1^9 ©fftrtal Programme FOR 2S5tI| AnnttJ^rsiarg in Qm^rira GMfr ^-^ ^Q,^//.^^,.;^^ k.Ja'o£^ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, FOUNDERS' DAY Order of the Day 8 A. M. — 225 Strokes of the Bells of the Churches and School Houses to designate 225th Birthday. 9. 1 5 A. M. — Third Division, which will be composed of National German- American Alliance and German Societies of Pennsylvania, under command of Col. Albert H. Ladner. Leave Ger- mantown and Erie Avenues, march north. 1 A. M. — First and Second Divisions meet the Third Division at German- town Avenue and Berkley Street, and act as escort on Ger- mantown Avenue to Upsal Street, where parade will be dismissed. 10.45 A. M. — Celebration in Vernon Park. PROGRAMME 1. Selection ......... Orchestra 2. Grand Chorus — "Der Tag des Herm" .... Kreutzer The United Singers of Philadelphia — Herman Kumme, Leader Opening Address by the Chairman of Committee on Oration Henry Schwemmer 3. German Oi^ATION . . • > • • Rev. George Von Bosse 4. Unveiling of the Corner-stone for the Pastorius Monu- ment, by Dr. C. J. Hexamer and presentation to the City. Accept- ance for the City by His Honor, Mayor Reyburn. , , 5. Presentation of the German Sunday-school Childre?>i and Churches of a Donation to the Pastorius Monument Fund, by Lydia Von Bosse 6. Children's Chorus — "Unser Vaterland" . . • /• Stumpf Specially composed for the occasion. Sung by the Chilrden's Choruses of the various German Sunday-schools of Philadel- phia. J. Stumpf, Leader 7. English Oration . . Hon. A. J. Barchfeld, Member of Congress 8. Grand Chorus — "Dankgebet" ..... Kremser The United Singers of Philadelphia 9. "America" . . . ... . . Sung by all present The Entertainment Committee tia's* 'provided a stand at the lower Ger- mantown Avenue entrance to Vernon Park, where information will be fur- nished, in the form of leaflets, giving principal historical buildings in German- town. 2 This will be Headquarters for Guides, who have volunteered to escort visitors to places of interest. This Committee has secured permits for the use of Town Hall, also Assembly Room, basement and toilets of Library in Vernon Park, for visit- ing children. At the following locations barrels of ice water will be placed: Frederick Appleton, 5 1 02 Germantown Avenue, which is Manheirh St. H. W. Brandau, 5322 Germantown Avenue, at Penn Street. Staton Brothers, 5042 Germantown Avenue, near Coulter Street. John W. Thackara, 5508 Germantown Avenue, above School Lane. Charles J. Schaefer, Main Street and Chelten Avenue, who will take care of two barrels. E. Glaser, 5 72 1 Germantown Avenue, opposite Vernon Park, who will take care of one barrel. Marshall T. Farra, 5727 Main Street, opposite Vernon Park, who will take care of two barrels. John McNeill, 5839 and 5861 GermantowTi Avenue, who will take Care of one or more barrels, as rhay be required. Louis H. Quay, 6344 Germantown Avenue, one barrel, Louis Roop, Foreman Engine Co. No. 9, at Main Street and Carpen- ter*s Lane, who will take care of the supply of water at that point. The Reception Committee has provided for the transportation of spec- ially invited guests and for their entertainment while here. The Committee on Stands arid Decorations erected stands and arch in Park and laid out the Park. HEADQUARTERS FOUNDERS' DAY IN GERMANTOWN Germantown, September 24th, 1908. General Order No. 1 Having accepted the invitation to act as Grand Marshal of the parade in honor of Founders' Day in Germantown, to be held Tuesday, October 6, 1908, I hereby assun^ie command. JAMES B. CORYELL. 3 1. — The following appointment is hereby announced to be Chief of Staff, Captain Robert W. King. He will be obeyed and respected accord- ingly. 2. — The following appointment of Aides on the Staff of the Grand Marshal is hereby announced: . Walter C. Shipley Henry L. Davis, Jr. Jacob C. Bockius Clarence R. Whiteman Robert Heberton Dr. H. H. Doan Capt. Walter E. Torr Walter M. Hook Louis H. Groh Gus. Meyers Paul Gebhardt Joseph Hassemer Chais. A. Spiegel Wm. H. Emhardt. Jr. Capt. Wm. A. Ryan T. Frank Brown James Henry, Jr. Wesley H. Par amor e Lieut. M. Sime, M. D. Howell Brockie Capt. A. Thompson J. Chas. Nice, Jr. Clarence Jacoby B. F. Davison Michael Gold G. Kemp Dr. John A. O'Brien A. E. Beesley Stanley Reeves 3. — ^Aides will appear mounted and will wear dark clothes, high hats and white gloves. They will report to the Chief of Staff on the morning of October 6th, 1908, at 9 o'clock, at Germantown Avenue and Berkley St. 4. — Bands will report to the Chief of Staff at Germantown Avenue and Berkley Street, at 8.45 A. M., for assignment. 5. — The parade will consist of Three Divisions, and will report in their respective places in line, as follows: Organizations parading individual floats, the same will appear in Hne with their respective organizations. FIRST DIVISION Captain WiUiam T. Broadhead, Marshal First Section — Form on south side of Apsley Street, right resting on German- town Avenue, in the following order: Band Grand Army of the Republic Sons of Veterans American Veterans of Foreign Service Foresters of America Second Section — Form on south side of Apsley, right resting on Greene St. Band Improved Order of Red Men Boys' Brigade Loyal Orange Institution. Junior Order of United American Mechanics Third Section — Form on south side of Louden Street, right resting on Ger- mantown Avenue Band Artisans' Order of Mutual Protection Knights of Pythias Shepherds of Bethlehem 4 Daughters of Liberty Fourih Section — Form on south side of Rockland Avenue, right resting on Germantown Avenue Band Knights of the Golden Eagle St. Vincent's T. A. B. Society Ancient Order of Hibernians Patriotic Order Sons of America SECOND DIVISION Lieutenant Frank J. Palmer, Marshal Form on Logan Street, right resting on Germantown Avenue Band Historical Floats 1. Indians 2. Pastorius and followers 3. Representing Pastorius and the Thirteen Original Families of Crefelders 4. Hermits of the Wissahickon 5. Religious Liberty 6. Oldest Fire Engine in Germantown and the Oldest Fireman Spirit of "76" 8. Lydia Darrach Continental Soldiers under General Wayne 9. American Artillery. Battle of Germantown 10. Gilbert Stuart in his Studio 11. Ye Olde Academic 12. Washington and his Cabinet 13. Lafayette on his way to Dinner at Chew's 14. Wister Party 15. Consolidation of Germantown with Philadelphia 5 THIRD DIVISION 6. — The First and Second Divisions will act as escort to the Third Division, which will be composed of the National German-American Alliance and the German Societies of Pennsylvania, under command of Col. Albert H. Ladner, Chief Marshal He will organize and move his Division from Germantown and Erie Avenues not later than 9.15 A. M., to joi nthe main body at Germantown Avenue and Berkley Street, at 10 A. M. 7. — The line of march will be north on Germantown Avenue to Upsal Street, where parade will be dismissed. By order of COL. JAMES B. CORYELL, Grand Marshal. Robert W. King, Chief of Staff. HEADQUARTERS FRATERNAL SOCIETIES DIVISION FOUNDERS' DAY PARADE Special Order No. 2 The following appointments are hereby made: Lieut. A. R. Lockhart, Chief of Staff Marshal's Aides — H. G. Hanline, John Madden, J. B. Hammer, Joseph Paramore, F. L. Schnell, Harry Keenan, J. Jos. Katz, WiUiam Connell, Clarence Wentz, Herbert Currier, F. H. Rinker, W. L. Righter, George P. Smedley. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. Division Headquarters will be established at Germantown Avenue and Apsley Street, on October 6th, at 8.45 A. M. Aides will report to Chief of Staff for duty. Commandants of all organizations participating will report with their commands, at Greene and Rockland Streets, not later than 9.15 A. M. Aides will be in waiting to escort them to their positions in line. By order of CAPT. WILLIAM T. BROADHEAD. Marshal First Division. Lieut A. R. Lockhart, Chief of Staff. 6 SPECIAL ORDER SECOND DIVISION I hereby announce the appointment for Chief of Staff, Lieutenant J. Morgan Lister. The following are appointments of Aides on Staff of Marshal of Sec- ond Division: E. A. Mechling Harold Paine E. D. Shellenberger Thomas Craig Carl Weyer Harry Graham By order of FRANK J. PALMER. Marshal Second Division. EMERGENCY STATIONS ALONG THE ROUTE OF PARADE Tuesday, October 6th, 1908, Location. * 1 . Wayne Junction 2. Louden Street *3. Seymour Street Name Shipley' Coal Yard Wakefield Church Fire House 6. *7. 8. 9. *10, 4. 5 1 49 Main Street Salvation Army *5. 5275 Main Street Sief ken's 5424 Main Street Righter's 5623 Main Street Formerly Asher's Vernon Park 1st Presby. Church 5828 Main Street Tow^n Hall Park Tent Patrol 1 T. The Laurens Dr. Smith's, 12 6219 Main Street Fisher's 13. 6378 Main Street Brady's * Indicates Ambulance Station. Trained Nurses are asked to Volunteer their services, DR. I. P. WILLITTS 31 West Walnut Lane. Telephones Gtn. 3412 Gtn. 8893 D Gtn. 3642 Gtn. 1 894 D. Alberts Gtn. 526 D Gtn. 524 A Gtn. 3617 Gtn. 8968 A Gtn. 3662 Gtn. 8909, Froehch's Gtn. 41 Gtn. 2967 Gtn. 626 Gtn. 583 GERMAN COMMITTEE OF GERMANTOWN FOR THE CELEBRATION OF GERMAN DAY J. F. OTTERSTETTER Chairman PAUL LANG Treasurer Finance J. G. Dieterle F. W. Federschmidt Joseph Glaser W. B. Kachel Gregory Marchl Frank Gruher Conrad Reiber J. B. BITTBL Second "V:ce-President RUDOLF TWBER Corresponding Secretary- Reception United Singers Tweer Frank Leinhaiiser Paul Gebhardt GREGORY MARCHL First Vice-President AUGUST RIFFBL Recording Secretary COMMITTEES Reception on Civic and Grand Army Adam Lotz Charles Russ F. Zehender Reception of Turners and Atliletes J. B. Bittel G. Katzenwadel William Grebe ' Max Kuehn Lodges and Societies C. Kuehn J. Hess J. Schoen Scliool Children Eugene Glaser H. Brandau H. Sassa > COMMITTEE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF FOUNDERS' DAY IN GERMANTOWN CHARLES F. JENKINS Chairman WALTER WILLIAMS Treasurer Finance Richard L. Austin, Chairman Wm. W. Justice Wm. H. Haines James H. Ritter Walter E. Rex Jacob S. Disston Morris R. Bockius Wm. H. Emhardt J. B. Scatchard Saml. G. Dennisson Ben j. W. Greer A. W. Vandergrift Canby S. Tyson Wm. T. Murphy E. W. Clark Samuel Y. Heebner D. Geo. Woodward W. H. Shelmerdine W. Fred, Snyder William H. Scott J. R. McAllister Chas. G. Davis John M. Hartman Samuel Mason Edward Mellor Josephus Roberts E^ntertainiuent Jacob J. Seeds, Chairman F. H. Strawbridge -Henry W. Fletcher W. J. Montgomery Frank H. Massey F. Butler Reeves Naaman H. Keyser H. E. Gillingham John McNeill E. Sydney Prichard Francis Heyl George P. Darrow John B. Horner Horace F. McCann Wm. E. Chapman George W. Cliffe C. A. Spiegel Stewart A. Jellett B. B. Lister J. F. Meehan J. H. Closson A. R. Wright . Josiah F. Jones W. H. Foley David M. Fascoe Stands and Decorations Marshall T. Farra, Chairman J. C. Humphreys Harry E. Unruh MAHLON N. KLINE Vice-Chairman WILLIAM H. EMHARDT, JR. Secretary COMMITTEES Reception M. W. James F. W. Kaplan F. C. Goodwin D. Wm. Cherry Wm. N. Topham George D. Porter W. H. Paramore J. P. Fleming Johu B. Spencer A. C. Marple Chester A. Asher Jos. Smalley, Jr. Robert Heberton George Mecke Charles J. Schaefer J. Levering Jones, Chairman F. S. Mcllhenny, Vice-Chairman William Potter J. Willis Martin Bayard Henry F. L. Sheppard S. W. Pennypacker Samuel B. Scott Saml. N. Pastorius Theodore Jus.tice F. S. Mcllhenny Harlan Page J. Levering Jones Max Levy Wm. Rotch Wlster Wm. J. Campbell John P. Morgan Jos. Wayne. Jr. Sydney L. Wright Stanley R. Yarnall William T. Tilden Lewis. W. Wister""-- Bishop N. H. Grubb Wilson H. Brown Jas. Mapes Dodge W. J. Gruhler W. N. Johnson Horace I. Richards William Wunder Walter H. Bonsall Jos. T. Pearson Enoch T. Roberts Edwin C. Jellett ' Parade James B. Coryell, Chairman Sheldon Potter John W. Brooks Benj. Allen,- 3d Oscar W. Wood D. Murray Bohlen John J. Courtney Jacob C. Bockius W. J. Ryan Edward F. Henson Robert W. Staton David S. B. Chew Edward F. Bennis John J. Crout Frank J. Palmei.- John J. Kenney Clarence Jacoby F. Studenmund, Jr. J. Chas. Nice, Jr. James' Pollock Wilson Woods Edgar D. Faries H. K. Mansfield William J. Fling Charles M. Siefken B. F. Davis, Jr. Religious Observance All Clergy in Germantown EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE GERMAN-AMERICAN ALLIANCE OFFICERS DR. C. J. HBXAMER President HERMAN HEYL HANS WENIGER Secretary Treasurer CHAIRMEN ^5F COMMITTEES Designs and Plans of a Memorial Stone —CARL P. BERGER Oration— HENRY SCHWEMMER Police — ALBERT H. LADNER General Invitation and on Official Sou- venir Book — HENRY LIBRZ Quarters and Transportation — J. B. MAYER . . Music — ARNO LEONHARDT Reception — DR. JOSEPH KRAUSKOFP Historical— PROF. DR. MARION D. LEARNED Singers— HENRY DETREUX Turners — ALBERT L. WEISE Medical — DR. VICTOR LESER Press — ADOLPH TIMM Ladies— MRS. ANTONIE EHRLICH Military— OTTO MOSES Hall FRANZ BHRLICH, JR. Decoration and Badges — FRANK SIMA Printing — MAX ZEITLER Finance— M. RICHARDS MUCKLB German Citizens of Germantown — J. F. OTTERSTETTER Tickets and Boxes — E. W. SIEGMANN German Department of the University of Pa. — DR. R. H. RIETHMUELLBR Historical Map of Germantown — DR. NAAMAN H. KEYSER German Churches — REV. G. von BOSSE German Schools — DR. W. A. HAUSS- MANN Invitation of Honorary Guests — JOHN C. OETERS ■ Sites and Relics — CHAS. P. JENKINS Historical Souvenir Book — HORACE F. McCANN New Jersey— WM. A. SANGTINBTTB Legislative— P. A. WILDERMUTH Delaware— CHRISTOPHER BAUER 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 837 1 Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I