/ TOWN RECORDS ^^g, 3/// MANCHESTER, From the earliest grants of land, 1636, when a PORTION OF SaLKM UNTIL 1736, AS CONTAINED IN THK Town Kecords of Salem, SeconA and Third book of Records of the Town of Manchester. SALEM, MASS., SALE.M Pkess Publishing and Printing Co., 1SS9. ciTVoo /^.^.•/ MANCHESTER TOWN RECORDS FROM 1636 TO 1736. At the Annual Town Meeting held Mnreh 19,. 1889, tlie Town Clerk was authorized to copy and cause to be printed the early records of the Town. A committee of three was also appointed to cooperate with him in this work. The earliest mention of the set- tlement of Manchester is to be found in the Salem Records when grants of land were made from time to time as tlie applications re- ceived favorable action. It was thought best to incorporate these grants in this book as showing who were the earliest settlers. Our next source of information is what is known as the Second Book. This contains probalilv a portion of the first ; as in the Third Book, compiled by Dr. E. W. Leach in 1836, it will be noticed that copies have been made of former grants and reference is made to the First Book. It seems reasonable to suppose that some one had collected scattered leaves and bound them together. There is a gap, however, between 1645 and 1658 we have no means of siipplying. A correct transcript has been made of this book, and although nearly trans- parent from many years wear and portions of several pages missing yet sufficient remains to give a fairly correct idea of the original meaning. The dash indicates the words that are gone. The Third Book, while in the main easily read, has several pages almost illeg- ible. The following extracts were taken from a communication by Wm. P. Upham written as an introductory to the Salem Records and are of interest as showing town government in its infancy. " The interest which attaches to these ancient manuscript rec- ords is heightened when we consider how few were the ' planta- tions ' then existing in the Massachusetts colony. In fact, they date back to the very time when towns, as such, came into exist- ence. On the 3d of September, 1634, tlie General Court appointed a Committee, consisting of nine members, to set out the bounds of towns. At the same Court leave was granted to ' the inhabi- tants of Salem to keepe a markett weekely, on the fourth day of (3) 4 EARLY RECORDS OF 3'^ weeke, commonly called Wednesday.' On the 4th of March, 1635, and the 3d of March, 1636, special committees were appointed to set out the bounds between Salem and the adjoining towns. At a General Court held March 3, 1635-6, the following order was passed, which, as it is in fact the origin of the various and impoi*- tant powers ever since exercised by towns and will serve as an ap- propriate introduction to these records, is here given in full. ' Whereas particular towns have many things which concerne onely themselves, and the ordering of their own affairs and disposing of business in their own town, it is therefore ordered, that the free- men of every town or the major part of them shall alone have power to dispose of their own lands, and woods, with all the privileges and appurtenances of the said towns, to grant lots, and make such orders as ma}^ concern the well ordering of their own t6wns not re- pugnant to the laws and orders here established by the General Court ; as also to lay mulcts and penalties for the breach of these orders, and to levy and distrain the same, not exceeding the sura of XX^ ; also to choose their own particular officers as, constables, surveyors for the highways, and the like ; and because much busi- ness is like to ens^ue to the constables of several towns, by reason they are to make distresses, and gather fines, therefore that every town shall have two constables, where there is need, that so their office ma}^ not be a burthen unto them, and they may attend more carefully upon the discharge of their office, for which they shalbe liable to give their accompts to this Court when they shalbe called thereunto.' " TOWN RECORDS OF SALEM. Ann" 1636 [25^] Tho : mores widow 10 Acres at Jeffrys creek Samuell Archer 60 Srg' Dixy 50 W™ Allen 50 Jo : Sibley 50 Att Jefferys Creeli Geo : W"' 40 Jo. Moor 40 Jo. Black 30 Srg' Wolfe 50 20"^ of the 12"' mo: 1636 [37] A warrant granted & delivered Jn° Woodbury according to the form of the first warrant, for the Laying out unto the above written •The figures in bold type enclosed in brackets refer to the paging in the original records. TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 5 8"^ 9"^ month 1637 [60] Jn° Pikwod Jn° Gaily Jn" Norman & W" Benitt have alowed these fower eyther of them 25 acres a man ||at Jefferyes Creeke|| At A Towne meeting the 26"^ of the 9"^ m° 1638 [75] Graunted to Samuell Archer one neck of Land lying out against the sea neere vnto JefFr}' Creeke Hand contayning twentie acres of land|| or thereabouts||& 8 acres of meadow to be laid him out in Kettle Coue. A'^ day of the 12"' moneth 1638 [80] Graunted to Robert Allyn 25 Acres of land ; lyinge betwene the land of W"' Bennett & Sam- uell Archer [their land] at Jeffrys Creeke 20"^ day 9"^ mo 1639 [92] James Standish is granted 40 acres of land neere JefTry Creeke 1639 [92] Graunted to John Pick worth 3 or 4 acres of meadow to the land formerly graunted him 21"* of the 11"^ moneth 1639 [98] Granted to Beniamin Parmin- ster 10 acres of land at JeflF [rj'es] Creeke when the former grants are made good [126] The 4"' of tlie ffirst moneth 1643 Graunted to Richard Gardner at Jeflfr3'e Creeke 20 twentie acres of Land : to be la3'd out by the Town At a generall towne meeting held the 26'^ da}' of the S**" moneth 1646 [145] Ordered that William Woodburie & Richard Brackenburie Ensigne Dixy Mr Conant & Lieutennt Lothrop || & Laurence Leech|| shall forthw'^ lay out a way betweene the fferr}' at Salem & the head of Jeffr^'es Creeke & that it be such a way as men ma}- travell on horseback & driue cattle & if such a wa}- may not be found then to take speedy Course to sett vp a footebridge at Mackrell Coue. FREEMAN 8 OATH. I A. B. doe truly and sincerely acknowledge professe, testify and declare in my conscience before God Realms of and the World, that our Soveraigne Lord King Charles, England o o » is lawfull and rightfuU King of this Realm and of all other His Maj""' Dominions and Country and that the Pope neither of himselfe, nor by any authority of the Church or See of Rome, or by any other means with any other, EARLY RECORDS OF liatb any Power or .luthorit}'^ to depose the King or to dispose any of his Mtij*"' Kingdoms or Dominions, or to authorize any forraine Prince to invade or anno}' him or His Countr3^s, or to discharge an}' of his Subjects of their Allegiance and obedience to his Maj^'^ or to give License or leave to any of them to beare Arms, raise tu- mults or offer any violence or hurt to his Maj"^ Royall Person State or Government or to any of his Maj'"' Sub- jects within his Maj^''^ Dominions Alsoe I doe sweare from my heart, that notwithstanding any Declaration or Sentence of P^xcommunication or Deprivation made or granted or to be made or granted by the Pope or his successors, or by any authorit}'^ Derived or pretended to be derived from him or his See, against the said King his Ileii's or Successors or any absolution of the said Subjects from their Obedience. I will beare faitli and true Allegiance to his Maj'*' His Heirs and Suc- cessors, and Him and them will defend to the utter- most of my power against all Conspiracies and attem[)ts whatsoever which shall be made against His or their Persons, their Crowneand Dignity, by reason or colour of an}' such Sentence or Declaration or otherwise and will doe my best endeavour, to disclose and make knowne unto his Maj*'* His Heirs and Successors all Treasons and traiterous Conspiracies, which I shall know or heare of to be against Him or an}' of them And I doe further sweare that I doe from my heart ab- hor, detest and abjure, as impious and hereticall this damnable doctrine and position, that Princes w"^*^ be ex- comunicated or deprived by y* Pope, may be deposed or murthered by their Subjects, or any other whatsoever And I doe beleive and in my conscience am resolved, that neither the Pope nor any person whatsoever hath power to absolve me of this Oath or any part thereof, which I acknowledge by good & full Authority to be lawfully ministered unto me. And doe renounce all Pardons & Dispensations to the contrary. And all these things I doe plainely and sincerely aknowledge and sweare, according to these expreste words by me spoken, and according to the plaine and common sense TOWN OF :manchester. 7 and understanding of the Same words without any equivocation or mentall evasion or secret reservation whatsoever, And I doe nialce this Recognition and Ac- knowledgment heartil}' willii gly & trul}^ upon the true faith of a Christian, Soe lielp me God. This is a true Copy copied BOOKE AYlLLIAM. Previous to 1752 the legal year began on the 25th of March, which was called the first month, April the second, May tlie third month, and so on. January being ca'led the eleventh and February the twelltli. Therefore '• March 12. 16:}(; " or '• hi3tJ-7" in records previous to 1752 would be in modern reckoning, Jlarch 12, 1637. And so of iiny date between Jan. 1st and March 25tli. SECOND B.OOK OF RECORDS. Nathaniel Masterson of Manchester hath conveyed unto Robert Morgan of Beverly his right and title to land containing by estima- tion and interest in the commons inconsideration of his paj'ing or causing to be paid by his heirs or assigns 1654 Witnesses The marke «• -ID- 1 ^ I Norman of Richard , , I ye older Thomas Millet hogs to be yoked up in the midle Jul}' febuary 25 1657 hie ways mended voted & A gread at a town meating that at the 22 Day of march 1658 the hy wayes with the pound shall be mended sefechent it is further ordered and Agread that the swine sliall be yoked with sefechent yokes the same to be Donn when tiie fences are made up and after 2 or 3 Dayes at the ferthest a hodg from a to a year owld with youke 18 inclies and from tliat will) a yoke of 3 fold and this is from the time before mentioned to the midell of July and b}' anj'- neglect hereof the owner of the swine are found on yoked shall pay 2 shillen a Day Day that can lie proved the}-- were on yoked the Damegli is to be payed thej'Done as in -shall Judge to them that sustayn the wrong —who ever finds swine on yoked and takes witness of they or he shall retain 3 shillen and 8 EARLY RECORDS OF the the 13 ofDeseraber 1658 the iiihabitents meet and order all rates that are behynd to be gathered by Aberham wityear who hath full power from the Plantation for the sam pasco fote John siblee Robbert Leach Henrj' Leae Sam friend Willam Benets John Picworth James Standish The 11 it is ordered at a town that none shall cut timber in y® Commons y' y* proper 60 Inhabetents and y' if any stranger inhabetent in y* towne Doe an}- timber in the towne it is left y'' towns to looke aftair Manchester the 6 of the 10 month 1658 3-et is ordered and A gread at a towne meeting that all orders as formerly was made and here- in expressed in writen shall stand conserning masts trees hogsheads and barrells for masts for barks and trees for each mast 5 8 all y® bowsprits and other yeerds as Goodman Benet shall judge who is apoynted by the towne for a shollops mast 0-1-0 for a clabbord tree 0-1-0 for a pike stafe tre 0-1-0 for hogshed & barrells such tre maj^ tax 0-1-0 for trees for that is sould out of the towne for that 0-2-6 yet is further ordered that no posts and rayells shall be cut from of the comons to be transported out of the Plantation or any other plase upon the forfeture of 40 shel- len and who soever make use of any tre standen or lyen the ground either oke or pine or ceder for slabowrd bowsprits shingles shall pay V shillen and for all frames a ten to ther demetions here expressed : a frame of 20 fet long or one of 30 fete long 15'^ and so proportionabell acordingly as they are longer or shorter syertifyed and for sawing of any board not under oposyt yet there owne use 4 pense a hundred and for trees for each for shellen Given under the hands of the Selectmen the 6"' of the in the yere 1658 Pascoe ffoote John Siblee Robert Leach At a towne meting at manchester the 5*'' da}' of Aprill 1661 It was ordered b}' the inhabetents of the plantation y' y^ fenses shall be made up by the 11 Day of Aprell and after that the nex Day en- suing all swine shall be yoked with such youkee as have ben for- mely mentioned for the lynghth to the bedgnes of the swyne fences are to be kept up and swyne kept tell all TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 9 the feUls are cleard of that which is to be gathered in who soever siuill let in catell in to his fealld if depends upon his ney l)evvrcas joyning unto that so doeth shall pay 5 shillen and all Danieghes that cometh by his in so Doueing all swyne that are fownd without the youke after the owner Doth know of the yet is sefishently proved they shall apeare and an- swer every such neglect ordered bv the inhabitentsof the plantation that the Pownd shall be sufeclientl}' made by the middle of April the 5 1661 Yet is ordered by the inhabitents- of the plantation that who soever shall cut upon any mast with' out inforraen tlie select men of the tovvne and good man Jones- of the same or shall go with a stranger that shall so Dew he shalL pay 5 for ever}' such ofense At a towne meating at nianchester the June 1661 3'et is ordered' and agreed upon by the majer pty that tliomas L is to have that parsell of ground over ajoyning the beaver Dame at the fresh rae- dow provided he hender not the convenency for cattel for com- ing to water they that granted was Rob Leach Will Benet Johni norman James Standish Sam Allen Nath : Sam friend henry Lea with Goodman Jones the 17 of June 1661 ordered by the Inhabetents of the Planta- tion that Goodman Jones is to have a parsell of land lying at the- hethermost end of the playnds from beyond where Thomas Chub made his stone wall tell it comes to the rock that tuken in to the brushe cartway that now is his outer most the rots is the endermost bownds inding as free land to his ayers for ever y* 17"' of June 1661 Att a town meeting at Manchester it was ordered & aGread upon b^^ y* inhabitents of y* plantation y' Samuell friend is to have y*" Little Island y' is joyning to his marsh att ye great neck of Land where the}'^ now plant this was granted to him. with the Generell consent of y* plantation Att a tovvne meeting the 16"" of march 1668 it was confirmed by most of y* inhabitents y' wear their mett y'in consideration of sum Ground y' they make use of for a bureall place which was Samuell friend owne land possesed & planted by him in Lieu therof he is to- have a neck of Land y' Lyes betwen the Saw mill and his Island upon which now his house doth stand which was granted formerly but being confirmed & now recorded the 1 7 of June 1661 yet is ordered by the inhabitents of the Plan- 10 EARLY RECORDS OF tation that Sam friend is to have the upland that to his marsh yet is ordered by the Inhabetents Phmtatiou that Goodman Jones Sam : friend John Pickworth Sam : Pickworth John Norman June"" Joseph pickworth Aron Bennet Onsephorous Allen Isaac ffote are to have that parcell of land that lyeth at the hether most bj' cettel coue both sydes of the Pan from the Plase where he had his cow drowned to the goweing of but the marsh is left out accordingly the Cart wa}'^ that now is shall be left soe for the use of the Plantation onh' they that have the land are to leaffe barrs for the carts goweing threw but if any of the sed fore men- tioned shall out of the Plantation before the}^ either or make use of their land then they shall yet to the Plantation this is giveing the majer part of the plantation as the 1 7 of June 1661 henr}' Lea Sam friend is to goe with willani Benet to bounden out this Grownd in the whoU lump being ordered by the Plantation ' Yet is Agread upon by the Inhabetents of the Plantation that Goodman Jones is to have the house wherein he lives and the marsh -with tlie ground that Doth be long that is to say if he lives and Dy a then the sayd persil of land Doth belong to him his Ayers or executors after his the Inhabitents of the plantation to have this liberty to purchest it same as formerl}' yet was minestry and to pay for as it shall be worth by Indiferent men that by nother plantation this was done — Anno dom 1661 Manchester march At a towne meating y*" 10 : 1 : 1662 It is agread by the In- 67 habitents of y* plantation that the land behind the pan at the hether most coves is giving and confermed to thomas Jones Sam- uell Allen John Peckworth Sam peckworth Joseph peckworth Aron Bennet Onesephorous Allen theas ar to have theare land and the remayner that is left by them at are ten out of the Plantation giveing to theas heare above mentioned what is within the bounds but it is to be understood y' the owners of y* meddow that is ■ Joyning to land shall not be hendered in the making or mowing and caring out there hay and makeing if any small fencing yeare 1668 the Inluibitents thayt 3" under writeu Selectmen Manchester TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 11 ing men tliomas Jones Willam Allen sen' Samuell Friend June 68 Thomas Luvell was cliousen cunstabell the yere 68 72 19 of August John Pickworth ehousen Comestioner in y* rate October 25 70 Granted to Sarauell Friend sum ground atlvettell Island marshes Joyning to his marsh by Samuell Aliens marsh 3'' is in y^ swamp by y^ nect and the marshes y' be is as far as his marsh betwen Willam Allen and Samuell Aliens marsh and theleingth to y*^ that is nex to Captain Willam Bennet John Pickworth and John Siblee are to over- see the cuting and of y^ geting y*^ timber for the building of y*" meat- ing house and see if any man neglect acording to y*^ tim apoyn- ted unless he give a settshent reason for being absent he or they shall pay five shillens for his neglect this is generell for by all the inhabitents In the devision of the marshes Samuell friend is nex to willam Allen sin' at y* hether most Cove b}' y* great p pan the firther most marsh betwene willam Allen and Samijell Allen and in Ueveison bej'ond Joyning to Goodman Jones marsh thare is another parcele of marsh y' is not it devided in ptikeller that lyeth in Generall to som pticuler psons among whom Samuell friend is to have a sheare Manchester 1672 towne meating y^ 19 of y° month Agust Leach chosen for to serve in y^ Jury & willam Bennet Sam Friend for Selectmen y* 12 month 72 it was generell upon at a towne meateing that house shall be builded 18 foot cepting stud with too Gabell ends at y* landing place b}' the inhabetents ar to come to lumber this day fortnight M' Willam Benet Cunstabell in yere 1662 must be acountabell £ B d to the townsmen for a towne Rate of 2 11 8 John Pickworth townsmen Robert Leach Samuel friend 12 EARLY RECORDS OF y 13 : 4 : 73 It is ordered by y" inbabetents of y® plantation y' if anj'^ were absent at any pblike meeting or towne worke be or tbey wbo ever so absent sbould pay meate Mancbester Tbe 10 of y" 12 montb 72 at a town meeting it was yt Robert Leacb Jobn Pick worth ar to meet witii beverly men for the out y*^ bounds betwene Manchester and beverl^' the last of march It is further ordered that John norman Willam Benet John p are to have a parsel of land nere gardners farm which by estemation Soin thurty or forty acurs Sam Allen with the townsmen for the It is allso ordered that Richard norman Samuell Benimen peckworth Willam ar to have that parsell of behind the Pan that comes good man Jonses marsh that water being the west bounds goes to cape pan bounds at if Goodman Benet swamp above of cape an New England Manchester met with y*^ neighboring towne of beverly and towne of man- Chester within sertefied & have agreed upon y* medel of y' creek junction creek & to examine the same & review at y^ bed of y*^ creek from whit oke up to y* lower end of y^ swamp to be y'' standing bound two towne y* men from beverly- to y*" men apointed & impowered setlell y* bounds betwen bev- erly mancbester "Willam Benet Willam D ins Robert Leach Willam L John peckworth Nicklous John Siblee bounding for beverly MANCHESTER TOWN BOOK IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1G86 Being tbe third Book of Records, wherein are entered Town and Selectmens meetings, with what has been acted therein, also other affaires of said town till this present ^-ear, annoque clomini 1724J. D. J"C. This was written by Jabez Dodge Town Clerk above is a true copy E. W. Leach TOAVN OF MANCHESTER. 13 "We whose names are subscibed belonging to the Church & Town of Salem (being straitened in our accomidations soe that wee are not able comfortably to subsist : haveing advised and taken Coun- cell about ourp''^sent estate & condition it being Judged fitt & free liberty' being granted us to remove, and noe place being soe conven- yent for our easy reraovall as Jefferyes Creek lying soe neere us & most of us having some small quantity of ground allotted to us there also Doe therefore Joj'ntly & humbly request the Hon''' Court to give us power to erect a village there & to allow us such inlargment thereabouts : as is not granted to any other plantation Thus Leav- ing our request to y' wisdom & consideration with our pray's for a blessing from heaven on y'' psons & proceedings wee rest y'' Humble petitioners William walton John pickworth John Black John Gaily wm. Allen Ben : parmster Sam" Archer Robert Allen Geo Norton EdmondGrover wm. Dixy pasco foot John Siblj^ wm : Benett James Standish John norman John freind 1640 14"' 3"'° The petition is granted & re- fered to m"' John Wintlirop Jun'&m^ Symond Bradstreet to setle the bounds F Curiam Increase nowell Secretary Vera Copia Atest Hilliard Veren Clerk Vera Copia Atest Copie Atest Hilliard Veren Cle Manchester land granted for a village This document was recovered from the records of the state Jan- uar}-^ 1836, by me E. W Leach Bounds of the 400 acres — Town Landing [11] Acording to an agreement made at a town meeting between the town and the proprietors of the four hundred Acurs as doth apear in the second book of the town Records baring Date the Last Da}' of march 1684: that a committee then at said meeting being chosen and ful}^ Impowered to Renew lay out Ratifie and Confirm the bounds of the said four hundred Acurs which was formerly Granted and layd out to the predicesers of those that are now in posesiou of the abov s*^ land : namely Samuell frind whose part threof of the said four hundred Acurs is forty Acurs : and william 14 EARLY RECORDS OF Allen tweent3'-five Acurs : and John Sibly fifty Acurs : and Joseph pickworth therty Acurs : and Samuell Leach fifty Acurs : and Rob- ert Leach therty-seaven Acurs and a half and John nornion ninty- tew Acurs and a half and nicholas vincson tweenty-five Acurs and Samuell Allen sen"" tweenty-five Acurs and onisiphrus Allen tweenty-five Acurs : acording to the grant at first to there i)rodi- sesors but thes said predisesors giving or granting out of tlie whole qantity of the said four hundred Acurs : to the qantity of about fifteen Acurs to seavrall persons namely to thomas bishop : John ley Samuell Leach and Robert Leach whoe now poseseth the said fifteen Acurs Granted by the predisesers abovsd therefore the abov- said proprietors of the said 400 Acurs must loos the said fifteen Acurs acording to each mans proposion above mentioned : and the said Committee beeing meet together on the first day of Aprell on thousand six hundred eighty forth namely Samuell Allen John Sibly Samuell Leach John Elithorp Aaron bennit and thomas west to do the work above said have on the sd day bounded the above said lour hundred Acurs as foloweth to wit the first bounds is a black oak marked with 4 marks and adjoyning to the north east side of Leys Lot and from sd blaick oak north easterly to a white oak marked with 2 marks and from sd oak north easterl}^ to a hemlock marked with 2 marks neer millits swamp and from sd hemlok north easterly to a black oak marked with 4 marks it being a corner bounds at that place and from thenc easterly to a Letell white pine marked with 4 marks standing by the edge of the brook abov Joans his medovv and from said pine downward the sd land is bounded with the medow to a hemlock tree stand- ing a Letell above the Cold spring marked with 2 marks and from sd hemlock cros the pond or medow south easterly to another liein- lock marked witli 2 marks and from thenc in or nere the same range to a white oak marked with 2 marks standing on the south side of the point called by the name of bishops point and from thenc cros the fresh medow south easterly to another white oak marked with 2 marks standing by the medow side and from sd oak sd Land is bounded by y^ medow to a grate hemlock tree being a bounds of frinds farm and from sd bounds frinds farm is the bounds tell it coms to an old Ded tree with a heap of stons about it the sd tree being the south v/est bounds of frinds farm and from thenc south west or their abouts to a grate white oak marked with 4 marks and stand- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 15 ing upon the edge of a baiiik on the east of baby rack beach being the southermost bounds of Leach his Lot and from sd tree Cros the Neck north west or there about to a burtch stump standing near a steep baink nere the River side and is tlie soutli west bounds of Leach his Lot afors'' and from s** burtcli stump to a pine stump by Leys Lot near tlie town bridg and from s*^ stump to the black oak first mentioned to the s*^ 400 Acurs : It is allso agreed by the above said connnettee tliat notwitlistanding the Landing Place at the water side blow the town bridge be in the s*^ four hundred Acurs as allso the Land and medow bought of the Joanses by the Town for tlie ministry : allso a way a Chart way from the town Comans thro the four hundred Acurs where the way now is that gose to the seader swap and Likewise the way that gose to and through the brushee plain the said ways to Remain to the towns use from the s** Coman land to the water side at the Landing Plase below the bridge afores^ : the said town to have and to hold the said ways for ever : and allso six Acurs of land or there abouts in the plain in and near the place called mellits lot these the above mentioned premises is Reserved to the use of the town to have and to hold for ever and there is full satisfaction with a lowance out of the town Coman land aded to the aforesaid four hundred Acurs in Lue of the afore said premisses and comprehended within the afore said bounds of the said four hundred Acurs as is now bounded by the said committee Samuell Allen Aronn Bennitt John Siblee Thomas "West Samuell Leach John Elathorp [19] Y*^ 17'^ of June 1661 Att a towne meettinge at Manchester it was ordered & agreed upon by y^ inhabitants of y^ plantation as in y* first book of records doth apear y' Samuel freend is to have y^ Little Hand y' is joining to his marsh att y* great neck of Land whear they now plant this was granted to him with y^ general consent of y® plantation this is a true copy taken out of y® first book of Records by me Thomas Tewxbery Ciar. Att a towne meettinge y*^ IG"' of March 1668 it was confirmed by most of y'' inhabitants y' were theer mett j^'in consideration of sum ground y' they make use of for a buriall place which was Samuel frends owne Land posesed & planted by him, in Lieu theirof, he is to have a neck of Land y' lies betwene y* Samill & his Island 16 EARLY RECORDS OF upon which now his house doth stand which was granted formerly but being confirmed & now recorded this is A true copy taken out of y* first book of records by me. Thomas Tewxbery Clar. [6] The testimony of Thomas west & John Elithorp. [1679] These Deponents testifie that the current standing price of Coard wood at the landing place at Ketle Cove is & have beene from time to time four shillings Q^ acoard in Currant money sworn July 7 : 79 : before Daniell Denison August 25 : 79 Copia vera atester Daniell Denison Hilliard Veren clerk Vera Copia of y^coppyon file in Salem Court records Atest copia Robert Low cler : Vera Copia atested Edward Rawson sectr : Vera Copia atested Hilliard Veren cler : The testimony of John Abbett & John Knight testifie that the wood which onesipherous Allen & Samuell Leach Juu'' & Robert Knight for Illeagall carr3nng away the same wood was cutt upon & fetched away from Robert Knight farm formerly caled by the name of m'' Blindmons farm as appears by Glocester Records : & wee know that there was noe other wood fetched, from tlience the last winter & whereas they sweare it was fetched from manches- ter comons, we affirm that there was noe such thing Done : nor any wood fetched but what came from the said Knights farme given in upon their former oath taken in court at Salem : 2G : 9 '"° 79: Atest Hilliard Veren cler : Vera Copia atest. Hilliard Veren cler. Vera Copia of y' copie atest Robt. Lord Cler. Vera copi a testie : Edw : Rawson Seer : Vera copia Atest Hilliard Veren Cler: [10] Att a Generall towne Meettinge of y^ Inhabitents of Man- chester y*^ 7"" Day of y^ first month 167| it was agreed upon by y* generall consent of y* Inhabitants y t y*^ commans is ordered as fol- oweth upon any Divition of comman To Thomas Bishop a single share To John Sibly too shares To William Allen Sen : a single share To Samuell Leach too shares & halfe To Robart Leach too shares To y*' widow norman too shares TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 17 To nicholas Vincent one share & half To Samuell Allen sen : too shares To John west in y* behalfe of his wife one share To williain Benett too sliares To y" widow pickworth too shares To y* widow whitcliar one share To nicholas woodber}' three shares y' is to say one for his farme bought ra' pitts & m' mavereck y* next for y' purchas l)ought of Thomas Chul)e & y^ 3 for y' he bought of m'' pitts which foraerly was parmeter these 3 shares in full satisfaction for all his right & title & intrest in y* comans of Manchester To James StandigeLot one share & quarter Moses Benett one share John Elathorpe one share William Allen Jun : one share Onysiphoras Allen one share John Crow one share A true copp3^ taken out ofy^ second book of records b^- mee Thomas Tewxbury Clar. [23] Att a town meetting March y* 22*^ 168| upon a motion made to y^ towne by Ginken Williams for one acker & half of land adjoyning } * land which was forraerl}^ M' pitts it was voted & agreed by y* town y' y® sd Williams shall have on Acker & half in y*" place abov sd to be laid out to y*^ sd Williams by y*" Lott layed ai)ointed by y* towne which Land is to be Laid out alonge b}' y*" side of y* Land forraerl}' pits aforsd to y*^ watters side to front two pole in bredth for which Land y* sd Williams to promise & engage to pay unto y'^ towne forty shllings to say thirty shillings in goods & ten shillings in marchen table boards. Att A meettinge of y^ selectmen march y^ 24"" I68f we whose names ar under written beinge apointed by ye towne to bound out to ginken Williams A parsell of Land Adjoyninge to sd ginkins Land he bought of nicholas woodbery which is in consideration of forty shilinge y' said williams pd for y® towne to y* Joanses we have on y" 15th Day of May 1682 bounded out to y® sd williams as foloweth viz a pichpine tree marked with 4 marks at ye watters side being ye bounds at y' place & from thence on a straiglit Line on 3'e south side of sd Land to A great hemlock tree marked with 4 marks it being ye corner bounds westward & from thence to a white pine marked on two sides and soe adjoininge to his Land formerly wodberys as abovsd. John Siblee Samuell Leach 2 18 EARLY RECORDS OF [24] At a towne meettinge October y* 16"' 1683 y* towne then Agreed with ginkin williams for A parsell of comon land or swamp in y" lower end of sd land Adjoining to y^ said Ginkin Williams his land y* northest side of it being bounded by y* Land wliicli was formerly whitchars & at y*^ uper end of sd land with y'' country road & y*" south west side with y' way y' goes from y* country road to y'' land of sd ginkens house or place formerly cald pitses y^ sd ginkens to have & to hold y® sd land forever paying or cause to be paid y^ sum of two pounds fifteen shillings in curent money of new England viz thirty shillings be paid to y* town on or before y*^ 24 of October 1683 & y'^ other twenty five shilings to be paid at or before the last of March 1684 [23] Att a Towne meeting upon y^ Last Day of March 1684 their was A comitty chosen Empowered with y* selectmen to la}' out to fishermen all or any of sd coman land betwen y* country highwa}- & black cove namely Thomas West Robart Lech John Elathorp as in y^ second book of records doth apear which sd comitty with y'' selectmen have laid out to Richard Lotherer npon y^ 20*'' of March 169f a small parsell of Land or house lott con- taining about half A Acker be it more or less bounded as foloeth by y*^ highways side upon y'' northest corner with a stak & a rock from thence southerly to a stake & heap of stones from thence westerly to A heap of 3 stones from thence northerly along by pittmans bound tree to a stak & a rock & soo to y*^ first bounds Avhich sd parsoll of land is given to sd Lotherer & his heirs for- ever with all y'' purtenances & priviliges belonging their unto pro- vided y*" sd Lotherer doo not desist y*" fisbinge employ & remove his family to sum other place there to Abide before two years be compleat & ended from y'^ day & 3'ear of y*" date heirof if soo then to leave it to y" towns use butt if he continue out y^ term & time of sd two years then y'^ whole primises is & shall be to y" behoof & use of y'^ sd Lotherer his heirs or Assigns to dispose lett or sell for ever. [64.] Att A towne meettinge upon y" Last Day of march 1684 their was A comittee Chosen namely Robart Leach Thomas West & John Elathorpe to joine with y*^ selectmen to Lay out such coman Lands as Lyeth by y*^ high way from woodberys farme to black cove which sd comitte have Laide out to Thomas Ayhaire a sertaine trackt of Land on y*" easterly side of william Horsums Lande about TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 19 a quaiter of an Acker be it more or Less bounded as foloeth viz from A white pine standinge by sd ways side from thence soutlierly to a pich pine by A holow getinge up to woodberys hill & from thence by y^ sd holow est notherly to A white oack stumpe upon a rocke from thence notherly to A heape of rocks weare Samuell Aliens Dwellinge by y*^ ways side & from thence by y*" highways side westerl}' to y'^ first bounds mentioned [196] At a meting of the committee in mancliester upon the 22'' Day of aprill 1684 then Laid out to Samuell friend sixteen acurs on the brushe plaine and other land thare to Joyning for his two Devesions which is l)ounded as on the northest corner with swm stons and a Stake being the west corner bounds of the parson- ag land and from thence norwesterly to a heap of stons and a stump and from thence notherly to a grate hemlock and from thence norwesterly to a small hemlock and a beach by it and from sou- westerly to a white oak and so southerl}^ to a black oake marked with 4 marks and from thence northesterly to the stake first abov sd John Siblee Robberd Leach Samuell Allin senior And half acer of meddow at kittle cove which is bounded as oUoweth viz on the south with the meddow of samuell allin est with the pond and northerly with samuell leaches meddow and westerly robberd leaches upland as also one acer and half of fresh meddow bounded southerly with vinsens meddow and upland west at a bunch of oalders with a stake in them and from thence nor- west to a bunch of oalders with a stake and northest to a wortle bush and from thence to a bunch of oalders with a stake and so west to the bunch of oalders first above sd. [19] Att a tovvne meettinge y'' 2'' of march 168| it was Voted & Agreed to Lay out parte of y'' comon Land proportionably to each single share five ackers by a comity chosen to y' purpose namely Thomas West Samuell Leach John Sibly Robart Leach Samuell Allen sen : John Elathorpe Thomas Tewxbery as in y*" second booke of record doth Apeare we y'' above said comitty be- inge Impowered by y* towne Laid out to Richard Reith to Joseph pickworth Land which said Reith bought of sd pickworth five ac- kers adjoining to sd Land from A white oake on y*^ west side be- inge y'' corner bounds of sd Land with A heape of stones marked with 4 marks notherly to a red oake marked with 4 marks upon 20 EARLY RECORDS OF side of A rocke bj' a Litle Swamp from thence Est nortlierh- to A picb pine marked Avith fower marks from thence soutlierly to A white oack marked & stones nr him beinge y"^ okl antient bounds of sd Lott [25] Att a town meetting upon y*' 2*^ of marcli 168| tlieir was A comitty chosen to make Devisions of sum parts of y*" town comon Land as namely 5 Ackers to A single share y*^ comitt\' was Thomas West Samuel Leach Robart Leach Samuell Allen sen : John Siblor Tho : Tewxbury John Elathorp as in y'^ 2'^ l)ook doth more apear which sd comity have Laid out to severall parsens namely Sam : Allen sen : Sam : Leach Robert Leach John Sibly A sertaine tract of Land Lying by y^' side of wolf trap brook Sept. 1685 y* sd Allen having taken out his sd share of Land as above sd it is bounded as foloweth southerly from an old white oak near y*^ brook marked with 4 marks which is y'^ bounds of Robert Leach & John Siblee & soo west to two burches upon A rock by y'' same Land of sd Leaches & Sibloes & from thence notherly to A black oak marked with 4 marks Adjoining to y*" comon from thence Esterly to A black burch near y*^ river & soo y*^ river bounds to y* first bounds as aforesd y*' sd Land being in quantity seaven Ackers be it more or less persuant to A towne Record voted & agreed by y*" towne of Manchester for y*' entering of y'^ names of al & every per- son y' doo or shall at any time or times sell conva3' in any maner or way his or their coman right or rights to another person for whomsoever y"^ is to say y*^ names of y*^ convaj^or & him to whome it is convayed to be farsly intered in y'^ sd tovvne book of records these ar theirfore to declare to all persons y' Aron Benett of y^ sd towne of Manchester in y'' county of Essex in new P^ngland grist miller by these presents doo intend & declare he hath for himself his heirs executors & Assigns sold unto Thomas West of beverly in y^county aforsd husbandman to him liis heirs executors or Assigns one coman Right to witt y' coman right which did belong to y" sd Aron his father William Benett his house Lott now in y* posesion of y*^ sd Aron Benett y*" sd west him his heirs executors ■ or Assigns to have & to hold y'' sd comon right forever As Atest by me Tho : Tevvxbery Clar & cop [12] Whereas the town at a town meeting on the 2'' day of March 168* did then vote & agree to make a Divission of some part of there Coman Land to the quantity of about five acurs to a singall Common Right : and have Apointed A Commitee for divide- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 21 ing & bounding of the sd Land namely Sainuell Allen and Thom- as twixbery and Samuel Leach John Sibly Robert Leach John Elithorp and Thomas West as apears in the second book of the town Records. We the Committee above named have meet to- gether on the second day of Aprill 1685 and layd out and bounded severall Lots as foloweth Viz. Laid out to Samuel Leach Robert Leach and John Sibly tweent}' Acurs bein more or less and is bounded on the west with their own land they had before and from thenc easterly to a white oak tree marked with four marks and standing on tlie litell Plain by the highwa}' near clay brook and from thenc southerdly to a litell beach standing on the north side of the highway and marked with four marks and from said beach tree west ward by the medow fenc : and the sd Sam Leach Robert Leach and John Sibly hath each on a like propotion in the sd tweenty Acurs of land in and nere y" brushy plain as it is now bounded above said. 2dly. Laid out to tweelve persons eighty on Acurs and a quarter and is bounded as foloweth to wit on the east with their own land called the four hundred Acurs and on the northeast corner of said land is bounded with a plum tree marked with four marks and on the northwest corner with a hemlock marked with four marks and from thenc southerdly to a hemlock marked with four marks and from sd hemlok easter to a white oak marked and is the corner bounds of his Leys land and from sd white oak farther easterly to a l)lack oak marked and being a bounds of the four hun- dred acurs the persons to home the sd eighty on acres and quarter of land be it more or less is laid out and bounded to : as the proprie- tors thereof: are these with each and every pesons propotion sd land : namely To onisephrus Allen five Acurs To William Allen five Acurs To Widow Allen five Acurs To John Sibly three Acurs & a third part of on Acur. To nicolas Vinsen seven Acurs & half To Samuel frind ten Acurs To Samuel Leach elaeven Acurs & 2 therds of Acur. To Robert Leach five Acurs To Jolin normon eight acres & three quartes of on Acur To Thomas bishop five Acurs 22 EARLY RECORDS OF To Samuel Allen Sen, ten Acurs To John Masten five Acurs [13] 3(11}'. Laid out to the Widow West five Acurs be it more or less and is bounded on the south end with the bounds of her lot and on the northwest corner with a white oak marked with four marks it being the same white oak tree that is before mentioned as a bounds to the twelve proprietors and there called by the name of Le3's bounds and from thenc easterly to a white oak marked. 4thl3^ Laid out to the Widow Bennit : moses bennit and Aron bennit tweenty Acurs be it more or less Ijounding at the south end with the bounds of their own lot and from thenc northerdly to a hemlok marked with four marks and from thenc easterly to a white oak marked. 5thl3'. Laid out to manesas Marstun five Acurs be it more or less and is bounded on the South with the way that cometh to the plase called b}^ the name of the old wheels where loggs were brought for the saw mill and from said plase by the edge of the medow northerdly to a hemlok tree marked with 4 marks & from sd hemlok easterly to a maple tree marked with 4 marks & from said maple southerdly to a hemlok marked with 4 marks stand- ing on the nortli side of the aforesaid way. 6thly. Layd out to Thomas West five Acurs be it more or less and is bounded on the south westerly side with the land which he had laid out to him by the selectmen of the town in may 31 : the year 1683 as apears in the 2""^ book of the town Records: and on the northeast corner of sd land at the lower end now to the chart way is a shrubed black oak tree marked with 4 marks and is the bounds of sd land at that place : and from sd black oak north west or thereabouts to a red oak marked with 2 marks and being a side bounds of sd land and from sd red oak tree northwest or thereabouts to a pine tree standing upon or near a Rock upon a hill the said pine being marked with 4 marks and being the upermost end corner bounds of sd land & from the said pine to run to the upermost corner bounds of the said west his former lot aforesaid. 7thly. Laid out to John Elithorp five Acurs be it more or less and is bounded as foloweth to wit the lower end of sd Lot is bounded with the upermost bounds of the above sd West his land he had of y"^ town of Manchester on acompt of sd West his paing money to the Joanes and other ways : and on the West corner of TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 23 the sd Elithorp bis land is bounded with a small blaick oak tree marked with four marks at the going' up a hill and from sd oak north easterly to a hemlock tree marked with 4 marks these being the true bounds of sdElitliorp liis first division of the sd five Acurs above sd. At a meeting of the Committee on tlie eiglit day of September 1685 namel}' Samuell Allen Sen. Thomas Twexbury John Siblee Samuel Leach Thomas West Robert Leach John Eli- thorp. firstly then Laid out to John Elithorp above sd a second division of Land the sd Land adjoining to and on the northeasterly side of his above mentioned first division this sd land it being about five Acurs be it more or less three of it is on the account of his division Right : and the other part of it for mony & work dis- bursed for the town use. the upermost westerly bounds of sd Land is the hemlock above mentioned to his first division and from sd hemlock easterly to a small white oak marked and from sd oak south or thereabouts to a pine tree marked & being west above sd his bounds allso. Second)}- [14] Laid out b}^ the Committee before named to Thomas West too small pasells of Land the one on the northeast side and adjoining the sd West his first division & is bounded on the south eastern corner with a shrubed black oak mentioned and is a bounds to sd West his first division and from the sd oak north easterly to a maple tree marked with fore marks and from sd maple northwest or thereabouts to a small walnut tree marked with four marks and from sd Walnut tree to a horn beam tree marked and south west or thereabouts and standing at the north east end of a grate Rock : and so the long Rock bounding the sd land so fai' as tlie sd long Rock extends AVestward and from the west end of sd rock south west or thereabouts to a white prity bigg pine tree and standing upon a grate liigh Rock which is Almost to the Admira- tion of them that doe behold it sd pine being marked and from sd pine and rock near the same course before mentioned to a Litel black oak tree marked with fore marks and is the bounds of sd West his farm sd tree ^tandin in the farm line these bounds Compreiiend both pasell as above sd the one of them being a small corner and hill of Rocks liing between sd West his farm and Elithorp his first division tlie sd West having bought both Elithorps lots or pasells of land laid out to him mentioned on the other side of this leaf: these small pasells of Land thus laid out and bounded to the sd West is three Acurs of it for his devision Risfht and the Rest being about 24 EARLY RECORDS OF the same quantity or be it more or less to satisfy him for money disbursed b}- him for the use of the town and tliat all and every of the pasells of Land either by Divesion of Comon Rights or other waj's purchised of the town by sd West and the too pasells of land he had of elithorpe as above sd is all Comprehended and lying and bounded with the bounds above named and the sd West his farm : and the Land of Joseph Woodbery. Secondly Laid out to Joseph Woodbery by the sd Committee nineteen Acurs of Land and rockey ground the sd Land Adjoining to the farm of sd Woodbery and the land being other ways bounded as foloweth to Witt the first bounds is a white pine marked with four marks and standing in the line bounds of sd Woodberys farm and being the southwest bounds of the sd nineteen Acurs and from sd pine northward to a white oak tree marked with four marks and W and from sd oak northeast or more easterly to a black oak tree marked with four marks and W and from sd black oak south or thereabouts to a white oak marked with four marks and standing in the sd Woodbury his farm line the sd land thus bounded being nineteen Acurs be it more or less it being laid out to the sd Wood- bery in the Division of Comon Rights already divided the sd Woodbery having tew Common Rights belonging to his farm the Commoners having agreed to make a [15] Division firstly of five Acurs to a Single Rite & Secondly three Acurs to a Single Rite so that sixten Acurs of the sd nineteen for his division Rite of Comon Land and the other three Acurs is for mony disbusted for the use of the town to witt paing part of the town Debts. We whose names are here under written being mett together y*^ 17"" day of May in y'' year of our Lord 1686 for & in y*" behalf of our towns Wenham & Manchester respecting to settle y'' bounds of y"" Coman Land y' lyeth eastwai'd of y" pond called pleasant pond anil west- ward of y*' pine tree which is y*" corner bounds between Ipswich & Manchester & so straight over to a white oak tree standing in or near to y*-' line from y'' end of sd pond to Chubs Creek marked with W. & we have agreed to begin y'devitinael line of bounds between us at y^ sd white oak tree aforesd which tree is sett about with stones & soo to run upon a straight line to y" stumpe of a great pine tree in or near to Ipswich line called & knowne by y^ name of Dodge's tree and near about upon a square from y"^ whit oak at y*" end of y" sd pine & all y* part of y*" sd coman y' Lyeth estward of y* sd line doth belong to Manchester & y' part y' Lyeth westerly doth TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 25 belong to Weiiham & tliis to be a final settlement of y" bounds of our townships forever as wittness our hand y" dsxy & year above written John Sibly Samuel Leach John Lee Richard Hutton waiter fairfif'ld Jolin Baclielor. [16] September the eight in the year of our Lord 1685 Wee wliose names are under writen being im[)Owered l)y the Town of manchester as a Committee to lay out according to a town order as apears in the second Book of town Records bearing date the seventh of Septem))er 1685 a Division of Coman Land to each Commoner Acording to his or tlieir proposion mentioned in tlie said order as allso to pay such in Land for their charges they were out about seteling bounds between Ipswich and our town the said Conjmittee have therefore on the above said eight day of Septem- ber 1685 laid out all that parsell of Land lying on the East of Ketell Cove pond between wolf trap brook and Knights his farm and Glosester bounds with a small parsell of Coman land lieing between the sd brook and the land of Aron bennits to the uper end of sd bennits Land to three burch trees standing upon a Rok marked and being sd bennits bounds allso : and from sd burches to a white oak marked with four marks and standing in the range of Gloster line on the south side of wolfe trap brook near the sd brook : the sd Land within all these bounds above said is Laid out and disposed unto as foloweth, viz : to Samuel Allen Seur. nine Acurs viz six Acurs upon the division of his Common Right and three Acurs to satisfie his charges one about setelling the line be- tween Ipswich & our town 21y to Samnell Leach nine Acurs : six upon the Acompt of his Common Right and three Acurs to satis- fie him for his charges about Ipsv^ich & our town lines or bounds 3I3' to John Sibly nine Acurs upon the same Acount as above sd. 41}' to Robert Leach nine Acurs as above sd so that each and every of them hath a like sheer in this division & Lowance for charges. And the Remainder of the sd Land within the above sd bounds with all the neck lying between the Cove or sea and the pond above sd : wee the sd Committee have for and in behalf of the town of manchester and our selves : sould to John Sibly & Samuel Leach & Robert Leach all the Remainder of Land with the neck as afore sd with the wood : timber and what soever Apurtainances either upon the sd Land or do belong thereto we the sd Committee as aforesaid do upon this day above written for and in the behalf of the town above sd them their heirs and we our heirs sell unto the 26 EARLY EECORDS OF above named tliem their heirs all the above sd Remainder of Land and nek to liave and to hold for ever which sd land being sold to the partjs above named to value of five pounds in marchentable boards paid to the town of manchesters use bj^ the above sd John Sibly Samuel Leach & Robert Leach And we the sd committee do Reserve a way a sufficient chart way where it may be most conven- ient from the Coman Land of manchester for the towns use through the above sd Land sold or divided the sd way to come to the Cove above sd where it is most convenient for a Landing place which is alovved to be half an Acur for the towns use both the way and the sd Landing places to have and to hold for use to the sd town. Samuel Allen Sen"^ Thomas Twixbery Thomas West John Elithorp. [20] Att a towne meetting on y" 7"' da3^ of September 1685 Itt Avas then voted & agreed to lay out to each single share three ackers by y^ aforsd comitty, nameU^ Thomas West John Elithorp Thomas Tewxbery Samuel Leach John Sibly Robert Leach Samuell Allen Sen : which being impowered Laid out to Thomas Tewxbery three Ackers be it more or less bounded from the red oak by y^ sampe as aforsd notherly to a white oak tree marked with 4 marks with y'^Leter T from thence northeasterly to A great hemlock marked with 4 marks, from thence southerly to y^ aforsd pich pine, being y* corner bounds of y" other Division marked with 4 marks [24] Att A town meetting y'^ 7"* of September 1685 their was then granted by y^ towne to ginken williams all y*' peece of comon Land y' y*^ sd ginkens have taken in with his fence upon y'^ knole before bis house upon condition y' y'' sd williams doe make a su- tible cartway from y** way y' goeth to pitses from sd way over y® hill by y*" outside of his fence to y*^ next valow & also to Alow a foot way cross his land whear y*^ way now goes from black cove & maintain Agate or asuefishent pair of bars in his fence in y'' way to pitses to y'' Landing place which y" town have & doe reserve for y* towns use it being A quarter of an Acker or their abouts most convenient to y" watter for transportation. These fower copy's are taken out of y'' second booke of Records. As a true Atest by me Thomas Tewxbury Clar : To y*^ town of Manchester Greetting this is to sertifie to ye pro- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 27 prietors heirof y' ginken willianis of y" town aforsd have sold Aly- nated & confirmed unto Samuel corniiige of beverl}'^ sur of y*' same County of Essex three fowrths parts of All y*" right & title of all m}' interest in y'' eoman Lands y' novv is pertaining Lying or being in y*" town of Manchester too Witt three quarters of y*' eoman Right belonging toy'' late nicholas woodbery bought of pitses north parnistcrs & I y"^ sd ginken williams for y'' true performance of y^ same have l)ound myself my heirs executers administraters & as- signs toy'' above sd corning his heirs & Assigns & in a deed of salle is more at large exprest bearing date y*" 7"' day of January 1694 As Atest by me Thomas Tewxbery Chir : Whereas their liath been Articles of Agreement drawn & con- cluded betweene nicholas vincent once a Liver in y" town of Man- chester & John nolton sen : of Ipswich bearing date y" 13tli of Aprill 1692 y'' sd agrement wittneseth y' y^ sd vincent have made over & resigned up all his right & title in all houses & Lands with all apurtenances belonging their unto which said vincent ever had in y^ town of Manchester to y*^ sd nolton his heirs & executors for ever wherein nolton is become an inhabitant in Manchester. Atest Thomas Tewxbery [20] Att A town meetting y*^ 2'^ day of March 168^ it was then voted & agreed by y"" town to make a division of sura parsells ofyHownes eoman Land ^' is neare adjoining or l3'ing convenient to each mans propert}' to y'^ quantity of 5 Ackers to a single share at y^ said town meetting was chosen a comity to la}'^ out every mans proposhion viz : Samuel Allen sen : Thomas Tewxbery Samuel Leach John Sibly Robert Leach John Elathorp who wear Anualy chosen & fully impowered by y* towne to lay out y'' sd Land as above sd wliich sd comitty or y'' major part of them have laid out unto ginken Williams for one single-share 5 Ackers bounded with A wliite oak marked with 4 marks upon y'' south west corner near whitcher & woodburys Lott & soe nort east easterly to a white oak marked with 4 marks & soe run its full breadth from these 2 trees nortli westerly as far as will make good sd 5 Ackers to sd Williams. [21] Att A towne meettinge upon y*" 7"" Day of September 1685 it was then voted & agreed to make a Division of comon Lande namely three Ackers to a single share & to be Laid oute & Devided l)y y'^ comity which Laid out y*^ former Divisions of five ackers namel}' Samuell Allen Sen : Thomas Tewxbery Samuell Leach Robart Leach Thomas west John Sibly John Elathorpe as in 28 EARLY RECORDS OF y« 2*^ book of records more apeare wliich sd comitty have Laid out to ginken williams one parsell of Swampe be it three Ackers more or Les bounded as foloweth one y' estward with y*^ country high- way one y" South with John crows Lot one y*^ west with Joseph woodberys Lot on y'' east with whitchers Lott [22] We whose names ar underwritten being apointed from Ipswich & inanchester to renue y'' bounds between our towns re- spectivel}' Acording to order mett together on y*^ 26"^ of this instant Att a tree marked with I & M. formerly agreed upon by l)otli par- ties or our predisesors for our Stake bounds & trased y*^ line & re- newed y* bounds before made between us from y*^ tree 6 ft & half a pointe northerly near to y*^ seder swamp & then from a rock with a walnut & white oak near y** swamp before mentioned we trased y* line 6 ft & halfe a pointe southerly throu y'= seder swamp to y** top of a hill to y* stump of y" old dry pine before agreed on & on y* course y* 27"' we trased & renewed & finished y"^ line unto y® heap of rocks formerly raised erected & stated to be y^ corner bounds whear Ipswich & Gloster meett & Ipswich & Manchester and as witnes our hands this 27'^ of 2'^ 1686 Apointed from Manchester Samuell Leach » John Ley ( I Apointed from Ipswich Thomas Wade \ William Goodhew Robart Kinsman Daniell Ringe [27] A Rate made by the select men and Committee of man- chesteron the therteenth Day of Agust 1686 for mr John Winboru his maintainance and firewood for the therd and forth qnrters of his year the sd therd qurter begining the first Day of May 1686 ; the said Rate Amounting to therteen pounds a leaven shillings and nine penc to be paid in mony. Robert Knight senr 00-09-06 John Cro 00-09-00 onisephrus Allen 00-10-09 William Allen 00-11-06 John Sibly 00-18-06 Samuel Leach 00-19-00 Robert Leach 00-19-00 Thomas Bishop 00-08-06 Nicholas Vincson 00-07-00 Samuell Allen Senr 00-15-00 Ephraim Joans 00-04-00 John Elithorp 00-07-06 Thomas Roas 00-05-00 Thomas Tweexbery 00-12-06 Thomas West 00-13-00 John Normon 00-05-00 M^ Ambrus Gale 00-02-00 M' John Codner 00-02-00 Cornnit marstun 00-02-00 Elections Renalls 00-04-06 Samuell Allen Junr 00-04-06 Robert Saberlen 00-04-06 TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 29 John Ley 00-13-10 Christiplier Cro 00-04-06 Mark Tricker 00-08-00 Richerd haiz 00-04-06 Aaron bennit 00-13-02 John nieason 00-04-06 John Knight 00-03-00 Robert knight Junr 00-04-06 Ginkin Williams 00-07-06 Richerd hulton 00-03-00 James Pittman 00-06-06 04-03-06 Richerd Glas 00-05-00 Snm totall 09-08-03 09-08-03 of this Rate is 13-11-09 John Sibly by the select Robert Leach men and Committee John Elithorp Robert Knight Thomas West To Constable Aron Bennit 3'on are to take notice that the abov written bill of Assessments is for the paiment of the Town of Man- chesters ingagements to Mr John Winborn and is to be i)aid in mony so that the wholl sum of therten pounds be fully paid unto said Mr. Winbon by the last of October next and the Remainder eleven shillings and nine penc you are to pay in unto the Select men for Defraing other town charges manchester this 14"' September 1686 John Sibly in the name and pr order of the Selectmen To Aron bennit Constable of manchester you are hei'eby Required in his Majesties name to Colect of the Inhabitants of your town these men above written and make paiment of the Same to Mr. John Winborn or his order at or before the tim : pretixt and if any Re- fuse to pay these proposions of this bill of Assessments you may leavy the same by Distress for which this shall be your warent fail not dated in Salem this 14"' Day of September 1686 Barthewmy Gidny This above writen wascomi)ared with the originall liill of assess- ments bearing Date as above sd and is true with the same and di- liveredto the Constable above named on the 17"^ da}- of September 1686 as Atest by John Sibly select men of John Elithorp manchester [20] November, y'^ 18"' 1686 This present writting witnes y* whereas their was a bargen formerly made betweene Abram whit- char of Manchester Deseased & John pickworth of sd town new En- 30 EARLY RECORDS OF gland to witt, y' ye sd Abram did agree y' y" sd pickworth shall have Libertie for a way A cartaway through ye sd whitchars his Land from y'^ country highway to y'' watters side for his use to him & kfs lieirs for ever upon which consideration y' sd pickworth did satisfie y'' sd whitchars in Land for y'' sd way by removing his bounds next to whitchars Land into y*" sd pickworths own Land which was to y^ full satisfaction of sd Abram abovsd for his sd highway & y' I John Knites & mary my wife which sd John was relex to y'' abovsd Abram doe heirby these presents make good & confirm y*^ former bargain Abovsd doth for our selves our heirs & assigns for ever to him y" sd pickworth his heirs & sucksers for ever as wittnes our hands the 18'^ day of november 1686 ye mark ( of John Knits witness Mary knites c her mark Thomas West ^ this is a true copy of ye originall John Sibly > Attest by me JohnElathorp ■' Thomas Tewxbery clar : [29] At a Generall town meeting on the 8"^ day of Nov. 1686 & legally w^arned There was then chosen for Selectmen for one whole 3-ear insuing from the date above written for the town : Robert Knight sener Samuel Leach & John Ley At the same town meet- ing James Pittman was chosen Constable for the town for on whole year insuing the date of this meeting At the same meeting there was then nominated by the town Mr. William Winborn to serve in the place of a clerk for the town to take & record true Records of the hearths of the children that are & shall be born in said town & allso of all Deaths of the persens allready disseased or that shall die & therein to act as the Law directs. [28] A Rate made by the sealectmen of manchester this 14'^ day of Martch 168f for the use and support of his maiesties gov- ernment in new england. Robbert knite senior 00-01-01 robbert knite Junior 00-00-09 oniseferyos allin 00-00-10 William allin 00-00-10 Samuel Leach 00-01-06 John Sibly 00-01-06 robbard leach 00-01-06 thomas bishop 00-00-06 nicolous Vinson 00-00-09 mark tricker 00-01-00 John pasonell 00 01-01 Jenkin williams 00-01-00 John elithrop 00-01-10 thomas tuksbery 00-01-02 richard glass 00-00-08 thomas roas 00-00-09 richard haye 00-00-08 samoell allin iunior 00-00-08 TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 31 Samoel allin seinor 00-01-00 Christopher crowell 00 00-08 Ephrim Jons 00-00-07 waletar parraiter 00-00-09 iiahen allin 00-00-08 Jeains reeves 00-00-06 John Ley 00-01-02 elections rennols 00-00-06 aron bennet 00-01-01 John normon 00-01-03 Ins. Ambroos gale 00-01-01 John codner 00-00-04 peter vunoe 00-00-06 01 07 02 a rate made b}^ the sealect men amounting to one pound seven shil- lings and 2 pence sealactmen To Jeams pitman cunstable you are hereby ordered r Robbertknits to collect and gather the seaveral proportions above < samuel leach mentioned and make paiment to the treasurer as his L John Ley warrant Derects the sum of one pound and five shillings and four penc and the remander w^liic is one shilling and ten penc you are to return to the sealectraen for the use of the town [55] At meeting of the selectmen and Comraisinors of man- chester 31 Day of Agust 1687 wee the said selectmen and Com- missionrs having met to gather on the said Day have Acording to our town order bearing Date the eight day of Agust 1687 : taken an Invoice of the heads and estats of the prsons Rataeble in our town and it amounts to the sum of on pound four shillings and nine pence At a meting of the select men of manchester upon the fift of march 168f by vartey of a warnt witch came to us to serve halfe Rate amounting to four pound and thre shilings and a peny Acord- ingly wee have Dorn it and Dlivired it To the Constabell of the said towne John Crowell Reseved of John Crowell constable of Manchester forty three shil- lings and ten pence half peney by my order to Lt Jording Made for y^ county & is y^ towne of Manchesters proportion to y* county Rate fFor Essex I say Reseved y*^ 29"' of may 1688 upon y^ metting off y"" select men upon ye 1 Day of June wear Then apointed John Lee & Thomas Bishop ffence fuers for this year or until others be chosen [29] At a town meeting legually warned and met togather October the third 1687 thomas tuxsbery is chosen moderator for this meetting At a Leagual town meeting in manchester October the third 1687 thomas tuxsbery was chosen Clarke to serve in the town bisnes 1687 Att a Legall Town meetting y*" 7"* of november 1687 being our 32 EARLY RECORDS OF yearly to^Yn meettinge for chusiiige of new ofesers for our towne afaires Thomas Tewxbery was chosen morderator for this meettinge Att y" same Town meettinge John Crow was Leagually chosen cen- stable for y'" towne of manchester for this year ensuinge Att y*^ same Towne meettinge wear cliosen Jolm Sibly Robart Leach Jolin Ela- tliorpe Selectmen for y'' town of manchester for this 3'ear ensuinge Att A Towne meettinge Desera y'' 12"' 1687 John El_ythorpe was chosen morderator for y*^ same metting At y*^ same towne meet- inge was voted [3i] At a town meeting in manchester on the 8"* day of Agust 1687 being Legaly warned by the Constable of sd town : l)y virtu of a writ presented to him under the hand of John usher Esq. Treasurer for the making choice of a Commission to join with the Selectmen to take an Invoice of the heads & estates of these Rat- able in our town, the sd town upon the abov sd day made choice of sargent John Sibly as a Commissioner to join with the select- men in the abov sd work & to do therin as they shall see cause At a town meeting Leagaly warned & houlden on the 12"' of De- cember 16h7: Whereas the town being sensible of a nesesity of something to be done for the preservation of our own firewood growing upon the towns Comon Land the sd town have voted & Agreed that all the Coman Land in the sd town Lying on the south of these bounds folowing namely, from a walnut tree which is the northerly hounds of Tliomas Wests Land which he had of the sd town the sd walnut tree being marked with four marks & so from sd tree northeast to a hemlock tree marked with four marks being tlie northwest- corner bounds of the Divissions of the briisher plain the sd tree being near vincsons baiberry medow & so from sd hem- lock easterly to a pine tree marked & standing on the top of the liill where the meeting house timber was cut & so from sd pine tree east northerdly to a white oak marked standing on the east of woolf trap brook & being in the bounds of Gloster line all the Coman Land being on the south of these bounds as abov sd is prohibited that no person or persons belonging to the town shall have any liberty to cut or transport any cord wood or other sort of fire wood off from the abov sd coman Land to the water side unless it be on penalty of paying ten shillings in mony for every cord of wood & so for more or les quantity proposionable & the order to stand good & in lull power for one whole 3^ear from the date of this present town meeting & the selectmen are to prosecute TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 33 against any person or persons that shall or may be found to cut or transport cord wood or other sort of fire wood from the conion to the water side as abov sd & what may be recovered by the Se- lectmen in any such prosecution shall be reserved for the use of the town [32] y' 3'^ Monday May 1688. Att y*" Anuall town metting by order ffrom our Governer & coun- cell Intituled an act for regulating y'^ choice of selectmen Townes men or overseers & other officers bearing date of y'' 17"' INIarch 1687 was then chosen by y* major part of y^ towne inhabitants of Manchester acording to law Samuell Leach Commisiner. John Sibly John Elithorp Aron Benett Thomas Tewxbery Selectmen Towns- men or Overseers Robert Knites Jun"" Constable At a town meetting Legaly warned to mett together ony"" 10"' day of March 1689 Mr John Sibly was chosen Morderater for this sd meettinge. Whereas their was formerly severall grants & Divisions of Lands & medows Alotted unto several i)ersons & bounded to them but never j'et notified & Legall returns of y*^ severall boundarys theirof y' Doth apear upon records it is theirfore agreed b^' this pres- ent town meetting & voted for a comitty & are chosen viz. Samuell Allen Sen ; Samuell Leach John Sibly Robart Leach Thomas Tewx- bery & Tliomas West or y^ majer part of them who are hereby fully impowered and apointed by this present town meetting to ex- amine all former grants & Devisions of Lands and medows of y^ severall bounds theirof & whear y'' sd grant or devisions in any part or y'' whole doo not apear fairly entered with y" return of y* severall boundarys theirof upon y* Lote books of y* town records y' then y*' sd comity are lieirby impowerd & apointed to take a survayall of such grants & devisions & to renew & make a bound or bounds to any such grants or devisions whear they ar wantinge & make their return of every & Each persens perticular grants or Divisions of Land or meadow of y* bounds theirof upon y'' late town book of Records [33] Att y* same town meeting it was Voted & agreed y' all ffences whear any of y" sd inhabitants doo joine in sd fence & have a dependence for their security of tiieir sd Lands for corn grass or pasture or y'' like y* each & every of sd persons ar to make up all such fence or fences sufitiently by y^ 20"' Day of Aprell next ensuinge & if any person or persons consernd in sd fence negnelct his sd proportion he shall pay y* penalty or fine of 2''\ 6^ for ever}' pole found defective by y" survaj'ors chosen for that 3 34 EARLY RECORDS OF work viz. onisephorus Allen & Aroii Benett who ar to survaj- all fences to see y' they be as y*" Law directs & y"" penalty of 2''' & 6^^ the pole for any y' are defective to be paid y*^ one half to y*' use of the town & y" otlier half to y'' survaiors & it is to be understood all y*^ abov sd fences ar to be in good repair until y*" last of Sep- tember next ensuing Att y*" same town meetting it was voted & agreemtt made with John Ley y' y" sd Lee shall from y'' date of this present meettinge shall have & improve y" parsonage Land & meadow with y*" fence y' is now belonging to it viz y'' Land & meadow near y"^ meetting house for one year from y^ date heirof yealding & paying or cause to be paide by him his heirs executors Administrators or Assigns y"" just sum of one pound & 5 shillings curent mony to y*" select- men for y*" use of y^ towne before or upon y*" first day of November next ensuing & to leave y*" sd fence with what y^ sd Lee hath ad- vanced for y'' repairing y" same Att y*" same towne meeting their was granted to Samuell Leach three quarters of an Acker or theirabouts of y*' swamp above y*" brioe y' is att y*^ head of Joans his medow the sd three quarters of an Acker adjoining to y*" sd Leach his Land which he had before. Att y*" same towne meetting it was voted & Agreement made with Richard Lotherer y' y'' sd Lotherer shall from y'' date heirof have posses & improvmtof y^ parsonage house with y'' Land belonging & adjoining to it for one whole year from y'' day of y*" date heirof yealding & paying or cause to be paid by him his heirs executers administrators or assigns y'' just sum of one pound five shillings in curent mony before or upon y'' Lst day of March next ensuing to y'' selectmen for y'' use of y" town Boston P' March 1688 [56] Reseved of John Crow Cunstable of y" Towne of Man- chester fower pounds eight shillings and three pence in full for y^ Contry Rate of y*" towne for John Usher Esq' Treasurer fflcli Perry. Att A Towne meetting legualy warned it being on y"" 23'' of Sep- tember 1689 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen raorderater for y'= meet- tenge at y'' same towne meettinge ser : John Sibly was Legaly chosen commisioner with y' selectmen Att y' same towne meettinge Samuell Leach John Sibly Samuell Allen John Ley wear chosen as a comity to treate with any man whom thay can hear of or know to be fitt for y" caring on of y' minestryall ofiss hear amongst us & to make returne of their proseedings as soone as may be TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 35 Att A towne meettiiige Legaly warned & mett together upon y'^ 17"' of October John Sibly was Cliosen raorderater for this meet- tinge. Att y"' same towne nieettinge it was Legaly voted & agreed upon by y*" inhabitants of this towne for y'^ maintenance of a min- ister amongst us if he might l)e procured give & alow tlie sum of twelve pound in mony for half a yeare to be gathered by equale rate mad by y'^ selectmen Att v*" same towne meettinge it was then voteil & agreed upon y' Richard Lotlierer had then granted to him one small house Lott Lying next to Richard — it being in quantity about 3 quarters of one acker provided y*^ said Richard Lotherer Doo build & settle upon said parsell of Land within y" term of to year from y" Date heir of but if he said Lotherer Doo remove from hence before y*" terme above said then y^ said Lotherer is toresigne or leave said Land to & for y* towns use forever tliis vote of Lotherer is for his house Lot as abovsd is holy void Atest Thomas Tewxbery Clar : [55] Alt A town meetting by y'^ inhabitants of Manchester mett to gather upon y*^ 27"' of June, 1689 ser : John Sibly was chosen morderater for this meetting Att y'^ same town meettino- was chosen legaly by y*" inhabiants Thomas Tewxbery Robert Leach Thomas West Selectmen for this year Att y*^ same towne meet- ting was chosen Jolin Allen cunstable for this year ensuing or untell another is sworn. [39] Att A towne meettinge of y'' inhabitants of manchester the 11"' Day of november 1689 Legaly warned Thomas Tewxbery was chosen raorderater for this meettinge Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & mett together upon y*^ 22'^ Day of november 1 689 John Sibly was chosen raorderater for this meettinge at y'^ same towne meettinge Onysephros Allen was chosen to serve in y" grand Jury & Robart Leach to serve in y® petty Jury both to apear att y^ next county coart held at Salem then & their to attend y*^ contry servie At the same town meeting the 22nd of november 1689 it was then voted and Agreed by the town viz that all the sd town Common Land Lying southeVdly from these bounds folowing to witt from a wallnut tree being the most northermost bounds of Thomas West his land Laid out to him by the sd town & so from sd wallnut tree upon A straight line to a grate hemlock being the most northwesterly corner bounds of the Divisions of Land above thebrushie plain & from sd hemlock to a white oak standing in gloster 36 EARLY RECORDS OF line in woolf trap swamp & being the bounds of the Leaches & Siblys land : and all the sd comman Land l^ing southeidly from these bounds abovsd it was voted that no person or persons in the sd town for the space of on wliole year from the Date heir of sliall have Liberty to cut or carry away any part of firewood or any sort of timber growing or lieing upon the abov sd track of comon land on penalty of the los of all such wood pr timber tliat may be found either cut or carried away from tlie sd common Land to the water side to sell or dispose to any other town or place or person or per- sons not belonging to the town either directly or indirectly : and the selectmen or any other of the inhabitants of the sd town are lieirby impowered to take or seaz all such wood or timber so found cut upon the common abovsd & caried to the water side two thirds part for him or themselves & the otlier therd part for the use of the town At a meeting of tlie selectmen on the twentith day of December 1689 their was on Singall Rate & a lialf made by sd selectmen amounting to three pounds & a Leaven shil- ling & six pence to be forthwith paid in mony three pound & nine penc to the treasurer for this colony of the masatchusets and the overplus which is 10 shillings & 9 pence for the use of the town the sd rate & half being coraitted to the Constable to colect 1689 [40] Att A towne meetting on y^ 10"^ of february Samuell Leach was chosen morderater for 3't meetting Whereas att a towne meettinge mett together about treatinge a minister to serve amongst us it was then voted & agreed upon it beinge on y'' 23'^ of September 1689 y' Samuell Leach John Sibly Samuell Allen & John Lee wear chosen as a comity to treat and agree with any whom thay see fitt to serve amongst us whearupon we y" said comity Doe Declare att this meeting as Dated abovsaid y' we have treated M' John Evely for one j'eare to serve among us for ten shillings per Day mony for every Sabath y* he ofisiate among us During y*' terme of one yeare begininge y*^ l"of October 1689 & so onward for y*" whole time & terme of one yeare from y^ Day and Date as above-said Att y*^ same towne meettinge as above said it was then Voted and ^agreed upon by y'' towne y' thay excepted condition or agreement •which y*" abovesaid comity have made with INF Jolui Evel}' acord- ing to y" tender mentioned as aforesaid y' is to say ten shilings per Day mony for every Sabath he ofisiate amongst us with all neses- ary charges as is befiting y'' said M"" Evelly Duringe y*" time & TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 37 terme as aforesaid Att this same towne meetting it is furder or- dered & voted y' y** Select men are impowered & required to Levy a rate forthwith upon y' inhabitants of this towne to Defray y^ charges before mentioned as conserning y" minister as aforesaid Att this same towne meettinge it was voted & agreed y' Robert Leach John Sil)ly Samuell Allen wear chosen as a comity to Lay out a parsell of Land for John Masters as Adrainistrater to Sam pickwortlis estate aeording to grant At a meeting of the Select men on the 25"' febr 16f| There was six single Country Rates matle And Commited to the Consta- ble to gather Amounting to the just sum of tweelve pounds six shillings and six penc whereof the sd constable is forthwith to Colect and pay to the Country Treasurer tweelve pounds and three shillings to Witt forty Shillings and six penc in mony and ten pounds tow Shillings and six penc in pay and the overplus being three shilings and six penc to be paid to the Select men for the use of the town the 13 day of March 1690 [35] Att a towne meetting legaly warned John Sibl}'^ was cho- sen morderater this meetting at the sara meetting Samall Lee sen was then to sarve uppon the Jury of tryalls and thomas teuxbure was chosing y'^ gran Juri man Att a towne meetting Legaly warned & mett together on y*^ twelve of november 1690 it was voted & agreed by y*^ sd towne y* all y'' inhabitants of y" sd towne shall from y*" day of y'^ Date of this sd meetting that what mony him or thay or any of y*^ sd inhabitants from time to time on y® sabath Day or Days Doe or soe cause to contribut to y*^ box for Mr. John Evely his salary for this yeare begun y® first of October 1690 it is agreed att this sd meetting y' all such from time to time un- tell y" yeare be expired shall contribute his or their sd mony with A paper wra[)t About it with y*" names of Each person so contribut- ing inserted upon y*^ sd paper wherein y^ mony is infolded & who- soever of y® sd inhabitants shall or Doo at any time contribute their sd mony without their prescription aforesaid shall not have any acount theirof but it shall be acounted as strangers money & it is voted b3' y*^ sd towne y' sergent John Sibly & Robart Leach doe take & give an acount of all or person & persons contribution for y^ said purpose [36] Att A towne meetting Legally warned and mett together upon y*^ 23"^ of february 1690 Thomas Tewx- ber}^ was chosen Morderater At the same town meeting John Ley in the preasance of the sd meeting paid unto the selectmen five 38 EARLY RECORDS OF and twenty Shilling in mony to witt twenty shilling six penc then delivered to sd selectmen and tow shilling to Sainuell Allen sen : being one of the selectmen acknowlidged he had in his hands al- read^^ and tow shillings and six pence b}^ Samnell Ley mending the town pound by order of the sd Selectmen which sd five and twenty shillings is in full of the sd John Ley his rent which hee engaged to pay for the passonag Land as apears by a Record in this Book bearing Date the tenth of march -^^|§ [34] June y'^ 23 1690 Att a town meetting & Legal^^ warned for y* day & year abov said Thomas Tewxbery was cliosen nior- derater for this meetting Att y'" same meetting ser : John Sibl}' was chosen to serve upon ye Jury of tryals att y'^ next county court holden att salem for this county Att a town meetting Legal}^ warned & mett together upon y'' 7"' Day of July 1690 Thomas Tewxber}'^ was chosen morderator for this meettinge Att y'^ same town meetting Samnell Leach John Sibl3' & Samuel Allen sen : wear chosen Selectmen for this year ensuing Att y" same towne meet- ting moses Benet was chosen Constable for this year ensuing until another is sworne Att y^ same towne meetting it was then Voted & Agreed by y*" Mager part y* Nathanel Masters shall have free fold or pasture in y'' towne comans for his ovvne cattle & Likewise wood for his owne firing & timber to build him a house out of y'' aforsaid comon Land Att ye same town meetting it was then voted & agreed y' all y^ rames going in comon with any yews after y^ 25*^ of Jully untill forth of november it shall be Law full for Mark tricker & Ephram Joans as chosen by the town to take the said raraes soo found & kill them returning y'' one half to y" owner September y*^ 8* 1690 Att a town meettinge Legaly warned & mett together upon y^ day & year abov written Samuell Allen sen : was chosen morderater for this meetting [35] Att y'^ same towne meetting Robort Leach was chosen comittioner to join with y** selectmen to take a invoise of y'' inhab- itants of manchester & to make return acording to Law Att y'^ same towne meetting it was voted & Agreed upon by y" inhabitants of this towne y' M'' Evel v shall have y'' same salery for y" next year ensuinge in quality & quantit}^ to be gathered as formerly & by rate made by y'' selectmen to witt twenty six pounds in mony provided he continue amongst us & ofitiat in y'' worke of y'' ministry of y** gos- pil for one whole yeare bigining y*^ first of October next ensuing y' Date heirof said meetting. [41] At a meting of the Selectmen on the thirteenth Day of TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 39 August 1690 their was ten single contiy Rates made and Committ- ed to the Constable Moses bennit the said Rates amounting to twenty six pounds nineteen shillings in pay: of which the sd Constable is to paj' forthwith to the Country treasurer the Just sum of tweentyfive pounds and the overplus being one pound nineteen shillings he is to pay to the selectmen for the use of the town Att a meetting of y*^ selectmen on y'' 18"' Da}' of August 1690 their was made two single contry rats & halfe made & comitted to y* constable Moses Benett y^ said Rates amounting to six pound sixteen shilings & fower pence of which y* sd constable is to pay by y*^ 10"" of September y" count}' Tresurer y*" Just sum of six pound five shillings in mony & y" overplus being eleven shillings & fower pences to pay to y^ selectmen for y** use of y^ towne [17] On the eight Day of September in the year of our Lor Robart Leach ' ter. TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 51 of perambelation betwen our towns & to sett range bounds upon y" line betwen y'' great white oake with a heap of stones about it & marked with a W I y*" pine stump standing near Ipswich Line we have acordingly this seventen day of Aprell 1693 being mett to- gether marked A small black oack tree standing upon A small knole & A stump of fower mapls & then we marked A small hem- lock tree standing on y^ brow of A hill & from thence to goe Along to y* pine stump near Ipswich Line & these severall bounds we have setled to be range bounds betwen our townes of Wenham & Manchester & liave heirunto sett our hands John newman John porter Richard Dodg sen: John Edwards sen Benj" Edwards Nathanill Walderne j [48] Att A meettinge of y" select men & comitioner upon y® 5"* of Aprel 1693 their was a county rate made Amounting to three pounds one shilling & eight pence & comitted to Sarauell Lee Constable to gather & to pay in to y*" treasurer of y*" county or his order y"" sum of 2^-1 1 ^^-0^ by y*^ 20*'' of this instant Aprell & y^ over- plus which is ten shillings & 8 pence he is likewise required by warent inserted under sd list or rate to pay in to y*^ selectmen for y^ use of y*^ towne [38] Att a towne meeting Legaly warned & mett together upon y*" 7'" Day of Jul}' 1693 Lift John Sibly was chosen morderator. Att y*' same towne meetting it was voted & agreed to pay to Mr. Evelith for his salery thirty five pound per anum to be paid in equall proportion y*^ first year begining y*^ first Day of August en- suing y*" Date heirof 21y it was then voted & agreed y' Mr Eve- lith should have y'' house & grounds belonging to y'' ministry for his own proper use during y*^ time he preach y*^ gosple amongst us & it was likwise voted & agreed he should have y" parsell of Land called millets Lot during y" time as abovesaid & y*^ town is to fence it for him & also to fit y'^ house for him as soon as possible Att a town meetting Legaly warned & mett together upon y*" 21 of Sep- tember 1693 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen raorderater for this meeting Att y^ same town meetting it was voted & Agreed to chuse capt. John browne of marvilhead to serve att y'^ great & gen- 52 EARLY RECORDS OF erall Asembly as a representative for our town of manchester acording to Law. Land given for a Parsonage House. [15] Whereas there is no place soe convenient for A liouse for y" Ministry to be built upon as a small parcell of Land Lyinge on y^ north side of y^ brook below y'^ saw mill it being about f of an Acker l3'ing between y" sd brook & y" highwa}' & y" sd Land now belong- ing to y^ proprietors of y*" 400 Ackers it being a part thereof Wee •whose names are heirto subscribed being y*' rightful & true propri- etors of y^ abovesd f of an Acker of Land doe by these presents upon this day & year under written both for ourselves our heirs executers Administrators & Assigns freely & franckly grant give Alienate & assign sett over & confirm unto y'' town of Manchester ito them & their heirs the abovesd parsell of Land to have & to hold forever to made use of for y' setting up of y® personage house & to be improved for 3^* use of y" ministry & for y* confirmation hereof we have on this second Day of March 168| hereunto sett our hands & seals. Samuell sen () his mark signed sealed & delivered Samuell Leach 2 his mark in y^ presence of us John Sibly 3 his mark Robert Leach R his mark Onysepheras Allen 1 his mark William Allen his mark This is a true coppy taken our of y*" originall paper by me Thomas Tewxber}' Clar : This above written convaiance was owned in a town meetting mett together upon y" 18"' Day of May 1693 as wittnes Tho : Tewxbery Will'" horsum John Lee [38] Att a town meetting Legaly warned &meett together 22'^ of may 1693 Leif* John Sibly was chosen Morderator att y*" same towne meetting it was voted & agreed to send noe representative to y* general 1 court held at bosten for this session Att a towne meet- ting Legaly warned & mett together upon y*^ 19* of June 1693 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen Morderator Att ye same town meet- tinge Abrara Masters was chosen to serve in y*" Jury of tryalls at y*" generall sessions of y^ inferior court to be holden at salem on y* TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 53 last tuesday of this instant their to atend y" servis of y" country ac- ording to Law [47] Att A meeting of y*" selectmen on y'' l?"" daj' of July 1693 tlieir was a rate made by sd selectmen amounting to seaven pound eight shilings mon}' & comitted to constable william horsum to colect forthwith & him said constable being allso required by war- ant inserted under sd list rate or bill of assessments by y^ sd select- men to return & pay y^ sd seaven pounds eight shillings before or by y^ last day of this instant Jul}' y'^ sd rate being to Discharge y*^ townes ingagement to Mr. John Evelith for one quarters salery & other nesesary charges about him y*^ sd quarter began y*^ first day of may last before y* date of this record [46] Att a town meeting legaly warned & mett together on y" 7"' of Jul}' 1693 to consider of some efectuall way for y*^ incorig- ment & setling a minister in our town namely Mr John Evelyth hom we have alreadj* had experience of his preaching 3''^ gosple to us & knowing it is our Duty to Doe our utmost indeavour for y* obtaining & raaintaigng y'^ ministr}' of y*" gosple Amongst us con- sidering also y*^ ile consequences ma}'- follow if we should neglect our Duty herein & soe be Destitute of such means whom god hath ordained for y*^ everlasting salvation of iramortall souls for which we have remarkable instances in y*' Scriptures which is written for mans instruction as in y*^ 2'' book of oronicles y*^ loch : 3 & 5 ver : now for a long seson Israeli had been without A teaching profit & what folowes in y^ 5"* ver : its said their was noe peace to him y' went out nere to him y' came in but great vexation wear upon all y^ in- habitants of y' people & in prob : y^ 29"' chap. 18 ver : wheir their is noe vision y*" people perish & against y"" prists lips should pre- serve knowlige & thou shalt enquire at his mouth & contrarywise when Duty is atended in this great & momentary work as we may in y*" 2** of chronicls 31ch : 10 : ver : when y*^ people brought in freely great store of provitions for y*^ prests of y'^ Lord y' y'' Lord blesed y* people greatly & in y'^ epistle of corinth 13ch : 14 ver : Doe you not know y^ they which minister about holy things live of y*" things of y" temple & they y' wait at y** Alter as pertakers with y^ Alter soe hath y*" Lord ordained y' they which preach y" gosple should live of y*^ gosple. Under this & y" like considerations it is voted & fully Agreed by y" town upon y^ Day Above written firstly to pay to Mr. John evely y'' sum of 35 pounds per annum in mony for his yearly salary y'' sd salary of 35 pounds to be paid on every quarter 54 EARLY RECORDS OF or quavteiiej'^ b^^ equall proportion y'' 1st year begining upon y^ 1st Day of August next ensuing y*^ Date heirof so long as he doth con- tinue with us & cary on y*" publick work of preaching y" gosple ac- cording to y*^ rules sett down in y*^ wholy Scripters of y" word of god Secondly it is voted & agreed by sd town y' sd Evelith shall have poses & improve to his own proper use & behov & Advan- tage the personag house with all y*^ Land & meadow belonging or Already Deputed b^^ y'^ town fory'^ use of y'' ministry together with a parsell of Land formerl}' caled by the name of Milits Lott it be- ing about 6 Ackers the sd Evelith is to have y*^ aforsd premises During his abode with us as abov sd & further it is voted & agreed by sd town to sett up a fence about y'^ Abovsd 6 Ackers for sd Ev- elith use & also to fitt y*^ said house as soon as it may conveniently be don. Li Testimony of my Acceptance of y^ Conditions aljove written promising utmost fidelity in caring on y*^ work of the Min- istri of the Gospel as abovsd God enabling me I do subscribe John Eveleth Atest by me Thos Tewxbery town Clar : [61] Att Atowne meetting Legaly warned & mett together on yc 12"' Day of October 1693 Lieft John Sibly was chosen morderator Att y'' same towne meettinge it was then Voted & fully agreed to send capt John Browne as a representative for our towne of Man- chester to atend & serv as abovsd at y^ greatt & genarall Asembly to be holden at y*^ towne house in boston upon y*' eight Day of nov- ember next ensuing y® Date heirof by nine of y*^ oclock in y" fore- noon e [47] Att a meetting of y*^ selectmen on y*^ 19"' Day of October 1693 their was a rate made by sd selectmen Amounting to nine pound ten pence mony & comitted to Constable William Horsum to colect forthwith & him sd constable being also required by war- ant inserted under sd list rat or bill of assessment by y'' sd select- men to return & pay y^ sd 9* & lO'^ before or by y" last of this instant October y*^ sd rate being to Discharge y* towns ingagment to Mr John Evelith for one quarters salery & other nesesary charges about him y^ sd qnarter began y*' first day of August Last before y* Date of this record & y* first quarter in y** year of our new agreement vrith him Att a meetting of y*^^ selectmen on y^ 14 Day of Desem- ber 1693 their was a rate made by y*" selectmen Amounting to twen- ty one pounds three shilings & six pence & comitted to constable William Horsum to pay into y*^ tresurer by y'^ first day of feb- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. * 55 ruary next y" just sum of 19-^ 12'*^ & y^ remainder which is 1^ IP^ 6'' he is by warant to pay into y* selectmen for y* use of y" town Boston October 24"^ 1693 [45] Reseved of M'' William Horsum constable of Manchester fower pounds fourteen shillings & 9 pence by Discounte of order from the late treasurer &eleaven pounds seaventeen shiling & eleven pence by order & three pounds Eighteen shilings & fower pence mony is in all twenty pounds Eleaven shilings in part of sd townes Assessments for my master James Ta3der Tresurer vreseipt Jer : Allen this is a true coppy of y" originall by me Thomas Tewxbery dark This may sertifie home it may conserne y' Samuell Lee constable have pd what manchester was Awarded two pounds eleven shilings to M"" Samuell Beedle as apears b}^ his reseipt John Applton Tresurer for y*^ county of Essex, reseved of John pearce constable in y^yeare 1693 fower pound five shillings which was due to me from y*^ towne for ni}' serving y'^contry at bosten court I say reseved y*^ sum abovesd by me Thomas Tewxbery [61] Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & mett together on y'' 6*^ Da}^ of november 1693 Samuell Allen sen : was chosen morderator Att y* same towne meeting Thomas Bishope was chosen to serve in y'' grand jury at y" next Superior court of Judicature court of Assize & generallGoal Delervery to be held at Salem on y*" 2*^ tuesday in november next to atend y*" servis of y* sd court by nine of y'' clocke in y*^ morninge of sd day Att y" same towne meettinge M"^ Joseph AVoodber}- & INF John Lee was chosen to serve in or upon y'' Jur}^ of tryals at y* next superior court of Judica- ture court of Assize & generall Joale Delivery to be held att Salem on y"^ second tuesday in november next to attend y'^serv is of sd court by nine oclock in y^ morning of sd daj^ Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & mett to gather upon y" 25"" Day of Desember 1693 John Sibly was chosen morderator Att y" same towne meettinge onisiphoras Allen was chosen to serve in y^ grand Jury att y" next genarall Sessions of y'' peace & inferiour court of pleas to be holden att Salem on y*" Last tuesday of this in- stant Deseinber b}^ nine of y" clock in y*" fore noon &ginken williams was Likewise chosen to serve on y*" Jury of tryalls at y" same court plase & time above sd 56 EARLY RECORDS OF [47] Att a meetting of y' selectmen 1693 upon y"^ 14* Day of Deseraber 1693 their was A rate made by y*" selectmen Amounting to eight pound seventeen shillings & fower penc & comitted to Constable William Horsom to colect & gather & he y* sd constable being also required by warrant inserted under sd list or rate by y* sd selectmen to return & pay into y*^ selectmen y'^ abov sd sum of £ s d 8-17-4 it being for y^ Discharge of Mr. Jolni Evelith salerj^ & otlier nesesary charges about him y^ sd quarter began y** first day of no- vember Last past & is Due to be pd by y^ first of februar}^ next ensuing. Att A meetting of y" selectmen upon y*^ 29"' Day of January 169|- & balancing all Acounts with Mr. John Evelith to y*" day abovsd £ s d we find Due to him from ye towne y^ just sum of 24-16-2 Atest by me Thomas Tewxbery Clark per order Selectmen [61] Att A towne Meettinge Legaly warned & mett together upon y*^ 19"^ Day of march 169f Robart Leach was chosen mor- derater Att y'' same towne meettinge M"" Thomas West & Thomas Tewxbery samuell Allen sen : wear chosen select men for this yeixv & John Sibly for a comitioner with y* selectmen att y*^ same towne meettinge Samuell Lee waschosen constable for this j'eare & while another is chosen Att y* same towne meetting Thomas Tewxbery was chosen town dark for this year [62] Att y'' same towne meet- tinge as aforesd upon y*" 19"" of March 169f Robart Leach & Jolin Lee were chosen survayers of higli wa3^s & survayers of fences for this j^ear ensuing Att y" same town meetting Samuell Allen sen : &ginkin williams wear chosen tithinge men for this j'eare Att y'^same towne meettinge John Elathorp & william Allen sen : weare chosen hawards or feld Drivers as y^ Law Directs for this yeare Att y® same towne meet- tinge it was voted & agreed y'y" selectmen shall be full}' impowered to fence in all y*" track of Land adjoining to y" personage house with sufitient fence at y* towne charge Att y*" same towne meetting it was voted & fully Agreed to mak clioise of M"" John Evelith to treate with y*" honorable comit at bosten chosen b}' y'' generall court to hear y" greavance of severall townes in this colony Att a towne meetting Legaly warned & mett together upon y*^ 14"" Da}' of may 1694 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen morderator Att y'' same meet- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 57 tinge it was Agreed upon to send noe representative to y*" generall court at thh time [48] Att A meetting of y* Selectmen & Comitioner y^ 5"* of April! 1694 their was a rate made for purchasing A towne stock of Amonition for building A wach house & for charges in fencing y* ministers orchard Amounting to 12 pound & coniited to constable Samuel Lee to colect & gather by y*^ first of May next & he is Likwise required by virtue of a warant inserted under sd list or rate to pay all y* sd twelve pounds unto y* selectmen for to defray y" charge as abov sd. Att a meetting of y* selectmen & comitioner upon y*' 9"' of Aprell 1694 their was A rate made & committed to Constable Sam : Lee for y" Discharge of Mr. Eveliths salary for one quarter ending y* 1st of May next Amounting to 8 pounds 15 shillings 8-5 he is required by warent inserted under sd rate to pay into sd evelith by y" P' of ma}' next & y'^overplus which is 10 shillings 6 pence he is Likewise required to pay unto y" selectmen for 3'*^ use of y*^ towne [21] Att A meetting of y* selectmen upon y^ 23** of Aprel 1694 John Siblee &Robart Leach John Lee John Elathorpe or any three of them wearapointed to meet with y'' comity of beverly at Thomas Wests house on friday next to perambulate on y^ bounds between beverl}' & manchester. We whose names are under written being appointed b}' y'' towns of Manchester & beverly to perambulate on y* bounds & Line betwen y* sd townes Doe Declare y* on this in- stant 30'^ day Aprell 1694 we have perambulated on y" bounds & Line betweene y* sd townes y* is to say from y* midle of y® Creeke Comanly Caled Chubs Creeke & to run in y" same Creeke to A Rocke at y" head of y" Creeke whear we renewed y® sd Bounds by Laying Stones on sd Rock att y* head of y'' Creek & thenc to A white oak att y*" EsterEnd of y" pond caled pleasant pond by y® turnupe swamp & have marked y'' sd tree with M & B & other Marks All which Bounds ar acordinge to y" setlement made by y** sd townes on y*^ 10"* of febreuary 1672 as Apearsby y^'Returne made by y*^ persons then Apointed by sd townes „ T> , , I John Sibly for Beverly ^ Capt. paule thorndike Man- ■ ^^^^^,^ ^l^^^ \ John Hill Chester j t 1 j j Thomas West [ I Thomas Woodbery Dated may y^ 8"* 1694 [22] We whose names are under written being apointed from 58 EARLY RECORDS OF Ipswich & Manchester to renew y*^ bounds between our towns re- spectively Acording to order mett on y*" 7* of this instant may att A tree marked with I & M. whear y" comitty of sd towns metty*" last time y*^ bounds betwen y*" sd towns were renued & from sd tree trased y'' sd line from a pine tree marked with I & M from sd pine est half a point notherly near to y" seder swamp trased y*" bounds from sd pine to a walnut tree & a white oak & A rock near y*^ seder swamp before mentioned we trased y'' line Est half a point southerly from y* sd oak & A rock through y'^ seder swamp to y" top of A hill to y*" stump of an old dry pine before Agreed on & on y* course we trased & renewed & finished y*^ line unto y"^ heap of Rocks formerly erected & stated to be y'' corner bounds wheir Ipswich & gloster meett & Ipswich & manchester ends As witness our hands John Siblee Robert Leach John Elathorp Samuell West John Allen for Manchester Robert Kinsman John Burnam jun : Joseph Whipple Isaac Renge for Ipswich [62] Att A towne meetting Legal}'^ warned & mett together up- on y° 2P' Day of June 1694 M"" Thomas West was chosen morderator Att y*^ same towne meetting John Elathorpe was chosen to serve on y'' Jury of tryalls at y*^ next infereour court of pleas to be holden att salem on y'' Last tuseda}' of this instant June to apeare att y^ towne house in salem y*' Day abov sd att nine of y*^ clock in y® morning their to atend y** servis acordingly Att y*^ same towne meettinge it was voted & agreed to revive y*^ aforesd wa}^ of contribution by papers about their mony as it was voted & Agreed upon by y*" Inhabitants of this towne more att Large att a towne meetting on y'^ 12"^ of november 1690 & to continue soe Doinge untill M'' Eveliths yeare and provided noe contribution given from this Day forward shall be acountable to or in any rate which has been committed to Any constable before y" Day & Date of this present meettinge Att y" same towne meettinge it was voted & Agreed y* Thomas Tewxberj'' & Samuell Allen or either of them are Apointed & putt in charge to see to & give Account to M'' Eveleth att All oportunity As may be convenient [67] Att a town meetting Legaly warned & mett together upon 12"" of July 1694 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen morderator Att y* same towne meetting wear chosen to be Assesers trustees for this towne by order from y'' treasurer Thomas Tewxbery Robert Leach & William Allen wear chosen eyesers for this contry rate Att a meeting of y*' selectmen & comitioner upon y*^ 5"' day of TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 59 July 1694 a rate was made and comited to Constable Samuell Lee for y*" discharge of Mr, Eveleths salary for one quarter ending y*-' first of August next amounting to nine pounds eleven shillings he is required by warent inserted under sd rate to pay in to sd Ev- eleith 8 15 shillings 6 pense by y« P' of August next «& y'' overplus which is 16 shillings he is to pay to y* selectmen for y'= use of y"" town Boston September 22'^ 1694 Reseved of M"" William Harsura & M"" John Pearce constables of Manchester 9 pounds 5 shillings by Discount order & is in full of sd towns Assesment to y" thirty thou- sand pounds tax and I say Reseved for M'' James Taylor Treasurer Atest Thomas Tewxbery Clark Jeremia Allen [48] At a meetins: of the select men on the tenth Day of Sep- tember 1694: then reconed with Constable William hossum for three rates committed to him to Colect for the ministrs Salowry & he remaineth in Debt on Acompt of sd rates the Just sura of three pounds fourteen shillings and ten pence mony that is to say ten pounds eight shillings and eight penc for the use of M"' John Eveleth and one pound six shillings and tew penc for the use of the town [49] Att A meetting of y*" select men upon y'' tenth Day of Sep- tember 1694 then reconed with constable John pearce for All rates comitted to him to colect & gather except y* meetting house rate & their remaines Due to y*" towne y* just sume of twenty shil- lings mony to be paid to y" select men for y^ use of y^ towne Att A meetting of y'' Select men upon y'' 27 Day of October 1694 their was A rate made & comitted to constable Samuell Lee for y" Discharge of M'' Eveleths Salery for halfe a 3'eare ending y* first of februarN' next ensuing y'' Date heirof Amounting to seventeen pounds ninteen shilings he y'^ sd constable being required by war- ent under sd rate to colect & gather & to pay unto sd eveleith by y'' Day & time Above sd y*^ Just sum of seaventeene ten shillings mony & y*" overplus which is nine shilings you are Likewise re- quired to pay to y*^ select men for y** use of y*" towne [49] Att A meetting of y*^ selectmen upon y'' tvvelvth Day of Oc- tober 1694 then recond with constable Sam Lee for y** towne rate comited to sd constable to colect & gather sd rate Amounting to twelve pound eight shilings & their remains Due to y*" towne thir- teen shilings p dat y" same Day 10 shillings viz to Thomas Tewx- bery 4' to William Allen 2' & 4^* for y" townes use 60 EARLY RECORDS OF [50] Boston October IG"' 1694 Reseved of Thomas Tevvxbery towne Clarke for Manchester elev- en pounds tlu'ee shilings & five pence in part of y" 2 mo & 2 & twenty rates for sd towne I say reseved for M' James tayler Treasurer Jerimi Allen this is A true copy of y° originall as Atest by me Thomas Tevvxbery town dark [49] Boston November 6'^ 1694 Reseved of M' Samuell Lee constable of Manchester by y" hands of M'' Abram Masters eight pounds ten shilings & three pence in full of A warrant for eight pounds ten shillings & three pence I say reseved for M'' James Tayler Treasurer Jeremiah Aliens [67] At a town meetting Legaly warned and met together upon the 6"' Day of Desember 1694 Thomas Tevvxbery raoderater At y' same town meetting it was then voted by y^ sd town and full}^ agreed y' y*^ present set of men namely Samuel Allen sen : Thomas Tevvx- bery & Thomas West Doe make sale of soo much of our town of Man- chesters common Land as will amount to y" sum of 7 pounds mony it being to pa}^ a Debt due from y" town to y" county Treasurer it being part of y*^ arrears and remainder of A rate eomited to moses benett when he was constable to colect y'' sd sale to be made and y^ mony procured for to Answer y*^ abov sd dept by y" Last Day of January next ensuing y" date abovsd if y*" sd selectmen can liave y" oportunitv ginkin Williams enters his Detest against y^ Abovsd vote Aty" same town meting Desember 6"' 1694 Whearas their are severall constables in and belonging to our town of Man- chester that are indebted to sd town on acount of severall rates formerly comitted to them to colect & gather for y^ use of y" town and they refusing & neglect to pay namely John Allen Samuell Allen Jun'' John pearce & Wm. Horsum it was at this sd meeting voted and agreed y' Leift John Siblee doo Join with y" present selectmen or y" Major part of them who are heirby fully impow- ered to sue leavy & recover all & every of y" sd Debts of y"' abov- sd constables y' doe or shal apear to be due to y" sd towne Att a town meetting legaly warned & mett together upon the 24"' Day of Dec 1694 John Siblee was chosen raorderator Att y* same town meetting John Abott was chosen to serve on y'' Jury of tryals at y*^ next generall sessions of y*^ peac & inferiour court of pleas to be holden at Salem y'' last Tuesday of this instant Desem- ber to apear at y" time & place abovesd at 9 oclock in y*^ morning TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 61 to attend their respective servis Acordiiigl}^ and on^^ Allen was warned Likewise to atend on y'' grand Jury as abovesd. [49] Att A meeting of y*" selectmen upon y*" 24"' of December 1694 then recond with John Allen as constable for a rate comitted to him for m"" Eveleiths saler}' amounting to 29-3-6 bearing Date y'^ 28"' of februar^' 169 & y' sd Allen have fuly cleared y*" sd rate by acount [50] Reseved of Constable Hoi-sum in full my whole salery comit- ted to him to colect in y" time of his constabling I say reseved by me Jolin Eveleith Dated Desember 24* 1694 This is a true copy as Atest bj^ me Thomas Tewxbery Clar : [68] Att A meettinge of y'^ proprieters of y" comons Legaly warned & mett together upon y'^ 18"' Day of January 169f John Siblee was chosen raorderater Att y*^ same meettinge it was then voted & Agreed y' their should be A comon right confirmed & set- tled to & for y'' use of y*^ ministry belonginge to y^ towne of Man- chester Att y" same meettinge of y'' proprietors it was Voted & Agreed y' their should be five men chosen namely Thomas West John nolten sen : John Lee John Siblee Robart Leach or an}' two of them as overseers or Rangers to Looke to All intruders upon our comans & wear fuly impovvered to sue or take Destres upon any ofenders in that kinde at their owne cost & charge Att y" same meettinge of y*^ proprietors it was voted & Agreed for A comity namely Thomas West Robart Leach & Thomas Tewxbery who wear then chosen & fuly Impowered to take a revew of All y'^coman rights of Manchester & to setle them in y'^ names of y^ right po- sesers of them Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & mett to- gether upon y'' 7"' Day of february 169| Thomas Tewxbery was chosen morderator Att y'' same towne meettinge it was voted to give y'' same salery to m"" Eveleith as was given y" Last year to say thirty five pound per year Att y* same towne meettinge it was voted & Agreed y' Chony builde A barn eighteene foott Long & sixteene foott wide & nine foott stud Atty'^ same towne meettinge it was Likewise Voted & Agreed to repaire y^ fence Aboute y* per- sonage ground aboute y** meettinge house Lott for this yeare Att y^ same towne meetting it was Voted & Agreed y' theire should be a grist mill sett up upon y*' river by y^ meettinge house att convenient place for y*' use of y*" town b}' John nolten sen : by y" 1'' of September next Att y^ same towne meettinge it was 62 EARLY RECORDS OF Likewise Voted & Agreed y' if Any Damage should fall to any person or persons Lands or meadow by means Aeausioned by settinge up y"" sd mill or yeuringe y*" watter y"" towne is to be att halfe y'' cost & y" miller of sd mill at y" other halfe of sd cost of what sd Damage ensue [69] Att y"" same towne raeettinge it was voted & agreed to pay mister John Eveleiths salery by free contri- bution for one halfe yeare begininge the first of this instant february 169f & Att y^ same towne meettinge whereas it was Voted & agreed to give m"" John Eveleith his former salery to witt thirty five pounds per 3'eare y'' sd m"" Eveleith Doth consent to & ' with y" towne at y*^ same raeettinge to take y'' first haff of y*" years salery before mentioned in sd meettinge in free contribution for y^ aforsd half yeare & sd contribution is in full of sd half years sal- ery & is in Discharge to y'' towne Att A meetting of y*" proprie- tors of y^ Coman Lands of manchester Legaly warned & mett to wether upon y" first day of march 169| Leift John Siblee was chosen morderator At y'' same meettinge of y" proprietors Thomas West was chosen clarke for y'' proprierters of y'^ coman Lands of Manchester Att y*" same meettinge Thomas West & Robart Leach or either of them ar chosen & fully Impowered to prosecute all trespesars upon y*" coman Lands [63] Att A meettinge of y"' proprietors of y*' comon Lands in Manchester Legaly warned & mett together on y'' 18"' Day of Jan- uary 169f Whereas att A generall towne meettinge on y" 7"" Day of march 1677 it was then voted & Agreed y' y*" comans was ordered upon any division of comons made att any time to whome y'' sd comon Lands should be Aloted & proportioned unto & only y*^ names of y*" persons with their severall proportions or shares be- longing to All such as then weare y'' proper & faire propryetors of all y* coman Land & privileges belonging their to in sd Manchester but not soe Destinctly explained by y' recorde then made as by Vote was Agreed It is theirfore voted & more at Large explained at this sd meetting this 18"' Day of January 169f as foloweth y' all such persons having Any perticular Lott or Lotts farme or farms granted by y^ towne of Salem or Manchester livinge in our towne of sd manchester before y'' yeare 1662 hath A coman wright be- longing to each Lott & soe to each farme either in parte or y*" whole of y"' sd farme hath A coman right belonging theirto upon All Di- visions which shall be made & soe Devided or undevided & for as much as severall persons having noe perticular propriety of Land TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 63 in sd towne y' hath been forward & ready in helping to Defray all publick charge in & for y'' towne & espesialy in y'' Defence & pre- servation of our Coman Lands & priviledges belonging theirto y* all such have A coman wright granted y' is to say to each person A single share in all y*' sd coman Lands & preveledges theirto be- longing either Divided or undivided & none others then such as are heirafter named with each persons name & his proportion of wright or Wrights which he hath in y'^ coman Lands as aforesd shall have any propriety or intrest in sd coman Lands & priviledges in our towne of manchester otherwise then any such whome y" Majer parte of y*" propr3'etors & intrested in y'' abovsd premises see cause at Any time heirafter to grant unto & y*" names & rights of y'' Intresters of y'' sd coman wrights & priveledges belonging theirto in our towne of Manchester ar as foloweth To witt Thomas Bishop one single rite granted to him Left John Siblee two rights & a third parte of a right y'' 3'' parte beinge on y'^ for y'^ 3^ parte of ffriends farm which he bought William Allen one right & half for himself y'' half right from his father Samuell Leach three rights & three quarters 1 right & quarter which was James Standish & a 3^* parte of a right to y^ farme he bought wich was formerly friends Robart Leach to right & 3 quarters & half a quarter a third parte of A right belonging two y*^ farme y' was frends [64] John norman two rights formerly granted to his mother & to y*^ Lotts he now posses John nolten one right & halfe he bought of nicholas vinsent with y" rest of s'' vincents estate Samuell Allen sen two rights John Lee one right & a halfe y^ halfe right beinge parte of y' right which was granted to John west in behalf of sd lees mother [64] Samuell Lee halfe a right it beinge y* other of y^ right granted in y"' behalf ef his mother to sd John West Aaron Benett two rights one from his father y'' second to him- selves onysiphoras Allen one right & halfe one for himselfe & halfe a right from his father John Crow one right y*^ Estate of Samuell frend two rights Joseph woodbery two rights formerly his fathers which he had from pitts Maverett & Chube ginkin Williams one right which he had of nicholas woodbery belonging to y'^ Lott formerly pameters John Elathorpe one right granted him. 64 EARLY RECORDS OF Thomas West three riglits to say one to y*" farm formerly Black- ledge & one he l)oiight of y" towne or proprietors of sd Manches- ter & A third lie bouglit of Aron Benett vv'.iich riglit was granted to y*^ Lott of his father william Benett Tlionias Tewxbery one riglit granted to y*^ widow pickworth & belonginge to y*^ Lott he hath bought which was formerly sd pickworths Isaac whitchars one right which was granted to his mother & soe to y*^ Lot he now poseseth Abram Masters one right which he bought of Ambross gale which did belonge to y*" sd gales Land which he hath in manchester Joseph pickworth & Abram masters one right which was granted to y*^ widow pickworth & to her Lot aforsd. granted to y" personage one right [26] Know all men by these presents y' we Samuell Allen sen : & Thos. Tewxbery of Manchester in y^ county Essex in new Eng- land selectmen of sd Manchester having reseived 5 pounds curant money of new England of Thomas West of Beverly in y'' county aforsd husbandman, as we are selectmen or Agents for Manchester for which consideration of y" sd 5 pounds being already paid to us this present Record wittness y' we y*^ sd Samuell Allen & Thos. Tewxbery for & in y*^ behalf of sd town have sold & doe by these presents sell alienate & confirm unto Thomas West of beverly in y" county aforsd to him his heirs executors or Assigns A sertain comon right, situate & being in y^ comon Land with y* rest of y^ comon rights belonging to y^ proprietors theirof in sd manchester it being y*" comon right y'^ sd tovvn had of Moses Benett by proses or execution of Law y* sd West him his heirs executors or Assigns to have & to hold y* sd comon right for ever with all y^ priveleges & Apurtenances theirto belonging whether undevided or after De- vision made being ether in part or y" whole & wee y^ sd Sam^ Al- len & sd Tewxbery as selectmen or Agents for y*^ sd tovvn of Manchester doe by these presents bind our selves our heirs together with y*^ sd town of Manchester them their heirs or Assigns forever to make good unto y'^ sd West his heirs executors & Assigns y" abovsd comon right & to defend y*^ same against all other person or persons y' doe or shall at any time from henceforth Lay claime theirto & for which bargened premises as abovsd y*' sd West doth acknowlidge him self satisfied for y*" abovsd 5 pounds & in testimony heirof we y" sd Samuell Allen & sd Thos. Tewxbery in y" name & in y*" be- half of y'' sd town of Manchester & ourselves & heirs have sett to TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 65 heir upon record our hands this 14"* day of January Anno Dorainum Tliomas Tewxbery one thousand six hundred ninty fower ninty five Bosten Marcli 8"> 169| Resevd of Samuell Lee constable of manchester by y** hands of M"" Wiliam Horsura twelve pound fourteene shilings & nine pence in full of A warant for twelve pounde, fourteene shilings & nine pence I say resed for M"^ James Tayler Tresurer Jer : Allen these two reseights ar true coppies of y*^ originall papers as Atest by me Thomas Tewxbery Clar : [50] Att a ineetting of y*^ comittee Apointed for y*" Manignient of All Afaires for y*" building of y'' new Meetting House in Man- chester on y*^ 16"' of March 169| namely : John Siblee Robert Leach Thomas West & Samuell Allen sen : who then reconed with John pearce for a rate comited to him to defray y'' charges for build- ing y* sd house, sd rate amounting to 81 pounds mony y*^ sd rate bearing date October 13, 1692 y^ sd pearce he being then constable & their remained due y" sd comitee on y*^ acount of y*^ sd rate from y'' sd pearce to clear y'^ just sum of 3 pounds 15 shilings & 4 pence mony. [70] Att A generall Town meettinge Legaly warned & mett to- gether upon y*^ twentieth second day of march 169|- Robart Leach was chosen morderater Att y'^ same towne meetting Thomas West John Siblee & Joseph woodbery wear chosen selectmen for y® yeare ensuing Att y" same town meetting Thomas Tewxbery was chosen Clark for y" year ensuing Att y*^ same towne meet- ting Ephram Joanes was chosen constable for y*^ year ensuing & untill another is sworn Att y*^ same towne meetinge William Allen Sen' & Isaack whitchar wear chosen survayers of high ways & fenc vewers for this year ensuing Att y*^ same towne meetting Genkin Williams & Samuell Lee wear chosen Howards or feild Drivers for y* year ensuing Att y*^ same town meetting Onysiphrus Allen & James pettman weare chosen tithing men for y'^ year ensuing Att y® same towne meetinge John Lee was chosen town treasurer for y^ year ensuing Att y*' same town meettinge John Bishop was chosen Clark of y*^ Markett for y'^ year ensuing Att A meetting of y® proprieters of y*" comon Lands in manchester Legaly warned & 5 66 EARLY RECORDS OF mett together upon y'' 22^^ of march 169^ Robart Leach was chosen morderater for this meetthige Att y'^ same towne meettinge it was voted & agreed y* Leift John Siblee & Tliomas West Avear chosen & Inipowered to goe to Ipswich court to have those by Laws confirmed as sliall be found needful! for y*^ preservation of the coman rights [66] We whose names are under written being cliosen & Apointed as A comittee to order & Lay out severall small Lotts for y*" comondation of tiishermen As in y*^ 2d book of Records Doth more fully Apear having mett together on y"" 29"' day of March 1695 namely Have bounded & granted out unto phi lip John Siblee Sen"^ Nichols A small parcell of Land as foloweth Robart Leach viz : from y*^ south corner of Jolni Crows garden Thomas West & soe bounded northerly by sd crows Land to John Elathorp Ginken Williams fence on y^ est side southerly by sd Williams fence to a heap of stones by sd wiliams fence & soe westerl}^ to A stake & heap of stones & soe west notherly to his first bounds which sd Land he is peacably to enjoy he his heirs executors or Asigus for ever Acording to y*^ terms mentioned more at large in y*^ 2 Book of Records as Atest by me Thomas Tewxbery Clar Acording to A town order made in y"^ 2'^ book of records & like- wise in y'^ 3d y' every seller of any part or parsell of Land is to give notiss to y*^ towne y*^name of y*^ buyer & successor theirof this is theirfor to sertifi to y'' towne y' I have sold my pessesion all right & title in Manchester to Georg norten of boston ship weit as Atest by me Thomas Tewxbery [70] Att a towne meettinge Legaly warned & meett together upon y'" 13"' Day of May 1695 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen for morderater Att y*" same towne meettinge it was voted and Agreed to send noe representative to this great Asembly at this court [71] Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & mett together upon y" 22"" of June 1695 John Siblee was chosen morderater Att y*" same towne meettinge Nathaniell Masters was voted & chosen to serve on y'' grand jury for this yeare ensuinge at y*^ next inferiour court of plees held at Salem one y'* Last tusday of this instant June Att y'' same towne meettinge Isaack Whitchar was chosen to serve on y® Jury of tryalls at y'^ next inferiour court to be holden at Sa- lem on y'' Last tuesday of this instant June by nine of y^ clock in y'= forenoon Att a town meetting Legaly warned & mett together TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 67 upon y'^ 22"^ of July 1695 John Siblee was chosen morderater Att y" same towne nieettinge Robart Leach was chosen comitonere to Joyne with y'^' selectmen foi' makinge y" Asesments to defray y'^ contry charges & to returne y*" same Acording to Law Att y'^same towne meetinge y' m"' John norten shall have A small parsellof Land Liing before y*" meetting house at y*" watters side 5 pols wide & 6 pols wide at ye uper end fora building plase forvessels & to lay timl)er on for y" purpose provided he shall make improve- ment theirof for building house or vessel & prosecute it by y'^ 20"^ Da}'^ of ]\Larch next insuing y" date heirof & Att 3'e same town meetting it was voted & agreed y' y"^ selectmen ar inipowered to treat & Agree with M"^ John Eveleith for sum terme of time Acord- ing to y*" primeses before mentioned [50] Boston July 3 1695 Reseved of Mr John pearce of Man- chester 7 pounds in full of sd towns old arears I say reseved for Mr. James taylor Tresur : Jeremi Allen This is A true coppy of y*^ origenall as atest by me Thomas Tewxbery town Clari : [71] Att A towne meettinge warned & meet together upon y*" 17'!? day of August 1695 Thomas Tewxbery was chosen morderater Att y^ same towne meettinge it was Voted & Agreed y' j^e select- men shall have power to Agree with M' John eveleith for fower yeare at y'^ terms which hath been formerly treated about if he will Agree to it if not y" sd selectmen have power to see to gett an- other if possible as sone as thay can Att a towne meetting Legally warned & mett together upon y" 26 Day of Septeml)er 1695 John Siblee was chosen Morderater Att ye same towne meettinge Leift John Siblee Robert Leach Samuell Allen sen' Samuell Lee wear Chosen & fuly inipowered to meett with beverly men to revue ratifie or lay oute & confirm y*^ contry highway betwene beverly meettinge house and y'' town of manches- ter [65] Whearas complaint hath of late been made especialy l)y sum of y*" inhabitants of Manchester y' y*^^ highway or country road within y*^ township of Beverly bet wen Manchester & Bev- erly Meeting house hath cow lots lye in sura places stopt & bard to y'' prejudice of Travelers & y'^sd highwa3^s in sum parts of it having gon sum times in one place & sum times in another & it being unsertain to both towns which is right y*" sd towns viz : Bev- erly & Mancliester have for y*' removal of such impediments at present & preventing of such incumbrances for y* future Apointed 68 EARLY RECORDS OF a committee from each town to settle & apoint wlieare sd highway shall goo as they shall judge most convenient for both as by their respective records may apear beverlys bearing date y*^ 18'^ Sept. 1695 and Manchester y" 20"' of September 1695. Wee under named being y'' Major part of y" comitte apointed for sd servise being mett together on y" place on y*" 23*^ of Sept. 1695 have settled as foUoweth viz. from manchester to farmer west his house & by sd house & thence westward to y^ estward end of y*" pond as y*" way now goeth & to be in breadth two pole & from thence to be 4 pole wide from high watter mark upward untill it comes to Benjamin Woodberys upland & from thence through sd Woodberyes orchard & through his cornefeild & soe to a black oack A little to y'' westward of sd benjamin woodberyes Dwelling house & to be 2 pole wide & from thence over y*" hill as y^ way now goes & soe along sd way untill it shal come unto A marked white pine & soe to A white oak stump marked on 3 sides & thence to a small white pine marked on 3 sides & thence to a walnut marked on 3 sides & from thence to A black oack marked on 3 sides & from thence westward to A Rock & thence to A pichpine marked as before & soo over plumb cove pond & thenc to y" point of Rocks northeast of Richard Overs pasture next plumb cove & soe into y" road y' now is sd highway to be southerly from all y* forementioned bounds & to be 2 pole wide & from thence to beverly meeting house as y*" way now goes & to be 2 pols wide & it is Agreed upon by & between y" comittee undernamed & Richard thissill in consideration of y® highways going over plumb cove pond sd richard thissill is to Alow all y** Land y* sd highway goeth over or taketh awa}' of his This is a true coppy of y^ originall as attest by me Thomas Tewxbery Clari : John Dodge Will™ Raymont John Siblee Andrew Eliott paule thorndik Robart Leach Samuell Allen sen [72] Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & meett together upon y*" first day of novembcr 1695 Robart Leach was choseu Mor- derater Att y'^sarae town meettinge Thomas Tevvxberj' was chosen to serve in y*^ grand Jury & John P^lathorpe & Samuell Lee to serve in y* Jury of tryalls att y*" superior court of judicature court of Assize &generall goale Delevery to be holden at Salem one y" sec- ond tuesday of november Att y*^ same towne meettinge it was voted & agreed y' y* select men are fuly Impowered to treate & Agree with m"" Edw^ard Tompson for forty five pound per year & TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 69 not exceed for y" earing on ^y*" worke of}'" ministry among us. Att y'' same meettiiige it was voted & Agreed y' their be A rate made forthwith by y*" selectmen Amounting to six pounds for to Defray charges aboute transporting hether ye sd Tompson «Sc his family & for y'' re[)airinge y^ Dwelling house for sd minister if they can Agree with him for 3'ears. Att a town meetting Legaly warned & meett together upon y^ 28"* Day of november 1695 Thomas west was chosen mordera- ter. Att ye same towne meettinge it was then Voted & agreed to \)iiy to Leift John Siblee or any other person three shilings per time for every sabaths entertainment for }'" ministers dyett & log- ing for y'" times past since y*^ first of September last & untill we have A minister setled with us & ye select men are heirb}' Impow- ered to make A rate upon y^ ratable inhabitants of y'' towne & committ the same forth with to y^ constable who is required to col- ect y*" same forthwith for y*^ Defrayinge of y*^ charges aforesd. Att y* same town meetting the 28"* of november 1695 it was voted and agreed that the town shall pay tweenty shillings y" woolf in money for a grown woolf and five shilings for a woolf whelp to any person or persons for kiling the same within the presinks of the township of Manchester makeing it apear to y*^ select men of sd town by bringing the head or heads of the sd woolf or woolves so kiled as aforesd unto the sd selectmen & the selectmen are heirb3^ impowered forthwith to make a Rate to defray all such debt or debts that shall be made by any person or persons from time to time as abovsd Att a towne meetting Legaly warned & mett to- gether upon y" 21'' Day of Desember 1695 John Siblee was chosen morderater Att y* same town meettinge John nolten jun"^ was chosen to serve on y'^ jury of tryalls at y° superior court to be holden nt Salem on y'^ Last tusday of this instant Desember 1695 [52] boston Desember 6"* 1695 received of nf P^phram Jons constable of manchester by the hand of m*^ richard trivit ten pounds in full of a warrant for ten pounds I say reed for my master m"' Jams tayler treasurer Jer Aliens [73] Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned &mott together up- on y'' last Da}' of January 169| John Siblee was chosen mordera- ter Att y*" same town meetting it was voted to give IVP John Em- erson After ye rate of forty five pounds per yeare as longe as he performs y*" ofice of y" minstry Amongst us all other charge ex- cepted & Likewise y** select men ar ferther Lnpowered to make & rate from half yeare to half year for y*^ Discharge of y*" abovsd 70 EARLY KECORDS OF Emersons salery Acordinge to y'' vote at this towne ineettinge for as longe as he supl}"^ y'^ place of A minister of y*" gosple Amongst us his year begininge y'^ first of february 169| [50] Att a meetting of y'' selectmen february 26 169| A count}' rate was made amounting to thirtene shillings & fower pence & comitted to constable Ephrara Joanes to be paid y" first of Aprell next to y'^ county tresurer Att a meetting of y'^' selectmen on y^ £ s. "d. 26"' of febuary 1G9| their was A rate made Amounting to 3-13-6 money & comited to ephram Joanes constable to be paid to y*^ new selectmen at or before y*^ 10*^ of march next ensuing for to De- fray y*^ charges about y" ministers entertainment at several times. [76] At a town meting Leaguely warned and meet to gather upon the 29"' of January 1696 at the same town meeting m"" Thomas West was chosen moderater for this present meting at the same town meeting it was voted and agreed to give nV John Emerson 45''^ pounds for the year insuing at the same town meet- ing it is voted and that are m"" thomas Avest Lieft John Siblee and samuell alien senier are chosen and fully impowered to agree with m"' John Emerson to carry on the ministry of the gospill amongst us for the year insuing his sallery not to exceed 45 or 6 pounds for the yeare in mony [73] Att A towne meettinge Legaly warned & mett together on y*^ 27"^ Day of March 1696 John Siblee was chosen Morderater Att y^ same towne meettinge was chosen Robart Leach John Lee and Isaack whitcliar, Select men for y^ year ensuinge Att y'^same towne meettinge John Bishope was chosen Constable for y*^ year ensuing & untill Another is svvorne Att y'^ same towne meettinge John Ley was chosen tovvne clerke for y" year ensuinge Att y" same towne meetting Lei ft John Siblee Robart Leach & Thomas West wear chosen A comittee for & in y** behalfe of y'' towne to treat & Agree with a Scoolmaster to teach our children to read & to wright & to make an Agreement if thay can with sd scoole master Att y*^ same towne meetting William Horsum & Samuell Ley wear chosen servayers for highways & fence vewers Att y'' same towne meettinge Onysiphorus Allen & Arron Bennett sen'"weare chosen ty- thing men for y*^ yeare ensuinge Att y'' same towne meetting Jolni Bishope was chosen culler of staves & other goods as by Lawe may be required & i)acker of fish for y'' year ensuinge Att y'' same towne meettinge Daniell williams &nathaniell Hamelton wear cho- sen feild Drivers for y*" year ensuing TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 71 [51] we whos names are underwritten being chosen In' each town respectively as appears to us have met to gather tliis 22"' of April 1696 at the east end of gra_ys beach at a white oake being the bounds l)etwen the two towns namely glosester & manchester and have renewed the bounds from thence norwesterl}'^ to white pine with a heap of stons about it caled b}' the name of gardners tree, from manchester Robart Leach Isack Whicher & John Le}' from glosester Richard Doliber John parsons These may sertify hom it may consarn that John parsons & richard Doliber is appointed to renew the bounds betwen manchester & glosester from the white oake tree at the beach & so to the end of the bounds Glosester the 21"^ 1696 by order of the selectmen Samuell Sargant [52] Boston may the 4"' 1696 received of m"" Ephram Jons Con- stable of manchester twelve pounds 2'' in full two warrants amount- ing to twelve pounds two pence received for m"" James tajder treas- urer Jer Aliens [51] At a town meting leagualy warned & met togather upon the 12"' Day of May 1696 John Ley was chosen moderater for tliis present meeting. At the same town meeting it was voted & agreed to send no Representative to the Great & General cort to be holden at boston the 27"' of this instant May. At the same town meting it was voted & agreed to build a new pound or repaire the old one forthwith in sum conveniant place where the selectmen shall ap- point At a meting of the selectmen upon the 18"' of May 1696 there was A rate made & comited to constable John bishop to colect and gather amounting to 22 pounds 18 sh 5 pence in curent mony to discharg Mr. Jno Emersons sallory for one half year to be col- ected and gathered and payed to the Sealectmen at or before 1st da}' of July next insuing the Date hareof. [52] The 25"' Day of May 1696 then Received of Ephraim Joans as he was Constable in the yeav 1695 the Just sum of three pounds therteen shillings & six pence it being the Just sum of a town Rate committed to him to Colect the sd Rate Bearing Date the 26"' day of feberery 169| to say Received by John Siblee and Thomas West being selectmen for manchester for the same 3'ear 1695 and part of the year 169| the sd Rate Colected as abov sd to Defray or Discharge the town of a Debt Due to the sd John Sib- lee tweenty tw^o times entertainment of M"' Emerson and M"". Tomp- 72 EARLY RECORDS OF son and others at three shillings p'" time Acording to Agreement With the town I)earing Date the 28"' of November 1695 : the sd sum Amounting to three pounds six shillings : and three shillings paid to William Allen mony due from the town and four shillings and six pence to sd Siblee and sd West towards the Defraying their charge in procuring of M'' Tompson from Newbery at a meting of the sealectraen may the 27"^ 1696 John newman richard Dodge sen"" John Edwards sener samuell killam John coy & nathaniel waldin or any two of them or so many of tliem as shall appear and Desired and apointed to goe on perambulation on the line and renew the bounds betwen our towne and manches- ter with sicli jentlemen of manchester as shall appear appointed for said servise and to met a the hous of John Coy in wenham on the 28"^ Day of this Instant may at about ten of the oclock in the forenoon if faire weather if not then the next Day at the time afore said Coppia vera as in wenham town book of reacords examined John Newman town Clerk We whose names are hereunto subscribed being appointed by the selectmen of sd towns of wenham & manchester to perambu- late the lyne & renew the bounds betwen sd towns we have accord- ingly being met togather this 28"' day of May 1696 at the grate white oak tree marked with a W & M & set about with stons & also A small black oak tree standing on a small knowl & a clump of maples standing in the swamp where two were marked «fe we re- newed them & we should have renewed the hemlock tree standing on the of a hill & the pine stump next Ipswich lyne but by reason of the wettness of the swamp we could not come at them but we doe own them as bounds betwen y^ towns and in witness whareof we have hereunto set our hands this day John newman (" John Siblee 1 John Coy j for Thomas West )■ for manchester nathaniel woldren i Wenham Abraham Masters j Samuell Killam (_ [69] At a town meting Leagually warned and met togather upon the 15"' Day of June 1696 robburd Leach was chosen mod- erator for this present meting : at the same town metting aron ben- net was chosen to serve on the grand jur}' for the j'ear insuing : at the town metting John Allin was chosen to serve on the Jury of trj'als at the next infearyear Coart of pleas to be holded at Salem the last tewsday of this instant June [53] Know all men by these presents that I Mr John Evelith TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 73 now minister at infield in the county of hanisheire formerly minis- ter at mancliester doe by these presents upon good consideration moving me thereunto 1 doe fully & clearly discharge the abovsd town of manchester of all dues depts & demands conserning all con- tracts betwen myselfe & abovsd town from the l)eginning of our metting togather upon the publick minnistry to this day Ijeing the 22*^ of Jul}^ 1696 in witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand the day aforsd. John Eveleith Thomas West Thomas Tewxbery John Le}'. [57] At a meeting of the Committee on the 26"' Da^- of July 1696 being chosen & Impowered for the manigment of Building the new Meetting hous in Manchester namely John Siblee seil. Roberd Leach Thomas "West Samuell Allen sen. John Ley & William Allen being then mett together on the day abovsd a true Acompt was taken by the sd Committee of what each & every per- son in & belonging to the sd towne Disbursed & payd in mon^' by rate & by team work in hailing all the materials of sd hous in place & other nesesery charges about the sd hous : and is Recorded to each & every person his particuler sum & propotion which he paid which is as foloweth Sergt. John Siblee Sanniell Allen sen. James Pittnian Joseph Woodbery Isaack Whiteryre Thomas Aylieire Abraham Marsters Mark Tricker Richard liaiz Daniell William Riclierd pearce William Allen Ezekell Knowlton John Knowlton John Eixt Ephraim Joans Robert Knight Robert Leach John Ley Richard Glas John A butt Thos. Eishop John Allen William Horsum Ouisephrus Allen J ohu AVest 05 15 00 03 05 00 01 10 00 03 08 00 01 10 00 02 00 00 02 05 00 01 04 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 12 00 02 15 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 10 00 01 10 00 01 05 00 07 04 00 04: 15 06 02 05 00 02 00 00 01 00 00 02 10 00 01 00 00 02 09 00 01 10 00 John Bishop Mark pittman John Siblee jun Maniu Day Samuell Allen junr Joseph Allen phillip NichoUs Nathl. Marsters Thomas West Est. Samuell Leach Ginken Williams John Elithorp Aron Bennett Charles Knight John Pearce Moses Bennitt Samuell West Riclierd Bishop Robert Warin Nathaniel Hamlin Thomas Tweexberj' Sanniell Ley John Croe Richard Leatherers John Normeu George pearce 01 05 01 00 01 00 00 10 01 10 01 00 01 05 00 10 05 08 04 01 02 05 02 15 03 00 02 05 02 00 01 10 01 10 01 00 01 05 01 00 02 00 01 10 01 06 01 00 01 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 EARLY RECORDS OF [137] Boston July 30"^ 1696 Rec'^ of ni^ John bishop constable of lujinchestei" six pounds in part of two warrants amounting to eight pounds eightteen shillings received for tn"^ Jams ta3'ler treasurer Jer aliens [51] At a meeting of the selectmen on the 22 day of July 1696 And then Reckoned with Sainuell Allen J'' for all Rates Committed to him to Colect and gather when he was Constable and the sd Al- len hath Cleared and Discharged all the sd Rates Committed to him as above said [74] Att a town meting leagually warned and met to gather upon the 5"^ of august 1696 Lieftenant John Siblee was chosen moderator for this present meeting At the same town meting Rob- berd Leach Isaack whicer and John Ley ware chosen assesers to make the assesments of twelve pounds forthwith acording to war- rant Att a town meting Leaguallj' warned and met to gather upon the 5"^Day of September 1696Lieft. John Siblee waschosen modera- ter for this present meting at the same town meting it was voted & agreed to have a contrybution for the minister for this next half yeare and it is voted that thoraas west John Siblee Robburd Leach Samuell Allen Joseph woodbery Jeams pitman Samuell Ley and John bishop Samuell Allen jun'' and John LiQy shall contribute [75] At a town meeting leagualy warned and mett togather in manchester on the 19"^ Day of October 1696 Wliareas the country highway which was lately Laid out within the presinks of the town of beaverly on the beach namely wests beach being now brocken up by reason of the pond breacking into the sea which makes that part of the way ver^^ hazardable and Dificult for travillers and it being signified to us by the sd town of beverly their redines to consider and Doe that which ma}' be best and most secure and convenient for travillers by renewing or Laying out away it may be found as sich gentelmen of beverlry and manchester that are cliosen and impowered by each town respectively them or the majer part of them Doo Agree and in order we the said town of manchester have at this said meting chosen and full}' Impowered Heft. John Siblee robert leech Samuell allin sinor Joseph wodbery John ley Jams pitman they or the mager part of them to joyn with sich gen- tlemen of beverly as are alike chosen and Impowered by sd beverly to doo the work abovesd TOWN OF MANCHESTER. * 75 [69] At a town meting Leagualy warned and met together up- on the 19"' of October 1696 thomas west was chosen moderator for this present meting at the same town meting it was voted that the bell now procured by ra' John Emerson shall be hanged in the meeting hous as soon as it can be with conven^'ance [74] At a town meting Leagually warned and met together up- on the 28'^ of October 1696 Lieft John Sibly was chosen moderator for this present metting at the same metting m*" George norten and John pearce ware chosen to sarve on the Jury of tryalls and Jams Smith on the gran Jury at the next superior cort to be holden at Salem on tlie 10"' of november next insuing At the same town meting it was voted and agreed to give to Ephram Jons one pound and fower shillings per year for to ring the bell and swepe the metting hous and to perform the office of a sacston acording to orders of the sealect men [127] Boston novemi)er 9"' 1696 Received of m"" John bishop constable of manchester by the hands of Elihab Littlefield two pounds eighteen shillings in full of two warants amounting to eight pounds eighteen shelling rec'' for m"^ Jams tayler treasurer Jer Aliens [138] Boston november 9"' 1696 Received of m'" John bishop constable of manchester three pounds two shillings in part of a warant for twelve pounds received for m'' Jams taylor Jer Aliens At a meting of the selectmen of manchester Desember 20"' 1696 there was a rate and commited to constable John Bishop to collect and gather amounting to 24 pounds 3 shillings & 6 pence which is for M' John Emersons Salery for one half year and other nesesary charges to colect & gather and payment to be made to the select men at or before 20"' day of Januarv next insuing [75] At a town meting leagually warned and met to gather on tlie 25"' of Desember 1696 Wliareas seaverall persons in and be- longing to our town of manchester have no sarten place for thare being seated in the meting hous and some who ware seated being Disorderly by leaving them and taking others to the greate offence of most part of the town and for the acomodating of such as want seats and the prevention of such as are Disorderly It is at the sd meting voted for a commity who ware leagualy chosen narael}'^ lift John Siblee roberd Leach thomas west m"" Georg norton samuell allin seneir John hey Jeams petman who are apointed and fully Impowered thay or the majer part of 76 * EARLY RECORDS OF them to place all such parsons belonging to our town from time to time as thay or the majer part of them shall see nesesar}^ and conveniant within the meting hous as also to order the building of any new seat or seats in the sd hous at the charg of him or them whom the sd committye Doo Apoint as thare places to sit in the sd hous and are hereb}' fully Impowered to prevent all such Iregu- lations that are or may be by any person or persons at any time or tims by seating themselves in the sd meting hous without orders from the aforesd committee r76] And it is allso voted that the sd committee are to seate each and ever}^ parson from time to time as tliare is ocation in the sd meting hous Acording to each and every persons proportion that he paid towards the building of the sd hous and allso Accord- ing to what such Doe now pay to tl»e ministry as nere as they can unless in case of an}' antient grave sober persons and of good con- versation [53] Reseived of m"" John bishop constable of manchester the full and Just sum of twenty two pounds ten shillings mony being all my Due from sd town of manchester for my first half years work in the ministry among them which began february the 1"' lt59| I say reseivid by ™'' John Emerson Junier manchester feberuary the 5^^ 169f [76] At a town meeting Leagualy warned & met together upon the 19"^ of march 169f Lieft John Siblee was chosen moderater for this present meeting At the same town meting Liet John Siblee John Ley and James pitman was chosen sealect men for the 3'ear ensuing At the same town meting Abram mastus was chosen constable for the year insuing At the same town meting Isack Whicher and John ])ishop was chosen seavaiers of fences and field Drivers for tlie year insuing At the same town meting Samuell Lee and John AUin was chosen seaviers of high wa3-es for the 3^ear insuing At the same town meting aron bennet and onysiphros ware chosen tithing men for the ^-ear insuing At the same town meting John bishop was chosen dark of the market and culler of fish and staves [77] Att a town meeting Legally Warned and meett together on the 19'^ Day of March 169| Whereas there hath ben much Damige Done upon our town of Manchester Common Land b}' cutting & sum tims Carying away our timber from of our sd Common Land by strangers not belong- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 77 ing to ouv sd town especialh' this Last Winter & having no person or persons fully iiupowered by our sd town to prosicute any such ofenders as alreadj'^ hath ben or hereafter ma}' be found to bee tres- passers upon our sd Common Land. Therefore it is voted and agreed at this sd meeting for one or more meett persons who are chosen agents or Aturneys to & for the sd town of Manchester at this sd meeting & are hereb}^ fidly impowered by the sd town namely Thomas "West of beverly & Robert Leach of Manchester them or either of them to prosecute the Law or to agree with any such person or persons as may bee found to have trespassed upon our town Common Land b}- cutting or Caring away any of our Wood or Timber upon or from off our Common Land as abovsd from the time of the first day of October last past : and allsosuch as may be found to trespass for the time to come after the date of this sd metting for one whole year. And further it is voted for all charges of time & monj' that is or may be Disbursed & spent from time to time in prosicution or Agreement with any such Trespas- sers as abovsd : the town shall bear one half of the charge : & the persons impowered as abovsd to bear the other half of sd charge And all mon}^ that may bee Recovered from time to time by sute or Agreement the person Impowered as abovsd they to have the one half for their own perticular use & the town to have the other half to Lnprove for the use of y*^ town [74] It At a town metin Leagually warned and met to gather upon the seavententh of ma}' 1697 M"" thomas west was chosen moderater for this present metting At the same town meting It is voted and agreed to send no representitive to the greate and gen- erall cort to be holden at the town hous in boston upon wensday y^ 26"^ of may 1G97 [80] It At a town meting in manchester Leaguely warned and met to gather march 8"^ 1697 John Siblee is chosen moderater this present meting It at the same meting Leift John Siblee m'' thomas west m' Richard walker are chosen sealectmen for the year Insuincr It at the same meting John knowton is chosen cunstable for the j'ear ensuing and Aron bennit and onysiphros alien are chosen tything men It John pearce and Abram mastus are chosen sevaers of high wayes and thomas betis and thomas ayers fence vevvers and field Drivers and John Ley town dark It John bishop dark of the market and culler [54] We whose names are underwritten being coramitties cho- 78 EARLY RECORDS OF sen by each of ouv towns viz : beverly & mancliester to lay out a coutry higbwa}^ in sd town of beverly towards mancliester in such a place and places whare by reason of a breach or eruption at y' Beach between Mr beniamin woodberys & Mr Thomas Wests such a contry road or highway as is needful and wanting we Doe agree & for a final Ishewe & conclution about the aforesd matter Doe de- termine that the contry road or highway from Mr. Thomas West aforesd toward beverly shall begin at the west end of sd wests cassvvay whare the way was formerly laid out & so from thence by a 3 raild fence on the rigt hand and so neer straiglit til you com to the next hill in sd wests field & from thence betwen sd Wests old field & his middle field to a vally leading down to his meddow all- most at the head of t!ie pond & over sd meddow to the sd wests Land on the norwest side of sd meddow & and from thence over the hill on sd wests Land till you come to the common on the north of Cornelius larcoms Land & from thence over sd common Land southwesterly till you come to sd beniamin woodberys most south- erly bars that let out into the common Land aforesd & from sd bars into & through sd woodberys pasture Land southwesterly tell you come to the old highway at a white pine tree marked on 2 sides sd pine tree standing on the south side of sd way In witness whareof & for the full confirmation of all & singular the primises abovsd we the sd committies have heirunto interchangably set our hands this 29"^ day of March 1697 r Andrew Eliott beverly j paul thorndik Committey ] william raymond ; Samuell Corning r John Siblee Manchesters J Robert Leach Committey | Samuell Allin senier ; Jolin Ley [58] Att a meting of the sealectmen in manchester on the 7* of April 1697 two rate Lists made by us the sealect men for the cuntry amounting to nine pounds six shillings and five pence each list and commited to constable abram mastus to colect and gather At a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 30"' Day of June 1697 thare was a rate made amounting to twenty three pounds six- teen s.hilUngs and nine pence mony which is to Discharge the towne TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 79 for one Debt to ra'^ Einersons half years sallery which began the first of february Last past and other nesasery charges and is com- mitted to constable abram mastus to collect and gather who is re- quered by warrent to paye in the aforesd sum of 23 pounds 16 shillings and nine in mony to the sealect men at or before the 12"* Day of July next Insuing for the use aforesaid [77] At a town meting Leagually and met to gather on the 25 ^ of June 1697 Lieft John Siblee was chosen moderatter for this pres- ent meting At the same meting John tarren was chosen to sarve on the gran Jury for the year Insuing At tlie same meting John bishup was cliosen to sarve on the Jury of tryals at the next cort at Salem [133] It At a meting of the sealect men of manchester on the 24 Day of august 97 thare was a cuntry rate made amounting to the sum of 09-04-04 and is commited to constable abram mastus to colect and gather [135] Reseaved of Mr Abram mastus constable of manchester b}' y'' hands of m'' samuell phillips nine pounds fif- teen shillings and three pence in part of a warrant for Eigheen pounds Rec"^ for m"' Jams taylor treasurer Jer Allin Boston May 28"^ 1697 Boston September 11*'^ 1697 Reseived of m"" Abraham mastus con- stable of manchester bj' the hands of m"" John neale six pounds in part of a warant for eighteen pounds rec'' for m"' James taylor tresurer Jer Allen [78] At a town meting Leagally warned and met to gather up- on the 22"' of november 1697 Lieft John Siblee was chosen moder- ater for this present meting At the same town meting it was voted to have M"" John Emerson to preach the gospill amongst us for the remainder of this year and the year Insuing and to continue his former sallery of 45 pounds mony and to have a free contribution 4 times a year the last sabbath of every was for the year Insuing At the same town meting it is voted and agreed that m"" thomas west shall joyn with the sealect men to agree with m'' John Emer- son to carry on the work of the rainnistrj' of the gospill amongst us for one whole year after the first of feberwary next Insuing and the sealectmen are hearby fully Impowered to make a Rate for the aforsd sumb of 45 pounds for sd Emersons sailer}^ for the 3'ear Insuing [58] At a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 80 EARLY RECORDS OF 23''' of noveml)er 1697 a cuntry rate was made amounting to the sumb of 12-01-04 and commited to constable Abi'am niastus to collect and gather and pay in to the cuntry treasurer At a meting of the sealectmen of manchester upon the 27"^ of november 1697 thare is a town rate made Amounting to the sum of 24-09-00 with a warrant annexed tharto And is commeted to cunstable abram mastus to collect and gather and make payment of it unto the sea- lect men at or before the sixtenth Day of feberwar^"^ next Insuing the Date aforesd y*^ sura of 24-09-00 being Dew from the town to m' John Emerson for one half years sallery begun first of august last past and other nesesary charges [137] It at a meting of the sealect men on the seaventh of Jan- uary 1698 thare was a rate made for the payment of m"" John Em- ersons sallery for his last half year began tlie first Day of august 1698 the sd rate Amounting to the Just sum of twenty three pounds forteen shillings and six pence mony the said rate being commited to constable Isack whiclier to collect and out of it to pay to sd Emerson twenty two pounds ten shellings to gather with what mony sd emerson hath received in his Last half year as abov sd by contribution the account of the said rate and the remainder of the sd rate being one pound four shillings and six pence sd constable is ordered to pay to the sea lectmen or thare order for the use of the town and also sd constable is required by warrant annexed to sd rate list a bill of assessments to pay and cleare the sum as above sd by the tenth Day of feberuary next insuing the Date above writen [133] It January the 30"' 1698 the assessers being chosen by the town to make the present tax amounting to 12-18-06 namly m"" george norton m'^ thomas west m'' Robberd Leach appeared before me and ware sworn to the true Discharg of thare Duty tharein as atest John Ley Clark [135] It At a meting of the sealect men upon the 30*'' of Jan- uary 1698 thare was then a cuntry rate made sd sealect men being chosen assesers by the town to asess the ratable heads and Estats of the Inhabitance thereto belonging as the Law Directs the sd tax ammounting to twelve pounds eighteen shillings and six pence and comitted to Isack whicher constable to collect and pay the sum of twelve pounds ten shillings mony as he shall receive order by war- rant from the treasurer and reciver generall of this his majestes provence of the masetchusets bay in new ingland and the remainder TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 81 of scl tax or rate being eight shillings and six pence the sd consta- ble is to be accountable to the sealect men for the use of the town [137] It Know all men by these presents that I doo totally ac- quitt and Discharge John bishop of manchester as cunstable of sd town from all Debts Dews and Demands on account of my sallery for the first year in the ministry in sd town viz the year 169G manchester John Emerson March 20 1698-9 [78] At a town meting Leagually warned and met to gather upon the 28"' Day of march 1698 Lieft John Siblee was chosen moderator for this presant meting At the same town meting sar robberd Leach m"" George norton m" thomas west are chosen sealect men for the year Insuing At the same meting Isack whitcher was chosen cunstable for the j'ear Insuing At the same meting Jams smith and John knolton are cosen sevaiers of high wayes At the same meting aron bennet and onisipros allin tithing men for the year Insuing At the same meting phillip nicoals and John bishop are chosen seavaiers of fences and field Drivers for the j-ear insuing [135] It Boston Aprill 18"' 1698 Reseived of m^ Abraham mas- tus fifeen in part of the warrant amounting to thirty nine pounds Reed for m"" Jams taylor treasurer Jer Allen [79] At a town meting Leagually warned and met to gather upon the 25"' of June 1698 thomas west was chosen moderator for this present meting At the same town meting phillip nicoals was chosen to sarve on the grand Jury at the next cort at Salam and tell another is chosen and sworn At the same town meting Sanuiell Ley was chosen to sarve on the Jurj' of tryals at the nex county cort at Salam to be holden the last Inferior cort on the last tusday of June Instant [141] We whose nams are underwritten being chosen and Im- powered by the town of manchester as a committee to renew or make bounds to such parsels of Swamp ground or raeddow as hath been formerly granted by said town have met togather this 20"' Day of may J 691 and have Laid out and bounded the meddow or swampy ground called the beaver Dam marsh unto Robberd Leach and John Ley as followeth to witt the first bounds is a white pine marked with 4 mark and a cros with the marking Iron being the south west cor- 6 82 EARLY RECORDS OF ner bounds of said meddow and from sd pine estward to another white pine marlied as afore sd and standing near the beaver Dam place It being tlie sothest corner bounds of sd raeddow and from sd pine northerly to another white pine marked as and being the northest corner bounds of sd meddow or swomp and from sd pine westerly to a whit oake marked with 4 marks and a cros with a marking Iron and so from sd oak to the first bounds Above men- tioned all the meddow and swampy ground within these bounds above mentioned to belong toRobbert Leach the one half of it and to John Ley the other half of It John Siblee And the bounds are renewd Robberd Leach b}' us the subscribers this Thomas West 9"^ Day of may 1698 Samuell allin sen'^^ [133] It At a meting of the selectmen of manchester on the 1 7'** Day of June 1698 and thare was then a rate made by the sealect for mr John Emerson his salerrj^ for his first-half year begun the first day of feberuary 169^ and then commitedto Isaack Whiteyere con- stable to collect and gather and pay acording to warrant inserted on the s*^ List rate & bill of assessments the whole rate to be payed and cleared by the last Day of July next insuing the Date above sd twenty twoo pounds ten shillings money of sd rate to be payd by the sd constable to said Emerson and the remainder of sd rate be- ing fifteen shillings and ten pence raony the sd constable to pay to the sealect men for the use of the town [135] It At a meting of the sealect men of manchester on the 25*'' July 1698 thare was a cuntry Rate made and comited to consta- ble Isack Whitchar to collect and gather and pay to his majesties Receiver Generall for this his majesties province of the masato- thas baye the sd Rate amounting to : 7 = 13 i= 08 whare of sd constable is to pay 07^ = 10' := 00'* mony for majesties sarvis as aforesd and the remainder being 3' =: 8'* mony the sd constable is to pay to the sealect men for the use of the town [137] Boston October 6*'' 1698 Received of m' John bishop constable of manchester Eight pounds eighteen shillings in full I say received for m'' Jams tayler treasurer Jer aliens [133] Att a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 3'' of november 98 a county Rate made amounting to the sum of one 1 =: 03 r= 02 and commited to constable abram raastus to collect and gather and out of it to paye in to the count}' treasurer TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 83 the sum of fifteen shillings and the over plush being eigh shillings and two penc to return to the sealect men for the use of the town [79] At A town meeting leagually warned and met together upon the 4"' day of november 1698 It is voted & fully agreed that Mr george norten shall have a small parsill of Land lying before the meting hous to wit, that parsil of land whare on his hous frame now standeth which was formerly granted to the aforesd mr George norten in the year 1695 upon conditions which land is bounded as foloweth, southerly with the river 5 pols wide esterly with the towns land 6 pole upward & northerly 2 pols wide with the towns land aforsd & westerly with y'' landing place down to the river aforesd the aforsd mr George norton to have & to hold the above bounded parsil of land with all the privileges & apurtenances thereto be- longing to him & his heirs forever At a town meting november the 4"" richard walker is chosen to sarve on the gran Jury John cro & Daniel williams on the jury of tryals at the next superior cort to be holden at Salam on the 2'' Tuesday of november instant [135] It Boston Desember the 2'^ 1698 Reseived of m"- Abra- ham mastus constable of manchester eight pounds four shillings and nine pence in full Reed for m'' Jams taylor treasurer [138] Boston Desember 2'^ 1698 Received of m^ Isaack Whit- teyer constable of manchester seaven pounds ten shillings in full of the within mentioned warrant reed for m'^ James tayler Treas- urer Jer Aliens [134] At a meting of the select Reckned with Samuell Ley this IS"' Day of march 169| for the rent of the parsonage Land for the year 97 and the yeare 98 and the afore sd Lee hath ballanced and cleared all accounts with us the sealect men namely M"' Georg norton m'' thouias "West m'' Robberd Leach Sealectmen It which mony reseived of the abovsd Lee is Disposed of as fol- loweth to the building a pound 00-12-06 and to the Clark for writing two years 00-12-00 and our expence for the whole yeare 00-02-08 It at a meting of the sealect of manchester January 20"* then reckned with samuell allin sen'' for the year 97 and the year 98 for the parsonage land and thare remains Dew to the town to ballance the sum of 00-02-06 It the mony received of the above sd alien is Disposed of as followeth to the building of a pound 00-12-06 and to the ringin of the bell 00-12-00 84 EARLY RECORDS OF It at a meting of the sealect men of mancbester July the lo"" 1698 then Let to thomas botis the west end of the parsonage hous for ten shillings pr year It received of thomas bottis one paire of Doare hinges for the meting hous out of his rent 00-Oo-OG It Received of m"' Isaac "Whitter of mancbester for the year 1698 the sum of thirty shillings money which with former receipts makes up the Just sum of forty five pounds money that said wiiitteyre has paid to me in behalf of said town for my sallery that year above expressed I say Received by me Salam Nov : 1 : John Emerson 1699 [136] It At a meting of the sealect men on the 13* Da}' of Aprill 1699 there was then a rate made for m"" Jo" Emersons sallery amounting to the sum of 24 pounds nine pence mony andcoramited to John Knowlton Cunstable to collect and gather sd cunstable be- ing ordered to pay the Just sum of 22 pounds ten shillings to sd Emerson to gather whith what sd Emerson hath Received in contri- bution or shall yet receive which sd rate is to be collected and payed to sd Emerson the abovsd sum of 22 pounds ten shillings and the overplus being one pound ten shillings and nine pence to be payed to the sealect men for the use of the town this whole rate to be pa3'ed by the last of July Insuing abov written It at a meting of the assesers for the town of mancbester on the 28"' Day of aprill 1699 John Siblee Sen' nicholas Walker and thomas west in persu- ance of a warant received by them from Jeams taylor Gent treas- urer and receiver Generall for this bis majesties province of the mastchesets bay in new Ingland sd warant being Date the 24"^ of July 1699 whare in is expresed and also required by the sd Jams taylor Gen' treasurer the Just sum of seaven pounds ten shillings money to be assesed upon the ratable poals and estats of our town of mancbester we the above named assesers have on the abov sd 28'^ Day set and proportioned upon our town the sum of seaven pound ten shillings viz what each and every person his proportion lis to the sd sum or list rate or bill of assesment required of us by sd warant to be made acording to the best of our descresion and have transmited the sd list rate or bill of assesraents to John knowlton cunstable of mancbester to collect and pay to the sd Jams taylor treasurer the sum of seaven pounds ten shillings as he sd cunstable shall receive order by warant from the sd treasurer It at a meting of the select men of mancbester on the twenty seaventb day of feb- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 85 ruaiy 1699-700 namly John Siblee sen"" Richard walker and thoinas west tluire was a rate made and comniited to John knowlton cun- stable to collect and gather the sd Rate amonnting to the snm of fifty one pounds thirteen shillings niony and payment to be made by the sd cunstable the one (137) half of sd rate by the tenth Day of may next Insning the Date hearof the other half of sd rate to be payd by the Last day of June next following the Date abovesd the whole rate as abovesd to be paj'd to the commtee of manchester namely John Siblee sen"" Robberd Leach Richard walker thomas west and Abram mastus thay or the majer part of them sd mony being to Defray the charge of building a hous for the minstry for and in the behalf of the town (82) It at a town meting leagually warned and met togather in manchester upon the 23'' of Aprill 1699 thomas west moderater It is voted and fully agreed to sell the parsonage hous and 3 quar- ters of an acur of land ajoyning to it to John tarrin shoe maker for the sum of twenty pounds curant mon}'^ of new ingland sd mony to be Improved for the use of the ministry the aforesd 20 pounds to be payed to the town for the use aforesd at or before the first day of november next Insuing the Date hereof It at the same meting the new selectmen are hereby Impowered to allinate the abovsd hous and land according to Law to the abovsd John tarrin and seacure the mony for the use aforesd namely to be Improved towards a ministry hous [138 J Boston May 2'^ 1699 Received of m"" Isack Whitteyere cunstable of manchester nine pounds in part of a warant for twelve pounds ten shillings and b}' John Ley three pounds ten shillings which is in full for twelve pounds ten shillings received for me Jams taylor treasurer Jer Aliens [80] At a town meting Leguall}^ warned and mett to gather may the 22 1699 m'' thomas west is chosen moderater for this present meting It at the same meting it is voted to send no representi- tive to the grate and generale cort or aserably apointed to be con- vened held and kept for his majesties servis at the town hous in Boston upon wensdaj- the 13"^ of ma3' Instant At a town meting June the 25''' It is at this sd meting to give 40 pounds sallery to a minister for the time to come [83] At a town meting Leagually warned and met togather in 86 EAKLY RECORDS OF manchester upon the 26"' Day of June 1699 Lieft John Siblee is chosen moderater for this present meting It the same town met- ing it is voted and fully agreed to build a parsonge hous sutable for the ministry sd hous to be built 42 foot long ] 8 foot wide and 14 foot stude sd hous to be built and compleated at the towns cost and charge as soon as may be with convenianc}'^ and sd hous to be set in sum conveniant place nere the meting house at the Discres- sion of tlie commitee under named At a leaguall meeting of the proprietors of our town of manches- ter common land being met together upon the 26* day of June Lieft John Siblee moderator it is Voted & fully agreed to sell a small parsell of our towns common Land Ij'ing betwen Wenham & Ipswich line which is bounded as foloweth viz. a white oak marked with W & M being the south west corner bounds & from thence northerly on a strait line to Dodges stump & from the stump aforsd esterly too a vehite pine tree marked with 4 marks being a bounds betwen Ipswich & Manchester & from sd pine westerly to the white cake aforesd & all the mon^' arising thareby to be improved towards the building a parsonge hous & at this sd meting it is voted & fully agreed that mr Thos West Lieft John Siblee Robberd Leach, Richard Walker & abram mastus are chosen a commite to Dispos of the abov sd Land thay or the major part of them & give a convayance acording to Law & seacure the mony for the use aforsd the afore sd commite or the major part of them are fully impow- ered to agree with any parson or parsons to erect & build a suffl- ceant parsonage hous as soon as may be with conveniancy and a town rate shall be made & colected for the Defraying & compleat- ing of all the charges about the building & finishing of the abovsd parsonage hous viz the sd rate to amount to so much as will pay all the charges about the sd hous more than what will be payed by selling of the abovsd Land & the old parsonage hous sd rate to be made by the selectmen [80] At a town meting Leagualy warned and met togatlier this 23'^ Day of October 1699 at the same town meting Lieft John Sib- lee is chosen moderator for this present meting It at the same meting Jams pitman is chosen to sarve on the gran jury and Lieft John Siblee and sar Robberd on th Jury of tryals at the next su- perior cort to be holden at salem [139] boston november 20"' 1699 Received of m'' John Knowlton constable of manchester seaven pounds ten shilings in full of a war- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 87 rant the like sum of seaven pounds ten shilling reed for m" Jams taylor treasurer Jer Allen [80] It at a town meting Legually warned and met to gether upon Desember the 18"* 1699 m"" thomas west is chosen moderater for this present meting At the same meting Samuell Allen jun"^ is chosen to sarve on the jury of tryals at the nex cort of pleas at Salam at the same meting nf Rechard Walker is chosen to sarve on the gran Jury at the next cort of pleas at salam and so for the year insuing It is voted and fully agreed that the commitee for- merly chosen to looke out for a minister tha}^ are fully Inipowered to agree with m"" goodhew for a quarter or more and not to exsede 45 pounds a 3'^eare sallery per year [81] At a meting of the commoners in manchester upon the 18'^ da}' of Desember 1699 M'' Thomas West is chosen moderater for this present meting At this sd meting it is voted & fully agreed to devid all that part of our common land Ijing northwesterly of these bounds which are as foloweth viz from a walnut stump being a corner bounds of M"' Wests last Devision & from thence on a straite line notherly to the west end of a spruce swamp & so nor- ward to Ipswich line to each man his proportion & sd bounds to be Devided by the commite hereafter named who are hearby fully inipowered to doe the same : which are as foloweth namlj' m"" Thomas West Lieft John Siblee sar Robbert Leach m"" George Norton Isaac Whichar John bishop John knowlton John Ley and Abram Mastus. [146] We whos nams are underwritten being chosen a com- mittee to Devide the west end of our common Land in Manches- ter as ai)pears in our 3'^ book of records in manchester, luive met togather on the 20"" of Dec in the year of our Lord 1699 & have laid out the abovsd Land & bounded it as followeth to each man his proportion being about 10 acers to each lot viz : the 1" Lot to Mr. George norton which is bounded to him as followeth, the 1" bounds at the est end a horn beam tree at the sou west corner marked with 4 marks nere a great rock & from thence westerly to a hemlock marked with 4 marks & from thence norwesterly by Capt. wests Land unto a white oke marked with 4 marks & from thence esterly to the horn beam tree first above mentioned which is a corner bounds of Joseph Woodberys Land he had of Capt. AVest. The 2'^ & 3*^ Lots is Joseph woodberys 2 lots being bounded as followeth viz : at the southest corner with a walnut stump which is o8 EARLY RECORDS OF a bonds of sd wodberys land he had of Capt the. west & from that norwesterly by his & George nortons Land about 35 polstoa white oke & at the southwest corner with a white oke betwixt sd wood- bery & Georg norton & from sd white oke northwards upon Capt thomas Wests line of his farm 52 pols to a white oke marked with 4 marks being his northest corner bounds & est to a white oke & from thence southwesterly to the walnut stump first abovmen- tioned the 4"" Lot is Isack whitiers lot being bounded as folloeth viz : at the southest corner with a white oke betwen him & Jo- seph woodbery & from that 14 pols or thereal)outs to a black oke being the northest corner bounds from that westerly 113 pols to a black oke being the norwest corner bounds from that southerly about 15 pols to a white oke being the south west corner bounds between him & Joseph woodbery from that esterly 114 pols to the first mentioned white oke The 5"' Lot is John cross being bounded as folloeth viz : at the southest corner with a black oke betwen him and Isack whitier from that northerly 14 pole to a pitch pine being the northest corner bounds of his lot from that westerly 112 pole to a black oke being the norwest corner bounds, from that southwards about 15 pols to a black oke being the south west corner bounds betwen him & Isack whftier from that esterly 113 pole to the first mentioned black oke [147] viz The 6"' and 7"" Lots is Aron bennets senier 2 Lots being bounded as followeth viz : at tlie Southest corner with a pitch tree between him and John cro and from that northwards about 30 pole to a black oke being the northest bounds and from that westerly 110 poles to a white oke being the norwest corner bounds, from that southerly 30 poles to a black oke being the southwest corner bounds betwen him and John Cro and from that esterl}' 112 poles to the first mentioned pitch pine tree, viz The 8'^ and 9"^ Lots are Jolin Leyes being bounded as followeth viz : at the southeast corner with a black oke betwen him and Aron benuet and from northerly about 80 poles to a white oke being his northest corner bounds from that westerly aboute 108 poles to a popler being his norwest corner bounds from that southerly about 30 poles to a white oke being the southwest corner l)ounds betwen him and aron bennet from that esterly 110 poles to the first mentioned black oke viz The 10*'' and ll*"^ Lots are Samuell Allin senier his lots being bounded as follow- eth viz: at the southest corner with a white oke betwen him and John Leys from that northwards about 30 poles to a pitch pine tree TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 89 being his nortliest corner bounds, from that westerly about 106 poles to a white pine being his northwest coi-ner from that south- erly about 30 poles to a popler tree being southwest corner bounds belwen him and John Ley viz The 12"' and 13"* Lots are onisiph- ros AUins l)eing bounded as followeth viz : at the southest with a pitch pine from that northward about 30 poles to a white oke being his northest corner bounds from that westerl^^ 108 to a red oke be- ing his norwest corner bounds from that southerly 30 poles to a white pine being the southwest corner betwen Samuell Allin and him and from esterly about 106 poles to the 1st mentioned pitch pine viz The 14'^ Lot is widdow hannah Leaches being bounded as followeth viz : at the southest corner bounds is a white oke be- twen her and onisiphros allin from that northwards about 15 poles to a pitch pine being the northest corner bounds of her lot from that westward about 109 poles to a stake and heap of stons being her northwest corner bounds then southerl}' about 15 poles to a red oke being her southwest corner bounds betwen her & onisiphros Allin. [148] viz The 15* Lot is Capt. John Siblees being bounded as followeth viz : at the southest corner with a pitch pine from that northerly about 15 poles to a red oke being his northest corner bounds from that westerly 109 poles to a pitch pine being his northwest bounds from that southerly about 19 poles to a stak and a heap of stons being his southwest corner bounds against hannah Leach from that 109 poles esterly to the first mentioned bounds. viz The 16"' Lot Insign Robbert Leach being bounded as folloeth viz : at the southest corner with a Red oke betwen him and Capt. Siblee from that northerly 15 poles and foot to a white oke being his northest corner bounds from that westerl}' 108 poles to a small popler being his northwest corner bounds from that southerly 15 poles and foote to a pitch pine being his southwest corner betwen him and Capt. Siblee viz The 17"' Lot is John Knowltons being bounded as followeth viz : at the southest corner with a white oke betwen him and Robbert Leach from that northerly 15 poles and 4 feet to a red oke being his northest corner bounds from that west- erly 108 poles to a bunch of maples being his northwest corner bounds from that southerly 15 poles and 4 foote to a small popler being his southwest corner bounds betwen him and Robbert Leach, viz The 18"' Lot is Samuell Leaches which is bounded as followeth viz : at the southest corner with a red oke betwen him and John Knowlton from that northesterly 15 poles and 5 foote to a Red oke 90 EARLY RECORDS OF being his northest corner bounds from that westerly 107 poles to a white oke being the northwest corner bounds, from that southerly 15 poles and 5 foote to a bunch of maples being his southwest corner bounds betwen him and John Knowlton from that to his first mentioned bounds viz. The 19"" Lot is Insign Robberd Leaches being as folloeth viz : the southest corner with a Red oke betwen him and Samuell Leach from that northwards 15 poles and 6 foote to a white pine being his northest corner bounds from that westerly 107 poles to a Red oke being his northwest corner bounds from that southerly 15 poles and 6 foote to a white oke being the south- west corner bounds betwen him & Samuell Leach from the estward to the first mentioned bounds viz. [149] The 20"' lot is Capt. Thomas Wests viz : at the southest corner with a white pine be- twen him and Robbert Leacli from that northward 15 poles and 7 foote to a maple being his northest corner bounds and from that westerly 106 poles to a white burtch being his northwest corner bounds and from that southwards 15 poles and 7 foote to a Red oke being his south west corner bounds betwen him and Robbert Leach viz The 2P' Lot is one quarter Samuell Leys and 3 quarters Abram raastuses Samuell Leys corner bounds is a maple from that northwards about 4 poles to a white pine being his northest cor- ner bounds from that westerly 106 poles to a stake and a heap of stones being his norwest corner bounds and from that southerly about 4 poles to a white burtch being his souwest corner bounds from that esterly to the first mentioned bounds. The southest corner bounds of Abram mastuses 3 quarters of the Lot is a white pine from northerly about 12 poles to a hemlock being his northest corner bounds from that westerly 106 poles to a black burtch being his northwest corner bounds and from that southerly about 12 poles to a stake and a heape of stones being his southwest corner bounds from that esterly to the first mentioned bounds viz. The 22'"' Lot belongeth to the parsonage and is bounded as followeth viz : at the southest corner with a hemlock betwen it and Abram mastuses from that northwards 15 poles and 9 foote to a white pine being his northest corner bounds and from that westerly 98 poles to a small maple neere Ipswich line and from thence upon Ipswich line to a maple being the northest bounds of Capt thomas Wests north lots and from that southerly 8 poles to a hemlock being the south- west corner bounds and from it esterly to the first mentioned bounds viz. The 23'' Lot is Widdow hannah Leaches and Jonses TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 91 or Ezekiell the other half and is bounded as followeth viz : at the soutliest corner with a white pine betwen it and tlie parsonage lot and from that northwesterly 20 poles to a hemlock it being the northest corner bounds and from that westerly' 72 poles to a hem- lock in Ipswich line and froni'that upon Ipswich line 30 poles to a small maple and from it esterly 98 poles to the first mentioned white pine viz. The 24'^ Lote is Samuell polins being bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a hemlock and from that 50 poles northwards to a walnut tree nere Ipswich line from that westerly upon Ipswich line 77 poles to a greate hemlock from that esterly- 72 poles to the first bounds. viz The 25*'' Lot is Capt. Thomas Wests being bounded as fol- loweth viz : at the northest corner with a maple in Ipswich line and from that westerly upon sd line 16 poles to a white pine from that southerly 129 poles to a white oke from that esterly to a black oke and that northwards 138 poles to the first bounds [150] viz. The 26'*' Lot is John coyes being bounded as followeth viz : at. the northest corner with a white pine tree nere Ipswich line from that westerl}^ upon sd line 17 pole to a hemlock from that southerlv 116 poles to a walnut tree from that esterlj' 13 poles to a white oke from that northerly 129 pole to the first bounds viz. The 27"" Lot is John Knowltons and widdow hannah Leaches bounded as followeth viz : northest with a hemlock from that upon Ipswich line westerly 18 poles to a hemlock from that southerly 105 poles to a white pine tree from that esterl}'^ 14 poles to a walnut tree from that northerly 116 poles to the first bounds viz The 28"* Lot is Capt John Siblees being bounded as folios, viz : at the northest with a hemlock nere Ipswich line from that westerly upon sd line 19 poles to a red burtch from that southerly 93 poles to a stake and a heape of stons from that esterly 15 poles and 2 foote to a white pine from that notherly 105 poles to the first bounds viz. The 29"' Lot is John Bishops be- ing bounded as folloeth viz : at the northest corner with a Red burtch from that westerly upon Ipswich line 21 poles to a white pine from that southerly 78 poles to a maple tree from that esterlj-^ 17 poles to a stake and heape of stones from that northerly 93 poles to the first bounds viz. The 30"' Lot is Abram mastuses being bounded as followeth viz : at the northest corner with a white pine upon Ip- swich line from that westerly 18 poles to a white oke upon sd Ip- swich line from that southerly 66 poles to a hemlock being the southwest bounds betwen sd mastus and Capt. Wests from that est- erly 30 poles to a maple tree being the southest corner bounds again^ 92 EARLY RECORDS OF Capt thonias Wests land from that northerly 38 poles to the first bounds which is a white pine viz. The 31" Lot is Capt. Thomas "Wests being bounded as foUoweth viz at the northest corner with a maple tree betwen him and Abram mastus from that westerly 30 poles to a hemlock betwen him and Abraham mastus from tliat south- westerly 39 poles to Morgins stump from that soutliesterly 44 poles upon sd Wests farm line to a black oke from that 66 poles north- wards to the first bounds, [151] viz The 32'^ Lot is Insign Robbert Leaches being bounded as foUoweth viz : at the northest corner with a hemlock from that 25 poles westward to a maple tree betwen him and Capt Wests from that southerly 66 poles to a black oke betwen him and Capt West from that 30 poles upon the farm line to a small maple tree from that northerly 86 poles to the first bounds viz. The 33*^ Lot is widdow hannah Leaches whicli lot now belongs to her son Samuel Leach bounded as folloeth viz : at the northeast corner with a white oke from that westerly 17 poles to a hemlock betwen her and robbert Leach from that southerl}'^ 86 poles to a small maple tree upon the farm line from that soutliesterly 22 poles to a white oke from that northwards 100 poles to the first bounds. viz The 34*"^ and 35* Lots and John normons being bounded as foUoweth viz : the northest corner with a small white oke be- twen him and Jams friend sd normons lots to Join to the south- est end of capt thomas wests lot and John coves lots and knowl- tons and hannah leaches half lots in the north Devision and so to a white oke being hannah Leaches northern bounds of her south lot and from sd white oke southerly 100 poles to a white oke be- ing the south west bounds betwen sd normons and hannaii Leach and from sd white oke south esterly about 38 poles upon the line of Capt. thomas Wests farm to a small white pine marked with 4 marks and from that northerly 125 poles to the first mentioned bounds viz. The 36"' Lot is James frinds being bounded as follows viz : at the north west corner with a white oke betwen and John normon from that southerly 125 poles to a small white pine betwen and John normon from that southesterly 15 poles to a white oke be- ing Joseph woodberys and Isack whitiers bounds from that notherly 134 poles to a stake and a heap of stons from that westerly 12 poles to the first mentioned white oke viz. The 37"' lot is Samuell AUin sen lying to the westward of the above named lots lying betwen the W tree and morgins swamp and samuel comings three quarters of a lot and Daniel Williams quarter of a lot being the 38"' lot and lyeth westwards of the foresd lot betwen it and the land thomas TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 93 whittiers and John coye had of the town of manchester for the par- sonage hous ' Capt. Thos. West Ins. Robbert Leach Capt. John Siblee John Ley Committee sealect for the sum totall of the abov sd rate amounting to the sum 24-19-09 mony at or before the 20"' Day of march next insu- ,ing the Date hereof as abovsd At a meting of the sealect men of manchester on the 20"^ Day of february 1701-2 thare was a town rate made to Defray seaverall town Debts namely to lieft John Siblee 04-00-00 and to mony expended about sending our town petession to the generall cort at boston ninteen shillings and to John Ley town dark for three yers last past in writing for the town 01-02-00 sd rate amounting to the sum of 06-09-07 mony and is commited to m"" George norton constable of manchester to collect and gather with a warrent thareto annexed whare in he is required to make payment of the sum of six pounds & one shelling at or before the twenteth Day of march next insuing the Date hereof and the overplus being 8 shillings 7 pence is allowed him for col- lecting sd rate and to pay it unto John Knowlton town treasurer and to clear his accounts with him at or before the 20"' of march next as abovsd [184] Reived April the forth 1702 of George norton the sum of one pound and four shillings in full for my swepingthe metten hous and ringing the bell I say reseved by me mark tricker TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 101 Aprill the twenteth seaven hundred and two received of m'' george norton constable for raanchester in the year last past the sum of forty and five pounds six shillings mony in full of sallerry for one whole year last past I say received by me Nicolous Webster [143] April 28 1702 we the subscribers being the sealectmen of manchester & glosester have met together & renewed the bounds betwen our sd towns from a white oak at the est end of grayes beach marked with W M & stons about it & from thence notherly on the line to a pine marked as abovsd & is called gardners tree and so on the line to the heape of rocks being the corner bounds betwen Ipswich Manchester and Glosester John Siblee Lieft John Ley for mancihester Thomas riggs Insign Joseph Allen for Glosester we whosnams are underwritten being appointed by the sealectmen of wenham and manchester this 28"" of April 1702 met together and renewed the bounds begining at a white oak nere gardners lot marked with W «&; M & from thence northerly renewed the bounds betwen our towns to a stump with a stake in it which standeth in Ipswich line which stump is called by the name of Dodges stump John Knowlton Benjamin Allen for manchester Thomas Edwards Benjamin Edvvards for Wenham It whare as we the subscribers did formerl}' laye out to John crow a small parsell of upland ground about one Acor be it more or less lying in manchester we being a committie chosen to laye out the abovsd ground as appears in our 2^ book of Records & their being as yet no entry of the bounds of the abov sd ground we the subscribers have met togather this 4"' day of January 1701 & have renewed the bounds which are as followeth at the norwest corner a heape of stons & from thence southwesterly to the rutes of a pine stump & stons upon it by the way side that goes to black cove and so southerly to a grate rock in the wall nere to the corner of sd crowes wall & from thence northesterly to a white oak stump within nicoaleses fence & from sd stump norwesterly to a heape of stons first abov mentioned & we order this our return to be a standing record as witness our hands this fourth day of January one thousand seaven hundred and two 170f capt thomas west John siblee robbert leach John Ley 102 EARLY RECORDS OF [145] It Whareas there was formerly a track of land laid out to thomas Jons of manchester lying on the west side of the way that goes to chebaco & the sd land is now in the possesion of Ezekiell knowlton purchaser & onisiplu'os allin hath a lot thare- unto joyning the bounds of sd lands betwen the sd persons not formerl}^ setled It is betwen the sd onysiphros Allin & Ezekiell knowlton the aforesd proprietors that upon consideration of oni- siphevos allin paying to tlie sd Ezekiell knowlton the sura of one pound in mony the sd allin sliall have a front upon the way about 4 pols wide to his lote according to the bounds hereafter mentioned from the nothermost corner of John Knowltons barn upon tlie che- bacco way aforesd notherly to a stake & norwesterly on a straight line to a stake standing by a rock & a heape of stons round sd stake westerly upon ony allins Land to John knowltons line & so to range esterly with John knowltons line tell it corns to the sd corner of his bounds & this to be a finall issue between us the abovsd parties of all controversies about the bounds of sd land & so agreed by us mutually to be entered in our town bok of records in manchester our standing bounds both for us & our heirs forever as witness our hands April 10'^ 1702 Witness nicolas webster Onisiphoros allin John Ley william Allin John tarrin Ezekiell Knowlton [183] Received of nV Georgnorton constable of manchester the sum of two pounds one shilling and one penney in mony upon the account of the county rate Commited to him to collect for thare sd town by orders of the sealect men June the 16"' 1702 John Appleton County treasurer [184] At a meting of tlie salectmen of manchester august the 26"^ 1702 tliare was cuntry rate made and commited to phillip nicoals constable of manchester to collect and gather amounting to the sum of 12-12-10 and make payment to Jams taylor treasurer as he shall reseive warant from sd treasurer It At a meting of the sealect men of manchester august the 26"^ 1702 thare is a town rate made for the pa3Mnent of m'' websters sallerry for half a year and other nesesary charges amounting to the sum of 24-17-04 mony and is commited to cunstable phillip nicoals to collect and gather with a warrant thare to annexed wliare in he is required to make payment of 22-10-00 to mr. webster and TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 103 twelve shillings to mark tricker and the over plus which is Ol-lo-O-l to the sealect men at or before the Last of September next Insuing the Date here of It at a meting of the sealect men of mancliester upon the S"^ Bay of September 1703 thare was a contry rate made and commited to cunstable aron bennet of manchester to collect and gather amounting to the sum of 23-17-06 and make pa3-ment to James tajdor treasurer as he shall receive warant from sd treasurer [185] Reed of m"" phillip nicoas constable of manchester two pounds being full of a warant for Eleven pounds reed for my master Jams taylor Boston March 2'^ 170§ Jer Allin's [186] It at a meting of the sealect men of manchester march the 28"^ 1703 Reckned with aron bennet as he was cunstable of man- chester for one town rate to him commited to him baring Date sept the 3'' 1 703 And Rest dew to the town the sum of fower pounds to ballance the accont of the abovsd rate [197] At a town meting Leaguall}^ warned and met to gather upon the 30"" Da}' of march 1703 Lieft John knits is chosen raod- erater for this present meting voted to chuse our town offisers for the yeare insuing by holding up of the hand which are as followeth It Aron bennet Junier cunstable for the 3'eare insuing It robberd leach John allin and John Ley sealectmen It John knowlton town treasurer for the year insuing and John Ley town dark for the year insuing It samuell lee and samuell allin Junier tithing men It John bishop dark of the markit for the year insuing and phillip nicols culler of fish for the year insuing It John pearce and william allin seavayers of high wayes It John crow and samuell Leach fence vewers and field drivers for the year insuing It voted to work two Days in a year to cut Down pine and hemlock brush that in- cumbers feding land that lyeth common and to work on the first tuesday in aprill next and the 2"^ tusday in October and th M'" George norten and John bishop and John knowlton to take the care that ever}' man Doth work his 2 Dayes upon the forfiture of two shillings a Day for any parson that neglects to work this 2 Dayes to be payed to the overseers to be expended on thos that Doe work [185] It At a meting of the sealect men of manchester September the 3'' 1703 thare was a town rate made for the payment of m"" nico- las Webster his sailer}' for one half yeare and other nesasary charges a in our sd town of manchester amounting the sum of 27-03-03 104 EAELY RECORDS OF mony and Is commited to constable Aron bennet to collect and gath- er with a warrant thare to annexed whare in he is required to make payment of 22-10-00 mony to mr nicolas webster and 12 shillings to mark tricker and to the sealect men five pounds one shilling and thre pence mony at or before the Last Day of September 1703 and to cleare his accounts with the sealect men at or before the twen- teth Day of October next insuing for the sum total of the above sd rate [185] It At a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 3*^ Day of September 1703 thare was a county rate made amounting to the sum of one pound ninteen shillings with a warrant theirto an- nexed wharein aron bennet cunstable of manchester to whom sd rate is commited is required to pay unto John appelton treasurer of our sd count}' one pound forteen shillings and three pence mon}' at or before the Last Day of Desember next Insuing the Date hereof and the overplus to the sealect men on the Day abovsd for the use of the town of manchester It At a meting of tlie sealectmen of manchester upon the 15'*^ Day of november 1703 thare was a cuntry rate made amounting to the sum of 23 pounds 16 shilling and one penney and is commeted to aron bennet cunstable of manchester to collect and gather as he shall receive warant from Jams taylor Gent treasurer and pay the gum of 23 pounds to the abovsd treasurer [153] At a meting of the proprietors of common Lands in the township of manchester Leagually and assembled to gather on the first day of february 170^ it was then voted by the propriators of the common Lands tliat the Devisions formerly voted on the 28'*^ Day of January 170^ being made set out and bounded acording to the sd vote : That the rest of the sd common Land shall be forth- with or as soon as the season of this 3'ear will permit be also Devided that is to say all such of the sd propriators as have more then one common or single share in the sd commons yet undevided shal have all such shar or shares set out and Devided and bounded to him or them tliat are so Intrested in the sd commons and tlie remainder of the said common Lands to remain in bulk to gather for the use and Improvement by Equall proportion of tlie sd i)ro[)riaters of the same each one having a proportion equall alik in the sd common Land it being a singall share to each propriater And it is voted at this sd mettingthat a committee be chosen and Impowered and are nowchoseu at this sd meting to Devide set out and bound as is abov TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 105 expresed to each propriater his Dew proportion more than his or thare singall shars as abovsd Each propriater sattisfing the sd com- raitie for tliar sarvis in so doing and pay the entry upon the propri- aters book of records for the same the sd committee being as follow- eth namely Lieft John Siblee thoraas west Robbert Leach John knowlton abram raastus John Ley Isack whitier Georg norten or the major part of them [186] It At a meting of the select men of manchester npon the 22*^ Da}' of february 170 J tliare was a town rate made amounting to the sum of 24 — 07 — 09 mony and it is commited to cunstable aron bennet to collect and gather forthwith with a warrant thareto anexed whare in he is required to pay to m'' nicholas webster the sum of 22-10-00 raony and to mark tricker 12 shillings for ringing the bell and to Discount Eight shillings of the abovsd rate with John Le}'^ for his sarving town dark in the year 1703 and the over- plus is allowed sd cunstable for collecting the abovsd rate and sd cunstable is to cleare his accounts with the sealect men for the sum totall of the abovesd rate at or before the 25* Day of march next insuing the Date hereof. It at a meting of the sealect men of manchester march the 28'^ 1704 Recnd with phillip nicoals as he was cunstable of manchester for all rates committed to him In the yeare 170f and all accounts ballanced [144] At a meting of the propriaters of the Common Land in maneliester upon the first Day of february 170| then granted to the house Lot formerly Jonses one half of a common rite which hous lot is now in the posession of Ezekiell knowlton purcheser April 6 1704 It we whos nams are underwritten being chosen a comraitte to renew bounds betwen the commons in manchester & perticular propriators have met togather this 6"^ day of April 1704 & have renewed the bounds of Robbert Leaches land that lyeth esterly of the saw mill pond which is bounded as followeth with a white oake tree on the south side of bishops point & in the line of the 400 Acors & from thence norwest to a hemlock & from thence northest to a hemlock & from thence est to a hemlock and from thence est to a white oake stump nere clay brook & from thence southesterl}^ to a beatch tree nere the way that goes to Kittle cove & from thence souwest to a white stump by the raeddow sid & so west b}' the meddow to the white first abov mentioned It As also 106 EARLY RECORDS OF the bounds of another parsell of Land which is bounded as follow- eth by a maple tree & from tlience esterly to a white oake with stons about it & from thence southest to another white oake stand- ing by tlie swamp side & so to a pitch pine & so to anotlier pitch pine on the bank of the beatch near the sea and from thence west- erly by the sea to a heape of stons nere eagle hill whitch is the north- est corner bounds of the 400 Acors & from thence northerly to a hem- lock & so northest bounded by the meddow to the maple tree abov sd John Siblee John knowlton committie It April the 6"' 1704 we whos nams are underwritten have renewed the bounds of John Knowltons bay berry march which was formerly nicolas vinisons as followeth beginning at the est corner a hemlock & so west to an- other hemlock from thence to a red oake and so noth to another red oak & norwest to a white pine it being the norwest bounds & from thence est to a white burtch standing on the est side of the brook that runs into the spruce swamp & southest at another white from burtch & so southerly to a white pine & so est to a red oake & red oak souwest to the hemlock abovesd. Capt John Siblee Ins Robbt Leach committie It Aprill the 6"' 1704 We whos nams are underwritten being chosen a committie to renew bounds have re- newed the bounds of Robbert Leach Samuell Leach & John Sil)lees Land in the brushe plain, begining at a pitch pine standing nere a swamp & so southerly to a white oak standing on the west side of a swamp & so west to a white oak & so west to a stake standing whar formerly stood three maples & from the stake notherly to a hem- lock it being the most norwest corner bounds of that Devision we have also renewed the bounds of the Land called the maple swamp beginning at a hemlock it being the souwest corner bounds of sd swamp & from thence norward to a maple & from the maple northerly to a red oake & southerly to a hemlock & so westerly to the hemlock abov sd John bishop John knowlton committie. It as also the, bounds of another parsell of Land lying at Kittle cove which is bounded as followeth viz : a white oake nere allins meddow & from thence norwest to a black burtch stump & from thence iioth- westerly to a white oake being a bounds of Samwell lot As also another parsell of land lying nere gloster line bounded with a white oake & thence westerly to a black oake being a bounds of John knowltons lots John Siblee John Knowlton Comitie TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 107 [185] It nianchester march y' 26 : 1704 Receved of m^ phillip nicoals constable for nianchester for the year one thousand seaven hundred and two in full forty five pounds mony I sa}^ received by me niclioUis Webster [188] It boston may the 9"» 1704 received of m"" Samuell leach cunstable of manchester 15-11-00 in full reed for m'' Jams taylor Treaserer Jer allins [182] It at a town meting in manchester Leaguly warned and met to gather June the 19"' 1704 John AUin senr moderater At the same meting beniamen Allin Is chosen to sarve on the Jury of tryals at the next inferier cort of pleas at Salera the last tusday of June curant [197] It at a town meting Leagually warnd and met to gather upon the 7"' of august 1704 the present selectmen are chosen as- sesers for this 3'ear Insuing [187] It at a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 27"' Day of february 1704' a town rate made amounting to the sura of 24-05-02 and a town rate made the first day of September 1704 amounting to the sum of 25-02-04 mony It a cuntry rate made the 10 day of august 1704 amounting to the sum of 47=02-06 [199] It at a town meting Leagually warnd and met to gather upon the 27'^ Day of march 1705 John bishop is chosen moderater for this present meting At the same meting are chosen town offl- sers for the 3'ear insuing to be chosen by holding up the hand It Robbert Leach John knowlton and aron bennet select men John Ley town dark John knowlton Town Treasurer Ezekiell knowlton constable for this year Insuing It willam hossum John bishop and beniamen allin seavaiers of high wayes It phillip nicoas and mark triker tithing men It John bishop dark of the markit It samuell stone and robbert Leach Jun'' fence vewers and field Drivers Wil- liam hosuni culler offish It the abov written town offlsers of whom an oath l)y law is re- quired are sworn to the faithfull Discharge of their Dooty for the yeare insuing before us the subscribers this 27"' of March 1705 robbert Leach sen' and Aron bennet Jun"^ Sealect men 108 EARLY RECORDS OF [186] It we whos nams are underwriten being apolnted to re- new the bounds betwen Manchester and Wenham and we met on the 24"^ of Aprill 1705 and b}'' ratitiall consent liave renewed the bounds betwen our towns begining at a white oake marked with W and M and so on the line renewed the bounds a stump with a stak in it with stons about it standing in Ipswich line the stump is called b}^ the name of Dodges stump Beniamen Edwards tiraoth}^ patch for Wenham John knowlten Aron bennet Jun' for Manchester It Aprill the 24"' 1705 we the subscribers being chosen by the sea- lectmen of manchester and Glosester have met togather and have renewed the bounds betwen our sd towns from a white oak at the est end of grayes beach marked with 4 marks and stons about it and from thence notherly in the line to a pine marked with 4 marks and stons about it called gardners tree and from sd gardners tree notherly to the heape of rocks being the corner bounds betwen manchester Glosester and Ipswich and this is our return robbert Leach John Ley for Manchester John Sargent thomas Bray for Glosester [187] It we whos nams are underwriten being sealect men of Beverly and such as we have appointed to preambulate on the bounds and line betwen the bounds of Beverly and Manches- ter together with whos names are underwriten being appointed by the seelectmen of manchester to preambulate upon the bounds and line betwen the towns afore sd accordingly met togather on the 24'^ day of Aprill 1705 and have preambulated upon the bounds and line betwen the towns of manchester and beverh^ afore sd viz from the middle of chubs creek so called and so to run in the middle of sd creek to a rock at the head of the nother brantch of sd crek which rock we renewed by laying stons upon sd rock and from sd rock to a white oake tree standing at the este end of pleasant pond so called which tree we renewed marking it with fower marks all the bounds were perambulated upon by the persons appointed by the sd towns in the year 1694 to perambulate upon the sd bounds and line aforsd as appears by ther return bearing Date the 30th of aprill 1694 for beverly thomas west for manchester John falch John Siblee Joseph lierick Ezekiell Knolton Robbert brisco [187] It October the 13"^ 1705 Reckned with william Allin as he was Cunstable in manchester for all rats commited to him in 1 704 and all accounts ballanced for the abovsd Rats TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 109 boston December ll"" 1705 It received of nV william Allin cunstable of manchester by the hands of m'' John Knowltonone pound and sixten shillings in full for ra"" Jams Taylor Treasurer which is in full of 47 = 02 = 06 paid to the abov sd treasurer for his other resaits [188] It Boston november the 29"^ 1705 Reed of m^ Ezekiell knowlton cunstable of manchester twenty three pounds two shil- lings in part Reed for m"' Jams tajdor treasurer Jer allins Itreckned with Sarah knowlton rellect to Ezekiell as he was cun- stable in the year 1705 for rats to him commit to him in the abovsd year and all accounts ballanced [187] Received of m'' John knowlton the sum of seventeen shillings and fower pence it being in full for what the town of man- chester assesed for the countie rate in the yeav 1705 John appleton treasurer Ipswich november 21 : 1705 [153] March the 4"^ 170| we whos nams are underwritten be- ing chosen a committee to Devide Sum part of our town of man- chesters commons Land at a meting of the propriaters of the abovsd common upon the 28"^ day of Janary ^f §f being a com- mittie chosen as appears by a vote in our third book of records and to Devide to Each common right the quantity of ten acors sd com- mon Land to be Devided three parts of sd Land next to gloster line kiltell cove and friends farm and tlie other 2 parts on the west side of the abovsd [154] And we have Laid out and bounded as foUoweth to each person his proportion acording to his right which are bounded as foUoweth fidelosett the first Lot to Abram masters and Sanniell Lee is bounded as foUoweth viz upon gloster line at the northest corner with a white oke and from that norwest- erly 15 pols upon gloster line to a bunch of maples and from that southwesterly by Isack Whitiers Lot to a red oke stump and from that Esterly by the highwa3'e that goeth to glosester to a great rock nere the corner of knightes fence. It The 2^* Lot is Isack Whitiers and is bounded as foUoweth viz. at the northest end upon gloster line a bunch of maples and at the norwest corner a black burtch and from that southwesterly by John knowltons lot southesterly to a pitch pine and from that est- erly to a Red oke stump between him and abram mastus and the abovsd lot is now in the possession of John knowlton purchaser 110 EARLY RECORDS OF It the 3*^ Lot is John kiiowltons and is bounded as followeth viz the first bounds upon gloster line is a black burtch northest and a black oke norwest and from that southwesterly by sd knowltons 4"" lot untill it corns to a white oke and from that esterly to a pitch pine betwen him and the abov sd whichers Lot the 4"" Lot is John knowltons and is bounded as followeth on gloster line 10 the first Bounds south est a black oke and nor west a black oke and from that southwesterly to a white pine and from that southesterly to a white oke being a bounds of the third Lot It the 5* Lot is Abram mastuses and is bounded as followeth on gloster line 10 poles southest a black oke and norwest a white oke and from that southwesterly by Samuell Leaches lot to a white pine and from that esterly to a whit being a bounds of John 4''' Lot [155] It the 6* Lot is Samuell Leaches and is bounded as fol- loweth upon gloster line at the Este end 10 pols the first bounds at the southest corner a white oke and at the norwest corner a white oke and from tliat south wester] 3^ to a pitch pine and from that est- erly to a white pine being a bound of betwen him Abram Mastus lot. It The 7"' Lot John bishops and is bounded as followeth upon gloster 10 pols the first bounds at the southest corner is a white oke and at the norwest a white oke stump and rocks about it and from that Southwesterly by capt Wests Lot to a Red oke and from that Esterly to a pitch pine being a bounds betwen him and Sam- uell Leachs Lot. It The 8"' Lot is capt thomas Wests and is bounded as follow- eth upon gloster line 10 pols at the soutliest corner with a white oke stump and at the norwest with a black burtch and from that southwesterly by Samuel Leaches Lot to a black oke and from that esterly to a red oke being a bounds betwen him and John Bishop It the 9"' Lot is Samuell Leaches and is bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a black burtch and at the norwest with a white oke and from that southwesterly by Joseph Woodberyes to a white oke and from that Esterly to a black oke it being a bounds betwen him and capt. west It the 10"^ Lot is Joseph Woodberyes and is bounded as follow- eth at the southest corner with a white oke and at the norwest with a heap of stons and from that southwesterly by onysephros allins lot to a black oke and from that Esterly to a white oke it being a bounds betwen him and Samuell Leach TOWN OF MANCHESTER. Ill It the 11*'' Lot is onysipbros Allins and is bounded as followeth at tlie southest corner with a heape of stons and at the norwest with a wliite olie and from that south westerly' b}- Jolin Leys lot to a pitch pine and from that Esterly to a black oke it being a bounds betwen him and Joseph woodberj's lot. It the 12"' is John Leyes and is bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a white oke and at the norwest Avith a Red oke and from that southwesterly by Robbert Leaches Lot to a white oke and from that Esterly to a pitch pine it being a bounds betwen him and Onisiphros allins lot [156] It the 13"' is Robbert Leaches and is bounded at the southest corner with a red oke and at the norwest with a beatch and from that southwesterly by Samuell Stons lot to a stump and stons about it and from that Esterly to a white oke it being a bounds betwen him and John Leys Lot It the H"' Lot Samuel Stons and William Allins and is bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a beatch and at the nor- west with a white oke and from that southwesterly by Robbert Leaches lot to a stump with stons about it and Esterl}' to a stump it being a bounds betwen him and robber Leaches lot and all these 14 lot Joyn to gloscter line at the norwest end as allso the 15"' Lot being robbert Leaches It the IS*** Lot is Robbert Leaches and is bounded as followeth at the southest : corner with a white oke and at the norwest with a white oke and from southwesterly by the common on a strait to a hemblock neere millits so called and from that Esterly to a stump betwen him and Samuell Stone and William allins Lot It the 16"' Lot is John crowes and is bounded at the South end upon the Sea and the Southest corner bonds is a white oke and from that notherly to a white pine on the south side of the high- wa}' that goeth to kittle cove and from tliat southerly by John coyes lot to a pitch pine nere the Sea and from that Esterly by the Sea to the abovsd wliite oke being his first bounds It the 17"' Lot is John coyes and is bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a pitch pine betwen him and John crow and from that notherly to a pitch pine and from that norwest to a white pine and from that southerly by Samuell allins lot to a pitch pine : It the 18"' Lot is Samuell allins which was william Sen" rite and is bounded as followeth on the southest corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly to a pitch pine and from norwest to a white 112 EARLY RECORDS OF pine and from that a southerly by the parson lot to a pitch pine near the Sea at the South end [157] It the 19"" Lot is the parsonage lot and is bounded as followeth on the southest corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly by Samuell allins lot to a white pine and from that nor- west to a pitch pine and from that southerly by Sauniell Leaches lot to a pitch pine nere the Sea alies ben and richerd It the 20* Lot is richard & beniamen Leaches and is bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a pitch pine and from that northerly by the parsonage lot to a pitch pine and from that nor- west to a pitch pine and from that southerly to a pitch pine nere the Sea. It the 21 Lot is John normons and is bounded as followeth on the Southest corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly by richard and beniamen Leaches lot to a pitch pine and from that norwest to a white oke stump w' rocks about it and from that noth- erly by Samuell polins Lot to a pitch pine being the southwest corner bounds of sd Lot. It the 22'' Lot is Samuell polins and is bounded as followeth on the "southest corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly by John normons lot to a white oke stump and from that norwest to a Red oke and from southerly by Joseph woodberyes lot to a pitch pine being the south west corner bounds of said Lot It the 23*^ Lot is Joseph woodberyes and is bounded as followeth on the south est corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly by Samuell polins Lot to a red oke and from that to a hemlock and from that southerly by Samuell corings lot to a pitch pine being the southwest corner bounds of sd lot It the 24*'' Lot is Samuell Comings and is bounded as followeth on the southest corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly by Joseph woodberyes Lot to a hemlock and from that norwest to a white pine and from ihat southerly by onysiphros allins lot to a pitch pine being the southwest corner bounds of sd lot It the 25"" Lot is onysiphros allins and is bounded as followeth on the southest corner with a pitch pine and from that notherly by Samuell comings lot to a white pine and from that norwest to a black burteh and from that southerly by John and beniamen allins lot to a pitch pine being the southwest corner bounds of sd lot [158] tlie 2G"' Lot is John and beniamen allins and is bounded as followeth at the southest corner with a pitch pine and from ihat TOWN OF 3IANCIIESTER. 113 notlierly b}' onysipboros all ins lot and to a black burtcb and from that norwest to a pitch pine and from that southerly neere ajoyn- ing to graves farm to a pitch pine and being the southwest corner bounds of the abov sd lot and is the southest corner bounds of graveses farm then next lots are on y*^ westerly part of the town on y^ southerd of y^ great Hill It the 27"' Lot is capt Thomas Wests and is bounded as follow- eth at the south west corner with a black oke stump with rocks about it and from that Esterly to a pitch pine and from that noth- erly by Joseph and Jonathan allins lot to a popler and from that westerly to a rock and from that south westerly to a beatch neere ajoyning to Joseph woodberyes land and by sd woodberyes land southestly to the bounds first mentioned It the 28"" is Joseph and Jonathan allins and is bounded as fol- lowetii southwest corner a pitch pine and southest a black oke and from that notlierly by John normons lot to a black oke and norwest corner a black burtch and from that southerly by capt lot to a pitch pine It the 29"' Lot is John normons and is bounded as followeth on the south west corner a pitch pine and from southest to a pitch pine and from that notlierly to a black oke and norwest a black oke It the 30"' Lot is Georg nortons and is bounded as followeth at the southwest corner a black oke and southest a pitch pine and from that notherly to a white oke and norwest to a black oke It the 31 Lot is richard and beniaraen Leaches and is bounded as followeth at the southwest corner a pitch pine and southest a black oke and from notlierly to a black oke and from that norwest to a white oke [159] It the 32'' Lot is Aron bennet sen"" and Ezekiell knowl- ton to Each of them half a Lot apece and is bounded as followeth at the south west corner with a pitch pine and at the south est with a black oke and from that notlierly to a white oke and from that norwest to a black oke It the 33'' Lot is John Leyes and is bounded as followeth at the southwest corner with a pitch pine and from that southest to a pitch pine being a bounds of aron bennets land and from that notherly and to his own land to a whit oke by sd bennets land to a black oke and from that noi* westerly to a red oke stump and from that to the norwest corner bounds which is a white oke and from that southesterly by aron bennets and 8 114 EARLY RECORDS OF Ezekiell knowltons land to the pitch pine first above named and so on a strait line to George nortons Land It the 34"' Lot is Nathaniell Stons and is bounded as follovveth on the southwest corner with a white oke and at the southeast ■with a red burtch and from that notherly to a black oke and from that norwest to a red oke It the 35"" Lot is capt. John Siblees and is bounded as on the southwest corner with a white oke and southest a red burtch and from that notherly to a red oke and from that to the norwest corner which is a black oke It the 36"' Lot is aron bennet sen"' and is bounded as followeth at the southwest corner with a white oke and southest a white oke and from that notherly to a black burtch and norwest red oke It the 37"' Lot is capt. tliomas wests and is bounded as follow- eth at the southwest corner with a white oke and southest with a red oke and from that notherly to a beatch and norwest a black burtch and is bounded esterly upon the common and the last eleven lots are to butt or ajoyn to Joseph woodberye John crowes daniniell williamses Isack whitier Georg nortons aron bennets and John Leys lands at the Este end of the above sd Lots and on the common at the norwest end of sd lots [160] It the SS"' Lot is Robbert Leaches and is bounded as followeth on the north side with his own land which he bought of Aron bennet at Kittle cove and from that southerly allins mash to a pitch pine neere the highway that goeth Cro Island at Kittle cove and from that norwesterly by the sd way tell it coms to the way that goeth to glosester and from that Esterly to the wester- most corner of the abovsd Leaches Land which he bought of the abovesd aron bennet It All the which abovsd thirty eight Lots are laid out and bounded by us the subscribers namely capt thomas west capt John Siblee Robbert Leach John Ley Abram Mastus John knowlton comraittie At a meeting of the proprietors in manchester november 21"' 170G it is Voted and agreed to lay out 50 or GO Acors of land at TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 115 the west end of our common for a wood lot and no wood nor tim- ber to be out of from sd lot to be sould out of our sd town of man- chester on i)enaltie of a fine for every cord of wood and so far ev- ery tun of timber and sd lot to be laid out by the committie for the Devision of our common Land It ata meeting of the committee November the 22'^ 1706 then laid out fora wood lota small parsill of common land at the west end of our common and is bounded asfolloweth atthosouthest corner with a beatch being the northest corner bounds of capt wests lot laid out to him in the last Devission and from that notherly to a white oke marked with 4 marks and ajoyning to the west Devission and all the common Land lying betwen the west Devission and the este Devission Lots Ij'ing to the west of the abov sd bounds to Joseph woodberyes land is prohibitted that no wood nor timber shall be cut nor carryed to any water side or landing place and exposed to sale out of our town of manchester upon the penaltie of paying the [161] sum of ten shillings a cord for every cord of wood and ten shillings for ever}- tun of timber so found and so to remain for the towns use at home in the town and so for more or less quantytie of wood or timber and phillip nicoals and william hossum sen"" are to oversee the abovsd wood lot and to make reporte to the town treasurer who sliall prossecute the breakers of the abovsd order in the behalf of the propriaters of sd common as the Law Derects and return 3 parts of such fins to the propriaters to thare own use and behoof capt Thomas "West capt John Siblee Robbert Leach John Ley Abrara mastus John knowlton committie [161] It Whareas we the subscribers did formerly lay out to phillip nicoals a small parsill of ground about one acor be it more or Less lying in manchester we being a committee chosen to lay out the abov sd ground as appears in our 2*^ book of Records in manchester and thare being as yet no fair Entry of the bounds of the abovesd ground we the subscribers have met to gether this 28"" Marcli and have renewed the bounds which bounds are as foUoweth viz : at the norwest with a heap of stons on a rock nere phillip nicoals hous and from that esterly to a rock with a 116 EARLY RECORDS OF ^eape of stons upon a rock neer to sd nicoals barn and from thence ■southesterly to a heape of stons and from thence westerly to a ■heape of stons which is the southwest corner bounds and ajoyning •to abram mastuses land and from that notherl}' b}^ said niastuses iLand to the heap of stons neere nicoals hous first above mentioned and we order this to be recorded in our towns book of records to ^be a standing record the al)ovsd land being formerly granted to irobbert and is now herby conveyed to the abovsd phillip nicoals .as witness our hands this 28"^ day of March 1704 Capt John Siblee Eobbert Leach John knowlton ^ John Ley capt Thomas west committie and I robber niarvin being present at the entr^' request that the rabov sd grant may be entered to phillip nicoals as witness mj' hand this 28"' day of March 1704 the mark R of robert marvin Atest John Ley town dark [162] It "Whereas as wc the subscribers did formerly laye out to William hossom a small parsell of land and it falls short of a grant made to him in our 2^ book of records we the Subscribers 'have met togather upon this 28"* day of March 1704 and have layed out to the abovsd william hossom a small parsell of land of :about three quarters of an acor be it more or less which land is bounded as followeth viz westerly with mr Joseph woodberys farm line and ajoyning to sd woodberys stone wal tell it coms to iiicoalses stone wall at the south end and by sd wall esterly to a heape of stons nere the corner of sd nicoaleses wall and from thence notherly on a straite line by thomas aireses land to a heape of stons nere the highway and nere ajoyning to his own land and from thence westerly by his own land to sd woodberj'es line abovsd Robbert Leach Capt Thomas west John knowlton John Ley committie [188] It Boston august the IS''' 1706 Reed of m' Ezekeele knowl- ton cunstable of manchester by m"^ John knowlton five pounds one shilling in full reed for m' Jams taylor treasurer Jer allins TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 117 It march y'= 20'^ 170^ then received ofcunstable Ezekiell knowl- ton ciinstable for manchester the year last past the sum of twent}'- two pounds and ten shillings it being in full for ni}' sallery to the first of October last past received by me Nicolas Webster It as also paid to m'' webster 22 = 10 = 00 more as apears by his reseits It At a meting of the select men march the 24"^ 170f then reckned with Sarauell Leach as he was cunstable of manchester in the year 1706 for all rats to him commited in the 5'ear abovsd and thare remains to liallance all accounts the sum of 15-11-00 which mony is Dew to the cuntr}' treasurer [189] It a rate made and commited to Samuell stou cunstable of manchester amounting to forty six pounds and seaventeen shil- lings and six pence to cleare and pay to the treasurer at boston forty six according as he shall receive warant from him and to pa}' the remainder to the sealectmeu for the towns use Samuell lee samuell Leach sealect John Knowlton men this present rate made the 20**^ of august 1707 It a town rate made the 16"" of august 1707 amounting to twenty five pounds and ten shillings and to pa}'^ to m'' webster twenty two pounds and ten shillings at or before the Last of September next insuing the Date hereof and 12 shillings to mark tricker and the rest to the sealectmeu for the towns use and commited to Samuel Stone to collect b}' the sealect men of manchester Samuell Lee ~] selectmen John Knowlton )■ of Samuell Leach J manchester It Reckned with beniamen allin as he was cunstable of manches- ter for all the rats commited to him in the yeare 1708 that is to say for town and cuntry rats and thare remains Dew from sd allin to the cuntr}' 22 = 18 == 00 and to m'' nicas webster 22 = 10 = 00 mony and to mark tricker Eight shillings and to the town for over plus mony 1-17-0 beniamen allin cunstable of manchester his X mark 118 EARLY RECORDS OF It payed out of the over plus monj' raised ben allins rats to :aron bennet expence in runging the line 00 = 03 rr 00 and to John ley town dark for 3 3'ears 00 rr 17 := 00 and paid to John knowlton for luony lent to supply souldiers 01 = 00 = 00 and 4 shillings to the cunstable allowed him 00 =: 04 = 00 [86] At at town meting in manehester the 13"' 170| a com- mittie chosen to seate our meting hous fortiiwith namel}' John knowlton Joseph woodbery John allin samuell Leach Samuell Lee John Ley capt Siblee [199] It at a town meting Leagually warned and met togather upon the 26"^ Day of march 1708 John bishop is chosen moderater for this present meting voted to chus our town offisers for the year insuing by holding up the hand at the same meting are chosen for sealect men for thisyeare capt John Siblee Robbert Leach John knowlton Beniamen Allin cunstable for this 3'eare insuing and is sworn John ley town dark and is sworn onisiphros tithing man phillipnicoals tithing man and is sworn mark tricker and ephram Jons seavayersof fences and is sworn John knowlton town treas- urer John allin seava3'er at the est end of sd tovvn and is sworn [200] It Robbert Marvin sevayer of highways at tlie west end of our sd town to aron bennets hous John pearce culler of fish and is sworn John bishop dark of the markit at a town meting in manehester march y*^ 26"' 1708 whare as thare is a complaint exhibited by Jams robason of l)oston against our sd tovvn of man- ehester bearing Date february the 16"" 1707^ It is voted at this sd meting m'' John knowlton shall appeare at the sessions at I[)swich to make answer in the behalf of our town of manehester to the abovsd complaint and thare in to proseed as the law Derects [189] It at a meting salect men of manehester upon the 27 Day of august 1709 thare was a rate made amounting to the sura of 28 = 14 =: 05 to pay'= m"' webster one half'yers sallerry and our towns proportion to the county rate and other nessary tovvn charges and is commited to constable thomas pitman to collect and gather with a warrant thare to annexed whare in he is required to make payment of the abovsd sum acording to the Derections given him in sd warrant and to cleare his accounts with the tovvn treasurer at or before the last Da^- of October [190] next insuing the Date TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 119 hereof that is to say to m^ vvebster 22 =: 10 = 00 and to mark tricker 00 = 12 r= 00 and to John Ley sen"" 01 r= 08 = 00 and to Samuell Stone 00 = 06 = 00 and the over plus wliich is 03 =: 18 = 05 to John Knowlton town treasurer It at a meting of the salect men of raanchester upon the 18"' Day of february 1709^'^ thare was a rate made amounting to the sum of 26 r3 05 m 02 to pay m'' websters one lialf a years sallery and other nessary town charges and is commited cunstable tliouias pitman to collect and gather forthwith with a warrant thare to annexed wherin he is required to make payment of the sum of 22 = 10 = 00 to m"^ nicoLas webster at or before the 22*^ Day of march next insuing the Date hereof and the overplush which is 03 =: 15 =: 02 and to cleare his accounts with the town treasurer at or before the 22** Day of march next for the sum total of this rate [190] It reckned with thomas pitman cunstable of manchester for the year 1709 for all our town rats commited to him in the yeare 1709 and thare remains Dew to the town from sd pitman cunstable of manchester the full and Just sum of 26 :rr 14 = 04 in mony to be payed fortliwith upon Demand to the town treasurer or his order march the 16"^ 1709^" thomas pitman cunstable of manchester and the abovsd is to satisfie all town Debts in the year 1709 that is to sa}' to m" nicolas webster for his last half of the yere 1709 22 = 10 = 00 and to the county treasurer 01 r= 08 r= OS and to John Lee junier for mending the meting hous seats 00 zn 06 r= 00 and to a ladder to the parsonag hous 00 = 03 = 00 and to mark tricker 00 =: 06 = 00 and to William Iiosum 00 =: 06 = 00 and to John Ley senier for sarving town dark and other expense in the towns behalf in the yeare 1709 00 = 16 = 00 and to John knowltons expenses for the town this yeare 00 = 15 rr 03 [191] it boston Desember 14'" 1709 Reed of m"' thomas pitman cunstable of manchester twenty pounds in part for m"^ Jams tayler Jent Jer allins 120 EARLY RECORDS OF It Boston June 28"^ 176 Reced of m"' tlionias pitman cunstable of manehester twenty pound in part for m'^ Jams tayler Jer Allins January 8'" 1710. [192] Reed of m'' robbert warrin constable of manehester twenty-six pounds three shillings and six pence in part reed m' James taylor treasurer Jer Allins [191] It aprill the 15 1710 — then reed of m'' cunstable thomas pitman in full for 3'*^year last past twenty two pound and ten shillings I say reseived by me m"^ nicklous webster It September the 18"^ 1710 then received of cunstable thomas pitman four pound and eleven pence Dew to me from the town I say received by me John knowlton town treasurer It Boston October 16"^ 1710 Reed of m'' thomas pitman cun- stable of manehester by m"" phillip nicols six pounde in full reed for m'^ Jams taylor treasurer Jn" wheelwright [192] It march the 26"^ 1711 then received of cunstable rob- bert warrin twenty two pound and ten shilling in full for the first half of the year past I say received by me nicolas webster It march the 26"^ 1711 received of cunstable warrin in part for his second rate for the year past seaven pounds sixteen shillings and sixpence I say received b}- me niclos webster [191] It the bounds betwen beverly and wenhara and Glosester and manehester are renewed by the sealect men and oficers by thare orders upon the seavententh Day of aprill 1711 [200] At a town meting in manehester on the 7*^ of august 1711 it is voted that the present select men shall be assesers for this year insuing [30] July the 24"" 1711 there was a procklametion red to take all Desarters that have Desarted her majesties 8arvis in this expe- dition to Canada on penalt}^ of fifty pounds fine or twelve months Imprissonment for any that shall entertain any of them and this was red in manehester about 2 of the clock in the afternoon [191] It at a meting of tlie sealect men of mancheister upon the 27"' Day of August 1711 thare was a contr}' rate made and is commeted to constable robbert leach to collect and gather as he shall receive warrant from Jams taylor Gent treasurer sd rate amounting to the sum of 47-06-00 TOWN or MANCHESTER. 121 [192] It boston august the 24*" 1711 Rood of m"" robbert war- rin cunstableof inanchester by the hand of m'' David Edwards nine pounds nine sliillings in part reed for m" Jams taylor treasurer Will™ taylor [191] It at a meting of the select men of manchester upon the 27* day of 1711 thare was a rate made and commetted to robbert Leach constable of manchester amounting to the sum of 25-09-00 mony to Defray our town and county charges and is comraited to him to collect and gather forthwith with a warant thare to annexed whare in he required to make payment acording to the abov sd warrant [192] It Boston november the 1 1*^ 171 1 received of m' Robbert warrin constable of manchester seaven pounds ten and sixpence in full for m'' Jams taylor treasurer theo Lillie It manchester noveml)er 15*'' 1711 then received of m"" cunstable robbert warrin in full for his second rate forteen pounds thirten shillings and sixpence — I say received by me nicolas webster [212] May y'^ 23, 1711. The Proprietors of y*" Land Called y^ Four Hundred Acres have agreed to settle and state according as it hath been formerly bounded to Every Man as they have Pros- sessed As followeth ; That is to Say : That All the Land Aioyning to y" Widow Leaches house, Being about seaventeen Acres. Bounded as followeth : Viz : Southerly by the Land of Robert Leach Sen'" Westerly by y** way that goes to Chebaccho Northerly upon y" Brook called the Beaver Dam-Brook ; Eastwardly by y* fence that fences in y*" Widdow Knowlton & Jn° Knowltous Meadows : Said Lands as above Said is sett of By y" Proprietors of y* Said four hundred Acres to Richard Leach, and Benjamin Leach, As their part in Said four hundred Acres in y*^ Right of their Father Sam" Leach De- ceased to have and to hold Said Land according to Bound Marks. Further the said Proprietourshave Set of to Said Richard & Benja- min Leach, One Acre and half of Meadow lyening in y^ Cold Spring- Meadow Bounded Westwardly upon y*" Upland, Northerly upon Bartletts Meadow Eastwardly by y* Brook : Southwardly by y'' Al- iens Meadow to Have & to Hold s*^ Meadow According to Bound Marks : — AUso two Acres of Upland upon Bishops Point bounded Easterly upon Sam' Allen &Jn° Knowlton S. E. on Meadow. Allso about one Quarter of an Acre near Stevens his Houses, and twenty Pole or thereabouts upon y^East of y^ way (near y*^ Saw Mill) that goes to Chebaccho : To Have and to Hold Said Land according to Bound Marks ; to be their whole Part in sd 400 Acres. Wee the 122 EARLY RECORDS OF Proprietours have sett of to Robt. Leach Sen' as liis whole Right in y'^ four Hundred Acres ; Tliat is to Say Ajoyning to Robt. Leacli J""" about Seven Acres ; Bounded Westwardly upon Jn° Knowltons Lanci ; Northerly upon y"" Town Common ; Eastwardly upon y" way that goes to Chebaccho ; South as y*" way goes to Said Knowltons Land ; And Seaven Acres in the Plainfield ; Bounded Southerly upon Jn" Knowltens Land Westerly by y* way near Rob' Leach j""' house : Northwardly upon Richard and Benjamin Leaches Land, Eastwardly by Richard and Benjamin Leaches Meadow : AUso three Acres of Upland Bounded Southerly upon y® way that goes to Kittle Cove ; Westerly upon Joseph Aliens Land ; Notherly upon P. Leaches own Land or Meadow ; Easterly upon Eliab Littlefield & Jn° Bishops Land : And two Acres and halfe of Meadow ; Bounded Westward ly upon P. Leaches owne Land : Northerly upon y^ Land ©f Richard and Benjamin Leach ; Eastwardly upon Stones Land ; Southerly' upon said Littlefield & Bishops Land : And about an Acre of Meadow near and ajoyning upon Charles Stevens upland : And about Twenty Pole of Upland near the Saw Mill and ajoyning upon y*^ Way near Tarrings house ; And Allso about Eight Acres & a Quarter of LTpland lying upon the fresh Meadow Rock. Bounding West upon Josei)h Allen, Northerly upon y" way, Easterly upon said Littlefield and Bishops Land ; Southerly upon y"^ g' Neck fence. And allso ten Acres of Upland lying in y* Great Neck called y*" Old Lott ; Bounded Westward ly upon y^ great Creek ; Northerly upon land of Onicephorus Allen ; Easterly to y* Sea ; Southerly upon the Land of y* Widow Knowlton, South East Corner Bound being a White Oake. [213] Allso about Two Aci-es and halfe of Upland butting upon y" way y' leads thro y'' Great Neck, And about four Acres where said Leaches house and Barn now stands, all within fence ; Salt Marsh and Upland. And about an Acre and halfe of Upland upon y^ Northside the way near said Leaches owne house : Bounded Westvvardly upon land of Mrs. Carter Northerly upon y" way near y*' Widow Trickers house easterly upon Sam" Leaches Lott : And halfe an Acre of Marsh in y* Great Neck y" Neck Cove ; Said Rob' Leach to have and to hold all the above sd Land, All and Every Part and Parcell of them according to y" severall bound marks. And this to be his Part on y"^ four hundred acres. Wee y" Proprietours have sett of Sam" Leach his wliole right in y" four hundred Acres ; It is agreed that the said Leach Shall have five Acres of Upland ajoyning Westwardly to his house bounded Wester- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 123 \y upon y^ end of Severall Lotts and as bis fence and Wall now stands ; And Northerly toy' Mill Brook as the Ciiannell goes to Sam^' Lees Meadow ; And Easterly npon Lee and Littlefields Land & South- erly^ upon y^ way near his owne house : And allso a Small Piece of Ui)land aboutan acre, Said Leaches Barn standing npon part of it ; Bounded Southerly upon Rob' Leacli's land and the way ; And AVesterly upon said Rob' Leach's Land ; Northerly upon Jn** Knowl- ton's Land. And about a Quarter of an Acre on y' South Side of y*^ way near Said Leache's owne house. Allso about eighteen Acres of Ui)laiid and Salt Marsh Bounded Westerly upon Bishops Marsh Southerly upon y*' Marsh, Eastvvardly as y" fence stands, or to y' way y' goes to y"" great Neck : Northerly upon Jn° Bisliops Land ; Allso about five Acres lying in y'' Great Neck, Bounded Eastwardly upon Jn" Lee Nortlierly upon Jn" Bisliops Land Westerly to y' Cove called y' Neck cove. Southerly upon y'' Land of Joseph Pickworth now in y*^ Possession of said Sam" Leach & Ju" Lee. Allso Two Acres of fresh Meadow ; Bounded Northerly upon Bartletts Meadow Westwardly upon y** Creek, Southerl}^ upon y"" Aliens Meadow ; Easterl}' upon Richard & Benjamin Leach's Land ; Said Sam" Leach to have & to hold all the above sd Parcells of Upland & Meadow Ground ; being Sett of by y'' Proprietours as all his Part in y^ four hundred Acres. Cap' Jn" Siblee being a Proprietour in y^ four hun- dred Acres wee the Proprietours have sett of to y*^ Administrators of Cap' Jn" Siblee Namely to Elial) Littlefield and Jn** Bishop their Whole right in said four hundred acres as Administrators io said Siblees Estate tliat is to sa}'' ; Eight Acres of Upland and Meadow; Bounded Westerly upon Sam" Leach's Land ; Northerly upon Charles Stevens Land ; Easterly upon Jn" Aliens and Sam^ Fiske ; Soulhcrly upon y*-' Wa}' near Eliab Littlefields barn. And about an Acre where said Littlefield's house and barn now stands. Bounded Southerly upon Knowltons Salt Marsh, South East Corner Bounds a white Cake Stump. Then Westerly as the Marsh now goes to Rob' Leach's fence. Westerly by Rob' Leach's fence ; Northerly by y*" way ; P^asterly by said Fiskes Land Allso Ten Acres of Up- land and Swamp bounded Westerly with y" Cove called y*^ Neck cove. Northerly by Leach's Land Easterly upon Lee's Lott ; South- erly upon Sam" Leach's Land. Allso fourteen Acres or y'' abouts ajoyning upon Graves his farme. Elasterly & Southerly upon y* Sea ; Westerly ui)on Rob' Leach's Land Northerly upon Allen's Meadow an allso about half an Acre of Laud on y® South side of y" way to 124 EARLY RECORDS OF Kittle Cove, near y^ Causeway to Eliab Littlefield his heirs &c. [214] And about an Acre and lialf of Meadow, bounded to y^ Ui)land East and West ; Northerly by Sam^^ Stones Meadow & Souther)}' by Pickworth's Meadow ; Allso about an Acre lying near Abraham Masters his house, Bounded Westwardl}' upon y*^ way near y" Ministry house ; And Northerly by sd Masters his land y' his house stands upon, ICastwardly upon Sam" Leachs land ; Southerly upon Jn" Knowltons Land ; And al)out twenty Pole of Upland between y'' Saw Mill & Knowltons Lott ; The above sd Land is laid out to said' Littlefield and said Bishop, as Administra- tors to y*" Estate of sd Jn° Siblee ; And the Proprietours have sett out all the above sd Parcells of Upland and Meadow with two Acresof Salt Marsh ajoyning to Jn" Bishops & Sam" Leach's Land to them said Littlefield and Bishop it being all their Part in the four hundred Acres ; To have and to hold sd Land according to y* severall bound marks. We y'' Proprietours of the four hundred Acres have sett of to Onicephorus Allen his Whole Part in y^ four hundred Acres as foUoweth. That is to sa}' eight Acres of Upland and Swamp in y^ Great Neck. Bounded South with Land of Rob' Leach : Westerl}^ upon Carters Salt Marsh ; Northerly upon Land that was formerly Sam" Aliens deceased. Eastwardly to y^ Sea. Allso an acre and halfe of Upland and Marsh where his house stands : Bounded Noi'therly by y^ Way, Easterly by y® widdow Al- len, vSoutlierly to y*^ Creek, West b}- Fisk ; and an Acre of Salt Marsh lying on y*^ South side of Sam" Leach's Marsh. Allso five Acres of Upland and Meadow bounded West upon fiske ; North- erly to Jn'^ Aliens Lott, Easterly upon foster and Carter; South- erly upon y*^ vvay, And ten Acres of Land upon the fresh Meadow Rocks ; And Six Acres in y<= Plain field now sold to Jn° Knowlton ; and Three Acres near Jn° Knowlton's iiouse ; All sold to Jn° Knowlton and now in his Posession ; And tiie land that is now in said Aliens Posession, And all the Land above sd we the Proprie- tours have sett over to said Allen according to Bound marks. Whereas William Allen "'"' Deceased was a Proprietour in the four hundred Acres ; We the Proprietours have sett out his part in said four hundred Acres to Sam" Fiske and the Aliens ; That is to say four Acres of Upland and Meadow where william Allen's house Stood ; and on y'^ South Side of y" way one Acre and halfe of Up- land and Meadow against his other lott; and Two Acres and halfe on the great Neck now in y*" Possession of the Aliens ; And one TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 125 Acre of Salt Marsh in y^ g' Neck ajoyning to Sam" Leachs Upland ; and three Acres upon y" fresh Meadow Rocks in y*^ Posession of Joseph and Sam" Allen and in y'^ four hundred Acres ajoyning upon Sam" Stone now Jn'^ Knowltons. And three Acres to the West- ward of Jn° Knowltons house now Jn° Knowltons. And an Acre of Meadow on y"= North side of y" Mill now in y'' hands of the Al- iens. Whereas Sam" Allen Decicased is a Proprietour in y^ four hundred Acres y^ Surviving Proprietours have Sett out his Whole Part in said four hundred Acres to be Receivefl by his Heyrs : That is to say one Acre of Upland w' Benjaraen and Jonathan Allen's now Stands : Bounded Westerly upon y'' Ministry Land ; Southerly upon y*" Marsh of M" Carter [215] Easterly upon Vincent or Knowltons Lott : (And upon y" Neck Five Acres ajoyning South- erly upon Jn" Bishop : West upon Leach's Meadow Northerly upon Sam" Leach ; P^astward to y'^ Beach :) And seven Acres upon y® Fresh Meadow Rocks; Bounded Eastwardly upon Roliert Leach; Southerl}^ upon y" Ohl Neck West upon that that was Vincents ; Northerly upon y" Country Roade ; And Two Acres w"' nere Joseph Aliens house stands Bounded Southerly upon y*^ County Roade ; Westerly upon y" Land y' is in y*" i)OSsession of Abraham Masters ; Northerly upon Rob' Leach's Meadow ; Easterly upon Rob' Leaches Land : AUso about an Acre of Meadew bounded West upon Jn° Knowltons land. North ui)on Leach's Meadow East ui)on Bishops Point. And four Acres in y^ Plain now Jn'' Allins bounded North- erly upon Knowltons or Vincent Land, East upon y^ Meadow ; South, upon Lee, Carter & Knowlton ; And it is agreed that John Allen shall have his part of y'^ halfe acre allowed them next his own Lott, which is Ten rod taking William aliens third Part too; Westwardly said Lott bounds upon y*^ way near his house ; and Five & Twenty rods where Jn° Aliens Garden now is. And about Three Acres ui)on y*" Rocks now Jn" Knowltons. And fifteen upon y*^ East side of the Way to Chebaccho : The Proprietours of 3'*^ four hundred Acres for some taken out. of their Lott for Jones have given them about halfe an Acre ajoyning upon Sarah Knowl- tons Orchard on y* North side ; Bounded East upon y*^ own Land. Southerly upon Sarah Knowlton Westerly upon y^ waj' y' leads to Chebaccho. Northerly upon y^ way leading up to Sam" Leachs : Allso about an Acre ajoyning Southerly upon y*" way By Benjamin Aliens Barn. West upon his own Land. Northerly upon y*^ way y' leads by Trickers house & East upon Carter : Allso an Acre & Quarter on Bishops Point ajoyning North East upon y' line of ye 126 EARLY RECORDS OF four linndred Acres. West upon y^ Meadow, South upon Richard Leach Easterly upon Capt. Jn" Knowlton — M"" Jn" Norman being a Proprietotir in y" four hundred Acres now sold to M" Carter, Wee y'' Proprietours have sett their Whole Proportion : That is to say in y*^ Plain Field fifteen Acres bounded Northerly with y^ land of Jn° Knowlton ; Eastwardly toy" Meadow, Southerly b}' y" Widdow Masters Land, Westwardly by y" way y' goes to Chebaccho ; And about five Acres on y* west side of y'' wa}' y' goes to Chebaccho ; Bounded Southerly by y" way that goes to the brushie Plain ; West by y* Ministry Land ; Northerly Ijy Jn" Knovvltons land. And Two Acres of Meadow in y* iVesh Meadow : And Six Acres of upland near fosters ; And upon the fresh Meadow Rocks Twenty one Acres upon y'^ South East side of y" Country Roade ; AUso ten or twelve Acres at y*^ Great Neck lying between Bishops Land and Pick- worths Lott : Allso two Acres and Quarter of Salt Marsh upon y'' Great neck ; And Three Acres of Upland and one Acre of Salt Marsh where Carters house now Stands : And Two Acres and halfe of Land upon y*" North side of Way near Carters house ; Bounded Westerly by y*" AUensLott Northerly to y* way near Trickers house ; Eastwardly by Rob' Leach's Lott : And about thirty Three Pole upon y'' East side of y*^ way y' goes to Chebaccho & forty four Pole of land on y*^ East side of bishops Point. Joseph Peckworth De- ceased being a Proprietour in y*^ four hundred Acres. Wee y^ Pro- prietours have set of his whole part in y*^ four hundred Acres to his Heirs or Assigns, that is to say, Four Acres where Nathaniel Masters his house Stood, Bounded West upon y*" way ; Northerly upon ni" Carter, Easterly upon y*^ Meadow, Southerly upon Sam" Stone, And four Acres now in Posession of Jabcz Dodge. [216] And eleven Pole upon y*^^ East side of y" way near y'^ Saw Mill. And about an Acre of fresh Meadow in y* fresh Meadow, Bounded Southerly upon Carter West upon Jn" Aliens Lott, North upon Bishops Meadow Easterly upon Masters owne Land. And Two Acres of Upland near Joseph Aliens house ; Bounded Eastwardly upon Joseph Allen, Southerly upon Carter and the way. And vSeven Acres upon y** Rocks, West upon Stones Lott Southerly by the way near y*^ Neck fence. Easterly b^' Carters land & Northerly by y" Country Roade. And six Acres upon y'' Great Neck ; Bounded West upon y'^Cove, North upon Carter, East upon y*" Sea : Soutli upon Stone. Allso an acre and Quarter of Salt Marsh Bounded by y^ Creek and Upland ; now Eliab Littlefields : About two Acres and halfe of Upland in y*" Great Neck. Bounded North- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 127 erly bj'^ Sam'^ Leach, South b}' Allen's Lott now Dan" Williams ; And about an Acre where Abraham Masters house now stands. Bounded West upon y*^ way near the Ministry house ; North within five Rod of y" Saw Mill Brook. Eastwardly upon Sam" Leach, Southerl}^ upon Eliab Littlefield. And allso about halfe an Acre near y* Causeway that goes to Kittle Cove, Bounded East upon y^ line of y*" four hundred Acres Upon y'' South side of the way y^t goes to Kittle Cove. Jn" Bishop two Acres where his house Stands, Bounded West by the way. North, East and South East by^ Stones Land ; And an Acre of Upland w"" his Barn stands, Bounded as the fence goes ; Half an acre of Salt Marsh bounded by y'' Neck Cove & his owne Land : Also five Acres aty* Neck Bounded Westwardly by y*^ Creek South by Carters Land P^astwardly to y'' Beach, North- erly upon Vincent or Bishops own Land Jn" Lee two Acres on y® East side of Image hill bounded by y^ Beach South, And last as y'' fence now stands, West upon widow Aliens Land. Allso one Acre upon y*^ West side of Said Hill ; bounded North, by Widdow Allen, West upon Bishoj) and Leach, East upon Stones Lott South upon y*^ Beach ; Allso four Acres of Upland where Jabez Dodge house now stands ; Bounded North by the way that goes into the Brusshie Plain. West upon Stone South upon Stone East upon y® way ; Allso about forty rod of fresh Meadow lying near y*^ Saw Mill Brook. Bounded North upon Jn'^ Allen South upon Carters Land Lees one Meadow ; West upon Onecephorus Aliens Meadow, East upon Jn" Allen : Allso about one Acre of Meadow upon both sides y'' Saw Mill brook ; West upon Carter East upon Masters North upon Bishops Meadow, To Have & to Hold said Parcels of Upland & Meadow According to their Several bound Marks ; And to be his whole part in y'^ four hundred Acres. Whereas Nicolas Vincent Deceased was a Proprietour in said four hundred acres his Part is Sate out by us y*^ Proprietours. That is to say One Acre of Upland near Sam" Aliens Lott Where Nicolas Vincents house stood accord- ing to bound Marks. Allso four Acres wiiere Burts house stood. Bounded West upon y'' Way Plast upon y* Fresh IMeadow South upon Aliens Lott ; North upon Knowltons own land ; Allso foiu' Acres upon y* West side of y*" way y' goes to Chebaccho ; Allso an Acre allotted him for an Acre taken out of his lott for Jones. Bounded West upon said way North upon Jn° Aliens Lott, East upon Stevens Lott, South upon said Knowltons ; Allso about halfe an Acre ajoyning upon y*' South end of it ; And about two Acres & a halfe of Upland & Meadow near y* Causeway now in y^ Pes- 128 EARLY RECORDS OF session of Jn" Bishop & Eliab Littlerickl. [217] And five Acres in y" Great Neck Sold by Jn" Knowlton to Cap" Ju" Siblee. Allso about twelve Acres which the said Knowlton bought of Joseph Allen and Penellope Leach Lying near Sam" Lee's house Bounded as y'' fence now stands ; Allso about halfe an Acre where Trickers house now stands. Bounded Westerly upon y" way near y" Ministry Land. North upon Abraham Masters Land, East upon Sam" Leachs land & Southerly upon Sam" Leach and y*" wa^y. Allso about three Quarters of an acre near y*" Causeway upon y" Northside of y'' way y' goes to Kittle Cove, Bounded Nortli upon Sam" Stone, East up- on Onecepherus Allen. And allso about an Acre and Quarter upon Bishops Point bounded East upon Leach, West upon Allen & South upon Carter. And allso about Eight Rod of Upland ajoyning upon Jn" Aliens Garden, upon y'^ South Side of said Garden & Easte upon y" way y' goes to Chebaccho South upon Jn" Knowltons own Land. It is to be understood yt Jn" Knowlton is to have all that Land y' lyes upon East side of y*" way y' goes to Chebaccho, Ex- cept about one hundred Rod Upon y*" South End of Said Land : All y'' Rest to be sd Knowltons. Bounded East upon Stevens nort upon Jn" Allen, except upon y" way South upon y® Said hundred Rod near y" Saw mill : To Have & to Hold y*' abovesd Land ac- cording as it is Butted & bounded we y*" Proprietours have Sett of to siad Knowlton in vincents Right in y" four hundred Acres. Wee y* Sul)scribers Proprietours of y*^ four hundred Acres being mett Together This Twenty Third Day of May, An : Dom : 1711, Have Ao^reed y' y'' Divisions y' have been made formerly or of late in v'^ four hundred Acres to Each Proprietour his Part according to his Right Shall be Entered on Record in y'' town Book according as y" Lott ments have been bounded out : And wee do hereby firmly bind and Oblige our Selves our Heyrs Exec'' & Admr' to stand by sd Divisions and to Accept of our Lotts according to y^ Number of Acres from time to time layd out to us According to our Rights, to be our full and Compleat Proportion in Such Divis- ions, And that this shall be a full & finall & Compleat Settlem' y"" of And Confirmation hereof we have hereunto Affixed our hands and Seals y' Day & Date aforesaid Onicephorus Allen O Abraham Masters O Rob' Leach Sen"" O Elizabeth Carter O Jn" Bishop O Jn" Stone O Sam" Leach O Sam" Allen O Jn° Knowlton John Ley TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 129 [191] It at a meting of the sealect men of inanchester upon the 2'^ Day of march 1711-12 tharewas a rate made and commited to robbert leach constable of manchester amounting to the sum of 25-17-02 to Defray our town charges and is commited to him to collect and gather forthwith with a warrant thare to annexed whare in he is required to collect sd rate forthwith an to pay out the seav- erall sums set down in sd warrant and to clere with the select men at or before the 20"' Day of march current March 25"^ 1712 [192] It reckned with robbert leach cunstable of manchester in the yeare 1711 for the cuntry rate to him commited to collect and gather amounting to the sum of 47-06-00 and thare remains yet Dew to the cuntry 25-12-08 to cleare all accounts for the abovsd rate reckned with cunstable robberd leach for all town rats to him commited in the year 1711 and all accounts ballanced when he hath answered the Derections in the warrents to him thare with com- mited and all accounts will be clear except seventeen shillings wliich we order to m"" John knowlton in part for fencing [193] persuant to an order from the town of manchester to enter all common Rights in the town book that any persun has bought of any proprieter in the common land in manchester this is to Signifi that Col : Samuel brown Esq' of Salem has three Rights and half in manchester Common land one Right bought of abraham marstes : 1713 one Right bought of John bishop 1713-14 one Right bought of Robert leach inner 1713 to half a Right bought of John knowton 1713 It march the 6"' 1713-14 then reckned with cunstable John foster for all rats committed to him in the year 1713 and all accounts ballanced in ful John Lee town dark It at a meting men constable Littlefield pleas to pay out of the over plus of your rats as followeth viz : to Ins. John Ley for maintaining moses ben net 03-17-07 and to William hosluim for pen forbee 00-14-00 and to ben allin for entertain the glossers and the sealectmens expences and to yourself for the bed for pen 00-04-00 and samuell Ley in expence for parambulation 00-10 5-02-09 00-06-04 130 EARLY RECORDS OF [193] It Samuel Lee tlire common rits that is to saj- one that he bought of Lieft John knowlton in the year 17|f It As also one that he bought of capt thomas west in the year 17X2 A • 1 3 It as also one half a common rite which he bought of :Samuell allin in the year 1708 It as also one half a common rite which he bough of Aron ben- net in the yeare 170^ as appears by his deeds for the same It and to beniaraen Allin one half a common rite which he bough of his father Samuell allin in the yeare as appears by his Deed 170| It Jonathan allin one halfe common rite which he bought of his fa- ther Samuell allin in the yeare 170| [194] It : Jn° Lee Sen"" : one quarter of a Right bought of Jo- seph PlcUworth : An : Dom : 1692 Allso f w*^'' was his fathers. It Sam" Lee j'' halfe a Right bought of Lieut Knowlton : An : Dom: 1713-14 It : Sam" Lee Sen*' One quarter of a right wliicli was his fathers. It one towne rate made the 27* of febery 17j| amounting to fifty tow pound and seventen shilings comited to John Lee inn'" Con- stable of Mantchester to gather and pay to the selact men or by there order and to pay 22 pound an seventeen shileings at or before the Last Day march: 1716: and the remainer to be payed at or before the : 15"' Day of may next Insuing 1716 It at a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 3"^ Day of September 1716 thare was a rate made to Defray our town • charo-es amounting to the sum of 80=01=08 and is commited to Jonathan allin constable to collect with a warrant thare to annexed wharein he is required to paye at severall payments the sums thare in set down and to paye in the sum totall of sd rate at or before the 20'*' Day of february next insuing the Date above said [162] March 29 : 1714 At a town meetting legely warned and John knowlton chos moderater mett to gether it was then voted that John knowlton should have the minestry lott in the west Devision the 22 lott About 12 acres in number ajoyning upon Ipswich line and the prsnt Slectemen are empowered to give said knowlton a Deed for said land to said knowlton and resive a Deed of said knowlton of a lott of land of ten acers and five acres which is 15 acrs in all at the same town meting above said March 29 1714: John Knowlton was chos morderater Sam" lee Sara" leach and Ben- iaraen Allen chosen Selecte men for the year insuing at the same TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 131 town meting John knowlton chose town Clark Joseph Woodbery town tresurer [163] We y^ subcribers being select men of Manchester and beverly and such as tha}- have apointed to preambulate y" Lien and Renew y" bounds betwen sd towns viz beverly and manchester have accordingly met and Renewed y*^ bounds and prearabeletedy® Lien begining at y'' mouth of Chubs Creek in y" niedel thare of aud thens on y" Lien in y"" medel of y*' Creek to a Rock in y'' nor- thermost brainch of sd Creek to a rock wheth we renewed thare hens to a stump in Leftenents John Balches Land which we re- newed ad thens norwasterly to a whit oak stump at plesant pond which we Renewed all which is according to the former Settelments of bounds betwen sd towns in testimon}' whareof we have sett here unto our hands this 26 Day of april anno Domi 1720 Samuel Balch ^ „ _ John Lee jr Robert Woodbury > t> • Danniel Williams -' ( Beverly John Lovet -' for Manchester [192] At a meting of the sealectmen of manchester upon the 12 Day of September 1715 thare is a rate made to Defray our nes- sary town charges amounting to the sum of 31-04-03 to be col- lected and it is commited to constable John Lee to collect and gather forthwith and pay to the sealect men or thare order the sum totall of sd rate at or before the tenth Day of October next accord- ing to his warrant tharewith committed to him as allso one coiitry rate amounting to the sum of 22-03-07 to be payed to the cuntry treasurer [201] At a town meting legaly warned and met together acording to a warent in manchester the fift day of Desember 1715 Aron ben net chose moderater it is Voted at this meting to have a minester to pretch the gospell to us as soone we can conveniently in order to a furder setelment and a commete is chosen to look out for a minester and seack the advice of our neighboring minesters in the towns next to us which are as foUoweth Mr, Robbert Leach sener Samuell lee sener Samuell allin sener Aron bennet william hilton John bishop Beniemen Allen thomas pitman Samuell leach Robert warin John foster John lee jun"' «fe nathaniell marsters which commete are hereby fully impowered to mete & agree with a rain- ester to preach the gospell to us & to give such incorragement to him as they can agree for and the above sd commete are impow- ered to intreat our neighboring ministers to help us in keeping 132 EARLY RECORDS OF afast T)a.y to seke of god a right way for our selves and onr chil- dren & so pray unto god that he would be pleased to send forth a faithful laborer into this little parte of his vinyard if it be his good plesure and we would intreete tlie Reverant mr gerrish paster of the Church in wenhara the Reverant mr thomas — paster of the Church in beverly the reverant Mr. Wise & the reverant Mr. White to help us as our conimetee with 3'ou selves can agree on a day (The Committee having invited Mr. Cheever to setle [200] It At a town meting Leagually warned and met together on the 12"' Day of march 1715-16 to chuse town offlsers as the Derects John foster moderater for this sd meting It is voted to chuse our town offlsers by holding up the hand It Aron bennet sarauell Lee william hilton sealect men for this j^eare insuing It Jonathan allin cunstable and is sworn It John Ley sen"' town dark and is sworn It samuell Lee Juner town treasurer and is sworn It phillip nicoals and John allin sen"" tithing men It richard Leach robbert Leach sworn and Isack whitter sworn seavayers of highways It Eliab Littlefield and beniam alien seavayers of fences It John allin jun'' mannen Daye Ephram Jons willim Jons and thomas ayers Jun"^ field Drivers and is sworn It John bishop dark of the markit and John pearce culler of fish It is voted that the sealect men shall agree with sum men to re- paire the meting hous forthwith [201] It at a town meting legaly warned and mete together in manchester march the :12 : 1715 | 6 ; then voted to give to M"" Amose Chevers Seventy pounds per year Salleray as also our parsonag hous with an accor of land their to belonging if our comraetee can agree with him to be our settled minester and to ade more to his Sal- lery as nede shall require acording to the best of our abillitye [202] At A town meting legally warned and met togather in Manchester upon the six day of Aprill 1716 Aron bennet chose moderater for this meting and it is voted that our commety now extant to agree with a minester shall have full power to mack a leagel convayance of our parsonage house and one aceor of land their too belonging with all the apurtenances their to belonging to him who shall be our seteled minester acording to our former vote It at a town meting leagel ly warned and mete together upon the TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 133 21 : da}^ of May : 1716 Mr Robert Leach moderater Voted to ade to Mr. Ames Chevers Sallary of seventy pounds ten pounds or his firewood 3'ear]3' At a town meting April: 6: 1716. we the propriators of the four hundred accors doe for our selfes and our heirs Do give up all our rights in that parsall of land that lieth on the west side of the highway that gose to the Saw mill and Joyn- ing to Samuel lees norwesterly and to the old p'Ursangs land and medow Southwesterly to the towns use as a parsonage for ever as witness our hands and this to be entered in our town book as a fairm conveyance as apears under our hands Sarauell leach his mark X Aaron ben net Robert leach John alien his mark (-j-) Joseph Allen his mark | Eliab littelfeld his mark £ Danill Williams his mark O Beniemin Allen his mark g; Jonathan Allen his mark ) Nathll Marstes John bishop Richard leach Onisiphors Allen his mark O, Entred Atest John Ley town clarke [204] At a town meting legally warned and mett togather on the 23 Daj' of July 1716 uf Robert Leach morderater it is Voted that our comraete now extent shall have full power to agree with Mr. Ames Chevers to be our Setteld minester acording to gos- pale order and to give him a cale to settel with use in the ministry and accept of Ordination Atest John Le}' town clerk Voted als y' w""* as on y'' 12"" day of March last, it was Voted unaniraousl}' to call and make choice of the Rev"'' Mr. Ames Chee- ver to be exercise and perform the ofice of a Gosple INIinister among us & w™as it happened this happend thro w* ever inadver- tancj' y'' same missed of being entered on records Voted }'' y^ s'' Vote is hereby renewed & confirmed & y*^ y'' Rev"*^ M"" Ames Chee- ver is hereby unanimously chosen to be our Setled Minister of y® Gosple. 134 EARLY RECORDS OF We whose names are hereunto Subscibed being a Comittee Chos- en & Impowered by sd town of Manchester in N. E. to agree & covenant in sd towns behalf with y*^ Rev'"' Mr. Ames Cheever & in sd towns behalf to offer & confirm to him w' may be need full & suitable for y*^ incouragment & support of y*^ sd Mr : Cheever to enable him w"' comfort & cheerfulness to carry on y^ work of y^ Gosple among us in sd town, y' we work to labour in he has been already in a legal Meeting of sd town Unanimously calle.d & made choice of altho as far as yet appears y** minutes of sd votes is lost or mislaid or whether inadvertantly was not y" entered in y'^ rec- ords of sd town Now being sensible it is our bounden Duty & by y*^ Gosple of our Lord Jesus Christ contended y' we who are taught should communicate to him y' teacheth us in all good things do so cove- nant in sd towns behalf as foloweth viz — We do give grant pass over & fully freel}- absolutely & forever confirm toy^ sd Rev. Mr. Ames Cheever his Heirs Executors & As- signs y*^ towns house wherein Mr. Webster lived & a peice of land of sd towns on p' of w""" y*^ house stands reported to be an Acre or Acre & half or y'''' abouts together w"' y*^ barn fences trees & all apurtenances & priviledges y'''' to belonging to have & to liold without let or molestation from any of y* Inhabitants of sd town forever to be his, his heirs &c in fee sinple upon his declaring of his acceptance of our offers to him for settlement amongst us & covenanting w*'' us to do so — we further promise y' we will y" by him Desired give him a more Ample & Legal executed convey- ance y' of And we do also in sd towns behalf promise & ingage to pay to him actually both in sickness and in health During y® whole time & terra of his being our Minister or standing in a pas- toral relation to y^ Church (y' may be), by y" hands of y*^ town Treasurer or Selectmens order the sum of seventy pounds current passable [205] Money of N : England pr Annum year by year (y® salary to commence from y® P' of last June) and also to give him during y*^ whole of sd term all y® money of a free & generous contribution to be upheld by us weekly & every Sabbath — And also grant him y** sole improvement to his own behoof, of all y*^ land & marsh in s'* town y' is or shall be called & deemed to be y*' ministry land or marsh ; also to set up & mentain as far as shall be reasonable & Just suitable & convenient fences y"^" upon — And TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 135 also to find him finnuall^y during s"" term good & sufBcient firewood for his famil}' or for want of performing s'' Articles about firewood to paj' him in leiu thereof ten pounds yearly in like money above mentioned & so to make up his salary' to be eighty pounds per an- num Likewise we do covenant in behalf of s*^ town y' we will as soon as it shall please God to increase our number to be Eighty families y" to pay & add to his salary y* sum of ten pounds in like specie more y" w' is herein before advanced — Again to add to his salary & yearly pay him likewise y*" sum of & yet ten pounds more also at such time as y* shall be y' Number one hundred & twenty families belonging to y* town & congregation making up y® full sahuy one hundred pounds Now in witness & confirmation of all & singular y** covenant Articles & causes herein contained we have sett our hands & seals y^ 23 of July Anno Dom 1716 Rex Re George Second Signed sealed & Deld. in presence of Eliab Littelfield Joseph Allin of the mark R Robert Leach the mark of S Samuel Allen the mark of /? Beniemen Allen John Bishop Aaron bennet John foster Samuell Lee sn -f- Atest John Ley town clar'' At a Town Meetting legaly warned & meet together upon y^ 4 of Oct. 1716 M' Robt. Leach moderater. Voted y' y' Town of Manchester having seen heard & considered w' our Committe Im- powered by s*^ town to Covenant & agree w"' y'' Rev'"^ Mr. Ames Cheever in order to his settlement in y" work of y" ministry amongst us, have stipulated with him as is now upon Record We do hereby allow approve and confirm y'' sd Covenant & agreement l)y them signed with every Article Clause & paragraph y'" in Contained Atest John Ley Town Clark [206] I declare my acceptance of Manchesters off'ers in order to settlement, covenanting w"' y'" to do so & accept ordination as soon as may be whilst y^ are labouring to accomplish w' I pro- posed & y^' accepted Feb : 16 last past And now promise to live ^th yiu jjj yc i-iijours of y*^ Gosple while y y continue in its faith & 136 EARLY RECORDS OF ■order yeilding to me all y^ Honors y' y" Gospel Demands for y" Ambassadors of y*" Glorious Lord. Brethren pray for Me : Amen Ames Clieever Oct: 4: 1716: It at a town meting Leaguall3' warned and met to gather in man- chester upon the 4"' Day of October robbert Leach moderater It and it is voted to keep a Da}^ of fast in tlie 3*^ weke of October currant to seeke of god for his blessing upon us in order to the ordination of m'' ames chever to be our settled minister and paster of the church in manchester as soon as ma^y be conveniantly which our town at this sd meting requests may be dun and to prosede to the ordination of him in seaven weeks if it may be dun and we request the helpe of and assistance of the Elders in the neiboring churches It and it is voted that the commitie here after named shall be given to make sutable provision for theordanation who are as followeth namely Liet John knowlton Samuell Lee aron bennet beniamen allin tliomas pitman and to laye out the mony to the best advantage [206] It At a town meting Leagually warned and met together m manchester this 17"' Day of Desember for choyce of Juriours to sarve at the next corte at Salam John knowlton moderater It is voted that william hupper shall sarve on the grand Jury for the yeare in suing and nV thonias pitman and samuell alien Juner on the Jur}' of trj'alls at the corte at Salam (and the sealectmen shall be our assesors for this ^eare 1716 [207] At a meting of the propriaters of the common Land in manchester Leaguall}' warned and met to gether upon the 23'^ Daj'^ of July 1716 Lieft John knowlton moderater It at the same met- ing it is voted to give to nf Ames chever for a paster fifteen accors neere the mill or ten accors in popler plain or Eight accors nere millits bridg which peace he shall chose and a comnietee is chosen to Laye out the abovesd peace of Land and to convay the same to him the sd ames chever and his aiers which Commitie are as fol- loweth namly Insign Robbert Leach Lieft John knowlton John bishup John allin Eliab Littlefield if he settle and continue our minister It at a meting of the sealect men of manchester on the 3'^ Day of September 1716 tliare is a contry rate made amounting to the sum of 22=05-08 and is commited to Johnathan allin cunstable to col- lect and gather and pay to the cuntry treasurer 21-08-04 accord- TOWN OF 3IANCHESTER. 137 ing to sd treasurers wan-ant and the over plus being 17 4 to return to the select men upon Demand [91] At a meting and sessions of the selectmen and assesers on the twelf Da}' of febwari in the 3'ere seventen hundred and sev- enten this town Rat was maed ordereded to be Cometed to Con- stable Recerd Leech with a warant to Collect the same for the men- estery and for the cuntry use of the town cornai Samuel Brown 00-04-00 Cap John Kiiisht 01-05-06 Cap John Kuolton 01-08-00 Eusi Robert Leech 00-07-00 Ensi A roll Bennet 02-00-00 John Knight Junior 00-18-06 Wiliiaui Hooper 00-19-OG John roster 00-18-00 Samuel Allen seneer 00-15-06 manner Day 00-04-00 John Day 00-08-06 John beshup 00-19-06 oisiphory Allen 00-00-00 John Allen Junior 00-13-00 Samuel Leech 01-16-06 Joseph Leech OO-I8-O0 Robert Leech Junior 1-08-06 Jolinnathan Allen 00-15-00 Joseph Allen seneer 00-14-00 beniamen Allen 00-15-00 Nathannel Masters 01-02-00 John Escot 00-13-00 John taren 00-11-00 John Allen seener 00-13-06 Samuel Lee seneer 01-03-09 Samuel Lee Junier 01-15-06 Recerd petters 00-08-06 John Lee Junior 00-15-09 Chads Stevens 00-08-06 Joseph petmau 00-08-00 Recerd Leech 01-08-06 Ephram Jones 04-00 Epliram Jones Junior 08-00 William Jones 00-08-00 [208] At a town meting Leagually warned and met together upon the 26'^' Day march 1717 for choyce of town offisers aron ben- net raoderater It is voted to chose town offisers for the year in- suing by holding up the hands It Robbert Jun'' John Ley sen' John Lee seneer 01-08-00 thomas Lee 00-13-06 Robert worin 00-12-00 shadrach Norten 01-02-00 John pears 00-13-00 Isack wheter 00-16-00 thomas Ayers seneer 04—00 thomas Ayers junier 00-07-06 John hasum 00-09-06 Joseph woodbary 00-16-06 Joseph woodbary Estat 00-12-00 Recerd pearce 00-09-06 Matthew Coy 00-09-06 Danniel willams Estate 0-02-06 thomas Petman 00-16-06 William heltou 00-16-00 Samuel Croel 00-08-06 phelep Necels 00-16-06 Jacob Allen 00-OS-OO Samuel Allen Junier 09-06 Samuel woodbary 00-14-06 Eliab Lettelfeld 00-07-00 William hasom 00-10-10 Joseph Allen Junior 08-06 George wales 00-07-00 thomas tuexbury 00-08-00 John baer 00-08-00 John Gelburd 00-04-06 Abbigel melet 00-13-06 Rachel Seblee 00-02-00 mary norten 00-11-06 Jeremiah lieberd 00-09-09 Elezebeth bennet 02-00 138 EARLY RECORDS OF and thomas pitman sealect men It John Ley Jim"" town dark sworn It Richard Leach constable sworn It Sarauell Lee Jun"" town treasurer eworii It Robbert warrin John foster beniainen alien savayers of high sworn wayes It william hilton samuell alien sen"^ tything*" men It John bishop and nathanell masters fence vewers It John alien sen' John tarrin and thomas ayers and John allin Junier field Drivers and thay are sworn It John bishop dark of the market sworn It John pearce culler of fish and sworn It and whareas as it was formerly voted to give to m' Ames chever his firewood or ten pounds it is voted that he shall have the ten pounds this year insuing [194] It at a meting of the sealect men of manchester upon the 2 3"' Day of march 1717 then reckned with Johnathan allin con- stable of manchester as he was cunstable in the yeare 1716 for all rats to him commeted and to collect and gather and there remains Dew to the town besides what is ordered the sum of eight shillings out of the town rate of 80 - 01 - 08 and to the contry to be com- mitted thare remains Dew to the cuntry treasurer the sum of 21 - 08-04 Manchester May the 17 — 1717 [86] A Town meting Legally Warned And met to gather & Robert Leech sener was chosen moderrater fui'stly tes voted in the negettive not to send a Reppresentitive 2Ly tes voted at the same town meting the select men shall be Assesrs for the yere insuing 3 et is voted that the barreing place shall be fenst upon the towns Cost 4 et is voted that the man that doth not A pere on the furst Monday in Jnene Next insuing shall be rated three shillings 5Ly votee from hens forth forever note that y*" John foster '\ r> , ■ . , .• 1 T 1 X T r r Select men of highway mentiond John Lee Jun"^ > a Rod and J- wid from Recherd Leech 3 Black Cove to willams Land was to be to A rock by benets Corner and nere Cap John Knolten 1 ^ .11 r^ Tj • II Commetty to marsters land on Corner Beniamen alien I '' 1 r> 1 ■ 1 ^ A I ,. c Joyn with the and so a Rod wide from Aron bennet ) '' thens to the contr}- Rode John Bishup J [95] 1719 at a town meting Legally warned and met togatber 10 146 EARLY RECORDS OF on y^ 11 Day of Juen in y" yere 1719 for to Chues Jury men aron bennet Moderrater for this meting 21y Jolni Knight and John Gredly was Chosen to sarve on the Jury of trayals at sal am y^ Last tuesday of Juen in the 1719 At a town meting Legally warned and met to gather on the 11"* Day of Juen in y' yere 1719 aron benet Chosen moderrator for this present meting 21y it is voted y' thare shall be acommettey Chosen to lay out y^ menestrey Land from y^ landing place by y* meting hous Sly Capt John Knowlton thoraas petman John beshup beniamen alien aron bennet Chosen to Joyn with y" Selectmen to Lay out y* hie ways formerly Resarved by y* town and to bound them and to make Return to y* town book of y^ bounds 4ly it is voted y*y* hie ways shall be two rod wide whare it can be 5Ly Cap John Knolton John beshup John alien sener aron ben- net Robert Leech sener is chosen to Lay out y*^ Landing plas from y* menestray Land by y® meting hous [96] at a town meting Legally warned and met to gather on y* eighteth Day of September in y'' yere 1719 John Lee Chosen moderrater and 21y Aron benet and John Allen was chosen As- sesors to Join with y* selectmen to asses y^ town y* afore said yere 1719 [97] at a meting of the selectmen or assers on the 28 Day of September in the yere 1719 there was aContry Rate maed amount- S (1 ing to £89 — 12 — 8 and Commeted to Samuel Lee Jun"^ Constabal to Collect & gather at a meting of y'' assesors of manchester on y^ 5 (\ay of October in y* yere 1719 thare was a town Rat maed and Commeted to Sam- yel Lee Jun*^ Constabal to collect and Gather amounting to y* sum of £95—8—6 [96] at a town meting Legelly warned and met together on the 22 Day of Desember 1719 beniamen alien moderrater for y® present meting thomas petman was Chosen Grand Jury man for y* yere insuen and Jeremiah heberd and John Day was chosen to sarve on y" Jury of trials at y^ next inferior Cort at Salem 1719 at a town meting Legally warned and met to gather on y*^ 22 Day of Desember 1719 Robert Leech moderrater for said meting 21y it was voted and agreed to bueld a new meting hous as fast as it can be Dun TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 147 3Iy it wfis voted y' y^ meting hous shall be buelt 49 fiit Long and 35 fut wied and 20 fut stud and allsoy'y" hous shall be planket and not studed 41y Samuel Lee seneor aron benet Recerd Leech beniamen alien Jabez Doedg was Chosen a Commettey to sarve in y* afore sd mat- ter of buelding a new meting hous 6Ly that y'y'^Commetty Shall tak}'* subscreption and agree with everi man for his woork or stuef for to bueld y*" meting hous and to agree with a artefeshal workmen to oversee y* workers & to work themselves as Cheep as thay can and when y" meting hous is fet for y* Congregation to metin and exsepteed at a town meting by y* said town then y^'Commete to Give an account of y'' Cost of sd hous to y*^ town y' so y" sets may be stated each set perteckerly [97] At a meting of y" town Legally warned and met to gather on the 28 Day of march in y^ yere 1720^^ Cap John knolton moderrater and aron bennet John foster and John Lee junior was chosen Selectmen and assesors and willara huper Constabal and Isack whettier and Jeremiah heberd & John harskel sevaers of y^ fences and Edward Lee and John alien Jun"" feld Drivers and Recerd peters and John Day and John taring for Constabal or feld Drivers and Danniel willams and Jonnathan alien sevaers of y'' hievvayes and John alien senior and John pears tithing men and John pears Culer of fish and John beshup Clark of y*" market and Recerd Leech Seler of lether and it is voted that a Coppi of a warrant naild up against y^ meting hous feften Daj^s before y^ sd time of meting and attested by y*' Constabal to whom it shall be Commeted shall be sefesent warnin for a town meting from time to time and it is voted y' the Constabal shall have six pens per pound for collecting y* towns raets yerely it is voted y' the assesors shall tax y' town 90 pounds this yere one thousand seven hundred & twenty it is voted that the selectmen shall be assesors 71y John Lee Junior chosen town tressuere at a town meting Legal warned and met to gather on the third day of may anno Dom 1720 John knolton morderrater for this pres- ant meting in order to Chues a representative and it is voted in y* negetive [163] April y* 26-1720 we the subcribers being the select- men of manchester and wenham and such as thay have appointed to preambeblate on the Lien betwen y* two towns aforesd accord- ingly met on the Day of y^ Date aforesd and have renewed y* 148 EARLY RECORDS OF bounds v\z the whiet oak marked with W & M and from that to y^ Letel yalo oak which we renewed and allso y* bunch of mapels and y" liemlock and y" pien and Doedges stump all of which was according to former settelments which we renewed by new mark- ing and laying stons to them tliat we culd in testimony thare of we have set to our hands y* Day of y'' Dat abov retten John Lee ) ^ , , ) for manchester Danniel willaras J Beniamen Edwards | <• , / for wenham Nathanel walden J We the subscribers being appinted by the selectmen of Gloster and manchester to renew y*" bounds betwen the towns afore sd ac- cordingly met at y*^ Grat oak tree at y*^ Est end of Graj-s beach so Caled on y*" 26 Da}' of apriel in y\yere 1720 and Renewed y" bounds betwen y'' two towns aforesd even all y*^ stated bounds viz 3^*^ Grate Rad oak at y*^ est end of y'' bach and y'' ti"ee Caled Gardners tree and y^ heep of Rocks all of which we Renewed by new marking or laying ston to them in testimony here of we have set to our hands y'' Day of y'^ Date above Retten John Knolton for manchester \ thomas wittham » for Aron bennet ) Ebenzer Davis ) Gloster [98] At a town meting Leegally warned and met to gather on the 20"" Day of Juen an Dom 1720 in order to Chues a Represen- tettive Cap Knolton moderrater for y^ present meting and voted in y*^ nagettive at a town meting warned and met to gather on the 20"' of Juen Anno Dom 1720 Capten John Knolton moderrater for this meting and John Lee Senior and Ezekel goodell was chosen to sarve on y^ Jury of trials at Salam on y^ 28"" of Juen instant [105] Bosten Jun 7, 1720 Reed of Mr, Saml. Lee Cons" of Manch"^ pr Mr John Knowlton eight pound thirteen shillings & six penc 8 = 13 = 6 in full for my Fath"" Jer'' Allen Trea'' y pr Jas Allen Reed of Saml. Lee jun Con^'^ eighty i)ounds y*^ whole of my salery for y^ year 1719 this 3"^ Day of June 1720, I say Reed by me Ames Chever Manch"^ June 7"\ 1722, then Rec'd of Samll. Lee Jun"^ Cons"^ s d for y*" year 1719 24 2 which with y*" sum of thirteen pound & 3 d X s d Reed by me y* 18'^ of Dec' in y*" year 1720 makes y*^ sumofl4=i4^5 John Lee Town Treas [164] At a meting of the selectmen of manchester on the 3P' TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 149 of August in y^ yere 1720 tbare was a Town Rate made and Com- meted unto Constabal willam Impper to Collect and Gather amouut- <1 s d ing to the sum of nintj' fouer pound 3 shillings & 3 £94 3 3 at a raeting of the Selectmen of manchester on the 19 of Sep- tember in y''3'ere 1720 thare was a Contr}' Rat maed amounting to sh y* Sura thurteen pound and 12 and was Commeted to Constabal willam hupper to Collect and Gather £13 12 [98] at a meting of the propriettors of the new raeting house in Manchester on the tent Day of november 1720 Cap John Knowlton moderrater furstly it was voted that John Foster John Bishup Nathanel Marsters John Lee Jn shall be a Corametty to Joyn with the former Commety to set a pries on the pews and seats in sd meting hous att a town meting Warned and met to gather on the tenth Day of November 1720 Cap John Knolton moderrater furstly it was voted the bell shall be hanged in the new meting hous 21y Cap John Knolton Robert Leech seni""^ thomas petraan John Bishup John alien senior and John Lee senior was Chosen a Comraeti to Despos of our old meting hous viz to sell it as soon and for as much as they Can to him that will give most for it and 31y that they shall begen to take Down the old meting as soon as they can after the thertenth of november instant 4Ly it was voted that the Commetty shall be accountabel to the propriettors of the old meting hous for what monny they shall sel y* sd old meting hous for and the mony to be Desposd of by y^ mager part of y^ propriettors at a town meting [208] At a town meting warned and met togather on the 19"* Day of Desember 1720 John alien senior moderrater furstly John foster was Chosen Grand Jury man 21y Recerd Leech & John ors- ment was chosen to sarve on the Jury of trialls [98] At a town meting warned and met to gather on the fowerth Day of february in y" yere 172f Samuel Lee sen'' moderra- ter firstl}' it was voted that what the Commety had Don Relating to bulding and feneshing the new meting hous in manchester was to the satisfacttion of the town then met and the town has ex- cepted what the sd Commettey has Don from tim to tira about y'' sd hous 2Ly it was voted the abovesd Commety who are as folloeth aron bennet Recerd Leech beniaraan Allen Jabez Ddo;e and John Knol- 150 EARLY RECORDS OF ton shall forthwith finnish y'' new meting hous as the sd Commetty thenk most for the bennefet of the town or propriettors of sd hous and tlie parsons [99] according to thare purches in sd hous or as neare as can be with Convenenti to thare satisfacttion 3Iy it was voted that y* pewes and seats set to subcribers or inhabetans of y^ town of manchester should be intitteled to them and thare hiers by a raccord mad and Cept for that perpos and y^ prise likewise 4Ly it was voted that y^ money Given by any parson living out of our town of manchester wards the buelding of a new meting hous in manchester should go to wards bulding the pulpet and all pen monn}- Given should go to wards bulding the menestry pue in our new meting hous in manchester 51y it was voted that the 12 pounds for the old meting hous aded to old proprietters Sibcribtions and the Glas allso 1721 [99] at a town meting in manchester on the 27 of march 1721 Aron bennet moder Rater for y* present meting and furstly it is voted to Chues selectmen town Clark and tow tresuer by prox 2 ly m'' prise for County Regester 3 Samuel Lee senior John forster beniamen alien selectmen 4 Joseph Woodbury Constabal and sworn 5 John Lee'"' town tresuer 6 John Lee Jun'' Clark & sworn 7 Jeremiah heberd Danniel Willams & Samuel Coring hog reves 8 Johnnathan alien Samuel Lee Jun"^ & aron bennet feld drivers 9Ly it is voted that the swine shall go at Larg on y* Common pro- vided y* they be Renged yoked according to law 10 John Lee Jun"' and William Jons tithing men 11 Matthew Coy John beshup and John haskol fensvewers 12 John alien senior aron bennet & Samuel Lee jun' sevaers of hie waise 13 John Beshup Clark of y*^ marcet 14 Samuel alien '"""' senior and John pearse ''*"™ culers of fish 15 Recherd Leecii Seler of Lether 16 it was voted y' y" Selectmen shall be assesors 17 Jabez Doodg was Chos scool master 18 it is voted to leuef y" a greing with y" scool master to y* se- lectmen and y* the selectmen shall not Give liini no more than 20 pounds per yere and 19 it is voted y' y*^ assesers shall asses the town this yere 90-00-00 besides y" monny for y" scool [164] At a meting of the selectmen of manchester on the TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 151 27"" Dsiy of march in y" yere 1721 then Recned with william hiipper Constabal and thare Remains Due to tlie town for want of his re- saits the sum to ballance accounts y" sum of 107-15-9 At a meting of the Selectmen of manchester on tlie tenth Day of august in the yere 1721 thare was a town Rate made amount- d ing to the sum of ninty five pound fower & 3 and Commeted to Con^' Joseph woodbery to collect 95-4-3 [100] at a town meting Legal warned and met to gather on the 11 Day of may 1721 Cap Knolton moderrater 2 Ly John Knolton John bishup John alien is chosen a commett to Give a Deed of sael to mester Chever of popler pain viz the ten acors formerly Granted to him and allso y" acor or acor and half by his hous as it shall be bounded before by y® town before y* giveing y*^ Deede 3 1}' it is voted that m"" Chever shall have power to make and mend up y* menestry fens to y® menestry Land South from his own lions and also it is A'oted y' he shall have 5 pound per yere three yeres next following or proportionebel to what it Costs if it Doo not Cost £15-0-0 4 it is voted y" select men shall bueld a timber pound on the vendes Cos at y^'plase where y*' old pound stood 5 Aron bennet Recerd Leech John bishup was chosen trusttes for to fech y" towns money raaed y" last sestions 6 it was voted and consented y' y" Contry should make £3000 Recerd Leech was Chosen Sheperd and allso y' he shuld have 3** per head for old shep 1721 At a town meting on y* 22 of may 1721 Capen Knolton moderrater in order to chus a represenetive it was voted in the neg- ettiev having y*" liberti so to do 1721 At ji town meting on the 17 of Juen 1721 John Haskol and Samuel Ston Jun"" was Chosen Juriraen to sarve on y" Jury at Salem on y« 27 of Juen 1721 1721 At a town meting on the le"" of august 1721 in order to Chues a representetive and voted in the negetive At a meting of the Selectmen of manchester on the 10 Day of august in the yere 1721 thare was a cuntry Rate made amounting £ to the [164] Sum of 13-11-2 and Commeted to Joseph woodbery Constabal to Collect 13-11-2 152 EARLY RECORDS OF [218] A coppi of Resaets Boston Aug 16-1721 Reseved of willam liupper Consttabal of inanchester thurtee pound and S'^ in full by Jeremi alien Contiy tresurer Rec'^ of huper Consttabal of Manchester three pounds three sliil- lings and 3*^ in full for the County Rate for sd town Mr John appleton July 8-1721 Conn Tresuer [100] 1721 at a town meting at inanchester 1721 on the 3** Daj^ of november 1721 John Knolton moderrater furstly John bishup and beniamen alien and Recheherd Leech was Chosen trust- tees for sd town to reseve and Let out said manchesters proportion of monny or bells of Credet by the Grat and Jnneral Cort at bost- ten this present yere viz an a Dom 1721 2 ly it was voted that trusttees Shall have the 108£ for 5£ per 3'ere the furst 5 3ere to Let it out to the inhabettans of said town 3 ly it was voted that the trusttees shall Let out the niony to any of the inhabettans but not above ten pound nor under five pounds to any man 4 ly it was voted that the sd monny shall be Cept one month for the inhabettans of manchester and after that to Let it to whom thay shall think fet obsarving the Derection of the Law 5 ly it was voted that the trusttees Shall Set up notifications at the meting hous and the tarven so soon as they have Reseved the monny 6 Ly that the trusttees Shall Let out the £108 to such men as are qualified according to Law 7 Ly the town meting was adiorned to nin of the Clock in the forenoon on the thurtenth of november instant November 10 1721 [101] at a meting of the town by an ajornment on the 3*^ Day of november instant and the meting was Desmeste 1721 at a town meting legally vvarned and met to gather on the 18"' of Desember Cap John Knolton moderrater John Allen Jun was chosen grand Juriman and thomas tuxbury and pol leech to sarve on the Jury of trials 1722 At a town meting Legaly warned and met to gather on the 26"* Day of march in the yere 1722 Cap Knolton moderrater furst- ly John Lee was Chosen town dark and Reherd Leech & John TOAVN OF MANCHESTER. 153 foster & John Lee Jun'' Select men and nathanel masters was Chos- s\v sw sw- ell Constabal John bisluip beniamen alien willam hiipper Jeremiah sw sw sw hiberd sevaors of hie ways and matthew Coy Samuel Allen seni'' sw sw sw titheing men 6 Ly John Croel Danl willams John bisliup Jere- sw sw miah hiberd sevars of fens and Edward Lee Ezekel goodale Ja- sw bez Dodge hog rewewers John knowlton and SamuU alien Cullers of fish John bishnp Clark of the mareet Recherd Leach Selear of Lether 12 y*^ Selectmen was chosen assesors and it was voted that the selectmen shall tax the town this yere to defray the towns Charges ninti five pounds 14 ly it was voted that no gees shall be let run at larg on the common 15 ly John foster was chosen scool master & 16 ly it was voted that he shall agree with the father or scoller for his scooling it was Voted and agreed that y" plain feld and y^ nack feld shall be Jennereal felds and that the agre- nients made by y" propriettors of sd feld bareing Dat y*" 7 of april 1721 and the 19 of April 1721 shall be confirmed 17 ly Cap John Knolton Jatiez Dodge Ezekel Goodale Edward Lee- John Al- len was chosen Common Drivers [218] March 26 1722 Reseved of Consttabal hupper at severall times Eighty pounds in full for my Salery in the yere 1720 by me Ames Ciiever March 19—1722 Reseved of Consttabal hupper in behalf of the town of manchester aleven pounds and shillings & 2 in full for sd town in the yer 1720 John Lee town Tresuer Manchester march 26 — 1722 then Recned with Joseph vvoodbary Constabal for all y*" Rattes Commeted to the sd Constabal in the yere 1721 and thare Re- maines du to the town for want of his Resaits one hundred and eight a pound and fiften shill and 5 wetnes his hand 108-15-05 his Joseph O woodbury mark [101] at a town meting legally warned and met to gather on the 10"" Day of may in the yeare 1722 John Lee senior moderrater to chues a representetive and voted in the negettive At a town meting on the 19 of Juen John bishup moderater Beniamen alien John croel was chosen Jurimen 154 EARLY RECORDS OF [102] At a town meting Legally warned and met to gather ll"" Day of Desember in the yere 1722 John BIshup Moderrater for this meting for to Chues Jurimen and Jabez Doge was Chosen to sarve on the grand Jury and John Knolton jun"" and Daved Pres- on was Chosen to sarve on the Jury of trials Jabez Doge / rA 1 ! Jury ot Daved preson T 1 T^ ,, 1 trials Jolni Knowlton ^ [174] Ware as the select men and Conimetty Ded Lay out two high wais over Joseph vvoodburys Land the fift day of March 172f for the town of manchesters use and we the sul)cril)ers being irapowered by the propriettors at a propriettors meting on the twelf Day of march enstant to pay said Woodbury in Land out of our town Common for said liigh wais have accordingly met together on the Twenti fift Day of march a fore sd and agreed with y^ sd Joseph Woodbury of our town of manchester and to his full satisfacttion » for sd two high wais have Granted & bounded unto sd Joseph Woodbury a smal quanetty of our Common Land Lying and being in mancliester a fore said viz bounded sutherly by his own Land formerly his father Joseph woodbur^s and P^sterly by Aron ben- nets Land and westerly by Danniel Willems Land or Lot Laid out in the yere 1685 and allso by the south end of petmans Land and Glases Lot so Caled and allso by the fut or south end of Lots Laid out to his father Josepli Woodbury afore sd in the yere anno quie Domraeni 1685 and to the man tree so Caled being the nor- west corner bounds of the afore mentioned farm or Land &c Dated at manchester march the 25 anno Que Domnieni 1723 John foster John Lee Jun"^ Recherd Leech Selectmen At the same time Joseph woodbury tosignifihis full satisfacttion Ded set to his hand in presents of Jeremiah Heberd and nathanel marsters Joseph I woodburys mark [174] Ware as the Selectmen and Commeti ded Lay out one high way over Nathanel Lees Land on the fowerth Da^' of march in y* yere 172^ for the towns use and we the subcribers being im- powered by the propriettors at a propriettors meting on the 12"' of march Instant to pay Said Lee in Land out of our town Common TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 155 for sd liigh way Have According Ly met to gather on the twentieth Day of inarch in the 3'ere 172o and agreed with sd nathanel Lee of our town of nianehester and to his full sattesfacttion have Granted and bounded to sd Lee two small peases of Land Liing and being in manchester aforesaid Viz the furst peas of Land settuated on the north side or end of his own Land he bought of M"" aron bennet and bounded at the sow west Corner at sd Lees west Corner bounds andsowest notherly toapoplerthensnorthesterly to a hemlock then to a second hemlock thens to a stump from that to sd Lees plum tree Corner bounds being his north Corner bounds thens sow west- erly By said Lees Land to the bounds furst mentioned and secondly another [175] sraal peas of Land settuate in new port of sd town and bounded sow westerly by bennets Land northerly by Land formerly Granted to Lathers northeasterly b}' the high way untel it Comes to sd bennets Land John foster John Lee Jun' Recherd Leech Select men [103] At a town meting Legally warned and met John foster moderrater Jonnathan Allen was Chosen to sarve on y® Grand Jury and Nathanel Masters and Edward Lee to sarve on the Jury of trials at Salem at a town meting Legally warned and met y'' 10 of feb. 1723 John Knolten Moderrater for y'* sd meting furstl}^ it was voted that y*^ should be taxed ten Pounds yerely fower yers next insuing for the support of a free scool in sd town and no more then ten pounds a yere yerely y** s** fower yere to y^ s'^ scool which is for all sexes for Reading & Writing Englesh and for sifering that belong to the town of manchester 2Ly it was voted that a scool hous should be buelt forthwith of 24 foot Long 17 foot wide & 7 foot betwen Joynts Sly Ezekel Goodael Nathanel Marsters Recherd Leech and John Allen senior was chosen for overseers for to over se the bidding of sd scool hous 41y it was voted that y*" scool hous shall be set to the southwerd of y* meeting hous 5Ly John Bishup Cap John Knolton & John foster was Chosen to sevay the scool Land and to mesure sd Land and to make Re- port of the Quantity and Qualetti of sd Land to the town 156 EARLY RECORDS OF [166] At a meting of the Selectmen of Manchester the 17 Daj' of March in y*" yere 1723 then Recned with John Allen Constable of sd manchester and thare Remand due from said Allen to the town for want of his Resaits from y'^ several tresners the sum of one Hundred and foreten Pound & sixten shilling & 7 witnes his hand John Allen At a meting of y'^ selectmen of manchester august y*^ 17, 1724 then Recknend with Jolin Lee Junnior y*' former town treasuer and thare Remains due to y*^ town the sum of one Pound seventeen shil- £ 8 (1 lings & 4^^ after alowing him the sum of 2-16-4 to his full satis- facttion for sarvices as Town Treasuer As witness his hand the da3' of y*^ date above mentioned John Lee Jun'^ [103] at a town meting at manchester y*^ 17 Day of March Anno Que Dom 172|^ John foster was chose moderrater and 2 ly John foster & Jabez Dodge Willam Hupper was chosen se- lectmen 3 Jabez Dodge was chosen town dark and sworn 4 Jabez Dodge was chosen town treasurer sworn thomas Lee was sw Chosen Constabal sworn Aron bennet John Lee Jun"^ John Bish & willam [104] Hupper was choseen sevares of y^ high wais SW 8W SW 6 ly John Bishop Thomas Ayers & Nathanel Lee was chosen hog revewers SW SW SW 7 Ly Nathanel Marsters Jeremiah Hiberd & Joseph Allen sen''was Chosen sevares of fenses SW SW SW 8 Ly Danniel Williams Edward Lee and Joseph Lee was chosen feld Drivers 9 John Haskel and Danniel Willams was chosen tithing men 10 it was voted that y*^^ select man shall be Assesors Illy it was voted that the assesors shall tax y*^ town ninti five Pounds to De- fray y*^ town Charges and ten Pounds for y*^ support of the scool &c [102] 1723 at a town meting Legally' warned and met to gather on the twenty fift Day of March in y" yere 1723 Cap John Knolton Moderater for sd meting then John foster & John Lee Jun'' & Sam- uel Lee Junior was chosen select men and 21y John Lee Jun"" town Clark 31y John alien was chosen Constabal 4Iy John Lee Jun'^ town tresuer aron Bennet Robert Leech Junior and matthew Coy TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 157 was Cliosen savars of the high ways 61y Joseph alien senier and John Knight tithing men 71y matthew Co}' Recerd Leech Jere- miah Heberd sevaeis of fenses 81y Recheid Leech nathanel Lee and Jonnathan Allen feld Drivers 91y John Haskol and John ors- raent Joseph woodbery hog reevers lOLy Jolni Pears samuel alien senior Cullers of fish Illy John Bishup Clark of the marect 121y Recerd Leech sealer of Lether 131y the selectmen shall be asses- ors 181y it was voted that the select men or assesors shall tax the town of manchester this yere 1723 ninti five pounds HL}^ nathanel Lee was Chosen Scool master for sd town for to teach y'' Cheldren to Read English and to writ Englesh 151y that the select men shall agree sd Lee to Cep y" Scoole 16Ly it was voted that the monny the trustes are to pay yerely to the town for y*^ use of the 108^ pound shall be paid to the town tresuerrer to be Desposd of by the Select men as other town monny or by the town from yere to yere viz the five years which y'' sd trustees are to have sd monny 171y it was voted by the trusttees Shall have twenti shilings paid them at thare Demand for feching the 108 pound from Boston [218] March 23— 172§ Cradet for Joseph Woodbary by fower Resaits amounting to the sum of one hundred & eight pound & fif- ten Shillings & 5*^ viz fustiy from the Contiy tresuer 1 at boston £ 13-00-03 2 from m"" ames Chever 80-00-0 3 from y" Country tresur 01-11-8 & from the town tresuer 14-03-6 108-15-5 at a meting of the select men y* 25 Day of march 1723 then Recned with nathanel Masters Constabal on y^ account of y*^ Rates Comraeted to him in the yere 1722 and thare Remains Due to the town for want of his Resaits the sum of one hundred and sixten- pound & 18-3'* £ 116 18 03~ [102] at a town Meting Legaly wariied and met together on the thurtenth day of may 1723 in order to chues a Represenetive Cap John Knolten moderater and it was voted in the necettive haveing Liberty by Law so to do at a meting Legaly warned and met together the 17"' of Juen 1723 John Bishup moderater John Lee Jun'' & John Allen sen' was chosen Jurimen [164] Received of Constable Nathaniel Mastus att severall 158 EARLY RECORDS OF Payments Eighty Pounds of my Salary for the year 1722, this 18"^ of October 1723. I say Rec**. by me Ames Cheever Receiv*' of Nath" Masters Constable of Manchester the sum of two pounds &t\vosh & 2**, in full for the County Rate for sd Town June 24"', 1723, pr John Appleton County Trese'' [8] We the subscribers being Selectmen of manchester and Gloster and such as they have apointed to preemblate y* Line and renew the Bounds between the said towns have tlies 22** da^' of April 1723 and attended the Said sarvey from the East end of Grays beach at y*^ whit Oak tree from tliens to Gardners tree thens to the heap of RocivS which ar according to former settlement Be- twen the two towns Samuel Lee Jun"^ William Haskol Respectivefly John Haskol Thomas Witham for Manchester Ebenezer Daves for Gloster we the subscribers Being Selectmen of manchester and beverly and such as they have ai)ointed to Preambulate the Line and Re- new the Bound the sd towns viz beverly and manchester being met togather on april 22 day 1723 have accordingly preambulated y* line and Renewed the bounds betwen y*^ sd towns from the mouth of Chubs Crek in the medel thare of norward in the medel of y* northard brainch of sd Crek to a Rock in the head of sd Crek and thens norward to a whit oak stump in Lieut John Balches Land and thens norewards to white oak stump at plesant pond all of which are according to former Settelments betwen sd towns respectively by John thorndike "j John Lees Jun"^ John Corning | Matthew Coy paule thorndik ^ for beverly for manchester nickles Ober ( Robert Woodbery J We the subscribers being selectmen of manchester and wenham and such as they have appinted to preambulate the line and Renew y" bounds betwen the sd towns viz manchester and wenham being met to Gather on thirtieth day of april in the yere 1723 have ac- cordingly pramelated the Line and Renewed the bownds betwen sd towns begening at the tree markd with W & M. formerly ra-w a whit oak but now a whit pine Groing in the Roots or Stump of sd cake thens to a Rad oak tree thens to a clump of mapel stumps TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 159 thens to a liemlock tliens to a hemlock standing a fut to the east- ward of y*" pine formerly a tree but now a stump thens to Doges stump all of which are according to former settelments betvven sd towns respectivefly Samuel Kellam ( <• . w 1 John Lee Junr ( for manchester Nathanel Brown \ Matthew Coy ( [164] Bosten Novem"' 15"M723. Received of John Denison Esq then for the County of Essex by M'' Nath" Marsters Constable of Manches'^ Thirteen Pounds & three pence on ace" of an Exe- cution for the said sum *^13-0-3 for my Masf Jer : Allen Trea"" pr George Rogers. Manchester March y*^ 18, 172f then Received of Nathanel Marsters one of the former Constables of sd Man- chester the sum of Fifteen Pounds five shillings & four pence for 3'e use of sd Town by me John Lee Jun'' Town Treasuer. [218] INL'irch 19*\ 172f Cr for Nath" Masters Cons" for Rates by his Receipts Recorded in page 110, the sum of 110-7-9. [105] Att a Town Meeting Legally warned & met together on ye j4^th (jf j^j.^y 1724 in order to chose a representitive Dea" Benj* alien Moderator Due Inquiry was Made, & there not being y* Number qualified according to y^ Precept or Law it was voted on y* Negative Not to send any person to represent them in any such Court as y^ sd presept Exprest Att a Town Meetting Legally warned & met togather on the twenty second Day of June, 1724, Cap' Knowlton in behalf of Jn° Hill was chosen with Will'" Knights to serve on y*^ Jury of trials, at y^ Inferior Court holden at Salem the Last tuesday of this Instant June. At a Town Meeting Legally warned & met To gether on October 26, 1724 in order to make a compleet settelment of y' piece of land byy* Meeting house cal'd y"^ landing place. & y'' Meeting was ajorned to thursday y^ 19"' of Nov/ following also at y'' same Town Meeting it was voted that y^ Tn dark sh'd alphabet the Town book upon y® Towns cost At a Town Meetting Legaly warned & met To gether by ajorn- ment from Octo"^ 26, 1724, to Nov*"^ 19 following M' John Foster chosen Mod' for sd Meeting, & it was then & thare fully agreed voted, and a Com'** Chosen Namely M"^ John Foster John Lee Jun' Jabez Dodge and also fully Impowered to Join with & Assist the Select Men of manch'' either to rectifie & settle lots make & renew 1C)0 EARLY KECORDS OF bounds or to act in & on y" Town behalf, when, where, & for what the sd selectmen shall find ocation & give order & direction, there- for. [165] Boston July 22^^ 1724. Received then of M^ John Allen Constable of Manch'' pr M"' John Millet Thirteen pounds & three £ s d pence in full 13-0-3 for my Master Jeremiah Allen Trea"" pr George Rogers Rec*^ of John Allen Constable of Manch'' the sum of two pounds 12 shillings & 9** in full for y'^ County Rate for y^ sd Town July 13, 1724, for John Appleton County Trea^^ paid to y* Reve'nd Mr Ames Chever this 17"* Aug' 1724 ; seventy two pounds five shillings as by accompt on my Book writen with his own hand may apeare (218) Aug' 17"> 1724 John Allen Constable Cred' for Rates by his receipts & accompts Recorded in pages 111 amounting to y^ sum £ s d of 87-18-03. [165] At a meting of the Selectmen of Manch' Aug' 5"' 1724 there was two Rates made viz The Town Rate amounting to the sum of 108-18-00 Also a County Rate amounting to the sum of 32-16-00 Amounting in the whole to the total sum of 141-14-00 and comitted to Cons.' Thos Lee to assess gether & payout, according to order & warrants, given him, from y* Country Treas." Selectmen & Town Treas^'or T. C. by y* order Att a Meeting of the Selectmen or Asesers of Manch^ Aug' S** 1725 tiien by them was two Rates made viz. The Town Rate amounting toy'' sum of 117-2-5 and Country Rate amounting to the sum of 046-8-0 both Rates amounting in the whole to y® Total sum of 163-10-5 And Committed to Constable Ezek" Goodale to asses gether & pay acording to order & warrent given him [167] At a meetting of y"" Selectmen on Aug' 17, 1724 then Rekned with John Allen Constable & for want of his Receyts due £ s d to y* town 9-18-3 as witnes his hand John Alen At a Meetting of y'' Selectmen March 19, 172i then Recned with Tho' Lee Constable and for want of his Receipts there Rests £ s due to the Town of Manch'^ the sum of 108-16 as witness his hand Thomas Lee Constable [104] Att a Town Metting Legaly warned & met together on y« 25"'of Dec''' 1724 in ord' to chose Jurymen JohnFoster was chosen TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 161 Model'" for sd Meeting and Jeremiah Hebert was chosen to be on. y* gran Jiny for ensuing year & Rich*^ Coy & John Woodber}' was chosen to go on y* Jury of trials at y'' next Inferior court at SaleiH' on y^ last Tasday of this instant [167] Jany 20'\ 172^ Received of John Allen late Cons." eighty pounds ordered him to Discharge my salary for y*' year 1723' I say Received pr me Ames Chever A settlement of the Wards of the High vfays belonging to the Town of Mancli''. by the Selectmen of Sd Town which is as followeth Att a Meetting of the Selectmen of sd Manch/on March 29*'', 1725' lly It was agreed & concluded upon that the first ward shall be- gin at John Woodberys house and so from thence all the High- ways and By ways from sd Woodberys to Tliomas Tuksburj's house and the sd ways to be mended & Keep in good repair as the Law requires and all the Men and Teems oxen & carts (with all other Instruments and Tools, sutable & nesesary to do the sd work) be- long to that end of the Town from, John Lee Jun'^ to the sd Wood- ber3's are to, do that work, or service, and the surveyor Nath" Mars- ters shall have the charge care & inspection thereof this Insuing year, tliat is to be timely & faithfully Done as abovesd. 21y The Second Ward to be ; on the sd Highway or Country Road, beginning, by Tho' Tuksburys house, on sd Highway & so from thence to within ten poles on y*" west side of Old John Lees Orchard ; and then, begining again Att M'' Chevers Barn & so on y^ way that leads to Chebacco over Dodges Bridge to the sd Che- bacco or Ipswich line and all the Men & teems &c. From Dea° Lees on the Norther!}'' side of the old Saw Mill Brook to do that service or work ; And the surveyer John Allen sen"" shall have the charge care & Inspection thereof this ensuing year that it be timely & faithfully Done as abovesaid Sly The Third Ward beginino- on y* sd Road or highway ten poles to y*" westerd of old Jn° Lees Orchard, & so, on thence to the Burying place and all the by ways on each side of sd Road, viz from y" Meetting House to M"" Che- vers Barn, & from sd Barn Down to the Great Neck and all y* Men & teems &c before sd from Benj.*^ Aliens house and y*" Meet- ting liouse on y'' Southerly side of sd ways including the Horshams & Bishops and the Old Neck folks & so down to Gales point to do [168] that service or work and the Surveyer Benj/ Allen shall have the Charge care & Inspection of the sd work or service thereof this ensuing year that it be timely & faithfully Done as 11 162 EARLY RECORDS OF aforestl. 4:\y The Fourth "Ward begining on the aforesd Road or highway by the Burying place & so on from thence Down to Glos- ter line ; and all the Men & teems &c. from Dodges & Marsters house on y* northerly side of the way tillit comes to the Casaway and from thence all on both sides of the sd way extending to Glorser line to do that Work or service and tlie Surveyer Sam^^ Morgen shall have the Charge care and Inspection thereof this ensuing year that it be timely & faithfully Done as aforesd John Foster f c i . e Benf . B. A. Allen Selectmen of -, , -r T r / Manchester John Lee Jun"^ v. [165] Att a Town Meeting Legally warned & met together on the 25 of January 172| John Lee Jun^ Moderator. It was voted & fully agreed, to exchange upon an equal treek that piece of land on the North side of the way, betwen the Rock & the pound, the Mill brook & y" sd way with Sam' Lee Jun'' for his piece of land formerly granted to M'' Norton, on the South side of the way in the Landing place. The sd piece of land by the pound is to extend from y" sd Rock esterly to a stake standing two foot from the westerly side of the sd pound & so square of to y*^ brook And y* Present Selectmen are hereby Appointed, ordered & Impowered to give a deed of sd piece of land to the sd Sam' Lee & to receive a deed of him of his sd piece in y^ Landing place ; and to make re- turn to the Town of their Doings therein [166] We the sub'" being chosen selectmen for the Town of Mancli'' have this U"" day of Feb^y 172f met together and renewed the bounds of the Pasonage lott lying at Kettle Cove on y*" southerly side of y*^ Country Road or highway, & ajoyning to the sea viz : renewed & bounded as follows the northeast corner bounds a White pine markd with 4 marks with stones about it, thence westerly eighteen poles to a stake with stones standing in or near the for- mer pitch pine by the sede Road, thence southerly l)y Rich'' Leaches lott to a pitch pine marked with 4 marks with stones about it, by and near the bank of the sea, thence by the sd bank of the sea 14 poles & four foot to another Pitch pine marked with 4 marks with stones about it, thence Northerly by the Aliens lott to the bounds first mentioned, Also a way laid out from the sd Country Road, begining at the sd stake with stones standing by the sd road, be- ing the bounds of sd pasonnge lott, & so thence l)ounding upon the heads of the lotts & so along down to the White Beach, land- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 163 ing place or Cove, sd way is laid out & so to be keept one pole & half wide from y" sd Road to the sd Beach or Cove John Foster ) Selectmen of Jahez Dodge J manchester Copy veria of the origenal This is a true return Attest Jabez Dodge Town Clerk on March 7"' 1725 [170] Att a Meetting of the Selectmen (chosen for y'' j^ear 1725, tiien Rec'ned with Constable Ezek" Goodell and there rests Due from y^ sd Goodell to the Town of Manch*" for want of his Receipts from y^ severall treas" & recevers, the sum of one hun- dred sixty three pounds ten shillings and five pence as witness his hand this 7'^ Day of March 1723 Ezekell Gooell [104] Att a Town Metting for the choice of Town officers, Legally warned & met together on the 22**, Da}- of March 172i John Foster Mod"", firstl}'^ it was voted that M"" John Foster, Benj* Allen & John Lee Jun"' should be the selectmen or the ensuing s year. 21}' Jabez Dodge Town Clerk. 31y Ezekiel Goodale Constable S S 8 41y Sara^ Lee town Treasur John Allen, Benj" Alien, Natli" Mars- s s ters & Sam" Morgen, Surveyors of highwa3's 61y John Foster John S S 8 S Hill, & Edward Lee hog-reveu^ 71y John Bishup and John Lee. s s Jun'. survey"', of Fences 8Ly Jonath" Allen, John Hill and Edward S " 8 S Lee & Jolin Woodbery Field Drivers 9Ly Sam" Lee sen"" & Sam" 8 Stone Titliing men lOLy John Tarren sealer of leather llLy John Bishop Clerk of y*" Market 12Ly the selectmen to settle wards of the highway's and to give a list of the men and teems, belonging to each ward to the survey"" thereof I3I3' the present Select men to s be the Assesers 141y the Assesers to Tax the Town 110 pounds; viz 80 pounds for y^ Rev"'' M"" Chevers salery 10 pounds for the school & 20 pounds to Defray other Town charges [9] Att a metting of tlie proprietors of y*^ undevided Land in Mancli"^ in New England being legally warnd & mett together on ye 22"'' Day of March Anno Dom 1725 John Lee Jun' Mod% then upon consideration of a demand made by Jn° Lee jun'. of five acres of land ; & three Acres of land to be laid out to him y*^ sd Jn" Lee jun' in the Right of Jno. Crowell, which five Acres & three 164 EARLY RECORDS OF Acres of land was agreed upon & granted by sd proprietors to be laid out to y" Right of Jno. Crow", as well as to other Comon". rights in y* year 1685 Refering to y* sd Town Records may more fully Appear and altho' it be very provibable y' y*^ sd five Acres & y*" 3 acres have been already laid out yet in as much as y'' Com"^^ have made no return of their so doing so that there is no Record thereof to be found in y^ sd Town Records of its being laid out to y^ sd Jno. Crow^' or any other person : tlierefore it remains to be done whereas y^ sd John Lee jun'' have purchased the sd five acres and the three acres of land whether 1 aid out or not laid out as by lawful! Deeds of sale, may Appear therfore it was at the above sd time and place agreed on & voted by the mager part of the proprietors or intrest then present, that the sd Jno. Lee jun'' shall have the five acres of land ajoyning to y*" westard of y'^ land he bought of Daniel Williams bounded as follows viz. at y® north corner of y'' land he y*" sd Lee bought of Dan" Will™' thense north untill it comes within two Rod of y'footofy'^lotts laid out in y*^ year 1706thense west leaving two Rods be y" foots of sd lotts untill it comes within two Rods of Nath" Marsters land, thence southerly by sd Marsters land leaving two Rod or more to a Spring at y*^ going down of y^ hill by the easterly side of y" path in y** little Brook, thence easterly to y"^ sd John Lees, Land att such a distance from y'' aforementioned lines as will include five acres. 2'^ly it was voted and agreed y' y^ sd three Acres be laid out to sd Lee in y^ Right of y'' sd John Crow" where it was foi'merly supposed to be laid out & bounded as it is bounded in y'' sd John Lees jun"" Deed. Attest Jabez Dodge Town Clerk [90] Att a town Meetting in Manch'' & Legally Warned & met to gether on May ll"" 1725 in order to chose a Representitive & it was voted in the negative not to send any to Represent the sd Town having not y*^ Number of Freeholders y' y*" Law Requers [96] Att a Town metting legally warned & met together June 14, 1725, Benj'' alien Mod"" Sam" Lee Jun" & Sam" Morgen chose to serve on the Jury of Tryals at Salem on y*" last tuesday of this Instant [207] Att a Town Meeting Legally warned & Mett together on y' 12"' day of July, 1725, M' Aaron Bennet Moderater voted that the Ministry lott caled the Millet swamp-lot should be fenc'd with a legal stone wall as far as y*" upland goes, & the rest with a good suffitient fence, that is to say all the fencing properly be- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 165 longing to sd lott, & to be made & Done by a rate or tax on the Town of Manch'' to defray the charge thereof, and a Com*''^ chose to manage and compleat y" sd work who are y^ present select-men Nanily M' Jn° Foster Benj'' Allen & Jn° Lee Jun"" and the sd Com'^" to compleat sd work b}' the first of Ap" Next ensuing the date hereof also voted a Cora"''' namly Rr Benj" Allen Jn° Lee Jun"^ are to Inquire into & tak accompt of y^ Rev M"" Chevers grivences, Also to tak Accompt of y'' towns greviences & to offer them to & la}^ them before the Town at a Town meeting by ad- journment from Munda^'' twelfth of June to tusday y* 20"^ of this instant at one of the clock in the Afternoon, to which this pres- ent Meeting is Adjourned. [168] Manch"- June 28'^ 1725 Then Received of Constable Natli" Marsters Six pounds ten Shillings & six pence for y* Town of Manch"" I say Received by me Sam" Lee Jun'' Town Treas"" [169] Att a Town Meeting Legally warned & Mett together on July 20"' 1725 by adjournment, M"" Aron Bennet Mod'' it was then voted & agreed & concluded that the piece of land given by the Town of Manchester to the Rev'^ M"" Ames Chever, in the Cov- enant cal'd an Acre or an Acre & half for his house Lott where sd house stands to bound the sd piece of land as the wall & fenc- ing round about it now stands it viz on y* esterly side bj^ y*" high- way' as the stone wall & board fence now stand, Southerl}^ by the Towns land cal'd the Pasonage land as the Cross wall now stands, Westerly & Norwest by Dea" Sam" Lees land as the stone wall now stands Northerly by the Common land as the fence or stone wall now stands to y^ highway or bounds first mentioned. And the Com""-' (chose Appointed & Impowered by the sd Town at a Town Meeting on Ma}^ 11, 1721. namely Capt. John Knowlton John Bishop & John Allen, to give a Deed of the sd piece of land with y* housing thereon) are now further directed and ordered without anj' further delay to give the sd M"" Chever, a Legall con- veyance of the sd piece of land & Towns housing standing thereon according to the directions herein given It was also voted upon M"" Chevers quiting any right or claim to what was voted him for making Ministry fence, on May 11, 1723. that the sd Bill that M'' Chever has brought in upon the Town for making & mending stone wall & other fencing to & about the Passonage land, should £ 5. 14. d 1. 10. 10. 04. 166 EARLY RECORDS OF be paid to him out of y^ Towns stock b^^ y*^ hand of tlie Town Tl•eas^ According to the sd Accompt which is as followeth f making Nine poles & a half of stone wall by the Town Pound For < *^"® ^^^^^ ^f y" Cross wall viz 6 poles at 5 I making a rail fence from y^ sd pound ( (. to the Crick & finding stuf to do it with ( poles bought & put on ye Ministry land wall amounting in the whole to y* sum of 7. 18. Aug' 29"^ 1725 Then Received of Constable [168] M'' John Allen Jun'' on the accompt of y" Town of Manclf two pounds & three shillings & three pence I say Rec*^ by me Sam^' Lee Jun'' Town Trea'' [104] Att a town Meeting Legaly warned & Met to getlier on Dec'"" 20*'\ 1725 in order to Chose a Count}' Register, & also to chose Jury men M"" John Foster Mod"". 1 ly voted that M' Benj\ Maston shold be County Register 2 Ly John Knight on y'^ Gran s Jury 3 ly Nath" Lee and Rob' Knowlten on y^ Jueri trials [105] At a Town meeting Legaly warned & meet to gather n on march 7"" 1725-6 Sam*^' Lee sen"" moder"' s chose for Select men 1 ly Sam" Lee sen'^ Aaron Bennit & Nath" Masturs 2 for S 8 constable Jabez Dodge 3 ly for Town Clerk Sam" Lee Jun"" 4 ly the rest Chose by hand vote & 5 ly Chose as town Treas"^ John s s foster 6 ly Chose as suvayers of fences Saml^ alien sen"^ Richard s s Leach & Daniel Williams 7 ly for surveyers of highways the P' s s s ward John Woodbury 2 ward Edward Lee 3^^ ward Robt Leach 4*'' ward Sam" Ston 8 Ly as field Drivers William Badcock [106] s s Robert Knowlton Thomas Hayrs Gorge Burours 9 ly as tything S 8 S men Rich'^ Coy & John Bishop 10 Ly seler of lether John Tarriu s 11 ly Clerk of the market John Bishope 12 ly the Assers the se- lectmen for the year insuing to be assesers 13 ly To tax the town 90 pounds f(»r the Reven' M"" Ames Chever & 10. To the school & 10 £ to Defray Town Charge Voted to these persons following namely Beniamen Allen John Bishop Richard Leach Jonathan Allen Jer'' Heberd John Crowell Jabez Dodae John osment Eze- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 167 kiel Goojile Sam" Lee Jun'' ShardeaU Norten a spot 50 foot front riglit of the pint on the landing to buikle a whorf to be to them there heirs & Assigns for ever they yealding & paying to the sd Town of Manch"^ y"* snra of 5^ per year yearly for 20 years Except at y® expiration of y" term of 20 years the sd town shall see cause to redem the spot with all the buildings at the Just cost & charges which y*^ sd undertacUers have expend din Building & Repairing the sd AVharf & buldings on it [209] We the subscribers being appinted by the select men of manchester & Gloster for to premblate the line & Renew the bounds betwen the above sade towns have atended & prformed s"^ sarves from the wite oak tree at Gras beach & he bouns betwext 8^ towns thenc to Gardners tree & thence to the heps of Rocks which bound are acording to former setelment we have renewed the bounds as the law Derects this 26 day of aprel | 1726 for manchester for Gloster Sam" Lee Jun' Joseph Aallen Richard Leach Nathaniel EUery We the snbcribers being appoynted by our respective towns beverly & manchester to preambulate & renew the bounds betwene the s** towns have accordingly mett on Aprel y" 26-1726 and have Renewed said bounds as foletheth Viz beginning at the raout of Chubs Crick and so Nothwards in the midel of the nothern Branch ot saide Crick to a rock att the head of sd Crick & thence northward to a white oak stump in Leu" John Batcher his land being a Rang- ing bounds & thence northward to a white oak stump at plesant pond all which Bounds we have Renewed being According to the former settelment & prambelations made by our sd towns John Ober Richard Coye ( for nathanill Baker Daniel willams i Manchester Richard TliisUe John Elut for Beverly [209] We these Subscribers being met to gather according to notification on the line between manchester & wenham on the 26 Day of aprel 1726 to premblate on s*^ line and Renew bounds and we have renewed s*^ bounds betwen s*^ towns as formly as witness our hands the yeare and Da^' above said Richard Coye ( for Nathaniel Brown j for Daniel williams ( Manchester William Dodge t Wenham 168 EARLY RECORDS OF [210] furstly we began att the W tree which we found blowen up b}^ the roots which stump we marked & a white burch with W so nigh we can Judged 2 neare to Seder swamp we came to Grate Eock neare to a white oake marked about eighten inches threw 3 we came to the hep of Rocks & theare Renewed our bounds y*^ 3 Day 1727 Thomas Burnam S"" Aaron Bennet & & Thomas Burman J'' John Bishop for Ipswich Ezekel Goodale for niancii'' [171] Reed, this 13"^ of May 1726 of M"" Ezekial Goodale Con- stable for y'' year 1725 Eighty pounds of my salary for y'' s*^ year 1725 I say Reseved by me in provence Bills Ames Cheever Boston 22"^ of June 1726 Reseved of M'' Ezekel Goodale of Manchester forty three pounds eight shillings & four pence in full Atorney 6 Mar''^ Jer'' Allen hed C P Tersers Reseved of Ezekel Goodale Constable manch'' the sura of forty two shillings & 2 pence in full for the Coun'^ of Rate for y^ sd Town Ipewech May 5-1726 p'' John Appleton Count}^ Tresse'"" Reseved this 6"' Day of march 1726-7 of Ezekel Goodale Con- 8 stable of nianch'' in yeare 1725 the sum of thirty seven pounds 19 d 11 in full for Rates by me John foster town Tresuer £ s d 7-19-11 Reed att severl payments of Constable Jabez Dodgee ninty pounds in provence Bills being y"^ part of my Covenanted Sallary for y'' yeare 1726 w'' y"^ Select men ordered him to pay Rec*^ y* 29 of March 1727 I say by me Ames Chever Reed of Jabez Dodge of manch"" Constable the sum of Twenty nine shillings in full for the sd tax assesed upon y® sd town Ipswich July 28-1727 pr John Appleton Treasurer Bostown August 17-1727 Reed of M"" Jabez Dodge Constable of Manch' y*" sum of thirty TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 169 nine pounds seventeen shillings & five pence in full for my Father Jer" alien Tres' pr Jer" alien Jun" £ s d 39-17-8 [106] Att a Town meeting Legally warned & met to gather on ye jgth Y)iiy of May 1726 in order to Chouse a representitive Sam^^ Lee sen"" Ciiose raoderater Due Inquiry was made & thare not be- ing y'^ number qualified according to y" pesept or Law it was voted in y* negitive not to send any person to represent them in any such Court as y'' s"^ presept Exprest At a town Meeting Legaly warned & Met to gather on y*' 20"^ Day of June 1726 in order to Cliuse Jiiray men Sam" Lee sen"" was Chosen moder'' for s*^ meting 2 I3' was Chosen Daniel Knight & Sam" Lee Sen'' to sarve on the Jury of triells at y*" inferiry Cort to be holden at Sallam on the last tusdaj' of this Instant June [168] Att a meting of the Select men on aug' 16"' 1726 there was a town Rate List made amounting to the sum of 108-9 and also a Rate List for the Country amounting to y" sum of £54-3 and both y*^ sd Lists Comitted to Jabez Dodge Constable to as- ses & Gether & pay acording to order & warent given him [106] At a town Meeting legaly warned & met to gather on yM9 Day of Decem^"* 1726 in order to Chuse Jury men Sam" Lee sen'" was chosen moder'' for s** meting 2 ly was Chosen John Lee Jun'' to sarve on the Grand jurj- for the j'ear insuing & Israel Fos- ter & benj" vvoodbery to sarve on the jury of triells at y® inferear cort to be holden at Sallam on the last tusdey of this instant [170] On March 6"^ 1726-7 Att a Meetting of the Select men chosen for y'' year 1726 then Reckned with Constable Jabez Dodge & theare Rests Due from y'^ s** Dodge to the town of Manch"" for want of his Receipts from y*^ Severell Treas"" & Recev- ers the suui of oue hundred sixty twoo pounds & thurten shillings 172f [107] Att a Town Meeting in manchester Legally warned & Met to gather on March 7'" 1726-7 furstly was Chosen M"' Aron Bennet sen"" raoderater by vote 2 was Chosen Sam" Lee sen'' & aron Benet sen'" & Jolni Foster for Select men for the year insuing 3 was Chose Richard Coy for Constable for the yeare insuing 4 Was chose Sam" Lee Jun"' for Town Clerk for the year insuing 5 ly was voted that the Rest of the town ofesers shall be chose by a hand 8 vote 6 was John Foster Chose for Town Tres' 7 Benj"' Allen 170 EARLY RECORDS OF s s sen"" Wilhun Hooper Willam Badcock for seviiars of Fences 8 for s servairs of highways 1 ward Willam Badcock 2 Ward Ezekel s s s Goodale 3 ward Jonathan Allen 4 ward John weber for feld Driv- s s s ers John Lee Jiin'' Joseph Lee Sam'^ Mergen 10 for tithing men ■ s Danel Preson Robrt Herck 11 Clark of the Market John Bishop sen'' 12 Seler of Lether John Terren 13 for Assessors & over- s seers of the Poore Sam^' Lee Aaron Benett John Foster the above raenshened select men 14 to Tax the Town £90 pounds for the Rv"" M'' Ames Cliever for his salery for the yeare insuing & 10 pounds for the Scole acording to former vote & £30 pounds to Defraj'- all nesery town charges 15'^ voted that the Rev"" JVP Ames Chever shall have Given to him £ 10 pounds out of the town stock in con- sideration of his extrodner}' carge to be in & for this years extrod- iier}^ charge 16 that philip nicklous hous & Land shall be sold as soone as may be by the present selectmen as the Law Directs to Defray the cost & charge of his mantance 17'y that £10 pounds formly voted for the use of the schole shall be paide by the select men for that use to the schole Dame or mas- ter as it is called for to Defray the charge of the schole [108] Att a town Meeting in Manchester Legely warned Met on Ma}^ 8"^ 1727 in order to chous a Representive Sam" Lee sen"^ was Ciiose Modrater Dew Inquiry was mad & theare not being the number qualified according to the presept or the Law it was Voted in the negetive not to send any person to Represent us in any such Court as y*^ sd presept exprest 2 ly Benj'' alien sen"" John Lee Jun" Sam" Lee Jun"" was Chosen for a Commet}' to treet with our Rev°^ M"" Chever & to know of him where he will provide us a Choole or not & if he refuses to provide for us any Longer allso to Racken with him for all his disbursments for the sport of a schoole & to bring the A count to the town at the a jornment 3 ly the present meeting was ajorned to 5 of the clock in the four noone y*' 9 of may instant Att a town meeting in manchester by an ajornment from the 8"* day of may to the 9"^ of may 1 ly it was voted & a Greed upon that our Rev m"" Chever shall take care & provide shutable schooling for our Childring & youths for this year insuing according as the town & the subcribers have a Greed to in times past Conserning a schoole 2 ly it was voted that Benj'' alien sen"" John Lee jun"" Sam" Lee TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 171 Jun'' shall he a Comniety to advise with & Give thare advice to our Rev" Mr'' Chever in the choice & Setelment of sutable schooling for the childring & youths of the town of raanch"" 3 ly was chose nathanel Masturs & John Bishop shall be hog reves for the year insuing At a town meting in manchester Legely warned met on the 9"^ of June 1727 in order to choose Jury men 1 1}^ was Chosen m"^ John foster for moderater for sd meting 2 ]y George Buros & Thomas Lee to sarve on the Jury of trials on the last tusday of June instant [172] Att a Meeting of the select men in Manchester on Aug- ust 8'^-1727 thare was a town Rate List made amountin to the sum of £41-19-11 Oct^^ 16-1727 Reed then of Cons"'' Jabez Dodge the full sum of thirty one pounds eleven shillings & eight perice in full of what was Due from him to y*" town of Manch' I say Rec*^ pr Me John Foster Town Tres"^ At a meting of the Selectmen in manch"" on November 8'^ 1727 theare was a Cuntry Rate List made amounting to the sura of £11-15-6 Att a Meeting of the Selectmen March 6-1 72 J Then Rackened with Constable Richard Co^' & there Rests Due from y*" sd Ricliard Coy to the Town of Manch'' for want of his Receipts from y® several Tres" & recvers the sum of one hundred & fifty three pound fifteen shillings & five pence as witnes his hand this 6"^ of march 172|- Richard Coye At a Meeting of the Selectmen in Manch"" on July 22** 1728 there was a menstry Rate List made amounting to y^suni £99-18 & also a Town Rate List made amounting to th sum of 80-8 & Commited to Constable Jeremiah hiberd to colect & Gather & pa}' in as he shall Reseve Warant & Direction from the Assessors of sd Town At a Meeting of the assessers of the town of Manchester on August 27-1728 there was a Country Rate List made amounting to £ s d the sum of 22-11-7 & Commited to Constable Jeremiah Hibert to Colect & pay in as he shall Reseve warant from the Country Tres"^ 93-19-3 [109] Novem""^ 6*- 1727 At a Town Meeting Legely warned & met to Gether in order to Chuse a Represintive to Represent us in a Grate & Genrale Court of asembly Uy was chosen M"" John 172 EARLY RECORDS OF Foster modreater for s*^ meting 21y it was Voted not to send any person to Represent us in a Grate & General Court at Bostoun to be convened & and cept for his maj'' ser^'^ as haveing Liberty by Law so to Du At a Town meting in Manchster Legely wonned & meet to Getlier on y'^ 18"' Day of December 1727 in order to Chuse Jurey men fustlj^ M'' John Foster was Cosen Moderater for s*^ meeting 21y John Osment was chose to sarve on tlie gran Jury for y" yeare in- suing Sly was Cosen willam Badcock & Jesiah Allen to Sarve on the Jury of triles at the next infeaer Cort to be holden at Sallam on the Last tusday of this insttant Desember At a Town Meeting Legely worned & met to Gether in manch"' on the 18"' Day of Decem*^ 1727 in order to Dispose of the money that belonging to s'^ manchester in our trusts hands furstly was chosen Cp* John Knolten moderater for s'^ meeting 2ly it was voted that the trusts formly chosen & have had y*" money that was set to s*^ town by the Grate and Generl Court at bostown shall have s** money or bills of Cradet the holl term of time set & prfesed by sd Court s^ trusts paying in to the town Tres'' one 5 part yearly of the £ s"^ prisnsable sum of 108 & the intrest for the same from the furst 5 years tel they shall have paid in the hoi sum yearly at the rate £ of 5 a poke the hundred pounds Att a Town Meeting I Manch'' Legely warned & Meet to gather on March 7"' — 172| furstly it was Voted to Cluise a Moderater by a hand Vote 2Ly John Lee Jun' was Ciiosen modrater for s*^ Meet- S 8 S ing 3"'Ly John Foster & Sam" Lee Jun"" & thomas Lees slectmen a 4*^Ly was Chose Jeremiah Hiberd for Constable o'^Ly Chosen B Sam" Lee Jun"" for town Clerk [110] 6Ly it was Voated to Cluise the rest of the town Ofecers by a hand Voat 7"'Ly was Chose the afore menchened select Men to be assessors for the year insuing s 8Ly Nathaniel Masturs for a Sevare of hig ways to nuport & Jabez Dodge for a Sevuare of the high way that Lead to Jebacker & 8 S John bishop for a sevuair of the Midel ward & John Knight for a sevair of the high way that Leads to Gloster 9Ly for titheng Men 6 8 John Allen s"" & Sam" Morgen lOLy for sevairs of fences aron 8 6 S Bennets"" & Benj^ alien s"" llLy John Bishop for Clark of the mar- s ket 12Ly John Woodbury for Sealer of Lether 131y Joseph Wood- TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 173 S 8 S buiy Robert Herik & abrhara Masturs for howards HL}^ for hog s s reeves was Chosen Richard Coy & Richard Leach & Jonathan Allen & Willam hooper for one year insuing 15Ly that hogs & swine shall Go at Large this year insuing being yoked & Ringed as the s Law Directs 16Ly John Foster for Towne Tresurer 17Ly it whas a Greed uppon & Voted that y® assessers shall Tax the Town £90 for the Rev** M"^ Ames Chever for his Salery y*" 3-ear insuing 18Ly the assessers shall Tax the Town £60 money for the surport of the poor & Defraye all Nesery town Charges 19Ly it was Voted that they should Tax the Town £20 for the suport of a free schole in Manch'' for y*" year insuing 20Ly Sam'' Lee s'' & John Allen s"^ John Knight Aaron Bennet Richard Coy shall be a Commity to agree with the School master or masters Att a Town Meeteing in Manch'' Legely warned & met to Gather on aprel 15-1728 in order to Consider of & to a Gree uppon wether we will or will not except of our part & prposhon of the sexty thousand pounds of Bills of Cradet made by the Grat & Genarl Cort assembled at Bostown for these towns of our prov- ence that will Except them & if we a gree &c Reseve it also to Chuse trusttes to reseve & Let the same according to the Directions in Law in that Cas made & provided IL3' M"" Benj'' all s"' chosen modrater for this present Meeting 2Ly it was a Greed to & voted to Reseve our part of 60 thou- sand pounds 3Ly it was a Greaed to & voted that Cpt John Knol- 8 3 3 ten [111] M"' Aaron Bennet M' Natha" Masturs shall be Trusttes for the town of Manch' to Reseve our per poshon of y*" sixty thousand pounds & to Let out the same to the inhabitance of s*^ Town at the Rate of six pr sent pr anum 4Ly it was Voted that y* above s'' Trusttees shall pay in to the Selectmen or horn they shall apoynt both prinsable & intrest according to the Law in that Case made & provided oLy it was voted & a Greed a pone by both partes that s'' Trustes shall have 30' pr year yearly for sd sarves for the hoi time exprest in y^ Law in that Case made & provided Att a town meeting Legaly warned & met to gather on the 6"" Day of may 1728 in order to Chuse a Representitive ILy Cpt John Knolten was chosen Moderater for s'' meeting Du inquirey was made & there not being the number qualefied according to Law it 174 EARLY RECORDS OF was voted in y^ negetive not to send any person to Represent us in any such Court as s*^ prsept Exprest Att a town meeting Legel}' warned & met to gather in manches- ter on June 17"'-1728 in order to Chuse Jury men fustly M*^ John Bishop was Chosen moderater for s** meeting 2Ly Rob' Herek & John Weeber was Chosen to sarve on the Jury of trils at the in- fearer Court to be hoUlen at Salam for the County of Essex on tlie Last tusday of this instant June Att a town meeting Leagely warned anri meat to Gather on the 25'^ of Dec" -1728 lly it was voted that M' Aaron Benet to sarve modrater for that meeting 21y it was voted that Nath" Masturs to sarve on the Grand Jury Sly voted foster and Ezekel Goodale to sarve on tlie Jury of trials at the next inferear Cort at Sallam Manch^ Feby 24—1728 [173] Att a meeting of the Selectmen chosen for the year 1728 Then Rackned with Constable Jeremiah Hibord & there Rest Dew from sd Hibord to the Town of Manch"" for want of his several Recpts from the several Tres'' & Reverers the sura one hundred & ninty three pounds nineteen shilling & 3^^ as witnes his hand the Day & year above Riten Jeremiah hil)erd Rec'' of Constable Richard Coy Ninty pounds in Provence Bills my orded salary for the yeare 1727 this 12 of March 172^ I say Rec"^ by me Ames Cheever Boston Aprill 4, 1728 Rec'^of M"" Richard Coy Constable of Manchester p]leven pounds fifteen shillings & sixpence in full for my father Jer" alien Trea'^ pr Jer'' Allen Jun"" Rec*^ of Rich'' C03' of Manchester the sum of two pounds eight shillings & in full for y*" Con try Rate March 30-1728 p John Ap- pleton County Tres"" Rec'^ this twelft Day of June 1728 of Richard Coy Constable of Manchester for Ravagese of Rates the full sum in full of fifty 8 d pounds 17-8 by me John foster Town Tres"^ of Manchester Rec'^ of Jeremiah Hibert Constable of Manch Ninty pounds part of m}^ Covanted Salary for the year 1728 & y*^ whole y' Se- lectmen ordered him to pay Rec'' y" 10 of nov 1729 by me Ames Chever Nov 3"' 1729 Rec'' of Cuns' Jere'' Hibert tweneety one TOWN OF :\IA]SrCHESTER. 175 pound sixteen shillings in money in full for the Cuntiy tax in the 3'earl728 & thirt}- shillings & 6*^ the Cost of anexequshons for the same by reason of the Returns of the Constable name miscarring to the Country Tres'' miscarring pr me John foster Town Tres" June 22-1730 Rec'^ of Jere Hibert Constable of manch"" the full & Just sum of eight}^ two pounds three shillings & 3*^ money Co- lected for sd town by me John foster Town Tresurer [112] Att a Town Meeting in manch'' for the Choice of Town Of- ficers Legaly warned & Meet togather on the 10"" Day of March 172f furstly Sam" Lee s'^ chosen Modrater for sd meeting 2 ly it was Voted to Chuse towne offecers by prockses 3 L}' it was Voted that the Se- 3 lect Men or assesors shall have 4 pr Day & No more the time that they are a Making of the Rate Lists or Tax^s for sd Town 4 Ly s s * V John Foster Nath" Masturs Sam" Lee Jun'' for select Men for the s year insuing 5 ly John Woodbury for to sarve a Constable 6 ly s s Sam" Lee Jun*^ to sarve as town Clerk 71y John foster was Chosen for a Town Tres' 8 Ly it was Voted to Chuse all other Town offecers by a hand Vote 91y it was Voted that the above named Select Men shall be assers for the year insuing lOLy it was voted to Chuse 2 men for assers to joyne with the Select Men to asses the abovsd S 8 Town 1 iLy willam Hooper & Richerd Leach to Joyne with the Sleet s s Men to asest them in assesing sd 12 Ly Sam" alien s"" Sam" Mergin s s John osment Joseph Woodbury for Suvyrs of highways 13 Ly S 8 ° S Richard Co}' & John weber tithen Men 14Ly Chosen Edward Lee S 3 & Robert hearck for severs of fences 15 hy M"" Aron Bennet & s Ezekel Goodale was Chose for hourds & feald Drivers 16Ly voted that all swine may Go at Large well yoked & Ringed in the nose s s as the Law Directs 17Ly was Chosen John Bishop s"' & Gorge Crose s s John Knight s'' & willam Badcock for hog Reves 18Ly Was Chosen John Bishop s' Clerk of the mark 19Ly was Chosen John Tarrin for sealer of Lether 20 Ly voted that Sam" Allen s'& M' Aaron Benet & Natha" Marsturs & Ezekel Goodal shall be for Cullurs of fish £ 21Ly it was Vote that the Town Shall be Taxed 90 for the Rev"*^ W Clievers salry for the year insuing 22Ly Voted 20 for the suport of a Chole or Schols in manch'' the year insuing 23Ly Voted 176 EARLY RECORDS OF that M' Aaron Benet Richard Coy & John Knight shall be a Com- mety to provide sutable scholing for chiklren in maiich"' as Ion a time [113] as the £20 above voted for that use will Defray the Charge thereof 24Ly it was Voted to Give £10 to the Rev"'^ J\r Cliever for to make up to him his salary £100 for the year 1729 25Ly it was Voted to Tax the Town £20 to Defray all nesery Town charges 25Ly it was Voted that the present Select men shall pro- vide a Desant buring Cloth at the Charge of y^ town 26Ly it was Voted to Let out that parsal of Land that was formerly Granted & Laid out & bounded for use of a Chole in manch'' ten years 27Ly it was voted that M' Benj'^ Allen M' John Bishop & M"" Aaron Bennet shall be a Commity to Let out the above sd schole Land to that person or persons that will Give most for the same the hire to be implyed to mak a Good Stone wall around sd Land as far as the hire will Defray the charge therof 28Ly it was Voted to Lay out a highway to Ipswich Line where it will be most Convenient to Go to Jebacker & that the present Selectmen shall be a Commity to Lay out sd highway [176] We the subscribers being appoynted & impowered by our Respective Towns to prambelate between the town of Manch'^ & Whenham accordingly have met on the 28"" Day of aprill 1729 & have Renewed the bounds formerly mentioned beginning at a tree marked W & M formly a wite oake but now a whit pine Groing in the stump or Rots of sd oake thense to a red oak & thence to a Clump of mapel stumps with sum sprouts in sd stump thence to a hemblock tre thence to a hemblock standing 2 feet to the Estord of the pine formerly a tree but now a stump thence to Dodges stump as witnes our hands „. , 1 ^ , r rNatMValdon . for Richard Coy ( for \ I , ^, , ^ ,, ,, -l Wi lam Dodge < Whenham Natl Masturs ( Manch'^ Kt ..i n ) { Matthew Coy v Whe the subcribers being appoynted by our Respective towns to pramblate one the Line & renew the Bounds betwen our sd towns vise Manchester & Beverely accordingly have met on the 28"' Day of April 1729 & have prambleated & renewed the bounds foleth be- gining at the moth of Chubs Crick east thence northcly in the midel of the Crick the northmost branch thereof to a Rock at the head of sd Crick with stons about it apone it near John wood- burys hous from sd Rock northely to a white oake stump in Leu' John Basches Land [177] With stons about it & thence northely TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 177 to white oake stump at plesant pond with stones about it all whieb is according to former pramblations betwext sd towns Robert Haskol Na" Marstiirs ) for Jonathan woodbury John Ober for Beverly Richard Coy i Mancl/ [175] At a Town Meeting legaly warned & met to Gather on. the 10"' Day of march 172| John forster Nat' Masturs & Sam" Lee jun"^ being the Selectmen for the year insuing was apoynted to Lay out a highway to Ipswich Line the Directest way to go to Jebacker & accordingly have performed the sarves on april 3 1729 & Laid out the high waybegining at Ipswic Line bounded the fursta Stake with stons about it thence to Rock with stons apone it before you com to the bridge thence to a dead hemblock marked neare the bridge thence to a grate hemblock near the top of the hill thence to a small black Burch on the top of the hill marked & stones about it thence about 8 rods to a small hamblock marked & stones about it, thence to a small black burch & stones aboute it near the pond aGoing Down the hill thence to a small mapel marked & stones about near the run of water thence to a pine stump with stons about it agoing Down the hill about 20 Rods from sd mapel thence to a small black burch near the botom of the hill marked as the way now go will best aloew thence to stake & stones aboute it to the nored of the broock thence to a small hamblack marked standing to the west- ard of the Broock thence as the way now gos as will be most Con- veanent tell it Corns to Co" Browns Lot one Rod & half wide the hd of sd way to be to thewestard of the afore menchend Bounds John foster \ Na"" Masturs > Commity Sam" Lee jun"" * [176] We hous nams are under Riten being the Selectmen of the town of Manch"" & the Town of Gloster have met on the 28"* Da}^ of april in year 1729 at the white oake stump at the est end of Grays Beach & have pramblated & Renewed the bounds be- twixt our sd Towns according to former setelments John foster > for Sam" Lee jun" ) manchester Epes Sergent ) for Joseph Allen i Gloster [113] Att a Town meting Leagely warned & met to Gather on 30 Day of June 1729 in order to Chuse Jury men 1 ly Richard Coy 12 178 EARLY RECORDS OF was Clios modarter for sd Meting 2Ly John Bishop S'' & Abrham Masturs was Chose to sarve on the Jury of trials the nex inferer Court to be held at Sallam on the 2 tusday of July next [180] Att a meeting of the Selectmen & assessers of Manch'' August 20"' 1729 there was a Town Rate List made amounting to s d the sum of £45-00-5 & Commited to M'' John Woodbury Con- stable to Colect & Gather & pa}^ in according as he shall Receve warrant & direction from the assessors of s*^ Town At a meeting of the Selectmen of manch'' on 10"' Day of March 1729 that ware Chosen for the year 1729 then Rackened with Con- stable John Woodbury & there Rests Dew from the s'MVoodbury to the Town of Mancli"' for want of his Recpts from the Several Tres"" & Recvers the sum of one hundred sixty six pounds Eight- een shillings & Eleven pence as Witnes his hand John Woodbery Novem8«"1729 Att a meting of the selectmen & assessors of manchester there s d was a Cuntry Rate List made amounting to the sum of £25-18-6 & Commited to M'' John AVood bury Constable of Manch'' to Colect & pay in according as he shall Reeve warant & Direction from the province Treas'^ [181J the selectmens orders in pr Tickeler for the year 1729 furstly to the Reve" M^ Amas Cheavr £100 to the Cuntry Tv' £21- 18-6 & also £45-00-5-0 [113] a" a Town Meeting Leagely warned & met to Gather on the 22"^ of Dec"" 1729 in order to Chouse Jurymen & a trustee ILy M'' Aaron Bennet was chosen modrater for sd Meeting 2Ly Sam^ Allen Jun'' was Chosen to sarve Gran Jury man for the year insu- ingSLy John Carter & Ezekel Knowlten s'' was Chosen to sarve on the Jury of trials at the next infearer Cort to be holden at Salam s 4Ly Jabez Dodge was Chosen trustee to sarve in the roome & Head of Capt John Knowlton who was formerly Chosen to the ofice & trust [114] Att Town Meating in Manch"^ on March 11* 1729-30 Legely Warned & Meet to gather in order to Chouse Town Ofisers to sarve sd Town for the year in suing furstly M'' Natha" Marsturs Chosen Modrater for sd Meeting r s I John Foster 2Ly Chosen for Selectmen for the year insuing T 1 i'4.1 ) Robert Knolton are according to Law 1 2Ly chosen tithen men < ^ (^ Benj"^ Lee s 13Ly Chosen Seler of Letlier John wood bury 3 14Ly Cosen Clerk of the market John Bishop s"" 15Ly Chosen assers the select Men a bove Chosen 16Ly Voted that the Select Men shall have 4' pr Day for there sarves on Towns £ Bisnes 17Ly Vothed that the former select 20 for to help to De- fray the Charge of an exequshon Comming on them for the Cuntry Tax 18 Voted to Give the Rev"'' M"' Amos Chever for his salery for the year in suing one hundred & twenty pounds M"^ Chever Re- lesing all his Right & intrest in the free Contrabushon & mins- try Land Lying by millets swamp so Caled in manch"^ 19 Voted that every person that pay there preposhen of sd sum bj' a Contra- bushon every Lords Day Righting his name on the same if he will 180 EARLY RECORDS OF & shall have Cradet for the same 20Ly Voted that the minstry Rate of 120 shall be in a List by itself 21Ly Voted that the assers shall ases ever man according to his intrest in the Meeting house as other estate 22Ly Voted to Give M' Jonathan Parepint forty five pounds for him to keep a free schole in mancli"" for one year insuing 23Ly Voted that the presant select men shall be a Commity to a gree with M"' parepoynt to keep a free schole in manch'" for one year insuing 24 that sd assers shall asses the town for 45 pounds for a schole [115] 25Ly Voted that the assers shall ases sd Town 20 pounds to Defray all nesery town Charges 26 Voted Sam" Lee Juu' shall Recive take & Keepan a count of thecontrebushon weekly & shall have 20 for that sarves for the year insuing 27 Voted that no Balos or stons shall transported out of Citel Cove on the penaltj' of 20 pr stone pr time Att a Town Meeting Legely warned & met to gather on 13"' Day of May 1730 in order to chuse a Reperesentive furstly M' Richard Coy was Chosen Modrater for sd Meeteng 2L3^ it was Voted not to send any person to Represent us in the Grate and Genaral Court as haveing the Leberty by Law so to Dew 3Ly it is a Greed & Voted for the town to be at the hole of Making of a stone wall betwix John alien jr. Land & tlie Towns buring plase sd alien giveing 6 feet of Land to sd Town the hole Length of his Land as far as he Joyns on sd buring plase for the use of a buring plase 4Ly M'' Aaron Bennet John foster Jeremiah Hibert Robert Her- rick chosen & apinted a Commity for to Make or cause to be made a stone wall of 4 feet 6 inches high on a Good founddshon of a sutable thicnes 5Ly Voted that sd Commety shall have 7^ pr Rod for bulding the aforesd stone wall when the same is finished & all completed 6L3' it was agree to fishing & Complet sd wall at or before the 20 Day of June next insuing the Date here of [181] Sept 11-1730 Rec'' of Cunstable John Woodbury by y*^ hand of Nathanel Marsturs at several payments one hundred pounds in province Bills on y*^ a Count of My Salary for y" year 1729 I say Rec'' by me Ames Cheaver Att a Meeting of the Selectmen of Manch' Nov. 10"^ 1730 there was a Country Rate List made amounting to the sum of £22-11-6 & commited to Cunstable John Colect [180] & Gather & pay into the Provins Tres"^ twenty one pounds sixten shillings &to the Town Treas' fiften shillings & 6'^ the wicli is in full of the sum total TOWN OF MANCHESTER. 181 [181] Dec 28-1730 then Rec'^ of Constable John Woodbury forty five pounds & 5'^ in full of his Colection ordered to me I sa}^ Rec*^ by rae John Foster Town Trasuer [115] Att a town meeting warned & met tognther on the IS"" Day of Dec. 1730 in order to Chuse Jure men to sarve at y*^ Jen- eral sesshons of the pese to be holden at Sallara on the Last tusdaj' of Dec. Instant furstly Natha" Marsturs Chose modrater for sd met- ing 2Ly Sam" Morgen was Chose to sarve on the Grand Jury Sly Jacob Foster & Jonathan harsham was Chose to sarve on the Jury of trials At a Town meting Legely warned & met to Gather on the 25"' Day of Jane'' 1730-31 in order to Chuse a Repesentive to sarve for & Reperesent us in a Grate & Genaral Court to be holden at bos- ton furstly m' Aaron Benet was Chosen moderater [116] For sd meting 2Ly it was Voted in the negetive not to send any per- son to Reperesant us in maner & form as is b}- the presept exprest as haveing the Leberty b^' Law so to Dew 31y it was a Greed & Voted that the menestry Land ajo3'ning to millets swamp in manch'' shall be fensed with a good fens a Cording to Law 4Ly Lev' Ben- net John Foster thomas Lee was chose for a Coramity to iraploy men & teems to make a Good Stone wall all Round sd Land where it can be made & in the swamp a Good hedge or Rale fens as they shall think Best for the town of manch'' advantige & to com pleate & finish sd fens by the fiftenth Day of April next & also to be paid all there Just Demans at the finshing of said fens by the sd Town & to Reseve the same out of the town stock by an order from the Select men to the Teres'' all that is a bove menchened a Bout sd fens a Greed to & Voted at sd metting Att a town meeting Legaly warned & met to Gather on the 9"' Day of March 1730-31 in order to Chuse town Oficers to sarve this Town for the year insuing furstly was Chosen M' John Foster moderator for sd meetting 2Ly chose for Select Men ^ M'' Aaron Bennet I Sly Chose town Clerk Sam" Lee jun^ 4Ly Chose Cunstable Daniel Knight 8 oLy Chose Town Tres"^ M"" John Foster ^ M.' John Foster [ M^ Thomas Lee 182 EARLY RECORDS OF 6Ly it was Voted to Chuse the Rest of Town oficers b}' a hand Vote 7Ly Chosen for Tithen men I Abraham Masturs ' Richard Day I John Allen sr 8Ly Chose for survars of high Ways { ^^^J"" ^^'®" ^', I M"" Aaron Bennet sr (_ Sam" Morgen s Ezekel Goodale 9L3^ Chose survars of fences Richard Coy r Ezekel Goodale , _-r ^, „ , ^ Robert herick lULy Chosen for hog Reves< s I Sam" Mergen L thomas Ayres Jun'' llluj it was Voted that all swine shall go at Large provided that they are yoked & Ringed as the Law Directs I John Edwards 12Ly Chose for feld Drivers .. V' ii2, 1 C Coye. I Coy, Matthew . ^39, 141, 143, 145, 150, oS, 156, 157, 158, 159, 176. John, 72, 91, 92, 93, 111. Eichard, 161, 166, 167, 169, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 186, 189, 190, 192, 196, 197, 128. ohn. 73. 17, 28, 32, S-L. 63, 66, 88, 101, 103, 111, '}'■ U5,163, 164, 166. Cross, George, 175. John. 88. Crowell, Chrihtopher, 28, 31. 31, 153. Daves, Jacob, 50. Davis, Ebenezer, 148, 158. Day, Ephraini, 132. John, 137, 139, 140, 146, 147. Manin, 73, 132, 137, 139, 140. Richard, 82, 192. Denison, Daniel, 16. John, 159. Dixy, Sergt., 4, 5. William, 13. Dodge, Jabez, 13, 126, 127, 147, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 159, 163, 164, 166, 168, 169, 171, 178. John, 68. Richard, 50, 72. William, 167, 176. Doliber, 71. INDEX OF NAMES. 203 Driver, 197. Edwards, Benjamin, 50,51, 101, 108, 148. David, 121. John, 50, 51, 72, 182, 186, 190, 197, 198. Tliomas, 101. C Elitliorp. < Elythorpe. (Elathorp, Jolin, U, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 41, 46, 49, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 68. Eliot, 167. Ellery, Nathaniel, 167. Elliot, Andrew, 68, 78. Emerson, 48, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 95. C Escolit. i Escot, John, 137, 139, 142. Evely, John, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49. C Eveleith. 2 Eveleth. (Evellth, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 69, 61, 62, 67, 73. Fairfield, 25. Ealch, 108. Fiske, Samuel, 123, 124. Thomas, 50. Foote, 8, 13. Forbee, 129. Foster, Israel, 169. Jabez, 163. Jacob, 181. John, 124, 129, 131, 132, 137, 138, 139, 140, 145. 149, 150, 152, 154, 155, 159, 160, 162, 103, 165, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 177, 178. 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 18S, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200. C Frind. I Friend, James, 92. John, 13. Samuel, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 19, 2, 63, 95, 97. 135, 147, 156, 106, 174, 181, is;», 197, 14, Gale, 28, 31, 64. Gaily, 5, 13. Gardner, 5, 40. 4 Gilhurd. I Gelburd, 137, 139, 142. Gerrisb, Benjamin, 42. Rev., 132. Gidney, 29. C Glas. I Glass, Richard, 29, 30, 73. Glases, 145. 154. Goodhew, William, 28. C Gooale. I Goodell, Ezekiel, 148, 153, 155, 160, 163, 167, 168, 170, 174, 175, 182, 183,185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193. Gredly, 143, 146. Grove, 93. Grover, 13. Grow, 95. Haiz, 29, 73. Hamlins, 73. Hamelton, 70. Harskell, John, 143, 147, 150, 151, 156, 157, 158. Hart, 94. C Haskol. } Haskall. ( Haskell, Joseph, 50. Robert, 177. William, 158. f Horssum. I Horsura. 1 Horsham. Hasum. Hasom, Jolm, 137, 139, 141. Joiialliau, 181. William, 18,39,49,50,53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 65, 70, 107, 115, 116, 119, 129, 137, 139, 142, 161. Herrick, Joseph, 108. Jonathan, 190, 193, 197. Robert, 170, 173, 174, 175, 179, 180, 182, 186, 191, 193, 196, 198. C Heberd. I Hibberd, Jeremiah, 137, 142, 143, 146, 147, 150, 153, 154, 156, 157, 161, 160, 171, 172, 174, 175, 179, 180, 183, 185, 186, 187, 190, 193, 194, 197. Hill, John, 57, 163, 179, 183, 184, 185, 180, 196. Hilton, Joshua. 199. William, 131, 132, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142. Holden, 187. Hooper, Andrew, 186, 191, 197. William, 137, 139, 140, 143, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 156, 170, 173, 175, 179, 184, 190, 193, 197. William, jr., 198. 204 INDEX OF NAMES. Hulton, 29. Hutton, Kicliard, 25. C Jones, 22, 90, 127. I Joaus, Ephraim, 28,31, 38, 65, 69, 70, 71, 75, 99, 118, 139, 141, 142. Epliraim, jr., 137, 139. Goodnuiu, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 34. Thomas, 11, 102, 105. William, 132, 137, 139, 141, 150. Jording, 31. Killam, Samuel, 72, 159. Kinsman, Josepli, 192. Robert, 28, 58. C Knite. I Knight, Charles, 73. Daniel, 169, 181, 185, 199. John, 16, 29, 30, 94, 103, 137, 139, 140, 146. Robert, 16, 24,25, 28, 29, 30, 31. Robert, jr., 29, 33. William, 159. C Knits, Marv, 30. } Knightes, 109. ( Knites, jr., 137, 139, 140, 157, 166, 172, 173, 175, 176. C Nolton. < Knowlton. (Kuowlteu, Ezekiel, 96, 102, 105, 107, 113, 114, 116, 117, 178. John, 27, 61, 63, 77, 81,84, 86,87, 89,90, 91,93,94, 95,96,97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 to 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 to 159, 165, 172, 173, 178. John, jr., 154. Robert, 166, 179, 197. Sarah, 109, 120. C Lech. < Leich. (Leach, Benjamin, 112, 113, 122. E. W., 3, 12, 13. Hannah, 89, 90, 91, 92, 121. Joseph, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143. Lawrence, 5. Paul, 122, 186, 197. Leach, Penelope, 128. Richard, 112, 113, 122, 126, 132 to 157, 162, 166, 167, 173, 175, 179, 190. Robert, on nearly every page from 8 to 166. Robert, jr., 137, 139, 141, 142, 156. Samuel, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 44, 52, 63, 89, 90, 92, 99, 103,106, 110, 117, 118, 121. 122, 124,125, 127,128, I?'/ 131, 133, 137, 139, IV. Samuel, jr., 16. fLeye. I Ley. j Leae. i^Lee, Benjamin, 179, 182, 188, 190, 198. Edward, 147, 153, 15b 63, 166, 175, 179, 186, 190. Henry, 9. John, 14, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38, 42, 44, 45, 52, 55, 56, 57, 61, 63, 65, 70, 71, 73, 89 to 153, 193. John, jr., 137 to 197. Joseph, 156, 170, 179, 186, 190, 197. Josiah, 183. Nathaniel, 144, 154, 155, 156, 157, 166. Samuel, 38, 51, J,., .;G. 57, 59, 60, 63, 6 J, 70, 74, 76, 81, 90, 93, 99, 103, 109, 117, 118, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131,132,135,137, 139,141, 143, 147, Ud, 150, 163,165, 166, 169, 170, 173, 175, 182, 185. Samuel, jr., 132, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 148, 150, 156,158, 162, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 186, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197. Thomas, 137, 139, 156, 160, 171,172, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188,189, 190, 191,193, 195. Lille, 121. C Lettel field. ^ Littletield, 75, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 142. Lethererers, 73. Lord, 16. INDEX OF NAMES. 205 Lotherer, 34, 35, 145. Lovet, 131. Luvell, 11. Marvin, 116, 118. C Masten. < Mastoti. (Marstun, Benj., 16G.1 CloiiiDitt, 28. John, 27, 37. Manesas, 22, Masterson, Nath., 7, 98. i Mastus. 1 Masters, Abram, 52, 60, 64, 72, 76,77,78, 79,80,81,82, 85, 86. 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 105, 109, 110, 114. 115, 116, 124, 125, 127, 128, 173, 178, 182. Natl)., 38, 66, 126, 131, 133, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 149, 153 to 161, 162 to 167, 171 to 193, 197, 198. Widow, 126. Maverick, 17. Maverett, Pitts, 17, 63. Meason, 29. ( Melet, Abigail, 137, 139, 142. 2 Millet, 7. ( John, 160. Mergen, 179, 181, 182, 186, 190, 193. Moor, 4. Mores, Thomas, 4. Morgan, Samuel, 162, 163, 164, 170, 172, 175. Newman, 50, 51, 72. C Necels. < Nicoals. (Nichols, Philip, 66, 81, 93, 102, 103, 105, 107, 115, 116, 118, 120, 132, 137, 139, 141. Norman, John, 5, 9, 10. 12, 13, 14, 21, 28, 31,40, 43, 63' 67, 73, 92, 96, 97, 112 113. Richard, 7. Widow, 16. C Norten. I Norton, George, 13. 66, 75. 80, 81, 83,^87, 88, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 113, 114, 162. John, 67. Marv, 137. Shadrack, 137, 139, 141, 167. Nowell, 13. Ober, John, 167, 177. Nicholas, 158. C Orsment. I Osment, 144, 149, 166, 172, 175, 186, 193, 199, 200. Overs, Richard, 68. Palmester, Walter, 39. Parmeter, 31. ( Parmster. I Parminster, Benj., 5, 13, 27, 63. C Parepoynt. I Parepint, 180, 184. Parsons, 50, 71. Pasonell, John, 30. Patch, 108. ( Pears I Pearce, 137, 139, 141. George, 73. John, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 59, 60, 65, 75, 77, 93, 95, 103, 118, 1:^2, 138, 139, 141, 142, 147, 150. Peters, 137, 139, 141, 142, 147, 179. Perry, 34. Phips, 46. C Peckworth. < Picvvorth. ( Pickvvorth, Benj., 12. John, 5, 11, 12, 13,29, 30, 40. Joseph, 10,14,43,123, 124, 126. 130. Samuel, 10, 37, 43. Widow, 17, 64. C Pittman. I Petmau, Joseph, 137,139, 142, 145, 146. James, 29, 30, 31, C5, 74, 75, 76,86,93,94, 95,98, 154. Thos., 119, 120, 131, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 149, 199. Philips, John, 42. Pitts, 18, 27. Polin, 91, 112. Porter, 50, 61. Presson, Benj., 192. Daniel, 145, 154, 170, 192. Rawson, 16. Raymont, 68, 78. Reeves, 31. Reith, 19. Renalls, 28, 31. C Renge. } Rindg. i Ringe, Daniel, 28, 94. 206 INDEX OF NAMES. Ringe, Isaac, 58, 94. Riggs.Thos., 50, 101. Roas, Thos., 28, 30. Robinson, 118. Rogers, 159, 160. Saberlen, 28. C Sargant. ( Sargeut, Epes, 177. John, 108. Samuel, 71. f Siblor. I Sibly. ] Seble. [_ Sibley, John, 4, 8, and about every page to 128. John, jr., 73. Rachel, 137, 139, 142. Smith, 75, 81. C Standige. I Standish, 5, 9, 13, 17, 63. Stevens, 122, 123, 128, 137, 139, 141. Stoue, Samuel, 107, 111. 117, 119, 124, 126, 127, 128, 163, 166. Samuel, jr., 151. John, 122, 128. Nathaniel, 114. Swan, 199. C Torin. I Tarrin, 79, 85, 102, 122, 137, 138, 139,141, 142, 147, 163, 170, 175, 184, 187, 190, 193, 197, 198, 199. C Tayler. I Taylor, James, 55, 59, 60, 65, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95, 99, 103, 104, 107, 109, 119, 120. William, 121. Tersers, 168. C Twixbery. ^ Te\vxl)ery. ( Tevvxbury, 15 to 73, 137, 161, 167. Thissel. Thorudike, John, 158. Paul, 67, 68, 158. Tiiomas, 132. Tompson, 68, 69, 72. Tricker, Mark, 29, 30, 98, 100, 103, 104, 105, 107, 117, 118, 119, 125, 126. Widow, 122. Trivitt, 69. Upham, 8. Usher, 32, 43, 42. Veren, 13, 16. C Vincson. < Vincent, 14, 17, 19, 21, 28, 30, 63, i 106, 125, 127, 131. Vunoe, 31. Wade, Thos., 28. Jonathan, 94. Wales, 137, 139, 142. ( Waldon. I Walderne, 50, 51, 72, 148, 176. Walker, Nicholas, 84. Richard, 77, 85, 86, 87. Walton, 13. Warrln, 120, 121, 131, 137, 138, 139, 141, 196. Weber, 170, 174, 175, 187, 190, 199. Webster, 93, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 134. West, John, 17, 40, 63. Samuel, 58. Thomas, nearly every page from 15 to 138. Widow, 22. Whipple, Isaac, 58. Joseph, 94. White, 132. C Witchar. } Whichar, 27. C Wiiitcher, Abram, 28, 29. Widow, 17, 18. r Whiteryre. J Whitteyere. ] Whittier. tWheter, Isaac, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 92, 93, 99, 105, 109, 114, 132, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 147. Thos., 93. Winborn, John, 28, 29, 41, 50. Wm., 30. Winthrop, 13. Williams, Daniel, 70, 92, 114, 127, 131, 133, 137, 139, 141, 145, 147, 148, 150, 153, 154, 156, 164, 166, 167, 190. Ginkin, 4, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 55, 56, 60, 63, 65, 66, 189. William, 4. Wise, 132. Withani, 148, 158. r Woodbary. J Woodbery. } Woociberl. t Woodbury, Benj., 68, 78, 169. INDEX OF NAMES. Woodbury, Joseph, 24, 28, 55, 63, 65, 74, 87, 92, 93, 94,' 95, 97, 99, 110 to 119, 131, 137, 139, 141, 150, 151, 153, 173, 175. j^ John, 5, 61, 163, 166, 172, 175, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183. Woodbury, Wolfe, 4. 207 Nicholas, 17, 27, 63. Robert, 131, 185. Samuel, 137, 139, 141. Thomas, 57. William, 5. INDEX OF PLACES AND SUBJECTS. Act for choice of Selectmeu, 33. Ammunition, 57. Baby Rack Beach, 15. Ballast, 180. Bell, 45, 49, 75, 98. Beaver Dam, 81, 121. Beunets Plain, 144. Beverly, 57. Bills of Credit, 152, 172, 173. Bishop's Point, 14, 121, 125, 12G, 128. Black Cove, 18, 26, 101, 145, 190. Blindman's Farm, 16. Bounds, 3, 12, 28, 50, 51, 57, 58, 71, 72, 81, 8G, 94, 101, 105, 106, 108, 131, 148, 158, 160, 167, 176, 177, 192. Bridge, 34. Brushie plain, 21, 35, 106, 126, 127, 144. Burial place, 9, 15, 138, 180. Burying cloth, 176. Casway, 145, 161. Causeway, 124, 127, 128. Charlestown, 42. Chebaccho, 121, 125, 126, 127, 128, 161, 172, 176, 177. Chubb's Creek, 24, 57, 108, 131, 155, 167, 176. Clay Brook, 21, 105. Cold Spring, 14. Commissioner, 33, 34, 38, 44, 46, 51, 56, 57, 58, 67. Committee to regulate schools, 182. to seat the meeting house, 75. Common, 144, 145. Common Land, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 86, 94, 97, 104, 105, 109, 145, 165. Constable to receive 6 pence per pound, 147. Contribution to be taken, 37. Covenant with Mr. Cheever, 135. Crow Island, 114. Deed of sale to Mr. Chever, 151, 183. Deserters to be taken, 120. Division or Grant of Land, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 43, 66, 67, 86, 87, 109, 114. Dodge's Bridge, 161. Dodge's Stump, 24, 101, 108, 148, 159, 176. Eagle Hill, 106. Eighty families, 135. Essex, 55, 64. Execution on account of tax, 179. Fast day, 132. Feeding lands, 103. Fences to be built, 33. Ferry, 5. Fine to be paid if absent from pub- lic meeting, 12. Firewood not to be taken, 36. Fishermen land laid out, 66, 145. Four hundred acres, 13, 14, 21, 52, 95, 104, 105, 106, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 132. Freeman's oath, 5. Fresh Meadow, 122, 123, 126, 127. Five shillings a week for schooling, 144. Gales Point, 94, 161. Gardner's tree, 50, 148, 158, 167. General flelds, 153. Grain rate to be paid, 41. Graves Farm, 113, 123. Gray's Beach, 50, 71, 148, 158, 167, 177. Great Hill, 113, 145. Great Neck, 94, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 161. Grist Mill, 61. Grist Miller, 20. Ground laid out to Nichols, 115, Helton's Swamp, 145. Highway, 78, 144, 145, 146, 154, 155, 161, 163, 176. (209) 210 INDEX OF PLACES AND SUBJECTS. Highway, between Beverly and Man- chester, 67. House Island, 95. Image Hill, 127. Indians paid for township, 97. Invoice of heads and estates, 31, 72. Ipswich, 24, 25, 27, 28, 51, 58, 60. Jefl'reys Creek, 4, 5, 13. Kettle Cove, 5, 15, 16, 19, 25, 105, 106, 109, 111, 114, 122, 124, 127, 128, 162. Ketle, Retell, 198. Island, 11. Land laid out to Hassum, 116. Friend, 19, 95. Lee, 155. Norten, 83. Landing Place, 15, 16, 26, 115, 146, 159, i62, 187, 188, 189, 191, 194, 195. Little Beach, 21. Island, 9, 15. Plain, 21. Swamp, 20. Mackrell Cove, 5. Man tree, 154. Marblehead, 51, 54. Market, 3. Meeting house, 34, 45, 46, 65, 67. to be built, 11, 44. to be sold, 149. Mill Brook, 123. Millets Bridge, 136. Swamp, 14, 41, 43, 50, 51, 84, 145, 164, 179, 181,182, 184. Minister or Ministry, 34, 35, 36, 38, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 61, 69. House to be built, 52. Ministry Land, or Lot, 130, 166, 179, 181, 182, 185. Money for soldiers, 118. Morgins Stump, 35, 92. Names to be taken, 38, 44, 46. Neck, 96. Cove, 123, 127. Held, 153. Newbery, 72. Newport, 155, 198. Nichols Point, 190, 191. Nortens lot, 144. Order passed by General Court, 4. Pan, 10, 12. Parsonage house and land, 34, 38, 54, 56, 61, 64, 84, 86, 90, 98, 112, 132, 165. Lot, 112, 144, 162. Pasture Common, 187. People to be seated in meeting, 75. Petition to erect a village, 13. from Capt. Wests farm, 138. to General Court, 99, 100. Pin money, 150. Pibble Stone beach, 43. Pitts Cove, 187. Pitts Cove, a lawsuit to be entered, 188. to lay out a way, 189. Plain field, 122, 126, 153. Plantation, 8. Plum Cove Pond, 68. Plum tree, 21, 155. Pond breaks into sea, 74. Poplar Plain, 136. Pound to be built, 9, 151, 162. Rate for new meeting house, 65. Record of births, 30. Representative, 46, 49, 52, 54, 66, 71, 77, 85, 99, 138, 143, 148, 151, 157, 159, 164, 169, 170, 171, 173, 180, 181, 183, 185, 188, 191, 195. Road to Beverly, 68. Salem, 35, 44, 46, 52. 55, 58, 60, 62, 66. Saw Mill, 9, 10, 52, 97, 121, 124, 126, 127, 128. Saw Mill Pond, 105. School house to be built, 155. School master to be secured, 70, 143, 144, 155. School mistress, 143, 153, 170. " land to be let, 176. Selectmen to receive 4 shillings per day, 179. Sell meeting house, 149. Sliepherd, 151. Shoemaker, 85. Shingle Place, 96. Sixty Inhabitants, 8. Spring, 164. Tavern, 152. Town meeting, 7. Trustees, 151, 152, 157, 178. INDEX OP PLACES AND SUBJECTS. 211 Valuable gift, 187. Vessels, 67. Village, 13. Vineyard, 97. Wards of the Highways, 161. Warehouse, 195. Warning for town meeting, 147. Watch house, 57. Way laid out to Salem, 5. Wests Beach, 74. Wharf at Landing, 194. White Beach, 162. Wood, 32, 36, 38, 77. Wood Lots laid out, 36, 114, 115. Woodbury's Lane, 145. Woolf, 69. Wolf trap brook, 32. Work two days on brush, 103. ERRATA. Page 16, Low for Lord. Page 128, said for siad. s Page 139, John Allen Junior 17. A true copy of the original, Attest: Alfred S. Jewett, Town Clerk. r^UV IL 190U LBJe'?9