LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chaiultii. Copyright No. Shelf..?ii. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^OPV, IMPORTANT EVENTS S[ JSoofe of Bates HISTORICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AND INDUSTRIAL COMPILED BY GEORGE W. POWEKS NEW YORK : 46 East 14th Street THOMAS Y. CROWELL & COMPAN^^ ^^ ^ BOSTON: 100 Purchase STiffExT '" ■ ' tured by Ferdinand of Spain. 1516 JSTominally subject to Turkey. 1816 Bombarded by a British fleet. [French. 1830 Barbarian government overtlirown by the 1833 Abd-el-Kader, an Arab chief, revolts against France ; after a long struggle surrenders, Dec. 2o, 1847, is reconciled with the French, and dies May, 1883, aged 76. [The later history of Algiers has heen a series of con- flicts with the French government.] MOROCCO. 1051 Morocco subdued by Fatimite Caliphs. 1471 Tangiers conquered by Alfonso V. of Por- tugal. 1516 The Scherifs, pretended descendants of Mo- hammed, reign in Morocco. 1662 Tangiers given as a dower to Catherine of Portugal on her marriage with Charles 11. of England. 1844 "War with France; peace. Sept 10. 1860 A Moorish ambassador in London, the first since the time of Charles II. 1889 Dispute with Spain ; settled about SejDt, 29. CARTHAGE. 273 1892 Rebellion of Angherites, who are defeated, July-Sept. [sharp fighting. 1893 Moors of the Riff tribe attack the Spaniards, TRIPOLI. 1551 Conquered by the Turks. [dent. 1741 Hamlet Bey, pacha, makes himself indepen- 1835 Restored to nominal control of Turkey. 1895 Ismail Bey, governor. TUNIS. [Tunis stands nearly on the site of Ancient Carthage. It remained under African kings vintil taken by Barbarossa for Solyman the Magnificent.] 1871 Becomes an integral part of the Turkish empire. [volts. 1881 Controlled by France ; insurrections and re- 1884 French courts of law established. [canal. 1893 Tunis made a seaport by construction of CARTHAGE. B.C. 878 According to legend, founded by Dido ; date doubtful. 509 First alliance with the Romans. 379 The Carthaginians land in Italy. 264 The first Punic war begins ; lasts 23 years. 247 Hamilcar Barca commands in Sicily. Hannibal the Great born. 274 IMPORTANT EVENTS. 242 Hasdrubal founds New Carthage (Cartha- gena). 241 Sicily lost by Carthage. 229 Hamilcar kill'd ; Hasdrubal assassinated, 221. 219 Hannibal conquers Spain. 218 The second Punic war begins ; lasts 17 years. Hannibal crosses the Alps, and enters Italy. Defeats the Romans at the Ticinus and Trebia ; at Lake Trasimenus, 217 ; at Cannae, 216. 210 The Carthaginians expelled from Sicily. 206 Expelled from Spain by Scipio. 202 Hannibal totally defeated at Zama by Scipio. 183 Hannibal, in exile in Bithynia, takes poison. 149 Third Punic war. [Roman senate, July. 146 Carthage taken, and burned by order of the 19 Rebuilt by the Romans. A.D. 200 Becomes a Christian bishopric. 439 Taken by Genseric the Vandal, Oct. 9, 533 Retaken by Belisarius. 647 Ravaged by the Arabs. [Egypt. 698 Destroyed by Hassan, Saracenic gov. of 1861 Antiquities excavated, and brought to British Museum. CENTRAL, EAST, AND WEST AFRICA. 1768 Bruce begins his travels. 1787 Sierra Leone settled by the English. EGYPT. 275 1795 Mungo Park makes his first voyage to Africa. 1820 Liberia founded ; independence proclaimed, 1847, J. J. Roberts president, 1849 Lake Ngami discovered by David Living- stone, Aug. 1. 1856 Du Chaillu travels in Central Africa. 1857 Territories of Liberia incr. by annexations. 1858 Second expedition of Livingstone. 1863 Sj)eke and Grant find a source of the Nile in Lake Victoria Nyanza, Feb. 23. Du Chaillu starts on a fresh exped., Aug. 6. 1864 Sir Samuel Baker discovers Lake Albert Nyanza. 1870 Expedition of Baker to put down slave-trade. 1871 Henry M. Stanley disc. Livingstone, Nov. 10. 1873 Livingstone dies in Ilala, Cent. Afr., May 1. 1879 Stanley explores the Congo. 1886 The German East African Co. founded. [Many expeditious from various European countries explored Africa during the succeeding ten years, resulting in the establishment of the Congo State under the protection of Belgium.] 1895 Congo State annexed to Belgium. EGYPT. [The chronology of Egypt is very conflicting, the difference in dates being that of centuries. Brugsch and Mariette are the authorities most commonly referred to.] B.C. 5004 INIenes, first known lawgiver (M.), 4155 (B.). 4235 Cheops builds the great pyramid (M.), 3733 (B.). 276 IMPORTANT EVENTS. 4100 Tlio worslii]) of Ai)is o.stal)Ii8lie(l (B.). 2300 O.siriaseii III. excavates Lake Moeri.s, and constnicis the Labyrinth and the Nilo- nieior (P>.). 2214 TIk^ Ilylvsos, or Slicplicrd kings, rnlo (M.). 1750 Arrival of Josei)h (r>.). [(B-)- 1703 Arlinics L conqncrs the Jlyksos (M.), 1700 1600 Tliotliinos in. rnles; liis exploits recorded in his temple at Karnak (B.). 1333 lU'ign of Seti ; makes first canal from the B^ed Sea to the Nile (B.). 1322 Barneses 11. (Sesostris) conquers Ethiopia. 1300 Maneptah, prol). the Pharaoh of the Exodus. 1288 Bameses III. ciilt-ivaies navigation and com- merce (M.). 980 Shisludv (1 7v7//y/.s- xiv.), ruler (M.), OOO (B.). 693 l\gypt frequently invaded by Assyrians. 665 Bsammetichus I. ((xr.) restores the monarchy. 612 Necho IL defeats Josiah, king of Judah, at JNIegiddo; defeated by Nebuchadnezzar. 527 Cambyses tlie Persian conquers Egypt. 424 Egyi)t regains its independence by Armyr- taMis. [Persia,. 340 Nectanel)cs U. conquered by the king of 332 Alexander conq. Egypt; founds Alexandria. 323 Ptolemy L, Soter, king of Egypt. 283 The museum of Alexandria founded; tln^ riiaros comi)l<'tod. 269 Ambassadors fii'st sent to Bome. 82 Bevolt in Upper Egypt; Thebes destroyed. EGYPT. 277 47 Alexandria besieged by Caesar. 43 Cleopatra poisons her brother, and reigns alone. 41 Cleopatra fascinates Marc Antony. 31 Battle of Actium ; defeat of Antony and Cleopatra. 30 The kingdom becomes a Roman province. A.D. 122 Alex, restored by Adrian ; by Severus, 200. 305 Monachism begins in Egypt. [Alex. 365 Great earthquake ; 50,000 persons perish in 389 Destruction of temple and worship of Serapis. 415 Hypatia, neo-Platonic philosopher, murdered by a mob of fanatics in Alexandria. 616 Egypt conquered by Chosroes of Persia. 640 Conquest of Alexandria by the Saracens. 969 Cairo founded by the Saracens. [1691. 1163 Conquest by the Turks begins ; completed, 1250 Government of the Mamelukes established. 1567 Conquered by Selim I., emp. of the Turks. 1798 Bonaparte seizes greater part of the country. 1801 Turkish government restored. [1. 1811 Mehemet Ali massacres the Mamelukes, Mar. 1816 Belzoni removes statue of Memnon. 1820 Construction of the Mahmoud canal, connect- ing Alexandria with the Nile. 1831 Mehemet revolts, and invades Syria. 1832 Ibrahim takes Acre, May 27 ; defeats the Turks at Konieh, Dec. 21. 1841 Mehemet made hereditary viceroy of Egypt. 278 IMPORTANT EVENTS. 1848 Ibrahim Pacha dies, Nov. 10. 1858 Suez canal begun by M. de Lesseps. [1. 1861 Malta and Alexandria telegraph opened, Nov. 1863 Increased cultivation of cotton ; result of American civil war. 1865 Opening of part of Suez Canal, Aug. 15. 1869 Suez canal successfully opened, Nov. 17. 1870 Sir Sam. Baker explores the White Nile, Aug. 1872 Slave-trade apparently subdued. 1875 War with Abyssinia ; peace, 1877. 1879 The khedive deposed by the sultan ; Prince Tewfik proclaimed successor. 1882 Insurrection at Alexandria, June 11. Forts bombarded by the British, July 11. Battle of Tel-el-Kebir, defeat of Arabi Pacha, Sept. 13. 1887 Anglo-Turkish convention respecting Egypt, signed July. 1892 The Khedive Tewfik d. much lamented, Jan. 7 ; his eldest son. Abbas, succeeds, Jan. 8. New railway bridge over the Nile, May 5. 1894 Prof. Brugsch Pacha, Egyptologist, d. Sept. 9. 1895 Ismail Pacha, ex-khedive, dies March 2. SOUDAN. 1881 Mahdi declares himself a proi^het, July. Defeats the Egyptians. 1883 Campaigns of British and Egyptians begin, lasting many years with fierce fighting. SOUTH AFRICA. 279 1883 Osman Digna commander for the Mahdi. 1885 Gen. Gordon killed at Khartoum, Jan. 26. 1893 Defeat of the dervishes by the Italians. 1894 Archibald Hunter gov. of frontier prov. 1898 Slavery gradually becoming extinct. SOUTH AFRICA. 1650 Cape Town founded by the Dutch. 1814 Finally ceded to England. 1820 British emigrants arrive. [nal colony. 1849 Successful resistance to establishment of pe- 1851 Orange Kiver territory annexed. 1854 First parlia't meets at Cape Town, July 1. 1860 First railway from Cape Town (58 miles) opened, Dec. 1867 Rich diamond fields discovered. 1871 Colony of Griqualand constituted, Oct. 27. 1877 War with the Kaffirs. [pleted, Dec. 25. 1879 Telegraphic communication with G. B. cora- 1885 Railway to Kimberley opened, Nov. 28. 1892 Great fire at Cape Town, Feb. 21. [2. 1895 Mr. Cecil Rhodes made privy councillor, Feb. 1898 Cecil Rhodes elected as a representative by a large majority. TRANSVAAL REPUBLIC. 1848 Transvaal Republic founded by Dutch Boers. 1852 Independence declared, Jan. 17. 280 IMPORTANT EVENTS. 1876 War with the KafRrs under Cetywayo. 1877 Annexed to the British dominions. 1879 The Transvaal declared a crown colony, Dec. 1880 The Boers claim independence. 1881 War with the English. 1883 Paul Kriiger, president ; again in 1888, 1885 Johannesburg founded. 1889 Defensive treaty with the Orange Free State about March 13. 1893 Paul Kriiger re-elected president. [June 28"! 1894 Brit, subjects exempt from military service, Revolt of the Kaffirs. 1895 The Delagoa railway opened, July 8. 1896 Dr. Jamieson and his raiders defeated, Jan. 1 ; tried and convicted in London, July 28. 1898 Fresh discovery of diamonds near Pretoria. AUSTRALIA. 1606 The Dutch discover Australia. 1686 William Dampier lands in Australia. 1787 First transportation of felons to Botany Bay, May. 1788 Sydney founded. [established. 1803 Colony of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) 1829 West Australia formed into a province. 1834 South Australia erected into a province. 1835 Port Phillip (Victoria) colonized. 1837 Melbourne founded. HAWAII. 281 1839 Transportation of felons suspended. 1842 City of Sydney incorporated. 1850 Victoria (Port Phillip) made a province, 1851 Gold discovered by Mr. Hargreaves. 1853 Mints established ; transportation ceases. 1859 Queensland made a province, Dec. 1866 Royal Soc. of New So. Wales founded, May. 1883 Completion of railway between Melbourne and Sydney, June. 1885 Federation of Australasian colonies, except New South Wales and New Zealand, com- pleted, Dec. [gration. 1888 Australasia favors restricting Chinese imrai- 1891 Uniform colonial postage adopted, Jan. 1. Title "Commonwealth of Australia" adopted, April 1 ; Victoria requires " Common- wealth " to be changed to " Federation," July 21. 1895 The Australasian Federation League meets at Melbourne ; federation of the states approved, Jan. 23. 1898 " Old Age Pension " bill passes the House of Rep. of New Zealand, Oct. 20. HAWAII. 1778 Disco.vered by Captain Cook, who is killed there, Feb. 14, 1779. 1789 King Kamehameha rules till 1819. 282 IMPORTANT EVENTS. 1824 King Kam6hameha II. and queen visit Lon- don, and die there, July. 1840 Kamehameha III. promulgates constitution. 1856 Kamehameha IV. mar. Miss Emma Rooker. 1875 Reciprocity treaty with the United States. 1876 David Kalakaua elected king, Feb. 12. 1887 Queen Kapiolani present at Queen Victoria's Jubilee. [ceeds, Jan. 29. 1891 King Kalakaua d. Jan. 20 ; Liliuokalani suc- 1893 Liliuokalani deposed ; provis. gov. formed. 1894 Republic proclaimed, S. B. Dole, j^res., July 4. 1898 Annexed to the United States, July 7. SAMOA. 1830 Christianized by Rev. John Williams. 1880 JNIalietoa king. [by Tamatese. 1887 JNIalietoa deposed by the Germans j replaced 1888 Mataafa gains victory over Tamatese. 1889 Conflicting interests between German, Brit- ish, and United States governments. Three United States war vessels, Nipsic, Van- dalia, and Trenton, and three German, wrecked at Apia, March 15-16. 1893 Mataafa exiled to Kakaofo, Sept. 1. [44. 1894 Robert Louis Stevenson d. at Apia, Dec. 4, a. 1899 Civil war among natives ; British and Amer- ican naval officers killed, April. INDKX. Aargau, peace of, 247. Abbas, khedivc of Egypt, 278. Abbott, Hon. .Toseph C, 23. Abbott, Sir John, 24. Abd-el-Kader, 272. Abd-el-Wahhab, 256. Abdur-Rahniau, 255. Aberdeen, Earl of, 24. Abraham, 263. Abyssinia, 234, 271. Academie de France, org,, 158. Acadia, 26, 28. Acadians, 14, 27, 28. Acha, Jose, pres. of Bol., 130. Achmes I. of Egypt, 276. Aclium, battle, 277. Act of Uniformity, 176. Union of Eng. and Scot., 181. Adams, Charles Francis, 51. Adams, John, 11, 38, 40. 42, 45. Adams, John Qiiincy, 16, 62. Adams, Samuel, 10. Adams, Wm. T., 109. Addison, Joseph, 180. Adrian IV., Pope, 172. Adrianople, peace of, 231, 249; formerly Palmyra, 269, Adrianople taken, 248. Adrian rest. Alexandria, 277. Advertisements, duty on, 182. Advertiser, Montreal, 19. Advertising vans, 190. ^schylus, 194. ^sop, 194. Afghan, 233, 254. Afghanistan, 254, 255. Africa, 271-280, Agassiz, Louis J. R., 51. Agathocles, 218. Agesilaus II., k. Sparta, 195. Agincourt, battle, 157. Agrarian law, 206. Agrarian League party, 170. Agricola in Britain, 170. Agricultural college, first in U.S., 76. Agricultural exp. sta., 97. Agrigentum founded, 218. Agrippina, 207. Aguinaldo, 270. Aix-la-Chapelle, peace of, 147, 159, 202. Akbar rules Hindustan, 260. Alabama, 26, 59,78. Alabama, battle-ship, 112. Alabama (Confed.), 190; award paid, 89, 191. Alains in Portugal, 225. Alamo, Tex., massacre, 67. Alani conquer Spain, 238. Alaric the Goth, 198, 209. Alaska, 86, 109. Albany, city of, incor., 8. Albemarle, ram, 83. Alberta, N. W. ter., 22. Albert, k. of Bohemia, 153. Albert of Austria, 166, 204. Albert of Brandenburg, 227. Albert of Mecklenburg, 244. Albert, Prince, 188. Albert I., assassinated, 147. Albert v., emp. of Ger., 147. Albrecht, Archduke, 148, 149. Alcibiades, 195. Alcott, A. Bronson, 47. Alcott, Louisa May, 66. Alcudia R. R. bridge, fall, 242. Aldine Press, 222. Aldrich, Thomas B., 68. Alexander I., k. of Scot., 172. Alexander II., Czar, 233, Alexander III,, emp., 233, 234. Alexander III,, k. of Scot., 173. Alexander Milosch I.. 237. 284 INDEX. Alexander, P. of Bulgaria, l.')4. Alexander the Great, 196, 256, 257, 260, 264, 267, 268. Alexandra, Princess, 156. Alexandria, Museum, 276; be- sieged, 277. Alexis, Grand Duke, 88. Alfaro, dictator, Ecua., 138. Alfonso I. def. Moors, 225. Alfonso v., Portugal, 272. Alfonso XII., 242, 243. Alfonso XIII., 243. Alfred, King, statue of, 191. Alfred the Great, 171. Algiers, 56, 272. Alhambra founded, 239. Alien and sedition laws, 46. Ali rules Arabia, 255. Allan, Sir Hugh, 22. Allan steamship line, 75. Allen, Ethan, 18. Allston, Washington, 34. Alma, battle of the, 231. Almagro, D., Chile, 133. Almoravides, dynasty, 239. Almy, John J., admiral, 105. Alonzo, pres. of Bol., 130. Alphonso of Aragon,219. Aluminum, imp. process, 97. AlvaradosubduesIudians,118; conquers San Salvador, 123. Alvear takes Montevideo, 145. Amadeus.D.of Aosta,241, 242. Amadeus, Vic, Sardinia, 218. Amalgro the Lad, Peru, 142. Amaru, Tupac, inca, 143. Amazonian war, 193. America, Central, 118-124. Russian, sold to U. S., 232. America, North, 1-117. America, South, 127-146. America wins race, 74. American — Antiquarian Society, 54. Antislavery Society, 66, 88. army disbanded, 37. Bible Society, 57. Colonization Society, 57. Daily Advertiser^ 37. Exposition at N. Orleans, 96. Farmer, 58. Federation of Labor, 97. American — Inst, of Elec. Eng., 95. Soc. of Mech. Eng., 93. Inst, of Min. Eng., 88. Philosophical Society, 12. ports closed, 51. Protective Association, 103. Public Health Ass., 89. Society of Civil Eng., 74. Sunday-school Union, 62. University, Washington, 107. Woman's Suflrage Asso., 87. Americans evacuate N. Y., 32. Amendments, Constitutional, I.-X., ratilied, 42; XI.. 43; XII., 49; XIII., 85; XIV., 87; XV., 88. Ames, Fisher, 15. . Amherst College, 60. Amiens, peace of, 160. Ammen, Daniel, admiral, 112. Amnesty, gen., proc, 85, 86. Amui'ath I., Sultan, 198, 248. Anabaptists bun., 6; war, 167. Anacreon, 194. Anaquito, battle, 142. Anarchists, Chicago, 97, 98; in Barcelona, 243; in Bel- gium, 153. Ancient and Hon. Artillery Co., 192. Anderson, Mary, actress, 77. Anderson, Robert, gen., 50. Andersonville prison, 82. Andover Theol. Sem., 52. Andrade,I., pres., Venez., 146. Andrassy, Count, 149, 201, 205. Andre, Major, 35. Andr^e, balloonist, 223. Andrew II., death, 204. Andrew, John A., 58. Andros, Sir Edmund, 7, 8. Angherites, rebellion, 273. Angles iu. Britain, 171. Anglin,T. W.,24. Anglo-Amer. arbit. treaty. 109. Anglo-Saxon language, 172. Anne arr. at Plymouth, 4. Anne, queen of Gt. Brit., 181. Anson and Hawke, 184. Anthracite coal, 22. Anti-corn-law League, 189. INDEX. 285 Antietam, battle, 80. Antigonus, death, 268. Antigua, W. I., settled, 125. Anti-Jesuit law, 169. Anti -Masonic Party, 65. Antiocti founded, 268. Antiochus, 264, 268. Antipater, Macedonia, 196. Anti-Rent troubles, 44. Antislavery Society, first, 18; inN. Y.,66. Antoninus Pius, emp., 208. Aosta, Duke of, death, 213. Apache Indian war, 95. Apelles, 196. Apis, worship of, 276. Apollodorus, 195. Appenzell joins Confed'y, 246. Appleton's Cyclopaedia, 78. Arabia, 255, 256. Arago, Francis, 162. Aragon, 147, 239. Araucanians, 133. Arbor Day, origin, 89. Arcadius, emperor, 198. Arce, pres. of Bol., 130. Archaeological Inst, of Am., 92. Archibald, Sir A. G., 19. Archimedes observes sol- stices, 196; slain, 218. Arctic, steamer, lost, 75. Areopagus established, 193. Argall burns Port Royal, 25. Argentine Republic, 127-129. Argonautic exp. of Jason, 193. Argos, kingdom of, 192. Arias, C, dep. Medina, 121. Ariosto, Ludovico, 209. Aristides " the Just," 194. Aristophanes, 195. Aristotle, 195. Arius, found, of Arianism, 196. Arkansas, 67, 78. Armstrong gun, 190. Arnold, Benedict, 18, 34, 35. Arnold, Matthew, 188. Arnold of Brescia, death, 209. Arnold, Thomas, 186. Arnulf takes Rome, 209. •• Aroostook war," 69. Artaxerxes, king, 267. Arthur, Chester A., 64, 93. Arundelian marbles, 193. Aryans conquer India, 260. Asbury, Francis, bishop, 13- Ascham, Roger, 176. Ashtabula, R. R. accident, 91. Asia, 2.54-270. Assiniboia, N. W. ter., 22. Assyria, 256, 257. " Assyrian Discoveries," 257. Astor, John Jacob, 15. Astor Library, N. Y., 75. Astronom. observations, 257. Astronom. Soc. of Lond , 188. Asuncion, Par., founded, 140. Atahualpa, inca, mur., 142. Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe R. R., 105. Athabraska, N. W. ter., 22. Athaliah, death, 264. Athanasius, 196. Atlanta campaign, 83. Atlantic cable, 76, 77, 85, 93, 190, 191. Atomic theory, 187. Attila plunders Milan, 216. Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, 127. Audubon, John J., 34. Auerstadt, battle, 228. Augsburg Confession, 200. Augustus I., Saxony, 2.36. Augustine, St., in Eng., 171. Aurelian def. Zenobia, 269. Aurungzebe reigns, 261. Austerlitz, battle, 160. Austin, Alfred, 192. Australasian col., fed. of, 280. Australia, 280. Australian ballot system, 99. Austria, 147-150. Avalanches in N. Italy, 213. Avon defeated, 56. AyoobKhan, 255. Aztecs in Mexico, 1. Baber, Sultan, 2.54, 260. Babylon, 256, 257. Babylonia, 257. > Bache, George M., com., 107. Bacon, Francis, 177. Bacon, Nathaniel, rebellion, 7. Bacon, Roger, 172. Badajos founded, 118. 286 INDEX. Baglejr, Ensign, killed, 30. Bahamas, piracy in, 126. Bailey, Theodorus, adm., 50. Bainbridge, Wm., com., 17. Bajazet I., 248, 249. Baker, Sir S., dis. Lake Albert Nyanza, 275. Balaklava, battle, 231. Balboa, Vasco de, 2. Baldwin, earl of Flanders, 198. Balfour, William D.. 24. Baliol, John, of Scot., 173- Ball, Thomas, 59. Ballivian, pres. of BoL, 129. Ballou, Hosea, Univ., 17. Ball's Blufl-, battle, 79. Balmaceda, Jos^. Chile, 135. Baltimore American, 47. Baltimore and Ohio R. R., 64. Baltimore laid out, 10; first public school, 64. Baltimore, Lord, founds col. ,4. Bancroft, George, 47. Bank of England, 181, 189, 191. Bank of France founded, 160. Bank of Italy estab., 211. Bank of N. America, 35. Bank of Persia, 268. Bank of Venice, 221. Banks, Nathaniel P., 57, 76, 80. Bannockburn, battle, 173. Baptist church, 5, 7, 9. Baptista, M., pres. of BoL, 130. Barbados, W. L, set., 125. Barbarossa, Frederic, 166, 215. Barbary pirates, 272. Barbary States, 272, 273. Barbuda, W. I., set., 125. Barcelona, siege, 240; strike in, 242. Barlow, Francis C, 106. " Barnburners," 71. Barnet, battle, 175. Barneveldt, execution, 201. Barney, Joshua, com., 15. Barnum, Phineas T., 53. Barometer, invention of, 209. Barrios, pres. of Gua., 120. Barrios, pres. of S. Sal., 124. Barron, Com., 16, 60. Bartholdi, stat. of Liberty, 164. Barton, Clara, org. Red Cross Soc, 65. Bastille, destruction of, 159. Batavian Republic, 202. Bates, Joshua, 40. Baton Rouge, 27, 28, 29. Batthyany, Louis, shot, 204. Bavaria, 150, 151. Baxter, Richard, 178. Bayard, Chevalier, 175. Bayard, Thomas F., 113. Bazaine, 116, 163. Beachy-llead, sea-fight, 181. Beatoun, Cardinal, assas., 176. Beaumont, Francis, 177. Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 57. Beckct, Thomas a, 172. Bede, the Venerable, 171. Beecher, Henrv Ward, 55. Beecher, Lyman, 18. Beethoven, Ludwig von, 228. Behring-Sea, 24, 101, 114, 191. liela III., 203. Belgium, 151-1.^)3, 202, 203. Belgrade captured, 237, 249. Belisarius, 198, 209, 219, 274. Bell, Alexander G., 72, 91. Bellamy, Edward, 73. Belmont, Mo., battle, 79. Belochus, king, 2o6. Belshazzar, 257. Beltcheff, M., Bulgaria, 155. Belzoni removes statue of Memnon, 277. Belzu, pres. of Bol., 129. Benhadad, 268. Benham, Admiral, 133. Bennett, James Gordon, 44. Bennington, Vt., settled, 15; battle, 32. Bentham, Jeremy, 184. Benton, Thomas H., 76. Beranger, Pierre Jean, 1.59. Berbice, Brit. Guiana, 139. Beresford capt. B. Ayres, 127. Berkeley, Bish., in Berm., 124. Berkeley, Sir Wm., gov., 5. Berlin, 169, 227, 228, 229. Bermuda, 124, 125. Bernabe,L.,Span. min.,111,112. Bernadotte, k. of Sweden, 245. Berne built, 246. INDEX. 287 Berro, B. P., pres. Urug., 145. Bessemer steel, 85, 190. Beust, Von,149, 237. Bianchi and Nevi, 214. Bible, first English, in U. S., 35; trans, into Jap., 26(5; use of, in churches, 176. Great, published, 176. King James's, pub., 178. WycIifiTe's, completed, 174. Biddle, Nicholas, com., 13. Bienville in La., 26. Bierstadt, Albert, 63. Big Bethel, fight at, 78. Big Black River, battle, 81. Bismarck, 168, 169, 170, 229. Bjarni on N. E. const, 1. Bjornson.Bjornstjerne, 223. Black Death, 214. " Black Friday," 87. Black Hawk war, 65. " Black Hole," 261. Black Prince, death, 174. Blackstone, Sir Wm., 182; •• Commentaries." 184. Blackwell, Elizabeth, 60. Blackwell Tunnel opened, 192. Blaine, James G., 64. Blair, Henry W., 2.59. Blanc, Louis, death, 164. Blanco, Capt.-Gen., 30. Blanco, G., pres. Venez., 146. Bland silver bill, 92, 104. Blenheim, battle, L58, 167, 181. Blizzard in E. States, 98. Blondin, rope-walker, 77. BlUcher, Marshal, 228. Boadicea, insurrections, 170. Boccaccio, 214. Boccanegra, Simon, doge, 215. Boers claim independence, 280. Boetius, 209. Bogran, pres. of Hon , 121. Bohemia, 147, 1.53, 154. Boileau-Despreaux, 1.58. Boleslas II., mur. St. Stanis- laus, 223. Boleslas of Poland, 227. Bolivar, dictator. Col., Peru, 136, 143. Bolivia, 129, 130. Bombay, 261, 263. Bonaparte, Jos., 219, 220, 240. Bonaparte, Louis, 202. Bonaparte, Nap., 222, 269, 277. Bonds and Treasury notes, 83. Bonilla, Policarpo, pres., 121. Book of Common Prayer, 176. Boone, Daniel, 14. Booth, Edwin T., 66. Booth, Junius Brutus, 45. Booth, J. Wilkes, 84. Borda, J. I., pres. Urug., 145. Bordone, Giotto, 214. Borodino, battle, 160, 231. Boroimhe, Brian, 171. Borrero, Dr., Ecua., 138. Boston, British evacuate, 18. Daily Advertiser, 55. Daily Globe, 89. Daily Post, 65. Evening Transcript, 65. great fire in, 89. Herald, 72. Journal established, 66. Massacre, 17. News Letter, 9. Port Bill, 17, 185. Recorder, 57. settled, 5. subway opened, 113. University chartered, 87. Bosworth, battle, 175. Botany Bay, felons at, 280. Boucicault, Dion, 100. Houdinot, Elias, 36. Boulanger arrested, 164. Bounty for fishing-vessels, 42. Bourbon, Constable de, 209. Bourbon dynasty restored, 160. Boutvvell, George S., 58. Bowditch, Nathaniel, 17. Boxer captured, 55. Boyne, battle, 181. Bozzaris, Marco, 197. Brabant unit, to Holland, 201. Braddock, Gen., def., 14, 27. Bradford's Pilg. Journal, 109. Bradford, Wm., gov., 4, 6. Bradford, Wm., painter, 102. Bradstreet, Simon, gov., 3. Brahmah lock patented, 185. Brahmo, Somaj, 262. Brainerd, David, miss'y, 9. 288 INDEX. Brandywine, battle, 32. Brant, Joseph, Mohawk, 12. Brazil, 130-133. Breckinridge, John C, 60. Brewster, Wm., death, 6. Bridge, Brooklyn, 94. Bridgman, Laura, 64. Brigandage, 197, 220. Bright, John, 187. Bristovv, Benj. H., 108. Britannia, first Cunarder, 69. British and Foreign Bible So- ciety, 187. Antislavcry Society, 188. army in Phil., 32. capture Savannah, 33. Columbia, 21. British East India Co., 260. evacuate Charleston, S. C , 36; Long Island, 37; New Jersey, 32 ; Phil., 33 ; R. 1., 34; Savannah, Ga., 30. leave Port Royal, S. C, 33. Museum, 184, 274. Science Association, 25. Brittany an. to h rauce, loS. Broderick, Senator, killed, 77. Bronte, Charlotte, 188. Bronze horses, Venice, 221. Brook Farm, 70. Brooks, Phillips, 67. Brougham, Lord Henry, 185. Brown, John, 47; capt. Har- per's Ferry, 77. Brown University, 15. Browne, Charles F., 67. Browning, Elizabeth B., 187. Browning, Robert, 188. Browuists, rise of, 177. Bruce, Robert, k. of Scot., 173. Bruce, traveller, 274. Brugsch, Pacha, 278. Brunswick, revolution, 168. Bruselas founded, 118. Brutus, death, 207. Bryan, William J., 108. Bryant, Wm. Cullen, 44. Bubonic plague, 150, 263. Buchanan, James, 41, 7G. Bucharest, revolution, 251. Buckner, John, print.-press, 7. Buda-Pesth, 205. Buddhism, 265. Buell, Don Carlos, gen., 53. Buena Vista, battle, 115. Buenos Ayres, 127, 128, 140. Buffon, Comte de, 159. Bulgaria, 154, 155, 251. Bull, E. W. (Con. grape), 105. Bull Run, battle, 78. Bunker HiJl, battle, 18; cen- tenary of, 90. Bunker Hill Monument, 62, 70. Bunyan, John, 178. Buonarotti, Mich. -Angelo, 221. Bureau of Navigation, 95. Burgoyne, surrender, 32. Burke, Edmund, 183. Burlingame, Anson, 61. Burmese war, 261. Burns, Anthony, fug. slave, 75. Burns, Robert, 184. Burnside, Ambrose E., G2, 80. Burr, Aaron, 14, 49, 51. Burritt, Elihu, 53. Butler, Benj. F., 58, 79. iiyron. Lord, 186. Byzantium, 193, 208. Caamano, J. M.C., Ecua., 138. Caballero, B., pres.. Par., 1-tl. Cabanos, pres., exiled, 121. Cabot, John, 2. Cabot, Sebastian, 127, 140. Cabral in Brazil, 130. Cabrera, Senor, bishop, 243. Cabul, British in, 254. Caceres, pres., Peru, 144. Cale, Jack, insurrection, 175. Cadillac, La Motte, 26. Cadmus founds Thebes, 193. Caedmon, Eng. poet, 171. Caesar, Caius Julius, 170, 207. Cairoli, Benedetto, death, 213. Calculating machine, 188. Calcutta, 261, 262. Calderon,240. Calderon, Quinto, Col., 136. Calendar, new style, 184, 205. Calhoun, John C, 36, 66. California. 3, 73, 110. Caligula, emperor, 207. Calviu, John, 157. INDEX. 289 Cambray, siege, 222. Cambyses the Persian, 276. Camden, S. C, battle, 34. Camoens, Luiz de, 226. Campanile, construct, of, 217. Campbell, Alexander, 40. Campbell, Thomas, 185. Campbellites, 63. Campero, pres. of Bol., 130. Campos, Marshal, in Cuba, 29. Canada and U. S, Fishery Com., 21. divided, 19. exhibition at Regina, 24. first railway in, 19. oil-wells in, 20. royal troops leave, 21. surrenders, 28. treaty with France, 23. Upper and Lower, reun., 20. S. Confederates in, 20. Canadian-A raeri. commis. , 114. Canadian clergy reserves, 20. Canadian Pacific R. R., 23. Canadian Parliament, 20. Canal bet. North Sea and Am* sterdam, 203. Canal tolls, 23. Canby, Gen., killed, 89. Cannae, Romans def., 274. Cannon, first cast in Eng., 176. Canova, Antonio, 222. Canrobertj Mar., death, 165. Canton, Europeans in, 258. Canute the Great, 155, 171. Cape Breton discovered, 2. Cape St. Vincent, bat., 185, 240. Cape Town founded, 279; first parliament meets at, 279; great fire at, 279. Capet, Hugh, reigns, 157. Capitol, Rome, founded, 205; dedicated, 205. Capitol, Wash., burnt, 56. Cappel, battle, 246. Caractacus, captive, 170. Carausius in Britain, 170. Caravels, Span., in N. Y., 102. Carbonari in Naples, 220. Carceres Comayagua, 120. Carey, Henry C. pol.econ.,93. Carleton, WiU,72. Carlist and Christina parties, 240. Carlists, insurrection, 242. Carlyle, Thomas, 186. Carnot, Pres., assas., 164. Caro, pres., Colom., 136. Caroline, steamer, burnt, 68. Carrara, anarchist riots, 213. Carrera achieves ind. of Gua., 119; pres., 120; dies, 120. Carrio, Geronimo, Ecu., 137. Carroll, Chai'les, 11. Carteret, Philip, gov., 7. Carthage, 273, 274. Carthnginians, 238, 273, 274. Cartier, Jacques, 2. Cartier, Sir Geo. E., 19. Carver, .John, gov., 4. Cary, Alice, 60. Cary, Phoebe, 62. Casimir, John, abdicates, 224. Casimir-Perier, M., 164, 165. Cass, Lewis, 36. Cassius, death, 207. Castelar, dictator, 242. Castile, 147 ; uni. toAragon ,239. Castilla, Ramon, Peru, 143. Castillo, Canovas del, 243. Castillo, pres. of S. Sal., 124. Castro, Vaca de, in Peru, 142. Catania captured, 220. Catherine II., Russia, 230. Catherine of Portugal, 272. i^atholic earls revolt, 177. Catholics in Abyssinia, 271. Catiline conspiracy, 207. Cato, death, 207. Cato the elder, 206. Cattle, 2, 86, 153. Catullus, 206. Caucasians, immigration , 251. Caucasus, insu'-rection, 232. Cavour, Count, 211, 218. Cawnpore surrenders, 262. Caxton, VV., print.-press, 175. Cecil, Robert, Marquis of Sal- isbury, 189. Cecrops in Greece, 193. Cedar Creek, Va., battle, F3. Cedar Mountain, battle, 80. Celli, att.-gen., assas., 213, Census Act, 41. 290 INDEX. Census in Russia, 234. Census Office, Wash., Are, 107. Centennial Int. Med. Congress at Philadelphia, 91. Central America^ steamer, 76. Central Asian railway, 233, 255. Central College incor., .58. Century Dictionary pub., 101. Cerdic in Britain, 171. Cerna, pres. of Gua., 120. Cerro Gordo, battle, 115. Cervantes, 239. Cervera, admiral, 30, 31. Cetywayo, war with. 290. Chalmers, Dr., 185. Chambers, Robert, 187. Champion Hills, Miss., bat., 81. Champlain in Canada, 25. Chancellorsville, battle, 81. Channing, Wm. Ellery, 34. Chantilly, Va., battle, 80. Chapultepec taken, 115. Chares, sculptor, 196. Charity Bazar, Paris, fire, 1C5. Charlemagne, 157, 165. Charles Al., emp. Bav., 151. Charles Albert, king, abd., 218. Charles of Anjou, king, 219. Clmrles of Spain, king, 219. Charles the Bold, 246. Charles I., k. of Eng., 178, 179. Charles II., k. of Eng., 180, 272. Charles IV. of Germany, 166. Charles V., emp. of Ger., 166, 167, 239. Charles V. rules Austria, 147. Charles VI., Austria, 147. Charles XTI. of Sweden, 245. Charles XIII. of Sweden, 245. Charlotte, N. C, battle, 35. Charruas slays Soils, Uru., 145. Chase, Salmon P., 52. Chateaubriand, 159. Chattanooga, battle, 82. Chatterton, Thomas, 184. Chaucer, Geoffrey dies, 174. Chauncy, Charles, 6. Che Hwang-te rules China, 258. Chelsea Hospital founded, 180. Cheops, pyramid of, 275. Cherry Valley massacre, 33. Cherub captures Essex, 55. Chesapeake, V.^. frigate, 51,55. Chesapeake and Ohio canal, 63. Chesney, Col., in Assyria, 257. Chevreul, M., death, 164. Chevy Chase, battle, 174. Chicago and R. Island R.R., 75. Chicago, great fire, 88; intense heat, 109; peace jub., 113. Chicago Tribune, 72. Chickamauga, battle, 82. Child, LvdiaM., 48. Childs, (George W., 103. Chile, 133-135. China, 258-260. China, embassy to U. S., 92. Chinese, immigration, 92, 98, 102,103, 281; massacre of, in Wyoming, 95. Chippewa, battle, 55. Chloroform discovered, 65. Choate, Ruf us, 47. Choisenl sends colonists, 140. Cholera in U. S., 66; in Gua lemala, 120; in Germany, 169; in England, 189, 190; in Naples, 220; in Russia, 234; in Spain, 243; in Con- stantinople, 251. Christian, King, 156. Christian I. of Denmark, 155. Christian II. of Denmark, 244. Christiania, 223. Christianity in Bohemia, 153; in Hungary, 203; Julian abjui-es, 209; in Norway, 222; in Poland, 223; in Prussia, 227; in Sweden, 244; in Abyssinia, 271. Christians, first council, at Nice, 208; ill treatment, 250; revolt, 251; Ncstorian, 258; rights granted, 259. Christian Science, doctrine, 86. Endeavor Society, 93, 110. Socialists, conv. of, 170. Christina, Q. of Sweden, 244. Christopher Colon wrecked, 30. Christ's Church, Oxford, 176. Chronicle, San Francisco, 85. Chrysostom, 196. Churchill, John, Duke of Marl borough, 179, INDEX. 291 Church, first, of Boston, 4. Church of Scotland, disrup- tion, 189. Churubusco, battle of, 115. Cialdini, Gen., death, 213. Cicero, 207, 219- Cilley, duel with Graves, 68. Cimabue, Giovanni, 214. Cincinnati and Covington sus- pension bridge, 86. Cincinnatus, victory of, 206. City of Boston, stmr. lost, 87, City of Columbus, steamer, 94. Civil kights* Bill, 85. Civil service order issued, 91. Civil war in Am., last fight, 85. Clan-na-Gael, 93. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 182. Clark, A Ivan G., 52, 105, 109. Clay Compromise Bill, 73. Clay, Henry, 32; duel with Randolph, 63. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 123. Clayton, John M., 45. Claudius Civilis, 201. Claudius I., emp., 170, 207. Clemens, Ch. Father, 196. Clemens, Samuel L., 67. Cleopatra, 277. " Cleopatra's Needle," 93. Clermont, steamboat, 51. Cleveland, Stephen Grover, 68,95,102,104,106,108. Cleveland & Toledo K. II., 75. Clifton suspension bridge, 21. Clingman.T. L.. 110. Clinton, De Witt, 16. Clinton, Gen., 34. Clinton, Geo , 12, 50, 54. Clive, capt. Calcutta, 261. Clovis, k. Franks, 157, 201. Coal, anthracite, 22, 41. Coast-survey work, 58. Cobden, Richard, 187. Cockburn, Sir Geo.. 54. Coflin, Charles C, 107. Coinage ordinance, 39. Cold Harbor, Va., battle, 83. Coleridge, Samuel T., 185. Colfax, Schuyler, 61. Coliseum founded, 208. Collins, Jennie, 97. Collins steamship line, 73. Colombia, 136. Colonial Cong., 8; rights, 18. Colonial postage, Aus., 281. Colorado admitted, 91. Colt, Samuel, 55. Columbia College, 14, 106. Columbian naval review, 102. Columbus, 2, 31, 118, 120, 122, 125, 136, 145, 215, 239. Comet, Donati's, 77; Halley's, 174. Communist rev. in Paris, 163. Compass, mariner's, 258. Comte, Isidore, 160. Concord, battle, 18. Confederate Congress, 84. Confederates in Ky., 80. Confederation, Art. of, 18, 33. Confession of Augsburg, 166. Confucius, 258. Congo Free State, 152, 275. Congress adopts" decimal cur- rency, 37; authorizes pro- visional army, 46; auth. seizing hostile French ves- sels, 46. Congress, lib., fire in, 74. Congress of Hungarian Jews, 205; Peace and Liberty, 247; Polish historians, etc., 225; Postal, 248; Social Democrats, 170; Social Science, 247; Vienna. 168; Workmen's, 152, 229, 247. Conkling, Roscoe, 64. Connecticut, settled, 5; first const., 5. Conscience, Henri, 152. Constantine, Gr. Duke, 224. Constantine the Great, 208, 209. Constantine XIII., 198. Constantinople, 250, 251. Constantius rec Brit., 170. Constellation, frigate, 47. Constellation carries food to Ire., 93. Constitution, Atlanta, es., 86. Constitution, frigate, 54, 56. Continental Congress, first, 17; last, 40. Contreras, battle, 115. 292 INDEX. Cooke, Josiah P., 104. Cooper, James Fenimore, 40. Cooper, Peter, 41. Cooper Union, 76. Copenhagen, 156. Copernicus, 227. Copley, John S., 11. Copyright law, 40, 65. Corday, Charlotte, 159. Cordero, Luis, Ecua., 138. Cordova, Arg. Rep., 129. Cordova, Fernando de, 2. Cordova, f ds Granada, 122. Cordova, pres. Bol., 129. Corean ambassadors, 94. Corinth canal, 197. Corinth, Miss., battle, 80. Coriolanus, bes. Rome, 206. Corneille, Pierre, 158. Corn-laws, Eng., 188, 190. Cornwallis, Lord, 35. Corral, insur. of, 130. Correggio, 209. Corse, John M., 102. Cortereal, Gaspar, 2. Cortes of Spain, 241. Cortez, Hern., 2, 28, 114, 120. Corunna, battle, 240. Cossacks, 230, 249. Costa Rica, 118, 119. Coster Lourens, 201. Cotopaxi, eruption, 138. Cotton famine in Eng., 191. Cotton first sent to Eng., 37; first manuf. in U. S., 39. Cotton, John, 6. Couch, Darius N., 109. Coumoundouros, states., 197. Council of Chalcedon, 198. Council of Ephesus, 198. Coup d'etat in Paris, 161. Courier- Journal, Louisv., 87. Covndonga capt., 241. Coverdale's Eng. Bible, 176. Cowpens, S. C, battle, 35. Cowper, William, 183. Coxey's •• army," 104. Cracow, 224. Cranch, Christopher P., 55. Crawford, Francis M., 72. Crawford, Thomas, 55. Crecy, battle, 157. Credit Mobilier, 89. Cremation in U. S., 91. Cretans, revolt of, 197. Crete (Candia) taken, 249; purchased by Venice, 221. Crimea evacuated, 232; ceded to Russia, 249. Crispi, M., prime min., 213. Crittenden, John J., 39. Crockett, David, 39. Cromwell, Oliver, 179. Cromwell, Richard, 180. Crown Point surr., 18. Crusaders, 198, 269, Crystal Palace, N. Y., 77. Cuba, 2, 29-31, 111, 112, 114, 242. Cuban sufferers, 109. Culloden, battle, 183. Culver, Helen, gift, 105. Currency Bur. of Treas., 83. Curtis, Geo. Wm., 62. Cushman, Charlotte S., 57. Custer, George A., 69, 90. Custer's troops mas., 90. Custozza, 211. Cuyp, Albert, 201. Cyane captured., 56 Cyclone at Madrid, 243. Cyrus, k. of Persia, 266, 268. Czechs, agitation of, 154. Dacian war, 208. Da Gama joins insur., 133. Daguerrotypes, 69, 161. Dahlgren, John A., 53. Dahomey, war with, 164.. Daimios, insurrection, 265. Dakota University, 9.5. Dale, Richard, com., 14. Dallas, Ga., battles, 83. Damascus, 255. Dampier, \V., buc, 122, 280. Dana, Charles A., journ., 59. Dana, Richard H., 39. Dana, Richard H., Jr., 56. Danes in Ir. and Sc, 170, Fl. Danilesky, hist., 234. Dannawerke, battle, 156. Dante, Alighieri, 211, 214. Danton executed, 159. Danube, 149, 150. Dare, Virginia, 3. INDEX. 293 Darius Hystaspes, 2n6. Darius takes Babylou, 257. «• Dark Day," 34. Darnley, Henry S., mur., 177. Dartmouth College, 17. Darwin, Charles li., 141, 191. Daudet, Alphonse, 165. Daughters of A. K., 101, 108. Davenport, John, 7. David 1., k. of Scot., 172. David II.. k. of Scot., 173. David, King, 268. Davila explores Nic, 122. Davis, Charles H., adm., 82. Davis, David, judge, 96. Davis, .Jeflfersou, 78, 85, 86. Davis, John, discoverer, 3. Davy, Sir Humphry, 1S5. Dawson, Sir J. VV., 19. Day, Judge, sec. of state, 112. Daye, Stephen, printer, 3. Daza, pres. of Bol., 130. Deaf mutes, 58. Deak, Francis, death, 205. Debs, Eugene V., 105, Debt, imprisonment for, 46. •' Decamerone," 214. Decatur, Stephen, 33, 49, 60. Decimal coinage, 20; in Den- mark, 156. Declaration of Independence, 18; centenary of, 90. Delagoa railway, 280. Delaware, 5, 6. Delaware State College, 88. Delhi captured, 260, ^61, 262. De Lome, Dupuy, 111. De Long, explorer, 94. D'^mocratic Nat. Conv., 65. Democritus, 195. D'^mostheues. 195. Deneira, rebel, Chile, 135, D'^nraark, 155, 156, 228, 229. Dental school in U. S., 69. Department of Agriculture, 79,98; Education, 86; For- eign Affairs, 40; Interior, 73; Justice, 88; Navy, 40; Treasury, 40; War, 40. De Quincey, Thomas, 186. De Ruyter, Dutch adm., 202. Dervishes, defeat of, 279. Descartes, Rene, 158. De Souza at S. Vincente, 131. Dessalines orders mas., 126. De Thorbecke, statesman, 203. Dettingen, battle, 159. Deucalion, deluge of, 193. Devens, Charles, gen., 60. Dewey, George, 112, 114, 270. De Witt, Corn, and John, 202. Diamond fields disc, 279, 280. Diamond Necklace affair, 159. Diaz, Porfirio, pros. Mex., 117. D'Iberville, on Miss, river, 26. Dickens, Charles, 70, 86, 188. Dickinson, Anna E., 70. Dickinson, Daniel S., 47. Dido founds Carthage, 273. Digna, Osman, 279. Dingley, Nelson, 114. Dingley Tariff Bill, 110. Diocletian, era of, 208. Diogenes, 195. Dionysius, Areopagite, 196. Dionysius of Halicarnas., 196. Dionysius the elder, 218. Directory, French, 160. Disciples of Christ, 63. D'lsraeli, Benjamin, 187. Dist. of Columbia, 41. 48, 88, 90. Dix, Dorothea L., 50. Dix, John A., 46. •' Doctor," term first app., 16. Dodge, M. A., 108. Dole, S. B.. pres.. Ill, 282. Dollinger, Dr., 151. Domenichino Zampieri, 209. Dominica, W, I,, 125. Dominion of Canada formed, 20; currency in, 21. Doniitian assassinated, 208. Dom Miguel, k. Port., 226. Dom Pedro, emp., 90, 131. Dom Pedro, Portugal, 226. Don Carlos, sur., 242. Donna Maria, Fort., 226. Doria, Andrew, 215. Dorrego, pres,, 128. Dorr's Rebellion, 70. Dort, Synod of, 201. Dost Mohammed Khan, 254. Douglas, Stephen A., 55. 294 INDEX. Douglass, Frederick, 58, 105. Douw, Gerard, 201. Dow, Neal, 49. Draco, laws of, 194. Draft riots in N. Y., 81. Drake, J. Rodman, 44. Drake, Samuel G., 46. Drake, Sir Francis, 3, 141. Dred Scott case, 76. Dreyfus, Capt, A., 164, 165. Drogheda capt., 179, Drought, seven-weeks', 169. Dryden, John, 178. Dublin built, 171. Du Chaillu, traveller, 275. Due d'Enghien exec, 160. Duel bet. Prince of Orleans and Prince of Savoy, 165. Dufferin, Lord, 21, Duke of Cambridge, 192. Duke of Oporto, 227. Duke of York, 191. Dumas, Alexandre, 163. Duncan, k. of Srot., 171. Dunglison, Robley, 46. Dunstan, Archbishop, 171. Dunster, pres. of Harv., 6. Dupont, Sam. F., ada).,49. Duquesue, Marquis, 27. Durer, Albert, 166. Dushan, S,,conq. Bui., 237. Dustin, Mrs. Hannah, 8. Dwight, Timothy, 13. Eads, John B., eng., 97. Earl of Essex, 178, Earthquakes, 85, 87, 97, 110, 119, 124, 126, 129, 137, 144, 172, 197, 212, 219, 221, 226, 243, 258, 266, 268, East Indies, Dutch, 203. Eastern Empire, 196, 198, 209. Eclipses, 2.56, 2.57. Ecuador, 137, 138. Eddystone lighthouse, 184. Edgehill, battle, 179. Edict of Nantes, 158. Edinb, and Lcith burnt, 176. Edison, Thomas A,, 72, 92, Edmund II. (" Ironside "),171. Education compulsory, 251. Edward the Confessor, 171. Edward I., k. of Eng„ 173; Edward II., 173; Edward III., 173; Edward I V„ 175; Edward V., 175; Edward VI., 176. Edward the Martyr, 171. Edwards, Jonathan, 9. Egan, U. S. minister, 135, Egbert " overlord," 171, Egusguiza, pres. Par., 141. Egypt, 27-5-27S, Elba, Napoleon at, 161. El Caney, light at, 31. Electors vote for first pres,, 40. Electric light, 92; disc, by Davy, 188. Electric street railway, 94, Electric telegraph in France, 161; inv. by Ronalds, 188. Electrical measurement, 103, Electricity, first execution, 99, Eleusinian mvsteries, 193. Elevated R. R„ N, Y., 92. Elijah translated, 263. Eliot, Charles W„ 67, Eliot, John, apostle to Indians, 3,6,7. Elizabeth, queen of Eng., 176. Ellery, William, 10. Ellet, Col., 82. Elliot, Com., 259. Elliott, Jesse D,, 36. El Moliuo del Key, 115. Kly, R. T., polit. econ,, 75. Emancipation, proc, of, 81. Kmaniiel, Charles, 246, Embargo Act, .52, Embargo on shipping, 43, Embargo on U- S. vessels, .54. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 49. Emigrant alien labor, 95. Emmanuel II,, Victor, 218. Emmanuel, Vic, 211, 212, 216. Emmett, Robert, 187. Empress of Aust. assas., 150. Endicott, John, gov., 4, 7, Endymion capt. President, 56. Eng, East India Co., 178, English used in law pleadings, 174 ; in courts of just,, 183. Enterprise and Boxer, 55. Epaminondaa, death, 195. INDEX. 295 Epervier captured, 55. Epicurus^ 195. Episcopacy in England, ISO. Episcopal Church, 8. Episcopal ordination, 38. Epizootic disease, 89. Eric the Red, 1. Erie canal, 63. Erie railway, 74. Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 199. Errazuriz, pres. Chile, 135. Esar-haddon, 256. Esau and Jacob, 263. Espartero, Duke, 242. Espinosa, Xavier, Ecua., 137. Esquimaux in Greenland, 2. Essex captured, 55. Ether, first application, 72. Eton College founded, 174. Elruscan8,war with Rome, 206. Eucharistic Congress, 105. "Euclid," Eng. trans., 177. Euclid, geometer, 196. Eugene, Prince, 204. Euripides, 194. Eusebius, Ch. Father, 196. Eutaw Springs, S. C, bat., 35. Evangelical Alliance of U. S., 86; in Gt. Brit., 190. Evans,Marian(Geo.Eliot), 188. Evarts, William M., 58. Evelyn, John, 178. Evening Star lost, 85. Everett, Edward, 43. Ewing, Thomas, gen., 106. Ex-Confederates, all disabili- ties removed from, 107. Exhibitions, 21, 24, 53, 98, 99, 152, 155, 162, 164, 190, 191, 197, 203, 205, 212, 220, 227, 228, 229, 233, 243, 245, 248, 251. Expositions, 90, 94, 95, 96, 99, 101, 102, 103, 109. "Cylau, battle, 160. Eyre, Gov., in Jamaica, 126. Ezeta, Carlos, pres., 124. Fairchild, Lucius, 107. Fair Oaks, Va., battle, 79. Faliero, Marino, beh., 221. Falmouth, Me., settled, 26. Famine in Bengal, 262; China, 259; Mass. Bay Col., 5; Russia, 234. " Fanatics," revolt, Bra., 133. F'aneuil, Peter, 12. Faraday, Michael, 186. Farmers' Congress org., 96. Farnham, Ralph, death, 78. Farragut, Adm., 48, 79, 83. Fatimite caliphs, 269, 272. Fatimite Mohammedans, 267. Faure, M. Felix, 165. Faust, John, 166. Favre, M., const, tun., 248. Fawkes, Guy. 178. Fazy, James, states., 248. Febiger, rear-adm., death, 113. Federal Election Laws, 103. Fedorovitz, Michael, 230. Felton, Cornelius C, 51. Fenians in Canada, 20, 21, 85, 88; in Ireland, 191. Feodor I. murdered, 230. Ferdinand, k. of Boh., 154. Ferdinand, prince of Bui., 155. Ferdinand I., emp., 148. Ferdinand IV., of Den., 155. Fessenden, William P., 51. Feudal system in Scot., 171. Field, Cyrus W., 59. Field, Eugene, 73. Field, David D., jurist, 50. Fielding, Henry, 181. " Field of the Cloth of Gold," 157. Fields, James T.,58. Fifty-fourth Mass. Inf., 81. Fillmore, Millard, 47. Financial crisis in X. Y., 95. Finland ceded to Sweden, 230. Fires, 21, 23, 24, 67, 74, 77, M, 85, 88, 89, 99, 103, 107, 109, 1*4, 152, 1.54, 156, 165, l^•0, 208, 227, 231, 248, 250, 251, 279. Fish, Hamilton, 52, Fish, propagation of, 49. Fisher's Hill, Va., bat., 83. Fishery matters, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 42, 49, 92, 101, 107, 110, 114, 125, 191. Fisk, James, Jr., shot, 88. 296 INDEX. Fiske, John, historian, 70. Fisk University, 86. Fitch, John, inventor, TZ. Fitzgeralds, rebel, of, 176. Five Forks, Va., bat., 84. •' Flag Day," 108. Flag of Gt. Brit., 181. Flag of U.S., .^8. Flanisteed catal. stars, 181. Fleet, first Roman, 206. Fletcher, John, dram., 177. Flodden Field, battle, 175. Flogging abolished, 73. Floods, 94, 99, 192, 193, 203, 'V2, 243, 259. Florence, 214. Flores, Ant., pres., 138. Flores, Jose, Ecua., 137. Florida, 2, 3, 28, 71, 78. Florida, Conf. priv., 83, 131. Florida University, 94. F6, religion of, 258. Fonseca, of Brazil, 132, 133. Food riots in Spain, 244. Football, revival of, 77. Foote, Andrew H., adm., 51. J'oote, Henry S., 47. Forbach, battle, 162. Ford's Theatre, 102. Formidable, war-ship, 192. Formosa, 266. Forrest, Edwin, 50. Fort Amsterdam, 7; Donelson, Tenn.,79; Duqiiesne, 14,27; Erie, 55; Fisher, 84; Fron- tenac, 15, 26, 27; Hatteras, 79 ; Henry, 79 ; Niagara, 15 ; Oswego, 14; Pillow, Tenn., 82; Rouille,27 ; StonyPoint, 33; Sumter, 78, 84; Tlcon- deroga, 18; Wagner, S.C, 81; Washington, 32; Wil- liam Henry, 15, 27. Fortune arr. at Plymouth, 4. Foster, Geo. E., Can., 20. Foundling Hosp., London, 183. " Four Hundred," gov. of, 195. Fox, Charles James, 184. Fox, George, Quaker, 7, 179. Foxe, John, martyrol., 177. Fra Bartolomeo, 214. France, 157-165. France conq. Normandy, 172. Francia, despot. Par,, l40. Francis I., emperor, 167. Francis Joseph, emp., 148, 150. Franco-American cable, 87. Francois, Pierre, 28. FrankUn, Benjamin, 9, 10, 11, 13,33,41. Franklin, Sir John, 74, 189. Franklin, Tenn., battle, 84. Franklin, Wm., gov., 15. Franks settle in Gaul, 1.57. Eraser, lieut.-gov., 24. Fred. Augustus 1., k. of Po- land, 236. Fred. Augustus III., elector of Saxony, 236. Frederic, elect. Saxony, 235. Frederic I., emp., 216. Frederick II., of Aust.. 147. Frederick II., the Great, 228. Frederick III., emp., 169. Frederick III., of Aust., 147. Frederick IV., of Nurem., 272. Frederic the Wise, 235. Frederick William H., 228. Frederick Wm., Prince, 228. Fredericksburg, battle, 80. Frederickshald, sie^e of, 245. Free coinage bill, 100. Freedmen's Bureau, 84. Free lodgings abolished, 107. Freemasons In America, 11. Free schools estab., 6. Free silver advocates, 106. Free-will Baptist ch., .34. Fremont, John C, 54, 70, 76, 79. French army in Newport, R. I., 34; leaves Boston, .36. French Atlantic cable, 162. French East India Co., 261. French fleet in ^'arragan8ett Bay, 33; in the Chesa- peake, 35. Freyta?, Gustav, 169. Frias, T., pres. of Bol., 130. Frolic captured, 54. Fronde, wars of the, 158. Frontenac, Count de, 26. Frost, great, in U. S., 77. Froude, James A., 188. Fry, Eliz., philan., 185. INDEX. 297 Fugitive Slave Bill, 73. Fugitive Slave, 83. Fulton, Robert, 16. " Funding Act" vetoed, 93. Furness, William H., 106. Gadsden, James, 40. Gadsden Purchase, 75. Gainsborough, Thomas, 183. Galba, emperor, 208. Gale in Gulf of Mex., 97. Galileo, death, 217. Gallatin, Albert, 15,73. Gallaudet, Thomas H., 39. Gallissoniere, JMarquis, 27. Gallus invades Arabia, 255. Gait, Sir Alex., 19. Gait, Thomas, judge, 19. Galveston, Tex., capt., 81. Gambetta, L^on, 163, 164. Ganges Canal, 262. Garcia, Gen., 31, 107. Garfield, James A., 65, 93. Garibaldi, 211, 212, 220. Garrick, David, 182. Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, 50, 65. Garter, Order of the, 174. Gas, 45, 61, 95, 186. Gasca, Pedro de la, 142. Gates, Horatio, gen., 10. Gauls, 196, 206. Gautama, 260. Gavazzi, Father, 213. Oen. Armstrong, priv., 56. General P. O., London, 179. Geneva, 246, 247. Geneva Tribunal, 89. Genevese in Ireland, 247. Genghis Khan, 254, 260, 267. Genoa, 215. Genseric the Vandal, 209, 274. George, elector of Saxony, 236. George, Henry, 69, 110. George I., k. of Eng., 182, 199; George II., 183; George HI., 184, 186; Geo. IV., 188. George I., k. of Gr., 197, 198. George V., k. of Hanover, 199. Georgia, 11, 35, 78. Georgia Gazette, 15. German colonization soc, 168. German Customs Union, 252. German E. Africa Co., 275. German Lutherans in N. Y., 9. German Reformed Church, 42. Germania, statue, 168. Germanic Confederation, 168. Germantown, battle, 32. Germany, 165-170. Gerry, Elbridge, 13, 55, 56. *' Gerrymander," 54. Gettysburg, battle, 81. Gettysburg Nat. Park, 105. Gettysburg, Soldiers' Mouu- meut, 87. *' Ghost dance," 100. Gibbon, Edward, 183. Gibbons, James, cardinal, 07. Gibbons, John, gen., 107. Gibraltar, 181. Giddings, Joshua R., 44. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 3. Gill, J. B.,pres. Par., 141. Gillmore, Q. A., gen., 62. Gilmer, sec. of navy, 71. Gilmore, Patrick S., 64. Giorgione, painter, 222. Girard, Stephen, 13. Girard College, 72. Giron, insur., Peru, 143. Gist, Christopher, expl., 13. Gladstone, Wm. E., 191, 192. Glencoe, massacre, 181. Globe, Boston, Mass., 89. Globe-Democrat estab., 74. Gneist, Rudolf von, 169. Goddess of Reason, 159. Godoy, " Pri. of Peace," 240. Goethe, J. Wolfgang von, 167. Goflfe, regicide, 7. Gold, 133;i per cent, 81; 285 per cent, 83; at par, 92. Gold coinage, 74, 174. Gold-hunters, emigration, 73. Gold in Alaska, 97 ; Australia, 281 ; Brazil, 131; California, 70, 72; Georgia, 65; Nova Scotia, 20; Utah, 105. " Golden Bull," 166. " Golden Horde," 230. Goldsborough, L. M., 50. Goldsmith, Oliver, 183. Gonda'Gouddi, fight, 271. Gontcharoff, novelist, 234. 298 INDEX. Gonzalez, pres. of Mex., 117; of S.Sal., 124; of Par., 141. Goodrich.S. G., 43. Goodyear, Charles, 47. Gordon, Gen., 259, 279. Gordon, Lord George, 185. Gorges, Thomas, gov., 5. Gorham, Nathaniel, 38. Gorin, k. of Denmark, 155. Gortschakoff, Prince, 224, 233. Gosnold, Bartholomew, 3. Goths, invasion, 208, 219. Gough, John B., .58. Gould, Beuj. A., Jr., 62. Gould, Jay, 68. Gounod, M., death, 164. Graham, Sylvester, veg., 44. Grammar schools, 6. Granada, Nic, founded, 122. Granados deposes Cerna, 120. Grand Army of Republic, 85. Grand Trunk R. R., 20. Grand Visier, Turkey, 250. Granger capt. Mobile, 83. Grangers, org. of, 86. Grant, Ulvsses S., 61, 79, 82, 84,87,89,109,265. Grasshopper plague, 90. Grattan, Heury, 183. Gravelotte, battle, 162. Graves, duel with Cilley, 68. Gray, Asa, botanist, 98. Gray, Capt. Robert, 41, 42. Gray, Thomas, poet, 182. Great Britain and Ireland, 170-192. Great Chartist demonst., 190. Great Eastei-n, 1", 190. '• Greater New York," 107, 109, 111. Greater Republic of Central America, 119. Great Fire in London, 180. Great Northern R. R , 102. Great Plague in London, 180. Great Seal, U. S., 36. Great Sioux reservation, 99. Great Wall of China, 25S. Great Western, 68, 189. Greece, 192-198. Greek Church, 251. Greek Nat. Assembly, 197. Greek patriarch, d., 249. Greeley, Horace, 53, 70. Greely, A. W.,71, 93, 95. Green, Joseph F., adm., 110. Green, Seth, 57. Greenbacks first issued, 81. Green Bay, Wis., 25. Greene, Nathaniel, 12, 35. '• Green Mountain Bovs," 17. Greenland, 1,2. Greenough, Horatio, 50. Greeuough, Richard »., 59. Greenwich Hospital, 181. Greenwich Observatory, ISO. Gresham, W. Q., 105. Grevy, F. P. Jules, 163. Grey, Lady Jane, 176. Grierson, Gen., raid, 84. Griffin, Cyrus, 39. Grijalva, expedition of, 3. Grindelwald, fire at, 248. Griuuell Arctic exped., 74. "Grip "in U.S., 99. Griqualand, col. of, 279. Grisons, League of the, 246. Guadaloupe, VV. I... 125. Guanaliani, 2. Guantanamo,31. Guardia, pres. C. R., 118. Guardiola, pres. Hon., 121. Guatemala, 119, 120. Guelf 1., d. of Bav., 150. Guelphs and Ghibellines, 166, 214. Guerriere, 54. Guiana, Brit., 138, 139; Dutch, 139; French, 140. Guilford C House, bat., 35. Guinea, possess, ceded, 203. Guiteau.C. J.,93, 94. Guizot, M., death, 163. •' Gulliver's Travels," 182. Gun-cotton invented, 190. Gunpowder invented, 166. Gunpowder Plot, 178. Gudtavus Adolphus, 167, 236, 244, 245. Gustavus III., Sweden, 245. Gustavus IV., Sweden, 245. Gustavus Vasa, 244. Gutenberg, John, 166. Guthrie, Samuel, 65. INDEX, 299 Gutierrez, pres., 124. Gypsies exp. from Eng., 176. Habeas corpus, 82, 85, 180. Haco the Good, 222. Hadrian, 170, 208. llaflz, poet, 267. Hahnemann, Samuel, 236. " Hail Columbia " written, 46. Hainault unit, to Hoi., 201. Hakodadi, 265. Hale, Edward Everett, 61. Hale, John P., 51. Haliburton, Thomas C, 19. HalidonHill, battle, 173. Hall, Capt., Arctic exp , 88, Halleck, Fitz-Gi'cene, 41. Halleck, Gen., 57, 80. Halpine, Chai'les G., 64. Hamet, Bey, pacha, 273. Hamilcar Barca, 273, 274. Hamilton, A., 15, 40, 44, 49. " Hamlet " published, 178. Hamlin, Hannibal, 52. Hampden, John, 178, 179. Hancock, John, 11, 38. Hancock, Winlield S., 62. Handel, George F., 227. Handel and Haydn Soc., 56. Handel's " Messiah," 183. Hannibal and St. Jo. 11. K., 77. Hannibal, 273, 274. Hanover, 19y, 228. Hanover C. House, battle, 79. Hanseatic League, 166. Hanson, John, 35. Hapsburg, House of, 149. Harding, Chester, 42. Hardrada, Harold, 222. Har^reaves disc, gold, 281. Harlem Riv., bridge, 98. Harold H., king, 172. Harper, James, 44. Harper's Ferry, 13, 46, 77, 80. Harper's Weekly, 76. Harrison, Benjamin, 66. Harrison, Wm. H., 17, 53. Harte, Francis Bret, 69. Hartford Convention, 56. Harvard College, 5. Harvard, John, 3, 5. Harvesters, automatic, 88. Harvey, William, 177, 178. Hasdrubal, 274. Hassan, gov. of Egypt, 274. Hastings, battle, 172. Hastings, Warren, 186, 261. Hatcher's Run, bat., 83, 84. Havana, 28, 30,31. Hawaii, 104, 112, 281, 282. Hawkins, Sir .John, 177. Hawley, Joseph R.,geu., 63. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 49. Haydn, Joseph, 147. Hayes, I. I., explorer, 94. Hayes, Rutherford B., 61, 91. Haynau def. Hungarians, 204. Hayue, Paul H., 65. Hayne, Rob. Y., speech, 64. Hayti,VV.l., 1-25, 126. Heat, latent, disc, 184. Hecker, Isaac T., 59. '• Hegira," the, 255. Helen, abduction of, 193. HeUgoland, 169. Hellenes in Pelopon., 192. " Hell Gate ' blown up, 91. Helmholtz, Hermann von, 169. Helvetia, 246-248. Hendricks, Thomas A.. 60. Hengist founds Kent, 171. Henry, Patrick, 11, 16. Henry, Prince, navigator, 225. Henry I., k. of England, 172; Henry II. (Plantagenet), 172; Henry III., 173; Henry IV., 174; Henry V., 174; Henry VI., 174, 175; Henry VII., 175; Henry VIII., 175. Henry I. of Germany (the Fowler), 165, 235; Henry III., 166; Henry IV., 166, 209. Henry III. of France, 158; Henry IV., 158. Henry the Lion, 150. Henry the Proud, 235. Herbert, George, 178. Herculaneum, dis. of, 219. Hermann, or Arminius, 165. Hernandez, insur. of, 146. Herod, King. 264, Herodotus, 194. lierschel, Sir John, 1S6. 300 INDEX. Herschel, Sir William, 183. Herzegovina, 199, 200, 251. Hesiod, poet, 193. Hesse, 200. Hesse-Cassel, 200. Hesse-Darmstadt, 200, 228. Hezei£iah, Kiug, 264. Hibblns, Anne, witrh, 6. Highland dress prohib., 183. Hildreth, liichard, liist., 51. Hill, Ambrose i*., gen., 62. Hincks, Sir Francis, 19. Hipparchus, astron., 196. Hiram, King, 26S. Hirsch, Baron, 233. Hiichcock, Edward, 43. Hoang-flo., inundation, 259. Hoar, Ebenczer R., 57. Hoar, George F., senator, 63. Hoar, Samuel, 71. Hoe, Richard M., inv., 54, 72. Holbtin, JJjins, 16G. Holland, 200-J03. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 52. Holt, Joseph, 104. Holy Alliance formed, 231. " Holy Catholic League," 158. Holy Cross College, 71. Homer, 193. "Homer's Hiad," 182. Eomildon, Scots def., 174. Honduras, 120, 121. Honduras, British, 122. Hong-Kong, 258. Hong-Kong Gazette, 259. Hood, Gen., 84, i)2. Hooker, Joseph, iie, 81. "Hooks" and "Codfish," 201. Hoosac Tunnel, 89. Hopkins, Esek, com., 9. Hopkins, Mark, 48. Hopkins, Stephen, 9. Hopkinson, Francis, 12. Hopkinson, Joseph, 17. Hopper, Isaac T., Quaker, 17. Hoppin, Augustus, 107. Horace, poet, 207. Horace Mann School, 87. Hornet capt. Peacock, 55; capt. Penguin, 56. Hosmer, Harriet G., 64. Hospital at Phil., 14. Hotel Windsor burnt, 114. Hotspur killed, 174. Houghton, Dr. Geo. H., 110. Houston, Samuel, 43, 6S. Howard, John, 182. Howard, Oliver O., gen., 64. Howe, British gen., 32. Howe, Ellas, 70, 86. Howe, Julia Ward, 59. Howe, Samuel G., 48. Howe, Sir Joseph, 21. Howells, William D., 68. Huascar sur. to Brit , 144. Huayna Ccapac, inca, 142. Hubertsburg, peace of, 228. Hudson Bay Territory, 21, 26. Hudson, Henry, 3. Hudson River R. R., 74. Hudson's Bay Company, 180. Hughes, Thomas, 192. Hugo, Victor, death, 164. Huguenots in Va., 8. Hugues, Victor, Fr. Gui., UO. Hull, Isaac, com., 18. Hull, John, mintmaster, n. Humbert, Prince, '^1, 212, 213. Humbert br. ov. Tiber, 213. Humboldt, Friederich, 228. Humboldt, Karl W . von, 228. Hume, David, 182. Hungary, 147-150, 107, 203-205. Huuniades, John, 204. Huns, 229, 246. Hunter, Archibald, 279. Hunter, John, physician, 183. Huntington, Samuel, 10, 34. Hiiron wrecked, 92. Huss, John, burnt, 153. Hussites in Saxony, 235. Hutchinson, Anne, 5. Huxley, Thomas H., 188. Hyacinthe, Pere, 162. Hyder All def. Brit., 261. Hygiene, Conf. on, 152. Hyksos, the, 276. Hypatia murdered, 277. Ibrahim Pacha, 250, 277, 278. Iceland discovered, 1. Icelanders in N. W. Ter., 21. Idaho admitted, 99. ! Ignatius, Ch. Father, 196. INDEX. 301 IlUnolS, 27, 52, 58. JZ^moi?, battleship, 113. Illinois State University, 76. Illuminating-gas, 62. Imperial Pari. Gt. Brit., 186. Imprisonment for debt, 162. Inachus, k. of Argives, 192. Income and Property tax, 189. Independence of U. S. rec, 36, 37. India, gov. tr. to crown, 190. Indiana, 47, 57. Indiana Stale University, 60. Indian railway, first, 262. Indian schools, 108. Indians, mortality, 3. Indians, petition of, 23. Influenza in Russia, 233. Ingersoll, Robert G., 66. Inglesias, pres. C. Rica, 119. Inkerman, Russ. attack, 231. Inman steamers, 74, 102. Innocent III., Pope, 172. Inquirer, Phil., 64. Inquisition, 201, 210, 226, 239. Insurance companies, 170. Intercolonial R. R. op., 21. Internat. copyright, 100, 189. Inundations in Holland, 203. lonians in Asia Minor, 193. Iowa admitted, 72. Ipsus, battle, 268. Ireland partitioned by Eng- land, 172; English laws in- troduced, 172. Irenaeus, Saint, 196. Irish adopt surnames, 175. Irish Land Act, 191. Irish local gov. bill, 192. Iron, galvanized, 74. Iron-works, first, 9. Iroguois capt. Montreal, 26. Irving, Washington, 36. Isaac born, 263. Isabella II., Spain, 240, 241. Ismail Bey, 273. Ismail Pacha, 271, 278. Isocrates, orator, 195. Israel, kingdom, 263. Israelites cross Red Sea, 263. Isthmian games, 193. Italians, massacre of, 100. Italy, 205-213. Itata surrenders, 135. Ito, Count, 266. luka. Miss., battle, 80. Ivan the Great, -230. Ivry, battle, 158. Jackson, Andrew, 16, 56, 58, 60, 64, 66, 67. Jackson, Charles T , 50. Jackson, Dr. (ether), 72. Jackson, Helen Hunt, 65. Jackson, Thomas J., 62. Jacobite rebellion, 182. Jamaica, 2, 125, 126. James, Henry, Jr., 70. James, Jesse, killed, 94. James I., k. of England, 178; James II., 180, 181; James III. (Pretender), 182. James I., k. of Scotland, 174; James III., 175; James IV., 175; James v., 176. Jamestown, Va., 3. Jami, poet, 267. Jamieson, Dr., Transvaal, 280. Janissaries, 248, 249. Jansenists, 159. Janus, Temple of, 206, 207. Japan, 265. 266. Japanese Embassy, 88. Java captured, 54. Jay, John, 13, 33, 45. Jeannette, 92, 93, 94. Jedda, mas. of Chris., 250. Jefferson, Joseph, 63. Jefferson, Thomas, 12, 38, 45, 48, 50. Jehoshaphat, 263. Jena, battle, 160. Jeroboam, 263. Jerome of Prague burnt, 153. Jerrold, Douglas, 187. Jerusalem, 264. Jesuits, 25, 120, 131, 137, 138, 159, 168, 209, 212, 219, 2i6, 230, 247, 258. Jesus Christ, birth, 207, 264. Jews. 129, 131, 172, 173, 205, 234, 239, 242, 268. Joan of Arc, 157. Johanni II., 271. 302 INDEX. John, elector of Saxony, 236. John, King, slain, 153. John George, Sax., 236. John I. the Great, 225. John IV., D. of Braganza, 226. Johns Hopkins Univ., 86. Johnson, Andrew, 52, 84, 86. Johnson, Gen., surr., 85. Johnson, Keverdy, 45. Johnson, Richard M., 35. Johnson, Samuel, 182. Johnson's "Diet.," 184. Johnston, Albert S,, 49. Johnston, Joseph E., 51. Johnston, J. W.,21. Johnstown, Pa., flood, 99. Joliet in Iowa, 26. Jones, Inigo, 177. Jones, Margaret, witch, 6. Jones, Paul, 13, 34. Jones, Sir Vvilliam, 183. Jonson, Ben, 177. Joseph II., emperor, 167. Joseph in Egypt, 263, 276. Josephine divorced, 160. Joshua conq. Canaan, 263. Journal of Education, 63. Jovellanos, Parag., 141. Juan Fernandez, isl., 135. Juarez, B., Mex., 116, 117. Jubilee, Pope's, 213. Judah, kingdom, 263. Judea, 263, 264. Judson, Adoniram, 40. Julian, emperor, 209,267. Julius II. conq. Romagna, 209. Jumbo, elephant, in N. Y., 94. " Junius," Letters of, 184. Junius Brutus, 205. Junot def. in Spain, 226. Justinian code, 198. Juvenal, satirist, 207. Kaffirs, revolt of, 280. Kaio Chau taken, 260. Kalalsaua, D., King, 90, 282. Kaleidoscope invented, 188. Kam^hameha, King, 281 ; II., visits London, 282; III., proniul. const., 282; IV., marriage of, 282. Kane, Dr., 74,76. Kansas, 75, 76, 78. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 75. Kant, Immanuel, 167. Kapiolani, q., in Eng., 282. Kara George, 237. Kars, Turks def., 249. Kauffraann, Gen., d., 233. Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 228. Kean, Edmund, 186. Kearney, Denis, impris., 93. Kearsai^ge and Alabama, 83. Kearsarge and Kentticky, bat- tleships, launched. 111. Kearsarge wrecked, 103. Keats, John, 186. Keble, Johu, 186. Kelley, W. D., death, 99. Kellogg, Clara L,, 70, 78. Kemble, Charles, 185. Kenesaw IVIountain, bat., 83. Kennedy, John P., 44. Kentucky, 17, 39, 42, 91. Kepler, Johann, 252. Kettle Creek, Ga., bat., 33. Key, Francis S., 33. Khasim, Yemenite chief, 256. Khiva captured, 232. Khodynski, disaster, 234. Khyber pass, 254. Kidd, Capt., hanged, 8. Kieft, William, gov., 5. Killiecraukie, battle, 181. Kilpatrick, Hugh J., 67. King, Horatio, 109. Iving, Ruf us, vice-pres., 14. King, Thomas Starr, 62. King, William R., 38, 74. King Philip's war, 7. King's Col., Camb., 175. King's Col., Windsor, N. S.,19. "King's Daughters," 96. King's Mountain, bat., 35. Kiplinsr, Rudyard, 191. Kirke, Sir David, 25. Kirkland, rear-adm., 113. Klapka, Gen., death, 205. Klondike miners, 110. Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 227. Knights of Labor, Phil., 87. Knights of St. John. 176. Knights Templars, 157. Knox, Henry, gen., 13. INDEX. 303 Knox, John, 175. Kolin, battle, 228. Konieh, battle, 250, 277. Kouiggratz, battle, 148. Koran, 255. Korea, 265, 266. Kosciusko, 224. Kossuth, L., 74, 204, 205. Koszta, Martin, aflair, 75. Kouli Khan, 261. Krapotkine, Demetrius, 232. Kruger, Paul, 280. Kublai Khan, 258. Labor bureau, Belgium, 153 Labor Day, 104. Labrador discovered, 2. Ladislas, k. of Bohemia, 154. Ladislaa, k. of Hungary, 204. Ladislas VI., slain, 223. Ladrones, U. S. flag at, 112. Laeken, castle of, 152. Lafayette, 32, 62, 67, 91, 164. Lake Champlain, 27, 32. Lake George, battle, 14. Lake Kegillus, battle, 205, Lamar, L. Q. C, death, 102. Lamartine, death, 162. Lamb, Charles, 185. Landor, Walter Savage, 185. Land seer, Sir PZdwin, 187. Lanfranc, archbishop, 172. Laugevin, Sir Hector L., 23. Laugton, Stephen, archb., 173. Lanier, Sidney, 70. Lansdowne, Marquis of, 22. Laot-se, religion of, 258. Larcom, Lucy, 63. Lardoer, Dionysius, 186. La Rochefoucauld, 158. La Senile, 25, 26. Las Casas, 239. Lathrop, George P., 111. Latimer Durnt, 176. Latin Bible, first, 166. Laud, archbishop, 179. Laurens, Col. John, 36. Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 20. Laval, bishop, 25. Laveleye, Emile de, 152. La Vendue, war in, 159. Law, Geo., financier, 159, 182. Lawrence, Abbott, 42. Lawrence, Amos, 38. Lawrence, James, com , 35. Lawrence, Kan., capt., 76. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 185. Lead-mining in Am., 40. Ledru-Rollin, death, 163. Lee, Ann, f'r Shakers, 11. Lee, Arthur, diplom., 12. Lee, Charles, gen., 34. Lee, Fitzhugh, 30,31, 112. Lee, Francis L., 11. Lee, Henry, 14. Lee', Richard Henry, 11. Lee, Robert E., 51, 79, 84. LegalTender Act, 88. Legion of Honor, 160. Leibnitz, Baron, 167. Leif Ericsson, 1. Leipsic, 237 ; battle, 167. Leland Stanford Univ., 101. Lely, Sir Peter, 201. Lenox Public Library, 88. Leo XHl., Pope, 212, 213. Leonidas at Thermopylae, 194. Leopard, Brit, frigate, 51. Leopold, Marg. of Bav., 150. Leopold, Prince, 191. Leopold II., k. of Bel., 152. Leopold of Hohenzollern, 241. Leopold of S.-Coburg, 151, 152. Lepanto, battle, 222, 249. Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 164. Levant captured, 58. Lexington, battle, 18, 90. Lexington, Mo., siege, 79. Lexington, stmr., burnt, 69. Leyden, John, slain, 167. Libei'ator, 65. Liberia founded, 275. Liberty, stat. of, 97. Liberty Party, 69. Librai-y Assoc, of U. S., 91. Lick Observatory, 98. Light, aberration of, 183; com- position of, 181. Li-Hung-Chang, 259, 260. Liliuokalani, queen, 282. Limerick, capitulation, 181. Lincoln, A., 52, 78,82, 84. Lincoln Monument, 90. Lind, Jenny, 73. 304 INDHX. Linnneus fd's R. Acad., 245. Linotype machine, 98. Lisbon, 225,226, 227. Lissa, naval bat., 211. Liszt, Franz, 204. Lithographic printing, 59. Lithuania, 224. Little Beltf warship, 53. Livermore, Mary A., 61. Livingston^ Philip, 9. Livingston, Robert R., 13. Livingstone, David, 275. Livy,207. Locke, David R., 98. Locke, Johfi, 178. "Loco-focos," 67. Locomotive, first, U. S., 65. Lodge, Henry Cabot, 73. Logan, John A.. 63, 110. Logan, Mary, 45. Logan, Sir Wm.E., 19. Logarithms inv., 178. Lollards, pers. of, 174. Lombardy, 215, 216. Londonderry, siege, 181. London Gazette, ISO. J^ondon Times, 186. London University, 188. Long, John D., 69, 111. Longfellow, Henry W., 51. Long Parliament, 178. Longstreet, James, 60, 82. Longworth, Nicholas, 38. Lookout Mountain, bat., 82. Lopez, N., exped. of, 73. Lopez, pres. Par., 141. Lopez, v., pres. A. R., 128. Lome, Marquis of, 21. Lorraine, Duke of, 204. Lossing, B. J., hist., 101. Lothair, D. of Saxony, 235. Louis, Prince, of Baden, 204. Louisburg, capt., 13, 27. Louis (le Debonnaire), 165. Louis of Hungary, 223. Louis Philippe, 161. Louis the German, 235. Louis the Great, 204. Louis VII., of France. 157; Louis VIII., 157; Louis IX., 157; Louis XII., 216; Louis XIV., 158 ; Louis XVI., 159; Louis XVII., 160; Louis XVIII., 161. Louisiana, 3, 28, 29, 47, 49, 54, 78. Louisiana State Lottery, 104. L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 126. Lovejoy, Elijah P., niur., 68. Lovelace, Francis, gov., 7. Low Countries, 147, 202. Lowell, James Russell, 59. Lowell, John, 47. Loyola f 'ds Soc. of Jesus, 239. Lucan, poet, 207. Lucknow besieged, 262. Lucretia, rape of, 205. Lucretius, poet, 206. Ludwig, Archduke Karl, 150. Luis I., Portugal, 227. Luitpold, Prince, 151. Lundy's Lane, battle, 56. Lusitanians conquered, 225. Luther, Martin, 166; monu- ment at Worms, 168. Lutheranism in Sweden, 244. Lutheran Reformation, 166. Lutzen, battle, 236. Luxemburg, 203. Lycurgus, lawgiver, 193. Lyon, Nathaniel, gen., 59. Lysippus, sculptor, 196. Lytton, Bulwer, 187. INIacaulay, T. B.. 186. Macbeth, k. of Scot., 171. Maccabees, 264. Macdonald, Sir John, 20, 23. Macedon, 206. Macedonian captured, 54. Macedonian wars, 206. Maceo, Gen., 30. Machiavelli, Niccolo, 214. Mackenzie, Alexander, 23. Maclise, Daniel, 187. Macready riot, 72. Madison, James, 13, 52, 55. Madras founded, 2H1. Madrid, bishop, assas., 243. Magellan, 141, 269. Magenta, battle of, 148, 162. Magna Charta, 173. Magnus III. killed, 222. Magyars set. Hungary, 203. [NDEX. 305 Mahan, Alfred T., 69. Mahdi, the prophet, 278. Mahmud Ghuzni, 260. Mahomet II., 196, 198, 237. Mahomet IV., 249. Mahratta pou er, 261. Maine, 3, 7, 8, 26, 59, 60. Maine, battleship, 30, 111. "Maine Law," 74. Malachi, 264. Malcolm IV., of Scot., 172. Malietoa, k. of Samoa, 282. Mamelukes, 249, 277. Mammoth Cave, 52. Manassas, battle, 80. Manchester ship-canal, 191. Manchu Tatars, 258- Manco, inca, 142. Maneptah, Pharaoh, 276. Manila, 112, 113, 269, 270. Manin, Daniel, 222. Manitoba, 21, 24. Mann, Horace, 45. Manning, Cardinal, 187. Mantinea, battle, 195. Marauham, col. at, 131. INIarathon, battle, 194, 267. Marat stabbed, 159. Marble quarried in Vt., 9"). Marcellus conq. Mil;in, 216. Marco Polo, 2.58. Marcus Aurellus, 208. Marcy, Wm. L., 39. Marengo, battle, 160. Margaret of Denmark, 155. Margaret of Norway, 173. Maria, Queen, of Port., 226. Maria Christina of Aust., 242. Maria Louise m. Nap., 160. Maria Teresa, cruiser, 113. Maria Theresa, Aust., 147, 202. Marie, Grand Duchess, 232. Marie Antoinette, 159. Marine corps org., 46. Marion, Francis, gen., 11. Maronites, revolt, 251. Maroon war, 126. Marquette, 25, 26. Marsh, Geo. P., philol., 48. Marshall, John, jurist, 14. Mars-la-Tour, battle, 162. Marston Moor, battle, 179. Martel, Charles, rules, 157. Mania), poet, 207. Martinique, W. I., 125. Mary, q. of England, 176, 181. Mary, q. of Scots, 176, 177. Maryland, 5, 10. Maryland Hist. Soc, 71. Mason, Capt. John, 5. Mason, Lowell, 42. Mason and Dixon Line, 15. Mason and Sliilell, 79. Massachusetts, 4, 5, 8, 18. Mass. Agricult. Col., 86. Mass. Emigrant Aid Soc, 75. Mass. Inst, of Technology, 85. Massacre in China, 259 ;' Ire- land, 178; Paris, 159; St. Bartholomew, 158. Massasoit, treaty with, 4. Massena, 226, 240. Mataafa and Tamatese, 282. Matanzas bombarded, 30. Mather, Cotton, 7. Mather, Increase, 5. Mathew, Father, 189. Maupassant, death, 164. Maurice, elector Saxony, 236. Maurice, stadtholder, 201. Maury, Matthew F., 50. Mavrocordato.Alexander, 197. Maximilian, emperor, 116. Maximilian I., 246. Maximilian-Joseph I., 151. Maximilian-Joseph II , 151. Maximilian the Great, 151. Mayfloiver, Pilgrim ship, 4. Mayjioiver wins cup, 97. MaynoothCol.,186, 189. Mazzini,210, 211. M'Alpin, Kennelh, 171. MacMahon, Marshal, 163, 164. MacPherson, Jas. B., 63. McClellan, Geo. B., 63, 78. McClosky, John, car., 96. McCormick reaper, 67. McCosh, James, 105. McCulloch, John,96. McDonald, Alex., 122. McDonald, W.C, 24. McDonough, Com., 56. McDonough, Thomas, 37. McDowell, Irvin, 58. 306 INDEX. McGee, Thos. D'Arcy, 21. McKane, John Y., 104. McKeau, Thomas, 35. McKinley, Wm., 70, 109, 111, 112, 113. McKinley Tariff Bill, 100. Meade, George G., 57, 81. Mechanical patent, first, 41. Medical Repository , 45. Medical Sdc, first, 16. Medici, influence of, 214. Medill, Joseph, ed., 114. Meheniet Ali, 256, 269, 277. Mehemet II., 249. Mejia, Gen., 115, 116. Melanchthon, Philip, 236. Melbourne founded, 280. Melegnano, battle, 148, 162. Melgarejo, diet. Bol., 130. Memnonites in Kansas, 90. Memorial Day, 86. Menander, poet, 195. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, 167. Mendoza, Andres H. de, 143. Mendoza, Antonio de, 142. Menelek, k. of Shoa, 271. Menendez, pres., 124. Menes, lawgiver, 275. Mercedes, Queen, 242. Merodach-baladan II., 257. Merrimac and Monitor, 79. Merritt, Gen., 105, 270. Merwan, Caliph, 255. Messcnian wars, 193. Messina, 219, 220. Meteors, great display, 66, Methodism, rise of, 183. Methodist Episc. Ch., 38, 71. Methodist Soc, first, 16. Metternich, Prince, 148. Metternich, Richard, 149. Metz, surrender of, 163. Mexico, 1, 2, 28, 29, 72, 114-117. Michael, Prince, assas., 237. Michigan, 7, 50,68. Middleton, Sir F. D., 25. Midhat Pacha, death, 251. Mifflin, Thomas, 37. Milan, 216, 217. ]\!ilan,Kiug, 237, 238. Miles, Nelson A., 31, 69. Mil. Order of Loy. Leg., 84. Militia, 42, 46. Mill, John Stuart, 187. Millais, Sir John E., 192. Miller, Hugh, 187. Miller, Wm. (Millerites), 35. Mill River val. disaster, 90. Mills, Clark, sculptor, 56. Milmore Martin, 72. Miltiades, Gen., 194. Milton, John, 178. Ming dynasty, 258. Minghetti, Marco, death, 212. Minnesota admitted, 76. Mints, 6, 28, 67, 115. Mirabeau, death, 159. Miramon shot, 116. Missolonghi taken, 197. Missouri, 54, 60, 83. Missouri Conip. Bill, 60. Mississippi, 46, 57, 58, 78, 107. Mitchell, Donald G., 61. Mitchell, Maria, 58. Mobile captured, 83. Mobilization U. S. Army, 111. Modoc war in Cal., 89. Moguls, 260, 261. Mohammed, 255. Mohammedans, 239, 257, 260, 267, 269. Mohammed I., 239. Mohatz, battle, 204. " Molly Maguires," 91. Moltke, von, marshal, 169. Monachism in Egypt, 277. Monasteries, 176, 198, 240. Monck, Lord, viceroy, 20. Mongol dynasty, 258. Mongols, 267. Monitor founders, 80. Monitor launched, 107. Monmouth, battle, 33. Monmouth, Duke of, 181. Monocacy, Md., battle, 83. Monroe, James, 15, 57. " Monroe Doctrine," 61. Montana admitted, 99. Montana University, 100. Montcalm killed, 15. Mont Cenis Tunnel, 163. Montcbello, 148, 162. Montenegro, 250, 251. Monterey surrenders, 115. INDEX. 307 Montevideo, 127, 14.5. Montezuma, 114. Montgolfier bx-os., 159. Montgomery, Gen., 18. Montreal, 15, 18,25. Montserrat, VV.I.,125. Montt, J., pres. Chile, 135. Moody, Dwiglit L., 68. Moore, Richard, gov., 124. Moore, Sir John, 240. Moore, Thomas, 185. Moors, 225, 239, 240. Moraes, Prudente de, 133. Morales, pres. ot Bol., 130. Morales, Prosper©, Gua., 120. Moravian brethren, 236. Morea conquered, 248. Moreno, G. G., Ecua., 137. Morgan, Wm. (Freemason) 63. Morgarten, bat., 147, 246. Mormon, B. of, 65; Temple, 70. Mormons, 76, 102. Morocco, 161, 243, 272, 273. Morphy, P., chess player, 95. Morrill, Justin S., 114. Morrill, Lot M., 94. Morrill Tarifl' Bill, 77. Morris, Charles, com., 37. Morris, Geo. P., poet, 48. Morris, Gouverneur, 13. Morris, Eobert, 11, 35. Morris, Wm., poet, 192. Morse, Jedidiah, 15. Morse, Samuel F. B., 41. Morton, Dr. (ether), 59, 72. Morton, regent of Scot., 177. Moscow, 230, 231. Moses born, 263. Motley, John L., 55. Moultrie, Wm., gen., 10. Mountain Meadow Mass., 76. Mount Holyoke Coll., 6S. Mount St, JNIary's Coll., 64. Mouravieff, 224, 231. Mozart, Wolfgang A., 167. " Muckers," German, 132. Murat, Joachin,220. Murfreesborough, battle, 80. Murillo, 240. Murray, John, Univ., 12. Murray, Lindley, 13. Mustapha 11. deposed, 249. Musurus Pacha, 251. Myron, sculptor, 194. Nabonadius, King, 257. Nabonassar, 257. Nabopolassar, King, 257. Nadir Shah, 254. Nadodd tne Norseman, 1. Nafels, battle, 246. Nagasaki, 265. Nana Sahib, 262. xNansen, Fridtjof, 223. Napier, Sir Robert, 271. Napoleon, 160, 161. Napoleon II., 160. Napoleon III., 116, 161, 163. Narborough, Sir .lohn, 141. Narva, battle, 245. Narvaez, Marshal, 241. Naseby, battle, 179. Nashville capt. Buena Ven- tura, 30. Nasr-ed-Din, shah, 268. Natalie, Queen, Servia, 238. Natchez, 26, 27. National Acad, of Art, 54. Acad, of Science, 81. Bank, 66. Bankruptcy Bill, 86. Board of Health, 92. Bureau of Labor, 95. Coll. for Deaf Mutes, 82. currency provided, 81. debt, 67. Dep't of Labor, 98. Gallery, London, 189. Liberty Party, 70. Mil. Park at Shiloh, 105. Mil. Park at Chickamauga, 100. Scandinavian Society, 245. Soldiers' Home, Togus, 86. Naturalization, 44, 46, 48, 229. " Nautical A Imanac," 184. Navarino, battle, 250. Navarre an. to Fr., 158. Navigation laws, 193. Naxos built, 218. Nebraska admitted, 86. Nebraska Central Coll., 96. Nebuchadnezzar, 257, 264. 308 Necho II., of Egypt, 276. Nectanebes II., 276. Negroes, enlistment of, 80. Nehemiah, 264. Nelson, Horatio, 184, 186, 187. Nemanya, Stephen, 237. Nepos, Cornelius, 206. Neptune, planet, disc, 190. Nero, em p., 208. Nerva, em p., 208. Nesselrode, chancellor, 232. Nestorian Christians, 258. Nestorius, patriarch, 198. Netherlands, 200-203. Neutrality Act, 43, 44. Neutrals, rights of, 152. Nevada admitted, 83. Nevis, W. I„ set., 125. New Brunswick, 15, 20. Newbury, battle, 179. Newconien, Thomas, 181. Newfoundland, 3, 4, 10, 19, 21, 22, 23. New Hampshire set., 4. New Haven set., 5. New Jersey, 4, 7. New Mexico, 73. New Netherlands, 7. New Orleans, 27, 49, 79. New Orleans, steamboat, 53. Newspaper stamp abol., 190. Newton, John, gen., 61, 96. Newton, Sir Isaac, 179. New York, 7, 8, 67, 84, 108. Daily Tribune, 70. Gazette, 10. Herald, 67. Post, 48. Sanitary Com. Fair, 82. Stock Exchange, panic, 89. Sun, 66. Times, 74. World, 78. Ney, Marshal, shot, 161. Nez Perces Indians, 91. Ngami, Lake, disc, 275. Niagara Falls, bridges, 20,22; French at, 26; reserva- tion, 95. Nica?a conquered, 248. Nicaragua, 122, 123. Nicaragua Canal Co., 103, 123. Nice, council at, 208. Nicholas, cesarevitch, 232. Nicholas I., em p. Kussia, 231. Nicholas II., Czar, 234. Nicolls, Richard, gov., 7. Nieva, Conde de, Feru, 143. Nightingale, Florence, 188. Nihilism,232, 233, 234. Nile, battle of the, 186. Nimeguen, peace of, 202. Nimrod, or Belus, 256. Ninus, k. of Assyria, 256. Nipsic, Vandalia, and Trenton wrecked at Samoa, 282. Non-intercouri^e act, 52. Nordenskjold, Prof., 245. Normans, 157, 170, 171. North and South Dakota, 99. North Carolina, 6, 9, 13, 78. North Dakota University, 95. Northeast pass, disc, 245. Northern Pacific R. R., 87, 94. North Sea canal, 169. Northumbria founded, 171. Northwest Ter., 22, 39. Norway, 222, 223. Nunez, R., Colom., 136. Nunez, Vasco,138. Nurses, army, pensioned, 102. Nuttall, Thomas, 38. Nye, Edgar W., 107. Gates, Titus, 180. Obligado, gov. B. Ayres, 128. O'Brien, Smith, insur., 190. Observatory, first in U. S., 67. O'Connell, Daniel, 185, 189. Octavius, emp., 207. Odgenathus, 269. Odd Fellows, 60, 113. Odessa bombarded, 231. Odoacer takes Rome, 209. O'Donnell, Mar., 240, 241. (Ecumenical Council, 210. Oglethorpe set. Georgia, 11. Ogyzes, deluge of, 192. Ohio, 27, 49. Ohio River, flood, 94; bridge over, 91,97, 100. Ojeda visits Colombia, 130. Oklahoma, 98, 101, 102. Olaf estab. Chris., 222, 244. INDEX. 309 " Old Age " pension, 281. Oldcastle, Sir John, 174. "Old Pretender," death, 184. Old Testament, rev. ver., 95. Olmsted, Frederick L., 61. Olustee, Fla., battle, 82. Olympiad, first, 193. Olympic games, 193, 197. Omar Khayyam, 267. Omar Pacha, 251, 255. O'Neal, Shane, 177. Oneida Community, 72. Ontario, first steamer on Great Lakes, 57. Opium, 97, 258. Oporto, 226, 227. Orange Free State, 2S0. Orangemen, riots, 22.^ Order of the Black Eagle, 228; of Cincinnati, 37; of Po- cahontas, 70. . Oregon, battleship. 111, 112. Oregon admitted, 77. O'Reilly, John Boyle, 71. Origen, Cflurch Father, 196. " Origin of Species," 190. Orsini conspiracy, 162. Oscar I., k. of Swe., 223, 245. Osceola, Seminole chief, 68. Osirtasen III., 276. Ostend Manifesto, 75. Ostracism, law of, 191. Oswego canal, 63. Othman rules Arabia, 255. Otho, emperor, 208. Otho I. crowned, 166, 209. Otho II. conq. Lorraine, 166. Otho of Bavaria, 197. Otho the Illustrious, 151. Otis, James, orator, 10. Ottawa, 20. Otter burn, battle, 174. Ottocar I. of Boh., 153; Otto- car II., 153. Ottoman empire founded, 248. Otto the Illustrious, 235. Oude, war in, 262. Ovid, 207. Oxygen dis. by Priestley, 185. Pacific, steamer, lost, 76, 90. Pacific railway contract, 22. Page, Wm., artist, 96. Paine, Robert Treat, 10. Paine, Thomas, 18. Palseologus, Michael, 198. Palermo taken, 220. Palestro, battle, 162. Paley, William, 183. Palfrey, John G., 45. Palmerston, I^ord, 185. Palmyra, 269. Palo Alta, battle, 115. Pamir frontier dispute, 255. Panama canal, 136, 164, 165; railroad, 75; settled, 28. Pan-American Congress, 99. Pan-Amer. Med. Cong., 103. Panathentean games, 193. Panic, finan., 68, 76. Paper duty abolished, 190. Paper-mill, first in Am., 8. Paper money, first in Am., 9. Papineau rebellion, 20. Paraguay, 140, 141. Pardo, Manuel, Peru, 144. Paris, capitulation of, 163. Paris, Comte de, death, 164. Park, Mungo, 275. Parker, Theodore, 53. Parkhurst, Dr. C. H., 103. Parkmau, Francis, 61. Parliament, English, org., 173; Great Britain, 181; Japa- nese, 266; Turkish, 251. Parnell, Charles S., 190. Parrhasius, 195. Parsons, Theophilus, 45. Parsons, Thomas W., 59. Parthians, 257, 269. Parton, James, death, 101. Pascal, Blaise, 158. Pasteur, Louis, 164, 165. Patagonia, 141, 142. Patrick, St., in Ireland, 171. Patti, Adelina, 77. Paul, emp. Russia, 231. Paulding, Hiram, adm., 46. Paulding, James K., ,34. Pausias of Sicvon, 195. Payne, John Howard, 42, 94. Peabody, George, 44. Peabody Inst., Baltimore, 85. Peace Conf. (civ>. war), 84. 310 INDEX. Peace Jubilee (musical), 87. Peacock captured, 55. Peale, Rembrandt, 33. Pea Ridge, Ark., bat., 79. Peary, Lieut., 101, 103. Peasants' wars, 166. Pedro I., emp. Brazil, 131. Pedro II., emp. Bra., 131, 133. Pedro v., Port., 226, 227. Peel, Sir Robert, 186. Peei-age ahol. in Fr., 161. Peii'ce, Benjamin, 52. Peiwar pass, 254. Pekah, k. of Israel, 264. Peking, 258, 259. Pelasgi in Peloponnesus. 192. Pelissier, marshal, d., 162. Peloponnesian war, 195. Penibertou Mills, Mass., 77. Penguin captured, 56. Penn, William, 7, 8, 9, 179. Pennsylvania, 6. Acad, of Fine Arts, 51. Bank of, 34. State Capitol burnt, 109. Penny postage, 189, 192. Pension Bill, 99. Pensions, 58, 102. Peonage in New Mex., 86. People's Pai'ty, Kan., 100. Pepin the Short, 157. Pepperell, Sir Wm., 8. Pepys, Samuel, 178. Pequot war, 5. Pera, great fire, 251. Percival, James G., 44. Perez, Santiago, Col., 136. Pericles, 194. Perrv, Com., 55, 115, 265. Perry, Matthew C, 43. Perry, Oliver H., 38. Perryville, Ky., battle, 80. Persia, 266-268. Peru, 129, 142-145. Pestilence in Poland, 224. Peter II. (Russ.) dep.,230. Peter III. (Russ.) mur., 230. Peter the Great, 230. Petersburg, mine expl., 83. Petrarch, Francesco, 214. Petroleum, 72. Pheidon, sculptor, 193. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 71. Phidias, sculptor, 195. Philadelphia, 9, 36, 71; City Directory, 38; Sanitary Fair, 83. PMladelphia, frigate, 49. Philip, King, Indian, 7. Philip I., of Spain, 147. Philip II., of Sp., 201, 226, 239. Philip III., ban. Moors, 240. Philip of Macedou, 195. Philip the Magnanimous, 200. Philip v., h. of Bourbon, 240. Philippi, battle, 207. Philippine Islands, 269, 270. Phillips Academy, 35. Phillips, Adelaide, 66. Phillips, Wendell, 53, 68. Philological Cong., Phil., 105. Phipps, Sir Wm., 8. Phcebe capt. Essex, 55. Phanician letters, 193. Phonograph, 81, 92. Piastus, d. of Poland, 223. Piazza di San Mardt), 222. Picts and Scots, 170, 171. Pierce, Franklin, 49, 74. Pierolas, Nicolas de, 144. Pierpont, John, 38. Pilgrim Fathers, 4, 178. "Pilgrim's Progress," 180.' Pillager Indians, 113. Pillory, punish, abol., 189. Pinckney, Charles, 15. PiuQon, Vincent Yanes, 130. Piuzon, admiral, 143. Pioneer Press, St. Paul, 76. Pirates, depredations by, 118. Pisa, 217. Pisistratus, the t-yramt, 194. Pitt, William, 182. Pittsburg Landing, battle, 79. Pius IX., Pope, 210, 212. Pizarro, 137, 142. Placilla, battle, 135. Plantaaenet, sea-light, 56. Plataea', battle, 194. Plato, 195. Plautius founds London, 170. Plautus, Marcus, 206. Pleasanton, Alfred, 62, 104. Plebeians, 205, 206. INDEX. 311 Pliny the elder, 207. Pliny the younger, 208. Plunger ., torpedo boat, 1 10. Plutarch, 196. Po, inundations, 212. Pocahontas, 3. Podiebrad, Geo., k. Boh., 154. Poe, Edgar Allan, 53. Poictiers, battle, 157. Poland, 223-225. Polaris's crew rescued, 89. Poles, 132, 203, 225. Polk, James K., 45, 71. Pollock, Sir George, 254. Polycarp, Church Father, 196. Polygamy, 80, 100. Polyguotus, 195. Pompeii, excavations, 219. Pompey, 207, 2.38, 264. Ponce de Leon, Juan, 2. Pontiac war, 15. Pontius Pilate, 264. Poole, Wm. P., lib., 104. Poor Richard's Almanac, 11. Pope, Alexander, 181. Pope, Gen., 61,80. Poi'celain, manuf. of, 236. Porter, David, com., 34. Porter, David D., adm., 55. Porter, Noah, 53. Port Hudson, siege, 81. Portland, stmr., lost, 114. Porto Rico, 30, 31. Port Royal, 25. Port Royal, Jamaica, 126. Port Royal, N. S., 8, 26. Portugal, 225-227. Portuguese, 265. Postal cards issued, 89. Postal Cong, at Berne, 248. Postal money order, 83. Post-Office, 44, 47, 53. Savings Banks, 190. Potato crop, failure of, 190. Poughkeepsie bridge, 98. Powder, smokeless, 101. Powers, Hiram, 50. Powhatan, sachem, 4. Prado, Mariano, Peru, 143. Praga sacked, 224. Pragmatic Sanction, 166, 204. Prague, battle, 154, 228. Prague founded, 153. Praxiteles, 195. Preble, Edward, com., 15. Presbyterianism in Scot., 177. Prescott, Wm., col., 10. Prescott, Wm., historian, 45. President, frigate, 53, 56. President, stmr., lost, 69. Presidential Elect. Com., 91. Presidential succession, 96, Press, freedom abol., 241. Preston, battle, 182. Prestonpans, battle, 183. Price inv. Missouri, 83. Priesthood, augurs, etc., 205. Prim, Gen., 241. Prince, Thomas, divine, 8. Prince Edward Island, 21. Prince of Orange, 181. Prince of Wales, 20, 173, 189, 191. Princeton, battle, 32. Princeton, explosion on, 71. Princeton College, 13. Princeton Universitv, 107. Printing in China, 258. Printing-press, 8, 158. Privateering, IS, 46. Prize-fighting, 107. Protestant Episc. Cb., 80. Prot. League of Smalcalde,167. Protestantism in Eng., 17P. Protestants in Abyssinia, 271. Proudhon.P. J., 162. Prussia, 227-229. Psammetichus I., 276. Ptolemy 1., k. Egypt, 276. Ptolemy obs. eclipses, 257. Ptolemy Soter, 264. Public Library, Rome, 206. Pu], Assyria, 256, 257, 263. Pulaski, Count, 32. 34. Pullman, George M., 77,110. Pullman Car Co., 104. Pultowa, battle, 245. Pumacagua, Peruv. chief, 143. Punic wars, 206, 273, 274. Puritan wins cup, 96. Putnam, Israel, gen., 9. Putnam, Rufus, gen., 12. Pythagoras, 194. Pythian games, 193. 312 INDEX. Quakers in Boston, 6. Quarantine Act, first, 8, Quebec, 25, 27. Quebec, battle, 15. Queen's Jubilee, 191, 192. Queensland a prov., 281. Queenstown, battle, 54. Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, 95. Quincy, Josiah, 17. Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 13. Quintilian, 207. Quitman, Gen., 116. Rachel, Mile., 162. Racine, Jean, 158. Raders, Baron von, 139. Railroads, 63, 73, 85, 197, 248, 259, 265, 268. Raines liquor law, 107. Rainey, J. H., 88. Rain-making, 100, 101. Raleigh, Walter, 3, 138, 176. Rameses II., 276. Rameses III., 276. Ramillies, def. of Fr., 159. Ramsour's Mills, bat., 34. Randolph, John, 17, 63. Randolph, Peyton, 10. Rangoon taken, 261. Rauke, Leopold von. 168. Rasle, Father Sebastian, 10. Raymond, Henry J., 60. Read, Thomas B., poet, 61. Rebellion in Ireland, 186. Reciprocity, 23, 103. Reconstruction Act. 86. Red Cross Assoc, 93. Red Jacket, Sen. chief, 65. Red Republicans, 161, 242. Reed, Thomas B., 69, 99. Reformation, 177, 236, 245,252. Reformed Dutch Church, 5. Reformed Epis. Church, 89. Registry of vessels, 100. Reichstag, 168, 169. Reid, Samuel C, 37. Reid, Whitelaw, 68. lieina Eegente sunk, 243. lieindeer captured, 55. Reindeer for Alaska, 111. Rembrandt, Paul, 201. Remington typewriters, 89. Renan, Ernest, death, 164. Republican Nat. Conv., 76. Resaca de la Palma, bat., 115. Revels, Hiram R., 88. Revere, Paul, 11. Revere R. R, accid., 88. Reynolds, J. F., gen., 60. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 182. Rhode Island, battle, 33. Rhode Island settled, 5. Rhodes, Cecil, 279. Rhodes taken, 249. Rialto bridge, 222. Rialto seat of gov., 221. Ribault, Jean, 3. Richard I., k. of England, 173; Richard II., 174; Richard III., 175. Richelieu, Cardinal, 158. Richmond, 12, 84; Capitol, 88. Ridley burnt, 176. Riel, Louis David, 22. Rienzi, Nicola di, 209. Riflf tribe. Moors, 273, Rigaud, Philippe de, gov., 27. Rinderpest in England, 19J. Riots. 20, 22, 71, 72, 81, 91, 96, 103, 113, 120, 129, 135, 144, 169, 205, 213, 243, 244, 251. Ripley, George, 48. iiisby, John, Lollard, 174. Ritchie, Sir Wm„ 23. Rivadavia, pres., 127. Riviera founded, 118. Rizzio, David, mur., 177. Roach, John, shipbuilder, 97. Roanoke Island, bat., 79. Robert II., k. of Scot., 174. Roberts, Gen., 254. Robespierre executed, 159. Robinson, John C, 109. " Robinson Crusoe," 182. Roca, pres., 128, 129. Rocafuerte, Vic, Ecua., 137. Rochefort sentenced, 164. Rochelle, siege, 158. Rodgers, George W., 39, 61. Rodgera, John, 17. Rodney, adm., in Guiana, 139. Rodrigo, Cid, 239. Rodrigo, last Gothic k., 239. INDEX. 313 Rodriguez, pi-es., 119. Roger I. Count of Sicily, 219. Roger II. k. Two Sicilies, 219. Rogers, John, sculptor, 64. Rogers, Randolph, 62. Rogers, Wm. A., astron.. 111. Rollin, Charles, hist., 180. Roman C. Enianc. Act, 189. Roman Cath. hier., 190, 203. Rome, 200, 205-210. Romulus builds Rome, 205. Rontgen rays, 24, 150. Roosevelt, Theodore, 77, 113. Rosa, Salvator,219. Rosas, in Arg. Iiep.,r28. Rosbach, battle, 228. Rose, John, jurist, 20. Rosecrans, Gen., 59, 80, 81. Roses, Wars of the, 175. Roslindale R. R. acci., 97. Rossetti, Christina, 189. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 188. Rossetti, Gabriel, 185. Rossetti, William M., 1S9. Rossini, Gioacchimo, 209. Rouen, traders from, 140. Roundhead and Cavalier, 179. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 159. Rowan, Stephen C-, 52. Royal Acad, of Arts, 184. Royal Can. Acad, of Arts, 21. Royal George sunk, 185. Royal Irish Academy, 186. Royal Soc. of London, 180. Roj'al Soc. N. S. Wales, 281. Rubens, Peter Paul, 201. Rubinstein, Anton, 234. Rudolph, Crown Prince, 149. Rudolph of Hapsburg, 166. Rumford, Benj. T., count, 14. " Rump," expulsion of, 179. Rum prohib. in Georgia, 11. Rumsey, James, 12, 38. Rupert's Land, 21. Ruric the Norman, 229. Rush, Richard, 34. Ruskin, John, 188. Russell, John H,, 109. Russell, Lord John, 186, 189. Russell, Lord William, 180. Russell, William E., 108. Russia, 162, 229-235. Rutgers College, 17. Ryswick, peace, 158, 167, 202. Sabine Cross Roads, bat., 82. Sabines take Rome, 205. Sacrifices to gods, 192. Sadducees, sect of, 264. Sadl-Carnot, pre:*., 164. Sadowa, battle, 148. Saens-Pcna, pres., 129, Safety lamp invented, 188. Sagasta, prime min., 242, 243. St. Adalbert slain, 227. St. Andrew's University, 175. St. Augustine, 3, 28. St. Bartholomew, 125, 126. St. Clair, Arthur, 39. St. Clair Tunnel, 23. St. Domingo, W. I., 126. St. Eustatius, W. I., 125. St. Gaudens, Augustus, 73. St. Gothard Railway, 248. St. Gothard Tunnel, 248. St. Helena, Napoleon at, 161. St. Jacob's, battle, 246. St. John, W. I., Danes in. 126. St. John's College, Md., 37. St. Kitt's, W. I., settled, 125. St. Lawrence, bridge over, 22. St. Lucia, W. I., 125. St. Martin, W. I., set., 125. St. Paul in Rome, 208. St. Paul's Cathedral, 180. St. Peter, death, 208. St. Petersburg founded, 230. St. Peter's Church, 209. St. Regis, fight at, 54. St. Sophia dedicated, 198. St. Stanislaus murdered, 223. St. Thomas, W. I., Danes in, 126. St. Ursula convent, 67. St. Vincent, W. L, 126. Saladin, 255. Salamis, battle, 194. Salique law, 157,240. Salles, Campos, Brazil, 133. Sallust, historian, 206. Salmon Falls N H., set., 26. Salt, manuf. of 39. Salt Lake City, 72 ; temple, 102. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, 6. 314 INDEX. Salvation Army, 92, 102. Samarcand taken, 232. Samaria besieged, 263. Samas-Rimmon II., 256. Samnite wars, 206. Samoa, 282. Samoset, Indian, 4. Sampson, Com., 30, 111, 112. Sanchez, Gen., Hond., 129. Saucho luigo, 239. San Francisco, 74, 78. San Francisco founders, 75. Sanitary Commission, 78. San Juan Islands, 89. San Salvador, 123, 124. Santa Ana, pres., 115, 117. Santa Cruz, W. I., 125, 126. Santa Cruz rules Bol., 129. Sauta Maria, Domingo, 134. Santander.consp.of, Col., 136. Santiago, 30, 31, 118. Sanzio, Raphael, 209. Sapor II., king, 267. Saracens, 239, 255, 269, 277. Saratoga, battle, 32. Sardinia, 218. Sargon, King, 257. Sarraatian slaves rev., 209. Saskatchewan, N. W. Ter., 22. Sassanides dynasty, 267. Satolli, Mgr.. 106. Saul, King, 263. Sault Ste. JNlarie, 19, 25. Savannah, Ga., founded, 11. Savannah, steamship, 59. Savings banks, 57, 187. Savonarola burnt, 214. Saxe, John G., 57. Saxons in Britain, 235. Saxony, 235-237. Sayle, W., gov., 7. Scandinavian Society, 215. Schaff, Philip, 58. Schamy], Circass. chief, 232. Schenk, Carl, death, 248. Scherifs in Moi'occo, 272. Schiflner, Herr, 129. Schiller, Joh. C. F. von, 167. Schleswig-Holstein, 156. Schlev, Com., Ill, 113. Schoffer, Peter, 166. Schofield, Geu., 65, 98. Schoolcraft, Henry R., 43, 66. Schooners first built, 9. Schubert, Franz, 148. Schumann, Robert, 167. Schurz, Carl, 64. Schwartz, Christian F., 261. Scinde war, 261. Scio, sea-tight near, 249. Scipio, 274. Scipio Africanus, 206. Scobeleff, Gen., death, 233. Scotch-Irish in N.H., 9. Scott, Sir Walter, 185. Scott, Winfield, 39, 75, 115. Screw propeller, first, 71. Sea-fight, first recorded, 193. Sebastian, King, death, 226. Sebastopol Harbor, 231. Sedan, battle, 163. Sedgemoor, battle, ISO. Sedgwick, Catherine M., 40. Sedgwick, John, gen., 55. Seleucus, Nicator, 257, 267. Seliml.,249, 256, 277. Sella, Sig., finan. min., 212. Seminarios, Col., Peru, 145. Seminole war, 67. Semiramis, 256. Scmpach, battle, 246. Seneca, Roman stoic, 207. Sennacherib, 256, 257, 264. Sentinel, first paper N. W., 42. Septuagint, 264. Serapis, temple of, 277. Serfs emancipated, 156, 232. Serrano, Marshal, 241, 242, 243. Servia, 237, 238, 251. Seti, reign of, 276. Seven Days' battles, 79. Seven sages of Greece, 194. Seven Years' War, 147, 167, 2-28, 236. Severus inv. Caledonia , 170. Sewall, Samuel, 6. Seward, William H., 48. SextuB Pompeius, 219. Seymour, Horatio, 96. Shadrach and Sims, f-]aves,74. Shah Jehan, reign of, 261. Shakers, 11, 184. Shakespeare, Wm., 177, 178. Shalmaneser II., 256. INDEX. 315 Shannon capt. Chesapeake, 55 Sharp, Archbishop, mur., 180. Shaw, H. W., 96. Shaw, Lemuel, jurist, 35. Shaw, Robert G.,81, 109. Shays, Daniel, rebellion, 39. Sheep, merino, 48. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 186. Shere Ali, ameer, 254. Sheridan, Philip H., 65. Sheriffmuir, battle, 182. Sherman, John, 61, 112. Sherman, Roger, 10. Sherman, Wm. T., gen., 60, 84. Shillaber, Benjamin P., 100. Shishak, k., 263, 276. Shogun (tycoon), 265. Short, Thomas, printer, 9. Shrewsbury, battle, 174. Shubrick, Wm. B., 41. Siamese twins, 90. Siberia, 230; exiles to, 235. Sicilian Vespers, 219. Sicily and Naples, 218-221. Siddons, Mrs., 184. Sidney, Algernon, exec, 180. Sidney, Sir Philip, 176, 201. Siege of Corinth, 197. Sierra Leone settled, 274. Sigismond, John, elector. 227. Sigismund II., reign of, 223. Sigismund of Bohemia, 166. Sigourney, Lydia H. H., 41. Sikh war, 261. Silistria, Russ. def., 249. Silliman, Benjamin, 33. Silliman, Benj., Jr., 57. Silver, Act, 99 ; certificates, 97 ; coinage, 145; defeated. 111 ; trade dollar, 89, 91. Simms, Wm. G., 51. Sims, Dr. J. Marion, 94. Sinai, law promul., 263. Sioux Indians in Minn., 80. Sirhind canal, 262. Sirius crosses Atlantic, 68. Sitting Bull killed, 100. Six nations, 12. Sixth Mass. Regiment, 78. Skiold, first k. of Den., 155. Slavery, 29, 66, 76, 79, 119, 125, 126, 129, 132, 203, 261. Slaves, 2, 4, 7, 9, 27, 29, 43, 51. 74, 75, 79, 118, 125, 126, 139, 189, 209, 223. Slave-trade, 27, 47, 73, 79, 83, 101, 110, 131, 137, 139, 161, 177, 187, 240. Slocum, Henry W., 63, 104. Smallpox, 9. Smith, Adam, 185. Smith, Capt. John, 3. Smith, Gerritt, 45. Smith, Joseph (Mormon), 50. Smith, Samuel F., 52. Smith, Sydney, 185. Smith College, 90. Smithson, James L. M., 64. Smithsonian Institution, 72. Smolensko, battle, 231. Smollett, Tobias George, 182. Sobieski, John, 147, 204, 224. Socialistic settl't, Par., 141. Socialists in Germany, 168. Soc. for Prev. Cru. to An., 85. Soc. for sup. slave-trade, 186. Society of Arts, London, 184. Society of Jesus, 239. Socrates, 195. Solemn League and Gov., 178. Solferino, battle, 148, 162. Solimoes founders, 133. Soils, Juan de, 127, 145. Solomon, King, 263. Solon, legislator, 193. Solouque, 126. Solyman II. takes Buda, 204. Somers, Sir Geo., in Ber., 124. Somers, U. S. brig, 70, 72. Sommelsdijk, gov. of Gui., 139. Sonderbund, end of, 247. Sonora, city disc, in, 117. Sorghum cane, 75. Soto, De, in La., 3. Soto, Marco Aurelio, 121. Soudan, 278, 279. Soult, Marshal, 226, 240. South Africa, 279, 280. Southampton, Empress Dock, 191. South Carolina, 7, 12, 49, 66, 78, 103. Southern Union Station, 114. South Dakota, 113. 316 INDEX. South Moimtain, bat., 80. South Saxons in Brit., 171. South Sea Bubble, 182. South Sea Company, 182. Spain, 112, 238-*244. Spalding, Martin J., 88. Spanish Armada, 177. Spanish Fenin., war in, 160. Sparks, Jared, 40, 64. Spartacus the gladiator, 207. Specie payment, 90, 92. Spectrum analysis, 190. Spencer, Herbert, 188. Spenser, Edmund, 176. Spherical form of earth, 194. Spinner, Gen. F. E., 100. Spinning -jenny in U. S., 38. Spiritual rappings, 73. Spottsylvania C. H., bat., 82. Sprague, Chai-les, 42. Springfield, Mo., bat., 79. Spurgeon, Charles H., 189. Stage bet. Boston andN. Y., 11. Stamp Act, 16, 184. Standard silver dollars, 106. Standard time, 22, 94. Standish, Miles, 4. Stanislaus abol. torture, 224. Stanley, Henry M., 191, 275. Stanley, Lord, gov.-gen., 22. Stanton, Edwin M., 56. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 57. Star Chamber, 178. Stark, John, gen., 10. Star-Route trial, 94. " Star-spangled Banner," 56. State Agricult. Coll., Kan., 81. University of Iowa, 72. University of Minn., 87. University of Missouri, 69. University of Nebraska, 90. •Statuary dis. at Athens, 197. Steam-ploughs, 74. Steam-vessel patented, 183. Stedman, Edmund C, 66. Stephen, first k. of Hun., 203. Stephen of Blois, 172. Stephens, Alex. H., 54. Stephenson, Robert, 187. Stethoscope invented, 188. Steuben, Baron, 33. Stevens, Thaddeus, 42. Stewart, Charles, adm., 33. Stiles, Ezra, Yale Coll., 10. Stockton, Robert F., 44. Stoddard, Richard H., 62. Stone, Lucy, 58. Stoneman, Oeorge, gen., 105. " Stonewall Jackson," 80. Stonington, Conn., bomb., 56. Story, Joseph, 34. Story, William W., 59. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 54. Strasburg surrenders, 229. Strikes, 91, 94, 96, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110, 152, 153, 169, 191, 235, 243. Stringham, Silas H., 46. Stuart, Charles Edward, 183. Stuart, James E. B., 65. Stuart, Prince Charles, 179. Students rev. at Athens, 198. Stuyvesant, Peter, gov., 6. Sucre, Gen., gov. Bol., 129. Suetonius, historian, 208. Suevi conquer Spain, 238. Suez Canal, 251, 278. Sugar-cane, 27, 29. Suja Shah, 254. Suleyman Abu-Jahir, 255. Sumner, Charles, 53, 76. Sun, motion of, ISO. Sunday schools, 185. Surajah Dowla, 261. Suttees abolished, 261. Suwarrow sacks Warsaw, 224. Svenigorod, Gen., 230. Sweden, 244, 245. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 244. Sweyn, k. of Denmark, 171. Swift, Jonathan, 180. Swinburne, Algernon C, 189. Swiss Guards, 247. Switzerland, 246-248. Sybel, Von, historian, 169. Sydney, Aus., founded, 280. Sylla, 196, 207. Syracuse, 218, 220. Syria, 268, 269. Table Rock, remnant falls, 97. Tacitus, historian, 208. Tae-pings, rebellion, 2.59. Tahiti, 163, 165. INDEX. 317 Taine, H. A., death, 164. Talamanca founded, 118. Talisman^ Brit, ship, 144. Talleyrand, death, 161. Tamerlane, 230, 249, 254, 269. Tammany Society, 40. Taney, Roger B., 32. Tauner, Dr., fasts, 93. Tarifa, battle, 239. Tarquin II., Rome, 205. Tarquiuius, consul, 205. Taschereau, Cardinal, 19. Tasso, Torquato, 213, 219. Tatars, 204, 223, 230. Tauchnitz, Baron, 169. Taylor, Bayard, 62. Taylor, Edward T., 44. Taylor, Gen., Confed., 85. Taylor, Zachary, 37, 73, 115. Tea, first in England, 258; thrown overboard, 17. Tecumseh, Indian chief, 16. Telegraph, 68, 71, 190, 232, 268. Tel-el-Kebir, battle, 278. Telephone, 149. Telescope, 105, 180, 1S6, 217. Tell, William, 246. Temple of Solomon, 263, 264. Teniers, David, 201. Tennessee, 45, 78, 109. Tennyson, Alfred, 187. Tenure of Office Act, 97. Terence, poet, 20D. Terry, Alfred H., 63. Terry, Judge, 77. Teutonic knights, 166, 223, 227. Tewflk, khedive, 278. Tewkesbury, battle, 175. Texas, 26, 72, 78, 110, 115. Texel fleet, 202. Thackeray, William M., 187. Thames tunnel, 189. Thanksgiving, first, 4. Thaxter, Ccha, 68. Theatres, 14, 43, 53, 61, 91. Thebau power, 195. Thebes destroyed, 276. Themistocles, 194. Theodore, King, 271. Theodoric, 219. Theodoric I., 238. Theodosius aids Brit., 170. Thermometer, 182, 217. Thermopylae, pass of, 194. Theseus in Athens, 193. Thesfcaly. 197, 251. Thiers, M., 163. Thirty-nine Articles, 177. " Thirty Tyrants," rule of, 195. Thirty Years' War, 167. Thomas, Geo. H., 57, 84 Thomas, Robert B., 16. Thomas, Theodore, 82. Thompson, I.aunt, 66. Thompson, Sir John S. D., 23. Xhornfinn Karlsefne in K. l.,l. Thorwald in Vinland, 1. Thorwaldsen, Albert Bertel, 156. Thothmes III., Egypt, 276. Thucydides, historian, 194. Thurman, Allen G., 106. Tiberius, emperor, 207. TibuUus, poet, 207. Tichborne case, 191. Ticinus, def . of Romans, 271» Ticknor, George, 41. Tidal wave, Japan, 266. Tiglath-pileser, 256, 268. Tigranes of Armenia, 268. Tilden, Samuel J., 55. Tilley, Sir Leonard, 19. Tilsit, peace of, 228, 231. Timepiece, Harrison's, 183. Times, Hartford, 70. Timoleon, 218. Timour the Tatar, 198, 260, 267. Tippoo Sahib, 261. Titian, 222. Titus, 208, 264. Titus Lartius, first diet., 205. Tobacco, 177,260. Tobago, W. I., stttled, 125. Todleben, Gen., death, 233. Toledo, Francisco de, 143. Toledo Blade, 72. Tolstoi, Count L^on, 234. Toltecs in Mexico, 1. Tompkins, Daniel, 57. Tonnage tax, 108. Toombs, Robert, 96. Tornadoes, 94. Toro, Mateo, gov. Chile, 134. 318 INDEX. Toro, M. Morillo, Col., 136. Tortuga, W. I., 125. Torture abol., 159, 236. Tourgee, Eben, death, 101. Tourgeniefl', funeral, 233. Trades unions, 97. Trading-posts, 53. Trtetelia, Olaf , 222. Trafalgar, vict. Nelson, 1S7. Trajan, emp., 208. Transmississippi Com. Cong., 101. Transvaal Republic, 279. Treaties of foreign countries, 122, 128, 132, 134, 135, 146, 148, 149, 152, 162, 168, 169, 190, 211, 212, 213, 223, 226, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 236, 244, 247, 250, 251, 259, 260. Treaties of United States with foreign countries, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 56, 58, 59, 62, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 87, 101, 102, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 123, 130, 132, 229, 244, 259,260,265,282. Trebia, def. of Romans, 274. Trenton, N. J., battle, 32. Trenton and Vandalia wr., 98. Trial by jury, Spain, 243. Trial by ordeal abol., 173. Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 176. Triple Alliance, 169, 180, 182, 202, 213. Tripoli, 48, 273. Triumvirate, 1st and 2d, 207. Trojan war, 193. Trowbridge, John T., 63. Trumbull, Jonathan, 12, 16. Trumbull, Lyman, 108. Truxtun, Thomas, com., 14. Tryon, Wm., gov., 17. Tschaikowsky, death, 234. Tsin dynasty, 258. Tudor, Frederic, 57. Tugeudbund, formation, 228. Tulane University, 95. TuUahoma campaign, 81. Tunis, 251, 273. Tupac Yupanqui, inca, 137. Tupper, Sir Charles, 19, 24. Turcomans, 232, 267. Turkey, 167, 248-252. Turkish atrocities, 106; inva- sion, 147. Turks def. at Lepanto, 240. Turk's Island, 126. Turner, Joseph M. W., 185. Turner, Nat, insur., 65. "Twain, Mark," 67. Tweed, Wm. M., death, 92. "Tweed Ring " frauds, 88. Tycho Brahe, 155. Tyler, John, 41. Tyler, Rev. Dr. Josiah, 106. Tyler, Wat, 174. Tyndale's New Testament, 176. Tyndall, John, 188. Tyrol acq. by Austria, 147. Tyrone, rebellion of, 178. Ulrica, Queen, of Swe., 245. Ulrich, Count, 252. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 74. Underwood, F. H., 104. Union armies, review, 85. Union flag, 18, 32. Union of Eng. and Scot., 178, 181. Union of Gt. Brit, and Ire., 186. Union Pacific R. R., 87. Unitarians and Federals, 127, 128. United States, frigate, 54. United States — army reduced to peace foot- ing, 88. Bank, 41, 57, 70. Capitol, 43. Congress, first, 40. declares war, 54, 56. exploring expedition, 69. forts seizeil, 78. Gov. rem. to Wash., 47. Mint, 39. 42, 74, 75. National Museum, 72. Naval Academy, 71. Navv, 43. tarifi' bill, first, 40. Universalists, first soc, 33. Universal Postal Cong., 109. INDEX. 319 University of Aberdeen, 175; Alabama, 65; Athens, 197; California, 87; Cambridge, 177; Coimbra, 225; Edin- burgb,177 ; Evora,226; Got- tingen, 199; Konigsberg, 227; Lotiisiana, 75; Lund, 244; Michigan, 70; Missis- sippi, 73; North Carolina, 44; Oxford, 173, 177; South Carolina, 50 ; State of New York, 37; Tennessee, 44; Texas, at Austin, 94; Up- sal, 244; Vermont, 47; Vir- ginia, 62; Washington at Seattle, 81; Wisconsin, 73; Wittenberg, 235 ; Wyo- ming, 98. Upshur, sec. of state, k., 71. Uranus ar. in Greece, 192. Uriarte, H., pres., 141. Uriburu, pres., 129. Urquiza, Arg. Rep., mur., 128. UrsuUne Convent, 25. Uruguay, 145. Ussher, Archbishop, 177. Utah admitted, 106. Utrecht, peace of, 26, 159, 167, 202. Vaccination, 47, 185, 192. Valdemar I. and II., 155. Valdivia enters Chile, 133. Valley Forge, army at, 33. Valparaiso, American sailors in, 101, 135. Van Buren, Martin, 36. Vancouver City, 22. Vandals, 219, 238. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 43. Vanderbilt, W. H., 96. Van Dyck, 201. Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 16. Van Tromp, vict. of, 20L, 202. Van Twiller, Wouter, 5. Varna, battle, 223, 249. Vasco da Gama, 226, 260. Vasquez, pres., 121. Vassar, Matthew, 42. Vega, Carpio Felix, 239. Vega, Garcilasso de la, 239. Velasco, pres. of BoL, 129. Velasquez, ^, 240. Vendome Column, 163. Venezuela, 106, 108, 145, 146. Venice, 221, 222. Vera Cruz, siege of, 115. Vermont admitted, 41. Verrazzano in N. Y. bay, 2. Verres, tyrannical gov., 219. Versailles, peace of, 159. Vespasian, emperor, 208. Vespucci, Amerigo, 2, 130. Vesuvius, eruption, 219, 220. Vibal, ruler of Para., 140. " Vicar of Wakefield," 184. Vice-adm., grade, estab., 84. Vicksburg, siege of, 81. Victor, duke of Savoy, 219. Victoria, Princess, 188. Victoria, Queen, 189, 191, 192, 262. Victoria a province, 281. Victoria R. R. bridge, 20. Victoria sunk, 22. Vienna, 147-150. Vigilance Committee, 74. Vigilant wins cup, 103. Vimiera, battle, 226. Vincent, John H.. 66. Vinci, Leonardo da, 214. Virgil, 207. Virginia, 4, 78. Virginia Company, 124. Virginius captured, 29. Virginius kills Virginia. 206. Viscaya, Spanish cruiser, 111. Visigoths, 225, 238. Vitellius, emperor, 208. Vittoria, battle, 240. Vladimir the Great, 230. Voltaire, 158. Volunteers, 78, 80, 82. 83, 84. Volunteer wins cup, 98. Vulcanized rubber, 69. Wade, Benjamin F., 47. Wagner, Richard, 168. Wagner's sleeping-cars, 76. Wahhabees, 256. Waite, M. R., 98. Waldemar I., Denmark, 244. Waldensians, 252. Wales, Prince of, 77, 262. 320 INDEX. Wales incor. with Eng., 176. Walker, Francis A., 69, 108. Walker, Robert J., 48. Walker, Wm., filibuster, 75, 77, 118, 119, 121. 123. Wallace, Lewis, 63. Wallace, Win., executed, 173. Wallachians, 223. Walleu stein, 147, 236. Walton, Izaak, 177. Warbeck, Perkin, exec , 17r). Ward, Artemas, gen., 10. " Ward. Artemus," 67. War of Spanish teuccession, 147, 158, 240. Warren, Gouverneur K., 64. Warren, Joseph, 12. Warren, Wm., Jr., 54. Warsaw, 224, 225. Warwick, Earl of, d., 175. Washington, George, 11, IS, 27, 32, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 70. Washington admitted, 99. Washington College, Md., 36. Washingtoniau Temp. See. ,69. Washington incor. as city, 48. Washington Monu't, 73, 91, 95. Washington's Farewell Ad- dress, 37. Wasp capt. FroliCf 54; deer, 55; det- Avon, oli. Water-cures in U. S., 71. Waterloo, battle, 161. Waterloo Bridge, London, 188. Waterville Coll., 60. Watt, James, 183. Watts, Isaac, 180, 182. Wauhatchie, battle. 82. Weather Bureau, 87, 101. Webster, Daniel, 36, 64, 70. Webster, Noah, 15. Webster's Dictionary, 63. Wedgwood , Josiah, 183. Wedmore, peace of, 171. Weed, Thurlow, 46. Weights and measures, 174. Weldon Railroad, bat., 83. Welland canal, 23. Welles, Gideon, 48. Wellesley College, Mass., 90. Wellington, Duke of, 184, 226, 240, 261. Wells, David A ., 113. Wesley, John, 11, 181, 184.' Wesleyan Female CoU., 68. West, Benjamin, 12. West Indies, 125, 126. West Indies, Dutch, 203. Westminster Bridge, 184. Westphalia, 199, 200, 247. West Saxons in Britain, 171. West Virginia admitted, 81. West Virginia University, 86. Weyler, Gen , 30. Whaling-ships lost, 91. Whalley, regicide, 7. Wheatley, Phillis, 14. Wheaton, Henry, 38. Wheeler, Joseph, 112. Wheeler, William A., 97. " Whig" and " Tory," 180. Whig party, 67. Whiskey, 44, 90. White, John De Haven, 106. White, Peregrine, 4. White, Richard Grant, 61. Whitefield, Geo., 12, 182. White House, 42. White Nile explored, 278. White Pass & Yukon R. R., 113. Whitman, Dr. Marcus, 70. Whitman, Walt, 59. Whitney, Eli, 16,43. Whitney, William D., 104. Whittier, John G., 52. Wilderness, Va., bat., 82. Wilhelmina, Queen, 203. Wilkes, Charles, adm., 46, 69. Willard, Frances E., 69. William and Mary, k., q., 181. William and Mary Coll., 8. Wm. George, k. Greece, 156. William I. of Germany, 163, 168, 169, 170; William 11., 169, 225. William I., Eng., 172; William II. (Rufus), 172; William IV., 189. William I., Prussia, 229. William II., king of Holland, 203. William II., stadtholder, 201. William III., k. Holland, 203. William III., stadtholder, 202, INDEX. 321 William I. (the Lion), 172. William of Orange assas., 201. Williams, John, miss., 282. Williams, Roger, 5. Williamsburg, Va., bat., 79. WilUamstown, Va., 8. Willibrord, bishop, 201. Willis, Nathaniel P., 5n. Willoiighby in Guiana, 138. Wilmot, D. (Wil. Proviso), 55. Wilmot, R. D., 19. Wilson, Alexander, 16. Wilson-Gorman Tariff Bill, 104. Wilson, Henry, 54. Wilson, John, 48. Wilson Silver Bill, 103; tariff bill, 103. Winchester, Va., bat., 83. Windom, sec. of treas., 100. Winslow, Edward, gov., 5, 6. Winslow, John A., adm., 53. Winsor, Justin, librarian, 110. Winthrop, John, gov., 4, 5. Winthrop, John, Jr., gov., 7. Winthrop, Robert C, 52. Wirt, William, 17. Wirz, Capt., hanged, 85. Wisconsin admitted, 73. Wisconsin, battleship, 113. Witchcraft delusion, 8. Witikind baptized, 235. Woerth, battle, 162. Wolfe killed, 15. Wollaston, Mass., disaster, 92. Wolsey, Cardinal, 175. Woman perm, to prac. law, 92. Woman's Chr. Temp. League, 99. Woman's Chr. Temp. Union, 101. Woman Suffrage in Wyo- ming, 87. Women vole in Kansas, 98. Wood, Col., explores Ky., 6. Woodbury, Levi, 40. Woodcutters in Hon., 122. Woodford, Minister, 112, 244. Woodworth, Samuel, 38. Woolsey, Theodore D., 48. Worcester, Joseph E., 37. Worcester's Dictionary, 77. Worden, John L., adm. ,110. Wordsworth, William, 185. Workingmen, aged, 169. World's Fair, 75; Pari, of Re- ligions, 103 ; Peace Jubilee, 89; W.C. T.U., 25. Wren, Christopher, 178. Wright, Elizur, 96. Wright, Silas, 44. Wlirtemberg, 252, 253. Wycliffe, John, 173, 174. Wyoming admitted, 99. Wyoming massacre, 15, 33. Xenophon, 195. Xeres, riots at, 243. Xerxes, 194, 267. Ximenes, Cardinal, 239. Yakoob Khan, 255. Yale, Elihu, 6. Yale College, 8. Yaou extends empire, 258. Yellow fever, 29,92, 110, 113. 138. Yellowstone Nat. Park, 88. Yemen invaded, 255. York, Cardinal, 187. York, Me., attacked, 26. York (Toronto), 55. Young, Brigham, 48, 76, 88. Young, John R., 114. Young, Sir John, 21. Young, Sir William, 19. " Young Greek " party, 197. "Young Ireland" partv, 189. " Young Italy " party, 210. Yukon gold region, 24, 25. Yupanqui, iuca, 133. Zaldivar, pres., 124. Zenta, battle, 204. Zeuxis, 195. Ziska, leader Hussites, 153. Zola, M., trial of, 165. Zollverein formed, 168. Zoological Soc, London, 188. Zoroaster, 267. Zutphen, battle, 201. Zwiugli, Ulrich, 246. \