§§^ Iliiiii Ir LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. B S53i Chap. Copyright No. Shelf. ML$Zt UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SPIRITUAL MEANINGS OF Biblical Words. By EUGENE B. WEEKS, and CAROLINE S, ALDEN §L 2nd COPY, Chicago! Published by the School of Christ, Masonic Temple, 189 8. 1898. FCOVED- TWO CO! 0,3 q-o>(o Copyrighted, 5898, by Esgtefie S. Weeks. PREPRCE, In placing this little manual b< •• * searchers for the hidden things of Beinu', more especially as shadowed forth in the In- spired writings of the Bible, we have given expression to an impulse for which we have no excuse, and we trust, for Christ's sake, there shall arise no condemnation in any quarter. Our aim has been to lift up into such terms as should to us suggest the act- ive recognition within us of the divine prin- ciples to which the words are self-evidently related. , We make no claim of having reached in every case what might be called interchange- able synonyms, neither have we sought to make this an exhaustive dictionary of Bibli- cal symbology; yet we send forth this little work trusting that many may share with us the joy of unfoldment which it has been to us. While In the main this Is not a compila- tion, yet in some parts it has been, to us r necessarily so, while in defining- a number of words we have seen fit to use the phrase- ology of other writers along these lines. We would also acknowledge valuable as- sistance from Charles G. McKenzie in glean- ing and defining words which had escaped our search. In order to make this appeal to each and all as merely a nucleus for further analysis and unfoldment, we have left ample room for interlineations and marginal additions. Trusting that to many this little book shall prove a helping hand in bringing to life and light the mysteries of the King-dom of God as they have been embalmed in the sacred writings of all ages, we send it forth on its mission with a motherly God speed. EUGENE B. WEEKS, CAiROLINE S. ALDOEIN, Directors School of Christ, Chicago. A— Affection, from divine love. AARON — Teacher, lofty, woman, mountain of strength, enlightened. AB— Father God. BA— Mother God. ABAD-DON— Destruction, self-offering. ABEL— Charity, breath, watchfulness, first fruit. ABHOR— Utterly swallow up. ABIDE— Stand firm, rest. ABIGAIL— My father's joy. ABOMINATION— Idolatry. ABOVE— Within, inmost. ABRAHAM— Father of a multitude, fidelity, ABRAM— Knowlege of good. ABROAD — Heaven and earth, all of man, visible and invisible. ACCEPT— Beloved, grace, favor, ACCUSER— The dragon. A C HO R— Trouble. ACKNOWLEDGMENT— True worship. ACTION— Effect of love. ACTIVITIES— Changes or variations of form. ADAM— Edom, man, red earth. ADAMANT— Hardness of heart, boldness. ADD— To destroy, pervert. ADDER— Evil in general, malice, venom. ADONIJAH— Perfected man, the strength and power of the two in one. ADORE— Acknowledge, believe. ADORN— Radiation of love. ADOPTION— Receiving the kingdom of God. ADVENT— Presence of the Lord, the King- dom of Heaven already come in man, the word made flesh, birth, spiritual and natural. ADVERSARY— The devil. ADVOCATE— Illumined reason. ADULTERY— Attempt to unite truth with error, to corrupt the Word of God, to falsify the truth of man with opinions of the world. AFAR— Slight unfoldment. AFFECTION— Love of the truth and forti- tude to stand by it. AFFLICTION— Travail of soul. AFORE— Prior. AFRAID— Unbelief. AFTER— Obey or follow. AGATE— Love of good. AGE— Complete state; old age, wisdom. AGONY— Compelling power of love. AGRICULTURE— Soul unfolding. AGRIPPA— Herod. AHAZ — Possessor. AI OR HAI— Knowledge of worldly things. AID OR HELP— Mercy. AIR— Faith. ALABASTER— (Onyx) resembling marble. ALAS— Woe (highest lamentation). ALIEN— False belief. ALIVE— That which possesses life, love and truth. ALLEGORY— Symbolical discourse. ALLELUIA— Praise Jehovah. ALLURE— Prove truth through subtle means. ALMIGHTY— All power, Infinity, able to do all things, Omnipotence. ALMOND — Interior principle. ALMS— Exercise of love and justice. ALOES— External preservation. ALONE— Only, all, one. ALPHA— Being, self-existent, love, com- plete. ALPHEUS— Chief, a thousand. ALTAR— Sanctuary of refuge, Christ. AM — Essence, love. AMALEK— A people that lick up or take away all. AMASA— People that forgive. AMAZED— Signifies acknowledgment. A MAZIAH— Perverted church. AMBASSADOR— Messenger. AMEN— Equals "Auru," the mystic name for Christ. AMETHYST— Spiritual love of good (Ex. 33: 19). AMMONITE— Belief in physical causation, materialism. AMORITE— Evil in general. AMOS— Burden, weighty. AMPHITHEATER— Where dragons held their diversions. ANANIAS— Cloud of the Lord. ANATHEMA— Outlaw. ANCHOR— Sure hold-fast. ANCIENT— Everlasting. ANDREW— Man, strong, stout. ANGEL— Man made, messenger. ANGER— Fear. ANGLER— Concentration. ANIMAL— Natural mind. ANKLE— Sensual or natural. ANNA — Grace, favor, giver. ANOINT— Divinely appoint. ANSWER — Determination, response, unfold- nient. Inspiration, perception. ANT — Industry, providence. ANTELOPE— Swift-footed. ANTICHRIST— Adversary to Christ. ANTIOCH— Speed, as chariot. ANTIPAS— Confessor of truth. ANXIETIES— Temptations. APART— Separate to oneness. APE — Imitator, imager. APOSTLE— Teacher, minister sent from Christ. APOLLOS— One who destroys. APPAREL— Mental vestment. APPEARANCE— Presence of. APPLAUSE— Worship, deification. APPLE— Seed of God. joy of- the heart. APPOINT— Fixed by God. APPREHEND— To seize. APPROACH— Draw near. APPROVED— Demonstrated. AQUILA— Eagle. AR — Awaking, uncovering. ARABIA— Evening, wild desert. ARAM— Magnificence. "' " "■" -n AR-AR-AT— Holy ground. ARCHANGEL— Chief angel. ARCTURUS— An ark. "ARE"— To be of great value and esteem among men. (1 Cor. 1: 28; Heb. 4: 15; Rev. 1: 19.) AREOPAGUS— Hill of Mars. ARETAS— One that pleases. ARIEL— Lion, hearth of God. ARIMATHEA— The heights. ARIOCH— Lion-like. ARISE— Go to the Source. ARISTARCHUS-Good chief. ARM — Infinite power. ARMAGEDDON— Mountain of Destruction. ARMOUR— Weapon of defense. ARMY— Executor of peace. ARK OP THE COVENANT— Christ, safety, man in God. ARRAY— Put on apparel. ARRAYED— Instructed in truth. ARROW— Judgment. ART— Attraction, fascination, serpent. ARTAXERXES— Great warrior, silence of light. ARTEMAS— Whole. ASA— Healer. ASCEND— Go to Source. ASER— Eternal beatitude. ASHAMED— In rags of indolence, father- less. ASHES— Frailty, humiliation. ASHNER— Happiness. ASHORE— Established, manifest. ASHUR— Rational faculty, hope and faith. ASIA— Those in the light of truth. ASK — To realize, pray, communicate, recog- nize substance. ASLEEP— Resting in substance or faith. ASPS— Falsehood that stings to death, sen- tence pronounced upon man from the standpoint of error. ASS — Natural man. ASSEMBLE— To arrange in order. ASSEMBLY— Presence of the Lord. ASSURANCE— Certainty. ASTONISHMENT— Want of perception. ASTROLOGER— Operation through hope or fear. AT HAND— Nearness of state. ATOM— Eternal substance. ATMOSPHERE— Receptacle of heat and light, sphere of mind. AT-ONE-MENT— Reception of the Lord, union of God and man, also union of soul and body, through life made visible, which is blood shed, the outflowing life of the Father into man the son. ATTRACTION— All love. AUTHORITY— Power derived from faith. AURORA— Day dawn. AVARICE— Self-love. AVENGE— Extinction or destruction. AWAKE — To rouse up, raise from the dead. AWL— Affixion. AXE— Vengeance or judgment of God. AXIS— Kingdom of heaven in the midst. AZAL — Separation, liberation. AZARIAH— Whom the Lord hears. AZURE— Love of good. B B— House, or thought. BAAL— Self-love, love of the world. BAALIM— Opinions of the world, Lords many. BABE— First-born of God. BABEL, OR BABYLON— Superstition, con- fusion, profanation of good, kingdom di- vided against itself. BACK— Toward Source, again. BAGS— Receptivity. BAKE— The truth of doctrine. BALAAM— Stranger, foreigner, lord of the people. BALANCE— Estimation of good and truth. BALM— Sufficient remedy. BALDNESS— Without proof or demonstra- tion, weak, mean. BANDS— That which draws or engages a person. BANNER— Standard, ensign. BAPTISM— Purification by spirit, satura- ted with truth, Divine initiation. BARABBAS— Son of shame, confusion. BARACHIAS— Who blesses God. BARBARIAN— Unregenerate man, idol wor- shiper. BAR-JESUS— Son of Jesus. BAR-JO NAH-iSon of a dove. BARK— Ultimate of the stem. BARLEY— Natural good. BARN OR GRANARY— Heaven. (Matt. 13.) BARNABAS— Son of exhortation. BARREN— Denial of being life, truth and love. BARSABAS— Son of rest. BARTHOLOMEW— Son that suspends the waters. BARTIMEUS— Son of the honorable. BASE— Foundation. BASHAN— Sandy soil. BASIX— That which holds truth. BASKETS— Vessels to contain meat, states of the will. BATHE— Cleanse with truth. BATS— Those infatuated with lusts. BATTLE— Dissension. BAY TREE— Prosperity. BDELLIUM, AND THE ONYX STONE— Truth. BEAR — To carry, bring forth, endure, ac- knowledge. BEAR— Power from the natural sense of life, or man. BEARD— The ultimate of the principle. BECOME — Enter into recognition, unfold. BED— State of rest. BEAST— What is alive, living one. BEAST— Anti-Christ. (Rev. 13:2.) BEASTS— Kingdom of God (the four beasts.) BEATITUDE— Being in God. ' BEAUTY— Joy of wholeness. BEDCHAMBER— Interior of man. BE— The Lord's presence. BEE— Reasoning from the principle by the natural man. BEELZEBUB— Dung-god, the god of false- hood. BEFORE -First in dignity. BEGINNING— From be and gynnan, which means to divide, or cut, or split. BEGOTTEN— Gotten of being in God. BEGUILE— Led by affections of the flesh. BEHEMOTH— Elephant, the natural man. BEHIND— Within, above. BEHOLD— Perception. BEING— Eternal life. BEING — (Esse) prior to form is substance. BELIAL— Evil or unprofitable spirit. BELIEF— Confidence. BELIEVE— "Let be/' firm, constant, unfal- tering. BELLS— Sound of truth. BELLY— Womb, interior, understanding. BELOVED— The Lord. BELTSHAZZAR— Divided kingdom. BENEATH— External, manifestation, BENEDICTION— Acknowledgment. BENJAMIN— Innocence of the natural man. BENONI— Son of my grief. BERNICE— One that brings victory. BESIDE— Opposite, reflex. BETHANY— House of song. BETHEL— House of God. BETHESDA— House of mercy. BETHLEHEM— House of bread. BETHPHAGE— Place of figs. BETHSAIDA— House of fruits. BETRAY— Disclose inner nature or char- acter. BEYOND— Boundless, infinite. BILLOWS— Waves of great trial and over- whelming perplexity, doubt and fear. BIRD— External activity. BIRTH— Coming forth. BITTER— Corresponds to falsehood. BLACK— In the letter, not in the spirit* BLAMELESS— Holy, pure. BLASPHEMY— Denial of the Lord, BLESS— Worship of God. B L ESS ED—I minor ta L. BLIND— Ignorance of truth. BLOOD— Holy principle of the body, BLOSSOM— Receptivity. BLUE— Faith. BOANERGES— Highest truths. BODY— Man (homo). BONDAGE— State of being, bound by fear or affection. BONES— Corresponds to substance. BONNET— Head-covering, intelligence. BOOK OF LIFE— Record in heaven of man, I am. BORDER, OR HEM— External or ultimate of principle. BORE— Obedience, BORN OP GOD— Principled in lore. BOSOM, OR BREAST— Spiritual love. BOTTLE— The mind of man. BOTTOM— Principle, basis. BOUGHS— The good of truth. BOUGHT— Called of God. BOW— To humble, to rejoice, victory. "BOW IN THE CLOUD"— Regeneration. BOWELS— Essential love. BOX TREE— Understanding of good and truth. BOZRAH— Vintage, Edom, Adam, truth. BRAIN — Corresponds to mental receptivity. BRAMBLE— Spurious good. BRANCH— Affection of love. ERAND— Sign of possession, regenerate body. BRASS— Immovability, hardness. BRAZEN SERPENT— Divine humanity of the Lord. BREACH— Separation, false doctrine. BREAD— The Lord himself. BREADTH— The truth of the church, BREAK— Annihilate. BREASTPLATE— Divine truth. BREATH— God's powerful word. BRETHREN— Affection of truth, life, and love. BRICK— False or artificial. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM— Purity and innocence, perfected man in God, spirit- ual understanding. BRIDE-CHAMBER— Illumined mentality. BRIDLE— Moral restraint. BRIERS AND THORNS— False beliefs and BRIMSTONE— Filthy lusts, opinions of men. BRING— The presence of. BROIDERED WORK— Genuine application of truth. BROKEN— Doctrine of separation in all its aspects. BROOK— Tributary to truth. BROW— Intellectual proceeding. BRUISE— Chastise, correct, BUCKLER— Defense. BUD— First sign of re-birth. BUILD— To raise up, to instruct- BULLS— Fierce enemies. BULWARKS— Truths. .BURDEN— The word. BURIAL— Submerged in spirit, immortality brought to life. BURNT OFFERING— Love offering, obe- dience. BURY— Return to bosom of mother, resolve into principle. BUSH— Self-evident truth. BUSINESS— Activities of spiritual life. BUTTER AND HONEY— The Lord's delight in conscious being. BUTTERFLIES— Confirmation of unfold- ment. BUY— Procure, redemption. CAIN— Faith without love. CAESAR— King of mortal beliefs. CAKE— Good which nourishes. CALAMITY— Blighted fruitage. CALEB— A basket. CALF— Affection of knowing truth. CALLED— Chosen of God. CALM — Poise, living repose. CALVARY— Place of skulls, intellectuality. CAME — The beginning. CAMEL — Scientific knowledge. CAMELS' HAIR— The ultimate of scientific knowledge. CAMP — Orderly unfoldment. CANA OF GALILEE— Mental activities, zeal of the individual. CANAAN— He that subdues. CANDLE — Divine favor, grace. CANDLESTICK— New creature. CAPERNAUM— Repentance, comfort. CHILD— Visible word, word made flesh, manifest Father-Mother God in ma- turity. CHILDREN OF ISRAEL— Seed of God. rep* resentations of substance, offspring of Father-Mother. CHOOSE— Appoint, act of God, ordain, CHGRAZIN— St cret, mystery. CHRIST— Son of God, annointed one. CHRISTIAN— One who embodies God's idea of man. CHURCH— Assembly, structure of truth and love. CIRCLE— Heaven. CIRCUMCISION— Purity. CISTERN— Natural mind. CITIZEN — State in consciousness, problem of life. CITY— Seat of power. CLAY— Adam, plastic nature. CLEAN — Free from sin. CLIMATE— Change of state. CLOAK— Exterior truth. CLOSET— Bosom of the Father, secret place of the most high. CLOTHE— Instruct iu truth. CLOUDS— Veiled glory, majesty. COALS— Burning love. COAST— Idea of being. COAT— Interior truth. COCKATRICE— Evil imagery. COCK-CROWING— Twilight, morning. COLxJ— No love. COLOR— Character. COMB — Logic, reason. CO'ME — Draw nigh, arise, execute judg- ment. C M FORTE R— Divine truth. COMMANDMENT— Word of God. COMMON— Natural, unproven. COMMUNION— Concord, fellowship, agree- ment, atonement. COMPASSION— Love, mercy. COMPANY— Assembly. COMPEL— Action of love. CONCEIVE— Bear, bring forth, acknowl- edgment. CONCEPTION— First reception of truth. CONCUBINAGE— Apart from the wife. CONDEMNATION— Judgment less than per- fection and wholeness. CONFESS THE LORD— To be as he is. CONFIDENCE— Security, certainty by faith. CONFIRM— To prove, strengthen. CONFOUND— Baffle, confute. CONQUER— Overcome, rise above. CONSCIENCE— Secret judgment. CONSCIOUSNESS— Being revealed to See- ing, the house, the temple, the arena of universal operations and government. CONSECRATE— Set apart. CONSIDER— Study, resolve, determine. CONSOLATION— Inward peace and comfort. CONSUMING— All-absorbing. CONTEND— Strive. CONTINUAL— All in all. CONVERSION— Turned toward the truth. CONVICTION— Faith, self-evidence. CO-OPERATE— Work with God. COPPER— Natural good. CORDS— Conjunction of God and man. CORINTH— Ornament, beauty. CORN— Reception and increase, cheerful- ness. CORNER-STONE— The princ.'pal stone (chief element), I am. CORNELIUS— Of the sun. CORNET— Trumpet. CORRESPONDENCE— The invisible appear- ing in the visible. CORRUPT— Destitute. CORRUPTIBLE— Without substance. COUNCIL— Meeting of the three in one. COUNSEL— Advice, will, design. COUNTENANCE— Presence, love and glory. COUNTRY— State of being. COURAGE— Fortitude, faith. COURT— External of the word. COVENANT — Agreement, marriage, atone- ment. COVER— Overshadow. COVET— Want that which you have not. COW — Natural principle. CREATION— Work of Creator. CREATOR— Self-existent life, truth, love, Son in the bosom of the Father, the Lord. CRIMSON— Spiritual good. CRIPPLE— Of feeble understanding. CROCODILE— Guileful, deceitful. CROSS— Blending of God and man, true lift- ing up from the earth. CROW, OR RAVEN— Thick darkness from false beliefs. CROWN— Victory through embodying life. CRUCIFY— Deny, blaspheme, condemn, curse. CRY— Extending the voice by intense heart- break. CRYSTAL— Divine truth. CUBIT— Quality. CUrUMUE'R— The lowest natural, or sen- sual. CUNNING— Crafty. CUP— Measure, the truth of faith. CURE— Restoration to spiritual life, p3rfes!t wholeness. CURSE— Condemn. CURTAINS— Truths proceeding from God. CUT— Separate, divide. CUT WOOD— To believe in doing before be- ing. CYMBAL— Joy of heart. CYPRUS— Fair. CYRUS — Sun, splendor. D DAGGER— False doctrine. DAG ON— Fish, swimmer. DAILY— Perpetual. DAMARIS— Maiden. DAMASCUS— Industry, busy place. DAMNATION— Self-destructioa, DAMSEL— That which imbibes truth. DAN— Judge, one belief chasing another. DANCES— Pleasantness, joy. DANIEL— God's judge. DARIUS— Preserver. DARKNESS— Ignorance, unbelief, hatred, sin. DARTS— Sudden temptations. DATES— Good of faith. DAUGHTER— Divine idea and its affection. DAYID— Dear, beloved. DAWN— Birth or coming forth. DAY— Light, judgment, irradiance of life. DAY-SPRING— Christ, the Lord. DEAF — Not in understanding of truth. DEAL— Operate with. DEARLY BELOYED— Blessed. DEATH— True lifting up from the earth. DEBASED— Disreputable among men. DEBORAH— Word. DEBT— Conjunction, charity between man and man. DECALOGUE— The law" . DECAPOLIS— Ten cities. DECEIT— Falsehood, good and evil. DECLARE — Flow in, make known, DECLINE— Disappear, refuse. DECORATE— Ornament. DECORUM— Good form. DECREE— Act of judgment, DEDICATE— Set apart. DEED— Effect of thought. DEEP— Inmost. DEER— Affection for truth. DEFENSE— Salvation, protection. DEFILE— Adulterate. DEFY— Stand on principle. DEGREES— Unfoldment in truth. DELIGHT— Satisfaction. DELIVER— Set free. DELUGE— Truth destroying falsehood. DEMON— Perverted judgment. DEMONSTRATION— Unfoldment. proof. DEN — Habitation, dark dwelling place- DEXARIUS-Penny, DENY— Shut out, fail to embody. . DEPART— Recede. DESCEND— Unfold, come forth. DESERT— Secret chambers. DESIRE— Seek of truth. DESOLATE— Separated in belief from God. DESPAIR— Restrained desire. DESPISE— Spurn, turn away from. DESTROY— Devastate, demolish. DETERMINE— Appoint, fix, set. DEVICE— Plan, scheme. DEVIL— Self-love, personal belief of evil. DEVOUR— Read and embody. DEW— Divine blessing. DIADEM— Crown, ornament for the head. DIAMOND— Truth, spiritual light. DIANA— Perfect, luminous. DIBON— Understanding. DID— Worked out, performed. DIDYMUS— A twin. DIG— Discover, or uncover. DIE— Giving up and going away from the false belief of life, true lifting up from the earth. DILIGENT— Watchful, concentrated. DINNER— Feast of love, life, truth, com- munion. DIP— Defile, mix or adulterate. DISCIPLE— True worshiper, instructed by the Lord. DISCORD— Opposition, chaos. DISCOVER— Reveal, uncover. DISEASE— Want, unrest. DISH— Cup, measure. DISHONOR — Immaterial, unworthy of praise. DISMAY— Fear, uncertainty. DISMOUNT— Return to common-place or animal plane. DISOBEDIENT— Refractory, stubborn. DISTANT— Remote, dissimilar in some de- gree. DITCH— False opinion or doctrine. DIVERSITY— Infinite things in God-man, DIVES— Jews, self-love. DIVIDED— Unholy, destroyed. DIVINATION— Witchcraft. DIVINE— Of God and his idea. DIVISIONS— Searchings, trying the heart and reins. DIVORCE— Putting away, DO— Action of mind. DOCTOR— Teacher of truth, doer of the Word. DOG— Contempt, impurity, ungodly person. DOMINION— Rule, authority. DONE — Finished, consummated. DOOR— Communion, entrance, truth, the: Lord. DOORPOSTS— Uprightness of the Lord. DOUBLE — Fulfill, externalize or make man- ifest, DOUBT— Uncertainty. DOVE — Holy Spirit, purity, man as he is in God, DOWN- Out, revealed. DRAGON— Cruelty, false teacher. DRAW— Make as one.. DREAD— Reverence. DREAM— Ideal, image. DRINK— Appropriate, solve in truth, make clear. DRIVE— Force by self-evidence. DROMEDARY— Knowledge of truth. DROPS— Divine intelligence. DROSS— The worthless element. DROUGHT— Deprive of truth. DRUNKENNESS— Infatuation. DRY GROUND— Love extinguished. DUMB — Cannot confess the Lord or truth of being. DUNG— Utter contempt. DUNGEON— Dark pit or den, prison. DUST— Humility. DWELL— To possess, inhabit, to be in the presence of. £ — Means love, the Lord. EAGLE — Power, strength of principle, EARLY— Quickly, clearly. EARNEST— Fruit of the spirit, assurance, EARRINGS— Obedience to truth. EARS— Understanding, perception. EARTH— Mother, man, formed word, com- pound idea, EARTHQUAKE— Change of state, EASE— Rest, heaven. EAST— Jehovah himself, day dawn. EAST WIND— Destruction of error, disper- sion of falsehood. EAT — Communion, conjunction, appropria- tion, EBAL— Unfruitful, EBENEZER— Stone of help. EBER— Passer over. ECCLESIASTES— Preacher. EDGE— Cutting point, mouth, separation. EDEX— Edom, man including woman, bless- edness, immortality. EDIFY— To please or instruct in truth. EDOM— The word made flesh, truth of the natural man. EFFECT— Result, fruit, body. EGG— Type of resurrection, age of infancy. EGLAIM— Drops of the sea. EGYPT— Woman, mother, earth, darkness EGYPTIAN— Natural science, servant. EIGHT— Transfiguration, fullness, regenera- tion, beginning of a new state. EIGHTEEN THOUSAND— Uncompromising truth. EL— God in will and act. ELAM- Eternity. EL-BETHEL— Resting in truth. ELDERS— Traditions of the fathers. ELDERS— (Twenty-four; Rev. 4: 4)— Spirit- ual unfoldment, knowledge of truth. ELEAZAR— God my helper, court of God. ELECT— Set apart, appointed of God. ELEMENTS— Divine characteristics, food of the mind. ELEPHANT— Natural man. ELEVEN— State of reception. ELI— My God, lifting up. lofty. ELIAB— Father of the father, God of the father. ELIAKIM— God raises. ELIAS— Self-evidence, true prophecy. ELIHU— God is he. ELIM— Trees, rest. ELIJAH— Strong God. ELIZABETH— The oath of God. ELM— (Same as oak)— Strength. ELOHIM— Truths in conjunction, plural of El. ELOQUENCE— Joy of mind. ELY MAS— Corrupter. EMBALM— Sanctify in truth. EMBASSADOR— Sent of the Lord. EMBODY— Invest with form. EMBRACE— Embody with love. fftrBKOIDER— Interweavmg'S of truth En man. EMERALDS— Knowledge of good, appear- ance of the Divine. EMERODS— Self-love. EMMAXEUL- God with lis. (Emma means with, nu means ns; El means God.) EMMAt'S- Hot springs. EMPTY— Nothing, void. ENCAMP— Arrange in divine order. ENCHANTMENT— Magical charm. ENCOMPASS— Protection of God, limitation of men, ENCOURAGED— Strengthened, uplifted. END— Result, effect, word made form or flesh. ENDURANCE— Faith. ENEAS— Praise. ENEMIES— Worldly belief and opinion, tra- ditions of men. ENGEDI— Fountain of truth. ENGLAIM— Love of truth. ENGRAVER— Finger of God. ENJOY— Being alive in truth. ENLIGHTENED— Illumined. ENMITY— Opposed to good. E-NOCH— Dedicated, initiated. ENOS— Mortal man. ENOUGH— All in all. ENQUIRE— Ask, pray, desire, realize by faith. ENSIGN— Son of man. ENTER — Living at-onement, communica- tion. ENTERTAIN— Consider without prejudice. ENTICE— Tempt, allure with appearances. ENTRANCE— I am the door. ENTREAT— Drawing power of love. ENVY— Work of darkness or ignorance. EPHAH— Much, quality of reception. EPHESUS— Defense. EPHOD— Perfect external, garment of right- eousness. EPHRAIM— Double fruitf alness, twiu-land. EPHRATAH— Fruitful. EPISTLE— Written word, EQUAL— One, all, whole. EQUIP— Make complete. E ( : UITY— J ustice, judgment. ER — Man in the original; also means, to kill or beat. ERASTUS— Amiable, lovely. ERE— Before. EKROR— Adverse. ESAU— Hairy, doing without knowledge of being. ESCAPE— Liberation, become free. ESCHOL— Bunch of grapes. ESSE— Being, source. ESSENCE— One, unadulterated. ESTABLISHED— Set up, fixed. ESTATE— Inheritance, eternal life. ESTEEM— Value, recognize, love. ESTHER— Hidden sweets. ETERNAL— Everlasting, age-lasting, with- out beginning or end, endless, ceaseless. ETHAN— Strong. ETHIOPIA— Burning. EUNICE— Victory. EUNUCH— One who guards truth, servant of truth. "EUPHRATES— That which makes fruitful, the true idea of God in man. EUROCLYDON— Northeast wind, EUTYCHUS— Fortunate. EVE— Life at-one with love, the mother ot all living, the be-ginning, EVEN, EVENING— Blending, uniting, har- monizing. EVER— At all times. EVERYONE- All. EVIDENCE— Basis of belief or judgment. EVIL— Result of judging by appearances only. EWE-LAMB— Holiness of innocence. EXACT — Correct, accurate, perfect. EXAMINE— Repent, test by law, tried by fire. EXALT— Worship, extol. EXAMPLE— Model, out-picture of idea. EXCEEDING— Passing beyond. EXCELLENCY— State of perfection. EXCEPT— Unless. EXCHANGE— Instead, in place of. EXCLUDE— Leave out. EXCUSE— Apology, acknowledgment of oth- er gods. EXECUTE— Work out, perform. EXERCISE— To practice, to use, to keep employed. EXHORT— Entice by word, or stimulate to execution. EXILE— Banished from the soul as offen- sive. EXISTENCE— Life-action related to life. EXODUS— Going to the Father, proceeding forth in soul unfoldment, seed going to seed. EXPECTATION— Looking to that which is. EXPEDIENT— Profitable, necessary. EXPEDIENCE—: Result of knowledge, ef- fect of- being. EXPERT— Skillful, disciplined, adroit. Explore— To unfold, EXPOSE— Lay open, uncover. EXPOUND— Set forth, explain, EXPRESS— Declare, make known, EXTEND— Bring forth into action. EXTERNAL— Exists from and has body from the internal, EXTINGUISH— Quench, being at an end* EXTOL— Praise. EYE— Perception, knowledge. EYELIDS— Truth is its own protection, EYE SERVANTS— Living witnesses, EZEKIEL— Strength of God. EZIONGEBER— Giant's backbone, EZRA— Help. F F— Means "Let there be," perfected man. FABLE— Instructive story to enforce truth. 1?ACE— Visible presence, corresponds to mercy, peace; eyes understanding, nose perception, ears obedience, mouth desire for wisdo-in, forehead the good of love, and intellectual things of men, chin will, right cheek affection, left cheek under- standing, FACULTY— Power of mind, dual as will and understanding. FADE— Vanish, FAIL— Not to be, deficient. FAINT — To be without substance, or with*- out life or faith, FAIR— Wise. FAITH— Self-evidence, confidence, knowl- edge, substance, Father Almighty. FALL— Deception^, falsehood. FALLACY— Opinions, theories, speculations. FALLOW-GROUND— Good and honest heart. FALSE— Untrue, counterfeit. FAME— Renown, vanity. FAMILY— Father-in other-cnildv FAMINE— Rejection of life. FAX— Separation of falsehood from truth. FAR— Apart, separated from, a great degree removed. FARE— To feed, satisfaction and delight in truth, state of being. FARTHIXG— (To pay the uttermost), is to "be punished to the fullest extent. FASHION— Custom, to form or make. FASTING— Abstaining from falsehood. FAT— Highest principle, goodness, father. FATE— Destiny, predetermined end seen from beginning. FATHER— Father-Mother, Source, the Be- getter, substance. FATLINGS— Delights of affection. FATNESS— Perpetual fountain of love, life, truth. FAULT— Missing the mark, blemish, puz- zled. FAVOR— Grace, love. FEAST— Worship of the Lord. FEAR— Reverence, veneration, love, dread, to regard in consciousness. FEATHERS— Spiritual good, honor. FEEBLE— Lack of life and truth. FEED— To teach. FEEL— The affection of realized good. FEELING— Perception externalized. FEET— Natural principle, understanding, foundation. FELIX— Happy. FELLOW— Companion, an equal, one of a pair. FEMALE— Double of male. FERMENT— Leaven, that which raises or lifts. FERVENT— Ardor of divine love. FESTUS— Joyful. FEVER— Shuddering, agitation. FEW— Two or three, one, I and my Father. FIAT— Decree, command. FIDELITY — Veracity, firm, adherence> faith. FIELD— Doctrine, the world, the church. FIERY— Born of divine love, fierce, zealous. FIFTY— Eternal life, the year of jubilee, liberty to captives. FIG TREE— Woman: fruit of the fig tree, type of the word demonstrated. FIG-TREE (BARREN) — Works without faith, exuberance of leaves, doctrines. without substance. (The Jesus in man is always hungry for the fruit of the Spirit, Being before doing.) FIGHT— Unfolding of the soul to itself (same as birth). FILL— Being all in all, being eternal life, FILTHY— Self-loves. FIND— Discover, to enjoy, determine, to be. FINGER OF GOD— Power terminating in the ultimate. FINE— Clear, pure, perfect. FINISHED— At-one with the Father. FINITE— External, effect, result, finished, end. FIR TREE— "To a point," that which relates to the Kingdom of God. FIRE— Our God, Love. FIRM— Fixed, set, steadfast. FIRMAMENT— Internal man, wide extent, expanse. FIRST— All. the Lord. FIRST-BEGOTTEN, FIRST-BORN— Truth in act and operation, man, the Lord. FIRST FRUIT— Seed. FISH— Jesns Christ, God in action. FISHER— One who searches out and teaches the truth of man in God. FIT— Suitable, becoming. FIVE— Law of being, the commandment, God said, "Let there be." FIX— State of holy love, rest. FLAGS— Banners, ensigns, statements of truth. FLAME— Effect of fire, beloved one, appear- ance of love. FLATTERERS— Double-minded. FLAX— Spiritual truth, (to make and weave flax signifies to teach). FLEA— Annoying suggestion. FLEE— To escape. FLEECE— Calm radiation of right-minded- ness. FLESH— Divine humanity, the truth of life. FLESH-POTS— Beliefs and opinions, false- hoods, superstitions. FLIES— 111 will, sensuality. FLIGHT— Spiritual unfoldment, FLINT— Truths. FLOCK— Interior truth. FLOOD— Reasonings grounded in principle, truths from truth. FLOOR— That which is laid or spread. FLOUR— Principle of love, the truth of faith. FLOURISH— Multiply, enlarge, unfold. FLOW — Issue, to proceed, glide into. FLOWERS— The rebirth of man. FLY— Omnipresence, foresee, provide. FOAL- -Humility and affection of natural man. FOES— That which opposes principle, the ad- versary. FOLDS— Bosom of the Father, place of se- curity. FOLK— Mental situations, problems. FOLLOW THE LORD— To be as he is, ac- knowledge in all ways. FOLLY— Ignorance, want of knowledge or understanding. FOOD— That which nourishes and sustains both soul and body. FOOL— Self-derived intelligence. FOOT— Fundamental principle. FOOTSTOOL— Visible church. FORCE— Father-Son-Holy Spirit. FOREFATHERS— Foreshadowings of the Kingdom. FOREHEAD— Heavenly love, overshadow- ing of love, "written upon the fore- head,'' implanted in love. FOREIGNER— One who acts from and' for self only, stranger to truth. FOREKNOW— Conceive, beget. FORE-ORDAIN— The end seen in the begin- ning. FORESKIN— (circumcision of)— Re-member-* ing the perfect source. FOREST— Natural man. FORGET— To lose consciousness, neglect, let go of. FORGIVE— Pardon, give for, render life fof life, truth for truth, etc. FORM— Essence or substance of a thing'. FORMER— From the beginning. FORNICATION— Idolatry. FORSAKE— Withdraw from, leave. FORSWEAR— Perjure before Christ Jesus. FORTITUDE— Firmness. FORTUNATUS— Lucky. FORTUNE— Eternal life, the gift of God. FORWARD— Action through faith, soul-un- foldment* FORTY— Complete state, existence, FOUND— Being in God. FOUNDATION— Ground-work, basis. FOUNTAIN— Source, cause, the Lord. FOUR— Justice, the double of two, visible witness. FOUR BEASTS (seen by Daniel)— Success- ive states of the church. FOURFOLD— Son of God seen in Son of man. FOWLS OF THE AIR— Mental activities. FON — Crafty, cunning, sly. FRAGMENTS — Knowledges and percep- tions of truth. FRAGRANCE— Affection of truth. FRAILTY— Seen from without, or as expres- sion. FRAME— Form, law, constructiveness. FRANK— Candid, generous. FRANKINCENSE— Spiritual good, praise and true prayer. FRAUD— Opinions, beliefs, traditions. FREE— Unreserved, unconstrained. FREEDOM— Liberty, to will and do as the Father. FREE WILL— Divine action. FRIEND— Brother, sister, mother, man in God. FRIENDSHIP— Bond between God and man. FRINGES— Externals, speech. FROGS— Croakers, mutterers. FRONT— In judgment. FRONTLETS— Understanding. FROST— Truth in the form of good, rigidity of truth. FROTH— Evil, false. FRUCTIFY— To make fruitful, or render productive. FRUIT— Effect, first fruit is faith, seed, the work of God. FRUITFUL— Multiplied in truth. FRUITFUL ONE— Mother, the good of love. FRUIT-TREE— Man. FUGITIVE— Stranger to truth. FULFILLED— Finished, complete. FULL— Perfect before God. FULLNESS OF TIMES— When the Lord appears. FUNCTIONS— Spiritual activities, FURLONGS— Leading truths. FURNACE— Natural man. FURROWS— Stirrings of the Holy One. FURY— Violence, vengeance. FUTURE— Expansion of to-day, uiifold- ment of now. FY— Contempt. GABRIEL— Strength of God, lip of God, mouth of God, man of God. GAD— Omnipotence, good fortune, good works. GAIN — False judgment. GALBANUM— Gum used in incense. GALILEE— Wheel, revolution. ("I come from the Father and go to the Father"). GALEED— Heap, witness. GALL— Infernal falsity. ''GALL AND WORMWOOD"— Good and evil. GARDEN— Man natural. GARDEN AND PARADISE— Intellect and wisdom. GARDEN EASTWARD IN EDEN— The Lord. GARDENER— Doing on the external plane, action. GARMENT— Understanding, word, divine truth. GARNER. OR GRANARY OR BARN— Heav- en within you. GARNISHED— Harmonious in feeling. GATE — I am, doctrine, word, entrance, door, way. GATH— Wine press. GATHER— To remember. GAVE— Sent forth, made, manifest. GAZA— Strong. GAZE— Meditate, be receptive to the Word. GEHENNA— Place of burning. GEMS— Truths unadulterated. GENEALOGY— States of unfoldment. GENERATE— To form. GENERATION— Unfolding of me to myself. G EXES ARETH— Knowledge of truth. GENESIS— Alpha and Omega, beginning in which is the end. G EMI— Based in falsehood. GENITALS— Union of good and truth. GENIUS— Unfolding of Christ. GENTILES— Those in darkness who accept the word readily. GENTLE — Compassionate, kind. GERMINATION— Production of wisdom and love. GESTURES— Affections of love. GET— Being, be. GETHSEMANE— The expansion of soul in patience. GHOST— Breath of life, holy guest, spirit. GIANTS— Love of self separate from God. GiBEAH— Hill, heap. GIBEON— Cup, lifted up, desiring knowl- edge for personal good. GIFT— My lot in God, the Kingdom of God. GIHON — Intuition, that which flows down from the mother. GILDED— Pretentious, hypocritical, ac^ quired good. GILEAD— Good of faith, self-evidence. GILGAL— Natural truth. GINS— Deception, enticement. GIRD ONE'S SELF— To know the truth. GIRDLE OR ZONE— Common band, doc- trine of the word. GIRGASHITE, AND JEBUSITE— Pilgrims and sojourners. GIRLS AND BOYS— Mind and idea in its innocence. GIVE— To lay up treasure in heaven. GLAD— Joy of heart. GLASS— Wisdom of love. GLEAN— To follow touchers, seatc-h for the substance. GLORIFY— Celebrate the truth by being it. GLORY— The Lord and His unfoldment, in light. GNASHING OF TEETH— Individual dispu- tations. GO — Be, proceed in the order of Being. GOAT— Natural man, the worthless. GOBLETS— Receptacles of truth. GOD— Unseen, unknown, unnamed One. GODS— Idols, mythology. GOG AND MAGOG— Worship in the letter only. GOLD— Highest spiritual good, purity. GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE— Good of ce- lestial love. GOLDEN AGE— Innocence and integrity. GOLDEN ALTAR— The Lord. GOLDEN CALF— Pleasure of the world. GOLDSMITH— Wise man. GOLGOTHA— Skulls. O'uLlAH— Giant of ln'tellectuaVis'm, pride o! worldly wisdom. GOLIATH— Passage, expeller, GO ME R— External worship, GOMORRAH— Rebellious people, people that fear. GOOD— Flowing in of life, truth and love, God, GOOD OF LOVE— The presence of love, GOOD OF TRUTH— Embodied truth. GOOD- WILL— God's will and testament, GOOSE— Mortal sense, GOPHER WOOD— Indestructible substance. GOSHEX— The inmost of the natural mind. GOSPEL— Glad tidings, God-spell, Christ Jesus. GOTTEN— Acquired. GOURD— Grass, self-love. GOVERNMENT— Power in One. GRACE— Favor, love, nature of God> GRAIN — Interior good. GRANARY— Heaven. UKAVr— Allow, realize. GRAPE— Fruit of truth, life eternal. GRASS— First springing forth of the Word, blade. GRASSHOPPER— Locust, destroyer. GRAVE— Adam, darkness, cave, soil, or soul before it proves itself. GRAVEN IMAGE— Self-derived intelligence. GRAVITY— That which draws to the Father, GREAT— Marvelous. GREECE— External beauty. GREEN (like the emerald)— What is alive, man in God, feminine principle. GREY HAIR— Honor. GRIEF— Anxiety of heart. GRIND— Collect and learn that which is from faith. GRINDERS— Principles of truth. GRIZZLED— Good and evil. GROAN— Dissatisfaction with less than holi- ness. GROUND— Infinite mind, the church of Gods GROVE— Intelligence. GROW— Unfold from perfection to perfec- tion. GUARD— Store up, watch that which is. GUILE— Seduce, falsify. GUILTY— Unrestrained in worldly belief. GULF— Separation from. GUSH— Swift action of truth. H H— Infinity, esse, I am, divinity. (It gives strength to any letter to which it is joined.) HA— Surprise, joy. HAB-AK-KUK— Embraces. HABITATION— Life. HADES— Darkness, mystery, death. HAGAR— One that fears, a stranger, flight. HAGGAI— Feast, turning around. HAI, OR AI— Heap of ruins, light derived from worldly things. HAIL— Destruction. RAIL (joyful salutation)— Thou art holy, or whole. HAIR— Natural principle, the ultimate of wisdom. HAIRY GARMENT— Natural truth. HALF— The double. HALL— Mental situation, place of judgment. HALLELUIAH— The praise of God. HALLOWED— Holy, the Father hallows His name in man, man hallows his name in God. HALO— Sphere of divine good. HALT— Delusion of the senses. HAM— The church destroyed, literal sense of the word, personal belief. HAMAN— Alone. HAMMER— Faith in the ultimate. HAMOTH— Defense. HAND— Ability, power, confidence, effl^ ciency. HANDIWORK— Creative power. HAND-MAID— Affirmation of good. HANDLES— Faculty of conjunction with good. HANG— lo reject. HANNAH— Gracious, giver. HANNOCH— Dedicated. HAPPEN— Dispensation under the law, un» foldment. HAPPINESS— Effect of the spirit, fruit of immortality. HAPPY — Blessed, immortal. HARAN — Idolatrous worship, enclosed. HARBOR— Haven, rest in truth. HARD SATING— Not understood. HARLOT — False affection, church corrupted. HARMONY— Embodiment of love. HARP— Confession of the Lord from love and joy of heart. HARROW— Deposit in the memory. HARSHNESS— Literal sense of the Word. HART— Natural affection of truth. HARVEST— Increase in the perfected Word, ingathering. HASTEN— What is certain, also what la full, what is quick, alive. HATCH— To unfold in uses. HATCHET— Ax, true intelligence. HATE— To be adverse to. HATRED— Fountain of all iniquity. HAUGHTY— Vainly puffed up, mighty in worldly wisdom. HAVE— The ultimate of being or judgment, manifest substance, conviction, effect. H A VI L AH— Celestial man. passover. HAWK— Natural man, in belief, separate from God. HAZOR— Knowledge of truth. HE— Jehovah. HEAD— The Word, love and wisdom. HEALING— I am, the Lord. HEAP— Altar of God. HEAR— To understand and embody truth, obedience from affection. HEART— Vital principle, life, truth, love in one. HEAT— Infinities of God's lore, zeal. HEATHEN— Those out of the knowledge of being life. HEAVEN— The throne of the Lord, atmos- phere of the soul, perfect union of soul and body. HEAVY— Falsehood, laden with evils of all kinds. HEBREW— Interior man. HEBRON— Enchantment, inclosure, conjunc- tion. HEDGE— Preservation, salvation, wall. HEEL— Natural things of the lowest order, corporeal. HEIFER — Innocence of the external man, which is in ignorance. HEIGHT— That which towers above all things, altitude, elevation. HEIR— Entitled to God's throne, or the Kingdom of God. HELL— Where nothing is seen, place of the dead, all that maketh and worketh a lie. HELMET— Divine truth. HELP-MEET— Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. HEM— Natural principles. HEMLOCK— Unpleasantness. HEX— Mother love, protection that provides and shelters. HENCE — From now. and here. jt-pv.7T.-rAH— My delight in her. HERB— The unfolding of truth in some phase. HERD— External manifestation. HEREDITARY— All things delivered unto me by my Father. HERESIES— Falsities that arise from world- ly opinions, judging by appearances. HERITAGE— Substance of the Father. HERMAS— Refuge. HER MOX— Mountain peak. HEROD— Glory of the skin. HERODIAS— Proud place. HETH— Trembling or fear. HEWERS OF WOOD— Good works, works without faith in being. HEZEKIAH— Might of Jehovah. HIDDEKEL— Reasoning from being, from cause to effect. HIDE— Concealed, to be invisible. HIDE OR SKIN— External truth, HI-ERAPOLIS— Holy city. HIGGAION— Harmony, meditation, HIGH— Inmost, heaven. HIGHEST— Man in God. HIGH-PRIEST— Divine good. HIGH-WAY — Way of wholeness, Jesus Christ. HILLS— The good of love. HIM— The Lord. HIND— Natural affection. HINGE — Governing principle. HINNON— Riches of the world. HIRAM— Noble. HIRE— The Lord unfolding Himself to Him- self, my reward is with me. HISS-Condenin. HITHERTO— Every time till now. HITTITE— Envy, belief of separation, who is broken. HIVITE— Lechery, idolatry. HO— Be still, look up. HOARFROST— Truth in the form of good. HOBAD— Beloved. HOGS— Avarice and its delights. HOLD— Den, dungeon, confinement. HOLINESS— Uprightness and judgment, perfection. HOLY— Whole, complete, glorified with God. HOLY CITY— The Lord from heaven, moth- er of ns all. HOLY OF HOLIES— The inmost heaven. HOLY SPIRIT— Life-truth-love, embodied in one. HOLY SUPPER— Eating my flesh, drinking my blood. HOMER— Measure, sufficient quantity. HOME — Native harmony, heaven, perfect unison of soul and body. HONESTY— True to truth. HONEY — Delight in the Lord, sweetness of the Word, pleasantness from understand- ing truth. HONEYCOMB AND BROILED FISH— Use of the word and the truth of it combined. HONOR — Worship, revere, adore, glorify. HOOF — Truth in ultimate degree, sensual. HOOK IN THE NOSE— Stupidity, foolish- ness. HOPE — Radiation of faith, experience of faith. HOBAB— Beloved. HOREB— The good of love shining forth in divine law. HORN— Omnipotence, power in speaking, teaching, and writing. HORNETS— Falsities of a tormenting and destructive kind. HORROR— Intensified fear. HORSE— Knowledge, understanding, reas- oning. HOSEA, HOSHEA, OR OSEE— Saviour or safety. HOSTS— Love, faith, and the knowledge thereof. HOT — Our God is a consuming fire. HOUR — State of completeness, continually, perpetually. HOUSE— Man, the house of God, temp> of God, church; full of all good. HOUSEHOLD— Father-mother-child. HOUSETOP— Being in God, man's high es- tate. HOW— What reason, what cause, what state. HOWL— Grief because of sin. HUMAN— The divine nature or bread of life. "Manna," or Egyptian Man-hu. HUMBLE— To bring back to first princi- ples— to Alpha and Omega. HUNDRED— Eternal life, full state of per- fection, united to God, conjunction. HUNGER— Force which unfolds me to my- self, immortality in its unfolding proc- ess, or moving power. HUNT— To persuade, captivate. HUR— Trutu of doctrine. HURT— Violate. HUSBAND— Thy Maker, all that is celestial. HUSKS— External appearances. HUTS— Common, general, or particular truths from external. HUZ — Liberty, whiteness. HYACINTH— Fire of love and the light of intelligence. HYMN— Song of praise or joyful recognition. HYPOCRITE— Devoid of truth, a dissem- bler. HYSSOP— Medium of purification. I I— One, Jehovah, the unnamed, being in God, ego, impersonal mind. ICH-A-BOD— No glory, where the glory: li )])()— Loving, timely, his oriianK nt. IDEA— Eternal life, Christ, soul. IDENTITY— That received from God. simili- tude, like God. IDLENESS— "Devil's pillow." IDOL — False religion, falsehood, "nothing at all." IDOLATERS— Worshipers of self-derived intelligence or traditions of men. IF— Grant. IGNORANCE— Commandments of men, or wisdom of men, foolishness. ILLEGITIMATE— No foundation in truth, doubtful source. ILLUMINATION— Light of the world, man. ILLUSIONS — Appearances seen only from appearances, mockery. ILLUSTRATE— Unfold, show forth, make clear from principle. IMAGE— Spiritual love, love to the Lord. IMAGINATION— Ideals formed from idea in mind. I MLAH— Filled up. IMMAjNTTBL — God with us. Inima with, nu us. el God. IMMEDIATELY— Now, here. IMMERSE— Saturate, with truth, regener- ation. IMMORTAL— Happy, blessed. IMPIOUS— Those in ignorance of their be* iug. IMPLAMED- The idea of God. IMPORTUNITY— Petition, supplication, ur^ gent request. IMPOSSIBLE (with men)— The food of faith, IMPOTENT— Dead, natural, carnal. IMPURITY— Man in himself, from the world's standpoint. IMPUTE— Lav to one's charge, to suspect. IN— The soul, center. INCARNATE— Clothed with the Father's substance. INCENSE — Prayer, realization, worship, confession of the Lord. INCLINE— To turn to, to bond. INCORRUPTIBLE^- Eternal, deathless. INCREASE— Multiply, unfold, growth in grace. INCREDULOUS— Prejudice to unbelief. INDEED— Verily, truly. INDEFINITE— Uncertain. INDIGENCE— Hunger or the want of good. INDIGNATION (righteous) — Zeal which swallows its adversary. INDIVIDUAL— Man in God, indivisible en* tity. INEBRIATION— Truth falsified. INFANCY— Innocence. INFANT— First degree of love. INFERIOR— Exterior, that which is in and of itself powerless. INFIDELITY— Seed of the serpent. INFINITE— Cause, being, God in man, man in God. INFIRMITY— Without faith or substance. INFLAME— Kindling of the spirit. INFLUX— Pouring in of life, truth, and love-. INFORM— To be intaught, by the inward light. INGATHERING— Resurrection, awaking to the beauty of holiness, INGENUITY— Infinite possibilities, God-giv- en, confirmed in man. INHABIT— To dwell within one's self, INHERIT— To have and be the life of the Father, to have and be the Lord. INHERITANCE— God's inheritance is man, man's inheritance is God. INIQUITY— Witchcraft and sin in general, INITIATION— Unfolding in the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. INMOST— Hidden principle of God in man. INN— Place of protection, rest, and instruc- tion. INNOCENCE— Essential principle of birth from above. INSANITY— Chaos, confusion. INSCRIBE— To be the Book of Life, INSECTS— Lowest degree of natural affec- tion. INSPIRATION— Breath of God in man. INSTINCT— Animal intuition, in-teaching. INSTRUCTION— Unfolding from the Word, INSTRUMENTS— Spiritual truths, INTEGRITY— The good of faith. INTELLECT— Governing principle of the mind, husbandman, my father. INTELLIGENCE— Substance, self-existent and eternal mind. INTEMPERANCE— Fruit of self-love. INTENTION— The very life of man. INTERCEDE— To be prepared to receive. INTERCOURSE— Communion, at-onement. INTERIOR— Mind and idea. INTERNAL— Eternal, substance, soul. INTERPRETATION — Prediction, transla- tion, revelation. INTESTINES— Last and lowest things. INTO— Unfoldment, situation, experience. INT RE AT— Use kindly, lead lovingly. INTRODUCTION— Leading into life, INTUITION— Interior sight flowing from the Lord or mother. INVENTOR— The great unfolder of that which is. INVERSION— Natural state, reversion of truth. INVISIBLE — God and man (to the world) are unseen and unknown. INVITED— Drawn by the Father. INVOKE— The Lord alone invokes or calls out. INWARD— Invisible. IRAD— Cain, heresy. IRE— Corrective action of divine love. IRON — Strength, power of the word, the truth of faith. IS, WAS, IS TO COME— Alpha, Omega, the Lord. ISAAC— Spiritual love, Jah beholds. ISAIAH— Salvation of the Lord. ISCARIOT— Man-killer, exterminates. ISLAND— Truth of faith, those in the truth or the word alone. rSHMAEL— God that hears, whom God hears, ISRAEL— Man that sees God. ISSUE— Offspring. ITHIEL— Coming of God. ITSELF— God, being, love, wisdom. I VAH— Destruction. IVORY— Natural truth. J J — Formerly I; has reference to being. JAAZANIAH— Whom the Lord will hear. JABAL— Tent-dweller, doctrine of good things. JABOC— First insinuation of truth, and dis- sipation of darkness. JACINTH— Intelligence from divine love. JACOB— Word made flesh, external man, or church of the Lord. JAIR— ALy light, enlightened. JAH (Ps. 122-4)-Tke true and living affirma- tion of truth. JAMES (identical with Jacob)— External word. JAPHETH— Widely spreading, handsome, he mat extends or enlarges. JASHER— The upright or righteous, the book of praises or hymns (the same as Ashir). JASON— One who receives truth (same as Jesus, or Joshua). JASPER— White, truth, wisdom. JAVELIN— Malignant accusation of the ad- versary. JAWBONE OP AN ASS— Truth in visible manifestation. JAWS— External activity, type of will and understanding. JAZER— He that helps externally. JEALOUS, ZEALOUS— Divine love in its intensity, watchful. JEHOASH— Fire of the Lord. JEBUSITBS— Idolatrous beliefs, indiffer- ence, sloth. JEHOIADA— Knowledge of the Lord. JEHOTAKIM— Appointed of the Lord. JEH9SHAPHAT— God is judge. JEHOSHAPHAT VALLEY— Falsification of truth. JEHOVAH— Old statement of internal man, Jesus Christ, life hid with Christ in God. JEHOVAH GOD— Mother and father God. JEHU— Jehovah is He. JEOPARDY— Truth will swallow all who will not swallow it. JEREMIAH— Exalted by God. JERICHO— Instruction in the literal sense. JEROBOAM— Whose people are many. JERUSALEM— Mother of us all, holy city. JESSE— The Lord, wealth, to be, who is. JESUS— I, Jesus (Rev. 22-16), the Lord in the world, perfect man, affirmation and confirmation of our Father-Mother God, highest idea of God. JESUS CHRIST— Divine marriage m heav- en, of God and man, Father-Son-Holy Spirit visibly manifested. JETHRO— Excellence of good. JEWELS— Ornaments of truth, ear-rings, obedience. JEWS— Lovers of God, and his word made flesh (in the highest sense). JEWS THAT CRUCIFIED JESUS— Pro- fessed lovers who know not the Lord, nor the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. JEZEBEL— Faith separate from love, worth- less doctrine. JEZREEL— The real church. JOAB — Who has a second father, worldly man. JOANNA— Gift of Jehovah, grace of God. JOB — Natural man, one who speaks from a hollow place. JOEL— Whose God is Jehovah. JOHN— Beloved of God. JOIN— Unite in one, adhere to. JOHN THE BAPTIST— The Lord as to the Word, preparing the way for Christ, eter- nal life, doctrine of truth spoken but not embodied. JONAH— A dove, the Jewish nation, Son of the Eternal. (In the belly of the great fish means "in the heart of the earth.") •Sign of Jonah— Christ's death and resur- rection. JONATHAN— Truth of doctrine. JOPPA— Beauty or comeliness. JORDAN— Judgment, the land (that which is lowly), the plain (external man), the river (divine truth), passing over the river (introduction to eternal life). JOSEPH— The Lord (same as Jesus). JOSEPH SOLD INTO EGYPT— Same as Jesus sold by Judas Iscariot, pure love blessing its enemies. JOSES— Helped of Jehovah. JOSHUA— The Saviour. JOT— A point, the least quantity assignable. JOURNEY— Order of life in Its unfolding-. JOY— Delight of love and truth. JUBAL— Doctrine of truth. JUBILEE (the year of)— Fullness of time, the acceptable year of sonship, fre-edom. JUDAH (the tribe of)— Praised, he who keeps the first and second command- ments. JUDAS ISCARIOT— Profession of love. JUDEA— Mind, the church. JUDGE— Christ. JUDGMENT— The Word unfolded within it- self, the spirit of wisdom and truth in action, determination of God, the Father- Mother confirmed in man. JUDITH— Praise of the Lord, Jewess. JUICE — Expression, living witness. JUST ONE— He who lives by faith, or the substance of things. I, the Lord, the saved in God, hence the Saviour of me a. JUSTICE— Good and truth united in man, giving to man as God gives. JUSTIFY— To act with God in mind, in word, and thought. K K— Borrowed from the Greek. KEDAR- Blackness, sorrow. KEEP— To be, to embody. KEY— Power, knowledge, authority of the King, "I am he that liveth, and have the keys of death and hell." KICK— Intellectual truth, refusing Christ. KID— Innocence. KILL— To take the life of, to deprive man of the truth of his being, or self-evi- dence. KIND — Gentle, compassionate, nature of love. KINDLED— Moved by love, roused by truth. KINDNESS— Proof of divine love, good will. favor, grace. KINDRED— Seen in one father-mother. KINE — Affections of the natural man. KING— Truth itself. "To this end was I born." ruler. KINGDOM OF HEAVEN— Atmosphere of the soul, the universal reign of harmony in man, at-one-ment with source. KISS — Conjunction, union, acknowledgment, confirmation, initiation into the bosom of the Father through the Son. KISS (of Judas)— Consummate deceitfulness of worldly affection seen and overcome; knowledge of man's divine mission in the world. KNEE — Adoration, genuine humility. KNEEL— Willing receptivity. KNIFE— Truth of faith. KNOCK — Perpetual presence of the Lord. KNOT— A binding device. KNOW— To be, and act upon what I am. KNOWLEDGE— Substance of the universe with which the earth or man is filled. KORAH— Damnation. KUSH-Love and faith. L LABAN— Affection of truth, good of a com- mon stock, white, beautiful. LABOR— Travail, unfoldment, natural man in process of manifesting himself to him- self. LABORERS— All who teach from the Lord. LACE— Interweaving of truth and life. LACK— In want, destitution. LAD— Innocence of youth, infant percep- tion of truth. LADDER— Man, access to God, lady, Blessed Virgin. LAKE— Truth in abundance. LAKE (of fire)— Love of God. LAMB OF GOD— Embodiment of Father- Mother God. which takes away sin, in- nocence, the Lord in humanity, meek- ness, submissiveness, obedience. LAME— Not walking in faith or the embodi- ment of Eternal Life. LAMB SLAIN— Lord unrecognized. LAMECH — Poor, made low. humble, hence powerful. LAMENT— Combating evil, true unfolding of good, repentance. LAMP — Illumination, directive light or guid- ance, the Word of God, love (Matt. 25-4). LAND— Man's divine inheritance, the gift of God, holy land, man in God. LANES— Avenues and ways of men, truths loved and walked in. LANGUAGE — Means of communication of man with God, measure of man. LAODICEANS— Faith without the life or works, those who profane truth. LARGE— Infinite mind, unlimited truth. eternal life. LASCIVIOUS— Looseness, tendency to wan- der from wholeness. LAST— The Lord. LAST DAY— To-day. LATCHET— That which fastens or holds. LATITUEE-Truth. LATTER DAYS— Now, here. LAUGHTER— Cheerfulness. LAYER— Receptive attitude, uatural prin- ciple. LAW— Book of Life, or Ten Commandments, Word of God. LAW AND THE PROPHETS— Faith and the truths of faith. LAW-GIVER— I, the Lord. LAWN OR LINEN— Genuine truth. LAWYERS— (Luke 11-52)— Those who take away the key of knowledge. LAY— To place, to bring forth, to let be that which is. LAZARUS— Adam, insensible to love-truth- life, one whom God helps, the dead, or asleep. LAZULE STONE— Divine sphere, faith em- bodied. LEAD TO— Truth leads to truth, unfold, reveal. LEAD— Evil, falsehood. LEADER— What is primary in doctrine, Christ. LEAF— The external fadeless word, ulti- mates of truth, product, effect* LEAH— Weary, external worship, LEAN— Without love. LEAP— To live unto life. LEARN— Interiorly, to perceive. LEAST— The greatest servants of God. LEATHERN GIRDLE— External word. LEAVE— To depart from, to give, let be. LEAVEN— Truth which uplifts, raises. LEBANON-^Spiritual good, incense, white. LED— Blessedness of truths, revelation. LEEKS— Corporeal part of man. LEES— Feast of fat things, truths from good. LEFT— Remains, that which was in the be* ginning. LEGIONS OF ANGELS— Innumerable, un- limited number* LEGION— Every phasfe of falsehood. LEGS— The will and understanding, LEMUEL— Sacred to God. LEND— To teach. LENGTH— Wholeness. LENTILS— Overshadowing of truth. LEOPARD— Artful deception of false belief in good and evil. LEPROSY— Unholiness, universal belief of being born in sin. LESSER— Truth. LEST— For fear of. LET DOWN— An act of submission. LETTER— Divine word, invisible and vis* ible. LEVI— Love and mercy, crowned with eter* nal life. LEVIATHAN— Scientific in general, self- evidence. LEWD— Lustful, impure. LIBERTY— Independence, interior sight, faith in being one spirit. LICK— Hunger and affection of the unfold- ing soul. LIE— To see deception from the vantage ground of truth. LIE DOWN— Conjunction and consociation, to rest in God. LIFE— Soul, substance, Christ, God's divine idea, foundation entire, complete, the gift of God, being in God, essential food, man, visible and invisible, I am. LIFT UP — Finish, to know, to complete, judgment. LIGHT— Divine truth, delight of love and wisdom, I am, the Lord. LIGHTNINGS— Instructions of the Lord from within. LIKE — The same as, in the similitude of, re- sembling, external appearance. LIKENESS— Outward form, counterpart, word made flesh. LILY— New birth, great beauty, love's un- foldment, I am. LIMIT— The end seen In the beginning, uni- versal law. LINE— Truth. LINEN— Truth from God. LINEN (fine)— Righteousness of saints, qual- ity of the soul. LINGER— Yield to lower attractions, hesi- tate between death and life. LION— Truth in power, affirmation and con- fession of the Lord. LIP— Doctrine, internal worship, adoration. LITTLE ONE— Innocence, obedience to self- evident truth, willingness. LIVE FOREVER— The Lord Himself. LIVING — Those who are life eternal. LIVING SOUL— Man in God. LIVING WATER— Embodiment of truth, LO— Behold, being. LO-AM-MI— Not my people. LOAVES (five)— Full activities of life in man, the embodied law of God in Christ Jesus. LOATHE— Aversion. LOCKS— Radiation of mind. LOCUSTS— Doctrine without love, ultimate truths spoken without realization. LODGE— Transient peace, doing to get good, working for reward. LOFT — Heaven, state of spiritual elevation. LOFTY— Intellectual pride. LOGIC— Unfolding of law, effect of self- evidence. LOINS— Marriage of truth and good, will and understanding. LO-IS— Better. LONG FOR— To desire earnestly, to hunger and thirst. .LOOK— To understand. LOOSE— Set free. LORD— Supreme ruler, essential good and truth, the one, all in all, Christ our life. LORD'S PRAYER— The Word of God, I am, the Spirit of the Lord, or the very pres- ence. LONG-SUFFERING— Embodiment of eter- nal endurance. LO-RU-HA-MA- Uncompassionate, without love or mercy. LOSE — Die to self-consciousness. LOT— Covered, veiled, the Kingdom of God is the lot of man. LOT'S WIFE— Falsehood, man's idea of himself. LOUD VOICE— Voice of thunder, voice of many waters, power of truth; still small voice, soul to soul. LOVE— Essential bread, essence of God the Father. , LOWLY— Meek. LOWER THAN HIS ANGELS— Man made, ideal-worshiper. LUCID— To be wise. LUCIFER— Self-love, Babel. . LUCIUS— Of light. LUCRE— Gain, that which perverts judg- ment of God. LUD— The knowledge of truth. LUKE— Light-giver, health-giver. LUKEWARM— Indifferent, slothful, idle, lawless. LUMEN— Delusive. LUMP— All of man, invisible and visible. LUNGS— Correspond to faith in the under- standing. LUST — Greed, love of separate selfhood and of the world. LUZ — Separation. LYDIA— Contention. LYE— False doctrine. M MACEDONIA— Adoration, elevated. MACHIR— He that knows. MACROCOSM— Infinite expansion and ex- pansiveness of the wisdom and glory of Being as the Father is. MAD— Insane, out of truth, chaotic. MADE— Formed, created. MAGDALENE— Tower, grand, magnificent. MAGI— Skilled and taught from within. MAGICIAN— One who understands the nat- ural tendencies of the carnal mind. MAGISTRATE— One administering law. MAGNETISM (animal)— Allurement of the old sense of selfhood, subtle affections of the natural or unregenerate mind. MAGNIFICENT— Grand, glorious. MAGNIFY— Expand, unfold, show forth, make visible. MAGOG— Dissolves, covers, the reign of Gog, external worship. MA-HA-LA-LEEL— Glory of God. MAID'S— External serving the internal, af- fection of the natural. MAIMED— Unprotected, God-forsaken. MAJESTY — Glory, power, dignity, grandeur. MAKE— Cause to be, ordain. MAKER— The Lord thy God. MALACHI— One sent. MALCHUS— King. MALE CHILD— Child of strength and power. MALE AND FEMALE— Essential principle of being; (male, the wisdom of loye; fe- male, the love of wisdom). MALEFACTOR— Law-breaker, evil-doer. MALICE— Hatred. MAMMON— Riches of the world, knowledge of good and evil. MAMRE— Fat, elevated, strength, manli- ness, MAX — Love and wisdom, the word of God, the highest form of man is woman, eter- nal life, God's idea of himself, heaven and earth, soul and body. MAX SERVANT— Natural man as to the truth. MAXASSEH— Forgetting, he that is for- gotten, MAXGER— The soul of man, soil, earth, cave, consciousness, place where the ani- mals feed. MANDRAKES— Marriage of good and truth. MANIFEST— Unfold, make known, reveal, show forth, display. MANIFESTATION OF THE LORD— Living presence in man. MANIFOLD— Many-folded, hidden to the natural mind. MANNA— Desert bread (hidden wisdom), "man-hu" or human, "What is it?" type of Christ, the real bread. MANNER — Character, mode of expression. MANOAH— Rest, house of God. MANSIONS— States of consciousness, unfold- ing of love. MANTLE— External garment, truth of the Word. MANY— Numerous, numberless. MARAH— Bitter, quality of. MARANATHA— The Lord is come. MARBLE— Sensual principle. MARCH— The unfolding of truth. MARCUS— Polite. JfARR— Acknowledgment and confession, knowledge of truth. MARKET— Acquisition, gain. MARRED— The vengeance of the Lord, dis- figured, deformed. MARRIAGE— Union of God and man. rela- tionship established in the beginning, in being, principle which is before all things, in which all things consist. MARROW— Fat thing's, goodness, substance, hidden idea. MARS HILL— Supreme council. MARTHA— Lady, careful. MARTYR— Confession of the Lord. MARVELOUS— Omnipotence. 5IARY — Blessed Virgin, exalted, queen of the sea. holy woman, wholly divine. MARVEL— Expansive action of newly per- ceived wisdom, MASTER— Leader, Lord, chief, teacher, fuler. truth, one uncontrolled, skilled, eonqueror. MASONS— Master builders. MASS (holy)— Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. MATERIAL— Eternal life, faith, important elements or substantial foundation of thing's. MATIN— The first dawning- of divine under- standing. MATRIX— Opening of the soul to receive the truth, place of receptivity. MATTER— Mother, earth, soil, what pro- duces. MATTHEW— Given, gift, eternal life, being in God. MATURE — Born from above, complete, per- fected. ME— Certainty, self-evidence, the Lord, life, mother. MEADOW— The word. MEAL— The truth of faith, manifested word, natural man (the three measures of meal). MEANS— Gcd the Father-Mother. MEASURE— To know the quality or inner nature of a thing. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS— Estimation of things from true judgment. MEAT— The finished work of God, perfected man, doing the will of God, being as God. MEDES— Doctrine of the world. MEDIA AND PERSIA — Faith without works, doing before being, idolatry. MEDIATOR— Blessed Virgin, perfected man, or love itself. MEDITATION— Communion, receptivity to the Word. MEDICINE— The truth of being, counsel or doctrine of the Lord. MEDIUM— "I am the door," "No man cometh to the Father but by Me." MEEK— Natural, flowing, yielding, humble, submissive, non-resisting, one who em- bodies the law of God, blessed. MEET— To provide, to join. MEGIDDO— Rich, precious fruit. MELANCHOLY— Delighting in death and its conditions. MELCHIZEDEK— King of justice or right- eousness. MELT— Vanish. MEMBERS— Activities, manifestations of the Lord. MEMORIAL — Living witness, perpetual presence. MEMORY— Being, mind, book of life, I am. MEN — The expansion of man; angels, those in the knowledge and understanding of man. MEND— Ignorant doctrine; "behold I make all things new." M EXE— To know as to quality, to number. TEKEL— To weigh. PEREZ— To divide or disperse. (Dan. 5: 25-28.) MENTION— Communicate. MERCHANDISE— Exchange of beliefs and opinions, or doctrines, adulteration. MERCENARY— The good of reward. MERCHANTS— Those who falsify the Word. MERCIFUL— Immortal, happy in being righteous. MERCY— Love itself, I will have mercy oe- cause I am it. MERCY-SEAT— Over-shadowing of God. MERIBAH— Strife, contention. MERIT— Virtue, truth, justice, honor, glory of the Lord. MERRY— Filled with the love of truth. MESOPOTAMIA— Between, middle. MESSENGER— Angel, the sent forth, man made, servant. MESSIAH— Divine truth, the anointed. MET— Conjunction, atonement. METALS— Goods and truths of man, the shining of the truths. METHUSELAH— Man of God, the eighth from Adam. MICE— Falsities of the sensual, natural loves. MICAH— Who is as God or Jah. MICHAEI Genuine truth. MICROCOSM— Man, the little world, epito- me of the universe. MIDDAY— Clear light of truth. MIDDLE — Inmost principle. MIDIAN— Strife, contention. MIDNIGHT— Total darkness from falsehood. MIDST— Principle, inmost, primary, every- where, in all things. MIDWIFE— Natural man. MIGHT— Power of truth. MIGHTY TO SAVE— The presence of love. MIGRATE— Rejection. MILDEW— Non-reception. MILES— Progression in order of unfoldment. MILK— First nourishment from the inteach- er, truth rooted in faith. MILK AND HONEY— Truth and the delight of it in good or demonstration. MILL— Examination and confirmation of truth. MILLSTONE— Truth serving faith. MIND— All of man, also all of God, I and my Father, One, the only "I" or "us." MIND (mortal)— Judgment based on external appearances, carnal mind, Adam. MINDFUL— Motherly, loving, considerate. MINERALS— Substance of things organ- ized in animal and vegetable kingdoms. MINES— Rich source of wealth, Kingdom of Heaven with hid treasure. MINGLE— Blend, mix. MINISTER— Servant of truth, unfolder of truth, giver of truth. MIRACLES — Natural signs following truth embodied. MIRIAM— The good of faith exalted. MIRE OF THE STREETS— False doctrine. MIRROR— Truth. MIRTH— Joy, delight, gladness. MIRY CLAY— Flattery of mortal sense. MISCHIEF— Damage, vexation. MISERY— Ignorance, darkness. MISSIONARY— Sent of God, Sun of God. MISTS— Beliefs arising from falsehood and superstition, doctrines of idolatry. MISTRESS— Affection of interior man. MITE— Basic principle of truth, the infant Jesus. MITRE— Intelligence and wisdom. MIX— Adulterate, profane or falsify truth. MIZAR— Smallness. MIZPAH — Watch-tower, one who waits, quality of the Lord's presence. MIZRAIM— Egypt. MO— Ma, more. MOAB— Natural good. MOAT— Doctrine. MOB— Disorderly assembly. MOCK— To deceive, deride, scoff, sneer, scorn, blaspheme. MOLECH— King. MOLES AND BATS— Those who seek truth for gain or glory to themselves. MOLLIFY— To soften or calm. MOLTEN IMAGE— Formed from human will. MONEY— Expansion of one, many. MONTH— A complete state, a new state. MONUMENT — Resurrection and life. MOON— Divine idea of man externalized, spiritual good or truth. MOONLIGHT— Radiation of the Father's presence seen through faith. MORAL— Reflex of the spiritual, natural and orderly expression of divine law. MORDECAI— Enlightened, consecrated. MORE— Great, much expanded. MORIAH— Chosen by God. MORNING — Dawn, coming forth, illumina- tion, first and most intense degree of love. MORNING STAR— I, Jesus, love and wis- dom. MORROW— Revelation of man. MORTAL— Falsehood, that which has no place in truth. MORSEL— A trifle, smallest conception, MORTAR — False appearances, slime, worldly pride. MORTIFY— Kill through neglect. MOSES — Law, drawn from the waters, saved out of the waters. Mo-she (Egyptian) signifies water child. Mos-heh (Hebrew) signifies one who draws. MOTE— Falsity. MOTH— Carnal gaiety, giddiness. MOTHER— The kingdom of the Lord, New Jerusalem, the church, man's highest un- foldment, Blessed Virgin. MOUNT— Heaven. MOUNT OF OLIVES— State of peace. MOUNT ZION— State of truth. MOUNTAIN— Love realized, divine good =^f life. MOURN— Blessedness, inversion of state. MOUSE— Sordidly, avaricious. MOVE— To live, to be, eternal life. MOUTH— Idea, discourse, doctrine, speech, the word, natural affection, place of least resistance. MOVED— Act from and with God. MUCH— Truth. MUD,- OR CLAY— intimates in which are truths. MULE— Affection of truth, obstinacy. MULTIPLY— To expand in truth. MULTITUDE— Being unlimited. MURDER— Denying life. MURMUR— Complain, state of unbelief. MUSIC— Harmony of being, life, truth and love. MUST— Force of principle, truth the all in all. MUSTARD SEED— Natural man unfolding within himself, the Word, faith expand- ing into love. MUTUAL LOVE— That which joins soul and body in one substance. MYRIAD— Manifold. MYRKH— That which embalms ot preserves. MYRTLE— Everlasting life, spiritual good. MYSELF— Self-evident truth. MYSTERY— Glorified humanity, the word made flesh, the Kingdom of God here and now, me and mine. MYSTICS— Those initiated into the presence of the Lord. MYTH— Parable, secret hidden in fable, fanciful narrative covering a great truth, allegory. N N — The same as nine, complete. NAAMAN— Beautiful, agreeable, pleasant- ness. NABOTH— The church. Towering. NADAR — Liberal, prince. NAHOR— Angry. NAHUM— Sympathy. NAIL— Truth supporting beauty, Christ. NAIN— Beauty. NAKED— Innocence. Head, deprivation of truth or intelli- gence. Body, deprivation of faith. Loins, deprivation of the good of love. NAME— Essence of a thing, its nature and quality, reputation of power. NAME OF THE FATHER— Man in God, the Word was with God. NAME OF THE LORD— State or quality of faith. NA-O-MI— Beautiful, full of grace. NAPH-TALI— Contests, struggle. NAPKIN— Intelligence of the world. NARRATE— To perceive. NARROW— One only, strait. NATHAN— Gift of God. NATIONS— Doctrines of the church. NATURAL GOOD- As in Adam all die (lifted up from the earth), bo in Christ all are made alive to life. NATURAL PRINCIPLE— The spiritual, the immortal. NATIVITY— Reformation. NATURE— Ultimate of Creation, recipient of love and wisdom. NAUGHT— Worthless, nothing, valueless, man separate, apart from God. NAVEL— Principle of divine motherhood. NAY— lea, affirmation of truth. NAZARETH— Separated, little. NAZARITE— The Lord, separated unto wholeness. NEAR— Presence, conjoined by love. NEBO— Fruitfulness. NEBUCHADNEZZAR— The great King of Nebo, Prince of the God of this world. NECESSITY— That which is, lot, irresist- ible. NECK— Conjunction between the intern. r and exterior. NECKLACE OF GOLD— Highest good real- ized of spiritual atonement. NECROMANCER— One who understands the illusion of time. NEED— Calling to us our own. NEEDLE (eye of)— Spiritual truth, NEEDLEWORK— Internal worship, NEEDY— Destitute, poor. NEGATIVE— Adam state. NEHEMIAH— Consolation, rest, NEIGHBOR— Man collectively, NER— Lamp, taper. NERVE OR SINEW— Truth, life, power. NEST— To dwell, to fulfill, life, mansion, abode, my Father's house. NETHER MILLSTONE— Man in God, the Holy Mother. NETHINIMS— Given, consecrated. NETS— Will and understanding-. NETTLES AND BRAMBLES— Thorns and thistles, rage or burning of self-love. NEVER— Forever. NEVERTHELESS— Notwithstanding. NEW— I am, and its forever unfoldings. NEW BIRTH— True idea of being, coming forth from one source. NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH— Eter- nal life and immortal body, one man, new creature, Father-Mother. NEW NAME— Acknowledgment of one sub- stance, one faith. NEW SONG— Confession unto salvation. NEW TESTAMENT— New statement of being, "I am the resurrection and the life." NEW WINE— Judgment of God the Father- Mother embodied in My flesh and blood, living witness of the living God. NEXT— Nearest. NICHOLAS— Conqueror of the people. NICODEMUS— Conqueror. NIGH— Presence. NIGHT— Obscurity, mother, earth. NIGHTS (forty)— Combat of self-unfoldment. NIMROD— Rebel. NINE— Conjunction, the end of a former state, and the beginning of a new. NINEVEH— Handsome, agreeable. NO— The affection of truth. NOAH— Rest. NOB— Increase, NOBLE— True to truth, obedient, faithfuL NOD— Flight, NOISE (joyful)— Expression or manifesta- tion of life, harmony. NONE — Not any. which in truth is one com- plete, NOON— State of wisdom or full light, NOPH— Honeycomb. NORTH— Natural man, innocence. NOSE OR NOSTRILS— Perception. NOTHING— From nothing nothing' confer, something is all. NOURISHMENT— Truth from the word cf God, "I am the bread of life." NOW— Presence, being, life eternal, I. NUMBER— To know the nature and quality of a thing, measure. XUPTIALS— State of beii?g in Heaven as the Lord, XUX-Fish, NURSE— State of innocence. XURTURE— Nourishment, the bread of life. NUT— Natural truth. NY MPHAS— Bridegroom. O O— A rowel, used to express a sound corre- sponding with affection. OAK— Endurance, quality, strength, firm- ness, natural man; its leaves, the scien- tifics and knowledges of truth in him. OARS— That by which the understanding: speaks. OATH— Confirmation, self-evidence, I am, the Oath of God, the end of strife. OB— To thrust in, or in front. O 3 ADI AH— Servant of Jah or the Lord. OBDURATE— Hard-hearted, stiff-necked. OBED— Worshiper. OBED-EDOM— Red, earthy man. OBEDIENCE— To hear, and yield to. OBEISANCE— State of reverence, submis- sion, humility. OBLATION— Worship, true offering, by bearing or bringing the Lord's body. OBSCURITY— Internal man, invisible sub- stance, soul, Son in the bosom of the Father. OBSERVE— That which is kept in being. OBTAIN— To hold. OCCASION— Lot, fate, destiny. OCCULT— Hidden, secret. OCCUPY— Resting within the veil, faith unto salvation. OCEAN— The great deep, abyss, Infinite mind, source, mother. ODOR— Fragrance, perfume, affection of faith and love, perception of peace. OF— Begotten, in, manifest. OFFENSE — Cause of stumbling, opinions and beliefs of the world. OFFERINGS— Worship, first fruits. OFFICERS— Those who execute the law. OFFICE— Charge of trust, Kingdom of Heaven. OFFSPRING— Those principled in being in God, embodying eternal life. OFTEN OR OFT— Endless unfoldment. OG— Giant, evils of every kind. OIL— Gcod of love, prayer, knowledge ulti- mated in itself, consecration, to kindle, regeneration. OINTMENT— Unction, that which sanctifies, that which prepares for the true lift- ing up. OLD— Presence of the new state, honorable. OLD AGE— The last time. OLD MEN AND WOMEN — Confirmed truths. OLD TESTAMENT— Mystery of being, faith, heaven. OLIVE— Truth of holiness, beauty of whole- ness, holy one. OLIVE TREES— Soul and body, two wit- nesses, OLIVE LEAF— Truth of faith. OLIVET— Place of olives, divine love. OLYMPAS— Victory. OMEGA— The Lord, man in God. OMER— Sufficient quantity. OMIT— Neglect. OMNIPOTENCE— All potent, all power. OMNIPRESENCE — Presence unbounded and universal. OMNISCIENCE— Knowing all things at once and in all ways. OMRI— Sheaf, my portion is the Lord, Jan. ON— Near or at. ONAN— Trespass, iniquity. ONCE— Perpetual truth of being. ONE— Being, all, man in God, heaven and earth. ONESIMUS— Usefulness or serviceable. ONIONS AND GARLIC— Lowest natural, or sensual. ONLY BEGOTTEN— All that proceeds froia God, gotten of God alone. ONYX OR BDELLIUM— Myrrh, perfume used for embalming. OPEN — Communicate, unclose, conjoin. OPERATE— Regenerate. OPERATION— Progression of life in its un- folding. OPHEL— Tower, elevation, a hill. OPHIR— Plenty. OPINION — Supposition, to suspect. OPPRESS— Overpower, overburden. OP ULENCE— Kno wledge. ORACLE— Mouthpiece or living witness of God, man. ORDAIN— Appoint, set, choose, determine by lot. ORDER— The Lord, Heaven's first law, be- ing life. ORDINANCE— The Word of God. ORGAN— Spiritual good, harmony. ORGANIZE— Arrange from divine law. ORIGIN— Source, first cause, Father-Mother, beginning. ORIGINAL SIX— Mortal mind, nothingness of nothing. Man's idea of himself, sep- arate from God. ORION— The giant. ORNAMENT— Holy truth, divine in exter- nals. ORNAN— Slender, lank. ORPHANS — Innocence, natural man. OTHERS— The within man. OTHNIEL— Lion of God. OUGHT— Held, bound. OURS — All things, divine inheritance. OUT— Within. OUTCAST— Rejected, in darkness. OUTER DARKNESS— Falsehood. OUTER AND INNER— Soul and body, one only. OUTSIDE— Unredeemed, separate. OVEN— Love of God. OVER— Within. OVERFLOW— To expand, multiply, increase from within. OVERCOME— To receive and embody. OVERLOOK— Dominant state, understand- ing. OVERSHADOW— Christ's presence, the one thing needful. OVERTAKE— Communicate. OVERTURN— Punish. OVUM— Man, seed. OWE— Possess naturally, to hold in being. OWL— Falsification of truth, world's wis- dom. OWN— Inherent, recognized of the Father. OX— Natural state. OXEN (five yoke)— Natural affections. OZIAS— Strength from the Lord. P P— The masculine article in the Coptic lan- guage. PADAN-ARAM— Of a pair or of two. PAGAN— Idolatrous, heathen, form wor- shiper, darkness. PAIN— Agitation, purification. PAINT— Hypocrisy, sanctimony. PAIRS— Things that correspond, truth and good, soul and body. PALACE— The consciousness of being in God, state of will and understanding conjoined to the Lord. PALE HORSE— Signifies lack of life or vitality, no knowledge of truth. PALE STIXA— Wanderer. PALiMS — Victory, confession of the Lord, holy festivity in the love of truth. PALM TREES— Rest and pleasantness in the realization of truth. PALMER WORM— False belief, wandering, opinion. PALSY— Fearful, unbelieving. PAMPHYLIA— Of every tribe, all. PAN— Doctrine, adulterated. PAPACY— Authority vested in one. PAPER— Scroll, book. PAPS— Spiritual love. PARALLES— To place In pairs, or set to- gether one thing with another. PARACLETE— Divine truth, one called of God, comforter. PARADISE OF GOD— Truth of wisdom and faith, heaven. PARALLEL — Communication or atonement between soul and body. PARALYTIC— Faithless, fearful. PARAX — State of illumination, beauty, glory. PARCHED— Love of self and the love of the world. PARDON— Forgiveness, give back, remit. PARENTS— Source, beginning, God the Father-Mother. PARROT— Imitator, one who repeats what he hears. PART— The whole, three in one. PARTAKER— Sharer, or one of the same nature. PARTICULAR— Pertaining to one. PARTRIDGE— One who brings forth from externals. PASCHAL LAMB— Innocence, type of unity, the Lord's own sacrifice, peace offering, thank offering, type of the Covenant. PASCHAL SUPPER— Communion and con- junction with the Lord. PASHUR— Extension, expansion. PASS— To flow in, inhabit. PASSAGE— Free reception. PASS AWAY— Resurrection. PASS THE NIGHT— Judge from truth. PASSOVER— The glorification of man, put- ting on righteousness, incorruption. PASSION— Love of truth to the degree of putting all enemies under one's feet. PASTOR— Shepherd, Teacher, Master, the Lord Himself. PASTURE— Spiritual nutrition. PATH— The way, the truth, the life. PATHROS— Mouth full of dew. PATIENCE— Substance, same as faith. P ATM OS— 111 urui nation, separated unto God. PATRIARCH— Head of a family. PATRIOTISM— Love of the Kingdom of God, the true and only Fatherland. PATTERN— Example, after the image of the Father. PAUL— Little, small; (Heb.) Saul, demanded or asked for. PAUPER — Worshiper of externals, a vacuum. PAVILION OR TENT— The dwelling of the Lord. PAY— To render that which is due. PEACE— Union of God and man, divine salutation. PEACOCK— Pride of external worship. PEARLS— Acknowledgment of the Lord in all ways. PECULIAR PEOPLE— Those who keep the Word by being it. PEKAH— Vision of God, at liberty. PELEG— Division. PELICAN— Affection of the false. PELLUCID— Filled with light. PEN— Finger of God, the Holy Spirit. PENIEL— Vision of God. PENNY — All, the whole, unit of divine meas- urement. PENTECOST— Fiftieth. PEOPLE— Doctrine, interior truths. PERCEIVE— Accepting the operations of God in man, seeing with the Father or by faith. PERCEPTION— Essence of sight, internal speech, or being. PERDITION— State of the beast or ungodly. PERENNIAL— Age-abiding, regenerate. PERFECT MAN— The Lord alone. PERFECTION— Being ultimated in the liv- ing. PERFORM— Execute, fulfill. PERFUME— Sweetness of truth and love. PERGAMOS— Height, elevation, good works. PERIL— Uncertainty, of little faith. PERIOD— Fullness of time, state of affec- tion. PERISH— State of unbelief, nothingness. PERIZZITE— Wrath, dwelling in villages, or belief of separation. PERJURY— Denying the truth of being as the Father is. PERMANENCE— Truth of being in God. PERMISSION— Divine law of liberty. PERPETUAL— Everlasting, eternal. PERPLEXED— Memory of the world, or of exteriors. PERSECUTE— Inflict with temptation, to harass. PERSEVERE— Salvation from within out, constant unfolding of me to myself. PERSIA— Land of horses, nail. PERSON— That which appertains to man. PERSUASION — Infatuation, suffocation, that which carries away the use of rea- son, deprives of freedom. PERVERSE— Stubborn in error. FEEVERT— To change. PESTILENCE— Yastation of good, visita- tion of evil. PETER— Primary principle of the church, truth without the embodiment of faith. PETITION— Prayer, confession of faith. PHARAOH— Natural man, scientifics. The sun. PHAREZ— Son of Judah. breaking forth vio- lently. PHARISEES— Form-worshipers, hypocrites, PHARPAR— Fruit-producer, the rapid, nim- bleness, PHE-BE— Pure, shining, PHE-NI-CE— Red, purple, land of palms, PHILADELPHIA— Love of man from the Lord, brotherly love. PHILIP— Lover of horses, warlike. PHILISTINES— Those who conceive false principles and reason from them. PHTLOLOGUS— Lover of words or of learn- ing. PHINBAS— Love and the things which are of love. Mouth of brass, brazen mouth. PHLEGON— Burning with zeal. PHUT— Knowledge from the literal sense. PHY LACTERIES— Good in external form, having relation to action. PHYSICIAN— Preservation from sin, the Lord. PICTURES— Images of mind, doctrines. PIECES— Dissipation of falsehood. PIERCE— Destruction of the Word, cruci- fixion. PIETY— The good of love. PIGEON— Innocence. PILATE— Armed with a dart. PILGRIM— In the wilderness, under the law. PILLAR— Supporting principle. PILLAR OF CLOUD AND OF FIRE— The Lord. PILLOWS— Things which are under the head, communications with the inmost. PILOTS— Those in wisdom from the Word. PINNACLE— Of high understanding. PIPERS— Those in divine love. PIPES— Joys of the love of truth. PISGAH— Piece, fortress, peak, part, PISOX— Extension of the mouth, intelli- gence of faith. Intellect* outpouring:, PIT— State of temptation, PITCH— Covetousness, • PITCH A TEXT— Measure or fix a habita- tion, conjunction, PITCHER— Man in receptive state, PITY— Divine compassion. PLACE— State of consciousness, PLAGUES— Evils of self-love. PLAIX— All of doctrines, ultima tes of the church, PLAXETS— Unfoldingg of truth from within, PLAXKS— Supports from truth. PLAXT— Regenerate. PLATE OF GOLD— Illustration of love ivom the Lord, PLATTER— State of consciousness. PLAY— Action of mind, affection of truth. PLEAD— Intercede, set right in judgment. PLEASANT— Delight in wisdom. PLEASURE— Satisfaction in the knowledge of the Lord. PLEDGE— Reception of truth. PLEI-A-DES— Stars of the sailors. PLOUGH— To implant truth in good. PLOUGHSHARE'S— The good set forth or perfected in truth. PLUMMET, OR PLUMBLINE— Measure of truth which destroys evil. POISOX— Hypocrisy, deceit, falsehood. POLISHED— The radiance of faith. POLLUTION— The truth of faith defiled. POLYTHEISM— Plurality of gods. POMEGRANATES— Doctrines from the nat- ural man. POMP— Vaimgiory. PONDER — Study, concentrate, wisdom em- bodied. POOLS— Intelligence. POOR— Uninstrueted, destitute. POPLAR TREE— Same as oak— strength. PORCH— Outward things which cohere with the interior. PORT, OR HAVEN— Conclusion of truth, rest. PORTICO— Externals of the mind. PORTION OR INHERITANCE-Heaven and earth, union with God through the Lord, soul and body. POSSESS— To be. POSSESSIONS— Spiritual riches. POSSIBLE— That which is. POSTERIOR— Exterior. POSTERITY— Generation. POSTPONE— Stifle, reject, kill. POSTS OF THE DOORS— Natural truths. POT— Doctrine. POTENT— Powerful, truth. POTIPHAR— Scientific®. POTTAGE— Heap of doctrines. POTTER— Regeneration, reformation. POTTER'S VESSEL— Self-derived intelli- gence. POUND— Good from the Word. POUR OUT— Influx of truth from the Lord. POVERTY— Destitution. POWDER— Love of self. POWER— Jehovah, man in God, Christ Jesus. PRAISE— Worship. PRAY— To unfold through love. PR A.YER— ■ Speaking with God, coniruuniea- tion. realization of being. PRAYER (the Lord's)— Ultimating the prin- ciple of life, love and truth, self-unfold- ment, making the invisible substance visible. PR VYIXG— Demonstrating or manifesting the truth of one's self. PREACH— Discourse upon being, proclaim the acceptable year, pronounce the truth of the Kingdom of God. PRECEPTS— Internals of the Word. PRECIOUS STONE'S— Spiritual intelligence PRECIOUS THINGS— Spiritual things. PREDESTINATE— That which is in the eternal substance before manifestation, fore-appointnient of events. PREDICTIONS— Prophesies, that which re- lates to being. PREPARE— Introduce, open the way, to make ready. PRESENCE— Face, acknowledgment of the Lord. PRESENT— A gift, reward, recompense. PRESENT TIME— Now, including past and future. PRESERVATION— Perpetual creation. PRESS— The truth of faith. PREVAIL— Overcome, to have power, pre- dominate, succeed. PREVENT— Hinder, go before, pre-occupy. PREY— To spoil, plunder, that which is seized. PRICE— Ransom, salvation of man, at-one- ment with God, redemption. PRICKS— Holy Spirit and its operations in man. PRIDE— The love of self, loftiness. PRIEST— The Lord Himself. PRIESTS AND ELDERS— Those who claim to teach truth. PRIMARY— First, Father-Mother, source, seed. PRIMITIVE— The beginning. PRINCE— Power of the Lord. PRINCE OF PEACE— Christ. PRINCE OF THIS WORLD— Man mortal, carnal, material. PRINCIPAL— Love and wisdom, Kingdom of God. PRINCIPLES— Basic statements of being. PRISCILLA— Woman, ancient. PRISON HOUSE— State of falsehood and superstition. PRISONERS— Captives. PRIVATELY— Secretly, individually, separ- ately, personally. PRIZE — Reward, recompense. PROCEED— To go forth, to make manifest. PROCESS— Working of eternal life from within out. PROCLAIM— To utter openly, to set forth in truth. PROCURE— Externalize, effect. PRODIGAL SOX— One who misapplies his riches, or sets aside the truth of his be- ing for falsehood. PRODIGY— Confirmation of divine truth. PRODUCE— To bring forth, to yield from faith and love. PROFANE — Deny being, depart from truth, reject eternal life. PROFIT— Benefit, advantage. PROGRESS— Expand from cause to effect. PROLONG— Extend. PROPHET — The Lord, the only true prophet. PROMISE OF GOD— Jesus Christ. PROOF— Word made flesh, man the proof of God. PROPITIATION— Operation of love. PROSELYTE— Newcomer by persuasion. PROSPER— Thrive, understand, know, and obey. PROSTITUTE— Doubt or deny purity any where. PROSTRATE— Attitude of humility. PROTECT— Defend. PROUD— Those in self-love, or beliefs of the world, rich in man-made conjectures or suppositions. PROVE— To try, to establish through faith, to remonstrate from self-evidence. PROVENDER— The good of scientifics. PROVERB— Parable, word, logos, statement. PROVIDE— See before, furnish, place at hand. PROVIDENCE— Divine love in operation in man. PROVINCE— State of consciousness. PROVISION— Multiplication of truth. PROVOKE — Trouble, agitate, call into ac- tion, excite, to rouse. PRUDENCE— Conies from God. PRUDENTLY— Acting from the Lord. PRUNE— To prepare for reception. PRUNING-HOOKS — Truths of doctrine founded in wisdom, knowledge of being, PSALMS— Harmonious discourse of life. PSALTERIES— Spiritual good, confessions of truth. PUBLICANS— Gentiles who received the Lord, man of the world. PUBLISH— Magnify, proclaim. PUBLIUS— Common. PUDENS— Modest. PUL— External worship. Strong, powerful. PULSE— Seeds, divine truth in doctrine of the Word. PURCHASE— Make room for, to obtain, ac- quire. PUNISHMENT— Consummation of evil. PURS — Genuine, unadulterated, those in the good of divine love. PURGATORY— Hades, death of carnal