• / &&'» V* 6 :'&& ** £ V'^V %/^V V*^V VI , ^ v^v v™-/ \#, • ^ -.1 V A* <- \ .^vP <^ •>•„ * ^ sr 'o 1 *? ^ v^ . <> '«" ///I ° "V c^ V. 5 s A ^ • '•• «?» *o *v 0° ^ • •» O ,**\-u v Letters from England ELIZABETH DAVIS BANCROFT Probably taken at Brady's National Gallery, New York, sometime after her return from England ; from a picture owned by Elizabeth B. Bliss LETTERS FROM ENGLAND 1846 — 1849 BY ELIZABETH DAVIS BANCROFT (Mrs. GEORGE BANCROFT) WITH PORTRAITS AND VIEWS CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK:::::::::::::::::i904 LiHKkky it CONGRESS Two Copies Received MAR 23 1904 i. Copyright Entry rvUu. ii-/ '33. '34. 135, 138, "43- MS. '47. '55. J S7» x 59> I 6o. 161, 162, 163, 175, 177, 178, 185, 190, 191, 192, 199, 206, 215 Bancroft, Mrs., 26, 95, 160 Baring, Mr. Thomas, 83 Bates, Mr., 11, 43, 47, 52, 165, 212 Bates, Mrs., 11, 12 Belgians, King of the, 121 Bentinck, Lord George, 189, 196 Beresford, Lord John, 189 Beresford, Major, 143 Berlin, 171 Berry, the Misses, 77, 88, 90, 97, 150, 158 Beust, Baroness de, 95 Birmingham, 8, 9 Birnam Wood, 200 Blair Athol, 200, 201 Blanc, Louis, 181 Blenheim, 196 Bliss, A., 132, 144, 171 Boileau, Mr., 143 Boileau, Sir John, 140 Boleyn, Anne, 48 Borneo, 144, 150, 151 Borrowdale, 209 Boston, 38, 71, 188 17 Index of Names Bowles, General, 101 Boyd, Mr., n Bracebridge Hall, 9 Braybrooke, Lord, 131, 137, 140, 142 Braybrooke, Lady, 137, 138 Braye, Lady, 156 Breadalbane, Lord, 203, 205 Breadalbane, Lady, 205 British Museum, 120 Brodhead, Mr., 64, 83, 163 Broglie, Due de, 146, 163 Brooke, of Sarawak, 143, 150 Brooks, 64 Brougham, Lord, 75, 77, 88, 124, 154 Bruce, 208 Brunnow, Baron, 113 Brunnow, Baroness, 94, 113 Brussels, 165 Buccleuch, Duke of, 67, 20a Buccleuch, Duchess of, 202 Buckingham Palace, 117 Buckland, Dr., 78 Bunsen, Chevalier, 34, 79, 81, '7* Bunsen, Madam, 79, 81, 94 Bunsen, Ernest, 211 Buonaparte, Jerome, 46 Buonaparte, Louis, 46, 211 Buonaparte, Napoleon, 46 Burdett, Sir Francis, 57 Burdett, Sir William, 57 Burdett, the Misses, 186 Burgh, Lady Emily de, 22 Butler, Mr., 144 Byron, Lady, 105, 106, 108, in, 117, 119 Byron, Lord, 118, 210 Byron, Lord and Lady, 101 Callimachi, Princess, 67, 95 Calton Hill, 197 Cambridge, 37, 38, 124, 125 Cambridge, Duke of, 67, 133, 133, 134 Cambridge, Duchess of, 183, 187 Camden, Marquis of, 67 Campbell, Lord, 78 Campbell, Sir Colin, 207 Campbell, Miss, 207 Canning, Sir Stratford, 73 Carlisle, Lord, 190 Carlisle, Lady, 190 Carlyle, Mr., 35, 82, 83 Carlyle, Mrs., 82 Castle Howard, 190 Castle Rock, 197 Cates, 46, 54, 163 Chantrey, Lady, 79, 185 Charleville, Dowager Countess of, 40. S6, 57 Charlotte, Princess, 107 Charlotte, Queen, 139 Chartists, 173, 175, 176, 177 Chatterton, Sir William, 58 Chatterton, Lady, 58 Chiswick, 184 Circourt, Countess of, 96 Clanricarde, Marquis of, 27 Clanricarde, Marchioness of, 22, 27 Claremont, 107, 108 Clarendon, Lord, 17 Clementine, Princess, 165 Coates, Mr., 71 Codrington, Sir Edward, 156 Colchester, Lady, 57, 58 Colman, Mr., 11, 17 Compton, Lord Alwyne, 129, 130 Constantine, Grand Duke, 112, 113, 120 Coolidge, Mr. Joseph, n Corcoran, Mr., 71, 208, 210 Cork, 121 Cornwallis, Lord, 137, 141 Cornwallis, Marquis, 137 Coutts, Miss Angelina, 57, 123, 186, 187, 189, 211, 212 18 Index of Names Cousin, 99, 159, 180 Covent Garden, 99 Craigcrook, 198 Cromwell, 108 Cushman, Elder, 156 Cushman, the Misses, 156 Cust, Sir Edward, 93, 94 Dalhousie, Lord, 101, 102, 104 Dalhousie, Lady, 101 Damar, Colonel and Mrs. Daw- son, 154 Dana, Richard H., 118 Davis, Governor, 208, 210 Davis, W. T., 82, 83 Denmark, 172 Denison, Mr., 195 Denison, Lady Charlotte, 195 Derby, Countess of, 36 D'Eresby, Lord Willoughby, 61 Derwentwater, 209 Devonshire, Duke of, 185, 193 Devonshire, Duchess of, 90, 191 Dexter, Mr. Franklin, 17, 18 Dexter, Mrs., 11, 17, 18 Dietrichstein, Countess, 94 Disraeli, Mr. and Mrs., 174 Douro, Lord, 131, 187 Douro, Marchioness of, 69, 70, 187 Drayton Manor, 89 Drummond, 198 Drummond, Mrs., 178 Dryden, 80 Duff Gordon, Sir William, 92 Duff Gordon, Lady, 92, 122 Dundonald, Lord, 124 Dunkeld, 200, 201 Dunolly, 206 Dunsinane, 200 East Sheen, 43, 44, 165 Eaton Square, 15, 145 Ebrington, Lord, 23 Edinburgh, 197, 198 Elizabeth, Queen, 136 Ellenborough, Lord, 57 Elliott, Mr. Frederick, 35 Ely, 37. Sa Ely, Dean of, 38, 52 Emerson, R. \V., 144, 145, 167, l6 9. '73 Empson, Mr., 199 England, 9, 12, 29, 34, 36, 50, 76, 83, 98, 142, 151, 170, 173, 176, 205, 211, 215 " Eothen," 74, 90, 92, 115 Esher, 105, 106 Estcourt, Colonel, 36 Eton, 124, 125 Euclid, 149 Europe, 86, 116, 170, 173 Everett, Mr., 25, 34 Exeter, Marquis of, 101, 102 Exeter, Marchioness of, 101 Faraday, 185 Fitzherbert, Mrs., 154 Fitzroy, Lord William, 50 Flitton, Mr. and Mrs., 143 Flocon, 181 Fonblanc, 35 Forbes, Mr., iai Foster, Sir Augustus, 156 Foster, Lady Albinia, 156 Fox, C. J., 90, 98 Fox Howe, 209 France, 160, 161, 162, 169, 170, 171, 176, 178, 179 Franklin, Lady, 15s Frith of Forth, 197 Fry, Mrs., 211 Gair, Mr., 11 George IV., 154 Gibson, Mrs. Milner, 174 Glasgow, 208 Gloucester, Duke of, 154 Goodwin, Mrs., 56 iq Index of Names Gordon, Mr., 197, 198 Grammont, de, 22 Grenville, Mr., 147 Greville, Mr. Algernon, 58, 59 Grey, Earl, »8 Grey, Countess, 24, 28 Grey, Sir George, 15, 17, 28, 145, 18S Grey, Lady, 28, 146 Grisi, 99, 112 Grote, Mr., 160 Grundy, Mrs., no Guizot, 85, 99, 161, 168, 185 Guizot, Mademoiselle, 185 Gurney, Mr. and Mrs., 211 Haight, Mr., n Hall, Sir Benjamin, 74 Hallam, Mr., 96, xoi, 120, 152, 163, 170 Hallam, Miss, 152 Hampton Court, 109 Harcourt, Earl, 127 Harcourt, Mr., 13, 15, 16, 19, 74, 75. I9S Harding, Mr., 109 Hawes, Mr., 38, 143 Hawes, Mrs., 143 Hawthornden, 198 Hawtrey, Dr., 124, 125 Hayward, Mr., 97 Henry IV., 79 Henry VIII. ,48 Hobhouse, Sir John, 210 Holland, Dr., it, 18, 23, 28, 32, S3. 156, «S8 Holland, Mrs., 18 Holland, Lord, 13, 14 Holland, Lady, 13, 25 Holland, Lady (formerly Lady Webster), 190 Holland, 193 Holland House, 14 Hooker, Sir William, 50, 51, 52 Hooker, Lady, 50 Hortense, 46 Howard de Walden, 137, 139 Howitt, William, 40 Howitt, Mary, 40 Hudson, Mr., 113, 189, 193 Hudson, Mrs., 1 14 Humber, 193 Humboldt, Baron, 157 Ingestre, Lord, 189 Inglis, Sir Robert, 73 Inverness, Duchess of, 28, 32, 37 Ireland, 173 Irving, Washington, 9 Isidore, 62, 63 Italy, 139, 172, 173 Jackson, Madam, 36 James I., 35 James, G. P. R., 107 Jameson, Mrs., 173 Jarnac, Count, 163, 165 Jay, Mr. Joseph, 11, 17 Jay, Miss. 17 Jeffrey, Lord, 198, 199, 200 Jeffrey, Mrs., 199, 200 Jersey, Lady, 187 Josephine, 46, 1(7 Keats, 45 Kendal, 209 Kensington, 14 Kent, Duchess of, 23 Kenyon, 163 Keswick, 209 Kew Gardens, 50, 51, 68 Kildare. Lord, 127 Kinglake, Mr., 91 Kirkland, Mrs., 155 Kirkstone, 209 Labouchere, Mr.. 75 Lamartine, 99, 181 Index of Names Langdale, Lord, 46, 47 Langdale, Lady, 46, 47 Lansdowne, Lord, 23, 24, 17, 69, 70, 71, 87, 116, i2i, 167, 188 Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs., 212 Leicestershire, 105 Leopold, Prince, 107 Leslie, Mr. and Mrs., 36 Leveson-Gower, Lady Caroline, 127 Lewis, Lady Theresa, 17, 28 Leyden, 122 Lieven, Princess de, 168 Lincolnshire, 193 Lind, Jenny, 112, 182, 212 Lindsay, Lady Charlotte, 32, 77, 88, 153, 158 Lisboa, Mr., 52 Lisboa, Madame, 52, 94, 101, 102 Liverpool, 4, s, 6, 8 London, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21, 27, 33. 56. 62. "4. i25i M3i «45. M7. 148, 150, 161, 167, 168, 175, 180, 189, 191, 196, 208, 209, 214 London, Bishop of, 73, 124 Lonsdale, Lord, 189 Lorn, brooch of, 207 Louis, ex- King of Holland, 46 Louis Philippe, 157, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 180, 181 Louisa, 7, 38, 76, 109, 215 Lovelace, Lord, 105 Lovelace, Lady, 105, 106, 119, 213 Lyell, Mrs., 148 Macaulay, 18, 32, 75, 146, 152, 153, 169, 170, 214 MacDougal, Captain, 207 MacGregor, Mr., 58 Mackenzie, Mrs. Stuart, 215 Mackintosh, Mr., 18, 75 Macready, 34 Madison, 156 Madison, Mrs., 31 Mahon, Lord, 15, 28, 75, 96, 152, •53 Mahon, Lady, 75 Mallet, Lady, 88 Mansfield, Mrs., 74, 176 Mansion House, 132 Mario, 112 Markwell, Mr., 10 Marlborough, Duke of, 196 Martineau, Miss, 209 Mason, 31 Mathew, Father, 121 Mauley, Lord de, 13, 14 Mayor, The Lord, 132, 133, 134, 136, 188 Mayoress, The Lady, 132, 133, 134 Melbourne, Lord, 14 Mendelssohn, 212 Mexico, 144 McLean, Judge, 115 McLean, Mr. and Mrs., 115 Metternich, Prince and Princess, 186 Mignet, 99, 159, 178, 180 Milman, Mr., 28, 32, 92, 129, 152, 153* 169 Milman, Mrs., 32, 82, 92, 129, 130, 170 Milnes, Monckton, 167,169 Mole, Count, 161 Molesworth, Sir William, 74, 98 Molesworth, Lady, 74, 98 Monroe, 156 Montebello, Due de, 176 Monteagle, Lord, 52, 121, 185 Montpensier, Duchess de, 164, 165 Mont St. Bernard, 145 Moore, 122, 123 Morgan, Lady, 18, 35, 38, 74, 81, '73 Morpeth, Lord, 13, 14, 17, ao, 28, 90, 169, 170, 190, 191 Mount F.dgcumbe, Lady, 103 Murchison, Sir Roderick, 35 221 Index of Names Murray, Miss, 35, 36, 63, 65, 67, 68, 82, 105, 107, 109, no, 115, 117 Murray, Mrs., 20 Napoleon, 167 Navarino, 156 Nemours, Due de, 164, 165, 180 Nemours, Duchess de, 164 Newby Park, 189, 190, 194 New York, 10 Norfolk, Duke of, 101, 102 Normanby, Lord, 35, 159, 207 Normanby, Lady, 85 Norreys, Lord and Lady, 195 North, Lord, 32, 77 Northampton, Lord, 73, 79, 129 Northumberland, Duke of, 78 Northumberland, Duke and Duchess of, 185 Norton, Mrs., 87, 174 Norwich, 128, 129 Norwich, Bishop of, 81, 88, 129 Nuneham, 126, 195 Peacock, Dean, 38 Peel, Sir Robert, 76, 87, 89, 152, i53> '95. 196 Peel, Lady, 89, 195, 196 Pell, Mr. and Mrs., 8a Phidias, 120 Philadelphia, 10 Phipps, Mr. and Mrs., 207 Pickering, Mr., 17 Pleasantons, 33 Plymouth, 24, 187, 193 Polignac, Prince, 22 Polk, President, 31 Polk, Mrs., 26 Polk, Mr., 115 Poland, 172 Pontois, 159 Portland, Duke of, 196 Pratt, Miss, 17 Prescott, 96, 161, 213 Primrose, Lady Ann, 210 Prussia, Prince of, 184 Putnam, Mr., 17, 40 Putnam, Mrs., 17 Oban, 206 O'Connor, Dennis, 72, 73 Opie, Mrs., 130 Otis, Mrs., 38 Oxford, 196, 215 Pakenham, Mr., 144 Pakington, Sir John, 91 Palmerston, Lord, 13, 15, 18 27, 28, 84, 101, 185, 188 Palmerston, Lady, 13, 14, 15, 28, 75, 82, 84, 93, 95, 101, 185 Paris, 95, 96,99, 103, 155, 157, 162, 164, 168, 177, 178, 181 Parke, Baron, 18, 28, 78 Parke, Lady, 18, 114 Payne, Annie, 31 Peabody, Mr., 71 Queensberry, Marquis and Marchioness of, 156 Rachel, 123 Raffles, Sir Stamford, 51 Raffles, Lady,' 5 1 Rathbone, Richard, 5 Rathbone, Mrs. Richard, 5 24, Rathbone, William, 8 Rebecco, 139 22, Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 196 103, Richmond, Duke of, 189, 192, 193 Richmond Park, 43, 48, 178, 214 158, Riggs, Mr., 71 Robinson, John, 122 Rochester, Bishop of, 67, 91 Rogers, Samuel, 16, 87, 88, 89, 92, 97, 98, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 144, 147, 156, 186 222 Index of Names Rollin, Ledru-, 181 Rome, 34 Ross, us Rosebery, Lord, aio Roslin, Lord, 198 Roslin Castle and Chapel, 198 Rothschild, Baron, 163, 164 Rothschild, Baroness, 115, 164 Ruckers, Miss, 33 Rubens, 196 Russell, Lord John, 27, 28, 32, 84, 87, 123, 188, 214 Russell, Lady John, 27, 151 Russia, 172 Rutherford, Captain, 198, 199 Rutherford, Mr., 73, 197 Rutherford, Mrs., 198 Rydal Mount, 209 St. Aulair, Count of, 84 St. Aulair, Countess of, 94 St. George's Chapel, 126 St. Mary's Abbey, 191 Salisbury Crags, 197 Salvandi, 99 Sarawak, 143, 150, 151 Saxe-Coburg, Prince Auguste de, 165 Saxe- Weimar, Prince of, 23 Saxe-Weimar, Grand Duke of, 112, 113 Saxe-Weimar, Grand Duchess of, 112, 113, 183 Scotland, 197, 203 Scott, 208 Senior, Mr., 68, 91, 92 Seymour, Jane, 48 Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs., 174 Simpkinson, Sir Francis, 155 Simpkinson, Lady, 155 Smith, Sidney, 18, 75 Somerville, Dr. and Mrs., 148 Sophia, Princess, 186 Spencer, Lord, 206 Stai : ], Madam de, 146 Stafford House, 117, 119 Stanley, Lord, 116 Stanley, Mrs., 81, 130 Stanley, the Misses, 130 Stanley, A., 130 Stanley, Mr., 158 Story, Mr. W. W., 86 Story, Mrs., 85 Stratheden, Lady, 75 Strickland, Mrs., 115 Stuart de Rothesay, Lady, 158 Suffield, Lady, 130, 131 Suffolk, Earl of, 136, 137 Sumner, Charles, 20 Sumner, George, 159 Sussex, Duke of, 28. 32 Sutherland, Duke of, 117 Sutherland, Duchess of, 69, 75, 81, 115, 116, 127 Tagent, Mr., 15s Tamburini, 99, 112 Tankerville, Lady, 21 Tay, 200 Taylor, Mr., 52, 53 Taymouth, 203 Taymouth Castle, 204 Thackeray, 166 Thierry, 99 Thiers, 99, 159, 178, 180 Tilt, 201 Tower, 189 Traveller's Club, 16 Trinity College, 37 Tufnell, Mr., 210 Tuft, Miss, 187 Tunnel, i3t/' Tyrrell, Sir John, 143 Ulswater, 209 United States, 96, 156 Vandyke, 196 Van Wart, Mr., 9 ■' 223 Index of Names Van de Weyer, Mr., 46, 47, 84, 165, 167 Van de Weyer, Madame, 46, 47, 48, 49, 67, 84, 94, 167 Vane, Lord Harry, 195 Venice, 148 Vernon, Lord, 126 Victoria, Queen, 13, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 49, 65, 68, 69, 70, 74, 82, 93, 94> 95t ""> IOI > "'-, 10 3> '"4 1 107, in, 115, n6, 117, 126, 146, 165, 176, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 206, 210 Villiers, Lord and Lady, 195 Villiers, Lady Clementina, 187 Waldegrave, Lady, 154, 214 Waldegrave, Lady E., 215 Wales, Prince of, 66. 126 Walker, Mrs., 33 Walpole, Horace, 77, 88, 154 Warburton, 92 Warburton, E., 92, 114 Ward, Mr., 144 Washington, 26, 28, 33 Watt, Mr., 9 Webster, Lady, 189, 190 Wellesley, Lord Charles, 101 Wellington, Duke of, 69, 70, 101, 114, 115, 116, 131, 187, 188 Western Islands, 206 Westminster Abbey, 21, 30, 53, 78, 79, 80, 141 Westminster, Dean of, 79, 80, 124 Westminster School, 79 Westminster Hall, 121 Whately, Dr., 91, 121, 124 Whewell, 60 Whitworth, Lord, 58 Wight, Isle of, 176 Wilkes, Miss, 199 Wilson, Professor, 196, 197 Windemere, 209 Windsor Castle, 16, 23, 24, 25, m, 126 Winthrop, Mr., 109, no, in Wolsey, Cardinal, 108 Wood's Hole, 207 Wordsworth, Mr. and Mrs., 209 Wormeley, Captain, n, 82 Wormeley, Mrs., n, 17, 82 Wormeley, Miss, n, 82 Yarmouth, 131 York, 189, 190, 191, 194 York, Archbishop of, 13, 81, 126, 127, 128, 147, 195 Yorkshire, 188, 189, 193 Zetland, Earl of, 69, 70 224 r> ""^' ov ■o v » *b h * ^ i^ . « • ^ o^ ^ ** •6-o« ^ c t x 111 ■ -A "* ^°^ v t »LX ^