Glass. Book. / CATALOGUE THE BEARDSLEY LIBRARY, WEST AVINSTED, CONN. WATERBURY: PRESS OP THE AMERICAN PRINTING COMPANY. 1 875. %\ 7 % BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. Mrs. Delia R. Beardsley, in memory of her late husband, Dea. Elliot Beardsley, and in pursuance of a long-cherished desire to ben- efit the inhabitants of the Borough in which she resides, by some gift of permanent value, has made a donation of $10,000 to estab- lish a Public Library in the village of West Winsted, Conn. In 1874 this amount was entrusted to a Board of seven men, on the following conditions : 1. Five thousand dollars to be expended within the current year for books and periodicals. " 2. Five thousand dollars to be invested, and the income derived therefrom to be annually devoted to replenishing the Library. Mrs. Beardsley also gives the use of a furnished room, free of rent, for a series of years. • , The Board to whom ttie matter was entrusted have fulfilled the first condition, and placed upon the shelves upwards of three thou- sand volumes. The Library was opened to the public on Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1874, subject to the rules and regulations which follow. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. Ai)y person shal) be entitled to the privileges of the Librai-y and Reading Room for one year by the payment of two dollars in ad- vance and subscribing to the regulations; but the Librarian may require a voucher signed by some responsible person ■ All persons drawing books shall be strictly responsible for them, and shall be held liable for any defacement or injury to the same Avhile charged to their names, according to the Statute of 1872, Chap. 30 (which imposes a fine of from $5 to $500 for each oifense). The books are divided into three classes: 1. Books that may be retained one week. 2. Books that may be retained two weeks. 3. Books of reference, which shall not be removed from the room. Any person who shall retain a book beyond the si^ecified time, shall pay a fine of three cents a day until the book is returned ; or, if lost, a new one shall be provided in its place. These fines will be collected before another book is let to the delinquent subscriber. A single ticket shall entitle the holder to draw one volume at a time. A family ticket may be purchased for five dollars, which may draw three volumes at a time, and entitle all members of tlie family to use of Reading Room A book of the first class cannot be immediately renewed by the same person, if it has been applied for by another. Application for a book may be made in writing and deposited with the Librarian, in which case applicants shall be served in the order in which they apply. If not called for within twenty-four hours, it may be let to the next applicant. Magazines and Reviews shall not be taken from the room until bound, after which they may be drawn as other volumes. RULES AND REGULATIONS. No books shall be taken from the shelves except by the Librarian, who will wait upon all who are entitled to the use of the Library. Books may be taken for consultation in the room by reo-ular sub- scribers, without being charged upon the record. No loud talking or reading shall be permitted in the Library, nor any conduct which would disturb persons desiring to read The Library shall be open on such afternoons and evenings and at such -hours as the Trustees may direct; and notice of the same shall be conspicuously posted.* Transient persons shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library for a period not to exceed four months, by the payment of one dollar. The Librarian is authorized and instructed to enforce these rules, which may be altered or amended at the dii-ection of the Board of Trust. Life Member ship. —Kwy person shall be entitled to the use of the Library for life, by the payment of fifty dollars. Honorary Memhership.—A donation of one hundred dollars shall constitute any person an honorary member, with all the privileges of membership. * Library open every afternoon and evening (except Sunday) from 1 to 5, and tvom. 6^ to 9 o'clock. OFFICERS Boart of trustees* James R. Alvoed, S. B. Foebes, E. R. Beabdsley, Heney Gat, Geo. M. Caerington, L. H. Hallook John T. Rookwell. |)rcai&cnt. Rev. L. H. Hallook. Dice |)re0i&<;ttt. John T. Rockwell. iSccretarp itnli 'Strcasurer. Edwaed R. Beaedsley. QLorrca^ionbinfl ^ccrctarp. Geo. M. Caeeington. iTtbrartan. Louise M. Caeeington. * These Trustees have formed themselves into a corporate body, according to the laws of the State of Connecticut. CATALOGUE. Books markecl with a star (*) are not to be takeu from the I'oom. A. Abbeys, Castles, and Ancient Halls. John Timbs. London. 2 v. 1 2°. Abbot, The. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1874. 12°. , . . . Abbott, J. Harper's Story Books. New York. 12 v. sm. 4°. . Vol.1. Bruno; Willie and the Mortgage; Strait Gate. 2. Little Louvre ; Frank; Emma. 3. Virginia; Timljoo and Joliba; Timboo and Fauuy. 4. Harper Establishment ; Franklin : The Studio. 5. Story of Ancient History ; English History ; American History. 6. John True ; Elf red ; Museum. 7. Engineer; Rambles Among the Alps; Three Gold Dollars. 8. Gibraltar Gallery; Alcove; Dialogues. 9. The Great, Elm ; Aunt Margaret ; Vernon. 10. Garland Jocko; Lapstone; Orkney. 11. Judge Justm ; Miuigo ; Jasper. 12. Congo; Viola; Little Paul. History of Alexander the Great. New York, 1874. 16° History of Alfred the Great. New York, 1872. 16°. History of Charles I. New York, 1873. 16°. History of Charles II. New York, 1873. 16°. History of Cleopatra. New York, 1 874. 1 6°. History of Cyrus the Great. New York, 1872. 16°. History of Darius the Great. New York, 1871. 16°. History of Queen Elizabeth. New York, 1873. 16°. History of Genghis Khan. New York, 1873. 16°. History of Hannibal New York, 1872. 16°. History of Julius Cnesar. New York, 1872. 16°. . History of Margaret of Anjou. New York, 1874. 16<^ History of Marie Antoinette. New York, 1872. 16°. History of Mary, Queen of Scots. New York, 1873. IG History of Nero. New York, 1871. 16°. History of Peter the Great. New York, 1 873. 16°. History of Pyrrhus. New York, 1871. 16°. History of Richard I. New York, 1857. 16°. History of Richard II. New York, 1858. 16°. History of Richard III. New York, 1874. 16°. 60, 22 63, 1 94. 22 92, 1 92, 2 92, 5 92, 7 92, 6 92, 4 92, 3 92, 8 92, 18 92, 10 92, 15 92, 20 92, 21 92, 22 92, 23 92, 24 92, 26 92, 27 92, 28 92, 29 CATALOGUE OF THE Abbott, J. History of Romulus. New York, 1873. 16°. . . . 92,30 History of William the Conqueror. New York, 1874. 16°, . 92, 31 History of Xerxes. New York, 1873. 1G° 92, 32 Rollo Series. New York. 14 v. 18° 91, 7-20 Vol. 1. Eollo Learuing to Talk. 2. Rollo Learnmg to Read. 3. Rollo at Work. 4. Rollo at Play. 5. Rollo at School. 6. Rollo's Vacation. 7. Rollo's Esperimeuts. Vol. 8. Rollo's Museum. 9. Rollo's Travels. 10. Rollo's Correspondence. 11. Rollo's Philosophy— Air. 12. Rollo's Philosophy— Fire. 13. Rollo's Philosophy— Sky. 14. Rollo's Philosophy — Water. Science for tiie Young. New York, 1872. 4 v. 12° Vol. 1. Heat. 2. Light. Vol. 3. Water and Laud. 4. Force. 2 V 16' Hoary Head and M'Douner. New York, 1873. 12°. Abbott, J. S. C. Hernando Cortez. New York, 1873. 16°. ' History of Henry IV. New York, 1856. 16°. History of Queen Hortense. New York, 1870. 16.° History of Josepli Bonaparte. New York, 1869. 16°. History of the Empress Josephine. New York, 1871. History of Louis XIV. New York, 1871. 16°. History of Louis Philippe. New York, 1871. 16°. History of Madame Roland. New York, 1872. 16°. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. New York, 1874. History of King Philip New York, 1873. 16°. Kings and Queens. New York, 1872. 12°. Napoleon at St. Helena. New York, 1871. 8°. Romance of Spanish History. New York, 1869. 12°. Abbott, Lyman. A Layman's Story. New York, 1873. A'Beckett, G. A. Comic History of England. London. 8° Comic History of Rome. London. 8°. . Abominations of Modern Society. T. DeW. Talmage. N.Y., 1873 About, E. Man with the Broken Ear. New York, 1873. 16 Social Economy. London, 1872. 12°. Acadia. F. S. Cozzens. New York, 1870. 12°. Acoustics. R. Radau. New York, 1870 12°. . Across America and Asia. R. Pumpelly. New York, 1871 Across the Continent. S. Bowles, Springfield, 1866. 16°, Acts, Commentary on. J. A. Alexander. New York, 1869. AdamBede. M. A. (Evans) Lewes. New York, 1874. 12° Adams, Samuel, Life of. W. V. Wells. Boston, 1865. 3 Adams, W. Thanksgiving. New York, 1869. 12°. Adams, W. T. All Aboard. Boston, 1874. 16°. Boat Club. Boston, 1874. 16°. Brave old Salt. Boston, 1874. Breaking Away. Boston, 1873 Down the River. Boston, 1874, Fighting Joe. Boston, 1874. 16°. Freaks of Fortune. Boston, 1874. 12 2 V V. 8' 16° 16° 16 16= 16' 8° 134, 33-36 33, 30 92, 12 92, 11 92, 16 92, 17 92, 9 92, 18 ■ 92, 14 92, 19 . 127, 1 92, 25 122, 16 127, 3 104, 24 33, 28 99, 16 99, 17 33, 12 85, 27 134, 19 33, 14^ 95, 27 104. 17 103, 3 12, 10 76, 13 99, 1 78, 13 95, 13 95, 14 95, 1 95, 7 95, 8 95, 2 95, 9 12' 12°, BEARDSLET LIBRARY. Adams, W. T. Haste and Waste. Boston, 1 874. Hope and Have. Boston, 1874. 1(J°. In School and Out. Boston, 1874. 1G°. Littlo by Little. Boston, 1874. 1G°. 10° Make or Break. Boston, 1874. 16°. Now or Never. Boston, 1874. 1G°. Poor and Proud. Boston, 1874. 16°. Rich and Humble Boston, 1874. 16° Sailor Boy. Boston, 1874. 16°. Seek and Find. Boston, 1874. 16°. Soldier Boy. Boston, 1874. 16°. Starry Flag. Boston, 1874. 16°. Try Again. Boston, 1874. 16°. Watch and Wait. Boston, 1874. 16°. Way ofithe World. Boston, 1872. 12°. Work and Win. Boston, 1874. 16°. Yankee Midly. Boston, 1874. 16°. Young Lieutenant. Boston, 1874. 16°. Lake Shore Series. Boston, 1874. 6 v. 16' Bear and Forbear. Brake Up LightuiDg Express. Oil Time. Switch UfE. Through by Daylight. Upward and Onward Series, Boston, 1874. 6 v. 16°. Bivouac aucl Battle. Criugle aud Crosstree. Desk aud Debit. Yacht Club Series. Boston, 1874. Little Bobtail. Mouey Maker. Young America Abroad Series. Boston, 1874. t) v. 16°. Field and Forest. Plane and Plank. ^ea aud Shore. 3 V. 16°. . Yacht Club. Cross and Crescent. Dikes and Ditches. Down the Khiue. Northern Lauds. Piilace aud Cottage. Red Cross. Shamrock and Thistle. Up the Baltic. Outward Bound. Addison, J., Works of. New York, 1873. 3 v. 8°. Adela Cathcart. Geo. MacDonald. Boston. 12°. . . . . Adele. J. Kavanagh. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . . Adirondacks, Adventures in. W. H. H.Murray. Boston, 1874. 16°. *Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German Language. N.Y., 1873. 8°. Admetus and Other Poems. E.Lazarus. New York, 1871. p. 8°. . Adventures in Equatorial Africa. P. B. Du Chaillu. N. Y., 1871. 8°. in South Pacific. New York, 1861. 12° in the Wilderness. W. H. H. Murray. Boston, 1874. 16°. of a Brownie. G. M. Craik. New York, 1873. sq. 16°. of a Deaf Mute. W. B. Sweet. Boston, 1874. 8°. of a Marquis. A. Dumas. Philadelphia. 8°. ... of Don Quixote. C. Jarvis. London. 12°. . . of Mr. Ledbury. A. Smith. London. 16° of Reuben Davidger. J. Greenwood. New York, 1866. 8°. 2 96, 26 96, 27 96, 28 95, 15 95, 10 95, 16 95, 17 96, 29 95, 3 95, 11 95, 4 95, 12 95, 18 96, 30 96, 1 96, 31 95, 5 95, 6 96, 14 96, 20 96, H 96, 2 28, 5 74, 1 85, 13 33, 20 157, 5 52, 13 107, 13 105, 17 33, 20 92, 37 128, 21 77, 6 97, 19 81, 24 106, 22 10 CATALOGUE OF THE 12°. 12°. 8°. 1G= Adventures of a Young Naturalist. L. Biart. New York, 1873. 12°. on Great Hunting Grounds. V. Meunier. London, 1868. 1G°. ^schylus, Tragedies of. G. Burges. New York, 1872. 12°. ./Esop, Fables of. S. Croxall. New York. 16° Afloat and Ashore. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. Afloat in the Forest. M. Reid. Boston, 1873. 16°. Africa. B. Taylor. New York, 1873. 12° Equatorial Adventures in. P. B. Du Chaillu. N.Y., 1871. 8°. Heart of. G. Schweinfurth. New York, 1874. 2 v. 8°. Hunters Life in. R. G. Cumming. New York, 1874. 2 v. South. B. Taylor. New York, 1873. 12°. South, Hunting in. W. C. Baldwin. New York, 1863. South, Travels in. D. Livingstone. New York, 1870. Western. J. L. Wilson. New York, 1856. 12°. Aftermath. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1874. 16°. ' . Agassiz, L. and Mrs. Journey in Brazil. Boston, 1871. 8°. Agassiz, L. Methods of Study in Natural History. Bos., 1873. Agatha's Husband. D. M. Craik. New York, 1871. 12°. Age of Chivalry. T. Bulflnch. Boston, 1873. 12°. Age of Fable. T. Bulflnch. Boston.. 12°. Agnel, H. R. Book of Chess. New York, 1874. 12°. Agnes. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1866. 8°. Agnes of Sorrento. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1869. 16°. Agricultural Chemistry. J. F. W. Johnston. New York. Agricultural Reports of U. S. 1862-1870. Wa8hin2;ton. Agriculture, Elements of. Geo. E. Waring, Jr. N.Y Elements of. J. S. Norton. New York. 12°. *Encyclopsedia of. J. C. Loudon. London, 1871. 8°. of Connecticut : 1866-69, 71. Hartford. 5 v. 8°. of Maine: 1871, '72. Augusta. 2 v. 8°. of Mass.: 1870, '71, '73, '74. Boston. 2 v. 8°. of Ohio : 1871, '72. Columbus. 2 v. 8°. Tabular Statements of. S. B. Ruggles. New York, 1874. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. A. H. K. Our Two Lives, or Graham and I. New York, 1873. Aids to English Composition. R. G. Parker. New York, 1855. Aids to Reflection. S. T. Coleridge. New York, 1840. 8°. Aiken, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth. Bos., 1870. Ainslie, A. E. Smoking Fires, Cause and Cure. London, 1871. Air. J.Abbott. New York. 18° Au-, Castles in the. R. B. Coffin. New York, 1871. 12°. Airy, G. B. Sound. London, 1871. 12°. . . . . , Alaska and its Resources. W. H. Dall. Boston, 1870. 8°. Alaska, Travels in. F. Whymper. New York, 1869. 8°. Albert, Prince, Early Years of. Queen Victoria. N.Y., 1868. 12°, Alcestis. New York, 1874. 16°. Alcock, Sir R. Thi-ee Years m Japan. New York, 1868. 2. v. 12°, 12°. 6 V. 1868. 8°. 12°. 16°. 12°. 12°. 16°. 104, 28 97, 18 18, 26 93, 28 65, 1 97, 2 102, 2 107, 13 107, 15 102, 28 102, 14 105, 15 107, 3 102, 19 45, 11 107, 12 133, 12 75, 4 34, 11 34, 10 142, 14 87, 40 76, 24 143, 23 149, 1 143, 24 143, 25 153, 2 148, 7 148, 3 148, 1 148, 5 145, 29 71,1 31, 18 37, 4 29, 2 98, 9 142, 29 91, 7 52, 22 144, 2 108, 6 106, 5 128, 6 85, 28 102, 32 BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. H Alcott, L. M. Aunt Joe's Scrap Bag. Boston, 1874. 3 v. 16°. . 84, 13 Vol. 1. My Boys. Vol. 2. Shawl Straps. Vol. 3. Cupid aud Chow Chow. Hospital Sketches. Boston, 1873. 16° 84, 16 Little Men. Boston, 1873. 16° 84, 17 Little Women. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 16° 84, 18 Moods. Boston. 16° 84, 21 Morning Glories. New York, 1 872. 16°. . . . .84,22 Old Fashioned Girl. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . . .84,20 Three Proverb Stories. Boston. 16°, . . . . .91, 24 Work. Boston, 1874. 16° 84, 23 Alden, Joseph. Science of Government. New York. 12°. . • 142, 5 Alderbrook ; Sketches and Poems. E. Chubbuck. Bos., 1850. 2 v. 12°. 71,32 Aldrich, T. B. Cloth of Gold and other Poems. Bost., 1874. 16°. . 48, 4 Marjorie Daw. Boston, 1873. 16°. 76, 10 Prudence Palfrey. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . . . 76, 11 ► Story of a Bad Boy. Boston, 1873. 16°. .... 93, 36 Alec Forbes. G. MacDonald. New York, 1874. 8°. ... 87, 32 Alexander, H. 0. Life of J. A. Alexander. N. Y., 1870. 2 v. 8°. 99, 13 Alexander, J. A. Com. on Acts of Apostles. N.Y., 1869. 2 v. 12°. 12, 10 Commentary on Isaiah. New York, 1869. 2 v. 12°. , . 12, 8 Commentary on Psalms. New York, 1862. 3 v. 12°. . . 12, 5 Life of. H. C. Alexander. New York, 1870. 2 v. 8°. . 99, 13 Alexander the Great, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1874. 16°. 92, 1 Alford, Dean. The New Testament, Revised. London, 1871. 16°. 78, 18 Alford, Henry. The Queen's English. New York, 1874. 16°. . 32, 20 Alfred the Great. T. Hughes. Boston, 1871. 12°. . . . 122, 17 Alfred the Great, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1872. 16°. 92, 2 Alhambra. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1872. 12° 23, 1 Alhambra and the Kremlin. S. I. Prime. New York, 1873. 8°. , 108, 13 Alice Learmont. D. M. Craik. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . 75, 10 Alison, A- History of Europe, 1789-1815 (ab'd). N.Y., 1843. 8°. 129, 11 History of Europe, 1789-1815. New York, 1872. 4 v. 8°, . 116, 17 History of Europe, 1815-1852. New York, 1868. 4 v. 8°. . 116, 21 Alison's Essays. J. Wilson. New York, 1873. 8°. ... 27, 13 All Aboard. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16° 95, 13 Allen, L. F. New American Farm Book. New York, 1869. 12°. 136, 5 *Allen, W. American Biographical Dictionary. Boston, 1857. 8°. 159, 15 *Allibone, S. A. Dictionary of Authors. Philadel., 1874. 3 v. 8°. 154, 1 Almanac for 1874. T. Nast. New York, 1874. 8°. ... 135, 31 Alone. M. V. Terhuue. New York, 1874. 12° 84, 27 Alps, Hours of Exercise in. J. Tyndall. New York, 1874. 12°. . 104, 31 Scrambles Amongst. E. Wliymper. Philadelphia, 1873. 8°. 106, 4 Alton Locke. C. Kiugsley. New York, 1871. 12°. . . . 61, 6 Alton Sermons. A. W. Hare. London, 1874. 12°. . . . 13, 2 Amber Gods and other Stories. H. E. Precsott. Boston, 1863. 16°. 71, 26 Amelia, History of. H. Fielding. New York, 1856. 12°. . . 83, 20 12 CATAT.OGUE OF THE Amenities of Literature. I. Disraeli. New York, 1870. 2 v. 12°. 54, 14 America, Ancient. J. D. Baldwin. New York, 1874. 12°, . . 133, 25 Central, Travels in. J. L. Stephens. New York, 1871. 2 v. 8°. 107, 7 Democracy in. A. De Tocqueville. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 12°, 37, 18 Field and Garden Vegetables of. F. Burr, Jr. Bos., 1865. 12°, 136,6 Fruit and Fruit Trees of. A. J. Downing. N.Y., 1866. 8°, 136,1 North. Jesuits in. F. Parkman. Boston, 1874. 8°. . . 106, 26 Spanish Conquest in. A. Plelps. New York, 1856. 4 v. 12°, 113, 25 Switzerland of. S. Bowles. Springfield, 1869. 16°. . , 104, 9 Trees of. D. J. Browne. New Yoi-k. 8° 137, 18 United States of . R. MacKenzie. London, 1870. 12°. . 60,15 American Angler's Book. T. Norris. Philadelphia, 1865. 8°. . 137, 12 American Baron, The. J. De Mille. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 77, 23 American Beaver, The. L. H. Morgan. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°. . 137, 11 *American Biographical Dictionary. W. Allen. Boston, 1857. 8°. 159, 15 American Biography. J. Sparks. New York, 1873. 10 v. 16°. . 121, 1 *Dictionary of. F. S. Drake. Boston, 1874. 8°. , . . 154, 4 American Boj^s' Life of Washiueton. A. M. Hyde. N.Y., 1871. 16°. 91, 34 American Colleges, etc. Noah Porter. New Haven, 1870. 16°. , 78. 29 American Conflict, H. Greeley. Hartford, 1864. 2 v. 8°, . , 117, 4 American Cotton Spinner. R. H. Baird. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. 145, 18 American Currency, History of. W.G.Sumner. N. Y.,1874. 12°, 142,2 American Family in Germany. J. Ross Brown. N.Y., 1871. 12°, 104, 14 American Farmer in EngTd. F.L.Olmsted. Columbus, O., 1859. 8°. 136,2 American Fish Culturist. T. Norris. Philadelphia, 1868. 12°. ,136,31 American Gardener's Assistant. T. Bridgeman. N.Y., 1872. 12°. 136, 8 American Girl Abroad. A. Trafton. New York, 1874. 16°. . 34,14 American Girls, Education of . A. C. Brackett. New York, 1874. 12°. 33,25 American Home Garden. A. Watson. New York, 1867. 12°. , 136, 7 American House Carpenter. R.G.Hatfield. New York, 1873. 8°. 147, 22 American Law, Commen'aries on. J. Kent. Boston, 1873. 4 v. 8°. 158, 8 *Am. Literature, Suppl. lo Cycloepd. of. Duyckinck. N.Y., 1866. 8°. 154, 16 American Note Books. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1874. 12°. . 62, 1 American Notes. C.Dickens. Boston, 1871. 12°. , . ,64,26 American Poets, Selections from. W. C. Bryant, ed. N.Y.,1870. 18°, 44,29 American Pomology. J. A. Warder, New York. 12°. , . 136, 3 American Poulterer's Companion. C. M. Bement. N.Y., 1871. 8°, 143, 27 American Pulpit, Annals of. W. B. Sprague. N.Y., 1866. 9 v. 8°. 17, 7 American Revolu'n, Bor. Wars of . W. L. Stone. N.Y.,1864. 2 v. 18°. 101,6 Camp Fires of. H. C. Watson. New York, 1869. 8°. , 117, 6 Field Book of. B. J. Lossing. New York, 1860. 2 v. 8°. . 117, 7 American Society, Woman in. A. G. Woolson. Boston, 1873. 16°, 33, 23 American Wit and Humor. New York. 8°, 98, 4 American Woman's Home. C. E. and H. Beecher. N.Y.,1870. 8°. 135,9 Americans, Notions of the. J. F. Cooper. Phila., 1828. 2 v. 16°. 81, 10 Ames, Mary C. Eirene, or a Woman's Right. New York, 1871. 8°, 77, 22 Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Gary. New York, 1874. 12°. 126, 10 BEAEDSLEY OBKARY. 13 18°. 8°. 187+. 12°, 8°. 3 V. 12°. 12°. 2 V. 18°. 2 V. 12°. 8°. Ames, Maiy C. Outlines of Men, Women, and Things. N.Y.,1873. 16°, Among my Books. J. R. Lowell. Boston, I87i. l2o. Among the Isles of Shoals. C. Thaxter. Boston, 1873. Amoor, Travels in. T. W. Atkinson. New York, 1860. Anabasis, Xenophon's. J. S. Watson, Translator. N.Y., 187-1-. 12° Analogy of Religion. Bishop Butler. New York, 1874. Analysis of Ornament. R. W. Woruum. London, 1869, Analysis, Spectrum. H. Shellen. New York, 1872. 8°, Anatomy of Melancholy. Burton. New York, 1871. Ancient America. J. D. Baldwin. New York, 1874. Ancient Cities, Ruins of. C. Bucke. New York 1872, Ancient City, The. F. De Coulanges. Boston, 1874. 8°. Ancient Egyptians. J. G. Wilkinson. New York, 1854. Ancient History. C. Rollin. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 4°. Ancient Monarchies. G. Rawlinson. Loudon, 1873. 3 v. Ancient States and Empires. J. Lord. New York, 1869. i Andersen, Hans C. Danish Story Book. New York. 16°. Fairy Tales. New York. 16°. .... Famous Stones. New York. 16°. Improvisatore. New York, 1872. 8°. . , Only a Fiddler. New York, 1873. 8°. . . . O. T. New York, 1873. 8° Pictures of Travel. New York, 1871. 12°. Stories and Tales. London.. 12° Story Book. New York. 16°. . . . » , What the Moon Saw. London, 1871. 12°. Wonder Stories. New York, 1872. 12°. Wonderful Tales. New York. 16°. Anderson, Rufus. Missions of A. B. C. F. M. Bos., 1873. 2 v. 12°. Anderson, C. J. Lake Ngami. New York, 1861. 12°. '. Ander.souville Prison. A. Spencer. New York, 1866. 12°, Andes and the Amazon. J. Orton. New York, 1870. 8°. *Audrews, E. A. Dictionary of the Latin Language. N.Y., 1874. 8°. Andrews, I. W, Manual of the Constitution. New York. 12°, Anecdotes, Cyclopedia of. K. Arvine. Boston, 1870, Business and Commercial. F. Klrkland. New York, 1872. 8°. of Dogs. E. Jesse. London, 1873. 12°. of Painting. H. Walpole. Loudon, 1871. 12°. of Public Men. J. W. Forney. New York, 1874. 12°, Percy. New York. 8° Angel in the House, The. C. Patmore. London, 1866. 16°. Angler, The Complete. I. Walton. London, 1870. 12°. Angler's Book, American. T. Norris. Philadelphia, 1865. 8°. Anglo-Saxon Version of the Gospels. B.Thorpe. Lond., 1842. 12°. Anglo-Saxons, History of. Thos. Miller. London, 1867. 12°. History of. F. Palgrave. London, 1869. 12°. History of. S. Turner. Loudon, 1852. 3 v. 8°. . 35, 21 35, 10 31, 21 107, 20 18, 25 18, 13 137, 19 147, 17 98, 29 133, 25 101, 25 115. 17 112, 9 119, 1 115, 18 115, 15 82, 23 82, 24 82, 25 87, 4 87, 4 87, 4 104, 32 82, 22 82, 27 82, 21 82, 20 82, 26 78, 10 105, 14 34, 12 106, 24 157, 4 142, 8 99, 22 137, 4 135, 27 78, 31 124, 13 28, 11 44, 30 136, 28 137, 12 19, 16 118, 8 118, 7 118,4 14 CATALOGUE OF THE ,8°. 12°. 12°. 8°. Angus, J. Bible Hand Book. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. Animal Creation, The. T. R. Jones. London. 12°. Animal Life, Studies in. G. H. Lewes. New York, 1860. 12° Animal Locomotion. J. B. Pettigrew. New York, 1874. 12°. Animals and Plants Under Domestication. C. Darwin. N.Y. 2 v. 12° Chapters on. P. Q. Hamerton. Boston, 1874. 12°. Intelligence of. E. Menault. New Yurk, 1872. 12°. Annals of the American Pulpit. W. B. Sprague. N.Y.,l86fi. 9 of a Quiet Neighborhood. Geo. Mac Donald. N.Y., 1873 of the English Stage. Dr. Doran. N.Y., 1865. 2 v. 8° of Winchester, Ct. J. Boyd. Hartford, 1873. 8°. Anne of Geierstein. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1873. 12°. Annie Severin. Mine. A. Craven. New York, 1869. 16°. Another World, Footfalls on the, etc. E. D. Owen. Phila., 1874 *Anthon, C. Classical Dictionary. New York, 1874. 8°. *Dictionary of Greek and Rom. Antiquities. N.Y., 1871 Antiquary, The. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1868. 12°. *AntiqueSculpture,Cast Catalogue of. W. T. Brigham. Bos., 1874. 4° Antiquities of Athens. J. Stuart. London, 1873. 12°. Antiquity of Man. C. Lyell. London, 1873. 8°, Apache Country. J. R. Browne. New York, 1874. 12° *Appleton's Am'n Cyclopedia, ed. by R. & D. N.Y., 1873. 16 v. 8°. *Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics. New York, 1869. 2 v. 8°. Aquarium, The Family. H. D. Butler. New York, 1858. 12°. Arabella Stuart. G. P. R. James. New York, 1871. 8°. Arabia. B. Taylor. New York, 1874. 12° History of. A. Crichtou. New York, 1868. 2 v. 18°. Arabian Nights Entertainment. E.W.Lane. N.Y., 1868. 2 v. 12°, Arabs, Women of the. H. H. Jessup. New York. 12°. Arber, E. Travailles of E. Webbe in 1690. Lon. (reprint), 1868. 18°, Archie's Shadow. Mrs. M. L. Peebles. Troy, 1871. 16°. Archipelago, Travels in East Ind'n. A. S. Bickmore. N.Y., 1869. 8° Architects' and Builders' P'k't Com. F. W. Vogdes. Phil., 1874. 24°, Architects, Hints to. A. J. Downing. New York, 1872. 8°. Architects and Building. J. Bullock. Phila., 1872. 8°. * Architecture, Glossary of. J. H. Parker. London, 1869. 16°. Lectures on. J. Ruskin. New York, 1872. 12°. Seven Lamps of. J. Ruskin. New York, 1871. 12°. . Arctic Expedition. Sir J. Richardson. New York, 1854. 12°. Arctic Explorations. E. K. Kane. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 v. 8°. Arctic Researches. C. F. Hall. New York, 1865. 8°. . Argyll, Duke of. Reign of Law. New York, 1872, Ark, The. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 16°. Armadale. W. Collins. New York, 1874. 12°, *Armengaud, M. Piactical Draughtsman. W. J.,ed. Arms and Armour. C. Boutell. New York, 1870. Army Life in a Black Regiment. T. W. Higginson. 16°. Phila., 1873. 4°. 12°. Bos., 1870. 12°. 28, 2 133, 3 133, 2 133, 4 144, 9 35, 1 95, 24 17, 7 74, 6 98, 6 99, 24 63, 2 71, 22 37, 16 1.57, 7 157, 8 63, 3 68, 9 60, 19 146, 9 104, 12 155, 1 157, 9 136, 26 87, 30 102, 11 101, 1 61, 14 105, 9 35, 30 92, 38 108, 5 142, 27 147, 21 147, 20 143, 32, 22, 4 22, 13 104, 2 106, 2 106, 1 32, 6 94, 14 62, 18 68, 7 132, 22 35, 8 BEARDSLEY LTBRART. 15 Arne. Bjornson Bjornstjerne. Boston, 1872. 12°. . . . 71 29 Arnold, F. Turning Points In Life. New York, 1874. 12°. . '. 73' 25 Arnold, M. Great Prophecy. London, 1872. 18°. . " ' ." 73' 17 Higher Schools in Germany. London, 1874. 8°. . [ .' 34 7 New Poems. Boston, 18G7. 1G°. . ' . . . " 44' o Arnold, Thomas, Life of. A. P. Stanley. Boston, 1873. 12°. ' " 195 '19 Around the World. E. D. G. Prime. New York, 1874. 8°. . " loc' 93 Around, the World in Eighty Days. J. Verne. Boston, 1874. * 12° 77 17 Arthur Bonnicastle. J. G. Holland. New York, 1874. 12°. " 79' 13 Arthur Brown. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 1G°. . . ' " 94 9 Art Hints. J. J. Jarves. New York, 1855. 12°. . .* " * 143 31 Art, Ideal in. H. Taine. New York, 1873. 16°. . . . . 32 9 in Greece. The same. New York, 1873. 16°. . * .' 32*7 in the Netherlands. The same. New York, 1871. 16°. .* 32' 8 Legendary and Mythological. 0. E. Clement. N.Y.,1874.' p. 8°! 34' 9 Rural. Geo. E. Woodward. New York, 1868. 12°. , ' 135' q Sacred and Legendary. Mrs. Jameson. Lon., 1870. 2 v. 8°. 97 \q Thoughts About. P. G. Hamerton. Boston, 1874. 16°. [ "35 3 Two Paths in. J. Ruskin. New York, 1872. 12°.. , ,' 22" 18 Art, Literature, and Science. A. L. Phelps. Phila., 1873. 12°. ] "'eo 5 Art of Illumination. A. Donlevey. New York, 1867. . .' ' 137 20 Art of Saw-Filing. H. W. Holley. New York, 1872. 16°. .* ' 145' vq Art of Travel. F. Galton. London, 1872. 16°. . . . ! loi' 39 *Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, Diet. of. A. Ure. Lon., 1872. 3V. 8°" I54' lo Arthur Blane. J. Grant. New York, 1859. 16°. . . , ! 71' 34 Artists, Book of the. H. T. Tuckerman. New York, 1867. 8°. .' I09' 24 Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of American Anecdotes. Boston, 1870. 8°*. 99' 29 Ashango-Land, Journey to. P. B. Du Chaillu. N.Y., 1871. 8°. ' 107 U Asia, Central. B. Taylor. New York, 1874. 12°. . . * '. 102' 19 Aspendale. H. W. Preston. Boston, 1871. 16°. . .' .' ' g\ g Astoria. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. .*.'.* 23' 9 Astrology. W. Lilly. London, 1870. 12°. ...*.' ,' 132 14 Astronomer, The Practical. T.Dick. New York, 1872. 16°.' ! I32' 90. Astronomical Discourses. T. Chalmers. New York, 1871. 12°. '. 13 1 Astronomy, Elementary Lessons in. J. N. Lockyer. Lon., 1873."" 18°". 132 '2I Outlines of. Sir J. F. W. Herschel. New York, 1872. 8°. .' Us^e Popular. O. M. Mitchell. New York, 1871. 12°. . * .' 145 13 Without Mathematics. E. B. Denison. New York, 1871. 12°." I45' 14 Athens, Antiquities of. J. Stuart. London, 1873. 12°. ' . ' . ' " 60 19 Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia. N.Y., ISG.--,. "3°.." 107 9 Atkinson, T. W. Travels in Amoor Region. New York, 1860. 8°.' 107 90 Atlantic Essays. T. W. Higginson. Boston, 1871. 16°. . . 35'7 Atlantic Telegraph, History of. H. M. Field. New York, 1866." 12°! 145 17 *Atlas, Black's General. Edinburgh. 1873. folio. . . .' es' 33 Atlas, Modern Historical. W. L. Gage. New York, 1869." 8°." *. es' 15 *At]as, New General. S. A. Mitchell. Philadelphia', 1874. f. " ' 68,' 30 *Atlas of Litchfield County. F. W. Beers. New York, 1874. f. ". es' 31 16 CATALOGUE OF THE Atlas, Outline, of Geography. T. S. Fay. New York, folio. Atmosphere, The. C. Flammarion. New York, 1873. 8°. At Odds. Baroness Tautphoeus. Philadel]3hia, 1873. 12°. Attic Philosopher. E. Souvestre. New York, 1874. 12°. Attornies and Solicitors, Duties of. 8. Warren. New York, 1861 Attributes of God. S. Charnock. New York, 1874. 8°. Audubon, John J., Life of. New York, 1871. 12°. Auerbach, B. Black Forest Stories. New York, 1874. 1G°. Country House on the Rhine. Boston, 1871. 8°. Edelweiss. Boston, 1874. 16°. .... German Tales. Boston, 1869. 16° Joseph in the Snow. New York, 1874. 12°. . On the Heights. Boston, 1874. 16°. ■ , . . Villa Eden. Boston, 1871. 8°. .... Villa on the Rhine. New York, 1869. 2 v. 16°. Waldfried. New York, 1874. 12°. Atigustine, Confessions of. W. G. T. Shedd, ed. Andover, 1861 Aunt Jane's Hero. E. Prentiss. New York. 12°. Aunt Joe's Scrap Bag. See Alcott, L. M. ... Aurelian. W. Ware. New York, 1874. 12°. Aurora, Discoveries Concerning. R. A. Proctor. Austen, J. Emma. Boston, 1867. 12°. Mansfield Park. Boston, 1873. 12°. Northanger Abbey. Boston, 1871. 12°. Persuasion. Boston, ]873. 12°. Pride and Prejudice. Boston, 1871. 12°. Sense and Sensibility. Boston, 1873. 12° Austin, Mrs. Geo. L. Little People of God. Memoir of Sidney Smith. New York. Authors, Book of. W. C. Russell. London. Calamities and Quarrels of. I. Disraeli Dictionary of. S. A. Allibone Yesterdays with. J. T. Fields. Boston, 1873. Boston, 1874. 2 V. 12°. 12°. N.Y., 1868. Philadelphia, 1874. Boston, 1874. 12°. 12° 12° Autobiographic Sketches. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1873 Autobiography of Benj. Fi'auklin. New York, 1848. 8<= Heinrich Stilling. Ngw York, 1 835. 8°. J. S. Mill. New York, 1874. 8°. . . . Lyman Beecher. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12°. R. and W. Chambers. New York, 1872. 12°. Autobiography of Thomas Guthrie, D.D. New York, 1874. 2 v. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. O. W. Holmes. Bos., 1873. Autumn Holidays. A. K. H. Boyd. Boston, 1869. 16°. Avenger, The. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1873. 8°. Avery, S. P. The Harp of a Thousand Strings. New Yoik Avesta. Spiegel Bleek. Hartford, 1864. 8°, . Avillion. D. M. Craik. New York, 1870. 8°. 16°. 12°. 12° 12° 12°. 12°. 12°. 68, 32 137, 5 83, 9 35, 19 132, 15 17,1 125, 11 85, 25 77, 4 85, 23 85, 24 85, 26 85, 20 77,4 85, 21 85, 19 14, 4 84, 3 103, 24 132, 20 74, 22 74, 23 74, 24 74, 25 74, 24 74, 25 44, 1 125, 12 60, 26 54, 20 154, 1 37, 21 25, 23 127, 7 127, 17 126, 16 122, 5 124, 12 124, 10 35, 16 36, 12 25, 17 53,' 22 78,34 87, 38 BEARDSLET TJBRARY. 17 B Bachelder, J. B. Popular Resorts. Boston, 1874. 8°. . . . 52, 25 Bachelor, Reveries of. D. Q. Mitchell. New York, 187-i. 12°. . 3G, 2 Back Country, Journey in. F.L.Olmsted. New York, 1861. 12°. los, i Back-Log Studies. C. D. Warner. Boston, 1874. 1G°. . . . 35, 14 Back of the North Wind, At the. G. MacDonald. New York. 12°. 74, 2 Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England Churches. N.Y., 1874. 8". li), 15 Bacon's Essays. Boston, 1874. 8° 79,18 Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing. C. D. Warner. Bos., 1874. IS"". 35, 15 Bailey, P. J. Festus. New York. 16° 44, 1!) Bain, A. English Composition and Rhetoric. New York, 1874. 12°. 7!), Baird, R. H. American Cotton Spinner. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. . 145, 18 *Baird, Brewer, & Ridgway. N. American Birds. Bos., 1874. 3 v. 4°. 147, 25 Baker, C. R. Practical and Scientitic Fruit Culture. Boston, 1866. 8°. 136, 19 Baker, G. M. Social iStage. Boston, 1873. 16° 45, 28 Baker, W. M. Mose Evans. New York, 1874. 12°. . . , 7G, 4 The New Timothy. New York, 1870. 12° 76,5 Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. New York, 1874. 12°, . . 133, 25 Pre-Historic Nations. New York, 1874. 12°. . . . 133, 20 Baldwin, W. C. Hunting in South Africa. New York, 1863. 12°. . 105, 15 Ballads, Personal and Political. F. Moore, ed. New York, 1864. 24°. 44, 20 Bancroft, G. History of United States of Am. Bos , 1872. 9 v, 8°. 117, 16 Banking, Principles of. T. Hankey. London, 1873. 8°. . . 147, 14 Baptism, Christian, Debate on. Campbell and Rice. NY., 1844. 8°. 29,24 Barbara's History. A. B. Edwards. New York, 1874. 8°. . . 87, IG Barbary States. M.Russell. New York. 18° 101,3 Barchester Towers. A. Trollope. New York, 1870. 8°. . . 87, 52 Barker, Lady. First Principles of Cooking. London, 1874. 18°. .134,16 Station Life in New Zealand. London, 187^ 12°. . . 105,8 Barnaby Rudge. C.Dickens. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . . .64,1 Barnes, A. Notes on Revelation. New York, 1872. 12°. ■ . .12, 22 Barnes, W. Rural Poems. Boston, 1869. sq. 16^ ■ 45,13 Baron Munchausen, Travels of. New York. 16° 82, 16 Barons, Last of tlie. Sir E. L. Bulwer. Ncav York, 1.873. 8°. . 87, 14 . The same. Philadelphia, 1873. 16°. . . . . 61, 27 Barriers Burned Away. E. P. Roe. 1874. 12°. .... 72,28 Barringtou. C. Lever. New York, 1872. 8° 66, 36 Barrows, J. Peter the Great. New York, 1870. 18°. . . . 121, 30 Bashau, Giant Cities of. J. L. Porter. New York, 1873. 12°. . 105, 7 Basil. W. Collins. New York, 1874. 12° 62, 19 Bastian, H. 0. Beginnings of Life New York, 1872. 2 v. 12°. . 98, 25 Battle-Field, Bivouac and. G. F. Noyes. New York, 1864. 12°. .104,18 Battle of Dorking. New York, 1871. 12° 31,34 3 18 CATALOGUE OF THE 12° 12°. 12°. ] 857 12°. 12°. Battle of the Books. M.A.Dodge. (Gail Hamilton.) Camb.,1870. 12"^ Battle of the Ganges. R. F. Fairlie. London, 1872. 8°. Battle of Waterloo. G. R. Gleig. New York, 1860. 12°. Battles of the War, Twelve Decisive. W. Swinton. N. Y. , 1873. 8' Battles of The World, Fifteen Decisive. E. S. Creasy. N. Y. ,1874. Bauer, J. Lives of Humboldt Brothers. New York, 1854. 12° Bayard, Chevalier, Life of. W. G. Simms. New York, 1860. Bayne, P. Christian Life, Social and Individual. Bost., 1864. Life of Hugh Miller. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 12°. Bazaar Book of Decorum. New York, 1 874. 16°. . Bear and Forbear. W.T.Adams. Boston 1874. 16°. Beard, G. M. Eating and Drinldng. New York, 1871. 12°. Stimulants and Narcotics. New York, 1871. 12°. . Beaten Paths. E. W. Thompson. New York, 1874. 16°. Beaumarchais and His Times. L. de Lomeuie. New York, Beauty and the Beas\ B. Taylor. New York, 1872. 12° Beaver, American. L. H. Morgan, Pliiladelphia, 1868. Bechstein, J. M. Cage Birds. London, 1872. 12°. Becker, W. A. Gallus. London, 187P. 12°. Beckford, W. Vathek. New York, 1869. 18°. Beckwourth, Life and Adventures of. T D. Bonner. N.Y., 1856 Bede's Charity. H. Stretton. New York. 12°. Beecher, C. E., and H. B. Stowe. Am. Woman's Home. N.Y.,1870. J Beecher, C. E. Housekeeper and Healthkeeper. N.Y., 1874. 12° Beecher, H. W. Freedom and War. Boston, 1863. 12°. Lectures to Young Men. New York, i 873. 12°. Life of Jesus the Christ. New York, 1871. 8°. Life Thoughts. Boston, 1858. 12°. Norwood; or, Village Life in New Eng. Lon., 1^67. 3 v Pleasant Talk About Fruit, Flowers, Farming. N.Y., 1874 Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit. New York, 1873. 12°. Pulpit Pungencies. New York, 1 866. 12°. Star Papers. New York, 1873. 12°. ... Yale Lectures on Preaching. Ncav York, 1872. 2 v. 12° Beecher, Lyman, Autobiography of. New York, 1871. 2v 12°. *Beers, F. W. Atlas of Litchfield County. New York, 1874. folio. Beethoven, Life of . L Moscheles. Boston. 16°. . . . . Beggar on Horseback. J. Payn. New York, 1869. 8°, . Belcher, Lady. Mutineers of the Bounty. New York, 1 871. 12°. . Bell, H. G. Mary, Qaeeu of Scots. New York, 1859. 2 v. 18°. . Bell, I. L. Iron Smelting. London, 1872. 8°. . . . . Bellows, A. J. How not to be Sick. New York, 1869. 12°. . Bellows, H. W. Old World in its New Face. N.Y., 1870. 2 v. 12°. Belton Estate, The. A. TroUope. New York, 1867. 8°. Bement, C. M. American Poulterer's Companion. New York, 1871 Bench and Bar. L. J. Bigelow. New York, 1871. 8°. . . . Benedict, F. L. John Worthington's Name. New York, 1874. 8°.. 12°. 12°, 36, 28 145, 24 103, 4 108, 23 37, 6 122, 2 125, 14 14,1 124, 8 134, 24 96, 14 134, 4 135, 20 34, 15 122, 4 102, 3 137, 11 133, 5 52, 15 31, 20 102, 18 83, 8 135, 9 135, 8 33, 9 13, 15 15, 9 18, 5 73, 1 33, 10 13, 18 33, M 33, 8 13, 16 122, 5 G8, 31 122, 19 87, 45 104, 26 121, 23 146, 21 134, 10 105, 24 87, 50 143, 27 37, 2 77, 36 BEAKDSLEY LIBRARY. 19 Benedict, F. L. Miss Dorothy's Charge. New York, 1874. 8°. . 77, 35 My Daughter Elinor. New Yorlc, 1874. 8° 77, 34 Benoni Blake, M.D. New York, 1871. 12° 71,31 Benton, T. H. Thirty Years in U. S. Senate. N.Y., 1869. 2 v. 8°. 129, 5 Berber, The. W. S. Mayo. New York, 1873. 12° 86,25 Berger, E. Charles Auchester. New York, 1873. 8°. . . . 87, 5 Bernard, F. Wonderful Escapes. New York, 1872. 12°. . . 95, 28 Bertrams, The. A. TroUope. New York, 1871. 12°. . . • . 72, 3 Besaut and Palmer. Jerusalem. London, 1871. 8°. ... 108, 15 Betrothed, The. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1868. 12° 63, 4 Betsey, Cruise of the. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1870. p. 8°. . . 24, 5 Beulah. A. J. Evans. New York, 1874. 12° 86, 28 Biart, L. Adventures of a Young Naturalist. New York, 1873. 12°. 104, 28 Bible, The; Containing Old and New Testaments. N.Y., 1873. 8°. . 159, 19 *Concordance of. A. Cruden. New York, 1874. 8°. . . 19, 13 ^Dictionary of. W. Smith. New York, 1872. 4 v. 8°. . 154, 6 Hand- Book of. J. Angus. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. . . 28, 2 History of. G. R. Gleig. New York, 18G5. 2 v. 18°. . . 101,4 Key to. J. H. Blunt. London, 1872. 18° 78, 16 Old Testament History. W.Smith. New York, 1873. 12°.. 14,21 Origin of the Books of. C. E. Stowe. Hartford, 1869. 8°. . 15, 8 Study of. H. Dunn. New York, 1871. 12°. . . .78, 19 Genesis to Judges, Notes on. G. Bush. Boston, n. d. 12°. . 12, 4 Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Keil and Delitzsch. Edm., 1872. 8°. 16,11 Job, Commentary on. F. Delitzsch. Edinburgh, 1872. 2 v. 8°. 16, 12 Psalms, Commentary on. J. A. Alexander. N. Y., 1862. 3 v. 12°. 12, 5 Proverbs, Commentary on. M. Stuart. Andover, 1870. 12°. 12, 12 Ecclesiastes, Commentary on. M.Stuart. Andover, 1864. 12°. 12,13 Isaiah, Commentary on. J.A.Alexander. N.Y.,1869. 2 v. 12°. 12,8 Ezekiel and Daniel, Notes on. H. Cowks. N.Y., 1871. 12°. 12,14 Minor Prophets, Commen. on. K. audD. Edin.,1871. 2 v. 8°. 16,14 New Testament History. W. Smith. New York, 1872. 12°. 14, 22 New Testament, Revised. Dean Alford. London, 1871. 16°. 78, 18 Revision of. Lightfoot, T. and E. N.Y., 1873. 8°. . 15,20 Grammar of the Miom of. G.B.Winer. And., 1872. 8°. 19,12 Gospels, Anglo-Saxon Version of . B.Thorpe. Lou., 1842. 12°. 19,16 Studies in. R. C. Trench. New York, 1872. 8°. . 17, 16 Expository Thou'ts on Matt. J. C. Ryle. N.Y.,1873. 12°. 12,15 The same. Mark. New York, 1873. 12°. . . .12, 16 The same. Luke. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . . 12, 17 The same. John. New York, 1874. 3 v. 12°. . . 12, 19 Miracles of our Lord. G. MacDonald. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 14,15 Notes on Miracles. J. B. Mozley. London, 1872. 12°. 78, 5 Notes on Miracles. R. C. Trench. New York, 1873. 8°. 17, 18 Notes on Parables. K. C. Trench. New York, 1873. 8°. 17, 17 Parables of our Lord. T. Guthrie. London, 1866. 12°. 78, 3 Acts, Commentary on. J. A. Alexander. N.Y.,1869. 2 v. 12°. 12,10 20 CATALOGUK OF THE Bible. The. Galatiaus, Commeutavy on. C. J. Eilicolt. Bos., 1867. 8°. Pastoral Epistles, Commentary on. C. J. Ellicott. Bos., 1867. 8^ Peter, Lectures on Epistles of J. Lillie. New York, 1869. 8°. Revelation, Notes on. A. Barnes. New York, 1872. 12°. Seven Churches, Com. on Ep's to. R. C. Trench. Lon.,1867. 8°. Biblical Archceology. J. Jahn. New York, 1872. 8°. . . . Biblical Researches in Palestine. E.Robinson. Bos., 1868. 3 v. 8°. BickerstPth, E. H. The Reef, and other Parables. N.Y., 1874. 16°. Yesterday, To-Day, and Forever. New York, 1874. 16°. Bickmore, A. S. Travels in East Indian Archipela)ns of a Country Parson. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 16°. Boyd, J. Annals of Winchester, Conn. Hartford, 1873. 8°. Boy Farmers. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1874. 16°. Boyhood of Great Men. New York, 1874. 16°. Boy Hunters. M. Reid. Boston, 1874. 16°. Boys at Chequasset. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, n. d. 16°. Boys, Farming for. Boston, 1869. sq. 12°. Boy Slaves. M. Reid. Boston, 1873. 16°. Boy Tar. M. Reid. Boston, 1872. 16° Bracebridge Hall. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1870. 12°. Brace, C. L. Home Life in Germany. New York, 18,53. 12°. Brackett, A. C. Ed. Education of American Girls. N.Y., 1874. 12°. Brake Up. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. Bramleighs. C. Lever. New York, 1872. 8°. *Brande & Cox. DIct'y of Science, Lit., and Art. N. Y., 1872. 3 Brass and Iron Founder. J. Larkin. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Brave Lady, A. D. M. Craik. New York, 1872. 12°. Brave Old Salt. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. Bravo, The. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1878. 12°. . Brawnville Papers. M. C. Tyler. Boston, 1869. 12°. . Braybrooke, R. Pepys' Memoir and Diary. London, n. d. 12°. Bray, W. E/elyn's Diary and Correspondence. London. 12°. Brazil, Journey in. L. and Mrs. Agassiz. Boston, 1871. 8° Brazil, Life in. T. Ewbank. New York, 1856. 8°. Bread, History of a Mouthful of. J. Mace. New York, 1874. Bread Upon the Waters. D. M. Craik. New York, 1873. 12°. Breakfast Table, Autocrat of the. O. W. Holmes. Bos., 1873. Poet al the. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1873. 12°. . Professor at the. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1873. 12°. Breaking Away. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1873. 16°. Bremer, F. The Home. New York, 1873. 8°. The Neighbors. New York, 1873. 8°. . . . The President's Daughters. New York, 1872. 8°. Breughel Brothers, The. G. H. Lodge. Boston, 1873. sq. 12°. Brevia. A. Helps. Boston, 1871. 16°. ♦Brewer, E. C. Dict'y of Phrase and Fable. Philadelphia, n. d. 8°. V. 8°. 12°. 12°. 132, 22 146, 23 103, 3 106, 7 104, 9 14, 28 36, 12 36, 13 36, 16 36, 14 36, 17 36, 18 99, 24 94, 15 91, 40 97, 14 91, 25 136, 4 97, 1 97, 22 23, 4 108, 16 38,25 96, 15 66, 35 154, 13 146, 18 75, 5 95, 1 65, 3 52, 24 122, 14 122, 15 107, 12 107, 11 143, 17 75, 10 35, 16 35, 17 85, 18 95, 7 87, 11 87, 18 87, 12 98, 16 60, 7 153,1 BEAKDSLET LIBRARY. 23 4°. 12°. 12°. Brewster, D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. New York, 1871. 18°. .121,19 Martyrs of Science. New York, 1872. 18° 121, 22 Bric-a-Brac Series. Ed. by R. H. Stoddard. N.Y., 1874. 3 v. 12°. . 122, 23 Vol. 1. Personal Remin scences by Chorley, Plauche, and Young. 2. Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens, 3. Letters aud Recollections of Meiimee, Lamartiue, and Sand. Bride of Lammermoor. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1873. 12°. Bridge Construction. H. Haiipt. New York, 1873. 8°. . Bridgemau, T. American Gardener's Assistant. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Bridges and Roofs. D. V. Wood. New York, 1873. 8°. *Brigham, W. T. Cast Catalogue of Antique Sculpture. Bos., 1874 British Dramatists, Works of. Boston, u. d. 8°. ... British Eloquence. C.A.Goodrich. New York, 1872. 8°. British Poets. ^q% Poets, British British West Indies. Free Labor in. W. G. Sewell. N.Y.,18r,3. Bronchitis, aud Kindred Diseases. \V. W. Hall. N.Y., 1870. • *Bronson Library, Catalogue of. Walerbury, 1870. 8°. Bronte, C. Jane Eyre. New York, 1873. 12'. Shirley. New York, 1874. 12°. The Professor. New York, 1874. 12°. . Villette. New York, 1874. 12°. Life of. E. C. Gaskell. New York, 1873. 12°. Brooke and Kcppel. Borneo. New York, 1861. 18°. Brooklyn Council, The. New York, 1874. 8°. Brooks, C. T. Gjrmau Lyrics. Boston, 1853. 10°. Brooks, J. J. Whiskey Drips. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. Brougham, Lord. Life and Times of. New York, 1871. 3 v. 8°. . Brown, D. J. Txees of America. New York. n. d. 8°. . *Brown, G. Grammar of Eng. Grammars. New York, 1873. 8°. . Brown, J. Rab and His Friends. Boston, 1873. 16°. Spare Hours. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 10° Brown, Jones, and Robinson, Str'g'l's of. A. Trollope. N. Y.,1873. 8°. Browne, J. H. The Great Metropolis. Hartford, 18()U. 8°. . Browne, J. Ross. Ameiican Fatnily in German3^ N.Y., 1871. 12°. Apache Country. New York, 1874. 12°. .... Crusoe's Island, California, and Washoe. N.Y.. 1872. 12°. . Land of Thor. New York, 1870. 12° Resources of the Pacific Slope. New York, 1809. 8°. . Yusef; A Crusade in the East. New York, 1872. 12°. . Browne, Sir T. Religio Medici. London, 1873. 18°. Browning, E. B. Poetical Works. New York, 1874. 4 v. 12°. Browning, R. Fifine and other Poems. Boston, 1872. 16°. Poems and Dramas. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 10°. Red Cotton Night-Cap CJountry. Boston, 1873. 10°. . . . Brownlows, The. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1872. 8°. . . Bruce, Days of. G. Aguilar. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. Bruin ; or the Great Bear Hunt. M. Reid. Boston, 1872. 10°. 03, 6 147, 11 130, 8 147, 12 08. 9 47, 17 27, 1 132, 24 134, 11 159, 8 62, 12 62, 14 62, 13 62, 15 98, 10 101, 29 79, 2 52, 14 52, 18 124, 5 137, 18 155, 17 31, 37 30, 20 87, 53 79, 2U 104, 14 104, 12 104, 13 104, 15 137, 17 104, 16 31, 23 43, 13 52, 7 43, 17 , 52, 87, 41 71,1 97, 23 24 CATALOGUE OF THE Bruhns&Lassell. Life of Alexander von Hnmbolt. Lon.,1873. 2v. 8°. 99,7 Bryant, A. Forest Trees, for Shelter, Orna. and Prof . N.Y.,1871. 12°. 136, 20 Bryant, W. C. Homer's Iliad. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 8°. , . . 47, 6 Letters from the East. New York, 1869. 12°. . . .105,29 Library of Poetry and Song. New York, 1874. 8°. . . 47, 10 Little People of the Snow. New York, 1878. sm. 4°. . . 47, 13 Poetical Works. New York, 1873. sq. 12° ' 45, 24 Ed. Selections from American Poets. New York, 1870. 18°. . 44, 29 Thirty Poems. New York, 1867. 12° 44, 33 Buchanan, R. The Land of Lome. New York, 1871. 12°. . . 53, 31 Backe,- 0. Rains of Ancient Cities. New York, 1872. 2 v. 18°. . 101, 25 Buckland, F. Curiosities of Natural History. Lon., 1874. 4 v. 16°. 133, 17 Buckle, T. H. Hist 'y of Civilization in Engl'd. Lon., 1872. 3 v. 12°. 21, 22 Bulbs, Hardy and Tender. E. S. Rand, Jr. Boston, 1873. 12°. . 136, 13 Bulfinch, T. Age of Chivalry. Boston, 1878. 12°. . . .34, 11 Age of Fable. Boston, n. d. 12° 34, 10 Bullock, J. Architecture and Building. Philadelphia, 1872. 8°. .147,20 Balwer Lytton, Sir E. England and the English. New York. 12°. 21, 21 Kenelm-Chillingly. New York, 1873. 12° 61, 21 Last Days of Pompeii. Philadelphia, 1873. 16°. . . . 61, 28 Last of "the Barons. Philadelphia, 1873. 8°. ... 87, 14 The same. New York, 1873. 16° 61, 27 My Novel. New York, 1860. 2 v. 12° 61, 22 Pilgrims of the Rhine. New York, 1874. 8°. . . .87, 14 Richelieu. London, 1874. 16° 44, 31 Rieuzi. Philadelphia, 1874. 12° 61, 26 Strange Story. New York, 1873. 12° 61, 25 The Caxtous. New York, 1860. 12° 61, 19 The Coming Race. New York, 1874. 12° 61, 20 The Parisians. New York, 1874. 12° 61, 24 What will he do with it. Philadelphia, 1873. 2 v. 16°. . . 61, 29 Bulwer, Lytton, E. R. See Lytton, E. B. B Buugeuer, L. The Preacher and the King. Boston, 1853. 12°. . 108, 17 Bunkley, J. M. Escaped Novice. New York, 1855. 12°. . . 31, 36 Banyan, J. Complete Works. Pliiladelphia, 1873. 8°. . . . 79, 1 Pdgrim's Progress. New York, 1871. 12° 18, 2 Burges, G. Trans. Tragedies of ^schylus. New York, 1872. 12°. 18, 26 Burke, Edmund, Works of. New York, 1872. 3 v. 8°. . . . 27, 8 Burney, Misp. ?ee UArhlay, F. . . .... Burns, R. Poetical Works. Boston, 1871. 3 v. 16°. . . . 41, 6 Burns, Robert, Life of. J. G. Lockhart. London, n. d. 16°. . . 98, 22 Burr, Aaron, Life of. J. Parton. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 8°. . . ■ 126, 1 Burr, E. F. Ecce Coelum. Boston, 1867. 12°. . . . . 13, 26 Pater Mundi. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 12° 13, 27 Burr, F. , Jr. Field and Garden Vegetables of Am. . Bos. , 1865. 12°. 136, 6 ■ Burritt, E. Ten Minute Talks. Boston. 1874. 12°. . . . 35, 20 Burroughs, J. Wake Robm. New York, 1871. 16°. . . . 133,.6 BEARDSLEY LIBKAKY. 25 Burton, J. H. History of Scotland, and Index. Edin.,1873. 9v Burton, R. Anatomy of Melancholy. New York, 1871. 3 v. Burton, R. F. City of the Saints. New York, .1862. h^. Burton, W. E. Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. N.Y., 1872. Bu^h-Boys; M. Reid. Boston, 1872. 16°. Bush, G. Notes on Joshua and Judges. Boston, n. d. 12^. Bushnell, H. Forgiveness and Law. New York, 1874. 12°. God ill Christ. Hartford, 1867. 12=. Moral Uses of Dark Things. New York, 1868. 12°. Nature and the Supernatural. New York, 1873. 12°. Sermons for the New Life. New York. 1868. 12°. Sermons on Living Subjects. New York, 1873. 12°. Women's Suffrage; the Reform against Nature. N. Y.,1869 Work and Flay. New York, 1864. 12=*. . Business, Practical Treatise on. E. S. Freedley. Phila., 1873. Busy Life, RecoUeciions of a. H. Greeley. New York, 1872. Butler, J. Analogy of Raligion. New York, 1874. 12°. Butler, H. D. Family Aquarium. New York, 1858. 12°. Butler, S. Hudibras. London, 1859. 2 v. 12°. Butler, W. Land of the Veda. New York, 1873. 8°. By Still Waters. I. F. Mayo. New York, 1874. 12°. Byr, R. Sphinx. Trans, by A. Forrester. New York, 1871. Byron, Lord. Poetical Works. Boston, 1874. 10 v. 16°. ' Vol. 1. Life of Lord Byroii ; Hours of Idleness; Occasional Pieces. 2. English Bards and ycotch Keviewers: Hebrew Melodies; Domes- tic Pieces, etc. 3. Beppo; The Prophecy of Dante; The Vision of Judgment. 4. Chikle Harold. 5. Giaour; Bride of Aliydos; Corsair; Siege of Corinth; Prisoner of Chillou ; Mazeppa ; The Island. 6. Manfred ; Marino Faliero. T. Sardanapalus; TwoFoscari; Cain. 8. Heaven and Earth ; Deformed Transformed ; Werner. 9. Don Juan, 10. Don Juan, (Concluded.) Byron, G. G. N. Recollections of . Countess Guiccioli. N. Y.,1869. 8^126,17 Byways of Europe. Bayard Taylor. New York, 1872. 12". . 102, 1 \ 12°. 113, 15 12°. 98, 29 106, 6 8°. . 137, 3 97, 24 12,4 13,13 18, 4 13, 12 13, 10 13, 8 13. 9 ). 12°. 33, 26 13, 11 12°. 142, 11 8°. . 127, 10 18, 13 136, 26 48, 1 107, 18 73, 13 12°. 81, 11 42, 17 c Caesars, The. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . . . 25, 17 Cage Birds. J. M. Bechstein. London, 1872. 12° 133, 5 Calamities and Quarrels of Authors. L Disraeli. N.Y.,1868. 2 v. 12°. 54,20 *Calico Printing, Receipts for. T. P. Shepard. Provid'ce, 1872. 8°. 146, 2 California, for Health, Pleas., or Resid. C. NordhofE. N.Y.,1874. 8°. 106,9 Natural Wealth of. T. F. Cronise. San Francisco, 1868. 8°. 108, 7 Oregon, and Sand'h Islands. C. Nordhoff . New York, 1874. 8°. 106,10 Scenes in. J. M. Hatchings. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 106, 11 Calkins, N. A. New Primary Object Lessons. New York, 1874. 12°. 133, 22 4 26 CATALOGUE OF THE Calvert, G. H. First Years in Europe. Boston, 1866. 16°. . . 60, 16 Calvinism. J. A. Froude. New York, 1871. 12° 14, 9 Camel, The. G. P. Marsli. Boston, 1856. 16° 133, I Campbell, A. anclN. L. Rice. Deb. on Ch'n Baptism. N.Y.,1844:. 8°. 29, 24 Campbell, John, D.D., Life of. R.Ferguson. London, 1867. 8°. . 98,5 Campbell, Lord. Lives of Chf. Justices of Eng. Bos., 1873. 4 v. 8°. 109, 15 Lives of Lord Chancellors of England N.Y., 1874. 3 v. 8°. . 109, 12 Campbell, T. Poetical Works. New York, 1871. 12°. . . . 52, 5 The same. Boston, 1874. 18° 43, 4 Camp-Fires of the Revohition. H. C. Watson. New York, 1869. 8°. 117, 6 Camping Out. C. A. Stephens. Boston, n. d. 16°. . . .93, 22 Can You Forgive Her ? A. TroUope. New York. 8°. . . . 66,10 Canada, Yankee in. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . 31,1 Candle, Chemical History of. M. Faraday. New York, 1861. 16°. . 132, 16 Canoe and the Saddle. T. Winthrop. Boston, 1868. 16°. . . 86, 19 Canterbury Tales. G. Chaucer. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . .46, 20 Cape Cod and all along shore Stories. C. Nordhoff. N.Y., 1868. 12°. 31, 2 Cape Cod. PI. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1873. 12° 31, 6 Capital Punishment. G. B. Cheever. New York, 1855. 12°. . . 78, 23 Captain Horace. R. S. Clark. Boston, 1874. 18° 91, 1 Carey, H. C. Principles of Social Science. Phila., 1873. 8 v. 8°. . 28, 12 Gary, A. Poetical Works. New York, 1874. 12° 45, 25 Gary, Alice and Pho3be, Memorial of. M. C. Ames. N. Y., 1874. 12°. 125, 10 Caricatures of Napoleon IH. J. M. Hasw'ell. London. 8°. . . 53, 23 Carletou, (pseud.) See Coffin, C. C. Carleton, Will. Farm Ballads. New York, 1874. sq. 8°. . . 47, 12 Carlyle, T. Chartism. New York, 1870. 12° 21, 6 Essays. New York, 1872. 4 v. 12° . . . * . . 24, 1 Frederick the Great. New York, 1871. 6 v. 12°. . . . 113, 9 French Revolution. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12°. . . .119,13 Goethe's Wilhelm Meister. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 12°. . . 61, 17 Heroes and Hero-Worship. London, 1870. 8°. . . . 27,20 Latter-Day Pamphlets. London, 1870. 8° 27,21 Life of John Sterling. London, 1870. 8° 99, 9 Life of Oliver Cromwell. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . . 123,6 Life of Schiller. London, 1869. 8° .99, 10 Past and Present. New York, 1870. 12° 21, 6 Sartor Resartus. New York, 1870. 12°. . . . .21,6 Tales from the German. New York, 1874. 2 v. 16°. . . 82, 14 Carpenter, American House. R. G. Hatfield. New York, 1873. 8°. 147, 22 Carpenter, F. B. Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln. N.Y.,1872. 16°. 98, 20 Carpenter, W. B. Mental Physiology. New York, 1874. 12°. . 143, 20 Carpet-Bag of Fun, Mrs. Partington's. B. P. Shillaber. N.Y. 12°. 35, 26 Carthage and Her Remains. N. Davis. New York, 1861. 8°. . 107, 19 Cast and Wrought Iron. W. Fairbairn. New York, 1854. 8°. . 146, 20 *Cast Catalogue of Antq. Sculpture. W. T. Brigham. Bos., 1874. 4°. 68,9 Castillo, B. D. Conquest of Mexico. Salem, 1803 2 v. 8°. . . 129, 9 BEAEDSLEY LIBRARY. 27 12 p. 8^ Castle Avon. Mrs. A. Marsh. New York, 1862. 8°. Castle Dangerous. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1869. 12°. (Castle Richmoud. A. Trollope. New York, 1871. 12°. Castles in the Air. R. B. Coffin. New York, 1871. 12°. Castlemon, Harry, (pseud.) See Fosaick, C. A. *Catalogue of Connecticut Volunteers. Hartford, 1869. 8°. *Bronson Library. Waterbury, 1870. 8°. *Hartford Institute Library. Hartford, 1873. 8°. . *Northanipton Public Library. Northampton, 1874. *Westfield Athenajura. Westfleld, 1873. 8°. . Cathedra], The. J. R. Lowell. Boston, 1870. 16°. Cattle Doctor, American. G. H. Dadd. New York. n. d. 12°, Causation and Freedom in Willing. R. G. Hazard. Bost.,1869, Cave, M. E. Drawing Without a Master. New York, 1869. Caxtons, The. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. New York, 1860. 12°. Cecil Dreeme. T. Wiuthrop. Boston, 1873. 16°. Celebrated Characters. A. de Lamartine. New York, 1873. 3 v. 12°. Celebrated Travellers, Lives of. J. A. St. John. N.Y., 1868. 3 v. 18^ Celebrated Women, Portraits of. C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Bos.. 1868. 16°. Celibacy, Sacerdotal. H. C. Lea. Philadelphia, 1867. 8°. *Census, Ninth of United States; 1870. Washington, 1872. 3 v. 4°. Cent per Cent. B. Jerrold. London, n. d. 12° Centennial Celebration, Litchfield County, Conn. Hartf'd, 1851. 8°. Centre of the Earth, Journey to. J. Verne. New York. n. d. 12°. Central Asia. B. Taylor. New York, 1874. 12°. Cesarine Dietrich. Mme. Dudevant, Boston, 1871. 8°. Chadbourne, P. A. Natural Theology. New York, 1873. 12°. Chain Bearer. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. Chalmers, T., Life and Writings of. W. Hanua. N. Y., 1871. 4 v. 12°. Chalmers, T. Astronomical Discourses. New York, 1871. 12°. Chamberlain, C. Servant Girl of the Period. N.Y., 1873. 12°. Chambers, Rob'tand Wm., Autobiog. and Memoir of. N.Y.,1872. *Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Philadelphia, 1872. 10 v. 8°. Chambers R., ed. Book of Days. Philadelphia. 2 v. 8°. Miscellany of Useful Tracts. 20 v. in 10, 12.° Chance Acquaintance. W. D. Howells. Boston, 1874. Chance Child. I. F. Mayo. Philadelphia, 1871. 16°. Chance for Himself. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1872. Changed Cross, and Other Poems. New York, 1872. 24°. Chapin, E. H. Duties of Young Men. Boston, 1872. 32°. Duties of Young Women. Boston, 1872. 24°. Chaplet of Pearls. C. M. Yonge. New York, 1873. 8°. Chapters on Animals. P. G. Hamerton. Boston, 1874. 16°. Character. S. Smiles. New York, 1872. 12°. Charlemagne, History of. G. P. R. James. New York, 1872. Charles Auchester. E. Berger. New York, 1873. 8°. Charles I, Histoiy of . J.Abbott. New York, 1873. 16°. 12°. 12°. 16°. 18°. 87, 35 63, 21 72, 4 52, 22 159, 14 159, a 159, 4 159, 5 159, 6 45, 14 143, 22 79, 7 143, 29 61, 19 86, 20 123, 8 121, 16 98, 19 118, 18 159, 20 81, 12 129, 3 77, 19 102, 12 77, 31 14, 10 65, 2 125, 1 13,1 53, 18 124, 12 156, 1 54, 26 53, 1 86, I 73, 12 97, 32 44, 26 31, 25 31, 24 77, 38 35, 1 32, 23 101, 10 87, 5 92, 5 28 CATALOGUE OF THE Charles II. History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1873. lr>°. ' . .92, 7 Charles V, History of. W. Robertson. Dublin, 1788. 3 v. 8°. . 129, 15 Charles, Mrs. E. Draytons and Davenauts. N.Y. Harapstead ed. 1G°. 81,2 Early Dawn. New York. 16° 81, 3 Kitty Trevylyan. New York. 16° 81, 4 On Both Sides of the Sea. New York. 16° 81, .5 Schonberg Cotta Family. New York. 16° 81, 1 Victory of the Vanquished. New York. 16°. . . . 81, 6 Watchwords for the Warfare of Life. "New York, 1809. 12°. 78, 27 Winifred Bertram. New York, 1868. 12° 81, 7 Charlie Bell. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 16° 94, 16 Charnock, S. Attributes of Goi1. New York, 1874. 8°. . . 17, 1 Chartism. T. Ciarlyle. New York, 1870. 12° 21, 6 Chase, Salmon P.. Life of. R. B. Warden. Cincinnati, 1874. 8°. . 127, 8 Chats with Young Women. Dio Lewis. New York, 1874. 12°. . 134, 9 Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . . 46, 20 Cheever, G. B. Capital Punishment. New York, 1855. 12°. . 78, 23 Cheever, H. T. Whale and its Captors. New York, 1864. 16°. . 91, 42 *Chemical Analysis, Man'l of Qual. C. R. Fresenius. N.Y., 1872. 8°. 153,8 *Chemical Analysis, Man'l of Quan. C. R. Fresenius. N.Y.,1873. 8°. 153,9 Chemical History of a Candle. M.Faraday. New York, 1861. 16°. 132, 16 ^Chemistry, Agricultural. J. F. W. Johnston. New York. n. d. 12°. 143, 23 *Dictionary of. H. Watts. Loudon. 1870. 5 v. and suppl. 8°. 153, 11 Elementary. G. Fownes. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . . 153, 7 New. J. P. Cook, Jr. New York, 1874. 12°. . . . 144, 22 Chess, Book of. H. R. Agnel. New York, 1874. 12°. . . . 142, 14 Chess Player's Hand Book. H. Staunton. London, 1873. 12°. . 142. 15 Chess Problems, Collection of 200. F. Healey. London, 1866. 12°. 142, 16 Chief Justices of England, Lives of. J.Campbell. Bos., 1873. 4 v. 8°. 109,15 Child, F. J. ed. English and Scotch Ballads. Boston, 1871. "f 8 v. 18°. 43, 5 Child, L. M. Children of Mount Ida. New York, 1871. 16°. . 32, 26 Life of Isaac T. Hopper. Boston, 1853. 12°. . . . 123, 13 Child Life. Collect'n of Poems. J. G. Whittier,ed. Bos., 1874. sq. 16°. 44,''2 Child Life' in Prose. J. G. Whittier, ed. Boston, 1874. sq.|l6°. . 82, 82 Child of the Island Glen. E. Kellogg. New York, 1872. 16°. . 94, 8 Children of Mount Ida. L. M. Child. New York, 1871. 16°. . 32, 26 Children of the Abbey. R. M. Roche. Philadelphia, 1874. 12°. . 72, 23 Children's Crusade. G. Z. Gray. New York, 1872. 16°. . . 103,'17 Chimney Corner. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1868. 16°. . . .76, 25 China, Consular Cities of. G. Smith. New York, 1857. 12°. . 104, 1 China and the Chinese. J. F. Davis. New York, 1871. 2 v. 18°. . 101. 8 China and the Chinese. J. L. Nevins. New York, 1872. 12°. . 105, 20 China, History of Insurrection in. J. Oxenford. N.Y., 1853. 112°. 105, 21 Chinese Empire, Travels in. M. Hue. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12°. . 102, 30 Chinese, Social Life of. J. Doolittle. New York, 1867. 2 v. 12°. . 105, 18 Chips from a German Workshop. M. Miiller. N.Y.,1873. 3v. p. 8°. 24,18 Chivalry, Age of. T. Bulfinch. Boston, 1873. "^ 12°. . . . 34,11 BEARDST.EY LIBRARY. 29 Chivalry, History of. G. P. R. James. New York, 1871. 18°. . 101, 11 Christ, Divinity of. Exam, of Liddon's Bamp. Lect. Bos., 1872. 12°. 14,17 Headship of. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1871. p. 8°. . . 24, 10 Heart of. E. H. Sears. Boston, 1872. 12° . . . . 14,16 Life of. F. W. Farrar. New York, 1874. 2 v. 8°. . . 78, 1 Life of. W. Hauna. New York, 1873. 3 v. 12°. . . 14, 12 Life of Jesus the. H. W. Beecher. New York, 1871. 8°. . 15. 9 of Hisiory. J. Young. New York, 1874. 12°. . . .14, 11 Christ is All. S. H. Tyng. New York, 1853. 8°. . . • . 19, 9 Christian Life, Social and Individual. P. Bayne. Boston. 18(54. 12°. 14,1 Christian Religion. Truth of. A. Keith. New York, 1859. 12°. . 18, 15 Christian Year. J. Keble. Philadplphia, 1874. 18°. . . .44, 24 Christian Year, Musings over. C. M. Yonge. New York, 1871. 16°. 78, 15 Christian's Mistake. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 75, 6 Christianity and Positivism. J. McCosh. New York, 1874. 12°. .' 14, 23 Christianity, Early Years of. E. de Pressense. N.Y., 1871. 12°. . 78,6 Evidences of. M. Hopkins. Boston, 1874. 8°. . . . 19, 8 Evidences of. W. Paley. New York, 1873. 18°. . . 18, 10 Meditations on. M. Guizot. New York, 1867. 2 v. 12°. . 78, 7 Christie's Faith. T. W. Robinson. New York, 1867. 12°. . . 71, 30 Christlieb, T. Mod. Doubt and Christian Belief. N.Y., 1874. 8°.. 16,22 Christmas Books. C. Dickens. Boston. 1874. 12°. . . . 64, 5 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1874. 16°. 73, 25 Christmas in the West Indies. C. Kingsley. New York, 1871. 12°. 61, 7 Christopher Kenrick. J. Hatton. New York, 1869. 12°. . . 72, 14 Christopher North; a Memoir of John Wilson. N.Y., 1872. p. 8°. . 124, 18 Christopher Tadpole. A. Smith. London, n. d. 16°. . . .81, 27 Chronicles of Carlingford. Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. N.Y.,1862. 8°. 77,11 ChroniclesofEng., France, Spain. Sir J. Proissart. Ln., 1874. 2 v. 8°. 79,22 Chronicles of Shonberg-Cotta Family. Mrs. Charles. N.Y. n. d. 16°. 81,1 Chnbbuck, E. Alderbrook. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 12°. . . .71, 32 Church, Book of the. R. Southey. London, 1869. 12°. . . 60, 27 History of the. A. Neander. Boston, 1872. 5 v. 8°. . . 16, 1 Circuit Rider. E. Eggleston. New York, 1874. 12°. . . . 86, 8 Citoyenne Jacqueline. S. Tytler. London, 1866. 16°. . . .53, 29 City of the Saints. R. F. Burton. New York, 1862. 8°. . . 106, 6 *Civil and Mech. Engineers' Pocket-B'k. G. L.Moleswortb. Phil., 1871. 142, 26 *Civil Engineering. D. H. Mahau. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 147, 4 Civilization, History of. M. Guizot. New York, 1874. 4 v. 12°. . 25, 12 Origin of. Sir J. Lubbock. New York, 1873. 12°. . . 146, 11 Clara Vaughan. R. D. Blackman. Berlin, 1872. 12°. . . .81, 17 Clark, F. E. Our Vacations. Boston, 1874. 24° 31, 22 Clark, G. Works of Wm. Shakespeare. Pliila. , 1870. (Globe ed.) 12°. 46, 17 Clark, G. H. Under-tow of a Trade-wind Surf. Hartf'd, 1860. 4°. 49, 1 Clark, H. Introduction to Heraldry. London, 1866. 12°. . . 60, 21 Clarke, E. H. Sex in Education. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . .33, 24 Clarke, J. F. The Hour which Cometh. Boston, 1868. 12°. . . 78, 9 30 CATALOGUE OF THE Clarke; R. S. Little Prudy Stories. Boston, 1874. f. v. 18°. Vol. 1. Little Prnily. 2. Sister Susie. 3. Captain Horace. Vol. 4. Cousin Grace. 5. Story Rook. 6. Dotty Dimple. 8°. *Classical Dictionary. C. Anthon. New Yoi'k, 1874 Claverings, The. A. TroUope. New York, 1873. 8°. Clay, Henry, Life and Times of. C. Colton. N.Y.,1846. 2 v. Clayton, E. C. Queens of Song. New York, 1865. 8°. . Clemens, S. L. Innocents Abroad. Hartford, 1874. 8°. Roughing It. Hartford, 1874. 8°. ... Clemens, S. L. and C. D. Warner. Gilded Age. Hartford, 1874 Clement, C. E. Handbook of Leg'dy and Myth'l Art. N. Y.,1874 Cleopatra. J. Abbott. New York, 1874. 16°. Clerical Life, Scenes of. M. A. (E\^ans) Lewes. N.Y., 1874. 1 Clever Woman of the Family. C. M. Youge. N.Y., 1874. 8° Cliff-Climbers. M. Reid. Boston, 1873. 12°. Clock and Watch-Makers' Manual. M. L. Booth. N.Y., 1872 Cloister and Hearth. C. Reade. New York, 1870. 8°. Cloud Pictures. F. H. Underwood. Boston, 1872. 16°. Clouds to the Mountains, From. J. Verne. Boston, 1874. 16° Cloven Foot. R. H. Newell. New York, 1870. 12°. Coal Gas. W. R. Bowditch. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°, Coal, Statistics of. R. C. Taylor. Philadelphia, 1855. 8° Code Duello. By an Amateur. New York, 1874. 12°. Codraan, J. Mormon Country. New York, 1874. 12° Coffin, C. 0. Seat of Empire. Boston, 1870. 16°. . Coffin, R. B. Castles in the Air. New York, 1871. 12°. My Married Life at Hillside. New York, 1871. 12°. Colburn and Maw. Water Works of London. Philadel., 1868 Colburn, Z. Gas Works of London. New York, 1868. 16°. Locomotive Engine. Philadelphia, 1872. 12° Nature of Heat. London, 1863. 8°. Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works. Boston, 1871. 3 v. 16° Aids to Reflection. New York, 1840. 8°. Complete Works. New York, 1871. 7 v. 12°. Vol. 1. Aids to Reflectioti; Statesman's Manual. 2. The Frieud. 3. Biographia Literaria. 4. Shakespeare and other Dramatists. 5. Literary Remains. 6. Church and State; Table Talk. 7. Poetical and Dramatic. Coleridge, Sara, Memoir and Letters of. New York, 1874. Collins, Wilkie. Armadale.. New York, 1874. 12°. Basil. New York, 1874. 12°. . Dead Secret. New York, 1874. 12°. Hide.and Seek. New York, 1874. 12°. . Man and Wife. New York, 1874. 12°. . My Miscellanies. New York, 1874. 12°. 12°. 12°. 91, 1 157, 7 66, 11 127, 11 126, 18 55, 17 55, 18 .55, 19 34, 9 92, 6 76, 14 77, 39 97, 25 146, 12 66, 80 53, 32 77, 21 53, 20 146, 23 146, 24 53, 19 104, 8 60, 8 52, 22 52, 23 147, 10 142, 23 145, 25 145, 22 41, 19 29, 2 18, 18 126, 15 62, 18 62, 19 62, 20 62, 17 62, 21 62, 23 BEARDSI-EY LIBRARY. 31 Collins, Wilkie. No Name. New York, 1874. 12o- . . .62, 25 Poor Miss Finch. • New York, 1874. 12° 62, 26 Queen of Hearts. New York, 1874. 12° 62, 27 Moonstone. New York, 1874. 12° 62, 22 New Magdalen. New York, 1873. 12°. 62,24 Woman in White. New York, 1873. 12° 62,28 Colonial Records of Conn. ; 1678-1743. Hartford, 18.59. 6 v. 8°. . 139, 4 Colonel Dacre. New York, 1874. 8° 98, 1 Colorado. B. Taylor. New York, 1867. 12° 104, 10 Colton, C. Life and Times of Henry Clay. N.Y., 1846. 2 v. 8°. . 127, 11 Columbus and his Companions. W. Irving. Phila., 1872. 3 v. 12°. 23,5 Combe, G. Phrenology. New York, 1871. 12° 143, 9 Combe, W. Doctor Syntax. London, n. d. 16° 35, 23 Comic History of England. G. A. A'Beckett. London. 8°. . . 99, 16 Comic History ot Rome. G. A. A'Beckett. London. 8°. . .99,17 Comic History of the United States. J.D.Sherwood. Bos., 1870. 12°. 99,15 Coming Race, The. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. New York, 1874. 12°. 61,20 Commentary. See Bible Commercial and Business Anecdotes. F. Kirkland. N.Y., 1872. 8°. 137,4 *Commercial Relations. H'seRep'ts. v. 1 and 4. Wash., 1856. 2 v. 4°. 149, 25 Common Objects of the Country. J.G.Wood. Loudon, n. d. 18°. 133,7 Commonplace and Other Stories. C. G. Rossetti. Bost., 1870. 12°. 81,16 Comparative Politics. E. A. Freeman. New York, 1874. 8°. . 37, 9 Complete Angler, The. L Walton. London, 1870. 12°. . .136,28 Compliment and Crtsbip, Poetry of. J. W. Palmer. Bos., 1868. sq. 16°. 52,1 Concordance to Holy Scriptures. A. Crudeu. New York, 1874. 8°. 19, 13 Condensed Novels. B. Harte. Boston, 1873. 16° 86, 14 Conduct of Life. R.W.Emerson. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . . 21,12 Confessions of Augustine. W. G. T. Shedd. Andover, 1861. 12°. . 14, 4 Confucius, and Chinese Classics. A. W. Loomis. San Fr., 1867.^ 16°. 105, 22 Coniugsby. B. Disraeli. New York, 1870. 8° 87, 15 Connecticut, Agriculture of. 1866-1872. Hartford. 8°. . . 148, 7 Colonial Records of. 1678-1743. Hartford, 1859. 6 v. 8°. . 139, 4 «in the War of 1861-1865. CrofEut and Morris. N.Y.,1S68. 8°. 129,2 Private Laws of. 1789-1856. H'tf'd. and N. H., 1837. 4 v. 8°. 158, 14 ^Connecticut Volunteers. 1861-5. Catalogue of. Hartford, 1869. 8°. 159, 14 C(mnection of Old and New Test's. H. Prideaux. N. Y, 1871. 2 v. 8°. 19, 6 Connection of Physical Sciences. M. Somerville. N.Y., 1871. 18°. 143, 11 Conquest of Mexico. B. Diaz del Castillo. Salem. . 1803. 2 v. 8°. . 129,9 Conquest of Mexico. W. H. Prescott. Philadelphia, 1874. 3 v. 12°. 113,3 Conquest of Peru. \V. H. Prescott. Philadelphia, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . 113, 1 Conspiracy of Poutiac. F. Parkman. Boston, 1870. 2 v. 8°. . 115, 13 Constitution, History and Analysis of . N. C. Towle. Bos., 1871. 8°. 142,6 Manual of. I. W. Andrews. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 142, 8 Manual of. T. Farrar. Boston, 1872. 8° 142, 7 of the United States. J. Story. New York, 1874. 12°. . 31, 35 Constitutional History of England. H. Hallam N.Y., 1873. 8°. .119,22 32 CATALOGUE OF THE Consuelo. (George Sand.) Mme. Dudevaut. Philadel. n. d. Continent, Heart of the. F. H. Ludlow. New York, 1871. 8°. Conversation, Rhetoric of. G. W. Hervey. New Yorlc, 1872. Conversion of the Roman Empire. C. Merivale. New York, 1866. Conybeare and Howsou. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. N. Y.,1873. Cooke, J. P. Jr. The New Ch3mistr3\ New York, 1874. 12°. Cookery, Practical Hand-Book of. P. Blot. New York, 1874. 12°. 12° 12°. London, 1874 12°, Cooking, First Principles of. Lady Barker. See also Receipt Books. Cooley, A. J. The Toilet. London, 1868. Coolidge, Susan. See Woolsey, S. C. Coolie, The. E.Jenkins. New York. 1871. 12 Coomassie and Magdala. H. M. Stanley. New York, 1874 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and Ashore. New York, 1873. 12° Chain Bearer. New York, 1873. 12°. Heidenmauer. New York, 1873. 12° History of United States Navy. New York, 1866. Home as Found. New York, 1873. 12°. Homeward Bound. New York, 1873. 12° Jack Tier. New York, 1873. 12°. . Lionel Lincoln. New York, 1873. 12°. Mercedes of Castile. New York, 1873. V. Miles Wallingford. New York, 1878. 12° Notions of the Americans. Philadelphia, 1828. Oak-Openings. New York. 1873. 12° Precaution. New York, 1873. 12°. Red Rover. New York, 1874. 12°. Satanstoe. New York, 1873. 12°. , Sea Lions. New York, 1873. 12°. . Stories of the Sea. New York, 1872. The Bravo. New York, 1873. 12°. . The Crater. New York, 1873. 12°. The Headsman. New York, 1878. The Monikins. New York, 1 873. The Pilot. New York, 1872. 12° The Red Skins. New York, 1873. The Spy. New York, 1874. 12°. Travelling Bachelor. Philadelphia, 1828 Two Admirals. New York, 1873. 12°. Water Witch. New York, 1873. 12°. Ways of the Hour. New York, 1873. .12°. Wept of Wish-ton- Wish. New York, 1873. Wing and Wing. New York, 1873. 12°. Wyandotte. New York, 1873. 12°. Leather Stocking Tales. Deer Slayer. New York, 1872. 16°. Last of the Mohicans. New York, 1872. 16 16' 12°. 12°. 12°, 2 T 12= 18°. 12° 82, 11 106, 14 21, 11 79, 11 19, 14 144, 22 134, IS 134, 16 134, 23 52, 30 107, 17 65 1 65 2 65 , G 116 , 1 65 ,7 65 , 8 65 . 9 66, 11 65, 12 65, 13 31, 10 6.5, 15 65, 20 G5, 21 65, 23 65, 24 94, 20 65 ,3 65 , 4 65 , ^ 65, 14 65, 17 65, 22 65, 25 31, 10 65, 26 65, 27 65, 28 65, 29 65, 30 65, 31 61 , 1 61 L, 2 BEARDSLEY T.IBKARV. 33 Cooper, J. F. Last of the Mohicans. New York, 1874. 12°. Pathfinder. New York, 1872. 16°. The same. New York, 1874. 12°. Pioneers. New York, 1872. 16°. The same. New York, 1872. 12°. Prairie. New York, 1872. 16°. The same. New York, 1873. 12°. Corals and the Coral Islands. J. D. Dana. New York, 1872. 8°. Cornelius, Mrs. Young Housekeeper's Friend. Boston, 1873. 12°. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. New York, 1873. 12°. Cosmos. A. von Humboldt. New York, 1874. n v. 12°. *Cottage Residences. A. J. Downing. New York, 1873. 4°. Cottin, Mme. S. R. Elizabeth ; or, Exiles of Siberia. Lon.,1872. 32° Cotton Manufacture. J. Geldard. New York, 1867. 12°. Counsel and Comfort. A. K. H. Boyd. Boston, 1871. 16°. . Count of Monte Cristo. A. Dumas. Philadelj^hia. n. d. 8°. . Count Robert of Paris. Sn- W. Scott. Boston, 1873. 12°. Counterparts. E. Sheppard. Boston, 1869. 8°. ... Countess Gisela. E. John. (E. Mailitt.) New York, 1869. 8°, Country, Common Objects of the. J. G. Wood. London, n. d. 18° Country Homes. S. E. Todd. Hartford, 1870. 8 Country-House on the Rhine. B. Auerbach. Boston, 1871. 8°. Country Living and Thinking. M. A. Dodge. Boston, 1874. 12°, Country of the Dwarfs. P. B. Du Chaillu. New York, 1874. 12° Country Parson, (pseud.) See Boyd, A. K. H. Country Parson, Recreations of. A. K. H. Boyd. Bos. ,1873. 2 v. 16° Cones, E. Field Ornithology. Salem, 1874. 8°. ... Coupon Bonds. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1874. 12°. . Court of Elizabeth, Memoirs of. L. Aikin. New York, 1870. 12°. Courtesy, Principles cif. G. W. Hervey. New York, 1872. 12°. Cousin from India. G. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 16°. Cousin Grace. R. S. Clarke. Boston, 1874. 24°. Cousin Phillis. Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. New York, 1864. 8°. Cowles, H. Commentary on Ezekiel and Daniel. N.Y., 1871. 12° Cowper, W. Poetical Works. Boston, 1871. 3 v. 18°. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia. New York, 1870. 12°. Sayings of Dr. Busiiwhacker. New York, 1871. 12°. Sparrowgrass Papers. New York, 1873. 12°. Crabb, Geo. English Synonyms. New York, 1874. 8°. Craik, D. M. A Brave Lady. New York, 1872. 12°. Adventures of a Brownie. New York, 1873. sq. 16°. Agatha's Husband. New York, 1871. 12°. A Hero, etc. New York, 18T3. 12°. A Life for a Life. New York, 1874. 12°. A Noble Life. New York, 1871. 12°. An Only Sister. New York, 1873. 16°. Alice Learmont. New York, 1873. 12°.. 5 65, 10 61, 3 65, 16 61, 4 66, 18 61, 5 65, 19 137, 10 134, 14 134, 29 21,1 147, 24 31, 29 145, 19 36, 13 77, 7 63, 7 77, 27 87, 34 133, 7 13^, 4 77,4 36, 22 103, 9 36, 18 146, 6 76, 8 98, 9 21, 10 98, 11 91, 2 87, 54 12, 14 43, 1 33, Uh 33, 15 33, 14 28, 8 75, ■> 92, 37 75,4 75, 10 75, 12 75, 15 93, 7 75, 10 34 CATALOGUE OF THE Craik, D M. Avillion. New York, 1870. 8°. Christian's Mistake. New York, 1874. 12°. Domestic Stories. Loudon, 1870. 16°. Fair France. New York, 1871. 12°. Fairy Book. New York, 1874. 12°. Hannali. New York, 1874. 12°. Head of the Family. New York, 1874. 12°. Is it True? New York, 1872. 16°. John Halifax, Gentleman. New York, 1874. 12° Little Sunshine's Holiday. New York, 1874. 16° Mistress and Maid. New York, 1872. 12°. My Mother and I. New York, 1874. 12°. Nothins; New. New York, 1874. 8°. Olive. New York, 1874. 12°. . . Our Year. New York, 1860. 16°. . Romantic Tales. London, 1870. 16°. Studies from Lite. New York, 1861. 12°. The Ogilvies. New York, 1874. 12°. Twenty Years Ago. New York, 1873. 16°. Two Marriages. New York, 1872. 12°. Unkind Word, etc. New York, 1874. 12°. Woman's Kingdom. New York, 1872. 12°. Craik, G. M. Cousin from India. New York, 1874 Miss Moore. New York, 1874. 16°. Cranberry Culture. J. J. White. New York, 1870. Crane, A. M. Emily Chester. Boston, 1874. 12°. Opportunity. Boston, 1871. 12°. Reginald Archer. Boston, 1871. 12°. Cranford. Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. New York, 1874. 16°. . Crater, The. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. Craven, Mme. A. Annie Severin. New York, 1869. 16°. A Sister's Story. New York. 12°. . . \ Flem-ange. New York, 1873. 16°. . Crayon Miscellany. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Crayon, Porte, (pseud.) See Strother, DP. . . Creasy, E. S. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. N. Y. ,187' Creation, Sketches of. A. Winchell. New York, 1874. 12°. Typical Forms in. J. McCosh. New York, 1 872. 8°. Creator and Creation. L. P. Hickok. Boston, 1872. 8°. Creator, Footprints of. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1871. p. 8°. Credo. L. T. Townsend. Boston, 1874. 16°. . ■ Crichton, A. History of Arabia. New York, 1868. 2 v. 18° Crimea, Invasion of. A. W. Kinglake. New York, 1870. 2 *Criminal Law. F. Wharton. Philadelphia, 1874. 3 v. 8°. Cringle and Cross-Tree. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. Criticisn\, Elements of. Lord Kames. New York, 1873. 12° Critique of Pure Reagou. I. Kant. London, 1870. 12°. 16= 12° 12 87,38 75, 6 74, 19 75, 1 75, 7 75, 8 75, 9 93, 8 75, 11 93, 9 75, 13 75, 14 87, 39 75, 17 74, 18 74, 20 75, 18 75, 16 93, 12 ' 75, 19 75, 20 75, 21 93, 11 93, 10 136, 16 72, 8 72, 9 72, 10 83, 31 65, 4 71, 22 85, 29 23, 8 37, 6 . 144, 19 . 16, 20 . 79, 3 . 24, 9 . 78, 28 . 101, 1 12°. 112, 11 . 158, 1 . 96, 21 . 79, 8 . 18, 1 BEARDSLEY LIBKARY. 35 *CrofEut and Morris. Coun. in the War of 1861-5. KY.,1868. 8°. 129, 2 Croker, T. C. Fairy Legends. London, n. d. 12° 82, 19 Ci-oly, J. C. Talks on Women's Topics. Boston, 1869. 16°. . . 53, 27 Cromwell, Oliver, Life of. T. Carlyle. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. 123, 6 CromweHianSettlem"tof Ireland. J. P. Prendergast. ^.¥.,1868. 12°. 128, 20 Croniee, T. F. Natural Wealtli of California. San Fran., 1868. 8°. 108, 7 Crooked Places. fEd. Garrett.) I. F. Mayo. New York. n. d. 12°. 73,4 Cross and Crescent. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. IQ°. . . 96, 9 Crowe, C. Night Side of Nature. New York, 1868. 12°. . . 132, 23 Crown from the Spear. C. V. Hamilton. Boston, 1872. 8°. . . 77, 28 Crown of Wild Olives. J. Raskin. New York, 1868. 12°. . . 22, 1 Croxall, S. Fables of ^sop. New York. n. d. 16°. . . .93, 28 Cruden, A. Concordance to Holy Scriptm-es. New York, 1874. 8°. . 19,13 Cruise of the Betsey. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1870. p. 8°. . . 24, 5 Cruise of the Casco. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . . 94, 4 Crumbs Swept up. T. D. W. Tal mage. Philadelphia, 1870. 12°. . 33,13 Crusoe's Island, California, and Washoe. J. R. Browne. N.Y.,1872. 12°. 104, 13 Crust and Cake. (Ed. Garrett.) L F. Mayo. New York. n. d. 12°. 73,5 Cryptogram, The. J. De Mille. New York, 1 871. 8°. . . . 77, 24 Cuba and Back. R. H. Dana, Jr. Boston, 1870. 10°. . . . 104, 19 Cudjo'sCave. J.T.Trowbridge. Boston. 1874. 16°, . . . 97,21 Culprit Fay, The. J.R.Drake. New York, 1871. sq. 10°. . .44,9 Culture Demanded by Modern Life. E. L. Youmans. N.Y., 1873. 12°. 37,13 Cumming, R. G. Hunter's Life in Africa. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. 102, 28 Cunningham, A. Painters and Sculptors. New York, 1868. 5 v. 18°. 121, 25 Cupid and Chow-Chow. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . 84, 15 Curiosities of Literature. I. Disraeli. New York, 1865. 4 v. 12°. . 54, 16 of Natural History. F. Buckland. Lon.,1874. 4 v. 16°. .133,17 of the Pulpit. T.Jackson. New York. n. d. 16°. . ,78,14 Curtis, G. T. Life of Daniel Webster. New York, 1 872. 2 v. 8°. . 126, 9 Curtis, G. W. Howadji in Syria. New York, 1872. 12°. . . 102, 20 Lotus-Eating. New York, 1868. 12° 102, 21 Nile Notes. New York, 1872. 12°. 36,6 Potiphar Papers. New York, 1872. 12°. . , . . 36, 7 Trumps. New York, 1873. 12° 83,15 Curtis, T. F. Human Elem't in Inspirat'n of Scripture. N.Y.,1867. 12°, 78,20 Currency, American, History of. W, G. Sumner. N.Y., 1874. 12°. 142, 2 Currency, Metallic. E. Seyd. London, 1871. 8° 142, 3 Curwen, H. History of Booksellers. Loudon, p. 8°. . . . 133, 27 Gushing, C. Treaty of Washington. New York, 1873. 8°. . .112,18 Gushing, L S. Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Boston, 1874. 18°. 142, 12 Cuyler, T. L. Thought Hives. New York, 1 874. 12°. . . . 78,24 ■^Cyclopaedia of Am. Literature, (suppl.) Duyckinck. N.Y.,1866. 8°. 154, 16 of Anecdotes. K. Arvine. Boston, 1870. 8°. ... 99, 22 *Appleton's Am. ed. by Ripley and Dana. N.T.,1873. 16 v. 8°. 155,1 *Biblical,Theolog'l, aodEccl. McCl. and Strong. N.Y.,1874. 8°. 156, 11 of Commer'l and Business Anecd's. F. Kirkland. N.Y.,1872. 8°. 137,14 36 CATALOGUE OF THE Cyclopc^dia of Wit and Humor. W. E. Burton. New York, 1872. 8°. 137, 3 Cyrus the Great, History of. J. Abbott. New Yorl?, 1872. 16°. . 92, 4 D Dadd, G. H. American Cattle Doctor. New York. 12°. . . 143, 22 Modern Horse -Doctor. New York. 12°. .... 143, 21 Dahlgren, Ulric, Memoir of , Rear-Ad, Dalilgren. Phila.,1872. 12°. 98,18 Daily News Cor. War bet. Germany and Fr. 1870-71. Lon.,187l. p. 8°. 103, 28 Daisy. S. Warner. Philadelphia, 1873. 12° 85, 1 Daisy Burns. J. Kavanagh. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . 85, 15 Dale, H. trans. Thucydides. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . 18, 28 Dall, Mrs. Egypt's Place in History. Boston, 1868. 8°. . . 99, 20 Dall W. H. Alaska and its Resources. Boston, 1870, 8°. . . 108, 6 Dallas Galbraith. R.H.Davis. Phila., 1868. 8° 87,1 Daltons, The. C. Lever. New York, 1868. 8° 66, 33 Dana, J. D. Corals and the Coral Islands. New York, 1872. 8^ . 137, 10 Mineralogy. New York, 1872. 8° 146, 1 Dana, R. H., Jr. Seaman's Friend. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . 132,1 To Cuba and Back. Boston, 1870. 16° 104, 19 Two Years Before the Mast. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . . 104, 21 Danesbury House. Mrs. H. Wood New York, 1860. 12°. . . 71, 5 Danish Story Book. H. C. Andersen. New York. 16°. . , 82, 23 Dante, A. The Divine Comedy, tr. by Longfellow. Bos., 1873. 3v. 8°. . 47, 1 Vol. 1. Inferno. Vol. '2. Pnrg-atorio. Vol. 3. Pai-adiso. D'Arblav, F. Evelina. New York, 1873. 16° 83, 24 Darius tiie Great, History of. J.Abbott. New York. 1871. 16°. . 92,3 Dark Night's Work. Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. New York, 1874. 8°. . 87, 19 Dark Things, Moral Uses of. H. Bushnell. New York, 1868. 12°. . 13, 12 Darryll Gap. V. F. Townsend. Boston, 1866. 12°. . . .72, 22 Darwin C. Animals and Plants under Domestication. N. Y. 2 v. 12°. 144, 9 Descent of Man. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . . . 144, 12 Express'!? of the Emotions in Man and Animals. N. Y. ,1873. 12°. 144, 14 Origin of Species. New York, 1873. 12° 144, 11 Voyage of a Naturalist. New York, 1871. 2 v. 16°. . . lOl, 27 Darwin, More Criticisms on. T. H. Huxley New York, 1873. 12°. 144, 16 *Dates, Dictionary of. J. Haydn. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 154, 5 D'Aubigne, J. H.Merle. History of the Reformation. N.Y.,1872. 4°. 68,3 ♦Davenport, R. A. Dictionary of Biography. Exeter, 1839. 8°. . 128, 3 David Copperfield. C. Dickens. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. ... 64, 6 The same. New York, 1872. 8° 66, 2 David Elginbrod. G. MacDonald. Boston. 12° 74, 3 David, the King of Israel. F. W. Krummacher. N.Y., 1868. 12°. 14, 19 Davidger, Reuben, Adventures of. J. Greenwood. N.Y., 1866. 8°. 106, 22 Davis, J. F. China and the Chinese, New York, 1871. 2 v. 18°. . lOl, 8 BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. 37 Davis, N. Carthage and Her Remains. Ntw York, 1861. 8°. Davis, R. H. Dallas Galbraith. Philadelphia, 18G8. 8°. Waiting for the Verdict. New York, 18G8. 8°. Davy, Sir H. Salmonia. Boston, 1870. 10°. . . Davy, Young Sir Humphrw H. Mayhew. New York, 1874. Dawson, J. W. Story of the Earth and Man. ' New York, 1874 Day, Henry. A. Lawyer Abroad. New York, 1874. 12°. Day, H. The Opium Habit. New York, 1872. 12='. Day, S. M. trans. Hist, of the International. N. Haven, 1874. Day, T. Sandford and Mertou. Boston, 1874. l(i°. Days of Bruce. G. Aguilar. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. Day's Ride. C. Lever. New York, 1872. 8°, . Dsad Secret. Wilkie Collins. New York, 1874. 12°. Dead Sin, and other Stories. (Ed. Garrett.) L P. Mayo. NY. Death, To-morrow of. L. Figuier. Boston, 1873. 16°. . De Beauchesne, A. Life and Death of Louis XVIL N.Y.,18r).'>. 2.v- Debit and Credit. G. Frcytag. New York, 1874. 12°. Dooamoron. — G . BoccacGio . , London, n . d . — 122, , ,_ 16°. 12^ 12°. 12°, 12°. 107, 19 87, 1 77, 13 136, 27 91, 38 143, 1 10.5, 30 132, 18 78, 33 93, 30 71,1 66, 36 62, 20 73, 6 142, 30 123, 2 83, .5 Ds Coulanges, F. The Ancient City. Boston, 1874. 8°. Deep, Wonders of the. M. S. De Vere. New York, 1870. 12< Deerbrook. H. Martiueau. London, 1817. 16°. Peerslayer. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1872. 16°. . Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Boston, 1874. 12°. Dalitzsch, F. Commentary on Job. Edinburgh, 1872. 2 v. 8° Deluge, World Before the. L. Figuier. New York, 1872. 12° De Mille, J. Dodge Club. New York, 1873. 8°. Living Link. New York, 1874. 8°. ... The American Baron. New York, 1872. 8°. The Cryptogram. New York, 1871. 8°. The Lily and the Cross. New York, 1875. 12°. Democracy in America. A. De Tocqueville. Boston, 1873. 2 v Demonology and Witchcraft. Sir W. Scott. New York, 1868. Dendy, W. C. Philosophy of Mystery. New York. 16°. Denis Duval. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1869. 8°. Denison, E. B. Astronomy without Mathematics. NY.,. 1871. Deppiag, G. Wonders of Strength and Skill. New York, 1871. Depths of the Sea. C. W. Thomson. London. 1874. 8°. De Quincey, T. Autobiographic Sketches. Boston, 1873. 12°. Biographical Essays, and Essays on the Poets. Bos., 1873. Letters to a Young Man. Boston, 1873. 12°. , Literary Reminiscences. Boston, 1873. 12°. Memorials and other Papers. Boston, 1873. 12°. Miscellaneous Essays. Boston, 1878. 12°, Narrative Papers. Boston, 1873. 12°. Note-Book. Boston, 1873. 12°. Opium-Eater. Boston, 1873. 12°, Political Economy. Boston, 1873. 12°, . 115, 17 135, 16 71, 24 61, 1 61, 16 16, 12 142, 32 77, 25 77, 26 77, 23 77, 24 72, 27 . 8°, 37, 18 18°. 132, 8 132, 3 87, 48 12°. 145, 14 12°. 95, 31 137, 8 25, 23 12°. 25, 16 25, 18 25, 19 25, 20 25, 22 25, 21 25, 22 25, 23 25, 18 38 CATALOGUE OF THE De Quincey, T. The Cfesars, and The Avenger. Boston, 1873. 12° Descent of Man. C. Darwin. New York, 1874. 2 v. 12°. Desert Home. M. Reid. Boston, 1872. 12°. Desert of the Exodus. E. H. Pahner. New York, 1872. 8° Desert, Pastor of the. E. Pelletan. New York, 1872. 12°. Desk and Debit. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. Desolation, Laud of. I. I. Hayes. New York, 1872. 12°. De Stael, Mme. Germany. New York, 1871. 12°. Desultory Man, The. G. P. R. James. New York, 12°. Deutsch, Emanuel, Literary Remains of. New York, 1874. De Vere, M. S. Studies in English. New York, 1869. p. 8' Wonders of the Deep. New York, 1870. 12°. De Witt, Mme. Guizot. A French Country Family. N.Y., 1868. 12° Motherless, trans, by D. M. Craik. New York, 1871. 12°. Diamonds and Precious Stones. L. Dleulafait. New York,1874. 12 Diary of a Piiysician. S. Warren. New York, 1871. 3 v. 18° Diaz, A. M. Lucy Maria. Boston, 1874. 16°. William Henry and His Friends. Boston, 1872. 16 William Henry Letters. Boston, 1870. 16°. . Dick, T. Practical Astronomsr. New York, 1872. 16°. Sidereal Heavens. New York, 1872. 18°. Dickens, U. Barnaby Rudge. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. Bleak House. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1873. 8°. ■ . Christmas Books. Boston, 1874. 12°. David Copperfleld. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1872. 8°. Dombey and Son. ' Boston, 1872. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1873. 8°. . Edwin Drood. Boston, 1871. 12°. . Great Expectations. Boston, 1874. 12. Hard Times. New York, 1854. 12°. A Child's History of England. Boston, 1871. 12°. The same. New York, 1874. 18°. Little Dorrit. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . The same. New York, 1873. 8°. Martin Chuzzlewit. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 12°. . The same. New York, 1872. 8°. Nicholas Nickleby. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1873. 8°. Old Curiosity Shop. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1872. 8°. Oliver Twist. Boston, 1874. 12°. . The same. New York, 1872. 8°. Our Mutual Friend. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. . Pickwick Papers. Bpston, 1874. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1873. 8°. 25, 17 144, 12 97, 15 106, 18 53, 26 96, 22 104, 29 112, 14 83, 3 126, 13 25, 1 135, 16 75, 2 75, 3 143, 6 31, 26 96, 32 96, 33 97, 30 132, 9^ 132, 9 64, .1 64, 3 66, 1 64, 5 64, 6 66, 2 64, 8 66, 3 64, 10 64, 11 65, 32 64, 12 91, 43 64, 13 66, 4 64, 15 66, 5 64, 17 66, 6 64, 19 66, 7 64, 21 66, 9 64, 22 64, 24 66, 8 BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. 39 64, 27 127, 19 64, 28 65, 33 Dickens, C. Pictures from Italy, and American Notes. Bos., 1871. 12°. 64,26 Life of. J. Forster. Philadelphia, 1873. 3 v. 12°. . . 125, 7 Schools and Schoolmasters. T. J. Chapman, ed. N.Y. 12°.' . 81,13 Sketches by Boz. Boston, 1874. 12°. Story of the Life of. Letters, etc. New York, 1870 Tale of Two Cities. Boston, 1874. 12°. Uncommercial Traveller. Boston, 1872. 12°. *Dictionary, American Biographical. W. Allen. Boston, 1857. 8°. 159, 15 *of American Biography. F. S. Drake. Boston, 1874. 8°. 154, 4 *of Biography. R. A. Davenport. Exeter. 1839. 8°. . . 128, 3 *of Authors. S. A. AUibone. Philadelphia, 1874. 3 v. 8°. . 154, 1 *Classical. C. Authon. New York, 1874. 8". ... 157, 7 *of Greek and Roman Antiquities. . C. Anthon. N.Y., 1871. 8°. 157, 8 *of the Bible. W. Smith. New York, 1872. 4 v. 8°. . . 154, 6 *of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. A. Ure. Lon.,1872. 3 v. 8°. 154, 10 *of Dates. J. Haydn. New York, 1873. 8°. ... 154. 5 *of Chemistry, and Supplement. H. Watts. Lon., 1870. 6v.8^. 153,11 *of the English Language. N. Webster. Springfield, 1874. 4°. 157, 2 *The same. J. E. Worcester. Boston, 1874. 4°. . I57, 1 *French and English. Spiers and Surenne. N.Y., 1872. 8°. 157,6 *German and English. G. J. Adler. New York, 1873. 8°. . 157, 5 *Scottish. Jamieson. J. Longmuir, ed. Edinb'gh, 1867. 8°. 156, 18 *of Mechanics. D. Appleton. New Yoi-k, 1869. 2 v. 8°. . 157, 9 *of Noted Names of Fiction. W. A. Wheeler. Bos.. 1866. 8°. 99, 23 *of Phrase and Fable. E. C. Brewer. Philadelphia. 8°. . 153, 1 *Lippincott's Pronouuc'g Biograp'l. J.Thomas. Phil. ,1873. 8°. 157,12 *Medical. R. J. Duuglison. Philadelphia, 1874. 8°. . . 1.53, 3 *of Science, Lit., and Art. Brande and Cox. N.Y.,1872. 3v. 8°. 1.54.13 Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and Precious Stones. N. Y., 1874. 12. . 143, 6 Dikes and Ditches. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 10°. . . 96, 3 Dimitri Roudine. I. S. Turgenieff. New York, 1873. 16°. . . 85, 30 Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson. The Dog. New York, 1873. 8°. 135, 28 DiscoursesandLifeofP. Hyacinthe. L. W. Bacon, tr. N.Y.,1869. 12=. 13,7 Discoveries at Nineveh. A. H. Layard. New York, 1871. 12°. . 105, 11 Discovery of the Great West. F. Parkman. Boston. 1874. 8°. . 106, 12 Disraeli, B. Coningsby ; or, the New Generation. N.Y., 1870. 8°. . 87, 1 5 Lothair. New York, 1874. 12° 76, 1 Tancred ; or, the New Crusade. London. 16°. . . . 76, 2 Vivian Gray. Loudon. 16° 76, 3 Disraeli, I. Amenities of Literature. New York, 1870. 2 v. 12°. . 54. 14 Calamities and Quarrels of Authors. New York, 1868. 2 v. 12°. 54, 20 Curiosities of Literature. New York, 1865. 4 v. 12°. . . 54, 16 Sketches of English Literature. New York, 1865. 2 v. 12°. . .22,20 The Literary Charact-r. New York, 1868. 12°. . . .54, 22 Distinguished Women, Biography of. S.J.Hale. N.Y.. 1874. 8°. 109, 25' Divine Government, Method of. J. McCosh. New York, 1874. 8°. 16, 19 Divine Life, The. J. Kennedy. Philadelphia, 1857. 12°. . . 19, 21 40 CATALOGUl-: OF THK 12°. 12°. 16°. K)*: Divine Tragedy, The. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1872. 12°. Divinity of Christ. Exam, of Bampton Lectures. Boston, 1872. 12° Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. New York, 1870. 8^ . . . Doctor, The. R. Southey. New York, 1872. 12°. Dr. Bushwhacker, Sayings of. F. S. Cozzens. New York, 1871. 12°. Doctor comes, Till the. G. H. Hope. New York, 1871. 12°. Doctor, The Family; a Dictionary of Domestic Medicine. Lon. p. 8°. Dr. Howell's Family. H. B. Goodwin. Boston, 1872. Doctor Johns. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1866. 2 v Doctor Syntax. W. Combe. London. 16°. Doctor Thorne. A. Trollope. New York, 1872. 12°. Dr. Willoughby and His Wine. M. S. Walker. N.Y., 1873 Doctor of Pliysic, Travels of a. Pliiladelphia, 1871. 12°. Doctor's Dilemma, The. H. Stretton. New York, 1874. 8°. Doctrine of Evolution. A. Winchell. New York, 1874. 12°. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. J. B. Walker. Chicago, 1874. 12° Dodd Family. C. Lever. New York, 1872. 8°. . . . Dodge Club, The. J. De Mille. New Y(n-k, 1873. 8°. . Dodge, M. A. Battle of the Books. Cambridge, 1870. 12°. . Country Living and Country Thinking. Boston, 1874. Gala-Days. Boston, 1874. 16°. lied Letter Days. Boston, 1872. sq. 16°. Skirmislies and Sketches. Boston, 1866. 16° Stumbling- Blocks. Boston, 1872. 16°. Summer Rest. Boston, 1866. 16°. Twelve Miles from a Lemon. New York, 1874. 12°. Woman's Worth and Worthlessness. New York. 1872 Woman's Wrongs. Boston, 1868. 16°. Wool-Gathering. Boston, 1878. 16° Dodge, M. E. A Few Friends and their Amus Mnents. Pliil. ,186".) Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker. New York. 1874. 12°. . Dodge, N S. Stories of a Grandfather. Boston, 1874. sq. 16° Dog, The. Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson. New York. 1873 W. Youatt. ed. E. J. Lewis. New Ym-k. 8°. Dogs and tl.eir Doings. F. O. Moiris. New York, 1872. 8°. Dogs, Anecdotes of. E. Jesse. London, 1873. 12°. Dombey and Son. Charles Dickens. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 12°. The same. New York, 1873. 8°. ... Domestic Life of Thomas Jeft'erson. S. N. Randolph. N.Y.,1871 Domestic Stories. D. M. (^raik. London, 1870. 12". Domestic World, The. New York, 1872. 12°. ... Don Carlos, and Other Dramas. F. Schiller. London, 1872. Don Quixote, Adventures of. C. Jarvis. London. 12°. Doulevy, A. Art of Illumination. New York, 1867. Doolittle, J. S. Social Life of the Chinese. New York, 1867. Doran, J. Annals of the English Stage. New York, 1865. *Dore. G. Legend of the Wandering Jew. London, folio. 12° 16= 12° V. 12°. V. 8°. 45, 1 14, 17 106, 25 132, 2 33, 15 134, 5 134, 1 72. 13 71, 8 35, 23 72,1 1)1, 31 60, 14 87, 47 144, 18 14,2 66, 35 77, 25 36, 28 36, 22 36. 23 91, 22 36, 27 86, 25 36, 24 36, 31 36, 30 36, 29 36, 26 31, 32 97, 31 81, 28 135, 28 135, 29 135, 30 135, 27 64, 8 66, 3 126, 11 74, 19 134, 18 46, 4 97, 19 187, 20 105, 18 98, 6 69 BEARDSLEY LIBRART. 41 12°. 4°. Dore, G. The same. (Pliotograpliic print.) Philadelphia, 18 73 Dorkiug, Battle of. New York, 1871. 12°. Dotty Dimple. R. S. Clarke. Buston, 1874. 18°. Douglass, A. M. Home Nook. Boston, 1874. 12° In Trust. Boston, 1874. li"". Stephen Dane. Boston, 1867. 12°. Dove in the Eagle's Nest. C. M. Yonge. London, 1873. 12"= Dowling, J. History of Romanism. New York, 1870. 8°. Down in a Saloon. M. S. Walker. Boston, n. d. 16°. Down the Rhine. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. Down the River. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. Down the River ; or, Code Duello. New York, 1874. 12°. ♦Downing, A. J. Cettage Residences. New York, 1873. 4°. Hints to Architects. New York, 1872. 8°. . Landscape Gardening. New York, u. d. 8°. Rural Essays. New York, 1869. 8°. . . . Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. New York, 1866. 8' Draining for Profit and Health. G. E. Waring, Jr. New York *Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American Biography. Bos., 1874 Drake, J. R. The Culprit Fay. New York, 1871. sq. 16°. Draughts, Game of. H. Spayth. New York, n. d. 12°. ♦Draughtsman, Practical. M. Armengaud. Philadelphia, 1873 Drawing, Elements of. J. Ruskin. New York, 1872. 12°. Drawing, Industrial. D. H. Mahan. New York, 1871. 8°. Drawing Without a Master. M. E. Cav^. New York, 1868. 12°. Draytons and Davenants. Mrs. E. Charles. New York, n. d. 16°. Dream Life. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1872. 12°. Drifting and Steering. M. L. Peebles. Troy, 1870. 16° Drummer Boy. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1867. 16°. Du Chaillu, P. B. Adventures in Equatorial Africa. N.Y., 1871 Journey to Ashango Land. New York, 1871. 8°. Country of the Dwarfs. New York, 1874. 12°. Lost in the Jungle. New York, 1873. 12°. My Apiugi Kiug«lom. New York, 1874. 12°. Stories of the Gorilla Country. New York, 1872. 12°. Wild Life Under the Equator. New York, 1873. 12°. Dudevant, Mme. A Rolling Stone. Boston, 187L Cesarine Dietrich. Boston, 1871. 8°. Consiielo. Philadelphia, n. d. 12°. Handsome Lawrence. Boston, 1871. 8°. Mauprat. Boston, 1870. 16°. Snow Man. Boston, 1872. 16°. Duff, P. Practical Book-keeping. New York, 1873. 8°. Dumas, A. Adventures of a Marquis. Philadelphia, n. d The Count of Monte-Cristo. Philadelphia, n. d The Iron Mask. Philadelphia, n. d. 8°. Three Guafdsmen. Philadelphia, n. d. 8°. 6 54, 25 31, 34 91, 3 83, 19 83, 17 83, 18 74, 26 99, 21 91, 32 96, 4 95, 8 53, 19 147, 24 147, 21 147, 18 135, 2 136, 1 143, 26 154, 4 44, 9 142, 17 68, 7 22 2 147, 1 143, 29 81,2 36, 1 92, 39 93, 29 107, 13 107, 14 103, 9 103, 10 103, 11 103, 12 103, 13 77, 33 77, 31 82, 11 77, 32 82, 12 82, 13 147, 15 77, 6 77, 7 77, 8 77, 9 42 CATALOGUE OF THE *Dunglison, R. J. Medical Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1874. 8°. . 153, 3 *Dunlop,J. Laws of the United States, 1789 to 1856. Phil., 1856. 8°. 158, 12 Dunlop, John. History of Fiction. London, 1845. 8°. . . 119, 25 Dunn, H. Study of the Bible. New York, 1871. 12°. . .78, 19 Dutch Republic, History of. J. L. Motley. New York, 1874. 3 v. 8°. 116, 2 Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors. S.Warren. KY., 1861. 16°. . 132, 15 Duties of Young Men. E. H. Chapin. Boston, 1872. 32". . . 31, 25 Duties of Young Women. E. H. Chapin. Boston, 1872. 24°. . 31, 24 *Duyckinck, G. L. Supplement to Cyclop, of Am. Lit. N.Y.,1866. 8°. 154,16 Dwarfs, Country of the. P. B. Du Chaillu. New York, 1874. 12°. 103, 9 D wight, H. History of the Hartford Convention. N.Y., 1833. 8°. 129,4 Dynevor Terrace. C. M. Yonge. New York, 1873. 12°. . . 74, 28 E 12°. E Pluribus Unum. L. B. Prince. New York, 1867. 12°. Early Dawn. Mrs. E. Charles. New York, n. d. 16°. Early Years of Christianity. E. de Pressense. New York, 1871. Earth, The. E. Reclus. New York, 1873. 8°. ... Earth and Man. A. Guyot. trans, by C. C. Felton. Bos., 1873. 12° Earth and Man, Story of. J. W. Dawson. New York, 1874. 12°. , Earth to the Moon, From. J. Verne. New York, 1874. 8°. East and West Poems. Bret Harte. Boston, 1871. 16°. East Indian Archipelago, Travels in. A. S. Bickmore. NY, 1869. 8°, East, Letters from. W. 0. Bryant. New York, 18G9. 12° Eastern Church, History of. A. P. Stanley. New York, 1873 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on Household Taste. Boston, 1874. 8° Eastward. N. Macleod. London, 1866. 8°. . Eastwood, P. Geoffrey the Lollard. New York, n. d. 16°. Eating and Drinking. G. M. Beard. New York, 1871. 12'. EcceCcBlum. E. F. Burr. Boston, 1867. 12°. Ecce Deus. J. Parker. Boston, 1873. 16°. Ecce Homo. J. R. Seelye. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . Ecclesiastical History. J. C. L. Gieseler. New York, 1868. J. L. Mosheim. trans, by A. Maclaine. N.Y., 1871. The same. Baltimore, 1837. 2 v. 8°. . Eddy, D. C. Europa; Scenes and Society. Boston, 1871. 1 Edelweiss. B. Auerbach. Boston, 1874. 16°. Edgar, J. G. Footprints of Famous Men. New York, 1868 History for Boys. New York, 1870. 16°. Sea Kings and Naval Heroes. New York, 1874. 16°. Wars of the Roses. New York, 1873. 16°. Edgeworth, M. Frank. New York, 1856. 2 v. 18°. Harry and Lucy. New York, 1856. 2 v. 12°. Moral Tales. New York, n. d. 2 v. 18°. 4 V. 8°. 2 V. 8°. 16°. 142, 9 81, 3 78, 6 137, 6 143, 2 143, 1 77, 18 45, 27 108, 5 105, 29 15. 7 135, 10 108, 4 94, 21 134, 4 13, 26 14, .27 14, 26 16, 6 119, 23 28, 24 108, 9 85, 23 122, 12 91, 35 91, 41 132, 10 83, 27 75, 33 83, 29 BEARDSLET LIBRART. 4S Edgeworth, M. Parents' Ass't ; or, Stories for Child'n. ISr.Y.,1856. 18°. Popular Tales. New York, 1870. 2 v. 18°. Practical Education. New York, n. d. 12°. .... Rosamond, with other Tales. New York, n. d. 12°. Tales and Novels. New York, 1872. 10 v. 12°. Vol. 1. Castle Rackreut; IriRh Bulls; Self Justification; Forester; The Prnssiau Vase ; The Good Aunt. 2. Ana;elina; The Good French Governess; The Knapsack; M'lle Panache: Lame Jervas; The Will ; Limerick Gloves; Out of Debt Out of Danger; The Lottery; Rosanna. 3. Murad the Unlucky; The Manufacturers; The Contrast; The Grateful Negro ; To-morrov?; Ennui; The Dun. 4. Manoeuvrins; ; Almeria; Vivian. 5. The Absentee; Mme. de Fleury; Emilie de Coulanges; Modern Griselda. 6. Belinda. 7. Leonora ; Letters ; Patronage. 8. Patronage (concluded); Love and Law; Rose; Thistle and Shamrock 9. Harrington ; Thoughts on Bores ; Armond, 10. Helen. 91, ii 83, 25 31, 9 75, 32 75, 22 Edinburgh and its Neighborhood. H. Miller. Edinb'h, 1870. p. 8°. 24, 6 Education Abroad. B. G. Northrop. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 37, 25 Education of American Girls. A. 0. Brackett. N.Y., 1874. 12°. . 33,25 Education, Sex in. E. H. Clarke. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . .33, 24 Edwards, A. Ought we to Visit Her ? New York, n. d. 8°. . 77, 12 Edwards, A. B. Barbara's History. New York, 1874. 8°. . . 87, 16 Miss Carew. New York, 1871. 8°. 87, 16 Edwin Brothertoft. T. Winthrop. Boston, 1866. 16°. . . .86, 21 Edwin Drood. Charles Dickens. Boston, 1871. 12°. . . .64, 10 Eggleston,'E. The Circuit Rider. New York, 1874. 12°, . .86,8 The End of the World. New York, 1872. 12°. . . . 86, 9 The Hoosier Schoolmaster. New York, 1871. 12°. . . 86, 10 The Mystery of Metropolisville. New York, 1873. 12°. ■ . 86, 11 Egypt and Nubia, Boat Life in. W. C. Prime. N.Y., 1872. 12°. . 105,6 Egypt, Arabia, etc. J. L. Stephens. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12°. . 102, 22 Egypt 3,300 Years Ago. F. de Lanoye. New York. 1872. 12°. . 95, 19 Egypt's Place in History. Mrs. Dall. Boston, 1868. 8°. . . 99, 20 Egyptians, Modern. E. W. Lane. London, 1871. 2 y. 12°. , . 119, 17 Eirene ; or, a "Woman's Right. M. C. Ames. New York, 1871. 8°. 77, 22 El Dorado. B. Taylor. New York, 1873. 12° 102, 4 Elder, W. Life of Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia, 1858. 8°. . 128, 1 Electric Telegraph. Lardner and Bright. London, 1867. 12°. . 145, 16 Electric Telegraph. G. B. .Prescott. Boston, 1871. 12°. . . 145, 15 Electro -Metallurgy. J. Napier. Philadelphia, n. d. 8°. . . 146, 19 Elementary Chemistry. G. Fownes. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . 153, 7 Eliot, George, (pseud.) See Lewes, M. A. (Evans.) Elizabeth, Literature of the Age of . E.P.Whipple. Bos., 1871. 16°. 32,3 Memoirs of the Court of. L. Aikin. New York, 1870. 12°. . 98, 9 Elizabeth ; Old Friends, etc. Miss A. L Thackeray. Bos., 1874. 16°. 62,11 Ellicott, C. J. Commentary on Galatians. Boston, 1867. 8°. . 16, 17 Commentary on Pastoral Epistles. Boston, 1867. 8°. . . 16, 16 44 CATALOGUE OF THE Ellis, J. B. Sights and Secrets of National Capital. N. Y. , 1871 Ellis. W. Three Visits to Madagascar. New York, 1859. 8°. Elsie Venner. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1872. 16°. Emblems, Divine and Moral. F. Quarles. London, 1866. 12° Emerson, R "W. Conduct of Life. Boston, 1873. 16°. English Traits. Boston, 1869. 16°. Essays. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 16°. May Day, and other Pieces. Boston, 1874. 16°. Poems. Boston, 1865. 32° Prose Works. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 12°. Vol.1. Miscellanies; Essays. 2. Representative Men : English Traits ; Conduct of Life. Representative Men. Boston, 1874. 16°. Society and Solitude. Boston, 1873. 16°. Emery, S. A. Three Generations. Boston, 1872. 8°. Emily Chester. A. M. Crane. Boston, 1874. 12°. Eminent Mechanics. Sketches of. H.Howe. NY., 1840. 12° The same. New York, n. d. 12°. Eminent Men, Lives of. New York, 1855. 3 v. 12°. Eminent Women of the Age. Hartford, 1871. 8°. Emma. J. Austen. Boston, 1867. 12°. . Emotions in Man and Animals, Exp. of . C.Darwin. N.Y.,1873. 12°. Empire, Seat of. C. C. CoflBn. Boston, 1870. 16°. Empress Josephine. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1871. 16°. Empty Heart. M. V. Terhune. New York. 1873. 12°. ^Encyclopaedia, Chambers'. Philadelphia, 1872. 10 v. 8°. *of Agriculture. J. C. Loudon. London, 1871. 8°. End of the World. E. Eggleston. New York, 1872. 12°. Engineering, Civil. D. H. Mahan. ed. by D. V. Wood. N.Y.,1873. 8°. Engineers and Mechanics' P'k't-Bk. C. H. Haswell. N.Y.,1874. 16°. England. American Farmer in. F. L. Olmsted. Columbus. 1859. 8°. England and Italy, Notes in. Mrs. N. Hawthorne. N.Y.. 1872. 12°. England and the English. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. New York. 12°. England, Child's History of. Charles Dickens. N.Y.,1874. 18°. . Comic History of. G. A. a Beckett. London. 8°. . Constitutional History of. H. Hallam. New York, 1873. 8°. First Impressions of. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1873. p. 8°. . History of. etc. Charles Dickens. Boston, 1871. 12°. History of. J. A. Fronde. London, 1870. ' 12 v. 8°. History of. D. Hume. New York, 1873. 6 v. 12°. History of. C. Knight. Boston, 1873. 8 v. 8°. . History of. T. B. Macaulay. New York, 1872. 5 v. 12°. History of Civilization in. H. T. Buckle. Lon., 1872. 3 v. 8°. Lives of Chief Justices of . Lord Campbell. Bos., 1873. 4v.8°. Lives of Lord Chanc'l'rs of . Lord Campbell. N.Y.,1874. 3 v. 8°. Notes on. H. Taine. New York, 1872. p. 8°. . . . Eng., Fr., and Spain, Chron'les of. Sir J. Froissart. Lon., 1874. 2 v. 8°. 108, 22 107, 10 71, 6 48, 3 21, 12 21, 13 21, 14 44, 32 44, 22 21,17 21, 16 32, 12 87, 3 72, 8 128, 4 122, 10 122, 7 128, 7 74, 22 144, 14 60, 8 92, 9 84,28 156, 1 153, 2 86, 9 147,4 142, 25 136, 2 60, 12 21, 21 91,43 00, 16 119, 22 24, 8 64, 12 114, 1 114, 18 116, 9 114, 13 21 22 109, 15 109, 12 26, 15 79, 22 BEAKDSLET LIBRARY. 45 England's Antiphon. G. MacDonald. London, n. d. 8°. . . 37, 5 English and For'n Life, Stories of. M.and W.Howitt. Lon.,1853. p.8°. 34, 19 English Composition, Aids to. R. G. Parker. New York, 18^5. 12°. 37, 4 English Composition and Rhetoric. A. Bsin. New York. 1874. 12°. 79, 9 English Governess at Siamese Court. A. H. Leoiiowens. Bos. ^1873. 8°. 37,22 English Humorists, Lectures on. W'. M. Thackeray. N.Y..187S. 12°. 37,24 *English Language. Dictionary of. N.Webster. Springfield, 1874. 4°. 157,2 *Dictionary of. J. E. Worcester. Boston, 1874. 4°. . . 1.57, 1 Humorous Poetry of. J. Parton. Boston, 1872. 8°. . . 47, 14 Lost Beauties of. C. Mackay. New York, 1874. 12°. . 25, 4 Philological Study of. F. A. March. New York, 1873. l2o. 32, 18 *English Law, Commentary on. W. Blackstone. N.Y.,1872. 4 v. 8°. 158,4 Eng. Lit., H'd-B'k of. F. H. Underwood. (Am. Au's.) Bos., 1874. p. 8°. 26, 13 (British Authors.) Boston, 1873. p. 8°. ... 26, 14 History of. H. A. Taine. Edinburgh, 1872. 4 y. 8°. . . 26, 18 Sketches of. L Disraeli. New York, 1865 2 v. 12°. . . 22, 20 English Note Books. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . 62, 2 English, Past and Present. R. 0. Trench. New York, 1871. 12°.. 25,5 English Poets. Lives of. S. L. Johnson. London, 1868. 16°. . 98, 23 English Poets and Comic Writers. W. Hazlitt. Lond., 1870. p. 8°. 34,24 English Psychology. T. Ribot. New York, 1874. p. 8°. . . 28, 9 English, Social Condition of. J. Kay. New York, 1864. 12°. . 21, 9 English Stage, Annals of. I. Doran. New York, 1865. 2 v. 8°. . 98, 6 English, Studies in. M. S. De Vere. New York, 1869. 8°. . . 25, 1 English Synonyms. G. Crabb. New York, 1874. 8°. . . . 28, 8 English Traits. R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1869. 16°. . . .21, 13 ^English Words, Thesaurus of. P. M. Roget. Boston, 1874. 12°. . 37, 3 Enthusiasm, Natural History of. I. Taylor. New York, 1868. 12°. 32, 17 Episodes of French History. Miss J. Pardee. New York, 1859. 12°. 104, 23 Epistles to Seven Churches of Asia. R. C. Trench. Lon., 1867. 8°. 16, 18 Epistles of Peter, Lectures on. J. Lillie. New York, 1869. 8°. . 28, 1 Epitaphs, Quaint, Curious, and Elegant. H. J. Loaring. Lon., 1873. 18°. 32, 22 Epochs of History. Ed. by E. E. Morris. New York, 1874. 16°. . 128, 10 The Crusade?. G. W. Cox. Bra of Pi-otestaut Revolution. F. Seebohm. Thirty Years' War. S. R. Gardiner. Equator, Wild Life under. P. B. Du Chaillu. New York,l873. Erckmann-Chatrian. Blockade of Phalsburg. New York, 1871. Miller's Story of the War. New York, 1872. 12°. Escaped Novice. J. M. Bunkley. New York, 1855. 12°. Essays and Addresses. Owens College. London, 1874. 8°. Essays, Sketches, and Stories. G. B. Woods. Boston, 1873. 15 Ethics of the Dust. J. Ruskin. New York, 1872. 12°. Europa ; or, Scenes and Soc'y in Eng. , Fr. , Italy, etc. D. C. Eddy. Europe ; Views A-Foot. B. Taylor. New York, 1870. 12°. Byways of. B. Taylor. New York, 1872. 12°. First Years in. G. H. Calvert. Boston, 1866. 16°. 12°. 103, 13 16°. 33, 18 33, 17 31, 36 79, 21 !°. 52, 21 22, 3 8°. 108, 9 102, 17 102,1 60,16 46 CATALOGUE OF THE Europe. History of. (ab'd.) 1789-1815. A.Alison. N.Y.,1843. 8°. 129, 11 History of. iTSg-lSl.^. A.Alison. K Y., 1872. 4 v. 8°. .116,17 History of. 1815-1862. A. Alison. New York, 1868. 4 y. 8°. 116, 21 Modern. VV. Russell. New York, 1872. 3 v. 8°. . . 118, 1 Rationalism in. W. E. H. Lecky. New York, 1878. 2 v. 8°. 15, 16 Europe through American Spectacles. 0, C. Fulton. Phil., 1874. 8°. 108, 10 European Morals, History of. W. E. H. Lecky. N.Y.,1874. 2 v. 8°. 15,18 Eustace Diamonds. A. Trollope. Ne.w York, 1872. 8°. . . QQ, 18 Evangelical Alliance of 1873, Proceedings of. New York, 1874. 8°. 17, 19 Evans, A. J. Beulah. New York, 1874. 12° 86, 28 Inez. New York, 1873. 12°. 86, 29 Macaria. New York, 1873. 12° 86, 30 St. Elmo. New York, 1874. 12°. ' . . . . . 86, 31 Vashti. New York, 1874. 12° . 86, 32 Evelina. F. D'Arblay. New York, 1873. 18° 83, 24 Evelyn's Diary and (Correspondence. W. Bray, ed. London, p. 8°. 122, 15 Evergreens, Book of. J. Hooper. New York, 1868. 12°. . . 136, 18 Every Day Philosopher. A. K. H. Boyd. Boston, 1869. 16°. . 36, 16 Evidences of Christianity. M. Hopkins. Boston, 1874. 8°. . 19, 8 W. Paley. New York, 1873. 18°. 18, 10 Evidences of Prophecy. A. Keith. New York, 1871. 12°. . 18, 12 Evolution, Doctrine of. A. Winchell. New York, 1874. 12°. . 144, 18 Ewbank, T. Life in Brazil. New York, 1856. 12°. . . . 107, 11 Excursions. H. D. Thoreau. Boston, 1866. 16° 31, 3 Exiles of Siberia. Mme. Cottin. London, 1872. 32°. . . .31, 29 Exodus, Desert of. E. H. Palmer. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 106, 18 Expanse of Heaven. R. A. Procter. New York, 1874. 12°. . 145, 11 Expedition to the Zambesi. D. and C. Livingstone. N.Y., 1866. 8°. 107, 2 F 8°. Fable, Age of. T. Bulfinch. Boston. 12°. Fables of ^sop. 8. Croxall. New York. 16°. Fables of Pilpay. New York, 1872. 16°. Fair France. D. M. Craik. New York, 1871. 12°. Fair God, The. L. Wallace. Boston, 1874. 12°. Fair to See. L. W. M. Lockhart. New York, 1873 Fairbairn, W. Cp,st and Wrought Iron. New York, 1854. 8' Mechanism and Machinery of Transmission. Phil., 1870. Mills and Mill Work. London, 1864. 2 v. 8°. Fairlie, R. F. Battle of the Ganges. London, 1872. 8°. Fairy Book. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 12°. Fairy Legends. T. C. Croker. London, n. d. 12°. Fairy Mythology. T. Keightley. London, 1873. 12°. . Fairy Tales. H. C. Andersen. New York, n. d. 16°. Faith Gartney's Girlhood. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, n. d. 12°. 12°. 84, 10 93, 28 35, 22 104, 83 71, 28 87, 31 146, 20 146, 15 147,8 145, 24 75, 7 82, 19 60, 20 82, 24 73,16 BEARD SLEY LIBRAKT. 47 Family Aquarium. H.D.Butler. New York, 1858. 12°. . .136,26 Family Doctor. By a Dispensary Surgeon. London, u. d. p. 8°. . 134, 1 Famous Americans of Recent Times. J. Parton. Boston, 1873. 8°. 126, 8 Famous London Merchants. H. R. F. Bourne. N.Y., 1869. 16°. . 132,12 Famous Men, Footprints of. J. G. Edgar. New York, 1868. 16°. . 122, 12 Famous Stories. H. C. Andersen. New York, n. d. 16°. . . 82, 25 Faraday, M. Chemical Hist, of a Candle. New York, 1861. 16°. . 132, 16 Faraday, Michael, Life of. J. Tyndall. New York, 1873. 12°. . 123, 11 Farjeon, B. L. Grif. New York, 1872. 8° 87,58 Farm Ballads. Will Carleton. New York, 1874. 8°. . . . 47, 12 Farm Book, New American. L. F. Allen. New York, 1869. 12°. . 186, 5 Farming for Boys. E. Morris. Boston, 1869. sq. 12°. . . 136, 4 Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. New York, 1874. 2 v. 8°. . . 78, 1 Farrar, T. Manual of the Constitution. Boston, 1872. 8°. . ., 142,7 Fashion and Famine. A. S. Stephens. Philadelphia, n. d. 12°. . 82, 10 Fast Life on Modern Highway. J. Taylor. New York, 1874. 12°. 35, 29 Faust. J. W. von Goethe, trans, by B. Taylor. Boston, 1873. 8°. . 47, 4 *Fay, T. S. Outline of Geography. New York, 1867. ' 16°. . 133, 21 * Atlas. New York, folio 68, 32 Feats on the Fiord. H. Martiueau. London, n. d. 16°. . . 91, 27 Federalist, The. A. Hamilton. New York, 1802. 2 v. 8°. . . 128, 22 Felix Holt. M. A. (Evans) Lewes. New York, 1873. 12°. . . 76, 15 Female Sovereigns. Mrs. Jameson. New York, 1874. 2 v. 18°. . 121, 12 Ferdinand and Isabella. W. H. Prescott. New York, 1873. 3 v. 12°. 113,6 Ferguson, James, Life of. H. Mayhew. New York, 1873. 16°. . 91, 36 Ferguson, R. Life and Labors of John Campbell. Lon., 1867. 8°. 98, 5 Fernald, W. M. First Causes of Character. Boston, 1865. 16°. . 98, 24 Festus. P. J. Bailey. New York, n. d. 16°. . . . . 44, 19 Fetridge, W. P. The Paris Commune. New York, 1871. 12°. . 112, 15 Feuillet, O. The Story of Sibylle. Boston, 1872. 8°. . . . 77, 37 Few Friends; and their Amusem'ts. M. E. Dodge. Phil., 1869. 16°. 31, 32 *Fiction, Diet, of Noted Names of. W. A. Wheeler. Bos., 1866. 8°. 99, 23 Fiction, History of. J. Dunlop. London, 1845. 8°. ... 119, 25 Field, H. M. History of Atlantic Telegraph. N.Y., 1866. 12°. .145,17 Field, M. B. Memories of many Men and Women. N.Y., 1874. 12°. 124, 17 Field and Forest. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . .96, 23 Field-Book of the Revolution. B. J. Lossing. N.Y., 1860. 2 v. 8°. 117, 7 Field Ornithology. E. Coues. Salem, 1874. 8° 146, 6 Fielding, H. History of Amelia. New York, 1856. 12°. . . 83, 20 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with Authors. Boston, 1874. 12°. . . 37, 21 Fifiue and other Poems. R. Browning. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . 52, 7 Flghtins Joe. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . . 95, 2 Figuier, L. The Insect World. New York, u. d. 12°. . . 142, 33 The Ocean World. New York, n. d. 12° 142, 31 Mammalia. New York, 1870. 8°. 137, 14 Primitive Man. London, 1870. 8°. ..... 146, 8 Reptiles and Birds. New York, 1870. 8°. . . . . 137, 13 48 CATALOGUE OF THE Figuier, L. To-morrow of Death. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . . 142, 30 World Before the Deluge. New York, 1872. 12°. . . 142, 32 Fireside Travels. J. R. Lowell. Boston, 1865. 16°. . . . 105, 28 First Causes of Character. W. M. Feruald. Boston, 1865. 16°. . 98, 24 First Impressions of England. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1872. p. 8°. 24, 8 First Principles of Philosophy. H. Spencer. New York, 1874. 8°. 15, 15 First Years in Europe. G. H. Calvert. Boston, 1866. 16°. . . 60, 16 Firth, Frank R., Memoirs of. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1874. 12°. . 98, 17 Fish Culture, American. T. Norris. Philadelphia, 1868. 12°. . 136, 81 Fishing, I go a-. W. C. Prime. New York, 1873. p. 8°. . . 136, 29 Fishing in American Waters. G. C. Scott. New York, 1873. p. 8°. 136, 32 Fishing Tourist. C. Hallock. New York, 1873. p. 8°. . . 136, 30 See also Angler. Fisher, G. P. History of Reformation. New York, 1874. 8°. . 116, 25 Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1874. 16°. . 94, 6 Fiske, J. Myths and Myth-Makers. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . 34, 8 Five Acres too Much. R. B. Roosevelt. New York, 1869. 12°. . 32, 14 Fiye Weeks in a Balloon. J. Verne. Boston, 1874. 12°. . . 77, 20 Flagg, W. J. A Good Investment. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 87, 17 Sulphur Cm-e for Vines, etc. New York, 1870. 12°. . . 135, 18 Flagg, W. Woods and Byways of New England. Bost., 1872. 8°. 135, 3 Flammarion, C. The Atmosphere. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 137, 5 The Heavens. New York, 1871. 12°. . . . ■ . . 95, 26 Stones of Iufinit3^ Boston, 1873. 16°. .... 132, 17 Fleurange. Mme. A. Craven. New York, 1873. 16°. . . .85, 29 Flint, C. L. Agriculture of Massachusetts. Boston. 2 v. 8°. . 148, 1 Flora Symbolica. J. Ingram. London. 12°. .... 136, 23 Florida, Winter in. L. Bill. New York, 1870. 12°. . . . 103, 30 Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. F. Richter. Bost, 1874. 2 v. 12°. 81,22 Flowers, Language of. Miss Iklrewe. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . 136, 24 Flowers for Parlor and Garden. E. S. Rand, Jr. Boston, 1874. 12°. 136, 11 Fonssagrives, J. B. Mother's Work with Sick Child'n. N.Y.,1872. 12°. 134,6 Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and Lightning. New York, 1872. 12°. 95, 33 Foods. E. Smith. New York, 1874. 12° 143, 16 Footfalls on Bound'y of Another World. R.D.Owen. Phd.,1874. 12°. 37,16 Footprints of the Creator. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1871. p. 8°. . 24, 9 Footprints of Famous Men. J. G. Edgar. New York, 1868. 16°. . 122, 12 Footprints of a Letter Carrier. J. Rces. Philadelphia, 1866. 12°. . 31, 33 Fouque, F. de La Motte. See La Motte Fouque. . . Force. J. Abbott. New York, 1873. 12°, 134, 33 Forest Exiles. M. Reid. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . . . 97, 16 Forest Trees. A. Bryant. New York, 1871. 12°. ... 136, 20 Forgiveness and Law. H. Bushuell. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 13, 18 Forms of Water. J. Tyndall. New York, 1872. 12°. . . . 144, 3 Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of Public Men. New York, 1874. 12°. . 124, 13 Forester, Fanny, (pseud.) See Ohubbuck, E. .... Forester, F. Sporting Scenes and Characters, Phil, n. d. 2 v. 12°. 60, 2 BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. 49 12°. 16°. Forster, J. Life of Charles Dickens. Philadelphia, 1873. 3 v. 12°. Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. London, 1871. 2 v. 8°. Forsyth, W. Novels and Novelists of the 18th Cent'y. N.Y.,1871. 12°. Fortunes of Nigel. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1872. 12°. Forwood, W. S. Mammoth Cave. Philadelphia, 1870. Fosdick, C. A. Go-Ahead. Philadelphia. 16°^ Frank before Vicksburg. Philadelphia. 16°. Frank in the Woods. Philadelphia. 16°. Frank on a Gunboat. Philadelphia. 16°. Frank on the Lower Mississippi. Philadelphia. Frank on the Prairie. Philadelphia. 16°. Frank the Young Naturalist. Philadelphia. 16°. Frank among the Rancheros. Philadelphia. 16° Frank at Don Carlos' Rancho. C. A. Fosdick. Philadel. 16°. Frank in the Mountains. Philadelphia. 16' Foster, J. Essays. London, n. d. 8°. Foster, J. W. Pre-Historic Races of the U. S. Chicago, 1874. 8°. The Mississippi Valley. Chicago, 1869. 8°. Foul Play. C. Reade. New Yoi'k, 1870. 8°. . Found Dead. VV. Black. New York, 1871. 8°. Foundations. R. Porter. New York, 1871. 16°. Fouque, F. de La Motte. See La Motte Fouque. Four Georges, Lectures on. W.M.Thackeray. N.Y., 1873. 12°. History of. S. M. Smucker. New York, 1860. 8°. Fownes, G. Elementary Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Fox, J. Book of Martyrs. Auburn, 1853. 12°. Fox-Hunting. C. A. Stephens. Boston, 1873. 16°. Fragments of Science. J. Tyndali. New York, 1873. 12°. Framley Parsonage. A. TroUope. New York, 1873. 12°. France, History of. J. White. New York, 1872. 8°. Huguenots in. S. Smiles. New York, 1 874. 8°. . Pioneers of, in the New World. F. Parkman. Bos., 1874. Murray's Hand-Book for. London, 1873. 2 v. 16°. Frank. M. Edgeworth. New York, 1856. 2 v. 16°. Frank before Vicksburg. C. A. Fosdick. Philadelphia, n. d. 16°. . Frank in the Woods. C. A. Fosdick. Philadelphia, u. d. 16°. Frank on a Gunboat. C. A. Fosdick. Philadelphia, n. d. 16°. Frank on the Lower Mississippi. C. A. Fosdick. Phila.,n. d. 16°. Fj'ank on the Prairie. C. A. Fosdick. Philadelphia, u. d. 16°. Frank among the Rancheros. C. A. Fosdick. Philadel. , n. d. . 16°. Frank at Don Carlos' Rancho. C. A. Fosdick. Philadelphia. 16°. . Frank in the Mountains. C. A. Fosdick. Philadelphia, n. d. 16°. . Frank, the Young Naturalist. C. A. Fosdick. Philadel., n. d. 16°. Franklin, Ben j., Autobiography of. New York, 1848. 8°. Life of. J. Parton. Boston, n. d. 2 v. 8° Franklm, Fate of Sir John. Capt. M'Clmtock. Boston, 1860. 12°. Freaks of Fortune. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. . 7 125, 7 99, 11 52, 20 68, 9 103, 31 93, 21 93, 16 93, 17 93, 13 93, 15 93, 14 93, 18 93, 19 88, 20 93, 20 37, 1 146, 10 108, 8 66, 30 87, 6 32, 29 37, 24 129, 12 153, 7 19, 20 93, 23 144, 7 72, 5 119, 4 112, 16 108, 12 101, 37 83, 27 93, 16 93, 17 93, 13 93, 15 93, 14 93, 19 88, 20 93, 20 93, 18 127, 7 126, 6 128, 2 95, 9 50 CATALOGUE OF THE Fred, Maria, and Me. E. Prentiss. New York, 1874. 16°. . . 84, 5 Fredericls the Great. T. Carlyle. New York, 1871. 6 v. 12°. . 113,9 Free Labor in the British W. Indies. W. G. Sewell. N. Y.,1863. 12°. 132, 24 Free Russia. W. H. Dixon. New York, 1870. 8°. ... 106, 25 Freedley, E. T. Practical Treatise on Business. Phila., 1873. .12°. 142, 11 Freedom and War. H. W, Beecher. Boston, 1863. 12°. . .33,9 Freeman, E. A. Comparative Politics. New York, 1874. 8°. . 37, 9 Historical Essays. London, 1873. 8=^ 18, 17 Old English History. London, 1873. 16° 103,18 ♦French and English Diet. Spiers and Surenne's. N. Y., 1872. 8°. 157, 6 French and Italian Note-Books. N. Hawthorne. Bost, 1874. 12°. 62,3 French Country Family. Mme. D. W. Guizot. N.Y., 1868. 12°. . 75,2 French History, Episodes of. Miss Pardoe. New York, 1 859. 12°. 104, 23 French Monarchy, Restor'n of. A. de Lamartine. Lon.,1865. 4 v. 12°. 109,2 French Revolution. T. Carlyle. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12°. . . 119, 18 History of. M. A. Thiers. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 v. 8°. . 129, 13 Lectures on. W.Smyth. London, 1860. 2 v. 12°. . . 112,7 of 1848. A. de Lamartine. London, 1870. 12°. . . . 109, 1 *Fresenius, C. R. Qualitative Analysis. New York, 1872. 8°. . 153, 8 ^Quantitative Analysis. New York, 1873 8°. ... 153, 9 Fresh Gleanings. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1851. 12°. . . 105, 23 Freytag, G. Debit and Credit. New York, 1874. 12°. . . . 83, 5 Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of Eng. , Fr. , and Sp. Lon. ,1874. 2 v. 8°. 79, 22 From Dan to Beersheba. J.P.Newman. New York, 1868. 12°. . 105,3 From the Clouds to the Mountains. J.Verne. Boston, 1874. 12°.. 77,21 From the Earth to the Moon. J. Verse. New York, 1874. 12°. . 77, 18 Frothiugham, O. B. Life of Theodore Parker. Boston-, 1874. 8°. . 124, 16 Frothingham, R. Siege of Boston. Boston, 1872. 8°. . . ' . 99, 18 Froude, J. A. Calvinism. New York, 1871. 12° 14, 9 History of England. London, 1870. 12 v. p. 8°. . . . 114, 1 History of Ireland. New York, 1873. 2 v. p. 8°. . . . 114, 26 Short Studies on Great Subjects. New York, 1873. 2 v. 12°, . 37, 11 Fruit Culture, Practical and Scientific. C. R. Baker. Bos., 1866. 8°. 136, 19 Fruit, Flowers, and Farming. H. W. Beecher. N.Y., 1874. 12°. . 33,10 Fruits and Fruit Trees of America. A. J. Downing. N.Y., 1866. 12°. 136,1 Fudge Doings. D. G. Mitchell. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12°. . . 71, 10 Fuel. J. Wormald. New York, 1874. 32° 142, 28 Fuel, Peat as an Article of. T. H. Leavitt. Boston, 1867. 12°. . 143, 7 Fuller, A. S. Strawberry Culturist. New York, 1862. 12°. . . 136, 15 Fuller, M. Life Without and Life Within. Boston, 1874. 12°. . 125, 22 Fuller, Margaret, Memoirs. Boston, 1862. 2 v. 12°. . . . 125, 20 Fulton, C.C. Europe through American Spectacles. Phil., 1874. 8°. 108, 10 Funny Philosephers. G. Yellott. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . . 81, 10 Fur Country. J. Verne. Boston, 1874. 8°. 77, 16 BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. 51 G Gaboriau, E» The Mystery of Orelval. New York, 1871. 8°. Gage, W. L. Modern Historical Atlas. New York, 18G9. 8°. Gail Hurailton. (pseud.) See Dodge, M. A Gala-Days. M.A.Dodge. (Gail Hamilton.) Boston, 1871. 1G°. Gaiatians, Commentary on. C. J. EUicott. Boston, 1867. 8°. Galium. \V. A. Becker. London, 1873. 12° Gallon, F. Art of Travel. London, 1872. 16°. Hereditary Genius. New York, 1871. 8°. ... Galvanoplastic Manipulations. A. Roseleur. Philadelphia, 1872. 8<^ Game of Draughts. H. Spayth. New York, n. d. 12°. Games, Hand-Book «f. H. G. Bohn. Loudon, 1861. 12°. Garden. Amsrican Home. A. Wats.-)n. New York, 1867. 12°. Flowers for the Parlor and. E. S. Rand, Jr. Bos., 1874. 12' Play and Profit in my. E. P. Roe. New York, 1873. 12°. Gardener, The Window. E. S. Rand, Jr. Boston, 1873. 12°. Gardener's Assistant, American. T. Bi-idgeman. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Gardening, Landscape. A. J. Downing. New York, n. d. 8°, Gardening for Profit. P. Henderson. New York, 1874. 12°. Gardiner, S. R. Tbirty Years' VViir. 1618-1648. Bost., 1874. 16°. Garrett, Edward. (pScud.) See Mayo, I. F. . Gas Works of London. Z. Colburn. New York, 1868. 16°. Gas Works, Treatise ou. S. Hughes. London, 1871. 16°. Gaskell, E. C. A Dark Night's Work. New York, 1874. 8°. Cranford. New York, 1874. 16° Life of Charlotte Bronte. New York, 1873. 12°. . Lizzie Leigh, and other Tales. London, 1873. 12°. Mary Barton. New York, 1872. 8°. ... Moorland Cottage. New York, 1868. 16°. My Lady Ludlow. New York, 1871. 8°. North and South. New York, 1874. 8°. Right at Last ; and other Tales. New York, 1860. 12°, Ruth, and other Tales. London, 1873. 12°. Sylvia's Lovers. New York, 1873. 8°. . Wives and Daughters. New York, 1866. 8°. Gates Ajar. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1873. 16°. Gatty, Mrs. A. Book of Sun Dials. London, 1872. 4°. Gauges, Battle of the. R. F. Fairlie. London, 1872. 8°. Gayworthys, The. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, n. d. 12°. *Gazetteer, Lippincott's Pronouncing. J. Thomas. Phila. , 1874 Geikie, J. Great Ice Age. New York, 1874. 12°. Geldard, J. Cotton Manufacture. New York, 1867 Gems. C. H. Spurgeon. New York, n. d. 12°, Gems, Science of. A. Billing. London, 1867. 8°. . Genesis of Species. G. Mivart. New York, 1871. 12°, 12°. 87, 18 68, 15 36, 23 16, 17 52, 15 101, 39 183, 24 147, 5 142, 17 142, 18 136, 7 136, 11 136, 10 136, 12 136, 8 147, 18 136, 9 128, 12 142, 28 142, 22 87, 19 83, 31 98, 10 71, 12 87, 20 83, 32 87, 21 87, 22 71, 14 71, 13 87, 28 77, 10 73, 82 68, 10 145, 24 73, 16 157, 11 144, 1 145, 19 18, 3 , 146, 2 , 144, 20 52 CATALOGUE OF THE Genesis of the New England Churches. L. Bacon. N.Y., 1874. Genghis Khan, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1873. 16°. Genial Showman. E. P. Kingston. New York, 1870. 8°. Genius, Sparks of. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1872. 1G°. G. E. O. Thurid and other Poems. Boston, 1874. 8°. Geoffrey the Lollard. F. Eastwood. New York, n. d. 16°. *Geography, Outline of. T. S. Fay. New York, 18G7. 16°, See AtJas. Geography, Pictorial Hand-Book. H. G. Bohn. London, 1865. 12° Geology, Elements of. Sir C. Lyell. New York, 1871. 12°. . Geology of Connecticut, Report. J. G. Percival. N. Haven, 1842. Geology, Sketch Book of Popular. H. Miller. Edinb., 1869. p Geology and Revelation. G. Molloy. New York, 1873. 12°. . Geology, Man in Genesis and in. J. P. Thompson. N.Y., 1873. 12° Georgia Scenes. By a Native. New York, 1873. 12°. Gerald Fitzgerald. C. Lever. New York, 1868. 8°. ♦German and English Dictionary. G. J. Adler. New York, 1873. German Lyrics. C. T. Brooks. Boston, 1853. 16°. German Tales. B. Auerbach. Boston, 1869. 16°. German Workshop, Chips from. M. Muller. N.Y.,1873. 3 v. p Germany. Mme. De Stael. New York, 1871. 12°. American Family in. J.R.Browne. N.Y., 1871. 12°. and France, School and Army in. W. B. Hazen. N.Y.,1872. 8° and France, War bet., 1870-71. Daily News Cor. Lon.,1871. 12° Higher Schools in. M. Arnold. London, 1874. 8°. History of. F. Kohlrausch. New York, 1873. 8°. Home Life in. C. L. Brace. New York, 1853. 12°. Geyelin, G. K. Poultry Breeding. Boston, 1871. 12°. . Ghardaia; or. Ninety Days in the Desert. G. Naphegyi. N.Y.,1871. 12° Giant Cities of Bashan. J. L. Porter. New York, 1873. 12°, Gibbon, E. Rome. ed. by Milman. New York, 1870. 6 v. 12°. Gieseler, J. C. L. Ecclesiastical History. New York, 1868. 4 v. 8° Gil Bias. T. Smollett. New York, n. d. 12°. Gilded Age. S.L.Clemens. (Mark Twain.) Hartford, 1874. 8° Giles, H. Lectures and Essays. New York, 1869. 12°. GilfiUan, G. Life of Sir Walter Scott. New York, 1871. 16°. *Gillespie, W. M. Higher Surveying. New York, 1873. 8°. . Roads and Railroads. New York, 1873. 12°. Gillett, E. H. Life and Times of John Huss. Boston, 1871, 2 v 8° Ginx's Baby. E. Jenkins. New York, 1873. 16°. . • . Giraffe-Hunters. M. Reid. Boston, 1873. 16°. Girondists, History of. A. de Lamartine. New York, 1864. 3 v. 12°, Gladstone,' W. E. Juventus Mundi. Boston, 1869. p. 8°, Glass Making, Wonders of. A. Sauzay. New York, 1872. 12°. Gleig, G. R. Battle of Waterloo. New York, 1860. 12°, History of the Bible, New York, 1865. 2 v, 18°. . Glencore, C. Lever, New York, 1870. 8° 19, 15 92, 13 98, 3 94, 8 52, 11 94, 21 133, 21 132, 13 143, 3 139, 1 24, 14 143, 4 143, 5 104, 11 66, 33 157, 5 52, 14 85, 24 24, 18 112, 14 104, 14 106, 27 103, 23 ?i, 7 119J 7 108, 16 143, 28 104, 25 105, 7 118,9 16, 6 33, 16 55, 19 79, 20 122, 18 147, 3 146, 26 109, 19 52, 28 97, 3 118, 19 37, 17 95, 22 103,4 101, 4 66, 32 BEARDSLET LIBRART. 53 *Glossaiy of Architecture. J. H. Parker. London, 18G9. 16°. . 143, 32 Go-Aheacl. C. A. Fosdick. (Harry Castlemon.) Phila., n. d. 10°. 93,21 God in Clirifit. H. Buslinell. Hartford, 18G7. 12°. , . . 18, 4 God Revealed in Creat'n and in Christ. J.B.Walker. Bos., 1857. 12°. 18, IG Goethe, J. W. von. Faust, trans, by B. Taylor. Bos.. 1873. 2 v. 8°. 47,4 Goethe, Story of the Life of . G. H. Lewes. ' Boston, 1873. 12°. . 125,6 Goethe's Wilhelm Meister. tr. by T Carlyle. Bost., 1873. 2 v. 12°. 61, 17 Gold and Dross. L F. Mayo. (Ed. Garrett.) New York, 1874. 12°. 73,9 Gold Elsie. E.John, trans, by Mrs. Wister. Phila., 1873. 12°. . 84,11 Golden Legend. H.W.Longfellow. Boston, 1872. 12°. . . 4.5,2 Golden Lion of Granpere. A. Trollope. New York, 1872. 8°. . G6, 14 Golden Treasury. F. T. Palgrave. Boston, 18G9. 18°. . . .44, 25 Goldsmith, O., Biography of. W.Irving. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. 28,9 Poetical Works. Boston, 1871. 16° 41, 13 Vicar of Wakefield. New York, 1871. 1G° 31, 13 Life and Times of. J. Forster. Lon., 1871. 2 v. 8°. . . 99,11 Good Investment. W. Flagg. New York, 1872. 8°. ... 87,17 Good News of God. C. Kingsley. London, 1866. 16°. . . .14, 25 Good Time Coming. T. S. Arthur. Philadelphia, 1860. 16°. . 88, 1 Goodrich, C A. British Eloquence. New York, 1872. 8°. . .27,1 Goodwin, H. B. Dr. Howell's Family. Boston, 1872. 12°. . . 72, 13 Gordon, M. Christopher North ; Mem. of John Wilson. N.Y.,1872. 12°. 124,18 Gorilla Country, Stories of. P. B. Du Chaillu. N.Y.,1872. 12°. .103,12 Gospel of the Resurrection. B. F. Westcott. London, 1874. 12°. . 14, 18 Gospels, Studies in. R. C. Trench. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 17, 16 Gould, J. T. Marjorie's Quest. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . .83, 13 Government, Representative. J. S. Mill. New York, 1874. 8°. . 15, 13 Government, Science of. J. Alden. New York, n. d. 12°. . . 142,5 Grammar, New Testament. G. B. Winer. Andover, 1872. 8°. . 19, 12 Grammar of English Grammars. G. Brown. New York, 1873. 8°. 155, 17 Granada, Conquest of. W. Irving. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . 23, 10 Grant, J. Arthur Blane; or, the Hundred Cuirassiers. N.Y.,1859. 16°. 71,34 Grant, Jas. Newspaper Press. London, 1871. 3 v. 8°. . . . 79, 15 Grape Culture; Wines and Wine Mak'g. A. Haraszthy. N.Y.,1862. 8°. 147,2 Grapes and Wine. G. Husmann. New York, 1866. 12°. . . 135, 19 Grattan, T. C. History of the Netherlands. Philadelphia, 1831. 16°. 29, 20 Graver Tho'ts of a Country Parson. A. K. H. Boyd. Bos., 1871. 2 v. 16°. 36, 14 Gray, A. Manual of Botany. New York, 1874. 8°. ... 145, 1 How Plants Grow. New York, 1874. 12°. . , . . 136, 17 Gray, Barry, (pseud.) See Coffin, B. B. Gray, G. Z. Children's Crusade. New York, 1872. 16°. . . 103, 17 Great Brit, and Irel'd, Lit. and Lit. Men of. A.Mills. N.Y.,l870. 2v.8°. 27, 11 Great Events, History of. F. Lieber. New York, 1871. 12°. . 112, 5 Great Expectations. C. Dickens. Boston, 1874. 12°. . . .64, 11 Great Hunting Grounds, Adventures on. V. Meunier. Lon., 1868. 16°. 97,18 Great Ice Age. J. Geikie. New York, 1874. 12° 144, 1 Great Men, Boyhood of. New York, 1874. 16° 91, 40 54 CATALOGUE OK THE Great Prophecy, The. M. Arnold. London, 1872. 180. . . 78, 17 Great Republic, The. J. D. McCabe, Jr. Philadelphia, n. d. 8°. . 99, 19 Great Sieges of History, including Siege of Paris. London, u. d. 12°. 52, 19 Great Subjects, Short Studies on. J. A. Froude. N.Y.,1873. 2 v. 12°. 37,11 Great West, Discovery of. F. Parkman. Boston, 1874. 8°. . . 106, 12 Greece and Russia. B. Taylor. New York, 1859. 12°. . . . 102, 5 Greece, Art in. H. Taine. New York, 1873. 16°. ... 32, 7 Greece, History of. G. Grote. New York, 1870. 12 v. 12°. . .112,19 Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. J. L. Stephens. N. Y. 2 v. 12°. 102, 24 *Greek and Roman Antiquities, Diet, of . C. Anthon. N.Y.,187l. 8°. 157,8 *Greek-English Lexicon. Liddell and Scott. New York, 1873. 8°. , 1 57, 3 Greeks of To-Day. C. K. Tuckerinan. New York, 1873. 12°. . 32, 11 Greeley, H. American Conflict. 1776-1865. Hartford, 1864. 2 v. 8°. 117, 4 Recollections of a Busy Life. New York, 1872. 8°. . . 127, 10 Greenwood, Grace, (pseud. ) See Lippincott, S. J. Greenwood, J. Adventures of Reuben Davidger. N.Y., 1866. 8°. . 106, 22 Little Rag-a-Muffin. New York, 1866. 8° 87, 24 Seven Curses of Loudon. New York, 1870. 8°. . . . Wild Sports of the World. New York, 1870. 8°. . Grif: Story of Australian Life. B. L. Farjeon. New York, 1872. 8°. Griffith Gaunt. C. Reade. New York, 1870. 8° Grote, G. History of Greece. New York, 1870. 12 v. 12°. . Life of. Mrs. Grote. London, 1873. 8° Guardian Angel. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1872. 12°. Guernsey, L. E. Lady Betty's Governess. New York, n. d. 12°. . Guettier, A. Metallic Alloys, tr. by A. A. Fesquet. Phil., 1872. 12°. Guiccioli, Countess. Recollections of Lord Byron. N.Y., 1869. 8°. Guide Board to Health, etc. W. W. Hall. Springfield, n. d. 8°. . Guild Court. G. MacDonald. New York, 1868. 8°. ... Guild, C. Over the Ocean. Boston, 1874. 8° Guillemin, A. The Heavens. London, 1872. 8° 145, Wonders of the Sun. New York, 1872. 12°. . *. Guizot, M. History of Civilization. New York, 1874. 4 v. 12°. Meditations on Christianity. New York, 1867. 2 v. 12°. Shakespeare and His Times. New York, 1864. 12°. Gulliver's Travels. Dean Swift. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. Gutenberg and the Art of Printing. E. C. Pearson. Bos., 1871. 12°. Guthrie, T. Parables of our Lord. London, 1866. 12°. Guthrie, Thos. , Autobiography and Memoir of. N. Y. , 1874. 2 v. 12°. Guy Mannering. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1872. 12°. Guyot, A. Earth and Man. tr. by C. C. Felton. Bost., 1873. 12°. H Habits of Good Society. New York, 1874. '120 134, 20 Hadley, J. Philological and Critical Essays. New York, 1873, 8°. . 16, 21 87, 24 135, 22 87, 58 66. 30 112, 19 126, 14 71 ,7 83, 16 146, 16 126, 17 79, 14 87, 33 105, 27 145 ^4 95, 32 25, 12 78 ,7 123 ,1 34, 22 134, 27 ■ 7g i, 3 124, 10 63, 10 14E !, 2 BEAROSI-KV LIBKART. 55 16°. N. Y., 1874 12°. 12°. 12°. 16°. 16°. 8 Hale, E. E. Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Boston, 1874. 16° His Level Best, and other Stories. Boston, 1873. 16 How to Do It. Boston, 1874. 16° If, Yes, and Perhaps. Boston, 1873. 16°. In His Name. Boston, 1874. 8° Memoir of Franl^ R. Fn-th. Boston, 1874. sq. 16°. Sybaris, and other Homes. Boston, 1869. Ten Times One is Ten. Boston, 1872. 16° The lugiiam Papers. Boston, 1869. 16°. Workiugmen's Homes. Boston, 1874. 16° Hale, S. J. Biography of Distinguished Women. Letters of Lady Montagu. Boston, 1869. Letters of Mde. de Sevigne. Boston, 1871. Manners ; oi-, Happy Homes and Good Society. Bost. ,1868 Half Hours with the Microscope. E. Lanliester. London, n. d Half Hours with the Star,^. R. A. Proctor. New York, 1873. Haliburton, T. C. Sam Slick, of Slickville. New York, 1874. Hall, C. F. Arctic Researches. New York, 1865. 8°. Hall, R., Worlcs of, with Life and Reminiscences. N.Y., n. d. 4 v. i Hall, W. W. Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases. N.T., 1870. 12° Guide Board to Health, etc. Springfield, n. d. 8°. Health at Home. Hartford. 8° Health by Good Living. New York, 1873. 12°. Hallam, H. Constitutional History of England. N.Y., 1873. 8°. Introduction to Literature of Europe. N.Y., 1871. 2 v. 8°. Europe Duriug Middle x\ges. New York, 1872. 8°. Hallock, C. Fishing Tourist. New York, 1873. p. 8°. . Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on Animals. Boston, 1874, Intellectual Life. Boston, 1874. sq. 12°. Painter's Camp. Boston, 1873. 16°. Thoughts about Art. Boston, 1874. sq. 12°. . Hamilton, A. The Federalist. New York, 1802. 2 v. 8° Hamilton, C. V. A Crown from the Spear. Boston, 1872 Ropes of Sand, and other Stories. Boston, 1873. 8°. Woven of Many Threads. Boston, 1872. 8°. . . . Hamilton, Gail, (pseud. ) See Dodge, M. A Hamilton, Sir W. Lectures on Metaphysics. Boston, 1869. 8°. Hampton and its Students. Armstrong and Ludlow. N.Y.,1874. 8°. Hand-Bookof Eng.Lit; Am. Autliors. F.H. Underwood. Bos., 1874. 8°. of English Lit. ; British A. F. H. Underwood. Bos., 1873. 8°. of Games. Ed. by H. G. Bohn. London, 1864. 12°. . of Geography, Pictorial. H. G. Bohn. London, 1865. 12°. . of Household Science. E. L. Youmans. N.Y., 1873. 12°. . of Legendary and My tholog'l Alt. C.E.Clement. N.Y.,1874. 12° of Practical Cookery. P. Blot. New York, 1874. 12°. of Proverbs. H. G. Bohn, London, 1870. 12°. . Handsome Lawrence. Mme. Dudevaut. Boston, 1871. 8°. sq. 12°. 8°. 73, 25 73, 26 73, 27 73, 28 87, 25 98, 17 73, 30 73, 31 73, 29 142, 21 109, 25 123, 19 123, 20 134, 22 143, 30 68, 13 , 17 106, 1 19, 2 134, 11 79, 14 79, 13 134, 12 119, 22 28, 3 119, 21 136, 30 35, 1 35, 2 35, 4 35, 3 128, 22 77, 28 77, 29 77, 30 19, 1 79, 12 26, 13 26, 14 142, 18 132, 13 135, 13 34, 9 134, 13 21, 7 77, 32 56 CATALOGUE OP THE Handy-Andy. S. Lover. London, n. d. 16° 82, 18 Hankey, T. Principles of Banking. London, 1873. 8°. . . 147, 14 Hanna, W. Life and Writings of Dr. Chalmers. N.Y.,1871. 4 v. 12°. 125,1 Life of Christ. New York, 1873. 3 v. 12° 14, 12 Hanna, W. Wars of the Huguenots. New York, 1873. 16°. . 182, 11 Hannah. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 12° 75, 8 Hannah Thurston. B. Taylor. . New York, 1872. 12°. . . . 71, 3 Hannibal, History of. J. Abbott. New York, 1872. 16°. . . 92, 10 HansBrinker. M.M.Dodge. New York, 1874. 12°. . . . 97,31 Happy Boy, The. B. Bjornson. Boston, 1872. 12°. ... 71,29 Haraszthy, A. Grape Culture ; Wines and Wine Mak'g. N.Y.,1862. 8°. 147,2 Hard Cash. C. Reade. New York, 1869. 8°. .... 66, 29 Hard-Scrabble. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 16° 94, 17 Hard Times. Charles Dickens. New York, 1864. 12°. . . . 65, 32 Hare, A. J. C. Memorials of a Quiet Life. New York, n. d. 12°. . 125, 5 Walks in Rome. New York, 1873. 12°. .... 105, 26 Wanderings in Spain. London, 1873. 12° 60, 9 Hare, A. W. Alton Sermons. London, 1874. 12°."^' . . . 13, 2 Harem, Romance of the. A. H. Leonowens. Boston, 1873. 8°. . 52, 26 Thirty Years in the. Melek-Hanum. New York, 1872. 12°. . 52, 27 Harland, Marion, (pseud.) See Terhune, M. V. . . . • Harmony of Prophecy. A. Keith. New York, n. d. 12°. Harp of a Thousand Strings. S. P. Aveiy. New York, n. d. 12°. Harper & Bro's. Annual of Science and Indus'y 1871-73. N.Y. 3v. 12 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1850-1 874. N.Y. 48 v. 8". and ind. 55, 56 ^Harper's Pictorial History of the Rebellion. New York. 2 v. folio. 6 *Harper's Weekly, 1857-1873. New York. 17 v. folio, ... 5 Harper's Story Books. J. Abbott. New York, n. d. 12 v. sm. 4' Harris and Noad. Rudimehtary Magnetism. London, 1872. 16°, Harry and Lucy. M. Edgeworth. New York, 1856. 2 v. 12°. Harry Heathcote. A. Trollope. New York, 1874. 8°. Harry Lee ; or, Hope for the Poor. New York, 1859. 12° Harte, Bret. Condensed Novels. Boston, 1873. 16°. East and West Poems. Boston, 1871. 16°. Luck of Roaring Camp. Boston, 1871. 16°. Mrs. Skaggs's Husband, etc. Boston, 1873. 16°. Poetical Works. Boston, 1873. 16°. Hartford Convention, History of. T. Dwight. New York, 1833 *Hartford Institute Library, Catalogue of. Hartford, 1873 Hartwig, G. The Sea and its Wonders. London, 1873. i Harveys, The. H. Kingsky. Berlin, 1872. 16°. Hasheesh Eater, The. New York, n. d. 12°. Haste and Waste. W. T. Adams, boston, 1874. 16°. Haswell, C. H. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pkt-Bk. N.Y.,1S74. 16^ Mechanics Tables. New York, 1868. 16°. Haswell, J. M. Nap. III. from Popular Caricatures Lon., n. d. p. 8° Hatfield, R. G. Am. House Carpenter. New York, 1873. 8°. 18, 14 53, 22 144, 25 57 68, 1 58, 1 94, 22 144, 24 75, 33 87, 51 83, 6 86, 14 . 45, 27 86, 15 86, 16 45, 26 129, 4 159, 4 137, 9 81, 15 132, 19 96, 26 142, 25 142, 24 53, 23 147, 22 BEARDSLEY LIBKARY. 57 Hatton, J. Christopher Kenrick. New York, 1869. 12°. Haupt, H. Bridge Construction. New York, 1873. 8°. , Haven, Gilbert. National Sermons. Boston, 1869. 8°. Haweis, H. R. Music and Morals. New York, 1874. 12°. Hawthorne, Mrs. S. Notes in England and Italy. N.Y., 1872. 12= Hawthorne, N. American Note Books. Boston, 1874. 12° Blithedale Romance. Boston, 1874. 12°^ English Note-Books. Boston, 1873. 12°. French and Italian Note-Books. Boston, 1874. 12 House of Seven Gables. Boston, 1874. 12°. Marble Faun. Boston, 1874. 12°. Mosses from an old Manse. Boston, 1874. 12°. Our Old Home. Boston, 1873. 12°. Scarlet Letter. Boston, 1874. 12°. Septimius Felton. Boston, 1873. 12°. Stiow Image. Boston, 1874. 12°. . Twice Told Tales. Boston, 1873. 12°. ♦Haydn, J. Dictionary of Dates, ed. by B. Vincent. N.Y.,1873. Hayes, I. I. Tiie Open Polar Sea. New York, 1874. p. 8° Land of Desolation. New York, 1872. 12°. Hazard, R. G. Causation and Freedom in Willing. Bos., 1869. p. 8°. Hazard, S. Santo Domiiigo. New York, 1873. 8°. Hazel Blossoms. J. G. Whitlier. Boston, 1875. 1G°. Hazen, Gen. W. B. Sch'l and Army in Germ 'y and Fr. N.Y.,1872. 8' Hazlitt, W. English Poets and Comic Writers. Londou, 1870. 12°. The Round Table. London, 1869. sq. 16°. . " He Cometh Not," She Said. A. Thomas. New York, 1874. 8= He Knew He was Right. A. Trollope. New York, 1870. 8°. Head of the Family. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 12°. . Headship of Christ. H. Miller. Edinburgh, 1871. p. 8°. Headsman, The. J. F. Cooper. New Yurk, 1873. 12°. Healey, F. Collection of Chess Problems. London, 1866. 12°. Health and Education. C. Kingsley. New York, 1874. 12°. Health at Home. W. W. Hall. Hartford, n. d. 8°. Health by Good Living. W. W. Hall. New York, 1873. 12°. Health, Guide Book to. W. W. Hall. Springfield, n. d. 8°. Heart of Africa. G. Schweinfurth. New York, 1874. 2 v. 8°. Heart of Christ. E. H. Sears. Bostou, 1872. 12°. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1874. 12° Heart of the Continent. F. II. Ludlow. New York, 1871 Heartsease. C. M. Yonge. New York, 1873. 12°. Heat. J. Abbott. New York, 1872. 12°. Heat as a Mode of Motion. J. Tyndall. New York, 1873. 12°. Heat, Nature of. Z. Colburn. London, 1863. 8°. Heat, Water and Steam. C. W. Williams. Philadelphia, 1871. Heaven, Expanse of. R. A. Proctor. New York, 1874. 12°. Heavens, The. A. Guillemin. London, 1872. 8°. 72, 14 147, 11 78, 4 37, 15 60, 12 62, 1 62, 8 62, 2 62, 3 62, 4 62, 5 62, 6 62, 7 62, 8 62, 7 62, -4 62, 9 154, 5 103, 28 104, 29 79, 7 106, 21 45, 22 106, 27 34, 24 31, bO 87, 49 66, 15 75, 9 24, 10 65, 5 142, 16 134, 2 79, 13 134, 12 79, 14 107, 15 14, 16 63, 11 106, 14 74, 29 131, 3.0 144, 6 145, 22 147, 19 145, 11 145, 4 58 CATALOGUE OF THE Heavens, The Sidereal. • T. Dick. New York, 1872. 16°. Heavens, Wonders of the. C. Flammarion. New York, 1871. 12° Hedged In. E. S. Phelps. Boston, 1872. 16°. Heidenmauer. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. Heir of Redclyfee, The. C. M. Youge. London, 1873. 12°. Heiress, Tlie. A.S.Stephens.. Philadelphia, n. d. . 12°. Helps, Arthur. Brevia. Boston, 1871. 16° Hernando Cortes. New York, 1871. 12°. Spanish Conquest in America. New York, 1856. 4 v. 12°. Hempel, C. J. Science of Homoeopathy. New York, 1874. 8°. Henderson, P. Gardening for Profit. New York, 1874. 12°. Henry Esmond. W. M. Thackeray. New York, 1874. 8°. . Henry IV., History of.. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1856. 16°. Henry, Patricli, Life of. W.Wirt. Philadelphia, 187a. 12°. Heraldry, Introduction to. H. Clark. London, 1866. 12°. Elements of. W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1866. 8'°. Herbert, H. W. Hints to Horsekeepers. New York, 1859. 12°. Hercules, Pillars of. D. Urquhart. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12°. Hereditary Genius. F. Gallon. New York, 1871. 8°. . Hermits, The. C. Kingsley. London, n. d. 12°. Hernando Cortes. A. Helps. New York, 1871. 12°. Hernando Cortez. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1873. 16°. Hero, A. D. M. Craik. New York, 1873. 12°. Herodotus, History of. G. Eawlinson. New York, 1871. 4 v. 8= Heroes and Hero Worship. T. Carlyle. London, 1870. 8°. . Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of Astronomy. N.Y., 1872. 8° Hervey, G. W. Principles of Courtesy. New York, 1872. 12°. Rhetoric of Convei sation. New York, 1872. 12°. Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of Bismarck. New York, 1 870. 8°. Hesperia. C. L. V. Tappan. Cambridge, 1871. 12°. Hester Morley's Promise. H. Stretton. New York, u. d. 12° Heth, Daughter of. W. Black. New York, 1874. 8°. . Hiawatha, Song of. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1874. 12°. Hickok, L. P. Creator and Creation. Boston, 1872. 8°. Humanity Immortal. Boston, 1872. 8°. . . Hidden Life, A. G. MacDonald. New York, 1872. 12°. Hidden Path. M. V. Terhune. (Marion Harland.) N.Y.,1873. 12° Hide and Seek. W. Collins. New York, 1874. 12°. Higginson, T. W. Army Life in the Black Regiments. Bos. ,1870. 12 Atlantic Essays. Boston, 1871. 16°. Malbone ; an Oldport Romance. Boston, 1871. 16°. Oldport Days. Boston, 1873, 12°. . . ' . Out Door Papers. Boston, 1874. 16°. . Higher Schools in Germany. M. Arnold. London, 1874. 8' Higher Surveying. W. M. Gillespie. New York, 1873. 8°. Highland Widow. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1868. 12°. HUdreth,R. Hist'y of the United States. 1st Series. N.Y.,1863. 3v. 8 132, 9 95, 26 73, 33 65, 6 74, 27 82, 8 60, 7 113, 24 113, 25 147, 6 136, 9 66, 26 92, 11 98, 21 60, 21 68, 14 135, 23 102, 26 133, 24 61, 8 113, 24 92, 12 75, 10 115, 1 27, 20 145, 6 21, 10 21, 11 127, 4 52, 12 83, 7 87, 8 45, 10 79, 3 79, 4 44, 7 84, 29 62, 17 35, 8 35, 7 35, 6 35, 6 35, 9 34, 7 147, 3 63, 4 117, 10 BEARDST>ET IJBRARY. 59 12°. 12°. Hildreth, E. History of the U. S. 2cl. Series. JST. Y. , 1871. 3 v. 8°. Hillard, G. S. Selectious from Laudor. Boston, 185G. 8°. Hillern, W. von Only a Girl. tr. by A. L. Wister. Phil., 1873. Hills of the Shatemuc. S. Warner. Philadelphia, 1S73. 12°. Hindus, Educated, Letters to. J. H. Seelye. New York, 1873. Hingston, E. P. The Genial Showman. New York, 1870. 8". Hintou, J. Man and His Dwelling Place. New York, 1872. 12°. . Hints on Household Taste. C. L. Eastlake. Boston, 1874. 8°. Hints to Architects. A. J. Downing. New York, 1872. 8°. Hints to Horsekeepers. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1869. 12°. His Level Best, and other Stories. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1873. 16°. Historic Americans. T. Parker. Boston, 1871. 12°. Historical Essays. E. A. Freeman. London, 1873. 8°. Historical Evidences. G. Rawlinson. Boston, 1873. 12°. History, Ancient. C. Rollin. Boston, 1823. 2 v. 4°. for Boys. J. G. Edgar. New York, 1870. 16°. . Modern, Lectures on. F. Schlegel. London, 1862. 12°. Modern, Lectures on. "W. Symtb. Boston, 1860. 8°. . of our Lord. A. Jameson. London, 1872. 2 v. 8°. Hitherto. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, n. d. 12° Hoadly, C. J. N. Haven Col. Records, 1638-65. Hartf 'd,l857. 2 v. 8°. Hoary Head and M'Donaer. J. Abbott. New York, 1873. 12°. Hodge, C. Systematic Theology. New York, 1874. 3 v. 8°. and In. What is Darwinism ? New York, 1874. 12°. Hoffman, C. F. Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1873. 16°. . Hoffman, F. Medicinal Chemicals. New York, 1873. 8°. Hogarth's Works. Ireland and Nichols. London, n. d. 3 v. p. 8°. Holcombp, J. P. Literature in Letters. New York, 1870. 12°. Holidays Abroad. C. M, Kirkland. New York, 1873. 12°. . Holidays, The. Christmas, Easter, etc. N.B.Warren. N.Y.,n. d. 4°. Hollaud, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle. New York, 1874. 12°. Bitter-Sweet. New York, 1874. 16°. Kathrina. New York, 1874. 16°. Letters to the Joneses. New York, 1866. 12°. Miss Gilbert's Career. New York, 1864. 12°. Titcomb's Letters. New York, 1874. 16°. HoUey, M. My Opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. Hartford, 1873. HoUey, H. W. Art of Saw-Filing. New York, 1872. 16°. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Bost., 1873. Elsie Venner. Boston, 1872. 16°. Guardian Angel. Boston, 1872. 16°. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Boston, 1872. 16°. Poet at the Breakfast Table. Boston, 1873. 12°. Poetical Works. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . . Professor at the Breakfast Table. Boston, 1873. 12°. Soundings from the Atlantic. Boston, 1866. 16°. Holy Dying, J. Taylor. London, n. d. 16°. 12°. 12°. 117, 13 79, 19 84, 9 85, 2 13, 14 98, 3 79, 6 135, 10 147, 21 135, 23 73, 26 125, 16 18, 17 18, 3 119,1 91, 35 112, 6 119, 3 15, 10 73, 17 139, 2 33, 30 17, 3 144, 15 52, 2 153, 6 22, 22 79, 10 60, 10 54, 24 72, 18 44, 18 44, 17 36, 8 72, 19 36, 9 35, 27 145, 20 35, 16 71, 6 71, 7 32, 10 35, 17 45, 23 35, 18 34, 13 18, 9 60 CATALOGUE OF THE 12". Holy Living. J. Taylor. London, n. d. 16°. Holy Land, Tent Life in the. W. C. Prime. New York, 1874. 12° Holy Spirit, Doctrine of the. J. B. Walker. Cliicago, 1874. 12°. Home, The. F. Bremer. New York, 1873. 8°. . . . Home, The. F. R. and M. Stockton. New York, 1873. 12°. Home, American Woman's. C. E. and H. Beecher. N.Y.,1870. 8° Home and Abroad. B.Taylor. New York. 1872. 2 v. 12°. . Home and Synagogue of the Modern Jew. London, sq. 16°. Home Arts for Old and Yoimg. C. L. Smith. Boston, 1873. 16°. . Home as Found. J.F.Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. Home Life in Germany. C. L. Brace. New York, 18.^53. 12°. Home Nook. A. M. Douglass. Boston, 1874. 12°. Homoeopathy, Science of. C. J. Hempel. New York, 1874. 8°. Homer's Iliad, trans by W. C. Bryant. Boston. 1873. 2 v. 8°. Homes, Country. S. E. Todd. Hartford, 1870. 8°. Homes, Workingmen's. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1874. 16°. Homes for the People. G.Wheeler. New York, 1867. 12°. Homes of the Poets. W. Howitt. New York. 1856. 2 v. 12° Homes without Hands. J.G.Wood. New York, 1874. 8°. Homeward Bound. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1878. 12°. Honey Bee, The. L. L. Langstroth. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. Hood, E. P. Lamps. Pitchers, and Trumpets. NY., 1872 Hood, T. Poetical Works. Boston, 1868. .'5 v. 16°. Prose Works. New York. 4 v. p. 8°. . Hoopes, J. Book of Evergreens. New York, 1868. 12°. Hoosier Schoolmaster. E. Eggleston. New York, 1871. 12°. Hope and Have. W.T.Adams, Boston, 1874. 16°. Hope, G. H. Till the Doctor comes. New York, 1871. 12°. Hope Leslie. C.M.Sedgwick. New York, 1872. 2 v. 12°. Hopes and Fears. C. M. Youge. New York, 1873. 12°. Hopkins, M. Evidences of Christianity. Boston, 1874. 8°. Law of Love. New York, 1870. 12°. . Outline Study of Man. New York, 1874. 12°. Prayer and the Prayer Gauge. New York, 1874. 12°. Hopkins, S. The Puritans and Queen Elizabeth. Bos., 18,59. 3 Hopper, L T., Life of. L. M. Child. Boston, 1853. 12°. Horse, The. W. Youatt. London, 1872. 8°. The Perfect? W. H. H. Murray. Boston, 1873. 8°. The Trotting, of America. H. Woodruff. Phila. , 1 868. Horseback, Two Thousand Miles on. J. F. M^line. N.Y.,1868. Horse Doctor, Modern. G. H. Dadd. New York. 12°. Horsekeepers, Hints to. H. W. Herbert. New York, 1869. 12°. Horse's Foot, and How to Keep it Sound. W. Miles. N.Y. 12°. Horse-Shoe Robinson. J. P. Kennedy. New York, 1872. 12°. Hospital Sketches. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1873. 16°. . Hour and the Man, The. H. Martineau. New York, 1874. 8°. Hour which Cometh, The. J. F. Clark. Boston, 1868. 16°. V. 8° 12°. 12°. . 18, 8 lo.o, .5 14, 2 87, 11 135, 11 135, 9 102. 6 78. 32 135. 12 65, 7 108, 16 83, 19 147. 6 47. 6 135, 4 142, 21 135, 7 34, 20 137, 15 65, 8 133, 8 32, 15 41, 22 29, 3 136, 18 86, 10 96, 27 134, 5 81, 18 74, 30 19, '8 14,7 14, 6 14, 8 118, 24 123, 13 135, 25 137, 1 135, 24 103, 29 143, 21 135, 23 135, 26 72, 17 84, 16 87, 37 78, 9 BEABDSLET LIBRARY. ^l Hours Of Exercise in the Alps. J. Tyndall. New York, 1874. 12°. 104, 31 House and Home Papers. H. B. Stowe. Bostou, 1872. 16°. . 76, 26 House Building. C. J. Richardson. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 135, 5 House in Town. S.Warner. New York, 1873. 16°. . . .85,9 House of Seven Gables. N. Hawthorne. Boston, 1874. 12°. . 62, 4 House Reports on Commer-l Relations. Washington, 1856, 57. 2 v. 4°. 149,25 Household Book of Irish Eloquence. New York, ^^-^J- 8° • ; f ' f Household Science, Handbook of. E. L. Y.unmns. N.^.,1873 12. 13.5,13 Household Taste, Hints on. C. L. Eastlake. Boston, 1874 8 . . l3o, 10 Householder, The Modern. R.Murray. London, 1872. 8 •• 1^4,^7 Housekeeper and Healthkeeper. C. E. Beecher. N.Y., 1874. 12°. 135 8 Housekeeper's Friend, The Young. Mrs. Cornelius. Bost.,1873. 12M34, 14 Hovev A Religion and the State. Boston, 1874. 1G°. . .18,7 How I Found Livingstone. H.M.Stanley. NeW York, 1872. 8°.. 107 1 How Lisa Loved the King. M. A. (Evans) Lewes. Bost.,1869. 16°. 44, 14 How not to be Sick. A. J. Bellows. New York, 1869. 12°. . .134,10 How Plants Grow. A.Gray. New York, 1874. 12°. . . .136,17 How to Do It. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1874. 16° 73, 27 Ho^^JUn Syria. G. W. C,, New ToA, 1872. 12o. . . 102, 20 Howe H Eminent Mechanics. New York, n. d. 12°. . . 122, 10 The same. New York, 1840. 12° 128,4 Howells W. D. A Chance Acquaintance. Boston, 1873. 12°. . 86, 1 Italian Journeys. Boston, 1874. 12° 86,2 Suburban Sketches. Boston, 1872. 12° 86, d Their Wedding Journey. Boston, 1874. 12°. ... 86,4 Venetian Life. Boston, 1872. 12° 86,5 Hewitt, W. Homes of the Poets. New York, 18.56. 2 v. 12°. . 34,20 Howilt W andM. Stories of English and For'u Life. Lon.,1853. 12°. 34,19 Howaon, J. S. Metaphors of St. Paul. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . 18 11 Hozier H M Seven Weeks' War. Pliiladelphia. 1867. 2 v. 8°. . 119,8 Hue M Travels in the Chmese Empire. New York, 1871. 2 v. 12°. 102, 30 Hudibras. S.Butler. London, 1859. 2 v. 12°." .... 481 Hudson, F. History of Journalism. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 37, Huo-hes, T. Alfred the Great. Boston, 1871. 12°. . . - 122, 17 ° Memoir of a Brother. Boston, 1873. 12° 128, 9 Scouring of the White Horse. Cambridge, 1859. sq. 1G°. . 31,12 Tom Brown's School Days. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 77, 8 Tom Brown at Oxford • Huo-hes S. Treatise on Gas Works. London, 1871. 16°. . .142,22 Hugo, V. Hunchback of Notre Dame. New York, n. d. 8°. . 77, 1 ' Les Miserables. New York, 1874. 8° 77,2 Ninety-Three. New York, 1874. 12°. ..... 62,16 The Rhine. Boston, n. d. 12° 34, 18 Toilers of the Sea. New York, 1873. 8° 66, 37 Huguenot Family. S. Tytler. New York. 1863. 12°. . . .83,21 Huguenots. S. Smiles. New York, 1872. 8° 112,17 in France. S. Smiles. New York, 1874. 8°. . . .112,16 62 CATALOGUE OF THE 12°. 12°. V. 8° 12°. sq, Huguenots, Wars of the. W. Hanna. New York, 1873. 16°. Human Body, Wonders of the. A. Le Pileur. New York, 1873. Human Elem't in Inapirat'n of Script's. T. F. Curtis. N. Y. ,1867 Human Intellect. N. Porter. New York, 1873. 8°. Human Physiology. F. Magendie. (J. Revere, tr. ) N.Y.,1855 Humanity Immortal. L. P. Hickok. Boston, 1872. 8°. Humboldt, A. von. Life of. Bruhns and Lassell. Lon.,1873. Cosmos. . New York, 1874. r. v. 12°. Travels of. New York, 1872. 18°. A. and W. von. Lives of. J. Bauer. New York, 1854, Hume, D. History of England. New York, 1873. 6 v. 12° Humor and Wit. Boston, 1874. 16°. .... Humorous Poetry of the English Language. J. Parton. Bos., 1872 Humphry Clinker. T. Smollett. London. 16°. Hunchback of Notre-Dame. V. Hugo. New York, n. d. Hungary, with Memoir of Kossuth. Loudon, 1864. 12°.. Hunnewell, J,. F. Lands of Scott. Boston, 1871. 12°. . Hunt, H. Bits of Talk about Home Matters. Boston, 1873 Bits of Travel. Boston, 1873. sq. 18°. . ... Verses. Boston, 1874. sq. 18°. .... Hunt, J. Stammering and Stutter'g. H. F. Eivers,ed. Lon.,1870 Hunt, L. Men, Women, and Books. New York, 1873. 2 v. 12° Wishing Cap Papers. Boston, 1873. 12°. Hunter's Camp, Twelve Nights in a. Boston, 1874. 16° Hunter's Feast. M. Reid. New York, 1873. 12°. . Hunter's Life in Africa. R. G. Cumming. N.Y., 1874. 2 v. 12°. Hunting in South Africa. W. C. Baldwin. New York, 1863. 12°. Husbands and Homes. M. V. Terhune. New Yurk, 1873. 12°. Husmann,,G. Grapes and Wine. New York, 1866. 12°. Huss, J., Life and Times of. E. H. Gillett. Boston, 1871. 2 v. 8°, Hutchings, J. M. Scenes in California. New York, 1872. 8°. Huxley, T. H. More Criticis'ms on Darwin. New York, 1873. 12°, Hyacinthe, Pere. Discourses. New York, 1869. 12°. Hyde, A. ^M. Am.JBoys' Life of Washington. N.Y., 1871. 16°. Hypatia. C. Kingsley. Boston, n. d. 12°. . . . ; Hyperion. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1873. 16°. 8°. 18°. 12°, 132, 11 95, 23 78, 20 17, 2 146, 4 79, 4 99, 7 21,1 101, 15 122, 2 114, 18 132, 28 47, 14 31. 31 77, 1 109, 6 34, 17 31, 19 103, 16 44, 27 143, 8 31, 7 53, 28 132, 29 97, 5 102, 28 105, 15 84, 30 135, 19 109, 19 106, 11 144, 16 13, 7 91, 34 61, 9 33,4 I Go a-Flshing. W. C. Prime. New York, 1873. p. 8°. Ideal in Art. H. Taine. New York, 1873. 16°. If, Yes, and Perhaps. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1873. 16°. Ik Marvel, (pseud. ) See Mitchell, D. Q. .... Ildrewe, Miss. Language of Flowers. Boston, 1874. 16°. Iliad of Homer, trans, by W. 0. Bryant. Boston, 1873. 2 v. 8°. Illumination, Art of. A. Donlevy. New York, 1867. . 136, 29 . 32 ,9 . 73, 28 . 136, 24 . 47 ,6 . 137, 20 BEAEDSLET LIBRARY. 63 12°. 12°. Ulustrated Library of Wonders Bottom of the Sea. L. Sonrel. New York, 1872. 12< Egypt 3,300 Years Ago. F. de Lanoye. N.Y., 1872. Glass-Making. A. Saiizay. New York, 1872. 12°. Human Body. A. Le Pileur. New York, 1873. 12°. Intelligence of Animals. B. Menault. New York, 1872. Italian Art. L. Viardot. New York, 1872. 12°.. Pompeii. M. Monnier. New York, 1872. 12°. Strength and Skill. G. Depping. New York, 1871. 12°. Sublime in Nature. F. de Lanoye. New York, 1872. 12°. . Thunder and Lightning. W. de Fonvielle. N.Y., 1872. 12°. Wonders of Acoustics. R. Radau. New York, 1870. 12°. . Wonders of the Heavens. C. Flammarion. N.Y.,187l. 12°. Wonders of Optics. F. Marion. New York, 1872. 12°. Wonders of the Sun. A. Guillemin. New York, 1872. 12°. . Wonderful Escapes. F. Bernard. New York, 1872. 12°. Improvisatore. H. C. Andersen. New York, 1872. 8°. In His Name. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1874. 8°. ... In School and Out. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. W. . In Search of the Castaways. J. Verne. Philadelphia, 1874. 8°. lDTrust;or, Dr. Bertrand'sHouse'ld. A.M.Douglass. Bos., 1874. 12°. India and its Inhabitants. C. Wright. Cincinnati, 1858. 8°. India, China, and Japan. B. Taylor. New York, 1872. Indian Biography. B. B. Thatcher. New York, 1873. Industrial Biography. S. Smiles. Boston, 1869. 12°. Industrial Drawing. D. H. Mahan. New York, 1871. 8°. Inez, A Tale of the Alamo. A. J. Evans. New York, 1873. Infinity, Stories of. C. Flammarion. Boston, 1873. 16°. lugelow, J. Ofe the Skelhgs. Boston, 1873. 12°. . Poems. Boston, 1872. 16° •Ingham Papers, The. E.E.Hale. Boston, 1869. 16°. . Ingram, J. Flora Symbolica. London, n. d. p 8°. Innocents Abroad. S. L. Clemens. Hartford, 1874. 8°. Insect World, The. L. Figuier. New York, n. d. 12°. Insects at Home. J. G. Wood. New York, 1872. 8°. Insects, North American. B. Jaegei-. New York, 1871. Insects, Our Common. A. S. Packard, Jr. Salem, 1873. Inspira'nof the Scrip's, Human Elem't in. T. F.Curlis. N.Y Intellect, Human. N.Porter. New York, J 873. 8°. Intellectual Life. P. G. Hamerton. Boston, 1874. 12°. Intelligence of Animals. E. Menault. New York, 1872. International, History of the. tr. by S. M. Day. N. Haven, 1874. 8°. International Law. T. D. Woolsey. New York, 1873. 8°. Invasion of the Crimea. A. W. Kinglake. New York,1870. 2 v. 12°. Inventors and Discoverers, Stories of . J. Timbs. N.Y., 1860. 12°. Ireland, Cromwellian Settlem't of. J. P. Prendergast. N.Y.,1868. 12°. History of the English in. J. A. Froude. N.Y.,1873. 2 v. p. 8°. 12°. 2 V. 18°. 12°. 12°. 12°. .,1867. 12°. 12°. 95, 19 95, 21 95, 19 95, 22 95, 23 95, 24 95, 25 95, 30 95, 31 95, 20 95, 33 95, 27 95, 26 95, 29 95, 32 95, 28 87, 4 87, 25 96, 28 77, 14 83, 17 128, 19 102, 8 121, 14 122, 11 147, 1 86, 29 132, 17 74, 21 43, 20 73, 29 136, 23 55, 17 142, 33 137, 16 133, 10 133, 9 78, 20 17, 2 35, 2 95, 24 78, 33 34, 6 112, 11 122, 1 128, 20 114, 26 64 CATALOGUE OF THE 12°. 12= Ireland, History of. W. C. Taylor. New York, 1860. 2 v. 18= Ireland and Nichols. Hogarth's Works. Loudon, n. d. 3 v. p. Irish Eloquence, Household Book of. New York, n.d. 8°. Irish Life, Rralities of. W. S. Trench. Boston, 1869. 16°. Irish Melodies. T. Moore. Boston, 1871. 16°. Iron and Steel, Metallurgy of. H. S. Osborn. Philadel.,1869. 8°. Iron, Cast and Wrouijht. W. Fairbairu, New York, 1854. Iron Mask, The. A. Dumas. Philadelphia, n. d. 8°. Iron Smelting. I. L. Bell. London, 1872. 8°. Irving, Edward, Life of. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1862. Irnng, W. Alhambra. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Astoria. Philadelphia, 1872. 12° Bonneville. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Bracebridge Hall. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . Columbus and Mis Companions. Philadelphia, 1872. 3 v Conquest of Granada. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Crayon Miscellany. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Knickerbocker's History of New York. Philadel., 1872. Life of O. Goldsmith. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Life of Washington. Philadelphia, 1872. 5 v. 12°. Mahomet and His Successors. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 v. 12°. Salmagundi. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Sketch-Book. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . Spanish Papers. Philadelphia, 1872. 1872. 2 v. 12°, Tales of a Traveller. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Wolfert's Roost. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Life and Letters of. P. M. Irving. Phil., 1872. 4 v. 12°, Is it True ? D. M. Craik. New York, 1872. 16°. Isaiah, Commentary on. J.A.Alexander. N.Y., 1869. 2 v. 12°. . Island World, Stories of the. C. Nordhoff. New York, 1857. 16°. Israel, Land of. A. Keith. New York, 1871. 12°. Italian Art. L. Viardot. New York, 1872. 12° Italian Journeys. W. D. Howels. Boston, 1874. 12°. Italian Painters, Early. ■ Mrs. A. Jameson. London, 1868. 12°. Italian Sights and Papal Principles. J. J. Jarves. N.Y., 1856. 12°. Italy, Florence, and Venice. H. Taine. New York, 1874. 8°. Italy, Pictures from. C. Dickens. Boston, 1871. 12°. . Italy, Rome, and Naples. H. Taine. New York, 1873. 8° Italy, Trinity of. London, 1867. 8°. .... Ivanhoe. Sir W. Scolt. Boston, 1874. 12°. Izax, Ichabod. My Satchel and I. Springfield, n. d. 12°. 101, 16 22 22 54, 23 31, 16 44, 16 146, 22 146, 20 77, 8 146, 21 127, 13 23, 1 23, 2 23, 3 23, 4 23, 5 23, 10 23, 8 23, 11 23, 9 23, 22 23, 16 23, 18 23, 19 23, 20 24, 23 24, 24 23, 12 93, 8 12, 8 104, 22 105, 4- 95, 25 86, 2 98, 14 103, 7 26, 16 64, 26 26, 17 106, 28 63, 12 53, 24 J jack Hazard and his Fortunes. J. T. Trowbridge. Bost., 1873. 16°. 97, 33 Jack Tier ; or, The Florida Reef. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. 65, 9 BEARDSLEY LIBRARY. 65 Jackson, Andrew, Life of. J. Parton. Boston, 1870. 3 v. 8°. Jackson, T. Curiosities of tlie Palpit. New York, n. d. 16°. Jacox, F. Bible Music. Boston, 1872. 12°. Jaeger, B. Nortli American Insects. New York, 1871. 12°. Jalin, J. Biblical Archaeology. New York, 1872. 8° James, G. P. li. Arabella Stuart. New Yprk, 1871. Book of the Passions. New York, n. d. 8°. Desultory Man. New York, n. d. 12°. History of Charlemagne. New York, 1872. 18* History of Chivalry. New York, 1871. 18°. Last of the Fairies. New York, 18(37. 8°. Mary of Burgundy. New York, 186-t. 12°. Old Oak Chest. New York, 1873. 8°. The Smuggler. New York, 1 868. 8°. The Step-Mother. New York, n. d. 8°. String of Pearls. New York, n. d. 12°. The Passions. New York, n. d. 8°. The Robber. New York, 18G0. 12°. The Woodman. New York, 1872. 8°. Ticonderoga. New York, 1854. 8°. Jameson, Mrs. A. Female Sovereigns. New York, 1874. 2 v. 18° . History of Our Lord. Londan, 1872. 2 v. 8°. Legends of the Madonna. London, 1872. 8°. Legends of the Monastic Orders. London, 1872. Memoirs of Early Italian Painters. London, 1868. Sacrei and Legendary Art. London, 1870. 2 v. 8 Jaraieson, J. Scoltisa Dictionary. Edinburgh, 1867. 8 Jane Eyre. C. Bronte. New York, 1873. 12°. Japan, Three Years in. Sir R. Alcock. New York, 1868. 2 v. 12°. Japan. B.Taylor. New York, 1872. 12°. Jarves, J. J. Art Hints. New York, 1855. 12°. Italian Sights and Papal Principles. New York, 1856. 12°. . Parisian Sights and French Principles. N.Y., 1856. 2 v. 12°. Jarvis, C. Adventures of Don Quixote. Loudon, n. d. 12°. Jay, W. M. L Shiloh; or. Without and Within. N.Y., 1874. 12°. Jeanie's Quiet Life. New York, 1869. 8°. Jefferson, Thomas, Domestic Life of. S.N.Randolph. N.Y.,1871 Life of. J. Parton. Boston, 1874. 8°. . Jenkins, E. Ginx's Baby. A Satire. New York, 1873. 12°. Little Hodge. New York, 1873. 12°. The Coolie. New York, 1871. 12°. Jerrold, W. B. Cent Per Cent. London, n. d. 12°. Life of Douglas Jerrold. London, n. d. 12°, Jerrold, D. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. New York, 1873. 16°. Works of. London, u. d. 12° 16= 126, 3 78, 14 78, 22 133, 10 19, 11 87, 30 135, 21 83, 3 101, 10 101, 11 87, 27 83, 4 87, 26 87, 28 87, 27 83, 2 135, 21 83,1 87, 30 87, 29 121, 12 15, 10 27, 17 27, 16 98, 14 27, 18 155, 18 62, 12 102, 32 102, 13 143, 31 103, 7 103, 5 97, 19 72, 16 87, 55 126, 11 126, 12 52, 28 52, 29 52, 30 81, 12 53, 15 31, 17 53, 11 Vol 1. St. Giles and St. James; Punch's Letters to his Son. 2. Story of a Feather ; Cakes and Ale. . 53, 11 . 53, 12 66 CATALOGUE OF THE JeiTold, D. "Works, continued. 3. Mrs Caudle's Lectures; Meu of Character; Punch's Letter Writer. . . 53, 13 4. A Mau Made of Money; Sketches of the English; Chronicles of Clovernook, 53, 14 Life of. W. B. JeiTold. London, n. d. 12°, . . .53, 16 Jerusalem. Besant and Palmer. London, 1871. 8°. . . ~ . 108, 15 Jessamine. M. V. Terbune. New York, 1874. 12°. . . .84, 31 Jesse, E. Anecdotes of Dogs. London, 1873. 12°. . . . 136, 27 Jessup, H. H. Syrian Home Life. New York, n. d. 12°. . . 105, 10 Women of the Arabs. New York, n. d. 12°. . . . 105, 9 Jest-Book. M. Lemon. London, 18G5. 16° 34, 25 Jesuits in North America. F. Parkmau. Boston, 1874. 8°. . . 106, 26 Jesus the Christ, Life of. H. W. Beecher. New York, 1871. 8°. . 15, 9 Jevous, W. S. Principles of Science. New York, 1874. 8°. . . 28, 17 Jewish Church, History of . A.P.Stanley. New York,1874. 2 v. 8°. 16,6 Jewish Nation, History of. E. H. Palmer. Loudon, 1874. 12°. . 14, 20 Jew, Modern, Home and Synagogue of. London, sq. 16°. . . 78, 32 Jews, History of the. H. H. Milman. New York, 1870. 3 v. 18°. . 101, 12 John Brent. T. Winthrop. Boston, 1873. 16° 86,- 22 John, E. Countess Gisela. New York, 1869. 8° 87, 34 Gold Elsie, trans, by A. L. Wister. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. 84,11 Little Moorelaud Princess. Ir. by A. L. Wister. Phil., 1873. 12°. 84,10 Old Mara'selle's Secret, trans, by A. L. Wister. Phil., 1873. J2°. 84,12 John Godsoe's Legacy. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . 94, 7 John Halifax, Gentleman. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 12°. . 75, 11 John-Jack. M. L. Peebles. Troy, 1870. 16° 92, 40 John of Barneveld. J. L. Motley. New York, 1874. 2 v. 8°. . 127, 5 John Ploughman's Talk. C. H. Spurgeou. New York, n. d. 16°. . 33,29 John Woohnaa's Journal, ed. by J. G. Whittier. Bost., 1873. 16°. 32, 34 John Worthington's Name. F. L. Benedict. New York, 1874. 8°. . 77, 36 Johnson, B., Works of, with Memoir. Boston, 1869. 8°. . . 47,18 Johnson, Samuel, Life of. J. Boswell. New York, 1871. 2 v. 8°. . 127, 15 Joimson, S. Lives of Eminent Engli.^h Poets. London, 1868. 16°. 98, 23 Works of. ed. by A. Murphy. Philadelphia, 1825. 6 v. 8°. . 28, 18 Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultural Chemistry. New York, n. d. 12°. 143, 23 Jones, H. Regular Swiss Round. London, 1866. 18°. . . . 103, 32 Jones, T. R. The American Creation. London, n. d. sq. 12°. . 133, 3 Joneses, Letters to the. J. G. Holland. New York, 1866. 12°. . 36, 8 Jordan, Rob Roy on the. J. MacGregor. New York, 1870. 8°. . 106, 20 Joseph Bonaparte. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1869. 16°. . . 92, 17 Joseph in the Snow. B. Auerbach. New York, 1874. 16°. . . 86, 26 Josephus. Works, with Life. W. Whiston, ed. N.Y., 1873. 4v. 8". 108, 18 Josiah Allen's Wife, (pseud.) See Holley, M. .... Journalism, History of. F. Hudson. New York, 1873. 8°. . . 37, 10 Journey in Brazil. L. and Mrs. Agassiz. Boston, 1871. 8°. . . 107, 12 Journey in the Back Country. P.L.Olmsted. N.Y., 186L 12°. . 103,1 Jom-ney in the Seaboard Slave States. F.L.Olmsted. N.Y.,1856. 12°. 103,2 Journey to Ashango Land. P. B. Du Chaillu. New York, 1871. 8°. 107, 14 BEARDSLET EIBKART. 67 Journey to the Centre of tlie Earth. J. Verne. New York, n. d. 12°. Jowett, B., trans. Dialogues of Plato. New York, 1873. 4 v. 8°. . Judge Not; or, Hester Powers' Gu'lhood. Mrs. E. Sheppard. Bost. 12°. Jadsou, L. C. The Moral Probe. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Julius Ceesar, History of. J.Abbott. New York, 1872. 16°. June, Jennie, (pseud.) See Crofy, J. C. Junius' Letters. J. Wade. London, 1873. 2 v. 12°. Juventus Mundi. W. E. Gladstone. Boston, 18G0. p. 8°. 77, 19 15 ,1 71, 23 78, 30 92, 15 109, 10 37, 17 K Kaloolah; or, Adv'r's of J. Romer. W. S. Mayo. N. Y., 1873. 12°. Karnes, Lord. Elements of Criticism. New York, 1873. p. 8°. Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 v. 8°. Kane, Elisha Kent, Life of. W. Elder. Philadelphia, 1858. 8°. . Kant, I. Critique of Pure Reason. London, 1870. 12°, . Kathriua; Her Life and Mine. J.G.Holland. N. Y., 1874-. 16°. . Katie Stewart. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1874. 8°. . . . Kavanagh, and other Pieces. H.W.Longfellow. Bos., 1872. 16°. Kavanagh, J. Adele. New York, 1873. 12° Daisy Burns. New York, 1873. 12°. . . Nathalie. New York, 1873. 12° Kay, J. Social Condition of the English. New York, 1864. 12°. . Keble, J. The Christian Year. Philadelphia, 1874. 18°. Keightley, T. Fairy Mythology. London, 1878. 12°. Mythology of Greece and Italy. New York, 1872. 16°. Keil and Delitzsch. Com. on Josh., Judg., and Ruth. Edin., 1872. 8°. Minor Prophets. Edinburgh, 1871. 2 v. 8°. Keith, A. Evidences of Prophecy. New York, 1871. 12°. Harmony of Prophecy. New York, n. d. 12°. Land of Israel. New York, 187L 12°. . Truth of Christian Religion. New York, 1859. 12°. Kellogg, E. Elm Island Stories. Boston, 1873. 16°. Vol. 1. Boy Farmers. 2. Charlie Bell. 3. Hard Scrabble. Norman Cline. Boston, n. d. Pleasant Cove Series. Boston, Vol. 1. Arthur Brown. 2. Child of the Island Glen. 3. Cruise of the Casco. 16°. 1873. Vol. 4. Lion Ben. 5. The Ark. 6. Young Ship Builders. 16^ Vol. 4. Fisher Boys < f Pleasant Cove. f.. John Godsoe'o Legacy. 6. Youug Deliverers. Whispenng Pine Series. Boston, 1873. 16°. 86, 26 79, 8 106, 2 128, 1 18, 1 44, 17 87, 57 33, 5 85, 13 85, 15 85, 14 21, 9 44, 24 60, 20 31, 15 16, 11 16, 14 18, 12 18, 14 105, 4 18, 15 94, 14 94, 1 94, 2 94, 8 Vol. 1. Sophomores of Radcliffe. 2. Spark of Genius. 3 Stout Heart. Vol. 4. Turning of the Tide. 5. Whispering Pine. 6. Winning His Spurs. Kenelm Chillingly. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. New York, 1873. 12°. 61, 21 68 CATALOGUE OF THE Kenilworth. Sir Walter Scott. Boston, 1874. 12°. . Kennedy, J. The Divine Life. Philadelphia, 18r>7. 12°. Kennedy, J. P. Horse Shoe Robinson. New York, 1872. 12° *Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. Boston, 1873. 4 Kerr, Orpheus C. Cpseud.) See Newell, R. H. Key to the Holy Bible. J. H. Blunt. London. 1872. 18 Kidnapping in the South Seas. G. Palmer. Edinburgh, 1871. 8°. Kilmeny. W. Black. New York. 1870. 8°. Kimball, R. B. Was He Successful ? New York. 1864. 12° King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston, 1874. 12° King Philip, History of. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1873. 16°. Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. N. Y., 1870. 2 v. 12°. Kings and Queens. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1872. 12°. Kingsley C. Alton Locke. New York, 1871. 12°. . Christmas in the West Indies. New York, 1871. 12°. Good News of God. London, 1866. 16°. . Health and Education. New York, 1874. 12°. Hypatia. Boston, n. d. 12° Plays and Puritans. London, 1873. 12°. . Poems. London, 1872. 16° The Hermits. London, n. d. 12°. Two Years Ago. London, 1873. 12°. Water-Babies ; a Fairy Tale. London, 1872. 12°. Westward Ho! London, 1872. 12°. Yeast; A Problem. New York, 1871. 12°. Kingsley, H. Leigh ton Court. Boston, 1866. 12°. . The Harveys. Berlin, 1872. 16°. Kirby, M. and E. The Sea and Its Wonders. Lon., 1873. pq. 12° Kirkland F. Cyclop, of Com. and Bus. Anecdotes. N. Y., 1872. 8° Kirkland, C. M. Holidays Abroad. New York, 1873, 12°. Kitty Trevylyan, Diary of. Mrs. E. Charles. New York, n. d. 16°. Kneeland, S. Wonders of the Yosemite Valley. Bos., 1872. 8°. Knickerbocker's History of New York. W.Irving. Phil., 1872. 12° Knight, C. History of England. Boston, 1873. 8 v. 8°. . Know!', Purs't of , Under Diffic'lt's. F. Wayland. N. Y., 1868. 2 v. 12° Kohlrausch, F. History of Germany. New York, 1873. 8°. Kossuth, Hungary, with Memoir of. London, 1854. 12°. . Krummaclier, F. W. David the King of Israel. N. Y., 1868. 12° 63, 13 19, 21 72, 17 l.'->8, 8 78. 16 108, 11 87, 6 83, 22 104, 6 92, 25 112, 11 122, 16 61, 6 61, 7 14, 25 134, 2 61, 9 32, 5 43, 23 61, 8 61, 12 61, 11 61, 10 61, 13 72, 15 81, 15 135. 14 137, 4 60, 10 81, 4 68, 11 23, 11 116, 9 123, 14 119, 7 109, 6 14, 19 Lace, History of. Mrs. B. Palliser. London, 1869. 8°. . Lady Anna. A. Trollope. New York, 1 874. 8°. Lady Betty's Governess. L. E. Guernsey. N. Y., n. d. 12°. La Gironiere, P. de. Twenty Y'rs in Philippine Isl'ds. N.Y.,1868 Laii-d of Norlaw, The. Mrs. Oliphant. New York, 1873. 12°, . 135, 1 . 87, 51 . 83, 16 12°. 104, 27 . 82, 1 BEARDSLET LIBRARY. 69 Lake Ngami. C. J. Anderson. New York, 1861. 12°. . . . 105, 14 Lamartine, A. de. Memoirs of Geleb'd Characters. N.Y.,1873. 3 v. 12°. 123,8 History of the French Revolution of 1848. Lon.,1870. 12°. . 109,1 History of the Girondists. New York, 1864. 3 v. 12°. . . 118 19 Restoration o! the French Monarchy. London, 1865. 4 v. 12°. 109, 2 Lamb, Charles, Works of. ed. by T. N. Talfourd. N.Y.,1872. 2 v. 12°. 21,19 Vol. 1. T.ife and Letters. , 2 Essays of Elia; Eosamuud Gray ; Essays and Poems, etc. La Motte Fouque, F. de. Undine and other Tales, KY., 1871. 16°. 91,28 Lamps, Pitchers, and Trumpets. E. P. Hood. N.Y., 1872. 12°. . 32 15 Land and the Book. W. M. Thompson. New York, 1873. 2 v. 12°. 105, 1 Land of Charity ; or, Travencore, etc. S. Mateer. N.Y.. n. d. 12°. 60,17 Land of Desolation. L I. Hayes. New York, 1 872. 12°. . . 104. 29 Land of Israel. A. Keith. New York, 1871. 12°. . . . 105 4 Land of Lome, The. R.Buchanan. New York, 1871. 12°. . . 53,31 Land of Moab. H. B. Tristram. New York, 1873. 8°. . . . 106, 19 Land of Thor. J. R. Browne. New York, 1870. 12°. . . . loi, 15 Land of the Veda. W. Butler. New York, 1873. 8°. . . . 107, 18 Land of the White Elephant. F. Vincent. New York, 1874. 8°. . 106, 15 Lander, R. and J. Travels to the Niger. New York, n. d. 2 v. 18°. 101, 18 Landmarks. J. J. Piatt. New York, 1872. 12° 52, 9 Landor, Selections from. G. S. Hillard. Boston, 1856. 8°. . . 79, 19 Landrin, M. H. C, Jr. Treatise on Steel. Philadelphia, 1868. 12°. 146, 17 Lands of Scott. J. F. Hunuewell. Boston, 1871. 12°. , . . ?4, 17 Landscape Gardening. A. J. Downing. New York, n. d. 8°. . 147, 18 Lane, E. W. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. N.Y.,1868. 2 v. 12°. 61,14 Modern Egyptians. London, 1871. 2 v. 12°. . . . II9 17 Langhorne, J. and W. Plutarch's Lives. New York, 1873. 8°. . 127, 14 Langstroth, L. L. The Honey Bee. Philadelphia, 1873. 12°. . 133,8 Language, and Study of Language. W.D.Whitney. N.Y.,1874. 12°. 25,2 Language of Flowers. Miss Ildrewe. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . 136, 24 Language, Science of. M. Mnller. New York, 1874. 2 v. p. 8°. . 24, 21 Lankester, E. Half Hours with the Microscope. London, n. d. 16°. 143 30 Lanoye, F. de. Egypt 3300 Years Ago. New York, 1872. 12°. . 95, 19 Sublime in Nature. New York, 1872. 12° 95, 20 Laporte, L. Sailing on the Nile. Boston, 1872. 16°. . . . 53 30 Lardner and Bright. Electric Telegraph. London, 1867. 12°. . I45, 16 Larkin, J. Brass and Iron Founder. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. . 146, 13 Lars: a Pastoral of Norway. B.Taylor. Boston, 1873. 16°. . 44,12 Larwood and Hotten. History of Sign Boards. Lond. , n. d. p. 8°. 60, 4 Last (Chronicle of Barset. A. Trollope. New York, 1874. 8°. . 66, 12 Last Days of Pompeii. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Phil., 1873. 16°. . 61,28 Last of the Barons. Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Philadel., 187-3. 16°. . 61,27 The same. New York, 1873. 8° 87, 14 Last of the Fairies. G. P. R. James. New York, 1867. 8°. . . 87, 27 Last of the Mohicans. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1874. 12°. . 65, 10 Lathe and its Uses, The. London, 1871. 8° 145 21 70 CATALOGUE OF THE Latin Christianity, History of. H. H. Milraan. KY.,1874. 8v.p. 8°. 115,5 *Latln-English Lexicon. E. A.. Andrews. New York, 1874. 8°. . 157, 4 Latter-day Pamplilets. T. Carlyle. London, 1870. 8°. . . . 27, 21 *Law, American, Commentaries on. J. Kent. Bost., 1873. 4 v. 8°. 158, 8 *Criminal. F. Wharton. Philadelphia, 1874. 3 v. 8°. . . 158, 1 ^English, Comment'y on. W. Blackstone. JSr.T.,1872. 4 v. 8°. 158,4 Law of Love. M. Hopkin?. New York, 1870. 12^ . . , 14, 7 Law, Reign of. Duke of Argyll. New York, 1872. 16°. . . 32, 6 Law, Woman before the. J. Proif att. New York, 1874. 12°. . 83, 27 Lawrence's Adventures. J. T. Trowbridge. Boston, 1873. 16°. . 97, 20 *Lawsof the United States, 1789-1856. J. Dunlop. Phil, 1856. 8°. 158, 12 Lawyer Abroad, A. H. Day. New Yorli, 1874. 12°. . . . 105, 30 Layard, A. H. Discoveries at Nineveh. New York, 1871. 12°, .105,11 Nineveh and Babylon. New York, 1871. 8°. . . .107,21 Layman's Story, A. L. Abbott. New York, 1873. 16°. . . .33, 28 Lays of Ancient Rome. T. B. Macaulay. New York, 1870. 32°. . 44, 23 Lazarus. E. Admotus and other Poems. New Yorli, 1871. p. 8°. . 52,13 Lea, H. 0. Sacerdotal Celibacy. Philadelphia, 1867. 8°. . . 118, 18 Leading Articles on Various Subjects. H. Miller, Edin.,1872. p. 8°. 24, 11 Lear of the Steppe. L Turgeniefe. New York, 1874. ' 16°. . . 85,32 Leather Stocking and Silk : a Story of Virginia. N.Y.,1854. 12°. . 83,23 Leavitt, T. H. Peat as an Article of Fuel.' Boston, 1867. 12°. . 143, 7 LeBas, C. W. Life of Wiclif. New York, 1856. 18°. . . .121.11 Lecky, W. E. H. History of European Morals. N.Y.,1874. 2 v. 8°, 15,18 Rationalism in Europe. New York, 1873. 2 v. 8°. . . 15, 16 Le Conte, J. Religion and Science. New York, 1 874. 12°. . . 14, 24 Lectures and Essays. H. Giles. New Yoi-k, 1869. 12°. . . .79, 20 on Architecture. J. Ruskin. New York, 1872. 12°. . . 22, 4 on English Humorists. W. M. Thackeray. N.Y.,1873. 12°. 37, 24 on Epistles of Peter. J. Lillie. New York, 1869. 8°. . . 28, 1 on Light. J. Tyndall. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . 144, 8 on Metaphysics. Sir W. Hamilton. Boston, 1869. 8°. . 19, 1 on Modern History. F. Sclilegel. London. 1862. 12°. . 112, 6 on the Four Georges. W.M.Thackeray. N.Y.,1873. 12°. . 37,24 on the French Revolution. W.Smyth. Lon., 1860. 2 v. 12°. 112,7 to Educated Hindus. J. H. Seelye. New York, 1873. 12°. . 13, 14 to Young Men. H. W. Beecher. . New York, 1873. 12°. . 13, 15 Ledyard, John, Life of. J. Sparks. Cambridge, 1829. 12°. . . 122, 13 *Lee,Maj. Gen. Charles, Treason of. G.H.Moore. N.Y.,1860. 8°. 129,1 Leeds, L. W. Treatise on Ventilation. New York, 1871. 8°. . 147, 7 Left on Labrador. C.A.Stephens. Boston, n. d. 16°. . . 93,26 Legend of Montrose. Sir W. Scott. Boston, 1873. 12°. . . 63, 5 *Legend of the Wandering Jew. G. Dore. London, n. d. folio. . 69, 1 The same. (Photographic print.) Philadel., 1873. 8°. 54,25 Legends of the Madonna. Mrs. Jameson. London, 1872. 8°. . 27, 17 Legends of the Monastic Orders. Mrs. Jameson. London, 1872. 8°. 27, 16 Leighton Coui-t H. Kingsley. Boston, 1866. 12°. . . .72, 15 BEAEDSLET LIBRARY. 71 Leighton, R. Complete Works, with Life. New York, 1874. 8°. . Leisure Hours iu Town. A. K. H. Boyd. Boston, 1 809. 16°. Lemon, Mark. The Jest-Book. London, 1865. 16^^. Leo X, Life of. W. Roscoe. London, 1872. 2v. 12°. . Leonowens, A. H. English Governess at Siamese Court. Bos. ,1873. 8°. Romance of the Harem. Boston, 1873. 8^. . . . Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the Human Body. New York, 1 873. 12°. LeSage, A. R. Adventures of Gil Bias. T. Smollett,tr. N.Y.,n.d. 12°. Leslie Goldthwaite. A. D. T. Whitney. Boston, 1873. 12°. . Les Miserables. V. Hugo. New York, 1874. 8° L'Estrange,A. G. K. Lf. of Mary Russell Mitford. N.Y.,1870. 2 v. 12°. Letler-Carrier, Footprints of a. J. Roes. Philadelphia, 1866. 12°. . Letters from the East. W. C. Bryant. New York, 1869. 16°. of Lady Montagu. S.J.Hale. Boston, 1869. 12°. of Mme. de Sevigne. S. J. Hale. Boston, 1874. 12° to the Joneses. J. G. Holland. New York, 1866. 12° to a Young Mao. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1873. 12°, Lettice Arnold. Mrs. Marsh. New York, 1871. 8°. Levana; or, the Doctrine of Education. J. P. Richter. Bos., 1866. le"^ Lever, C. A Day's Ride. New York, 1869. 8°. Barrington. New York, 1872. 8°. . Tlie Bramleighs. New York, 1872. 8°. . The Daltons. New York, 1871. 8°. Dodd Family. New York, 1872. 8°. Gerald Fitzgerald. New York, 1808. 8°. Gleucore. Now York, 1870. 8°. Lord Kilgobbin. New York, 1872. 8°. . Luttrel of Arran. New York, 1870. 8=. . Martins of Cro' Martin. New York, 1872. 8' Maurice Tiernay. New York, 1871. 8°. One of Them. New York, 1872. 8°. Roland Cashel. New York, 1872. 8°. . Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. New York, 1 872. 8 Sir Jasper Carew. New York, 1871. 8°. That Boy of Norcott's. New York, 1871. 8° Tony Butler. New York, 1870. 8°. Lewes, G. H. Physiology of Common Life. N. Y., 1873. 2 v. 12=^ Story of the Life of Goethe. Boston, 1873. Studies in Animal Life. New York, 1860. Lewes, M. A. (Evans.) Adam Bede. New York Felix Holt. New York, 1873. 12°. . How Lisa Loved the King. Boston, 1869. Middlemarch. New York, 1873. 2 v. 12°. Mill on the Floss. New York, 1874. 12°. Romola. New York, 1874. 12°. Scenes of Clerical Life. New York, 1874. 12° Silas Marner. New York, 1874. 12°. Y., 187£ 12°. 12°. 1874. m 19, 10 36, 17 34, 25 109, 7 37, 22 52, 26 95, 23 33. 16 73, 18 77, 2 123, 17 31,33 105, 29 123, 19 123, 20 . 30, 8 25', 18 87, 36 CO, 18 66, 36 66, 36 66, 35 66, 33 66, 35 66, 33 66, 32 66, 36 66, 32 66,34 66, 33 66, 34 66, 34 66, 36 66, 35 66, 35 66, 32 143, 14 125, 6 133, 2 76, 13 76, 15 , -44, 14 76, 16 76, 18 76, 19 , 76, 14 , 76, 14 72 CA.TALOGUE OF THE Lewes, M. A. (Evans). Spanish Gipsy. Boston, 1874. 16°. . .44, 13 Lewis, Dio. Ciiats with Young Women. New York, 1874. 12°. . 134, 9 Weak Lungs, and How to Make them Strong. Bos., 1871. 12°. 134, 8 Liberty. J. S. Mill. New York, 1874. 8° 15, 14 Library of Poetry and Song. W. C. Bryant. New Yoik, 1874. 8°. 47, 10 *Liddell and Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. New York, 1873. 8°. 157, 8 Lieber, F. History of Great Events. New York, 1871. 12°. . . 112, 5 Life, Beginnings of. H. C. Bastian. New York, 1872. 2 v. 12°. . 98, 25 Conduct of. R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1873. 10°. . . .21, 12 for a Life, A. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 75, 12 in Brazil. T. Ewbank. New York, 1856. 8°. ... 107, 11 in the Open Air. T. Winthrup. Boston, 1869. 16°. . . 86, 23 Mystery of. J. Raskin. New York, 1869. 12°.. . . 22, 10 of Christ. F. W. Farrar. New York, 1874. 2 v. 8°. . .78,1 of Christ. W. Hanna. New York, 1873. 3 v. 12°. . . 14,12 of Jesus, the Christ. H. W. Beecher. New York, 1871. 8°. 15, 9 True Success in. R. Palmer. New York, 1873. 12°. . . 78, 26 Turning Points in. F.Arnold. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 78,25 Watchwords for Warfare of. Mrs. E. Charles. N.Y., 1869. 12°. 78, 27 Without and Life Within. M. Fuller. Boston, 1874. 12°. .125,22 Life of Trust. G. MuUer. Boston, 1873. 12° 14, 29 Life Thoughts. H. W. Beecher. Boston, 1858. 12°. . . . 18, 5 Light. J. Abbott. New York, 1872. 12° 134, 31 Light and Electricity. J. Tyndall. New York, 1873. 12°. . . 144, 4 Light, Lectures on. J. Tyndall. New York, 1873. 12°. . . . 144, 8 Light Science for Leisure Hours. R. A. Proctor. N. Y., 1871. 12°. 145, 8 Lightfoot, Trench, and EUicott. Revision of N. Test. N.Y.,1873. 8°. 15, 20 Lightning Express. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . .96, 16 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. J. Wilson. N. Y.,1874. 16°. _32, 27 Lillie, J. Lectures on the Epistles of Peter. N. Y., 1869. 8°. . 28, 1 Lilly, W. Introduction to Astrology. London, 1870. 12°. . .132,14 Lily and the Cross, The. J. DeMille. New York, 1875. 12°. . . 72, 27 Lincoln, Abraham, Liner Life of. F. B. Carpenter. N. Y., 1872. 16°. 98, 20 Lincoln and SL'waid. G. Welles. New York, 1874. 12°. . . 124, 14 Linwoods, The. C. M. Sedgwick. New York, 1873. 2 v. 12°. . 81, 20 Lion Ben. E. Kellogg. Boston, 1873. 16°. . . . . .94, 18 Lionel Lincoln. J. F. Cooper. New York, 1873. 12°. . . .65, 11 Lippincott, S. J. New Life in New Lands. New York, 1873. 12°. 34, 16 *Lippincott's Pronouncing Biog. Diet. J.Thomas. Phil., 1873. 8°. 157, 12 *Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer. J.Thomas. Phil., 1874. 8°. 157, 11 ♦Litchfield County, Atlas of. F. W. Beers. N. Y., 1874. folio. . 68, 31 Litchfield County Centennial Celebration. Hartford, 1851. 8°. . 129, 3 Literary Character. I. Disraeli. New York, 1868. 12°. . . .54, 22 Literary Life, Recollections of. M. R. Mitford. N. Y., 1872. 12°. 37, 23 Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsch. New York, 1874. 8°. . 126, 13 Literary Reminiscencies. T. De Quincey. Boston, 1873. 12°. . 25, 19 Literature of Europe, Introduc. to. H. Hallam. N. Y., 1871. 2 v. 8°. 28, 3 BEARDSLET LIBRARY. 73 Literature, Amenities of. I Disraeli. New York, 1 870. 2 v. 120. , and Literary Men of G. B. and Ire. A.Mills. N.Y.,1870. 2 v. 8°. Curiosities of. L Disraeli. New York, 18(35. 4 v. 12°. . English, Oiitliues of. T. B. Shaw. Philadelphia, 1859. 12°. iu Letters. J. P. Holcomb. New York, 1870. 12°. Lectures on History of. F. Schlegel. Philadelphia, 18G0. 12° of the Age of Elizabeth. E. P. Whipple. Boston, 1871. 16°, Little Bobtail. W. T. Adams. Boston, 1871. 16° Little by Little. W.T.Adams. Boston, 1874. 16°. . . , Little Dorrit. C. Dickens. Boston, 1874. 2 v. 12° The same. New York, 1878. 8°. . Little Foxes. H. B. Stowe. Bostcm, 1873. 16°. Little Hodge. E. Jenkins. New York, 1873. 12°. Little Kate Kirby. F. W. Uobinson. New York, 1873. 8°. . Little Lou, Sayings and Doings of. E. Prentiss. N.Y., 1873. sq. 16" Little Men. L. M. Alcott. Boston, 1873. 16°. . Little Moorland Princess. E. John. Pniladjlphia, 1873. 12^ . Little People of God. Mrs. G. L. Austin. Boston, 1874. 12°. Little People of the Snow. W. C. Bryant. New York, 1873. sm. 4° Little Prudy. R. S. Clarke. (Sophie May.) Boston, 1374. 18". . Little Pussy Willow. H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1871. sq. 12°. . Little Rag-a-Mnffin. J. Greenwood. New York, 1866. 8°. Little Sunshine's Holiday. D. M. Craik. New York, 1874. 16°. . Little Women. L. M. Alcott. Boston. 1874. 2 v. 16°. . Living Link, The. J. De Mille. New York, 1874. 8°. . Living Subjects, Serni )ns on. H. Bushuell. New York, 1873. 12°. Livingstone, D. Travels in South Africa. New York, 1870. 8°. Livingstone, D. and C. Expedition to the Zambesi. N. Y., 1366. 8°. Livingstone, How I Foun.l. H. M. Stanley. New York, 1872. 8°. Liza. L Turgenieff. New York, 1873. 16° Lizzie Leigh, and other Tales. Mrs. Gaskell. London, 1873. 12°. L. N. R. Book and its Story. New Yorl?, 1372. 12°. . . Loaring, H. J. Epitaphs. London, 1873. 18°. . . . . Lockhart, J. G. History of Napoleon. New York, 1872. 2 v. 18°. Life of Robert Burns. London, n. d. 16° Life of Sir Walter Scott. Boston, 1873. 3 v. 12°. . Lockhart, L. W. M. Fair to See. New York, 1873. 8°. Lockyc r, J. N. Elementary Lessons in Astronomy. Lon., 1873. 18°. Locomotive Engine. Z. Colburn. Philadelphia, 1872. 12°. Lodge, G. H. Breughel Brothers. Boston, 1873. sq. 12°. Lois CuTol; or, Her Two Selves. S.S.Vance. Phil., 1874. 12°.. Lomenie, L. de. Beaumarchais and His Times. N. Y., 1857. 12°. London, Gas Works of. Z. Colburn. New York, 1868. 16°. Romance of. J. Timbs. London, n. d. 2 v. 12°. Waterworks of. Colburn and Maw. Philadelphia, 1868. 8°. Long Look Ahead. A. S. Roe. New York, 1873. 12°. . Longfellow, H. W. Aftermath. Boston, 1874. 16°. 10 , 54, 14 27, 11 54, 16 2y, 23 79, 10 , 29, 22 32, 3 96, 11 95, 15 64, 13 66, 4 76, 27 52, 29 87, 46 93, 35 . 84, 17 84, 10 44,1 47, 13 91, 4 93,. 1 87, 24 93, 9 84, 18 77, 26 13, 9 107, 3 107, 2 107, 1 85, 31 71, 12 78, 21 32, 22 121, 20 98, 22 124, 1 87, 31 132, 21 145, 25 98, IG 86, 33 122, 4 142, 23 60, 24 147, 10 71, 25 45,11 74 CATALOGUE OF THE Longfellow, H. W. Christus. Boston, 1872. 3 v. Vol. 1. 2. 3. Divine Tragedy. Golden Legend. New Euijland Tragedies Comedy. Boston, 1873. 3 v Vol. 1. 2. 3. Inferno. Purgatorio. Paradiso. 12". Hiawatha. Boston, 1874. 12°. Hyperion. Boston, 1873. 16°. KE^vauagh, and other Pieces. Boston, 1872. 16°. Poetical Works. Boston, 1873. 4 v. 16°. Prose Works. Boston, 1866. 3 v. 16°. Tales of a Wayside Inn. Boston, 1864. 16° Three Books