^ m y»»»»»»S:»»»^»»»» »» »»»i»^»»»»>ra » ^g » »»^»»^»S»fc 1 AHERICA AND EUROPE'S GV 561 :V28 GREATEST. JUGGLERS. i ■JW * Edward Van Wyck. COMPLIMENTS OF EDWARD VAN WYCK, MANUFACTURER OF 1 High-class Juggling Good CINCINNATI, OHIO, U. S. A. COPYRIGHTED, BY EDWARD VAN WYCK. The Art Printing Co., Cincinnati, O. Glass. Book ". I \ 5 6 OLLIE YOUNG, TWo.Cojinwi wgcBlVEO^ >-*>»7 of CGHF& ^ ^RBHTEST OF HLL MAR3O1900 Bcfflttfr of CepyHg&f* "W \?> © *i CLUB MaiVIPULHTORS. SECOND OOPT, J8» g *# Begins Where Others End B913 The artistic Cub juggling of ollie Y fa ^ m grace and finish with which he handles the dubs extreme.— Cincinnati Enquirer, Oct. 3, >qq. is fascinating in th< Permanent Address, N. Y. Cli- pper. KNOWN Thr^ WORLD OVER. THE GREAT ELLIOTT. Gri The Challenge Champion Card Manipulator of the World. Press" notices from all over the world. Elliott is a natural born artist in his line. ELLIOTT Does 136 double- hand passes in 60 seconds. Is the in- ventor of the back- hand palm. Con- ceals 36 chosen cards and shows back and front of each hand at any time, and produces one card at a time from space. Testimonials from these great artists : Harry Kellar. Hermann. ImroFox. Servais Le Roy. Powell. T. Nelson Downs. Robinson. David De Vant. Hartz. Karl Nurtz. Zanzig. Horace Goldin. Harry Hoiidini. Etc., Etc.. Send 10 cents in stamps for large illustrated professional sheet No. 26, giving Elliott's latest card effect and prices. All branches of high-class magic taught in person or by mail. Specialty cards, coins, billiard balls, handkerchiefs, cups and balls, Chinese rings, etc. For Full Particulars Address, Prof. J. H. Richardson, 32 Con- cord Square, Boston, Mass. THE MANIPULATIVE SENSATION. KURTZ. Count the Balls in the /Vir. Has played all the leading houses in America, from the B. F. Keith Circuit to the Orpheum in 'Frisco, and Canada to Mexico. En route with French's floating Palaces. 36* Ttt^ KING OF TRICK-RIDERS. WM. P.^^l CRESWELL Introducing more than 75 novel tricks on the wheel. The only artist who spins and juggles two guns and also twirls a lasso while balancing on the wheel. Now on the Pacific Coast. Permanent Address, Villisca, Iowa, or New York Clipper. THE SUPREME SENSATIONAL SPERICAL STARS, '"ed. TttE 2 JtEU/ITTS «***■ ROLLING GLOBE WONDERS Just added | AND DAN THE DOG. | to the act. Extraordinary Exponents of Equipoise. EMMA HEWITT. Spherical Indian Club Expert, ERED HEWITT, Clown Juggling On Rolling Globe. Presenting the only double equilibristic act of the kind in existence. Both appearing in this act. f HOT* ENHTTPIJ F or Foster & Bails, New York, and llUUD EllUUlin Great Orpheum Circuit. GOOD ENOUGH ^ ywhere . Two seasons with M. B. Leavitt's "Spider and Fly" Company, and just closed with " Black Crook " Company — now playing THE GREAT WESTERN VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT. Permanent Address, Care Van Wyck, or New York Clipper. The World-Renowned Komedy Klub Konjurer, KOPPE, IN THE FUNNIEST OF ALL CLUB ACTS, $ This is not only a good club act, but also a very funny monologue. A Real Hot Club act In which much fun is done By KOPPE, the Only One. Permanent AdJress, N. Y. Clipper, or any good agent, TftE. O^IGINflrL CLOWN JUGGLER. BASE BALL MASK^^^^ Gentlemanly Club Artists Will Not Steal This. Others JTust Not. P. S.- — Alburtus, of the Tennis Trio, is the one and only Alburtus, late of Alburtus & Bartram, the originators of double club juggling ten years ago, and were identified with Weber & Fields, Russell Bros., Hyde's Comedians, etc. Also one year in Europe, one season with Tony Pastor; also one year in City of Mexico, Gran Circo Orrin, and now The Tennis Trio, playing the leading theaters and elegant resorts in this country. Permanent Address, Morris RIburtus, N. Y. Clipper. THE ARTIST, MISS JESSIE MILLAR, Who is creating a big sensation by taking up a line of work which is a vast contrast to her musical talents, and accomplishing the most novel single, double and triple juggling with grace and ease. P. S. This is the lady that the Sin Francisco Call decorated a whole page with nine different cuts, illustrating her remarkable work with the clubs, while playing the Orpheum with the Tennis Trio. Address, Morris Alburliis, Tenuis Trio, care of N. Y. Clipper. Comedy Jugglers. ...THE TOSSING AUSTINS... JZLa- , v *l % in PLEASING, AMAZING AND FULL OF COMEDY. + DOUBLE TOSS- ING WITH LAMPS, BALLS, j» * j» j» j» UMBRELLAS AND CLUBS. OUR ORIGINAL COMEDY TRICKS A NOVELTY, AND NEVER FAILS TO MAKE A HIT.= = - Watch the Dog. , Permanent Address, Victoria Theatre, Dayton, Ohio. o^ ft^* <^* t^* t^* t^* <<5^ t^* 4^^ t&* t&* t^&'ter* f£T* .^ THE GREAT ' s # ; DARIWODY. # Eccentrique Juggling. , ^ j. ^g^| llf^J' EN ROUTE WITH .,.;.; HFt '"• ^ ♦♦.♦Ifads and follies Co-* Jl j* & Jl This Act a Laughing Hit. H fca^^r r Knr- e£* 8^» mBbUk Watch the Finish. t^* 4^* <^* t^* f^* «^" «^* <^**e^* e^* <^* tt?^ «^* <^Mfc ■ ■ ■ ' - ■ II Seasons of 1897-98-99 WITH John L. Sullivan's ;..■• .4< ,,; COMPANY. J» J» ALWAYS IN IT. JflSlBr flB V. « S0MEWHHT DIFFERENT FROM THE REST. This act has played all the leading houses in America. One of the features with Chase & Burke's Big Company. Permanent Address, N. Y. Clipper. THE NOVELTY DUO. nile. Brachard... This lady introduces a clever Juggling Specialty, also a DRUM MAJOR ACT —ON A— ROLLING GLOBE, And is ably assisted by that great and Remarkable artist, ..Paul Brachard The most remarkable act of this kind in the world, now one of the features of the Sells-Forepaugh Show. i iti». -. .. ■ 1 WML t m Permanent Address, Ne'w York Clipper. THE TENNIS DUO. DOUBLE NOVELTY CLUB JUGGLERS. ALLAIRE & GAUDRAU Have played all the leading Vaudeville houses in America. Special feature with Culhane, Chase & Weston's Minstrels, SEASON J930-J90! VOGEL & DEMING'S BIG MINSTRELS. Permanent Address, /New CJork Clipper. THE ALL-AROUND ATHELETE. eHftS. R. DRYDEN. Juggler, Acrobat and High-Class Contortionist. Past seasons with Haag Circus. Permanent Address, New York Clipper. PROF. WM. J. HERRMANN, Physical Instructor Y. M. G A. Fifteenth and Chestnut Sts* PHILADELPHIA, PA, Prof* Herrmann is an expert with the Clubs* SEE NEXT PAGE, Permanent Address. T. M. C. 4. \*/\?^- Wi H. A. EVEREST, The Celebrated High- Class Club Artist. *£> ^ Acknowledged by experts to be the most artistic Club Swinger before the public, using- in this act the finest Clubs in the world, such as musical and other fancy Clubs. Permanent Address N. Y. Clipper. TH«E frl^-ROOND rt»TH-LETE. PROF. WM. J. HERRMANN. Physical Director of Y. M. C. flr. Philadelphia, Pa., Central Branch. Mr. Herrmann has been the physical director of the Y. M. C. A., Cen- tral branch for the past eight years, and is considered by experts to be one of the best all-round ath- lete, gymnasts, and club artists in America. Prof. Herrman is an expert in the handling of electric clubs and balls. Permanent Address, Y. M. C. A., 15th and Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. THE EUROPEAN NOVELTY JUGGLERS. BROTHERS LISCHKE. In a very novel and original double club act, doing all the difficult ]u\ gling, passing, spinning, and swinging with one, two, three, and four clubs. Many new and original tricks in this act. Permanent Address, N. Y. Clipper. - aete* ft-GT OF MIRTH-, REFINEMENT, ft-ND ORIGINft-LJTY. Novel Artistic cm NEWTON. COMEDY, fVGROBf¥TIG OI^UB JUGGLER. A great and sensational juggling act combined with acrobaticfand funny situations. Permanent Address, New York Clipper. SWELLESTOE THE SWELL. TftE H-IGH-GIJVSS ENTER- TWINER. OLLIE^ HARDIN. In an amazing act of balancing and novel juggling. Introducing artistic stage setting and the largest and handsomest number of clubs and batons in America. Permanent Address, N. Y. Clipper, or Texarkana, Tex. Master Marry Craton THE CLEVER AND ARTISTIC • JUGGLER o ONTHE SILVER WIR The juggling and wire walking of Master Craton was the best seen here this season. — Fort Worth Telegram. Now en route with Oliver Scott's minstrels. Permanent Address, N. Y. Clipper. Tf+E NEW KING of CLUBS. o£ Ora «^ De Vawter THE ORIGINAL CLIB JUGGLER.^ ©»*S*S*SS*SSS*S*S«S«««S« Positive Hits. Something New. Introducing more difficult feats with one, two, three, and four clubs than other jugglers ever do. Permanent Address, Huntington, Ind., or N. Y. Clipper. FRED. SUTHERLAND. Of Curtis & Sutherland Comedy Company, now en route through Canada to successful business. 4 1 I Mr. Sutherland is one of the oldest club-swingers and jugglers now on the road, and introduces many clever and novel features in his act. Permanent Address, N. Y. Clipper. THE TAMBOURINE KING. V. P. WOODWARD. Introducing in this novel- ty the latest style of bal- ancing, juggling and spin- ning tambourines on hands, knees and head. AN ABSOLUTE NOVELTY. Permanent Address, Rockville, Conn. - W w- THE CLEVER YOUNG HRTIST. MftJ. G(JS ROSLv. Baton Juggler. GUn Spinner. Re GRft-GK UP-TO-DfVTE SP^GIft-LTY. Permanent Address, Y. M. C. A., Dubuque, Iowa THE KIG PIN. MELDON. ft Novelty. ft Feature. Introducing in this high-class specialty all the latest and most difficult juggling feats. A startling exhibition of dexterity and gracefulness combined. Wardrobe, clubs— THE BEST. Permanent Address, N, Y. Slipper. THE QUEEN ©F CLUBS. *- THE CHAMPION ©F PENNSYLVANIA. DE LONG. In an entirely new style of club juggling, from one to four clubs. Also spinning, sliding and passing clubs. Different from others. Permanent Address, New York Slipper. MAR 30 J»uu . . .OUR CLUB CATALOG. . . We guarantee you the FINEST Clubs in the world, And refund your money if misrepresented. <£ & <£ No. 1. 2-Club Juggling. to ft to 13J to lir to to fl to to to to to to r |w » i r: 4 ) ! to I I'f No. 2. 2 and 3 -Club Juggling. No. 3. 3 and 4 -Club Juggling. No. 4. Double-Club Juggling. I I^engih, 21 in. Width, 4)a in. Weight, ic oz. Ivength, 20 in. Width, 4% in. Weight, 18 oz. L,ength, 19% in. Width, 4% in. Weight, 17 oz. Length, 20 in. Width, 4%; in. Weight, iS oz. ft ft to to to to to to t to to to to to to ft Swinging Clubs— 19 in. long; weight, 14 to 16 oz., Ebony finish, decorated to <|> /j\ giv them the Electric Light effect. to Per Pair to ^ , . „, , , W The aocv ; Clubs, without decorations ' . .each, $J.50. \ E MAKE ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLUBS. Juggling Clubs have our new improved Hardwood handles, Ebony or Cherry fin- ish, are White Enameled, Rubber attachments for bottoms — " our invention." These Clubs are decorated in Electric Red, Green, Gold or Silver, Plain or Hammer style. We are also the inventors of this style tf*') Cfl id C3 flfl of decorating Per Club, ^^•3U IU «p J.UU % $4.50 to $6.00 I f Balancing Club for one-club work, and for spinning and sliding. dO f\(\ \»/ Made like a Juggling Club. 2 J in; long, 4% in. wide, 20 oz v|)J.UU | j| We make a specialty of Novelty Clubs, such as Electric Clubs, Musical, k Bounding and Bell Clubs, also South American Bolos —our own invention. ft ^ prices on appLieaTiox. $ We are the inventors of all the latest improvements on goods of this kind. When you buy, buy of us, and you get the latest and THE BEST, ft TERMS— ©ne-third eash, balance e. 0. D. EDWARD VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. ?§€€&€&€&3€&€€&&&€&€€4£^€€$33^3€^€3€€^^€€33€€ * |^H-..->t ( £& J w¥m