\J uu' Hollinger Corp. P H8.5 COMMON SENSE RABBIT RAISING F 453 S73 opy 1 THE ORIGINAL "FASHION PLATE" Winner at the San Francisco World's Fair coprmw Many of Our Belgian Hares are Descendants of this Great Sire (Stahl Strain) A Practical Outline of the Immense Possibilities in Raising Belgian Hares, New Zealand Reds, American Blues and Flemish Giant Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and Other Fur-Bearing Animals For Food and Fur Breeders and Exhibition By EDW. H. STAHL Price Ten Cents Copyrighted 1922 by OUTDOOR ENTERPRISE CO. Kansas City, Missouri THIS BOOK TEACHES COMMON SENSE RABBIT RAISING Part I AMERICA'S LARGEST RABBITRIES Are located at Holmes Park, Mo., a suburb of Kansas City, with building's and equipment to house five hundred breeding does and their progeny. This immense Rabbitry is owned and con- trolled by the Outdoor Enterprise Co., which also controls the out- put of a Rabbitry at Sibley, Mo., ■ with thirty breeding does, an- other one at Topeka, Kas., with one hundred breeding does, and besides this, the company controls fifteen other rabbitries located in and around Kansas City with from six to twenty-five breeding does in each. This gives us the output from around seven hundred breeding does. Besides we are continually buying, importing and replenishing with the best stock purchasable here and in England. All stock of the above Rabbitries is under the personal direc- tion of our Mr. Stahl, who selects the breeding stock. We have been and are now supplying customers with stock raised direct from winners at the largest shows. We receive glowing reports every day from customers who are winning with our stock. It would give us great pleasure for you to visit our rabbitries. We would like personally to show 3^011 this high class stock, the many winners, and the stock raised from them. As it is not possible for all customers to visit us, Mr. Stahl takes a personal interest in all orders received and personally selects all stock shipped out, be- ing undoubtedly one of the best qualified men in the country to know what is best for each customer. He also knows what he has already shipped to most of our customers, who come back with repeats, feeling that he knows many of them as well as if he had met them personally. Nearly ten years of success in the rabbit business is our record. We can well be proud of.it. We are proud of it. We know that our thousands of customers have made possible this successful enterprise. We please them, and they order again and again. THE RABBIT BUSINESS IS A WELL ESTABLISHED INDUSTRY It is well known that the rabbit industry is firmly established. There are very few if any businesses that have attracted the think- ing man and woman as has the rabbit industry in a commercial way, and by the word "commercial'' we mean that it is a profit- able industry that is worthy of your consideration and investment. fiPR-71922 M ■ Rabbit raising is past the experimental stage and is numbered among the essential industries of our country as well as of other lands throughout the world. The meat and fur of the rabbit are in great demand. In fact the demand is far greater than the sup- ply. Breeding stock that is pedigreed commands good prices. Stock without pedigrees while not desirable as breeders, is raised for meat. It does not sell very readily as breeding stock, so when you order stock, by all means insist that it is pedigreed. Rabbits multiply fast and if you start with a trio it will be only a short time until you are able to supply others with stock and the money invested will come back to you. It is a fact that no business on earth will pay any one a bigger interest on the monev invested than will rabbits. A very fine Self-Cleaning Portable Rabbit Hutch with feeding and nesting compartments and outdoor run with Slat Flonr which makes this hutch self- cleaning. Very cheaply built. A box, some wire and short ends of boards are all that is needed. COST TO RAISE IS REMARKABLY LOW That the cost of raising rabbits is small is vouched for by the United States Department of Agriculture in the statement that rabbits can be raised for 6 cents a pound. Reed Storms has raised and judged rabbits for more than twenty-five years. At a meet- ing of the Kansas City Rabbit Club recently he made the state- ment that'he has raised rabbits up to 2 l / 2 months old for 14 cents. He raised Belgian Hares, and as their weight is about 4 pounds at that age you will note that it costs Mr. Storms 3^4 cents a pound to raise his rabbits. Rabbit meat sells readily for 35 to 40 cents a pound dressed, and even in a commercial way the raising of rab- bits is very profitable. __i=_ The profits will of course be larger if you raise stock to sell for breeding. The best way is to breed to sell both to market and for breeding purposes, selecting only the best for breeders, and in this way you will become known as selling only the most desir- able stock as breeders and many will be glad to buy from you. EASILY RAISED Rabbits are easily raised if you go at it the right way with the right kind of stock. For one thing, start with good healthy stock. Give them the care and attention you would other stock and you will be surprised to see how fast they will grow into money. Our customers far and wide say that when you start with STAHL Strain Stock you start right. Remember that .is what many say about our stock and you will say so, too, when you see the big healthy, robust stock that we will send you. You are ambitious. You want to make some money, espe- cially as a side line. Why not try rabbits? You can make a start with very little money, so why not give the raising of rab- bits a trial? You can start small and grow big. We started with only five rabbits. From this small start we have built the biggest rabbit business in the country. You may not duplicate this feat. You can, however, make many a dollar and make it easily and pleasantly. WHAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO SAY ABOUT RABBITS Ned Dearborn, former Assistant Biologist of the Bureau of Biological Survey, in a recent writing has this to say : "In raising rabbits the saving and earning power is illustrated by the follow- ing examples of what is actually being done with rabbits. One man of Kansas City, Kas., raises 300 to 400 pounds of rabbit meat a year for his own table at a cost of eight to ten cents a pound. Another resident of the same city who raised pedigreed and registered stock in his back yard, size 20x24, sold enough rab- bits in eighteen months to clear $2,400.00." The above are just instances from the experience of hundreds of people who are raising rabbits in such manner at a great profit. Men, women, boys and girls are doing it in all parts of America and Canada, some as a side line, others as a regular business. Of course you also want to succeed in something. You want tc make extra money. There is nothing so profitable and easily handled as the rabbit business. The future is yet to be developed and so you can realize the opportunity there is before you. In quoting from this government authority above mentioned we have given you only two instances. There is a bulletin pub- lished by the government which contains hundreds of important things about rabbits. IT'S FREE. Do not fail to write for it at once. Write to the United States Department of Agriculture for Farmer's Bulletin No. 1090. No domestic animal increases so rapidly as the rabbit. A doe is bred the first time when 8 months old. She raises four lit- ters a year with six to eight to a litter, sometimes more. Rabbits are readily sold to hotels, restaurants and to private families. We have the success of our customers at heart and are always Willing to supply market for stock raised from our stock. Many times have we been offered stock by breeders who did not have our stock. Often we are offered stock without pedigrees, for little or nothing. We don't buy such stock. Won't have it in our hutches. We have only the finest pedigreed and registered stock. Nothing is too good for us, and nothing is too good for our cus- tomers. Rabbits sell for breeding stock for from $3.00 to $25.00 each, according to breed and quality. Judge for yourself if this is not one of the most profitable branches of the industry. Lb copyright FLEMISH GIANT BUCK— STAHL'S BLACK SAMBO Winner at Oakland. Cal.. and winner of first at Kansas City, November, 1920. Weight 14% lbs. STUD SERVICE FEE $3.50. 3 OTHER BLACK FLEMISH BUCKS Midnight, Stahl's Black Chiof. Good color and size producers. Stud fee $3.00. ALL. DOES 8 MONTHS AND OVER WILL BE BRED TO THESE BUCKS FREE. $72.00 A YEAR FROM ONE BREEDING DOE Reverting to the birth rate of the rabbit, one doe will produce at least 24 rabbits a year, and even if you sold them at the low L price of $3.00 each it figures that one breeding doe will bring j you $72.00 a year. Now figure what ten breeding does will bring you. You can take care of that number in your spare time. Then [ figure what fifty breeding does will bring you. You can take — 3 — care of thai many if you want to make the breeding of rabbits a regular business. The above is really a very conservative estimate: Many and many times the breeder receives more than $3.00 for a rabbit, so the income is increased accordingly. The profits from raising rabbits for breeding purposes is enor- mous. In this branch of the business you have to keep them a little longer so the most profitable way is to combine the two plans of selling the best for breeders and the others to the market, and you get fine returns from both directions. Never make the mistake of starting with poor stock without pedigrees. To succeed, get the best possible stock, pedigreed or registered, then you will have something to offer to your pros- pective customer. RABBIT MEAT HAS NO EQUAL IN QUALITY ON AN EQUAL INVESTMENT When it comes to the matter of meat production there is not a living animal that can compete with the rabbit. Here are some clear facts : Eight rabbits and their offspring will produce in one year 480 rabbits, making 3,080 pounds of meat. Fifty chickens will produce in one year 600 chickens making 2,400 pounds. Two pigs (sows) wiill produce in one year 32 pigs weighing in all 2,800 pounds. Six sheep will produce in one year 9 lambs weighing 800 pounds. One cow will produce in one year one calf weighing 300 pounds. . So you see that as a meat producer the rabbit has no equal. This, mind you, is taking into consideration the meat pro- duction alone. Consider also that the feeding cost for the rabbits is much less than that, of any of the other stock we have mentioned. And even this is not all. The rabbit meat contains 85 per cent digestive nutriment. This is the highest o write in. There is no line in which you may desire assistance, real business help, to which we will not give per- sonal attention, whenever we know you wish it. REFERENCES As to our financial responsibility, we refer you to the Peoples State Bank, Dodson, Mo. Also Dunn's Mercantile Agency and Bradstreet's Mercantile Agency, who have our rating listed, We further refer you to the Western Baptist Publishing Co., Kansas City ; Mo., American Railway Express Co., Holmes Park, Mo. As to our standing as breeders of high class rabbits, we refer you to any Nationally Known Rabbit and Pet Stock Judge, as well as the presidents and secretaries of all the leading rabbit and small stock associations, to whom we are well known. The fact that our advertisements have been accepted by all the leading publications for more than nine years, publications which guarantee the re- liability of their advertisers, should be further proof as to our responsibility, and that we do give satisfaction in all cases. MEMBERS — National Breeders' and Fanciers' Association of America, Inc.; National Federation of New Zealand Breeders; National Federation of Flem- ish Giant Breeders; Federation Belgian Breeders of America; National Bel- gian Hare Club of America, and many others. ORDER TODAY FROM Stahl's Outdoor Enterprise Company KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI