Price 25 cents \MERicAff Sports Publishing Co. H.21 Warren Street New YorH ^OtNQ- ^CT?is A.G.SPALDING &BROS. MAINTAIN THEia OWN HOUSES FOR DISTRIBUTING THE SPALDING COMPLETE LINE OF ATHLETIC GOODS IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES. BOSTON, MASS. ALBANY, N. Y. S2 Stale Street BALTIMORE, MD. HO E. Baltimore St. LONDON, ENGLAND 317-318, Bigh Holborn, W. C. 78, Cheapside, E. C. LIVERPOOL 72, Lord Street BIRMINGHAM. ENG. New Street House CHICAGO 211-217 So, State St. INDIANAPOLIS, IND 13« N. Pennsylvania St. CINCINNATI, O. 119 East Fiftli Avenue CLEVELAND, O. 1117 Euciid Avenue DETROIT. MICH. 619 Woodward Ave WASHINGTON, D. C. 613 14tli Street, N.W. LOUISVILLE, KY. 328 West J^efferson St. ATLANTA, GA. 74 M. Eroad Street NEW ORLEANS, LA. 1 30 Carondeirt Street DALLAS, TEX. 1518 Slain Street SAN FRANCISCO 196-158 Geary Street OAKLAND, CAL. 416 Fourteentli SI. SEATTLE. WASH. 1204 Second Avenu< LOS ANGELES, CAL. 435 South Spring SI PORTLAND, ORE. 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SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC. . . . OFFICIAL GOLF GUIDE OFFICIAL ICE HOCKEY GUIDE. . . . OFFICIAL SOCCER FOOT BALL GUIDE. . LAWN TENNIS ANNUAL OFFICIAL BASE BALL RECORD. . . . OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE OFFICIAL FOOT BALL GUIDE OFFICIAL BASKET BALL GUIDE. . . . OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE (^ISPtfr) . OFFICIAL INDOOR BASE BALL GUIDE.. . OFFICIAL WOMEN'S BASKET BALL GUIDE OFFICIAL ATHLETIC RULES (A. A. U.). . Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25c. Price 25 c. Price 25c. Price 10c. Price lOc. Price IOc. Group I. Base Ball "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 202. How to Play Base Ball No. 350. How to Score [ners") No. 365. Base Ball for Boys ("Begin- No. 9. Spalding's Official Indoor Base Ball Guide (including rules for Playground Ball) "Red Cover " Series, each number 25c. No. 59R. Official Base Ball Record Official Base Ball Guide How to Pitch How to Bat How to Umpire Knotty Base Ball Problems How to Organize a League How to Organize a Club How to Manage a Club How to Train a Team L How to Captain a Team No. 96R. How to Catch; How to Run Bases. New. In one volume How to Play the Infield and Outfield Positions. En- tirely new. In one volume. Ready Reckoner Percentages. Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide (Canadian Edition) No. lOOR. No. 79R. No. 80R. No. 81R. No. 82R. No. J 83R 1 No. 97R. No. 98R. No. IC. Groap II. "Red Cover ' Foot Ball Series, each number 25c. No. 200R. Official Foot Ball Guide No. 47R. How to Play Foot Ball No. 55R. Official Soccer Guide No. 39R. How to Play Soccer Group III. Tennis "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 57R. Spalding's Tennis Annual No. 3C. Spalding's Tennis Annual (Canadian Edition) No. 2R. Strokes and Science of Lawn Tennis No. 76R. Tennis for Girls (Miss Ballin) No. 84R. Tennis Errors and Remedies No. 85R. Tennis for Girls (Mile. Leng- No. 99R. How to Play Tennis [len) No. lOlR. The Outdoor Group or Com- munity Sports Club; How to Organize One. Includes directions for con- structing a tennis court No. 102R. "The Kid" No. 103R. The Club Player No. 104R. The Expert Group IV. Golf "Green Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 2P. How to Learn Golf "Red Cover" Series, each number 25e. No. 3R. Spalding's Golf Guide, with revised rules No. 4R. How to Play Golf [Leitch) No. 63R. Golf for Girls (Miss Cecil Group V. Basket Ball "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 7A. Spalding's Official Women's Basket Ball Guide No. 193. How to Play Basket Ball "Red Cover " Series, each number 25c. No. 700R. Spalding's Official Basket Ball Guide [for Women No. 93R. How to Play Basket Ball. Specially Bound Series of Athletic Handbooks Any 25 cent book listed in Spalding's Athletic Library will be bound in flexible or stiff covers for 50 cents each ; or any two 10 cent books in one volume for 50 cents. One 25 cent book or two 10 cent books will be bound in leather in one volume for 75 cents. Mention style binding preferred. (Continued on the next page. Prices subject to change without notice.) SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Red Cover Series, 25c. Blue Cover Series. lOc. Green Cover Series, 10c. Groap VI. Skating and Winter Sports "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 14 Curling "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 8R. The Art of Skating No. 20R. How to Play Ice Hockey No. 72R. Figure Skating for Women No. 90R. Spalding'sOfficiallceHockey Guide and Winter Sports Almanac (speed skating and ski records, snow shoeing and curling rules) (Edition) No. 2C. Ice Hockey Guide (Canadian Group VII. Track and Field Athletics "Blue Cover'' Series, each number 10c. No. 12a Spalding's Oflicial Athletic No. 27 College Athletics [Rules AAU Athletic Primer Athletes' Guide All Around Athletics How to Run 100 Yards Marathon Running [petition Walking for Health and Com- " Green Cover" Series, eachnum.ber 10c. No. 3 P. How to Become an Athlete No. 4P. How to Sprint "Red Cover " Series, each number 25c. No. IR. Spalding's Official Athletic Almanac [A.A.A.A. Official Handbook Intercol. Distance and Cross Country Running How to Be a Weight Thrower A. E. F. Athletic Almanac and Inter-Allied Games. Official Handbook Can. AAU Olympic Games of 1920 Official Handbook New Eng- land Intercollegiate A. A. Groap VIII. School Athletics *'Blue Cover" Series, each num.ber 10c. No. 246 Ath. Training for Schoolboys "Red Cover " Series, each number 25c. No. 61R. School Tactics and Maze Run- ning ; Children's Games No. 66R. Calisthenic Drills and Fancy Marching and Physical Training for the School and Class Room No. 74R. Schoolyard Athletics Groap IX. Water Sports "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 128 How to Row No. 129 Water Polo "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 36R. Speed Swimming No. 37R. How to Swim No. 91R. Intercollegiate Swimming Association Guide No. 106R. Science of Swimming No. 107R. Swimming for Women No. 87 No. 156 No. 182 No, 255 No. 317 No. 342 No. 45R. No. 48R. No. 70R. No. 77R. No. 88R. No. 94R. No. 95R. No. 41R. No. 63 R. No. 69R. No. 89R. No. 93R. Groap X. Games for Women and Girls "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 7a Spalding's Official Women's Basket Ball Guide "Red. Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 38R. Field Hockey Newcomb [Leitch) Golf for Girls (Miss Cecil Girls and Athletics Learning Field Hockey How to Play Basket Ball, for Women Group XI. Lawn and Field Games "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 170 Push Ball No. 201 How to Play Lacrosse "Red Cover " Series, each number, 25c. No. 6R. Cricket, and How to Play It No. 43R. Archery, Roque, Croquet, English Croquet, Lawn Hockey. Tether Ball. Clock Golf. Golf-Croquet, Hand Tennis, Hand Polo, Wicket Polo, Badminton, Drawing Room Hockey, Garden Hockey, Basket Goal. Pin Ball, Cricket No. 86R. Quoits, Lawn Bowls. Horse- shoe Pitching and " Boccie." No. lOlR. The Outdoor Group or Com- munity Sports Club; How to Organize One. Includes directions for con- structing a tennis court. Group XII. Miscellaneous "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 13 American Game of Hand Ball No. 364 Volley Ball Guide "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 49R. How to Bowl No. 105R. Camps and Camping Group XIII. Manly Sports "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 282 Roller Skating Guide "Red Cover " Series, each number 25c. No. IIR. Fencing Foil Work lUustra- Professional Wrestling [ted Jiu Jitsu Boxing The Art of Fencing How to Wrestle How to Punch the Bag Groap XIV. Calisthenics "Red Cover" Series, each number 25e. No. lOR. Single Stick Drill Team Wand Drill Indian Clubs and Dumb Bells and Pulley Weights Dumb Bell Exercises Graded Calisthenics and Dumb Bell Drills No. 19R. No. 21R. No. 25R. No. 30R. No. 65R. No. 78R. No. 16R. No. 22R. No. 24R. No. 73R. (Continued on next page. Prices subject to change without notice.) 10-21 SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Red Cover Series, 25c. Blue Cover Series. 10c. Green Cover Series, 10c. Groap XV. Gymnastics "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 124, How to Become a Gymnast No. 254. Barnjum Bar Bell Drill No. 287. Fancy Dumb Bell and March- ing Drills "'Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 14R. Trapeze. Long Horse and Rope Exercises Grading of Gym. Exercises Indoor and Outdoor Gym- nastic Games Pyramid Building Tumbling for Amateurs and Ground Tumbling No. 67R. Exercises on the Side Horse; Exercises on Flying Rings Horizontal Bar Exercises ; Exercises on Parallel Bars No. 34R. No. 40R. No. 52R. No. 56R. No. 68R. Group XVI. Home Exercising "Blue Cover" Series, each num,ber 10c. No. 161. Ten Minutes' Exercise for No. 185. Hints on Health [Busy Men No. 325. Twenty-Minute Exercises "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 7R. Physical Training Simplified No. 9R. How to Live 100 Years No. 23R. Get Well: Keep Well No. 33R. Tensing Exercises No. 51R. 285 Health Answers No. 54R. Medicine Ball Exercises, Indigestion Treated by Gymnastics. Physical Education and Hygiene No. 62R. The Care of the Body No. 64R. Muscle Building : Health by Muscular Gymnastics Spalding Score Books, Competitors* Numbers, Etc. BASE BALL SCORE BOOKS. Made in three styles— Morse (Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5 and M) ; A. G. Spalding style (Nos. 2 and S) ; John B. Foster style (No. F). The Spalding style has diamond shaped spaces for scoring. POCKET SIZE. No. 1. Paper cover, Morse style, 7 games Each $0.20 No. 2. Board cover, Spalding style, 22 games " -50 No. 3. Board cover, Morse style, 46 games " 1-00 No. F. Board cover, Foster (reporters') style, 79 games *' 1.50 No. M. Board cover, Morse style, 79 games " 1-50 No. S. Board cover, Spalding style, 79 games " 1.50 CLUB SIZE. No. 4. Morse style, 8%xl0% in., 30 games Each $2.00 No. 5. Morse style, 8%xl0% in., 79 games " 3.00 Score Cards, 1 game Dozen .10 BASKET BALL SCORE BOOKS. No. 10. Paper cover. 10 games Each $0.20 No. 11. Board cover. 25 games \^ -j^O No. A. Collegiate, paper cover, 10 games ^^ -20 No. B. Collegiate, board cover, 25 games ' '50 TRACK AND FIELD. TENNIS AND GOLF SCORE CARDS. No. TF. Olympic Score Card: for outdoor and indoor track and field athletic meets; used in A.A.U. championships Each $0.05 No. H. Tennis Score Card, endorsed by leading umpires: used m national championships, new and improved design; for five sets: in two colors Dozen .75 No. L. Golf Score Sheets: used in leading tournaments; size 22x28 in.; match play or medal play (specify which is wanted). Each .30 COMrETITORS' NUMBERS. Used in A.A.U., intercollegiate and interscholastio championship events. Made up in sets (1 to oO. 1 to 100, etc.). Manila paper Per number $0.02 Linen backed Per number $0.12 Letters, A, B, C, D, etc., on manila paper, for relay races. .Per letter .05 Any of the above mailed postpaid on receipt of price. American Sports Publishing Company, 45 Rose St., New York 10-21 LUTHER HALSEY GULICK. M.D. Si'AiDiNc. "Red Cover" Skkies of Athletic Handhooks No. 64R MUSCLE BUILDING Practical Points for Practical People C^IDO Luther Halsey Gulick, M. D. Piesident American Physical Education Association Director Physical Training, Public Schools, New York City PUBLISHED BY AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING COMPANY 21 Warren Street New York , — ' *-^ u Gc^^ %\ Copyright, 1921 BY American Sports Publishing Company New York DEC 27 1921 ©CI. A 6 30 97 7 MUSCLE BUILDING g MUSCLE BUILDING VIBRATORY EXERCISE. Many business men at forty are fat and flabby; their arms are weak, their liancis are soft and pulpy, their abdomens are prominent and jelly-like. When they run a block for a train, they puff and blow like disordered gasoline autos. Men get into this condi- tion because they sit still too much; because they eat more than they need, and because they drink. No one gets into this condition because he wishes to. It is against the wish of everyone to have his body in this kind of order. He well knows that it lessens his working capacity, that it takes away a great deal of the fun of living; that it prevents his enjoying vigorous things as he did when a young man; and that it will probably cut ojffi years at the end of hi& life. The reason that he does not come out of this condition is that he thinks it will involve a serious modification of his mode of living, a serious altera- tion of his business habits. He thinks it will involvt iTiscles is lieauti- No. 1— The way in which pquee/iTipr intonsly uses many i fully sh _^,^ ...^4ou lower them. (c) inhale as you press the shoulders well back ; draw them together as you exhale. (d) place hands behind head and inhale as elbows are pressed well back, exhale as the elbows are brought toward each other. (e) inhale as arms are raised to side horizontal, palms upward, bring arms to front, palms together, exhaling. (f) take th^ position of (Fig. 5), inhale as you resume the position Di (Fig. i), exhale as you return to (Fig. 5), HINTS ON RIGHT LIVING. Exercise alone will not give one perfect health. One essential and probably most important thing is a pure, wholesome dieL It should consist chiefly of vegetables, fruit, whole wheat bread, and in fact, any food which tends to give one health and strength. One of the worst evils, and it is taught us at an early age, is the habit of eating too much food. The child is no sooner old enough to desire food than he is overfed. When he cries SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. 85 from the effects of having been already overfed, the stuffing process is repeated. In fact, feeding becomes the panacea for every ill. The stomach is thus unnaturally distended, and eventu- ally becomes enlarged and diseased. To whom shall we go for advice regarding our eating and drinking ? Know thyself and the advice of others will not be needed ? Every one should understand the great laws and principles of physiology and apply them with the aid of experience to his own case. But eating improper food, drinking too much ffuid at meal time and eating too fast is injurious to every one. Alcoholic drinks, drugs, condiments, tea, coffee and tobacco should be avoided. Pure fresh air at all times and plenty of sunlight are essential to gain and maintain health. As food is needed to supply our bodies with material, so air is needed to supply the greater amount of oxygen to purify the blood. As fish cannot live out of water, neither can man live without air. The lungs are not like a house, with windows and doors, through which the breeze plays freely. They are, rather, like a deep well, into which fresh air will not go, unless in some way a current is made. We make this cr-rent stronger by deep breathing. This deep breathing or (lung gymnastics) develops and expands the lungs and chest and increases the circulation of the blood. Attending poorly ventilated public places are productive of disease. Our sleeping rooms should be well ventilated. Some occupations are causes of disease, by their exhaustion, monotony, deprivation of healthly condition, and the utter hope- lessness of improvement. Occupations of a sedentary nature are bad; therefore, one thus occupied should take plenty of bodily exercise. Millers, stone-cutters, bakers, cigar makers and those who are compelled to breathe dust and morbid matter into the system, are subject to affections of the throat and lungs. Painters, and workers in lead, arsenic, mercury, etc., are poisoned. Brewers and bartenders are short lived. Persons of consumptive tendency should work in the open air and practice deep breathing. Unclean habits, wearing filthy clothes, neglect of daily bathing, tend to cleg the pores, prevent the throwing out effete, waste 86 SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. and morbid matters, cause the re-absorption of matter already expelled, and are fruitful causes of disease. Water promotes health when taken internally or applied exter- nally. For weak or sore eyes water is very healing. First batlie the eyes in water as hot as can be borne, then in water as cold as can be had. This is also an excellent tonic for the skin, and will serve the hands and face as a cosmetic and remove wrinkles. An effective way to cure a cold is to discontinue eating for a few meals and drink plenty of water. The reason eating should be discontinued is that in most cases it is overeating that causes colds. A cold is produced by the efiforts of nature trying to throw of^ the impurities that have accumulated in the system. For sore throat I have found that a handkerchief saturated with cold water tied about the neck to be quite efifective in relieving it. It is better to tie some dry material over the w^et application, and thus prevent catching cold. This application is also good for rheumatic joints, torpid liver, weak stomach, bronchial end pulmonary afifections and varicocele. For liver and stomach complaints, wear the bandage around the abdomen. A liberal supply of pure water taken internally tends to make one fleshy, is good for the kidneys and cures constipation by making the liver active. It is better to wait a couple of hours after meals before drinking much water. Violent and sudden etnotions sometimes terminate in sickness and even death. Our every emotion tends to develop the body into beauty or ugliness. If one thinks of disease and imperfection all the time he cannot expect to have perfect health. Again, if he permits his mind to dwell on illicit thoughts and deeds, how quickly will the sexual organism become tainted, stultifying the intellect, deadening the sensibilities, dwarfing the soul. If one would be pure and continent, he should not entertain sensuous thoughts, but exert the will power and change the train of thought. Anger, jealousy, worry and hurry, grief, discontent, lack of self-control, passion, illicit imaginings all tend to make our bodies repulsive and diseased, while high and lofty thoughts, will power, love, charity, exercise and a Christian life imparts health. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY, 87 There are many causes and conditions of disease, such as improper clothmg, insufficient rest and sleep, etc., which we can- not discuss for want of space, but allow me to recommend four great natural curative agencies that should be studied: Air, Diet, Water and Exercise. HOW TO INCREASE ONE'S WEIGHT, Practice exercising rather slowly, in bathing use cold water sparingly, only enough to protect from colds ; sleep eight or ten hours, dress warmly, eat principally cereals, eggs (raw or soft boiled), nuts, milk and hot water, peas and beans, baked apples and other sweet fruits, beef and fowl, rice and baked potatoes, and whole wheat bread. HOW TO REDUCE ONE'S WEIGHT. If the heart is sound, exercise vigorously and often, take cold baths daily, dress lightly, do not sleep over eight hours, eat prin- cipally fruit, fresh vegetables, fresh water fish, whites of eggs, wheat gluten, lean beef, mutton, chicken and veal, not more than three or foui ounces of liquids at each meal, and but little between. Avoid fried foods of all kinds, fat meat, milk, potatoes, starch, pastry, cakes and sugar. Keep the bov^ls active. BATHING. NEVER BATHE JUST BEFORE OR AFTER A MEAL. Always bathe after exercise, using graded bath, beginning witli warm water for cleansing, gradually reduce temperature until a5 cold as desired. Rub with a coarse towel until a good reaction is produced. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY HELP IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS This was taken from the "Gymnasium Director's Pocket Book.' Drowning, i. Loosen clothing, if any. 2. Empty lungs 01 water by laying body on its stomach and lifting it by the middle so that the head hangs down. Jerk the body a few times. 3. Pull tongue forward, using handkerchief, or pin with string, if neces- sary. 4. Imitate: motion of respiration by alternately compres- sing, and expanding the lower ribs, about twenty times a minute. Alternately raising; and lowering the arms from the sides up above the head will stimulate the action of the lungs. Let it be done gently but persistently. 5. Apply warmth and friction to ex- tremities. 6. By holding tongue forward, closing the nostrils and pressing the "Adam's apple" back (so as to close entrance to stomach), direct inflation may be tried. Take a deep breath and breathe it forcibly into the mouth of patient, compress the chest to expel the air, and repeat the operation. 7. DON'T GIVE UP ! People have been saved after hours of patient, vigorous effort.' 8, When breathing begins, get patient into a warm bed, give WARM drinks, or spirits in teaspoonfuls, fresh air and quiet. Burns and Scalds. Cover with cooking soda, and lay wet cloths over it. Whites of eggs and olive oil. Olive or linseed oil, plain, or mixed with chalk or whiting. Lightning. Dash cold water over the person struck. Sunstroke. Loosen clothing. Get patient into shade, and apply ice-cold water to head. Mad Dog or Snake Bite. Tie cord tight above wound. Suck the wound and cauterize with caustic or white-hot iron at once, or cut out adjoining parts with a sharp knife. Venomous Insects' Stings, Etc. Apply weak ammonia, oil, salt water, or iodine. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING TRADEMARK GUARANTEES QUALITY Spalding Spring Grip Dumb Bells Manufactured by A. G. Spalding & Bros. These dumb bells are made in two halves connected by steel springs — as specified in the Sandow patent, which expired August 8, 1 9 1 6 — the effort necessary in gripping, making it necessary to continually devote the whole mind to each movement. This concen- tration of will power on each muscle involved is what is responsible for the great results obtained through properly exercising with them. Black Enameled Bells, Springs Nickel-plated and Polished No. 6. Men's. Seven steel springs. Pair. $3.00 No. 4. Ladies' . Five steel springs. • 2.50 No. 2. Boys'. Four steel springs. • 2.00 %lb. Spalding Patent Spring Grip Dumb Bells are used by all the greatest athletes in their training. Spalding Trade-Mark Wood Dumb Bells Model AW. Stained Finish Good material and superior in shape and finish to best wood dumb bells of other makes. Each pair wrapped in paper bag. Weights specified are for each bell. , Pair. $.85 \l4\h. . Pair, $1.30 " 1.05 21b. ... •• 1.45 Spalding Iron Dumb Bells Made on approved models, nicely balanced and finished in black enamel. Sizes, 1 to 25 lbs SOlbs Weights between 50 and 100 lbs. Each. 17c. lb. Bar Bells, weight 25 lbs. or more for complete Bar Bell, supplied regularly with steel handles. length 3 feet between bells. . . . 17c. lb. Bar Bells, weight 25 lbs. or more for complete Bf"" Bell with steel handles, either shorter or longer than reg^ular lengtK ^" noted above, 2£r-lfc. Prices for Bar Bells, v. eighin s other than above, quoted on application PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANY COMMUNICATIONS AODRESSEDTOnS ' A. G.SPALDING &. BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES i FOR COMPLETE UST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOO! PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For SS^Ke THE SPALDING TRADE-MARK tSUARANTEES QUALITY Spalding Trade-Mark Indian Clubs STAINED FINISH Good material, and far superior in shape and finish to the best clubs of other makes. Each pair wrapped in paper bag. Model BS — Weights specified are for each club. >^ lb. . . Pair, $ .85 \yz lb. . Pair, $1.30 ^i lb. . . 1 lb. . 1.05 1.15 1.45 2.00 Spalding Exhibition Clubs Handsomely finished in ebonite ; for exhibition and stage purposes. Clubs are hollow, with large body, and although extremely light, represent a No. A No. AA club weighing three pounds or more. Model BS No. A. Ebonite finish Pair, $5.00 No. AA. With silvered bands " 7.00 Indian Club and Dumb Bell Hangers No. 1. Made of iron and nicely japanned. . . Pair, 25c. Spalding Ash Bar Bells & ^ No. 2. Selected material, highly polished, 5 feet long. Calisthenic Wand Each. $1.00 No. 4. AYz feet long, I inch diameter. Black finish Each, 25c. School Wand No. 3. 3^ feet long. Straight grained maple, black finish Elach, 20c. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANT COMMUNICATIONS ADDHESSED TO US A. G.SPALDING &, BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOl PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Fpr CwiadUn (trice* tee •pecUl CMi«di*D C«t«lo(uQ ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE SPALDING TRADEMARK GUARANTEES QUALITY SPALDING CHEST WEIGHT MACHINES No. 12 No. 5 Chest Weight No. 2. A good machine for home use; noiseless and durable. Well made and easy running. Rods are ^^-inch coppered spring steel. Weights are 5-lb. iron dumb bells, one to each carriage, and may be removed and used as dumb bells. Wall and floor boards are hard wood. All casings heavily japanned. Every part of machine guaranteed free of defect. . . Each, $12.00 Chest Weight No. 12. Especially designed for home exercise. High grade in every particular. Cast iron parts are all nicely japanned. The wheels are iron, turned true on centers, and have hardened steel cone point bearings. Guide rods are spring steel, copper-plated. Weight carriage has removable felt bush- ings, noiseless and durable. Each handle is equipped with 10 pounds of weights. Each. $24.00 Chest Weight No. 5. Because of its adjustment feature, which permits of all lower, as well as direct chest movements, this machine really combines two machines in one, and is particularly suitable where space is a consideration. The various changes are made by raising or lowering the center arm. Japan finish. Each machine is equipped with 16 pounds of weights. . Each, $36.00 Extra weights for above machine, 1 \^ pounds '* .45 PROMPT AHENTION GIVEN TO I fm COMMUNICATIONS ^ AODRESSEO TO US < A. G.SPALDING &, BROS, STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVEK OF THIS BOOK PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For Canadian price, see .pecial Canadian Cat.Io^o SPALDING CHAIN BELT ROWING MACHINE No. 600 SuiuUe Alike for the Athlete or the Ordinary Man or Woman No. 600. The ideal boat for Home use ft(t() tnifU ing purposes. Brings the exercise usually obtained on river or lake into the home or bea« room. Fitted with roller seat and adjustablo shoes to fit either a tall or a short person, Thumb-nut arrangement controlling belt allows more or less friction to be thrown into the run- ning parts, imitating tbe resistance which exists when forcing a row boat through the water. The resistance may be reduced for the weaker sex or increased to suit the strongest athlete. lOars are pivoted in such a way that operatol' can handle and turn them 8'-,.ne as he -would during the return and feathering motion with a boat oar. Floor space required, 6x5 feet. Operated Just like rowing a SPALDING FRICTION ROWING MACHINE No. 119 No. 119. The means used to produce the resist, ance is a simple friction clutch, which takes instant hold at the commencement of the stroke and retains the pressure till its completion, when it instantly releases it, precisely as in a boat. Qyickly taken apart without loosening any bolts or screws. Elach machine is adjust- able to any amount of friction or resistance. Do noljuse oil on friction cylinder. If lis action i^ not perfectly smooth a little clear soap rubbed on Us surface mill properly correct its action. Floor space required. Ayi feet by 4^ feet. SPALDING ROWING ATTACHMENTS For lue with No. 5 Chest Weight Machines Particularly suitable for home use. Can be detached from the weight machine quickly and put away in a very small space until the next opportunity for use presents iUelf. To be used in connection only with chest weights, like Spalding No. 5 (see opposite page) which have center arm adjustment, or with handles arranged so that they can be pulled from a bracket close to the floor. No. 1 No. 1. This, attachment, as will be noted, has out-riggers and arms similar to the rowing machine, and offers a great variety of work when used in connection with chest weight. Floor space required, 4yi feet by 4)4 feet. No. R. Designed to fill the demand for a low priced article of this kind, built along substantial lines. Gives entire satisfaction. Floor space requiroi 4^ feet by 12 inches. NOTE-TImw Rovriss Attsshaaata^^Nfli. 1 sad B. can be wed only in conneeUon with the No. 6 Type «f CbntWeisht MaeUiw FROIIPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANY COMMUNICATIONS IDORESSEO TO US A.G.SPALDING &. BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FDR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVEB OF THIS BOOI §S^K THE SPALDING TRADE-MARK "^rr^ QUALITY SPALDING HOME GYMNASIUM BOARD A complete gymnasium for the home on one board. Floor spacTe required, fC 3 feet by. 2 feet. Height, 8 feet. Floor board and staple plate only are attached permanently. Upper board is held in position by pressure of guy ro'd and will not mar the wall in the slightest degree. Consists of Board, with attachments for fastening to floor of room, so that walls need not be marred. Spalding Abdominal Masseur No. PR. Spalding Adjustable Disk. Complete with Striking Bag. No. 2. Spalding Chest Weight Machine, including pair of 5-lb. Dumb Bells Complete, all attached, Bdard itself will be furnished separately if desired. .... As the complete outfit is made up and carried in stock by us. equipped as noted above, we cannot supply board with different articles already attached. Spalding Automatic Abdominal Masseur Useful for treatment of constipation, based upon the principle of mus- cular contraction (the force which nature uses). It effectually applies force in the same direction that nature does, and will gradually discard the use of cathartics. A few moments' use each night, before retiring, and in the morning, upon arising, is all that is necessary. Its action upon the liver and stomach is equally as prompt and effective, and derangements of these orgains are speedily remedied. . . . . . . . • . Complete, . ^.. Spalding Bar Stall Bench Spalding Leather Covered Sho« No. A. For abdominal massage.' An iron beJl, wound with electric tape and then covered with very soft, smooth grade of horie hide. 6 or 8 lbs, weight. . Each. Spalding Bar Stalls No. 20H. Adapted for use in the home; compact, of simple construction, used f orthe greatest variety of movements affecting every part of the body, Preferable, for sanitary reasons and especially abdomen ?ind chest movements, that canvas be painted (a spe- Erected against wall, behind door, or any flat cial elastic paint is used), unless surface. 8 feet high, 36 inches v^de and extends specified, stock benches vnll be 6 inches intp room. Floor space required, BO furnished. - , .----. height, 8 ft. Per section No'. 205. Hard pine, strong and substantial. Top padded with hair felt, canvas covered. !^S^^^^ fROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSEO TO US A. G.SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST UJNSIDE FRONT OF THIS Boot OfSTOBESl! COYEii I sEme THE SPALDING Spalding Playground Apparatus "SAFETY FIRST" Why is it that a majority of the world's playgrounds are equipped with Spalding All-Steel Apparatus ? Why is it that a demand created ten years back grows greater in pro- portion with each new year's need ? Why is it that the Spalding repu- tation for Quality retains its position of eminence — unapproached ? Satisfaction begets confidence — confidence begets business. Quantity production lowers manufacturing costs, and the finest plant of its kind in the world reduces Spalding manufacture to a science. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Inc. Gymnasium Factory CHICOPEE, MASS. I NBMPT ATTENTION GIVEN U ANY COMMUNICATIONS ' ADDRESSED TO US A.G.SPALDING &, BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOft COMPLETE LIST OF SEE INSIDE FBONTCOVEI OF THIS BOOl IVEI This trade mark means much to you It answers yout question, "Why should I buy athletic goods of A. G. Spalding 8C Bros.?— or What do I get for my money when I buy Spalding goods? Like the Rock of Gibraltar, it does not talk, vet it stands for much — permanence and de- pendability. The Spalding Trade Mark on any article of athletic equipment is a guarantee that the materials are the finest, the workmanship the best, the prices fair and the design as modem as nearly half a century of progressive develop- ment can make it. It says to you— Spalding's Athletic Goods are the best. There are no better made. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I iiiiii mil mil mil inn iiiii iiiii mil iiiii iiiii iiiii iiii im ATHLBTIC 1/ 006 010 965 5 # and is Official and Standard T. I. GUIS ;^^^s:„n, Spalding p^^ ATHLETIC GOODS STANDARD OF V/OIU A. G. Spalding ^ Bros MAINTAIN WHOLESALt NLW Y(XRK !n L >\' A R K PMILAUFLPl BOSTON BURFALO C M I C AG O S A INDIANAFOLFS f \ ST.. LOU/S DKTROIT giNCrNNATI CL K V K L A N I) S OAKLAND LOS ANGKl l-:s SHATTLC TI IHJRT.LANI) ^NI) SALT LAKK CITY BALTIMORE ROCHLSTER COLUMBUS DENVER SYRACUSE ATLANTA KANSAS CITY rSBURGH LOUISVILLE MILWAUKEE BALTIMORE DALLAS MINNEAPOLIS DES MOINES WASHINGTON NEW ORLEANS ST, PAUL LONDON, ENGLAND M ONTREA L. C A N, TORONTO CAN LIVERPOOL. ENGLAND ,, EDINBURGH. SCOTLAND BIRMINGHAM. ENGLAND GLASGOW. SCOTLAND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND PARIS. FRANCE* . BRISTOL. ENGLAND SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA GLASGOW. SCOTLAND PARIS. FRANCE* y A G Spnldlnc A NirW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO CHICOPEE. MASS. BROOKLYN BOSTON PHIUkDELPHIA LONDON. EMG.