iT* ^ <• ^ 4"d- 'bV^ ^^q. t • o. ,^"..- " h^ ^tt;-* ^o'^ v*rr^\^^ O, "-rTTV* v'^ ♦ • • • * * «»-•♦ % <^^ .•-•. ^^ ; "^-^^o^ i V7f "LISTE DES EHANCOIS ET SUISSES." FROM AN OLD JIAXUSCEirT LI,ST OF ^/y r- irnvv^, SETTLl^ID IN CHARLESTON, ON THE SANTEE, AND AT ORANGE QUARTER, IN CAROLINA, WHO DESIRED NATURALIZATION, TKEPAEEl) PROBABLY ABOUT . 1695-C. ^VITII INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. ORIGIXALLT riTBLI HKD IN TI'E "SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCER," CHARLESTON, 1822, AND Kh-l'CHI,lSIlKn IN MAY 1826, IN THE "CITY GAZETTE," OF CHARLESTON. ' <^> I CHARLESTON, S. C. ij \VM. G. MAZYCK, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, t'HAELESTOlt LIBRARY BUILDING COK. liBOAD k CHURCH f TS. ERRATA. Page 21, after No. 12 insert * " 23, after No. 44 insert * " 26, last line but one, for 'de' read 'dii dits'. " 26, last line erase 'de'. *' 31, No. 137, for 'Solomon' read 'Salomon'. PREFATORY NOTE. The Articles, of which this pamphlet is a re-publication, were contri- buted by me in June 1822 to the "Southern Intelligencer", a religious pa- per, then issued weekly in Charleston. The object was to furnish the Descendants of the French and Swiss Refugees, in print, the contents of an old manuscript List of Refugees, in the possession of our family. Of this manuscript therefore some account is given in No. 4 of the Articles. To what is there said I may add that it Avas found among sundry old papers, most of them of little or no value, at the plantation known as Wantoot, in St. -John's, Berkley, Avhich had been the residence of my father and grand- father. It is not a general list of the Refugees ; it purports to be a list of such as desired an Act of Naturalization. Its character was found to give it an interest beyond the purpose for Avhich it was designed. To the names of persons on the list are added their places of nativity, their pa- rentage, the persons they married, the children born before, and those boim after their arrival in Carolina; and the mothers and wives are with few exceptions, mentioned by their maiden names. This last feature is in accordance with the rights of married persons under the Civil Law, which is the basis of the French Code. Under the English Common Law "Hus- band and Wife are one person" and their legal rights are modified by this principle. "In the Civl Law the husband and wife are considered two dis- tinct persons, and may have different Estates, &c."* The preservation of the born names of women thus has importance in Franco. To us the inte- rest of ihe paper consists chiefly in the genealogies it records. The Manuscript is in my possession ; and although mutilated by age, will be cheerfully submitted to the inspection of persons interested in the genealogies. The Manuscript occupies seventeen pages of fool's-cap paper. The first part puged from 1 to 13, the remainder not paged. The portions are 1. The principal List, numbered from 1 to 119 inclusive, which is the list published in 1822. 2. The portion marked "^^^ No 2, purporting to be names of per- sons at Orange Quarter, which, from the note at its close was imperfect and collected in aid of a Committee. 8. The portion marked '^^ No. 3, which has been, and is now. supposed to consist of notes used in compiling the principal list ; and this formed the envelope of all the sheets and is en- dorsed '■•Liste des Francois H ^iihfON, see Michaud, 89 .Jouet, Daniel, 34, 148 Juing, George, 97 Labdan, Jacquks. 41 La Salle, Pierre, 10 Le Bas, Jacques. 64 Lebert, Jean, 32 Le Breun, Mnyse, 43 Le Chevallier, Pierre, 26, 134 36 Le Gendre, Daniel, 93 Le Grand, Isaac, 86 Le Nud, Nicholas, 92 Le Serrurier, Jacques, 5, 146 Le Sueur, Abraham, 50 Malacare, see De St. Julien, 6 Manigaud, Grbriel, 88 Pierre, 87 Marbeut; Joseph, 125 Marion. Benjamin, 114 Marseau, Jacques, 36 Mazicq, Isaac. 44 Melet, Jean, 62 Memin, Auguste, 49 Michaud, Honore, 117 Pierre, 89 Mounart, Fran9oise, veuve 36 Mounier, Pierre, 109, 143 Nicholas, Jacques, 25, 133 Normand, Philipe, 17 pASiiuEEEAU, Louis, 48 see Gendron, 70 Pecontal, Jean. 59 Pele, Jean Pierre, 90 Pepin, Paul, 27, 135_ Perouneau, Henry, 53 Poideuin. Anthoine. 123 Poinset, Pierre. I'aine, 20 lejeune, 21 Poiteuin, Anthoine, 120 Pierre, 124 Poiteum, Anthoine, 96 Porcher, Isaac, 107 Porell, 152 Potell, Jean, 67 Nicholas, veuve de, 68 Prioleau, Elias, Rev. 1 Prou, Jean, 91 Ravenel, Rene, 82 Rembert, Andre, 81 Ribouteau, Gabriel, 37 Robert, Rev. Pierre, 78 Royer, Noe, I'aine, 23, 132 lejeune, 24, 132 Seneschaud, Daniel, 85 Ser^, Noe, 31 Serre, Noel, 139 Serurier, see Le Serurier, 5, 146 St. Julien, see De St. Julien, 6, 116 Tampie, Etiene, 94 Tample, Estienne, 119 Tauvron, Estienne, 40 Marie, veuve, 43 Thibou, Louis, 35 Thomas, Jean, 46 Troiiillard, Florent Philippe, Rev. 2, 149 Trezevant, Daniel, 121 fils, 129 Varin, Jacques, veuve de, 56 Videaul, Pierre, 100 Vignaud, Anne, veuve 45. INDEX NO. 2. Female heads of Families hy their Maiden Names. Allaihk, Catherine, 14 Aracheguene, Adinenne, 110, 144 Ai'douin, Magdelaine, 85 Arrine, Anne 103 Bacot, Madame, 130 Balluet, Ester Madeleine, 54 Baluet, Judith, 114 Baudon, Judith, 132 Bayer, Jeane, 78 Belong, Elizabeth, 108 Berchaud, Jeanne, 3, 77 B(>rou, Gabrielle, 121, 122 Berou, Garielle, 96 Bertomeau, Sarra, 89 Bilbau, Jeanne, 136 Billebaud, Jeanne 28, 103 Billon, Marye, 60 Bonneau, Anne, 36 ^ Marie, 111 Bossu, Elizabetli, 146 Bouhier, Sara, V2 Boutignon, Perinne, 114 Braud, Jeanne, 52 Bressan, Anne, 81 Brigeaud, Marie, 40 Brugnet, Marye, 67, 68 Broussard, eanne, 71 Buretel, ElizabetU,;;84 Burgaud, Madelaine, 100 Burgeaud, Jeanne, 1 Callard, Marik, 35 Chabossiere, 79 Marie, 80 Challiou, Catherine, 31, 139 Chardon, Madeleine, 48 Magdelaine, 70 Chruyer, Marie, 9 Cheriny, Claude, 107 Chevallier, Marie, 115 Chintrie, Elizabeth, 12 Collin, Jeanne, 53 Couillandeau, Susane, 72 Cottin, 132 Courcier, Marie, 34, 148, Dallain, Ester, 26, 134 De Bourdeaux, Margueritte, 96 De Bourdos, Marguerite, 128 Dehays, Suzanne, 98 De Lorme, Marie, 33, 142 D«5peuch, Marie, 54 Deshais, Susanne, 128 De St. Julien, Charlotte, 82 DeVille, Marye, 63 Dieu, Elizabeth, 86 Du Bliss, Catherine, 18 Dubois, Jeanne, 56 Du Bosc, Marie, 119 DuFrenne, 106, 147 Dugue, Elizabeth, 15 Judith, 57 Marie, 16 Dumas, Sibelle, 126 Dupon, Anne, 46 Dupuy, filizabet, 15 Fanton, Elizabeth, 51, 115 Rachel, 9 Fascal, Marie, 118 Ferre, Suzann^e, 107 Foucheraud, Elizabeth, 47 Fouchereau, Sara, 21 Fougeraut, Marie, 65, 66 Fougerout, Marie, 140, 141 Fresn^,, Catherine, 38 Fruschard, Judith, 55 Garilian, Mahelennb, 123 Garillion, Madelainne, 134 Garillon, Madeleine, 26, 27, Madelainne, 135 Garillond, Madeleine, 38 Garlin, Marie, 14 Garnier, Elizabeth, 51 Cast, Uonore, 25, 133 Genne, Marie, 57 Gilliet, Ester, 31, 139 Girardot, Catherine, 37 Giton, Judith. 24, 132 Gobard, Anne, 21 Gourdain, Marguerite, 52 Guernici", Jeanne, 32 HuGLA, Susanne, 10 40 I/AMliEKT, MaKII:, 1;^> JOBON, ESTKR, 8V) Jolain, ,Jacquete, 62 Jouet, ^Elizabeth, 34 Juin, Elizabet, 17 La Court, Maiue. 104 Lalon, Marie, 13 Lareine, Catherine, 39 LeCert, Ester, 73 Leclair, Elizabeth, 62 Le Comte, Marie, 5 Le Coure, Marie, 146 Le Febvire, Jeanne, 6, 116 Leger, Elizabet, 5 Le Grand, Marthe, 127 Le Nain, Marie, 30, 138 Le Prou, Andr^e, 120 LeRiche, Suzanne, 97 Le Hoy, Anne. Ill, 144 Le Serurier, Damaris E. 6 • Marianne, 44 Suzanne, 63 Le Stoade, Marie, 16 Malhebbe, Louise, 29 Mariette, Charlotte, 35 Martinaux, Elizabeth, 143 Masiot, Marye, 49 Maslet, Madeleine, 2 Masset, Madeleine, 149 Maulai'd, Susanne, 121, 129 Menou, Susanne, 121 Mercier, Gabrielle, 101 Jacquine, 22, 131 Merlat, Jeanne, 1 Messett, Elizabeth, 10 Modemen, Jenne, 120 Moreau, Jeanne, 22 Marthe, 41 Mouni^, Sara, 101 NicoLLAS, Marib, 28, 136 Nombret, Elizabeth, 60 Noiinelle, Annie, 59 Pai'arel, Ester, 74 Pasquereau, Magdeleine, 70 Pepin, Madeleine, 67 Perdriau, Margueritte, 8 Perrotau, Anne, 148 Petit, Marguerite, 98 Piedeuin, Marye, 113 Pineau, Jeanne, 17 Pitauer, Benoite, 139 Poinset, Jeanne, 58 Poinsett, Catherinne, 50 Poiteuin, Anne, 122 Postel, Marie, 104 Potet, Madelenne, 127 Poulart, Marie, 41 Prinseaud, Jeanne, 119 Rassin, Anne, 8 Renault, Anne, 122 Rendon, Marie, 23, 132 Ribouteau, Anne, 118 Robert, Marguerite, 105 Robin, Ester, 125 Robinet, Louise, 109, 143 Roi, Catherine, 18 Samborne, Anne, 64 Saulnier, Madeleine, 23, 24 Saunier, Madelainne, 132, Sauvagot, Marie, 127 Senee, Marye, 50 Soubmain, Medalaine, 102 Souchard, Marye, 47 Soupzmain, Madeleine, 7 Soyer, Marie, 126 Suranne, Marie, 11 Thouby, Louise, 57 Vanewick, H:6lesabeth, 44 Vasleau, Judith, 19 Vignaud, Ann6, 45 Voyenne, Judith, 33, 142 FINIS. "LISTE DES FRANgOIS ET SW ES." FROM AN OLD MANUSCRIPT LIST OF SETTLED IN CHARLESTON, ON THE SANTEE, AND AT ORANaE QUARTER, IN CAROLINA, WHO DESIRED NATURALIZATION, PllE PARED PROBABLY ABOUT 1095-., CHARLESTON, S. C. : • ^ WM. G, MAZYCK, BOOK AND,.T0B; PJ^TNTEK, CHARLESTON r>IBRAKY HUTT.DIXG, COR. BROAD AND CHiatt^^d 1868. % iv C "2 19 89'-i * 4» Oil" *^"^fiyWl^* ' ^i^ > * % ^0^ '♦t o V 0° .'i^' °o . • c. ^c\ .0^ •ill/* ■?■ v"^ . ' • •- 'c^ .' .*^"-^. <■. ■ < o P I. o « ^^ 4. -«^-.* ^0 TT* A * * • • ^ 0^ • • • • • ^ A^ . » • • • ^ o^ r |g ^ • r "f^ft^*- -^ A^ .V • ■ % "AC-* ECKMAN M0V IMC ^. AUG Br IMOMM , 89 ^. »o >♦ ..1^;:.-. *- v. »^v rt*^ .• • • . ,♦ ... ^x p . V ^^ •MC/.' . ♦'■ '"^