Jack- sonville, Tenn. Otter & Co., Louisville, Ky Peninsular Naval Stores Co., Jacksonville, Tenn. RufFner Bros., Charleston, W. Va. Standard Candy Co., Nashville, Tenn. Threefoot Bros., Meridian, Miss. . W. R. Wheeler & Co., Hopkins- ville, Ky. Watson Brokerage Co., Mobile, Ala. Walker Bros., Atlanta Ga Ault & Wiborg Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. [Canceled.] Max. M. Herowitz, New York City. Perry, Buxton Doane & Co., Worcester, Mass. Allegheny Forgings, Pittsburgh, Pa. [Canceled.] Automotive Parts Co., Indian- apoUs, Ind. H. J. Averbeck Shaper Co., Covington. Ky. Geo. Mehl & Co., Middletown, Ohio. Buffalo Wire Works, (Inc.), Buffalo, N. Y. Max Solomon. Pittsburgh, Pa... Cameron Macnine Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. American Copper & Brass Works, Cincinnati, Ohio. do Louis Schulman Co., New York City. Federal Terra Cotta Co., Wood- bridge, N. J. Roxbury Iron & Metal Co., Milton, Mass. H. Cohen & Co., Chelsea, Mass. . A. Golden, Providence, R. I Brenner Bros., Woonsocket, R.I. Sales Finishing Co., Valley FaUs, R. I. American Enamel Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Tobacco. . Groceries. ....do... ....do... ....do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Groceries and tobacco. Groceries .do. .do. Tobacco.. Groceries . Groceries and tobacco. Groceries .do. .do. .do. .do. Special lacquer for coating metal ends of containers. Cotton drill, 31", 68 x 40, single-yarn. Malleable iron grenade bodies, rough. Steel scrap flashings Cold-rolled i" hexagonal steel bars. Cold-rolled steel bars Hot-rolled steel bars Bouchon assembly boxes Music wire, Nos. 14-23. 4.7" shell forgings. do Bronze castings for bushings.. i" No. 8 copper belt rivets Duplex Kraft paper Nuecroft 36" wrapping Damptite wrapping paper Wrapping paper container Plain damptite White-wood tailpieces, 5yV x IJ" diameter; maple-wood firing rod, white-pine boxes. Cold-rolled steel rivets jV" die-cast base screws for hand grenades. Chrome-aUoy steel cores Scrap aluminum Brass slide scales, aluminum bodies and brass rings. Anthracite screening with small percentage of soft coal mixed. yV" cardboard cartridge case cartons. 236 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Sept. 22,1919.... Sept. 10,1919... Sept. 22,1919... Sept. 13,1919... Aug. 27,1919... Sept. 13,1919... Aug. 29,1919... Sept. 24,1919... Sept. 11,1919... June 30, 1919.... Sept. 2,1919.... Aug. 18,1919... Aug. 29,1919... Sept. 3,1919.. Sept. 15,1919. Aug. 23,1919. Sept. 2,1919.. Aug. 30,1919. Sept. 3, 1919. - Sept. 2,1919.. Aug. 19,1919. Sept. 22,1919. do Sept. 10,1919. Sept. 4,1919. July 17, 1919. Sept. 10,1919.... Sept. 3,1919.. Aug. 20,1919... Aug. 23,1919... Aug. 30,1919... Sept. 10,1919... Sept. 6,1919.... Apr. 22,1919.... Aug. 16,1919... July 8, 1919 Sterrit Thomas Foundry Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. A. C. Freeze, Middletown, Ohio. Chas. Dreyfuss Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. National Metals Co., New York City. Caskey Dupree Co., Marietta, Ohio. Miami Cycle & Mfg. Co., Midddle- to^vn, Ohio. Globe Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hooker Electro Chemical Co., Niagara Falls. N. Y. H. A. Eaton, Phdladelphia, Pa.. Solomon Katz, Bald\vinsville, N. Y. E. C. Humplireys Co., Chicago, 111. E. F. Kirwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. E. A. Conklin Box Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Day Wood Heel Co., Cinciimati, Ohio. Samuel Hollander, Paterson, N.J. Luria Bros. & Co., Reading, Pa. American Agricultural Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaac Joseph Iron Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Holcomb & Hoke, Indianapolis, Ind. Globe Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Henry Potts & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. General Can Co., Chicago, 111 Pittsburgh Metals Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. E. F. Kirwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. R. B. Tyler Co., Louisville, Ky . . Perry. Buxton Doane & Co., South Boston, Mass. Post Glover Electrical Co., Cin- ciimati, Ohio. Gordon-Lawless Co., Omaha, Nebr. M. Prushing, Detroit, Mich Robertson Steel & Iron Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Geo. Mehl & Co., Middletown, Ohio. Douglas & Lomason Co., Detroit, Mich. Union Smelting & Refining Co., Newark, N. J. W. D. Crooks & Son, Williams- port. Pa. Steel Sales Corporation, Chicago, 111. Swift & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. .. Bessemer foundry pig iron Forged steel bars, li" diameter, miscellaneous lengths. 6" shell forgings. 75-mm. copper bands Bouchon castings, 90 per cent Pb., 10 per cent Sb. Camel's-hair sealing brushes. . Silicate of soda Employees' supplies, including soap, towels, overalls, etc. 75-mm. brass shell base 3" shells 50 per cent f errosilicon No. 14 Bessemer galvanized wire, soft. Cement-coated nails: 3d 5d 9d Fiber gunpowder containers for 155-mm. gun. Taffeta silk Body forgings for 155-mm. shrapnel. Split leather tube retainers, IJ X 25". Nozzles Boxes for shipping strikers. Standard paraffin oil Shell forgings 20 X 28" 75-lb. , tinplate, wast- ers, 112 sheets per package. 75-lb. 20 X 28" tinplate, coke primes, 112 sheets per package. 20 X 28" 75-lb. primes, coke- coated tinplate, 112 sheets per package. Asphalt Empty iron drums, 110-gallon capacity. ;!!!;do!!!!!!!;!!l!l!!!!!^iiiii' do do do Friction tape, i" 20 X 28" coke-coated tinplate wasters. Cardboard fillers Brass rods, -H" diameter Fiber Howitzer powder con- tainers. Screws Antimony Scrap lumber. Aug. 8,1919 Sept. 22,1919... Lowenthal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Standard Steel Works, Burn- ham, Pa. .047 music wire wrapped in paper. Cream cheese American Swiss cheese Die-cast alluminum alloy nobs. Pig nickel SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 237 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 9, 1919.. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. do Sept. 24, 1919 Sept. 19, 1919 Aug. 14, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. do July 16, 1919. . Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. May 9, 1919.. July 18, 1919. July 16, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919.. June 27, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. do Sept. 16, 1919.. Sept. 17, 1919.. Aug. 30, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919... Sept. 4,1919... Sept. 23, 1919.. Aug. 27,1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 18, 1919. . Aug. 15, 1919.. Sept. 12,1919.. Sept. 11, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 5, 1919.. Sept. IS, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Joyee-CridlandCo., Dayton, Ohio International Fireworks Co., Jersey City, N. J. S. Rawitzer & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Oris wold Worsted Co., New York City. Kalbfleisch Co., New YorkCity. International Fireworks Co., Jersey City, N. J. Langenbrunner & Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. American Agricultural Chem- ical Co., Cinciimati, Ohio. Victor Iron Supply Co., New York City. Thos. H. Dallet Co., Philadel- phia. Pa. M. M. Wolf, Trenton, N.J 75-mm. shell forgings. Potassium chlorate . . E. P. Sanderson & Co., Boston, Mass. Borough Metal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Frank MiUner, Trenton, N. J J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. Buffalo Bolt Co , Buffalo, N. Y. . General Railway Signal Co., Rochester, N. Y. National Lead Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Chas.A.Stark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Max Ziegler & Bros., Muncie, Ind. American Rust Proof Co., New York City. W. H. Stanage Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. North Cinciimati Gymnasium, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deny-Riae Co., Chicago, 111 Frank Milkier, Trenton, N. J. . . Michaels Optical Co., New York City. Russel Gray, Philadelphia, Pa . . Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Maryland Brass & Metal Works, Baltimore, Md. D. A. Stark, Longview, Ohio Ada Stomps, Hamilton, Ohio . . . Zenite Metal Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Reynolds Corporation, Louis- ville, Ky. A. B. Taylor Co., Louisville, Ky. Max Ziogler & Bros., Muncie, Ind. Philip Held & Son, Hamilton, Ohio. R. B. Tyler & Co., Louisville, Ky Wagner Electrical Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Zenlte Metal Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Wm. F. Wimmer, Pittsburgh, Pa. Imitation leather sample boxes do Sulphuric acid, 66° Sulphur Leather, russet, in hides do Skirting leather in hides Scrap pieces off the hides Leather, russet, binding, 1" .. Leather, russet, binding, IJ". Leather, russet, m scrap, .t . . Leather, russet, tabs Seamless steel tubing Round bar stock steel, 1'' Bar stock, 0.270 x 0.935", hot- rolled. Hot-rolled bar stock, J" Seamless steel tubing. Hot-roUed bar stock, 0.375 x 0.730". 1" round cold-rolled steel Cold-rolled screw stock, IJ" diameter. Cold-rolled screw stock, 2J" diameter, i" round brass rod Lead screw plugs for mark II nand grenades. Bouchon castings Paper Fuel oil in storage tank Vatudrip oil White manila paper Bullfrog roofing No. 32 and 33 Winchester primers. Cold-rolled screw stock Waterproof envelopes Helmet, complete Saproco disinfectant . Crucibles Tin fuse cans I'' rubber hose Battleship gray paint . Sulphite screening paper ...do Pulp paper ....do ....do Test liner Asphalt for waterproofing con- tainers. Run-of-mine Indiana coal Flanges, steel plates, 40 x 168 x 100", 2 sheets. Aztec hot oil 2^" cold-rolled steel Gray enamel. Asbestos packing. Pig lead 14.84 22.00 20.00 IS, 000. 00 2.35 501. 40 353. 40 78. 75 39.38 12.72 963.20 300. 66 1,773. 45 _ 290. 24 336. 67 1, 474. 89 2, 143. 75 11,842.64 120. 00 1, 747. 20 5,527.70 13.00 200. 00 944. 00 42.45 19.50 50.00 597. 25 7.50 6.00 28.05 500. 00 .25 16.31 49.50 5,965.97 5, 147. 08 542. 17 1,215.65 2, 736. 96 1, .599. 15 2,098.10 1,613.25 13.35 150. 00 364. 32 1.00 36.91 126. 47 238 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARB ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. do Oct. 1, 1919... Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Ont. 1, 1919... Oct. 2,1919... Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Sert. 16, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. Aug. 21,1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. IS, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. do do Oct. 1, 1919. Jno. T. Lewis it Bros. Co., Bal- timore, Md. Aeronautical Kqiiipment (Inc."), New York Citv. Donnor Stcol Co., Buff;ilo, N. Y. . Highland Coimtry Club, Fort Thomas, Kv. Reliance Metal S. & S. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fishel &■ Marks Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Hudson Cement & Supply Co., Baltimore, Md. Packard Iron & Metal Co., Bal- timore, Md. Samler Bros. (Inc.), Baltimore, Md. Geo. A. McLean & Co., Pitts- burgh. Pa. Jas. A. Henderson, Elizabeth- port, N. J. Busch-Sulzer Bros., Diesel En- gine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Globe Varnish Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. K. D. Lamp Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Pitman-MooreCo., Indianapolis, Ind. Jno. V. Campbell, Newtown. Ohio. Wm. F. AVImmer, Pittsburgh, Pa. Remington Arms U. M. C. Co., Ihon, N. Y. American Brass Co., Water- burv, Conn. E. W. Cusick, Washinstton. D. C. St. Louis Screw Co., St. Louis, Mo. Wm. Ziff, Montreal. Canada Jas. S. Miller Co., Chicago, 111 . . . Detroit Screw Works, Detroit, Mich. John M. Mastzewka, Saginaw, Mich. Howard P. Grow, Philadelphia, Pa. Geo. Mehl & Co., Middletown, OWo. R. Wallace & Sons Mfg. Co., WalUngford, Conn. Peters Cartridge Co., Kings Mills, Ohio. Newman Bros., Detroit, Mich. . Herman Ellis (Inc.), Perth Am- boy, N. J. Ralph M. Litchfield, Greenbush, Mass. Frank Thomas, Norwell, Mass.. John Bogdanoll, North Scituate, Mass. ' W. D. Turner, Norwell, Mass. . . T. L. Tilden, Scituate, Mass A. B. Carter. Scituate, Mass Remington Anns U. M. C. Co., Ilion. N. Y. United States Treasury Depart- ment, Bm-eau of ;Sngra\-ing and Printing, Washington, D. C. Lead plugs 75-mm. steel forgings . 9.2" steel ingots .. . Jersey beach sand . Wooden tables Steel bars, }.x3" HoUow tile , Pipe, 8", 10", and 12" cast-iron. Black pipe, 2}", lot No. S Plate shearings Mixed turnings and borings . . Sample boxes Spicgeliosen. Oil varnish . . No. 18 insulated copper wire . Sulphur Run-of-mine coal Cast-iron castings, die shoes, and holders. Grindstones, 3 x 7" Ear-drum protectors Cupro-iiickel, 85: 15 per cent mixture. Hand-grenade bodies and bouchons. 1-fj hexagonal cold-rolled steel . Miscellaneous acciunulator scrap. Billets for S" cast-steel shells. 8", gothlc, broken into mul- tiples, 1,056 pieces. Packing boxes 3" stokes trench mortar shell boxes. Scrap wire Saturated waterproof paper. . do Cold-rolled strip steel, 6f x 0.120", No. 10 specification. Hercules bull's-eye powder — 3.2" gun limbers 3.2" gun caissons Nose pieces assembled with axial tubes, steel location springs , round headed blued steel screws, firing rods, slieot-steel vanes, sheet-steel . vanes, tin^xind shields, tool- steel firing pins, wliite wood tailpiece.s. stoneware wire. Scrap lumber .do. .do. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Lard oil . Caustic soda . ....do SALE OP SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 239 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 18, 1919. .do. .do. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Aug. 14,1919. July 1,1919... Aug. 21, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. Aug. 16, 1919. do Oct. 3, 1919... Oct. 1,1919... Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. July 24, 1919.. Oct. 4, 1919... July 24, 1919.. July 30, 1919.. Sept. 19, 1919. do Oct. 9, 1919... June 28, 1919 . do Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. doi Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919. Sept. 80, 1919.. Sept. 18, 1919. Aug. 1,1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... Victory General Mfg. Co., Toronto, Canada. A. L. Cochrane, Toronto, Canada Standard Sanitary Co., Toronto, Canada. F. Hemingway, New York, N. Y Henry C. Kuhnheim, Cuicin- nati, Ohio. E. P. Browning, jr., Maysville, Ky. Dominion Cartridge Co., Mon- treal, Canada. Fayette R. Plumb, St. Louis, Ao. The Edwards Mfg. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Fishel & Marks, Cleveland, Ohio, Detroit Metal Refining Co., De- troit, Mich. The Ohio Trailer Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Wolverine Tubing Co., Detroit, Mich. ICelsey Whell Co. , Detroit, Mich ....do E. F. Klrwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. do. do. Allegheny Forging Co Detroit Copper & Brass Rollings Mill Co. Angsten-Knox Co., Chicago, HI . , Lieut. A. A. Roberg, Newton, Ohio. Angsten-Knox Co., Chicago, 111. . R. S. Hoffman & Co., Baltimore, Md. Lackawanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. do Columbia Smelting & Refining Co., New York, N. Y. ReUable Waste Material Cor- poration, Trenton, N. J. David Kaufman Sons & Co., Ellzabethport, N. J. American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn. Lackawanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N.Y. do Chas. Stark, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Cape Ann Tool Co., Pigeon Cove, Mass. Sept. 26, 1919. Leo Goldblatt, Chicago [Canceled.] Stewart- Warner Co Wolf & Co., Hamilton, Ohio. . . Fayette R. Plumb, 6300 Ham- burger Ave., St. Louis. South Side Malleable Casting Co., Milwaukee. Wooden benches . .do. .do. Nitric acid, 42° Carbon tool steel, f" Carbon tool steel, I" square . . . Wall board, 4' x 8', 60 pieces . . Tracer envelopes 155-mm.-shell lead base covers. Panoramic sight boxes, wood Wooden packing boxes for S- type fuzes. Lids Ends Sides J" sisal rope Handles with rope NaUs Staples No. 12 1 ^''screws No. 10 ij" screws 3^" cold-rolled steel screv, stock. 75-mm. shell forgings Rear axle for 10-ton trailer, complete v/ith exception of brakeanchor,pIn,and brake band lining. Copper tubings Miscellaneous steel do 75-lb coke primes, tinplate, 20 x28", 112 sheets per package. do do Steel billets, 5" round Brass bar Cold-rolled steel, 0.016 x 6J". . Cold-rolled steel, -^ x 4 x 103" . Run-of-mlne coal Cold-rolled steel,0.062 x 12 x 72" 1 J" cold-roUed steel 9.2" steel forgings . 9.2" base-plug forgings 75-mm. cold-steel forgings . Shrapnel balls Copper wire. Mixed scrap Brass sheets, 10' long x 6i" wide X 0.0126" thick. 240-mm. cast-steel forgings, 9.5" cast-steel forgings. 4.7" cast-steel forgings Containers, tin, for ignition cartridge for 6" Stokes trench mortar shells. Chrome-nickel steel: Diamond bar stock do .....do do i" copper-clad rod A" round brass rod Steel flange plate Spirit shell lacquer, No. 28. Malleable-Iron castings 240 SALE OF SURPLtTS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: OOMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buver. Article. Aug. 15, 1919... Oct. S, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Oct. 3, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919. .....do Oct. 3, 1919. do , Oct. 8, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. do Oct. 1, 1919... .do. Oct. 5, 1919. Oct. 4, 1919. do , Oct. 3, 1919. do , do CM. Liphart, care of Terminal Warehouse & Transfer Co., Port Richmond Station, Philadelphia, Pa. Crown Cork A: Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. do: do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. July 17, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. W. Turner. Lowell, Mass Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. do Globe Chemical Co., Cincinnati. . do Louis Schulman Co., 54 Green St., New York. L. E. Cole, Greenbush, Mass R. F. Bingham, Scituate, Mass.. S.H. Hancock, SjuthDuxbury, Mass. Warren Pierce, South Duxbury, W. Fish, North Scituate, Mass. . . W. P. Gannett, Scituate, Mass. . . Union Wool Co., Boston, Mass. . . J. H. Reagan, Scituate, Mass E. W. Sawyer, Scituate, Mass... Knoblett & Co., Racine, Wis tV" scrap steel bar, free- cutting, cold-drawn, screw stock. J" round steel, Peerless, an- nealed. J" square tool steel, extra hard . I" square tool steel, Halcomb, extra amiealed. §" round tool steel, silver, extra hard, hot-rolled No. 88. J" round tool steel. Crescent, extra annealed. ■^" round tool steel. Crescent, e.xtra annealed. J" round tool steel. Crescent, extra annealed. do §" round machine tool steel, Crescent, extra annealed. J" round soft tool steel, Co- " lonial, annealed, high-speed. ■fg" round tool steel. Cres- cent, extra annealed. i" round soft machine steel I" round tool steel, Crescent, extra annealed. 3" roiuid soft machine steel, Crescent, extra annealed. 3" round tool steel. Crescent, extra annealed. J" round tool steel 1 1" round tool steel. Crescent. . 5" roimd tool steel. Colonial, annealed. 4i" round tool steel. Colonial, extra annealed. i" round soft machinesteel — l" round tool steel, Halcomb, extra annealed. \i" round tool steel \^" round tool steel, Crescent, extra annealed. 1" round soft machinesteel. . . 1" roimd tool steel, cold-rolled. 1-iV" round tool steel. Crescent, extra annealed. IJt" round tool steel. Crescent. . 1}" round tool steel. Crescent.. ly round soft machine steel. . 1-f^" roimd soft machine steel.. 1-iV" roimd tool steel. Crescent. 1 J" roimd tool steel, Crescent. . ..:..do do do IS" round tool steel, Crescent. . .. ..do Scrap lumber IJ" round tool steel. Crescent. . 2" roimd tool steel, extra an- nealed. Union carbide, li x f " Oil. Damptite wrapping paper, ■oTapping paper containers. Scrap lumber '.'.'.\do.\]\\\\\\'..'.\\'.'..y.\y.\ do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Lovell & Covell Co., Boston, Mass. 9 long steel pins, 10 eye bolts, ana wing nuts. Boxes, 6 X 6i X 7i" SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 241 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 17, 1919. do do do July 30, 1919.. June 14, 1919. July 13„ 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919... Sept. 2, 1919.. July 31, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919.. do do Sept. 2, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 8, 1919... Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 10, 1919. Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 10, 1919 Sept. 19, 1919.... Sept. 23, 1919.... Junel, 1919 Sept. 30, 1919.... do Sept. 2, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919.. Sept. 9, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 9, 1919. J. Corcoran & Sons, Boston, Mass. Berry & Tibbetts, Boston, Mass C. J. Fitzgerald, Boston, Mass. . Berry & Tibbetts, Moston, Mass, Morris & Bailey, Pittsburgh, Pa National Metal Edge Box Co., 13th and Callowhill Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. P. Lyall & Sons, Montreal, Province of Quebec. J. R. Wood Supply Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Bidtel Chemical Co., New York, Lackawanna Steel Co., Lacka- wanna, N. Y. Frankei Bros., Toronto, Canada. Union Smelting & Refining Co., Newark, N. .). Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. do do E. F. Kirwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. Wm. F. Wimmer, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. G.Hussey & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. E. F. Kirwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. Canadian Explosives Co., Mont- real, Canada. Briggs & Turbias, 110 South Dearborn St., Chicago. Wm. F. Wimmer, Pittsburgh, Pa. Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corporation, Chicago, III. William J. Doyle, Tullytown, Pa D. I. Murphy, Philadelphia, Pa. Geo. C. Peterson Co., 280 South La Salle St., Chicago. do E. ¥. Kirwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. Columbia Smelting & Refining Co., 365 West St., New York City. North Cincinnati Gyronasium, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kettkamp & Schmitt, Indiana- polis, Ind. Link-Belt Co. Ind. Indianapolis, Ludlow Mfg. Associates, 111 Devonshire St., Boston. • Frank Millner, Trenton, N.J B. Shapiro, 824 S. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. Paine Lumber Co., Oshkosh, Wis. Great Western Smelting & Refining Co., Chicago, 111. Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., 1839 McCormick Bldg., Chicago, 111. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 16 Julv 21, 1919. Oct. 11, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.. do Oct. 1, 1919.. Shooks, style D packing boxes for fi" gun containers. Packing boxes, for mark I rockets. B. (k F. assembly boxes Barrack cleaning-rod boxes... Cold-rolled strip steel Rolls paper linintr: 1,617 rolls, 36"; 3,984 rolls, 30"^. Steel scrap Steel detonator tubes Sperm oil Iron ore 75-mm. O. H. shell forgings... Antimony §" round tool steel, Crescent, extra annealed. 1^" round tool steel lA" round soft machine steel. 139 pieces 14-gauge blue an- nealed sheet steel, 37 J x 68". Tool steel Copper sheets, 5| x 0.025" 75-lb. coke primes, 20 x 28", 112 sheets per package. Sulphur, crude Soda ash Lining paper Packing bo.xes , 9.2" shell forgings Die steel I" brass rod Miscellaneous groceries and tobacco. 7 d. sharp wire coated nails 6 d. sharp wire coated nails 26-30 gravity fuel oil , do 55 pieces 11-gauge blue an- nealed sheet steel. 829 pieces 14-gauge blue an- nealed sheet steel. 829 pieces 14-gauge blue an- nealed sheet steel. Fulminate of mercury , Small lead plates , Drab paint , Grenade boxes , do Odds and ends , 5}" 0.35 to 0.45 carbon-cutting, hot-rolled, round Bessemer steel. 2" gray twilled jute webbing . . Cold-drawn steel , Powder cans, empty, new lever top, lot 27. Boxes, for 3" trench mortar.. Lead disks and wires , 2J round steel rods; IJ round steel rods. S2, 500. 00 118. 17 151.84 1, 534. 25 15, 359. 75 750.00 58.54 825.00 2, 1.33. 16 8, 368. 34 397. 38 8.17 4.47 6.46 160.00 36.09 4. 708. 96 2,875.00 13, 509. 84 1,5.37.99 585. 90 301.56 10, 014. 16 595. 66 1, 000. 00 224. 68 3, 772. 53 1. 874. 97 303. 89 231. 15 40.00 1,200.00 1, 176. 40 16, 000. 00 41.12 60.00 2.05 2.15 .35 917. 61 2,672.94 155.80 8.58 6,830.99 1,162.82 242 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 3, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919. ....do Sept. 29, 1919.. Sept. 20, 1919.. Oct. 7, 1919.... do do Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919. 2086 Sept. 23, 1919.... Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.. May 23, 1919... Oct. 2, 1919.... Aug. 30,1919.. Oct. 15, 1919... Oct. 4, 1919.... Sept. 26. 1919.. Oct. 7, 1919.... Oct. 8, 1919.... Oct. 10,1919.. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919.. Sept. 2, 1919. . July 29, 1919. act. 6, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. .....do Oct. 2, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Geo. C. Peterson Co., 208 S. La SaUe St., Chicago, 111. B. Sohultz & Co., Waterloo, Iowa. P. Kenblet & Co., Chicago, 111... McDougall Co., Frankfort, Ind. . Merit Narrow Fabric Co., 621 Broadway, N. Y. Worlds Best Suspender, 625 Broadway, New York, N. Y. do Distributors Sales Co., 2093 Prospect Ave., New York. Krell Bros., Ishpeming, Mich . . . Salven Paper Co., 193 Greene St., New York. United States Light & Heat Corporation, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Allegheny Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, "Pa. Fishel & Marks Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Frank Bros., Hamilton, Canada. Frank Steams, Brantford, Canada. E. E. Smith Co., Providence, R. L H. Emerman Co., Chicago, 111. . , Ferd Messmer Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. National Lead Co., Cmcmnati, Ohio. Remington Typewriter Co., Ilion, N. Y. James S. Miller & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Monroe Lederer & Taussig, Philadelphia, Pa. Harry Benjamin Equipment Co., St. Louis, Mo. Avery & Canning Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. E. R. Napheys, Philadelphia, Pa. The Canadian Bridge Co., Wal- kerville, Ontario. A. J. Wright, Bnmswick, Ga.... American National Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Bobrof Iron & Steel Co., Can- ton, Ohio. Dimham & Co., Berea, Ohio. . . Stevens- Wills-Gaw Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Dominion Copper Products, Montreal, Canada. Konblet Iron & Steel Co., Racine, Wis. James S. Miller, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. do do The Kjlboume & Jacobs Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Maohiaery Forging Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Columbia Metal Stamping Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 110-gallon capacity drums . .do. 75-mm. cast-steel forgings 610 gallons olive-drab paint... Boxes, in process of assembly; boxes, complete. IJ" olive-drab Hope & Rus- sell webbing. Corrugated boxes for groimd position lights, mark I. Corrugated packing boxes for 6" trench mortar adapters. No. 2631 flashlights, without batteries. Barrels Waterproof packing paper Lead fluosilicate Cleanrite Sodium cyanide 2" square merchant bars. Steel rounds, 6-16' 155-mm. shell forgings and partially machined shell. Fire clay Plugs, paraffined, threaded, without stems; plugs, paraf- fined, threaded, not bored; plugs, bored, not threaded or paraffined; plugs, paraf- fined and bored, not threaded, no stems: stems, paraffined; stems, not paraf- fined: burlap bags for above. Hardware, hinges , Brass screw hooks and brass thumb nuts. Bouchon castings , Aluminum rough castings of hand sheave wheel. 3,427 ingots for forging 9.5" common steel shells. Munitions rosin Forgings for common steel sheels. li" round bars, screw stock, 12' lengths. 75-mm. brass sheel cases Wooden boxes . Sand Cold-rolled soft steel bars. Breech forgings, 240-mm.; breech slides. Round steel bars. If diameter Olive-drab paint Brass bars, unblanked . No. 9 flat-head wood screws . . No. 12 flat-head wood screws. No. 7 flat-head wood screws. . Special box paint SheUac 9.2" shell forgings .do. .do. f " round soft Bessemer steel. 1" round cold-drawn 3J per cent nickel-steel. Hot-rolled strip steel SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 243 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 8,1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 7, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919. Oct. 11, 1919.. Oct. 8, 1919... Oct. 10, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919. Oct. 11, 1919.- Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 15, 1919.. -do. .do. Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919. ....do Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919.. Sept. 16, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Sept. 5, 1919.. Oct. 13, 1919.. Sept. 5, 1919.. Oct. 8, 1919... Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. July 18, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 3, 1919... Atlantic Dyestuffs Co., Burrage, Mass. Whitaker-Glesner Co., Deering Place, Chicago, 111. Smith & McCrorken, 407 E. 18th St., New York. Canadian Explosives (Ltd.), Montreal, Canada. H. Goldberg & Co., 3600 Prince- ton Ave., Chicago, 111. Knoblet Iron & Steel Co., Chicago, 111. American Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Angsten-Knox Co., 525 S. State St., Chicago, 111. S. W. Hamilton Co., Harvey, 111. Leo. Goldblatt, 1430 S. Talman Ave., Chicago, 111. M. Addleman, Pembroke, On- tario. Ellis O. Friedman, New York City. Multiplex Tool Co., 76 S 8th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. do , Leo. Goldblatt, 175 West Jack- son Bid., Chicago, 111. Wm. Leonori & Co. (inc.), New York City. Chas. A. Stark, Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph, Joseph & Bros. Co., 2037 Dime Bank BIdg., Detroit, Mich. B. H. Steiner St. Louis, Mo .do. 2146 May 16, 1919. Patterson Bros., New York City. Hollander & Koshland, 404 W. Lexington St., Baltimore. Md. HydrauUc Steelcraft, Cleveland, Ohio. Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis. Ontario Metal Products, Toron- to, Canada. Wm. Miller Range & Furnace Co., Ciacinnati, Ohio. Ackling Stamping Co., Toledo, Ohio. William E. Pratt Mfg. Co., 15 W. Lake St., Chicago. Gluck Bros., Perth Amboy, N.J. Allegheny Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Crown & Cork & Seal Co., Bal- timore, Md. Chas. Dreifus Co., Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cameron Machine Co.. 57 Poplar St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Briggs & Tunvas of Canada, 911 C. P. R. Bldg., Toronto. Indiana Lamp Co., Connersville, Ind. Briggs & Turivas, 110 S. Dear- born St., Cliicago, 111. Stewart Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111... Mixed acids, 49 per cent Nl, 45 per cent S. do Teme plate Nails. Sulphur, crude , Soda ash Lining paper Packing boxes Bronze piston rod Bronze knob castings . Yellow pamt 16-gauge O. H. sheet steel Screw stock. No. 10 special, 0.625" round. No. 10 special steel do Open-hearth stovepipe stock, miscellaneous sizes. Miscellaneous round screw stock. 4.7" steel sheel forgings Nickel- vanadium scrap. Black rubber hose, i" . . Pails Strip steel. Cold-rolled steel. Temeplate liners 240-mm. scrap shell forgings. . 233,284 lead calking wires, 155- mm. 113, 300 lead disks. 155 mm 48,250 lead calking wires, 155- mm. 40,382 lead disks Square-head set screws, cap screws, and hexagonal-head cap screws. Tin liners with lids for mark III fuze boxes. Hot-rolled strip steel, 4 x J" x8'. Sewing-machine oil cans Coke-coated tinplate Blue annealed sheet steel, 14- gauge, 28 x 84" O. H. 2" round bar steel No. 11 special bright basic steel screw wire. Steel drum used as phenol con- tainer, 43J" high x 28J" diameter. Square steel billets, 5J" \\" round tool steel. Yellow Label, annealed. Steel shell forgings and par- tially machined shell. 240-mm. shell forgings 75-mm. steel forgings. 0.125 x 1" cold-rolled strip steel. do 6" shell forgings do ....do Shortage of lead alloy 244 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEIirT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 13, 1919.. July 17, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 7, 1919... Sept. 11, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919. July 16, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 15, 1919.. Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 29, 1919. do Aug. 24, 1919.. Sept. 20, 1919.. Oct. 17, 1919... Oct. 9, 1919.... Apr. 26, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. July 9, 1919... Aug. 5, 1919.. Oct. 3, 1919... Sept. 16, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919.. Oct. 20, 1919.. do Oct. 5, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 24, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.., Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919.. John T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Bal- timore, Md. M. Fitzgerald, Boston, Mass Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., Chicago, 111. Davis Sales Co., 35-37 Marliet St., Chicago, 111. United States Metal Products Co., Chicago, 111. Wisconsin Smelting Co., Ra- cine, Wis. Briggs & Turivas, Chicago, 111. . . Hyman Michaels Co., Chicago, 111. Northwestern Barrel Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Johnson & Jennings Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. W. H. Stanage Co., Ciacinnati, Ohio. Aeronautical Equipment (Inc.), New York City. AckUn Stamping Co., Toledo, Ohio. Fertel-Danglcr- Wilson Co., Cleveland, Ohio. do .do. Boom Boiler & Welding Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Chas. A. Anderson & Co., 132 Front St., New York. Robinson Tag & Label Co., 142 W. 18th St., New York. Foster Songer Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Spang & Co., Butler, Pa , William E. Pratt Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. St. Louis Screw Co., south plant, St. Louis, Mo. Lurie Wrecking Co., Toronto, Canada. General Naval Stores Co., New York City, N. Y. Harry Benjamin Equipment Co., St. Louis, Mo. American Machine & Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Southland Sales Co., Cinctonati, Ohio. Charles Dreitus Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. do American Pulley Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. National Fireworks Distribut- ing Co., West Hanover, Mass. Perry Buxton & Doane Co., Worcester, Mass. Wetmore & Co., Cambridge, Mass. The Shapiro-Soronson Co., 223 Mortimer St., Buffalo. Suburban Land Co. (Inc.), Bos- ton, Mass. Boston House Paintiag Co., Boston, Mass. Barrows Lock Co., Lockport, 111. Nichols Wire & Sheet Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Warner-Gear Co., Muncie, Ind . . Geo. Mehl, Middletown, Ohio . . . [Canceled] Antimonial lead , Kraft paper tape, 387 rolls, 3" wde, gummed on one side. Gothic steel billets, 5ii" Rope grommets 16-gauge sheet steel. Cafeteria supplies . . 9.2" shell forgings 302 pieces 9.2" shell forgings. . . Box parts 6xi" gothic steel shell billets. Straw board, 9J x 32" Miscellaneous sizes of tin plates. Steel bars, 4J" diameter 75-mm. shell forgings. Shell forgings, 75-82 mm. di- ameter. do D. B. special steel welding rod. Nails Linen tags. Screw pipe do do 8" shell forgings Cold-rolled steel Machine steel 0.242" roimd screw-stock steel. Lumber, new . Lumber, used. W. W. rosin... Forgings for 8" common steel shells. Miscellaneous equipment, tool steel, drills, hammers, rope, duck packing, etc. Wood cases without terneplate liners for .30-cal. cartridge. 8" shell slugs 5i" round-cornered square "shell billets, 18 to 20" lengths. Sheet-steel covers for bacon cans. Sheet-steel body for bacon cans Parachutes, domestic, 28 x 32". Assembled fuze sockets and holders. Plugs, wooden, for hand gre- nades. Feet washers for 155 mm. shrapnel. Brown paint .do. J" No. 7 flat-head iron screws. 8-lb. coated terneplate 3i per cent nickel-steel plates, IJxll". IJ" diameter round cold- drawn steel. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 245 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 1, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919.. Sept. 29, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919.. Sept. 29, 1919.. Oct. 14, 1919... Sept. 18, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 28, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919.. Oct. 21, 1919.. do , Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. do Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919.. Sept. 26, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... The Toledo Saw & Supply Co., Toledo, Ohio. McKwen Bros., WellsvUle, N. Y. J. A. Church Box Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The Prismolite Co., Columbus, Ohio. Tuscon Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio. Standard Equipment Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. ....do The Fisher Auto Top Co., Nor- walk, Ohio. Alten Forging & Machine Co., Lancaster, Ohio. R. C. Koblitz & Son, Cleveland, Ohio. Thos. Cusack Co., Cleveland, Ohio. E. F. Kirwan & Co., Baltimore, Md. General Can Co., Chicago, 111 Steel Sales Corporation, Chicago, 111. Wm. F. Wimmer Co., Pitts- burgh Pa. Adams Bag Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Bordentown Steel & Tube Cor- poration, Bordentown, N. J. Adams Bag Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Scullia Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. Fisher Auto Top Co., Norwalk, Ohio. Eastern State Hospital, Wil- liamsburg, Va. Harry Goldberg, Detroit, Mich. John T. Lewis & Bros. Co., Bal- timore, Md. Bovaird Seyfang Co., Bradford, Pa. American Metal Co., Chicago, 111. ....do .do. Geo. C. Petersen Co., Chicago, 111. Monumental Iron & Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. do Detroit Metal Refining Co., De- troit, Mich. Michigan Stamping Co., De- troit, Mich. Ellis O. Friedman, Albany, N. Y. Chernyk Iron & Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Ltacoln Iron & Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. 1|" round screw stock Rex AA tool steel, 2 x IJ", 14" long. Wood boxes; wood boxes, scrap Tin seals for sealing boxes Steel and cast-iron scrap Click springs (lOKL-lOM),' ■5^" diameter, f" long. J" round cold-rolled screw stock. 2x 10" gummed paper IJ" cold-rolled screw stock Lead disks, 4J" diameter No. 70 shell black paint No. 2 yellow shell paint Coke primes, 75-lb., 20 x 28", 112 sheets per package. Charcoal primes, AAA, 75-lb. base, 20 x 28", 112 sheets per package. do 3|" round, 71i", hot-rolled, SJ per cent nickel-steel, heat treated and annealed. Scrap, partly finished fuze bodies. 8" rope grommets Altitude stafl steel tubing, lT5jXix59J". 5H tripod legs, steel tubing, W, 16-gauge, 59i". 155-mm. rope grommets do Concrete gravel Rug Carbona cleaning fluid Cloth straps, cut and stitched. Circles, cut only Igniting circles Printed circles Short straps on above Ofl-f ailing strap on above Miscellaneous groceries Aluminum Aluminum with brass bush- ings. Pig lead, I. L. R. brand 21" round cold-rolled, 3^ per cent nickel steel. 22-gauge O. H. sheet steel do 18-gauge O. H. sheet steel do 22-gauge O. H. sheet steel Quenching oil Scrap pipe and scrap iron pipe. 6 and 8" wood pipe 75-mm. shell forgiags Extra deep drawing steel, A x 23 X 69". Square tool rits Face plates, iron casting Feed gears, cast-iron, rough, 6" Machine casting, rough Countersink blades, tool-steel . Countersinks Boosters and detonators li" round steel 296. 57 246 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 22, 1919 July 7, 1919.. June 9, 1919.. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 19. 1919. Oct. S, 1919... Sept. 25, 1919 July 22, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.. Oct. 21, 1919.. Oct. 20, 1919.. Oct. 22, 1919.. Oct. 1,1919... Oct. 10, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919. Oct. 8,1919... Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919. . Oct. 7, 1919... June 27, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919.. Oct. 15,1919.. Oct. 2, 1919... Aug. 30, 1919. do Sept. 10, 1919. Julvl6,1919.. Sep"t. 22, 1919. Oct. 5, 1919... Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 6,1919... Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 1,1919... do Micliigan Stamping Co., De- troit, Micli. J. B. Greenspon's Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Detroit Metal Refining Co., De- troit, Mich. J. E. G. Coxwell, Boston, Mass. do Potter & Johnston Machine Co., Rhode Island. Chippewa Foundry & Machine Co., Wisconsin. The Webster Mfg. Co., Tiffin, Ohio. W. N. Giberman, Cleveland, Ohio. H. GoldbergCo., Chicago, ni... Employees of Standard Steel Car Co. . Hammond, Ind. American Metal Co., Chicago, Bl. Northern Metal Co., Chicago, Bl. C. G. Coit. Chicago, Bl Hvman Michaels Co., Chicago, 111. Barbour Bros., Trenton, N. J. . . Frankel Bros., Toronto, Canada. Frank Millner, Trenton, N. J Aeronautical Equipment Co., New York City, N. Y. Liuria Bros. & Co. (Inc.), Read- ing, Pa. The Acklin Stamping Co., To- ledo, Ohio. R. C. Koblitz & Sons, Cleve- land, Ohio. Stewart- Warner Speedometer Corporation, Chicago. Western Wire & Iron Works, Chicago, ni. P. IConblet Iron & Metal Co., Chicago, Bl. Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., Chicago, Wilson & Bennett Co., Chicago, 111. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. The F. E. Walters Co., Detroit, Mich. do Calumet Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, Bl. Briggs tt Turvias, Chicago, Bl... MichiE;an Stampius; Co., Detroit, Mich. Mueller Metals Corporation, Port Huron, Mich. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Wolverine Tool Steel Salvage Co. , Detroit. Garden City Plating & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Wolverine Tube Co., Detroit, Mich. do Pickled and limed sheet steel, A X 23 X 46". 4" steel tubes, 17' long 4" steel tubes, under 17' long. , 240-mm. cast-steel iogots IJ" Bessemer screw stock do Wooden shipping plugs fcH" 155-mm. shells. " Tool steel, i x J x 4" bits i X tV X If X S" bevel cut-ofE blades. High-speed steel, miscellane- ous sizes. Carbon steel, miscellaneous Steel rods, IJ X 11' 7" Copper ingots . Copper -washers Groixnies and cafeteria sup- plies. Ternoplate liners I " untarred Climax rope Boxes, paper, in crates 13' 6" and 1' S" to 13' 6" S2-mm rounds. Bronze rod Cold-rolled steel Brass rods 155-mm. steel shell forging'^ Cold-rolled screw stock Tobin bronze 5i" gothic bars, broken, 20" long. Strip steel, 0.07S x 6" Scrap lead calking wire Scrap lead disks Boxes, IS X 27J" x4'. do No. 110 steel wire. Sisal rope Round steel rods . .do. -do. Malleable iron transit plugs . Sheet steel i" diameter brass welding rods. i" diameter copper-coated rods i" reinforced steel, miscellane- ous sizes. f " reinforced steel, miscellane- ous sizes. Ij" cold-roUed screw stock 10" steel shell forgings Pickled and limed sheet steel, Ax 23x69". 1" round brass rods Sheet steel, miscellaneous sizes. Steelite, No. 2 tool steel, i x *", f xl". i" copper-coated rods J" 20-gauge brass tubing do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 247 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 22, 1919... Aug. 20, Aug. 23, ....do ....do Sept. 15 Oct. 10, 1919... 1919... , 1919. 1919.. Aug. 15, 1919.... July 29, Aug. 15, 1919... 1919... Sept. 24, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919.. July 17, 1919. ....do Oct. 25, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Oct. 28,1919. Oct. 17, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919... July 28, 1919.. Sept. 29, 1919. July 21, 1919.. Oct. 22, 1919.. Oct Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 16, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919 Sept. 29, 1919.... do Sept. 4, 1919 do Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. do James S. Miller, Chicago, 111 — .do. Thos. J. Nichol Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Edwards Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank Tea & Spice Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Hollingsworth Machine & Tool Co., Covington, Ky. Luria Bros. & Co. (Inc.), Read- ing, Pa. Gal. Hirsh & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis. New England Bolt Co., Ever- ett, Mass. E. B. Mallory & Co., Baltimore, Md. American Enamel Co., Provi- dence, R. I. do Jas. S. Miller Co., Chicago, 111. . . A. N. David, Worcester, Mass.., Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Farley & Loetcher Mfg. Co., Dubuque, Iowa. C. M. Hall Lamp Co., Kenosha, Wis. Montgomery Ward & Co., Chi- cago, 111. Aug. 16, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. June 30, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919.. Wm. E. Pratt Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Benjamin Iron & Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fishel & Marks Co., Detroit, Mich. Grant Iron & Metal Co., Detroit, Mich. Wolverine Tool Steel, Detroit, Mich. Joseph A. Vogal Co., Wilming- ton, Del. Steel Sales Corporation, Chicago, 111. Wm. M. Freidman, Woodlyn, Pa. Hale & Kilburn Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa. Walter R. Powell, 600 W. 146th St., New York City. Chernyk Iron & Steel Co., Chi- cago, 111. Hilb & Bauer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati Gear Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. do Thos. J. Nichol & Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Independent Metal Strap Co., New York City. Solomon Katz, Baldwinsville, N. Y. Dominion Foundries & Steel Co. , Hamilton. Miscellaneous photographer's supplies. Run-of-mine steam coal Rough hub boxes, 1,334-mm.; rough hub rings, 1,334 mm. Rough hub boxes, 60 x 8; rough hub rings, 60 x 8. Brass fuze containers ^" Norway iron welding wire. Straw cardboard, 12| x 15J". . - Corrugated cardboard, 14 x 16" 2-^" steel shafting No. 4 bucking bars Forgings for 155-mm. shells in process of manufacture. Chrome vanadium steel, draw plungers, piercing plungers, tool holders, and bottoming dies. Steel, 2|" diameter bar stock. . Sheet iron, 23 x 23"; 23 x 69" . . Barrack cleaning-rod boxes — Paper cartons Round-corner squares Boxes, wooden, 14 x 14 x 8"... Shell forgings, 155-mm., Mark I. Flat-head screws Round brass rod, |" Poultry -wire staples No. 8 wood screws, IJ" No. 9 IJ" flat-head wood screws. No. 8 li" flat-head wood screws. do Tool steel 75-mm. forgings Round cold-rolled steel, IJ"--- 155-mm. scrap shells J X i" and i X i" StelUte, No. 2. Round brass rods, lot No. 2, H". 4.2" side C. H. strip steel in coils. ^" round bar stock, hot-rolled steel. Oakite composition Brass chain 2J X 0.015" strip copper Rifle-grenade bodies, unma- chined. Round cold-rolled steel, 3i'j".. Rex AA high-speed tool steel, f x3}". Rex AA high-speed tool steel, i X li". Cold-rolled steel, 5^ x 1" diameter. Box strapping 3" shells 155-mm. broken billets. United States origin. 248 SALE OF SITRPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEMAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF MATERIALS, SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 1, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919.. do Oct. 1, 1919.. Oct. 11, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. do Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919., Sept. 25, 1919. Aug. 13,1919. May 15, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... Aug. 13, 1919. .do. Oct. 25, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.. Nov. 1, 1919.. do Aug. 13, 1919. July 29, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. ,do. Michigan Wire Cloth Co., De- troit, Mich. Clearbrook Cranberry Co., Dux- bury, Mass. • A. E. Parks, Duxbury, Mass J. H. Steadman, South Brain- tree, Mass. K. w. Sharp, North Scituate, Mass. John Murphy, Scituate, Mass... M. E. Crosbj-j Scituate, Mass.. . Mayflower '\\ orsted Co., Ply- luouth, Mass. W. D. Turner, Nora-ell, Mass... S. Wilson, Greenbush, Mass E. Litchheld, North Scituate, Mass. John Stonefield, Scituate, Mass. H. H. Howland, Hanover, Mass. Alleghany Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. J. A. Church Box Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Acklin Stamping Co., Toledo, Ohio. General Railway Signal Co., Rochester, N. Y. J. A. Church Box Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. ....do The Toledo Bridsie & Crane Co., Toledo, Ohio. C. T. Fies, Toledo, Ohio Boston Iron tt Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. L. Vogelstein & Co. (Inc.), New York.N. Y. J. A. Church Box Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. The Jno. W. Brown Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Leo Goldblatt, Chicago, Dl Oct. 6, 1919.. Aug. 5, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. J. A. Church Box Co., Cleve- land, Ohio, do. ....do. Oct. 13, 1919.. Oct. 22, 1919.. Oct. 25, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919.. .....do Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 29, 1919. do Oct. 21, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919., Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 15, 1919., The Aluminum Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. F. E. Smith (Ltd.), Montreal, Canada. Metal Specialties Co., Chicago, HI. Geo. C. Peterson Co., 20S S. La- Salle St., Chicago, 111. ....do ....do ...do ....do ...do ....do Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corporation, Chicago, 111. Sam Pass, 516 Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, HI. Flint Mill & Furnace Co., Wau- watosa. Wis. F. A. O. Schwartz, 5th Ave. and 31st St., New York City. N. Brenner & Co., Toronto, Can- ada. Northern Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Power Equip. & Supply Co., Montreal, Canada. W. P. Gaston, Matawan, N. J... Brass wire cloth, 36 x 120 mesh , Brass wire cloth, 36 x 30 mesh . , Scrap lumber .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Scrap lumber, S x 8" hard pine. Scrap lumber, 2 x 8" Scrap lumber, boards Scrap lumber, 2 x 6" boards... Scrap lumber Scrap lumber, 6 x 10", 3 x 8", 2x8", 2 X 10". Screw stock, 2-H" diameter — Packing boxes Pickled and oiled strip steel... Screw stock, 2|" round cold- rolled, Bessemer. Packing boxes for rifle gre- nades. Packing boxeSj 6". Stokes Brass casings, nnisned, for4.7" shells. Motor oil Hand-grenade bodies, cast-iron Pig lead, Bunker Hill brand. . Packing boxes .do. Screw stock, 0.910 x 0.245", No. 10. No. 10 special steel, 0.022 x 2.V". No. 10 special steel, 31 x 0.040". Shell boxes, wooden Packing boxes, 24 x 5 x 15"... Lead disks, 6i x ^" 5J" Gothic bars, broken. Brass tubes, flat-head brass screws, hard-rubber tubing, seamless brass tubing, lamp holder tubes, round brass rods, hard-rubber plug, soft- rubber tubing. 26-30 gravity fuel oil ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do f" round brass rod. Burlap buckram Lead disks Packing boxes Parts for boosters D efective copper bands 17" used steel hydraulic pipe. Manure SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 249 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL. VAGE BOARD^ ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 21, 1918. Jan. 16,1919. do Tan. 17, 1919. do Feb. 6,1919. Jan. 17, 1919. Jan. 21, 1919. Jan. 22, 1919. do do Jan. 25, 1919. .do. .do. do. do. do do Feb. 7, 1919.. do do do Feb. 18, 1919. Jan. 22, 1919.. Feb. 14, 1919. Dec. 17, 1918. Jan. 25, 1919.. Feb. 12,1919. Feb. 11, 1919. Feb. 12,1919. Feb. 11, 1919. Feb. 19,1919. Feb. 7,1919.. Feb. 25, 1919. Mar. 3, 1919.. Feb. 8, 1919.. Jan. 23, 1919.. Mar. 7, 1919.. Feb. 25, 1919. Mar. 4, 1919.. Max. 12, 1919. Jan. 16,1919.. Mar. 5, 1919.. do Imperial Bearing Co., Detroit, Mich. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. W. A. Ives Co., Wallingford, Conn. Jackson Motor Shaft Co., Jack- son, Mich. Frost Gear & Forge Co., Jack- son, Mich. Not known Fred Neuerwell, Jackson, Mich. . Manager Michigan Central Din- ing Room, Detroit. Phoenix Utility Co., Hartsville, S.C. Warren City Tank & Boiler Co., Warren, Ohio. Brand el I & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Underfeed Stoker Co. of America Detroit, Mich. Mr. F. A. Curtiss, Detroit, Mich. Mr. N. C. Sorensen, Detroit, Mich. I. Bland, Detroit, Mich The McCord Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Diamond Power Specialty Co., Detroit, Mich. Michigan Sto%'e Co., Detroit, Mich. Indiana Typewriter & Supply Co., Indianapolis, Ind. The H. Lieber Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Mr. S. V. McKenney, Indian- apolis, Ind. Economy Mfg. Co., Indian- apohs, Ind. Canadian Fairbanks - Morse (Ltd.), Toronto, Canada. Superior Motor Works, Jack- son, Mich. Hyatt M. Cribbs, Verona, Pa... Dravo Contracting Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Hiram Ash, Detroit, Mich Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Detroit, Mich. A. Lonnquist, Detroit, Mich E. L. Deacon, Detroit, Mich McCord Mlg. Co., Detroit, Mich. A. H. Ludwig, Detroit, Mich... Hess Steel Corporation, Balti- more, Md. Power Farming Press, Detroit, Mich. The Barrett Co., Undercliff, N.J. O'Brien Machinery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. L'Aiglon Cafe, Philadelphia, Pa. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Amelia Wiese, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Richard DeCou Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. W. A. Ives Mfg. Co., Walling- ford, Conn. De Mattia Bros., Garfield, N. J. . ....do 25" Superior drill presses Machine tool presses, air com- pressor, motors, etc. 800-lb. Chambersburg drop hammer. 18" Walcott lathe Trimming presses and testing machine. Horses and harness Machine tools, drills, etc Office furniture and supplies.. Engineers transits and levels. , Steel fuel-oil storage tank 55 X 30" quartered-oak drop- cover type desk. Office furniture and supplies. . Furniture and office supplies. . Office furniture .do. Office furniture and supplies.. Office furniture Office furniture and supplies. , do Drawing room equipment and furniture. Office desk lamps Office furniture and supplies. Grinding machines Walcott lathe, 18" x 8' Labor-camp buildings. Tools and equipment.. Furniture. do .do. .do. .do. Underwood typewriter, No. 5, 10". Furniture .do. Container drums 42" B ickf or d radial drillpress. Machine tools Cafe equipment Equipment and fixtures in- stalled by Government in main factory building Mosler Safe Co. and sold to said company upon release No. 320 by Director of Purchase, Storage, and Traffic. Valves Locomotive crane, link-belt, 15-ton. Chambersburg 800-lb. drop hammer. Machinery 3-ton Climax chain hoists, No. 0-28. 250 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL. VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 28, 1919.... Mar. 11, 1919 Mar. 18,1919 Jan. 27, 1919.. Feb. 17, 1919. Mar. 6, 1919.. Wilson Foundry & Machine Co., Pontiac, Mich. Aerial Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.. Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Co. , (Ltd.), West Toronto, On- tario, Canada. Kor-Ket Co., Detroit, Mich Imperial Bearing Co West Penn Power Co Feb. 3, 1919. Jan. 29, 1919 Mar. 6,1919 Mar. 10, 1919.... Jan. 28,1919 Mar. 6, 1919 ....do Feb. 14,1919 Mar. 3, 1919 ....do Mar. 7, 1919 Mar. 3, 1919 ....do Albion Malleable Iron, Albion, Mich. Union Steel Products Co., Al- bion, Mich. W. E. Davies, Toronto, Canada . Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich... Frost Gear & Forge Co., Jack- son, Mich. Forsythe Bros. Co., Harvey, 111. . General Combustion Co., Chi- cago, 111. ' Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. Lermane & Mcllveima, Detroit, Mich. Detroit Electric Furnace Co., Detroit, Mich. Powers National Oil Co., De- troit, Mich. W. B. Cubley, Detroit, Mich Feb. 25, 1919.. do Feb. 19, 1919 Feb. 25, 1919.... Mar. 7, 1919. ....do Kerr & Lacey, Detroit, Mich Ba.xter & Co., Detroit, Mich Society St. Vincent de Paul, Detroit, Mich. H. G. Reigner, Detroit, Mich E. C. Stieler, Detroit, Mich .do. .do. .do. Feb. 25, 1919. Mar. 7, 1919.. Security Trust Co., Detroit, Mich. Roller Smith Co., Detroit, Mich . J. H. Lindstrom, Detroit, Mich.. Banker-Martin Co., Detroit, Mich. Girls Protective League, De- troit, Mich. C. F. Crittenden, Detroit, Mich.. E. J. Janisse, Detroit, Mich do do do Mar. 11, 1919 Mar. 14,1919.... Mar. 10,1919 Mar. 16,1919 Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 7, 1919.. J. B. Coleman, Detroit, Mich Peoria Insurance Co., Peoria, 111. LaSalle Steel Co., Detroit, Mich. Continental Casualty Co., De- troit, Mich. Duane-Fielding Patent, Detroit, Mich. H. S. Graves, Detroit, Mich Mar. 13, 1919. .....do Mar. 14, 1919 O'Brien Machine Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. do Lowrie & Robinson Lumber Co., Detroit, Mich. do Feb. 25, 1919.... Mar. 3, 1919 Mar. 14, 1919 do do Nora Creedon, Detroit, Mich Detroit Gear & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Michigan War Savings Com- mittee, Detroit, Mich. Diamond Power Specialty Co., Detroit, Mich. Bartlett Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Ernest J. Janisse, Detroit, Mich. F. G. McCarthy, Detroit, Mich.. Shafting, hangers, and coup- lings. Drill presses Blanchard high-power vertical surface-grinding machines. Furniture No. IJ Cincinnati tool grinder. 3-drum direct-connected hoist- ing engine, including boiler and fittings. Ingersoll-Rand air compres- sor, 12 X 10", second-hand; motor, 50 n. p.. General Electric. Whitcomb planer; Peerless hack saw. second-hand. No. 801 Toledo scales, second- hand. Skeleton steel trucks, second- hand. 10 X 36" plain Norton grind- ing macnlnes, new. 24" Independent chuck lathe, second-hand. General Electric pressure blower, new. Typewriter desk Office equipment and furni- ture. Furniture .do. Office equipment and furni- ture. Dictaphone and paring ma- chine. Underwood typewriter, 10". . Office equipment and furni- ture. Typewriter desk, slide-panel. Office equipment and furni- ture. Edison dictaphone Office equipment and furni- ture. Furniture Office equipment and furni- ture. ....do Office equipment Office equipment and furni- ture. do do Cuspidor, brass Furniture .do. Furniture and office equip- ment. No. 917 Sipp single-spindle driU press, second-hand. Machine tools, second-hand. . . Furniture Furniture and office equip- ment. Office equipment Remington typewriter, 10" Typewriter desk, drop-panel.. Oak blue-print cabinet (2 sec- tions). Typewriter desk, drop-panel. . Office equipment Cuspidor SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. 251 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 14,1919. 6, 1919. . 11, 1919. 12, 1919. 14, 1919. 11, 1919. 26, 1919. 13, 1919. 22,1919. 27, 1919. 26,1919. do Mar. 13, 1919. Mar. 28, 1919. Feb. 20, 1919. do Dec. 27, 1918. Mar. 21, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919.. Jan. 22, 1919. Mar. 29, 1919. ....do .do. .do. do Mar. 31, 1919. .....do Apr. 2, 1919.. Mar. 31, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 11, 1919. Mar. 8, 1919.. Mar. 19, 1919. Mar. 22, 1919. Mar. 28, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1918.. Apr. 1, 1919.. Underfeed Stoker Co. of Amer- ica, Detroit, Mich. Blackmer Rotary Co., Detroit, Mich. DeMattia Bros.. Garfield, N. J., W. B. Cubley. Detroit Fire Creek Coal Co., Detroit, Mich. Thayer McNeil Co., Detroit.. Canadian Fairbanks Morse Co., Toronto^ Canada. A. H. Wmter Joyner (Ltd.), Toronto, Canada. Manton Bros., Toronto, Canada. J. G. Brill Co., Philadelphia, Pa. R. M. Hollingshead Co., Cam- den, N. J. .do. Baldwin Locomotive Co The Indiana Piston Ring Co., Hagerstown, Ind. Indianapolis Light & Heat Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Swartz Electric Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. General Electric Co., Los An- geles, Calif. L. F. Seyfert's Sons (Inc.), Philadelphia, Pa Gleason Works, Rochester, N. Y. Nicholson & Weed, Bridgeport, Conn. J. R. Lee, Detroit, Mich Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Hinkley Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. do Detroit Gear & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. do Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.. . Stroh Products Co., Detroit, Mich. O. F. Sclunidt Chemical Co., Jackson. Mich. Detroit G-ear & Machine Co., Detroit Mich. Union Steel Products Co., Al- bion, Mich. Geo. H. Frederick, Cincinnati, Ohio. Melvin Dilonais, care of Cribben & Sexton, Chicago, 111. Mason, Davis & Co., Chicago, 111. National Malleable Castings Co., Chicago. South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, Ind. Buford's Garage, Anna, HI. Wright Roller Bearing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic Refining Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Ofiice equipment Double-size oak wardrobe Noiseless typewriter Desk, 24 X 36" Office equipment do New Whitney hand miller Annealing furnace, blower, and reUef valve. No. 3 Kemp Smith miller, McDougalllathe, 16" x 10'. Machiae tools, much used, very badly worn. No. 8 motor-driven Morgan nailing machines, much used. Machine tools, much used Lead pickUng vats Machine tools, second-hand. . . Transformers second-hand Electrical equipment, parti- tions, fence scrap, ana junk material (electric equip- ment second-hand). 100 h. p., 1,200 r. p. m., 60- cycle, 440-volt, 3-phase in- duction motor. No. 567 20" Cincinnati back gearshaper, No. 1194 3B K. & T. Universal miller, much used. 64" bevel-gear planer Construction office building used as a job office in con- nection with Renungton- Arms U. M. C. construction work. Liuoleumj used 16 X 7" Ohver heavy-duty en- gine lathe. 34 X 96 X 6" surface plate Back-gear shaper, Gould & Eberhardt. Machine tools do No. 5 Greenard arbor press Bradley hammers 26" X 18' Pond engine lathe; 14" X 8' Monarch lathe. 15 h. p. "B" General Electric motor. Machine tools do Peerless hack saw, 6 x 6"; Connersville blower, 50". 60" diuing-room extension table and 6 chans. Furniture Louden carrier equipment, without 12 of the tubs, power hoist and screweyes. Air compressor, Sullivan Ma- chinery Co., WJ-3 right- angle type, compound, belt- driven. Time clock complete with center racks, numbered 1 to 100, inclusive, second-hand. Machine tools Coffee urn, lansing dishcart . . . 252 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE' BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 132 Apr. 11, 1919.... Haines, Jones & Cadbury Co., Machine tools $2,300.00 Philadelpliia, Pa. 133 Feb. 23, 1919.... Feb. 22, 1919.... Feb. 15, 1919 do G. C. Bell, Cleveland, Oliio C S Rogers, Cleveland. Ohio. .. Furniture 88.45 134 do... 156.00 135 Hart Parr Co., Charles City, Iowa, do Office chairs 55.00 136 140.00 137 do McLeod Mfg. Co., CWcago, 111. . . 6 -X 6" Peerless metal-cutting- off saw. 150.00 138 do Vaughn & Bushnell Mfg. Co., No. 35 AVavne oil tank with 50.00 Chicago. measuring pump. 139 do L Goldberg, Chieago do.. 70.00 140 Mar. 29, 1919.... AVilliams & Wilson (Ltd.),Mont- real, Quebec. Williard 13 x 6" quick-change feed-gear engine lathe, com- plete with regular equip- ment, fitted with draw-in attachment and collets. 900.00 141 Apr. 4, 1919 J. G. Brill Co., Philadelphia, Pa. All belting used on Govern- ment owaied machinery which was the property of the Ordnance Department. 1,100.00 142 Mar. 15, 1919... . Mar. 31, 1919.... Erie Trust Co.. Erie, Pa Parkview Hotel, Erie, Pa Yankee drill grinder, single- 28, 000. 00 143 Detroit Gear & Machinery Co., 260.00 Detroit, Mich. spindle centering machine, Norton double-end dry grinder. Machine tools, much used 144 Apr. 2, 1919 Girard Machinerv & Tool Co., 9,130.00 Philadelphia, Pa. 145 do J. Nuttall, Philadelphia Pa do 2, 795. 00 146 do H L Winterer, Philadelphia, do . . 3, 760. 00 147 Apr. 3, 1919 Pa. Wright Roller Bearing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. No. 1 Norton Universal Grind- er, with attachment. 300.00 148 Apr. S, 1919 J. G. Brill Co., Philadelphia Magnetic chuck for machine No. 896. ' 50.00 149 Apr. 4, 1919 Benjamin H. Moore, jr.. New Castle, Del. 500.00 150 Apr. 2, 1919 J. G. Brill Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Machine tools, electrical equip- ment. No. 5 Marvel hack saw. Chal- 6,074.00 151 do Cambria & Indiana R. R. (Phila- 155. 00 delphia, Pa. lenge emerv grinder. 152 do O'Brien Machinery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Slpp 4-spindle drill press, Sipp 3-spindle drill press, 400.00 Whiton 5" centering ma- chine. 153 do L. F. Sevfert's Sons, Philadel- Prentice radial drill 775.00 phia, Pa. 154 do F. L. Barnes, Philadelphia, Pa. Machine-tool attachments 35.00 155 Mar. 28, 1919.... Hinkley Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich. No. 31 Lucas precision drilling and milling machine. 2,925.00 156 Apr. 17, 1919.... George A. Lisk, Detroit, Mich... No. 3 Brown & Sharpe grinder. 1,331.23 157 Mar. 20, 1919.... General Combustion Co., Chi- cago, HI. No. 133 General Electric cen- trifugal air compressor, 3,300 cu. ft., lilbs. pressure, D. C, 30 h. p., 3,600 r. p. m., 3-phase, 60-cycle, 440-volt motor, with compensator. 1,318.68 158 Apr. 23, 1919 Hammond Malleable Iron Co., Hammond, Ind. General Electric 5 h. p., 440- volt, A. C. motor, R. C. frame, 1,700 r. p. m., 230- volt, with starting rheostat. 84.39 159 Apr. 14, 1919.... do J. K. Joice Co., Washington, D. C. Monarch Tool & Machinery Co., Portable bimgalows 75,000.00 2,272.00 160 Universal milling machine, Chicago, HI. Kearney & Trecker Co. No 2B. do 161 Apr. 21, 1919.-.. Apr. 3, 1919 Deere & Co., Moline, 111 2, 272. 00 162 Liquidless Door Check Co., Chi- 15" Hendey Machine Co., fric- 520.00 cago, ni. tion shaper. 163 Apr. 12, 1919.... V. §. Shipping Board, Emer- gency Fleet Corporation, Chi cago, m. General Electric Co. 75 h. p., - 3-phase, 60-eycle, 440-volt, 900 r. p.m., induction motor. 850.00 164 Mar. 13, 1919.... Shaw Walker Co., Detroit, Mich. Underwood typewriter, 12" carriage. 75.00 165 Mar. 20, 1919.... Albion Garage, Albion, Mich Holmes Automobile Co., Can- 18 X S" Walcott engine lathe. . 525.00 166 Apr. 12, 1919 Machine tools 1,807.50 ton, Ohio. 167 Apr. 22, 1919 Williams & Wilson, Montreal, do 12,575.30 168 Apr. 21, 1919 Quebec. Libertv Starter Co., Detroit, Mich. No. 2-B Milwaukee miller 1,650.00 169 Apr. 16, 1919 Leland Gifford Co., Worcester, Mass. No. 31 Lucas precision milling machine. ~ 3,000.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 253 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL. VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. no Apr. 18, 1919 American Car & Foundry Co., Machine tools $12,600.00 Detroit, Mich. 171 Apr. 16, 1919.... National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. Chalkis Manufacturing Co., De- No. 2 universal cone-driven Cincinnati milling machine. 1,350.00 172 Feb. 21, 1919.... Furniture and office equip- 500.00 troit, Mich. ment. 173 Apr. 14, 1919.... Vogt Brothers Manufacturing Co., Louisville, Ky. 15 h. p. Westinghouse, 3-phase, 60-cycle, 860 r. p. m. motor, withstarter, rails and pulley. 328.00 174 Apr. 28, 1919.... National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. No. 3, 26" Brown & Sharpe gear cutting machine. 1,500.00 175 Apr. 29, 1919.... Thomas Dallett Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Rivett internal grinding ma- chine. Brown & Sharpe No. 2 surface grinder, with magnetic chuck. 500.00 350.00 176 Apr. 21, 1919.... Willys Overland (Ltd.), West Toronto, Ont. No. 3 Lapointe broaching ma- chine. 1, 125. 00 177 Apr. 22, 1919.... F. Grote Manufacturing Co., Evansville, Ind. 20" X 10' LeBlond engine lathe. 965.00 178 Apr. 12, 1919.... Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. No. 3 Cincinnati vertical miller, with motor attached. 1,950.00 179 Apr. 29, 1919 R. M. Hollingshead Co., Cam- den, N. J. Metal-top sawing machine, Sidney No. 5, trade name "Famous." 115.00 180 do Simonds File Co., Fitchburg, No. 2 form-cutter grinder. 400.00 Mass. manufactured by Union Twist Drill Co., Athol, Mass. 181 Apr. 30, 1919 L'Aiglon Caf6, Philadelphia, Pa. Lockers, Pendar steel; scales, Fairbanks platform. No. 1128. 188.00 182 Apr. 1, 1919 Alexander McKinney, Phila- Iron bed and mattress 8.00 delphia, Pa. 183 Apr. 30, 1919 Otto Engine Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 16" geared Cincinnati shaper. No. 723; No. li Brown & Sharpe universal milling machine. 1,325.00 184 do National Casket Co., Boston, Mass. 72" X 18' 11. R. T. boiler, shak- ing grates. 2,000.00 185 Apr. 14,1919 American Foundry Co., Hamil- ton, Ohio. Galvanized plating solution and zinc anodes. 122.00 , 186 do AluminumCastingsCc, Detroit, Universal drafting instruments 50.00 Mich. Nos. MN-7 and MN-8. 187 May 2, 1919 The Moeschl-Edwards Corrugat- ing Co., Covington, Ky. 21" Buffalo forge upright drill press. 75.00 188 Apr. 28, 1919 Republic Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 28" Barnes sliding-head drill press with power feed, auto stop, and geared tapping at- tachment. 300. 00 189 Apr. 24, 1919 Dail Steel Products Co., Lan- sing, Mich. 18" X 8' lathe ( Walcott) 560. 00 190 Apr. 30, 1919 Electro Metallurgical Co., Niag- ara Falls, N. Y. 100,000-lb. Tinius Olsen test- ing machine. 1,700.00 191 Mays, 1919 Herman L. Winterer, Philadel- phia, Pa. Bliss press, vertical double- acting, 8" stroke. 250.00 192 do Reading Steel Castings Co., Four-swing turret lathe, single- purpose. 125. 00 Reading, Pa. 193 do Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co. , Machine tools 449.00 Hamilton, Ohio. 194 Apr. 30, 1919 Hoboken Land & Improvement Co., Hoboken, N. J. Building No. 2, known as building C of Remington Arms, U. M. C, Hoboken works, and equipment. 1,200.00 195 do . Weehawken Wrecking Co., Wee- L-shaped building, known as building B of Remington 475.00 hawken, N. J. Arms Co., and equipment. 196 May 5, 1919 Union Ribbon & Carbon Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Blacksmith's post drill 10.00 197 Apr. 30, 1919 Smith Granite Co., Westerly, R. L 12-ton 8-wheel standard-gauge locomotive crane equipped with engine generator set and 42" magnet; also one extra boom, in poor condi- tion. 7, 795. 00 198 Apr. 3, 1919 Albion Malleable Iron Co., Al- bion, Mich. 4" Jenks gate valve 9.45 199 May 2, 1919 Bon Air Coal & Iron Corpora- tion, Lyles, Tcnn. Wooden shacks 350.00 200 Jan. 27, 1919 Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. Machine tools 19,650.00 254 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMElsTT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 6, 1919. May 7, 1919. do May 9, 1919. Mar. 3, 1919. May 1, 1919. . May 9, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. May 10, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. May 3, 1919. . Apr. 1,1919.. May 10, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. May 14, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 3, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 16, 1919. May 9, 1919.. May 16, 1919. May 2, 1919. . May 5, 1919. . May 17, 1919. May 16, 1919. May 19, 1919 Apr. 12, 1919. May 10, 1919. May 8, 1919. Louis Cohen & Son, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. R. M. Hollingshead Co., Cam- den, N. J. Herring-ilall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Fred S. Nunlock, Collingdale, Delaware County, Pa. Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. James Murphy, Detroit, Mich . . , do George H. Billings, Detroit, Mich. D. P. S. Nichols Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. .do. Wagner Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. The Macey Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Monarch Machiaery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Emerson-Brantingham Co., Rockford, 111. E. W. Kolls, Cincinnati, Ohio H. L. Winterer, Philadelphia, Pa. Vogt Bros. Mfg. Co., Louisville, Ky. Canadian Northern Realties (Ltd.), Toronto, Ontario. James Murphy, Detroit^ Mich . . , Young Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich . . Studebaker Corporation, Detroit Mich. Chalkis Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. . J. G. Littleton, Purj^ear, Tenu. . . O. G. Moore, Nashville, Tenn W. A. Bozarth, Williamsburg, Va. Niebling-Markstein Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. East Pennsylvania Gas & Elec- tric Co., Bristol, Pa. Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. B. B. Steiber, Bridgeport, Conn. .do. 20-ton Orton-Steinbrermer lo- comotive crane, complete with all attachments. No. 8 Morgan nailing machine, with motor. No. 4 Cincinnati milling ma- chine. Bench vises International time-recordiag clocks, 100 compartment folding clock-card racks. MaU boxes Wheelbarrows Scrap shed Horses and harness. 10 X 10" lead-pot furnace with hood. Ingersoll Rand air receiver, In- gersoU Rand air compressor. 25 h. p., 440-volt, 25-cycle, 3- phase, 710-revolutioii, A. C. motor. No. 210 Loy & Rawrath pow- er squaxing shear. No. 510 Rockford 2-spindle drill press. E. B. tractor, motor-driven. No. 1220, model of 1918. Machiae tools No. 3 LeBlond milling ma- chine, with vertical attach- ment. Cincinnati Bickford 5' plain radial drill, motor included; Cincinnati planer, double- head.heavy pattern, 36 x 36" xl2'. All the construction J power and transmission lines be- tween Davenport road and the property of the Leaside Munitions Co., located on the right of way of the C. P. Ry. and C. N. O. Ry. J" garden hose 5-ton traveling crane, complete with wiring, 63' 4J" span. Chucks for 16 x 8 and 18 x 8, Hendey lathes. No. 204 4" Reed vise: work- bench, 9' 10". Manure Scrap lumber Information building, without equipment, 3-room, 1-story, 20 X 46'. 4' Fosdick radial drill, No. 28; Queen City back-geared 24" shaper with vise and counter shaft. Overhead power-transmission Une, complete, embracing 12 miles bare No. 4 hard-drawn copper wire, 173 20' chestnut poles, with fixtures, conduc- tors and Bristol switch. Machine tools Bmlding, brick. No. 26, 48' 2" X 16'; building, No. 25, 40' 2" X 14' 2", brick, wood frame and roof; bmlding. No. 15, 20' 2" X 14' 2", corru- gated iron, with wood frame. No. 13 door checks Brascolite light fixtures con- sisting of 61 12", 2 15", and 2 8", some broken, some good. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 255 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 10, 1919. ....do ....do do ....do May 16 1919. May 15, 1919. Apr. 26, 1P19. Mays, 1919... May 21, 1919 . May 20, 1919.. May 16, 1919.. May 22, 1919.. do May 10, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. May 9, 1919... Apr. 4, 1919.. May 13, 1919., Apr. 80, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 4. 1919.. Mays, 1919... May 15, 1919.. May 16, 1919., Feb. 19, 1919. May 25, 1919. May May Apr. May May May May May May May May May May Apr. May May 19, 1919.. 22, 1919.. 28, 1919. 27, 1919.. 12, 1919.. 29, 1919.. 21, 1919.. 27, 1919.. 7, 1919... 26, 1919.. 28, 1919.. 14, 1919.. 29, 1919.. 29, 1919. 28, 1919.. 5, 1919... United Ulranlnating Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. McCord Manufacturing Co., De- troit, Mich. Dodge Bros., Detroit Jackson Tool Co., Jackson, Mich. Eastern Potash Corporation, Equitable Building, New York. Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton. Ohio. Perlman Rim Corporation, Jackson, Mich. Michigan Drop Forge Co., Pon- tiac, Mich. L. P. Seyfert's Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. B. B. Steiber, Bridgeport, Conn. Clip-Bar Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. do General Machine & Tool Co., Jackson, Mich. John H. Holmes, Bridgeport, Conn. Guard Geo. Miscannor, Bridge- port, Conn. Geo. F. Boutell, Bridgeport, Conn. Geo. W. Wakeman, Bridgeport, Conn. R. H. Newman, Bridgeport, Conn. Fred E. Taylor, Danbury, Conn. Ernest A. DeChamps, Bridge- port, Conn. Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. R. Wallace & Sons Manufactur- ing Co., Wallingford, Coim. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Caldbeck Tool & Manufacturing Co., Des Moines, Iowa. The Cameron Machine Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fred B. Snyder, plant physician for Bethlehem Loading Co. Studebaker Corporation H.T.PaisteCo Studebaker Corporation Williams & Wilson (Ltd.) Hayes Wheel Co Haines, Jones & Cadbury Co Mosler Safe Co V. H. Jacobson, Bndgeport, Conn. The Murray Roofing Tile Co., 31overport, Ky. Joseph McCormick, East Provi- dence, R. I. J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa 276 May 16, 1919. The National Fireworks Dis- tributing Co., Boston, Mass. Canedy Otto Manufacturing Co., Chicago Heights. 111. No. 00 wire, insulated, with supports, etc., on poles. Heald internal grinder, Gould . & Eberhardt shaper. 30 h. p. AlUs-Chalmers motor. . Drafting-room equipment. 20' bar IH" line shafting.. Track ties and switches. . . 20" Columbia shaper , Rockford speed drill press No. 3 De'^'^ilbiss Air Receiver, with pressure guage, safety and drain valves. Engine lathe, size 18" No. 4 Garvin double profiler, 21" 4-spindle drill press. Rudd hot-water heater Machine tools Shafting, pulleys, belting, and vises. Oil-storage tank, 8,036-gal Lawn mowers, wheelbarrow, shears, shovel, second-hand. Window shades, 6 x 3' Bench vise, second-hand. Rug,9xll' Water lawn-roll and oily- waste cans without tops. B. & D. electric drill, tap wrench, vise, and gas torch. Bench vise, second-hand 20" 4-jaw Independent chuck. 1 h. p. General Electric mo- tors, 60-cycle, 1,800 r. p. m. Steel tanks, 72 x 24 x 36" Chambersburg drop hammers, 1,000-lb. capacity. No. 2 Cincinnati high-power milling machine. No. 52 Hendey & Whittemore punch and shear machine. 20" Columbia shaper, with pedestal and vise. Machine tools and furnaces Unfinished tools Hospital equipment, depre- ciated about 50 per cent. Machine tools Machine tools, second-hand . . , Die blocks Machine tools No. 1 Burke bench drill Machine tools do 6 h. p., 2-phase, A. C. motors, scrap, burned out. 16" heavy-duty Smith & Mills shaper. Wheelbarrows 28" Smith & Mills shaper, depreciation, 50 per cent. Manufacturing equipment, value a little better than scrap. No. Canedy Otto blacksmith sheer. 256 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 2, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 31, 1919 May 29, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 13, 1919. June 2, 1919. June 4, 1919. June 2, 1919. June 4, 1919. June 5, 1919 . do June 4, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. June 6, 1919. June 5, 1919. 293 May 31, 1919. JimeT, 1919. June 6, 1919. do Apr. 17, 1919. June?, 1919. June 6, 1919. do Jime4, 1919. May 16, 1919. May 26, 1919. June 5, 1919., J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa Acent, Bureau of Fisheries, Se- attle, Wash. Whitaker-Glessner Co., Ports- mouth, Ohio. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. The E. A. Konsey Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Jackson Motor Shaft Co., Jack- son, Mich. Wm. Wharton, jr. & Co. (Inc.'), Kaston, Pa. J. T. Woodward, NewCastle.Del Trov Carriage & Sunshade Co., Trov, Ohio. L. F. J^eyfert's Sons (.Inc.), Phil- adelphia, Pa. Ness Bros. & Co., York, Pa Girard Machine & Tool Co., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. J. .\. Vance Co., Winston-Salem, N.C. .do. Ne\yport Chemical works (Inc.), Milwaukee, Wis. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich Washtenaw Gas Co., Ann Arbor Mich. Keith Railway Equipment Co., Hammond, "Ind. The Moeschl-Fdwards Corru- satins; Co., Covinston, Kv. Hero Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa Snaith & Wesson, Spriiiglield, Mass. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Dominion Forge A- Stamping Co., Walker^-iUe, Ontario. Motor Products Corporation of Canada, WiJkerviUe, Ontario. Young Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich. Consolidated Machinery & WreoRini; Co., New York. C^o^^^l Cork v.t Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Cheney Bros., South Manches- ter, Conn. Starkcombinationhenchlathe and miller. Tractors and spare parts 10-ton electric crane, 70' span, 26' lilt. Window screens, pearl cloth wire, cypress or white pine. Warner A Swasey No. 6 turret lathes, including oil pump and pan. 20-foot bar, 2-^" line shaftmg. . 84" surge tank Storage sheds, approximately 30 by 120'. Collars, shafting, hangers, pul- leys, etc. Lathes Electrical equipment 36 X 36" X 10 ■ G . A . G ray planer complete with two heads on cross rail and all standard equipment. Hospital equipment and sup- plies. Induction motor, type C S, 30 h. p., 2,200-volt, 60-cycle, l,16o r. p. m., with "auto starter, sUding rails, and pulley. Heat-treating building, heat- treating furnaces and blow- pipe system. Type S i.\-ton electric hoist Peerless blueprint machine, 54", complete with 2-shoet metal pans, 2 angle-iron stands and electric heater. Cleyeland Machine Co., 21" drilling machine, upright, equipped with back gears, power feed, and automatic stop. 24" Cincinnati Shaper Co.. heayy-duty back-gearea crank shaper with table sup- port, extension base, coun- tershaft and all regular at- tachments. Racine Tool Mfg. Co. power hack saw. Whitney hand millers Machinery Machmery built in plant Tools, jigs, fixtures and gauges . Tracing' blueprints and pat- terns. Component parts Miscellaneousitems (office fix- tures, supplies, etc.). Niles-1-ement engine lathe, 36"xl4'. 20" Walcottheavy-duty crank shaper. 16" Hendey shaper 10 X 10 SulUran belt driven air compressor, regular equip- ment, unloader, 30 h. p. motor with compensator and belt idler. Buildings, equipment, etc Franklin portable crane. No. 3-B. Universal winding machines . . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 257 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 10, 1919... May 14, 1919. June 4, 1919., June 11, 1919. June 9, 1919.. Mar. 29, 1919. June 10, 1919. May 19, 1919. June 2, 1919.. do June 10, 1919. June 12, 1919. June 5, 1919.. do Mav29, 1919.. June 12,1919. do Junes, 1919.. June 4, 1919.. ....do .....do Apr. 7, 1919. .do. .do. do , May 29, 1919. do Apr. 25, 1919.. Apr. 19, 1919. June 2, 1919.. June 13, 1919..., do , Mar. 16-Apr. 4, 1919. Feb. 7-May 20, 1919. Feb. 7-Mar. 8, 1919. Mar. &-14, 1919... Feb. 7, 1919 do ....do. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Peter Coutes, Chicago, 111 Walter Scott Co., Plainfield, N. J Garlock Packing Co., Palmyra, N. Y. E. A. Kinsey Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Union Twist Drill Co., Athol, Mass. The Hamilton Foundry and Machine Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. .do. Jaxon Steel Products Division., General Motors Corporation, Jackson, Mich. HerrinK-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. The North Cincinnati Gymna- sium Committee, Cinciimati, Ohio. Angus Hopkins, 120 Liberty St., N. Y. Dodge Brothers, Detroit, Mich. .do. Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Canadian Fairbanks Co., Toron- to. Canada. Williams & Wilson (Ltd.),Mon- treal, Quebec. .do. .do. W. T. Thompson, Springfield, Mass. F. Palmer, Springfield, Mass W. J. Parmalee, Springfield, Mass. R. C. Kerley. Springfield, Mass.. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. Jaxon Steel Products division, General Motors Corporation, Jackson, Mich. Williams & WUson, (Ltd.) Mon- treal, Canada. ....do Philadelphia Boiler Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Lookout Oil & Refiner Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Chattanooga Implement & Mfg. Co., Boyce, Tenn. Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Mass. E. F. Russell, Springfield, Mass. C. M. Brown, Springfield, Mass. I. Carrierj Springfield, Mass H. C. Heiden, Springfield, M!ass. Meekins, Packard & Wheat (Inc.), Springfield, Mass. H. Goodman & Sons, Spring- field, Mass. No. 2 Brown & Sharpe surface grinder. D Ishes and restaurant suppUes Compound electric motor, serial No. 683199, L. C. 7J, 5 h. p., 1,100 r. p. m., D. C; reversing controller, serial No. 80987 B, special matrix, roller-style cutter. Crucible, brass furnace, and snap flask. Warner & Swasey No. 6 turret lathe. Form cutter grinder, Nos. 2 and 3, Serial Nos. 32 and 49. Machine tools Machine tools and electrical equipment. Symington-type lathes 60-lb. Bradley hammer 18" Newton Blotter, 1 box equipment. 26 X 7 X 2il bore, steel pulley. . Cots, mattresses, pillows, com- forts, and sheets. Steel shelving . 14 X 14" single-stage air com- pressor, motor-driven, com- plete with compensator, idler and belt. Dodge Bros, badges 15" X 17' Kilburne & Jacobs accumulator. Furnace with oven blower; machine tools. No. 3 La Pointe double-broach- ing machine. Used No. 25 Becker milling machines, complete with regular equipment. Whitney used hand mfiling machines. Peerless used hack-saw ma- chine^ capacity 6x6. Reed vise .do. .do. ....do Extensometer 2i X 10" hydraulic trip^x- geared pump, 8" x 6' Perrin accumulator. Used No. 1-B Milwaukee imi- versal milling machine. Machine tools Steel stack with 8 guys com- plete, without breeching. 15" X 5' South Bend engine lathe. 24" X 10' double back gear Manufacturingequipmentcon- slsttng of small drills, files, etc. Small tools and office equip- ment. Sash and doors and portable desk lamp. Portable desk lamps. Cane-seat chairs Flat-top desks Pipefltting, shower, etc. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 17 258 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL. VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 8, 1919. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 4, 1919.. Jan. 28, 1919.. Junes, 1919.. Jan. 28, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do June 6, 1919.. May 26, 1919. June 18, 1919. June 11, 1919. May 12, 1919. June 16, 1919. June 12, 1919. June 17, 1919. June 13, 1919. June 10, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. June 4, 1919.. June 18, 1919. June 10, 1919. 380 June 19, 1919... do June IS, 1919... Name and address of buyer. F. H. Gibbs, Springfield, Mass.. Lieut. Burdick, Sprtagfleld, Mass. C. A. Blair, Springfield Mass — M. E. Wood, Spriagfleld, Mass.. E. A. Kinney, Springfield, Mass. Geo. P. ChaptQ, Springfield, M&ss A. M. Scott, Springfield, Mass. . . J. J. Devers, Springfield, Mass.. . N. Ransom, Springfield, Mass... Johnson's Book Store, Spring- field, Mass. G. P. Clark & Co., Springfield, Mass. C. Cowles & Co., New Haven, Conn. H. Goodman & Sons, Spriag- fleld, Mass. E. J. Kroach, Springfield, Mass.. S. Hooker, Springfield, M:ass A. M. Scott, Springfield, Mass... George Yardsley, Sprmgfleld, M!ass. George Young, Springfield, Mass. W. F. Childs, Springfield Mass.. Geo. Baker, Springfield, Mass.. . E. Goodrich, Spriagfiel'd, Mass.. Geo. Lilley, Sprtngfleld, Mass . . . Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. American Car & Foundry Co., Detroit, Mich. Southwark Foimdry & Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The West Steel Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. NationalSupply& Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Herrtng-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Cincinnati Council, Girl Scouts, Cincinnati, Ohio. Locomobile Co. of America., Bridgeport, Conn. St. Louis Coimty Gas Light Co., Webster Groves, Mo. Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Coim. American TUe & Cement Co., Baltimore, Md. Hayes Wheel Co. , Jackson, Mich, Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Newport Chemical Works, Mil- waukee, Wis. Riverside Machinery Detroit, Mich. do Depot, do The Nash Motors Co., Kenosha, Wis. June 20, 1919 American Macliine & Mfg. Co., I Atlanta, Ga. Article. Portable desk lamp . ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. Scrap lumber . . . . Factory benches . Small table Manilaenvelopes . Truck Second-hand stools . Reed vises. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Brinnell testing machine with microscope. 60,000-lb. Tmius Olsen testing Machine. 18" X 15' accumulator Lathe, BuUard, vertical turret 42", second-hand tools. Cleveland tractor Pulley, steel, 32 x 11 x 3^", split. Small tools, kitchen and camp supplies. Machine tools 10 X 10 Curtis air compressor, 22 T. B., 3 phiise, 60-cvcle, 35 h. p., 850 r. p. m., 220-volt, Warner induction motor. Galvanized sheet iron used for exhaust system at the spring- bed plant. Mess hall, 1-story frame build- ing, 12' hi?h, ISO'4" long, 56' 4"wide, with anaddition of 57' X 21". Peerless hack saw, 6x6" 26" latest improved design back-geared crank shaper. Hospital and emplovment building, 84 x 62', with 2 side wings and ell 12 x 26', all brick, average height 15', partially completed. Brick garage, 28 x 93', 12' high, complete except wiring and heating. Storehouse, frame building, 60 X 150', 12' high, outside covered with corrugated galvanized iron. Destnictible galvanized phenol drums of 2S-gauge material, size 184 X 26J". Amalgamated shell-boring lathes (value as scrap only). Amalgamated shell-boring latlies and turning lathes; sold as scrap. Barracks, 43 x 120'; warehouse, 135 X 144'; garage, 50 x 100'. Macliine tools , SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 259 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 385 June 20, 1919 J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa ... . Briscoe Motors Corporation, Used leather belting $2,510.00 386 June 13, 1919.... Brinnell testing machine with 250. 00 Jackson, Mich. microscope. 18 X 8' Walcott lathe 387 June 20, 1919 Union Steel Products Co., Al- 701.60 bion, Mich. 388 June 12, 1919 Jaxon Steel Products Corpora- tion (General Motors Corpo- Barnes drill press 50.00 ration), Jackson, Mich. 389 June 14, 1919.... Lewis Spring Axle Co., Chelsea, Mich. 12 X 10 Ingersoll Rand air com- pressor. 758.15 390 May 29, 1919 Fox Machine Co., Jackson, Mich. Vertical air receiver, 36 x 8'; Ingersoll Rand air compres- sor, 50 h. p. motor. General Electric. 1,451.50 391 June 20, 1919.... Cincinnati Screw Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. 20 h. p. Westinghouse motor, 60-cycle, 860 r. p. m., 220- volt, 3-phase, equipped with starter rails and pulley, 11 X 6§". General Electric centrifugal 390.00 392 June 14, 1919.... General Electric Co., Detroit, 1,943.87 Mich. air compressor, 4,200 cu. ft. free air per minute, with 50 h. p. motor. 393 June 20, 1919.... Wadsworth Watch Case Co., Dayton, Ky. United States Cartridge Co., Machine tools 365.00 394 Apr. 29, 1919.... Hang-fire machine No. 1, for 200.00 Lowell, Mass. testing small-arms ammu- nition primers, depreciated 50 per cent. 395 June 17, 1919 Frank T. Bennet, Jackson, Mich. Newport Chemical Works, Mil- Used bench lumber 20 25 396 June 23, 1919.... J-ton, typo S, electric hoist 300.00 waukee, Wis. 397 June 19, 1919.... Cincinnati Sheet Metal & Roof- 10 h. p., 60-cycle, 220-volt, 3- phase, Robbins & Meyer 630.00 ing Co., Cinciimati, Ohio. motors. 25 h. p. General Electric motor, 220-volt, 3-phase, 60-cycle. 398 do Lookout Oil & Refining Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Circulating cooling coils, 21 pipes high and 10' long, in 330.00 15 sections; 21 pieces IJ pipe high X 15 pieces wide. Second-hand lumber 399 June 13, 1919.... June 21, 1919 P. C. Strauss, Cincinnati, Ohio.. Chas. A. Strolinger Co 27.17 400 No. 6 screw machine 911.25 401 June 13, 1919. . Hayes Wheel Co 12-gaI. tanks, open top 80.00 402 June 19, 1919.... Wm. Wharton, jr Miscellaneous pipe, wheels, cast-iron grate, fire brick. 573.60 403 May 27, 1919 June 23, 1919 Passman Bros Miscellaneous pulleys 387. 93 404 G. A. Schacht Motor Truck Co.. Milling machines 4,800.00 60.00 405 June 2lJ 1919! '. '. '. Wm. Wharton, jr Sheet-metal brooder tops, de- preciated 90 per cent. 406 June 25, 1919 Eddystone Munitions Co., Ed- Open-side planer 387. 50 dystone, Pa. 407 June 12, 1919.... Cincinnati Council, Girl Scouts, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lumber, second hand 44.60 408 June 23, 1919.... Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. New improved 26 x 30 C. M. C. back-geared iron shaper, complete. 1,120.00 409 June 24, 1919.... Jas. Clark, jr.. Electrical Co., Louisville, Ky. 12 X 72" Landis grinder, plain. 2,275.00 410 June 25, 1919.... E. A. Kinsey Co., Cincinnati, Machine tools 2,900.00 Ohio. 411 June 12, 1919.... International Coal Products Cor- poration, Now York, N. Y. Fractionating system, etc., toluol recovery plants. Naphthalene tanks 3, .500. 00 120.00 412 June 13, 1919.... Clemson Bros., Middletown, N. Y. E. A. Kinsey Co., Cincinnati, Heat-treating equipment 2,000.00 413 June 2.5, 1919.... No. 6 Warner & Swasey turret 700.00 Ohio. lathe, equipped with pan and pump. 414 June 20, 1919.... Lake Torpedo Boat Co., Bridge- port, Conn. 15 X 9 X 12" horizontal duplex motor compressor. 2,900.00 415 do North Cinciimati Gymnasium, Cincinnati, Ohio. Second-hand lumber 187.83 416 June 24, 1919.... George A. Lisk, Detroit, Mich... 7J h. p. Wagner electric motor, including oil compensator. 100.00 417 June 26, 1919.... S. Nomirovsky & Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. 48" Cincinnati Bickford radial drill, 10 h. p. motor, 60" Nile radial drill, 7J h. p. motor. 2,106.00 418 June 23, 1919.... F. C. Mason & Co., St. Johns, Mich. No. 1 Milwaulcee miller 350.00 419 June 20, 1919.... Iron City Sand Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Locomotive-type boiler 1,075.00 260 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL. VAOE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 420 June 17, 1919 L. Robinson, Cliicago, 111 Leather belting, scrap and short lengths. $189.41 421 June 24, 1919 Sparks Witliington Co., Jack- son, Mich. Macliine tools 14,386.76 422 June 24, 1919 .... E. S. Clarke, Detroit, Mich Rocking chairs and canvas cot . 9.60 423 June 14, 1919 .... J. A. Vance & Co., Winston- Salem, N. C. Drop hangers, 2^^ x 18" and 4" single leather belting, second-hand. 10.00 424 June 30, 1919.... J. Nuttall, PMladelphia, Pa 42" CLncinnati Bickford radial drill with coimtershaft and hangers complete. Single index centers, 24" and 3(5". 857.00 425 do Gibbs Mueller Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. 1, 800. 00 426 do J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa 48 x 48" X 12' Hamilton planers equipped with 1 25-hp., 3- phase, 2o-cycle, 220-volt, 750 4,200.00 r. p. m. induction motor, motorsequippcd with start- ers and 3-polc switches. No. 2 B. A: t>. automatic form- 427 June 25, 1919 .... Gvrard Machine & Tool Co., 1,175.00 Philadelpliia, Pa. ing machine. 428 June 6, 1919 WilliMus & Wilson (Ltd.), Mont- real. Quebec. No. 2 Hubert rapid hack saw; Barr hack saw. 265.00 429 June 20, 1919.... Signaiite Mig. Co., Chicago, 111. . Dies with auxiliary parts and assembUng machines. 10-hp. Wcstora Electricmotor, 1,700 r. p. m., 230-volt; pul- leys, bolt, andemery wheels: No. 5 Rockford Iron Works punch presses. 167.40 1,495.61 430 June 27, 1919.... Singer Mfg. Co., Elizabethport, Hand taps 9' radiators, and 8.5-nun. drill. 359. 14 431 do Jaxon Steel Products DiN-ision, Jackson, Mich. 30-hp. motors 2, 160. 00 432 June 10, 1919 .... Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. General Electric transformer. . 3,900.00 433 .. ..do Jackson Cushion Spring Co., Jackson, Mich. Potts A Fisher, Jackson. Mich . . T. Hanlon & Co., Rochester, 7J-hp. motors 708. 48 June 27, 1919 .... Jimo24, 1919.... Machine tools 2,115.00 560.00 434 IS X 8 Walcot t lathe 435 Lot of special dies and tools. .15 N. Y. scrap value. 436 June 27, 1919 .... Marshall & Fox, Chicago, Dl 200' Insley steel-concrete tower, t russsect ion. concrete spouts. 1,485.00 437 June 26, 1919.... L. F. Sevfert's Sons (Inc.), Philadelphia, Pa. ■tSx4S"xl'.'' Hamilionphmers, eacheciuipped with 1 25-hp., 3-phase, 25-cycle, 220-volt, 750-r. p. m. inductionmotor, motors equipped with start- ers and o-pole switches. 10,506.00 438 June 24,1919.... Phillips Excelsoir Co., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. 75-hp., yOO-revolution, General Electric mot or. 680.00 439 June 30, 1919.... The ^Vnti-Tuberculosis League, Cincinnati, Ohio. Mattresses, cots, sheets, pil- lows, nails, and lumber, second-hand. 679.80 440 June 28,1919.... Wm. Wharton, jr., & Co., Easton, Pa. Fuel tanks and Worthington pump, salvage value, scrap (cost of dismantling and removing by Government saved). 6,000.00 441 June 27, 1919.... Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. 20" heavy-duty crank shaper, complete. 542.50 442 June 28, 1919.... Herman L. Winterer, Pliiladel- phia. Pa. Bench drill and 2 pumps 22.50 443 do O'Brien Macliinery Co., Phila- delpliia. Pa. 1 h" screw machine 77.50 444 do Miller Lock Co., PhiladelpMa, Pa. Girard MacJiine & Tool Co., No. 3 cataract bench lathe 152.00 445 do 16" Gould & Eberhardt shaper. 512.00 Philadelphia, Pa. 446 June 24, 1919 . . . . Julv 1,1919 do Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich . Bureau of Fisheries Machine t ools 1,120.00 447 G ray wide drum tractor Blankets, cots, pillows 2, 050. 00 448 Commmiity Serx^ice League, 108. 60 Cmciimati, Ohio. 449 do Iron Citv Foundry Co 20' drill press 252.00 450 do ;. Eastman Kodak Co Machine tools and attachments •20, 610. 50 451 do American Car ^.t Foimdrv Co., Depew. N. Y. Electric arc welder, complete, withsrenorator. 600.00 452 do James Cimninirham, Son & Co., Rochester, N. Y'. No. li K. & T. imiversal belt- driven milling macliine : No. 3 K. & T. belt-driven milling machine. 3,650.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 261 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 453 July 2, 1919 Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dies for forging, notching, and blanking, only salvage value as scrap. $6.32 454 do Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., No. 1 hand milling machine, 250. 00 Hamilton, Ohio. with 1 -x 6" arbor, 4 bushes, and tight and loose pulley countershaft. 455 July 1,1919 Nolte Brass Co., Springfield, Oliio. No. 4 Warner & Swasey turret and screw machine. 500. 00 456 July 2, 1919 The Lunkenhcimer Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. 3-hp. Westinghouse motor 90.00 457 do Ivittlcford Bros., Cincinnati, Ohio L. F. Scyfcrts' Sons (Inc.), 2, 400. 00 5,444.00 458 Julyl, 1919 do Plailadelphia, Pa. 459 do Miller Lock Co., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 5JS. & C. bench lathe 40.00 460 June 30, 1919 .... Gier Pressed Steel Co., Lansing, Mich. 2,500-lb. Chambersburg drop hammer; General Electric centrifugal air compressor, 3-phase, 60-cycle, 440-volt. 5,000.00 461 do Union Steel Products Co., Al- Leather belting 472 92 bion, Mich. 462 June 6, 1919 Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. Motors 5,001.99 463 June 21, 1919 ... . do do 1,630.11 464 July 2, 1919 The Alvey- Ferguson Co. (Inc.), Cincinnati, Ohio. No. 4 Greenard arbor press — 75.00 465 July 3, 1919 do 466 Albion Malleable Iron Co., Al- bion, Mich. No. 1 Racine metal cutting machine. 87 50 467 do A. G. Kiser, Tazewell, Va American Hoist & Derrick Co. hoisting engine and boiler. 450. 00 468 July 2, 1919 McCrone's Restaurant, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Range and cooking utensils. . . . 939. 50 469 May 26, 1919 Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Nonclimbable wire fence, with gates. 850.00 470 July 3, 1919. The North Cincinnati Gymna- sium, Cincinnati. 3-ply green slate roofing paper. 30.60 471 June 27 1919 Landers Frary & Clark New 825 00 Britain, Conn. 472 Julys, 1919 American Machine & Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. C. F. Burger, Detroit, Mich McCord Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Machinery Merchants (Inc.) Shafting, hangers, pulleys, etc. 992.36 473 July 2, 1919. do... 25 474 3" Niles radial drill 800 00 475 do... Low-swing Fitchburg lathes. . . 1 075 00 476 do New York City. Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- 500-ton hydraulic press, with valves and piping, deprecia- tion, 95 per cent; 5-ton 24"- 925 00 burgh, Pa. gauge railroad trucks, de- preciation 90 per cent; turn tables, 24''-gauge, deprecia- tion, 40 per cent. 477 Julys, 1919 Julyl, 1919 O'Brien Machine Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Fitz Water Wheel Co., Handver, 1,642.50 70.00 478 Yankee drill grinder; small Pa. gas furnace. 479 July 2, 1919 Atwater - Kent Mfg. Works, Piiiladelphia, Pa. B. & S. hand screw machines . 814.00 480 do P. L. McCarthy, Chester, Pa Bench vise with 4" jaws 2.50 481 do .. . Machinery Merchants (Inc.) New York City. Size 17 LeBlond heavy-duty engine lathe; 24" Gould & 1 125 00 Eberhardt shaper. 482 May 23, 1919 McArthur Irwin (Ltd.), Mont- real, Quebec. 5, 10, 15, and 25 hp. motors 2, 149. 94 483 July 7, 1919 Krasburg Eng. & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. No. 4 LeBlonde milling ma- chine. 2, 210. 00 484 June 18, 1919.... Cincinnati Council, Boy Scouts of America, Cincinnati, Oliio. Cots, mattresses, and kitchen utensils. 481,46 485 July 2, 1919 Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York, N. Y. 36 X 36" Woodward & Powell planers, complete, with countershaft and hangers. 4,110.00 486 Julyl, 1919 Storey Pump & Erjuipmcnt Co., Toronto, Ontario. No. 3 Worthington all-iron belt-driven centrifugal pump with 4" discharge. 107. 80 487 June 14,1919.... Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. 1,940.10 488 July 8, 1919 The Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Worthington Laidlaw com- pound air compressor and storage tank, 15 x 9i x 12" compressor and 3i x 8' tank. 2,050.00 489 [Canceled.] 262 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Articie. Total sale price. July 8, 1919. July 2, 1919... July 9,1919... June 19,1919.. June 4, 1919... July 7,1919.... July 8,1919.. May 13, 1919. July 9, 1919.. July 7,1919.. do July 9, 1919.. July 10, 1919. July 9,1919.. July 7,1919.. July 9, 1919.. do do July 10,1919.. July 11,1919.. Mar. 26, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. July 7,1919... July 12, 1919. July 10, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. do Apr. 14,1919.. Apr. 3,1919... do do do Mar. 19, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. do Cincinnati Ball Crank Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Cincinnati Car Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Charles A. Kirkland (Inc.), New York, N. Y. Hoboken Land & Improvement Co., Hoboken, N. J. Detroit Gear & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Young Bros., Detroit, Mich Engineering Corps, 25 P ember- ton Square, Boston, Mass. Wm. Wharton, jr., & Co., Eas- ton, Pa. Motch & Merryweather Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Campbell Fiber Co., Stanton, Del. Philips-Brinton Co., Kennett Square, Pa. Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa. Atwater Kent Mfg. Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. J. W. Lathrop Co., Mystic, Conn W. Wilson, Phi'adelphia, Pa American Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. Co., New York City. J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa.... U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Stecker Electric & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Singer Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. Gibbs, Mueller Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Chattanooga Implement Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. International Coal Products Corporation, New York City. Harry Bateman, Conn. Bridgeport, American Hardware Stores, Bridgeport, Conn. Bridgeport Metallic Works, Bridgeport, Conn. B. B. Steiber, Bridgeport, Conn. A. Comen, Bridgeport, Conn. M. Findelstein, Bridgeport.Conn American Chain Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Warren & Irrgang Co., Spring- field, Mass. Bridgeport Metallic Works, Bridgeport, Conn. The Gaynor Mfg. Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Geo. W. Wakeman, Bridgeport, Conn. Lake Torpedo Boat Co., Bridge- port, Coim. Nicholson & Weed, Bridgeport, Conn. Bridgeport Belting Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Storage shed, lean-to, 18 x 50 X 9', high 1 side only, scrap value. Machine tools -do. Autocall Central Station, call bells and relay. Pipe fittings and pressure gauges. No. 4 Greenard arbor press Drinking fountains. Wheelbarrows Ironrollway... Machine tools . 30" Cincinnati imiversal cut- ter grinder. Machine tools 60" Sellers slotter with 16" stroke. Machine tools • Size 3J rivet bench lathe No. 34 automatic cold saw Machine tools .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 36 X 36" X 12' Bickett planers.. 4- jaw Independent 20" chuck. . No. 4 Greenard arbor press and Wright drill presses. Complete piping and equip- ment for light-oil shipping plant at Bridgeport Gas Light Co., Bridgeport, Conn, (toluol equipment). , Valve grinder with burnt-out armature, 90 per cent depre- ciation. Lockers with two sections, 60 per cent depreciation. Machine tools, 50 per cent de- preciation. 12-volt Harvard battery, de- preciation 75 per cent. 4''^bench vise, depreciation 80 percent. do Hospital equipment, depre- ciation 50 per cent. Running gears of special shell trucks, 50 per cent deprecia- tion. 50-ft. bench, 40 per cent depre- ciation. No. 2 Reid surface grinder, 70 per cent depreciation. Small tools, 50 per cent depre- ciation. 16" Newark shaper and coun- tershaft, 65 per cent depre- ciation. Jacks, blocks, and hoists, 50 per cent depreciation. Pulleys and drill press, 50 per cent depreciation. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 268 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 19, 1919. Mar. 11, 1919. ....do do Apr. 3,1919.. Mar. 11, 1919. Apr. 3,1919.. Apr. 17, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. July 11, 1919. July 10, 1919. July 71, 919. . July 14, 1919. July 10, 1919. July 9, 1919. . July 12, 1919. July 7, 1919. . July 10, 1919-. July 8, 1919. . July 10, 1919. do July 9, 1919. . July 10, 1919. July 15, 1919. July 17, 1919. . July 15, 1919. . do do July 16, 1919. . July 10, 1919. . July 1, 61919. . July 15, 1919. . July 7, 1919. . . do June 24, 1919. July 16, 1919. do Lake To rpedo Boat Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Dr. M. Moscovitz, Bridgeport, Conn. Bridgeport Housing Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Lake Torpedo Boat Co., Bridge- port, Conn. A. J. Elson, Bridgeport, Coim... Singer Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. W. S. Brandt, Bridgeport Conn. Lieut. Roy J. Burdick, Bridge- port, Conn. (^uno Engineering Co., Meriden, Conn. do T. J. Pardy Construction Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Herrlng-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. The American Copper & Brass Works, Cincinnati, Ohio. Department of Mihtia and De- fense, Ottawa, Canada. The Spacke Machine & Tool Co., Indianapolis. Master Optical Co., New York City. Atwater Kent Mfg. Works, Phil- adelphia. Pa. Chp-Bar Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Monarch Machinery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa Angsten-Kox Co., Chicago, 111... New York Machinery Co , New York City Hollander Machine Co., New York City. Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. Southwark Mfg. Co., Camden, N.J. Harris Bros., Chicago, 111 Grater-Bodey Co., Norristown, Pa. [Canceled.] Angle Window & Door Co.', Buffalo, N. Y. The Snead & Co. Iron Works, Jersey City, N. J. Carroll Machine & Tool Co., Detroit. Krakaner, Zork & Moye's Suc- cessors (Inc.), El Paso, Tex. Commerce Motor Car Co., De- troit, Mich. Young Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich. .do. New Britain Machine Co., New Britain, Conn. Buffalo Pressed Steel Co., Buf- falo N. Y. John W. Leahy,Danbury , Conn Hoboken Land & Improve- ment Co., Hoboken, N. J. Peters Cartridge Co., Cinciimati, Ohio. Wm. J. Oliver Mfg. Co., Knox- ville, Term. Cutting torches and regu- lators, 60 per cent deprecia- tion. Stenographer's desk and swivel chair, 50 per cent de- preciation. Office furniture, 50 per cent depreciation. 54" fiat-top desks, 50 per cent depreciation. 9 X 12' rug, 75 per cent depre- ciation. Office furniture, 50 per cent depreciation. 9 X 12' rug, worn, 75 per cent depreciation. Small electric iron, defective, 75 per cent depreciation. 14" Leland-Gifford driU, 50 per cent depreciation. 14" and 20" Leland-Gifford drills, 50 per cent deprecia- tion. 3 fire doors, 50 per cent depre- ciation. Hoists and trolleys 21" Smith & Mills shaper; No. 6 Warner & Swasey screw machine. Hang fire-testing maclunes, 40 per cent depreciation. Low-swing engine lathe, 3J x 60"; No. 14 18-spindle drill. Electrical equipment and belting, 70 per cent depre- ciation. Blood lathes Belting and pulleys 24 X 10" geared head, L. & S. engine lathe. Machine tools Machine tools, 50 per cent de- preciation Machine tools .do. .do. .do. Routing machine, scrap value. Dies and patterns, scrap value. Broaching machine Lathes 32" X 18' 6" Wickes lathe and 15-h. p. General Electric motor. 15 X 30" surface plate Panels wire partition, win- dows, doors, and locks. Motors B. & S. automatic screw ma- chines. Special lot of tools, dies, and fixtures, scrap value. 20" Champion upright drill press. Refractory fire brick and special arch and door bricks. White enameled sanitary buckets with lids. GriQder, automatic Nazel hammer, type No. 5N, with induction motor. 264 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. July 16, 1919.. July 17,1919 .. do do July 18, 1919 - . July IC, 1919.. July", 1919... July 16, 1919.. July 19, 1919.. July 18, 1919.. July 11, 1919.. July", 1919... July 16, 1919. July 18, 1919. July 19, 1919. July 14, 1919. July 18, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 9, 1919.. .do. July 19, 1919. July 11, 1919. July 18, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. July 21, 1919. 'July 16, 1919. July 18, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 19, 1919. July 22, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919.. Name and address of buyer. Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. ....do Potts & Fisher Co., Jackson, Mich. Stokes & Smith Co., Summer- dale, Philadelphia. H. L. Winterer, Philadelphia, Pa. Hill, Clark & Co., Chicago, III. . . . United Gas Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Machine & Tool Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Keystone Heating & Equip- ment Co., Philadelphia, Pa. James Young, Montreal, Quebec. Remington Arms U. M. C, Ilion, N. Y. American Hame & Singletree Co., Chattanooga, Term. Geuder, Paeschke Co., Indiana Harbor, Ind. The Globe- Wernicke Co., Cin- cumati, Ohio. Bossert Corporation, Utica, N. Y Gibbs-Mueller Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Wm. H. Strawn, Bethlehem, Pa. Premier Motor Corporation, In- dianapolis, Ind. Champlain Silk Mills, New York City. Newport Chemical Works, Mil- waukee, Wis. -do. .do. .do. Metropolitan Engineering Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Allegheny Pittsburgh Coal Co., Pittsburgh. Atlantic Refining Co., Bruns- wick, Ga. Pond Lily Co., New Haven, Conn. BufEalo House Wrecking & Sal- vage Co., BufEalo, N. Y. do The Steel Products Engineering Co., Springfield, Ohio. Locomobile Co., Bridgeport, Coim. United States Engineer OflBce, Florence, Ala. J. K. Joice Co., Washington, D. C. Article. 48 X 48" X 18' Detrick & Har- vey planer; Shepard 10-ton cranes, span 67'. 26" X 14' Walcott lathe 24" Walcott heavy-duty crank shaper. Peerless high-speed hack saw. . Tote boxes, 22 x 12 x 7J" Machine tools 10 X 36" Norton wet grinder. . . 16" X 8' L. & S. engine lathe. . . Machine tools Robertson power hack saw 30 x 30" X 10' Pond planer Switchboard, changlng-panel and single-unit motor gener- ator set. 20" Barnes drill press Le Blond lathe, 19" x 10' , Steel bench legs, typeC Obsolete dies 48 x 48" X 12' Hamilton plan- ers, equipped with motors. 48 X 48" X 12' Hamilton plan- ers, Nos. 15, 17, 18, 19, with motors. Machine tools Universal winding machines . . IJ" Lunk clip gate valves, Pyro bar roofing, 30-ampere, 600- volt oil switch, pipe cov- erings, etc. 10 h. p. General Electric com- pensators, miscellaneous pipe coverings, cable, wire, and fittings. Miscellaneous pipe coverings and fittings. Canvas 40" New Haven Turret lathe . . , " Painter " knocked-down houses,"FIorence" knocked- down houses. Office supplies, mattresses and blankets, cotton. 15" single-geared shaper Inspection gauges Dies Brown & Sharpe No. 1 uni- versal circular grinder; Bro^vn & Sharpe No. 3 grinder. Tool castings Induction motor, K. T. 345, 50 h. p., 900 r. p. m., 60-cycle, 220- volt, 3-phase, alternating current; induction motor, "5 h. p., 220-volt, 60-cycle, 3- phase, 900 r. p. m., with base 19" diameter by 16" face, cast-iron pulley. Supplementary to sale No. 159, reporting addition to original selling price to cover storage and interest charges. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 265 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 604 605 606 July 14, 1919 May 10, 1919 May 13, 1919 July 22, 1919 July 21, 1919 . do Kaws Tractor Mfg. Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. All American Super-Truck Co., Chicago. International Harvester Co., Chicago. Savage Arms Corporation, Utica, N. Y. Jacob Bros., Bridgeport, Conn. . . Jackson Cushion Spring Co., Jackson, Mich. Machine & Stamping Co. (Ltd.), Toronto. M. Luechauer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miles Mfg. Co., Newton, Iowa. . . do No. 2 25" swing upright Barnes drill press; No. 54 punch and shear, Beloit. 6 X 6" Racine hack saw Machine tools $460.00 112.50 1 395 50 607 608 Vise, standard, quick-action, Belting 600.00 11 352 65 609 Machine tools 2 534.55 610 611 612 613 May 9, 1919 July 23, 1919 July 15, 1919 do No. 3 2-spindle Hudson La Pointe broaching machine. Tent, and fly for same Atkins No. 7 metal saw Machine tools 1,125.00 30.00 85.00 3 485.40 614 do. .. .do Cincinnati universal No. 2 milling machine. Machine tools . 1,230.00 2,165.00 425.00 10.00 615 July 14, 1919 July 23, 1919 Mar. 31, 1919 July 21, 1919.... .. do Kaws Tractor Mfg. Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Cincinnati Ball Crank Co., Oak- ley, Calif. Wm. H. Quinnley, Bridgeport, Conn. American Can Co., New York, N. Y. Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. Benj. B. Shedd, Medford, Mass . . Paul Swizer, Rutledge, Pa Du Pont Engineering Co., Wil- mington, Del. ... .do 616 617 Thread and tapping machine. . 3" bench vise, etc 618 Machine tools 12 061.80 619 Rockford engiue lathes, Nos. 682 and 683. Shafting, hangers, belting, benches, etc. Building No. 31, 14 x 20' "Myers" bench drill. . 1 100 00 620 621 June 9, 1919 July 12, 1919.... July 22, 1919.... do... 9,809.00 120.00 10 00 622 623 Bedroom and kitchen equip- ment. Refrigerator and meat block. . . Model No. 7 Grimes jolt- rammed roll-over molding machine, equipped with car. Upright drill press 5,380.00 206.25 624 . do Sivyer Steel Casting Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Daly Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. . Dominion Forge & Stamping Co., Walkerville, Ontario. Motors Metals Co., Detroit, Mich. Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Co., Milwaukee, Wis. L. Robinson, Chicago, 111 W. W. Yates, Toronto, Ontario. . C. S. Howard, East Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Marshall & Fox, Chicago, 111 War Department, Engineer ofRce, Florence, Ala. Nathan Klein, New York City. . . Van Dron Electrical Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Allegheny Iron & Metal Co., Philadelphia. Angus Hopkins, New York City. R. M. Hollingshead Co., Cam- den, N. J. Manning Maxwell & Moore (Inc.), New York City. H. L. Winterer, Philadelphia, Pa. J. K. Joice Co., Washington, D. C. H. K. Porter Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. do 400 00 625 July 25, 1919 July 24, 1919.... ....do 115.00 626 20" Ohio shaper 660.00 627 24" Kelley back-gear crank shaper, complete with swivel vise, table support, wrenches, and countershaft. 48 X 42 X 10 planer with all standard equipment. Scrap leather belting 600 00 628 do 4 144 00 629 July 23, 1919.... July 21, 1919.... July 25, 1919 .... do 2, 300. 50 630 631 Welding and cutting outfit, cutting nozzles for welding machine. Upright drill press 212.00 170.00 632 Lakewood Tower hopper, Insley yard hoist, bucket. 200 00 633 do 1 800.00 634 July 26, 1919 July 24, 1919 do July 18, 1919.... July 23, 1919 July 24, 1919.... July 16, 1919 Apr. 14,1919 July 21, 1919 July 11, 1919 Miscellaneous pulleys 9,658.80 635 636 637 No. 3 Atlas arbor press Single-purpose Turret lathes known as blood lathes, also Symington and Pottstown and Amalgamated. Steel shelving 140.00 6,005.54 170.00 638 639 640 Circular-saw table, 2' 9" x 3' 8", Sidney, No. 5. Putman semiautomatic mil- lers. Close-plate angle drill 115.00 2,430.00 5.00 641 642 643 Second supplement to sale No. 159, reporting addition to original selling price to cover storage and interest charges. 28" x 8' engine lathe, 18" x 8' engine lathe. 500.00 1,700.00 2, 060. 00 700.00 644 July 21, 1919 WestiMhouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. Steel tanks, 27 x 40", built by McAleenan Mfg. Co. 266 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 645 646 May 14, 1919 July 23 1919 North American Motors Co., Pottstown, Pa. do Addition to forge shop at con- tractor's plant, Keim St., Pottstown, Pa. Furnace, hack saw, blower and oil pump, fuel-oil stor- age tank. 8575.20 1 025 00 647 July 21, 1919 July 28, 1919 July 21, 1919 July 28, 1919 July 15, 1919 July 23, 1919 July 9, 1919 July 30, 1919 July 29, 1919 July 22, 1919 July 29, 1919 July 30, 1919 do Frank Tracy, 204 Center St., New York City. E. A. Kinsey Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J. A. Fay & Egan Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Botwinik Bros., New Haven, Conn. Miles Mfg. Co., Ne%^'ton, Iowa. . . Ohio. J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa The Huenefeld Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati Corrugated Box Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport. Jackson Cushion Spring Co., Jackson, Mich. Gibbs- Mueller Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Haines, Jones & Cadbury Co., Philadelphia. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.y. Timken Detroit Axle Co., De- troit, Mich. Newport Chemical Works, Mil- waukee, Wis. L. Robiason, Chicago, HI Erdman & Guider, Detroit, Mich. Joseph Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. Hubbard Steel Foundry Co., East Chicago, Ind. L. Robinson, Chicago, HI Newport Chemical Works (Inc.), Milwaukee, Wis. The Century Machine Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. H. W. Read, Boston, Ma.s,s Jaxon Steel Products Division, Jackson. Doran Bros. Electrical Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Champlain Silk Mills, 25 Madi- son Ave., New York City. Harry S. Hand, Mays Landing, N. J. W. J. Brown, Dorothy, N J 255. 75 20.25 648 649 650 651 652 653 Shifter rods, fingers, etc Miscellaneous scrap iron, washers, nuts, bolts. No. 4-B Becker milling ma- chine. Cincinnati Bickford upright drill press, 28"; Cincinnati vertical milling machine. No. 1 Kempsmith universal milling machine. 3' radial drill press, 20" Davis drill press. Gould & Eberhardt shapers, 24", single-pulley drive. 45.00 1,696.42 1,050.00 3,350.00 950.00 990.00 4,800.00 4, 113. 50 654 Bench 8.00 655 656 657 658 Partition, beaver board, and glass. Vises, workbenches, and iron- frame tables. 15 h. p. motor. General Elec- tric, 60-cycle, 440-voIt, 1,200 r. p. m., with compensator. Lathes, L &S 138.00 556. 60 255.00 6, 055. 00 500. 00 659 18" X 8' double back-geared cone-drive L. & S. lathe. Motor-driven, 10-spindle, lens- grinding machine. 660 661 July 3, 1919 July 30, 1919 do 1,000.00 3 805.00 662 Miscellaneous construction material. 361.02 663 July 29, 1919 July 31, 1919 July 30, 1919 do 3,268.50 230. 00 1,150.00 16, 100. 00 664 665 666 20" Rockford drill press, 25" W. F. & J. Barnes drill press. 12 X 5 Hendey engine lathe, 14 X 6 Hendey engine lathe. Bridgeford 42" x 26' geared head lathes, complete with motors and controls: Niles Bement Pond 5' radial drill press, complete with motor and control and table. 667 July 31, 1919 July 26, 1919 July 31, 1919 July 11, 1919 May 14, 1919 Aug. 1,1919 do 3, 149. 97 85.53 175.00 65.00 60.00 668 669 670 671 Miscellaneous construction material. Upright drill press, 21", Su- perior. Wooden buildings, Nos. 32 and 33. 672 673 Dalton No. 6 bench lathe 225.00 1,800.00 100.00 674 Not given 675 do do .... 15.00 676 do S. C. Corsiglia, Richland, N. J. . Nicholus Pleimling, Colon, N. J . . do 110.00 677 do do . . 25.00 678 do Thomas Davis, Mays Landing, N. J. Nic Marconi, Mays Landing, N.J. Henry PfeifEe, Colon, N.J do 32.00 679 do do 20.00 680 do .. .do 25. 00 681 do P. O'Connell, Mays Landing, N.J. W. J. Brown, Dorothy, N. J. . . do 19.00 682 do do ... do 15.00 683 H. Picatagi, Richland, N J... do 63.00 684 do John C. Cook, Mays Landing, N. J. do 6.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 267 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Not given. do.... -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. do do do do do do do do Aug. 1,1919.. July 31, 1919. July 17, 1919. do Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. do Apr. 11, 1919 Apr. 14, 1919 Apr. 11, 1919 Apr. 15, 1919 June 9, 1919. Julys, 1919. July 19, 1919 Mar. 26, 1919 July 28, 1919 Apr. 21, 1919 Aug. 1, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919. do Aug. 1,1919. Aug. 2, 1919. do July 25, 1919 Aug. 2, 1919. Aug. 1,1919. July 31, 1919 John Borise, Mays Landing, N.J. A. Tammaro, Mays Landing, N.J. Rich. Klimek, Dorothy, N. J. . . M. Gierck, Dorothy, N.J Michael Dilazzero, Minotola, N.J. Dr. V. Giacolone, Vineland, N. J. J. Jalozky , Cologne, N. J S. Baesky, Mays Landiag F. Watson, Mays Landing J. SchmJdthauser, Mays Land- ing. Britton & Herbert, Mays Land- ing. H. M. Reeves, Mays Landing. .. Peter Allen, Dorothy, N. J Owen Judge, Mays Landing P. Morlock, Mays Landing A. Freelander, Mays Landing... A. Giunto, Mays Landing Joe Baresi, Mays Landing F. Dilazzero, Minotola Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport. Botwinik Bros., New Haven, Conn. Williams & Wilson (Ltd.), Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Geo. H. Norris, Sewickley, Pa. A. G. Leake Erecting Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Broadwin Fixture Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. E. L. Essley Machine Co., Chi- cago, 111. [Canceled.] C. L. Hunt, Bridgeport, Conn... Ed. S. Pickett, Fairfield, Conn. . R. G. Milliken, Stratford, Conn.. Conn. Wrecking Co., New Ha- ven, Conn. R. G. Milliken, Stratford, Conn. , H. M. Bateman, Bridgeport, Conn. Sawders & Fulton, Pittsburgh, Pa. do The Warner Elevator M.g. Co., Cincinnati. Sturges & Bum Mfg. Co., Chi- cago. Dominion Foundries & Steel Co., Hamilton, Ontario. Goldberg Wrecking Co., Jersey City, N. J. L. Robinson, Chicago, lU [Canceled.] Vogt Bros. Mfg. Co., Louisville, Ky. Alexander Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. H. T. Paiste Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Hollander Machine Co., New York City. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Cumberland Glass Mfg. Co., Bridgeton, N. J. Fitz Water Wheel Co., Hanover, Pa. Scrap lumber. do -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. Bullard vertical turret lathes. . No. 1 Kempsmith plain mill- ers. Becker horizontal miUing ma- chine. No. 25, back-geared, with equipment. Dishes and kitchen utensils . . . Small buildings, known as test houses, approximately 12 X 12'. Oak partition belonging to Government, located at Remington Arms, Hoboken. Machine tools Pump house over concrete tanks, known as building No. 17. Forge-shop time office Gun-shop storage building at Liberty Ordnance Plant. Scrap bins, 49 x 8 x 38' Corrugated steel garage at Lib- erty Ordnance Plant. 800-gal. gasoline tank, with pump. Anthony oil burner, full pipe equipment for furnace. 16-ton power press, equipped with electric motor. No. 4 Cincinnati milling ma- chines. Rim-forming machines Pyrometers, platinum thermo- couples. Loading platform located at Hoboken plant. Used leather belting Machine tools. No. 54 Racine automatic cold saw. Machine tools .do. .do. .do. 268 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENO?. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 734 July 31, 1919 . . . . Dixon Valve & Coupling Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Miller Lock Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Jaxon Steel Products Division, 16" X 8' Oliver engine lathe. . . $425.00 735 Aug. 1, 1919 No. 5 J S. & C. bench lathe. . . . 75.00 736 Aug. 2, 1919 No. 2 Oakley universal grinder. 557.00 Jackson, Mich. 737 . ..do Jackson Cushion Spring Co., Jackson, Mich. 5" I-beams 95 55 738 . ..do . do 30 X 54" boiler or tank 60 00 739 do 1 794 02 Presbvterian Union of Cleve- niture, blankets, etc. land, Cleveland, Ohio. 740 Aug. 1,1919 Keystone Machine Co., York, Pa. Miscellaneous plumbing fix- tures, electric lights, and accessories. 200.00 741 Aug. 2, 1919 Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. Piping and fittings in Mott Wheel shell division. 26.00 742 Aug. 6, 1919 Wm. J. Oliver Mfg. Co., Knox- ville, Tenn. Fire brick 510.00 743 Aug. 5, 1919 Bridgeport Die Sinking Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Pratt & Whitney die-sinking machine. 900.00 744 July 24, 1919 Caldbeek Tool & Mfg. Co., Des Moines, Iowa. 24" back-geared shaper 525.00 745 July 25, 1919 Otis Elevator Co., Chicago, 111... Garage, miscellaneous plumb- ing material,w'indow screens, restaurant partitions, out- side stairway, etc. 1,000.00 746 May 2, 1919 Canceled. 747 May 5, 1919 Canceled. 748 May 23, 1919.... 0. G. Moore, Nashville, Tenn... Wooden shacks, small frame. . 75.00 749 Junes, 1919 do 500 00 750 June 4, 1919 Coode & Burns, Jacksonville, Wagon beds 232.10 751 June 25, 1919.... Tenn. Consolidated Iron & Metal Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Scrap cast iron, wrought-iron pipe, and cast-iron sewer pipe. Frame shack, 10 x 50'; fence 1,659.42 752 June 9, 1919 0. M. Davis, Smyrna, Tenn 78.00 wire, 6" mesh; poles, as- sorted; railroad spikes. 753 Aug. 7, 1919 Haskell & Barker Car Co. (Inc.), Michigan Citv, Ind. Riehle Bros, testing machine, 100,000-lb. capacitv. 1,094.94 754 Aug. 6, 1919 Frank S. Betz Co., Hammond, Ind. No. 8 Marvel band saw and motor, complete. 375.00 755 Aug. 5, 1919 Young Bros., Detroit, Mich AwTiings and screens for office windows and doors at Chal- kis Mfg. Co. 25.00 756 do do 30 h. p. MiUer Seldon electric motor, pullev, and starting 67.26 s\\^tch, 220-volt, 60-cycle. 757 July 29, 1919.... Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. Hand milling machine, with pillar column and overhang- 315.00 758 Aug. 4, 1919 C. Palmer, Palmyra, N. Y Toilet articles 4.50 759 Aug. 7, 1919 Aug. 4, 1919 Aug. 6, 1919 Joseph Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. Young Bros., Detroit, Mich. . . . 2,000.00 760 do 230.00 761 The Best Foundry Co., Bedford, Heavy-duty riveting hammer. 186.60 Ohio. 762 Aug. 8, 1919 Ingalls-Shepard Forging Co., Harvey, HI. 61" Bullard maxi-mill type vertical boring and turning mill motor. 8,500.00 763 Aug. 7, 1919 Standard Processing Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Gidding & Lewis lathe 770.00 764 Aug. 9, 1919 Ortmeier Machinery Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. 20" Barnes upright drill press. 110.00 765 Aug. 6, 1919 Jackson Steel Products Division, Jackson, Mich. 2" style A belt-driven centrif- ugal pump. 55.00 766 . do Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. Pulleys, line shaftings, drop hangers, etc. 3, 814. 69 767 ....do Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. 25 h. p. General Electric motor, roller-bearing boxes, and 339. 03 cast-iron hanger frames. 768 July 30, 1919.... Newsom Valve Co., St. Louis, Mo. 3-phase,60-cycle, 1,140 r. p. m., 220-volt, 30 h. p. electric mo- tor. SmaU shell conveyor trucks . . . 270.00 769 Aug. 6, 1919 Mott Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. 40.00 770 July 10, 1919 R. Hallev of Lvmbumer (Ltd.), 4" Mueller radial drill 2, 666. 69 Montreal. Quebec. 771 July 25, 1919.... Bluebird Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. 10 X 10" Curtis air compressor, double-cylinder. 675.00 772 July 26, 1919 National Tool & Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. 36" X 6' 100-lb. pressure cylin- drical air tank. 75.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 269 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Aug. 11, 1919.... Name and address of buyer. ....do ....do Aug. 6, 1919.... Aug. 11, 1919... Aug. 8, 1919.... do Aug. 11, 1919... Aug. 6, 1919.... Aug. 11, 1919... Aug. 8, 1919.... Aug. 7, 1919.... Aug. 4, 1919.... Aug. 9, 1919.... Aug. 6, 1919.... Aug. 9, 1919.... Aug. 11, 1919.... Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 9, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919.. Aug. 1,1919.. Aug. 3, 1919.. July 29, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 12,1919. do do do Aug. 9, 1919., Aug. U, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. do Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919., Aug. 5, 1919., Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 9, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919, Harry Dobrin, Term. Chattanooga, Homer P. Snyder Mfg. Co., Lit- tle Falls, N. Y. Wm. J. Oliver Mfg. Co., Knox- vllle, Tenn. A. A. Carter Hydraulic Hoist Service Co., Detroit, Mich. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. . Sparks Withington Co., Jack- son, Mich. Motor Metals Co., Detroit, Mich. Newport Co., Milwaukee, Wis. . Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. Cincinnati Corrupted Box Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh. Philadelphia Hydro Electric Co., Philadelphia, Pa. L. F. Seyfert's Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa W. E. S. Temple, Swaxthmore, Pa. Kraeuter & Co., Newark, N. J . , L. Schofleld, Philadelphia, Pa. . W. Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa... Hill Clarke Co. , Chicago, 111 O.K. Morse, Jackson, Mich Eddystone Mfg. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Gregory Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Alexander Bros Bilgram Machine Works, Phila- delphia, Pa. Hendee Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mass. Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio, Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethle- hem, Pa. J. J. Johnson, Jackson, Mich Union Steel Products Co., Al- bion, Mich. Sparks Withington Co., Jack- son, Mich. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. . Osgood Bradley Car Co., Wor- * cester, Mass. Laurel Motors Corporation, An- derson, Tnd. Savage Arms Corporation, Uti- ca, N. Y. Ne^vpo^t Chemical Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. Jackson Cushion Spring Co., Jackson. W. E. S. Temple V. M. Nussbaum & Co., Fort Wayne, Tnd. F. Fritchie, Philadelphia, Pa, O'Brien Machinery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. McHugh Electric Co., Wilming- ton, Del. H. T. Paiste & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Weil Electrical Works (Inc.), New Orleans, La. Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, 111 Article. Drill press, 14", upright, United States Machine Tool Co. Machine tools Hisey Wolf grinder, UO-volt, 60-cycle, single-phase. I beam, Ryerson, 29' long Scrap shelving, benches, and stock racks. XB-2 duplex Rand air com- pressor. Building over air compressor. , 2i' plain radial drill Sets of gears and chain Miscellaneous machine tools. . Motors, with oil switch 6" I-beams, 20' long Floor, pine, hard Machine tools Back-geared arbor press. Machine tools Vises Machine tools . Bowser oil tanks Machine tools do do Scrap lumber used for parti- tions, benches, etc. Lockers .do. Lockers, 5 x 11"; gas furnace. . Lockers Machine tools. Slab miller, Newton, 36" , Gould triplex plunger pumps, without motors. Steel tanks, 96" x 40' 6" , Bench vises , Galvanizing outfit. Machine tools Natco multiple drill, size 14. . Milling machine. No. 3 Cincin- nati. Heating machines, No. 64A . . Motors Electrical equipment. Bobbins & Myers motors. Motors Robbins & Myers motor. Westinghouse starter — Westinghouse starter, 15 h. p . Type 0-3S Chicago Duntley drill. Electrical equipment do.. Motors . Total sale price. 270 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 818 Aug. 7, 1919 Gregory Electric Co., Chicago, Riverside Foundry Co., Great Miscellaneous electrical equip- ment. 10 h. p. Wagner electric mo- S2,000.00 819 Aug. 13, 1919.... 210.00 Falls, Mont. tor, complete with General Electric compensator, over- load relay. 820 Aug. 6, 1919 Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. Ford Smith plain milling ma- chine. No. 3, arranged for belt drive. 1,575.00 821 do do Whitney hand milling ma- chiae with pillar cohimn 337. 50 and overhanglag arm com- plete. 822 Aug. 7, 1919 Hyde Engine Works (Ltd.), Montreal, Quebec. 15" slotter with standard equipment. 2,850.00 823 Aug. 9, 1919 London Rolling Mills Co. (Ltd.), London, Ontario. 75 h. p. Lancashire A. C. mo- tor, 550-volt, 3-phase, 25- cycle. 700.00 824 Aug. 7, 1919 Dome Mines Co. (Ltd.), Porcu- pine, Ontario. Can. Ingersoll Rand air com- pressor, 20 X 12 X 16". 4,375.00 825 Aug. 12, 1919.... Du Pont Engineering Co., Wil- mington, Del. Smith concrete mixer and at- tachments. Pump and gasoline engines 1,400.00 800.00 826 do Weller Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111.... No. 3 Cincinnati universal single-puUey drive milling machine complete. 1,600.00 827 Aug. 11, 1919.... Aug. 6,1919 Newport Co., Milwaukee, Wis... Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Motors 304. 00 828 No. 21 consolidated press. 175.00 Mich. R. C. R. shafting 16.61 829 Aug. 14,1919.... Jaxon Steel Products Co., Jack- son, Mich. Steel tanks, 72" long, 24" wide, 36" high, and attachments. 80.00 830 Aug. 13, 1919.... Warner Elevator Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Universal milling machine. No. 3 Kempsmith. 1,400.00 831 Aug. 14, 1919.... Quality Too] & Engine Co., De- troit, Mich. Woodward & Po^^ell medium weight planer, 36 x 36 x 12". 3,300.00 832 Aug. 12, 1919.... Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. Machine tools 1,700.00 833 Aug. 11, 1919.... Hooker Electro-Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Buildings and equipment 12,000.00 834 Aug. 13, 1919.... Oliver & Co. , Montreal, Quebec. . Elliot woodworker, 1| h. p. motor. 286.16 835 do Bureau of Standards, Depart- ment of Commerce, Washing- Motors, 15 h. p 200.00 ton, D. C. 836 Aug. 16, 1919.... [Canceled.] Moon Motor Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. Angus Hopkins, New York 837 Aug. 11, 1919.... No. 2 Oakley universal grinder. 625.00 838 Aug. 15, 1919.... 2 sections of steel shelving, 18" 50.00 X 9' X 6i 839 Aug. 14,1919.... Aug. 12, 1919.... The Hall's Safe Co., Cincinnati, 21" Weigel drill press 445. 00 840 Ohio. Diagraph Stencil Machine Cor- Gould & Eberhardt high-duty 800.00 poration, St. Louis, Mo. extension-base shaper with attachments. 841 do Diagraph Stencil Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo. 16" X 8' cone-type engine lathe with tie-bar head. 1, 400. 00 842 Aug. 13,1919.... Aug. 11, 1919.... Hayes Wheel Co. , Jackson, Mich. R. W. Wilhelm Die, Tool & Ma- Small oil drippans 20.00 843 24" Gould & Eberhardt shap- 1,000.00 chine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. er without motor. Machine tools 844 Aug. 14, 1919.... New Britain Machine Co., New 28,900.00 Britain, Conn. 845 Aug. 8, 1919 Jaxon Steel Products Division, 6 X 40' steel tanks. 900.00 Jackson, Mich. 846 Aug. 15, 1919.... Jas. Clark, jr. , Electric Co. , Lou- isville, Ky. Joseph Beal& Co., Boston, Mass. Steel shop tables, 18 x 24 x 34". 52.80 847 Aug. 18, 1919.... Aug. 7, 1919 Machine tools 4,000.00 848 Wm. Wharton, jr., & Co. (Inc.), do 415.00 Easton, Pa. 1,000-lb. electric hoists, 200- volt, D. C. Generator house, wood and corrugated iron, 24 x 16 x 11' high. Brown & Sharpe No. 10 plain 500.00 50.00 849 Aug. 5, 1919 Thomas H. Dallett Co., Phila- 1,005.00 delphia, Pa. Church Engiae Co., Philadel- grinder. 850 Aug. 16, 1919.... 150 h. p. locomotive-type boil- 1,000.00 phia, Pa. er with stack, pump, and all piping. 851 Aug. 6, 1919 K. F. Terrv, Yeadon, Pa Jh. p. Robbins & Mj^ers motor. 12.75 852 Aug. 1,1919 Hoopes & townsend Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. 1-ton cyclone hoist 20.00 Steel lockers 1,100.00 853 Aug. 9, 1919 General Utility Co., Philadel- phia. Pa. Milling attachment 21.00 Lockers 30.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 271 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 854 Aug. 11,1919.... Clip Bar Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Machine tools $170.50 American stamping press 50.00 Tempering furnaces 152. 00 856 ^Q J. W. Lathrop, Mystic, Conn.... Hooker Electro-Chemical Co., Machine tools 274.50 Aug. 8, 1919 Grinders 250. 00 856 Lot of indirect material pur- 800.00 Niagara Falls, N. Y. chased under increased facil- ilites contract. 857 Aug. 18, 1919.... Moses Ehrlich Iron & Metal Co., 7 X 35' steel oil tanlvS - 4, 050. 00 Springfield, Mass. 858 Aug. 12, 1919... - American Car & Foundry Co., St. Louis, Mo. Generator set of 200 k. w. with field rheostat for generator and motor and auto trans- former, but no switches for motor. 4,680.00 859 Aug. 18, 1919...- Standard Processing Co., Chat- tanooga, Tenn. 20" Barnes upright drill press . 112.00 860 do Kaws Tractor Mfg. Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Vises, 5y jaw, Prentiss Chain hoist, 2-ton, Cyclone 16.00 52.00 861 862 Aug. 15, 1919.... .....do.. Frank Ridlon Co. Boston, Mass. Motor rheostats 91.00 Samuelson & Brand, Brooklyn, Key sockets, shades, and shade 375.00 N. Y. holders. 863 Aug. 18, 1919.... Connecticut Metal & Chemical Co., New Britain, Conn. Steel stack, 36" diameter, 50' high. 125.00 864 Aug. 16, 1919.... General Motor Service & Truck Co. (Inc.), Bridgeport, Conn. Circuit battery chargmg switchboard, garage type. 150.00 865 Aug. 19, 1919.... Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Machine tools 4, 625. 00 866 Aug. 18, 1919... - International Silver Co., Bridge- port, Conn. No. 1 Hendey universal mill- lag machine. 1, 050. 00 867 Aug. 20, 1919.... Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich. Machine tools 150.00 Roller conveyor 386. 00 868 ..do do Machine tools 1, 030. 00 869 Aug. 18, 1919..-. Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. General Electric transformers.. 1,055.00 870 Aug. 7, 1919 E . I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. , Wilmington, Del. Maximum head space gauge for United States rifle. 16.00 871 Aug. 15, 1919.... Elizabethtown Gas Light Co., Elizabeth, N. J. Toluol recovery plant 6,150.00 872 July 26, 1919.... Tacony Steel Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Plant of the Tacony Ordnance Corporation, Tacony, Pa., with all equipment and 1,250,000.00 appurtenances. 873 Aug. 5, 1919 Kraeuter & Co., Newark, N. J-. 7-H Becker milling machine. . . Fox hand miller. No. 3i, special. 32" X 14' Boye & Emmes in- 3,600.00 360.00 874 Aug. 16, 1919.... G. F. Foss Machinery & Supply 2,450.00 Co. (Ltd.), Montreal. stantaneous W. C. C. engine lathe. Miscellaneous manufacturing 875 Aug. 4, 1919 Du Pont Engineering Co., Wil- 5,291.67 mington, Del. equipment. 876 Aug. 18, 1919.... Briscoe Motor Corporation, Jack- Ingersoll-Rand air compressor. 1 son, Mich. General Electric motor and starter. [ 3,400.00 877 Aug. 19, 1919.... Aug. 4, 1919 Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. Jos. C. Paulus & Co., Phila- Machine tools 25, 860. 00 878 Double and single belting 6,730.00 delphia, Pa. 879 Aug. 7,1919 Wm. S. Strawn, Bethlehem, Pa. 24" Bement slotters and elec- trical attachments. 17,250.00 880 Aug. 18, 1919.... Briscoe Motor Corporation, Jack- son, Mich. Complete toilet-room facil- ities shown on S-22, S-9, S-8. 4,000.00 881 do do Humphrey heater and tank 500.00 882 Aug. 4, 1919 Aug. 15, 1919..-. Du Pont Engineering Co., Wil- mington, Del. R. W. Wilhelm Die, Tool & Lumber 24, 389. 49 883 Milwaukee universal milling 2, 186. 00 Machinery Co., Pittsburgh, machine without motor Pa. installed. 884 Aug. 18, 1919.... Briscoe Motor Corporation, Jack- son, Mich. Concrete oil storage tank, pump, and motor. 2,650.00 885 Aug. 21, 1919.... Aug. 20, 1919.... Caynor Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Gq(>. W. Armstrong Co., Fort Office equipment 11.25 886 General Electric induction 400.00 Worth, Tex. motors. 887 do Mitchell Motors Co., Racine, Wis. T. Hanlan Co. (Inc.), Roches- ter, N. Y. Machine tools 18,573.75 888 Aug. 18,1919.... Tote boxes 2,275.00 889 Aug. 21, 1919.... Vacuum Oil Co., New York, N. Y. Worthington steam-driven duplex pumps. 1,050.00 S90 Aug. 20, 1919.... Winchester Repeating Arms Co. , New Haven, Conn. 500-lb. Chambersburgh single- action drop hammer. 800.00 272 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMEISTT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 16,1919.... Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 9, 1919.. Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. do Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 21,1919. Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. July 21, 1919.. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919.. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919., Aug. 5, 1919.... Aug. 16, 1919... Aug. 14, 1919... Aug. 18, 1919... Aug. 22, 1919... Aug. 25, 1919. ....do Aug. 23, 1919. do Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. do Esmond Mills, Esmond, R.I — American Tower & Tank Co., Elgin, HI. J. B.Wise (Inc.) Barrett Mfg. Co., Frankford, Pa Vacuum Oil Co., New York, N. Y. Soldiers' Civil Reestab. Inva- lided Soldiers Commission, Ottawa, Ontario. R. H. Morhouse, Palm3rra,N. Y. Standard Pattern Works, De- troit, Mich. E. R. Harding, Racine, Wis. . - . . Du Pont Engineering Co., Wil- mington, Del. Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Roman Koby, Philadelphia, Pa. Spilger Elec. Co. (Inc.), New York City, N. Y. Girard Machine & Tool Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Quincy Market, Boston, Mass. .. Girard Machine & Tool Co., Philadelphia, Pa- Cox & Sons Co., Bridgeton, N. J. Dunler-Hunes Tool Co., Dayton, Ohio. R. A. Jones & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bateman Mfg. Co., Grenlock, N.J. Joseph Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria, HI. (prime contractor). Hoboken Land & Improvement Co., Hoboken, N. J. Westmghouse Electric & Manu- facturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. prime contractor). Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Wm. Wharton, ,ir. & Co.. Easton, Pa. (prime contractor). .do. B. F. Perkins & Son (Inc.), Holyoke, Mass. Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, 111 Strasburg Tag & Novelty Co., Strasburg, Pa. New Britam Machine Co., New York City. Atwater Kent Mfg. Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Kraeuter & Co., Newark, N. J. . Augsten-Kox Co., Chicago, 111... J. Natwick & Co., Baltimore, Md, The Connecticut Metal & Chem- ical Co. Morton Machine Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. C. A. Bannister, Bridgeport, Conn. Simmons Machine Co., Albany, N. Y. United States Light & Heat Cor- poration, Niagara Falls. do Geo. T. Beitner & Sons, Bridge- port. Kaws Tractor Mfg. Co., Indi- napolis, Ind. Vaughan & Bushnell Mfg. Co., Chicago. Metropolitan Engineering Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Picker, 48", Fear Naught. 24" Queen City shaper B. D. screw macliines Monel-metal filter-press leaves General Electric FS-4 steam- flow meter. Machine tools Manufacturing equipment Shafting Laboratory equipment Office equipment Machine tools Double-deck bunks and bunk mattresses. Piping H. P. Robbins & Myers motor Conduit starting box and oil switch. Machine tools .do. .do. No. 38, 10 X 14" tempering furnace. No. 3 vertical direct-drive miller. Cinciimati cutter and tool grinder, No. 1^. 60" Epsen cold saw Hendey Miller, Lincoln type . Hendey engine lathes . . Barracks and buildings . Iron fence Manufacturing equipment . Surface grinder Worthineton pump, 200-gall., 20 X 5 X 18. Common brick, frame of wood, and corregated iron, used to cover accumulator. Furnace hoods, 5x9x8 36" fan complete Machine tools . do Chucking machines and 6- spindle automatics. Chucks and grinding fixture. .. Maple forge boards Machine tools Manufacturing equipment . 10,200-gal. fuel-oil tanks. . . Machine tools and miscellane- ous manufacturing equip- ment. 3-cell storage battery Bullard B. D. turret lathe. Steel tanks, 48 x 132 x 24". Belting Vitroware toilet. Chain hoist, 1-ton, Chishohm Moore Mfg. Co. Greenfield tool grinding ma- chine. Heating and lighting system. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 273 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 18, 1919... Aug. 23, 1919... Aug. 26, 1919... do Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. June 30, 1919 . Aug. 23, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. 26,1919. 28, 1919. 26,1919. 27, 1919. 26, 1919. 25, 1919. 26, 1919. 27, 1919. 26,1919. Aug. 28, 1919.... Aug. 27, 1919 . Aug. 28, 1919. .....do do Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919 . Aug. 23, 1919 . Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919. Aug. 23,1919. Aug. 18,1919. Aug. 29,1919. do Aug. 26,1919.. Aug. 30,1919.. Aug. 29,1919.. do Moses Ehrlich Iron & Metal Co., New Britain, Conn. H. K. Porter Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. M. S. Little Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. White Truck Sales Co., Dayton, Ohio. Joseph Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. Hill Clark & Co., Chicago, 111.... Locomobile Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Harry S. Heggy, Bridgeport, Coim. Duriron Casting Co., Dayton, Ohio. Lieut. Levine, Philadelphia, Pa H. T. Paiste Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Indiana & Michigan Electric Co., South Bend, Ind. Hartman Co., Erankford, Phila- delphia, Pa. The Lamson Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The Williams Lumber Co., Fay- etteville, Term. Morey & Co. (Inc.), New York, N. Y. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass... A. Greenbaum, New York City, N. Y. Wm. Dulaney, Westville, N. J.. R. Scheinert Co., Philadelphia, Pa. United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., Burlington, N. J. Morey & Co. (Inc.), formerly Ma- chinery Merchants, New York City. H. L. Winterer, Philadelphia, Pa Hill, Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111.. Williams Lumber Co., Fayette- ville, Tenn. Whitaker-Glessner, Portsmouth, Ohio. The Forbes & Todd Co., Hamil- ton, Ohio. Briscoe Motor Corporation, Jack- son, Mich. Westinghouse Electric & Man- ufacturing Co., East Pitts- burgh, Pa. Williams & Wilson (Ltd.), Mon- treal, Quebec. Gait Machine Screw Co., Gait, Ontario. W. O. Sims, New Haven, Conn. Lincoln Machine Co., Pawtucket, R.I. John Wood Mfg. Co., Conshohoc- ken. Pa. Brownell Machine Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Wood Bros., Chicago, III The Brownell Co., Dayton, Ohio. O. Armleder Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. BettendorfCo., Bettendorf,Iowa. O. Armleder Co., Cincinnati,Ohio A.L.Ide & Sons, Springfield, 111. Riveted steel fuel-oil tank, 8' diameter, 35' long, 12,000-gal. Advance lathe, 24'"' x 8' Bliss No. 19 fly-wheel press . . . Vises and miscellaneous manu- facturing equipment. I'M" cold-rolled steel shafting.. Machine tools (B. & S. milling machines). Whitney hand miller. No. 6... 30 X 48" bench surface plate . . . Railroad siding, standard- gauge, 80-lb. rails. Cheek protectograph No. 4 Warner & Swasey hand screw machine. 10,000 k. V,'. General Electric turbo-generator unit and Wheeler surface condenser. Cast-ironwater-gauge cocks for I" gauge glasses, complete with pet cocks and iron knives 44" long. Lamson propulsion baskets, lines and parcel lifts. Shaft, steel, 2f|" diameter 16' long. Cleveland planer, with motor . Belting, single and double ply. Bench lathes. No. 5J S. & 0... Van Dom electric drill . Electrical equipment... Machine tools do .do. .do. Pump, Worthington, duplex, steam driven. Traveling-crane girders Drawing tables, 4 x 3 x 2' 9" . General Electrical motors No. 33 New Britain chucking machine. Whitney hand milling ma- chine. No. 2, 2i model A automatic machine. Hendey engine lathes New Britain automatic ma- chine. If x 7". Iron-ore ballast No. 4 Dayton swedging ma- chine. Whitcomb & Blaisdell lathe... No. 4 Cincinnati milling ma- chine. No. 3 universal milling ma- chine. Cast-iron bench legs Machine tools Press, power tire, hydraulic, 150-ton. Whitcomb & Blaisdell engine lathe, 20" X 12'. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- 18 274 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEE^T. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 27,1919. Aug. 25,1919. Aug. 30,1919. do Aug. 28, 1919 do do do Sept. 3,1919.. Aug. 20,1919. Aug. 22,1919. Aug. 28,1919. Aug. 19,1919. Aug. 27,1919. Sept. 2,1919.. Aug. 20,1919. do Aug. 27,1919. Aug. 28,1919. Sept. 3,1919.. Aug. 20,1919. Aug. 25,1919. Aug. 26,1919. Sept. 2,1919.. do Aug. 16,1919. Aug. 30,1919. Sept. 2,1919.. Aug. 29, 1919 Sept. 3,1919.. Aug. 29,1919. Aug. 30,1919. Sept. 3,1919.. Sept. 2,1919.. July 24, 1919.. Aug. 28,1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 3,1919.. Sept. 2,1919.. Cahill Iron Works, Chattanooga, Term. Modern Pattern & MachineCo., Detroit. McCormick MacMne Co., Mon- treal, Quebec. The Bond Oil Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hill Bros. Marble & Granite Co., Dalton, Ga. DuPont Engine Co., Wilming- ton, Del. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. J. KelLman, Bridgeport, Conn Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. Cal. Hirsh & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. Brooks Machine Co., York, Pa... Lieut. Edward J. DeMars, Ra- cine, Wis. Blankenship & McClelland Co., Charlotte, N. C. [Canceled.] Mott Wheel Works, Jackson, Mich. Duriron Castings Co., Dayton, Ohio. Capt. O. A. Reed, Washington, D.C. do Cable-Draper Co., Detroit, Mich David Kaufman & Sons, Eliza- bethport, N.J. Peters Cartridge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Atwater Kent Mfg. Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Quillman HardwareCo., Norris- town, Pa. C. W. Wilby, Philadelphia, Pa.. Crawford-Vaughn Boiler & Lo- comotive Works, Birmingham, Ala. do L. A. Cox, Philadelphia, Pa F. Howard Mason, 95 Liberty St., New York City. Briscoe Motor Corporation, Jack- son, Mich. N. S. Houghton, Toronto, On- tario. Wm. W. Strawn, Bethlehem,Pa. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y. S. A. Woods Machine Co., Bos- ton, Mass. American & British Mfg. Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Briggs & Turivas, Chicago, 111. . . McKiernan-Terry Drill Co., Dover, N.J. E. D. Clapp Mfg. Co., Auburn, N.Y. Osgood-Bradley Car Co., Wor- cester, Mass. National Spun Silk Co., New Bedford, Mass. Anti-Tuberculosis League, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Truck, hand elevating, 4 wheels. No. 2 Blount grinder with countershaft. 51" Bertram boring and turn- ing mill. Tank, oil storage, steel, cylin- drical, 6' diameter, 24' long. Compressors, vertical, 2-cylin- ders, model A, 6 x 6. Lumber, new; lumber, second- hand. Machine tools Crimping and bending ma- chine, beading machine. 23" drill press, Milwaukee 24" shaper. Beds for 10" Myers lathes Machine tools and equipment . Scrap bronze, steel, cast-iron, and set screws. Building No. 110, 24 x 32', 10' high— field office. Austin No. 00 trenching ma- chine. Scrap iron piping Mower; Deering plow, wood- beam, steel point; core racks; and trucks. No. 2 Morse grinder 5 X 18" Ott grinder 12 X 15 X 60" Dmand type, 5-compartment, steel locker. Burnt -out motors; transform- ers. Fmniture and office equipment Machine tools and accessories.. Machine tools Scrap belting, lot No. 2, in va- rious ^^•idths. Lathe, engine, 24" x 10' double back gear. Chuck, 4-jaw, 18" diameter — 14" Rockford single spindle drill. 8,000 gallon horizontal storage tanks. K.V. A. special transformer. .., Furniture and office equipment 19"xl0' LeBlond engine lathe, chuck plate. Leather belting (short lengths) Turret lathe, Warner & Swasey. 12ihp., 230-volt, 1,200 r. p.m., 1). C. motor. Lockers, steel, 12x15 Small tools Special gauges, tools, dies, and fixtures. Lumber used for hanging line and countershaft. Bolts and nuts used for above. . Universal winding machine . . . Water pump, with piping and casing. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 275 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 2, 1919. Sept. 3,1919.. Aug. 18^1919. Aug. 30,1919. Sept. 3,1919.. Sept. 5,1919.. do do .do. July 31, 1919. Sept. 2,1919. do do Sept. 6,1919. Aug. 21,1919. Sept. 4,1919.. Sept. 5,1919.. Sept. 4,1919.. Sept. 6,1919.. Sept. 5,1919.. Sept. 6,1919.. Aug. 29,1919. Aug. 26,1919. Sept. 2,1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 20,1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 5, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919.. do Aug. 14, 1919. Sept. 8, 1919.. Sept. 5, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919. Sept, 8, 1919. do do Sparks-WithingtonCo., Jackson, Mich. Robbins, Gamwell & Co., Pitts- fleld, Mass. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Remington Typewriter Co., lUon, N. Y. Hydraulic Hoist Service Co., Detroit, Mich. Nonatuck Silk Co., New York, N.Y. Wm.Ryle & Co., New York, N.Y. Sidney Blumenthal & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Metropolitan Engine Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Scullin Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. . Herring-Hall-Marvia Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y. Mohawk Automatic Fish Reel Co., Ilion. WilUam M. Strawn, Bethlehem, Pa. Barrett Adding Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Geo. L. Schofield, Philadelphia, Pa. Garden City Plating Co., Chi- cago, 111. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass Fisk Rubber Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. William M. Strawn, Bethlehem, Pa. Harrv Dobrui, Chattanooga, Tenn. A. McCullern, St. Louis, Mo .do. .do. W. F. Robertson Iron & Steel Co., Cincinnati. John H. Hall & Sons (Ltd.), Brantford, Ontario. O'Brien Machine Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Hess & Barker, Philadelphia, Pa. Campbell Fibre Co., Stanton, Del. Kraeuter & Co. (Inc.), Newark, N.J. G. L. Scofleld, Philadelphia, Pa. Kraeuter & Co. (Inc.), Newark, N.J. Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa. Baker Tow Boat Co., Tusca- loosa, Ala. Peerless Light Co., Chicago. 111. . Millers Falls Co., Millers Falls, Mass. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass Acme Wire Co., New Haven, Conn. Washington Gas Light Co., Washington, D. C. Michigan Crown Fender Co., Ypsilanti, Mich. Bullard Machine & Tool Co., Bridgeport. Piping and fittings on air and fuel oil line at plant of pur- chaser. 18" X 8' Hendey cone-drive lathe. Motors and electrical equip- ment. Machine tools Cyclone chain hoist, 1-ton ca- pacity. Universal winding machine . . . do do Fearnaught picker Waterbury Farrel 40" gang slitter. Double-tier lockers Hoist, 1-ton, quick-speed; trol- ley, 1-ton. Machine tools do No. 4 Cincinnati Miller, plain cone-driven, h. p., with coun- tershaft. Bench legs. Including angle bracket. 22" X 10' Putnam engine lathe; Whiten centering machine. Acme auto screw machine, No. 52, with collets, feed fingers, single belt, and pulley. Machine tools Garvin speed lathe, 12" x 4' Engine lathe, 14 x 6, including countershaft, steady rest, etc. Boiler, gas-fired, 10 h. p Shipping covers for 155 mm. containers. Acme special box strappings (packed in barrels). No. 6 cutting-ofE machines . . . . Machine tools 100' bench ; bench legs 24' of bench.bench legs, pigeon holes, cabinet. New Britain pressed steel bench legs. No. IJ Brown & Sharpe uni- versal milling machine. 12", Pratt & Whitney, auto- matic Lincoln-type, millers. Lockers Towboat, steam, stem-wheel, 25', 75" 2' engine; 4 barges, wooden. Machine tools Hendey universal milling ma- chine with oil pump and tank pipes. 14" x 6' Hendey engine lathe. . 15 h. p., 230-volt, Robbins & Meyer d. c. motor. Complete toluol recovery plant located at 12th and N Sts. SE., Washington. No. 2J Milwaukee vertical miller. Vises 276 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMEI^T. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 6, 1919... Sept. 8, 1919... do do do Sept. 6,1919... do Sept. 8, 1919... do Sept. 10, 1919.. do do do Sept. 9, 1919... Sept. 8, 1919... do Sept. 11, 1919- . Sept. 9, 1919... Sept. 11, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919... Sept. 9, 1919... Sept. 4, 1919... Aug. 30, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919... Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 8, 1911.. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919. Sept. 5, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. do Sept. 11, 1919. do Sept. 8, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. do do do Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. do Oct. 16, 1919.. do Oct. 20, 1919. Wm. Wharton, jr., Co., Easton, Pa. Gregory Electric Co., Chicago, HI. A. H. Fox Gun Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Savage Arms Corporation, Utica, N. Y. Connecticut Metal & Chemical Co., New Britain, Conn. C. Cowles & Co., New Haven, Coim. Wm. Wharton, jr., Co., Easton, Pa. Independent Bridge Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Gisholt Machine Co., Madison, Wis. American Die Moulded Cast- ings Co., Chicago. Wisconsin Zinc Co., PlattevlUe, Wis. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass Hill, Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. . Coolbaugh & Gledhill, Phila- delphia, Pa. Morse Dry Dock & Repa r Co., Brooklyn. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. Hess Machine Works, Phila- delphia, Pa. Fred C. Amer, Buffalo, N. Y. . . . Scullin Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. . do ~ Caswell-Runyan Co., Hunting- ton, Ind. Federal Shipbuilding Co., Kear- ney, N. J. Bureau of Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. L. Robinson, Chicago, 111 , Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Vaughan & Bushnell Mfg. Co., Chicago. Independent Warehouses (Inc.), Hoboken, N. J. Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111 do do Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. Timken-Detroit Axle Co., De- troit, Mich. International Harvester Co., Chicago, 111. Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111 .do. .do. Hughes White Truck Sales Co., Dayton, Ohio. Wm. M. Strawn, Bethlehem, Pa Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. . . M. P. Ryder, Westfleld, Mass.. Cooper-Hewitt Electric Co., Hol^ken, N. J. C. Cowles & Co., New Haven, Conn i gallon force-feed lubricators. . [Canceled.] [Canceled.] [Cancelled.] 50 h. p., 440-volt, Westing- house electric motors. Machine tools and manufac- tiutag equipment. Pratt & Whitney B. D. pro- filLng machine, 3-spindle. Diamond No. 5 grinding ma- chine. Steel stools Shock valves 1" V. D. Empire oil meters. . , 21" Gisholt turret lathe , Smith & Mills 16" shaper, 50 h. p. motor. Machine tools .do. .do. 150-h. p. Westinghouse motor and base. 60" metal saw with inserted teeth, stand, and gauges. No. 01126 bullet grooving shaker plates. Pratt & Whitney vertical surface grinding machine. Tablet machines, rotary, high- speed. Mississippi River sand Concrete gravel De Vilbiss Mlg. Co. paint- spraying equipment with all attachments. Worthington steam-driven du- plex pumps, 7J X 7J X 10". Swedish Alpha Brinell har- ness-testing machine. Balata belting Leather belting Rubber belting Machine tool accessories Racine K. P. hack saw. No. 2 surface grinder & chuck. Complete lighting system lo- cated in building F on prop- erty Hoboken Land & Im- provement Co. No. 2 Blount tool grinder Machine tools Miscellaneous shop equipment 24" X 6' Powell planer, high- speed. No. 4 Brown & Sharp miller, Norton grinder. Machine tools Lathe, quick-change gear, heavy duty, 17" x 10'. No. 2 Cincinnati universal milling machine. No. 3 Cincinnati milling ma- chine. Window screen 26" Libby turret lathe with countershaft, etc. Gray planer, 36" x 26" x 10'. . Machine tools Automatic screw machine Motors, steel pulleys, leather belting, and miscellaneous equipment. $90.00 650.00 470.00 1,500.00 22.50 56.25 94.00 50.00 37,500.00 1,000.00 162. 50 1,640.00 2, 680. 00 1, 440. 00 375.00 4.60 1,170.00 1,100.00 17.00 17.00 200.00 2,450.00 200.00 38.50 2,67L97 100. 00 22L00 557.50 600.00 56.00 4,02L00 1, 480. 50 2,100.00 4,923. 00 3,360.00 923.00 1,522.00 1,548.00 2.50 3,200.00 1, 600. 00 1,100.00 800.00 1,586.09 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMElsrT. 277 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 14,1919.. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 16,1919.. do Sept. 23, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 24, 1919.. do Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 2,1919... Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... Sept. 17, 1919. Oct.24, 1919.. Oct. 18, 1919.. Sept. 6, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919.. do Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 27, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 27, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.., Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 25, 1919.. Oct. 18, 1919.. Sept. 12, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. Oct. 25, 1919.. Oct. 21, 1919.. Oct. 25, 1919.. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit. The Greist Mfg. Co., New Haven Conn. American Tap & Die Co., Greenfield, Mass. Curtiss & Curtiss Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Robert Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. Pitt Engineering Co., Chicago, 111. Duriron Castings Co., Dayton, Ohio. Anti-Tuberculosis League, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. do Detroit Pressed Steel Co., Detroit. .do. Moline Plow Co., Moline, III do , G. O. Fendrich, Dunlap,Nebr., Grassy Sprain Co., New York City. Cleghorn Storage Battery Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Bird & Son, Philadelphia, Pa.. Grover C. Smith, Canton, Ohio McCormack Machine Co., Mon- treal, Quebec. L. S. Miller, Cincinnati, Ohio . . Gas Oil Stove Co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., Detroit. ....do Oct. 22, 1919. American Lead Pencil Co., Hoboken,N. J. The Bridgeport Metal Treating & Macii. Co., Bridgeport Guardian Realty Co., Toronto, Ontario. Hydro Electric Power Com., Toronto, Ontario. East St. Louis Castings Co., East St. Louis. Wollensack Optical Co., Roch- ester, N. Y. Frank Briggs, Folcroft,Pa B. A. W. Waderlon, Detroit, Mich. New England Drawn Steel Co., Mansfield, Mass. Parks Ball Bearing Machine Co., Cuicinnati, Ohio. Sam. T. Freeman & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. E. A. White, Seaford, Va Lincoln Iron Works, Rutland, Vt. H. C. Dodge (Inc.), Boston, Mass. Southern Clay Mfg. Co., Chatta- nooga. Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport. North American Motors Co., Pottstown, Pa. A. J. O'Reilly, Worcester, Mass. The Barrett Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Wm. V. Hill, Washington, D. C. Lapointe No. 2 broaching machine. No. 2 Brown & Sharpe grinder . Greenard arbor press with stand. Niles, Bement & Pond planer. . 34' ' Barnes drill press Cleveland milling machine, No. 2. Melting furnaces with stacks.. Doors, screen; doors, wood Frame pump house, 18 x 18'. . . Transformers, gastank, pump, and miscellaneous equip- ment. All wires, switches, cables, etc., in main factory and office building, Detroit Shell Co. 12 X 72 Norton piain grinder. . . Machine tools Gray wide-drum tractor do Grinder, floor . Putnam lathe, 22" x 18' , Lathe, Le Blonde, 19" x 8', saw, Atkins No. 7. Machine tools .do. .do. Leather belting , 20" X 10' Le Blonde lathe, 16" double grinder stand. Six-wheel trucks, with pipe handles. No. 96 American gas high- speed furnace. Heavy cord fabric linoleum briefcase. Swedish General Electric motor, 80 h. p. 15 h. p. motors Electric motor, 10 h. p. J h. p. motor.. Machine tools . Swedln^ machine, with rack- and-pmion feeds. Warner & Swasey No. 2 screw machine. Machine tools Freight boat Rubbing bed outfit . Common radial drill. Barnes 26" drill press, upright power feed. General Electric motor Beaver die stock. Kompak water heaters Oxweld welding torch, port- able truck for oxygen and acetylene cylinders. Transits, type, buff and buff, precision, 1 C. 278 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTiNIENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 27, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919.. do Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. Oct. 28, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 22, 1919.. Sept. 15, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919.. Oct. 4, 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 2S, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919. .do. .do. do do Oct. 21,1919.. Oct. 11, 1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. Oct. 28,1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919.. do Sept. 29, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. - Oct. 2S. 1919.. Oct. 24, 1919.. Oct. 28, 1919 . Oct. 29, 1919 . IISO Oct. 27,1919.. Oct. 29.1919.. Oct. 22,1919.. Oct. 28, 1919. . Oct. 24,1919.. Oct. 30,1919.. Sept. 15,1919. Oct. 17,1919.. Oct. 8,1919... Oct. 28,1919.. A. Werby & Co., Boston, Mass. . H. M. Dinsmore, Baltimore, Md. Swift McNutt Co., Boston, Mass. Boston Consolidated Gas Co., Boston. National Blank Book Co., Hol- yoke. Mass. Cliippewa Foimdry & Machine Co.. CMppewa Falls, "Wis. T. AV. Brown Jl: Bro., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conii. Steuier Bros., Lima, Ohio ■Westinshouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittslnngh, Pa. David Braim, Pittsburgh, Pa... Mosler Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. O. W. Mott, Jackson, Mich Machinery Sales Corporation, Cliicaso. Ehzabeth Costello, Green Har- bor, Mass. A. Wexby & Co., Boston, Mass. . Vacuum Oil Co., New York City. .do. .do. .do. .do. Perry, Buxton, Doane Co., South Boston, Mass. Adams, Evans & Co., New York City. C. R. Campbell, Ne\rtown, Oliio. Wm. Wiener, Moimt Carmel, Ohio. A. F. Gomien,Ne^vtown, Ohio. . Puplan Silk Corporation, New York City. D. AY. Graves, Waltham, Mass.. Beacon Mfg. Co., Providence, R.L Walter A. Zelnicker Co., St. Loius, Mo. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass — National Blank BookCo.,Holy- oke, Mass. Landers, Frary it Clark, New Britain, Conn. Crown Cork & Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. Du Pont Motor Co., AVilmins;- ton, Del. Morev & Co. (Inc.). New York CitV. do Rockwood Sprinkler Co., Wor- cester, Mass. Various buyers, Jackson, Mich. . Mallory Macliine Corporation, Baltimore, Md. Cro'^Ti Cork it Seal Co., Balti- more, Md. MetropoUtan Ensoneering Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. International Harvester Co., Akron, Ohio. J. Nuttall, Philadelphia, Pa 40 h. p., 550-volt, General Elec- tric motor. Miscellaneous equipment Entire plant of toluol recovery plant. Providence. Entire plant oi'toluolrecovery plant, Boston. No. 19 Bhss flywheel press Shaper, Gould & Eberhardt.. Engine lathe, 24" x 10' 21" Hoefer 1-spindle press. Motor, 15 h. p Switchboard panel drill Steel queucliing tanks Tote pans, ll x22x6 Miscellaneous sizes andleugths of used piping. Locomotive crane Cypress chairs Motor, 25 b. p., 220-volt, 60- cycle. Steam-driven duplex pumps, duplex horizontal' steam pumps. do Duplex horizontal steam pumps. do NatioualTransitsteampimips. 20,00*.% 10,000, and 5,000 gal. horizontal steel tanks. Drafting boards Latrine, frame, temporary — Superintendent's oflice, steel. Latrines, frame, temporary... Silk-twist tester No. 2 Atlas shredding ma- chine. Fearnaught picker, with Bramwell feed. No. 2 straight-sided double- crank presses. No. H B. & S. milling machine. Hendey 16" x 6' engine lathe. . Machine tools .do. do N. B. bench legs. Steel stools Machine tools No. 3 plain Kempsmith miUmg machine. Turret lathe complete Scrap lumber sold as kindling. . SO h. p. locomotive-type boiler. Tool house, temporary build- ing. Electrical connections to weld- ing machine. Euboil belting 48" extractors, iron and steel baskets. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 279 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 29,1919. do Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 10,1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 29,1919. Oct. 21, 1919. Oct. 23,1919. Oct. 20, 1919. do do Oct. 17,1919. Oct. 24,1919. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 20,1919. Oct. 11,1919. do Oct. 14,1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 30,1919. Oct. 31, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919.. do Nov. 1,1919. Oct. 24, 1919. do Oct. 21,1919. do Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919.- Oct. 30,1919. Oct. 20,1919. Oct. 31,1919. Nov. 1, 1919. do Oct. 28, 1919. Nov. 1, 1919. Oct. 10,1919. Oct. 18,1919. do Nov. 1, 1919. Oct. 31,1919. do Oct. 24,1919. Oct. 30,1919. Oct. 29, 1919. Oct. 28,1919. Oct. 31,1919. E. B. McYlone, Chattanooga, Tenn. do Magoi' Car Corporation, Passaic, N .7. Haj'BS Wheel Co., Jackson, Mioh. Fisher Auto Top Co., Norwalk, Ohio. The Sharpless Separator Co., West Chester, Pa. Neibling Markstein Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich . A. J. Wright, Brunswick, Ga do North Cincinnati Gymnasium, Plainville, Ohio. Jessie R. Flmt, Cincinnati, Ohio. H. W. Haman, Cincinnati, Ohio . Frank Hopper, Ancor, Ohio Adolph Broetuler, Cincinnati, Ohio. I. N. Young, Scituate, Mass W. L. Bicknell, Rockland, Mass. John Stonefield, Scituate, Mass., C. H. Haywood, Scituate, Mass . . H. A. Gardener, Hanover, Mass . , A. Feola, Scituate, Mass , O'Brien Machine Co., Pluladel- phia, Pa. Maxwell Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Antipitsky Metal Co., Toronto, Ontario. do , L. F. Soyferts Sons (Inc.), Phila- delphia, Pa. General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. American Specialty Co., Bridge- port. Royal Typewriter Co., Hartford, CJonn. Auto Machine & Manufacturing Co., Miami, Fla. Bartlett Hayward Co., Balti- more, Md. Agent, Commission of Fisheries, Seattle, Wash. The WaLsh-Weidner Boiler Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. American Silk Spinning Corpora- tion, New York City. Century Machine Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Jos. Chancy, Milford, Ohio , Chas. Kremer, Newtown, Ohio.. Geo. Wentz, Newtown, Ohio N. Hahn, Newtown, Ohio Walter A. Hale, East Alton, lU. . East Western Cartridge Co Alton, 111. Mr. Wall, St. Louls, Mo H. Marrioett Welch, Boston, Mass. Lieut. Kirlipatrick, Scituate, Mass. Waterbury Sand & Gravel Co., Waterbury, Conn. Hart & Hegeman Manufacturing Co., Hartford, Conn. Morey & Co., New York City. - . M. P. Brundige Co., Boston, Mass H. Emorman & Co., Chicago.IU. Weaver Bronze Bushing Co., Logansport, Ind. Poole 22" X 8' lathe 3-jaw imiversal lathe chuck, 20". IngersoU-Rand air compressor . No. 4 belt-driven thread miller. Chairs Electric motor, 2 h. p. 50 h. p. motor 36" X 6' air tank. Sand do , Wall board , .do. .do. Kindling wood Sewer pipe, 6", seconds, ells, and skeleton kitchen cases. Lumber, scrap ; do do do !]"!do!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!l!""" Ingersoll Rand No. 10 Imperial air compressor. No. 6 Warner & Swasey screw machine. Lathes, 60-90 per cent com- plete. Lathes, 15-99 per cent complete Carlton radial drills Lathe, 3J x 60" No. 1 imiversal coiler. 2-spindle drill press, 6-spindle drill press. No. 5 Armstrong Blum high- speed saw. Landis plain grinder Gray, wide tractor, spare parts . Wash trays, galvanized-iron, 2 X 25' X 9" deep. Drier silk waste Tote pans Lumber, storage, frame house, 20 X 14'. Temporary latrme, frame, 14x7'x4". do do Form lumber, saw horses, and ladders. Common brick Tarpaulin , 20 x 20, used Wardrobes, bookcases, and cypress chairs. Wicker chairs with cushions. . Bentwood chairs, birch Bliss No. 19 fly-wheel press. Bliss No. 16 press , Machine tools Small tools, accessories, and miscellaneous equipment. Scrap beams, angles, etc 5-sp indie Hay den J" collets. . . 280 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 30, 1919 do do do do Oct. 31,1919. do Oct. 29,1919. Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 31,1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 29, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919. ....do Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 31, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919.. Oct. 22, 1919.. Oct. 30, 1919.. Nov. 3, 1919.. do Oct. 31,1919.. do do Nov. 3, 1919. Nov. 4, 1919. do do do Oct. 31, 1919. Oct. 28, 1919. Nov. 4, 1919. ....do Nov. 3, 1919. do Nov. 4, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. do .do. .do. Nov. C, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. Nov. 7, 1919. Nov. 4, 1919. Oct. 3,1919.. Nov. 4, 1919. Nov. 6, 1919. Kropp Forge Co., Chicago, III. .. J. O. Tavlor, Chicago, 111 Scully-Jones & Co., Chicago, 111.. Becker Machine Co., Quincy, 111. E.J. BUsh, Chicago, 111 Cartwright-Cutter Co., Chicago, 111. Mitchell Motor Car Co., Racine, Wis. American Pin Co., Waterville, Conn. Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. Letz ^Manufacturing Co., Crown Point, Ind. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Humbole Oil & Mfg. Co., Hous- ton. Tex. Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. Greenfield Tap & Die Corpora- tion, Greenfield, Mass. do HiU, Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. . Bullard Machine Tool Co., Bridgeport, Conn. J. S. Humbert, 114 Liberty St., New York. Hoboken Land & Improvement Co., Hoboken, N. J. F.lmwood Refining Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. H. G. Shepherd, Newtown, Ohio R. H. Powell, Newtown, Ohio. . Scully Jones Co., Chicago, III Fred W. Bro%vn, Cincinnati, Ohio. J. A.. Lee, GiencOe, ICy Sol. WiUiams, Plaul^•ille, Ohio.. Mr. Williams, Newtown, Ohio. . M. AViemer, Moimt Carmel, Ohio Robert Armstrong, Milford, Ohio D wight Mfg. Co., Alabama City, Ala. Joseph Joseph & Bros., Chicago Heights, 111. L. Compton, Rochester, N. Y. . . Edna Brass Mfg. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. do Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Jos. Weisner, 277 Broadway, New York. Pittsburg, Shawmut & North- ern Railway Co., St. Marys, Pa. Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, lU Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Chicago Heights, 111. C. S. Gordon Co., Chicago, HI... National Belting A- Salvage Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Sloan ct Chace Mfg. Co., New- ark, N. J. Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria, III LeBlonde engine lathe Superior engine lathe Sullivan air compressor Superior engine lathe Peerless motor-di'iven hack saw No. 4 Toledo punch press IS" Libby, style A, with coim- tershaft and equipment. No. 12 hydrauhc marking ma- chine. B. & S. automatic screw ma- chine. Wet tool grinder Machine tools. No. 107 cutting and threading machine. Drop hammers, model D Machine tools. .do. Hendley universal milling ma- chine. Batterv-charging switch- board; Pyrene fire extin- guishers; chemical engines. J-ton Yale & Towne triplex block; 1-ton triplex block. Wire fence, posts, and gate Manure; dead horse Latrines, temporary, frame 14' X 7' X 4". Latrine, temporary, frame 75 h. p. motor ". Vise, Fulton, 3^" jaw Window sash, Wight glass Frame stable building, 250 x 44'. Latrine, temporary, frame do do. Westinghouse motor-driven centrifugal pump. Tipples (parts of furnaces) Motor, 2h. p 50 h. p. electric motor. Air compressor Peerless power hack saw. 36" Defiance band saw. 30 x30"x 10' planer.... LeBlond engine lathe. . Pratt & Whitney lathe. Shore seleroscope. . Burmaline belting. Wolverine Supply & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh . Joseph Weisner, New York, N. Y Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Pennsylvania Collapsible Tube Co.,'WilUamsport, Pa. Fairfield Engine Co., Lancaster, Ohio. 7J h.p. motor; various sizes of belting; Hyatt frames and boxes. Fitchburg low-swing special engine lathe. No. 16 Bliss presses .do. No. 2 B. & S. aut screw ma- chine. WeUs universal tool grinder. . Peerless hack saw. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT, 281 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Nov. 6, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. Nov. 6, 1919. do Nov. 5, 1919. do Nov. 8, 1919. do Nov. 6, 1919. Nov. 4, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. Nov. 3, 1919. ....do do Nov. 6, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. Nov. 4, 1919.. Nov. 5, 1919.. do........ Nov. 4, 1919.. Nov. 6, 1919.. Nov. 5, 1919. . Oct. 22, 1919.. Oct. 30, 1919.. Oct. 28, 1919.. Oct. 14, 1919.. Aug. 21, 1919. do do do Aug. 29, 1919. do do Aug. 21, 1919. do .do. July 12, 1919.. Oct. 18, 1919.-. Aug. 11, 1919. do Aug. 15, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. ■ ---.do -.do... .do. .do. Pittsburg, Shawmut & North- ern R. R. Co. M. R. Moran, Cincuuiati, Ohio. . Albert Day, iSTewtown, Ohio Cbas. Courter, Tebasco, Ohio. . . D. Bauman, Milford, Ohio H. G. Shepherd, Newtown, Ohio W. G. Bachus, Newtown, Ohio. W. Bauman, Milford, Ohio American Mfg. Co., Chattanoo- ga, Tenn. Rajah Auto Supply Co., Bloom- field, N. J. Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Chicago. Wamsutta Mills, New Bedford, Mass. do St. Louis Car Co., St. Louis. Mo. O'Brien Machinery Co., Pnila- delphia. Pa. Southwark Foundry Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. M. P. Brundidge Co., Boston, Mass. Lutz Co. (Inc.), Philadelphia, Pa. Louisiana Lumber Co., Cairo, 111. St. Louis Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. The Kauflman Metal Parts Co., Bellefontaine, Ohio. A..merican Tower & Tank Co., Elgin, 111. Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. do .do. Power Equipment & Supply Co., Montreal. LlucoIq Memorial University, Harrowgate, Tenn. R. M. Mills, bookstore, Nash- ville, Term. Public schools. Battle Creek, Mich. Wilson Bookstore, Paducah, Ky. Board of education, Birming- ham, Ala. Summer Training School, Gal- latin, Tenn. W. Lee Harris, Lebanon, Tenn. B. K. Hibbett, Nashville, Tenn. Board of education, Birming- ham, Ala. Barnes & Noble, New York, N. Y. The Wehrle Co., Newark, Ohio. Duckworth Chaia Co., Spring- field , Mass. K. Kaufman, Philadelphia, Pa.. Weder Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. B. S. McFall, Philadelphia, Pa. . . Moline Plow Co., Moliae, 111 do.... Duckworth Chain & Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mass. .do. .do. Machine tools. Hay shed, frame Latrine buildings, frame do do do do do No. 4 Trahem geared pump, 12"-face dial clock. Bench grinder, B. & S Flather lathe. 50 h. p. Westinghouse electric motor. 75 h. p. Westinghouse electric motor. 5 h. p. motors Steel air receiver; 20" leather belt, 35' long. 7" X 7' accumulator; 15-gal. pump; horzontal Shall press. Machine tools; office furniture; micrometers. Machine tools 4 h. p. 10" transveyor Clapper blocks and holders... 10 h. p. motor; 15 h. p. motor. . Chain conveyor, 52' center, with all parts. Oesterlein milling machine American engine lathe 16" Rae shapers 18" Bliss presses with driving pulley. 20" excelsior upright drill Centrifugal pump, 4" suction, 3" discharge. Palmer's Method of Business Writing. Schoolbooks School scissors. Language books and water colors. Green composition blackboard .do. do Water colors Miscellaneuos schoolbooks, supplies, and equipment. Schoolbooks Cement Steel tanks, 48 x 24 x 132'' New Britain bench legs, Fair- banks scale. Bench, bench legs, and metal- work chairs. Tables, cabinets, etc Machine tools Cincinnati cutter and tool grinder No. li. Machine tools, S". K. F. hangers and housing, lff-16", drop ball bearing. Brown & Sharpe forming ma- chine. Standard hand-milling ma- chine. 282 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 15, 1919. -...do ....do Sept. 13, 1919. do....... Sept. 15, 1919. ..-..do....... Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 12, 1919. Sep.t 13, 1919. Sept. 8, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. .--.do Sept. 5, 1919.. Sept. 9, 1919.. Aug. 23, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. .-..do Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. do....--. Sept. 16, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. ....do Sept. 15, 1919... Sept. 16, 1919..- Sept. 11, 1919... Sept. S, 1919.... Sept. 17, 1919... Sept. 15, 1919... Sept. 16, 1919..- do Sept. 10, 1919..- Sept. 3, 1919...- Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass- ---.do .do. Robbins, Gamwell Co., Pitts- field, Mass. C. Cowles & Co., New Haven, Conn. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. .--.do Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111. . . . The Day Wood Heel Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. C. H. Masland & Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Kilby Frog & Switch Co., Bir- mingham, Ala. Muncie Wheel Co., Muncie, Ind. Brewer Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Jones Machine & Foundry Co., Chattanooga. Term. Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., Muskegon, Mich. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich Machine tools. Hendey No. 2 Universal mill- ing machine; Cincinnati No. 2, high-power milling ma- chine. Flather & Co., engine lathe, 18" xl6'. 20" X 12' American engine lathe. 10 X 10" air compressor, with receiver. No. 4 N. S. collets Rotary oilpumpmotor driven No. 13 automatic high-speed drill; No. U Avey drill press. Superior 21" drill press Engine lathe, geared-head, belt- driven, 24" X 22'. Motor, General Electric, 40 h. p., B, 3-phase, 60-cycle, 220-volt. Defiance rim binder complete. 16" heavy-duty Gould & Eber- hardt shaper. Curtis-vertical, 2-cylinder air compressor. Machine tools Chas. H. Jacobson, Detroit, Mich. Remington Typewriter Co., Ilion, N. Y. American Woolen Co., Boston, Mass. John Wood Mfg. Co., Consho- hocken. Pa. A. C. Gilbert Co., New Haven, Conn. do Henry & Wright Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. . Hill, Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111- ■ Duckworth Chain & Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mass. O. W. Mott, Jackson, Mich. . . - Bridgeport Malleable Iron Works, Bridgeport. Bullard Machine & Tool Co., Bridgeport. Landers, Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. . --.do Albert Pick & Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Warner Elevator Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. 68 different buyers in Cincin- nati, Ohio, and vicinity. McEwen Bros., Wellsville, N. Y. Atlantic Wire & Metal Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Standard Pressed Steel Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111 .do. 2051 Sept. 9, 1919. C. H. Fessler. Greenbush, Mass Geo. F. Welch Co., Scituate, Mass. H. S. Morrow, Wilkinsburg, Pa, ScuUin Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo, Allis Chalmers motor gener- ator set. Machine tools Machine tools, electric trucks, wood containers, time clock, etc. 48" Fearnaught picker ■ - ■ Metal lockers. Surface grinder, with motor and work table, etc. Machine tools Double broaching machine, with oil pans. Machine tools ■ do lH"-bore internal clamp coup- lings; 67 pieces Itt" turned steel shafts. Oil storage tank, 8 x 32' Restaurant equipment Motors. 21" 1-spindle, back-geared drill press. Ball-bearing, double-head buff lathe. No. 2 Reid surface grinder, complete with magnetic chuck. 3i' Cincinnati Bickford radial drill. Frame foremen's cottages . . . - - Boring machine, belt-driven. . Hack saw, dry-cutting. Econ- omy, belt-driven. Machine tools Warner & Swasey No. 4 turret screw machine. No. 2 Diamond tool grinder. . - Cypress chairs Contractor's office building. No. X, 10x8x8'. Grenade testing building with 1 power substation and 1 small office building. Mississippi River sand SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 283 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. ..-.do....... .-..do --- Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. ....do ... Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. do do Sept. 15, 1919. do Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. do do Sept. 22, 1919. do do Aug. 15, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919. do Sept. 9, 1919.. Aug. 5, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Fred C. Arner, Buffalo, N. Y. . . Holmes Electro Foundry Co., Worcester, Mass. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Sparks-Withington Co., Jack- son, Mich. . ...do.... Fuller & Sons Mfg. Co., Kala- mazoo, Mich. F. M. Davis, Milwaukee, Wis..- Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111 .do. S. A. Woods Machine Co., South Boston, Mass. ....do.... Chattanooga Implement & Mfg. Co., Chattanooga, Term. Superior Machine Tool Co., Kokomo, Ind. Haskell & Barker Car Co., Michigan City, Ind. Jones Gear Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Bossert Corporation, Utica, N. "i . McKinnon Industries (Ltd.), St. Catherines, Ontario. Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. Jackson Motor & Mfg. Co., Jack- son, Mich. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich Wollensak Optical Co., Roches- ter, N. Y. Contractors Mach. & Supply Co., Pittsburgh, Pa, Remington Arms (J. M. C, Dion, N. Y. Hall & Brown Woodworking Mach. Co., St. Louis, Mo. N. & G. Taylor Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. North Western Elec. & Mach. Co.^ Milwaukee, Wis. Scullm Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. . Wm. Wharton Jr. & Co., Easton, Pa. Hayes Wheel Co. , Jackson, Mich . Frederic Sterns & Co., Detroit, Mich. H. J. Meyer, Bridgeport, Conn.. Landers, Frary & Clark Co., New Britain, Conn. Allegheny Forging Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. DuPont Eng. Co., Wilmington, Del. Peters Cartridge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Davis & Thompson, Milwaukee, Wis. F. M. Davis, Milwaukee, Wis — Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. . . Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Wm. Wharton Jr. Co., Easton, Pa. Wisconson Ziac Co., PlattevUle, Wis. Boeckler Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. Harding & Hanley, Toronto, Ontario. Scully-Jones & Co., Chicago, 111. . do Double pipe condensers ... — Bench legs, cut-iron. Transmission equipment, con- sisting of shafting, couplings, collars, etc. Brown & Sharpe surface plate. Pyrometer and equipment — 24" Cincinnati drill press 42 X 42" X 10' Cincinnati planer; air compressor outfit. ClQcinnati Bickford 4' radial drill. No. 4 W. & S. turret screw machine. 4i' Cincinnati Bickford radial drill. 3' Fosdick radial drill. Engine lathe, 24" x 10' LeBlond engine lathe, heavy- duty, 25" X 14'. General E lectric air compressor Broaching machine Dies and gauges Air chucks Air cylinders 6" I-beam, 20' long Machine tools Drafting supplies Engravmg machine, b e 1 1 - driven. Hood for vertical boiler, boiler 50 h. p., 64" diameter. Wooden trays No. 3-B Milwaukee plain miller Metallographic outfit complete. Electrical equipment and mo- tors. Mississippi River sand, con- crete gravel. Miscellaneous fittings Electrical equipment 100 kv-amp. transformer Cupboards 6" adjustable girder clamps . . . Board drop hammer, steam drop hammer. Miscellaneous electrical equip- ment. No. 48 Parsons trencn- ing machine. Office equipment Machine tools, engine lathe, 20" x8'. No. 3 Cincinnati miller. Peer- less high-speed 6x6 saw. 12 X 5 Hendey engine lathe Double-ply leather belting Piping, fianges, and forgings. . 9x9 Peerless saw Yellow pine Office furniture, condition not good enough to stand ship- ment to United States. 20" Ohio shapers Galvanized cans 284 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 23, 1919 do do Sept. 9, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919 Sept. 22, 1919 Sept. 17, 1919 do do Sept. 24, 1919 Sept. 23, 1919 -do. do Sept. 12, 1919 Sept. 17, 1919... Sept. 22, 1919... Sept. IS, 1919... Sept. 19, 1919... do Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 21, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. do Aug. 11,1919. July 10, 1919.. Sept. 2, 1919.. July 10, 1919.. -do. .do. .do. -do. June 11, 1919. Julv 24, 1919. July 26, 1919.. July 10, 1919.. do do do do do June 30, 1919. A. C. Gilbert Co., New Haven, Conn. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass... Century Machine Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Wisconsin Zinc Co., Platteville, Wis. Geo. r. Motter's Sons, York, Pa. Myron E. Whittham, Rochester, N. Y. Remington Typewriter Co., Ilion, N. Y. do Wm. Wharton Jr. & Co., Easton, Pa. do Cincinnati Screw Co., Cincia- nati, Ohio. Gladvs Hvde, Scituate Centre, Mass. " R. Freidus Co., Boston, Mass... Boston Nickle Plating Co., Bos- ton, Mass. National Equipment Co. .Spring- field, Mass. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Keystone Supply Co., Toronto, Ontario. Geo. W. Strable, Bethlehem, Pa. Holmes Electro Foundry Co., Worcester, Mass. BrownellMach. Co. , Providence , R.I. Atlas Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. Swind Mach. Co., Philadelphia, ■ Pa. Sam. T. Freeman & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. The Parks Ball Bearing Mach. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Co., Hamilton, Ohio. Greater Detroit Athletic Club, Detroit, Mich. R. G. Hotiman, Hamilton, Ohio. B. K. Hibbit Salvage Co., Nash- xlUe, Tenn. O. M. Davis, jr., Smyrna, Tenn . . Jarodzki & Co., Mount Vernon, Ind. Cline & Bemheim, Nashville, Tenn. Karchmer Bros., Memphis, Tenn. Consolidated Iron & Metal Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Nashville Iron & Metal Co., Nashville. J. C. Moreland, Nashville .Term. O.M.Davis, jr., Smyrna, Tenn. . John B. Ransom & Co., Nash- ville, Tenn. Werthan Bag Co., Nashville, Tenn. Samuels & Blum, Nashville, Tenn. S. A. Pate, Edenwold, Tenn. . . . O. M. Davis, jr., Smyrna, Tenn. W. L. Horn, Nashville, Tenn. . . G. B. Howard & Co., Nashville, Tenn. Board of Education, Lexington, AVhitney Mfg. Co. No. 6 hand and weight feed miller. Machine tools. No. 14 Bro-rni & Sharpe cylin- der grinder. Bimk house Lathe, belt-driven, triple- geared, 36" x20'. Lathe, motor-driven, triple- geared, 50" x30'. Machine tools do Galvanized wire, 12' posts Iron rollway Trucks, double-deck, steel, 36x16x29". Sentry box 10,200 and 13,000 gallon tanks . . Lead-lined tank, 48 x 25 x 15}", including equipment. Lead-lined tanks, 11 x 4' x 23}" do 26" Libby turret lathe, \\ith taper attachment pump, ■pan guard, etc. Wheelbarrows, sledges, shov- els, and picks. 5 h. p. motor, 550-volt Panoramic sights 50-gallon steel oil tanks No. 4 Dayton sweding machine Motors Machine tools New Castle Club furnishing ing and equipment. No. sensitive bench drill 3' Carlton radial drUl 5-compartment steel locker, 12 X 15 X 60". Broken vise jaws Asphalt rubberoid tar paper and building paper. Fontoon bridge R ubber hose Asbestos Scrap zinc Scrap lead Scrap paper, two-thirds baled . Scrap rope Scrap iron Kindling Scrap wood Rex wide-space asphalt shin- gles, 9 X 14". Cement bags in bundles Heavy cast-iron scrap Asphalt shingles Red-wood shingles Galvanized corrugated roofing, all used material. Scrap aluminum, belting, steel cable, etc. Surveying instruments and tripods. Moulthrop school chairs $2,000.00 1,635.00 500.00 2,178.00 4,405.00 3,599.00 2,439.00 25.00 150.00 90.00 2,700.00 636.00 48.00 144.00 3,200.00 55.00 165.00 18,300.00 40.00 500.00 670.00 2,050.00 4,779.42 30.50 899.77 250.00 250.00 3.20 100.00 351.00 97.50 50.00 359.96 2,984.52 107.25 3, 728. 80 1, 759. 22 75.00 3, 640. 00 2,984.52 1,141.25 1,029.84 4,125.00 79.95 2,860.03 2,402.12 250.00 1,011.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 285 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2161 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 July 10, 1919. July 11, 1919.. do July 25, 1919.. Sept. 16, 1919.. . . Aug. 29, 1919. do do do M. Blssinger & Co., Nashville, Tenn. Smart & Chahlin, Montgomery, Ala. Jas. B. Clow & Sons, Chicago, 111. M. Bissinger & Co., Nashville, Tenn. Newport Co., Milwaukee, Wis.. Scrap pipe, rope, canvas fire hose and insulated copper wire. Soil pipe and fittings .do. Aug. 20, 1919... Sept. 16, 1919... Aug. 29, 1919... Sept. 16, 1919... Aug. 26, 1919... Aug. 22, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919... Sept. 23, 1919... ....do Sept. 25, 1919.... do do do -do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. do do Sept. 27, 1919... do Aug. 25, 1919... Sept. 22, 1919... Sept. 18, 1919... Sept. 26,1919... do do Sept. 29, 1919... do Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 23, 1919... Sept. 24, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919... Aug. 26, 1919.. A. H. Fox Gun Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Frankford Mach. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Percival Auto Repair Co., St. Louis, Mo. Sparks-Withington Co., Jack- son, Mich. Hayes Wheel Co., Jackson, Mich, Chippewa Fdry. & Mach. Co., Chippewa Falls, Wis. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio (Prime Con- tractor). Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111 Sept. 29, 1919... Sept. 27, 1919... Michigan Crown Fender Co., Ypsilanti, Mich. Hart & Hegeman Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. The Century Mach. Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. DuPont Eng. Co., Wilmington, Del. Russell E. Kidd, Milford, Ohio Chas. Hauck, Cincinnati, Ohio. ; Commerce Motor Car Co., De- troit, Mich. United States Pressed Steel Co., Ypsilanti, Mich. Hart & Hegeman Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass.. J. J. Daniels, Durant, Miss Second class reinforcing steel. . . Gauge-glass bodies and nuts, 115-volt tub. lamps. Asbestocel blocks and wire guards. 10" hub and glazed sewer pipe and knife switch. 100 amp., 250-volt, 3-pole D. & W. cutouts. Second-hand, 10 h. p., 1,200 r. p. m. motor with com- pensator. 6 sections roccoco wall radia- tors. i" thimbles, 38" grease cups, f" tumbuckles. Asbestocel blocks and rein- forcing rods. Reinforcing rods and plug caps. Sewer pipe Sewer pipe, reinforcing rods, etc. 4 spindle Allen drill press P 3 Ferracute pxmch press 16" heavy-duty back-geared crank shaper. Pump and open-top wash tank No. 13 SheflSeld push car Walcott engine lathe No. 2 Kempsmith Universal miliing machine. No. 4 Warner & Swasey turret screw machines. No. 2 Cincinnati plain milling machine. 12" Bertsch square shear; 24" Kelly back-geared shaper. . No. 1 A. B. & S. universal milling machine. ■Steel shop tables No. 2 centering machine Common wire nails Greenfield Tap & Die Corpora- tion, Greenfield, Mass. Morgan Spring Co., Worcester, Mass. F. G. Gale Co., Lyon, Mass Wolf & Co., Hamilton, Ohio F. D. Lawrence Elec. Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Brownell & Co., Moodus, Conn. . . Gu-ard Mach. & Tool Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Roofing, wallboard, and kind- ling wood. Green slate composition roof- ing. 16" X 8' Pratt& Whitney lathe. Manhattan screw press, Ohio • plain miller. Niles, Bement, Pond Co., bench lathe. American single-geared crank shaper, 15". 16" X 6' Reed engine lathe with taper attachment. 2J" Gridley automatic screw machines. V. & O . power presses No. 2 universal spring coilers. Radial drill, 3' (Fosdick) Steel I beams, used 1\" iron conduit, 10' lengths.. . Ingersoll Rand belt-driven air compressor with air receiver . 13" X 6' Mulliner lathe 286 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 19, 1919.. Sept. 29, 1919.. ....do Aug. 28, 1919.. Sept. 29, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919.. do Sept. 18, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919.. do Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. do Sept. 30, 1919.. Sept. 29, 1919.. do Aug. 25, 1919.. Oct. 1,1919.... Oct. 2, 1919. ....do ....do Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 1,1919... Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919 Sept. 26, 1919 Sept. 30, 1919 Sept. 26, 1919 do Oct. 3, 1919.. Oct. 2, 1919.. Oct. 1, 191. No. i Toledo press 24 X 96" No. 70 vibrating screen Garrigus Miller, with attach- ments. Oak chairs Standard No. hand milling machine. Miscellaneous machine tools. . Nos. li and 2 Cincinnati Uni- versal Miller. Polishing wheel stand Kearney & Treacher Co. No. 1 J Universal milling machine. Blanchard light-power verti- cal grinder. Pine-wood racks Cypress chairs, manufactured at Scituate Proving Grounds. No. 60 L Frame, type SK, Westinghouse motor, 10 h.p., 230-volt, 1,150 r. p.m. Power switchboard complete with cables from switch- board to transformer, feed pumps, steel mre screen, and 1 ton soft coal in boiler room. Turret lathes, SJ x 36" No. 2 Pratt & Whitney die- sinking machine. Fuze-socket flange gauge, dou- ble-end, thread guage. Sullivan class WJ-3, right, A- type compressor. No'. 30 Nateo multiple drill. No. 25 Foote Burt heavy- duty drill press. Henrv & Wright 1-spindle drill press, l-K-8. American gas furnaces Total sale price. Vertical boring mill, Niles Be- mont Pond. Miscellaneous manufacturing equipment, shafting, coup- lings, belting, etc. Miscellaneous manufactm'ing equipment, mutiple spin- dles, motor, shafting, etc. Cypress chairs, round table Induction motors, 3 h. p., 60- cycle, 3-phase, 22n-volt. No. 4 Dayton swedglng ma- chine. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 287 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2265 2266 2267 2268 Sept. 29 ,1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Sept. 23, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. do do Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. June 11, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919.. Aug. 30, 1919. do June 30, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919... Aug. 30, 1919.. Sept. 1, 1919... Sept. 20, 1919. . Aug. 29, 1919.. do Aug. 30, 1919.. June 26, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919... Sept. 9, 1919... Sept. 2. 1919... Aug. 29, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. . Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919.. Oct. 3, 1919.... Oct. 1,1919..., Oct. 4, 1919... do Sept. 12, 1919. do Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 25, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919. Mr. Higgins, St. Louis, Mo Superior Machine Tool Co., Ko- komo. Ind. A. H. Fox Gun Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Sparks Withington Co-, JacksoU; Mich. Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111 do do do Robert Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. Becker Machine Co., Quincy 111. Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, 111 — W. Quillen, East Alton, 111.... Walter Meyers, East Alton, 111. ....do Sept. 23, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. . . Sept. 27, 1919. .do. .do. J. H. Cunningham, East Alton, 111. Crandall Lumber Co., East Al- ton, 111. Earl L. Fairbanks, East Alton, 111. Charles Dodson, East Alton, 111 K. W. Robinson, East Alton, 111 L. P. Cooper, East Alton, 111 Henry Miller, Bethalto, 111 Robert Kenney, East Alton, 111 W. A. Denny, East Alton, 111 . . . Thomis Russell, East Alton, 111 Earl L. Fairbanks, East Alton, 111. D. Ellman, East Alton, III Beall Tool Co., East Alton, 111. Charles Jones, East Alton, 111.. Elvin Mechanical Stoker Co., Toledo, Ohio. D. H. Stoll Co. (Inc.), Buffalo, N. Y. Scully-Jones, Co., Chicago, 111. . Thos. H. Craig, Bridgeport,Conn Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Lynd-Farquhar Co., Boston, Mass. Connecticut Metal & Chemical Co. , New Britain, Conn. Atlantic Refining Co., Bruns- wick, Ga. .do., .do. A. J. Wright, Brunswick, Ga. . Earl S. Fairbanks, East Alton, 111. Young Bros., Detroit, Mich Scituate School Board, Scituate. Mass. Wm. Stanley, Scituate, Mass. . . Motor Specialties Co., Waltham, Mass. Continental Axle Co., Racine Junction, Wis. Manitoba Bridge & Iron Works, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Concrete gravel and Mississippi River sand. Tank, cypress wood, round, 8' diameter x 7' stave. No. 2 B. & S. cutter grinder, Dumore Grinder, type G. 3 h. p. motor, component part of machine A A -9. Gould & Eberhardt shaper, 20" 21 X 8' LeBlond engine lathe.. . do Gould & Eberhardt 16" shap- er, countershaft missing. No. 4 LeBlond plain milling machine. Barker 16" crank shaper 21" upright drill press, Weigel . Load of kindling 1 X 2" yellow pine scrap lum- ber. 1x2" scrap lumber Scrap roofing paper, scrap lumber. Kindling Lumber: 1x4" 1 x2" Kindling Cull lumber Kindling 1 xl2", 12' lumber Yellow-pine lumber do do Yellow pine lumber, scrap lumber, scrap door. Workbench containing 100' of lumber. Yellow-pine lumber Wall board Yellow-pine lumber No. 2 yellow-pinr lumber Traveling head shaper, belt- driven, 28" X 8'. No. horizontal boring mill, belt-driven. 16" X 6' chard lathe 12" X 4' Hendey, engine lathe. No. 4 Greenard arbor press. No. 2 B. & S. automatic screw machine. 26" open-side planers 500-lb. Falrbanlcs portable scale. Sand Common brick , Sand , do do Yellow-pine lumber Washroom buOding, including fixed toilet equipment, heat shrinking building, heating system, electric-light wiring, and scrap in yard; white enamel wash troughs, 8' x 24". Round tables and cypress arm- chairs. CypresF chairs Machinery 18" libby turret lathe Sand blast; Frankfort furnace with burners and root blower. 288 SALE OF SUEPLITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Sale No. 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 22S0 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2293 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 Date of sale. Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 4, 1919 Sept. 25,1919.... Oct. 6,1919 ....do Oct. 7, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 do do Oct. 6, 1919 do -.. Oct. 8, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 9, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919.... Sept. 6, 1919... Aug. 11,1919.. Sept. 16,1919... Aug. 19, 1919... Sept. 26, 1919... do Sept. 30, 1919.... Sept. 26, 1919... Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 4, 1919 Sept. 30, 1919... Sept. 19, 1919... July 25, 1919.... Aug. 2, 1919.... ....do Name and address of buyer. Oct. 9, 1919. Oct. 6, 1919. Oct. 1,1919... Oct. 6, 1919... ....do Aug. 27, 1919. Aii£r. 28, 1919. OctT. 6, 1919... Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 30, 1919.... Sept. 22, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 Hayes Wheel Corporation, Jack- son, Mich. H. S. Ltxi Foimdry & Machine Co., PljTuouth, Mich. Chippewa Foimdry it Machine Co., ChipptMva Falls, Wis. Standard Engineering Co., Pitts- burgh. Pa. J. R. Montgomery Co., Windsor Locks, Conn. The Woodbiu-y Co., Woodbury, Conn. The Simonsville Mfg. Co.,Water- burv. The Miller Metalwork Co.,South- ington, Conn. Martin-Parry Corporation, In- di;mapolis", Ind. Molino Plow Co., Moline, 111 — Scullin Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. Porcelain Enamel Co., Sheboy- gan, Wis. Hall & Bro^vn Machhie Co., St. Louis, Mo. S. A. Woods Machine Co., South Boston, Mass. Philip Riosman A; Sons, Boston, Mass. Merer Wasjon Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Miurtin Cushion Wheel Co. , Chi- cago. Moljne Plow Co., Moline, HI — Atlantic Refining Co., Bruns- wick, Ga. Chas.BoldtCo., Cincinnati, Ohio H. C. Hazen Contracting Co., Cineiimati, Ohio. Wm. BruEjgeman, Cincinnati, Ohio. National Acme Co., Montreal, Quebec. McCormack Mfg. Co., Montreal, Quebec. Williams & Wilson (Ltd.), Mon- treal, Quebec. A. A. Miller, Rochester, N. Y. . Hammermill Paper Co. , Erie, Pa Hayes Wheel Co. , Jackson. Mich J. W. Billet, Jackson, Mich Sparks Withinston, Jackson, Mich. Max Zeicler & Bros., Muncie, Ind. Fred Arner, Buffalo, N. Y Article. New and used fire brick. 36" X S' Ingersoll Rand air timk. No. Burke sensitive bench drill. No. 5 metal wheelbarrows No. 1 imiversal grinder. No. 2 surface grinder Bench lathe with countershaft; Aurora drill press. Ilendee miller Single-trip cushion helve ham- nier, No. 60. 10 X 36" Norton plain cylin- drical grinder. IS" engine lathe IS X 8 Lo Blond lathe 36" Bullard vertical lathe: IS" Libby lathe. Machine tools Auto truck scale . Radiators Machine tools, .do. Briscoe Motor Corporation, Jack- son, Mich. Moses Ehrlieh Co., Springfield, Mass. Moreton Truck Co., Detroit, Mich. Cal. Hirsh & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis. do Universal Machine Works, St. Louis, Mo. Detroit Sulphite Pulp & Paper Co., Detroit, Mich. Phoenix Mills. Millbury, Mass. . Gillette Liunber & Wrecking Co., Chicago. Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. Scullin Steel Co., St Louis, Mo. Carl G. Miller Co., Boston, Mass Crushed stone, gravel, com- mon brick, etc. }" manila rope 15" sewer pipe 6" sewer pipe (seconds) Warner & Swasey himd screw machine. 20" Ohio shaper, heavy-duty. Becker No. 25 horizontal mill- ing machine. No. 7 15" Barnes drill press... Engine lathe, 16 x 8" Scrap hunber !;;!!do!!!!!!!!!""-l"'----i!l 12,000-gal. horizontal cvlinder tank. Vitreosil cooler with trays and delivery pipe. Scrap brick removed from nine fiu-naces. 7 X 35' steel tank No. 114 box elevator, capacity 1,800 lbs.— hsmd. Lockers ....do Machine tools. 20 X IS heavy-duty Wickes lathe. No. 60 Economy baler Building southeast corner Ashland and 75th St. (pay office"). Miscellaneous equipment con- sisting of oil, liingfs, etc. Rotary converter and trans- former. Motor, cast-steel angle frame. No. 658, 4(>-h. p., 550-volt, 3-phase, 60-oycle. Total sale price. S300. 00 175. 00 29. OS 60. 00 1,200.00 440. 00 2S0. 00 350.00 375.00 9, 100. 00 1, 500. 00 995. 00 4, 690. 00 3,300.00 400.00 125.00 1,905.76 3,081.00 S, 294. 00 85.75 570.00 7.76 1,680.00 775.00 3,252.00 41.34 885.00 425.00 30.00 40.00 425.00 30.00 439. 23 650. 00 196.00 1,033.41 260.85 1,165.00 900.00 1,050.00 310.00 2,179.62 9.625.00 300.00 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. 289 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 11, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919.. .do. .do. Oct. 6, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919.. Oct. 2, Oct. 1, Oct. 7, Oct. 4, Oct. 10 Oct. 4, Oct. 9, Oct. 10 do. Oct. 8, Oct. 9, 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. , 1919. 1919.. 1919.. , 1919. 1919. 1919. .do. Oct. 7, 1919.... do Sept. 19, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919.. Sept. 24, 1919.. Oct. 1, 1919.... .do. .do. do Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 1, 1919... Oct. 8, 1919... Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 11, 1919. Oct. 13, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919 Sept. 30, 1919.... Ross-Meelian Foundry Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit. Brownell Machine Co., Provi- dence, R. I. R. Friedus & Co., Boston, Mass, Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit. Chippewa Foundry & Machine Co., Chippewa Falls, Wis. do J. F. Kennedy, Detroit, Mich... Century Machine Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Hart & Hegman Mfg. Co., Hart- ford, Conn. A. H. Fox Gun Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Wei.snerMfg.Co.,New York City. Clip Bar Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A. R. Anderson, Arlington, N. J. Clearfield Textile Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Lehigh Machine Co., Lehighton, Pa. Chippewa Foundry & Machine Co., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Pneumatic Scale Corporation, Norfolk Downs, Mass. B. Freidus & Co., Boston, Mass. Potter & Johnson Machine Co., Pawtucket, R. I. New England Drawn Steel Co., Mansfield, Mass. Hopedale Mfg. Co., Milford, Mass. North Cincinnati G3annasimn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miami Leather Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Russell & Kidd, Milford, Ohio... Frank Hopper, Newtown, Ohio. McCabe Construction Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Fair View Stock Farm, Dunlap, Iowa. Art E. Madson, Hartland, Minn. Ole A. Horpedahl, Hartland, Minn. O. H. Christian, Stratford, S. Dak. L. D. MorreU, Torresdale, Pa Wm. Wliarton Jr. Co., Easton, Pa. Harris Boom Co., Chicago, lU... Eleanor Association, 16 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Cape Ann Tool Co., Pigeon Cove, Mass. Panama Canal, purchasing de- partment, Washington, D. C. Swind Machinery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. B. Havershaw, Wayne, Mich New Standard Adding Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo. 20-h. p. general electric motor, 60-cycle. Machine tools No. 4 Dayton swedging ma- chine. 21" Ford drilling machines... Machine tools Le Blond engine lathe Electric tool post grinder, Stewart blast tempering fur- nace. Watchman's shanty, 10 x 12 x 9', tar-paper roof. 20" Blount grindiDg machine. No. 19 Bliss fly-wheel press Diamond-polishing machine. . . No. 16 Bliss presses. Machine tools Automatic copying lathes Plain miller No. 2 B. & S.; Reed lathe, 16" x 8' bed. Machine tools .do. No. 1 Kempsmith miller 20" Niles Bement slotting ma- chine. Surface grinder with pump and circulating outfit; Nor- ton No. 2 grinder and attach- ments. 25-h.-p., 550-volt, 3-phase, 60- cycle, 1,200 r. p. m. motors with starters complete. SuUivan air compressor, No. 3. Wall board, rods, lumber, etc. . Closet bowls, lavatories Green slate composition roof- ing; wall board, 4 x 8'. Green slate composition roof- ing; kindling. Soft red brick; hard red brick. Gray wide drive-drum tractor. .do. .do. .do. Wonder concrete mixer, ca- pacity 10 cu. ft., equipment attached. 35-ton Norton screw jacks Lockers, 12x15x42. Lockers 110,000-gal. tank, fuel-oil storage. Hendey Machine Co., engine lathe, 18" x 10'. 3 X 36" Jones & Lamson tur- ret lathes with equipment. Box copper wire, scrap Gas and oil furnaces, Stewart blower. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 290 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND BQXnPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 10, 1919... Aug. 28, 1919.. Oct. 7, 1919.... Sept. 29, 1919.. Oct. 7, 1919... Sept. 10, 1919. Oct 13, 1919.. Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 13, 1919.. do Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 14, 1919.. Aug. 22, 1919. do do Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 4, 1919... Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 3, 1919... Oct. 13, 1919.. do .do. Sept. 30, 1919. do Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 8, 1919... Aug. 29, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 14, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Sept. 15, 1919. do .do. Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 4, 1919. 2397 Oct. 6, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Remington Typewriter Works, Ilion, N. Y. "Wolfe & Work, Augusta, Ky... Paul Wiebe, Cincinnati, Ohio... Atlantic Refining Co., Bruns- wick, Ga. North Gymnasium, PlainviUe, Ohio. Chas. Boldt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Parks Ball Bearing Machine Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jos. Beal & Co., Boston, Mass. . Metric Metal Works, Erie, Pa.. St. Louis Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. H. Brinton Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A. J. Savage Mtmitions Co., San Diego. Ross Meehan Foundries, Chat- tanooga, Tenn. Homes & Edwards Silver Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Holaday-Telford Co., Water- bury, Conn. Newport Co., Milwaukee, Wis.. iiildo!!]!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A. A. Scully (Ltd.), Toronto... International Ship Building, Pascagoula, Miss. McKlnnon Industries, St. Cath- erines, Ontario. Frid Construction Co., Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Steel Foundries Co., Montreal, Quebec. McCormack Machine Co., Mon- treal, Quebec. Williams & Wilson, Montreal, Quebec. Detroit Copper & Brass Rolling Mills, Detroit, Mich. Jaxon Steel Prod., Jackson, Mich. do. Geo. J. Beattie, Toronto, On- tario. do Frank Tracy, New York City.. O'Brien Machine Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Mayo Woolen Co., MiUbury, Mass. International Ship BuJding Co., Pascagoula, Miss. Baker Gun & Forging Co., Ba- tavia, N. Y. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Swind Machine Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Joseph Glanz, Hartford, Conn.. General Electric Co., Pittsfleld, Mass. Ideal Engine & Packing Co., Toronto. do .do. Cyril J. Bath, Cleveland, Ohio. . Automatic Machine Co., Day- ton, Ohio. Samuel T. Freeman & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Article. Machine tools. Common soft red brick. Gravel do Wall board, 4 by 10 Building tile, 8 x 12 x 12"; sewer tile, 6" x 2'. Acetylene welding outfit Niles boring miU Bury compressor Cham conveyors B. & S. Universal milling machine. Automatic copying lathe. . . . . . LeBlond lathe High-duty engine lathe. Johnson gas furnace Miscellaneous equipment do do Shovels, picks, and wheel- barrows. Lathe, heavy-duty, Putnam.. Spare parts for die heads, wooden trays, inspection tables. Ransome concrete mixer, with 10 h. p. motor. Welding press Bertram radial drill, 4'; Beandry power hammer. Rae shaper, back-geared, 16". Air compressor, 200 h. p. Westtnghouse motor. Accumulator Accumulator house Canadian Westinghouse mo- tors, 5 and 20 h. p. Canadian Westinghouse mo- tor, 7h h. p. Steel pulleys Dean steam pump with valves and fittings. Shafting, bearings, and hang- ers. Centering machine, 2-spindle. , Garvin plain head screw ma- chine. No. 10 Pratt & Whitney hand milling machine. Machine tools No. 19 Bliss fly-wheel press... Garvin No. 3 duplex miller, with countershaft, etc. 15 h. p. motor, 3-phase, 25- cycle. 5 h. p. motor, 3-phase, 25- cycle, 750 r. p. m. 30 h. p. motor, 3-phase; 40 h. p. motor, 3-phase. Machine tools Giddings & Lewis horizontal boring mill. No. 0. Hall hand thread miUers Assorted parts, finished and unfinished. Total sale price. SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. 291 SEBIAIi LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT. SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 15, 1919... Oct. 8, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919 Oct. 16, 1919.. do Oct. 18, 1919.. Oct. 16, 1919.. Oct. 11, 1919.. Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 11, 1919.. ....do Sept. 18, 1919. Aug. 28,1919. Oct. 16, 1919.. ....do Aug. 30, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919.. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 18, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919... July 17, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919.. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. ....do Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 18, 1919. Ideal Engine & Packing Co., Toronto. Marshall & Huschart Machine Co.. Chicago. Mobile Stove & Pulley Co., Mobile, Ala. L. Robinson, Chicago, 111 Biggs Waterson Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Moon Motor Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. Anti-Tuberculosis League, Cin- cinnati. F. A. Conroy, Scituate, Mass Woodla^vn Machine Screw Co., Pawtucket, R. I. B. Freidus & Co., Boston, Mass.. Duckworth Chain Co., Spriag- fleld, Mass. "Winchester Repeating Arms, New Haven, Conn. Sam. T. Freeman & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. do Capt. A. O. Reed, "Washington, D. C. Samler Equipment Co., Balti- more, Md. Laurel Motors Corporation, An- derson, Ind. The O. Armleder Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. A. O . Reed, "Washington, D . C . . . Excelsior Brick Co., Baltimore, Md. Mallory Machine Co., Baltimore, Md. F. M. Frieze, Baltimore, Md State Board Prison Control, Baltimore. Consolidated Machine Ex- change, Newark, N. J. Philadelphia Textile Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A. H. Fox Gun Co., PhUadel- phia, Pa. Clip Bar Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Jones Motor Car Co., Utica, N. Y. United States District Engineer, Nashville, Tenn. Rudel Belnap Machine Co. (Ltd.), M!ontreal. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. S. S. Baker, Millersville, Pa A. A. Scully (Ltd.), Toronto, Ontario. Henry Cheney Machine Corpo- ration, Little Falls, N. Y. Food Appliance Mfg. Corpora- tion, Rochester, N. Y. Simmons Machine Co., Albany, N. Y. American Car & Foundry Co., Depew, N. Y. S. M. Novelty Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Snead & Co. Iron "Works., Jersey City N. J. Greenfield Tap & Die Corpora- tion, Greenfield, Mass. Stinson-Kennedy Co., Pitts- burg, Pa. C. R. Campbell, Newton, Ohio... Liberty Machine Tool Co., HamUton, Ohio. 10 h. p. motor, 3-phase , No. 6 Rockford punch press... 20" upright Buffalo forge drill press. Used and scrap canvas and rubber belting. Used and scrap belting Becker milling machine Drill press, vertical Sashes, screens, and doors Chairs, cypress , Machine tools and accessories . Ford drilling machine, 21" Kempsmith miller 150,000-gal. tank, with founda- tions. Turret lathe, Gould power centrifugal pump. Machine tools do ....do -do. ....do Tables, steel shop do Toolmaker's bench Lathe, Norton, 14" x 8' No. 12 "Valley City grinder . -do. 20" Excelsior drill press. 18" X 8' American lathe. Machine tools. ....do -do. Stools, bench legs, and vises Pickaxes, shovels, and wheel- barrows. Double-deck iron beds, combi- nation mattresses, mattress covers. Nos. 1 and 3 Kempsmith uni- versal millers. No. 3 Kempsmith universal miller. Horses, bridles and saddles Square-mouthed shovels 1,000-lb. drop hammer, 500-lb. drop hammer. No. 3J floor-type press and stand. No. 59 Toledo press, 12" stroke. No. 5 type N Nazelhammer Machine tools Dayton Swaging Machine, No. 4. Air Compressor, belt-driven. . . "Washbowls and "Watercloset. . . Buildings, frame Connersville blower, rotary Bellevue Gas Furnace. 292 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: COMMITTEE ON SALE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, SAL- VAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 18, 1919.... Sept. 13, 1919.... Sept. 11, 1919.... Aug. 27, 1919.... do Sept. 15, 1919.... Oct. 14, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. ....do Oct. 22, 1919 Oct. 18, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919 Oct. 22, 1919 Oct. 18, 1919 Oct. 3, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 Sept. 25, 1919.... Sept. 20, 1919.... Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 18, 1919 Sept. 11, 1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... Oct. 15, 1919. ....do Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 11, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 10, 1919. do Oct. 15, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919. do , Capt. A. O. Reed, Washington, B.C. Wm. T. McCreaxy, PhUadel- phia. Pa. wm. Mattheiss, Baltimore, Md. . Arundel Sand & Gravel Co., Baltimore, Md. P. Leo Flynn, Baltimore. Md S. Nemirosky & Son, Philadel- phia, Pa. Little Rock Ry. & Electric Co., Little Rock, Ark. Barrett Adding Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Acme Gear Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Morey & Co., New York City F. C. Hicks, Highland Springs, Va. Cincinnati Screw Co., Twight- wee, Ohio. Dairv Engineering Co., Dayton, Oliio. Walker Bros. & Haviland, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Oneida Community (Ltd.), Oneida, N. Y. Canadian Wheat Board, Toronto Ontario. Canadian National Railways, Toronto, Ontario. Indiana & Michigan Electric Co., South Bend, Ind. Lehigh Machine Co., Lehighton, Pa. S. M. Novelty Co., Philadelphia, Pa. L. F. Seyfert's Sons (Inc.), Philadelphia, Pa. M. M. Davis & Sons, Baltimore, Md. Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria, 111 Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. United Engiueering & Foundry Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Philips-Brinton Co., Kenneth Square, Pa. Geo. L.Scofleld, Philadelphia Pa. West Canada Lumber Co., Herkimer, N. Y. A. Werby & Co., Boston, Mass. . Ideal Engine & Packing Co., Toronto. do Henry Engineering Co., Toronto, Ontario. Motor lathe, 14" x 8'; Ameri- can lathe, 14" x8'. 19" X 8' Le Blonde heavy- duty lathe. 20" Hoefler drill press, No. 12 Valley City grinder. Motors Motor, induction, 25 h. p 40 h. p. motor. General Elec- tric, and pulley. Switch house, equipment and transmission line. No. IJ B. & S. universal mill- ing machine. Machine tools -do. 9 h. p. gasoline engine Steel trucks, double-deck. Rock Island vises, 5" jaw; steel shop tables. Steel conduit 5" leather belt Heavy cord fabric linoleum. ....do 4,250 kv-amp. transformers. . Machine tools Toledo spot welder, brass tag, No. 114. Machine tools .do. Norton grinder, 10 x 50". Machine tools 36" X 15' lathe equipped with 35 h. p. motor. Surface plate 24 X 24" X 6' Putnam planer. Motor, 50h. p Motor, 15h. p Wagner motors, 10 h.p. Warren Pierce, Duxbury, Mass . Harry Driscoll, Scituate,Mass. . . Westiaghouse motor, 10 h.p... WestiQghouse induction motor, 20 h. p. Cypress chairs do SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STATISTICAL BRANCH, ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD. Aug. 26, 1919.... Aug. 28, 1919.... Aug. 19, 1919.... Aug. 27, 1919.... Aug. 29, 1919.... Aug. 26, 1919.... Celluloid Zapon Co., New York City. The Globe Machine & Stamp- ing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Hindley Gear Co., 1105 Frank- fort Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Wire "^^Tieel Corporation of America, Springfield, Mass. The "Watson Stlllman Co., New York City. Federal Enameling & Stamping Co., McKees Rocks, Pa. Bleached linters. Screw drivers . . . Worm wheels, bronze scrap; worms, steel scrap; thrust studs, steel scrap, short ends. Scrap steei, copper bands Steel chips Brass chips Motor machinery, dies, tools, gauges, belting, pulleys, shafting, furnace materials, feed-line plumbing, miscel- laneous repairs, construction labor, deep drawing steel. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 293 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: STATISTICAL BRANCH, ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Contd. Date of sale. Name an* address of buyer. Article. July 9, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. July 19, 1919. . Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. Feb. 10, 1919. Mar. 6, 1919.. Feb. 25, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. Mar. 19, 1919. Feb. 20, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Mar. 29, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. The Dayton Steel Foundry Co., Dayton, Ohio. Forsythe Bros. Co., Harvey, lU. J. L. Mott Co., Trenton, N. J.. Pressed Steel Car Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Seullln Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo- Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. Whitlock Printing Press Mfg. Co., Derby, Conn. Dayton Ohio Production Co., Dayton, Ohio. The Grabler Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Machine Products Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Domnick & Hoflf, 543 W. 23d St., New York City. Reliance Metal Spinning & Stamping Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Blair Tool & Machine Works, 515-521 Greenwich St., New York City. Brass Goods Mfg. Co. . 345 Eldert St., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. H. Williams Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Moon Motor Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. A. C. Messier Co., Providence, R. L Stanley Works, New Britain, Conn. The Winton Co., Cleveland, Ohio. East Iron & Machine Co., Lima, Ohio. Curtis & Co., St. Louis, Mo Baker Mfg. Co., Springfield, 111. Cornwall & Patterson Mfg, Co., Bridgeport, Conn- 125 X 1,160 mm. solid-rubber tires. Tire separator bands 4 Bliss presses, complete Heating oven Bangerton power Punch presses Copper Spelter Copper Steel scrap from 687 test sheUs of 142 lbs. each. Refunds on overpayments, Maj. Kellty, D. O., Wash- ington; Capt. Reynolds, D. O., St. Louis. Defective ingots Defective slugs Various types of motors and attachments. Powder magazines, wood frame with corrugated sheet- iron covering, with wooden floors. Steel scrap from worked ma- terial. Lighting system, furnaces, heating system, buildings, accumulator, power trans- mission system, sewer and water system. Screw plugs, packing boxes, Bouchons. Component parts for 5" high- expiosive snell. 1" round brass rods; turned brass seals. Body brass; spring brass Tools and machinery Cast-iron beds for automatic presses. Sets 3" crankshafts for BUss No. 19 presses. Galvanizmg anodes No. 12 wrenches All materials installed as in- creased facilities as follows: Main svritchboard in base- ment adjacent to transform- er room; all feeders and their conduits between switch- board and distributing cen- ters; feeders A, B, C, D, E, F, and G shown on construc- tion blue print. 2-^ X 0.020" strip steel 0.510x0.010" spring brass Spring brass for cartridge chps. 6 X 3" X 125-lb. D. I), slab steel. 6 X 0.185" hot-rolled steel bands Small tools, high-speed drills, screw products, scrap-steel forgings, machinery, dies and labor, special office equipment. Patterns, gauge for spring sep- arator, gauge for bevel gear, template, forming blocks, arbor for machining nut, countersink, fixture for cyl- inder, spot facer, parallel, special socket. Ingots spoiled in process and scraped. 3J" round steel bars do 4i" round steel bars , 3§" round steel bars , i" class B steel , 294 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: STATISTICAL BRANCH, ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Contd. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 4, 1919.. Mar. 4, 1%19.. Apr. 26, 1919. do Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. May 9, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 16, 1919. Aug. 1,1919.. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 24, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919., Sept. 19, 1919. June 27, 1919. do Julv23, 1919.. Sept. 25, 1919., Sept. 11, 1919., Sept. 24, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. do June 6, 1919.. June 4, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. June 12, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919- June 20, 1919. Studebater Corporation, De- troit, Mich. Bassick Co., M. B. Sehenek Di- ■slsion, Bridgeport, Conn. The AckUn Stamping Co., Tole- do, Ohio. Henry Perkins Co., Bridge- water, Mass. Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. King Powder Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bartlett-Hayward Co., Balti- more, Md. W. A. Snow Iron Works, Bos- ton, Mass. HaU Printing Press Co., Dunel- len, N. Y. National Cash Register Co., Da'\'ton, Ohio. The Vim Motor Co., Sandusky, Ohio. Maritime Mfg. Co., St. Johns, New Brunswick, Canada. Phelps Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Pratt & Whitney Co., Ill Broad- way, New York City. American Cyananid Co., New way , York City. Vim Motor Co., Sandusky, Ohio. do Hayes Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.. Michigan Copper Brass Co., Detroit, Mich. June 5, 1919. American Multigraph Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. John T. Lewis Co., Baltimore, Md. E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, N. Y . Indian Brass Co., Frankfort, Ind Dwyer Machinery Co., Lynn, Mass. American Multigraph Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Westfleld Mfg. Co., Westfield, The Seng Co., Chicago, HI F.B.Cook Co., Chicago, 111 Kin g Chemical Co., New York City. G. J. Kirby Co., Willimantic, Conn. G. R. McAbee, Powder & Oil Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Metropolitan Engineering Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Music wire, spring gauges Aniline dye, Solarine dip lac- quer, thimier for lacquer, tin-foil disks, cotter pins, Vatrudip. Copper do Steel scrap Sulphuric acid, 66° Powder kegs, used Miscellaneous machine parts, machinery and equipment, buildings, etc. Scrap Large and small angles, 75 per cent complete; 1 bending die for angles. Miscellaneous material, iron, tin, copper, castings, etc., and miscellaneous machin- ery. Scrap Steel scrap Miscellaneous equipment for machinery. Climax wrap- pers. Cast-steel forgings, copper bands, base plates, lead disks, calking wire. Steel rod, booster castings, sheet copper, strip steel, pig tin. 16" Pratt & Whitney lathe, with coimtershafts and at- tacliments. Machine bolts, nipples, bush- ings, iron valves, flanges, etc. 2" diameter forging steel Forging steel Steel helmets Pieces Disks Diaphragms Rolls Brass rod 7-ton electric truck All buildings erected at plant of Jno. T. Lewis Co., Balti- more. Steel biUets , Scrap steel 2^3,. cold-rolled screw stock lA cold-rolled screw stock Freight on above Mark II booster casting Fuze socket Drawings for fixtures, pat- terns, slot cutters, end mills, high-speed drill, milling fix- tures, drilling fixtures, mill- ing cutters. Brass rod ....do Forgings for 75-mm. shells Bands for same shells Brass Brass scrap Nitrate of soda Primers Sodium nitrate Aqua ammonia Sulphuric acid Steel, 3" Steel scrap SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 295 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: STATISTICAL BRANCH, ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD— Contd. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 63 June 9, 1919 July 28, 1919 Sept. 26, 1919.... July 23, 1919 Sept. 27, 1919-.. Junes, 1919 May 28, 1919 Mar. 2, 1919 July 12, 1919 Oct. 10, 1919 Oct. 13, 1919 Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, 111. S. K. Mfg. Co., Huntington, W.Va. Standard Steel Car Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Wm. J. Oliver Mfg. Co., Knox- ville. Term. Magor Car Corporation, 30 Church St., New York City. Transue & Williams Steel Forg- ing Corporation, Alliance, Ohio. Wire Wheel Corporation of America, Springfield, Mass. Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Sloan & Chase Mfg. Co., Newark, N.J. Eastern Bridge & Structural Co., Worcester, Mass. do Ballistite powder $7, 338. 60 64 Copper, commercial scrap Copper. . . 15,167.00 43.80 65 66 Buildings and structures, ma- chinery and equipment, direct material, raw ma- terial, etc., and all property of any nature involved ia contract C. F. No. 331. Heating system 900,000.00 650.00 Compressed-air system Lighting and power lines Line shafting 125. 00 3,500.00 750. 00 67 68 Steel plates, 60 x J", gusset plates, angles, 4 x 4J", angles, 6 X 6 J", bolt bars, lag screws, oak lumber. Forging steel 872.96 750. 44 69 70 Lead disks for 75-mm. high- explosive shell, base covers and copper bands for 75-mm. high-explosive shell, 75-mm. high-explosive forgings. Shell forgiags 15,507.24 84.74 76 77 78 Tubes, lapping rings, jacket, breech hoop, 295 guns. Steel chips from castings fur- nished by United States Government. .....do 1,766.40 339.04 190. 57 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: ORDNANCE SALVAGE BOARD, ORDNANCE CLAIMS BOARD. Aug. 25, 1919.. June 20, 1919.. Mar. 18,1919.. Aug. 12, 1919.. June 20, 1919.. Sept. 19, 1919.. Aug. 13, 1919.. Oct. 1, 1919.... Aug. 28, 1919.. Oct. 1,1919.... June 23, 1919. . Aug. 7, 1919... June 13, 1919.. C. H. Cowdrey MacMne Works, Fitchbiu-g, Mass. United States Cartridge Co., Lowell, Mass. A. C. Messier Co., Providence, R. L Hayes Manufacturing Co., De- troit, Mich. Wm. F. Drueke, Grand Rapids, Mich. Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Wilson Foundry & Machine, Pontiac, Mich. Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. Mueller Metals Co., Port Huron, Mich. Michigan Copper & Brass Co., Detroit. Marble Arms & Manufacturing Co., Gladstone, Mich. do Motor Products Corporation, Detroit, Mich. f Cartridge CUps, steel. \Spruig brass Helmets Machine tools. ....do Packing boxes for breech sticks. 66° sulphuric acid Copper bands, scrap, copper turnings, No. 1 grade. 0.041 music wire Copper band and turnings Disks, diaphragms, s e m i - finished cases. Round brass rod do Brass disks. 51,164.97 9,719.25 682.03 1, 543. 64 773.85 16.10 4,102.80 595.82 29.41 2,887.20 39,680.30 10,593.14 7,566.87 25,683.98 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C. lA Dec. 6,1918 1 Dec. 17,1918 2 do 3 Dec. 23,1918 4 6 6 Dec. 31,1918 Dec. 21,1918 Dec. 23,1918 Little Rock Rwy. & Elec. Co., Little Rock, Ark. Wm. Stratford, Mount Union, Pa. C. V. Hackman, Mount Union, Pa. Chicago House Wrecking Co., of Minnesota (Inc.). Albert Qill C. Finkheimer J. W. Reed, Little Rock, Ark... Mechanical and electrical Sower-house equipment, cloth Scrap lumber. Entire plant,. Concrete mixer with engine. . . Electric motor and accessories Commissary supplies $165, 000. 00 2.50 110.00 24,100.00 35.00 271.94 575.00 296 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Jan. 11,1919. do do Jan. 10,1919. Jan. 15,1919. Dec. 27,1918. Jan. 7,1919.. .do. Jan. 8,1919.. Jan. 10,1919. Jan. 11,1919. do Jan. 13, 1919. do do do Jan. 10,1919.. Jan. 20,1919.. do Jan. 18,1919.. Jan. 24,1919.. Jan. 21,1919.. Jan. 20,1919.. Jan. 17,1919.. Jan. 21,1919.. do do Jan. 11,1919.. Dec. 31,1918.. Jan. 3,1919... Jan. 4,1919... Dec. 19,1918.. Dec. 20,1918.. do Dec. 31,1918. Jan. 3,1919.. Jan. 4,1919.. do do do Jan. 5,1919.. Jan. 6,1919.. Jan. 17,1919. do .-do ..do ..do. ..do. ..do. United Supply Co., Brunswick, Ga. ..,.do ....do Perry Main Electric Co., Colum- bia, S. C. Acme Jones Co. (Inc)., Louis- ville, Ky. J. R. Emory, Waco, Tex Spencer Engineering Co., Waco, Tex. Central Texas Battery Co., Waco, Tex. W. A. Fields, Waco, Tex Bragelton Lumber Co., Waco, Tex. ....do ...-do F. A. Bnmson, Waco, Tex Potts, Moore & Prentice, Waco. Tex. Bertram Hill, Waco, Tex. . . W. G. Bibbs, Waco, Tex Maj. Ward Goodlow, A. R. C, Waco, Tex. Bragelton Lumber Co., Waco, Tex. E. H. Bruyers, Waco, Tex Tisdale Lumber Co., Astoria. N. Y. Little Rock Rwy. & Elec. Co., Little Rock, Ark. L. M. Boykin, Camden, S. C Owen=!-Ames-Kimball Co. , Grand Rapids, Mich. Capitol City Junk Co., Harris- burg, Pa. Dixon Motor Service Co., Char- lotte, N. C. E. L. Jones, Charlotte, N. C General Fire Extinguisher Co.. Anderson & Gustaffeson, Fort Worth, Tex. Quality Coal & Coke Co., Rock- ing Ridge, Pa. Standard Supply & Equipment Co. D. C. Goodman, Mount Union, Pa. Mount Union Refi'actories Co., Mount Union, Pa. Planing Mill, Mount Union, Pa. Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. Harrison Walker, Mount Union, Pa. Lewiston Foundry Machine Co., Lewiston, Pa. F. B. Sayler, Mount Union, Pa. . American Steam Gauge & Mfg. Co. , Boston, Mass. Eagle Pitcher Lead Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Pierce, Butler & Pierce Mfg. Construction Co., Eastwood, N. Y. William Stratford, Mount Union, Pa. H. A. Cameron, Mount Union, Pa. Decker Jones, Mount Union, Pa, Kewanee Boiler Co., Kewanee, III. Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Richardson & Boynton, New York City. L. J. Swartz, Huntingdon, Pa.. Mount Union Planing MUl, Mount Union, Pa. First National Bank, Mount Union, Pa. Nails. ....do Wheeler scrapers Blasting-machine battery. Flour Scrap lumber Office and engineering equip- ment. Office equipment .do. Debris and scrap lumber. ....do Scraps of molding Stove and lots of paint. Wheelbarrows Vice and hand saw. Tools 2-ply roofing Scrap lumber Miscellaneous office furniture. Reach trucks Power-house equipment. 2-ply roofing. Cement Lead... Bricks. Plumbing material Plumbing material and pipe. Sewer pipe Beddings Tackle Drafting equipment. Reinforced steel 10 X 12" and 4x4" timber 1 carload Little Builders brick. Reinforcing steel Lumber, hemlock and pine.. Bedding Brass relief valves. Spelter 3-angle hot-water thermom- eters, J". Scrap lumber Bedding and dishpan Office furniture. Miscellaneous steam fittings. Bench blower, etc Tank heaters. No. 110. Miscellaneous rubber boots, new and used. Insulating paper Office table. $800.00 200.00 350.00 29.00 40,356.19 10.00 42.75 75.00 33.50 50.00 5.00 7.50 24.00 18.00 2.75 22.00 84.00 3.00 327.85 450.00 25,076.40 75.25 506. 60 18,982.84 483.00 88.00 529. 68 348.50 41.46 2.70 24.71 45.36 42.91 280. 00 5L56 204.34 10.92 8.82 802.80 1.22 1.00 12.13 61.75 64.00 36.00 75.00 62.00 17.60 17.60 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. ^97 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Jan. 17, 1919.. Jan. 23,1919.. .do. .do. .do. Jan. 22,1919. Jan. 23,1919. Jan. 22,1919. Jan. 23,1919. Jan. 20,1919. Jan. 21,1919. do do ....do.. ....do.. do Jan. 22, 1919.. do do do do Jan. 23, 1919.. do.. do.. ...do ...do ...do .do. Jan. 24, 1919. .....do Jan. 25, 1919. do ....do ....do ....do .....do do Jan. 22, 1919. Jan. 23, 1919. Jan. 24, 1919. Jan. 25, 1919. do do do do do do Jan. 23, 1919. Jan. 28, 1919. Jan. 17, 1919. Jan. 29, 1919. Jan. 27, 1919. Jan. 25, 1919. Jan. 27, 1919. do .do. .do. .lio. Pennsylvania R. R., Philadel- phia, Pa. C. E. Vaughn, Newton Hamil- ton, Pa. W. C. Miller, Spirley, Pa C. H. Miller Hardware Co., Huntingdon, Pa. Pearl Appelby, Mount Union, Pa. J. P. Keefner, Mount Union, Pa. Harbison-Walker Co., Mount Union, Pa. Sharper & Sherr, Mount Union, Pa. M. Sewartz & Sons, Mount Union, Pa. V. C. Baker, Waco, Tex Leslie Stegall, Waco, Tex do M. L. Powers, Waco, Tex W. E. Stovall, Waco, Tex.. Bert Moore, jr., Waco, Tex. D. W. Carpenter, Waco, Tex.. C. H. Leuschner, Otto, Tex. . . L. B.Smith, Waco, Tex Henry H. Little, Waco, Tex.. T. L. Lenox, Waco, Tex W. E. Quebec, Waco, Tex T. L. Leimox, Waco, Tex A. Kersting, Waco, Tex J. A. Littlefleld, Waco, Tex. A. W.Warner, Waco, Tex do Hills Bro. & Co., Waco, Tex. . . Dave Meers, Waco, Tex Eva Lee, Waco, Tex L. B. Smith, Waco, Tex. . Geo. P. Byrd, Waco, Tex. P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex . . . G. W. Greagor, Waco, Tex. C. H. Graves, Waco, Tex... C. K. Ducham, Waco, Tex. A. W. Warner, Waco, Tex. H. E. Blech, Waco, Tex.... E. F. Bauman, Waco, Tex. T. L. Lennox, Waco, Tex M. L. Weimans, Waco, Tex W. C. Hander, Waco, Tex J. W. Moore, Waco, Tex P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex W. C. Hander, Waco, Tex C. H. Graven, Waco, Tex P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex L. C. Gilbert, Waco, Tex Jacob Mocal, John Kowelski, Waco, Tex. Local jobbers for resale, Waco, Tex C. M. Coffon, Deming, N. Mex. W. R. Sanders, for the Citizens Ice & Cold Storage Co., Little Rock, Ark. L. S. Delany, Waco, Tex A. W. Warner, Waco, Tex Frank Hassel, Waco, Tex Frank Emmetsberger, Waco, Tex. H. Rueber, Waco, Tex Jane Oswald, Waco, Tex W. M. Schaever, Waco, Tex.... Blue-print paper . . . Troy dump wagon . Brick. Nails.. Oflace furniture Miscellaneous property. Limestone screemngs... Miscellaneous bedding . Empty oil barrels Salvage lumber and roofing. Miscellaneous lumber and nails Miscellaneous pile of junk Temporary bmldings and sal- vage lumber. Miscellaneous fence posts, nails, rake, saw, etc. Miscellaneous farm tools, in- cluding griadstone sledges. Salvage lumber Salvage lumber, doors, sash. . Miscellaneous salvage lumber. Nails from open kegs Nails Office safe, steel Pipe vise, cedar posts, and rolls 2-ply paper. Cedar posts ;-.- Low-down closet combina- tions, soil pipe, tee, etc. Machine bolts, pipe cutter, etc. Stepladder, axe, post augers.. Miscellaneous tools and imple- ments. Furnaces, closet combination, and miscellaneous tools. Small temporary houses Miscellaneous lot of salvage lumber. Wheelbarrow, stepladder Wheelbarrows, stepladder, ce- ment. Cedar posts Auger, axe, wheelbarrow Miscellaneous lot of framings and blacksmith tools. Axes, post-hole augers Axes Small latrine, used as 1,000-yd. range. Tent floors .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do.... Miscellaneous . Nails. Electric grills Desk, typewriter; desks, flat- top; table, oak; chairs, swivel and straight-back; typewriter. Tent floors do do do .do. .do. .do. 29S SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL l.l^T OF SAT.Es*: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON. P. C.-Contlnupd. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. ArticJe. Total sale price. 114 Jan. 27, 1919.... do do do Jan. 2S. 1919 Jan. 27, 1919 Jan. 31, 1919 Feb. 1,1919 do Jan. 28,1919 do do do do Jan. 29. 1919.. .. JtUl. 30. 1919 do Jan. 27. 1919 Jan. 28.1919 do do Carl Zliiunerman, AVaoo, Tex.... C. F. I'lvnoh. \V;i,'o, To.\ Hoiirv Sohftopor, Waco. Tex Tent floors SIO.OO 115 116 do do 101X1 10. 00 117 S. J. SV as:h. \Va.-o, Tox do 20. 00 US 119 K. E. Baird.AYai-o.Tex W. K. Stoval. Waco, Tex Turner Lumber & Fuel Co., Kockford. 111. ■ W. P. Richardson, Jacksonville, Fla. Alabi^ma Machine & Supply Co., Montgomery, Ala. L. B. Smith, Waco, Tex W. T. Garrett, Waco, Tox C. K. Durham, Waco, Tex Jiunes Warner. Waoo. Tex .\. J. Porsett. Waoo. Tox Pan Ervins. Waoo, Tex U. Combs. Waoo. Tex Scrap lumber sold by the load. Tem (X^n^ry sheds 194. iSO 20.1X1 l.lXI 120 Nails, common, 8 d 147.20 71.60 36.30 121 Nails.latU.Sd. Nails, t'mish, S d Pla.stor board. 3i x4vS" 6" irito vnlvo '^P 84.64 39.30 42.17 20.52 8" •'^ito valve " B 32.16 122 123 124 125 T.iOxlOxS'"' Pipe: 10". cast-iron, 12' length... 10", oa-^t-lron, -lo' length... Small tetuponuv building Cedar bUvks, salvage Doors, sjilvago; S!\sh di.K>rs, salvage. 21.33 526.35 11.61 15.40 5.00 10.00 do S.0O 126 127 Small pile of salvaire liunber. . . 4.60 15.00 12S 12<) Lofid of kindling wo<.xl Small tompon\ry buildings Salvage doors 1.00 55. 00 130 A. AV. Warner. Waoo, Tex C. 1^. Perkins, Waoo. Tex C. F. Frosoh. Waoo, Tex T. B. ilav, Waoo. Tex C. H. Torrenoe, Waoo. Tex J. J. Llnkenhazor. Waoo, Tex... W. T. G.imnt, Waoo, Tex T. W. SiUleuherger. Soutli Waoo. Tex. F. M. Seso, Waoo, Tex Fred Fleszal. "Waoo. Tex 35.00 131 Tent floors 15.00 133 133 134 do do 15.00 10.00 238.40 135 do do do do do Ten t fl ix>rs 10. 1X1 186 137 13$ 139 do !!!"!!."!!!."!! 100.00 5.00 60.00 30.00 140 141 142 143 do do do do C. E. Monan, AVaoo, Tex T. J. Selnian. AYaoo. Tex C. K. Durham. AA'aoo. Tex John Cramer, AA'aoo, Tex "iiido;:;;""!!;!!;!!!!!!;!!! do 60.00 30.00 5.00 10.00 144 ., .do Ler^n- Pett v , AA'aoo. Tex do . ..'. 5.00 145 do .Kv cireeu. AA'aoo, Tex do 5.00 146 147 do do AV. E, Stovall, AVaoo. Tex Andrew Crow, AA'aoo. Tex do do 130.00 10.00 14S 149 loO 151 Jan. 29. 1919 do do do Jan. 2S, 1919 Jan. 29, 1919 do do do do do do do Ernest Eudor. AVaoo. Tex J. S. MoGmibv. AVaoo. Tex C . r> . Peskins . AVaoo. Tex K. E. Overbv. AVaoo. Tex Ed . Blaokburu . AVaoo. Tex Ross Bro\ra. AVaoo, Tex H. U. Hoffman. AA'aoo, Tex J. C. AVebb. AVaoo. Tex T. B. Eider. AV.'ioo. Tex Charley Mason, AA'aoo, Tex Tom Kocers. AA'aoo, Tex !!!!;do!"!!;;;!!;"!;!"!;"i; Smal 1 temporarv bui Iding 1 ,000 reclaimed brick 15.00 20.00 5.00 8.00 152 Tent floors 25.00 153 154 155 156 157 158 [liiido";!";;;;;!;!;"!!";;; do do do do 15.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 159 160 AVestbn^ok A E vans. AA'aco, Tex. Chittmun. AA'aoo, Tex do do 440.00 5. 00 161 162 do do do do do C. F. Price. AVaoo. Tex J. 11. Yoimsbloo^l. AA'aoo, Tex. . B. T. Tucker. AVaoo, Tex 0. B. Kraft. AA'aoo, Tex John Jank, AA'aoo, Tex do do 5. 00 480. 00 163 164 165 ""Ido!!!"!;];;!!!!";!!!!!!! do 5.00 5.00 5.00 166 •167 168 169 do do do do do do do E. A. Olsen. Waco. Tex Andrew Crow. AVaoo. Tex SivTUons Bovd. AVaoo. Tex Fred Fioszel. AVaoo, Tex J M Loper. Waoo, Tex !"!;do;!;!";!;;;;;!!;!!;;;"] Tent bottoms 50.00 10.00 15. tXI 8,00 170 Tent floors 10. 00 171 173 Hu^h Kloyyas , AA'aoo, Tex Lieut. Bion J. Arnold, Waoo, Tex. M. A. Cay bell, AA'aoo, Tex Chao Evans . AA'aoo, Tex "!!!do! !!!!!".!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! 20.00 100.00 173 174 do do do do do do do r!!!do! !!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!."!!! 5.00 5.00 175 E. E. Baird, AV.aoo, Tex A. AA'. AAamer. Waco, Tex J. M. Atxawav. AVaoo, Tex A. E. Clauton, Waoo, Tex D. C. Norton. Waoo. Tex Pile of salvage limiber 4S.75 176 Tent floors . ." 40. 00 177 17S 179 i;;;!do;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;: do lo.OO 5.00 75.00 ' Not known. SALE OF SUIIPLU.S SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 299 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C.-ContinucfJ. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Artiole. Jan. 29,1919. Jan. 30,1919.. ....do do ..do Feb. 3, 1919. Jan. 27, 19)9. Feb. 3, 1919. do do do Jan. 30, 1919. do Jan. 28, 1919. Jan. 30, 1919.. ....do .do. .do. Jan. 29, 1919.. Jan. 31, 1919. . Jan. 29, 1919.. ....do Jan. 30, 1919. ....do Jan. 31, 1919. . do Jan. .30, 1919.. Dec. 18, 1918. Dec. 14, 1918. do do Jan. 27, 1919. do Jan. 30, 1919. Jan. 27, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. Jan. 31, 1919.. Feb. 1, 1919.. Feb. 3, 1919.. Jan. 31, 1919. ....do... ....do... Feb. 1, 1919. E. E. Bexlcy, Waco, Tex E. K. Kuhean, Waco, Tex J. U. Younf^blowl, Waco, Tex. M. 15. Deskins, Waco Tex E. E. Baird, Waco, Tex Estclla L. Smith, Macon, Ga... Wilbur King, Macon, Ga. . . E. F. Cranford, Macfjn, Oa. T. 8. Tharpe, Macon, Ga. . . T. J. Rankin, Macon, Ga... fCanw.led.] W. W. Ilooper, Spartanburg, 8.0. Brysrm & Webber, Spartan- burg, S. C. Wra. H. Willis, Thaxton Mills B.C. J. M. EasIcy,Spartanburj;,S.C.. Eugene Carver, Spartanburg, S.C. Jere Easley, Spartanburg, S.C. F. O. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. J. S. Tiemey, Spartanburg, S. C . R. E. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. D. B. Anderson, Spartanburg, S.C. O. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. E. L. Stallings, Spartanburg, S. C American lied Cross, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. O. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. R. A. Brannon, Spartanburg, S.C. P. O. Pickens, Spartanburg, S. C . Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. H. F. Roddy, Mount Union, Pa. . B. V. Wakefield, Mount Union, Pa. J. R. Leiianan, Moi:nt Union. Pa. Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. do E. Keder Co., Williamsport, Pa . Abendrotli Bros., Mount Union, Pa. Aetna Explosive Co., Mount Union, Pa. Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. Harbison-Walker Co., Mount Union, Pa. Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. J. C. Adams, Kingsport, Tenn. . R. Oldham Wm. Crawford, Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. M. L. H. Birdsete, Spartanburg, S.C. W. N. Willis, Spartanburg, S.C. Saxon Mills, Spartanburg, S. C. O. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. Tent Floor do do Temporary shed, tool Salvage lumber from rifle- ran j?e utility yard. Lumter; flooring; roofjnt' pa- per, damaged: nails, 8d, 2fid, brick; cement; lime. l-X^ly roofing pajjer Lumber Pile scrap lumber Lumber Dragjians Lumber and brick. Lumber. Lumber, flooring, and nails . Lumfjer do. Brick.. Supreme Jewell stove, second- hand. Brick and flooring Water heater and boiler. Dressed lumber Sanitation material Brick, sand, and cement. Brick Lumber and roofing. Room heater, complete No. 20-16 Monica cannon stoves Lumber.. Hog wire. Scrap lumber.. Hydratcd lime . Brick jacks Tube punch-outs. Stove Portland cement. Steel rail Plumbing material Tees, ells, Dre hydrants . Acetylene, welding and cutting Cots, blan icets, mattresses, and comforts. Brick, stone, cement, hauling, team and slip pan. Brick, cement, lime, hauling. . Brick, cement, stone, hauling, team and slip pans. Crude oil Lumber, roofing, and cement . Lumber, dressed; brick, enamel water-closet tanks, Vitrong water-closet bowls, water- closet seats; second-hand boilers, 40-gal.; 4" soil pipe, D.H.,4"; barlead oakum 1" galvanized-iron pipe; 2-ply roofing paper; tar-felt paper; rosin paper. i" tongue and groove flooring . 300 SALE OF STJRPLtrS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENO?. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 3, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..-.do ....do ....do ....do ....do Dec. 19, 1918 Dec. 28, 191S. Dec. 23, 1918. Dec. 31, 1919. Dec. 26, 1918. Dec. 13, 1918. Dec. 17, 1918. Dec. 16. 1918. Dec. 20, 1918. . Jan. 3, 1919 Dec. 18, 1918.. Dec. 13, 1918. . Dec.26, 1918. . Jan. 22, 1919... Jan. 18, 1919... ....do Dec. 20, 1918]. do Dec. 22, 1918.. Dec. 11, 1918. . Jan. 27, 1919... Dec. 30, 1918.. Jan. 5, 1919.... Jan. 24, 1919... do do Jan 27-31, 1919 ....do N. G. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. R. H. Barry, Spartanburg, S. C Sams-Fraser Lumber Co., Spar- tanburg, S. C. J. D. McGraA-y, Spartanburg, S. C Southers Paving Construction Co., Spartanburg, S. C. G. L. Johnson, Spartanburg, S. C. J. "W. Laceyj Spartanburg, S. C. L. H. Wiihams, Spartanburg, S.C. R. H. Barry, Spartanbiug, S. C Jas. Daniel, Spartanburg, S. C. A, F. Fagan, Spartanburg, S. C. G. B. Basley, Spartanburg, S. C. Eugene Carter, Spartanburg, S.C. John C. Sword, Clear Springs, Md Frank Henson, Clear Springs, Md Clyde Anpeney, Clear Springs, Md. Amos Rouland, Clear Springs, Md. John Sword, Clear Springs, Md.. Frank Henson, Clear Springs, Md. Finley Seibert, Hagerstown, Md. John C. Sword, Clear Springs, Md. H. C. Brooks, Martinsburg, W. Va. C. H. Bums, Big Springs, Md. . , David Pepp, Clear Springs, Md. , Frank Henson, Clear Springs, Md. Robt .Ross Jones, Clear Springs, Md. M. Finley Siebert, Hagerstown, Md. Maryland Pressed Steel Co., Hagerstown, Md. James F. Binns, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Electric Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Danzer Metal Work*, Hagers- town, Md. North American Smelting Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Moshame Bell Foundry Co., Baltimore, Md. John A. Roeblings Sons Co., Trenton, N. J. H. C. Brooks, Martinsburg, W. Va. Potts Plumbing Co., Fort Worth, Tex. G. E . Allgaier & Co., Fort Worth, Tex. R. E. Nelson, Fort Worth, Tex. . Acme Plumbing Co., Fort Worth, Tex. G. E. Allgaier & Co., Fort Worth, Tex. J x 4 tongue and groove flooring Roofing and terra-cotta pipe . . Cross-cut saw with motor . . . Lumber. Cement . , Screen doors, 2-ply roofing pa- per with rails and cement, dressed lumber: flooring. Sash 1 X 12" board Second-hand wire Lumber, rough Lumber, washboard, tongue and grove flooring, coil. Brick Ceiling, tongue and groove Flooring Building paper Cement Brick, common, red. Door frames Form lumber Odd lot of paint Form lumber . 1" black pipe. Form lumber . do Form lumber. do Flooring Doorframe Ladder Form lumber. Sash Screen doors. . Lumber Tools. l"blackpipe Form lumber , Wall board Form lumber do Detroit T and receivers . 1" black pipe Coal dust Building sand Brick Porcelain knobs No. 14 solid S. B. R. C. wire. Swltchboxe5, No. 92, multiple Fixtures and screws 8" sewer pipe Sewer pipe, pipe fittings, etc. Lead Basin coops No. 6T. B.wire.. No. 8T. B.wire.. Ofiice equipment. Plumbing, bowls, cleanouts, etc.' ...do .do. -do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAHTMENT. 301 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. 266 Jan. 27-31, 1919. Jan. 29, Jan. 31, Jan. 14, Feb. 10, Feb. 3, Feb. 4, do. Jan. 31, do. Feb. 1, do. Feb. 3, do. Feb. 4, do. Jan. 31, Feb. 4, do- Feb. 5, do. Feb. 4, do. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919. 1919. . 1919. . Name and address of buyer. 1919. 1919.'. 1919. 1919.' 1919. 1919. . 1919. 1919.' Feb. 1, Jan. 15, .do. -do. -do. 1919. . 1919. ....do ....do Feb. 3, 1919 Feb. 31, 1919 do Jan. 30, 1919 Jan. 15, 1919..... Feb. 4, 1919. Jan. 29, 1919. .....do Feb. 5, 1919. . .....do do Feb. 4, 19149.. Jan. 31, 1919. Jan. 30, 1919. Feb.7, 19t9.. do do Dec. 2, 1918.. Mar. 13, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Feb. 3, 1919. Feb. 4, 1919. Feb. 5, 1919. Jan. 25, 1919. Feb. 7, 1919. do do Feb. 8, 1919. do R. G. Smithe, Fort Worth, Tex. T. P. Wilkes, Fort Worth, Tex. . John Garetson, Fort Worth, Tex. Manger, Westville, N.J W. P. Richardson & Co., Camp Johnston, Fla. Henry Land, Macon, Ga H. C. Bond, Macon, Ga Leonard Flanders, Macon, Ga. . . T. S. Tharpe, Macon, Ga Willie Barnes, Macon, Ga W. T. Epps, Macon, Ga H. F. Dunlap, Macon, Ga John BelL Macon, Ga Howard Stokes, Macon, Ga J. L. Redick, Macon, Ga H. C. Bond, Macon, Ga W. G. Solomon, Macon, Ga Charhe Waller, Macon, Ga Willis Belcher, Macon, Ga J . T. Yearty, Macon, Ga W. B. Stewart, Macon, Ga Virginia State Highway, Peters- burg, Va. Tucker & Laxton (Inc.), Char- lotte, N. C. J. R. Purser, Charlotte, N. C... J. W. Rogers, Waco, Tex.m Dr. J. S. Burgess, Waco, Tex. Will Schroder, Waco, Tex J. S. Harrison, Waco, Tex E . Edner, Waco, Tex E. E. Baird, Waco, Tex.... A. W. Warner, Waco, Tex. W. E. Stovell, Waco, Tex.. D. B. Webster, Waco, Tex. Harold Combs, Waco, Tex. E. E. Baird, Waco, Tex.... I. L. Capers, Eastland, Waeo, Tex. E.J. McFall, Waco, Tex Carl Zimmerman. Waco, Tex. . . Geo. W. Witt, Waco, Tex L. Kelly, Waco, Tex Dr. John L. Burgess, Waco, Tex. Witt & Abbott, Waco, Tex L. Winans, Waco, Tex do J. P. Baldwin, Apex, N.C Robert Woolfolk, Montgomery, Ala. Aero Alarm, Montgomery, Ala . . L. M. Boykin, Camden, S. C. . . . Queen City Iron Works, Char- lotte, N.C. Mechanical Iron Works, Char- lotte N. C. Dixon Motor Service, Charlotte, N.C. Queen City Iron Works, Char- lotte, N. C. Mayhew & Etters. Charlotte, N.C. G. V. Keller, Charlotte, N.C... Porter & Boyd (Inc.), Char- lotte, N.C. Juilius Vance. Charlotte, N. C... Doggett Lumber Co., Charlotte, N.C. J. R. Reed, Little Rock, Ark.... Jacob Nasol, Little Rock, Ark. . Atlantic Refining Co., Atlanta, Ga. J. J. O'Rourke, Stapleton, N. Y, Richard Roedee, Waco, Tex Geo. Greene, Waco, Tex Richard Roeder, Waco, Tex W. F. Quebe, Waco, Tex , B. B. Danniels, Waco, Tex Article. Plumbing, bowls, cleanouts, etc. do do Lumber 6' ' gate valve, 2-B Scrap lumber, rusty fence wire. Lavatories, lumber, nails, etc . Lumber 2-ply roofing paper Second-hand lumber Flooring Assorted nails Second-hand lumber do 2-ply roofing paper Plumbing, tubs, lavatories, etc. Salvaged toilets and tanks Second-hand lumber do do Lumber -.. Cement, sand, stone Electrical material. 6x4x6 boiler pump, feed Small buildings with galvan- ized roofing. Stable sergeant's house Small building in section D Stables, Nos. 27 to 36; black- smith shop. Stable, A-4; feed house, A-1... Pile of kindling wood Salvage doors Salvage lumber Tool boxes Small temporary buildings Salvage lumber from rifle range and utiUty yard. Quartermaster stables Tent floors , Tentfloor Stables Stable, 20x100' , Watertrough, stable, A-2. Stables , Tent bottoms do 30' 7" top poles , Pile lumber , Conduit,!" 2-ply roofing, Carey's. Junk iron Scrap lumber, taaiks . Lumber , Junk iron Second-hand screen doors. do Cement, sash, etc . Scrap lumber Miscellaneous bolts, etc. Stoves and ranges. Lumber Mess equipment.. Scrap lumber Salvage doors Mess hall Stables and auto shed. Warehouse Oflacer shacks Total sale price. 302 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTIMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DR'ISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. ....do ' Feb. IS, 1919....' Dec. 31, 191S Feb. 5, 1919 Feb. S. 1919 J. W. Hampton, Waco. Tex do I F. Gimmott, Waco, Te.x Feb. 10, 1919 ! M. A. Giisorv, Waco. Tex do I John Hulnicak, Waco, Tox do ; Sam Pass, West Waco, Tox do ! M. H. Owens, Bosciue^-ille, Tex. J. E. Healey, Ridge wood. Pa. . . Virginia State Highway, Peters- bura;, Va. -Vlfred C. Ulricli, 292 5th Ave, New York. Lieut. John P. Parker, Camp Grant, 111. Frank E. MaffloU, Rookford, 111. Frank Marelli, Rookford, 111 L. W. Biirch, Augusta, Ga J. -A.. Simon, -Uigusta. Ga C. V. Evans, Augusta, Ga J. M. Koon Plumbing Co., Au- gusta, Ga. J. M. Bush, Augusta, Ga S. P. Langley, Augusta, Ga Lindsay Thomas, Augusta, Ga.. Line Palmer, Augusta, Ga Leroy WilUams, Augusta, Ga... Jolm' Huff, Augusta^ Ga Ed. Perrin, Augusta, Ga John Hufl, Augusta, Ga La^^Tenoe Construction Co., Au- gusta, Ga. D. Timm. Augusta. Ga C. J. Clark, Augusta, Ga S. S. Johnson, Augusta, Ga C. V. Evans, Augusta, Ga J. A. Simon. Ausrusta, Ga R. M. Stiles, Aug\ista, Ga J. B. Smith, Aueiista, Ga S.D.Walker, Augusta, Ga Z . V. Creasman, Augusta, Ga . . . ....do ....do Feb. 1, 1919. ....do ....do ....do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., -do., -do., -do., .do.. ....do ....do Feb. 10, 1919... ....do. ....do. ....do., ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. Article. Bathtub Warehouse Wire and fence material Storehouse Warehouse Buildings and loose lumber, posts, wire. Entire plant, temporary build- ings, etc. Cement, sand, stone Lansing cement mixer, with Novo gas engine attached. Lavatory, closet, bathtub, etc. do do Brick Beaver board 2-horse plows bathtubs, 5' x 30". Plumbing tees, soil pipe, etc. Lumber and framing do do 2-ply tar roofing Lumber, 1 x S" Framing, rough hand Lumber, 1 x S or 10" Stone ....do. do. do. do. Feb. 6, do. do. do. do. do. do. ....do. L. A. Van Dyke, Augusta, Ga. . Irwin Alexander, Augusta, Ga. . The Augusta Factory, Augusta, Ga. C.H. Dav, Augusta, Ga E. F. Luke, Augusta, Ga G. C. Scheurman, Augusta, Ga.. C.H, Day, Augusta. Ga ..• I S. P. Langley, Augusta, Ga j L. -\. Van Dyke, Augusta, Ga. . C. H. Day. Augusta, Ga I ' Z. V. Cre'samai. Augusta, Ga...l William Bennett, Augusta, Ga. S. D. Walker, Augusta. Ga Rev. Chas. WiUiams, Augusta, Ga. B. P. Joerdan, Grovetown, Ga. Robert Mill, Augusta, Ga R. B. Smith, Augusta, Ga W. H. Mays, Augusta, Ga Ira Hogan, Augusta, Ga C.J. Clark, Augusta. Ga Thos. A. Holme, .\ugusta, Ga.. Ausr. T. Eosel. Augusta, Ga D. E . Sturgis, Augusta. Ga F.C. Bussey. Augusta, Ga Turner St ernes, Augusta, Ga. . . W. H. Mays, Augusta, Ga Terra-cotta pipe Ceiling, ■^x4'> Siding, flooring, framing do '. Beaver board, damaged Siding, flooring, framing Siding Framing and sheathing Framing, sheathing, and ceil- ing. Lumber Sheathing Lumber, Ix 12" 14. 1919 ....do ....do ....do do do....... do do do do do do T. F. Coward, Augusta, Ga A. Alexander, Augusta, Ga Columbes Feaxson, Augusta, Ga J. H. Lee, Augusta, Ga J. B. Tappan, Augusta, Ga, H. C. Bussey, Augusta, Ga, J. R. Good. Augusta, Ga Croft v-t Powell Hardware Co Aik±n, Ga. C.H. Dav, Augtista, Ga L. A. Vail Dvke, Hepzibah, Ga do ". Lumber, 2x4" Ceiling and flooring Wire, rtibber covered, No. Lumber, x S" Flooring, roofing, doors, etc. . . Scrap lumber and sand screen. Lumber and tar roofing Lumber and nails Tar roofing Siding, random Lumber, ceiling, sash doors. . . do Tar roofing Scrap lumber and tar roofing., Luniber Small tools, roofing, etc Lumber Weatherboarding and flooring. Flooring, ceiling, lumber Tar roofing Small tools Saws and hooks Weatherboarding, lumber, flooring, etc. Doors..-. Load of scrap lumber do Lumber. Tar roofljig. Small tools, -do. do. Lumber. Miscellaneous Lumber and tar roofing. Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 303 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 6, 1919... Feb. 10, 1919. --..do ....do -...do Dec. 10, 1918. .-..do .do. ....do Feb. 20, 1919-.. .-..do Jan. 21-27, 1919. ..-.do ....do ....do do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ...do. ...do. ...do. .do. .do. .do. ...do. ...do. ...do. -..do. ...do- ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. .do. .do. do. do. do. do. .-..do ....do .-..do .-..do .-..do .-..do .-..do -...do ....do ....do ....do ....do do do do Dec. 31, 1918. . . do Feb. 12, 1919... Nov. 18, 1918... Feb. 21, 1919... Feb. 19, 1919 do do do do do Feb. 18, 1919. do do Richmond County, Augusta, Ga. W. D. Johnson, Bellaire. Ga Robert Mills, Augusta, Ga John Macky, Augusta, Ga Richmond County, Augusta, Ga. Not known M. Luthers Ayers, Augusta, Ga. Chas. Gibbs, Mount Vernon, Va. H. H. Bloimt, Alexandria, Va. . Dillon Supply Co., Raleigh, N. C. [Canceled.] Bruno Pizzimenti, Pitman, N. J. J. M. Post,Camden, N.J G. Miller, Woodbury, N. J James McConville, Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Wieland. Philadelphia, M. Doe, Philadelphia, Pa M. Polaski, Philadelphia, Pa J. Hendrickson, Philadelphia, Pa. M. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa-. P. Budd, Philadelphia, Pa Camden M. S. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. W. Whittick, PhUadelphia, Pa. D. P. Budd, Philadelphia, Pa... Thomas Limch, Philadelphia, Pa. Chas. Stevens, Philadelphia, Pa. Stinson & D., Philadelphia, Pa. J. A. Babnew, PhOadelphia, Pa. Mr. Blank, Philadelphia, Pa Ed. Steever, Philadelphia, Pa... Dilke, Philadelphia, Pa C. S. Wilmot, Philadelphia, Pa. . C. H. Barnard, Camden, N.J... J. H. Hemdrickson, Woodbury, Dickson, Camden, N. J Bailey, Camden, N. J Caflrey, Camden, N. J Brith, Camden, N.J J. V. Stevens, Gloucester, N. J. Applegate, Westville, N. J C. S. Wilmot, Westville, N. J. [Canceled.] S. S. Booth, Camden, N. J C. P. Budd, Woodbury, N. J. do C. Holdstein, Woodbury, N. J.. W. Lamke, Woodbury, N. J W. S. Parks, Woodburg, N. J. . . C. H. Mogowan, Woodbury, N. J. Jefferies, Verga, N.J , McClellan & Ebert Camp Greene, N. C. J.F. Allred , Dixon Motor Co John Vance J. A. Costner, Mt. Molly, N. C... J. J. O'Rourke, Stapleton, N. J. , Jno. Conoley, Hoboken, N.J J. D. Reed, Pulaski County Elks Lodge No. 29, B. P. O. E., Little Rock, Ark. J. H. Attaway, Hewitt, Tex P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex H. E. Bruyers, Waco, Tex Cotton Palace Association, Waco, Tex. T. B . Gamett, Waco, Tex A. W. Short, Speeglesville, Tex, W. D. Carpenter, Waco, Tex.- . W. Strickler, Waco, Tex B.F.VanHorn,Myndus,N.Mex, Gage Mfg. Co., Gage, N. Mex — Lumber and flooring Roofing and wire Roofing Tar roofing 2x8" flooring Condemned mattresses Temporary buildings and car- penter shop. Temporary Government buildings. do 5J X T^" track spikes , Small tools Limiber Electrical material . Small tools Gas engines, 2J and 5 h. p Lumber , do Trime wrench and pipe cutter. Lumber Rubberoid , Locks, hinges, and lumber Ax. Barbed wire Toledo stock and 2-lb. Barnes cutter. Small tools Nails Second-hand ax Lumber 5h. p. gas engine Scrap boards 58' ' rope, 8' ' blocks, etc Small tools No. 621 rina locks Second-hand ax Rim locks and second-hand axe. Second-hand ax , Ax Nails Second-hand axes . Crosscut saw Axes and blocks... Axes Lumber and ladder Axes, old boats, paint brushes, etc. Ax Hoe Lumber and rubberoid. Second-hand lumber . . . No. 621 rim locks Rubber boots Kewanee storage tanks Miscellaneous Rubber boots, junk 2' ' galvanized water pipe Scrap and cuttings sold as junk Empty barrels Commissary suppli&s Vertical 36 x 60" boUer ei'bathtub 30 X 60" kitchen sink. Small tools, etc Wheelbarrows Locks, boxes, house jimk. Axes Wheelbarrow Army range, condemned. Timekeeper's old shack . . , 10,000-gal. tank 304 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 20, 1919... Feb. 14, 1919... do Feb. 15,1919. Feb. 17,1919. Feb. 13,1919. Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 17,1919. do Feb. 12,1919. do Feb. 11,1919. do Feb, 12,1919. Jan. 24,1919. do Feb. 12, 1919. do , Feb. 18, 1919. , Feb. 13,1919.. do do do , .....do do do do -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... ..do ..do.... ..do ..do.... ..do ..do.... ..do Feb. 10,1919. Feb. 20,1919. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. .do ...do ...do ...do ...do do do Feb. 24, 1919. do do Feb. 4, 1919.. Peeler Williams, Lorena, Tex. J. B. Nay lor, Waco, Tex F. M. Lyons, Waco, Tex D. P. Wallace, Waco, Tex T. Brooks Pearson, Waco, Tex.. E. E. Baird, Waco, Tex J. W. Boggess, Waco, Tex T. Brooks Pearson, Waco, Tex. J. B. Harrison, Waco, Tex I. 8. Capers, Waco, Tex McLennan County, Waco, Tex. F. M. Lyons, Waco, Tex A. Washington, Waco, Tex H. B. Marks, Waco, Tex T. R. Workman, Raleigh, N. C J. M. Kennedy, Raleigh, N. C. John Pienmak, Demhig, N. Mex F. C. Perreson,Deming,N. Hex Bass-Hueter Pakit Co., Cody, N. Mex. J. F. Rodan, Westville, N. J , C. P. Budd, Waterburv, N. J W. M. Cassada, WestAnlle, N. J . . , F. Dovle, Westville, N. J , L. Stanton, Westville, N. J A. Bradshaw, Woodbury, N. J.. C. H. Magowan, Westville, N. J. . S. H. Hawkes, South Westville, N.J. M. Dalton, South Westville, N. J. S. Powell, Westville, N. J , M.Deknerm, National Park, N.J, F. Baker, Westville . N.J Wm. Pierce, Westville, N. J H. Conrad, Westville, N. J Ryan, Camden, N. J , L.PauL Westville, N.J , C. W. Doughty, National Park, N.J. D. H. Mumford, Woodbury, N. J. Chas. E. Dunn, WestvUle, N. J. . . Wm. F. Fietz, National Park, N.J. R. E. Hall, Morristown, N. J ...do. J. L. Steele, Woodbury, N. J Hinshillwood, Westville, N. J. . . H. W. Pettit, Woodbury, N. J.. C. W. Strate, Westville, N. J.... Wm. Francks. Westville. N. J. . F. G. Bailey, Westville, N. J.... J. M. Post, Camden, N.J C. S. Wilmot, Westville, N. J. . . W. R. Hall, Merchantville, N. J. Lawrence Construction Co., Augusta, Ga. Herman Drlnkwater, Norfolk, Va A. W. Day, Suffolk, Va B. D. Bradford, Norfolk, Va C. A. Young, Edwinsville, Ind . . , H. A. Davis, Pug Point, Va , Hageman & Harris, Portsmouth, Va. H. W. Abernathy, Matthews, N. C. Joseph Dodd, Portsmouth, Va. . J. R. Hayes, P. P. Ord. D., Va. . Tulby Ward, Himtersville, Va.. Atlantic Coast Line R. R., Portsmouth, Va. J. T. Witty, Pig Pomt, Va W. T. Monell, Portsmouth, Va.. W. J. Kjng, Camp Greene, N. C. T. O. Toomey, Camp Greene, N. C. C. A. Dixon Camp Greene, N. C. Mount Union Planing Mill, Mount Union, Pa. Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. Water troughs Wheelbarrows and railroad picks. Small tools, rope, etc Sash and doors Small tools Kindling and salvage material. Water trough Lumber and water trough Double water troughs do Lumber out of rifle range and pits. "RTieelbarrow and lantern Stocks and dies. No. 1, etc Plug cutouts and tape Blankets, commercial 2-ply roofing Emplovment agent's shack. . . Range boiler 14" well casing Mechanical equipment Lumber, boiler, paint, etc 5h. p. gas engine Lumber 2V h. p. Bull Dog gas engine. ixlV'lath... Limiber, saw, etc Work bench, etc Lumber, etc OU stove, etc Second-hand lumber, etc Second-hand hose Second-hand nails, etc , Shingle lath, nails, etc , Shingle lath, lumber, etc Lumber and window sash, etc Shingle lath and naUs, etc Shovels Pipe cutters Tool box and shingle lath . Second-hand lumber and shingle lath. f" second-hand garden hose.. Lumber , ...do Rubberoid paper , Lumber Saws Lumber Small tools Lumber, rubberoid, paint- brushes. Twine, slip pans, car movers. . Small tools Household fumitm"e Small tools Mechanical equipment. Commissary supplies... Old motor hoods Saw pipe, emery wheels, etc. Household furniture Echo heating stove Commissary supplies Railroad ties, white and red, O.K. Cook stove, No. 9, 6-hole No. 3 Leth cannon stove Terra-cotta pipe Galvanized pipe Rubber hose, damaged. Lumber .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 305 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 5, Jan. 27, Jan. 30, Feb. 5, Feb. 4, Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Feb. 5, do. 1919.. 1919. , 1919. 1919., 1919., 1919. 1919. 1919. do.. Jan. 27, Feb. 8, Jan. 24, Feb. 7, do. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do., .do.. Feb. 11, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919. Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919. Feb. 13, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 13, 1919. do Feb. 6, 1919. . Feb. 7, 1919.. do Feb. 10, 1919. Feb. 8, 1919.. Feb. 10, 1919. do do do do do do do do do Feb. 4, 1919.. Feb. 10, 1919. do do do do do Feb. 11, 1919. do do do do Feb. 12, 1919. do do Feb. 13, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919. do do do do Mount Union Motor Car Co., Mount Union. Pa. Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. Baldwin Bros. Lumber Co., Mount Union, Pa. Capitol City Junk Co., Harris- burg, Pa. McDowell, Small & McKibbon, Philadelphia, Pa. Moimt Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. American Jobbers Supply Co., Rutherford, N. J. L. J. Swartz Son, Huntingdon, Pa. French, Klein, Smith, Philadel- phia, Pa. E. Keeler Co., Williamsport, Pa. Lewiston Foundry Machine Co., Lewiston, Pa. A. S. "Welch, Mount Union, Pa.. L. J. Swartz, Huntingdon, Pa... Mount Union Plamng Mills, Mount Union, Pa. John Lehman, Mt. Union, Pa... H. C. Roddy, Mt. Union, Pa — Mount Union Refractories Co., Mount Union, Pa. do McDowell, Small & McKibben, Philadelphia, Pa. W. P. Richardson, South Jack- sonville, Fla. Carolina Power & Light. Co., Raleigh, N. C. W. B. Stevens, Deming, N. Mex Channock & Senderowitz, Allen- town, Pa. E. D. Fleming, Norfolk, Va Oil. John Gill & Sons John Hill, Augusta, Ga W. H. Hopkinson, Augusta, Ga. Bill Erig, Augusta, Ga Ephrim Charlton, Augusta, Ga . L. J. Powers, Wheeler, Ga August T. Rosel, Augusta. Ga. . John Loobang, Augusta, Ga H. H. Scott, Augusta, Gfa Mrs. Jas. A. McLain, Augusta, Ga. Frank Cartledge, Augusta, Ga. . Lindsey Thomas, Augusta, Ga.. William Reeves, Augusta, Ga... Chas. J. Clark, Augusta, Ga R. L. Mattie, Augusta, Ga S. C. Jenkins, Augusta, Ga Whaley Bros., Augusta, Ga Frank Hamilton, Augusta, Ga. . Lock Thomas, Augusta, Ga .Chas. Collins, Augusta, Ga J. M. Brinson, Augusta, Ga E. Anderson, Augusta, Ga David Slusky, Augusta, Ga Henderson Hicks, Augusta, Ga. , Hattie Green, Augusta, Ga Bill Erig, Augusta, Ga S. L. Green, Augusta, Ga Thomas Persley, Augusta, Ga. . Henderson Hicks, Augusta, Ga., Thomas Hood, Augusta, Ga James Gardener, Augusta, Ga. . , Monroe Peck, Augusta, Ga , Peter Sharon, Augusta, Ga Ira Hogan, Augusta, Ga E. Anderson, Augusta, Ga S. C. Jennings, Augusta, Ga KeUey Hardware Co., Aiken, Ga. Garbage cans. Sacks cement. Pipe, fittings. Lumber 35' telephone poles Glass insulators, galvanized wire, etc. E mpty barrels Sal ammonica granular, sani- tary. Asbestos cement Scrap iron and tee borings Lumber Boots Can sienna, scrap iron. Pillow slips, comforts, white lead. Scrap lumber Red brick Wood benches. Lumber Plumbing material 100 K. V. D. steel towers. Salvage mine timbers Entire camp at Camp Crane... Old doors, window sash, bhnds. Wrought-iron pipe, 1 pump... Nails, grindstone, tools, etc Rooiing, rolls Scrap lumber Roofing, rolls Lumber, flooring, ceiling, etc. . Nails Scrap lumber Small tools, etc Screening, roofing, small tools, etc. Scrap lumber, etc Scrap lumber, kindling Scrap lumber, nails, etc do do Scrap lumber, nails, tar paper. Beaver board Lumber, scrap do Scrap lumber Scrap lumber, tar roofing, etc Rim knob locks 2 X 4" framing Scrap lumber Short blocks timber Brick, pipe, and roofing Scrap lumber, tar paper, nails. Quantity of scrap lumber Roofing, rolls Quantity scrap lumber Terra-cotta pipe, broken Small tools Nails, roofing, lumber, etc Scrap lumber and small tools. . Small tools, etc Small tools, galvanized wire, etc. $42. 93 90.00 48.45 1,754.11 409. 20 45.00 145. 49 5.00 29.85 8.00 852. 74 580. 14 12.00 48.50 8.25 1.00 1,429.96 24.00 505.48 219. 58 7,123.58 1.66 20,150.00 10.00 390.60 44.50 9.00 1.00 9.00 486. 66 12.75 2.50 24.51 16.24 20.17 17.60 10.84 11.00 735.36 1.00 .75 7.80 2.00 15.35 138. 75 7.90 3.00 1.00 155. 94 28.25 15.10 6.00 5.00 .50 10.55 23.25 44.65 11.00 172.60 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 306 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 12,1919. Feb. 13, 1919. do do do do Feb. 14, 1919. do do do do do do do .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. do Feb. 15, 1919. do do do do Feb. 17, 1919. do do do do do do Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. do Feb. 18, 1919. do Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. do do do do do Feb. 18, 1919. do Feb. 17, 1919 . Feb. 18, 1919 . do Feb. 19, 1919. do do Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919. do........ do do Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919 . Feb. 20, 1919. do do Feb. 17, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. 670 do Irani Hogan, Augusta, Ga T. H. Lee, Augusta, Ga S. C. Jenkins, Augusta, Ga Ed Perrin, Augusta, Ga Tom Pressley, Augusta, Ga Henderson Hicks, Augusta, Ga. . I. A. Goodwin, Augusta, Ga do S . C . Clark, Augusta, Ga Robert Sullivan, Augusta, Ga.. . C. Timm, Augusta, Ga G. B. James, Augusta, Ga G. B. Smith, Augusta, Ga AugustaBw. &Ice Co., Augusta. Ga. Fred Huffman, Grovetown, Ga . W. D. Johnson, Augusta, Ga — James Martin, Augusta, Ga J. S. Lehr, Augusta, Ga A. C. Jennings. Augusta, Ga W. B . Dunn, Augusta, Ga Jack Berry, Augusta, Ga W. H. Trim merman, Augusta, Ga. Laura Williams. Augusta, Ga... Oliver Littles, Augusta, Ga J. H. Milligan, Augusta, Ga Nat. P. Kemp, Augusta, Ga Lawrence Construction Co., Au- gusta, Ga. Jake Barrie, Augusta, Ga L. J. Bowers, Augusta, Ga J. I. Yerborough,Augusta, Ga. . H. H. Brown, Augusta, Ga S. A. Boswell, Augusta, Ga Nat. P. Kemp, Augusta, Ga ... Peter Wilson, Augusta, Ga W. D. Merry, Augusta, Ga Joe Jackson, Augusta, Ga Ely Construction Co., Augusta, Ga. Richmond Auto & Machine Co., Augusta, Ga. J. B. King, Augusta, Ga Z. V. Cereasman, Augusta, Ga. . J. H. Maddox, Augusta, Ga Hubbard AVilliams, Augusta, Ga. George Anderson, Augusta, Ga. . Merchants Bank, Plaza Branch, Augusta, Ga. J. T. Riese, Augusta, Ga C. H. Day, Augusta, Ga D. Timm, Augusta, Ga Harry McCorkle, R. D. No. 2, Augusta, Ga. Ella Thompson, Augusta, Ga. . . J. B. Ramsay, Augusta, Ga Alix Walker, Augusta, Ga , J. W. Clark, Martinez, Ga C. A. Youngblood, Augusta, Ga. J. W. Maddox, Augusta, Ga A. Fennenbaum, Augusta, Ga. . Mrs. J. W. Merry, Augusta, Ga., Frank Cartledge. Augusta, Ga. . , S. C. Jennings, Augusta, Ga Lanterns, hammer etc Used lumber, doors, etc Lumber Scrap lumber Roofing, rolls, quantity lumber Small tools and used lumber. . Scrap wood, nails, tools, etc. . . Used lumber, scrap wood, etc. Lumber, scrap wood, etc Small tools. Sash, window frames, roofing. Small tools OfBce equipment Small tools Small tools, scrap lumber. Wood blocks Small tools Scrap lumber Small tools, screening, etc. Quantity scrap lumber — Scrap lumber ....do do Office equipment do Cup grease, kerosene, etc. Scrap lumber Sash, nails, Ivimber Lumber, roofing, ceiling. . Load laths Small tools 3-gal. buckets, old Tar roofing OlHce equipment Tar roofimg Doubletrees and singles. . Drill press and used drill. 8-h. p. stove and engine. Scrap lumber NaUs, saws, roofing, etc . Small tools, etc. do Oface equipment. Small tools , do , do Small tools, roofing. J. W. Clark, Martmez, Ga J. H. Maddox, Augusta, Ga R. L. Garrett, Augusta, Ga J. L. Pope, Augusta, Ga C. H. Combs, Augusta, Ga C. W. Hutchinson, Augusta, Ga. Laura Jones, Augusta, Ga J. S. Nesbitt, Spartanburg, S. C. Paul Benson, Spartanburg, S. C. Holm-Page Co., Rockford, 111.. . American Heating & Supply, Rockford, 111. W. W. Atkins, Camp Cody, N. Mex. Mess equipment, knives, forks, plates, etc. Small tools Scrap lumber, roofing, rolls Miscellaneous Roofing paper Scrap lumber ; , Office equipment Scrap lumber, naUs Scrap lumber and wood, wagon grease. Small tools Scrap lumber and wood Flat-top desk Small typewriter tables Scrap lumber, wire, hose, etc. . Miscellaneous Lumber Sash, glass 2-plyroofmg paper Nails Plumbing equipment Engineer's subdepot. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 307 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 24, 1919.. do do Feb. 19, 1919. Feb. 18,1919. do do do do Feb. 17, 1919 . Feb. 18, 1919 . Feb. 17, 1919. do. do Feb. 18, 1919. do do do do do do do Feb. 17, 1919. Feb. 18, 1919 do do do do do Feb. 15, 1919 . Feb. 17, 1919.. do Feb. 28, 1919., do do do , Feb. 17, 1919.. do do do Feb. 12,1919.. Feb. 13, 1919.. do Feb. 7, 1919... Feb. 14, 1919 . . Feb. 12,1919.. ....do ....do ....do do Feb. 14,1919.. Feb. 15,1919.. ....do Feb. 3, 1919... Feb. 17,1919.. ....do ....do Porter & Boyd, Camp Greene, N. C. J. Jensen, Camp Greene, N. C . . Alice Browning, Deming, N.Mex C. C. Frey, Spartanburg, S. C. R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S C W.N.Villis, Spartanburg, S. C W. E. Collins, Spartanburg, S. C E. E. Crow, Spartanburg, S. C. do J. C. Lanford, Spartanburg, S. C W. P. Smith Spartanburg, S.C R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S.C. J. C. Simons, Spartanburg, S. C L. H. Williams, Spartanburg, S.C. J. R. Snoody, Spartanburg, S. C. J. C. Lanford, Spartanburg, S. C, G. P. Pearson, Spartanburg, S.C. W. W. Morrell, Spartanburg, S.C. Julian Winge, Spartanburg, S. C. Alex. Cobb, Spartanburg, S. C. . Mr. Gousen, Spartanburg, S. C. . A. C. Coan, Spartanburg, S. C... R. H. Berry, Spartanburg, S. C. . A. F. Fagan, Spartanburg, S. C. E. D. Jones, Spartanburg, S. C. . W.W.Morrell, Spartanburg, S. C. C. C. Frey, Spartanburg, S. C... R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, a.C. H. K. Gresham, Spartanburg, S.C. R. C. Dais, Spartanburg, S. C... Pool & Johnson Lumber Co., Woodrufl, S. C. W. T. Grimm, Spartanburg, S.C. J. P. Hollinsworth, Camp Greene, N. C. Toomey Plumbing & Heating Co., Camp Greene, N. C. Porter & Boyd, Camp Greene, N. C. Dixon Motor Service Co., Camp Greene, N. C. S. N. Snoody, Spartanburg, S. C. B. K. Greasham, Spartanburg, S. C. Sam Hill, Spartanburg, S. C Geo. W. Pearson, Spartanburg, s c W. W.' Willis, Spartanburg, S. C James Trady, Spartanburg, S. C J. L. Johnson, Spartanburg, S. C. Saxon Mills, Spartanburg, S. C. . J. T. Willard, Spartanbtirg, S. C. H. L. Bridges, Spartanburg, S.C. Daniel Horn, Spartanburg, S. C. D. B. Anderson, Spartanburg, S.C. C. S. Nesbitt, Spartanburg, S. C. W. I. Box, Spartanburg, S. C... W. R. Trey, Spartanbtu-g, S. C.. G. L. Johnson, Spartanburg, S.C. R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S.C. H. Beebe, Spartanburg, S. C Fair Forest Cotton Oil Co., Fair Forest, S. C. W. C. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. T. P. Pearson, Spartanburg, S. C . Miscellaneous lumber, roofing, cement. Pump Buildiag Doors and sash glass do Sheathing 1x6" tongue and groove. Novelty siding 2-ply roofing Roofing paper 2-ply roofing and J R 2-ply roofing, nails, etc . . . 2-ply roofing paper . Blacksmith forge. . . 4" terra-cotta pipe 2-ply roofing Roofing, large glass, galva- nized iron, pail, etc. 2-ply roofing .do. Gasoline engine, rachet brace. Board Sash glass, screen doors Roofing, terra-cotta pipe, etc . Screen doors, sash glass, etc. . Ceiling 1 X 4 to 10" rough lumber Flooring and siding ....do Ceiling and siding Second-hand 40-gallon boiler. . Screen doors, 2' 8" x 6' 8" 2-ply roofing Brass junk Plumbing equipment Cement and miscellaneous lumber. Scrap lumber Flooring . do.... Roofing.. Flooring. Roofing with cement and nails Second-hand forge, etc Window frames, siding, roofing Small tools 2 X 4" and 4 x 4" rough and flooring. Flooring, sash, window frames. Siding, doors, flooring , Galvanized sink and 2 x 12" and 2x6" rough lumber. Flooring, 1 x 4" tongue and groove. Second-hand 40-gal. boiler Flooring, 1 x 4", tongue and groove. 1 X 4" tongue and groove floor- ing, novelty siding, etc. Second-hand galvanized-iron screen wire. Plumbing equipment Roofing, lumber, etc Door and window frames Novelty siding and 1 x 4'' tongue and groove flooring. $1,064.01 10.00 15.00 84.15 15.00 45.20 32.00 26.50 4.00 20.00 4.50 30.00 10.00 2L00 28.00 20.00 9.40 17.50 12.00 6.75 17.90 26.75 14.23 87.40 64.00 13.00 194. 75 90.62 58.50 2.60 48.00 6.00 31.25 263.68 1,096.20 51.80 108.00 43.20 m 2.00 10.80 30.00 16.58 17.80 66.70 19.32 13.40 82.10 21.60 81.00 2.50 10.80 5.32 3.00 88.50 130. 82 125.50 107.00 308 SALE OF SUEPLTJS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPABTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 17, 1919. ....do. ....do. Feb. 12, 1919 Feb. 10, 1919 Feb. 8, 1919. Feb. 10, 1919 do do Feb. 11, 1919 do Feb. 10, 1919 do Feb. 11, 1919 do do do do do Feb. 19, 1919 do Feb. 3, 1919 Feb. 5, 1919 do Feb. 4, 1919 Feb. 5, 1919 do Feb. 6, 1919 do do do Feb. 7, 1919 do do do do Feb. 6, 1919 Feb. 7, 1919 do Feb. 8, 1919 Feb. 7, 1919 Feb. 28, 1919 ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Feb. 24, 1919 Feb. 6, 1919 do ..do do do Feb. 5, 1919 Feb. 4, 1919 Feb. 5, 1919 do do do do H. K. Gresham, Spartanburg, S. C. do J. R. Snoody, Milford, S. C , A. C. Coan, Spartanburg, S. C. J. W. Allen, Spartanburg, S. C. T. J. Hannon, Spartanburg, S. C Dan Corn, Spartanburg, S. C M. H. Daniels, Spartanburg, S. C W. I. West, Spartanburg, S. C. I. G. Edge, Spartanburg, S. C... R. Brewton, Spartanburg, S. C. Bn'son & Webber, Spartanburg, T. J. Hannon, Spartanburg, S. C. A. C. Coan, Spartanburg, S. C... Reuben Brewton, Spartanburg, S C M. H.'Page, Spartanburg, S. C. J. W. Gaston, Spartanburg, S. C. J. L. Foster, Spartanburg, S. C. A. F. Fagan, Spartanburg, S. C. J. H. Crocker, Spartanburg, S. C. A. M. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. . J. S. Klam, Spartanburg, S. C... L. W. Coster, Spartanburg, S. C. Arcadia Mills, Spartanburg, S. C . Southern Paving Construction Co., Spartanburg. S. C. Caldwell & Co., Spartanburg, W. C. Berry, Spartanburg, S. C . . A. T. Fagan, Spartanbing, S. C. B. T. Martin, Spartanburg, S. C. Boice L. Turner, Spartanburg, S. C. J. S. Easley, Spartanburg, S. C. . A. F. Fagan, Spartanburg, S. C . . T. A. Hannon, Spartanburg, S.C. M. W. Farmer, Spartanbiu-g, S.C. M. H. Page, Spartanburg, S. C. M. H. Daniel, Spartanburg, S. C. R. S. EUiott, Spartanburg, S.C. ....do M. A. Cameron, Spartanburg, S.C. D. B. Anderson, Spartanburg, S C W. N.' Willis, Spartanburg, S. C . R. G. LassiterCb., Raleigh, N. C. C. D. Mattox, Raleigh, N. C A. J. Rogers, Raleigh, N. C Hollody-Crouse, Greensboro, N. C. E. E. Fatheroo G. C. Miller, Spartanburg, S.C... I. M. Carldwell, Spartanburg, S.C. W. C. Berry, Spartanburg, S.C. P. H. Pike, Spartanburg, S. C .. J. F. Floyd & Co., Spartanburg, S.C. T. W. Anderson, Spartanburg, S.C. L. S. Birdseye, Spartanburg, S.C. L. A. Horton, Spartanburg, S. C J. J. Barnes, Spartanburg, S. C . C. L. Johnson, Spartanburg, S.C. A. W. Alexander, Spartanbiu^g, S.C. L. C. Ware, Spartanburg, S.C. Flooring, 1 x 3" tongue and groove. 1 door, 2 X 8" X 6 X 8" Flooring, 1 x 2" tongue and groove. Siding, flooring, doors Rough lumber Windows, doors, screens Flooring, tongue and groove... Flooring 24' ' terra-cotta pipe Dressed lumber, 1 x 10" board. 1x4" tongue and groove floor- ing, siding. Drain boards, 20 x 30" Doors and 1-ply rooflng paper. Novelty siding Ix 12" boards Doors, siding, etc 1x4" tongue and groove floor- ing and 2 x 6" rough. Novelty siding, flooring, root- ing. . Rooflng, paper, window frames, etc. 1 X 12" boards and 2 x 4" dressed. Wheelbarrows , -Plumbing material 2x6" and 2x4", dressed Flooring, siding, and boards., Miscellaneous Flooring 1x12" boards Screen doors, 2' 8" x 6' 8" . 1 X 12" boards Rooflng Second-hand doors and 1 x 4" sheathing. Sheathing and screen doors and glass. D oors, sash, 10 x 14" glass Screen doors, boards, etc. .. Flooring Kitchen sinks Boards, plow, road grader, etc. Second-hand grindstone, broken drag. Paragon scale Flooring, 12 x 6", rough — 1 X 4" to 10" sheathing, etc. Small tools Steel sheets, nails, roofing. . Desk Rubber coat, crossties, cement Electric fan 4 X 6" and 2 x 12" dressed lum- ber. Flooring, tongue and groove flooring. Lumber, boards, sheathing Galvanized pot; sink and out- let and overflow for same. Pup saw and 1x2" sheathing. . Galvanized-iron boiler and 4 x 6' tank. Plumbing material Boards, 1-ply rooflng, etc.. Doors, flooring, boards Doors, siding, and boards. 1-ply rooflng Screen doors. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 309 SERIAL LIST OF BALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 5, 1919. do do do Feb. 4, 1919... Feb. 24, 1919.. do do Feb. 19,1919.. Feb. 18,1919.. Feb. 20, 1919.. Feb. 19,1919.. do do do do do do do do Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 27,1919. Feb. 20,1919. ....do do Feb. 21,1919. do do do do do do do do Feb. 24,1919. Feb. 20,1919. Feb. 26,1919. ....do , Feb. 18,1919. ....do Feb. 19, 1919. Feb. 6,1919... .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do -do .do .do -do -do .do. I.N. Cantrell, Spartanburg, S. C V. R. Howell, Spartanburg, S. C I. H. Carwell, Spartanburg, S. C W. S. Dixon, Spartanburg, S. C. Jacob Millwood, Spartanburg, S.C. L. M. Snoddy, Spartanburg, S. C C. C. Fry, Spartanburg. S. C... W. T. Fowler, Spartanburg, S.C. E. Williams, Spartanburg, S, C. . do Flooring and roofing Range, Supreme Jewel, second hand. Flooring Roofing Boards E. E. Crow, Spartanburg, S. C. R. O. Leadbetter, Spartanburg, S.C. Spartanburg Lumber Co., Spar- tanburg, s. c. M. H. Daniels, Spartanburg, S.C. M. T. Camp, Spartanburg S. C. M. W. Turner, Spartanburg, S.C. Geo. W. Pearson, Spartanburg, S.C. L. H. Williams, Spartanburg, S.C. R. D. Alexander, Spartanburg, S.C. H. W. Morrell, Spartanburg, S.C. McDowell, Small, McKibbon, Philadelphia, Pa. Texas Cotton Palace Associa- tion, Waco, Tex. I. L. Capers, Eastland, Tex R. H. Leadbetter, Speegleville, Tex. P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex F. M. Lyons McGregor, Waco, Tex. M. King, West, Tex W. W. McCoy, West, Tex R. A. Wells, Waco, Tex Joe Chesdi] , West, Tex Leslie Steegall, Waco, Tex Henry Little, Waco, Tex J. F. Cavitt. McGregor, Tex M. Cohn, Waco, Tex S. B. B dens, Waco, Tex C. D. Rhodes, Speegleville, Tex. I. Laney, Camp Greene, N. C. . . E. C. Smith, jr., Camp Greene, N. C. A. Washington, Waco, Tex J. Farbsteia Waco, Tex R. H. Leadbetter, Speegleville, Tex. R. H. Satterfleld, Gasboro, N. J. . Coady & Cheeseman, Gloucester City, N. J. Whitehead , Woodbury, N.J Hastings, Woodbury, N. J Shaffer , Bridgetown , N . J Hetxler, Camden, N.J E. Dilks, National Park, N. J. . . Miller, Maple Sheds, N.J Kehlenberg, Woodbury, N. J . Kirkbrids, Camden, N. J Geo. E. Bolz, Camden, N. J Hennsev Haddonfield, West- ville, !n. J. A. Bradshaw, Woodbury, N. J., C. H. Magewan, Westville, N. J. . W. Hiiffnagle, Camden, N. J.... Hendrickson, Westville, N. J C. S. Wilmot, Haddon Heights.. Sash, window frames, screen doors. Window frames and doors Screen doors, sash, glass, lights. Ceiling, fiooring, boards 2 X 6" and 2 x 8" rough, 2 x 4" dressed. Doors, flooring, boards, 2-ply roof. 40-gal. boiler, second-hand Small tools, etc. Screen doors Screen door, glazed Roofing paper, boards. 1 X 4" tongue-and-groove flooring. Board, 2-ply roofing, etc 2-ply rooflmg Galvanized-iron bucket, rake, siding. Pipe fittings Stencils; room heaters.. Butts, doors, locks, etc. Small tools Long-handle shovels . Small tools Wheelbarrow Wheelbarrow, small tools . Table Small tools do Pesthole digger Small tools Brick do Wheelbarrow 6-blade electric fan 4-blade electric fan Shovels, small tools . 8' cedar posts Small tools Beq.ver stocks rosettes, etc. ....do.- and dies. Axes ., Crosscut saws , Second-hand crosscut saw Second-hand hatchet Lumber ....do Brush hook Galvanized-iron screws, locks, hooks, etc. Small tools, etc Nails, rusty, and finishing, new. Cypress lath New and second-hand lumber. Hook, brush Small tools Gate valves 310 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 6,1919. do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do.. do do Feb. 18,1919. Feb. 4,1919.. Feb. 3,1919... Feb. 22,1919. Feb. 17,1919. Feb. 27,1919. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do .do. .do. -do -do .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. do do do ....do ....do .do. -do. -do. -do. do do do do do do do Feb. 28, 1919. do do Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 26, 1919., United States Housing Corpora- tion, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Jos. Harper, Audubon, N. J T. Flemin, Pitman, N. J Bradshaw, Woodbury, N. J H. C. Nichols, Eitmaii, N. J.... Cash I. J. Rhodes, Camden, N. J T. S. AValker, Camden N. J.... M. Brooks, Camden, N.J F. Brookson, Camden, N. J C. H. Magewan, Westville, N. J. W. T. Layer, Westville, N. J. . . Jos. Harper, Audubon, N. J C. H. Warner, Glassboro, N. J.. Geo. Duffy, Sewell, N.J S. S. Downs, Clayton, N. J Shirley Scott, Thorofare, N. J. . C. M. Hensey, Haddonfleld, N. J Shirley Scott, Thorofare, N.J... Mrs. Anderson, WestvUle, N.J. Hinchilwood, Westville, N. J.. . F. C. Bittle, Beloit, Wis J. C. Ingram, Camp Cody, N. Mex. J. H. Moore, Demlng, N. Mex.. H. T. Buhler, Little Rock, Ark. Parsons Lumber Co., Rockford, 111. J. I. Yarborough, Augusta, Ga.. Scharmer Construction Co., Fort Sheridan, 111. J. H. Moyer, Camp Greene, N. C. Smith Wadsworth Hardware Co., Camp Greene, N. C. Wm. Lamers Fort Sill, Okla. . . U. B. Corey, Lawton, Okla ... S. Edmister, Cleveland, Ohio. . . Frank Canter, Lawton, Okla E. F. St. Clair, Newata, Okla... J. M. Bryan, Lawton, Okla O. W. Northrop, La%vton, Okla. Scott Reesburgh, Lawton, Okla. F. K. Hardy, Lawton, Okla M. H. Bedow, Lawton, Okla A. H. Reeves, Lawton Okla... Roy Hill Lawton, Okla G. A. Robinson, Lawton, Okla D. F. Keeling, Weaubleau, Mo. R. F. Kile, Lawton, Okla Mrs. M. A. Keck, St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. B. Stamper, Apache, Okla. Mrs. H. C. Markson, Apache, Okla. Lawton Tent & Awning Co., Lawton, Okla. L. R. Mayers, Lawton, Okla A. J. Jones, Lawton, Okla J. S. Hanks, Lawton, Okla R. J. Myers, Lawton, Okla Mrs. J. H. Blundell, La-wiion, Okla. J. E. Soule, Lawton, Okla T. P. Sutton, Indiahoma, Okla. . A. B. Grossman, Lawton, Okla. . Lieut. G. R. Bach, Fort Sill, Okla. P. M. Browning, Lawton, Okla . W. A. Martin, Lawton, Okla John Prichard, Lawton, Okla. . . C. P. Young, Lawton, Okla W. E. Cox, Lawton, Okla B. J. Johnson, Fort Sill, Okla. . - E. Beck, Fort Sill, Okla R. H. Barry, Spartanburg, S. C. . Ebert Johnson, Spartanburg, S.C. W. W. WlUis, Spartanburg, S. C. N. W. Willis, Spartanburg, S. C. Citizens' Lumber Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. Glass insulators and D. B., single wire. Mortise locks, butts, and sledges. Lumber Mortise door bolts No. 10 D. B., single wire Scrap lumber i" Jenkins globe valves Steam fittings Second-hand lumber ....do ....do Butts and cupboard locks ....do Mortise locks and butts Corrugated iron, new and second-hand. Butt and rim locks Hinges, belts, butts, etc -do. Hinges, bolts, butts, rubber boots. Mattresses and cots, second- hand. 2Y' pipe Miscellaneous Galvanized-iron tank Horses Belts, bars, spikes, nails, etc . Nails Small tools, scrap lumber . Lumber Plumbing material. Small tools, etc Sheets and comforts Sheets do do .....do do do , do do Sheets Sheets Sheets Sheets do do do ....do ....do blankets, comforts, etc. and blaiikets Sheets, blankets, comforts. Sheets Sheets, blankets, comforts. Sheets do do .do. Sheets and blankets. Sheets do Sheets and blankets Sheets do do Sheets and blankets Sheets do 2-ply roofing 2-ply roofing and cement 2 X 6" rough lumber Galvanized scullery sink 60' desk and other office equip- ment. $90. 81 7.73 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 311 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 27, 1919. do do do do Feb. 26, 1919. do ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ..do... ..do... ..do... do do Feb. 27, 1919. do do Feb. 24, 1919. do do Feb. 12, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. Feb. 12,1919. Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 27,1919. do ..do.... ..do.... ..do.... Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 3, 1919.. Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. Feb. 27, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919. do Feb. 19,1919. Feb. 26, 1919. Feb. 27, 1919. Feb. 1,1919.. do Feb. 19,1919. do ....do.. ....do.. -do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... John B. Cleveland, Spartan- burg, S. C. W. H. Culbert, Spartanburg, S. C. R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S. C. M. Morrell, Spartanburg, S. C... P. E. Chapman, Spartanburg, S.C. W. R. Frey, Spartanburg, S. C. . W. P. Williams, Spartanburg, S.C. John Woodword, Spartanbm:g, S.C. W. H. Culbroth, Spartanburg, S C T. M. Snoddy, Spartanburg, S. C. C. C. Fiej, Spartanburg, S. C... T. F. Pearson, Spartanburg, S.C. E. E. Chapman, Spartanburg, S.C. J. Anderson, Spartanburg, S. C. . John B. Cleveland, Spartan- S. C. C. G. Gregory, Spartanburg, S. C. J. T. Cagle, Spartanburg, S. C... J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C. H. R. Black, Spartanburg, S. C. . A. B. Cross, Spartanburg, S. C. M. H. Daniels, Spartanburg, S.C. F. J. Hammond, Spartanburg, S.C. H. W. Morrell, Spartanburg, S.C. Arcadia Mills, Spartanburg, S. C. do -do. .do. J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C, C. R. Creighton, Spartanburg, S.C. R. A. Moore, Spartanburg, S. C. . Jacob Jacob, Spartanburg, S. C. . W. K. P. Turner, Spartanburg, S.C. R. D. Alexander, Spartanburg, S.C. E. E. Crow, Sartanburg, S. C... Alex. Cobb, Spartanburg, S. C. . W. S. Glenn, Spartanburg, 8. C. . F. G. Harris, Spartanburg, S. C. . I. F. Lowe, Spartanburg, S. C... E. E. Crow, Spartanburg, S. C. .do. John Norman, Spartanburg, S.C. R. T. Hadden, Spartenburg, S C H. R. Black, Spartanburg, S. C. . Bert J. Landry, Rockford, III . . . Dan Sullivan, Rockford, 111 Bergron& Carlson, Rockford,Ill. Max Degan, Lawton, Okla Lieut. H. L. Aiken, Fort Sill, Okla. F. A. Gomez, Oklahoma City, OkJa. Boyd's Pos;t Exchange, Fort Sill, Okla. W. Ayers, Lawton, Okla E. Noah, Lawton, Okla J. V. McGee, Lawton, Okla C. R. Ware, Lawton, Okla Mrs. J. P. JoneSj Lawton, Okla.. 1 X 4 to 10" boards. Screen doors Rough window frames and sash glass. Scrap lumber, beaver board. . 1 X 4" flooring and mortise locks. Flooring, frame, etc 2- ply roofing 4 X 4", 2 X 4", 2 X 6" rough lumber. Screen doors, 2' 8" x 6' 8" Roofing, 2-ply, sink and scul- lery sink. Terra-cotta pipe, plaster board Small tools Siding, roofing, door panel, etc 1-ply roofing paper 6 X 8", 4 X 4", 1 x 2", rough lumber. Siding, boards, roofing Boards 1 X 4" tongue and groove floor- ing. 2x6", rough lumber, 16', etc . . Beaver board Roofing paper, 2-ply Screen doors. Flooring, ceiling, forge, anvil, rake. Boards, novelty siding Flooring, boards, picks, shov- els, paper. Asbestos paper Boards, roofing paper Scrap lumber 60" flat-top desk Tongue-and-groove flooring... Typewriter table 1 X 4" tongue and grooved, dressed. 2-ply roofing paper -do. Bolt stock, with 2 taps Pipe, lead, oakum, bowls, tanks. Flooring, roofing, novelty sid- ing board. Boards, roofing paper 2 X 4" rough, 1 X 4" tongue- and-groove flooring. Novelty siding, door with frame sash. Boards and tongue-and-groove flooring. Roofing paper, door, forks Boards, flooring Bathtubs, fittings, lavatories . Bowl, tank, fittings, etc Bathtubs, range, boilers Sheets do .do. Blankets . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 312 S^VLE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEP^iETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Pate of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 5,1919. do ..do.. ..do.. ..do ...do ...do ..do ..do ...do ...do Mar. 4,1919. do Mar. 6,1919. Mar. 3,1919. Mar. 7, 1919. Feb. 27.1919 Mar. 4, 1919. Jan. 31. 1919. do. Mar. 4, 1919. do do Mar. 1,1919. Mar. 4, 1919. do do Mar. 5, 1919. do Feb. 24, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Feb. 6,1919.. Feb. 7, 1919. . do Feb. 13, 1919. Feb. 14, 1919. do Feb. 11, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do Mary P. Peters, Hyatt, S. C Inter Vegetable Oil Co., Ra- leigh. ?^. C. Honfv Hieks, Raleigh, N. C. . . JohnNV. Hinsdale, jr., Raleigh, N. C. C.\y. Edwards, Durham, N. C. V,. P. Kearney, Rnleic;h, N. C. . . Youni; A lluchcs, Raleigh, N. C. F.arl Horn, Raleigh, N. C Cliaraber of Coumierce, Ra- leigh, N.C. Robert T.assicr, Raleigh, N. C... •T. F. Petross, Raleigh, N. C D. E. T.oach Realty Co., Colum- bia, S. C. 0. W. Roberts, Colimibia, S. C. . Glymi Coiuity Commissioners, (,"?lynn Comity, Oa. D. T.oach Realty Co.,Colmnbla, S. C. Ajnerican Agricultural Co. , New York. W. N. 'Willis. Srartanbiu-g, S. C. Serct. Jacobs, Fox Hills, >?. Y. . . J. J. 0'Rourke,?tapleton,N. Y.. Geo. S. Sayage, Ne\y York City. Reuson & Byington, Rockford, 111. ■ ■ Hackney Bros. Co Toomey, H. . C— Continued. Sale No. 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2556 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 Date of sale. Apr. 6, 1919. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., -do., .do., -do., .do.. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do.. ...do.. ....do ....do ....do Apr. 11, 1919. ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. Apr. 7, 1919... Feb. 7, 1919... do Mar. 31, 1919.. Apr. 14, 1919.. do , Mar. 24, 1919.. Mar. 27, 1919.. do , do Mar. 28, 1919.... do Mar. 31, 1919 Apr. 1,1919 do do do do Apr. 2, 1919 do do Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. do do Apr. 3, 1919. Name and address of buyer. W. S. Sullivan, Augusta, Ga — Service Co., Augusta, Ga John Strother, Augusta, Ga W. C. Holmes, Augusta, Ga — C. G. Smith, Augusta, Ga Thornwell Orphanage, Clinton, S. c. William Crawford, New York, N. Y. J. Isaac, Augusta, Ga J. W. Peke, Augusta, Ga Mrs. J. W. Griffen, Augusta, Ga. T. B. Passmore, Augusta, Ga... V. E. Forchet, Augusta, Ga T. O. Brown, Augusta, Ga do H. R. Powell, Augusta, Ga J. H. Milligan, Augusta, Ga H. R. Powell, Augusta, Ga J. W. Peke, Augusta, Ga S. P. Langley, Augusta, Ga W. W. Morton. Augusta, Ga C. H. Collins, Augusta, Ga W. H. Mays, Augusta, Ga T. O. Brown, Augusta, Ga W. R. Dawson Co., Augusta, Ga. Pabner-Spivey Construction Co. , Augusta, Ga. W. S. Johnson, Augusta, Ga People's Lumber & Supply Co., Augusta, Ga. T. W. Price, Augusta, Ga J. J. Butler, Augusta, Ga S. S. Johnson, Augusta, Ga Geo. Leary Construction Co., Norfolk, Va. Bart & Bums, Norfolk, Va W. J. Porter, Norfolk, Va R. G. Lassiter & Co., Norfolk, Va. John Gill & Sons, Norfolk, Va. . Markleton Hotel, Markleton, Pa. Janney, Semple, Hill & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. New Brunswick Iron & Metal Co., New Brunswick, N. J. John S. Haskard, Plainfleld, N.J. Holbrook, Calot, & Rollins, Boston, Mass. Sam P. Dey , Suffolk, Va L. M. Hitchens, Suffolk, Va Richard Roeder, McGregor, Tex. W. A. Poague, Waco, Tex W. P. Alexander Mart, Waco, Tex. J. B. Young, Moody, Tex G. W. Cupp, Waco, Tex E. Zender, Riesel, Tex T. B. Rider, White City, Tex. . . Heiu"y Helpert, Burlington, Tex. H. H. Luellen, Waco, Tex J. O. Holton Mart, Waco, Tex.. T. W. Jackson, Waco, Tex John Steele, SpeeglevlUe, Tex... J. J. Lewellyn, Waco, Tex , T. R. Bradbury, Stanford Chapel, Tex. E. Zander, Riesel, Tex , Me Arthur Wreckiiig Co., Waco, Tex. O'Brien & Miller, Waco, Tex... J. C. Worterkunz, HiUside, Tex. T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex McArthui Wrecking Co., Waco, Tex. Article. Wood, roofing, nails, and buckets. Desks, oak, 6-drawer Office equipment Wood and salvage hunber Underwood typewriter Heaters OflSce equipment Wood and small salvage tools. Wood, roofing, nails Wood, roofing, small tools — Office equipment Chair Wales adding machine Office safe and cabinet Office equipment do do Tent floors, salvage, wood, etc. Lumber, doors, screen wire, etc. Tent sides, salvage Smalitools and nails Wood, brick, screen wire, etc.. Tee square and triangles , Remington type^vriter , Wood, brick, small tools, etc. , Brick, doors, tent floors, etc. .. Lumber , tent boxes , doors , etc . Remington typewriter Small tools , salvage Locks, doors, butts, etc , Second hand 33" ship clamps. Iron snatch blocks, etc Second-hand 2" black pipe Wheelbarrows and one-horse carts. Steel cable and double wood blocks. Sale of Government improve- ments. NaUs Scrap copper wire. Scrap iron Catamarans, drivers, staging, etc. Auto casings, auto tubes Tool box Lumber Water troughs Mess haUs Junk lumber Gravel Mess hall. No. 37 Roofing paper Mess hall 8" sewer pipe Mess hall Kindling Sewer pipe do Small shack, kindling. Mess hall No. 46.. Bakery building. Stables, mess halls, bath, toilets. Scrap galvanized iron and scrap galvanized flue. Tables, garage, shack Mess halls Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 335 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 4, 1919. ....do do Apr. 5, 1919. do Apr. 7, 1919. do .....do ....do ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. ...do. Apr. 9, 1919.. do Apr. 10, 1919. do Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. Jan. 28, 1919.. do ...do.. ...do.. ...do ...do ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do... ....do... -do.... ..do.... do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. do .-..do Mar. 13, 1919. Mar. 23, 1919. Mar. 31,1919. ....do Mar. 28, 1919. ....do J. S. Densman, McGregor, Tex. . Mc Arthur Wrecking Co., Waco, Tex. Wellington Back, Waco, Tex Central Presbyterian Church, ^V3,co Tgx O'Brien & Miller, Waco, Tex.... B. F. Guyton, Waco, Tex T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex F. Wheeler, Waco, Tex Fritz Beerwlnkle Moody, Waco, Tex. W. Bailey, Waco, Tex L. O. Rogers, Waco, Tex B. J. Arnold, Waco, Tex Sam Mormino, Waco, Tex T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex W. S. Jones, Rt. No. 4, West, Tex C. E. Ogden, Waco, Tex A. J. Traut, Waco, Tex Geo. Willing, Waco, Tex E. J. Welt, Waco, Tex J. C. Townsend, Columbia, S. C. McGowan & Connelly Co., New York City. Baptist Hospital, Columbia, Symon Bros., Menlo Park, Calif. Dolan Wrecking Co., Menlo Park, Calif. Geo. Dunn, Menle Park, Calif... Capt. W. H. Ketchum, Menlo Park, Calif. Mr. Huyeda, Menlo Park, Calif.. E. D. Harris, Menlo Park, Calif.. D. L. DeBarnadi, Menlo Park, Calif. L. Levitte, Menlo Park, Calif C. F. Johnson, Menlo Park, Calif. G. H. Anderson, Menlo Park, Calif. S. Malrick, Menlo Park, Calif H. M. Richmond, Menlo Park, Calif. B. Chateau, Menlo Park, Calif.. James Rule, Menlo Park, Calif. . Herman F. Budde, Menlo Park, Calif. J. E. Shearer, Menlo Park, Calif. J. A. Sousa, Menlo Park, Calif... H. J. Winser, Menlo, Park, CaUf. B. Cohen, Menlo Park, Calif..... W. M.Vanderwoort, Menlo Park, Calif. A. Sonnicksen, Menlo Park,Calif. Dolan Wrecking Co., Menlo Park, CaUf. Joseph White, Menlo Park, CaUf. Dolan Wrecking Co., Menlo Park, Cahf. Simon Bros., Menlo Park, Calif. . W. B. Weston, Menlo Park, Calif. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, Calif. Dart & Burns, Faison, N. C J. C. Lunt, Menlo Park, Calif.... Workmen, New Orleans, La do .....do J. M. Anderson, Reidville, S. C. R. H. Leonard, Spartanburg, S. C. Chas. Moore, Spartanburg, S. C. Drayton Mills Store, Spartan- burg, S. C. J. F. Blankenship, Spartanburg, S. C. J. M. Dean, Spartanburg, S. C. . Combination bath and toilet. Infirmaries Combination bath and latrine Latrine TooUiouse and kindling Junk, boxing platform Mess halls, garage, Imnber Pile junk pipe Combination bathhouse and latrine. Small shack Junk pipe Kindling Post exchange Water trough Screen doors Combination bathhouse Galvanized iron tank Sewer pipe Storage sheds Woodworkers vrith 5 h. p. engine. Marble and slate Stoves and bread pans Administration buildings . Mess hall General's house Telegraph office and car shed. Stockade L804, S804, BS801. Tent frames Stables. do.. .do. Warehouse, mess hall, latrines. Mess hall Washhouses Stable Stables, washhouses,lnflrmary . Mess halls Washhouse, latrines, mess halls. Mess halls. ....do do Stables Buildings . .do. .do. Dental infirmaries. Liberty Theater. . . Grandstand Wire cable, wagons, anvil, forge. Stable Trash lumber ....do ....do Wheelbarrow, hammer Rusty nails and sink Plaster board Refrigerator and sink. Second-hand shovels. Tools 830.00 1,600.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 5.00 520.00 8.00 50.00 6.00 5.00 30.00 110.00 2.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 6.00 100.00 350. 00 200.00 131. 00 1,655.00 50.00 65.00 120.00 105.00 75.00 65.00 95.00 60.00 105.00 485.00 60.00 100.00 60.00 815.00 330.00 100.00 215.00 255.00 40.00 260.00 16,354.00 948. 00 3,350.00 600.00 600.00 800.00 180.31 35.00 9.00 48.25 127.00 5.25 51.53 70.00 56.00 5.00 7.95 836 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, J>. C— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 25, 1919.. Mar. 24, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 28, 1919. .....do Mar. 24, 1919. .....do ,....do , do Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. do do Mar. 28, 1919. Mar. 29, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. do ..do .-do. ..do. .....do Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. do ....do Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. March 24, 1919 Mar. 29, 1919. .....do Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 28, 1919. .....do Mar. 26, 1919. .....do .....do Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 29, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. .do. .do. .....do Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 17,1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Apr. 1,1919.. Apr. 2, 1919. . Apr. 3, 1919.. .....do Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. Name and address of buyer. Paul Leonard, Spartanburg, S. C, .do. W.J. Gibson, Spartanburg, S.C. J. H. Caldwell, Spartanburg.S.C W. L. Brvson, Spartanburg, S. C W. R. Crook, Spartanburg, S. C G. D. Wilson, Spartanburg, S. C. W. D. Pearson, Spartanburg, S.C. J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C . R. P. Young, Spartanburg, S.C. L. E. Bagwell, Spartanburg, S. C Mr. Fedaline, Spartanburg, S.C. G. Rouquie, Spartanburg, S. C. P. D. Jarrett, Spartanburg, S.C T. Walker, Spartanburg, S.C... D. S. Parris, Spartanburg, S.C. Southern Paving Construction Co., Spartanburg, S. C. J. J. Horton, Spartanburg, S. C. R. T. Haddon, Spartanburg, S.C. Barton PhlUps, Spartanburg, S.C. D. S. Parris, Spartanburg, S. C. F. G. Harris, Spartanburg, 8. C. J. O. Morrow, Spartanburg, S. C. Mary Kilgore, Spartanburg, S. C. R. C. Davis, Spartanbiug, S. C W. G. Jackson, Spartanburg, W. b. Promt, Spartanburg, S.C. Rosa Austin, Spartanburg, S. C. . W. Osborne, Spartanburg, S. C. J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C. C. T. Rainey, Spartanburg, S. C. W. A. Foster, Spartanburg, S. C. J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C. J. T. Burgess, Spartanburg, S. C. Joe Stone, Spartanburg, S. C P. H. Fike, Spartanburg, S. C... W. F. Tinsley, Spartanburg, S. C. J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C. R. P. Kimball, Spartanburg, S.C. V. R. Howell, Spartanburg, S. C. P. J. White, Spartanburg, S. C. T. C. Scruggs, Spartanburg, S. C. H. H. Herring, Spartanburg, S. C. K. Semindinger, Spartanbiu-g, S.C. H. B. Hanger, Richmond, Ky. . Harper & Reynolds, Los Ange- les, Calif. Bennett Montgomery Hardware Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Hoffman Hardware Co., Los Angeles, Calif. J. H. Sempson, South Pasadena, Calif. Ben Webber, Columbia, S. C M. Perry, Columbia, S. C Edwin Clifton. Columbia, S. C. . G. L. Vinson, Raleigh, N. C J. O'Connor, San Francisco, Calif. Wm. Cokelev, Palo Alto, Calif. . . W. W. Aslie, Redwood City, CaUf. Growers Packing Association, Redwood Citv, Calif. W. W. Ashe, Redwood City, Calif. ....do .....do .do. Article. Tools, wheelbarrows, shovels, etc. Junk plows Boiler, tanks, valves, fittings, etc. Brick and gravel Second-hand boilers Refrigerator do do Galvanized screen wire Guardhouse and officer's shack. Refrigerator \'..\6o. ..['.'."[" """"""] Rakes, broken Second - hand lumber and checker's shack. Drag pans 6 to 10" boards, rough dressed. Screen-door fixtures, galvan- ized wire. Light transom Screen doors, 2' 8" x 6' 8" Screen doors and screen wire. . 10" and 15" sewer pipe , Officer's shack ....do Second-grade refrigerators Refrigerator Second-hand pipe and rusty fittings. Officer's shack , do Scrap lumber Rough ice box , Second-hand sash Refrigerat or, broken 1-ply roofing Scrap sttreen wire Officer's shack Screen door and screen wire. . . Chairs, tables, wheelbarrow. .. Desk Broken refrigerator. Large refrigerator. . . Screen doors Small refrigerators. . Cash box Filing case Common nails. Nails and machine bolts. Nails Brushes, pails, cloth, galvan- ized wire. Scrap lumber Terra-cotta pipe 20,000-gal. cypress tank Bowls, desk, chair Pipe Lumber Second-hand doors Second-hand window sash. Section of quartermaster in- firmary. Latriue and fixtures Provost guard and latrine fix- tures. Second-hand lumber SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 337 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 Date of sale. Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. do do do .do. do , do Mar. IS, 1919. do .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do.. Name and address of buyer. J. L. Looney, Palo Alto, Calif. . W. W. Ashe, Redwood City, Calif. J. O'Connor, San Francisco, Calif. Workmen, New Orleans, La do do Creosote Supply Co., New Orleans, La. Southern Scrap Material Co., New Orleans, La. do Workmen, New Orleans, La... Valentin Duran, Manati, P. R.. Antonio Martinez, San Juan, P R J. W. Mills, San Juan, P. R Porto Rico Brewing Co., San Juan, P. R. Valiente & Co., Corozal, P. R... Andres Rodrigues, San Juan, Ramon Varas, San Juan, P. R . . E. Cavanaugh, San Juan, P. R.. Valentin Duran, Manati, P. R.. Ramon Varas, San Juan, P. R.. Baltazar Mendoso Cayey, P. R . L. A. Ortez, San Juan, P. R Ramon Varas, San Juan, P. R. . A. M. Martinez, San Juan, P. R. Baltazar Mendoso, San Juan, P.R. E. Cavanaugh, San Juan, P. R.. Jaine Fort, San Juan, P.R Ramon Varas, San Juan, P. R.. B. C. Carpenter, San Juan, P. R. Julio Aristud, San Juan, P. R. . . Manuel Ocasio, San Juan, P. R. . A. Rodrigues, San Juan, P. R... Juan Marcano, San Juan, P. R. . Baltazar Mendoso, Cayey, P. R. L. A. Ortiz, San Juan, P. R James L. Gay, San Juan, P. R.. J.W.Mills, San Juan, P. R Pedro Quintana, San Juan, P. R. Porto Rico Brewing Co., San Juan, P. R. Pedro A. Castro, San Juan, P. R. John L. Gay, San Juan, P. R... John W. Mills, San Juan, P. R.. Felipe Maldonado, Rio Grande, P.R. Nicolas Figuerola, Caguas, P. R. Pedro Quintana, San Juan, P. R. A. G. Bishop, San Juan, P. R. . . Pedro Quintana, San Juan, P. R. Nicolas Figuerola, Caguas, P. R. Dionisio Ortega, San Juan, P. R. Julio Aldrich, Cayuas, P. R Marcial Blanco, Juncos, P. R... Dixie O. Fenner, San Juan, P.R John L. Gay, San Juan, P. R... M. Vissepo, San Juan, P. R John L. Gay, San Juan, P. R... L. Oliver, Arecibo, P. R Antonio Colon, San Juan, P. R. . Infanzon & Garcia, San Juan, P.R. E. Cavanaugh,San Juan, P. R. . . Jose A. Rexach, San Juan, P. R. Infanzon Garcia, San Juan, P. R. Baltazar Mendosa, Cayey, P. R. Antonio Colon, San Juan, P. R. . Artemio Umpierre, Comerio, P. R. L. Oliver, Arecibo, P. R Jose A. Rexach, San Juan, P. R. Antonio Colon, San Juan, P. R. Umpierre & Co., Comerio, P. R Jose A. Rexach, San Juan, P. R Umpierre & Co., Comerio, P. R John L. Gay, San Juan, P. R.. Article. Junk wire. . Tent floors. Doors, windows. Trash lumber... do ....do Oil creosote Scrap iron. .do. Trash lumber and screens. Mess Halls do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do ,do do do Lavatories. do ....do do do do do do do do do do do ...do Infirmary.. Warehouse. Laimdry... Administration building. Gas instruments Tent floors ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do... Lumber. ....do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. 152015— H. Doc, 446, 66-2 338 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 18, 1919 do do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 10,1919 .do. Jan. 31,1919. Mar. 8,1919.. do Apr. 21,1919... Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 9,1919.. Mar. 20, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Apr. 18,1919., Apr. 21,1919.. Apr. 18,1919 Apr. 14,1919 do Mar. 31,1919 Apr. 3, 1919., Mar. 4,1919., Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. Apr. 5,1919., Apr. 7, 1919. do do....... Apr. 8, 1919 Apr. 10, 1919..., Apr. 7, 1919 ....do Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 7,1919... Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 7,1919... Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 10,1919.. Apr. 11,1919.. do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 10,1919.. Mar. 29,1919.. do do do do do do do do........ do do do do do do do do do do do do- do Artemio Umplerre, Comerio, P. R. Dionisio Cruz, San Juan, P. R.. Artemio Umplerre, Comerio, P. R. Waller Construction Co., Wash- ington, D. C. W. N. Kimmel, Washington, B.C. Weller Construction Co., Wash- ington, D. C. Spilaer Electric Co., New York, N. Y. R. G. Lassiter & Co., Norfolk, Va. W. H. Dunn, Norfolk, Va Herald Printing Corporation, Suffolk. Va. Lewis G. Brothers, Suffolk, Va.. G. H. Shartzer, Dayton, Ohio.. Orleans Demolishing & Supply Co., New Orleans, La. S. T. Taylor, Edgewold, S. C. ... F. Black, Columbia, S. C , E. V. Neeley, Columbia, S. C. . . Walker Electric & Plumbing Co., Columbia, S. C. John Crows, Columbia, S. C. — E. V. Neeley, Columbia, S. C. M. Perry, Columbia, S. C Baxter Wilson, Charlotte, N. C Jas. Smith, Charlotte, N. C O'Reilly Construction Co., Jer sey City, N. J. W. M. Hair, Augusta, Ga A. Oliphant, Augusta, Ga Berry Davis, Augusta, Ga J. L. Barksdale, Augusta, Ga. . L. C. Sawyer, Augusta, Ga W. E. Johison, Augusta, Ga... A. F. Morris, Augusta, Ga S. S. Johnson, Augusta, Ga Elly Construction Co., Augusta, Ga. J.N. Cato, Augusta, Ga N. Green, Augusta, Ga G. W. ColUns, Augusta, Ga Article. M. B. Hatcher, Augusta, Ga G. A. Leonard, Augusta, Ga Joe Crawford, Augusta, Ga N. De Voe, Augusta, Ga A. Glophart, Augusta, Ga Henry B eal , Augusta, Ga Manual Weilly, Augusta, Ga — Wm. Campfield, Augusta, Ga... R. L. Blackstone, Augusta, Ga . W. C. Kaiser, Augusta, Ga H. Lewis, Augusta, Ga R. Torrenee, Augusta, Ga G. Geoccone, Houston, Tex T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex... George H. Moote, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex J. Hoiden, Houston, Tex T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex... A. Rinkofl, Houston, Tex L. H. Stedman, Houston, Tex.. A. Rinkofl, Houston, Tex George Meneke, Houston, Tex. . . I>. H. Stedman, Houston, Tex. . . . T. G. Edwards, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex John HoidenJHouston, Tex J. E. Parker, Houston, Tex W. T. Dickey, Houston, Tex G. H. Moore, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex H. F. Silver, Houston, Tex J. Michaels, Houston, Tex , E. Chernikowski, Houston, Tex. T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex. . . , Lumber... .do. .do. Miscellaneous building equip- ment, tools, oflace furniture, etc. Tools, hardware, cooking utensils. Office furnitiu-e 100-hp. motor generator set and marble switchboard. Garbage wagon, used Wheeled scrapers, used. Desk, chair, costumer . . Desk Salvaged lumber. Buildings Scrap lumber do do Steel file cabinet. Oflace chairs 2-ply roofing; scrap Terra-Cotta pipe, scrap lumber Plow parts Drag and broken screen door. . Tools, pumps, hose, etc Wood, roofing, buckets, lime. . Wood Wood, roofing, sinks, sash, etc. Pivot chairs Lumber, roofing, etc Wood Tar roofing, wood Nails, screen wire Desk, steel filing cabinet. . . Fallen timber Wood, roofing, doors, table... Tent boxes, bricks, wood, shacks, pipe. Brick, tent boxes, shack Wood Wood, nails, doors, tables — Wood, tables, brick, doors Wood ....do ....do Wood, doors Wood ....do ....do ....do Building Toilets, lavatories Buildings do do do do do do Tent floors Tent frames Death cell Center table Posts, section 8 Building No. 3, section 1 Buildtag No. 6, section 1 Building No. 10, section 1 Building No. 13, section 1 — Building No. 14, section 1. ... Building No. 27, section 1 Building 28, section 1 Building 29, section 1 Total sale price. ^ SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 339 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D, C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2661 2662 Mar. 29,1919.... do Wm. Donnelly, Houston, Tex . . . A. Rinkofl, Houston, Tex G. Rowland, Houston, Tex L. F. Harris, Houston, Tex T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex .... A. RinkofE, Houston, Tex D. E. Smith, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex H. P. Silber, Houston, Tex T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex .... . K. Fitze, Houston, Tex W. E. Himi, Houston, Tex Building No. N, 7 x 8, section 1 Toilets to buildmgs 1-11 Tent frame, section 1. 81,260.00 92 50 2663 .do 7 75 2664 2665 do ..do Bulldmg No, 26, section M Fence, section 1 6.50 27 50 2666 2667-S 2668 2669 do do do do Toilet buildmg 28, section 1. . . Scrap pipe and nail, section 3.. Gasolme engines, section 1 40.00 29.00 25.00 3 25 2670 2671-S 2672-S do do do Fence and water trough, sec- tion 1. Scrap lumber, section 1 41.00 47.50 57 50 2673 do A.V. Polemanokis,Houston,Tex. 0. K. Fitze, Houston, Tex Water tanks, section 1 . . . . 18 00 2674 do do 9 00 2675 do D.T.Taylor Houston, Tex. ... do ... 31 50 2676 do C. W. Van, Houston, Tex E. Chemikowskl, Houston, Tex. . E. R. Young, Houston, Tex S. C. Chapman, Houston, Tex — J. M. Copeland, Houston, Tex. . . . George Manicke, Houston, Tex. . G. H. Moore, Houston, Tex Rice & Harris, Houston, Tex E. Chemikowskl, Houston, Tex. . G. H. Moore, Houston, Tex George Manicke, Houston, Tex. . R. C. Rice, Houston, Tex P. A. Shain, Houston, Tex D. P. Tweedy Houston, Tex . . . 13 50 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 do do do do do Tent frames, sections 1 and 2. . Building No. 2, section 2 Buildmg No. 3, section 2 Building No. 12, section 2 Building No. 13, section 2 Buildmg No. 14, sections 2 and 1; buildmg No. 15, section 2. Buildmg No. 17, section 2 Buildmg No. 25, section 2 Buildtog No. 26, section 2 Buildings Nos. 27, 28, 29, sec- tion 2. Toilet building No. 29, section 2 Toilet buildmg No. 27, section 2 do 13.50 6.50 70.00 13.00 6 50 2682 2683 do do 12.50 70 00 2684 2685 do . do 25.00 52 50 2686 do 90 00 2687 2688 do do 42.00 11 00 2689 do 11 00 2690 do J. W. Woodward, Houston, Tex.. F. L. Water, Houston, Tex I.J. McCuller, Houston, Tex do 22 00 2691 . ..do Toilet buildmg No. 28, section 2 do 11 00 2692 do 11.00 2693 do C. Martino, Houston, Tex T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex A. J. Charlston, Houston, Tex E. Chermrodski, Houston, Tex. . . L. F. Harris, Houston, Tex B . T. Taylor, Houston, Tex G. Geaconne, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex W. T. Dickey, Houston, Tex W. C. Ruckman, Houston, Tex. . . A. J. Charlston, Houston, Tex. . . . L. F. Harris, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex 0. L. Foregard, Houston, Tex... . E. R. Young, Houston, Tex Geo. Rowland, Houston, Tex E. Chemikowskl, Houston, Tex. . A. RinkofE, Houston, Tex H. L. Silber, Houston, Tex S. Develaux^ouston, Tex A. L. Short, Houston, Tex 1. J. McCuller, Houston, Tex C. Martino, Houston, Tex T. V. Overton, Houston, Tex Ida Calvin, Houston, Tex George H. Moore, Houston, Tex. J. Oppenheimer, Houston, Tex . J. W. Mclver, Houston, Tex G. E. Bustln, Houston, Tex J. W. Mclver, Houston, Tex K. Michael, Houston, Tex A. J. Evans, Houston, Tex G. H. Moore, Houston, Tex J. W. Mclver, Houston, Tex Simset Fuel Cq^ Houston, Tex.. W. T. Dickey, Houston, Tex J. Oppenheimer, Houston, Tex. . W. C. Rockman, Houston, Tex . . T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex... . R. C. Ric§, Houston, Tex J. W. Mclver, Houston, Tex . . . 3 00 2694 2695 do do do do Tent frames, sections 1 and 2 . . Tent frames, section 2 47.50 5.00 2696 2697 Tent frames, sections 1 and 2. . Toilets, section 2 . . 81.00 29 00 2698 2699 do do Water trough, section 2 24.00 21 00 2700 2701 2702 do do do Water troughs, section 2 Buildmg No. 24, section 2 Buildmg No. 3, section 3 Building No. 8, section 3 Building No. 9, section 3 Buildings M-22 and M-22|, section 3. Pigeon house, section 3 Scrap lumber, sections 1, 2, 3. . . 24.00 120.00 52 50 2703 2704 do do 15.50 10 00 2705 2706 do do 7.00 10 00 2707 do 325 00 2708 do 17 00 2709 do 63 25 2710 .do Incinerators, sections 1,2,3 13 75 2711 ....do 19 00 2712 .do Buildmg No. 2, section 4 Buildmgs Nos. 5 and 6 S Buildmg No. 7, section 4 Building No. 8, section 4 Building No. 9, section 4. , Building No. 13, section 4 Buildmg No. 14, section 4 Buildmg No. 29, section 4 Showers, section 4.. 6 50 2713 do 9 60 2714 .do 4 00 2715 do 4 75 2716 do 80 00 2717 do 75 00 2718 do 105 00 2719 do 835 00 2720 do 22 00 2721 2722 2723 2724 do do do do Showers Nos. 33, 34, 35, sec- tion 4. Showers Nos. 36, 37, section 4. . Buildings, 38 x 39', section 4. . . Building No. 40, section 4 Buildmgs Nos. 41, 45, section 4. Building No. 46, section 4 Buildtogs Nos. 54, 55, section 4. Buildmg No. 57, section 4 Buildmgs Nos. 58, 59, 60, 61, section 4. 39.00 26.00 26.00 13 00 2725 2726 2727 .....do do do 65.00 8.00 18.00 2728 2729 2730 do do do 9.00 24.00 235.00 2731 do do Wire and pme posts 90.00 2732 225 00 2733 do do 55.00 2734 do I. J. McCuller, Houston Tex.. do 63.00 2735 do S. H. Ethredge, Houston, Tex . . . ... .do 50.00 2736 do A. E. Clark, Houston, Tex. do 50.00 2737 ... .do T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex... do 867.00 340 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. 2738 2739 Mar. 29, 1919... . do 2740 2741 2742 do do .do 2743 2744 2745 2746 do do do do 2747 2748 do .do 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 do do do do do . ..do 2755 2756 do . .do 2757 2768 2759 2760 do do do . ..do 2761 do 2762 . .do 2763 do 2764 .....do 2765 do 2766-S do 2767-S .do.... 2768 do 2769 do 2770 2771 Jan. 31, 1919 do 2772 do 2773 do 2774 do 2775 do 2776 do 2777 2778 do do 2779 .. do 2780-S do 2781 . do 2782 2783 do do 2784 do 2785 do 2786 . do 2787 do 2788 ...do 2789 do 2790 do 2791 . do 2792 do 2793 ... do 2794 do 2795 do 2796 do 2797 do 2798 ... do 2799 do 2800 do 2801 ... do 2802-S do 2803 do 2804 do 2805-S do 2806 2807 do do 2808 do 2809 do 2810 do Name and address of buyer. Article. C. H. Moore, Houston, Tex R. C. Rice, Houston, Tex J. E. Parker, Houston, Tex G. W. Starrett, Houston, Tex.. K. Michael, Houston, Tex J. Oppenheimer, Houston, Tex E. R. Young, Houston, Tex J. F. Chupick, Houston, Tex... George Starrett, Houston, Tex. D. P. Tweedy, Houston, Tex Ben Pamelia, Houston, Tex G. E. Bustin, Houston, Tex F. L. Waters, Houston, Tex J. B. Schwartz, Houston, Tex — J. W. Mclver, Houston, Tex E. R. Young, Houston, Tex J. Oppenheimer, Houston, Tex. . E. R. Young, Houston, Tex Tony Lacorte, Houston, Tex B. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex... A. RiQkoff. Houston, Tex E. B. Armhouse, Houston, Tex. R. C. Rice, Houston, Tex B. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex... J. Oppenheimer, Houston, Tex.. R. B. Cheatem, Houston, Tex... D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex George T. Brown, Houston, Tex. Theo. FuncgeSjHouston, Tex... Mr. Harrison, Houston, Tex H. E. Sutton, Houston, Tex J. M. Frost, jr., Houston, Tex... Wm. B. Sohulte, Houston, Tex.. Horton & Horton, Houston, Tex. Wm. Albrecht, Houston, Tex. . . Mrs. Chas. C. Crew, Houston, Tex. Hurd.y-German Limiber Co., Houston, Tex. John Hodden, Houston, Tex Joe Green, Houston, Tex M. B. Wilder, Houston, Tex F. E. Huebner, Houston, Tex... L. Catrona, Houston, Tex Mrs. Chas. Crew, Houston, Tex.. Sam Jones, Houston, Tex Jno. Dockal, Houston, Tex Jno. Thoede, Houston, Tex S. Deveraux, Houston, Tex Sam Samperios, Houston, Tex. . Joe Queen, Houston, Tex A. N. Donelson, Houston, Tex.. A. Rinkoff, Houston, Tex A. R. Smith, Houston C. Salnier, Houston, Tex L. Catrona, Houston, Tex L. C. Dewees, Houston, Tex T. B. Bristow^ouston, Tex C. B. Bassey, Houston, Tex J. R. Reniro, Houston, Tex L. Szolinke, Houston, Tex J. G. Goosbyu, Houston, Tex... W. C. Ruckman, Houston, Tex. Chas. Lund, Houston, Tex G. McAndy, Houston, Tex L. Latien, Houston, Tex Sam Lister, Houston, Tex Wm. Robinson, Houston, Tex. . Moses Chryor, Houston, Tex A. Rinkoff, Houston, Tex Jack Northgraves, Houston, Tex. R. Reina, Houston, Tex Chas. ElUs, Houston, Tex E. Rollman, Houston. Tex — Harry Godbolt, Houston, Tex. Latrines and buildings Building No. 9, sections Building No. 10, section 5 Building No. 11, section 5 Building No. 12, section 6 Building No. 13, section 5 Building No. 29, section 5 Building No. 30, section 5 Shower baths Nos. 31 and 32, section 5. Buildings Nos. 33, 34, 35, sec- tion 5. Buildings Nos. 36, 37 Building No. 38, section 5 Showers Nos. 39, 40, section 5... Buildings Nos. 41, 42, section 5, Buildings Nos. 43, 44, 45, 46, section 5. Latrines Nos. 47, 48 Buildings Nos. 49, 61, section 5. Building No. 63, section 5 Building No. 64, section 5 Building No. 66, section 5 Building No. 67, section 5 Tent frames, section 5 do do do do do Buildings Nos. 28, 11, 12, sec- tion 4. Scrap wire, section 3 . .' Scrap screen wire Engines, tanks, pumps, etc Flat-top desk Desks and swivel chair Buildings and galvanized water tanks. Sash and doors Nails. Sash and doors Sash Wheelbarrow and pesthole digger. Screen door Doors and door panels Ash board and wire cloth Doors Doors, sash, wheelbarrow Doors, screen door, and sash... Doors Sash, doors, screen doors Doors Transom Sash Doors Sash, doors Doors Sash Doors Doors, sash Sash, doors Doors, wheelbarrow ....do D oors Sash D oors Doors and sash Brick (second-hand) Sash, 10 X 15", 6-light ...do Sash, screen doors, brick Shovel, augur, stocks and dies, saw. Doors Door and screen door Square D oors SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAB DEPAETMENT. 341 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer Article. Total sale price. Jan. 31, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. W. G. Frazier, Houston, Tex... A. Cameratto, Houston, Tex Sam Lister, Houston, Tex , Tony Listen Houston, Tex , Jim Kinel, Houston, Tex E. Rillman, Houston, Tex Jolin Tliomas^ouston, Tex C. H. Deene, Houston, Tex John Tiieode, Houston, Tex..... C. Lund, Houston, Tex Jim Kinels, Houston, Tex G. W. Whitehead, Houston, Tex. C. H. Denis, Houston, Tex Leonard Cook, Houston, Tex..., Joe Midelin, Houston, Tex D. D. Southard, Houston, Tex.. W. H. Reed, Houston, Tex Mike Thomas, Houston, Tex C. Weise, Houston, Tex C. L. Dewees, Houston, Tex A. Fitz, Houston, Tex Jesse H Jones Lumber Co., Houston, Tex. A. Rinkoff, Houston, Tex O. C. Reidel, Houston, Tex J. J. Holt, Houston, Tex B. Finegold, Houston, Tex H. J. Parsons, Houston, Tex Oakes Wilson, Houston, Tex Irene Furgeson, Houston, Tex. . L. Latrona, Houston, Tex Max B. Wilder, Houston, Tex. . Southern Motor Mfg. Co., Hous- ton, Tex. Block Sputh Main Co., Houston, Tex. John Hodden, Houston, Tex Horton & Horton, Houston, Tex. Searcy Baker, jr. Houston Tex. American Trailer & Body Works, Houston, Tex. Trans-Atlantic Petroleum Co., Houston, Tex. Horton & Horton, Houston, Tex. J. W. Infield, Houston Tex Purdy Gernan Lumber Co., Houston, Tex. A. Rinkofl, Houston, Tex American Trailer & Body Works, Houston, Tex. A. J. Rossarin, Houston, Tex... United Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Houston, Tex. B. F. Moore, Houston, Tex C. C. Putton, Houston, Tex Ed. Ley, Houston, Tex W. G. Sauer, Houston, Tex R. Mason, Houston, Tex Sam Lister, Houston Tex R. Mason, Houston, Tex B. F. Moore, Houston, Tex A. J. Rosamrin, Houston, Tex. . Jas. Kinel, Houston, Tex Jim Higly, Houston, Tex Pete Planahak, Houston, Tex... Horton & Horton, Houston, Tex. P. A. Schwitz & Son, Houston, Tex. American Trailer & Body Works, Houston, Tex. Son. Eng. & Pump Co., Hous- ton, Tex. H. C. Lamb, Houston, Tex. . . . . E. B. Moy, Houston, Tex T. E. DriscolL Houston, Tex.... W. C. Tiors, Houston, Tex W. G. FosSjHouston, Tex Ben Blum Hdw. Co., Houston, Tex. R. C. Rice, Houston, Tex M. O. Melev, Houston, Tex T. E. Heuber, Houston, Tex American Trailer & Body Works, Houston, Tex. Hand saws Wood doors do Used ax Rakes and mortar hoe Mattock and rake Doors, sash doors, sash Screen doors Steel square and handsaw Square Hand drill Doors, used Handsaws do Door Wood doors and screen doors. Handsaw Sash, used Doors, used 6" sewer pipe Wood doors and sash Lumber , do Doors Sash and doors Nails Doors and sash, check rail. Sash and wood doors Doors and sash Doors and nails 68" hog wire Limiber Lumber, check rails, and nails. Sash and doors Small tools Lumber Lumber and doors, etc. Door hangers, valves, lanterns. OfBce equipment, etc. Lumber , Stone, crushed Iron doors, new and used; sash. Lumber, nails, sash, cement, etc. Refrigerator Comptometer S8" hog wire Sewer pipe and garbage cans. Garbage cans Roof paper, screen doors Doors do ". ■■ do Heaters Sash, doors Sewer pipe Door Roofing, doors Portland cement Reinforciag steel Paiat, cement, lumber. . . Engine, pulley, tank, etc. Pump Doors , Flat-top desk. Flue liners 6" pipe Trash cans Lumber Galvanized cistern Portland cement Sacks, cement, door rail, water buckets. $2.20 4.00 2.00 .75 1.50 1.70 13.60 2.40 2.40 1.30 2.75 5.50 2.20 1.10 1.00 8.60 1.10 .85 6.00 14.40 7.50 4,000.00 12.65 7.00 5.00 734.87 27.25 5.00 12.95 11.30 20.00 364.50 721.40 12.20 358.57 158.40 2,446.03 128.40 128.40 42.76 18.00 23.35 921.49 85.00 200.00 8.45 4.45 4.00 5.40 20.00 6.00 8.75 13.50 7.40 4.80 1.00 21.00 1, 718. 00 78.89 112.28 300.00 25.00 6.00 7.50 6.60 31.50 25.00 21.60 25.00 6.00 79.07 342 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 Jan. 31, 1919. do do do ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... do. do. do. do. 2897 2898 2899 2900-S 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910-S 2911-S 2912-S 2913 2914-S 2915-S 2916 2917-S 2918 2919 2920 2921.S 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928-S 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939-S 2940-S 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945-S 2946-S 2947-S 2948 2949-S 2950-S 2951-S 2952 2953 2954 2955 ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... do do do do do .....do do do do do do do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do .-do -do ..do ..do ..do ..do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do.. ....do.. ....do- ....do.. ....do. ....do- ..-do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ..-.do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. A. Ollro, Houston, Tex Mike Thomas, Houston, Tex — W. G. Newton, Houston, Tex... A. D. Polemanakos, Houston, Tex. O. M. Meley, Houston, Tex John Doe, Houston, Tex J. M. Teachworth, Houston, Tex. A. RinkofE, Houston, Tex L. A. Glover, Houston, Tex M. B. Wilder, Houston, Tex.... John Doe, Houston, Tex J. E. Wink, Houston, Tex O. L. Forsgard, Houston, Tex . . Mrs. Bishop, Houston, Tex L. P. Dewees, Houston, Tex A. D. MeConnico. Houston, Tex. Mr. Berry, Houston, Tex W. B. Dixon, Houston, Tex G. Roberts, Houston, Tex Edwin G. Bergstein, Houston, Tex W. H.' Lobb, Houston, Tex A. Rinkofl^flouston, Tex Mr. Lobb, Houston, Tex 0. L. Forsgard, Houston, Tex. . Mr. Lobb, Houston, Tex Mrs. Kendall, Houston, Tex L. C. Dewees, Houston, Tex F. E. Pemberton, Houston, Tex. Mr. Lobb, Houston, Tex G. W. Lem, Houston, Tex G. Gioconne, Houston, Tex R. M. Weiss, Houston^ Tex Mr. Dixon, Houston, Tex Mrs. Epatain, Houston, Tex Pat Belcher, Houston, Tex. P. M. Weiss, Houston, Tex W. Brown, Houston, Tex Joe Medelin, Houston, Tex J. Palmer, Houston, Tex Harry W. Dester, Houston, Tex. 1. M. Bomba, Houston, Tex C. L. Dewees, Houston, Tex Jas. Kinel, Houston, Tex O. N. N. Meley, Houston, Tex.. John Hicks, Houston, Tex A. Rinkofl", Houston, Tex E. B. Moy, Houston, Tex Horton & Horton, Houston, Tex. American TraDer & Body Co., Houston, Tex. B. Holt, Houston, Tex Frank Peel, Houston, Tex B. Holt, Houston, Tex A. RinkofE, Houston, Tex L. C . Dewees, Houston, Tex Sam Lister, Houston, Tex Mr. Lawson, Houston, Tex F. E. Mua, Houston, Tex W. D. Vreeland, Houston, Tex.. B. F. Moore^Houston, Tex Sam Lister^ Houston, Tex American Trailer & Body Works Houston, Tex. Jas. E. Cooks, Houston, Tex L.Verja, Houston, Tex A. RinkofE, Houston, Tex O. M. Meley, Houston, Tex G. F. Herzog, Houston, Tex Sam Lister, Houston, Tex G. F. Herzog, Houston, Tex John Franklin, Houston, Tex . . . H. F. Silber, Houston, Tex Joe-Petronella, Houston, Tex. . . Sam Lister, Houston, Tex A. D. MeConnico, Houston, Tex Alexander, Houston, Tex Wood doors, screen doors. Window glass , Wood doors, screen doors. Hog wire Pipe fittings Pipe fittings and screen doors. Lumber Second-hand brick Padlocks and arges 2-ply roofing paper, shovel Sash, screen door, roofing paper, etc. Pipe, plumbing fixtures Small tools Screen doors Sewer pipe and second-hand brick. Hog wire Screen wire, garbage cans Wood doors, screendoors, sash. Wood doors, sewer pipe Screen wire Sewer pipe ....do ....do Hinges screws Water faucets Screen door, wire cloth 6" sewer pipe Roof paper, ax 12" sewer pipe Screen door, used ....do Screen door, garbage cans Screen door, used ....do 2-ply roofing paper Garbage cans; flues, damaged . Heater, garbage cans Screen doors, wood doors Garbage can Bathtub; lavatory, damaged . . Webster Dictionary 6" sewer pipe Screen doors, used Plumbing equipment, sewer pipe. Water pail Sewer pipe Doors Troughs, ledgers and oak flUng case. Small tools and cement Plumbing equipment Garbage can Plumbing equipment ....do 6" sewer pipe Plumbing material Door, sash Tank, heater, sink Bathtub; lavatory, damaged . (Jarbage cans; sash, used 6" sewer pipe Steel safe cabinet Heater and galvanized tank. . Shelf brackets, pipe, ells Water pipe, unions, used Water pipe Sink trap and pipe Plumbing equipment do Wood doors do , Toilets, complete Toilets, complete, bathtubs . . Paint, roofing Trash cans SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 343 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, I). C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Jan. 31, 1919. ....do do .....do ....do .-..do ....do do do .....do ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..-do ....do .-..do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...-do ....do ....do ....do do Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919 . do Mar. 4, 1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do....... Mar. 29, 1919. do Mar. 31, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. do do Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. do Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. do do Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 15, 19i9. Apr. 16, 1919. Joe Petronella, Houston, Tex. . . C. S. Basham, Houston, Tex — Mason, Houston, Tex W. Anderson, Houston, Tex — H. M. Trussel, Houston, Tex... Capt. James, Houston, Tex Keethley Co., Houston, Tex J. P. James, Houston, Tex H. H. JohnsoUj Houston, Tex.. Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., Houston, Tex. H. Goldbold, Houston, Tex P. A. Shain, Houston, Tex Wm. E. Hunt; Houston, Tex. . John Hicks, Houston, Tex M. O. Turner, Houston, Tex.. . Mr. Townsend, Houston, Tex. . Dixon, Houstcm, Tex G. P. Herzog, Houston, Tex A. Rinkoff, Houston, Tex Alexander, Houston, Tex H. L. Davis, Houston, Tex J. H. Barrow, Houston, Tex. . . H. O. Clarke, Houston, Tex.. . . K. D. "Wright, Houston, Tex.. . Glover, Houston, Tex Wm. E. Himt, Houston, Tex. . L. Cratona, Houston, Tex B. Holt, Houston, Tex F. M. BrownjHouston, Tex O. S. Senter, Houston, Tex E. D. HaveM; Houston, Tex Tony Listi, Houston, Tex Sam Listi, Houston, Tex Jim Elkhard, Houston, Tex J. P. French, Houston,Tex A. D. Poleomanakos, Houston, Tex. G. Sullivan, Houston, Tex Jesse H. Jones Lumber Co., Houston, Tex. Dr. Owens, Columbia, S. C J. W. Conder, Columbia, S. C... E. H. Bruyers Construction Co., Waco, Tex. ....do...... ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. B.J. Arnold, Waoo, Tex E. Weinhart, Waco, Tex P. G. Silber, Waco, Tex T. W. Jackson, Waco, Tex T. R. Martin, Waco, Tex Dr. J. J. Doan, Waco, Tex do W. L. Johnson, Mount Calm, Tex. Sam Williams, West, Tex T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex. W. Bailey, Waco, Tex T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex. Saimders & Hutton, Suffolk, Va, Mathers, Givens, Augusta, Ga. . F. P. Floyd, Augusta, Ga , Lewis Walker, Augusta, Ga C. H. Combs, Augusta, Ga W. H. Crawford, Augusta, Ga... Alec. Williams, Augusta, Ga Oisee Smith, Augusta, Ga Sewer pipe Trash cans Trash cans, wood doors.. Screen doors, wood door. Tin cash box Waste-paper baskets Plumbing equipment . . . Office equipment Bathtub, complete Closet bowls I" pipe and screen doors Second-hand lavatory Pipe fittings, doors, sash Ash cans, small tools, water pails. Ax, post-hole digger Trash cans, screen doors, sash Post-hole digger Nipples, pipe, ells. Sewer pipe Post-hole digger Plumbing equipment Sewer pipe Bathtub; small sink, used Heater; boilers, used Wheelbarrows Pipe, imion, tee Small tools. Doors, sash, trash cans .. . do Doors; sink, used 2" water pipe, used Screen doors, water pipe . . Screen doors, used do Post-hole diggers, wedges. Small tools ....do... Lumber. Small tools Road machine, used, dama?pd Hospital ward buildings, dis- pensaries, etc. do Administration buildings, post exchange, etc. Ward building, officers' wards, etc. Clinic building, dispensaries, etc. Officers' quarters, boiler house . Corridors Kindling Brooms and mops Inkstand Lumber and doors Water trough Brick and 6 water troughs Fence posts and wire Latrines and old tool house Combination bathhouse and latrines. No. 3. Dynamite, and cap and fuse houses^ watchman's house. 2-ganon iron tanks Combination bathhouse and letrine. No. 20. Offi ce chairs Tools, boots, etc Wood, bricks, screen doors, tar roofing. Wood, doors, bricks Wood, bricks Wood, bricks, tar roofing, chairs. Wood, screen doors, bricks, buckets. Wood, brick, tar roofing, shovel, rake. 524. GO 1.60 10.00 7.40 .60 .30 3,284.74 145. 00 22.50 1,038.83 3.45 6.55 11.65 4.85 1.75 17.45 1.55 1.30 3.85 .50 3.05 5.10 15.00 31.75 5.00 1.85 18.15 10.35 6.40 10.70 3.00 12.85 3.20 2.00 L80 4.65 3.10 2,302.70 5.25 200. 00 3,900.00 3, 600. 00 1,200.00 3,800.00 3,800.00 2, 500. 00 3,300.00 15.00 2.25 .50 185.00 2.00 162.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 40.00 21.00 17.50 64.00 20.30 13.00 46.26 31.00 87.35 344 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 23. 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. do do do Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. do do Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. do do Mar. 27, 1919.. Apr. 18, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919... do Apr. 16, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919... do Apr. 5, 1919... Apr. 8, 1919... do do do Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. do do Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 21, 1919. do do do do do Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 18,1919.. Apr. 19,1919.. Apr. 16,1919.. Calhoun "Walton. Augusta, Ga. . A. B. Stroman, Augusta, Ga C. H. James, Augusta, Ga Pick Mitchell, Augusta, Ga W. D. Merry, Augusta, Ga Eugene Germany, Augusta, Ga. G. P. Sullivan, Augusta, Ga Luccius Buchanan, Augusta, Ga. Peter Allen, Augusta, Ga B. J. Summerow, Charlotte.N.C Frank DLxon, Charlotte, N. C... G. A. Fincher, Charlotte, N. C. . W. L. Pierce, Charlotte, N. C. . . N. H. Farrs, Charlotte, N. C Porter & Boyd, Charlotte, N. C. . W. F. KearnsCo., John Hancock Bldg., Boston, Mass. City of Boston, Mass Samuel Coughlin, Boston, Mass. Raymond Concrete Pile Co G. D. Gould, Fox Hills, Staten Island, N. Y. Lewis G. Brothers, Suffolk, Va.. E. F. Milan, Spartanburg, S. C. C. S. Cato, Spartanburg, S. C... S. M. Lee, Spartanburg, S. C L. B. Jumper, Inman, S. C Willard Boggs & Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. Mr. Kirby, Pacolot, S.C E. L. Stallings & Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. do G. W. Tripp, Spartanburg, S. C. E. E. Crow, Fair Forest, S. C. . . B. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. J. L. Muoph, White Stone, S. C. Spartan Mills, Spartanburg, S. C. J. S. Stone, Spartanburg, S. C... A. C. Cossett, Pacolot, ^. C H. E. Chapman, Spartanburg, S.C. W. F. Foster, Boiling Springs, S.C. J. W. Thomason, Spartanburg, S.C. E. L. Stallings Co., Spartanburg, S. C, B. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. M. M. Alexander, Spartanburg, S.C. W. P. Williams, Spartanburg, S.C. J. R. Burnett, Boiling Springs, S.C. do Southern Private Utilities, Greenville, S. C. Mrs. J. C. Reddick, Spartanburg, s c Mrs. B. T. Earl, Spartanburg, S. B. M. Eubanks, Spartanbiu-g, S.C. Grey Ferdinand Nelson, Spar- tanburg, S.C. M. M. Alexander, Fair Forest, S.C. J. H. Roper, Spartanburg, S.C. R. A. Smoak, Spartanburg, S. C. W. W. Harris, Spartanburg, S. C. J. E. McKinney, Chesnee, S. C. . . R. A. Brook, Spartanburg, S.C. Wood do Wood, brooms, rakes, doors... Wood, doors, tables, cupboard. Desks, chairs, coat rack Wood, rags do Wood, sash Wood, sink B arrel Clip file, letter folders Chairs, table, glass, scrap har- ness. Small motor Cane-seat chairs Storage tank Secondhand drafting tables, and instruments. Creosoted wood paving blocks. Driving machine and hammer Concrete bearing piles Tools and equipment Flat-top desk Secondhand stove Officers' shacks Checking shack, secondhand windows. 40-gallon secondhand range boilers. Secondhand range, octagon steel, hammers. Scrap lumber Desks, broken 6" S. H. soil pipe, 6" D. H. soil pipe. Secondhand shovels, axe 2 X 4" secondhand lumber, wheelbarrow. Military police mess shack Second-grade refrigerator. 4" terra-cotta pipe Plaster board Crosscut saw, shovels Panel doors Secondhand screen doors. Secondhand 17-14 stove... 4" P. traps Small refrigerator. Jroimd strips KJQob locks, secondhand glass door, transoms. Scrap liunber, doors, etc Ventilator, stove, pipe, desks, chairs. Range boilers, steel tanks Kindling wood and old benches Officers' quarters Medium refrigerator Piece scrap screen wire Panel doors, lot broken glass, garbage cans. Small stove R efrigerator Tubs, pan, buckets, shovel, hose handles. Steel tanks, heater. No. 0, chain vise. No. 2. Military police lavatory build- ing. SALE OF SXTKPLtTS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMEliTT. 345 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Cominued. Date of sale. Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. . Apr. 18,1919... do do Apr. 16, 1919. do do , do do. Apr. 5, Apr. 16, Apr. 18, Apr. 17, do.. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. Apr. 8, do. Apr. 16 Apr. li Apr. 8, Apr. 4, 1919. ,1919.. !,1919. 1919.. 1919.. Apr. 10,1919. do , do do do , do , do , .do. .do. do do Apr. 9,1919... Apr. 10,1919. Mar. 31,1919.. Apr. 12,1919.. do do Apr. 16,1919... Apr. 11,1919... Apr. 12,1919... Apr. 19, 1919... Apr. 16,1919... do Apr. 10,1919... Apr. 15,1919... Apr. 11,1919... Apr. 14,1919... do Apr. 11,1919... do Apr. 9, 1919.... Apr. 10,1919... Apr. 17,1919... Apr. 15, 1919... Name and address of buyer. West Point Iron Works, West Point, Ga. H. C. Turner, Glendale, S. C... L. D. Proffitt, Spartanburg, S. C. J. T. Hannan, Inman, S.C Wallace Whitlock, Spartanburg, S.C. Spartanburg County, Spartan- burg, S.C. E. W. Littlejohn, Beaumont Mills, S. C. Good Samaritan Hospital, Spar- tanburg, S. C. R. R. Smoak, Spartanburg, S.C. .do. Richard Young, Spartanbvirg, S C J. W. Allen, Spartanburg, S. C. A. L. Richards, Spartanburg, S.C. Mrs. C. L. Abbott, Spartanburg, S.C. Steedley Sanitorium, Chick Springs, S.C. F. M. Qumn, Pacolot, S. C C. K. Callahan, Spartanburg, S. C A. L. Sista, Spartanburg, S.C... Rev. J. J. Bishop, Spartanburg, S.C. J. H. Roper, Spartanburg, S.C... L. D. Proffitt, Spartanburg, S.C. Fiske-Carter Construction Co., Spartansburg, S. C. J.L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. R. T. Haddon, Spartanburg, S. C. S. S. Stacks, Spartanburg, S.C... C. L. Reiney, Campobelle, S.C... J.J. CoUins, Chesnee, S.C M. M. Alexander, Spartanburg, S.C. do D. L. Epton, Boiling Springs, N. C. A. L. Sista, Spartanburg, S. C J. A. Rodgers, Spartanburg, S. C . L. M. Pearson, Spartanburg,S.C M.M.Bonar,Pacolet,S.C D. B. Anderson, Reidville, S. C. W. P. Williams, Spartanburg, S.C. C. R. Creighton, Spartanburg, S.C. J. E. Moore, Spartanburg, S.C A. G. Parris, Spartanburg, S.C. D . L. Smith, Spartanburg, S.C... G. C. Culbreth, Fair Forest.S.C. R. L. Elliott, Spartanburg, S.C. Mr. Humphries, Spartanburg, S.C. Mr. Alverson, Spartanburg, S.C. Williard B oggs Co . , Spartanburg, S.C. W. J. Wilson, jr., Spartanburg, S.C. J. F. Blackenship, Spartanburg, S.C. A. G. Parris, Fair Forest,S.C C.C. Jordan, Gaflney, S.C A. L. Sista, Spartanburg, S.C J. W. Brannon, Spartanburg. S.C R. R. Smoak, Whitestone, S.C... do R. L. Elliott, Spartanburg, S.C. Sam Clark, Inman, S. C Article. Hardware, reiaforcing steel, office equipment, nails, sash, lumber, contractor's equip- ment, etc. Buffalo clamp, solid dies Ivumber Chairs, tables, buckets, roofing, junk. Large refrigerator Secondhand Army range, heater. Small stove Secondhand heaters Damaged secondhand wash- tubs. Broken box, camp chairs Officers' shacks, bad order Officer's shack Old pick, wheelbarrow. Officer's shack Secondhand heater. Large refrigerator. . . Refrigerator Officers' shacks Hose Large refrigerator 1" galvanized tees, second- hand plugs. Odd chair Flat-top desk, chair 2x2 screw jack Second-hand lumber,4 x 4 x 12". Pipe vise Second-hand Army range, water coolers. Axle grease, borax, hooks, staples. White lead Iceboxes, broken Ice boxe, small Stoves, small and second-hand 8 X 10" sash, odd Electrician, refrigerator, scoop, stove. f" fittings, J" valves mall swing doors, odd Glass reflectors and tin shades. Broken glass Tailor shop Cupboard, drain board, brack- ets, sash. Second-hand lumber, boards . 2x12" rough lumber Mattock 2i" Armstrong stock and dies. Second-hand ranges Stocks and dies, pipe cutter, ash can, etc. Second-hand road grader Studio building Second-hand road grader Second-hand bucket , Second-hand lumber Second-hand lumber and hangers. Third -grade refrigerator do Sash, nails, boiler, etc , Total sale price. 346 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 18, 1919... Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919 Apr. 3, 1919. do. ..... Apr. 15, 1919 Apr. 2, 1919 do Apr. 1, 1919 do Apr. 4, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919 Apr. 15, 1919 Apr. 14, 1919 ...do. . . ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... do Apr. 9, 1919 Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 13, 1919. April 1, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. do Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. ....do Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. do Apr. 10,1919. do Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 7,1919.. do do Apr. 15, 1919. ....do Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919.. do Apr. 7, 1919.. ....do ... R. S. Elliott, Spartanburg, S. C... F. L. Harrison, Spartanburg,S.C J. S. Stone^ Spartanburg, S. C John Adair, Spartanburg, S. C F. G. Hartis, Spartanburg, 8. C J. A. Bell, Spartanburg, S. C. . . R. S. ElUotf, Spartanburg, S. C . . P. M.Pritchard,Spartanburg,S.C D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. S. P. Miller, Spartanburg, S. C. ., . John Young, Spartanburg, S. C. C. A. Moss, Spartanburg, S. C E. L. StaUingsCo., Spartanburg, S. C. T. D. Hannon, Spartanburg,S.C. Henry Perry, Spartanburg, S. C J. A. Tierney, Spartanburg, S. C. B.N. Wyatt, Spartanburg, S. C . T. J. Hannon, Spartanburg, S. C . T. B. Martin, Fair Forest, S. C "W. P. Williams, Spartanburg, H. E.Perry, Spartanburg, S. C, Spartan MiU Store, Spartan- burg, S. C. W. W.Miller, Pauline, S.C Beaumont Mfg. Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. E.Lill, Spartanburg, S.C Roy E. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. Capt. C. W. Sheifert, Spartan- burg, S. C. B. W. Isom, Spartanburg, S. C. . A. W. Alexander, Spartanburg, S C S. S. Stacks, Spartanburg, S. C . W. A. Sherrod, Spartanburg, S.C. M. M. Brown, Spartanburg S.C. J. W. Brannon, Spartanburg, S.C. James Sope, Spartanburg, S.C... Herbert Carter, Spaitanburg, S. C. T.J. Hannon, Spartanburg, S.C. H. H. Kennedy, Boiling Spring, N. C. W. A. Foster, Fair Forest, S.C, W. P. WiUiams, Spartanburg, L. 6. Harrill, Converse, S.C F. L. Humphries, Cherokee, s c T. T. Earle, Spartanburg, S.C... H. H. Herring, Spartanburg, W.R.Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. A. H. Stowe, Spartanburg, S. C. Spartan Mill Co., Spartanburg, S.C. Blue Ridge Power Co., Tuxedo, N. C. J. W. Harris, Spartanburg^ S.C M. M. Alexander, Fair Forest, s c R. T. Kimbrell, Cherokee, S.C. B en Hicks, Spartanburg, S . C . . R. A. Brook, Spartanburg, S.C J. F. Blackenship & Son, Spar- tanburg, S. C. J. G. Harris, Spartanburg, S. C. J. B. Kirby^Pacolet, S. C Rev. R. L. Keston, Pacolet, S. C. Buildings, water hose, tool box, etc. Tee square, broken Galvanized wire, scrap wire... 20" trera-cotta pipe Plaster board 2x4" second-hand lumber Cement post, second-hand Kindling wood, scrap Boiler, scullery sink, both second-hand. Small tool box, less cover Officers' shacks, 1 small Second-hand hose and lantern. Plumbing equipment Locks and keys, second-hand bucket. Plaster board, broken Scrap pipe, fittings, shade 30-gaUon second-hand range boiler. Shovels, rakes, solder, refrig- erator. Lumber and second-hand wheelbarrow. Sash, odd Plaster board . Refrigerator. . . .do. Refrigerator, sink, galvanized drum. Large refrigerator Officer's shack .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Flat-top desk Second-hand washtubs and basin. Second-hand ash can, poker, fire shovel. Round cast washers Wheelbarrows, second-hand buckets. Second-hand pipe, second- hand boiler. 40-gaUon second-hand boiler . . . Refrigerators SmaU toolbox, less top. Electric fan Plaster boards Hoes, shovels, wheelbarrows. Lumber, Strips... Miscellaneous Officers' shacks Tent floors, extra sides. Wheelbarrows Scrap boards Plaster boards Second-hand No. Diamond stove. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAH DEPARTMENT. 347 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D, C— Cantinued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919. . do do Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. do do do Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. A-pr. 22, 1919. May3, 1919... May 1, 1919... do May 2, 1919... do Mar. 19, 1919. Mar. 29, 1919. do do do do do do do do do .do. .do... do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Mr. Smoak. Spartanburg, S. C . . , F. Q. Harrfe^Spartanburg, S. C . , Mrs. P. H. Fike, Spartanburg, S. C. L. D. ProfBtt, Spartanburg, S. C Spartanburg Lumber Co., Spar- tanburg, S. C. M. M. Alexander, Spartanburg, S. C. Frank Glenn, Spartanburg, S. C. L. G. Harris, Spartanburg, S. . Spartan MUls, Spartanburg, S. C. J. J. Marolon, Spartanburg, S. C. J. C, Robinson, Columbia, S. C. - W. E. Garrett, Columbia, S. C, E. H. Rbame, Columbia, S. C. , J. A. Schwartz, Columbia, S. C. . E. V. Neeley, Columbia, S. C. . J. H. Mayes, Charlotte, N. C. . . W. C. Canfleld, Charlotte, N. C . G. A. Finceher, Charlotte, N. C . . Solomon Carlone, Charlotte, N. C G. A. Fincher, Charlotte, N. C. John Parks, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga E. R. Young, Houston, Tex F. A. Peel, Houston, Tex E. R. Young, Houston, Tex George H. Moore, Houston, Tex T. C. Edwards, Houston, Tex. . . W. C. Ruckman, Houston, Tex. . H. C. Feagin, Houston, Tex Sunset Fuel & Grain Co., Hous- ton, Tex. C. L. Clements, Houston, Tex... F. L. Waters, Houston, Tex Jesse Jones Lumber Co., Hous- ton, Tex. S. Saperio, Houston, Tex J. Slier, Houston, Tex W. H. Lobb, Houston, Tex. Sam Listi, Houston, Tex A. Rinkon, Houston, Tex... H. E. Detering, Houston, Tex. S. E. Keene, Houston, Tex I. Johnson, Houston, Tex Sam Listi, Houston, Tex John Cuchia, Houston, Tex C. C. Mill, Houston, Tex W. C. Williams, Houston, Tex. H. Werner, Houston, Tex J. Cuchia, Houston, Tex W. E. Himt, Houston, Tex Lem Sanders, Houston, Tex J. Siler, Houston, Tex , L. Cratona, Houston, Tex , H. L. Davis, Houston, Tex R. C. Rice, Houston, Tex , F. C. Bonhomy, Houston, Tex., Harrison, Houston, Tex. . Anderson, Houston, Tex. A. W. Smith, Houston, Tex C. W. Vann, Houston, Tex George T. Brown, Houston, Tex , I-. Nelson, Houston, Tex G. Geacone, Houston, Tex T. E. Stavaker, Houston, Tex.., Wallenwig, Houston, Tex C. C. Mill, Houston, Tex A. D. Smith, Houston, Tex. Small sharpening stone. Terra-cotta pipe Rustic benches Closet floor flanges Window casing and lattice. Damaged doors Plumbing equipment 4" terra-cotta bends 4" terra-cotta pipe Washtubs, buckets, wash- basins, etc. Oak flat-top desk Scrap lumber Terra-cotta pipe, long-handle shovels. Rolls scrap roofing paper , Scrap luniber , Road roller Cans G. T. blotters and ink wells. Rig saw, unserviceable , Stuks and lamp shades Chairs, tin pan, paint, pump, etc. Plumbing equipment , Tent frames, section 5 , Fence, section 5 , Shacks, section 5 Tanks, 8', section 5 Tanks, section 5 Feed boxes, section 5 Scrap lumber, section 3 Building No. 10, section 4 Building No. 18, section 2 Toilet building No. 28, section 2. Lumber, section 3 , Scrap pipe and sash doors, section 3. Post-hole digger, section 3 Scrap pipe Tom Thumb heaters, section 3 Scrap pipe and steel wire, section 3. do do .do. .do. E. L. Carey, Houston, Tex Geo. Swengee, Houston, Tex W . H. Bell, Houston, Tex Scrap pipe Second-hand plumbing equip- ment. do...; Toilets, section 3, used Scrap screen wire, used Scrap pipe, section 3 Water troughs, section 3 , Broken sash, doors Scrap pipe, section 3 !!!!!do!!!!;!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!]!! Kitchen sink and lavatory, used. Scrap pipe Bathtub and second-hand sink, section 3. PUe scrap lumber Gas engines, section 3 Incinerator and buildings Scrap screen wire Sheets iron heaters, section 3 . . Scrap pipe Scrap transoms and scrap screen wire. Kitchen sink and toilet, used . . Scrap pipe, section 3, kitchen sink, used. Scrap barbed wire Scrap pipe do 348 SALE OF StTRPLUS StJPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. 3258 3259 Mar. 29, 1919.... do 3260 do 3261 do 3262 do 3263 3264 3265 do do do 3266 do 3267 do 3268 3269 do do 3270 do 3271 do 3272 do 3273 do 3274 do 3275 do 3276 do 3277 3278 do do 3279 do 3280 3281 do 3282 do 3283 do 3284 3285 do 3286 3287 do 3288 do 3289 do 3290 3291 3292 do do do 3293 do 3294 do 3295 3296 do do 3297 3298 do do 3299 do 3300 3301 do do 3302 do 3303 do 3304 3305 3306 do do do 3307 3308 do do 3309 do 3310 do 3311 do 3312 do 3313 do 3314 do 3315 3316 3317 do do do 3318 do 3319 do 3320 do 3321 do 3322 ... .do 3323 do 3324 do 3325 do 3326 do 3327 do 3328 3329 do do 3330 do 3331 3332 do do 3333 do 3334 . .do 3335 do Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. A. D. McConnico, Houston, Tex , J. G. Grubbs, Houston, Tex. John Hicks, Houston, Tex. ., M. Peck, Houston, Tex. C. Dow, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex L. C. Dewees, Houston, Tex John Copeland, Houston, Tex.., W. J. Gangler,Houston, Tex.... Geo. Swingle, Houston, Tex E. B. Mov, Houston, Tex A. Dinglesteth, Houston, Tex. . , Mike Thomas, Houston, Tex — W. J. Gangler, Houston, Tex.... J. B. Taylon Houston, Tex J. J. West, Houston, Tex R. E. Dishman, Houston, Tex.. J. C. Turner, Houston, Tex J. Kinel, Houston, Tex J. C. Turner, Houston, Tex A. D. McConnico, Houston, Tex. C. Millmine, Houston, Tex R. E. Dishman, Houston, Tex.. H. A. Saathoff, Houston, Tex... H. M. Emery, Houston, Tex — J. Doebell, Houston, Tex , F. G. Congelosi, Houston, Tex. . O. Cuchia, Houston, Tex F. G. Congelosi, Houston, Tex.. Baloagh, Houston, Tex J. Johnson, Houston, Tex C. Edworthy, Houston, Tex J. E. Chim, Houston, Tex E. E. Fuchs, Houston, Tex... H. J. Simpson^Houston, Tex . J. C. Hanson, Houston, Tex... John SUer, Houston, Tex A. A. Riess, Houston, Tex Dixlon, Houston, Tex R. L. Little, Houston, Tex.. .. WillHeitman, Houston, Tex.. C. Edworthy, Houston, Tex... A. R. Ross, Houston, Tex H. A. Goschke, Houston, Tex. Q. Bochmier, Houston, Tex. . . J. C. Brown, Houston, Tex D. T. Jones, Houston, Tex K. C. Kessler, Houston, Tex. . . Elberly Pell, Houston, Tex C. C. Patton, Houston, Tex.. . R. A. Patton, Houston, Tex... W. E. Junt, Houston, Tex F. Fritico, Houston, Tex C. G. Patton, Houston, Tex... C. Gangelosi, Houston, Tex J. Kinel, Houston, Tex Swingle, Houston, Tex Mrs. Pittman Jouston, Tex.. , D. E. Smith, Houston, Tex.. . Mrs. Pittman, Houston, Tex.. , M. P. Keene, Houston, Tex. . . V. Olanda, Houston, Tex Mrs. Pittman, Houston, Tex. . , L. Messecar, Houston, Tex E . L. Corey, Houston, Tex Theo. Fenchs, Houston, Tex — T. F. Kerr, Houston, Tex Mrs. Pittman, Houston, Tex I. Johnson, Houston, Tex Edw. Dilts, Houston, Tex Mrs. Pittman, Houston, Tex O . Johnson, Houston, Tex D. E. E. Grant, Houston, Tex. , W. E. Hunt, Houston, Tex Theo Fenchs, Houston, Tex J. Kinel, Houston, Tex Mike Thomas, Houston, Tex. . . O. E. Windt, Houston, Tex Second-hand plumbing equip- ment, etc. Scrap pipe Second-hand ice box Scrap pipe Scrap sewer pipe Scrap lumber, yard Scrap pipe and faucets Scrap screen wire Used pipe Gate valves and fittings Gate valves and faucets do Nails and doors Scrap pipe and fittings Used faucets Kitchen sink and fittings Scrap screen wire Used screen doors Scrap pipe and fittings Scrap screen wire and doors . . Concrete blocks Scrap pipe Wood doors and screen Scrap screen wire Kitchen sink, used Faucets Scrap pipe and fittings Used faucets and fittings Used ells and fittings Scrap screen wire Used faucets and ties do Scrap screen, sink, pipe, fit- tings. Scrap pipe and fittings do Scrap screen wire Shed Roof paper, door, screen door, sash. Scrap screen Scrap screen wire Pipe and fittings Scrape pipe and fittings Scrap screen wire Scrap pipe and fittings do Scrap screen wire Scrap pipe and fittings Used fa ucets Scrap pipe Scrap pipe and fittings Used faucets Used pipe Scrap screen wire Faucets and valves Scrap screen wire and doors . . Ells and fittings Scrap pipe fittings Screen doors Faucets and Fittings Scrap screen wire Window sash Faucets and fittings Kitchen sink, scrap pipe, St- ings. Ells and fittings Cement Scrap screen wire do Tees Scrap pipe and fittings Faucets and fittings do. Scrap pipe Faucets Scrap pipe and fittings Kitchen sink and fittings Scrap screen wire and pipe Screen doors Faucets , SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 349 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C.-Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. 3336 3337 3338 Mar. 29, 1919.... do do 3339 3340 do ...do 3341 3342 do do 3343 do 3344 3345 do do 3346 .do 3347 do 3348 do 3349 . .do 3350 ...do 3351 do 335S do 3353 3354 3355 do do . .do 3356 do 3357 .do 3358 3359 do do 3360 do 3361 3362 do ... .do 3363 do 3364 .do 3365 3366 do .do 3367 3368 3369 do do do 3370 .do 3371 3372 do ....do 3373 3374 do ....do 3375 3376 do . .do 3377 ...do 3378 do 3379 ...do 3380 ...do 3381 . .do 3382 3383 3384 3385 3385 do do do do do 3387 3388 do do 3389 do 3390 3391 do do 3392 3393 do do 3394 do 3395 3396 3397 do do do 3398 3399 do do 3400 do 3401 do 3402 do 3403 3404 do do 3405 3406 3407 do do do 3408 do 3409 3410 do do 3411 do 3412 3413 do do Name and address of buyer. M. L. Hilton, Houston, Tex Dr. Feagin, Houston, Tex R. E. Sullivan, Houston, Tex. .. H. E. Peterson , Houston, Tex... Paul Weber, Houston, Tex R. C. Rice, Houston, Tex C. Millmine, Houston, Tex Geo. KuUman, Houston, Tex... W. C. Williams, Houston, Tex.. M. L. Hilton, Houston, Tex John W. Ralston, Houston, Tex Geo Kullman, Houston, Tex B. F. Pettit, Houston, Tex Herzog, Houston, Tex H. E. Peterson, Houston, Tex... Geo. Rowland, Houston, Tex. . . G. Marquette, Houston, Tex. J. B. Taylor, Houston, Tex. . G. R. Kelley, Houston, Tex.. Article. Pittman, Houston, Tex J. B. Taylor, Houston, Tex G. Marquette, Houston, Tex.. . A. H. Kolbow, Houston, Tex... Tom List, Houston, Tex R . Ellis, Houston, Tex J. W. Robertson, Houston, Tex A. H. Kolbow, Houston, Tex... 0. M. Meley, Houston, Tex W. Hollins, Houston, Tex Hul. Elrod, Houston, Tex [ J. S. Purdy, Houston, Tex ', M. R. Keene, Houston, Tex Mrs. L. Davis, Houston, Tex... M. R. Keene, Houston, Tex. . . S. Wolfe, Houston, Tex D. E. Herrichs, Houston, Tex.. Henry Turner, Houston, Tex. . 1. G. Grubbs, Houston, Tex. R. E. Gill, Houston, Tex A . S . Coan, Houston, Tex , Geo. H. Moore, Houston, Tex.... G. F. Weaegner, Houston Tex. . J. C. Hanson, Houston, Tex A. H. Weaegner, Houston, Tex. Will Cooper, Houston, Tex.. E. D. Artusy, Houston, Tex. .!. E. L. RandoU, Houston, Tex. . . H. A. Saathofl, Houston, Tex.. . C. J. Allman, Houston, Tex. H. G. Tuffly, Houston, Tex.. J. Kincl, Houston, Tex. . . R. W. Gill, Houston, Tex... F. Terry, Houston, Tex P. E. Beck, Houston, Tex.... A. B. Sheldon, Houston, Tex. Jim Wimberly, Houston, Tex. F. G. Wagoner, Houston, Tex.. Sam Listi, Houston, Tex Newmeyer, Houston, Tex ,[ A. D. Smith, Houston, Tex Ross Raney, Houston, Tex J. E. Lloyd, Houston, Tex H. A. Seathofl, Houston, Tex... E. J. Newmeyer, Houston, Tex H. Thealc, Houston, Tex D. H. Skinner, Houston, Tex.]! John Naplavas, Houston, Tex... H. A. Saathofl, Houston, Tex. E. Beck, Houston, Tex H. A. Saathofl, Houston, Tex... W. L. Vasser, Houston, Tex Lloyd, Houston, Tex W. H. Bell, Houston, Tex E.J. Newmeyer. Houston. Tex. . . Geo. Hazard, Houston, Tex E. J. AJlman, Houston, Tex Taylor, Houston, Tex J. W. Hazard, Houston, Tex Screen doors Fence Shiplap '. Scrap pipe and fittings do Scrap lumber and nails Faucets and fittings Cement and nails Scrap pipe and fittings Wood door Faucets do Scrap pipe and fittings Pipe Scrap pipe Screen doors Roofing and ells Scrap pipe and fittings Scrap screen wire, faucets, fit- tings. Screen doors Shower heads and trap Shower and ell Scrap pipe and fittings do Heaters Scrap screen wire Valves and fittings Sleeeves, tees, ells Faucet Shower head and fittings Nails Scrap pipe and trash can Scrap pipe and fittings Faucets and fittings Scrap screen wire Scrap pipe and fittings Scrap screen wire , Used brick Tent frames , Scrap pipe and fittings , Total sale price. Scrap screen wire Used pipe Sash Faucets Water bucket Faucet and screen doors Scrap screen wire and used doors. Faucets and pipe Used pipe Doors and screen Sheet iron heater and used stove. Faucets and fittings Used faucets Scrap screen wire, faucets and fittings. Scrap screen wire, pipe and fittings. Pipe and fittings , Screen doors Scrap pipe and fittings , Faucets and fittings Screen door Scrap sewer pipe Scrap pipe and fittings \" Ao^.'." """"[[[[]["'.['. . Scrap screen wire Scrap pipe and fittings Sash and door and scrap pipe. Scrap pipe Sash, pipe, and sleeves Scrap pipe and fittings Faucets and fittings Galvanized pipe Scrap screen wire Ells .[, Black pipe Shower head and fittings Scrap pipe and fittings 350 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAKTMElsTT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 29, 1919. do .....do do... ..do... ..do... .do. May 2, 1919... Feb.l, 1919... Apr. 22. 1919.. Apr. 21. 1919.. Apr. 23. 1919.. Apr. 24, 1919., Apr. 25. 1919.. May 1, 1919... Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. do Apr. 28. 1919.. do Apr. 25. 1919.. Apr. 2. 1919... Lloyd, Houston, Tex John Myers, Houston, Tex Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. T. E. House, Houston, Tex Ben Campbell, Houston, Tex. . . Standard Sanitary Co., Hous- ton, Tex. American Trailer & Body Works, Houston, Tex. W. W. Dayerle, McGregor, Tex, Camp Mac Arthur Wrecking Co., McGregor, Tex. W. H. Easley, Waco, Tex Paul Qulnn College, Waco, Tex. W. M. Back, Waco, Tex Cooper, Carver, Milam, Waco, Tex. H. S. McCall, Waco, Tex do Apr. 21. 1919. Apr. 2. 1919.. do May 8, 1919... do May 5, 1919... Apr. 30. 1919.. Apr. 4. 1919... Apr. 10. 1919.. Mar. 31. 1919.. Apr. 15. 1919.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do J. W. Kennedy, Abbott, Tex. . Camp MacArthur Wrecking Co., McGregor, Tex. do D. E. May, Waco, Tex , S. C. Easley, Waco, Tex , McFarlane & Harrell, Eastland, Tex. Waco Cotton Oil Mill, Waco. Tex G. D. Lasby, Waco, Tex , E. L. StaUings Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. do Whitney Mfg. Co., Spartanburg, S. C. do .do. Mrs. P. J. Donovan, Deming, N. Mex. R. F. Schlickoison, Deming, N. Mex. H. Newton Marshall Co., Co- lumbia, S. C. Bay State Dredging & Contract- ing Co., Columbia, S. C. Calhoun Office Supply Co., Spartanburg. S. C. J. R. Bumett,Spartanburg,S.C. E. L. Stallings, Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. Albreight, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. Mr. Keller, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. P. O. Rousseau, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. F. Lenies, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. Mrs. Charbouusy, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. C. Sosse, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. F. Moran, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. B. Faust, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. Chas. Bohl, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. F. Bourtlin, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. P. Palmedo,New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. L. Thomas, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. Geo. Smith, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. L. G. Zehner, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. O. BechtaL New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. Southern Scrap Metal Co., New Orleans, La. Faucer and fittings.. Screen doors Scrap pipe and iron. Tent frames. Hay shed. . . Not known.. Scrap pipe, doors, etc. Mule sheds, section E . Tent floors Load ofkindling Laundry building , Bathhouses , C. G. M. office building, sec- tion M. Small houses in construction, quartermaster yard. No. 5 Army range, con- demned. Tent floors , .do. Kindling around hay shed Kindling Fire station. No. 3, section E. Fairbanks track scale. Small load kindling. . . Plumbing equipment. .do. .do. Plumbing equipment small tools. Plumbing equipment. . . Range boiler Auto tire Terra cotta pipe. . Creosoted piles... Office equipment. do Plumbing equipment . Lumber trash .do. .do. .do. do do do Cordwood Trash lumber . do .do. do do do do Scrap iron. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 351 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 15, 1919. do ....do Jan. 1, 1919.. Jan. 3, 1919.. ....do Jan. 6, 1919. . Jan. 9, 1919.. do Jan. 10, 1919. do Jan. 11, 1919. do Jan. 13, 1919. Jan. 14, 1919. Jan. 15, 1919. do do Jan. 16, 1919. do do do do Jan. 18, 1919. do do do do Jan. 20, 1919. do Jan. 21, 1919. do do ....do Jan. 22, 1919. Jan. 24,1919. do do do do do do Jan. 25, 1919. Jan. 26, 1919. do do do Jan. 28, 1919. do Jan. 29, 1919. do Jan. 30, 1919. do do Feb. 1,1919. do do do do Feb. 3, 1919. do do do do do 3529 I do.... Ole K. Olsen, New Orleans, La J. G. Regan, New Orleans, La. do G. A. Galloway, Greenville. S. C. A. R. Burnett, Greenville, S. C. Sevier Amusement Co., Camp Sevier, S. C. do H. C. Farmer, Creer, 8. C Brandon Mills, Greenville. S. C. . Ottaray Hotel, Greenville, S. C. . Sevier Amusement Co., Camp Sevier, S. C. Southern Public Utilities. Green- ville, S. C. W. B. Bolt, Greenville, S. C Morgan-Austin Co., Greenville, S. C. ....do Wm. J. Snead Co., Greenwood, S C J. F. Loftus, Greenville, S. C.... do Wm. J. Snead Co., Greenwood, S. C. C. A. Galloway, Greenville. S.C. Wm. J. Snead, Greenwood, S.C. J. H. Alowine, Greenville, S. C. J. F. Loftis, GreenviUe. S.C W. M. Dillard, Greer, S.C J. M. Langley, Travelers Rest, S.C. J. P. Darbrare, Travelers Rest, s c W. 'p. Crane, Taylors, S.C J. F. Loftis, Greenville, S. C J. L. Sanders, Greenville, S.C... Sam Zimmerman, Greenville, S.C. ....do do J. M. Langley, Travelers Rest, s c J. F. Budon, Greenville, S.C... Greenville Hardware Co., Green- viUe, S. C J. T. Styles, Greenville, S. C J. T. JonK!, GreenviUe, S.C W. F. Tate, GreenviUe, S.C C. W. Upchurch, GreenviUe, S C J. A. Fowler, GreenviUe, S.C J. A. AUawine, Greenville, S. C J. C. Varn, GreenviUe, S. C J. F. Hunter, GreenviUe, S. C. G. L. Taples, GreenviUe, S. C... B. F. Parris GreenviUe, S. C... W.N. Snumble, Greenville, S.C. J. D. Kaltyclotb, GreenviUe, S C T. i. WiUis, GreenviUe, S. C L. Suthun, Greenville, S.C N. A. Greer, GreenviUe, S.C W. J. Amick, GreenviUe, S. C D. J. Moon, Greenville, S. C. M. C Donnan, GreenviUe, S. C. J. L. McConneU, GreenviUe, S C R. F. Owens, GreenviUe, S.C... D. M. Brown, GreenviUe, S. C I. H. Gibson, GreenviUe, S. C. W. S. MiUer, GreenviUe, S.C... J. T. Blassingame, GreenviUe, S.C. E. P. Vaughan, GreenviUe, S. C. J. D. Holtclan, GreenviUe, S.C. John A. Davis, Greenville, S. C T. H. Hudson, GreenviUe, S. C. John Smith, GreenviUe, S.C... E. R. McConneU, GreenviUe, SO J. D. Holtclan, GreenviUe, S. C Scrap steel Lumber trash Lumber, salvage. Pipe vise Barbed wire Cannon stove Cannon stove and stove pipe. Refrigerator Locust pins and Insulators 6" terra-cotta sewer pipe No. 4 electric stove 8" gate valve Flush tank and wood seat. 20-penny naUs Nails... do. Barbed wire and roll roofing. . , 2;^ly roofing paper , Nails Brooms. Nails do. .do., .do., .do.. 2-ply roofing paper. do - do. Scrap lumber Flush tanks, seats, commodes. Bathtubs Flush tank, seat, commode. Roofing paper No. 8 cannon stove. Nails 2-ply roofing paper. do Nails Beaver boards 2-ply roofing, nails . Nails Letter FUes Nails Roofing paper Nails do do ....do do 2-ply roofing paper do Barbed wire and roUs roofing . Roofing, roUs; and nails 2-ply roofing Barbed wire 2-ply roofing paper . Barbed wire Beaver board Terra-cotta pipe — 10-penny nails Brick Nails, roofing, and barbed wire 10-penny nails Barbed wire 2-ply roofing Common brick. $537. 75 1.000.00 2.775.00 3.25 40.00 14.00- 15.25 19.00 35.00 18.80 9.15 36.23 12.46 79.00 415.00 396.75 46.00 12.00 130.80 .50 692. 75 39.75 7.85 11.85 26.90 24.00 9.00 12.00 25.00 40.42 46.70 20.21 3.00 13.90 19.70 30.00 9.00 3.95 62.00 15.95 39.25 1.00 7.95 9.00 16.80 7.95 7.95 7.96 11.86 24.00 12.00 30.00 33.95 3.00 . 16.00 18.00 6.00 5.86 10.00 3.96 22.50 80.75 3.95 20.00 6.00 16.00 352 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OP SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 4, 1919. ....do ...-do ....do Feb. 5, 1919.. do do Feb. 6, 1919.. do do do Feb. 7, 1919.. do do Feb. 8, 1919.. Feb. 10, 1919 . Feb. 11, 1919. do do do do do Feb. 12, 1919. do do do Feb. 13, 1919. Feb. 14, 1919. do do do do do do do do do Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. do do Feb. 18, 1919. do do ....do ....do Feb. 19, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Feb. 20, 1919. ....do do do do do ....do do Feb. 21, 1919. do Feb. 24, 1919. do do do do Feb. 26, 1919.. do do do do do J. E. Clark, Greenville, S. C. F. J. Mack, Greenville, S. C. Dock Williard, Greenville;, S. C. . E. B. Smith, Greenville, S. C. . . Talley Watson, GreenviUe, S. C. ....do J. D. Holtclan, Greenville, S. C. . W. W. Glenn. Greemalle, S. C . . T. W. Gosnell, GreenviUe, S. C. W. D. Bagwell, GreenviUe, S. C. W. S. Miller, Greenville, S. C... James WiUimon, GreenviUe, S . C . J. L. MoConneU, GreenviUe, S. C. T. B. Jones, GreenviUe, S. C R. P. Alkood, Greenville, S. C. . H. G. Walker, GreenviUe. S. C. E. A. Wood, GreenviUe, S. C... R. L, Wood, GreenviUe, S. C... J. T, Blasingame, GreenviUe, S C W. "P.MiUer, GreenviUe, S. C . . . E. L. Davis, GreenviUe, S. C... B. M. DiUard, GreenviUe, S. C. . S. N. Vaughn, Greenville, S. C. W. S. PoweU, GreenviUe, S. C. . G. F. Greene, GreenviUe, S. C... J. W. BridweU, GreenviUe, S. C. Julius F. Smith, GreenviUe, S. C C. F. Young, GreenviUe, S. C... do T. C. League, GreenviUe, S. C... T. B. Jones, Greenville, S. C P. L. Smith, GreenviUe, S. C... . C. C. Mahaffev, GreenviUe, S. C. W. P. Butler, GreenviUe, S. C. . E. M. Groce, GreenviUe, S. C... J. H. Wright, GreenviUe, S. C. . T. J. Brannon, GreenviUe, S. C.. Wm. B. Bolt, Greenville, S. C... J. J. Noble, GreenviUe, S. C J. B. Cox, GreenviUe, S. C N. L. Ford, GreenviUe, S. C C. F. Young, GreenviUe, S. C . . . do Southern Public Utilities, Green- viUe, S. C. R. L. Cox, GreenviUe, S. C N. A. Vaughan, Greenville, S. C. S. E. Hendricks, GreenviUe, S. C. T. E. Lvon, GreenviUe, S. C L. R. CoUins, GreenviUe, S. C... C. L. Young, GreenviUe, S. C . . . do J. D. Holtzclaw, GreemaUe, S. C . C. F. Young, GreenviUe, S. C . . . W. C. Smith, GreenviUe, S. C... L. A. Stewart, GreenviUe, S. C W. M. DiUard, GreenviUe, S. C. E. P. Hudson, GreenviUe. S. C W. C. Smith, Greenville, S. C... H. G. Farmer, GreenviUe, S. C. . Whitmire-Merritt Hardware Co., GreenviUe, S. C Fiske-Carter Construction Co., Greenville, S. C. Valley Hardware Co., Green- ville, S. C. J. W. Marshall, Greenville, S. C. Wesley Lafey, Greenville, S. C. . W. A. McKelvey, Greenville, S.C. J. Sloan Miller, Greenville, S. C. . H. L. Pearsch, Greenville, S. C. . Wesley Lafey, Greenville, S. C . . . I. M. Wood, GreenviUe, S. C. . B. M. DiUard, Greenville, S. C. T. P. Reid, Greenville, S. C. J. T. Jones, Greenville, S. C. W. S. Miller, Greenville, S. C. . 2-ply roofing paper Commode, water-closet seat, and tank. Scrap brass Barbed wire 2-ply roofing ....do Conunon brick 2-ply roofing Barbed wire 2-ply roofing, nails Beaver board Scrap barbed wire Nails Nails, 2-ply roofing Nails 2-ply roofing paper Scrap barbed wire, roofing, and nails. 10-penny nails 18'' terra-cotta pipe Common brick Scrap barbed wire and nails. . . Nails 2-plv roofing ...."do Crushed stone Scrap barbed wire 2-ply roofing paper Crushed stone Barbed wire, scrap Roofing, nails, barbed -wire — Common brick 10 d. nails Roofing, nails, scrap barbed wire. 2-plv roofing do 2-ply roofing, naUs 2-ply roofing do Nails Scrap barbed wire 2-ply roofing , Cement Sand 10" gate valves 10-penny nails do 2-plv roofing ...."do ....do Sand Stone Common brick Stone Scrap barbed wire.. 2-ply roofing do.....' do Scrap barbed wire. . 2-ply roofing Nails, 2-ply roofing. Fence, wire, posts, barbed wire, etc. Nails 2-ply roofing. do do Company-size r efrigerator . 2-ply roofing 4 X 4" terra-cotta Y's 4x 10" wall board Wall board 2-ply roofing paper do do SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 353 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 Feb. 26, 1919.... do do do Feb. 27, 1919.. do do do Feb. 28,1919.. do do do do do do do May 7, 1919... May 5, 1919... May 3, 1919... Mays, 1919... May 9, 1919... do do do do do do ....do ....do Mar. 20, 1919. do do do do Mar. 1, 1919.. Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. do ....do Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919 Apr. 14, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. .do.. .do. .do. .do. -do. L. N. Talley, GreenviUe, S. C T. P. Raid, Greenville, S. C I. M. Wood, Greenville, S. C. . . . Branden Mills, Greenville, S. C. . Ewart Moore, Greenville, S. C F. R. Mahaflay, Greenville. S. C. . N. S. Miller, Greenville, S. C , Ewart Moore, Greenville, S. C Brandon Mills, Greenville, S. C. . H. L. Dillard, Greenville, S. C. . . . J. N. Wren, Greenville, S. C J. S. White, Greenville, S. C Tom Greene, Greenville, S. C C. B. League, Greenville, S. C L. B. Simpson, Greenville, S. C. . J. A. White, Greenville, S. C E . Ness, Savannah, Ga Board of Health, Columbia, S.C. S. B. Askow, Camp Jackson, S. C. J. Ornstein, Columbia, S.C! Lynn Stephenson, Raleigh, N. C. Jos. Powers, Raleigh, N. C J. R. Watson, Raleigh, N. C 2-ply roofing paper do do 12" terra-cotta pipe Doors, sash, cement, nails, etc 1-ply roofing 2-ply roofing Rim knob locks 18" sewer pipe 2-ply roofing do do Door, 2-panel 2-ply roofing Terra-cotta pipe Refrigerators Entire camp at Camp Wheeler OflSce chairs Oak table Desk and chair Salvage lumber do. H. O. Linthicurn, Raleigh, N. C. . G. R. O'Brien, Raleigh, N. C. . . Allen & Avery, Raleigh, N. C. . . H. P. Watkins, Raleigh, N. C. . . B. P. Kearney, Raleigh, N. C... do J. B. McCrary & Associates, At- lanta, Ga. do Wood & Ness, Savannah, Ga ....do ....do W. H. Bradley. Greenville, S. C. Herman Ellis (Inc.),Preth Am- boy, N. J. Victor H. Miesl, Metuchen, N. J. Eastern Potash Corporation, New Brunswick, N. J. Anton Soreenson, Perth Amboy, N.J. E.G. Sherwood, New York,N. Y. Herman Ellis (Inc.), Perth Am- boy, N. J. Eastern Potash Co., New Bruns- wick, N. J. J. Adler, 406 6th Ave., New York Battage Co., 120 W. 32d St., New York. P. Branner, 40 Beaver St., New York. S. Blum, 780 Broadway, New York. Frank Brodsky, 316 E. 72d St., New York. F. B. Broad win, 305 Broadway, New York. Burke, E. 31st St., New York. . . W. T. Carr, 27 Broadway, New York. do Wm. Casey, 106 Liberty St., New York. M. Clay, 241 W. 43d St., New York. L. Custer, 12 Pitt St., New York. L. J. Kogan, 69 W. 11th St., New York. H. Darwin, 6 E. 31st St., New York. Deitz, 103 Park Ave., New York. Edwards, 79 Warren* St., New York. John Tabbs, 60 Laight St., New York. Wool blankets and cotton blankets. Cot and mattress Auto casings Scrap lumber, pipe and glass. Broken tile; soft coal, scrap... Rubber boots, motor oil, coat Range, Allen Princess Plumbing equipment Stocks, dies, and small tools. Electric material Salvage heating equipment... Building hardware Slavage stoves Scrap rope Second-hand fireproof safe Wheelbarrows, buggies, mix- ers, etc. Wheelbarrow, second-hand... Steel rails, splice bars . Scrap iron Rails.track material and small tools. Wheelbarrows, second-hand.. Paper punch and bookkeeper's desk. 32x62" desk Typewriter desk . . Office equipment. do Miscellaneous Iron snatch block. Small tools, etc Small tools and stocks and dies. Miscellaneous Blankets and knives Enamel plates, saucepans . Inkpads Clock. Small tools, stocks, and dies. Oil coats Desks. $5.00 18.90 47.25 170. 00 50.30 2.50 59.85 1.40 23.80 15.75 15.75 15.75 2.00 - 28.35 102. 00 130. 00 67, 500. 00 19.00 7.50 22.00 130. 00 165. 00 214. 00 , 7.00 60.00 141. 00 25.00 5.00 6.00 6,858.50 400. 00 1,275.00 2,285.00 5,898.79 1,265.89 93.50 20.00 837.00 45.00 2,921.87 374. 50 593. 70 66.00 16.75 27.00 24.00 5.94 9.30 95.50 iOO 117. 98 178. 75 52.35 49.78 3.91 .60 2.00 35.80 5.00 23.00 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- 23 854 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 14, 1919.... ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. ...do ...do ...do..... ...do ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do ....do do ....do ....do do ....do do do do do do .do. .do. Apr. 2, 1919. May 7, 1919. do May 6, 1919. Mays, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 7, 1919. S. Tornstein, 2 Reade St., New York. Frommer, 96 Walton St., Brook- lyn, New York. Globe Bargain House, 178 Canal St., New York Goldfein Bros., 545 Park Ave., New York. L. Gross, 55 Beaver St., New York. do Hecht, 114 E. 16th St., New York. H. Lippman, 340 W. 86th St., New York. A. N. Jacobs, 621 6th Ave., New York. M. Jacobs, 621 6th Ave., New York. M. Janitz. 162 Water St., New York. E. J. Kane, 59 Anne St., New York. do Samuel Kreiser, 8 and 10 E. 31st St., New York. Krause, 24 Avenue B, New York. Lane, 222 E. 13th St., New York. H. Long, 470 7th Ave., New York. F. A. Lawler, 300MadisonAve., New York. Levin & Goldenburg, 540 Broad- way, New York. L. Loew, 38 Water St., New York. Marks, 483 Broadway, New York. S. Mills, 60 Beaver St., New York. Melton House Wrecking Co., 639 9th Ave., Long Island. S. Nathan, 452 Broadway, New York. Myer, 204 South Boulevard, New York. J. Myer, 204 South Boulevard, New York. M. Sweeney, 6 E. 31st St., New York. Nathan, 452 Broadway, New York. Newman, 548 W. 25th St., New York. Louis Oshamn, 958 E. 156th St., New York. C. Page, 241 Christopher St., New York. H. Prehm, 904 Avenue M, Parksville, Long Island. H. C. Van Nostrand, Flushing, Long Island. Walter Williams, 106 E. 48th St., New York. Joseph Simons, 126 E. 24th St., New York. Hir, 453 E. Houston St., New York. Knof, 94 Suffolk St., New York. Albert L. Schofl, Fort Wood, N.Y. Edwin Gould, 501 Fifth Avenue, New York. Baker, Vawler & Wolf, Colum- bia, S. C. W. M. Manning, Columbia, S. C. Young & Germany, Columbia,, S C M. Perry, Columbia, S. C Barry Building Wrecking Co., South Boston, Mass. Armour & Co., Columbia, S. C. Office equipment Stoves Wheelbarrows, small tools, etc. Boards, doors, lanterns, and small tools. 32x62" desk Small tools, wire, and rope Plumbers' tools and small tools. Coffee boiler, soup pans, pots, etc. Nails, small tools, etc Chain tongs, iron sheaves, hair felt. 5-tier wire basket Blasting mat. Miscellaneous Tj^pewriters and proteeto- graph. Oak filing cabinet, 2 drawers . . Steel square, small drill, stocks and dies. Sterling slicer and water pails. Pencil sharpener. . Office equipment . Iron safe AVashers, bolts, soldering irons, etc. Office equipment Small tools. Divider and 18" Stillson wrenches. Mess equipment Platform, stock, and dies Hammers Comptometer Rat trap, hangers, and rope. . . Forks, teaspoons, tablespoons . Frying pans Window frames and sash Office equipment Blankets Coffee pots, strainer, pitcher... Beaver stocks and dies Small tools Sheathing, siding, roofing, paper, etc. Portable houses Office equipment. . do .do. Scrap lumber Second-hand sash, doors, frames. Cases Armour pork and beans. SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 355 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of tuyer. Article. Total sale price.' 3758 3759 3760 3761 May 3, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 7, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 5, 1919. do May 2, 1919.. May 26, 1919. May 1, 1919.. May 2, 1919.. May 13, 1919. May 10, 1919. do May 2, 1919. do do May 5, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 7, 1919. ....".do do May 8, 1919. ....do May 13, 1919. May 17, 1919... ....do ....do ....do May 15, 1919. April 2, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 9, 1919.. do do April 26, 1919. May 16, 1919.. May 17, 1919.. May 14, 1919.. do April 24, 1919. May 7, 1919... Feb. 1,1919.. Feb. 2, 1919.. Feb. 1,1919.. Mays, 1919... April 16, 1919. May 13, 1919.- Mar. 1 1919.. May 12, 1919.. April 30, 1919. April29, 1919. May 5, 1919... April29, 1919. E. M. DuPre Fruit & Produce Co.,Colunibia, S. C. J. G. Regan, New Orleans, La.. J. Thonian,New Orleans, La... R. F. Retif,New Orleans, La... A. J. Heinman, New Orleans, La. B. Faust, New Orleans , La Mr. Betzer, New Orleans , La Raymond Concrete Pile Co., New Orleans, La. M. A. Thebaut, New Orleans, La. Thos. M. Johnston, New Orleans, La. Leon Colder, Suffolk, Va L. W. Keller, Mineola Park, Mineola, L. I. August Schnefl, Camp Mills, N. Y. W. C. Potty, Camp Greene, N. C. C. M. Rush, Camp Greene, N. C, C. E. Fahs,Camp Greene, N. C. Soloman Carlos, Camp Greene, N.C. W. E. Canfield, Camp Greene, N.C. C. E. Fahs,Camp Greene, N.C. Pound & Moore, Camp Greene, N.C. Solomon Carious, Camp Greene, N.C. C. O. Kuester, Camp Greene, N.C. E.G. Fahs,Camp Greene, N. C. H. M. Foster Co., Baltimore, Md. J. P. Wyatt, Raleigh, N. C do Navy beans... Scrap lumber . do do Scrap metal... W. H. Robbins, Raleigh, N. C. Carolina Power & Light Co., Raleigh, N. C. Hull-Gnppen Co., 306 Third Avenue, New York. Whitney Mfg. Co., Spartanburg, S. C. E. L. Stallings, Spartanburg, S. C. C. T. Froeba, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. J. Miller, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. B. Dutsey, New Orleans Army Supply Base, La. John Regus, New Orleans, La. . Colonial Creosoting Co., Boga- lusa. La. Roe Drug Co. , Suffolk, Va , Auto Tire Repair, Raleigh, N. C Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co. , Nor- folk^ Va. S. I. Rimd, Hattiesburg, Miss. . A. Polk, Hattiesburg, Miss S. I. Rund, Hattiesburg, Miss.. A. Polk Hattiesburg, Miss Hattiesburg Traction Co., Hat- tiesburg, Miss. A. Polk, Hattiesburg, Miss Mississippi Central R. R. Co., Hattiesburg, Miss. J. C. Meadows, 202 Edna Street, Hattiesburg, Miss. E. B. Causey, Hattiesburg, Miss. ....do North Carolina Agricultural So- ciety, N.C. HowethT. Ford, Hoboken, N. J J. Y. Wilson, Jacksonville, Fla. . .....do do Scrap lumber, etc Scrap lumber Scrap lumber and lumber. Butts, pile, creosoted. Scrap lumber Iron cot . Lumber. -do. Ofilce supplies Tables and chairs Scrapleather, table and chairs Desk Dresser OflSce supplies . Cement Trunk and 4-drawerfile Cot, bucket, chair, and table. Surplus Russian rail and angle bars. Oak filing case and oak desk. Desks, chairs, wire basket, files. Scrap lumber Desk and chairs Bolts and washers. Office equipment, valves, fit- tings, etc. Ball-joint hangers and galva- nized fittings. Scrap lumber -do. .do. Pumpkin, extract, coloring . Creosote oil Desk and chairs. . . Junk auto casings . Plumbing equipment Wagons Blankets, cots, rugs, towels, etc. Saddles Cement Bridles Railroad ties . Wagon Lumber remnants. . do Temporary camp grounds. Terra-cottatile B rick , repressed Sand Portland cement . . . 1,500.00 .75 1.50 15.00 50.00 .75 115.50 L20 5.00 3.00 45.34 119. 00 70.00 35.00 6.75 4.25 4.00 61.34 .60 4.00 2.35 8, 412. 62 42.40 74.70 25.00 31.00 137. 10 219. 26 62.36 25.00 .75 2.25 11.92 9, 935. 73 37.00 8.45 75.00 500.00 883. 00 100. 00 36.00 375. 00 4.00 369. 91 50.00 100. 00 4, 923. 11 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,591.00 438. 80 3, 778. 95 356 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. i SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, "WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 May 19, 1919.... Mar. 27, 1919... April 1,1919.... .....do April 3, 1919.... April 9, 1919.... do April 11, 1919.... April 10, 1919. do April 17, 1919. April 9, 1919.. April 18, 1919. April 14, 1919. April 18, 1919. April 16, 1919. April 14, 1919. April 15, 1919. Apr. 16, 1919. do do do Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 19,1919. ....do May 12, 1919.. do do , do May 14, 1919. do do May 16, 1919.. May 17, 1919.. do May 19, 1919.. May 13, 1919.. May 9, 1919... Mays, 1919... May 9, 1919... May 14, 1919.. May 19, 1919.. Feb. 20,1919. Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 28,1919. Mar. 4, 1919.. R. H. Gates, Jacksonville, Fla., Georgia Lumber & Supply Co., Miami, Fla. South Atlantic Telephone & Telegraph Co., Miami, Fla. W. L. LampMn, Coconut Grove, Fla. John Sewell Dynamite Co., Mi- ami, Fla. Arnold Postrom, Cutler, Fla Sergt. Ed. Fenle-wy, Miami, Fla, L. H. Somers, Coconut Grove, Fla. H. B. Wheeler, Miami , Fla R. G. Hedlev, Miami, Fla Track and 3-ton 24" gauge gasoline locomotives, trucks, and railroad switches. Nails , assorted Phones , desk; phone magneto, wall phone. Chicken wire, pipe cutter, vice, and lumber. Dynamite, fuses, etc Wm. G. Buckalow, Miami, Fla John Sewell Dynamite Co., Mi- ami, Fla. R. W. McLenden, Miami, Fla... Uriel Blount, Miami, Fla Merrick & Bond, Coconut Grove, Fla. H. B. Wheeler, Miami, Fla Norman Merry, Miami , Fla W. B. Wheeler, Miami, Fla Mar. 6, 1919... do do Mar. 8,1919... Arnold Bostrom, Miami, Fla. . . W. B. Scott, Miami, Fla F. V. Newell Miami, Fla Miami Furniture Co., Miami, Fla. Dubler & Seigal, Miami, Fla . . . St. John Construction Co., Mi- ami, Fla. Arnold Bostrom, Miami, Fla... John Torrance, Charlotte, N. C. C. E. Fahs, Charlotte, N. C Large hotelrange Wooden shack and removal of tramway, wooden. Chairs, double blankets, wool and cotton, lumber, etc. Miscellaneous Tables, chair, broom, and office supplies. Miscellaneous No. 1 and No. 4 battery ex- ploder. Terra-cottapipe WindowsUde Frames, door, window, etc Blankets, sheets, towels, etc.. Mosquito bar , Blankets, sheets, knives, and spoons. Bread cutter and griddle Leglessflling case Steel filing case Wooden cots and cot pads Mar. 7, 1919... Mar. 27, 1919.. Mar. 19, 1919.. Mar. 21, 1919.. do Mar. 27,1919. G. A. Fincher, Charlotte, N. C. . T. A. Walker, Charlotte, N. C... Brown Stewart, Charlotte, N. C. Joe Whitley, Charlotte N. C . . . . Solomon Carious , Charlotte, N. C. Julius Vance, Charlotte, N. C... G . A . Fincher, Charlotte , N . C . . . Ben Smith, Charlotte, N. C G. A. Fincher, Charlotte, N. C. T. W. Tompkins, Columbia, S. C. W. L. Bennett, Columbia, S. C. . H. T. Stephens, Columbia, S. C. . R. W. Harrell, Columbia, S. C. . . Lorick & Lawrence, Columbia, S C A. F. Clow, Columbia, S. C T. P. Wilkes, Fort Worth, Tex. . John Garretson, Fort Worth, Tex. [Canceled.] Nash Hardware Co., Fort Worth, Tex. W. W. Gillentine, Dallas, Tex.. T. P. Wilkes, Fort Worth, Tex. . W. Q. Kuykendall, Fort Worth, Tex. Jahns Garretson, Fort Worth, Tex. T. P. Wilkes, Fort Worth, Tex. . Jahns Garretson Co., Fort Worth, Tex. T. P. Wilkes, Fort Worth, Tex. . Farrar Lumber Co. , Fort Worth, Tex. Austin Hall Hardware Co., Brownwood, Tex. W. O. Kuykendall, Fort Worth, Tex. Sheets , pillow cases , cots , pads , etc. Office equipment Doors , frames .etc Cloth, old, and rubber boots. , Dresser,ladders, rubber boots, etc. Neat's foot oil, scrap lumber.. Number machine Rubber boots 4-drawer flJe and small s cale. . Barber chair, screen door Scrap iron, gas engine Oil, mixed; 2-gal. measure, etc Screen doors Plain bibbs , old brooms Oak desk, 6-drawer, 32 x 54" . . Damaged office chairs Scrap lumber Scrap lumber, scrap roofing. Terra-cotta pipe Scrap lumber Sash, putty, hangers, scrap tin Sewer pipe Pig lead. Sash and transom Beaver board Caps, fuze and dynamite . Sewer pipe Sash and closet bowls . Sewer pipe and Y's Doors and screen doors Scrap tool box and pay shacks . Pipe bends and Y's. Scrap lumber , SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. 357 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continuedr Date of sale. Mar. 6, 1919.. Apr. 1,1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. May 9, 1919.. May 6, 1919.. May 9, 1919.. do , do May 10, 1919. do , May 17, 1919. May 15, 1919. do May 19, 1919.. May 20, 1919.... May 5, 1919 May 7, 1919. do May 10, 1919 May 13, 1919 May 14, 1919 do do May 16, 1919 do May 7, 1919 May 8, 1919. May 9, 1919. do May 10, 1919... May 12, 1919... May 15, 1919... May 13, 1919... May 14, 1919... May 15, 1919... May 17, 1919... May 16, 1919... May 17, 1919... May 19, 1919... May 24, 1919... May 23, 1919.... Mar. 1, 1919 .do. .do. Mar. 3, 1919... do Mar. 7, 1919... do Name and address of buyer. "W. W. Gillentine, Dallas, Tex. . . Phoenix Petroleum Co., Fort Worth, Tex. W. G. Brown, Fort Worth Tex. Jahns Garretson, Fort Worth, Tex. W. R. Jett, Fort Worth, Tex... Contractor Dan Wagoner, Fort Worth, Tex. E. O. Woods, Fort Worth, Tex. S. D. Lewis, Fort Worth, Tex... W. R. Jett, Fort Worth, Tex.... Jahns Garretson Co., Fort Worth, Tex. C. S. Lambie Co., Fort Worth, Tex, Northern Texas Metal & Iron Co., Fort Worth, Tex. B. E. Montrief, Fort Worth, Tex. Lydick Roofing Co., Fort Worth Tex. H. E. Hodgklns, Fort Worth, Tex, R. w! Anderson, Fort Worth, Tex. D. H. Hixon, Rossville, Ga E. H. Bruyere Construction Co., Waco, Tex. W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex E. H. Bruyere Construction Co., Waco. Tex. E. E. May, Waco, Tex A. W. Brown, Waco, Tex Geo. E. Pryor, Waco, Tex W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex L. L. Spikes, Waco, Tex J. N. Thompson, Troy, Tex Chas. B. Morrow, Waco, Tex.. J. B. Bugg, Augusta, Ga Pick Mitchel, Augusta, Ga G. H. Shartzer Co., Dayton, Ohio. Paul Kelsey, Augusta, Ga Jim Pryce, Augusta, Ga Kenna Stevens, Augusta, Ga. P. E. Rve, Augusta, Ga WilUam Gibert, Augusta, Ga.... C. R. Bonner, Augusta, Ga Jim Pryor, Augusta, Ga. Augusta Typewriter Exchange, Augusta," G a. Richard Minns, Augusta, Ga N. Green, Augusta, Ga , Nathaniel DeVoe, Augusta, Ga.. S. P. Cotton, Norfolk, Va Porter & Boyd, Charlotte, N. C. G. H. Shartzer Co., Dayton, Ohio. do .do. Greenville Bakery Co., Green- ville, S. C. John Halton, Greenville, S. C. . J. H. West, Greenville, S. C... W. J. Griffith, Greenville, S. C. Article. Total sale price. Sash and transoms Redwood tanks Closet bowl, damaged Bends, J-4'' Rock, trays E xploders Galvanized smokestacks Wire mesh Rock, trap Closet bowl, tank, plugs, etc . . Plaster board, scrap Junk iron, fittings of all des- criptions. Aluminum checks and brass checks. Tarvia Tent frames Dresser and rubber boots Temporary building 20 xl20'. . Tent floors W orkb ench Various and assorted small buildings over camp. Water tank in trench training grounds. All fence posts in stable area, section E, Poles, 20' Workbench Lot of scrap screen wire Lot of i unk wire, no value Lot of junk wire in Penland Spur. Wood, screen doors, bricks and shacks. Roofing, doors, and shacks Roofing, sash, and door Wood, shacks, screen doors, pans, etc. Wood, doors, bale straw, sinks, etc. Wood, brooms, shack, screen wire. Office equipment Wood, coal bins and shack Wood, shack, brick and brooms. Wood, wheelbarrows, screens, etc. Remington typewriter Harrow, lumber, and wood Wood, shacks, tar roofing, brick, etc. Wood, tar roofing, brooms, hose, etc. Creosoted piling, cut-ofl pieces. Old canvas Small tools, wheelbarrows, ladders, stocks and dies. Reinforced steel, roofing, roof cement, and wall board. Sash, doors, double windows, frames, window slides and sills, and transoms. Refrigerator, White Star, used. Plumbing equipment Refrigerator, odorless, small, used. Refrigerator, officers' size and smoke jack. 358 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 18, 1919.. do Mar. 21, 1919.. do Mar. 22, 1919.. Mar. 24, 1919.. Mar. 22, 1919.. Mar. 25, 1919. do Mar. 26, 1919.. do Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 28, 1919. do Mar. 29, 1919. ....do. ....do. Mar. 31, 1919. do Apr. 31, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919.. do Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919 . . do May 8, 1919 . . May 9, 1919.. May 14, 1919. May 22, 1919. May 23, 1919. May 25, 1919. May 26, 1919. -do. .do. do , May 9, 1919 . do May 13, 1919. May 17, 1919.. May 22, 1919.. May 18, 1919.. May 17, 1919.. May 19, 1919., do May 17, 1919.. Apr. 19, 1919 . .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Alexander Finley, Greenville, S C W.'j. Griffith, Greenville, S. C. Hopewell Sanitarium, Green- vUle, S. C. L. P. James, Greenville, S. C W. F. White, Greenville, S. C... W. T. White, Greenville, S. C... A. G. New, Greenville, S. C J. O. Raines, Greenville, S. C... L. B. Simpson, Greenville, S. C. W. A. Martin, Greenville, S. C. Greenville Grocery Co., Green- ville, S. C. Earnest Outline, Greenville, S. C. Slattery & Henry, Greenville, S. C. Jack Halton, Greenville, S. C Chas. E. David, Greenville, S. C. R. D. Sloan, Greenville, S. C. . . . Mrs. R. M. Cleveland, Green- ville, S. C. W. A. Mathews, Greenville, S. C. J. D. Gilreath, Greenville, S. C. . Mrs. J. O. Moore, Greenville, S. C. W. D. Sitton, Greenville, S. C... W. B. Bolt, Greenville, S. C T. 3. Wood, Greer. S. C L. B. Simpson, Greenville, S. C L. J. Cauthen, Orangeburg, S.C. Walter E. Mills, Chattanooga, Tenn. Richard A. Latham, Greenville, S.C. do GalUvan Building Co., Green- ville, S. C. S. P. Howerton, Greer, S. C James Williams, Greenville, S. C G. H. Shartzer Co., Dayton, Ohio. .do. .do. do Jas. T. O'Keefe and D. E. O'Keefe, Redwood City, Calif. Joseph A. Donhue and Mary E. Parrott, Menlo Park, Calif. Superintendent State prison. North Carolina. J. M. Kennedy, Raleigh, N. C Tucker & Laxton, Charlotte, N. C. John Allen, Raleigh, N. C H. D. White, Raleigh, N. C J. W. Mangum, Raleigh, N. C... C. H. Baugh, Raleigh, N. C L. V. Burch, Raleigh, N. C Conyers & Gower, Greenville, S.'C. Quint A. & J. Lee, Green, S. C, Butler Marble & Granite Co., Greenville, S. C. Bradlev Bonded Warehouse Co., Greemille, S. C. J. L. Newman, Greenville, S.C. Bradlev Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. G. H. Shartzer Co., Greenville, S.C. Hendrix Rector, Greenville, S. C Article. Refrigerator, used, and stove, used. Salvaged wire staples Refrigerator, used Ice box and refrigerators, used. Refrigerator, second hand Refrigerator, used, odorless do. McCray Refrigerator, used Refrigerator, second-hand McCray refrigerator Odorless refrigerator, second- hand. do Elastic expansion joint Odorless refrigerator, used. do .do. .do. .do. do Alaska refrigerator . Odorless refrigerators, used. do Terra-cotta pipe Refrigerators, used do Stone and sand elevator Terra-cotta pipe. 4" pipe and 4" bends Odorless refrigerators, officers' size, used; refrigerator, com- pany size, used. Terra-cotta pipe, 4" Scrap lumber Doors, rubber hose, turning plows, small tools, round and angle steel. Light sash, doors, door and window casing, window frames, and window sills. Wall board, tar paper, | round rod reinforced steel, f round rod reinforced steel, and round rod reinforced steel. Small tools Property on remoimt .do. Warehouses, sheds, stables, bunk houses, etc. Office equipment Telephone poles Office equipment, oil, and tur- pentine. Small tools Office equipment 12' pine poles Pair of boots C5rpress and cedar poles do Crushed stone. Stovepipes, used . Used stovepipe . . . Used refrigerators . Salvaged lumber . Scrap lumber SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 359 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 19, 1919 . ....do May 13, 1919... Apr. 17, 1919 . . Apr. 24, 1919 . . Apr. 25, 1919 . . Apr. 26, 1919 . . Apr. 28, 1919 . . Apr. 30, 1919.. Apr. 25, 1919 . May 1, 1919 . . do ....do ....do May 2, 1919 . . Apr. 29, 1919.. Mays, 1919... May 5, 1919.. Mays, 1919. Mays, 1919. May 6, 1919.. May 7, 1919.. May 20, 1919.. .do. .do. .do. May 23, 1919.... Apr. 24, 1919 . . . . Apr. 23, 1919.... Apr. 28, 1919.... Apr. 23, 1919.... do do Apr. 22, 1919.... Apr. 23, 1919... Apr. 24, 1919... Apr. 25, 1919... do Apr. 24, 1919 . do Apr. 21, 1919 . Apr. 15, 1919 . Apr. 22, 1919 . Apr. 13, 1919 . Apr. 22, 1919 . do do do Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919 . Apr. 15, 1919 . Apr. 22, 1919 . Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 4, 1919 . . M. F. Robeson, Greenville, S. C S. C. Anderson Phosphate & Oil Co., Greenville, S. C. D. Morgante, Hoboken, N. J... Will Golphin, Augusta, Ga L. W. Wells, Augusta, Ga... Jim Edwards, Aagusta, Ga . Rosa Glover, Augusta, Ga.. John Williams, Augusta, Ga . J. A. Mura, Augusta, Ga Eddwin Speth, Augusta, Ga William Johnson, Augusta, Ga. . G. & F. R. R., Augusta, Ga J. L. Gardner, Augusta, Ga George Weibeman, Augusta, Ga. Palmer-Spivey Construction Co., Augusta, Ga. R. W. Collins, Augusta, Ga C. J. Hamilton, Augusta, Ga. . . A. J. Twiggs & Sons, Augusta, Ga. N. Pearry, Augusta, Ga Pickens Mitchell, Augusta, Ga . James Carpenter, Augusta, Ga . . R. J. Smith, Augusta, Ga T. Stewart & Son Co., Newton, Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins Cor- poration, Boston, Mass. Fred O'Sullivan, Boston, Mass.. American Radiator Co., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. S. M. Lee, Spartanburg, S.C A. Sista, Spartanburg, S. C. . ... John A. Austin, Spartanburg, S.C. John Luster, Spartanburg, S. C. . C. S. Cato, Spartanbiu-g, S.C... R. T. Haddon, Fair Forest, S. C . Sands & Co., Spartanburg, S. C. . E. L. Stallings Co., Spartanburg, S.C. R. W. CoUinder, Spartanburg, S.C. J. W. Sawyer. Spartanburg, S.C. Wallace Whitlock, Spartanburg, S.C. J. A. Rogers, Spartanburg, S. C. . Mamie Elmore, Haynes, S. C V. R. Howell, Spartanburg, S. C. Baxter Haynes, Spartanburg, S.C. Richard Yoimg, Spartanburg, S.C. Spartanburg Lumber Co., Spar- tanburg, S. C. W. W. Johnson, Anderson, S. C. . Johnson Bergen, Spartanburg, S.C. Town of Chesnee, Chesnee, S. C. . M. M. Alexanders, Fair Forest, S.C. L. M. Pearson, Spartanbivg, S.C. C. S. Cato, Spartanburg, S. C. . . G. H. Hawkins, Spartanburg, S.C. L. M. Pearson, Spartanburg, S.C. A. D. Young, Spartanburg, S. C. W. G. Shivers, Spartanburg, S.C. do Scrap lumber Howe 100-ton track scale Scrap iron Wood, tar roofing, and wheel- barrow. Wood, shacks, and iron sink. . Wood, doors, etc Wood; doors, 5 screen; and screen wire. Wood, shack, tub, and screen doors. Brush, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc. Small tools Scrap lumber, bricks Remington typewriters Wood, shacks, doors, etc Wood, shacks 5 h. p. gas engine, wood, nails, etc. Wood, roofing, door, wheel- barrow, etc. Tar roofing, sink, and hack- saws. Railroad crossties Wood Wood, tar roofing, nails, wire, etc. Wood, tar roofing, screen doorS; and shack. Lot of salvage lumber Miscellaneous second-hand tools. .....do Second-hand electric drier. Second-hand radiators . . . . Second - hand engineering in- struments. Second-hand lumber Scrap screen wire Ofiieers' shacks Second-hand washtubs Second - hand lumber, door transoms. Refrigerator Large refrigerator Galvanized and black pipe . . . Broken mortise machine Oilcan, odd Second-hand boards. Laxge refrigerator . do Flat-top desk Ofiieers' shacks . . . .do- Window framing, molding, doors, etc. Cast-iron floor drains Second-hand screen doors Used road machine. i X 2" molding 600-gallon, 48 x 72" black tank Second-hand lumber Second-hand boiler Hard brick Officer's shack Second-hand galvanized boiler and stand. Plumbing equipment $58.50 510.00 22.24 S9.25 25.25 28.50 9.65 13.60 46.55 13:40 127. 20 80.00 21.25 14.50 159. 80 91.10 8.30 628. 80 6.75 47.75 14.75 207. 00 877. 15 402. 00 5.00 1,576.39 633. 70 1.96 .50 14.00 1.00 17.00 30.00 50.00 230.01 2.00 .25 15.12 50.00 50.00 10.10 12.00 5.00 60.00 14.18 1.00 70.00 3.50 45.00 22.40 7.50 169. 19 6.00 13.00 80.00 360 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DWISION, WASHINGTON, I). C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 23, 1919 . Mar. 18, 1919 . Mar. 29, 1919 . do Ben Brockman, Spartanburg, S. C. W. G. Shivers, Spartanburg, S. C. Fiske-Carter Construction Co., Spartanburg, S. C. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Apr. 28, 1919. do Apr. 29, 1919. do ..do ..do ....do ....do do do do Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 20, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. do May 1,1919... do do do do May 2, 1919... Apr. 25, 1919. ....do do do do do Apr. 2, 1919.. do do do ....do Apr. 28, 1919. ....do .-.-do do .---do do Apr. 24, 1919. -\pr.26, 1919. May 7, 1919... .do- -do. .do- E. F. Milan, Spartanburg, S. C. Z. V. Poteat, Spartanburg, S. C Southern Utilities Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. F. M. Hair, Spartanburg, S. C. ., M. R. Cash, Cowpens, S. C , R. M. Poole, Woodruff, S. C. C. B. Martin, Cowpens, S. C. Jeff Casli, Cowpens. S. C R.L.Elliott,Spartanurg,S.C.... R. C. Davis, Spartanbiirg, S. C. Carl Semindinger, Camp Spar- tanburg, S. C. do L. A. Clark, Spartanbiu-g, S. C. J. L. Glover, Spartanburg, S. C. . S. M. Lee, Spartanburg, '5. C... Susan Mack, Spartanbiurg, S. C.. Mr. McSwain, Spartanburg, S. C. J. A. Tiemey, Spartanbiug, S. C. Oscar R. Dimcan, Spindale. S.C. J. T. Johnson, Spartanburg, S. C. W. -\. McSwain, Spartanburg, S.C. .--.do O. W. Leonard, Spartanburg, S.C. J. A. McCrary & Co., Atlanta, Ga. M. R. Cash, Cowpens, S. C W. L. Moore, Cowpens, S.C Guy Nelson. Spartanburg, S. C Frank Glenn, Anderson. S. C... J. G. Jennings, Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. A. W. McCartT, Spartan- biu-g, S.C. Daniel Jackson, Sx)artanbiu-g, S.C. W. O. Murph, Fair Forest, S. C. D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. R. C. Davis, Spartanburg, S. C. M. E. CladweU, Chesnee, S.C--.. R. Yoimg, Spartanburg, S. C J. F. Love, Fair Forest, S. C... C. C. Frev, Fair Forest, S.C..-. J. L. Glover, Spartanburg, S. C. J. W. Byass, Cowpens, S. C W, A. McSwain, Spartanburg, S.C. WTiitnev Mfg. Co., Spartanbiu-g, S.C. H. S. Brown, Charlotte, N. C J. D. Blackenship, Spartanburg, S.C. Checker's shack, damaged. No. 01 Arco heater Nails, lumber, pipe Cast-iron floor drains and boards. Creosote, lumber Lumber Second-hand wheelbarrows, lumber. Boards, second-hand coffee heater and bolts. Boards, nails, washers, expan- sion joints, trammg ang'es, etc. Lumber, nails, flue lining, heater, etc. Gasoline engine, small tools, wheelbarrows, etc. 4-pin crossarms Old ice chest Officers' knocked-down shacks Galvanized range boilers, used. Small garage building , Tin box, screws, washboard, etc. Camp chairs and bucket , Secondhand chairs, pans, pitcher, brush, bucket. Secondhand screen doors Farm wagons, old plows, rail- road plows. Secondhand screen wire Damaged small refrigerator. . . . Underwood typewriter Old shovels Old drag pan Secondliand sash and boards. Secondhand boards and lum- ber. Old forge Screen wire, scrap Large refrigerator Secondhand garbage cans Insulated electric cable wire. . Old forge... Mess taoles. Closed combinations Meat choppers, chairs, tables, shovels, etc. Secondhand buckets, tubs, saw, etc. Small blacksmith vise Plumbing fittings Large refrigerator Underwood typewriter Old brooms - Officer's shack 6" smokepipe, secondhand Old "Strand" music box S2-gaL galvanized boilers. No. (X) heater, sink. Officer's shack 30" terra-cotta pipe Officers' shacks Camp chairs, stands, cane chairs. Large refrigerator Miscellaneous fittings- Culvert Officer's shack. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 361 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Articfe. Total sale price. Mays, 1919... May 6, 1919... do do Apr. 22, 1919. May 6, 1919... do do. May 5, May 6, do. do. do. do. do. May 2, do. do. do. do. 1919. 1919. 1919. Apr. 25, 1919.... Apr. 23, 1919.... Apr. 30, 1919.... -do y 5, 1919. .do .do .do. do Mar. 20, 1919. Mar. 19,1919.. Mar. 20, 1919. Mays, 1919... May 10, 1919.. Mays, 1919... do May 10, 1919.. May 5, 1919... do do Apr. 15, 1919.. Mar. 22, 1919. May 2, 1919... Mar. 18, 1919. Mav2, 1919... May 6, 1919... May 10, 1919.. Apr. 21, 1919. May 10, 1919.. .do. .do- May 8, May 9, May 10, May 8, ' do.. do.. do.. do-. 1919.... 1919.... , 1919. 1919.. Spartan Mills, Spartanburg, S.C. Cliarley Adam,Spartanburg,S.C. V. N. Wilson, Spartanburg, S. C, do R. H. Haddon, Fair Forest, S. C. J. R. Queen, Spartanburg, S. C G. Lee Smith, Fair Forest, S. C. E.E. Webber^ Spartanburg, S. C. Thos. W. Gibbs, Spartanburg, S.C. R. C. Davis, Spartanburg, S. C R. H. Barry, Spartanburg, S. C. do R. G. Newman, Spartanburg, S.C. J. E. Taylor, Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. Cato, Spartanburg, S.C W. P. High, Inman, S. C John Scott, Spartanburg, S. C... Joe Belue, Spartanburg, S. C W.H.Nealey, Spartanburg, S. C. Dixie Baking Co., Spartanburg, S.C. Spartanburg Lumber Mfg. Co., Spartanburg, S. C. John Lyles, Spartanburg, S. C. . G. S. Scruggs, Chesnee, S. C S. B. Foster, Chesnee, S. C W. R. Page, Spartanburg, S. C G. M. Smith, Roebuck, S.C G. G. Scruggs, Chesnee, S. C Ben Brockman, Spartanburg, S.C. J. G. Green, Spartanburg, S. C Spartanburg Highway Commis- sion, Spartanburg, "S. C. do do A. R. Sista Spartanburg, S. C. . D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. Walter Smith, Spartanburg,S.C. Dixie Baking Co., Spartanburg, S.C. P. M. Crow, Spartanburg, S. C T. J. Hanson, Inman, S.C N. H. Newman, Spartanburg, S.C. D. W. McClaln, Spartanburg, Whitney Mfg. Co., Whitney, S.C . Arcadia Mills, Spartanburg, S.C. V. N. Nelson, Fair Forest, S. C Spartanburg Highway Commis- sion, Spartanburg, S.C. Gregg A. Black Pacelett, S.C. L. N. Pearson, Spartanburg,S.C . R. C. Dean, Spartanburg, S.C Whitney Mfg. Co., Whitney, S.C. W. P. Smith, Spartanburg, S.C. Sam Taylor, Fair Forest, S. C... Thos. W. Gibbs, Spartanburg, S.C. D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. W. P. WiUiams, Spartanburg, S C R. T. Haddon, Spartanburg, S.C. D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. W. R. Turner, Spartanburg, S.C. E. L. McDowell, Spartanburg, S.C. J. T. Hawkins, Spartanburg, S C W.'C. Foster, Spartanburg, S. C. Steel tanks, boiler, heaters . . . 21 " terra-cotta pipe Scrap wire Secondhand screen doors 30' 70" top, juniper telephone poles. 30-gal. secondhand boiler Secondhand pipe, old post digger. 20 X 30" wood drain boards.... Heater, 30-gal. damaged boiler, pipe, hose. Chairs, damaged Secondhand ventilators Large refrigerator Secondhand screen door . . . Old ice box Old mattock, less handle . Officers' shacks do do Secondhand lumber Stamps and clips, odd . . . Nails, buckets, screens, lumber Lot wood; secondhand doors, screen, windows. Typewriter chairs, galvanized can. 82-gal. secondhand range boiler Officer's knocked-down shack. 12' ' terra-cotta pipe Secondhand army range, cans, extra doors. Canopy, wood Secondhand screen doors. Wheelbarrows Secondhand army ranges.. Secondhand form lumber. Old horse clipper; can^ old. Bunch scrap screen wu'e Old brooms , I arge refrigerator , Screen wire, old scythe Plates, pans, pitchers, sack salt; wire, scrap. Secondhana screen doors, secondhand ice box. Lot junk desk trimmings 40-gal. boilers, etc Miscellaneous fittings Officer's knocked-down shack. Drags, plows, second-hand lumber. Canteen building Soft bricks Secondhand screen doors Refrigerators, valves, fittings.. Secondhand buckets, second- hand tubs. Old ice box Bathtub,, broken Lavatories, closet combina- tion, shower head. Elnobs, 2" tubes, switch, wire, etc. Electric fittings Tin shades, folding chairs Secondhand screen doors, sash doors, panel door. Secondhand .screen doors Secondhand screen door OflSce desk, screen doors, tubs. 362 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 9, 1919. . . do do do Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 16. 1919. May 9,1919.. do , do May 8, 1919. May 23, 1919. May 6, 1919.. May 7, 1919.. ....do. ....do. .do .do.... May 6, 1919. May 13, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 12, 1919. .do. .do. do do May 9, 1919. . May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. ...ido do May 12, 1919. May 15, 1919. do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do May 16, 1919. do do May 28, 1919. May 15, 1919. Mar. 21, 1919. May 5, 1919.. May 15, 1919. May 9,1919.. May 6, 1919.. Apr. 25, 1919. May 2, 1919.. May 12, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. Mar. 5, 1919. . May 12, 1919. J. W. Kosmaley, Spartanburg, S C D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S.C. Mrs. H. A. Isreal, Spartanbiu-g S.C. Jim Dean, Spartanbmg, S. C J. R. Burnett, Boiling Springs, S.C. do J. T. Burgess, Spartanburg, S. C W. W. Thompson, Campobello, S.C. Dan Jackson, Spartanburg, S. C R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S.C. Tomlinson Engineering Co., Union, S. C. J. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S.C. Sam Kimbrell, Boiling Springs, S.C. R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S. C. J. R. Burnett, Boiling Springs, S. C. R. B. Aske\y, Atlanta, Ga Chief of Police Douglass, Spar- tanburg. S. C. Spartanburg Waterworks, Spar- tanbm-g, S. C. M. M. Alexander, • Fair Forest, S. C. J. R. Snoddy, Welford, S. C R. T. Hadden, Spartanburg, S. C. General Fire Extinguishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. W. G. Hodges, Spartanburg, S. C E. H. Martin, Spartanburg, S. C. L. A. Horton, Cherokee, S. C R. R. Sanoak, Spartanburg, S. C . A. M. Graham, Spartanburg, S. C Jos. Chapman. Cherokee, S. C J. E . Snoddy , Welford , S. C Dr. S. O. Black, Spartanburg, S.C. D. M. Shook, Spartanburg, S.C. J. A. Pufl, Spartanburg, S. C Kennedy & Humphreys, Spar- tanburg, S. C. J. C. McGraw, Clifton, S. C Dr. D. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C. T. T. Earle, Spartanburg, S. C... . T. P. Pearson, Welford , S. C L. D. Robinson, Inman, S.C J. W. Sawyer. Spartanbiu-g, S. C. A. L. Wilson, Clinton, S.C J. L. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C J. L. Jones, Ridge Springs, S. C. . . W. H. Robbins, Raleigh, N. C Spartanburg Highway Commis- sion, Spartanburg, S.C. R. C. Dayis, SpartanlDiurg, S. C . . . do T. B. Cole & Co., Atlanta, Ga... Spartanburg Highway Commis- sion, Spartanburg. "S.C. Whitney Mfg. Co., 'V^Tiitney, S. C. E.L. Stallings Co., Spartanburg, S. C. ....do Stoodly Sanitarium, Spartan- burg, S. C. C.C.Roddick, Spartanburg,S.C. J. F. Murph, Spartanburg, S. C. . . R. A. Smoak, Spartanburg, S. C. . Old table. Secondhand bathtubs, com- position. Secondhand tubs, second- hand buckets. Secondhand lumber I" secondhand hose, keg water cooler. Boards, buckets, 6" stovepipes Secondhand screen doors Ice box, broken Old brooms Porcelain tubes. 25.000-gal. tank, complete, with hoops. Butts, teeliinges i" secondhand pipe Cleats, rubber-covered copper wire. Picks, scoops, secondhand pipe- Officer's knocked-down shacks, Empty box Underwood typewriter, mis- cellaneous nttings, gate valves, pipe fittings, etc. Broken 24" terra-cotta pipes. Small refrigerator No. 14 coppered wire. Officers' knocked-down shacks, Refrigerator , scrap Old tarpaulin Bucket, grindstone, wire, sinks. Secondhand screen doors No. 15 Western Jewell, stoves . Secondhand chairs , Screen doors, brooms, cot,rasp. Refrigerators Secondhand screen doors , Large refrigerator Refrigerators, scrap screen wire, chairs. Small refrigerators Boiler and miscellaneous fit- tings. Secondhand lavatory, com- plete; shower, secondhand. 40-gal. secondhand boiler Large refrigerator Stove, old; can, old; shovel Large refrigerator Junk shovel Secondhand bathtub, bad order. Pine poles Kegs blasting powder, tarpau- lin. Scrap wood, 6" stovepipes Can. screen door, 6' pipe stoves. Secondhand lumber Dynamite, tarpaulins Garage door hinges. Junk pipe fittings . . 82-gaI. galvanized boUers, stands. No. 300 Government heater, radiators. Scrap lumber I" secondhand hose Part of a roll of secondhand screen wire, sink. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 363 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 6, 1919. . do May 5, 1919. . May 17, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. May 17, 1919. do May 16, 1919. May 19, 1919. do May 21, 1919. May 10, 1919. May 20, 1919. do do do...... do May 17, 1919. May 21, 1919. do do do do do May 19, 1919. May 22, 1919. do May 19, 1919. May 22, 1919. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. May 23, 1919. do do do May 24, 1919. May 21, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. May 6, 1919.. May 7, 1919. . May 3, 1919. . Apr. 23, 1919. May 20, 1919. May 23, 1919. May 26, 1919. do May 27, 1919. do do do do May 26, 1919. May 27, 1919. May 28, 1919. R.A. Smoak, Spartanburg, S. C. . R. C. Brown, Spartanburg, S. C. . E . F. Milan, Spartanburg, S. C . . . M. M. Alexander, Spartanburg, S.C. Spartanburg Lumber Co., Spar- tanburg, S. C. W. L.Bryson, Spartanburg, S.C. Cowpens Mfg. Co., Cowpens, S. C . T. J. Harmon, Inman, S. C Willard Boggs Co., Spartanburg, G. Wright, Switzer, S. C T. J. Hannon. Inman, S.C E. E. Crow, Fair Forest, S.C J. A. Bell, Spartanburg, S. C R. H. Black. Spartanburg, S. C . C. A. McCall, Cowpens, S. C J. R. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C . . . J. W. Petty, Campobello, S.C... Whitney Mfg. Co., Whitney, S. C R. C. Frey, Fair Forest, S. C Miss M. M. Black, Spartanburg, S.C. J. R. Burnett, Boiling Springs, S. C. S. O. Black, Spartanburg, S. C... J. N. Kelley Whitestone, S. C. . . . J. R. Burnert^ Spartanburg, S. C. Steedly Sanitarium, Spartan- burg, S.C. R. C. Davis, Spartanburg, S. C . . S. M. Kimbrell, Spartanburg, S.C. Arkwright Mills, Arkwright, S. C F. B. Cole & Co., Spartanburg, S.C. R. B . Asher, Atlanta, Ga F. B. Cole & Co., Atlanta, Ga. . . G. Wright, Switzer, S. C M. M. Dixon, Union, S. C R. Young, Spartanburg, S. C. . . . R. A. Turner, Spartanburg, S. C J. L. Burnett, Spartanburg, S. C Knight & Holt, Union, S. C J.S. A.Doyle,Spartanburg, S. C. J. R. Jackson, Spartanburg, S. C. Dr. J R. Sandifer, Henderson- ville,N.C C. F. Rainey, Inman, S.C B . W. Johnson, Arcadia, S. C F.B.Cole& Co., Atlanta, Ga... Mr. Caldwell, Disputantia, S. C. , R. L. Elliott, Spartanburg, S. C. City of Spartanburg, Spartan- burg, S.C. L.D. Proffitt, Spartanburg, S. C. City of Spartanburg, S. C C. W. Lindsay, Spartanburg, S.C. C. L. Rainey, Spartanburg, S. C . Camp Greene Investment Co., Camp Greene, N. C. Solomon Carious, Charlotte, N. C Armour & Co., Charlotte, N. C. . . I. M. House, Charlotte, N. C R. E. Young, Charlotte, N. C Porter & Boyd, Charlotte, N. C. . Wathers Grocer, Charlotte, N. C . Julius Nance, Charlotte, N. C E. P. Hatcher, Charlotte, N. C». C. E . easier, Charlotte, N. C E. Guggenheimer, Charlotte, N.C Wagon jack, used Used tarpaulin Secondhand stove Hard cement and slaked lime. Odd table tops Corral fence , Large refrigerator , Sash, doors, roofing, screen wire, A.Vmy range, buckets 600-gal. tank heater boiler, buckets. Broken chairs, stoves, boiler . . Secondhand chair Secondhand lumber Range, tub, boiler, buckets Large refrigerator Secondhand galvanized boilers. do Miscellaneous fittings 600-gal. tank, 82-gal. boiler, wheelbarrow. Remington typewriter Buckets, stovepipe, rakes. No. secondhand heater. Junk pipe from shower. . . Secondhand cookstoves... 11-section 38" radiator I" hose Scrap galvanized roofing . Tanks, large refrigerator., . Secondhand lumber i" hose Closet combination Troughs, tanks, pipe Large and small refrigerator. . Engineer's chapel, old Large refrigerator Damaged bucket, shovel Large refrigerator Fuse plugs, wire, white lead, paste, etc. 82-gal. secondhand boiler and stand. Large refrigerator Old odd table Ofiicers' shacks Closet combinations Terra-cotta pipe, 205' broken; bend. Loose lime Small tools Glass, post-holediggers, broom Galvanized gauge culvert Officers' shack, rustic chair Secondhand tables,homemade desk. Wall basins, hot-water heater and tank, water-closet, shower heads, electric wire, 110-gal. hot-water tank and miscellaneous pipe and fittings for above plumbing. Scrap lumber Drums, ammonia Refrigerators Refrigerator Refrigerator, scrap iron Refrigerator Old canvas Refrigerator Small tank Refrigerators , sash S64 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued, Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 May 28, 1919. do May 29, 1919. May 21, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. May 31, 1919. ....do .do .do .do. .do. .do. ,do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. ....do May 27, 1919. May 31, 1919. .do .do ...do... ...do... .do.... .do.... ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do May 26, 1919. May 31, 1919. ....do... ....do... .do. .do. ..do.. ..do., ..do.. M. E. Garrison, Charlotte, N. C. Smith Wadsworth Co., Char- lotte, N. C. M. E. Garrison, Charlotte, N. C Arthur F. Clow, Columbia, S. C Wm. B. Burhe, Columbia, S. C. B. H. Kinney, Tokay, N. Mex. W. S. Lewis, Demlng, N. Mex. Lee Howard, Deming, N. Mex. C. M. Cotton, Deming, N. Mex. G. W. Bennett.Hondale, N. Mex R. B. Smith, Deming, N. Mex. W. G. Poor, Deming, N. Mex. . G. M. Cotton, Deming, N. Mex W. G. Poor, Deming, N. Me x . J. Wenski, Deming^ N. Mex G. P. Rogers, DemmgN. Mex. Ira M. Fain, Deming, N. Mex. . ....do :. David Jones, Deming, N. Mex. Peggy Taylor, Deming, N. Mex R. L. Chandler, Southern Pines, N. C. E. F. Hurt, Deming, N. Mex. . L. R. George, Deming, N. Mex Geo. Coit, Deming, N. Mex Wm. Dickson, Deming, N. Mex Rage Measday, Deming, N. Mex. .do. F. T. Cofley, Central, N. Mex. . . M. L. Finch, Deming, N. Mex . . Lee Howard, Deming, N. Mex. . A. D. Tyler, Deming, N. Mex... A. J. Clossin, Deming, N. Mex. . do M. J. Moran, Deming, N. Mex . . Aero Alarm Co., New York, N.Y. E. F. Moran, Deming, N. Mex.. B. N. Kinney, Tokay, N. Mex. . . M. C. Bauchf, Deming, N. Mex. . H. S. Orton, Deming, N. Mex... G. A. Palm, Deming, N. Mex. . . T. D. Henry, Deming, N. Mex. . W. S. Lewis, Deming^ N. Mex. . S. A. Cox, Deming, N. Mex E. F. Hunt, Deming, N. Mex... E. F. Moran, Deming, N. Mex. . T. B. Royaltz, Bernio, N. Mex. . . C. P. Rogers, Deming, N. Mex.. Chris D. Schramm & Son, Phila- delphia, Pa. Coffey & Trimmler, Central, N. Mex. John Preugel, Deming, N. Mex. . J. M. Goode, Deming, N. Mex... Peterson & Mayfield, Waterloo, N. Mex. WadeHerren and M.L.McBride, Deming, N. Mex. Lee Howard, Deming, N. Mex. . W. W. Atkins, Deming, N. Mex. E. F. Hurt, Deming, N^ Mex. . . Ice box, tables, screen door Refrigerator, wire Scrap pipe Scrap limiber, pile No. 105 Scrap lumber Salvaged mine timbers Contractors' warehouses and chief quartermaster's garage in section No. 18. Stables, section No. 1 Contractor's warehouse, sec- tion No. 11. First sergeant's shack, No. 11 . . Corral at Forge , Old brass, old iron, and scrap copper. Refrigerator plant building, excluding doors. Old brass and fittiags Small recreation building Stable, section No. 2 Salvaged brick Removing portion of division headquarters. Repair unit building at Motor Park. Stables, section No. 1 Transformer, pipe; lights, street; goosenecks and re- flectors, 2" pipe; oil, trans- former; 200,000-ganon lank, lumber, 30' iron rods. Mess hall at Motor Park Old latrine and tent floor Blacksmith shop and feed rooms, section 2. Carpenter shop, section No. 1 . Labor house and small oil house. Offlcer'smesshall, 'section No.5. Regimental warehouses, sec- tion No. 10. Mess hall, section No. 1 Old powerhouse and stables. . . Stable Track-scale house Small guard house Salvaged mine timbers Salvaged aero alarm material . . Salvaged brick Salvaged mine timbers Bakery school mess hall Shacks, section No. 1 Frames of dummies for bayo- net practice. Recreation building, section No. 14. Fire station, section No. 1 Barracks No. 1 at bakery school. Garage, lumber shed, with cer- tam scrap. Salvaged mine timbers Mess halls, section No. 5 Bakery school lavatory build- ing. Paint spraying machines and spraying guns, air and fluid hose. Barracks No. 2, bakery school. . Mess hall, section No. 1 Stables rear of sections Nos. 16 and 17. Salvaged material of rifle range, Stables In rear of sections 16 and 17. Tent frames Officers' tent frames, section 1. Stables and chief quartermas- ter's warehouses. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 365 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 1, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., C. R. Titus, Petersburg, Va M. A. Stuart, Lakemont, Va Walter Brassfleld, Petersburg, Va. L. D. Meyers, Petersburg, Va. .. M. A. Stuart, Lakemont, Va H. H. Summ, Petersburg, Va. . . M. A. Stuart, Lakemont, Va Isaac James, Petersburg, Va H. H. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. Walter Brassfleld, Petersbiug, Va. H. H. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va Walter Brassfleld, Petersburg, Va. Chas. Hawskins, Petersburg, Va. L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va J. W. Tbweatt, Petersburg, Va . B. N. Harper, Petersburg Va... Ivey Jones, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va Geo. Johnson, Petersburg, Va. .. W. Smith, Petersburg Va I. Jones, Petersburg. Va L. D. Mayers, Petersburg, Va W. Brassfleld, Petersburg, Va... Gyrus Hotchkiss, Petersburg, Va. L. Jones, Petersburg, Va W. Smith, Petersburg, Va F. L. Lewis, Petersburg, Va J. Chafos, Petersburg, Va P. Curaton, Petersburg, Va Geo. Ward, Petersburg, Va R. Goods, Petersburg, va W. Price, Petersburg, Va Munsey Miles, Petersburg, Va. . . H. Green, Petersburg, Va E. Burton, Petersburg, Va T. A. Jonson, Petersburg, Va. .. I. Jones, Petersburg, Va Geo. Johnson Petersburg, Va... J. Chavls, Petersburg, Va I. Jones, Petersburg, Va W. Brooks, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va Brassford, Petersburg, Va... Paul Coles, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va Munsey Elle, Petersburg, Va J. H. Green, Petersburg, Va J. Thweatt, Petersburg, Va E. Cole, Petersburg, Va Llge Thomas, Petersburg, Va. .. R. Goods, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va A. Jackson, Petersburg, Va W. Chavis, Petersburg, Va Nat Raines, Petersburg, Va Douglas Temple, Petersburg, Va. Walter Stick, Petersburg, Va. . . C. Pegram, Petersburg, Va Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va.. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va H. Miles, Petersburg, Va R. Scott, Petersburg, Va S. Ford, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va H. Thweate, Petersburg, Va. . . . R. H. Scott^ Petersbmg, Va David Curtice, Petersburg, Va. . Tom Raines, Petersburg, v a R. Goode, Petersburg, Va W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va.. I. Jones, Petersburg, Va Scrap lumber. do do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do. .do. Scrap lumber, saw boxe,s. Load scrap lumber do do do do do 366 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DWISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 Apr. 1,1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. n. A. Ship, Petersburg, Va J. Shaffers, Petersburg, Va J. W. Thewatt, Petersburg, Va . L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va N. Miles, Petersburg, Va W. Smith, Petersburg, Va D. Temple, Petersburg, Va T. Smith, Petersburg, Va W. Stith, Petersburg, Va M. A. Stuart, Petersburg, Va.... R. Robeson, Petersburg, Va I. Green, Petersburg, Va W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. . Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va I. Jones, Petersburg, Va Geo. Johnson, Petersburg, Va... J. Theute, Petersburg, Va E. Cole, Petersburg, 'V a H. Curtain, Petersburg, Va Geo. Ward, Petersburg, Va Samp Dillard, Petersburg, Va.., J. Holcom, Petersburg, Va L. E. Finch, Petersburg, Va L. Myers, Petersburgh, Va L. Chaffers, Petersburg, Va T. A. Johnson, Petersburg, Va. J. Lyons, Petersburg, Va Frank Stuart, Petersburg, Va.. B.N. Stoffer, Petersburg, Va. . P. ITorefleld, Petersburg, Va... L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va — R. S. Sorrlah, Petersburg, Va.. F. Taylor, Petersburg, Va H. Suinford, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va. . . F. H. Holt, Petersburg, Va J. F. Taylor, Peter-sburg, Va — R. H. Scott, Petersburg, Va.... Chas. Bodott, Petersburg, Va. . H. Sumerford, Petersburg, Va. L. Myers, Petersburg, Va R. H. Scott, Petersburg, Va.... R . Goode, Petersburg, V a Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va H. Moore, Petersburg, Va M. Allen. Petersburg, Va Chas. Seymond, Petersburg, Va. W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. . R. Goode, Petersburg, Va C. Sumerford, Petersburg, Va... R. H. Scott, Petersburg, Va Chas. Seymore, Petersburg, Va. . . R. Goode, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va... L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va. . . C. Seymore, Petf rsburg, Va. . . J. Henderson, Petersburg, Va. . I. Jones, Petersburg, Va Dawson Curtain, Petersburg, Va. Andrew Jackson, Petersburg, Va, I. Jones, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va , Jon Horan, Petersburg, Va Andrew Henderson, Petersburg, Va. John Chave, Petersburg, Va Wm. Price, Petersburg, Va C. B. Scott, Petersburg, Va C. Seymore, Petersburg, Va M. Bowling, Petersburg, Va Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va Walter Robertson, Petersburg, Va. Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va do L. D. Myers, Petersburg. Va — I. Jones, Petersburg, Va Andrew Ganderson, Petersburg, Va. Load scrap lumber. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do do do ....do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Pile scrap liunber. . Load scrap lumber, do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Trucks scrap lumber Load scrap lumber do do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber; load board and doors. Load scrap lumber; box , Load scrap lumber do --.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Load scrap lumber, and boards and doors. Load scrap lumber do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMEI^T. 367 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 1,1919. ....do ....do .,..do ....do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ... .do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. Albert Godsey, Petersburg, Va.. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. . . Roland Pegram, Petersburg, Va. Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va R. Richett, Petersburg, Va W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. . . Chas. Seym ore, Petersburg, Va. . . R. Goode, Petersburg, Va Chas. Seymore, Petersburg, Va. . . W. C. Davis, Petersburg, Va W. Price, Petersburg, Va S. M. Morefield, Petersburg, Va.. . Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersbuig,Va P. Curtain, Petersburg, Va H. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. . Robertson, Petersburg, Va.. L. D . Myers, Petersburg, Va W. T. Johnson, Petersburg, Va. . H. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. . Hill, Petersburg, Va W. E. Smith, Petersburg, Va. . . Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va E. Kvasnks, Petersburg, Vr Wm. Price, Petersburg, V E. O. Hack, Petersburg, Va G. C. Haymore, Petersbm-g, Va. . H. A. Skipp, Petersburg, Va Geo. Lewis, Petersburg, Va J. E. Warmay, Petersburg, Va.. J. H. Cheman, Petersburg, Va.. S. Dillard, Petersburg, Va J. B. Parrish, Petersburg, Va.. B. H. Myers, Petersburg, Va... J. E. Webster, Petersburg, Va. . W. E. Smith, Petersburg, Va. . T. O. Williams, Petersburg, Va J. T. Hall , Petersburg, Va G. T. Parrish, Petersburg, Va. . Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va. . . Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va E. S. Morefield, Petersburg, Va PurtJan Curtain, Petersburg, Va Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va, P. Curtain , Petersburg , Va I/. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va — W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. H. Limimeford, Petersburg, Va, P. Curtain, Petersburg, Va W. Robertson, Petersburg, Va., Chas. Lemone, Petersburg, Va. , Andrew Henderson, Petersburg, Va. E. B. Moorefleld, Petersburg, Va Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va R. Pegram, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va — R. Goode, Petersburg, Va J. F. Traylor, Petersburg, Va. . Chas. Scott, Petersburg, Va P. Curtain, Petersburg, Va L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va. . . E. S. Moorefield, Petersburg, Va J. L. Gour, Petersburg, Va J. R. Parrish, Patersburg, Va. . I. A. Tarleton, Petersburg, Va. J. E. Cousin, Patersburg, Va. . . Lewis Garfield, Petersburg, Va W. Goodwin, Petersburg, Va. . W. S. Wells, Petersburg, Va... G. W. Heath, Petersburg, Va.. E. S. Moorefleld, Petersburg, Va. Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va A. Goodsey, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va R. Curtain, Petersburg, Va R. Warren, Petersburg, Va Klsleck Steeve, Petersburg, Va. Load scrap lumber. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do..... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Scrap lumber ....do Load scrap Ixunber. . . Scrap lumber; doors. Load scrap limiber. . . Scrap lumber do Load scrap lumber. . . Scrap lumber !!!!do!;!!;!!!!-!!!- do do Load scrap lumber . . do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. . do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. do do do do do do do do do do do....... do Scrap lumber . do .do. .do. .do. .do. Load scrap lumber and doors Ijoad scrap lumber do do do do do Boxes scrap lumber 368 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 1,1919. ,.. -do do do do do do do do. do. do. do. do. do. .....do. do. do. .....do. .....do. do. .....do. .....do. .....do. .....do. .....do. .....do. .....do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ,...do.. ....do.. ....do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. I. Jones, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va J. A. Emery, Petersburg, Va.. . J. E. Cousin, Petersburg, Va. . . J. R. Carr, Petersburg, Va P. E. Riney, Petersburg, Va... Ed. Pegram, Petersburg, Va. . . J. Emery, Petersburg, Va K. I'. Andrews, Petersburg, Va. R. Warren, Pctersbiug, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va Isaac Jones, Petersburg, Va H. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. L. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va J. R. Cai-r, Petersburg, Va R. Warren, Petersburg, Va W. Bloom, Petersburg, Va J. W. Harrison, Petersburg, Va. J. R. Carr, Petersburg, Va K. L. A.ndrews, Petersburg, Va. J. H. Cheathem, Petersburg, Va. W. Bloom, Petersburg, Va P. E. Ramsey, Petersburg, Va.. W. A. Tipton, Petersburg, Va.- P. Culane, Petersburg, Va I. Jones , Petersburg , Va T. Goode, Petersburg, Va P. Culane, Petersbiu-g, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va W. E. Williams, Petersburg, Va. 0. J. Babbett, Petersburg, Va.. W. Bloom, Petersburg, Va R. B. Saniord, Petersburg, Va . - H. Town, Petersburg, Va R. H. Lane, Petersburg, Va James Speroputos, Petersburg, Va. A. L. Andrews, Petersburg, Va. . C. L. Bregeman, Petersburg, Va. E. C.Husek, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va 1. Greene, Petersburg, Va P. Curtain, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va I. Greene, Petersburg, Va P. Curtain, Petersburg, Va D. White, Petersburg, Va R. Goode, Petersburg, Va R. Rummerfleld, Petersburg, Va I. Jones, Petersburg, Va Wm. Robertson, Petersburg, Va. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va 1j. D. Myers, Petersburg, Va I. Jones, Petersbiurg, Va W. E. Williams, Petersburg^ Va. E. G. Temple, Petersburg, Va. . Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va — Heme Town, Petersburg, Va..., P. E. Raney, Petersbvirg, Va..., Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va. . . W. O. Davis, Petersburg, Va... J. W. Herrison, Petersburg, Va. W. W. Talbot, Petersburg, Va. W. G. Mormey, Petersburg, Va J. T. Hall, Petersburg, Va P.M. Temple, Petersburg, Va. . . Odis HoUdefield, Petersburg, Va E. Bovtmia, Petersburg, Va J. Jackson, Petersburg, Va T. W. Croder, Petersburg, Va. .. J. C. Crawford, Petersburg, Va.. G. Bovimia, Petersburg, Va J. C. Rawlings, Petersburg, Va. . T. M. Crow der, Petersburg, Va.. Earl Bovlmla, Petersburg, Va . . . W. E. WiUiams, Petersburg, Va. Mike Mane, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, PeteisDurg, Va. J. E. Marsh, Petersburg, Va. William Blann,Petersburg, Va. . J. H. Rawlings, Petersburg, Va . . N. N. Spain, Petersburg, Va — Loads scrap lumber do Scrap limiber , Scrap lumber, doors Scrap lumber do do Load scrap lumber, doors (scrap). Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber , Load scrap lumber and boxes. Load scrap lumber do do do do do Scrap liunber do do do Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber, door Scrap lumber lioad scrap lumber do do do do do Scrap liunber Load scrap Imnber Scrap lumber do do do do do Load scrap lumber do do do do do do Box scrap liunber Load scrap lumber do do do do do do do Scrap lumber do do do Load scrap lumber Scrap luraber do do do do do Load scrap linnber and pack- age loose Ume. Load scrap lumber Scrap Imnber Scrap lumber, door Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber do Load scrap lumber do Scran lumber do Load scrap lumber , do Scrap lumber do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 369 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 1,1919.. do do do do do Mav30, 1919. May 31, 1919. do May 17, 1919 May 24, 1919 May 29, 1919 Mar. 24, 1919. June 3,1919... May 27, 1919. June 2, 1919. Jime 3, 1919 . June 17, 1919... do May 15, 1919.... May 20, 1919... May 16, 1919 May 19, 1919.... May 22, 1919... do May 15, 1919.... May 24, 1919.... May 22, 1919.... May 21, 1919.. -. Apr. 14, 1919.... do do Mav2, 1919. ...".do do do do do do do do do do do ....do do do do do do May 3, 1919. do ....do ....do do ....do ....do L. B. Archers, Petersburg, Va. . R. Sanders, Petersburg, va Sam Dillard , Petersburg, Va J . E . Way Mock, Petersbiu-g, Va . Walter Wiseman, Peters burg, Va L. B. Archie, Petersburg, Va.. Julius Vance, Charlotte, N. C. Solomon Carious, Charlotte, N. C. Courtney Christenberrv & Mul Use, Charlotte, N. C. C. H. Jones, Charlotte, N. C. . . . C. H. Jones, Prescott, Ariz . Central Hardware Co., Alexan- dria, La. Weil Bros. & Bauer, Alexandria, La. W. W.Wood ward.Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Bancom, Wake Coxmity, Raleigh, N.C. C. J. Wilcox, Raleigh, N.C North CaroUna Agricultural So- ciety, Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Thebaut, New Orleans Army supply base. La. Ben Butler, New Orleans Army supply base. La. Samuel J. Wallcer, New Orleans Army supply base, La. Southern Scrap Material Co., New Orleans, La. C. A. Schaxnayder, Anchorage, La. Geo. Troescher, New Orleans Army supply base. La. A. Rowe, New Orleans Army supply base. La. Nat. Brown, New Orleans .\rmy supply base, La. Ole K. Olsen, New Orleans, La . John P. Mulherin, care of Per- kins Mfg. Co., Augusta, Ga. J. W. Alexander and associates, Alexandria, La. City of Montgomery, Montgom- ery, Ala. Dart & Bum-s, Norfolk, Va W. J. Porter & Co., Norfolk, Va. R. G. Lassiter& Co., Norfolk,Va. Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va W. A. Movine, Petersburg, Va.. Car. Bony onia, Petersburg, Va.. J. H. Rawlings, Petersburg, Va. Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va E . B onyonia, Petersburg, Va N. N. Spain, Petersburg, Va John Chaven, Petersburg, Va . . . John Rhumack, Petersburg, Va. Earl Bonjouia, Petersburg, Va. . Geo. Lewis, Petersburg, Va C. L. Merritt, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va N. Temple, Petersburg. Va W. H. Harrison, Petersburg, Va. Geo. Rusnark, Petersburg, Va . . John Chavan. Petersburg, Va . . . C. Glogie, Pefersburg, Va F. M. Temple, Petersburg, Va. . Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va John Robertson, Petersburg, Va. John Holcom, Petersburg, Va. . . Eddie Massie, Petersburg, Va. . . Mike !Miano, Petersburg, Va F. M. Temple, Petersburg, Va. . Scrap lumber ....do Scrap lumber, doors Load scrap lumber ....do Scrap lumber Scrap iron Screen doors, table, lot leather. Scrap Iron Lumber, second-hand flooring, new and old electric conduit. Second-hand lumber, hoUow tile, new flooring. Screen wire, scrap asbestos, second-hand galvanized ven- tilators, galvanized pipe, grate doors. 24^' and 18" tile Miscellaneous scrap iron, con- sisting of Ught iron steel boil- ers, black and galvanized iron pipe, Insulated wii-e, and manila rope. Double and single desk Salvage scrap lumber. Meter, trident crest.... Wagon load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber Shanty Scrap iron Scrap lumber ....do .do. .do. Scrap steel Entire camp, exclusive of base hospital and storage area. do -do. Hooks, machine bolts, track, cable. Second-hand black pipe Straight edges Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber Load scrap lumber and door . . Scrap lumber. . . i ....do ...do ....do ...do ....do Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber ....do. do ....do ....do ....do Load scrap lumber. ....do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber ....do $47. 10 7.50 6.75 1.50 1.50 60.00 77.00 2.10 22.90 611.61 392. 59 479. 79 92.10 412. 00 46.00 10.00 200.00 .75 130.00 25.00 935. 24 125. 00 .75 646. 65 38,500.00 10, 000. 00 178. 00 79.70 20.00 .75 6.00 1.50 6.60 .75 2.25 22.50 16.50 16.50 2.25 3.00 16.50 .75 27.80 6. 15 13.09 30.00 5.00 25.30 .75 23.25 9.00 1.50 9.00 17. 2C 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 370 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Pate of sale. Mays, 1919. do do do. do ....do do do Mav2, 1919. ..-■-do do MavS, 1919. ...'.do do ....do do do do Mav5, 1919.. do do Mav 0,1919.. ...".do do do do do drt do Mav 7, 1919. do do do do do Mav 8, 1919.. do do do do do do do do do do Alftv9. 1919.. MavS, 1919.. do Mav 9, 1919.. ...Ido do do do do do do do do Mav 10, 1919. ...-■.do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Nivme aiid addross of buyer. Wtvloy Blnnn. Pctersburc;, Va. . . Oeorgo WtUiiiins, rotorsbnnr, Va. G. C\ Ih'ynioro. IVIorshnra;, Va. C. L. Uraiidon. rolorslnirg, Va.. .T. H. Kobbison, rdersbiirr, Va. . John Holland, Vetersburg, Va... Wm. Goodson, Petersburg, Va.. Wni. Bloom, I etersburg, va N. N . t'pain, rotorsburs, Va F. M. Templo, Totorsburg, Va. . x'^teve Koslek, Velersburg, Va AVni. Bloom, retershurg, Va f'am niUard, Tel orsburg, Va Wm. (^. Irvin, rotorsburg, Va. . C. O. Broloom, Votorsburg, Va.. F. M. Wnrmon, Votorsburg, Va. Oi . Ware, IVtersburg, Va F.Walker •lohn Harper, Petersburg, Va R. (5oode, Petersburg, \'a H. H. Summcrford, Petersburg, Va. W. T.Wiseman, Vetersburg.Va. . Karnest Morgoan. Potersburg.Va K. J. Graves', Petersburg, Va Wm. nioom, relersburg, Va K.Warren, Petersburg, Va W. K. Adanjs, rptersburg. Va. . Herbert Cutler, Betersburg, Va . . K. Goode, Petersburg, Va Artiele. Load scrap lumber. Sorap lumoer \,ofiK\ sorap lumber. Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber ao Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber V^'Ao".'.'.'.'.'.'.'/.'.'.'. Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumoer V//Ao^'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ....do ....do ...do ....do Load .scrap lumber. ....do Scrap lumber '^'^^^o.'^'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. l..oad scrap lumber. ....do ....do ....do ....do Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va do C. 11. Galso, Petersburg, Va Scrap lumber Hall, Petersburg, Va Load scrap lumber. Norman Kichardson, l\itorsburc, Scrap lumber Va. Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va Harper, Petersburg, Va R . Goode, Petersburg, Va Mr. Spain, Petersburg, Va E. W. Adams, Petersburg, Va. . E. 'Morrison, Petersburg, Va. . . . Mr. Franks, Petersburg, Va Wm. Blann, Petersburg, Va. . .. Mary Alexander, Petersburg,Va.i Scrap limiber David Taylor, Peterstiurg, N'a...l do Jackson Ca>vl A Coke Co., reter.s- i do burg. Va. Sam I'illard, Berersburg, Va I do D.ivid Taylor, Betersburg, Va...j do AVm. Bloom, Betersburg, Va Load scrap lumber R. Goode, Betersburg, Va I do W. Warren, Petersburg, Va I do Herbert CuHon. Petersburg, Va. .1 do W. F. Vdams. Petersburg, Va. .1 do M.W.OIcnionds, Petersburg.Va..! Scrap lumber Load scrap limiber ....do ....do Load scrap lumber and doors. Load scrap lumber ....do ...-do do. Mr. Burns, Petersburg, Va. Sam Pillard, I'etersburg, Va... Fred Hawkins, Petersburg, Va. Beji Vlmerv, Petersburg, A a S. Wells, Petersburg, Va Sam IMlhud. Petersburg, Va. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. H. FetT, Petersburg, Va do. Sam Dillard, Petersburg. Va I do. Farmer, Betersburg, Va C. L. Bwlagon, Petersburg, Va.. Chas. Seymore, Petersburg, Va.. I Wm. (.\o\vder. Petersburg, Va. . i W. E. Williams. Petersburg, Va. W. S. Wells. Petersburg. Va.... J. T. Twilingtou, Petersburg, Va. F. M. Temple. Petersburg, Va. . . J. T. Twekuber. Petersburg, Va. .\. FetYa. Petersburg. Va Sam. Pillard, Betersburg, Va H, -V. SoutheU, Petersburg, Va.- F. M. Temple, Petersburg, Va. . . Fetei-sburg Sand A- Gnwel Co., Betersburg, Va. R.J.I. <.>o\vder. Petersburg, Va.. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va R. Warren, Petersburg, \"a W, G. Traylor, Betersburg, Va. . Load scrap lumber, and \vm- dow framing. Scniji lumber do do Load scrap lumber lumbi Scrap lumber do Lo;ui scrap lumber , Scrap lumber , ;;!!!do!";"!!!!!;!!!!!!!;!!; do Loiid scrap lumber, sheathing, franving. Scrap hunber Load scrap lumber do do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 371 SERIAL LIST OF SALliS, CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. 4715 4716 47)7 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 472.'; 4720 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 473.5 4730 4737 4738 4739 1740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 47.52 4753 47.54 4755 4750 4757 4758 47.59 4700 4761 4702 4703 4704 4705 4766 4767 4708 4709 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 May 10,1919.. ...do.. May 13, 1919... do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. ....do do May 12, 1919. ....do do do May 8, 1919.... do do do ....do do do , May 13, 1919. ...do. ....do do .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do ...do ..-do ...do .do. -do. .do- .do- .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. -do- .do. Name and address of buyer. May 14, 1919.... do do do do do do do do do May 1.5, 1919.... do do do do do. .do 8. Glazier, Petersburg, Va Sam. IJillard, Peter.sburg, Va — N. B. Mason, Petersburg, Va R. I. Boyd, Petersburg. Va Cyrus Jfotchklss, I'ctersburg, Va. T. W. Bouthall, PetcrsVjurg, Va. . W. N. ("rowder, Petersburg, Va. N. N. Spain, Petersburg, Va R. II. Manson, Petersburg, Va.. W. E. Lee, I'etersburg, Va C. Thomas, J'etersburg. Va Herbert cfourton, Petersburg, Va. John Banks, Petersburg, Va r. W. Powhaton, I'etersburg, Va. Petersburg Sand & Gravel Co., Petersburg, Va. Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va Mr. iSmith, Petersburg, Va Miss Minor, Petersburg, Va T. W. Surlin, Petersburg, Va... W. S. WcJls, Petersburg, Va. . .. W. N. f'rowdor, i-'etersburg, Va. Petersburg Sand & Gravel Co., Petersburg. Va. W. N. Crowder, Petersburg, Va. R. Goodo, Petersburg, Va R. Warren, Petersburg, Va Wra. iiloom. Petersburg, Va Minor, Petersburg, Va Steve Leonard, Petersburg, Va.. Steeve Akiswich, Petersburg, Va. S. Deabal, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va Cotton Motor Co., I^etersburg, Va. C. Thomas, Petersburg, Va Robt. Warren, Petersburg, Va.. Gravel Co., Petersburg, va R. O. Boyd, Petersburg, Va W. N. f 'rowder, Petersburg, Va. B. Banks, Petersburg, Va 0. Thomas, Petersburg. Va P. W. Powhaton, Petersburg, Va. C. W. Southern, Petersburg, Va. R. B. Porton, Petersburg, Va.. R. Goode. Petersburg, Va W. M. Chenould, Petersburg, Va. Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va... N. Wells, I-'etersburg, Va Mr. James, I'etersbijrg, Va Mr. Seaboard, Petersburg, Va.. Mr. Ilotohkiss, Petersburg, Va... Wm. Blann, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va.. J. R. Partin, Petersburg, Va.. J. H. Green, Petersburg, Va... J. R. Cann, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va Bill Dye, Petersburg, Va B. L. iioyed, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, Peter.sburg, Va. G. T. Brooks, Petersburg, Va. .. Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va.. F. E. Temple, Petersburg, Va... Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va E. Temyile, Petersburg, Va Dan Dillard, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, I'etersburg, Va D. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. L. Lanier, Petersburg, Va Robert Warren, Petersburg, Va. K. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. A. Jeffa, Petersburg, Va W. W. Worsham, Petersburg, Va. Geo. Washington, Petersburg, Va. Article. Scrap lumber Load and box scrap lumber. Scrap lumber do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...-do .-...do Box scrap iumber. . Load scrap lumber. .do. -do. Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. do ....do Scrap lumber '.'.'.'.do'.'.'.'.'.'.'."'.'.'.'. ....do do Load scrap lumber. do do Scrap lumber l!;!!do!!!!!!!ii!!!l ....do Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. do Scrap lumber '.'..'.'.do'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. do Load scrap lumber. do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. Box scrap lumber. . Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber .'.'.'.'.do'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. do Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber do do Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber do Load scrap lumber. do do do do Scrap lumber do .do. 372 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4S01 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4S38 4S39 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4S45 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4S60 4851 4862 4S63 Date of sale. May 15, 1919. ..-■.do ....do do do do do do Mav 17, 1919.. ...".do -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Mav 19, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .....do ....do .....do do .....do ....do do ....do do do May 20, 1919. do do do do do do do Mar 21, 1919. ....:do do do do do do do do do do do do do .....do .....do Name and address of buyer. T. J. Pnrtain, Petersburg, Va... R. L. Boyd, retersburg, Va C. C. Thomas, Petersburg, Va... Chas. Crockett, Petersburg, Va.. E. A. Penide. Petersburg, Va... R. L. Boyd, Petersbiurg, Va R. Warren, Petersburg, Va A. JePEa, Petersburg, Va E. A. Perdue, Petersburg, Va... Geo. Wasliington, Petersburg, Va. W. E. Wells, Petersburg, Va .T. A. Taylor, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va John Banks, Petersburg, Va C. L. English, Petersburg, Va... Eng. Blow, Petersburg, Va H. II. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. L. D. Archer, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va F. Hawkins, Petersburg, Va N. B. Munson, Petersburg, Va.. C. R. Kelly, Petersburg, Va I. Green, Petersburg, Va Chas. Hawkins, Petersburg, Va. . Cotton Motor Co., Petersburg, Va. Wm. Rovcrson, Petersburg, Va. Cha . Harris, Pet ersburg, Va Geo- Washington, Petersburg.Va Kent Furniture Co., Petersburg, Va. Lewis Worsham, Petersburg.Va R. Oalauche, Petersburg, Va Thos. Wynn, Petersburg, Va. . . R. Goode, Petersburg, Va K. Summerford, Petersburg, Va. Robt. Warum, Petersburg, Va.. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va R. Norris, Petersbiu-g, Va L. Myers, Petersbiu-g, Va Herbert Cutter, Petersburg.Va.. H. Summerford, Petersburg, Va . P. Caustonj Petorsburg,A'a. . R. M. Perkms, Petersburg, Va N. B. Munson, Petersburg, Va... Eugene Bloimt, Petersburg, Va . Wm. Blann, Petersburg, Va John Robertson, Petersourg.Va . E.J. Graves, Petersburg, Va Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va Wm. Dyer, Petersburg, Va Thomas Day, Petersbiu-g Va Wm. Blarm, Petersburg, Va W. A. Morring, Petersburg, Va.. . J. Bowles, Petersburg, Va L. H. Bullock, Petersburg, Va. . . L.Canston, Petersburg, Va Oliver Sims, Petersburg, Va M^ U. Temple, Petersbiu-g, Va. .. Cotton Motor, Petersburg, Va. .. T. M. Temple, Petersburg, Vsl. . . . Gresham H.Ware, Peters biu-g, Va. Frank Serba, Petersburg, Va Joseph Sebera, Petersburg, Va... W. A. Mroming, Petersburg, Va . Joseph Sebera, Petersburg.Va. . . Sam Dillard, Petersburg. \ a Andy Chormack, Petersburg.Va. E. J. Crowers, Petersburg, Va John Cebula, Petersbur|;, Va R. Goode, Petersburg. ^ a John Myenne, PetersDurg, Va. . . Article. J. T. W>Tine, Petersbiu-g, \'a. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va Thomas Wynne,Petersburg, Va. I. A. Pavenport,Petersburg',Va. . L. A. Bolick, Petersburg, Va J. R. Brooks, Petersburg, Va P. Cuartain, Petersburg, Va Scsap lumber. T Box scrap lumber. . Scrap lumber .....do do Load scrap lumber. Scrap luinber '.V^do'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.V. .....do do Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber '"/Aoy/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Load scrap lumber. Scrap lumber !!!!do;;!;!]!!!;!!""""!!!! .....do do Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber and old benches. Scrap lumber , Load scrap lumber. Scrap limiber ^VAo'.'.'.'.'.'.. '.'.'.'.'.'. do Load scrap lumber do do do do Load scrap lumber and box . . Load scrap lumber do Box scrap lumber Load scrap lumber and doors . . Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber Load scrap lumber, screen door. Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber do do .do. Door and load scrap lumber. . . Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber ...do do Load scrap lumber and box. . . Load scrap lumber do Wire Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber , !!;;!do!]!!!!!;!;;;;!]!!!!!!;!; Load scrap lumber SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAP. DEPARTMENT. 373 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4898 4899 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4938 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 May 21, 1919. do do ....do ....do , ....do ....do , ....do ....do , ....do ....do ....do , ....do ....do ....do ....do , ....do ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. do , do , do do do , do , do ....do ....do do ....do do do do do , do .....do do do , do do June 4, 1919. do -do. May 2, 1919. ....do do May 6, 1919.. May 19, 1919. May 20, 1919. ....do May 21, 1919. do May 22, 1919. May 26, 1919. June 2, 1919. June 3, 1919. June 4, 1919. June 5, 1919. do do June 6, 1919. do Mar. 3, 1919. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va E. Williams, Petersburg, Va I. B. Lane, Petersburg, Va L. Breakwell, Petersburg, Va S. Dlllard, Petersburg, Va K. Smith, Petersburg, Va I. B. Lane, Petersburg^ Va W. Irvin, Petersburg, Va P. Courton, Petersburg, Va Robt. Warren, Petersburg, Va. . . L. H. Bollick, Petersburg, Va C. H. Clark, Petersburg, Va L. A. Davenport, Petersburg, Va . L. H. Bollick, Petersburg Va. . . . F. H. Norris, Petersburg, Va Robt. Warren, Petersburg, Va. . . W. T. Wilerman, Petersburg, Va. John Robertson, Petersburg, Va. Sam Dillard, Petersburg, Va Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va John Royal, Petersburg, Va Fred Hawkmgs, Petersburg, Va . John Royal, Petersburg, Va Richard Coak, Petersburg, Va. . . Wm. Bloom, Petersburg, Va P. Robertson, Petersburg, Va A. F. Wilson, Petersburg, Va The Thomas Co.,Petersburg,Va. W. M. Bloom, Petersburg, Va F. HawMns, Petersburg. Va T. A. Hunt, Petersburg, Va The Thomas Co., Petersburg, Va. H. Culbem, PetersbiKg, Va C. Purtan, Petersburg, Va Robt. Warren, Peters Durg, Va. . . %!. Myers, Petersburg, Va , Hill Olley, Petersburg, Va W. M. Henry, Petersburg, Va D. P. Bass, Petersburg, Va J. W. Moore. Petersburg, Va Joe Peski, Petersburg, va W. M. Henry, Petersburg, Va Wm. Merely, Petersburg, Va Willie Cook, Petersburg, Va B . Smith, Petersburg, Va D. P. Bass, Petersburg, Va Fred Haw, Petersburg, Va W. A. Mouriag, Petersburg, Va. , W. F. Keams Co., Boston,Mass. . Curtis & Pope Lumber Co., Bos- ton^ Mass. Condit Electric Manufacturing Co., South Boston, Mass. J. W. Plemous, Waco,Tex Geo. Myrarcik, Waco, Tex R. R. Garrett, Waco, Tex G. W. Brown, Waco, Tex T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex W. H. Gilbert, Waco, Tex Robert Jordan, Augusta, Ga Mrs. G. N. Gordan, Augusta, Ga J. C. Grimand, Augusta, Ga T. L. Howard, Augusta, Ga. . . V. F. Matthews, Augusta, Ga. Mar. 11, 1919.. Laura Jones, Augusta, Ga Peoples Oil Co., Augusta. Ga. . . G. A. Fincher, Charlotte, N. C Soloman Carious, Charlotte, N. C Sam Fowell, Charlotte, N. C J. A. Groom, Charlotte, N. C Julious Vance, Charlotte, N. C. . Soloman Carious, Charlotte, N. C. Standard Sanitary Manufactur- ing Co., Cokunbus, Ohio. White Construction Co., Canton, Ohio. Load scrap lumber Scrap lumber , Load scrap lumber , Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber , do do Scrap lumber , Load scrap lumber , do , Scrap lumber , :;;;;do!;!!;;;!!!!"!!!!!;!!;; do do , Load scrap lumber Load scrap lumber and other lumber. Load scrap lumber , do , .....do Scrap lumber , .\V.do]""'.'.'.'.'.\'."'.""\\" do Load scrap lumber do Load scrap lumber and other lumber. Load scrap lumber do Scrap lumber Load scrap lumber do do .....do Box scrap lumber Load scrap lumber , Scrap lumber and load lumber . Scrap lumber :;!!!do!!!!;!!!;!!!;;!]!!!:::;: do Load scrap lumber Scrap luinber ;;"!do!!;!!;!!!!";!!!!;;;!;;: do Load scrap lumber Ship carpenters' axes, long- handled axes. Spruce lumber Miscellaneous second-hand electrical equipment. Junk sewer pipe Small buildmg in C. Q. M. yard Army range (condemned) Cedar posts Barrels and lot of junk wire.. Pile of Junk scrap Iron Wood, shacks, sash, doors, cans, etc. Salvaged lumber Wood, shacks, brick, chairs, screen doors. Lumber, shacks, brick Wood, shacks, screen scrap wire. Wood, cotton blanket (used).. Salvaged lumber Scrap Iron, Whell sprayer Table, singletrees, salvaged scrap iron, scrap canvas. Lot scrap canvas Spoons i Scrap iron Screen doors Range boilerfi, pig lead, oakum, and dry oakum. Nails $0.75 10.00 1.50 10.00 1.50 1.50 1.60 10.00 .75 .75 10.90 15.00 15.00 30.73 11.43 .75 6.50 .75 4.75 .75 10.00 10.00 2.00 5.30 .75 .75 6.50 .75 .75 10.00 6.50 1.50 .75 .75 .75 1.20 ■ .75 13.80 17.55 7.50 10.00 23.00 .75 1.50 1.50 18.00 6.60 1.50 55.80 1,074.88 500.00 1.00 8.00 26.00 6.20 6.00 6.00 17.50 100.00 24.25 81.65 29.00 6.00 58.64 10.00 4.25 2.25 4.26 16.00 1.50 3,435.44 1,463.10 374 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 14, 1910 Mar. 21,1919.... ....do Apr. 5, 1919 Apr. 9, 1919 Apr. 11, 1919.... Mays, 1919 .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ....do ....do ....do ....do ...;do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do , .do. -do. -do. -do. do do do do , June 4, 1919. . . June 7, 1919. do Name and address of buyer. White Construction Co., Canton, Ohio. Burtalo House Wrecking Co., BiilTalo, N. Y. The Ohio Wrecking Co., Toledo, Ohio. Clark Bro. Co., Plymouth. Ohio. Edward Ryan, Springfield, Oliio. Home Telephone Co. , Chillicothe, Ohio. Arthur McMullenCo., Pliiladel- phia, Pa. John Williams, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Q. Comiusky, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Leonard McNish, Philadelphia, Pa. Frank Torrela, Pliiladelphia, Pa. John Williams, Philadelphia, Pa. S. .\mtonelli, Pliiladelpliia, Pa.. D. -Vssi, Philadelphia, Pa Frank Baymelster, Philadel- phia, Pa. A. Bernard, Philadelphia, Pa... Frank Bellini, Philadelpliia, Pa. Pat. Barry, Philadelphia, Pa.... P. Barry, Philadelphia, Pa C. B. Boreles, Philadelphia, Pa. H. Cramer, Philadelpliia, Pa Q. Cominsky, Philadelphia, Pa. F. Cai>accilibn, Philadelphia, Pa. Tony Cuculin, Philadelphia, Pa. C. Cardeni, Pliiladelphia, Pa S. D'.Vpollo, Pliiladelphia, Pa... C. Totrliala, Pliiladelphia, Pa.... S. D. Francisco, Pliiladelphia, Pa. P. L. TlalTner, Philadelpliia, Pa. M. Jrossi, Philadelphia, Pa Frank Leless, Pliiladelphia, Pa. N. Marcello. Philadelphia, Pa. .. M. Mas.'^aro, Philadelphia^ Pa... Chas. Marker, Pluladelpliia, Pa. Frank Moran, Pliiladelphia, Pa. G. Morrow. Philadelphia, Pa.... Nick Pencano, Philadelphia, Pa. R. Peaco, Pluladelpliia, Pa. F. Rhodes, Pliiladelphia, Pa Harry Ross, Philadelphia, Pa... Frank Tutolo, Philadelphia, Pa. L. Renzelli, Philadelphia, Pa... L. Richardson, Pliilaaelphia, Pa. D. Rossi, Pliiladelpliia, Pa Joe Schroff, Pliiladelphia, Pa Jas. Stosatis, Philadelphia, Pa.. J. Valatis, Philadelphia, Pa Jay While, Pliiladelphia, Pa Frank Wliite, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. Joe Wliite, Pliiladelpliia, Pa John Williams, Philadelpliia, Pa. Joe -VmVirose, Philadelphia, Pa.. Harry Baldina, Philadelpliia, Pa Q. Cominsky, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas Detro, Pliiladelphia, Pa. Tony Permaro, Pliiladelphia, Pa P. L. Hoffner, Pliiladelphia. Pa. Oscar Jackson, Philadelpliia, Pa. J. Morris, Philadelphia, Pa Lawrence, Maxwell, Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Stone, Pliiladelphia, Pa La'RTence Maxwell, Philadel- pliia, Pa. Jos. Popka, Philadelphia, Pa Myer Thoreu, Pliiladelphia, Pa. Mr. Maiminc. Pliiladelphia, Pa. C. Peters, Pliiladelphia, Pa N. J. Neall, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Southern Clay Manufacturing Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. John Parks, Chattanooga, Tonn Article. Nails, long-handled shovels . . . Wall board, garage doors, screen doors. Doors, sash Commissary supplies Wheeled scrapers, long- handled shovels, tarpaulins, 3-ply rootling, furnace, re- friserator. Northern white cedar poles Temporary wooden building. . Piles of butts. Scrap lumber . .do. .do: .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., -do., .do., -do., .do., .do., .do-. .do., .do.. do .""do'.'."""'.'.'.'."'."'.'."'.] do Closet bowl, low-down tank, seat, and room heater. Concrete mixers Blacksmiths tools, plumbing equipment, etc. Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 375 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 7, 1919. ....do ....do June 6, 1919.. June 9, 1919. . June 10, 1919. ....do ....do ...do ....do ....do June 11, 1919. ....do ....do ....do June 12, 1919. May 14, 1919. June 9, 1919. ....do Mar. 3, 1919. . May 14, 1919. June 16, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. .do.. do do June 11, 1919. do May 31, 1919. do , do G. B. Stophan.'^on, Ros.sville, Ga. I. W. Merrill, Chattanooga, Tenn. John Parks, Chattanooga, Tenn. Solomon Carious^ Charlotte , N . C. Toomey Phimbing & Ilcating Co., Oharlotto, N. C. John Hatch, Charlotte, N. C E. B. Littlefield, Charlotte, N.C. W. G. Home, Charlotte, N. C. . . John Hart, Charlotte, N.C D. C. Courtney, Charlotte, N. C. Soloman Carlou.s, Charlotte, N. C. Bob Phifer, Charlotte, N. C M. T. Candle, Charlotte, N. C. . . W. PI. Stillwell, Charlotte, N. C. W. H. Froelan,Charlotte,N.C... C. Williams, Charlotte, N. C. . . . Department of Commerce, Bu- reau of Standards. Sylvan Bros., Columbia, S. C . . . Epworth Orphanage, Columbia, S. C. E. D. Foster, Spartanburg, S. C. Chas. G. Kriel, Baltimore, Md. . L. Renzelli, Philadelphia, Pa... J. Williams, Pliiladelphia, Pa... C. Judliiss, Philadelphia, Pa J. Sewell, Philadelphia, Pa L. Renzelli, Philadelphia, Pa... J. Williams, Philadelphia, pa. .. Wm. Alcorn, Philadelphia. Pa.. C. Judkiss, Philadelphia. Pa N. Ryan, JPhlladelphia, Pa V. Taite, Philadelphia, Pa L. Pelter, Philadelphia, Pa L. Renzelli, Philadelphia, Pa. . . C. Richardson, Philadelphia, Pa. J. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa... R. Peace, Philadelphia, Pa n. Tarte, Philadelphia, Pa B. Acker, Philadelphia, Pa D. Rossi, Philadelphia, Pa John Sewell, Philadelphia, Pa. . J. De Santo, Philadelphia, Pa. . W. L. Bayuhass, Philadelphia, Pa. N. Ryan, Philadelphia, Pa N. Greenfield, Philadelphia, Pa. M. Jerrett, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . C. Judkiss, Philadelphia, Pa John Johannas, Philadelphia, Pa L. Pelter, Philadelphia, Pa P. Allegro, Philadelphia, Pa T. Keenan, Philadelphia, Pa J. Poskey, Pliiladelphia, Pa D. Mones, Philadelphia, Pa R. Ziegler, Philadelphia, Pa Wm. Alcorn, Philadelphia, Pa.. Sam Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa . Wm. Dukes, Philadelphia, Pa. . L. Maxwell, Philadelphia, Pa... J. Caruso, Philadelphia, Pa. . M. L. Bird, Philadelphia, Pa. G. L. Merick, Boston, Mass. . W. F. KeamsCo., Boston, Mass Wm. Kerr, Prescott, Ariz. Vyne Bros., Prescott, Ariz. C. H. Jonas, Prescott, Ariz. Stack scrap lumber 10-ton, 3- wheel roller, Kelly- Springfield. Tarpaulins, trucks, pump, small tools. Tumblers Sinks Tables Refrigerator and cane Refrigerators Chairs Miscellaneous dishes Work cabinets Tables Refrigerator ....do Refrigerators Dresser and tables Rotary converter with control panel and battery-charging panels. Scrap lumber 15" terra- cotta pipe 3x5 black iron tank.. Commissary supplies. Pile butts ....do ....do do Scrap lumber .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Ed. Kiehl, Prescott, Ariz. Miscellaneous pohtographic supplies. Miscellaneous tools, including iron blocks, press, nails, scales, drills, jack screws, punches, benders, buggies, pumps, forges, etc. 4 X 12 X 12 hollow tile Roofing cement asphaltum . . . Single-switch boxes Common Oregon fir strips 1 X 4 No. 3 clear T. & G. fir flooring. 1x4 No. 3 clear Oregon T. & G. fir flooring. do $5.00 1,750.00 646.90 1.00 25.00 1.50 20.25 60.00 1.10 4.75 .50 2.50 20.00 20.00 80.00 4.50 1,200.00 65.00 569.25 50.00 961.29 14.25 3.75 .75 .75 19.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 207.00 42.00 15.00 27.00 42.00 27.00 12.00 10.50 1.50 1.50 7.50 ■ 1.50 4.50 3.00 1.50 10.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.50 3.00 1.50 10.00 35.00 3.00 3.00 135.00 5, 645. 48 55.00 25.75 12.25 8.01 21.00 17.50 140.00 S76 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 31, 1919... do ....do June 10. 1919... June 11, 1919. May 12, 19.... Wilbur E. Scott, Prescott, Ariz. C. H. Jonas, Prescott, Ariz .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do.. ...d*:. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do May 7, 1919. Apr. 21, 19.. Apr. 18, 1919.... Apr. 26, 1919 Apr. 30, 1919... Mays, 1919.. do Mays, 1919.. May 21, 1919 do May 23, 1919 May 29, 1919, June 7, 1919. ...do.. .do. .do. Scott C. Yeager, Alexandria, La. C. F. Myers, Hattiesburg, Miss. . Juan Jiminez Sanri, Caguas, P. R. Mateo Arraco, Cayey, P. R Andres Suslro. Caguas, P. R — Andres Rodriguez, San Juan, P. R. Manuel Lopez Diaz, San Juan, P. R. Andres Rodriguez, San Juan, H. B. Brown, San Juan, P. R... Andres Rodriguez, San Juan, P. R. Eduardo G. Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Nicolas Figuerola, Caguas, P. R. Manuel Lopez Diaz, San Juan, P. R. Nicolas Figuerola, Caguas, P. R. Ramon Varas, Santurce, P. R... Rafael Maldonado, San Juan, P. R. Julio B. Capifali, San Juan, P. R. Jose A. Rexach, Santurce, P. R. A. S. Walley, Redwood City, Calif. Wm. J. Cress, Campbell, Calif. . . W. W. Ashe, Redwood City, Calif. P. J. Paterson, Palo Alto, Calif. J. O'Connor, San Francisco, Calif. F. Carter, Palo Alto, Calif W. W. Ashe, Redwood City, Calif. W. H. Ketchum, Palo Alto, CaUf E. F. Oswald, Palo Alto, CaUf . . R. E. Mead, Palo Alto, Calif.... New York State Fair Commis- sion, New York. H. W. McKean, Precsott, Ariz. . . C. H. Jonas, Prescott, Ariz. June 14, 1919. do do Apr. 14, 1919. June 16, 1919. do do........ -do .do .do -do Games Marchello, Prescott, Ariz. Board of Supervisors, Yavapai County, Prescott, Ariz. Dreshman Paving Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. E. H. WUson & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. R. R. Lewis, Philadelphia, Pa.. W. A. Schultz, Dumont, N. J.. . H. H. Griffith, Charlotte, N. C H. Alexander, Charlotte, N. C... Soloman Carious, Charlotte, N. C. Sam Fewell, Charlotte, N. C G. J. KeUer, Charlotte, N. C W. H. Freeland, Charlotte, N. C. O. E. easier, Charlotte, N. C... 4 X 12 X 12 hollow tile 1x4 No. 3 clear Oregon T. & G, flooring. 1x3 maple flooring Hog wire fencing, barbed wire, and small temporary build- ings. All buildings and tent frames located at rifle range " A." Mess hall, 20 x 144' ....do Lavatory, 20 x 49'. Lavatory, 20 x 28'. Lavatory, 20 x 49'. ....do Post-office building, 40 x lOS'. Infirmary, 24 x 96' Liberty amphitheater. Tent floors, 16x16'. do do do Tent floors, 9x9'. .do. Camp bakery, complete . Tent platforins Mess hall, toilet, and latrines. Platforms Tent platforms, windows, doors, toilot. Tent platforms Balance due on pipe, as per contract of Mar. 28, 1919. Firewood Tent platforms Utilities bathhouse Utilities warehouse Tent platforms Gasohne pump and tank. 6x12x12 hollow tile building, new. 4 X 12 X 12 hollow building tile. 2x4 and 2 x 10 No. 1 common O. P., secondhand; 1x6 No. 1 common P. P., secondhand; 1x4 No. 3 clear T. & G. flooring,new; 2 x 10 No. 1 common O. P., second- hand. 6 X 12 x 12 hollow building tile, new. 2x4 and 2x12 No. 1 common O. P. secondhand form lum- ber. Cars of pile butts Load of pUe butts. Car loads pile butts Scrap lumoer and lot damaged tUe and brick. Refrigerator do Desk, table, and chair DrUl, rod range, lot of tallow, lot of scrap canvas. Camp refrigerator and range... Flytraps and buckets Paper weights, moistener, arch rule. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 377 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 16, 1919... do June 18, 1919 . . . ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do do June 16, 1919 June 12, 1919 June 10, 1919 Junes, 1919. June 2, 1919. June 6, 1919. do June 18, 1919. do June 19, 1919. June 10, 1919. June 12, 1919. June?, 1919.. May 15, 1919.. May 16, 1919.. June 14, 1919. do do do do June 21, 1919. do do do do do do do do June 20, 1919.. do ....do ....do .do. June 21, 1919 .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do. .do. Not known J. M. Horner, Charlotte, N. C. J. R. Alexander, Charlotte, N. C J. C. Preston, Charlotte, ^^. C. J. C. Horner, Charlotte, N. C... Sam Fewell, Charlotte, N. C... H. G. Harvey, Charlotte, N. 0. W. L. Kindley, Charlotte. N. C. Mrs. Garrison, Charlotte, N. C. W. T. Gilbert, Charlotte, N. C. J. G. Bingham, Charlotte, N. C Nick Sloan, Charlotte, N. C S. Y. Yandle, Charlotte, N. C, Charlotte Scale & Fixery Co., North Carolina. Tom Oormly, Charlotte, N. C, J. K. Wolf, Charlotte, N. C. Battery refrigerator and re- frigerators. Range and stove Refngerator , do Company refrigerator Miscellaneous spoons and rags. Company refrigerator do Battery refrigerator Refrigerators , . . . Ice box Refrigerator .do. Sam Fewell, Charlotte, N. 'C F. B. Bradshaw, Suffolk, Va... A. Neilson, Suffolk, Va Baltimore Welding Co., Suffolk, J. L. McCoy, Suffolk, Va J. G. Wilhams, Suffolk, Va , Burwell Riddick, Suffolk, Va.., Lemuel J. Clark, Town of Ged- des, N. Y. General Engineering Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. City of Raleigh, N. C J. A. MedUn, Raleigh, N. C F. L. McCullers, Raleigh, N. C. Town of Southern Pines, N. C. J. R. Watson, Raleigh. N. C... W. F. Ford, Raleigh, N. C H. D. White, jr., Raleigh, N. C. M. Reichman & Sons, Newark, N.J. John J. Sweeney, Prescott, Ariz. C. H. Jonas, Prescott, Ariz Albert Bosley, Prescott, Ariz C. H. Jonas, Prescott, Ariz Dan Seidel, Prescott, Ariz F. S. Robinson, Charlotte, N. C. L. W. Patton. Charlotte, N. C. Nick Sloan, Charlotte, N . C H. L. Chappell, Charlotte, N. C. E. C. Fahs, Charlotte, N. C E. A. Ham, Charlotte, N. C Soloman Carious, Charlotte, N. C, M. F. Stinett, Charlotte, N. C... John Webber, Charlotte, N. C... Max E. Steam, Norfolk, Va F. E. LaSalle, Norfolk, Va Battery refrigerators^ refriger- ators, buckets, drain board. Ice box , Benches Leather gloves, canvas gloves, lot of rags. Sash and doors, scrap lumber. , Buildings, No. 2 barracks, Portsmouth. Desks and chairs Desk, chairs, and transfer case. Table, axe, shovel Wheelbarrows, R. P. shovels, scrap roofing. 8" gal vanized-iron pipe Entire camp, exclusive of stor- age area. Lot of gravel Scrap lumber Gas tank and pump, damaged. Lot scrap wire Pistol, S. & W. .38cal do Extension drop electric lights. Miscellaneous steel rail B. W. Bonas, Norfolk, Va. L.J. Kind, Norfolk, Va... do June 18, 1919. Jan. 21, 1919.. Leonards Home Bakery, Nor- folk, Va. G. A. Fincher, Charlotte, N. C. . R. L. Norman, Charlotte, N. C.. Mrs. W. C. King, Charlotte, N. C. Sam Tewell, Charlotte, N. C William Perry, Charlotte, N. C. . Soloman Carious, Charlotte. N. C. J. D. Albright, Charlotte, N.C... J. C. Homei, Charlotte, N. C... Presbyterian Hospital, Char- lotts, N. C. Sam Fewell, Charlotte, N. C J. B. Penland, Columbia, S. C... B. Pizzimenti, Woodbury, N. J. 6 X 12 X 12 hollow new tile Common fir S. H. lumber 4 X 12 X 12 hollow new building tile. No. 1 common fir S. H. lumber. do Garden hose Stove Range Table and bench Refrigerator and stove Ice box Cement, lot scrap Ivuuber, and crude oil. Tables Stove Commissary cash registers Low-down closet bowl, flange broken; and vitie low-down tank, no cover and cracked. Scrap lumber Scrap lumber; scrap pipe, short pieces; damaged ce- ment cover. Cash register Collars and pad Refrigerator Tubs Lot of rags Refrigerator Awning and flour bin Company refrigerators, bat- talion refrigerators, camp refrigerator. Stove Camp refrigerator Scrap iron and rags. Spinach 2J' pipe $95.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 60.00 1.00 65.00 65.00 50.00 100.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 101.00 3.00 .45 2.50 137. 50 500.00 67.00 46.00 11.00 20.00 1,500.00 66,000.00 13.50 10.00 160.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 4,644.36 336.00 118. 08 50.00 68.65 79.46 2.05 3.00 30.00 1.25 22.00 3.50 4.75 LOO 12. EG 940.00 6.00 30.00 97.11 90.00 15.90 20.00 .60 1.00 25.00 5.00 2,245.00 5.00 175.00 2.00 25.00 2.50 378 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Jan. 23, 1919.. Jan. 31, 1919.. Feb. 18, 1919.. Feb. 26, 1919.. Feb. 28, 1919.. Jan. 22, 1919.. Feb. 28, 1919. . Feb.^4, 1919. . Feb. 28, 1919.. do do Nov. 18, 1918. Feb. 24, 1919. do Feb. 4, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. do .do... .do... do Feb. 25, 1919. Feb. 28, 1919. do do do do June 26, 1919. do May 9, 1919. . . May 19, 1919. May 22, 1919. . Jume3,1919... June 10, 1919. Junes, 1919.. June 2, 1919.. June 7, 1919.. do June 14, 1919. June 2, 1919 June 13,1919.... Junes, 1919 June 13, 1919... June 16, 1919... June 21. 1919... do do '..... Apr. 23, 1919. May 21, 1919. Name and address of buyer. C. P. Budd, Woodbury, N. J... A. Bradshaw, Woodbury, N. J. C. Magowan, Woodbury, N. J.. C. P. Budd, Woodbury, N. J... F. D. Hall, Woodbury, N. J Emergency Fleet, Philadelphia, Pa. C. H. Magowan, Woodbury, N. J. ....do ....do Wm. Whitehead, Woodburv, N.J. J. L. Black, Woodbury, N. J.... Emergency Fleet, Philadelphia, Pa F. d'. Hall, Woodbury, N. J MacAndrew Forbes Co., Wood- bury, N. J. General Hospital No. 7, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. F. D. Hall, Woodbury, N. J MacAndrew Forbes Co., Wood- bury, N. J. T. Fleming, Pitman, N.J M. Brooks, Woodbury, N. J MacAndrew Forbes, Woodbury, N.J. T. Fleming, Pitman, N. J Bruno Pizzimenti, Pitman, N. J M. Coles, Woodbury, N.J Mr. Bradshaw, Woodbm-y, N. J Verga Church, Woodbury, N.J T. C. Fleming, Pitman, N. J.... Wolf & Ewlng Construction Co., Miami, Fla. S. G. Merrick & Son Co., Cocoa- nut Grove. Fla. Herman EUis, Perth Amboy, N.J. Highland Park Borough, High- land Park, N. J. Snare & Triest Co., W. 40th St., New York City. Herman EUis, Perth Amboy, N.J. -do. Apr. 8,1919. W. T. CampbeU, Metuchen, N. J. C. M. Peterson & Co., Perth Amboy, N.J. Joe Hock, Raritan Arsenal, N.J., Tom Laherty, Raritan Arsenal N.J. Herman Ellis, Perth Amboy, N.J. Thos. Groholsky, Bonhamto\vn, N.J. Tom. Grassholsky, Raritan Ar- senal, N. J. Lake Coal Co., Perth Amboy, N.J. L. C. Harry Co., Perth Ambov, N.J. Joe Cubiack, Raritan Arsenal, N.J. Prescott Lumber Co., Prescott, Ariz. W. H. Cox, Prescott, Ariz Article. A. Bosley, Prescott, Ariz Wm. Beck, Englewood, N. J J. A. Crisneld Co., Charleston, S. C. McGrady Bros. & Cheves, Charleston, S. C. Anchors Paint Blocks Drift pins, bo'.ts and nuts, tumbuckles. Lumber flooring , Lantern globes, wa'shers Yellow pine, plaster. Metal lath Yellow pine Scrap lumber Gray paint Liunber, hemlock and pine. Bolts and washers Yellow pine, red lead. Asbestos pipe covering Lumber Stucco wire. Saw table 7i-horsepower electric motor "(worn). Piunp, hose, guides, dies, etc. . Saw table, S. H. gas engine, G-horsepower second-hand gas engine. Trtnch jacks Old concrete buckets Old paint brushes Lumber, doors, nails, wire cloth, rubberoid, bricks, ce- ment, lime. Sheathing (random lengths).. Siding, sheathing, and lumber .do. Scrap iron, rope, wheelbar- rows, wooden horses. E. C. George 3" diaphragm pump. 4 cylinder dump cars (second- hand). Secondhand wheelbarrows, secondhand wooden horses, yellow pine and fir. G. T. industrial rail PHe secondhand lumber Secondhand Imnber Small shed Piles long wood . Scrap iron, lumber, switch, wheelbarrows, Industrial rail, new lumber. Pile secondhand lumber Scrap lumber and wood. Bolts (partly rusty), 8" hinges (rusty). Industrial 6' ties, secondhand Small pile scrap lumber Asphaltum 1x4x4 lumber, secondhand form. 4 X 12 X 12 new hoUow build- ing tile. Scrap cast and wrought iron. . 50O-kilowatt transformers, oil containers. Creosoted piling. . . , Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 379 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 8, 1919 . Junes, 1919.. do May 15,1919.. May 23,1919.. Apr. 11, 1919.. June 18, 1919. June 25, 1919.. June 23, 1919.. do do do do do do do do May 26, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do... ..do... do do do July 20,1919. May 7, 1919.. May 17, 1919. Superintendent of lighthouses, Charleston, S. C. Southern Clay Mfg. Co., Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Walter E. Mills, Chattanooga, Tenn. Hull, Gripper & Co., 306 3d Ave., New York City. Peter Garcen, Hempstead, L.I. . Frank Pew, Hunnington, L. I.. Wm. D. Hendrickson, Spring- field Garden, N. Y. Benjamin Engle, Mineola, L. I.. F. J. Mague, Big Bethel, Hamp- ton, Va. Thomas Bailey, Big Bethel, Hampton, Va. W. E. Wilson, Big Bethel, Hampton, Va. Jesse Day, Big Bethel, Hamp- ton, Va. Messrs. Kelly & Constable, Hampton, Va. Moses Russell, Big Bethel, Hampton, Va. Luther Hunt, Odd, Va J. A. Waimight, Poquoson, York County, Va. H. W. Clapp, Big Bethel, Hamp- ton, Va. Pedro Quintana, Cayey, P. R... Eduardo Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Ventura Lama, Manati, P. R. . . Ramon Varas, Santuree, P. R... Francisco Nunez, San Juan, P. R. Eduardo Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Calso Caballero, San Juan, P. R. John W. Mills, Santuree, P. R . . . Julio Capifalli, San Juan, P. R. . Pedro Quintana, Cayej;, P. R... Department of interior, San Juan, P. R. F. B. Hatch, San Juan, P. R John W. Mills, Santuree, P. R.. Eduardo Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Bartolome Jaca, San Juair P. R. George Spain, San Juan, P. R... Eduardo Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Sucrs. de J. CleviUe, Arecibo, P. R. Eduardo Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Francisco Nimez, San Juan, P. R. Ventura Lama, Manati, P. R. . . Eduardo Gonzales, San Juan, H. H. Scoville, San Juan, P. R. . Francisco Nunez, San Juan, P. R. Ventura Lama, Manati, P. R Maladonado & Co., San Juan, P. R. Celso Caballero, San Juan, P. R. Eduardo Gonzalez, San Juan, P. R. Ventura Lama, Manati, P. R. . . Bartolome Jaca, San Juan, P. R.. George Spain, San Juan, P. R... Phoebus Foundry Corporation, Big Bethel, Hampton, Va. J. W. Polcare, Los Angeles, CaUf. F. E. Newberry Electric Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Creosoted piling, yellow pine.. Kitchen utensils and equip- ment. Southern Queen range Bolts, i" washers. Plaster board, tarred felt Plaster board, 2-ply roofing, tarred felt. 2-ply roofing Lumber , Small miscellaneous buildings. Building (bunk house "C")... StableNo.2 Small extension mess hall Bunk house "E" do.. : Bunk house " B " Building (stable No. 1, com- plete). Large commissary Lot pipe (cement and terra cotta). Lumber and scrap material . . . Lot of scrap iron, paper asbes- tos, plaster. Shutters Iron heater and tent platforms. Motor starter Oil switches Lot of pipe and fittings. Toilet and connections. . do 6" pipe 4" pipe Lot electric wire. Pipe, 18' long Toilets and parts Lot pipe, galvanized iron Transformers, lot electrical material. Lot electrical material .do. Lot scrap pipe do Lot pipe fittings; condulated fittings. Boilers , galvanized iron do Boiler and heater, used, lot paper plaster. Kitchen sinks Lot pipe, cast-iron Lot lamp cord and boxes and electric wire. Lot lamp shades Lot pipe, 3" Lot pipe, 4" Scrap Iron pipe Cement, 8d nails Electrical equipment. SI, 193. 27 230.00 25.00 137. 10 90.00 81.50 30.00 15.00 280.00 110.00 175.00 75.00 110.00 110.00 135.00 200.00 350.00 90.00 33.00 78.00 157. 50 40.00 12.50 12.00 54.56 9.75 65.00 119. 50 50.00 14.50 7.20 3,900.00 300.00 239.00 60.00 45.00 10.00 21.00 56.00 387.50 397.50 53.00 133.00 250.00 312.00 10.00 135. 00 85.00 1,650.00 88.96 645.26 380 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Junes, 1919 June 25, 1919 May 27, 1919 May 15,1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. . . .do. . ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. .do. -do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. J. B. Dusenbury, Nanticoke, Pa. Chas. F. Hart, New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Wm. A. rottOo., Baltimore, Md. R. C. Wice. Houston, Tex J. C. Dodds, Houston, Tex A. Townslev, Houston, Te.x — Kossiter & leaner, 1 louston, Tex. Sam Listi, Houstou, Te.x .v. P. McConnico, Houston, Tex, Sam Listi, Houston, Tex W. T. Hiokey, Houston, Tex J. W. Missiui:, Houston, Tex J. h. Tresswood, Houston, Tex.. U. J. Turner, Houstou, Tex F. Burkhnrdt, Houston, Tex.... S. (.). liower, Houston, Tex 1'. Wilson, llouston, Tex J. W. Horton, Houston, Tex W. 11. Noble, Houstou, Tex Wm. Hutohinson, Houston, Tex, Horton & Hortou, Houston, Tex, Geo. T. Brown, Houston, Tex... K. M. Domielly, Houstou, Tex.. Wm. Uutolilnson, Houston, Tex, W^ E. Meyer, Houstou, Tex A. C. Cliristinn, Houston, Tex. Ilemy Tiu'ner, Houstou, Tex. . U. L. Pheuia, Houston, Tex. . Mi's. J. L. Hay, Houston, Tex. . . Mrs. Jose IHvion, Houston, Tex. K. C. Simon, Houstou, Tex C. F. Tranov, Houston, Tex 11. L. Davis, Houston, Tex Wni. Freckman, Houston, Tex. J. Shrubar, Houston, Tex , R. J. Turner, Houston, Tex. L. Cratona, Houston, Tex... A. McGinty, Houston, Tex. W. Urbanec, Houston, Tex. C. Thomas, Houston, Tex.. \Vm, Smitli, Houston, Tex. J. A. Ragsdale, Houston, Tex. . . A. L. Thompson, Houston, Tex. S. L. Stantield, Houston, Tex.., Sv. Williamson, Houston. Tex... W. L. Wood, llouston, Tex G. H. MoGauby, Houston, Tex. H. Davis, Houston, Tex , Old scaffold limiher, assorted rubber hose, assorted wire, etc. Concrete mixer with engine; tarpaulins, paint brushes, Ciirpenters' tools, etc. Buildings and heating and phmibing equipment. Old brick Garbage can and top (old) Screen \\1re (used) Desk, table, library chairs Scrap pipe, pipe vise (used) faucets. Sash 10x15 (used) Scrap pipe and fittings 1 1 oor (scrap ) Scrap liunher Scrap screen doors Sash, 10 X 15 (used) Tee, J" Sash, 10 X 15 (used) Koof cement W. P. wire Chairs, table (used), fan Carpenter's tools O.K. fastener Tape line Fan 10" (badly used) Fan (used"), cups, saucers, knives, forks, and spoons. Assorted wrenches, and trunk lock. Desk lamp and small tools Small tools and oscillating fan. Hammers, second-himd saws, iuid assorted files. Ratchet, brace, pocket knives. Handsaws, claw hammers Small tools Stilson wTcnches (junkl Wrenches, pkunbors' furnaces. Small tools Stilson wrenches and keyhole saw. Small tools Pipe cutters and auto tubes (junk). Small tools Tape 1 ines , folding rulers , auto tubes. Small tools Oflice supplies and stilson wTenches (junk). Auto tubes, screw drivers (Yankee). Small tools Small tools and lanterns (used) Small tools Pipe cutters, small tools do N. Camp, Houston, Tex Chas. Green, Houston, Tex... K. F. Hartford, Houston, Tex... J. \y. Sha^\■u, Houston, Tex... A. Seddon, Houston, Tex L. A. Glover, Houston, Tex... L. P. Trby, Houston, Tex J. Smith, Houston, Tex R, A. Penny, Houston, Tex L. Houston! Houstou, Tex. . . John Seddoii, Houston, Tex.. M. S. Parish, Houston, Tex.. Watercooler, stepladders, and small tools. Small tools .do C. E. Braswell, Houston, Tex Ben Campbell, Houston, Tex. . . Texas Fire Works, Houston, Tex. J. N. Sha\\ii, Houston, Tex W. H. Noble, Houston, Tex Daniel Hardy, Houston, Tex 16" oscillating fan Furnace (junk) Handsaws, claw hammers Small tools , 16" oscillating fan. Small tools and kitchen tables Small tools Knives (,pocket'>,stepladder... Chairs Hose nozzle, pinch bars Jacksaws, handsaws, ladders, tools. Building, section Xo. 1 Fence posts , fence W. P. \\'ire, electrical equip- ment. S X 10 building, complete toilet. 16" oscillating fans (broken)... 16" fan SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 381 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 15, 1919. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do C. R. Berry, Houston, Tex Sha\\Ti, Houston, Tex J. P. Fitch, Houston, Tex W. H. Noble, Houston, Tex.. , T. P. Lee, Houston, Tex J. E. Moreiand, Houston, Tex. R. Stewart, Houston, Tex Curtis Smith, Houston, Tex. . . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Tom Crais, Houston, Tex Roy Turner, Houston, Tex R. L. Phenia, Houston, Tex. . E. Detering, Houston, Tex J. Johnson, Houston, Tex Charles Sharp, Houston, Tex.. S. Jones, Houston, Tex.. M. Luke, Houston, Tex. I. M. Meyer, Houston, Tex S. Ware, Houston, Tex H. O. Clark, jr., Houston Tex. A. Birkdale, Houston, Tex.. S. Ware, Houston, Tex John Lane, Houston, Tex... Harry James, Houston, Tex. I. Wright, Houston, Tex... Lee Rein, Houston, Tex. . . A. Leak, Houston, Tex F. Fritz, Houston, Tex Cirus Wiley, Houston, Tex. H. Blum, Houston, Tex . . . R. Jones, Houston, Tex. - . . V. Johnston, Houston, Tex B. Radford, Houston, Tex . . - . . Ray Hammersmith, Houston, Tex. Andrew Adams, Houston, Tex- C. R. Berry, Houston, Tex Wm. Hutchinson, Houston, Tex. G. Geaconne, Houston, Tex W. R. Shriner, Houston, Tex.. W. H. Noble, Houston, Tex... W. H. Bill, Houston, Tex E. R. Ring, Houston, Tex W. L. Edmundson, Houston, Tex. Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. P. V. Clay, Houston, Tex. E. R. Smith & Co., Houston, Tex. Wm. Hutchinson, Houston, Tex. E. R.' Smith & Co., Houston, Tex. W. H. Lee, Houston, Tex H. R. Crane, Houston, Tex. C. S. Crane, Houston, Tex H. R. Jones, Houston, Tex . Sampson Jimk Co., Houston, Tex. R. S. Smith, Houston, Tex Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. C. R. Berry, Houston, Tex — R. Shannon, Houston, Tex.... Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. Blum & Co., Houston, Tex Library table (time office) . . . Boots (hip, worn) Pliers (used) Small tools Shoe knives, hand axe, level. Small tools and 8-day clock . . . Small tools Round-point shovels, square- point shovels. Small tools (used) Small tools do Small tools, water coolers Assorted chisels (used) Blankets, clamps, crow bars, stepladders. Handsaws , claw hammers Office equipment, kitchen chairs, claw hammers. Solder pots, typewriter stands. Small tools Scrap pipe, gravel, toilets (damaged), lavatories( dam- aged). Buildings in lumber yard Ratchet braces ■ Kitchen tables, library table. . Hammers, handsaws, elec- trical knives, stepladders. Lamp Plumber's furnace — Solder pot Drills (assorted)... Claw hammers, handsaws. — Pipe cutters (used) Wrenches, oilers, machine, and pipe taps. Tarpaulins (scrap) Small tools. Small tools, rules Small tools, file boxes. Revolvtug chairs Rubber boots (used) . . Office building, toilet fixtures, buildiug and lighting fix- tures. Sheeting, lumber, cedar posts, etc. Claw hammers Ratchet braces, Stillson wrenches. Monkey wrenches (junk) Lumber Planes, poles, small tools, stocks and dies, etc. Small tools and stocks and dies. Tool bags, crow bars, pinch bars, and belts and safeties. Set draftsman's instruments . . Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. Small tools, etc Rods, scales, and long-leaf binder. Ice box, revolving chair, shields, trimming board. Oil containers. Office equipment Casings, puller, auto pump, etc. Speed keys Scrap brass, stoves, burlap bags, small tools, etc. Scrap lumber Claw hammers Barrels, cans, pipe, fittings, and scrap lumber. 5-horsepowerand 2-horsepower electric motors. Lot mess equipment 382 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 15, 1919 - - . - .do, .do, .do, .do .do .do, .do -do .do .do .do .do .do., .do., .do., -do., -do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do.. .do.. -do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. -do.. .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Horton & Horton, Houston, Tex. I. L. Campbell, Houston, Tex. ■\V. H. Noble, Houston, Tex... I. L. Campbell, Houston, Tex. - G. R. Berry, Houston, Tex Geo. T. Brown, Houston, Tex.. Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. R. C. Smith, Houston, Tex.... L. M. Morris, Houston, Tex Central Contracting Co., Hous- ton, Tex. R. Mason, Houston, Tex S. Priester, Houston, Tex. Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. G. Geaconne, Houston,Tex C. Standish, Houston, Tex W. C. Corbett, Houston, Tex.... P. L. Echoles, Houston, Tex... A. Gelasinski, Houston, Tex L. Mason, Houston, Tex R. P. Neal, Houston, Tex R. La Boa, Houston, Tex. Peterson & Brown, Houston, Tex. W. W. Sprague, Houston, Tex- J. Oppenheim, Houston, Tex. . . C. C. Crew, Houston, Tex D. E. Smith, Houston, Tex. . . . H. E. Neuhaus, Houston, Tex. , W. T. Parker, Houston, Tex-. F. L. Shott, Houston, Tex L. F. Stedman, Houston, Tex. W. E. Hunt, Houston, Tex W. M. Croon, Houston, Tex Louis Booge, Houston, Tex...- O. W. Vami, Houston, Tex B. L. Davidson, Houston, Tex. J. Reader, Houston, Tex R. E. Sullivan, Houston, Tex- Geo. H. Moore, Houston, Tex.. Sampson Junk Co., Houston, C. S. Smith, Houston, Tex M. Hutchinson, Houston, Tex . C. S. Hendricks, Houston, Tex. J. B. Taylor, Houston, Tex C. M. Woolery, Houston, Tex.. Geo. T. Moore, Houston, Tex.. A. W. Proehl, Houston, Tex... P. M. Weiss, Houston, Tex O . F. Scott, Houston, Tex G. S. Adams, Houston, Tex E . J. .\ltaian S. G. Bower, Houston, Tex C. M. Woolery, Houston, Tex. . R. N. Little, Houston, Tex R. Urhanac, Houston, Tex B. E. Hendricks, Houston, Tex, Forsgard, Houston, Tex. . . H. F. Selber, Houston, Tex O. L. Forsgard, Houston, Tex. . Geo. M. Colles, Houston, Tex.. .\merican Trailer & Body Works, Houston, Tex. W. B. Jones, Houston^Tex Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. Texas Fire Works Co., Houston, Tex. Trautwein, Houston, Tex.. Underwood typewriter. ...do ...do Desk, F.T. G. O.... ...do ..-.do Small tools, oil stoves, etc — Desks, F. T. G. O Blow torch Gravel Culvert Building 3-M-14 Building, bridge and scrap lumber, heating plant and bakery, heaters, ells, junk, etc. Building and pile lumber Building 2-30 Building 3-21 Building 3-24 Building, pipe rack, bridge Buildings, gate Building No. 1-10. Building Building, tent, stovepipe, gas- stove fittings, junk, etc. Fence and building , Shed, benches, luinber, etc — Lumber and benches Fence and tent Tool box, building wire, and kegs. Tent and tent frames, building. Tents... Scrap Imnber, pile scrap lum- ber. Building No. 3 bakery Nuilding No. 40. Building No. 39 Hose house Tent, No. 2 reclamation Buildings, wire, boiler, cul- verts. Scrap lumber Sand. Scrap copper Wrecking bars, pliers Stanley braces Pliers, assorted flies, electric knives. Knives, ladle, blocks, pipe taps. Wrenches and ripsaws — Stillson wrenches Wrenches, punches, reamers, zigzag rulers. Levels Screw drivers, pipe cutter Track mauls Poles (pipe, 14") Assorted drills Oilers. Small tools and lanterns Assorted screw drivers Handsaws Pole (pipe, 14') Frame (^hacksaw) Scrap pipe and fittings Heater, roofing, nails, cement, cedar posts. Tent frame Grate bars, scrap iron, engine, boilers and tanks, brass, wheelbarrows, and pipe. Transformers, o-horsepower motors, and lightning ar- resters (used). Claw hammers, fold rulers — SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 383 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 15, 1919. do do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do ..do. .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do. -do. do do , do do , May 10, 1919. May 28, 1919. do H. O. Lacy, Houston, Tex Geo. F. Moore, Houston, Tex . F. S. Scoot, Houston, Tex C. M. Woolery, Houston, Tex. . W. H. Bell, Houston, Tex H. L. Davis, Houston, Tex John Smith, Houston, Tex F. Burkhardt, Houston, Tex... Henry Jones, Houston, Tex A. Backen, Houston, Tex A. C. Christian, Houston, Tex. Jim Furch, Houston, Tex J. S. Cone, Houston, Tex Geo. H. Moore, Houstoii, Tex. . H. Henricks, Houston, Tex J. E. Lloyd, Houston, Tex W. Cooper, Houston, Tex Geo. T. Moore, Houston, Tex.. C. M. Woolery, Houston, Tex. . J. E. Lloyd, Houston, Tex J. C. Hanson, Houston, Tex H. G. Tuffly, Houston, Tex D. T. Taylor, Houston, Tex.... W. H. Bell Houston, Tex — — Rice, Houston, Tex J. A. Ragsdale, Houston, Tex.. W. H. Wilson, Houston, Tex. . A. Birkdale. Houston, Tex W. B. Schulte, Houston, Tex. . Sampson Junk Co., Houston, Tex. J. Midgett, Houston, Tex Knives (electric), poles Claw hammers Rulers, screw drivers, wreck- ing bars, rubber gloves, ham- mers. Small tools do. Claw hammers . . . Pinch bar Assorted files Stilson wrenches. Rubber gloves . . . Small tools Poles, pike Scrapers, slip Assorted files Claw hammers . . . Assorted files Wrecking bars... Small tools Comforts Shovels Small tools do do do Junel, 1919 June 23, 1919 do do do do May 30, 1919 Apr. 15, 1919 do June 25, 1919.... do do .....do Frank; Peel, Houston, Tex W. L. Hagennan, Houston, Tex, W. J. Taylor^ Houston, Tex B. E. Hendricks, Houston, Tex. J. L. Tibbott, Houston, Tex. . .. B. E. Hendricks, Houston, Tex . A. H. Gause, Houston, Tex Thoede, Houston, Tex Milkin, Houston, Tex Robert Gray, Houston, Tex Standard Sanitary Co., Houston, Tex. Maurice Picioiey, Charleston, S. C. C. Grant and C. Carter, North Charleston, S. C. Mary Hasler, North Charleston, S.C. Daniel Brown, North Charles- ton, S. C. Rachel Nesbit, North Charles- ton, S. C. do F. Pinckney, North Charleston, S.C. Maurice Nesbit, North Charles- ton, S. C. Frank Elston, North Charles- ton, S. C. J. Blocker, North Charleston, S.C. H. R. Green, North Charleston, S.C. N. Finkelstein, Columbus, Ohio. James Williams, Greenville, S.C. Chick Springs Sanitarium, Chick Springs. S. C. James Williams, Greenville, S.C. O. F. Shumaker, Greenville, S.C R. P. Philhower, Suffolk, Va... do F. R. Johnson, Charlotte, N. C . . Soloman Carious, Charlotte, N . C . J. W. Albright, Charlotte, N. C. . Julius Vance, Charlotte, N. C. . . Scrap lumber Scrap pipe and fittings Scrap lumber and old brick . . Broken electric fan Office equipment Stocks and dies, small tools, pipe, chain tongs, iron, nails, heaters. Old table, wood door, scrap lumber. Sash, 10x15 Scrap lumber Lime, cement Pipe fittings Shower heads Pipe fittings Wood doors (junk) , Lime Scrap screen wire Scrap screen wire, screen door. Porcelain urinal Sleeping shack (condemned) . do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Scrap wire, steel, pipe, cast iron. Boards (scrap lumber) Refrigerators and Army ranges Scrap lumber Refrigerator (used) Timber and cord wood . TLmber Files Cabinet safes Refrigerator Ice box $2. 30 1.00 23.70 2.40 3.50 3.00 .20 2.95 3.00 3.75 1.55 1.90 12.00 .35 3.95 .75 1.00 5.00 16.75 18.00 7.65 25.90 50.00 21.15 6.00 7.00 20.00 5.00 164.00 1, 563. 51 4.50 15.00 5.00 10.00 2.60 1.00 11.68 1.50 .45 .95 1.45 48.33 7L00 92.50 96.00 87.00 70.50 121.00 131.50 124.50 70.50 87.00 89.00 1,320.87 7.20 150. 00 3.16 15.00 1,250.00 10.00 1.70 1.50 20.00 1.50 384 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DUaSION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sole. Name and address of buyer. Article. 5533 5534 6535 5536 5537 5538 5539 6540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 6546 6547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 6553 6554 5555 6556 6657 6558 6559 5560 6561 5562 5563 5564 5565 6566 6567 5568 5669 6670 5571 5572 6573 5574 5575 6576 5677 5578 5579 6680 6581 5582 6583 5684 5585 5586 5587 5688 55S9 5590 5591 June 25, 1919. do... do... June 27, 1919 do.... do.... do.... June 28, 1919 .do -do .do .do do... June 30, 1919 do.... do.... do.... .do. ....do.... ....do.... July, 2 1919... do July 3, 1919... do do do do do do July 3,1919.. July 4, 1919... ....ido do June 28, 1919. do June 27, 1919. July 2, 1919... June 26, 1919. Jime24, 1919. do do........ May 31, 1919.. do do do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. W. J. Sturgus, Charlotte, N. C. . Robert Almond, Charlotte, N.C. Sam Fewell, Charlotte, N.C ^y. G. sturgus, Charlotte, N.C. J. W. Albright, Charlotte, N.C. do •. G. A. Marsh, Charlotte, N.C... J. B. Christenbury, Charlotte, N.C. Schwartz, Charlotte, N. C. M. F. Stuiett, Charlotte, N. C... Flow ct Clark, Charlotte, N.C... Oscar Greene, Charlotte, N. C... Solomon Carious, Charlotte, N. C. John Torrence, Charlotte, N. C J. V. Sutton, Charlotte. N. C... J. C DelUnger, Charlotte, N. C. T. A. Walker, Charlotte, N. C... Camp Greene Investment Co., Camp Greene, N. C. S. M. Asbury, Charlotte, N. C. . McRea & Kenster, Charlotte, N.C. Solomon Carious, Charlotte, N.C C. O. Keustor, Charlotte, N.C... T. E. Anderson, Charlotte, N.C. Solomon Carious, Charlotte, N. C, M. F. Stiuell, Charlotte, N.C... E. Pavies, Charlotte, N. C McRea, Charlotte, N. C 0. C Fincher, Charlotte, N. C. M. D. Ma?uir, Charlotte, N. C. F. B. Smith, Charlotte, N. C... F. E. Williams, Charlotte, N. C. Solomon Carious, Charlotte, N.C. C E. easier, Charlotte, N. C... J. B. McNally, Prescott, -^iz., C. H. Jonas, Prescott, .tVriz B. & B. dishes, Stilson wTenches. Tables I^ot scrap iron and rags Box of lues Ranges Small range • Ice bo.x Miscellaneous tools and shoes . Tank Table Lot of files Upright cabinet, butter pads, cofle pot. Sink and binder and punch . . Lot scrap lumber Cans do. Clock, time stamp, number machines. Assorted tables Lot plow parts and small cans. Stoves, heaters, broken range, galvanized cans, lot miscel- laneous scrap iron, pipe cut- ter, vise, Stilsou wrenches, hammer. Sink and cart Rooimg paint, small range, etc. Blankets Cot Rescue Orphanage, Colimibia, S. C City of Sumter, W. T. Brown, manager, Sumter, S. C. Palmetto Iron Works, Colum- bia, S. C. Bovle Robertson Construction C"o., Norfolk, Va. Southern Teaming & Construc- tion Corp., Norfolk, Va. Thos. P. Lassell, Norfolk, Va.... W. J. Brown, Waco, Tex. M. Burton, Waco, Tex. Blankets do Rubber boots Can and flv traps Cot ! Cots and blankets Typewriter Bench, lot scrap lumber TypevTiter Tile , Miscellaneous pieces lumber, etc. Terra-cotta pipe, 6" , Terra-cotta pipe, 8" . Cast-iron pipe T. B. Barton, Waco, Tex L. E. Bartlett, Bartlett, Tex. R. M. Cooper, Waco, Tex P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex G. C Calhoun, Waco, Tex. . . Tom Ells, Abbott, Tex O. M. Finley, Waco, Tex Geo. Gruner, Waco, Tex T. P. Jewell, Waco, Tex G. .^.. Linderman, Bartlett, Tex. Guv McNanara, WacOj Tex Paul Quinn College, "\\ aco, Tex. John Pinter, Waco, Tex do ....do ....do Arthur Stewart, Waco, Tex. E. W. Slv, Waco, Tex. H. D. Sly. Waco. Tex. Pile driver leads, No. 1 Secondhand Fresno scrapers... Closet bowls, tanks, seats (damaged). Latrine No. 35 Hose cart house Latrines, bathhouse Buildings Buildings, latrine, and civilian latrine. Buildings (barracks, bath- house, scale shed, etc.). Veterinary storeroom No. 61. . Carpenter shop No. 43 Buildings (.shed, barn, bar- rack \ Buildings, barracks, and giiardhouse. Buildings (.bathliouse, guard- hoii>e, lumber, etc.). Bu Idings (wagon shed, barn, stable). Horseshoe school No. 8 Horseshoe school No. 9 Officers' bathhouses, hitching cover. Miscellaneous buildings, wagon shed, etc. Veterinary latrine No. 23 Mess hall." SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 385 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. May 31, 1919... do do do do do Apr. 14,1919 ....do.... Junes, 1919. June 27 1919. July 5, 1919.. Ju]y7, 1919.. do do do ....do do Julys, 1919.. ....do ....do do.. do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. July 7, 1919. ....fdo do do do do do -do. do do do Julys, 1919... June 25, 1919. June 19, 1919. June 17, 1919. June 13, 1919. June 12, 1919... do June 2, 1919.. June 30, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. ....do .do -do .do.... .do. -do. .do., .do., .do.. Name and address of buyer. A. J. Sly, Waco, Tex J. F. Vanzant, Waf^o, Tex A. Washington & Miller, Waco, Tex. F. H. Woytok, Waco, Tex Frank T. West, Waco, Tex Article. Ceo. Witt, Waco, Tex Grand Junction Mining & Fuel Co., Denver, Colo. National Alfalfa Products Co., Denver, Colo. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron Co., Punxsutawney, Pa. J. W. Goodson, Columbia, S. C. J. P. McGuir, Charlotte, N. C. . . Miss Williams, Charlotte, N. C . . E. Davis, Charlotte, N. C R. W. Anderson, Charlotte, N. C. S. W. Dandridge, Charlotte, N. C. C. O. Keuster, Charlotte, N. C. . R. W. Anderson, Charlotte, N. C. E. L. Fahs, Charlotte, N. C A. C. Cole, Charlotte, N. C Burwell & Dun Co., Charlotte, N. C. B. J. Sumerow, Charlotte, N. C. R.-W. Anderson, Charlotte, N.C. H. Cohen, Charlotte, N. C Pound & Moore, Charlotte, N. C. Keuster & McRea, Charlotte, N.C. W. H. Robbins, Raleigh, N. C. Wyatt & Smith, Raleigh, N. C. C. J. Wilcox, Raleigh, N. C Lynn Stephenson, Raleigh, N. C. J. B. Bray, Raleigh, N. C M. S. Holland, Raleigh, N. C... R. L. Chandler, Raleigh, N. C. Dillion Supply Co., Raleigh, N. C. City of Durham, Durham, N. C. C. S. Litter, Raleigh, N. C J. R. Collins, Raleigh, N. C...... Peter Jones, Raleigh, N. C H. G. Curley, New Orleans, La. do O. M. Owin, New Orleans, La. . W. L. Sargent, New Orleans, La. Robert Dorsey, New Orleans, La G. W. Moore, New Orleans, La. Mr. Bauden, New Orleans, La.. Commercial Electric Co. (Ltd.), New Orleans, La. C. E. Johnson, San Jose, Calif. .. A. M. Erlckson, Palo Alto, Calif. P. J. Peterson, Palo Alto, Calif. C. E. Johnson, San Jose, Calif. . . J. O'Connor, San Francisco, Calif. S. Malnick, Palo Alto, Calif W. W. Ashe, Redwood City, Calif. Z. C. Pratt, Palo Alto, Calif Fred De Terra, Palo Alto, Calif. . J. O'Connor, San Francisco, Calif. — do Wm. Cokeley, Menlo Park, Calif. ....do C. J. Thomas, Palo Alto, Calif. - . . -do I 8. F. Bennett, Menlo Park, Calif. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 26 Officers' mess hall No. 24 Officers' mess hall No. .51 Bam, mess halls, culverts Veterinary barrack No. 19 Riding bam barracks, tent, floor, etc. Lot junk poles, lumber, etc... Scotch marine type boilers, smokestacks and rings, safety valves. Scotch marine type boilers, smokes'tacks and rings, safety valves, feed piunps. Wood pipe Scrap lumber Cots Dictionary Blankets ftom) Vice Cbroken) Oil tanks, scales, oil pump, desks, etc. Paper and tabbs, lanterns, rope, oil, etc. Belts, holsters, guns Chairs, ice box, cabinet, beds. Monarch typewriter Carboy (acid) Window frames Tnmk Royal typewriter Office equipment, ctT '. . Helmet, ammonia, water gauge, rugs. Scrap lumber Axle grease, scrap lumber Lumber do Miscellaneous mess equipment Axes (broken handles) Gate valves, check valves, box fittings. 100-horsepower locomotive boiler (junk). Triangles, engineer's scale Liunber Lot cast-iron pipe Lumber Small shacks Small office on wharf Salvage Ivunber Building (hospital) Total sale price. $275. 00 215.00 1, 647. 50 40.00 3,000.00 3,175.00 Wagon load lumber, planks, etc. Building (temporary mess hall). Building (offlce) Copper wire Tent floors and sides Windows with broken glass, doors, sash. Miscellaneous tent floors Utilities orderly room, tent frame. Miscellaneous sash and doors . . Balance on latrine. Tent frames Toilet do Post-office building, latrine, coromissary kitchen, build- ings, mess hall, stables. Clark & Henry tool house Gas house building. No. 1114.. Latrine and shower, L-1201... 1,584.00 386 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DR^ISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued, Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 5650 5651 5652 50.53 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 .■J665 5666 6667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 56S6 5687 5688 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5699 5700 Apr. 19, 1919 . . Jimc30, 1919.. ....do -do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ..do.... ..do.... do.... do.... .do .do .do .do .do .do .do., .do., .do. .do. -do. .do. ..do. do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ...do. ...do. .do. .do. ....do Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919. ....do ....do Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. Mar. 7,1919.. Mar. 18, 1919. Mar. 17, 1919. Mar. 15, 1919. Mar. 13, 1919. Mar. 22, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. do Svmon Bros., San Francisco, "Calif. P. J. Peterson, Menlo Park, Calif. Fred A. Jones, Menlo Park, CaUf. Geo. Fuller, Menlo Park, Calif. . W. L. Dreyfus, Menlo Park, CaUf. J. O'Connor, Menlo Park, Calif. Geo. Genochio, Menlo Park, Calif. R. E. Mead, Menlo Park, Calif. Geo. Genocliio, Menlo Park, Calif. S. De Natalie, Menlo Park, Calif P. J. Peterson, Menlo Park, CaUf. E. F. Failey, Menlo Park, Calif. Charles Acklev, Menlo Park, Calif. R. E. Mead, Menlo Park, Calif. . H. A. Keugel, Menlo Park, Calif. W. Jones, Menlo Park, Calif Wm. Mock, Menlo Park, Calif... E. F. Os-n'ald, Menlo ParkA''alif Howard Smith, Menlo Park, Calif. Jas. A. Tavlor, Menlo Park, Calif. De Natalie, Menlo Park, Calif. H. A. Buckley, Menlo Park, CaUf. S. J. Mineker, Menlo Park, Calif, Franklin Swart, Menlo Park, CaUf. Symon Bros., Menlo Park, CaUf. .do. A. M. Smith, Menlo Park, CaUf. . Svmon Bros., Menlo Park, Calif. A. Hess, Menlo Park, CaUf Symon Bros., Menlo Park, CaUf. Dolan-Wrecking Co., Menlo Park, CaUf. Symon Bros., Menlo Park, CaUf. Dolan "Wrecking Co., Menlo Park, Calif. A. Hess, Menlo Park, CaUf Dolan Wrecking Co., Menlo Park, CaUf. A. Hess, Menlo Park, CaUf Capitol City Jimk Co., Harris- bing, Pa. Central Pennsylvania Lumber Co., Moimt Union, Pa. Pennsylvania Railway Creosot- ing Plant, Moimt Union, Pa. Moiiut Union Planing Mill, Moimt Union, Pa. Maj. H. A. Gilbert, Moimt Union, Pa. E. Kealer Co., WilUamsport, Pa. Capitol City Jimk Co., Harris- burg, Pa." Virginia-CaroUna Chemical Co., Charleston, S. C. Lorenz Bros., Huntingdon, Pa., Joe Martin, Mount Union, Pa.. Mount Union Refractories Co., Moimt Union, Pa. Moimt Union Planing Mill Co., Mount Union, Pa. Baldwin Bros., Mount Union, Pa. Moimt Union Refractories Co., Moimt Union, Pa. H. C. Reddv, Mount Union Pa. . Stables ■ Windows, screen doors, tele- phone pole. Latrines and stable Galvanized troughs Hot-water tanks Roof jacks, screen doors Toilet Sash Sinks and toilet , Lumber, doors, toilet, sink... Water trough , Screen doors Broken sash, half doors Windows Load kindling , Lumber Tent floor, lumber Hot- water tanks Lumber, tent floors, doors, wall boards. Lumber Toilet Toilets and doors Kindling Miscellaneous biuldings Hay shed and motor repair shop. Stables Nos. 31 and 22 Blacksmith shop No. 21 Stable No. 19 Stable No. IS Stable No. 20 StablesNos. 6and 7 Stables Nos. 4 and 5 Stables Nos. 2 and 3 StableNo.l Tent floors and scrap lumber. S. P. depot building Lumber, posts Lumber, torn mattresses, pile wood. Creosote Rail Mazda lamps Cast-iron washers, cut washers Reinforcing steel Acid eggs Air compressor, bolts, etc Sash frames, doors, waste baskets, etc. Tallow, box chalk Typewriter desk and chair, lumber, posts, lot old lum- ber, bricks, jacks, and N. boards. Cement Sash and frames Paint, oil SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 387 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Mar. 22, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. do Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 18,1919. Mar. 22, 1919. Mar. 18,1919. Mar. 13, 1919. Mar. 23, 1919. July 10, 1919.. Feb. 28, 1919. Dec. 19, 1919. Mar. 11, 1919. Mar. 17, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. May 9, 1919... May 13, 1919.. May 17, 1919. . May 26, 1919.. do do do May 29, 1919.. June 6, 1919.. June 18, 1919. do .do. do June 20, 1919. do do do June 26, 1919. ....do do June 27, 1919. .do. do June 11, 1919. June 30, 1919. do Julys, 1919.. July 7, 1919.. June 30, 1919. J. R.Lehman, Mount Union, Pa, S. F. Taylor, Mount Union, Pa. D. C. Goodman, Mount Union, Pa. J. F. Longacre, Mount Union, Pa N. d". Can, Pittsburgh, Pa H. Swartz Son, Huntington, Pa. Miss L. H. Hoflman, Hunting- ton, Pa. General Electric Co., Washing- ton, D. C. Edward L. Richa, Baltimore, Md. Berry O'Kelly, Raleigh, N. C. C. V. Hartman, Mount Union, Pa. Concrete Steel Co., 42 Broadway, New York City. Mclnnery & McNeal (Inc.), Easton, Pa. Turner Construction Co., 244 Madison St., New York City. Island Oil & Transport Corpora- tion, New York City. W. H. Gahagan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Turner Construction Co., 244 Madison St., New York. Turner Construction Co., 244 Madison St., New York City. Henry Steers (Inc.), 17 Battery Place. New York City. Weibert & Chapman, Brooklyn, Henry Steers (Inc.), New York City. do M. Waddington & Sons, New York City. Standard Cement Block Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. New York Roofing Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M. Samuel & Sons (Inc.), Brook- lyn, N. Y. L. & D. Metal Supply Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Columbia Smelting & Refining Co., New York city. Albert Eksted, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Fleming Post & McCord, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Henry Steers (Inc.), New York City. P. S. Corson, Brooklyn, N. Y.. John Davis, Brookl3m, N. Y... L. Swanson, Brooklyn, N. Y E. A. Nelson, Staten Island, N. Y. J. F. Podesta, Brooklyn, N. Y.. J. W. Cornell, Brooklyn, NY.. Edward Barry, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. P. Duffy Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chas. Bickle & Co., 30 Church St., New York City. Newark Paving Co., Newark, N.J. W. J. Gilroy, Brooklyn, N. Y... Town of North Augusta, S. C. . . L. P. Speth. Augusta, Ga W. R. Worthin, Augusta, Qa J. T. WUliams, Suffolk, Va... S. S. StalUngs, Suffolk, Va. .. L. G. Edgerton, Suffolk, Va.. Sash Tables, robes Iron flanges, grease, oxide of iron, sheet packing. Ties Typewriter and desk Miscellaneous lot scrap Iron and lead. Typewriter Lightning arresters. Diaphragm rings . . . Steel tank Sand, gravel, stone. Spiral wire Iron girders, bolsters, and channels. Radiator covers, auto robes, auto squeeges. Industrial track, switches, and crossovers, 30" gauge. 18" black iron pontoon pipe, discharge pipe. Concrete carts 10' lengths and 90° curves gravity conveyors. Float stages Scrap galvanized iron coup- ings. Black pipe and scrap lumber. Float stages Secondhand 3" and 4" yellow pine plank. Secondhand 3" and 12" run plank. Scrap lumber Cast-iron scrap and old steel beams. Scrap steel and scrap pipe, scrap rope. Scrap copper, cable, and wire. . Secondhand lumber. ....do .do. Broken wood sash (rubbish) . 18 X 39' shanty 18 X 20' shanty 12 X 15' shanty 18 X 48' shanty Secondhand tin cash box (broken). Wood fence , Secondhand run plank Pile cut-offs Second-hand paving blocks Scrap lumber 10" dia. redwood stave pipe vTire, wrapped with cou- plings. Refrigerators, ice boxes, ranges Refrigerators, ice boxes, dam- All surplus timber, Suffolk pumpmg station, buildings. Drawing board Desk, revolving chair, straight chair. 388 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Julys, 1919.. do ....do July 9, 1919.. Julys, 1919.. June 26, 1919. July 9, 1919.. do May 20, 1919. Julyl, 1919. May 23, 1919. May 24, 1919. May 26, 1919. May 27, 1919. May 28, 1919. do ....do May 30, 1919. ....do June 2, 1919. ....do do. ..do. ..do. ....do June 3, 1919.. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do June 4, 1919.. ....do ....do Junes, 1919.. ....do June 6, 1919.. June 9, 1919.. do June 10, 1919. do do June 11, 1919. do Lewis G. Brothers, Suffolk, Va.. F. J. Morrison, Suffolk, Va M. C Jordan, Suffolk, Va G. S. P. Holland, jr., Suffolk,Va. Herbert West, Sufiolk, Va U. S. Housing Corporation, Suf- folk, Va. Sterman Bros., Chelsea, Mass — Holbrook, Cabot & Rollins Cor- poration, Boston, Mass. George T. BrowTi, care of Guard- ian Trust Co., Houston, Tex. Frank Hodges, Spartanburg, S.C. do do June 13, 1919. June 14, 1919. do June 17, 1919. do do do do do do do do do June 18, 1919. June 17, 1919. June IS, 1919. do J. J. SaveU, Waco, Tex. do Frank T. West, Waco, Tex Guy McNamara, Waco, Tex. . . G. B. Griffis, Waco, Tex. A. J. SUgh, Waco, Tex. . . T. M. Dilworth, Waco, Tex. W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex. . . H. B. Sligh, Waco, Tex P. A. Clark, Waco, Tex Guy McNamara, Waco, Tex . K. M. Cooper, Waco, Tex — Guy McNamara, Waco, Tex . R. A. Stewart, Waco, Tex... E. O. Barton, Waco, Tex. J. G. Towns, Waco, Tex. . P. G. Salter, Waco, Tex T. A. Jenkins, Waco, Tex E. A. Osborne, Waco, Tex J. L. Burgess, Waco, Tex E. W. Slisih, Waco, Tex T. W. Jackson, Waco, Tex G. B. Cliastain, Waco, Tex ... Guy McNamara, Waco, Tex. . M. D. Wise, Waco, Tex E. A. Osborne, Waco, Tex R. H. Leadbetter, Waco, Tex. J. H. Boyd, Waco, Tex R. M. Cooper, Waco, Tex Mrs. McCormick, Waco, Tex.. T. W. Jackson D. E. May, Waco, Tex O. T. Dillard, Waco, Tex J. L. Burgess, Waco, Tex...... Z. Hoppenstein, Waco, Tex. L. E. Bartlett, Waco, Tex. . W. J. Brown, Waco, Tex. . , H. Jackson, Waco, Tex G. B. Chastain, Waco, Tex , T. B. Pearson, Waco, Tex. Z. Hoppenstein, Waco, Tex. T. S. Gerrard, Waco, Tex... H. Reese, Waco, Tex 0. C. Cooper. Waco, Tex A. L. Mills, Waco, Tex W. T. Beaver, Waco, Tex... K. A. Stewart, Waco, Tex.. T. W. Jackson, Waco, Tex. . Wm. Ransom, Waco, Tex. . Z. Hoppenstein, Waco. Tex. John Horsful, Waco, Tex. . . T. W. Jackson, Waco, Tex.. J. W. Sims, Waco, Tex Desk ....do ....do Typewriter desk and chairs . Desks and straight chair 16" valve Hard pine lumber Galvanized anchors and B anchors. Entire groimd improvements, including remount depot. Storehouse area, and base hospital excluded. All electric, water, sewer, and sewage-disposal systems, railroad tracks, bridges, etc. Lot of junk wire Pile of junk (scrap iron, loose wire, etc.). Kitchen sink, condemned Auto shed, C. Q. M. office, sec. M. Condemned tile, tin box All 2 X 4 topping and all 2x6 side planks on wire fence only, remount station. Wooden culvert Cedar blocks, water keg, and lead. Brick Hayrack No. 128, water troughs Buildings, feed trough, and hay racks. Latrines, Nos. 36 and 37 Buildings, hayracks, trough. . . Hayracks, water troughs, buildings. Homemade tables Galvanized-Lron cans, con- demned. Load kindling Ice box, homemade Troughs, hajTack, buildings. . Water troughs Slop cans Lot of kindling wood , Pile of old wagon parts Building 176, hayrack Building 184, feed trough Feed troughs Hayracks, buildings Building and hajTack Small buildings in C. Q. M. yard. Common table Kindling do Small shack, 7x8 Hayrack, water troughs, build- ings. Hayracks, feed troughs, scrap ■Rindows, and doors. Partitions and doors from medical warehouse. Kindling Small double building Kindling Lot of water troughs Roll junk mre Ramp, kindling, and broken platform. Condemned pipe Small buildings Water troughs Kindling Feed trough. No. 172 Temporary shed Kindling TUe Garden hose KindUng Hay trough, No. 21 SALE OF SUBPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAB DEPAETMENT. 389 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 18, 1919. June 19, 1919. do June 23, 1919. do do June 20, 1919. June 23, 1919. do June 24, 1919. June 26, 1919. June .30, 1919. July 1, 1919.. do do Julys, 1919.. do July 4, 1919.. do do June 27, 1919.. July 11, 1919.. Julys, i919... do July 7, 1919... do July 10, 1919. July 9, 1919.. July 14, 1919.. June 24, 1919. Julys, 1919.. do do do June 18, 1919. June 21, 1919. do do June 23, 1919. do June 24, 1919. June 12, 1919. June 13, 1919. June 15, 1919. June 14, 1919. June 16, 1919. do June 17, 1919. June 18, 1919. June 20, 1919. June 23, 1919. June 24, 1919. June 27, 1919. June 28, 1919. June 30, 1919. do July 1,1919.. do Z. Hoppenstein, Waco, Tex. J. W. Moore, Waco, Tex R. E. Bevens, Waco, Tex... A. Washington, Waco, Tex. W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex... T. L. DeArmor, Waco, Tex. G. W. Park, Waco, Tex Geo. Witt, Waco, Tex Wm. Stepney, Waco, Tex . . J. W. Donohue, Waco, Tex. S. L. Crider, Waco, Tex A. J. Sly, Waco, Tex W. H. Gilbert, Waco, Tex. . J. W. Donohue, Waco, Tex. W. A. Rohr, Waco. Tex E. F. Guyton, Waco, Tex... T. B. Hay, Waco, Tex O. T. Dillard, Waco, Tex... W. G. Smith, Waco, Tex J. Mohan, Waco, Tex Northern Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Lorick & Lowrence, Columbia, S. C. City of Sumter, Sumter, S. C do G. S. Palmer, Columbia, S. C. . . Lorick & Lowrence, Columbia, S.C. do do Pembroke Bayken, Portsmouth, Va. Porter Bros., Norfolk, Va D. A. McDermid, Prescott, Ariz. W. B. Greekmur, Prescott, Ariz. N. P. Agren, Prescott, Ariz Southern Teaming Co., Hamp- ton, Va. Ben Anderson, Raritan Arsenal, N.J. A. Ewenson, Raritan Arsenal. . . Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J. Hubbard Floyd Co., New York City. Sam Martin, Piscataway, N. J. . Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J. Tom Groholsky, Bonhamtown, N.J. Herman Ellis (Inc.), Perth Am- boy, N.J. Herman Ellis, Perth Amboy, N.J. ^' do do do do Junk wire Condemned wire Kindling Engineer's bridge Homemade wagon boards and salvage, 2x4. Kindling , Water barrel Hayracks, Nos. 108 and 81 Lot of kindling Junk stovepipe Small barn, 10 x 20, No. 75 Hayrack, No. 135 Lot of junk pipe Lot of scrap iron Box Hayracks, Nos. 142 and 144.... 12" pipe, condemned Common junk tables and wheelbarrow. Junk in warehouse Junk lot of tin stoves Secondhand cotton blankets... Terra-cotta pipe do do Scrap lumber Terra-cotta pipe. Sewer pipe Terra-cotta pipe Office building and storeroom. Granite and sand New hollow building tile do '.. Secondhand lumber Wheel scrapers, I-beam plows, wooden beam plows. Pile scrap lumber, secondhand . .do. Scrap wheel scrapers, second- hand. 6" steel concrete road forms and car pile butts. Small pile secondhand lumber. Secondhand lumber Small shacks .do. Herman Ellis (Inc.), Perth Am- boy, N. J. Reinforcing rods (scrap) Secondhand wheelbarrows and barrels(not serviceable). Car scrap lumber Industrial steel rail Machine bolts (partly rusty) . . Solid brass, brass borings, and empty scrap barrels. Industrial steel rail (second- hand. do Julys, 1919. Herman Ellis, Perth Amboy, N.J. Tom Groholsky, Bonhamtown, N.J. C. M. Peterson Co., Perth Am- boy, N.J. Jacob Breen. Bonhamtown, N. J. Samuel Parks, Bonhamtown, N.J. W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N.J. Louis Szeloy, Metuchen, N.J... Mrs. J. Augustine, Bonham- town, N. J. Tony de Lorenzo, Raritan Arse- nal, N. J Cast-iron borings, scrap iron, secondhand \vheel barrows. Scrap iron, secondhand wheel- barrows. Kindling wood Pile butts. Scrap wood and lumber. Secondhand shack Buildings, including sheds Building No. 156. Small toilets Kindling wood. 82.00 • 65 20.00 5.00 5.00 12.50 1.00 17.00 5.00 7.00 20.00 2.10 5.00 1.50 .75 4.50 4.90 11.00 21.00 2.50 1,500.00 894. 60 267. 38 343. 12 20.00 377.75 172. 50 574. 21 205. 00 2, 196. 60 143. 00 120. 00 1,042.44 440.00 5.00 12.00 50.00 290.00 8.00 45.00 12.00 64.50 51.50 120. 00 90.35 416.29 36.28 94.29 99.68 57.00 193.75 10.00 35.00 90.00 5.00 1,200.00 18.00 10.00 2.00 390 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT, SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 5871 5872 5873 5874 6875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 6921 5922 692:3 6924 6925 6926 5927 5928 6929 5930 6931 6932 5933 5934 July 3, 1919.. July 7, 1919. July 1,1919. July 7, 1919. do do Julys, 1919. ...ido July 19. 1919. July 10, 1919. July 14, 1919. July 9, 1919.. do , July 8, 1919.. Junel, 1919.. do do do do do do do , do , do , do do , do do , do do do do do do do do do do do , do do , do , do , do do do do do do do do do do May 25, 1919. do July 14, 1919. do July 17, 1919. July 21, 1919. do do July 9, 1919. Sam Martin, Bonhamtown, N. J. Dominik Shears, Bonhamtown, N.J. M. MeCormick, Raritan Arse- nal, N. J. Ph. Chase, New Brimswick, N.J. Louis Szoloy, Metuchen, N. J... W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N. J. Jacob Breeru Bonhamtown, N. J. Tony de Lorenxo, Bonham- town. N.J. G. H. Dortch, Raleigh, N. C. . .. M. Citron, Columbia, S . C W. E. Evans, Columbia, S. C. .. Cement Gun Construction Co., Norfolk, Va. Spearing Construction Co., Nor- folk, Va. Cash Register Exchange, Ta- coma. Wash. L. Renzelle, Pliiladelphia, Pa . . . J. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa . . . G. Richardson, Philadelphia, Pa. C. Palaic, Pliiladelphia, Pa P. Peaco, Philadelphia, Pa C. Bond, Philadelphia, Pa M. Ryan, Philadelphia, Pa L. Maxwell, Philadelphia, Pa.. . Samuel Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa. C. J. Wright, Philadelphia, Pa. . L. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa... W. James, Philadelphia, Pa J. Sewell, Philadelphia, Pa Fred Nordy, Philadelphia, Pa... R.Williams,Philadelphia,Pa P. Gibson, Philadelphia, Pa J. MontifE, Philadelphia, Pa T. Brannan, Philadelpliia, Pa... S. Latriaas, Pliiladelphia, Pa A. Coyle, Philadelphia, Pa H. Curtans, Philadelphia, Pa. . . J. Pompey, Philadelphia, Pa P. Mazzia, Philadelphia, Pa G. Masterson, Philadelphia, Pa. I. Marshall, Philadelphia, Pa F. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa R. MaUn, Philadelphia, Pa F. Willet, Philadelphia, Pa A. Schiffler, Philadelphia, Pa. .. C. Bruce, Philadelphia, Pa J. Morris, Philadelphia, Pa R. Mowers, Philadelphia, Pa T. Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa. C. AVard, Philadelphia, Pa J. Fidell, Philadelphia, Pa II. Bodine, Philadelphia, Pa L. Empario, Philadelphia, Pa... F. Vizzio, Philadelphia, Pa J. Monteith, Philadelphia, Pa... E. W. Lewis Roofing Co., Rock Island, 111. do do .do. .do. Associated Manufacturers, At- lanta, Ga. Terwilliger Equipment Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Porter & DeWitt, Philadelphia. Pa R. G. LassiterCo., Philadelphia, Pa. John Monks & Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. Creosoted Materials Co., New Orleans, La. Ole K. Olsen, New Orleans, La. Guy H. Mallaa Lmnber Co., New Orleans, La. Shanty and secondhand load planks. Kindling wood Wood (long) . Kindling wood Buildings Nos. 147 and 149 .. . 100' steel tape (Lufkin) Small shacks (scrap lumber) . Kindling wood . . ..." Salvage and scrap lumber Cotton pads (used mattresses). Axes and long-handled shovels Wheelbarrows, wire rollers, air driers, water pumps. Pile driver, leads, and bed Cash registers . Scrap firewood . do do do do do do do do do do .....do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ....do do do do do do do do do ....do ....do Entire camp. .do. Entire camp, exclusive of water system, base hospital, and storage area. Water systems Thew steam shovel with £- yard bucket. Pile-driver leads, rock crusher, dinkey ties. Pipe fittings and 1}, IJ, 2, 2i, and 3" pipe. Small tools, rope coils, steel wheelbarrows, crowbars, pee%'ies, nails, etc. Creosoted oil Reinforcing steel 12 X 12" X 20' lumber. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 391 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION' DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 20, 1919. July 10, 1919. June 1, 1919. . July 2, 1919.. July 9, 1919.. July 2, 1919. . July 21, 1919. do do do ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ....do. do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. do.... do.... ....do.... .....do.... do.... do.... ..do.... .do. ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... Feb. 17,1919.. July 20, 1919.. July 14, 1919.. July 8, 1919.. May 10, 1919.. do July 24, 1919.. Dec. 17, 191.8., .....do ....do May 21, 1919.. June 18, 1919. ....do June 19, 1919. June 20, 1919. ....do June 21, 1919. ....do July 19, 1919. July 26, 1919. Phoebus Foundry Corporation, Hampton, Va. Lawton Chamber of Commerce, Lawton, Okla. Edward Sash, Herold, Iowa J. L. Phillips and J. Stephens. . do do C. G. Gnignard, Columbia, S. C, S. C.'Starr, Columbia, S. C W. L. Taylor, Columbia, S. C W. D. Caughijian, Columbia, S. C. J. H. Faulk, Columbia, S. C O. W. Lorick, Columbia, S. C. Wiley Cathcart, Columbia, S. C. Columbia Compress Co., Colum- bia, S. C. E. A. Lorick, Columbia, S. C... S. C. Sanitorium, Columbia, S. C, Allie Medford, Columbia, S. C... R. T. Muse, Columbia, S. C P. W. Robinson, Columbia, S. C Simon Faust, Columbia, S. C. . . S. C. Moore, Columbia, S. C J. W. Conder & Co., Columbia, S C Powell Fuel Co., Columbia, S. C. T. G. Patrick Co., Columbia, S. C. W. T. Mixen, Columbia, S. C. . . T. E. Moore, Columbia, S. C... Levkoff Bros., Columbia, S. C. . Powell Construction Co. , Colum- bia, S. C. W. B. Burnoy, Columbia, S. C. A. F. Clow, Columbia, S. C Hamp. Jacobs, Columbia, S. C Levkofl Bros., Columbia, S. C... Swift-McNutt Co., Boston, Mass. Simon Faust, Dents Station, S. C. United States Railroad Admin- istration New Haven, Conn. Arkansas Land & Lumber Co., Malvern, Ark. J. Lewis and James Pike, Colum- bus, Ohio. F. Smith and James Pike, Columbus, Ohio. F. J. Peay, Chattanooga, Tenn.. Central Supply Co., St. Paul, Minn. Farwell Ozmun, Kirk & Co., St. Paul, Minn. Janney, Semple, Hill & Co., Minneapohs, Mirm. John Stockton, Jacksonville, Fla. Lewis Wrecking Co., Columbia, S. C. ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. M. Citron, Columbia, S. C Mrs. F. W. Bratton, Columbia, S. C. Scrap iron pipe Regimental infirmary. Oats, hay, salt Lumber do do Wheel casters Platform scales Vise bench (used).. Bronze cots (used). 40-watt, 110-volt globes, blankets. Safety matches 2-ply roofing and tar felt Fire buckets Water glasses, alarm clock. . . Wheelbarrow Stepladders, reap hook Battery (no good) Burlap, 2 screen doors (bad). Wooden cots, ladles, forks, cups, etc. Canned sirup, spinach, beans, etc. Water barrels, wire, etc Small tools, pumps, guns, window sash, etc. Cans, pipe, copper wire, locks, etc. Garbage cans (used) Hard grease, oil, cup grease. . . Heaters, cot mattresses, bed sacks, etc. Cement, lantern globes, hose, brooms, boots, etc. Roofing cement, cement , Paint, white lead , Nails , Miscellaneous dishes, knives, forks. Wood, secondhand lumber... Scrap lumber Switch timber, crossties, culls, 40 per cent Aetna dynamite, single fuse. Scrap fencing .do. Assortment of waste and sal- vage lumber. Stocks and dies and small tools. Handsaws, small tools, etc Small tools Buildings on remount depot traiLsferred to Mr. Stockton In consideration of waiving of claims. Mattresses, comforts Kitchen equipment Commissary suppUes Kitchen equipment Commissary suppUes, cots, bedding, tools, screen doors. Large wire reels Ranges, cash register, saw, refrigerator, coal. Used iron cots Large secondhand range $255.00 120.00 426.00 5,771.09 2,332.74 1,093.59 2.75 14.00 7.50 88.00 39.00 13.00 16.00 23.00 6.50 8.00 2.80 3.50 7.00 26.75 53.00 33.00 236.25 108.50 76.00 70.00 915.00 48.00 18.00 22.00 96.00 140.00 12,551.21 200.00 12,035.04 210.00 5.00 25.00 237.00 649.03 253.86 234.85 103.75 50.00 287.50 42.00 157.43 50.00 714.00 58.80 95.00 I No money passed; damages waived. 392 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. fciElUAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C.-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 26, 1919. . July 25, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. do do Fob. IS, 1919. Feb. 20, 1919. do Feb. 18, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919. do do Mar. ;i, 1919.. Mar. 7. 1919. . Mar. 4,1919.. Mar. 5, 1919.. Mar. 10,1919.. Mar. 3. 1919... Feb. 26, 1919.. Mar. IS, 1919.. Mar. 19, 1919.. Mar. 20, 1919.. Mar. 19, 1919. Mar. 20, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919. Mar. 20, 1919. June 24, 1919.... Junes, 1919.. June 7, 1919.. Junes, 1919.. Jime 9. 1919 . . July 29, 1919. July 11, 1919... do do do Julvie, 1919... JulV23, 1919... July 24, 1919... July 29, 1919... July 31, 1919... July 30. 1919... Julv2o, 1919... ....".do July 17, 1919... July 16, 1919. July 22, 1919. Jime28, 1919. July 30, 1919.. do do do Northern Metal Co., Philadel- pliia, Pa. do Maj. Dorval, Emporium, Pa do Averv Electric Co., Emporium, Pa. Jas. F. Butler, Emporium, Pa. W. n. Cramer, Emporium, Pa.. do do do do do 0. E. Stompff, Emporium, Pa. . Dominick Man^inell, Empo- rium, Pa. Cash E. Henry, Emporium, Pa. i>tovens Hardware Co., Empo- rium. Pa. Emporium Iron Works, Empo- rium, Pa. Howard l^odge, V'mporiimi, Pa. Borough of Renova, Renova, Pa Clarendon Ket'uiing Co., Claren- don, Pa. .\lex. L. Shaw. Warren, Pa Henry Levis Co., Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Cramer, l-'mporium, Pa. R . A . Niver, Warren, Pa .\le.x. L. Shaw, Warren, Pa E. J. Rogers, Emporiimi, Pa... Reinerman Land Co., Houston, Tex. Z. Hoppenstin, Waco, Tex do Ouy MacNamara, Waco, Tex. . . W.M. Stepnay, Waco, Tex E. Ness, Macon, Ga J. W. Donohue, Waco, Tex. W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex P. O. Whittenber?, Waco, Tex.., J. N. Bovd, Waco, Tex W. G. Smith, Waco, Tex Steve Oravton. West, Tex E. W. Sligh, Waco, Tex do do do F. J. Litter, 306 E. 175th St., New York City. Marv V. Andrews, Suffolk, Va.. H. C. Clark, Sufiolk, Va , G. S. P. Holland, Suffolk, Va . . . . John S. Folk, Suii'olk, Va F. B. Bradshaw. Suilolk, Va. . .. Pocahontas Candy Co., Suflolk, Va. Lorenzo Carr, SutTolk, Va , Maime Engineering & Drydock Co., Providence, K. I. M. Flvun, New Orleans, La J. G. Regan, New Orleans, La... Chas. Turk Co., New Gleans, La.. Hippelyte Pamiens, New Or- leans, La. J. G. Regan, New Orleans, La... do do Water barrels Stoves, pillows, mattresses, refrigerator. Commissary equipment Stoves J, Electrical equipment Chalk line Universal Portland Cement Beaver board 1" black pipe and pipe fittings Inslilo lock sots Miscollanoous wire Cord wood , Scrap wood , J" and 4" scrap rope ^... Nails Lmnbor, ties Tables (secondhamd) 30" sewer pipe (secondhand), Common brick Rope, i" hose Rail, switches, frogs and switchstauds, lock washers, track bolts, railroad spikes, aujjle bars, mdustrial track. Rootmg cement, sand and gravel, double and single rolls roofing paper, sheath- ing paper, gasoline tank, panel doors, used scrap pipe, etc. Lumber, hemlock, etc do OtRce equipment (appraised at $150 as all this office furni- ture was purchased second- hand'). Undergroimd improvements... Job lot of oils 8" sewer pipe ,... Feed troughs, Nas. 187 and 190 Khidling in remoimt Water line, consisting of pipe, including 10 and 12" cast- iron, 6" wrought-iron, and S'' redwood pipe. Ice box, tubs, jimk, clothes Une, etc. Small pile of kindling Old latrine drains Jimk lumber Hayracks Latrines and tool house Brick chimney, fire station No. 3. Second hand cotton blankets. . Costimier Wheelbarrows Typewriter table, costumer Blanket Sui-plus scrap limiber at ware- house. Bent-wood chairs, arch files, clipboard. Hydrated lime Pine piling Scrap rubber hose Bags, cement Wire (insulated copper) Skiff and oars Gravel Coal trash do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIKS By TUK WAR DEPARTMENT. 393 BKii/AL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C-Contlnue^J, Date of sale. Name and adxlrcM of Imyer. Article. Total Dale price. July 30 1919. . Jiily 21, H»l'^. .fulv I), )f»l9., JijJy 21, 1'^)'^.. July;-,], 1919., do do do do do rlo ./ulyao, 1919. JumtW, 1919. do do .Tiirir; 12, 1919. Jijn»!24, I9J9. .furif; VA, 1919. Junfs20, 1919. do Jrjrifi )<}, 1919. do Jurif; J 8, 1919. do .Turif; 17, 1919. hitii-.V), 1919. do .7iine2r{, 1919. June 24, 1919. June 11, 1919. JuncZi, 1919. Jurii, Fair For(^, 8. C. Powell Fuel Co^ Columbia, 8. C. Cant. P. li. McCahill, Tryon, PoweH Fuel Co., Columbia, 8. C. BnrBon & Connelly, Woodruff, J. R. Burnett, Spartanburg, 8. C. Boutbem Btates Pavinj; Co., Bpartanbur>r, B. C. Clilek Bpring) Banltarium, Chick Bprinj^^, B. C. H. iU-jilifi, Bpartanburg, B. C J. Jy. Jone;*, Bpartanburg, B.C.. J. W. Krannon, Fair Fore«t, 8. C. Bcrgt. IC. H. Walker, Bpartan- ?mrg, 8. C. J. U. Bmlth, Bpartanburg, B. C N. 8. liaker. Hr/art.anburg, B. C. Southern Pavlnj; Corwlructkm Co., Sparlanburjr, 8. C. J. W. Cox, Orf!/^!r, 8. C T. M. Cato, Baxon, 8, C J. W. Cox, Grf/,r, B. C J. R. Uurriett, Bpartanburg, 8. C. Cant. P. J5. McCahill, Bpartan- burg, 8. C. K. F. Milan, Br.art,anburg, H. C. R. L. F.lllott, Spartanburg, 8. C. VUikann lioofing aulln. v/at/;r cooler, tar- paulin fha/l). Empty box, old oil barrel, tar- paulin. Tarpaulin. Kmpty Kacka ((izmn'ivi). Tarr>aulln do Terra-f«tta pipe Old pine pole)! T(irT}ir<:filin pipf! fdamagf^l). . . nCTitfiTi <\(t;e. Galvanized urinal« and wash Kin )<■■.. 2x4" lumber Plack'rri Jt>i forge, garl^agecan-i, Becjndhaii'J lumW 0", 8", and 12" terra-cotta pipe; 40-gal. boiler. BroKen Bfjve, 1/roken refrig- erator. Art metal steel cabinet safe Junk Kacks Office deakfl, revolving chairs.. Old road machine, old water wagon. Fire extlngiilsh/jrs Cjunk;, lu- b.'lcatorn, Meduce water- prwjfing. 3fW.f/j 2,Wl.f»rj 2.W 1,80 3.0) 1.25 1.00 2.fK) 8.f/) 60. f/j 42. .Vj .'/J. fK) 127. .7) 9.7j,Vj ITiO. f/J 78. VJ If/}. (/) W). f/J 108. f/J L''/) (/) iw.fyj pyj, vj 7.0. W 4,7;i4.37 40fJ. OfJ 72,12 2^). 00 9^). 00 1.5.00 10.00 4.00 3. .50 32. 40 4..V) 15. fXJ n.P,8 2f). fXJ K.]H (52. fyj 6. fKJ 20. rx) 14.70 50.00 280. fX) ftfJ.fX) 13.. W 119. 20 120. VJ i.yj.oo 8^).fX) 30.00 4f).00 52.80 394 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 2, 1919... June 21, 1919. Julys, 1919... June 26, 1919. June 12, 1919. July 12, 1919.. July 17, 1919.. July 3, 1919... July 17, 1919.. Julys, 1919... Julys, 1919... JimeSO, 1919. July 29, 1919.. July 28, 1919. July 16, 1919. do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 8, 1919. July 8, 1919. July 9, 1919.. do...... Julys, 1919.. July 9, 1919 , June 25 to July 7, 1919. July 11 and 12, 1919 July 12, 1919. July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919. July IS, 1919. July 15, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 17, 1919. do July 19, 1919. July 21, 1919. do July 22, 1919. July 2S, 1919. do P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. S. M. Lee, Spartanburg, S C E. L. Stallings, Spartanburg, S. C Woodruff Oil & Fertilizer Co., Woodruff, S. C Herman G. Henson, Spartan- burg, S. C. Calhoun Office Supply Co., Spartanburg, S. C. Scrap poles and lumber, old tables and cbairs, scrap iron, stove pipe and boiler. Jmik wheelbarrows and trucks Scrap lumber Secondhand fittings, oldboUer. Flat table Cameron & Smith, Spartanburg, S C Ed. H. Walker, Spartanburg, S C Woodruff Oil & Fuel Co., Wood- ruff, S. C. O. T. Baynard, Tigerville, S. C. T. M. Cate, Spartanburg, S. C. .. South Carolina Light, Power, and Railroad Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. Walker Electric & Plumbing Co., Atlanta, Ga. J. F. Murrman, Clinton, Mass. . . Stillman Brown, South Lan- caster, Mass. Reinold Balboni, Clinton, Mass. C. E. Bulton, Boylston, Mass. . . Wm. Hold, Clinton, Mass John Schutz, Bolton, Mass Percy F. Coldwell, Berlin, Mass. Shirley Industrial School, Shir- ley, Mass. Balthassar Heinold, CUnton, Mass. Louis Gould, Clinton, Mass L. Kingston Savage, Harvard, Mass. R. Goode, Petersburg, Va Paul Magnolia, Camp Raritan, N.J. Prospect Boiler Co., New Bruns- wick, N. J. Tom Geoholsky, Camp Raritan, N.J. Sam Martin, New Brunswick, N.J. S. De Veto, Camp Raritan JST. J.. Herman Ellis (Inc.), Perth Amboy, N. J. Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown,N. J Thomas Leherty, Camp Rari- tan, N. J. A. Swenson, Bonhamtown,N. J Vendel Dufsek, Bonhamtown, N.J. C. S. Sorley, Metuchen, N. J Sam Devito, Bonhamtown, N. J Thos. Leherty, Camp Raritan, N.J. J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J... W. T. Woerner, Metuchen, N. J Thos. Leherty, Camp Raritan, N.J. J. Boothe, New Brunswick, N. J. Sam Devito, Camp Raritan, N.J F. E. Miller, Bonhamtown, N. J Sam Devito, Camp Raritan, N. J Joe Leppert, Fords, N.J Broken refrigerator Burroughs adding machine No. S47187, safe, cabinet No. 53; Underwood typewriter No. 206251. Odds and ends terra cotta fittings. Roofing, screen wire, nails, screen doors. Office furniture Hammer and ax Old heater and tank , Poles, street lights, copper wire. 10 X 10 x-4" cut-out boxes. Building, 158x20'. Shop and stable Shop, 16.5 X 36' Guard quarters, 189 x 20'. Bathhouse Stable, 91 X 31' Chestnut posts and gates. Barbed wire Miscellaneous. .do. .do. do Kindling wood. Scrap boiler tubes Female Angora goat and kid. Shack wood Kindling wood Scrap iron, secondhand wheel- barrows, scrap shovels, in- dustrial steel rails, second- hand wooden horses, bolts and switches, scrap iron. Wooden scrap buckets, pile butts and scrap wood, shack liunber, scrap wood, scrap plaster boards, secondhand tool boxes. Long wood Old employment office, in- cluding fences and outbuild- ings. BuildingNo. 146 Scrap spray pumps . Secondhand lumber. Scrap lumber Scrap lumber and wood Greenhouse boiler and pile of secondhand sash with glass. Scrap lumber Shack as it stood. Kindling wood. . . do Scrap lumber Kindling wood. . . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 395 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. No. 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 6165 6166 6167 6168 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197 6198 6199 6200 6201 Date of sale. July 24, 1919. ....do , July 25, 1919. do do do ....do July 28, 1919. ....do .do. .do. .do. ....do July 29, 1919. .do... .do... .do... do do July 30, 1919. ....do July do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. June 23, 1919. do do do do .do. .do. .do. ..^0. .do. .do. .do. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Name and address of buyer. Thomas Leherty, Camp Rarl- tan, N. J. Martin Neilson, Perth Amboy, N.J. Sam Devito, Gamp Raritan, N. J, do John O'Hara, Silver Lake, N. J. Martin Neilson, Fords, N.J Mrs. Sam Devito, Bonham- town, N. J. do : Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J Sam Devito, Camp Raritan^ N. J. A. Swenson, Silver Lake, N. J. . . Hans Miljes, Perth Amboy,N. J. L. Spencer, Metuchen, N. J C. Christiansen, Nixon's Corner, N.J. E. R. Raudenbush, Perth Am- boy, N.J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Sam Devito, Camp Raritan, N. J. J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J.... C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Niewenhour Bros. (Inc.), New York N. Y. E. J. Farley, Camp Fremont, Calif. R. U. Evjenth, Camp Fremont, Calif. Thomas Tuite, Camp Fremont, Calif. Ed. Wartena, Camp Fremont, Calif. A. Hess, Camp Fremont, Calif.. Harry Walsh, Camp Fremont, Calif. Pat Foley, Camp Fremont, Calif. Chas. Ackley, Camp Fremont, Calif. W. Weitzenberg, Camp Fre- mont, Calif. P. J. Peterson, Camp Fremont, CaUf. Jas. Rexach, San Juan, P. R Fuertes Hermanos, Arecibo, P. R Lucas Castro, Juncos, P. R Paul Esteves, Aqudilla, P. R... Mamerto Lopez, Pta. de Tierra, P. R. Francisco Vega, Humacao, P. R. Bernardo Lecumberri, Catano, P. R. Ventura Lama, Juncos, P. R.... Bernardo Lecumberri, Catano, P. R. Bartolome Jaca. Santuree, P. R.. Aurelio Ortiz, Rio Piedras, P. R. Eleuterio Rodriguez, San Juan, P. R. J. L. Lumpkins,San Juan, P. R . Ramon Vora, Santuree, P. R Jose A. Rexach, Santuree, P. R. Bartolome Jaca, Santtorce, P. R . . Fuertes Harmanos, Arecibo, P. R. Mentura Lama, Juncos, P. R Bartolome Jaca, Santuree, P. R.. Ramon Carbia, San Juan, P. R.. Wm. B. Shaw, Santuree, P. R.. Ramon Carbia, San Juan, P. R.. Pedro Velez, San Juan, P. R Fuertes Hermanos, Arecibo, P. R. Ramon Carbia, San Juan, P. R . F. B. Hatch, San Juan, P. R.... Article. Scrap lumber.. Kindling wood. do do Butts Kindling wood. do .do. Checking booth at main gate as it stands. Kindling wood Small shed as It stands Pile scrap lumber and scrap shovels. Small scrap pumping engine . . Scrap lumber .do. Kindling wood Scrap lumber, 1x4x6. Kindling wood Secondhand wooden horses and scrap lumber. Scrap lumber, 1x4x6 Bantam concrete mixer, sec- ondhand, card No. 129. Screen doors do Toilet fixtures. ....do Window screens. Screens Toilet fixture. Tent frames... Scale house. Tool house. Warehouses, 60 x 155'. do do Storehouse, 20 x 42'. . . Lavatory, 20 x 42' Lavatory, 20 x 14'. do Corral sheds, 29 x 90' Grain storehouse, 20 x 30'. Corral shed, 20 x 42' Office veterinary, 20 x 24'. Lavatory, 20 x 14' Corral shed Small corral sheds South pump shed, with equip- ment. North pump shed Tent floors, 16 X 16' do do ....do ....do ....do do Tent floors, 9x9' do Lumber pile. Total sale price. S25.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 30.00 2.00 10.00 32.00 15.00 3.00 10.00 2.00 14.56 3.00 17.50 225.44 250.00 LOO 1.00 25.00 25 00 15.00 1.50 12.50 19.30 37.50 15.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 1,050.00 205.00 115.00 80.00 75.00 333.00 135.00 75.00 158.00 50.00 10.00 51.00 250.00 50.00 168.30 484.00 352.00 22.00 168. 75 33.00 22.00 117.60 6L60 25.00 396 SALiE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continind. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. June 23, 1919. do do do July 15, 1919. July 12, 1919. . Aug. 1, 1919.. Aug. 5, 1919.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. do do do do do do do July do do do do do do do do Aug. 7, 1919.. July 28, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. do do Jose A. Rexach, Santurce, P. R. Fllomeno Rivers, Santurce, P. R. Bartolome Jaca, Santurce, P. R.. Ventura Lama, Juncos. P. R — L. M. Johnston, Arlington, Va. . Simmons Hardware Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. George Brown, Philadelphia, Pa L. RenzeUi, Philadelphia, Pa L. Ampri on, Philadelphia, Pa. . E. Cutona, Philadelpnia, Pa. . . H. Bodine, Philadelphia, Pa.... W.Williams, Philadelphia, Pa. Sam Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa John Williams, Philadelphia, Pa do J. Biggs, Philadelphia, Pa F. Viggi, Philadelphia, Pa Charles Bond, Philadelphia, Pa. E. Ontalne, Philadelphia, Pa. . L. Ramelli, Philadelphia, Pa... C. Palaio. Philadelphia, Pa J. McGurgan, Philadelphia, Pa. J. Morris, Philadelphia, Pa J. Sewell, Philadelphia, Pa R. Peace, Philadelphia, Pa F. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa W. Gaflney. Philadelphia, Pa. . N. Ryan, Pniladelphia, Pa H.B. Freeman, Philadelphia, Pa S. Montigne, Philadelphia, Pa... J. Marshall, Philadelphia, Pa... D. Griffith, Philadelphia, Pa... M. Harvey, Philadelphia, Pa... F.Williams, Philadelphia, Pa.. E. Zembert, Philadelphia, Pa.. A. Benvenido, Philadelphia, Pa J. Montiff, Philadelphia, Pa.... J. Capachrione. Philadelphia, Pa N. T. Fisher, Philadelphia, Pa. J. Marshall, Philadelphia, Pa. . B. Branch, Philadelphia, Pa... H. Handy, Philadelphia, Pa. . . E. H. Hyland, Philadelpnia, Pa Thomas Flaherty, Philadel- phia, Pa. H. Derry, Philadelphia, Pa H. Ross, Philadelphia, Pa E. Amfrocan. Philadelphia. Pa. A. Leroux, Philadelphia^ Pa — J. Gallagher, Philadelphia, Pa.. J. Ward, Philadelphia, Pa T. Ward, Philadelphia, Pa F. Nordy, Philadelphia, Pa L. Maxwell, Philadelphia, Pa.. A. Dweiska, Philadelphia, Pa.. M. Voock, Philadelphia, Pa Edidio MesticheUi, Philadel- phia, Pa. H. Jones, Philadelphia, Pa J. Mazayunk, Philadelphia. Pa , T. Keenan, Philadelphia, Pa M. Pufkens. Philadelphia, Pa... W. Casta, Philadelphia, Pa Ed. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa.. P. Brennan, Philadelpnia, Pa. . . A. J. Murphy, Philadelphia, Pa, M. Moses, Philadelphia, Pa J. Parigine, Philadelphia, Pa C. Thorn, Philadelphia, Pa M. Gordan, Philadelphia, Pa..., H. Belikofl, Philadelphia, Pa. . , W. H. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa, T. Stalzlo, Philadelphia, Pa J. Peraztae, Philadelphia, Pa.... A. M. Lyons, Raleigh, N. C George Hinton. Raleigh, N. C, W. E. Butler, Raleigh, ISi. C. . . . Berry O'Keily, Method, N. C... J. R. Watson, Raleigh, N. C. . . . Lumber pile Latrine foundations do Part of corral fencing Buildings 200, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 233, 234, 235. Wire nails 30" X 8' tables (rough lumber) Scrap wood :!!!!do!!!!;;!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do do do Scrap wood, pile butts Scrap wood :;"!do"!"!!!"!!!!"!'""!!! Scrap wood and slabs Scrap wood \v^do^\\\v^v.'.'."'.'.\\\'."" do do Scrap lumber !!!;!do![!!!i!!!!!"!i!!"!!!!! do , do do do do do do .do. Slabs and scrap wood. Scrap lumber !;;!!do!!!I!!I!!!!!!!!!i do do Scrap wood... Scrap lumber. Slabs Scrap lumber. ....do do do do do do do do Scrap wood... Scrap lumber. Slabs Scrap lumber. do do do do do do Slabs Pile butts Scrap lumber. do do do do do .do. .do. Pistol, S. & W., .38 cal. do Electric flash lights Scrap lumber Electric desk lamp SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 397 SERLA.L LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C.-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article." Total sale price. Aug. 4, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919. do Aug. 5, 1919., do , Mar. 2, 1919.. July 31, 1919. Aug. 1,1919.. Aug. 4, 1919.. do Aug. 1,1919.. July 31, 1919. June... do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. do do do do do do , do do July 6, 1919. do do do do July 14, 1919. ....do do do do July 11, 1919. July 30, 1919. July 23, 1919. July 30, 1919. July 22, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. ....do Aug. 6, 1919.. do ....do ....do do do do July 10, 1919.. July 11, 1919.. July 26, 1919., do do ....do M. S. Hoxland, Raleigh, N. C... L. A. Green, Raleigh, N. C Raleigh Juak Co., Raleigh, N. C, L. A. Green, Raleigh, N. C , Dillian Supply Co., Raleigh, N. C. F. G. Mertins, Augusta, Ga July 22, 1919. ....do Lorick & Lowrence, Columbia, S. C. do do do do South Carolina Penitentiary, Columbia, S. C. T. M. Clementson, Clarendon , Va Geo. Porter, Ballston, Va T. H. West, Alexandria, Va — O. J. Thompson, Arlington, Va. Arthur Williams, Fort Myer, Va Frank D. Denison, Fort Myer, Va. M. Cameron. Fort Myer, Va P. Starke, R'osslyn, Va M. Dougherty, Roslyn, Va H. O. Kirkland, Fort Myer, Va. Calvin Marcy, Fort Mver, Va. . L. F. Sohippel, Fort Myer, Va. Charles Young, Fort Myer, Va. E. McQuarters, Fort Myer, Va. Wood, Emell, Mitchell, Perkins, Norfolk, Va. R. R. Lambert, Norfolk, Va. . . Howard C. Brooks, Norfolk, Va Henry Wiseman, Norfolk, Va.., C. G. Mayes, Norfolk, Va J. L. PhiUips, John Stevens, Washington, D. C. do ....do do do do Jefferson & Clearfield Coal & Iron Co.. Punxsutawney, Pa. Portsmouth Water Develop- ment, Portsmouth, Va. Rogers & Shumway, Ports- mouth, Va. Mary E. Jackson, Portsmouth, Va. Chas. Ackley, Menlo Park, CaUf . Lew Burkardt, Menlo Park, Calif. Porter Bros, Norfolk, Va Scrap harness Wheelbarrows (damaged), .38- cal. pistol. Plate, surface 2x3x4; scrap iron. White lead Crude and heavy black oil, Osgood scale, broken. Stone forks, rakes, rubber hose, and tar roofing. Terra-cotta pipe 15" sewer pipe.. Terra-cotta pipe. ....do ....do ....do Cement Gun Construction Co., Norfolk, Va. R. G. Lassiter & Co., Norfolk, Va. Johnson & Co., Norfolk, Va L. I. Salzberg, Norfolk, Va Alsop & Pelrce, Norfolk, Va.... Johnson & Co., Norfolk, Va Cash Register Exchange, Ta- coma, Wash. do C. M. Shaw, Prescott, Ariz Wm. Lmebeck, Prescott, Ariz. S. K. Baker, Prescott, Ariz , C. Totten, Prescott, Ariz Hampton Reynolds, New Or- leans, La. J. McQllvary, New Orleans, La. Tent frames. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Buildings, stables Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, veterinary hospital, bunk house. Hay shed and stable No. 1 . . . Building, grain shed do Buildings, stables Nos. 6 and 7 Lumber and poles Lumber do do do do Wood pipe. Blacksmith shop Tool boxes, sign boards. Building bricks Tent bottoms, miscellaneous kindling. Dead mule Secondhand black pipe, pio- neer iron bars. Wire chairs Diukey ties, wood water tanks. Secondhand timber Division time office Pile-driver lead, union steam hammer. Pile-driver hammer, IJ" steam hose and coupUngs. Meat-slicing machine Meat block , 33' cypress telephone pole Water-closets and tanks 6 X 12 X 12 hollow building tile. Common flr secondhand lum- ber. Crossties Lumber, keg mixed naUs. $5.00 16.00 10.00 20.00 45.00 36.15 253. 50 123.00 110.30 123. 50 123. 50 339. 50 50.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 822. 40 141. 65 75.00 75.00 275.00 5,858.63 5,524.61 4,426.95 3,560.22 4,185.24 12,093.68 247.50 118. 84 10.00 43.89 14.00 5.00 228.15 224.08 158. 75 66. 13 25.00 850. 00 420. 00 126.00 11.00 7.50 15.00 162. 50 1,315.51 1,500.00 89.35 398 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C. -Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 22, 1919 . -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. May 15, 1919. May 19, 1919. May 24, 1919. May 26, 1919. do May 27, 1919. do do ....do. do May 28, 1919. do do May 29, 1919. do ....do ..do ..do ..do ....do. ....do May 30, 1919. do June 2, 1919.. ....do , ....do ....do ...-do ....do ....do ....do., ....do.. June 4, 1919. ....do do Junes, 1919.. Junes, 1919.. do June 4, 1919.. June 2, 1919.. June 6, 1919. . J. W. Kearney & Sous, New Or- leans, La. do Dixie Mill Supply Co., New Or- leans, La. A. Baldwin Co. (Ltd.), New Or- leans, La. Michel Brick & Lumber Co., New Orleaas, La. Menge Marme Hardware & Sup- Olo ply Co., New Orleans, La. lo K. Olsen, New Orleans, La. Republican Creosoting Co., Mo- bile, Ala. South Carolina Light, Power & Railways Co., Spartanburg, S. C. M. M. Alexander, Fair Forest, S.C. F. F. Cawer, Spartanburg, S. C. . Paul H. Leonard, Reidville, b. C. CMside Mills, Cliffside, N. C... H. O. Bonk, Camp Wadsworth, S.C. S. M. Lee, Spartanburg, S. C do G. Wright, Switzer, S. C. Ben Johnson, Arcadia, S.C J. R. Snoody. WeUford, S. C. .. W. J. Jones, Bishopville, S. C W. G. Shivers, Spartanburg, S. C L. D. Proffltt, Spartanburg, S. C P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. Jas. S. A. Doyle, Spartanburg, S.C. C. L. Lee, Spartanburg, S. C E. L. Stallings Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. Jas. A. Doyle, Spartanburg, S. C Q. L. Fortune, Landrum, S. C. H. R. Black, Spartanburg, S. C E. Aetkins, Spartanburg, S. C. , F. B. Cole Co., Atlanta, Ga T. H. Knox, Bear Poplar, S. C Paul H. Leonard, Reidville, S. C. T. H. Sims, Spartanburg, S. C. . P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. do J. W. Sexton, Spartanburg, S. C. . W. H. Newman, Spartanburg, S. C. C. R. Owens, Greenville, S. C... E. L. Stallings Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. J. P. West, Spartanburg, S. C... S. S. Stacks, Haynes, S. C R. H. Barry, Moore, S. C Arcadia Mills, Arcadia, S. C. Will McAbee, Camp Wads- worth, S. C. A. G. Paris, Fair Forest, S. C. . . N. S. Baker, Spartanburg, S. C. Chick Springs Sanitarium, Chick Springs, S. C. S. D. Atkins, Campobello, S. C. Lime .....do Nails Nails and barbed wire... TiUng Caustic soda Steel Creosoted piling Juniper poles, pine poles Cement (partly damaged), sec- ondhand wheelbarrow. Officer's building Secondhand heater , Refrigerators, damaged gar- bage cans, galvanized pails, galvanized tubs, oU heaters, secondhand stoves. Broken refrigerator Odd scrap lumber Secondhand tent floors, lot broken secondhand sash doors. Large refrigerator, lot odd transom sash, old broken strap, wheelbarrows, and fittings. Secondhand tent floors Refrigerator , Small refrigerator Old tarpaulin Flue Uning (damaged) Secondhand scrap lumber Secondhand lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, closet bowls, uri- nals, and shower heads. Secondhand galvanized boil- ers. Radiators, secondhand gal- vanized boilers, 6" pipe. Cleat receptors, plug cut-outs, transil oil, rosettes, shade holders, h" loom. Secondhand Army ranges, stovepipe (odd and second- hand). Small refrigerator Terra-cotta pipe (damaged)... Closet combinations Small refrigerators Boiler and stand, broken heater. Tent fl oors Oddsorap lumber Secondhand scrap lumber Secondhand lumber Odd lumber, secondhand Tarpaulin Secondhand galvanized boil- ers, used tarpaulins. Officer's refrigerator Tent floors Terra-cotta pipe (damaged), guard shelter. Terra-cotta J bends (slightly Tentfloors Scrap kindling wood . Tarpaulin Large refrigerators Broken terra-cotta pipe, lot (junk) pipe. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE "WAR DEPARTMENT. 399 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Junes, 1919.. June 7, 1919 . . June 6, 1919.. June 10, 1919. June 6, 1919.. June 11, 1919. do do do June 7, 1919.. June 11, 1919. do June 4, 1919.. June 12, 1919. June 11, 1919. R. A. Bernett, WeUford, S. C. . . P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. Thomas Gibbs, Spartanburg, S. C. P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. J. S. A. Doyle, Spartanburg, S. C. W. S. Martin, Canton, S. C L. C. Howell, Spartanburg, S. C. C. G. Humphries, Union, S. C... J. R. Btu-nett, Spartanburg, S.C. Chick Springs Sanitarium, Chick Springs, S. C. S. D. Atkms, Campobello, S. C. L. M. Peirson, Spartanburg, S.C. Whitney Mfg. Co., Whitney, S C W. H.' Haynes, Cliffside, N. C . . . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Fiske-Carter Construction Co., Spartanburg, S. C. New Model Mill, Saxon, S. C... Fiske-Carter Construction Co., Spartanburg, S. C. do do do do .. ..do do.. do do . .do do do do do do .do .do. .do. June 13, 1919. June 19, 1919. June 13, 1919. June 12, 1919. June 16, 1919. do do do June 19, 1919. do .do. June 20, 1919. June 7, 1919.. June 20, 1919. June 17, 1919. June 21, 1919. Juael9, 1919. June 23, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. do do Aug. 7, 1919.. do July 29, 1919.. June 13, 1919. Julys, 1919... W. H. Haynes, Cliflside, N. C. , Jas. S. A. Doyle, Spartanburg, S.C. R. C. Davis, Spartanburg, S. C. E. D. Foster, Spartanburg, S. C P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C. Cliffside Mills, Cliffside, N. C . . . . L. J. Jones, Spartanburg, S. C, Jim Dean, Spartanburg, S. C... J. Madison Dean, Spartanburg, S.C. P. A. Carey. Spartanburg, S. C Whitney Mig. Co., Spartanburg, S.C. Richard Young, Spartanburg, S.C. P. A. Carey, Spartanburg, S. C, Guy Nelson, Spartanburg, S. C, E. L. Stallings Co., Spartan- burg, S. C. W. E. Collins, Fau- Forest, S. C Lorick & Lowrance, Columbia, S.C. do do do do do Geo. W. Trout, Marabanong, South Jacksonville, Fla. Butcher & Sweeney, Fort Worth, Tex. W. B. Hinkle, Fort Worth, Tex. . Refrigerator Scrap lumber Scrap kindling wood . Secondhand lumber (bad or- der), doors. Cleats, bracket insulators, choke coils. Large refrigerators do Small refrigerator Refrigerator Large refrigerator Black steel tank, junk basins. Lot (junk) pipe Secondhand bibbs Garbage cans, large refrigera- tors, small refrigerators. Water cooler and bottle, auto- mobile blankets. Tent floors Wheelbarrows Tongue and groove boards — Boards Boards, crushed stone, angle iron, cast-iron bends, phigs, hub end gate valve, hy- drants, cast-iron pipe, soil pipe, terra-cotta J bends, crushed stone. Scrap lumber, boards Steel bars Boards ■ do .do Hydrants, tees, spuds, ells, galvanized ells, stop and waste, street signs, 6" cast- iron plugs, secondhand hose, hose nozzles. Sledge hammer, scaffold, brackets, melting pot, sec- ondhand tool boxes. Secondhand bibbs, junk brass, damaged basin plugs. Garbage cans Assorted copper wire Secondhand mowing blades, saws (bad order), second- hand sink, secondhand cart. Terra-cotta tile Used lumber (bad order) Used garbage cans Tarpaulins Scrap lumber, old tables Refrigerator Scrap lumber, scrap iron. li" conduit Slating and tent floors (badly Used tarpaulin Small posts, rope Used galvanized pipe, used hanger irons. Used 3" black pipe 24" terra-cotta pipe .do. 24" and 15" terra-cotta pipe... 24" terra-cotta pipe , do do , Large refrigerators , Galleries at rifle range LumbeF, sash, door (salvaged) 400 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. ' Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 3, 1919 . . July 23, 1919. do July 14, 1919., July 28, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919.. July 29, 1919.. June 20, 1919... Dec. 20, 1918... Jan. 2, 1919. do Jan. 15, 1919. Jan. 17, 1919. 1919. do. Jan. 18, do do Jan. 25, 1919. Jan. 21, 1919. do. ....do. Jan. 25, : 1919. Jan. 28, 1919. ....do. Jan. 29, Jan. 30, ....do. 1919. 1919. .do. .do. Jan. 31, 1919 do Feb. 6, 1919 Feb. 7, 1919 Feb. 13, 1919 Feb. 20, 1919.... Feb. 21, 1919 ....do Feb. 27,1919. L. L. Hawes, Fort Worth, Tex. Chevrolet Motor Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Continental Asphalt & Petro- leum Co., Fort AVorth, Tex. General Engineering Co., Fort Worth, Tex. County of Westchester, N. Y., H. C. Brown, commissioner. J. Young, Camden, N. J Seaboard l)redglng Co., Jack- sonville, Fla. R. R. Smoak, Spartanburg, S. C U. S. Housing Corporation, Norfolk, Va. do.... Marine Hospital, New Orleans, La. do Biueau of Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. U. S. Government cold-storage warehouse, 39th St. and Win- chester Ave., Chicago, 111. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Henry Horst Construc- tion Co., Moline, 111. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Geo. W. Stiles Con- struction Co. War Department, Washington, D.C. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Hegeman & Harris, Norfolk, Va. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Cauldwell-Wingate Co., Bridgeport, Conn. do ....do Bvu-eau of Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Casper-Ranger Con- struction Co., Quincy, Mass. do Navy Department, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washing- ton, D. C. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Cauldwell-Wingate Co., Bridgeport, Conn. U. S. Housmg Corporation, ac- count Tracy Bros. Co., Water- bury, Conn. Bureau of Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. ....do Latrine and shed (small) from rifle range. Lumber, 2x 12 (salvaged) Lumber (salvaged). Not known. Boston Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. Brooklyn Navy Yard, Brook- lyn. N. Y. U. S. Marine Hospital, New Or- leans, La. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Tracy Bros. Co., Water- bury, Conn. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Casper-Ranger Co., Quincy, Mass. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Hegeman-Harris, Nor- folk, Va. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Casper-Ranger Co., Quincy, Mass. Navy yard, Washington, D. C. . U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Casper-Ranger Co., Quincy, Mass. do : Window slides (salvaged), stove. Miscellaneous small tools and materials. Catamaran pipe butts Large secondhand refrigerator. Secondhand baby grand piano . Triple-braid weatherproof wire. Car lumber Lumber .do. Lumber, wall board, building paper, creosote, door jambs, window frames. Toilet bowls and sets, com- plete. Closet bowls, closet seats, tanks. Closet bowls, seats, tanks Lambert drum hoisting engine and boiler. Lightning arresters Closet bowls, tanks, complete, with fittings. Closet bowls, tanks , ....do Tongue and groove No. 2 flooring. Iron tanks, closet seats Vitreous closet bowls. Portland cement Vitreous closet bowls. Bowls, tanks, polished can- tonment seats. Hot-water tank and heater f" water relief valve for tank heater. Cement Portland cement Lumber (yellow pine). Closet bowls, tanks (less sup- ply pipes), polished canton- ment pattern seats. Closet tanks, closet seats Transformers , Low-down water-closet tanks . Portland cement Low-down closet tanks. .do. SAIiE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAB DEPARTMENT. 401 SEBIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, "WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 June 19, 1919. do July7, lOW-.- Mar. 17, 1919.. Mar. 28, 1919... Mar. 29, 1919... Apr. 7, 1919.... Apr. 12,1919... Junes, 1919... Aug. 14, 1919. . -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do... .do... -do.... -do.... .do.... do do do do do Julys, 1919.. July 11, 1919. July 19, 191'9. July 24, 1919. July 28, 1919. July 30, 1919. Jan. 30, 1919.. July 30,1919. .do. July 31, 1919. do -do. Aug. 1, 1919. do U. S. Public Health Service, Greenville, S. C. ....do U. S. Public Health Service, Montgomery, Ala. U. S. Housing Corporation, ac- count Wesley B. Porch, In- dianhead, Md. [Canceled.] U. S. Marine Hospital, New Or- leans, La. Medical Research Field No. 1, Garden City, L. I. U. S. Naval Air Station, Bruns- wick, Ga. Public Health Service, Green- ville, S.C. C. G. Gulggnard, Columbia, S. C. M. W. Klerkley, Columbia, S. C. J. W. Jones, Columbia, S.C W. E. Reese, Columbia, S. C J. E. Williams, Columbia, B.C.. Hey ward Green, Columbia, S. C J. H. Wise, Columbia, S.C H. C. Smith, Columbia, S. C W. T. Stamge, Columbia, S. C. . . H. R. Goowdin, Columbia, S. C. , A. M. Sox, Columbia, S. cS M. W. Lorick, Columbia, S. C . . . D . W . Ruff Lumber Co ., Colum- bia, S. C. LevkofE Bros., Columbia, S. C. Miscellaneous fire department equipment. do Furniture equipment, includ- ing kitchen and laboratory equipment. No. Isouthempine Limiber Miscellaneors electrical equip- ment. ....do Miscellaneous plumbing and electrical equipment and tools, lumber, and paint . Hacksaw frames, band iron, axes, drill press, roofing ce- ment. Grind rock Digging bars Galvanized iron Tin cups Iron cot Saw circle Broken chairs Grindstone Rubber boots Lumber (culls) Scrap lumber Lumber, sheathing Not known. Not known, $21,000.00 E. A. Poole, Columbia, S. C. Ben Martin, Columbia, S. C. W. A. Funder, Columbia, S. C. . . Columbia Auction Co., Colum- bia, S.C. M. W. Lorick, Columbia, S. C. . . E. T. Muse, Columbia, S. C... S. C. Starr, Columbia, S. C. J. W. Ladds, Columbia, S. C. T. D. Ruff, Columbia, S.C. F. R. Martin, Columbia, S.C... E. K. Elterige, Columbia, S. C. . H. A. Strickland, Columbia, S. C J. M. Martin, Columbia, S. C R. H. Wood, Columbia, S.C Herman Ellis (Inc.), Perth Am- boy, N. J. do .do. .do. .do. Frank Kora, New Brunswick, N.J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J Mrs. Sam I3eveto, Bonham- town, N. J. Niewenhous Bros., New York, N. Y. Carl Leppert, Ford s, N . J Mrs. Sam Deveto, Bonham- town, N. J. Ned Lorenson, Bonhamtown, N.J. J. Beneska, Bonhamtown, N. J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J Comforts, blankets, cotton pads, straw ticks, cement rollers. Miscellaneous small tools Tire shrinker and machine tire bolting. Oakum buckets Workman's buttons, heaters, stovepipe. Scrap paper, penholders, drill press. Rubberstamps, water coolers, wirecoil, shotguns, ironsafe. Window shades Miscellaneous small tools Trowel mason, chain tongs, blacksmith's tongs, forge, bench vise, pipe vise, bend- er, tire. Miscellaneous small tools do Rayo lamps Miscellaneous small tools Lap robe Scrap iron, iron boring, brass boring. Scrap-iron rail do Secondhand lumber, second- hand railroad ties. Industrial steel rail, Russian rail. Cement sheds, 1, 2, 3 Kindling wood. do Scrap wheelbarrows, scrap planks. Kindling wood do .do. .do. .do. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 6G-2- 26 402 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEE'T. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 1,1919. Aug. 2, 1919. do Aug. 4, 1919. .do. .do. .do. Aug. .5, 1919. do do Aug. 6, 1919. do do Aug. 7, 1919. do Aug. 8, 1919. do ...do. .do. Aug. 9, 1919. do ....do ....do Aug. 11, 1919. do -do. .do. do Aug. 12, 1919. do .do. .do. Aug. 9, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 2,1919.. Aug. 15, 1919. do do Aug. 18,1919.. Aug. 19,1919.. Aug. 18, 1919. July 10, 1919. July 26, 1919.. Aug. 1, 1919.. do .....do do do do do .do. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N. J Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J W. T. Woerner, Bonhamtown, N.J. Tom Groholsky, Camp Raritan, N.J. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N. J. Felix Kluj, Perth Amboy, N. J. . Mrs. Sam Deveto, Bonham- town, N. J. A. Swenson, Silver Lake, N. J... J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N.J Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan,N. J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N.J Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N.J Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J L. W. Spencer, Metuchen, N. J . . Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N. J Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J. C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J: Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N. J W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N. J. Thomas Graham, Camp Rari- tan, N. J. B . Horowitz, Perth Amboy, N. J Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J Sam Martin, Bonhamtown, N. J. Paul Selag, Perth Amboy, N. J. . Mrs. Sam Deveto, Bonhamtown, N.J. W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N. J . Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N. J C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J. Snare & Triest Co., New York, N. Y. John R. Allen, Raleigh, N. C. . L. V. Bm-ch, Raleigh, N. C... J. R. Watson, Raleigh, N. C .. . L. A. Green, Raleigh, N. C Jean Herring, Raleigh, N. C J. R. Medlin, Raleigh N. C Lou A. Green, Raleigh, N. C Auto Tire Repair Co., Raleigh, N. C. J. W. Donohue, Waco, Tex W. C. Hendrlck Construction Co., Waco, Tex. C. H. Jonas, Prescott, Ariz Wm. Linebeck, Prescott, Ariz . . . C. Totten, Prescott, Ariz C. H. Jonas, Prescott. Ariz C. Totten, Prescott, Ariz , do do .do. Kindling wood Kindling wood, scrap tool boxes. Pile scrap glass Kindling wood. ....do. ....do. ....do. Pile small log butts Kindling wood do do do Scrap lumber, secondhand shack parts. Kindling wood Small Champion blacksmith post hand drill (secondhand) . Kmdling wood Wooden norses, hopper^ hoist, and broken derrick, kmdling wood, scrap wheelbarrows. Secondhand wheelbarrows, ventilatorSjlargeshed, small shed. Kindling wood, secondhand shack. Kindling wood Secondhand Jenny winch and hand crab, broken conduits, and tile. Long wood Secondhand shanties and shack. Kindling wood Secondhand drag scraper, sec- ondhand planks. Kindling wood ....do Secondhand drag scraper. Small pile scrap lumber. . Secondhand shovels Kindling wood Secondhand drag scraper, plow, wheelbarrows, shovels. Ransom concrete mixer boiler, 36 X 87" engine, side loader, water tank mounted on steel wheels, type 21S. Lot tools (used and damaged).. Glass reflectors Electric desk lamp Motor coat, gold plate badge, police badges. Electric desk lamp Chairs Salvaged lumber Junk tire casings .do. .do. Junk wire, empty barrels Junk steel, secondhand ties . Lumber do Lumber, tiles do Lumber Lumber, tiles Lumber, window frames, hol- low building tile, brick. Lumber, wooden frames, hol- low building tile, brick, pipe, fittings, etc. Lumber, wooden frames, hol- low building tile. $2.00 15.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 4,00 2.00 8.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 70.00 145. 00 20.00 2.00 115. 00 310. 00 60.00 8.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.50 2.00 6.00 19.00 1,000.00 15.00 .50 3.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 5.00 1.96 128.48 615. 00 70.60 345.92 618. 55 841. 07 1,014.52 489. 98 1,064.41 1,176.30 636.31 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 403 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 1, 1919. ....do ....do Aug. 9, 1919. Aug. 6, July 16, Aug. 21, Aug. 19, do.. do.. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do. Aug. 11 do. Aug. 21 Aug. 19 July 31 1919. ,1919! ,1919. 1919.. Aug. 15, 1919. do .do. .do. Aug. 14, 1919... Aug. 19,1919... do :.. Aug. 1-14, 1919. do .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., -do., .do., .do., .do., .do. .do., -do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. American Red Cross, Whipple Barracks, Ariz. Wm. Kerr, Prescott, Ariz Wm. Lineoeck, Prescott, Ariz . . Y. M. C. A., Whipple Barracks, Ariz. City of Malvern, Ark Charleston Isle of Palms Trac- tion Co., Charleston, S. C. C. G. Jones, Columbia, S. C ....do ....do Powell Paving Construction Co. , Bamberg, S. C. Lorick & Lowrance, Columbia, S.C. ....do do Lewis Wrecking Co., Reserva- tion, S. C. Simon Faust, Dents Station, S C J. Battist, Stapleton, NY Chas. Turk Co., New Orleans, La. Southern Scrap Material Co., New Orleans, La. do Standard Supply Co.-, New Or- leans, La. Samuel Tabas, Philadelphia, Pa. Curtis Bros., Tacony, Philadel- phia, Pa. Northern Metal Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. L. Renzelli, Philadelphia, Pa... R. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa... H. Handy, Philadelphia, Pa J. Montifl, Philadelphia, Pa C. Bond, Philadelphia, Pa R. Peace, Philadelphia, Pa J. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa... E. Cutona, Philadelphia, Pa Sam Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa . N. Moran, Philadelphia, Pa N. Ryan, Philadelphia, Pa C. Palaio, Philadelphiaj Pa L. Maxwell, Philadelphia, Pa N. Fisher, Philadelphia, Pa W. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa J. Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa W. Veach, Philadelphia, Pa M. Good, Philadelphia, Pa T. Bayle, Philadelphia, Pa T. Stazio, Philadelphia, Pa N. Jennings, Philadelphia, Pa. . . J. Ford, Philadelphia, Pa J. Knapp, Philadelphia, Pa E. Zembert, Philadelphia, Pa... do A. Turner, Philadelphia, Pa J. Morris, Philadelphia, Pa J. A. Taglar, Philadelphia. Pa.. . . F. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa E. Water, Philadelphia, Pa John Perogoine, Philadelphia, Pa Pat Bony, Philadelphia, Pa P. Brennun, PhiladelDhIa, Pa.. P. Cayne, Philadelphia, Pa A. Battner, Philadelphia, Pa... P. Vile, Philadelphia, Pa N. Lee, Philadelphia, Pa L. B. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa.. Perry Stockton, Philadelphia, Pa. Brick, cement, machine bolts, fittings, nails, steel, tile, wire, radiators, valves, lum- ber. Bathtub, water-closet, soil pipe Lumber Asphaltum, bowls, toilet with tank and fittings, metal lath, white outside paint, Cer- talnteed roofing paper, radi- ators, Neptune screen wire, new tile, secondhand tile, Dunham traps, T. and Q. flooring, etc. Fir wood stave pipe Creosoted piles Sewer pipe. do ....do ....do .do. Terra^cotta pipe Sewer pipe Steel safe, chairs, desks. Secondhand cots Auto cases, tubes, desk, chair, table, etc. (unserviceable). Old rope Iron (junk) .do. .do. All remaining salvaged lum- ber on this job. Unserviceable brick Junk iron, junk rope. . Unserviceable lumber, do .do. -do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. $4,047.01 73.58 202.50 1,820.30 4,064.26 164. 70 122.60 700.00 220.00 266.20 133.25 130.00 130.00 213. 52 60.00 53.42 1,000.25 630. 19 866. 11 2, 729. 74 700.00 70.00 306.00 55.50 25.50 15. 00 18.00 7.50 10.50 21.50 7.50 24.00 1.50 6.00 18.00 6.00 1.50 3.00 9.00 4.50 1.50 1.50 4.50 16.50 18.00 1.60 2.00 9.75 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 12.00 10.50 9.75 1.50 12.00 1.50 1.50 4.50 3.00 404 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 1-14, 1919. do ....do ...-do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. ....do do do Aug. 4, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919... do do do do Aug. 26, 1919. do July 5, 1919... do do do July 10, 1919. .....do .....do July 16, 1919.. do do July 21, 1919.. .do. .do. do July 25, 1919. .do. -do. July 26, 1919. July 27, 1919. ....do ....do July 25, 1919. July 24, 1919. July 25, 1919. July 28, 1919. do Aug. 28, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919.. Aug. 27, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919.. Aug. 28, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919.. N. Grasso, PUladelpMaj Pa A. Cuculino, Philadelphia, Pa... J. Ponalleli, Philadelphia, Pa. . P. Amorane, Philadelphia, Pa.. John Williams, Philadelphia , Pa Howard Hardy, Philadelphia, A. Viggi, Philadelphia, Pa J. Rogers, Philadelphia, Pa F. Nelson, Philadelphia, Pa J. Musto, Philadelphia, Pa H. B. James, Philadelphia, Pa. H. Bellikofi, Philadelphia, Pa.. John McCoririlck, Philadelphia, Mitchell, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Terry Pa. Frank Labosis Pa. S. Green, Philadelphia, Pa A. Holmes, Philadelphia, Pa N. Coanlllo, Philadelphia, Pa. . George HofEman and George Ross, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lorick & Lowrance, Columbia, S. C. do .,...do C. G. Jones, Columbia, S. C do Simon Faust, Columbia, S. C. . do Mr. Caramela, Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr. Wetlesen, BrookljTi, N. Y. Mr. Tremper, Brooklyn, N. Y. . , Mr. Olive Sorum, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' L. & D. Metal Supply Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Olaf Johnson, Dyker Heights, N.Y. J. Luke. Brooklyn, N.Y J. J. Kelly, Brooklyn, N.Y W. Stewart, Brooklyn, N. Y . . . . J. P. Duffy Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. L. C. Harry Co., New York City, N.Y. Charles Strohmeyer, Brooklyn, N.Y. Geo. B. Spearln, New York City, N.Y. J. F. Podesta, Brooklyn, N.Y... L. C. Harry Co. , New York City, N.Y. Bernard Rolf, president of Riv- erside Construction Co., New York City, N. Y. Rodgers & Hagertym, New York City, N. Y. C. G. Jones, Columbia, S. C do do M. N. Pritchley, New Brooklyn, S. C. Lorick & Lowrance, Columbia, S. C. do E. M. Alexander, Reservation, S C Dewltt-Porter Co., Norfolk, Va.. H. Block & Co., Norfolk, Va . . . . J. W. Condor, Columbia, S. C... Lorick & Lowrance, Columbia, S. C. do do City of Sumter, Simiter, S . C. . . . Columbia Railway, Gas & Elec- tric Co., Columbia, S. C. Chas. Weitz Sons, Des Moines, Iowa. Uaserviceable lumber. do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. do do do Frame buildings . Sewerpipe -do. -do. .do. .do. Cots. Junk lumber (firewood) Old run platforms Unserviceable lumber Unserviceable run platforms. Shanty about 8 x 10 Junk iron, junk, junk rope, junk steel. Shanty (junk wood) Oil stoves Gas water heater (broken) . Shanty (junk wood) Secondhand lumber Railroad ties (culls) , Cement-testing apparatus . Float stages Unserviceable lumber. Railroad ties (culls) . . . Lumber, panels Second hand lumber. Sewer pipe do do Broken sewer pipe . Sewerpipe .do. Small cook stove, iron cots, pad, and comfort. Miscellaneous small tools , steel cable, iron pipe, fittings, valves, etc. Jimk iron Cypressposts Sewerpipe (specials), reducers, tees, bends, elbows. Sewer pipe do do Assorted erossties (used) Assorted binders, files, and cast-iron trans, cases. $3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.50 . 9.00 6.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 L60 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 20,500.00 123.50 182.00 119.40 156.00 157. 50 88.50 125.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 5.00 327. 30 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 187.03 100.00 38.00 768.00 10.00 37.50 808.45 2,322.23 146. 25 112.50 142.50 31.40 168.05 176.10 10.00 788.65 1, 319. 20 20.00 155.21 94.68 167. 67 238.80 553.92 132.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 405 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 2, 1919. do -do. -do. do June 6, 1919.. June 7, 1919.. do June 9, 1919.. June 10,1919. June 11, 1919. do do June 13, 1919. June 16,1919. do June 17, 1919. June 18, 1919. do June 19, 1919. June 27, 1919. June 30, 1919. do June 25, 1919. June 27, 1919. Not known.. June 6, 1919 . . June 11, 1919. June 25, 1919. June 27, 1919. June 30, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919. do do... ...do.... Aug. 13, 1919.... ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. F. M. Burnett, Greenville, S. C. . J. T. Blazengame, Greenville, S. C. C. A. Galloway, Greenville, S. C. Not known James Williams , Greenville, S. C M. A. Gwinn, Greenville, S. C. . Not known W. D. Broway, Greenville, S. C. Not known , .do. R. G. Neves, Greenville, S. C. . . . Not known Dr. J. A. WMte, Greenville, S. C. Not known D. L. Johnson, Greenville, S. C. . Not known E. E. Reese, Greer, S. C R. G. Neves, Greer, S. C Not known E. E. Watson, Greenville, S.C.. Not known Ben Shirley, Greenville, S. C Wm. Howard, Greenville, S.C.. Fiske-Carter Construction Co., Greenville, S. C. Bradley Bonded Warehouses Co., Greenville, S. C. Messrs. Humphrey, Vamon & Bimker, Greenville, S. C. J. A. Braun, Camp Sevier, S. C. . Mrs. D. M. Stanflel, Embree- vlUe, Tenn. C. G. Wyche, Greenville, S. C. . . Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. H. T. Poe, jr., Greenville, S. C. W. F. Keams Co., Boston, Mass. William Thompson, South Bos- ton, Mass. Ole K. Olsen, New Orleans, La.. Republic Creosote Co., Mobile, Ala. Mr. Boasberg, New Orleans, La. R. E. Guerin, New Orleans, La. . Hampton Reynolds, New Or- leans, La. do do do do Detroit Steel Products Co., De- troit, Mich. Dixie Rice Mill Supply Co. , New Orleans, La. Jahuck Dry Dock Corporation, New Orleans, La. do Michel Brick & Lumber Co., New Orleans, La. Jahancke Navigation Co., New Orleans, La. Hampton Reynolds, New Or- leans, La. Jahanck Navigation Co., New Orleans, La. Jahnacke Dry Dock Co., New Orleans, La. Hampton Reynolds, New Or- leans, La. do do Refrigerator Lamaged terra cotta pipe . Unserviceable lumber Unserviceable lumber, second- hand salvaged brick. Unserviceable lumber do do Boards Unserviceable timber and second hand salvaged brick. Unserviceable salvaged lum- ber. Cookine stove Unserviceable lumber Boards Unserviceable lumber McRay refrigerator (used) Unserviceable lumber Twentieth Century refrigera- tor (smallsize). Telephone poles (surplus) Unserviceable lumber Secondhand brick Unserviceable lumber Salvaged bricks Unserviceable hmiber Cyclone gates Miscellaneous ice boxes Miscellaneous Army ranges. . Used stove Small refrigerator (second- hand). Secondhand boards (salvaged). Assorted heating stoves, room heater,wood-buming stoves, and lot of stove parts. Lumber (salvaged) , terra-cotta pipe, secondhand doors and frames. Miscellaneous office equipment and furniture. Secondhand motor boat, com- plete. Miscellaneous reinforcing steel . Creosoted oil Gravel Linseed oil (boiled), paint, raw linseed oil, japan drier, asphaltum, etc. Lumber Miscellaneous lumber. Creosoted piling Lumber Switch ties Steel sash Washer bolts. Russian rail.. Sand. Tiles. Russian rail Bridge ties Russian rail with fittings . Creosoted piles . . . ^ Peeled piling Creosoted piles-. Boiler tubes.... 530.00 60.00 10.91 33.51 2.00 21.00 2.21 141. 20 27.00 8.95 15.00 4.20 24.70 15.25 35.00 2.00 30.00 60.00 6.00 10.00 38.90 8.75 14.50 8L00 732.25 613. 13 20.00 12.50 99.05 479.00 277.29 2,066.15 60.00 6,537.63 20,026.10 400.00 305.47 156.75 46.59 9,847.87 435.00 921.84 397. 00 3,546.34 756.00 134. 14 35.40 306. 72 492.80 2,055.39 10,452.00 513.60 4,914.00 432.82 406 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 13, 1919. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. do do Aug. 5,1919.. July 14, 1919.. do Aug. 5,1919.. do July 14, 1919.. do Aug. 5,1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. July 21, 1919.. July 15,1919.. Aug. 6,1919.. Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919.. do do Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 29,1919. Aug. 28,1919. Aug. 27, 1919. do Aug. 26,1919. Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 9,1919.. Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 2,1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 19,1919. Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 18,1919. Aug. 13,1919. Aug. 18,1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 21,1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. do Sept. 1, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Aug. 6,1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. do do do do do Hampton Reynolds, New Or- leans, La. do do do .....do do ...do ...do . L. Phillips & J. Stevens, Washington, D. C. ...do .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Mr. Westbrook, Ortega, Fla V. C. Johnson, Little Rock, Ark, Montgomery Lumber Co., Suf- folk, Va. H. C.Clark, Suffolk, Va Lightner Publishing Corpora- tion, Suffolk, Va. Lewis & Harris, Suffolk, Va Coco-Cola Bottling Works, Suf- folk, Va. L. M. Hitchens , Suffolk, Va W. T. Bailey, Suffolk, Va S. Davidson Co., Norfolk, Va.... The Phillips Co., Suffolk, Va.... J. T. Williams, Suffolk, Va G. C. Hill, Suffolk, Va Pocahontas Candy Co., Suffolk, Joe M. Decker, Norfolk, Va Richard Brown, Portsmouth, Va. L. G. Brothers, Suffolk, Va Mrs. S. P. Squire, Portsmouth, Va. J. T. Williams, Suffolk, Va do W. L. Ives, Suffolk, Va Murray Lumber Co., Norfolk, Va. Ivan T. Jacks , Suffolk, Va E. H. Taylor, Suffolk, Va T. S. Warren, Suffolk, Va Lorenzo Carr, Portsmouth, Va. . . T. C. Andrews & Co., Norfolk, Va. Julia A. Brinkley, Suffolk, Va. . Austin & Bennett Co., Ports- mouth, Va. C. W. Robertson, Portsmouth, Va. John T. Keville, Portsmouth, Va. Crystal Family Laundry, Suf- folk, Va. H. L. Thomas Co., Camp Meade, Md. McDevitt-Fleming Co., Charles- ton, S. C. North Charleston Water & Light Corporation, North Charles- ton, S. C. Joseph Miller, North Charleston, S. C. Brown & Whiting, North Charleston, S. C. G. W. Taylor, North Charleston, S C W.'d! Breach, North Charles- ton, S. C. I John Williams, North Charles- ton, S. C. Charles Grant, North Charles- ton, S. C. Lumber . Corrugated roofing Steel rail, angle bars Lumber do Peeled piling, unpeeled piling, creosoted lumber, pecky cy- press, untreated lumber, switchties. Lumber do do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. Buildings Nos. D-410 andD-414 Dynamite Wheelbarrows .do. Desks , chairs , costumer . Office chairs Desk, bentwood chairs. Desk, chair Typewriter desk, costumers . . Surplus coal Double desk, revolving chair. Damaged cement Bicycle Arch files , inkwells, chair Old iron and steel Tool box Desks..." Tool box. Surplus stone, sand, gravel. Surplus timiber Revolving oflice chair Building and plank road Unserviceable lumber Blankets (damaged) Surplus piling and timber. Unserviceable lumber Wood water tank.. Tables Tool boxes . Engine coal. Cast iron (junk) and wrought iron (junk). Desk Damaged buggies Round deformed reinforcing steel. Galvanized pipe and trident compiound Neptune water meter. Sleeping shack, building No. 590. Sleeping shack, building No. 593. Sleeping shack, building No. 595. Sleeping shack, building No. 597. Sleeping shack, building No. 603. Sleeping shack, building No. 699. $756.35 818. 88 1,293.79 215.40 445.80 25,919.76 443.50 287.52 795.45 1,843.95 2, 749. 05 1,880: 05 13,821.84 7,541.20 10,677.58 19,067.41 222.00 1,296.00 18.00 21.00 76.50 31.00 42.50 40.00 32.50 60.00 60.00 10.00 10.00 11.75 27.50 2.00 30.00 2.00 200.00 45.00 10.00 850.00 3.50 5.00 35.00 180. 00 50.00 32.50 4.00 8.00 273.25 20.00 62.50 134. 12 101.80 64.00 111.00 89.00 64.00 89.00 74.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 407 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 11,1919. do do do do do do do Aug. 12,1919.. Aug. 11,1919.. Aug. 12,1919.. do do do do do do Aug. 15,1919.. Aug. 13,1919. do do , do Aug. 14,1919. do do Aug. 15,1919. do do , .....do Sept. 8,1919.. Aug. 23,1919. July 28, 1919. do do do do...... Aug. 1,1919. do do .do. .do. Aug. 4,1919. do do W. M. Jackson, North Charles- ton, S. C. Frank Green, North Charleston, S. C. J. G. Mangon, North Charles- ton, S. C. Stephen Simons, North Charles- ton, S. C. T. C. Spalding, North Charles- ton, 8. C. Susan Days, North Charleston, S. c. H. J. Brown, North Charleston, S. C. Julius Brown, North Charleston, S.C. William Reed, North Charles- ton, S.C. Rachel Nesbit, North Charles- ton, S. C. do John Tucker, North Charleston, S.C. Susan Days, North Charleston, S.C. Paris Small, North Charleston, S.C. A. Brown, North Charleston, S.C. Henry Anderson, North Charles- ton, S. C. Gus Moultry, North Charleston, S.C. Geo. W. Trout, Jackson ville,Fla , Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J Mike Fedak, Bonhamtown, N. J , W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N. J L. Spencer, Metuchen, N. J Tom Groholsky, Camp Rarltan, N.J. A. Boyson, Bonhamtown, N. J.. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan,N.J . C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Paul Slag, Perth Amboy N. J. . . Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan.N.J. Charles L. Jesse, Rossi yn, Va. . . H. W. Child, Helena, Mont M. Luciano, Brooklyn.N. Y Geo. B. Spearhi, New York City, N.Y. Child & Scott Co., New York City, N. Y. W. L. Tremper, Coney Island, N.Y. Great Lakes Dry Dock Co., New York City, N.Y. Brown ville House- WrecMngCo., Brooklyn, N. Y. W. J. Gihroy, Brooklyn, N. Y McCibben House- Wrecking Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Uh-ich, New York, N.Y New York Roofing Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. M. Samuel & Sons, Brooklyn, N.Y. L. & D. Metal & Supply Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. L. C. Harry Co., New York City, N.Y. Sleeping shack, building No. 702. Sleeping shack, building No. 712. Sleeping shack, building No. 713. Sleeping shack, building No. 716. Sleeping shack, building No. 718. do Sleeping shack, building No. 723. Sleeping shack, building No. 724. Sleeping shack and mess hall . . Sleeping shack, building No. 2 Sleeping shack and mess hall (condemned). do .do. Sleeping shack (condemned) . . do Bathhouse . .do. Launch, boat anchor, bed- spread, cotton blankets, b uckets, comforts, inner auto tubes, cotton pads, feather pillows, auto casings, bed sheets, etc. Wood Kindling wood Diaphram pumps No. 3 with hose connections, second- hand wire rope, secondhand wheelbarrows, blocks, and small sheaves and straps. Bolt cutters (secondhand) Kindling wood do ....do Second-hand wheelbarrow, concrete buggies, tar pot. Kindling wood ...do ...do Latrine buildings , Tent floors, latrines, tables, (camp equipment, crudely made and heavily nailed). Cement bags (rags) , Junk lumber Complete steam heater Cut-offs Pine poles, oak poles, cut-offs . Temporary ofl&ce building, awidngs. Subcontractor's oflace building Child & Scott machine shop.. . Junk lumber ....do Old rail and old iron beams . . . Jimk cable, jimk iron, pipe, and rope. Armor plates , 408 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877 6881 6882 6883 6884 6887 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893 6894 6895 6896 6897 8900 Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 18,1919. do ....do do do Aug. 19,1919. do do do do Aug. 26,1919. do do Aug. 5,1919. do do do Aug. 15,1919. Aug. 16,1919. do do Aug. 7,1919. July 28 to Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 18,1919. Aug. 19,1919. do do Aug.l9 to 20,1919. Aug. 20,1919... do -do. -do. .do. Aug. 21,1919. do Aug. 23,1919. do Aug. 21,1919. do Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 23,1919. July 29, 1919.. Bernard Rolf, New York City, N. Y. Edw. Larson, Brooklyn, N. Y — W. J. Gilroy, Brooklyn, N. Y. . , Bernard Rolf Riverside Con- struction Co., 30 Cortland St., New York City. Frank Alers, New York City Ward Bros., New York City, N. Y. Carmine Caluccrello, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sam Formichelli, Brooklyn,N .Y, Thos. Wri?ht, Brooklyn,N. Y . . . Tony Coletto, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . L. & D. Metal & Supply Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Ciuran, Brooklyn, N. Y Geo. E. Redden, Brooklyn, N. Y . Post & McCord,New York City. J. L. Phillips & John Stevens, Washington, D. C. do do do Thomas Leherty, Camp Raritan, N.J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J Tom Groholsky, Camp Raritan, N.J. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan,N.J. J. Ringle & Sons, Jersey City,N.J Herman EUis, Perth Amboy, N.J. N. Kistrup, Fords, N. J J. Breen,Bonhamtown,N. J W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N. J A. Jones, Bonhamtown, N. J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J. .. S. Cortse, Piscataway, N. J . . J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J . John Roos, Camp Raritan, N.J, W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N.J. Snare & Triest Co., Metuchen, N.J. J. M. Wade, New Brunswick,N.J, W. T. Campbell, Metuchen, N.J. Jacob Breen, Boiihamtown,N. J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J Mike Fedak,Bonhamtown,N.J.. Sam Deveto,Camp Raritan,N.J. J.M.Wade,New Brunswick,N. J. C. v. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Ortega Co., Ortega, Fla Belt conveyors (junk). Secondhand lumber Deposit forfeited on contract for the purchase of two shanties. Junk form lumber (Pier 1) Junk lumber.. Tables (junk) . Shanty (checker's booth). Shanties Post & McCord storehouse Carpenter's shanty Scrap iron, rope, cable, cement bags, concrete buggies. Secondhand run planks Shanties, lumber spearin, junk lumber, secondhand lum- ber, police shanty, and checkers' and painters' shanty. Sheets and envelopes (sta- tionery). Lumber .do. .do. .do. Christon's shanty, small shan- ty, secondhand wheelbar- rows. Kindling wood Small goat shed Kindling wood Mandrels, stakes, roller punch, shear, brake, desks, etc. (secondhand). Secondhand wooden horses, secondhand stoves, heavy junk rail, jimk iron, second- hand canvas, secondhand calcimine brushes, refuse, heavy junk iron. Kindling wood Secondhand wheelbarrows Broken tile , broken brick, junk wire rope, secondhand 3-inch pipe- Kindling wood do Secondhand wagon shed Junk auto body, secondhand concrete forms, secondhand shovels. Refuse Broken tiles Secondhand blowtorches, sec- ondhand picks, cross cut saws with handles, second- hand woodborers. Secondhand slag bags, tar ket- tles, tar buckets, well wheels and ropes, and tar dippers. Secondhand barrels Junk reinforcing rods, lot lights, broken wire glass. Kindling wood do Small pile concrete forms, planks. Secondhand tar kettles, sec- ondhand planks. Secondhand auto stake bod- ies, plaster board . Terra-cotta pipe, ranging from 12 to 30". $175. 00 18.44 25.00 60.00 5.00 .75 15.00 40.00 30.00 10.00 213. 69 33. 37 241. 00 5.00 8,064.21 576. 98 17,071.98 15,020.32 26.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 478. 00 943. 92 4.00 40.00 16.00 1.00 10.00 65.00 27.80 20.00 3.00 232.66 42.95 2.25 34.25 17.00 2.00 5.00 50.40 55.00 907.50 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 409 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C. -Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 8, 1919. Sept. 16,1919. do Sept. 10,1919. Sept. 15,1919. Aug. 14, 1919 . Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919 . . Sept. 11, 1919 . Sept. 10, 1919 . Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. July 19, 1919 . Aug. 5, 1919... ....do do do Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. do Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. do do Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 29, 1919. .....do do do Aug. 30, 1919. do do Sept. 2, 1919. do .do. .do. Sept. 3, 1919. ...do ...do Willingham's Warehouse Cor- poration, Macon, Ga. City of Montgomery, Montgom- ery, Ala. State of Alabama, Montgomery, Ala. L. M. Edgerton, Suffolk, Va Portsmouth Water Develop- ment, Suffolk, "Va. W. L. Smith, Norfolk, Va John S. Fock, Suffolk, Va L. M. Kitchens, Suffolk, Va.... Lakeview Sanitarium, Suffolk Va. Ulen Contracting Co., Suffolk, Va. Murray Lumber Co., Norfolk Va. E. B. Cohn, Suffolk, Va Fred Woemer, Philadelphia, Pa. P. W. Bounds, Philadelphia, Pa. Glaser Engineering & Construc- tion Co., New York City. Hunkin Conkey Construction Co., Columbus, Ohio. J. L. Phillips & John Stevens, Washington, D. C. do do do E. Lakatos, Camp Raritan, N. J . L. Cook, Bonhamtown, N.J C. Leppert, Fords, N. J C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. J. Fedak, Bonhamtown, N. J. . . Government buildings at quar- termaster and warehouse areas, including plumbing and electrical fixtures; also pumping plant. All improvements in base hos- pital and storage areas, with exception of division store- houses and utilities which serve the division store- house. Division storehouses and utili- ties serving them. Casings Vet. meter boxes, boxes and covers, paving type covers. Pacific bands and shoes. Pa- cific tongues, Pacific staves. Perishable provisions Iron deposit boxes T-square .. Wooden workbench Flat-top desk and revolving chair. Pads, stationery Wood frame house, 10 x 12 Radiators, brass, bicycle tires, garden hose, auto tires, alu- minum, boots, inner tubes, junk iron, etc. Lumber Steel sash Typical barracks, mess hall latrine, officers' quarters, pump house, tank and tower. Boots, steel blocks : Lumber. do do do Kindling wood Secondhand lumber. Kindling wood Checking booth J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J.. . C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N. L Hubbard Floyd Co., New York, N. Y. Tony Caressa, Bonhamtown, N. J. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N.J. C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Reliable Waste Material Co., Trenton, N. J. M. Cook, Bonhamtown, N. J Tom Groholsky, Bonliimtown, N. J. Ned Lorenson, Bonhamtown, N.J. Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J. Secondhand tool boxes, kind- ling wood. Secondhand wheelbarrows Secondhand lumber, second- hand wooden horses. Secondhand swing engine, sec- ondhand concrete forms, secondhand boiler tubes, demurrage on car. Secondhand lumber Kindling wood. Secondhand sand screen, small pikes, secondhand lumber. Refuse Secondhand tool boxes. Plaster board Kindling wood. C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N. J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N. J Benj. Giaguinto, Bonhamtown, N. J. Frank N. White, Piscataway- town, N. J. Carl Leppert, Fords, N.J , J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J... Junk plaster board, broken tile, broken brick, and door lintels. Cement test blocks Kindling wood Secondhand lumber. Secondhand tool box, second- hand lumber. Kindling wood Bail for wooden cement bucket $36,550.00 2,500.00 7,500.00 11.00 365. 37 28.80 8.00 3.00 28.00 13.14 10.00 253. 94 48.00 1, 000. 00 500. 00 61.32 26,928.04 6, 005. 58 551. 75 11, 151. 20 2.00 4.00 2.00 27.00 9.00 60.00 3.50 398.00 15.00 4.00 20.00 1,198.00 2.00 1.60 2.00 10.50 5.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 410 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Sept. 3, 1919.... Sept. 4, 1919 Sept. 5, 1919 do do Aug. 29, 1919.... Sept. 5, 1919 Sept. 6,1919 do do Sept. 8, 1919 do Sept. 9, 1919 Sept. 4, 1919 Aug. 20-Sept 9, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919.... do do-.... Sept. 16, 1919.... Aug. 11,1919. Aug. 27, 1919. do Sept. 2, 1919.. do Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. do Sept. 15, 1919. do do , do do do do Aug. 1,1919.. do do Aug. 4,1919.. do do Aug. 5, 1919.. do Aug. 6, 1919.. do Aug. 7, 1919.. do do Aug. 8,1919.. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 11, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Independent Iron & Metal Co., New Brunswick, N. J. M. Neilson, Bonhamtown, N. J. Sam Martin, Bonhamtown, N. J. Tom Groholsky, Camp Raritan, N.J. S. Cortse, Bonhamtown, N.J... Chas. A. Bloomfleld, Metuchen, N.J. Jacob Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N.J. Raritan Refining Co., Piscata- wav, N. J. J. M". Wade, Highland Park, N.J. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N. J. C. V. Boothe, New Brunswick, N.J. Geo. Bofcnor, Perth Amboy, N.J. Independent Iron & Metal Co., New Brunswick, N. J. Herman Ellis, Perth Amboy, N.J. Sam Deveto, Camp Raritan, N.J. D. Landers, Bonhamtown, N. J. . W. M. McCormick, Camp Rari- tan, N. J. Independent Iron & Metal Co., New Brunswick, N. J. J. H. Terry, Philadelphia, Pa... Turner Construction Co., New YorkCity, N. Y. Henry Steers (Inc.), New York Citv, N. Y. Mr. ^achman, Pomona, N. Y. . . B. Turecamo, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Sam FomicheUi, New York City, N. Y. Charles Dempsey, New York City, N. Y. Mr. Maturin, New York City, N. Y. Long Island R. R. Co., Jamaica, N. Y. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., New York, N. Y. Asphalt Construction Co., New York, N. Y. Turner Construction Co., New York, N. Y. Mr. Zachman, Pomona, N. Y. . . J. C. Duffy Co., Brooklyn, N. Y . Long Island R. R. Co., Jamaica, N. Y. B. F. Guvton, Waco, Tex J. J. SaveU, Waco, Tex J. N. BoTd, Waco, Tex J. J. Savin, Waco, Tex J. A. Cissell, Waco, Tex A.J. Dossett, Waco, Tex J. C. Farguahan, Waco, Tex J. J. SaveU, Waco, Tex J. R. Emorv, Waco, Tex J. W. LaMn, Waco, Tex K. W. McDonald, Waco, Tex... J. W. Donohue, Waco, Tex J. J. Savell, Waco, Tex Will Bailey, Waco, Tex A. Eichelberger, Waco, Tex E. H. Mitchener, Waco, Tex. . . . Article. Junk rope (wire) Kindling wood Kindling wood, secondhand toolboxes. Kindling wood ....do Asbestos siding Rusty nails, small cable clamps Kindling wood Secondhand wheelbarrows Kindling wood and scattered logs. Kindling wood Secondhand lumber, broken bell sewer pipe. Kindling wood Heavy junk iron Refuse, junk iron, goat hides, junk barrels, junk rope, light junk pipe, and fastenings. Kindling Secondhand lumber, second- hand wheelbarrow. Mohair Refuse. Piles Secondhand lumber. Panels, secondhand lumber, bolts, spikes, washers, etc. Rogers & Hagerty ofl&ce shanty, asphalt shanty. Secondhand run planks Small shanties , Shanties covered with tar paper. Cj-nthia launch , Junk lumber in Long Island R. R. yard. Buttons, checks 4" blocks, 5" blocks, curved blocks. Paymaster's suit cases, money bags. Hospital shanty, small shan- ties. Plaster bags, sewer pipe, lime bags. Lumber, pitch Cull ties do S" black pipe uUed ties Brick vault (quartermaster's). Steel safe Lumber Culled ties Crossing planks Loose-leaf notebook Small tools (miscellaneous) Barrels and road harrow Table Window shades B oxes Feed troughs in remount areas Nos. 76, 84, 85, 93, 107, 123, 126, 127, 130, 131, 136, 140, 146, 152, 157, 165, 175, 177, 180, 198, 204, 205, 207, 212,214215, 239. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 411 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 6993 Aug. 11, 1919.... do . ...do J. Farguahan, Waco, Tex J. J. Savpll Waco Tex Culled ties $7.00 6994 do 1.75 6995 D. L. Williams. Waco, Tex E. W. Sleigh, Waco, Tex Hendrick Construction Co., Waco, Tex. T. R. Martin, Waco, Tex W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex 1.00 6996 .do Saw. . 1.50 6997 . .do 70,00 6998 6999 Aug. 13, 1919.... Aug. 11, 1919.... Aug. 12, 1919.... do Miscellaneous junk Mndling. . . Table 21.25 .75 7000 2.00 7001 D. L. Williams, Waco, Tex Will Bailey, Waco, Tex Water troughs, culled ties 2.75 7002 . .do .75 7003 do J. N. Boyd, Waco, Tex Water troughs . . 3.00 7004 .do W. W. Moore, Waco, Tex T. H. Reynolds Construction Co., New York City. Waco Chamber of Commerce, Waco, Tex. Hugh S. Roberts & Co., Charles- ton, S. C. Charleston Consolidated Rail- way & Lightning Co., Charles- ton, S. C. McGrady Bros. & Cheves, Charleston, S. C. Superintendent of U. S. Light- house depot, Charleston, S. C. Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific, Charles- ton, S. C. Tuxbury Lumber Co., Charles- ton, S. C. Sidney L. Hechinger, WasMng- ton, D. C. Wm. Lorenson, Philadelphia, Pa Mr. J. McLaughlin, Folcroft, Pa. Mr. Fred Woerner, Philadel- phia, Pa. Mr. George Kaiser, Folcroft, Pa. Mr. J. McLaughlin, Folcroft, Pa. James D. Less, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Samuel Bell, Clementon, N.J. Frank Corka, Philadelphia, Pa. L. P. Desmond, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Sam Kazatsky, Fort D. A. Rus- sell, Wyo. H. H. Smith, Fort D. A. Rus- sell, Wyo. Sam. M. Thompson, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. W. Goldstein, Fort D. A. Rus- sell, Wyo. Chas. F. Maillin, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Louis Rexach, Santurce, P. R.. A. L. Clayton, Jacksonville, Fla. C. E. Davis. Ortega, Fla R. H. Hendren, Gilmerton, Va. American House Wrecking Co., Chicago, 111. J. A. P. Crisfleld Construction Co., Charleston, S. C. H. C. Clark, Suffolk, Va Steel safety boxes 2.00 7005 7006 7007 Aug. 21, 1919.... Sept. 22, 1919.... Sept. 8, 1919 Sept. 15,1919.... July 2, 1919 July 29, 1919 June 26, 1919.... June 19, 1919.... Sept. 23, 1919.... Sept. 8, 1919 Sept. 5, 1919 Sept. 9, 1919 . ...do All Government improve- ments at Astoria cantonment. All existing water, sewer, and electric hues, together with all the appurtenances thereto. Rough yellow pine 7,500.00 40,666.66 620. 20 7008 Reinforcing iron 128. 92 7009 Creosoted piles 1,712.75 324. 52 7010 do 7011 7012 No. 2 common yellow pine sheeting. Creosoted piles 63.48 345. 60 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 Reviewing stands (Treasury stand. Post OflBce stand, Treasury Annex stand). Secondhand form lumber Secondhand form lumber, doors Window sash and brass check boards (second hand). Form lumber . . . 900.00 36.00 62.00 23.20 60.00 7018 7019 Sept. 12, 1919.... Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 11,1919.... do Shingles, doors, lumber Sp.p.nrKihand Inmher 85.50 12.00 7020 7021 Secondhand form lumber, 2 x 4", with nails, and second- hand form lumber 3 x 4 1 6". Tool houses, metal shop, paint house. Building No. 4, post hall Frame shack 50.00 40.00 7022 7023 Sept. 20, 1919.... do 325.00 41.00 7024 7025 do do do .. .do 117.00 103.00 7026 7027 do do do .do 105.00 106.00 7028 7029 Aug. 16, 1919.... July 29, 1919 do Exterior electric and power light system equipment of camp. Lumber 4,550.00 512.00 7030 Tent floors, building brick Unserviceable lumber, logs (cedar), coal, coke, oil, cyl- inder oil, Lambert with swinging gear and comp. Set "A" frame derrick and fittings, and rope, steel, 6 x 19, f" diameter. Temporary miUtary build- ings. Shpp.t. piling. 453. 75 7031 7032 7033 Aug. 13, 1919.... Aug. 25, 1919.... 1,964.22 2,050.00 1,688.95 35.00 7034 Sept. 29, 1919.... do Ofllce chair, lot of damaged shovels, lanterns, buckets, etc. 7035 Saunders & Hutton, Suffolk, Va. John W. WilUams, Suffolk, Va.. Virginia Constructing Co., Suf- folk, Va. Myra Benton, Suffolk, Va 10 00 7036 do Typewriter desk, revolving chair. Flat-top desk, costumer, plain table. Flat-top desk, revolving chair. 30 00 7037 do 30 00 7038 Sept. 26, 1919.... 40.00 412 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 7039 7010 7041 Sept. 16,1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... .do J. P. Dalton, Holland, Va Lightner PubUshing Corpora- tion, Suffolk, Va. Joseph Jones, Suffolk, Va L. M. Hitchens, Suffolk, Va do Oak desk, revolving chair Transfer cases, inkstand, waste baskets, desk, brackets, blotter holder, chairs. Bicycle $40.00 16.50 15.00 7042 7043 Sept. 17, 1919.... Sept. 16,1919.... Sept. 24, 1919.... Sept. 10,1919.... .do Lot of junk at storehouse Desk lamp, arch files, desk baskets, inkweU. waste basket, blotter holder, cos- tumers, stamp. Foundry coke , 4.65 17.50 7044 H. Feldman & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. City of Norfolk, Va 1 000.00 7045 12 X 12 tee, B. & S., No. 395 . .. Pile driver, steam pump, Gov- ernment No. 6, McKinnon & Terry hammer No. 6. Unserviceable iron 23.70 7046 John Monks & Sons, Norfolk, Va. N. Bloack & Co., Norfolk, Va. .. J. T. ElweU, Norfolk, Va Gay Green, Asheville, N. C Merchants Ship Building Co., Harriman, Pa. A. C. Torbert, Chicago, HI John Monks ct Sons, Norfolk^ Va. Jose A. Rexach, San Juan, P. R. J. A. Kemp & J. C. Hickernell, Wichita, Tex. City of Norfolk, Norfolk. Va J. L. Phillips and John Stevens, Washington, D. C. do 690.00 7047 do 729.91 7048 do Burned machine shop 35.00 7049 7050 Sept. 9, 1919 Dec. 26, 1918... . Sept. 26,1919.... Nov. 6, 1919 Sept. 25, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... Oct. 3, 1919 Sept. 20, 1919.... do Government-owned improve- ments. Nails 5,000.00 828.20 7051 7052 Steam shovel, Thew, type 0, No. 1003, complete. Plumbing material 3,600.00 1,220.07 1,460.00 53,500.00 1,000.00 19 662 61 7053 7054 7055 Garages, Including electrical and plumbing fixtures; in- staUed gasoline tanks, gaso- line pimips, and oil house. Buildings and fixtures, elec- tric, \vater, and sewer and sewerage-disposal systems. railroaa tracks, roads, cul- verts, and bridges. 7056 Lumber 7057 do 8 857.86 7058 Sept. 10, 1919.... Aug. 15, 1919.... do do Chillicothe Paper Co., Chilli- cothe, Ohio. D. P. Flyim, Camp Fremont, Calif. E. D. Natali, Camp Fremont, Calif. Harry A. Ebmayer, Camp Fre- mont, Calif. Caesar Tomasini, Camp Fre- mont, Calif. B. C. Berry, Camp Fremont, CaUf. J. O'FarreU, Camp Fremont, Calif. C. H. Hobbs, Camp Fremont, CaUf. R. H. Hartman, Camp Fremont, Calif. H. B. Morey, Camp Fremont, CaUf. P. Martin, Camp Fremont, CaUf. H. WilUams, Camp Fremont, CaUf. C. S. Harlan, Camp Fremont, CaUf. H. WilUams, Camp Fremont, Calif. P. J. Peterson, Camp Fremont, CaUf. G. E. Napley, Camp Fremont, Calif. C. Tomasini, Camp Fremont, Calif. H. WilUams, Camp Fremont, CaUf. Mr. Steflen Camp Fremont, CaUf. J. B. Andrus, Camp Fremont, CaUf. J. M. White, Camp Fremont, CaUf. H. A. Buckley, Camp Fremont, CaUf. H. W. Rank, Camp Fremont, CaUf. Redwood stave pipe 2,185.88 200.00 7059 Corrugated iron pipe 7060 7061 Good and broken sinks Secondhand screen doors Wooden culverts 2.00 .50 7062 Aug. IS, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919 , Sept. 6,1919 Sept. 11,1919.... Sept. 15,1919.... do Sept. 16, 1919.... do 3.00 7063 Tent poles. ................... .50 7064 LOO 7065 7066 Lime shed, containing lumber. 1L68 LOO 7067 Lumber and wood 109.61 7068 Rpcrmrlhfind IiiTTibpr , , , 20.20 7069 . ..do 6.66 7070 Sept. 20, 1919.... do ia40 7071 New and old lumber 20.35 7072 Sept. 24, 1919.... Sept. 26,1919.... do Toilets 50.00 7073 Broken toilet 3.00 7074 5.26 7075 do do Sept. 27, 1919.... do Sept. 28, 1919.... do Nfiw find nld Inrnhfir 38.76 7076 Secondhand lumber LOO 7077 7078 Tent house, tent floors Rpcnndhand Inrnhflr 18.00 8.70 7079 7080 Tent flooring, miscellaneous lumber. Spnoniihpnd liiTribfif 64.01 6.40 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 413 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHmCTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 28, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 20, 1919. do do do .do. .do. .do. Junes, 1919. do do Mar. 10, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919... do.... do.... ..do.... ....do Sept. 20, 1919.. ....do ....do ....do Oct. 8, 1919. 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 Sept. 2, 1919 July 29, 1919 do ...do Aag. 27, 1919... do June 30, 1919... Sept. 25, 1919... do do Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 2, 1919 Oct. 14, 1919. July 16, 1919. do S. F. Hogevell, Camp Fremont, Calif. Paul Marini, Camp Fremont, CaUf. F. M. Ostrander, Camp Fre- mont. Calif. Asphalt Construction Co., New- York City. Rodgers & Hagerty, New York City. L. & D. Metal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Reading Engineering Co., New York City. L. & D. Metal & Supply Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cass Gilbert, New York City — Turner Construction Co., New York City. Blum & Pepperman, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. J. Hunt, Grafton, Va Alex. Byrd, Tabb, Va JamestowTi Construction Co., Norfolk, Va. Ira Gray, Alexandria, Va WiUinghams Warehouse, Macon Ga. July 17, 1919. July 26, 1919. do do J. F. Ahem, Macon, Ga E. Ness, Macon, Ga W. B. Stewart, Macon, Ga. Walter Cheatham, Macon, Ga.. J. L. Phillips and John Stevens, Washington, D. C. ....do ....do ....do City of San Juan, Porto Rico. . . Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, 111 W. P. Baldwin, Jacksonville, Fla. L. B. Storey, Jacksonville, Fla. Schell-Sasse Mfg. Co., Jackson- ville, Fla. Hazard P. Rowland, Peace Dale, R. I. I. W. Bliss, Barrington, R.I... Marine Engineering & Drydock Co. of Rhode Island, Provi- dence, R. I. Thomas J. Sparks, Philadel- phia, Pa. Edward Clausner, Philadel- phia, Pa. Arthur McMullen Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. David I. McMeekan, Philadel- phia, Pa. Wm. Angstadt, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Fee, Brooklyn, N. Y , Panama Canal do .do. .do. .do. .do. Tent flooring, lumber New redwood, old lumber. Lumber, Oregon pine Miscellaneous small tools and oifice supplies. Secondhand lumber Junk copper, junk iron, rope, cement bags, bag rags. No. 421 steam shovel Worn-out rope Miscellaneous oflfice equipment Lot stationery Junk hose, junk brass Temporary camp building. . Balance camp buildings. Lumber Water tank, junk and tools, filling-station equipment, lot junk stovepipe, lot junk and broken trucks, railroad track, etc. Lot lumber and junk, oil bar- rels. Lot broken tools, lot junk wheelbarrows. Lot junk and jimk material, lot junk lumber. Lot crude oil and pitch Lumber do do - do Government improvements, including water system, sewer system, and roads. Camp Doniphan, with the ex- ception of certain buildings. Building brick Aug. 2, 1919 do. Lumber sold as jimk Crushed rock, white lake sand , tent floors. Wood tank and tower sup- porting same. Frame-building, cantonment barracks for 25 men and 1 officer. Pine piling Temporary building. do Bateaus Remnant tent ends, scrap rope , Temporary building Jimk metal Plumbers' oakum 10" cast-iron water pipe, bell and spigot, in 12' lengths. 16" cast-iron water pipe, bell and spigot, in 12' lengths. 40d common nails 20d common nails 8d common nails, lOd common nails, 16d common nails. 2" D. H. soil pipe, 2" S. H. soil pipe. $20.23 108.63 63.74 472.06 200.49 910.37 1,275.00 58.50 149.38 100.00 31.30 96.00 100.00 2,000.00 7.00 6, 241. 50 26.50 48.50 11.50 17, 870. 00 9,71.5.39 16,883.06 22, 945. 04 1.00 60, 500. 00 400.00 600.00 427.37 200. 00 60.00 562.35 8.00 10.00 75.00 279.40 5.00 6.20 240.00 7, 501. 03 1,077.75 124.50 845.24 3, 850. 00 348.00 414 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMBIsTT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 7126 Aug. 5, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. do do Sept. 26, 1919. Oct. 5, 1919... Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 30, 1919. Sept. 5, 1919.. ....do Sept. 24, 1919. ....do Sept. 25, 1919. do Aug. 5, 1919.. July 14, 1919.. Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 21, 1919. ....do Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 21, 1919. do Oct. 10, 1919.. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919... Oct. 4, 1919... Oct. 6, 1919... Oct. 8, 1919... Mar. 11, 1919. . Apr. 1, 1919. . Oct. 16,1919.. .do... .do.., .do.., Oct. 20, 1919. do Aug. 26, 1919. do. do. do. do. do. do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Panama Canal. .do. .do. .do. .do. FayettevUle Ice & Mfg. Co Juan Jimeney, San Pedro, Calif. Panama Canal .do. .do. State Highway Commission, Harrisburg, \ a. do Bureau of Public Roads, San Francisco, Calif. Bureau of Public Roads, Albu- querque, N. Mex. Bureau of Public Roads, San Francisco, Calif. Biu-eau of Public Roads, Ogden, Utah. J. L. Phillips & John Stevens, Washington, D. C. ....do Nicholas J. Vincent, New York City. H.H.Fisher, Suffolk, Va. Elizabeth Roberts,SufEolk,Va. . J. F. Rawles, Suffolk, Va John S. FeUon, Suffolk, Va. J. A. Moore, Norfolk, Va — Chillicothe Board of Education, ChilUcothe, Ohio. The Sykes Metal Lathe & Roof- ing Co., Niles, Ohio. J. Dolan, Bala, Pa Interstate Machinery Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Thomas J. Atkinson, Philadel- phia, Pa. R. M. Best, Philadelphia, Pa. . . Frank Bauer, Philadelphia, Pa. . W.W.Gavnor, Philadelphia, Pa U. S. Naval Station Cayey, P. R, U. S. Naval Station San Juan, P.R. W. D. Grantham, McLaurin, Miss. J. B. Keimedy, Mahned, Miss.. . H. R. Dean, McLaurin, Miss A. Polk & Son, Hattiesburg, Miss. J. L. Phillips & John Stevens, Washington, D. C. do.... Bernardo Lecumberry, Catano, P.R. Jose A. Rexaeh, San Juan, P. R, A . G . Mehrhof, SanJuan, P .R. . . Ramon Vara, Santurce, P.R A. A. Mehrhof, San Juan, P. R. . J. Lopez de Victoria, Santurce, P.R. Furtes Hermanos, Arecibo, P.R. Rieardo Davilla, San Juan, P.R, Bernardo Lecumberrv, Catano, P.R. Jose A. Rexaeh, San Juan, P. R. , B art dome Jaca, Santurce, P. R. , J. Lumpkins, San Juan, P.R Wiping solder in pigs or cakes (composition 6S% lead, 32% tin). 4" D. H. soil pipe Brass gate valves do Galvanized ells Wood Tvater main, cast-iron elbow. Old hospital building No. 156.. 2" cast-iron soil Y's, 4" D. H. soil pipe, I bends, f" standard galvanized pipe... 1" standard galvanized pipe... Asphalt-heating kettle do... Mattocks. Construction plows, short- handle shovels. Short-handle shovels ....do.. Lumber. .do. 2-story frame barracks (small), frame fire apparatus, house, water, sewer, and electric light systems. Co-stumer, flat-top desk, re- volving chair. Costumers and mirror Typewriter, typewriter desk, arch files, transfer cases. Cane chairs Underwood typewriters, L. C. Smith tyiiewTiters, adding machine, Usting machine, comptometer. Room heaters , Corrugated wall ties. Secondhand form lumber, hoUow tile. Sawdust Scrap cable . Secondhand cotton blankets . . . Temporary post-office building Scrap rope Tent platforms Tent platforms, fence posts. Lumber wagon (commercial type). ....do , do , do , Lumber. .do. Wagon shed (29 x 135'). Magazine (24x60')- - ■ Lavatory (14x20')... Tent floors (16 x 16'). Tent floors (9x9')... do Hot-water pipe and lot of toilets (mostly broken). Transformers Electric poles Wharf and electric poles. Rock pile crematory. . . - Pile old lumber SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 415 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, WASHINGTON, D. C— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Totalsale price. 7178 7179 Sept. 2, 1919 Oct. 8, 1919 Oct. 3, 1919 Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 17, 1919 Oct. 14, 1919 Oct. 17, 1919 Oct. 30, 1919 Feb. 5, 1919 Feb. 18, 1919 Aug. 27, 1919.... do Arthur McMuUen Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Snare & Triest Co., New York, N. Y. Great Lakes Dredge & Dry Dock Co., New York, N. Y. T. B. Donaldson Medicine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Breen, Bonhamtown, N. J Sampson & Reuter, Elizabeth, N.J. Chas. A. Bloomfleld, Metuchen, N. J. Porter Bros., Norfolk, Va TJ. S. Naval Air Station, Bruns- wick, Ga. D. W. McGrath & Sons, Colum- bus, Ohio. Georgia & Florida R. R., Au- gusta, Ga. do Rail, track spikes, angle bars, track bolts, crossties. Form lumber $954.24 218. 18 7180 7181 7182 CuU piles, temporary building . Time-clock office building Refuse ... 265.00 40.00 50 00 7183 70.00 7184 7185 7186 7187 Turnout (complete), switch lamp, smtch timber, rail and splice bars, tie plates, bolts, turnouts (without frog), railroad spikes, track bolts. Spare parts belonging to dump cars, locomotives, steam shovels, etc. Miscellaneous electric equip- ment. Sheet piUng 779.74 3,005.78 536.37 2, 666. 00 7188 7189 Monroe Calculating Machine. . . 150.00 7.50 7190 do F. E. Derris, Augusta, Ga .. ..do 7.50 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE. 1 Dec. 19, 1918. . . . do AMEEICAN T7NIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. E. K. Marshall, Washington, D.C. do Gas mask, used $1.00 2 ... do 1 00 3 do David Matlin, Washington, D. C. P. B. Watson, WasMngton, D. C. A. M. Caplan, Washington, D.C. Carl Otto, Washington, D.C do 1 00 4 do do 1 00 5 do do. • 1 00 6 do do... . 1 00 7 do S. Friedman, Washington, D. C. do 1 00 8 do W. M. Peirce, Washington, D.C. Leonard Bazuim, Washington, D.C. Robert McCIeary, Washington, D.C. Maurice Lovin, Washington, D.C. Walter T. Spry,Washington, D.C C. F. Cavanaugh, Washington, D.C. F. D. Clark, Washington, D.C... do 1 00 9 do.- do. 1 00 10 do do 1.00 11 do do 1 00 12 do do 1.00 13 do do 1.00 14 do do 1.00 15 .....do Otto Ratz, Washington, D. C . do.. 1 00 16 do D. A. Albrecht, Washiugton, D.C. N. E. Oglesby, Washington, D. C R. C. Gowdy, Washtogton, D. C. G. F. Moulton, WasMngton, D. C. I. B. Loud, Washington, D. C. . H. H. Rothchild, Washington, D.C. H. D. Clayton, Washington, D. C. R. A. Webber, Washington, D.C. J. E. Donaldson, Washington, D.C. R. C. Smith, Washington, D. C. Elmer C. Priewe, Washington, D.C. W. Seem, Washington, D.C . . do 1.00 17 do do 1.00 18 do do 1.00 19 do do 1.00 20 do do do 1.00 21 do 1.00 22 do do 1.00 23 ... .do . .do 1.00 24 do . ...do 1.00 25 do ...do 1.00 26 do do 1.09 27 do . ...do 1.00 28 . ...do... . F. E. Dunlap, Washington, D.C. A. F. Hardman, Washington, D.C. R. P. Trott, Washington, D. C . .do 1.00 29 do ....do 1.00 30 do ...do 1.90 31 . -do H. E. Bruce, Washington, D. C. John Krayer, Washington. D.C. D. H. Grant, Washington, D.C. A. S. Allen, Washington, D.C... E. H. Schmidt, Washington, D.C .do 1.00 32 do do 1.00 33 do do 1.00 34 do do 1.00 35 do ....do 1.00 416 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHAMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 19, 1918. do do -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. AMEEICAN UNTVEBSITT, "WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. Ralph Francy, Washington, D. C A. B. Souls, Washingtonj D. C. Anthony Russell, Washmgton, D.C. H. A. Depew, Washington, D. C. King Wilson, Washington, D. C. B. L. Myers, Washington, D. C. A. Pahkey, Washington, D. C .. H. Severson, Washington, D.C.. F. G. Roberts, Washington, D.C. H. Guenther, Washington, D. C. Ralph F. Little, Washington, D.C. Glen S. Hiers, Washington, D.C. S.J. Escott,Washington, D. C Wm. Aierstok, Washington, D. C Jos. Goldberg, Washington, D.C. R. Van Kempema, Washington, D.C. do P. M. White, Washington, D. C. do W. H. Eckford, Washington, D.C do Frank Merrill, Washington, D. C. Lauder Jones, Washington, D. C. do H. A. Pelton, Washington, D.C. do Louise McCleary, Washington, D.C. A. W. Pankey, Washington, D. C Walter Hughes, Washington, D.C. A. O. Bradley, Washington, D. C. T. Ainsworth, Washington, D.C. Geo. F. Martin, Washington, D.C. S. P. Armsby . Washington, D. C. Chas. E. Dalton, Washington, D.C. H.V. Higley, Washington, D.C. H. A. Kuhn, Washington, D. C. Homer D. Long, Washington, D.C. A.J. KraemOT, Washington, D. C J. E. Naegely,Washington, D.C. R. Krase, Washington, D. C do James W. Hurd, Washington, D.C. A. G. Herman, Washington, D. C Wm. R. Fraser .Washington, D. C Arthur L. Greeley, Washington, D.C. Garson Meyer, Washington, D.C. A. W. Wingate, Washington, D.C. D. J. Wilson,Washington, D.C... A. L. Greeley ,Washlngton, D. C. . A. W. Reynders, Washington, D.C. Louis E. Dawson, Washington, D.C. Elmer B. VUet, Washington, D.C. Louis E. Dawson, Washington, D.C. E. W. StaatSj Washington, D.C. R. S. Mulhken, Washington, D.C. Oliver D. Burton, Washington, D.C. T. Clark, Washington, D.C R. H. Doughcrtv, Washington, D.C. E. S. Merriam, Washington, D. C. N W. Anderson, Washington, D.C. Gas mask, used. ....do ....do -do.... -do.... -do.... -do.... -do.... .do.... .do.... -do.... .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. ...do. ...do. .do -do -do -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. do Gas mask, new. . Gas mask, used. ....do,. ....do Gas mask, new. Gas mask, used . do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used. ....do -do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 417 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 19, WIS. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., -do. .do. .do., -do., .do. .do., .do., .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., -do., .do., .do.. .do., -do., .do.. do do Dec. 20, 1918. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, "WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. J. Tarr. Washington, D. C B. Beckerman, Washington, D. C. R. N. Pease, Washington, D. C. . . John Cohn, Washington, D.C.. E. H. Brauer, Washington, D. C. Benjamin F. Stanton, Washing- ton, D.C. R. L. Van Velzer, Washington, D.C. PMlip Hall, Washington, D. C. . H. B. Hansen, Washington, D. C. James C. Orr, Washington, D. C. Arthur C. Vogel, Washington, D.C. do B. W. Logue, Washington, D.C. W. C. Clever, Washington, D. C. A. Zeller, Washington, D. C R. C. Lockwood, Washington, D.C. Paul Reynolds, Washington, D.C. do Fred S. Cross, Washington, D. C. G. Feldstein, Washington, D. C. C. F. Wells, Washington, D. C. W. Goldman, Washington, D.C. do E. H. Geasa, Washington, D. C. . W. H. Barber, Washington, D.C. do Clarence Shurtleff, Washington, D.C. Lorena I/ynn, Washington, D. C. R. T. Balch, Washington, D. C. . Mabel J^otteiger, Washington, D.C. P. S. Bolton, Washington, D. C. W. J. Cale, Washington, D.C... Joseph U. Sicord, Washington, D.C. E. G. Sieners, Washington, D. C. do do Roscoe H. Gerke, Washington, D.C. John A. Hanson, Washington, D.C. William Walsh, Washington, D.C. M. W. Hatton, Washington, D. C. R. L. Burch, Washington, D.C. C. W. Fernsner, Washington, D.C. Arthur L. Stern, Washington, D. C. Ray V. Beyer, Washington, D.C. H. H. Johnson, Washington, D.C. do G. S. Hiers, Washington, D. C. E. B. Hunn, Washington, D. C. .:...do V. V. Kendall, Washington, D.C. C. C. Buchler, Washington, D. C. R. R. Latz, Washington, D. C. . M. A. Hurtt, Washington, D. C. A. Lipshietz, Washington, D.C. C.J. Boon, Washington, D. C . . Harold R. Parker, Washington, D.C. H. Reinbold, Washington, D. C. E. R. Simons, Washington, D. C. G. M. Minot, Washington, D.C. John L. Lamp, Washington, D.C. Gas mask, used. ....do ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. ....do do do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Gas mask, new. Gas mask, ....do ....do used. Gas mask. Gas mask, ....do new. . used. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. Gas mask, ....do. Gas mask, new., used. Gas mask, new. . used. Gas mask, ....do. ....do..... ....do ....do ....do Gas mask. Gas mask, ....do ....do.... ....do.... ....do.... Gas mask. new., used. ....do..., Gas mask, ....do.... ....do.... used. 152015— H. Doc 446, 66-2 27 418 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 20, 1918- ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. K. D. Jacob, Washington, D. C. J. M. Braham, Washington, D.C. do Harry Seversen, Washington, D.C. Hugo Ingemanson, Washing- ton, D. C. Fred Rath, Washington, D. C... Jacob Rosenfeld, Washington, D.C. Nathaniel Herz, Washington, D.C. Raymond Kemmer, Washing- ton, D.C. T. W. Chandler, Washington, D.C. Frank F. Fuchs, Washington, D.C. Wm. H. Schuyler, Washington, D.C. W. A. Hammond, Washington, D.C. Chas. E. Dalton, Washington, D.C. A. F. Owen, Washington, D. C. A. J. Baird, Washington, D. C. John Rosengren, Washington, D.C. R. E. Eklund, Washington, D.C do Joshua Miller, Washington, D.C. W. R. Montgomery, Washing- ton, D. C. K. L. Roth, Washington, D.C. do R. E. Townsend, Washington, D.C. A. B. Soule, Washington, D.C. Stanley S. Robertson, Washing- ton, D.C. T. S. Fogarty, Washington, D.C. Geo. L. Lockwood, Washing- ton, D. C. F. H. Smyth, Washington, D. C do J. M. Harris, Washington, D. C. A. D. MacDonald, Washington, D.C. F. M. Kjamer, Washington, D.C. Harry Meissner, Washington, D.C. Robert Marron, Washington, D.C. Theo. Hoffman, Washington, D.C. Thos. J. Bosmann, Washing- ton, D. C Earl H. Saunders, Washington, D.C Albert Matthews, Washington, D.C. L. W. Robinson, Washington, D.C. I. Rabinovitz, Washington, D.C. Ernest Dorsey, Washington, D.C. Henry Schapt, Washington, D.C. L. G. Lloyd, Washington, D. C. Stanley Mistor, Washington, D.C Albert H. Bump, Washington, D.C. Henry L. Alves, Washington, D.C. Gas mask, used. do do Gas mask, new. Gas mask, used. .do. .do. do do do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used . do do do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used . do do Gas mask, new. do Gas mask, used. Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used. do Gas mask, new. Gas mask, used. do do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used. do do do do do Gas mask, new.. do do do Gas mask, used . Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used . Gas mask, new. . Gas mask, used . do Gas mask, new. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 419 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 20, 1918. ..do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. W. P. Hall, Washington, D. C . . Leon W. Nichols, Washington, D.C. ...do B. B. Brown, Washington, D.C. E. L. Quatlander, Washington, D.C. ...do ...do ....do Sidney Schein, Washington, D.C. C. A. H. Allen, Washington, D.C. J. T . Leecock , Washington , D . C . O. L. DeMola, Washington, D.C. do R. W. Uhlinger, Washington, D.C. W. C. Kerin, Washington, D. C. Karl L. Dern, Washington, D. C. Paul Wible, Washington, D. C Edward Coupe, Washington, D.C. K. Flynn, Washington, D.C Mary Kean, Washington, D. C. . . Nannie Page, Washington, D. C. Roxie Gregg, Washington, D. C . M. Damico, Washington, D.C Walter W. Hicks, Washington, D.C. Elmer W. Castle, Washington, D.C. Willis M. Peirce, Washington, D.C. do A. P. Brooks, Washington, D.C. Lloyd W. Smith, Washington, D.C. Frank C. Dawson, Washington, D.C. S. S. Asurowitz, Washington, D.C. Geo. C. Temple, Washington, D.C. C. C. Waterhouse, Washington, D.C. W. Foltz, Washington, D.C... do Thos. Peltis, Washington, D.C. do Mr. Hall, Washington, D.C do C. E. Boldin, Washington, D.C. do S. Shundinsly, Washington, D.C. H. C . Arnold , Washington, D.C. W. S. McClellan, Washington, D.C. P. G. Wrightsman, Washing- ton, D. C. do J. M. Seth, Washington, D.C... Helen Toennies, Washington, D.C. Lydia Rheinbold, Washington, D.C. John K. Kuebler, Washington, D. C. J. McCarthy, Washington, D.C. John W. Lycepp, Washington, D.C. Lewis Fuhro, Washington, D. C . J. S. Holdt, Washington, D. C. do S. M. Alked, Washington, D. C. do Gas mask, used. ....do .do. .do. -do. do do do Gas mask, new. do Gas mask, used. do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Gas mask, new. Gas mask, used . do do do do Gasmask, new.. do do Gas mask, used. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do do Gas mask, new. 420 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 20, 1918.... .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. Harold G. Gove, Washington, D. C. J. E. Neigert, Washington, D. C . A. C. Nixon, Washington, D. C. . Martin J. Cook, "\Vashington, D.C. M. Lamasure, Washington, D. C. J. C. Rath, Washington, D.C... E. L. Quatlander, Washington, D.C. Miss Crawford, Washington, D.C. Maurice Powers, Washington, D.C. ....do ....do Donald Pitman, Washington, D.C. Russell Jenkins, Washington, D.C. R. V. Cook, Washington, D. C. E.G. Purdy, Washington, D.C. Not known L. H. Ward, Washington, D. C. Mr. Baltimore, Washington, D.C. W. A. Spencer, Washington, D.C. do John Moore, Washington, D.C. Edward Frank, Washington, D.C. E. E. Carlton, Washington, D.C. H. H. Rothchild, Washington, D.C. Paul G. Reynolds, Washington, D.C. Petty Ballin, Washington, D.C, A. c: Kohls, Washington, D. C. W. G. Abbott, Washington, D.C. [Canceled.] S. P. Kiimey, Washington, D.C, S. F. Cosmanic, Washington, D.C. F. Pratlatowsky, Washington, D.C. C. J. Wilson, Washington, D.C. Geo. H. Wood, Washington, D.C. L. L. Satler, Washington, D C. , J. W. Mitchell, Washington.. D.C. A. W. Pankey, Washington, D.C. D. Quinn, Washington, D. C B. B. Brown, Washington, D. C , A. J. Todd, Washington, D. C. , Mark Sherier, Washington, D.C, J. H. Cramer, Washington, D. C. C. J. Priest, Washington, D. C. E. G. Goebel, Washington, D.C, Eric J. Jette, Washington, D. C R. P. Gilbert, Washington, D.C R. E. Shelmire, Washington, D.C. G. E. McElroy, Washington, D.C. R. F. Schreiner, Washington, D.C. E. M. Chapman, Washington, D.C. C. W. Quackenbush, Washing- ton, D. C. Owen Rollison, Washington, 4 D.C. H. Pelton, Washington, D. C. .. G. L. Clark, Washington, D. C. H. R. Canfield, Washington, D.C. Gas mask, used. .do. .do. .do. ....do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used. .do. .do. Gas mask, new.. Gasmask, used. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do Gas mask, new. Gas masked, used. ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. :do. .do. AC. .dJ. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 421 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 315 Dec. 20, 1918.... do AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, "WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. H. H. Hampton, Washington, D. C. do Gas mask, used 81.00 316 Canary birds 3.00 317 .....do J. Wally, Washington, D. C do Gas mask, used 2.00 318 do Canary birds 2.00 319 do do S. G. Langdon, Washington, D.C. Geo. Stern, Washington, D.C... Robert Kendiick, Washington, D.C. G. G. Oberfell, Washington, D.C. R. E. Shelmire, Washington, D.C. W. P. Hall, Washington, D.C. Leo Keplan, Washington, D.C K. Orrison, Washington, D.C... R. E. Adams, Washington, D. C . J. M. Hoffman, Washington, D.C. C. W. Ginger, Washington, D.C. F. J. Berchtold, Washington, D.C. do 1.00 320 do 1.00 321 ... .do.... Guinea pigs 1.50 322 do do Dec. 21, 1918 do Gas mask, used 1.00 323 do 1.00 324 325 do do 1.00 1.00 326 do do 2.00 327 328 do do do do 2.00 1.00 329 do ... .do 1.00 330 do do . 2.00 331 do do 1.00 332 do R. S. Ely, Washington, D. C. .. ... .do 1.00 333 do G. O. Richardson, Washington, D.C. D. B. Riser, Washington, D. C. J. W. Mitchell, Washington, D.C. D. R. Forbes, Washington, D. C. do do 1.00 334 do do do do 1.00 335 do 2.00 336 .do 1.00 337 do do 1.00 338 do A. B. Page, Washington, D. C. . Russell Gove, Washington, D. C . Edward Coupe, Washington, D.C. S. F. Cosmanic, Washington, D.C. A. J. HilUard, Washington, D.C. J. P. Finkle, Washington, D. C . . Alex. Typerman, Washington, D.C. H. R. Canfleld, Washington, D.C. Luke H. Swank, Washington, D.C. do do . 1.00 339 do . .do 4.00 340 do do 1.00 341 do do do 1.00 342 do . 1.00 343 do do... 1.00 344 do .do 1.00 345 do do do 1.00 346 do 1.00 347 do . .do 1.00 348 do Oscar Pabst, Washington, D. C. R. F. Catherman, Washington, D.C. William Wolfson, Washington, D.C. J. R. Kuebler, Washington, D. C. F. A. Griffin, Washington, D.C. W. M. Bovard, Washington, D.C. E. P. Trobert, Washington, D. C. John L. Sullivan, Washington, D.C. Merle M. Hatton, Washington, D.C. G. H. Burrell, Washington, D.C. do do . .. 1.00 349 do do 1.00 350 do do 1.00 351 do do do do do .do 1.00 352 do 1.00 353 do. . . 1.00 354 15.00 355 1.00 356 do ... .do 1.00 357 do do do 1.00 358 do 1.00 359 do OUver G. Burton, Washington, D.C. Sheridan Ferree, Washington, D.C. Leon H. Carlson, Washington, D.C. W. R. Hainsworth, Washington, D.C. do .do 2.00 360 do . . .do 1.00 361 Dee. 23, 1918 do do . ...do 1.00 362 363 do do 1.00 1.00 364 do C. C. Crampton, Washington, D.C. H. L. Houser, Washington, D. C. G. R. Washburn, Washington, D.C. C. D. Parker, Washington, D.C. H. C. Dalwig, Wasliington, D. C. do 1.00 365 do do... 1.00 366 do .do 1.00 367 do do do 1.00 368 do 1.00 422 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Dec. 23, 1918. ....do ....do ..do ..do .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do... ....do... ....do... Dec. 26, 1918 do.... do.... .do. .do. ...do ...do ...do ...do .do. ....do.... ....do.... .....do.... do.... Dec. 27, 1918 do... do... do... do... ....do.. do... Dec. 28, 1918 do... .....do.... .do. .do. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. C. F. Radmann, Washington, D. C. C. E. Sims, Washington, D. C. . . W. C. Houghton, Washington, D.C. C. J. Priest, Washington, D. C. . J. E. McCarthy, Washington, D.C. J. P. Tumpane, Washington, D.C. J. G. Harlan, Washington, D. C. do R. E. Koerber, Washington, J. O. Dice, Washington, D. C. . . S. B. Meserve, Washington, D.C. E. G. Sieuers, Washington, D.C. J. B. Overstreet, Washington, D.C. R. H. Kienle, Washington, D.C. C. H. Beebe, Washington, D. C. H. G. Bvers, Washington, D.C. H. W. Smith, Washington, D. C. do K. W. Wilson, Washington, D.C. Miss Fisher, Washington, D. C. . F. D. Richardson, Washington, D.C. L. D. Williams, Washington, D.C. J. J. Garrett, Washington, D. C. W. S. McClellan, Washington, D.C. W. P. Flint, Washington, D.C. . .Arthur King, Washington, D. C. V. S. Babasinian, Washington, D.C. Harry E. Williams, Washing- ton, D.C. do Not known R. H. Kienle, Washington, D.C. J. J. Capper, Washington, D. C. L. S. Miller, Washington, D. C. James Charbonneau, Washing- ton, D. C. E. J. Miller. Washington, D. C. Russell J. Gover, Washington, D.C. C. W. Thing, Washington, D. C. R. W. Ling, Washington, D. C. Wm. N. Toy, Washington, D. C . Ralph C. Lockwood, Washing- ton, D. C. Robert A. Norton, Washington, D.C. G. H. Arner, Washington, D.C John Kuebler, Washington, D.C. C. W. Cramer, Washington, D.C. C. P. Rommel, Washington, D.C. H. E. Mack, Washington, D.C. W. P. Hall, Washington, D. C. H. J. Hoh, Washington, D.C... O. A. Pabst, Washington, D.C. v. D. Charleston, Washington, D.C. L. H. Carlson, Washington, D.C. J. SulUvan, Washington, D. C. F. H. Banks, Washington, D.C. V. D. Charleston, Washington, D.C. C. W. Cousens, Washington, D.C. do Mrs. B. Parkes, Washington, D.C. Gas mask, used. ....do .do. ...do.... ...do.... .do. Canary bird Guinea pig Gas mask, used . ....do Canary birds Gasmask, used. ....do .do. .do. .do. ....do Guinea pigs Gasmask, used. .do. .do. .do. .do.... .do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do Gas mask, new.. Gas mask, used . ....do Gasmask, new.. Gas mask, used. ....do .do... .do... .do... .do... .do. .do... .do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do , ....do Slide rule, used. . . Gas masks, used . Gas mask, used . . Canary birds SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 423 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Dec. 28, 1918. ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. Dec. 30, 1918. .do... .do... .do., .do.. Dec. 31, 1918.. ....do ....do Jan. 3, 1919... ....do ....do ....do Jan. 4, 1919.. ....do ..do .do. .do. do Jan. 6, 1919.. do do do do do Jan. 7, 1919. do do Jan. 8, 1919. do -do. ....do ....do do Jan. 9, 1919.. do do Jan. 13, 1919. ....do Jan. 14, 1919.. Jan. 15, 1919. ....do Jan. 17, 1919. do Jan. 18, 1919. Jan. 21, 1919. Jan. 22, 1919. Jan. 24, 1919. Jan. 25, 1919. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. M. M. Powers, "Washington, D.C. James H. Buck, Washington, D.C. H. E. Williams, Washington, D.C. Miss Reagle, Washington, D. C. S. M. Orrison, Washington, D.C. do Robert Marrion, Washington, D.C. E. L. Rowland, Washington, D.C. S. D. Shinkle, Washington, D. C. Geo. M. Burges, Washington, D.C. Wm. A. Smethurst, Washing- ton, D. C. R. E. Shelmire, WashingtoUj D.C. W. J. Kerin, Washington, D. C. . A. L. Stern, Washington, D. C S. R. Funsten, Washington, D.C. G. G. OberfeU, Washington, D.C. . do do do 0. I. Gaines, Washington, D. C. L. W. Parsons, Washington, D.C. Geo. F. Moulton, Washington, D.C. do , Geo. T. Murphy, Washington, D.C. E. W. Miller, Washington, D. C. Raymond P. Trott, Washing- ton, D. C. 1. F. Hand, Washington, D.C. L. L. Lochte, Washington, D.C. J. F. W. Schuize, Washington, D.C. T. S. Curtis, Washington, D. C. . D. W. Owens, Washington, D.C. W. A. Follin, Vv^ashington, D. C. I. F. Hand, Washington, D. C. C. J. Priest, Washington, D. C. A. C. Pool, Washington, D. C. . O. S. Crumbaugh, Washington, D.C. Richard Cook, Washington, D.C. C. J. Priest, Washington, D.C. Richard Cook, Washington, D.C Elias Green, Washington, D.C. R. Wolfert, Washington, D. C . C. J. Priest, Washington, D. C . W. Haskins, Washington, D.C. Chas. M. Shaw, Washington, D.C. R. G. Robey, Washington, D.C. R. C. Kendrick, Washington, D.C. D . R. Forbes, Washington, D.C Mallenckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. Ansul Chemical Co., Marinette, Wis. P. B. Le^'ingood, Washington, D.C. W. J. King, Washington, D.C. Nekoosa Edwards Paper Co., Port Edwards, Wis. P. C. Harper, Washington, D.C. R. H. Collins, Washington, D.C. A. M. Holcombe, Washington, D.C. Gasmask, used. ....do ....do Canary bird. . Guinea pigs . . Canary birds. Guinea pigs . . Army locker, used . Briefcase, used. Guinea pigs Emergency canister . Brief case, used .do. Copy High Explosives, Colver. Polyphase slide rule, used. by Outfit for testing vapor con- tent of gases, used. Brief case, used Slide rule, used I. P. binder and index, used. . Royal typewriter No. 10, used . Slide rule, used I. P. binder, used . do Guinea pigs . Royal typewriter No. 10, used. Slide rule, used , Goat . . do. Underwood typewriter No. 5, used. Royal typewriter No. 10, used . Goat Goats Goat ....do Goats ....do .do. Goat.. ....do. ....do Goats Goat Gas mask, new. ....do Rabbits Guinea pigs . Metal scrap Gas mask, new. Gas masks, new. Gas mask, new. . .do. .do. Gas masks, new. Gas mask, new. . ....do 424 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Jan. 25,1919. Jan. 27, 1919. ....do ....do Feb. 15, 1919. ....do do .dp. Feb. 17, 1919. do do .do. Dec.l9, 1919. do Dec. 20, 1918. Dec. 28, 1918. Feb. 3, 1919.. Dec. 28, 1918. do .do... .do. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, ■WASH- INGTON, D, c. — continued. Benj. R. Macomb, Washington, D.C. Chas. Silver, Washington, D. C. G. H. Clover, Washington, D. C. Arthur Gorman, Washington, D.C. R. Van Kempema, Chicago, 111.. Brown COy Berlin, N. H Wm. K. Houser, Washington, D.C. Wm. C. Bray, Univerfiity of Cal- ifornia. J. Mottem, Washington, D.C... do Walter Haynes, Washington, D.C. E. Brauer, Washington, D.C... MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Refined Products Corporation, 9 W. 40th St., New York. John A. Casey Co., 144 Maiden Lane, New York. United Fruit Co., 61 Broadway, New York. [Canceled.] [Canceled.] Rare Metals Product Co., Belle- ville, N. J. do .do. Dec .20 ,1918 Dec .31 ,1918.... Jan do. 2, 1919 Jan do- do, do. do. do 3, 1919 Jan 4, 1919 Jan do .6, 1919 Jan •7, 1919 Jan ■8, 1919 Protecto Safety Appliance Co., 617 Richardson St., Newark, N.J. Pennsylvania Salt Manufactur- ing Co., Widener Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Super Glass Co., State Road and Van Kirk Ave ^ Wissinoming, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Joyce, G. D. D., Long Is- land City, N. Y. Hooker Electro Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Horace J. Martin, 52 Chauncey St., Boston, Mass. Lieut. R. D. Kenks, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. B. S. Lacey, St. Albans, W. Va. Cash Guther Fire Equipment Co., Dayton, Ohio. Com "Products Refining Co., 17 Battery Place, New York. Siebe Gorman Co. (Ltd.), 1137 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. Capt. Wm. De Y. Kav, 19 W. 44th St., New York. Sayles Finishing Plant, Sayles- ville, R. I. Lieut. John J. Clapp, 30 White- hall St., New York. S. P. Emerick, Arrowhead Mills (Inc.),Fulton, N. Y. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, 330 Wythe Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ruatan Cocoanut Oil Co., 520 Toulouse St., New Orleans,La. Gas mask, new. ....do Gas masks, new. Gas mask, new. . .do. Gas masks, new; canisters, new Gas mask, new .do. Gas mask, used . ....do ....do .do. Nichrome furnace . Linseed oil, boiled. Biu"lap bags Flow meters . 4" vise (Roek Island), 60-lb. anvil, large furnace, rubber gloves, salammoniac, acid brushes, soldering coppers, 12" flat bastard files, copper handles, heavy tumblers, gallon measures, iron clean- ing pot, 6-lb. forging ham- mer, baffle clips. Galvanized-iron ash can , Gas masks .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do Extra canister. Burlap bags... Water jacket, complete with accessories. 300.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 425 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Dateofsaie. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 556 557 558 559 Jan. 2, 1919- Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan .7,1919. .9,1919- .8,1919. do . 9, 1919- do . 10, 1919. do do Jan. 11, 1919- . do do Jan. 13, 1919. .do. do Jan. 14, 1919. .do. ....do Jan. 15, 1919. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Jan. 18, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Jan. 17, 1919. do do MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YOEK CITY— continued. Nitrate Agencies Co., 1398 Met- ropolitan Ave., Brooklyn, New York. [Canceled.] Pvt. T. S. Den, Long Island, N. Y. American Air Purifvmg Co ^ 165 E. 35tli St., New York, N. Y. Cash , Jas. & E. H. Wilson, 25 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. C.R.Hoover, Middletown, Conn. American Can Co., 3d Ave. and 3d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss M. Weir H.D.Willsie Anthony S. Joyce, Long Island City, N. Y. T. R. Palmer, Continental Rub- ber Works, Erie, Pa. Pass & Seymour (Inc.), Solvay, N. Y. James T. Laten, 15 E. 14th St., New York, N.Y. Cash, New York office Hydrate lime. Gas masks . .do. .do- Gas masks, canisters . Gas masks . ....do .do. .do. -do. Jan. 18, 1919. R. T. Richards, P. O. Box 604, New Haven, Conn. H.S.Huenink, Cedar Grove, Wis. H. C. Dodge (Inc.), shipped to Mihtary Coat Co., 707 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Meisel Press Mfg. Co., 944-948 . Dorchester Ave., Boston,Mass. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. ProtectO'Safety Appliance Co., 50 Columbia St., New York. Lieut. John J. Chapp, 39 White- hall St., New York. T. R. Palmer, Erie, Pa S.V.L.Lippett, San Juan, P.R. E.H. Eising E. I. Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del. Sanitary Products Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Palmer Lime & Cement Co., 103 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Hi Muchlatein & Co., 3d Ave. and Harlem River, N . Y. Maj. J. C. Woodruff, 19 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. Domestic Soap Manufacturing Co., 113 Si.xth St., New York City. Johnstown Water Co., Johns- town, Pa. United Fruit Co., West St., New York City. Monsanto Chemical Works, 114 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis Mo. [Canceled.) [Canceled.] New York & Penn Co., Wills- boro, N. Y. Sergt F. W. Clesner, Long Island City, N. Y. Mr. Ameedee Spadone, 126 Duane St., New York, N. Y. [Canceled.] Vulcan Detinning Co., Sewaren, N.J. Gas masks, A. T Gas masks, K. T Gas masks, K. T. M Gas mask, C. E Gasmask, R. F. K....... Gas mask, A. T Gas mask Gas masks, P.F.K Gas masks, K. T Gas masks, A. T Gas masks, miscellaneous . .--.do Gas mask ..-.do Binder fabric. Gas mask . -do. .do. .do. .--do Burlap bags. Gas masks. . do .do. .do. Face fabric, binder fabric, sin- gle stockinette,double stock- inette, felt backed fabric, stiff fabric. Gas mask -do. Gas mask, canisters. Burlap bags Gas masks .do- -do- -do- Canisters. $125. 00 12.00 8.00 6.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 498.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 42.00 45.00 96.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 43.75 3.00 18.00 30.00 3.00 6.00 1,250.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 17.86 3.00 3.00 35.00 688. 45 18.00 9.00 24.00 3.00 6.00 426 SALE OF SUKPI.ITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL J-IST OF SALES: CIIKMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Jan. IS, 1919. Jan. 20, 1919.. Jan. 10,1919., Jan. 21. 1919. ....do Jan. 31,1919. ....do ....do Jan. 21, 1919. do Jan. 22, 1919. do do , do , Jan. 23, 1919. do Jiui. 24, 1919. Jiui. 23, 1919. do Jan. 24, 1919. do do Jivu. 25, 1919. Jiui. 27, 1919. Name and address of biiyer. Jan. 26, 1919.... Jan. 27, 1919.... do do do do do MATERIALS PISPOSAL SECTH1N, NEW YOiiK CITY— continued. Looso Wilos Biscuit Co., Long Island City, N. Y. Capt. John W. Hallook, 39 \Vliili-li;vllSt.,Ni'\v York City. Mellon Institute, I'ittsburgh, I'a. Sunplv depot, Brooklyn Navy Yard. Brooklyn, N t. International Coal I'roduets Co., lrvin,!;ton, N Y. Cioodyoar Tire vt Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Fairchild Bras. A- Foster, Wash- iuK'ton and Laight Sts., New York City. American Concrete I'roduets Co., SlOCon.gross St., Boston, Mass. Nation:)! .\naline & Chemical Co., 21 Burling Slip, New York Citv. Maurice (.>ileara Co., 450 Tearl St., New York Citv. Corpl. O. Fisher, Nvack, N. Y.. C. 11. Stuart A Co., Newark, N.J. Essex Rubber Co., Trenton, N.J. H. C. Cot>bel, 92 MolTat St., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. F. tlartz Co., 103 Broadway, Betroit. Mich. U. S. Color i!t Chemical Co., Ashland, Ma.^s. Eagle Mfg. Co., Wellsburg, W. Va. M. V. A. McOermitt, Newark tire depiuiment, Newark, N. J. United Fruit Co., pier 9, North River, New York, N. Y. S. Brcxly, South Water sind Clinton, New York Citv. Mead Fulp A Paper Co.,"Chilli- cothe, Ohio. Sergt. E. J. Noble, Clevehuid, Ohio. S. E. l.eard, Livingston, Mont.. Hooker Electro Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Northwestern Fire .\ppanitus Co., 112 S. Monro*.' St., Spo- kane, Wash. War Ctuup Community Service, Bridge Flaza, Long Island City. Nichols Copper Co., Laurel Hill, Long Island. Eastern Mfg. Co., South Brewer, Me. General Rubbe- Goods Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Herman Feck. 250 South St., New York, N. Y. A. W. Keller, Celluloid Zapen Co.. 200 5th Ave.. New York. Dr. B. S. Lacy, 915 Edgewood Drive, Charlestown, W. Va. Article. Reynolds No. 6 trucks Lamson conveyor, 10-ft. lengths, 14", with roller. l.am.son conveyor curves Aluminum kettle, 4tV-,gal Frentiss 4" engine lathe Cataract bench lathe Chucks Grinding adjustment Siherwaro, all in good condi- tion: Table siioons Soup spoons Forks ICnivos Gas mask 15-ininute batchite l.Vminute eocoiunit charcoal., do 4t>-minute coccwnut charcoal. . , Containers , 15-minute carbon container Ruggles-Coles driver, type A-l. Wet mixing machines, Im- perial No. 4. Acticated charcoal, container. , Raymond Bros, high side 4- roller mill. Hydrated lime, bags Jimk burlap bags. Gas masks. Giis mask.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do Burlap bags. do Gas mask. .. .do. .do. -do. .do. Couches, arm chairs, tables, desk, rugs. Gas masks. do do Bags Gas mask. do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 427 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Jan. 28, 1919. do do do do do do Jan. 29, 1919. do .do. do Jan. 30, 1919. do do do Jan. 24, 1919. Jan. 31, 1919. Feb. 1, 1919. Feb. 3, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -.do.. ..do.. Feb. 4, 1919. do do do do Feb. 5, 1919. do .do. ..do.... ..do.... MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY — Continued. W. H. Scott, Wichita, Kans J. L. Parsons, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- bridge, Mass. Lieut. Scholes, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. Tennessee Copper Co., 61 Broad- way, New York City. Geo. S. Case, 2188 Scranton Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Wallace & Tiernan Co., 137 Cen- ter St., New York City. S. Brody, 286 South St., New York City. - National Aniline & Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Capt. Wm. Algie, 49 Edgehill Road, Broomhill, Glasgow, Scotland. Protecto Safety Appliance Co., 50 Columbia St., Newark, N.J. Sergt. A. W. Davidson, 601 W. 137th St., New York City. F. T. Kaska, 621 Main St., Zanesville, Ohio. Crocker, Burbank & Co., Fitch- burgh, Mass. J. H. Banks & Son, 61 Bro.vd- way. New York City. A. Schutt, 138th St. and Am- sterdam Ave., New York City. Passaic Metal Ware Co., 217 Brook Ave., Passaic, N. J. F. T. Parks, 135 W. 47th St., New York City. Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Calumet, Mich. General Chemical Co., Easton, Pa. Lieut. E. S. Graves, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. Cash Capt. R. E. Mayham, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. Hooker Electro Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. E. C. Rosenow, Rochester, Minn Niagara Alkali Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Schwarz Laboratories, 200 Worth St., New York City. Protecto Safety Appliance Co., 50 Columbia St., Newark, N. J. Ruatan Cocoanut Oil Co., 520 Toulouse St., New Orleans. La. B. S. Lacy, St. Albans, W. Va. . Missouri Cobalt Co., Frederick- ton, Mo. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., Tyrone, Pa. Wm. Dinwiddle, Metuchen, N.J. New York & Pennsylvania Co., 200 5th Ave., New York City. Rohn & Hass Co., 40 N. Front St., New York City. Niagara Sprayer Co., Middle- port, N. Y. Mente & Co., New Orleans, La. . Springman Paper Products Co., 73 Lamed St., Detroit, Mich. Kalmus, Comstock & Wescott (Inc.), 110 Brockline Ave., Boston, Mass. Lieut. A. W. Henne, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. Capt. C. E. Lovejoy, 14th and Clifton Sts., Washington, D. C. Gas mask. do .do. .do. .do. .do. Gas masks . do .do. .do. Gas masks, canisters. Gas masks do oke-coated tin plate. Gas masks do do do .do. .do. Gas masks, canisters. Gas masks . do do Gas masks, canisters Burlap bags, blue stripe. Canisters. . . Gas masks . Gas masks, canisters. do Gasmask do do Bags Gas masks . .do. .do. .do. $3.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 682.50 6.00 6.00 45.00 6.00 3.00 40.00 3.00 6.00 8, 460. 85 3.00 150.00 72.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 215.00 3.00 36.00 6.00 175. 00 450.00 30.00 18.00 16.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 1, 599. 45 6.00 3.00 3.00 428 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 5, 1919. Feb. 6, 1919. do do do do do Feb. 7, 1919.. do Feb. 6, 1919.. do Feb. 7, 1919.. do do do Feb. 10, 1919. Feb. 11, 1919. do do do do Feb. 13, 1919. do .do. .do. ..do ..do ..do do Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 13, 1919. do do Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 4, 1919.. do Feb. 7, 1919.. Feb. 17, 1919. ...do ...do MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY— continued. Lieut. L. A. Smith, 7th and B Sts., Washington, D. C. Armour & Co., Kansas City, Mo Sergt. Cohen, Shelden Court, Ithaca, N. Y. Pawtucket Gas Co., Pawtucket, R.I. Curtis & Co. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J. E. Dogherty, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. A. Carpenter, 82 Beaver St., New York City. Maj. R. B. Clarke, jr.. Governors Island, N. Y. Protecto Safety Appliance Co., 50 Columbia St., Newark, N. J. S. Williamson, 42d St. Bldg., New York City. B. F. Goodrich Cfo., Akron, Ohio, Richmond, Levering Co., 120 Broadway, New York Citv. Dr. E. R. Weidlein, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bliss Exterminator Co., 20 W. 15th St., New York City. Office of the city chamberlain, Norwich, Coim. I. B. Kleinert Rubber Co., 719 Broadway, New York City. A. L. Crocker, Parsons, Kans.. Protecto Safety Appliance Co., 50 Columbia St., Newark, N. J. W. D. Engle, 2233 S. Colum- bine, Denver, Colo. E. Crosby & Co., Brattleboro, Vt. Isadore Amster, 210 Water St., New York City. M. P. A. McDermitt, 75 Academy St., Newark, N. J. Empire Exterminating Co., 334 5th Ave., New York City. Dupont Co., Wilmington, Del.. Bentz & Dunn, Hagerstown, Md. L. A. Larver, Lafayette Col- lege, Easton, Pa. Laurentide Co., Grand Mere, Quebec, Canada. Lieut. Wm. C. Northrop, Gaul & Adams Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. A. s! Feinberg, P. O. Box 87, Marshfield, Mass. R. C. Morris, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Vaccaro Bros. & Co., New Orleans, La. S. Brody, Clinton, South & Water Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. I. Dorfman & Son, 269 South St., New York City. Lieut. Wm. B. Gray, 6 Bridge St., New York City. Liberty Steel Co., Warren, Ohio. I. Weiman, 215 Green St., New York City. A. A. Frank, Federal Rubber Co., Cudahy, Wis. Philadelphia Detachment, G. D. D., C. W. S., Gaul and Adams Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Protection Division, Gas De- fense Plant, Long Island City, N. Y. L. V. Treacy, 120 Broadway, New York City. Gas masks. -do. .do. .do. .do. do do do Gas masks, canisters . Gasmasks Tubular stockinette. Gas masks .do. ....do ....do Gas masks, canisters . Gas masks . ....do Gas masks, canisters. Gasmasks Hexamethylenetetramine, hydrous lanaline. Canister Gas masks. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Gas masks, canisters. Bags Burlap bags Bags Gas masks Coke-coated tin plate Rubber-covered stockinette, both sides. Gas masks .do. Employees' badges. Gas masks SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 429 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 17, 1919. ....do Feb. 25, 1919. ....do .do. .do. Dec. 23, 1918. ....do Dec. 25, 1918. Dec. 27, 1918. ..-.do Dec. 31, 1918. do Nov. 27, 1918. Dec. 3, 1918... Dec. 10, 1918. Dec. 17, 1918. Dec. 20, 1918. Dec. 21, 1918. Jan. 7, 1919. do Jan. 9, 1919... do do Jan. 11, 1919.. Jan. 20, 1919.. do .....do do Jan. 22, 1919.. Jan. 23, 1919.. .....do do Jan. 31, 1919.. Jan. 14, 1919.. Feb. 17, 1919. MATERIALS DISP0S.4L SECTION, NEW YORK CITY— continued. C. W. Devore, fire chief, De- catur, 111. Sam Steinburg, 8699 Bay Park- way, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. W. Fannon, Mosinee, Wis... S. Brody, 286 South St., New York City. ....do Pvt. Henry G. Barton, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Samuel M. Green, Springfield, Mass. Stamford Lumber Co., 297 Pa- cific St., Stamford, Conn. Stamford Mason's Supply Co., 476 Canal Street, Stamford, Conn. George Miller, 386 Gluck Bldg., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Lake County Clay Co., Me- tuchen, N. J. Champion Ignition Co., Flint, Mich. The Stamford Rubber Supply Co., Stamford, Conn. Davison Chemical Co., Garrett Building, Baltimore, Md. The Manufacturers Production Co., Dayton, Ohio. Frank Hemingway (Inc.), 115 Broadway, New York City. ....do Piatt Iron Works, Daj^ton, Ohio. Manufacturers Production Co., Dayton, Ohio. J. H. Day Co., Harrison Ave. and Bogen St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank Hemingway (Inc.), 115 Broadway, New York City. Warner-Klipstein Chemical Co., South Charleston, W. Va. Warner Chemical Co., 52 Van- derbilt Ave., New York City. Union Dye & Chemical Corpora- tion, Kingsport, Teen. H. J. Baker & Bro., 81 Fulton St., New York City. Sherwood Bros., Garrett Build- ing, Baltimore, Md. Mathieson Alkali Works, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Electro Bleaching Gas Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hooker Electrochemical Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Warner Chemical Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., N. Y. W. S. Rockwell Co., 50 Church St., New York City. Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Air Reduction Co. (Inc.), 120 Broadway, New York City. Pittsburgh Filtration Plant, Aspinwal, Pa. C. Bertone & Son, 838 E. 214th St., New York City. Rasln Monumental Co., Balti- more, Md. Co., Co., Gas masks Sewing machines. . . Gas masks Canisters Bags Bags (second hand) Gasmask Green stoneware, drying tower, made by General Ceramics Co. Lumber, micellaneous, located at Stamford. Linioid Pillows, blankets, sheets, and pillow cases at Niagara Falls (considerably worn and soiled). Washed Florida clay do Sulphur chloride Sulphur Shell enamel Containers with valves Sulphuric acid Shell enamel do Dough mixer Sulphuric acid No. 5^ pipe machine vise Tools (pipe fitter's) Caustic soda in solution 175.5% Na20. Phosphorus (white) Oil barrels, empty G as masks ......do do Phosphorus (white) Rotary fuel-oil pumps Gas masks Oxygen fractionating column and its accessories. Gas masks Natco hollow tile Gas masks $36.00 1,710.00 72.00 8.00 1, 000. 00 325.00 a.oo 1,000.00 297.00 240.82 200.00 732. 72 513.95 31.00 8,473.00 210. 14 180. 00 343. 44 423.00 317.25 160.00 343.44 40.00 269.40 340. 20 3,500.00 78.00 36.00 36.00 75.00 35,000.00 100. 00 18.00 16,000.00 12.00 585. 00 54.00 430 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919. do ....do Feb. 18, 1919. .-..do Feb. 20, 1919. ..do ..do -.do ..do -.do Feb. 28, 1919. Feb Feb 28, io.. 27, 1919.... 1919 Feb. 27, 1919, ....do .-..do Feb. 24, 1919.. 728 Feb. 25, 1919... AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Geo. W. Herzig, Washington, D.C. Howard R. Wilkins, Washing- ton, D. C. University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. F. G. Reardon, Washington, D. C. University of Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn. Nekoosa-Ed wards Paper Co., Port Edwards, Wis. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Parhma Chemical Co., 169 W. 52d St., Bayonne, N. J. Board of fire commissioners, city of Holyoke, Mass. Eagle Glass & Mfg. Co., Wills- burg, W. Va. Hamersley Mfg. Co., 232 Green- wich St., N. Y. H. Miller & Co., 59 White St., New York City. Landers Frary & Clark, New Britain, Conn. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Frank M. Hemingway (Inc.), 115 Broadway, New York. AMEEICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Melvtn De Groote, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. E. L. Clarke, Chicago, 111.. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION. W&rner Chemical Co., Carteret, N.J. GAS DEFENSE DIVISION, MATE- RIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. S. A. Seinsheimer Co., 4th and Pike Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. S. Brody, 286 South St., New York, N. Y. Detroit Cadillac Motor Car Co., 62d St. and Broadway, New York, N. Y. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Yale University, by Treat B. Johnson, New Haven, Conn. Carl O. Eld, Washington, D. C. Gas mask, used ....do Butyl mercaptan Gas masks, used Anhydrous prussic acid . Gas masks, new Gas masks. .do. .do. .do. Stiff rubberized fabric Rubberized felt-packed fabric Dies, complete set for insert- ing the grommet rings into the fabric; dies, complete set for inserting the lens with the grommet rings. Phosgene gas. Gas masks, used. do Tanks, horizontal, steel stor- age, 78" diameter by 35' long (new). Sewing machines Bags Gasmasks Underwood typewriter No. 1065755, Kane boiler, gas- mask outfits, electric fans (direct current), thermom- eters, Cenco Nelson vacu- um pump No. 1332-A, two- burner oven, two - burner gas stove, Emerson J horse- power direct currentmotor, Barnstead still (5 gal. per hour), Tiflany laboratory motor (direct current, 110 volts). Gasmask, used SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 431 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 729 730- 731 Feb. 25, 1919. ....do AMERICAN UNIVER.SITY, WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. Merrill Youtz, Washington, D , C. Princeton University, Prince- ton, N. J. 732 733 734 735 736 .do. .do. do do Mar. 6, 1919. Martha Boswell, Washington, D.C. Ansul Chemical Co., Marinette, Wis. R. H. Kienle, Washington, D.C. do Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. Gas mask, new. Acetyl chloride; alcohol, ethyl, 95 per cent; alcohol, methyl; arsenic, trichloride; benzol; bottles, glass stop- pered, small size; bromine; calcium chloride, fused sticks; calcium fluoride; carbon disulphide; carbon tetrachloride; chloracetyl chloride; chlorine; chloro- form; ether; ethyl bromide; ethylene dichloride; ethyl iodide; formaldehyde solu- tion; formine; gas masks; magnesium arsenide; mer- curic acetate; mercury bi- chloride; methyl chlor- formate; monobromben- zene; -paraldehyde; phos- phorous pentasulphide; phosphorous trichloride; potassium hydroxide: sul- phuric acid, con.; sulphuryl chloride; sodium sulphate dehydrate; zinc fluoride. Gas mask, used Gas masks, new Gas masks, used do Flat-top desk, 60"; flat-top desk, 50"; flat-top desk, 42"; typewriter desk 42"; costu- mers; cabinet (stationery); swivel chairs, with arms; swivel chairs, without arms; side chairs, without arms; swivel chairs, straight back; bentwood chairs: filing cabi- net, 4 drawer, all steel; table, light oak, No. 50; table, light oak, 32" ; table, light oak,42"; table desk (as per specifica- tion); drawer (letter) and card index; S. & W. cabinet; set oak trays viith 3 sets building-up supports; stools, 18" ; stools, 27"; Vulcot waste, paper baskets; Fox typewri- ter; adjustable curve rule; planimeter; triangle, 45°; tri- angle, 30°; Victor inkwells; wire letter baskets; sponges and cups, pencil sharpener; numbering machine; card cabinet index, 6-drawer ; rul- ers, 12"; letter-clip boards; set letter index; index card sets, 4 X 5"; Triumph dater; Manhattan paper punch; blue-print stamp; typewriter brush; scissors; beakers, 1,000 c. c; beakers, 600 c. c; beakers, 400 c. c; beakers, 250 c. c; beakers, 150 c. c; beakers, 100 c. c; bottles, 1,000 c. c; bottles, 500 c. c; test tubes, 6 X J"; test tubes, 5 X J"; test tubes, 4 x J": test tubes, 6"; test tubes. 5"; test tubes, 4"; test tubes, 6 X I"; test tubes, 6 X J"; test tubes, 4 x J' , test tubes, 5 x |"; evapor- ating dishes, 5"; evaporating dishes, 7"; evaporating dish- es, 5"; evaporating dishes. $3.00 25.00 1.00 9.00 2.00 1.00 2,000.00 432 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buj'er. Article. Total sale price. 736 Mar. 6, 1919. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, 'WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio— Continued. 4J"; evaporating dishes, 3"; casseroles, 4"; casseroles, 5"; crucibles, gooch; crucibles, clay; buib pipettes, 200 c. c; buib pipettes, 100 c. c; bulb pipettes, 50 c. c; bulb pi- pettes, 25 c. c. ; bulb pipettes, 20 c.c; bulb pipettes, 10c. c; bulb pipettes, 5 c. c; straight pipettes, 1 c.c; straight pi- pettes, 2 c. c; straight pi- pettes, 5 c. c; straight pi- pettes, 10 c. c; Erhlemeyer flasks, 1,000 c.c; Erhlemeyer flasks, 500 c. c; Erhlemeyer flasks, 200 c c; Erhlemeyer flasks, 150 c c; Erhlemeyer flasks, 100 c. c; wire gauzes; Meker burners, large; large screw clamps; medium screw clamps; small screw clamps; pinch cocks, large; pinch cocks, small; condenser clamps; rings, 5"; rings, 4"; rings, 2i"; tripods, 8"; tri- pods, 5"; -nang top burners; box taper files, 5", 10; box taper files, 5", 24; box round bastard files, 5", 36; water bulbs for burettes; burettes accessories, long; burettes ac- cessories, medium; long flash brushes; test tube brushes; burettes complete; boxes fil- ter paper, assorted sizes ; rub- ber stoppers, assorted sizes; rubber policemen (dozen); rubber nipples (dozen); glass marking pencils; refined fu- sel oil (can): phenolpthalen reagent (bottle); red precipi- tate, 5,000-gram; dimethyla- mide benzaldehyde; sodium hydroxide; potassium oxal- ate; No. 2 sulphur trioxide (solution); iodine (solution); hydrochloric acid, commer- cial; sulphuric acid , commer- cial; sulphuric acid, C. P.; nitric acid; iso-amyl alcohol; iron sulphide; hydrogen per- oxide, ammonium sulphate; acetone; ammonium oxalate; barium hydroxide; anhy- drous calcium chloride; ani- mal charcoal; wood charcoal; copper sulphate; ferrous am- monium sulphate; potas- sium permanganate; potas- sium chloride; potassium bichromate; liquid petrola- tum; caustic soda ; litmus pa- per, blue ; litmus paper, red; litmus paper, neutral; sodi- um calcium oxide; trichlor- acetic acid ; uranium acetate; oleic acid: methyl orange; talcum powder; plaster par- is; aluminum powder; bro- mine; sodium dichromate; sulphuric ether; glasswool; alcohol; sterilizer, No. 1112- A; Princeton instrument cabinet; white enamel solu- tion basins, deep, 15"; white enamel solution basins.deep, 12"; white enamel solution basins, deep, 10"; white en- amel solution basins, pints, assorted; scapels; haemocto- mecticTurkerulijig; talquist SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 433 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. AMERICAN UNIVERSITT, -WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. scale; dissecting forceps, 5"; dissecting forceps, 4J"; scis- ors, 6", straight, 1 sharp, 1 blunt point; scissors eye, straight, 2 sharp points; mos- quito haemostatin; tissue forceps, H 2 teeth, 4J, J"; tis- sue forceps, 2 and 3 teeth, 4 J- 5J"; bulldog forceps; aneur- ism needles, right; needles, assorted; catgut in tubes; No. 3 spool tank twisted silk; skeins linen thread; splinter forceps; rubber gloves, No. 8; Luer syringe, 2 c. c; Luer syringe, 5 c. c. ; Luer syringe, 10 c. c; Luer syringe, 20 c. c; Luer syringe, 30 c. c; Luer syringe, oOc.c; Mayo Hegar- needle holders, 6"; Car- mauldt forceps; bone-cutting forceps; retractors, U.S.A., 2 pair; retractors Volkenaus, small; instrument tables; bandage scissors; sphygmo manometer; Benedict artifi- cial respiratory apparatus; blower for same; large Doug- las bags;samll Douglas bags; Erhlemeyer flasks, 250 c. c; Brhlemeyer flasks, 50 c. c; Florence" flasks, 1,000 c. c; Florence flasks, 500 c. c; graduates, 2,000 c. c; gradu- ates, 1,000 c. c; graduates, 500 c. c; graduates, 250 c. c; graduates, 100 c. c; gradu- ates 50 c. c; graduates 25 c. c; graduates, 10 c. c; volu- metric flasks, 2,000 c. c; vol- umetric flasks, 1,000 c. c; volumetric flasks, 100 c. c; graduates, glass stoppered, 1,000 c. c; graduates, glass- stoppered, 500 c. c; gradu- ates, glass-stoppered, 250 CO.; graduates, glass-stoppered, 100 c. c; graduates, glass- stoppered, 50 c. c; Liebig condensers, 8"; Liebig con- densers, 12"; mess flasks, glass-stoppered, 500 c. c; mess flasks, glass-stoppered, 250 c. c; mess flasks, glass- stoppered, 200 c. c; mess flasks, glass-stoppered, 100 c. c; mess flasks, glass-stop- pered, 50 c.c; flasks, filter, 2,000c.c.;flasks,fllter, 1,000 c. c. ; Kjehdahl flasks ; Kjehdahl bulbs; flasks, filter, 500 c. c; reflex condensers, complete; crucible tongs; glass tubing (shelf); thermometers, 200^ C; thermometers, 115° C; thermometers, 120° F.; ther- mometers, metal-encased; glass syringes, 30 c. c; glass syringes, 20 c. c; funnels, 12"; funnels, 6"; funnels, 4"; funnels, 3"; funnels, 2"; fun- nels, 3^" ; funnels, 3" ; Buech- ner funnels; bottles, 1,000 c. c; bottles, 500 c. c; bottles, 3-gallon; bottles, .5-gallon; bottles, wide-mouthed ; glass stopcocks; glass T's, assort- ed ; glass Y's, assorted ; separ- atory funnels; sets cork bor- 152015- -H. Doc. 446, 66-2 28 434 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE-Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WAgH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. Article. ers; cork borer sharpener; glass stoppers; pipette stands ; test tube racks ; pipe- stem triangles; Chaddock burners; filter tubes; large ring stands; medium ring stands ; small ring stands ; air bath, complete, large; air bath, complete, small; wre test tube baskets ; electric hot plate 24 x 5"; wide-mouthed, bottles; bottle, 3-gallon; reamer, ^"; steel drills, N. H.,tV to §"; hatchet; bull- dog grinder; coat hooks; Armstrong tool holders; Welch knurl holder; floor flanges; brass cocks, 1-way, 1"; brass cocks, 1-way, f"; brass cocks, 3-way, 1"; brass gate valve; brass gas cocks; brass pipe; brass square L; brass Y, IJ"; iron connec- tions 1 to IJ"; iron T connec- tions, f"; iron L connections, }"; iron L connections, 1"; iron T connections, J"; sleeves, \"; No. X tin; brass tubing; clamp dog; turn- buckle; lathe; resistance coils; Farraday bells; Ault- man push button ; linings for dog kennels; tin box (with doors); extension on Kymo- graph machine; special cop- per breathing tubes; mop handles; mops; floor brushes; mop wringers ; pails ; ice cool- ers; Natron cartons; post clips ; Jacquet chronometers ; Tromer balance and weights; platform scales, 1 setweights; aluminum bell spirometers, complete; Bamstead still; platform scales, 500 lbs.; ad- justable clamps; operating table ; file combs ; outside cal- iper; oil cans, 12" spout; car- penter's square, (steel) 12"; plane (rough and smooth), 14"; oilstones; iron clamps, 3"; iron clamps, §"; steel saw (hack); saw blades; plane screw drivers; socket screw drivers; wood chisel; Stilson wrench, 14"; nut wrenches; socket wrenches; tin snips; nailhammer; cen- ter punches; cold chisel, 8"; socket screws, ^"; bench vise (mechanical); pipe (strap); drawer handles; sol- der iron; files (rat-tail); files (cresecnt), J x 8"; files (flat), > X 8"; flies (flat), J X 6"; files (square), J x 8"; files (three- cornered),small); files (three- cornered), large; handles; storage battery; glass stop- cocks; mercury cleaners; counter for rowing machine; counter for tread mill; darts; cork board; stop watches; carbon bulbs; sockets; cord wire; rowinjg machine; knife- blade switches; oblong stove pan; coils, wire, with plug; coils. No. 18 wire, copper; bi- cycle pump; scissors, 8": Whiteley exerciser ; fishscale; Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 435 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 829 737 Mar. 6, 1919 Mar. 5, 1919 Feb. 26, 1919 do AMERICAN UNIVEESITY WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. Prof. La. A. Youtz, Appleton, Wis. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Mathieson Alkali Works (Inc.), Niagara Falls, N. Y. MATERIAL DISPOSITION SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. American Sheet & Tin Plate Co. , Pittsburgh, Pa. Passaic Metal Ware Co., Passaic, N.J. Rochester Button Co., Roches- ter, N. Y. Schubert Piano Co., 1 W. 139th St.,New York, N. Y. M. Watkins, 39 Pike St., New York, N. Y. James M. Clausen Co., 2 and 4 Stone St., New York, N. Y. AMERICAN UOTVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. W. G. Horsch, Washington, D. C. C. Otto, Camp Humphreys, Va. . MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Giant Portland Cement Co., Egypt, Pa. Messrs. A. Schulder & Sons, 143 Broome St., New York City. Wm. B. Nallen, 424 Pierce Ave., Astoria. Chas. T. Park, city of Alpena, Mich. Braden Copper Co., care of rail- road stores , 407 Greenwich St. , New York, N.Y. L. I. laboratories, N. 13th and Berry Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. L. D. Hess, care of Lamson Co., 15 W. 44th St., New York City. Strauss& Buegelesen,438Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Lindsay Light Co., 161 E. Grand Ave., Chicago, 111. New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmer- ton, Pa. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. Office of city manager. New- burgh N.Y. Board of fire commissioners spring; apparatus for testing leakage; 2i" brass manom- eter cups; 3" high manome- ter cups; capillary stopcocks; Geisler stopcocks; gas bur- ettes, Haldane type; gas bur- ettes, gas analysis type; brass Venturi meters; 2l" high manometer cups. Sheet-iron ovens with electri- cal heating units. Gas masks $10.00 36.00 738 Gasmasks, A. T 6.00 739 Gas masks, R. F. K Tin plate, consisting of flat sheets, bodies, covers, and bottom of antidim cans. Bags (secondhand) 6.00 569. 25 740 do 47.88 741 do Rubber covered on both sides with stockinette. Machines type, 96-10 1,000.00 742 do 5, 130. 00 do Machines type, 68-7 315.00 743 Motors, 220~volt singer Motors , 110-volt singer Gas masks, A. T 323.00 288.00 Feb. 26, 1919 do do 12.00 Canisters 50.00 744 Gas mask, new 3.00 745 Gas masks, used 3.00 746 747 748 Feb. 28, 1919 Mar. 3, 1919 do Miscellaneous material used by Chemical Warfare Serv- ice at the plant of the Giant Portland Cement Co. Sewing machines Less shortage ofneedles, sales- order 297. Gasmasks 452.09 381. 50 133.20 3.00 749 do do 6.00 750 do do 36.00 751 do do 12.00 752 do Gas mask 3.00 753 do do 6.00 754 ...do .do 3.00 755 ...do ... .do 3.00 756 ...do Gas masks 27.00 757 ...do do 90.00 758 do do 45.00 759 Mar. 4, 1919 .do A. L. London & Sons, 906 Fordes St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Chas . Higham , chief, fire depart- ment, Middletown, N. Y. S. Brody, Clidton and South Sts., New York. Single stockinette 144.52 Freight 2.00 760 Gas masks 72.00 761 do Burlaps bags 75.00 436 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 4; 1919. do Mar. 5, 1919. do do... do... do do Mar. 6, 1919. do do -do. .do. -do. Feb. 25, 1919 . Feb. 21, 1919. Mar. 7, 1919 . do Feb. 14, 1919. Feb. 19, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919 . Feb. 18, 1919 . Mar. 8, 1919 do do do .do. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION NEW YORK ciTT— continued. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Wyandotte, Mich. Sydeman Rubber Co., 225 4th Ave., New York. Fabric Fire Hose Co., 30 Stuyve- sant St., Binghamton, N. Y. Harding Tilton & Co., Woon- socket, R. I. Cash U.S. Smelting, Refining & Min- ing Co., Kennett, Calif. U. Si Metals Refining Co., Chrone N.J. U.S. Smelting, Refining & Min- ing Co., Midvale, Utah. Mr. Joyce, G. D. P., Long Island City, N. Y. Fred Hain, South Norwalk, Conn. Maj. H. S. KimberJev, care of Capt. Phillips, 19 W'. 44th St., New York City. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Gibbstown, N. J. Isak Weinman, 215 Greene St., New York. Wm. R. Trotter, chief, fire de- partment, Sheboygan, Wis. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Meshur & Co., Baltimore, Md . . . Lieut. Col. F. K. Hyatt, Gus Eichburg, P. H. Smith, A. Riggs, Guy E. Long, L. L. Meely, G. C. Beberley, J. M. Wilson, S. Lindey. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, 'WASH- INGTON, D. C. Prof. L. A.Youtz, Appleton, Wis. Princeton University, Prince- ton, N. J. DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. National Ammonia Co., St. Louis, Mo. R. S. Callaway, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Lieut. W. Gracey, development division. Chemical Warfare Service. B. F. Fulks, Athens, Ohio Gas masks Binder fabric, ruberized fabric Gasmasks do MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Lee Grove, Gas Defense Divi- sion, Long Island City. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corpo- ration, Trinity Bldg., New York. S. P. Ducas, 35 South WilUam St., New York City. American Can Co., 120 Broad- way, New York City. Frank E. Gore, 51 Chambers St.; New York City. Photographs Gas masks, canisters . Canisters Gas masks , canisters . do Charcoal as is Gas masks .do. Rubber covered on both sides with stockinette. Gas ma sks Gas masks Horses, Cavalry. Underwood typewriter No. 1124455. Miscellaneous material as per list attached. Cylinders of ammonia. Chemical books do Drawing set. Gas mask . do.... Refined glycerine (in case) Miscellaneous strips, l{ x 28}", packed in boxes, rejected canisters, cracked bottoms, defective nozzles, Toledo, Ohio. Slitting machine with 56" roller, sockets for cutters, cut- ting blades, arms to corre- spond. 1 See sales order No. 10. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 437 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 789 790 Mar. 8, 1919 . ..do MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY— continued. Machinery & Equipment Co., 200 Elizabeth Ave., Newark. Bird Archer Co., 90 West St., New York City. Ralph Rothschild, 207 Norman Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Otis Elevator Co., Yonkers, N.Y. Marx & Rowelle (Inc.), 100 Wil- liams St., New York. Everlastik (Inc.), 395 Broadway, New York. Springfield Gas Light Co., Springfield, Mass. .do Curtis vertical air compressor, Curtis vertical single cylin- der, E.R.I. Ingersoll Rand horizontal type cylinders, Worthington horizontal du- plex Deane steam pump. Se- rial No. D 90466. Dextrine in bags and barrels, sodium carbonate. 14" shaper, belt-driven, made by Smith & Mills Co.; lathe, 14" swing, 34" bed, back- geared, belt-driven, made by Seneca Falls Mfg. Co. 38 horsepower 25-cycle motor. . Refined gylcerine (in drums), chemically pure glycerine. Elastic tape $290.00 222. 73 791 do 600.00 792 793 Mar. 7, 1919 do 364.00 5,160.85 31 23 794 do 795 796 Mar. 10, 1919 do Coal-storage bins at Spring- field. Grinding and screening plant, buildings at Springfield. Shipping platform at Spring- field. Monorail with rolley and bucket. Electrical wiring, equipment in coal bins, etc. Section of 13-ft. and 35-ft. level trestles in Bliss St. yard. Improvements and partitions in building at 113 Bliss St., including 36 wooden lockers. Corrugated iron sheathing on Bliss St. elevator at Spring- field Gas Co. 210.00 85 00 797 do .do . .do 124 00 798 .. ..do 25 00 799 do -do ....do 10 00 800 do 750 00 801 .do do 10 00 802 ..do do 55.00 803 -do . Chief of fire department, Erie,Pa. Pharma Chemical Co., 169 W. 52d St., Bayonne, N. J. Independent Trading Co. (Inc.), 18 Broadway, New York. Acme Die Casting Corporation, 35th St. and 3d Ave., Brooklyn. Miss Nellie R. Nicolls, 15 Has- kins Court, Maiden, Mass. Red Star Co., Bridgeport, Coim. . American Can Co., Elizabeth and Hawthorn Sts., Newarkf, N.J. M. Ewing Fox Co. (Inc.), 136th St. and Rider Ave., New York, N.Y. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Standard China Works, Pros- pect St., Trenton, N. J. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Harold W. Stiegler, Buffalo, N.Y A. Weiskittel & Son Co., Balti- more, Md. Harold Eckman, Washington, D.C. Paul E. DePover, Washington, D.C. Lee F. Warner, St. Paul, Minn Edward CouDe, Washington, D.C. J. R. Brady, Washington, D . C M. Mabon, Washington, D. C... 36 00 804 do do 12.00 805 ....do do 7.00 806 do .do 3 00 807 do Gas mask, slightly used Rotary cloth-cutting machine. Seamers, No. 126 Adriance double belt-driven model, complete, with special chucks and holding attachments. Glue 1.00 808 do 450. 00 809 ....do 1 800 00 810 do 520. 92 811 812 Mar. 6, 1919 Mar. 11, 1910.... Mar. 12, 1919 . ..do Kaolin (raw, washed, in bulk) 344.00 9.00 813 1.00 814 Gas mask, new 7 00 815 do 2.00 816 do 1.00 817 .do Emergency canister . .50 818 do 1.00 819 Mar. 13,1919 do 3.00 820 Gas mask, used 1.00 438 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 5,1919.. Feb. 28, 1919 Mar. 7, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919, Mar. 4,1919.. Mar. 8, 1919., Mar. 11, 1919. Feb. 17, 1919. Dec. 27, 1918. do do Dee. 30, 1918. do Dec. 31, 191«. do do Dec. 21, 1918. do do do do do -do. -do., -do-. -do. -do. Dec. 23,1918., .....do , Dec. 26,1918. Dec. 27,1918. Dec. 20,1918., do , do do -do. .do. ....do ....do .do. DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. U. S. Automatic Co., Amherst, Ohio. Karp Iron & Metal Co., 2400 Canal Road, Cleveland, Ohio. H unkin-Conkev Construction Co., 321 Cuyahoga Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Champion Ignition Co., Flint, Mich. U. S. Railroad Administration, New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R., Cleveland, Ohio. Harshaw, Fuller • & Goodwin Co., Cleveland, Ohio. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, ■WASHINGTON, D. C. Department of chemistry, Insti- stitute of Technology, "Boston, Mass. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY ANNEX, WASHINGTON, D. C. J. S. McRae, AVashington, D. C. [Canceled.] H. P. Hood, Washington, D. C. Ben. Klineman, Washingtcin, D.C. G. E. Wightman, Washington, D.C. F. W. Cassebeer, Washington, D.C. Harry B. Weiser, AA'ashington, D.C. S. W. Carson, Washington, D. C. do E. M. Roberts, AVashington, D.C. J. J. SulUvan, Washington , D. C, J. J. GrifBn, Washington, D. C. do C. C. Curtis, Washington, D. C. . do Helen S. Seaman, Washington, D. C. Spencer C. Noble, Washington, D.C. P. J. Lynch, Washington, D.C. G. M. Burges, Washington, D.C. do G. E. Wightman, Washington, D.C. Spencer C. Noble, Washington, D.C. M. V. Mortier, Washington, D.C. Spencer C. Noble, Washington, D. C. H. P. Hood, Washington, D.C. John P. Costello, AA'ashington, D.C. W. Lee Lewis, AVashington, D.C. W. T. Read, AVashington, D. C . AVebster N. Jones, AVashington, D.C. Roy L. Ginter, AVashington, D.C. G. O. Gutekunst, Washington, D.C. P. F. Ziegler, AVashington, D. C Frank R. Field, AVashington, D.C. do Scrap steel Scrap iron Reinforcing steel bars . Kaolin Rets of salt Carbon tetrachloride Caustic soda, solid Arsenic Soda carbonate anhydrous . Large ferromanganese elec- trodes. Small ferromanganese elec- trodes. 2-pole double-throw switches, 15-ampere, 125-volt. 1-inch iron clamps 3 J" sheet copper Gas mask, used. ....do -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 439 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 862 Dec. 20, 1918.... do CATHOLIC XJNIVEESITT ANNEX, WASHINGTON, D. c— Continued. E. B. Punnett, Washington, D.C. J. Kostalek, Washington^ D. C. Gas mask, used $1.00 1 00 863 do . . . .. 864 do Spencer C. Noble, AN ashmgton, D.C. W. Fitzmorris, Washington, D. C. C. B. Cole, Washington, D. C... F. W. Cassebeer, Washington, D. C. MATERIALS DISPOSALS SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Oldbury Electro-Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Anaconda, Mont. MATERULS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Peter Zanetti, Long Island City. General Chemical Co.. 25 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Maj. T. R. Wraith, Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Anaconda, Mont. Brooks Uniform Co., 143 W. 40th St New York, N. Y. Special Material Co. (Inc.), 140 Livingston St., Brooklyn, N. Y. H. Miller & Co., 59 White St., New York. N. Y. Printz Biederman Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York City. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. John G. Harlan, Washington, D.C. J. West Brovm, Washington, D.C do 865 do do 1 00 866 867 do do do do 1.00 1 00 868 Feb. 19,1919 do Gas masks 150.00 114.00 391 50 869 . ..do 870 Feb. 21,1919 do 871 Batchite 11 25 872 do.....' Gas masks 36.00 873 do do 874 do..... do 18.00 279 70 875 do do Rubber cement 876 Sewing machines 50.00 2 00 877 Feb. 21,1919 do Gas masks, used 878 do 1.00 Feb. 24,1919 do do 879 Arthur P. Gorman, Washington, D.C. Bryn Ma wr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Robert J. Call, Washington, D.C. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. New York & Pennsylvania Co., 200 5th Ave, New York City. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Lieut. F. Marshall, 311 West Monument St., Baltimore, Md. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Catholic University of America, Washington, D, C. 1.00 880 Phosgene cylinder 1 50 881 do Gas masks, used 3.00 882 Feb. 24,1919 Mar. 15,1919 Mar. 15,1919 Gas masks 36.00 883 Gas mask 3.00 884 Electric arc R. U. V. outfit.. Electric rheostats, small or homemade. Electric desk fans, 16", oscil- lating. Electric motors and starters, 2-horsepower, C. W. S. Electric motors and starters, l-horsepower, C. W. S. Electric motors and starters, i-horsepower, R. & it., secondhand. Electric-motor sewing ma- chine. 25.00 5.00 50.00 120.00 40.00 30.00 15.00 440 SALE OF StJEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 885 887 Mar. 17, 1919. do do .do. -do. -do. 891 892 S93 894 Mar. 6, 1919. do ....'.do do .do. 897 900 901 902 .do. .do. -do. Mar. 18, 1919. do Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, "WASH- INGTON, D. c— continued. Ernest J. Barjarow, Washing- ton, D. C. D. M. Harrison, Washington, D.C. University of Wisconsin, Mad- ison, Wis. Clyde Broolcs, Columbus, Ohio. do , Yale University, New Haven, Coim. M.A.TEKIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. A. C. Burrage, Ames Bldg., Bos- ton, Mass. Edward S. Reiss, 30 Church St., New York City. Howard F. Grow, 1306 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Machinery & Equipment Co. (by Irving Hirsch), 200 Ehza- abeth Ave., Newark, N.J. Thomas Burke, 5 India Square, Boston, Mass. StoUwerck Chocolate Co. (by H. B. Duane), Stamford, Conn Edward S. Reiss, 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. T. B. CoughUn, Springdale, Conn. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Maurice M. Powers, Washing- ton, D. C. The Brown Co., Berlin, N. H. . . MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Board of fire commissioners, fire headquarters, Elizabeth, N. J. A. P. Manning & Co., 50 Church St., New York. Electric motors, small , second- hand. Lot of chemicals and 32 cup- boards, one-half only (upper). 1 lot of apparatus and 8 racks and trays. 1 lot furniture Y. & E. safe cabinets with filing sections. 1 lot first-aid kits and mate- rial. Safety racks, each equipped with 2 pyrenes, pump pail, Babcoek 3-gall. e.xtinguisher, and 2 sand pails. Iceboxes, Eddy, Nos.9and6. Boston bag 1 lot drawing set and boards. Oliver typewriter No. 9 Notebooks, cloth bound, I. P. No. 701. Miliameters Wet-test gas meters Ceneo-Nelson vacuum pumps, 2-stage and 3-stage. Electric tube furnaces Gas mask, used Gas masks, used Miscellaneous material , Gas masks, used Gas-mask face piece Miscellaneous material — pans, dishes, Bunsen burners, brushes, baskets, casseroles, jars, typewriters, filter paper, medical and surgical supplies, etc. Dinitrophenol Nitric acid Sulphiu-ic acid Pump house, Gould triplex pump, 25-horsepower motor, wood tank, and pipe con- necting pump and tank. Miscellaneous tanks, stills, piping, electrical supplies, laboratory supplies, ther- mometers, and miscellane- ous stores. Office furniture and equip- ment, miscellaneous office supplies. Bleach 2-story frame house (kitchen building). Gas masks, used Canisters , type H Gasmasks, A. T. No. 3 Gas masks, A. T. No. 4 Canisters Nickel sulphate SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 441 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 903 MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY— continued. [Canceled.] Etching Co. of America, 2526- 2528 W. Congress St., Chicago, 111. 904 Mar. 20, 1919. ... do 87 00 1.00 905 72 00 906 do Eastern Mfg. Corporation, South Brewer, Me. American Agricultural Chem- ical Co., 1015 Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Globe Machine & Stamping Co., 1250 W. 76th St., Cleveland. Central City Chemical Co., 1752 W. Kimbel Ave., Chicago, 111. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. P. E. King, Washington, D. C. . A C. Pool Washington D. C . do 21 00 907 do do 14 00 908 . do do 7.00 909 Mar. 11, 1919.... Mar. 21, 1919.... do . . do 15.00 910 1.00 911 do 1 00 912 Mar. 20, 1919.... do MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. John A. Carl, borough of Mount Carmel, Nort humberland County. R. W. Fannon, Mosinee, Wis... 12.00 913 . do 73,00 do Monmouth Chemical Co., Key- port, N. J. Arrowhead Mills (Inc.), Fulton, N. Y. The Draeger Oxygen Apparatus Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Electro Bleaching Gas Co., 16 E. 41st St., New York City. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Mathieson Alkali Works, Ni- agara Falls, N. Y. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Johns Hopkins University, Bal- timore, Md. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Jeflrey-DeWitt Co., Detroit, Mich. EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, BALTI- MORE, MD. Kingsport Tannery (Inc.), Kingsport, Temi. Oldbury Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mathieson Alkali Works (Inc.), Niagara Falls, N. Y. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Rouss Fire Co., Winchester, Va.. ...do 8 00 914 14.00 do 2 00 915 do 12.00 916 ..do 6 00 do 2 00 917 39.23 918 Mar. 20, 1919.... Mar. 26, 1919.... Mar. 4, 1919 Mar. 31, 1919.... do 4 82 919 Miscellaneous material 2, 400. 00 1, 587. 60 920 Florida clay 921 922 Sulphuric acid (66° Baum6). . . Extra canisters for gas masks. ....do 391. 25 100 00 923 do 28.00 924 Mar. 21, 1919 do Gas masks 14.00 925 2 00 926 do Automatic Curtain Co Gas mask 7.00 927 do do Canisters 3.00 928 do National Electrolytic Co Equipment for making sodium permanganate. Eyepieces, No. 1 type 633 75 929 do 1, 686. 00 7.00 930 Mar. 31, 1919.... Mar. 25, 1919 The Panama Canal Gas mask 931 Plymouth Rubber Co Treated duck dope 161.62 442 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 25, 1919.. do Mar. 27, 1919.. ....do -do. .do. Mar. 28, 1919. ...do.... ...do.... .do. Mar. 29, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. ..do. ..do. ....do ....do Apr. 2, 1919. ....do -do. .do. Aug. 4, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919. . Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. do Apr. 1, 1919.. Apr. 2. 1919. . Mar. 6, 1919.. Apr. 2, 1919. . Name and address of buyer. SALV.\GE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C— COOtd. Bro\vn Co Fire department, Wakefield, Mass. National .\nilijie Co., Brook- l>ai, N. Y. Fife department, Pawtueket, R.I. L. B. Buchanan, Woburn, Mass. Win. Cooper A Nephews, Chi- cago. Maj. H. S. Kimderly, Chemical Warfare Service, Washington, P. C. Massachusetts Institute of Teeh- nologv. A. J. Mottem, Washington, D.C. A. J. Burgess, Melrose High- lands, Mass. Magnolia Petroleum Co., Beau- mont, Tex. J. R. Mvers, Baltimore, Md W. C. ^'illemaire, Manchester, N. H. American CyanimideCo., New York Citv. Cosdon & Co., Tulsa, Okla Indianapolis Bleaching Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Cor- poration, Fore River, Mass. Air Reduction Sales Co., Jersey City, N. J. Roessler Hasslacher Chemical Co., Perth Amboy, N. J. Standard Oil Co., Baton Rouge, La. Morgan A Wright, Detroit,Mich. diamond Match Co., Oswego, N. Y. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Electro Bleaching Gas Co., Ni- agara Falls, N. Y. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, Col. F. M. Dorsey, Develop- ment Division. Chemical War- fare Service, Cleveland, Ohio. Lieut. R. Westbrook, Develop- ment Division. Chemical War- fare Service, Cleve'aud, (~>liio. The Schneider Wrecking Co., third floor. Rose Building, Cleveland, Ohio. The National I>amp Works of the General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Oliio. Chile Exploration Co., 202d St and inth Ave., New York City. The Grasselli Chemical Co., Guardian Building, Cleveland, Ohio. W. L. Enfield, care of National Lamp Works, Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. National Lamp Works, of the General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio. Article. Gas masks . Canisters. . . Gas mask.. Gasmasks. ....do -do. -do. Gas mask, used. Gas masks . Gas mask, v.sed. Gas mask do Canisters Gas mask, used . Gas mask Gas masks . Canisters . . . Gas masks. Canisters. . . Gas masks Canisters Gas masks Canisters Titanium tetrachloride . Gas masks . ....do ....do ....do Extra canisters for gas masks Books. .do. Shed at National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Headquarters building located in the premises of the Na- tional Lamp Works. Activated charcoal do do Hospital building located on the premises of the National Lamp Works, Cleveland, Ohio. Total sale price. $70. 00 18.00 7.00 42.00 14.00 42,00 28.00 42.00 1.00 7.00 7.00 24.00 1.00 7.00 21.00 3.00 14.00 4.00 21.00 3.00 14.00 6.00 60.00 14.00 6.00 14.00 42.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 1,000.00 13.00 40.00 20.00 125.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 443 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Dateofsae. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 7, 1919. do ....do Apr. 8, 1919. . do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. ....do do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. do Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. do Apr. 12, 1919. do Apr. 11, 1919 Mar. 2.'5, 1919 Apr. 8, 1919. Mar. 7, 1919. Mar. 4, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919 Apr. 14, 1919 ....do ....do ....do...... ....do -...do ....do ....do ....do SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHLNGTON, D. C. North Star Chemical Works . Apr. 15, 1919. Freeport Sulphur Co., Freeport, Tex. E. T. Da Pont de Nemours Co — General Electric Co Mon Santo Chemical Co Rohm & Hass Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. The Mountain Copper Co., Mar- tinez, Calif. T. R. Goodiatte & Sons, Dela- wana, N. J. American Agricultural Chemi- cal Co., Cataret, N. J. Bump & McCabe University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. The Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Baker & Co. (Inc.), Newark, N.J. Commonwealth Chemical Cor- poration, Newark, N. J. City Clerk, Elmira, N. Y Ha Ha Bay Sulphite Co. (Ltd.), Port Alfred, Quebec, Canada. American Hominy Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Wyandotte, Mich. Hammermill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Hooker Electrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Henry Doepke, Buffalo, N. Y . . . National Aniline & Chemical Co., 21 Burling Slip, New York City. [Canceled.) JeflrevDeWitt Co., Detroit, Mien. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Frederick Stearns & Co., De- troit, Mich. Maj. H. S. Kimberly, Chemical Warlare Service. ,Tohn A. Manning Paper Co., Troy, N. Y. Hubert B. Hamlet, Chemical Warfare Service. A. WilhelmCo., Reading, Pa Central Paper Co., Muskegon, Mich. Pennsylvania-Trojan Powder Co., AUentown, Pa. Escanaba Municipal UtUities, Escanaba, Mich. J. M. Duemer, chief, fire de- partment, Erie, Pa. Bowker Chemical Co., Eliza- bethporf, N. J. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. The Norton Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Gas masks. Canisters... Gasmasks. Canisters... Gas masks. do Canisters... Gas masks. Canisters... Gasmasks. do do Canisters Gasmasks Mustard gas oil, phosgene, gas masks. Canisters Gas mask . Canister. . . Gasmask. Gasmasks. do Canister. Gas masks. Canisters... do..... Gas masks. Canisters... Gasmasks. -do. .do. Florida clay. Gasmasks Canisters Masks Mask Canister Gas mask Sodium cyanide do Masks Canisters Gas masks Canisters Gasmask , Gas masks ....do Gas masks . 444 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 999 Apr. 16, 1919.... 1000 .....do.. do.. do.. 1001 100? 1003 do.. 1004 do.. 1005 Apr. 17, 1919.... lOOfi do.. 1007 do.. do.. 1008 1009 Apr. 18, 1919.... 1010 do. 1011 do. 1012 Apr. 19, 1919 1013 do. do. do. 1014 1015 1016 do. do. Apr. 22, 1017 1018 1919.... 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1021 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 May 9, 1919. do Apr. 24, 1919... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 29, 1919- . do SA.LV-A.GE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Pennsylvania Water & Power Co., ^Baltimore, Md. Norton Co., Niagara Falls, N,Y. . Mae;uiis Co., Depew, N. Y C. G. A. Fischer, chief, fire de- partment, Ellenville, N. Y. Pvt. R. F. Conahan, Marine Corjis Headquarters, Wash- ington, D. C. The Ciossman Hardware Co., Zanesville, Ohio. Lieut. John P. Tansey, Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C. W. E. Cade, chief, fire deparl- m.ent. Steger & Sons, piano, manufac- turers, Steger, 111. Electric Storage Battery Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Sergt. M. J. Rubin, Quarter- master Corps, American Uni- versity. Western Sugar Refining Co., San Francisco, Calif. E. Hobart Kennedy, Independ- ence, Kans. Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Zinsser & Co., Hastings upon Hudson N. Y. Landers, Frary & Clark Chas. R. Meissner Seaboard By- products Coke Co. Chas. Pfizer & Co. (Inc.) Lieut. Jas. P. Tansey G. \V. Uerzig Pyroteclmic sec- tion. EDGEWOOD AKSENAL, BALTI- MORE, MD. Capt. J. W. Heffner, Edgewood Arsenal, Baltimore, Md. The Eagle-Picher Lead Co., Joplin, Mo. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. The Wire Goods Co., Worcester, Mass. University of Illinois, chemistry department, Urbana, 111. Fire department, Springfield, Ohio. Gerard L. Jackson, New York City. Ticonderoga Pulp & Paper Co., Ticonderoga, N. Y. Mr. H. Cheyne, McKinney Chandler Grocery Co., Miami, Okla. Paul Van Pool, Joplin, Mo The Barrett Co., Philadelphia, Pa. John T. Slack Corporation, Springfield, Vt. National Aniline & Chemical Co., Marcus Hook, Pa. Miller Rubber Co., South Akron, Ohio. Inland Empire Paper Co., Mill- wood, Wash. Girard Volunteer Fire Depart- ment, Girard, Ohio. Gas masks . Canisters... Gas mask . . Gasmasks. Gas mask . Gas masks. ....do do ....do Canisters... Gas masks . Gasmask. Railroad spur track, without rails, frog, and switch. Gas mask Activated carbon. Containers Activated carbon . Container Activated carbon. Container Activated carbon. Charcoal . . . Gas masks. do Used mask. . New masks. Gasmask. Gasmasks. Canisters... Gasmasks. Canisters. . Gas mask . . Gasmasks. Gasmask. do... Canister. Gas ma.sks . Gas masks . Canisters. . . Gasmasks. .do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 445 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 29, 1919 do do Apr. 30, 1919. do do do do Apr. 21, 1919. do .do. Apr. 30, 1919. do do do May 2, 1919... do May 21, 1919.. May 2, 1919... do May. 3, 1919. do do do May 5, 1919. .do. .do. ..do May 6, 1919. May 5, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. c— Continued. Philip W. Lown, Providence, R.I. Inland Empire Paper Co., Mill- wood, Wash. Inter-State Water Co., Danville, 111. City of Salem, Mass. fire depart- in ent. Melville Color Co., Boston, Mass. Howard Smith Paper Mills, Beauharnois, Quebec, Canada. Metals Chemical (Ltd.), Wel- land, Ontario, Canada. O'Bannon Corporation, Taun- ton Oil Cloth Division, Taun- ton, Mass. MATERLiLS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. F. D. Spencer, Edgewood, Md.. Maj. Frank J. Wagner, Edge- wood, Md. Capt. F. D. Shaw, Edgewood, Md. SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Schenectady Illuminating Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Republic Iron & Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio. New Jersey Zinc Co., New York City. I. E. Dupont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del. ' Armour Fertilizer Works Semet Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Orono Pulp & Paper Co., Ban- gor, Me. Oxford Paper Co., New York City. Great Western Electric Chemical Co., San Francisco, Calif. Connecticut Telephone & Elec- tric Co., Meriden, Conn. Alexander Sloan, care Cumber- land Improvement Co., Cum- berland, Md. Wallace & Tieman Co., New York City. Anaconda Copper Mining Co., New York City. Dayton Metal Products Co., Dayton, Ohio. Frank C. Wallower, Joplin, Mo.. Anaconda Copper Mining Co., New York City. Surpass Leather Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Kostalek, Agricultural School, North Dakota. Newport Chemical Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. MATERLA.LS' DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Elston C. Mount. General Hos- pital No. 2, Fort McHenry, Gasmask. Gasmasks. Canisters... Gas masks - do Canisters... Gasmask. . Gasmasks. .do. .do. Gasmasks (used). ....do .do. Gasmask.. Gas masks . do do .do. .do. .do. Gasmask. Canister. . . Gas mask . Gasmasks. Canisters. . . Gasmask.. Canisters. . . Gasmasks. Canisters. . . Gasmasks. Canisters. . . Gasmasks. Canisters. . . Gas mask . . Canisters . . Gasmask.. ....do Gasmasks. Gasmask (new). 446 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. No. -Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1072 1073 1074 May 6, 1919.. ....do do ....do May 7, 1919. do May 8, 1919., May 9, 1919. ....do Apr. 8, 1919. 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 Apr. 9, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. May 10,1919. do do do May 12, 1919. do ..do... ..do... do May 13,1919. do do .do. .do. .do. Apr. 21, 1919. do .do. .do. -do. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Newport Chemical Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. Roy E. Layton, Adjutant Gen- eral, State of Ohio, Colum- bus, Ohio. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. The Koppers Co., Mallon In- stitute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Monmouth Chemical Co., New York City. Du Pont Fabrikoid Co., Wil- mington, Del. A. Klipstein & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. A. Wilhelm Co., Reading, Pa. . . DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, CLEVE- LAND, OHIO. Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. American Encaustic Tiling Co., Zanesville, Ohio. Great Lakes Refining Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. First Lieut. Geo. A. Graham, Engineers Animal Transport , Camp Hiunphreys, Va., Nick Baetz, care of Lieut. H. Sulli- van, Washington, D. C. Carl O. Young, Brvan, Ohio Paul V. WycoflE, Batesville, Ind. Geo. H. Aspinwall (Inc.), Jersey City, N. J. Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co., St. Albans, W.Va. J. W. Ross, Glen Echo, Md Essex Chemical Co., Lawrence, Mass. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., New York, City. Peter Van Schaack & Sons, Chi- cago, 111. International Paper Co., New York City. National Lamp Works General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleve- land, Ohio. Consumers Dyewood Products Corporation, Mobile, Ala. Carthage Sulphite Paper Co., Carthage, N. Y. R. H. Coomey Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. MATERIALS DISPOSAI, SECTION, ». B.^LTIMOBE, MD. Boston Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. (by Jno. D. Roney). David Kaufman & Son, Eliza- beth, N. J. do do Boston Iron eparl ment, Gloucester, Mass. A. T. Skerry Co., New York (^ity .lohn H. Aring, 334 Ocean Ave., Lakewood, N. J. MATERIALS IJISPOSAL SECTION. Hooker Ele/jtrochemical Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Merchants & Miners Transpor- tation Co., Light and Red- wood Streets, Baltimore, Md. MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, NEW YORK CITY. Boston Pressed Metal Co., 171 Union St., Worcester. Mass. S. H. Dunlap, Ennis,Tex Article. L. I. Railroad Co., Pennsylvania Station, New York City. Com Prwlucts Refining Co., Edgewater, N. J. Isaac Brandon L Mack Mo- tor Truck Co.. Providence, R.I. Armour & Co., Chicago, 111 Sidnev Polacsek. 501 E. 140th St., New York Citv. H. C. Bierman, Trust Building, Indianapolis. Ind. Rhinelander Paper Co., Rhine- lander. Wis. Empire Tire A- Rubber Corpora- tion, Trenton, N. J. Melville Color Co., Boston, Mass. The Panama Canal, 546 W. 23d St., New York City. Newport Chemical Works (Inc. ) , Milwaukee. Wis. Capt. W. WilUams, Room 2509, Mimitions Building, City. Laurentide Co. (Ltd.), Grand Mere, Quebec, Canada, Maiigano Mfg. Co. . Rahwajj N. J. S. F. Havward hia. Pa. Anglo-Newfomidhnd Develop- ment Co. (Ltd.), Grand Falls, Newfomidland. Morris A- Co., United States Yards, Chicago, 111. Beardstown fire department, Beardstown, 111. Maj. r. H. Senior, chief, ord- nance and orthiance stores section, Ordnance Depart- ment sales. Munitions Bldg. Monis c'L- Co.. Ohicaijo. Ill Britisli-Amerieau Chemical Co., New York City. Corning Olass Works, Corning, N.Y. New Jersev Zinc Co., 160 Front St., New York City. H. Kohnstomm .t Co., 93 Park Place, Now York City. Aiilt & Amberg Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J. A. Oade, commander U. S. N., New York Citv. O. B. Evans A Bro. (Inc.), 720 13th St., Washington, D. C. City of Lebanon, superintendent of public safety. Lebanon, Pa. Tbe Ault Wilberg Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Article. Burlap hags, 29 x 48" Gas masks Cas mask. Gas mask wthout nose clip and mouthpiece, canister. Gas masks .do. .do. .do. Gas masks, extra canisters . Gas masks, Tissot type Burlaps bags Drums, 76 per cent caustic soda Dead oil Resin oil, paraffin oil Gas masks. Phosgene. . . Containers . Phospono . . Containers . Gasmask. do.... Gas masks. Canisters... Gas masks. Gas mask. do Gas masks. do Canister Gas masks. do do Canisters. . . Gas masks. Canisters. . . Gas masks. do Gas masks . ....do Canisters. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE "WAR DEPARTMENT. 461 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. 1527 July 1, 1919 1528 do 1529 do 1530 Julys, 1919 1531 .... do 1532 July 5, 1919 1533 do 1535 1536 1546 1547 Date of sale. July 9, 1919 . July 7, 1919. July 8, 1919. do , 1538 July 9, 1919 1539 do 1540 July 10, 1919 1541 July 12, 1919 1542 July 14, 1919 1543 July 15, 1919 1544 do 1645 do Julys, 1919.. July 14, 1919. 1548 July 15, 1919 1549 July 17, 1919 1550 do 1551 do 1552 do 1553 do Name and address of buyer. HALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHrNGTON, D. c— contd. International Paper Co., New York. Wausau Sulphate Fibre Co., Mosinee, Wis. Alice Donley, 814 Uth St. NW., Washington, D. C. American Cirinder Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Wallace Si Tiernan (Inc.), 349 Broadway, New York City. Organic Salt & Acid Co., Long Island City, N. Y. National Ammonia Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. MATERIALS MSPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. The Barrett Co., 17 Battery Place, New York, N. Y. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. The Lustron Co^ 44 K St., South Boston, Mass. Mr. Bain, Canadian War Mis- sion, Munsey Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. Maj. P. H. Senior, chief ord- nance and ordnance stores sec- tion. Ordnance Department sales. Munitions Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. T. B. Goodlett & Sons, Dela- wanna, N. J. Surgeon General of the Army for Canadian Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. International Paper Co., 30 Broad St., New York City. MonSanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. Rhinelander Paper Co., Rhine- lander, Wis. Presbyterian Hospital of New York, Madison Ave. and 70th St., New York City. Tennessee Copper Co., Copper- hill, Term. MATERLALS DISPOSAL SECTION, BALTIMORE, MD. Geo. F. Taylor Commission Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. Zinsser & Co., Hastings upon Hudson, N. Y. Northwestern Blau-Gas Co., St. Paul, Minn. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Na- trona, Pa. L. B. Luithlen Dye Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Pheljjs Dodge Corporation, 99 John St., New York City. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Cor- poration, Bethlehem, Pa. H. J. Baker & Bro., 81 Fulton St., New York City. Article. Gas masks Canisters. . do Gas mask. Gas masks ....do Canisters. . Gas masks do Anhydrous ammonia. Containers Gasmasks. Canisters. . Gas mask. . .do. .do. .do. ....do Canisters. . Gas masks . ....do Canisters. . Gas mask. Gas masks. Total eale price. Carbonate of potash Building formerly used as storeroom; h)uilaing former- ly used as first-aid room — both of these buildings are constructed of wood frame and wire lath stuccoed; roofs are made of paper and gravel. Phosgene Cylinders , Gas masks Canisters , do Gas masks . Canisters. . . ....do 462 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WAR FAKE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 17, 1919. July 18, 1919.. July 19, 1919. July 21, 1919. do ....do July 22, 1919. .do. July 24, 1919. do do July 25, 1919. 1919. 1919.. 1919.. 1919. July 24. July 18, July 24, July 30, July 28, 1919... July 30, do.. July 29, July 30, 1 Aug. 6, 1 do.. Aug. 5, : July 28, do. Aug. 5, Aug. 1, Aug. 8, do. Aug. 7, Aug. 8, 1919. . 1919. , 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. July 26, 1919. July 28, 1919. July 31, 1919. 1589 do 1590 1 Aug. 1,1919. SALVAGE ANP SALES SECTION, AVASraNGTON, P. C. E. W. r>eeters, Rosslyn, Va State of New York, dcpartineut of health, 278 Yates St., Al- bany, N. Y. E. W. Peeters, Rossl^^^, Va E. R. Sqiiibhs A Sons, 7S and SO Beekman St., New York City. Rohm A Hass Co., 40 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Industrial Safety Corporation, 102 Fulton St. , "New York City. Great Western Electro-Chemical Co., 9 Main St., San Francisco, CaUf. Commonwealth Chemical Cor- poration, 15 Park Row, New York City. A. Weiskittel A Son Co., Balti- more, Md. Norwich Pharmacal Co., Nor- wicii, N. Y. Wallace & Tieman Co. (Inc.), 349 Broadway, New York. Arthur W. Reed, 937 23d St., NW., Washington, P. C. EDGEWOOP ARSENAL, EPGE- WOOP, MP. IT. S. Housing Corporation, -Vberdeen, Md. Wm. Pinwiddie, Metuchen, N.J. Kingsport Pulp Corporation, Ivingsport, Term. Isco ChemicalCo. , Niagara Falls, N. Y. Pow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Zinsser A- Co., Hastings upon Hudson, N. Y. Joseph B. Miller, 407 Finance Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa. Niagara Electro-Chemical Co., Niagar;\ Falls. N. Y. Kingsport Pulp Corporation, Kingsport, Term. CarborundumCo., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Niagara Alkali Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Wm. Eekbold's Sons, 711 E. Gi- rard Aye., Philadelphia, Pa. General Chemical Co., 25 Broad St., Philadelplua, Pa. Mead Pulp & Paper Co., Chilli- cot he, Ohio. Dupont de Nemours Co., Wil- mington, Pel. Na-yy ' requisition, naval tor- pedo station, Newport, R. I. Zinsser & Co„ Hastings upon Hudson, N. Y. Otis Elevator Co., Yonkers.N.Y C. H. Saph, Marine City, Mich.. J. H. Lenz, Edgewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md. SALVAGE ANP SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, P. C. Kingsport Pulp Corporation, Kingrsport, Tenn. Anglo- Newfoimdland Pevelop- ment Co. (.Ltd.). Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethle- hem, Pa. do Congressman Burnell, Washing- ton, P. C. Lumber, miscellaneous Gasmasks Lumber, ttiiscellaneous. Gas masks ....do Activated charcoal . Gas masks. Canisters. . . Gasmasks. -do. -Vctivated charcoal . Container Gas masks Canisters Gasmask Pipe fittings. Gas masks. Canisters. . . Gas mask.. 55-gal. drums Kaohn Vertical condenser . Soda ash Gas masks do ■Sulphuric acid Canisters Bleach Gasmasks do Phosgene . . Containers. Gas mask.. Fencing Steel tank, 35 x 7' . Gas mask do Canisters. Gas masks . Canisters... Gas masks. do.... Gasmask. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 463 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Aug. 5, 1919. ....do ....do Aug. 7, 1919. do Aug. 8, 1919. .do. .do. do Aug. 11, 1919. .do. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. do Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. do do do do Aug. 19, 1919. do do do do do do do do do Aug. 20, 1919. do Aug. 23, 1919. do Name and address of buyer. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C— COntd. Crystal Paper Co., Middletown, Ohio. Ohio Seamless Tube Co., Shelby, Ohio. Bemis Bro. Bag Co., Peoria, 111.. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. L. Rose & Co.. Richmond, Va. . , N. W. Krase, American Univer- sity Experiment Station, Washington, D. C. Lehigh Works, Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. The National Aniline & Chem- ical Co., 21 Burling Slip, New York City. do Universal Trading Co., atten- tion Mr. H. H. Canter, 230 5th Ave., New York City. Sun Co., Toledo, Ohio , EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGE- WOOD, MD. American Rutile Co., 120 Broad- way, New York. Standard Textile Co., 320 Broad- way. New York. U. S. "Aluminum Co. ,2400 Oliver Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Joseph V. Meigs, 92-98 Green- wood Ave., Montclair, N. J. SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. American Smelting & Refining Co., Perth Amboy plant, Maurer, N. J. Great Western Electro-Chemical Co., 9 Main St., San Francisco, Calif. New Jersey Zinc Co., 160 Front St., New York City. Daisy Cucksy, 435 9th Ave., Astoria, Long Island. Louis Lurie, 2095 Honeywell Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Francis M. Campbell, 99 Broad- way. Long Branch, N. J. Francis E. Ziesse, 6022 7th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adolph A. Engel, 805 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. H. M. Kohler, 302 Glenmore Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Monmouth Ice Co., Long Branch, N. J. Astoria Mahogany Co. (Inc.), 347 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. W. A. Brouk, 1321 Ave.A, New York City. Charles R. Fuller, 823 Pine St., Scranton, Pa. Pioneer Mfg. Co., West Allis, Milwaukee, Wis. Walter J. Weiner, 1030 Teutonia Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Herbert A. Barnard, 29 Fiske Ave., Maspeth N. Y. Ralph M. Quelch, 2142 Arthur Ave., New York City. Edward S. Murray, room 252, Grant Bldg., Washington, D. C. National Sulphur Co. (Inc.), 80 Maiden Lane, New York City. A. Jensen, Claremont Inn, Rock- ville Center, Long Island. Article. Gas masks . do .do. .do. Gas masks, used . do Gas masks . do... Canisters. Gas masks . Gas mask . . Canisters. Rutile Gas mask . do.... do.... Gas masks . Canisters. . . Gas masks . Canisters. . . Gas masks . Canisters. . . Gas mask . . ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Gas masks . ....do Gas mask ....do ....do ....do ....do Gas mask, used . ....do Gas masks, new. , Canister Gas masks, used . 464 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Pate of sale. Name and address of bnyer. Article. Aug. 23, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Aug. 25, 1919. .....do Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919. do Aug. 16, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. SALV.A,GE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C— COlltd. O. A. Schroeder, Poehler Pie Casting Co., Court and 9th Sts., BrookljTi, N. Y. William .V. Mo'ebios, 51 Mountain .\vo., SnnuTiit, N. .T. Leslie H. Wellnum. Marine Bar- racks, Vonsiicola, Fla. W. A. Jacobs, 1S7T Conev Island Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y". Oxiord Paper Co., 200 5th Ave., New York City. P. O. Jarvis, Box 605, New Berne, N. C. National Lead Co., Ill Broad- way, New York City. Associated Pry Coods Corpora- tion of New" York, 2 W. 37th St., New York City. EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGE- WOOD. MP. Joseph J. Miller, 27 Locust St., Buffalo, N. Y. Frank L. Youg, 120 Broadway, New York City. Joseph B. Miller, 407 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Hammermill Paper Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Butterworth-Judson, 61 Broad- way, New York. Navy Popartnient, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Goodyear Tire it Rubber Co., Akron, Oliio. Pharraa Chemical Co., Bay- onne, N. J. Celluloid Co., 30 Washington Place, New York Citv. Jf. Pressner, 20 V.. 17th St., New York, N. Y. Pewev tt Almv Chemical Co., Harvey St.," North Cam- bridge, Mass. Joseph B. Miller, 407 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Rahway Chemical Co., Rah- wav, Flizabeth, N. J. Wm." Fckbold's Sons, 711 F. Girard St., Philadelphia, Pa. Friuik L. Young, 120 Broad- way, N. Y. Ohio" State University, Colum- bus, Ohio. Goodvear Tire it Rubber Co U. S". Marine Corps, 1100 S. Broad St^ Pliiladelphia, Pa. Twitchell Process Co., Cincin- nati, Oliio. Giant Portland Cement Co., Pennsylvania Bldg., Pliila- delphia, Pa. Robert Smurl, 905 Penn St., Chester, Pa. William Panzer, Hagerstown, Md. The General Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Herf it Frerichs Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. Monongah Glass Co., Fiarmont, W. ^^^. W. W. Strona:, Mechanicsburg, Pa. The Texas Co., Houston. Tex.. Henry Bower Chemical Mfg. Co." Philadelphia, Pa. New York & Pennsylvania Co., 200 5th Ave., New York. Gas mask, new. Gas mask, used. ....do ....do Gas mask, new.. Canister Gas mask, used . Gas masks, new. Gas mask, new.. Coke Muriatic acid. do Gas masks . . . Phasgene Containers . . . Muriatic acid. Gas masks . Canisters... Phosgene.., Containers . Gas masks. .do. Miscellaneous pipe fittings, conduits, and pipe covering. Muriatic acid Gas masks Canisters Economic boilers. Muriatic acid Titanium tetrachloride. Gas masks Sulphuric acid . Titanium tetrachloride. Gas mask do Gas masks. Gas mask. . do Gasmasks. .do. .do. .do. Canisters. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 465 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 Aug. 29, 1919 . . . . Aug. 26, 1919.... .do. .do. do do Aug. 28, 1919... do , Aug. 29, ....do. 1919. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 30, do.. 1919.... do. Sept. 2, do. 1919. ....do Sept. 4, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919. .do. .do. .do. -do.... -do.... -do.... .do.... .do.... -do. .do- -do. .do. Sept. 8, 1919. ....do SALVAGE AND SALES SECTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. Guy O. Walser, West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Grace Ogborne, Carbondale, Pa. Abe Levey, 623 N. 4th St., Allentown, Pa. Mrs. Wilson, 2367 2d Ave., New York City. The J. P. Noyes Co., Lancaster, N. H. Jack Gardiner, 1739 Melville St., ■ Bronx, N. Y. Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dalla.s, Oreg. Clearfield fire department, Clear- field, Pa. Capt. M. C. Wilson, office of director. Chemical Warfare Service, Washinfrton, D. C. Maj. J. F. Monagfian, 7th and B Sts., unit B, room F, Wash- ington, D. C. Tracy Heckman, 196 Soldier Place, Buffalo, N. Y. James Wilson, 3d, room 3712, Munitions Bldg., Washington, D.C. Donald C. Brewer, 322 Locust St. Lockport, N. Y. M. M. Wyckoff, care of T. A. Gillespie Co., 50 Church St., New York City. Sterling Products Co., Easton, Pa- Smith & Clark Co. (Inc.), Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Disinfecting & Exterminating Co. (Inc.), 230 W. 58th St., New York City. Bamhart Bros. & Spindler, NW. comer Monroe and Throop Sts., Chicago, 111. Champion-International Co., Lawrence, Mass. EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGEWOOD, MD. City of Winston-Salem, N. Pennsylvania Rubber Co., Jean- ette, Pa. Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y Chas. Pfizer & Co., 81 Maiden T-ane, New York. Missouri Cobalt Co., Fredericks- town, Mo. Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co., Ge- neva, 111. Geo. A. Heath, 33 Pine St., New York. Southern States Supply Co., Columbia, S. C. Sidney Jacobs, 324 Lafayette St., New York. Rossic Velvet Co., Mystic, Conn. Alfred Barthel, 1912 Loring Place Rheinstrom Bros. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Associated Dry Goods Corpora- tion of N. Y., 2 W. 37th St., New York. John A. Roebling's Sons, Tren- ton, N. J. Amalgamated D3'estuff & Chem- ical Works (Inc.), Newark, N.J. Gas mask, new. do Gas mask, used. ....do do Gas masks, new. Canister, new . . . Gas masks, new. do Canisters Gas mask, new. Canister Gas mask, used . .do. .do. .do. .do. Gas masks, new. Canisters, spare . Gas masks, new. do Canisters, spare . Gas mask, new. Gas masks, new. Canisters, spare . Gas masks . Canisters... Gas masks. Canisters... Gas mask . . do Gas masks Canisters Gas mask, used . ....do , Gas masks Gas masks, used. Gas masks . Gas mask. . Canister Gas mask . . .do. Gas masks . ....do 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 466 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 8, 1919 Sept. 9, 1919. ....do ....do do do do do do do Sept. 10, 1919. ....do Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. Sept. 15, 1919. do do do do do do do Sept. 16, 1919. do do do Aug. 21, 1919. July 19, 1919.. .do. .do. do Sept. 20, 1919. EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGE- WOOD, MD. — continued. Sun Oil Co., Toledo, Ohio C. D. Velie, Deere & Weber Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Monroe Calculating Machine, Woohvorth Bldg., New York. Albemarle Paper Co., Richmond, Va. Frank Tea & Spice Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Racquette River Paper Co., Potsdam, N. Y. Alden W. Miller, 161 Bay State Road, Boston, N. J. National Conduit & Cable Co., Hastings upon Hudson, N. Y. Jacob Grafe, 3.31 Horner Street, Johnstown, Pa. C. D. Simpson, department headquarters, Parris Island, S. C. Connecticut Telephone & Elec- tric Co., Meriden, Conn. Bauer & Black 2500 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. William Peters, 129 Birkhead St., Baltimore, Md. Northern Milling Co., Wausau, Wis. Chas- S. Eaton & Sons, 219 Washington St. , Boston, D. C. H. K. Mulford, Philadelphia, Pa. Abbott Laboratories, 4739 Ra- venswood Ave , Chicago, 111. St. Albans Grain Co., St. Albans, Vt. H. J. Baker & Bro., 81 Fulton St., New York. Plymouth Cordage Co., North Plymouth, Mass. Detroit Sulphite Pulp & Paper Co., 2607 W. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Turpentine & Rosin Producers Association, New Orleans, La. Hinckley Fibre Co., Hinckley, N. Y. Virginia Industrial Chemical Co., 131 State St., Boston, Mass. Victor J. Traver, 524 E. Main St., Walla Walla, Wash. American Mills Co., Hamden Branch, New Haven, Conn. Sebring Pottery Co., Sebring, Ohio. Graham Glass Co., Evansville, Ind. Parker- Young Co., Lincoln,N.H. Garfield Smelting Co., McCor- mick Block, Salt Lake City, Utan. Penna Salt Mfg. Co., Widener Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. G. W. Hoffman Co., Indian- apoUs, Ind. E. I. Dupont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del. Mail Equipment Shops, 5th and WSts. NE., Washington, D. C. Philadelphia Navy Yard, Phila- delphia, Pa. U. S. Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va . . . Charleston Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pharma Chemical Co., Bayonne, N.J. Gas masks. Canisters... Gas mask . . Gas masks. Gas mask . . Gas masks. do Gas mask.. Gas masks. Canisters... Gas mask.. .do. .....do Gas masks. Canister Gas mask. . do Gas masks. Gas mask.. do Gas masks. Gas mask. . Gas masks. Canisters... Gas masks. Gas mask . . Gas masks. Gas mask . . Gas masks. Canisters... Gas masks. do Canisters... Gas masks. do.... Gas mask . Phosgene . . . . Containers. . . Muriatic acid. Alcohol .do. .do. Gas mask . . Gas masks . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 467 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 Sept. 19, 1919- ....do .do. .do. do do Aug. 11, 1919... Sept. 19,1919... -do. .do. Aug. 27, 1919.. July 19, 1919.. Sept. 5. 1919... do Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919.. Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 22, 1919.. do do do do do Sept. 25, 1919.. Sept. 26,1919. Sept. 25, 1919. ....do Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. do do do do do Oct. 1, 1919... Aug. 24, 1919. Oct. 7, 1919... Oct. 4, 1919... EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGE- WOOD, MD. — continued. Ernest G. Herrick, 50 Batavia St., Boston, Mass. Egbert E. LeCluse, Great Neck, N. Y. Mai Marsh, Altoona, Pa General Gas Appliance Co., Ter- minal Bldg., N. Y. Fels & Co., 73d and Woodland Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. William W. Bryan, 326 Walnut St. .Philadelphia, Pa. Dewey & Almey Chemical Co., Harvey Street, North Cam- bridge, Mass. Mrs. J. C. Sargent, 381 Irving Place, Milwaukee, Wis. J. F. Tilley, Washington, D. C. David Fox, 30 Church St., New York City. Camp supply officer. Camp Mead, Md. Fleet Supply Base, South Brook- lyn, N. Y. Fort Sheridan, 111 .do. Hydrol Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y States Metal Co., Mellinville, N. Y. J. F. Highland, Hagerstown, Md. Bathhurst Lumber Co., Bath- hurst, N. B. Root Manufacturing Co., 21 Mohawk St., Chicago, 111. Paragon Refining Co., Toledo, Ohio. Charles S. Boyer, River Ave. and State St., Camden, N. J. Eastern Manufacturing Co., South Brewer, Me. Sherwin-Williams Co., 601 Canal Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Tacoma Smelter Co., Tacoma, Wash. Howe & French, 99 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Monsanto Chemical Works, 2d St. and Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Pratt & Lambert (Inc.), 75 Tonawanda Ave., Buflalo, N. Y. John Hastings, 106 W. 83d St., New York. American Smelting & Refining Co., Maurec, N. J. New York & Pennsylvania Co., 200 5th Ave., New York. Noel Statham, 1111 N. Broad- way, Irvington, N. Y. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., Williamsburg, Pa. Mrs. W. N. Caldwell, 20 Ridge- wood Place, Springfield, Mass. Henry Trinke, Engine House No. 2, 4th and Wisconsin Sts., Racine, Wis. Marathon Paper Mills Co., Rots- child, Wis. Alfred B. Viol, courthouse, Lafayette, Ind. Graham H. Powell, Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. Kingsport Improvement Cor- poration. Kingsport, Term. National Ammonia Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. City of Altoona, Pa Gas mask . . Gas masks. Gas mask . . do ....do Gas masks. Gas mask Chemical apparatus . Gas mask Canister... Gas mask . Chlorine . Alcohol. . Chlorine . .do. Storehouse, Buffalo. Vacuum pump Gas masks. ....do ....do Canisters... Gas masks. Canisters... Gas masks. do.... Canisters.. Gas mask . Gas masks- Canisters... Gas masks - Canisters... Gas masks. Gas mask . do Canisters... Gas masks. do do do Gas mask . . Gasmasks. do.... Canisters. . Gasmask. Plant facilities Ammonia cylinders . Gas masks . Canisters. . . $5.00 20.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 30.00 1.00 32.06 1.00 1.00 77. 92i 3, 405. 60 80.70 432.90 82.50 750. 00 275. 00 5.00 15.00 25.00 2.00 20.00 4.00 3.00 65.00 13.00 5.00 20.00 4.00 10.00 2.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 60.00 2.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 30.00 25.00 5.00 1.00 13.748.00 95.00 90.00 6.00 468 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEITT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 4, 1919. do do Oct. 6, 1919- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 10, 1919.. do Oct. 11, 1919.. Oct. 13, 1919.. Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 14, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919.. Oct. 20, 1919.. Oct. 15, 1919.. Oct. 18, 1919.. Oct. 20, 1919. do .do. Oct. 21, 1919. ....do Oct. 24, 1919.. Oct. 25, 1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. do ....do Oct. 28, 1919.. June 25, 1919. Mar. 13, 1919. Mar. 22, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919.. 1919.. May li, EDGEWOOD ARSEEAL, EDGE- WOOD, MD.— continued. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co., 5th Ave. Bldg., New York. Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind Edgewood Co., Cincinnati, Ohio Chas. B. Stretch, 395 Broadway, N. Y. Wm. L. Doherty, 905 8th Ave., New York. Metal & Thermit Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York. National Mailable & Castings Co., comer Quincy Ave. and AVoodhill Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Michigan Electro Chemical Co., Menominee, Mich. Air Reduction Sales Co., 120 Broadway, New York. Isko Co., 408 S. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, 111. Oscar J. Johnson, Yoman, Wash. Plj'mouth Cordage Co., North Plymouth, Mass. Butterworth-Judson Corpora- tion, 61 Broadway, New York. F. L. Steele, 592d Ave., Glovers- viUe, N. Y. Hawthorne Paper Co., Kalama- zoo, Mich. Illinois Traction Co., Decatur, 111. Electro Bleaching Gas Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. American Paint & Supply Co., Dallas Tex J. L. & 'm. Jacobs, 324-326-328 Lafaj'ette Ave., New York. Frank Hemmingway (Inc.), 115 Broadway, New York. Niagara Alkali Works, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Goerz Flour Mills, Newton, Kans. California Exterminating Co., Ill Manhattan, New York City. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Cor- poration, Squantum AVorks, Atlantic, Mass. Gordon Tire & Rubber Co. , Can- ton, Ohio. E. A. Kissick, Okemali, Okla... Carthage Pulp & Paper Co., Carthage, N. Y. Carew Mfg. Co., South Hadley Falls, Mass. National Carbon Co., Clarks- burg, W. Va. National Bronze Corporation, 507 5th Ave., New York. E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co., Wilmington, Del. Eagle Picner Lead Co., Joplin, Kingsport Stores, Kingsport, Tenn. J. H. Carroll/McCoy Hall, Balti- more, Md. Stamford Rubber Supply Co., Stamford, Conn. Eagle Picher Lead Co., Joplin, Mo. Capt. Sheble Lieut. G. W. Fetridge, 25th and Wharton Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Gasmasks. do.... do.... Gasmask. -do. Gas masks . Canisters... Gasmasks. do Canisters. . . Gas masks . Canisters. . . Gasmasks. Gasmask. . Gas masks . do Gasmask.. Gas masks . Frequency changer set and switchboard. Chlorine container, 1 ton Gas masks . .do. Phosgene. . Gasmasks. Canisters. . . Gasmasks. .do. Canisters. do..., Gas masks . do... Canisters. Gasmasks. Gas mask . . do Canisters. . . Gasmasks. Canisters. . . Dynamite. . Gas mask . . Gas masks . ....do ....do Gas mask. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 469 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1815 May 20, 1919 May 17,1919 May 14, 1919 May 23, 1919 May 13, 1919 Oct. 31, 1919 Oct. 24, 1919 Oct. 31, 1919 Nov. 3, 1919 do Oct. 31, 1919 Oct. 28, 1919 Oct. 31, 1919 Nov. 3, 1919 . . .do EDGEWOOD AE3ENAL, EDGE- WOOD, MD.— continued. J. L. Freeman, Army War Col- lege, Washington, D. C. Robert A. Rehm, Kennedy Hotel, Lawton, Okla. Gas mask S2.00 1816 2.00 1817 1.00 1818 Harry Walters, 2250 Park Ave., Baltimore, M:d. C. M. Fuller, Edgewood arsenal, Edgewood, Md. A. P. Silverstein, Belle, W. Va.. H. P. Co., Midland, Mich Kingsport Tannery, Kingsport, Terni. Wheeler & Woodruff, 280 Mad- ison Ave., New York. Newport Co., P. O. box 1582, Milwaukee, Wis. Air Reduction Sales Co., 191 Pacific Ave. , Jersey City, N. J. Sergt. Maj. E. Gorwln, Denver, Colo. E. R. Squibb & Son, 78 Beek- man St.^ New York. Rescue Edwards, Seminole, Okla. George Taylor Brass & Bronze Co., 97 ClifE St., New York. 2.00 1819 ... .do 1.00 1820 475.00 1821 600. 00 1822 95.00 1823 1824 No. 5 Maxon-Premix burner. . 25.00 12.00 1825 10.00 Canisters 4.00 1826 1.00 1827 6.00 1828 1.00 1829 do 5.00 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 1,1919-. do....... Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. do do Apr. 28, 1919. do ALCATRAZ, CALIF. Pacific Hog Co., Evans Ave. and Mendel St., San Francisco, Calif. ATLANTA, GA. Georgia Children's Home Soci- ety, Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. W. W. Reid (Inc.), Newark, N.J. Georgia Wool Stock Co., 870 Ma- rietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Carolina Portland Cement Co., Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Lahn& Simons, New York, N. Y. R. Goldstein & Son, 1162 Scott St., Baltimore, Md. Atlanta Woolen Mills, 98 Wells St., Atlanta, Ga. R. Goldstein & Son, 1162 Scott St., Baltimore, Md. Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louiaville, Ky. Garbage Comforts, cotton, f size ...do Old cotton rags (socks, white) . Old cotton rags (socks, mixed (colors). Old cotton rags (socks, woolen, cotton). Bags, cement Old woolen rags (shirts, olive drab, with cotton warp). Old woolen rags (olive drab, scrap pieces of breeches con- taining brass eyelets). Old woolen rags (overcoats, olive drab). Old woolen rags (skeletons and seams, olive-drab scraps from coats and breeches). Old woolen rags (olive drab with cotton warp, scrap pieces from shirts). Old woolen rags (olive drab, scrap pieces of breeches, con- taining brass eyelets). Old woolen rags (breeches, olive drab). Old woolen rags (olive drab, scrap pieces from sweaters). Old cotton rags (canvas, olive drab, scraps from'tents and cot covers). Old cotton rags (canvas, white; cot covers and scraps from tents). Old cotton rags (canvas, white, mildewed). $26.00 50.00 5,137.65 135.44 235.58 1,424.37 30.30 2,913.82 18.81 114. 24 271.93 127.51 18.81 3,591.24 264. 40 541.80 397.90 25.95 470 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article . Apr. 28, 1919 . . . do .....do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ...do... ...do... .do. ...do. ...do. ..do. ..do. -do. ..do. ..do. -.do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. do. do. do. do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ...do. ...do. ....do. ....do. ATLANTA, GA.— Continued. Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. The Selig Co., 336 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga I. Melnick, Atlanta, Ga K. Koplln, 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. I. Melnick, Atlanta, Ga C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. E . Ness, Savannah, Ga S. E. Bobo, Atlanta, Ga J. A. Carlisle, Atlanta, Ga E. Ness, Savannah, Ga R. Berman, Atlanta, Ga K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. A. Marks. 721 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. Jacobs Sales Co., 43 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. do S. E. Bobo, Atlanta, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. H. LevkofE & Sons, Augusta, Ga. The Selig Co., 336 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Morris Gavronski, 293 E. Fair St., Atlanta, Ga. R. K. Smith, 14 Elizabeth St., Atlanta, Ga. I. Melnick, Atlanta, Ga C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga S. Gershon, Atlanta, Ga C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga E. Ness, Savannah, Ga Manufacturers Salvage Co., 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. A. Marks. 721 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. W. W. Reid (Inc.), Newark, N.J. Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. Blue Ribbon Harness Shop, Montgomery, Ala. F. O. Watson, Deeatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. L. Davidson, Atlanta, Ga J. A. Carlisle, Atlanta, Ga Morris Gavronski, 293 E. Fair St., Atlanta, Ga. H. LevkofE & Sons, Augusta, Ga, K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. L. Davidson, Atlanta, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. A. Marks, 721 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Old cotton rags, olive drab. Acetylene-gas outfit. Bag, medicine Bag, blacksmith Barrel, cement, empty. Belt, cartridge Belt, waist, olive-drab Blanket, horse, burlap lined. ....do ....do Blanket, horse, canvas lined... .do. Blanket, horse, wool lined.. do Blanket, horse ...do Bottles, glass, medicine, empty Box, ditty, tool Remnants, canvas, new. .do. Remnants, canvas, new, 16-oz. Remnants, canvas, new, 12-oz. Remnants, canvas, new, 6-oz. . Remnants, canvas, olive-drab, new, 16"-2f yd. Remnants, canvas, olive-drab, new. Canvas, khaki, 8-oz., new Remnants, canvas, olive-drab, 12-oz., new. Cap, garrison, olive-drab Case, medicine Case, telescope Machines, Hotchkiss, fastener. Clothes, civilian, rags Coats, denim, without sleeves. Coats, wool, blue, dress Coats, prisoners', wool — Coats, wool, oUve-drab Comforts .do. .do. Cots, Gold Medal Cot parts Cotton, fiux sweepings . do Drawers, cotton Drill, white, remnants, new. Dust, buffing Globes, electric Gloves, canvas Gloves, leather Gloves, gauntlet, mixed. Gloves, scrap Hose, Are IChaki, remnants, new. do Laces, shoe. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 471 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE. DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 23, 1919... ....do ....do ..-.do ....do .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do .do. -do. -do Name and address of buyer. ATLANTA, GA. — continued. L. Davidson, Atlanta, Ga K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Blue Ribbon Harness Shop, Montgomery, Ala. Blue Ribbon Harness Shop, Montgomery, Ala. E. B. Reeves, Atlanta, Ga W.T. Holmes, Macon, Ga Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. E . Ness, Savannah, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts. , Atlanta, Ga. Edelstein & Co., Atlanta, Ga... W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. K. Koplin, 870 Marietta At., At- lanta, Ga. C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga. . . L. Davidson, Atlanta, Ga Blue Ribbon Harness Shop, Montgomery, Ala. E. Ness, Savannah, Ga ■ Jacobs Sales Co., 43 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Stem & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. A. Marks. 721 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. J. B. Daniel, Atlanta, Ga A. Reid, Columbus, Ga A. Marks, 721 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. E. A. Lipman, Atlanta, Ga S. Gershon, Atlanta, Ga F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. George W. Trout, Jacksonville, Fla. Manufacturers Salvage Co., 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. E. Ness, Savannah, Ga W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga I. Melnick, Atlanta, Ga E. Ness, Savannah, Ga I. Melnick, Atlanta, Ga K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. I. Melnick, Atlanta, Ga Jacobs Sales Co., 43 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga , Manufacturers Salvage Co., 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga Article. Leather (sweat bands from condemned hats). do Leather (belting) Leather (halters) .---.do Leather, strap, halter. Leather, stirrups, wood bot- toms. Leggins, canvas .-...do .....do Lining, duck. Lining, wool luster. Gasmasks Mats, cocoa, door . . Mattress, bed, canvas . Overcoats, prisoners' - - Pad, cot Paper, waste, mixed. . Pillows, cotton .do. .do. Iron pipe, galvanized . Rubber (ponchos) do .do. Rubber (ponchos, rubberized and oiled). — .do -do. -do. Rubber (ponchos, rubberized) . do Rubber (ponchos, oiled) , Pouch, hospital corps . Rubber (raincoats, civilian) . - do do do do Rope. Rope, manila, tent Rope, manila Rubber (boots, hip and knee). Rubber (boots) do do Rubber (arctics) Rubber (heels) do Rubber (hose, 1") Rubber (peeling, tire). Shirts, cotton Shirts, wool, olive-drab Shirts, wool, without collars. Sack, canvas Total sale price. 472 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMEE"T. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 23, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. ..do -.do ..do .do. .do. .do. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.... .do. .do. ....do. ....do. ..-.do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do., .do.. .-.do.... ...do.... Apr. 7, 1919. do do Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. .do... .do... .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. .\TLANTA, GA. — Continued. E. Ness, Savannah, Ga AV. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga Manufacturers Salvage Co., 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga. . . Manufacturers Salvage Co., 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. A. Marks, Louisville, Ky Jacobs Sales Co., Atlanta, Ga A. Marks, Louisville, Ky , W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga Jacobs Sales Co., 43 Decatur St., .Atlanta, Ga. E. Ness, Savannah, Ga W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga K. Koplin, S70 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. A. Raid, Columbus, Ga. E. Ness, Savannah, Ga. I. Melniek, Atlanta, Ga Edelstein & Co., Augusta, Ga. . A. Marks, 721 W. Market St., Louisville, Ky. F. O. Watson, Decatur and Pryor Sts., Atlanta, Ga. George W. Dyer, Atlanta, Ga Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. Cotton States Tent Co., Atlanta, Ga. Jacobs Sales Co., 43 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. E . Ness, Savannah, Ga Jacob Sales Co., 43 Decatur St., -Atlanta, Ga. Blue Ribbon Har. Shop, Mont- gomery, Ala. Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers Salvage Co., 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. I. Melniek, Atlanta, Ga S. Gershon, Atlanta , Ga H. Edison, Atlanta, Ga. K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. AVIATION KEPAIB DEPOT, IK- DLANAP0LI3, IND. G. E . Clifton, Indianapolis, Ind. Speedway Lumber Co., Speed- way, Ind. P. F. Ryan, Speedway, Ind S. Falender & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. National Paper Stock Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. do Alex. Cohen's Sons, Indianap- olis, Ind. ...do - ...do Article. Leather shoes, russet, rejects. Leather shoes, rejects, burnt and worthless. Slickers, oiled - --..do --..do .do. .do. .do. Rubber (slickers, rubberized). do Socks, cotton, mixed colors, good. Socks, cotton, white, good Socks, cotton, mixed, good... Iron stoves, oil Stretcher, hospital Surgical instruments Sweaters, wool, olive-drab do Tents, large, pyramidal, unre- pairable. do .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Tents, large, pyramidal, re- pairable. do Tent, wall, 9x9', repairable. . . Tent, wall, 14' 3" x 14' 6", re- pairable . Tent, storage, 20 x 25' Tent, hospital, ward, 16 x SO', repairable. Tent, shelter, half, obsolete Tent, shelter, half obsolete, repairable. do Tent, shelter, half, scrap Tent, shelter, half, khaki Tent, shelter, half, scrap Tent, shelter, half, repariable. . Trousers, prisoners' Trousers, wool, blue, dress Typewriter, Smith Premier (with cover) . Wire, electric, scrap pieces Kindling wood do do Airplane cloth, doped Scrap paper, mixed Newspapers, scrap Aluminum, bright scrap. . Aluminum, painted scrap. . Aluminum, castings, scrap SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 473 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 23,1919... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 9, 1919.. do .....do Apr. 18, 1919. do Apr. 21,1919. .do. .do. .do. do Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. .....do Apr. 30, 1919. do Apr. 1,1919.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do ...do ...do do do Apr. 4, 1919. do do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919.. do Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 14, 1919. do do AVIATION BEPAIK DEPOT, IN- DIANAPOLIS, IND. — continued. Alex. Cohen's apolis, Ind. do Sons, Indian- ...do --.do ...do ...do ...do ...do --.do L. Goldberg Cooperage Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. -..do ZONE SUPPLY OFFICER, BALTI- MORE, MD. I. Dorfman & Son., New York, N. Y. Bosworth Bag Co., Memphis, Tenn. Acme Burlap Bag Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Boston I. & M. Co., Pratt and Fremont Sts., Baltimore, Md. United I. & M. Co., 825 Green- mount Ave., Baltimore, Md. R. M. Stein & Co., Baltimore, Md. O. Parker Baker, Baltimore, Md. Acme Garage, Baltimore, Md. . Ralph W. Dwight, general de- livery, Baltimore, Md. Monumental I. & M. Co., Balti- more, Md. C. W. Lindsay, Coca-Cola Bldg. Baltimore, Md. D. W. O'Neil, Coca-Cola Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Bernheimer Bros., Baltimore, Md. Chesapeake Waste Paper Co., Baltimore, Md. CAMP JOHN H. BEACOM, CALIF. R. H. Isom, Calexico, Calif .do. BOSTON, MASS. Wm. E. Galvin, 7 Newton St., Cambridge, Mass. do W. F. Loughman, 18 T Wharf, Boston, Mass. do do Wm. E. Galvin, 7 Newton St., Cambridge, Mass. P. Corcoran & Son, D and Bul- lock Sts., South Boston, Mass. do D. DeStefano Co. (Inc.), 83Dam- rellSt., South Boston, Mass. do Wm. E. Galvin, 7 Newton St., Cambridge, Mass. New England Cont. Co., Maple St., Chelsea, Mass. The Clicquot Club, Millis, Mass. . Wm. E. Galvin, 7 Newton St., Cambridge, Mass. do do A. S. Ford, 165 A St., South Boston, Mass. B. Cottier & Son, Chelsea, Mass. - D. Feinburg Co., 11 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass. do Brass, radiator. Celluloid, old scrap Celluloid, new scrap Iron, scrap, mixed Steel, motor parts, old.. Bottles, miscellaneous... Shavings, steel Rubber, shock absorber. Copper, light scrap Barrels, oil Barrels, dope. Bags, feed and potato. Bean bags Coffee bags Peerless truck Aviation steel, damaged truss sections, bent rods, corru- gated sheets. Motor vehicles and parts White truck Reo truck Ford Saxon touring car Motor vehicles and parts . Storage tent flies Tents, hospital ward, class B. Tents, small wall, class B Olives, bulk Waste paper. Manure . Wood, kindling Cases, packing, No. 2. Bags, burlap Furniture, office Lasts, shoe Cases, packing. No. 2... Cases, packing. No. 3.. . Cases, packing, broken . Paper, waste, loose .do. Cases, packing. No. 2 Fence and shed, wooden . Bottles, Clicquot Club, empty. Wood, kindlmg Cases, packing. No. 2. — .do Rope, mixed Shovels, used, condemned. Boots, rubber Tires, solid, on rim. 474 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 18, 1919. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 22, 1919. -...do -...do Apr. 28, 1919. ....do .-..do ....do Apr. 29, 1919. BOSTON, MASS. — continued. Wm. E. Galvin, 7 Newton St., Cambridge, Mass. do B. Cottier & Son, Chelsea, Mass. . Perry, Buxtom & Doane, 214 W. First St., South Boston, Mass. do D. DeStefanoCo. (Inc.), 83 Dam- rell St., South Boston, Mass. do B. Cottler& Son, Chelsea, Mass. . W. F. Loughman, 18 T Wharf, Boston, Mass. J. E. Flynn, 34 Tudor St., South Boston, Mass. P. F. Donnelly, 16 Bennett St., Somerville, Mass. W. F. Loughman, 18 T Wharf, Boston, Mass. D. DeStefano Co. (Inc.), 83 Dam- rell St., South Boston, Mass. do Apr. 30, 1919. . . FOKT BRADY, MICH. George Hatton, Mackinaw Rd. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. CARLSTROM FIELD, ARCADIA, FLA. Apr. 14, 1919... .do. B. F. Wells, Arcadia, Fla. Apr. 7, 1919. do Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. .do.... .do.... GENERAL SUPPLY DEPOT, CHICAGO, ILL. Melvin Mark Shoe Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Rhein Bros., Chicago, 111 Soft Laigh Mattress Co., Chi- cago, 111. S. Goldman & Sons, Chicago, 111. G. Mathes Co., St. Louis, Mo.. . .do. Apr. 15, 1919. do Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. .....do do Apr. 23, 1919. do Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. do .do. A. C. Loveland & Co., Hart- ford, Conn. Finkelstein Furniture House, Chicago, III. Leopold" Grand, Chicago, 111 Thos. W. Philpott & Son, Chi- cago, 111. Milwaukee Iron & Metal Co., Chicago, 111. DanW, Feitel Bag Co., New Or- leans, La. Kraus Bros. Loewy Co., Chicago, 111. Mrs. McCarthy, Chicago, 111 Frank Thometz, Chicago, 111 Superior Process Co., Chicago, 111. Minneapolis Barrel & Bag Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Frankel Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. H. L. Siegel, Chicago, 111 Meyers Furniture Co. Chicago, 111. Manufacturers Salvage Co., Chi- cago, 111. C. J. Hildreth Co., Decatur, Ala. Collings, Taylor Co., Cleveland, Ohio. W. C. Reebie & Bro., Chicago, 111. Wood, kindling Cases, packing. No. 2. Hoops, iron Iron, scrap Nails, used Paper, waste, loose. ....do Burlap, mixed. Bags, cement . . Barrels, sugar Barrels, oil Burlap, scrap Paper, waste, loose. do Garbage. No sale... Garbage from 8 kitchens Apr. 1-14, 1919. Boots, leather, cavalry, carbine Mattresses, cotton-filled . do Old cotton rags (comfort covers, white cotton rags, and bath robes). Old cotton rags (coats and breeches, light-colored cot- ton socks, oiled aeroplane cloth). Clippings, cotton and duck . . . Clippings, blue denim and mixed olive drab cotton linings. Comforts, used, not renovated, cotton filled. Tents, pyramidal Paint, olive drab Scrap iron. Bags, cotton flour, jute flour, mixed, etc. Comforts, cotton-filled, reno- vated. Linoleum Tents, pyramidal. Bags, cotton flour, jute flour... Bags, nitro Clippings, duck, white; calico, linen, canvas. Scrap rubber Furniture, miscellaneous Comforts, renovated, white, cotton- filled. Tents, pyramidal Woolen rags, olive drab wool shirts, cotton warp, rough. Comforts, used SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 475 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 23, 1919 do Apr. 29, 1919 ....do ....do Apr. 30, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do do Apr. 1-30, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919 Apr. 21, 1919 Apr. 28, 1919 Apr. 30, 1919 Apr. 2, 1919.. do Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 11, 1919. do Apr. 21, 1919. do Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. GENERAL SUPPLY DEPOT, CHI- CAGO, ILL. — continued. Wm. Donovan, Chicago, 111 Racine Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, 111. C. A. Matson, Chicago, 111 Mente & Co., New Orleans, La. Racine Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, 111. Chapman & Resnick, Chicago, 111. Wolpert, Davis & Co., Minne- apolis, Minn. R. Goldstein & Son, Baltimore, Md. Gumbinsky Bros. Co., Chicago, 111. Wm. Golman, Chicago, lU Western Bag & Burlap Co A. C. Loveland & Co., Hart- ford, Conn. Levy Bros., New York, N. Y . . Barrels, oil Scrap rubber Comforts, used Bags, rice pockets, rice and bean. Scrap rubber, mixed drug sun- dries. Scrap rubber, auto inner tubes, arctics, untrimmed. Tents, pyramidal Roofing rags, mixed Old cotton rags, tentage, rope, clippings. Scrap rubber, auto tires, scrap Bags, cotton flour, jute flour. , Old cotton rags, white duck coats and breeches, old. Clippings, corduroy brown, glove, colored flannel, blue shirt. FOET CLARK, TEX. George Rivers, Brackettsville, Tex. FOET CONSTITUTION, N. H. Milton G. Karsh Co., Ports- mouth, N. H. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 21, DENVEE, COLO. Al Johnson, Fort Logan, Colo... FORT DES MOINES, IOWA. C. C. Erickson & Co., 506 W. 3d St., Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa Boiler Co., 2d and Court Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Schermerhom-Shotwell Co., 109 S. W. 3d St. , Des Moines, Iowa. Walter O'Donnell, Route 3, Des Moines, Iowa. CAMP DEVENS, MASS. Boston Paper Board Co., 101 Albany St., Boston. Frank Fishman, 489 Columbia St., Somerville, Mass. R. M. Famsworth, Lancaster, Mass. Giles A. Barber, Littleton, Mass. Boston Junk Co., 51 Bright St., Burlington, Vt. Fall River Barrel Co., 58 Ferry St., Fall River, Mass. Backer & Pulda Co., Worcester, Mass. Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N . J. Giles A. Barber, Littleton, Mass. Ayer Contracting Co., Ayer, Mass. U. S. Conservation Co., Ayer, Mass. Garbage. Old metals, aluminum cast- ings, composition of red brass. Old metals, auto radiators No. 1; brass, light; brass, heavy, yellow. Iron, cast iron, heavy; stove pjates and grates; steel and wrought iron. Bones, garbage, grease, bread Boxes Smoke stack Egg cases Garbage Waste paper Bottles Oatmeal flour Straw, loose, from bedsacks, deteriorated. Barrels do do Old tin cans Straw Bread Cooked meats, raw fats, and meats, cooked grease, and trap grease. Bones Other garbage Dead animals Manure sold per animal: Remount , Camp 476 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 22, 1919. do Apr. 30, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. Apr. 30, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Apr. 7, 1919.. do Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919.. do Name and address of buyer. CAMP DIX, N. J. S. W. Reynolds, New Egypt, N.J. Onondaga Trading Co., 1142 Broadway, New York City. Ingalls & Co., Castleton, N. Y... John Mechan & Son, 915 W. Dauphin St., Philadelphia, Pa. General Mfg. Co., Snyder Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. John Mechan & Son, 915 W. Dauphin St., Philadelphia, Pa. John Brodick, Johnstown, N. Y. Metal & Thermit Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York City. Sam Silverman, Bradley Beach, N.J. CAMP DODGE, IOWA. Teller Iron Co., Chicago, 111 Dodge Supply Co. . Herrold.lowa . Teller Iron Co., Chicago, 111 B. M. Stoddard, Sloan, Iowa Chaplain Dan, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Carl D. Steffey, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Sergt. Zenker, Q. M. C, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Pvt. Wm. L. Roberts, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Julia Straslicka, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Pvt. J. J. Beck, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Pvt., 1st class, Kipford, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Corpl. Chas. Len, Camp Dodge, Iowa. H. K.Drown,Camp Dodge, Iowa. Luciana Miloni, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Ehoplin Dankowiki, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Teller Iron Co., Chicago, 111 United Waste Disposal & Re- covery Co., Chicago, 111. do do do do do..., CAMP EAGLE PASS, TEX. Chicago Junk Co., Eagle Pass, Tex. do S. O. Weyrich, Eagle Pass, Tex. ELLINGTON FIELD, TEX. Louis Kaminsky & Co., Hous- ton, Tex. Chas. Blum, Houston, Tex J. Block & Co., Galveston, Tex. Gulf Refining Co., Houston, Tex. Fred G. Matthews, 718 Preston Ave., Houston, Tex. Article. Barrels, potato Paper, miscellaneous Paper, mixed Manure Garbage Dead animals , Straw, condemned Bran, condemned Straw, condemned Tin cans Blankets, cotton, commercial. Tin cans Banana crates. Tin cans Gas mask Gas masks Gas mask. do.... do do.... do do.... do.... .do. .do. Gas masks. Tin cans Dead animals. Bread Cooked meats, fats, and grease. Trap grease Bones Other garbage Old metals, aluminum, brass, copper, etc. Rubber, hose, auto tires, slickers, etc. Rubber, auto tires Rubber, mixed scrap Aluminum, painted sheet Rubber, solid tires with rims. Rubber, auto tires Aluminum, cast Aluminum, painted sheet Copper, including insulated wire. Rubber, mixed scrap Rubber, auto tires Barrels, oil Garbage Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 477 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 5, 1919. ..do.. ..do.. ..do ..do ..do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 7, 1919. do do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 16, 1919. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. ....do... April . . do. Apr. 2, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919. Name and address of buyer. EL PASO, TEX. El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., 325 S. Leon St., El Paso, Tex. ....do Joseph B. Smith, 618 First Na- tional Bank Bldg., El Paso, Tex. do do S. Blow, box 1161, El Paso, Tex. . Texas Rubber & Metal Co., 211 S. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. El Paso Iron & Metal Co., El Paso, Tex. do Joseph B. Smith, 618 First Na- tional Bank Building. Texas Rubber & Metal Co., 211 S. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. do . Star Auto Wrecking Co., El Paso, Tex. do Peter Woll & Sons, M. F. G. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., 325 S. Leon St., El Paso, Tex. do do M. H. Rosner, care of Union Bank & Trust Co., El Paso, Tex. do El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., 325 S. Leon St., El Paso, Tex. M. H. Rosner, care of Union Bank & Trust Co., El Paso, Tex. Shearman Hog Co., El Paso, Tex do FKANKFORD ARSENAL, PA. H. T. Paiste Co., 3201 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Iron & Metal Co., Ara- mingo and York Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. do Apr. 9, 1919 Apr. 11, 1919.... .do. .do. do Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 16, 1919. do Apr. 17, 1919 do Apr. 21, 1919.... Apr. 23, 1919 do Michigan Smelting & Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. do J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. Michigan Smelting & Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. Girard Iron & Metal Co., Ara- mingo and York Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. H. T. Paiste Co., 3201 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. S. B. Patterson, 887 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. do Michigan Smelting & Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia Sash Weight Co., 22d and Glenwood Ave., Phil- adelphia, Pa. S. B. Patterson, 887 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Michigan Smelting & Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. Girard Iron & Metal Co., Ara- mingo and York Sts., Phila- delpnia, Pa. Tony Maddonni, 2023 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, Pa. Article. Bran bags, patchable . Old manila rope Jute sugar bags, perfect . Jute flour bag.=, perfect Jute potato bags, perfect Coffee bags, mixed bags, per- fect. Grain bags , patchable Potato bags, patchable. Flour bags, patchable, 98-Ib. do .do. Discarded heels and soles. Scrap leather Leather harness, unrepairable . Reaching, mane and tail Rags, blue denim. Khaki rags, cotton Rags, bed sacks Fillings, cotton. No. 1. Rags, cotton, mixed . . . Rags, cotton stockings . Rags, stockings, cotton. Garbage Dead animal. Boxes, 3" ammunition. Iron, cast, and steel Scrap lumber Old metals, zinc and tin, mixed . Brass cartridge shells, fired, and clips. do Old metals, zinc and tin, mixed , Brass cartridge shells, fired, and clips. Iron, cast, and sreel Boxes, 3" ammunition. Old metals, copper Brass cartridge shells, fired, and clips. Iron, metallic packing chests . . Old metals, zinc Brass cartridge shells, fired, and clips. Iron, burnt cast, cast, and steel, steel and iron turn- ings. Old metals, cupronickel tinted with lead. Total sale price. 478 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE AVAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 Apr. 23, 1919... ....do Apr. 25, 1919... ....do ....do ....do Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 2S, 1919 Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 31, 1919. -do. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. -do Apr. 1,1919.. do Apr. 4, 1919.. do Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 9. 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. IS, 1919. FR.\NKFORr> ARSENAL, P.\. — continued. Henrv K. Fort Co., 2227 North -Vmerican St., Fhiladelphia, Fa. H. T. Paiste Co., 3201 Arch St., Fhiladelphia, Fa. .\. Goldberg. 2201 Coral St., Fhiladelphia, Fa. Girard Iron A- Metal Co., Ara- mingo and York Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Tony Maddonni, 2023 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. Goldherg, 2201 Coral St., Fhiladelphia, Fa. L. Goldstein's Sons, Richmond and .Vlleghenv, Philadelphia, Fa. Michigan Smelting 4 Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. C.\MP FREMONT, C.\LIF. Cokeley A Hoge, Palo Alto, Calif. Facitic Hog. Co., 31S Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. John W. Moffitt, 244 Hugo St., San Francisco, Calif. CXUP FUNSTON, KANS. Cal Hirsch ct Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Guinbinsky Bros. & Co., Chi- cago, 111." National Products & Refining Co, C.\.MP GORDON, GA. p. A. Wooten, Atlanta, Ga C. A. Lowe, Doraville, (Ja J. Furstenburg, Atlanta, Ga... Miscellaneous buyers do ". Old metals, cupronickel scrap mixed with lead and other metals. Boxes, 3" ammunition -do. Feb. 3, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919. ....do do ....do do do do do Mar. 12, 1919. l>ld metals, zincand tin, mixed. Iron, cast, and steel Miscellaneous material, bumt- oiit lamps. Old metal, door trucks Rubber, fire and garden hose. Old metal, soldermg coppers. Mar. 15, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Henry Knight ville, Kv. ....do...'. & Son, Louis- CAMP GRANT, ILL. Y. M. C. A., Roekford, 111 United Disp. & Rec. Co., Chi- cago, in. do do do do do do do Ingersoll Mill Machinery Co., Roekford, 111. Cal Hirsch Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. Teller Iron Co Old metals, scrap brass, iron, and steel, mixed. Brass cartridge shells, fired, and clips. Scrap lumber Garbage: Bread Cooked meats Raw fats and meats. Cooked grease Trap grease Bones Other garbage Maniure Gas masks... Waste paper. Garbage Scrap lumber Packing cases and bo.xes Cotton filler, No. 2 Kindling wood (barrels, etc.). Scrap wood (barrels, etc.) ...doW.W.W'.W. ]'.'.'.[]'.'.'.[[ ...do Garbage Dead animals . Manure . Bread. . . Cooked meat Raw fats and meats. Cooked grease Trap grease Bones. Other garbage. Dead animals . Manure Canvas leggins, waste. Iron, tin cans $3, 661. 5S 50.00 501. 00 35.21 20.00 1.00 10,00 5. 25 634.09 11,000.00 1,100.00 .72 .56 1.05 1.35 .65 2.50 12.12 14.10 190.98 253.81 5.00 12.00 60.00 95.35 35.60 15.40 5.25 6.75 526. S6 12.00 .30 39.65 54.54 22.10 41.99 23.81 113.92 153.16 15.00 23.79 231.83 103.01 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 479 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 11,1919... Apr. 21, 1919... Apr. .30, 1919... -do. .do. Apr. 8, 1919. ....do ....do Apr. 9, 1919. ....do Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. ....do ....do Apr. 30, 1919. ....do May 1, 1919. April, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919. do ....do do Apr. 2, 1919. do do do do Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. do ....do Apr. .5, 1919. do Apr. 7, 1919. .do.... .do.... do Apr. 9, 1919 . . Apr. 10, 1919 . do Apr. 15, 1919. Name and address of buyer. CAMP GREENE, N. C. National Contracting Co., Nor- folk, Va. Frank Young, Charlotte, N.C, Piedmont Iron & Metal Works, Charlotte, N.C. General Manufacturing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Piedmont Iron & Metal Works, Charlotte, N. C. CAMP HANCOCK, GA. J. p. Rogers, Augusta, Ga J. R. Richards, Augusta, Ga C. C. F. Hammond, Kathwood, S.(;. R. StcinV)erg, Augusta, Ga Buffkin & Grivin, Jacksonville, Fla. E. Ness Co., Savannah, Ga Henry Knight & Son, Louis- ville, Ky. J. F. Cooney, Augusta, Ga N. Reid, Augusta, Ga E. Ness Co., Savannah, Ga Wood & Ness, Savannah, Ga FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, IND. Skiles E. Test, rural route E-1, Indianapolis, Ind. HAZELHURST FIELD, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Long Island Soap Co., Meeker Avenue and Bridgewater Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. HOBOKEN, N. J. J. RosofT, 3.50 Canal St., New- York Citv. Products Mfg. Co., 2 Rector St., New York City. S. Silverman, 216 Grand St., Jersey City. J. E. West, 539 59th St., Brook- lyn. D. Peters, Secaucus, N. J Schwartz Bros., Harrison, N. J.. do J. RosofT, 350 Canal St., New York City. Tietjon & Lang, Hohoken, N. J. . John T. Stanley & Co^ 30th St. and North River, New York City. J. Rosoff, .3.50 Canal St., New York. B. Rykus, 271 Fountain Ave., Brooklyn. D. Peters, Secaucus, N. J do do Frank Knauss, 94 Emerson Place, Brooklyn. N. Y. J. E. West, .5.59 59th St., Brook- lyn. B. Rykus, 271 Fountain Ave., Brooklyn. .....do Wm. Rockzcigel, North Bergen, N. J. New York Butchers' D. M. Co., 11th Ave. and 39th St., New York. J. Kanrass, 15 Park Row, New York City. J. E. West, 559 59th St., Brook- lyn. Article. Rendered trap grease. Condemned straw Barrels, oil. No. 2 Rendered trap grease. Brass, light Scrap wood Paulin, class C . -do. Barrack bags, condemned. Manure Condemned bed sacks. Garbage Scrap wood .do. Bed sacks, condemned . Garbage for April. Bones. Life preservers . Scrap bones Scrap rope do Beef. , do do Mattres.ses. Gun foundations . Scrap bones Potatoes . Onions. . . Scrap meat Potatoes Bread Gun foundations. do Soda fountain. Boxes, wood, smill . Corned beef hash Beef. Scrap paper Gun foundations. Total sale price. $1,006.11 152.00 91.96 735. 33 49.75 1.5.00 4.5.00 1, 2,272.00 5, 687. .50 148. 6.5 216.00 1.52. 85 1,2.30.81 1, 567. 07 157. 30 3.85 532.00 2.25 322.60 332. 20 7.50 678. 71 31.11 120.00 54.53 104.34 90.20 4.79 17.55 22. 10 1.00 56.93 109.18 30.00 12.50 18.00 76.11 109.18 480 SALK OF Sl^^EFTA^S SUPPLIES BY TTTR WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAUK IVIVISION— ConUnned. Date of sale. Name and addit^ss of buyer. Artiplo, Apr. 17. 1919- Apr. 18, W19. ....da Apr. 19, 1919. do Apr. IS, 1919. ....do Aiir. 21, 1919. do do do do AjYT. 23, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. do Apr. 1,1919. April, 1919.. 462 Apr. 9, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. do Apr. 31, 1919. do Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919... Apr. 12, 1919.. Apr. 21, 1919.. Apr. 22,1919.. Apr. 26, 1919.. Apr. 28,1919.. Apr. 30, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919.. Apr. 4, 1919.. do Apr. 8,1919.. do Apr. 10, 1919. do HOBOKEN, N. J.— wntinued. D. IVtoj-s, Secaucus, N. 3 J. E. West, 559 59th St., Brook- lyn, do r>. rotors. Secauons, N.J J. Oovkor, SooiMunjs, N . J J. K. Wo.-it. 559 59th St., Brook- lyn. do S. Silvormsui, 216 Grand St., Jersoy City, N. J. do do do P. rotors, Swaueus, N.J lUrtst Fnrnatv Cwporjititm, 5Q E. 42tl St., Now \ork. F. Kiwbaoh, West Hobokou, N.J. J. Ro»Krrs, 956 FuHon St., Brook- Ivn. Jolin Connolly, Hobokon, N. J . . .\RMY AND N.WY OENEBAL HOS- PIT.\L, HOT Sl'RlNOS, .\VIK. Sid Hovipt, Hot Springs, .\rk FORT S.VM HOUSTON, TEX. W. A. Thraikill, Fort Ssun Houston, Ti^\. a-^MP UVMPHREYS, V.\. Larimor Bag Co., Wass^hington, P. C. Motal i<: Thermit Corporation, Chvomo, N. J. Colondor Ci\nrad Co., Alexan- dria, Va. OAMr JACKSON, S. C. Uonrv Knight it Sons, Louis- villo, Ky. Fowoll Kiiol Co., Columbia, S. C. FORT JAY, N. Y. John T. Stsuiloy Co Metal A- Thermit Corporation, 120 Br«ul\vay, Now York. REOKVIT DEPOT. JEFFERSON BAR- RACKS, MO. Armour & Co., National Stock Yiu-ds. III. ilenry Stioktort, 2120 E. Wtuno Ave., St. l.ouis. Mo. Corf Bag Co., 7th and Elm Sts,, St. l.ouis. Mo. Henry Stii'kfoit. 2120 E. Warne -\ve,, St. Louis, Mo. Hoorner Mi^g. Co., 60S S. Main St., St. Louis, Mo. Henry Stickfort. 2120 E. Wiune .Vve., St. Louis, Mo. irenry J. C. Friet-lmoyor, route 9, Jetterson Btvrraeks, Mo. JEFFKKSOXVUXE. IXP. I-ouisvillo Hondoring Co. Fotatoes . . . Brass beds. Wire, iron cable, Potatoes Onions Bathtub Bed springs.. Feed luiekets. Shovels Pock scraix>rs. ritehforks Sau-sagtvs Tyrites Scrap wood . do Barrels. Giwbage, Oarbj^ge. Jute flour sacks and bean bags. Iron (.tin C!\ns, uncru'shod, 1(XX<0'). CiU-bage Garbage Pead luiimals . Mitnure Bonos and grettse. Old tin cans Givbag^^ ^suet, rough fat. trap grease 1. Garbage (bones, gi-ease, and cracklings'*. Cotton flour sacks Bags Qiito flour sacks, bean bags, bnvn bags, sugar bags, etc.). Empty sirup civns, 1-gallon Garbage (.bones, grease, and cracklings'). Burlap, No. 2, old, large piect>s. Mivnure , .do. Klempucr Hnw., Louisville do H\Tn!m Pebrovv, Ijouisville ..."..do ". J. Cohen A- Sons, Rochester, N.Y. do do Mule, dead Puck, canvas, khaki Padding canvas do Sweepings, cotton and wool . . Felt, gray Silesia, olive drab and black. . Drill, bleached SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 481 SERIAL LIST OF HALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 10, 1919.... Apr. 21, lf)19.... Apr. 23, 1919.... Apr. 24, 1919 Apr. 2.0, 1919.... Apr. 23unty, W. E. Crutcher, Hardin County, Ky. J. G. I'j. Higgs. W. M. Logsdon, J. O. Veirs, W. 8. H. Darnel!, and S. N. WUlLs, Vine Grove, Ky. Sam Davis, Hardin -County, Ky. LANOLEY FIELD, HAMPTON, VA. Thos. Sinclair and R. I. Mason. . FOET LAWTON, WASH. Apr. 30, 1919 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-; Duwramlsh Gardens, Seattle, Wash. Canvas, bleached Irons, branding; filters, water. SVheels, Milburn; horse clip- pers. Harness; blankets, horse Whwjis, seats, tongues, wagon; slickers, glass. Wheels, wagon; troughs, dough Carts, spray; sickle, mowing . . Wlieels^ ambulance; parts mowing machine. Chain-i, miscellaneous; plates, horse clipf)er. Boxes, chopper, and harness.. Manure Garbage do Manure Bags Dead horses Respirators, gas, eompletc Leather, scrap (gloves) Pipe, cast iron Aluminum, sheet Old metals Iron Rubter Bags Burlap Old metals Iron Rubier Bags ScTap lum>jer Tents Boxes, miscellaneous Manure do do Garbage Manure Garbage Manure S260.03 300.00 12^. .W 2r,. no 780. .50 1.0:5. 00 11^50 219.90 3.0. W 625.00 93.72 .0.00 10.00 4m. 30 6.00 IfXJ. 00 L15 8.37 512 28 347. 65 479. 52 178. 41 1, 187. 13 2.0. 87 1,507.47 91. 15. 8.32 639.30 1.00 8. .07 9L16 6.00 10.00 1.0. 00 150.00 10. 00 U.00 28.88 482 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 11,1919 ....do ....do Apr. 2, 1919 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. .\pr. Apr. Apr. 7,1919. 9,1919. 17,1919. 19,1919. 28, 1919. 29,1919 30. 1919. Apr. 1,1919. Apr. 30,1919. Apr. 1, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. do Apr. 7, 1919. April, 1919. ....do Apr. 5, 1919. do Apr. IS, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919. . Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. S, 1919. . Various Apr. 2, 1919. . Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. . do do do do Apr. 10, 1919. do do Apr. 16, 1919. Name and address of buyer. FORT LEAVEirWOETH, KANS. Hay Market Iron & Metal Co., Leavenworth, Kans, Pemis Bros. Bas: Co., Kansas Citv, Mo. Dan W. Fcitler Bag Co., New Orleans, La. C.A,MP LEE, PETER.siBURG, VA. Virsrinia Hide & Fur Co., Nor- folk, Va. do Chas. DeWitt vt Co., Baltimore, ^[d. Natiiral Fertilizer Co., Peters- hiirj, Va. Virginia Hide & Fur Co., Nor- folk. Va. L. Rose A- Co., Richmond, Va. . Individual purchasers Natural Fertilizer Co., Peters- bursr, Va. Horwich Nitkiu Co., Chicago, 111. SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. E.J. Cleary, 2474 26th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. CAMP LEWIS, WASH. Camp By-Products Co., Camp Lewis, Wash. do do Oregon Barbers Supply Co., Portland, Oreg. CAMP STEPHEN D. LITTLE, NO- GALES, ARIZ. Andrew Bettwym, Nogales, Ariz Benj. S. White, Nogales, Ariz CAMP LOGAN, HOUSTON, TEX. GaSney Royalty Co., Houston, Tex. .do. W. C. MunnCo. (Incl, Houston, Te.x. Texas Chemical Co., Houston, Tex. Peterson & Brown, Houston, Tex. Mr. Mourning, Houston, Tex Retail sales M. A. Beer, Houston, Tex Southwestern Bag Co., Houston, Tex. W. L. Thompson, Houston, Tex. C. F . Schultze, Fairbanks, Tex . . C. W. Vann, Houston, Tex L. A. Morse, Houston, Tex R. L. Freeland, Houston, Tex. . S. Wiener, Houston, Tex W. L. Thompson, Houston, Tex C. W. Vann, Houston. Tex Southwestern Baa Co., Houston, Tex. Article. Flour sacks, muslin do Burlap feed sacks, good Burlap vegetable sacks, good. Burlap sacks, rags Garbage, dead animals, trap grease. oil barrels, good Empty bottles Manure Garbage and trap grease Scran rubber boots Gas masks Manure Roachings, mane and tail Bread Bones Other garbage Tin cans Garbage Manure Cotton comforters Garbage from 21 kitchens at Camp Stephen D. Little, Kosalos, .^ riz. Manure that accumulated at Camp Stephen D. Little, Nogales, Ariz. Bread Cooked meat Other garbage Bread Cooked meat Other garbage Gas masks Bones Dead animals Motorboat Gas masks Cans, galvanized iron Scrap rubber, mixed Screening wire do Fnamelware, assorted Boilers, tin Screening wire Buckbojird, incomplete Screening wire Scrap leather Mamla rope Fire hose, cottonK-overed Miscellaneous rags and scrap iron (tank, range). Bottles, assorted SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 483 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. do Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. do. do. do. Apr. 19,1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 1,1919. do do do do ....do do Apr. 2, 1919. do do do do do Apr. .3, 1919. Apr. 1,1919. do do do do do do do Apr. 2, 1919. ....do do do do ....do do ....do ....do Apr. 3, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Apr. 4,1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do CAMP LOGAN, HOUSTON, TEX. — continued. R. L. Frecland, Houston, Tex. . C. W. Vann, Houston, Tex C. E.Scliultze, Fairbanks, Tex. E. V. Ley, Houston, Tex Louis Kaminsky Co., Houston, Tex. M. A. Beer, Houston, Tex Merchants Bag & Cover Co., Bal- timore, Md. T. B. Ackley, Hoaston, Tex. . . Northwestern Iron & Metal Co., Lincoln, Nebr. Geo. C. Mitchell, Hoaston, Tex. T. L. Dafft , Houston, Tex Geo. B. Palmer, Houston, Tex. MARCH FIELD, CALIF. Max Aron, San Bernardino R. E. Dull, Cheno, Calif. CAMP MACARTHUB, TEX. W. H.Crawford. E. C. Geisler Capt. Riddle John G. Towns. . W. F.Crawford. Geo. W.Witt... H. W. Lanier Jno. Irwin J. R. Parker L. E. Farrow W. F. Crawford Jno. G. Towns do F. O'Brien J. Eims E. C. Geisler B. E. Winster A. M. Cott W. F.Crawford B. S. Sparks H. W. Lanier M. D. Patrick , J. Macfarland , E. C. Zellner C. E. Gillis Mrs. D. R.Hall , E. L. Cruse J. I. Parker T. H. Stewart C. W. Grayson J. O'Gordon J. B . Kilpatrick B. L. Hunt A.H. Sap R. E. Granger C. E. GilUs. H. Simmons McLendon Hdw. Co A. M. Stewart J. O. Towns Auction sales A. B. Goelzer Geo. W.Witt M. C. Bradley Austin Uros. Bridge Co. J. W. Price E. C. Zellner W. W. Simpson G. Young J. O'Gordon A. F. Kelley Scrap iron Miscellaneous waste material. do Screening wire Scraji metals Scrap rubber Bags, sugar Scrap metals Sacte, flour Sacks, coffee, insides Escort wagon, incomplete. Cotton and woolen rags. . . Buckboard, incomplete Escort wagon, incomplete Ambulance, model 1909, in- complete. O. X. aeroplanes — engines. Landing gear Scrap iron Auto tires Aluminum Garbage Tents do do Flies Tents, officers' Tent, storage.. Tents do do do do do do Flies Tent •. Cots, unrepaired do do :.. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ....do ....do , ....do ....do ....do Tents, pyramidal do Tents, storage , Miscellaneous articles . Tents, scrap do ....do ....do ....do Cots, unrepaired do ....do ....do , ....do , 484 SALE OF SITRPLITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST. OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 4,1919 do do do Apr. 5, 1919 do .....do do .....do ....do do do do do do do do .....do .....do Apr. 7, 1919 do do do do do do do do Apr. 8, 1919 do do do do do do do do do do do Apr. 9, 1919 do do do do do do do Apr. 10,1919.... do do do do do do Apr. 11, 1919.... do do do Apr. 12, 1919.... do do Apr. 14, 1919.... do do do Apr. 15, 1919 do Apr. 16, 1919.... Apr. 19, 1919.... do do do Apr. 21, 1919 do Apr. 22, 1919.... do do do do do Name and address of buyer. CAMP MACABTHUR, TEX. — COntd. C. W. Grayson Jno. Kubipza do Auction sales G. W. MacDaniels O. K. Stetler J. C. Tate J. J. Burlew J. S. Barnes R. L. Tolbert J. G. Towns H. R. Hibbard T. D. Mabrav G. W. Pitman J. L. Mater A. F. Steele J. J. Burlew J. G. Towns Auction sales R. L. Tolbert J. Grayson J. W. Lanier Ames Shovel & Tool Co. J. M. MacFall J. E. Smith Frank Chada J. B. Redding Auction sales W. F. Crawford J. Zapalac do J. G. Towns Jolm Laghorn do J. H. Harris W. E. Atchison M. Talman W. V. Normand W. E . Atcluson Auction sales A. .\nderson J. G. To\^'ns W. E. Scott J. G. Tjowns Z. H. Brock L. V. Eastland J. G. Towns Auction sales J. G. Towns P. P. Pratt J, W. Macroy A. Jolmson J. S, Potts W. R. Parten Auction sales E. Engelnuke J. G. Towns Frank Eaton Auction sales F. O. Brein W. T. Miller J. G. Towns W. F. Crawford A. M. Stewart R. T. Dennis do W. F. Crawford J. G. Towns Auction sales W. F. Crawford do T. McLaghlin Auction sales J. G. Towns Auction sales J. G. Towns J. T. Richardson do J. M. Solomon J. G. Towns .' Auction sales Article. Cots, unrepaired, .do. Got covers Miscellaneous articles Cots, unrepaired do do do do do do do do Canvas scrap Tent , officer's Tent, wall Tent Flies, wall Miscellaneous articles Cots, imrepaired do do Tents, pyramidal do do Cover, wagon Tent, pyramidal Blankets, commercial, etc. Tents, pyramidal Fly Canvas scrap Flv do Tents, pyramidal do do Cots, unrepaired do do Miscellaneous articles Tent Fly Tent Tents, officer's Tent, scrap do Tent Miscellaneous articles. Flvs Teiit do do do do Miscellaneous articles. Tent , Flies do Miscellaneous articles. Tents Tent, scrap Flies Tents, pyramidal Cots Cots, unrepaired do Tents, p-sTamidal do..; Miscellaneous articles. Tents do do Miscellaneous articles . Flies Miscellaneous articles., PiiLilin Fly- do Tent Cots, unrepaired Miscellaneous articles., SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 485 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 23, 1919. do do Apr. 24, 1919. do do do Apr. 25, 1919.. Apr. 26, 1919.. do do Apr. 28, 1919.. do do do do do do do Apr. 29, 1919. . Apr. 30, 1919. . Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 1-30, 1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919... Apr. 16, 1919... do Apr. 25, 1919... do do .....do Apr. 26, 1919.... Apr. 29,1919.... Apr. 30, 1919.... do .....do Apr. 1, 1919... Apr. 2, 1919... Apr. 15, 1919. . Apr. 25, 1919. . Apr. 30, 1919.. CAMP MACARTHUB, TEX.— COn. J. J. Greenway.. A. M. Gibbs Auction sales W. G. Smith D. J. Carey W. H. Forrester. Auction sales do J. Jackson K. C. Jones Auction sales J. G. Towns C.J. Ragler J. G. Towns do do do do Auction sales R. T. Dennis.... Auction sales FORT MACARTHUR, CALEF. McDonald & Neil, Santa Moni- ca, Calif. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 2, FORT M'HENRT, MD. Mrs. A. A. Klemm, 2149 Wil- kens Ave., Baltimore, Md. FORT M'mTOSH, TEX. L.Villegas, Laredo, Tex John C.'Twiss, Laredo, Tex do .do. .do. • do. FORT M'PHERSON, GA. E.M.Henson, Route 1, Atlanta, Ga. CAMP MEADE, ADMIRAL, MD. United Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Maryland Waste Co., Baltimore, Md. D. Garrett & Sons, Baltimore, Md. Dreifus & Co. (Inc.), Philadel- phia, Pa. N. Frank & Son, Baltimore, Md. Goldstein & Son, Baltimore, Md. K. Hettleman, Baltimore, Md. . . N. Frank & Son, Washington, D.C. United Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Metal & Thermit Co., Chrome, N.J. J. Meehan & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. General Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. MITCHEL FIELD, N. Y. John Doty, Hempstead, N. Y. . . F. C. Barschow, Brooklyn, N. Y. Geo. Smith, Hempstead, N. Y. New York Scrap Iron & Steel Co., New York City, N. Y. Long Island Soap Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fred Roeper, Elmont, N. Y.. do do Tents do Miscellaneous articles.. Tent do Tin cans .- . Miscellaneous articles , do Tents Paulin Miscellaneous articles., Cots, imrepaired Tent Tents, pyramidal Tents, wall Tents, storage Flies, large Flies, small Miscellaneous articles., Chairs Miscellaneous articles.. Garbage. Garbage, raw fats, and grease. Bones, cooked and raw meat. Garbage 985 pairs unserviceable shoes . Miscellaneous iron and tin... . Bones. Galvanized-iron cans and agate ware. Waste paper Barrels, empty Rags (olive-drab shirts, cotton and woolen mixture). Rags (cotton socks) Rags (cotton rags and wool socks). Rags (canvas leggings) Rags (old cotton mattresses and cotton breeches). Rags (old canvas) Iron (tin cans) Manure Garbage Condemned hay Scrap iron, light Old toilet equipment, lathe press. Light scrap iron and steel Fats and bones Garbage, dry bread Manure Empty wooden boxes 486 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 30, 1919.. Apr. 30,1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. . .do. .do. Apr. 12,1919.... Apr. 25, 1919.... Apr. 19, 1919.... Apr. 18,1919.... Apr. 22, 1919.... do Apr. 30, 1919.... do , Mar. 26, 1919..., Mar. 31, 1919..., Apr. 5, 1919 Apr. 1, 1919.. do Mar. 31, 1919. Feb. 20, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919.. Mar. 20, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919.. Mar. 19, 1919. Nov. 21, 1918. Jan. 23, 1919.. Mar. 29, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919.. FORT MONEOE, VA. John Mengues, Phoebus, Va. MONTEREY, CALIF. William Callihan, Monterey, Calif. CAMP MORRISON, VA. National Contracting Co., New- port News, Va. O. D. Watson, Harpersville. E. E. GUck, Harpersville.... NEW ORLEANS, LA. Dan W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. Louisiana Bag Corporation, New Orleans, La. Letcllier-Phillips Paper Co., New Orleans, La. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Phoebus Foimdry Corporation, Phoebus, Va. Banks Bros. Packing Co., Nor- folk Va. H. S. Ross, Newport News, Va.. Virginia Reclamation Corpora- tion, 206 Southern Produce Bldg., Norfolk, Va. National Contracting Co., Nor- folk, Va. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Pacific Chemical Co., 150 Nassau St., New York City. Noll & Fisher, Newark, N. J . . . . Merchants Bag & Cover Co., 1714 Aliceann St., Baltimore, Md. Mutnick Bros., 61 Crosby St., New York City. Chas. Maronna, 330 S7th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Levine, 1185 Flushing Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. do Liberty loan committee, 19 W. 44th St., New York City. I. Gerson, 249 Front St., New York City. L. Gross, 23 Beaver St., New York City. R. Goldstem & Sons, 1162 Scott St., Baltimore, Md. I. Dorfman, 269 South St., New York City. Various purchasers Atlas Portland Cement Co., 30 Broad St., New York City. American Cooperage Co., 295 Russel St., Brookhm, N. Y. J. C. Benedict, 225 Nevins St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Levy Bros., 298 Bowery, New York City. Garbage. Mar- 31. 1919. B. Rickus. Garbage of Company L, Forty- fourth Infantry. Garbage, as follows: Bread Meat Bones Vegetables Manure do Bags, potato, mixed bags, etc. Bags, flour, potato, mixed bags, etc. Paper, waste Iron (stove plates and grates, pipe, heavy and light cast- ings, sheet). Hams, condemned, pork Oleomargarme, condemned Manure Garbage Rubber (sohd motor-truck tires and black scrap rubber). Miscellaneous garbage Bags, cotton flour sacks Woolen rags, wool blankets, olive-drab. Paper, scrap fiber board Metals, tin scrap Iron, old wrought-iron pipe. . . Linoleum Metals, copper wire, No. 2 Absorbent cotton Cotton rags, light-weight gray socks and mixed cotton socks. Burlap, No. 1 Miscellaneous (kindhng wood, wooden bridge, slat slabs). Bags, cement Barrels, oil, double and smgle heads. Boxes (small used cases) Cotton rags (No. 1 duck cut- tings, old white canvas, etc.). Rope (mixed shoestrings) Woolen rags ( gray felt) Barrels, plain stock and empty oil. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 487 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 3, 1919.. Mar. 16, 1919. .do. Apr. 8, 1919. . Mar. 31, 1919. do do Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 16,1919. Dec. 29, 1918. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919. . Mar. 31, 1919. Apr. 5, 1919.. Feb. 19, 1919. Mar. 15, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919. . Apr. 19, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. do do do Apr. 28, 1919. Apr., 1919.... Apr. 30, 1919. do do .do. -do. NEW YOBK CITY, N. T.— COntd. E. J. Smith, 75 Pike Slip, New York Citv. E. Bars & Co., 10 Desbrosses St., New York City. .do. A. Benes, 1327 WiMns Ave., New York City. Cassella & Co., 64 Frost St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Metholoid Co., 299 Broadway, New York City. Jolm T. Stanley, 642 W. 30th St., New York City. J. C. Benedict, 225 Nevins St., Brooklyn, N. Y. do Polish Victims Relief, 2020 Mas- sachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. Edison Portland Cement Co., Stewartsville, N. J. W. Rudnick, 594 Hart St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Onondago Tradmg Co., 1142 Broadway, New York City. Charles Rosin, 9 Arlington St., Newark, N. J. Onondago Trading Co., 1142 Broadway, New York City. Columbia Smelting & Refining Works, 365 West St., New York City. Samuel Brooks, 97 Branford PI., Newark, N. J. A. Benes, 1327 Wilkins Ave., New York City. Irving Horowitz, 66 Grand St., New York City. Koch Bros., 440 Pearl St., New York City. I. Minsky, 515 Lombard St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lahn & Simons, 491 Greenwich St., New York City. Geo. Boiko & Co., 49 Crosby St., New York City. L. Tulcm & Son, 619 Water St., New York City. Mutnick Bros., 61 Crosby St., New York City. Lahn & Simons, 491 Greenwich St., New York City. National Woolen Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Patrick O'Neill Co., 408 S. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. NORFOLK, VA. Virginia Hide & Tallow Co., Norfolk, Va. CHXCKAMAUGA PARK, GA. J. G. Dobbs, Ringgold, Ga D. G. Elder, Walker Co., Ga.... E. D. Herreon, Chattanooga, Term. Frank P. Case, Walker, Ga Henderson & Shields, Walker County, Ga. Cotton rags (canton flannel and old blue denim rags). Metals, (aluminum siieet and wire; auto radiators. No. 2; brass, heavy yellow; brass, light, etc.) Rubber matting and packing; auto-tire peelmgs, No. 2; tires, auto, miscellaneous, etc. Burlap bagging. No. 3 Paper, mixed waste. Celluloid (eyepieces and lancel eyepieces). Bones Boxes (small packing cases). . .do. Woolen rags (wool socks). . Cotton rags (cotton socks). Bags, cement Metals (wires) Cotton rags (cotton socks, mixed, and aeroplane scrap cloth). Cotton rags (comforters and quilts). Woolen rags (wool, gray, blankets). Old metals (empty rifle car- tridge cases). Burlap, No. 3 Bags, barrack , Bags, potato, perfect: potato, patchable; flour, cotton, etc. New cotton clippings (ohve- drab linmg). Paper, mixed waste New cotton clippings (clip- pings brown limng). New cotton clippings (clip- pings, worsted, mixed cot- ton and wool). New cotton clippings (luster worsted lining, cotton and wool). New cotton clippings (blue wool, mixed wool, wool, felt) New cotton clippmgs (clip- pings, blue wool). New cotton clippings (clip- pings, worsted, etc.). Chppmgs (clippings, sewings, stripped black edges, etc.). Clippings (mixed cotton rags). Bones Garbage. Garbage. ....do... ....do... .do. .do. 488 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. . Apr. 30, 1919.. Apr. 23, 1919.. Apr. 25,1919.. Apr. 17, 1919.. Apr. 30, 1919.. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. ....do Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 11. 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. ....do Apr. 24, 1919. Mar. 6, 1919.. Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 14, 1919. ....do Apr. 16, 1919. -do. .do. .do. do.... do.... ....do Apr. 18, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do Apr. 30, 1919. ....do do OMAHA DEPOT, OMAHA, NEBR. Frankel Bros. & Co., 42-48 Com- mercial Ave., Rochester, N. Y. FORT OMAHA, NEBR. Mary Toth, Omaha, Nebr FORT ONTARIO, N. T. Oswego Talc Co., Oswego, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA DEPOT. Frankel Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Kelly-Hughes Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A. C. Loveland & Co., Hartford, Conn. Isaac Minsky, Philadelphia, Pa. Jos. Berliner, Philadelphia, Pa.. Lowenthal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. D. Murphy, Philadelphia, Pa. Morris Ghck, Pliiladelphia, Pa.. I. H. Me.seroll, Philadelphia, Pa. Demitae Gaudie, Bressler, Pa... Henry Blue, Philadelphia, Pa... L. Maxwell, Pliiladelphia, Pa... Geo. Greshan, Philadelphia, Pa. AV. A. Hicks, Philadelphia, Pa. . PIOATINNT ARSENAL, DOVER, N. J. Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., Wool- worth Bldg., New York. do Harry W. Edwards, Dover, N. J. Michael Connelly, Passaic, N. J. Maurice Frank, "132 Nassau St., New York City. James Butterworth, 519 Totowa Ave., Paterson, N. J. Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., Wool- worth Bldg., New York Citv. do "... do Columbia Smelting & Refinmg Works, 365 West St., New York City. David Kaufman & Sons Co., Elizabeth, N. J. I. Goldman, 34 Lehicton St., Easton, Pa. do A. E. King, Dover, N. J W. C. Rowe, Dover, N. J A. H. Fichter, Dover, N. J P. J. McDonald, Dover, N. J.... W. Loughim, Dover, N. J PLATTSBURG BARRACKS, N. T. F. H. McComber, Plattsburg, N. Y. B. Tiemev & Son, Plattsburg, N. Y. ■ Wm. Keith, Plattsburg, N. Y... New cotton clippings (denim, blue; cotton). Garbage. Garbage (bones). Clips, drill, unbleached. Clips, drill, bleached Clips, blue denim Clips, canton-flarmel Clips, bro'mi denim CUps, American linen. CUps: Olive drab shelter duck. Olive drab cotton Shelter tent Grayfelt Jute Italian cloth Mixed bunting Khaki duck Old bic vcle tires Tires: Motorcycle Auto, black and white. . Woolen sweaters Linoleum, old Iron drums Lumber Scrap wood ....do ....do ....do 12" imserviceable cast steel shells. 7" unserviceable cast-iron shells. Scrap rubber Barrels, oil and paint, empty. . Scrap silk Barrels, ammonium picrate, empty. Zinc, scrap Lead, heavy scrap New zinc clippings, scrap. Nickel-copper tumiDgs... Auto radiators. No. 2 - , Alimiinum castings, sheet and tubina;. White metal Scrap hunber [['.'. do. '.['.WW. '.'.W'.'.'.'.W'.'..'.]. ....do ....do Garbage. Bottles.. Bones. . . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 489 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 23, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. .....do Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 24, 1919. .do. .do. .do. ...do.... do. do. do. do. .do. .do. -do. FORT POETEK, N. Y. L. Smith, 539-541 Clinton St. Buffalo, N. Y. FOET PREBLE, ME. Walter G. Hay, Portland, Me. . Daniel P. Cobb, Portland, Me. FOET EENO, OKLA. El Reno Hide & Fur Co FORT RILEY, KANS. Justice E. Wright, Junction City, Kans. FORT RINGGOLD, TEX. D. Garza, Rio Grande, Tex KOCK ISLAND ARSENAL, ILL. W. J. Wortman, 524 N. Lincoln Ave., Davenport, Iowa. A. D. Harris, Rock Island, 111.. do Barrett & Zimmerman, 1933 Uni- versity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. do ....do Perkins - Campbell Co., 622 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. do ....do ....do W. J. Vale, 426 Western Ave., Davenport, Iowa. ....do ....do .do. .do. H. Morris, Rock Island, 111 M. Greenblatt, 1500 1st Ave., Rock Island, 111. do do Illinois Smelting & Refining Co., 410 N. Peoria St., Chicago, 111. do Chas. Pearlstein, 1124 W. 2d St., Davenport, Iowa. Davenport Iron & Metal Co., Davenport, Iowa. do ....do L. Livingston, Rock Island, 111. .do. .do. .do. E. W. Lewis Roofing Co., Rock Island, 111. do , do W. J. Vale, 426 Western Ave., Davenport, Iowa. do .do. .do. -do. Brass, light.. Zinc , Iron Steel Hose, rubber. Garbage Manure , Hides, horse. Garbage for months of March and April. Garbage Springfield rifles, caliber .45, model 1873. Shoe implements, iron, burned and warped. Old files Oak and hickory felly blanks, 2J X 3i X 20". Oak and hickory spoke blanks. D rings, iron Spoons, 1910 Forks, 1910 Knives, 1910 Snaffle bits Artillery traces, wheel Cavalry sabers, 1913 McClellan saddletree, with quarter straps. Company chests for cleaning material. Scrap nitro T. N. T. boxes Scrap bolts and nuts, broken and stripped. Bronze chips Scrap copper, light Light sheet iron Scrap webbing Curled hair Aluminum borings Paper baler, damaged by fire.. Old jars and bottles Burnt and scorched new whole and half shoe soles. Mixed brass scrap containing webbing. Brass turnings Lead dross Light and heavy rifle barrel turnings and shavings. 4' cores, wood for paper 6' cores, wood for paper Coffee and sugar tin containers. Rifle barrels, caliber . 30, model 1903. Miscellaneous straps with buckle or hook. Halter tie ropes Surcingles, web Oiler and thong cases 490 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 24, 1919.. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do.... .do. .do. do do do do do do Apr. 25, 1919. do do .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. ....do ....do do do do do Apr. 29, 1919.. Apr. 18, 1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. do .do. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, ILL.— continued. W. J. Vale, 426 Western Ave., DBvenport, Iowa. do ....do ....do Davenport Iron & Metal Co., Da- venport, Iowa. Cal. Hirsch & Son, St. Louis, Mo. H. J. Goldman, 2506 3d Ave., Book Island, 111. C. W. Schrieker, Davenport, Iowa. ...do ....do ....do Angsten-Kox Co., Chicago, 111.. ....do W. U. Seaman, Chicago, 111 ....do ....do ...do ....do Barrett & Zimmerman, 1933 University Ave., St. Paul, Mian. ....do ....do -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. Hartz & Bahnsen, Rock Island, 111. W. J. Vale, 426 Western Ave., Davenport, Iowa. Wm. R. Teufel, Blue Grass, Iowa G. H. Fromme, Cordova, 111 W. H. Morris, 2302 4th Ave., Rock Island, 111. ....do Perkins-Campbell, Cincinnati, Ohio. do .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. W. J. Vale, 426 Western Ave. Davenport, Iowa. Tri-City Garbage Dis. Co., Mo- line, 111. ROCKWELL FIELD, CALIF. 525 Ranch Co., San Diego, Calif.. FORT LOGAN H. ROOTS, ARK. W. H. Bray Co., Little Rock, Ark. W. W. Hilliard, Little Rock, Ark. FORT D. A. RUSSELL, WYO. Solomon Shapiro, Cheyenne, JVyo. Louis Veta, Cheyenne, Wyo Combination halter bridles Bridle headstalls Select straps,18J" long, 1" wide. Arm racks Ammimition carriers with brass tubes. Canteen straps with hooks and snaps. Button brushes Arch frames with straps, pack outfit. Leather leg guards Brass spurs Scrap kindling wood Triangular bayonets Bolo knives Curb reins Halters, leather Thongs, rawhide Snaps, harness Ammunition hangers with straps. Leather blinders, pack outfit. . Cartridge boxes, black leather. Traces, lead, wire, leather-cov- ered. do Polo girths Curb reins, with bits Swivel snaps Artillery whips Coupling straps T. N. T. boxes .do. Breast straps, martingale, hunting design. Supply chest Tool chest Cartridge-belt suspenders, web. Tin and granite pie plates Collar pads for steel horse col- lars. Straps, 4" to 14" Saber slings with attachments. Spur straps Girths Soup ladles Pistol holsters, 1912 Scrap kindling wood Garbage. 1-gal. varnish cans. Garbage Solomon Shapiro, Cheyenne, Wyo. Old cotton rags (canvas, khaki, large and small pieces). Old cotton rags (canvas, white, large pieces; canvas, khaki, small pieces). Bran bags, perfect; bran bags, patchable; cotton flour sacks. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 491 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 1, 1919. Apr. 6, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919.. . Apr. 9,1919... Aprl. 15,1919. Apr. 21,1919.. Apr. 22,1919.. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do do Apr. 24,1919. do Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 30,1919. Apr. 30, 1919. do April, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. Apr. 9,1919... Apr. 14, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 30,1919. .do. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. do do do SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Ike Shklar, San Antonio, Tex. . . H. J. Wagenfehr, San Antonio, Tex. J. A. Mackleroy, San Antonio, Tex. L. H. Bradford, San Antonio, Tex. Samuel F. Johnson, San Antonio, Tex. R. M. Hughes & Co., San An- tonio, Tex. Dan F. Root, San Antonio, Tex. F. C. Linn, San Antonio, Tex... San Antonio Tent & Awning Co., tan Antonio, Tex. Chas. Goldman, San Antonio, Tex. R. D. Goldman, San Antonio, Tex. H. C. Braden, San Antonio, Tex. A. Anderson, San Antonio, Tex. F. C. Braden, San Antonio, Tex. C. C. Oliver, San Antonio, Tex. . J. C. Arnold, San Antonio, Tex. . Peacock Military College, San Antonio, Tex. White Tent & Awning Co., Sacramento, Calif. Carnie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Cal Hirsch & Son, St. Louis, Mo. W. A. Evans, San Antonio, Tex. N. Trottner, San Antonio, Tex.. J. A. Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. P. H. Fennell, San Antonio, Tex. Fink Cigar Co., San Antonio, Tex. SOUTH SAN ANTONIO, TEX. E. Podevyn, San Antonio, Tex. C. C. Hardin, Terrell, Tex SAN DIEGO BAREACKS, SAN DIEGO, CALIF. Walter M. Sharpe, Otay, Calif. . . SAN FRANCISCO DEPOT. Duhen Motion Picture Mfg. Co., 985 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. Julius Laventhal, 927 Blaine St., Los Angeles, Calif. Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., 530 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Calif. George F. Keogh, 146 McAUlster St., San Francisco, Calif. PKESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Pacific Hog Co., 1520 Evans St., San Francisco, Calif. Board of park cominissioners, City and County of San Fran- cisco, CaUf. FORT SCREVEN, GA. Oscar S. Cook, Fort Screven, Ga. E. Ness Co., Savannah, Ga do L. A. Palmer, Savannah, Ga do Scrap rubber Condemned food . .do. Crates Barrels Condemned tentage . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Old cotton rags and burlap. Condemned food do. Boxes. Manure . Garbage. Manure . Aeroplanes, without engines.. Butter, rancid Old cotton rags (canvas leg- Manure. Garbage: Bread Bones Cooked meats . Other garbage Manure Barrels, oil Barrels, miscellaneous.. Barrels, hardwood Wrought iron and steel. $157.94 10.80 403. 92 291.62 2.50 246. 50 481. 15 2, 696. 83 45.20 52.50 103.50 5.00 120. 00 30.00 29.00 15.00 18.00 814. 75 606.30 87.60 15.00 1, 740. 90 48.00 118.01 28.76 8.40 198. 00 43.20 305. 00 563.50 5.00 198.00 116. 87 63.25 451.90 120.90 20.15 13. 00 12.00 10.00 320.00 492 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPAKTMESTT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 26,1919. Apr. 8,1919.. do Apr. 29, 1919. do Apr. 1,1919.. do Apr. 1, 1919. do do do Apr. 2,1919.. Apr. 3,1919.. do do do Apr. 9, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. do do .do. .do. -.do.... -.do.... -.do.... ..do.... -.do.... .do. .do- do Apr. 16, 1919. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 21, 1919. do ..do- ..do. ..do. ..do. do ..-.do ....do ....do SEATTLE, WASH. Alaska Junk Co., 1120 1st Ave., south, Seattle, Wash. CAMP SHELBY, MISS. R. H. Arbruster Mfg. Co., Springfield, III. Carnie-Goudle Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Cal Hlrsch & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. General Paper Stock Co., St. Louis, Mo. R. L. Bradley do CAMP SHERIDAN, ALA. E. W.Wadsworth, Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. M. Sabel & Sous, Montgomery, Ala. Carnie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. O. B. WilUs, Greensboro, Ala. . . Chas. E. MitcheU side, N. Y. CAMP TRAVIS, TEX. J. A . Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. -.do ..do ..do -do ..do ..do ..do San Antonio Sewer Pipe Co., San Antonio, Tex. J. A. Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do -do -do --do San Antonio Sewer Pipe Co., San Antonio, Tex. J. A. Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do CAMP UPTON, N. Y. N. E. Berzin, 232 South St., New York, N. Y. Empire Metal & Rubber Waste Co., 186 Fast 64th St., New York, N. Y. Wm. L. Peck, 145 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Products Mfg. Co., 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. do CAMP ALFRED VML, N. J. H. Ackerman, Joline A ve.. Long Branchy N. J. Sweet Bnar Farms, Eatontown, N.J. Manure Dead animals... Garbage Scrap lumber . - . Barrels and kegs Tin cans Bags, cement sacks. Garbage. Manure. Manure . Garbage. ....do ....do do do do do do Trap grease . Garbage do do do do do do do do do Trap grease. Garbage .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Scrap rubber. do Manure Dead animals. Garbage Barrels, oil . Garbage... $1,061.49 49.00 743. 80 51.35 193. 76 180.27 111.50 5.20 200.00 125.00 25. 0207 33.2551 21.1572 27. 2822 17.3221 3.2761 35. 8749 25.8415 3.9150 19.8029 16.3390 21.0598 20. 7600 3.6667 28. 8796 24. 7162 18. 7505 19. 8394 19. 8442 .9450 18. 2294 6.2923 27. 1806 20. 1927 17.6307 16. 4630 18. 9053 18. 4936 4.8180 27. 2954 12. 8050 20. 0363 163.58 68.62 468.09 3.00 937.54 29.60 10.00 496 SALE OF SITRPLTJS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Pate of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Apr. 4, 1919. do Apr. 28, 1919 . do Apr. 30. 1919 . do.... do.... ..do ..do Apr. 5, 1919. ....do ....do Apr. 7, 1919. ....do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. VANCOUVER B.^RR.^CKS, WASH. Sam A. Mesher, 314 College St., Tortland, Greg. do J. Stranholm, Vancouver, Wash . J. W. Shaw, Vancouver. Wash. . Sam A. Mesher, 314 College St., Portland, Oreg. Officers and enlisted men of Vancouver Barracks, Wash. S. Zidell, 208 Front St., Portland, Oreg. ■\'arious, Vancouver, "\^'ash Mrs. G. W. Louden, rural route 2, Vancouver, Wash. CAMP ■WADSWORTH, S. C. M. Sable & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. do do A.B.Abel do do E. M. Atwell do do E.C. Ballenger... do do L. D.Bass J. L. Bennett D. H. Bernstein... W. P. Bishop do do J. F. Blankenshlp. do do do H. C. Bradon B. H. Bro^^^l do J.B.Caldwell do do do M. A. Cameron do do D.B.Canady... do do do S. M.Carlisle J. H. Carrington. do W. A. Carver S.D.Clark do do A. P. Cater do do do do do C. A. Dermodle. J. A. Dovle do.." do do do C. A. Donahue. J. L. PraKe do T. T. Earle G. E. Edwards. Old metals Barrels, oil (empty) Tents, pyramidal " large Tents, wall, small Glass bottles, miscellaneous. . Repairing of personal clothing by Government tailot shop. Scrap leather, imclassified wool and cotton clipxiiugs. Manure G Sacks, flour, cotton, perfect. . . Sacks, flour, No. 98, patchable. Bags, bran, perfect Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Flies, small Tents, wall, small Tents, wall, large FUes, small Tents, wall, small do Tent, pyramida' small Tents, wall, small Flies, small Tents, wall, small Flies, small Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, white Tents, wall, large Tents, pyramidal, large, white . Flies, sniall Flies, large Tents, wall, small do Flies, small do Tents, wall, small PauUns Tents, wall, large Tents, large, pyramidal, olive drab. FUes, large Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, olive drab.. Tent, pyramidal, small FUes, small Tents, wall, small do do Fly, small Tent, large, pyramidal, oUve drab. Tent, wall, large Paulin Tents, wall, smaU Paulins Tents, wall, large Flies, small Fhes, large Tents, wall, small do do Fly, large Tent, wall, large Tent, wall, small Tents, large, pyramidal, oUve drab. Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, wall, small do do do do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 497 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 7, 1919. do , do , do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do- .do., .do.. .do., .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. CAMP WADSWORTH, S. C. — COntd. .W.P.Edwards. do G. L. Fortune . . do E.D. Foster.... do W. A. Foster... do T. R. Gadsen... J. H. Gosnell... T. R. Gaston... G. Gazey do do R. C. Gettys do J. W. Goodwin . ....do do W. B. Gorga. D.W.Harris. do ....do ....do do W. W. Harris. ....do ,...do E. H. Harrison. ....do , ,...do k. P. ....do. M. Henderson.. ....do T. K. Hodgers. ....do ....do ....do J. N. Jackson. . ....do A. M. Johnson. O. P.Jordan... L. P. Junk C. M. Kehely... J.A.Kelly A. Kllpatrick.. ....do J.M.King do ....do ....do ....do ....do L. H. Lane ....do ....do D. O. Leonard. ....do ....do ....do H. T. Llttlejohn. do E. F. Milan J.R.Miller N. J. McGuire... N. F. NichoUs.. J.D.Nix ....do J. O. O'Coimell. ....do ....do Fly, small Tent, pyramidal, large, white Tent, wall, large , Tont, wall, small Flies, small do do Tents, wall, small , do do do Flies, small , Tent, wall, large Tent, wall, small , do Tent, pyramidal, large, white. . Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, wall, small Flies, small Tent, wall, small Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, large, wUte. . Tent, wall, small Tent, pryamldal, large olive- drab. Tent, pryamldal, large, white. . Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, wall, small Flies, small. Tent, wall, large olive-drab... Tent, wall, small Tent, pryamidal, large, white. . Tent, wall, small Tent, pryamldal, small Tent, wall, small Tent, pryamldal, large white . . Tent, wall, large Tent, wall, small Tent, pyramidal, olive-drab, large. Tent, wall, small do. Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, wall, small do do Tent, large, white Tent, wall, small do Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, pyramidal, small , Flies, small , Flies, large , Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, wall, small Tents, wall, large Tents, wall, small Tents, wall, large Flies, small d:o Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, pyramidal, white Tents, wall, small Flies, small Tents, wall, small ....do Tents pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, wall, small Tents, wall, small ....do Flies, small Tents, wall, small Tents, wall, large Flies, small 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 82 498 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 7, 1919. do .do .do .do .do .do .do Name and address of buyer. CAMP WADSWORTH, S. C— COntd. J. C. Ocland. do do do F. H. Paris. .. J. W. Pollard. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do R. W. Porter. Z. V. Potter.. C. B. Prince.. do .do C. A. Ragland. .do do .do I do .do i do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. do do do do do ....do do --..do do ---.do • --.do ---.do • --.do ---.do ----do ----do ----do •-•-do do •---do ••-•-do •---do do -•--do ----do ---.do Apr. 8, 1919. do -...do --..do .do. .do. -do. .do. do A. Reynolds. T. A. Richards.. do I. E. Robertson. .....do do do Article. S. P. Sams P. K. Scriven... D.M. Shock.... G. Shumaker.... G. E. Simmons. do do Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, wall, large Flies, small Tents, small, wall Fly, small Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, pyramidal, small Tent, wall, large Tent, wall, small Fly, large Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Flies, small Flies, large Tents, pjTamidal, large, white Tents, pyramidal, large olive- drab. Tents, wall, large , Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Tents, pyramidal, large, white Flies, small , Tent, wall, large , Tent, pyramidal, large, white. . Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, wall, small do Slattery & Henry. do D. L. Smi,th do do do do do do do M.T.Smith R. R. Smoak B. C.Sublett J. J. Thomas R. C. Thomason. R. P. Wall do do N. B.West do do do do do 8. A. Wideman.. do L.H. Willis do S. A.Wilson J. S. Wlngo L. J. Workman.. J.N. Blair do H. O. Bonk do A. Bridges — D. Br0^^•n J. R. Burnett. do do Tent, wall, small Tent, wall, large Tent, wall, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, wall, small Flies, small Flies, large Tents, wall, small , Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Flies, large l^epts, wall, small Flies, small Paulins Tents, wall, small Tents, wall, large Tents , wall , small Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Tents, wall, small Tents , p vramidal .large , white . do.." Fly, small Tent, wall, small Paulins Flies, large Flies, small Tent, large, pyramidal, white. Tent, large, wall Tent, small, wall do Flies, small Tents, wall, small Fly, small Tents, small, waU do Tents, pyramidal, large, white . do Fly, small ..:.do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Flies, small ....do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 499 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 8, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do -do -do -do -do .do .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. do Apr. 9, 1919. do FORT WADSWORTH, S. C— COntd. C. K. Callahan do N. W.Cantrell- P. A. Carey. do do P. S. Cecil.. ....do B.C. Chatman. T. T. Earle P. H. Fiske(Mrs.). S.J. Finley do G. L. Fortune Eugene Gilbert. O. P. Gould.... E. F. Gregory. do J. N. Hodden. do H. I. Horton. H.J. Hurst.. J. A. Jordan. J.W.Kelly. K.S.King J. King do C. L. Lee E. S. Lowe F. D. Mitchell. T. B. Martin-. G. Nadrean J. V. Phillips do C. T. Rainey Slattery & Henry . J. M. Sloan J. L. Smith.. D.L.Smith.. do W.C.Smith. W.R.Talbot. do do H. V. Tanner. do W. W. Thomson. do do E. C. Tuney. W.J.Ward.. G. L. Warren.. do L.L.White.... do do W. J. Williams. B.W. Willis... do .do. .do. J. L.Wingo W. H. Attaway. R. H. Bishop... J. O. Bonk. do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Flies, small Tents, pjrramidal, large, olive- drab. Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Fly, small Tents, pyramidal, small Flies, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, wall, small Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Tent, wall, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, wall, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent, wall, small Tent, wall , large do Tent, pyramidal, small Tent, pyramidal, large, white. . Tent, pyramidal, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Flies, small Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Fly, small Tents, pyramidal, white Tents, pyramidal, large, oUve- drab. do Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Tents, large, wall Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, wall, small Flies, small Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Flies, small Tents, wall, small Flies, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Fly, small Tents, pyramidal, large, white . do Flies, small do do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, pyramidaljlarge, white. Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Flies, small 500 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 9, 1919. .....do do do do -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do- .do. -do- .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. do do Apr. 10, 1919. do.' do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. FORT WADSWORTH, S. C— Contd. J. R. Burnett — do H. Brandenberg. D. B. Carnak C.Cole J. L. Epp L. A. Emmons. W. H. Fink.... W. N. Garrett. do J. M. Gregory. A.E.Hill T. K. Hodgers. F. Jordan I. Miller Frank McGee T. J. Rodgers S. P. Sands J. A. Taylor Textile Industrial Institute . N. M. Warren. do do N. Wingo R. H. Barry, n. O. Bonk.. W. Brod J. I. Brown.. do do B. H. Burnstein. .. M. Carrol do W. A. Carver L. O. Chapman do W.C.Cook J. L. Cooksey do Cotton St. Tent Co. W. F.Daggett J. Day J. E. Dozien T. T. Earle do E. P. Edwards.. B. M. Oaneling. CM. ttarrity... C. K. Gould T.J. Hanon J. A. Harmon. do J. C. Harris... B. Haynes A.E.Hill do T. K. Hodgers. do T. B. Hodgers. do J. W. Johnson. J. A. Jordan J.Kelly J. A. Kemoelle Mrs. J. M. Lanham. N. J. McGuire W.J.McKitchin..., Flies, small Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Flies, small do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. do Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents, pjnramidal, large, white. Flies, large Tents, pyramidal, large, oUve- drab. Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tents , wall, small do do Fly, small do do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Fly, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive- drab. Tent , pyramidal, large, white . . do Fly, large Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Flv, large ...:.do Tents, pvramidal, large, white. do.: do Fly, large Tent, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Flies, large Flies, small do Tent, waU, small, do Tent, pyramidal, large, white do Tents, pyramidal, large, oKve drab. FUes, large Tents, pyramidal, large, white. do Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Fly, large Fly, small , Tents, pyramidal, large, oUve drab. do Tents, wall, smaU , Fly, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. do do Tents, wall, small Tents, pryamidal, large, oUve drab. do do do Fly, large Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, pyramidal, large, oUve drab. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPAETMENT. 501 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1504 1505 1505 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 .1515 151fi 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1642 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1651 1552 1553 1554 1555 1566 1657 1658 1559 1560 1561 1562 1663 1664 1566 1666 1567 1508 1569 1670 Apr. 10,1919. ....do ....do , ....do ....do , ....do , do do do , do , do , .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. do Apr. 11,1919. do do , ....do ....do do do do do.... do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. do do do do Apr. 12, 1919. do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. CAMP WADSTVORTH, S. C— COntd. W. J. McKitchin. ....do ....do D. W. MnLane... Chas. O'Marren.. J. [. Outz S. R. Owen W. R. Page ....do L. R. Penfleld... ....do Geo. Phifer. . C. L. Reed... W. W. Reed. do ....do G.L. Riddle.. R. B. Roland. ....do Salvage Mfg. Co. ....do ....do ....do W. B. Simmons. A. T. Sistore ....do J. L. Smith ....do G. L. Snowden. J. B. Southers.. do A. C. Steele A. Talisman W. E. Tillotson. J.J. Tinsley L. G. Traxler... L. Trimmer W. Whitlock. J. Wingo T. C.Young N. L. Bermett. . . do B. H. Burnstein. T.W. Chandler. do O. D. Darby do do E. Gilbert W. L. Gaffney.. J. K. Gould do Geo. Horton. .. T. K. Hudgers. C. M. Kehley.., do Geo. Simmons. T. C. Young... W. S. Bradley. do do I. W. Chandler Cal. Hirsch & Sons. do do do T. K. Hudgers. Fly, large Fly, small Tent, pyramidal, small do , Tents, wall, small Fly, large Tent, pyramidal, small do do do Tent, pyramidal, large olive drab. do Fly, large Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Flies, small Tent, pyramidal, large, white. . Tent, pyramidal, large, olive drab. do Flies, small Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, oUve drab. do do Tents, pyramidal, large, white, do Tents, pyramidal, large, oUve drab. Tents, pyramidal, large, white, Fly, small , Fly, large , Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tent, wall, small , Fly . large , Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, wall, small , Tent, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Tent, pyramidal, large, olive drab. do , Tents, pyramidal, large, white, do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. do .do. .do. Tents, pyramidal, large, white. Fly, small , Fly, large , Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tent, wall, small , Tent, pyramidal, large, white, do Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tents, pyramidal, large, white , Fly, large Tents, pyramidal, large, white . Fly, small , Paulins , Flies, small , Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tents, pyramidal, large, white , Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. do do do do , 502 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 12,191ti. ....do , CAMP -WADSWORTH, 3. C— COntd. G. A. Kemodle. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do W. S. Bradley.. C. L. Canon Lieut. Evans G. A. Gross W. B. Harrison. J. W. Kelly F. Koss .do..., .do.... ....do ....do ....do Apr. 14, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do D. W. McLane. W. W. Reed... do Apr. 17, 1919. do Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 12,1919. Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. ....do R. D. Vogel W. W. Baliensier W. F. Baggett ....do do do do ....do do B. H. Berry ....do N. L. Bennett J. N. Carver B. T. Cheek S. P. Clark do do J. C. Oeland do C. A. Ragland H. Z. Taylor do do do do do J. J. Tinslev W. Whitlock do do do M. Sable & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. do Coates, Bennett & Reidenbach, Rochester, N. Y. do D. W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. Swift & Co.. Spartanburg, S. C, D. W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. Carnie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Cal Hirsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo. do do Wm. J. Cocke, Ashville, N. C. Powell Fuel Co., Columbia, S. C. WALTER EEED GENERAL HOS- PITAL. Frank X.Joy, 1112 9thSt.NW., Washington, D. C. R. T. Zach, 211 9th St. SW., Washington, D. C. Arthur Sperbeck, Sgt., Q. M. C, Walter Reed General Hospital. B. L. Grubbs, Silver Spring, Md. Tents, wall, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tents, waU, large PaulLns FUes, small Tents, wall, small Flies, small d.0 do Tent, pyramidal, large, olive drab. Tents, pyramidal, small Tents, pyramidal, large, olive drab. do Flies, small Flies, large Spray, hand Points, plow, Oliver No. 10. . . Diggers, potato Slide. Plow, furrow Plow, furrow, single Trees, double Points, plow, twister Spray, hand Cultivators, G. W Plows, single, furrow Points, plow. No. 10 Forks, short-handle Sweeps Fenders ; Plow points Plow, sinirle-furrow Harrow, disk Points, plow. No. 20 Forks, long-handle Plows, furrow Plows, furrow, single Plows, points, broken Spray, hand Plow, furrow Harrow, disk Plow, cedar Points, plow, shovel Harrow drags Socks, cotton, white Socks, cotton, colored Cartridge shells, broken, fired Cartridge clips, broken . Sacks, feed, patch Beef Scrap burlap.. Canvas, khaki. Canvas, white. Magazines Paper, mixed . Newspapers. . . Garbage Manure Lumber, scrap . . Boxes and crates do Lumber, scrap . . SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 503 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 Apr. 7, 1919 Apr. 9, 1919 do do .do. .do. .do. .do. 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 ....do do Apr. 10, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. do .do. .do. .do. do Apr. 12, 1919. do do do Apr. 10, 1919. do Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. WASHINGTON, D. C. John Wignall, 1336 Newton St. NE^ Washington, D. C. F. J. Einstein, 229 7th St. NW. John Wignall, 1336 Newton St. NE., Washington, D. C. Benj. Wollberg, 222 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. J. Dreifus & Son, Richmond, Va. J. P. Germuiller. N. Frank & Son. Highest bidder... J. Dreifus & Son, Richmond, Va. Col. Norris Stayton, Munitions Bldg^ Washington, D. C. Loms C. Grossberg, 415 K St. NW., Washington, D. C. do M. A. Mulcare, 920 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. D. Feinberg Co., Chelsea, Mass.. Leo Meyer & Co., Akron. Ohio. . Maryland Iron & Metal Co., 413 K St. NW. John Wignall Jacob Shapiro, Baltimore, Md... Dreifus & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. . Louis Grossberg, 415 K St. NW.. WATERVLIET ARSENAL. United American Iron & Steel Co. do do John Friedrichson, Waterford, N. Y. Pillows, mattresses, and com- forters. Shower bath Wagon Folding chairs Fittings and tanks Barrels Boiler Cases and chests Shades Typewriter ribbon Collar pads Paper Collars, etc Glass Trousers Horse covers Straps Tank Hames Carborators, etc Odds and ends Leather cases Lampblack Motor-cycle forks Window shades Old pick Horse blanket Spreads Napkins Engine and pump Set carriage harness Tablecloths Motors Cans Chairs Buckets Strip metal Life preservers Auto parts Batteries Motor-cycle wheel Magnetos Buckets Small stove Seats Side car Carborators Jacks Auto covers Starter Bosch coil Sketching chairs Saddles Gas masks . Metals. Rubber . do... .do. .do. .do. do Cotton rags ....do Old woolen rags. do Steel borings and chips. ....do ....do Oil barrels. ....do $692. 20 42.00 25.00 .95 8.50 2.24 10.50 6.50 .50 5.50 2.25 25.00 11.50 31.20 25.00 25.50 .50 .50 .50 40.00 22.00 5.50 3.50 2.00 .20 .15 1.00 7.05 1.00 25.10 1.00 3.35 9.00 1.00 7.75 .20 L60 .60 7.50 8.00 3.75 75.95 .10 .75 2.00 .50 6.00 5.25 6.00 3.00 1.50 5.50 80.00 8.00 1,164.09 42.95 495. 39 403.24 219.24 8.29 296. 66 778. 89 121. 90 33.09 85.53 16.33 13.60 288. 70 345. 21 95.00 604 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buver. Article. 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1653 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 16S2 16S3 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 Apr. 9, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Apr. —,1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. do Apr. 30, 1919. do do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. CAMP WHEELER, GA. Schwartz & Paul, Macon, Ga. do T. W. Hooks, Macon, Ga .do -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. B. H. Collins, Macon, Ga... do do do do do W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga. do B. H. CoUias, Macon, Ga. . James Sawyer, Macon, Ga. T. W. Hooks, Macon, Ga... LeeDa\-is, Macon, Ga Mr. Heard, Macon, Ga E. J. Arnold, Macon, Ga... J. H. DuBose, Macon, Ga.. WHIPPLE BARRACKS, ARIZ. R. Niederer FORT WARDEN, WASH. P. J. McCuUem, Port Town- send, Wash. William Haley, Port Town- send, Wash. FORT WORTH, TEX. Various North Texas Swiae Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Texas Rendering Co., Fort Worth, Tex. L. Kamisky & Co., Houston, Tex Texas Bludwine Co., Dallas, Tex. Artesia Bottling Co., Fort Worth, Tex. North Texas Iron & Metal Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Jules, Block & Co., Galveston, Tex. Missouri Iron & Metal Co., Fort Worth, Tex. .do. Apr. 4,1919.. Apr. 11, 1919. North Texas Iron & Metal Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Louis Kamisky & Co., Houston, Tex. Jules Block & Co., Galveston, Tex. Fort Worth Bag & Burlap Co., Fort Worth, Tex. WASHINGTON, D. C. Nassau Smelting & Refining Works (Ltd.), New York. Coat as Bennett & Reidenbaoh, New York. Scale Scrap boxes Dubbing Formaldehyde.. Scrap harness . . . .'.'.'.'.do'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. do Cabinet Box Fixtures Poles and chairs . Tent cement Fixtures Tentfly Salt shakers Mess kits Harness tools Scrap harness . . . Gold Medal cots. Tent poles Crosscut saw Buckets Scrap iron Garbage. Manure. . Garbage. Gas masks Garbage Dead animals Old cotton bags (cotton filling No. 2, comforts and quits, white cotton socks). Bottles, bludwine Bottles, soda , Old rubber (block scraps, hose, auto tires, miscellaneous, etc.). Old rubber (tires, solid, motor truck). Old rubber (block scrap, inner tubes Nos. 1 and 2, mattiag and packing, etc.). Metals and iron (aeroplane radiators, brass, copper wire, stoveplates and grates, horseshoes, etc.). Metals and iron (ahiminimn borings, brass, copper scraps, iron, steel pipe). Aluminium castiugs, light copper. Brass tubings, lead bullets, fired. Old cotton rags (canvas, white and khaki; leggiags, canvas; denim coats, roofing rags; breeches, cotton, etc.). Fired cartridge shells and clips, .30-cal. SALE OP StJRPLtJS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 505 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 20, 1919. Apr. 31, 1919. May 31, 1919. May 7,1919.. -do. ....do.. ....do May 12,1919 do May 19,1919 .... May 21,1919 May 2, 1919. do do May 3, 1919. .do. May 6, 1919. May 9, 1919. .do. .do. do , do , do , May 10,1919. May 12, 1919. Mav 10, 1919. May 14, 1919. do do do COLUMBUS, N. MEX. Texas Rubber & Metal Co., El Paso, Tex. Barbee & Elliott, Columbus, N. Mex. ALCATRAZ, CALIF. Paci.lc Hog Co., Evans Ave. and Mendel St., San Francisco, Caiif. ATLANTA, GA. Dan W. Feitel Bag Co., New- Orleans, La. Hardin Bag Co., New Orleans, La. Western Bag & Burlap Co., CM- cago. 111. Rittenbaum Bros. , Atlanta, Ga. Columbus Waste Paper Co., Columbus, Ohiio. G. Mathes Co. St. Louis, Mo... Tbe Perkins-Campbell Co. (Max Tiemstein), Cincinnati, Ohio. Cal Hirsch & Sons MercnatUe Co., St. Louis, Mo. BALTIMORE, MD. Ray V. Watson, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Hughes, Baltimore, Md Mr. Tress, Baltimore, Md Capt. Harrison, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Morgan, Baltimore, Md Maj. O'Neil, Baltimore, Md Ray V. Watson, Baltimore, Md. Sergt. Dines, Baltimore, Md do May 15, 1919. do .do , -do Mr. Bichy, Baltimore, Md Mr. Rantala, Baltimore, Md Sergt. Tormallen, BaltimoreMd. Lieut. O'Hara, Baltimore, Md. . Mr. Macldn, Baltimore, M.d G. E. Kirwan, Baltimore, Md... W. A. GUlev, Baltimore, Md W. G. Woolford, Baltimore, Md. C. Larimer, Baltimore, Md E. G. Hart, Baltimore, Md Mr. Bowman, McDonogh School, McDonogh, Md. J. Walker, Baltimore, Md Ray V. Watson, Baltimore, Md. W. J. Woolford, Baltimore, Md.. C. Larimer, Baltimore, Md.. E. L. Olney, Baltimore, Md. Sacks, grain and flour . Garbage Garbage. Burlap, No. 3 Bags, sugar, perfect Bags, sugar, patchable Bags, bran, perfect Sacks, floiu, jute Bags, feed, 4-bu., patchable.. Bags, bran, patchable Bags, salt, patchable Bags, coffee, perfect Bags, feed, 5-bu., patchable. . Bags, onion, patchable Bags, salt, perfect Bags, sugar, patchable Sacks, flour, jute Bags, feed, 4-bu., perfect Bags, potato, 3-bu., perfect.. . Bags, potato, 3-bu., patchable Bags, sugar, jute, perfect Bags, sugar, jute, patchable. . Bags, bran, perfect Bags, feed, S-bu., perfect Bags, feed, 5-bu., patchable. . Rags, denim, brown Rags, denim, blue Tires, auto, standard Rims, tires, steel auto truck. . Large wall tent ; mall wall tent do ....do Small wall fly Small wall tents . . . Large wall tent Storage tent Shelter half SmaU wall tent. . .. Small wall fly Large wall tent . . . . Small wall tents Small wall flies Small wall tent Small wall fly Small wall tent. . .. ....do do Small wall fly do Large wall tent Small wall fly do do Large wall tents Small wall flies Small wall fly Large wall tent Small wall-tent fly . I^arge wall tent Small wall-tent fly . Large wall tent Small wall-tent fly . Large wall tents..".. $303. 50 99.54 25.00 32.25 330.00 4.28 L70 117.80 37.62 361. 60 180. 29 6.75 48.00 633. 20 12.57 9.40 L68 37.62 189.00 41.10 34.11 102. 60 93.47 117. 76 1,105.00 633. 20 94.83 818.55 5, 455. 92 294.42 12.90 11.16 n.i6 n.l6 6.22 16.74 12.90 20.00 1.00 5. .58 6.22 12.90 11.16 12.44 5.58 6.22 5.58 5.58 5.58 12.44 6.22 12.90 27.64 27.64 6.22 128. 97 96.74 6.91 12.90 20.73 14.33 41.46 85.98 41.46 85.98 506 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 May 15, 1919. May 16, 1919. May 21, 1919. do ....do do. do. do. do May 22,1919. 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 May 28, 1919. ....".do do Mav 29, 1919. ,...:do ...do. ...do. .do. .do. May 1, 1919. May 8, 1919. do BALTIMORE, MD. — Continued. R. Wright, Baltimore, Md T. Webb, Baltimore, Md J. E. Brooks, Baltimore, Md... Ray V. Watson, Baltimore, Md. H. H. Kruse, Baltimore, Md . . . R. J. Padgett, Baltimore, Md. . E. T. Paul, Baltimore, UA D. H. Hamilton, Baltimore, Md. C. Reynolds, Baltimore, Md... Isaac Minsky, PMladelphia, Pa. 1745 1746 do. do. 1747 do. 1748 do. 1749 May 23, 1919 1750 do. 1751 do 1752 do 1753 1754 do. do. do. do. Mav 24, ....:do. do. 1755 1756 1757 1758 1919.'.'.'.'. 1759 1760 do. 1761 do. 1768 May 26, 1919 E. J. Smith, New York, N. Y.. Irving Horo^^'itz, New York, N. Y. Frankel Bros. & Co., Rochester, N. Y. A. C. Loveland & Co., Hart- ford, Conn. Maurice Frank, New York, N. Y. Chesapeake Waste Paper Co., Baltimore, Md. Maryland Waste Co., Balti- more, Md. Thos. H. O'Connor Co., Balti- more, Md. W. J. Woolford, Baltimore, Md. F. M. Latham, Baltimore, Md.. C. W. Steffens, Baltimore, Md.. W. J. MacMn, Baltimore, Md... M. J. Meisel, Baltimore, Md Mr. Bichv, Baltimore , Md Mai. D. W. O'Neil, Baltimore, Md. Mutnick Bros., NewYork, N.Y. Lahn & Simons, New York, N.Y. Ray V. Watson, Baltimore, Md. H. D. McCarty, Baltimore, Md. J. G. Walker, Baltimore, Md.. A. S. Dulany, Baltimore, Md.. A. Noblett, Baltinore, Md H. Biggers, Baltimore, Md .do. R. Boston, Baltimore, Md W. A. Clubb, Baltimore, Md.. Capt. S. T. Griffith, Baltimore, Md. Chesapeake Waste Paper Co., Baltimore, Md. BOSTON, MASS. D. De Stefano, 83 Damrell St., South Boston, Mass. do Boston Auto Tire Exchange, 304 Columbus Avenue, Bos- ton, Mass. do , Small wall-tent fly Small wall fly Kindling wood Large wall tents Pyramidal tents I/arge wall tents , Small wall flies Small wall flies , Storage tent , Large wall tent Small wall fly , Large wall tent Blue denim clippings Brown denim clippings Bleached duck clippings , Unbleached duck clippings... Unbleached duck canvas clip- pings. Unbleached drill clippings — Unbleached corset jean clips.. Khaki luster serge clippings.. Cotton sweepings Khaki cotton lining clippings. Gray felt clippings White felt clippings. Black venetia clippings Khaki cotton lining clippings. Khaki canvas duck clippings. . Waste paper Magazines Corrugated cartons. Mixed paper Folded newspaper.. Small wall flies do Small flies Small wall flies Large wall tents — Storage tent Large wall tents — Olive-drab flaimel shirting clippings. Olive-drab wool uniform clip- pings. Small wall ridgepoles, un- serviceable. Small wall uprights, unserv- Large wall ridgepole, unserv- Large wall uprights, unserv- iceable. Small wall fly Large wall tent dp Kindling wood Storase tent Small wall fly Large wall tent Lane wall tents Small wall flies Small wall tents Mixed waste paper. Paper, waste ....do Tires, used, auto Tubes, auto SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 507 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. May 19, 1914. ....do .do. -do. ....do ....do May 15, 1919. May 16, 1919. do May 17, 1919. .do. .do. .do. do May 20, 1919. May 17, 1919. do May 19, 1919. May 21, 1919. Mav23, 1919. May 24, 1919. do May 23, 1919. do May 29, 1919. do May 31, 1919. do Junes, 1919.. do June 10, 1919. June 2, 1919.. MaySl, 1919.. May 29, 1919.. June 12, 1919. May 31, 1919. ....do May 26, 1919. May 22, 1919. do May 9, 1919.. May 22, 1919. May 15, 1919. ....do Name and address of buyer. BOSTON, MASS.— continued. S. HorT^itz, 64 Union St., New Bedford, Mass. Cherry & Co., New Bedford, Mass. do Whaling Shoe Store, Union & Water Sts., New Bedford, Mass do do Thos. Butler & Co., 23 Med- ford St., Boston, Mass. Terminal Wharf and Warehouse Co., Terminal St., Charles- town, M!ass. Chas. H. Clark, 109 Brookline Ave., Boston, Mass. New Bedford Dry Goods Co., New Bedford, Mass. do D. Davidson, 66 Federal Street, Portland, Me. Power & Desmond, New Bed- ford, Mass. do D. DeStefano. Co. (Inc.), South Boston, Mass. A. F. Leonard, Oak Bluffs, Mass. Bluffs, Mass. do Perry, Buxton & Doane, South Boston, Mass. Wm. J. Rotch, West Tisbury, Mass. B. Cottier & Son, Chelsea, Mass. . H. Malchman & Bro., Main Street, Falmouth, Mass. A. F. Leonard, Oak Bluffs, Mass. W. Beimett, 5 Pleasant St., Cambridge, Mass. D. Feinburg, Broadway, Chel- sea, Mass. Meyer Levine, New Bedford, Mass. do H. S. Thorns, Woods Hole, Mass. do Jules Lansky, New Bedford, ATogg A. P. Tilton, New Bedford, Mass. B. Cottier & Son, Chelsea, Mass. . H. S. Thorns, Woods Hole, Mass. D. De Stefano, South Boston , Mass. do do CAMP BOWIE, TEX. Various North Texas Swine Co., Fort Worth.Tex. Texas Rendering Co., Fort Worth, Texas. Waco Paper Stock Co., Waco, Texas. Kipper Bros. Junk Co., Fort Worth, Texas. Bludwine Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Jersey Creme Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Coca Cola Bottling Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Missouri Iron & Metal Co., Fort Worth, Texas. North Texas Iron & Metal Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Article. Jerkins, leather Boots, rubber, hip . Jerkins, leather. do Drawers, wool Undershirts, wool. Brass, mixed Iron fence and gates. Tables, used Jerldns, leather. Undershirts, winter, wool. Jerkins , leather .do. Boots, rubber, hip. Paper, waste Undershirts, winter, wool. Drawers, winter, wool. Iron, scrap Jerkins , leather Boots, rubber, junk. Jerkins , leather do Hose, canvas, fire. Hose , rubber , metal Undershirts, winter, wool . Jerkins, leather. Stockings Jerkins , leather Boots, hip, rubber. Jerkins, leather Mattresses , used Boots, rubber, hip . Paper, waste .do. .do. Gas masks . Garbage Dead animals . Paper, mixed (magazines, car- tons, Kraft newspapers, folded, etc.). Bottles, milk, beer, whiskey, catsup, etc. Bottles , bludwine, champagne, pickle and olive, etc. Bottles, grape-juice, orange- juice. Bottles, Coca Cola Old iron (horsehoes). Old copper, brass, cast iron, auto tires, miscellaneous, and standards, etc. Total sale price. $187.50 164.25 31.25 214. 00 56.00 14.25 13.72 300.00 2.00 411.50 51.20 145. 50 9.75 15.91 25.60 260.65 136.50 40.00 78.75 467.00 147.50 6.00 22.00 1,045.20 37.50 12.00 57.00 21.00 8.76 64.40 66.00 14.47 5.60 .42 53.00 129. 25 3.10 154. 40 65.80 21.90 74.25 9.60 122. 69 251.99 508 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. May 17, 1919. May 2, 1919.. Apr. 26, 1919. May 10, 1919. May 1, 1919. May 9, 1919. do , May 9, 1919.. May 17, 1919. May 20, 1919. do May 26, 1919. ....do... ....do... May 27, 1919. ....do Mav 28, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 31, 1919. ....do May 9, 1919.. May 19,1919. May 26, 1919. .do. May 27, 1919. Name and address of buyer. CAMP BOWIE, TEX. — Continued. Missouri Iron & Metal Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Dallas Cooperage & Wooden- ware Co., Dallas, Tex. FORT BBADT, MICH. George Hotton, Mackinaw Road, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. CAMP BRAGG, N. C. Chas. R. Allen, care of Citizens National Bank Bldg., Charles- ton, S. C. FORT BROWN, TEX. Frank G. Gallagher, Brownsville, Texas. CHANITTE nELD, KANTOUL, ILL, A. S. Johnson, Rantoul, 111 Article. CHICAGO, ILL. Wm. H. Guenther, Chicago, HI Hawthorne Sub-Depot, Haw- thorne, 111. S. Goldman & Son, Chicago, 111 Federal Rubber Co., Cudahy, Wis. Dan W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. do Onondaga Trading Co., Syra- cuse, N. Y. D. C. Jollin£;s, Chicago, 111 Carnie Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. A. M. Goldberg & Bros., Chi- cago, 111. G. Maihes Co., St. Louis, Mo J. S. Hoffman Co., Chicago, 111. . Central Trading Co., Chicago, 111. Chas. Koenigsberger, Chicago, 111. Jos. D. MiuT)hy COLUMBUS BARRACKS, OHIO. Columbus Barrel Cooperage Co., City. Topper Bros. Iron Co., Colum- bus, Ohio. Columbus Waste Paper Co., Columbus, Ohio. Jay Trowbridge, 428 E . Rich St. , Columbus, Ohio. FORT CONSTITUTION, N. H. Nathan Levine, Portsmouth, N. H. .do Milton G. Karsh Co., Ports- mouth, N. H. .do. George Hooz, Portsmouth, N. H . Copper wire, inner tubes, elastic. Barrels, oil, fire; kegs, meat and pickle, etc. Manure. Garbage. Comforts, used, not renovated Wood, kindling , Blankets, mixed colors, cot- ton warp. Gas mask hoods, rubber, ^ith cotton covering. Bags (jute flour sacks, mixed bags, etc.). Bagging, scrap Bags (potato, jute flour, soiled) Cases, ammunition packing. . . Tentage, old canvas khaki, and "O. D. shelter, old, with- out metal. Rope, jute, mixed lengths Old cotton rags (roofing, white drilling, old khaki cotton coats and breeches). Condemned ham and bacon . . . Paper (mixed and kraft) Comforts, used, cotton filled, renovated. Woolen rags (sweaters, O. D.), Barrels Iron, stove plates and grates, copper, and brass. Copper Light brass Heavy yellow brass I ead Waste paper: Magazines Mixed papers Newspapers Boxes and cases Old cotton rags (canvas leg- gings, denim hats, tops, overshoe). Old cotton rags (khaki cotton rags). Old woolen rags (socks, gray, light weight; shirts, olive- drab). Old cotton rags (canvas khaki; socks, cotton, white). SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 509 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 1-31, 1919... May 31, 1919. May 1, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 8, 1919.. May 12, 1919. do May 16, 1919. May 22, 1919. May 27, 1919. do May 7, 1919. May 9, 1919. -do. .do. .do. May 17, 1919. May 27, 1919. May 28, 1919. May 31, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. May 2, 1919. May 6, 1919. do , May 7, 1919. do May 16, 1919. May 20, 1919. May 22, 1919. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 21. Al Johnson, Fort Logan, Colo. . . FOET DES MOINES, IOWA. Walter O'Donnell, Commerce, Iowa. CAMP DEVENS, MASS. Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. Ayer Contracting Co., Ayer, Mass. United States Conservation Co., Ayer, Mass. M. Rosen, New York City Bones... Garbage. Bread... Garbage. Old tin cans. Giles A. Barber, Littleton, Mass. Boston Paper Board Co., Bos- ton, Mass. Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. B. Feinbm-g Sons Co., Chelsea, Mass. Nathan Savlov, Shamokin, Pa.. Cooked meats, raw fats and meats, cooked grease and trap grease. Bread Bones Other garbage Dead animals Manure do Condemned evaporated peaches. Condemned straw Waste paper, mixed Old tin cans. Cotton rags . do CAMP DIX, N. J. Frank Zank, 23 Kossuth St., Newark, N. J. Empire Bottling Works, 292 Jelliff Ave., Newark, N. J. Frank Shirken, 20 Union St., Trenton, N. J. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, 330 Wythe Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. David N. Knott's Sons, 104 CallowhUl St., Philadelphia, Pa. Rachman Bros., 258 Johnson Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Empire Bottlmg Works, 292 Jelliff Ave., Newark, N. J. Cal Hirsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo H. W. Person, 617 E. Main St., Bennington. Vt. Star Trading Account, 510 Ever- green Ave., Bradley Beach, N.J. John Meehan & Son, 915 W. Dauphin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Metal & Thermit Corporation, 120 N. Broadway, New York City. General Mfg. Co., Snyder Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. CAMP DODGE, IOWA. Flynn Dairy Co., Des Moines, Iowa. Dodge Supply Co., Herrold, Iowa Emil F. Porter, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Wm. Stuart, Camp Dodge, Iowa Howard Cairy, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Gumbinsky Bros., 2261 Union Ave., Chicago, 111. Teller Iron Co., First Nitional Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. Ralph Bellen, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Barrels. do., .do. .do. .do. Boxes, barrels, and bottles . . . Blankets, commercial, wool. . Comforters Blankets, commercial, wool. Manure Old tin cans Garbage, dead animals. do Bottles, milk.. Banana crates . Gasmask -do. -do. Waste materials, bags, etc. Tin cans Gas mask $27.13 283.83 6.65 36.65 93.35 892. 16 22.61 202.29 129.51 7.50 467.91 142.23 435.00 20.00 238.22 207.99 1,135.34 1, 257. 78 411.30 36.50 7.00 13.75 154.32 1,330.66 23.24 3, 102. 00 525.00 35,367.50 698.44 578.75 2,013 05 3.00 11.52 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 233.90 59.00 1.00 510 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 26, 1919. May 27, 1919. May 28, 1919. do May 29, 1919. .do. May 30, 1919. ....do May, 1919. May 31, 1919. May 21, 1919. May 22, 1919. May 30, 1919. do May 5, 1919. do -do. -do. May, 1919. May, 1,1919., do do May 3, 1919. do ....do May 16, 1919. ....do ....do ....do do May 17, 1919. .....do do ....do May 20, 1919. CAMP DODGE, IOWA — COntd. Boone Iron & Metal Co., Boone, Iowa. Teller Iron Co. , Chicago, 111 Cerf Bros., 7th and Elm Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Teller Iron Co. , Chicago, HI Archie Cunningham, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Alfred Eastman, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Otto Stahl, Camp Dodge, Iowa. , Gusta Williamson, Camp Dodge Iowa. United Disposal & Recovery Co. Chicago, 111. CAMP EAGLE PASS, TEX. F. O. Weyrich, Eagle Pass, Tex. ELLINGTON FIELD, TEX. J. Block & Co., Galveston, Tex. . Louis Kaminsky & Co., Hous- ton, Tex. Gulf Refining Co., Houston, Tex Fred G. Matthews, Houston, Tex. EL PASO, TEX. Star Auto "Wrecking Co. , 400 W . Boulevard, El Paso, Tex. . Senken Galamba Iron & Metal Works, 64-98 -M.M stKaoias City, Sans. do Texas Rubber & Metal Co., 211 S. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. Shearman Hog Co. , El Paso, Tex FRANKFORD ARSENAL, PA. Michigan Smelting & Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Sash Weight Works 22d & Glenwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Kumitz, 2275 N. PhilUp St., Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Iron & Metal Co., Ara- mingo and York Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Tony Maddonni, 2023 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wm. J. Kees, 115 N. Orianna St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frank Digirolarmo, Philadelphia Pa J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. Goldberg, 2201 Coral St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Sash Weight Works, 22d and Glenwood Ave^ Philadelphia, Pa. Wm. J. Kees, 115 Orianna St., Philadelphia, Pa. General Utility Co., 1326 Ogden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Charles F. Klotz, 5629 Tulip St., Philadelphia, Pa . Hercules Aut. Eng. Co. , 13th & Wallace Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Herman L. Winterer, 953 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tubes, tires, leggings, carpets, etc. Tin cans Cotton flour bags Tin cans . . Gas mask . .do. .do. .do. Garbage ■ Garbage. Cast iron Broken cases, photo plates. . Bottles, miscellaneous sizes. Galvanized iron cans Empty oil barrels Casings, auto, old. . . Casings, motorcycle . Inner tubes, old. Garbage Dead animals . Brass cartridge shells, fired, and clips. Tennis shoes , tires, inner tube, rubber gloves, etc. Scrap lumber , V. B. French rifle grenades .. Iron, cast, and steel Scrap lumber Boxes, ammunition. Miscellaneous, flagstones, worn. Iron, tin-can boxes Old metals (zinc and tin, mixed). Iron (metallic packing chests). Boxes, ammunition. Machines ....do ....do .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 511 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 21, 1919. May 22, 1919., do ....do do May 23, 1919. ....do ....do do May 24, 1919. May 27, 1919. ....do , May 2, 1919.. May 31, 1919. May 2, 1919. May 7, 1919. May 29, 1919. .do. -do. .do., .do., .do.. .do. May :, 1919.. May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919.. ....do May 20, 1919.. May 21, 1919.. May 24, 1919.. May 31, 1919.. FRANKFOBD ARSENAL, PA. — continued. The O'Brien Machine Co., 119 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Iron & Metal Co., York and Aramingo, Sts. Phila- delphia, Pa. W. E. Bartholomew, 2333 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Monarch Machinery Co., 300 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Miller Lock Co., 4530 Tacony St., Philadelphia, Pa. Henry A. Hitner's Sons, Gaul and Hazzard Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Machine & Tool Co., 491 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Frank Toomey (Inc.), 127 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Michigan Smelting & Refining Co., Detroit, Mich. John Nuttall, 1740 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Howard F. Grow. 1306 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. CAMP FUNSTON, KANS. Gumbinsky Bros., Chicago, 111.. National Products & Refining Co., Ogdenburg, Kans. CAMP GORDON, GA. Gulf Refining Co., Atlanta, Ga. . United States Conservation Co., Butler & Pinson, agents, At- lanta, Ga. The I. V. Sutphin Co., Atlanta, Ga. ...do D. Grafl & Sons, Kalamazoo, Mich. ...do .. -do United States Conservation Co., Butler & Pinson,-agents, At- lanta, Ga. Henry Knight & Son, Louisville, Ky. CAMP GRANT, ILL. Teller Iron Co., First National Bank Bldg.. Chicago, 111. Peter Woll & Sons Mfg. Co., Mascherand Berks Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Inter-State Barrel Co., Rock- ford, 111. Wilson Bottling Co., Rockford, 111. Ingersoll Milling Machine Co., Rockford, 111. Lewis P. Hanson, Home Acres R. 1, Madison, Wis. Teller Iron Co. , Chicago, 111 United Disp. & Rec. Co., Chica- go, lU. Machines. Steel and iron turnings, and iron (cast and steel). Boxes (cal. 30 ammunition).. Machines do Iron and steel, miscellaneous. , Scrap lumber . Machines do Brass, cartridge shells, fired, and clips. Machines .do. Waste paper. Garbage Oil barrels Manure for March. Mixed paper . Newspaper... Kraft paper.. Kraft paper, mixed . Magazines Manure for April Garbage. Tin cans, emptied. Horse hair Barrels, oil, empty Wash tubs, galvanized-iron. Refrigerator Manure .do. Tin cans, emptied... Bread Cooked meat Raw fats and meats. Cooked grease Trap grease Bones Other gar base Dead animals S567. 50 361.93 31.08 1,151.00 1, 050. 00 64.85 4.13 320.00 943.00 10, 938. 40 884.50 651.02 253.81 468.26 290. 85 749. 74 90.08 18.47 54.65 21.33 113. 78 249.68 710. 13 48.95 454. 65 170.80 3.75 5.00 41.21 5.82 52.91 59.65 73.84 30. 10 56.97 20.83 101.20 111.76 3.00 512 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. May 26, 1919. May 20, 1919. May 7, 1919.. do May 23, 1919. ...Ido , do , May 29, 1919. do do May 30. 1919. do ....do ....do May 31, 1919. May 9, 1919.. May 1, 1919. June 1, 1919. do May -, 1919. May 2, 1919.. May 10, 1919. May 12, 1919 . .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. ....do , ....do , May 14, 1919. do , -...do May 18, 1919. May 16, 1919. do ....do May 19, 1919. May 21, 1919. .do. May 28, 1919. May 24, 1919 . May 21, 1919. May 25, 1919. ....do , May 31, 1919. do , ....do , ....do ....do , FORT HAMILTON, N. T. Samuel Levine (Inc.), 1185 Flushing Aye., Brooklyn, N.Y. Cassella & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.. CAMP HANCOCK, GA. J. Goldberg & Son, Augusta, Ga. Standard Junk Co., Augusta, Ga. do R . Steinberg, Augusta, Ga Henry Knight & Son, Louis- ville, Ky. A . Gray, Augusta, Ga L. A. Hamilton, Augusta, Ga N. Reid, Augusta, Ga Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. Jahn & Simons, New York, N.Y. Cal Hirsch & Sons Co., St. Louis, Mo. Georgia Wool Stock Co., Atlanta, Ga. Nassau Smelting & Refining Works, New York City. E. Ness Co., Savannah, Ga FOET HANCOCK, N. J. Metal & Thermit Corporation . . FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, INK. Skiles E. Test, rural route 1, Indianapolis, Ind. Teller Iron Co , HAZELHURST FIELD, MINEOLA, N. Y. Long Island Soap Co., Meeker Avenue and Bridgewater Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. HOBOKEN, N. J. William Reckzeigel, Secaucus, N.J. Frank Knauss, Brooklyn, N. Y W. G. Agar & Co., New York City. do Wm. Reckzeigel, Secaucus, N. J. D. Peters, Secaucus, N. J do Fred Korbach, West Hoboken, N.J. Contract No. 67 Alfred Cirona, Jersey City, N. j J. E. West, Brooklyn, N". Y....! do do Fred Korbach, Hoboken, N. J J. E. West, Brooklyn, N.Y Van Iderstine Co., Long Island City, N. Y. ...do D. Peters, Secaucus, N. J Hoboken Shore Road, Hoboken, N.J. Van Iderstine Co., Long Island City, N. Y. D. Peters, Secaucus, N. J J. Connolly, Hoboken, N. J D. Peters, Secaucus, N. J J. Rogers, Brooklyn, N.Y War Salvage Co., New York City. D . Peters, Secaucus, N.J Fred Blatz, Secaucus, N.J J. Schneider, New York City L. Weismann, New York City . . Products Manufacturing Co., New York City. Cast-iron scrap Sheet metal and stovepipe. Waste paper, mixed Woolen rags Scrap leather Scrap cotton Comforts, second-hand . Garbage Condemned straw. Barbed wire Scrap lumber Tents, pyramidal, large, D . Scrap wool shirts Scrap woolen breeches Skeletons and seams Brass shells and clips Scrap iron Tin cans. Garbage for May. Tin cans Bones. Beef, condemned. Sand Beef, condemned. Ham, condemned.. Bread, condemned. Beef, condemned... Pork, condemned . . Flour, condemned . Barrels Apple barrels Iron bimks Canvas Windsails Lifeboats Bedsprlngs Beef, condemned. Hides Beef, condemned. Sand Beef tallow. Ham, condemned . Barrels Oats, condemned. Scrap wood Scrap rope Garbage do ....do ....do Bones and grease.. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 513 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. May 20, 1919.. do Mav23, 1919.. .....do May 31, 1919. do do , May 1, 1919.. May-, 1919.. May 2, 1919. May 7, 1919. May 31, 1919.... ....do May 28, 1919. May 26. 1919. May 23, 1919. May 20, 1919. May 19, 1919. May 26, 1919. Name and address of buyer. CAMP HOLABrRD, MD. L. Bennett, Baltimore, Md. W. F. Harman, Baltimore, Md. James Gary Cherigo & Bishop, 318 South High St., Baltimore. Sherwood Bros., Bank and 8th Sts., Baltimore. John Page, Baltimore, Md R. L. Machen, Baltimore, Md... ARMY Alrt> NAVY GENERAL HOSPITAL, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Sid Houpt, Hot Springs, Ark. . . FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEX. W. A. Thraiklll, Fort Sam Houston, Tex. CAMP A. A. HtlMPHREYS, VA. Callender Conrad Co., Alexand- ria, Va. T . B . Mason, Accottok, Va Article. Scrap lumber Barrels Tent, pyramidal, large, class C. Tent,p3'ramidal, large, class D, Scrap lumber Barrels, oil. Bones Grease trap. Garbage CAMP JACKSON, 8. C. Henry Knight & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. Powell Fuel Co., Columbia, S. C, J. R. Polikoff, Aiken, S. C Ideal Pharmacy, Columbia, S. C. Grey Rock Springs Co., Bates- burg, S. C. Murray Drug Co., Columbia, S.C. Columbia Waste & "Warehouse Co., Columbia, S. C. W. Herbert Ruff, Columbia, S.C. Garbage. Garbage. Garbage . Manure. . Garbage Dead animals Manure Leggings, waste Queen Hair Dressmg Bottles ....do 1-gallonjugs Scrap burlap Condemned hay. FORT JAY, N. Y. May 9, 1919. May 1, 1919... May 7, 1919... do May 10, 1919... May 24, 1919... ....do May 12, 1919 May 14, 1919 May 15, 1919 May 17, 1919 May 31, 1919 do John T. Stanley Co , JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MO. Century Bag Co., .509 South Fourth St., St. Louis, Mo. Armour & Co., National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, 111. General Paper Stock Co., 7th and Carr Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Hy. Stickiort, 2120 East Wame Ave., St. Louis, Mo. A. Alpim, Water and East Stein Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Hy. Stickfort, 2120 East Warne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. J. L. Reschar, Jefferson ville, Ind. The Leather Products Co., Indianapolis, Ind. M. B. Speer & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Louisville Rendering Co., Louis- ville, Ky. P. C. Berger Box Co., Louis- ville, Ky. O. H. Wathen, Jeflfersonville, Ind. Bones Cooked grease. Bags (bushel feed bags, pota- to bags). Garbage (suet, rough fat, trap grease, calfskin j. Waste paper and magazines. . . Garbage (cracklings, grease, bones). Junk (cast iron, stone plates and grates, steel plate boilers pipe, steel and wrought, steel and wrought iron;. Garbage (bones, grease and cracklings). Kindling wood (waste). Scrap leather Scrap canvas. Dead horse... Boxes Manure 152015— H. Doc. 446, 6&-5 514 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Dato of sale. Mavl2, 1919. MaV 14, 1919. Mavl7, 1919. do do , MavXl, 1919. May 27, 1919. do , do , Mav20, 1919. MavSl, 1919. ...".do May 2, 1919.. May 21, 1919. May 22, 1919. do , Mav 23. 1919. Mav27, 1919. May 29. 1919. ....do May 30, 1919. ....do , May 27, 1919. Mays, 1919.. May 12, 1919. May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. May 22, 1919. May 26, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 31, 1919. May 1-31, 1919. May 31, 1919. Name aui address of buyer. C.^SIP H.\KRY J. JONES, DOUGLAS, ARIZ. Mrs. .T. Cadger, Douglas, .-Vriz. . . W. C. Corey, Douglas, .\rlz A. W. Vanneman, Douglas, Ariz. do: do W. Knglehart, Dongla.<5, Ariz .\. W. \'rtiuicmau, Douglas, Ariz. do do t.5eorge Turyey, Douglas, -Vriz. CAMP KEARNY, CAUF. Mrs. A. W. Lathim, Miramar, Calif. T. P. Tester, 532 Twenty-first St., San Diego, Calif. A. Pomon\nz, 460 Fifth St., San Diogo, Calif. Phil. Seuegrara Co., 617 South Utah St., Los Angeles, Calif. jr. C. Tadloek, San iMego, Calif. San Diego Junk Co., San Diego, Calif. Thomas A- Stewart, Los Angeles, Calif. C. A. Franks, Ocetui Beach, Calif. SOtTTH SAN .\NTONIO, TEX. E . PodeyjTi, South Si\n Antonio, Tex. C. C. Hardin, Terrel. Tex FORT KEOGH, MONT. ,Toe Goldstein, IS S. 16th St., Miles City, Mont. CAMP KNOX, KY. Earl Thomas, 540 E. Ormsby, I-Olus^^lle, Kv. M. C. Triplett, 'fted Hill, Kv. . . . Earl Thomas, 540 E. Ormsby, LouisNille. Ky. J. G. B. H^l;gs,^V. M. Logsdon, J. O. Viefs, W. T. Darnell, and C. Bailc.y, Vine Grove. Ky. Capitol Bag " >.C- Bm-lap Co.", Indianapolis, Ind. E;\rl Thomas, 540 E. Ormsby, LouisNille, Ky. P. M. O'Brj-iini Valley Station, Ky. F. G. Carrico, Vine Grove, Ky. . LANGLEY FIELD, HAMPTON, VA. Thos. Sinclair and K. I. Mason, Hampton, Va. FORI LA\rrON, WASH. Duwamish Gardens, Seattle, Wash. CAMP LEE, PETERSBITRQ, VA. Article. Oat sweepings. Scrap luraboV. . Hay Tent, pyramidal, class C. Paulin, large, class D Tent, pyramidil. class B. Wheels, iron Wheels Lumber, burnt. Gas masks Garbage do": Scrap lumber Tent,pyramidal, large, class B Scrap canvas Cotton rags, white Miscellaneous boxes. Tentage .do. .do. Manure. . Garbage. Roacliings, mane and tail . Hides, horse. Manure Hides, horse. Garbage. Bags Hides, horse Manure Touring cars, Che%Tolet . G arbage May 2, 1919 do Dayton Bag A Burlap Co., Day- ton, Ohio. May 6, 1919 May 13. 1919 Virginia Hide i.t Fur Co., Nor- folk, Va. do Manure. Burlap and cotton bags. G as masks Garbage Dead animals Cooked grease and empty bar- rels. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 515 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. May 13, 1919 . May 19, ....do. ....do. May 20, May 21, May 23, do. 1919. 1919. 1919. May 29, 1919. May 31, ....do. 1919. May 5, 1919. do May 8, 1919. do May 9, 1919.. May 14, 1919. do May 19, 1919. do May 23, 1919. May 31, 1919. May 2, 1919. .do. May, 1919. ....do.... May 1, 1919. do May 2, 1919. Name and address o{ buyer. CAMP LEE, PETERSBXraO, VA .— continued. Maryland Waste Paper Co., Jialtimore, Md. The Horwich, Vltkin Co., Chicago, III. Peter WoU & Sons, Philade- phia Pa. H. RoFim & Co., Richmond, Va. Natural Fertilizer Co., Peters- burg, Va. The Loewenthal Co., Brookljm, N. Y. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va.. R. Goldstein & Sons, Balti- more, Md. D.A.Cohen LETTEEMAN GENERAL HOS- PITAL, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. E. J. Cleary, 2476 26th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. do CAMP LEWIS, WASH. Camp By-Products Co., Camp Lewis, Wash. do H. Cohen, 546 Front St., Port- land, Greg. Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, Wash. J. E. Berkheimer Mfg. Co., Ta- coma, Wash. Charles Harley Co., San Fran- cisco, Calif. do Alaska Junk Co., Seattle, Wash, do Tacoma Junk Co., Tacoma, Wash. . ..do CAMP STEPHEN D. LITTLE, NOGALES, ARIZ. Southern California Metal & Rubber Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Dallas, Tex. Andrew Bettwy, Nogales, Ariz. do CAMP LOGAN TEX. L. Rose & Co^ Rochmond, Va. C. W. Vann, Houston, Tex Geo. B. Palmer, Houston, Tex. Article. Waste paper News paper Magazines , Roachings, mane and tail do Comforts Manure Scrap rubber Cotton bags do Shelter halves, class D B ones Garbage , Garbage Manure , Ponchos and raincoats , Lard, unfit for human con- sumption. Barrels, oil, empty, double- head. Barrels, oil, empty, single- head. Canvas, white (gloves, 1. p. etc.). Denim, scrap (coats, overalls, barrack bags). Hose, rubber Barrels, oil, empty, double- head. Barrels, oil, empty, single- head. Barrels, alcohol, empty Cast-iron, scraj) f wheels, chain, truck rims, etc.). Cast iron Iron bands , Horseshoes , Pipe, wrought or steel , Bags, feed, 5-bu., perfect , Sacks, flour, perfect Sacks, flour, patchable , Bags, mi.tea, perfect Bags, mixed, patchable Bags, feed, 5-bu., perfect Bags, feed, 5-bu., patchable. . . Sacks, flour, patchable Sacks, cement Garbage Manure Cotton and woolen rags , Canvas khaki rags , Cans, galvanized iron Pressure tank, 100-lb , Wire, chicken, 5-ft Ambulances, model 1909, un- serviceable; escort wagons, incomplete; miscellaneous wagon parts. Total sale price. tl22. 65 89.39 73.70 114.00 114.00 1, 000. 00 1,078.34 598. 97 526. 87 L60 270. 32 345. 07 24.00 608. 55 36.96 35.10 34.00 49.72 1, 166. 24 11.90 105. 75 2.00 4.20 520.64 303. 76 45. 15 143. 00 50. 00 19.25 53.05 7.04 18.28 8.04 19.25 105. 15 7.04 .70 39.38 12.80 393. 00 21.38 4.20 .75 .50 60.00 516 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAET]MENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Pate of sale. May 2, 1919.... May 3, 1919.... Mays, 1919.... .do. May 9, 1910... May 13. 1919. Mav 21, 1919. Mav 23. 1919. May 26, 1919. do May 27. 1919. May 31, 1919. do May 2, 1919. May 6. 1919.. Juries, 1919. Mav 2. 19119. Mav 5, 1919.. Mav 31, 1919. ...'.do May 2, 1919... .do. do , May 31, 1919. do , May 15, 1919. May 21, 1919. Ms»v 23, 1919. May 29. 1919. Mav 31, 1919. ....ido Niune anil adiiress of buyer. C.\MP LOGAN, TEX,— COUtd. Louis Kaininsky & Co., Hous- ton, Tex. (la ■ney it Colo, Houston, Tex.. . 0. \V. Vsuin, Houston, Tex C. E. Schultze, Fairbanks, Tex, M. A. Beer, Houston, Tex Louis FTaminsky , 1919.. May 2t), 1919. do do May 26, 1919. May 28, 1919. do May 31, 1919. . May 9, 1919.. May 13, 1919. May 15, 1919. do May 27, 1919. May 6, 1919.. do May 10, 1919. May 13, 1919. May 19, 1919. do do do do do do May 22, 1919. do May 23. 1919. May 27,1919. do MITCHEL FIELD, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Bear Lithia Sprines Co., New York. Francis Bannerman & Sons, Brooklyn, N. Y. Siauuns; Eisner & Co., Red- bank, N. 3. do Loue: Island Soap Co., Brooklyn, N.Y. Fred Roeper, Elmont, N. Y do do FOET MONROE, VA. Z.ebedee Yoimg, Phoebus, Va. . rUESIPIO OF MONTEREY, CAUF. Wm. Callihan, Monterey, Calif. MONTGOMERY, ALA. Montsroinery Iron & Rag Co do " M. Sabel A Sons, Mont!;omery, Ala. do Standaal Oil Co., Montgomery, Ala. do do CAMP MORRISON, VA. National Contracting Co. New- port News, \'a. NEW ORLEANS, LA. American Bottle Co., New Or- leans, La. Milan Morgan Co., New Orleans, La. Adler Export Co., New Orleans, La. Fulton Bag Co., New Orleans, La. Imperial Bottle Co., New Or- leans, La. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. National Contracting Co., Nor- folk, Va. Virginia Bag Co., Norfolk, Va. . . American Bag Co., Norfolk, Va. L. Rose & Co., Richmond. Va... Maryland Waste Co., Baltimore, Md. Lieut. D. T. Yoimg, Newport News, Va. Corpl. L. L. Mower, Newport News, Va. Sergt.E. Ewers, Ne\vport News, \"a. Ser.gt. Carl Hinman, Newport News, Va. Lieut. L. Fanner, Newport News Va. Lieut. F. K. Duffy, Newport News, Va. D. Groft" & Sous, Kalamazoo, Mich. Banks Bros. Packing Co., Nor- folk, Va. D. Knotts Sons, Philadelphia. Pa. Pvt. G. Sullivan, Newport News, Va. John Guthrie, Newport News, Va. Empty bottles... Leggings, canvas. Raincoats Ponchos Bones and fats. Garbage and dry bread. Maniu* Boxes, wooden Garbage. .do. Junk barrels Brass scraps and oil cylinders Iron, copper, steel, and rubber Aluminum. Oil barrels . .do. .do. Garbage as follows: Bread Meat Bones Vegetables Bottles , assorted Oats sweepings Oatmeal, condemned Bags, bran, feed, potato. Bottles, assorted Garbage. Bags, bran Bags , assorted Clothing, condemned. Paper, waste T rimk locker do do do do Gas masks Paper, waste Pork shoulders, condemned . . Bags, assorted Trimk locker Showcase , SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 519 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 31, 1919. ....do , .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. May 20, 1919. May 21, 1919. .do. .do. May 7, 1919.. ....do May 10, 1919. ...."do ....do ....do ....do ....do May 13, 1919. May 1,1919.. ....do do May 3, 1919. do .do. May 5, 1919. do , May 7, 1919. May 8, 1919. May 13, 1919. May 21, 1919. do May 23, 1919. May 26, 1919. do ....do do , May 28, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 31, 1919. May 19, 1919. May 23, 1919. May 24, 1919. do , ARMY SUPPLY BASE, NORFOLK, VA. Virginia Hide & Fur Co ...do FORT OGLETHORPE, GA. J. D. Dobbs, Ringgold, Ga D. G. Elder, Walker County, Ga. F. B. Case Walker County, Ga.. E. D. Herron, Chattanooga, Tenn. Bitting & Hammond, Summer- ville Ga. C. C. Hullender, Ringgold, Ga.. Nortliwcstem Iron & Metal Co., Lincoln, Nebr. Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. Louisville Scrap Leather Co., Louisville, Ky. FORT OMAHA, NEBR. S. Duff, Omaha, Nebr Union Fuel Co., Omaha, Nebr . . J. A. Byrne, Omaha, Nebr J. Lintzman, Omaha, Nebr Atlas Junk Co., Omaha, Nebr... H. Murphy, Omaha, Nebr Albert Koehl, Omaha, Nebr John Gallagher Co., Madison, Wis. Nebraska Iron & Metal Co., Omaha, Nebr. PHILADELPHU, PA. National Woolen Co. , Cleveland, Ohio. A. Salus & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa R. & A. J. Gilmour (Inc.), Phila- delphia, Pa. Mutnick Bros., New York City . M. L. Shoemaker & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. David Feinburg & Co., Chelsea, Ms-Ss p. O'Neill, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . Stoughton Mills, Boston, Mass. . L. Schiavone Co., New York City. Berry & Stewart, Philadelphia, Pa. J. C. Birchell Philadelphia, Pa.. Henry Blue, Philadelphia, Pa... J. F. Virgin^ Philadelphia, Pa. . . Philadelphia Paper Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Chas. J. Webb & Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Scott, Philadelphia, Pa L. Maxwell, Pliiladelphia, Pa . . Levy Bros., New York Citv W. J. Neely, Philadelphia, Pa. . . Atlantic Overall & Shirt Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Walter McKunm, Philadelphia, Pa. PICATINNY ARSENAL, DOVER, N. J. D. Blanchard, Wharton, N. J. . Jos. Joseph & Bros. Co., New York City. D. Blanchard, Wharton, N. J. . Martin Cervenclk, Wlmrton, N.J. Garbage. Bones... Garbage. ....do... .do. .do. Manure . Scrap leather Old cotton rags. Old rags (cotton) Rags (hat cords and socks). Scrap lumber, kindling.. Empty boxes, tubs, etc. Pyramidal tent do Scrap canvas, tents, etc. Floor cloths Tent Aerodomes Iron (stove plates, grates, etc.) Socks, cotton and wool Canned apples Cloth boards: 7ix27" 7ix36" Woolen breeches, olive drab. . Bones Fat Kidney fat Inner tubes Old shoe laces Woolen coats Tires: Truck, iron rim Auto, iron studding Barrels: Double-head Single-head Pyramidal tents, class B Scrap wood Pyramidal tents, large, class B Waste paper Blankets, cotton and wool Scrap iron Scrap rope Scrap wood Aeroplane cloth Scrap wire Brassards, olive drab cotton strips. Pyramidal tents, class B Light scrap iron. Mixed scrap iron Scrap lumber . . . $20. 91 37.72 50.00 35.00 5.00 127.60 23.47 219.00 14.43 60.51 70.00 10.00 9.00 20.50 3.75 151.00 13.00 427.00 311. 30 6, 276. 66 55.30 5.00 63.88 4, 794. 19 .43 9.60 8.24 20.24 22.86 515.59 1, 036. 59 54.84 26.00 24.00 11.00 26.00 110.00 46.20 359. 54 36.90 4.68 4.00 508. 26 2.30 833. 50 23.10 7.00 1,077.79 1.30 .65 520 SM.E OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Contimwd. Srtio No. Pate of sale. Name and address ol buyer. Article. Toial sale price. 2346 Mav24,1919 do .do PIC.4TINNT ARSEN.^t,, DOVER, N. J.— continued. P. Ktuc. Wharton, N. J J, PU'koi-son. Wharton, N. J T l>ro\vn Wharton, N .T $0.65 2247 224S tfo do... . 2.00 2. t>0 2249 2250 do do do May 31. uno do do do do do do do May IM, 1919 May 31, 1919.... do 0. PU-korsou. Wharton. N. J.... .\. Vnoh. Moinit Hope. N J do do 3.25 2.00 2251 C. Ridnor, Wharton. N. J PL.^TTSPURO B.VRR.VCKS, N. Y. F. H. Maoombor, Plattshurs, NY. r>. Tiornoy, Plattsburt;. N. Y... ,1ohn Warroii. riatt.-fbnn;. N. Y. .\, Shiwron. Plattsburs. N. Y... iYank Oamuit, Plattsbiu's;, N. Y. FORT PRKIU.K, MK. Walter 0. Hav. Portland, Me... Paniol P. Oobb, Portland, Mo. . S. Soi,i::or, PortUuid Pier. Port- Isuid, Me. Philip T.ovinskv, 9 Oxford St., Portliuid, Me." .\ A Wood do .65 2252 2253 Garbage 25. (X» 12.00 2254 20.00 2255 2256 2257 2258 do Grass from rt\-!ervation Gtu'bage 1.50 20.00 ltHl tXi 4.41 2259 16.81 .71 Rublvr medical supplies 5;V56 Cotton tilling No. 1 11.73 4.35 9300 1.37 Denlnr coats, overalls, barrack bags. 3.67 .12 Helts, waist, unrepairable .03 14,97 2261 Tent 12.00 2262 RAKITAX AKSKN.\L. N. J. Ooorgo Bromm, Perth .Vmboy. . Gar baste 4.62 2263 46.50 2264 May JO. 1919 do PORT RENO REMOUNT DEPOT, OKLA. El Bene Hide & Fur Go FORT RILFY, KANS. PurUvnd-Sftwtell, Jimotion City, Kaus. ROCK ISL.4ND ARSENAL, UX. Morris & Lewis, Rock Island, 111 . M. ("iros.^man. 560 Maxwell St.. Ohioago. 111. Chicago Leather A MeroaiUile Co.. iSliKiO nth St.. Chloago. m. do 9.50 2265 Coffins 30.00 2266 2267 226S 2269 May 13, 1919 do Mayi:-M919 do Scrap pipe (steel and wrought iron\ Rawhide scrap cuttings, clitv phigsajid strings. Chemical scrap leather New elkhide leather clip- pings. New latigo leather clippings. . . New bag leather clippings New bag leather clippings and cuttings. Biuut miscellaneous cast iron and steel. 1,552.68 71.02 22.50 14 36 2270 do do 15 ''2 2271 2272 2273 2274 do do May 28, 1919.... do ,1. M. Kcrstein. 301 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. do A. D. Harris, Rock Island, 111. . . do 261.68 190.71 607.78 409.34 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 do do do do do do Pearlstein & Rosenthal, 426 Western Ave., Pavenport, Iowa. Wm. H. Teufel, Blue Grass, Iowa. Chicago Leather & Mercantile Co.. Chicago, 111. do do Davenport Iron Ji Metal Co., Davenport, lo^va. Miscellaneous scrap steel and wrought iron. Krag carbine rifle barrel, with bo"lt and stix>k. Old straps and buckles Box containing carriers, pack: haversack.-:, old and torn. Box containini; old cartridi;e belts: scabbards, bayonet; knives, scabbards: belt, pis- tol: bags, canvas. Left-hand tvpewrlter desks, scorched by fire. 1,503.70 2.76 1.60 1.28 1.60 15.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 521 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Namo an'i a'l'Jress of l^uycr. May 28,1919 ■- ....do. ....do. -do. May 31, 1919. May 13, 1919. May 28, 1919. May 31, 1919. May 20, 1919. -do. Apr. 25, 1919. — do ....do May 1, 1919.. May 2, 1919.. May 3, 1919.. ....do ....do May 10, 1919. May 17, 1919. — do May 19, 1919. May 20, 1919. ..do do May 23, 1919. ....do May 24, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 31, 1919. -do. .do. -do. May 12, 1919. -...do May 14, 1919. May 15, 1919. May 17, 1919. ....do May 19, 1919.. ..do., do ilay 21, 1919. May 23, 1919. do May 26, 1919. EOCK ISLAND AEHKNAL, ILL.— continued . Capt. C. W. Schrlcker, Daven- port, Iowa. do W. A. Drayton, Davenport, Iowa. do W. J. Vale, Davenport, Iowa. . . TrI-City Oarbaf^f; Disposal Co., Molinc, 111. W.J. Vale, Davenport, Iowa. . . EOCKWELL FIELD, CALIF. 525 Raneh Co., Kan Diego, Calif. Geo. Shelly & Sons, Han Diego, Calif. ....do SAN ANTONIO, TEX. B. B. Stelner, St. Louis, Mo do do Flnck Cigar Faf;tory, San An- tonio, Tex. H. J. Wagenfehr, San Antonio, Tex. do do Fest & Co.. San Antonio, Tex. . E. Wisentriai, Galveston, Tex. . do Sugarman Bros., San Antonio, J. A. Muchleroy, San Antonio, Tex. Lester B. Ilfeld, San Antonio, Tex. J. D. Nipper, San Antonio, Tex. J. Baroellona, San Antonio, Tex. Joe Rottenburg, Galveston, Tex. do R. M. Hughes & Co., San An- tonio, Tex. Weljster Co., San Antonio, Tex, Louis KamJnslcy & Co., Hous- ton, Tex. do N. Trottner, San Antonio, Tex. SAN DIEOO BAERACK.S, CALIF. Walter M. Sharpe, Otay, Calif. . SAN FEANCISCO DEPOT. 8. Steinberg^ 208 Fremont St., San Francisco, Calif. do Arthur A. Mirfln, Fort Mason, Calif. M. Levin & Sons, 1062 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. Sam Reisman, 1612 i>arlcin St., San FrancLsco, Calif. Paul Cooper, 1128 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. Standard Iron & Metal Yard, .534 Bryant St., San Francisco, Calif. B. Steinberg^ 208 Fremont St., San Francisco, Calif. do M. T>evin & Sons, 1062 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. Pacific Pipe Co., 201 Howard St., San Francisco, Calif. Standard Oil Co., 2(X) Bush St., San FrancLsco, (>o 433.72 1, 5.58. 55 10.00 826. 40 2.00 31.18 .56.01 461.21 343. fW 400.00 138.12 2,37.50 263.55 43.20 505.27 853.99 60.00 22.90 62.05 108.00 116. 13 79.83 477.30 1,006.02 77.25 802.'00 295.. 50 289.20 10.00 22.50 522 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Snle No. 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2235 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 Date of sale. May 27, 1919. May 29, 1919. ....do May 31, 1919. ....do ....do ....do. ....do. ....do. May, 1919. -do. May 1,1919. May 20, 1919. do .do... May 23, 1919. May 24, 1919. May 27, 1919.. Name and address of buyer. S.\.N FR.\.N0ISCO DEPOT— con. M. Lovin & Sons, 1062 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. .do. Chas. Harlev Co., 660 7tU St., San Francisco, Calif. Geo. F. Kehoe, 146 McAllister St., San Francisco, Calif. M. Levin ct Sons, 1062 Folsom St., San Francisco, Calif. Pacific Iron & Metal Co., 109S Harrison St., San Francis-co, Calif. Certain-teed Products Corpora- tion, Richmond, Calif. Walter Schulken,942 Bryant St., San Francisco, Calif. Mutnick Bros., 61 Crosby St., New York. PRESIDIO OF S.VN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Pacific Hog Co., 1520 Evans St., San Francisco, Calif. Board of Park Commissioners, city and county of San Fran- cisco. FORT SCREVEN, QA. Oscar F. Cook, Fort Screven, Ga SE.\TTLE, -WASH. Northwest Junk Co., Vancouver, B. C. Rainier Junk Co., Seattle, Wash J. C. Cullen, Seattle, Wash. Pacific Junk Co., Seattle, Wash. Northwestern Junk Co., Seattle, Wash. Alaska Junk Co., Seattle, Wash. •Vrticle. Brass, heavy, yellow Lead Zinc Rags, canvas, khaki Rags, roofing Canvas, white Filling, cotton. No. 2 Denim coats, overalls, and barrack bags. Socks, white, cotton Socks, colored, cotton Denim, blue Denim, brown Manure Apples, evaporated Bags, bran, perfect Bags, sugar Sacks, cotton, flour, patchable, (OS-lb.). Sacks, burlap, coal, perfect — Canvas leggings, without metal. Folded newspaper Clippings, wool; shirting, olive-drab (cotton warp). Garbage: Bread Bones Cooked moats . Other garbage Manure Garbage • Scrap burlap bagging Old metals, zinc Tires, auto, miscellaneous. Khaki cotton rags Barrels, oil Tackle, chain ■ Falls, chain Linoleum Bcdsprings, single 1 .etter presses Coffee mill, small Hose, rubber, 2-inch Piano, upright Clock, ship,"''Seth Thomas Cast iron Blocks, tackle La^\^l mowers, hand Old metals Rubber Canvas, khaki Cotton rags W oolen rags Rope and mixed string Cotton flour sacks Cement bags Rags, carpet Pots, copper Old metals Cast iron Canvas Cotton rags Woolen rags Rope, Manila, No. 1 Burlap bags Cotton flour sacks Barrels, miscellaneous Burlap SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 523 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 2, 1919. do May 9, 1919.. May l.'S, 1919. do May 19, 1919. do do May 20, 1919. do May 21, 1919. do May 24, 1919. May 2(;, 1919. May 27, 1919. ....do May 31, 1919. do ....do ....do Apr. 1, 1918. May 10, 1919. ....do .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. .do. .do. .do. do ....do May 15, 1919. May 31, 1919. ...do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. CAMP SHELBY, MISS. A. IT. l5ornstcln, Natchez, Miss. K. L. Harper,]r., Fcrrlday, La.. Cahaba & Healy Construction Co., Greenville, Miss. Marathon Lumber Co., Laurel, Miss. G.I. Rund, Hattiesburg, Miss. . do R. L. Bradley, Mobile, Ala Mrs. M. K. Madison, Hatties- burg, Miss. W. G. Mazelle, Hattiesburg, Miss. Lieut. MeKie, Camp Shelby, Miss. Boy Scouts, Hattiesburg, Miss.. Gilohrist-Fordney Co., Jyaurel, Miss. Morgan Engineering Go Cahaba & Healy Construction Go. Mc^iraw Curran Lumber (^o., Yazoo City, Miss. C. f;. Johnston ,YazooCity, Miss. E. L. Fondren, Mendcnhall, Miss. Calhoun Gounty Bank, Calhoun City, Miss. J. N. McMorris, Brooksvillc, Miss. Mrs. Walker, Hattiesburg, Miss. R.L. Bradley CAMP SHEEIDAN, ALA. J. W. Conour, Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. do H. V. Corr, Montgomery, Ala. . . do do Hyman Kraus, Montgomery, Ala. O. A. Johnston, Montgomery, Ala. Ilyman Kraus, Montgomery, Ala. O. A. Johnston, Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. H. V. Corr, Montgomery, Ala. .. Bill Jones, Montgomery, Ala do A. Scnter, Montgomery, Ala B. C. Ehreinrech, Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. A. Ludwig. Montgomery, Ala.. M. Sabel & Son, Montgomery, Ala. do do U. S. Conservation Co., Wash- ington, D. C. 8. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. R. E. Parker. Montgomery, Ala C. A. Mitchell, Montgomery. Ala Lee Jordan, Montgomery, Ala.. Hyman Kraus, Montgomery, Ala. R. K. Parker. Montgomery, Ala G. D. Leverett & Co., Montgom- ery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. A. Senter, Montgomery, Ala. . . Tents, pyramidal, large Tents, pyramidal, large, classes li and ('. Tents and flies Tents . do.... do.... do.... Tent flies. Tent.. do. .do. .do. do Tents and flies . Tents . do. do. do. ....do.. ....do.. Garbage. Bicycle frames, scales . Boxes, grease... Scrap bags, burlap Singletrees and tongue . Grease Nails Mattresses, scrap Galvanized-iron cans and wagon rods (junk). Galvanized-iron cans (junk). . Pans, miscellaneous. . Scrap comforts (rags). Condemned straw Mess equipment, commercial . Leather Vjags Tools, miscellaneous (scrap).. Tent and shelter halves Wagon covers, D class Screens, latrine Ctentage). . Tents, pyramidal, large, G Tentage, miscellaneous (scrap) Rubber bags Manure Cans, galvanized-iron , Tents, pyramidal, large, C. Ash can Ice box, commercial Tin cups Rakes and tools Leggings, mismates (rags). Lavatories . Desk 524 SALK OT SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL T.IST OF SAI,ES: SALVAQK DIVISION— Continued. Date of s:\lo. May 31. 1919 . ....do.. ....do., ....do.. ....do.. Maya, 1919... Mrtvti, 1019... Msiv 27, um).. Mrt'y lo, 1919.. MrtvL'r, 1919.. May 26, 1919.. do do May 23, 1919.. May 5, 1919... May 31, 1919.. Mav-'.S, 1919.. MaVsl, 1919,. .....do do May 31,1919... May 30, 1919. Mav31,1919... May 1, 1919. Mav 6, Mav 7, ....".do. do. Mav 9, Mav 1>, Mav 10, ....".do. Mav 14, ...ido. Mav 13, Mav U Mav 15 ....".do Mav 16, May 17, do. do. Mav 20, ...".do. Mav 21, 1919. 1919. 1919.. 1919.. , 1919. 1919. ,1919. . 1919., 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919.' May 22, 1919. , 1919. 1919. Mav 2>., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Edward C. Wenlt, Newport, Ky. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. C. Faulhaber, Fort thomag, Ky. do ?OET TOTTKN, N. Y. Steam generating set. Refrigerator, large <^>ne-hor»e delivery wagon; one-horse statif/n wagon. Boat, yawl, "IM)" (mfjtor).. Bags, coSee and burlap . frarliage Hair f^roacblngs, mane and tail;. ags Manure Iron (second-hand grate bars). Wool skeletoas and seams Rubl>er ("boots and fihoe;i> Bags 'ootum flour sacks; DeaA Ammals f'oraforters Mixerl scrap iron Old woolen rags (rough cloth, olive^irab shirts;. Cotton rags (socks) — Manila rofje liubbfjr '' motorcycle and auto tires). Tin cans Old metali" 'lead and copper). Iron, mixed , Old cotton rags (roofing rags and cotton socks). Old woolen rags (hats, felt) Mixed papers Barrel?, liglit wood Empty barrels foil, mlscella- nc/iya, nickle k^s). Old metals (brass, llglit and electric light bulbs). Rubber (black serap^ mixcl).. Old cfitUm rags (leggings, can- taB,raK3,ldjaki,cotton, and shoe strings). Paper (sacks, Roar, paper) .'. . . Bags, sugar.perfect,ana sacks, flour, wtton. Burlap, No. 2, old pieces Ixjather arl>age Manure Herman Frank, Corona, N, Y...! Oarlage... Vincent Newman, Bay.side, N.V.I Manure. . . 1 For ttie year ending Apr. 30, 1920. 526 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Prttoof s«Ui\ May 1,1919. MrtY2, Mav 3, Mrtv4. MrtV :., Mav 0, ^frtv 7, MrtV S. Mav i), Mav 10 Mav 11 Mav 12 Mav 13 Mav 14 Mav 15 Mav Ui Mav IT, Mav IS Mav 19 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. 1919.. , 1919. , 1919. , 1919. , 1919. , 1919. Name aiul address of Inivor. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. Mav 20, 1919.... Mav 21, Mav 22, Mav 23, Mav 24, Mav 20, Mav 27. Mav 2S, Mav 2^1. Mav 30, Mav 31, ....do.. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do .do -do do May 15, 1919. May 2, 1919.. Mav 3, 1919. . Mav S, 1919. . Mav 9, 1919.. Mav 17, 1919. Mav 21, 1919. ...;do ....do Mav -22, 1919. Mav 23. 1919. Mav 2S, 1919. ....do Mav 29, 1919. . ...:do May 31, 1919.. ....do do ....do ....do ....do CAMP TR.VVIS, TEX. J. A. Mnckelrov, San Antonio, Tex. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do. ....do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. -do. do. do do do San .Vntonio Sower Pipe Co., San .Vntiinio, Tex. J. .\. Mnckelrov, San .\ntonio, Tex. do do do do do do do do do do .loseph RuMn, San Antonio, Tex. C.^MP UPTON, N. Y. Wm. L. Peek, 14o West 34th Street, New York, N. Y. Products Mfg. Co., 2 Rector Street, New York, N. Y. do C.VMP .VLFREP V.Vn., N. J. Sweet Briar Farm, Eatontown, N. Y. Mrs. l.imbersr, Lons Branch, N. J, VANCOUVER BARRACKS, -WASH. S. Zidell. 2aS Front Street, Port- land, Oreg. M. W. Sejiman, Portland, Oreg.. n. E. Jaeckoi, Porthiiid, Oreg.. ! A. .lackson James Gill, Portland, Oreg W. Gilbert, Portland, Oreg E. A. Keene, Portland, Oree. .. ....do S. Zidell & Co., Portland, Ore.;:. Sam A. Mesher, Portland, Oreg. do R. Nerton, Vancouver, Wash M.GoMMatt, 77S Johnson Street, Portland, Oreg. Charles Harley Co., S.an Fmn- ciscixOahf. N. B. Baker, Vancouver, Wasli.. Various truck gardeners, Van- couver, Wasli. Mrs. O. "\r. lAtuden, Route 2, Vancouver, Wasli. iV'cers and enlisted men of Van- couver Barracks, Wash. Alastej Jimk Co., Seattle, Wash.. Article. Garbage. do do do do do do do do do do do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Trap grease. Garl^ige. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Barrels, vineg-ar. Manure. Garbage. Dead animals Garbage.. Fertilizer. Tents, pynimidal . large, class B Tents, pvramidal, large, class D Tents , \vall , large , class P Tents, pvranudal.lari;e. class B Tent , wall , small , class P Tent , pvTamidal, large, class D Tent , hospital , class P Tent , wall, larce. class P Flv. hospital, class P Flies, wall, larce, class P Tenls.pvTaraidal, large, class P Tents, p\T:imidal, large, class C Tent , p>T>amidal , large, class D Old cotton and woolen rai:s. . . do Tents, pyramidal, large, class B Tents, pyramidal, large, class C Tents, pvramidal, large, class D do..". Tents, will, small, class P Tent, wall, small, class C Old cotton and woolen rags. . . do Waste roofing paper. Manure Garbage Repairing of personal clothing at Government sb.(ip. Old cotton and woolen rags. . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIKS BY THE WAR DEPARTMETirT. 527 BERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAfJE DIVI-ION— Contlnufid. Ditto of sale. Name an'l address of buyer. Art,lfle. Total sale price. May 22, 1919 . .do. do do do do CAMP WADSWOETH, 8. C. Oftllfuss Hakery... liittenbaum Bros. do I » . N . Knott's Soils Bradley Bonded Warehouse ...do do May 20, 1919. ..do. ..do. .do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. SpartanburK Bagging & Waste Co. do Carolina Junk Co . ...do ly. Bloomberg do .r. iJ.Collias Humphreys, Varrian & Bunker, Oreenvillc, S. C. K. Koplin do do Harry fJarrin Hpartanbiirg Bagging Co Butter Bags, feed, 5-hu,, patchablc. . . Bags, feed, .^-bu., perfect Bags, potato, .'i-bu., patchablc Harness, scrap Leather, scrap Bags, flour, cotton, patchable. Bags, burlap, No. 3, scrap. Ho.se Solid tires Tires Canvas cf>t covers Canvas, scrap Canvas leggings Denims, etc 8. J. Fortune, Old Fort, N.C.... L. A. James, Greenville, S. C do do do (1. S. Fortixne, Landrum, 8. C ., I'; amcs t D ean Kdward Orter Frank Johnson J.W. Dean C. A. llagland B. Schwartz, Charlotte, N. C J. D. Collins, Spartanburg, S. C, M. II. Johns It. S. Smithy Spartanburg, S. C. Champion h iberCo., Canton, N.C H. If. Osborne do J. T. Morgan 11. W. Fletcher H . Jackson C. A. llagland, Woodruff A.S. King do O. M. Moore, Duncan, S. C Ceo. J. Marm, Spartanburg, 8. C L. Bloomberg, Asheville do do do A. C. Dillard K. Koplin , Spartanburg Bag X 50'. Co;its, brown, short, imrepair- ablo. Blankets, horse, canvas, rags. . Leggings, canvas, olive-drab, unrepairable. Slickers , rubber, blaok, repair- able. Blankets, horse, blanket-lined. Tei\ts,pynmiidal,lari;e, class B Baskets [ humdry. bad Duck, white, rags Gloves , wool, rags Blankets, wool^ olive -drab, issue, imservice;xble. Puck, khaki, lemmuits, 16-08.. Duck, brown, S-oz., 2S" Duck, oUve-drab, remnants. . . Trousers, olive-drab, wool, civiliiui style. Slickers, oil, unserviceable. . .. Duck, khaki, 12-oz Duck, white, remuauts Boots, mismated, rubber: slices, mismated, rubber. Socks, cotton, white, rags Iron, pieces of stoves, scrap Mask, gas, unservice;»blo do ....do .do. T»\rpaulins, class B, 17 x 31', with holes. Tents, hu-ge, pvramldal. class B. Boots , rubber, scrap Shelter halves, scrap Tents, storage, class C, 20' 5" x 17' 10". Tents, pyramidal, large, class C do do do Tents, wall, small, class C, 9 x9'. Hai'uess, pack, complete set, old. Linoleum, in rolls, various lengths. Tents . pvramldal, large, class B do..." Tents, wall, small, 9x9', class B. A'mung fixtures, pipe, used . . Saddles, McClellan, broken. . . Bridles, riding, without bits, repairable. Comforts, cotton, repairable. . Coats, wool, obsolete, defective Mattresses, cotton, cot, old . . . Tents, pvramidal, large, class B do..: , Comforts, cotton, good Harness, double-set, old Paulins . smidl , class C Cots, iron, foldinir, uniepaira- b!e. Rope, coils and bimdles, ma- mla. Halters, leather, unserviceable. Tarpaulins, large, class C, 17 x 30'. Tents, pyramidal, large, class B Swe;itei's, mixed, wool, sleeve- less, commercial, umepaira- ble. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 535 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAOK BIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 2,3, 1919. do ...do ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. ....do.. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. ATLANTA, GA.— continued. E. Ness, Savannah, Ga Georgia Wool Stock Co., At- lanta, Ga. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. C. J. Davison, Woodville, Ga L. R. Moore, Culbertson, Ga M. E. Snellgrove, Atlanta, Ga... Roper Mule & Horse Co., West Point, Ga. W. H. Orr, Mobile, Ala W. F. McMahan, Atlanta, Ga. Louis P. Hyman & Co., Louis- ville, Ky. Frank Ladell, Atlanta, Ga W. W. Reid (Inc.), Newark, N. Stein Junk Co., Atlanta, Ga. M. D. & H. L. Smith, Atlanta, Ga. Manufacturers Salvage Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Thos. P. Littlejohn, Atlanta, Ga W. W. Mendenhall, Chamblee, Ga. J. L. Harris, Havana. Cuba M. Cohen, Atlanta, Ga Tents, storage, class B, 20' 5" X 17' 10". Breeches, cotton, olive-drab, unrepairable. Shoes, arctic, high, unrepair- able. Socks, wool, light, rags Furnace, heating, da aged... Collars, horse, leather, repair- able. Leggings, canvas, oUve-drab, unrepairable. Slickers, black, rubber, repair- able. Slickers, oiled, olive- drab, un- repairable. Blankets,cotton,un.scrvireable Rope, manila, scrap Slickers, oiled, unrepairabl-?. . , Tents, pyramidal, large, class B. Shoes, field, unrepairable Shoes, russet, unrepairable... Socks, cotton, mixed colors, old. Coats, cotton, olive-drab, ob- solete. Socks, wool, light, good Hats:,olive-arab, service, dam- aged. Slickers, rubberized, repair- able. do Blankets, horse, blanket-lined Tents, pyramid.al, large, class B. do Ponchos, blue, oiled, repairable Tank, hot- water, damaged Ponchos, rubberized, repair- able. Feathers, chicken Pillows, cotton, un-servicable. . Mattresses, cotton, cot, old Tents, pyramidal, large, class B. Flies, tent, storage, 20' 5" x 25', class C. Tents, wall, small, 9 x 9', class C. Tarpaulins, large, class C, 17 X 30'. do do Tenfs, storage, class B, 20' 5" X 17' 10". Shelter halves, obsolete, class B Tarpaulins, class B, 17 x31' Paulins, large, class C, 17 x 30'. . Shelter halves, scrap Tents, pyramidal, large,class B do SUppers, hospital, unservice- able. Tents, pyramidal, large,class B Tents, hospital ward, class B, 16 X 50'. Tents, wall, small, class B, 9x9' Tents, hospital ward, class C, 10 X 50'. Tents, pyramidal, large, class Tents, wall, small, class B, 9 x 9' Bags, water, with spigot, un- serviceable. Tarpaulins, class B, 17 x 31'.. do Ranges, field, old Ovens, field, damaged. 536 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OP SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. ATLANTA, GA.— Continued. 2914 June 2, 3, 1919... J. T. Wynn, Atlanta, Ga Mather Bros. , Austell , Ga Mask, gas, unserviceable «6.25 2915 do Tents, wall, large, class B, 15 X 15'. 90.00 Ponchos, rubberized, repair- 370.00 able. Ponchos, oiled, olive-drab, re- pairable. 460.00 2916 do B. H. Collins, Macon, Ga Haversacks, canvas, oUve- drab, imserviceable. Tents, pyramidal, large,class B 5.00 1,135.00 do J. Edelstein, Augusta, Ga do Blfljikets, wool, scrap 155.00 2917 Brushes, shaving, used Coats, cotton, unrepairable Overcoats, olive-drab, short 300.00 2918 do 6.00 16.00 and lon^, unrepairable. Ponchos, Dlack rubber, unre- pairable. 24.00 Shelter halves, unserviceable.. 375.00 Mats, iron, foot, unserviceable. 3.00 Blankets, saddle, wool, un- 1.50 serviceable. Overshoes, scrap 4.00 Coats, ohve-drab, obsolete. 855.00 wool, unserviceable. Slippers, hospital, rubber, un- 76.00 repairable. Tents, p5Tamidal, large, class B 3,850.00 Tents, wall, small, class C, 9 x 9' 405.00 Grates, fire, unser\iceable 1.25 2919 do Sam Kaplan, Cleveland, Ohio. . . Ponchos, rubberized, repair- able. Shirts, cotton, ollve-drab, un- 1,517.25 1,296.00 repairable. Tents, pyramidal, large,class C. 3,725.00 Drawers, cotton, summer, re- pairable. 90.00 Belts, waist, olive-drab, scrap.. 50.00 Tents, pyramidal, large,class B 6,500.00 Tents, wall, small, class C, 9 x 9' 2,159.00 do.... Wolpert Davis & Co., Minne- do 591.30 2920 Tents, pyr^nldal, large,class C. 10,500.00 apolis, Minn. 2921 do B. H. Collins, Macon, Ga do 1,050.00 12.00 2922 do „.. Mrs. H. G. Young, Atlanta, Ga. . Tents, wall, small, class B, 9 x 9' Tents, pyramidal, large,class B Tents, wall, class B , 9 X 9' 2923 do do Y.W.C. A., Atlanta, Ga 240.00 2924 Col. Boswell, Dillard, Ga 25.00 Shelter halves, unserviceable . . 4.50 2925 do L. J. Kelly. Atlanta, Ga Mask, gas, unser\'iceable New cotton clippings, canvas.. LOO 2926 June 6, 1919 R. Goldstein & Sons, 1162 Scott 176.64 St., Balthnore, Md. New cotton clippings, brown denim. New cotton clippings, khaki, drill. New cotton clippings, blue 15.42 220.87 2927 do Frankel Bros. & Co., Rochester, 118.48 N. Y. denim. 2928 do Georgia Wool Stock Co., 870 Ma- New cotton clippings, duck, white, bleached. 391.46 rietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Old cotton rags, canvas, white, 125.94 mildewed. Old cotton rags, canvas, khaki, 100.94 mildewed. Old cotton rags, canvas, khaki. 140.51 olive-drab. Old cotton rags, canvas, white. 274.49 2929 do Hrman Debrovy & Sons, 326 E, Market St.,LomsvlUe, Kv. New cotton clippings, white... 50.00 2930 do Barfleld Feed Mills, Macon, Ga.. Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- Condemned molasses 61.44 2931 do Iron (cast iron, heavy, chiefly 195.00 lanta, Ga. engine blocks; wrought-iron chains, strictly graded). 2932 do K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. Steel, sorted, No. 1 390.68 Steel, mixed, a small percent- 141.75 age of borings. Iron, wrought i . 20.06 2933 June 9, 1919 The Louisiana Bag Corporation, 3001 Washington Ave., New Orleans, La. Bags (flour sacks, cotton, per- fect, 9S-lb.). 1,762.42 2934 do Ycskel Supply Co., Newark, N. J. Bags (flour sacks, cotton, patchable, 98-lb.). 187.72 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 537 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 June 9, 1919 do do do do ATLANTA, GA.— Continued. Acme Burlap Bag Co., Brool^- lyn, N. Y, The Louisiana Bag Corporation, 3001 Washington Ave., New- Orleans, La. Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., At- lanta, Ga. W. D. Stegall, 123 Coosa St., Montgomery, Ala. Atlanta Bag Co., 348 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. The Columbus Waste Paper Co., 260 Kimball St. Louisville Scrap Material Co., Preston & Wash., Louisville, Ky. Srere Bros. & Co., Franklin, Ohio. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, A.1& The National Woolen Co., 170 Summer St., Cleveland. Ohio. Nathan Savlov, Shamokin, Pa. . Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Smolin & Berger, 1814 S. Robey St., Chicago, 111. BALTIMOEE, MD. Wm. Murray, Baltimore, Md. . . F, T.ynfh, Baltfmnre, Mr| Bags, salt, cotton, perfect, 100-lb. Bags, salt, cotton, patchable, 100-lb. Bags, sugar, cotton, perfect, 25-lb. Bags, sugar, cotton, patchable, 25-lb. Bags, potato or coconut, heavy, good. Bags, bran, good, jute, 100-lb . . . Bags, sugar, jute, patchable, 100-lb. Bags, sugar, good, jute, 100-lb . . Bags, potato or coconut, heavy, patchable. Burlap No. 2 (scrap pieces of burlap bagging 36 x 48" and larger). Burlap No. 3 (scrap pieces of burlap bagging smaller than 36x48"). Old cotton rags (scrap pieces of breeches with brass eye- lets). Old cotton rags (old coats, stripped of buttons). Old cotton rags (scrap pieces of breeches). Old cotton rags, olive-drab .... Old cotton rags (roofing) Old woolen rags (shirts, olive- drab, with cotton warp). Old cotton rags (denim, blue). Old cotton rags(deiilm, brown). Felt, old (Army hats) $6.25 2.03 .63 4.32 72.75 267.30 95.27 36.03 54.72 183.00 2940 2941 2942 do June 12, 1919 do 375.00 20.00 20.40 13 56 2943 do 1,993.75 181.00 4, 893. 00 8fi0. 58 211.19 438. 75 2944 294S 2946 2947 do June 21, 1919 June 23, 1919 June 30, 1919 do June 5, 1919 do 2948 2949 Horsehair (roachings, mane and tail). Horsehair (clippings from body). Wood 637.50 13.41 2.00 2950 do 2.00 2951 do W. Merryman, Baltimore, Md. . J. Niblett, Baltimore, Md do 2 00 2952 do do 2.00 2953 do H. F. Roman, Baltimore, Md... do 2 00 2954 2955 2956 Junes, 1919 June 4, 1919 do E. J. Meisel, Baltimore, Md W. A. Gilley, Baltimore, Md.... Wm. Fenssler, Baltimore, Md... Chesapeake Waste Paper Co., Baltimore, Md. J. McTeague, Baltimore, Md J. W. Covington, Baltimore, Md. Pvt. J. A. Haske, Baltimore, Md. J. McGrain, Baltimore, Md Lieut. D. B. Wimams, Balti- more, Md. T. 0. Webb, Baltimore, Md Poles, tent, upright, large wall. Poles, tent, ridge, large wall... Poles, tent, ridge, small wall.. Poles, tent, upright, small wall. Poles, tent, upright, large wall. Poles, tent, ndge, large wall. . . Storage tent 1.00 .90 .57 .60 1.00 .90 20.00 2957 Jxmel2, 1919.... June 14, 1919.... do Mixed waste paper 7.87 2958 Pyramidal tent 12.22 Storage tent 44.50 Tent pole, damaged .50 2959 Pyramidal tent 48.88 June 16, 1919 do Tent poles 2.00 2960 Pyramidal tent 11.00 2961 Tent pole, upright, large wall. . Tent poles, upright, small wall. Tent poles ndge, small wall.. Pyramidal tent .50 60 2962 do .53 11.00 2963 June 17, 1919.... do do 11.00 2964 G. E. Kirwan, Baltimore, Md. .. D. E. Kemp, Baltimore, Md W. J. Woolford, Baltimore, Md.. Tent pole, upright, large wall. . Pyramidal tent . .50 11.00 2965 June 18, 1919.... June 19, 1919 June 20, 1919 Tent pole, upright, large wall. . Pyramidal tents .50 44.00 2966 do 122. 20 2967 Sgt. P. A. Weibel, Baltunore, Md. do 22.00 538 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Pate of sale. Name and address of buyer. Arliclo. 290S 2909 June 20,1919.... do 2970 2971 do do ?97?l do 2973 do ?974 do W75 . . do 297f. ... do 2977 do 297S do W9 do 2980 .. do 2981 June 21, 1919.... 29S2 29S3 June 23, 1019.... Jimo2i5, 1919.... ?*1S4 do 2985 do 2986 2987 29SS do... do. do. 29S9 2990 ...do. ...do. 2991 do. June 30, 2992 1919.... 2993 June 13, 1919.... 2994 do. June 25 do. 2995 299i> 1919.... 2997 June 26, 1919.... 299S June 27, 1919 3000 3001 3002 May 29, 1919. . June 13,1919.. June 19,1919.. June 21, 1919.. B.VLTiMORE, MD.— continued. C. W. Bates, Baltimore, Md Geo. F. Medina;er, Baltimore, Md. Senator Ogden, Baltimore, Md.. A. K. Chambers, Baltimore, Md. C. Parke, Baltimore, Md Miss M. E. Barrett, Baltimore, Md. J. J. TTurst, Baltimore, Md Rev. R. L. Ransom, Baltimore, Md. Major Schiller, Baltimore, Md.. Capt. S. T. Griffith, Baltimore, Md. Capt. II. C. Owen, Baltimore, Md. O. M. Armor, Baltimore, Md C. W. Young, Baltimore, Md. . . Geo. F. Medinger, Baltimore, Md. do Western Bag & Burlap Co., Chicago, 111. Minneapolis Barrel ct Bag Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Dan W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. Savannah Bag Co., Savannah, Ga. Rittenbaum Bros., Atlanta, Ga. Merchants Bag & Cover Co., Baltimore, Md. I. Bimbaum, Baltimore, Md David N. Knott's Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Brooklvn, N. Y. Gluck Bros., Perth Amboy, N.J. C.\MP BEAXJKEG.^RD, LA. Cal Hirsch i Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Montgomery Iron, Rag & Metal Co.7 Montgomery, Ala. L. Rose ..t Co., Richmond, Va.. Jacob ll.vman, Louisville, Ky... Standard Oil Co. of Louisiana, New Orleans, La. Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Ureonville, S.C. BOSTON, MASS. D. De Stefano, South Boston, Mass. do Nathan Savlov, Shamokin, Pa.. Coleman Bros., Chelsea, Mass. .. Pyramidal tents. Strinsjless beans.. Pyramidal tent . do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Pyramidal tents do Evaporated apples, apricots. . Squash Feed bags, 4-bu., perfect Feed bags, 4-bu., patchable. . Jute flour sacks, patchable. . . Jute flour sacks, perfect Heavy drill bags Rice bags, perfect Sugar bags, perfect Sugar bags, patchable Feed bags, 5-bu., perfect Sugar liners, perfect Feed bags, 5-bu., patchable. . Bran bags, perfect Bean bags, perfect Bean bags, patchable Onion bags, perfect Onion bags, patchable Cotton flour sacks, 98-lb., branded, perfect. Cotton flour sacks, 9S-lb., plain, perfect. Bran bags, patchable Bean bags, D. J., perfect Mixed bags, iwrfect Cotton flour sacks, 140-lb., branded, perfect. Potato bags, 2-bu., patchable. Cottou tiom- sacks, 9S-lb., branded, patchable. Mixed bags, patchable Burlap, No. 2 Burlap, No. 3 , Mixed bags, perfect Bran bags, patchable Gasoline drums, galvanized- iron. Leather do Old cotton rags Old woolen rags, old cotton rags, felt hats, and copper wire. Barrels Unser%-iceable shoes Paper, mixed Paper, waste Shirts, olive-drab. . . Hose, miscellaneous SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 539 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Contmued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. A rticle. Total sale price. June 23, 1919. June 20, 1919. June 20, 1919. do , .do. .do. .do. June 30, 1919. June 1,1919.. June 15, 1919. June 12, 1919. do June 5,1919. June 9,1919. do do June 18, 1919. do June 9, 1919. do May 31, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919.. June 30, 1919. June 25, 1919. June 30, 1919. June 7, 1919.. June 10, 1919. June 12, 1919. June 16, 1919. June 18, 1919. do , June 20, 1919. do June 21, 1919. do do BOSTON, MASS. — continued. II. Aronofsky, Boston, Mass L. E. Knott, West Barnstable, Mass. John A. De Vito, Boston, Mass... Wm. M. Rutenik, New York City, N. Y. P. Corcoran & Sons, South Bos- ton, Mass. Tobias Bromberg, Roxbury, Mass. H. Aronofsky, Boston, Mass , C.^MP BOWrE, TEX. North Texas Swine Co., Fort Worth, Tex. do Ackney Brick Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Kipper Bros. Junk Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Bludwine Co., Fort Worth, Tex. H. I. Duncan, Ranger, Tex Wilbur F. Crawford, Waco, Tex. William G. Carrol, Dallas, Tex. . . August Anderson, Burkbumett, Tex. do Glenn Bros. Furniture Co., Fort Worth, Tex. do CogUzer & Co., Wichita Falls, Tex. FORT BEADY, MICH. George ITatton, Mackinaw Road, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. CAMP BRAGG, N. C. Charles R. Allen, Charleston, S.C FORT BROWN, TEX. Frank G. Gallagher, Browns- ville, Tex. CARLSTROM FIELD, FLA. Gulf Refining Co., Jacksonville, Fla. CHANUTE FIELD, HANTOUL, ILL. A. S. Johnson, Rantoul, 111 CHICAGO, ILL. Brattleboro Retreat, Brattle- boro, Vt. Employees at Hawthorne sub- depot. John T. I/odge & Co., Boston, Mass. Kiley Box Co., Chicago, 111 Lahn & Simons, New York .do. National Woolen Co., Cleveland, f)hio. J. Cohen, Chicago, 111 Wolpert, Davis & Co., Mirme- apolis, Minn. do Iron, scrap Jerkin, leather. Boxes, secondhand Remnants, cotton silesia. Boxes, secondhand Remnants, cotton silesia. Iron, scrap i Garbage Condemned potatoes. Condemned straw Bottles, beer, catsup, ginger- ale, etc. Bottles, champagne, etc Condemned comforts Condemned tents do do Condemned comforts. do Condemned tents. do Garbage. Manure . Garbage. Barrels, wooden, oil. Garbage. Underwear, cotton fleece un- dersliirts and undcrdrawers. Kindling wood Linings, olive-drab, wool luster. Cases, dry-goods packing Clippings, olive-drab, light- weight melton. Breeches and coats, olive-drab, wool, not skirted. Shirts, olive-drab, wool skirted. Skeletons and seams, olive- drab, wool. Clippings, olive-drab, wool shirt, cotton warp. Iron, steel and wrought (old machinery scrap). Comforts, not renovated Comforts, cotton-filled, not renovated. Leggings, canvas, scrap $18. SO .88 150.00 2,974.92 110.00 1,737.00 7.60 205.30 145. 50 105. 93 12.70 3.25 200.00 9, 920. 00 2,412.00 625. 00 234.00 5,644.05 9,171.00 1,712.50 15.00 320. 66 45.00 190. 50 10.00 175.00 10.00 641.41 319. 80 909. 04 1,869.70 10, 298. 02 685. 93 710. 54 10.00 350. 35 5,725.01 124. 98 540 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. June 26, 1919. June 30, 1919. ..do. ..do. .do. June?, 1919. June 24, 1919. do do June 9, 1919. June 5, 1919. June 1-30, 1919. June&-30, 1919. May 19, 1919. June 2, 1919. June 4, 1919. June 5, 1919. JuneO, 1919. do June?, 1919. do June 10, 1919 do CHICAGO , ELL. — Continued . Geo. F. Unmacht, Chicago, III. . . A. Bronstein & Son, Baltimore, Md. H. Rose, Chicago, 111 J. Cohen, Chicago, ni. COLUMBUS, N. MEX. Barbee & Elliott, Columbus, N.Mex. COLUMBUS BAEEACKS, OHIO. Columbus Bag & Burlap Co., Columbus, Ohio. Cal Hirsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo Western Bag & Burlap Co., Chi- cago., 111. Minneapolis Barrel & Bag Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Mortimer Schwartz, Columbus, Ohio. Jay Trowbridge, Columbus, Ohio GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 21, DEN- VER, COLO. Al Johnson, Fort Logan, Colo... FORT DES MOINES, IOWA. Walter O'Donnell, Commerce, Iowa. CAMP DEVENS, MASS. Wolpert Davis Co., Minneapo- lis, Minn. H. Cfutler & Co., Chelsea, Mass. . Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. Bloom Wool Stock Co., Boston, Mass. Wolpert Davis Co., Minneapo- lis, Minn. Atlantic Metal & Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. M. Zaff & Co., Chelsea, Mass.... Acme Burlap Bag Co., New York City. Coliunbus Waste Paper Co., Co- kunbus, Ohio. S. Rawsiter Co., New York City. Tent, shelter halves, damaged Clippings, olive-drab, wool, serge. Brass, miscellaneous scrap, witn foreign material. Brass tubing, yellow, long lengths. Brass faucets Brass, miscellaneous scrap, mixed, red, and yellow. Copper, stamps branding Lead foil, mixed with tin foil. Lead printing plates Garbage Bean bags, perfect; bean bags, patchabie; onion bags, per- fect; onion bags, patchabie; potato bags, 2-bu. patchabie; other mixed bags; scrap burlap bagging. Potato bags. 2-bu., perfect Feed bags, 4-bu., perfect Feed bags, 4-bu., patchabie. . . Bran bags, perfect Bran bags, patchabie Sugar bags, perfect Sugar bags, patchabie Cotton floin sacks, 98-lb., per- fect. Mixed bags Cots, unserviceable.. Boxes, various sizes. Bones... Garbage. Meat Grease.., Bread Garbage. Condemned comforters, sold as rags. Potato bags: 3-bu., patchabie 2-bu., patchabie Cotton flour bags, 98-lb Old tin cans Woolen rags (wool gloves) Condemned comforts, sold as rags. Rags, blankets, olive-drab, wool. Bags, potato, 2-bu., perfect Bags, burlap, 3-bu , perfect Rags, woolen; felt hats. Rags, woolen: Coats and breeches. Sweaters, woolen... Sweaters, gray Socks, heavy, wool. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 541 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Kaie No. Date of sale. 3061 June 10, 1919.... 3062 June 11, 1919.... 3063 . ..do 3064 June 12, 1919.... 3065 ....do 3066 do 3067 June 12-13, 1919. 3068 June 13, 1919.... 3069 3070 3071 June 16, 1919.... June 17, 1919.... do 3072 do 3073 do 3074 June 18, 1919.... 3075 June 19, 1919.... 3076 June 21, 1919.... 3077 do 3078 June 23, 1919.... 3079 do 3080 do 3081 June 24, 1919.... 3082 do 3083 June 26, 1919.... 3084 June 7, 1919 3085 June 10, 1919.... 3086 June 26, 1919 3087 June 30, 1919.... 3088 do 3089 do 3090 do June 18, 1919.... June 20, 1919. June 24, 1919. ....do June 26, 1919. June 30, 1919. Name and address of buyer. CAMP DEVENS, MASS.— COntd. Nathan Savlov, Shamoldn, Pa. . Lahn & Simons, New York City. Giles Barber, Littleton, Mass Snierson Bros., East Cambridge, Mass. Jacob "Wasserman, Boston, Mass. U. S. Conservation Co., Ayer, Mass. Article. Shoes, condemned: Field Marching Old Woolen rags: Shirts, olive-drab. Leggings, spiral . . Scrap lumber Scrap bagging. No. 3. Auction sale of tentage . J. Faber & Co., Chelsea, Mass . . "W. W.Reid (Inc.), Newark, N. J James F. Briggs, Boston, Mass. Eastern Burlap & Bag Co., Hartford, Conn. Coleman Bros., Chelsea, Mass... Auction sale of tentage . Ayer Contracting Co., Ayer, Mass. Auction sale of tentage Train Smith & Co., Boston, Mass Auction sale of gas masks L. H. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. Federal Bag Co., St. Louis, Mo. . Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. B. Feinburg Sons Co., Chelsea, Mass. Wolpert Davis Co., Minneapo- lis^ Minn. LouisvUle Scrap Material Co., Louisville, Ky. CAMP DIX, N. J. W. "W. Reid (Inc.), 9-17 Arling- ton St., Newark, N. J. Peter Wool & Sons., Mescher and Berks Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Bargain Store, N. Broad St., Trenton, N. J. D. R. Lenunon, Browns Mills, N. L Metal & Thermit Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York City. General Mfg. Co., Snyder Ave- nue, Philadelphia, Pa. John Meehan & Son., 915 W. Dauphin St., Philadelphia, Pa. CAMP EAGLE PASS, TEX. Chicago Junk Co., Eagle Pass, Tex. ....do ....do ....do F. O. Weyrich, Eagle Pass, Tex. do Woolen rags (blanket-lined overcoats). Manure: Remount Camp Condemned tentage: PSTamidal Small wall Miscellaneoios Rags, cotton (cotton pillows, white filling). Bags, bagging pieces, No. 2 Rags, woolen (blankets, gray) . Condemned white flour Waste paper, mixed Kraft Cotton rags (gray cotton horse blankets). Condemned tents: Pryamidal Wall Bread , Cooked meats and trap grease. Bones Other garbage Dead animals Condemned tentage, hospital ward. Waste paper, corrugated car- tons. Condemned gas masks Old cotton rags: B ed sacks Blankets, horse, olive-drab Old bags Old tin cans Total sale price. Old cotton rags Old woolen rags Condemned comforters sold as rags. Cotton rags, feather pillows Cotton rags, hat cords , Comforters Mane and tail roachings. Mason jars, 1-qt . Condemned hay. Old tin cans Garbage and dead animals. Manure Scrap leather. Glass bottles , Baling wire , Scrap iron, horseshoes, etc. Soured hominy Garbage $897.60 6,651.61 711.12 10.00 1,749.32 74.72 240.84 142. 23 6, 539. 80 1,131.94 21.75 22.00 228. 56 168.13 132. as 40.62 183.08 1,113.05 47.25 29.62 1,606.64 614.87 251.30 5.00 149. 50 24.89 145.87 21.68 9.49 6,673.50 220.04 1,298.53 1,596.98 1,045.00 37.52 9.30 5,862.50 334.99 41.25 75.07 683.17 2,158.43 623.96 5.86 10.75 18.00 185.03 7.00 11.73 542 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 June 30, 1919. June 6, 1919. Jiune 10, 1919. do Jime 10, 1919. June 11, 1919. June 11, 1919. June 11, 1919. June 13, 1919. ....do ....do ....do June 16, 1919. ....do ....do.. do do June 21,1919. Jiuie 23, 1919. June 24, 1919. do do June 25, 1919. do Jiuie28,1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. do ....do ....do Jmie30,1919. ....do June 28, 1919. June 2, 1919. do .do. .do. do , June 5,1919... June 10,1919.. .do. ELLINGTON FIELD, TEX. Fred G. Matthews, Houston, Tex. EL PASO, TEX. El Paso Iron & Metal Co., 1505 San Antonio St., El Paso, Tex. do do do Star Auto Wrecking Co., 400 W. Overland St., El Paso, Tex. do El Paso Iron & Metal Co., 1505 San Antonio St., El Paso, Tex. Star Auto Wrecking Co., 400 W. Overland St., El Paso, Tex. do do do do do El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., 325 S. Leon St., El Paso, Tex. do do Star Auto Wrecking Co., 400 W. Overland St., El Paso, Tex. El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., 325 S. Leon St., EI Paso, Tex. Star Auto Wrecking Co., 400 W. Overland St., El Paso, Tex. El Paso Iron & Metal Co., 1505 San Antonio St., El Paso, Tex. do Texas Rubber & Metal Co., 211 S. Oregon St., El Paso, Tex. do Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Dallas, Tex. do do do Dan W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. do do do Shearman Hog Co., El Paso, Tex. do do , June 13, 1919. CAMP ETTSTIS, VA. Charles DeWitt & Co., Balti- more, Md. FRANKFOED ABSENAL, PA. The Spiro Electric Co.. 168 Center St., New York City. J. Kiunitz, 2275 N. PhilUp St., Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Iron & Metal Co., E. York St. and Aramlngo. Otto K. Meinning, Frankford Arsenal. John Zitter, Philadelphia, Pa. . . Nassau Smelting & Refining Works, New York City, N. Y. Henry A. Hitner's Sons Co., Gaul & Hazzard, Philadel- phia, Pa. Girard Iron P Metal Co., York St. and Aramlngo, Philadel- phia, Pa. Merchant Shipbuilding Corpo- ration, Bristol, Pa. Ross & Gade Co., New York City, N. Y. Garbage Chairs, old Brass, light Aluminum Radiators Wrought iron and steel Horseshoes, old Stove plates Horseshoes Steel, high-grade Brass Steel, miscellaneous Horseshoe nails, old Ice box Spring steel Cast iron White metal Horseshoe nails, rusty Bags, flour, No. 2 Horseshoes, old Rags, old, from dump Sacks, salt Bags, grain. No. 1 Bags, grain. No. 2 Bags, bran, No. 1 Bags, bran, No. 2 Bags, potato. No. 2 Bags, sugar, No. 2 Bags, colJee, No. 1 Bags, sugar, No. 1 Bags, rice. No. 1 Bags, rice. No. 2 Garbage Dead animals Bottles, empty Machines Scrap tables, Empty scrap powder contain- ers Iron, cast, and steel Scrap closet Burlap, scrap bags Brass, cartridge shells, fired, and clips, .30-cal. Machines Iron, cast, and steel , Boxes for 3-iach field gun material. Boxes, ammunition , SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 543 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 31.58 Date of sale. June 13, 1919. June 17, 1919. June 17,1919.. do June 19, 1919. .do. June 20, 1919. June 20, 1919.' do June 21, 1919. June 26, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do Apr. 12, 1919.. .do. Name and address of buyer. FRANKFORD ARSENAL, PA.— continued. Yarnall-Waring Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Philadelphia Sash Weight Co., 22d and Glenwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Gordon D. Williams, Fuze Shop, Frankford Arsenal. Miller Lock Co., Philadelphia, Pa, Girard Iron & Metal Co., E. York and Aramingo, Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. Depman, Frankford Arsenal. F. N. Richardson Gordon D. Williams, Fuze Shop, Frankford Arsenal. L. Goldstein's Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. Northern Metal Co., 2314 N. 2d St., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Kumitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. Benj. Harris Co., 1359 W. 29th St., Chicago, 111. John J. Zitter, Frankford Arse- The O'Brien Machy. Co., 119 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Herman L. Winterer, 953 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. MUNinONS BUILDING, WASHING- TON, D. C. Monumental Iron & Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. Article. Boxes packing, 3-inch field gun Iron, metallic packing chests. . Machines Boxes, empty packing. Iron, cast, and steel Iron, burnt cast Total sale price. Boxes, ammunition, 3" field gun. Scrap desk Rifle-grenade parachutes do Machines Robert M. Stein, Baltimore, Md. .do. .do. Old metalsCzinc and tin mixed) Iron (tin cans) Brass, cartridge shells, fired, artillery. Burlap, scrap bags Machines . ....do..., Bourne, Serial No. 329 Bourne, Serial No. 332 F. W. D., Serial No. 5120 F. W.D Liberty truck, class B, motor No. 1209. U. S. A. truck. Serial No. B, motor No. B-522. U. S. A. truck, motor No. B- 962. U. S. A. truck, motor No. B-5. White steamer, motor No. C- 503. Reo motor Ten axles and housings Two truck seats Dodge touring. Serial No. 246675, motor No. 298514. Dodge touring, Serial No. 249571, motor No. 301292. Dodge roadster, Serial No. 248253, motor No. 300096. Dodge patrol. Serial No. 248253 motor No. 321207. Dodge touring, Serial No. 190933, motor No. 241890. G. M. C. ambulance. Serial No. 153485. Hupmobile touring. Serial No. 7822. International 1-ton truck. Serial No. 2581. KeUy-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30093, motor No. 6622. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30062, motor No. 6591. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30081, motor No. 6603. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30086, Motor No. 6624. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30082, motor No. 6615. $7.00 61.85 75.00 14.25 578. 49 27.56 28.14 2.00 5.25 1.10 273.00 24.75 27.64 515.28 .75 41,981.39 1.00 654.00 960.50 105.00 105.00 35.00 50.00 80.00 65.00 80.00 80.00 20.00 35.00 61.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 60.00 151.00 151.00 151.00 151.00 161.00 544 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. MUNITIONS BUILDING, -WASHING- TON, D. c. — continued. 3159 Apr. 12, 1919... Robert M. Stein, Baltimore, Md. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 3005S, motor No. 6670. Kelly-Springfield truck, Serial No. 30074, motor No. 6604. Kelly-Springfleld truck. Serial No. 30067, motor No. 6565. Kelly-Springfleld truck. Serial No. 30078, motor No. 6623. Kelly-Springfleld truck, Serial No. 30094, motor No. 6635. Kelly-Springfield truck, Serial No. 30090, motor No. 6627. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30050, motor No. 6584. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30091, motor No. 6628. Kelly-Spriiigfield truck. Serial No. 30079, motor No. 6600. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30061, motor No. 6578. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30066, motor No. 6589. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 6390, motor No. 6572. Kelly-Sprmgfield truck. Serial No. 30092, motor No. 6632. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 3004S, motor No. 6571. Kelly-Springfield truck. Serial No. 30053, motor No. 6575. U. S. A. truck, motor No. B-2. Maxwell toiu-ing car, Serial No. 109718. Napier toiu-ing car. Serial No. 206S, motor No. 3116. Overland Model 75, Serial No. 32920. Overland truck, Serial No. 907. Overland truck. Serial No. 814. Overland, Serial No. BOE 1200, M-435. Republic light platform truck, Serial No. 2748, motor No. 32554. U. S. A. truck, motor No. A-2. White truck. Serial No. 31095, motor No. 11162. White truck. Serial No. 32777, motor No. 15042. White truck, Serial No. 32907, motor No. 12546. White truck, Serial No. 35125, motor No. 13571. Class B motor $151.00 151.00 15L00 161.00 151. 00 151.00 15L0O 151. 00 151.00 161.00 161.00 151. 00 151.00 161.00 161.00 36.00 26.00 50.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 36.00 75.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 10.00 Truck frames 8.00 5.00 40.00 Trailers 10.00 Class B dashes .60 3160 do Boston Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Peerless truck. Serial No. 40685, motor No. 1960S. 186.00 3161 do Acme Garage, Baltimore, Md... Reo truck, motor No. 2352836. . 80.00 3162 do O. Parker Baker, jr., Baltimore, Md. White truck, Serial No. 32179, motor No. 9415. 100.00 3163 do Ralph W. Dwight, Baltimore, Md. Ford, motor No. 925S20 Saxon touring car. Serial No. 26.00 61.00 1713, S2-14937. C.4.MP FUNSTON, KANS. 3164 June 9, 1919 June 13 1919 . Mever Pazer, Salina, Kans Hugh Lally, Chicago, 111 Sonken Galamba Iron & Metal Rags 7.91 3165 Shoes 2,359.00 693. 93 3166 June 20, 1919.... Barrels Co., Kansas City, Kans. 3167 June 21, 1919.... June 25, 1919.... Gas masks 3.00 3168 General Paper Stock Co., St. Paper 49.77 Louis, Mo. 3169 June 30, 1919.... National Products & Salvage Garbage 611. 11 Co., Ogdensburg, Kans. SALE OF SUEiPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPABTMENT. 545 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 June 9, 1919. .do. .do. .do. June 12, 1919. do June 13, 1919. June 18, 1919. June 23, 1919. June 24, 1919. June 25, 1919. .do. June 12, 1919.... June 27, 1919.... June 30, 1919.... ....do ....do ....do .do. June 5, 1919. do. do do do do do June 12, 1919. do June 25, 1919. .do. -do. .do. do do June 30, 1919. June 18, 1919... June 24, 1919... June 27, 1919... July 1, 1919 June 27, 1919. CAMP GORDON, GA. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. G. Mathes Co., St. Louis, Mo Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Atlanta, Ga. Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louisville, Ky. Dan W. Fietel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. David N. Knott's Sons, Phila- delphia, Pa. Georgia Wool Stock Co., Atlanta, Ga. Stein & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Schlesinger-Meyer Baking Co., Atlanta, Ga. Nassau Smelting & Refining Works (Ltd.), New York. N.Y. Georgia Wool Stock Co., Atlanta, Ga. Henry Knight & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. CAMP GRANT, ILL. Teller Iron Co., Chicago, 111 G. E. Stocking, Rochelle, 111.... Cerf Bros. Bag Co., St. Louis, Mo. C. F. Bliss, Chicago, 111 H. Stickfort, St. Louis, Mo Minneapolis Barrel & Bag Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Gold Seal Tire Co., Chicago, 111. . CAMP HANCOCK, GA. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. J. Goldberg & Son, Augusta, Ga. do do do do R. Steinberg, Augusta, Ga J. Goldberg & Son, Augusta, Ga. do Bufffctn & Girvin, Jacksonville, Fla. Standard Junk Co., Augusta, Ga. Georgia Wool Stock Co., Atlanta, Ga. J. A. Ward, Augusta, Ga J. O. Lawrence, Augusta, Ga B. Buck, Augusta R. Collins, Augusta, Ga E. F. Magruder, Augusta, Ga... FORT HANCOCK, N. J. Manhattan Barrel Co., 519 Jack- son St., Hoboken, N. J. FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, IND. Sam Cohn, Indianapolis, Ind Louisville Scrap Material Co Skiles E. Test, rural route K-l, Indianapolis, Ind. Alex. Cohn & Sons, Indianapolis, Ind. Mixed bags Cotton rice bags, patchable.. Canvas cot covers Burlap bean bags, patchable . Bean bags, burlap, patchable. . Onion bags, burlap, patchable. Sugar cotton bags Cotton rice bags, patchable Feed bags, 4-bu., patchable.. Sugar cotton bags Potato bags, burlap, patchable Bran bags, burlap, patchable.. Mattress covers Olive-drab wool coats and breeches (rags). Khaki cotton rags Cast iron Stove plates and grates Steel and wrought iron Pipe, steel and wrought iron, assorted. Butter, print, rancid Brass (shells and clips) Light sheet iron and stovepipe. Galvanized iron Band iron Garbage for month of May Iron (tin cans) Manure Cotton flour bags Garden hose Tubs, butter and lard Potato bags, 3-bu., perfect tar barrels. Auto tires, miscellaneous Old shoes Scrap canvas Canvas leggings, scrap Scrap denim Scrap service hats Scrap comforts Roofing rags Scrap canvas Scrap wool breeches Manure for April and May. . . Scrap iron Com Broken spades and shovels. . . Gas mask Old brick Condemned hay Oil barrels Scrap rubber Auto tires, standard Inner tubes Garbage, June Tires, bicycle and motor cycle Hose, fire, cotton-covered .... 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- -35 546 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE, DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June, 1919. June 7, 1919. do June 12, 1919 June 13, 1919 do do June 16, 1919 June 19, 1919 do June 23, 1919 do do do June 25, 1919 June 30, 1919 do do do .do. -do. June 5, 1919.. June 9, 1919.. June 19, 1919. do June 20, 1919. June 25, 1919. Junel, 1919. June 7, 1919 . .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. HAZELHTJKST FIELD, N. T. Long Island Soap Co., Meeter Ave. and Bridgewater St., Brooklyn, N. Y. HOBOKEN, N. J. D. Peters, Seeaucus, N. J Frank Knauss, Brooklyn, N. Y. William Gizang,Jersey"City,N.J. William Reckzeigel, "Secaiicus, N.J. Blast Fiunace Products Co., New York City. D. Peters, Seeaucus, N. J J. Connolly, Hoboken, N. J Charles Miller Co., Seeaucus, N.J. B. Rykus, Brooklyn, N. Y D. Peters, Seeaucus, N.J William Reckzeigel, Seeaucus, N.J. S. Randnofsky, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Schneider, New York City — International Poultry Co., New York City. D. Peters, Seeaucus, N. J J. Schneider, New York City Fred Blatz, Seeaucus, N.J J. Rogers & Sons, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lafayette Wiseman, New York Citv. Products Manufacturing Co., New York City. CAMP HOLABIRD, MD. Independent Refining Co., Bal- timore, Md. Lieut. M. Knight, Baltimore. Md R. L. Machen, Baltimore, Md. . . Oscar Schaubode, Baltimore, Md. John Page, Baltimore, Md June — , 1919 June 3, 1919 June 4, 1919 June 9, 1919 June 30, 1919. do , May 28, 1919. June 30, 1919. Sherwood Bros., Baltimore, Md. ARMY AND N.4.VT GENERAL HOS- PITAL, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Sid Houpt, Hot Springs, Ark I. Moretzky, 624 Ouaeheta, Hot Springs, Ark. do do E. Lyons, 745 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. I. Moretzky, 624 Ouaeheta, Hot Springs, Ark. Ale.x. Mcintosh, 105 Poplar St., Hot Springs, Ark. E. Lyons, 745 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEX. W. A. Thraikill, Fort Sam Houston, Tex. CAMP HUMPHREYS, VA. Collander, Conrad & Co., Alex- andria, Va. T. B. Mason, Accotink, Va Metal Thermit Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York City. CAMP JACKSON, S. C. Henry Knight & Sons, Louis- ville, Kv. PoweU Fuel Co., Columbia, S. C. LevkofE Brothers, Columbia, S.C. Lieut. James S. Smith, 106th Ordnance Depot, Frankford Arsenal. Bones. Hay and oats, condemned. Crushed rock Sugar, condemned Beef trimmings Pvrites. Oats, condemned Barrels Beef and veal, condemned. Oats, condemned Beef, condemned do Sugar, condemned Potatoes, condemned. Bread, hard Garbage. do... ....do... Wood, scrap Garbage Bones, grease, and offals. Barrel, empty Tent, spyramidal, large, class D Tent, pyramidal, large, class C Trap grease Bones Cans, mUk, assorted, salvaged Garbage Cart, hand Cart, sprinkling Copper boOer bottom Hose, garden Cast iron, heavy Wagon, ambulance... Wagon, escort Garbage Garbage Manure Tin cans Garbage Dead animals Manure Khaki cotton rags Denim rags Gas masks SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 547 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 3253 June 2, 1919 ...do FORT JAT, N. Y. I. Berman, 38 Norfolk St., New York City. do Stove plates and grates $45.86 3254 Brass, light 115 09 3255 do do 103 39 3256 3257 do do N. Szerlip, 408-410 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. do Light sheet iron and stovepipe. Steel and wrought iron Copper, light L80 20 24 3258 do do 27 64 3259 do do Lead, heavy. . . 8 75 3260 do Fred Wagoner, jr., 180 Wallabout St., Brooklyn, N.Y. do Barrels, lubricating oil, both heads and all hoops, 50-gal. Barrels, lubricating oil, 1 head and 4 hoops, 50-gal. Barrels, vinegar, both heads and all hoops, 30-gal. Bones 87 15 3261 do 10 50 3262 do do 18 00 3263 June 7, 1919 do Fred Lesser, 1686 Avenue A, New York City. do 22.19 3264 Grease 1.68 3265 3266 3267 3268 June 7, 1919 June 10, 1919.... June 21, 1919 June .3, 1919 do JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MO. Henry Stickfort, 2120 East Warne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Armour & Co., National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, 111. Henry Stickfort, 2120 East Warne Ave., St. Loms, Mo. CAMP DODGE, IOWA. Harry Gelatt, Des Moines, Iowa. Charles Crary, Des Moines, Iowa C. A. Reynolds, Des Moines, Iowa. Arthur Gordon, Des Momes, Iowa. TeUer Iron Co., First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. Chicago Metal & Rubber Co., Chicago, 111. Ankeny Linseed Manufacturing Co., Des Moines, Iowa. V. R. Daimer, Des Moines, Iowa. S. D. Philips, Albion, Nebr Garbage (bones, grease, crack- lings). Garbage (suet, rough fat, trap grease). Garbage (bones, cooked grease, cracklings). Gas mask 19.61 82.95 13.84 1.00 3269 do 1 00 3270 do do 1.00 3271 Junes, 1919 do Kindling wood 1.00 3272 Tin cans 58 59 3273 do Hose, inner tubes, mixed paper, etc. Barrels, oil 160 27 3274 do 116 25 3275 June 6, 1919 do Gas mask 1.00 3276 . . do. . 2 00 3277 June 7, 1919 June 9, 1919 do Frances Trefetthen, Washington, D.C. Catherine Sladen, Chillicothe, Ohio. Paul Matasek, Milwaukee, Wis. . do 1.00 3278 do 2.00 3279 ... .do 1.00 3280 June 12, 1919.... June 17, 1919.... do L. E. Tiemey, Powhatan, W.Va. John L. Bles, Des Momes, Iowa. . do 2.50 3281 do 1 00 3282 E. F. Reif snider, Westminister Md. Everett Beavin, Des Moines, Iowa. Teller Iron Co., Chicago, HI Wm. McGrane, Des Moines, Iowa. R. J. Green, Des Moines, Iowa. . . Wilfred HiU, Des Moines, Iowa. . ... do... 1 00 3283 do do 2.00 3284 June 19, 1919.... June 23, 1919..... June 24, 1919.... June 25, 1919.... do Tin cans 62.03 3285 Wood 9.50 3286 Gasmask 1.00 3287 do 1.00 3288 Donald E. Powers, Des Moines, Iowa. E. W. Dingwell, Kansas City, Mo. Earle Handerson, Des Moines, Iowa. 0. P. Low, Perry, Iowa do 2.00 3289 June 28, 1919.... do do 1.00 3290 do 2.00 3291 do . . do 1.00 3292 do Mrs. Ernst, Des Moines, Iowa... do 1.00 3293 do do J. B. Redfleld, Des Moines, Iowa. Geo. F. Grout, Des Moines, Iowa John Robel, Des Moines, Iowa. . . do 2.00 3294 Tent 11.00 3295 do ... do 15.00 3296 do Mr. Cooper, Des Moines, Iowa... J. C. Berry, Des Moines, Iowa. . . Tent, Class B 16.00 3297 do do 17.00 3298 do J. B. Redfleld, Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. L. P. Ernst, Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Crow, Des Moines, Iowa do 14.00 3299 do ... do 48 00 3300 do do 25.00 3301 do R. J. Fisher do 64.00 3302 do S. Gillian, Des Moines, Iowa do 30.00 548 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPABTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 28,1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do June 30, 1919 ....do June 1, 1919. June 6, 1919. June 2, 1919. do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. June 12, 1919. .do. .do. .do. ..do... do Jvine 13, 1919. do June 16, 1919. June 30, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. CAMP DODGE, IOWA — continued. O. P. Low, Perry, Iowa J. H. BuUington Robert Waller Mr. Meineke, Des Moines, Iowa. . Empire Construction Co Mr. Bernet Cleveland Wrecking Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. L. Case John Oalllgan C. W. Nebo, Des Moines, Iowa. . . G. W. Hoffman Empire Construction Co H. B. Hoyt Cleveland Wrecking Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. U. S. Disposal & Recovery Co., Chicago, m. JEFFEESONVILLE, IND. Louisville Rendering Co., Lou- isville, Ky. Louis Oman, JeflersonvUle, Ind. Howell & Bell, Louisville, Ky. . . J. J. Grenger, Jeflfersonville, Ind. Sam Wilson, Jefiersonville, Ind. Fiskelsler, Jeffersonville, Ind. . . H. A. Bueter, Charlestown, Ind. Thomas F. O'Neil, Jefierson- ville, Ind. J. Hyman, Louisville, Ky H. Netoflsky, Louisville, Ky Joseph Walz, Charlestown, Ind.. Frank Same, Jefiersonville^ Ind. . H. Debrovry,Lomsville, Ky. . .. G. S. Patterson, Shepherdsvllle, Ky. Leshmer Paper Stock Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. Hyman Debrory, Louisville, Ky do S. Silkman & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. C. Torngas Co. . Cincinnati, Ohio. Frankel Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Jacob Hjrman, Louisville, Ky. . . The National Woolen Co A. C. Loveland & Co., Hartford, Conn. O. H. Wathen, Jefiersonville, Ind. Isaac Minsky do do do do Klempner Bros., Louisville, Ky. T. L. Wood, Jefiersonville, Ind". . Geo. Holzijog, Jefiersonville, Ind. J. B. Austin, LouisviUe, Ky Joe Welz, Sellersburg, Ind G. G. Ballman, West\'iew, Ky. . J. D. Connor, Bardsto'R'n, Ky... Ed. Dryer, Sellersburg, Ind J. S. Patterson, ShepherdsvUle, Ky. L. Grauman & Co., Louisville, Ky. Karl Nussbauni; Louisville, Ky. Jacob Hyman, Louisville; Ky. . . Hyman Debrovy, LomsvUle, Ky. M. C. Marks, Louisville, Ky Sam Cooper, Louisville, Ky Jake Greenburg, Louisville, Ky. Tent, Class B. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Tent, Class C. ....do ....do ....do Tent, Class D. Tent, Class B. ....do Miscellaneous garbage. De i horse carcass . Kindling wood Obsolete material. do do do do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Denim, brown. Denim, blue Canvass, padding. Silesia; cloth, hair. Denim, brown; wadding, sheet; cloth, hair; lining, sleeves. Felt, gray Denim, brown Lining, serge DriU cuttings; duck, gray. Manure . Denim, blue Cotton, olive-drab Jeans, corset Silesia substitute Duck, khaki Rubber, black, old, heels Obsolete material do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 549 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 30, 1919. do do -do. ....do Feb. 17, 1919. June 23, 1919. .do. .do. -do. July 7, 1919. .do. .do. .do. -do. do Mar. 29, 1919 July 30, 1919.. June 4, 1919.. do June 7, 1919.. do do do June 19, 1919. do do do June 30, 1919. do do do do do do do June 2, 1919. do Junes, 1919. June 7, 1919. do June 10, 1919. do June 12, 1919... June 19, 1919 . . . June 20, 1919... do June 25, 1919... June 26, 1919... .do. .do. .do. .do. JEFFERSONTTLLE, IND. — COntd. W. S. Hikes, Charlestown, Ind. . J. D. Johnson, Jefferson ville, Ind Herman Bueter, Charlestown, Ind. Charles Hartman, Charlestown, Ind. Fisk Isler, Jefferson viUe, Ind — P. C. Berger Box Co., Louis- ville, Ky. Chas. W. McCune, Jeffersonville, Ind. J. E . Hooper, Jeffersonville, Ind . James P. Balrd, Jeffersonville, Ind. Indus Morrison, Howard Park, Ind. Nathan Plaut t Simmons, Now York... Missouri I'apor Stook Co.. St. Louis, Mo. Missouri Tout & Awning Co., St. Louis. Mo. Sirockor Bros., Marietta, Ohio. . M. M. Uutchik. Now York, N. Y 1 Bro\m Sl\oe Co FOKT STRONG, MASS. H. Arouofskv & Sons. . . do ; Ferry, Buxton it Doano. Tables, scrap.. Mattresses Pillows, scrap. Scrap br!»ss Short scrap, steel and cast-iron hoators. cialvaui/.oci-iron buckets and tubs. oi\amol ware, and kitohon utonsils. Scrap tubs and galvanized- irou cans. Scrap g!ilvani7.ed-iron cans and water boilers. Scrap tin do do Coffee containers . Winter whojit. Barrels t?as mask Scrap tin Shoe repairing.. Scrap sheet tin . Garbage Bones Cooked grease Other garbage Mixed paper Folded newspaper . Cardboard Garbage. Garbage Empty boxes. Cloth scraps. do Clippings and swooi Wool olippia,s:a Waste papor Cotton ronniauts Wool romnants Wool ami ootlou remnants. Sweepings Clippings, duck, O. D Cast iron , heavy , Stove plates and grates , Steel and wrought iron l,ight sheet iron and stove- pipe. 1 Collected on account of unauthorized sale by Browu Shoe Co., Moberlv factory, during March, 1919. Information regarding which was not received by this division until June, 1919. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 567 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE LIVLSION— Continuod. Dale of sale. June 17, 1919. do do Juno 28, 1919. June 5, 1919. do do June 6, 1919. June 9, 1919.. do June 10, 1919. June 11, 1919. June 12, 1919. do June 14, 1919. do June l(i, 1919. do do June 17, 1919. Juno 21, 1919. June 25, 1919. June 10, 1919. do June 11, 1919.. June 12, 1919. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. do June 19, 1919. June 30, 1919. do June 19, 1919. June 1, 1919. June June June Juno June June June June June June 2, 1919.. 3, 1919.. 4, 1919.. 5, 1919.. (i, 1919.. 7, 1919. . 8, 1919.. 9, 1919.. 10, 1919. 11, 1919. Name and address of buyer. FORT .STRONG, MASS. — COntd. n. Cottier & Sons. Jolm If allot I'orry, I'.u.xton & Doane. II. T. Fcinborg CAMP ZACHARY TAYLOR, KY. Ifyman Dobrovy & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. do , do I'rico-Vogt Stock Feeding Co., fjouisville, Ky. Cal ilirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. do Louisville Scrap Material Co., fyouisville, Ky. Jacob Liivy & liros., Louisville, Ky. "^ ' Klcmpner Bros., Louisville, Ky. do Chas. R. Allen, Cbaricston, S. C. Chas. R. Busatii, Uuechcl, Ky., Jacob Ilyman, Louisville, Ky.. do .do. Pero Si Stoecker, LTjuisville, Ky Klompner Bros., Louisville, Ky Miscellaneous buyers FORT THOMAS, KY. C. L. Hila Co., Cincinnati, Oiiio Dave Lucas, Covington, Ky A. Wateisky, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miami Cleaning Co., Hamilton, Ohio. J. Revcison Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, do ....do .do. -do. .do. Marion M. Allen Co., Newport, C. Faulhaber, Fort Thomas, Ky. .do. FOHT TOTTEN, N. Y. Herman Frank, Corona, N. Y... Vincent Newman, Bayside, N. Y. Tony Lagrcga, Corona, N. Y.... CAMP TRAVIS, TEX. J. A. Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Article. Total sale price. A rctics, untrimmed Itubber boots and slioes 1 f oso, fire, cotton-covorcd . . , Hose Cast-iron .smooth-bore guns. Shoes, condemned Jute flour saclcs, perfect , Burlap Cotton rags. Garbage Scrap leather Ra^s, cotton khaki, and ieg- gms. Bean bags, perfect Jute flour sacks, perfect . Iron Woolen rags (shirts, gray) Manure Oats and bran sweepings fron ('shoot and galvanized). . Cotton rags (denim, roofing rags, socks). Manila rope Dead animals Mixed waste paper Scrap lumber, trunk lockers.. Barrels, light wood Old metals (brass electric-light bulbs;. Leather Chorse and mule col- lars). Old russet shoes Old cotton rags (canvas leg- gings). Iron, mixed Old metals (bra.ss and lead). ., Rubber fflre ho.se, cotton-cov- ered hose). Old cotton rags (cotton filling. No. 1 khaki cotton rags. Denim cotton rags). Old woolen rags (gloves, oUve- drab). Paper, mixed Bags (cement sacks, cloth) Garbage. Manure . , Garbage. Manure. Bottles, glass. Garbage. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 568 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4117 June 12, 1919.... June 13, 1919.... June 14, 1919 June 15, 1919.... June 16, 1919.... June 17, 1919.... June 18, 1919.... June 19, 1919.... June 20, 1919 CAMP TRAVIS, TEX.— continued. J. A. Muckleroy, San Antonio, Tex. do Garbage Sll. 03 4118 do... 11.76 4119 do do 9.46 4120 do do 5.21 4121 do ...do 12 93 4122 do do 13.80 4123 do . ...do 24. 72 4124 do do 17.85 4125 do do 17.56 4126 June 21, 1919 do . ...do 16 33 4127 June 22, 1919 do do 5.12 4128 June 23, 1919 do do.. .. 20 60 4129 June 24, 1919 do do 16.10 4130 June 25, 1919 do do . 19.51 4131 Jtme26, 1919 do do 13 67 4132 June 27, 1919 do do 14.78 4133 June 28, 1919 do ....do . 14 84 4134 June 29, 1919.... do do 3.92 4135 June 30, 1919 do do 18.73 4136 do E. A. Braun, Anvllle, Tex San Antonio, Tex 20 00 4137 June 17, 1919.... June 27, 1919.... June 23, 1919.... June 26, 1919.... June 23, 1919.... June 26, 1919.... June 27, 1919.... do Trap grease 2.31 4138 4139 4140 CAMP UPTON, N. T. Dan. W. Feital Bag Co., Clai- borne and Erato Sts., New Orleans, La. Acme Burlap Co., Waterbury St., Brooklyn, N. Y. S. Schik, 1360 Boston Road, New York, N. Y. Fulton Bags & Cotton Mill, 330 Wythe Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. David N. Knott's Sons, 104 Cal- lohill St., Brooklyn, N. Y. American Bag Co., 158 Clierry St., New York, N. Y. J. Wagner, 180 Wallabout St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Products Mfg. Co.. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. do .... Bags (bran bags, feed bags) . . . Bags (onion bags, potato bags, cotton flour bags). Bags (feed bags) 381.50 881.13 934.96 4141 do 360.50 4142 4143 Bags (bran bags, other mixed bags). 127. 52 4.00 4144 295.00 4145 July 1,1919 do Garbage 611.84 4146 Dead animals 3.00 4147 do Wm. L. Peck, 145 East 34th St., New York, N. Y. VANCOUVEE BARRACKS, WASH. J. McGill, Portland, Oreg W. Monnette, Vancouver, Wash. Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg 401.94 4148 4149 June 2, 1919 do Tents, pyramidal, large, class D 8.00 13.00 4150 do do 16 03 June 3, 1919 do do 15.00 do 24.00 4151 Tents, pyramidal, large, class C, Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do 15.00 28.00 June 5, 1919 do 22.00 4152 Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do 7.50 36.00 do June 6, 1919 June 7, 1919 B. Seaman, Portland, Oreg Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg do 85.00 do 54.00 Tents, pyramidal, large, classC. Tents, pyramidal, large, class B do 90.00 25.00 30.00 4153 4154 Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do 21.00 68.00 120.00 do 201.50 Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, pyramidal, large, class B do 88.00 37.50 30.00 4155 Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do 44.00 June 9, 1919 do 71.50 Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, pyramidal, large, class B do 90.00 37.50 15.00 4156 Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do 120.00 137. 50 Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do - 119.00 67.50 Tents, pyramidal, large, class B do 87.50 45,00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 569 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 June 10, 1919. do June 11, 1919. June 14, 1919. June 19, 1919. June 20, 1919. June 21, 1919. June 23, 1919. June 24, 1919. do June 26, 1919. do June 27, 1919 June 28, 1919 June 30, 1919 do do June 10, 1919. June 12, 1919. June 15, 1919. June 18, 1919. Jiuie20, 1919. June 22, 1919. June 24, 1919. June 26, 1919. do June 30, 1919. do June 1, 1919 do do TANCOUVEB BARRACKS, WASH.— continued. Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg.. . B. Jensen, Portland, Oreg Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg. J. P. Graham, Portland, Oreg... A. B. Chandler, Sheridan, Oreg, C. L. Hall, Vancouver, Wash. . . Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg W. L. Fowler, Portland, Oreg... R. S. Gillis, Vancouver, Wash.. Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg L. E.Womom, Vancouver, Wash Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg L. Adams, Portland, Oreg... Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg. Mrs. G. W. Lowden, Vancouver, Wash. Officers and enlisted men of Van- couver Barracks, Wash. Various truck gardeners, Van- couver, Wash. CAMP WADSWOETH, S. C. William J. Cocke ....do... WALTER REED GENERAL HOS- PITAL. Washington Junk Co., 415 4J St. SW., Washington, D. C. Post Exchange, Walter Reed General Hospital. Washington Junk Co., 415 4^ St. SW., Washington, D. C. R. T. Lane, 6690 Georgia Ave., Washington, D. C. John Garvey, 2515 Blair Road, Washington, D. C. William F. Gude, Lamond Sta- tion, D. C. Lieut. Col. Seall Harris, Walter Reed General Hospital. Robert C. Tucker, Walter Reed General Hospital. Capt. J. D. L. McPhieters, Wal- ter Reed General Hospital. M.P.Callaghan,ChevyChase,Md. WASHINGTON, D. C. Summer Outings Committee, 923 H St. NW. Nathan Savlov, Shamokia, Pa- . Columbus Waste Co., 268 Kim- ball St., Columbus, Ohio. S. Goldman, Chicago, 111 Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do .....do Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do Tents, pyramidal, large, class B Fly, storage, class D Fly, wall, large, class D Fly, wall, small, class D Tents, wall, large, class D Tent, wall, small, class D Tents, pyramidal, large, class D do Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tent, pyramidal, large, class B . Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do Tents, pyramidal, do Tents, pyramidal, do. do. do. large, class D large, class C. Scrap lumber Tents, pyramidal. Tents, pyramidal, do do Refrigerators Tents, pyramidal, do Tents, pyramidal, do do do do Tents, pyramidal. Tents, pyramidal, do large, class D large, class C. large, class D large, class C. large, class D large, class C. Repairing of personal clothing at Goverimient shop. Manure Garbage Bread, garbage. Bottles Bottles, ginger-ale Paper and magazines. Boxes and crates do do Shoes, repaired do .do. Barrels, tar, oil, and vinegar. Mattresses Gloves Woolen underwear Mattresses. 570 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Junes, 1919. .do June 4, 1919. ..do ..do June 6, 1919. do do do .do .do .do .do .do ..do June 10,1919. .do .do. .do. ...do.. ...do.. -.do ...do ...do do June 14, 1919. .do. June 17, 1919. do do do do do June 18, 1919. do do do do do do do do do do do do WASHINGTON, D. c— Continued. Lieut. Newbold, 608 Quincy St., N\V., Washington, D. C. A. G. Speekman, 213 10th St.NW. C. L. Nichols, 3413 P St. NW. . . . Lieut. Ale.\ander, S. G. O., Washington, D. C. Boy Scouts, Troop 53, Washing- ton, D. C. M. R. Oox, 31st and K Sts. NW. . Geo. Bryant, Gatewood, D. C... Maj. Browning, U. S. A Lieut. Coleman, Camp Meigs, D.C. Maj. Lamborn, Braclmey, Pa.... C. B. McCurdy, 134 Bryant St. NW. J.D.Hall M. C. Jackson, 11 N Street NW.. Robert King, 3d and Randolph Place NE. B. G. Cope, 415 Exchange Place, Baltimore, Md. J. H. Dumlng, 2109 G St. NW... E. G. Speekman, 461 G St. SW.. J. Walsch, 202 E. Capitol St Leaman Paper Co., 2005th Ave., New York Citv. Sergt. Moore, 1840 California St., City. Capt. W. I. G. Perry, 417 E. Capitol St. W. M. Foster, 920 M St Lieut. Wallis, 733 Shepard St... M. R. Cox, 31st and KSts. NW. Capt. J. E. Moore, 516 Taylor St. NW. Bell Bag Co., 63 Front St., New York City. Bell Bag Co., New York City . . A. E. Cox, 31st and K E. G. Graham, 1330 New York Ave. E. Mulling, 133 Rhode Island Ave. J. K. Hobson, Richmond, Va... Ownen Sparks, 329 E. StNW... Engineer Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Geo. Bruns, Glen Echo Joseph Rabbitt, 2725 Euclid St. . Capt. Bell, 1710 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lieut. Alexandria S. G. O L. E. Bornam, 2323 Pennsylva- nia Ave. NW. Gospel Mission, 216 Jolin Mar- shall Place. L. T. Lcudlew, 606 Pennsylva- nia Ave. SE. E. H. Vermillion, Washington, D.C. E. G. Skinner, Soldiers' Home, District of Columbia. E. T. MulUn, 133 Rhode Island Ave. S. G. Hollens, 531 4th St. NW... E. T. Muldoom C. C. Harwood, Washington, D.C. Tent, pyramid . Tent, class C . Tent, class B. Fly, class B . . Tent, pyramid, class B. do do do Fly, small, class C. Pyramid tent, class B. . Shelter halves Pyramid tent. Class B . Shelter halves Tent, pyramid, class B. Tent, class D Tent, pyramid, class B. Shelter halves Tent, pyramid, class B. Tent, class D Tent, pyramid, class B. do .do. Tent, class B Tent, pyramid, class B. do Fly, small, class C do Tent, pyramid, class B. Feed bags, 5-bu., patchable. Feed bags, 4-bu., perfect Mixed bags, patchable Feed bags, 4-bu., patchable. Mixed bags, perfect Jute flour sacks Cotton flour sacks Onion bags, patchable Cotton flour sacks, perfect. . . Potato bags, patchable Sugar bags, patchable Sugar bags , perfect Tent, pyramid, small, D Tent, small, wall, class C Fly, small, class C Tents wall, class C Fly, class C Tent, pyramidal, class B Shelter halves, class C Pyramid tents, class B Tent, small, class C Tent, pyramid, class B. do Tent, pyramidal Tents, pyramidal, class C. Pyramidal tent, class B . . . do -do. Tent, unserviceable Wall tents, class C Fly, small, class C Tent, pyramidal, class C . . Fly, class C Tents, pyramidal Tents, pyramidal, class B . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 571 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4235 June 19, 1919.... do . . do ■WASHINHTON, D. C— COn. B. Wollberg, 222 New York Ave. Jos. P. Germlller, 4103 Cth St. NW. R. T. Shelton Washington, D. C. W. G. Hare, Branch ville, Md . . . John Wignall, 1336 Newton St. N. E. J. H. Mutchler, 3138 M St. NW. . H. J. Mutchler, Washington, D. C. Jos. Panholzer, 3d and Ran- dolph Place NE. Gospel Mission Blue-print machine S8. 50 Iron cots 13 00 15. 50 Rope 7.00 Harness 25.00 38 12 Blank books 16 00 do 21.00 do 19. .50 Blankets, gray 2 062.50 4236 Case 2 75 Telescope .75 Doors 2.00 4237 Files 15.00 . . do Books, miscellaneous 12.30 Chests 2.00 Desk 1.00 4238 Case 20.00 . do Shelving 20.00 Desk 1.00 4239 Wood 4.50 do Buckets 2.05 Canvas 1.50 Wheelbarrow 4.00 Wood 4.50 Lawn mower 1.00 Stovepipe 10.64 4240 Canvas 2.50 do Trunk .30 Wardrobes 2 25 Picture frames 1.50 4241 Table .50 do Locker trunk .30 Small desk .50 Locks .50 4242 Iron pan .25 4243 . . do Trunk 3.00 do H. Baum & Son, 920 Pennsyl- vania Ave. NW. E. G. Sickle, Washington, D. C. Nelson Keith, 218 H St. NW. . . . Mrs. Charles Baysforer, Omaha, Nebr. E. G. Skinner, Soldiers' Home.. Jessie Kerig, 1262 Union St. SW. . M. T. Heely, 1319 Pennsylvania Ave. SE." Wm. Kubitz, Washington, D. C. Louis C. Moog, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. I,ouis C. Grossberg, 517 K St. NW. Peerless Tire Co 8.50 4244 Bed springs 1.40 do do File case 7.50 Table 3.00 10.50 Shelving 5.00 Wheels 3.25 Files -. 3.00 LOO Glass doors 2.60 4245 Dictionarv stand .45 Fiber cases 4.30 4246 Refrigerator .50 do do ... . .50 4247 Gasmask 1.00 4248 Lockers 2.25 .. .do Tables 1.00 Trunk 2.00 4249 Ice box 4.00 do ... Boxes 2.00 Stand drawers 2.00 42S0 Cabinets 10.00 do do .do Pots 1.00 4251 Plumber's furnace .75 Stand .75 4252 Motorcycle tires 3.68 4253 Tires, standard 32.00 4254 4255 June 23, 1919 do Capt. R. E. Chenney, 1821 On- tario Place. M C. Wallace, 1418 I St. NW. . . Tent, pyramid, class C .do 15.00 48.00 4256 do Lieut. Rodgers, 2815 Jackson St., Philadelphia, Pa. International Fireworks, Jersey City, N. J. Luke Ludlow, House Office Bldg. E. V. Mooney, Holy Cross Col- lege, Brookland, Md. Tent, pyramid, class B Tent, pyramid, class C Fly, small 15.00 4257 do 26.00 4258 .do 3.63 do Shelter halves 6.00 4259 Tents , pyramidal, class C Shelter halves 4.5.00 20.00 Fly, class C 5.00 572 SALE OF SURPLITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continucd. Siile No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4260 Juno 10, 1919 June 10, 1919.... do WATERVLIET AKSENAL. Klein Waste Products Co CAMP WHEELER, GA. W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga do Magazines $5 0& 4261 Slickers 51 00 4262 Shoos 200 00 4263 do do 31 00 4264 do do 41 00 4265 do do 43 00 4266 do do Tinware 21 00 4267 do do 5. TiO 4268 do do 8 50 4269 do do 165 75 4270 do do 308 ,'^5 4271 do do A. C. Gledhill, Macon, Ga do Moris 1 00 4272 18 50 4273 do do 00 QQ 4274 do do 2 00 4275 do do Tools 45 00 4276 do Jacob Hirsch, Macon, Ga do Scrap leather 31 00 4277 do .. ..do 25 00 4278 do do Boilers and covers 11 00 4279 do do Cabinet 3 50 4280 do do Sibley stoves and grates Hair, horse and mule 31.00 4281 do do E. Ness, Macon, Ga 12 50 4282 do Rope, manila, hardware grade. 250. 00 4283 do do 30.00 4284 do do Boots, rubber 50 00 4285 do do T. W. Hooks, Macon, Ga do 35 00 4286 Wauons 275 00 4287 do do Saddles. McClellan 50.00 4288 do do Covers, horse 25 00 4289 do .. ..do Bridles 15 00 4290 do do Covers, horse 8.00 4291 do .. ..do Cots, steel 97 50 4292 do do Knives, forks, and spoons Spades 14.00 4293 do do 6 00 4294 do .. ..do Forks 6 00 4295 do do Rakes 25.00 4296 do do Pitchforks 70 00 4297 do . ..do Shovels 5 00 4298 do do Chairs 34 00 4399 do do Tent, small vrall, class C Mattresses Tents, pyramidal, class C 16.50 4300 do do 81.00 4301 do do 1,037 50 4302 do '..... J. l^acker, Macon, Ga 266.00 4303 do Geo. Thoma'^. Macon, Ga K. Koplin Macon, Ga . 4.00 4304 do Handcarts 5 OO 4305 4306 do do do do Mess kits, cups, aluminum CaViinets 68.50 11.00 4307 do do Canvas, side-arm belts 22.00 4308 do do Burlap, scrap 45.00 4309 do . ..do Rubber heels, shoe 3.50 4310 do do 3. 25 4311 do do 10.00 4312 do . ..do 8.50 4313 do do Iron (scrap and ammunition packing cases'). Iron (biiluis: wire, scrap) Flies, toot, class C Tents, pyramidal, class C 8.00 4314 do do 2.00 4315 do do 27.00 4316 do do 965. 60 4317 B. H. Collins, Macon, Ga do 63 00 4318 do 102.85 4319 do do Feather pillows 8.75 4320 do do Spades . . . 15.50 4321 do do 36.00 4322 do do Buckets, galvaiiized-iron Cots, gold medal 141.00 4323 do do , 357.05 4324 do do R. L. Harrison, Macon, Ga do Roofliig, tar-paper 19.00 4325 Forge.. 23.00 4326 do do 4.50 4327 do J. It. Harwell, Macon, Ga do 16.00 4328 do 6.50 4329 do do Lanterns, Dietz. . . . 3.20 4330 do do Nails 16.00 4331 do do 11.05 4332 do do do J. D. Chadborn, Macon, Ga A, C. Gledhill, Macon, Ga do 25.00 4333 Bax 1.00 4334 Iron, scrap 20.00 4335 do do Wagon 17.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE' WAR DEPARTMENT. 573 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. June 10,1919. do do do do do do do do do June 23, 1919. June 10, 1919. June, 1919. June 14, 1919. June 17, 1919. June 2, 1919.. June 17, 1919. June 30, 1919. do June 30,1919... July 31, 1919. July 7, 1919. do do , July 14, 1919. do July 28, 1919. July 2, 1919.. July 12, 1919. do do July 21, 1919. Name and address of buyer. CAMP WHEELER, OA.— CODtd. C. D. Harrison, Macon, Qa. C. A. Allen, Maeon, Ga. T. K. Tidwcll Macon, Ga. Willie Jones, Macon, Ga. . S. Saloom, Macon, Ga Henry Land, Macon, Ga. . J. O. Walker, Macon, Ga.. J. T. Stephen, Macon, Ga. T. W. Hoolcs, Macon, Ga. J. Backer, Macon, Ga D. Witman, Macon, 'ia... T. W. Hooks, Macon, Ga. WHIPPLE BARRACKS, ARIZ. R. Niederer WILBUR WRIGHT AIR SERVICE DEPOT, FAIRFIELD, OHIO. Israel Bros., Davton, Ohio. Wolf Co., Hamilton, Ohio.. Cerf Bros. Bag Co., St. Louis, Mo. Alex Cohen's Sons, Indianapolis, Ind. FORT WORDEN, WASH. P. J. McCullem, Port Town- send, Wash. William Haley, Port Town- send, Wash. FORT H. G. WRIGHT, N. T. Fisher Island Farms (Inc.), Fishers' Island, N. Y. ALCATRAZ, CALIF. Pacific Hog Co., Evans Ave. and Mendel St., San Francisco, Calif. FORT ETHAN ALLEN, VT. H. Iby, Colchester Standard Oil Co. of New York. . A. J. Crandall, p:.sse.x Junction, Vt. Arthur J. Parizo, Winooski, Vt. Ferdinand Boehmer John l;uff& Co ATLANTA, GA. Georgia Wool Stock Co., 870 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills,At- lanta, Ga. The Hardin Bag Co., 210 S. Peters St., New Orleans, La. I. Melnick, 400 Decatur St., At- lanta, Ga. Jacksonville Provision Co., 102 Broad St,, Jacksonville, Pla. Article. Wagon Tents, pyramidal, class C. Tools Coal llclrigcrator Blankets, saddle Hose, rubber Chair, barber Wagon Galvanized iron cans Scrap tentage Poles, tent Garbage Copper wire. No. 2 Aluminum, painted sheets Aluminum, wire Cotton Dour saclis Lead cable Manure Garbage Garbage Dry garbage Garbage Oil barrels. Hay do.. do.. Paulins. Wall fly. Old cotton rags (roofing) Bags, feed, patchable, 31 x 40", .5-bu. Bags, feed, good, 31 x 40", .5-bu. Bags,feed,good, 28,29,30 x 40", 4-bu. Bags, feed, patchable, 28, 29, 30 X 40", 4-bu. Bags, bran, patchable, 24 x 40", 3-bu. Burlap, No. 3 (scrap pieces of burlap bagging smaller than 30 X 48"). Burlap, No. 2 (scrap pieces of burlap bagging 30 x 48" and larger). Condemned subsistence stores (hard bread. Pelican brand crackers, mixed brands). Total sale price. $.50.00 63.00 32.00 1.00 105.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 5.5.00 99.54 289.01 20.00 38.92 3,076.83 228. 61 380. 06 109. 24 211.38 10.29 17.91 10.00 34.25 8.00 3.00 152.50 110.00 86. 00 20.00 2.00 2,764.57 7,101.56 246. 09 11.56 44.25 478. 13 364. 38 213.50 46.00 217.73 574 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAP. DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 July 1, 1919 do July 7, 1919 ....do ....do July 8, 1919 4374 4375 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 July 9, 1919.. July 12, 1919. .do. July 21, 1919. July 29, 1919. .do. .do. .do. July 28, 1919.. July 29, 1919. July 30, 1919... do July 31, 1919. ZONE SUPPLY AND TEANSPOETA- TION OFFICE, BALTIMOEE, MD. E . J. Meisel, Baltimore, Md J. M. Knight, Baltimore, Md G. F. Medinger, Baltimore, Md R. L. Maby, Baltimore, Md F. A. Hays, Baltimore, Md David Garratt & Sons, Balti- more, Md. George Garratt. Baltimore, Md Monumental Iron and Metal Co., Baltimore, Md Cambridge Iron and Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. Bemheimer Bros., Baltimore, Md. Boston Iron and Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. H. Klafl & Co., Baltimore, Md. Globe Iron and Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Louis Cohen & Son, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. H. Gardner, Baltimore, Md M. Sass, Baltimore, Md , H. N. Flemin?, Erie, Pa N. Frank, Baltimore, Md J. J. Hurst, Baltimore, Md , Robt. Fox, Baltimore, Md H. Gardner, Baltimore, Md Armour & Co., Baltimore, Md. . W. Sauer, Baltimore, Md G. Kahler, Baltimore, Md , A. C. Doyle, Baltimore, Md J. O. Taylor, Baltimore, Md J. Donhauser, Baltimore, Md . . , J. L. SuUivan, Baltimore, Md... C. F. Richter, Baltimore, Md. ., M. Meyer, Baltimore, Md , W. N. Allen, Baltimore, Md Loane Bros., Baltimore, Md Capt. Harrison, Baltimore, Md., Boston Iron and Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. Damaged metal cots, old issue Steel cot, damaged Corned beef Pork sausage Hash Roast beef Pyramidal tent do Oil barrels, double-head, 50- gal. Oil barrels, single-head. 50-gal. Oil barrels, double-head, 48-gal Oil barrels, single-head, 48-gal. Vinegar barrels, double-head, 45-gal. Vinegar barrels, double-head, 55-gal. Vinegar barrels, single-head, 26-gal. Water barrels, single-head, 50- gal. Alcohol barrels, double head, 50-gal. Paint and tar barrels, single- head. MLxed barrels and kegs Steel cots, damaged Structural steel Sheet iron trays Motorcj^cle chain Truck springs Truck rears, axle housing Steel chain Galvanized iron pipe Damaged peas. No. 2 Auto radiators. No. 2. . . Light brass Lead batterv plates Zinc '. Gaskets Yellow brass tubing Heavy lead Tea lead Aluminum castings Heavy yellow brass Heavy copper Heavy lead Babbits Brass cocks and faucets . Red brass Radiator brass Yellow brass tubing Babbits Tea lead Pyramidal tent do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Upright poles, small waU. Steel scrap , Steel chain , Truck drive chain , do Steel chain , Auto tire rims , Truck wheel rims SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMEITT. 575 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4386 4387 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 July 31, 1919... June 28, 1919.. July 15, 1919... June 24, 1919.. July 3, 1919.... July 16, 1919... -do. July 22, 1919. July 25, 1919. July 30, 1919. do , July 31, 1919. do do , July 28, 1919. do.. do. do. do. do. do. July 31, 1919. do July 19, 1919. July 20,1919... July 31, 1919. 4412 4413 July 1-31, 1919. do ZONE SUPPLY AND TRANSPORTA- TION OFFICE BALTIMOBE, MD.— continued. Boston Iron and Metal Co., Bal- timore, Md. BOSTON, MASS. D. DeStefano, South Boston, Mass. A. DeVito, Boston, Mass D. DeStefano, South Boston, Mass. M. M. Eutchik, New York, N. Y. D. DeStefano, South Boston, Mass. P. Corcoran & Sons, South Bos- ton, Mass. Tobias Bromberg, Boston, Mass . Boston Auto Tire Co., Boston, Mass. T. Bromberg, Boston, Mass Atlantic Metal & Refining Co., Boston, Mass. B . Cottier, Chelsea, Mass Perry Buxton & Doane, South Boston, Mass. Thomas A. Elston Co., Boston, Mass. Atlantic Metal & Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. W. G. Carlton, Boston, Mass... R. F. Elwell, Boston, Mass E. C. Hilliard, Boston, Mass Chas. W. Morse, Boston, Mass. W. H. Steadman, Boston, Mass. G. W. Talbot, Boston, Miass.... CAMP BO^WTE, TEX. Texas Rendering Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Various Kipper Bros. Junk Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Smolin & Berger, Chicago, 111... FORT BRADY, MICH. James A. Hotton, Mackinaw Road, Saulte Ste Marie, Mich. CAMP BRAGG, N. C. Chas. R. Allen, Charleston, S. C. . Wm. J. Cocke, Asheville, N. C... Truck rim side plates. Truck wheels Cast iron Truck axles Steel drums Wrought-iron rods Shearing stock Stove plates Wrought-iron pipe Steel clamps Steel rod hoops Steel chain Truck drop brakes Paper, waste Boxes, water-damaged. Paper, waste Remnants, cotton Silesia. Paper, waste Boxes, broken. Tubes, inner Tires, auto, casings. Comforts, condemned . do do Cream of maize Bands, baling, iron. Accumulation of fire wood. , hospital, tropical. , storage , wall, large Tents, condemned, pjTimidal do do Tents, Tents, Tents, do Tents, do Tents, do do do Tents, Tents, do Tents, pyramidal do do do wall, small condemned, pyramidal , wall, large , hospital, tropical. Garbage. Gas masks Bottles and jars (grape-jiuce, catsup, pickle, etc.). Roachings, main and tail; body clippings, hair, auto-cushion. Garbage. Manure Garbage: Bread Cooked meats Raw fats, meats and grease Bones Other garbage $80.55 24.53 337. 72 27.79 8.47 47.70 40.04 181.56 18.20 441.14 672. 25 1,526.06 323.61 6.27 50.00 14.03 11.55 20.46 8.85 189. 42 185. 10 381. 25 1, 126. 25 529.20 92.63 25.00 10.00 49.50 6.25 31.50 18. 75 n.25 15.75 4.50 5.50 12.50 17.00 62.00 81.00 15.50 IS. 00 26.00 15.25 16.50 20.00 30.00 93.36 10.00 18.63 194.23 15.00 290.52 6.50 6.27 1.46 5.72 37.03 576 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 22, 1919. ....".do July 30, 1919. Julys, 1919.., July 11, 1919. do , .do do do July 12, 1919. Julv 14, 1919. July 15, 1919. ....'.do July 19, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 21, 1919. ....".do July 22, 1919. July 24, 1919. July 25, 1919. ....:do July 29, 1919. .do. July 31, 1919... ....".do do .do... .do... .do... .do. .do. -do -do -do .do .do BROWNSVILLE, TEX. Frank G. Gallagher. do CHANUTE FIELD, RANTOUL, ILL. A. S. Johnson, Rantoul, 111 CHICAGO, ILL. M. Grossman, Chicago, 111 Gumbinsky Bros. Co., Chicago, lU. Loewenthal Co., Chicago, 111... I. C. Strauss, Sumter, S C. Ike J. Kuhn, Albany, Ala S. Goldman ct Sons, Chicago, 111 Gold Furniture Co., Chieago, 111 M. Temple, Hawthorne, 111 Central Trading Co. , Chicago, 111 Chernyk Iron & Metal Co., Chi- cago, 111 July, 1919. Great Western Smelting & Re- fining Co., Chicago, 111. Dan W. Feitel Bag Co., New Orleans, La. D. AVodis, Chicago, 111 Brown & Bigelow, St. Paul, Minn. S. Rawitser & Co., New York... Berkson Bros., Chicago, 111 Martin Cavenay, Hawthorne, 111. Ideal Manufacturers Supply Co., New York. South Side Paper Co., Chicago, 111. Northern Metal Co., Chicago, 111. Buffalo Burlap Co., Buffalo, N.Y Sinaiko Bros., Madison,Wis do Gumbinsky Bros. Co., Chicago, 111. do Cal Hirsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Francis Hughes Co., Chicago, 111. Isaac Minsky, Holyoke, Mass -do. -do. United Allegretti Co., Chicago, III. R. H. Armbruster Co., Spring- field, 111. B. Feinberg Sons Co., Chelsea, Mass. FORT CLARK, TEX. George Rivers, Brackettville, Tex. COLUMBrS, N. MEX. Turvey Bros., Douglas, Ariz Hominy, lye. Garbage Garbage. Old metals (copper boiler bot- toms, fire extinguishers, etc.) Old cotton rags (breeches and coats, socks, colored). Old metals (aluminum cast- ings, brass, miscellaneous scrap). Tent, shelter halves, damaged by fire. .....do Filling, cotton, Nos 1 and 2. . . Comforts, mixed, not dry cleaned. Kindling wood Mosquito bars, cotton rags Scrap metal Old metals (brass tubing, mis- cellaneous scrap, copper, lead, radiators, etc.). Bags (cal. centals, salt, cotton, flour, inside coffee). Leather, scrap, miscellaneous. Duck remnants Wool clippings, olive-drab, heavy melton. Renovated underwear KindUng wood Remnants, wool Old metals (aluminum mess kits, sheeting, brass tub- ing, etc.). Old metals (copper tubing, copper wire, etc.). Bags, potato Clippings, leatherette, cotton.. Hats , fdt , civilian; sweepings, cotton. Old woolen rags (socks, caps, hats, sweepings). Tents (shelter halves, dam- aged by fire). Old cotton rags (belts, over- alls, barrack bags, etc.). Paper, mixed, baled Chppings (duck, cotton, shel- ter-tent seams, etc.). Clippings (denim, gray; can- vas, blue over 11, etc.). Old cotton rags (duck web- bing, gloves, mixed, cotton). Sugar, granulated, lumpy Remnants, wool (white duck, tan, etc.). Old cotton rags (socks, white) . Garbage. Garbage. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 577 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale pric«. July 10, 1919. Julys, 1919.. do July 25, 1919. July, 1919. July 31, 1919. July 8,1919... July 15, 1919.. July 21,1919. July 26, 1919. July 8, 1919.. July 9, 1919.. July 31, 1919. July 31, 1919. do June 30, 1919. July 6,1919.. July 7,1919.. do July 26, 1919. July 31, 1919. July 28, 1919. .do. .do. do July 29, 1919. do July 31, 1919. COLUMBUS BARRACKS, OHIO. Columbus Barrel Cooperage Co., Columbus, Ohio. S. H. Wolf & Sons, Columbus, Ohio. Topper Bros. Iron Co., Colum- bus, Ohio. do do Barrels Egg cases Scrap iron and brass. GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 21, DEN- VER, COLO. C. W. Swayze, Rural Route 3, Denver, Colo. rORT DES MOINES, IOWA. Walter O'Doimell, Commerce, Iowa. CAMP DEVENS, MASS. U. S. Conservation Co., Ayer, Mass. Aver Contracting Co., Ayer, Mass. Metal & Thermit Corporation, Broadway, New York. The Lowenthal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. CAMP DIX, N. J. Star Trading Account, Bradley Beach, N. J. John Smith, Jobstown, N. J General Mfg. Co^ Snyder Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Nathan Savlov, Shamokin, Pa. . John Meehan & Son, 915 West Dauphin St., Philadelphia, Pa. CAMP DODGE, IOWA. Teller Iron Co., Chicago, 111 Mrs. D. A. Hancock Lieut. Beanblossom, Camp Dodge, Iowa. C. C. Vail, Herrold, Iowa Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Low Brothers, Granger, Iowa. .. July 15, 1919. July 9, 1919.. July 21, 1919. July 30, 1919. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 CAMP EAGLE PASS, TEX. Staley Newding, San Antonio, Tex. do Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Dal- las, Tex. do Chicago Junk Co., Eagle Pass, Tex. do F. O. Weyrick, Eagle Pass, Tex. MILLINGTON FIELD, TEX. J. Block & Co., Galveston, Tex.. Gulf Refining Co., Houston, Tex. JohnC. Twiss, Laredo, Tex Fred G. Mathews Waste scrap rubber . Bones... Garbage. Meats . . . Grease . . Bread. . . Bones... Garbage. Manure: Camp Remount Garbage: Bread Raw fats, cooked grease, etc. B ones , Other garbage , Dead animals , Tin cans ....do Tires: Auto, miscellaneous Motor cycle Comforts. Lumber^ scrap Dead animals Garbage Bailing wire, scrap. Manure Tin cans.. Gas mask . do Bottles and jars Gas masks Miscellaneous Bags, perfect Bags, repairable. Bags, perfect Bags, repairable. Barrels Scrap leather. Swill. Condemned cots Empty oil barrels Condemned Army shoes. Garbage 578 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 July 2,1919.. do July 7,1919.. July 11, 1919. do July 26, 1919. July 31,1919. do July 1,1919. ....do ....do do do July 2, 1919. do July 5, 1919. do July 14,1919. .do. .do. .....do do do do July 15,1919. do .do. .do. July 19, 1919. ....do July 21, 1919. July 22, 1919. do July 23, 1919. do do do July 24, 1919. do July 25,1919. EL PASO, TEX. Texas Rubber & Metal Co., 107 W. Eighth St., El Paso, Tex. El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., 325 S. Leon St., EI Paso, Tex. El Paso Iron & Metal Co., 1505 San Antonio St. , El Paso, Tex. Star Auto Wrecking Co., 400 W. Overland St., El Paso, Tex. ....do El Paso Iron & Metal Co., 1505 San Antonio St., El Paso, Tex. Shearman Hog Co., El Paso, Tex. do FKANKrOED ARSENAL, PA. Girard Iron & Metal Co., York St. and Aramingo Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Hill, Clarke & Co., 649 Washing- ton Blvd., Chicago, 111. Gustave MuUer, 3456 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hollander Machinerv Co., 3 Howard St., New York City. James I. Denton, 99 Hoboken Ave., Newark, N. J. Miller Lock Co., Erankford, Philadelphia. Jos. Graw, Frankford, Philadel- phia, Pa. R. F. Sedgley, Philadelphia, Pa. . Henry A. Hitner's Sons, Gaul and Hazzard Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. W. J. Harkins, 320 Tabor Road, Olney, Pa. C. Maar, Frankford Arsenal, Pa. W. Crankshaw, 4920 Mulberry St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Spiro Elec. Co., 168 Center St., New York City, N. Y. The Ansonia Foundry Co., An- sonla. Conn. John J. Adams, 2402 Orthodox St.. Philadelphia, Pa. A. Goldberg, 2201 Coral St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia Sash Weight Works, 22d and Glenwood Ave^ Philadelphia, Pa. New Haven Iron & Steel Co. , 902 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Jos. Rosenthal's Sons Co^ 190 Berks St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nassau Smelting & Refining Works (Ltd.), 603 W. 29th St., New York City, N. Y. Henry A. Hitner's Sons Co., Gaul and Hazzard Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. New Haven Iron & Steel Co. , 902 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Howard F. Grow^ 1306 N. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Benj. Harris & Co., 1359 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. Capt. Fred Morris, 102d Ord- nance DeiM)t, Camp Dix, N. J .. Benj. Harris & Co., 1359 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. William H. Bratton, 4900 Leiper, Philadelphia. Frank F. Furness, 5917 Tulip, Philadelphia. Angsten-Kox Co. . 5025 So. State St., Chicago, 111. J. Ktmiitz, 2275 N. Phillip St., Philadelphia, Pa. N. Moyer, Frankford Arsenal, Pa. Girard Iron & Metal Co., York St. and Aramingo Ave., Phila- delphia, Pa. Canvas khaki Canvas cot cover. Waste material . . ....do .do. .do. Garbage Dead animals. Iron and steel turnings. Iron, cast, and steel Iron, burnt cast Machines .do. .do. .do. Boxes, 3" ammunition. Boxes, packing Machine Iron (metallic packing chests). Scrap bench , Scrap work bench and table... Heater , Machines Brass (cartridge-case clippings and trimmings.) Plumbing material Worn tools, etc Iron (metallic packing chests). Brass (fired artillery cartridge cases). Brass, yellow (rod turnings).., German-silver scrap , Bronze turnings, Tobin. Copper turnings Steel (fuze stocks with brass pins, scrap). Iron (metallic packing chests). Brass (fired artillery cartridge cases). Machines Brass (cartridge-case turnings in bales). Brass, scrap (4.7" cartridge cases). Brass (fired artillery cartridge cases). Heater, scrap do Machines , Tin cans Heater, scrap. Iron and steel trimmings . Iron, cast, and steel SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 579 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 1,1919. .do. July 26, 1919. July 29,1919. July 30, 1919. July 8, 1919. July, 1919. July 2, 1919. July 3, 1919. July 7, 1919. . . ....do do July 8, 1919. . . do July 10,1919.. do do do July 11, 1919. . do do do do July 15, 1919. . July 17, 1919. . July 18, 1919. . do July 19, 1919. . do do do July 24, 1919. . do , do July 26, 1919. . do July 31, 19i9. . do , .do. .do. CAMP FUNSTON, KANS. Sonken Galamba Iron & Metal Co., Kansas City, Mo. Not known. CAMP GORDON, GA. Henry Knight & Son, Louis- ville, Ky. do J. Ruben, Atlanta, Ga do July 28, 1919 July 29, 1919 July 30, 1919 July 31, 1919. CAMP GRANT, ILL. Rockford Iron & Steel Co., Rock- ford, Ul. E. L. Titus, Rockford, Rl Teller Iron Co., Chicago, 111 Cal Hirsch & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. Carnie-Goudie Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, Mo. FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, tPfD. Skiles E. Test, Indianapolis, Ind., rural route K-1. HAZELHUEST FIELD, N. T. Long Island Soap Co., Meeker Ave. and Bridgewater St., Brooklyn, N. Y. HOBOKEN, N. I. Charles Miller, North Bergen, N.J. Eurness Withy Co., New York City. S. Silverman, Jersey City, N. J.. B. Rykus, Brooklyn. N. Y Chas. Miller, North Bergen, N.J. Butler Bros^ Jersey City, N. J. . J. Rogers & Sons, Brooklyn,N.Y, J. Hoffman, Hoboken, ^f. J do J. Connolly, Hoboken, N.J S. Weil & Son, New York City. Wm. Gizang, Jersey City, N. J . , J.'E. West, Brooklyn, N.Y , do do do Wm. Reckzeigel, North Bergen, N.J. D. Peters, Seeaucus, N. J Chas. Miller, North Bergen, N. J do Bell Bag Co., New York Wm. Reckzeigel, Seeaucus, N. J. do D. Peters, Seeaucus, N.J B. E. Crowell, Hoboken, N. J.. C. Blenke, Hoboken, N.J D. Peters, Seeaucus, N. J Chas. Miller, North Bergen, N. J D. Peters, Seeaucus, N. J B. Rykus, Brooklyn, N. J Wm. Reckzeigel, North Bergen, N.J. Lubetkin Bros., New York City John T. Stanley & Co., New York City, Condemned waste material, such as sheet aluminum, horseshoes, electric-light bulbs, rubber tubes. No. 2, etc. Ice chests haj ....do Cheese, full cream Cast iron Pipe Steel and wrought iron Black scrap rubber Inner tubes, No. 2 Arctics, untrimmed Boots, rubber Condemned bran Emptied tin cans Shirts, wool, olive-drab shrunken. Slickers, imserviceable Garbage. Bones. Beef, condemned. Beef, fresh Oats, condemned Oats and bran, condemned. Beef and veal, condemned.. B oxes Scrap wood Sirup, condemned Potatoes, condemned Barrels Flour, condemned Bags, flour Iron cable Scrap iron Scrap rope Gun foundations Beef, condemned Ham, condemned — Beef, condemned Pork, condemned Burlap, No. 2 Beef, condemned Ham, condemned Beef, condemned Cofiee, condemned . . . Beef, condemned Oranges, condemned . Beef, condemned Bread, hard Prunes, condemned . . Ham, condemned — Flour, condemned . Grease 580 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 31, 1919. do .do. .do. .do- July 9,1919.. July 10, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 23, 1919. July 1, 1919. July, 1919.. July 2, 1919.. July 3, 1919.. July 15,1919. July 19,1919. July 31, 1919. do July 10, 1919. do July 23, 1919. July 10, 1919. July 14, 1919. July 3, 1919. . July 9, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 28, 1919. July 31, 1919. July 28, 1919. do , .do. .do. ....do.... HOBOKEN, N. J.— Continued. J. Corkery, Yonkers, N. Y Products Manufacturing Co., New York City. L. Weismann, Bronxville, N. Y Fred Blatz, North Bergen, N. J. D. Peters, Secaucus, N.J CAMP HOLABIRD, MD. Wm. H. Schwartz, Baltimore, Md. Kaymond L. Machen, Balti- rnore, Md. John Page, Baltimore, Md do ARMY AND NAVT GENERAL HOS- PITAL, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. A. S. Allen, Hot Springs, Ark. . TORT SAM HOUSTON, TEX. I-. A. Thrailkill, Fort Sam Hous- ton, Tex. CAMP A. A. HUMPHREYS, VA. Callander-Conrad Co , T. B. Mason, Accotink, Va National Service School, Wash- ington, D. C. Metal-Thermit Corporation. 120 Broadway, New York City. CAMP JACKSON, S. C. Henry Knight & Sons, Louisville, Ky. Powell Fuel Co., Coliunbia, S. C. . LevkofE Bros., Columbia, S. C . . . do Jacob Hyman, Louisville, Ky. . . Levkoff Bros., Columbia, S. C. . W. S. Morris, Columbia, S. C... Levkoff Bros., Columbia, S.C... Powell Cont. Co., Columbia,S.C. FORT JAY, N. T. Fred Lesser, 1GS6 Avenue A, New York City. Metal & Thermit Co., Crome, N.J. JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MO. Henry Stickfort, 2120 East Warne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ....do Armour & Co., National Stock Yards, East St. Louis,Ill. JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. Joe Steinberg, Louisville, Ky... Johns-Patterson, Shephards- ville, Ky. Karl Nussbaum, Louisville, Ky. Geo. Nachand, Jeffersonville, Ind. W. H. Buehler, New Albany, Ind. Garbage Bones and grease. Garbage. do.. do.. Crockery, unserviceable . Trap grease and bones . . Garbage Potatoes, inedible. Garbage. Garbage. Manure . Tents... Tin cans . Garbage Dead animals Manure Burlap bags Bottles in barrels Brass: Heavy Light Composition, red. Garbage cans Tents Paulins Wagon covers. Bones Tin cans . Garbage, cracklings, cooked grease. Garbage, bones, cooked grease, cracklings. Garbage, suet, rough fat Obsolete material . ....do .do. .do. .do. more, Md. was deducted for poles. These poles were bought through the Zone Supply SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 581 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-€ontinued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 28,1919 .do. .do. -do. -do- -do. -do. -do. ....do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. .do. -do. .do. do do Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 9, 1919.. Aug. 14, 1919 Aug. 11, 1919 do Aug. 12, 1919 do Aug. 9, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919 Aug. 19, 1919 Aug. 20, 1919 do Aug. 21, 1919 Aug. 11, 1919 Aug. 6, 1919. July 1,1919.. July 5, 1919.. do July 7, 1919.. July 9,1919-. July 12, 1919. do do July 15, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 19, 1919. do do JEFFEESONVILLE, INC.— COUtd. W. E. Mitchell, Charlestown, Ind. Fred. Popp, Louisville, Ky Louisville Iron & Metal Co., Louisville, Ky. Hyman Debrovy & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. J. G. Moorman, Glendean, Ky. . . Wm. Richter, Jeflersonville, Ind. L. Grauman Co., Louisville, Ky . A. Pennington, Jeflersonville, Ind. C. M. Harmon, New Albany, Ind. Fisk Isler, Jeflersonville, Ind J. D. Johnson, Jeflersonville, Ind. Fielding L. Wilson, Jeflerson- ville, Ind. A . Marks, Louisville, Ky Thomas F. O'Nell, Jeflerson- ville, Ind. S. M. No«l, Frankfort, Ky Jamei Stephens, Jeflersonville, Ind. I. Applestein, Washington, D. C. Val Nachand, Jeflersonville, Ind. Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louisville, Ky. Klempner Bros., Louisville, Ky. do Jacob Levy & Bros., Louisville, Ky. Jacob Hyman, Louisville, Ky. . . do L. Rose ii Co., Richmond, Va. . . Jacob Hyman, Louisville, Ky. . . L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va... Klempner Bros., Louisville, Ky. Illinois Smelting Co., Chicago, III. Hyman Debrovy <& Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. do Moses Bass, Louisville, Ky G. Mathes & Co., St. Louis, Mo. . do The Toenjes Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Isaac Minsky, Hoi yoke, Mass... Frankel Bros., Rochester, N. Y. . National Woolen Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Hyman Debrovy & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. Eiler Bros., Louisville, Ky Berry & Stewart, Philadelphia, Pa. Krell Bros., Detroit, Mich Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. The C. Toenjes Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. P C. Berger Box Co., Louisville, Ky. DOUGLAS, ARIZ. I. Hinton, Douglas, Ariz R. E. Seeley, Douglas, Ariz B. Smith, Douglas, Ariz M. C. Hasty, Douglas, Ariz Dr. C. F. Hawley, Bisbee, Ariz. E. E. Rollins, Douglas, Ariz. . . L. Shannon, Douglas, Ariz J . Gamer, D ouglas, Ariz L. Shannon, Douglas, Ariz J. Bryant, Douglas, Ariz J. H. McMillan, Douglas, Ariz. . W. A. Adams, Douglas, Ariz... C. A. Drake, Douglas, Ariz Obsolete material. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. Shoes Manure . . . Scrap iron. do.... do.... Cast iron . Hats, felt Shirts, gray Caps, garrison, olive drab. Rags, duck, old, white. . . Rags, canvas, khaki Copper Lead Mixed paper. Cardboard Office paper Padding canvas. Denim, brown . . Wadding, sheet. Cotton clippings do Sweepings, cotton and wool. Scrap burlap bagging Empty barrels. do do. Shoes . . Duck, kahki . Boxes l/ocker, inspected, condemned . Canvas, old Lumber, scrap Oat sweepings Cot covers Frame, tent do Lumber, scrap , do Locker, inspected, condemned . do Oat sweepings Locker, inspected, condemned . 582 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. July 23, 1919. JulV 24, 1919. July 25, 1919. do , do July 26, 1919.... July 28, 1919.... do do July 30-31, 1919. do do .....do ....do Name and address of buyer. DOUGLAS, ARIZ. — Continued. W. A. Brown, Douglas, Ariz.. . J. Harris, Douglas, Ariz B. Ginger, Douglas, Ariz Capt. F. D. AVright, Douglas, Ariz. A. Hathaway, Douglas, Ariz . . . J. E. Newbury, Douglas, Ariz. . W. Evans, Douglas, Ariz D. E. Dalby, Douglas, Ariz J. Chapman, Douglas, Ariz W. E. Noland, Douglas, Ariz... Owl Drug Co., Douglas Ariz A. W. Vanneman, Douglas, Ariz. G. W. Turvey, sr., Douglas, Ariz. Dr. A. W. Vanneman, Douglas, Ariz. C. W. Hull, Lowell, Ariz Article. Locker, inspected, condemned do do do Oat sweepings Tent, inspected, condemned. Oat sweepings Loclvers, inspected, condemned do Tent, inspected, condemned Floiu- sacks Scrap iron Garbage. Maniue . Garbage. Julyl, 1919 do do do. July 2, 1919. ...do. ...do. do do July 3, 1919. Julys, 1919. do July 7, 1919. do July 8, 1919. do do do July 11, 1919. July 14, 1919. July 17, 1919. July IS, 1919. do do July 19, 1919. July 20, 1919. July 18,1919... do CAMP KEARNY, CALIF. A. Pomoranz, San Diego, CaUf . . Arrowhead Springs Co., Los Angeles, Calif. D. Haves >t Sons, San Diego, Calif. A. Pomoranz, San Diego, Calif. . So. Cal. M. & R. Co., Los An- geles, Calif. Edw. Kaplan, San Diego, Calif.. D. Haves & Sons, San Diego, Calif. Maj. Doane, Camp Kearny, Calif. Milton Warner, C. S. clerk Or. J. Dorsey, C. S. clerk Geo. Mellow, Y.M.C.A. secretary. Maj. Gilroy, Camp Kearny, Calif. Standard Oil Co., San Diego, Calif. Garden hose. Bottles Tires, auto, miscellaneous . Hose, garden. . Hose, fire Mixed strings. Mixed rope Rubber boots and shoes Inner tubes Scrap manila rope Cement bags. No. 1. . . . Inner tubes, No. 1 Bean bags, patchable. . Shoes, repaired do do San Diego Tire A- Vulcanizing Co., San Diego, Calif. J. P. McMurtrie, C. S. clerk M. O. Toole, C. S. clerk Drake, C. S. clerk Geo. Shelley & Sons M. Claire, clerk C. S Mr. Klise, clerk. Camp Kearny, Calif. Lieut. Moreland, Camp Kearny, Calif. Lieut Forbis, Camp Kearny, Calif. Mr. Joy, clerk. Camp Kearny, Calif. Mr. Phillips, Camp Kearny, Calif. Capt. E. H. Reed, Camp Kear- ny, Calif. Philip Senegram, Los Angeles, Calif. do do Barrels, 51-galIon: With heads Without heads Motorcycle and bicycle tires. Shoes, repaired do do R ope, manila. No. 2. . Bags: Cotton, perfect . . . Flour, patchable. ColTee, No. 1 Cement, No. 2 — Shoes, repaired do .do- .do. .do. J. Alpert, San Diego, Calif San Diego Junk Co., San Diego, Calif. ....do. ....do. Brass: Heavy yellow Red or "composition. . Pistol shells Copper, light Copper wire R ags, sweepings Cotton filmgs. No. 1 Mattress floss Sheet iron and stovepipe. Ammunition boxes SALE OF SURPLUS SIl^PPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 583 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Sale No. 4096 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 28, 1919. ....do ....do ....do. ...do... .do. .do. 470.3 4704 4705 do do do 4706 .... do 4707 .... do 4708 .... do 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 .do. .do. ...do. ...do. do. do. CAMP KEARNY, CALIP.— COn. So. Cal. M. & R. Co., Los An- geles, Calif. Erie Gerard, Long Beach, Calif. Geo. Shelley ISON BAERACKS, N. Y. C. H. Dick, Watertown, N. Y.. Charlie Bolton, Sacketts Har- bor, N. Y. July 1,1919.. do do do July 31, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 31, 1919. July 31, 1919 July 1,1919.. July 9, 1919.. July 24, 1919. July 26, 1919. July 27, 1919. do , Leon Jagocfci, Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Frank Fawdry, Sacketts Har- bor, N. Y. Leon Jagocki, Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Frank Fawdry, Sacketts Har- bor, N. Y. MARCH FIELD, CALIF. Allen R. Dull, Chine, Calif C. R. Crawford, Venice, Calif.. MATHER FIELD, MILLS, CALIF. G. O. Yost, Fair Oaks, Calif... FORT MACARTHUR, CALIF. McDonald & Neil, Santa Mon- ica, Calif. CAMP M'CLELLAN, ALA. Wm. Newsome, Anniston, Ala.. Mose Zavalo, Anniston, Ala J. Levinson & Co., Anniston, Ala Anniston Steel Works , J. Levinson & Co., Anniston, Ala do Klempner Bros., Louisville Jacobs Auction & Salvage Co., Atlanta, Ga. I. Applestein, Washington, D.C. Gas masks Stove, globe Galvanized iron pipe. Rubber hose Gas masks Condemned hay Garbage Trap grease Bones Garbage. Manure.. Garbage. Garbage Oil and paint barrels Light brass and black scrap . Tent, pyramidal Old cotton rags Tent, hospital .do. Tent, pyramidal, .do. Tent, pyramidal . Garbage Tent, P3rramidal, large, class C, repairable. do Tents, pyramidal, large, class D, unrepairable, tabric rot- ten, good only for paper stock. Garbage, swill, and kitchen refuse. ....do ....do ....do Garbage.. Radiators Garbage.. Garbage.. Gun, broken, condemned. . .. Scrap harness Steel and wrought iron Exploded schrapnel shells Pipe, steel and wrought Miscellaneous lots wagon and auto parts, etc. Mixed string Pillows, feather; cotton Shoes, mismates, condemned: Russet; marching 586 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAB DEPARTMEN'T. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Contmued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. July 1-31, 1919.. do July 25, 1919. July 30, 1919. July 31, 1919. do , July 16, 1919. July 29, 1919. July 1,1919... July 5, 1919... July 6, 1919... July 7, 1919.. do do July 9, 1919... July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 15, 1919. do July 23, 1919. July 25, 1919. July 30, 1919. July3, 1919.- July9, 1919.. do July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 15, 1919. do July 17, 1919. July 30, 1919. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. FORT M'HENET, MD. James B. Clark, Ellicott City, Md. Mrs. A. A. Klemm, 2149 Wilkins Ave., Baltimore, Md. Edward J. Hughes, 102 Warren Ave., Baltimore, Md. FORT M'INTOSH, TEX. Villegas, Laredo, Tex FORT M'PHERSON, GA. E. M. Henson. E. Schultz CAMP MEADE, MD. D. Garratt & Sons, Baltimore, Md. United Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. CAMP MERRITT, N. J. R. R. Eastman, Bergenfield, N.J. Chas. MeCormack, Demarest, N.J. Frank Nebeling, 2028 Boston Rd.,Bronx, N. Y. Acme Burlap Bag Co., 89-112 Waterbury St., Brooklyn, N. Y. E. Bers Co., 10 Desbrosses St., New York City. Onondago Trading Co., Syra- cuse, N. Y. H. Ackerman, 338 Jollne St., Long Branch, N. J. Products Mfg. Co., 2 Rector St., New York City. Yeskal Supply Co. , 133-135 LiUie St. , Newark, N. J. Grady Cooperage, 136 Sussex St., Jersey City, N.J. John Durie, Closter, N. J Metal Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. do John Ryan Cooperage, 608 New- ark St., Hoboken, N. J. MITCHEL FIELD, N. T. John Feldhausen, Roosevelt, N. Y. Nat E. Berzen, 233 South St., New York City. Hicks & Sons, Westbury, N. Y. Sigmund Eisner Co., Red Bank, N.J. Alex Muether, Farmingdale, N.Y. John McCauley, Roosevelt, N. Y. Middleton's Stone G. B. Co., 338 1st St., New York City. Abe Held, 1690 Broadway, New York City. John F. Blake Co., 44 Walton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Fred Roeper, Elmont, N. Y do do do Garbage: Bread waste Other garbage Raw fat and grease Bones, cooked and raw meat . Barrels, subsistence, truck Barrels, subsistence, good con- dition. Barrels, subsistence, truck Barrels, subsistence, good con- dition. Garbage. Garbage Scrap lumber. Barrels, miscellaneous. Scrap iron Standing grass . Manure Rubber tires . . . Rubber and inner tubes. Paper Hose, painted Garbage Soap barrels Standing grass . Tin cans ....do.. Barrels. Kandling wood Rubber inner tubing, auto . Kindling wood. . suckers, oilskin . Kindling wood. do Empty bottles . Raincoats, foot. Rubber hose... .do. Long Island Soap Co. Garbage Dry bread Manure Boxes and barrels, miscella- neous. Kindling wood Bones and fats , SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 587 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 16, 1919. July 31, 1919. do July 31, 1919...- July 30, 1919. July 17, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 24, 1919. July 31, 1919. do July 3, 1919. . July 11, 1919. July 12, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 25, 1919. July 26, 1919. July 28, 1919. July 30, 1919. do July 31, 1919. July 14, 1919. ..-■.do do July 18,1919. July 21, 1919. do July 23, 1919. do July 25, 1919. do July 28, 1919. do do do do...... do July 30, 1919. July 31, 1919. ...-do .do... -do... .do., -do.. FOET MONROE, VA. J. T. Womom & Son, Phoebus, Va. do R. E. Wilson, Phoebus, Va Old bottles, assorted . Garbage Manure PRESIDIO OF MONTERET, CALIF. William Callahan, Monterey, Garbage. Calif. MONTGOMERY, ALA. Lamport Mfg. Co., 507 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Arnold Ruef, Aviation Repair Depot, Montgomery, Ala. /Standard Oil Co., Montgomery, \ Ala. FORT MOULTRIE, S. C. Sam Goldstein, Charleston, S. C The Geer Drug Co., Charleston, S.C. do NEW ORLEANS, LA. Louis Cohen & Son, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. S. Silberman & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. H. Wainer, New Orleans, La Letellier-PhiUips Co., New Or- leans. La. B. B. Stiner. St. Louis, Mo Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louisville, Ky. Hjrman Debovy Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. L. Rose Co., Richmond, Va Isaac Minsky, Holyoke, Mass . . . Bradlev Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. L. J. Upton S. Rawitzer & Co., New York City N. Y. R. Goldstein, Baltimore, Md National Contracting Co., Nor- folk, Va. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va.. S. M. Ruben, Trenton, N.J I. Lipman, Newport News, Va. . Salvage Division, Sales Com- mittee, Newport News, Va. M. T. Cashin, Norfolk, Va I. L3rman, Newport News, Va . . L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va . . L. Plant & Co^ Norfolk, Va M. T. Cashin, Norfolk, Va L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. . L. Plant, Norfolk, Va Thos. H. O'Connor, Baltimore, Md. I. Lipman, Newport News, Va . . Bradlev Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. ....do L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va.. Louisville Scrap Metal Co., Louisville, Ky. Norfolk Hide & Metal Co., Nor- folk, Va. M. T. Cashin, Norfolk, Va Old rags, aeroplane linen . Slop or garbage I Oil barrels. ....do .....do Scrap leather (discarded soles and heels). Bottles, glass, 12-oz Bottles, glass, 14-oz- Copper screen Canvas, white; canvas, olive- drab. Zinc; lead, heavy Paper, waste, mixed Upholstering, hair . Rags, wool, blue . . Felt (hats) Rags (shirts, olive-drab) . Rags (socks, gray, light). Shoes, unrepairable Onions, damaged Wool rags (light-weight socks) Wool rags, assorted Wool rags, assorted Wool rags (gloves) Scrap rubber (slickers) . Gas masks Scrap leather, assorted ....do Scrap pipe, wrought iron. . Cotton rags, assorted Shoes, second-hand, black- Scrap rubber, assorted . . . . ...-do Paper scrapbooks Rubber, scrap, black, mixed . Belts, waist Coats and breeches, olive-drab. Cotton fillmg. No. 2... Rags, cotton, assorted. Cast-iron pipe. Range boilers . wool, S20. 50 45.00 2.60 18.40 1.00 4.50 6.00 .60 22.73 1.03 4.80 678. 55 858. 87 43.70 87.88 8.53 16.00 198. 00 941. 01 417. 17 409.08 26, 100. 00 919. 80 1,998.19 746. 01 330.44 420.21 1.92 7.50 24.26 164. 86 349.25 298. 00 116. 55 30.05 290. 94 163. 75 1.80 83.59 433.33 49.94 615. 32 421. 86 4.48 588 SALE OF SURPLtrS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. July 17, 1919. July 3, 1919.. July 5, 1919.. do do July 25, 1919. do ....do ....do do July 22, 1919. do July 31, 1919. do do do do do -do. .do. July 25, 1919. July 7, 1919. .do. .do. July 15, 1919. July 16, 1919. do July 15, 1919. July 20, 1919. do July 31, 1919. July 31, 1919. do do July 25, 1919. July 22, 1919. July 16,1919.... July 23, 1919.... do July 31, 1919. Name and address of buyer. AEMY SUPPLY BASK, NORFOLK, VA. Virginia Hide & Fur Co., Nor- folk, Va. .. -do OMAHA. DEPOT. Aaron Ferer & Sons, 808 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebr. piCATnmr arsenal, dover,n. j. Mendel Samuel & Sons, Kearny, N.J. Louis C. Grossberg, Washington, D.C. E. Bers & Co., 10 Debrosses St., New York. Nat E. Berzen, 232 South St., New York City. J. Dickerson, Wharton, N. J S.L.Kehoe, Dover, N.J W. Knipper, Dover, N. J J. H. Roberts J)over, N.J Will Brown, Wharton, N. J plattsburg barracks, n. t. C Pardee, Lake Placid, N. J . . . C. E. Turner, Plattsburg, N. Y . . James Conway, Plattsburg, N. Y do do Henry LaRock, Plattsburg, N. Y C. Pardee, Lewis, N. Y B. Tiemey & Son, Plattsburg, N.Y. W. P. Wilkins, Plattsburg, N. Y. do PORTLAND, OREG. Swift & Co., 4th and Glisan Sts., Portland, Oreg. fort PREBLE, ME. William J. Towle, Portland, M( .do. Thomas Towle Co., Portland, Me. do S. Seiger, Portland, Me do .do. .do. Mr. Peables, Portland, Me , Lieut. Symonds, Fort Williams, Me. BARITAN ARSENAL, METUCHEN, N.J. George Bromm, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Wm. Dinwiddie, Metuchen, N.J Mrs. Miller, Piscataway, N. J Metal Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. Harry Goldberg, Perth Amboy, N.J. FORT RILEY, KANS. A. Ballinger, Junction City, Kans. E. A. Durbon, Junction City, Kans. Meyer, Pazer, Salina, Kans Hale P. Powers, Junction City, Kans. Article. Garbage. Bones... Paper, mixed . ....do Steel shells, miscellaneous. Auto tires, miscellaneous. . Fire hose, cotton-covered Rubber s^kets Inner tubes No. 1 Tires, bicycle and motor cycle. Scrap lumber ....do ....do ....do do Tents, conical, wall, unrepair- able. Tent, wall, small, unrepairable Rope, manila, No. 1 Canvas Old bathtub Scrap lumber Old lamp globes Bones Garbage. Manure . Cheese, full cream. Light sheet iron, waste mate- rial. Tin cans, waste material Fire engine, waste material... Brass, light, waste material... Brass tubing, waste material. . , Arctics, untrtmmed, waste material. Zinc, waste material Steel boom, waste material... Shoe repair, half soles Shoo repair, half soles and heels. Garbage.. Manure . . Bread Tin cans. Magazines Mixed paper. Newspaper. . . Horsehide. Chocolate candy, surveyed and condemned. Armour's breakfast bacon Manure Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 589 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 5024 5025 July 3, 1919 EOCK ISLAND AKSENAL, ILL. L. Edris, Rock Island, 111 L. E. Huber, Rock Island, 111... Morris & Lewis, Rock Island, III. W. J. Vale, Davenport, Iowa ...do Rifle scabbards, 1904 S5. 19 Plow, breaking 1.00 5026 do Mowing machine 2.25 5027 5028 July 5, 1919 do Gunslings, miscellaneous mod- els. Harness sacks 84.01 26.26 5029 . .do ....do Saddletrees, officer, No. 12- saddletrees, expanded, leather-corered. Saddle, service, stripped, 1912. Bath bricks 176. 10 5030 do do 21.10 5031 do -do .56 5032 do do Cartridge belt, suspenders, khaki, 1903; cartridge belt,, suspenders, olive-drab, 1907. Cartndge belts, cal. .30, 1910, dismantled. Martingales and breast straps, 1912. Muzzle covers, 3": elevating covers, 3"; breech cover, 3". Spoons, officers' mess; forks, officers' mess. Girth olive-drab; tompion and muzzle cover, 3"; maga- zine pockets, web, double. Dispatch cases, russet leather. . Marking disks; perfecting spot- ters for targets. Cover, cloth, officers', scab- bard; tool kit, 1915; cover for camp beyi; axle-seat cushions, 3"; water buckets, canvas. Guards, 1903 rifle; wooden pegs for fencing sticks; spare part containers for 1903 rifle: leather, pieces, for McKeever cartridge boxes. Miscellaneous artillery equip- ment. Rifles, cal. .45,1884 1.06 5033 do do 2.26 5034 do do 27.00 5035 ...do do 1.06 5036 do do 1.06 5037 ...do do .56 5038 do ..:..do 2.06 5039 do do .36 5040 . do ....do 6.06 5041 . .do do 6.06 5042 . ...do do 76.26 5043 .do do 11.16 5044 -do . .do Rifles, cal. .45, 1879 6.16 5045 do do Miscellaneous Armstrong gun equipment, 3", English. Barrow reels; flash supports, for flash-target outfit; switch stake for flash-target outfit. Hooks for bayonet scabbards, model 1905. Remington typewriter, with 20" carriage; carriages, Oliver typewriter. Marking disk and stafls, sets.. Miscellaneous artillery equip- equipment. Corrugated ammunition con- tainers, Hotchkiss; chests for cleaning and reloading tools. Covers for station wagon Machine-gun ammunition carts, French; machine-gun carts, French. Miscellaneous artillery equip- ment. Rims (felly and tire); ammu- nition chests, 3" gun caisson, 1902. Carts, dump 11.06 5046 do do 1.26 5047 do do .16 5048 do do 6.11 5049 do do .66 5050 do do 6.06 5051 do do .50 5052 do do .56 5053 do do 71. 92 5054 do do 27.50 5055 do do 12.60 5056 do do 14.02 5057 do.. . .do Wagon, dougherty 6.01 6058 do do Farm, wagon 8.06 5059 do . . .do Disk, harrow 1.11 5060 July 8, 1919 do Carmie-Goudie Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, Mo. . ...do Blanket-roll straps 250.00 5061 Canteen straps 250.00 5062 do do Miscellaneous artillery equip- ment. Canteens, Infantry, olive-drab. Canteens, 1910 50.00 5063 do do 75.00 5064 do do 50.00 5065 do do Miscellaneous artillery equip- ment. 45.00 590 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE, DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 6080 5081 5082 6083 6084 July 8, 1919. ....do ..do July 10, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do July 8, 1919. July 25, 1919. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. do July 29, 1919. July 31, 1919. 5087 6088 6089 5090 6091 6092 5093 5094 5096 5096 5097 6098 5099 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 July 22, 1919. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. June 9, 1919. July 2, 1919. do do do do do do do July 8, 1919.. July 17, 1919. July 18, 1919. do July 19, 1919. July 20, 1919. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, ILL. — continued. Francis Bannerman, New York City. .do. -do. L. Livingston, Rock Island, 111., box No. 287. do do do do do Tri-City Disposal Co., Moline, III. Henry Kath, Muscatine, Iowa. . Meat cans, tin, miscellaneous; meat-can bodies; meat-can cover. Carbine stocks, cal. .30, 1878, 1898, 1899; rifle stocks, cal. .30,1898; rifle stocks, cal. .30, 1898. First-aid pouches. 1907, olive- drab; first-aid ''packets." Heavy steel turnings and light steel shavings. Miscellaneous steel scrap Flange steel Light sheet iron Iron-cot frames Steel turnings Garbage -do. .do. .do. L. Livingston, Rock Island, 111.. W.J. Vale Missouri Paper Stock Co., 2207 Scott Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Pearlstein & Rosenthal, Daven- port, Iowa. American Rolling Mill Co., Middleton, Ohio. ROCKWELL FIELD, SAN DtEGO, CALIF. San Diego Rubbish Co., San Diego, Calif. FORT D. A. RUSSELL, WTO. Cheyenne Coal Yard, Cheyeime, Wyo. E. T. Seaton and Mr. Henen, NewYork N. Y. J. W. Olds, Cheyenne, Wyo E. H. Cook, Cheyenne, Wyo E. T. Seaton, New York, N. Y.. E. E. Major, Cheyenne, Wyo... Mr. Hollenbeck, Cheyenne, Wyo. W. G. Chase, Cheyenne, Wyo... E. T. Seaton, New York, N. Y.. do Miscellaneous artillexy equip- ment. do Blankets, canton-flannel, double. Dish-washing machine. Peer- less; platform scale; heating stoves. Old files, steel Scrap kindling wood Mixed paper Steel castings Axle forgings, scrap . Garbage. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. L. H. Bradford, San Antonio, Tex. L. Kaminsky Co., Houston, Tex. N. Trottner, San Antonio, Tex.. Ike Shklar, San Antonio, Tex. . . John G. Towns, Dallas, Tex Webster Co., San Antonio, Tex. Dan W. Feitel, New Orleans, La. H. J. Wagenfehr, San Antonio, Tex. J. A. Muckelroy, San Antonio, Tex. H. J. Wagenfehr do L. Rose Co., Richmond, Va Carnie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J. Mitchell Davis, San Antonio, Tex. Upton Mill & Elevator Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Pyramidal tent, large Pyramidal tent, unrepairable. Storage tent Storage fly Conical tent Conical tent, unrepairable. do do Wall tent, common do Bags. Iron , Rags , do Scrap ponchos. do Condemned food . .do. .do. Condemned potatoes Slickers, raincoats, and pon- chos. Ponchos Condemned food. Corn meal SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 591 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. No. Date of sale. 6011 6012 July 21, 1919 do 6013 do 6014 do 6015 6016 do do 6017 6018 6019 do July 24, 1919 do 6020 do 6021 do 6022 6023 6024 602.5 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 603.5 6036 60:i7 6038 6039 6040 6041 (5042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 fi049 60.50 0051 6052 July 31, 1919. July 11, 1919. do July 21, do.. do.. .do. ...do.. ...do.. July 23, July 29, July 31, do.. 1919. 1919. 1919. .do., .do., .do.. .do. July 23, 1919. July 25, 1919. do July Zi, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 23, 1919. July 18, 1919. .do.... ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. Name and address of buyer. SAN ANTONIO, TEX.— COntd. L. F. Bradford, San Antonio, Tex. Fest -t Co., San Antonio, Tex.. II. J. WaKonfehr, San Antonio, Tex. Western I'.ag Co., Chicago, 111... li. B. Steiner, St. LouLs, Mo.... Morris Barron Co., Shreveport, La. Monterey Iron ntinued. E. L. Hsirper, Ferriday. La J. Forly>rt, Hattieslnirg, Miss... ^V. B. Menziles, Citronville, Ala. J. C. Bounds, Civmp Shelbv, Miss. Boy Scouts, Hattiesburg, Miss.. T. " L. Crumbongh, Meridian, Miss. Jesse James, Poplarville, Miss. . . S. B. Martin. Hattiesburg, Miss. Hobert Boole, Civmp Shelby, MLss. .\b. Gains, Hattiesburg. Miss... P. M. Seay, Hattiesburg, Miss.. J. L. Roise"berrv, Hattiesburg, Miss. J. Forbort. Hattiesburg. Miss... J. Pupuy. Hickory Flay, Miss. . S. O. Rogers. Meri'disvn. Miss G. I. Ruhd. Hattiesburg, Miss.. Capt. MiUlette, Ciunp Shelby, MLss. Capt. P. M. Fugler, Camp Shelby, Miss. Hivmilton Crawford, Hattie.^:- burg. Miss. W. Pr "Mills, McOomb, Miss Pr. S. P. Klotz, McComb, Miss. . J. A. Beard, McComb, Miss 0. I. Rimd, Hattiesburs. MLss.. Mrs. Walter A. Collins. Hatties- burg. Miss. R. E. Mullen. Ciunp Shelbv, MLss. Lieut. Flea. Camp Shelby. Miss. J. P. O'Brien. Oinciimatj, Ohio. Sergt. Beat. Camp Shelby. Miss. W. A. McKerthoxi. CoUiiis. Miss. Mims Williams. Magee. Miss W. H. Penison. Cushman. Ark . S. Sondheiim>r Co.. Baton, Rouge. La. F. P. Harvey, Hickory. Miss Western Bag A Burlap Co., Chicago. 111. Capt. Gilmore. Camp Shelby, Miss. Col. O Terrell , Lairrel. Miss J. S. Halley. Hattiessburg. Miss. B . S. Legg". New Orleans^ La J. Fibleman, Camp Shelby, Miss. CAMP SHERirAN, ALA. Lee Jordan. Montgomery, Ala... Will Hall. Montgomery. .\la Frank Bunch. Montgomen-. Ala Bill Gordon. Momgo'mer>-.'.\la.. Bill Louden, Montgomen,-, .^la.. G. Brovm, Montgomery. Ala Huse. Carter. Montgomery. .\la . Pave Sims, Montgomery- ."Ala... Tents Tents and flies . Tents ....do Tents, flies. Tent Tents and flies . ....do Tents Tent flies. ....da.... Flv Tents ....do ....do ....do do Tent and fly . Tents do do do Tents and flies . Tent .da. ....do ....do do Tents and flies. Tents do do .da Bags, burlap, 5-bu., patchahle Tents and flies .da Tents do Tent and fly. Bill Gordon. Montgomery, Ala. . AVill Scott. Montgomery .Ala Handev A- Son, Moimt Meigs, Ala' Pave Sims. Montgomery. Ala... A. H. Gordon. Montgomery. Ala. Will Scott. Montgoiuery, Ala Pave Foimtain, Montgomery, Ala G. Brown, Montgomery, Ala M. Sabe] A Son, Montgomery, Ala. Electric utensils Hames. condemned. Scrap lumber Scale, family, scrap., da Pans, small Pans, feed Sugar bowl Sheets, scrap Pitcher, condemned. do Coffeepot, tin Bowls, condemned.. Sugar bowl Pan Scrap canvas Buckets, galvanired-iron Cots. Gold Medal, condemned. Scale, family Pitcher, tin". Pipper, tin Hose, rubber .da Scrap . miscellaneous Scxap bags, burlap, rotten. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 597 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. 8062 8063 8065 80G6 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 8074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 Date of sale. July 10, 1919 July 10-11,1919. July 11,1919.... July 11-12,1919. July 14,1919... do do July 17,1919. ... .do. .do.. .do. .do. ....do. ....do. .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. do July 19, 1919. July 21, 1919. July 7, 1919. July 3, 1919. . July 11,1919. CAMP SHERIDAN, ALA.— COntd. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. H. E. Mumford, Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman & Jno. P. Trotman. Montgomery, Ala. S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. Morris Wolff, Montgomery, Ala. M. Sabel & Sons, Montgomery, Ala. W. M. Parker, Montgomery, Ala. Monis Wolff, Montgomery, Ala. G. D. Leverett, Montgomery, Ala. Julius Rice, Montgomery, Ala. Handey & Son, Mount Meigs, A a. S. D. Sneider, Montgomery, Ala C. R. Ballard, Montgomery, Ala Handey & Son, Mount Meigs, Ala. M. Sabel & Son, Montgomery, Ala. R. E. Parker, Montgomery, Ala Abe Cafley, Montgomery, Ala.". S. R. Kaufman, Montgomery, Ala. CAMP SHERMAN, OHIO. Soft Laigh Mattress Co., Chicago, III .do. Dahl-Campbell Co., Chillicotlie, Ohio. Article. Condemned rice. Scrap junk, Junk, bags Miscellaneous , j unk Horseshoes, steel etc Screen wire Kegs and barrels, scrap Brooms and horseshoe scrap. Nails, scrap Scrap pipe and fitting Scrap lumber Pipe scrap Barrel scrap Scrap iron, scattered over camp Junk tar Cement, set, discarded ....do Condemned hay Scrap junk , Scrap boilers and eurrybombs. Scrap rope Can, galvanized-iron, scrap. Tents,C do Scrap bags and bars Enamel ware, scrap Miscellaneous scrap Comm. utensils Scrap utensils Cots, gold Medal Cans, galvanized-iron, etc . Buckets and tools Scrap utensils, enamel Grindstones and cabinet. . Trucks, warehouse, and rasps Roofing and hose scrap Blankets, comforts, and bed- sacks. Boilers and tool scrap Cotton hose and coffee urn Shoes, unrepairable Nosebags and whips Scrap boxes Ladders and cans Screen doors, scrap Scrap leather Scrap clothi ng Shovels, scrap Scales, wagon, and horse clip- pers. Bars, mosquito, scrap Scrap junk. Box and stone Stoves, tin Canvas, scrap Farm scrap Boots, ruboer, hip Scrap wood Ammunition packing boxes. Miscellaneous junk Khaki comforts. do do Banana hampers. Total sale price. SSMAL UST 0¥ &AV>£S: a.\l.VAOS laVIitaON Ov>nttn\m), N«K I>«t««t!i«)»v KVBM tkftx) «vKU«i!!» mi X>\xgw. AHtote. ^OSfi *»k wn sua SOtM July $1, !»!!».. a*. MOO vm Wtt 9005 OOtKT mo 9011 90ia sots SIIU4 901$ 9016 9017 901$ 9019 Jttiy».ma.. JQI; 12,1919.,.. July IS, 1919..,. July 17,1919.... *>., July 34,1919.... July 8S. ma.... July », 1919.... JulySl.1919.... July IS> 1919.. do do July 30, 1919.. July 5,1919... July 9,1919... JuqrK\1919., Julyll,1919L. do. July la, 1919.. do J, Ik !SiVYv>i>. OhUUvVtho, v^hUv , . OhKv .....do. Ol»K\ Ou«\l\hvsliA- \U\\s, Ca, Olxiw^iKV III Lou)$\ilK> !*<»nxp M«kt«ri»l tV, LiHxUvilte. Ky. U«iur>- Kivi$ht vt Sou. Louisville, L*hvyi>ni^ NYlswMiux. N*w Ro- John J, i\\rk«Nrv iO IXtuvnc \v*„ Yvvnk*rs. N, v, lNww» JiJ-. !v*u AhUxmIo, iVx. A^RV SXKYKXS, ^^RKV>. A. K, \Y»v<«. \Vsurrwi\tvax, Ol«c... ST. u^vis, Mv>. B. B. St«ittor. St l.ottl*. Mo. \nsso\wi Tvvttt A \wuiiis •■^. St. l.ouU. Mo. B. IV StwixM. St, l.ouis. Miv ^.^MHio OoUvUe Xtts. Co.. K!uui!>.< aty.Mo. Mtisovjrv l^»i>w Stvvl Co., St, l.vnus. Mo. M, M. Kutohik. Now York R, \Y, 0\U«?v>i» Box 0<»., St. Lo\ils, Mo. ....do RjfS "."Jf*'**- V BwxMVk l\»n\pei$. \Yh«\>t I'nsSWVUl^iXlxlt^ l^«nlx« vH>«tS> Whiu* v>5W>V!V>i .tv'wi^ ....... Khaki v"?U»V!W! SvH-IVVV .......... YYhito v>mo» Sivvks,... ,..,„,, 0!M-l»*JpiV.„,»»,»,». ..„„ l\Hxka^^*J^, 1 lUv>«d,stali!>or«TOlvs. Oilb«tt*ls, without h(i»*ds.. Q«rb«$*.. M«ttT«$!$««,(«l«.^ P IMUows. olstw l"* YY hito oAuvas rtuuuants. JvMiT STRONVJ, MAS*. B. Cottier v*t Soiis. Chelsea. Ma.^^. 1., Orvv^smaix .^ S^ui. Qulnvy Sorajv*i^er , YYhite drill reiuRMtts... Kuu>ty (Vikol(uv$ boxes.. ,do. Samuel \Yald, RoxMwy, M»ss, J. Upsita v' . l^riv.<.< > heavy .yellow l^r;v<-<. Usht KhivkioottvMX rass UvHUlMjt n^s^* Lead, heavy ............. C^ijvls.hat Soi'ks. wttou. white Sks,^vttvxu. ovJvxrevl ,, t\vnvi>.< U\Mum 0\>ais. vneralls. etc Tinoau.^, tlatteue^l aitvl Ividevl. do July 14,1919.. July 1«, 1919.. Jacob HYm;ux, Louisville, lyv . . . l^'man oebivvv v<; Svuxs.X.vniis- vtUo. Ky. Jaoob llymaJV. Louisville. Ky. . . do Mawuw i.\xt t on nujs voomf orters) . lrvM». stxHH Aivd wi\n»sht . . Bsijjs vS^:wi\ and o^nnewtX .do. South Skle Paper Stock Co., Chioa^\ 111, Jaivb Levy A Brv>s„ Louisville, do.... do..., do.... Ky. ...do S. Kdw. Yost. Buechel, K>' INwo & Stv»eoJk\>r, Louisville, Ky. Rvibber. hasx\ aud truck tires ., ■ l>urh>v biV*Siiv« i \Yvv\loii rjKC* ^.ollve drab shirtsL i Cottvmc*.nutc>rters,cv«un\ervn!d.i Rubber, boots aud shoes. . . Ba.cs, (ee^l Bushel baskets.. l\>ad animals... BAJ.K OF ftUIiPLUft HVFi'Liy.r. bV TJih WAK Dfci'AJiTMK/.'T. 599 niLUlkh LViT OF »ALB«; »AJ>VAaB j:>JVI»IOJ.'-f>«^t.>ftii*d. 9(«4 tKMK 9067 9068 «072 90» Dat«of8al«. JuJy W, ISW. i\i\yn,VA'i. ;ra(> i/liiU!Tl&\ Cx}., ('AiU <>/i0ittrvM/jn Co,, Ix/uiji^ vl)l*, Ky. Ja/j'yb l>*vy & IJf'/s,, IjiAilavllUt, Kv. Nathao )»ayloy, HbetOvMn, I'a. , do AnK*si, CV/tton ra«» (rof^na ra«s), 'Urtudam , Es* A Co., BI«bmond, Va. . d/> dr> Klmnpofitr iir<»,, LouisvilU), Ky. do .,«lo, ,,do- U/mry VnuxAiUmU^, Louis' ynk,Ky. fyjuhviUt: HHnlinry Miners Co,, UuJv/JJI^, Ky. 1 Miv^JJaw^^us buyers Iron, b«avy castings (>>tton ra«s (socks, tbre* ra?,s;. KhiiJkl shirts, olive olrat^, coro- Bags, dwjim twi//nzll£, \/at- t'ofk f/a^v, f>/t.t'/o tyi,tuU)rU-j[%,ti'imnwx(Asx\. tta)!, fx/i'is, lirtnnrvUits&hlit M«sskits,tifi Enaiwslwar*;, mbnyhiiaaf/nis. . . Uuhij^r, vxnf), nod fsifAfif- cyf'M tires. Es^ '^f'sJt hats, bl'J* an.'i yel- low; deniffl hM»,slj//»rt.trini'.i;. Cotton miiiUH»*A/'/jmSltt;T':\ii.] . Iron (stove folates; ^at*t,st«*J and v.ro,\WA do , ,„,do,,. July 7, 1919 ' 4o,... ,.,, , dO,,, July 55, 1919 ' do '■, do,,. July 9, 1919 do ' do,, July 10, 1919 ' do ' do,, July 11, 1919 ,,,.,do do,, July 12,1919 ' do .,..,00., JuJy 13,1919 do * 00,. July 14,1919 do ,...Jio.. July If,, ma do , ,4o,,, July 1^^,1919 ' do ,do,, July 17,1919 : do do,,. July 18, 1919 ' do K.,..ao.. July 19,1919 : do ....' do,,. July >!, 1919 1 6/> J 00... July 21, 1919 do i do,, July 22, 1919 ' do '...,,00., July 23, 1919 do l,„„dO,, July 24, 1919 do , .00... July 25, 1919 do ' do,,. JuJy28,m9 ' do do July 29, 1919 ■ do do July 30, 1919 ' do < do July 31, 1919 1 do i do ' 1, W. lireckenridge, isan An*- I Manure tonio. .,] E. A. liraun, AmlUe^ Tex ' do B. A BewerJ'ipeWorksO),,Ban \ Trapgrease. Antonio. 9076 ' J Otiljer gari/^B, m.n m.m wi.r/7 VtiJ/) 37..% fA.Vi 274..% 43. ^>4 m.41 100, 00 125. W W,72 17,29 11.29 23,24 '..74 25.559 17.02 37,47 t5.1l 17.19 19. 2« 31,2^> 2^^.12 22.39 1%. % IK*/) \r,.rip pans 15. (XI 10162 do Cotton ties 27.50 1016^5 do Chairs 2.50 10164 do Shovels 14.50 IOI60 do Harness 51. 00 10166 do Pvramidal tents 26.00 10167 do . . A xle Krea,se and lamx^black 5.50 10168 do Paulin 17.00 10169 do Miscellaneous lunk 2.50 10170 do Chiurs 1.S.0O 10171 do Trucks 8.25 101T2 do Paulin 16^00 101 ra J. Hirsch, Macon, Ga Tent poles 2.00 10174 do Trucks 21.50 10175 do do Canvivs flies 1.5.00 10176 do do Paulin 28.50 10177 do do Galv!\iuzed-iron hooils 2.60 101 7S do do Shovels and spade.s 50.00 10179 do do GalvaiiiztHl-irou bucfa^ts Water coolers 40.00 101 SO do do P. H. Williams. Macon. Ga do 3.75 lOlSl Waeon 35.00 101 S2 do do do 55.00 101S3 do do Miscellaneous huik. 17.50 101 S4 do do Rope 28.50 101S5 do do Buckets and scuttles 10.00 101S6 do do Tent flies 10.50 10187 do do IMcks, saws, etc. 13.50 lOlSS do do S witchboanls laoo 101S9 do do Harness, scrap Wall tents 76.00 10190 do K. Kopliu, Macon, Ga 650.00 10191 do do Tent flies 1?2.50 10192 do do do 65.00 10193 do W. T. Holmes, Macon, Ga. . do Spades 16.50 10194 do Axes .. . 16.50 10195 do do Boilers 6.00 10196 do do Cuspidors 1.50 10197 do J. lliiNch, Macon, Ga Cots, Gold Medal 90.20 10196 do T>. Witman. Macon, Ga. Wagon covers 30.00 10199 do P. H. AVlUtams. Macon, Ga. , K. Kopliu. Macon, Ga Paulins 90.00 10200 do do Barn>ls 105.00 10201 do do 47.43 10202 July 16. 1919 July, 1919 Julv 1. 1919 July 31. 1919 do WILBUR -WRIGHT AIR -SERVICE PEPOT, FAIRFIELP, OHIO. Ohio Barrel Co., Dayton, Ohio. . Barrels, miscellaneous 59.30 Kindling wood 6.75 10203 PORT -WORDEN, WASH. Alaska Jimk Co. , Seattle . Wash P. J. McCuUem, Port Town- send. Wash. William Haley, Port Town- send. Wash. [No sale.] FORT H. Q. -WTUOHT. N. Y. Fisher Island Farms (Inc.V Fishers Island, N. Y. ALCATRAZ, CAUF. PacificHogCo.. Evt ns Aye. and Mandel St., San riancisco, Calif. FORT ETH.VN ALLEN, VT. Robert Summerfield, Hotel Champlaiu. Bluff Point. X. V. Chivi. P. Ravliu, 220 East Ave Burlington, Vt Ferdinand Boehmer, Winooski , Vt. Col. Snyder .Essex Junction, Vt. S. B. Comvnt, 33 Church St., Burlington, Vt. Oil barrels 14.30 10204 Manure 6.60 10205 Garbage 12.98 10216 Garbage 10207 July 31, 1919 Aug. 31,1919.... Aug. S, 1919 Aug. 12, 1919 Aug. 15. 1919.... Aug. IS. 1919.... do 10.00 10208 Dry garbage 36w25 10209 Wall tent, large 5.91 Wallflv 3.63 10210 Wall tent , small Wall-tent flv 5.00 3.00 10211 Wall tent, small 3.00 10212 TpTit, cornmnn 5.58 10213 Tent , pyramidal , small Fly, pyramidal, small 6.65 2.30 SAJ.K OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 605 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: BALVAOB DIVISION-Contlnued. Bale No. IJate of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 10214 10215 1021fl Aug. 18, 1919.... Aug. 20, 1919.... Aug. 21, 1919.... Aug. 28, 1919.... Aug 29, 1919 Aug. :«, 1919.... do FOET ETHAN ALLEK, VT.— COntd. P. A. O'HIron, Ilurllngton, Vt.. J . Houohard , IJ urllngton , Vt U. H. Towws, Hhelburne, Vt.... M. T;. I'(;ar)man,I{urlIngton,Vt. If. Htaf'k, Turlington, Vt Ferdinand lioelirncr, JJurllng- ton, Vt. W. E. Dugan, Wlnowkl, Vt. . . . ATLANTA, OA. Cfwrgla Wool Stock Co., 870 Marietta Ht., Atlanta, Oa. Humphreys, Varnon & IJunlajr, <^jre<;nville, B.C. .do Tent, pyramidal, small ''ly, pyramidal, irnall Tent, pyramidal . srniill Tent, wall, ••mall »«. 6.5 2.ri0 e.fX) 6 00 Fly, wall, 'rnall '. ... 3.00 10217 10218 10219 Tent, pyrami'lai, largo Tent, pyrani Iflal, large Fresh manure 9.00 10.00 11 10 10220 18 00 10221 10222 10223 Aug. 1,1919 Aug. 4-7, 1919.... do Old cotton rags fleggings, can- vas, khaki, unrepairable;. Tools f miswdlaneoa-i plclcs and shovels). Mess kits and cups, uaservice- able. Mlscu8 kitchen utensils (cups, pans, spoons, platfjs, etc., unserviceable;. iJri'lles, riding, leather, de- fective. Bridles, blind, defective Iron ("stoves, oil and gas, bro- ken). Head stalls, bridles, broken... Tarpaulins, large, class C, 17 x 31'. Tents, small, pyramidal, classC .do 1,417. .50 010. 00 407.00 2.50 (Xt do .. .do E. E. Richardson, New Orleans, do 19.80 33.75 C5.00 7.20 L52..50 37.5. 00 1 .500 00 . ...do 933 7.5 Tents, large, pyramiflal, class C Tents, small, wall, class C ...do 1,3.50.00 677. 50 1,092 00 10224 Paulin.s, small, class C. 12 x W. Bheltf;r-hal ves, class C. Fly, round, Y. M. C. A, dtuss C. Fly, hosfjital, tropical, 17 x 60', class C. Fly, large, wall, class C, 1.0 x 20' Cots, iron, unrepairable Harness, double. Incomplete.. ■i'y^. 00 250. rjo 32. 50 110. 00 1,200.00 10.00 2,080.00 740 00 1022.5 Pads, collar, damaged fhorse;.. Hames, wooden, single, broken Harness, water cart, defective.. Tents, large wall, class C Paulias, large, class C. 17 x 31' . . Paulina, small, class C, 12 x 1.5'. Collars, horse, defective Tents, wall, large, class C do 5 00 1022<5 do Champion Supply Co., 116 Mari- etta, Bt., Atlanta, Ga. do 13. 00 61.. 50 iri5. 00 1«2. .50 240. 00 183. 60 10227 .. do 167. .50 165 00 10228 do .do LW.Busic, Fries, Va Iron (field ranges, small, bro- ken). Iron (field ranges, small, incom- plete, broken;. Iron (field ranges, flamaged;. . Collar, horse, defective, metal . . Bits. Drldle, unserviceable Tents, wall, small, class C Tents, pyramidal, khaki, class 0. Tents, wall, small, khaki, class C. Tents, wall, large, khaki, class C Fly, canvas, 9 x 1.5', class C Iron (range, field, comp., lised). Halters, rofx;, hemp, l!)roken . . Halters, leather, broken Brushes, horse, used 8.00 4.00 25.10 .75 10229 .do 6. 49 1.35 50 10230 do do do T. R. Coggins & Bro., Atlanta, Ga. W. H. Porter, ChesterHeld, B.C.. B. A. Bower, Knoxville, Tenn . . 110. 10 68.75 101. .50 4.x 00 4.00 28.88 279.18 ."50. 56 10231 10232 Blankets, saddle, unrepairable Reins, halter, leather, defective Girts, saddle, damaged Combs, curry, used Beparatrjr, cream , unserviceable Handcuffs, broken 12.60 47.30 2.31 34.68 6.00 1.65 Tents, wall, lari-'e, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C Tents, wall, small, class C do 67.50 332.60 137.60 135.60 606 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 10233 Aug. 4-7, 1919... do ATLANTA, GA.— Continued. Blue Ribbon Harness Shop, Montsfomery, Ala. J. H. Lally, Chicago, 111 Harness, scrap 1415 oc 10234 445 OC do do, .do A. H. Sells, Palatka, Fla Mirrors, trench, rusty 4. Of Extinguishers, Pyrene, flxe, unserviceable. Wheels, auto, rubber tire, un- serviceable. Chair, dental, broken 61. OC 10.00 11. 6C 10235 Aprons, leather, unrepairable (blacksmith). Cans, galvanized iron, with covers, unserviceable. Stenciling sets, defective Tents, wall, small, class C Tents, wall, large, class C .. .do • Wolfl Furniture Co., Montgom- ery, Ala. .do 20. OC 2.25 50.00 33.50 69 Ofl 10236 PauUns, large, class C, 17 x 31'.. PauUns, 17 X 31' class C Cans, galvanized iron, 30-gal., unserviceable. do 93.00 117.60 17.50 75 00 10237 Cans, galvanized iron, 20-gal., unserviceable. Marking outfit, steel, unservice- able. Tents, wall, small, class C 10238 do Wolpert Davis & Co., Miimeapo- lis, Miim. George W. Trout, Jacksonville, Fla. Manufacturers Salvage Co.. 2104 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. A. Jass, Atlanta, Ga 3.25 50.00 100 00 .do Balls, chains and leg; cufls Fly, pyramidal, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C Tents, wall, small, class C .do 9.00 575. 25 5,220.00 677.50 1,400 00 10239 Fly, canvas, 9 x 15', class C Fly, hospital, class C, 25 x 40'. . Tents, pyramidal, large Gas masks, unserviceable Cans, galvanized iron, 20-gal., unserviceable. Life preservers, cork, unservice able. Cans, galvanized iron 30-gal., unserviceable. Knives, hospital, rusty 1,677.00 25.00 10,400.00 50.00 1,355.00 13.00 1,240.00 190 00 10240 .. ..do 10241 do 2 50 do Jacob Sales Co., Atlanta, Ga G. Friedman, Atlanta, Cfa Mandeville Mills, Garrollton, Ga. M. Lutzk, Atlanta, Ga Tents, wall, large, class Fly, hospital, tropical, class C. Miscellaneous pieces of office furniture, broken. Desk, field, unrepairable Desk, field, small, unrepairable Iron (pipe, stove, broken) Trays, hospital, wood, used 307.50 55.00 200.00 3.00 24.75 2.00 1.30 .50 10242 Screens, bed, hospital, broken. Frames, cot, wood, unrepair- able. Clocks, alarm, defective Scales, counter, with weights, damaged. Heaters, coal, broken 3.10 123.00 1.75 10243 do 4 50 do 102. 00 10244 Brushes, counter, used Tents, wall, small, class C do 4 00 do do 48.00 15.00 10245 Mats, cocoa, foot, imserviceable Wire, screen, steel, rusty .50 Whitewell Coal Co., Atlanta, Ga. W. B . Hare, Atlanta, Ga Stein & Co., 29 Grant St., Atlan- ta, Ga. 1.00 .50 10246 Fly, hospital, 30 x 60' class C. . 61.00 2.25 do do Lamp, tent, old, defective Tent, wall, small, class C ... do 30.60 68.75 70.00 10247 Tent, wall, large, class C Tent, wall, small, class C 170.00 15.00 1.50 10248 Lanterns, electric, defective — Tarpaulins, large, class C, 17 X 31'. Paulins, small, class C, 12 x 15' . Fly, wagon cover, class C, 12.50 155.00 270.00 1,000.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 607 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 10249 10250 Aug. 4-7, 1919... do 10251 10252 do do 10253 do 10254 do 10255 do 10256 10257 10258 10259 10260 10261 10262 10263 ....do. ....do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do... .do... .do... 10265 10266 10267 10268 ....do. ....do. do... ATLANTA, GA. — Continued. P. B. Minor, Eutaw, Ala , Army and Navy Stores, Detroit, Mich. G. J. Thurmand, Atlanta, Ga... Max Cohen, Atlanta, Ga G. B. Dunton, Smyrna, Ga Kries & Wardrep, Metter, Ga. . , John G. Towns, 207 S. Houston St., Dallas, Tex. .do. G. Hauser, Jackson, Term. Geo. B. Carpenter, Chicago, 111. . M. D. Smith Tent & Awning Co., Atlanta, Ga. E. T. Stanley, Atlanta, Ga I. Segal, Minneapolis, Minn . ..do. Atlanta Baseball Assn., Atlan- ta, Ga. A. M. Robinson, Atlanta, Ga... Camie-Goudie Mfg. Co., 22d and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. J. E. Wilson, Atlanta, Ga W. W. Reid (Inc.), Newark, N. J K. Koplin, 870 Marietta St., At- lanta, Ga. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, At- lanta, Ga. Lanterns, hand, used, no Scabbards, bayonet, unserv- iceable. Fly, pyramidal, class C, small. Tents, waU, small, class C do do Shelter-halves, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, wall, small, class C Hoods, pyramidal, class D Tents, wall, small, class C do do Tents, wall, large, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do... Tents, pyramidal, large, khaki, class C. do Fly, hospital, 17 x 51', class C. . Fly, 9 X 15', class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do Tents, wall, small, class C Shelter-halves, class C , Tents, large, wall, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do Tents, wall, small, class C Paulins, 17 x 31', class C do Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, pyramidal, small, class C. do Fly, pyramidal, small, class C, Tents, wall, small, class C Tents, wall, large, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do Paulins, 17 x 31', class C Tents, wall, small, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, wall, small, class C Poles, flag, unserviceable Fly, wagon cover, class C, mixed. Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. do do do do Tents, pyramidal, large, class D. Iron (ranges, small, broken). . Tents, pyramidal, khaki, class C. Lockers, foot, unserviceable . . Buckets, commode, unservice- able. Tents, pyramidal, khaki, class C. Scales, field, unserviceable Heater, water, unserviceable . , Beds, hospital, broken Remnants, wool, mixed (scrap pieces oi commercial blan- kets, small). Tents, pyramidal, large, khaki, class C. 608 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 4-7, 1919. do do .do. ..do... ..do... .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Aug. 7, 1919. do do .do. .do. ATLANTA, QA.— Continued. T. E. Mauldin, Atlanta, Ga.. Mrs. O. W. Freenev, .\tlanta, Oa . I. Melntek, 400 Decatur St., At- lanta, Ua. Lieut. Hughes, Fort McPherson, Ga. C. T. Summers, Atlanta, Oa Gresham McCuUough, Atlanta, Ga. Gerard Fowler, Atlanta, Ga L. Roual, .\tlanta, Ga Jack Wllkins, Atlanta, Ga Alfred Myers, Atlanta, Ga Jack Coppege, Atlanta, Ga -Mfred Myers, .\tlauta, Ga John Moans, Atlanta, Ga Ix^onard Wooley, Atlanta, Ga. .. L. J. Kellv, Atlanta, Ga nilllo Gassctt, Atlanta, Ga Llout. Alwood, Atlanta, Ga Fulton Bag AilTMENT?. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Aug. 1, 1919. .do. .do. Aug. 2, 1919. do Aug. 14, 1919. do .do. .do. Aug. 16, 1919. do .do. .do. Aug. 1, 1919. 1919. Aug. 5, do.. Aug. 6, Aug. 7, Aug. 8, do.. Aug. 12, Aug. 13; 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. Aug. 14,1919.. Aug. 15, Aug. 20, Aug. 21, do.. 1919. 1919. 1919. Name and address of buyer. FORT M'HENRY, MD. — Continued Guy Bryant Packing Box Co., Leadenhall and Ostend Sts., Baltimore, Md. do do Aug., 1919.... Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 31, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919 Aug. 12, 1919.... Aug. 13, 1919.... do Aug. 26, 1919.... Aug. 30, 1919.... May, 1918 .do. Aug. 23, do.. do.. Aug. 26, 1919. 1919; Aug. 7, 1919 Aug. 11, 1919.... do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. FORT M'INTOSH, TEX. L. Villegas, Laredo, Tex Porflrio Torres, Laredo, Tex FORT M'PHERSON, GA. E. M. Henson , CAMP MEADE, MD. Levering Bros., Baltimore, Md., Peter Woll & Sons Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Nassau Smelting & Refining Works, New York. R. Goldstein & Son, Baltimore, Md. J. Meehan & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Five persons , Frank Lindsay and L. J. Upton, Portsmouth, Va. CAMP MEEBITT, N. J. John Ryans Cooperage, 68 New- ark St., Hoboken, N. J. T. A. TerwilUger, Demarest, N. J. A. W. Ward, Demarest, N. J A. Abrahams, Dumont, N. J Valentine Ruch, Englewood, N.J. Chas. Morris, Dumont, N. J L. Wiseman, BronxviUe, N. Y.. T. A. Fallon, Dumont, N. J Kelly Co., 92-104 Madison St., Newark, N. J. M. Politinsky, 261 Water St., Paterson, N. J. E. C. Purdy, Closter, N. J A. W. Ward, Demarest, N. J..., A. Diedrich, Demarest, N. J Metal & Thermit Corporation, Chrome, N. J. Lamport Mfg. Supply Co., 5021 Broadway, New York City. T. A. Fallon, Dumont, N. J E. C. Purdy, Closter, N. J L. Wiseman, BronxviUe, N.Y... A. Abrahams, Dumont, N. J MITCHEL FIELD, N. Y. W. Freedell, Rockville Center, N.Y. John Feldhausen, Roosevelt, N.Y. P. Southwald, rd Basin,N. Y... Article. Boxes, large, packing, light, empty. Boxes, shoe, packing, empty. Boxes, grocery, packtog, small, empty. Boxes, shoe, packing, empty.. Boxes, large, packing, empty, light. Boxes, large, packing, empty, heavy. Boxes, large, packing, empty, light. Boxes, shoe, packing, empty. . Boxes, grocery, packing, emp- ty, small. Boxes, large, packing, empty, heavy. Boxes, large, packing, empty, light. Boxes, shoe, packing, empty.. Boxes, grocery, packing, emp- ty, small. Garbage , Shoes, condemned. Garbage. Iron (old tin cans) Horsehair (mane and tail). Scrap brass. . . Waste paper . Manure Gas masks . Manure Barrels. Milk cans Manure Barrels Gauze, from first-aid packages. Barrels Grease, bones, cooked meats. . Barrels , Paper , .do. Barrels... Manure . . do.... Tin cans. Gauze Barrels do Field latrines. Barrels Kindling wood. ....do.. ....do Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 621 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-€ontmued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 21, 1919. ....do Aug. 25, 1919 . Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919 . ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. Aug. 6, 1919.... Aug. 22, 1919 . . . Aug. 27, 1919... Aug. 31, 1919... ....do .do. July 31- Aug. 31, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919. Aug. 16, 1919.. ....do Aug. 27, 1919... Aug. 31, 1919... Aug. 30, 1919... do Aug. 4, 1919 . . Aug. 20, 1919.... Aug. 6, 1919. ....do do Aug. 8, 1919. Aug. 9, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Aug. 18, 1919.. do .do. .do. MiTCHEL FIELD, N. T.— Continued. Geo. Fedden, Baldwins, N. Y... C. O. Staats, Baldwins, N. Y. .. A. Smith, Hempstead, N. Y W. R. Rogers, Hempstead, N. Y M. Shore and M. Sailer, Hemp- stead, N. Y. John McCauIey, Roosevelt, N. Y. Fred Roeper, Elmont, N. Y do do do do Lon? Island Soap Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. FOKT MONEOE, VA. Nelson E. Smith, Fort Monroe, Va. Ben Einstein, Washington, D. C. George C. Wright, Phoebus, Va. . Zebedee Young, Phoebus, Va. . . R. E. Wilson, Phoebus, Va PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, CALIF. William Callahan, Monterey, Calif. T. A. Work 4.53 Alvarado St., Monterey, Calif. MONTGOMERY, ALA. Standard Oil Co., Montgomery, Ala. Montgomery Iron & Metal Co., Montgomery, Ala. Arnold Reuf, M. E., A. M , M. Sable & Son, Montgomery, Ala. Gulf Refining Co. of Louisiana, Montgomery, Ala. FOBT MOTJLTKIE, 8, C. Doscher Bros^ 649 King St., Charleston, S. C. Condon Baking Co., 219 St. Philip St., Charleston, S. C. NEW ORLEANS, LA. B. B. Steiner, St. Louis, Mo. Navy Department NEWPORT NEWS, VA. A. Feinberg, Chelsea, Mass N. H. Pritcnitt, Newport News, Va. C. Carter, Newport News, Va. . Virginia Reclamation Corpora- tion, Norfolk, Va. N. H. Pritchitt, Newport News, Va. N. Bringham, Newport News, Va C. Carter, Newport News,Va Cal. Hlrsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Virginia Reclamation Corpora- tion, Norfolk, Va. N. H. Pritchitt, Newport News, Va. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va.. Robt. M. Hassel, Newport News, Va. Kindling wood. do ....do ....do ....do ....do Dry bread . Manure Subsistence barrels Condemned commissary sup- plies. Bones and fats Condemned yawl boats Condemned electric motors. Condemned refrigerators . . . Garbage Manure Garbage. Manure . . Oil barrels ....do do Wire, steel, aeroplane . Steel turnings Garbage Radiators, aeroplane . . Steel tumii^s Steel isarts Scrap iron Scrap steel Oil barrels do Cheese, deteriorated. Butter, deteriorated. Bags, denim coats, overalls, barrack bags. Rags, wiping Bandoleers, gloves . liumber, scrap ....do... Manure . Lumber, scrap . ....do ....do ■\Mre, cable. Manure Lumber, scrap Stove, plates, and grates . Scrap iron 622 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 25, 1919 . Aug. 21, 1919. do do do do do .do. -do. 10R43 10844 10846 10846 10847 10848 10849 10S50 10851 10852 10853 ■ do 10854 ' do. .do. 10855 ' do. 10356 I do. 10S57 ' do 10858 do.... 10859 ' do. 10860 ■ do. 10861 ' do. .do. .do. .do 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10867 10868 10869 10870 do.. 10871 do.. do Aug. 26, 1919. do Aug. 29, 1919. .do. 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 1Q8S5 Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 1-31, 1919. do Sept. 1,1919. do Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 15, 1919. .do. Aug. 30, 1919. do do do do do NEWPORT NEWS, VA.— Continued. R. T. Jones, Newport News, Va. J. L. Terry, Newport News, Va. . L. Anker, Newport News, Va . . . L. R. Smith, Newport News, Va. C. E. Nash, Newport News,Va.. W. Holby, Newport News.Va. . . A. L. Barham, Newport News, Va. J. "Waters, Newport News, Va L. Finiblner, Newport News, | do Va. J. B. Naves, Newport News, Va..' do Tents, pyramidal . ....do ....do ....do Tents, pyramidal . ....do ....do do. C. T. Crowder, Newport News, Va. J. B. Thounton, Newport News, Va. JsM3k Gillian, Newport News, Va. W. M. Pritchitt, Newport News, Va. Joseph Chaplin, Newport News, Va. Cal. Hirsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo. Thos. E. Munn, Jacksonville, Fla Ross Bros., Newport News, Va. . Mrs. R. K. DawUng, Newport News, Va. W. J. Lilley W. D. Maning, Newport News, News, Va. J. W. Linkan, Newport News, Va. W. C. Calles. Newport News, Va. W. M. Pritchitt, Newport News, Va. do M. T. Cashin, Norfolk, Va Lowenthal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. . W. M. Pritchitt, Newport News, Va. National Contracting Co., Nor- folk, Va. FOBT NIAGARA, N. Y. Louis Bennett, 130-132 12th St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. NORFOLK, VA. Virginia Hide & Fur Co., Nor- folk, Va. do FOBT OGLETHORPE, GA. Sam Chazan, Chattanooga, Term. D. G. Elder, Chickamauga, Ga.. . PICATLSTNY ARSENAL, DOVER, N. J. The David Kaufman & Sons Co., Elizabeth, N. J. .do. Columbia Smelting & Refining Works, New York City. "W. Wilson, Wharton, N. J George McClary, Wharton, N. J. E. Anderson^over, N.J Al. Roberts, Wharton, N. J F. McClary, Wharton, N. J L. Shawger, Rockaway, N. J do. -do. ....do Lumber, scrap Tires, scrap Tents, pyramidal . -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do Lumber, scrap . ..-.do Tents, pyramid . Scrap tires Firewood Garbage. Iron (bedsteads, galvanized- iron cans and buckets). Old cotton (clothing, canvas leggings, mattresses, blan- kets, etc. Rubber (arctics, cloth top)... Old woolen (clothing, rags, blankets, etc.). Leather (gloves and shoes) Garbage. Bones. . . Automobile parts. Garbage Brass tubing Brass, heavy, yellow Brass turnings, No . 1 Composition or red brass . Lead, heavy Babbitt metal Zinc Zinc shell plugs Copper, heavy Copper, light Copper wire, burned Scrap lumber ![!!do!!!"!";!!!!!!!!!! do do ....do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTME^-T. 623 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Aug. 14, 1919. do Aug. 21, 1919. do do Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. Aug. 31, 1919. do do , Aug. 18, 1919.... .do. .do. .do. Sept. 1,1919.. do Aug. 1,1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. do Aug. 2, 1919. do do Aug. 22, 1919 Aug. 30, 1919 Name and address of buyer. PLATTSBUKG BAERACKS, N. T. S. BaVer, Plattsburg, N. Y do Callanan Bros., Keeseville, N. Y do do F. H. Macomber, Plattsburg, N.Y. W. P. Wilklns, Plattsburg, N. Y. do do B. Tierney & Son, Plattsburg, N.Y. rOKT PREBLE, ME. Thomas Towle Co., Portland, Me. S. Seiger, Portland, Me do Philip Levinsky, Portland, Me. . EAEITAN ARSENAL, METUCHEN, N. J. George Bromm, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Wm. Dinwlddie, Metuchen, N. J N. B. Lundblad, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Gluck Bros., Perth Amboy, N. J. Mrs. Alonzo Pullen, Hights- town, N. J. Drei(us& Co. (Inc.), Philadel- phia, Pa. FORT RILET, KANS. Pvt. Franklin H. Pottrufl, Fort Riley. Kans. Sergt. Fred W. Taylor, Fwt Riley, Kans. Sergt. Geo. B. Tilford, Fort Riley. Kans. John Betsch, Junction City, Kans. Hale P. Powers, Junction City, Kans. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, ILL. .. . do do do .. do .. do do .... do .. . do do do .. .do .do do do do do do Cleveland Wrecking & Con- do struction Co., MiluieapoUs, Minn. . do do do do do do do do do , Article. Lead, heavy Copper wire. No. 2 Scrap paper Scrap iron Stovepipe Scrap lumber Wooden troughs Garbage Manure Bones Gloves, leather, unrepairable. Cotton filler, No. 1 Blue denim rags Harness, unrepairable Garbage Manure Bacon Oil barrels with heads; oil barrels without heads. Canvas cots ....do Miniature trunk locker, 18x8 X 7', class B. Miniature trunk locker, 18 x 8 X 10', class B. Miniature trunk locker, 18 x 8x7'. Horsehide , Manure Curb, reins, model 1902 and 1909. Horse brushes Horse covers, blanket-lined, model 1912; horse covers, unlined; horse covers, blan- ket-lined, model 1912. Cavalry links Stirrups, hooded; stirrup straps; surcingles, model 1912. Aluminum cups Forks; knives; spoons, table.. Saddles, cavalry equipment, board design. Combination halter bridle Holsters, pistol, automatic, cal. .45, model 1912; holsters, pistol, model 1916; holsters, revolver, cal. .45, model 1909; holsters^ model 1907. Saddlebags; lining, saddle- bags; saddlebags. Bolo knives Hospital-corps knives Leather cartridge boxes, French design. Pistol holsters Total sale price. 624 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 10926 10927 Aug. 6,1919 do ROCK ISLAND AESENAL, ILL.— continued. Cleveland Wreckins; & Con- struction Co., Minneapolis. Minn. do Buckets, watering; ration bags, model 1912; pouches, cartridge shell, 3-cell; pans, trench gas. Covers, canteen, model 1910, dismantled; covers, canteen, model 1910, modified Mc- Clellan; covers, canteen, model 1910; covers, canteen, old model; covers, canteen. Feed bags, model 1912; haver- sacks, old model; haver- sacks, model 1910; nose bags, canvas bottom; nose bags, leather bottom; haversacks. Artillery knapsacks $5.33 67.05 10928 ....do do 221. 93 10929 do do 58.80 10930 . . do do Gun slings, model 1907; gun slings, modified point, part. Blanket roll straps: A, B, C; blanket roll straps, complete. Belts, cal. .30, mounted, old model; belts, pistol, with- out saber ring, model 1912; belts, revolver, without saber ring, model 1903; belts, rub- ber-lined, waist, enlisted mens'. Spurs, old model; spurs, model 1911; spur straps, old model; spurs, old model; spur straps, model 1911, lower; spur straps, model 1911, upper. Tent with pole and 3 pins Bandwagon 22.10 10931 do do 76.00 10932 10933 do do Camie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. do 40.00 62.00 10934 do do do 4.00 10935 Ed. Beard, New Boston, 111 Henry Kath, Muscatine, Iowa . . A. D. Harris, Rock Island, 111. . . G. W. Schricker, Davenport, Iowa. Barrett & Zimmemian, St. Paul, Minn. do 31.25 10936 do Halter, heavy, with tie rope... Adjusting straps, cartridge- belt suspender. Leather halter tie straps Bridles, model 1909, complete; bridles, model 1909, incom- plete; bridles, model 1912; bridles, N. G. N. Y.; bri- dles, curb, model 1902; bri- dles, watering, complete; bridles, watering, snaffle bit; headstalls, bridle, mod- el 1902; headstalls, N. Y. N. G.; bridles, riding. Bits, watering, complete; snaffle bits; curb bits, model 1892. Halter, headstall, commercial; halter, headstall, model 1904; halter straps, tie; hal- ter tie ropes. Sacks, harness 1.11 10937 10938 10939 do do do 62.50 4.62 191.00 10940 . do 6.10 10941 do ... do 135.00 10942 do do 8.45 10943 do do Saddles, MoClellan, complete, with straps and girth. Saddle cloths, oflicers', with insignia; saddle cloths, en- listed, with insignia; saddle covers. Collar pads, canvas 56.20 10944 do do 44.31 10945 do do .. 102. 50 10946 do do Collar sides; trace plates; col- lar wrenches; steel horse col- lars. Halter straps, assorted Saddles, model 1912, with girth; sweat leathers. Saddles, cavalry equipped, board design, with girth. Saddle, cavalry equipped, board design, with girth. Quilts 26.25 10947 do ..do 28.08 10948 do do 56.25 10949 do do 54.25 10950 do do 18.20 10951 do Camie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. 50.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 625 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Cantinued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. /EOCK ISLAND AESENAL, ILL.— / continued. . 10952 Aug.6, 19W..... Camie-Goudie Mfg. Co., Kan- sas City, Mo. Mattresses, excelsior - filled, single; mattresses, double, excelsior-filled; pillows, small, feather-filled; pil- lows, small, excelsior-filled. $400.00 10953 Aug. 9, 1919 PerMns & Campbell, 622 Broad- way, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cartridge belts, cal. .30, model 1910, dismantled; belts, cartridge. 50.33 10954 do Perkins & Campbell, Cincin- Quarter strap, safe; quarter 4.61 nati, Ohio. strap, side. 10955 do do Carriers, wire cutter, model 1910; carriers, hand ax, old model; carriers, hand ax, model 1910; carriers, pick mattock, old model; car- riers, pick mattock, model 1910; carriers, shovel, old model; carriers, shovel, 3L68 model 1910; pack carriers. model 1916; pockets, maga- zine, web, double; parts for carnage. Medical Corps; pack carriers. 10956 do do Saddles, cavalry, McClellan, model 1904; saddles. Whit- man or service; saddles, stripped, model 1904. 553.32 10957 do do Straps, lariat; straps, canteen. 12.67 web; straps, coat, pommel; straps, coat, cantle; lariats. Suspenders, cartridge - belt. 10958 do do 87.94 model 1907; sxispenders. shoulder-strap, model 1907. 10959 do do... Cleaning rods and canvas cases; cleaning rods, model 26.82 1913. 10960 :. do . do... Spurs, old model, brass Spurs, model 1917, pairs Saddles, McClellan, complete.. Pommel pockets, leather Ration bags, leather, pairs 17.36 10961 do do 9.92 10962 . do ... . do... 13.00 10963 do 6.24 10964 do . do... . . 3.12 10965 do .. . do... Ration bags, leather, single; ration bags, leather, pairs. 1.78 10966 do . do Anvil; axes; bits, auger; oil cans; clamp bar; drills, 11.11 wood; forks, hay; mower, lawn; nippers, cutting; rake, garden; rakes, iron; saw, crosscut; saw set; forks. spading; gouge, wood; ham- mer, claw; hatchets; hose; hooks, potato; knives, com; scythes (blades only); shov- els, long-handled; shovel. short - handled; shovel, scoop; shovels, snow; spade; traps, mole. 10967 do do Canteen, aluminum, with web cover and strap. 1.03 10968 do Cal. Hirsch & Sons' Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. Pouches, flrst-aid, old model; pouches, first-aid, model 1910; pouches, first - aid: pouches, first-aid, magazine. 25.60 10969 do Illinois Smelting & Refining Co., Peoria and Kinzie Sts., Chi- Check piece, model 1909; crown pieces, model 1902; check straps, bridle, model 1902; cincha, hair. 5.05 10970 do do Saber knots, model 1912 2.05 10971 do do Halter, hght 1.01 10972 do do Cartridge belt pieces, French design, 3-pocket and 5-pocket. 1.02 10973 do do nantppnp, alnminiiTn , , 1.02 10974 do Iowa. do Inner tubes, auto, No. 1, scrap. 28.78 10975 do ^ Matting and packing, rubber.. .45 10976 do do _ White scrap, mixed rubber..^ 3.96 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- -40 626 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 10977 10978 10979 10980 10981 10982 10983 10984 10985 10987 10988 10989 10990 10991 10992 10993 10994 10995 10996 10997 10998 10999 11000 11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 U006 U007 11008 11009 UOIO 11011 11012 11013 Aug. 9, 1919. -do. .do. .do. .do. ....do Aug. 11, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Aug. 13, 1919. ....do Aug. 14, 1919. .do. .do. ..do.. ..do.. do.. do Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. ....do.... ....do.... .do. Aug. 28, 1919. do do .do. -do. Aug. 31, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. do .do. ....do. -do. .do. ROCK laLAND ARSENAL, ILL.— continued. Illinois Smelting & Ref. Co., Peoria and Kinzie St., Chica- go, 111. do do do do Tri-City Disposal Co., Moline, 111. Pearlstein & Rosenthal, 1124 W. 2d St., Davenport, Iowa. ....do Davenport Tire & Waste Pro- ducts Co., Davenport, Iowa. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway, St. Paul, Minn. Morris & Lewis, 2500 2d Ave., Rock Island, 111. M. Sosna, Rock Island, 111 Pearlstein & Rosenthal, 1124 W. 2d St., Davenport, Iowa. do Davenport Iron & Metal Co., Davenport, Iowa. do do A. D. Harris, 504 40th St., Rock Island, 111. L. Livingston, Rock Island, 111. . Morris & Lewis, 2300 2d Ave., Rock Island, 111. Klauss & Gadient Ice Co., Davenport, Iowa. do W. W. Reid (Inc.), 9-17 ArUng- ton St., Newark, N. J. Quartermaster Department, Rock Island Arsenal. do do Great Western Smelting & Re- fining Co., Chicago, 111. L. Livingston, Rock Island, 111 do ROCKWELLFIELD, CALDP. San Diego Rubbish Co., San Diego, CaUf. rORT D. A. RUSSELL, ■WTO. Louis Veta, Cheyenne, Wyo Colorado Junk & Sack Co., Den- ver, Colo. do. Solomon Shapiro, Cheyenne, Wyo. E. A. Fransway, Cheyenne, Wyo. John Smith, Cheyenne, Wyo Solomon Shapiro, Cheyenne, Wyo. Louis Veta, Cheyeime, Wyo...,, Black scrap, rubber, mixed... Hose, scrap, rubber Inner tubes, auto, red rubber.. Red rubber, scra^ Scrap, rubber, miscellaneous, with canvas. Garbage Rubber tires, solid, motor- truck. Rubber tires, auto, miscellan- eous. Sugar and coffee containers; empty cans for cleaning ma- terial. Scrap leather and straps Rubber tires, bicycle and motorcycle. Nickel steel sheets Bronze chips and turnings Copper, light, containing iron breakage. Rubber boots and shoes Inner tubes, auto. No. 1, scrap Zinc Aluminum castings, contain- ing copper and zinc. Miscellaneous steel scrap Miscellaneous scrap paper Miscellaneous packing boxes . Scrap kindling vrood Scabbards. (The purchaser refused the scabbards and also failed to remove the material in the time Umit given him, and therefore for- feitedhis deposit, 20 per cent oftheamountofthesale.and also the material.) Repairing ofiicer's shoes -do. -do. Lead battery plates . Lead, heavy. Babbitt Garbage. Cotton filling Bran bags, perfect Heavy cast iron, mixed Stove plates and grates Horseshoes Hose Khaki cotton rags Denim coats, overalls and bar- rack bags, rags. Roachings, mane and tail Canvas leggings , Wooden box (trunk locker).. Trunk locker, steel-bound. Denim hats (rags) Shoes, condemned. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 627 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. MUNITIONS BUILDING, 19TH AND B STS. July 26, 1919 Nassau Smelting & Refining Co., 603 West 29tli St., New Yorir, N. Y. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Aug. 1, 1919 Fest & Co., San Antonio, Tex.., -do. Aug. 4, 1919. ....do Aug. 5, 1919 . do. L. Frankenstein, San Antonio, Tex. Walton D. Hood, San Antonio, Tex. H. J. Wagenfelir, San Antonio, Tex. B. B. Steiner, St. Louis, Mo do do I N. Trottner, San Antonio, Tex. . do Stanley Newding, San Antonio, Tex. do I do do I do do Ike Sliklar, San Antonio, Tex.... do do...; do do do do Aug. 6, 1919 Monterey Iron & Metal Co., San Antonio, Tex. ....do ....do L. Frankenstein, San Antonio, Tex. ....do Ike Stiklar, San Antonio, Tex... .-..do J. C. Dielman, San Antonio, Tex. L. Rose& Co.,Riclimond,Va.... .-..do H. J. Wagenfehr, San Antonio, Tex. Aug. 12, 1919 Kalm Oil Co., San Antonio, Tex. Aug. 19, 1919 El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., El Paso, Tex. ...do Te.xas Rubber & Metal Co., El Paso, Tex. ...do Jacob Levy & Bros., Louisville, Ky. -do ..do -do do do ' do ... .do I Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills, Dal- las, Tex. do ' do do ' do do ' do do I Stanley Newding, San Antonio, Tex. Crawford & Grand, Houston, Tex ....do Aug. 20, 1919 do do do do do do do do do do .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. H. J. Wagenfehr, San Antonio, Tex. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do. Fired .30-cal. brass cartridge sliells and clips. Escort wagons... Cesspool wagons. CandeUne wax . Condemned food . Bandoleers Slioestrings Canvas scraps Blue denim White cotton gloves. . Mixed strings Brown denim Cotton colored socks.. Cotton colored gloves. Cotton rope Blue denim Hat cords Blue denim White cotton gloves. Colored socks Colored gloves Copper wire Inner tubes . . Rubber heels. Heavy lead.. Lead foil . Tubes.... Heels Wire Hose Brass Hose Oil barrels Cotton corn-meal bags . Cotton flour bags. Inside sugar bags. Flour bags, patchable , Bags, burlap, cottonseed meal. .do. Bags, 5-bu., oat, perfect Bags, 5-bu., oat, patchable Bags, burlap, 2-bu., patchable. Bags, burlap, 2-bu. , perfect Bags, cottonseed meal Bags, coffee Bags, cotton, sugar, patchable. Bake pans Stoves, Sibley Ranges, cast-iron Buckets, galvanized-iron. Poles, tent Tubs, galvanized-iron Safe, small Cuspidors Enamel ware Hoods, tent Cabinets Lockers Boxes, bread. . Cots and beds. Boilers Water coolers. Bins, flour $151,250.00 628 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 11077 11078 11079 11080 11081 11082 11083 11084 11085 11086 11087 11088 11089 11090 11091 11092 11003 11094 11095 11096 11097 11098 11099 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 mil 11112 Aug. 20, 1919.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. do. do. do. do do Aug. 31, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 14, 1919. do Aug. 25, 1919. do Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. .do- -do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. Aug. 2, 1919. do SAN ANTONIO, TEX. — continued. L. Frankenstein, San Antonio, Tex. do do do Jas. J. O'Donovan, San An- tonio, Tex. do do do Ike Shklar, San Antonio, Tex... . do do O.C. Brooks, San Antonio, Tex.. R. W. Colglazier, San Antonio, Tex. do N. Trottner, San Antonio, Tex.. Mrs. J. Fourniers, San Antonio, Tex. Schtffers & Sons, San Antonio, Tex. A. C. ^Vllite, San Antonio, Tex.. . SAN DIEGO BARRACKS, CALIF. Walter M. Sharpe, Otay, Calif... SAN FRANCISCO DEPOT. 8. Lubfln, San Francisco, Calif. . . Chas. Harley, San Francisco, Calif. M. Levin & Sons, San Francisco, Calif. M. H. Grovers, San Francisco, Calif. J. Payne, San Francisco, Calif Belting, scrap canvas. Safe, small Miscellaneous tools. Scales Lanterns Chairs Boilers Tools Stoves, cast-iron Saws, circular Kettle, steam Stoves and cans, galvanized- iron. Drums, steel Plow Extinguishers, fire Boilers and galvanized-iron cans. Drill press Condemned corn meal . Manure. Arctics, untrimmed Inner tubes, auto. No. 1 Inner tubes, auto. No. 2 Inner tubes, auto, No. 3 Fire peelings, auto, No. 2 , Tires, solid, motor-truck Tires, bicycle and motor cycle White rubber. No . 1 White scrap, mixed Rope, hawser Rope, net Rope, skinnings Rubber, black, scrap, mixed. . Rubber, boots and shoes Hose, Are, cotton-covered Bottles Chas. Harley, San Francisco, Calif. Geo. Mendelson & Sons, San Francisco, Calif. A. Pomeranz San Diego, Calif. . , G. B. Rosselli, San Francisco, Calif. A. J. Cleary do Denim, brown Canvas, khaki, small. Canvas leggings, with metal. Hose Manure . .do. .do. -do. Bread Meats, etc Bones Other garbage. H. D. Greenberg, San Fran- cisco, Calif. John Williams, Sacramento, Calif. SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, PHILA- DELPHIA, PA. A. H. Roberts, care of Chelten- ham M. E. Church, Chelten- ham, Pa. Cal Hirsch & Sons Co., 300 S. Broadway, New York City. .do. .do. Duck, brown. Silesia, black., Silesia, ecru . . , Gas mask Tent section, square, assembly. Leggings: W ashed and repaired Washed and not repaired. . Not washed, not repaired.. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 629 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. 11113 11114 11115 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 11122 11123 11124 11125 11126 11127 11128 11129 11130 11131 11132 11133 11134 11135 Aug. 5, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919. do Aug. 15, 1919. .do. Aug. 20, 1919- ....do Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. ....do Aug. 21, 1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do do do Aug. 26, 1919. do ....do Aug. 5, 1919. .do. Aug. 18, 1919. 11136 Aug. 21, 1919. 11137 Aug. 22, 1919. Name and address of buyer. SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, PHILA- DELPHIA, PA.— continued. M. L. Shoemaker & Co., Dela- ware and Venango Sts., Phila- delphia, Pa. Mutnick Bros., 61 Crosby St., New York City. Isaac Minslty^ 515 Lombard St., Philadelphia, Pa. B. D. Kaplan & Co., 7 Vestry St., New York City. Atlantic Cooperage Co., Swan- son and Wolf Sts., Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Edelstein & Co., 1118 Greene St., Augusta, Ga. A. Dreifus & Co. (Inc.), 2007 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, ....do Mike Bernstein, 1610 Point Breeze Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Baxter, 2222 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Pa. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va — A. Miller, 114 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia, Pa. James C. Manion, Philadelphia, Pa. Harris & Harris, 1003 N. Mar- shall St., Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Clearance, 1220 S. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Morris Beletsky, 1031 Moyamen- sing Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. B. Kerman, 713 N. 2d St., Phila- delphia, Fa. do Mike Bernstein, 1610 Point Breeze Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Briggs, Merchantville, N.J. John J. Fodey, 25th and Tasker Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Article Leg bones Small bones Fat, common • Fat, kidney Leg bones Olive-drab suiting, woolen and worsted. Hat cords Burnt leggings, rags Socks, cotton and wool Cement bags, old Wool rags, burnt Leggings, wool, burnt Gloves, woolen Breeches, cotton String and rope Olive-drab suitings, woolen and worsted. do do do " do do Empty oil barrels .do., .do. .do. .do. Total sale price. Drawers, wool Ponchos , Breeches, cotton Overalls, combination Overcoats Raincoats Shelter-tent halves Raincoats Overalls Stockings, wool, light weight. Trousers, denim Scrap wood Shirts, cotton, olive drab. Stockings, cotton Pillows, hair Scrap wood Empty boxes, broken. Scrap wood Pillows, cotton, regulation. Pillows, commercial Pillows, feather , Mattress filling, white do Comforts, cotton Scrap wood . Empty cases: Large Medium.. Small Empty cases: Large Medium.. Small Empty cases: Large Small . . . . Empty cases: Medium.. Small do.. I>arge Medium.. Small.... Large Emptv cases: Bmall.... Large 630 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. IS, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. do Aug. 27, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 27, 1919. ....do Aug. 28, 1919.. Aug. 29,1919. do ..do. ..do. Aug. 11,1919. Aug. 14,1919. do Aug. 18,1919 do do do do Aug. 26,1919. do Aug. 8,1919.. Aug. 14,1919. .do. .do. Aug. 19,1919. do do do do do Aug. 27,1919. Aug. 22,1919. do SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, PHILA- DELPHIA, PA.— continued. Henrv Blue, 733 Hicks St., Pliil- ndelpliia. Pa. do do do Stephen Grace, 1900 Bonsall St., Philadelpliia, Pa. do Mutnick Bros., 61 Crosby St., New York City. .do- Bradley Bonded AVarehouse Co., Greeiivillc, S. C. Wm. E. Burtis, 1611 S. 19tli St., Philadelpliia, Pa. Henrv Blue, 733 Hicks St., Pliil- adelphia, Pa. G. Mathes Co., 31 W. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Ilonrv Blue, 733 Hicks St., Phil- adelpliia, Pa. Wni. E. Burtis, 1611 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stephen Grace, 1900 Bonsall St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Springer, care of Utilities Division, Inland Warehouse, Philadelphia, Pa. DEPUTY ZONE SUPPLY DEPOT, SEATTLE, WASH. Kahan Salvage Co., Seattle, Wash. M. Levin& Sons, San Francisco, Calif. Pacific Iron & Metal Co., Seattle, Wash. CAMP SEVIER, S. C. W. H. Poole, Greenville, S. C... M. Abelson, Chattanooga, Term. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va.. Humphreys, Varnon & Bunker, Greenville, S. C. Bradley Bonded Warehouse, Greenville, S. C. do Stein & Co., Atlanta, Ga CAMP SHELBY, MISS. J. F. Suttle, Felix, Ala Hvman Debrovy & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. do.... F. F. Gatling, United States engineer, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Camie-Goudie Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, Mo. do L. Rose & Co., Riclimond, Va... do do do Sam Shemper, Hattiesbm'g,Miss. G. C. Woodruff, Andiug, Miss. . . Lieut. S. P. Pierce, Camp Shel- by, Miss. Scrap wood . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Breeches, wool, olive-drab... do Coats, wool, olive-drab do Blankets, olive-drab Breeches, cotton, olive-drab. Empty cases: Large Medium Small Scrap wood Tentage, old tents. Serap wood . . Empty cases: Large Medium.. Small.... Scrap wood . . .do. heavy- Coats and breeches, olive-drab. Overcoats, olive-drab Shirts, olive-drab, all wool Hats, felt Socks, olive-drab, weight. Socks, gray, heavy-weight Underwear, woolen Shoes, russet Shoes, gjTnnasium Discarded soles and heels Leather scrap, miscellaneous., Scrap wood (cast oil' lumber, packing boxes, and barrels). Scrap iron (pipes, rods, bolts). Copper wire Scrap brass ■ ScrajJ harness , W heelban-ows Brass, light , Unserviceable tools . do Scrap Iron Tents Canvas, scrap, white. Denim (coats, overalls, etc.). Tents and liies Mattress sacks Gloves, canvas, leather palm. Khaki, canvas Khaki cotton rags Comforters and quilis Socks, cotton, colored Canvas leggings Tents and dies Tents SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 63 1 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 22,1919. -do. . -do., -do., .do., .do., .do-. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 5, 1919. Aug. 7,1919. Aug. 8, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919 . Aug. 8, 1919. Aug. 22, 1919.... Aug. 29, 1919.... Aug. 23, 1919 Aug., 1919. do CAMP SHELBY, MISS. — Continued. Lieut. D. H. Jones, Camp Shel- by, Mi.ss. J. V. Mltchel, Hattiesburg, Miss. Roy C. [3aylLs, Hattiesburg, Miss. Paflanan-Hollaway, Omer,MLss. F. L. Jialou, Natchez, Miss S. I. llund, Hattiesburg, Miss... E. Sondheimer Co., Baton Rouge, La. N. LooliUIe, Newton, Miss J. S. Jenkins, Newton, MLss B. H. Bass, New Hebron, MLss.. I^. Fairley, Hattiesburg, Miss... Capt. Harl, Camp Shelby, Miss.. A. E. Wilcomb, New Augusta, Miss. T. J. Walters, Hattiesburg, Miss. Capt. White, Camp Shelby, Miss. W. T. Cosby, Hattiesburgj Miss.. Walter Bullock, Camp Shelby, Miss. P. M. Brown, Richton, Miss J. A. Griffin, Bond, Miss Eb. Doolittle, Newton, MLss Geo. W. Baylis, Columbia, Miss.. Cleveland Wrecking Co., MLnne- apolLs. Minn. Camie-Goudie Manufacturing Co., Kansas City, Mo. Sam Boyd, Columbia, Miss J. M. Thompson, McLaurin, Miss. Cal HLrsch & Son, St. Louis, Mo G. J. Bryan, Camp Shelby, Miss. J. W. Grey, Maxie, MLss V. C. Hoye, Camp Shelby, Miss. J. O. Barron, Hattiesburg, Miss. J. L. Morris, Gulfport, Miss T. J. Jackson, Hattiesburg, Miss. J. W. Draugbn, Hattiesburg, Miss. John Humphreys, Camp Shelby, MLss. H. R. Burkett, Columbia, Miss.. Lieu . F. L. Jackson, Camp Shelby, Miss. B. R. Basham, Camp Shelby, Miss. E. E. Bradley, Camp Shelby, Miss. J. M. Spaths, Hattiesburg, Miss. N. E. Barron, Hattiesburg, Miss. G. C. Ball, Tylertown, Miss Champion Supply Co., Atlanta- Ga. R. n. ELkins, Starksville, Miss.. S. W. Abney, Heidelberg, Miss.. Mr. Smith, Hattiesburg, Miss... J. F. Dupuy, Hickory Flat, Miss.. CAMP SHERMAN, OHIO. Chas. F. Schlegle, ChilUcothe, Ohio. Columbus Barrel & Cooperage Co., Columbus, Ohio. Boy Scouts of America, Ports- mouth, Ohio. Dahl-Campbell Co., ChilUcothe, Ohio. Columbus Barrel & Cooperage Co., Colurnbus, Ohio. Camie Goudie Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Geo. Gabler, Chillicothe, Ohio... A. Watelsky. Cincinnati, Ohio.. Ohio Bottle & Metal Co., Colum- bus, Ohio. Officers in camp Henry Knight & Son, Louis- ville, Ky. Shelter halves. Tents., do. do. do. do. do. do do do do do Tents and flies . Tents do Tents, shelter half. do do Tents do Flies Tents and flies . Tents. -do. .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Damaged bran Open-head barrels. Kegs Mess kits Banana hampers. Soda barrels Oil barrels Me.ss kits do Fruit jars and glasses Comforts Bottles and broken glass. Shoe repairing. Garbage 632 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 31, 1919.. .do. •do. Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 11,1919. do do do Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. .do. FORT SLOCUM, N. T. David A. Dorman, 465 E. 145tli St., Bronx, New York City. John J. Corkery, 40 Brace Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. Lafayette Wiseman, New Ro- cheUe Rd., Tuckahoe, N. Y. FORT SNELLING, MINN. Morris Oglansky, St. Paul, Minn, Harry Cohen, St. Paul, Minn. . , Jacob Cohen, St. Paul, Minn A. Oglansky, St. Paul, Minn Sam Striker, St. Paul, Minn Harry Cohen, St. Paul, Minn. . , H. Rosenblett, Minneapohs, Minn, .do. Aug. 26, 1919. do do do .....do do Aug. 15, 1919 . Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. ....do Harry Cohen, St. Paul, Minn. . do do A. Fineberg & Co., St. Paul, Minn. do do M. Oglansky, St. Paul, Minn John. LeBorius, Minneapolis, Minn. CAMP STANLEY, TEX. J. A. Muckleroy, 1025 Ogden St., San Antonio, Tex. do July 30, 1919 Aug. 15-30, 1919, ..do.... ..do.... ..do. ..do. FORT STEVENS, OKEG. A. E. West, Warrenton, Oreg. J. W. Hodgson, Fort Stevens, Oreg. J. S. Dillinger, Astoria, Oreg A. L. Cauley, Fort Stevens, Oreg. Blanche Bowen, Kent, Wash..., J. Kay, Astoria, Oreg , do. do. do. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. W. S. Gordon, Astoria^ Oreg David Kindred^stona, Oreg... H. McDermitt, Hammond, Oreg. ST. LOUIS, MO. B. B. Steiner, 112 N. 3d St., St. Louis, Mo. M. M. Rutchik, New York, N. Y. Chas. A. Schmidt Ins. Co. FORT STRONG, MASS. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919. ....do John J. McGurn, 86 Lowell St., Somenille, Mass. James Lannan, Fort Strong, Mass. E. J. Junkins, 27 Swallow St., South Boston, Mass. CAMP ZACHABT TAYLOR, KY. R. L. Davis, Louisville, Ky Chas. R. Allen, Charleston, S. C. Pero & Stoecker, Louisville, Kv. do ".. Barrels, miscellaneous, light- weight. Kegs, vinegar, S. E., 15-gal. .. Kegs, Annegar, D. H., 15-gal.. Kegs, pictle, S. E., 10-gal Garbage Bread, stale crumbs Grease, cooked Scrap iats Bones Ammunition packing cases. . . do do do do Shoes, repaired, used Used leather shoes, russet, field and marching, unre- paired. Used leather shoes, russet, field and marching, unre- paired, single. Scrap cable lead Cable lead, 20 Pr., type 413..., Cable lead, 10 Pr., type 411..., Cable lead, 20 Pr., type 413. .., Cable lead, 10 Pr., type 411. .., Cable reels, wood , Bottles, miscellaneous sizes... Garbage ..., Garbage. do.... Garbage Tent, wall, class D . .do. Tent, pyramidal, class C . Tent, wall, class D Tent, wall, class C Fly tent, small, class C. . . Tent, pyramidal, class C . Tent, wall, class C Fly, tent, class D Tent, wall, class C ,....do do Osnaberg remnants, burnt edges. Osnaberg remnants, burnt edges, stripped. X-ray machine, portable Refrigerator, small . Corn meal, yellow. . Motor-boat hull Motor cycles . Manure Garbage Dead animals SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 633 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Contlnued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 14, 1919. do Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. .do. .do. Aug. 31, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. do Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 20, 1919. do Aug. 30, 1919. .do. .do. Aug. 8, 1919... Aug. 11, 1919., Aug. 14, 1919., Aug. 16, 1919., do Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 21, 1919.. do Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 25, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919. do Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. do do do CAMP ZACHABT TAYLOE, KY.— continued. Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louis\ille, Ky. Miscellaneous buyers Hirsch Bros. & Co., Louis\'llle, Ky. Eiler Bros., Louisville, Ky Miscellaneous buyers rORT THOMAS, KT. C. Faulhaber, Fort Thomas, Ky . .....do CAMP TRAVIS, TEX. J. A. MucMeroy, San Antonio, Tex. do do do Mr. Cohen, San Antonio, Tex . . VANCOXJTER BARRACKS, "WASH. Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg do , H. Schwartz, Portland, Oreg Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg do Mrs. G. W. Louden, Vancouver, Wash. Various truck gardners, Van- couver, Wash. Officer and enlisted men of Van- couver Barracks, Wash. ■WALTER REED GENERAL HOS- PITAL. Lieut. I^ivingood, Walter Reed General Hospital. C. F. Diumer, Walter Reed Hns- eral Hospital. R. C. Cash, Walter Reed General Hospital. H. C. Latewell, Walter Reed General Hospital. Charles F. Sumner Walter Reed General Hospital. H. S. Milstig, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. Ernest Mence, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. Robert C. Tucker, Walter Reed General Hospital. D. L. Weile, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. L. B. Iiunan, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. George F. Lull, Walter Reed General Hospital. W. H. Means, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. W. C. Shean, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. R'lbert Brook, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. W. F. Tobin, Walter Reed Gen- eral Hospital. Robert C. Tucker, Walter Reed General Hospital. John Garvey, 6317 Blair Rd., Washington, D. C. Post Exchange, Walter Reed General Hospital. American Jimk Co., 438 O St. NW., Wasliington, D. 0. Blue denim rags . Scrap lumber . Pickle kegs Barrels Scrap lumber . Bones. . . Garbage . ....do.... Comforts . .do. Dead horse. Refrigerator Barrels, oil Shoes, condemned. Cots, canvas Paper, waste Manure Repairing of personal clothing at Government repair shop. Shoes, repaired. do .do. Shoes, heels repaired. Shoes, repaired do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Shoes, heels repaired . Shoes, repaired Boxes and crates Bottles Cast iron, scrap 634 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Aug. 1,1919. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Aug. 2, 1919. do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. do. do. do. do. do. do. .do .do Aug. 5, 1919. Aug. 6,1919. do do do Aug. 8, 1919. do ....do.... ....do.... .do. .do. do... do... do Aug. 12, 1919. do Aug. 14, 1919. do do do Name and address of buyer. BASE SALVAGE PLANT, WASH- INGTON, D. C. Oblohe College, 391 Micliigan A VG cit V J. F. Bailey, 1409 Crition St., citv. E . M. Sandefs, Newark, N.J Wasliine;ton Sanitarium, Taljo- koma Park, D. C. Lieut. Wallice, Ordnance De- partment. Wasliington Hospital, Takoma Park, D. C. W. F. Fischer, Munitions Build- ing, citv. Sergt. R. Myler, 205 D St. NE., citv. J. J." Contrav, 1152 25th St. NW., citv. Thomas E. Barlett, 432 Lamont St. NW. C. R. Matteer, Park I/ane, Va W. .T. Craward, 958 26th St. NW.. Milton Hopfenmaier, 221 lOtli St. NW. Jos. E. Ransdell, United States Senate. Jos. E. Ransdell, U. S. Senate... Louis C. Grossberg, 517 K St. NW.,City. B. Wollberg, 222 New York Ave. NW. C. R. Matteer, Rosslyn, Va , R. M. I'ettv, 331 O St. NW Walter W. "Paige, 420 2d St Dr. France, Sibley Hospital W\ Jos. Harrison, 1710 Market St., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Edward Kalchthaler, 177 38th St., Pittsbvugh, Pa. E. M. Sandefs, Newark, N. J... W. S. Cushwa, Silver Springs, Md. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va.. Nathan Savlov, Shamokin, Pa., United Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. Mrs. Paul Martin, 314 N. Queen St., Martinsburg, W. Va. Capt. J. P. Bell, 1710 Marlcet St., Philadelphia, Pa. C. T. Lokerson, 1615 19th St N W W. L. Leech, Tidal Bathing Beacli. O. T. Moore M. R. Crisp, Department of Labor. J. Hill, 320 V St. NE J. A. Carman, 433 New Hamp- shire Ave. D. Georgeson, 220 E. CapitolSt. James H. Mutehier, 3d and Randolph Sts., NE. T. R. Godev, 6th and B Sts. NW Louis Notes, 814 E St. NW M. Costigan, Colorado Bldg C. Eckhart,920 O St. NW E. L. Stock, 1220 New York Ave Mabel Robinson, 3d and Ran- dolph Sts., NE. Bennett Hammond, 1845 Mon- roe St. NW. Article. Class C pyramidal tents do .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Class D tent Class C wall tent, small . Class C flv, large . . ClassCtent Condemned ham. Class C pyramidal tent. Class D tent Aluminimi, painted sheet. Copper, heavy Copper, light Copper wire, No. 2 Electric-light bulbs Lead battery plates Class C pyramidal tent — do .do. .do. Class D pyramidal tent. Class C pyramidal tent . .do. .do. Khaki cotton rags Ivhaki cimvass Denim coats, overalls, etc . Hat cords Socks, cotton, colored Roofiiig rags Socks, cotton, white Scrap iron do do Class C pjTamidal tent — .do. .do. .do. Class D pyramidal tent. do Wall tent, small — Class D tent, small. Class D tent ClassCtent. small. Class D tent, small Blankets Class C pyramidal tents . do do Class C tent , small Blankets, commercial . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 635 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Aug. 14,1919... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Aug. 16,1919... do do do Aug. 14,1919... do BASE SALVAGE PLANT, WASH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. Lieut. E. P. Grant, Kensington, Md. Thomas Parker, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. W. E. Boyer, 505 5th St. NE . . . . W. H. Robinson, Bliss Electric School. R. T. Green^ Kensington, Md... Dr. France, Sibley Hospital Wm. Bowman, 3d and Ran- dolph Sts.,NE. O. T. Moore, Department of Labor. W. F. Cush, 3d and R Sts. NE . . C. T. Lokerson, 1615 19th St. NW. Capt. Wykofl, 21 M St. NE M.Crisp W. R. Harr, Branchville, Md... A. Albrecht, 3d and R Sts. NE . . J. Hill, 320 V St. NE... M. Wolff, Schlitz Bldg. Edvena Christian, 3d and Ran- dolph Sts., NE. Jos. Panholzer, 3d and Ran- dolph Sts., NE. Peerless Tire Co., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Perry, 23 Seaton Place NE. Wm. T. Hall, 3d and Randolph Sts.,NE. Wm. Bradley, 3d and Ran- dolph Sts.,NE. Gus. Hunt Wm. Bowman, 3d and Ran- dolph Sts., NE. R. L. Carroll Robert Levy, 3d and Randolph Sts., NE. Louis Notes, 814 E St. NW W. H. Robinson, Bliss Electric School. Louis Notes, 814 E St. N W Mr. Wolff, Schlitz Bldg George Weeks, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. G. 0. Meyer, Park Lane, Va B. Sacrey, Schlitz Bldg , B. F. Phillips, Silver Spring, Md. Nicholas Blasie, 8d and Ran- dolph NE. Tlyjmas Parker Claudine Peace, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Pinkie Rembert, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Mamie Jones, 3d and Randolph NE. Roy Carroll, Salvage Plant Wm. Robinson, Schlitz Bldg A. Albrecht, Schlitz Brewery Robert King, 3d and Randoljjh NE. E. Donaldson, 1122 8th St. NW. . Louis Ha vkins, 1813 Lincoln Ave, NE. Blankets, commerical. do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do :... do Boards Desk Table and chair. Counter Table Table, small Screens Wood Clocks, broken. Fiber case Canvas Fiber cases Shoes, civilian. Cases, fiber Chair Table Chair, folding . Fiber case Shoes, civilian. Cases, fiber Shoes, civilian. Cases, fiber Desks Books, old Canvas Canvas, piece . Table, small. . Locker, tr unk Old wire Stoves, gas Coffeepot Shelves Motor cycle parts. Ax. Comforts. do... .do. .do. Blankets, commercial. Wood Tin Wood Desk Hog-food meal and crackers . Fiber cases Vise Blankets, cotton Blankets Socks Blankets, cotton 686 SALE OF SURPLITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DrVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Aug. 14,1919. .do. .do. .do. ...do. ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... ..do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 15,1919. ....do .do. ....do Aug. 16,1919. ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. ...do.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do Aug. 19,1919 do do do Aug. 19, 1919.... Name and address of buyer BASE aALVAQE PLANT, "WASH- INGTON, D. c. — continued. Thomas Mutcliler, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Walter W. Paige, 420 2d St E. Jolmson l>anipl Slifer, 3d and Randolph NE. Schlitz Urowerv, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. W. L. Robinson Bryont Cope, 415 E.Kchange I'laco, Baltinioro, Md. O. T. Moore, Department of Labor. E. Smith, 3d and Randolph NE. Robert I^evv Capt. Wvkoff, 21 M St. NE M. Whitson, 150 R St , V. ir. Whitman, 703 Randolph Place NW. J. Hill, 320 V St. NE , J. A. Carman, 433 New Hamp- sliire Ave. 0. T. Morgan, Department of Labor. E. Costigan, 407 Colorado Bldg. B. G. Owen, 739 Quebec St Daniel Slifer, 3d and Randolph NE. Louis Notes, 814 E St. NW B. Sacrey, Sclilitz Brewery Rov Carroll, 3d and Randolph >}E. M. Robinson, 3d and Randolph NE. Floyd Mutehler, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. .do. James Dore, Washington, D. C. Blanche Moore Mary M. Kimball jVndrew Lee, 3d and Randolph NE. Wm. Hall, 3d and Randolph NE. Edvena Christian Ruth Johnson, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Jos. Colaiacomo, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. PluliD Smith Mabel Carmichael G. A. Sovey, Mount Rainier, Md, Ben Einstein, 301 10th St. NW. . Andrew Lee, 3d and Randolph NE. Capt. Shaclcelford, O. D. P. S., Salvage Di%ision. Louis Hawkins, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. F. J. Ei instein, 229 7thSt. NW.. John Wlgnall, 1336 Ne\non St. NE. G. .\. Tovey, Mount Rainier, Md. I. Louis, Washington, D. C Article. Breeches Shoes, civilian do Vise Blankets, damaged. Locker, tnmk Desk, small Shoes, civilian Pump. Sugar. . . Awning. Shoes, civiliim . do do Trunk Tin Blankets, commercial. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Books. Table Stand Blankets, cotton. Locker trunk Stand, wash Comforts Chairs Blankets, cotton. Lot rims Comfort do Shoes, civilian . . . Comforts. .do. .do. Blankets, commercial. Tnmk... Comfort. . Canvas... File case. Carpet... Canvas... Chairs Lard Comforts. Blankets. Wagon. . . File case Rug File cases, shelving. Miscellaneous odds and ends. . Latrobe Miscellaneous articles. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 637 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAOE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total wile price. Aug. 19, 1919... .do. .do. .do. do.. ..do.. .do. ..do ..do .do. .do. Aug. 20, 1919. do do do do do do do ..do ..do ..do .do. .do. .do. ...do.. Aug. Vi, 1919.. .do. .do. . .do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. BASE SALVAOE FLANT, WASHINO- TON, D. c— continued. J Dreilus & Son, Alexandria, Va. Mr. Storty. Washington, D. C. . . . William fcoudere, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. B. VVollbcrg, 222 New York Ave. KW. Ben Einstein, 301 10th St. NW. . JI. Baum & Son, 912 Pennsylva- nia Ave. NW. Geo. Saunders, 3d and Randolph NE. N. Blasic, Schlitz Bldg Floyd Mutchler, 3d and i4an- dolj>h NE. Jos. Panholzer, Salvage Plant... T. Thomi)son, 3d and Jiandolph NE. James IL Mutchiler, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Roy Carroll, 3d and Randolph NK. Vaughn Ruttenbur, Salvage Plant. J. i^reifus, Alexandria, Va Whitewash sprayer Shovels Miscellaneous odds and ends. Hamees, saddles Alcohol, steel Tires, 35x5' Tires .do. .do. Rug. Mi^llaneoufl articles... Horse blankets Tires do Stocks Boxes, type, frame, etc. Case Blankets, commercial . Blankets, cotton do. Tires... Blankets, cotton. ....do .do. P. Smith, 3d and Randolph NE. Leon Henderson, Washington, L.C. Cornelius Larsen, 2523 Church Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. G. A. Tovey. Mt Rainier, Md... M. Cufihwa, Silver Springs, Md.. Mrs. White. 2122 4lh St. NE T. F. Walsh, 400 lllh St. SE.... Pinkie Remberg, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Mabel Carmicliael M. Grier, 211 R St. NW Stove Bread, condemned. Blankets, cotton. . . Blankets Blankets, cotton. . . Gasmask. Louis Hawkins . Philip Smith, 3d and Randolph NK. Louis Hawkins John Wlgnall, 1336 Newton St. NE. Ruth Johiuion, Salvage Plant . . . E. M. Sandefe, Newark, N.J William Hall, 3d and Randolph NE. Thomas Parker Clifton Clarridge, 928 G St. NW. Gas Hunt James Mason, Salvage Plant. C. li. Matteer, Roaslj-n, Va... Bookrack Blankets, cotton ....do ....do Blankets, commercial. Blanket, cotton do Blankets, wool... Blankets, cotton. .do. Socks. Blankets Blankets, cotton. .do. Canvas, small jjieces. Confort Blanket, cotton do Tents, class D Jacks Blanket, cotton Jos. Sannlcandro, Washington, U.C. Floyd Mutchler, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. I. Applestein, 22^) N. Gay St., Baltimore, lid. C. K. Matteer, Rosslyn, Va Blanket, damaged Class C pyramidal tent. B lankets, damaged do do do Blanket, cotton Class C pyramidal tent. Blanket, commercial . . . Blankets, damaged. Comforts Blankets, damaged. Blankets Blankets, cotton 638 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 29, 1919... ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Aug. 1,1919-. do Aug. 7, 1919.. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. do Aug. 16, 1919- Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 31, 1919. ....do Aug. 29, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 14, 1919. Aug. 14,1919- Aug. 31, 1919. do Aug. 31,1919. Sept. 8, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919. BASE SALVAGE PLANT, ■WASHING- TON, D. c— continued. George Weeks, 225 R St., NE . . . F. S. White, 2122 4tli St., NE . . . M. Granun, 1235 Girard St. NW. T. R. Walker, Mt. Rainier, Md. - W. 11. Smith, Garage No. 4 Ruth Johnson Claudine Peace Lillian Robinson Pinkie Rembort Henry Smith, 3d and Randolph NE. Nicholis Paulis, 1809 K St. NW. George L. Wever, Martlnsbursr, W. Va. J. E. Aronhalt, 152 Armstrong St., Keyser, W. Va. H. O. Hodgldn, AVarrenton, Va - Col. J. B. Rose, Warrenton, W. Va. WATEBVLIET ARSENAL, N. T. Ellis O. Friedman, Albany, N. Y. ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ■WILTSUR •WRIGHT AIR SERVICE DEPOT, FAIRFIELD, OHIO. Tottenvllle Copper Co., Totten- ville, N. Y. Columbia Iron and Metal Co., Dayton, Ohio. Alex Cohen's Sons, Indianapolis Ind. Leo Meyers, Akron, Ohio rORT -WORDEN, 'WASH. Alaska Junk Co., Seattle, Wash. P. J. McCullem, Port Townsend AVash. AA'illiam Haley, Port Townsend, Wash. ^ FORT H. a. WRIGHT, N. T. Fishers' Island Farms (Inc.), Fishers' Island, N. Y. FORT ADAMS, K. I. I. Adleman, Newport, R. I. ALCATRAZ, CALIF. Pacific Hog Co., Evans Avenue and Mendel Street, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Blankets, damaged. do do ClassCtent Balnkets, damaged. Auto rims , Blankets, damaged. do do Blankets, cotton do Blankets, damaged Class C pyramidal tent . ....do .do. .do. Gun borings and turnings. do ....do ....do do .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. Brass cartridge shells Brass cartridge clips Black scrap rubber Boots and shoes Tennis shoes Manganese-bronze bearings. Aluminum castings Auto radiators, No. 2 Heavy yellow brass Auto tires, miscellaneous. . - Conderoned tentage Kindling wood do Garbage Kindling wood Irons, metals. Manure Garbage. Barrels, oiL Dry garbage SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 639 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 11621 11522 Sept. 2, 1919 Sept. 3, 1919 do FORT ETHAN ALLEN, VT. Merrick Haley, 69 Greene Street, Burilngton, Vt. A. E. Sherwln, Burlington, Vt.. A. C. Curtice, Burlington, Vt. . . M. Katz, Burlington, Vt Green Mountain Junk Co., Bur- lington, Vt. Burlington Waste & Metal Co., Burlington, Vt. C. H. Berry, Winooski. Vt B. L. Bylngton, Charlotte, Vt. .. Jos. Brown, Burlington, Vt Strong Hardware Co., Burling- ton, Vt. R. J. Wool, Essex Center, Vt. . . J. H. Hanley, Essex Center, Vt. . Geo. W. Younger, Burlington, Vt. Ferdinand Boehmer, Winooski, Vt. N. G. ^ikcer, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Fogg & Dickman, Burlington, K. Kellogg, Essex Junction, Vt.. J. P. Ramsey, Charlotte, Vt Tent, pyramidal, large Flv, wall, small $9.00 6.00 11523 7 00 11524 do Rags' (hat cords, khaki cotton rags). Bags (feed bags, mixed) Cotton rags (socks, canvas leg- gings). Tent, pyramidal, large Tent, common 16 82 11525 do 68 00 11526 do 45 86 11527 11528 Sept. 4, 1919 do 12.00 6 00 11529 Sept. 5, 1919 Sept. 6, 1919 do do Fly, wall, large 6.25 11530 11531 Bags, cement and plaster Tent, pyramidal, large Tent, common 38.85 20.00 18.00 Fly, wall, large 7.00 11532 Tent, common 6.00 do Sept. 11, 1919.... Sept. 16, 1919.... do Fly) pyramidal 8.00 11533 11534 do Tent, conical, wall 4.00 8.00 Fly, common 7.60 Fly, wall, small 15.00 Fly, hospital 25.00 11535 Tents, pyramidal, large Fly, wall, small 70.00 1.25 11536 Shoes, unrepairable 198.00 11537 Sept. 22, 1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... Sept. 30, 1919.... do Wagon cover 6.00 11538 .....do 15 00 Ferdinand Boehmer Tent, common 6.25 Fly, wall, small 14.00 11539 Manure 9 75 11540 William Duggan Garbage 10.00 11541 11542 11543 Sept. 3, 1919 do do ATLANTA, GA. C. Bower, 128 S. Central Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. . . The I. V. Sutphin Co., Atlanta, Ga. Humphreys, Vamon & Bunker, Greenville, S. 0. Levkoff Bros., Columbia, S. 0. . . Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louisville, Ky. C. Bower, 128 S. Central Ave., Kjioxville, Tenn. Humphreys, Vamon & Bunker. Greenville, S. C. H. Muehlstein & Co., 2401 3d Ave., New York, N. Y. J. Edelstein, 1118 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga. Sweaters, wool, olive drab, unrepairable. Belts, waist, olive drab, with buckles. Belts, denim, brown, used Suspenders, brown, used, ser- viceable. Paper, scrap, baled, waste Shoes, russet, repaired, torn linings, good condition, mated. Boots, rubber, hip, good con- dition. Boots, rubber, knee, good Shoes, russet, unrepaired, torn linings, broken counters. Old canvas rags, white Old canvas rags, khaki Breeches, khaki, cotton Drawers, cotton, winter Drawers, summer, cotton Shirts, flannel, olive drab Shirts, cotton, olive drab Undershirts, winter, cotton. . . Haversacks, obsolete, incom- plete. Rubber, boots, scrap ., Rubber, inner tubes, black, scrap. Rubber, inner tubes, black. No. 2. Ponchos, orderly, medical, unrepairable. Ponchos, black rubber, unre- pairable. Ponchos, blue, unrepairable. . . Raincoats, civilian, rubber- ized, repairable. Slickers, rubber, mixed colors. 31.16 130.03 6.02 2.28 168 43 11544 11545 11546 Sept. 9, 1919 do do 2,350.00 848. 75 544.50 620.00 330. 06 11547 11548 11549 11550 Sept. 16, 1919.... do Sept. 22, 1919.... do 99.75 231.80 9.77 109. 86 87.33 44.28 19.53 17.25 139.67 l,-222. 15 94.27 17.50 39.55 3.85 3.00 13.00 640 SALE or SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 22, 1919. do do do Sept. 27, 1919. .do. -do. .do. Sept. 2, 1919. do do do Sept. 4, 1919.. do Sept. 6, 1919.., Sept. 8, 1919.., do Sept. 9, 1919.. do Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919., do do Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919., Sept. 22, 1919., ....do.... -do. Sept. 24, 1919.. do do. do. do. do. ATLANTA, QA. — continued. Morris Margolin, 840 Huron Rd. Cleveland, Ohio. David Weinberg Co., 11 Broad- way, Chelsea, Mass. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. Stein & Co., Atlanta, Ga Bradley Bonded Warehouse Co., Greenville, S. C. Cleveland "Wrecking & Contract- ing Co., MlnneapoUs, Minn. Star Trading Co., Asbury Park, N. J. I. Applestein, Baltimore, Md. . . ZONE SUPPLY OFFICEE, BALTI- MOEE, MD. Merchandise Exchange, Balti- more, Md. C. BelK, Baltimore, Md , M. C. Smith, Baltimore, Md. . .. L. Scharnagel, Baltimore, Md. .. H. C. Cox, Baltimore, Md H. Hood, Baltimore, Md C. C. Sigler, Baltimore, Md A. "Walker, Baltimore, Md C. Rebstock, Baltimore, Md R. J. McGregor, Baltimore, Md . F. H. Dines, Baltimore, Md G. F. Medmger, Baltimore, Md . J. W. Hoff, Baltimore, Md J. R. Insley, Baltimore, Md R. H. Tillman, Baltimore, Md.. Levering Bros., Baltimore, Md. . G. F. Medi*ger, Baltimore, Md. . Globe Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more, Md. "Wm.. Looban, Baltimore, Md Larimer Bag Co., Baltimore, Md. Harry Hoffman, Baltimore, Md . N. Frank & Sons, Baltimore,Md. Virginia Bag Co., Norfolk, Va. . . Harry Hoffman, Baltimore, Md. American Bag & Burlap Co., Baltimore, Md. Merchants Bag & Cover Co., Baltimore, Md. Rubber, scrap gloves. No. 1 . . . Rubber, scrap, mixed colors . . Ponchos, rubber, fair condition Slickers, rubber, repairable Rubber (inner tubes), red, scrap. Rubber (scrap fire and garden hose). Rubber (scrap fire fabric hose) Rags (shirts, wool, olive-drab, cotton warp). do do ....do do Rags (blankets, wool, olive- drab). Rags (blankets, wool, gray). . . Rags (blankets, wool, mixed colors). Rags (blankets, cotton, mixed colors). "White navy beans, damaged . . Rice, damaged , Granulated sugar, damaged . . . Salt^ damaged , Apricot jam, No. 2, damaged.. Pyramidal tent , do ....do ...do ....do do ...do ....do ...do Armchair Cymbals, damaged Pyramidal tent, large do ....do Light sheet iron Sausage grinder , Brass cocks and faucets Heavy yellow brass Light brass Red brass Light copper Copper wire. No. 1 Copper wire. No. 2 Feed bags, 4-bu., patchable. .. Jute flour bags, 140-lb. perfect. Bean bags, double, perfect. . . . Bean bags, double, patchable. Bean bags, Japan, perfect Potato bags, 2-bu., patchable. . Mixed bags, patchable ,Tute flour bags, 140-lb., patch- able. Jute flour bags, 100-lb., patch- able. Cotton flour bags, 98-lb., plain, perfect. Heavy lead Tea lead Cast aluminum Radiator brass Copper tubing Lead battery plates Mixed babbits Feed bags, 5-bu., patchable. . . Jute flour bags, 100-lb., perfect . Burlap, No. 3 Bran bags, patchable Bean bags, Japan, patchable^ SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMEISTT. 641 SERIAL LIST OF SALES; SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 25, 1919.. do do do do Sept. 27, 1919.. do Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 5, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919... . Sept. 18, 1919.... Sept. 19, 1919.... Sept. 31, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 22, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. Aug. 27, 1919. do do Sept. 6, 1919. do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Sept. 30, 1919... Sept. 30, 1919.... Sept. 9, 1919 Sept. 15, 1919.... ZONE SUPPLY OFFICER, BALTI- MORE, MD. — continued. T. T. Todd, Baltimore, Md K. H. Dines, Baltimore, Md Neal Smith, Baltimore, Md S. C. Smith, Baltimore, Md J. W. Chase, Baltimore, Md G. F. Medinger, Baltimore, Md. August Strumsky, Baltimore, Md. Boston Iron & Metal Co., Balti- more. Md. C. Belli, Baltimore, Md G. W. Howard, Baltimore. Md. BOSTON, MASS. D. DeStefanoCo. (Inc.), Boston, Mass. Joseph Martel, Boston, Mass H. Cutler & Co., Chelsea, Mass. , CAMP BOWIE, TEX. Texas Rendering Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Columbia Wax Product Co., New York, N. Y. . J. Edelstein, Augusta, Ga J. H. Watson, Fort Worth, Tex. Various Stanley NewdIng, San Antonio, Tex. Fulton Bag & Cotton MiUs, Dallas, Tex. Louis Kaminsky & Co., Hous- ton, Tex. Wilbur F. Crawford, Waco, Tex. C. A. Lunney, Desdemona, Tex. J. W. Hooper, Wichita Falls, Tex. Harry R. Herring, Fort Worth, Tex. Glenn Bros. Furniture Co., Fort Worth, Tex. August Anderson, Lawton, Okla. Glenn Bros. Furniture Co., Fort Worth, Tex. Harry R. Herring, Fort Worth, Tex. FORT BRADY, MICH. James A. Hotten, Mackinaw Road, Sault Ste. Marie, JMich. CHANUTE FIELD, RANTOTJL, ILL. A. S. Johnson, RantouJ, 111 CHICAGO, ILL. A. C. Loveland & Co., Hartford, Conn. Benj. Harris & Co., 1359 W. 21st St., Cliicago, 111. Trunk locker, broken do do do Scrap lumber Beans , damaged Salt, damaged Tomatoes, "No. 3, rejects Tomatoes, No. 2^, rejects... Tomatoes, No. 10, rejects. . . Tomatoes, No. 2, rejects 16-lb. steel maul, damaged. Oatmeal, moldy Sheet-iron cabinets. Pyramidal tent, large . do .'... Paper, mixed waste Wood, fire, accumulation of. Bale covers, heavy wool Wax candles . Condemned shoes. Fruit jars Kindling Sacks .do. .do. Condemned pillows. do... do .do. .do. Condemned mattresses. do .do. Garbage. Cot covers, white Brass, tubing, light yellow Brass, miscellaneous heavy plate, yellow. Brass, miscellaneous scrap, light plate, yellow. Brass, miscellaneous scrap, heavy, yellow. Brass, miscellaneous scrap, heavy, red. 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- -41 642 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DR'ISION— Conlinuod. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. CHICAGO, ILL.— continued. 11617 Sept. 15, 1919. . . Benj. Harris it Co., 1329 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111. Copper, light (approximately 25 per cent soldering). Copper tubing, light $32.94 8.55 Copper >^1re, not insulated. No. 1, heavy. 53.01 Copper wire, not insulated. No. 2 light. Lead, heavy, ^^1th approxi- 17.10 7.72 mately 40 per cent cable. Plates, auto, red brass 82.88 Plates, auto, vellow brass Radiators, yellow brass, auto. 10.80 28.71 ivlth copper and iron frame. Radiators, auto, yellow brass, 12.96 with iron frame. Radiators, auto, brass, with 4.50 copper and iron frame. Radiators, auto, yellow brass. 43.78 without frame. Sept. 22,1919.... Illinois Beddinc; Co. , Chicago, Til . Tinfoil 194.85 1161S Feathers, loose 65.38 11619 Sept. 2;?, 1919.... Chas. M. Oiorhahn. Chicago, 111. Sugar, gvannlatod, has been wet and hardened. 10.00 11620 Sept. 24, 1919.... Isaac Minsky, 43 Main St., TIol- Socks, mi.xed, colored, cotton. . 303.02 yoke, Mass. White scraps, mixed 332.41 11621 do Lalm A Simons, 491 Oreenmch St., New York City. Hats, felt, olive-drab 388.09 Shirts olive-drah, skirted. 9,068.70 wool and cotton mixed. Sweaters, olive-drab, wool and cotton mixed. 2,389.58 11622 Sept. 27, 1919.... Harry M. Greenberp, 4S.? Wat- son St., Detroit, Mich. J. E. Kelly, 402 N. Sth St., Rich- Seat irons, Nash-Quad 500.89 11623 do Shoes, unrepaired, russet 600.00 mond, Ind. 11624 Sept. 29, 1919.... R. Kromer, 2146 Canton St., Chicago, 111. Pillows, cotton 38.96 11625 do Jerome Vandecaveve, Winde P. 0., Delta County, Mich. Overalls, bro'mi denim, com- bination, no repairs, me- 5.00 dium size. 11626 do National Woolen Co., 3131 W. 33d St., Cleveland, Ohio. Socks, light, gray, light wool. 318. 75 wool and cotton, mixed (old rags). Shoes: Misraates, repaired, russet. Repaired, field 11627 do Army ct Navv Salvage Co., 39 West 3d St., Saint Paul, Minn. 1,874.37 33.96 Unrepaired, russet 6,159.09 Unrepaired, niarclilng 615. 00 do Gumbinsky Bros. Co.. 2261 Union Ave., South Cnicago, Unrepaired, field 136. SO 11628 Gloves, olive-drab, wool and 8, 146. 46 cotton, mixed. 111. Clippings, mixed color, com- mercial wool and cotton, mixed. 979.68 11629 do Western Bag & Burlap Co., 24th Bags: and Wallace Sts., Chicago, 111. Burlap, 24 X 25 X 40" Burlap, 28x29x40" Burlap, 25x29x45" Burlap, feed, 32 x 33 x 45" Burlap, feed, 24 x 25 x 40". Burlap, feed, 2S x 25 x 45". Burlap, feed, 2S x 29 x 40". 962. 50 2,231.25 802. 50 6S.13 84.51 80.25 201.88 11630 do John T. Lodge & Co., 322 Con- gress St^ Boston, Mass. Wolpert, Davis Co., 125 Wash- Shirts, gray flannel, wool and cotton, mixed. 742. 11 11631 Sept. 29, 1919.... Coats: ington Ave. N., Minneapolis, Brown, no repairs, small. . 642.40 Minn. Brown, no repairs, medium Brown, no repairs, large... Brown, minor repairs, small. Blue, no repairs, small Blue, no repairs, medium.. Blue, no repairs, large Blue, minor repairs, "small. Bhie, minor repairs, medi- um. Blue, minor repairs, large , - 87.60 29.20 116.80 2,014.80 292.00 116.80 * 1, 343. 20 292.00 40&80 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 643 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. 11631 11832 11634 11636 11636 11637 11639 1164D U641 11642 Sept. 29, 1919... Sept., 1919.. Sept. t-80, 1919^ Sept. 18, 1919,.,. Sept. 4, 1919. _ . . Sept. 18, 1919_.. . Sept. 1-80, 1919.. Sept. 80, 1919.-, Aog. 28, 1919..-, do- Sept 10, 1913.... do Name and address of buyer. Article. CHICAGO, ILL— continued. Wolpert, Davis Co., 12.5 Wash- ington Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. FOET CLAEK, TEX. GeorKfi Elvers, BrackBttville, Tex. CaLUMBUS, N.MKX- Turvey Bros^ Douglas, Ariz COLtnotJS BAERACKS, OHIO- Toppor Bros., Columbus, Ohio.. Cherry Hill Stock Farm, Co- lumbus, Ohio. Columbu.s Barrel Cooperage Co., Columbus, Ohio. GENEEAi HOSPITAL NO- 21. C. W. Swayze, rural route 3, Stockyards Station., Denver, Colo. FOET DES MOUTBH, IOWA- Walter 0'Donn.eIl, Commerce, Iowa. CAITP DEVEKS, >1ABS. A. C. Loveland & Co., Hartford, Conn. B. Feinburg Sons Oou., Chelsea, Mass. North Adams Grain Co,, North Adam.s, Mass. G. A_ La-wTence, Holyoke, Mass^. Overalls: Blue, no repairs, bib, small, Blue, no repairs, bib, medium. Blue, no repairs bib, large. Blue, min or repairs, bib, small. Blue, minor repairs, bib, medium. Blue, minor repairs, bib, large. Blue, minor repairs, com- bination. Blue, minor repairs, bib, large. Brown, minor repairs, combination, small. Brown, minor repairs, combination, medium- Brown, minor repairs, combination, small. Trousers: Blue, no repairs, combinar tion, small. Blue, no repairs, combina- tion, medium. Blue, no repairs, combina- tion, large. Blue, minor repairs, com- bination, small. Blue, minor repairs, com- bination, medium. Blue, minor repairs, com- bijiation, large. Brown, no repairs, combi- nation, small. Brown, no repairs, combi- nation, medium. Brown, minor repairs, combination, large. Garbage Garbage Waste shoes, Garbage (bones and slops) . Barrels... G arbage Meat Bones Bread. G reastt Bones, Garbage Roofing rags Seams and skeletons cotton Oats, moldy BraiL, moldy Oats, s-weejjings Total sale price. $635. 10 306. 60 21.90 919. 80 328. 50 65. 70 .54.75 18.25 182.50 219.00 164.25 1,109.60 408.80 116. 80 963.60 788.40 175. 20 817. 60 204.40 116.80 34.00 116.00 1,03a 68 69.68 3.45 815.54 106. 26 32.70 18.60 39.04 3.00 93.20 607.22 27.89 689. 16 239. 56 130.00 644 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. . Sept. 5, 1919.. Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919.. Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. do do Sept. 4, 1919. Sept. 5, 1919. do Sept. 8, 1919. Sept. 12, 1919. do Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. do Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919. do Sept. 5, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919. do do do Sept. 10, 1919.... Sept. 12, 1919.... do Sept. 13, 1919.... CAMP DEVENs — Continued. Foster Grain Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. Conservation Co., Ayer, Mass. G. A. Lawrence, Holyoke, Mass. Pine Ridge Farm Co., Ayer, Mass. CAMP DDC, N. J. Unknown, bidders alloted a number, by which kno-nm. Frank Nikolet, Brown Mills, N.J. Security Steel & Iron Co., Troy, N. Y. Minneapolis Army & Navy Sup- ply Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Metal & Thermit Corporation, 120 Broadway, New York. John Meehan & Son, 915 W. Dauphin St., Philadelphia. General Manufacturing Co., Sny- der Ave. and Swanson St., Philadelphia. CAMP DODGE, IOWA. L. Cohn, Des Moines, Iowa Com, moldy Manure: Camp Remount Scrap lumber Bread Raw fats, cooked grease. Bones Other garbage JTents Condemned straw. St. Paul Scrap Iron & Metal Co., St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Low, Granger, Iowa , Low Bros., Granger, Iowa Peter Woll & Son Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cleveland Wrecking Co., Min- neapolis, Minn. Interstate Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. Minneapolis Barrel & Bag Co., Minneapolis, Minn. do Flynn Dairy Co ELLINGTON FIELD, TEX. J. Block & Co., Galveston, Tex., Houston Paper Stock Co., Hous- ton, Tex. J. Block & Co., Galveston, Tex.. do John C. Twiss, Laredo, Tex Sampson Junk Co Fred G. Matthews, Houston, Tex. EL PASO, TEX. i Federal Distributing Co., San Antonio, Tex. E. T. Amonett, El Paso, Tex. . . H. C. Camp, city service, El Paso, Tex. Texas Rubber & Metal Co., El Paso, Tex. Peyton Packing Co., El Paso, Tex. El Paso Auto Wrecking Co., El Paso, Tex. Carnle-Goodle Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Chas. Saunders, El Paso, Tex... EI Paso Auto Wrecking Co., El Paso, Tex. Blankets, commercial, wool. do Old tin cans Maniu-e Garbage Scrap pipe Iron, mixed Steel ranges Horseshoes Miscellaneous scrap cast iron. Fruit jars '. Garbage (bread, meats and grease, bones, other garbage, dead animals). Roachings, mane and tail Cast iron. Shoes, condemned Barrels (misceUaneous, vine- gar). Barrels, oil Bottles, milk Empty oil barrels . Waste paper Old metals Scrap rubber Condemned shoes Empty shotgun shells . Garbage Balance on tents. Cot covers, canvas Blankets, commercial wool Canvas, white Bacon, condemned Canvas gloves Blankets, rmserviceable . Waste material Rubber tires, scrap . 1 Trap grease deducted in accordance with telegram from O. Q. M. G., dated Aug. 21, 1919. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 645 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 17, 1019.. Sept. 18, 1919.. Sept. 2:5, 1919.. Sept. 2G, 1919.. .do. ....do Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. .30, 1919. .do. .do. Sept. 5, 1919. Sept. 1.5,1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. do Sept. IR, 1919. do Sept. 2.5, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 15, 1919.. Sept. 23, 1919.. Sept. 20, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919 do do , EL PAHO, TEX.— continued. ('has. Saunders, EI Paso, Tex... do do IT. M. Maple, El Paso, Tex Kl Paso Auto Wrecking Co., El Pa.so, Tex. El Pa.so Iron & Metal Co., El Paso, Tex. Hrs. llenr.v Mohr, P^I Paso, Tex. ('has. Saunders, El Paso, Tex.. Texas Rubber & Metal Co., El Paso, Tex. EI Paso Auto Wrecking Co., E! Paso, Tex. do Sherman TTog Co., El Paso, Tex CAMP FUNSTON, KANS. Not knriwn R. E. Westbrook, Manhattan, Kans. H. H. Everything Co., Manhat- tan, KaiLs. Gumbirtsky Bros., Chicago, 111 . Camio Goudie Co., Kansas City, Mo. CAMP GORDON, GA. Mendenhall & Ferguson, Cham- blee, Ga. West Lumber Co., Atlanta, Ga. Berman Cooperage Co., Birming- ham, Ala. Charles R. Allen, Charleston, S. C. CAMP GRANT, nX. H. Baxter, Rr;ckfc,rd, III M. Armstrong, Rockford, III . . . J. T. lya Forge & Sons, Rock- ford, 111. Geo. E. Stacking, Rocholle, 111 . John ILZarLsinger, R'jckford, III Cal Hirsch & Soas, St. Louis, Mo Farmers, Rockford, 111 FORT BENJAMIN HARRISON, IND. Sklles E. Test, rural route K-1, Indianapolis, Ind. Henry Bergmim, 425 W. Morris St., Indianai)oiis, Ind. Sam Cohen, 1420 Union St., Indianapolis, Ind. Harry A. De Young, Lawrence, Waste matcnal ....do ....do Blankets, un.servlceable Burlap bag.f4ng. No. 3, .scrap. White metal Copper, heavy Copper, light Zinc Manila rope, scraps. Waste material Bags, mixed Aluminum sheet and wire Brass, heavy yellow Bags: Potato, No. 2 Potato, No. 1 Onion, No, 2 Sugar, .jute. No. 2 Sugar, jute. No. 1 Flour, No. 1, 9K-lb., cotton. Flour, No. 2, 08-lb., cotton. Bean, No. 1 Flour. No. 1 Mixed, No. 2 Garbage Gas mask Wagon and wagon frame . Lockers Garden hose Ice box Waste paper Books Commercial blankets. Old condemned ammunition boxes. do do Old condemned fuel-oil bar- rels. Manure Artificial cannons, scrap. . Wagon, salvaged Bread Cooked meat Raw fats and meat Cooked grease Trap grease Bones Other garbage Manure Condemned ham Used slickers Kindling wood Garbage Spoiled hams Trap grease Barrels, oil Bottles, beer and assorted Bottles, grape-juice Barrels, empty Half barrels Kegs Packing cases, No. 3 $.30. 00 21.30 17.90 3,000.00 779.03 6.79 3W.75 3.83 2.00 213.29 84.40 61.57 147.48 131. 88 147. 20 2.49 4.97 47. 90 41.47 189. 32 61.65 63.99 403.37 .30.87 1,433.70 1.00 22.00 110.00 4.12 1.00 328. 38 55. 41 4,184.09 305. 29 58. .50 9.75 6.00 204.00 .30.00 2,305.85 .60 5.00 138.59 16.02 7.90 14.92 61.20 35.62 130. 24 200. 88 205. 23 3, .595. 80 33.50 122.80 49.61 89.70 4.00 1.50 3. 75 25.00 .50 .50 1.00 646 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 2, 1919... Sept. 5, 1919... do ....do HOBOKEN, N. J. S. Randnofslcy, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chas. Meissner, Brooklyn, N. Y.. D . Peters, Secaucns, ISf. J Wm. Gizang, Jersey City, N. J.. ....do ....do Sept. 17, 1919..., ....do ....do ....do .do. ....do Sept. 18, 1919. ....do ....do Sept. 30, 1919... ....do do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Sept. 8, 1919.. do ....do Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 1,1919 Sept. 17, 1919.... ....do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. September, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919. Sept. 5,1919.... Sept. 10, 1919. . . do Sept. 6, 1919. ..do.. ..do., ..do.. Butler Bros., Jersev Cltv Chas. Miller Co. Hoboken, N. J. . Wm. Reckzei.s;el, Secauous, H.J. Jersey Citv Wrecking Co., Jer- sey City," N. J. New York & New Jersey Beef Co., Jersey City, N. J. do....."....; Button Machinery Co., Hobo- ken. Wm. Reckzoigel, Secaiicus, N.J. Wm. Smitb, Secaiicus, N. J John T. Stanley. New York City. .Tersey Farms, Secaucns, N. J.". , Fred Blatz, Secaucns, N. J John C. Corkery, Yonkers L. Wiseman, Bronxx'ille, N. Y.. J. Connolly, Hoboken, N.J Chas. Meissner, Brooklyn, N. Y, do CAMP HOLABIRD, MD. John Page, Baltimore, Md ....do... Raymond L. Maohen, Balti- more, Md. David Garratt Sons, Baltimore, Md. do W. O. Lane, Baltimore, Md David Garratt Sons, Baltimore, Md. ARMY AND NA^T GENERAL HOS- PITAL, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. A. S. Allen, Hot Springs, Ark. . . C. E. Leach, P. O. Box 98, Hot Springs, Ark. E. J. Lyons, 745 Park Ave., Hot Spruigs, Ark. do Southern Metal Co., 624 Oua- cliita Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. do E.J. Lyons, 745 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. do Southern Metal Co., 624 Oua- chita Ave., Hot Springs, Ark. do do FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEX. L. A. Thrallkill CAMP A. A. HUMPHREYS, VA. Callender-Conrad Co., Alexan- dria, Va. T. B. Mason, Accotink, Va United States Engineers' Office, Room 305, Wasiungton, D. C. do Carl Schaefer, Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va. A. Lawrence, Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va. J. J. Wilmer, 1323 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. James J. O'Brien, Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va. Coffee, condemned Candy, condemned lAimt)er, scrap Roast beef, canned, demned. Cheese, condemned Boxes, wooden Condemned meat Ham, condemned Lumber, scrap Beef, quarters. Beef, trimmings Cans, milk; kettles, galvan- ized; kegs, etc. Turkev and pork loin, dena- tnrecl. Bread, condemned Bones Garbage !!!!!do!!!!;i;;!!;!!!!!!;;!;;; do Barrels and kegs Candy, condemned do Mixed garbage do Trap grease, cooked meats, bones. Barrels, miscellaneous do Crockery, etc Barrels, miscellaneous. Brass, light Steel and wrought iron (old tools). Pipe, steel or wrought Hose, fire Hose, garden. Bowls, toilet. Tanks, flush. Slate slab Urinals Sinks, slop. Garbage. Garbage . Manure. , Bags .do. Pyramidal tent, class C. do Shelter half Pyramidal tent, class C. ....do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 647 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Contmued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 6, 1919 . do ....do ....do ....do Sept. 9, 1919.. ....do ....do .-..do Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 11, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Sept. 12, 1919. ..do. do. Sept. 13, 1919. ....do ....do Sept. 15, 1919... Oct. 1, 1919... ....do Sept. 18, 1919. ....do Sept. 30, 1919, Sept. 25, 1919. .do .do CAMP A. A, HUMPHREYS, VA.— continued. J. C. McPeake, Accotink, Va — A. W. Smith, Accotink, Va M. Brauner, Alexandria, Va G. W. Brauner, Accotmk, Va. . . Philip O. Ward, Alexandria, Va. A. A. Greer, Camp A. A. Hum- phreys, Va. Lawrence Sheldon, Lorton, Va.. William Leary, Lorton, Va F. B. Ward, Lorton, Va H. H. Brown, Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va.' H. A. Braun, Accotmk, Va Daniel Rule, Camp A. A. Hum- phreys, Va. H. Caliendar, Alexandria, Va. . . W. Howse, Camp Hospital, Va. W. C. Switzer, Harrisonburg, Va. C. B. McDonnell, Cambridge Springs, Va. H. C. Patterson, Camp A. A. Humphreys, Va. H. B. Deer, Alexandria, Va George F. Miles, Accotink^a. . . C. Knowles, Camp A. A. Hum- phreys, Va. L. A. Deston, Camp A. A. Hum- phreys, Va. CAMP JACKSON, 8. C. Powell Fuel Co., Columbia, S. C. Henry Rnight & Son, Louis- ville, Ky. Humphrey, Vamon & Bunker, Greenville, S. C. Levkofl Bros., Columbia, S. C... L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va... FORT JAY, N. Y. B. Kistnbaum, U. 8. Shoe Re- pairing Co., 151 8d Ave., New York, N. Y. do Mevcr Cohen, 69 Ludloll St., New York, N. Y. .do. .do. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 20, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. .do. Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. do Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. JEFFERSON BARRACKS, MO. Henry Stickfort^ 2120 E. Wame Ave., St. Louis, Mo. do do Cal Hirsch & Sons Co., 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Brueckmanin Cooperage Co., 3323 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Armour & Co., National Stock Yards, E. St. Louis, 111. JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. Val Nachand, JeffersonvUle, Ind. Andrew Heilman, Jeffersonville, Ind. P. C. Berger, Louisville, Ky S. SUberman & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Hyman Debrovy & Sons, Louis- ville, Ky. .do. Lahn & Simons, New York National Woolen Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Shelter half, class C ....do Shelter halves, class C. . ....do Pyramidal tent, class C . Shelter halves, class C. . .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. Pyramidal tents, class C. Shelter halves, class C. . . Pyramidal tents, class C. ...-do Storage tent, class C. Pyramidal tents, class C. Storage tent, class C Pyramidal tent, class C . . Storage tent, class C Manure Garbage Dead animals Comforts, class C Comforts, class D Comforts, class C Rubber garden hose. Shoes, marching, condemned. . Shoes, russet, condemned Shoes, marching, condemned. Shoes, russet, condemned. Garbage (bones, cracklings, grease). do Scrap leather Assorted boxes Oil and miscellaneous barrels. Garbage (suet, rough fat, trap grease). Manure . do.. Boxes Duck, canvas, unbleached . . . Cotton, olive drab Drill, unbleached Heels, black and red Olive-drab Melton New mixed and cotton and wool sweepings. 81.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 15.00 12.00 2.00 1.75 1.50 3.00 1.50 6.20 64.00 2.00 60.00 16.50 17.00 32.00 38.00 15.00 16.00 282.50 145.28 30.00 890.00 4,531.25 22,072.50 2.38 18.75 12.50 18.76 12.50 17.10 14.62 3.16 125.00 83.46 76.08 83.62 50.00 247.15 177. 48 67.86 158. 52 27.02 6,435.10 600.29 648 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE- WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Sept. 23, 1919.. Sept. 22, 1919.... Sept. 23, 1919. do Sept. 24, 1919. Sept. 26, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919. Sept. 3, 1919. do do do do Sept. 4, 1919. do do do do do do do Sept. 5, 1919. do do do ....do ....do Sept. 6, 1919. ....do ....do ....do do do Sept, S, 1919. ....do do ....do ....do do .do. .do. .do. .do. ....do ....do do Sept. 9, 1919.. ....do do ....do do........ do do do do do Sept. 10, 1919. do do do do do d':> do do do do ....do ....do ....do Name and address of buyer. JEFFERSONVILLE, IND.— COntd. Cineinnati Bargain House, Cin- cinnati, Oliio. Natlian Plaut & Sons, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Electric Shoe Shop, Boonville, Ind. Cal. Hirsch & Sons, St. Louis, Mo. W. B. Kendrick, Joplin, Mo Klempner Brothers, Louisville, Ky.. CAMP HAERT J. JONES, DOUGLAS, AEIZ. C. F. McCord Sergt. Maxwell J. Hoover 0. Hampton Sergt, Nuttall Sergt, ±Tanson J. B. Matthews Arthur G inger do--...' Mrs. J. L. Brown do •. P. H. Strogin A. Browstone R. Lichner C. P. Howard Mrs, C. A, Housel Mrs. H. R. Collins... W. E. Satory T, E. Crouch C. O. Aas J. Mathe J, Mazzola A. Augustine A. Vaughn M. Muraca E. F. MUler A. Avery S. Corliss C. Hanson "Mi-s. C. B. Bell Mrs. W. E. Hankins. Mrs. F. C. Hurst F. Blakely do F. Wohlschlegel P. Leyva C. Kendrick F. AVohlschlegel V. Croyle A. A. Brown E. Cartright do do Mrs. B. C, Tarhell. Mi-s. J, M, Johnson. J, W. Slih-ley E, E, Rollins J. Coombs G. Moosehead R. Tooney do H. Quillicy Wm. Eiting John Eiting W.Burt Robt, Nicolai do J, Kane G, M, Kelly J. W, Shirley A, Pecchicirio F. J. Abate Emma Showalter. . M. Eiting Article. Shoes, russet, old do Shoes, commercial, old . Shoes, russet, old .do- Shoes, marching, old . . Shoes, field, old Rope, free from grease , Rope, oily Mixed strings Canvas, salvaged Lockers, salvaged do do do do do Hay, condemned Luml'er, salvaged Blankets, commercial. do Locker, salvaged do ---.do Blankets, commercial. .--.do Ijocker, salvaged -...do .do. -do- -do- .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- -do- -do- .do- Blanket, commercial do do Tent, small, pyramidal, sal- vaged. Blankets, commercial do Canvas, scrap, salvaged . Ice bo.x, salvaged Locker, salvaged Blanket, commercial do Shoes, salvaged Breeches, salvaged Blanket, commercial do. Undersuits, cotton Blankets, commercial. Lockers, salvaged do.. Blankets, commercial - Breeches, olive drab... Locker, salvaged Blankets, commercial - do --..do Horseshoes Steel Undersuits, cotton Hay, condemned Undersuits, cotton ..--do Locker, salvaged Blankets, commercial. ....do SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 649 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 10, 1919. dr> do do Sept. 11, 1919.. do do do .do. Sept. 12, 1919. do do dc do do do do ao do do do do do do do Sept. 13, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. do Sept. 17. 1919. Sept. IS, 1919. do do do Sept. 19, 1919. do Sept. 20, 1919., Sept. 22, 1919., do do do Sept. 23, 1919. do do do Sept. 24, 1919. do do Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. do do do do do Sept. 2, 1919... do Sept. 3, 1919... Sept. 6, 1919... Sept. 10, 1919.. do do do Sept. 11, 1919. .do. CAMP HARRY J. JONES, DOUGLAS, ARIZ. — continued. D. K. Burden Mr. Williams J. Eiting J. R. Garner J. M. Leitch J. F. Fowler do A. F. Hull S. W. Moore W. L. McMillen L. L. Brooks W. Evans do E. Seelev do..: H. H.Carlisle do Mrs. J. Cadger W. H. Prewitt Z. Causey K. Carlson do B. D. Burch J. H. East W. Evans J. W. King J. H. Fisher J. P. Sexton J. Weber A. Ginger H. A. Curtis F. C. Miers M. Pine Gamett L. L. Sullins F. Arcinago J. H. McDonald Chas. Pokes E. C. Lvnn T. E. j6hn,son I.J. Smith W. A. Goddard M. Mendoza E. C. Seelev G. F. Huisii E. E. Biu-den P. -Adams C. Kendrick R. Mackey Geo. W. Truvey Dr. A. W. Vamieman. C.W.Hull A. Ginger A. W. Vanneman do CAMP KEARNY, CALIF. J. Alpert, San Diego, Calif I. Haiman, San Diego, Calif Lieut. Col. Delaplane, Camp Kearny, Calif. Alexander, clerk, civil service. . H. O. Simar, clerk A. W. Hildreth, civil service clerk. G. Beatty, clerk Lieut. Col. Delaplane, Infantrjr John Johnston, Escondido, Calif Fisher, San Diego, Calif Oat sweepings, salvaged... Flour sacKs, empty Blankets, commercial Oat sweepings, salvaged... Blankets, commercial Undersuits, cotton Shoes, salvaged Undersuits , cotton Blankets, commercial . ...do Locker, salvaged Slicker , salvaged Shoes, salvaged Undersuits , cotton Shoes, salvaged Blanket, commercial Shoes, salvaged Blankets, commercial ....do Blanket, commercial ...-do Undersuits, cotton Oat sweepings, salvaged... Flour sacks , empty Shoes, salvaged Locker, salvaged Oat sweepings, salvaged... Bags, burlap, salvaged — Gasoline cans, salvaged.... Lumber, scraps, salvaged. Oat sweepings, salvaged... Gasoline cans, salvaged.... Bags, bxu-lap, salvaged Tent , salvaged Blankets, commercial Straw Tent Oat sweepings, salvaged... do do Canvas Locker, salvaged do Tent fly, salvaged Nails, biirned Oat sweepings, salvaged.., Canvas, salvaged Blankets, salvaged Tent, salvaged Garbage Manure Hay, condenmed ....Ao Pails, inspected, condemned. Oat sweepings, dirty Scrap lumber Shoes, repaired, soles and heels. Shoes, repaired Shoes, repaired, soles and heels. do .do. .do. Wagons, condenmed Wheels, wagon Singletrees and doubletrees... Steel cots, scrap Chains, auto Rakes Scrapers Wire Miscellaneous airplane parts.. Jacks Snaps, etc 650 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 11939 11940 Sept. 11,1919.. ....do 11941 do.. 11942 do 11943 do 11944 do 11945 do 11946 do 11947 do 11948 do 11949 do 11960 do 11951 do 11952 do 11953 do --.- 11954 11956 Sept. 14, do.. 1919.... 11956 11957 11958 Sept. 15, do.. do.. 1919.... 11959 11960 11961 Sept. 16, Sept. 18, Sept. 16, 1919.... 1919.... 1919.... 11962 11973 11964 11965 do. .do. .do. .do. 11966 do 11967 do 11968 do 11969 do 11970 do 11971 11972 do do CAMP KEABNT, CALIF.— COIltd. Fisher, San Diego, Calif A. Pomoranz, San Diego, Calif. Wartnick, Los Angeles, Calif Singer, San Diego, Calif Rowe, San Diego, Calif. Leo.F.Brmmer, San Diego, Calif. Chas. Kelly, San Diego, Calif. . . , H. Fisher, Los Angeles, Calif. . . Weinblatt, Los Angeles, Calif. . . I. Wright, Los Angeles, Calif. . . Kjotzer, San Diego, Calif , Paul Isreal, San Diego, Calif California Junk Co., San Diego, Calif. Dubinski, San Diego, Calif , I. Franks, San Diego, Calif Peter Woll & Sons, Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Alpert, San Diego, Calif Silvas, Marine Transport Corps. . W. A. Dryden,civil-3erviceclerk Hinze, railway agent, Camp Kearny, Calif. J. Alpert, San Diego, Calif Geo. Shelley & Sons Cal Hirsch & Sons, Los Angeles, Calif. Capt. J. C. Hynes, Infantry, Kearney, Calif. John Hogan, Seeley, Calif Vail Co., Los Angeles, Calif Lansberg & Dix, Los Angeles, Calif. California Junk Co., San Diego, Calif. Wm. H. Koegee Co., Los Ange- les, Calif. Fisher, San Diego, CaUf 11973 ....do. Mrs. Louis Brewer, San Diego, Calif. John Dickman, Los Angeles, Calif. Grogan, Lancaster, Calif , J. Alpert, San Diego, Calif , Geo. Shelley & Sons. Doormats Life preservers Granite dishes Miscellaneouscans, galvanized iron. Wheelbarrows Stable brooms Brooms Axes Shovels Sledge hammers Washtubs Paintbrushes Rims, truck Picks do Wagon Rope nets Electric fittings Wagons Spray pump Tools Field desk Trunk lockers Saddles, bridles, boots, bags... Harness File cases Scales Currycombs Forks and shovels Brushes , Coffee boilers and cans Horse brushes Bottles Meat grinders Horseshoes Roachings, mane and tail Commeal, condensed Shoes, repaired, soles Shoes, repaired, soles and heels. do Bran, sour, condemned Cotton flour sacks Shelter halves, class D Tents, pyramidal, large, class C do do Tents, wall, small, class C Tents, wall, tropical, class C... Tent, pyramidal.large, class C. Tents, pyramidal, large, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class D PauUns, large, class C Covers, escort wagon, class C. . Tents, wall, small, Mth flies, class C. Tent, small, wall, class C Tents, pyramidal,large,class C do Tents, hospitaljtropical.classC Tents, small, waU, with flies, class C. Tents, common, wall, class C. . Fhes, small, wall, class C Tents, small, wall, class C do Tents, storage, class C Flies, pyramidal, smaU,class C Tents, small, wall, class C Flies, small, wail, class C Tent, wall, large, class C Tents, pyramidal, large, class C do '. Flies, storage, cla^s C. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 651 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continucd. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 10, 1919. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. do do do do do Sept. 22, 1919. ....do ....do ....do Sept. 25, 1919 ....do ....do , Sept. 30, 1919 ....do Sept. 5, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 2.3, 1919. Sept. 2.5, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. do Sept. 30, 1919. do do Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. .do. Sept. 1-30, 1919. Oct. 1, 1919 CAMP KEAENY, CALIF. —eontd. Geo. Shelley & Sons S. Francisco, San Diepro, Calif Sam Thompkin, San Diego, Calif Edwd Kaplan, San Diego, Calif. I. Franks, San Diego, Calif E. H. Schlink, Ramona, Calif. . . Ttiomas & Stewart, Los Ange- les, Calif. I. Q. Wartnlk, Los Angeles.Calif. A. Pomoranz, San Diego, Calif. . Oscar Lehner, San Diego, Calif. . Mrs. Winfield, l-'oint Loma,Calif. F. Akers, San Diego, Calif San Diego Junk Co., San Diego, Calif. California Junk Co., San Diego, Calif. Auto Supply & Wrecking Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Geo. Shelley & Sons, San Diego, Calif. Roy J. Krug, civil service clerk.. J. S.Stewart, Y. M. C. A Edw. Kaplan, San Diego, Calif.. F. M. Sayre, Miramar, Calif Hawkins & Fuhr, Azusa, Calif. . KELLY FIELD, SOUTH SAN AN- TONIO, TEX. Mike Harmon, Summerset, Tex. Geo. A. Williams, San Antonio, Tex. A. S. Horton, San Antonio, Tex. Mike Hannon, Summerset, Tex. J. F. Jackel, South San Antonio, Mike Hannon, Summerset, Tex. C. C. Hardin, Terrel, Tex E. Podevny, South Antonio, Tex Mike Hannon, Summerset, Tex, CAMP KNOX, KY. Army & Navy Shoe Co., 226 N. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Jacolj Levy & Bros., 1428 Rowan St.. Louisville, Ky. Jess Nail . Vine Grove, Ky J. G. B. Ifiggs, W. M. Logsdon, J. O. Viers, W. T. Darnell, and Coutmey Bailey, Elizabeth- town, Ky. Charles R. Allen, 16 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. LANGLEY FIELD, HAMPTON, VA. Smilairt & Mason, Hampton,Va. FOET LAWTON, WASH. Duwamish Gardens Tents, pyramidal,large,olass C Tents, conical, wall class C Tents, v/all, largo, class C Covers, escort wagon, class C. . Tents, pyramidal, large, class C do do Tents, pyramidal, small, classC Flies, pyramidal, small, class C Flics, small, wall, class C Covers, escort wagon, class C . . Tents, pyramidal, large, class C Flies, hospital, tropical, class C Flies, large, wall, class C do do do Paullns, large, class C Tents, large, wall, class C Tents ^pyramidal, large, class C Class JJ tentage Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Tents, conical, small, class C. . Tents, pyramidal, large, class C. Flies, small, wall, class C. . . Tents, small, wall, class D . .'. . Flies, wall, large, class D Motorcycles and side cars, parts; trucks, Nash-Quad, and trucks.Moreland, junked; truck, Kelly-Springfield, frame only, burned; truck, Ford. Trucks, Studebaker; trucks. Ford; touring. Ford, junked. Roadster, Studebaker Touring, Ford do Truck, Studebaker , Shoes, repaired soles and heels. do Salt, condemned Garbage Manure Scrap lumber. X Condemned can goods, garbage Scrap lumber do ...do Garlsage Manure Waste material, miscellaneous . Raincoats, unserviceable. Burlap bags Hay Garbage. Manure. Garbage. Manure. 652 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 0,1919. CAMP LEE, \A. L. Rose A' Co Sept. 10,1919.. do Sept. 30, 1919.. -do.... .do. -do. .do. -do. Sept. — 1919. Sept. 0,1919... Sept. 24, 1919.. Levkoff Bros., Columbia, S. C... Louisville Scrap Material Co., Louisville, Kv. L. Rose & Co., Richmond, Va. . Alexandria De Sante, Philadel- phia, I'a. I. .Vpiilcsteifl, Baltimore, Md Virginia Live Stocli Corporation, Norfolk, Va. John Meehan Sons, Bhiladel- phia, Va. National Contracting Co., Nor- folk, Va. CAMP STEPHEN D. LITTLK, ARIZ. Marcos Proto, Nogales, Ariz Andi'ew Betwv, Nogales, Ariz... ....do : Sept. 1,1919.. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 27, 1919. ....do July 1,1919... do Sept. 29,1919. ....do FORT I-OGAN, COLO. D. E. Troglor, Littleton, Colo... C. W. Duke, Fort Logan, Colo.. F. C. Keckler, Fort Lo?an, Colo. D. E. Trogler, Littleton, Colo... MADISON BARRACKS, N. Y. Leon Jagoeki, Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Frank Fawdrv, Sacketts Har- bor, N. Y. Max Maiir, 5 Eai-1 St., Water- town, N. Y. Sept. 13, 1919.. Sept. 30, 1919.. Sept 80, 1019.. Sept. 24, 1919.... ....do ....do ....do Sept. 30, 1919. MARCH FIELD, CALIF. Allen R. DnU, Chino, Cahf Anderson l:inkots. olive-drab Bhuikots, blue Horse blanket, flannel-lined.. Horse blanket, mixed colors. . Overcoats, oli vc-drab Caps, garrison, olive-drab Shirts, olive-drab Shirts, gray Caps, winter Hats, felt Woolen underwear Condemned bran Manure Garliage Garbage Condemned subsistence stores. ....do Wagon, Army Garbage Corn meal Apples, dried Garbage, swill, and kitchen refuse. ....do Cast iron, heavy Stove plates and grates, etc. Garbage ...do Garbage Old metals Iron Condemned kitchen materials (pans, dishes, garbage cans ordered to dimip). Broken thermometer Old metals ....do Rope Empty flashlight tubes Rubber (scrap hose) Tin cups Grease OldmetaL Garbage SALE OF STJRPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 653 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Conlinuod. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919... do Sept. 1-30, 1919. Sept. 25, 1919... Oct.— ,1919. Sept. 30, 1919... Sept. 19,1919... Sept. 29, 1919... Sept. 4, 1919.... Sept. 18, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 22, 1919. Sept. Zi, 1919. do Sept. 2.5, 1919. CAMP M'CLELLAN, ANNI.STON, ALA. Pcnnsvlvania Paper Stock Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Jim Pox, Anniston, Ala V. Porter, Anniston, Ala do do do do Sept. fi, 1919 Sept. 9, 1919... do do do do do do do Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919... Sept. 29, 1919... Sept. .'jO, 1919... do do do Sept. 9, 1919.... Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. ....do FOET M'HENST, MD. Mis. a. a. Kelmn, 2149 Wikcms Ave., Baltimore, Md. Otjy PTamidal, class C .do 37.25 12757 ... .do H. Swartz, Portland, Oreg .do 36.25 12758 .do 35.00 12759 do Sam Mesher, Portland, Ore? .do . .do 36.25 12760 .do .do 33.75 12761 do Kankin, Portland, Oreg . .do 76.75 12762 . . .do do Tent, pvramidal, class D ... .do 45.25 12763 do do 7.25 12764 12765 Sept. 17, 1919.... .do H. Cohen, Portland, Oreg Alaska Jimk Co., Portkmd, Oreg. Laws, Vancouver, Wash .... Tent, pyramidal, class C .do.'. 75.00 70.00 12766 do do 8.75 12767 do M. B. Mesher, Portland, Oreg. .. .do .do 73.25 12768 .do .do 70.00 12769 do H. Swartz, Portland, Ore? .do 72.50 12770 do do .do 36.25 12771 do I. Davis, Vancouver, Wash do 143. 00 12772 do do ....do .do 71.75 12773 do .do 73.50 12774 .do .do do 65. 25 12775 do Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg Zldell, Portland, Oreg. . . .do 140. 00 12776 do .do 72.50 12777 do do .....do 67. 50 12778 do do .do 54.00 12779 127S0 do Sept. 30, 1919.... do Sam Mesher, Portland, Oreg Various Truck Gardeners, Van- couver, Wash. Mrs. G. W. Lowden, Vancouver, Wash. P. E. Struck, Vancouver, Wash. do Teirt, wall, small, class C Arnniire . , , . 8.00 4.50 12781 Garbage 40.44 12782 Sept. 29, 1919.... Sept. 15, 1919.... Sept. 1,1919 Sept. 30, 1919-.. . Scrap lumber 24.00 12783 .do 30.00 12784 H. Swartz, Portland, Oreg Officers and enUsted men at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Dishes, miscellaneous 22.45 12785 Repairing of personal clothing at Government repair shop. 13.30 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 669 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 1-.30, 1919.. -do -do .do .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. .do. -do. ....do.. ....do.. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do 128.32 12833 12834 12835 .do. .do. .do. .do. WASHINGTON, D. C. Leon Henderson, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. Arthur Lyles, Alexandria, Va. . . .T. Uoersteln, 2122 12th St. NW . . Roy Carroll, 3d and Randolph NE. R . Brucher, 3009 Foote St J. S. White, 2122 2d St. NE Charles Brown, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. J . Mason, 3d and Randolph NE . . F. J. Mutchler, 3d and Randolph NE. George Weeks,Washlngton,D.G. Louis Hawkins, 3d and Ran- dolph Place. F. S. White, 221 2d St. NE William Hall, 3d and Randolph Place. Gus Hunt, 3d and Randolph Place. Logan Co. Light & Power Co., Logan County, W. Va. James Mason, 3d and Randolph NE. Gus Hunt, 235 R St. NE Blankets, damaged . . . Blankets, commercial. Blankets, damaged . . . do .do. .do. .do. Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial . Blankets, damaged . . . do. do. .do. .do. A. Thompson, 3039 M St. NW. . Jos. Sannicandro, 915 5th St.NW. D. A. Jones, Garage No. 4, Quar- termaster. P.Burke, Precinct No. 7, George- town, D. C. Roy Carroll, 3d and Randolph J. H Mutchler, 3138 M St. NW. Louis Hawkins, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. B . Basch, 1716 2d St. N W Edward Kane, 1422 N St. SE. . C. R. Matteer, Rosslyn, Va E. G. Stark, Washington D. C... Charles Brown, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. H. Eudolwlch, 916 9th St. NW. , T. E. Mutchler, 3138 M St. NW, Thomas Parker, 1110 13th St. NW. William Bradley, 810 4iSt.SW. J. Grier, Washington, D . C J. A. Saunders,Washlngton J).C. Lieut. Maloney, Salvage Divi- sion, Ofiace Quartermaster Edward Kane, 1422 U St. NW. . Victon Johnson, 1637 25th St. SE. Merton T. Oliver, 14th and G St. NW. Roy Carroll, 3d and Randolph NE. Albert Beech, Rosslyn, Va L. Martin, 225 R St. NE Louis Notes, 814 E St. N W Phillip Smith, 107.3d St.NW... Eugene Allen, 921 27th St. NW. L. Smith, 2424 27th St. NW M. T. Oliver, 1205 Gth St. NE . . . L. B. Branson, G29F St.NW... Mabel Robinson, 315 Oakdale Thomas Parker, 1110 13th St. NW. Blankets, commercial. Blankets, damaged . . . Blankets, cotton Blankets, damaged . . . .do. Blankets, commercial. Blankets, dama?ed . . . Blankets, cotton do Blanket, commercial. . do Blanket, damaged .do. Blankets, commercial. Blanket, damaged Blankets, damaged . . . Blankets, cotton do Blankets, condemned . Blanket, commercial . . Blanket, cotton Blankets, commercial. do : Blankets, cotton Blanket, commercial.. Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial. Blankets, damaged . . . Blankets, cotton Blankets, commercial. do , do ....do ....do Blankets, cotton . Blankets, commercial. Blanket, commercial. . Blankets, commercial. Blanket, cotton Blankets, damaged . . . Blankets, commercial . ....do Blankets, damaged . . . Blankets, commercial . Blanket, commercial . . Blankets, damaged Blankets, cotton ....do Blankets, commercial, do do Blankets, cotton Blankets, commercial. 670 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Sept. 1-30, 1919 .do.... ..do.... ..do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do.... .do..- .do.... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Name and address of buyer. "WASHINGTON, D. c— Continued. B. Moore, 1740 8th St. NW F. S. A\Tiite, Washington, D. C . Robert Levy, 830 4.\ St. SW Geo. Saimders, 4107 ElUott St... Jos. Caliacomo 302 4th St. NW. Sgt. Kelsch. Washington, D. C Roy Carroll, 3d and Randolph I^E. M. R. Cush, 3d and R Sts. NE.. George Weeks, 225 R St. NE. . . . Jos. Panholzer Gus Hunt, 3d and Randolph NE. Mrs. Holmes, 225 R St. NE . Mrs. Martin, 225 R St. NE . Article. John Kavner, 229 R St.NE J. Holmes, 225 R St. NE L. Each, Ballston, Va Arthur Lyles, Alexandria, Va... Harry Riggs, Gaithersburg, Md. F. Heelv,^ 1348 Pennsylvania Ave. SW. J. T. Bond, Landover, Md J. J. Butler, 921 2d St. NE Jos. Panholzer, 1027 3d St. NE . . William Bradlev, 3d and Ran- dolph NE. C E Thomas, 4412 7th St. NW. H. J. Linthicum, 62 W St. NW.. G R. WalVer, 1326 Massachu- setts Ave. NW. J. C. Kevser, Keyser, W. Va M. S. Gfacer, Washington, D. C. Eugene Allen, 921 27th St. NW . F. C. Wlnte, 2122 2d St. NE H. Bla^ton, Kevser. W. Va Louis Smith, 2424 27th St. NW.. A. G. Earle, Leach Station, Va.. J S. Mcintosh, 1008 10th St. NE. M. Grubb, 517 A St. NE M. E. Ladd, Washington, D. C . A. Pasch, 54 Q St. NE , F. L. White. 52 Q St. NE , M. McTonish, 1008 7th St. NE . W. Reed, 2125 4th St. NW G. Scott, 217 Patrick St J. W. Welsch, 1521 Randolph Place. Mrs. Yoimge, 3234 13th St. N W . M. S. Andrews, 620 K St. NE... R. A. Julian, 730 3d St. NE Mrs. Thompson, Leach Station, Va. A. W. Veitch, Veltch Summit, Va. S. P. Healy, 1348 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. WilUam Kubitz, 1520 N. Capi- tol NW. H. Carrier, 3d and R Sts. NW... M. Linthicum, 2116 1st St. NW . N. Radhi, 326 R St. NE Blankets, commercial. Blankets, damaged Blanket , commercial . . do Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial. do Blankets, damaged do do ....do do ....do Blankets, cotton Blankets, damaged do do do do do do Blankets, commercial. Blankets, damaged Blankets, commercial. ....do Blanket, cotton Blankets, commercial. .do. .do. .do. G. W. Wendell, 2701 Hamline NE. Robert King, Forest Glen, Md.. G. W. Hitchinson, 16th and M Sts. NW. M. Linden ; J. M. Roper, 906 K St. NE Father P. Heriz, 1813 3d St. NE. do do Blanket, cotton do Blankets, damaged — Blanket, commercial. . Blankets, cotton Blankets, damaged — Blanket, commercial. . do 4o .... Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial . Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial. do do Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial. do do do do do do Blanket, damaged Blanket, commercial- . Blanket, damaged Blankets, commercial. Blankets, damaged — Blankets, commercial. do Blankets, damaged — Blankets, commercial . do do Blanket, damaged Blanket, commercial . . do Blankets, damaged Blankets, commercial. .do. .do. .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 671 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 1-30, 1919 do do do do .do., .do., .do., .do.. .do. .do. .do.. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. -do .do -do -do .do .do -do .do .do .do -do )t. 4, 1919. .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- do Sept. 6, 1919. -do. .do. .do. Sept. 12, 1919. do WASHINGTON, D. c— Continued. E. E. Mazuh, Bennlngs Bridge, D.C. M. Thistle, 1326 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Roy Harvey, 600 Virginia Ave. NW. A. Albrect, 3d and Randolph NE. H. Carrier, 220 Randolph Place NE. C. J. Brown, 518 7th St. SW A. Tash, 54 P St. NW L. White, 56 R St. NE Mrs. Bisher, 511 A St. SE Mrs. Grabb, 517 A St. SE Mrs. Delaney, 1204 G St. NW... J. D. Crosby, 333 Pennsylvania Ave. O. T. Moore, 1712 G St. NW.... F. Magrath, 333 Pennsylvania Avenue. C. M. Newman, Mount Rainer, Md. Mrs. ilarris, 648 E St. NE M. E. Hawkins, 613 Lexington St. NE. M. MacDonald, 666 E St. NE . . . . J. G. Allen, 1200 .5th St. NE M. C. Hack, 2120 4th St. NE H. S. Shubert, 291 East Capitol. . U. W. Hall, 1913 11th St. NW... J. R. Bishop,17th and F Sts. NW. A. Mazzulo, 927 Kentucky Ave. SE. R. C. Brooks, 9 N St. NW n. BarMll, 45K St. NW M. F. Fisher, 1223 Gerard St. NE. A. Shaw, 37 Q St. NW G. Waterman, 1807 3d St. NE... Leo Meyer Co., Akron. Ohio . . . . N. Frank & Sons, 315 L St. SW. I. Applestein, 226 N. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Louis C. Grossberg, 517 K St. NW. The Lowenthal Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Tobias Bramberg, 338 Blue Hill Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Edward J. Smith, 75 Pike Slip, New York City. W. A. Post, Mason, Nev E. A. Polka, 1727 Sedwich St., Chicago, 111. E. C. Robinson, 520 Union Trust Bldg. H. A. Russell, York, Pa R. Goldstein, 1162 Scott St., Baltimore, Md. Larimer Bag Co., 700 7th St. NW., Washington, D. C. Bruce T. Warring, 3256 K St. NW. Blankets, oemmercial. ...do .do. .do. .do. do do do Blankets, damaged Blankets, commercial. do do Blankets, damaged Blankets, commercial . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Blankets, damaged Blankets, commercial . do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Tires, auto, miscellaneous. Light wool socks Khaki felt-lined coats Olive drab wool overcoats. Hats, felt Wool napth OUve drab horse blankets. Olive drab wool overcoats. Olive drab wool shirts Gray wool shirts Gray wool socks Boots and shoes Hose, rubber Inner tubes. No. 2 Inner tubes, auto, rfed Tires, auto, standard Tires, motorcycle Mattress covers Gloves, cotton. Gas masks. do .do. .do. Denim overalls, coats White cotton socks Cotton colored socks Rooiang rags Leggings, spiral Khaki cotton rags Jute flour bags, perfect. . . Feed bags, 4-bu., perfr-ct . Cotton flour bags, 9.8-lb... No. 1 oil barrels No. 2 oil barrels Tar barrels 672 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DmSION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 12, 1919 ....do.... Sept. 16, 1919 ....do , ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. ....do ....do ..do.. ..do.. •do ..do. ..do. .do. do Sept. 18, 1919. do do do do .do. Aug. 23, 1919. ....do do Aug. 25, 1919. do Sept 23,1919.. ....do.. ....do.. ...do.. ...do.. .do. .do. .do. ■WASHINGTON, D. c— Continued. Mrs. Geo. Thompson, 81 Bank St., Lebanon, N. J. Pvt. Busibee, 1532 Parle Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. V. P. Winter, 255 Powers St., New Brun.swifk, N. J. W. D. Switzer, 2049 Munitions Bldg., Wa.'?hlngton, D. C. ■\Villiam Bailer, 3d and Ran- dolpli Sts. Nk. Paniel SUfer, 235 R St. NE B. Wollberg, 222 New York Ave. J. S. White, 2122 2d St. NE M. R. Bonat, Washington, D. C. L. K. Mentzell, 1909 ISI. Registar St., Baltimore, Md. Lieut. E. A. Sulton, 912 5th St. NW. J!, n. Sears, Munitions Bids; I. Applestein 226 N. Gay'St., Baltimore, Md. B. K. Wilbur, 235 N. 3d St., Pliiladelplila, Pa. T. A. Tovey, Mount Rainier, Md. William Robinson, 3211 Grace St., NE. Carson-Blumen, 2d and N Sts. NW. W. W. Barnott, 1308 Lincoln St., Denver, Colo. Daniel Sliler, 3d and Randolph Sts.. NE. Louis Notes , Wm. Randall, 1426 U St. NW. . Levkofl Bros., Columbia, S. C. A. Levy, 820 Sth St. SE A. R. Lamb. Ames, Iowa John Wignall, 1336 Newton NE . S. Feldman, 502 Sth St. SE. B. Wollberg, 222 New York Ave., Waslilngton, D. C. Russell K. Dougherty, 350 Park Ave., New York Citv. A. Levy, 820 Sth St. SE Jos. Panholzer, 3d St. and Ran- dolph. LTnited States Engineer, Wash- ington, D. C. Hon. H. A. Reed, 319 House Office BiUlding. H. A. Hull, rural route 2, Alex- andria. Col. J. B. Rose, 1726 M St. NW.. Maj. A. B. Critchfield, Ebbitt House. Logan Co., Logan, W. Va Edith Miller, Lake Brady, Ra- venna, Ohio. Robert Kine, Forest Glen, Md.. G. A. Greene, 641 K St. NE E. L. May, 200 A St. NW Gas mask. .do. .do. .do. Old civilian shoes . Field case Mattress Keg Horseshoes Tank Socks, wool do Boxes, meat Socks, wool Piece canvas ....do Gasmask Socks, heavy weight. Gas masks Hose, piece. Old shoes.., Box Table Stools Ash can... Sprinkler., Sliirt, old. Gasmask. Saddle.... Leggings Screens X-ray plates Unrepairable shoes Secondhand shoes. Gas mask Doors Wagon Hose Horse collars Coffeepot Case Wood Shoes Overcoats Pants Coats Mattresses Bed pads Pillows, cotton Gloves Gasmask ;.. Shoes Sweaters . , Meat saw. Class C pyramidal tents. do ClassCtent do Class C wall tent. Class C tents — Shelter halves... Pyramidal tent . ,..".. do , do , SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 673 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALVAGE DIVISION-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 23, 1019.. -flo. .do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do... -do... -do... .do. .do. .do. Sept. 27,1919... do do ....do Sept. 29, 1919... do do do Sept. 30,1919. -do. .do. .do. Sept. 24,1919. .do. .do. .do. Sept. 18,1919.... Sept. 30, 1919.... WASHINGTON, D. c. — Continued. Car.son-Blumen, 1st and M Sts. NE. Wm. H. Duvall, Crome. Md Walter Proctor, 210 H St. NW. . F. B lumen, 1st and K Sts. NE.. M. iiushonf,', Woodstock. Va Geo. Flant,517MSt.NW J. J. Butler, 921 2d St. NE F. J. Mutchler, 3d and Randolph W.G. Lollar, LuKerville, Wis H. Thomas, Balston, Va J. S. Mactonsh, 1000 10th St. NE . B. Moore, 3d and Randolph NE . M. Robinson, 3d and Randolph NE. J. H. Mutchler, 3138 M St. NW. Cal Hirsch, St. Louis, Mo. W. W. Rein (Inc.), Newark,N.J. S. Rawitzer & Co., 285 Broad- way, New York City. B. W'^ollberp, 222 New York Ave. I. Applcstein, 226 N. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. Wm. Kubitz, 3d and Randolph . M. Linden, 1 505 N. Capitol J. M. Roper, 900 K St. NE B. WolllKTfr, 222 New York Ave, Milton Hopfmaiver, 221 10th St. NW. J. G. Allen, 1200 5th St. NE , Mrs. Hunch, 2120 4th St. NE B. Moore, 3d and Randolph NE . FOET H. G. ■WTIIGHT,'NEW YOEK. Jos. Dean, 15 Arch Court, New London, Conn. ....do ....do New England Iron & Metal Co., 42fi Bank St., New London, Conn. Howard Swann, address un- known. Fishers Island Farms (Inc.), Fishers Island, N. Y. Pyramidal tent. do do Unserviceable tents Pyramidal tent do Civilian .shoes do Cooking utensils Sweaters Gas masks Sweaters Old .shoes Sweaters Knives Lamps Skillet Stove, oil Lamp Tool chest Lamp Utensils Olive-drab wool breeches... Olive-drab wool shirts Olive-drab cotton coats. . .. Olive-drab cotton breeches. Olive-drab overcoats Olive-drab wool coats Olive-drab cotton coats Olive-drab cotton breeches. Oilstoves Sweaters do do Steel and wrought iron. Condemned ham Sweaters . ....do... Shoes Oil stove. Mixed iron Scrap shells, forged steel. Old rope Scrap leather Cla,ss B, pyramidal tent, large. Garbage $18.00 18.00 90.00 108.00 18.00 18.00 9.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 2.50 2.00 .65 2.00 .25 5.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1,764.00 1,090. .50 77.00 967.00 1, .507. 50 1, 440. 60 137. 50 275. 00 3.00 6.00 5.50 6.00 202. 67 13.20 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.50 209.61 174. 81 20.00 10.00 11.00 10.00 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS. Jan. 6, 1919. Dec. 30, 1918.. Jan. 10, 1919.. Dec. 11, 1918.. Dec. 28, 1918. . Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Indian Refining Co., Harris- burg, Pa. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. General Chemical Co., New York Park commission Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Jan. 13, 1919 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 43 FL^tures and material on 4th floor, building No. 50, Aerial School of Photography, Rochester, N. Y. Empty barrels Old hypo to be refined E mpty carbovs Building used by Aerial School of Photography, Rochester, N. Y. Garage building used by A erial School of Photography, Rochester, N. Y. $3,000.00 5,676.45 15.09 25.00 170.00 80.00 674 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS— Continued. Date of sale. Jan. 13, 1919. do Jan. 17, 1919. do Dec. 5, 1918. Oct. 8, 1918. Nov. 9, 1918. Feb. 18, 1919 Oct. 2, 1918. Jan. 28, 1919. Dec. 20, 1918 Mar. 4, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919 Feb. 14, 1919 Jan. 19, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919 Jan. 31, 1919. Feb. 25, 1919. .do. Mar. 28. do.' do. Apr. 1, Jan. 16, Apr. 4, Apr. 5, do. do. do. do. do. do. 1919... 1919., 1919. 1919., 1919. .do. Name and address of buyer. The Miller Bottling Works, Rocliester, N. Y. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. West Philadelphia House Wrecking Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Jump House Wrecking Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond Hardware Co., Rich- mond, Va. Public auction United States Navy , Marvin Briggs (Inc.), 167 6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Czeeho Slovak National Com- mission. L. Solomon & Sons, 199-201 Wooster St., New York. Ford Motor Car Co., San Fran- cisco, CaUf. Brimswig Drug Co., Los Angeles, CaUf. Corona Typewriter Co., Groton, N. Y. New York Camera Exchange, 109 Fulton St., New York. Public auction Lon L. Lee, 4841 Oak Lane, Dallas, Tex. George Zanzler, Elizabeth, N. J. B. Rogan, 829 Summit St., Elizabeth, N. J. Jump House Wrecking Co., 210 Parkway Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. William Geiger, 45 W. 34th St., New York City. .do. Cornell University W. D. McKlwee, "Ithaca, N. Y . . Post Office Department Post Office Department, aerial man branch. Panama Canal, Cristobal, Canal Zone. United States Marine Corps, Delaware Ave. and Keml- worth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Post Office Department, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Post Office Department, At- lanta, Ga. Post Office Department, Rich- mond, Va. Post Office Department, Balti- more, Md. Post Office Department, New York City. Post Office Department, Buf- falo, N. Y. Post Office Department, post- office garage, 43d and Wood- land Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. Article. Total sale price. Latrine building used by Aerial School of Photog- raphy, Rochester, N. Y. Sprinkiliig cart Garage, mess hall, barracks, water-closets, ^vlrlng, steel rails, vault plate, and frame watch tower. Firing-line system NaUs, 10 d., common. E mpty castor-oil barrels Aviator gauntlets S. H. derrick, 10-ton, second- hand. S. H. hoist, 5-ton, second- hand. L. W. F. airplanes, equipped with Sturtevant 5-A motor and spares. Old negatives Wooden partition. Castor oil Corona typewriters Graflex camera and accessories. Air Service Mechanics' School, St. Paul, Minn. BuUdings and fixtures, intact, at Camp Dick, Dallas, Tex. Mess hall Contractor's office Contractor's storehouse Complete barracks Partly complete barracks Partly complete officers' quar- ters. Mess halls, bathhouses; bar- racks, 1-story; headquarters building, supply buildings, power house, pump house. Mess haUs, bathhouses; bar- racks, 1-story; headquarters building, supply buildings, Sower house, pump house, )cated at Henry J. Damm Field, Babylon, Long Is- land. Wooden huts Junk lumber Portable steel hangars Pyrene fire extinguishers Manila rope. Pyrene fire extinguishers. do do do do do do do .do. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAP. DEPARTMENT. 675 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 39 40 41 Apr. 5, 1919 do . do District engineer, customhouse, Charleston, S. C. Chief of I':ngineers,care of district engineer, 516 Bremer Arcade Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Chief of Engineers, care of dis- trict engineer, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. District engineer, Fourth Mis- sissippi River District, 519 Canal St., New Orleans, I^a. District engineer, Newport, R. I. District engineer, post-ofRce bldg., Savannah, Ga. University of California, Ber- keley, Calif. A. Mahurui, R. F. D. No. 1, Houston, Tex. Brunswig Drug Co., Los An- geles, Calif. Post Office Department, aerial mail branch. Carl G. Fisher, Miami, Fla Krause & Managin Lumber Co., Westlake, La. Trauschold & Co., Waco. Tex. . . Panama Canal, Cristobol Canal, Zone. Post Office Department, Chicago, Post Office Department, De- troit, Mich. Aviation, Navy, 1919 (SE) William Geiger. 45 W. 34th St., New York, N.Y. United States Railroad Admin- istration, Mobile & Ohio R. R., Mobile, Ala. Gulf, MobDe & Northern R. R., Mobile, Ala. Panama Canal, Washington, D.C. Post Office Department, aerial mail branch, Newark, N. J. Pyrene fire extinguishers do do S85.50 142.50 57.00 42 .... do do 950 00 43 do do 57.00 44 do do 114.00 45 do Miscellaneous airplane equip- ment. Bluerocks (clay pigeons) Headquarters Ijuilding located at Park Place, Houston, Tex. Castor oil 350. 00 46 47 Mar. 31, 1919 Mar. 19, 1919 Mar. 28, 1919.... Apr. 11, 1919.... Apr. 15, 1919.... Apr. 18, 1919 Apr. 19, 1919.... do 693.00 125.00 450 00 48 Planer 441 00 Jointer, Yates 294 00 Saw, swing, Yates 102. 90 TTarmnpr, pnwpr, .'Sfl-lh 275. 00 Drill, sensitive 203. 45 Saw, swing 233. 00 Shaper, American No. 20 Grindstone, American 576.00 194.00 Hacksaw machine 310 00 Hacksaw blades 6.93 Grinder, 1 h. p., pedestal Drill, friction 138.00 192 00 Grinder, pedestal 110. 70 Drilling machine 230 00 Pedestal grinder, 2 h. p Tool-post grinder 194. 00 83.00 49 Electric steel-plated forge Arbor press, Greenard, No. 7.. Scroll saw, Superior, No. 45. . . Arbor press, Greenard, No. 3, on stand. Wooden building 56.10 336. 00 190. 00 50.00 700. 00 50 51 52 53 Buildings comprising gunnery school, on Lake Calcasieu, near Grand Lake, La. Reeves wood preserver Pyrene fire extinguishers do 1,675.00 100. 00 285..00 28 50 54 do ... do 47 50 55 56 Apr. 21, 1919.... Apr. 28, 1919 May 1,1919 . . do Roller-bearing L-13985 His- pana Suiza engine. Wooden water tanks 10.00 52 00 57 58 Pyrene fire extinguishers do Friction tape, |", in J-lb. rolls. Shapers: Single-spindle, Fay & ICgan, with motor and pulley. No. 444 automatic pro- peller shaper with motor drive. Double-spindle, H. B. Smith. Grinders, emery wheel com- plete. Tongs: Straight-lip, 22" 380.00 118 75 59 60 do ....do 1,120.00 756.00 3,500.00 670. 00 250.00 11.52 Straight-lip, 18" 4.34 Straight-lip, 16" 3.60 Double pick up, 28" Bolts, fluted jaw, 24" Bolts, fluted jaw, 18" Straight-lip, fluted, 24".... 4.. 50 29.68 5.25 .80 676 SALE OF SUEPLITS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS— Continued. Sale No. Datoof sde. Name and address of buyer. Article. Tottal sale price. 60 May 1, 1919 Post Office Department, aerial mail branch, Newark, N. J.. . Drill presses complete with Hisev direct-current motor, *h. p. Grinders: Pedestal grinders, Hisey- Wolf, tvpe F, model No. 21. Bench, No. 115, Goodell- $300.00 870.00 60.00 Pratt. Hisey-AYolf tool grinders, 150.00 direct-current, 110-volt motor. Angular boring machines Drills: 10.00 Straight-shank, ^" 6.25 Straight-shank- A" 6.25 Straight-shank, i'' 6.25 Straight -shank, |" 6.25 Forges, Buffalo, blacksmith. . . 105.00 May 3, 1919 Mays, 1919 Harris Bros. Co., Chicago, HI Post Office Department, aerial An\nls 45.00 61 Steel sash 11,245.00 307. 1.-J 62 Steel tool kits, Keimedy, No. mail branch, Newark, N. J. 118: 63 May 6, 1919 United States Railroad Admin- istration: Long Island R. R. Cinders .. 140. 00 64 May 1, 1919 Abston & Wyrme Co., Memphis, Tenn. Cotton ..-.-. 481.94 65 May 19, 1919 Oflicers and enlisted men Aviators' equipment, as fol- lows: Coats, aviator, leather, long. Coats, aviator, leather, short. Coats, moleskin, chauffeur. Sweaters, V neck 775.25 882.50 11.50 115. 50 Scarfs, light-weight, knit- 45.90 ted. Helmets, soft cap 27.00 Gauntlets, one-flnger mit- 15.40 ten. Gauntlets, hand gloves 23.10 May 20, 1919 Railroad Administration: Care Mechanic's suit 13.00 66 Pyrene Are extinguishers 171.00 of M., K. & T. R. R., Parsons, Kans. 67 do Post ifice Department do 912. 00 6S do Post Office Department, aerial mail branch. Miscellaneous airplane and motor parts. 9,542.05 69 do do Lathe, steel, 20-inch swing, 14- foot bed, Monarch. Press, Greenard, arbor, No. 3. Atlas rotating map cases Self-recording pocket baro- graph. Typewriters, Corona 1,200.00 110.00 156.00 30.00 202. 50 Compasses, Sperry gyro, 712. 50 double, complete with Indi- cator. Plates, bearing, drift, indi- 60.00 cator unit. Mechanics' inspecting kits 30.00 Gloves, aviators', winter, one- 38. 50 flnger. Coats, leather, flying 176. 50 Helmets, leather 47.50 Tanks, oil, 2-wheel, Wayne, 416.25 portable. Cheesecloth, roll 143.97 Levels, No. 36, IS-inch, Stanley 7.26 Books, aviator 18.00 70 May 22, 1919 District engineer, New Orleans, La. District engineer, customhouse, Charleston, S. C. Pyrene flre extinguishers 950. 00 71 do do 57.00 72 Apr. 8, 1919 G. J. Freeman, Hampton, Va... Tobacco and fixtures 2, 600. 00 R. D. Ferris, Phoebus, Va Richardson Grocery Co., Hamp- Tobacco 327.29 Entire stock of construction 5, 092. 66 ton, Va. mess, less tobacco and fix- tures. 73 May 24, 1919 University of Southern Minne- sota, Austin, Mimi. Liberty motor, non flying 250.00 74 May 26, 1919 Post Othce Department, Nor- folk, Va. Pyrene fire extinguishers 28.50 SALE OY SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 677 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 75 May 27, 1919 Various officers and enlisted per- sonnel. $25 00 76 June 5, 1919 Depot quartennsater, Marine Corps, Philadelphia, Pa. Pyrene flre extinguishers 2,375.00 77 do Rensselaer Polvtechnic Insti- tute, Troy. N. Y. Lawton Airline Transportation Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Liberty motor for educational purposes. 250. 00 78 do Liberty motors 5, 000. 00 79 do Silvox Co., South Bethlehem, Pa H. H. Butmahn, Waco, Tex Spark nlugs 210. 00 80 June 6, 1919 Ventilators, 24-inch, galva- 12.00 nized iron. 81 June?, 1919 St. Louis, San Francisco R. R., C. I. Miller, Fort Scott, Kans. Pyrene fire extinguishers, 1- quart size. 23.75 82 Feb. 20, 1919.... Reliance Manufacturing Co., Massillon, Ohio. Lock washers, A x i| x A" . . . 1,604.22 83 do Surplus Material Co., Detroit, Lock washers: Mich AxUxi" 362. 81 f x^-x A" 3,625.04 SxMxA" 650 90 84 [Canceled.] Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York N Y 85 G) 1,843.200 00 646, 400. 00 220, 000. 00 225.00 86 Jnnel4, 1919..-- Post Office bepartment, aerial mail branch, Newark, N. J. Wheelbarrows, steel tray, 3 cubic feet. 75 00 7 00 Forges, portable Buildings at Brindley Field. - - 200. 00 87 J^mel9, 1919...- Robert J. Bedell, 733 79th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 2, 950. 00 88 do S. Klotz, 223 W. 112th St., New York, N. Y. Buildings and telephone poles at Luifbery Field. 310. 00 89 do Fail-banks Co., Lafayette and Brown Sts., New York, N. Y. Chain hoists, ^ton capacity . . . 637.60 90 Apr. 25, 1919.... Newport Culvert Co. (Inc.), Corrugated metal culvert: Newport, Ky. 36 inches x 10 feet, 14-gage. 42 inches x 10 feet, 14-gage. 48 inches x 10 feet, 14^gage. 1,561.40 325. 20 27.10 JimeSi, 1919 Bureau of Steam Engineering, 21.60 91 Hispano-Suiza 300 h. p. model 200, 000. GO United States Navy. H airplane motors, complete. Sets of spares for the above motors. 27, 000. 00 92 Jtme 25, 1919 Bureau of Supplies and Ac- counts, United States Navy. Curtains, complete with hang- ers and tracks for steel hang- ars, 66 x 140'. 482.00 93 Mar. 26, 1919... . Willys-Overland (Inc.), Toledo, Ohio. Materialinstalled by the Gov- ernment in the Overland Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 8,890.69 94 Ju]y 2, 1919 Wyman-Gordon Co., Worcester, Mass. 250 00 95 JtmoSO, 1919 Lieut. Floyd Wilson, Southern Field, Amerlcus, Ga. Leather aviator flying coat 17.65 96 July 11, 1919 Aerial mail branch, Newark, N. J., Post Office Department. Airplane bolts, assorted sizes, 3 per cent nickel steel. Clevis pins, assorted sizes, 3 per cent nickel steel. Screws, flat-head, Ijrass: V 75.00 67.50 4.50 i" 4.00 f " 6.10 1" 6.00 i" 5.50 1" 8.10 li" 10.00 U" 10.40 2^.::::::::.:...:.:::;;.... 23.30 3" 68.80 Screws, round-head, brass: i" 2.40 i" 4.00 1" 6.20 ij" 10.00 iT, 5.50 \" 6.60 Ih" 11.40 i"...::;:.:.:::.:: :: : . 7.10 1" 13.60 1" 14.40 ' Contract dated May 6, 1919; signed May 23, 1919. Deliveries to continue to Sept. 30, 1920 amount to be paid during ijeriod covered by contract, prorated monthly, $10,400. Additional 678 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SALES AND SALVAGE SECTION, DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 11, 1919--. ...do May 18, 1919. June 30, 1919... do , July 9, 1919 June 23, 1919. July 18, 1919.. July 15, do. July 16, do. do. July 18 July 19 July 18 do. July 14 July 21 July 1, July 5, 1919. im.' 1919. 1919. 1919. July 17, Aug. 1, July 2, July 24 July 17 , 1919. , 1919. 1919.. 1919.. 1919. 1919. . 1919.. , 1919. , 1919. July 25, 1919. Aerial mail branch, Newark, N. J., Post Office Department. William P. McDonough, Middle- town, Pa. United States Railroad Admin- istration: Georgia R. R., Au- gusta, Ga. United States Railroad Admin- istration: Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R. United States Railroad Admin- istration: Central of Georgia R. R. United States Railroad Admin- istration: St. Louis, San Fran- cisco R. R. Co. E. A. Deeds, Moraine Farm, Dayton, Ohio. Allison F. H. Scott, care of Carl Vrooman, 701 E. Taylor St., Bloomington, 111. Dewey Whrig, Fairfield, Ohio. . . Herbert Strasser, Fairfield, Ohio. Lloyd J. Peterson, Fairfield, Ohio. Gus. R. Stringer, Fairfield, Ohio. W. P. Sigler, Fairfield, Ohio Harold J. Cruger, Fairfield , Ohio. J. A. Umlauf, Fairfield, Ohio N. D. Hargrove, Fairfield, Ohio.. E. W. Rowe, Fairfield, Ohio.... S. Swartschild, Fairfield, Ohio. . . A. N. Smith, Fairfield, Ohio. . . . R. L. Swann, Fairfield, Ohio A. E. Von Harten, Fairfield, Ohio. N. D. Hargrove, Fairfield, Ohio.. Aerial Mail branch. Post Office Department, Newark, N. J. Silvex Co., Bethlehem, Pa Various (public auction) Cal Hirsh & Sons Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo. American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn. Cotter pins: Ax|" ■h xl" ^x 1" Coat, leather, aviator, knee length, size 38. Pyrene fire extinguishers .do. .do. .do. New model I, Hispano-Suiza motor, 150 h. p. Pyrene fire extinguishers Aviators' leather coats: Short, size 38 Short, size 40 Knee length, size 42. Short, size 40 Short, size 42 Short, size 40 Knee length, no size given . do do do do do do .do. Exhaust pipes for Hispano- Suiza motors. Spark plugs, Ponsot Saddle horses Miscellaneous kitchen equip- ment. Railroad track. Including two 90-lb. switches, complete. Wire, fence $128. 10 73.50 199. 50 23.00 114.00 342.00 950.00 95.00 4,000.00 76.00 35.30 17.65 46.00 17.65 17.65 17.65 23.00 46.00 69.00 23.00 115. 00 23.00 23.00 23.00 25.00 450.00 805.91 1,149.91 1,500.00 1,000.00 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE. Sept. 12, 1918.... July 15, 1918 do Sept. 19, 1918.... Aug. 28, 1918.... Aug. 29, 1918.... Oct. 7, 1918 Sept. 9, 1918 do Oct. 15, 1919 Sept. 21, 1919.... Oct. 16, 1918 Oct. 23, 1918 Oct. 15, 1918 Aug. 29, 1918.... Nov. 20, 1918.... W. J. Crouch Co., New York City. Russel E. Green, Detroit. Mich. . Howell Field & Goddard, Long Island City, N. Y. Friedland Iron & Metal Co., I.,ansing, Mich. J. M. Craig Co., Hartford, Conn. . U. S. Ball Bearing Co., Chicago, Riverside Scrap Iron & Metal Co., Detroit, Mich. Intercontinental Machinery Cor- poration, New York, N. Y. Reliance Mfg. Co., Lansing, Mich General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Midland Linseed Products, Edgewater, N. J. Abraham Isaac, Elizabeth, N. J.. Nordyke & Marmon Co., Indin- apolis, Ind. General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Erie Iron & Metal Co., Erie, Pa. Slight Furniture Co., Grand Kapids, Mich. Galvanized wire Jute 15 h. p. electric motor Low-phosphorus steel Scrap Scrap (parts in process; die blocks, etc.). Moline hole hog drills Heavy shell chuck Crating lumber Gal vanized-steel wire Rusty castor-oil drums Scrap (steel, cast iron, drop forgings). Avey high-speed drill presses . . Jute Scrap iron 1" and I" flat-head bright wood screws. 835,469.18 2, 000. 00 277. 00 3, 112. 25 58.60 1, 875. 00 981. 80 2,300.00 100.00 154. 00 444.10 21.50 4,582.96 4, 125. 00 3, 250. 00 3,330.84 477. 80 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 679 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 17 Oct. 25, 1918 Nordyke & Marmon Co., Indian- 12" Marschke motor grinder. . . $210.15 apolis, Ind. No. 5 Cincinnati miller No. 10 Pratt & Whitney hand miller. No. 6 Cochoran Bly metal saw. 4,208.69 337.45 1,190.62 No. 6 Cochoran metal saw 956. 50 10 h. p. General Electric motor . 343. 02 18 Oct. 23, 1918 Vonnegut Machinery Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. Pacific Junk Co., Portland, Oreg. Norton balancing machine 550.00 19 Nov. 4, 1918 Scrap copper 139.38 Scrap iron 6.70 20 Jan. 29, 1919 Dow Chemical Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Sodium acetate, 100 per cent dry. 15,233.18 Sept. 4, 1918 E. J. Kerns Mfg. Co., 126-128 S. Bags 433.09 • 21 Fir and spruce, 8' and over 5,594.59 14th St., Newark, JST. J. Edgings. 48.31 Fir and spruce under 8' 526. 10 22 Sept. 9, 1918 Richards-Wilcox Co., Aurora, 111. Steel bar: S^x-^xQ 1 Jan. 11, 1919 D. R. Parrish Co., 85 Godfrey Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. 4ixAx7xl0i 4|xtVxllx9|- 1- 14, 196. 41 4|x-^x3xll| J 23 Spruce and fir 24.00 24 Jan. 18, 1919 Kaskelite Mfg. Co., Grand Rap- ids, Mich. 4-6" spruce 15.85 5x5" spruce. 72.25 4" spruce 391. 90 Nov. 23, 1918.... Nordyke Marmon Co., Indian- 6 X 6" spruce. 222. 30 25 75 Osbom air squeezer; mold- 224. 72 apolis, Ind. C. W. Prichard Co. (Inc.), 50 ing machine. 26 Jan. 18, 1919 Spruce and fir, 8' and over 176. 04 Church St., New York City. Spruce and fir, 9' and over 823.90 27 Nov. 20, 1918.... Nov. 8, 1918 Chas. S. KeUey, Grand Rapids, Mich. Manhattan Ventilator Co., New York City, N. Y. Fir lumber 15.20 28 Mahogany 129. 03 29 Nov. 13, 1918.... Grand Rapids Show Case Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1-6 flat-head bright screws 74.60 30 Nov. 14, 1918.... J. D. Loizeaux Lumber Co., Plainfleld, N. J. Ash rejects, 2x5' long 28.08 31 Nov. 30, 1918.... Dec. 3, 1918 do David E. Kenney, Plainfleld, Ash, 1-5' in length 45.72 32 Ash, running from 1' to 8' in 217! 15 N.J. length. 33 Dec. 11, 1918 Luce Furniture Co., Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Basswood, random widths, 8-20'. Basswood, random widths, 1-6'. 3" spruce lumber 1,558.36 242. 78 34 do Acme Lumber Co., Grand Rap- ids, Mich. 28. 80 35 Dec. 14, 1918 Baker Castor Oil Co., 120 Broad- way, New York City. Sherman- Klove Co., Chicago, 111. Castor beans 33 653.30 36 Dec. 16, 1918 Hexagonal, ^ per cent nickel- steel scrap, i" round 3 J per cent nickel-steel scrap, 3^ 18.00 per cent nickel-steel scrap (bar end). 37 Jan. 26, 1919 Wright Martin Aircraft Corpor- ation, Long Island City. 33-bar J. & L. turret lathe bar machine, No. 4 chuck W. & S. hand screw machines, 14" Parsons arter surface grinder, 11" x 6' speed lathes, 21" Gisholt lathe. No. 6 117,242.45 chuck, W. & S. turret lathes, 18" engine lathes, 7' 18" x 10', 6 X 80" P. & W. thread miller, 16" engine lathe, 16" X 8', No. 3 Cincinnati plain miUer, No. 2 W. & S. hand screw-maciilne bars. No. 4 bar W. & S. hand screw machines, 2" bar J. & L. turret lathe, 2" chuck J. & L. ttarret lathes, 16" engine lathes, 16" x 12', No. 6 Fel- lows gear shapers, 16 x 52" Landis plain grinders, 16" X 10' speed lathes, 16 x 48" Landis pin grinders, 18 x 12" G. & E. gear hjbber, 10 X 36" plain grinders. No. 3 Gardner polisher 38 Dec. 29, 1918 Nordyke Marmon Co., Indian- 217.00 apoUs, Ind. 680 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 39 Dec 29, 1918 Brewster & Co., Long Island City, N. Y. High-speed steel $202.50 Hydraulic trucks and 3 plat- 100. 00 forms. Steel racks . . 60 00 Milling cutters, 2-^" diameter.. 48.00 40 Dec 12 1918 Walker Vehicle Co , Long Island 5 00 City, N. Y. 10 00 15 00 41 Dec. 29, 1918 Abraham Isaac, Elizabeth, N. J. . High-speed steel tool scrap 875. 00 42 do Fester Stevens Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. J" Bright screws, J" Bright screws. 379. 52 43 do Prof. Chas. A. Proctor, Hanover, N.J. McKeesport Iron & Metal Co., Lens, Zeiss Tessar, 81" focus . . . 72.00 44 Jan. 27, 1919 Light brass valves, cast-iron 33.75 Versailles, Pa. wheel. Iron cylinders 5.75 45 Jan 17 1919 Haves-Ionia Co., Grand Rapids, Mich 28.47 47.30 46 Jan. 25, 1919 Nordyke & Marmon Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. General Electric motors 632.54 47 do . .do No 3 Gardner polisher 235. 00 48 do do No. 2i Ave V drill 1,415.77 3, 300. 00 49 Jan. 21,1919 Plerce-Arrow Motor Car Co., Six-spindle" automatic screw Buffalo, N. Y. machine. 50 Jan 27 1919 17,079.91 diaiiapolis, Ind. 51 Feb 12 1919 679,887.00 York Citv. 52 Jan. 31, 1919 Honrv Marks Sons, Indianapo- lis, Ind. Scrap, Gnome rough parts, parts in process, etc. 6,178.50 63 Dec 29 1918 Marquette I^umber Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1,338.03 54 do Berg\vald Material Co., New York, N. Y. 28.60 Iron stand 39.00 30.00 168.60 30.00 25 00 42 50 Millers arms 10.00 Millers vises 15.00 10. 00 Collets 1.50 Grinders 15.00 55 Feb. 7, 1919 Pierce- Arrow Motor Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Multiple-turning top-half at- tachment, including high- speed blades for If six-spin- dle automatic screw ma- 50.00 chine. 56 Feb. 10, 1919 Dixon Supply Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Desks, chairs, tables, cabinet, desk equipment. 340.50 57 Feb. 11, 1919 Office Furniture Co., Jackson- ville, Fla. Remington type\^Titer, No. 10 . 105.00 58 Feb. 4, 1919 Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. A. B. 2-backer vertical milling machine. 1,700.00 59 Jan 25, 1919 1, 716. 40 60 Dec. 16 1918. N.J. 340. 00 61 Feb. 28, 1919 York City. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Turner, Messenger Co., Detroit, Mich. Metallurgical equipment 16,994.77 62 do 28" Cincinnati milling machine 900. 00 63 Feb. 24, 1919 Standard Varnish Works, 90 Second-hand bagging 80.00 West St., New York City. 64 Feb. 17 1919 Marquette Lumber Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Dennis Lumber Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Wm. F. Wimmer, Pittsburgh, Fir shims (crating) 448.93 65 Feb. 24, 1919 4, 877. 40 66 do Wall steel tube, phosphor 2,726.71 Pa. bronze, bronze tube, copper Rd. Hx. sheet tube, brass Rd. Hx. sheet tube, cold- rolled steel, nickel steel, high-speed tool steel, Bes- semer Rd., carbon steel, parts and machinery jiuik. 67 do Wright Martin Air. Corp., New Brunswick, N. J. Small B. P. cabinets, large B. P. cabinets, lithographed letter heads, oiled wrapping paper, large balls twine; ma- nila envelopes, 6i x 9J"; tracing paper. Shop memorandum books 125.00 25.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 681 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Mar. 4, 1919. Name and address of buyer. -do. Mar. 11, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919. Mar. 18, 1919. Jan. 24, 1919. Feb. 15, 1919. Feb. 8, 1919.. Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 17, 1919.. Mar. 6, 1919... Mar. 20, 1919. Mar. 6, 1919.. Mar. 4,1919. Mar. 21, 1919. do Mar. 24, 1919. 86 M»". 26, 1919. I 87 Mar. 24, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. do Mar. 29, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919.. ...do. do do Parker Bros. , Los Angeles, CaliL . Standard Varnish Co., New York City. Nathan Shafler, Allentown, Pa.. Lindner Interior Mfg. Co. , Grand Rapids, Mich. Disco Electric Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Edward Rutledge Lumber Co., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. i Canceled.] I . Jacobs, New York City do Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. ...do Durr Drug Co., Montgomery, Ala Toledo Seed & Oil Co., Toledo, Ohio. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swiss vale. Pa. .do. Baker Castor Oil Co., Jersey City, N. J. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. A. F. Pringle (Inc.), Charles- ton, N. C. Eli B. Lilly Co., Indianapolis, Ind. W. F. St. Coeur, Cambridge, Mass. E. I. DuPont de Nemoiu-s Co., Newbridge, Del. Stickley Bros. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Blowers Lime & Phosphate Co., Blowers, Fla. Baker Castor Oil Co., Jersey City, N. J. do Geo. H. Shaw Co., Middle- borough, Mass. Hess Photographing Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. Sibley Lumber Co., Detroit, Mich. J. J. Bailey, Gainesville, Fla Metz COy Waltham, Mass Totedo Seed & Oil Co., Jellico, Tenn. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. B. S. Lewellen, Grand Rapids, Mich. J. W. Goddard & Sons, New York City. Article. Desks, chairs, tables, settee, file cabinets, typewriter, rugs, letter trays, mimeo- graph, wastebaskets, cuspi- dors, miscellaneous station- ery. 110-gallon steel drums Nickel-steel scrap Spruce and fir shims, | to J" thick, random lengths. Aluminum scrap Scrap steel Cutler kilns complete, 18 x 27' Triple beam balance Round cold-rolled steel Scrap steel, tool steel, steel racks. Wing beam spruce Spruce, 8/4 No. 1 bleached castor oil Caster oil 2A Warner & Bwazey turret lathes. 18 by 8" LeBlonde lathes No. 2 B, plain Milwaukee miller No. 4 centering machines No. 430 Clarkcompound metal- cutting band saw. Izod impact testing machine. . Castor beans Briggs, type B, high-duty milling machine. Castor pom^ice Castor olL K. & T. 3 h. p., 5.50-volt, 3- phase, 60-cycIe motor, com- plete with pulley base; piece shaft, 1A> wood pulleys, collars. Castor oil Drum Castor pomace Ash strips Castor pomace 672,398 lbs. castor beans Castor beans 55-gal. steel drums Photostat complete, mon el No . 3; light type box for No. 3 photostat; photostat paper, grade B, 18"; drying fram.es, 30 X 42"; Eastman timer; No. 47Cooper-Hewittlights, direct current. Brinell hardness testing ma- chine. Mahogany lumber, rejected . . . Damaged pomace Veneer Castor oil Platinum gauge electrodes .... Dark-room lamp complete; print trimmer; 5x7 Velox paper; glanal acetic acid, chemically pure; photo- graphic balance. Tubing, sample Bristol parts, scrap steel, scrap brass. Airplane cloth, cotton, grade A Total sale price. S360.00 780.00 6.00 81.00 121.20 4.80 874.80 19.00 2,038.58 2,941.50 1,379.40 18.05 1,013.79 7,309.07 3,468.00 4,290.00 1,628.00 190.00 372.00 375.00 28, 424. 87 4, 300. 00 5,148.00 1,010.50 90.00 111.23 5.00 2.85 427.64 200.00 58,469.39 36,213.56 225.00 825.00 236.00 1,052.06 14.00 16.16 7,213.33 700. 05 731. 57 44.98 78.00 682 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 27, 1919. Apr. i, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. do Apr. 7, 1919. do Apr. 8, 1919... Apr. 21, 1919.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. do.. do.. do.. do.. do do do do Apr. 5, 1919. do , do do do Apr. 2,1919... do do do....... Apr. 3, 1919.. .....do do do do do do John H. Busby Co. (Inc.), De- troit, Mich. United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corpora- tion, rhiladelphia, Pa. Jeilrey ^^^lite Studio, Detroit, Mich. Detroit White Lead Worlcs, Detroit, Mich. L. H. Green Co., Detroit, Mich. Schram Glass Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. A. Daigger & Co., Chicago, 111... University of Micliigan, Ann Arbor, Midi. do L. H. Green Co., Detroit, Mich.. Northway Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Toledo Seed & Oil Co., Toledo, Ohio. Spencer-Kellogg Co., Edgewater, N.J. Balder Castor Oil Co., Jersey City, N. J. T. K. Godbv, Waldo, Fia Toledo Seed" & Oil Co., Toledo, Ohio. do Baker Castor Oil Co., Jersey City, N. J. Springfield Aircraft Corpora- tion, Springfield, Mass. Thomas Morse Aircraft Corpo- ration, Ithaca, N. Y. Hazen Carroll, Detroit, Mich O. F. Hamlin, Detroit, Mich.... Koblitz-KohnCo., Detroit, Mich. Aluminimi Castings Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, 111. Mortland Chemical Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, 111. Stresen-Reuter & Hancock, Chicago, 111 Armour Fertilizer Co., Jackson- ville, Fla. Dearborn Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. Marquette Lumber Co., Grand Rapids. Troy Carriage Co., Troy, Ohio... Litflux Mineral & Chemical Co. . Pottcr-Jolmson Machine Co., Pawtucket, R. I. George S. Colton Elastic Web Co., Easthampton, Mass. Springfield Mfg. Co., Bridge- port, Conn. Southworth Machine Co., Port- land, Me. Pratt & ^^^litney Co., Hartford, Conn. West & Dodge (Inc.), Brighton, Mass. The -•Vutomatic Machine Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Federal Screw Corporation, Providence, R. I. National Separator & Machine Co., Boston, Mass. Diamond Machine Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Fitchburg Grinding Machine Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Electrical equipment. Washbowls, drop cords, lamps, diffusers, annunciator and push buttons, radiators. Wratten & Wainwright dark- room safe lamp with three 8 X 10" lights, rubber squee- gee; Bausch & Lomb Zeiss protat lens. 65-gal. drums Scrap steei and iron Soda ash Castor oil Hoskins melting furnace School model Liberty motor. Scrap aluminum " Machine tools as per invoice, voucher No. 2. Castor beans Castor oil Castor beans Castor pomace Castor oil Castor beans do Propeller boxes Cotton tape Storage batteries Casings, used inner tubes Bronze scrap Aluminum castings Urea Soda ash Urea Soda ash Castor pomace Castor oil, No. 3 Spruce and flr shims Ash, fir shims, oak, mahogany, walnut. Castor oO Ball thrust bearings Miscellaneous shock-absorber cord. Surface grinders Screw machines Drilling machine ". Milling fixture and miscella- neous gauges. Head automatic threading lathes. No. 2 brass screw stock Centrifugal oil separators Diamond tool grinders Fitchburg grinding machine . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 683 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Contimied. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 4, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. ....do Apr. 4, 1919. Apr. 3, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919. do do Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919. .do. .do. Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 8, 1919. do do do ....do do ....do Apr. 7, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 16, 1919, Apr. 15, 1919, Apr. 17, 1919 Apr. 10, 1919 ....do Apr. 11,1919 Apr. 9,1919.. Apr. 15,1919 Apr. 9,1919.. do Apr. 15, 1919 do Diamond Machine Co., Provi- dence, R. I. ....do H. G. Shepherd & Sons, New- Haven, Conn. The Fafnir Bearing Co., New Britain, Conn. Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Provi- dence, R. I. O'llara Waltham Dial Co., Waltham, Mass. Eastern Luminoas Indicator Co., Waltham, Mass. American Tube Bending Co., New Haven, Conn. Gale-Sawyer Co., 35 Wormwood Street, Boston. Morgan Spring Co., Worcester, Mkss. West & Dodge Co., Brighton, Mass. do Fitchburg Machine Works, Fitchburg, Mass. Frank M. Morse, Boston, Mass.. Homer D. Bronson Co., Beacon Falls, Conn. Crittenden Mfg. Co., Jamaica Plain, Ma.ss. Fafnir Bearing Co., New Britain, Conn. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. do Chase Metal Works, Waterbury, Conn. Duflield & Co., Derby, Conn.... Wilton Tool Co., Roxbury, Mass. Norton Co.^ Worcester, Mass . . . . New Britam Machine Co., New Britain, Conn. BrowTi & Sharpe Providence, R. I. Co., Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Pearse Tool Co., Boston, Mass... American Knitting Co., Wal- tham, Mass. Moore Drop Forging Co., Spring- field, Mass. Heald Machine Co., Worcester, Mass. Winter Bros. Co., Wrentham, Mass. 8. W. Card Mfg. Co., Mansfield, Mass. Wyman Gordon Co., Worcester, Mass. Moore Drop Forging Co., Spring- field, Ma^. Fafnir Bearing Co., New Britain, Conn. FcUovves Gear Shaper Co., Springfield, Vt. Simplex Tool Co., Woonsockct, R.I. Diamond automatic .surface grinder. Surface grinding machines and special adjusting plates. Wooden airplane parts and .scrap, .semifinished. Bearings High-speed milling cutter Radium luminous compound. ....do Tnlet pipe (sump to tee) Cutters for milling tongue for crankshaft bearing. Valve-spring inlet Miscellaneous gauges do Tool attachments Hard-rubber blocks Electric-wire connectors Wrought-brass airplane butts. Clevis pins Nickel steel Ball bearings, in process; ball bearings, finished. Linen thread Rough-leather shoulders Leather Linen thread Copper Position gauges Gauges, scrap Grinding wheels No. 224 chucking machines Special steel pans Special false jaws No. 233 chucking machines Special false jaws Steelwork stands No. 16 plain grinding machine. No. 3-A Universal milling machine. No. 2-H vertical spindle mill- ing attachment. No. 3 vertical spindle milling attachment. No. 3-H vertical spindle mill- ing attachment. Leather straps, scrap Fixture for boring, facing, and threading interrupter driver gear hoasing, scrap. White yam Khaki yam Cylinder elbow exhaust and inlet dies, scrap. 7-lnch raising blocks for use on No. 70 internal grinder. Plug and taper taps Taps Dies, scrap do Cylinder elbow exhaust forg- mgs, scrap. Ball bearings Gear cutters, scrap Drill jigs, .scrap Fixture for spot facing, scrap. . $1,891.00 3.071.92 300.71 307.58 13.45 3,954.55 750.00 13.34 12.00 2.73 10.00 10.00 209.70 5.00 40.50 6.75 1..55 7.25 7.90 197. 60 1,275.30 402. 42 197.60 7,624.32 .10 .27 886. 67 24, 136. 00 1, 160. 00 320. 59 8, 127. 00 22.5. 00 684. 00 4,995.00 5,850.00 225.00 189.00 265. 50 2.43 1.33 4,950.00 1,560.00 103. 86 164.90 85.25 353.68 42.75 326. 94 404. 10 195. 00 684 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 184 185 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 Apr. 12, 1919. do , do do , Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. -do. .do. do do Apr. 17„ 1919. Apr. 16, 1919. do Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. Apr. 16, 1919. Apr. 18, 1919. -do. .do. do Apr. 17, 1919... Apr. 22, 1919... Apr. 18, 1919... .....do do do .do -do .do. .do. do do Apr. 21, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. Abrasive Machine Tool Co., East Providence, R. I. American Brass Co., Ansonia, Conn. Waterbury Mfg. Co., Water- bury, Conn. Culver Stearns Mfg. Co., Worces- ter, Mass. New Britain Machine Co., New Britain, Conn. Chase Metal Works, Waterbury, Conn. do do .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Dennison Mfg. Co., Framingham, Mass. Chase Metal Works, Waterbury, Conn. Bristol Mfg. Co., New Bedford, Mass. Geo. S. Colton Elastic Co., East- hampton, Mass. .do. The Russell Mfg. Co., Middle- town, Conn. Fitzgerald Mfg. Co., Torrington, Conn. G. H.Bass Co., Wilton, Me William L. Gilbert Clock Co., Winsted, Conn. Ens;lish & Mersiek Co., New Haven, Coim. Edwin E. Bartlett, Nashua, N. H. B aush Machine Tool Co., Spring- field, Mass. G. & O. Mfg. Co., New Haven, Conn. E. W. Hes Mfg. Co., Shelton, Conn. United Wire & Supply Co., Au- burn, R.I. Springfield Webbing Co., Spring- field, Mass. Harding Tilton Co., New Bed- ford, Mass. do do New Bedford Mills Corporation, New Bedford, Mass . . . Russell Mfg. Co., Middletown, Conn. No. 3 surface grinders . Tobtn bronze rods Copper Spelter Dash lamps, less switches and bulbs. Size No. 33 new B chucking machine. Size No. 24 new B chucking machines. Copper tubing Brass tubing Copper Spelter Copper do Copper tubing , Muntz-metal tubing ;, Copper tubing Copper , Copper tubing Copper Copper tubing Copper Spelter Soft copper tubing Copper Spelter Propeller tip bags, scrap. Copper tubing , Brass tubing Cotton , Yarn Bleached yarn Gray yarn do 20' rubber thread Bleached yarn Gray j^arn .-. Rubber , Luster yarn Raw yarn Spark-plug gaskets, scrap Crank-shaft plu.g stud gaskets. Chocolate baked leather Kingston thread Linen thread Brazing brass, strip zinc Glass circles, scrap Strip zinc, sera p Miscellaneous Brass sheeting Grecnerd arbor presses with stands. No. 4 Baush high-speed mul- tiple drill. Sheet brass , Side brackets Solder Copper tubing Brass scrap Small tools, scrap Elbow assemblies Elbow assemblies, unfinished, scrap. Oi 1 tubes Yarn Sea Island cotton. ....do ....do ....do Yarn Luster yarn. Raw yam... Black yarn.. SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 685 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 23, 1919.. Apr. 24, 1919.. do do do Apr. 25, 1919 Apr. 28, 1919.... Apr. 5, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 7, 1919.. Apr. 22, 1919. Apr. 16,1919. do Apr. 24, 1919. .do. .do. .do. Apr. 25, 1919. do do Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919. .do. -do. .....do Apr. 8, 1919. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. do do do Apr. 9, 1919. do .do. Name and address of buyer. Article. Norwalk Iron Works, South Nor walk. Conn. Nield Mfg. Co., New Bedford, Mas.s. Soulc Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Ivers & Pond Piano Co., Boston, Paul Whitin Mfg. Co., North- bridge, Mass. Walter H. Wade, Boston, Mass. Waltham Watch Co., Waltham, Mas^. Williafti Whitman Co., New ford, Mass. Peter A. Frassee & Co., Hart- ford, Conn. Draper Masnard Co., Plymouth, N. H. M. Frank Lucas, West Newton, Gray & Davis Co. (Inc.), Ames- bury, Mass. Chase Metal Works, Waterbury, Conn. do Taber Mills Corporation, New Bedford, Mass. Thompson Electric Welding Co., Lynn, Mass. .do. Gosnold Mills, New Bedford, Mass. King Philip Mills, Fall River, Mass. Thompson Electric Welding Co., Lynn, Mass. do United Alloy Steel Corporation, Canton, Ohio. Superior Die Tool & Machine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Monarch Aluminum Ware Co., Cleveland. Ohio. Columbus Die Tool & Machine Co., Columbus, Ohio. ...do Interstate Machine Products Co., Rochester, N. Y. ...do ....do ....do Chas. A. Keen Co., Buffalo, N. Y, Kmg Sewing Maclune Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. W. N. Margin Manufacturing Co., Urbana, Ohio. G. A. Philhps & Sons, PhilUps Mills, N. Y. Bufltalo General Electric Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Superior Maclilne & Tool Co., New York City. Standard Turnbuckle Co. ,Corry , Pa. Interstate Machine Products Co., Rochester, N. Y. Lubricators GraAitjr valves No. 18 brass tubing. Miscellaneous Yarn Sea Island cotton Yarn Miscellaneous wooden plane parts, scrap. Yam Precision lathes Airplane clock parts, semifin- ished. Sea Island cotton Yarn Scrap nickelsteel No. 61 white felt. Semicompleted crates, scrap... Coated nails and bolts Semicompleted crates, coated nails and bolts. 15 per cent of original cost of paint. Aluminum sheets Bulbs , Copper tubing do. Yam... No. 40A2 Thompson special electric butt-welding ma- chine, scrap. No. 40A butt welder, scrap Sea Island cotton Cotton yam Sea Island cotton No. 40A butt welder with spe- cial clamps. do No. 1 mol. steel Wood pattern, scrap Cast-iron castings, scrap . Machine steel, scrap Cold-rolled steel , scrap . . . Tool steel, scrap Tool-steel tool, scrap do do Aluminum Miscellaneous special dies and tools. do Steel forgings, scrap Maganese bronze, scrap. Tool scrap , .....do Bevel washers , Steel scrap Scrap cast iron. Lumber Transmission line. Tool scrap Completed tumbuckles. Barrels Steel ends, scrap Tobin bronze rod Nickel-steel rod , Scrap aluminum Total sale price. S275.00 30.00 544. 87 1,681.33 9, 809. 20 5, 818. 96 8, 819. 67 8.80 4, 541. 20 1, 747. 70 85, 906. 29 48, 497. 28 126, 752. 83 1, 206. 75 900.00 31.94 12.00 211.70 23.00 2,041.44 2,023.20 667.63 19.25 9, 582. 12 646.07 1,484.20 21,685.04 2,264.29 14,617.74 646. 05 2, 584. 22 11,839.41 .68 140.28 196.80 833. 44 10.37 682.40 20.00 34.00 10.00 .42 7.03 461.25 6,222.58 .61 425.30 110. 16 7.45 204.90 119. 16 9.15 ()8() SAlvW OF SUUriiUS SUrrLlKS r>Y TUK, WAU nUPAETMENT. ^KKIM. LIST OF S.Vl.KS; MATKK1M.8 PISVOSAL SKC'TION, AlU SKKN U'K routimied. Sale No. 259 263 263 264 26S 266 267 26S 269 27(1 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 270 280 281 2S2 2S3 284 285 286 387 290 291 294 295 296 297 298 299 Date of sale. Name and address ol Iniyor, Article. Apr. 7, 1019. . Apr. 14. 1910. .do. Apr. S, 1010.. ....do. ....do. Biiiok Motor Co., inint, Midi.... Fooilors Miuiiif!U'(iirlni;Oo.(liic.') riiitlnlo, N. Y. .do. HrtiKwlc Mniuifaoturtiii; Co., ClmrloKo, Midi. Oom Cil y Miu-hino Co , l'\ I'i.-ilior Mrtclmio Tool Co., rnillrtlo. N. Y. Cast iron ....do ....do ....do Bra.<.s .stioi't , scrap Bra.^s.-^ cast in}55, scrap Silver tlllor,*!, scrap lira.-js, .-jcnip I'lller Caps, scrap Sheet brass, scrap I'rass easi ui.us, scrap Virass lilleis, scrap I'illcr I'aps, .scrap MaiiKaiuvsi^brouze ingots . SI eel and iroi* scrap Mansivnese - bronze castings, scrap. Apr. 4, 1010.. do , do do , .do. .do. .\merican Brass Co., ButTalo, N. Y. Acme Tat tern & Machine Co., ButTalo, N. Y. At las Crucible St eel Co. , BulTa lo. N. Y. Automatic Madiine Co., r»ay- ton. Ohio. The Bell Co., ButTalo. N. Y'.... BulTalo Prop Forge Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. 1-lndi (obin bronze rod. Scrap iron Chrome Iron Cast iron and machine steel, scrap. l-'ormuig t ool.*:, die holder Scrap forgmgs Apr. 5, 1919. .do... .do... ButTalo Prop Forge Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. do. ....do Apr. 7, 1010.. .....do do Continental Kiibber Co., Erie, Fa. Cape Ann Tool Co., FiwonCove, Ma.ss. Chops Stevens Faper Co., De- troit. Mich. Acme Fat tern ^t Jfachine ■Works. BulTalo, N. Y. Pesijin Manufacturing? Co., Koclu>ster, N. Y, AVaslier-plale blank forgings. Copper Scrap rubber. Scrap dies Scrap Kraft paper. Scrap stwl , Tool scrap Apr. 14. 1010... .•V.pr. 7, 1010.... Mar. 14,1010... Mar. 12, 1019. . . Mar. 11,1010... Mar. 17.1010... Apr. 10. 1010... May 2,1010 Mav 1, 1010 Apr. l^.\ 1010. .....do .....do. Mar 9, 1919... Apr. 5, 1010. . Ap*. 7, 1919.. do. Apr. 5, 1919.. do Apr, 15, 1919. Ceiiturv Elect rlcalCo., SvTacuse, N. Y. Erie Bronze Co., Erie, Fa Fox tvpewriter Co.. Grand Kapids, Mich. fnitv Manufacturms; Co., Chi- cago, 111. llaskelite Manufacturing Cor- poration, Chicai;o, 111. .T..1. Kisch, Chicago. HI Standard Varnish ^^'orks, New York City. Geo. 11. AVoodward, San lYau- cisco, Calif. .\idier Machine AVorks. San Francisco, Calif. Empire Madiine & Suppir Co., BulTalo. Eccles & Smith Co., San lYan- cisco. Aidier Machine AVorks, San Francisco. ButTalo Ketlning Co.. ButTalo, N. Y. AUvx Cohen & Sons, Indianapo- lis, Ind. Bakex Castor Oil Co., Jersey Cltv. ButTalo Ketlning Co.. Buffalo. . . Eastman Kotlak Co., ButTalo, X. Y. Feroliu Co. of America, CliiciM:o, 111. lai B. lilly Co., IndianapoUs, lud. Test forks and phones. Scrap alundmim .Munnnum castings. . . Nickel steel. 15-20 carbon. Foplar veneer Brass cast ings. . Acet one Cutter grinder. Milling machine do 1 1 and miller machine Prill press New 3 J' Muelller radial drill press. Le Blond universal cutter grinder. Bench miller 2-spindle drill PvVgallon St eel drums .Vluminum. . . Brass Steel Castor beans. Steel drum (.! lacial acetic acid .Tugs CiVJtor oil, No. 3. in drums. . . Bleached castor oil .SA/J<: OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAIt DEPARTMENT. 087 HK)i/AI. MKT OF HALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, Allt SKUVICK -f>/ntlnu«i. Date of Hale. Apr. 12, 1019. do Apr. 16, 1019. Mar. 17, l'<*19. Mar. .5, 1919.. Mar. J9, 1919... Mar. 17, 1919... Mar. 19, 1919... do Mar. 20, 1919. . . Mar. 27, 1919. do Apr. 9, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919. .do. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. IP,, 1919. .do. Apr. 15, 1919.. .Vfar. 17, 1919. . Mar. 10, 1919.. Apr. 23, 1919.. Apr. 22, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 19, 1919. ....do Apr. 5, 1919.. .Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 25, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. ..do.. ..do.. Mar. 25, 1919. ....do ....do Name and addresB of buyer. JJalffir Tastor Oil r:o., .N'ew York. Plerw! Arrow Motor Car Co., MnfTalo .V. Y. KoAUriie Hwitchboard & Supply C'o., Chicago. Albert Pick A Co., CMcajjo W. ({. Andcrfif/n foundry Co., Chicago. , • Western Screw ProfluctKCo., Bt. T/Oul'i, .Mo. Albau^h Dover Co.. Chicago, Til. Thomas K. Powe, St. T/Oul?!, .Mo. .James R. Fltzpatrlck, Crand liaplds, Mich. The Van Sicklen Co., Chicago. . . Continental Motors Corporation, Mu-flrawn steel Valve cases Pump, drums, plugs, sheets, and bars. Toolsteel Empire cloth Fi ber insulators Jompire cloth A" •-.tcel rivets Kmpire cloth Aluminum castings. Ball i>earings Sundry steel Steel if igh-speed steel Steel If Igh-spced steel Bars, boring Pig Iron, scrap. Veneered ofTic^, partition, picket fencing. Bakellte micarta Steel, raw. In process, and finished. If igh-spp^id steel , Iron TungirUa) Fcrrf>-chrome Ferrf^vanadlum Special Government steel, 3} round x K'. Manila rope No. 5 box strapping Ground glue Clear ground glue No. 478 varnish Steel ....do ScTap Iron. Total sale price. 400.00 .«6 1.27 3.15 2,819.42 W). fX) 78,'i. 94 :iC,. 40 1, 128. 75 3, 49tJ. 44 10,WJ.fXJ 37. r/) 'l.TM 98. 30 10. fX) 200. 00 I3<5. .5« 321.75 ^..48 15. f& 2.64 L76 14/). e,7 12.00 139. 84 80. (X) 14, (59rj. fi3 3fX). W 40. . fA 'l,m.;.^ 181.32 5fi9. 43 937. .50 30.00 155. 00 590.20 144. 62 e 2 wool Type 3 wool Bn\ss, scrap Motor accessories Raw material (.Umiber) Special facilities Glue Empire cloth do do Alimiinimi castings Cotter pins Brass w;ishers Spring wire Castings for keys Cups Partly finished keys Partly finished bodies Patterns, tools, and jigs "Wnieels PiUtS Empire cloth Stcol rod, less threading Bakelite tubing Klcctric shoot iron Empire cloth do Housing ci\sting Large screws Hydraulic gauge Cylinder and bn\ss casting Direct labor .^" Overhead expense Valve steel, aimealed Billets, steel High-speed scrap, steel Iron do Ferro-Timgsten, steel Ferro-chrome, steel Housing Ciwtings Large screws Hydraulic gauges Cylinder and brass castings... Microscope .' Direct labor Overhead expense Terncplate Die block Shear blocks Partly completed forgings Die blocks, new Partly finished tension straps Completed tension straps Tinned high-strain gauge vdre Timied aeronautic strand mre Feb sheets, 30 by 30" by i'.. Alumimmi Fay automatic lathes G lace-lined tank Norton plain grinders Copper wire SALE OY SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 689 8EKIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERL\L8 DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 389 390 391 393 394 395 396 397 398 Feb. 24, 1919. do Mar. 14, 1919. Jan. 18, 1919.. Mar. 21, 1919. Mar. 19, 1919. Apr. 9, 1919.. Feb. 21, 1919. Feb. 26, 1019. Mar. 14, 1919. Jan. 24, 1919.. Phila'lelphla Gear Works, Phil- adelphia, Pa. do Apr. 18, 1919... Jan. 21, 1919.... Apr. 12, 1919... Feb. 6, 1919.... Mar. 3, 1919.... Mar. 28, 1919... Feb. 25, 1919... Mar. 14, 1919... AjH". 12, 1919... Feb. 26, 1919... Feb. 5, 1919.... Apr. 7, 1919 .do. .do. Mar. 14, 1919 Apr. 19,1919 Apr. 1,1919.. Apr. 25, 1919. Jan. 31, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Feb. 3,1919.. Jan. 24,1919. Mar. 28, 1919. Mar. 31, 1919. I'rest-0-I-ite Co., New York City. Scoville Mfg. Co., Waterbury, Conn. Standard Metal Mfg. Co., New- ark, N. J. Stromberg Motor Devices Co., Rof;h tester, N. Y. fioss Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.. Taunton New liedford Coi)per Co., New Bedford, Mass. T rum bough, Whitehead Brass & Copper Co. (Inc.j, New York city. do United Alloy Steel Corporation, Canton, Ohio. United Metals Seeling Co., New York. Wyman Gordon Co., Worcester, Mass. William Wharton, jr., Co., Eas- ton. Pa. Ohio Wire Goods Mfg. Co., Ak- ron, Ohio. Unit Construction Co., ITiilar delphia, I'a. New York Coil Co., New York City. D. Nusbaum & Co., New York City. Newark Tube & Metal Works, Newark, N. J. National Lead Co., New York City. Millers Brass Fitting Co., New York City. Marvin & Casler, Canastota, N. Y. National Lead Co., New York City. do Spiral pinions 7 " horn'-tor driven gears, .Sh<;';t, trass, scrap Tubing and flat brass, scTap.. Obsolete alumintun castings. . . Special aluminum alloy Tobin bronze, scraj) Copper, scrap . do Brass ingot composition. Steel billets Copper Chrome-nickel steel . Chrome, scrap Furnace material Assorted cotter pins. Mahogany lumber, propeller stock. Solder Worsted yams, khaki. Metal parts, scrap .do. Light Mfg. Co., New York City. . National Lead Co., New York City. Meisselbach f'atucci Mfg. Co., N ewark N J Miller & \''an Winkle Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Wyman Gordon Co., Worcester, Mass. U.S. Gauge Co., Sellersville, Pa.. LandLs Tool Co., W'aynesboro, Pa. United Construction Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Waclark Wire Co.j Elizabeth, N.J. United c;onstruction Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. I'ig tin Pig leafl Brass parts Brass cotter pins ScTap, material and labor . Bakelite No. 6.50 and Bakelite c-able. Separator parts Bakelite No. 650 and Bakelite cable. Separator parts Bakelite No. 640 and Bakelite cable. Separator parts Aluminum castings Bakelite cable sefrarators No. 6.50 Bakelite High-tension cable separators No. 6.50 Bakelite 64-pitch, 2f>tooth brass pinion. Finished brass pinions Trigger motor springs Damf>ing valve springs Pv eser\oi r springs Chrome-nick e. steel do Aluminum Aluminum scrap ScTap brass Contour grinders Navy produc-t, lumber MiscelJaneous small c-uttings, lumber. Rejected surface boards Brass do do do Flat-head brass screws do AJumlnum fan hubs as scrap. 80.50 1.00 4.73 275. fJZ 100. fX) 12.77 120.00 540.00 6fil.64 7,200.00 76.21 14,272.00 101,991.90 12, 129. 81 21.47 300.00 5.3.49 11,57L60 8.00 51. 15 21,029.45 1, 6S.5. .50 227.92 1.5.00 189. 87 73.20 .30. 10 .32. 44 28.47 99. 33 6.13 128.27 .43 7.74 2.41 39. .56 6. (X) .10 2.58 22,493.42 1,238.30 207.25 105. 44 27.42 28.66 22,500.00 1, 673. 75 1, 768. 00 1, 192. 40 116.80 2, (m. orj 187. (X) 41.80 43.36 7.14 28.35 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2- -44 690 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. • Article. Total sale price. 399 Apr. 9, 1919 Steel Products Co., Cleveland, Low t'mgsten scrap, steel $11.08 Ohio. 1" round low tungsten, steel.. Scrap, high tungsten, steel — 571. 20 721. 60 Swedish iron, J' ' round 2.84 High tungsten, IJ", round, 982. 50 steel. 400 Feb. 7,1919 International Duplex Coat Co., New York City. Corduroy, 35"; corduroy, 31"; leather, hooks and eyes, pocketing, wool wristlets, buckles. 25,345.95 401 Apr. 15,1919 Standard Chemical Co., Bayonne, Tuluol 115. 50 N.J. Chlorine 648. 00 Benzaldehyde 651. 60 Benzylch^oride - 176.88 Benzylbenzoate 156.00 Benzylacetate 144.00 Benzylacetate, crude 162.00 Benzylbenzoate, crude 255.60 402 Mar. 10,1919 Organic Salt & Acid Co., Long Island City. Phenol, containers, phospho- rus oxychloride, drums, car- boys, tuluol, containers, chlo- rine, tri-phenyl-phosphate. 21,610.50 403 do New Process Pipe & Tube Bend- ing Co., Newark, N. J. Hard bras.s, flat lengths Machine steel 118.44 40.00 Cold steel cut for pins 12.15 Mar. 22,1919 Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, Machine tools 5.50 404 99 per g'acial acetic acid 736. 76 N. Y. 5-gal jugs 277. 50 405 Apr. 5,1919 do Acetic anhydride, 95 per cent, in 4 drums. 2,051.41 Acetic anliydride, 85 per cent, 864.00 in 2 drums, discolored, and of very poor quality. I^arge drums 50.00 406 Sept. 4,1918 Construction Department, Quar- termaster Corps, New York, City. WheeUng Steel & Iron Co., Spruce and fir rejects 6, 095. 27 407 Mar. 20,1919 Soda ash, 58 per cent, light — 1,640.75 Wheeling, W. Va. 408 May 13,1919 B. B. Famham, Buffalo, N. Y.. Scrap S. E. 5 shipping cases.. 30.00 409 Apr. 14,1919. .. Moto-Meter Co., Long Island City. Miscellaneous fliiished and semifinished meter parts. 1,651.41 410 Mar. 13,1919 The United Battery Corpora- tion, New York City. No. 154 nests and labels. No. 154 seals, green bobbins, wrapped bobbins, wrapped 50.00 bobbins, with caps and bands; cells, no collars; zinc cups, no paper; paraffined paper bottoms, zincbottoms, pieces cut clotn. 411 do do BA, 3 tubes; BA, 3 carbons; thread, rubber bands, gum- 700.00 med labels, No. 6 zinc. ammonium chloride. Ache- son barre- graphite, Acheson No. 697 graphite, manga- nese, cut cloth pieces, paraf- fined carbons, BA, 3 col ars. 412 Mar. 4,1919 William H. Lutton, Jersey City, Miscel aneous hardware 400.00 N. J. Crating lumber 4, 000. 00 413 Feb. 14,1919 Thomas J. Kelley, Washing- ington, D. C. 4x4" cypress, 12" and up; 4 X 4" cypress, 12"; 4 x 4" cypress, 8-12"— All above No. 1 and 2 common; crate 170. 00 hasps and staples, 2" butt hinges, 24 x 2i" hinges, |" No. 5 flat-head brass screws, i" No. 12 flat-head brass screws 414 May 1,1919 Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. Attachment for No. IJ plain type Milwaukee milling ma- chine. 200.00 415 Apr. 24, 1919 Sunbeam Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. No. 3 castor-oil drums (steel containers). 811.04 416 Apr. 23, 1919 Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. 10 X 36 Norton plane grinders, used, good condition. 3,000.00 417 Apr. 21 1919.... Detroit Gear & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. L. & G. 14" single-spindle drill. 186.00 418 Apr. 26, 1919 Porto Rico Express Co Benzol, varying in quality; 2, 340. 00 containers, condition poor. 419 Apr. 19, 1919.... James Cunningham, Rochester, N.Y. No. 18 Bryant chucking grinder. 1,300.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 691 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 28, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919. Apr. 21, 1919. Feb. 24, 1919. Jan. 27, 1919.. Feb. 28, 1919. Mar. 26, 1919. Jan. 28, 1919.. Apr. 10, 1919. ....do Feb. 27, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. Mar. 11, 1919. Mar. 27, 1919. Feb. 21,1919. Feb. 26, 1919. Feb. 6, 1919.. Feb. 4, 1919.. Apr. 9, 1919.. Mar. 27, 1919. Mar. 19, 1919. Feb. 21, 1919. Mar. 10, 1919. Mar. 24, 1919. Feb. 27, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. Apr. 10, 1919. Mar. 12, 1919. Feb. 7, 1919.. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 2, 1919. Kellogg Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Morris J. Gluck, New York City. C. M. O. Physical Laboratory, Buffalo, N. Y. S. & F. Brermer Co., New York City. Cyclops Steel Corporation, Titusville, Pa. Debevoice- Anderson Co., New York City. W. D. Briscoe, Washington, D.C. General Electric Co., Schnec- tady, N. Y. Hess-Bright Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ....do Hess-Bright Mfg. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Hess-Bright Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Brown Instrument Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Hess-Bright Mfg. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Fulton Steel Corporation, Ful- ton, N. Y. J. G. JBrDl Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Gale Sawyer Co., Boston, Mass.. Fitzgerald Mfg. Co. , Torrington, Conn. Doehler Die Casting Co. , Brook- lyn, N.Y. Cook Spring Co., New York City. W. J. Cunningham, Brooklyn, N.Y. T. R. Goodlate & Sons, Dun- nelly, N. J. Columbia Mills (Inc.), New York City. J. Defreville, Newark, N. J .do. Cox Brass Mfg. Co., New York City. Ferro Machine & Foundry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. E. W. BlissCo., Brooklyn, N.Y. Ellwood Ivins Tube Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Endura Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Julian P. Friez & Sons, Balti- more, Md. G William Co., New York City. . .do. 3 X 18 Norton plane grinders... No. 4 South worth screw ma- chine. Drums, 110-gal.,blackpainted steel. Walnut lumber, rejects Skins Quantity of scrap Crushed coke Steel and iron scrap Motors Steel (raw and process mate- rial). ...do Ball-bearing, scrap Steel (raw material and work in process). Thermometers Finished Hess-Bright ball bearings. Steel billets CyUnder forgings Tool steel, scrap Scrap copper Tin Vanadium spring-steel wire. . . Copper Unbleached sheeting Cotton cloth Manganese bronze Copper Tin Lead 1 J" steel tubing f" brass machine screws Brass cap castings Brass bottom castings j\" steel balls Steel scrap Burgatti cylinder flasks Iron scrap Brass scrap Steel scrap 1" steel tubing 2" X 10-gauge to ^V wall steel. Glycerin Paper 1 X i" flat-head wood screws, brass; case hooks, brass; 1 X i" flat-head wood screws, bJ-ass; 2 x |" roimd-head wood screws, brass; 19 x i" escutcheon pins, 17 x |" brass escutcheon pins, 17 x i" brass escutcheon pins, 17 x |" brass escutcheon pins, brass scrap, completed compasses. Cotton sleeving, braided-cot- ton wire cover for water- proofing. Waterproofing liquid Inner wire, 19-strand, A" twisted steel wire, special temper. Material in process, consisting of inner wire, outer casing, cotton sleeving, waterproof- ing material , and metal caps, cut in various lengths. SI, 650. 00 845.00 1, 681. 50 508. 61 19,905.54 428. 00 10, 473. 75 26.17 183.50 15.35 179.17 110.99 10.23 100. 00 4,960.00 900.00 1, 431. 72 19.43 30.06 11,444.85 118.26 1, 582. 42 2, 582. 40 46.00 195.00 2,880.00 941.50 90.00 54.90 2.45 28.20 32.60 10.57 20.40 109.44 404. 05 31.68 61.31 633. 91 2, 856. 48 220. 80 157.50 167.50 13.50 45.00 66.36 53.45 692 SALE QF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 451 Apr. 2, 1919 Gwilliam Co., New York City. . Material finished, completed in section , but cut in various lengths and of uncertain value for oth r purposes. $304.90 452 Apr. 11, 1919.... Hess-B right Mfg. Co., Philadel- Type 6200 ball bearings 26, 100. 00 phia, Pa. Peter A. Frassee, New York City .. do.... 13,000.00 120 10 Feb. 26, 1919 Steel, scrap 453 R. T. No.^ steel, ij" 720. 48 R. T. No. 3 steel, If 330.00 R. T. No. 6steel,3J" 390.00 454 Mar. 6, 1919 Endicott Forging & Mfg. Co., Endicott, N. Y. Gwlliam Co., New York City. . . J" square chro.iie-nickel steel. . 1,2S0.00 Apr. 2, 1919 155.00 455 Outer casing 15.00 Outer casing in process 38.25 Steel caps for wire ends 23.94 Sundry parts, various lengths. 195.00 do 22.75 456 Apr. 26, 1919.... Howard Blood, for Detroit Oear & Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. 6 X 32" Norton grinders 2, 150. 00 457 May 5, 1919 Milwaukee Iron & Metal Co., Chicago. Aluminum scrap castings 10.53 458 May 1, 1919 E. Redline, Buffalo, N. Y S. E. 5 shipping eases, scrap. . . 30.00 459 Feb. 27, 1919.... American Die Casting Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. Brass 897. 15 Brass castings. 609 53 Special babbit 1, 394. 86 460 Mar. 15, 1919.... Anderson Chemical Co., New- ark, N. J. Acetone 206 77 461 Mar. 19, 1919.... American Bronze Corporation, Bronze 1, 743. 45 Berwyn, Pa. 462 Mar. 10, 1919.... Jan. 24, 1919 Alcohol Products, Co., Newark, N. J. do Calcium acetate 6, 206. 84 463 150.90 464 Mar. 10, 1919.... Apr. 19, 1919 do American Everready Works, Long Island Citv- C;ucium acetate 3,319.00 312. 00 465 466 Apr. 15, 1919.... American Tube iBendlng Co., Cold-rolled steel scrap 41.80 New Haven, Conn. 467 Feb. 4, 1919 The A. Z. Co., New York City. . Radiator fittings, scrap 3.00 468 Apr. 22, 1919.... Bethlehem Steel Co., South High-phosphorus scrap steel.. 576. 35 Bethlehem. Noncarbon ferro-chromlum. . . 9,709.20 469 Apr. 19, 1919 American Everready Works, Carbons, A x 2^1", low 60.50 Long Island City. Carbons, -fj x 2^", high 60.72 470 Apr. 2, 1919 Gwilliam Co., New York City. . . Material in process inner wire, outer casing cotton sleev- ing, waterproofing material, and metal caps, cut in vari- ous lengths. Inner wire, 19-strand, A" twisted steel wire, special temper. Cotton sleeving, braided cot- ton wire for waterproofing. 64.60 118.50 13.50 471 Apr. 17,1919.... Braxton Beecham, Orlando, Fla. Damaged castor pomace, wet. . ^382. 14 472 . ..do do.... 2,396 11 473 May 10, 1919 Keystone Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. New No. 13 B. & S. Universal tool-grinding machine. 10 X 36" Norton plain grinder. . 1, 100. 00 2,000.00 474 May 14, 1919 Machinerv Merchants (Inc.), New York City. IB" X 6' Pratt & Whitney lathes. 1,700.00 475 do Simmons Machine Co., Buffalo, No. 6 semiautomatic hole 925.00 N. Y. grinder. 476 Mar. 13,1919 Doehler Die Casting Co., Brook- l\Ti, N. Y. Tin 10, 754. 30 477 Mar. 24,1919 Ellwood Ivins Tube Works, Philadelphia, Pa. i-inch outside diameter alumi- num tubing. 14.96 478 Apr. 2,1919 The Gwilliam Co., New York City. Material in process, consisting of inner wire, outer casing, cotton sleeving, waterproof- ing material and metal caps, cut in various lengths. 133.00 479 Apr. 17, 1919.... Hardman Peck & Co., New York Citv. Shooks (lumber in process for producing packing cases). 100.00 480 Apr. 22,1919 Otto Adams, New York City. . Steel parts of dies 4.30 481 Apr. 2,1919 The Gwilliam Co., New York City. Material in process, consisting of inner wire, outer casing, cotton sleeving, waterproof- ing material and metal caps, cut in various lengths. 116.35 482 Mar. 22,1919 Electric Hose & Rubber Co., Wilmington, Del. i-inch, inside diameter, rubber gasoline and air hose. 24.67 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 693 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 483 Apr. 15,1919 Ilardman Peck & Co., New York J- inch rope $16. 16 City. 2-inch rope 21.76 Safepack paper . 8 17 do 49 00 J-inch iron strapping 7.00 |-inch iron strapping 24 39 do 3.20 1-inch iron strapping 12 50 484 Mar. 11,1919 General Aluminum & Brass Manufacturing Co., Detroit, 300 00 Mich. 485 Apr. 19,1919 Enlow Co. (Inc.), New York Office supplies 322. 18 486 Apr. 3,1919 City. Foote Pierson & Co., New York City. Boxes(4ix5-5/8xl2Hnch,inside measurement), brass, alumi- num, steel and iron, pint ink bottles, corks, door catches, flush rings for box. 765.13 487 Jan. 27,1919 Feb. 25,1919 Anderson Chemical Co., Wal- lington, N.J. Bishop Gutta Percha Co., New 9 890 00 Acetone in contacts 3 280 00 Diacetone alcohol 835 50 488 Cotton yams 136 08 York City, N.Y. do 508. 76 172 20 Tarred jute Rubber-filled tape 229 60 Stranded copper conductor 1,014.62 Plain rubber, insulated 257. 56 Braided rubber, insulated 275. 74 368 00 489 Feb. 5,1919 Apr. 9,1919 Anderson Chemical Co., Wal- lington, N.J. Hale & Kilbum, Philadelphia, Acetone in drums . . . 4 595 40 Acetone drums 480 00 490 Steel scrap 63. 15 Pa. 0.065x36x120 inch F. C. R. S. P. sheet steel. 0.102x9^x81 inch sheet alum- inum. 1/8x3/8 inch rivets 51.43 4,732.73 Apr. 11,1919 ness-Bright Manufacturing Co., 17 73 491 Ball nearings 8,004.98 51 19 Philadelphia, Pa. Steel scrap 492 Apr. 10,1919 do 800 00 493 May 7,1919 Willys-Morrow Co.,Elmira,N. Y. Cleveland Duplex Machinery Hex. cold-drawn steel. . . 363 02 494 May 29,1919 16-inch Gould & Eberhardt 1,400.00 Co. (Inc.), Cleveland, Ohio. crank shapers (new). 495 June 2, 1919 Chemical Products Co., Cam- bridge, Mass. Glacial acetic acid (without caj-boys). 470. 76 496 do James Cunningham Son & Co., Rochester, N.Y. 1-B plain Milwaukee miller, used. li-B plain Milwaukee miller, used. 2-B plain Milwaukee miller, used. 3-B, plain Milwaukee miller, used. No. 70 Heald Internal Grinder, used. No. 14 Natco Multiple Drill- ing machinery, used. 2,050.00 4,050.00 4,425.00 3, 680. 00 850. 00 1,525.00 497 Mar. 28,1919 Charles Burroughs Co., Newark, Cold-rolled steel, scrap 1.10 N.J. Machine steel, scrap .30 Cast iron, scrap 11.61 Aluminum castings, scrap 1.60 498 Mar. 5,1919 Carpenter Steel Co., Reading, Pa. Steel billets and ingots, scrap. . 3,786.66 499 Mar. 4,1919 do Simplex Nos. 6 and 8 steel ingots, scrap. Madeira rubber 268 86 500 Apr. 2,1919 Apr. 12,1919 Behren & Rothschild, New York City. American Pulley Co., Baltimore, 1 627 36 501 Miscellaneous semifinished air- 159.57 Md. plane parts. 602 Apr. 4,1919 Mar. 6,1919 Foote Pierson & Co., New York City. S. B. & B. W. Fleischer, Phila- Glycerine 60 00 Aniline black 15 27 503 Worsted yam 2/20 B. F. khaki 1,980.70 delphia, Pa. m oil. 504 Jan. 24,1919 Feb. 25,1919 May 5, 1919 Holbrook Co., New York City... General Aluminum & Brass Manufacturing Co., Detroit. Hess-Bright Co., Philadelphia, 4x4 walnut lumber 1 770.45 505 Copper 4,500.00 Tin 3 000.00 506 Bearings, scrap steel 41.00 507 May 9, 1919 Pa. Aluminum Castings Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Commercial electrotype ingot copper. 9,286.01 508 Apr. 28,1919 Sperry Gyroscope Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Partly finished hydrogen-leak detector. 461.25 509 Apr. 29,1919 H. A. Wilson Co., Newark, N. J-. Contacts (33.2358-oz. platinum) 3,473.16 694 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 29, 1919. . . . May 31, 1919.... June 3, 1919 Apr. 16, 1919 . . . Apr. 1, 1919.... Apr. 7, 1919 . . Apr. 1, 1919.. Apr. 3, 1919 . . Apr. 1, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 1, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919.... Apr. 1, 1919 Apr. 29, 1919 Apr. 2, 1919 May Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May 6, 1919... 4, 1919 . . 15, 1919. 7,1919.. 1, 1919.. 2, 1919.. 17, 1919 . 10, 1919., 12, 1919., 9, 1919... 12, 1919., 9, 1919... 19, 1919.. Apr. 15, 1919.... Apr. 4, 1919 Apr. 15, 1919.... .....do do May 10, 1919. Apr. 4, 1919.. Apr. 8, 1919.. Apr. 1, 1919.. May 12, 1919. May 9, 1919... Snead & Co. Iron Works, Jersey City. Emil Caiman & Co., New York City. Baker Castor Oil Co., New York City. D. E. Whiton Machine Co., New London, Conn. Lincoln Twist Drill Co., Taun- ton, Mass. Pratt ip . , J260.19 2,014.76 173. 73 864 865 866 June 13,1919.... June 9, 1919 May 26, 1919 May 6, 1919 May 12, 1919 May 1,1919 May 6, 1919 May 26, 1919 May 16,1919 May 15, 1919 June 7, 1919 May 6, 1919 May 13, 1919 June 26, 1919 .do 14.71 81.00 4.18 867 Iron, aliiTniTniTTi ., 10.00 868 869 Gear box for 18" Lodge & Ship- ley lathe. High spppri sf.aa] 2.27 .18 870 871 872 No. 12 2-conductor cable. No. 14 l-conductor cable. Work in process, scrap Die block steel, scrap 67.13 6.86 23.38 873 874 Unfinished cylinder elbow, un- finished flange, finished flange. Tools, scrap 75.75 12.09 875 876 877 878 2" Paradox reamers, 15/64 high- speed drills, li" couTiter- shiks, i" drills, 5/16" drills, If" Paradox reamers, No. 317 Paradox reamers, 1|" Paradox reamers. High-speed drills, left-hand drills, right-hand wire drills. 55-gal. drums (exterior marred and stained) interior excel- lent. Cold-rolled strip steel, condi- tion good. Aluminum castings ... 86.45 81.40 10.50 22.45 879 Apr. 3, 1919 Apr. 17, 1919 Apr. 26, 1919 Apr. 27, 1919 ... .do 1 832.59 293.93 880 Special bearing bronze scrap . . . Cold-rolled steel, open-hearth, forge steel, and steel tubing, scrap. 662.99 10.02 75.00 881 Cast-iron scrap . . 1.42 2.20 Tool steel 7.11 Cold-roUed steel .16 High-spp.pd stppl 3.74 Wood pattern 3.00 882 883 Lumber to be used for boxes . . . Machine steel, scrap 1,638.40 .76 May 1,1919 May 9, 1919 May 15, 1919 May 16, 1919 June 12, 1919.... May 3, 1919 Mays, 1919 May 7, 1919 May 14, 1919 Cast iron 25.96 T. N. glim . 581.60 884 885 High-speed steel, scrap Scrap tools 19.38 20.10 886 Scsrap steel .56 Toolsteel .25 887 Bronze castings 9.89 888 1,300.00 8,960.28 66,878.10 1,282.74 889 Special electric steel, molyb- denum steel. Special open-hearth steel, mo- lybdenum steel. do 890 891 High-speed and molybdenum steel (material In process, scrap value). Sheet steel, scrap 30.00 19.65 S92 Scrap steel. ........•••••••>... 2.64 708 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. May 5, 1919.. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. Junes, 1919.. Apr. 25, 1919. May 5, 1919. . July 9, 1919. Apr. 12, 1919 .do. Mar. 6, 1919. Junes, 1919. June 27, 1919 May 1, 1919. Apr. 26, 1919 Mays, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 10, 1919. May 6, 1919. May 7, 1919. July 10, 1919. June 28, 1919 Packard Electric Co., Warren, Ohio. The Keyless. Lock Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. The Aluminum Casting Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The National Tool Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Aluminum Casting Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. The Whittaker-Glessner Portsmouth, Ohio. Co., Wilson Body Co., Detroit, Mich Seifreat-Woodrufl Co., Dayton, Ohio. MillvUle Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Guiterman Bros. (Inc.), St. Paul, Minn. .do. The Hamilton Mfg. Co., Two Rivers, Wis. Joseph Beal Co., Boston, Mass. . Gluck Bros., Per'h Amboy, N. J. Lyons Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Robbins & Myer Co., Spring- field, Ohio. The Burkhart Lumber Co., Dayton, Ohio. The Ridgely - Trimmer Co., Springfield, Ohio. Cincinnati Screw Co., Loveland, Ohio. The Premier Rubber & Insula- lation Co., Dayton, Ohio. Cincinnati Screw Co., Loveland, Ohio. Frank D. Shaw, New York Yacht Club, New York City. (Canceled.) Cable Cam shaft bearing lock screw, in process. Electrolytic copper Miscellaneous tools, scrap Cam-shaft bearing, pistons, piston - pin retainer — all scrap. Furnace mixture Special 2" spuds, 14-gauge open-hearth sheet steel, 43 x 89f"; chime angles; open- hearth sheet steel, 1| x A x li x A": barrel hoops, open- hearth sheet steel, 4 x 9J"; head circles, open-hearth sheet steel, 39i" diameter. "Veneer, airplane wood parts, scrap. li" Gridley automatic screw machine. 2J" Gridley automatic screw machine. 38" standard grade BB cotton balloon cloth, new. Leather do Corduroy Pocketing Interlining Canvas , - . Buttons do Ch. hangers Hooks and eyes Wristlets Labels Thread, 24/3 Thread, 30/3 Thread, 40/3 B.H. cord Moleskin Poplin Canvas Labels Rivets - Dress snaps 24/3 thread 30/3 thread 40/3 thread B. H. cord thread Casein Tape 14" X 6' CajTol Jameson screw- cutting lathes. 110-|al. drums Bormg cutter, boring cutter for grooving, cutter for coun- terboring, plug gauge, snap, driU holders, hollow mills, gauge and master, tool hold- ers, radius gauge, bar gauge, drill holder. Miscellaneous small tools, jigs, and gauges, scrap. Boxwood cut to miscellaneous working lengths. Metal airplane parts, scrap Raw materials, steel, bolts, and nuts, small tools. Machine iteel Cast iron T.N. gum Steel scrap, work in process . . . Grade A cotton aeroplane doth. $81.99 15.16 29.90 748. 19 1,281.19 8,044.17 25.00 2,165.00 3,170.00 366. 11 1,127.35 563.48 6,688.33 1,021.48 1,314.96 212.52 553.83 171. 18 86.24 14.78 505. 32 25.93 230.23 222.25 38.81 68.78 10,345.84 1, 603. 64 261.40 21.66 6.78 50.82 374.37 319.92 24.26 45.06 3,067.95 140.00 2,000.00 1,147.50 132.36 500.00 75.00 88.73 4,426.61 .76 25.96 136.80 28.28 420.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 709 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERLA.LS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 916 917 918 919 July 2, 1919 May 20, 1919 May 3, 1919 Apr., 1919 May 1,1919 do Harris Automatic Press Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The Standard Parts Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Ohio Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio. B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. National Tool Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The Foote-Burt Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The Packard Piano Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. The Brierley Machine Co. , Cleve- land, Ohio. Bardons & Oliver, Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Keystone Vehicle Co., Reading, Indianapolis Tool & Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Brander & Curry, New York City. Alfred Vaksdal, Kingsport,Tenn. The Theodor Kundtz Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Starr Piano Co., Richmond, Ind. National Screw & Tack Co^, Cleveland, Ohio. The Metal Parts Mfg. Co. , Cleve- land, Ohio. The Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The Freiburg Lumber Co. , Cin- cinnati, Ohio. The Standard Parts Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Bishop-Babcock Co. , Cleveland, Ohio. Aluminum Castings Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Standard Parts Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Perry Fay, Elyria, Ohio Herbrand Co., Fremont, Ohio... Davis Se^A^ng Machine Co., Day- ton, Ohio. Queen City Forging Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. The Standard Tool Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. No. 4 Universal turret screw machine. No. 6 Whitney hand miller Steel scrap; work in process... Cylinder water hose, scrap Water-inlet manifold exten- sion, scrap. Cast-iron scrap, oil-pressure gauge mold. H. R. vents, scrap . $2,370.00 260.00 66.88 3.67 1.58 .75 .329 H. R. separators, scrap Vant gaskets, scrap .25 .13 920 921 A. C. No. 7 bands, scrap High-speed steel, scrap High-speed steel , raw material . Casc-iron scrap 1.07 109. 75 1,215.00 69.53 Mays, 1919 May 7, 1919 June 4, 1919 do Heavy breakable cast-iron scrap. 52.70 29.97 Bronze scrap. . . .. 170. 17 922 154.96 923 347. 16 Special tools 28.70 924 2.06 925 250. 20 926 June 20, 1919.... July 5, 1919 do Ground "Keystone" glue, ground "U.S." glue. 92.75 56.50 927 928 No. 2 A Warner & Swasey tur- ret lathes. 38-inch D D grade balloon cloth. 2, 500. 00 589. 50 929 July 1,1919 Mays, 1919 May 7, 1919 Apr. 27, 1919.... June 4, 1919 June 9, 1919 May 28, 1919 May 20, 1919 Mays, 1919 May 10, 1919 May 7, 1919 May 9, 1919 May 10, 1919 May 16, 1919 May 17, 1919 June 4, 1919 150.00 No . 3 SterUng emery grinder . . . Heald type 60 grinder 39.00 1,550.00 930 931 Ash logs; ash bendings, 44 x IJxli". White ash, 47 x2i x IJ" White ash, 78x31 x2i" White ash, 64x6x31" White ash, 44 xljxlj" 1,65.5.44 13.44 13.29 17.97 24.75 618.75 Certified glue 204. 60 256. 95 Mahogany cuttings 347. 50 932 933 Partly finished steel wood screws. 37.32 20. 23 934 High-speed steel scrap, iSn- High-speed steel scrap, partly finished. Carbon steel, finished 2.48 1.88 38.90 . 935 CA mahogany, raw material... do 63, 049. 20 2 764.13 936 937 Steel scrap, work in process. . . Work in process and finished parts, scrap. Tools and fixtures 30.81 39.36 47.47 938 Aluminum castings 57.96 do 65.09 939 940 941 942 Complete molds,ironandsteel. Cylinder water outlet pipe, scrap. Cylinder water inlet pipe, scrap. Carbm-eterthrottleconnecting tube, scrap. Steel scrap, \7ork in process. . . Finished f orglngs, scrap Steel, scrap 17.06 l.SO 2.09 2.28 22.73 16. 51 ' 32. 69 943 do 1.13 944 High-speed steel in process 38.35 710 SALE OF StJIlPLrS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT?. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE-Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 4, 1919. . May 15, 1919. May 8, 1919.. May 12, 1919. June 4, 1919.. May 1, 1919. . July 7, 1919... June 6, 1919.. July?, 1919.. May 6, 1919... May 7, 1919... do Apr. 25, 1919. June 4, 1919.. May 7, 1919... May 7, 1919. do do do do July 3, 1919. July 7, 1919. July 3, 1919.. June 4, 1919. May 7, 1919.. do May 20, 1919. May 7, 1919... May 16, 1919.. May 17, 1919.. May 22, 1919.. June 13, 1919. .do. .do. The Steel Products Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio. The Aluminum Castings Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Twist DrillCo., Cleve- land, Ohio. Cincinnati Screw Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Cleveland Welding & Manufac- tmring Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Brierly Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Alfred Vaksdal, Kingsport, Tenn Ralph L. Fuller & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Trimont Manufacturing Co., Roxbury, Mass. The Packard Electric Co., War- ren, Ohio. The John C. Turner Novelty Co., Dayton, Ohio. do J" round bar low tungsten steel Piston pin containers, scrap. . Tool in process, scrap W S. S. carbon machine reamers. No. 134, scrap. Raw steel, scrap Steel J X H X 83J" dead, soft, cold- rolled steel. 900 X 200 mm. Handley-Page rims in process, scrap. Special jigs and fixtures , The Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, Ohio. The American Rolling Mills Co., Middletown, Ohio. The John C. Turner Novelty Co., Dayton, Ohio. The Ferre Machine rpp 37,365.69 5, 140. 50 3,300.00 3.75 1035 Half-hard sheets, brass Soft sheet copper 76.64 347. 74 Round brass bars, hard Hexagon brass bars, hard Round brass bars 679.23 705. 53 91.55 1036 1037 1038 No. 9 Vanadium steel spring wire. No. 11 Vanadium steel spring wire. Various motor bushings, work in process containing bronze scrap. Babbitt metal scrap 66.40 791.14 288. 10 173. 16 1039 1040 Raw material: Nickel steel rod, round Special bronze f " round. . . Work in process: Bolts, nuts, and turnbuckles; nickel steel, scrap. Manhinery 2,292.13 968. 96 1,272.00 14, 205. 00 1041 Chrome sheepskin 6, 282. 76 Calf leather. .*. 341. 07 Cowhide 3,351.00 12.39 22.20 6.20 1042 1043 Special cellulose acetate 10 d. cement-coated nails 20 d. ceiaent-coated nails SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 713 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Julys, 1919.. Times, 1919. May 27, 1919. Apr. 1,1919. May 22, 1919. May 8, 1919.. May 21, 1919.. Apr. 25, 1919. July 16, 1919. July 15, 1919.. July 5, 1919... July 3, 1919... June 13, 1919. July 18, 1919. . July 19, 1919., July 9, 1919... July 10, 1919. May 1,1919... Apr. 29, 1919. Mar.l9, 1919- ....do do July 9, 1919... July 17, 1919. July 19, 1919. Wittemore Hamm Co., Jamaica Plains, Mass. Edison Storage & Battery Co., Orange, N. J. Julien P. Friez & Sons, Balti- more, Md. Hungerford Brass & Copper Co., New York City. Bearings Co. of America, Lan- New York Wire & Spring Co., New York City. Bearings Co. of America, Lan- DoehlerDie'Casting Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Master Machine & Tool Works, New York City. Standard Leather GoodsCo., St. Louis, Mo. Electric WheelCc, Q,uincy,Ill. Wittemore Hamm Co., Jamaica Plains, Mass. Coshocton Iron Co., Mononga- hela, Pa. United Engineering Co., San Francisco, Calif. Willys-Overland (Ltd.), West Toronto, Canada. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. . D . C . Larkin, Detroit, Mich Brewster& Co., Long Island City Cambria SteelCo., Philadelphia, Pa. U. T. Hungerford Brass & Cop- per Co., New York City. Van Norman Machine Tool Co., Springfield, Mass. Taft-Pierce Mfg. Co., Woon- soclcGt E- I Baker Castor Oil Co. , New York City. Stocker-Rumley-WachsCo.,Chi. cago. 111. U. S. Indestructible Gasket Co., New York City. Shock-absorber cord Tools (nrecessary for manufac- tiu'e of batteries). Raw materials (rubber, cop- per, brass, metals used m manufacture of batteries). Work in process (various parts for battery construction). Miscellaneous brass and steel partly finished heUograph parts. Special tools consisting of 4 fixtures and jigs, classed as scrap. B. & S. soft sheet copper Hard sheet copper Round brass rod Hexagon brass rod Special high duty J" steel balls. No. 9 Vanadium steel spring wire. No. 11 Vanadium steel spring wire. Miscellaneous semifinished parts for baU bearings. Aluminum die castings, fin- ished and semifinished ; bronze castings, finished and semifinished. Lathes Shafting, belting, wiring, plumbing glass . Scrap paper (red tags for gxxn- nfirs b 6lt s ) No. 2A Warner & Swasey hol- low turret lathe. Le Page glue in 1-gal. cans No . li universal Landisgrinder 24" X 6i Gisholt turret lathe... Whitney No. 6 counter hand miller. No. 50 babbit metal 10 X 36" motor plain grinder... Mahogany lumber Glue Linen Varnish Filler Boxes Laminations Iron ore Coal (bituminous) Coke Fumacescrap Limestone Ferromanganese Ferrosilicon (50 percent) Fluorspar Limestone Brass and bronze-rod No. 34 special short hole bore grinders. Tools, scrap , San Domingo castor beans, in bags and seroons. No. 12 multiple spindle drill... Type B Briggs miller , D-4 Colbum heavy duty drill, 42" vertical boring mill , No . 4 universalscrew machine. No. 4 universal txuret screw machine. Strip steel , $20.00 1,447.88 2,450.56 24, 101. 56 160.00 779. 73 424.65 437. 81 274.82 2,419.60 818.96 2,034.36 1,708.96 1,985.97 12,675.00 857.00 .13 1, 250. 00 10.00 810.00 2,175.00 210.00. 6,100.00 1,565.00 2,602.80 68.05 611.08 16.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 4,287.46 1,308.64 894. 67 103.95 384.42 287.82 188.02 23.83 61.64 4,492.87 3,420.00 6.68 9,293.43 790.00 835.00 1,250.00 3,950.00 950.00 835.00 211.00 714 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Apr. 30, 1919 June9, 1919 July 14, 1919 ....do Junes, 1919 July 9, 1919. July 10, 1919. do do June 23, June 20, do.. July 10, July 15, July 21, July 19, 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. June 11, 1919... July 8, 1919. July 16, 1919 Apr. 29, 1919.... Apr. 23, 1919.... July 15, 1919 May 7, 1919 Apr. 23, 1919. Mays, 1919... Apr. 10, 1919... Name and address of buyer. Greenfield Tap & Die Co., Greenfield, Mass. Berksliire Magneto Co., Pitts- field, Mass. Hartford Machine Screw Co., Hartford, Conn. Wyman-Gordon Co., Worcester, The Acushnet Mills Co., New Bedford, Mass. The Hathaway Mfg. Co., New Bedford, Mass. A. H. "Wells & Co., "Waterbury, Conn. The Chase Metal Works, Water- bury, Conn. Chase Rolling Mills Co -do. Potomska Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Gosnold Mills, New Bedford, Mass. American Tube & Stamping Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Norton Grinding Co., Worces- ter, Mass. Globe Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. New York Machinery Exchange, New York City. Billings & Spencer, Hartford, Conn. English & Mersick Co., New Haven, Conn. Kilbum Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. .. .do. Arthur C. Harvey Co., Boston, Mass. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. . .do. Browne & Sharpe Co., Provi- dence, R. I. Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. .. Article. Semifjnished dies, scrap ....do , Miscellaneous magneto parts and raw material, scrap. Bronze scrap Steel scrap Camshaft f orghigs (in process, scrap). Yarn: 16-hank, roving 70- warp, spooled 80-warp, spooled SO-warp, unslashed Yarn, in process: 80-warp, spooled 70-warp, spooled 80-warp, on section beams. 70-warp, on section beams. 16-hank, roving, on bob- bins. Seamless hard brass tubing Copper Spelter Copper Spelter Sheet brass Raw copper Spelter ^.. Yarn in process . Raw Sea Island cotton. Raw material (iron, mangan- ese, titanium). Steel (in rolling process, scrap) . I" hexagon cold-drawn steel bars. Zapone laquer, dope No. 35 No. 2 J LeBlond milling ma- chines. No. IJ Rockford millers •H" round nickel steel, scrap. . . A" round nickel steel, scrap... Interrupter gears, scrap Gun-control motor trigger lever, scrap. Gun control generator cam, scrap. Gun-control generator cam- shaft, scrap. Gun-control generator thrust yoke, scrap. Gun control generator torque arm, scrap. Gun control torque arm rocker bolt, scrap. Gun control generator rocker level, scrap. •^ X 4" X .006 seamless copper tubing, scrap. tI^ OD }J seamless steel tub ng, scrap. Cashing, scrap Raw Egyptian cotton Grinding wheels finished and in process, scrap. Grinding wheels finished and partly finished, scrap. 3J" round cold-drawn steel bars. Grinding wheels, finished and partly finished, scrap. do Automatic screw machine do Universal milling machines . . . Plain milling machines Surface grinding machines Grinding wheels, finished, scrap. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 715 8EEIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 29, 1919. June 7, 1919.. Apr. 29, 1919. May 13, 1919.. Apr. 30, 1919. Apr. 17, 1919. May, 1919.... Junes, 1919.. do June 19, 1919. May 29, 1919. May 28, 1919., June 18, 1919. June 11, 1919. Apr. 30, 1919. Aug. 4, 1919.. May 2, 1919.. May, 1919 June 11, 1919. June 7, 1919.. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 7, 1919.. May 16, 1919.. Aug. 4, 1919.. Mar., 1919.... Apr. 4, 1919.. Jime 20, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. Apr. 24, 1919. June 25, 1919. June 20, 1919. Bristol Brass Corporation, Bris- tol, Conn. Babson Dow Mfg. Co., Roxbury, Mass. Dynamo & Motor Exchsttige (Inc.), Buffalo, N. Y. Belt-Grip Pulley Co., Buffalo, N. y. B. Burman, Buffalo, N. Y , L. H. Green Co., Detroit, Mich.. The Lawton Mills Corporation, Plainfleld, Conn. Dartmouth Mfg. Corporation, New Bedford, Mass. ....do American Tube & Stamping Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Lorraine Mfg. Co., Pawtucket, R. L "Wamsutta Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Pratt & Whitney, Hatford, Conn. Gillig Bros., San Francisco, Calif. Fulton-Harwood Brass Works, South Bend, Ind. Richard H. Gay, San Francisco, Calif. Atlas Machine Co., Providence, R. L Pierce Mfg. Corporation, New Bedford, Mass. Harding Tilton & Co., New Bed- ford, Mass. ....do Norton Co., Worcester, Mass The Standard Metalwork Co., Thompsonville, Conn. Pratt & Whitney, Hartford, Conn. R. G. Fowler, San Francisco, Calif. Aeronautical Equipment (Inc.), New York City. Pratt & Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn. ....do Irving & Casson, Boston, Mass.. A. P. McCuUoch Machine Co., Boston, Mass. Naugatuck Chemical Co., Nau- gatuck, Conn. Smith Serrel Co., New York City. Brass: Raw material Partly finished Finished Magneto parts in process, scrap: Tie rods, top Distributor gear shaft Bearing holders, partly finished. Tie rods, bottom Srcap SE-5 shipping cases.... .do. do Aluminum castings, rough and in process, scrap. Yarn Raw cotton. do Yam Steel billets do do Raw cotton Breaker laps Finished laps Jack roving Yam Raw cotton Apron gears, unfinished, scrap 16" tool-room lathes, un- finished. .060 sheet celluloid .040 sheet celluloid Scrap aluminum castings Clip wing masts , Brace mast connecting rod, unfinished. f' shock-absorber cord park plugs Steel scrap , Cast-iron scrap , Steel, partially machined, scrap. Cast-iron scrap, Raw cotton , Work in process , Raw Sea Island cotton .do. Grinding wheels, finished and in process, scrap. Steel, scrap No. 12 gim barrel drilling ma- chines. Shock absorber cord, bulletin 2825, item 1. Rejected planing mill ash; rough rejected ash. Tool steel, scrap 6x4 thread milling machines, Incomplete. Lumber and airplane parts in process (Douglas fir). No. 1 reamer shanlsis, scrap Large reamer cutters, scrap. . , Small reamer cutters, scrap Steel, scrap Blades, scrap Acetate of Ume Franke flanges for double flex- ible couphng. $1,484.31 5, 710. 33 920.00 .70 80.00 15.00 15.00 167, 083. 04 24,135.99 43,340.94 44, 206. 60 336. 05 102.24 466. 62 336.05 10, 520. 40 331.32 964.74 13, 84. 7a 3,374.89 3, 106. 32 3.30 1, 044. 32 141. 25 27.50 13, 500. 00 4.24 1.10 16.00 8.76 .52 .80 7.87 40.00 40,966.42 40, 816. 98 15,233.70 7, 857. 26 204.68 6.89 15, 483. 00 17.60 23,064.58 68.87 1,281.06 499.42 .75 6.00 4.00 .55 1.00 1,765.94 24.35 716 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Juno 25, 1919... July 18, 1919 July 19, 1919 Mayl, 1919. June 6, 1919. Aug. 2, 1919. June 20, 1919 July 22, 1919. Feb., 1919... Jan. 16, 1919. Jan. 22, 1919. Feb. 12, 1919 Feb. 14, 1919 Mar. 11, 1919 July 23, 1919. May 6, 1919.. Mar. 11, 1919 do do do Jime 12, 1919 July 29, 1919. Mar. 12, 1919 .....do do Mar. 13,1919. Apr. 7, 1919.. July 21, 1919., July 23, 1919. Mar. 19, 1919. Mar. 14, 1919. International Radio Telegraph Co., New York City. C. L. Best Gas Traction Co., San Leandro, CaUf. Union Drawn Steel Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. Cleveland Milling Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Doehler Die Casting Co., Brook- lyn N. Y. Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethle- hem, Pa. Bade Bros., New York City Aeronautical Equipment (Inc.), New York City. Dwight Lumber Co., Detroit, Mich. National Machine Products Co., Detroit, Mich. Columbus Castings Co., Detroit, Mich. Jackson Motor Shaft Co., Jack- son, Mich. H. D. Edwards Co., Detroit, Mich. Braunfels, Browning & Co., New York City. United States Motor Transport Corps. American Forging & Socket Co., Pontiac, Mich. Columbia Castings Co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit Forging Co., Detroit, Mich. American Twist Drill Co., De- troit, Mich. John 11. Dooley Co., Boston, Mass. Bade Bros., New York City Kuehl-Butcher Lumber Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherwood Brass Co., Detroit, Mich. .do. .do. Swift-McNutt Co., Boston, Mass. Producers Drum & Barrel Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Peterson" Core Oil & Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Fibre Package Co., Detroit, Mich. Cass Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich Special molded parts (raw ma- terial). Special wireless sets (work In process). Special wireless sets (finished parts). No. 3 A Warner & Swasey hol- low hexagon turret lathe. Hex. hot-roUed steel Hex. cold-drawn steel Round cold-drawn steel High-speed steel Aeroplane case Aeroplane beads Aero bag mold Air bags Building cases Clinches, cord aero molds Building mold Bead-curing mold Aero bead-placing rings Bead-forming rings, scrap Pig tin :........ Ferromanganese Fluorspar Sherwin Williams spar varnish. do Spruce and fir crating stock. . . Sorting of crating stock 3 X 6" X 18' No. 1 yellow pine. . Nuts, S. F f" hex. steel Aluminum ingots Curtis cam shafts in process . . . V^" packing i" wire rope clips No. 70 Heald grinder do No. 4 Warner & Swasey Uni- versal turret lathe. 55-gal. steel dnuns No. 8508 carb. alt. beU-crank bracket. Aluminum ingots to make oil- pump body. Drop forgings High-speed twist drills Grade A airplane cloth, sam- ple. Sherwin Williams spar varnish . D. H. plane crates Manganese-bronze saddle gears scrap. Manganese-bronze collars, scrap. Aluminum brackets, scrap Red brass filler cap bushings, scrap. Bronze pulleys, scrap Manganese bronze, scrap Aluminum castings, scrap Manganese bronze, scrap 1" and 2" western spruce crat- ing lumber. 55-gal. steel drums do Corrugated shipping cases High-speed steel in process for special tools. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 717 SERIAL LIST OP SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1157 Mar. 17, 1919.... Roberts Tube Works, Detroit, Mich. 1 J" X 13 gauge seamless copper tubing. do $2, 222. 70 694. 40 do 182. 90 1|" X 13 gauge seamless brass 9o!oo tubing. 1158 Mar. 19, 1919 Harkett Brass & Foundry Co., Plugs, finished 85. 86 Detroit, Mich. Plugs, in process 2fi! 19 Bearings, in process 17.12 do 17. 12 11S9 Mar. 29, 1919.... Edward L. Feerer, partner, Feerer Sanitary Wiping Cloth Co.. Detroit, Mich. Bourke Machine Co., Detroit, Rags 485.00 1160 Mar. 26, 1919.... No. 6 friction geared head 2,800.00 Mich. Warner & Swasey screw machines. 1161 Mar. 15, 1919 Michigan Truck & Lumber Co., Holly, Mich. No. 2 white pine lumber; 3 x 8" 7,979.06 yellow-pine roofing lumber; 3 X 6" yellow-pine roofing lumber; 4/4" No. 2 white- pine lumber; 4/4" No. 3 white-pine lumber; 3 x 8" yeUow-pine lumber. 1162 Apr. —,1919.... United States Department of Agriculture. Arsenate of lead 1,173.00 1163 do Bureau of Standards No. 1 castor oil 107. 12 5.00 Steel drum 1164 Mar. 31, 1919.... Siegel-Zeckendorf Co., Detroit, Mich. 1" round brass rod 702.00 1165 Apr. 1, 1919 The Roberts Brass Mfg. Co., Special tee, in process 1.82 Detroit, Mich. Special ell,inprocess ^98 Line tee to rear carb., in process 7! 06 Shut-off valve, in process 8.26 Hose connection, m process 6.44 Tube assembly, in process 14.96 .....do Apr. 2, 1919 do J. B. Stone Tool & Supply Co., Shut-off cocks 11.24 1166 Spring key cocks 19^04 1167 Reamers and special tools. 86.30 Detroit, Mich. finished. 1168 Apr. 5, 1919 General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Centrifugal compressor, set in process. 853.60 1169 July 24, 1919 July 22, 1919 June 19, 1919.... Ford "Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.. Lincoln Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Wm. S. Gray & Co., New York No. 50 babbitt metal 977. 08 1170 Cast iron, 3 x 4 x 25" 7^09 1171 E thyl methyl ketone 7, 692. 63 July 24, 1919 City. N. K. Fairbanks Co. ( Walter Drums '440 00 1172 No. 1 castor oil, not including 12, 824! 62 R. Kirk), Chicago, 111. drums). 1173 May 15, 1919 Brown Trucking Co., Detroit, Mich. Special trailer bodies for haul- ing aeroplane parts. 15.00 1174 Apr. 8, 1919 Detroit Gray Iron Foundry Co., Detroit, Mich. Exhaust and intake castings, finished. 145.40 1175 Apr. 10, 1919.... Scientific Instrument Co., De- troit, Mich. Aircraft thermometers, con- sisting of glass tubing, brass castings, aluminum castings. High-speed shell cutters, in 38.30 1176 Apr. 22, 1919.... National Twist Drill & Tool Co., 45.10 Detroit, Mich. process. High-speed shell end mill cutters, in process. Carbon T. S. drills, in process, scrap. .. .do 93.75 .34 .82 do 2.32 High-speed shell cutters, in 17! 25 process. High-speed T. S. drills in 39.24 process, scrap. High-speed R. H. shell end 19.20 milling cutters. In process, scrap. High-speed end mills, in proc- ess. High-speed spiral end mills. 1177 do do 19.40 82.60 in process. Hlgh-speedreamers, In process. 10.80 High-speed end mills, in proc- ess. High-speed drills 67.16 Apr. 12.1919.... General Alum In um &BrassMfg. 38.13 1178 Aluminum barrels, A-231 101.20 Co., Detroit, Mich. A]iiTninnm cnrp.q 20.72 Aluminum bowls 212. 08 Aluminum intakes 82.99 Ahimfuum bowls 510.66 AlnTnlniiTTi cnrps 64.20 Composition alloy 381.64 718 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. SEBIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE-Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1179 Apr. 16, 1919 National Twist Drill & Tool Co., High-speed cutters", finished . . . S6.66 Detroit, Mich. High-speed cutters, in process. High-speed cutters, in process; high-speed cutters, finished. Finished high-speed cutters (side mills) ; in process; high- speed cutters (side mills). do 23.80 22.80 1,271.08 442.38 Finished high-speed cutters 287.70 (side mills). 1180 May 7, 1919 F. E. Dontet, Buffalo, N. Y Scrap SE-5 shipping cases 30.00 1181 Apr. 30, 1919 John F. Schamel, Buffalo, N.Y.. do :. 230.00 1134 Peb. — , 1919 Aeronautical Equipment (Inc.), Spruce crating lumber . 99.43 1182 Aug. 19, 1919.... New York City. L. B. DeLaitte, San Francisco, No. 25 Becker milling machine. 525.00 Cal. Springfield engine lathe Henry & Wright drill press. . 825.00 80.00 1183 Apr. 24, 1919.... Detroit Copper & Brass Rolling Mills, Detroit, Mich. Spelter and copper composi- tion for brass rod. 799. 11 1184 do The Roberts Brass Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Brasslever handlecocks, scrap. 76.16 1185 Apr. 17, 1919.... Hays Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich Restriking and flanging die, embossing and flanging die, banking and piercing die, banking and embossing die, taper reamer, monitor jaws. 1,109.80 1186 Apr. 18, 1919... . Michigan Copper & Brass Co., Detroit, Mich. 9/16" hex. naval bronze rod, in process. 982. 16 1187 Jan. 31, 1919 General Aluminum & Brass Mfg. Cq^ Detroit, Mich. Flint Foundry Co., Flint, Mich . CoDDcr 6, 286. 20 Apr. 25, 1919 Tin 4, 252. 04 1188 Jig Costy gray iron 11.27 do 16.29 do 8.48 do 26.17 Apr. 23, 1919 The Blodgett Engineering Co., do .56 do .24 1189 f X 1 J" high-speed steel 169.00 Detroit, Mich. 1190 Apr. 15, 1919 Aug. 6, 1919 McCord Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich . . Gaskets in process 148. 52 1191 Wilson & wniard Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Gondert & Leinesch, Dayton, Racine power hack saw 80.00 1192 July 25, 1919 Cement-coated nails, 6d; ce- 355.20 Ohio. ment-coated nails, 8d. 1193 Aug. 7, 1919 Wilson & Willard Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 42" Oisholt vertical boring mill. 4,000.00 1194 Apr. 22, 1919.... National Twist Drill & Tool Co., Detroit, Mich. High-speed oil-tube drill, In process. High-speed cutters. In process. High-speed form cutters. In process. High-speed cutters, in process . High-speeed cutters, finished. High-speed center reamers, in process. High-speed reajners, fijiished. . 85.94 2.75 1.10 6.60 .45 .18 .50 High-speed tap shank counter- 2.05 bores. High-speed T. 8. drills, In process. High-speed drills, finished; 264.25 18.45 high-speed shell drills. In process; high-speed cutters. in process. High-speed cutters, in process . High-speed center drills, fin- ished; high-speed center 1.00 5.76 drills, in process. High-speed counterbores. In 3.80 process. do .90 High-speed plain milling cut- ters, in process. .75 High-speed shell reamers. In .40 process. High-speed cutters, in process . High-speedreamers,in process. .10 1.60 High-speed facing cutters, 3.55 finished. High-speed cutters. In process. 69.20 do 6.30 High-speed shell reamers, In 5.80 process. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 719 SEEIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Apr. 22,1919.. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 18, 1919. Aug. 8, 1919.. Aug. 5, 1919.. Aug. 14,1919. Apr. 23, 1919. Mar. 11,1919. Mar. 12, 1919. Apr. 15, 1919. •Apr. 23, 1919. Aug. 13, 1919. Aug. 11,1919. Aug. 8,1919.. Aug. 11, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Apr., 1919.... July 28, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. July 11, 1919.. Aug. 5, 1919.. Mar. 24, 1919. National Twist Drill & Tool Co., Detroit, Mich. Monarch Rotary Pump Co. , San Francisco, Calif. , Dennis Lumber Co., Grand Rap- ' ids, Mich. Bonnell Electric Mfg. Co., New York City. Monarch Machine Tool Co., Sid- ney, Ohio. General Property Co., Detroit, Mich. T. B. Rayle Co., Detroit, Mich.. Rex Machine Co. , Detroit, Mich. Detroit Sanitary Supply Co., Detroit, Mich. McCord Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich Baker Bros., Toledo, Ohio Baker, Hansen Mfg. Co., Oak- land, Calif. Stocker Rumley Wachs Co., Chicago, 111. Joseph F. HallerCo.,Pittsburgh, Pa. J. H. WiUiams & Co., BrooklyB, N. Y. Studebaker Corporation, De- troit, Mich. United Alloys Steel Corporation, Canton, Ohio. The Aluminum Castings Co., Dayton, Ohio. Transue & "WilUams Steel Forg- ing Corporation, Alliance, Ohio. The Corcoran- Victor Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Bureau of Engraving and Print- ing, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Navy Department High-speed convex cutters, in process. High-speed cutters, finished. . . ....do ...do High-speed cutters, in process. ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do Arbors and nuts, in process. . . High-speed center reamers, in process. High-speed T. S. drills, finished High-speed cutters, in process. ....do do High-speed drills, in process... High-speed saws, finished — High-speed cutters, finished... do High-speed end mills, finished. do do do High-speed saws, finished do T. & F. spindle drill 3' Mueller radial drill Rejected spruce and fix, shorts No. 13 multiple spindle drill... Blanchard surface grinder. . LeBlond Universal cutter No. lOmedium India oil stoves No. 32 finished oil stoves No. 11 medium oil stoves/w — Oil pump drive-gear pins Nuts Copper No. 314 drilling machines, in process. No. 5 Greenard arbor press — LeBlond Universal cutter grinders. 48" Gisholt vertical boring machine. No. 5 C Becker Milhng mar chine . 3ix60" standard Lo Swing lathe. Simplex, Nos. 3, 4, 11 steel Simplex Nos. 6 and 8 steel- . . Rough castings , aluminum — Finished head hole plugs, alu- minum. Die blocks Miscellaneous airplane lamp parts, raw material, and work in process. No. 1 castor oil in two 55-gal. steel drums. Liberty motor parts: Crankshaft lever tappets . . Intake header water outer gaskets. Valve-stem guide exhaust . Valve-stem guide inlet Crankshaft bearing dowel, lower. Crankshaftjbearing dowel, upper. $0.15 1.00 .60 .40 11.80 7.00 6.00 3.80 5.00 35.70 2.13 .53 47.52 62.60 15.80 9.80 6.00 129.21 358. 08 523. 32 323. 70 156. 18 253. 89 120. 69 74.88 650. 52 200.00 1,200.00 3,130.89 950.00 3,200.00 372. 00 37.17 62.10 56.25 .90 177.00 822.90 65.35 1,337.31 170.00 750. 00 4,550.00 1, 800. 00 969. 00 6,186.80 6,674.85 137.25 17.75 1,340.92 2,502.48 195.08 500.00 1,875.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 80.00 25.00 720 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 24, 1919. June 27, 1919. .do. July 29, 1919. Aug. 6, 1919.. Aug. 13, 1919. July 16, 1919.. Aug. 18, 19l^. July 23, 1919. General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. Bijur Motor Appliance Co., Ho- Doken, N. J. General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. .do. .do. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 20, 1919. Aug. 19, 1919. Aug. 5, 1919. July 31, 1919. July 23, 1919. July 11, 1919. May 24, 1919. June 19, 1919 Aug. 12, 1919 July 14, 1919. July 10, 1919. .....do Bartlett Hay ward Co., Balti- more, Md. Monarch Machine Tool Co., Sid- ney, Ohio. Wellington-Sears Co., 93 Franlt- lln St., Boston, Mass. General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. Bljur Motor Appliance Co., Hohoken, N. J. Glen L. Martin Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. , Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co., Boston, Mass. The American Bosch Magneto Corporation, Springfield, Mass. General Property Co., Detroit, Mich. A. C. Harvey, 374 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Union Drawn Steel Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. Chas. A. Anderson Co., New York City. Buffalo Aeroplane Corporation, Buffalo, N. Y. Baker Castor Oil Co., Jersey City, N. J. Gluck Bros., Perth Amboy, N. J. Federal Bearing & Bushing Co., Detroit, Mich. Shattuck, N. Y., & Bickford (Inc.), San Francisco, Calif. General Aluminum & Brass Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Bought by New York repre- sentative through New York office. Raw material: Sheet steel, .094 Sheet steel, 13/16 round .. . Sheet steel, f jound , Steel tubing, f x .040 Work in process: Sheet steel Do Machine steel , Raw material: Bar steel, 13/64" Bar steel, 1" rod Bar steel Round-head iron rivets . . . . Cotter pins Work in process: MacMne st eel Sheet steel Raw material: Metals, etc., scrap. Workmprocess: Miscellaneous flood and signal lamp parts. Brass Aluminum alloy Lead , Aluminum alloy Brass alloy Jewels 1" iron pipe, scrap Malleable iron, galvanized, scrap. Brass alloy No. 70 Heald grinders .'. . No. IJ plain Cincinnati cutter grinder. Raw Egyptian cotton , 67/1 yam, in process Yarn Zinc, raw material Sheet steel, in process, scrap... Cotter pins, raw material , Machine steel, scrap , Sheet steel, scrap Bronze, scrap Brass, scrap Aluminum, scrap B akelit e washers 2i" pinked-edge cotton tape. . . Black leather portfolios. Cork floats, in process . . , Tubing, aluminum. Shell spark plug do do Knob connection. . . Stud terminal No. 1 4 X 20" Morse plain grinder. Carbon cold-rolled strip steel. . H" hexagon hot-rolled steel . . . 55-gal. steel driuns Grade B linen Castor beans 110-gal. steel shipping drums manufactured by Whittaker- Glessner Co. No. 60 babbitt metal , No. 1 Racine hack saw. No. 60 babbitt metal . . . SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT.. 721 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. July 10, 1919 Aug. 9, 1919. May 26, 1919. May 20, 1919. June 2, 1919 . July 21, 1919. Aug. 16, 1919 . Aug. 28,1919.. Aug. 20, 1919- . July 16, 1919. . July 11, 1919. . Aug. 2,1919. July 10, 1919. May 3, 1919. . Jtine27,1919. June 2, 1919.. do July 18, 1919. . Aug. 5,1919.. June 4, 1919.. Jimel2,1919.. Aug. 27, 1919.. Aug. 1,1919... do July 28, 1919. . July 3, 1919. . . Aug. 1,1919... July 31, 1919. . July 16, 1919. T. B. Woods Sons Co., Cham- bersburg, Pa. Howe & French, Boston, Mass.. The Parker Blake Co. (Ltd.), New Orleans, La. Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo. Howard. E. Blood, Detroit, Mich. J. J. Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. U. S. No. 5449, 5450, 5451. Bulletin 786, 787,788. The Indianapolis Tool & Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Machinery Merchants (Inc.), New York City. Pacific Aviation Co., San Fran- cisco, Cahf. Durand Steel Locker Co., Chi- cago Heights, 111. Trafflce Motor Truck Corpora- tion, St. Louis, Mo. Baker Castor Oil Co., New York City. Buckeye Nurseries, Tampa, Fla.. Cleveland Wire Spring Co., Cleveland, Ohio. E. V. YeuellCo., Maiden, Mass.. Seattle Machine Works, Seattle, Wash. Fuchs & Lang Mfg. Co., Ruther- ford, N. J. H. B. Wild, New Haven, Conn.. . Glen L. Martin Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Thos. S. Arbuthnot. 642 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Elgin National Watch Co., El- gin, 111. Charles Riggs, Jackson, Mich O. Friedlander Chemical Co., New York. [Canceled.] L. Lovenheim, Amsterdam, N.Y The MilMIle Mfg. Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Donnell Electric Mfg Co., New York City. J. M. Lehmann Co., New York City. Service Aviation Training & Transportation Co., Wabash, Ind. General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. Iron pulleys 7-B Ark Safe Cream R. B. sugar-barrel waterproof lin- ers. No. 1 castor oil, drums includ- ed in sale. 85 per cent acetic anhydride, drums included. Le Blond universal cutter grinder. No. 2 A Warner & Swasey lathes. No. 22 Natco multiple-drill press, 1§" spindles. No. 25 Oesterlein Ohio univer- sal miller. Shock-absorber cord, |" Cold-rolled strip steel No. OB LeBlond milling ma- chine. Norton 10 x 36" B. D. plafai grinder. No. 2-A universal hollow hex- agon turret lathe. No. 2J LeBlond universal mill- ing machine. No. 1 J plain Cincinnati grinder 16" Gould & Eberhardt H. D. Double back geared shaper No. 0, Baker, keyseater. No. 4 Universal screw machine Castor beans (samples) Castor beans Sheet steel, iron hinges, iron hasps, 16-gauge sheet steel, B.A.O. H. Gauge dials in process 24 X 24" X 6' Whltcomb planer No. 1 Racine hack-saw machine Curtiss V-2 200 h. p. No. 3707. f ' ' Picot edge tape Lens, Ross telecentric Aluminum sheet, 0.050 thick, 64" wide. Cotton rags, linen rags Glacial Acetic acid Powdered soapstone 40" BB balloon cloth, twill weave. No. 12 Natco multiple drill 24" Sibley upright drill Mercerized cotton airplane cloth, 36", grade A. Sheet steel, raw material Reclaimed steel, f by f ", raw material. ■^' ' round steel, in process I" hexagon steel, in process . . . I" hexagon steel, in process. . . I" dull rod, in process ■^x ■^" reclaimed steel, in process. J" No. 14 steel, in process $28. 70 19.80 196.20 27,118.13 356.00 3,675.00 1, 025. 00 1,. 325. 00 15.00 34.62 550.00 1,400.00 1, 180. 00 1, 510. 00 335.00 570. 00 225. 00 885. 00 25.60 10.61 16,520.90 15.00 1, 250. 00 75.00 210. 00 137. 50 55.00 387. 50 28.76 422. 48 7.28 39.00 700. 00 200.00 50.00 14.66 238. 95 .61 .20 .60 .04 .13 1.71 152015— H. Doc. 446, 6&-2 722 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. 1270 1271 Date of sale. Aug. 18,191». . Aug. 1,1919. 1272 Aug. 4, 1919 1273 Aug. 5, 1919 1274 July 24, 1919 1275 Aug. 5, 1919 1276 Aug. 18, 1919.... 1277 Aug. 9,1919 1278 Aug. 7, 1919 1279 1280 Aug. 11,1919.... Aug. 12, 1919.... 1281 Aug. 11, 1919.... 1282 Aug. 9, 1919 1283 Aug. 15,1919.... 1284 Aug. 11,1919.... Name and address of buyer. Bijur Motor Appliance Co., Ho- boken, N. J. Gluck Bros., Perth Amboy, N. J. Monarch Machine Tool Co., Sid- ney, Ohio. Farrisworth Electrical Works, San Francisco, Calif. Gluck Bros., Perth Araboy, N. J. Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Co., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y. Treasury Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. Wuichet Fertilizer Co., Dayton, Ohio. Studebaker Corporation of Amer- ica, Detroit, Mich. GluckBros.,PerthAmbov, N. J. The Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. J. M. Lehmann Co., New York City. Clifton Specialty Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Union Drawn Steel Co. , Beaver Falls, Pa. The Chemical Co. of America (Inc.), Springfield, N. J, Article. Barsteel, hexagon, |", raw ma- terial. Bar steel, round, I", raw ma- terial. Bar steel, round, | x -ft", raw material; bar steel, round, I X T^" , raw material . Round-head rivets, raw mate- rial. Oval-head iron rivets, J x f". Bar steel, |", hexagon , Bar steel, | x -fg" Drill rods, steel, J" , Machine steel. In process Sheet steel, in process 110-gallon blacK steel drums. 55-gallon steel drums: Iteml Item 2 do do 24" X 6i Gisholt turret lathe. 21" Gisholt turret lathe 33i x 27i" 110-gallon black steel drums. 36", grade A, mercerized cot- ton airplane fabric. No. 1 castor oil Steel drums. 14" Leland & Gifford single- spindle drill. 55-gallon steel drums , 16-gauge Empty wooden barrels 16x 10" Lodge & Shipley lathe 55-gallon black steel drums. . . 110-gallon black steel drums. . Hexagon cold drawn steel, t^". Y': round cold drawn steel,' Procter cotton drier Glass-lined kettles Brackets Filterboxes Crock refrigerator 10-gaUon crocks 25 h. p. motors 1,200-gallon wooden tanks 1,400-gallon glass-Uned tank, aluminum-lined cover. Procter 2-truck drier Trays for drier Elevator 2" centrifugal pump Vacuum scrubber 30 h. p. engine Evaporating pans 2-section drier Trays for drier Double vacuum drier Vacuum-drier trays Duplex vacuiim pump , 264h. p. boiler , Single vacuum drier 10 h. p. motor Mixed motor and shafting Well-water line Drums for storage Gas masks Remodeling building No. 17... Addition to building No. 20 . . . Storage building Building for evaporating pans . Sewerage system Boilersetting Material made valueless Total sale price. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 723 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 12, 1919 Aug. 15,1919 do Aug. 19, 1919 Aug. 16, 1919 do do Aug. 20, 1919 June 4, 1919 June 26, 1919 Aug. 19, 1919 Aug. 18,1919 May 22, 1919. do Aug. 25, 1919 Aug. 12, 1919 Aug. 26, 1919 do do do do Aug. 28, 1919 Aug. 29, 1919 Sept. 3,1919. Aug. 20, 1919 Aug. 19, 1919 Aug. 1-S, 1919 Aug. 26, 1919 do do Aug. 28, 1919 Aug. 29, 1919. do Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. do Aug. 26, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. Sept. 2, 1919.. Sept. 4, 1919.. Aug. 30, 1919. Aug. 28, 1919. Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buffalo, N. Y. National Airplane Co., Chicago, 111. McKinnon & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. . Buffalo Pressed Steel Co. (Inc.), Buffalo, N. Y. Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Agnes McCarthy, Buffalo, N. Y. Casting Campbells, Waterbury, Conn. Sterling Iron "Works, Stockton, Cahf. Wallis Tractor Co., Racine June tion, Wis. Simmons Co., Kenosha, Wis Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buffalo, N. Y. Miller Aeroplane & Supply Co., Dayton, Ohio. F. S. Germond, Chicago, 111 Monarch Pump Co., San Fran- cisco, Cahf. Foy Paint Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ReUance Machinery Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Ryan & Hughes Co. (Inc.), New York City. McCoy-Brandt Machinery Co., Pittsbiu-gh, Pa. Rutledge Auto Repair Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. H. O. Boehme, New York City. . The La-nTence Sperry Aircraft Co. (Inc.), Farmingdale, L. I. Pacific Copper & Brass Works, Los Angeles, Cahf. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. New England Pressed Steel Co., Natick, Mass. Fred Kahn, San Francisco, Calif. F. Joseph Lamb Co., Detroit, Mich. D. B. Colyer, College Park, Md. . . E. M. Sherman, Seattle, Wash CaUfomia Commercial Export Co., San Francisco, CaUf. Atlas Imperial Engine Co., Oak- land, Calif. Graham Bros., Evansvllle, Ind. . McKenna Brass & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. H. A. Smith Machinery Co., Syracuse, N. Y. W. H. Barber Agency Co., Chi- cago, 111. Geo. H. Shaw Co., Middlebor- ough, Mass. Martin R ocking Fifth Wheel Co . , Springfield. Mass. William C. Mauch, 582 Fifth Ave., New York City. Steiner Bros., Lima, Ohio C. L. Best Traction Co., San Leandro, Calif. Metro Steel Stamp Co., New York City. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Wilmerding, Pa. Acme Foundry & Machine Co., Cofley~ville, Kans. ■^ X 16 X 72" sheet steel. i" black absorber cord. Blount 13" X 6' speed lathe Aluminum sheets^ hard-rolled, 98 per cent mimmum. Cold-rolled sheet steel 36", grade B airplane linen. i" shock absorber cord H-21" X 3J Gisholt lathe. . . No. 13 Natco multiple spindle drill. No. 2 Landis universal grinder ■ff" round cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. J" shock-absorber cord , 36" grade B airplane linen. 18" X 9' Chard lathe 110-gal. steel drums No. 25 Becker milling ma- chines. Pyrene fixe extinguishers No. 2 J B Milwaukee miller. 21" Superior stationary head drill. No. 1 Greenard arbor press. No. 5iS. &C. i" shock-absorber cord No. 1 plain-head turret screw machine. 24 X 24" X 6' Powell planer ... Steel scrap No. 1 Greenard arbor press. . . No. 70 Heald grinder Shock-absorber cord No. 4 Universal screw machine 16" X 10 Lodge & Shipley lathe No. 4 Universal grinder No. 12 Landis plain grinder, 24" Hoefer drill press, 8 x 8" Racine hack saw, 16" x 8' Reed & Prentiss lathe, 16" x 8' Reed & Prentiss lathe. No. 5 Greenard arbor press, 20" Leland-Giflord drill. No. 22 Natco multiple drill. .. . 24" Gisholt turret lathe 55-gal. steel drums 55-gal . steel shipping drums . . , T. & F. single-spindle drill Tar paper , H.21"x3i Gisholt turret lathe. 16" X 10' Lodge & Shipley lathe, No. 13 multiple spindle drill. No. 70 Heald grinder. No. 2 Becker milling machine. Abrasive grinder 48" Gisholt boring mill. 724 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1327 Aug. 26, 1919... Aug. 30, 1919.... Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919. Sept. 5, 1919.. ....do Sept. 6, 1919... Aug. 11, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919.. ....do Sept. 12, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919.. Sept. 12, 1919.. June 26, 1919.. June 28, 1919.. June 11, 1919.. June 27, 1919.. July 11, 1919... July 31, 1919... Aug. 20, 1919.. Aug. 7,1919. ....do Aug. 18, 1919... Aug. 19, 1919... Aug. 21, 1919... ....do , Aug. 27, 1919., Sept. 13, 1919., Aug. 26, 1919., Aug. 16, 1919., Aug. 21, 1919 , Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 15, 1919. Sept. 13, 1919. Aug. 15,1919. Sept. 13, 1919., Aug. 21, 1919. Sept. 19, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Morey & Co., New York, N. Y. . Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Wllmerding, Pa. DanielHiggin, Worcester, Mass.. Morey & Co., New York City. . . . E.M. Sherman, Bellevue, Wash. Pacific Copper & Brass Works, Los Angeles, Calif. Madsen Machine Works, Los Angeles, Calif. Stocker-Rumely-Wacher Co., Chicago, 111. Faultless Castor Co., Evansville, Ind. Miller & Herlocker, Los Angeles, Calif. J. E. Allison, Detroit, Mich Glenn L. Martin Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Marjorie Stinson, Wardman Park Inn, Washington. D. C. Monarch Machine Tool Co., Sid- ney, Ohio. Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa. West & Dod,ge Co., Boston, Mass. Everett Co., Jackson, Mich Fuchs & Lang Mfg. Co., New York City. Howe & French, Boston, Mass.. B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. Fred Kahn, San Francisco,CaUf. Thomas Sullivan, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Herberts Machine & Supply Co., San Francisco, Calif. Frank L. Dennis, Colorado Springs, Colo. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. . Pennsylvania State College, de- partment of mechanical engi- neering. W. J. Hart, care of Splitdorf Electric Co., Newark, N. J. Miss Lucy Bennett and Miss S. M. Crandall, Washington, D.C. Wilson & Willard Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Liberty Bronze Works, New York City. American Can Co., New York City. Eber F. Piers, 62 David Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah. Premier & Potter Printing Press Co., Derby, Conn. General Motors Co., Buick Di- vision, Flint, Mich. S. A. Woods Machine Co., Boston, Mass. Anchor Cap & Closure Corporar tion, Brooklyn, N. Y. Catron & Fiske, Los Angeles, Calif. M. L. Williams, Oklahoma City Auto School, Oklahoma City, Okla. Homestead Valve Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hill Clarke & Co. (Inc.), New York City. No.O B. LeBlondplainmllUng machine. No. 2 A. F. Cincin- nati milling machine. No. 3 Landis universalgrinder . 10 X 36" Norton plaingrinding 36" handsaw Gridley Screw machines. No.lplain head screw machine. 24 X 6i" Gisholt turret lathe, 21" Cincinnati drill (serial 52). H-21 X 3§" Gisholt turretlathe. No. 11 Natco multiple spindle drill. 16" G. & E.shaper 18" X 9' Chard lathe 6 X 32 Norton plain grinders. . . Type S pilot safety belts Shock-absorber cord No. 3A Universal hollow hex- agon turret lathe. 18" X 8' LeBlond lathes i" Sq. Rex. A. A. high-speed steel. Scrap lumber (Bristol airplane parts). 16" X 8' Lodge & Shipley lathes 38" BB' balloon cloth No. 3 Greenard arbor press. No. 3 Landis Universal grinder. Shock-absorber cord No. 1 plain head sciew ma- chine, Racine high-speed power saw. Barony-Jones turning chair. . . Liberty-12 airplane engine Liberty-12 motor, LeRhone motor. Hall Scott A5A motor, Lawrence motor. Hall Scott motor, miscellane- ous lot of parts. 39J" grade C Unen 24" 6J" Spindle Gisholt turret lathes. No. 12 B. &S. gi-inder 16" X 8' Lodge & Shipley lathes, 18" x 8' LeBlond lathes, AB2 new model ver- tical milling machine, 17 x 28 x 6' LeBlond gap lathes. Hall-Scott A5A airplane en- gines. No.3A Warner &Swasey tur- ret lathe. Chain blocks, electric drills, rope hoists. No. 4B Becker milling ma- chine. 16x8 geared-head S. P. lathe, No. 4 Becker milling ma- chine. Master 12" engine lathe Liberty motor, Gnome motor. H-21" x 34" Gisholt turret lathe. No. li D Milwaukee miller... $1,980.00 1,025.00 1,520.00 115.00 340.00 2,600.00 1,850.00 310.00 550.00 865.00 2,475.00 30.00 6.00 3,183.00 2,050.00 4.13 30.00 2,328.00 15.68 13, 750. 00 1, 025. 00 12.50 735.00 52.50 250. 00 650.00 125.00 13.60 4,550.00 1,887.00 35,623.50 400.00 3,183.00 1,053.12 1, 440. 00 2,075.00 330. 00 350. OU 3,770.00 1, 160. 00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 725 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Contmued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1380 Sept. 20, 1919.... Aug. 26, 1919.... Morey & Co., New York City. . . North East Electric Co., Roch- 32" band scroll saw $100. 00 1381 •Tj X 1" steel cotter pins 7.20 ester, N. Y. 1382 Aug. 15, 1919.... Eugene R. Lewis, 1268 Locust Ave., Dubuque, Iowa. Jones turning chairs 105. 00 1383 Aug. 27, 1919.... General Motors Corporation, De- troit, Mich. Backer Machine Tool Supply Co., New York City. Electrically heated aviators' suits. No . 1 hack saw 79.00 1384 Sept. 20, 1919.... 70.00 1385 Sept. 18, 1919.... Post Office Department, De- troit, Mich. McCoy Brandt Machinery Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bijur Motor Appliance Co., Ho- Pyrene fire extinguishers 114.00 1365 Sept. 16, 1919.... 14" X 6' Lodge & Shipley lathes 1,980.00 1366 do Style 70 Heald internal grinder 790. 00 1367 do boken, N. J. Benjamin Gillespie Co., New Black asphalt varnish in can. . .50 1368 Sept. 15, 1919.... York City. Morse Chain Co., Ithaca, N. Y. . Racine high-speed power saw. 221. 00 1369 Sept., 1919 Department of Commerce, super- intendent of Fisheries Station, Louisville, Ky. Pyrene fire extinguishers, 2^" fire hose. 145. 00 1370 Sept. 16, 1919.... Contractors Service Co., New York City. Grease cups 31.71 1371 do Ford & Kendig Co., Philadel- 36" Superior vertical drill. 1 276.00 phia, Pa. 16" X 8' engine lathe. 1372 Sept. 15, 1919.... American Body Co., Buffalo, Automatic shaper 800.00 1373 do N. Y. McCov-Brandt Machinery Co., 14" X 6' Lodge & Shipley lathe. 990. 00 Pittsburgh, Pa. 1374 Sept. 13, 1919.... Moline Plow Co., Molina, 111 No. 6 Whitney cylinder grind- ers, No. 2i Gridley turret 5,973.00 lathe, 21" ClncinnR.ti up- right drills. No. 70 Heald grinders. No. 3 Sterling grinders, 16" x 8' engine lathe. 1375 Sept. 15, 1919.... [Canceled.] Fuchs & Lang Mfg. Co., New York City. 1376 Sept. 18, 1919.... 20" x 8' Springfield lathes, 14" X 6' Lodge & Shipley lathe, 21" x 10" Boye & Emmes lathe, 14" x 6' Lodge 6,291.12 & Shipley lathe. 1377 Sept., 1919 Department of Commerce, Lighthouse Service, Balti- more, Md. Pyrene fire extinguishers 125.00 1386 Sept. 10, 1919.... P. J. McMillan, Bloomfleld, N. J., 16" X 8' Lodge & Shipley lathe, 14" X 6' Lodge & Shipley 2,050.00 for San Juan School Board, San Juan, P. R. lathe. 1387 Sept. 13, 1919.... Dayton Metal Body Co., Day- Spindle boring machine, Yates No. 199 12" facer, variety 3,835.00 ton, Ohio. saw, wood shaper, swing cut-off saw, 16" capacity; 36" scroll Dand saw, 36" scroll band saw; swing cut- ' off saw, 16" X 6' capacity: self-feed rip saw, 3" x 12' capacity; planer, 26 x 6", single-head. Steel billets, 39 x 3J x 38" 1388 Aug. 15, 1919.... Washburn Wire Co., Phllllps- 977.26 dale, R. I. 1389 Aug. 20, 1919.... The Aluminum Castings Co., Lynite 2,389.91 Aug. 28, 1919.... Cleveland, Ohio. General Electric Co., Harrison, Bronze 24.36 Babbit metal 4! 75 Cast iron 2 09 1390 M. . cylinders, scrap 8.10 N.J. Stem tubings, scrap 1.94 1391 Sept. 22, 1919.... do Morse Chain Co., Ithaca, N. Y. . Taylor Mfg. Co., Cambridge, No. 70 Heald gralnder 790. 00 1392 No. 60 Heald grander 1, 300. 00 1393 Sept. 20, 1919.... Mass. Morey & Co (Inc.) New York City. Machine Shop Equipment Cor- poration, Boston, Mass. High-speed double-spindle ball-bearing shapers. 20" Leland & Gifford drill 550.00 1394 do 212.00 1395 Sept.— ,1919.... Department of Commerce, Light- house Service, Buffalo, N. Y. Pyrene fire extinguishers 57.00 1396 Sept. 23, 1919.... National Fire Supply Co., Los do 120.00 Angeles, Calif. 1397 do Union Hardware & Metal Co., Los Angeles, Calif. do 3, 000. 00 1398 do Harper & Reynolds, Los Ange- do 500.00 1399 do do les, Calif. Elias & Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. . . . Emblem Mfg. Co., Angola.N. Y. Band saw. No. 2-A 110.00 1400 Nickel-steel tubing, IJ x A". . . 105.00 726 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1401 1402 July 2, 1919 Sept. 3, 1919 June 26, 1919 June 25, 1919.... Jan. 29, 1919..... Sept. 5, 1919.... Sept. 23,1919-... Aug. 13, 1919.... June 27, 1919.... Aug. 11, 1919.... Aug. 25, 1919.... Sept. 4, 1919 Sept., 1919 Aug. 12,1919.... Atlantic Wire & Metal Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kingsport Extract Corporation, Kingsport, Tenn. Refiner's Oil Co., Dayton, Ohio. United States Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Wash- ington, D. C. Roberts Brass Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Foxboro Co. (Inc.), Foxhoro, Mass. Massey Harris Harvester Co., Batavia, N. Y. Curtiss & Huff, Detroit, Mich. . . H. J. Baker & Bros., New York City. Glenn L. Martin Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Brander & Curry (Inc.), New- York City. United States Navy... 24" Hoefer sliding-head drill, 16" Springfield back-geared crank shaper. Mules with harness $700.00 1, 745. 00 1403 1404 1405 55-gallonsteel drums, 16-gauge black steel. Liberty engine parts: Crank- case oil filler stud, crankcase breather stud, crankcase upper and lower nut, bear- ing dowel, water-pump stud. Hose coupling "500.00 534. 12 2.24 Special ell for pressure gauge . . Hose-connecting tee . 16.73 6.86 5.74 Tee, 1" outside diameter Hose couplings. . 64.26 20.16 A" hose fines 1.54 Shut-off valve 71.26 1406 Rings 115. 71 Glass 12.00 46.90 i" compression couplings Boxes 32.12 65.00 ^" compression couplings, scrap brass, i" compression couplings, scrap brass. 3.60 9.36 27 1407 4-roll double surfacer 1,725.00 9,302.06 96.00 2,959.00 605.44 1408 1409 1410 1411 Remelt aluminum ingots Triphenyl phosphate with barrel. Grade A airplane linen, 38" . . . 1412 1413 38" grade DD balloon cloth... 55-gallon steel drums 600.00 2,300.00 1.74 1414 The American Bosch Magneto Corporation, Springfield, Mass. Lewis Thompson & Son, Phila- delphia, Pa. The Premier Rubber & Insula- tion Co., Dayton, Ohio. Bakersfield Garage & Auto Sup- ply Co., Bakersfield, Calif. L. Lawrence & Co., Detroit, Mich. H. A. BerUner, 1458 Columbia Road NW., Washington, D.C. Screw distributor eye Insert 'timer distributor ring . . . Body, distributor timer Socket , high-tension ball cap . . . 8.97 22.10 .26 .21 Body, distriWor timer Insert distributor ring .09 5.33 28.77 do 39.81 " Bushing brush holders .49 1.24 .30 .01 13.00 (Jo 16.77 .78 .97 Bolt steel C. F .04 (10 .02 85.10 5.36 26. 52 .01 .60 146.37 43.01 160.23 .39 , 3.23 1415 Sept. 19, 1919.... Apr. 26, 1919.... Sept. 20, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... Sept. 20, 1919.... Nicaraguan mahogany 69,062.80 33, 587. 80 1416 .76 25.96 T N. gum 134.40 1417 1418 1419 No. 60 Heald cylinder grinder. . No. 4 Southworth hand screw machine. LeRhone airplane engine 1,350.00 740. 00 2,415.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 727 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1420 Sept. 24, 1919.... Ideal Machine Tool Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. 3J" vertical shaper, 3i" verti- cal shaper. $700.00 1421 Sept. 22, 1919.... Haro Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich Norton grinder, No. 4 W. & S. screw machine. 1,810.00 1422 do Griffith Machine Co., Seattle, Racine high-speed power saw. . 225.00 Wash. 1423 Sept. 25, 1919.... Morse Chain Co. , Ithaca, N. Y. . . Style No. 70 Heald grinder 790.00 1424 Sept. 29, 1919.... Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... 115.00 1425 Huggins Tool Co., Detroit, Mich. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., 20' ' high-duty shaper 950. 00 1426 16" X 10' Lodge & Shipley 905.00 Wilmerding, Pa. lathe. 1427 Sept. 12, 1919.... Dayton-Wright Airplane Co., Dayton, Ohio. Liberty-12 airplane engine 2,500.00 1428 Sept. 18, 1919.... United States Rubber Co., New York City. The Direct-O-Lite Co., Buffalo, 40J" BB baUoon cloth 325.00 1429 May 27, 1919 i" round 3i per cent nickel 420.72 N.Y. steel; T»j" round 3i per cent nickel steel; |" hexagonal nickel; -A" hexagonalnickel; i" hexagonal nickel; A'' nexagonal nickel; |" olive- drab brass tubing, 22-gauge; ■ff" olive-drab brass tubing, 22-gauge; f" round 3i per cent nickel steel. 1430 do Morse Chain Co., Ithaca, N. Y. . 6|" round carbon-steel bars; 3|" round carbon steel bars, not rough turned. 865. 57 1431 Sept. 30, 1919.... Liberty Machine Tool Co., Ir- vington, N. J. No. 60 Heald cylinder grinder. 1,288.15 1432 Oct. 1,1919 The Strong CarUsle & Ham- mond Co., Detroit, Mich. No. 2 single-spindle drill presses. 1,505.00 1433 Sept. 29, 1919.... W. M. Johnson, GainesvUle, Fla. 5-gal. cans No. 1 castor oil, cans included. 44.00 1434 Sept. 30, 1919.... Oct. 1,1919 Snead Iron Works, Jersey City, N.J. Lee E .Wilson, San Antonio, Tex. 60 00 1435 Leather aviator coat, size 40. . . 17.65 1436 do Jack C. Neal, San Antonio, Tex. Leslie R. Neal, San Antonio, Tex. Norton Grinding Co., Worces- do 17.65 1437 do do 17 65 1438 Aug. 4, 1919...- J" Roimd high-peed steel 118.13 ter, Mass. 1439 Aug. 3,1919.... James R. Biddle, Bakersfleld, Calif. 1-qt. Pyrenefireextinguishers. 60.00 .1440 Aug. 9, 1919 Home Mfg. Co. , Brooklyn, N. Y. 2", 18-gauge brass tubing 31.86 1441 Aug. 2, 1919 Oct. 1,1919 The Casein Mfg. Co., New York City. Baker & Lockwood Mfg. Co., 1 227.84 1442 Canvas tent hangars, includ- 1,210.00 Kansas City, Mo. ing poles, stakes, and tent pins. do 1443 do Schaefer Tent & Awning Co., Denver, Colo. 605 00 1444 Sept. 8, 1919 Sept. 3, 1919 American Tube Co., Chicago, 111. Curtlss Aermlane & Motor Cor- poration, Buffalo, N. Y. 50 87 1445 J" round nickel-steel cold- 14.25 drawn bars. 1446 Sept. 4, 1919 A T Makned & Co Philadel- 3 15 phia, Pa. 1447 Aug. 21, 1919.... Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, BufEalo, N. Y. Seamless steel tubing: lj"^14-gauge 140 30 27 13 li",16-gauge 31 40 15 18 1|", 18-gauge 14.68 1|" , 16-gauge 29 69 IJ", 11-gauge 13.00 •^" , 20-gauge 5 23 •fs" , 20-gauge 22.17 ■ft" , 22-gauge 15 86 •ff" , 17-gauge 4.65 1", 22-gauge 4.31 1", 18-gauge 3.95 1" , 16-gauge 46.53 ■^", 20-gauge 9.68 •^", 17-gauge 18.71 A", 16-gauge 4.84 J", 17-gauge 14.09 1", 20-gauge 36.56 i" , 20-gauge 170.23 1", 17-gauge 62.56 1", 18-gauge 180. 72 l",14-gauge 30.88 1", 16-gauge 15.35 728 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SEBIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1447 Aug. 21, 1919. Aug. 26, 1919 . Aug. 28,1919. Sept. 16,1919. Oct. 7, 1919. . . ....do ....do ....do ....do Sept. 15,1919. Aug. 30,1919. Oct. 7,1919... Oct. 3,1919... Oct. 2,1919... July 29, 1919. . Aug. 29,1919. Oct. 3,1919... Oct. 9,1919... Oct. 8,1919... Sept. 15,1919. Sept. 16,1919. Oct. 11,1919.. Oct. 7, 1919. . Oct. 8,1919.. Oct. 6, 1919. . Oct. 7, 1919. . Sept. 8, 1919. July 29, 1919. Oct. 8,1919.. Sept. 27,1919. Oct. 1,1919. July 25, 1919, Oct. 11,1919 Oct. 9, 1919. Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buflalo, N. Y Buffalo Pressed Steel Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Home ManufacturingCo.jBrook- lyn, N. Y. Indiana Iron & Steel Co. .Chicago, 111. Bakersfield Garage & Auto Sup- ply Co., Bakersfield, Calif. Beaman & Smith Co., Provi- dence, R. 1. Metropolitan Material Co., New York City. Victor Ilartman, New York City Massey Harris Harvester Co., Bataria, N. Y. Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, MuSalo, N. Y. Spencer Lens Co., Hamburg^N.Y Maher Bros. Co., Medina, N. Y. . [CanceledJ Morey & Co., New York City. . . United States Navy Hawkridge Bros. Co., Boston, Mass. Pacific Copper & Brass Works, Los Angeles, Cal MoUne Plow Co., MoUne, lU Stocker - Rumely - Wachs Co. , Chicago, m. Walter Kirk, Cnicago, 111 SummeriU Tubing Co., Bridge- port, Pa. Martin Parry Corporation, York, Pa. Ross Heater Co., Buflalo, N. Y. Morey & Co. (Inc.), New York City. Jones Gear Co., Cleveland, Ohio Massey Harris Harvester Co., Batavia, N. Y. B. F. Sturtevant Co., Boston, William S. Gray & Co., New York City. Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co., New York City. Henry Ford & Son (Inc.), Dear- born, Mich. A. Dobkin, Jersey City, N. J. . . Oakes Co., Indianapolis, Ind... A. Johnson Machine Works, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dayton Metal Body Co., Day- ton, Ohio. Seamless steel tubing: li",20-gauge 14", 16-gauge IJ", 17-gauge li",18-gauge Y', 20-gauge •^Inch round cold-drawn steel bars. IJ-inch 17-gauge seamless brass tubing, t"? X 16 X 72 inches cold-rolled steel strips. Tempco electric grinder, double-end tool. Gisholt spindle turret lathe . . . No. 6J Merrill pipe-threading and cutting machine. No. 20 wiring machine and stand, f-inch Thor universal electric drill. No. 1 tenoning machine ^inch hexagon nickel bar steel. Hnch hexagon nickel bar steel . Silica sand 14-inch sensitive drill press — 20" stationary head drill press. Wing-tipped flare holders 2|" square chrome-nickel steel bars. 12" x 5' Reed engine lathe No. 3i Greenard arbor press. . . No. 2* B Milwaukee vertical milling machine. No. 1 castor oil, drums not included. IJ" 20-gauge seamless steel tubing. No. 19J Holmes two-spindle automatic Buffalo shaper, American double surface. No. 4 consolidated incUnable Dongeared press, Allen high- speed sensitive drill press, No. 108 Yates open-side molder. 36" sliding-head drill 16" crank shaper No. 70 Heald internal grinder. 12" Crescent jointer. No. 108 open-gate side molder.. f " round Rex A A high-speed steel, annealed; 1 x 3" Rex A A high-speed steel, an- nealed; IJ X J" Rex A A high-speed steel, annealed; IJ X f" Rex A A high- speed steel, annealed Acetone, chemically pure Drums 16" X 8' Lodge & Shipley lathe, 14" X 8' Lodge & Shipley lathe. 13" X 6' Blunt speed lathe N0.4-B Becker vertical milUng machine with rotary table. No. 4 Warner & Swasey uni- versal turret screw machine, L}" X 10. 110-gal. steel shipping drums.. I" Hexagon cold-drawn steel bars. Taylor & Fenn 2-head light radial drill. |"Thor universal electric drill. 4i X 48" Niagara power roll SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 729 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1481 1482 Aug. 22,1919.... Sept. 4, 1919 Aug. 30,1919.... Oct. 9,1919 Oct. 4,1919 Aug. 28,1919 Oct. 17,1919 Oct. 16,1919 do Oct. 17,1919 Oct. 14,1919 Oct. 16,1919 Oct. 20,1919 Aug. J 8, 1919.... . . do Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buffalo, N. Y. M. George Tiger Bearings Co. (Inc), New York City. Geo. H. Stiaw Co., Middleboro, Mass. Hejrwood Bros. & Wakefield Co.,Buffalo, N. Y. Martin Parry Corporation, York, Pa. Summerill Tubing Co., Bridge- port, Pa. American Die & Tool Co., Read- ing, Pa. Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa C. J. Haeberly, Buffalo, N. Y... Bakersfleld Garage & Auto Sup- ply Co., Bakersfield, Calif. L. E. Beaman, Cliicago, 111 E. J. Sutphin & Son, Brooklyn, N. Y. H. J. Baker & Co., New York City. General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass. Bijur Motor Appliance Co., Ho- boken, N. J. Cold-drawn steel, t^", round; ^", round; i", round; H", round; f", round; -fg", round; |", hexagon; -fg", hexagon; i", hexagon; -fg", hexagon; hot-rolled steel, ,%", round; ^", round; J", round. Annnlar ball hearings $604. 03 78.00 1483 55-gal. steel drums 25.50 1484 1485 1486 Eastman roiuid knife cutter. . . Yates 10" open-side molder No. 3 heavy 4-sided 16" molder. 125. 00 1,200.00 500. 00 1 953.75 1487 1488 14.'^9 1490 1491 1492 1493 3| X 36" flat turret lathes Allen sensitive drill press No. 3 Blount grinding ma- chines. No. 2 Landis universal grinder. 24" Ingersoll face milUng cut- ter grinder. 1" Thor universal electric drill. 1, 991. 14 143.00 58.00 975.00 692.75 37.50 21 564.84 1494 Raw material: 7 19 94 49 1 11 12 76 Steel, |-inch, roimd Steel, ^", hexagon Steel, A") hexagon Steel, ^", hexagon .61 1.70 .84 15.81 5 71 Steel, li", round 3 35 Steel, -fl", round 4 12 14 98 17 47 Drill rod, J", round Steel, 0.563, hexagon Steel , ^" , hexagon Steel, 1", hexagon 13.92 7.95 6.07 377 18 1 32 79 64 Steel, li", hexagon Zinc 12.41 419 44 Work in process: 1 14 Machine steel 72 85 4 08 Cotter pins 28 1495 Raw material: Bar steel, 1", round Bar steel, li", round Bar steel, lA", roimd Bar steel, J", round Bar steel, ^") round Bar steel, ^", roimd Bar brass, H", round Bar steel, ii", round Bar steel, IJ", hexagon Bar steel , T^" , square Do 13.18 13.30 95.68 4.29 4.75 59.55 .40 3.78 24.66 6.12 5.42 Bar steel, |", round Bar steel, i", round : Bar steel, ^", round Bar steel, H", round Bar steel, f", round Round-head iron rivets Do 3.24 26.29 6.11 21.80 1.24 6.27 3.30 Cotter pins, J x J" Flat-head iron rivets "Columbia" spring cotter pins. 1.86 3.26 .28 730 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1495 Aug. 18,1919-... Jan. 28, 1919 Oct. 2, 1919 Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 15, 1919 Oct. 20, 1919 Sept. 5, 1919 Apr. 4, 1919 Sept. 8, 1919 Oct. 7, 1919 Aug. 11, 1919.... Oct. 4, 1919 Oct. 9, 1919 Oct. 16, 1919 .do Bijur Motor Appliance Co., Hoboken, N. J. E. C. Schmich, Flint Foundry- Co., Flint, Micli. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Morse Chain Co., Ithaca, N. Y.. Maxwell Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit Pressed Steel Co., De- troit, Mich. Fuchs & Lang Manufacturing Co., New York City. Raw material: Oxidized cotter pins $0.65 1 48 Cotter pins, commercial . . . Oxidized cotter pins Work in process: 1.76 .21 1 60 594 00 112. 69 .34 1496 Miscellaneous parts for alum flasks, scrap. 310.80 45.60 1497 1498 1499 1600 1501 1502 Material (machine too's) al- located in settlement of claim. No. 3 Universal Landis grind- ing machine. No. 70 Heald internal grinders. No. 3i Greenard arbor presses. 28" Bickford drill press 14" X 6' Lodge & Shipley lathes Liberty engine toolkits 619,095.82 945.00 3,390.00 170.00 880.00 2,370.00 1,950.00 22 50 1503 Chas. WilUams, New York City. Gantner & Mattern, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Boston Auto Gauge Co., Boston, Mass. Chris D. Schramm & Son (Inc.), West Chester, Pa. Pittsburgh, Shawmut & North- ern R. R. Co., St. Marys, Pa. Long Island Auto Radiator Co., Long Island City, New York. Steul & Thuman, Buffalo, N. Y, Cleveland Duplex Machinery Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Pneumatic Scale Corporation (Ltd.), Norfolk Downs Mass. Fisher Special Mfg. Co., Cincin- nati, Ohio. Victor J. Reed, Jamestown, N. Y. Smith Booth Usher Co., I-os An- geles, Calif. American Seeding Machine Co., Richmond, Ind. 1504 1505 Pyrene Are extinguishers do 100.00 142.5(5 1506 Single-turn head, scrap 11.90 27 69 43 93 5 28 88 Expansion churk, scrap 15.85 2 38 1507 17 52 18 50 87.00 16 81 158. 87 170 00 34. 50 Miscellaneous sundries Starting shaft bearings 24.72 1.20 3.00 Bending rolls, cast iron 6.03 11 96 S 56 ix2iH. H. brass strip No. 21 steel music wire .90 .18 .60 ^ x I" cold rolled steel .18 5.00 1x18" hexagon brass rod i" diameter x 16" brass Brass keyhole escutcheon 3x3 wrought iron close nipples 4x2" round head brass screws 1 x I" round head rivets 3.78 .51 1.50 .68 .35 .30 10.57 1.00 ISOg 16" X 6' Reed lathe 840. 00 1509 No. 16 circular shear 65.00 1510 1511 Oct. 20, 1919 do No. 53 Mattison automatic shaping lathe; No. 1 tenon- ing machine. No. 6 Lees Bradner thread miller. 36" Snyder upright drill •f," hexagon nickel-steel bars . . No. 55 B Mattison automatic shaping lathes. No. 60 cylinder grinder, No. 2 Landis universal grinder. No. 64 consolidated straight- side power press. 850.00 1,300.00 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 Sept. 24, 1919.... Sept. 15, 1919.... Oct. 20, 1919 Oct. 27, 1919 Oct. 16, 1919 956.25 1.95 950.00 6,285.00 1,320.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEITT. 731 SEBIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 27, 1919.. Oct. 29, 1919.. Oct. 30, 1919.. Oct. 7, 1919... Aug. 25, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919. July 2, 1919.. Aug. 2, 1919.. Sept. 10, 1919. Oct. 17, 1919.. Oct. 18, 1919.. Oct. 28, 1919.. Aug. 20, 1919. Sept. 6, 1919.. Sept. 19, 1919. Aug. 12, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919. Apr. 22, 1919 May 5, 1919.. May 17, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 23, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. Oct. 27, 1919. do Oct. 20, 1919. Oct. 27, 1919. Oct. 22, 1919. Atlantic Wire & Metal Mfg. Co., New York. Smith-Booth Usher Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Summerill Tubing Co., Bridge- port, Pa. I. H. Roberts, Wichita Falls, Tex. Harris Machinery Co., Cleve- land Wrecking Co., E. A. Lathrop and Chicago House Wrecking Co. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. Chemical Co. of America, Ne^ York City. United Metals Selling Co., New York. do do Moon Motor Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. Reichtin Bros., Cincinnati, Ohio Smith Booth Usher Co., Los Angeles, Calif. W. E. Connor, New York City . . Walter R. Kirk, Chicago, 111. . . Custiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buflalo, N. Y. Lumen Bearing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Independent Lamp & Wire Co., Weehawken, N. J. United States Medical Depart- ment. Ashmead F. Pringle (Inc.), Charleston, S. C. V. A. Longaker Co., Indianapo- lis, Ind. Niagara Sprayer Co., Middle- port, N. Y. M. J. Walsh Machinery Co., Mil- waukee, Wis. The^Seifreat Woodruff Co., Day- ton, Ohio. F. N. Burt & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. American La France Fire En- gine Co., Elmira, N. Y. Smith Booth Usher Co., Los Angeles, Calif. Harris Mfg. Co., Stockton, Calif. Etna Machine Co., Toledo, Ohio. Oldsmar Tractor Co., Oldsmar, Fla. Kemp Machinery Co., Balti- more, Md. 14" Excelsior drill press No. 25 single-spindle drill 1" No. 20-gauge seamless steel tubing. Wooden floors in five steel hangars. Miscellaneous equipment and building material. No. 4 Becker milling machine, No. 4 Universal turret screw machine, 21" Glsholt lathe, 24" Glsholt lathe, 12" Mas- ter engine lathe, 21" superior drill presses, 24" Glsholt lathes. No. 14 Nateo multiple spindle drill. Chlorine, drums not included Copper ingots . .do. .do. Bardons & Oliver No. 2 turret lathe. No. 265 Fay & Egan double- spin^e shaper. No. 60 Heald Cylinder grinders, Black leather straps with and without buckles, leather straps with buckles on one end. No. 1 castor oU, not Including drums. If" 17-gauge seamless steel tubing. If" 18-gauge seam- less steel tubing. 3i" bronze bars, round t" I. P. S. seamless brass tub- tag, i" l9-gauge seamless brass tubtag, f" I. P. S. seamless brass tubtag, |" 20-gauge seamless brass cofls, i" 10-gauge seamless brass tubtag, li" 20-gauge seam- less brass tubtag, f" round brass bars, 1" round brass bars. 317 drums No. 1 castor oil (drums not tacluded). Castor pomace Small tools and gauges No. 5i Sloan & Chase bench lathe, 1 X 35" bed; No. 4 Warner & Swasey universal turret screw machine; me- dium swtog saw; universal saw bench; sensitive drill press; 16" x 6' Reed & Pren- tice lathe. No. 3 consolidated presses Fay & Egan No. 6 column scroll saw. 14" Excelsior sensative drUl... D-31 Fox 16-sptadle drill No. 25 stagle-sptadle drUl. No. 60 Heald cyltader grtader, No. 6 Whitney hand milltag machtoe. No. 3 Landis universal grtader. No. 60 Heald cyltader grinder. No. 3i Greenard arbor press. . . $30.00 570. 00 689. 40 1,206.92 1,73L00 12,78».00 173. 25 163, 169. 15 7,263.77 7,044.00 778.00 450,00 2,670.00 250. 60 13,368.97 197. 89 3,52L08 116.50 34, 160. 00 2,712.48 106, 603. 84 2,908.00 1,425.00 250.00 37.00 2, 563. 00 600.00 1,460.00 945.00 1,288.16 255.00 732 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISiPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 23, 1919. do Oct. 22, 1919. Oct. 23, Oct. 25, Oct. 23, Oct. 25, Oct. 29, Oct. 24, Oct. 23, 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. 1919. Oct. 20, 1919. Dec, 1918..., do Aug. 12, 1919. .do. Apr. 30, 1919. Sept. 18, 1919. Dec. 7, 1919.. do Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 20, 1919. May 8, 1919.. Aug. 9, 1919... Aug. 18, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919... Aug. 5, 1919... July 26, 1919.. Nov. 3, 1919... Aug. 30, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919... Nov. 3, 1919. . . Nov. 1, 1919... Oct. 30, 1919... Nov. 3, 1919... Oct. 28, 1919... Oct. 30, 1919... do Mays, 1919.... Plaza Music Co., New York City. American Machine Products Co., Detroit, Micli. Fuller & Sons Mfg. Co., Kala- mazoo, Mich. F. N. Burt Co., Buffalo, N. Y... Aluminum Castings Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Jones Gear Co., Cleveland, Ohio. W. H. Dow Manufacturing Co., Waukegan, 111. James Cunningham Sons & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Hayes Machinery Co., Detroit, Mich. ....do Dayton Metal Body Co., Day- ton, Ohio. Aeronautical Equipment (Inc.), New York. .do. Post Office Department, Air Mail Depot, Newark, N. J. Weather Bureau, Washington, D.C. Quartermaster Corps H. J. Baker & Bros, New York Cit/. Aeolian Co., New York City Aeronautical Equipment (mc). New York City. Weymar Lumber Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bosson & Lane, Atlantic, Mass. . Brown & Sharp Co., Providence, R. L A. Dobkin, New York City E. Jacobs, New York Berry Bros., Detroit, Mich...... W. H. Barber Co., Chicago, HI. Caravel & Co., New York , Aluminum Castings Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Briggs & Turivas, Chicago, 111.. C. M. Hoof Co., Chicago, lU Aluminum Castings Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Pharo Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.. Remington Typewriter Co., Ilion, N. Y. L. Lawrence Co., Detroit. Mich. , Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria, lU American Bosch Magneto Cor- poration, Springfield, Mass. U. S. Envelope Co., Worcester, Mass. Ichabod T. Wilhams & Sons, New York City. 20" stationary head drill press, No. 1 turret screw machine, No. 2 turret screw machine, 8" drilling machine. No. 3i Greenard press. No. 2 Green- ard press. No. 70 internal grinder; type B milling machine. No. 82. 10 X 50" plain cylinderical grinder. No. 2 Duplex mil- ler, No. 217 high-speed drill. No. 3 Blout grinding machine. Stationary head drill press 4" bench centering machine. . . Yates Type C-3 molders No. 11 multiple drill No.. 163 B consolidated power press. No. 3 consolidated press, No. 73 power press. No. 4 con- solidated press. No. 265 extra heavy double spindle shaper. Rough rejected spruce and fir; rejected planing-mill stock, 12' and over in length, re- jected planing-mill stock under 12' in length. Rejected rough spruce , Atlantic aero oil , Hydrogen gas cylinders filled with hydrogen; valves for hydrogen gas cylinders. No. 1 castor oil steel drums Triphenulphosphate, in con- tainers. Rejected fir and spruce Rejected rough spruce 'Knocked down" crates. No. 1 castor oil, not including drums. Machine Surface-grinding machines Complete set tools and set cams .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 55-gallon steel drums Steel bars, 3" round No. 3 castor oil 30-gallon steel drums Glacial acetic acid, including barrels. 20" silver upright drill presses. . No. 1 Buckwheat coal 50" Fabricoid upholstering 20" stationary head drill, press machine. 14" sensitive drill 12" Cincinnati plain milling machines. No. 60 cylinder grinders 16 X 72" grinding machine No. 1 Brown & Sharpe Tool grinder. Lodge & Shipley 14" x 6' and 14" X 8' lathes. Mahogany lumber, grades Nos. 1 and 2; mahogany lumber, common and lower grades. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 733 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1586 Oct. 17,1919 Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- poration, Buffalo, N. Y. f " hexagon cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. i" hexagon cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. J" hexagon cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. -ff" round cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. 1" round cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. ■^" round cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. i" round hot-rolled nickel- steel bars. 1" round cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. Ji" round cold-drawn nickel- steel bars. A" hexagon cold-drawn nickel-steel bars. T^" hexagon cold-drawn nickel-steel bars. $101.93 38.19 35.56 4.40 22.08 70.89 39.74 14.70 14.63 237.02 147.72 1587 do ^"^ Cold-roUed sheet steel: ^ x 16 X 72", A x 16 X 72", 18-gauge 16 X 72'', 20-gauge 14 x 72", 1,299.90 J X 16 X 72", i X 16 X 72", 21-gauge 16 X 72". 1588 Feb. 25, 1919.... J. R. Phillips & John Stephens, Fir, spruce, hemlock, yellow pine, white pine, crating. 700,000.00 Washington, D. C. 1589 Nov. 1,1919 Houde Mfe. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. No. 6 Whitney Miller, 20" stationary head-drill presses, 14" Allen sensitive drill. No. 2 turret screw machine. No. 2 Bloimt grinder. 1,271.00 1590 Nov. 1,1919 Kittineer Furniture Co., Buf- falo, N. Y. Simplex belt sander 175.00 1591 Oct. 30, 1919 Kelivanator Corporation, De- troit, Mich. No. 2 M. Potter & Johnston automatic milling machine. 2,456.00 1592 Nov. 4, 1919 Feb. 24, 1919.... Sherman Clay & Co., San Fran- cisco, Calif. Corley Mfg. Co., New York City. . 18x8" lathe 1,200.00 1593 Forging billets, scrap, 10 x 4 x 24". 2,934.00 10 X 10 x 13 J" forging billets. 19,500.00 scrap; 6 x 6 x 10" forging billets, scrap. 1594 Nov. 4, 1919 Hayes Machinery Co., Detroit, Mich. No. 163-B consolidated power press. 860.00 1695 Nov. 3, 1919 Lafayette Motors Co., Indianap- Briggs millers 4,882.41 3, 292. 01 1596 do olis, Ind. .....do No. 25 Oesterlein universal miller. No. 1 broaching ma- chine, No. 25 spindle drills. No. Si- Greenard arbor press. 1597 Oct. 23, 1919 Hayes Machinery Co., Detroit, Mich. Goodman & Wobig, Detroit, No. 167 consolidated press 4,500.00 1598 Oct. 27, 1919 No. 2 Southworth turret screw 600.00 Mich. machine. 1599 Oct. 25, 1919 Automatic Wood Wheel Co., Dayton, Ohio. No. Sheavy molder 500.00 1600 Aug. 20,1919.... Laidlaw, Kelley & Co. (Inc.), New York. 110-gal. steel drums 7,657.00 1601 Aug. 7, 1919 Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. No. 1 castor oil, drums not included. 887.20 1602 Aug. 6, 1919 Baxter D. Whitney Co. (Inc.), Winchendon, Mass. Whitney cylinder grinders 27,900.00 1603 Aug. 4, 1919 Steel Products Co., Cleveland, Ohio. H" and |" round tungsten steel bars. 38,243.25 1604 July 12, 1919 H. E. Lazarus Co. (Inc.), New York City. Grades A and B, cotton aero- plane fabric. 1,321,465.01 1605 Oct. 30,1919 American La France Fire En- gine Co., Elmlra, N. Y. No. 18 semiautomatic hole grinder, No. C-2 Becker ver- tical miller, 14" x 10" Reed engine lathe, 14" sensitive drill press, 21" Reed-Pren- tice stationary head drill presses. No. 14 Cochrane & Ely shaper, 24" Gisholt tur- 12,602.00 ret lathe. 1606 Nov. 4,1919...., G. A. Ritter Co., San Francisco, Calif. National Airplane Co., Chicago, 111. No. 6 Whitney hand miller... . 195.00 1607 Aug. 16, 1919.... 39J" grade C linen 801.20 734 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MATERIALS DISPOSAL SECTION, AIR SERVICE— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1608 Oct. 18,1919 Jones Gear Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 28" sliding head drill press. 23" stationary head drill $12,807.00 press, No. 4 turret screw machines, No. 1 plain milling machines. No. 2 grinding machines. No. 2 plain mill- tag machine. No. 1 plain milling machines, 23" sta- tionary head drill presses, No. 6 tilted tmrret screw machines. No. 11 poUshing and buffiag lathes. No. 1 hand millers. 1609 July 30, 1919 Alligator Oil Clothing Co., St. Louis, Mo. 38" standard BB balloon cloth. 216,125.00 1610 Nov. 1, 1919 Pittsburg, Shawmut & North- ern R. R. Co., St. Mary's, Pa. No. 3 Blount grinding ma- chiues. 58.00 1611 do Niagara Sprayer Co., Middle- port, N. Y. No. 6 Whitney hand miller 175.00 1612 do K. P. L. Furniture & Building Co., Corry, Pa. No. 2i two-spindle shaper, swing saw. 16" X 8* Reed lathe 535.00 1613 do Aug. 20, 1919.... W. P. Schamber, Buflalo, N. Y. F. S. Germond, Chicago^Ill United States Navy Depart- 745. 00 1614 39J" airplane linen, grade C . . . 38" grade EE cotton balloon 650.00 1615 Aug. 15, 1919.... 45.00 ment. cloth. 1616 Sept. 3, 1919 Curtlss Aeroplane & Motor Cor- Airplane linen: 36". grade C; 39i", grade C; 36"^, grade B; 41,195.52 poration, Buflalo, N. Y. 36", grade C; 38", grade C; 39i", grade C; 36",gradeB. 1617 Oct. 22, 1919 do 36" airplane linen, grade K I- . Rejected spruce and fir lumber. Rejected fir and spruce 72", grade K I, airplane linen. 136.29 1618 Jan., 1919 Frank T. Sullivan, Buflalo, N. Y. 22,814.22 1619 do do 21,451.75 1620 Oct. 7, 1919 J. W. RolDuison Co., Los -Aji- ' 210. 00 geles, Calif. Bullock's, Los Angeles, Calif 1621 Oct. 4, 1919 36", grade B, airplane linen. . . 108. 00 1622 June 17, 1919..-- Ordnance Bureau, Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Mass. Sugar pine lumber, 1 x 12", in miscellaneous lengths. 993.30 1623 Sept.8, 1919 The Chemical Co. of America, Benzol 84.00 New York. Drums 32.00 25.00 1624 May 27, 1919 E. I. du Pont de Nemours & No. 3 castor oil; castor pum- Co., Wilmington, Del. ice, expeller cake. Packing. 1.50 1625 May 20, 1919 WUlard Storage Battery Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Storage batteries, less termi- 2,839.41 nals; separators. 1626 Nov. 4, 1919 West Side Branch, Y. M. C. A., New York. No. IJ Landis universal grind- ing machine. No. 1 Ott uni- versal grinding machine. No. li Cincinnati universal tool and cutter grinding ma- chine, 16 X 8" Lodge & Ship- ley lathe, 14 X 8" Lodge & Sliipley lathe, Heald demag- natizer. No. 2| LeBlond uni- versal milling machine. No. 2-B Rockford imiversal mil- ler with vertical head. No. 2 Rockford universal miller with vertical head, 24" Gould & Eberhardt shaper, 7" two-spindle Whiten cen- tering machine. No. 2^ Mor- ris radial drill swiveling table, abrasive machine tool 10,885.00 surface-grinding machine, Style 60 wet internal-grind- ing machine. 1627 Sept. 15, 1919.... The Acme White Lead & Color Works, Detroit, Mich. No. 3 castor oil, drums not in- cluded. 87.15 1628 Oct. 23, 1919 Detroit & Toledo Shore Line R. R. Co., Lang, Ohio. Yale & Towne half-ton chain hoists. 28.50 1629 Oct. 3, 1919 Coco Bros., New York City Seamless brass tubing: A" 20-gauge, 10-12' lengths; A" 21-gauge, 12' lengths; 1" 20-gauge, 12-15' lengths; 1" 20-gauge, 10-12' lengths; 2" 20-gauge, 10-12' lengths; 2" 21-gauge, 10-12' lengths. 806.75 1630 Sept. 2, 1919... George Smith, jr., Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y. Miscellaneous parts for Ponsot plugs, scrap. 50.00 1631 Sept. 23, 1919...- Imperial Drop Forge Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. 2i" square hot-rolled chrome- nickel steel bars. 3, 268. 84 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 735 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Feb. 24, 1919 do Mar. 5, 1919. do , Mar. 1, 1919. Apr. 1,1919.. Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. ..do Apr. 12, 1919. Apr. 25, 1919. Apr. 29, 1919. Apr. 1,1919.. May 1,1919.. May 23, 1919. ..do May 24, 1919. May 26, 1919. May 27, 1919. ..do May 22, 1919. May 26, 1919. ..do .do. May 31, 1919. ..do Junes, 1919. ...do June 7, 1919. ...do ...do Canton Scrap Iron Co., Canton, Ohio. Canton Metal Ceiling Co., Can- ton, Ohio. James Jacoby, 319 E. 13th St., New York City. Bright Star Battery Co., New- York City. Bobrof Iron & Steel Co., Canton, Ohio. Canton Scrap Iron Co American Radiator Co., New York City. Metal Parts Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Henry F. Miller Foundry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Standard Electric Novelty Co., New York N. Y. Henry F. M:iller Foimdry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Columbia Smelting & Refining Works, New York City. R. F. Lipsey & Co., Chicago, 111. Abe Cooper, Syracuse, N. Y Burgess Battery Co., Madison, Wis. Belden Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111 ... . Barcy-Nicholson Co., Detroit, Mich. The Canton Metal Ceiling Co., Canton, Ohio. John Loeser & Co., Chicago, 111., The Canton Iron & Metal Co., Canton, Ohio. J. Hobbs, 327 5th Ave., New York City. L. S. Brach Supply Co., New- ark, N. J. The Moeschl-Edwards Corru- gated Co. (Inc.), Cincinnati, Ohio. The Hunter Illuminated Car Sign Co., Flushing, N. Y. Canton Metal Ceiling Co., Can- ton, Ohio. F. WeselCo., Brooklyn, N. Y... Morris & Conn, Chicago, 111 Recto Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Midgley, Prentice Co. , 30 Church St., New York City. Hohnes Auto Co., Canton, Ohio. . Davis, Hunt, CoDister & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ....do Steel forgings Sheet steel Scrap steel rods and tubing, cold-rolled. Reel drums (cold-rolled bar steel. Miscellaneous battery mate- rial consisting of bobbins, wrapped: bobbins, green: mix, dry-battery: cells, etc. Miscellaneous battery mate- rial, consisting of ammo- nium chloride, zinc chloride; graphite, Acheson Nos. 697 andBBl,Chester,and Dixon; manganese: flour, barley, wheat, and kaflr: parafiine, coarse and refined: brass caps, cheesecloth, thread, bar solder. Bar steel, cold-rolled: li" square 1'' round, 2" hexagon 2J" round Steel stampings , scrap Packing cases, J" white pine, 21 X 11 X 12''. J" round bar steel, cold-roUed . MaUeable-tron castings Cast iron, cast steel Small amount of miscellaneous battery material. Malleable iron castings, scrap. . Cast iron; scrap: cast steel scrap. Bronze castings, scrap -do. Chestnut telephone poles, 25'. . Chestnut telephone poles, SC. . Wire, rubber-covered. No. 18 B. &S. do do No. 12 hammers. Duck, khaki, 10-ounce Scrap steel Yellow brass Plates, W. & W., panchro- matic: 4 X 5", &h X 8i", 8 X 10". Federal electric welding ma- chine, used. Federal electric welding ma- chine, "spot welder," 320- volt, used. No. 915 safety hinge hasp, 3" wrought-steel stud; Stanley wrought-steel butts , No. 808, 3 X 2h"; sliding hasp for rear door,malleableiron, If x IJ" X 9tV'--J" thick, finished, drilled; lock washers, •^'' steel; cap screws, J x J", I X 1", and ^, X 1", steel; hexagon, nuts, f x J" and j'-g". All scrap. Oilers and holders Tow-hooks Bronze ball retainers, scrap material. Wire, No. 18, B. &S Steel sheet, cut to size, scrap . . No. 12 hammers, 12-oz Wrenches, Whitman & Barnes, knife-handle, 8". Oilers, copperlzed steel, with adjustable holders. $401. 78 232.14 500.23 150. 00 300.00 7,919.06 15.00 2.15 14.28 471.43 413. 15 933. 00 428.16 361.60 522. 32 51.25 386. 21 227. 10 9, 623. 29 6,656.93 14.40 165. 00 21.00 101.42 1, 016. 32 40.00 145. 01 312. 49 137.25 20,00 5, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 79.72 15.00 114. 00 106.40 85.00 524. 67 181. 13 112.50 41.67 736 SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. -do. The Fair, Chicago, 111. do June 6, 1919. do do do June 10, 1919. June 7, 1919. Yales & Towne Mfg. Co., Stam- ford, Conn. Stark County Iron & Metal Co., Canton, Olaio. Morris & Cohn, Chicago do do Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., Chicago, 111. do -do. -do. June 16, 1919. June 18, 1919. Jime23, 1919. June 26, 1919 . June 23, 1919 . June 27, 1919. R. Lavin & Son, Chicago . Holmes Automobile Co., Canton, Ohio. Runzel-Lenz Electric Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. M. A. Wall Petroleum Iron "Works Co., 50 Church St., New York City. C. Kuntzendorf & Co., Chicago, 111. Holmes Automobile Co., Canton, Ohio. .do. .do. June 10,1919. June 30, 1919. Manhattan Electric Supply Co. . Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co., Chicago 111. Lewis M. Reycrof t July 2, 1919.. July 9, 1919.. July 11,1919. do W. T. King T. Angley Charles R. Higglns James M. Jones CarlF. Haggett James F. Kavanaugh A. SpiUer S. R. Pillsbury Samuel S. Bowie F. P. Hart S. E. Thurston G. J. Parker W. A. Kendall Russell Specialty Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. Gosso Mfg. Co Horace T. Potts & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. C. M. Liphart, West End Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Pliers, N(v30, 8", side-cutting. Smith & Hernenway. Wrenches, Whitman & Barnes, knife-handle, 8". Screw drivers, 6" blade, per- fect handle. Oilers, copperized steel, with adjustable holders. Padlocks, bronze, with keys, No. 833J, Yales & Towne. Sheet steel and steel bars Yellow brass castings Standard brass rod stock Miscellaneous lot of brass 0.156 mlUed hard-rubber rod. . . . Delecto sheet Rivets , White enamel Black bakelite sheets Strip brass, i x ivy" Strip brass, -i^V x |'' , Black fiber tubing, 552 x 0.443 X 27". 4-llne fiber carrying eases , 12-line fiber carrying cases No. 1175 brass screw wire f " round brass rod U" round brass rod , .281 hard-rubber rod .218 hard-rubber rod, milled. . , Brass stock, J x 1-^ x 5J" and 4 X I x *"; brass studs and Star washers. Lumber Insulated wire Federal electric spot welder . . Carrying cases, fiber Eisemann eyelet terminal, brass. f " U. S. S. plain washers I X 4J" U. S. S. hexagon-head machine bolts. I X 7" U. S. S. hexagon-head machine bolts. f X 7^' U. S. S. hexagon-head machine bolts. f " U. S. S. hexagon-head ma- chine bolts. Wire^ braided antenna Oak box side and base Spar varnish Raw Unseed oil Homing pigeons Homing Youngster Homing pigeons do do do ....do ....do ....do do ....do do ....do ....do ....do Fiber tubing Iron wood screws, J x 8" and li X 8". Steel sheets, hot-rolled, blue- annealed, O. H., .065 X 30 X 120". Miscellaneous assortment spe- cial steel dies. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 737 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 55 56 June 23, 1919.... June 24, 1919.... July 17, 1919 July 14, 1919 July 15, 1919 July 14, 1919 July 16, 1919 July 15,1919 July 18,1919 do Runzel-Lenz Electric Mfg. Co., Chicago, m. Maan Electric Co., Obicago, HI . . . Stromberg-Carlson Co., Roches- ter, N. Y.. Holmes Automobile Co., Can- ton, Ohio. Stromberg-Carlson Co., Roches- ter, N. Y. Interstate Novelty Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Henry A. Hitner's Sons Co Clapp-Eastham, Cambridge, Mass. United States Assay Office, New York City. Roller-Smith Co., New York City. American Auto Supply Co., Chi- cago, Hi. Moon Mfg. Co ...... Hot-turned terminal clips $59.00 369. 75 67 BrassNo 8, H H 48.60 Brass rod, A" round Formica, -^" blk 31.50 140. 00 90.00 10.80 162. 00 Brass tubing. 2| x 2^" Brassrod,!', hexagon Celluloid, transparent, .010 Screws, F. H., brass, machine, i X 4.36". Screws, round-head, brass, machine, J X 0.256". Screws, round-head, f x 0.256". Srcews. round-head, ^x 0.256" Solenoids, No 12364 200.00 12.60 77.10 4.50 6.00 6.00 4.20 250 00 58 59 Tool rolls, without tools 576. 00 125. 00 159. 60 60 Celluloid, transparent, O.lO — 12.90 13.50 61 62 63 i" diameter cold-rolled steel, 0.065 X 2|" hot-rolled steel, ■^" cold-rolled steel, 4x2" cold-roUed steel, Jxl" cold- rolled steel, }" diameter washers, J x \" R. H. F. riv- ets, -jSf X i" tube rivets, \ x \" seamless tubing, IJ x X" seamless tubing, IJ x It^" seamless tubing, IIJ x ^" seamless tubing, IJ x J" seamless tubing. Bakelfte, Dilecto, XX grade, 36 X 86". Silver rod, hexagon 165.87 700.00 1 594. 78 64 Ammeters, 3J, tvpe W; radio frequency, switchboard type, flash model. OU-can holders. Unique No. 62, adjustable. Iron hexagon cap screws, f xl". Paint, olive-drab, quick-drying Paint, red lead 3 125. 00 65 do 29 35 66 July 19,1919 do 154 81 67 John Loeser & Co., Chicago, HI. . . Robert Livesey, San Diego, Calif. Karl E. Hassel, Chicago, 111 Jewell Electric Co., Chicago, HI . . Manhattan Electrical Supply Co., New York City. Mann Electric Co., Chicago 45 individual bidders in and around Boston. International Radio Telegraph Co., New York City. Chas. E. Chapin Co. (Inc.), New York City. Connecticut Telephone & Elec- tric Co., Meriden, Conn. M. T. Dowllng 89 25 June 16, 1919 July 23, 1919 do 68.40 68 Pigeons, homing 26-50 69 70 Black bakelite, cut in small pieces. Copper wire, No. 18, odd short lengths. Empire paper, out up 32.00 22 50 July 24, 1919 do 2.50 71 72 Wire, braided antenna, bare.. Norway iron. No, 29 U. S Insulated wire, No. 22, special rubber-covered. 121.78 23 92 73 do 198.00 285 25 74 June 30, 1919 do do High-tension cable 126.00 75 Flexible copper cable 4.19 76 Silver, rod, hexagon 1.21 77 July 26, 1919 July 29, 1919 do Pigeons, homing, and crate. . . . Pigeons, homing 7 00 78 15 individual purchasers 94.25 79 7 individual purchasers ....".do... .".. 107 75 80 July 30, 1919 dp Heco Envelope Co., Chicago, UL. R. F. Lipsey & Co., Chicago, HI. do Envelopes, waterproof Steel and iron scrap, punch- ings, etc. Nickel silver, scrap 17.47 60.76 264 49 Aug. 2, 1919 JeweU Electrical Co., Chicago, 111. Wire, Insulated, snort lengths. 30.00 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 738 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 83 Aug. 6,1919 do American Electric Co., Chicago, III. Seneca Camera Co., Rochester, N. Y. Wireless Improvement Co., 47 West St., New York, N. Y. Independent Thread Mills, Chi- cago, III. Russell Specialty Co., Chicago, Fulton Cutting Co., W. 48th St., New York. Crocker-Wheeler Co., Ampere, N.J. Columbia Smelting & Refining Co., 365 West St., New York. Milton Iron Co., Wellston, Ohio. Midgely Prentice Co. , 30 Church St., New York. Deforest Radio Telephone & Tel- egraph Co., New York. General Radio Co., Cambridge, Mass. • Mann Electric Co., Chicago, 111.. Wireless Improvement Co Jas. Goldmark Co., 63 Warren St., New York City. American Ever Ready Works, Long Island City, N.Y. General Radio Co., Cambridge, Mass. Taylor Trunk Co., Chicago, 111.. L. S. Brach Mfg. Co., Newark, N.J. John Guth, jr., 120 E. 24th St., New York City. Empire Metal & Waste Co., 186 E. 64th St. , New York City. SMndervlkeo Tel. & Equip. Co., Chicago, Iff. Plugs, <|plephone, partly fin- ished. Cords, telephone, without plugs. Cords, telephone, with plugs.. $202. 20 166. 05 167. 15 20.85 84 Plate holders, ^ x 8J" Spring bar. shuttle cover; holder, slide; holder tops, holder bottoms, shuttle springs. Brass rod, assorted sizes Brass, sheet, assorted sizes Phosphor-bronze, sheet 25.65 86 Aug. 8,1919 Aug. 6,1919 Aug. 8,1919 .. ..do 50.00 17.23 136.39 18.80 51.39 Filer, assorted 19.29 20.17 Blades, hack-saw 26.49 210. 43 Screws, machine, brass 259.12 652. 79 87 Miscellaneous assortment of partly finished parts for ra- dio sets. 1,146.61 679. 90 14.30 88 89 Boxes, corrugated pasteboard. Crystals , galena 15.00 50.00 90 do Saws, milling. If x |" 1.92 91 . . .do 13.44 92 do 50.00 93 do Sheet steel, scrap 77.59 94 .do Natural Dilecto sheets, A x 36 x40". Bakelite, Dilecto, XX grade... Thread , green Agawan 6.70 95 96 97 July 2, 1919 Aug. 6, 1919 do 700.00 19.60 215.25 Aug. 12,1919.... do 45.00 98 Wire, 10/38, standard drawn- steel. Detector parts, miscellaneous lot. Tape, linen, f" 4.23 89.70 56.00 99 148.00 100 101 Aug. 9, 1919 Aug. 15, 1919.... Aug. 19, 1919.-.. do do Bakelite, Dilecto, J x 36 x 36", sheets. Leather, scrap 700.00 65.00 102 103 Stock boxes, 16-gauge: 24 x 8 X 12", 38 X 8 X 8", and 48 x 8 X 8". Felt: 5i X IJ X J", 7 x 4i x J", and 8 X 2 X J". Raybestos, J x 1* x 35" 35.00 31.40 2.56 61.64 8.40 3.81 104 Brass rocf, f x |" 2.12 Aug. 20, 1919.... Rivets, copper, oval-head Brass, No. 23 17.76 .89 Brass 61.63 Miscellaneous lot brass pins, fasteners, etc. 5.18 216. 56 Nameplates 1.05 Brass, H. H., 3J X 16" 259. 56 Brass, soft. No. 22 3.92 Brass, H. H., No. 16 13.05 Brass, strip, 8i, No. 38 Brass rod, 15/32" 6.53 39.15 Brass rod, 9/32" 2.61 lOS Miscellaneous lot of brass macliine screws. Miscellaneous assortment brass screws and nuts, scrap. Ferrotype metal sheets, 0.008 to 0.010", 10 X 14" 65.20 36.34 35.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 739 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Aug. 21, 1919. do do do do Aug. 28, 1919. Aug. 30, 1919. do do Sept. 5, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919. do do Aug. 29, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919.. .....do ....do do Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 2, 1919.. do Aug. 7, 1919.. Sept. 11, 1919. Sept. 9, 1919.. Sept. 3, 1919.. Sept. 8, 1919.. do Sept. 4, 1919.. Aug. 30, 1919. do ....do ....do do Sept. 16, 1919. Sept. 17, 1919. Sept. 4, 1919.. Sept. 16, 1919. Sept. 16, 1919. Fitzgerald-Spear Co. , Pen Argyl, Pa. Ontario Metal Products Co. (Ltd.)/roronto, Canada. George H. Maus, Amsterdam, N. Y. DeForrest Radio & Tel . Co. , New York City. Wireless Improvement Co. , New York City. R. F. Lipsey, Chicago, 111 New Era Wireless Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Paul De Pietro, 96 Murray St., New York. 29 individuals Eagle Stamp Works, Chicago, lU. Rebuilt Telephone Equipment Co., Chicago, 111. do do Pioneer Brass Works, Indian- apolis, Ind. Standard Screw Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Werna Yanka, Indianapolis, Ind Prestolite Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Precision Machine Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Inclianapolis Mfg. Co., Indian- apolis. Indianapolis Gould Battery Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Gordon Little Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Factory Salvage, Indianapolis, Ind. H. Lifchitz, Indianapolis, Ind... F. H. Langsenkamp, Indian- apolis, Ind. Perfection S. B. Co., Chicago, 111. Morris & Cohen. Chicago, HI Van Camp Hardware & Iron Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Precision Machine Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. Wm. Small Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Van Buggle Motor Device Co., Indianapolis, Ind. R. F. Lipsey & Co., Chicago, HI. . .do. Vonnegut Hardware Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. .do. E. J. Gausepohl, Indianapolis, Ind. Wireless Improvement Co., New York City. Liberty Electric Corporation, Port Chester, N. Y. Meier Electric & Machine Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Western Electric Co., Chicago, m. Simon & Krivit Co., 16-18 Brooks St., Jersey City, N. J. Basswood cases, type BC 21-A. Brass, drawn and rod, various sizes. Bamboo poles Bakelite, black, sheet 36 x 38", Feeder system Cable, armored, in short length, 1 Eiseman terminal Cable, high-tension, special Carton, pasteboard Pigeons, homing Rubber, sponge, strip IJ x 5". Jacks, telephone Clips, Fahnestock, No. 3 Cords, switchboard Brass rod, .^ x 8 x 10" Screws, filister-head, wood, leaded. Boxes, battery Jars, H. R. battery, and covers. Brass rod, J" round do Separators, wood Miscellaneous lot of storage- battery parts. Miscellaneous lot of partly fin- istied battery parts. Batteries, storage Miscellaneous lot of battery parts. Brass rod, J" Jars, H. R. storage-battery, and parts. Copper scrap Rivets and washers, iron Miscellaneous assortment of partly finished battery parts, Battery boxes do Brass screws, nuts, and studs, special sizes. Brass, yellow, miscellaneous assortment, unfinished parts. Brass rod, f' x 10' do Bolts, stove, Jx J" Lock washers, steel Rivets, tubular, loose Rivets, tubular, original pack- age. Black bakelite, Dilecto, XX, ix 36x36". Reed drOl press. No. 330 Washers, fiber Crank handle, bakelite Steel, cold-rolled, ■ff" diameter. Miscellaneous assortment of partly finished parts radio equipm.ent, various metals. Tubing, steel, short lengths Angle fron, short length Castings, gray iron do Bronze pieces. In castings 740 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 145 Sept. 15, 1919... Sept. 17, 1919.... do do Simon & Krivit Co., 16-18 Brooks St., Jersey aty, N. J. Enterprise Specialty Mfg. Co., Chicago, ni. E. Edelman & Co., Chicago, III. . 11 individuals Steel, sheet, assorted sizes Steel, cold-roUed^ scrap Leather, scrap pieces $63. 92 15.70 91.72 146 147 148 Rivets, round-head, copper Miscellaneous assortment of partly finished metal parts. Brass sheet in rolls, .0319 x m"- Brass sheet, soft, .064 x 3 x 87f " 18.25 5.3.37 4.28 674.08 62 00 149 150 Sept. 25, 1919.... Sept. 23, 1919.... Sept. 24, 1919.... do Reliable Electric Co., Chicago, ni. Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corporation, Chicago, Hi. Alemite Die Casting Mfg. Co., Cliicago, 111. National Stamping^ & Electric Works, Chicago, m. American Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Yaeger Wolf Bennett Co., Chi- cago, ni. Chicago Nut Co., Chicago, III Runzel-Lenz Eleo. Mfg. Co., Chicago, lU. Schillo-Vogt Co., Chicago, 111.... Public Service Co Brass ro'd, J" x 6' |" x 8', and J" X 8'. Brass rod, Jf" X 6' 93.26 472 16 161 162 Round-head brass rod, ^V" x 72'. Hard round brass tubing, A ^ H" X 8', seamless. Brass rod, H" x 8' i" x 6', J" X 8', f" X 72",and f" X 6'. 155.04 98 60 153 do 257.25 66 60 154 Sept. 23, 1919.... Sept. 22, 1919.... Sept. 24, 1919.... Sept. 25, 1919.... Sept. 26, 1919.... Sept. 27, 1919.... Sept. 29, 1919.... do J"-14-20 iron machine screws.. Cap screws: f x IJ". | x 3|", „Axl",Axli",Xxlf". S. F. H. nuts, ^ , t 7.32 23.91 12 80 155 156 157 158 14-20 iron hexagon nuts Cotter puis: J x IJ", -^ x 1". . . H. H. brass sheet, .1285 x 2J X 72." Hard hexagon brass rod, A" ^ 6',f".x8'. Brass wire: .141 x .005", la coils; .141 X .005, in coUs; .139" plus or minus .0005". No. 36 copper tinsel thread Roundhead steel rivets: A ^ J", ixj", andfxl". 16" washers 5.02 8.20 85.75 21.19 288.57 2,129.58 11.88 19.36 156 80 159 Moon Mfg. Co 57 53 160 Gray & Heath, Chicago New black bakeUte sheets, 4- X 38 X 38" Phenol fiber sheet, J x 36 x 36". No. 3 contact metal, .010 x J".. No. 1 contact metal, .0226 Hexagon cap screws, f x f "-16, f X 5"-16. Roundhead steel rivets, -j^ x i",ixf",Axi". Flat-head steel rivets, A x J". . Phenol fiber sheet, J x 36 x 36". Wing nuts, brass, i"-20 Hexagon cap screws, i\ x J"-18 Mercerized cotton thread: Green, 24/3/2-2f ' ' 2,325.75 2,179.80 2 148 67 161 Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111. George Zimmer, Chicago, 111 C. W. Goodenow, Chicago, lU. . . Chicago Nut Co., Chicago, 111.... Variety Mfg. Co., Chicago, lU. . . Runzel Lenz Co., Chicago, 111... Steel Sales Corporation, Chi- cago, 111. Nelson & Lemoon, Chicago, 111.. Atlas Copper & Brass Mfg. Co., Chicago, ni. 162 163 164 do Sept. 30, 1919.... do ' 6l!49 92.10 55.20 3.65 11.78 21 35 165 166 do do 4.87 do Oct. 1,1919 do 37 25 Red, 24/3/2-2i'*. 1.28 Black, 24/3/1 823 14 White, 24/3/2-21" 29.50 Black, 24/3/1-li" 755 48 167 White cotton steins, 40/2 Gray worsted yarn, 28/2... Thread, black Kingston. . . Brass sheet: itxl2x72" 43.28 65.00 9.70 8 80 .0508x12x60" 15.80 .1285x12x72" 58 60 .064 X 12x72" 6 30 .0319x12x72" 3.15 .064 X 4^x72" 93 87 .064 x Six 60" 1 219 05 .0319x12x72" ' 5.67 .0452 X 12 X 72" 44 10 Ax 12x72" 8.80 168 169 Semifinished hexagonal nuts, i"-16. Rope, manlla, f" 85.00 12.25 Roim'd-head co°pper rivets, ^ xi". Round-head steel rivets, J x J". Bound-head steel rivets, } z A"- 1.75 1.95 LOO SAJLE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 741 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 170 Oct. 1, 1919. 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 183 184 185 Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 29, 1919. Sept. 30, 1919. Sept. 27, 1919. Oct. 2, 1919. do Oct. 4, 1919. -...do .....do , Oct. 6, 1919. ...do. ....do Oct. 4, 1919, Oct. 6, 1919, Oct. 7, 1919. ....do ....do , .do American Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Liberty Electric Corporation, Port Chester, N. Y. Hunter Uluminated Car Sign Co., Flushing, N. Y. Paraloid Works (Inc.), New- York, N. Y. American Ever Ready Works of the National Carbon Co., Long Island City, N. Y. McAlear Mfg. Co., Chicago, HI.. , American Saw & Tool Works, Chicago, 111. C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, Chi- cago, 111. Napier Browning, New York City. Photographic Appliances Cor- poration, MinneapoUs, Minn. Empire Lamp & Brass Co., CM- cago, 111. O. R. Marsh, Chicago. American Road Plane Co., Chi- cago, 111. Stewart- Warner, Chicago, HI — Frank: Mossberg, Attleboro, Mass. Sasgen Derrick Co., Chicago, 111 Handycap Mfg. Co., Chicago, BI M. D. Knowlton Co., Chicago, m. Bell & Howell, Chicago ,111. Phenol fiber sheet, No. 1: ^x36x36" ^ x36x36" |x36x36" Beeswax compound Silicon, electrical, Apollo sheet. No. 23 B. & S. double silk mag. wire. No. 27 B. & S. resistance wire. Screw drivers, 1|" blade Contact files Handles, detached. No. LRLD-430. Collars, detached, No. LRLD- 430. Drill press, Taylor & Fenn, style A. Celluloid jars, battery Waxed paper. Copper washers, 4 x -j^s" Iron washers, -ft" Cotter pins, t x 2h" Cotton webbing, 0.0128", oUve- drab, 2" wide, in rolls. White celluloid scrap S. F. hexagonal nuts, g"-16. . . Cold brass wire: 0.085"+or- 0.092"+0.0005" 0.0955"+0.0005" 0.0955"+0.000.5" 0.105"+0.005" Cotton-covered twist, pair, green and yellow lamp cord, No. 14. Bolts, with nuts, J x 1|" Cotter pins, -rj ^ 1" Cast aluminum Steel Unslotted bushings Barrels, blanted Heads, complete, except bush- ings and finish. Barrels, formed Iron washers, A x 1" outside diameter. Flat-head machine screws, 14- 20 xi". Brass rod: |x8" Ax^x72" , ix 6' .".".".".".'.".*!!.".'! !!!!!! Ax72"..... : , No. 20 phosphor-bronze spring wire. Bronze, sheet: 0.020x6x72" , 0.0159x6x72" Brass rod: f"x8' A"x6' A"x6' Ax72" i"x6' 1x72" Hx96" |"x6' «"x8'. ix96" Hx96" Wx6' |x96" Brass drill rod: H"x6' 0.092" x3' 0.157"x3' 0.134"x3' 742 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 7, 1919. Oct. 9, 1919.. Oct. 10, 1919. Oct. 8, 1919. .do. .do. .do., .do.. .do. do.. Oct. 14, 1919 Oct. 15, 1919 Oct. 14, 1919 do.... do.... do do.... do.... do.... do.... Oct. 16, 1919 do.. do.. Oct. 18, 1919 ...do.. Name and address of buyer. Bell & Howell, Chicago, 111. The Kersten Co., Chicago, 111... Metal Products Co., Chicago, 111, Dearborn Truck Co., Chicago, 111. Schillo-Vogt Co., Chicago, 111.... Stafford Smith & Co., Chicago, 111. Diamond T Motor Co., Chicago, 111. McDonald Machine Co., Chicago, 111. Locomotive Crane Co., Chicago, 111. American Electric Co , J. S. Packard, New York, N. Y. Standard Electric Novelty Co., New York, N. Y. Fitzgerald Speer Co., Pen Argyl, Pa. Consolidated Stamp Co., New York, N. Y. . Enterprise Specialty Co., Chi- cago, 111. Photographic Appliance Cor- poration, Minneapolis, Minn. Payson Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111... Oleson Auto Bodv Co., Chicago, 111. Taylor Trunk Co., Chicago, 111.. Chicago Metallic Mfg. Co., Chi- cago, 111. Burke & James (Inc.), Chicago, 111. Dunbar & Co., Chicago, 111 The Barrett Co., Chicago, 111. . . . The Kersten Co., Chicago, 111... Mercury Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111.. Article. Steel rod screw: f"x8' Vx8' ?ff"x8' A"x6' i X 72' , A"x5' 4"x6' |"x8' I"x8' A"x6' Brass sheet, 0.0641 x 12 x 72". . Brass rod, f x 96" Brass sheet, 0.045 xl2 x 72" Round brass rod, 0.064" x 6'. . Spring phosphor-bronze sheet, 0.020 X 6 X 72". Nickel silver, 0.005 x 6" Spring nickel-silver sheet, 0.0159 X 6". Brass rod, J" x 6' Aluminum, 0.020 x 12 x 72". . . Cap screws, i x ^"-20 Hexagon nuts, |"-16 Bolts, f X 2J"-10; square head. Cotter pins: J X li". loose I X l|", loose Ax2" Rivets, assorted sizes Hexagon nuts, ^" x 18 C. P. , Hexagon nuts, |" x 11 S. F..., Hexagon head cap screws: fxi" |x2J" Axr ixU" Hexagon head bolts, f x SJ". Square head bolts, f x 7". .-. . . Hexagon machine bolts, f x 7' Hexagon nuts, J"-10 Iron washers, plain, f " Socket wrenches, f " Iron banding, |" wide Hexagon head machine bolts: f x5i"-10 Ix5^"-10 |x7"-ll Hexagon nuts, lJ"-7 Square nuts, S"-ll Lock washers, heavy, | x 1 x ■j's' Cotter pins, J x If" Ferrotype sheets, 0.008-0.010 x 10 X 14". Sponge rubber cushions, ^ x 6i X 9|". Miscellaneous lot of battery material. Brass box eyes Sponge rubber cushions, J x 4 X 9|". Oak boards Lamp cord, twisted, pair, red and black. No. 18 B. & S. Brass rod, A x 72 Brass rod, |x8 Steel rivets, A x IJ" Steel rivets, A x 2J" Olivc-drab cotton webbing, 1" wide. Miscellaneous lot of cap screws. Nickel-silver rod, hard, ^ x 6 . Hard, hexagon brass rod, A x 6'' Round, hard, brasp rod, A x 72 Soft brass sheet, 0.1018 x 3f X 60". Cold-punched hexagon nuts, i-20. Total sale price. $1.28 1.04 2.75 .42 4.64 .06 .86 1.65 2.57 .99 399! 47 40.94 107.41 47.44 9.02 1.81 86.13 289. 17 4.25 14.25 4.36 2.22 .30 .75 61.37 26.25 182. 60 99.00 22.90 28.35 13.09 18.36 6.53 13.98 93.64 . 4.75 30.00 5.55 11.21 54.00 58.85 33.54 7.88 58.40 3.94 30.00 ,40.00 205.00 .73 297. 30 40.00 81.25 123.76 26.50 6.25 2.55 240. 00 13.31 42.00 22.63 25. 57 54.00 13.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMEl^rT. 743 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 213 214 Oct. 18,1919 .... do Burke & James (Inc.), Chicago, 111. Hawley Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Photographic Appliances Cor- poration, Minneapolis, Minn. Runzel Lenz Co., Chicago, 111 . . . Collins Safety Razor Co., Chica- go, 111. Irvine Sales Co., Minneapolis, Minn. . do Hard, round, brass rod, A x 6". Blue cotton. covered lamp, No. Leather helmet $20.28 44.10 215 do 2.50 216 217 do do Copper tinsel thread, No. 36. . . Hexagon brass rod, A" x 6'.. Brass sheet, .1285 x 12 x 72". . . Brass rod, hard, f " x 8' Brass rod, round, J" x 6' Brass rod, hard, round, IJ x96". 14-20, Y' hexagon brass nuts. . 2,095.92 6.63 218 do 219 do 220 do 368.90 221 ... do do ■ 222 do Northern Fire Apparatus Co., Minneapohs, Minn. 0. J. Amess, Minneapohs, Minn. The Heidbrink Co., Minneapohs, Mirm. Roth Bros. & Co., Chicago, 111... J. Metzler & Sons Co., Chicago, 111. McDonald Machine Co., Chica- go, 111. Finley Electric Co., Minneapo- hs, Minn. M. D. Knowlton Co., Chicago, III. Acme Moving Picture Proj . Co., Cliicago, III. Metal Products Co., Chicago, III. Jewel Elec. Co., Chicago, 111 Benjamin Elec. Co., Chicago, 111. Empire Lamp & Brass Co., Chicago, 111. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chica- go, 111. American Elec. Co., Chicago, 111. Geo. W. Diener Mfg. Co., Chica- go, lU. Interstate Elec. Nov. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Atlas Copper & Brass Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Hatfield Elec. Co., IndianapoUs, Ind. National Stamp. & Elec. Works, Chicago, 111. Presto-0-Light Co., Speedway, Ind. 9.03 do Oct. 21, 1919 do 89.77 223 224 Helmets, medium size and large size. 5.00 57 51 225 Hexagon head cap screws, | x ij-ia. Hexagon head cap screws, A x 1|-18. 0. H. car bolts, i x IJ" Coimtersunk bolts, i x 3" Hexagon head bolts, | x 4J".. Square head bolts, f x 4^" Square head bolts with nuts, f x6". Hexagon cap screws, A x f". BakeUte, black 13.39 226 227 228 Oct. 24, 1919 do do 4.31 6.00 .25 ► 18.00 9.00 6.89 7 50 229 230 do Oct. 23, 1919 do Special phosphor-bronze sheet, 0.0159 X 6"^ X 6'. Special phosphor-bronze sheet, 0.025 X 6" X 6'. Special phosphor-bronze sheet, 0.0179 X 2V' X 6'. Soft drawn brass sheet, 0.0319 X 4H" X 6'. Special phosphor-bronze sheet, 0.0358 X 31" X 6'. Brass sheet, 0.128 x 3|" x 6' . . . Hexagon cap screws, A x f ". . Hexagon cap screws, | x if" . . Screw rod, round, ^ x 72" Round steel rod, J" x 6' 7.00 7.50 5.75 3.60 18. 75 9.99 1.95 4.9 14.22 3.97 .26 231 Brassrod, round, hard, |" x 8' . Brass rod, round, i" x 6' Brass tubing, hard, round, seamless, length 9'. Flexible varnished black tub- ipf- Benjamin auto steering wheel mounting. Brass rod, ^" X 8' 26.50 2.63 15.34 232 233 234 Oct. 25, 1919 do Oct. 29, 1919 do .....do..... Oct. 15, 1919 Oct. 28, 1919 do Oct. 29, 1919 .....do do 11.00 1615.00 16 75 235 236 Phosphor-bronze, sheet Brassrod, various sizes 21.60 268. 75 10.40 237 238 Brass rod, rectangular, hard.. . ■h" green cotton lamp cord, No. 20. do 22.53 467.47 393 30 239 8.00 240 241 242 Flat-head cap rivets and burs , i"-No. 8. Cotton-covered, twisted pair, green and yellow lamp cord. No. 14, A". Brass rod, round, assorted sizes, do 4.40 32.50 187. 67 2 876.96 » Less 2 per cent. " Less 2 per cent cash. 744 SALE OF SXJEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: SIGNAL CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 20,1919.. Oct. 21, 1919. do Oct. 20, 1919. ....do do , Oct. 24, 1919 . Oct. 28, 1919. Oct. 30, 1919. ....do... ....do... Oct. 31, 1919. .....do , Nov. 1, 1919. Nov. 3, 1919. ....do ....do Nov. 5, 1919. do do do do do...*.... Nov. 6, 1919. .do. .do. Nov. 8, 1919. . do do do do do Nov. 6, 1919. . Nov. 10, 1919. do do do Harry Hause, Jamaica, L. I Paul M. Marko & Co., New York City. Alfred H. Grebe, Richmond Hill, N. Y. do. do Fitzgerald Speer Co., Pen Argyl, Pa. Wm. Dubilier, New York, N. Y. Wireless Improvement Co., New York, N. Y. Boston Store, Chicago, HI Empire Lamp & Brass Co., Chi- cago, 111. Collins Safety Razor Co., Chi- cago, 111. Central 8pecialtyCo.,Chicago, 111. American Electric Co., Chicago, 111. S. Freehllng & Son, Chicago, III. Armand Machine Works, Chi- cago, 111. Metal Specialty Co., Chicago, HI. Gustavo Lidseen, Chicago, 111 . . . Proudfoot & Earl, Chicago, 111.. do Vamey Electric Supply Co., Chicago, 111. Electric Storage Battery Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Chas. A. Anderson & Co., New York City. Stromberg-Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Empire Lamp & Brass Co., Chi- caeo, 111. Bodine Electric Co.. Chicago, 111. Minneapolis Civic & Commerce Association, Minneapolis, Minn. Western Electric Co., Haw- thorne, HI. do American Elec. Co., Chicago, 111. do Proudfoot & Earl, Chicago, 111.. do Langstedt & Meyer, Appleton, Wis. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Chi- cago, 111. Collins Safety Razor Co., Chi- cago, 111. Frigid Fluid Co., Chicago, 111. ... Cape Girardeau Portland Ce- ment Co., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Miscellaneous lot of wagon parts. Wood separators Varnished tubing Ammeters, R-S, 3J", radio fre- Black varnished tubing Miscellaneous lot of box corn- ers, clasps, priming paint and canvas. Mica, electrical Brass eastings » Brass collars Screws, wood: I.N Brass, No. 6 F. H. brass. No. 6 Steel,No.6-l Brass, No. 6, J" Phosphor-bronze sheet, 2ix 6" X .0179. Nickel-silver rod, J" x 6' Nickel-silver rod, .252 x 6' Music wire Brass rod, round, J" x 6' Brass rod, hard, hexagon, J" Leather, half-finished sheep- skin. Brass rod, hard, round, as- sorted sizes. Brass rod, hard, round, A" x6'. Brass rod, hard, round, -^" x6'. Soft-drawn brass sheet, .0319 x 3i"x6'. B. E. S. S. C. C. wire. No. 27.. Phenol fiber sheet, i x 36" x 3' . Green and yellow, twisted pair, lamp cord, No. 1^. Miscellaneous assortment of storage battery parts in an incompleted condition. Drill, electric Tinfoil, 3A" X .0005 Hard round brass rod, J" x 6' . Double-strand copper wire Aviators' leather helmets Tungsten magnet steel, } x A"x88'. Annealed tungsten magnet steel, Jx2|"x8'. Annealed tungsten magnet steel Jx 2i"x8'. Tungsten magnet steel, J x A" X 8'. Orange-white nonslip silk lamp cord. No. 22. 6i" D. C. 5" tubing, D D ph. fib. Yellow cotton lamp cord, No. 20, A". Soft nickel sheet, .0359 x l-H" x72". Nickel silver rod, hard, roimd, l"x6'. Soft red rubber tubing, J x 3/8". Cotton-covered twisted pair, green and yellow lamp cord. No. 14. I Less 2 per cent. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMElsTT. 745 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: DIRECTOR GENERA^L^ OF MttlTARY RAILWAYS, CORPS OP Sale No. Date of sale. Mar. 1, 1919. Name and address of buyer. Republic of France... Article. Gantry crane substructures, type II. Gantry crane superstructures, type II. Gantry crane substructures, type I. ....do ....do .-..do ...do [[[\[.\\[[[ Gantry crane spare parts for 5 type II. Gantry crane spare parts for 11 type I. do 54-cu. ft. grab buckets. .'.'.'." Three- wheel tubs 16' slings 12' slings .'..!.'!!!!.'!' 10' slings '.. .. . Pipe-handling slings'.".'. '.'. Hook slings '_' Beam and rail tongs .... . Motor covers for type I Rope sockets Pipe-handling slings...:!.' Equalizer slings ...[ i" wire rope !!!!]!!." '' wire rope !!!"!.'!."! '' wire rope " " able dope '....'. 12 X 12' rope net sling's. . .' ' .' 16 X 16' rope net slings Spares for grab buckets Downhall balls Pinch bars '....'.'.' Erection rivets... do do :.;:::; Insulators, catalogue I'oso Soldering salts... Solder Gray paint Red lead paste Japan drier Raw linseed oil.. Reflectors \ Holders \ Reflectors .'..', Holders '.'..'.'.'.'... 600-watt Mazda ianips ipo-watt Mazda lamps Boxes, export packing Wu-ine material for lights 2007-F^motor ' ' B-112-E controller CR-9510-n4 brakes. .".' ."" Armature for motor . Oil wicks Grids, No. 206283. .'.'.' i Blow-out coils . . No. 14D. B. B. c.wfre'.'"!' CO-2007-F motors B-112-E controller . ' Resisters, No. 205283 CO-2002-I factors CR-9510-112 brakes CR-9510-114 brakes R-28-V controllers . . Rheostatj No. 195705.! Crane switchboards . ! ! Switches in cabinets Armature coils Field coils !! Brush holders Brush-holder yo'k'es'." ' ' Cables _ Armature bearings ! ! Bearing linings... Commutator Total sale price. $180,659.85 128,459.70 28, 546. 60 77,098.45 46, 259. 07 46,259.07 5, 762. 15 4,941.70 2,892.00 11, 795. 00 7, 200. 00 870.00 510.00 487. 50 237. 00 1.080.00 420.00 601.04 231. 00 158.00 1,070.00 909. 70 915. 70 544.60 94.50 5,735.68 10, 878. 08 676.00 251.25 45.00 348. 39 1, 122. 90 577. 87 80.10 51.00 80.40 ], 149. 00 48.00 2.50 213.'84 176.00 114.40 29.96 23.97 344.04 33.00 6.50 482. 40 1, 134. 00 267. 75 496.40 405.00 3.45 100.42 22. 50 71.00 5,026.75 1,441.85 685.35 6, 198. 80 1,042.85 1, 656. 25 750.90 258.70 949.60 123. 05 11.5. 00 252. 30 9.72 3.75 5.40 34.60 28.60 86.40 746 SALE OP SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: DIRECTOR GENERAL OF MILITARY RAILWAYS, CORPS OF ENGINEERS— Continued Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 1 Mar. 1, 1919 Commutator micas $9.70 44 80 50.40 Brake coils 40.00 56.00 Brake shoes Coils for panels 77.20 35.70 .45 Tips for panels 4.50 4.05 3-ampere fuses for panels 30-ampcre fuses for panels 60-ampers fuses for panels 300-ampere rests for panels .... Resistance-tube supports Disks for panels .87 1.74 2.58 2.10 .20 2.70 .30 Contact tips for panels Contact arms for panels Segments for controller .90 .50 48.32 19. 20 do 2.56 Resistors, No. 2052S3 272.00 Reflectors 374. 00 Holders 243. 10 Reflectors 66.34 Holders 53.07 772. 68 100-watt Mazda lamps 72.60 Boxes, export packiiv,' Wiring material for lights Stage cable 14.00 983.63 400. 00 CO-2007-G motor 972. 00 R-156-A contrnller 127. 50 CO-2002-I motor 801. 90 CR-9510-112 brake 224. 40 R-2S-V controller 79.90 Armature for motor 405. 00 do 292. 00 Oil wicks 3.45 do 6.75 Grids, No. 19572-5 32.24 Grids, No. 195705 16.36 Blow-out coils 20.00 do 15.00 No. 14 D. B. R. C. wire CO-2007-G motors 156. 20 9, 739. 51 R-156-A controllers 1,321.54 Resistors, No. 195725 578. 05 CO-2002-I motors 6, 818. 68 825. 99 R-2S-V controllers Rheostat, No. 195705 284. 57 Switches in cabinc'.s 270. 71 CR-951(>-112 brake- 2,294.27 Armature coils . 69.50 Field coils 125. 10 Brush holders 7.40 Brush yokes 4.30 2.70 22. 50 21. 60 59.40 Commutator mica's 6.00 Gears . . 105. 00 Pinions 44. SO Coil for brakes 108. 00 144.00 Shoes for brakes 96. 00 Segments for R-2S-V 56. 03 Fingers for R-2S-\' 26. 60 Rheostats, No. 105705 54. 00 Segments for R-15G-A 66. 00 Fin';prs for R-156-A 29.04 Resistors, No. 195725 112.00 Li ft iiig magnets 4, 068. on 1, 435. 5(1 1,356 00 Controllers and switches Spare parts for above 160. 35 Crane switchboards . . 1,920.00 1 i Equipment for substation Caoleand juuction boxes ■. . 22,171.27 12,144.60 SALE or SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 747 SERIA. USI OP .ALBS: ^'^^-iOn^SiSi^n..O,„,,,,,y BA.LWAYS, CORPS OP Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 1, 1919 Republic of France. Receptacles Plug.s ■■■_■ Rotary converters 110 k. V. a. transformers Gantry crane superstructures do Gantry crane substructure .' " " Gantry crane substructures Gantry crane substructure. Gantry crane substructures topare parts for 5 Gantry crane substructures. Spare parts for 3 Gantry crane substructures. Spare parts for 8 Gantry crane superstructures. Motor covers for type I Hook and link slings do do ...-do '.'.'.'....'. Sister hook slings Beam and rail tongs KquaUzer slings I" wire rope I" wire rope '.'.'.'.'.'. Cable dope ..'. Wire-rope sockets .' 12x12' rope net slings.... 16 X IG' rope net slings.. 54 cubic feet grab buckets... spares for grab buckets.. Downhaul balls Pinch bars ....' Erection rivets '. Raw linseed oil Japan drier Red-lead paste ....[ Gray paint Motors and accessories for's Gantry cranes. Lifting magnets Controllers with switches Spare parts for above Crane switchboards Spare parts for above Reflectors Holders "[[ Reflectors '.'. Holders 500- watt Mazda lamps 100-watt Mazda lamps Boxes, export packing. Wiring for lights Stage cable... CO-2007-G motor CO-2002-I motor.. "" Oil wicks . . . — do ;;;■■■ Grids, No. 195725.. Grids, No. 195705 R-I5tj-A controller CR-9510-112 brake R-28-V controller.... Blow-out coils... do "■■ R. I. D. B.C. wire!!. Crane switchboards . Substation electrical ment. Receptacles Plugs !!;■; Junction boxes Joining material... 250,000 C. M. cable No. 2/0 Duplex cable 300,000 C. M. cable No. 2/0 cable !!!! Gantry crane superstractures Gantry crane substructures ....do equip- Total sale price. $1, OPK 75 455. 70 9,911.00 4, 9S7. 15 62,263.64 76, 000. 00 14, 273. 30 28, 398. 42 13, 949. 21 56, 000. 00 1, 993. 00 1, 722. 50 5, 000. 00 218.56 435. 00 272. 00 260. 00 316. 00 540. 00 224. 00 1,070.00 682. 29 712. 21 94.50 168. 00 2,867.84 5, 439. 04 11,795.00 676.00 167.50 22.50 679. 78 213. 40 2.50 24.50 677. 16 20, 539. 00 5, 436. 00 1,044.00 160. 35 688. 00 120. 00 330. 00 214.50 42.80 34.24 564. 00 52.80 10.50 753. 99 200.00 972.00 801. 90 3.45 6.75 32.24 16.36 127.50 224. 40 79.90 20.00 15.00 113. 60 640.00 26, 194. 18 552.50 238. 70 1,445.00 112. 20 1,904.00 1, 099. 20 251.00 94.80 181, 200. 00 54, 800. 00 112,000.00 748 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: DIRECTOR GENERAL OF MILITARY RAILWAYS, CORPS OF ENGINEERS— Conlinucd. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Mar. 1, 1919. Republic of France . Spare parts for 4 substructures. Spare parts for7 substructures . Spare parts for 12 superstruc- tures. Hook and link slings do do Pipe-handling slings Sister hooks Beam and rail tongs EquaUzer slings I" wire rope I" wire rope Cable dope Wire rope sockets 12 X 12' rope net slings 16x16' rope net slings 54 cubic feet grab buckets Set spares for grab buckets . . . Downhaul balls Pinch bars Insulators, No. 1080 Motors and accessories for 12 Gantry cranes. Lifting magnets Controllers with switches Spare parts Crane switchboards Sets spare parts 500- watt Mazda lamps 100- watt Mazda lamps Boxes, export packing Reflectors Holders Reflectors Holders Wiring for lights Stage cable CO-2007-G motor CO-2002-I motor Oil wicks do Grids, No. 195725 Grids, No. 195705 R-156-A controller R-28-V controller Blow-out coils do CR-9510-112 brake No. 14 R. I. D. B. C. wire Controllers and switches do Electrical equipment for sub- station. Junction boxes Jointing material 250,000 C. M. cable No. 2/0 Duplex cable 300,000C. M. cable No. 2A) cable , Receptacles Plugs 15-ton raised pier cranes, gauge 2.40 meters. Spare parts for above 35-ton locomotive crane, gauge 1.45 meters. Spare parts for above 50-ton wrecking cranes, gauge 1.45 meters. Spare parts for above , do Wrecking tools for above , Steam pumps for above Lighting sets SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 749 SERIAL LIST OF BALES: OFFICE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Mar. 6, 1919. French High Commission . Mar. 17, 1919. Mar. 21, 1919. Apr. 11, 1919. May 3, 1919.. May 13, 1919. May 17, 1919. Jtme 14, 1919. June 28, 1919... French High Commission French High Commission, 15th and M Sts. N W., Washington, D. C. Navy Department, Bureau of Construction and Repair, Washington, D. C- Joseph T. Roche, 407 Yale Ave., Baltimore, Md. Belgian Purchasing Committee, 25 Madison Ave., New York aty. Navy Department, Bureau of Construction and Repair, Washington, D. C. Thomas F. Carey Co., 120 Lib- erty St., New York City. Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City. Consolidation locomotives, set up. Consolidation locom o tl v e s, knocked down. Consolidation locomotives, set up. ConsoUdation locom o t i v e s, knocked down. Box cars, composite, plain do do do Box ears, composite, Guerite., do High-side gondolas with tar- paulin support. do High-side gondolas, plain do Low-side gondolas do do Tank cars do do Flat cars do Refrigerator cars , Ballast cars, Rodgerstype Cost of inspecting above loco- motives. Cost of inspecting above cars. . Metal car^arts for box cars No. 6 Buda push cars 40 cm. fabricated track, 12-lb. rail, steel ties; each section complete with splice bars and bolts each 17' IJ" long. 20-ton industrial locomotive crane, built to i^rench stand- ards (order 26401). Switch stands Switch lamps No. 8 turn-outs Angle bars 5* X A" spikes 4 J X I" bolts 40 cm. fabricated track, 12-lb. rail, steel ties, each section complete with splice bars and bolts; each section is 17' li" long. Second-hand saddle tank, 36" gauge, 10 X 16" cylinder steam locomotives, built by H. K. Porter Co., builders' Nos. 3740 and 3757. The following material to be used for the two 75-ton ma- rine derricks Wilgus and Belgium: Hoisting engines complete with 2 auxiUary swinging engines. Boilers and tubes Hull truss and 2 stiff leg der- ricks. Cleats, chocks, and bits Wire rope Penants Fresh- water tanks Electrical equipment Wire-rope slings Steel rods Hardware The following material to be used for the 75-ton marine derrick England: Castmgs, cleats,chocks,etc. P enants Wire rope $2,014,000.00 4, 459, 125. 00 4,3.50,000.00 7, 693, 275. 00 1, 476, 750. 00 990, 000. 00 7, 187, 600. 00 1,026,502.00 277,200.00 4,571,250.00 176; 625. 00 8,272,425.00 291,250.00 5,398,050.00 1, 129, 000. 00 648,300.00 6, 153, 150. 00 79,750.00 1,098,000.00 1,095,200.00 1,961,000.00 2,979,639.00 1, 599, 000. 00 454,024.00 10, 403. 25 133, 657. 80 3,463,300.00 5,361.44 500.75 12,327.30 8, 281. 00 9, 475. 00 34,219.00 13,593.45 2, 550. 60 2,058.00 137.00 3,600.00 15,450.00 6, 693. 86 15,651.96 1,622.35 2, 175. 50 392.00 2, 520. 00 1, 277. 10 1, 131, 18 130. 00 2,768.00 810.90 196.00 1,087.75 750 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: OFFICE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. June 28, 1919. Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co., 17 Battery Place, New York City. July 15, 1919. . Aug. 5, 1919. Sept. 10, 1919. do do ....do Sept. 23, 1919. Sept. 24, 1919. do Sept. 30, 1919. ....do ....do Oct. 9, 1919... Oct. 10, 1919.., Sept. 30, 1919. Oct. 16, 1919.. Mar. 27, 1919. Junes, 1919.. June 10, 1919. .do. .do. 32 Nov. 3. 1919. Navy Department, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Waeli- ington, D. C. General Electric Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Donner Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. McAllister Lighting Co., New York, N. Y. do Virginia Iron & Metals Co., Rich- mond, Va. do H. L. Cox Standard Supply & Equipment Co., PUladelpida, Pa. Detroit Seamless Steel Tube Co., Detroit, Mich. American Plate Glass Co., Kane, Pa. Weir Frog COy Cincinnati, Ohio. J. K. Joice, New York City . . Arundel Corporation, Patapsco, Md. Pittsburgh Machinery Co., 301 B. F. Jones Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. M. K. Frank, Pittsburgh, Pa... Lord Electric Co., New York (My General Fire Extinguisher Co., Providence, R.-I. Lakewood Engineering Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Baldwin Locomotive Works, PhiladelpMa, Pa. ....do ....do aty of Norfolk, Va The following material to be used for the 75-ton marine derrick England: Shngs Elecxrical material Boiler and tubes Hoisting engine complete and auxiliary swinging engine. Fresh- water tanks Hardware for hull Hackmatack knees Steel derrick frame and hull truss. Low Century switchstands 26-k. w. engine-driven gener- ating set. 15-ton type E industrial crane. Blocks for 76-ton marine der- rick "England." Derrick blocks for 75-ton ma- rine derrick. 35-Ib. A. S. C. E. rail, 15' lengths. 35-lb. A. S. C. E. rail in 15' lengths, undrilled. Marion steam shovel mounted on crawling traction trucks. 15-ton Brown Hoisting Ma- chinery Co. type B crane, with 7J k. w. turbo generat- ing set. 15-ton Brown hoist crane, U. S. A. No. 15159. 80-Ib. A. R. A. type B rail 80-lb. A. R. A. type B rail and accessories. 1 20-ton industrial work crane . . Standard gauge and build acid and tank cars. 25-lb. A. S. C. E. rail in 8', 10', and 12' lengths. 25-k. w. gas electric generating set. 5,100 automatic sprinklers, 24 alarm valves, 12 water me- ters, 144 miscellaneous valves. 1 locomotive crane Bolts, miscellaneous sizes Miscellaneous pipe fittings Miscellaneous rivets 10-ton Osgood locomotive crane S565. 59 638. 55 3,346.93 7,725.00 1, 260. 00 1,500.00 224.00 10, 000. 00 169.00 4,322.50 11,500.00 875. 00 1,850.00 1,800.00 3,750.00 9,500.00 14,000.00 12,500.00 900.00 1,247,271.00 12,000.00 1,133,390.34 22,000.00 4,700.00 18,767.57 6,000.00 997.00 1,083.00 315.84 8,000.00 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS. [Unserviceable — Auctioneer fees not deducted from totals.] Sept. 24, 1919... Pacific Motors Co., 221 W. 53d St., New York. Denby truck . . . Garford truck... do do Hurlburt truck. do do Mack truck Packard truck. . 4o do do do do do , ....do $1, 100. 00 600. 00 850. 00 800. 00 375. 00 650.00 575. 00 1,850.00 1,425.00 800.00 500.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 2,200.00 650.00 1,760.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 751 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 24, 1919. -do. .do. -do. .do. .dn. .do. ..do. ..do. ..do. -.do. ..do. ..do. -.do. .do. .do- .do- .do- .do. ..do ..do ..do .do., .do-, .do., -do.. -do. Sept. 23, 1919. do Sept. 19, 1919- Sept. 23, 1919- Sept.24,1919. do .ao. .do. ...do... ...do--. ...do-.. ...do... Pacific Motors Co., 221 W. 53d St., New York. Hyman Motor Co., Washington, D.C. Rotenberg Peerless truck Pierce-Arrow truck. .-..do ..-.do Velie truck ..-.do .--.do* Selden truck Penn Black, 5026 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia. Arms, Philadelphia J. E. Fitzgerald, 817 8th Ave., New York City. Bachus Motor Co., East Ruther- ford, N. J. Wm. Reed. 1120 Cherry St., Philadelphia. T. L. Flanigan, 1204 E. Mont- gomery Ave. , Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Parker, Audubon, N. J . . John Goll Co., 1539 Filbert St., Philadelphia. J. J. McGrath, 1340 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. J. Eisenberg, 1312 S. Reese St., Philadelphia. R. Lawrence, 2308 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. E. Dickenson, Camden, N. J... O'Mara Bros., 86 Laurel St., Philadelphia. J. Freedman, Philadelphia J. J. Fitzgerald, 2d and Butler Sts., Philadelphia. Cuisting, 3d and Berks Sts., Philadelphia. L. Meyers, 4411 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia. Roseman, 2631 N. 34th St., Phila- delphia. W. Chapman^ Philadelphia Rudolph, Philadelphia L D. Musser, Terre Hill, Pa... American Metal Co., 11th and Catherine Sts., Pluladelphia, Pa. McAianey, 1230 S. 28th St., Philadelphia. Edward Caplan James H. Mathes Bert Muth, Omaha, Nebr Edward N. Miller, Cape May, N.J. Farrar Lbr. Co., 201 W. R. R. Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. R. C. Bowen, Mineral Wells, Tex .do- Sam Kipper, 1106 Houston St., Fort Worth, Tex. Irvin C. West, 1117 Edward St., Fort Worth. Tex. J. J. Wright, 1117 Washington Ave.. Fort Worth. Tex. J. W. Burkett, 3015 N. Main St., Fort Worth, Tex. Clifford E. Craniord, 1959 Lips- comb St., Fort Worth, Tex. Garfordt ruck do Hurlburt truck Velie truck Selden truck Federal truck Velie truck Kelly-Springfleld truck. Velie truck do do Packard truck Pierce-Arrow truck do do Peerless truck. . Federal truck . . Hurlburt truck. do Federal truck . . Hurlburt truck. do Ford truck do Hurlburt truck. Garford truck... .do. .do- .do. .do. .do- .do- . do- Ford truck. do -do. Ford touring car . do Federal truck do .do. Ford touring Moreland truck.-. Ford touring car- Selden truck Reo truck. .ao- .do. do do do Peerless truck. do .do. .do. $150. 00 1,450.00 1, 700. 00 1, 500. es 500. 00 525. 00 750.00 875. 00 900.00 775. 00 625. 00 700.00 900.00 1,300.00 875. 00 650. 00 775. 00 700.00 625. 00 1,800.00 1,350.00 1,900.00 1, 850. 00 l,050.flO 1,400.00 650. 00 750. 00 1,250.00 850. 00 700. 00 135.00 145. 00 775. 00 675.00 850. 00 900. 00 900. 00 875. 00 1, 000. 00 1,175.00 1, 150. 00 315.00 180.00 145.00 130.00 130.00 1,075.60 1,100.00 750.00 220. 00 475. 00 220. 00 125. 00 180.00 90.00 90.00 160.00 220. 00 255. 00 100. 00 325.00 336.00 250.00 326. 00 515.00 752 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Sept. 24, 1919 ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do., .-do.. ..do.. do., do., do., do.. do.. do . . lio . . do . . do.. do.. J. W. Burlcett, 3015 N. Main St., Fort Worth. M. C. Kellev, 1209 N. Commerce, Fort Worth. Oil Mill Mach. & Mfg. Co., Fort Worth, Tex. M. F. Cregan, 479 Cleveland, Fort Worth. Frank P. Hall, Arlington, Tex. C. McKallip, Rising Star, Tex.. Oil Mill Mach. & Mfg. Co., Fort Worth, Tex , Grubbs Vocational College, Ar- lington, Tex. J. S. Hollev, 305 Commerce St., Fort Worth, Tex. H. T. Wyngate, 605 Commerce St., Fort Worth. F. M. McFalls, 811 Bryan Ave., Fort Worth. Stanley A. Shaw, Fort Worth, Tex. P. M. Fitzgerald, 915 W. 7th St., Fort Worth. W. C. Baker, 1614 E. Bluff St., Fort Worth. Scott H. Shipe, 3909 Ross Ave., Fort Worth. W. D. Burger, 3105 Travis St., Fort Worth. R. W. Higginbotham, Jackson- Lamar, Fort Worth. A. H. Farrer, Arlington, Tex..., J. J. Jay, Fort Worth, Tex , Arms, Philadelphia , T. L. Flanigan, 1204 E. Mont- gomery Ave. W. H. CoiUngsworth, 80 Dicks Ave., Philadelphia. Gallon Bure A. McCue, Philadelphia Heller, Philadelphia .do .do .do .do ....do ....do Dresner, 020 Broad N. St., Phila- delphia. Kahn Bros., 369 S, Broadwav, Yonkers, N. Y. Trulick McDevitt Hvman Motor Co. , Washington, b. C. Black, 5026 Chestnut St., Phila- delphia. Backis Motor Co., East Ruther- ford, N. J. Peeress truck. ....do.... Reo truck. Peerless truck. ....do ....do ....do ....do Reo truck ....do Peerless truck , Reo truck , Tecrless truck. , ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. Ford ambulance . Ford truck Ford roadster , Pierce-Arrow truck. do Peerless truck. do Reo truck Peerless truck. do.. Ford truck do Autocar truck . do .do. Ford touring Ford truck Garford truck Ford touring car Paige touring car do Buick touring car Ford touring car do do do Ford truck Overland touring car. Paige touring car do do Republic truck do Studebaker truck do Packard truck .do. do do do Pierce-Arrow track $260.00 125.00 110.00 310.00 140.00 200.00 136.00 470. 00 266.00 200.00 300.00 136.00 80.00 152.50 200.00 300.00 300.00 405.00 300.00 690.00 310.00 416.00 300.00 460.00 200.00 200.00 360.00 410.00 300.00 920.00 1, 435. 00 425. 00 331.00 312.50 425.00 415.00 380.00 325.00 300.00 380.00 46.00 65.00 125.00 325.00 140.00 250.00 105.00 310.00 145.00 115.00 105.00 75.00 95.00 95.00 290.00 210.00 115.00 460.00 600.00 26.00 50.00 1.450.00 750.00 750.00 425.00 875.00 75a 00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 753 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 73 Sept. 24, 1919.... .do Pacific Motors Co., 221 W. 63d St., N. Y. Autocar truck $.50. 00 Peerless truck 225 00 do 475. 00 do 300 00 Packard truck 1 050.00 do 1 525 00 do 250. 00 do 750 00 do 700. 00 do 375.00 do 850.00 do 750 00 Plerce-Arrow truck 750. 00 Whitetruck 880 00 74 Ford touring 85.00 do Eagle Ford truck 85 00 do 165 00 Studebaker truck bus 30 00 525.00 Vim truck 90.00 Packard truck 60 00 76 Indian motor cycle and side car. Studebaker sedan 15.00 105.00 76 do W. Fress Motor cycle and side car, In- dian. 13.00 12 00 77 Sept. 23, 1919.... do H. A. Woodcock Kelly-Springfield truck Indian motorcycle .... 620 00 R L. Warren 6 00 do 29 00 78 Moreland truck 460 00 79 .do .. ..do 990 00 80 do Triangle Transfer & Storage Co. . C. H. Muloch do 750.00 81 .do 210 00 82 Sept 25, 1919 Oct. 3, 1919 do Frank Riesinger, Dayton, Ohio. . A. L. Stewart, 301 Olive St., San Antonio, Tex. A. J. Roemer, 505 W. Commerce St., San Antonio, Tex. R. J. Bronson, Ave. D and 8th St., San Antonio, Tex. W. R. McAdoo, 219 E. Myrtle, San Antonio, Tex. 0. J. Bolcher, 1553 E. Houston St., San Antonio, Tex. Ernest Bidders, 2001 W. Hous- ton St., San Antonio, Tex. John M. Powell Ford roadster 175. 00 83 Ford truck 210 00 84 217 50 85 . ...do 215 00 86 do do Ford touring car 240 00 87 do 150 00 88 do 140 00 '89 Oct. 8, 1919 do Ford touring . 210.00 Carl E. Johnson .. ..do 216.00 do 215. 00 do 285 00 do 295. 00 do 305 00 .do 295 00 do 220 00 90 do 290 00 91 do Chicago Used Ford Exchange. . . .do 285 00 do Frank Stoltz 150. 00 .do 215 00 92 145 00 93 do M. Fritcshe .do 270 00 94 do Geo. Bohnenherger 145 00 do C. Young .. .do 135 00 do 185.00 95 .do 195 00 do E. L. Denison do 150. 00 96 .do 160. 00 97 do H.W.Nahend do 150 00 98 do V. Brusbcrg do 175 00 99 do John Walsh & Co do 145 00 100 do C.W.Lucas do 145 00 101 do A. Daigle . .do 200 00 102 do H. VanWyck .do 160 00 103 do R. MacDonald 595 00 104 do National Milk Co 325 00 105 do Jos. Mandelbaum .do 195 00 106 Sept. 22, 1919.... Liberty Auto Co Overland touring 37 60 do 65.00 do 35.00 Overland roadster 38.00 Overland truck 38.00 do 45.00 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2— — 48 754 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES; MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 22, 1919..-. ..do.. . -do. . ..do.. ..do.. do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. .do -do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do -do .do .do .do .do .do ..do.. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Liberty Auto Co. Mr. Buckley. Mr. Trott.. R. G. Arey. Mr. Chaide. Roxbury Used Auto Parts Co. Nathan Goldsmith S. Glossman. Mr. Sansone. Mr. Lubien.. Mr. Sheereln. Mr. Wells.... Mr. Casavan. Mr. Quinn Austin & Conant . Mr. Braden ., Mr. Carfarelli New England Auto Exchange. Ernest Howard Crory Leominster Garage & Auto Co. . E. Howe , S. Goldman Coleman Bros , S. J. McNeely. Mr. Stafinew. . Mr. Cimiming. do SepJ. 18,1919.... do E.S. Lunnan Frank Altz, Curtis Bay, Md J. H. Bauer, 1805 W. Lafayette Ave., Baltimore, Md. W. B. Boaton, 2767 Pratt St., Bal- timore, Md. S. W. BUzzard, 104 E. Eden St., Baltimore, Md. Henry L. Blum, Pickney Rd. and Wallace Ave., Baltimore, Md. C. W. Boone, Round Bay, Md . . . Frank Collins, 739 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md. Columbia Auto Parts Co., 314 W. Biddle St., Baltimore. John Fairley, 613 N. Lakewood Ave., Baltimore, Md. Robert B. Fisher, 5th and 35th Sts., Baltimore, Md. J. H. Forney, 201 E. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. R. M. Hallo well. Ambler, Pa W. P. Hammond, Reisterstown, Md. Ford touring car , do do Ford roadster Ford truck Overland touring do Overland truck Overland touring do do ., Overland roadster Overland truck do , do , .....do do do do Buick touring car do Ford touring do do do do. do do ■.. do , do , do , do do do do do , Sauer truck Ford touring do Ford truck Ford touring do , Ford roadster Ford truck do do do Maxwell .toiulng car Autocar truck , Kelly-Springfield truck. Autocar truck , Kelly-Springfleld truck . do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Mitchell touring car. . Overland touring car. Thor motorcycle Excelsior motorcycle . Studebaker roadster — Overland touring car. . . do Chevrolet roadster Studebaker touring car- Locomobile touring car. Ford touring car Ford truck. Excelsior motorcycle. . . Studebaker touring car. Chevrolet touring Buick touring car. Ford truck SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 755 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 168 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Sept. 18, 1919. ....do ....do do do do do ..do ..do ..do .do .do. .do. .do .do .do. .do. .do., .do.. .do. .do. Sept. 25, 1919. G. E. Harris, 2408 Frederick Ave^ Baltimore, Md. J. S. Hart, Radicke Ave., near Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. B. Leonobzut, 112 Cypress St., Curtis Bay, Md. L. Lortz, 238 N. Patterson Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. J. H. Miller, 2665 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. Frank Miller, 3406 Dillon St., Baltimore, Md. W. C. Moore Colgate P. O., Tur- ners St., Md. Natz Motor & Bicycle Co., 1045 S. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. J. H. Neeringer, 1407 N. Luzerne St., Baltimore, Md. Pollocks Auto Exchange, 811-813 McKim St., Baltimore. J. H. Neeringer, 1407 N. Luzerne St., Baltimore, Md. H. L. Sprague, 2309 W. Lenvale St., Baltimore, Md. Star Motor Co., 13-15 N. High St. Baltimore. H. H. SirMs, 437 Corbin St., Baltimore, Md. Robt. M. Stein, 117 N. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. John Vanik-Fullerton, Belair Rd., Md. M. F. Wallant, 1675 Broadway, New York City. Jos. Wyniger, 301 Old York Rd., Baltimore, Md. A. M. Zimmers, 1808 Frederick Ave., Baltimore. do Star Motor Co., 13-15 N. High St., Baltimore, Md. H. L. Blum, Piokney Rd. and Wallis Ave., Baltimore. Ford touring. do Ford truck. . . Republic truck Cleveland motorcycle . . Studebaker touring car. Ford truck Ford touring car do Excelsior motorcycle. Studebaker touring car. Grant-Six touring car.. . Ford touring do Ford truck Studebaker touring do Buick touring car Maxwell touring car Overland touring car. . . Hupmobile touring car. ....do ....do ....do Reo touring car Paige touring car Vehe touring car Oakland roadster Lozier touring car Hudson touring car . . . Cleveland motorcycle . Excelsior motorcycle. . ....do Overland touring car. . Packard touring car. . . Paige touring car Vehe touring car Saxon touring car JefEery roadster Jeffery touring car Franklin tounng car . . Maxwell touring car. . Chevrolet tourtag car . Maxwell touring car. . Ford truck Liberty touring car. . . ....do do Hudson touring car . . . do Grant Six touriag car . Motorcycle side cars. . . Maxwell touring car. . . Overland roadster Paige touring car Reo truck do do do do do do do International truck . Dart truck do Kissel truck Dart truck > Amount forfeited sale not completed. 756 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 168 Sept, 25, 1919.... do ... ... H. L. Blum, Pinkney Rd. and Wallis Ave., Baltimore. 0. G. Stelnmetz, 35th St., near 5th Ave. C. S. Schmltzleln, 1647 N. Pat- terson. B. E. Butler, Choptank, Md Standard "8" Co., McMechen St., Baltimore. H. H. Zlrkis, 437 Colvin St J. A. Makouski, 632 S. Potomac St. Star Motor Co., 15 N. High St. . . W. H. Vallint, Bellevue, Md H. M. Boston, 2558 W. Pratt St . . Perm Construction Co., Govans, Md. W. C. Dean, Mask Market Space. R. G. Hopkins, 904 E. 41st St., City. Ernest Kinder, Millers ville, Md. R.F.D.No. 1. E. C. Valentine, Rocky Ridge, Md. F. W. Schroeder, Colgate, Bal- timore, Md. Philip Diegert, Fulton, Md., care of G. Kline. L. Strasberger, 2408 Pennsyl- vania Ave. A. J. King & Sons, 1617 Union Ave. Fred Conrad, 1204 N. Dalles St. . A. M. Boxman, 1711 Barclay St. J. E. Baker, Mount Airy, Md . . . J. H. Bream, Gettysbmg, Md. . . A. G. Gelletly. Denton, Md., No. 2. Edw. P. Jester, 1301 N. Spring St. J. P. AUender, 2810 Parkwood, Baltimore. John Bannan, 228 W. Pratt St., Baltimore. Velie truck $145. 00 do 185.00 do 145. 00 .do 155. 00 do 182. 50 Standard truck 130. 00 Reo truck 100.00 Buick truck 205.00 White ambulance 395.00 Reo truck. 90.00 Kissel truck 100.00 Repubhc truck 147. 50 .do.... 22.50 do 120. 00 Ranier truck 167. 50 Republic truck 75.00 90.00 do 47.50 .do 55.00 do 130.00 .do 130.00 Standard truck 415.00 169 Velie truck 112. 50 do Vim truck 65.00 .do 55.00 Overland roadster 115.00 Studebaker ambulance Ranier truck 102.50 52.50 Studebaker truck 50.00 170 do 62.50 do ...do 60.00 .do 77.50 27.50 Studebaker ambulance Studebaker truck 57.50 80.00 171 Reo truck 100.00 do Republic truck 220.00 .do 250. 00 Velie truck. . 220. 00 Reo truck 132. 50 172 Standard truck 2,200.00 173 do Kissel Kar truck 242.50 174 do Wliite ambulance 685. 00 175 do Hudson ambulance 42.50 176 Standard truck 405. 00 do .do 425. 00 177 Reo truck 105. 00 178 do White ambulance 300.00 179 180 do do International truck 510.00 Buick truck 90.00 181 do Republic truck 280.00 182 183 184 do do do Studebaker ambulance Studebaker truck 220.00 61.00 International truck 935. 00 185 186 187 do do do 325. 00 2, 275. 00 Reo truck 430.00 188 do do do do . do 132. 50 185. 00 189 190 Studebaker ambulance Standard truck 112.50 230.00 do do do do 500. 00 191 192 193 97.50 115.00 Selden truck 140.00 Oct. 2, 1919 do 210.00 . do 155.00 do 180. 00 do 175.00 194 65.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 757 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 195 Oct. 2, 1919 do do ....do do Mr. Beggan, 1127 McEkdery St., Baltimore, Md. H. L. Blum. Lexington and Gay Sts., Baltimore, Md. A. Brosense, Elkrldge, Md., R. F. D. L. R. Colbert, Fredericksburg, Va. F. F. Dudley, McMain, Va C. H. Hampson, 10 E. Fayette St., Baltimore. H. Reese, 235 Bolton St., Balti- more, Md. Mr. Keating, Builders Ex- change, Baltimore, Md. Klee & Neff, Westminister, Md $240. 00 196 80.00 do 205. 00 do 265. 00 do 210. GO .. . do ISo. 00 do 105. 00 520.00 475. 00 Nash Quad truck 80.00 82.50 do 82.50 200.00 .. . do 150. 00 do 225. 00 • 197 225.00 do 205. 00 do 152. 50 do 120. 00 do 92.50 do 75.00 do 82.50 do 55.00 do 65.00 do 92.50 do 77.50 do 102.50 do 87.50 do 107. 50 199 335. 00 200 201 202 do do do '... do do Gramm-Bemstein truck do do 340.00 660.00 560.00 600.00 do 900.00 do 1, 015. 00 ... do 755. 00 203 do 900.00 204 do do do S. W. Marcus, 31 W. Mount Royal Ave., Baltimore, Md. McGinnis Bros., Fleet and 7th St., Baltimore, Md. Penn. Construction Co. Gorans, Md 82 50 205 206 do . . do 55.00 72.50 do do 100. 00 D. I. Patchett, Bethlehem, Md. . . . do 42.50 do 125.00 207 . . do 75.00 do do 102.60 ... do 80.00 do 60.00 do 50.00 208 .....do 62.60 do L. Solowits, 250 S. Eden St., Baltimore, Md. Standard Co., Baltimore, Md.... R. Stein, Lexington and Gay, Baltimore, Md. do do 66.00 209 do 40.00 do do 95.00 210 525. 00 do do do 400 00 . . do 830.00 do 2,050.00 60.00 211 do 50.00 .do 67.50 155.00 212 Nash Quad 77.60 213 do do do 0. G. Steinmetz, 35th, near 5th Ave., Baltimore. G. M. Stengel, Colgate P. 0., Md. S. Stem, Uniontown, Pa Mr. Stuhmar, 1247 E. North Ave., Baltimore. Thompson Auto Sale, Balti- more, Md. W. H. VaUiant, BeUevue, Md. . . 140.00 70.00 do 45.00 214 82.50 215 Hurlburt truck 810.00 do do 855.00 .do 800.00 216 207.50 217 do Nash Quad truck 77.50 do .. „do 100.00 do 126.00 218 do..'..'!!!!]!!!!.""!!!.!!! 420.00 205.00 Qramm-Bemsteln truck 700.00 758 SALE OE SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 2,1919 do do ....do Sept. 19-20, 1919. do ....do ....do ....do ....do ....do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do., do. do., do., do. do., do.. .do.... ....do ....do ....do ...-do ....do ....do ....do ....do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. F. B. Willoughby, Hurlock, Md. . W. Cooper, Arlington, Md Pacific Motors Co., 221 W. S3d St., New York City. A. R. Santoro, Colgate, Md. F. F. Fainter, Norfolk, Va. Joe Dnnldn, Norfolk, Va. . . A. F. Folker, Norfolk, Va.. J. F. F. Willette, Washington, D. C. Capt. La Master, Fort Monroe, Va. Jos. Warner, Newport News, Va. L. G. Hubbs, Hilton, Va E. A. Sinclair, Hampton, Va. O. R. Harcum, Norfolk, va.. L. Snider, Norfolk, Va. McLeskey, Newport News, Va. Selden truck do Hurlburt truck Selden truck do do do Hurlburt truck do Gramm-Bemstein truck. Nash Quad truck do do do do do do do Ford truck do Chalmers touring Studebaker touring Reo touring do Oakland touring Indian motorcycle. do do do do do Indian side car do do Reo truck .do. L. M. Bowles, Norfolk, Va E. A. Ralnoius, Portsmouth, Va. L. H. Collins, Portsmouth, Va. . A. E. Seldon, Portsmouth, Va. . G. D. DeBurn, Berkley, Va Tillet Bros., Norfolk, Va W. D.Murray & Co.,Norfolk,Va. L. M. Ironmonger, Norfolk, Va . . John Morris, Norfolk, Va ME. Ward, Darlington, S. C F. F. Heitz, Norfolk, Va O. L. Harcom, Norfolk, Va , J. F. F. Willetts,Wa3hington, D.C. M. A. Stainbaugh, Norfolk, Va. .do do do do do do do do Nash Quad truck. .. Federal truck Indian motorcycle . . do Pierce- Arrow truck. do do do , Reo touring car do Reo roadster F. D. Smith, Norfolk, Va Mayis Garage, Norfolk M. G. BiUups, Richmond, Va... C. H. Mockler, A. S. B. No. 716. . F. F. Fainter, M.T.C., A. S. B. . . N. W. Kellep, Newport News, Va W. M. Haby, Newport News, Va. Hampton Roads Motor Car Co., Newport, News. Coco Cola Bottling Works, Newport News, Va. G. W. Lenz, Newport News, Va. Hub Corp Co., Newport News, W. B. Blalock, Wadesbury, N.C. W. A. Musseluhart, Wadesbiu-y, N.C. McLeskin's Garage, Newport News, Va. Studebaker truck. . . . do do do Four touring car do Paige touring car Kissel Kar Fourd touring car Overland touring car. Ford truck Nash Quad truck Ford touring car Ford truck Nash Quad truck ....do Maxwell Touring car. Ford touring ear ....do ....do Ford truck. ....do Reo truck. $145.00 192.60 730.00 180.00 105. 00 300. 00 137.50 445. 00 800.00 600.00 67.50 122. 50 130.00 112.50 112. 50 127.5a 105.00 62.50 10.00 50. 00 400. 00 400. 00 435.00 350.00 105. 00 2.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.85 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 46.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 13.00 20.00 6.00 92.00 42.00 105.00 300.00 38.00 16.00 1,000.00 1,350.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 155.00 180.00 390.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 7.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 20.00 36.00 102.50 205. 00 226.00 106.00 250.00 180.00 160.00 46.00 80.00 85.00 92.00 200.00 100. 00 10.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 759 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Sept. 19-20, 1919. ..do ..do ..do .do. .do. .do. ..do do ..do ..do ..do ..do .do. ..do. do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do. .do. ..do. ..do. Oct. 15, 1919. do do do ..do. ..do.. ..do.. .do. .do. do.. do.. do.. do... ..do... do. do. do. Oct. 17, 1919. do Oct. 11, 1919. Oct. 15,1919. do H. A. Bricfchouse, Norfolk, Va. G. Kass, Newport News, va. . . J. Joyce, Portsmouth jVa Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Sergt. Copenhaven, Guard F Co., Camp Hill. F. D. Scott, Portsmouth, Va... W. H. Baker Co., Newport News, Va. Liberty Iron & Wire Co., Nor- folk, Va. W. B. Blalock, Wadesbury, N. C. M. N. Orventun, Newport News, Va. W. B. Blalock, Wadesbury, N. C. S. M. Kelley, Newport News, Chesapeake Storage Co., Nor- folk, Va. Mr. Creelman, Newport News, Va. F. Willette, Washington, B.C. C. R. Wallis, R. F. D. No. 4. . . Capt. Allen, Norfolk, Va A. W. Hoper, Ocean View, Va. Joe DunMn, Norfolk, Va S. F. Sauer, A. S. B., Norfolk, Va. J. H. LaBeU, Norfolk. Va W. D. Murray, Norfolk, Va E. A. Saunders, Hampton, Va. W. H. Thomas, Newport News, Va. W. B. Blalock, Wadesbury, N. C. Mr. Creelman, Newport News, Va. D. Doll, 1516 Louisa St John Drendul, 1200 St. Roch St. B. A. Graei, 613 Baronne St A. P. Perrin, St. Bernard Parish. Q. Simmons, 1081 Tricou St. C. J. Grandman, 2516 Iberville St J. M. Cornett, Fort Worth Oil Mill. B. F. Harris, Baron Field, Tex. N. A. MalGk, 115 8. Main St., Fort Worth. G. Herndon, 700 Jemiings Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. E. L. Etier, 11 Clara Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. W. T. Casstevens, 709 Cochran St., Fort Worth. H. R. French, Crowley, Tex W. C. Holiday, 1112 W. 5th St., Fort Worth. Jim Moss, R. F. D. 7, box 113, Fort Worth, Tex. Randolph Newman, 110 Com- merce St., Fort Worth. G. R. Drury, 811 E. Bluff St., Fort Worth. J. W. Lassiter, Americus, Ga — Chauncy Alcott, Souther Field, Ga. J. G. Yeakey, 79 MacAfee St., Atlanta, Ga. Warshawsky & Co do Maxwell truck Buick truck Buick touring Oldsmobile truck. Ford truck Republic truck Ford truck. do Selden truck. Buick touring car . ....do .do. ....do ....do Packard truck. ....do Autocar truck.. Packard truck. Buick roadster Chevrolet touring car. Moline Knight Ford touring Ford roadster Overland touring Cadillac touring... Nash Quad truck . Ford truck Ford touring car . . Ford truck 2 Pierce- Arrow trucks, 2.Reo trucks, 2 Signal trucks. Ford touring car. Ford truck, 4 Packard trucks. Ford touring do •. Ford truck do Velie truck Indian motorcycle with trailer. Indian motor cycle with side car. do Standard truck do do Studebaker 10-passenger car. . . do do do do do Ford truck .....do do do do Ford Ambulance. do :.... Indian motor cycle. Indian motorcycle and side car. Ford touring car Ford truck Ford toiuing car. Ford truck Pope motorcycle . Pope side car 760 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 310 Oct. 1,1919 Oct. 8,1919 do Pioneer Truck Co Pierce- Arrow truck 1575. 00 311 W. Schneider . . Ford touring car 150. 00 312 do 120. 00 313 .. .do do 90.00 314 .do New York Trade School. . .. do 105. 00 315 ... .do J. T. Luikert Indian motorcycle and side car. do 60.00 Oct. 11,1919 Oct. 14, 1919 do. . Ray L.Mitchell 135. 00 316 Velie truck 300.00 William 0. Urback do 300 00 317 Indian motorcycle and side car. .. .do 77.50 318 D.C. Attridge.. 140. 00 319 .do W. H. Kanady.... Ford truck 245. 00 320 321 Oct. 20, 1919 .do H. W. Plummer, 2800 E. Pike Ave., Argenta, Ark. W. T. Stilley, Argenta, Ark. Kelly-Springfield truck do 135.00 315.00 322 do . C. M. Simmon, 314 Scott St., Little Rock, Ark. Zimmerlin Bros do 92 50 Oct. 10, 1919 do 137. 50 .do 102. 50 323 Indian motorcycle and side car. .do 32.50 B. Blough 37.50 324 Excelsior motorcycle and side car. Commerce truck 78.00 325 Oct. 20, 1919 .do 160.00 T.D. Brux do 345.00 do 280.00 do 300.00 326 do 320.00 327 do ConrtTipy TTronk Indian motorcycle and side car. do 100.00 328 .do 55.00 329 do N.C. McMillan.. Ford touring car 280.00 Oct. 9, 1919 .do J. P. Allender, 2810 Parkwood Ave., Baltimore, Md. Frank Allen, 3121 Elliot St., Baltimore, Md. H. & J. Baker, 1031 Williams St., Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Fertilizer Co., Balti- more, Md. H. L. Blum, Pennsylvania ave., Baltimore, Md. C. A. Bowman, 102 V St., Wash- ington, D. C. A. Brosene, Elkridge, Md A. A. Bross, 902 Pennington Ave., Baltimore. C. E. Burner, 614 8th St. SW., Washington, D.C. E. M. Clark, Arunan Ave., Bal- timore, Md. L.Gold, 1513 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore. Graham Gunby, Salisbury, Md . . 1. S. Hart, 100 Old York Rd., Baltimore. A. E. Hayes, Wolfesville, Md... .do 200 00 330 Nash Quad truck 200.00 331 do 140. oa 332 333 do .do do Dodge touring car 150.00 195.00 334 do .do do do 330.00 217. 50 335 do Nash Quad truck 370.00 336 180.00 do . ... .do i8o!o8 337 dfi 338 do .do Duplex truck 150.00 Nash Quad truck 255.00 339 .....do 140.00 .do do 90.00 340 do do 236.00 341 -do.. 160.00 do do do 155.00 do 102. 50 , .do 160.00 do 120.00 .. .do 127. 60 .do 160.00 do 245.00 .. .do 230.00 .do 300.00 do 180.00 do 150.00 .. .do 135.00 do 165.00 do 185.00 . .do 160.00 do 100.00 do 100.00 do 160.00 do 105.00 do 200.00 342 Dodge touring car 345.00 343 Duplex truck 266.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 761 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 344 Oct. 9, 1919 do do J. P. Humphreys, Hebron, Md.. C. B. Hensinger, Allentown, Pa. Herman Junge, Annapolis, Md. . A. L. Kenney, Frostburg, Md... Nash Quad truck $167. 60 do 150 00 345 Duplex truck 175.00 346 Nash Quad truck 265.00 347 do do 325.00 do A. Ketchen, Solomons^ Md do 210.00 348 do 190. 00 349 do Konners Garage, Pmebrook, N. J. do do 110.00 350 do do 100.00 do Mr. Makowskl, 632 S. Potomac St., Baltimore, Md. Meredith Hasley Lumber Co., Annapolis, Md. S. Michelson, 125 Colvln St., Baltimore, Md. A. Myer, Simpsonville, Md A. W. Owens, Holiday and Cen- ter Sts., Baltimore, Md. D. L Patchett, Bethlehem, Md. . Mr. Perry, Utlca, N. Y do 95.00 do 50.00 do 85.00 Dodge touring car 82.50 do 92.50 Nash Quad truck 130. 00 Dodge touring car 95.00 do 150. 00 do 275. 00 do 230.00 do 172. 50 do 187. 50 351 do 317.50 352 do Nash Quad truck 160.00 353 do Dodge touring car. 400.00 do do 415. 00 do 95.00 do 32.50 do 342. 50 354 115. 00 355 356 do do do do do Kelly-Springfleld truck Nash Quad truck 600.00 135. 00 do 137. 50 do 130. 00 Dodge touring car 210.00 Nash Quad truck 82.50 do 150.00 do 90.00 do 40.00 357 Dodge touring car. . 400. 00 J. R. Phillips, Berlin, Md J. Pistorla, 302 N. Exeter St., Baltimore, Md. Public Service Tire & Rubber Co., 1675 Broadway, New York City. J. S. Reynolds, Wilmington, Del. Joe Rosen, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. . do 385. 00 do 400.00 358 Nash Quad truck 140. 00 do 212. 50 do 287.50 do 212.50 do 67.50 do 75.00 do 200.00 do 175. 00 do 310.00 359 Duplex truck 152. 50 360 do 400. 00 do do do 332.50 do 362. 50 do 315. 00 do 357.50 do 360. 00 do 367. 50 do 350.00 do 460.00 361 Nash Quad truck 360. 00 362 do 140.00 do do do do do Seitz Auto Co., Baltimore, Md. . do 112. 50 363 . do 92.50 M. Solowitz, 2207 Prestberry St., Baltimore, Md. C. H. Southerd, Washington, D.C. G. E. Soutter, Cherryhill. Va Wm. Shuff, Wolfesville, Md L. B. Smith, Dillsberg, Pa do do 75.00 do 100.00 364 do 42.50 do 47.50 .. ..do 75.00 do 140.00 do 60.00 365 Dodge touring car 250.00 366 Nash Quad truck 80.00 367 200.00 368 do do do Nash Quad truck 450. 00 369 do 365. 00 370 J. Smuck, Brookljra, Md Standard truok 185.00 762 SALE 0¥ SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OP SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 371 372 373 374 375 Oct. 9, 1919 . .do. do. do. do. 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 .do. .do. 390 391 392 393 do do Oct. 16, 1919. .do. 394 do 395 do 396 397 do do 398 399 do do Standard 8 Co., Baltimore, Md. . .do. R. M. Stein, Gay and Lexington Sts., Baltimore. G. M. Stengel, Colgate, Md O. G. Stelnmetz, 35th near 5tli Ave., Baltimore, Md. .do .do .do .do .do ...do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. W. Strod, "West Chester, Pa Thompson Auto Sales Co., Bal- timore, Md. J. M. Titcomb, Alexandria, Va.. C. E. Tyler, East Port, Md E. C.Valentine, Rock Ridge, Md, W. H. Valiant, Bellevue, Md. . . . E. Wasserkrug, 1048 N. Broad- way, Baltimore. Md. W. D. Webster, Princess Anne, Md. Wells & Pettitt, 477 Pennsylva- nia Ave. NW. Mrs. Van Wormer, Baltimore, Md. Jos. Wyniger, 3801 Old York Rd., Baltimore, Md. R. M. Wright, 3031 Arunah Ave., Baltimore, Md. M. Zenitz, 2525 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. Cambridge Iron & Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. W. P. Leonard L. C. Thornton J. P. Allender, 2810 Parkwood Ave., Baltimore, Md. H. L. Blum, Espkanada Apart- ments, Baltimore, Md. C. A. Bowman, 100 V St. , Wash- ington, D. C. J. Bannon, 228 W. Pratt St., Baltimore, Md. H. C. Burket, Claysbm-g, Pa . . . F. H. Collins, 156 E. 65th St., New York City. W. Craig, Texas, Md E. S. Cochran, Cambridge, Md. Standard truck... do do do.... ...:do do do Nash Quad truck . Standard truck . . . do do do Dodge touring ear. 10. do Nash Quad truck . Standard truck . . . do Dodge touring car. do do do do do do do do do do do Nash Quad truck . Dodge touring car. y/.'Ao'.'.'.'... '..'.'..'. do Nash Quad truck. do do do .....do Dodge touruig car. .do. Nash Quad truck . Dodge touring car . do Nash Quad truck. do do do Dodge touring car. Nash Quad truck. do Dodge touring car. Peerless truck do do do do do do do do do Dodge touring car. Peerless truck. .do. .do. do do do Dodge touring car. » Amount forfeited; sale not completed. SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 763 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 400 Oct. 16,1919.... . .do F. H. Collins, 156 E. 65tli St., New York City. H. Cooper, Ellicott City, Md C. Carr, Keansburg, N.J Peerless truck $155. 00 do 280 00 do 205.00 do 100 00 do 140.00 do 147 50 do 110. 00 do 120 00 do 800 00 do 90 00 do 110 00 401 100 00 . ..do do 160 00 402 Peerless truck. 355 00 403 404 do do E. M. Clark, 3031 Arunah Ave., Baltimore. H. J. Crystal, Lowneys Lane, Baltimore, Md. J. E. Connelly, 121 New York Ave., Washing1;on, D. C. J. M. Davis, 15 Ave. and 14th St., Baltimore, Md. W. M. DeNeane, 618 G St. NW., Washington, D. C. Delaware Apple Co., Dover, Del. J. Dinowitz, 1479 St. Marks Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. S. R. Dresner, 620 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 0. H. Dicke, 3413 Water St., Washington, D. C. N. H. Dlckhaut, 313 7th St. NW., Washington, D. C. W. J. Ehman, 509 Ravenwood Ave., Baltimore, Md. N. H. Eckert, Gap, Pa do do 405.00 900 00 405 do do 505.00 406 do Peerless truck. . . 90 00 407 do do Dodge toiutog car 130.00 do 155. 00 do 100 00 408 Peerless truck. 650 00 do do 142 50 do 330. 00 . 409 do 185 00 do .do 205 00 do 130 00 Garf ord truck 305. 00 410 200 00 do do .do 200 00 do 55.00 . ..do 180 00 411 412 do .do 525. 00 420 00 do. do do 105. 00 413 414 do 405.00 1 125 00 41S do do J. W. Gobbett, 631 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C. E. L. Grimes, AJtoona, Pa . ..do ' 85.00 do 252. 50 416 .do 905 00 do do do M. Givner, N. Broadway, Balti- more, Md. J. W. Grim, Abbottstown, Pa... B. Geare, 1101 Myrtle Ave., Baltimore. P. A. Grauzlls, Wyoming, Pa J. J. Finkle, 525 Green Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. Hammer, 1488 Washington Ave., New York City. H. Junge, Annapolis, Md Kahn Bros., 369 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. A. Ketchum, Solomons, Md do 825. 00 417 418 419 do do 155. 00 630.00 356 00 420 do Peerless truck 302 50 421 do do do 92.50 do 500 00 Dodge touring car 300. 00 Peerless truck 270. 00 do 292 50 do 235. 00 Dodge touring car . 175 00 422 127 50 do do do do 130. 50 Dodge touring car 37.50 Peerless truck. 112. 50 do 70.00 ..do 137 50 do 275.00 do 120.00 do 120.00 do 340.00 do 230.00 do 335. 00 423 Nash Quad truck 440.00 424 Peerless truck 112. 50 do 130. 00 do 105. 00 do 100.00 do 125.00 do 110.00 do 140. 00 G.M.C. truck 875.00 Peerless truck 80.00 do 127. 50 425 do 200.00 764 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 426 Oct. 16, 1919 do do do Kise & Ho£E, Westminster, Md. . A. Y. Lesher, Philadelphia, Pa . Mr. Leisher, 434 10th St. SW., Washington, D. C. S. Michelson, 125 S. Colvin St., Baltimore. C. Meister, 2601 Pennsylvania Ave., Baltimore. A. V. Millichap, 4551 Lancaster St., Philadelphia. B. T. Myers, 4018 Hickory Ave., Baltimore. L. F. McAllister, Quaxryville, Pa. J. Nielson, Harrisonburg, Va Mr. Melligan, Washington, D. C. . D. I. Patehett, Bethlehem, Md . J. Poraeh, 4300 E. Lombard St., Baltimore. A. Pumphrey, Banesville, Md . . C. W. Ryan, 4012 Bella Ave., Baltimore, Md. L. Solowetz, 2207 Prestmann St., Baltimore. 0. G. Steinmetz, 5th Ave., Bal- timore, Md. M. L. Sirkis, 427Colvln St., Bal- timore, Md. F. Seifert, 1254 Riverside Ave., Baltimore. L. Solwetz, 2207 Prestmann St., Baltimore. W. R. Strunk, 1258 Spruce St., Reading, Pa. E. C. Valentine, Rockyridge, Md. R. M. Stein. Lexington and Gay Sts., Baltimwd. Star Motor Co.. 16 N. High St., Baltimore, Md. C. F. Senitzeln, 1647 Patterson Ave., Baltimore. Standard 8 Co., Baltimore Peerless truck . . $870 00 Federal truck 450 00 427 Peerless truck 960.00 do 750 00 do 1,025.00 85.00 do do 137 50 428 429 do 450.00 350 00 430 do 125 00 431 do do 75.00 432 do 395.00 433 do do Peerless truck 950.00 do 700.00 434 Nash Quad truck 105 00 do do 300.00 435 200 00 436 do do Dodge touring car 60.00 437 300 00 438 do 405.00 439 do do Peerless truck 340.00 do 260.00 do 810. 00 440 do 110 00 do do 90.00 441 ..do .. 110.00 do do do do do do do Dodge touring car 205.00 ...do 56.00 Peerless truck 125.00 Drtdgo tniiring riyr , , 80.00 442 443 do Peerless truck 635.00 435.00 444 Dodge touring car 60.00 44,5 Peerless truck 810.00 446 Dodge touring car 600 00 do .. . 335.00 do 300.00 do 405.00 447 do do 366.00 82.50 do 276.00 do 206.00 do 296.00 do 242.50 do 340.00 do 260.00 do 205.00 Kissel Kar truck 90.00 do 176.00 Dodge touring car 212.60 do . . 246.00 do 130.00 do 140.00 448 do — . 192.60 do do 262.60 do 202.60 do 47.50 Peerless truck 310.00 do 117.50 do 225.00 Dodge touring car 60.00 do ... . 60.00 449 .do 137 60 do do 230.00 ....do 145.00 do 130.00 m 1,660 00 do 650.00 do 1,025.00 do 1, 100. 00 do 1,300.00 do 1,200.00 do , 1, 100. 00 do. 1,05a 00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 765 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Oontinued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 451 Oct. 16, 1919.... do Thompson Auto Co., Baltimore, Md. J. Wolf, 1651 N. 8th, Philadel- phia, Pa. J. Wolf, 1942 N. Orlnna St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. B. M. Wright, W. North Ave., Baltimore, Md. R. P. WUton, WrightsviUe, Pa. . Baltimore Cork Co., Baltimore, Md. F. N. Rflmick, Buffalo, N. Y.... Pacific Motors Co Nash Quad truck $205. 00 452 Dodge touring car 65.00 453 454 do Oct. 18, 1919 Oct. 16, 1919 do do Peerless truck. 435.00 200.00 do 102. 50 65.00 455 Peerless truck 1,100.00 456 do . . 117. 50 457 do do do 175.00 .. .do 295.00 do 330.00 458 do Oct. 15, 1919 do A. Arthur Carter .. ..do do . do do do .. ..do do ..do do do do do ....do do .do 459 Peerless truck, 3 Garford trucks, G. M. C. truck. 1200.00 400 00 460 H. L. Goldman 500 00 451 do Gustave Hartman 150 00 462 do Isaac M. Lyons do 310 00 463 do Harry Bemey 200 00 464 do CarlCalfin do 125 00 465 do ,.... John J. Kantzler 450 00 do Frank A. Sarus Nash Quad truck 500. 00 .do 500. 00 do . 500. 00 466 270 00 467 do Isaac Lyons 100 00 468 Oct. 24, 1919 do Tohn Kerber, Consumer Ice Co., Sandusky, Ohio. Williams & Little Co., Cleve- land Heights, Ohio. 0. H. Kilmer. Oak Harbor.Ohio U. S. Iron & Metal Co., Toledo, Ohio. WilUams & Little Co., Cleve- land Heights, Ohio. J. Weller, Oak Harbor, Ohio J. R. McRitchie, Port Clinton, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 2. Habeed Nasser, Fremont, Ohio. . E. C. Baumgartner, Toledo, Ohio Ollie Walter, Fremont, Oliio Otto Gabel, Fremont, Ohio A. Bordeaux jPort Clinton,Ohio. Otto Jeseke, Port Clinton, Ohio. Walter Snider, Oak Harbor, Ohio. E. H. Kelinbach, 1610 Park- wood, Toledo, Ohio. F. D. Bartlett, Fremont, Ohio.. W. C. Dunn, Curtis, Ohio E. P. Ratz, 210 Avondale, Tol- edo, Otiio. Bernard Gabel, Fremont, Ohio.. Burkett Bros., Lindsav, Ohio... E. H. Kalinbaeh. 1610 Palm- wood, Toledo, Ohio. U. S. Iron & Metal Co., Toledo, Ohio. A. D. Hymers, Toledo, Ohio Packard truck 1, 700. 00 469 do 1 600 00 470 do do Pierce-Arrow truck,. 1 100.00 471 630 00 472 do do do Commerce truck 450.00 510. 00 473 do 510 00 474 do 285 00 475 do do 155 00 476 do do 110 00 477 do do 155 00 478 do do 160 00 479 do do 190 00 480 do do 165 00 481 do do 115 00 ' 482 483 do do do do 95.00 200 00 484 do 130 00 485 .do do 235. 00 305 00 486 do 487 do do 150 00 488 489 490 do do do do do do do 150.00 195.00 105. 00 491 E. C. Kanbach, Toledo, Ohio. . E. H. Kalinbaeh, Toledo, Ohio.. do 100 00 492 do do 105. 00 lAmount forfeited; sale not complete. 766 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct 24,1919. do do Oct. Hi 1919. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. ..do.. do do Oct. 14,1919. -do. -do. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. -do. .d(f. -do. .do. Oct. 17,1919. do do Oct. 20,1919. .do. .do. G. Thorne, 1242 Palmwood, Toledo, Ohio. E. A. Baldufl, Castalia, Ohio... Otto Gabel, Fremont, Ohio A. O. Derrick 200 Lee St., At- lanta, Ga. W. A. Carroll, Atlanta, Ga C. W. Dane & Co., Royston, Ga. C.W.Ward, Atlanta, Ga J. B. Thompson, R. F. D. No. 2, Atlanta, Ga. C.W.Lane & Co., Royston, Ga. Farmore Oil Mill Co., Atlanta, Ga Denegre Car & Truck Co., Bir- mingham, Ala. J. H. Edmondson, Anniston,Ala. E. G. Bosworth, Anniston, Ala... Bell-Tanner Produce, Anniston, Ala. Interstate Roofing & Foundry Co., Anniston, Ala. J. H. Edmonsdon,Anniston,Ala. Etowah County, per S. J. Cun- nings. J. H. Edmonsdon,Anniston,Ala . 0. W. Averyt,Bimilngham,Ala. , Interstate Roofing & Foimdry Co., Anniston, Ala. J. C. Wheeler Motor Co., Annis- ton, Ala. E. G. Bosworth, Anniston, Ala. . A. B. Downing, Anniston, Ala.. Geo. Carter, Anniston, Ala J. A. Carter, Aimiston, Ala Hale Buggy Co., Anniston, Ala. R. J. Massey, Wellington, Ala Jackson-Tenney Lumber Co., Birmingham, Ala. Interstate Roofing & Foundry Co., Anniston, Ala. J. C. Wheeler Motor Co., Annis- ton, Ala. H. C. Goodman, Birmingham, Ala. Henry J. Hinck Philip Goldberg Lieut. E. J. Leonard Dayton Auto Sales Co., Dayton, Ohio. N. L. Hinton, Vandalia, Ohio... Dayton Auto Sales Co., Dayton, Ohio. .do. . . -do... .do... -do... .do... .do... O'Neal, Tippecanoe City E. W. Kramer, 609 Epworth Ave., Dayton. C. M. Myers, Pleasant Hill.Ohio. N. L. Hinton, Vandalia, Ohio... Piqua Hosiery Co., Piqua. Ohio. Tom Clements, Dayton, Ohio... Ford touring car. do do Ford truck. do do do Ford touring car. Pierce- Arrow truck . do ....do do Buick roadster International truck . Indiana tank. .do. .do. Republic truck. Ford truck Oakland touring Ford touring Velie truck Ford truck -do. do ....do do do Nash Quad trucks . Peerless trucks F.W.D. trucks.... Nash Quad trucks . Peerless trucks Ford touring car. ....do .do. Packard trucks . Reo truck Ford touring car . Ford truck Signal truck .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Heavy aviation truck. ....do ....do ....do do Selden truck do Ford truck Signal truck ....do Heavy aviation truck . Signal truck do Heavy aviation truck . do $200.00 255. 00 200. 00 187.50 181.50 427.00 356.00 250.00 1,000.00 885.00 24,900.00 1,475.00 275.00 335.00 290.00 205.00 330.00 175.00 140.00 35.00 50.00 1 130.00 205.00 130.00 160.00 75.00 90.00 80.00 1,220.00 1,265.00 950.00 400.00 975.00 170.00 110.00 65.00 2,660.00 146.00 50.00 57.00 100.00 225.00 410.00 245.00 200.00 220.00 145.00 2 JO. 00 140.00 165. 00 275. 00 300.00 580.00* 480. 00 565.00 385.00 1,725.00 150. 00 320.00 150. 00 270. 00 270.00 425.00 215.00 245.00 700.00 410.00 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAK DEPARTMENT. 767 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 536 Oct. 20, 1919 do Dyskn, 75 Vine St., Dayton, Ohio. Bailey, 464 Kiser St., Dayton, Ohio. Routzong, Fairfield, Ohio W . T. Hudson, Taylor, S. C W. C. Stader, Vine Grove, Ky. . V. L. Shelton, Pine Grove, Ky.. Ford truck $175. 00 do 210. 00 Ford ambulance 179.00 537 Ford truck 161.00 538 do .. Ford ambulance 185. 00 539 .. -do ... Buick touring car 80.00 540 Oct. 25,1919 do Ford touring car 120.00 541 do 96.00 542 do.... Horace McCuUum, Rtithton, Ky. E. K. Godbv, Shlvelv, Ky do 140.00 543 . do do 86.50 544 . do Horace McCuUum, Stithton, Ky. Monarch Auto Co., Louisville, Ky. B. F. Foumier, 1610 N. Flores St., San Antonio, Tex. R. F. BuBus, 220 S. Olive St., San Antonio, Tex. do do 87.50 545 do do 86.00 546 Sept. 20, 1919.... Sept. 20, 1919.... Oct. 13,1919 Oct. 24, 1919 do Ford track 117.50 Republic truck 12.00 Chevrolet truck 55.00 547 Ford truck 86.00 Reo touring car 26.00 548 Studebaker touring car Ford truck 25.00 549 Robert Rumsey, Laredo, Tex... E . Dodier, Laredo, Tex C. E. Gillespie, Pratt ville, Ala.. W. L. Haygood, Montgomery, Ala. Patterson-Ingalls Co., Montgom- ery, Ala. J. R. Bunch, A. R. D., Mont- gomery, ala. E. E . Sanders, Montgomery, Ala. S. K. Fleiming, Montgomery, Ala. C. E . Cook, Montgomery, Ala . . 240.00 550 Studebaker touring car Ford touring car 175.00 551 Oct. 9, 1919 do. 125.00 do 146. 00 do 171.00 Ford truck 260.00 552 do 172.60 do . do 180. 00 553 do 165. 00 554 do do Ford ambulance 150.00 655 Cole touring car 430.00 556 do do Indian motorcycle and side car. do 35.00 27.60 do 26.00 do 37 50 do 28.00 557 do 26.00 do Oct. 15, 1919 do.. W. C. Tarver, A. R. D., Mont- gomery, Ala. Morris KalMson do 90.00 558 659 do Ford truck 49.00 215.00 C. 0. Trent do 215.00 Ford touring car 215. 00 Ford track 215. 00 do 216.00 do 216.00 560 Ford roadster . 230-00 561 do Mrs. W. R. McAdoo Ford track 267.00 562 do Fred Fraseh do 178. 00 563 do W. C. Fischer do 235.00 564 do Hugo Grote Ford roadster . . . 300 00 565 do... A. Schaefer Reo touring car 97 00 do 0. W. Calahan Reo truck 86.00 566 Reo touring car 85 00 667 do T. A. Riebor Ford roadster 265.00 568 do Morgan-Woodward Ford truck 350.00 do Mosises Rosado do 255.00 569 International truck 155. 00 do R. J. Wyatt do 805. 00 do 340.00 570 Ford truck 265.00 do 0. J. Solcher Ford roadster 220.00 Ford touring 225.00 571 do 255.00 do Leo DubinsM do 180. 00 572 Ford track 215. 00 573 Oct. 30, 1919 do Oct. 11, 1919 . . . . do Fred Feckley, 83 Borton St., Akron, Ohio. S. D. Strauss, 35 S. CoUege St., Akron, Ohio. S. Rosenberg, 660 Eye St., Fresno, Cal. S. S. Livingston, 704 W. Jeffer- son St., Los Angeles, Calif. Hudson touring car 400.00 574 do 375. 00 575 Ford truck 340.00 do 385.00 do 470.00 do 375.00 Fierce-Arrow truck 285.00 do 390.00 do 390.00 576 ' 400. 00 . do 450.00 768 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMElsTT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 11, 1919. do do Oct. 23, 1919. .do. .do. -do. .do. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ...do.. ....do.. ....do.. .do. ....do... ...do. ...do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ....do. ..do.. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. ..do. .do. .do. .do ..do ..do ..do ..do T. HoenicM, 327 E. 2d St., Los Angeles, Calif. Colton Fruit Exchange, Colton, Calif. S. Rosenberg, 5(30 Eye St., Fresno, Calif. J. Bannon, 23 S. Central Ave., Baltimore, Md. J. Tnmda, Resiterto^vn, Md — C. J. Femald, 631 Pa. Ave., Washington, D. C. J. P. Allender, 3810 Parkwood Ave., Baltimore. J. J. Mclntyre, Uniontown, Pa.. John Sorosky, 104 Grant St., Pittston, Pa. E. H. Pitcher, Camp Holabird, Md. J. H. Block, Paulshoro, N. J Geo. A. Snyder, 611 Ensor St., Baltimore. J. Odgis, 177 Brook Ave., New York City. W. H. VaUant, Bellevue, Md. . . . J. S. Young & Co., 2710 Boston St., Baltimore, Md. Kahn Bros., 369 S. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. A. V. Millichap, 4551 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia. J. W. Mumper, Hanover, Pa — N. Givner, 307 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. N. H. Collins. 156 E. 65th St., New York City. S. Dresner, 620 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Grim, Abbottstown, Pa... T. Achenberg, 208 Sheridan St., Perth Amboy, N. J. A. D. Ulrich, Rapsburg, Md H. I. Millwood Little Silver, N. J W. Leisher, 611 Maryland Ave. SW., Washington, D. C. W. H. Dickhaut, 611 Maryland Ave. SW., Washington, D. C. A. F. Schrup, Dubuque, Iowa. , G. P. Leisher, 915 B St. NW., Washington, D. C. A. Miller, 245 Market St., Perth Amboy, N. J. R. Trahlik, Curtis Bay, Md J. Thorworth, 2002 N. Washing- ton St., Baltimore, Md. D. Hessan, 717 4 J St., Washing- ton, D. C. H. F. Murphy, 425 Alfred St., Alexandria, Va. M. M. Mitzel, York, Pa H. C. Brouse, Middletown, Pa.. W. B. Dulaney, 939 South St., Washington, D. C. Pierce-Arrow truck. ....do ....do Ford touring ear do Heaw aviation truck. ....do Dodge touring car Peerless truck ....do ....do Garford truck Dodge touring car Hurlhurt truck ....do Heavy aviation truck. Dodge touring car Peerless truck Dodge touring car. Heavy aviation truck. do ....do ....do Dodge touring car .do. .do. .do. Heavy aviation truck . ....do .- Selden truck Heavy aviation truck . ....do ....do ....do ....do Peerless truck Dodge touring car Heavy aviation truck . do Dodge touring car Heavy aviation truck . Selden truck Dodge touring car do Selden truck do Dodge touring car Heavy aviation truck . Dodge touring car Heavy aviation truck . do do Selden truck do Heavy aviation truck . do do do Dodge touring car Selden truck Dodge touring car. .do. .do. .do. Heavy aviation truck. do Dodge touring car SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 769 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 614 615 Oct. 23, 1919.... do do R. Roco, 600 Jefferson St., Ho- boken, N. J. J. E. Barry, 1455 Fairmont St., Washington, D. C. F. Siefert, 1200 Riverside Ave., Baltimore, Md. Marie Ford, 1429 Orkney St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fred Norman, 216 East Lexing- ton, Baltimore, Md. Elizabeth Fritz, 1429 Orkney St., Philadelphia, Pa. D. R. Harrington, Elmshurst, Long Island, N. Y. Edward Rutkowsky, Colgate, Md. Geo. Hyman, 1116 Morse St. NE., Washington, D. C. A. D. Eckert, Christiana, Pa R. L. Morton, Harrisburg, Pa... R. M. Wright, 3031 Arunah Ave., Baltimore, Md. R. M. Stein, Gay and Lexington Sts., Baltimore, Md. Standard 8 Co., Baltimore Wm. DeNeana, 613 *G St. NW., Washington, D. C. A. G. Long, Elmira, N. Y J. A. Warren, Sumter, S. C P. Messina's Sons, 436 Canal St., New York City. S. D. Corbin, Pocomoke, Md.... J. M. Davis, 14th St. and 5th Avenue, Baltimore, Md. R. A. Johnson, Culpeper, Va $775. 00 340.00 do 295.00 616 do 305.00 617 do Selden truck 600.00 618 do Dodge touring ear 392.50 619 do Selden truck 925.00 620 do do 525.00 do .do 575.00 do 600.00 .do 750.00 621 Dodge touring car 410.00 622 do Selden truck 875.00 do .do 1, 000. 00 623 Peerless truck 900.00 624 do Hurlburt truck 600.00 do do 650.00 .do . . . 650. 00 do 610.00 do 650.00 do 700.00 .do ... 775.00 do 775.00 do 950.00 625 Peerless truck 250.00 -do . .. do 215.00 do 265. 00 Selden truck 230.00 626 Dodge touring car 342. 50 do . ..do 300.00 do 320.00 do 325.00 do 250.00 do 325.00 627 White truck 2, 125. 00 do .. ..do 2 025.00 do 1, 900. 00 628 362. 50 do do 242.50 do . 800.00 do 285.00 do 185.00 do 135 00 629 White truck .. . 1,825.00 405 00 630 do do Federal truck Peerless truck. 825.00 Heavy aviation truck 360.00 do do 610.00 625 00 do 630.00 631 .do 600 00 do do do 635. 00 Dodge touring car 475 00 632 Heavy aviation truck 805.00 633 .. .do 400 00 634 do do 735 00 635 do L. Florio, 391 'Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. J. Chas. Karr, Keansberg, N. J J. S. Gitting, A. Herling, and H. Hurlbrink 2517 W. Bal- timore St., Baltimore. do 400 00 do do 620 00 do 285 00 do 340 00 Selden truck 200 00 do 400 00 do 325.00 do 325 00 636 700 00 do do 610 00 Dodge touring car , 465.00 Heavy aviation truck ... 560 00 637 Peerless truck 205 00 Dodge touring car 330.00 do 415 00 do 315 00 do 295.00 152015— H. Doc. 446, 66-2 49 770 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 638 Oct. 23, 1919.... do N. Thompson, Culpeper, Va L. Solowet, 2207 Prestman St., Baltimore. Amos Y. Lesher, Old York Rd. and Butler St., Philadelphia. Star Motor Co., 15 N. High St., Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Garage, Baltimore, Md. D. Marmhout Basket Works, Philadelphia, Pa. W. T. Hubbard, East New Mar- ket N. J. J. C.'Miistead, 1653 Wisconsin Ave., Washington, D. C. B. F. T. Auto Co., 580 Jackson Ave., Bronx, New York City. J. M. Visago, Verandak Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. J. C. Leib, 19 E. Piatt St., Balti- more, Md. J H. Block, Paulsboro, N. J Heavy aviation truck $410 do 350 639 Peerless truck 155 do do 145. Garford truck 185 White truck 650 Heavy aviation truck 500. Dodge touring car 267. 640 Peerless truck. 1 000 do do I'ooo. do 1, 000. 641 Dodge touring car do 365. 190 642 do .do 325 643 do 850 do do 800 do 605 644 525 645 do do do do 810. 646 '"//Ao"v/"/"^v^" '.'."".'.'.'. . 830. 810. do 500 325. do 465. do 460. do 287. do 380. 647 875. 648 do 710. do do do 600. 649 . . do 765 650 Meyer & Bush Co., 33 Ward St., Newark, N. J. J. Dinowitz, 1419 St. Marks Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. M. Stein, Gay and Lexington Sts., Baltimore, Md. Pacific Motors Co., 221 W. 33d St., New York City. N. Zenitz, Howard & Ostend Sts., Baltimore. Md. F. W. Dudley, McLean, Va 1, 950. do do . .. do do 2 400. do 2, 100. do 1,600. 651 600. . do 625. 750. ... do 775. do 645. .. do 370. do 875. ... do 650. do 730. do 1,000. do 690. do 675. . do 750. do 700. . .. do 650. do 875. do 800. do 800. do 750. 652 245. do 330. . . do 375. do 400. 653 Jeffery Quad truck 245. do Garford truck 290. 295. 115. 255. 300. do 275. . do 400. 225. do 450. do 195. 375. 325. 340. 654 Selden truck 460. 655 do do 600. SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPARTMENT. 771 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 656 Oct. 23, 1919.... do R. M. Stein, Lexington & Gay Sts., Baltimore, Md. Barber & Ross, 11th and G Sts., Washington, D. C. Dodge touring car $215 00 do 255 00' do 215 00 657 Heavy aviation truck 925 00 do 950 00 do 850 00 658 I 20 00 659 Oct. 9, 1919 do do do E. Colbert, Fredericksburg, Va.. J. Colbum, 24th and G Sts.NW., Washington, D. C. J. E. Connley, 121 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. Oscar Croll, Ashley, Pa Nash Quad truck 115.00 do 200.00 do 170.00 do 235 00 do 145.00 do 235.00 660 661 do Dodge Touring Car 150.00 460.00 662 do 377. 50 663 do do do do do do Oct. 30, 1919 do D. D. Deyer, 221 W. 37th St., New York City. S. R. Dressmer, 620 N. Broad St., New York City. W. S. Evans, 24th and Wallace Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. J. J. Finkel, 525 Green Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. G. B. Gillen, 1645 10th St., Balti- more, Md. M. Givner, 307 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Nicholas J. Messina, 436 Canal St., Jersey City, N. J. Wm. DeNeane, 613 G. St., Washington, D. C. D. C. Kahn, 244 W. 99th St., New York City. Columbia Ave. Auto Parts Co., 314 W. Biddle St., Baltimore, Md. Gaylord Barry, Utica, N. Y Nash Quad truck 180.00 do 175.00 664 Dodgo touring car 212. 50 do 132. 50 do 215.00 do 215.00 Nash Quad truck 145.00 Dodge touring car 340. 00 do 170 00 do 317. 50 665 Nash Quad truck 165. 00 do 170.00 666 Dodge touring car 340.00 do 57. 50 do 105.00 Kelly Springfield truck Dodge touring car 370.00 255. 00 do 187 50 N ash Quad truck 135.00 do 190.00 667 Dodge touring car 300 00 668 669 do Heavy aviation truck 450.00 550.00 do do 575.00 675 00 do 475 00 do 550 00 670 235 00 do do .....do 180 00 do 240 00 671 672 do do 490.00 475 00 do do 275. 00 do ' 475 00 673 do 375 00 674 do do . ..do 465 00 do do W. S. Gasterlin, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Albert S. Brown, 10 Williams St., Roxburv, Mass. F. Seifert, 1200 Riverside Ave., Baltimore, Md. Sietz Auto Co., Charl&s St. and North Ave., Baltimore, Md. E. M. Clarke, 3031 Arunah Ave., Baltimore, Md. F. R. Jones, Wilmington, Del... do 510 00 do 475.00 do 400 00 do 410 00 675 Light aviation truck 170.00 do 232 50 do 350. 00 do 280. 00 do 192 50 676 305 00 do do do 420.00 677 678 do 435. 00 275 00 679 680 do do do....' do 725.00 550 00 do Jacobs. Strickler, Marritta, Pa. A. C. Long, Elmira, N. Y do 450. 00 •81 Riker truck. . 980 00 682 do -do... . 800 00 683 do J. North, 613 G St. SW., Wash- ington, D. C. Dodge touring car 310.00 ' Amount forfeited. 772 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPAETMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 684 Oct. 30, 1919.... .... do Geo. Berkowitz, 35 W. 110th St., New York City. Stein, Lexington and Gay Sts., Baltimore, Md. 0. Steinmetz, 35th St. near 5th Ave., Baltimore. Geo. Staiger & Son, 621 S. Fre- mont, Baltimore. H. G. Firor, 1707 W. Pratt St., Baltimore, Md. J. J. Finkel, care of B. F. D. Auto Co., Bronx, New York City. do Dodge touring car $495. 00 . ..do 440 00 do 400. 00 do 435.00 do 525. 00 . do . . 275.00 do 435.00 .. . do 425.00 do 435.00 do 430.00 do 435.00 do 430.00 do 290.00 685 172. 50 do do 155.00 do 145.00 do 115.00 ... do 195.00 do 200.00 Kissel truck 255.00 686 175.00 do 45.00 F. W. D. truck 100.00 Ford ambulance 225.00 Ford truck 135.00 do 150.00 687 ....do 190.00 688 do Riker truck . 875.00 do ... do do 1, 100. 00 689 Light aviation truck 265.00 .. .do 310.00 do 345.00 775.00 Dodge touring car 337. 60 690 do. 395.00 do J.J. Keman, 121 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, Md. J. Perach, 4302 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md. Shenkman, 403 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. L. B. Smith. Lewisberry, Pa John Zom, 264 S. Bouldin St., Baltimore. James Johnson, Catonsvllle, Md. Wm. J. Folmer, 207 Baltimore St., Hanover, Pa. J. Neilson, Harrisonburg, Va... Robert L. Summers, Andrews, Md. W.W. Leisher, 434 10th St. SW., Washington, D. C. J. W. Fallmer, Beaverton, Pa... ... do 270.00 do 65.00 691 do 500.00 do .. . do 475.00 do 345.00 do 250.00 do 325.00 692 Ford truck. 160.00 693 ... do Dodge touring car 320.00 do . do do 315.00 694 450.00 695 825.00 696 .. do 170.00 697 . do Riker truck 1,000.00 698 .. do 260.00 do do 250. 00 700.00 699 Heavy aviation truck 875.00 700 701 do..... do.... do do 1,075.00 1,000.00 do .. do do 775.00 702 . do Andrew J. Klein, 444 Booren Ave., Jersey City, N. J. J. S. Young & Co., 2601 Boston St., Baltimore, Md. B. J. Anderson, 1054 29th St., Washington, D. C. Geo. Lancaster, Mount Savage, Md. R. Rocco, 600 Jefferson St., Hoboken, N. J. M. J. Schaefer, 3722 Eastern Ave., Baltimore. J. P. Allendar, 2810 Parkwood Ave., Baltimore. Dodge touring car 400.00 703 do . do 825. 00 do 825.00 704 Pierce- Arrow truck 205.00 705 do Riker truck 850.00 706 . do Heavy aviation truck 675.00 707 do do Ford truck 255.00 do 147. 50 do 200.00 708 Heavy aviation truck 475.00 190.00 do 180.00 Garford truck 380.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 773 SEKIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 709 Oct. 30, 1919.... do J. A. Connelly, 121 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. A. W. Owens, care of K. S. Co., Baltimore, Md. C. S. Bond, 5701 York Road, Baltimore, Md. J. H. Galliher, 13th and B Sts. NW., Washington. D. C. Star Motor Co., 15 N. High St., Baltimore, Md, Standard 8 Co., Baltimore, Md.. E. W. Walker, Camp Holabird, Md. M. Hereon, 628 5th St. NE., Washington, D.C. C. F. Schnitzlein, 1647 Patterson Park Ave., Baltimore. Pesotsky Bros. & Moloshok. 411 E. 151st St., New York City. D. Garrett, 1210 S. Bouldin St., Baltimore. Jacob Mayer, 2142 Brookfleld Ave., Baltimore. R. Carlin, Dallas, Pa Dodge touring car S600. 00 do 555.00 710 Kelly-Springfield truck 1 100 00 711 do 257 50 do do 105 00 712 850 00 713 do 225 00 do Hudson bus 685.00 Hudson touring car 1 025 00 152. 50 do 165.00 400.00 Light aviation truck 195.00 315. 00 Light aviation truck 175.00 55.00 do 200.00 714 705.00 do do do do 370.00 715 Ford truck 210. 00 716 Dodge touring car 270.00 717 !!!!!do! !!!.'.".''.''-.'.'.".' .'.!.'!!!! 195 00 do 250. 00 718 250. 00 do do do 255 00 do 155.00 do 167 50 do 170. 00 Riker truck 725 00 719 1 115.00 Riker truck 1,000.00 715.00 do 720 175 00 721 do 30 00 722 do do L. Solowitz, 2207 Prestman St., Baltimore. L. Florio, 391 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N. J. E. H. Pitcher, Camp Holabird, Md. L. Guntoke, 519 S. Montford Ave., Baltimore. Wm. B. Sheidy, Wyomissing.Pa. Cambridge Iron & Metal Co., Baltimore, Md. J. Dinowitz, 1479 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. Fierman, Pittmanand Stone Sts., Brownsville, N. Y. Patterson & Ingalls, Montgom- ery, Ala. F. J. Cramton, Montgomery, Ala . J. Lee Long, Greenville, Ala C. E. Gillespie, Prattville, Ala.. Charles H. Perkins, Montgom- ery, Ala. A. S. Lawson, Scotia, Ala 200. 00 do 95. 0(5 723 Lippard-Stewart truck Hea^'y aviation truck • 380.00 800 00 do do do 700 00 ....do 425 00 do 675 00 724 Dodge touring car 47 50 Ford truck 282 50 725 . , do 192 50 726 do Riker truck 775 00 727 do 9=in nn 728 do... do Heavy aviation truck 675 00 825. 00 do 575 00 729 445 00 Oct. 4, 1919 do do 450 00 730 Seldon truck 310.00 Standard truck 330 00 Federal truck 485.00 Ford truck 300 00 do 212. 50 do 288.00 Ford ambulance 195 00 Ford truck 260.00 do 192 50 do 186.00 731 900 00 do do 700 00 732 233 00 do do do 258.00 733 Ford touring car 230.00 86 00 Ford truck 261 00 473 90 00 735 do Premier touring car 50.00 774 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 736 Oct. 20, 1919 do do Ed. Seideman & Co., San Anto- nio, Tex. D. E. Bachelor, San Antonio, Tex. 0. J. Solcher, San Antonio, Tex. D. E. Bachelor, San Antonio, Tex. J. F. Bullhartz, San Antonio, Tex. C. L. Kitchen, San Antonio, Tex. Harry L. Miller, San Antonio, Tex. August Rawe, Marion, Tex Republic truck $100.00 737 Nash Quad truck 455.00 738 do 140 00 739 740 do do do do 405.00 375 00 741 do do.... 415 00 do do 350 00 742 do 180 00 743 do do 165 00 744 do J. F. Billhartz, San Antonio, Tex. O. J. Solcher, San Antonio, Tex. Webster Co,, by W. R. Field, sr., San Antonio, Tex. 0. J. Solcher, San Antonio, Tex. Hugo Grote, San Antonio, Tex.. do .. 160 00 745 do do 100 00 746 do Velie truck. 200 00 747 do do do do 275.00 165. 00 748 do 300.00 do Alex Parrigin, San Antoiiio, Tex. B. H. Turner, San Antonio, Tex. J. F. Billhartz, San Antonio, Tex. Webster Co., by W. R. Field, sr., San Antonio, Tex. Citizens Auto Co^ by C. S. Dean, San Antonio, Tex. 0. J. Solcher, San Antonio, Tex. 1. M. Rader, San Antonio, Tex. A. Rex Putnam, 3311 Grand Ave^ Dallas, Tex. J. W. Vilbig, 3013 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. Horace McGraw, 1920i Bryan St., Dallas, Tex. E. M. Piper, 2118 Main St., Dal- las, Tex. N. Nigro, Camp and Griffin Sts., Dallas, Tex. A. Stephenson, 101 N. Haskell, Dallas, Tex. Dallas, Tex Milk Products Co., 2314 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. W. W. Engle, 129 S. Seevers, Dallas, Tex. 0. G. Adams, Dallas News, Dal- las, Tex. Crystal Ice Factory, Dallas, Tex. H. G. Hughes, R. F. D. No. 7, Dallas, Tex. A. Rex Putnam, 3311 Grand Ave„ Dallas, Tex. T. A. Blundell, 122 E. Jefferson, Dallas, Tex. B. K. Dosterchill, 2016 S. Akard, Dallas, Tex. Henry J. Bliss, Brackettville, Tex. Henry Veltmann, Brackettville, Tex. George Rivers, Brackettville, Tex R. L. Smith, Thomson, Ga C. D. Norris, 1817 Walton Way, Augusta, Ga. B. H. Hernon, Mayfield, Ga do 275.00 749 do 225.00 750 do do 245 00 751 do do 190.00 752 do do.. 335 00 753 do Packard truck 375.00 754 do do 600.00 755 do do 430.00 756 Oct. 22, 1919 do do Studebaker tender 65.00 757 Standard truck 175.00 758 Federal truck . . . . 210.00 759 do Ford truck 335.00 760 do 600.00 761 do Studebaker tender 80.00 762 do Federal truck 335.00 .....do do do Packard truck 405.00 763 Federal truck 250.00 do 125.00 do 415.00 764 Ford touring car 125.00 765 Federal truck 405.00 70.00 do do do do 400.00 766 767 do Studebaker tender 170.00 60.00 do 70.00 768 Standard truck 185.00 769 do Oct. 25, 1919 do Studebaker truck 125.00 770 Ford touring 150.00 771 100.00 do do 105.00 722 Ford touring 115.00 773 Oct. 28, 1919 do National touring car 200.00 774 Republic truck 200.00 775 do do 220.00 776 do J. F. Smith, Augusta, Ga J. P. Byne, Blythe, Ga Buick roadster 50.00 777 do Overland touring 75.00 778 Oct. 27, 1919 Mr. Cumming Nash Quad truck 200.00 do 300.00 ... do 300.00 Kelly aviation truck 750.00 do 850.00 do 900.00 . . do 750.00 .do 850.00 do 1,000.00 Willys- Knight ambulance 270.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 775 SKRIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 27,1919.. .do. -do. .do. -do. .do. .do. ..do ..do ..do ..do Nov. 1, 1919. -do. .do. .do. .do. do do do do do do do Nov. 4, 1919. Nov. 5, 1919. do Oct. 21, 1919. do .do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. -do. -do. -do. .do. .do. -do. .do. Mr. Coutu. C. W. Mann Mr. Salvas Berry's Express Co. John Groves Co Carter Russell Co.. Babcock Davis Co. MaxTaretz T. Quielev,jr S.J. McNeely New England Auto Co. W. T. Patterson E. R.Wells N. M. Smith J.T.Elliott J. T. Knight & Son. W. R. Kump S. W. Rader S. R. Small W. M.Camp Ed. Cohen F. S. Harlow E. L. Beard C. L. Goss, Lillie, La. Thomas C. West M. Shapiro Martin Bros. Bloom Hopkins . Pacific... Hansch. Gillinsky.. Bachus Rockaway . Bachus Kahn.. Bloom . Gilinsky. Martin Bros. Corsaro R. P. Tott.. Selden truck do Kelly aviation truck Commerce truck Kelly aviation truck ....do do do Pierce-Arrow truck Kelly aviation truck Pierce-Arrow truck do do do do Commerce truck Willys-Knight touring car.. Ford touring car do do Commerce truck Ford touring car do do do do do Commerce truck do do do do Ford touring car do do Commerce truck , do Buick touring car Ford truck Kelly-Springfield truck Selden truck , do Ford truck Nash Quad truck do do do do Peerless truck , do Nash Quad truck , do do do do do do Pacific do do. do do Kelly-Springfield truck Peerless truck Kelly-Springfield truck do , Garford rack truck Kelly-Springfield truck Hurlburt truck , Kelly-Springfield truck Huriburt truck , do do do do do International truck do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 776 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. Oct. 21, 1919. ....do Rudner . . Gilinsky. -do. -do. .do. .do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. .do. .do. Bachus . Rockaway. Pacific .do .do .do Bloom Pacific D. Hyman. Sherr. Moscow.. Hopkins . Anderson . Gilinsky . . Sherr , R. Smith.. Woodman . Cramer Bachus . Clelver. Ward. Hopkins . Ward. International truck Kelly-Springfield truck . do Peerless.truck International truck Packard truck Kelly-Springfield truck . Pierce- Arrow truck do do do Packard truck do Peerless truck Denby truck Reo truck Pierce- Arrow truck do do do do do Reo touring ear Ford truck Buick touring Reo truck do do do do Ford truck Ford touring car Ford truck Reo truck Ford truck do Ford touring car Buick touring car Reo truck Ford touring car Reo truck do do Indian motorcycle Indian side car Ford truck do do Indian motorcycle Indian side car do do do Oldsmobile touring car. . Indian motorcycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle do Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car ....do Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle In 'Han side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle $550.00 1,000.00 1,325.00 550.00 700.00 1,. 550. 00 950.00 950.00 350.00 1,125.00 1,150.00 2,250.00 1,550.00 500.00 275.00 100.00 650.00 750.00 750.00 550.00 500.00 1,100.00 120.00 50.00 80.00 60.00 65.00 50.00 100.00 105.00 105. 00 80.00 145.00 85.00 165.00 105.00 230.00 60.00 90.00 22. 50 110.00 7.5.00 105.00 26.00 5.00 55.00 130.00 205.00 6.00 6.00 .75 .75 .75 130. 00 25.00 3.00 15.01 3.00 20.00 5.00 8.00 25.00 7.00 20.00 2.00 30.00 7.00 15.00 2.00 40.00 5.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 18.00 2.00 15.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 15.00 3.00 20.00 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 777 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Oct. 21, 1919... .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., -do. .do. .do., Name and address of buyer. Ward. Giltnsky Rockaway . . Latorowitz . . Peterson McCaraman. Gilinsky. Parsons . . Ward.... Parsons . Fritz McCaraman. Gilinsky ShirtclifF... I^atorowitz . Davidson. . Hopkins . . . Woodman . Ward Latorowitz . Shirt cliff. Gilinsky . C. R. Mulford. Stevenson Ward. Article. Indian side car Indian motor cycle . . . do : Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car , Iniian motor cycle . . . Indian side car Indian motor cycle . . . Indian side car , Indian motor cycle Indian ?ids car!. , Indian motor cycle . . - Indian side car , Indian motor cycle . . . Indian side car , Indian motor cycle . . . Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car do Indian motor cycle . . - do Indian side car , do Indian motor cycle . . . Indian side cai Indian motor cycle . . . do Indian sid? car Indian motor cycle . . . ...do do do Indian side car do Indian motor cycle. . - Indian side car do do Indian motor Cycle . . . Indian side car do do do do Indian motor cycle . . . Indian side car do do.. Indian motor cycle . . . do do do do Indian side car Excelsior motor cycle. Rodgers side car Indian side car do do do do do do Indian motor cycle . . . Indian side car do Indian motor eyclel . . . do Cygnet side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car Indian motor cycle do do do do do Indian side car Indian motor cycle Indian side car 778 SALE OF SUKPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAE DEPAKTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. 866 Oct. 21, 1919 . . - . 867 868 869 870 871 .da -do .do .do -do. 872 873 874 .do, -do. -do. 875 do 876 do 877 do 878 do 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 -do. -do. .do. do Oct. 24, 1919. Oct. 27, 1919. do , do , .do. -do. Gilinsky. Silver. Latorowitz. Chambers.. Parsons . . Hopkins . Chambers... McCaraman. Gilinsky Peterson . Latorowitz. Anderson . . Ward Grimley. Barton. . . Parsons . . Hopkins Lester J. Miller, Oak Harbor, Ohio. B. England, 633 Reed St., Phila- delphia, Pa. M. Pure, 5901 Addison St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. F. X. Brennan, 2122 S. 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. M. Cooper 27th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. T. Rudolph. 2408 S. Fairhill St., Philadelpnia. Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. do do Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. do , Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. ....do Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car , Indian motor cycle. ....do Indian side car Indian motor cycle. , Indian side car Indian motor cycle. Indian side car Indian motor cycle. . Indian side car , Indian motor cycle. , Indian side car Indian motor cycle. , Indian side car , Indian motor cycle. . Indian side car Indian motor cycle. , Indian side car Indian motor cycle. . Indian side car ....do Ford truck Ford touring car. ...do ...do Duplex truck ....do Packard truck Ford t curing do ....do Franklin touring Packard touring Ford touring Indian motor cycle and side car. SALE OF SUEPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. 7 79 SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Continued. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Oct. 27, 1919 . . .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do., .do., .do., -do., .do.. .do., -do., -do., .do., -do., .do.. Penn Motor Co., 1366 Mount Vernon St., Philadelphia. Paul, Philadelphia L. Myers, 4411 Rising Sun Lane, Philadelphia. Gilensky , Philadelphia J. Widorf, 1414 S. 27th St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. G. Kay, 816 N. 5th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. J. McFeeley, 1228 Emley St., Philadelphia. G. Newkirk, 1323 Poplar St., Philadelphia. J. McGrath, 1340 N. Front St., Philadelphia. B. W. Owens, 53d and Balti- more Ave., Philadelphia. James Quinn, 1020 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia. M. Goldberg, 1928 N. 20th St., Philadelphia. D. Aronsberg, 818 Snyder Ave., Philadelphia. M. Lieberman, 1306 Gallehill St., Philadelphia. A. Brant , Vineland, N.J - P. J. Kileen, 2305 South St., Philadelphia. A. N. Millchafl, 4551 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia. Jos. McShane, 1227 S. 27th St., Philadelphia. Pa. A. Mcllhenny, 28th and Oak- ford St5., Philadelphia. J. Bloom, 1211 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia. Black, city hall, Philadelphia . . Hopsie, 4621 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia. J. M. Frederick, Parksie, Pa. . . R. A. Haidel, 5109 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia. John David 3403 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. R. Peters, 2024 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. W. Chapman, 5th and Rising Sun Lane, Philadelphia. W. Smith, 4224 Ogden St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. M. Tropp, 12.50 S. 26th St., Phil- adelphia, Pa. H. W. Sweitzer, 1613 S. 54th St., Philadelphia. Norman Stroud, 5215 West- minster Ave. Chas. Lafent, 402 S. 16th St., Philadelphia. John O'Connor, 2032 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. H. Michaelson, 1928 N. 20th St., Philadelphia. W. Meirs, 2414 Chancellor St., Philadelphia. William Housley, 5971 Trinity E. L. Wallace, 146 Sumac St., Philadelphia, Pa. J. Orster, 110 S. State St., Syra- cuse, N. Y. Ford touring car. do do Reo touring car . . Reo truck Ford touring car. Ford truck ....do ....do ....do Ford touring car . Hudson roadster . Ford touring car. do do Ford truck Ford touring car . .do. .do. .do. Oldsmobile touring car. Ford touring car .do. Locomobile touring . Nash Quad truck . . . do Reo touring car . . . Studebaker truck. Duplex truck do do do Nash Quad truck. Studebaker bus . . . Autocar truck Ford touring car . . do Ford truck Ford touring car. .do. .do. do Ford truck Hupmobile Ford touring car. do Ford truck Ford touring car . do do do Buick touring car . Autocar truck Ford touring Duplex truck . . , Hudson bus Reo touring car . 780 SALE OF SURPLUS SUPPLIES BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT. SERIAL LIST OF SALES: MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS— Contliitied. Sale No. Date of sale. Name and address of buyer. Article. Total sale price. 927 Oct. 27, 1919..-. .do J. P. Bailey, Liberty Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Blair, 1738 Callehill St., Phila- delphia. Roger Harper, Hackensack, N.J. H. Grove, 1306 N. 3d St., Phila- delphia, Pa. Backus Motor Co., East Rutheiv ford, N. J. S. R. Dressner, 620 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. S. Jaffe, 2115 S. 6th St., Phila- delphia. F. Hughey, 2806 Petlz St., Phila- delphia. Meaner, Philadelphia Buick touring car $210. oa do 335.00 928 Duplex truck 150 00 929 . .do 265 00 930 do Denbytruck 725. 00 do Duplex truck 165.00 do 330.00 931 Ford totiring car 255.00 do .do Packard truck 2,400.00 310.00 932 Buick touring car ... do 425.00 do 440.00 Ford touring car . 220.00 do 250. 00 933 Indian motor cycle . 60.00 .do Indian side car" 28.00 934 66. oa do Indian side car 30.00 935 do 12.00 936 .do Jos. Edson, 1435 N. 31st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ward Bros., 212 Broadway, Camden, N. J. J. Klein, 1022 Girard Ave., Phil- adelphia. M. Rugger, 1513 S. 9th St., Phil- adelphia. .. ..do 17. oa 937 . ..do Indian motor cvcle 35.00 . ..do . ..do " 55.00 Indian motor cycle and side car Indian si do cs^T saoo 6.00 .do 16.00 938 Indian motor cycle 20.00 .do do 42.50 ..do 32.00 do 27. 0» do 29.00 .do 49.00 do 60.00 . ..do 96.00 Indian motor cycle and side car Indian sidpi rar saoo 21.00 .do 8.oa do laoo do 29.00 . .do 22.00 .do 8.00 939 Indian motor cycle 29.00 24.00 ....do 10.00 .do 2.00 o r. LBMy?1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 01 1 520 536 5 !:'i ;;;•! ;,;;:■■::: ;v^;;H: ;:!;!''!;•: ;::;i*i;i;;^I| j' ' ,';;,„(,■.:..' ,'.;'.. :".'.\'i, •"_. '::' 1" I''!.' ",i''--'