IN THE k ^ ^"^ k^ W sW> V /s M n lass £3+ THE CITY OF NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR From i86i to 1865 WITH THE INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OF THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS WHO SERVED TO ITS CREDIT, ALSO THE WAR RECORDS OF MANY NATIVES AND RESI- DENTS OF THE CITY, CREDITED TO OTHER PLACES By GEORGE W. CREASEY Captain 35TH Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1903 GRIFFITH-STILLINGS PRESS BOSTON 'f A Wxk i> ^ > cTl ^- TO THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS OF NEWBURYPORT WHO DID FAITHFUL AND HONORABLE SERVICE DURING THE WAR OF THE REBELLION THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR PREFACE. The writer presents this volume to the citizens of his native city as purely a work of love. At the close of the Civil War we found, that notwithstanding the loyalty and patriotism of our city during that eventful period, and its earnest and hearty support of the National Government, that it had not only promptly furnished all the men it was called upon by the State to provide, but had actually ex- ceeded by more than one hundred and fifty men (including those in the 40th New York Infantry) all demands made upon it, yet it had absolutely given no thought to, or made the slightest provision for, the preservation of the names or the collating of the records of those who had given of their time, their health, and their lives for the preservation of the Union and the honor and good name of the city. Feeling assured that but a short time would elapse before many of the names as well as the honorable records of the veterans would be lost if some effort were not made to pre- serve them, I began in 1869 the task of collecting the individ- ual records of all who went from Newburyport or served to its credit during the war. The work has been a long and continuous one, demanding more of my time and energy than I ever dreamed of devoting to it; and yet now that it has been completed, and the records placed in such permanent form as to insure their identity, as well as their permanency for the future, I am amply repaid. In a work involving so many details, it would be singular indeed if errors have not occurred, but I feel assured that none will be found of so serious a character that in the future 6 b PREFACE. the identity of the veteran will not be clearly established. The record of the individual veteran herein presented has been verified by the army or navy discharge papers, or the records of the department. In many instances the personal history of the soldier has been copied from the company or regimental descriptive book, while the list of engagements accredited have either been taken from the soldier's discharge paper or confirmed by officers of the company to which he belonged. In the records of some I have been confronted with the official report of "deserted;" and wliile it is exceedingly un- pleasant to record the fact, believing that in some instances it may have been an error, yet I can pursue no other course than to follow the records of the War Department, presuming that ere this the veteran would have succeeded in amending such a record if satisfactory evidence had been presented to the department that it was either unjust or incorrect. It will be found that in some cases our records differ from the "Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers," as well as from some of the muster-rolls on file at the adjutant-general's office at the State House, in the spelhng of names. In all such instances, the corrections made have been verified either by the signature of the person on the enlistment or muster-in rolls, or the city or family records. Where veterans re-enlisted under an assumed name, or in anywise changed their correct name, both their army and correct names are given. I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to all who have so kindly assisted in preparing this work. To the late Hon. William H. Iluse of the Newburyport Herald and a member of the city government during most of the war period, I feel particularly indebted for much valuable information and en- couragement, and for a complete file of the Herald from 18G1 to 1865; to the late Gen. James A. Cunningham, Adjutant- PREFACE. 7 General of the Commonwealth, for unusual privileges among the documents of his department; to Executive Secretary Edward F. Hamlin for free access to the valuable correspond- ence of Governor Andrew during the years of the war; and to the present Adjutant-General of the State, Gen. Samuel Dalton, and those connected with him in his department, for continued favors and kind assistance. To our worthy city clerk, George H, Stevens, who has for so many years be- friended me, I am pleased to acknowledge my obligation and to express my gratitude. G. W. C. Chelsea, Mass. October, 1903. THE CITY OF NEWBUEYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1861. City government. — Inaugural address of Mayor Davenport on condition of the country. — Resolutions by city council relating to approach- ing rebellion. — State militia preparing for active duty. — Action of the Gushing Guards. — Resolutions adopted by the company. — Lieut. Albert W. Bartlett elected captain. — Daily Herald on the "impending crisis." — First call for troops. — Gushing Guards or- dered out. — Order to Gaptain Bartlett. — City government appro- priates $1,000 for families of volunteers. — Departure of the Gushing Guards. Roster of those who first responded to call. — Increased military enthu- siasm. — Roster of Newburyport men in 8th Regiment. — Organiza- tion of the National Guards. — Making uniforms, ladies at vestry of Whitefield Church. — Officers of National Guards. — Pupils of Putnam School donate money. — Arming National Guards. — Company pre- sented Bibles at Harris Street Church. — Gaptain Westcott notifies governor company is ready for duty. — Reply of the governor. — National Guards and 8th Regiment. — Company votes to serve three years. Mayor recommends aid to volunteers. — Visit of Hon. Eben F. Stone and Captain Westcott to governor. — Call for three years' men. — Depart- ure of National Guards for Brooklyn, N.Y. — Governor orders com- pany to return. — National Guards join 40th New York Infantry. — Roster of company. — General Gushing tenders his services to gov- ernor. — Governor replies. — Organization of "City Greys." — Com- pany asks city for uniforms. — City appropriates $1,5.50 for uniforms. — Gun House for barracks. — President calls for 300,000 volunteers for three years. City Greys leave city for camp. — Roster of Company A, 17th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry (City Greys). — Flag-raising various parts of city, speech of General Gushing. — Veteran Artillery Association ten- der their services to city. — Box for Gushing Guards. — Mayor reports on assistance to families of volunteers. — Resolutions to Captaui Bartlett and Gushing Guards. — Letter from Captain Bartlett. — Com- pany from Haverhill marches to Newburyport. — Donation by pupils 9 10 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. of Purchase Street Grammar School. — Volunteer Fund subscribed by citizens. — Contributors to the fund. — Box for Gushing Guards. — Aid to families of volunteers, Act of Legislature. Gushing Guards acknowledges receipt of box. — City council appropriates money for families of volunteers. — Taxes for 1861. — Permanent committee by city council to disburse aid. — Box for Company B, 40th New York Infantry. — Reception of Gushing Guards on return- ing from three months' service. — Recruiting offices. — Volunteers from the city during the year. — Burial of first soldier. — City with- holds aid from families of those in 40th New York Infantry. — Com- mittee of Volunteer Relief Fund offer to reimburse the city. — War meeting at City Hall. — Launch of gunboat Marblehead. — Recruit- ing of new company, McClellan Guards. — Enlistments for General Butler's expedition to New Orleans. — Aid for families of those in U. S. Navy. CITY GOVERNMENT FOR 1861. MAYOR. Moses Davenport.* Geo. W. Jackman, Jr. ALDERMEN. Ward 1. Isaac Hale, Jr. Ward 4. " 2. Nathaniel Pierce. " 5. " 3. George J. George. " 6. Joseph A. Frothingham. William H. Huse, WiNTHROP O. Evans. COMMON COUNCIL. Charles O. Morse, President. Albert W. Greenleaf, Clerk. Ward 1. Chas. H. Goodwin. Hiram Janvrin. Michael Wormstead. Ward 2. Joseph G. Gerrish. Moody Lunt. Ralph C. Huse. Ward 3. Chas. O. Morse. Curtis French. Wm. a. Davis Ward 4. Chas. M. Hodge. Albert W. Bartlett. Chas. R. Titcomb. Ward 5. John Bailey. Augustus Pearson. Chas. A. Hilliard. Ward 6. John J. Currier. Albert S. Pettigrew. Jas. p. McQuillbn. CITY CLERK. Eleazer Johnson. CITY TREASURER. Daniel Granger. • By the death of Mayor Davenport, Feh. 18th, 1861, Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., wan elected mayor by the city council, Feb. 27th, 1861. NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 11 INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF MAYOR DAVENPORT. CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY. Clouds and darkness are hovering over this glorious Union of ours, and seem ahiiost ready to burst upon and dissever it. The people have assembled during the past week to supplicate the Almighty to stay the impending danger; and it is well in times like these to invoke the aid of a power mightier than man. It is well to appeal to the Almighty to avert the terrible evil of a dissolution of the Union — this splendid Union which excites the admiration of the world. Shall it be rent asunder? God forbid. Who amongst us would be willing to close their eyes for the last time on earth, with the thought thai, they were to meet their sires and grandsires, and say to them, " We have done all we could to de- stroy the noble work v»'hich you accomplished at so much sacrifice, with so much blood?" My friends, we are bound as a people, to preserve this Union, even at the sacrifice of our best blood. Let us as patriots and Christians make all reasonable appeals and sacrifices to the South for the purpose of perpetuating the union of these States. Let us not submit to the loss of a single star from any want on our part to do justice to the party who claim to be aggrieved. At the same time let us ask ourselves if we are willing to remain quiei and suffer the noble work which our forefathers fought for, and accomplished by so much toil and suffering, to be destroyed. RESOLUTIONS BY THE CITY GOVERNMENT IN RELATION TO THE APPROACHING REBELLION. Governor Andrew, the day after his inauguration as gov- ernor, ordered a salute of one hundred guns to be fired in Boston, and a national salute in fifteen other cities and towns in the Commonwealth, on January 8th, in commemoration of the battle of New Orleans, and in honor of the gallant conduct and wise forethought of Major Anderson in removing his command from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, S. C. Newburyport was one of the places where a salute was ordered to be fired. Monday evening, January 7th, the following was introduced by Alderman Wm. H. Huse, and unanimously adopted by the city council. The mayor and aldermen having been ordered by His Excellency, Governor Andrew, to give the guns in their care to Capt. Nehemiah Flanders, for the purpose of firing a national salute on the 8th inst.,. in honor of the victory of General Jackson at New Orleans in 1815. and also in honor of the recent conduct of Major Anderson at Charleston, S.C, deem this a proper occasion to express their views: therefore: 12 NEWBUBYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. Resolved, That while we would consider all the complaints made by the State which has voted secession, and by the other States which con- template secession, and while we would urge upon our senators and representatives in General Court to repeal the Personal Liberty Law, and upon our senators and representatives in Congress to propose or accept such just and proper compromises as shall pacify the country, we adopt the language of General Jackson — "The Union, It Must and Shall Be Preserved!" And as Newburyport in all times past has been loyal to government, and patriotic in the support of law, order, and liberty, so will she again, if the occasion calls for it, pledge fortune, life, and honor in behalf of the Constitution and the Union as our fathers left them. Resolved, That this is not a time for party or faction, and we feel justified in calling upon all our fellow-citizens to forget their past party predilections and merge in one grand Union party, where faction shall be forgotten in country, and self in patriotism; where all shall study those things that make for peace, and where those who would pluck the mote from their brother's eye will not forget the beam in their own eye. Resolved, That in token of our fealty to the LTnion, — our common country, — every part of which. North and South, East and West, is alike dear to us, and alike to be regarded and defended in their interests and rights, we hereby order the city messenger to hoist, upon a flag-staff to be erected on the City Hall, the national flag — with its thirteen stripes and thirty-three stars — upon every fair day until further ordered. General Schouler, in his History oj Massachusetts in the Civil War, says: These resolutions T believe to have been the first adopted by any city or town in the Commonwealth, or in any loyal State, having relation to the approaching rebellion. PREPARATION BY THE STATE MILITIA FOR ACTIVE SERVICE. January IQth. That the State might be prepared to fur- nish her quota upon any requisition made by the President of the United States for the maintenance of law and the suppression of rebellion, the Governor and Commander-in- Chief issued General Order No. 4, requiring the commanding officers of each company of volunteer militia to examine the rolls of his company and cause the name of each member, with his rank and place of residence, to be properly recorded, and a copy of the same to be forwarded to the office of the adjutant-general. Also that they forthwith discharge all men in their commands, who from age, physical defect, business or family causes, might be unable or indisposed to respond at once to the orders of the governor. That if any company had NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 13 not the number of men allowed by law, the commanding officer should at once cause the vacancies to be filled, and the men properly drilled and uniformed, that they might be ready for any exigency whenever called upon. ACTION BY THE GUSHING GUARDS IN RELATION TO THE ABOVE ORDER. February 2d. Every member of the Gushing Guards was notified to meet at the armory (Saturday evening) "to hear the report of their treasurer, and to take action on General Order No. 4." The meeting was full and enthusiastic, many of the older members of the corps being in attendance. A vote was passed "tendering the services of the company to the Commander- in-Chief of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia if called upon to do active duty, and authorizing the armory to be opened on every Thursday evening until further notice." PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED BY LIEUT, GEORGE CREASEY AND ADOPTED BY THE COMPANY. Whereas, Agreeable to General Order No. 4, we have assembled under circumstances of extraordinary peril to our country, not as citizens only, but as citizen soldiers duly enrolled as a part of the active militia force of Massachusetts, subject at all times to the orders of the commander- in-chief under the laws of the State: — we therefore, acknowledging this fact, in presence of the alarming condition of our public affairs, whether having their origin in the real or imaginary wrongs inflicted by one portion of our country upon the rights and institutions of the other, or instituted by the treasonable designs of internal foes, feel it to be a duty we owe to our past history as a corps, to ourselves and kindred, to our city, and above all to our country, to sacrifice all party feeling and prejudice, and with one voice declare to our superior officers that we are ready at any and all times to march in defence of that Union as a nation, that independence as a people, for which the services of those who organ- ized this corps in 1778 was devoted: — therefore Resolved, That the commander of this company forthwith forward to headquarters a list of the duly enrolled members of the corps, pledg- ing to the commander-in-chief that Company A, 8th Regiment, will hold themselves ready to respond to any order coming through the regular channel. Resolved, That the commissioned officers be directed to take such immediate action as shall place the corps in proper condition to meet any emergency that may arise. 14 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. March 2d. Capt. Nehemiah Flanders of the Gushing Guards having resigned his commission as captain, 1st Lieut. Albert W. Bartlett was elected commander. After the election of President Lincoln in November, 1860, it became manifest that the leading men of the South not only seriously contemplated but had fully determined to secede from the national government. The course pursued by their representative politicians confirmed the belief that they were secretly preparing to contend by force of arms for the estab- lishment of a separate government under the protection of which they could extend and enjoy their cherished and be- loved institution, — slavery. Massachusetts, true to the teaching of her sires, true to herself and to the patriotism of her sons, did not hesitate or falter; but few days elapsed after the inauguration of Gov- ernor Andrew before active measures were taken to put the volunteer militia, then numbering 5,593 men, and organized into nine regiments and three battalions of infantry; three battalions and eight unattached companies of riflemen; one battalion and five unattached companies of cavalry, — into active condition and ready for the field. As Massachusetts was foremost in. preparing to support and sustain the Union, so was South Carolina foremost in at- tempts to destroy it. The demand made upon Major Anderson for the surrender of Fort Sumter, April 11th, 1861, by the Confederate Government through General Beauregard, and his noble and patriotic reply, ''It is a demand with which I re- gret that my sense of honor and my obligations to my gov- ernment prevent my compliance ; " the opening fire by all the rebel batteries on the morning of the 12th on the fort ; the spirit and bravery with which the little garrison re- sponded ; the ineffectual attempt of the Star of the West to ren- der assistance ; the renewal of the bombardment on the 13th, the firing of hot shot by the rebels, and the burning of the barracks and magazine of the fort, and finally the evacuation by Major Anderson and his heroic command, on the after- noon of Sunday, April 14th, — created the most intense feeling among the people of the North, and was the tocsin of war. KBWBIJEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 15 And as the intelligence was announced by telegraph there arose one common sentiment of indignation against those who had commenced the conflict, and a determination in the hearts of the loyal North to maintain the unity and the authority of the national government. The Daihj Herald of the 15th, in an article on the "im- pending crisis," said: It would have pleased us, if measures had been taken to call a Na- tional Convention fresh from the people to consult and act, for, as yet, the people have not spoken, and the sense of the nation is not known. After all means of peace were exhausted, we should not oppose war; nay, if the unity of the country demanded it, we would hail its red face and thundering voice with gladness. But so it could not be, and they have chosen to fight first. Very well, fight let it be, then, and let the guns of Sumter vmite us all. Lay on! let the cannon roar! let swords and bayonets gleam wherever the sun shall shine, and the strongest party shall win. Our motto is, "Our country, right or wrong," and if it can't be our whole country, then for that section do we go in which we live; and since they determine to show us that there is a government in these States, and the battle must be fought to its bitter end, let it be fought with spirit and determination. When we enter upon a war, honor and humanity demand that we should make it as short as possible. There can be no doubt that the free States, numbering two to one of all the South in population and having abundant wealth and credit, must con- quer; and the more forcibly and the more expeditiously we move, the better. Let Mr. Lincoln call for a hundred thousand men as soon as the railroads can carry them to the nearest point of action, to be followed by another hundred thousand, as soon as they can be mustered; and a third hundred thousand to stand in reserve. If we are to fight to the subjugation of our opponents, they will all be needed, and if we are to negotiate hereafter, it must be done on the drum-head. FIRST CALL FOR TROOPS. On the 15th day of April, 1861, but twenty-four hours after the surrender of Fort Sumter, and the day of the issuing of the proclamation by President Lincoln calling for 75,000 volunteers, the active participation of Newburyport in oppos- ing the rebellion began. On that day the field and staff officers of the various regi- ments of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in the vicinity of Boston met in council at the governor's room at the State House. After discussing the condition and efficiency of the miUtia, the movement of troops, etc., the governor proposed 16 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. to the representative of each regiment this question: "How much time does your regiment require to be ready for active service?" The reply given by General Hinks, who at that time was adjutant of the 8th Regiment and its representative at the council, was, "The 8th Regiment will report in Boston to-morrow morning if ordered." To which the governor replied, "That is what we desire. You can order them to report at Faneuil Hall." GUSHING GUARDS ORDERED OUT. Late in the afternoon of the 15th, Mr. John T. Brown delivered to Captain Bartlett a telegraphic order from regi- mental headquarters, which was as follows: Lynn, April 15th, 1861. Captain Albert W. Bartlett, Commanding Company A. The 8th Regiment is ordered to march to the defence of the capital. Will rendezvous in Faneuil Hall to-morrow. How many men will j'ou muster? (Signed) Edward W. Hinks, Adjutant. This order was duplicated, and intrusted to Mr. Edward S. Toppan, who subsequently delivered it to Captain Bartlett, who notified in person the members of the company and sum- moned them to appear at the armory ready for duty the following morning. The news that the company had been called for by the governor created great excitement in the city. The call was the call of the country, and those who were to respond to it had but little time to arrange business affairs and be ready for the cars at the appointed time. Dur- ing the evening State Street was crowded with people, and at the armory all was life and activity. Most of the members of the Cushing Guards were mechanics — many had families to leave behind dependent upon their labor for support. The call was sudden. The question between duty to their coun- try and duty to their wives and children was presented. With some it was answered promptly, and if others delayed for the moment it was only to be assured that those they left behind should not become paupers upon the city. The city government was in session on that evening. Captain Bart- NEWBURYPORT EST THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 17 lett with the officers of his company waited upon the mayor, stated the condition under which many of the members were placed, and urged such action as would enable the company to maintain its ancient reputation, and the city to preserve its honor. Most nobly did the city council respond. With but one dissenting vote this order was passed: As many of our citizens have been called into the militarj'- service of the United States, that one thousand dollars be appropriated for such support as their respective families may need during their absence. After the adoption of the order the mayor and aldermen visited the armory, made known the fact, and assured the company that when that was expended more would be appro- priated. DEPARTURE OF THE GUSHING GUARDS. April 16th (Tuesday). It was the purpose of Captain Bartlett to have left on the eight o'clock train, but as many of the men required more time to arrange their business afifairs, twelve o'clock was the time appointed. There would have been no difficulty in filling the company with recruits at any time after the receipt of the order calling them into active service. Many were willing and anxious to go, but Captain Bartlett, considering General Order No. 4, issued January 16th, to apply only to those who had been enrolled and returned as members of the company, telegraphed to the adjutant- general for permission to fill his company with volunteers. The answer came, "Come with what you have." At a few minutes before twelve, in the midst of a cold and cheerless rain storm, the small company of patriots, for such their promptness and determination had proved them to be, left the armory for the depot. The rain and sleet was falling fast, but bravely and firmly they marched to the music of the fife and drum. But few cheers were given, and hardly a word was spoken by the hundreds who had gathered to witness their departure. At twelve o'clock they left for Boston, not knowing or fearing the duties they might be called to perform for the honor and protection of the National Capitol. 18 NEWBUEYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. ROLL OF THE OFFICERS AND MEN WHO WERE THE FIRST TO RESPOND TO THE CALL OF THE GOVERNOR, APRIL 15th, 1861. < Capt. Albert W. Bartlett. LIEUTENANTS. George Barker. Gamaliel Hodges. George Creasey. SERGEANTS. Thomas E. Marshall. Nathan W. Collins. PRIVATES. Horace W. Bartlett. Sanford W. Grant. Joseph Barlow. Stephen H. Goodwin. Samuel Baxter. Joseph I.. Johnson. William H. Dodge. Thomas E. Lang. Richard S. Dodge. Charles P. Morrison. John S. Frost. John L. Perley. Nathan R. Giles. Joseph A. Shaw. Richard A. Van Moll. Other members followed during the day, and joined the company at Faneuil Hall. Wednesday evening, the 17th, Captain Bartlett sent to have twenty additional men enrolled for the company. Immediately the armory was opened, and in less than three hours all the uniforms were filled. INCREASED MILITARY ENTHUSIASM. DEPARTURE OF ADDITIONAL VOLUNTEERS FOR THE GUSHING GU.A.RDS. April 18th (Thursday). The Herald says: This was the greatest day for military enthusiasm that Newbury- port ever saw. We have no words to convey an impression of the deep feeling that pervaded, and does now pervade, the people of this com- munity. Little business was attended to. Men stopped from tlieir avo- cations and pursuits to think of the state of the country; and the more they thought the more their souls burned for the restoration of peace, harmony, and imion; and the more they determined that the govern- ment should be maintained in its integrity and full powers in every State over which the Stars and Stripes have ever waved. • In a lecture delivered by Chaplain Samuel J. Si)aldiiig, at City Hall, May 29th, 1869, at the request of A. W. Bartlett, Post 49 G.A.R. of this city, entitled, " Newbury- port in the Rebellion," much of the material, including the names of those who were the flrst to leave the city on the morning of April 16th, 1861, was furnished by tli« writer. The list was subsequently found to be inaccurate. The names given above aro correct. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 19 At eight o'clock twenty-one (21) men in charge of Capt. Nehemiah Flanders, and escorted by the Newburyport Brass Band, left for Boston to join the Gushing Guards. At ten o'clock others left, and at twelve between thirty and forty more, so that nearly seventy men must have left the city during the day to join the 8th Regiment. The Gushing Guards, as a part of the 8th Regiment, M. V. M., left Boston April 18th for Washington, where, after hberating the frigate Constitution at Annapolis, and repairing the road- bed and engines of the Annapolis & Elkridge R.R., they arrived April 26th, having opened communications between Washington and the North. THE FOLLOWING IS A ROSTER OF THE NEWBURYPORT MEN WHO SERVED IN THE REGIMENT, FIELD AND STAFF. Ben: Perley Poore, Major. George Creasey, Adjutant. Company A. Capt. Albert W. Bartlett. IsT Lieut. George Barker. 3d Lieut. Nathan W. Collins. 2d Lieut. Gamaliel Hodges. 4th Lieut. Edward L. Noyes. 1st Sergt. Samuel Baxter. SERGEANTS. TnoiL^s E. Marshall. John C. Lang. Stephen D. Gardner. CORPORALS. John S. Frost. Joseph C. Batchelder. Sanford W. Grant. Joseph L. Johnson. PRIVATES. Ambrose, John B. Dwyer, William T. Barlow, Joseph. Ewin, John M. Bartlett, Horace W. Farrell, John. Bartlktt, Moses C. Felch, William H. Butts, John G. Foot, John H. Cavenaugh, William D. Forbes, William C. CiLLEY, Edward A. Frost, George. Clarkson, Jacob G. Giddings, William H. Cook, William H. Giles, Nathan R. Dodge, Richard S. Goodwin, Stephen H. Dodge, William H. Gunnison, Frank H. Dow, Zaccheus. Hall, Frank L. 20 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. HiCKEN, Edward F. Paddock, James M. HiNES, James G. Pearson, Samuel. Hudson, James L. Perley, John L. Jewett, Joseph H. Rines, Jason S. Kezar, Samuel, Jr. Ross, Gayton O. KiRKwooD, Hugh G. Sargent, Luther F. Lang, Thomas E. Seaver, Frederick. Marsh, Clarence I. Shackford, David. Martin, Henry. Shaw, Joseph A. Meller, James W. Sterling, William. Merrill, John A. Van Moll, Richard A. Morrison, Charles P. Watson, Martin. Neal, Alonzo M. Woodwell, Caleb S. Young, Thomas C. At ten o'clock in the morning, Mr. Charles H. Coffin com- menced the circulation of a paper for subscriptions to form a new military company and aid their families while in the service. So ready and willing were the citizens to subscribe, that in a few hours forty-two hundred dollars were raised, and the names of nearly fifty volunteers for the new company obtained. ORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL GUAEDS, SUBSEQUENTLY COMPANY B, 40th new YORK INFANTRY (mozart) regiment. The second day after the departure of the Cushing Guards, the formation of a new company was commenced by Mr. Charles H. Coffin, a merchant of our city, and the then city marshal, James P. L. Westcott. The company was organized as a part of the militia of the State to be ready for active duty within thirty days if called for by the governor. The first enlistments for this company were at the armory of the Cushing Guards on State Street, and so desirous were the young men of our city to prove their patriotism and valor that within forty-eight hours from the first enrollment the company was full. The city government, and very many of our leading citi- zens, were particularly interested in its organization. Money was liberally subscribed, and neither time nor expense was spared to make it one of the best companies in the State. NEWBUflYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 21 Clothing for uniforms was contributed by Boston men, former residents of the city, and in the Herald of April 22d was published the following call: The ladies are asking, as in the days of the Revolution, " What can we do for our country, for libert}', for those who are to risk their lives in defence of all that is dear to us? " I will tell j'ou. We want made this week, sixty-eight military coats and sixty-eight pairs of pants. Those having sewing-machines suited to heavy work, those who will contribute money to pay for tailoresses to oversee the work, and those who are willing to work under the direction of these persons, will please leave their names at my hou.'se, 128 High Street, or office corner of Water Street and Cushing's Wharf. (Signed) Charles H. Coffin. This call was promptly responded to by a large number of ladies, who met at the vestry of the Whitefield Church on State Street, where the making of uniforms and other clothing for the company was carried on. ELECTION OF OFFICERS BY THE COMPANY. April 25th. At a meeting of the company for the election of officers, and by direction of the Governor, presided over by Mayor George W. Jackman, Jr., James P. L. Westcott was elected Captain; Wilham D. Foster, 1st Lieutenant; Benjamin R. Knapp, 2d Lieutenant; William J. Creasey, 3d Lieutenant; and Robinson N. Shuff, 4th Lieutenant. CONTRIBUTION OF MONEY BY THE PUPILS OF THE PUTNAM FREE SCHOOL. April 27th. The pupils of the Putnam Free School hav- ing contributed to the company a sum of money, Captain Westcott addressed them the following letter: Armory of the Cushing Guards, Saturday Evening, April 27th, 1861. To THE Young Ladies of the Putnam Free School: We cheerfully and kindly acknowledge the receipt of twenty dollars, a donation from them to be expended for the benefit of the soldiers under 22 NEWBTJRYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. m}' command in such a manner as may be deemed best. This donation is more cheerfully received, it being a part of the money raised for the purchase of the beautiful flag, which was the first one thrown to the breeze from the school-buildings in this city. That flag we have sworn to protect, and God helping us we will, so long as life shall last. In behalf of the Volunteers, James P. L. Westcott, Commander. ARMING OF THE COMPANY WITH COLT S REVOLVING RIFLES BY THE CITY. May 2d. The city council held a special meeting to take measures for arming the National Guards. An order intro- duced by Alderman Isaac Hale, Jr., was unanimously adopted by both branches of the city government: That the mayor be a committee to provide for and on account of the city one of Colt's revolving rifles, with sabre bayonet, for the use of each member of the volunteer company in this city now under the com- mand of Capt. James P. L. Westcott. May 20th. The mayor, to whom was referred the purchas- ing of the rifles, reported to the city council that: On the third day of the present month your committee went to Boston for the purpose of purchasing the rifles, agreeably to the order, first calling upon the adjutant-general of the Commonwealth, and making such inquiries of him relative to the use of said arms by an infantry company, and further, whether it would prevent said corps from being joined to the 8th Regiment of this State, or whether by the purchase of the same (one of the rifles being present and fully .examined b}'^ himself and many other military gentlemen) it would in any way prevent the company being called upon to do duty in defence of the United States Government. The answer of the adjutant-general was, that there was nothing in the purchasing of the rifles that would prevent their using them, or being joined to the 8th Regiment, except that the 8th Regiment was full, and he advised me by all means not to return to Newburyport without pur- chasmg them if I had authority so to do. (Since that time I understand that the company has been attached to the 8th Regiment, but will not be sent forward until that regiment has taken the oath to serve for the term of three years, which they have Qot yet done.) NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 23 THE COMPANY PRESENTED WITH BIBLES AT THE HARRIS STREET CHURCH. May 5th (Sunday). At many of the churches this after- noon the pastors preached eloquent and patriotic sermons. At the Harris Street Church, Rev. James Cruickshanks preached from the text "Render unto Caesar," after which he pre- sented each member of the National Guards with a small pocket Bible to be carried with them in the service. The church was appropriately decorated with American flags, and the choir sang the "Star-Spangled Banner," closing the ser- vices with "America." CAPTAIN WESTCOTT NOTIFIES THE GOVERNOR THAT THE COMPANY IS READY FOR DUTY. May 6th. The organization of the company being com- plete, and the rifles furnished by the city received, Captain Westcott addressed the governor: Newhuryport, May 6th, 1861. To His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Commonxoenlth of Massachusetts: Dear Sir, — The newly organized company of volunteers known as the Newburyport National Guards are a picked body of men selected from three hundred and thirty applicants. They have met every day and evening for drill for the last three weeks, having no encouragement other than the hope that they are to be ordered for duty within a few days. The company will have uniforms complete on Thursday the 9th inst. They are armed with Colt's revolving rifles, army size. The cir- cumstances of the men will not permit them much longer to remain without emplo3^ment. What encouragement can you give me that we shall be ordered soon? It was hoped that we should be attached to the 8th Regiment now in Washington, that being, as I am informed, the expressed wish and desire of that regiment. Please confer with the adjutant-general and forward as early an answer as convenient, and oblige, Yours, etc., James P. L. Westcott, Captain Newburyport National Guards. 24 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. REPLY OF THE GOVERNOR. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, Boston, May 7th, 1861. Capt. James P. L. Westcott, Newburyport National Guards : Sir, — Your favor of Maj' 6th is received. Are you disposed to enlist for three years or for the war? How soon can you go? An early an- swer is desired for my advice. Yours faithfully, John A. Andrew, Governor. CAPTAIN WESTCOTT TO GOVERNOR ANDREW. Newburyport, May 10th, 1861. To His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor of the Commonwenlth of Massachusetts: Dear Sir, — Yours under date of May 7th is just re ceived. In reply I have to say that when my company enlisted they were to be in service for one year. I understand from Mr. Stone and Colonel Coffin that they had an interview with you on the 8th, at which time you determined to attach us to the 8th Regiment now in Washington. Cannot we, being a part of that regiment, be ordered under the first call? I have no doubt that after the company arrives at Washington they will every man of them be willing to enlist for three years or for the war, as that ynW be my wish. But as they have enlisted under the first call, I should not desire to put the question to them at present, but am satisfied they will act with the Eighth, and have no doubt that should part of that regiment desire to return, my company would attach themselves to some other for the war. Mr. Stone will see you to-morrow and communicate with you more fully. We can be ready and report at Boston on Thursday morning. Yours truly, James P. L. Westcott, Commanding Company National Guards. There seems to have been a desire to attach the company to the 8th Regiment, and at an interview between the gov- ernor, Hon. Eben F. Stone, and Col. F. J. Coffin, it was deter- mined upon. From communications received from officers in the regiment it appears that the impression with them was that the company was to be forwarded to that command. May 11th, Mayor Jackman received this telegram: NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 25 Washington, D.C. Captain Bartlett has written to you to-day. He is supplied with everything wanted, in lieu of his company. Equip Captain Westcott's company and send them forward to join the 8th Regiment immediately. {Signed) Geo. Creasey, Adjutant. Captain Bartlett, in a letter to the mayor dated May 11th, says: By a letter received to-day from an officer of the new company, I am informed that the State cannot at present furnish equipments for their company, and as they are attached to the 8th Regiment I would recommend that, as my command will not be of any expense to the city, that the city council furnish Captain Westcott's company with equip- ments that they may join their regiment. TELEGRAM FROM THE GOVERNOR, COMPANY NOT WANTED. commont\'ealth of massachusetts, Executive Department, (No Date.) Capt. James P. L. Westcott, Newburyport. Not wanted at present. Secretary of War notifies goA^ernor that no more companies will be accepted unless enlisted for three years or during the war. (Signed) A. G. Brown, Jr., Private Secretary. THE COMPANY UNANIMOUSLY VOTES TO ENLIST FOR THREE YEARS, OR DURING THE WAR. (Telegram.) Newburyport, May 13th, 1861 To His Excellency, John A. Andrew: Sir, — The National Guards of this city have voted to a man to serve three years. Ready to-morrow. Have we been attached to the 8th Regiment? When can we go? Answer by telegraph. James P. L. Westcott, Captain National Guards. The Governor not replying to the above. Captain Westcott again telegraphed: 26 NEWBTJRYPOKT IN THE CIVTI. WAR, 1861. Newburyport, May 13th, 1861. To His Excellency, John A. Andrew: Sir, — I telegraphed you this morning that my company had voted to serve three years. Ready to march to-morrow morning. We have been informed that you attach us to the 8th Regiment. The men are crazy to go. Don't refuse their request. James P. L. Westcott, Captain. To this dispatch no reply was made. OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION FROM MAYOR JACKMAN, RECOMMEND- ING AID TO THE VOLUNTEERS. To THE City Council of the City of Newburyport: Gentlemen, — I have been repeatedly called upon for aid within the past two weeks by members of the two volunteer companies now in this city. My answer thus far has been, that I could do nothing for them, there being no money appropriated for that purpose, and I having no authority to take money from the City Treasury for any such object. Many of them say that it is impossible for them to subsist and at- tend to their drill duties without aid in some way. It is apparent to me that something should be done at once to relieve their immediate wants, at anj'^ rate until such time as thej^ shall be mustered into the service of the governinent, either State or National. I am aware that there has been a large sum of money subscribed by the citizens, for the equipment and support of these men and their families; but when and how that money is to be distributed or used, I do not know. I cannot, however, see the difference in supporting these men and their families now from that fund, or supporting their families after the men have gone. It is necessary in either case that they should have something to eat, to be paid for out of that subscription, or from some other source. I believe it to be merely a matter of time as to the use of that fund, for I am fully impressed that it will take much more than that sum to relieve the wants of our soldiers before this great na- tional question is settled. If that should be used now, the city will im- doubtedly have to assist them hereafter; and if the city should now render assistance to these families, then that fund will come in course and do good service. 1 would, therefore, recommend that the city council make an appro- priation sufficient to allow these men, who are now enlisted in Captain Westcott's company, and the one which has been raised by Captain Remick, who are in need of the same, an allowance of three dollars per week in groceries, where they have a family, and to pay the board of those men who have no family. In both cases to continue for the space of thirty days from the date hereof, unless the companies should be called awav before that time. r, .r n . •. . i Respectfully submitted, Newburyport, Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor. May 2()th, 1861 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 27 THE CITY GOVERNMENT VOTES TO ASSIST THE VOLUNTEERS. May 20th. An order introduced by Alderman George J. George, recommending assistance to the volunteer companies of Captains Westcott and Remick of three dollars per week to those who had families, and board for those who had not, who were in need of such assistance, for thirty days unless sooner called into service, was unanimously adopted by the city council. THE NATIONAL GUARDS VISIT BOSTON. Newburyport, May 22d, 1861. To His Excellency, Governor Andrew, Commanckr-in-Ch ief: Sir, — The National Guards of this city will make a flying visit to l^oston to-morrow, Thursday. Will be in front of the State House at 10.30 A.M. Would be pleased to have your Excellency review the same. Respectfully your obedient servant, James P. L. Westcott, Commander. The company was received by the governor and other military men at the appointed time. The Boston Journal, speaking of their visit, said: The National Guards of Newburyport, Capt. James P. L. Westcott, arrived in this city this forenoon, accompanied by the Newburyport Band, and numbered about seventy muskets. They made a fine appear- ance, and on marching up State Street they went through the movements of forming a hollow square and repelling cavalry in a highly creditable manner. CALL FOR THREE YEARS' TROOPS. Permission having been granted the State to raise six regiments of infantry for three years' service, the governor, on the 22d of May, issued General Order No. 12. This order stated that "all companies of the Massachusetts Vol- unteer Militia which may desire to volunteer to serve as part of the above force will make immediate application in writing to the commander-in-chief through the adjutant-general. From the companies thus applying, a sufficient number will be selected to form the six regiments assigned to this State." 28 KEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVTL WAR, 1861. VISIT OF HON. EBEN F. STONE AND CAPTAIN WESTCOTT TO THE GOVERNOR. THE NATIONAL GUARDS SENT TO NEW YORK FOR SERVICE IN THE BROOKLYN PHALANX. No reply having been received to the dispatch of Captain Westcott to the governor dated the 13th after the promulga- tion of General Order No. 12, he, in company with Hon. Eben F. Stone, visited the governor to see if the company could not be received under that order. To them assurances were given that the company should be attached to one of the regiments then forming, or be sent to camp of instruction, within three days. Before the expiration of the time specified, the governor telegraphed to Captain Westcott: Commonwealth op Massachusetts, Executive Department, Boston, May 29th, 1861. Capt. J. P. L. Westcott of National Guards : If you can be at Brooklyn, N.Y., Saturday morning, you can be re- ceived into the Brooklyn Phalanx and go into active service immediately. Reply at once whether ready. John A. Andrew, Governor. To this Captain Westcott immediately replied, "Ready." THE GOVERNOR GRANTS PERMISSION FOR THE COMPANY TO LEAVE THE STATE. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, Boston, May 31st, 18G1. Capt. James P. L. Westcott, Commanding Company of Inft. at Newburyport in 2d Division M. V. M. : Sir, — The commander-in-chief hereby grants to you and your com- mand permission to report for active service to the commander of the Brooklyn Phalanx, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. G. Brown, Jr., Captain and Military Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief. DEPARTURE OF THE NATIONAL GUARDS FOR BROOKLYN, N.Y. The company was anxious for active duty. They had been organized nearly six weeks, and had devoted the entire time to drill and preparation under the direction of Capt. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1801. 29 Nehemiah Flanders. They were armed with what was sup- posed to have been the most serviceable rifle at a cost to the city of three thousand six hundred dollars. The officers were presented with arms and equipments, and the men were each provided with two uniforms, one for parade and the other for fatigue duty. Between seven and eight thousand dollars had been expended by the city and the citizens to prepare the company for the field. On Friday morning, May 31st, the city was alive to see them depart. The armory was crowded with friends ; and before leaving. Rev. Randolph Campbell, who was present, earnestly invoked divine blessing upon the men who were to march in defence of the government. Dr. Henry C. Perkins gave them very useful advice on the manner of living and preserving health; and General Gushing, on being called, spoke eloquently in support of the Union and the govern- ment, urging them to stand by each other in defence of the Stars and Stripes, and assuring them that victory and success were certain to follow. Messrs. David Wood and Isaac H. Boardman of the committee of the Volunteer Fund promised the men that their families would be provided for during their absence. They left the city by the Eastern R.R. at 10 A.M., amid the cheers of the thousands who had assembled to bid them God speed. The dispatch from Governor Andrew to Captain Westcott, dated May 29th, was prompted by the following, received by him from a son of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, who was con- nected with the intended regiment. New Yokk, May 29th, 1861. Governor Andrew: If the Woburn, Milford, and Newbur^qjort Companies are willing, and can be here by Saturday morning, they can be received into the Brooklyn Phalanx, which is received, and will go into active service immediately. (Signed) H. B. Beecher, Brooklyn. The New York Courier and Enquirer of the same date says: The Brooklyn Phalanx will be ready. Inspection has been ordered by the Union Defence Committee on Saturday, when they will present a full complement of men. 30 NEWBUJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. The National Guards with the other Massachusetts com- panies on their arrival in New York Saturday morning were received by the officers of the regiment and a committee of citizens, and for a time quartered at the Astor House. An inspection of the regiment had been ordered by the colonel to take place in Brooklyn at four o'clock the same afternoon ; and when the time arrived, the three Massachusetts companies were the only organizations present, excepting two skeleton companies, both numbering less than sixty men. A consulta- tion of the Massachusetts officers was held, and it was decided that in view of the misrepresentations made and the apparent condition of the regiment, the best course for them to pursue was to return home. The colonel, however, prevailed upon them to remain a short time longer, stating that the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher had gone to Washington, and would see that they were at once mustered into service. GOVERNOR ANDREW ORDERS THE COMPANY TO RETURN TO MASSACHUSETTS. June Sd. Governor Andrew telegraphed to Mr. Frank E. Howe, Agent of Massachusetts in New York: Brooklyn must prepare to return our three companies. We have incurred expense, raised hopes, and Brooklyn has cruelly misled, disap- pointed, and mortified us. Mr. Howe replied by letter, saying: I went immediately to Brooklyn. The first person I saw was Cap- tain Westcott of the Newburyport National Guards, who seemed to regret the tenor of the dispatch, although expressed his loyalty in strong terms, and willingness to return with his command at that moment. His only regret seemed to be that the Brooklyn people, officers and all, should be censured when he felt they were doing their best. I talked with the men under his command, all of whom seemed contented. The three companies returned to Boston, arriving on the morning of June 5th, and breakfasted at the American House, after which they were dismissed until twelve o'clock, when they were to assemble to hear the report of the officers, who in the meantime had reported at headquarters, where they had a conference with Adjutant-General Schouler and Quartermas- NEWBUKYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 31 ter-General Reed. Captain Westcott stated that having been months in constant drill and discipline at their own expense, his company felt that they ought to be immediately employed. General Reed laid the matter before the governor, and re- ported that the desire of his Excellency was that the compa- nies return to their homes, and disband. To this Captain Westcott rephed that his company had been formed for ser- vice in defence of the government, and they did not propose to disband, but were determined to seek active service. It was finally agreed to furnish quarters and subsistence for the men at Fort Warren, and transportation for the officers back to New York that they might complete arrangements, and attach themselves to the Mozart Regiment then forming. THE NATIONAL GUARDS JOIN THE 40th NEW YORK INFANTRY. Through Captain Westcott, arrangements were perfected by which the three companies, with an additional company from Lawrence, were attached to the 40th New York Infantry (Mozart) Regiment. Of the National Guards the lieutenants and several of the men declined to again seek service out of the State. Their ranks were, however, recruited to the army standard by additions from the Wallace Guards of Amesbury. Before leaving the State, Captain Westcott received from the governor the announcement that in so doing they severed all connection with Massachusetts, and that the Common- wealth would in no wise be responsible for their action or welfare. LETTER OF GOVERNOR ANDREW TO CAPTAIN WESTCOTT. Boston, June 10th, 1861. To Capt. J. P. T,. Westcott, Commanding Co. M. V. M., Newhuryport: Sir, — You have expressed a desire in behalf of yourself and your command, to proceed to New York, and there join what is called the Mozart Regiment. In consideration of the disappointment you have already experienced, this Commonwealth will again transport you to New York at its o^^^^ expense. But in order that there may be no pos- sible misunderstanding, it is deemed advisable to state explicitly in this connection that you and your command are not ordered to duty, but 32 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. are only permitted to do what you desire, on your own risk and respon- sibility as private citizens, and thus from the moment you leave Massa- chusetts, the Commonwealth cannot consider that it holds any further official connection with you by which it shall be bound to any official responsibility whatever for your action or welfare, although in both the people of Massachusetts can never cease, of course, to take a warm interest. With sincere good wishes I am very truly yours, John A. Andrew. Alderman Isaac Hale, Jr., who accompanied the Guards to New York, under date of June 13th telegraphed to the New- buryport Herald: Arrived at Yonlcers yesterday. The condition of the regiment ex- ceeds Captain Westcott's statements. They are fully furnished with howitzers, wagons, horses, and additional supplies. They wiU be mus- tered into service Friday. The following day Mr. Hale again telegraphed: YoNKERS, N.Y., June 14th, 4 o'clock, P.M. Westcott's company has just been mustered into the service. (Signed) Isaac Hale, Jr. ROSTER OF COMPANY B AND OTHERS FROM NEWBURYPORT WHO SERVED IN THE 40th NEW YORK INFANTRY (MOZART) regiment: Capt. James P. L. Westcott. 1st Lieut. Henry H. Foster. 2d Lieut. John T. Brown. 1st Sergt. Edwin A. Stover. sergeants. Benjamin C. Welch. James A. Emery. Edward F. Ballou, Warren A. Mansfield. CORPORALS. John L. Pinder. George C. Dow. George E. Van Moll. Joseph F. Stevens. James E. Manser. Andrew J. Wadleigh. Henry M. Brown. John G. Tewksbury. musicians. George Began. William Ells. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 33 PRIVATES. Aldrich, Horace L. Allen, John B. Andrews, Edmund Q. Atkinson, John W. Atwood, Charles M. Ballou, Frederick D. Banks, Thomas E. Barnett, Daniel. Battelle, George W. Blockstock, David E. BooDY, Robert M. Bricher, William H. Burnette, Robert, Jr. Cammett, J. Plummer. Cammett, Daniel. Carr, George W. Chase, John. Cole, James. Collins, Enoch. Cressy, Albert C. Currier, John F. Curtis, Daniel M. Davenport, Simon H. Dewherst, Albert F. Dockham, James W. Dow, Enoch S. Dow, William H. Field, Nathaniel. Flanders, John L. S. FooTE, James. FooTE, Frank. Gallagher, Francis. Gallagher, James W. Gentis, Asa. Gilmore, Bradford. Green, Alfred. Guild, Abner. Hewett, John C. Hill, John H. Hilliard, Sumner B. W. HoDGKiNS, Dexter. Holmes, Whitman. HoYT, William N., HusE, Charles W. Kendrick, Cyrus. Kenney, Andrew J. KiRKWOOD, AlEX.VNDBR. Knapp, Frank F. Knight, William H. Lancy, John L. Livingston, Oscar R. Mansfield, John B. Massay, Nathan. Morrill, George O. Morrill, John O. Morrill, George A. Murphy, Daniel. Oliver, Samuel W. Packer, Isaac S. Pearson, Stephen C. Perkins, George H. Perkins, Asa E. Phelan, Thomas J. Pike, Josiah L. Pike, B. Frank. PiLLSBURY, George W. Powers, John J. Ramsey, Charles F. Reed, John B. Ring, Jonathan. Robinson, George W. Sanborn, Theophilus. Sells, William. Shehan, Napoleon T. Snellgrove, Henry. Tewksbury, Rufus B. Templer, George. True, George P. VouGHT, Louis. Wadleigh, Henry K. White, Joseph M. WiGGiN, Albert P, Wilson, William. Wood, George A. W. Wyatt, Walter W. 34 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. COMPANY G. Bradbury, William H. H. Russell, George W. Conway, Dennis. Wilkinson, William J. Groom, G. C. COMPANY H. Chase, Jacob. Forbes, John M. CouLLiARD, Joseph. Whiting, John G. GENERAL CUSHING TENDERS HIS SERVICES TO THE GOVERNOR TO ACT IN ANY CAPACITY WHERE HE MAY BE NEEDED. Newburyport, 2.5th April, 1861. Sir, — I beg leave to tender m3\self to 5'ou in any capacity however humble, in which it may be possible for me to contribute to the public weal in the present critical emergency. I have no desire to survive the overthrow of the government of the United States. I am ready for any sacrifice to avert such a catastrophe, and I ask only to be permitted to lay down my life in the ser\'ice of the Commonwealth and of the Union. I am, very respectfully, C. Gushing. His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor of the Commonwealth. {Unofficial.) Newburyport, 2.3th April, 1861. Dear Sir, — I pray you not to regard the accompanying proffer in any light other than that of earnest solicitation on my part to discharge my duty to our common country. Permit me to assume that in our past relations, as certainly in our present ones, there has been nothing to forbid me to make, or you to receive, such a proffer at the present time. You alone are able to judge whether, in the scope of official duties, there is anything to assign to me to do. If there be, or not, I pray you to say so to me in all sincerity, in order that, having thus placed myself at your discretion, I may, if not needed directly by you, then decide according to my own judgment what to undertake. I am, very respectfully, C. Gushing. Governor Andrew. NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 35 REPLY OF GOVERNOR ANDREW. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department, Boston, April 27th, 1861. Hon. Caleb Gushing: Sir, — Under the responsibilities of this hour, remitted both as a man and a magistrate to the solemn judgment of conscience and honor, I must remember only that great cause of Constitutional Liberty and of civilization itself, referred to the dread arbitrament of arms ; and I am bound to say that although our personal relations have always been agreeable to m}'self, and notwithstanding your many great qualities fit- ting you for usefulness, yet your relation to public affairs, your fre- quently avowed opinions touching the ideas and sentiments of Massa- chusetts, your intimacy of social, political, and sjonpathetic intercourse with the leading secessionists of the Rebel States, maintained for years, and never (unless at this moment) _ discontinued, forbid my finding you any place in the council or the camp. I am compelled sadly to declare that were I to accept your offer I should dishearten numerous good and loyal men, and tend to demor- alize our military service. How gladly I would have made another reply to your note of the 25th ult., which I had the honor to receive yesterday, I need not declare, nor attempt to express the painful reluc- tance with which this is written. Faithfully, your obedient serv^ant, John A. Andrew, Governor. ORGANIZATION OF THE CITY GREYS, SUBSEQUENTLY COM- PANY A, 17th MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. The city authorities having leased Essex Hall on State Street for the accommodation of those who might desire to serve their country, on the morning of April 23d a call was made through the Herald for the organization of a new com- pany. A number of experienced military men have urgently requested Capt. John E. ^Eemick, formerly of the Gushing Guards, to tender his services to the government in the present emergency, and unite with them in perfecting a corps in drill and military tactics. Captain Remick has consented, and an invitation is hereby extended to such able-bodied men as are willing to unite with such a company, to appear at Essex Hall this evening at 7.30 p.m., where further arrangements will be made. A paper may be found at the express office of David F. Brown, No. 6 Pleasant Street, where information may be obtained. 36 NEWBURTPORT IN THE CIV'IL WAR, 1861. In response to this call about twenty-five men enrolled themselves at the first meeting. This new organization con- tinued to meet forenoon, afternoon, and evening for drill, until its numbers had increased to seventy-two men, when an election of officers was ordered by the governor to take place Wednesday evening, May 22d, to be presided over by Major Ladd of Boston. At this meeting David F. Brown was elected Captain; Thomas W. Foster, 1st Lieutenant ; WilHam Bell, 2d Lieutenant; Thomas W. Goodwin, 3d Lieutenant ; and Alfred Horton, 4th Lieutenant. THE COMPANY PETITION THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR UNIFORMS, JUNE 3d. To THE Hon. George W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor, the Board of Alder- men, AND THE Common Council, of the City of Newbuuyport: The undersigned commander and subordinate ofRcers respectfullj^ represent that the vokmteer militia company organized and officered according to law, known as the "City Greys,'' have for the past four weeks been dihgent in perfecting themselves in drill, for the purpose of being ready to answer any call made upon their services by the constituted authorities; that they are the only organized company now in the city; that they have every reason to believe that their services will be called for, and that Newburyport has thus far furnished a small quota of com- panies according to her population in proportion to other towns in Essex Count5^ For the above reasons in part we respectfully petition, in behalf of the company, that you take measures such as your judgment ma}'' dic- tate, and as will sustain the reputation of the city, towards providing the company with such means that they will be enabled to answer anj'^ call made upon us for the purpose of protecting the government of our coimtry and the preservation of our Union. (Signed) David F. Brown Thomas W. Foster William Bell, Jr. - Officers of the City Thomas W. Goodwin Greijs. Alfred Horton J THE CITY COUNCIL APPROPRIATES $1,550 FOR UNIFORMS FOR CITY GREYS. June 2ifh. By an order introduced by Alderman George J. George, $1,550 was appropriated by the city for the purpose NEWBUKYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAIl, 1861. 37 of furnishing uniforms to the City Greys, Captain Brown, pro- vided the State authorities would not uniform the company. Councihnan Curtis French at the same meeting introduced an order which was also adopted: That the mayor and two from the common council be a committee to attend to the purchase of uniforms for Captain BrowTi's Company, no uniform to be furnished except to those who shall have signed articles of agreement similar to those included in Chapter 219, Section 3, of the Special Session of the Legislature in I\Tay, 1861. His Honor the Mayor and Councihnan Curtis French and Charles H. Goodwin constituted the committee. THE CITY GOVERNMENT GRANTS THE USE OF THE GUN HOUSE SITUATED AT THE EAST END OF THE MALL FOR BARRACKS. July \st. A petition from Capt. David F. Brown, request- ing the use of the Gun House as barracks for the City Greys, was granted by the city council, and an order passed provid- ing ten days' rations for twenty-five men of the same company who were to be placed in barracks. PRESIDENT LINCOLN CALLS FOR THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND VOLUNTEERS FOR THREE YEARS. THE CITY GREYS ORDERED TO CAMP AT LYNNFIELD. The President of the United States on July 1st issued an order calling for three hundred thousand volunteers to serve for three years, or until the end of the war, to form new regi- ments, and fill up the ranks of those already in the service. July 7th the governor of the Commonwealth issued General Order No. 26, calHng for fifteen thousand volunteers, and as- signing to each city and town the number of men to be fur- nished, which was based upon the annual returns made to the adjutant-general's office by the assessors of the several cities and towns, of men liable to do military duty. July llih. The City Greys, Capt. David F. Brown, left the city this forenoon Ha Boston & Maine R.R. for Camp Schouler, Lynnfield. They were accompanied by the Wallace 38 NEWBUBYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. Guards, Captain Morrill, of Salisbury, and by the Newburyport Band. A large number of citizens and friends assembled to witness their departure, who expressed their interest in the company and the cause they were to defend by words of en- couragement and support. KOSTER OF NEWBURYPORT MEN IN COMPANY A, 17th MASSA- CHUSETTS INFANTRY VOLUNTEERS. Capt. David F. Brown. 1st Lieut. Thomas W. Foster. 2d Lieut. Thomas W. Goodwin. 1st Sergt. Philip C. Mason. SERGEANTS. J. Q. A. .Johnson. John Dunn. William H. Osgood, Jr. CORPORALS. Joseph W. Haynes. Andrew J. Tilton. Elisha Young, Jr. Joseph Doring. James W. Davis. Erenezer Cressy. Paul A. Perkins. Joseph C. Richardson. PRIVATES. Ahern, Thomas. Alley, Joseph, Jr, Austin, Albert F. Bradbury, Charles E. Bradbury, George. Brown, George W. Burke, John. Carter, Thomas. Chandler, Rufus W. Cogger, Thomas E. Connor, Edward. Connor, John. Connor, James. Cook, Albert J. Cook, George W. Couilard, John H. Dillingham, Areatus H. Drown, Albert. Dwyer, Dennis. DwYER, Daniel J. Fallen, Martin. Flanders, John L. S. Floyd, Enos. FowLE, Robert. FoYE, James H. Gannon, William. Gurney, Nathaniel. Havlin, William. Hopkinson, William N. HoRTON, Alfred. Jackman, Thomas H. Keys, Charles W. Kezar, Samuel, Jr. Kezar, George W. Lent, William F. Lewis, Andrew P. Lynch, Daniel. Mace, George. Marshall, James I. McKnight, James. McWiLLiAMS, James. Pearson, William F. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 39 Poor, Thomas G. Sullivan, Patrick J. Reed, Samuel W. Templeton, Andrew. Smith, Saaiuel. Wadleigh, Joseph. Smith, James L. Watson, Martin. Spates, James G. Welch, Michael. Stanwood, George W. Willis, John H. Stevens, Thomas W. Winkley, Henry. Sullivan, Michael. Woodwell, Caleb S. Young, Peter. THE STARS AND STRIPES AFLOAT IN EVERY PART OF THE CITY April 20th (Saturday). The patriotism of our citizens was to-day displayed in the flying of the national emblems and the decorating of stores and private dwellings. In the central portion of the city nearly all the business houses were deco- rated with the red, white, and blue. In front of the Essex Hall building on State Street, flags and bunting were taste- fully exhibited around the motto, "Our Country: Right or Wrong." AT MOULTON & TALBOT's, STATE STREET. In the forenoon a large and enthusiastic gathering wit- nessed the raising of a flag at the store of Messrs. Moulton & Talbot on State Street. The ceremonies were introduced by the playing of the national airs by the Newburyport Brass Band. The flag was raised by Rev. Samuel J. Spalding, D.D., who, after addressing the people on the importance of support- ing the national government, closed with solemn prayer for the protection of those who had gone in defense of the nation and its flag. Speeches were made bj'' Rev. Daniel P. Pike, E. H. Rollins, Rev. James N. Sykes, D. A. W. Perkins, George J. L. Colby, James Carey, Moody D. Cook, Philip K. Hills, and City Marshal James P. L. Westcott. AT GILLETT & CO.'s EXPRESS OFFICE, PLEASANT STREET. April 23d (Tuesday). Messrs. Gillett & Co. hoisted the national flag upon a staff in front of their express office in the presence of a very large gathering of people, who crowded the streets, windows, and roofs in the vicinity to witness the 40 NEWBUIIYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. scene. The flag was hoisted by the Rev. J. E. Bruce, and was saluted with music by the Newburyport Band. Com- pany B of Byfield, Capt. T. Lyman Pearson, being present, greeted it with cheers as it was unfurled to the breeze, while the plaudits of the people were long and continuous. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Bruce, in behalf of our coun- try, its free institutions, and the sacrifices being made for its preservation by the thousands who volunteered in its defense. AT THE BROWN HIGH SCHOOL. April (Wednesday). The members of the Brown High School located on State Street attested their patriotism and devotion to the cause of the Union by hoisting the Amer- ican flag on a staff erected near their school building. Music was furnished by the Newburyport Band, and speeches made by William H. Pearson, Sylvester Burnham, and William H. Bartlett, graduates from the school. General Gushing, Rich- ard S. Spofford, Jr., and Rev. Daniel P. Pike, made brief ad- dresses, expressing their love for the Union, and the support it should receive from all who claimed its protection. The exer- cises were closed by the reciting of a portion of Patrick Henry's great war speech, by George R. Merrill, a member of the school. General Gushing in his speech said that: He cordially participated in the present patriotic manifestation. Long may this glorious flag wave above our heads, the banner of vic- tory and the symbol of our national honor. Our dear country now in- deed demands the devotion of all peoj)le, for the dire calamity of civil war is upon us. He had labored hitherto for many years, earnestly and in good faith at least, first for the conservation of the Union, and then to avert the evils of fratricidal war, and of what he might have said in that relation he had nothing now to retract. But the day of discussion had passed, and that of action had arrived. He had before him the question, which had occurred to public men in other countries, when political convulsions divided friend from friend and brother from brother, and sometimes arrayed them against one another in hostile camp and in deadly strife. What in such a case is the dictate of duty? Should we retire into safe seclusion in a foreign coimtry, to return in better times, to wear the honor of freedom, like Hyde? Or should we remain to affront the perils of our lot, like Faukland or Vance? The latter course, if not the safer NEWBURYPOET IK THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 41 one, is at any rate the more courageous one. He chose so to act. He was a citizen of the United States, owing allegiance to the Constitution, and bound by fonstitutional duty to support its government, and he should do so. He was a son of Massachusetts, attached to her by ties of birth and affection, and from which neither friend nor foe should sever him. He would yield to no man in faithfulness to the Union, or in zeal for the maintenance of the laws and the constitutional authorities of the Union; and to that end he stood prepared, if occasion should call for it, to testify his sense of public duty by entering the field again at the com- mand of the Commonwealth or of the Union. AT WILSON BROS., STRONG STREET. April 26th (Friday). This afternoon the city was unusu- ally active. Thousands assembled to pay homage to the "Flag of the Union," that was now looked upon by the people of the North with a greater reverence and respect than ever before. The first gathering was at the establishment of Messrs. Wilson, carvers, on Strong Street, where amid the booming of cannon and the sweet strains of music a beautiful life-sized statue was unveiled representing the "Daughter of the Regiment," above which floated the national flag. After the cheers with which it was greeted had died away, Rev. Samuel J. Spalding offered an earnest and patriotic prayer for the unity and safety of the republic. Speeches were made by Rev. Daniel P. Pike and Edward Burrill, Esq. AT THE FEMALE HIGH AND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS, WASHINGTON STREET. From Strong Street the multitude gathered at the school building, corner of Washington and Court streets, to witness the raising of the Star-Spangled Banner by the young ladies of the female High and Grammar Schools. Rev. John R. Thurs- ton offered prayer, after which the young ladies hoisted the flag, which was greeted by the singing of: Our flag is there! Our flag is there! We'll hail it with three loud huzzas. Our flag is there! Our flag is there! Behold the glorious Stripes and Stars. 42 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. Remarks were made by Mr. William C. Todd, principal of the High School, George J. L. Colby, and Rev. Messrs. Fletcher, Pike, Muzzy, Thurston, and Cruickshanks. AT THE WEST MALE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. From Washington Street the gathering moved to the West Male Grammar School, located at the west end of the Mall, where the boys hoisted to the breeze the national emblem from a staff upon the top of the building. Mr. James Rous- seau, principal of the school, introduced as speakers, George J. L. Colby, Henry G. Rollins, and Rev. Messrs. Pike, Muzzy, Fiske, and Bruce. Flags were also raised at the Bromfield Grammar School, at the paint store of Messrs. Burrill & Blake at the head of Brown's Wharf, and by the butchers on the Market House, Market Square. May 2d (Thursday). The pupils of the Davenport School, Congress Street, and the Grammar School on School Street, raised the Stars and Stripes in the presence of a large gather- ing of friends. VETERAN ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION TENDER THEIR SERVICES TO THE CITY. Mmj 4th (Saturday). Messrs. Gillett & Co., through the Herald, informed the friends of the Gushing Guards that they would pack at their office and forward to the company Tues- day, May 7th, a box, free of expense. At once articles began to flow in, more than a hundred different packages, consisting of shirts, stockings, towels, cigars, tobacco, and many other useful articles, as presents from wives and children, parents and friends. May Qth (Monday). At a meeting of the city council a communication was received from the Veteran Artillery As- sociation tendering their services to the city and asking that the company be furnished with a stand of arms. May 7th (Tuesday). Mrs. Wallace D. Wells and Miss Lydia M. Smith in a very few hours collected one hundred and two dollars ($102) to be sent to the Gushing Guards as NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 43 "pin money." Captain Bartlett, in a letter dated Washing- ton, May 13th, acknowledged its receipt, and expressed the gratitude of the company for their generous consideration. REPORT OF THE MAYOR REGARDING ASSISTANCE FURNISHED THE FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS. The mayor in response to inquiries made in regard to sup- plies furnished from the appropriation for the support of families of volunteers, reported the whole amount disbursed (exclusive of orders) as $90. The orders with other allow- ances amounted to $30 per week. House rent estimated at $40 per month, and fuel at $20 per month. But sixteen families had made application for relief up to this time. RESOLUTIONS COMPLIMENTARY TO CAPTAIN BARTLETT AND THE GUSHING GUARDS. Resolved, That we fully appreciate the heroic conduct of Capt. Albert W. Bartlett and his men, who so promptly shouldered their muskets to sustain the honor of our nation's flag — an act which thrills the heart of every true citizen of Newburyport ^ith pride and admiration. Resolved, That the mayor be authorized to notify Captain Bartlett, in behalf of the city, that we are ready to furnish his company with everything in our power that will add to their comfort or success while in the service of their country, and that Captain Bartlett be requested to inform the city through him of their wants, in accordance herewith. LETTER FROM CAPT. A. W. BARTLETT. Washington City, May 1 1th, 1861. Mayor George W. .Tackman, Jr., Newburyport, Mass. Dear Sir, — Your letter with resolves passed by the city council I have just received, and hasten to answei . I thank the council for their kindness, but would inform them throuiOjh you, that we were yesterday supplied by government vnth a nev^ uniform. We have also been sup- plied with undershirts, drawers, and socks by the quartermaster. Unless we see more hard service I can think of nothinc; we shall need at present. Truly yours, A. W. Bartleit, Captain Company A. 44 NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAE, 1861. A HAVERHILL VOLUNTEER COMPANY MARCHES TO NEWBTJRYPORT AND PARTICIPATES IN A PARADE WITH THE NATIONAL GUARDS AND VETERAN ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION. May 8th (Wednesday). A volunteer company from Haver- hill, Captain Howe, marched to this city and camped for the night at the Gun House at the east end of the Mall. Thurs- day the streets were alive with military enthusiasm. The Na- tional Guards, Captain Westcott, numbering seventy men, in their new uniforms of blue coat and gray pants and armed with Colt's revolving rifles, the Veteran Artillery Association, Capt. John Moore, and the Haverhill Volunteer Company, Captain Howe, paraded the principal streets of the city, accompanied by the Newburyport Band. In the afternoon the three com- panies marched to Davenport's Hill, where the National Guards practiced target shooting. DONATION BY THE PUPILS OF THE PURCHASE STREET GRAMMAR SCHOOL. The pupils of this school, in place of raising a flag as many of the schools in the city had done, and desiring to express their patriotism by the purchasing of articles useful to the troops in the field, addressed the following note to Mr. Charles H. Coffin, Esq.: Newburyport, Ma}-- 11th, 1861. Mr. Charles H. Coffin, Esq.: Dear Sir, — Please accept the enclosed sum as a trifling donation from the pupils of the Purchase Street Grammar School, to be expended for the benefit of the Newburyport volunteers. E. A. Appleton. A. L. Coffin. VOLUNTEER FUND. May 20th (Monday). At the city council meeting. Council- man John J. Currier introduced "an order for a joint special committee to make inquiries in regard to the funds said to be subscribed for the relief of the families of volunteers enlisting for the war, and that they report to the council what action is wise and proper to take in regard to raising an additional amount for that purpose." IfEAVBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 45 MEETING OF THE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE VOLUNTEER FUND. May 23d (Thursday). At a meeting of the subscribers to the Volunteer Fund, Edward S. Moseley was chosen chairman, and John J. Currier secretary. A committee, consisting of Edward S. Moseley, Enoch S. Williams, Mark Symons, Josiah Little, and Charles H. Coffin, to whom was added the mayor, Hon. George W. Jackman, Jr., was chosen to devise some plan for the collection and distribution of the fund, and report at a meeting to be held at the counting-room of the Bartlett Mill, Monday, May 27th. NAMES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FUND FOR THE RELIEF OF THE FAMILIES OF THE VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE. Ocean Bank $500 Rufus Wills & Son . . . . 130 Eben F. Stone 100 Chas. H. Coffin 100 Joshua Hale 100 Jacob Horton 100 Sumnei', Swasey & Currier . 100 Robert Bayley & Son . . . 100 John Porter 100 Micajah Lunt 100 Wm. Graves 100 Edward S. Moseley .... 100 Isaac H Boardman . . . 100 Edward S. Eand 100 Josiah L. Hale 100 John Currier, Jr 100 Charles Wills 100 Henry Shoof 100 J. H.'& J. R. Spring ... 100 Chas. Lunt 100 Wm. Horton 100 W. H. & E. W. Lunt ... 100 Francis Todd 100 J. N. & W. Gushing .... 100 Joseph Johnson 100 W. P. Pierce 100 James Blood 100 Jacob W. Pierce 100 Josiah Little 100 Samuel Nichols 100 Caleb Gushing . . $100 .Tames Reed . . . 100 S. Frothingham & Co. 100 M. H. Simpson . . 100 D. & I. Hale . . . 75 Jas. A. Frothingham 50 Robert Couch . . . 50 Wm. Balch . . . 50 Henry Frothingham 50 J. J. Knapp . . . 50 Geo. W. Jackman, Jr. 50 Henry C. Perkins . 50 Nicholas Varina . . 50 John Balch . . . 50 James Caldwell . . 50 Stephen W. Marston 50 John Osgood . . . 50 Wm. G. Todd . , . 50 Jos. B. Morse . , . 50 Wm. H. Brewster 50 Philip H. Blumphey 50 Isaac A. Bray . . 50 Herald Office . . . 50 A. & G. J. Caldwell 50 Enoch S. Williams . 50 Henry Cook . . . 50 Wm. Nichols . , . 50 Joseph Moulton . . 50 Daniel Knight . , 50 Stephen Tilton & Co. 50 46 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. S. W. Marston, Jr. . $50 Albert S. Russell , $25 F. Skinner & Co. 50 Edward S. Toppan . 25 David Wood .... . 35 Eben Wheelwright . 25 D. R. Lecraw . . 35 William Ashby . . 25 Mark Symons . . 30 Edward S. Lesley 25 Cash 30 Nathl. Foster, Jr. 25 Robert E. Moseley . 25 Balch W. Pierce . 25 Nathan A. Moulton 25 Parker Roberts . 20 Moses E. Hale . . 25 Wm. W. Caldwell 20 Joshua Aubin . . 25 T. Tracy . . . 15 Stephen M. Gale . . 25 Nathaniel Hale . 10 N. & T. Foster . . 25 Prescott Spalding 10 Johnson & Morse 25 Benj. Davis, Jr. . 10 Wm. B. Whiting . 25 Wm. B. Boardman 10 Samson Levy & Co. 25 Henry P. Toppan 10 Geo. W. Hale . . . . 25 Jacob Stone . . 10 Chas. M. Hodge . . 25 Alexander D. Brown 10 E. H. & G. J. George . 25 Washington Adams 10 Lewis L. Condry . 25 Wm. Burke . . . 10 Atkinson Stanwood & Co. . 25 Richard Plumer . . 10 Nathaniel Horton . 25 May 27th (Monday). In the afternoon the subscribers to the Vohmteer Fund met at the Bartlett Mill counting-room. Of the $6,090 subscribed, it was voted to raise 20 per cent of the amount at once, and more as it should be needed, to be placed in the hands of Messrs. David Wood, Isaac H. Board- man, and Charles H. Coffin, to be appropriated at their discre- tion for the support of the families of those who have or may hereafter volunteer from this city. A BOX FOR THE GUSHING GUARDS. Through the energy of Mr. D. Clark Batchelder, a large and valuable box was forwarded to the Cushing Guards, en- camped near the Relay House, Md. By his efforts one hun- dred and twenty-five dollars were subscribed by the friends of the company, with which five regulation swords were pur- chased for the officers. In addition to the swords, the box contained a havelock for each member of the company, made by our patriotic ladies; sheets, pillow-cases, and blankets de- signed for the use of the sick; stockings, towels, handkerchiefs, tobacco, preserved fish and meats, and many other articles NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 47 acceptable to the soldier in the field. There was also a gold Union badge for Maj.-Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, a silver one for each of the officers of the Gushing Guards, and a plated one for each of the men. AID TO FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS. On the 23d of May, 1861, the Legislature passed a Resolve entitled, "An Act in aid of the famihes of volunteers and for other purposes," by which cities and towns were permitted to raise money by taxation and apply the same under the direction of town or city officers for the aid of the wife and children under sixteen years of age of any of their inhabitants who is a member of the volunteer militia of this State, and for each parent, brother or sister or child, who, at the time of his enlistment, was dependent on him for support. The Act also provided that there should be annually reimbursed from the State Treasury to such cities and towns a sum not exceeding one dollar per week for the wife, and one dollar per week for each child or parent of such inhabitant who at the time of his being called into service was dependent upon him for support. By section four of the Act any city or town was also authorized to "organize an armed police," whenever danger from an attack by sea was apprehended. June 3d (Monday). At a meeting of the city council an order introduced by Alderman Isaac Hale, Jr., authorized the mayor to "provide all assistance that may be needed by those families in this city who have been deprived of their means of support by members of the families having volunteered and been mustered into service in the ranks of the National Guards in accordance with the statutes in such cases made and pro- vided, and in no case to exceed the amount to be reimbursed by the State." A CARD FROM THE GUSHING GUARDS IN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE BOX SENT BY D. C. BATCHELDER AND OTHERS. Camp Essex, St. Dennis, Md., June 16th, 1861. The officers and members of Company A, 8th Regiment, M. V. M., hereby return their most sincere thanks to Mrs. Nehemiah Flanders and other ladies, for cake; Mrs. A. L. March, for blankets, sheets, pillow- 48 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL "WAR, 1861. cases, and socks; and to all of our ladjj^ friends who provided us -with havelocks, or assisted us in any way. They will all accept our thanks. Also to Samantha N. Whiting, for rubber blankets; the Messrs. Gushing, Philip K. Hills and others, who so liberally subscribed towards the swords and uniforms for the officers; B. W. Ordway, for delivering letters^ etc.; Hiram P. Macintosh and Andrew J. Haynes, stationery; Parker Roberts, Charles M. Hodge, Horace Hamblett, John Caldwell, James McConnell, Edwin Blood, Picnton M. Perley, Philip H. Blumpey, A. Brookings, Wm. W. Merrill, John M. W. Clement, Charles F. Brown, C. S. Swasey, for tobacco, pipes, and cigars; Engine Company No. 6, for caps; George N. Young, for trucking; Gillett & Co., for expressing; George W. Jackman, Jr., Nehemiah Flanders, Edward W. Rand, Eben P. Cutter, Wm. H. Huge & Co., George L. Jackman, Andrew J. Haynes, George W. Clark, and Moulton & Talbot, for newspapers; Dean R. Martin, Daniel Horton, D. C. Batchelder, Nehemiah Flanders and others, for straw hats; Samuel A. Smith, cough mixture; Horatio N. Dennett, labor and materials for uniforms; also to all other friends who have assisted us in any way, and whose names have been unintentionally forgotten in the confusion of opening the cases and delivering the packages. Our special thanks are due to Capt. Nehemiah Flanders, D. C. Batchelder, Eben P. Cutter, Stephen Collins, and George J. George, for continued exertions in our behalf. (Signed) Albert W. Bartlett, for the Company. THE CITY COUNCIL APPROPRIATES ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO AID THE FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS. June 24th (Monday). An order introduced by Alderman Nathaniel Pierce was unanimously adopted by the city council : That the sum of one thousand (1,000) dollars be appropriated to the aid of the wives and children under sixteen (16) years of age of those of the inhabitants of this city who as members of the Volunteer Militia of the State of Massachusetts have been or may be mustered into or enlisted in the service of the United States, and also for the aid of such parent, brother or sister or child, who at the time of such enlistment was, is or may be dependent upon any one of said inhabitants so mus- tered into or enlisted in the service aforesaid. TAXES FOR 1861. The assessors for 1861, in their report of the valuation of property, number of polls, and apportionment of taxes for the year, make the following statement: The number of polls, 2,430; valuation of real estate, $3,120,600; personal estate, NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 40 $3,477,500; total, $6,598,100. The rate of taxation was $10.40 on $1,000. The appropriations for which the tax was laid were as follows: State tax, $2,346.00; County tax, $9,369.95; city tax, $58,910.00; excess, $1,611.79. July Uh (Thursday). The anniversary of our national independence was ushered in with the booming of cannon, the ringing of bells, and an unusual display of the Stars and Stripes. No pubhc celebration of the day was attempted in the city. The people could not dispel from their minds the fact that we were in the midst of a civil war, and for the first time father, son, and brother had been called upon to battle for the preservation of our national existence. Towards even- ing several thousand people assembled on the Mall, and lis- tened to the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. Hylas T. Wheeler, principal of the Putnam School, fol- lowed by the singing of patriotic songs, and music by the Newburyport Band. ORGANIZATION OF A PERMANENT COMMITTEE BY THE CITY GOV- ERNMENT FOR THE DISBURSEMENT OF AID TO THE FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS. July 8th (Monday). An order introduced by Alderman William H. Huse was adopted by the city council: That a joint special committee consisting of the mayor and alder- men and one councilman from each ward be appointed to disburse the sums of money appropriated under various orders passed by the city council for the relief of the wives, children, and those dependent upon those citizens of Newburyport engaged or who may hereafter be engaged in the military or naval service of the United States. In addition to the mayor and aldermen the committee consisted of Councilman Michael Wormstead, Ward 1; Ralph C. Huse, Ward 2; William A. Davis, Ward 3; Charles M. Hodge, Ward 4; Charles A. HiUiard, Ward 5; and James P. McQuillen, Ward 6. A BOX SENT TO THE NATIONAL GUARDS AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. July 22d (Monday). Through the kindness of Mr. Richard Welch and friends of the National Guards attached to the 40th New York (Mozart) Regiment, a large and valuable box 50 NEW BURY PORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. containing articles of comfort and usefulness was forwarded to them at Alexandria, Va. The company acknowledged its receipt by a card published in the Herald of August 5th: Alexandria, Va., July 27th, 1861. The officers and members of the Newburyport National Guards de- sire through this medium to express their sincere gratitude to Dr. Job T. Dickens, Moses B. Wheeler, Richard Welch, John Bimtin, Charles L. Huse, Samuel Towle, Samuel A. Smith, Reginald Morton, Miss Harrod, Messrs. Gillett & Co., B. Warren Ordway, and all others whose names may have been unintentionally omitted, for the articles of necessity and luxury forwarded to them. The eagerness with which they were re- ceived should be seen to appreciate the thanks of the recipients, and the kind donors of these free-will offerings will long be remembered. Edwin A. Stover, Orderly SergeaiU. RECEPTION OF THE GUSHING GUARDS ON THEIR RETURN FROM THE THREE MONTHS' CAMPAIGN. July 18th (Thursday). At a meeting of the Veteran Ar- tillery Association, Benjamin R. Knapp, John B. Nelson, David J. Adams, John B. Goodwin, Richard Fowler, John Moore, William E. Currier, George W. Jackman, Jr., Philip K. Hills, Charles H. Coffin, John B. Prichard, and Wooster Smith were selected a committee to make all necessary ar- rangements for the reception of the Gushing Guards on their return from their three months' campaign in defence of the capital. THEIR ARRIVAL IN NEWBURYPORT. August 1st (Thursday). A telegram from Maj. Ben: Perley Poore of the 8th Regiment announced that the regiment had arrived in Boston, and that the Gushing Guards would return home in the afternoon. All day the people had been waiting and preparing for them. They left on a cold, rainy, cheerless day in April, few in numbers, with not a cheer to encourage or enliven their departure; they returned, and the firing of cannon, the ringing of bells, and the joyous shouts of the people, announced their arrival. State Street was thronged with people, flags were flying, and stores and residences deco- rated in honor of the brave men who were the first to respond in defense of the Constitution and the Union. NEWBtJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1801. 51 The company reached home at 6 p.m., and were received at the railway-cro.ssing on State Street by the Veteran Artil- lery Association, Capt. John Moore, accompanied by the New- buryport Band. There was also a juvenile company, the Dodge Cadets, commanded by Master Edward W. Dodge. These companies, with a cavalcade of citizens, escorted the Guards down State Street, through Broadway, up Greene Street to City Hall, where dinner was provided. After dinner they returned to their famihes and friends, happy ^v-ith the reflection that they had performed their duties honestly, faith- fully, and fearlessly. There were sixty-six men from Xew- buryport in the 8th Regiment during the three months' cam- paign. Fifty-two of them re-entered the service. BECRUITING IX NEWBURYPORT DURING THE SUMMER OF 1861. After the departure of Captain Brown's company attached to the 17th Massachusetts Infantry, recruiting in our city was comparatively dull. Efforts were made by several who had seen service in the three months' campaign to organize com- panies, but the experience of the National Guards in being or- dered into service deterred many from enlisting in new or- ganizations. RECRUITING OFFICES IN 1861. Volunteers, Attextiox! The undersigned has been duly author- ized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to recruit volunteers for the Massachusetts Mihtia, in Xewbur}-port, Xevrburj-, West Newbury, Georgetown, Haverhill, Groveland, Ptowley, Ipswich, Bradford, Ames~ bury and Salisbury'. No other person has any authority to recruit for the Commonwealth in either of the above towns. Headquarters at store opposite the foot of Broad Street on Merri- mack Street. Persons wishing to ent^r the service wUl present them- selves, and if accepted will receive pay and rations from that day forth. Hexry W. Moulton'. A BRANCH RECRL^TING OFFICE has be^.n established in Xewburj-port, at Xo. 13 Market Square, and will remain open for a few days only, to recruit a company for Colonel Hinks'.s Regiment. Office hours from 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m. Lieut. George B.^rker, Recniiting Officer. (By order of Brig.-Gen. W. W. Bullock, General Recruiting Officer for the State of Massachusetts.) 52 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1S61. ATTENTION, VOLUNTEERS. The undersigned having been duly authorized to recruit a compan}' of infantry to be attached to the regiment now being organized in Massa- chusetts, by Capt. David Ward well of Boston, by authority of the War Department, hereby gives notice to all members of the 8th Regiment desirous of re-enlisting, and to all others desirous of enlisting for the war, that an opportunity is offered by applying at the recruiting office No. 31 State Street, over Wm. B. Morss' store from 9 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 5 P.M. Adjutant George Creasey, Recruiting Officer. WANTED 100 MEN FOR HON. HENRY WILSON's REGIMENT. The undersigned having received authority to organize a company of infantry for Colonel Wilson's regiment, are now ready to receive recruits from Newburyport and vicinity. Applications for enlistment in this regi- ment, which will be the most famous that New England has sent for^^ard, may be made to Albert W. Bartlett, or Gamaliel Hodges, At their office over George Greenleaf's, Market Square. In addition to the two companies furnished for the 40th New York and the 17th Massachusetts Infantries, there were enlisted and mustered into service during the year for the 10th, nth, 12th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 22d, 23d, 26th, 28th, 30th, and 32d Regiments of Infantry, the 1st Company of Sharp- shooters, the 1st and 3d Cavalry and the 4th Battery of Light Artillery, more than two full companies of infantry, or about 225 men. Adding to these the 75 naval enlistments during the year, the city contributed during the year an aggregate of 450 men, exclusive of three months' enlistments. THE FIRST SOLDIER BURIED IN NEWBURYPORT AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE WAR. October 5th (Saturday). Corporal Charles Gardner Bur- bank, son of Gardner A. and Eliza J. (Laraby) Burbank, born in Newburyport in June, 1844, was to-day buried from the Congress Street Church. Young Burbank was a resident of East Boston at the time of his enlistment, and was but seven- teen years of age when he entered the service. He was with NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 53 his regiment in the first battle of Bull Run, July 21st, and con- tinued in active service until the privations of camp life so told on his health as to oblige him to enter the hospital at Bladensburg, Md., where he died October 1st. THE CTTY WITHHOLDS STATE AID FROM THE FAMILIES OF VOL- UNTEERS, RESIDENTS OF NEWBURYPORT, WHO JOINED THE 40th NEW YORK (mOZART) REGIMENT, As the Act of the Legislature granting aid to the families of volunteers applied only to the families of those who en- listed in the volunteer regiments of the State, and not to those who joined the 40th Xew York (Mozart) Regiment, the city, October 1st, suspended further assistance to those families. THE COMMITTEE OF THE VOLUNTEER RELIEF FUND OFFER TO REIMBURSE THE CITY FOR ALL SUMS PAID THE FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO JOINED THE MOZART REGIMENT IN CASE THE STATE LEGISLATURE REFUSES AN APPROPRIATION. Njswbukyport, October 14th, 1861. To THE Mayor, Aldermen axd Ctty Coxtncil of Xewburyport: Gentlemen, — The undersisned committee of the Relief Fund for the families of those volunteer? who have enhsted in the army of the United States from this city, knowing that the necessities of these fam- ilies require that assistance should stiU be afforded to those of the Na- tional Guards, so called, as well as to the others, and believing that our State legislature at its next session wiU pass acts pa\-ing the families of those companies who unfortunately joined the Mozart Regiment, the same as those volunteers who are enrolled in the Massachusetts regi- ments, now propose to the city government, that if they will continue to pay to the families of the National Guards such sums as they ha^-e done from an appropriation by the city government until last week, not to exceed forty-eight dollars per week, if the legislature at its next session does not appropriate and cause to be paid such siuns as may henceforth be paid to such families by the city government, that we will bind ourselves as a committee to refund to the city all such sums so paid from the funds placed under our control. Isaac H. Boardman \ Committee Charles H. Coffin > ^f (Signed) David Wood ) ^'o'- J^elief Fund. 54 NEWBUBYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. At a meeting of the city government Wednesday, October 16th, the above communication was referred to the committee on rehef on the part of the city, who recommend That the city council accept the terms and conditions therein offered, and would therefore recommend that the simi of five hundred dollars be appropriated for the relief of the families of the company IcnowTi as the National Guards, Captain Westcott, or other members of the Mozart Regiment belonging to this city. Respectfully submitted, George W. Jackman, Jr. For the Committee. WAR MEETING AT CITY HALL. Octoher 8th (Tuesday). A meeting of the citizens of Newburyport and Aacinity was advertised to be held at the City Hall this evening in reference to the duty of young men in view of the momentous questions before the country. The meeting is one of a series to be held the present week in several of the cities and towns in the county. The Hon. Asahel Huntington, W. D. Northend, A. A. Abbott, W. C. Endicott, J. A. Giles, and the Revs. S. J. Spalding, Geo. D. Wilds, and Geo. W. Briggs, will speak in different places, espe- cially in relation to the recent determination of the Union Drill Club of Salem to enlist for the war. The Hon. Eben F. Stone -^vill preside this evening, and the meeting -w-ill be addressed by the Rev. Willard Spaulding and Rev. George D. Wilds of Salem. The gallery of the Hall will be reserved for Ladies. The meeting was one of the largest and most patriotic gatherings held during the war. The speaking was eloquent and impressive, and awakened in the hearts of the people a willingness to do and to suffer, to save for themselves and posterity the Union of our fathers. LAUNCH OF THE GUNBOAT MARBLEHEAD. October l^th (Wednesday). Hon. George W. Jackman, Jr., launched from his ship-yard on Merrimack Street this morn- ing the gunboat Marhlehead. Her length was 173 feet, breadth of beam 28 feet, depth of hold 12 feet, measuring 510 tons. She was schooner-rigged, and carried in her sails 2,000 yards of canvas. Messrs. Prichard were the riggers, and NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 55 Clannin and Goodwin the sail-makers. The forward berth deck accommodated eighty men, and the three cabins fur- nished quarters for fifteen officers. The forward berth deck was provided with cooking apparatus, also a medicine chest and library furnished by the ladies of this city. Under this apartment was the magazine with flooding cocks on each side in case of fire ; the shell room ; the sail room, Hned with zinc, for the spare sails; the bread room, Uned with tin, capable of holding six thousand pounds of bread. She was furnished with two horizontal engines of eighteen inch stroke and thirty inch cylinders, driving a screw propeller nine feet in diameter. In addition to the main engines there was an auxiliary engine of ten horse power. The boilers were of Marston's build, and weighed 21 tons, having 1,760 tubes 2 inches in diameter, and two furnaces 6^ feet in length by 3^ feet in breadth. The construction of the hull was under the supervision of R. B. Forbes, Esq., of Boston, and the machinery under the inspection of Clark Fisher, Engineer U.S.N. She left the wharf in this city Thursday, January 10th, 1862, for Charles town Navy Yard. When in commission in 1862, she carried four guns, and was attached to the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under the command of Lieut.-Com. R. W. Scott. In 1863 she was armed with six guns, and commanded by Lieut.-Com. R. W. Meade, Jr., and attached to the same squad- ron. In 1864 she earned seven guns, and was stationed at the Naval Academy, Newport. AID TO THE FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS. November 1st. One hundred and fifty families were re- ceiving State aid on account of persons in the army, viz., in Ward 1. 25; Ward 2, 29; Ward 3, 14; Ward 4, 21; Ward 5, 39; Ward 6, 22. The amount paid per week, $325. RECRUITING OF THE McCLELLAN GUARDS, AND THEIR ASSIGN- MENT TO THE IITH MASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY. Under Special Order No. 572, issued by the adjutant- general of the Commonwealth, Messrs. Henry W. Moulton, Luther Dame, WiUiam D. Foster, and John W. Ricker com- 56 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. menced about the middle of October the recruiting of a com- pany for three years' service to be known as the McClellan Guards. About sixty men were enlisted in this city, and oc- cupied for a time as barracks the rooms over the store No. 13 Market Square. To complete the organization the company was filled up by the addition of recruits from Lynn and other parts of Essex County. When the recruiting for the company began, it was expected it would be assigned to one of the new regiments then being organized by the governor ; but an order from the War Department prohibiting the organization of any more new regiments caused the disbanding of many companies then being raised, and rendered it necessary for the governor to order the McClellan Guards to join the 11th Massachusetts Infantry then on duty on the Lower Potomac, Maryland shore. The company organization was not preserved. Cap- tain Dame, on being ordered to Company C, took with him less than twenty men; the remainder were assigned to other companies as recruits. ENLISTMENTS FOR GENERAL BUTLER's EXPEDITION TO NEW ORLEANS. November 12th. Adjutant George Creasey, Capt. Albert W. Bartlett, and Lieuts. Gamahel Hodges and George Barker, were authorized by the governor to recruit a company of infantry for three years' service, provided the required num- ber of men could be raised within twenty days. A recruiting office was opened at the armory of the Cushing Guards, and the following call made: Wanted — Strong, Able-Bodied and Intelligent Men to fill up a new company now being organized at the armory of the Cushing Guards by order of His Excellency Governor Andrew. Every man enlisting will receive pay and rations from the date of enlistment, and also be entitled to all the comforts conferred by the legislature upon Massachu- setts soldiers. This is the best opportunity yet offered to enlist in a corps with officers and men of their own acquaintance. At the expiration of the time specified, thirty men had been recruited ; but as the governor was unwilling to extend the NEWBTJEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861. 57 authority, the men were turned over to General Butler, and under command of Lieutenant Barker were assigned to the 30th Massachusetts Infantry, then at Camp Chase, Lowell. AID FOR THE FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO ENLISTED IN THE NAVY. Congress having refused to allow the State credit for en- listments in the navy, the State authorities ruled that the families of those men who had entered this branch of the ser- vice were not entitled to State aid. At a regular meeting of the city government November 4th, Alderman Hale introduced an order, "That the sum of two hundred dollars be appro- priated for the relief of the families of those inhabitants of Newburyport that may be necessitous, and who now are or may be engaged in the naval service of the United States dur- ing the present RebelHon." This order having been rejected by a yea and nay vote, Alderman Hale, December 2d, pre- sented a petition signed by Edward S. Moseley and 743 legal voters, asking for "an appropriation for the support of the families of those of our citizens who have enlisted in the United States Navy." This petition was referred to a joint special committee, consisting of Alderman Isaac Hale and George J. George, and Councilmen Charles M. Hodge, James P. McQuillen, and John J. Currier, who reported that the prayer of the petitioners should be granted. The report of the committee was accepted ; and an order introduced by Councilman Currier, authorizing the committee on finance to hire three hundred dollars, to be paid to the families of those enlisted in the naval service, under the direction of the Relief Committee, was unanimously adopted. 1862. City government. — Inaugural address of Mayor Jackman. — Military Relief Committee. — Appropriation of $1,.500 for relief. — Capture of Fort Donelson. — Washington's Birthday. — Fast Day sermon by Rev. Randolph Campbell. — Aid to families of those in navy dis- continued. — Capture of New Orleans and other victories. — Cush- ing Guards, election of officers. — Letter from Company I, 23d Regi- ment. — Governor calls for troops. — Departure of Gushing Guards for Boston. — Roster of company. President calls for 300,000 volunteers for three years. — Quota of city. — City offers bounty. — President calls for 300,000 men for nine months. — Enlistments for three years. — Recruits ask that officers of Gushing Guards be commissioned for three years. — Organization of Company B, 35th Massachusetts Infantry. — Election of officers, Gushing Guards. — Postponement of draft. — Appeal by Hon. Eben F. Stone. — Order of Colonel Coffin, 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. — War meetings at City Hall and mall. General Order No. 38 by governor. — Company B, 35th Massachusetts Infantry, leaves for Washington. — Resolutions by city council on death of John Black. — First military funeral during war. — Report of mayor and aldermen, names of men in army and navy. — Second battle Bull Run. — Ladies' Aid Association at City Hall preparing hospital supplies. — Captain Stone's company goes to camp at Wen- ham. — Roster of company. — 48th Regiment Infantry, Colonel Stone. — Gushing Guards, Company A, and 8th Regiment Infantry, Colonel Coffin, go to camp at Box ford. — Roster of company. Death of Capt. A. W. Bartlett. — City government arrange for funeral. — Resolutions by city council, and officers of 8th Regiment. — Funeral of Captain Bartlett. — Editorial in Daily Herald. — Company B, 35th Massachusetts Infantry, at Antietam. — Maryland campaign. — Killed at South Mountain and Antietam. — Mr. Nathan A. Moulton and Eben Manson visit wounded in hospitals. — Resolutions on the death of Corp. William C. Colby by city council and Board of Engineers. CITY GOVERNMENT FOR 1862. MAYOR. George W. Jackman, Jr. ALDERMEN. Ward 1. Isaac Hale, Jr. Ward 4. Horace Hamblett. " 1. Chas. C. Dame.i " 5. William H. Huse. " 2. Nathaniel Pierce. " C. Winthrop O. Evans. " 3. George J. George. * Alderman Isaac Hale, Jr., of Ward One, resigned May 7th, and Chas. C. Dame was elected to fill the vacancy. 58 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. 59 COMMON COUNCIL. John J. Currier, President. Albert W. Greenleaf, Clerk. Ward 1. Ward 2. Chas. H. Goodwin. Joseph G. Gerrish. Jacob G. Brown. Ralph C. Huse. Moses Pettingell, Jr. Dan'l A. W. Perkins. Ward 4. Edwin Currier. Dana Dodge. William P. Plummer. Ward 5. Thos. H. Cutter. Greenleaf Boardman. Alexander Caldwell. Ward 3. Chas. O. Morse. Curtis French. Wm, H. Johnson. Ward 6. John J. Currier. Eben p. Cutter. Stephen M. Pillsbury CITY CLERK. Eleazer Johnson. CITY TREASURER. Daniel Granger. FROM THE MAYOR'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. STATE OF THE COUNTRY. The causes which have brought our beloved country into this dis- astrous position, it would not be proper for me at this time to discuss One thing is certain, it is the duty of every one in this great crisis to use all the means in his power to extricate the government from this, the worst of all wars, if we would again wish to see that prosperity which was so apparent a year and a half ago. We, as citizens, as patriots, as honest men, irrespective of all party feelings and considerations, should take the greatest of all documents ever written, the Constitution of the United States — the charter of our rights and liberties — for our guide and direction; the peace, prosperity, and happiness of all the inhabit- ants of this ever-cherished country, for our aim; and in the right spirit seek to preserve, strengthen, and perpetuate the best government Divine Providence ever gave or bestowed upon any people. We have yet to offer in this cause the services, voluntarily and early tendered to the government, of a distinguished fellow-citizen who has been long con- spicuous in the discharge of functions of high civil and military posi- tions. We trust that the government will soon be able to avail itself of his distinguished ability and patriotic devotion to the common cause. I will only add, in conclusion of this subject, my full assurance that I need not urge upon you continued attention to the duties devolving upon the city, in relation to those of our number who are now making new proof of the strength and power of Republican government, in vol- untarily bearing arms for its defence and support. 60 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. MILITARY RELIEF COMMITTEE FOR 1862. January Qth (Monday). At a meeting of the city council an order was adopted: That a committee consisting of the mayor, the board of aldermen and one common councihnan from each ward, be a committee to pay out the amount allowed by the city to the families of those persons who have enlisted in the service of the United States, in both the army and navy. The committee consisted of the mayor and aldermen, and couneilmen Jacob G. Brown, Daniel A. W. Perkins, Curtis French, Dana Dodge, Alexander Caldwell, and Stephen M. Pillsbury. APPROPRIATION OF $1,500 FOR THE USE OF THE RELIEF COMMITTEE. January 20th (Monday Evening). The city council adopted an order authorizing the Committee on Finance to hire for a term not exceeding four months $1,500 for the temporary relief of the families of those enlisted in the United States military and naval service, to be charged to the Relief Com- mittee. THE CAPTURE OF FORT DONELSON. February IQth (Sunday Evening). News was received by telegraph of the capture of Fort Donelson by the Union forces under General Grant. The announcement of the news caused the people to gather in large numbers on State Street, and rejoice and congratulate each other upon the brightening pros- pect. Monday, flags were thrown to the breeze, bells were rung, one hundred guns fired, and in the evening houses were illuminated in honor of the glorious victory. Washington's birthday. February 22d (Saturday). In accordance with the recom- mendation of the President, the anniversary of the birthday of the "Father of his Country," the immortal Washington, was NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. 61 celebrated in this city with unusual spirit. At sunrise, noon, and sunset the bells of the different churches were rung. Flags were displayed from public buildings and private dwelhngs. Religious services were held in the Court and Prospect Street Churches. At the latter place, the exercises were conducted by the clergymen of the city. Prayers were offered by Rev. Randolph Campbell, Rev. Drs. A. G. Vermilye and Leonard Withington. Selections from Scripture were read by Rev. Dr. WiUiam Horton, and Washington's Farewell Address by Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Spalding. The singing of "Strike the Cymbal," "America," Miss Hannah Gould's beautiful ode, "Who when darkness gathered o'er us," and the "Star-Spangled Banner," was under the direction of Messrs. Warren Currier and James W. Cheney. In the evening the residences or places of busi- ness of William E. Currier, Amos Noyes, Rufus G. Coffin, William B. Morss, Caleb C. Toppan, Charles W. Carter, Dana Dodge, and Rev. J. C. Fletcher were brilliantly illuminated. The residence of Dr. M. M. Mumford, known as the Prince House, attracted particular attention. Over the entrance, and beneath the folds of the Stars and Stripes, were the words, ''Our Guest of 1789." It was at this house Washington re- mained diuring his visit to Newburyport in October, 1789. FAST DAY SERMON BY REV. RANDOLPH CAMPBELL. On Fast Day, at the Prospect Street Church, the pastor, Rev. Randolph Campbell, preached from the text, Isaiah xxxii. 15-19. Subject, "The Union safe, through the gracious out- pouring of the Spirit, and by the hailstorm of judgment upon the Rebellion." The discourse was particularly adapted to the times, and full of patriotism and encouragement. At the request of many of our citizens, it was repeated April 25th. Newburyport, April 21st, 1862. Dear Sir, — BelieA'ing that there are many persons in this com- munity who would like to hear the discourse which, on Fast Day, you delivered so acceptably to your own society, we wish to ask of you the favor of repeating it, so that those interested may have an opportunity to hear. 62 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. If you should consent to comply with this request, you will please to name the time and place which will be most convenient to you. Yours respectfully, Eben F. Stone. Edward S. Moseley. Joshua Hale. Wm. Forbes. John Balch. William Thurston. Charles S. Swasey. A. W. Miltimore. Enoch G. Currier. Nathan A. Moulton. David Wood. George Greenleaf. Henry Frothingham. Wm. W. Caldwell. Amos Noyes. Essex Street, April 22d, 1862. Eben F. Stone, Esq. Dear Sir, — The note from yourself and other gentlemen, requesting a repetition of the discourse delivered by me to my own people last Fast Day, has been received. In the solemnity of the crisis tlu-ough which we are passing, it seems fitting that every citizen should hold himself in readiness to aid and en- courage, as he may be able, a spirit of genuine patriotism. With this view, I shovdd hardly be warranted in declining the request with which you have been pleased to honor me, though a ministry of nearly twenty- five years in this city may witness that I have not been anxious over- much, to act in any public capacity without the sphere of immediate parochial duty. The conviction only deepens in my own soul continually, that, at whatever sacrifice, our National Union must be preserved, and the Re- bellion overthrown; and that, for the accomplishment of this purpose, our confidence must be especially in Him who graciously styles himself "the Hope of Israel, and the Savior thereof in time of trouble." As to the place for the repetition, allow me to suggest that of its original delivery; and for the time, next Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Very respectfully yours, Randolph Campbell. AID TO THE FAMILIES OF PERSONS IN THE NAVY DISCONTINUED. May 5th. The city having been paying aid to the families of those who enhsted in the navy, and also to quite a large number who enlisted in the army, where the State would not reimburse, the city council, by an order introduced by Coun- cilman Pillsbury, discontinued such payments: "That the fam- ilies of volunteers in the navy (except in extreme cases, to be decided by vote of the Relief Committee) be stricken from the rolls from and after April 30th, 1862." Such payments amounted in all to about four hundred dollars per month. / NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. 63 A SERIES OF VICTORIES. THE RECEPTION OF THE NEWS IN NEWBURYPORT. The capture of New Orleans, the evacuation of Yorktown, and finally the capture of Norfolk and destruction of the rebel ironclad Merrimack, was the cause of general rejoicing throughout the North. On Sunday, May 11th, the news of the capture of Norfolk, Portsmouth and the Navy Yard, was re- ceived in this city. Crowds of people gathered on State Street to congratulate each other, and at several of the churches the telegraphic dispatch was read announcing the victories. At the Whitefield Church, after communicating the news. Rev. Dr. Spalding offered a prayer of thanksgiving. At the Pleas- ant Street Church the reading of the telegram was followed by "God save the American Union" and the singing of ''America" by the choir. ELECTION OF OFFICERS BY THE CUSHING GUARDS. May 12th. Gamaliel Hodges was elected 1st Lieutenant and Nathan W. Collins 2d Lieutenant of the Gushing Guards. AN EXPRESSION OF THANKS FROM COMPANY I, 23d MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Headquarters Co. I, 23d Massachusetts Regiment. New Berne, North Carolina, May 1.5th, 1S62. To the Ladies of the Unitarian SEwaNo Circle, and all other Contributors: We the undersigned, in behalf of the soldiers of Company I, and aU others enlisted from Newburj-port in the 23d Regiment, return our heartfelt and earnest thanks for the very generous and bountifully filled box of hospital stores, etc., kindly sent us by the patriotic ladies and gentlemen of Newburyport. We assure you our hearts are melted with earnest gratitude at this sterling exhibition of thoughtfulness of us on your part, and the genuine token of substantial which you have so generously forwarded to the sick and wounded now in our regiment from our beloved city. Our path lies among the rough thorns of pri- vations and suffering, and the alle\nation from pains and sickness which the contents of your box will in a great measure afford us, will remind us of the kind friends at home, and ser^-e to make us stronger and more faithful in the duty we are called upon to perform in the great and holy cause in which we are now engaged. Although your generous donations 64 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. will pass away, yet we shall never cease to remember with deep grati- tude and pleasvu-e your thoughtful and substantial remembrance of us. We remain very truly, your obliged friends, William J. Ceeasey. } ^ . , . ^ _ T^ Ti HT ( Lixeuts. of Co. 1. David P. Muzzey, ) LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO A BOX OF ARTICLES FOR NEWBURY- PORT SOLDIERS AT NEW BERNE, WEIGHING 498 LBS. Miss Agnes Aubin. Miss Abbie Aubin. Mrs. David Wood. Miss Helen Balch. Miss Lydia Johnson. Miss Mary P. Muzzey. Miss Susan Balch. Miss Jane Frothingham. Miss Mary Wood. Mrs. Hiram Wood. Mrs. Augustus Smith. Mrs. James Adams. Mrs. George Lunt. Mrs. a. B. Muzzey. Miss Mary Ann Smith. Mrs. William Hervey. Mrs. Eben F. Stone. Mrs. Ralph C. Huse. Miss Hellen Frothingham. Mrs. a. Watkins. Mrs. Albert Wood. Miss Emily Buntin. Mrs. R. Johnson. Mrs. John Lamb. Miss Margaret Clarkson. Mrs. a. L. March. Miss E. M. Muzzey. Mrs. Moses Davenport. Mrs. William H. Swasey. Miss M. A. Andrews. Rev. Marshall B. Angier. Mrs. William J. Creasey. Mr. Edward F. Coffin. Mr. Enoch M. Reed. Mr. Prescott Spaulding. Mrs. Charles Wills. Mrs. C. W. Storey. Mrs. William Gushing. Mrs. S. Coffin. Mr. D. C. Batchelder. Mr. Moses M. Ross. Mrs. Robert Bayley. Mr. John Sumner. Miss Lizzie Cole. Miss Addie Brockway. Mrs. Edward S. Moseley. Miss Kate Hale. Miss Maria Noyes. Mrs. J. D. Parsons. Miss M. W. Tilton. Rev. a. B. Muzzey. Mrs. Thomas L. Randlett. Miss Clarissa Tappan. Mrs. Oliver D. Pillsbury. Miss A. D. Pillsbury. Miss C. Pillsbury. Mrs. Nathaniel Hale. Mrs. Anthony Davenport. Mrs. John Wills. Mrs. Pottle Richardson. Mrs. Col. Adams. Mrs. Martha Swain. Mr. William Plummer. Mr. George J. George. Mr. John Aubin. Mrs. Benjamin Hale. Mrs. J. J. Knapp. Mr. Charles Noyes. Miss Simonds. Miss Julia Hale. Mrs. George Hale. Miss Mary A. Osgood. Mrs. John Andrews. Mrs. Parker Roberts. NEWBXJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. 65 RETREAT OF GENERAL BANKS IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY. THE governor's CALL FOR TROOPS, AND THE DEPARTURE OF THE CUSHING GUARDS. May 26th (Monday). An extra of the Newburyport Her- ald was issued this morning, to promulgate the call of Gov- ernor Andrew for the assembhng of the State militia, which read as follows: HERALD EXTRA! THE CALL TO ARMS ! PATRIOT SOLDIERS ! TO THE RESCUE OP THE CAPITAL. We publish the following telegram from Governor Andrew, calling upon the soldiery of the Commonwealth at once to meet on Boston Com- mon, prepared to rush to the defence of the capital now threatened by the rebels and traitors of the South, who, having defeated General Banks, are marching on Washington. No words of ours can add to the call of the governor. The men of Massachusetts, who were not backward in the days of our fathers' struggle for Independence, and who have never failed to answer the call of their country, will be minute men to-daj'. Massachusetts, whose men rescued the capital in 1861, shedding the first blood to suppress treason, will be ready to dare and do to preserve that capital in 1862. Citizen soldiers wiU by the first train or the first con- veyance, from every part of the Commonwealth, start for Boston to an- swer the call of the governor; and the citizens who are not soldiers, but who are willing to become such, will fall in to fill up the ranks. This is to be the most stirring day that Massachusetts has ever known; and the sons of Massachusetts, one and all, wiU perform their duty. GOVERNOR S CALL, Boston, May 25th, 1862. To THE Newburyport Herald: Please publish the within order as early as possible on Monday morning. May 26th, and call editorial notice to it. Harrison Richie, Aide-de-Camp. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Headquarters, Boston, May 26th, 1862. General Order No. 14. Commanders of regiments, battalions, and unattached companies of infantry and riflemen of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, are hereby ordered to report with their commands to Major-General Andrews on 6Q NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. Boston Common, forthwith, for active ser\'ice, in pursuance of orders from the President of the United States. This order will be executed without waiting for the usual forms of transmission. By command of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. William Brown, Assistant Adjutant-General. The above order was received by telegraph at one o'clock A.M., Monday the 26th. Before two o'clock, Captain Bartlett, assisted by Adjt. George Creasey, Lieuts. Gamaliel Hodges and Nathan W. CoUins, was in the streets rallying his men. After the stationing of policemen at the several engine houses, the alarm-bells were sounded, when the people gathered on State Street, anxious and excited; and at three o'clock the armory of the Gushing Guards was filled with men ready and wilUng to enroll themselves in response to the demand of the governor. They were escorted to the depot by the Veteran Artillery Association, and left for Boston at ten o'clock a.m. Col. Frederick J. Cofhn, formerly commander of the 8th Regi- ment, left on the first train to offer his services. ROSTER OF GUSHING GUARDS, COMPANY A, 8th REGIMENT, WHO RESPONDED TO THE CALL OF THE GOVERNOR MAY 2Cth, 1862. Adjutant of Regiment, George Creasey. Captain, Albert W. Bartlett. 1st Lieutenant, Gamaliel Hodges. 2d Lieutenant, Nathan W. Collins. 1st Sergeant, John S. Frost. Sergeant, George W. Creasey. Allen, Ira H. Brown, John T. AuBiN, Daniel. Cavenaugh, John. Barnes, Joseph. Chandler, Rufus W. Bartlett, Horace W. Channell, George W. Bartlett, Edward F. Clements, John M. W. Bartlett, Moses C. Clifford, Timothy. Bartlett, William H. Colby, William C. Benson, James F. Colby, Daniel H. Bishop, George P. Colby, Enoch W. Brookings, Samuel. Cole, Charles L. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. 67 Currier, F. J. Dat, Charles O. Dodge, Richard S. Dodge, William H. T. Donnelly, Thomas F. Dwyer, William T. EwiNG, John M. Forbes, William C. Fox, Stephen R. Gaddis, Andrew J. Gardner, Maxwell. Greeley, James P. Greenough, J. M. Greene, John L. Goodwin, Stephen H. Goodwin, Frank L. Goodwin, Major, Jr. Hale, Daniel. Harkin, George, Hoskins, Joseph, hoyt, rufus b. IvERs, Joseph G. Janvrin, Dennis A. Jefts, George W. Keefe, George. Keniston, James R. Keys, Benjamin. Lanford, Charles. Langland, George E. Lattime, Hartwell L Littlefield, Solomon, LuNT, Thomas P. Lunt, Joseph W. LtTRVEY, Richard, Hanson, Seth H. McDonald, Jere. Header, James W. Merrill, Amos. Messee, F. M. Morrill, Robert J. Morrison, Nathaniel P. HoRss, Edward O. HoRss, George A, Nash, Francis J, Norton, Joseph, NoYES, George S, Pearson, Samuel. Pettigrew, Albert S. Perley, F. D. Piper, Charles W. Russell, John T. Sargent, Robert G. Seward, John B. Shackford, David. Short, Hiram H. Short, Samuel S. Stanwood, William F. Stockman, John T. Sullivan, Patrick J. Swan, Richard W. SwASEY, William H. ToRRY, George. Walton, George. Jr. Walton, Joseph H. Weaver, Andrew. Whitmore, George H. Whittier, Otis G. The company on reporting in Boston were assigned quar- ters in a building on Broad Street, owned by Hon, John B. Alley of Lynn, On the evening of arrival an election for regimental officers was held, when Frederick J. Coffin was unanimously elected colonel, and Ben: Perley Poore Lieut,- Colonel. Adjutant George Creasey, on reporting the regiment to Adjutant-General Schouler, was handed a commission, and immediately mustered as captain in the 30th Massachu- setts Infantry, then at New Orleans, La. On Wednesday it 68 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. was found that the services of the militia were not required, and they were dismissed to return to their homes, having for the second time shown their patriotism by responding to the call of the governor. ENLISTMENT OF MEN FOR THE 32d MASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY. The governor having authorized the organization of three new regiments of infantry to serve for three years, Henry W. Moulton, Esq., commenced June 4th the recruiting of a company in this city for the 32d Massachusetts Infantry, at No. 42 State Street. June 16th the recruits were taken to camp at Lynnfield; and as enlistments at this time were extremely slow, not a sufficient number of men were secured to form a Newburyport company, Mr, Moulton was subsequently com- missioned a captain in the regiment. THE PRESIDENT CALLS FOR 300,000 SOLDIERS. July 1st (Tuesday), Upon the recommendation of the governors of eighteen of the loyal States, President Lincoln called into the service an additional force of 300,000 volun- teers to serve for three years, or until the end of the war, to form new regiments, and fill up the ranks of those already in the service. The proportion assigned to Massachusetts was 15,000 men. GOVERNOR ANDREW CALLS FOR 15,000 VOLUNTEERS. July 7th (Monday). The governor of the Commonwealth issued General Order No. 26, calhng for 15,000 volunteers. This order was accompanied by a table showing the propor- tion of each city and town, which was based upon the annual returns made to the adjutant-general by the assessors of the several cities and towns of men liable to do military duty. The number assigned to Newburyport was one hundred and seventy-nine (179) men. NEWBDEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. 69 THE CITY COUNCIL OFFERS A BOUNTY OF SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FOR VOLUNTEERS. Jvly \Qth (Thursday). At a convention of both branches of the city government, the mayor stated to the council that Newbury port had been called upon for 179 men, and recom- mended a bounty of $50 to be paid by the city to each volun- teer. The mayor addressed the convention in a patriotic speech, and urged that prompt and efficient action be taken by the city council to raise forthwith the number of men re- quired of the city. Alderman Nathaniel Pierce introduced an order: That a bounty of seventy-five (75) dollars per man be offered for 179 able-bodied men between the ages of 17 and 50 years, and residents of this city, to enlist as volunteers from Massachusetts, for the service of the United States, for the term required by the United States; and that said bounty be paid to the order of each individual who shall so enlist, by the city treasurer, until otherwise ordered by the city government, on the presentation of the proper evidence of such enlistment, indorsed by the mayor; and also that a joint special committee, consisting of the mayor and two of this board, and four of the common council, be ap- pointed for the purpose of recruiting them. This order was unanimously adopted; and Aldermen Charles C. Dame and William H. Huse, and Councilmen Dana Dodge, Eben P. Cutter, Wilham H. Johnson, and Moses Pet- tingell, Jr., were appointed as the committee. July 21st (Monday). By a vote of the city council, twenty- five (25) dollars was added to the bounty of seventy-five (75) dollars authorized by the order passed July 10th to be paid for a number not exceeding 179 men; also "that those enlisting under any recruiting officer except those designated by the mayor shall not be entitled to relief from the State fund until such time as they shall be recognized by the governor of the Commonwealth as the quota called for from Newbury- port." THE PRESIDENT CALLS FOR 300,000 MEN FOR NINE MONTHS. August 4th (Monday). The President under this date or- dered a draft for 300,000 militia to serve in the army of the 70 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. United States for nine months; also if any State did not by the 15th day of August furnish its quota under the call of July 1st for 300,000 volunteers, the deficiency for that State would be made up by a draft from the mihtia. The number which Massachusetts was called upon to furnish was nineteen thousand and eighty (19,080). The quota of nine months' men for Newbury port was two hundred and eighty-eight (288) men. THE CITY OFFERS A BOUNTY OF $200 FOR VOLUNTEERS UNDER THE CALL OF JULY 1st FOR THREE YEARS. August 5th (Tuesday Evening). The city council held a special meeting, and determined to take the most active measures to fill up the quota of Newburyport under the first call for 300,000 men. By an order presented by Alderman Nathaniel Pierce, the bounty of $100 was increased to S200 per man for all who should enlist previous to August 11th, OFFICIAL PROMULGATION OF THE ORDER BY THE MAYOR. Newburyport, Aug. 7th, 1862. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY UNTIL THE ELEVENTH OF AUGUST. A bounty of two hundred (200) dollars will be paid to volunteers from this city, who will enlist for the term of service required by the United States, as volunteers from this State, for the suppression of the present rebellion. Said two hundred dollars will be paid to able-bodied men between the ages of 17 and 50 years (who pass the regular examina- tion) as soon as they shall be sworn into the service of the United States, at which time each volunteer will receive, in addition to the sum paid by the city, twenty-five (25) dollars bounty offered by the government, and one month's pay, making in all two hundred and thirty-eight (238) dollars. The volunteer is also entitled to the benefit of the State aid to his family of twelve (12) dollars per month to wife and two children, or one dollar per week each for wife and one child from the time of sign- ing the enlistment papers. Two enlistment offices are now open, — one at the Ward Room, City Hall, under the charge of Capt. A. W. Bartlett; the other at the city marshal's office, in the Market House, under the care of Capt. Ne- hemiah Flanders. These are the only places where men can enlist and receive the bounty offered by the city. George W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor and Recruiting Officer. By order of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts. NEWBUEYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862. ', 1864, was 22,360- 162 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. The returns made in response to the circular of March 31st and July 21st showed that the whole number of naval enlistments claimed by the cities and towns was 16,181, being 6,179 less than the number copied from the rolls of the receiving-ship. The instructions given by the commissioners to their clerks were: — First, To credit only those who had joined the service subsequent to the rebellion. Second, Only those who had joined the service at some rendezvous in the State. Third, When a man was claimed by two or more cities or towns, neither city or town was to receive the credit, but the credit in dispute was to be given to the State at large. As the enlistments were for one, two, and three years, the War Department, under date of Aug. 22d, 1864, directed that in the system of credits the conmiissioners be governed by the same rules as in credits for enlistment in the army. By this method only three years' men counted as a unit, it took three one year's men to count one, and three two years' men to count two. The total number of enlistments, when re- duced to a three years' term of service, was 16,625. The number of enlistments claimed by the cities and towns reduced to a three years' term of service, 9,020, leaving 7,605, which were distributed ipro rata to the credit of the cities and towns of the State. This method of allowing credits will readily account for the large number of men credited to our city in this branch of the service who were neither natives nor resi- dents of Newbury port; and the failure of the city to claim or successfully establish their title to those who were actually residents at the time of enlistment, is the cause of so many of our own citizens being credited to other cities and towns in the Commonwealth. April \st (Friday). By invitation of Capt. George Creasey, the officers of the 30th Massachusetts Infantry who had re- turned from Louisiana with the regiment, on veteran fur- lough, were entertained in the evening at the Ocean House. NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 163 The names of the officers present were Horace O. Whittemore of Boston, Lieut.-Col. Com'd'g Regiment; Wilham F. Clark of Boston, Adjutant; Marsh A. Ferris of Boston, Capt. of Com- pany D; Brent Johnson, Jr., of Lowell, Capt. of Company F; George Creasey of Newburyport, Capt. of Company I; George Barker of Newburyport, 1st Lieut, of Company E; Thomas B. Johnson of Lowell, 1st Lieut, of Company H; George F. Whit- comb of Boston, 1st Lieut, of Company K; Gurdon S. Brown of Boston, 1st Lieut, of Company I; Nathaniel K. Reed of Lowell, 1st Lieut, of Company B; John P. Haley of Chelsea, 2d Lieut, of Company A; Joseph Davis of Roxbury, 2d Lieut, of Company K; H. Warren Howe of Lowell, 2d Lieut, of Company B. With them were other invited guests, — His Honor the Mayor George W. Jackman, Jr., Col. Frederick J. Coffin of the 8th Regiment, the officers of the Cushing Guards, and City Cadets. April 15th (Friday). Louis D. B. Somerby of Companj- A, 48th Massachusetts Infantry, and later of Company M, 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, was buried from the Uni- versalist Church, Middle Street, this Friday afternoon. The services at the church were conducted by Rev. Wil- lard Spaulding of Salem, Rev. D. T. Fiske, D.D., and Chap- lain Samuel J. Spalding, of this city. The military escort was commanded by Capt. Luther Dame, and consisted of the City Cadets and members of Company A of the 48th Regi- ment formed as a battalion. April 17th (Sunday). The funeral of Alfred F. Lee of the 2d Massachusetts Cavalry took place from the house where he resided, on Lime Street. Alfred F. Lee, son of John and Hannah (Colby) Lee, was born in Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 22d, 1837, and was by occupa- tion a blacksmith. At the time of his enlistment he was residing at Vallejo, Cal., and when an opportunity was given for those who emigrated from Massachusetts to enlist and serve for their native State, he was one of the first to offer. He enlisted at San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 10th, 1862, as one of the "California Hundred," and arrived at Camp Meigs Readville, Jan. 3d, 1863. This company, raised by Capt. J. Sewall Reed, was designated Company A, 2d Massachusetts 164 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. Cavalry. He left Massachusetts with his company, Feb. 12th, 1863. April 24th (Sunday). The Gushing Guards, Gapt. Stephen D. Gardiner, accompanied by the Mechanics' Brass Band of Amesbury, attended the funeral of Gorp. WilHam H. Daniels, one of its members. Gorporal Daniels was a native of Para- dise, N. S., but had resided in this city for many years pre- vious to the war. He was a member of Gompany A, Gushing Guards, 8th Regiment, during their nine months' service in North Garolina, and was one of those who accompanied the regiment to Maryland Heights and Harper's Ferry. He re- turned home with the company at the expiration of its service, suffering from change of climate, and finally passed away in consumption. April 2Sth (Thursday). At a meeting of the city council, Alderman Gurrier offered the following order, which was adopted: — That the mayor be and hereby is authorized to employ a suitable person at a fair compensation to make out a complete list of those per- sons who have enlisted in the army or the navy from this city since the commencement of the present Civil War, said list to state the date of discharge (if discharged), or, in case of decease, the date of death. It shall also be the duty of the person so employed to compare said list with the muster rolls of the different regiments at the State House in Boston, in order to ascertain whether the men so enlisted have been properly credited to the quota of the city of Newburyport. This order was never executed. Had it been acted upon, it would have provided the city with a complete and correct roll of all men furnished for the army and navy, and been a finan- cial saving to the city as well as a reliable military record of those who certainly deserved to be remembered in the future. May 2d (Monday). The Gity Gadets, Gapt. Luther Dame, designated in the State Militia as the 3d Unattached Gom- pany, having been ordered to report at Readville to-day, left the city on the eight o'clock morning train. They were ac- companied by the Portsmouth Gornet Band, and escorted by the city council and a delegation from the Veteran Artillery Association. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 165 The company was mustered into service for ninety days, May 3d, and did garrison duty at Fort Pickering, Salem Harbor, and was mustered out Aug. 5th, 1864. ROSTER OF 3d UNATTACHED COMPANY INFANTRY, M. V. M. Capt. Luther Dame. IstLieut. Tristram Talbot. 2d Lieut. Charles L. Ayers. 1st Sergt. Wallace D. Wells. SERGEANTS. Henry M. Burrill. George W. Clark. Joseph A. Frothingham, Jr. Roland Toppan. corporals George H. Stevens. Joseph H. Walton. Calvin H. Danforth. W. Byron Tilton. Henry P. Cutter. Preston Newhall. William Little. Paul A. Merrill. Charles M. Greene. MUSICIANS. Charles H. Woodman. PRIVATES. Adams, David J., Jr. Adams, Hazen M. Armitage, Charles E. Atkinson, Albert J. Bridges, Rufus. Brown, John A. Burrill, James P. Cheney, Charles, Jr. Chever, Augustus E. Creasey, Edward K. Currier, Albert E. Currier, Alfred. Cutter, Charles J. Danforth, Jacob I. Delano, James H. Gerrish, Orin B. Goodwin, Daniel S. Greenough, Henry F. Greenleaf, Rufus L. Hale, Charles H. Haskell, George W. Haskell, William W. Hodgdon, James W. Holland, John E. HoRTON, Charles F. Johnson, Otis. Kenniston, James R. Knigkt, George W., Jr. Knight, Joseph. Lamson, William S. Lane, Isaac J. Lattime, Benjamin H. LuNT, Amos. Maynard, John A. MoRSs, Edward O. MoRSs, Joseph T. Mumford, Frank E. Mumford, Martin M. Noyes, Charles S. Ordway, George. Pearson, George A. PiLLSBURY, Harvey H. 166 NEWBURYPORT IX THE CIVIL WAR, 1864, Poor, Hiram R. Porter, Abner W. Pray, Joseph E. Ross, George J. Russell, Edward P. Ryan, John. Sawyer, Albert P. Stearns, Joseph O. Stickney, Enoch P. SwASEY, William H. Thurlow, Benjamin A. Thurlow, Charles W. TiBBETTS, Calvin E. TiBBETTS, James E. TowLE, Edwin B. Varina, Edmund C. Varina, William T. Varina, William T., Jr. Vay, Chari-es p. Young, Jacob H. May 16th (Monday). The continued fighting of our arm- ies on their advance to Richmond, and the large number of wounded and suffering soldiers who were being daily sent to the hospitals from the battlefields, prompted our patriotic fellow-citizen Edward S. Moseley, Esq., to solicit contributions for their relief. In less than a week he collected $2,008.50, and in accordance with the wishes of the donors, $1,900 was forwarded to the Christian Commission, and the remainder to the Sanitary Commission. Mr. Moseley, in acknowledging the sums received, said that — The ordinary trouble attending the collection of money, even for benevolent purposes, has in this instance been entirely superseded; those who have subscribed having in most instances called for the purpose, and all having esteemed it a privilege to aid in relieving the sufferings of men who have periled their lives for the integrity of the Union. The following is a list of the subscriptions : — Charles H. Coffin . Edward S. Moseley Josiah L. and J. Hale John Currier, Jr. . John Porter . . . Mica j ah Lunt . . . Robert Bayley & Son Charles Lunt . . . Samuel Nichols . . William C. Balch . Henry C. Perkins Sumner, Swasey & Currier, $200.00 D. & I. Hale $50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 Collected by T. B. & E. H., 55.00 100.00 Miss Mary Nelson . . . 30.00 100.00 T. &', E. Choate .... 30.00 100.00 Mrs. Thomas Hale . . . 25.00 100.00 George L. Rogers . . . 25.00 100.00 David Knight 25.00 50.00 M. Emery Hale . . . . 25.00 50.00 William Graves .... 25.00 50.00 John Osgood 25.00 50.00 Caleb Cushing .... 25.00 NEWBURYPORT UST THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 167 William Forbes . Henry Shoof . . Albert W. Stevens Benjamin C. Currier Miss Caroline E. Perkins Josiah Ivittle . . . John H. Spring . . Jos. A. Frothinghara Frederick Moore . . Stephen P. Bray . . Atkinson, Stanwood Jacob Stone . . . Isaac H. Boardman Stephen W. Marston Alexander D. Brown G. T. Chapman . Nathan A. Moulton J. J. Knapp . . William Le Craw William P. Jolxnson Amos Noyes . Frederick J. Coffin Jacob Horton . . B. Hale .... $25.00 Cash .... 25.00 T. A. Bray . . 25.00 Richard Fowler 25.00 Mark Symons . 25.00 Mrs. Joseph Johnson 20.00 Abner Caldwell . 20.00 Benjamin F. Carter 20.00 John Balch . . 15.00 E. S. Raynes . . 15.00 Stephen Peabody 15.00 Mrs. Dole . . . 10.00 Cash 10.00 Mrs. Ann Noyes , 10.00 Cash 10.00 E. S. Sweetser . 10.00 Misses Andrews . 10.00 Cash 10.00 Mrs. Alter . . . 10.00 Nathan Follansbee 10.00 A Friend . . . 10.00 Cash 10.00 Cash 10.00 Cash 10.00 Cash $10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 June 1st. In anticipation of a call from the United States Government for troops to fill up the organizations in the field, General Order No. 17, dated Boston, May 31st, 1864, was issued, continuing as recruiting officers the chairman of the selectmen of towns and the mayors and aldermen of cities throughout the Commonwealth. The following order relating to the same subject was received from the District Provost- Marshal : — Provost-Marshal's Office, Fifth District Massachusetts, Salem, June 2d, 1864, To Hon. Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor of Newbury port : Sir, — I would most respectfully state that I have received orders to resume enlistment, and muster into the service of the United States such volunteers as may be offered at this office ; and inclose printed Gen- eral Instructions, etc. I am ordered to recognize selectmen of towns and mayors and alder- 168 KEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. men of cities as recruiting agents, and none others, so that the business will be performed by responsible parties. Recruits will be mustered into the service of the United States by me, thereby securing a more simple manner of credit to the different sub-districts, and in all cases to be regarded as final. No other claim for expenditure on account of recruiting service (beyond the premiums) will be entertained. Very respectfully, Danl. H. Johnson, Jr., Captain and Provost-Marshal 5th District Massachusetts. At a meeting of the city council, Monday evening, June 6th, Mayor Jackman presented the following recommendations : — City of Newburyport. To THE City Council: Gentlemen, — Having received notices from the Adjutant-General of the Commonwealth, and from the Provost-Marshal of District No. 5, that in anticipation of another call for men by the United States Govern- ment, to fill up the regmients now in the field from this State, they are now ready to receive recruits for such call as may hereafter be made, and to accredit the same to the several towns and cities that may furnish them. I would therefore recommend that the city council offer such bounty as the State law recognizes (the same being $125) to any person who will enlist as a volunteer from this city, and who shall be accredited as one of its quota. The government allows a recruiting fee of $10 for raw recruits, and $15 for veterans, to be paid to the recruiting officer as soon as the recruit shall have been received at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor. The State still continues their bounty of $300, which will also be paid to the recruit within the week that he shall arrive at Gallop's Island. The government also pay a bounty of $100 to each recruit, $25 of which will be paid on being mustered into the service, and the remaining $75 at the end of his term of enlistment. We have now accredited to the city 17 men, on the next call that may be made, and I have no doubt but that we shall have a much larger number to our credit when we get our rolls all made up; but be that as it may, I am very desirous, and confidentially trust, that we shall with proper care and diligence on our part, be able to furnish the men called for from this city, voluntarily between now and the time the draft may be ordered. Respectfully submitted, Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 169 June 8th (Wednesday). Acting upon the suggestion of the city council, the mayor issued the following call for enlist- ments : — VOLUNTEERS FOR THE SEVERAL MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENTS NOW IN THE FIELD WANTED BY THE CITY OF NEWBURYPORT For which a bounty ^\all be paid by the city of $125.00 Bounty to be paid by the State 325.00 Bounty to be paid by the United States Government .... 100.00 Making the sum of $550.00 The city bounty will be paid immediately on presentation to the city treasurer of a certificate from the provost-marshal of this district, that the recruit has been mustered into the ser%ace of the United States, and accredited to the city of Newburyport. The State bounty will be paid to the recruit only within one week after his arrival at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor. The government bounty, $25, will be paid before leaving the State, and the remaining $75 on the expiration of the term of enlistment. The recruit can rest assured that there will be no delay in the pay- ment of the city and State bounties. Recruiting offices are now open, — one at the city marshal's office, under the charge of Nehemiah Flanders; and one at No. 11 State Street, under the charge of Lieut. John W. Ricker. Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor. Newburyport, June 8th, 1864. June 20th (Monday). John G. Dillingham of Company G, 32d Massachusetts Infantry, was buried from the depot of the Newburyport Railroad at nine o'clock this evening, on the arrival of the train from Boston. The exercises were con- ducted by Rev. James N. Sykes of the Congress Street Bap- tist Church, and were most solemn and impressive. Mr. Dillingham was born in Searsport, Me., Sept. 20th, 1829, and was the son of William and Mary Dillingham. June 20th. At the meeting of the city council, the follow- ing order regarding the enrollment list was adopted: — " That a joint .special committee, consisting of the board of mayor and aldermen, and one member of the common council from each ward, be appointed to revise the enrolbnent list without delay, in order that 170 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. it may be in readiness when the anticipated draft for the month of July shall be put in force." In addition to the mayor and aldermen, Coun- cilmen William Forbes, Samuel A. Smith, Thomas C. Goodwin, Jolin Currier, 3d, Thomas H. Cutter, and Paul G. Lunt constituted the com- mittee. In May, 1864, the enrollment Act was amended by Con- gress, abolishing all the exemptions of the original Act be- cause of social relations, and consolidating the first and second classes, thus making all between the ages of twenty and forty- five years equally liable to the draft. The amendments which made this law so rigid were drawn up and recommended to Congress by a member of the Enrolling Board of this district, and very greatly diminished the chances of exemption for physical disability. The commutation clause was of no per- manent benefit to the person liable to draft, — it simply released him from a particular conscription: neither would the furnishing of a substitute, unless he be an alien, exempt the principal for three years. If the substitute be an able-bodied man of suitable age liable to military duty, the person fur- nishing such substitute was again liable when that particular enrollment was exhausted. If, again, the substitute be but eighteen years of age, the drafted man was exempt for but two years, at the end of which time the substitute having arrived at the age of twenty years, both he and the principal were liable. June 2Ath (Friday). In the Newburyport Herald the mayor publishes the following communication under the cap- tion of "How Shall We Escape the Draft?" — Mr. Editor, — The city of Newburyport should at once proceed to enlist men for the army and navy of our government. In what way are we to furnish our quota for the next call, which, without doubt, vAW be ordered immediately? We must do as well by the men who enlist as other towns and cities in the Commonwealth, or we cannot obtain them. I would like to know whether there is any class of our citizens that would like to have another draft made here? If there is, I wish they would make themselves known, and let the citizens at large know their Aaews upon the subject. The city council has offered all the bounty it has a right to under the State law. I notice in the Herald of Wednesday, that the town of NEWBDRYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 18(54. 171 Georgetown offers $625 for volunteers. Seventy dollars of that sum must be raised by subscription among her citizens. Cannot our rich and influential men come forward with their money and their influence in this cause, and show by their liberality that they do not want a draft here, but are willing to subscribe a sum of money, so that, with the other bounties offered by the government, State, and city, we may be able to offer men who will enlist from this city, as large a sum of money as they can obtain elsewhere? The War Department have decided that men must be credited to the town where their names appear on the muster roll; consequently, we are losing our men every day, for the want of funds to pay them what they can obtain in other places; and unless there is an effort made here on the part of our citizens to raise a fund in order that the city may be able to pay as high a bounty for men as other towns do, it will be impos- sible to enlist a single man here, and our men will have to be raised bv draft, which I shall very much regret. Yours very truly, Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor, June 23d, 1864. July Ath (Monday). By order of the city council the mayor caused the various church bells in the city to be rung one half-hour at sunrise, noon, and sunset, and a national salute to be fired at the same hours. July 5th. At a meeting of the city council, the following orders introduced by Alderman Greenough were adopted: — That the mayor be and hereby is authorized to hire a sum of money not exceeding twenty thousand (20,000) dollars to pay bounties to sol- diers to fill the quota of this city under the next call. That the mayor be requested to call a public meeting of the citi- zens of this city for the purpose of taking measures to raise the men likely to be called for by the President in the next call for troops to fill the quota of this city. At the same meeting the mayor laid before the board a communication from the General Recruiting Committee — That all money that may be raised in separate wards be kept for each separate ward as a AVard Fund imtil the quota for said wards are full, and the surplus of each ward shall be paid pro rata among the wards according to the number desired to make out their respective quotas, whose quotas are not full. 172 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. In conformity to the above order, the mayor through the Herald issued the following call: — City of Newburyport, Mayor's Office, July 7th, 1864. By a vote of the city council, I am directed to call a meeting of th« citizens for the purpose of consulting upon the most feasible plan to raise men for the quota of the city under the next call of the President. I do therefore request all legal voters to meet at the City Hall on Saturday evening next, 9th inst., at eight o'clock, for the purpose above named. Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor. The meeting in answer to this call was well attended and spirited. Mayor Jackman presided, and Albert W. Greenleaf, Esq., acted as secretary. After giving some valuable informa- tion regarding what had been done by the city in providing men and means, the chairman called upon those present to propose some plan by which the quota of Newburyport could be filled. On motion of Philip K. Hills, Esq., a committee, consisting of Philip K. Hills, Paul G. Lunt, Charles T. Smith, Richard Stone, William H. Huse, and Dr. Henry C. Perkins, was selected to prepare and present some plan of action. After remarks by Phihp K. Hills, Esq., Col. Eben F. Stone, and Capt. Henry W. Moulton, the meeting adjourned to Monday evening. July Wth (Monday). The citizens' meeting, held this even- ing by adjournment from Saturday evening last, was very large and interesting, the mayor presiding. The committee appointed at the previous meeting reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: — Resolved, That in view of the critical situation of our national affairs, and of the moral certainty that a draft will soon be ordered by the gov- ernment, it is of primary importance that some scheme should be imme- diately organized whereby our fellow-citizens shall be reasonably secure against the risks and evils of a draft, and the city be enabled, promptly and honorably, to recognize and discharge its duties and responsibilities; therefore, Resolved, That the citizens of Newburyport do hereby resolve them- selves into an association, in the nature of a mutual insurance company, NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 173 for their mutual protection, and do agree by individual contribution to raise a fund for the purpose of procuring substitutes and volunteers until the quota of the city is full. Resolved, That to secure the formation of this fund it is important that some authoritative expression of opinion should be had in regard to the minimum sum which it is the duty of every loj^al citizen to pay, trusting to the generosity and patriotism of every man to increase this sum when his means will admit ; therefore, it is decided that it is the duty of every citizen liable to a draft to contribute at least twenty (20) dollars, and that this contribution shall be regarded, not as a voluntary gift, but as the discharge of an obligation which cannot be honorably denied or repudiated. Resolved, That it is the duty of all loyal citizens to do all in their power to create a public sentiment which shall enforce and give effect to this scheme by making it discreditable for any man, whether liable to militarj^ duty or not, to refuse the payment of his just proportion of the general fund ; and to this end the Committee of Assessment and Col- lection shall publish, from time to time, the names of the contributors, with the amount subscribed by each. Resolved, That a Committee of Assessment and Collection be ap- pointed, consisting of the chairman and secretary of the meeting, with three men from each ward, whose duty it shall be to solicit and collect from the citizens of their respective wards their proportion of the gen- eral fund; and the payment so obtained shall, subject to the following conditions, be deposited with the city treasurer, to the credit of the re- spective wards, and subject to the order of the mayor and aldermen, who shall apply the same equitably, in such a manner as to protect the interests of the different wards in proportion to their respective contri- butions; and to secure this equitable distribution of the funds, it shall be the duty of the committee, before the money collected by them is deposited Avith the city treasurer, to agree with the Board of mayor and aldermen upon some plan of distribution which shall, in their opinion, adequately protect the interests of the different wards. And this com- mittee shall also make it a condition of their deposit that they shall be entitled, at any time, to inspect the books of the treasurer and ascertain how the money has been applied. Resolved, That the funds obtained by this scheme shall be applied exclusively to the payment of bounties to volunteers or substitutes; and no part of the same shall be expended in the cost of advertisements or music, or other incidental expenses. Resolved, That as an inducement to encourage the most liberal do- nations on the part of our citizens, it is expedient to provide that each contributor, in case of being personally drafted, shall have the right to draw from the general fund double the amount he has paid in, pro- vided the condition of the treasury will justify such a draft, and the amount thereof does not exceed the bounty offered by the city for a 174 NEWBUEYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. volunteer; otherwise, pro rata. And it is expedient further to provide that any subscriber who has paid a sum not less than the minimum shall have the right of drawing from the treasury the amount paid as a bounty to volunteers, if he shall furnish a substitute or representative recruit. The committee to carry out the above program in their several wards was as follows : — Ward 1. Moses Pettingell, Jr., B. Gardiner Gerrish, and Rufus Adams. Ward 2. Charles M. Bayley, William B. Currier, and Richard Plumer. Ward 3. Warren Currier, Da^^d J. Adams, and Amos Noyes. Ward 4. Eben F. Stone, William Forbes, and Jolin R. Longfellow. Ward 5. Charles H. Coffin, Albert W. Stevens, and William P. Jones. Ward 6. John D. Pike, Moses A. Currier, and Moses H. Fowler. General Order No. 24 from the adjutant-general's office, dated Boston, July 6th, 1864, stated that 5,000 infantry volun- teers had been called for from Massachusetts, for one hun- dred days' service in the fortifications near the city of Wash- ington; that the services of the men were required at once, and ordering the officers in command of regiments and com- panies of Massachusetts militia to immediately perfect their organizations and report for orders. The order further stated that in addition to the United States pay each non- commissioned officer and private would receive from the Com- monwealth twenty (20) dollars per month during his term of service, also that volunteers under this call would be exempted from any draft that might be ordered during such term of one hundred days' service. In compliance with this order, Capt. Stephen D. Gardiner of the Gushing Guards, July 7th, published the following order: — In response to General Order No. 24, every member of Company A, Gushing Guards, 8th Regiment M. V. M., is requested to report at the armory. No. 12 Hale's Court, at eight o'clock this p.m., to take meas- ures for immediately recruiting the corps for one hundred days' service in the forts around Washington. It is hoped that every member will readily respond and use his utmost endeavor to fill up the corps. . . . Stephen D. Gardiner, Captain. NEWBUEYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 175 July ISih. At a special meeting of the city council, an order was adopted authorizing the mayor to hire a sum of money sufficient to pay to each private and non-commissioned officer of Company A, 8th Massachusetts Regiment, Gushing Guards, twenty dollars, until such time as they shall receive their allotment from the State. An order was also adopted authorizing the mayor to em- ploy a suitable person or persons to ascertain the names of all those enrolled in this city who have attained the age of forty-five years, and also all aliens, and take such steps as may be necessary to have their names stricken from the list. July 18th (Monday). A call for 500,000 men by the President of the United States. A PROCLAMATION, Whereas, By an Act approved July 6th, 1864, it is provided that the President of the United States may call for any number of men as volun- teers, for the respective terms of one, two, and three years for military service, and that in case the quota or any part thereof of any town, town- ship, ward of a city, precinct, or election district, or of a county not so subdivided, shall not be filled within fifty days after such call, the Presi- dent shall immediately order a draft for one year, to fill such quota or any part thereof which may be unfilled, and Whereas, The new enrollment heretofore ordered is so far completed as that the aforementioned Act may now be put in operation for recruit- ing and keeping up the strength of the armies in the field, for garrisons and such military operations as may be required for the purpose of sup- pressing the rebellion and restoring the authority of the United States in the insurgent States, Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do issue tliis my call for five hundred thousand volunteers for military service, provided, nevertheless, that all credits that may be established under section eight of aforesaid Act, on account of persons who have entered the naval service during the present rebellion, and by credits for men furnished to military service in excess of calls heretofore made for volunteers, will be accepted under the call for one, two, or three years as they may elect, and will be entitled to the bounty provided by law for the period of service for which they enlist, and I hereby proclaim, order, and direct that immediately after the fifth of September, being fifty days from the date of this call, a draft for troops to serve for one year shall be held in every town, township, ward of a city, precinct, election district, or as a county not so subdivided to fill the quota which 176 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. shaU be assigned to it under this caU or any part hereof which may be unfilled by volunteers on the said fifth day of September, 1864. (Signed) Abraham Lincoln. By the President, Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Washington, July ISth, 1864. The demand upon the State under this call was for 21,670 men; the number to be furnished by the 5th District, 2,123 men- the quota assigned to Newburyport was for Ward One, 43; Ward Two, 31; Ward Three, 30; Ward Four, 32; Ward Five, 30; Ward Six, 35; Total, 201 men. July I9th. The Gushing Guards, Company A of the 8th Regiment, having recruited to the maximum number, under the'' call for one hundred days, left the city for camp at Read- ville Mass. The company was mustered into the United States service July 23d as Company H, 60th Regiment Infantry, M- V. M. ROSTER OF MEN FROM NEWBURYPORT IN THE GUSHING GUARDS, COMPANY H, 60th REGIMENT INFANTRY, M. V. M. (one hundred days). Capt. Stephen D. Gardiner. ST Lieut. Joseph L. Johnson. 2d Lieut. Eben P. Cutter. 1st Sergt. Sanford W. Grant. SERGEANTS. Edward F. Bartlett. John T. Russell. Ebenezer Notes. James P. Greeley. corporals. George E. Seward. William H. B. Currier. George W. Davis. Laroy S. Currier. William A Fuller. Moses F. Coffin. John F. Titcomb. Frederick G. Lunt. privates. AuBiN, Thomas. Cheney, Charles H. Bean, John A. Clark, Orin W. Bragg, Stephen. Colby, Prentiss A. Brown, Jacob G. Cook, Peter. Bryan, Peter. "^rabtree, Benjamin C. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 177 De Rochemont, Charles F. McCarty, Cornelius. De Rochemont, Maximilian. Noyes, George S. FOLLANSBEE, JoHN. NoYES, JoSEPH H. W. Freeman, Richard. Norton, John. Gaddis, David. Pearson, Eugene A. Gould, Elisha P. Pearson, Samuel. Holker, John, Jr. Perkins, Lawrence E. HosKiNS, Joseph. Perkins, Robert H. Howard, James N. Perkins, Theodore R. Jones, Eugene. Pettingell, Henry A. Lattime, George W. Pettingell, Joseph C. Lattime, Nicholas, Jr. Pickering, George W. Lord, George F. Piper, Charles. Lucy, Dennis. Thurlow, Edward. Lynch, Daniel. Tobin, John L. Woodman, William. Company I. Private Augustus Rust. The 60th Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, was mustered into service July, 1864, at Readville, Mass., and left the State August 1st. It v^as ordered to Indianapohs, Ind., where it remained, doing guard duty until the expiration of its term. It was mustered out Nov. 30th, 1864. None of those who served in the one hundred days' mihtia organizations were credited to the quota of the State, consequently the enlistro.ents in the above companies did not count on the quota of the city. Juhj 23d. The mayor, in behalf of the Assessment and Collection Committee, made the following appeal through the Herald : — THE LAST APPEAL. The only partial success of the efforts of the Citizens' Committee thus far to obtain a fund for the purchase of recruits, has induced them to make the followinfj; statement. The quota of the city under the pre- vious call for 500,000 men was 306. The credits which the city will probably have allowed, including those from the navy, will amount to about 100. Assuming, therefore, that the quota in this case will be about the same as before, the city, under the present call, will have to raise about 200 men. The committee think that they are warranted 178 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 18G4. in saying that, if a fund of $25,000 can be formed, the required number of men can be secured. The amount now subscribed is about $11,000 by persons liable to military dut}', very few of this class refusing to sub- scribe their proportion of $20 or upwards. What is needed is a more generous contribution from those persons who are exempt from a draft, and unless it be possible to persuade them to increase their contributions, the draft cannot be avoided. Certainly, loyal men, whose rights and property are at stake, will not insist that it is the duty exclusively of those who are liable to a draft to protect themselves, without looking for aid and support from those of their fellow-citizens who, though largely interested in the integrity of the government, by reason of age are exempt from military duty. Neither can it be reasonably objected that this money should be raised by a tax, since the entire power to assess and enforce a tax for this pur- pose is limited by law to a bountj'^ of $125, which has already been ex- hausted. If the amount needed in addition to the bounty of $125 be raised at all, it must be done by the voluntary act of the citizens. There is not, under the law, any compulsory power. The committee would suggest, that if those not liable to a draft will subscribe a sum not less than one-fourth of their annual city tax, the sum required to meet tliis exigency can be raised without any diffi- culty, and that, too, -wdthout any injustice or inequality. If it be under- stood that a subscription upon this principle will supply the amount needed, and will be considered a full discharge of every man's duty in the premises, every man who is desirous of doing his share can easily determine what that is. This suggestion is made in no spirit of dicta- tion, but in the hope that something, in this way, may be done towards removing certain obstacles in the way of an equal subscription. Whatever is done must be done quickly. Already the neighboring towns, by superior diligence, and by means of a plan similar to the one adopted by us, have obtained their full quotas. It is to be hoped that we shall succeed in avoiding a draft. But we can only do it by display- ing an activity and spirit of generous loyalty commensurate with the occasion. By order of the committee, Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Chairman. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Headquarters, Boston, July 14th, 1864. General Order No. 27. By an Act of Congress passed the fourth day of July, 1SG4, it is en- acted that it shall be lawful for the executive of any of the States to send recruiting agents into any of the States declared to be in rebellion, except Arkansas, Tennessee, and Louisiana, to recruit volunteers, who shall be credited to the State which may procure the enlistment, and to the respective subdivisions thereof. . . NEWBDRYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 179 It is ordered . . . That "Representative Recruits" may be obtained through the provost-marshal by persons making the deposit of one hun- dred and twenty-five dollars for each recruit required. . . . By order of His Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief. William Schouler, A djutant-General. July 25th (Monday). At a special meeting of the city council, the following order was adopted: "That the mayor be and is hereby authorized to deposit with the treasurer of the Commonwealth the sum of $6,250.00, in accordance with General Order No. 27, for the purpose of procuring recruits to be passed to the credit of the quota of the city of New- buryport." July 30th (Sunday). A union meeting of the several con- gregations of this city was held at the North Church this evening in aid of the suffering Union refugees who are being brought to Cairo, 111., in great numbers. The meeting was largely attended, and was addressed by Rev. E. Fulsom, Hospital Chaplain at Cairo, who was traveling under special orders from the Department Commander. The collection in money amounted to $70.80, and pledges from Charles H. Coffin of $100; the Prospect Street Sabbath School, by their superintendent, Capt. Charles M. Bailey, $100; individual pledges, $114, — making a total of $385.80. $450 FOR ONE YEAR VOLUNTEERS. The city of Newburyport will pay for volunteers to fill up its quota for the last call $250.00 State bounty 100 00 Government bounty 100 00 Making the sum of $450.00 Besides monthly pay $16 192 OO Clothing 42.00 Making the handsome sum of $684.00 Besides board of recruit, and State aid to his family for one year's service. ... Now is the time for those to enlist who are desirous to serve their country for one year, and to be well paid for their time. The bounties 180 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. offered alone exceed any ever paid for the term of one year, by any city or town in the State, and is better pay — including board and State aid — than can be earned by most of our best mechanics. Bounties $684.00 52 weeks' board, say at $3 per week 156.00 State aid to family of three U4:.00 Amounting for one year's service $984.00 I trust that the very liberal bounty here offered by the city, together with the Government and State bounties offered, will induce a sufficient number to come forward at once and fill the quota of the city. Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor. Newburyport, Aug. 1st, 1864. The amount of real estate assessed in 1864 $3,268,700 Of personal estate 3,425,000 Total $6,693,700 The rate of taxation was the same as in 1863, or $14 on the $1,000, and is as follows : Tax on real estate $45,761.80 Tax on personal estate 47,950.00 Pollsat$2 __5,056^ Total $98,767.80 The number of polls 2,528, which is 180 more than in 1863. By the above it will be seen that the real estate valuation is $220,000 more than last year, and the personal estate $30,000 in excess of last year, notwithstanding the exemption of a large amount of property in- vested in banks and manufacturing companies taxed by the State, and the very large number of national bonds held by our citizens, which are entirely free from taxation. August 5th. The City Cadets having served their hundred days, returned from Winter Island to-day. They marched through the principal streets of the city in the afternoon, accompanied by Hall's Band of Boston. A warm reception was given them at the City Hall, where a collation was pre- pared and a large company of friends assembled to bid them welcome. At the city council meeting this evening, the mayor laid before the board a return of those persons who have enlisted NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 181 in the navy of the United States from this city since the 19th day of April, 1861, which was signed by the mayor and aldermen as required by law, and ordered to be transmitted to the adjutant-general of the Commonwealth. August 23d. The Citizens' Committee to obtain funds for the purchasing of recruits pubUshed the following in the Herald of this date: — LAST CALL TO PERSONS LIABLE TO THE DRAFT. Gentlemen who have so liberally subscribed to the fund for the procuring of substitutes on the last call of the President of the United States, are hereby notified that they will be called upon immediately for their subscription; and those who have not subscribed are liable to the draft, are notified that the quota of Newburyport can be filled if they will immediately call on the committee of their respective wards, and pay their twenty dollars. The places where tliose who wish to be relieved from the draft can call to pay their twenty dollars, are For Vizard 1. Moses Pettingell, Jr., Water Street; Rufus Adams, Bromfield Street. Ward 2. Charles M. Bayley, at the store of Robert Bayley & Son; Richard Plumer, State Street; William E. Currier, State Street. Ward 3. David J. Adams, Liberty Street; Amos Noyes, State Street. Ward 4. William Forbes, comb factory ; John R. Longfellow, Pleasant Street; Eben F. Stone, State Street. Ward 5. William P. Jones, at Joseph Moulton's store ; John Gor- waiz. Pleasant Street. Ward 6. Moses H. Fowler, Merrimack Street; John D. Pike, High Street; Moses A. Currier, shipyard. Per order, Geo. W. Jackman, Jk., Mayor. RECEPTION OF THE VETERANS OF COMPANY A, 17th MASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY. October 3d (Monday). The re-enlisted men of Company A, 17th Massachusetts Infantry, who had returned to their homes on veteran furloughs, were received by their friends and former associates in arms this afternoon. Besides the veterans of the 17th, an invitation was extended to those of Company B, 182 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 40th New York (Mozart) Regiment, and others, who had returned from active duty in the field, so that nearly one hundred soldiers were assembled. The City Hall, where they gathered, was tastefully deco- rated with flags and bunting, and crowded with a large con- course of citizens, who were anxious to testify their appre- ciation of the services of those whose patriotism had prompted them to renew their enlistment, and continue to battle for justice and right. From the City Hall they were accompanied by Hall's Brass Band of Boston to the Ocean House, where with invited guests they sat down to a sumptuous dinner. After all were seated, William E. Currier, Esq., who acted as chairman, welcomed the veterans in the following address: — . Veteran Soldiers of Company A, 17th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers : Your early associates in arms, and a few of your numerous friends in this city, have assembled here to greet and welcome you on your tem- porary sojourn to the hearthstones of youthful days. We welcome you to the home of virtue, truth, and love, — the place of all the world the best, the spot more dear than all the rest. We are here to express our appreciation of your patriotism and valor, and to say to you, The people of the city honor you ; the State is proud to own you ; and the nation will reward you; for you have come from the battlefield with victories on your banners and glory on your shields. You have been engaged in a righteous cause, and for more than three years you have dwelt on the tented field, fighting your country's battles; you have made forced marches, and given battle to the enemy; and your victories at Whitehall, New Berne, Kinston, and Goldsboro have won for you imperishable honor. Three and a half years of war has brought the enemy to narrow limits; and the late victories of Sherman in the South, Sheridan in the valley of the Shenandoah, and Grant in Virginia, have circumscribed their boundaries, and tell you that the power of the enemy is fast fading away. Their forces concentrated at Richmond are now being met; and as God rules the armies and governs the destinies of men, the legions are to be scattered, their capital is to fall, and victory on victory ex- tinguish the rebellion, when peace shall again reign throughout the length and breadth of our glorious Union, and the Stars and Stripes wave over all the countrj-^ which we possessed in 1860. Again I say. Welcome! welcome to the banquet provided for you as a token of our love. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 183 Following the dinner, speeches were made by George J. L. Colby, Esq., Moody D. Cook, Lieut. Joseph W. Stevens, and George E. Van Moll, of the 26th New York Cavalry, Isaac Hale, Jr., and Lieut. John W. Ricker, of the 48th. The ceremonies of the day were concluded with a prome- nade concert and dance at the City Hall, where the brave sons and daughters enjoyed themselves until admonished by the flight of time to return to their homes. The following is a list of those who re-enlisted in Company A, 17th Massachusetts Infantry, credited to Newbury port, and who returned on veteran furlough : — Ahern, Thomas. Lewis, Andrew P. Austin, Albert F. Lynch, Daniel. Burke, John. Marshall, William W. Cook, Albert J. Marshall, James I. Dillingham, Aretus H. Purtell, Richard. Dunn, John. Sullivan, Michael. DwYER, Daniel J. Templeton, Andrew. Dwyer, Dennis. Tilton, Andrew J. Ford, Samuel J. Watson, Martin. Keeser, Samuel, Jr. Woodwell, Caleb S. Young, Elisha, Jr. October 28th. The mayor, as chairman of the committee to raise a fund for the providing of substitutes, issued the following notice to those who were dehnquent in the payment of their subscriptions : — All those persons who subscribed to the fund for the purpose of filling the last quota of men from this city for the army of the United States, that have not paid their subscription, are particularly called upon to pay the same immediately either to the committee, or directly to Daniel Granger, City Treasurer, who will receive and receipt for the same. It is very desirous that this money should be paid in, in order that the matter relating thereto may be settled up. There will be another call at once for more men, and arrangements should be made, as it now can be, to enlist men enough to cover the next call. Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Chairman of Committee. October Zlst (Monday). At a special meeting of the city council, the following order was adopted : — 184 NEWBURYPORT m THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. That the mayor be and hereby is authorized to hire a sufficient sum of money to obtain one hundred and twenty-five recruits to put into the service of the United States and to be credited to this city, provided that the sum so raised shaU not exceed $125 for each and every man so recruited. This appropriation of $125 per man for recruits is all the city could legally appropriate under the laws of the Common- wealth, and it was expected that the balance necessary to increase the amount to $200 would be raised by subscription among the citizens. November 3d (Thursday). The City Cadets and citizens held a meeting this evening to take measures for a public reception of the Cushing Guards, of the 60th Massachusetts Infantry, on their return from Indianapolis, Ind. The fol- lowing were selected as a committee of arrangements: Capt. Luther Dame, George W. Knight, Jr., Robert G. Sargent, Charles H. Goodwin, Joseph H. Walton, Joseph A. Frothingham, Jr., Albert C. Titcomb, and Asa Merrill. November 7th (Monday). That the citizens might be in- formed regarding their subscription for the raising of recruits for this city, the mayor published the following in the Herald of this date: — There has been great inquiry of late to know what has become of the funds subscribed by our citizens for raising men to fill the quota of the city. I would say that $6,500 of the amount paid in was expended in procuring men, tliat $4,200 more remains in the treasurer's hands, and that there is about $1,500 now uncollected, which should be paid in at once, in order that more men may be enlisted towards filling the next quota. A further sum of $3,500 is necessary, together with the amount now in the bands of the treasurer, and the balance due upon the first subscription, to clear the city from another draft of 500,000 men which vnll undoubtedly be called for immediately. I trust that those citizens who have not paid their subscription will do so at once, and that a new subscription will be started to raise the amount neces- sary to fill our next quota. This is important, more so than on the last call, as the men can now be had at a reasonable price, but when the call is made it will be difficult to obtain men except at a high cost. Geo. W. Jackman, Jr., Mmjor. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. 185 November 23d. The Gushing Guards, Capt. Stephen D. Gardiner, arrived home this morning, from Indianapohs, Ind., where, as Company H, 60th Massachusetts Infantry, they have been guarding rebel prisoners. November 24:th. Thanksgiving Day. The subjects dis- coursed upon by the clergy in this city to-day were, at the — Prospect Street Church, Rev. Randolph Campbell. Text, Psalm 147:20. "He hath not dealt so with any nation." Old South Church, Federal Street, Rev. Richard H. Rich- ardson. Text, 1st Thess. 5:18. "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Unitarian Church, Pleasant Street, Rev. A. B. Muzzey. Text, Deut. 33:26-29. Subject, "The Compensations of the War." Harris Street Church, Rev. B. Y. George. Text, Psalm 103:2. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Baptist Church, Congress Street, Rev. James N. Sykes. Text, Heb. 11:22. Subject, "Faith in Our Nation's Future." The Green Street Baptist Society joined in this service. Whitefield Society, State Street, Rev. Samuel J. Spalding, D.D. Text, Deut. 28:47. "Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joy fulness and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things." Christian Baptist, Court Street, Rev. Daniel P. Pike. Sub- ject, "Faith in the Nation's Perpetuity." Text, Isa. 58:8. "Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteous- ness shall go before thee: the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward." Charter Street Church, Rev. Mr. Gates of Pennsylvania. Subject, "The Great Purpose of God in the American Govern- ment." Episcopal Church, High Street, Rev. J. C. White. Text, Psalm 30:1. "I will extol thee, Lord: for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me." Catholic Church, Green Street, Rev. Henry Lennon. Mass was celebrated at eight o'clock a.m. November 28th. The Gushing Guards this afternoon per- 186 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1864. formed escort duty at the funeral of Corp. William Bowlin of Company C, 6th New Hampshire Infantry. Killed in front of Petersburg, Va., July 27th. In the evening the company was formally received after their one hundred days' service by the City Cadets, who en- tertained them with a dinner, closing with a ball at the City Hall. December 5th. At a meeting of the city government a communication from the Executive Department in relation to the dispatch concerning an attempt by the enemy to burn Northern cities on election day was communicated to both boards. December 12th. Mayor Jackman was to-day unanimously re-elected. This was the fourth election of Mr. Jackman, first by the city council to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Mayor Davenport in 1861, and three times since by the peo- ple, twice without opposition. CONTESTED CREDITS DECIDED. List of conflicting claims to credits for volunteers, in which Newburyport was interested, who enlisted under the calls of the President made Oct. 17th, 1863, and Feb. 1st, 1864. Fitzgerald, Mathew, Newburyport and Amesbury claimants, awarded to Newburyport. Moore, George W., 4th Regiment Massachusetts Cavalry, Newburyport and Newbury claimants, awarded to Newbury. Wetherby, Henry P., Newburyport and Bridgewater claim- ants, awarded to Newburyport. Kneeland, Levi, 59th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry, Newburyport and Rowley claimants, awarded to Rowley. Moody, Luther P., 59th Regiment Massachusetts Infantry, Newburyport and Georgetown claimants, awarded to George- town. Sargent, Albert T., 4th Regiment Massachusetts Cavalry, Newburyport and Boston claimants, awarded to Newburyport. Young, Seth, 1st Regiment Massachusetts Cavalry, New- buryport and Newbury claimants, awarded to Newburyport. 1865. City government. — Extract from Mayor Jackman's address. — Relief Committee for the year. — Resolution by city council complimentary to Soldiers' Aid Society. — Enrolled militia of the city. — City di^^ded into two districts. — Organization of company in District 138. — Mayor to continue recruiting. — City council ask for repeal of State bounty law. — Organization of company in District 137. — News of the evacuation of Richmond. — Funeral of Sergt. Joseph W. Lunt. Surrender of Lee's army. — Death of President Lincoln. — Meeting of citizens. — Resolutions by city council. — Mayor invites the religious societies to hold services. — Emblems of mourning throughout city. — Services in the various churches. — Clergymen of city to Presi- dent Johnson. — Reception to those who served the city in the army and navy during the war. — Newburyport women in the war. Soldiers' Aid Society. — Soldiers' Relief Association. — Vessels captured during the war by Confederate privateers. — Capture of ship Sonora by the Alabama, description by Capt. Lawrence W. Brown. — Fort at Salisbury Point. — Sketch of the companies recruited in Newburjrport for three years' service. — Losses in the Union armies. CITY GOVERNMENT FOR 1865. MAYOR. George W. Jackman, Jr. ALDERMEN. Ward 1. Paul G. Lunt. Ward 4. William C. Balch. " 2. William Pritchard. " 5. Thomas H. Cutter. " 3. Warren Currier. " 6. Moses H. Fowler. COMMON COUNCIL. Luther Dame, President. Albert W. Greenleaf, Clerk. Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Luther Dame. Joseph R. Burrill. Isaac C. Clement. RuFUs Adams. Isaac Poor. Samuel A. Smith. Henry T. Moody. Stephen H. Thurlow. George W. Knight, Jr. 187 188 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Dana Dodge. Tristram Talbot. Horace N. Jackman. Horatio N. Dennett. John E. Bailey. Jacob T. Rowe. William P. Plummer. John A. Cooper. Enoch Merrill. CITY CLERK. CITY TREASURER. Eleazer Johnson. Daniel Granger. The city government for 1865 was organized Monday, January 2d. The mayor in his address referred to the rebeUion as follows : — The state of the country is such at this time, that it calls upon every loyal person to lend his aid and influence to the executive of the govern- ment for the suppression of this rebellion, and the restoration of those rights which our fathers fought for, and which they desired should be the inheritance of their children. Many of our sons have laid do^vn their lives for the love of their country, and their ashes now lie buried beneath the sod of what was once our beloved and sister States. There are about our streets those who show the evidence of their valor and courage, those who for a love of country periled their lives in its support. They are the ones! the wounded soldiers, more than any others, who should be respected and exalted for the part which they have taken in the suppres- sion of this war, and their endeavors to hold inviolate our national rights . To such let us extend a welcome hand, and render to them and to theirs such assistance as their circumstances require, — not that assistance which will make them paupers, or deprive them of their rights of suffrage, but by a fund created directly by the city council, and placed in the hands of the committee on relief, for their benefit. It is well known to all of you that we have at this time hundreds of our valuable citizens in the army and navj^, determined at all hazards to maintain the honor and integrity of our flag, and to sustain the powers that be, and to uphold the institutions of the nation and sustain the government. These men have and are still nobly representing our city, on the sea and in the field: their courage has been often tried and never found wanting, and by their valuable and patriotic services have won for themselves and for us a lasting honor, and have brought us under the greatest obligations to them. At the commencement of this rebellion Newbur3rport showed her devotion to those men who first took up their line of march to the battle" field, by appropriating from her treasury a sum of money for the relief of the families of those who so A'aliantly buckled on their armor, and she has so continued to do to the present time; and I trust that that liberal feeling will not be forgotten by the present city council. The ladies of our city, who are never behind in any good object or NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 189 cause, have kindly lent their aid in raising funds, which have and are to be expended for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers. The Soldiers' Aid Society has done much for their relief in the way of necessary cloth- ing, medicines, luxuries, and other needful articles, which have been forwarded to them. The fair of the society last winter, and the one re- cently held, were crowned with that success which they deserved. The ladies composing the society, and others who have lent their aid towards so good and charitable an object, should, and I dare say will, receive the thanks and heartfelt gratitude of many of our sick and destitute soldiers, as well as those of our citizens. The recent presidential election held in November last, shows con- clusiveh^ that the people of the loyal States are determined that this war shall be continued until the people of every State now in revolt lay down their arms and ask for peace. This is the doctrine under the pres- ent circumstances that every loyal citizen, man, woman, and child, should adopt. January \&th (Monday). At the regular meeting of the city council a Joint Special Committee on Soldiers' Relief was appointed, consisting of the mayor and aldermen, and Council- men Dodge, Burrill, Talbot, Adams, Jackman, and Clement, for the year ensuing. February Qth (Monday). At a meeting of the city council, an order introduced by Councilman Jackman was adopted — That the sum of $.500 be placed to tlie credit of the Committee on Relief for their disposal to such disabled persons who have served in the army and navy during the present rebellion, or to their families, who in the judgment of said committee are destitute and deserving of such aid, or to any other person or persons of that class that the committee shall deem expedient to assist. At the same meeting Councilman Dodge offered the follow- ing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by both branches of the city government: — Whereas, The State Aid Society in the city of Xewburyport having proved of great value to those who are now in the Army of the United States, therefore. Resolved, That tlie tlianks of the city council in behalf of the city be and are hereby tendered to the ladies of Newburyport for the many blessings which, through their patient and protracted exertions, have gladdened many a heart, and bestowed many comforts upon the soldier in the field, as well as to those wounded and sick in the several hospitals. 190 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. THE ENROLLED MILITIA OF NEWBURYPORT AND ORGANIZATION OP MILITIA COMPANIES BY DISTRICTS. By the fourth section of the Act concerning the mihtia, approved on the 14th day of May last, it was provided, that the commander-in-chief should forthwith proceed to divide the Commonwealth into military districts of companies, which shall be numbered and a record thereof be made in the ofhce of the adjutant-general. The Act also provided that the assessors of the several cities and towns throughout the Com- monwealth should return to the adjutant-general, on or before the tenth day of July last, a Ust of all persons liable to enroll- ment. The assessors returned the number of enrolled militia in this city to be 1,412; active militia between the ages of 18 and 24 years, 283; the reserved militia between the ages of 24 and 45 years, 1,129. By General Order No. 29, dated Boston, Dec. 7th, 1864, the governor, in accordance with the above provision of the law, ordered, that there be two military districts in this city, one consisting of Wards 1, 2, and 3, and designated as District No. 137; the other comprising Wards 4, 5, and 6, and designated as District No. 138. For the purpose of organization, the governor appointed Capt. Wilham E. Currier for District No. 137, and Col. Fred- erick J. Coffin for District No. 138, to call the meeting of the militia of these districts, preside for the election of captains of the proposed companies, and make returns to the adjutant- general. February 20th. Monday afternoon the militia of the three upper wards assembled at City Hall. Col. Frederick J. Cofhn presided, and Phihp K. Hills, Esq., assisted. Capt. Wilham E. Currier was present as witness to the facts. The number of ballots cast for Captain was 263, of which Eben P. Cutter had 166; Calvin M. Woodward, 28; Tristram Talbot, 27; Gustavus A. Stowell, 27; John E. Remick, 13; and others, 1. Eben P. Cutter was commissioned CaptaiUj^'and subsequently Joseph C. Richardson 1st Lieutenant, and James P. Burrill 2d Lieutenant. Charles M. Atwood was appointed 1st Sergeant. February 20th (Friday). At a meeting of the city council NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 191 Alderman William Balch offered the following order, which was adopted : — Whereas, All the quotas of men to recruit the armies of the United States in pursuance of the several calls of the President, and assigned to this city, have been filled, and Whereas, It is probable that other calls for more men will be made, it is ordered, that the mayor be, and hereby is, instructed to enlist in the armies of the United States, all the men he can, and that he be, and hereby is, authorized to pay each and every man he shall enlist a sum not exceeding $125 until otherwise ordered. Alderman Balch also introduced the following, which was adopted : — That our Representatives in General Court be, and hereby are, in- structed to use their best exertions to procure the repeal of the statute limiting the bounty to $125, which may be paid to the substitutes of drafted men, for recruiting the armies of the United States, and to make their best effort for the enactment of a law authorizing toTvns and cities to raise by taxation of property or by loan all moneys necessary for this purpose, and to pay each and every man enlisted in the armies of the United States, such a sum as they shall deem expedient, and that the city clerk be. and hereby is, instructed to furnish each of our representa- tives with a copy of this order immediately after its passage. .February 27th (Monday). The miUtia of Wards 1, 2, and 3 assembled at Market Hall for the purpose of electing a Captain. Capt. WilHam E. Currier presided, and Col. Fred- erick J. Coffin assisted. On the first ballot, Edwin A. Stover received 106 votes; Isaac Hale, Jr., 92; George W. Brown, 45; Isaac Swan, 20; Robert G. Sargent, 12. There being no choice, a second ballot was ordered, when Edwin A. Stover received 118 votes, and Isaac Hale, Jr., 96. Edwin A. Stover was commissioned Captain. April 8th Edward O. Morss was elected 1st Lieutenant, and John M. W. Clement 2d Lieutenant, and subsequently commissioned. George P. Sargent was ap- pointed 1st Sergeant. April 3d (Monday). The welcome news of the evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg, the retreat of Lee's army, and the advance of the Union armies under General Grant, was received with joy and thanksgiving. The bells in the city 192 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CmL WAR, 1865. rang out the glad tidings, the pubUc schools were dismissed, guns were fired, and all classes rejoiced and seemed happy together, in the thought that the rebellion was soon to end, and peace be declared. , „t t ^ Avril 9th (Sunday). The funeral of Sergt. Joseph W. Lunt of Company A, 35th Massachusetts Infantry, took place at the residence of his father, Mr. Joseph J. Lunt, No. 10 Dove Street, this afternoon. The services, conducted by Rev. Daniel P. Pike, were solemn and impressive. He feehngly alluded to the noble character of the deceased; how with others he was captured and confined in Southern prisons, and finally his release and return home to die. A detachment of the City Cadets did escort duty. The Deluge Fire Associa- tion of which the deceased was a member, and many others from the Fire Department, with a large number of comrades of his company and regiment, were present. The flags m the city were at half-mast, and the bells tolled, announcing the close of another life, the departure of a true patriot whose life was freely given for the cause he loved. THE SURRENDER OF LEe's ARMY. Sunday evening, about ten o'clock, the glorious news of the surrender of Lee's army to Lieutenant-General Grant was announced by telegraph. Very soon State Street, the Herald office, and the Telegraph Office were thronged with an excited crowd The bells rang out the joyful news, until at twelve o'clock the rejoicing by old and young was general and con.- plete. Cannons roared, and "the rockets' red glare gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ;' build- ings were illuminated, and the thousands of people who had assembled sang and cheered until morning dawned. During the day a procession was formed, consisting of the City Cadets Steam Fire Engine Eon No. 1, Young America Hook and Ladder Company, Steamer No. 2, Eagle No. 5, Agile No. 6 and Neptune No. 8, with the members marching to the sound of music with badges and banners. The day by general con- sent was given to rejoicing. Flags were displayed dwellings decorated, and the people echoed the sentiment telegraphed NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 193 to Lieutenant-General Grant by Secretary of War Stanton: "Thanks be to Almighty God for the great victory with which he has this day crowned you and the gallant armies under your command. The thanks of this Department and of the government and of the people of the United States, their reverence and honor, have been deserved, and will be ren- dered to you and the brave and gallant officers and soldiers of your army for all time." DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. April 16th (Sunday). This morning was received the sad intelligence of the death, by the hand of an assassin, of our noble-hearted President, Abraham Lincoln. Scarcely had the glad tidings of great joy — the fall of Richmond, the sur- render of Lee, and the end of the rebellion — been received, before the nation was called to mourn for the Great Chief Magistrate, who had fought a good fight, who had bravely and honestly fulfilled his mission, and who had seen the suc- cessful end of his work. Most of the churches of the city were draped in mourning, and there was not a pulpit from which there was not some allusion made to the great national bereavement. At the Whitefield Church the morning service was entirely devoted to the topic, and addresses were made by the pastor. Rev. Dr. Spalding, Rev. Dr. Withington of Newbury, and Professor Smythe of Andover Seminary. MEETING OF THE CITIZENS. At a meeting of citizens in the Merchants' Reading Room, Monday afternoon, called to see what should be done to properly observe the day of the funeral of the late President, and show respect to the memory of the deceased. Col. Eben F. Stone was chosen chairman, and Mr. Nathan A. Moulton secretary. A committee was selected to take the whole mat- ter in charge, consisting of His Honor the Mayor George W. Jackman, Jr., Hon. Isaac H. Boardman, Charles H. Coffin, Esq., Rev. Samuel J. Spalding, D. D., Edward S. Moseley, Esq., and Col. Eben F. Stone. 194 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. RESOLUTIONS BY THE CITY GOVERNMENT. At a meeting of the city council held Monday evening, the mayor and aldermen, by a rising vote, passed the follow- ing resolutions relating to the death of President Lincoln, presented by Alderman Currier: — Whereas, In the Providence of God our beloved and honored Presi- dent, the Chief Magistrate of the United States, departed this life April 15th by the hand of violence, therefore Resolved, That in the death of Abraham Lincoln the nation has lost, in its chief executive officer, a man of sterling integrity and worth, of strong and implicit faith in freedom and in the justness of our causej and also one who was an able statesman and patriot, which the events of the last few years have fully tested. Resolved, That in this hour of our national sorrow the greatness of our loss, if not expressed in words, is evinced by the unspoken and unutterable language of the heart; and tears of our loyal countrymen show how truly he was loved by them. Resolved, That we thank God for the noble work our loved and honored President was permitted to do for the nation, guiding it with great sagacity and skUl through the most difficult epoch of its existence. Resolved, That of the acts which our late President performed, none of them holds a higher place in our hearts than the Proclamation of Emancipation, which will give him a place in his country's fame beside that of the immortal Washington, and entitle him to the gratitude of all lovers of liberty. Resolved, That as a proper mark of respect the City Hall be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days, and that his honor the mayor order all public offices to be closed, and request the entire suspension of business on the part of the citizens, on the day of the funeral. Resolved, That in accordance with the wish expressed by the acting secretary of State, the mayor request the citizens to meet at their re- spective places of worship during the hours of 12 m. and 2 p.m. An order was adopted, authorizing the mayor to cause the bells of the city to be tolled and minute guns to be fired Wednesday the 19th, the day of the funeral of our late lamented President of the nation, from 12 m. to 1 o'clock p.m. Mayor's Office, City Hall, Newburyport, April 17th, 1865. In accordance with the request of the acting secretary of State, the various religious denominations of this city are invited to meet at their NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1866. 195 respective places of worship on Wednesday, April 19th, between 12 m. and 2 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of solemnizing with appropriate services the occasion of the funeral of the late lamented Chief Magistrate. And I recommend that on that day the places of business be closed at 12 o'clock, and all secular employment be suspended for the remainder of the day. In the afternoon, under the immediate charge of a committee of citizens, of which particular notice will appear hereafter, there will be special religious services at the Pleasant Street Church, at 3 o'clock. The bells of the city Avill be tolled from 12 to I o'clock. George W. Jackman, Jr., Mayor. April 19th (Wednesday). The day was exceedingly fine, and the public buildings, churches, and dwelhngs were every- where draped in mourning. Great taste was displayed in the mourning emblems, as at the Engine Houses, American Telegraph Office, the Headquarters of the Fenian Brother- hood, Gillett's Express Office, and the stores of G. I. Williams, Joseph Moulton, Richard Plumer, Solomon & Levy, N. B. Lake, Nathan A. Moulton, William H. Johnson, Samuel A. Smith, and Miss Abbie Lane; also the residences of Joshua Hale, David Wood, Charles H. Coffin, Jacob Stone, Jacob Horton, Mica j ah Lunt, Mrs. John Wills, Miss Wheelwright; Joshua Aubin, Norman C. Greenough, R. H. Richardson, Hiram Wood, Eben Wheelwright, Mark Haskell, Caleb Gush- ing, John Osgood, George Lunt, and others on High Street; Josiah Little, Henry P. Toppan, and Dr. Stephen Gale on State Street; William H. Brewster on Summer Street; Edward Lesley on Market Street; Robert Bay ley on Milk Street; John Porter, Mark Symonds, Henry Cook, and Mrs. Robert Bayley on Federal Street; Charles M. Bayley on Purchase Street; Messrs. Wilson on Strong Street, and very many others. In fact, there was scarcely a dwelling in the city that was not in some way decorated with the emblems of mourning. At noon the bells were tolled, and all the churches in the city opened with the exception of the Universalist and St. Paul's (Episcopal), the pastors of which were absent. At the Catholic Church, prayer was offered by Rev. Father Lennon, and remarks by Rev. Mr. Hammil. At the Belleville Church, Rev. Dr. Fiske officiated; at the Unitarian, Rev. Jonathan 196 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAK, 1865. Cole; at the Oldtown, Rev. Dr. Leonard Withington and Rev. John R. Thurston; at the Advent, Rev. John Pearson; at the Prospect Street, Rev. Randolph Campbell; at the Liberty Street, Rev. Leroy S. Brewster. At three o'clock, the services, arranged by the mayor and a committee of clergymen, commenced at the Pleasant Street Church. All the seats were occupied, and hundreds were unable to gain admission. The exercises consisted of (1) Voluntary on the organ; (2) Reading of Scriptures by Rev. Daniel T. Fiske, D.D., of Belleville; (3) Chant; (4) Prayer by Rev. Randolph Campbell of the Prospect Street Church; (5) Hymn; (6) Address by Rev. S. J. Spalding, D.D., of the Whitefield Church, and Rev. Richard H. Richardson of the First Presbyterian Church, Federal Street; (7) Hymn; (8) Prayer by Rev. James N. Sykes of the Congress Street Church; (9) Benediction by Rev. Daniel P. Pike of the Court Street Church. The services were not only of the highest character, but solemn and deeply impressive, and the mourning of the people at the loss of so great and so good a man as President Lincoln was deep and sincere. THE CLERGYMEN OF NEWBURYPORT TO THE PRESIDENT. To His Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America: Sir, — The undersigned, ministers of the gospel of different denomi- nations in this city, ask permission respectfully to represent to you: That we deeply sympathize with our government, and especially with yourself and with the coimtry at large in the sudden and tragical death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of these United States. That we hereby express our sentiments of respect towards yourself, and our confidence that under the good Providence of God, and guided by the wisdom which he generously bestows, you will prove yourself equal to the duties of your high and responsible office and to the emer- gencies which may arise under your administration. That with our eyes upon the unparalleled atrocities of the rebellion — now, thank God, in process of being crushed — we fully accept that declaration of Holy Scripture relating to the rightful authority of "the ruler," — "He beareth not the sword in vain, for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil;" and that therefore NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 197 treason against the civil State being the greatest of crimes, justice, both divine and human, and our national safety, and the laws by which our government is administered, unitedly and imperatively demand the inflexible and fearless pimishment of treason without respect of persons: in which duty may the just Lord give you help, as in his Holy Word he hath also given you authority — (see Paul's Epistle to the Romans, chapter xiii., verses 1 to 4). That we pledge our continued and fervent prayers to Almighty God for you, that he will be graciously pleased to preserve your valuable life and the lives of your members of cabinet ; sustain you under your weighty and solemn responsibiUties to him and to this nation; that he will grant to you and your constitutional advisers his continued and merciful guidance in the passing crisis, and that he will give you success and prosperity in your administration, and the high and momentous concerns of our coimtry ; and that we will devoutly and imceasingly pray, God save the Peesident and the People of the United States of America. With sentiments of high respect we are, sir, your obedient servants, Edward W. Hooker. Henry Lennon. George T. Chapman. Peter Hammil. Richard E. Tucker. John R. Thurston. E. C. Hooker. Daniel P. Pike. Leonard Withington. R. A. Patterson. Leroy S. Brewster. Henry A. Woodman. Randolph Campbell. Thomas Borden. James N. Sykes. Jonathan Cole. Richard H. Richardson. Artemas B. Muzzey, John Pearson, Jr. Daniel T. Fiske. RECEPTION TO ALL WHO SERVED THE CITY IN THE ARMY OR NAVY DURING THE WAR, BY THE CITY GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENS. It was determined by the city government and citizens generally, to celebrate the anniversary of the nation's inde- pendence, and at the same time invite the returned soldiers and sailors who went from the city during the war to become their guests, — to participate in the procession, and to be formally received by the mayor at a dinner prepared for them by the ladies at City Hall. The exercises for the day began with the ringing of bells and the firing of a national salute of thirty-six guns at sun- rise. 198 NEWBURYPORT m THE CIYTL WAR, 1865. PROCESSION. The procession formed on High Street, with its right rest- ing near State Street, and moved at nine a.m. in the following order: — Police. City Marshal, Nehemiah Flanders. Chelsea Band. Escort. Veteran Artillery Association, Capt. Wm. E. Currier. City Cadets, Capt. Luther Dame. Chief Marshal, Col. Eben F. Stone. Aides. Lieut. Nicholas N. Noyes. Albert W. Stevens. Lieut. Joseph E. Moody. Charles F. Horton. FIRST DIVISION. Civic. Marshal, Capt. John E. Remick. Aides. Hiram R. Poor. Edward C. HaskeU. This division consisted of the mayor and aldermen, the common council, the orator, officiating clergyman, reader of the Declaration of Independence, national and city officers, and the Committee of Arrangements in carriages, the Fenian Brotherhood, and citizens. SECOND DIVISION. Fire Department. Marshal, Chief Engineer Jolm B. Pritchard. ; Aides. Engineer William A. Davis. Engineer Henry T. Moody. Board of Engineers. Kensington Comet Band. Mechanic Engine Company No. 2, Foreman Frederick B. Stickney. Protector " Eagle Neptune " Eon S. F. " Hook and Ladder Torrent Engine 7, Eben P. Cutter. William H. T. Dodge. John M. Ewin. H. P. Macintosh. Charles H. Creasey. Charles O. Davis. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 199 THIRD DIVISION. Army and Navy. Marshal, Capt. George W. Creasey. Aides. Lieut. Charles L. Ayers. Lieut. Thomas E. Cutter. Newburyport Brass Band. This department of the parade was composed of the vet- erans of the war, representing those of the army and navy who went from our city from the commencement of hostilities in April, 1861, until the final surrender in April, 1865. The various regiments and companies in which the men served, and the vessels and squadrons to which those of the navy were attached, were designated by a small guidon. Every branch and department of the service was represented: the army by cavalry, artillery, and infantry, and the navy by officers and men who had done faithful duty on the old-time battleships and the modern gunboats and monitors. Many suffering from wounds and disabled in the service rode in carriages. One from the navy, Lewis A. Horton, who had lost both arms in action, sat by the side of a representative of the army, Daniel O' Grady of the 28th Massachusetts Infan- try, who had lost both eyes in battle. FOURTH DIVISION. Trades. Marshal, George S. Gillett. Aides. Charles E. Bayley. Charles C. Stockman. The various trades of the city were largely represented, particularly the printers, ship-joiners, wood-carvers, shoe man- ufacturers, brass-founders, hat manufacturers, and the fishing industry. FIFTH DIVISION. Marshal, Capt. C. M. Woodward. Aides. Jacob Stone, Jr. James H. Jackson. ' Newton Comet Band. 200 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. This part of the procession was particularly beautiful, and suggestive of the great struggle from which the country had at that time but just emerged, and the joy and happiness ex- pressed by all the people that peace had come and the coun- try again united. The most striking tableaus presented were, "Army and Navy," "The Zouaves," "Daughter of the Regi- ment," "The Mantle of St. John De Matha," "Faith, Hope, and Charity," "Innocence," "The Pleiades," "Soldiers of 1776 and 1865," "America's Grief," "Liberty," "Thirty-six States," "Peace." The street decorations were beautiful. At the head of State Street was a triumphal arch spanning the street, with the mottoes, "Reunion To-day and the Union Forever," "The States — distinct as the billows, but one like the sea:" at the foot of State Street another grand arch with the mottoes, "Our Defence, the breed of the people, stout and warlike," "Our Greatest Treasures — the Heroes of War of '61." ORDER OF EXERCISES AT PLEASANT STREET CHURCH. Voluntary, Organ Joseph W. Evans Invocation Dr. Samuel J. Spalding Voluntary Newburyport Band Prayer Rev. Richard H. Richardson Anthem Reading of Declaration of Independence Albert Hale, Esq. Hymn by Capt. Luther Dame Rev. J. C. White Oration Dr. George B. Loring Anthem Benediction Rev. Randolph Campbell At the conclusion of the exercises at the church, the city government, invited guests, and soldiers and sailors, were escorted to the City Hall, over the door of which was an arch bidding "Welcome, thrice welcome, every veteran here." The interior of the hall was beautifully decorated with flags, ever- greens, and mottoes. On entering, the veterans passed be- neath an evergreen arch, on which were the names of Grant, Sherman, and Farragut; and on the front of the gallery be- neath, "A laurel wreath to the victors now, and a place in NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 201 our grateful hearts forever," Immediately over the door was suspended a large laurel wreath, under which every veteran walked in entering the hall. Opposite the entrance, over the rostrum, were three arches conjoined, inscribed, "Oiu* Great- est National Debt, — Gratitude to Our Defenders." Upon the walls tastefully arranged were the names of many battles in which the soldiers and the sailors from the city had partic- ipated. From the rostrum, on entering, the veterans were greeted by more than a hundred of the fairest ladies of the city, who had volunteered to wait upon the tables. Between seven and eight hundred participated in the dinner. Mayor George W. Jackman, Jr., presided, and welcomed the veterans as follows : — Gentlemen of the Armt and Navy here assembled: It becomes my very pleasant duty to welcome you home, and tender to you, one and all, the hospitalities of the city. We are aware of the many hardships and dangers through which you have passed during the last four years; and for myself, the city coimcU, and the citizens gen- erally, I tender you our warmest and most sincere regards for the honor which your valor and daring have so nobly won for yourselves, and for the city you represent. We can but feel proud of the men who have represented this city in the army and navy in the late rebellion, — men who left their pleasant homes for the love of their country, and to de- fend the noblest flag that ever floated over any nation, — an emblem of a nationality of which every American citizen throughout the land should be proud. The blow struck at that flag on Fort Sumter forever dishonored and blasted those traitors performing the act, and all others who have supported or given coimtenance to the act since. May they all meet the fate they so richly deserve I And, further, it has forever, I trust, wiped slavery — that cherished institution of the South — from the land, — the one thing which has caused more trouble to the free States, more anxiety to those who fostered it, and more expense to the government, than any other matter under the Constitution. It has been my privilege, whether for the best or not, to preside over the destiny of the city most of the time during the rebellion, and I have at all times and on all occasions done what I considered to be right and proper to maintain the honor of the city, in providing men and means to sustain the army and navy, and to support the Constitu- tion of the United States, and to sustain the administration. It has also been my aim at all times, and upon all occasions, to render all need- ful assistance to the families of those of our citizens who are or have been in the service fighting for us and ours, in order that they should 202 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. be as comfortably provided for as the circumstances of the case would admit; and I trust that I have done in this matter that which has met the approval of the soldiers and sailors, as well as our citizens. There has always been a willingness on the part of the city council to vote money and render other aid to enable me to furnish the requisite number of men to fill our quotas under the various calls of the President, between 1,200 and 1,300 men for the army and navy; and I feel proud to say, that on the breaking-up of the rebellion I had twenty-seven men ahead of all demands made upon us. I will take this occasion to say, that at home or abroad, whenever I have met any of you, I have ever been treated with that courtesy and kindness which my position required, which is ever characteristic of the true soldier and sailor; and for this mark of respect I tender you one and all here present, and to your comrades in arms who have not had the good fortune to arrive home (which I much regret, as I hoped to have the honor to meet all who are alive, on this occasion), my warmest regards and kindest feelings for the courteous treatment which I have ever received at your hands. Gentlemen, before closing my remarks, I wish to remind the company present that this bountiful repast was provided by the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, who cannot be excelled in their success in promoting the comfort and welfare of the soldier, and in making home cheerful with their graces and smiles; and many of you, I dare say, have partaken of the sweets and comforts which they have from time to time forwarded to the battlefields and to the hospitals dur- ing the past four years. And now, gentlemen, they are. here to welcome you, and to wait upon you, with their smiUng and beautiful faces; and I know that your presence here gladdens their hearts, and they bid you welcome on your joyous return, praying that health, happiness, and a long life may be your reward for the troubles and toils through which you have passed. Rev. Daniel T. Fiske invoked a blessing. After the dinner the mayor introduced Philip K. Hills, Esq., as toast-master, who presented the following : — "The Day We Celebrate. Doubly dear to us as the anniversary of our nation's birth, and as the commencement of a new era in its history. The valor of our soldiers and the wisdom of our statesmen have made the country a unit, so to continue henceforth and forever." Responded to by Rev. J. C. White, Rector of St. Paul's Church. "The President op the United States." Responded to by George J. L. Colby, editor of the Newburyport Herald. "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Worthy of our love and devotion for the noble ideas of human liberty NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 203 she has promulgated, and of the noble men who have rallied to their support and estabUshment." Responded to by Capt. Henry W. Moulton of the 32d Massachusetts Infantry. "The Orator of the Day. His fitly spoken words en- title him to confidence as a faithful sentinel on the poUtical outworks." Responded to by Dr. George B. Loring of Salem. "The Western Army. They won the first great victory of the war at Fort Donelson, nor were checked in their trium- phant march until they reached the sea, nor in their northern movement until the 'anaconda' had caught in its folds the last rebel corps in the Atlantic States. Their brilUant achieve- ments have no parallel in the history of war." Rev. Isaac S. Cushman, Chaplain of the 33d Massachusetts Infantry, responded. "The Home Guards. Though serving in the loyal States, they were ready and willing to share the dangers of the field whenever ordered." Responded to by Lieut. Joseph L. John- son of the Gushing Guards, 8th and 60th Regiment, M. V. M. "Our Escort, — the Veteran Artillery Association. They preserve the name of the oldest military corps in the Com- monwealth. The fame of its founders in the Revolution is safe in its present keeping." Capt. WilUam E. Currier of the veterans responded, "The Reader of the Declaration of Independence. He adorns the profession by which New England impresses herself upon the nation." Responded to by Mr. Albert Hale. "Our Martyred President and the Other Fallen Heroes in this Four Years' Conflict with Rebellion. By every heart let their memories be tenderly cherished." Drank standing and in silence. "The City of Newburyport. She has a record in all our wars for freedom, of which our posterity will be proud." Alderman Warren Currier responded. "The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society. Our quota of the heroines of the war. They have never failed in any call for assistance from camp, hospital, or field. In contemplating their labors 'we are lost in wonder, love, and praise.'" Re- 204 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. sponded to by Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Spalding, formerly Chaplain of the 48th Regiment Infantry, M. V. M. "The Army of the Gulf. The names of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Donaldsonville, and Port Hudson are on their banners, and make for them an honorable record of which they may justly feel proud." Col. Eben F. Stone of the 48th Regiment Infantry, M. V. M., responded. "The Navy. To them belonged the pleasing duty of re- storing the Stars and Stripes in nearly every State. Upon the rivers and the sea they have acted worthy of the navies of 1776 and 1812." Henry Bartlet, Acting M. Mate U. S. N., and Ex-Alderman Thomas Huse responded, "The Gallant Defenders of the Capital in 1861. Called from their homes and peaceful pursuits at a moment's notice, they did the work of veterans, and for their prompt- ness and patriotism they will ever have the kindly remem- brance of their country." Responded to by Major Ben: Perley Poore, formerly Major of the 8th Regiment Infantry, M. V. M. "The Army of the Potomac. They met the first wave of insurrection, and continued through the battles of the Peninsula, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, and the Wilderness, till they rolled back the insurgent host to 'the last ditch,' and there buried treason too deep for a resurrec- tion in this age." Responded to by Capt. George W. Creasey of the 35th Massachusetts Infantry, and Lieut. Edwin F. Stover of the 40th New York Infantry (Mozart). "The Army of the Carolinas. They made the first in- vasion of the rebel States, and from Cape Hatteras to the fall of Charleston neither slumbered nor slept forgetful of their duty. We welcome home the protectors of the Constitution in the old North State, and the victors over treason in the cradle of the RebelHon." Responded to by Col. F. J. Coffin of the 8th Regiment Infantry, M. V. M., and Lieut. William J. Creasey of the 23d Regiment Massachusetts Infantry. "The Irish Brigade. The brave sons of foreign parent- age, who do not forget the land of their birth nor love for the land of their adoption. They have given to our country NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 205 'names that were not born to die.'" There being no one to respond, George J. L. Colby spoke of the services of the Irish Brigade during the war. "The Army of the James. The men who bore the heat and burden of the day, and were in at its close. The bloody fields of Virginia attest their valor." Responded to by Sergt. Edward L. Davenport of Company I, 23d Regiment Massa- chusetts Infantry. NEWBURYPORT WOMEN IN THE WAR. The record of Newburyport during the war would certainly be incomplete if we fail to remember with gratitude the earn- est devotion and noble sacrifices of the women of our city who so generously contributed of their time, their labor, and their money to the comfort of the soldiers in the hospitals and camps, from the early days of the war to its ending in 1865. soldiers' aid society. The first organized society for preparing and sending ar- ticles to the soldiers in the field was known as the Soldiers' Aid Society. Early in the summer of 1861, Mrs. Samuel Pettingell, who resided on Bromfield Street, feeling a deep interest in the soldiers, suggested to some of her friends the plan of meeting frequently and working for their benefit. The plan was acceptable, and on Tuesday evening of each week the band of workers gathered at a house designated at the previous meeting. The gatherings were very popular, and continually increased in attendance and material results. Boxes and barrels containing bandages, lint, towels, delicacies, and other articles useful in hospitals, were sent in various directions to the sick and wounded, while stockings and ar- ticles of comfort were forwarded direct to the soldiers in the field. For months the good work was continued. soldiers' relief association. Aiigust 14th, 1862. Nearly five hundred ladies responded to a call for a meeting for the purpose of organizing an asso- 206 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. ciation to benefit the sick and wounded soldiers. For tem- porary organization Mrs. John Buntin was selected as chair- man, and Miss Caroline E. Perkins secretary. The following resolutions were adopted : — Resolved, That in view of the many sufferings and privations which our sick and wounded countrymen in the field are called upon to encounter^ we, the women of Newburyport, now pledge ourselves to form a society called the Soldiers' Relief Association, whose duty it shall be to forward articles for their comfort; and that the existence of this society shall terminate only with the day when peace is declared. Resolved, That we will do all in our power to make this organiza- tion a vigorous and successful one, sparing no pains, shrinking from no sacrifices of time and money; feeling as we earnestly do that our efforts can never thoroughly repay the offering of life and health which our fathers, sons, and brothers are so heartily making. Resolved, That while we will thus sacrifice all the time and means in our power, we will nerve our hearts to the higher and nobler sacrifice of those near to us for the nation's good; esteeming even our kindred less dear than that fatherland which has blessed us with imcounted privileges and a glorious history. A constitution was adopted, declaring the purpose of the association to be to assist the sick and wounded soldiers of the United States service; that any person could become a member by paying an annual tax of twenty-five cents, and that the officers consist of a President, a Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, with an Executive Committee of two ladies from each ward in the city. The following officers were selected to serve for one year: — President, Mrs. John C, March. Vice-Presidents, Mrs. George W. Jackman, Jr., Mrs. Eben Hale, Mrs. Artemas B. Muzzey, Mrs. William Horton, Mrs. John Porter, Mrs. Edward S. Moseley, Mrs. Stephen S. Gale, Mrs. Micajah Lunt, Mrs. J. J. Knapp, Mrs. Stephen W. Marston, Mrs. George J. L. Colby, Mrs. Albert Currier, Mrs. Rufus Wills, Mrs. Eben Wheel- wright, Mrs. Charles W. Story, Mrs. John N. Gushing, Mrs. Robert Bayley, Mrs. Josiah Little, Mrs. George Gillett, Mrs. William C. Balch. Treasurer, Mrs. John Buntin. Secretary, Miss Sarah L. Davis. Assistant Secretary, Miss Caroline E. Perkins. Executive Committee. — Ward 1, Mrs. Isaac A. Bray, Mrs. NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 207 Washington Adams. Ward 2, Mrs. David P. Page, Mrs. Wil- liam Graves. Ward 3, Mrs. A. G. Vermilye, Mrs. Jonathan Cole. Ward 4, Mrs. Eben F. Stone, Miss Ann Balch. Ward 5, Mrs. David Wood, Miss Agnes A. Aubin. Ward 6, Mrs. An- drew W. Miltimore, Mrs. Paul G. Lunt. The first annual meeting of the association was held at the City Hall, Thursday, Oct. 1st, 1863. The following is from the report of the Executive Committee: — MONEY RECEIVED SINCE ORGANIZATION, AUG. 14th, 1862, TO OCT. 1st, 1863. Donations $2,674.69 Christmas festival 661.00 Fourth of July festival 378.71 Taxes 350.71 Concert 78.34 Horticultural Exhibition 50.20 Fair by Misses Mary A. Moseley, Grace G. Stacy, Eliza L. Lowe, and Georgiana Bassett . . 49.25 Readings 40.00 Lecture 12.55 Total $4,295.45 EXPENDITURES. Cotton $1,350.00 Flannel 1,125.00 Yarn 533.20 Stores 226.00 Donations spent as requested 240.97 Dressing-gowns 155.09 Toweling and sacking 110.97 Other expenses 334.45 $4,075.68 Balance on hand 219.77 $4,295.45 Seventy-three packages, containing fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty articles, were forwarded as follows: Surgeon McLaren, U.S.A., 2; Committee of Ward Four, Boston, 6; Christian Commission, 45; Sanitary Commission, 7; Newbury- port at New Orleans, 2; 48th Massachusetts Infantry, Baton Rouge, 2; Massachusetts Soldiers' Relief Association, Washing- ton, 1; Dr. Elliot, Western Sanitary Commission, 3; Charter 208 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. Hospital, Pa., 1; Rev. Mr. Bowen, Hospital, Baltimore, Md., 2; General Hospital, Annapolis, Md., 2. At the election of officers the following changes were made: Mrs. John Currier, Jr., Mrs. James Sykes, and Mrs. Sarah W. Hale, were added to the Vice-Presidents. Recording Secre- tary,' Miss Mary B. Nelson. Changes in the Executive Com- mittee: Ward 1, Mrs. Samuel Pettingell, Mrs. Jeremiah Lunt. Ward 3, Mrs. William Plummer. Ward 4, Mrs. Enoch Cross. Ward 5, Mrs. Moses H. Fowler. THE SECOND ANNUAL REPORT SHOWS THE RECEIPTS FROM OCT. 1st, 1863, TO OCT. 1st, 1864. Balance from 1863 $219.77 Christmas fair 3,004.44 Taxes 226.50 Fair by Miss Grace Bass and others 31-00 Fair by Miss S. Wills and others 40.00 Donations ^^t'nn Special donations 118.00 Sale of rags, etc J^s Total $4,597.42 EXPENDITURES. Cotton 351,150.00 Flamiel 975.00 Yam and sacks 5^0.00 Toweling and handkerchiefs . 478.00 Dressing-gowns 345.00 Bed-sacks 1^^-^^ Stores 570.00 Christian Commission ^ nn Donations, according to wishes of donors . . . 118.00 Miscellaneous ioi Vo On hand Oct. 1st, 1864 loLZ? $4,597.42 Fifty-one boxes were sent during the year: To the Sanitary Commission, 12; Christian Commission, 12; Western Sanitary Commission, 4; Massachusetts Soldiers' Relief Association, Washington, D.C., 9; Hospitals at Annapolis, Md., 4; General Hospital, York, Pa., 2; Hammond General Hospital, Point Lookout, Ind., 2; New Berne, N.C., 1; Massachusetts Soldiers, St. Augustine, Fla., 1; Knight General Hospital, New Haven, NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 209 Conn., 1; Morris Island, S.C., 1; Gushing Guards, 60th Massa- chusetts Infantry, IndianapoUs, Ind., 1; Rev. William W. Parker, City Point, Va., 1. Among the articles forwarded were 1,108 cotton shirts, 606 flannel shirts, 712 pairs woolen socks, 229 pairs cotton drawers, 2,628 bandages, 131 dressing- gowns, 1,282 towels, 132 pairs shppers, 1,072 packages of farina and maizena, with cocoa, condensed milk, etc. The former officers were re-elected. Vacancies caused by death and resignation were filled as follows: Mrs. Thomas Davis, Mrs. Eben F. Stone, and Mrs. John Spring, Vice- Presidents. Mrs. Philip K. Hills on the Executive Committee in Ward 3. Miss Sarah L. Davis, Corresponding Secretary. The third annual report was submitted at a meeting held at City Hall Oct. 5th, 1865. At this meeting that part of the constitution which read "to assist the sick and wounded soldiers" was amended by adding "and their families." The Executive Committee in its report said, "We present in this our third and last report of the Soldiers' Relief Asso- ciation, as such, a full account of our receipts and expendi- tures since our organization." Cash on hand Oct. 1st, 1864 .... $181.79 Cash received from Oct. 1st, 1864, to Oct. 1st, 1865 4,041.11 $4,222.90 Expended 2,930.77 Balance $1,292.13 RECAPITULATION. First year received $4,295.45 Second " " 4,377.65 Third " " 4,041.11 $12,714.21 EXPENDED. First year $4,075.68 Second " 4,415.63 Thu-d " 2,930.77 $11,422.08 $1,292.13 Material sold since close of war 309.40 In treasury Oct. 1st, 1865 $1,601.53 210 NEWBUEYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAK, 1865. "In this last report of our association we wish to give an account to our friends, who have so liberally sustained us, of the way in which the large sums intrusted to us have been expended. In consequence of the sudden termination of the war, urgent calls from the hospitals ended in May last. Since that time we have sent but two boxes. The past year thirty- five boxes have been sent, as follows: To United States Gen- eral Hospital, Annapolis, Md., 13; Sanitary Commission, 8; Christian Commission, 6; Massachusetts Soldiers' Rehef Asso- ciation, Washington, D.C., 4; General Hospital, Beverly, N.J., 3; Beaufort, S.C, 1; Discharged Soldiers' Home, 1. "The whole number of boxes sent since the organization of the society, Aug. 14th, 1862, to July 28th, 1865, 159, containing the following articles: 3,222 cotton shirts, 1,589 flannel shirts, 2,522 woolen socks, 781 pairs drawers, 286 dressing-gowns, 2,700 bandages, 5,258 handkerchiefs, 3,160 towels, 562 pairs of slippers, 1,666 comfort bags, 1,120 packages farina and maizena, 1,359 boxes condensed milk, cocoa, and broma, 238 pounds sugar and tea, 1,031 bottles wine and jellies, 287 bottles cologne and bay water. Given to individual soldiers belong- ing to this city, 20 flannel shirts, 11 cotton shirts, 10 pairs drawers, 32 handkerchiefs and towels, 5 dressing-gowns, 3 pairs slippers, 3 comfort bags. "The women of this city, in common with all the patriotic women of the North, would have continued their labors, even if those labors had involved self-sacrifice and privations such as they never yet have known, so long as our noble soldiers were periling their lives for them on land and water. In clos- ing this report we wish to express our gratitude to those constant, untiring friends of our society who have so gener- ously sustained us. When the estimate is made, as we believe it will be, of the amount of supplies sent through the various agencies to the sick and wounded soldiers during the war, we think the record of Newburyport will show that the energy and self-sacrifice of her women is only equaled by the liberality of her patriotic men." For the Executive Committee, Agnes A. Aubin, Recording Secretary. Mrs. John Buntin, Treasurer, NEWBTJRYPORT m THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 211 The money value of the articles sent to the hospitals by the noble women of our city during the war can hardly be estimated in dollars and cents, and assuredly not if we con- sider their earnest devotion and unquestioned loyalty to the cause for which they labored so long and so patiently. Adjutant-General Schouler, in his History of the Civil War in Massachusetts, in recounting the work of the Newburyport Soldiers' Relief Association, says, "At the close of the war they had furnished in articles and in money for the sick and wounded to the value of thirty thousand dollars." LIST OF VESSELS OWNED WHOLLY OR IN PART IN NEWBURYPORT, OR VESSELS COMMANDED BY NEWBURYPORT OFFICERS, CAPTURED DURING THE WAR BY CONFEDERATE PRIVATEERS. Schooner Enchantress, built at Newburyport, and owned by Benjamin Davis, Jr., Atkinson Stanwood, Richard Plumer, Enoch M. Read, and John T. Page, of this city, commanded by Capt. John Devereaux, with Charles W. Page as mate, bound from Boston to Santiago, Cuba, with an assorted cargo of beef, pork, mackerel, shoes, etc., was captured July 6th, 1861, near latitude 38° 40" and longitude 69° 15", by the privateer Jeff Davis (formerly the slaver Echo), Captain Coxetta. She was put in charge of a prize crew, and com- manded by Captain Smith, formerly a Savannah pilot. The officers and crew of the Enchantress, after having been taken from their vessel, were landed at Portland, Me., by the schooner Mary GoodelL The Enchantress was recaptured near the entrance of Charleston Harbor, S.C, by the U. S. S. Albatross, July 31st, and taken to New York. Ship Star of Peace of Boston, built at Newburyport by John Currier, Jr., who was part owner, commanded by Cap- tain Francis M. Hinckley, bound from Calcutta to Boston with a cargo of saltpetre and hides, was captured March 6th, 1863, by Confederate privateer Florida in latitude 15° 13' N., longitude 54° 38' W., and burned. Total claim filed, $498,- 610.50. Ship Charles Hill of Boston, 699 tons register, built a^ 212 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. Newbury port by John Currier, Jr., who was part owner, Franklin Percival master, bound from Liverpool to Monte- video with a cargo of salt, was captured by the privateer Alabama, March 25th, 1863, in latitude 1° 23' N., longitude 26° 30' W., on the 26th. She was burned. Claim filed, $45,- 275.43. Ship Crown Point, built at Newburyport by John Currier, Jr., 1,098 tons register, owned by Isaac H. Boardman, Cap- tain Henry Cook, Albert Currier, Joseph B. Morss, William H. Brewster, and John Currier, Jr., all of Newburyport, was captured and burned May 13th, 1863, while on her way from San Francisco to New York, with an assorted cargo, by the privateer Florida. Claim filed, $417,912.99. Ship George Griswold of New York, commanded by Captain Richard Pettingell, having as third officer George L. Bray, both of Newburyport, bound from Cardiff to Rio de Janeiro, was captured about fifteen miles from Cape Frio by the pri- vateer Georgia, June 8th, 1863. The cargo belonging to neu- trals, she was released on a ransom bond for $100,000. Ship Sonora of Newburyport, 708 tons, built by John Currier, Jr., and owned in Newburyport by William Cushing, John N. Cushing, Nicholas Johnson, Mary A. Johnson, E. L. B. Wills, William Pritchard, and Thomas Pritchard, com- manded by Captain Lawrence W. Brown, with Isaac N. Colby and Bradford Swap of this city as ofiicers, bound from Hong Kong to Akyab, British India, with a cargo of rice, was cap- tured Nov. 26th, 1863, in latitude 3° N., longitude 103° E., by the Alabama, Captain Semmes, and burned. Claim filed against the Alabama award, $94,514.44. *'"^ Bark Martaban, flying British colors, name changed from Texan Star, Captain Samuel B. Pike of Newburyport master, with a cargo of rice for Singapore, captured and burned by the Alabama near Malacca, Dec. 24th, 1863. Captain Pike and Captain George L. Rogers and Sanmel Stevens of this city part owners. Claim filed, $52,922.25. Brig Roan of Salisbury, Charles E. Phillips of Bridgeport, Me., master, bound for Cow Bay, N.S., in ballast, captured by the privateer Tallahassee off Halifax, N.S., Aug. 20th, 1864, NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 213 and burned. The crew, consisting of Samuel E. Jose, George T. Goldsmith, James E. Lancy, and George A. Merrill, of Newburyport, and Charles Kimball of Georgetown, were taken to Wilmington, N.C., and from there sent to the rebel prison at Sahsbury, N.C., where they remained until March 2d, 1865, when they were paroled. Ship Anna F. Schmidt of Maine, bound from Boston to San Francisco via St. Thomas (whither she had put in, in distress) with an assorted cargo, captured and burned July 2d, 1863, by the Alabama. Captain Moses J. Mulliken of New- buryport part owner. The Geneva tribunal, before which Caleb Gushing of this city, with William M. Evarts of New York, and Morrison R. Waite of Ohio, as counsel for the government, presented the claims of the American citizens against the British govern- ment for damages in allowing the construction and fitting- out of Confederate cruisers in British ports, on the 14th of September, 1872, rendered the following decision: "That Great Britain had failed in her duties as a neutral in the case of the Alabama, Florida, and Shenandoah and their tenders," and allowed to the United States the sum of $15,000,000 in gold. The claims filed for the loss of American vessels and cargoes were as follows: against the Alabama, $7,050,293.76; Florida, $4,057,934.69; Georgia, $431,160.72; Jeff Davis, $7,752.00. Claims filed by owners of Newburyport vessels including cargoes: against the Alabama, $192,712.12; Florida, $916,- 523.49, making a total of $1,109,235.61. DESCRIPTION BY CAPTAIN LAWRENCE W. BROWN OF THE CAPTURE OP THE SHIP SONORA BY THE ALABAMA, CAPTAIN SEMMES. In March, 1863, we were on the berth in New York with the ship Sonora of Newburyport, loading for Melbourne with a general cargo; finished loading and sailed; had forty-five passengers. On third day at sea, when about six hundred miles from New York, discovered four stowaways, all soldiers, deserters from some regiment or regiments that had been on the way "to the front," but changed their minds and became tolerable good sailors. We arrived in good time at our destined port. 214 NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. After a time there, we took some cargo and two hundred and ninety Chinese passengers on board, and sailed for Hong Kong; made the passage in forty-six days, and landed all hands in good order. On arriving we found about twenty-five American ships at anchor, aU snug ^ith light masts and yards sent down, crews discharged, and having the appear- ance of a siege. On making inquiries we found that a strange steamer had put in her appearance in the China Seas, and the ship Contest, laden with a valuable cargo, had been captured, plundered, and burned, said steamer being the Akibama, and said to be a Confederate States priva- teer- therefore there had not been an American ship sail from Hong Kong for several weeks, and ours the first arrival for some time. As we were not on a voyage of discovery looking for privateers, and had a charter to proceed to Akyab, British India, and load rice for Europe, we remained in port ten days, and saUed for Akyab; touched at Singa- pore and landed one hundred Chinese passengers, among which were twenty girls. At Singapore we fell in with a fleet of fifteen to twenty American ships, aU in the same predicament as the Hong Kong fleet; paid off white crew, and shipped colored men; these men were part of the crew of Contest, who were landed at Batavia, and sent up to bmga- pore care of U. S. Consul. In five or six days we were up and at it again; saUed on through Malacca Straits toward Akyab. On the 26th of De- cember in 3° N , 103° E., at 6 a.m. a steamer was m sight, coming up astern, 'steering for us. Mter a short time I saw she was flying a blue British ensign, and had a large number of men on board, and I was qmte satisfied she was the Alabama, and we were to have a mormng call from the great brave (?) individual "Semmes," and expected a great circus was to be our day's entertainment, — and it certainly was so. When the steamer arrived quite near on our starboard beam some three or four boats were launched, filled with men and officers, and came alongside. We had made aU preparations to receive them. An officer came up, and addressed me from the raU,-I was on the house, - asked me ship's name, where from, where bound, and where she belonged. In a certain way he was answered. He said we were a pnze to the Con- federate steamer Alabama, pointing to her, and he was the pnze master. I asked for his name, and invited him to come on board. He came up. I went down in the cabin, and he foUowed me. We had quite an inter- view, and a goodly time was passed, he aU of the time advising me to go at once to "the steamer with my papers," etc. In the meantime a gang were loading their boats with provisions, with which we were well suppUed, and best quality, a great haul for them. Fourteen colored men and ten white boys were placed in one of our boats, and set adrift, with notice, or orders, to keep away from the steamer. Two colored men and my two officers - Isaac N. Colby, 1st officer, and Bradford Swap, 2d officer, both Newburypori) men -were then ordered into our quarter-boat and told to puU to the steamer, which they did A lot of these steamer people were preparing to set fire to the ship ; NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 215 others, officers included, were plundering the ship's cabin; and with dis- putes among these fellows, as to whom such and such a thing belonged, each one having claimed they saw it first, the whole affair was of rather a ridiculous, undignified nature, it seeming to me that they could not have any discipline on board the steamer from which they had pounced down upon us; and had we been captured in the China Seas, or up through the Malacca Straits, by Chinese or Malay pirates, we might have ex- pected about the same treatment as we were getting from these repre- sentatives of the Southern Confederacy. I had been told by this fellow "Armstrong," the prize officer, that the ship would be burned; and more than three times did he tell me that I was getting myself in trouble by not going to the steamer at once. However, after all of our people had gone, and the torch all ready to apply to the kindlings, of tar, oil, etc., an officer told me to go with him in his boat to the steamer, which I did. We were but a few moments in the boat before arrivmg at the port side of the steamer, outside of three or four boats which were being discharged of the spoils which this crowd of two hundred and twenty-eight people had scooped so early in the morning. After getting on deck I noticed this chap had hauled down the British ensign and hoisted what they called the Confederate naval colors. To me the conditions of my surroundings looked like poor dis- cipline and an awful dirty vessel. Some ten or fifteen tons of coals were lying on deck amidships, men standing about in groups, and some lying about the decks. I did not walk aft, although I saw and recognized the bold (?) navigator Semmes near the mizzen-rigging, but passed for- ward on port side, looked at the gvms, bow-chaser, thence aft on star- board side, no one having spoken to me, only when a tall, shabbily dressed fellow spoke as we came alongside, and said, "Captain, you can come up." I merely answered by saying, "That is what I came here to do." My boat was then with the two white and two black men towing at his stem. Crossing the deck to port side well aft, a lanky, tall, cheaply dressed individual approached me, with an extended hand, and said, "Good- morning, Captain Brown." I did not give him my hand, — "the hand of Douglas is his own." He looked at me, probably feeUng msulted, and asked me if I would go down in his cabin. I said I would be pleased to do so. He went below, I followed; had a fine chance to kick him downstairs — but didn't. I was not invited to be seated. He asked my ship's name. I threw my papers on the table, abaft of which he stood, while I stood facing him. He gazed at me, put his glasses on, picked up the big envelope, which contained Register and Crew List, opened the Register, looked at me, sort of sizing me up, and said, "Sonora, she belongs to our enemy. I'll burn her!" I answered, "I don't care if you do. She is well insured in London." —"Where are you from?" "New York." — "Where?" — "New York, via Melbourne and Hong Kong." — "Where are you bound?" — "That is just what I would like to know. You say you will bum her, and she was all ready to be set 216 NEWBUBYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. fire to when I left her. How do I know what comes next?" The fel- low became a little enraged, took a good view of me, and then asked "where I was boimd?" — "To Akyab." Other such questions just as foolish were put to me, all answered in a most pleasing and polite manner. "Of what does your cargo consist?" I could only laugh at him, and answer, "Sand!" He moved from his position, and yelled, "I want no comments, sir! what is your cargo?" I tried to bristle up a little on a different tack, and not as pleasantly told him "I was master of a ship myself an hour since, and always knew how to treat my callers and my passengers;" no comments had been made but by himself, etc. He asked "if I had any money about me?" I then made up my mind he was either a confounded fool or a consummate scoundrel. We were all young fellows, and not really easily scared. An officer, his clerk, was all this time sitting at the table, no others in sight of us. I had a little more to say, and then awaited the result. He handed my papers to the clerk, and he left the cabin. Then this Semmes said to me, "Now, sir," — I took a seat, expecting my sentence, — "I'll give you your choice. You may remain with me eight or ten days, and at the end of that time I will set you down wherever I happen to be, or you may go in your boat!" — "What about my crew?" — "Those niggers are going in their boat!" — "My officers?" — "Are going with your niggers.'' I said, "If those men and officers, that belong to me, and I to them, are to be set adrift here in those boats, your ship is no place for me; my duty is not here. I will go with them, and whatever they may have to go through, I vriUingly will share it with them. They have served me faithfully, and I will never desert from them." He said, "You will have no charts." I answered, "I do not want any." — "No books or nautical instruments of any kind." I again said, "I do not want them; they will be of no use to me here in an open boat, and I will not leave my people under any circumstances. I know my duty." He left the cabin and went on deck. I looked about me, then went on deck, and made remarks with two different officers. They seemed to think they had conquered a fleet of men-of-war instead of one poor innocent merchant ship. It seemed to me like an eagle swooping down on a humming-bird. My boat was searched, and a quadrant belonging to the mate and other articles were passed up on the deck of this bold cruiser. I asked him if we could go now, as it was not safe towing along- side his craft. He said, "You have no water in your boat." I said, "Only that which leaked in." — "Well," he said, "you hang on me, and I'U tow you toward your ship and you can get some." She was then one mass of flames. I looked at him and said, "I never sent a man where I would not go myself, and that is no place for me." He then said, "You can clear out! You are the most impertinent man I have dealt with!" We cut his line, and dropped away from him. There we were, five in the boat ; — and it did seem to me as though I never was so far from home and friends. NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 217 We landed on the Island of Penang, on the afternoon of December 31st. I gave the mates each one-third of the money I managed to save, about $100. Then it was each for himself. The Consul provided for the two sailors. The first mate got down to Singapore, and home from there in a Boston bark, Pearl. Second mate went up to Rangoon in a British ship; left her, and became a pilot; died there some three years afterward, aged twenty-four, and weighed three hundred and fifteen pounds, "the biggest man in Burmah." Consuls have no authority to assist captains; they do not come under the head of seamen. I pro- ceeded in steamer Chabuda, British, to Maulmain, then Rangoon, and thence to Calcutta, where I felt at home. The first white man I met was my brother; we had not met for seven years. I left Calcutta on the 22d day of January, 1864, by way of Madras, Point de Galle, Suez, across to Alexandria; at Cairo called out and inspected the Pjrramids; Malta, Gibraltar, and Southampton; only three hours at Southampton; then in the North German steamship Cimhria to New York; arrived in Newburyport on the afternoon of March 17th, 1864, having experienced a beautiful voyage, and met with some peculiar peoples. REPRESENTATIVE RECRUITS. Governor Andrew promulgated, July 1st, 1864, Circular No. 25, from the Provost-Marshal-General's office in relation to representative recruits, furnished by persons not fit for military duty, and not liable to draft, from age or other causes. Such a personal representative was quite different from the substi- tute furnished by the drafted man or one liable to military duty, and were furnished by patriotic citizens who were not themselves liable to military service : — Such a representative was furnished by Capt. Robert Couch, a ship master of this city. CONTRACT SURGEONS. TALBOT, CHARLES CARROLL. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 28th, 1843. Son of Tristram C. and Sarah Ann Talbot. Appointed Contract Surgeon, Sept. 3d, 1865. Connected with field hospitals and hospital transport George Washington. HUSE, RALPH C, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 21st, 1843. Son of Ralph C. and Sarah S. Huse. Assigned as a Contract Surgeon tO' duty with the 3d Reg. N. Y. Inft., with the regiment in the assault on Fort Fisher, N. C, and seriously wounded Jan. 16th, 1865, by the explosion of a magazine. Sent to hospital at Fortress Munroe,. Va. (See Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inf.) NCWBURYPORT MASS. SKETCH OF FORT AT SALISBURY POINT. t,ZJlfL MAGA ZINCS. Section on A-B. f'^v'-i Section on CD. If « 10 JO JO «« id ■ ■ * ' . . . — (_ SCALCOF SECTIONS '"JOSO' , ^f SCALE Of Pt AN I'j'i ^^' M»' jg»' -ICl. *y NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 219 FORT AT SALISBURY POINT. The fort at the mouth of the Merrimack River on Sahs- bury Point was commenced in 1863, and completed the fol- lowing year. It was locally designated Fort Nichols, in honor of Capt. William Nichols of this city, who commanded the privateer Decatur in the War of 1812. This name, however, was not recognized by the War Department. The location of the fort was 700 feet from Badger's Rocks to embrasm-e No. 7, and 850 feet from embrasure No. 3 to what was at that time high-water mark on the ocean face. The range of gun No. 9 was a little west of north. Neither the scale of the fort nor that of the sections will apply to this cut, as the original sketch was considerably reduced to con- form to the size of the book. The greatest external diameter was from the angle of No. 1 gun to that of No. 7, which was 350 feet. The interior of the bombproof quarters was 90 feet by 12. The accompanying cut shows in plan and sections the completed fort, giving the positions of the guns, the maga- zines, and the bombproof quarters. It was originally intended to mount one 12-pounder siege gun and 9 rifled 32-pounders in the fort; but the armament on June 30th, 1866, and June 30th, 1867, was: one 12-pounder smooth-bore siege gun on a wooden carriage, mounted in barbette on the northeast face; three 8 in. smooth-bore guns, on iron casemate carriages, mounted at embrasures Nos. 1, 2, and 3; three 42-poimder rifled guns on wooden casemate carriages, mounted at em- brasures Nos. 4, 5, and 6. These guns commanded the nar- row entrance to the harbor between Salisbury Point and Plum Island. The embrasures are numbered by the figures 1 to 9. After the completion of the fort, its garrison con- sisted of a sergeant and a small number of men sent from other fortifications along the coast. 220 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. SKETCH OF THE COMPANIES RECRUITED IN NEWBURY- PORT FOR THREE YEARS' SERVICE. FORTIETH REGIMENT NEW YORK INFANTRY (MOZART regiment). This regiment, to which four companies from Massa- chusetts — one each from Newburyport, Cambridge, Milford, and Lawrence — were attached, was organized at Yonkers, N.Y., June 27th, 1861, to serve for three years. Company B was organized in this city, and known as the National Guards. The regiment left New York July 4th, and was assigned to Gen. Phil Kearney's Brigade, which subsequently became a part of the Third Army Corps. It took part in the Peninsular campaign under General McClellan, and remained in the Army of the Potomac during its term of service. It sustained an unusual loss in battle, and in its number of killed stands next to the head in the hst of New York infantry regiments. Its aggregate membership was large, owing to transfers from other regiments. The casualties in the regiment were: killed and mortally wounded, 238; died of disease, accidents, etc., 127; died in Confederate prisons, 45; total, 410. The original members of the regiment were mustered out in July, 1864. The official list of battles in which the regiment bore an honorable part is as follows : — Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., Fair Oaks, Va., Glen- dale, Va., Malvern Hill, Va., Second Bull Run, Va., Chan- tilly, Va., Fredericksburg, Va., Chancellorsville, Va., Gettys- burg, Pa., Mine Run, Va., Wilderness, Va., Spottsylvania, Va., North Anna, Va., Tolopotomy, Va., Cold Harbor, Va., Petersburg, Va., Strawberry Plains, Va., Poplar Spring Church, Va., Deep Bottom, Va., Boydton Road, Va., Siege of Peters- burg, Va. NBWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 221 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY. This regiment was recruited at Camp Schonler, Lynnfield, during the summer of 1861, and with the exception of two companies was recruited in Essex County. Company A, known at the time of recruiting as the "City Greys," was from Newburyport. The regiment left the State August 23d for Baltimore, Md., forming part of the forces under General Dix. In the spring of 1862 it was transferred to New Berne, N.C., and remained in that department until the close of the war. It was mustered out of service July 11th, 1865. Total membership of regiment during its term of service: officers, 88; enlisted men, 1,658; aggregate, 1,746. The casualties were: killed and died of wounds, 19; died of disease or acci- dent, 87; died as prisoners, 51; total, 157. The following is a list of the engagements in which the regi- ment participated : — New Berne, N.C., Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Kinston, N.C. Washington, N.C, Whitehall, N.C, Wise's Fork, N.C, Golds- boro, N.C. THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY. The Thirty-fifth Regiment was organized at Lynnfield, and left the State Aug. 22d, 1862. Company B was recruited by Capt. Albert W. Bartlett, and left the State as color com- pany. After a short stay at Arlington Heights, it was assigned to the second brigade, second division. Ninth Army Corps, commanded by Gen. A. E. Burnside. It participated in the Maryland campaign under General McClellan, and after the battle of Fredericksburg in 1862 it went to Newport News, Va. From there it was sent to join General Burnside in the department of Ohio, and assigned to duty in the interior of Kentucky. In June, 1863, it joined General Grant's forces at Vicksburg, Miss., when after its surrender, July 4th, 1863, it followed General Johnston from the Big Black River to Jack- son, investing the city. Returning to Kentucky August 14th it moved with the Corps to Knoxville, Tenn., and was in the city during the siege by General Longstreet's forces. In April, 1864, 222 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. the regiment returned with the Corps to the Army of the Potomac, taking part in the advance from the Wilderness to Petersburg under General Grant. During the siege it took an active part at the crater July 30th. After the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox, the regiment was sent to Alex- andria, Va., where it remained until the grand review at Washington, May 23d, 1865. On June 9th the regiment was mustered out of service, and arrived in Boston June 13th. The following is a list of the engagements in which the regi- ment participated : — South Mountain, Md., Antietam, Md., Fredericksburg, Ya., Vicksburg, Miss., Jackson, Miss., Campbell's Station, Tenn., Siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Spottsylvania, Va., North Anna River, Va., Cold Harbor, Va., Bethesda Church, Va., Siege of Petersburg, Va., Petersburg Mine, Va., Weldon Railroad, Va., Poplar Spring Church, Va., Jones House, Petersburg, Va., Fort Sedgwick, Va. Present at White Sulphur Springs, Va., Wilderness, Va., Hatcher's Run, Va., and Fort Mahone, Va. The total membership of the regiment during its term of service was 1,526 officers and enlisted men; 148 of the number were killed in action or died of wounds; 68 died of disease, etc., and 33 died in Confederate prisons. The total killed and wounded in the regiment was 539 men. Casualties in Company B (Newburyport Company). Original membership of company: officers and enlisted men, 99; killed or died of wounds, 11; died of disease, etc., 4; discharged for wounds, 15; transferred to V. R. Corps, 9; discharged for disability, 32; transferred to Regular Army, 1; resigned commissions, 2; deserted, 4; leaving 21 members who were discharged at the end of the war. In addition to the 138 men in the regiment credited to Newburyport, the city furnished eleven more men who were, with three exceptions, counted on the quota of Newburyport, making the aggregate of 149 officers and men belonging to this city who served in the regiment. From this mrniber, 15 were killed in action or died of wounds, 7 died of disease, etc., and 36 were wounded in action; 33 served until the end of the war. NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. 223 NUMBER OF MEN FURNISHED BY NEWBURYPORT. The number of men called for from Newburyport during the war was twelve hundred and ninety-three (1,293). Those who so promptly responded to the first call of the President in April, 1861, and were mustered into the United States service for three months, and those who served for ninety and one hundred days, were not counted on the quota of the city, f The city sent to the field, not including those in the 40th New York Infantry (Mozart), thirteen hundred and sixty-three (1,363) men, which according to credits allowed by the Department was seventy (70) men more than she was required to furnish. To ascertain more correctly the number of men which the city actually furnished during the war, and for whom she should have received credit, there should be added to the 1,363 men credited to her, the 101 men in Company B, 40th New York Infantry (Mozart), whose credits were transferred by the War Department from New York to Massachusetts in 1863; also the 35 men enlisted after the city's quota for 1862 had been filled, and who by a ruling of the Provost-Marshal- General were not allowed to count on the next quota, and the 12 recruits sent to camp under the call for October 17th, 1863, in excess of the contingent called for and for whom no credits were given. We find the aggregate number of men fur- nished by the city to have been 1,511, which was an excess of 218 men over all demands made upon the city during the war. AMOUNT EXPENDED BY NEWBURYPORT. From the History of Massachusetts in the Civil War by Adjutant-General Schouler, we find that the amount of money appropriated and expended by the city on account of the war, exclusive of State Aid, was $123,817.89. In addition to this, $6,300.00 were voluntarily contributed by private citizens. The amount of money raised and expended by the city in the payment of State Aid to the families of volunteers during the four years of the war, and afterwards reimbursed by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $6,322.45; in 1862, $25,000.00; in 1863, $35,988.25; in 1864, $27,000.00; in 1865, $16,000.00 ; total amount, $110,310.70. 224 NEWBUEYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1865. NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS. From the departure of the first company from Newburyport in April, 1861, to the disbanding of the army in 1865, the Daily Herald printed communications from the various locations in both the Army and Navy in which the soldiers and sailors from Newburyport were situated. The earliest of these letters were from " Essex," who was with the 8th Mass. Infantry from Mas- sachusetts to Washington, and later in the Department of the Gulf. Letters signed "A," who was a member of Company A, 17th Mass. Infantry, were continuous from early in 1861 until 1864. Communications signed " J. D. P." and " E. L. D." were from graduates of the Herald office who served with the 23d Mass. Infantry in North Carolina. The following will show who the regular or occasional corre- spondents to the Herald were during the war period : — Essex. Capt. George Creasey, 8th and 30th Mass. Inft. " A ". Joseph Alley, Jr., Co. A, 17th Regt. Mass. Inft. J. D. P. John D. Parsons, Co. I, 23d Regt. Mass. Inft. D. P. M. Col. David P. Muzzey, 3d Regt. Mass. Cav. O. Ogden H. Smith, West Newbury, 19th Regt. Mass. Inft. B. R. K. Benjamin R. Knapp, Correspondent Chicago Tribune. H. A. S. Henry Atkins Stone, Sergt.-Maj., 8th Regt. Me. Inf. E. L. D. Edward L. Davenport, Sergt. Co. I, 23d Regt. Mass. Inft. M. O. H. M. Otis HaU, Pay Dept., U. S. Navy. " B ". Capt. Wmiam H. Bent, 35th Regt. Mass. Inft. S. C. P. Stephen C. Pearson, Co. B, 40th New York Inft. W. F. C. WUliam F. Chase, Acting Master, U. S. N. 0. S. B. Rev. O. S. Butler. H. W. M. Capt. Henry W. Moulton, 32d Regt. Mass. Inft. A. P. Ariel Peabody, Sergt. 2d, U. S. Sharpshooters (Berdan's). 1. S. C. Isaac S. Cushman, Chap. 33d Regt. Mass. Inf. H. H. F. Henry H. Foster, Capt. 40th Regt. N. York Inft. M. F. C. Moses F. Carr, West Newbury, Co. A, 19th Regt. Mass. Inft. W. A. G. wmiam A. Goodwin, Co. A, 8th Regt. Inft., M.V.M. M. S. Moses Sweetser, Army Sutler. Wellwood. Calvin M. Woodward, Capt. Co. A, 48th Regt. Inft., M.V.M. Yankee. James W. Coffin, Gunboat Seneca, U. S. N. J. B. R. John B. Reed, Co. B., 40th Regt. New York Inft. (Mozart). NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1805. 225 T. E. C. Thomas E. Cutter, Q.-M. 35th Regt. Mass. Inft. C. H. C. Charles H. Coffin, Co. F, 1st Regt. Mass. Inft. I. C. Irving R. Clark, Corp. Co. F, 27th Regt. Mass. Inft. L. C. Leverett C. Clark, Co. F., 27th Regt. Mass. Inft. A. H. F. Andrew H. Frame, Co. A, 35th Regt. Mass. Inft. G. Adolphus W. Greeley, Co. B, 19th Regt. Mass. Inft. Shooter. William H. P. Howard, Corp. Co. A., 23d Regt. Mass. Inft. B. C. C. Benjamin C. Crabtree, Co. B, 35th Regt. Mass. Inft. ARMY NURSES. The only representative of this class of noble, patriotic, and self-sacrificing women from our city during the war, was Mrs. Sarah E. Smith, daughter of Jeremiah and Abigail Downs, who devoted several months of faithful and earnest work in caring for the sick and wounded soldiers in the army hospitals. Mrs. Smith was born in 1831; died January 2d, 1873, buried on New Hill. VETERAN RESERVE CORPS. The organization of the Invalid or Veteran Reserve Corps was begun in April, 1863, by which it was proposed to retain the services for garrison, hospital and provost duty, of that class of deserving officers and men, who from wounds received in action or disease contracted in the service, were unfit for further duty in the field, and who would otherwise be dis- charged, but were still able to perform fight duty ; also to bring back for like purposes, those who had previously been discharged as unfit for active service, and not liable to draft. The Corps numbered June 1st, 1865, 762 commissioned officers, and 29,852 enlisted men, many of whom remained in the service long after the close of the war. Individual Records OF MEN WHO SERVED TO THE CREDIT OF NEWBURYPORT IN THE ARMY AND NAVY. 228 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. EXPLANATORY. The following pages embrace the individual records of those who served in the Army and Navy to the credit of Newbury- port during the rebellion — a list of those killed in action or died of wounds, and so far as it has been possible to ascertain, the names of those wounded in battle — a list of commissioned oflficers from Newburyport with the highest rank attained during their term of service, also the records of many natives and long residents of the city who served to the credit of other states, or to other cities and towns in our own state. Finally, the roster of the Gushing Guards, Gompany A, 8th Reg. of Inft., M. V. M. United States Volunteers, in the war with Spain. ABBREVIATIONS. A. C. Army Corps. Mass. Massachusetts. Actg. Acting. Mus. Mustered. Asst. Assistant. M.V.M. Mass. Volvmteer Militia. Bat'In Battalion. Nat. Cem . National Cemetery. Bur. Buried. Ord. Ordinary. Capt. Captain. Priv. Private. Cav. Cavalry. Q. M. Quartermaster. Co. Company. Recvg. Receiving. Col. Colonel. Re-enlis. Re-enlisted. Commis . Commissioned. Regt. Regiment. Cred. Credited. Res. Residence. Dep. Department. Sea. Seaman. Disab. Disability. Sergt. Sergeant. Disch. Discharged. Sqdn. Squadron. Enlis. Enlisted. S. S. Sharpshooters. Exp. Expiration. Transf. Transferred. Genl. General. Unat. Unattached. G. 0. General Order. U. S. A. United States Army. H. A. Heavy Artillery. U. S. N. United States Navy. Inft. Infantry. V. R. C. Veteran Reserve Corps. Lands. Landsman. Vols. Volunteers. L. Art. Light Artillery, Wds. Wounds. Lieut. Lieutenant. Yrs. Years. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OF MEN CREDITED TO NEWBURYPORT. ARMY. ADAMS, SELWYN POOR. Born at Bradford, Mass., Sept. 13th, 1833. Son of Samuel and Sarah B. Adams. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. Aug. 6th, 1862, mus. Corp. Co. B., 35th Reg. Mass. Inf., Aug. 11th, 1862, for 3 yrs. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 1st, 1862. First Sergt. Aug. 1st, 1864. Present at the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, Md., Sulphur Springs and Fredericksburg, Va., 1862. Detailed Sergt. Headqtr. Guard, May, 1863, Siege of Knoxville, Tenn. Sent to hospital Aug. 15th, 1864. Ret. to reg., Feb. 8th, 1865. In front of Petersburg, Va., 1865. Disch. with reg., June 9th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 21st, 1895, biu*. on New HiU.* ADAMS, DAVID J., Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 10th, 1844. Son of David J. and Sarah C. Adams. Enlis. May 2d, mus. May 3d, Priv. 3d imat. Co. Inf., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. Died May 25th, 1881, bur. at Newbury. ADAMS, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted Dec. 22d, 1862. ADAMS. JOSEPH E. Res. Newburyport. Mus. Priv. in 20th Reg. Mass. Inft., March 3d, 1862. Died at Raleigh, N.C., Aug. 8th, 1865. Buried in Na- tional Cemetery at Raleigh, N.C., Section 6, Grave No. 6. ADAMS, PHILIP TYLER. Born at Newbury, Mass., July 5th, 1842. Son of Philip D. and Ruth (Cofiin) Adams. Enlis. as Priv., Aug. 2l8t, and mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, m Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. En- gagements at Plain's Store and siege of Port Hudson, La., 1863. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. of term. ADAMS, HAZEN MICHAEL. Born at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 18th, 1832. Son of Asa and Nancy L. Adams. Mus. Priv. May 3d, 1864. 3d Unat. Co. M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty Forts Lee and Pickering, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. of term. AHERN, THOMAS. Bom County of Cork, Ireland, 1830. Son of Morrisy and Catharine Ahern. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, * Now known as Highland Cemetery. 229 230 NBWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. for 3 yrs. In engagements at Trenton, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, N.C., 1862; Blount's Mills, Washmgton, N.C., 1863s Raleigh and Kinston, N.C., 1865. Disch. Jan. 4th, 1864, to re-enlis. Mus. Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. in same company. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. AKERMAN, JOHN OLIVER. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 13th, 1838. Son of Oliver M. and EUzabeth Akerman. Enlis. Aug. 9th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, 1862, injured and sent to hospital. Disch. for disab. by order of Gen. Brown, Jan. 27th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Mass., March 15th, 1895, bur. at Oak Hill Cemetery. ALBEE, JAMES H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Hallowell, Me. Son of Hiram and Lucinda Albee. Mus. Priv., Oct. 21st, 1862, Co. E, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in the Louisiana campaign. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. ALLEN, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, March 17th, 1819. Son of John and Mary M. Allen. Enlis. Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862. Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in Lou- isiana. Wounded in left hand at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863, Disch. with company, Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. ALLEY, JOSEPH, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Mass., March 9th, 1832. Son of Joseph and Lucy B. Alley. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In engagements at Kinston, Trenton, Little Washington, Goldsboro, Whitehall, and Swift Creek Bridge, N.C. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus., Sept. 9th, 1864, in 13th Co. V. R. Corps. Disch. Nov. 15th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 9th, 1870, buried on New Hill. AMBROSE, JOHN BENNETT. Born at Boston, 1838. Son of Richard and Ann Ambrose. Enlis. April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gush- ing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington, guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Oliio R. R. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 1st, 1861. Re-enlis. and mus. as Priv., Sept. 3d, 1861, 1st Co. Mass. S. S., for 3 yrs. Absent since Sept. 17th, 1862. Dropped from the rolls, Aug. 15th, 1863, Adjt.-Genl.'s Report. ANDERSON, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born at Pictou, N.S., April 23d, 1827. Son of Robert and Jane (Cassidy) Anderson. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, as Priv. Co. B, 3.5th Reg. Mass. Inft. for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Mountain, An- tietam, Sulphur Springs, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Promoted Corporal Oct. 26th, 1863. Campbell's Station, Tenn., and INDIVIDFAL RECORDS, ARMY. 231 wounded in hand Nov. 16th, 1863, Siege of Knoxville, Tenn. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 9th, 1864. Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, Va., Mine at Petersburg and wounded through both legs July 30th, 1864. Sent to Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D.C., Aug. 1st, 1864. Trans, to Vet. R. Corps. Disch. Aug. 9th, 1865, end of war. Died in Newbury- port, Sept. 4th, 1894. ANDREWS, EDMUND Q. Res. Newburyport. Born at Essex, Mass., April 29th, 1842. Son of William A. and Esther B. Andrews. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 1st, mus. Jime 19th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N.Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), Vol., for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, May 5th, Fair Oaks, and wounded June 1st, 1862. Hospital at David's Island, N.Y. harbor. Fur- loughed July 5th, 1862, for 30 days. Rejoined regt. Disch. for disab. Sept. 14th, 1862. Re-enUs. in Co. B, 1st Reg., V. R. C, at Washington, D.C., May 6th, 1864, and credited to Worcester, Mass. Disch. Aug. 2d, 1866. Services no longer required. ANDREWS, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Born at Blue Hill, Me., Sept. 29th, 1826. Son of Jeremiah E. and Mary Jane Andrews. Enlis. at New- buryport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagements at South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded. Sent to U.S. Genl. Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Disch. for woimds, Feb. 19th, 1863, by order of Maj.-Genl, Schenck. Died at Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 28th, 1895, bur. in Newburyport, Oak HQl. APT, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born at Digby, N.S., Oct. 20th, 1828. Son of Jacob and EUzabeth Apt. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, 1862. Disch. for disability at McKim's Mansion Hospital, Baltimore, Md., Jan. 22d, 1863, by order of Maj.-Genl. Schenck. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE A. Born at Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 17th, 1842. Son of George W. and Caroline (Barber) Armstrong. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 29th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. in Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Burnside's expedition to North Caro- lina, 1862, New Berne, Kinston, wounded in right leg at Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. Taken prisoner at Cold Harbor, Va. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term of service. ARMITAGE, CHARLES E. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, 1844. Son of George and Elizabeth Armitage. Enlis. at Newbxiryport, May 2d, and mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass., during term of service. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. 232 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. ASH, DAVID B. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 2d, 1841. Son of David C. and Sarah C. Ash. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. En- gagements at Ball's Bluff, Yorktown, West Point, Fair Oaks. Wounded June 25th, 1862, right arm amputated. Died at New York, July 25th, 1862, bur. at Cyprus Hill, National Cemetery, N.Y,, Grave No. 258. ATKINSON, JOHN WILLIAM. Bom at Newbury, Feb. 16th, 1838. Son of Josiah Little and Elizabeth Atkinson. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. Jime 27th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. New York Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Engagements, Siege of Yorktown, WUliamsburg, May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, Front of Rich- mond, White Oak Swamp, Jvme 30th, Frazier's Farm, Malvern Hill, July 1st, Bull Rim, Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Sept. 1st, and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862. Disch. June 27th, 1864. Exp. term from Co. C. ATKINSON, WILLIAM BARTLETT. Bom at Newburyport, April 20th, 1842. Son of John and Hannah (Bartlett) Atkinson. Mus. Sept. 26th, 1862, priv. Co. A, 45th Reg. Inft., M.V.M., for 9 mo. In the following en- gagements, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Golds- boro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Disch. July 7th, 1863. Exp. term of service. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 26th, 1895, bur. on Oak Hill. ATKINSON, ALBERT J. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 6th, 1838. Son of Michael and Emeline Atkinson. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass., during term of service. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. ATWOOD, CHARLES M. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 10th, 1842. Adopted son of Thomas and Adeline Atwood. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 20th, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. New York Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 5rrs., 3d and 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Pro- moted Corporal Oct., 1862, Sergt.-Maj., Nov., 1863, but wounded before receiving warrant. In battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, Cross Keys, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Chantilly, Kelley's Ford, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862. Wounded in left shoulder at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27th, 1863. Disch. June 15th, 1864, in New York City, by Capt. Henry A. Ellis, 17th U.S. Inft., mustering officer. ATWOOD, GEORGE H. Born at West Newbury, Mass., Feb. 8th, 1846. Son of Jabez and Margaret A. (Foster) Atwood. Mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Army of the Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term of service. Died at Newburyport, May 12th, 1864, bur. at Newbury. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 233 ATWOOD, CHARLES. Age 42 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mua. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Deserted Aug. 24th, 1862. AUBIN, THOMAS. Bom at Newbury, Mass., 1843. Son of Thomas and Phoebe Aubin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H. (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M.V.M., 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. AUBIN, JOHN. (Adjt.-Genl. Records says John Austin, Aubin correct). Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., in 1831. Son of John and Martha (Ball), Aubin. Mus. Nov. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 31st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of the Gulf. Disch. for disab. Feb. 28th, 1862. Died Nov. 8th, 1882, bur. at Newbury, Mass. AUSTIN, ALBERT F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bradford, Vt., Nov. 30th, 1840. Son of Moody and Abigail C. (Martin) Austin. EnUs. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Color-Sergt. With regiment at Trenton, Kinston, Goldsboro, N.C., 1862. Provost guard duty at New Berne, N.C., Jan., 1863, Blount's Creek, Winton, 1863. Re-enlis. for 3 yrs., mus. in same company Jan, 5th, 1864. Engagements at Batchelder's Creek, Washington, Goldsboro 2d. N.C., 1864, Raleigh, N.C., 1865. Disch. with regiment, July 11th, 1865, end of war. Died at Haverhill, Mass., April 9th, 1880, bur. at Newburyport. AUSTIN, BENJAMIN. (Correct name, Benjamin M. Austin.) Res. Newbury- port. Bom at Pepperell, Mass., July 12th, 1837. Son of Moody and Abi- gail C. (Martin) Austin. Mus. Nov. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. C. 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Engagement at Williams- burg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Sent to Adams House Hospital, Baltunore, Md., May 6th, 1862. Disch. for disab. March 24th, 1863. AUSTIN, JOHN A. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 7th, 1846. Son of George H. and Hannah (Eaton) Austin. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 16th, mus. Priv. in 12th Unat. Co. Mass. H. A., subsequently 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., Nov. 20th, 1863, for 3 yrs. With Co. at Winter Island, Salem Harbor, and Regt. at Fort, Landers Lincoln, and Reno, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 18th, 1865. AYERS, CHARLES LEONARD. Bom at Portsmoutli, N.H., Jan. 1st, 1838. Son of Charles W. and Martha Ayres. Res. Newburyport. 2d Lieut. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M. Mus. May 3d, 1864, for 90 days. Gar- rison duty at Forts Pickering and Lee, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Mus. out Aug. 5, 1864. Commissioned 2d Lieut., 27th Unat. Co. Mass. H. A. (subsequently Co. M. 4th Reg. Mass. H. A.) Aug. 18th, 1864, 234 NEWBUEYPORT EST THE CIVIL WAR. for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Whipple and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Mus. out June 17th, 1865, end of war. BACKUS, JOSEPH H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Hyannis, Mass., Jan. 7th, 1829. Son of Joseph and Tryphosa (Lawrence) Backus. Mus. Oct. 5th, 1861, Musician in band of 22d Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 11th, 1862, at Harrison's Landing, Va., by Genl. Order War Dep., discharging regimental bands. BAHAN, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport, age 21 years. Enlis. Sept. 12th, mus. Sept. 15th, as Priv. Co. A, (Cushmg Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862 to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term of service. BALL, EDWIN. Enlis. and mus. as Priv. in Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 15th, 1864. Credited to Newburyport, receiving $325 bounty. Sent to Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor, ret. to Newburyport on leave. De- serted and went to Canada. Previously served in Co. I, 6th Vt. Inft. and Salem Cadets, and honorably discharged. BALLOU, FREDERICK D. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Mass., July 25th, 1843. Son of William and Elizabeth A. Ballou. Enlis. May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. New York Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 jts, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engage- ments, Siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th; Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st; White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th; Charles City Crossroads, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st; 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862; and taken prisoner, sent to Richmond, Va., paroled, died June 21st, 1863, at Camp Parole Hospital, Annapolis, Md., bur. at AnnapoHs, Md. BALLOU, EDWARD F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, July 2d, 1841. Son of William and Elizabeth A. Ballou. Enlis. May 1st, mus. Jxme 14th, 1861, Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. New York Inf. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disability June, 1861, at Williamsburg, N.Y. (See Naval Record, cred. to Roxbury, Mass. BAMFORD, JOSEPH ALEXANDER, Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 13th, 1827. Son of Joseph A. and Lucy E. Bamford. Mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, (Cushing Guards) 8th Reg. Inf., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term of service. Re-enUs. in Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Trans, to U.S. Navy, Jan. 9th, 1864, at Port Royal, S.C. Disch. Aug. 26th, 1865, from the South Carolina. Died at North Cohasset, Mass., Dec. 25th, 1876, bur. at Newburyport on New Hill. ESfDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 235 BARKER, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Born at Methuen, Mass., Jan. 10th, 1830. Son of Elisha and Charlotte (Emery) Barker. Mus. 1st Lieut, of Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. One of the first to leave Newburyport on the morning of April 16th, 1861. With the regiment from Annapolis to Washington, April, 1861. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R. R., mus. out Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Commissioned 1st Lieut. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., mus. Feb. 20th, 1862. Mus. Captain Oct. 22d, 1863. Dept. of the Gulf, 19th Army Corps. With regt. at New Orleans, La. En- gagement at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Port Hudson Campaign under Genl. Banks, engaged at Plain's Store, May 21st, Port Hudson, May 29th, Donaldson ville, La., July 13th, 1863. Shenandoah VaUey under Gen. Sheridan, Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, Va., 1864. With regiment in South Carolina, 1865. Disch. with regiment, July 5th, 1866. The last Mass. regiment mustered out of the United States service. BARLOW, JOSEPH. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 1st, 1833. Son of James R. and Emeline Barlow. Enlis. April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo., one of the first to leave Newburyport on the morning of April 16th. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington, D.C., April, 1861. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re- enhs., Sept. 23d, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf., for 3 yrs. Bumside's expedition to N.C. Promoted Corporal, Oct. 26th, 1863, sergt., Oct. 19th, 1864. Commissioned 2d Lieut., June 2d, 1865, not mus. In engagements Roanoke Island, New Berne, Kinston, Whitehall, and Goldsboro, N.C, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. in same company as Sergt., Dec. 3d, 1863. At Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, and Siege of Petersburg, Va., 1864. Disch. as Sergt., June 25th, 1865, with regiment, end of war. BARLOW, FRANKLIN. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 14th, 1844. Son of James R. and Emeline Barlow. Mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 \ts. In the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Jan. 7th, 1864, for disab. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 16th, 1864, as Priv. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inft. Credited to Lowell, Mass. Disch. May 18th, 1865, end of war. BARNES, JAMES L. Res. Newburyport, age 24 yrs. Enlis., and mus. Aug. 13th, 1862, Priv. in Co. A, 18th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Army of the Potomac, 5th Army Corps. Engagements, Second Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. BARNES, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Born in England, April 12th, 1830. Son of John and Betsey Barnes. Enlis. Sept. 12th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty 236 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863, with regiment. Exp. term. BARRETT, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. Dec. 11th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted, Dec. 22d, 1862. BARTLETT, ALBERT WOOD. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 18th, 1832. Son of Joseph and Joanna (Jackman) Bartlett; left Newburyport on the morning of April 16th, 1861, in command of the first troops (Gushing; Guards) to leave the city. Mus. Captain, April 30th, 1861, Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington, D.C. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Mus. out Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. of term. Recruited a company and mus. Captain of Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Aug. 8th, 1862. Served in the 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Present at the battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th. Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and killed in action at "Bumside's Bridge." Body brought to Newburyport and buried in Oak HiU Cemetery, Lot No. 557. BARTLETT, EDWARD FRANCIS. Born at NewburjT^ort, May 30th, 1835 . Son of Joseph and Joanna (Jackman) Bartlett. Enlis. Priv. Sept. 12th, mus. Sergt. Sept. 15th, 1862, Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V.;M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. with regiment Aug. 7th, 1863, exp. term. Mus. Sergt. Co. H, 60th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. With regiment guarding camp of rebel prisoners at In- dianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. BARTLETT, HORACE W. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 2d, 1839. Son of Horace W. and Ann M. (Currier) Bartlett. Enlis. April 15th, mus. AprU 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington, D.C. Guard duty on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861, exp. term. Re-enhs. as Priv., Aug. 7th, mus. Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 }Ts. Left at Lynnfield, Mass., never joined regiment. Disch. March 4th, 1863, by order of Lieut.-Col. Samuel W. KeUey, U.S.A. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 19th, 1881, bur. on Oak Hill. BARTLETT, MOSES C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Amesbury, Mass., June 21st, 1826. Son of Samuel B. and Rebecca C. Bartlett. Enhs. April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. With regiment from Annapolis to Wasliington, D.C. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 1st, 1861, exp. term. Re-enUs. as Priv. Aug. 7th, 1862, mus. Sergt. Aug. 11th, 1862, Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 237 Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Appointed Color Sergt. Aug. 21st, 1862. In battle of South Mountain. Woimded in foot at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Returned to regiment, March, 1863. At Vicksburg, Miss., Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Promoted 1st Sergt. Sept. 13th, 1863. Campbell's Station and Siege of Knoxville, Tenn., 1863. Spott- sylvania. North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and Siege of Petersburg, Va., 1864. Mine before Petersburg and killed July 30th, 1864. Buried on the field. All bodies of Union soldiers bur. at this point, removed [in 1866, to National Cemetery, at Poplar Grove Church, near Petersburg, BARTLETT, MOSES. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rowley, Mass., 1839. Son of George and Betsey C. Bartlett. Mus. 1st Sergt. Co. A, 1st Bat- talion Mass. H. A., Feb. 25th, 1862, for 3 yrs. Commissioned 2d Lieut. Feb. 18th, 1864. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., until Dec. 24th, 1864. Frontier duty at Champlain, N.Y., until May 13th, 1865. Mus. out June 29th, 1865, end of war. BARTLETT, WILLIAM HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 30th, 1843. Son of Henry A. and Hannah Bishop Bartlett. Mus. Priv. in Co. A 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Corporal Sept., 1862, Sergt. Dec. 11th, 1862. Engaged in assault on Port Hud- son, May 21st, 27th, and June 14th, 1863. Re-enlis. July 25th, 1863, in Co. B, Headqrs. Troops Dept. of Gulf. In command of Guard at Headqrs. Pay Dept. at New Orleans. Disch. July 30th, 1864. Exp. term. BARTLETT, JOSEPH WARREN. Bom at Newbury, Mass., April 5th, 1842. Son of Jonathan and Sarah Bartlett. Mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in Dept. of Gulf, Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BARTLETT, JAMES W. Bora at Amesbury, Mass. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 25th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, Dec. 29th, 1862, Sergt., Nov. 1st, 1863, 1st Sergt. April 1st, 1864. En- gagements, South Mountain, Antietam, and wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862; Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss., Knoxville, Tenn. ; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 18th, 1864. Died at Morrison House Hospital, Alexandria, Va., June 6th, 1864. BARTLETT, NICHOLAS W. Bora at Newbury, Mass., Nov. 20th, 1825. Son of Jonathan and Sarah (Bartlett) Bartlett. Enlis. Sept. 12, mus. Wagoner, Sept. 15th, 1862, Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Lynn, Mass., June 26, 1895, bur. on New Hill, Newburyport. 238 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. BATCHELDER, JOSEPH C. Bom at Newbury, Aug. 7th, 1835. Son of David Clark and Mary T. (Randall) Batchelder. Enlis. April 15th, mus. Corporal April 30th, 1861, Co. A. (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Infb., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Detailed as fireman on Annapolis and Elkridge R.R. Rejoined regi- ment at Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Subsequently in U.S. Navy. (See Naval Record.) Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, April 11th, 1890, bur. at Newburyport, New Hill. BATCHELDER, AUGUSTUS H. Bom at Newburyport, July 2d, 1842. Son of Thomas L. and Ruth W. Batchelder. Enlis. Aug. 8th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, woimded at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Disch. Nov. 21st, 1862, by Col. S. H. .\llen, Military Gov. of Marjdand, for disab. Re-enlis. and mus., March 12th,|1864, Priv. Co. H, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Adjt.-Gen.'s office says, deserted and never returned. BATCHELDER, ALBERT R. Bom at Newburyport, AprU 6th, 1845. Son of Thomas L. and Ruth W. Batchelder. Mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Sent to Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Munroe, Va., from transport De Witt (Minion, by order of regi- mental Surgeon. After recovery detailed for guard duty at hospital in Hampton, Va. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BATCHELDER, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom at East Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 8th, 1822. Son of Ephraim and Lydia (Chase) Batchelder. Enlis. Sept. 12th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Musician Co. A, (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. BATCHELDER, JOHN WOODBURY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Deer- field, N.H., May 15th, 1842. Son of John B. and Rhoda Batchelder. Enlis. Sept. 12th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A. (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Sent to hospital at Roanoke Island, N.C., Dec. 23d, 1862. Detailed for hospital work, Jan. 20th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863, at Wenham, Mass. Exp. term. Died at Haver- hill, Mass., May 27th, 1894, bur. on New Hill, Newburyport. BATTELLE, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Athol, Mass., June 27, 1837. Son of Phineas P. and Ahnina (Symonds) Battelle. Enlis. May 1, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N.Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign in 1862. Re-enlis. for 3 yrs. as a INDIVIDUAL EECORDS, ARMY. 23^ Veteran, Dec. 29th, 1863. Trans, to Co. C. Taken prisoner at Spott- sylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864; confined at Florence, S.C, and Ander- sonville, Ga. Paroled Dec, 1864. Returned to regiment, April 17th, 1865. Disch. with company, June 27th, 1865. BAXTER, SAMUEL. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., May 13th, 1828. Son of Jonathan and Maria C. (Shepley) Baxter. Enlis. April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, 1st Sergt. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. One of the first of the company to leave Newburyport on the morning of April 16th, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington, D.C. Guard duty at Relay House on Balti- more & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Aug. 3d, mus. Aug. 22d, 1861, Sergt.-Major 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of Potomac. Commissioned 2d Lieut. Nov. 29th, 1861. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Resigned Aug. 1st, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Feb. 4th, 1864, Sergt.-Major 57th Mass. Inft., 9th Army Corps, Army of Potomac. Credited to Boston. Disch. July 30th, 1865, end of war. BAYLEY, JOHN R. Bom at Newbur>-port, Feb. 28th, 1838. Son of Robert and Elizabeth R. (Barbour) Bayley. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to Columbia College Hospital, Washington, D.C, Sept. 18th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Dec. 22d, 1862, by order of Col. H. Day. BEALES, WESLEY L. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. and mus. Aug. 10th, 1864, Priv, Co. G, 29th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 years, Army of the Poto- mac. Substitute for John E. Merritt. Disch. for disab. June 22d, 1865. BEAN, FRANCIS HIRAM. Bom at Laconia, N.H., April 29th, 1840. Son of Hiram and Elizabeth F. Bean. Res. Newburyport. Mus. Oct. 1st, 1861, Priv, Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 >ts. Promoted Corporal, Aug, 19th, 1862, Sergt. July 1st, 1864. With regiment in North Carolina. En- gagements, Roanoke Island, New Berne, Southwest Creek, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Wilcox Bridge, N.C., 1862, Trenton and Palmer's Creek, 1864, Drury's Bluff, Va., Cold Harbor, Va., Petersburg, Va., Jiily 10th, 1864. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term, BECKETT, JAMES. Res. Newburyport, occupation, spinner. Enlis. Dec. 25th, mus. Dec. 26th, 1861, Priv. 6th Mass. Battery L. A., 19th Army Corps, Gulf Dept. Disch. Jan. 5th, 1864, to re-enlis. in same battery as a Veteran. Deserted May 20th, 1864, at Boston, Mass. BENNETT, EDWARD T. Res. Newburj-port. Age 21 years. Mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf, 240 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. 19th Army Corps. Engagements, Plain's Store, May 21st, first assault Port Hudson, May 27th, second assault Port Hudson, June 14th, 1863. KiUed in action at Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. BENNETT MICHAEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Dec. 18th, 1838. Son of James and Joanna Bennett. Enlis. Sept. 12th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. at Wenham, Mass., Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. BENSON, JAMES F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., July, 1841. Son of Peter M. and Susan F. Benson. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Left at Arlington Hospital, Va., sick, Sept. 6th, 1862. Sent to Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va. Deserted 1862, BENT, WILLIAM H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Aylesford, N.S., Dec. 6th, 1842. Son of Dennis and Amy (Beals) Bent. Enlis. July 25th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, Oct. 1st, 1862, Sergt. May 20th, 1863, 1st Sergt. June 20th, 1864. Commis. 1st Lieut. Sept. 6th, 1864, Captain, Nov. 29th, 1864. In action at South Movmtain, An- tietam, Sept., 1862, Vicksbxirg, Jackson, Miss., July, 1863, siege of Knox- ville, Tenn., Nov. and Dec, 1863. On recruiting service. Returned to regiment April |19th, 1864. Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Har- bor, mine before Petersburg, siege of Petersburg, Weldon R.R., and Poplar Grove Church, Va., 1864. Transf. to 29th Mass. Inft. with re- cruits, June 9th, 1865. Disch. July 29th, 1865, end of war. Wrote to Newburyport Herald over the signature of W. H. B. and B. BIERRING, MICHAEL. Res. Boston, Mass. Age 22 years. Mus. Priv. Feb. 14th, 1865, Co. I, 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 jt., Army of the Potomac. With regiment in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. July 16th, 1865, end of war. BLACK, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Derry, N.H., Nov. 22d, 1827. Son of John and Sarah Black. Mus. Nov. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. At siege of York- town, Va., Williamsburg, May 5th, 1862, Fair Oaks, May 31st, 1862, Glendale, Jime 30th, Malvern Hill, Aug. 5th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Aug. 15th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Aug. 29th, 1862, bur. New Hill. BLAISDELL, DANIEL D. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., July 27th, 1847. Son of Levi and Harriet Blaisdell. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Nov. 15th, 1862. INDIVIDTJAL RECORDS, ARMY. 241 BLAISDELL, GEORGE E. Bom at Amesbury, Mass., May 2d, 1838. Son of Ephraim and Mary B. Blaisdell. Enlis. at NewburiTJort, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements at South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862, Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss., July, 1863. Before Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. BLAKE, JOHN. Res. Newburyport, Age 30 years. Enlis. Dec. 12th, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted March 1st, 1864. BODDER, ST. LUKE. Res. Newbiiryport. Age 22 years, occupation, Sea- man. Enlis. at Newbiu-yport, Aug. 7th, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. On picket and guard duty in the vicinity of Washington, D.C. Transf. to 12th Reg. V. R. Corps, Aug. 19th, 1863. Disch. June 28th, 1865, Gen. Order No. 116 War Dept., end of war. BOODEN, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Cuppagh, Ireland, Aug. 15th, 1835. Son of John and Ann Booden. Mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co, A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. In action at Plain's Store, Port Hudson, and Donaldson- ville, La., 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BOSTON, GEORGE P. Res. Newburyport. Born at Kennebimkport, Me., Feb. 6th, 1842. Son of Frank and Sarah Boston. Enlis. July 15th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guard.s), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. BOWEN, WILLIAM G. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 1st, 1845. Son of Aaron and Hannah Bowen. Mus. Feb. 13th,fl865, Priv. Co. B, 1st Bat'hi Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Frontier duty at Champlain, N.Y., until May 3th, 1865. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. BOYD, JOHN P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Meredith, N.H., Oct. 15th, 1831. Son of John and Betsey Boyd. Enlis. Sept. 27th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Bumside's expe- dition to N.C. In action at New Berne, Kinston, Whitehall, and Rolla. Sent to Foster Hospital, New Beme, N.C, 1862. Disch. for disab. March 26th, 1863. BOYLE, NATHANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Age 22 years. Enlis. Sept. 12th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, untU July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. 242 NEWBTJRYPORT EN THE CIVIL WAR. BRADBURY, GEORGE. Bom at Newburyport, April 19th, 1833. Son of Ebenezer and Mary (Tappan) Bradbury. Erdis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts. With regi- ment at^Baltimore, Md. In engagements at Kinston, Whitehall, and Goldsboro, N.C., 1862. Commis. Captain 2d N. C. Colored Vols., 36th Reg. U. S. Col. Inft., July 17th, 1863. Stationed at Norfolk, Va. Detailed as Provost-Marshal at Norfolk, Va. Disch. July 12th, 1864. Died at Washington, D.C. BRADBURY, CHARLES E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Harrisburg, Penn., Jan. 8th, 1837. Son of Ebenezer and Mary (Tappan) Bradbury. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment on provost duty at Baltimore, Md. In skirmish at Red House, Va., May, 1862. Sent to hospital at New Berne, N.C. Disch. for disab. at New Beme, N.C, Oct. 13th, 1862. Re-enlis. in Co. I, 13th Bat'hi Vet. Res. Corps., Aug. 26th, 1864, and cred. to LoweU Mass. Disch. Nov. 17th, 1865. BRADBURY, WILLIAM H. H. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 26th, 1840. Son of Ebenezer and Mary (Tappan) Bradbury. Mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N.Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 jts., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. March 28th, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Priv. Co. C, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., April 22d, 1863, for 3 yrs. Cred. to Amesbury, Mass. Garrison duty in Boston Harbor. Disch. Oct. 29th, 1865. Services no longer required. BRAGG, ALEXANDER. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Strafford, Vt., Nov. 14th, 1825. Son of Alexander and Sarah (Eaton) Bragg. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In action at South Mountain, Sulphur Springs, Fredericksburg, 1862. Detailed on Div. Headqrs. Guard, Sept. 1st, 1863. Sent to hospital, March 22d, 1864, Retumed to regiment, April, 1864. In action at Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and before Petersburg, Va., 1864. Sent to U. S. Gen. Hospital at Washington, D.C, July, 1864. Disch. June 3d, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 16th, 1886, bur. New HIU. BRAGG, STEPHEN. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 23d, 1848. Son of Alex- ander and Harriet B. Bragg. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Sept, 29th, 1874, bur. New Hill. BRASHER, GEORGE. Res. Boston, Mass. Age 18 years. Enlis. Feb. 4th, mus. Feb. 24th, 1865, Priv. 14th Battery Mass. L. A., Army of the Po- tomac. At Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 15th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 243 BREWSTER, WILLIAM H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Troy, N.Y., May 6th, 1840. Son of John and Elizabeth S. Brew.ster. Mus. Oct. 30th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North CaroUna. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term BREWSTER, WILLIAM H. Enlis. Dec. 30th, 1863, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Transf. to navy, June 9th, 1864, as ordinary seaman. Served on the Braziliera, Miss. Squadron. De- serted from the Princeton, May 31st, 1865. Supposed to be the same person who served in Co. C, 8th Mass. Inft., for 9 mo. BRICHER, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Born in Sussex, England, March 21st, 1813. Son of Thomas and Jane (Weller) Bricher. Enlis. Sept. 10th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in Dept. of Gulf. Detailed in Conmaissary Dept. Feb. 13th, 1863. Remained untU muster out of regiment. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BRICHER, WILLIAM HENRY. Bom at Newburyport. Dec. 4th, 1841. Son of William and Elizabeth (Mewer) Bricher. Enlis. May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 years, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, White Oak Swamp, Jirne 30th, Charles City Crossroads, Va., Malvern Hill, July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, 1862, Chancellors- \Tlle, Va., May 3d, 1863, and taken prisoner. Confined at Richmond, Va. Re-enlis. Dec, 1863, in same company, as a Veteran, for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Corporal and Sergt. Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864, bur. on the field. BRIDGES, RUFUS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bucksport, Me., Feb. 29th, 1842. Son of Daniel and Lydia A. (Somerby) Bridges. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 31st, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. In action at High Bridge, Va., April 6th, 1865. In front of Petersburg, Va. On duty in Richmond, Va., after its sur- render until Nov., 1865. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, with regiment. BROOKINGS, SAMUEL. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 5th, 1803. Son of Samuel and Eunice Brookings. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac' In action at BaU's Bluff, Oct. 21st, 1861. Disch. for disab. March 23d, 1862. Mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Gulf Dept. Engagements, at Plain's Store, assault on Port Hud- son, siege of Port Hudson, and Donaldsonville, La., 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 27th, 1888, bur. at Newbury, Mass. 244 NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. BROOKINGS, GEORGE WILLIAM. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 17th, 1833. Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Brookings. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 10th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Platta- burg, N.Y., Jan. 7th, 1902. BROOKINGS, SAMUEL, Jr. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 24th, 1841. Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Brookings. Enlis. Aug. 12th, mus. Sept. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. In action at Plain's Store, assault and siege of Port Hudson, and Donaldson ^d lie, La., 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BROWN, JACOB G. Bom at Newburyport, March 15th, 1831. Son of Na- thaniel P. and Mary E. (Cross) Brown. Enlis. July 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushmg Guards). 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. BROWN, HUMPHREY H. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Manchester, N.S., Nov. 6th, 1843. Son of James and Sarah H. Brown. Mus. Dec. 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, Uth Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab., from hospital at Washington, D.C., June 14th, 1862. BROWN, JAMES A. Res. Newburyport. Age 32 years, occupation, ship- carpenter. Mus. Nov. 23d, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted June 22d, 1862. BROWN, JOHN A. Bom at Newburyport, July 12th, 1844. Son of George F. Hayden and Aseneth (Page) Brown. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. with com- pany, Aug. 5th, 1864. Died at New York City, Jan. 18th, 1902, bur. at Newburyport. BROWN, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at South Newmarket, N.H., July 15th, 1835. Son of Charles H. and Mary W. Brown. Mus. Oct. 12th, 1861, Sergt. 4th Mass. L. A., for 3 years., Dept. of Gulf. In action at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, siege of Port Hudson, Don- aldsonville, Opelousas, La., 1863. Disch. for disab. Jan. 6th, 1864. Died April 2d, 1877, bur. New HiU. BROWN, DAVID F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Ipswich, Mass., 1825. Son of James and Lucy Brown. Commis. Captain Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., Aug. 21st, 1861, for 3 yrs. With the regiment at Baltimore, Md. Resigned Jan. 30th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 30th. IS76. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 245 BROWN, JOHN TEWKSBURY. Born at Newburyport, March 22d, 1836. Son of Samuel T. and Huldah Brown. Mus. 2d Lieut. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), June 14th, 1861, for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Resigned Sept. 3d, 1861. Enlis. Aug. 13th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C., winter of 1862-3. In Suffolk, Va., during the siege, April, 1863. Wounded by accidental discharge of gun. Disch. for disab. May 15th, 1864. BROWN, SAMUEL EMMONS. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 1st, 1841. Son of Samuel T. and Huldah G.iBrown. Mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Gulf Dept. With regiment at Port Hudson. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BROWN, GEORGE R. Bom at Newburyport, April 15th, 1844. Son of Oilman A. and Mary W. Brown. Mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Gulf Dept. Plain's Store, Port Hudson, Donaldson ville, 1863. Wounded in left leg by minie ball while on picket. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. BROWN, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Age 19 years. Mus. Dec. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Transf. March 28th, 1863, to 1st Louisiana Cav. BROWN, DANIEL, Jr. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 9th, 1839. Son of Daniel and Betsey Brown. Mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863 Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp, term. Died at Newburyport, May 4th, 1886, bur. at Newbury. BROWN, HENRY I. Age 20 years. Mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted Oct. 3d, 1862, at Boxford, Mass. BROWN, GEORGE W. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 1st, 1831. Son of David and Abigail Brown. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21 st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. May 2d, 1863. BRYAN, PETER. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Newfoundland. Son of John and Bridget Bryan. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. With regiment guard- ing camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, with regiment. BURCH, DOCK. Age 26 years. Enlis. and mus. March 11th, 1865, Priv. Co. G, 53d Reg. U.S. Col. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Mississippi. Disch. March 8th, 1866. Services no longer required. 246 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. BURKE, JOHN. Res. Newburjrport. Born at Cork, Ireland, 1825. Son of John and Mary Btirke. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In action at Kinston, White- hall, and Goldsboro, N.C. Disch. Jan. 4th, 1864, to re-enlist. Remus, in same company and regiment, Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Sent to Mass. Gen. Hospital, Nov., 1864, with broken leg caused by falling at Beach St. Barracks, Boston, Mass., while on veteran furlough. Disch. for disab. Feb. 2d, 1865. Died at Newburyport, July 7th, 1887, bur. in Cath- olic cemetery. BURKE, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Born at Eastport, Me., Dec. 9th, 1844. Son of James and Mary Burke. EnUs. at Newburyport, March 29th, mus. April 2d, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, 1864. Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, 1865. Pre- viously served in U.S.N. Shipped at Boston, Nov. 13th, 1861, as Lands- man for 3 yrs., cred. to Marblehead, Mass., on Philadelphia. Disch. for disab. March 5th, 1864, from hospital at Norfolk, Va. BURNHAM, GEORGE WOODBURY. Res. Newburyport. Born at Essex, Mass., March 15th, 1821. Son of Abner and Anna Bumham, clergyman. Enlis. May 21st, mus. June 6th, 1863, for 3 yrs., Priv. Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A. Stationed at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Had charge of Post Reading Room and Library, and conducted religious services for the garrison. Disch. Sept. 12th, 1865, end of war. BURNS, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 9th, 1840. Son of Joseph and Agnes Burns. Mus. Priv. Sept. 16th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died May 19th, 1866, bur. Oak Hill. BURNS, LAWRENCE. Reg. Newburyport. Born in Ireland. Son of Law- rence and Joanna Bums. Mus. Feb. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. L, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted Aug. 24th, 1865. BURNS, GEORGE E. Res. Newburyport. Born at ComwalUs, N.S., April 19th, 1844. Son of John and Lauretta Burns. Mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal Sept. 25th, 1862. With regiment in Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. In action at Roanoke Island, Feb. 8th, New Berne, March 14th, 1862. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. Lost at sea in 1865. BURRILL, JAMES PIKE. Born at Newburyport, May 10th, 1844. Son of Edward and Martha T. (Pike) BurriU. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty with company at Forts Lee and Pickering, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. INDIVroUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 247 BURRILL, HENRY M. Born at Newburyport, July 27th, 1826. Son of John and Mary (Tappan) Burrill. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Sergt. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pick- ering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Wellesley, Mass., bur. at Newburyport. BURROWS, GEORGE L. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, occupation, clerk. Mus. Feb. 6th, 1865, Priv. Co. I, 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. In front of Petersburg, Va., and defences of Washington, D.C., 1865. Disch. July 16th, 1865, end of war. BUSHEY, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, occupation, seaman« Mus. Dec. 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Yorktown, Va. Disch. for disab. June 14th, 1862. BUTTERFIELD, SAMUEL BLISS. (Middle name not on State records.) Res. Newbiuyport. Born at Haverhill, N.H., Jan. 22d, 1826. Son of Solomon and Cynthia Butterfield. Mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died July 13th, 1903, bur. at Belleville. BUTTS, JOHN GAGE. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 3d, 1841. Son of Moses P. and EUzabeth A. Butts. Enlis. April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. (See Naval Record.) CAHILL, JOHN E. Res. Newton. Age 20 years, occupation, shoemaker. Mus. Feb. 6th, 1865, Priv. Co. B, 31st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at New Orleans, La., and Mobile, Ala. Disch. Sept. 9th, 1865, end of war. CAMPBELL, THOMAS W. Res. Newburyport. Age 26 years, occupation, seaman. Mus. Nov. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, Uth Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Feb. 6th, 1863. CAMPBELL, AUGUSTINE. Born Newburyport, June 13th, 1840. Son of Rev. Randolph and Elizabeth B. Campbell. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In action at South Moimtain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in neck. Sent to hospital at Baltimore, Md. Transf. to Regular Army, 7th Inft., Nov. 3d, 1862. Disch. from U. S. service Nov. 3d, 1865, at St. Augustine, Fla. 248 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Bom in England, 1830. Mus. Aug. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In action at South Moimtain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, and Fredericksburg, Dec, 1862. Deserted May 4th, 1863. CAMPBELL, JAMES. Mus. Dec. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 yrs. Deserted Dec. 21st, 1862, at Readville, Mass. CANNING, CHARLES W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at St. John, N.B., Feb. 8th, 1842. Son of Charles and Ann (Hastings) Canning. Mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushmg Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 12th, 1884, bur. in Catholic cemetery. CARMODY, MICHAEL H. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, July 27th, 1846. Son of Lot and Mary (McNemara) Carmody. Enlis. Aug. 2d, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In pursuit of Lee's army after battle of Gettysburg. Sent to hospital with broken hip. Transf. to Co. F, 1st Reg. V. R. Corps, Feb. 15th, 1864. Disch. June 14th, 1865, end of war. Previously served as Priv. m Co. A, 6th Reg. N. Y. Cav. Disch. for disab. June 24th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, June 19th, 1881, bur. in Catholic cemetery. OARR, JOHN WM. Bom at Newburyport, July 18th, 1841. Son of Daniel and Patrena (Noyes) Carr. Mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 12th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. On detached duty in U. S. Artillery. Disch. April 25th, 1864. Exp. term. CARR, DANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Age 23 years, occupation, shoemaker. Mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 12th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. No further record at War Dept. CARROLL, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 22 years. Enlis. Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C. , from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. CARSON, AARON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Clinton, Me., Feb. 17th, 1830. Son of William and Deha Carson. Mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 3ts. Engagements, at Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21st, 1861, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st and Jime 1st, front of Richmond, Va., June 25th, White Oak Swamp, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 249 June 29th, 1862, and wounded in hand. Sent to hospital at Annapo- hs, Md. Returned to regiment, Aug. 13th, 1862. 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to hospital. Disch. for disab. Dec. 6th, 1862, Died at Newburyport, March 26th, 1884, bur. in Belleville Cemetery. CARTER, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Age 25 years, married, occupa- tion, shoemaker. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Sept. 24th, 1861. CARTER, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Gut of Canso, N.S., April 25th, 1830. Son of Richard and Eliza (Taylor) Carter. Mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antie- tam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in left foot. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C. Transf. to Co. B, 18th Reg. V. R. C, May 28th, 1864. Disch. June 17th, 1865, by Gen. Order No. 116, War Dep., end of war. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 16th, 1887, bur. in Belleville Cemetery. CARTER, LUTHER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Concord, N.H., Aug. 24th, 1832. Son of John and Lydia Carter. Mus. Aug. 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. CASTLE, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Yorkshire, England, June 8th, 1836. Son of John and Mary (Morehouse) Castle. Mus. Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, March 21st, 1863, Sergt. Oct. 26th, 1863, Color-Sergt. Oct. 28th, 1863, 1st Sergt. Dec. 1st, 1864, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th and 15th, 1862, siege of Vicksburg, Miss., siege of Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863, Campbell's Sta- tion, Tenn., Nov. 16th, siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 25th, 1863, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 6th, mine before Petersburg, July 30th, before Petersburg during siege, Weldon R.R., Aug. 19th, Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30th, 1864. In every engagement in which the regiment participated. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. CAVANAUGH, LAWRENCE. Res. Marlboro, Mass. Age 21 years, single, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. and mus. Feb. 28th, 1865, Priv. Co. B, 31st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. On duty with regiment at Mobile, Ala. Disch. Sept. 9th, 1865, end of war. CA VENDER, DAVID. Bom at Newburyport in 1836. Son of David and Dorothy Cavender. Mus. Jan., 1862, Priv. Co. D, 11th Reg. Mass. 250 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va., Wil- liamsburg, May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, White Oak Swamp, Jmie 30th, 1862. Not seen after Malvern HiU, July 1st, 1862. Supposed to have been killed. Reported on regiment roUs as a deserter. CA VENDER, WILLIAM D. (Correct name Wm. H. D. Cavender.) Bom at Newburyport, March 25th, 1839. Son of David and Dorothy Caven- der. Enlis. April 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. Mus. April 30th, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis, Md., to Washington, D.C. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted, and enlisted in the U. S. Navy. Returned to regiment under President Lincoln's proclamation regarding deserters. Disch. July 14th, 1865, end of war. CHANDLER, RUFUS W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Turner, Me., May 17th, 1828. Son of Nathaniel and Betsey T. Chandler. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. April 18th, 1862, Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., Army of the Potomac. Died Jan. 10th, 1863, at Patent Office Hospital, Washington, D.C. CHAPMAN, EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Liverpool, England, Oct. 16th, 1827. Son of William Henry and Sarah Chapman. Enlis. Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 16th, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assault on Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, and Donaldson- ville, July 13th, 1863. Disch. at Wenham, Mass., Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. CHAPMAN, JOHN K. Born at Newburyport, AprU 24th, 1811. Son of William and Jemima Chapman. Mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Engagements at Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21st, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Seven Pines, May 30th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, 1862. Sent to hospi- tal, July 10th, 1862. Disch. for disab. at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 27th, 1862. Re-enlis. as Priv. in Co. A, 13th Reg. V. R. C, May 25th, 1864, Disch, Dec. 17th, 1865, end of war. Died May 12th, 1889, bur. at Newbury, Mass, CHASE, JACOB. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 24th, 1840. Son of Jacob and NeUie Chase. Enlis. at Newburyport in April, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Detailed on division wagon train. Re- enlis. in same company and regiment as a Veteran for 3 yrs. Disch. July 27th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 251 CHASE, JOSEPH T. Enlis. Aug. 24th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted Oct., 1862, at Boxford, Mass. An assumed name. Correct name not known. CHASE, JOSEPH N. Born at Newburyport, April 7th, 1841. Son of Joseph R. and Jane M. Chase. EnUs. Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. CHASE, JONATHAN. Res. Newburyport. Born at DanvUle, Me., June 11th, 1826. Son of Moses and Laura Chase. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Go. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Sent to hospital. Disch. April 8th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, June 1st, 1875, bur. New Hill. CHASE, AMOS PLUMMER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., June 24th, 1827. Son of Amos and Lydia D. Chase. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at South Moun- tain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 12th to 17th, Campbell's Station, Tenn., Nov. 16th, siege of Knoxville, Term., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863. Detailed in Commissary Dept. March 15th, 1863. Returned to company Oct. 25th, 1864. Promoted Corporal, Dec. 1st, 1864. Disch. June 9th, 1865, with regiment, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 4th, 1874, bur. New ' Hill, Lot No. 131. CHASE, WARREN G. Res. Newburyport. Born at Haverhill, Mass. Son of Metaphor and Nancy Chase. Age 27 years, occupation, shoemaker, married. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Go. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab., April 25th, 1862. CHEEVER, AUGUSTUS E. Bom at Newburyport, July 24th, 1845. Son of Edwin A. and Eliza G. Cheever. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antie- tam, Sept. 17th, and woimded in thigh. Disch. Jan. 17th, 1863, by Thomas L. McKensie, Asst. Surg. U.S. A., on account of wound. Re- enlis. and mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. CHENEY, ALFRED P. Res. Georgetown, Mass. Age 35 years, single, occu- pation, shoemaker. First enlistment cred. to Georgetown. Re-enlis. in same Battery, cred. to Newburyport, mus. Oct. 1st, 1861, Priv. 4th Bat- 252 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. tery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Giilf. Disch. to re-enlist Jan. 3d, 1864. Re-enlis. and mus. in same Battery, Jan. 4th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 10th, 1865, end of war. CHENEY, WILLIAM A. Res. Newburyport. Born at Kingston, N.H., Sept, 14th, 1828. Son of Edward and Sarah (Dearborn) Cheney. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 10th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co, H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., Army of the James. Disch. Sept, 18th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Feb, 11th, 1880, bur. New Hill, (See Naval Record.) CHENEY, CHARLES, Jr, Bom at Newburyport, June 21st, 1837, Son of Charles and Betsey Cheney, Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv, 3d Unat, Co, Inft., M, V, M,, for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass, Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864, with company. Exp. term, CHENEY, CHARLES H, Bom at Newburyport, July 10th, 1843. Son of Moses S. B, and Alice H. Cheney, Enlis, at Newburyport, mus, Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv, Co, B, 35th Reg, Mass, Inft., for 3 yrs. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Sent to hospital, and disch. for disab, Nov, 23d, 1862, Re-enlis and mus, July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg, Mass, Inft,, M, V, M,, for 100 days. Guarded camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind,, during term of service, Disch, Nov, 30th, 1864, with regiment. Died at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me,, July 27th, 1894, CHENEY, MOSES S. B. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Maes., Feb . 29th, 1824, Son of Moses and Sarah R, Cheney, Erdis, at Newbury- port, mus, Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv, Co, B, 35th Reg, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Sent to hospital, and disch. for disab. Nov, 3d, 1862, CHESLEY, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. Bom at Nottingham, N.H., Aug, 6th, 1846. Son of John H. and Elizabeth M, Chesley, Enlis, at Newbury- port, mus. July 29th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 2d Reg, Mass, H, A., for 1 yr,, Dept. of North Carolina, Transf. to Co. D, 17th Mass. Inft., Jan. 17th, 1865. Detailed as clerk in hospital at New Berne, N.C. Died in hospi- tal at Greensboro, N.C, May 28th, 1865, of fever, bur. in National Ceme- tery at Raleigh, N.C, Section No. 7, Grave No. 21. CHOATE, LEONARD. Bom at Newburyport, March 20th, 1835. Son of True and Mary P. Choate. Enlis. at Newbur3rport, mus. Priv, Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., Sept. 15th, 1862, for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec, 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863, Disch, Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp, term. CHOATE, JOSEPH WHITTIER, Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 25th, 1834, Son of Thomas and Martha (Whittier) Choate. Enlis. at Newburyport. INDIVroXJAL RECORDS, ARMY. 253 mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 26th, 1861. Died at Boston, Mass., Oct. Ist, 1900, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. CHOATE, CALVIN. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 21st, 1836. Son of True and Mary P. Choate. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Gar- rison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. CHOATE, ELISHA. Bom at Newburyport, 1817. Son of Jeremiah and Martha Choate. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. F, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Wounded at Wilderness, Va., May 6th, 1864. Disch. July 21st, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 8th, 1874, bur. New Hill. CHUTE, WILLIAM B. Res. Newburyport. Born at Bridgetown, N.S., Nov. 11th, 1829. Son of David and Sarah Chute. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in the Dept. of Gulf, at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. CILLEY, EDWARD AARON. Bom at Ware, N.H., 1815. Son of Aaron and Lois (Murray) Cilley. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. April 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regi- ment from Amiapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. CLAIRE, FREDERICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 39 years, occupation, boot- maker. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 25th, 1863, mus. Jan. 9th, 1865, Saddler Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. With 1st Battalion in Dept. of the South. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. CLANCY, PETER. Res. Newburyport. Born in County of Sligo, Ireland, June 29th, 1847. Son of John and Sefina Clancy. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Feb. 20th, 1864, Priv. Go. F, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, May 12th and 18th, North Anna River, May 24th, 1864, and taken prisoner. Confined at Castle Thunder, Richmond, Va., and Anderson ville, Ga. Released March 1st, 1865. Transf. to Go. F, 57th Mass. Inft., June 1st, 1865. Disch. June 7th, 1865, end of war. CLARK, IRVING R. Res. Hadley, Mass. Born at Newburyport, March 11th, 1841. Son of Greenleaf and Sarah (Ladd) Clark. Enlis. to the credit of Hadley, Mass., mus. Jan. 20th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 27th Reg. Mass. 254 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Inft., for 3 jTS. Engagements, Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Disch. to re-enlist Jan. 1st, 1864, Mus. Priv. in same company, Jan. 2d, 1864, and cred. to Newburyport. Promoted Corporal, April 5th, 1864. Taken prisoner at Fort Darling, Va., May 16th, 1864. Confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Andersonville, Ga. Paroled at Florence, S.C, Feb. 28th, 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. CLARK, C. LEVERETT. Bom at Newburyport, May 22d, 1844. Son of Greenleaf and Sarah (Ladd) Clark. Mus. Sept. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 27th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of North Carolina. Engagements, at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Port Walthall, Va., May 6th, 1864, and wounded in right arm. Sent to Bel- videre Hospital, Hampton, Va., David's Island, N.Y., and Pemberton Sq., Boston, Mass. Returned to regiment, Aug., 1864. Taken prisoner March 8th, 1865, at Southwest Creek, N.C. Confined at Richmond, Va. Paroled, and sent to Annapohs, Md. Disch. June 15th, 1865, end of CLARK, CHARLES W. Res. Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, mason. Enlis. and mus. Nov. 29th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Unassigned recruit 2d Mass. Cav. Deserted Dec. 8th, 1864. CLARK, ORRIN WESTON. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., Feb. 14th, 1827. Son of Aaron li. and Mary Clark. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 3d, 1879, bur. in Oak Hill Cemetery. CLARK, GEORGE W. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 24th, 1836. Son of Amos and Rebecca J. Clark. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Sergt. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Detailed in Com- missary Dept. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died Jan. 13th, 1880, bur. in Oak Hill Cemetery, Newburyport. CLARK, FRANK. Res. Boston. Age 18 years, occupation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 24th, 1865, Priv. 14th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 15th, 1865, end of war. CLARKSON, JACOB GREENLEAF. Bom at Newburyport, June 15th, 1822. Son of Jacob and Mary (Colby) Clarkson. Enlis. at Newburyport, April INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 255 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs, Md., to Washington, D.C. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Newbury, Mass. Served in 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Accidentally wounded Jan. 18th, 1863. Died Jan. 19th, 1863, while under the influence of chloroform, in camp near Fredericksburg, Va. Originally bur. on Stanley's Farm, Strafford Co., Va. Body transf. to National Cemetery at Fredericksburg, Va., Division C, Lot B, Grave No. 143. CLARKSON, WILLIAM MOODY. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 11th, 1819. Son of Jacob and Mary (Colby) Clarkson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, and Fredericks- bm-g, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C. Trans to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 1st, 1865. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war CLEMENT, JOHN M. W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Plaistow, N.H., Sept 2d, 1838. Son of Amos C. and Sally D. Clement. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862 to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, March 15th, 1880, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery- COALE, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 33 years, single, occupation, fire- man. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 26th, 1863, Priv. Co. K, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, March 5th, 1864. COBB, SAMUEL O. Born at Newburyport, May 8th, 1843. Son of Samuel H. and Martha Cobb. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. COFFIN, FREDERICK J. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 17th, 1807. Son of Moses and Mary Coflan. Mus. Nov. 7th, 1862, as Colonel 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Headqrs. at New Beme. In July, 1863, with regiment at Maryland Heights, and Army of the Potomac at the Rappahannock. Mus. out Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, July 26th, 1880, bur. in Oak Hill Cemetery. COFFIN, FRANCIS EMERY. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 19th, 1828. Son of Emery and Sarah (Bartlett) Coffin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. 256 NEWBFKYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Sept 29th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. COFFIN MOSES FREDERICK. Bora at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, 1840. Son of Emery and Sarah (Bartlett) Coffin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus July 23d, 1864, Corporal Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M V M for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indian- apoUs, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, with regi- ment. COGGER THOMAS EDWARD. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, 1840. Son of Daniel and Jane (Farrel) Cogger. Mus. April 22d, 1861, Priv. Co B 3d Bat'ln Inft., attached to 6th Reg. Inft., M.V.M., for 3 mo. With regiment in Baltimore, Washington, and at Relay House. Disch. Aug. 22d 1861 Exp. term. Re-enUs. in Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., mus. July 21st, 1861, for 3 yrs. Cred. to Newburyport. Disch. for disab Feb 10th 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 26th, 1863, Priv. Co. A, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Cred. to Haverhill, Mass. In Dept. of the South. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. COLBY DANIEL H. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 1st, 1836. Son of Heze- kiah and Sarah J. (Wentworth) Colby. Enlis. at Newburyport;, mus. Priv. Aug. 22d, 1862, for 3 yrs., 12th Reg. Mass. Inft. Disch. for disab. Sept. 14th, 1863, from Convalescent Camp, Washington, D.C. Bur. at Newburyport in New Hill. COLBY JOHN EDWIN. Born at Newburyport, June 12th, 1845. Son of Hezekiah and Sarah Jane (Wentworth) Colby. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Died at Chelsea, Mass., April 24th, 1902, bur. at Newbury- port. COLBY GEORGE WILLIAM. Res. East HaverhiU, Mass. Born at Madison, N H March 11th, 1844. Son of John and Caroline M. Colby. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Priv. Aug. 20th, 1862, Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded. Died of wounds, Oct. 5th, 1862, at Smoketown, Md. COLBY ENOCH W. Bom at Amesbury, Mass., Feb. 16th, 1807. Son of Enoch and Elisabeth (Tyler) Colby. Enlis. at Newburyport;, mus. Aug. nth 1862 Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac, 'in battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Dec. 21st, 1862. COLBY WILLIAM C. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 7th, 1829. Son of William, Jr., and Sarah Colby. Enlis. at Newbury- INDIVIDUAL KECOIIDS, ARMY. 257 port, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Moun- tain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in hip. Died from wounds, Oct. 3d, 1862. Body sent home, bur. New Hill. COLBY, GEORGE A. Born at Amesbury, Mass., April 8th, 1834. Son of Robert and Eliza (Summers) Colby. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 13th, 1863. Sent to hospi- tal. Returned to company, Aug., 1863. Left sick at Knoxville, Tenn., March 22d, 1864. Transf. to AnnapoUs, Md. Rejoined company, April nth, 1864. Sent to hospital at Alexandria, Va., April 27th, 1864. Transf. to U. S. Gen. Hospital, Portsmouth Grove, R.I. Disch. June 26th, 1865, end of war. COLBY, ALBERT O. Bom at Amesbury, Mass., Feb. 2d, 1836. Son of Robert and Eliza (Summers) Colby. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. and mus. Sept. 12th, 1864, Priv. 29th Unat. Co. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garri- son duty at Forts Smith, Corcoran, Barnard, and Reno, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 16th, 1865, end of war. COLBY, PRENTISS A. Born at Lawrence, Mass. Son of Jackson D. and Frances A. (Hickman) Colby. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. With regiment guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. COLBY, JOHN G. Res. Newbur5rport. Age 21 years. EnUs. at Newbury- port, Aug. 24th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa- noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. COLE, NATHANIEL R. Res. Newburyport. Born at Kingston, N.H., Aug. 21st, 1834. Son of Nathaniel W. and Sarah S. Cole. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov.'- 19th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf, 19th Army Corps. Engagements at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Port Hudson, La., May 24th to July 9th, Don- aldsonville. La., July 12th and 13th, 1863. Disch. Jan. 1st, 1864, to re-enlis., and mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, for 3 yrs. Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22d, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Detailed Clerk Commissary Dept., Jan. Isfc, 1865. Disch. with regiment, July 5th, 1866. The last Mass. organization mustered out of the United States service. COLEMAN, LEONARD W. Born at Newburyport, June 4th, 1838. Son of John M. and Mary A. Coleman. Adjt.-Gen. says, " Leonard M." Enlis. 258 NEWBUBYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. at Newbiiryport, mus. Priv. Sept. 25th, 1861, Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 jTs., Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Secession ville, S.C, Jime 16th, Snicker's Gap, Va., Nov. 3d, 1862, Kelly's Ford, Va., May 17th, Rapidan, (Va., May 1st, Warrenton Road, Va., June 3d, Brandy Station, Va., June 9th, Aldee, Va., June 9th, 1863. Wounded in left leg, and taken prisoner of war. Confined at BeUe Isle, Va., and Andersonville, Ga. Died at Andersonville, March 10th, 1864. COLEMAN, JOHN M. Bom at Newburyport, Mass., July 2d, 1816. Son of William and Clarissa M. Coleman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engage- ments, Plain's Store, May 21st, Port Hudson, May 27th to June 14th. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Jan. 14th, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, May 12th and 18th, North Anna River, May 24th, Cold Harbor, May 30th, 1864, and wounded in left thigh. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C. Transf. to David's Island, Jime 16th, 1864. Transf. to Co. C, 57th Mass. Inft., June 1st, 1865. Disch. July 28th, 1865, end of war. COLLINS, NATHAN W. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 24th, 1826. Son of WiUiam and Sarah (Goodwin) Collins. Left Newburyport on the morn- ing of April 16th, 1861, with the first troops (Gushing Guards). Mus. 3d Lieut. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. 2d Lieut. Aug. 8th, 1862, Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Resigned July 22d, 1863. Died at San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 22d, 1902. COLLINS, JOHN H. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 12th, 1847. Son of Ephraim and Rebecca D. Collins. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. COLLINS, CHARLES H. Bom at Newburyport, April 8th, 1834. Son of William and Sarah (Goodwin) Collins. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, May 16th, 1870, bur. at Newbury. COLLUM, JOHN, Jr. Age 24 years, occupation, laborer, married. Enlis. at Newburs^port, mus. Feb. 8th, 1865, Corporal Co. A, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., INDIVIDUAL RECOUDS, ARMY. 259 xrntil Dec. 24th. 1864. Frontier duty at Champlain, N.Y., until May 13th, 1865. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865. Services no longer required. COLLYER, JAMES M. Bom at West Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 17th, 1836. Son of Samuel and Sarah (Ordway) Collyer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, 1862. Sent to Trinity Church Hospital, Georgetown, D.C., Oct. 20th, 1862. Died Nov. 18th, 1862. COLLYER, WILLIAM T. Born at Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 7th, 1829. Son of William, Jr., and Sarah Collyer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 21st, 1862, Priv. Co. I, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Disch. for disab. Feb. 10th, 1862. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. At South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Detailed in Ambulance Corps, Nov. 1st, 1862. Left sick at Baltimore, Md., March 27th, 1863. Disch. for disab. May 22d, 1863. COLTON, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Occupation, weaver, single. Bom in Ireland, Nov. 10th, 1822. Son of Barnard and Mary Colton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at forts in the vicinity of New Beme, N.C. Disch. for disab. July 13th, 1865. Died at Newburyport, April 19th, 1876, bur. in Catholic cemetery. CONKLIN, CHRISTOPHER C. Res. Newburyport. Age 32, married, occu- pation, hatter. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 5th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Sergt. at Fort Wagner, S.C, Aug. 20th, 1863. Killed at St. Mary's Creek, Fla., Feb. 10th, 1864, bur. on the field. CONNELL, JOHN. Age 21 years, occupation, cooper. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Dec. 16th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Deserted Dec. 22d, 1862. CONNOR, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland in 1838. Son of Daniel and Ellen Connor. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 1st, 1861. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 6th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Supposed to have been lost overboard from steamer after leaving Boston Harbor. Never heard from. Adjt.-Gen.'s Report says, " Deserted Jan. 2d, 1862." CONNOR, EDWARD. Correct name, Edward O'Connor. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Waltham, Mass. Son of Michael and Mary (Reardon) O'Connor. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. 260 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Sept. 8th, 1862. Re-enlis. Marcli 13th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Corporal Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty in forts on the Massachusetts coast, and in the defences of Washington. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. CONWAY, DENNIS. Res. Newburyport. Born at West Meath, Ireland, June 15th, 1842. Son of Joseph and Catharine (Aiken) Conway. Enlis. at Newburyport, April, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in Peninsular campaign. Transf. to 116th Company, 2d Bat'ln V. R. C, Dec. 10th, 1863. Disch. June 22d, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and Mus. Sergt. Co. D, 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. Cred. to Salem, Mass. Regiment did not leave the State. Disch. May 5th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, 1889, bur. New Hill. CONWAY, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, May 26th, 1844. Son of Patrick and Ann Conway. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Oct. 16th, 1863. Subsequently enlis. March 21st, 1865, Priv. Co. D, 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. Disch. May 5th, 1865, end of war. COOK, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport, March 31st, 1841. Son of Charles L. and Sophia A. Cook. Enlis. April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. W^ith regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Oct. 10th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. At Roanoke Island, Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Sent to hospital at New Berne, N.C. Transf. to Boston. Disch. for disab. Oct. 27th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 10th, 1863, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. COOK, GEORGE W^ Res. Newburyport. Born at Sterling, Mass., July 27th, 1843. Son of Thomas and Sarah (Colby) Cook. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 18th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Provost duty at Baltimore, Md. Detailed as clerk in office of military governor at New Berne, N.C. Disch. for disab. Nov. 23d, 1862, by order of Maj.-Gen. Foster. COOK, ALBERT J. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 8th, 1841. Son of Thomas and Sarah (Colby) Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. New Berne, N.C, May 22d. At Kinston, N.C, Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C, Dec. 16th, 1862. Disch. Jan. 5th, 1864, to re-enlis. Remus, as Corporal in same company and regiment, Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Engagements at Batchelder's Creek, Feb. 1st, Washington, N.C, April 27th, 1864, near Kinston, N.C, March 8th to 10th, 1865. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 261 COOK, THOMAS NOYES. Born at Newburyport, Sept. Sth, 1839. Son of Thomas and Sarah Cook. Mus. Sept. 11th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 26th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Lawrence, Mass. At the taking of Forts Jackson and St. PhiHp, La., April 25th to 28th, 1862. Engaged at La Fourche Crossing, La., June 21st, 1863. Disch. Jan. 4th, 1864, to re-enlist. Remus, in same company and regiment, Jan. 5th, 1864. Cred. to Newburyport. Engaged at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Disch. Aug. 26th, 1865, end of war. COOK, MOSES EDWARDS. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 28th, 1820. Son of Moses and Mary Cook. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Sergb. Co. A, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Isb Sergt. Aug. 21st, 1861, Engaged at Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21st, 1861, Yorktown, April, West Point, Va., May 7th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Savage's Station, and Peach Orchard, June 29th, 1862. Injured while building abridge. Disch. for disab. Sept. 24th, 1862. Re-enlis. June 10th, 1864, in Co. I, 13th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. Nov. 17th, 1865. Services no longer required. COOK, AUGUSTINE. Bom at Newburyport, May 2d, 1840. Son of Samuel and Mary S. Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 8th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Engaged at Petersburg, Va., June 9th, 1864. Injured by a horse, Sept. 24th, 1864. Sent to Portsmouth Grove Hospital, R.I. Transf. to 117th Co. Vet. Res. Corps, Jvme 20th, 1865. Disch. at Portsmouth Grove Hospital, R.I., July 11th, 1865, end of war. COOK, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Yarmouth, N.S., April 15th, 1833. Son of George and Elizabeth (Crosby) Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged at South Moxmtain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded. Disch. Oct. 29th, 1862, for wounds. Died Jvme 28th, 1889, at Brooklyn, N.Y., bur. in Greenwood Cemetery, N.Y. COOK, JOHN C. Res. Newburyport. Born in Erfurt, Prussia. Son of God- frey and Sophia Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged South Moimtain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th, 17th, 1863. Detailed on Provost Guard, Sept. 17th, 1863. Returned to regiment, Oct. 19th, 1863. Campbell's Station, Term., Nov. 15th, Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 15th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Spottsylvania, May 18th, North Anna River, May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., May 30th to June 7th, 1864. At work before Petersburg, Va., June 22d to July 29th, 1864. Disch. with regiment, June 9th, 1865, end of war. 262 NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. COOK, PETER. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Galway County, Ireland, 1838. Son of Edward and Julia Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. COOK, ALFRED. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 6th, 1843. Son of Samuel, Jr., and Mary Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With company at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., and garrison duty at New Berne, N.C. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. COOK, FRANCIS CABOT LOWELL. Born at Newburyport, July 21st, 1840. Son of Charles and Clarissa (Gould) Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engaged at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863, and wounded in knee. Sent to hospital at Baton Rouge, La. Returned to regiment at Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 4th, 1885, bur. at Newbury, Mass. COOK, CHARLES LEONARD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boothbay, Me., Aug. 17th, 1833. Son of Charles and Sopha A. (Horton) Cook. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A (Cush- ing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newbury- port, Jan. 28th, 1888, as Charles C. Leonard. COPP, CHARLES F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Manchester, Jan. 16th, 1847. Son of Charles and Amanda R. Copp. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 7th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the defences of Washington. Transf. to Co. M. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. COSSAR, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Born at Digby, N.S., Oct. 4th, 1838. Son of William and Mary Cossar. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in shoulder. Died of woimds, Sept. 18th, 1862. Body sent to Newburyport, bur. Belleville Cemetery. COTTON, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Windsor, Me., Jan. 8th, 1823 Son of Aaron and Mary Cotton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 15th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Gulf, 19th Army Corps. On duty at New Orleans, La. Engagements of INDIVIDUAL BECOKDS, ARMY. 263 Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863, and wounded in ankle. Disch. Jan. 1st, 1864, to re-enlist and mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, Priv. in same company and regiment, for 3 yrs. In hospital from July 29th, 1864, to Sept. 21st, 1864. Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864, and wounded. Died of wounds, Oct. 21st, 1864, in hospital at Newtown, Va., bur. in Winchester National Cemetery, Va., Lot No. 79. Originally bur. at Newtown, Va. COULLIARD, JOHN H. Bom at Newburyport, May 1st, 1840. Son of Rich- ard S. and Joanna W. (Berry) CouUiard. Enlis. at Newburyport, May lOth, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment on provost duty at Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. May 12th, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. July 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. G, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Engaged at City Point, Va., High Bridge, Va., April 6th, 1865. Before Petersbm-g and Richmond, Va. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, end of war. Died at Lowell, Mass., Aug. 18th, 1886, bur. at New Hill, Newburyport. COULLIARD, JOSEPH. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 8th, 1842. Son of Richard S. and Joanna W. (Berry) Coulliard. Enlis. at Newburyport in April, 1861, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, front of Richmond, Malvem Hill, July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 28th-29th, Chantilly, Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, May 3d, 1863, Gettysburg, Perm., July 1st. Killed at Gettysburg, July 2d, bur. on the field. COVINGTON, EVANS. Res. Newburyport. Age 30 yrs., occupation, barber, married. Enhs. and mus. Aug. 14th, 1863, Priv. Co. E, 54th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of the South. With regiment in South Carolina. Died at Insane Asylum, Washington, D.C., Sept. 25th, 1864. CRABTREE, BExNJAMIN C. Res. Newburyport. Born at North Haven, Me., Sept. 8th, 1836. Son of Eleazar and Louise Crabtree. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and disabled by concussion of shell. Sent to Island Hall Hospital, Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. Nov. 27th, 1862. CRABTREE, BENJAMIN C. Correct name, Thomas F. Donnely. Res. New- buryport. Born at Lathrop, Ireland, Nov. 6th, 1840. Son of Matthew and Mary (Francis) Donnely. Mus. in place of Crabtree, and answered to that name during term of service. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding 264 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., July 26th, 1903, bur. Catholic cemetery, Newburyport. CRAM, SAMUEL H. Age 19 years, single, occupation, clerk. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Rejoined regiment, Sept. 21st, 1862. Sent to hospital, Jan. 9th, 1863. Returned to regiment, Jan. 26th, 1863. Sent to hospital at Old Point Comfort, Va., March 22d, 1863. Disch. for disab. Sept. 17th, 1863. CREASEY, GEORGE. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 24th, 1818. Son of Wil- liam and Hannah (Chase) Creasey. One of the first detachment of the Gushing Guards to leave the city, April 16th, 1861, in response to the call of the Governor. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Adjutant of the 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs, Md., to Wash- ington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Commis. Captain 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., May 26th, 1862, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. At Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, 1863, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863, Shenandoah valley campaign under Gen. Sheridan. Disch. Nov. 7th, 1864. Wrote frequent letters to the Newburyport Herald, signed "Essex." Died at Newburyport, July 17th, 1896, bur. in Oak HiU Cemetery. CREASEY, GEORGE WILLIAM. Born at Newburyport, June 22d, 1840. Son of George and Harriet (Lewis) Creasey. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted 1st Sergt. Sept. 17th, 1862, 1st Lieut. May 1st, 1863, Captain Sept. 6th, 1864. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sul- phur Springs, Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, Vicksburg, Miss., July, 1863. Detailed as Ord- nance Officer, stationed at Cincinnati, O., Nov. 12th, 1863. Commanded barracks at Covington, Ky., Jan., 1864. Returned to regiment, April 28th, 1864. Act'g Asst. Adj.-Gen. 1st Brig., 1st Div., 9th Army Corps, April 29th, 1864. Battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th and 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, and taken prisoner. Confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Macon and Savannah, Ga. Under fire at Charleston, S.C, Charlotte, N.C. Re- leased March 1st, 1865. Disch. by Gen. Order No. 82, War Dept., as a paroled prisoner, May 15th, 1865, end of war. CREASEY, WILLIAM J. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 24th, 1822. Son of William and Hannah (Chase) Creasey. Mus. 1st Lieut. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inft., Oct. 11th, 1861, for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 265 Engaged at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Resigned July 16th, 1862. CREASEY, EDWARD KING. Born at Newburyport, May 4th, 1844. Son of Joseph B. and Sarah (Todd) Creasey. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newbiu-yport, Oct. 1st, 1882, bur. in Oak HiU Cemetery. CRESSY, EBENEZER. Born at Newburyport, June 13th, 1817. Son of Samuel and Catharine (Goddard) Cressy. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Died Nov. 30th, 1862, at New Berne, N.C., bur. in National Cemetery, New Berne, N.C., Plot No. 9. No. in plot, 137. No. of grave, 1653. CRESSY, ALBERT COOK. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 19th, 1842. Son of Ebenezer and Mary (Burnham) Cressy. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d and 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged at siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862, Fair Oaks, May 31st, 1862, and killed. Bur. on the field. CROPLEY, PETER. Res. Newburyport. Born in Nova Scotia. Age 39 years, married, occupation, ship-carpenter. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 18th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. .4, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In the defences of Washington, winter of 1862-63. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, May 3d, 1864. Died at Mystic, Conn. CROSS, HENRY M. Res. Newburyport. Born at Gorham, Me., June 22d, 1843. Son of Enoch and Charlotte (Pettingell) Cross. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engaged at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Clerk at Regimental Headqrs., Port Hudson, La., May 22d to July 9th, 1863. One of the volimteers in the storming party at Port Hudson. Donald- sonville. La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Commis. 2d Lieut. 59th Mass. Inft., Nov. 24th, 1863, 1st Lieut. April 26th, 1864, Captain Aug. 20th, 1864, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. At Wilderness, Va., Ma}'^ 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th to 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, and taken prisoner. Confined at Libby Prison, Va., Macon and Savannah, Ga. Under fire at Charleston, S.C. Escaped from Columbia, S.C, and recaptured. Re- leased March 1st, 1865, at Wilmington, N.C. Transf. to 57th Mass. Inft. Disch. July 30th, 1865, end of war. CURRIER, EZRA. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 2d, 1846. Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, 266 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Priv Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antie- tam Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Left sick at Cincinnati, O., Jan., 1863. Joined regiment, Dec, 1863. Promoted Corporal, Jan. 3d, 1864. Died March 19th, 1864, at KnoxviUe, Tenn., bur. in KnoxviUe National Cemetery, Lot No. 6, Grave No. 32. CURRIER, RODNEY H. Res. Amesbury, Mass. Bom at Haverhill, Mass., July' 28th 1826. Son of Moses and Mary E. Currier. Enlis. at New- buryport,'mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Moun- tain Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Sent to Patterson Park Hospital, Balti- more, Md. Disch. at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va., for disab. Nov. 12th, 1862. CURRIER JONATHAN B. Bom at Newburyport, March 20th, 1836. Son of Edmund and Elizabeth P. Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 19th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft.', M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at In- dianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Previously served as Priv. in Co. C, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M for 9 mo. Cred. to SaUsbury, Mass., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. CURRIER, WILLIAM H. B. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mass Feb 22d, 1844. Son of Edmund and EUzabeth P. Currier. En- lis at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M V M for 9 mo. Promoted Corporal, June 22d, 1863. Engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Corporal Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft M V M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at In- dianapoUs, Ind., during service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. CURRIER LA ROY SUNDERLAND. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 18th, 1836 Son of Amos and Jane W. (Gurney) Currier. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V M., for 9 mo. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re- enlis. and mus. July 23d, 1864, Corporal Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapohs, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, with regiment. CURRIER, GEORGE E. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 17th, 1834. Son of Amos and Jane W. (Gumey) Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Bur. New HiU. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 267 CURRIER, NATHANIEL. Bora at Newburyport, July 28th, 1827. Son of Amos and Jane W. (Gurney) Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 20th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Aug. 24th, 1898, bur. New Hill. CURRIER, ALBERT EDWIN. Bom at Newburyport, July 5th, 1842. Son of Albert and Rebecca (Chase) Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv, 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Everett, Mass., Jan. 26th, 1899, bur. at Newburyport. CURRIER, LEONARD. Bom at Newbury, Mass., May 30th, 1829. Son of Moses C. and Prudence B. Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 18th, mus. Aug. 27th, 1863, Priv. Co. E, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. Jan. 6th, 1865. Died at SaUsbury, Mass., Nov. 28th, 1871. CURRIER, FREDERICK I. Bom at Newburyport, AprU 5th, 1843. Son of WiUiam and Julia Ann Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. I, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. CURRIER, BRIGGS. Bom at Newburyport, July 11th, 1835. Son of WU- liam and Sarah N. Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 7th, 1882, bur. in Belleville Cemetery. CURRIER, JAMES W. Bom at Newburyport, July 5th, 1837. Son of Enoch G. and Jane Currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regi- ment at Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, 1863, Donaldson- ville, La., July 13th, 1863. Promoted Commissary-Sergt. Sept. 16th, 1862. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at New York Qty. CURRIER, ALFRED. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 28th, 1841. Son of Al- fred and Nancy B. Currier. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Picker- ing, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. CURTIS, WILLIAM DREW. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., May 27th, 1827. Son of Joseph and Mary Curtis. Enlis. at Newbury- 268 NEWBUBYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. port, Jan. 11th, mus. Jan. 29th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 5th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 }Ts. Promoted 1st Sergt. Aug. 6th, 1865. With regiment near Petersburg, Va. Disch. Oct. 5th, 1865. Services no longer required. CUSHMAN, ISAAC S. Res. Newburyport. Born at New Gloucester, Me., Feb. 12th, 1824. Son of Samuel and Betsey Cushman. Appointed Chaplain 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., mus. Jan. 12th, 1864. 'Sent to hospital at Lookout Mountain, Ga., furloughed. Commis. Assistant Surgeon 5th Reg. Mass. Cav., mus. Sept. 6th, 1864. With regiment near Peters- burg, Va. Resigned May 31st, 1865, end of war. CUTTER, THOMAS EDWIN. Born at Newburyport, March 28th, 1836. Son of Thomas H. and Elizabeth B. (Moody) Cutter. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Clerk Q. M. Dept. Aug. 26th, 1862. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 1st, 1862, Q. M. Sergt. Jan. 1st, 1863, 1st Lieut, and regimental Q. M. April 1st, 1864, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With the regiment in all its campaigns, until its muster out of service. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, May 26th, 1903, bur. Oak Hill. CUTTER, CHARLES JENNINGS. Born at Newburyport, May 11th, 1839. Son of Thomas H. and EUzabeth B. (Moody) Cutter. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at North- boro, Mass., May 8th, 1896, bur. Oak HiU Cemetery, Newburyport. CUTTER, EBEN PLUMMER. Born at Newburyport, July 31st, 1830. Son of Da\id E. and Caroline (Plummer) Cutter. Commis. 2d Lieut. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., mus. Sept. 15th, 1862. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. 2d lieut. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days, mus. July 23d, 1864. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 11th, 1898, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. CUTTER, HENRY P. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 22d, 1844. Son of Rich- ard and Mary Ann Cutter. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864> Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. with company, Aug. 4th, 1864. CUTTER, EDWIN A. Born at Newburyport, July 11th, 1841. Son of Daniel H. and Susan M. Cutter. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, Cor- poral Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Sent to hospital at INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 269 Baton Rouge, La., April 3d, 1863. Returned to company, April 23d, 1863. Engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, May 27th and June 14th, Donaldsonville, July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. DAME, LUTHER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Kittery, Me., March 3d, 1826. Son of Joseph and Statira Dame. Commis. Captain, mus. Oct 12th, 1861, Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Poto- mac. At siege of Yorktown, Va., battle of Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Resigned May 15th, 1862. Commis. Captain 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., mus. May 3d, 1864, for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. DANFORTH, CALVIN HERBERT. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., Sept. 30th, 1832. Son of Rufus and Sarah (Herbert) Danforth. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. DANFORTH, JACOB ISRAEL. Born at Boscawen, N.H., Oct. 21st, 1821. Son of Rufus and Sarah (Herbert) Danforth. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Gar- rison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 6th, 1886, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. DANIELS, WILLIAM H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Paradise, N.S., Sept. 13th, 1838. Son of Ephraim and Christiana Daniels. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 20th, 1864, bur. New Hill. DANIELSON, CHARLES HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Born at Bangor, Me, June 11th, 1830. Son of Charles Henry and Alice (Chase) Daniel- son. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. March 3d, 1863. Died at Newburyport, May 13th, 1894, bur. New Hill. DAVENPORT, EDWARD L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., March 17th, 1838. Son of Anthony and Sarah J. (Little) Davenport. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Sergt. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In engagements at Falling Waters, Va., July 2d, Martinsburg, Va., July 3d, 1861, Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Port Walthall, Va., May 270 NEWBtTRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 7th, Pocahontas, Va., May 9th, 1864. Wounded at Drury's Bluffs, Va., May 16th, 1864. Sent to hospital at Fortress Monroe, David's Island, N.Y., and New Haven, Conn. Returned to regiment, Sept., 1864. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. Also Priv. Co. I, 20th Penn. Inft., April, 1861, for 3 mo. Disch. Aug. 6th, 1861. Died at Somerville, Mass., Feb. 26th, 1884, bur. at Moxmt Hope Cemetery, Boston, Mass. DAVENPORT, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portland, Me., Dec. 10th, 1829. Son of Anthony and Sarah J. (Little) Davenport. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Assault on Port Hudson, May 27th, 1863. Sent to hospital. Rejoined regiment, July, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. DAVENPORT, ALBERT W. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 7th, 1842. Son of Anthony and Sarah J. (Little) Davenport. Enlis. at Newbiuyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphm- Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Drowned while on picket duty at Falmouth, Va,, Jan. 23d, 1863. Body originally buried on Stanley's farm, Strafford County, Va. Re- moved to National Cemetery at Fredericksburg, Va., Division C, Section B, Grave No. 140. DAVENPORT, SIMON H. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 18th, 1842. Son of James and Eliza I. (Beals) Davenport. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 jrrs.. Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Promoted Corporal for meritorious conduct at Fair Oaks, Va. Woimded in left arm at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1st, 1862. Disch. Oct. 14th, 1862, for wounds. Re-enlis. and mus. March 4th, 1864, Priv. Co. G, 59th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th and 18th, 1864, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, and woxmded in thigh. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. • DAVENPORT, CHARLES B. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 8th, 1844. Son of James and Eliza I. (Beals) Davenport. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Va., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in hand. Disch. for wounds, Nov. 14th, 1862. DAVIS, JAMES W. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 22d, 1843. Son of James W. and Mary Jane (Eastman) Davis. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. En- gaged at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Golds- INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 271 boro, Dec. 17th, 1862. Sent to Foster Gen. Hospital, New Beme, N.C., with fever. Returned to regiment. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. DAVIS, GEORGE W. Born at Newburyport, June 3d, 1846. Son of James W. and Mary Jane (Eastman) Davis. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment near Washmgton, D.C., winter of 1862-63. Disch. for disab. Jan. 23d, 1863. Re-enUs. and mus. Corporal, July 23d, 1864, Co. H (Gush- ing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. DAVIS, CALEB P., Jr. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 12th, 1843. Son of Caleb P. and Eliza Ann (Lewis) Davis. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty in forts near Washington, D.C. Promoted Corporal, Jan. 25th, 1865. Disch. Nov. 18th, 1865. Services no longer reqviired. Died at Newbury- port, Nov. 3d, 1898, biu-. New Hill, DAVIS, DANIEL MORSE. Bom at Newburyport, April 2d, 1839. Son of Benjamin and Martha E. Davis. Mus. Sept. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 22d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In Peninsular campaign, at Yorktown, Va., April 6th, near York River, Va., May 4th, Mechanicsville, Va., Jime 26th, Gaines's Mill, Va., Jime 27th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862. Sent to Stewart's Mansion Hos- pital, Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. Nov. 19th, 1862. Adjt.-Gen. says, " Disch. Dec. 1st, 1862." DECOSTER, CHARLES C. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Mass., Nov. 17th, 1845. Son of Cyrus and Olive P. Decoster. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Priv. Sept. 16th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Gulf Dept. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Norfolk, Va., and New Berne, N.C. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. DEITHMAN, WILLIAM. Res. Newbiuyport. Age 21 years, occupation, shoe- maker. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 14th, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment before Petersburg, Va. Disch. Jime 29th, 1865, end of DELANO, JAMES HARVEY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Duxbury, Mass., May 10th, 1829. Son of Charles and Bethia Delano. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. 272 NEWBTJRYPORT LN THE CIVIL WAR. DELANTY, CHARLES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Caledonia, N.S., Feb. 14th, 1843. Son of James and Ann (Smith) Delanty. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov. 24th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at New Orleans, La. At battle of Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. Died at New Orleans, La., Dec. 5th, 1862, bur. at Monument National Cemetery, Chalmette, La. DELANTY, EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Caledonia, N.S., May 15th, 1844. Son of James and Ann (Smith) Delanty. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov. 30th, 1861, Priv. Co, D, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va. Taken prisoner on retreat from Richmond, 1862. Confined at Libby Prison and Belle Isle, Va. Released and disch. for disab. Oct. 5th, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. April 22d, 1863, Priv. Co. C, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, and frontier duty at Champlain, N.Y. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865. Services no longer required. DENNETT, SEWALL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at SaUsbury, Mass., Dec. 14th, 1827. Son of Moses M. and Sarah (Herbert) Dennett. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Nov. 25th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch, Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. In action at Palatka, Fla., Aug. 2d, Magnolia, Fla., Aug. 13th, Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 17th, 1864, and woimded. Taken prisoner. Died Oct. 30th, 1864, from amputation of leg. Bur. in Andersonville National Cemetery, Ga., Grave No. 11,666. DE ROCHEMONT, MAXIMILIAN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newing- ton, N.H., Feb, 18th, 1845, Son of Daniel M. and Elizabeth A. (De Witt) De Rochemont. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Denver, Col., 1886, bur. at Denver, DE ROCHEMONT, CHARLES F, Res. Newburyport, Born at Newington, N.H., Dec. 25th, 1842. Son of Daniel M. and EUzabeth A. (De Witt) De Rochemont. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv, Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guard- ing camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. DEVINE, MICHAEL F. Res. Newburyport. Age 31 years, married, occu- pation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Woimded at the battle of Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Died from woimda, June 5th, 1862, in hospital at Boston, Mass. INDIVIDUAL BECORDS, ARMY. 273 DILLINGHAM, AREATUS H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portland, Me., Mav 19th, 1833. Son of WUliam and Sarah Dillingham. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Sergt. July 12th, 1865. In engagements at New Berne, N.C., May 22d, WhitehaU, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enUs. for 3 yrs. in same company, and mus. Jan. 2d, 1864. At Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Feb. 1st, Washington, N.C., April 27th, 1864, Wise's Forks, N.C., March 8th, 1865. Disch. Aug. 11th, 1865, end of war. DILLINGHAM, JOHN G. Res. Newburyport. Born at Saccarappa, Me., Sept. 20th, 1829. Son of William and Sarah Dillingham. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. G, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagement at Rappahannock Station, Nov. 7th, Mine Run, Dec, 1863, Wilderness, Va., May 5th, 1864, and wounded. Died from wounds, at Summit House Hospital, Phila., Penn., June 15th, 1864. DINNEEN, JOHN M. Res. Newburyport. Age 27 years, occupation, mason. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 15th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. Deserted Dec. 22d, 1862. DIRHAM, EDW.ARD W. (Adjb.-Gen. says " Derham.") Res. Newburyport. Born in Poole, England, March 15th, 1836. Son of Edward and Mary (Willis) Dirham. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 25th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 1st Bat'hi Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Transf. to U. S. Navy, April 8th, 1864. (See Naval Record.) DIXON, JAMES W. Born at Newburyport, July 10th, 1847. Son of David and Sarah A. Dixon. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the de- fences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Nov. 18th, 1865, with regiment. Services no longer required. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 20th, 1867, bur. New Hill. DIXON, GEORGE W. Born at Newburyport, July 7th, 1840. Son of David and Sarah A. Dixon. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the de- fences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Nov. 18th, 1865, with regiment. Services no longer required. DOCKHAM, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Hampton, N.H., April 22d, 1842. Son of John H. and Lois R. Dockham. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart Regiment), Army of the Potomac. At the siege of Yorktown, Va., WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, front of Richmond, Malvern Hill, July 1st, 1862. Killed at 2d BuU Run, Aug. 30th, 1862. 274 NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. DODGE, EDWARD DAVIS. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 29th, 1840. Son of Samuel and Hannah Dodge. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In action at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Pro- moted Corporal, June 26th, 1863. Detailed for Guard 2d Div. 9th Army Corps, May, 1863. Left sick at Crab Orchard, Ky., Oct. 2d, 1863. Died at Crab Orchard, Ky., Dec. 11th, 1863. Body sent home, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery, Lot 467. DODGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 6th, 1842. Son of Samuel and Hannah Dodge. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, Jan. 9th, 1864, Sergt. Aug. 1st, 1864, In action at Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Campbell's Station, Tenn., Nov. 15th, siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, May 31st to June 7th, before Petersburg, Va., from June 22d to Aug. 15th, mine before Petersburg, Va., July 30th, Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30th, 1864, and taken prisoner. Confined at Castle Thunder, Richmond, Va. Released March, 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. DODGE, RICHARD S. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 29th, 1841. Son of Dana and Abbie (Welch) Dodge. Enlis. April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. One of the first squad to leave the city April 16th, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Balti- more & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Sent to Chestnut Hill Hospital, N.Y. Disch. for disab. June 12th, 1863. Died at Lynn, Jan. 7th, 1902, bur. at Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn. DODGE, WILLIAM H. T. Res. Newburyport. Age 19 years, single. EnHs. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from An- napolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relaj^ House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Subsequently enlis. in Co. D, 24th Reg. Mass. Inft., cred. to Haverhill, Mass. Died Oct. 23d, 1864, in New York Harbor. DODGE, RAYNAL. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 9th, 1844. Son of Alvin, and Mary L. Dodge. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hudson, June 12th to 14th, 1863. Wounded June 28th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECOKDS, ARMY. 275 DOHERTY, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Age 26 years, single, occupa- tion, spinner. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Deserted June 8th, 1864. DOLE, JOHN W. Born at Newburyport, June 28th, 1832. Son of EUias P. and Hannah G. Dole. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Sergt. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engaged at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1862. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Somerville, Mass., April 13th, 1896, bur. at Newburyport in New Hill Cemetery. DOLE, EBEN S. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 8th, 1847. Son of Parker M. and Margaret (Currier) Dole. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. Garrison duty in forts on the Massachusetts coast, and in the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Nov. 18th, 1865, end of war. DONNELL, HIRAM C. Age 26 years, occupation, comb-maker. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Re- ported a deserter, June 24th, 1862. DONNELY, THOMAS F. See Benjamin C. Crabtree, 60th Mass. Inft. DORAN, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, 1830. Son of Christopher and Margaret Doran. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 18th, 1864, Priv. 4th Battery Mass. L. A. With battery at New Orleans, La., MobUe, Ala., and Galveston, Tex. Disch. Oct. 14th, 1865, end of war. DORAN, ROBERT. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Readville, Mass., Dec. 21st, 1862. DORETY, JOSEPH H. Age 19 years, single, occupation, clerk. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 17th, 1865, Priv. 5th Mass. Battery, L. A., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. at Readville, Mass., June 12th, 1865, end of war. DORING, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Chariestown, Mass., July 11th, 1820. Son of Thomas and Lois (Westcott) Doring. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Maryland and North Caro- lina. Disch. for disab. Jan. 30th, 1863, at New Berne, N.C. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 14th, 1873, bur. New Hill. DORSEY, PHILIP. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv, Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. 276 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. DOW, GEORGE C. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, Mass., May 11th, 1834. Son of Abraham and Henrietta D. (Carr) Dow. Eniis- May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted 1st Sergt. Feb. 1st, 1862, 2d Lieut. July 21st, 1862, 1st Lieut. Jan. 12th, 1863, Cap- tain Sept. 4th, 1863. At siege of Yorktown, Va., April, Williamsburg, Va., May, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Glendale, Va., June 30th, Peach Orchard, Va., June 29th, Charles City Crossroads, Va., June 30th Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 18G2, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862. and wounded in right hand. Furloughed. Returned to regiment, Nov. 24th, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11th to 16th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May, 1863, and wounded in left thigh. Taken prisoner. Exchanged Sept. 15th, 1863. Returned to regiment. Disch. Dec. 26th, 1863, for wounds. Commis. 2d Lieut. 62d Mass. Inft., March 1st, 1865, and stationed at Newburyport, as recruiting officer. Promoted Captain, April 17th, 1865. Disch. May 5th, 1865, end of war. DOW, JACOB F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 5th, 1824. Son of Benair and Maria B. Dow. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Camp- bell's Station, Tenn., Nov. 15th, siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 7th to Dec. 5th, 1863. Died from wounds, April 16th, 1864, at Annapolis, Md., bur. at U. S. Gen. Hospital (St. John's College), Division No. 2, Annapolis, Md. DOW, CHARLES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kensington, N.H., Sept. 5th, 1818. Son of Nathan and Mary E. (Prescott) Dow. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Sent to hospital at Old Point Comfort, Va., March 22d, 1863. Disch. June 29th, 1865, at Wasliington, D.C., end of war. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 25th, 1878, bur. Oak Hill. DOW, LEVI A. Bom at Newburyport. Son of Levi and Mary M. Dow. Enlis. at Newburjqjort, mus. Nov. 17th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Re-enlis. for three years in same company and regiment, mus. Jan. 2d, 1864. Disch. by order of War Dept. Sept. 2d, 1865. Died at Amesbury, Nov. 14th, 1899. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 277 DOW, ZACCHEUS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Seabrook, N.H., June 27th, 1836. Son of Levi and Mary M. Dow. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washing- ton. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf, Engagements, at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, DonaldsonviUe, La., July 13th, 1863. Promoted Corporal. Re-enlis. and mus. Feb. 13th, 1864, in same company, for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Aug. 1st, 1864. Died Dec. 7th, 1876, bur. Oak HUl Cemetery, Newburyport. DOW, JOSIAH F. Res. Newburyport. Born at Seabrook, N.H., Sept. 5th, 1842. Son of Levi and Mary M. Dow. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov, 20th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., 19th Army Corps, Dept, of Gulf. Engagements, Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, DonaldsonviUe, La., July 13th, 1863. Re-enlis. and mus. in same company, Jan. 2d, 1864, for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, May 20th, 1864. Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's HiU, Va., Sept. 22d, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct, 19th, 1864, and woxmded. Sent to Jarvis Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Retiuned to regiment, AprU 10th, 1865. With regiment in South Carolina. Disch. July 5th, 1866. Services no longer required, DOW, AMOS, Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., June 16th, 1824. Son of Evan and Mary P. (Conning) Dow. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Yorktown, Va., May 10th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Savage Station, Va., June 29th, White Oak Swamp, Jvme 30th, Malvern HUI, Va., Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29th to 30th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, ChanceUorsville, Va., May 2d and 3d, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st to 3d, Mine Run, Va., Nov. 27th, 1863, and wounded. Died of wounds, March 4th, 1864, at Mansion Hospital, Alexandria, Va,, bur. in National Cemetery at Alexandria, Va., Grave No. 1129. DOWNS, JEREMIAH, Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 8th, 1836. Son of Jere- miah and Abigail L. Downs. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 1st, 1861, Priv. Co. D, nth Keg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Nov. 27th, 1862. Died at Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 9th, 1863, bur, in New- buryport, New HiU. DOYLE, WILLIAM, Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Oct. 21st, 1821. Son of John and Sarah Doyle. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Prctmoted Corporal. 278 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. Died in hospital at Hilton Head, S.C, Feb. 28th, 1862, bur. in Beaufort National Cemetery, S.C, Section 13, Grave No. 1. DROWN, ALBERT. Born at Newburj^port, Sept. 27th, 1827. Son of Thomas and Judith Drown. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment on provost duty at Baltimore, Md., and campaign in North Carolina. Died at Mansfield Hospital, Morehead City, N.C., Feb. 13th, 1864, bur. m New Berne National Cemetery, N.C., Plot No. 10. Number in plot, 68. Number of grave, 1772. DUNN, MICHAEL. Res. Newburyport. Born in Kearney, Ireland, Aug. 28th, 1842. Son of John and Margaret Dunn. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 31st, 1864, Priv. Co. L, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., Army of the Potomac. Before Petersburg, Va., 1865, at High Bridge, Va., April 6th, 1865. Disch. May 26th, 1865, end of war. DUNN, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Born 1832. Single, occupation, ship- carpenter. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Sergt. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Sergt. Commis. 2d liieut. June 1st, 1865. Engagements, New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, WhitehaU, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enlis. in same company for 3 yrs., mus. Jan. 6th, 1864. Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Feb. 1st, Washington, N.C., April 27th, 1864. Died June 3d, 1865, bur. in Raleigh National Cemetery, N.C., Section 7, Grave No. 4. DUSTIN, JOHN H. Res. Amesbury, Mass. Born at Chelsea, Vt., Oct. 27th» 1828. Son of Timothy and Susan Dustin. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Sent to Mound City Hospital. Disch. for disab. Feb. 3d, 1864. Subsequently served in Co. H, 13th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, and cred. to Southampton, Mass. Disch. Nov. 4th, 1865. Services no longer required. Also served in the Mexican War. DWYER, WILLIAM THOMAS. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 12th, 1837. Son of Thomas and Abigail M. Dwyer. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washing- ton. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 279 Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garri- son duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., July 1st, 1903, bur. at East Hampstead, N.H. DWYER, DANIEL J. Res. Newburyport. Born in County of Cork, Ireland, 1840. Son of Jolm and Honora (Mahoney) Dwyer. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enlis. in same company, and mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, as a Veteran for 3 yrs. Disch. July 11th, 1865, with regiment, end of war. DWYER, DENNIS. Res. Newburyport. Born in Barhieal, Ireland, June 20th, 1844. Son of John and Honora (Mahoney) Dwyer. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Musician Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts. Engagement at New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, for 3 yrs. With regiment until its muster out of service. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. EASTMAN, JEREMIAH. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation tanner. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 19th, 1865, Corporal Co. I, 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At Petersburg, Va., April, 1865, and defences of Washington. Disch. July 16th, 1865, end of war. EATON, LEONARD W. Born at Seabrook, N.H., Aug. 12th, 1835. Son of Chase and Miriam Eaton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V.M., for 9 mo. Disch. for disab. Dec. 18th, 1862. Died Aug. 10th, 1890. EATON, GUSTAVUS H. Born at Vienna, Me., Aug. 21st, 1846. Son of Jabez and Charlotte B. Eaton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. C, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 3ts., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in its campaign of 1864, and siege of Petersburg. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865, end of war. EDGERLY, NORMAN FRENCH. Res. Newburyport. Born at Gilmanton, N.H., Jan. 31st, 1831. Son of David and Dorothy (Edgerly) Edgerly. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Disch. for disab. Feb. 27th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, April 1st, 1865, bur. in Belleville Cemetery. EHRLACHER, EDWIN T. Age 18 j^ears, single, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 27th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. Cav., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. for disab. Jan. 18th, 1864. 280 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. ELDRIDGE, ELISHA, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bucksport, Me. Son of Elisha and Cynthia B. Eldridge. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, Sept. 20th, 1861, Sergt. Aug. 19th, 1862, 1st Sergt. Nov. 2d, 1862, 1st Lieut. Dec. 16th, 1864. At battles of Roanoke Island, N.C. Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C, March 14th, Batchelder's Creek, N.C, April 29th, Southwest Creek, N.C, Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C, Dec. 14th, White- haU, N.C, Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C, Dec. 17th, 1862, Wilcox Bridge, July 7th, 1863. Re-enlis. in same company for 3 yrs., mus. Dec. 3d, 1863, Wounded in right hand at Arrowfield Church, Va., May 9th, 1864, Disch. Dec. 10th, 1864, by War Dept. to accept a commission Commis. 1st Lieut. 25th Unat. Co. Inft., Mass. Vols., Dec. 16th, 1864, for 1 yr. Stationed at Fort Miller, Marblehead, Mass. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. EMERY, JAMES A. Res. Newburyport. Born at Belfast, Me., Nov. 15th, 1836. Son of James and Mehitable M. Emery. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In hospital at Washington, D.C, Aug. 1st, 1862. Mus. Sergt. Co. C, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Commis. 1st Lieut. May 8th, 1863. Engagement at Plain's Store, La., May 21st. One of the storming party in attack on Port Hudson. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1863. Died Oct. 1st, 1889, bur. in Salisbury, Mass. EMERSON, GEORGE. Bom at Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Bos- ton Harbor. Transf. to U.S. Navy, April 17th, 1864. (See Naval Record.) ESTES, SAMUEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kennebunk, Me., April 23d, 1827. Son of Jotham and Olive (Tripp) Estes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island. N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863, Exp. term. EWIN, JOHN MOREHEAD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Baltimore, Md., Sept. 14th, 1836. Son of John and Margaret (Morehead) Ewin. Enlis. AprU 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs to Wash- ington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Washington, D.C, Oct. 21st, 1892, bur. at Baltimore, Md. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 281 FALLON, MARTIN. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, 1826. Son of Michael and Bridget (Moran) Fallon. Enlis. May 10th, mus. May 21st ^ 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Sept. 3d, 1864, in Co. C, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. with regiment, June 30th, 1865, end of war. FARR, AMMI. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Maine, June 6th, 1836. Enlis . at Newburyport, mus. March 4th, 1864, Sergt. Co. G, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps. Previously Corporal Co. C, 6th Reg. N. H. Inft., and 2d Lieut. 17th N. H. Inft. PARRADY, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at New Church, England, Jan. 1st, 1836. Son of Thomas and Margaret Farrady. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo.. Army of the Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. FARRELL, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born at West Meath, Ireland, July 19th, 1825. Son of James and Mary F. Farrell. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Dec. 7th, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. Jime 29th, 1865, end of war. Substitute for William Cushing of Newburyport. FARRELL, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at New York City, N.Y., July 8th, 1841. Son of John and Anne (Smith) Farrell. Enlis. at Newbury- port, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R, Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Also served in U. S. Navy on sloop- of-war Brooklyn for 1 yr. Enli^i. Sept. 2d, 1864, cred. to Chicopee, Mass. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. FEGAN, JAMES L. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mass., Oct. 31st, 1837. Son of James and EUzabeth H. Fegan. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 5th, 1863, at Boston, Mass. Died at Newbury- port, July 6th, 1877, biu-. at Belleville Cemetery. FELCH, WILLIAM H. Bom at Newburyport, June 28th, 1842. Son of William E. and Hannah B. Felch. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enUs. and mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. 282 NEWBtJKYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagement at New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Detailed as baker, April, 1862. Sent to hospital. Disch. for disab. July 30th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 29th, 1870, bur. New Hill. FENLEY, ANTHONY. Age 21 years, single. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863, with regi- ment. Exp. term. FINN, JAMES. Res. Rockport, Mass. Age 31 years, single, occupation, stone- cutter. Enlis. at Rockport, mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Rockport, Mass. Disch. Jan. 5th, 1864, to re-enlist, and mus. Jan. 6th, 1864, Priv. in same company and regi- ment, for 3 yrs., and cred. to Newburyport. Disch. July Uth, 1865, end of war. FINNEGAN, CHARLES J. Age 26 years, single, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, Oct. 15th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Deserted Jan, 7th, 1864. FITZGERALD, MATTHEW. Born in Ireland, 1839. Res. Amesbury, Mass. Occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 25th, 1863, Priv. Co. E, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. July 31st, 1865. Died at Ames- bury, Mass., Nov. 23d, 1869, bur. in Soldiers' Lot at Amesbury. FITZGERALD, RICHARD. Res. Newburyport. Born m Ireland, Nov. 18th, 1833. Son of Edward and Honora Fitzgerald. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. FITZSIMMONS, JOHN. Res. Newburjrport. Bom in Ireland, June 22d, 1814. Son of Patrick and Honora Fitzsimmons. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 19th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. April 2d, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Aug. 24th, 1876, bur. in CathoUc cemetery. FITZSIMMONS, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom in England, March 5th, 1841. Son of John and Eliza Fitzsimmons. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Go. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th. Promoted Corporal, Dec. 1st, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and wounded. Transf. to Co. K, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 283 19th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1st, 1863. Disch. Aug. 11th, 1865, end of war. Enlis. as William. Correct name, William H. Fitzsimmons. Died July 25th, 1887, bur. in Groveland, Mass. FLANDERS, JOHN L. Age 26 years, single, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newburj-port, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted March 20th, 1862. FLOYD, ENOS. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 8th, 1818. Son of Silas and Ann (Thurlow) Floyd. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. At New Berne, N.C., May 22d, 1862, Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. terra. Re-enlis. and mus. Priv. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagement at Wise's Fork, N.C., May 8th to 10th, 1865. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. FOGG, JEREMIAH W. Res. Newburyport. Born at North Hampton, N.H., m 1813. Son of John and Sarah (Dearborn) Fogg. EnUs. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushmg Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, May 28th, 1882, bur. Oak Hill Ceme- tery. FOGGERTY, WILLIAM HENRY. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 6th, 1843. Son of William and Eliza (McGrath) Foggerty. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In the Peninsular campaign, and wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Transf. July 1st, 1863, to 10th Co. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. July 26th, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enUs. and mus. Priv. Sept. 16th, 1864, in 29th Unat. Co. Mass. H. A., cred. to Springfield, Mass. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. FOLLANSBEE, JOHN. Born at Newburyport, April 19th, 1843. Son of William F. and Lydia A. (Ingalls) Follansbee. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indian- apolis, Ind., during term of ser\dce. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. FOLLANSBEE, LUREN. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 7th, 1847. Son of William and Belinda Follansbee. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. FORBES, JOHN MARCH. Bom at Newburyport, April 17th, 1842. Son of Lyman H. and Hannah C. (March) Forbes. Enlis. at Newburyport, 284 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. May 1st, mus. Jime 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft.' (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Arm^- Corps, Army of the Potomac. Pro- moted Corporal, Jan. 4th, 1863. Transf. to Co. H. Companies H and B consolidated in May, 1863, and thereafter known as Co. B. At siege of Yorktown, Va., WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, front of Richmond, [Malvern HUl, July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellors- ville, Va., May 3d, Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st to 3d, 1863, Wilderness, Va., May 5th, 1864, and wounded in left arm. Sent to Lincoln Hospi- tal, Washington, D.C. Disch. June 26th, 1864. Exp. term. FORBES, WILLIAM C. Bom at Newburyport, June 10th, 1843. Son of Lyman H. and Hannah C. (March) Forbes. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Wash- ington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Sept. 2d, 1861, Priv. 1st Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. Inft. Disch. for disab. Feb. 17th, 1862, Re-enlis. and mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the defences of Washington, D.C. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 9th, 1864, bur. New Hill. FORD, SAMUEL J. Bom at Newburyport, June 12th, 1843. Son of Daniel and Ann (Greene) Ford. Mus. Oct. 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In engagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, WhitehaU, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Creek, N.C., April 29th, Winton, N.C., July 26th, 1863. Re-enlis. for 3 yrs. in same company, mus. Jan. 4th, 1864. At Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Feb. 1st, 1864, Kinston, N.C., March 8th, 9th, 10th, 1865. Disch. as Corporal in Co. E, July 11th, 1865, at Goldsboro, N.C., by Gen. Order No. 113, Dept. of N.C., end of war. FORREST, HENRY M. Born at South Lee, Mass., Nov. 25th, 1840. Son of Rodolphus and Florella Forrest. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 14th, 1865, Priv. Co. E, 55th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. July 10th, 1865, from U. S. Hospital at Beaufort, S.C. FOSS, JOHN L. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 2d, 1843. Son of John H. and Margaret B. (Mace) Foss. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 28th^ 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21st, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Va., West Point, Va., May, Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, Peach Orchard, June 29th, Glendale, Va., June 30th, Malvem Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d BuU Run, Va., [Aug. 30th, 1862. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, bur. at Antietam National Cemetery, Grave No. 48, Lot A, Section 17. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 285 FOSTER, THOMAS WELLS. Bom at Newburyport, April 28th, 1828. Son of Thomas and Sarah H, Foster. Commis. 1st Lieut. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., mus. Aug. 21st, 1861. Resigned Jan. 8th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 27th, 1874, bur. Oak Hill. FOSTER, HENRY H. Born at Merrimack, N.H., April 27th, 1826. Son of David P. and Catharine S. Foster. Enlis. at Newburyport. Commis. 1st Lieut., mus. June 14th, 1861, Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Captain, Feb. 6th, 1862, Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, March 13th, 1865. En- gaged at the siege of Yorktown, Va., battles of Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fau- Oaks, May 31st, front of Richmond, Va., White Oak Swamp, June 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30th, Malvern HiU, July 1st, 2d Bull Rim, Aug. 28th and 29th, Chantilly, Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and wounded in left leg. Disch. June 23d, 1863. Mus. as Captain in 12th Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 11th, 1867. FOULDS, JOHN ESCOTT. Res. Newburyport. Born at Bolton, England, in 1820. Son of John Escott Foulds. Enlis. at Newburyport, mua. Dec. 2d, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In the following engagements: Siege of Yorktown, Va., April, WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, Savage's Station, Va., June 29th, White Oak Swamp, June 30th, Malvern HUl, Va., July 1st, 2d BuU Run, Va., Aug. 30th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and taken prisoner. Died April 30th, 1864, at Augusta, Ga., while a prisoner of war, bur. in Marietta and Atlanta National Cemetery, Section F, Grave No. 1050. Originally bur. at Atlanta, Ga. FOWLE, JOHN. Born at Newburyport, March 18th, 1836. Son of John R. and Elizabeth Fowle. Enlis. May 31st, mus. June 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 10th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 6th Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. With regiment in various campaigns. Disch. July 1st, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 18th, 1869, bur. New Hill. FOWLE, JACOB. Bom at Newburyport, June 6th, 1830. Son of John R. and Elizabeth Fowle. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Sent to hospital, April 18th, 1863. Returned to regiment. May, 1863. Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, 1864, North Anna River, May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., May 31st to June 7th, before Petersburg, Va., June 22d to Aug. 15th, mine before Petersburg, July 30th, 1864. Disch. June 9th, 1865, with regiment, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 13th, 1899, bur. New Hill. 286 NEWBURYPOBT IN THE CIVIL WAR. FOWLER, SAMUEL. Age 19 years, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov. 19th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at New Orleans, La., battle of Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. Died at New Orleans La., Oct. 29th, 1863, bur. in National Cemetery at Chalmette, La. FOWLER, ARTHUR L. W. Born at Newburyport, March 15th, 1848. Son of Richard B. and Mary Ann (Bell) Fowler. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 29th, 1864, Priv. Co. C, 5th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., 18th Army Corps. Detailed as Orderly at 25th Army Corps Headqrs., July, 1864. Siege of Petersburg, Va. After surrender went with regiment to Texas. Disch. Oct. 31st, 1865. Services no longer required. FOX, STEPHEN R. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., Sept. 16th, 1821. Son of Stephen R. and Miriam (Jackman) Fox. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded, lost finger. Disch. for disab. Nov. 20th, 1862. Died at New- buryport, Dec. 18th, 1898, bur. New Hill. FOX, CHARLES J. Bom at Newburyport, 1840. Son of William R. and Mary (Curkin) Fox. Mus. May 19th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 3d Bat'ln Riflemen, M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment at Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, Md. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1861. Exp. term. FOYE, JAMES H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boxford, Mass., Feb. 6th, 1844. Son of Mark W. and Martha W. Foye. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. July 10th, 1863. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, as Sergt. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. On duty in North Carolina. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. Died at New- buryport, May nth, 1867, bur. New Hill. FRAME, ANDREW HARVEY. Res. Newburyport. Born at Franklin, Vt., April 10th, 1834. Son of William and Mary M. Frame. Enlis. at New- burjrport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engaged at South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Sent to hospital at Camp Nelson, Ky. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, March 16th, 1864. Disch. Aug. 9th, 1865, from 117th Co., 2d Batl'n Vet. Res. Corps, end of war. FRAME, FRANK ANTHONY. Res. Newburyport. Born in Canada, Jan. 1st, 1838. Son of WilHam and Mary M. Frame. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 287 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With the regiment in its va- rious campaigns. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. FREEMAN, RICHARD. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, Dec, 1831. Son of Samuel and Catherine Freeman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. FREEMAN, RICHARD. Age 31 years. Mus. Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Oct. 22d, 1862. Deserted Nov. 25th, 1862, at Wen- ham, Mass. FREEMAN, THOMAS. Born at Durham, N.H., May 19th, 1819. Son of William and Sarah Freeman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 6th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Disch. for disab. Nov. 23d, 1863. FRENCH, GEORGE H. Age 22 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Feb. 18th, 1865, Priv. Co. E, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. FROST, WILLIAM L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Yarmouth, N.S., Jan. 25th, 1837. Son of George and Mary (Whitehouse) Frost. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 9th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, Aug., 1862, Sergt. Dec, 1862. In engagements at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Maj'^ 31st, Savage Station, June 29th, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, 1863. Sent to hospital. May 8th. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 16th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 18th, 1866, from Co. B, 1st Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, as 1st Sergt. FROST, GEORGE NELSON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Argyle, N.S., Nov. 23d, 1839. Son of George and Mary (Whitehouse) Frost. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12t'h, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 186 3 Exp. term. FROST, JOHN S. Res. Newburyport. Born at Industry, Me., March 13th, 1837. Son of Samuel and Martha Frost. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 15th, 1861. One of the first to leave Newburyport with the Cushing Guards, April 16th. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washing- 288 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL "WAR. ton. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Newbuiyport, Oct. 10th, 1889, bur. New Hill. FROST, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Somersworth, N.H., Jan. 16th, 1832. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Balti- more & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Sergt. Co. K, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagement at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Port Hudson, La., May, 1863, Red River expedition, May, Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Oct. 9th, Cedar Creek, and wounded, Oct. 19th, 1864. Disch. Jan. 20th, 1865. Exp. term. FROTHINGHAM, JOSEPH A., Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 6th, 1836. Son of Joseph A. and Martha E. (Blake) Frothingham. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, as Sergt. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at New- buryport, Jan. 24th, 1885, bur. Oak Hill. FROTHINGHAM, CHARLES. Bora at Newburyport, July 7th, 1844. Son of James P. and Caroline H. Frothingham. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 18th, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. FULLER, JAMES S. Also recorded in same company and regiment as James S. Tuttle. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Wenham, Mass., Dec. 17th, 1862. FULLER, CHARLES H. Age 21 years, occupation, cooper. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. 4th, 1863, Priv. Co. C, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Deserted July 6th, 1865. FULLER, WILLIAM A. Res. Newburyport. Born at Plaistow, N.H., Oct. 6th, 1832. Son of David and Sarah Fuller. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Promoted Corporal, Aug. 1st, 1864. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Died at Newburyport, June 30th, 1901, bur. New HiU. FULLFORD, JONATHAN D. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kensington, N.H., Dec. 30th, 1838. Son of John O. and Abigail S. Fullford. Enlis. at INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 289 Newburyport, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 18th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 15th and 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., Jime 1st, and woimded. Before Petersburg, Va., Aug., 1864. Promoted Corporal Dec. 1st, 1864. Disch. June 16th, 1865, with regiment, end of war. FURBUSH, ALONZO. Res. Newburyport. Bom at North Berwick, Me., Sept. 13th, 1818. Son of Joshua and Susan Furbush. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Present at South Moun- tain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Disch. Oct. 28th, 1863, at Camp Dennison, Ohio. Re-enUs. in Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 9th, 1864, and cred. to Billerica, Mass. Disch. Nov. 21st, 1865. Died at Newburyport, June 15th, 1869, bur. New Hill. GADDAS, DAVID. Born in Cumberland, England, Jan. 23d, 1836. Son of Joseph and Mary (Steele) Gaddas. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded. Sent to Columbia Col- lege Hospital, Washington, D.C. Disch. for wounds, Nov. 22d, 1862. Re-enlis. in Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Mus. Priv. July 23d, 1864. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864- Exp. term. Died at Newburj^port, June 3d, 1883, bur. New Hill. GADDAS, JOHN STEELE. Born at Newburyport, March 28th, 1845.™' Son^of Joseph and Mary (Steele) Gaddas. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug, 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Nov. 15th, Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, before Petersburg, Va., June 22d to Aug. 2d, Weldon R.R. Aug. 19th to 21st, Hatcher's Run, Oct. 27th, 1864. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. GADDAS, ANDREW J. Bom at Newburyport, March 28th, 1845. Son of Joseph and Mary (Steele) Gaddas. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps. Army of the Potomac. South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md.,"Sept. 17th. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Disch. Jime 9th, 1865, while absent sick. GALLAGHER, FRANCIS. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland in 1840. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With 290 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. regiment in Peninsular campaign. Wounded in action at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st. 1862. Dropped Nov., 1862, by S. O. No. 92, War Dept. GALVIN, RICHARD. Res. Newburyport. Born in Bandon, Ireland, March 29th, 1820. Son of John and Mary P. Gah-in. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 27th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. for disab. May 28th, 1865. GANNON, WILLIAM. Age 19 years, single. EnUs. at Newburj^port, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. in same company, Jan. 2d, 1864, and cred. to Maiden, Mass. Dishonorably discharged, July 24th, 1865. GARDINER, STEPHEN D. Res. Newburj-port. Bom at Francestown, N.H., July 10th, 1832. Son of James and Miriam D. Gardner. EnUs. at Newburj-port, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Sergt. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from An- napolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Commis. Captain Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Kxp. term. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Cap- tain Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of ser\ace. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Died at Roxbury, Mass., June 25th, 1894. GASKELL, ALBERTON. Res. Newbur5T)ort. Bom at Bridgeport, Conn. Son of Jolm and Sarah GaskeU. Enlis. at Newburj-port, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the Dept. of the South. Disch. July 13th, 1865, end of war. GAY, JAMES. Res. Sahsbury, Mass. Enlis. at Newburj-port, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Moimtain, Sept. 14th, Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, Knox\alle, Term., Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Wounded at Petersburg, Va. Died of wounds, at .Alexandria, Va., Sept. 29th, 1864. GEARY, AMOS HORN. Bom at Newbur\-port, Aug. 12th, 1839. Son of George W. and Sarah C. Geary. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 21st, 1862. (See Naval Record.) Died at NewburjTJort, Jan. 3d, 1899, bur. Oak Hill. GEORGE, AMOS B. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 9th, 1841. Son of Joseph M. and Matilda (Hervey) George. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Promoted Corporal. With regiment at Port Hudson and Donaldson\-ille, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 291 GEORGE, ROBERT B. Born at Newbur\'port, Sept. 16th, 1843. Son of Joseph M. and Matilda (Hervey) George. Enlis. at Newbiirjrport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment at Port Hudson and Donaldsonx-ille, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863, with regiment. GERRISH, ORRIX B. Bom at Xewburyport, May 1st, 1845. Son of Orrin B. and Sarah W. (Pearson) Gerrish. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. GIDDINGS, WILLIAM H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at China, Me., Nov. 23d, 1835. Son of Paul and Catherine (Howe) Gidding-;. Enlis. at New- buryport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (C\ishing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. "V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861, with regiment. Died at Amesbury, Mass., April 7th, 1881. GILES, NATHAN R. Res. Newburyijort. Bom at North Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 12th, 1832. Son of James R. and Sarah B. Giles. Enlis. at New- bmyport. April 15th, 1861. One of the first to leave the city with the Cashing Guards, April 16th. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Wash- ington. Guard duty at Relay House. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp., term. Re-enlis. Sept. 9th, 1861, in band of 20th Reg. Mass. Inft., cred. to Cambridge. In battle of Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21st, 1861. Disch. March 26th, 1862, by order of War Dept., mustering out regimental bands. « GILLEN, THOMAS. Res. Newburj^port. Bom in Ireland, Nov. 13th, 1828. Son of Thomas and Mary (McClew) Gillen. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 7th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. In battle of Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862, Vicksburg,, June, 1862, Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, Donaldson^^lle, La., July 13th, 1863. Re-enlis. as Veteran, and mus. in same company, Jan. 2d, 1864. Engagements, at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22d, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. With regiment on provost duty in South Carolina. Disch. July 5th, 1866. Died at Newbur^TJort, bur. in Catholic cemetery. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, " Thomas Gillian." GLEASON, JOHN. Res. Newbur^^port. Bom in Ireland, Nov. 7th, 1832, Son of John and Catherine Gleason. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps] Army of the Potomac. Wounded in side at Mine Run, Va., Nov. 29th, 1863. Transf. to Co. C, 11th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, May 15th, 1864. Disch. for disab. Dec. 20th, 1864, at Point Lookout, Md. 292 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. GLEASON, JOHN. Age 21 years, occupation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. De- serted Jan. 8th, 1864. GONYEAR, JOSEPH. Age 21 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at New- burjTport, mus. Aug. 10th, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. GOODHUE, WILLIAM F. Res. Newbmyport. Born at Boston, Dec. 9th. 1820. Son of James S. and Lydia Goodhue. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M, V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. GOODWIN, STEPHEN HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Born at Exeter, N.H., Oct. 31st, 1839. Son of Stephen H. and Mary Goodwin. Enlis. at New- buryport. One of the first squad of the Cushing Guards to leave the city, April 16th. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Sept. 2d, 1861, Priv. 1st Co. Mass. Sharp- shooters. Disch. for disab. April 2d, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 10th, 1862, in 9th Mass. Battery L. A., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1863, Wilderness, Va., May, 1864, Spottsylvania, May 18th, North Anna River, May 24th, 1864. In front of Petersburg, Va., and Lee's surrender. Disch. June 6th, 1865, end of war. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, " Stephen Goodwin." Died at Newburyport, Jan. 24th, 1873, bur. New HiU. GOODWIN, THOMAS W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kennebunkport, Me., Feb. 19th, 1826. Son of EUsha S. and Mehitable Goodwin. Mus. Aug. 21st, 1861, 2d Lieut. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regi- ment at Baltimore, Md. Sent to hospital with fever. Resigned Feb. 8th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 20th, 1896, bur. Oak Hill. GOODWIN, DANIEL S. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 22d, 1822. Son of Joseph and Lydia (Graves) Goodwin. EnUs. at New- buryport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. GOODWIN, FRANK LEWIS. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 13th, 1842. Son of Enoch and Phoebe A. (Chase) Goodwin. Enlis. at Newbm-yport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Sent to hospital at INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, AR:MY. 293 Alexandria. Va. Disch. for disab. Nov. 1.5th, 1862. Died Sept. 19th, 1900, bur. at Beverly, Mass., Hale St. Cemetery. GOODWIN, JOHN M. T. Bom at Newburyport. Oct. 12th, 1845. Son of Enoch and Phoebe A. (Chase) Goodwin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 \ts. Died of fever at Camp Chattanooga, New Berne, N.C., June 17th, 1865. Body sent to Newburyport, and bur. Oak Hill. GOODWIN, WILLIAM AD.\MS. Res. Newburjijort. Bom at Newbury, Mass.. Aug. 25th. 1831. Son of William and .\lice (Knight) Gk)odwin. Enlis. at Newbur\-port, mus. Priv. Sept. 15th, 1862, Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. t«rm. GOODTNIN, CHARLES HENRY. Res. Newburjijort. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Feb. 25th, 1835. Son of William and Alice (Ivnight) Goodwin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863- Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at NewburjT)ort, Sept. 16th 1899. GOODWIN, CYRUS T. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 31st, 1829. Son of Daniel and Abigail (Shaw) Goodwin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. April 2d, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Wil- derness, Va,., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th and 18th, North ,\nna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., May 31st, before Peters- burg, Va., July, Weldon R.R., Va., Aug. 19th, Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30th, 1864. Sent to hospital at City Point, Va., March, 1865. Transf. to 57th Mass. Inft., July 7th, 1865. Disch. July 30th, 1865, end of war. Died at Royalston, Vt., Nov. 13th, 1897, bur. Oldtown Cemetery, Newbury, Mass. GOODWIN, WEBSTER. Res. NewburA^ort. Born at Newbury, Mass., Feb. 21st, 1835. Son of Daniel and Abigail (Shaw) Goodwin. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 4th, 1893, bur. Old- town Cemeterj-, Newbury, Mass. GOODWIN, MAJOR. Bora at Newburyport, July 16th, 1830. Son of Samuel and Ann Goodwin. Enlis. at Newburj-port, mus. Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., Sept. 15th, 1862, for 9 mo. Garrison 294 NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. GOODWIN, GEORGE PEABODY. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 28th, 1844. Son of Joseph L. and Mary P. Goodwin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagement at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 4th, 1863, North Anna River, May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 30th, 1864. Wounded in leg before Petersburg, Va. Sent to Douglas Hospital, Washington,D.C. Disch. July 7th, 1865, end of war. GOODWIN, ROBERT S. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, 1840. Son of Abel L. and Sarah A. Goodwin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. A., 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Yorktown, May 10th, Fair Oaks, Savage's Station, Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 5th, 1863, and wounded in right arm. Sent to Stanton Hospital, Washing- ton, D.C. Disch. for disab. Nov. 10th, 1864. Re-enlis. in Co. F, 2l3t Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 12th, 1864. Disch. Dec. 23d, 1865. Ser- vices no longer required. GORWAIZ, GEORGE. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 17th, 1837. Son of Thomas S. and Sarah Gorwaiz. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Sent to hospital at St. Augustine, Fla., Aug. 7th, 1864. With company in Florida and South Carolina. Disch. at Richmond, Va., Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. Died at Newburyport, Sept. Uth, 1896, bur. New Hill. GOULD, ELISHA P. Born at Newbury, Nov. 21st, 1843. Son of Elisha P. and Mary Gould. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment at Port Hud- son and Donaldson\nlle, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re- enlis. and mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at In- dianapolis, Ind., during service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, with regiment. GRANT, SANFORD W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Cumberland, R.I., Oct. 20th, 1835. Son of Warren and Betsey Grant. Enlis. at Newburyport. One of the first to leave the city April 1 6th, • 1861, as Corporal in (Cush- uig Guards) Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo., mus. April 30th, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1S61. Exp. term. Mus. 1st Sergt. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 295 Inft., M. V. M., Sept. 15th, 1862, for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Commis. 2d Lieut. 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., not mustered. GRAVES, ELBRIDGE. Res. Newburyport. Born at SaUsbury, Mass., June 24th, 1838. Son of True G. and Nancy Graves. EnUs. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 25th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 45th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment at New Berne, N.C. Engagement at Kinston, N.C, Dec. 14th, 1862, and wounded through the lungs. Died from wounds, Dec. 16th, 1862, at Kinston, N.C. Body sent home, bur. at Ring's Island, Salisbury, Mass, GREATON, OBED W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Stark, Me., June 10th, 1840. Son of Lyman M. and Betsey (Waugh) Greaton. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 2d, 1861, Priv. Co. C, Uth Reg. Mass. Inft., Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, York- town, Va., Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 29th, 1862, and wounded in leg. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C., and Centre St. Hospital, Newark, N.J. Disch. for disab. Aug. 15th, 1863. GREELEY, BENJAMIN FRANKIJN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Corn- ville, Me., Nov. 19th, 1840. Son of George W. and Esther (Paul) Greeley. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, P^i^^ Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Detailed clerk at Headqrs. 2d Division 9th Army Corps, Sept. 10th, 1862. Taken prisoner near Dandridge, East Tenn., Jan. 16th, 1864. Released on parole, March 15th, 1864. Exchanged May 7th, 1864. Rejoined regi- ment, June 6th, 1864. Detailed Clerk at Headqrs. 1st Division 9th Army Corps. Disch. June 9th, 1865, with regiment, end of war. GREELEY, JAMES PUTNAM. Res. Newburyport. Born at East HaverhUl, Mass., Dec. 29th, 1832. Son of William and Debora (Putnam) Greeley. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Sergt. July 23d, 1864, Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. GREELY, ADOLPHUS W. Born at Newburyport, March 27th, 1844. Son of John B. and Fanny D. Greely. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Priv. Aug. 28th, 1861, Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps^ Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, May, 1862, 1st Sergt. Nov.' 1862. In engagements at BaU's Bluff, Oct. 21st, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Va., West Point, May 7th, Fair Oaks, June 25th, Savage's Station, June 29th, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th' 1862, and wounded in leg. Malvern Hill, July 1st, 1862, Antietam, Md ' 296 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. and wounded in side, Sept. 17th, 1862. " Forlorn hope," Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11th, 1862. Appointed 2d Lieut. 54th Mass. Inft., not accepted, 2d Lieut. 81st U. S. Col. Inft., March 18th, 1863, 1st Lieut. April 14th, 1864, Captain April 4th, 1865, Brevet Major U. S. Vols. March 13th, 1865. Mus. out March 27th, 1867. Appointed 2d Lieut, in 36th U. S. Inft., accepted May 20th, 1867. Brig.-Gen. and Chief Signal Officer U. S. Army. GREEN, ELIPHALET. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Jan 18th, 1833. Son of Eliphalet and Mary Ann Green. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 17th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., Army of the Potomac. With regiment in its several campaigns. Wounded at Aldie, Va., June 17th, 1863, and taken prisoner. Released July 26th, 1863. Disch. Oct. 24th, 1864. Exp. term. GREEN, CHARLES M. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 2d, 1846. Son of George W. and Sarah Aim Green. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Musician 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts I>ee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. GREENLEAF, RUFUS L. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 1st, 1843. Son of Jeremiah and Mary Ann (Lam s on) Greenleaf. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Gar- rison duty with company at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jvme 21st, 1880, bur. Oak Hill. GREENOUGH, HENRY F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Canaan, Me., Oct. 14th, 1832. Son of Freeman P. and Tryphena Greenough. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Boston, Feb. 8th, 1893, bur. at Forest Hills, Boston. GROGAN, MARTIN. Res. Boston. Age 37 years, married, occupation, black- smith. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 21st, 1865, Priv. 5th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 jts., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With battery in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 12th, 1865, end of war. GROOM, GEORGE C. Age 36 years, married, occupation, ship-joiner. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 21st, 1861, Priv, Co. G, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. Detailed on wagon train. In various campaigns with the regi- ment. Disch. for disab. Dec. 9th, 1862. ESTDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 297 GUNNISON, FRANK H. Res. Newburyport. Born Roxbury, Mass., March 15th, 1842. Son of Edwin and CaroUne Gunnison. Enlis. at Newbury- port, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cusliing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Priv, Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., Sept. 28th, 1861, for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. In engagements at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, 1862. Woimded in arm at Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. Taken prisoner Sept. 9th, 1864. Confined at Colvunbia, S.C, and Florence. Released Dec. 4th, 1864. Disch. Jan 26th, 1865, as paroled prisoner. Again enlis. and mus. April 12th, 1865, Corporal 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. Did not leave the State. Disch. May 5th, 1865, end of war. GURNEY, NATHANIEL. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, 1836. Son of Nathaniel and Harriet Gurney. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Sept. 11th, 1862. GURNEY, GEORGE. Bom at Newburyport, March 1st, 1838. Son of Na- thaniel and Harriet Gurney. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Gen. Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. GURNEY, EDWARD T. Bom at Newburyport, 1840. Son of John G. and Mary Gurney. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Corporal Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Oct. 13th, 1862. Served in Vet. Res. Corps, and cred. to Boston, Mass. Died at New- buryport, May 10th, 1866, bur. New Hill. GURNEY, THOMAS E. Bom at Newburyport, 1843. Enhs. at Newbury- port, mus. March 12th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Transf. June 1st, 1865, to 67th Reg. Mass. Inft. Disch. July 30th, 1865, end of war. GURNSEY, HORACE E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Richmond, N.H., July 17th, 1810. Son of Ezekiel and Hannah Gumsey. Enhs. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushmg Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Disch. for disab. Nov. 25th, 1862. GURNSEY, HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Frankfort, Me., Jan. 24th, 1843. Son of Horace E. and Hannah (Murphy) Gumsey. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V, M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa- noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. 298 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Aug. 7th. 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. At Richmond, Va., 1865. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. HAGGERTY, DANIEL. Res. Boston. Age 22 years, occupation, printer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 6th. 1865, Priv. Co. K, 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., Army of the Potomac. At Petersburg, Va. Disch. July 16th, 1865, end of war. HALE, EBEN THOMAS. Bom at Newburyport, May 9th, 1842. Son of Eben and Lucy Hale. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Priv. Co. A, 45th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. With regiment on provost guard duty at New Berne, N.C. Disch. July 7th, 1863. Exp. term- Died at Newburyport, Sept. 7th, 1868, bur. Belleville Cemetery. HALE, CHARLES H. Res. Newbur5T)ort. Bom at Newbury, Mass., April 1st, 1820 Son of Ezra and Ann Hale. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1862. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jime 6th, 1897, bur. at Newbury. HALE, JOSEPH W., Jr. Res. Newburyport. Born Aug., 1846. Son of Joseph W. and Sarah L. (Curo) Hale. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 3d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 11th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 7th, 1864, bur. in National Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tenn., Section F, Grave 654. HALL, JOSEPH. Born at Newburyport, June 2d, 1834. Son of Joseph and Nancy (Hickey) Hall. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, 1863, Sergt. Oct. 1st, 1864. Re-enlis. in same company, Dec. 3d, 1863, for 3 yrs. In engagements at Roanoke Island, N.C, Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C, March 14th, Southwest Creek, N.C, Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C, Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C, Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, Dec. 17th, 1862, Smithfield, Va., April 14th, Whitehall, May 6th and 7th, Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, Gaines' Mill, June 1st, 1864. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864. Disch. with regiment, June 25th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, June 25th, 1883, bur. New Hill. HALL, DANIEL. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 27th, 1837. Son of Joseph and Nancy (Hickey) Hall. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in hand and side. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 299 Sent to hospital at Frederick City, Md. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. nth, 1864. Disch. July 9th, 1865, from 108th Co. Vet. Res. Corps, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 10th, 1892, bur. New Hill. HALL, STEPHEN W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Holderness, N.H., Sept. 2d, 1825. Son of Moses W. and Abigail (Hawkins) Hall. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Left sick at Budd's Ferry, Va. Disch. for disab. June 13th, 1862. HALL, FRANK L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., July 1st, 1843. Son of Charles and Mary (Noyes) Hall. Enlis. at Newbur}T)ort, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enUs. and mus. Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. En- gagement at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. Present at Vicksburg, Miss. Promoted Sergt. Nov., 1802, Sergt. of guard at U. S. Mint at New Orleans, La. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 29th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Sent to Mass. on recruiting service. Detailed to drill recruits at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor. Disch. Dec. 23d, 1864. Exp. term. HAM, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Farmington, N.H., April 15th, 1833. Son of Jonathan W. and Martha (Otis) Ham. Enlis. a* Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Left sick at Arling- ton Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Rejoined regiment, Sept. 20th, 1862. Sent to hospital from Falmouth, Va., March, 1863. Disch. for disab. April 3d, 1863. Died at Salem, N.H., Feb. 7th, 1875, bur. at Great Falls, N.H. HAMBLETT, WILLIAM H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Salem, Mass. Son of Horace and Priscilla Hamblett. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, Nov. 1st, 1862. Arrested and court-martialed for striking a commissioned officer. Confined in military prison at Lexington, Ky. Deserted June 18th, 1863. Subsequently served in a New York regi- ment and honorably discharged. HANSON, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Brookfield, N.H., Oct. 7th, 1829. Son of Reuben and Mary Hanson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Sent to Columbia College Hospital, Washington, D.C., Sept. 22d, 1862. Disch. for disab. Oct. 28th, 1862. Deceased. HARDING, WILLIAM B. Res. Newburyport. Born at Tilton, N.H., Feb. 21st, 1841. Son of Charles R. and Nancy (Barrows) Harding. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, 1st Sergt. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., 300 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. M. V. M., for 9 mo. Promoted 2d Lieut. Co. K, June 22d, 1863. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hudson, June 12th to 14th, Donaldson\'ille, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. HARDY, CHARLES EDWARD. Born at Newbur>T)ort, Oct. 15th, 1837. Son of Moses and Mary W. Hardy. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. E, 12th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. July 8th, 1864. HARDY, JOSEPH W. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 12th, 1818. Son of Dud- ley and Hannah G. (Quimby) Hardy. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 1st, 1863. In engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863, Ivnoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Spott- sylvania, Va., May 18th. Before Petersburg, Va. Sent to hospital, Aug. 2d, 1864. Disch. Aug. 2d, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, May 14th, 1877, bur. Oak HiU. HARDY, HENRY. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 22d, 1838. Son of WilUam and Sarah A. Hardy. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. In en- gagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. HARRIGAN, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Age 22 years. Mus. July 22d, 1864, Priv. Co. E, 42d Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. On guard and patrol duty with regiment at Alexandria, Va. Disch. Nov. 11th, 1864. Exp. term. HARRINGTON, MORRIS J. Res. Newburyport. Age 37 years, occupation, blacksmith, married. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 3d, 1865, as Blacksmith Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, end of war. HASKELL, GEORGE WHITEFIELD. Bom in Newbury, now Newburyport, Jan. 17th, 1832. Son of Caleb and Fanny Matilda (Betts) Haskell. En- lis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, June 23d, 1899, bur. at Newburyport in Oak Hill Cemetery. HASKELL, ALEXANDER E. Born in Newbury, now Newburyport, Nov. 25th, 1839. Son of Solomon and Harriet (Ome) Haskell. Enlis. at INDnaDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 301 Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Sent to hospital, March 10th, 1863. Detailed as nurse. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 25th, 1896, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. HASKELL, WILLIAM W. Bom in Newbury, now Newburyport, Dec. 8th, 1841. Son of Solomon and Harriett (Orne) Haskell. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newbury- port, Dec. 19th, 1876, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. HATCH, AUGUSTUS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Medford, Mass., Aug. 2d, 1836. Son of WilUam and Mary Hatch. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Sergt.-Maj. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Commis. 2d Lieut. Sept. 23d, 1862, 1st Lieut. Feb. 11th, 1863, Captain Sept. 6th, 1864. Engage- ments, at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksbm-g, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Vicksburg, Miss., July, 1863, Jackson, Miss., July 9th to 16th, 1863, Petersburg, Va. (Crater), July 30th, 1864, and wounded. Sent to field hospital. Transf, to Readville, Mass. Disch. Jan. 11th, 1865. Dis. leg amputated. Previously mus. Sergt. Co. B, 1st Reg, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Oct. 4th, 1861. Lieut. 53d N. Y. Vols. HAVLIN, WILLIAM. Age 26 years, married, occupation, seaman. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Aug. 23d, 1861. HAYNES, SAMUEL W. Born at Newburyport, May 13th, 1816. Son of Andrew and Nancy Haynes, mus. 1st Lieut, and Regimental Quartermas- ter 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., Aug. 16th, 1862, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Resigned Dec. 25th, 1862. Enlis. in Co. K, Vet. Res. Corps, July 20th, 1864, and cred. to Waltham, Mass. Disch. for disab. Nov. 20th, 1864. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 20th, 1882, bur. New HUl. HAYNES, JOSEPH W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Charlestown, Mass., June 17th, 1843. Son of Samuel W. and Susan M. Haynes. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 9th, 1862, at Baltimore, Md. HAYNES, GEORGE H. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, 1846. Son of Samuel W. and Susan M. Haynes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Sent to hospital, Jan. 11th, 1864, while at Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Mass. Disch. 302 NEWBXJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. for disab. Feb. 12th, 1864. Previously served in Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., enlis. at Marblehead, Mass. Mus. Priv. Vet. Res. Corps, June 3d, 1864, cred. to North Reading. Disch. for disab. Jan. 16th, 1865. HEAP, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Born at Lancashire, England, July 22d, 1833. Son of Richard and Margaret Heap. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Oct. 9th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 29th, 1862, bur. New Hill. HEATH, JAMES L. Res. Newburyport. Age 24 years, single, occupation, clerk. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gush- ing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. HENNESSEY, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 22 years, single, occu- pation, shoemaker. Born in King's Coimty, Ireland. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment at Port Hudson and Donaldsonville, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enUs. and mus. April 21st, 1864, Priv. Co. K, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, and taken prisoner of war. Died Feb. 8th, 1865, at Danville, Va., while a prisoner. Bur. in Danville National Cemetery, Division 4, Section A, Grave No. 100. HERVEY, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Oct, 28th, 1838. Son of James M. and Martha Ann (Larkey) Hervey. Enlia. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Corporal, June 22d, 1863, Sergt. Aug. 3d, 1863. Engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assault on Port Hudson, May 27th and June 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. HEWITT, HENRY. Age 23 years, married, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 14th, 1865. HEWITT, JOHN C. Res. Newburyport. Born in Shelburne County, N.S., Nov. 22d, 1844. Son of George and Lucy A. (Bangs) Hewitt. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, 1861, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Sent to hospital at Alexandria, Va. Died at Georgetown Hospital, D.C., Sept. 1st, 1861, of fever. HEWLETT, GEORGE S. Res. Newburyport. Born in Prince Edward Island, May 1st, 1843. Son of George S. and Ehza Ann Hewlett. Enlis. at INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 303 Newburyport, mus. Dec. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jTs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at siege of Yorktown, Va., April, 1862, wounded at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Died from wounds. May 10th, 1862, at Williamsburg, Va. HICKEN, EDWARD F. Correct name, Edward Hicken. Res. Newburyport. Born at Georgetown, P.E.I., Aug. 24th, 1842. Son of Thomas and Han- nah (Runnels) Hicken. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Feb. 25th, 1862, as Edward Hicken, Priv. Co. A, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, and frontier duty at Champlain, N.Y, Re-enlis. as a Veteran. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865. Services no longer required. HILGERT, FRANCISCO. Age 19 years, smgle, occupation, clerk. Mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re- enlis. and mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. E, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Promoted Hospital Steward Sept. 1st, 1865. With regiment in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, end of war. Services no longer required. HILL, CHARLES P. Age 28 years. Enlis. and mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Readville, Mass., Dec. 21st, 1862. HILL, THOMAS H. Res. Newburyport. Age 23 years, single, occupation, clerk. Mus. Aug. 22d, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 9th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Transf. to Co. D, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., June 10th, 1864, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. with regiment, Jvme 10th, 1865, end of war. HILLIARD, SUMNER B. W. Born at Pembroke, Me., March 18th, 1843. Son of David and Sophronia Hilliard. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. May 14th, 1863. Re-enlis. and mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 jrrs. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 10th, 1864. Garrison duty on the Massachusetts coast. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, Services no longer required. HILLS, HENRY C. Res. Newburjrport. Age 38 years, occupation, pilot. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 15th, 1865, Priv. Co. F, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Disch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. 304 NEWBTJEYPORT EST THE CIVLL WAR. HILEMAN, CHARLES. Age 21 years. Enlis. and mus. at Readville, Mass., Dec. 20th, 1862, cred. to Newburyport, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Readville, Dec. 21st, 1862. HINKLEY, DAVID R. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bath, Me., Aug. 26th, 1820. Son of Matthew and Bethiah Hinkley. Enlis, at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Killed in battle at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, bur. on the field. HODGDON, CHARLES E. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 15th, mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Suffolk, Va., dm"ing siege, and campaign in Florida. With Army of the Potomac in 18th Army Corps. Woxmded at Petersburg, Va., 1864. Disch. with regiment, June 16th, 1865, end of war. HODGDON, GEORGE WARREN. Bom at Newburyport, June 12th, 1844. Son of Moses S. and Abbie J. Hodgdon. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Killed in battle at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Body never identified. HODGDON, GEORGE R. Age 21 years, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newbiuyport, mus. Feb. 15th, 1865, Priv. Co. A, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A.^ for 3 yrs. Garrison duty on the coast of Massachusetts. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865. Services no longer required. HODGDON, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Bamstead, N. H., June 14th, 1843. Son of James and Betsey N. (Peavy) Hodgdon. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. HODGES, GAMALIEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salem, Mass., May 13th, 1828. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Chipman) Hodges. Enlis. at New- buryport, April 15th, 1861. One of the first to leave the city April 16th, as a member of the Gushing Guards, in response to the caU of the Governor. Mus. April 30th, 1861, 2d Lieut. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. In charge of rolling-stock on Baltimore & Elkridge R. R. Guard duty at Relay House, Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Aug. 8th, 1862, 1st Lieut. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th. Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in thigh. Sent to hospital at Frederick City, Md. Disch. April 29th, 1863, on account of wounds. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 305 HODGKINS, DEXTER. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Jefferson, Me., Feb. 12th, 1842. Son of Asa P. and Martha Hodgkins. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 1st, mus. Jvme 14th, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va., Feb. 4th, 1862. HODGKINS, BENJAMIN GOODWIN. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 15th, 1843. Son of Thomas and Julia Ann Hodgkins. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Moimtain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 16th, 1863. Sent to hospital, Aug., 1863. Disch. for disab. Nov. 29th, 1863. KUled on Boston & Maine R.R., March 29th, 1882, bur. New Hill. HOFFMAN, MICHAEL. Age 26 years, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at New- buryport, Dec. 30th, 1863, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted Jan. 9th, 1864. HOLBROOK, GEORGE. Age 21 years, occupation, butcher. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. De- serted Dec. 22d, 1862. HOLKER, JOHN, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Born at Lancashire, England, May 14th, 1837. Son of John and Catharine (Bell) Holker. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jTs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded. Disch. for disab. Nov. 3d, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. July 23d, 1864, Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. HOLLAND, JOHN E. Bom at Newburyport, July 31st, 1845. Son of Ed- ward H. and Henrietta F. Holland. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died Aug. 21st, 1867, at Newburyport, bur. New HiU. HOLMES, WHITMAN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Digby, N.S., Aug. 24th, 1823. Son of Joseph and Sarah Holmes. Enlis. at Newburj^port, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Pro- moted Corporal. With regiment at siege of Yorktown, Va., Williams- burg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st to June 1st, Frazier's Farm* June 30th, Malvern Hill, July 2d and 3d, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Died at Falmouth, Va., Jan. 31st, 1863. Body brought home, and bur. in Belleville Cemetery, Newburyport. 306 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. HOLMES, JOHN. Age 37 years, occupation, ship-carpenter. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov. 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Sept. 12th, 1862. HOOPER, ANSLEY. Age 20 years, single, occupation, car-maker. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Picket and guard duty near Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. Oct. 30th, 1863. HOPKINSON, FRANCIS H. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 30th, 1829. Son of Charles and Julia A. (Morrill) Hopkinson. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Sent to hospital at Williams- burg, Va, Disch. for disab. Sept. 23d, 1862, as Francis Hopkins. Mus. Sept. 7th, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 13th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. Nov. 17th, 1865, end of war. HOPKINSON, WILLIAM N. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 5th, 1835. Son of Charles and Julia A. (MorriU) Hopkinson. Enlis. at Newbiu-yport, July 3d, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. June 14th, 1862. Mus. Dec. 4th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Transf. July 27th, 1864, to Navy. Subsequently enlis. in Co. I, 13th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, and stationed at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor, Mass. (See Naval Record.) HORTON, CHARLES F. Born at Newburyport, April 25th, 1834. Son of Jacob and Harriet Horton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Co. Unat. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. HOSKINS, JOSEPH. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 3d, 1830. Son of John J. and Hannah Hoskins. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Gar- rison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Died at Newbury port, Nov. 23d, 1901, bur. HOUSTON, THADDEUS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Sanford, Me., Dec. 15th, 1827. Son of Itlmier and Susan Houston. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Died at Baton Rouge, La. April 22d, 1863. HOUSTON, BENJAMIN. Age 24 years, married, occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. No record at War Dept. Adjt.-Gen., Mass., says, "Unassigned recruit." INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 307 HOWARD, WILLIAM HENRY PERKINS. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 19th, 1834. Son of William and Sarah C. (Talbot) Howard. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, Dec, 1862. In Burnside's expedition to North Carohna. Engagements, at Roanoke Island, Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Southwest Creek, Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Cold Harbor, June 3d, 1864. Before Petersburg, Va. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. HOWARD, NATHANIEL TALBOT. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 9th, 1836. Son of William and Sarah C. (Talbot) Howard. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 5th, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Promoted Corporal, July 21st, 1863, Sergt. Sept. 1st, 1864. Engagements, at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Southwest Creek, N.C., Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Smithfield, Va., April 14th, Palmer's Creek, Va., May 14th, Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864, . and slightly wounded. In trenches before Petersburg, Va., July, 1864. Disch. Dec. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. HOWARD, JOHN LANGLEY. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 26th, 1838. Son of William and Sarah C. (Talbot) Howard. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 3d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Bum- side's expedition to North Carolina. Promoted Corporal, Sept. 10th, 1862. In engagements at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Southwest Creek, N.C., Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Wliitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Smithfield, Va., April 14th, Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., Jime 3d. In trenches before Petersburg, Va., July, 1864. Disch. Oct. 15th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 27th, 1899, bur. Belleville Cemetery. HOWARD, CALEB GUSHING. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 28th, 1840. Son of William and Sarah C. (Talbot) Howard. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. In Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at New York City, June, 1871. HOWARD, DANIEL P. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 7th, 1838. Son of Caleb H. and Nancy A. (Robinson) Howard. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, June 1st, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Rim, Aug. 29th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., and killed in action, Dec 13th, 1862. Originally bm-. near the river. Body sent to Newburyport, and bur. Oldtown Cemetery, Newbury. 308 NEWBURYPORT IK THE CIVIL WAR. HOWARD, JAMES N. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Nov. 20th, 1835. Son of Caleb H. and Nancy A. (Robinson) Howard. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A. (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 13th, 1892, bur. Oldtown Cemetery, Newbury. HOWARD, HENRY A. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, single, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 21st, 1865, Priv. Co. A, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865. Services no longer required. HOWARTH, SAMUEL. Res. Newburyport. Age 40 years, married, occupa- tion, weaver. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 2d, mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. HOWKER, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Bolton, England, Dec. 12th, 1842. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Howker. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. 13th, 1864, Priv. Co. C, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Dept. of North Carolina. Engagement at Wise's Fork, N.C., March 8th to 10th, 1865. Sent to hospital at Greensboro, N.C., June 21st, 1865. Died in hospital at Greensboro, N.C., July 5th, 1865, bur. in Raleigh National Cemetery, N.C., Section 7, Grave No. 2. HOYT, WILLIAM A. Res. Newburyport. Age 22 years, single, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. and mus. Jan. 4th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Jan. 24th, 1863. HOYT, RUFUS B. Born at Newburyport, May 2d, 1834. Son of Elbridge G. and Mary (Russell) Hoyt. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M.. for 9 mo. Disch. for disab. at Boston, Mass., Nov. 18th, 1862. HOYT, WALTER W. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. v., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. HUBBARD, JOSHUA M. Res. Newburyport. Born at Richmond, Va., Sept. 27th, 1829. Son of Samuel and Margaret Hubbard. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 9th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 309 yrs., Army of the Gulf. Promoted Corporal. Disch. for disab. Oct. leth, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Jan. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Transf. Jan. 26th, 1864, to Vet. Res. Corps. Record of Adjt.-Gen. says, "Joshua Hibbard." HUDSON, RICHARD. Res. West Newbury, Mass. Born at Lancashire, Eng- land, May 22d, 1826. Son of John and Martha Hudson. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Feb. 14th, 1865, Co. F, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A. Disch, April 5th, 1865. Rejected recruit. Previously served in Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., and cred. to West Newbury, Mass. HUDSON, JAMES L. Res. Newburyport. Age 20 years, occupation, clerk. EnUs. at Newburyport, April 16th. mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Priv. 1st Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. Inft. Disch. for disab. May 19th, 1862. HUGHES, ISAAC W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Windham, N.H., Dec. 5th, 1829. Son of John and Elizabeth (Thorn) Hughes. EnHs. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. In Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. HUMPHREYS, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Liverpool, England, March 22d, 1833. Son of Thomas and Ann (Hughes) Humphreys. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. HUMPHREYS, ROBERT. Res. Newburyport. Born at Liverpool, England, Jan. 15th, 1846. Son of Thomas and Ann (Hughes) Humphreys. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. HUNT, EDWIN F. Bom at Newburyport, July 27th, 1847. Son of Henry and Maria (Cook) Hunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In the defences of Wash- ington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865. Services no longer required. HUNTINGTON, MICAJAH P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, Mass., April 17th, 1821. Son of Stephen and Mary Huntington. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Wounded at 2d battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29th, 1862. Disch. for wounds, Nov. 12th, 1862. 310 NEWBURYPORT EST THE GIVTL WAR. HUNTINGTON, WILLIAM A. Res. Newburyport. Age 35 years, occupa- tion, carder. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 31st, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 26th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 19th Army Corps, Army of Gulf. Pro- moted Corporal, Sergt., and 1st Sergt. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, mus. Feb. 1st, 1864, and cred. to Lawrence, Mass. Transf. Oct. 24th, 1864, to 21st Co., 2d Bat'ln, Vet. Res. Corps. HUSE, RALPH C, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 21st, 1843. Son of Ralph C. and Sarah S. Huse. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Detailed in hospital dept. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Georgetown, Mass. HUSE, CHARLES WALTER. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 24th, 1841. Son of Charles L. and Sarah C. Huse. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, Va., WilUamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Malvern Hill, July 2d, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 29th, 1862. Sent to hospital. Disch. for disab. Jan. 7th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, April 6th, 1863, bur. New HiU. HYNES, JAMES G. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Sidney, N.S., 1837. Son of James and Catherine (Collins) Hynes. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washing- ton. Guard duty on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Philadelphia, Pa., bur. at Hampton, N.H. HYNES, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., July 4th, 1840. Son of James and Catharine (Collins) HjTies. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Oct. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Participated in Gen. Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. Disch. for disab. Aug. 6th, 1862. HYNES, GEORGE HENRY. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 8th, 1846. Son of James and Mary (Whalan) Hynes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Wounded at Port Hudson, La., June 27th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, as Musician Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., Dept. of North Carolina. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. IVERS, NEHEMIAH C. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 5th, 1836. Son of Ben- jamin and Ann (Hales) Ivers. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 4th, 1862, Priv. Co. I, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 29th, 1863. Re-enlis. and mus. Oct. 21st, 1863, Co. C, 13th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. as Sergt. at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor, Mass., INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 311 Nov. 17th, 1865. Died at Ocean Spray, Mass., Jan. 11th, 1897, bur. at Winthrop, Mass. IVERS, JOSEPH G. Born at NewburjTJort, June 27th, 1840. Son of Ben- jamin and Ann (Hales) Ivers. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Feb. 10th, 1862. Re-enUs. June 9th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Re-enUs. as a Veteran in same company, and mus. Jan. 5th, 1864, as Corporal, for 3 yrs. Disch. Jime 29th, 1865, end of war. JACKMAN, THOMAS H. Born at Newburyport, July 22d, 1842. Son of Hmnphrey M. and Sarah E. (Robinson) Jackman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagements, at New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Slightly woimded. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 31st, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Pm-suit of the Confederate Army from Richmond, and surrender of Gen. Lee. Guard duty at Richmond, Va., 1865. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. JACKMAN, ROBERT M. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 5th, 1844. Son of Humphrey M. and Sarah E. (Robinson) Jackman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, June 12th to 14th, Donaldson viUe, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Aug. 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., cred. to South Danvers, Mass. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. JACKMAN, BENJAMIN H. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 27th, 1844. Son of Benjamin H. and Betsey S. Jackman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 8th, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the James. Killed at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864. JACKMAN, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 18th, 1839. Son of William T. and Sarah C. (Varnum) Jackman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Died April 28th, 1863, at Baton Rouge, La., bur. in Baton Rouge National Cemetery, La., Square No. 3. JACKMAN, GEORGE H. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, May 24th, 1830. Son of George W. and Lydia B. Jackman. EnHs. at Newburj-- port, mus. Oct. 10th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Gen. Bumside's expedition to North Carolina, Feb., 1862, at Roanoke 812 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, 1862. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. in same company, Dec. 3d, 1863, for 3 yrs. Disch. July ISth, 1865, by order of War Dept. Died Nov. 27th, 1894, bur. Belleville Cemetery. JACKMAN, JOHN, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 12th, 1825. Son of John and Mary (Weston) Jackman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagement at South Moimtain, Md., and injured, Sept. 14th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Feb. 21st, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 21st, 1896, bur. Oak Hill. JAMES, GEORGE, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. April 25th, 1863. JANVRIN, DENNIS A. Born at Newburyport. Son of George and Mary (Chase) Janvrin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Present at Port Hudson and Donaldsonville, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. JEWETT, JOSEPH H., Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 21st, 1835. Son of Joseph H. and Phoebe Jewett. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, 1861, mus. AprU 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Nov. 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Died at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 1st, 1862. JOHNSON, JOSEPH LAWRENCE. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 27th, 1829. Son of Samuel L. and Martha H. (Morris) Johnson. One of the first to leave the city on the moming of April 16th, 1861, as Corporal Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. 1st Lieut. Sept. 15th, 1862, Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Volunteered with a portion of the regiment, and sent to Maryland Heights, July, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. 1st Lieut. Co. H (Cushmg Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 5th, 1898, bur. Oak Hill. JOHNSON, JACOB G. B. Res. SaHsbury, Mass. Age 21 years, single, occu- pation, painter. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Corporal INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 313 Co. I, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Pro- moted Sergt. July 1st, 1862. Deserted Sept. 14th, 1862. JOHNSON, HARRISON GRAY OTIS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Law- rence, Mass., July 19th, 1847. Son of Josiah E. and Maria A. Joluison. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Mus. Priv. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav., Dec. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, March 1st, 1865. Disch. June 22d, 1865, end of war. (See Naval Record.) JOHNSON, JOHN A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, Mass., May 1st, 1841. Son of Patrick and Abigail (Packer) Johnson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Disch. for disab. July 15th, 1863. Mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Florida. Front of Peters- burg, Va. Provost guard duty in Richmond, Va., after its capture. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. JOHNSON, LEWIS H. Bom at Newburyport, May 24th, 1833. Son of Jonathan G. and Betsey (White) Johnson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Musician Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Nantucket, Mass., April 13th, 1901, bur. at New- buryport, Oak HiU. JONES, EUGENE. Res. Newburyport. Bom m Ireland, Oct. 1st, 1843. Son of Patrick and Mary (Sullivan) Jones. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. with regiment, Nov. 30th, 1864. JONES, MERRICK. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Lebanon, Me., Oct. 31st, 1839. Son of James 3d and EUza (Ricker) Jones. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., Dec. 19th, 1862, for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Served in Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav., cred. to Lynn, Mass., also in U. S. Navy in 1861 and 1863. JONES, WASHINGTON R. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Great FaUs, N.H., Sept. 17th, 1837. Son of Isaac and Betsey (Roberts) Jones. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 9th, 1861, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort 314 NEWBTJEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAK. Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863, Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 10th, 1864, Vet. Res. Corps, and cred. to Lowell, Mass. Disch. Nov. 21st, 1865. Services no longer required. Died at Newburyport, June 11th, 1871, bur. at Newbury, Mass. KEEFE, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Cork, Ireland, Dec. 22d, 1827. Son of Thomas and Catharine Keefe. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Disch. for disab. Dec. 19th, 1862. KEENE, JAMES. Age 29 years. Enlis. and mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted Dec. 17th, 1862, from Camp Meigs, Readville, Mass. KENISTON, JAMES R. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 19th, 1822. Son of Abner and Elizabeth Keniston. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Mass. Inft., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. KENNEDY, JOHN. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 5th, 1837. Son of Samuel and Mary Kennedy. Correct name, John M. Kennedy. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Jan. 2d, 1865, Priv. 9th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs. Disch. Jan. 27th, 1865. Rejected recruit. KEYES, BENJAMIN F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., Jan. 1st, 1844. Son of Eben and Rebecca Keyes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. KEZER, GEORGE WARREN. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 14th, 1842. Son of Friend M. and Rebecca L. (Brown) Kezer. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, 1863. In engagements at New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, Dec. 16th, Golds- boro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Creek, N.C., April 9th, 1863, and slightly wounded. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. Mus. March 29th, 1865, Sergt. Co. D, 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Salem, Mass. Disch. May 5th, 1865, with regiment. Services not required. Died at Newburyport. KEZER, SAMUEL, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 4th, 1834. Son of Samuel and Martha G. (Woodman) Kezer. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, 1861, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washing- , INDIVIDUAL KECORDS, ARMY. 315 ton. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 16th, 1861, Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Mus. as a Veteran Vol. Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. In the following engagements: New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Cove Creek, N.C., Nov. 18th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Mills, N.C., April 9th, 1863, Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Feb. 1st, Washington, N.C., April 27th, 1864, Raleigh, N.C.. April 13th. 1865. Disch. July llth, 1865, end of war. KEZER, CHARLES C. Born at Newburj^ort, March 2d, 1846. Son of Samuel and Martha G. (Woodman) Kezer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 4th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. On duty in the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Died at East Boston, Mass., bur. New HiU. Newburyport. (See Naval Record.) KILLON, PATRICK. Age 23 years, single, occupation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With company at Portsmouth. Died at New Berne, N.C., Oct. 3d, 1864, bur. in New Berne National Cemetery, N.C.; number of grave, 1845; number of plot, 141; number in plot, 10. KIRKWOOD, ALEXANDER. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Mass., Jan. 18th, 1831. Son of Hugh and Elizabeth (McKeown) Kirkwood. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In following engagements: Yorktown, Va., Williams- burg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, front of Richmond, June 25th, 1862. Disch. for wounds, Dec. 10th, 1862. KIRKWOOD, HUGH G. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, Mass., June 22d, 1838. Son of Hugh and EHzabeth (McKeown) Kirkwood. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, 1861, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 31st, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inft. In Gen. Burnside's expe- dition to North Carolina. Disch. for disab. Sept. 8th, 1862. KIRKWOOD, HENRY C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Kilworth, Ireland, Dec. 22d, 1839. Son of Thomas and Kate (Linehan) Kirkwood. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 29th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With the regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. service. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In the defences of Washington, D.C. Promoted Corporal, 1864. Disch. for disab. May 27th, 1865. 316 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. KNAPP, EDWARD A. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 15th, 1842. Son of Benjamin R. and Sarah (Lewis) linapp. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. Died at Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 21st, 1892, bur. at Newburyport. KNIGHT, DAVID N. Bom at Newburyport, July 7th, 1843. Son of Thomas and Sally (Lunt) Knight. Enlis. at Newbtuyport, Nov. 25th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Corporal Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. On duty at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. Engagement at KLnston, N.C., March 8th, 1865. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. Died at New- buryport, Aug. 2d, 1879, bur. Oak Hill. KNIGHT, JOSEPH. Bom at Newbury, Mass., May 26th, 1845. Son of James B. and Adeline (Hale) Knight. Enlis. at Newbvtryport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. KNIGHT, GEORGE W., Jr. Bom at Newburyport, May 27th, 1833. Son of John L. and Martha Knight. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. KOHANE, MICHAEL. Age 28 years, married, occupation, currier. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Priv. Co. I, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Transf. Jan. 17th, 1865, to Co. D, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Jime 30th, 1865, end of war. KYES, CHARLES W. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Exeter, N.H., Dec. 13th, 1844. Son of William and Sarah F. Kyes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. En- gagements, at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Washmgton, N.C., AprU 27th, 1864. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. LAMSON, WILLIAM STICKNEY. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 15th, 1845. Son of Charles and Margaret L. Lamson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. LANAGAN, MICHAEL J. Age 28. Mus. Dec. 22d, 1864, Priv. U. S. Vet. Vol., for 3 yrs., receiving $325 bounty, and cred. to Newburyport. Date of discharge not ascertained. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 317 LANCY, JOHN L. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Oct. 19th, 1842. Son of Joel and Ruth (Weymouth) Lancy. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart Regiment), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of York- town, Va. Sent to hospital at Yorktown, Va. Returned to regiment at Harrison's Landing. Detailed at Regimental Headqrs. In engage- ments at Chancellorsville, Va., May, 1863, Kelly's Ford, Va., North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, siege of Petersburg, Va., from June, 1864, to April 2d, 1865, including engagements at Deep Bottom, Mine Rim, and Weldon R.R. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. Dec. 21st, 1863, for 3 yrs. in Co. D, same regiment. Disch. June 27th, 1865, Special Order No. 158, Headqrs. Army of the Potomac, end of war. LANDFORD, CHARLES E. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 16th, 1843. Son of Joseph B. and Lydia Landford. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 30th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Sergt. 1864. In engagements at South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, campaign at Vicksburg, Miss., 1863. In front of Petersburg, Va., 1864. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. Died at Merrimack, Mass., Sept. 18th, 1893, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. LANE, ISAAC J. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 7th, 1847. Son of William and Nancy J. (Johnson) Lane. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. LANG, THOMAS E. Res. Newburyport. Born at West Newbury, Mass., July 24th, 1837. Son of LoweU Y. and EUzabeth E. Lang. Enlis. at Newburyport. One of the first to leave the city on the morning of April 16th, 1861, with Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. Mus. Priv. April 30th, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Amesbury, Mass., March 18th, 1883, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. LANG, JOHN C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Georgetown, Mass., April lSx,a, 1837. Son of David D. and Sarah C. (Ramsdell) Lang. Enlis. at New- buryport April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Sergt. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Nov. 8th. 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Disch. July 14th, 1865. Exp. term. (See Naval Record.) 318 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. LANGLANDS, GEORGE E. Res. Newburyport. Born at Cametown, Scot- land, May 16th, 1837. Son of William and Catharine Langlands. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 27th, 1874, bur. New Hill. LANIGAN, JOHN. Age 23 years, married. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 11th, mus. Dec. 16th, 1863, Priv. Co. K, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. De- serted Jan. 7th, 1864. LATTIME, GIDEON WOODWELL, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 20th, 1838. Son of Gideon W. and Lydia Lattime. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Sent to hospital, June 4th, 1863. Returned to regiment, Aug., 1863. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 6th and 7th. At work before Petersburg, Va., from June 22d to Aug. 15th, 1864. Mine before Petersburg, July 30th, 1864. Promoted Corporal, March 1st, 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. LATTIME, BENJAMIN HUNT. Born at Newburyport. Aug. 20th, 1843. Son of Gideon W. and Lydia Lattime. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garri- son duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of W^ashington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. LATTIME, NICHOLAS, Jr. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Aug. 4th, 1835. Son of Nicholas and Mary O. Lattime. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Aug. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel pris- oners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. LATTIME, HARTWELL LERVY. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 17th, 1839. Son of Nicholas and Mary O. Lattime. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 24th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. INDIYLDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 319 LATTIME, ALLDIS WARREN. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 17th, 1844. Son of Nicholas and Mary O. Lattime. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 27th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 12th to 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Jersey City, N.J., April 23d, 1883, bur. at Newbury. LATTIME, GEORGE W. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 27th, 1847. Son of Nicholas and Mary O. Lattime. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 15th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indian- apolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. LATTIME, JAMES HENRY. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Nov. 29th, 1835. Son of James S. and Mary (Smith) Lattime. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 1st, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Sent to hospital at Hampton, Va. With company in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. Died at Lynn, Mass., Sept. 7th, 1888. LAUGHLIN, JOHN. Correct name, John Lockery. Res. Newburyport. Born Dec. 25th, 1832. Son of WiUiam and Rose Lockery. EnUs. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At Bull Run, Va., July 21st, Bladensburg, Md., Aug. 13th, 1861, Wilhamsburg, Va., May 5th, Yorktown, Va., May 10th, 1862, Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, and wounded. Sent to Mount Pleasant Hospital. Disch. for disab. July 9th, 1863. Re-enlis. Oct. 31st, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison dutv on Mass. coast and in the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865. Services no longer required. LAWRY, IRA F. Res. Newburyport. Born at Vinal Haven, Me., April 2d, 1828. Son of Thomas and Susan (Mills) Lawry. Entered the service from Newburyport. Mus. 1st Lieut. Dec. 11th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., Dept. of Gulf. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st. One of the volunteer storming party in the assault on Port Hudson, May 27th. Siege of Port Hudson from May 27th to July 9th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. LAWRY, LEWIS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Vinal Haven, Me., Oct. 25th, 1829. Son of Thomas and Susan (Mills) Lawry. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Oct. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. 320 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL "WAR. LA WRY, ROBERT. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Palmyra, Me., Dec. 3d, 1840. Son of Thomas and Susan (Mills) Lawry. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Sept. 9th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. At Plain's Store, May 21st, siege of Port Hudson, La., from May 27th to July 9th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 12th, mus. Dec. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina. Wounded in battle at Kinston, N.C., March 8th, 1865. Disch. Aug. 11th, 1865. Services no longer required. (See Naval Record.) Correct name, Robert M. LEARY, MICHAEL H. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland. Son of Michael and Helen Leary. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Wounded at 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862. Re-enlis. as Veteran, mus. in same company, Feb. 23d, 1864, for 3 yrs. Died Sept. 5th, 1864, at New- buryport, Mass., whUe on furlough. Bur. Old Hill. LEARY, JOHN C. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 8th, 1844. Son of Michael and Helen Leary. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 13th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty on Massachusetts coast. Transf. to Navy, July 27th, 1864. (See Naval Record.) LEAVITT, FREDERICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, single, occu- pation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 4th, 1863, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. In engagements at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22d, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. With regiment on provost duty In South Carolina. Died June 24th, 1866, at Mount Pleasant, S.C. LEAVITT, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 19 years, single. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Dept. of Gulf. Deserted Sept. 11th, 1863. LEAVITT, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years. Mus. May 31st, 1862, Priv. 8th Battery L. A., M. V. M., for 6 mo., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. Nov. 29th, 1862. Exp. term. LEAVITT, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, team- ster. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., May 6th, 1862. Sent to hospital at Alexandria, Va. Deserted from David's Island, New York Harbor. LEE, AMOS W. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 28th, 1840. Son of Edward D. and Lydia R. Lee. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 321 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. From Arlington, Va., sent to Union Dock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. Nov. 3d, 1862, at Convalescent Camp, Alexandria, Va. LEE, ALFRED FOWLER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 22d, 1837. Son of John and Hannah F. (Colby) Lee. Enlis. at VaUejo, Cal., Nov. 30th, mus. Dec. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co, A (California Hmidred), 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. En- gagements, at King and Queen Court House, Va., June 20th, South Anna Bridge, Va., June 26th, Ashby's Gap, Va., July 12th, Aldie, Va., July 31st, Coyle Tavern, Va., Aug. 24th, Vienna, Va., Nov. 14th, 1863. Died at Vienna, Va., April 7th, 1864. Body sent to Newburyport, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. LEE, WILLIAM D. Born at Newburyport, March 11th, 1848. Son of John F. and Elizabeth Lee. EnUs. at Newburyport, Dec. 12th, 1861, in 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., not accepted. Enlis. Nov. 15th, mus. Dec. 5th, 1863, Priv. Co. A, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th to 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 1st, explosion of mine at Petersburg, Va., July 30th, Weldon R.R., Va., Aug. 19th, Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30th, Hatcher's Run, Va., Oct. 12th, 1864. Wounded by explosion of shell, near Peters- burg, Va., Dec. 19th, 1864. Sent to Newton University Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Died Dec. 28th, 1864, from wounds. Body sent home, bur. Belleville Cemetery. LEEMAN, HENRY, Jr. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, June 28th, 1841. Son of Henry and Jane (Perkins) Leeman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Left sick at Arlington Heights, Va., Sept. 6th, 1862. Disch, for disab. Feb. 11th, 1863. Died at Chelsea, Mass., May 30th, 1875. bur. Oak Hill. LENT, WILLIAM F. Res. Newburyport. Born at Digby, N.S., March 14th, 1831. Son of John and Mary Lent. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Engagements, at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. Slightly woimded in face, Dec. 18th, 1862. Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 19th, 1862, and wounded in hand. Sent to hospital. Disch. for wounds. May 14th, 1863. LEWIS, ANDREW PARKER. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 19th, 1843. Son of Andrew P. and Lucy Ann Lewis. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Corporal and Sergt. Transf. to Co. F. Engagements, at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 19th, 322 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1862, Blount's Mills, N.C., April 9th, Winton, N.C., July 26th, 1863. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. Jan. 4th, 1864, in same regiment for 3 yrs. Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Feb. 1st, Wise's Fork, N.C., near Kinston, April 8th, 9th, and 10th, Washington, N.C., April 26th, 1864. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. LEWIS, ELBRIDGE SHEREBIAH. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 14th, 1841. Son of Andrew P. and Lucy Ann Lewis. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 31st, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In engage- ment at Roanoke Island, Feb. 8th, New Berne, March 14th, Kinston, Dec. 14th, Whitehall, Dec. 16th, 1862, and woimded in shoulder. De- tailed from regiment as Seaman. Served on transport Chassure. Re- joined regiment at Kinston, N.C. In engagements at Washington and Winton, N.C. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. LEWIS, BENJAMIN. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 14th, 1846. Son of An- drew P. and Lucy Ann Lewis. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. At Bull Run, Va., July 21st, 1861, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, York- town, Va., May 10th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Aug. 3d, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. At Plain's store, La., May 21st, siege of Port Hudson, La., Donaldson- ville. La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Enlis. and mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Sergt. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865. Services no longer required. LEWIS, ALFRED A. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 19th, 1842. Son of John and Martha M. (Honors) Lewis. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862 to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Oct 27th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs Garrison duty on Massachusetts coast, and defences of Washington D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Died at Meriden, Conn. Sept. 13th, 1883, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. LEWIS, RUFUS. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 13th, 1844. Son of John and Martha M. (Honors) Lewis. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. LEWIS, CHARLES. Res. Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 15th, 1865, Priv. Co. B, 1st Bat'hi Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty in Boston Harbor. Disch. Jime 29th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 323 LINDBURG, MARCUS. Born at Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov. 27th, 1821. Son of Marcus and Augusta Lindburg. Enlis. at Newburyport, mu9. Dec. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Plain's Store, La., and Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Ipswich, Mass., Nov. 15th, 1863. LITTLE, WILLIAM A. Born at Newburyport, June 4th, 1823. Son of Joshua and Anna T. Little. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 11th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 30th, 1897, bur. Oak HUl. LITTLE, WILLIAM DUMMER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 1st, 1827. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Detailed Regimental Pioneer Corps, Oct., 1862. Wounded with axe at Newport News, Va., March 6th, 1863. Left at hospital at Hampton, Va., March 26th, 1863. Disch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. LITTLEFIELD, ROBERT P. Res. Newburyport. Born at Wells, Me., June 29th, 1810. Son of Joshua and Mary (Estes) Littlefield. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 9th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engage- ments at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in left leg. Sent to Fort Columbus Hospital, N.Y. Disch. Feb. 18th, 1863, for disab. caused by wounds. LITTLEFIELD, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kittery, Me., Sept. 5th, 1846. Son of Robert P. and Harriet (Potter) Littlefield. Enlis. at Newburyport, Oct. 14th, mus. Nov. 9th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Died at Ship Island, La., May 29th, 1862, bur. at Monument National Cemetery, Chalmette, La. LITTLEFIELD, CHARLES M. Res. Newburyport. Born at Penobscot, Me., Aug. 16th, 1839. Son of Robert and Phoebe Littlefield. Enlis. at Chicago, 111., 1861, in 9th 111. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Missouri and Arkansas campaigns, with the regiment. Sent to hospital at St. Louis, Mo. De- tailed as clerk in hospital dept. Disch., 1863. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 16th, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, 1st Sergt. Co. E, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Died Aug. 2d, 1864, at Balfour Hospital, Portsmouth, Va., bur. in National Cemetery at Hampton, Va., Row 17, Section B, Grave No. 1. 324 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. LITTLEFIELD, WALLACE B. Res. Newburyport. Age 19 years. Son of Benjamin H. and Clara (Springer) Littlefield. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 24th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Gar- rison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Wash- ington, D.C. Died Feb. 24th, 1865, at Fort Williams, Va. LITTLEFIELD, SOLOMON, Jk. Born at Newburyport, June 9th, 1843. Son of Solomon and Sarah Littlefield. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 15th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment at Petersburg, Va., 1864. Disch. Jan. 4th, 1864, to re-enlist, and mus. as a Veteran in same company, Jan. 5th, 1864. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. LIVINGSTON, OSCAR R. Res. Newburyport. Born in Brighton, England, 1834. Son of Oscar and Ellen Livingston. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart). Disch. for disab. June 6th, 1862. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, 1st Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted 2d Lieut. Sept. 18th, 1862. Disch. for disab. April 4th, 1863. Mus. Sept. 10th, 1863, Sergt. Co. B, 5th Reg. Rhode Island H. A. Disch. May 29th, 1864, to accept commission as Captain 11th Reg. U. S. Col. H. A., mus. July 29th, 1864. Lost Nov. 14th, 1865, on steamer Atlanta, from New Orleans to New York. LLOYD, RICHARD. Age 27 years, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at New- buryport, Dec. 9th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted Dec. 22d, 1862. LOCKE, MARTIN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Rye, N.H., Jan. 17th, 1812. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Locke. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Feb. 7th, 1863. Died at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me., Sept. 8th, 1877, bur. New HUl, New- buryport. LOCKERY, JOHN. See John Laughlin. LOMBARD, HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Huntee, France, March 8th, 1834. Son of Atian and Delahie Lombard. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 18th Army Corps. At Fort Wagner, S.C, Aug. 20th, 1863, Barber's Ford, Fla., Feb. 10th, Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20th, Cedar Run, Fla., March 1st, 1864, Drary's Bluff, Va., and wounded. May 16th, 1864. Right arm amputated. Disch. for disab. Jan. 10th, 1865. LONG, THOMAS T. Res. Newburyport. Age 35 years, occupation, ship- carpenter. Bom in County of Cork, Ireland. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 12th, 1864, Priv. 4th Battery Mass. L. A. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, "Never joined for service." INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 325 LONG, JEREMIAH, Jr. Born at Newburyport, June 10th, 1841. Son of Jeremiah and Ehzabeth Long. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Killed at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Body not identified. LORD, HIRAM BOARDMAN. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 24th, 1839. Son of John L. and Mary J. Lord. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 29th, mus. Dec. 6th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Gen. Biu-nside's expedition to North Carolina. At Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. Promoted Corporal, Jan. 1st, 1863, Co. G. Wounded in thigh near Smithfield, Va., April 14th, 1864, Sent to hospital at Hampton, Va. Disch. for disab. Oct. 27th, 1864. LORD, JOHN G. Born at Newburyport, April 24th, 1837. Son of John L. and Mary J. Lord. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 3d, mus. Dec. 3d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Gen. Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. At Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, March 14th. Promoted Corporal, Nov. 3d. Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Transf. to 227th Co. 1st Bat'ln Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 13th, 1864. Disch. Oct. 6th, 1864. Exp. term. LORD, GEORGE F. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 3d, 1843. Son of John L. and Mary J. Lord. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 19th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. LORD, HORACE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 5th, 1846. Son of Thomas P. and Eliza A. Lord. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Dec. 15th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. Died Dec. 3d, 1865, bur. Oak Hill. LOVETT, MICHAEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Mass., Dec, 1847. Son of Michael and Catharine (Casey) Lovett. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 1st, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Ma^s. Inft., for 3 yrs., 18th Army Corps. With regiment in Florida and at Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 16th, 1865, end of war. LOWELL, JOHN TOPPAN. Bora at Newburyport, Feb. 27th, 1831. Son of Abner and Betsey Lowell. Mus. Oct. 23d, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 24th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Gen. Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. Guard duty at Richmond, Va. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in 326 NEWBXJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. same company, mus. for 3 yrs., Jan. 4th, 1864. Disch. Jan. 20th, 1866, with regiment. Services no longer required. Died at Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 8th, 1870, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. LOWELL, ALFRED OSGOOD. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 14th, 1830. Son of Joseph and Eunice Lowell. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, Jan. 1st, 1863, Sergt. March 8th, 1863. At South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 24th, 1864. Disch. Aug. 14th, 1865, end of war. LOWELL, CHARLES H. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, 1837. Son of Amos and Betsey Lowell. Enlis. at Newburyport, Oct. 21st, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In the defence- of Washington. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Died at Sols diers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., May 22d, 1895, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. LUCY, DENNIS. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, 1845. Son of Daniel and Julia (Fitzgerald) Lucy. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 13th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cashing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding eamp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. De- ceased, bur. in Catholic cemetery, Newburyport. LUNT, AMOS, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 16th, 1847. Son of Amos and Mary E. (Longfellow) Lunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. LUNT, FREDERICK GEORGE. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 4th, 1835. Son of Moody and Louisa M. Lunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Corporal Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. With regiment guarding camp of rebel prisoners at In- dianapolis, Ind. Died in hospital at Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 3d, 1864. LUNT, RICHARD KENT. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 11th, 1842. Son of Abram S. and Elizabeth A. (Kent) Lunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, May 27th, 1863, second assault on Port Hudson, La., and killed, June 14th, 1863. INTHVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 327 LUNT, EDWARD J. Born at Newburyport, March 10th, 1846. Son of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah C. Lunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 18th, mus. Aug. 24th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington. Disch. Jime 17th, 1865, end of war. LUNT, STEPHEN H. Bom at Newburyport, April 6th, 1842. Son of Henry and Eliza Lunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 16th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In defences of Washing- ton. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. LUNT, JOSEPH W. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 28th, 1842. Son of Tris- tram and Clara Lunt. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 24th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1863, Priv. Co. K, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. July 15th, 1865, end of war. LURVEY, RICHARD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., June 26th, 1826. Son of Richard and Sarah E. Lurvey. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa- noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 14th, 1865. LYNCH, DANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Born at St. John's, N.F., July 17th, 1845. Son of Daniel and Catherine (O'Brien) Lynch. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Baltimore, Md., winter of 1861-62. In engagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Promoted Corporal, 1863. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. Jan. 6th, 1864, for 3 yrs. in same company. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newbiu-yport, Jime 13th, 1879, bur. Catholic cemetery. LYNCH, DANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years. Born in Ireland Son of Hvunphrey and Mary Lynch. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. LYNCH, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years. EnUs. at Newbury- port, mus. Sept. 29th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Deceased. Bur. Catholic cemetery. LYNCH, WILLIAM. Res. Lowell, Mass. Age 39 years, occupation, moulder. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb, 6th, 1865, Priv. Co. A, 26th Reg. 328 NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 26th, 1865, with regiment, end of MACE, SAMUEL C. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 2d, 1832. Son of Reuben and Judith Mace. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv, Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Jime 2d, 1862, at Washington, D.C. MACE, CHARLES C. Age 41 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Nov. 15th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted June 23d, 1862. MACE, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Age 29 years, married, occupa- tion, teamster. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. July 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. At Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21st, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Va., West Point, Va., May 7th, Peach Orchard and Savage Station, Va., June 29th. Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., Jxme 30th, 1862. MACE, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rockport, Mass., June 10th, 1842. Son of Henry W. and Harriet (Cooper) Mace. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Died at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 22d, 1861, from fever, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. MAHAN, CHARLES. Age 22 years. Mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted Dec. 17th, 1862. MAHAN, PATRICK. Res. Newburjrport. Age 33 years, occupation, laborer. Mus. Aug. 7th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With the regiment in the Penin- sular campaign. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1864. Exp. term. MAHER, EDWARD. Age 26 years. Mus. Sept. 29th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Newburyport. Deserted Oct., 1862, at Boxford, Mass. MALINCH, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Leeds, England, July 5th, 1821. Son of Alexander and Sarah Malinch. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 8th, 1863, bur. New Hill. MALONEY, MICHAEL JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mass., 1841. Son of John and Anastasia (Kelther) Maloney. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 13th, mus. Aug. 27th, 1863, Priv. Co. E, 3d Reg. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARIVIY. 329 Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty in the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. MANLEY, ALBERT F. Res. Dartmouth, Mass. Age 21 years, occupation, farmer. Cred. to Newbiu-yport. Mus. Feb. 14th, 1865, Priv. Co. E, 1st Battalion Mass. H. A. Garrison duty in Boston Harbor, Mass. Disch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. MANNIX, JAMES M. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Mass., Oct. 14th, 1846. Son of Patrick and Bridget (Barry) Mannix. Enlis. at New- buryport, Jan. 27th, mus. Feb. 8th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Siege of Petersburg, Va. Disch. May 25th, 1865, end of war. Died May 14th, 1872, bur. CathoUc cemetery. MANNING, WILLIAM. Age 24 years, occupation, clerk. Enlis. Dec. 13th mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., cred. to Newburyport. Deserted Dec. 22d, 1862. MANSER, JAMES E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salem, Mass., Sept. 22d, 1841. Son of Charles C. and Eliza A. (Grant) Manser. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Pro- moted Sergt. and 1st Sergt., 1862, 2d Lieut. Nov. 20th, 1863, 1st Lieut. March 22d, 1864, Captain June 20th, 1864. In engagements at siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, June 1st, front of Richmond, Va., June 25th, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 29th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, 1862, Chancellors- ville, Va., May 3d, Gettysbm-g, Pa., July 1st to 3d, 1863, Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, June 3d, 1864. Detailed as A. D. C, 2d Div. 2d Army Corps. Wounded in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. Nov. 22d, 1864. MANSFIELD, WARREN AUGUSTUS. Bom at Newburyport, May 13th, 1836. Son of David H. and Abigail A. Mansfield. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With the regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Disch. for wounds, May 29th, 1862. Died at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me. MANSON, HENRY WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Durham, N.H., June 6th, 1828. Son of David R. and Jane F. Manson. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engage- ments at Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Detailed teamster, Brigade Q. M. Dept., Aug., 330 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 1863. Returned to regiment, Jan. 12th, 1864. Left sick at Bealeton Station, Va., May 3d, 1864. At work before Petersburg, Va., June 22d to Aug. 5th, 1864. Mine before Petersburg, July 30th, 1864. Regi- mental pioneer, Sept. 18th, 1864. Disch. Jime 9th, 1865, end of war. HANSON, SETH HINCKLEY. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 12th, 1843. Son of Eben and Ann B. Manson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Moimtain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Taken prisoner at Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, 1864. Confined at SaUsbury, N.C. Released March, 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, as paroled prisoner. Died in Haverhill, Mass., May 3d, 1883, biu-. Oak Hill, Newburyport. MARDEN, CHARLES E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Deerfield, N.H., May 18th, 1845. Son of Jeremiah A. and Ann Marden. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Musician Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Chief Musician. En- gagement at Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. as Musician Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th, Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. With regiment at Indianapolis, Ind., guarding camp of rebel prisoners. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. MARSH, SHEPARD. Bom at Brentwood, N.H., Feb. 21st, 1838. Son of Oilman and Jane Marsh. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 24th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Wounded in knee at New Hope Chxirch, Va., Nov. 27th, 1863, leg amputated. Disch. for disab. Oct. 24th, 1864. MARSH, CLARENCE IRVING. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 5th, 1843. Son of William and Mary H. Marsh. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft,, M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Oct. 26th, 1861, Priv. 4th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs. In Gen. Butler's expedition to New Orleans. Attached to 19th Army Corps, Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. Port Hudson campaign, May, 1863. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. in same battery, Dec. 26th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, "Dropped Oct. 6th, 1864." MARSHALL, THOMAS E. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 6th, 1835. Son of Thomas L. and Hannah T. Marshall. One of the first to leave Newbury- port, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Sergt. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 331 Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Sergt. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., Sept. 28th, 1861, for 3 yrs. At Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Sept. 27th, 1862. Mus. Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., Jan. 27th, 1864. Promoted Commissary-Sergt. Feb. 1st, 1864. Wounded at Point of Rocks, Va., July 7th, 1864. Sent to New England Rooms, New York City. Transf. to Soldiers' Home, Boston, Mass. Disch. Dec. 12th, 1865, end of war. MARSHALL, WILLIAM W. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Nova Scotia, April 2d, 1840. Son of George and Caroline (Vidatow) Marshall. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. in same company, Jan. 2d, 1864, for 3 yrs. At New Berne N.C., May 22d, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Garrison duty at Greensboro, N.C., 1865. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, July 8th, 1885, bur. Belleville Cemetery. MARSHALL. JAMES I. Res. Newburyport. Born in Nova Scotia, Sept. 13th, 1845. Son of George and Caroline (Vidatow) Marshall. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Oct. 14th, 1861. Re-enlis. and mus. Jan. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. I, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 yrs. Re- enlis. as a Veteran, in same company, mus. Jan. 6th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Disch. from Co. A, July 11th, 1865, end of war. MARSTON, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newington, N.H., April 8th, 1823. Son of EUjah and Ann (Ordway) Marston. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. lu battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Detailed as pioneer, Oct., 1862. Sent to hospital from New- port News, Va., Jxme, 1863. Disch. for disab. at Fortress Monroe, Va., Feb. 4th, 1864. Died at Newburyport, .\ug. 19th, 1895, bur. Belle- ville Cemetery. MARSTONS, JOSHUA BENNING. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Ports- mouth, N.H., April 29th, 1824. Son of Benning and EUzabeth Mars- tons. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Wounded in the shoulder at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to Columbia College Hospital, Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. from wounds, Jan. 12th, 1863. MARTIN, HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Pawtucket, R.I., Sept. 6th, 1836. Son of Calvin P. and Candis (Wade) Martin. Enlis. at New- 3^2 NEWBURYPOET IN THE CIVIL WAR. buryport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards) 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washmgton. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R R Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Aug. 3d, mus. Aug. 19th, 1861, Sergt. 1st Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps Army of the Potomac. Promoted 1st Sergt. Commis. 2d Lieut July 19th, 1862, 1st Lieut. Oct. 3d, 1862. BaU's Bluff, Va., Oct 21st 1861 Accompanied the body of Gen. Lander to Mass. Severely wounded in right thigh at Yorktown, Va., May 2d, 1862. Sent to National Hospital Baltimore, Md. Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec, 1862. Resigned May 29th' loo3. MARTIN, JAMES. Age 28 years, occupation, tailor. Enlis. Dec 9th mus Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Deserted Dec. 22d' 1862. MARTIN, BROTHERTON. Res. Newburyport. Born at Ship Harbor, N.S., Sept. 3d, 1840. Son of Solomon and Sarah S. Martin. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, March 21st, 1862, Sergt. Feb., 1863, Re- enlis. as a Veteran in same company, and mus. for 3 yrs., Dec. 5th, 1863. Promoted 1st Sergt. March, 1865. Commis. 2d Lieut. June Ist^ 1865. In following engagements: Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall' Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Creek,' N.C. April 9th, Core Creek, N.C, April 29th, Winton, N.C, July 26th, 1863, Batchel- der's Creek, N.C, Feb. 1st, Washington, N.C, April 25th, 1864, Kinston, N.C, March 8th to 10th, 1865. Disch. June 11th, 1865, end of war. MARTIN, SOLOMON. Res. Newburyport. Born Sept. 21st, 1842. Son of Solomon and Sarah S. Martin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug 7th 1861, Priv. Co. D, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, and mus. Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Promoted Cor- poral and Sergt. With the regiment in its various campaigns in North Carolina: Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. MARTIN, JOHN F. Age 23 years, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. De- serted Dec. 22d, 1862. MARTIN, CHARLES. Born at Newburyport, Mav 25th, 1815. Son of Gratin and Lydia (Le Favor) Martin. Enlis. at Newburvport, mus. Oct. 1st, 1861, Priv. 4th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 vrs. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same Battery, mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, for 3 yrs. In Gen. Butler's expe- dition to New Orleans. Engagement at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. Transf. to Co. G, 23d Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, April 24th, I865' Disch. July 10th, 1865, end of war. Also in Mexican and Florida wars INDIVIDFAL RECORDS, ARMY. 333 Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., April 28th, 1896, bur. at Swamp- scott, Mass. MARTIN, DEAN R. Res. Newburyport. Born at Salisbury, Mass., 1824. Son of Hackett and Abigail Martin. Enlis. June 20th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 36th Reg. Inft., N. Y. Vols., as John D. R. Martin. Promoted Sergt. March 22d, 1862, 2d Lieut. July 8th, 1862, 1st Lieut. Dec. 9th, 1862. Disch. July 15th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. under correct name, and cred. to Newburyport. Mus. Nov. 9th, 1863, Priv. Co. B, 3d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Dept. of the Gulf. Engagements, at Henderson's Hill, La., March 21st, Wilson's Farm, La., April 7th, 1864. Killed in battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8th, 1864, bur. on the field. MARTIN, THOMAS P. Age 24 years, occupation, shoemaker. Mus. Aug. 6th, 1862, Priv. Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav., for 3 jts., cred. to Newburyport. De- serted. Date not given. MARTIN, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 22 years, occupation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. MARTIN, CHARLES H. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 28th, 1829. Son of Jonathan and Priscilla Martin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 12th, 1864, Priv. 29th Unat. Co. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Sent to hospital at Readville, Mass. Not able to join company. Disch. for disab. May 3d, 1865. MASON, PHILIP C. Born at Newburyport, March 5th, 1834. Son of William S. and Abigail D. (Jackman) Mason. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, 1st Sergt. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Commis. 2d Lieut. April 25th, 1862, 1st Lieut. July 8th, 1863. In engagements at Swift Creek Bridge, June 17th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Core Creek, N.C., Blount's Mills, N.C., April 9th, 1863, Washington, N.C., AprU 27th, 1864, Trenton and Winton, N.C. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. MASSAY, NATHAN. Res. Newb\ir5T)ort. Bom at Liverpool, England, April 3d, 1831. Son of James and Mary A. Massay. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, battles of Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, June 1st, front of Richmond, Va., June, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st and 2d, Bull Run, Aug. 29th, Chantilly, Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 1st to 5th, 1863. Wounded on the march to Gettysburg, Pa., June 28th, 1863. Disch. June 28th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 27th, 1887, bur. New HiU. 334 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. MAY, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, occupation, laborer. Mus. Nov. 25th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted at Boston, Jan. 2d, 1862. MAY, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 23 years, occupation, laborer. Mus. Nov. 25th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted at Boston, Jan. 2d, 1862. MAY, WILLIAM O. Age 26 years. Enlis. to the credit of Newburyport. Mus. Dec. 18th, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Read\ille, Mass., Dec. 27th, 1862. MAYNARD, JOHN A. Res. Newburyport. Born at Hampton, N.H., July 4th, 1839. Son of John, Jr., and Sarah (James) Maynard. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. McCARTY, CORNELIUS. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, July 20th, 1840. Son of John and Hannah McCarty. Enlis. at Newbm-yport, July 16th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Mus. March 20th, 1865, Priv. Co. B, 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. Regiment did not leave the State. Disch. May 5th, 1865, end of war. McDonald, JEREMIAH. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, 1842. Son of James and Bridget (Maher) McDonald. Enhs. at Newburyport, Nov. 13th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the defences of Washington. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865. Services no longer required. Died at Newburyport, Jime 9th, 1902, biu-. Catholic cemetery. McGLEW, SAMUEL B. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 28th, 1846. Son of Patrick and Winifred McGlew. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 3d, 1862, mus. Jan. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. McGLEW, HUGH P. Bom at Newburyport, April 15th, 1845. Son of Pat- rick and Winifred McGlew. Enlis. at Newbiiryport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Movmtain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. With regiment in Vicksburg and Knoxville campaigns. Disch. June 9th, 1866, end of ■war. McGLEW, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, March 17th, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 335 1821. Son of Hugh and Catharine McGlew. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 8th, 1861, Artificer 4th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs. With Gen. Butler's expedition to New Orleans. Disch. for disab. July 5th, 1862. Died at New Orleans, La., July 23d, 1863. McGOWEN, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 29 years, occupation, mill oper- ative. Mus. Oct. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Lift., for 3 yrs. Dishonorably disch. Dec. 2d, 1861. McISAAC, DONALD. Res. Newburyport. Age 26 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. Dec. 12th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Deserted Jan. 10th, 1863. Mcknight, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Scotland. Son of John and Ann McKnight. Enlis. Newburyport, mus. Feb. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Caro- lina. Disch. Feb. 12th, 1865. Exp. service. Mcknight, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Scotland, Oct. 27th, 1841. Son of John and Ann McKnight. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In engagements at New Beme, N.C., May 22d, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, WhitehaU, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, and woimded in foot; leg amputated below the knee. Disch. Jxme 2d, 1863, for disab. caused by wovmds. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 1st, 1875, bur. Catholic cemetery. McLAN, JOSEPH. Age 26 years. Enlis. Nov. 11th, mus. Dec. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Newburyport. In Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. McLaughlin, benjamin L. Bom at Georgetown, Mass., May 24th, 1839. Son of Benjamin and Abigail S. McLaughlin. Enlis. at New- buryport, March 7th, mus. March 17th, 1862, Priv. 1st Co. Sharpshoot- ers, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, In engagements at Yorktown, Va., May 2d, Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, Savage Station, Va., June 29th, Malvem Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Va , Aug. 30th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, Cold Harbor, Va., May 3f)th, 1864, and wounded in right arm. Sent to hospital at Washington, from thence to David's Island, New York Harbor, where arm was amputated, and he died June 23d. 1864. Remains sent to Georgetown, Mass. McNEIL, JOHN. Age 21 years. Enlis. to the credit of Newburyport, mus. Nov. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. P, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. De- serted at ReadvUle, Mass., Dec. 24th, 1862. 336 NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, McWILLIAMS, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born at Glasgow, Scotland, July 5th, 1827. Son of Peter and Jennie (McBride) McWilliams. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. April 2d, 1863. Re-enUs. in Co. D, 14th Conn. Inft. Killed in battle at Wilderness, May 6th, 1864, bur. on the field. MEADER, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rowley, Mass., June 23d, 1839. Son of James and Mary Jane (Todd) Meader. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. MELLOR, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Worcester, Mass., Feb. 4th, 1834. Son of Thomas and Hannah Mellor. Enlis. at Newbury- port, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Detailed as engineer on steamer Maryland, also on An- napolis & Elkridge R.R. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Subsequently Act- ing 2d Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. MERRILL, JOHN A. Bom at Newburyport, April 28th, 1823. Son of Jacob and Esther (Sumner) Merrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Sergt. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., Sept. 28th, 1861. Disch. for disab. April 5th, 1863. Mus. Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., June 9th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Sept. 29th, 1865. Died in hospital at Bos- ton, Mass., Sept. 23d, 1874, bur. at Newburyport. MERRILL, CHARLES PORTER. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Robbinston, Me., Nov. 22d, 1832. Son of James and Mary A. Merrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Pro- moted Corporal, Aug. 1st, 1863, Sergt. 1864. In the following engage- ments: South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863, Wilder- ness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, May 31st to June 7th, before Petersburg, Va., from June 22d to July 20th, 1864. Arm broken accidentally by the falling of a tree. Sent to hospital at City Point, Va. Transf. to Washington, D.C. Disch. May 3d, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 337 MERRILL, WILLIAM HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, May 31st, 1836. Son of Henry and Mary B. (Moody) Merrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 14th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863, Exp. term. MERRILL, PAUL AUGUSTINE. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 17th, 1840. Son of Henry and Mary B. (Moody) Merrill. Enlis. at Newbiu-yport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. MERRILL, ASA. Res. Newburyport. Born at Acton, Me., Dec. 24th, 1820. Son of James and Joanna (Gilman) Merrill. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Charlestown, Mass., March 6th, 1874, bur. New Hill. MERRILL, CHARLES W. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 13th, 1829. Son of Ezra P. and Sarah H. Merrill. EnUs. at Newburjrport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Res:. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. MERRILL, WARREN. Born at Newburyport, June 26th, 1825. Son of Jacob, Jr., and Dorothy (Sanborn) Merrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. MERRILL, AMOS C. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 8th, 1836. Son of Jacob, Jr., and Dorothy (Sanborn) Merrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. MERRITT, CONWELL. Res. Newburyport. Bom m Nova Scotia, April 15th, 1843. Son of William and Elizabeth Merritt. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In the following engage- ments: Ball's Bluff, Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Run, July 30th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Killed in action at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. 338 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. MERROW, JAMES HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, June 26th, 1832. Son of James and Judith Merrow. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Detailed in cook- ing department, Dec. 31st, 1862. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. MESSER, FREDERICK M. Age 22 years, occupation teamster. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 )TS., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Re-enlis. as a Vet- eran, mus. Jan. 5th, 1864, in same company and regiment, for 3 yrs. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. MINCHIN, AUGUSTUS H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Charlottetown, P.E.I., Nov. 21st, 1837. Son of William A. and Dora (Bull) Minchin. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 31st, 1864, Priv. Co. B, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Joined regiment at Richmond, Va. Disch. Oct. 9th, 1865. Services no longer required. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 18th, 1889, bur. New Hill. MITCHELL, THOMAS A. S. Born at Newburyport, May 30th, 1839. Son of Thomas W. and Mary A. (McCallar) Mitchell. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft,, for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Ball's Bluff, Va., Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, and wounded in right hand. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th, 1862, and wounded in right leg. Sent to Hammond Gen. Hospital, Washington, D.C. Transf. to 166th Co., 2d Bat'ln Vet. Res. Corps, as 1st Sergt. Disch. Sept. 25th, 1864. Exp. term. MONAHAN, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 23 years, occupation, ship- carpenter, married. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 8th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At Ball's Bluff, Va., siege of Yorktown, Va., Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, 1862. Killed in action at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, 1862. MONKS, THOMAS. Res. Boston. Age 23 years, occupation, glass-blower, single. Cred. to Newburyport. Mus. Feb. 27th, 1865, Priv. 13th Bat- tery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs. Disch. July 28th, 1865, end of war. MOODY, JOSEPH EDWARD. Bom at Newburyport, April 7th, 1841. Son of Joseph and Dolly P. (Fellows) Moody. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, mus. Sept. 16th, Corporal Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Gulf Dept. Promoted Sergt.-Maj. June 23d, 1863. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., LNDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. *>*>^ Mav 27th and June 14th, DonaldsonviUe, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Commis. 2d Lieut. 59th ^^g; ^ass Inft March 29th, 1864, for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army °f ^^^ P°^7_7^ In battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvama, Va May 12th and 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 2d, 1864 Taken prisoner, June 7th, 1864. Confined at Libby Prison, Rich- mond Va. Macon and Savannah, Ga., Charleston, ^.C (under fire . Escaped from Columbia, S.C, and recaptured. Released March ^s^^^ 1865 Promoted 1st Lieut. Dec. 9th, 1864. Disch. by Gen Order War Dept., No. 82, as a paroled prisoner. May 15th, 1865, end of war. MOODY, HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Born at East Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 11th 1826. Son of Henry and Miriam Moody. Enhs. at Newbury- port, Aug. 29th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft M V M , for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863; Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, 1863, DonaldsonviUe La July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Charlestown, Mass., June 2d, 1871, bur. New HUl, Newburyport. MOORE, THOMAS B. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 8th mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Deserted Jan. 8th, 1864. MORRILL, GEORGE A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salisbury, Mass^ En- lis at Newburyport, June 3d, mus. June 14th, 1861, Pnv. Co B 40th Reg N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the ro- tomac. With the regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Disch. lor disab. Jan. 7th, 1863, at Falmouth, Va. MORRILL DAVID C. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., June 10th 1843. Son of Adams and Sophia Morrill. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus.' Oct. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. for disab. Aug. 6th, 1862. Mus. Nov. nth, 1862, Corporal Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. In Dept. of Gulf. Wounded in right side at Port Hudson, ^a., May 27th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Feb. 13th, l»b&, Priv Co C, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A. Garrison duty on Mass. coast. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, "David G. Morrill." MORRILL, EDWARD W. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 15th, 1827. Son of Edward W. and Sophia Morrill. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861 Priv Co. C, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At BaU's Bluff, Va., Oct., 1861, Yorktown, Va., Aprd, West Point, Va., May 7th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Peach Orchard, Va., June 29th, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, Malvem Hill, Va., 340 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in leg. Disch. for disab. on account of wounds, March 20th, 1863. MORRILL, ROBERT J. Bom at Newburyport, July 27th, 1832. Son of Edward W. and Sophia Morrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 22d, 1862, mus. Jan. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. With regiment in front of Petersburg, Va. Wounded in left leg at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Disch. June 13th, 1865, end of war. MORRILL, CHARLES O. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 3d, 1822. Son of Andrew F. and Mary (Pecker) Morrill. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Detailed in Commissary Dept. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Dec. 5th, 1863, Priv. Co. A, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. De- tailed in Commissary Dept. Returned to company, Sept., 1864. Pro- moted Corporal and Sergt. Taken prisoner at the assault on Fort Stead- man, March 25th, 1865. Confined in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Paroled March Isfc, 1865, and sent to Camp Chase, Annapolis, Md. Transf. to 57th Reg. Mass. Inft., June 1st, 1865. Disch. July 30th, 1865, end of war. Also served in the Mexican War as Sergt. Co. D, 1st U. S. Artil- lery, from March, 1847, to Sept. 13th, 1848. Suicided (weak mind) Jan. 17th, 1874. MORRISON, CHARLES PERKINS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Deny, N.H., Oct. 26th, 1837. Son of Joseph and Lydia B. Morrison. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 15th, 1861. One of the first to leave the city on the morning of April 16th, as Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. 2d Lieut. Sept. 16th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st; volunteered as one of the storming party in the assault on Port Hud.son, La., May 27th; siege Port Hudson, La., June 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. MORRISON, NATHANIEL PAINE. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 29th, 1823. Son of Henry and Ruth (Paine) Morrison. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 16th, 1892, bur. New Hill. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 341 MORRISON, WILLIAM. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 25th, 1825. Son of Henry and Ruth (Paine) Morrison. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 10th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. for disab. May 25th, 1862, at New Berne, N.C. MORRISON, RUFUS. Born at Newburyport, July 2d, 1839. Son of Henry and Ruth (Paine) Morrison. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. nth, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of tlie Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862, and injured. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. Oct. 25th, 1862. MORRISON, LAWRENCE. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, May 1st, 1823. Son of John and Mary Morrison. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, mus. Sept. 14th, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. MORROW, JOHN. Age 39 years, occupation, moulder. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Feb. 14th, 1865, Priv. Co. F, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. MORSE, NATHANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., March 23d, 1819. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 11th, 1896, bur. Oak Hill. MORSS, EDWARD ODELL. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 10th, 1843. Son of Joseph, Jr., and Rebecca (Tyler) Morss. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. nth, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Sergt. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Promoted 1st Sergt. June 22d, 1863. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assault on Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hud- son, La., Jvme 12th to 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Picker- ing, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Boston, July 4th, 1886, biu-. Mount Hope Cemetery, West Roxbury, Mass. MORSS, JOSEPH T. Born at Newburyport, July 3d, 1836. Son of Joseph, Jr., and Rebecca (Tyler) Morss. EnHs. at Newburyjwrt, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 19th, 1869, bur. New Hill. (See Naval Record.) 342 ISTEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. MORTON, REGINALD. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Rochdale, England, Feb. 9th, 1824. Son of Peter and Mary (Midgley) Morton. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 21st, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. MOULTON, HENRY W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Ossipee, N.H., May 3d, 1833. Son of Alvah and Mary (Button) Moulton. Commis. Captain 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., mus. July 25th, 1862. Resigned Oct. 20th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, May 13th, 1896, bur. Belleville Cemetery. MOYNIHAN, JAMES C. Res. Newburyport. Born in County of Cork, Ire- land, Aug., 1840. Son of Cornelius and Hannah (Buckley) Mo5Tiihan. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., June 14th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. MULDOON, MICHAEL. Res. Newburyport. Born in Roscommon County, Ireland, 1813. Son of Michael and Mary Muldoon. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 18th, mus. Sept. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. E, 3d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. At siege of Port Hudson, La. Disch. for disab. Jan. 18th, 1864. Re-enlis. as a substitute for J. W. Witt, and cred. to Harwich, Mass. Mus. June 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. C, 22d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Transf. to Co. L, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., Oct. 26th, 1864. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 1st, 1888, bur. at Newburyport, Catholic cemetery. MULDOON, MICHAEIi. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, March 3d. 1844. Son of Michael and Ellen (Owens) Muldoon. EnUs. at Newbury- port, mus. Dec. 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Aug. 17th, 1862. MULLEN, BERNARD. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, 1828. Son of Daniel and Unity Mullen. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 21st, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in South Carolina. Engagement at Secessionville, S.C, June 16th, 1862. Wounded at 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, 1862. Died from wounds, Nov. 1st, 1862. MUMFORD, MARTIN MAFFIT. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Springfield, Mass., Oct. 14th, 1823. Son of RusseU and Mary Mumford. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newbury- port, Feb. 14th, 1865, bur. Oak Hill. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 343 MUMFORD, FRANK E. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 14th, 1845. Son of EUjah and Eliza J. Mumford. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. MURPHY, DANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, 1835. Occupa- tion, comb-maker. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. Jime 26th, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Priv. Co. M, 31st Reg. Me. Inft. Disch. as Sergt. at Bangor, Me., July 12th, 1865, end of war. MURPHY, DENNIS C. Age 22 years, occupation, paper-hanger, single. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 17th, 1865, Corporal Co. I, 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr.. Army of the Potomac. Fall of Petersburg, Va., April 2d and 3d, 1865. Defences of Washington. Disch. July 16th, 1865, end of war. MURPHY, HUGH. Age 25 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Deserted Jan. 8th, 1864. MURRA, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 28 years, occupation, black- smith. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 12th, 1861, Priv. 4th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same Battery, mus. Jan. 3d, 1864, for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. With Gen. Butler's expedition to New Orleans. Engagement at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. At Port Hudson, La. With Battery in Texas, 1865. Disch. Oct. 14th, 1865, end of war. NASH, ANDREW J. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Belfast, Me., Feb. 12th, 1837. Son of Francis J. and Rebecca Nash. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862, and wounded. Died of wounds at Middletown, Md., Sept. 25th, 1862. Remains sent to Newburyport, biu-. New Hill. NASH, FRANCIS J. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 21st, 1826. Son of Francis J. and Rebecca Nash. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, 1862. Sent to hospital at Frederick City, Md., Sept. 15th, 1862. Died in hos- pital, Dec. 15th, 1862, bur. Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick City, Md. Body removed to Antietam National Cemetery, Lot C, Section 17, Grave No. 148. 344 NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. NAY, JOHN O. Born at Nottingham, N.H., Jan. 5th, 1846. Son of Jonathan S. and Sarah A. Nay. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. July 29th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Transf. Jan. 17th, 1865, to Co. G, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Joined regiment in North Carolina. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. Died at Nottingham, N.H., Dec. 2d, 1866. NEAL, NATHANIEL C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Strafford, N.H., Aug. 14th, 1829. Son of John and Martha Neal. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. NEAL, JOHN P. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 6th, 1845. Son of Dennis W. and Jane Neal. Enlis. at Newburjrport, Nov. 16th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Forts Lincoln and Reno, defences of Washington. Died Aug. 28th, 1864, at Fort Snyder, Washington, D.C. Grave, New Hill. NEAL, ALONZO M. Res. Newburyport. Bom at China, Me., 1837. Son of Joshua and Deborah Neal. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 15th, mus. AprU 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. (See Naval Record.) NELSON, JOHN BALCH. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 3d, 1839. Son of Jeremiah and Mary (Balch) Nelson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Moimtain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Detailed clerk at Headqrs. 1st Div. 9th Army Corps, 1862. Disch. for disab. March 30th, 1863. NEWHALL. PRESTON. Born Newbury, Mass., Jan. 15th, 1837. Son of Joshua L. and Elizabeth W. Newhall. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 22d, 1867, bur. at Carson's Mills. NICKERSON, ISRAEL. Res. Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, brass- moulder. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 27th, 1865, Priv. Co. I, 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. Disch. for disab. at Gallop's Island, Feb. 20th, 1865. NIELD, ENOCH ARTHUR. Res. Newburyport. Born in England, 1837. Son of James and Margaret Nield. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 345 from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Forts Lincoki and Reno, defences of Washington. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Correct name, Enoch Arthur William Nield. NOLAN, THOMAS Res. Newburyport. Age 34 years, married, occupation, laborer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 16th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1863, Priv. Co. L, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Died at Aimapolis, Md., Dec. 24th, 1864, bur. U. S. Gen. Hospital, Division No. 1, Annapolis, Md. NORTON, JOSEPH. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 5th, 1835. Son of George and Martha A. (Pillsbury) Norton. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded by minie ball in left leg. Disch. for woimds, Jan. 10th, 1863. NORTON, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Jan., 1845. Son of John and Ann (Calher) Norton. Enlis. at Newbviryport, July 17th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at IndianapoUs, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. NOYES, EDWARD LANGDON. Bora at Newburyport, AprU 10th, 1831. Son of Joseph P. and Patience Noyes. Mus. 4th Lieut. April 30th, 1861, Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V, M., for 3 mo. Detailed Regimental Commissary, May 1st, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Commis. Captain 41st Mass. Inft. (afterward 3d Mass. Cavalry), Aug. 27th, 1862, Major Sept. 2d, 1864, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. In the following engagements: Irish Bend, La., April 14th, Port Hudson, La., July 8th, Jackson, La., Aug, 3d, White Plains, La., Nov. 9th, 1863, Henderson Hill, March 25th, Wilson's Plantation, La., April 7th, Sabine Cross Roads, La., AprU 8th, Cane River, La., April 26th, Muddy Bayou, La., April 29th, Piney- ville. La., May 1st, Snag Point, La., May 15th, Bayou de Graize, La., May 17th, Yellow Bayou, La., May 18th, 1864, Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22d, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1865. Disch. July 21st, 1865, end of war. NOYES, JOSEPH H. W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Seabrook, N.H., Nov. 29th, 1822. Son of Timothy K. and Sarah Noyes. Enlis. at Newbury- port, July 19th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prison- ers at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, May 15th, 1877, bur. at Oldtown, Newbury. 346 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. NOYES, EBENEZER. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Sept. 11th, 1837. Son of Timothy K. and Sarah Noyes. EnUs. at Newbury- port, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Corporal Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa^ noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Sergt. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Whitinsville, Mass., July 15th, 1886, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. NOYES, GEORGE S. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 10th, 1842. Son of Timothy K. and Sarah Noyes. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa- noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., July 23d, 1864, for 100 days. Guardmg camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Mus. March 23d, 1865, Corporal Co. D, 62d Mass Inft., for 1 yr., and cred. to Salem, Mass. Disch. May 5th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 23d, 1865, bur. at Newbury. NOYES, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Sept. 20th, 1821. Son of Noah J. and Mehitable Noyes. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 18th, mus. Aug. 24th, Corporal Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., June 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. NOYES, THOMAS. Born at Newbury, Mass., Aug. 10th, 1848. Son of James and Elizabeth (Brown) Noyes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 24 th, 1865, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. July 11th, 1865, at Goldsboro, N.C., end of war. Previously served in Co. H (Cush- ing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. NOYES, CHARLES S. Bom at Newburyport, April 22d, 1845. Son of Wil- liam P. and Frances S. Noyes. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Mass. Inft., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. NUSSPAUM, LEVI. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With the regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL BECORDS, ARMY. 347 O'BEIRNE, BERNARD. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Lathrom County, Ire- land, Oct. 31st, 1812. Son of James and Ann (Bradley) O'Beime. En- lis. at Newburyport, Oct. 22d, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., and 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Secessionville, S.C., and wounded June 16th, 1862, wovmded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th to 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 4th, 1863, Gettys- burg, Pa., July 2d, 1863, and taken prisoner. Sent to Belle Isle. Re- leased Aug. 3d, 1863. Sent to hospital at AnnapoUs, Md. Rejoined regiment. At Wilderness, Va., May 5th to 7th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864. Disch. Dec. 19th, 1864. Exp. term. Died Nov. 7th, 1868, bur. in Catholic cemetery. O'BEIRNE, EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Born in England, May 11th, 1836. Son of William and Alice (McCaffrey) O'Beime. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th and 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Wounded in head at Secessionville, S.C, June 16th, 1862. Sent to hospital in Mass. Rejoined regiment. Promoted Corporal. Wounded in knee at Fred- ericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Returned to regiment, Chancellors- ville, May, 1863. Promoted Sergt. Wounded in left thigh at Gettys- biu-g. Pa., July 2d, 1863, and taken prisoner. Sent to Belle Isle, Va. Paroled, and sent to Annapolis, Md. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, 8th Co. Unassigned. Disch. March 20th, 1864. Exp. term. Said to have enlisted in 22d Reg. Mass. Inft., June 29th, 1864, as John Flynn. O'BEIRNE, ANDREW. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, Jime 24th, 1822. Son of Francis and Sarah O'Beirne. Enjis. at Newburyport, Nov. 30th, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Dec. 13th, 1862. O'BEIRNE, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, May 1st, 1824. Son of James and Ann (Brady) O'Beime. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 19th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 29th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In front of Petersburg, Va., assault on Fort Steadman, March 25th, 1865. Wounded, and taken prisoner. Sent to Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Disch. at Parole Camp at Annapolis, Md., June 1st, 1865. Substitute for WilUam M. Swasey of Newbury- port. O'GRADY, DANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Sept. 18th, 1831. Son of William and Mary Ann O'Grady. Enlis. at Newburjrport, Oct. 25th, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th and 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Cor- poral, June 16th, 1862. Promoted Sergt. on the battlefield, Sept. 17th, 34S ^F.^vH^KY^OKT in the civil w.ui. 1862, 1st St^nit. ISOo. In ona::\fi:omonts at Secessdon\'ille. S.C.. June lt>th. Bull Kun. Va.. Aug. oOth. Ohiuvtilly. Va.. Sept. 1st. South Mountjun, St^pt. 14th. AntiotAiu. Md.. Sopt. 17th. Fnxlorioksburg. Dec. 13th. 18(32, ChanivUorsvillo. Va.. May 2d. 3d. and 4th, 1803. and taken prisoneT. Sent to Libby IMson. Paroled May loth. 1863. Ke-enlis. as a Veteran in satne company, mus. Jan. 2d. 18(>4. for 3 yrs. At Mine Run and ^^llpepe^ Court House, Va., Wilderness. Ta.. May 5th to 7th. 1864, S^x>tt*ylv!vnia, Va., May 12th. 1864. and wounded in head. Sent to Lincoln Hospital, D,C.. and Port*n\outh Grove Hospital. R.I. Disch. for wounds. Sept. 10th. 18l>4. totally blind, result of woimd. Died at Nowburyport. June 10th. lS7o. bur. in Catholic cemetery. 0'GR.\DY. JOHN. Res. Xewburyport. Born in Irehuui. June 24th, 1825. Son of William and Mary Ann O'Grady. Enlis. at Xewburyport, Dec. 6th, mus. Jan. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. E. 28th Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 yrs., 9th and 2d Army Corps. Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at Se- cessiom-ille. S.C.. June 16th. Bull Run. Va.. Aug. 30th. Chantilly. Va., Sept. 1st. South Mountain. Md.. Sept. 14th. .\ntietam. Sept. 17th, Fredericksbui^. Dec. 13th. 1862. Chjincellors\-ille. Va.. May 3d. Gettys- burg. Pa.. July 2d and 3d. 1863. and taken prisoner. Sent to Belle Isle, Va." Paroled Oct. 1st. 1863. Transf. to Co. D. 6th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. April 25th. 1865. Exp. term. Died at Xewburyport, Aug. 18th. 1872. bur. in CathoUc cemeterA-. 0"GRADY. WILLL\M. Res. Xewbur>-port . Bom in Ireland. 1827. Son of WilU.^n and Mar\- -\nn O'Grady. Enlis. at Newbur>-port, Dec. 6th, 1861. mus. Jan. 3d. 1862. Priv. Co. D, 2Sth Reg. :Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps. .Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at BuU Rim, Va.. Aug. 30th. Chantilly. Va., Sept. 1st. South Mountain. Md.. Sept. 14th. Antietam. Md.. Sept. 17th. Fredericksburg, Va.. Dec. 13th. 1862. Chjuicellorsx-ille. Va.. May 3d. 1863. Killed at Gettysburg. Pa.. July 3d. 1863. Grave. Cathohc cemetery-. ORDWAY, GEORGE. Bom at Xewbury. Xov. 4th, 1845. Son of Xa- thaniel L. and Mary Ordway. Enlis. at Xewbur>-port, mus. May 3d, 1864. Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft.. M. V. M.. for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering. Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th. 1864. Exp. term. ORDWAY. JOHX H. Res. Xewbur>-port . Age 28 years, single, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Xewhur>-port . mus. Feb. 27th, 1863. Priv. Co. E, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav.. for 3 jts., -\rmy of the Potomac. Disch. with company. July 20th. 1865. end of war. ORSEY. JOHX D. Age 28 years. Enlis. at Xewbur>-port . mus. Dec. 17th. 1862. Priv. Co. F. 4Sth Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Deserted at Wenham, Mass.. Dec 24tli. 1862. DTHTIDrAI. RBOOmgm, AXMX, Sif OSGOOD, HORACE. Age 2* yean^ iii iiitiw, haJrrr, wigir EafiLaftSev- iNif3FPOT«^ AM. Feb, CA, urn, 9i Bqs, Mhl Cbr^ far 3 ynu Ums. leenik. DiKk. Jiij aftfc, ISKv ea^ «f «9i^ OSGOOD. LEEOY SABGEXT. B«. Iirfiwj, S^k Bm» a* X.H.. Oct. 2^h. 1M7. So« of Umtti mS.amd lUrr Y. Oiyd. St Xe«i>n77v>rc. bk A^, l»fc^ l^Si, Frxr. Co. M, «k Scs- H. A^for3Tr3. GsiiMm lBkhA fg, Vs.. D^ Utk, laBL Se^tofaaapkad. Tzaarf. to 7Sdi Co. ad Batla Yet. Bca. Corps:. BiadL aiO, 1«C Exp. tafM. Died at S eaL»jpuH , &aL ICO, Ua». GeaKterr. PACKER. CH.ARLES STEPBEX. Bon at S eab a iip a it , M^ XRfc, VO. Sirja oi Scephea aad Marj Ca l liMi a r (9te*aH) BMfcer. Ifat IbMciaK m baad of 17th Be^ XJeE. Lift., Aig , ISSL Diark. far Aab. Sept. 17th. 1861. EeSs. ax X ^bwitw rt, Aag 6th. an^ Aae. HA. IMZ, Maaaao. Co. 6. ^5tri B^s. Mass. lBfL.far 3 jrs.. 9& Ai^ Corpe. Azbv- of the Pocoaue. Seat to liaaik HoapitaL Wailaat»iai DjC, feas Fiedemk^b«Sr^a^I>eeL.iaCSL Dwh. far &ab. Jaa. 2lat, 188u Died ax X fe*bufypo c v . Jaae l^h, 1839, bar. Xev ESL P.ADDC>CK. J.OCES X. Bes. ISe alimjpuit . Bon at HJiiiBj, Maat, Apd 2Sth. L%^. Son of PfigiHifrr aad Ssah G. Paddock. tNBTport. Apfd 160. aaasL Apd 30A, ISO, nir. Col A I 8tfa Be^ Inft., M. Y. M.. far 3 sa. HIA WadhoigtoB. Goard dstj as Bdsr TTiwij. BalliaMre Jk Diseii. Awg Ut. 1S61. Exp. tena. Died at Kag's Maas_ Jan. ^th. 189S, bv. at X eali a iipM Kfc. P.AGE. CHARLES WILIXASL Bora at Xeaiwrport. Jaa. 280. 1839. Soa of WSBam aad DoSe = ?- Z^i: i;t Xi eab^jpu rt, Aag 11th. 350 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. PARKER, LEVI. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rensselaerville, N.Y., May 25th, 1827. Son of Richard and Elizabeth Parker. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 8th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Jan. 8th, 1863, from Stanton Hospital, Washington, D.C. PARKER, LEVI. Res. Newburyport. Age 39 years, occupation, shoemaker, married. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 21st, 1865, Priv. Co. G, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. Sup- posed to be the same person who served in the 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. PARKS, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., April 30th, 1834. Son of Solomon and Charlotte S. Parks. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Oct. 30th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty with regiment at New Berne, N.C. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. PARKS, WILLIAM. Correct name, William Thomas Parks. Res. Newbury- port. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 30th, 1838. Son of Solomon and Charlotte Parks. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Jan. 15th, 1863, by order of Gen. Martindale. Mus. Priv. Nov. 17th, 1864, in Co. D, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Whately, Mass. Disch. as Sergt. July 22d, 1865, end of war. PARKS, SOLOMON, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., Jan. 3d, 1844. Son of Solomon and Charlotte Parks. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Oct. 1st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. in same company, Jan. 3d, 1864, for 3 yrs. Served in Q.-M. Dept. Died of yellow fever at General Hospital, New Beme, N.C, Oct. 30th, 1864. PARSONS, JOHN DAVENPORT. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 21st, 1825. Son of Stephen C. and Sarah W. (Bragdon) Parsons. Enlis. at New- buryport, Sept. 11th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, 1864, Sergt. May, 1865. In Bum- side's expedition to North Carolina. Roanoke Island, N.C, Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C, March 14th, Kinston, N.C, Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C, Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C, Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enlis. in same LNDIYIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 351 company as a Veteran, mus. Jan. 3d, 1864, for 3 jts. At Smithfield, Va., April 14th, Palmer's Creek, Va., May 14th. Wounded at Driiry's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864. Sent to hospital at Hampton, Va. Re- turned to regiment. At Kinston, N.C., March 8th, 1865, wounded in the face. Sent to hospital at New Berne. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburjrport, Dec. 21st, 1884, bur. New Hill. PATTEN, JOHN R. Bom at Newburyport, March 22d, 1833. Son of Thomas and Sally Ann Patten. Enlis. at Newbiu-yport, Sept. 10th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Disch. for disab. Dec. 9th, 1862. Died at Amesbury, Mass., April 25th, 1876, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery, Newburyport. PAUL, THEODORE. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Newbvuyport, mus. Priv. Co. H, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. Jime 26th, 1865. Exp. term. PAYSON, BENJ.\MIN F. Res. Newburyport. Born at Freeport, Me., Jan. 1st, 1840. Son of Edward and Amy Payson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Corporal and Sergt. 19th Armj'^ Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Engage- ment at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5th, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. as a Veteran in same company, Jan. 2d, 1864. Battle of Opequan or Win- chester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22d, 1864. Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Disch. with regiment, July 5th, 1866. PEABODY, NICHOLAS FLORA. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 27th, 1843. Son of Charles and Julia Ann Peabody. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engagement at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. One of the ninety-two (92) volunteers from the regiment in the storming party at Port Hudson, La., May 27th, 1863. Wounded through the lungs. Car- ried to hospital at Baton Rouge, La. Died Jime 17th, 1863, bur. Na- tional Cemetery, Baton Rouge, La., Grave No. 563. PEARL, HENRY B. Age 19 years, occupation, seaman. Cred. to Newbury- port. Mus. Nov. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. L, 3d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Jime 14th, 1862. PE.4JIS0N, GEORGE AUGUSTUS. Bom at NewburjT)ort, March 17th, 1846. Son of Charles and Mary A. Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Gar- rison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 15th, 1899, bur. Oak Hill. PEARSON, SAMUEL. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 3d, 1833. Son of Ariel and Hannah (Colby) Pearson. Enlis. at Newburjrport, April 16th, 352 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoUs to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Jan. 18th, 1862, Priv. Go. I, 17th Reg. Mass. Tnft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. Feb. 10th, 1862. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Go. H (Gushmg Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel pris- oners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. PEARSON, AMOS WALTER. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 12th, 1842. Son of Ariel and EmUy (Golby) Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Go. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term, PEARSON, EUGENE A. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 19th, 1845. Son of Ariel and Emily (Golby) Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Go. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, Donaldson ville. La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 15th, 1899, bur. Oak Hill. PEARSON, WILLIAM F. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 23d, 1842. Son of William M. and Fanny (Goolidge) Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Go. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Baltimore, Md., winter of 1861-62. Campaign in North Garolina. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Dec. 5th, 1864, Priv. Go. H, 1st Reg. Mass. Gav., for 1 yr. In defences of Washington, D.G. Disch. June 26th, 1865, end of war. PEARSON, EDWARD GRANGER. Bom at Newburyport, July 4th, 1846, Son of Jabez and Mary A. (Danforth) Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport. Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Go. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PEARSON, EDMOND GARLTON. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Pori;land, Me., Dec. 4th, 1839. Son of John, Jr., and Pamela Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 13th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Go. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Corporal, Aug. 3d, 1863. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, May 27th, 1863. Detailed in Commissary Dept. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Boston, Jan. 8th, 1897, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery, Newburyport. INDIVIDTJAL RECORDS, ARMY. 353 PEARSON, STEPHEN CORNELIUS. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 8th, 1840. Son of Charles and Mary (Adams) Pearson. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Ya., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st and Jmie 1st. In front of Richmond, Va., June 25th, Wliite Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Frazier's Farm, June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862, Bull Rim, Va., Aug. 28th and 29th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Wilderness, Va., May 6th, 1864. Taken prisoner while on picket. May 12th, 1864. Sent to Anderson ville, Ga. Died Aug. 3d, 1864, bur. in Andersonville National Cemetery, Grave No. 4631. PEASLEY, JOHN. Occupation, carpenter, single. Mus. March 15th, 1862, Priv. 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Unassigned recruit. Never joined for PEASLEY, JOHN. Occupation, moulder, single. Mus. Nov. 15th, 1862, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, "Never joined the regi- ment." PEAVY, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Born at Farmington, N.H., Sept. 28th, 1823. Son of Daniel and Hannah Peavy. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jTs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Left sick at Arling- ton Heights, Sept. 6th, 1862. Sent to Alexandria. Rejoined regiment, Oct., 1862. Sent to hospital at Falmouth, Va. Disch. for disab. March 26th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 13th, 1890, bur. New Hill. PENDER, JOHN L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Great Falls, N.H., Sept. 19th, 1833. Son of Robert and Lydia (Lowell) Pender. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 yrs. Promoted Sergt. July 5th, 1861, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va., Williams- burg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st and June 1st. In front of Richmond, Va., June, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 2d and 3d, 2d BuU Run, Aug. 29th, 1862, and wounded. Sent to Mason General Hospital, Mass., Sept. 23d, 1862. Disch. Jan. 20th, 1863, for disab. caused by wounds. Died at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me., Nov. 7th, 1879, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. PENDER, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Canton, N.H., Dec. 20th, 1840. Son of Robert and Lydia (Lowell) Pender. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Sept. 20th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 10th, 1863. Died at National Soldiers' Home at Hampton, Va., March 6th, 1896. (See Naval Record.) 354 KEWBURYPOET EST THE CIVIL. WAE. PENDER, HENRY CLAY. Res. Newburyport. Born at Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 8th, 1844. Son of Robert and Lydia (Lowell) Pender. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 26th, 1863, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Petersburg, Va. Retreat and surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox, Va. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required, war ended. Died at Newbvuyport, Oct. 12th, 1883, bur. New Hill. PENTLAND, GEORGE, Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 15th, 1840. Son of George and Mary (Graham) Pentland. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and injured. Disch. for disab. March 4th, 1863. Died Dec. 31st, 1884, at Amesbury, Mass., bur. New Hill, Newburyport. PERKINS, JOHN NATHANIEL. Born at Newburyport, March 29th, 1836. Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Saunders) Perkins. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 21st, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Detailed as Brigade Teamster, Feb. 22d, 1863, and served in that capacity during term of service. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PERKINS, HENRY S. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 16th, 1839. Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Saimders) Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 4th, mus. Feb. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal. In the campaign from the Wilderness to Petersburg. Wounded in shoulder. Transf. to 57th Mass. Inft., Jime 1st, 1865. Disch. July 30th, 1865, end of war. Previously served as Private Co. E, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Beverly, Mass. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Sol- diers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., June 13th, 1894, biu-. at Groveland, Mass. PERKINS, EBENEZER. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Oct. 20th, 1817. Son of WUliam and Sarah Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson. Detailed as company cook. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. PERKINS, WILLIAM F. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 23d, 1848. Son of Ebenezer and Lucy C. Perkms. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 15th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Died in hospital at Baton Rouge, La., May 21st, 1863. PERKINS, NATHANIEL, Jr. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Dec. 2d, 1827. Son of Benjamin M. and Sarah (Harris) Perkins. Enlis. at INDIVIDT7AL RECORDS, ARMY. 355 Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In bat- tle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862, and injured. Sent to hospital. Disch. for disab. Feb. 12th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, July 13th, 1892, bur. New HiU. PERKINS, SAMUEL H. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Sept. 13th, 1830. Son of Benjamin M. and Sarah (Harris) Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Wounded in head by minie ball at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Sent to hospital at New Orleans, La. Transf. to New Haven, Conn. Furloughed on account of wounds. Disch. with regiment, Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 8th, 1888, bur. at Newbury. PERKINS, THEODORE R. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Feb. 9th, 1837. Son of Benjamin M. and Sarah (Harris) Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in Peninsular Campaign. Battle of Antietam, Va., Sept. 17th, 1862. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Disch. for disab. March 7th, 1863. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. PERKINS, ROBERT HENRY. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, April 2d, 1846. Son of Benjamin M. and Sarah (Harris) Perkins. Enjis. at Newburyport, July 13th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, March 24th, 1874, bur. New HiU. PERKINS, ISAAC R. Bom at Newburyport, March 12th, 1832. Son of Benjamin M. and Sarah (Harris) Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 12th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863, siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863. Detailed as Guard on brigade wagon train, Feb. 20th, 1864. Wounded in right foot at Spottsylvania, May 18th, 1864. Sent to Ports- mouth Grove Hospital, R.I. Rejoined regiment, Feb. 24th, 1865. In front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. PERKINS, PAUL ADAMS. Bom at Newbury, Mass., May 11th, 1841. Son of Benjamin C. and Rebecca B. Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 356 NEWBtJRYPOET EN THE CIVIL WAR. 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, Sept. 20th, 1861, Sergt. Oct. 6th, 1862. Engage- ments, at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Golds- boro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Mills, N.C., April 9th, 1863. Disch. for disab. Sept. 13th, 1863. PERKINS, WILLIAM HOYT. Bom at Newburyport, July 17th, 1832. Son of Josiah and Eunice W. Perkins. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 3d, mus. Oct. 3d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. De- tailed for duty on U. S. Steamer Chasseur, injured by falUng into the hold. Engagement at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Disch. for disab. July 8th, 1862. Died Jan. 8th, 1893, bur. New Hill. PERKINS, LAWRENCE E. Res. Hampton, N.H. Age 18 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 21st, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guard- ing camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. PERKINS, WILLIAM, Jr. Born at Newburyport, July 7th, 1829. Son of William and Sarah Perkins. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Taken prisoner Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 17th, 1864. At Andersonville, Ga. Released March 12th, 1865. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. Services no longer re- quired. Died July 21st, 1882, bur. at Newbury. PERKINS, JOSEPH S. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., Oct. 16th, 1843. Son of WiUiam and Sarah H. Perkins. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 21st, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Near Washington during winter, 1862-63. Fort Wagner, S.C., Aug. 20th, 1863. Woimded in engagement at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864. Transf. to Co. K, 22d Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 2d, 1865. Disch. July 4th, 1865, end of war. PERLEY, JOHN L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Georgetown, Mass., Sept. 19th, 1833. Son of Oilman and Mary J. Perley. Enlis. at Newbury- port. One of the first squad to leave the city on the morning of April 16th, 1861, as Priv. Co. A (Cushmg Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. Mus. April 30th, 1861. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. 1st Lieut. Jan. 5th, 1864, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Taken prisoner Aug. 2d, 1864. Near Jack- sonville, Fla. Confined in jail yard at Charleston, S.C. Died from yellow fever, Nov. 15th, 1864, while a prisoner, bur. on race course at Clmrleston, S.C. INDIVroUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 357 PETTINGELL, JOHN S. Born at Charleston, S.C, Dec. 29th, 1844. Son of Amos and Mary L. Pettingell. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Wliipple, and Williams, defences of Washington. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. PETTINGELL. WILLL\M H. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 3d, 1841. Son of Dax-id and Caroline (Hodgkiss) Pettingell. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 15th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, May 27th to June 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PETTINGELL, HENRY A. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Ma.'-s., June 8th, 1832. Son of Charles and Mary J. (Pettingell) Pettingell. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gush- ing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at IndianapoUs, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. PETTINGELL, JOSEPH CUTTING. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 30th, 1838. Son of Cutting, Jr., and Mary N. Pettingell. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cuslaing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M.. for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapohs, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. (See Naval Record.) • PETTINGELL, AMOS. Born at Newburyport, March 5th, 1832. Son of Samuel and Ruth D. (Plumer) Pettingell. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th. mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 3.5th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 .\Ts., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Wounded, losing finger. Disch. for disab. Nov. 30th, 1862. Died at San Diego, Cal., Jan. 21st, 1898, bur. at San Diego. PHELAN, THOMAS J. Age 19 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N.Y. Inft. (Mozart), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va. Taken prisoner at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Disch. May 24th, 1862. PICIvERING, JAMES FRANKLIN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Durham, N.H., Feb. 22d, 1843. Son of Valentine and Ruth A. (Chase) Pickering. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., and cred. to Newbury, Mass. Disch. Jan. 4th, 1864, to re-enlis. Mus. as a Veteran, Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs., 5th Army 358 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Corps, Army of the Potomac. Cred. to Newburyport. Disch. June 29th, 1865, end of war. Died at Boston, Mass., Oct. 17th, 1895, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. PICKERING, ANDREW JACKSON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kittery, Me., June 9th, 1834. Son of Valentine and Ruth A. (Chase) Pickering. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. April 7th, 1863. PICKERING, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at New- ington, N.H., Nov. 8th, 1845. Son of Valentine and Ruth A. (Chase) Pickering. EnUs. at Newburyport, July 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Cushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guard- ing camp of rebel prisoners at IndianapoUs, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. PIERCE, JOHN N. Res. Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, teamster, married. Mus. Sept. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Detailed Feb. 22d, 1863, as Brigade Teamster. Served in that capacity until exp. of term. Disch. with regiment Sept. 3d, 1863. PIERCE, BENJAMIN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Oct. 30th, 1824. Son of Henry and Elizabeth (Quarles) Pierce. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment in the Port Hudson Campaign. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Deceased, bur. Newburyport. PIERCE, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Age 20 years, occupation, team- ster, single. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 24th, 1865, Priv. 14tk Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, With Battery in front of Petersburg, Va. Disch. June 15th, 1865, end of war. PIKE, BENJAMIN S. Bora at Newburyport. Dec. 20th, 1841. Son of Rev, Daniel P. and Sophia Pike. Enlis. at Newbmyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 >ts., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. May 15th, 1863. PIKE, ALFRED M. Born at Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 10th, 1847. Son of Otis and Edna (Deal) Pike. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 15th, 1865, Priv. Co. F, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty in Boston Harbor and along the Massachusetts coast. Disch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 359 PIKE, CALEB GUSHING. Bom at Newburyport, April 8th, 1833. Son of Laban and Mary E. (Dunnyan) Pike. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Killed in battle at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. PIKE, JOSIAH LITTLE. Born at Newburyport, May 28th, 1837. Son of Laban and Mary E. (Dunnyan) Pike. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart), for 3 )Ts., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va. Wounded at Williamsburg, Va., in right arm and side, May 5th, 1862. Disch. for woxmds, July 3d, 1862, from McKim Hospital, Baltimore, Md. (See Naval Record.) PILLSBURY, HARVEY H. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 11th, 1842. Son of Nathaniel and Martha Pillsbury. Enlis. at Newbm-yport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Gar- rison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. PINGREE, WALTER WEBSTER. Bom at Rowley, Mass., Feb. 27th, 1833. Son of John and Elizabeth (Herrick) Pingree. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. March 17th, 1862, Priv. 1st Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. (Andrew Sharpshooters), Army of the Potomac. At siege of York- town, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, May 31st, Savage Station, Va., Jime 29th, Malvern Hill, July 1st. Savage Station and White Oak Swamp, Va., 1862, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d and 3d. Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14th, 1863. Died in Harwood Hospital, Sept. 17th, 1864. PIPER, GEORGE WILLIAM. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 15th, 1844. Son of Henry L. and Nancy M. Piper. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assault on Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PIPER, CHARLES. Born at Newburyport, 1838. Son of Robert and Mary (Poore) Piper. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. PLOUFF, JOHN W. Born at Ipswich, Mass., April 2d, 1838. Son of Ed- ward and Eliza Plouff. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 23d, mus. Dec. 360 NEWBUEYPORT EST THE CIVIL WAR. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of . Gulf. Detailed as hostler. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PLUMMER, ALBERT. Born at Newbviryport, Dec. 7th, 1840. Son of Wil- liam and Elizabeth C. Plummer. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Sergt. and 1st Sergt., 1862. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PLUMMER, WILLIAM H. P. Res. Newbiu-yport. Bom at Richmond, Me., April 20th, 1830. Son of James and Esther (Paul) Plummer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In bat- tle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Appointed Commissary-Sergt. and transf. to non-commissioned staff, March 12th, 1863. With regi- ment at Vicksburg, Miss., Knoxville, Term., and in front of Petersburg, Va. Commis. 2d Lieut. June 9th, 1865. Not mustered. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. POOR, HIRAM R. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, Mass., Dec. 9th, 1839. Son of Amos, Jr., and Sallie Poor. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co.,M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 25th, 1866, bur. Oak Hill. POOR, CHARLES WILLIAM. Born at Newburyport, March 2d, 1843. Son of Benjamin H. and Sarah G. Poor. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Engagement at Plain's Store, La., May 21st. Killed in assault on Port Hudson, May 27th, 1863, bur. on the field. Grave in Oak Hill Cemetery. POOR, THOMAS G. Res. Newburyport. Born at Baldwin, Me., March 19th, 1843. Son of WilHam and Charlotte F. Poor. Enlis. at Newbiiryport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th. Wounded in battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to Columbia College Hospital, and transf. to Portsmouth Grove Hospital, R.I. Disch. for disab. March 28th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, June 30th, 1864, bur. New Hill. PORTER, JOHN P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bridgton, Me., Oct. 24th, 1820. Son of Jonathan and Mary Porter. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. ^^^ Guard duty near Washington, winter of 186-2-63. Promoted Corporal. Sent to Mount Pleasant Hospital, April 14th, 1863. Detailed m Con- valescent Camp, June 3d, 1863. Transf. to Co. I, 24th Reg. Vet^ Res. Corps, March 18th, 1864. Disch. July 3d, 1865, end of war. Died Feb. 10th, 1873. PORTER ABNER W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., AprU 13th, 1837. Son of John B. and Sophia (Blake) Porter. Enlis at New- buryport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft. M. V. M for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Wmter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died Nov. 16th, 1891, bur. at Newbury. PORTER JEREMIAH W. Bom at Newburyport, March 12th, 1844 Son of John B. and Sophia (Blake) Porter. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug 23d, mus Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo Dept of Gulf. Promoted Corporal, June 23d, 1863. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assault on Port Hudson, May 27th and June 14th, DonaldsonviUe, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PORTER EDWARD F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salem, Mass., March 4th' 1832. Son of Nathan and Elizabeth Porter. Enlis. at Newbury- pori, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagement at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. In hospital at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 11th, 1864. Disch. from 108th Co., 2d Bat'hi Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 9th, 1865, end of war. PORTER WILLIAM HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, June 1st, 1833. Son of William, Jr., and Mary E. Porter. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 12th mus Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 5th, 1895, bur. New Hill. POTTER LEWIS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Houlton, Me., Nov. 1st, 1813 Son of John and Hannah Potter. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th mus. Aug. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Sept. 22d, 1863. Mus. Sept. 30th, 1864, Priv. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. Nov. 20th, 1865. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 8th, 1884, bur. New HiU. POWERS HENRY A. Age 25 years, married, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 13th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. No record of discharge. 362 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. PRAY, JOSEPH E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Jan. 19th, 1843. Son of Rufus and Hannah Pray. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Gar- rison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. PRESSEY, WILLIAM C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Amesbury, Jan. 9th, 1844. Son of Jonathan and Sarah E. Pressey. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Gar- rison duty at Forts Albany, Williams, and Whipple, defences of Wash- ington. Died March 12th, 1865, at Post Hospital, Fort Williams, Va. PRINCE, CHARLES H. Age 20 years. Enlis. June 20th, 1864, New Orleans Inft. Received a bounty from Newburyport. Disch. June 1st, 1866. Services no longer required. PURTILL, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Feb. 17th, 1818. Son of James and Mary (Walch) Purtill. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 10th, 1863, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. In engagement at Kinsten, N.C., March . 14th, 1865. Lost sight of left eye by bursting of gun, in skirmish near Kinston, N.C. Disch. July 17th, 1865, from Co. B, end of war. Died Dec. 26th, 1890, bur. in Catholic cemetery. PURTILL, RICHARD. Bom at Newburyport, July 22d, 1847. Son of John and Mary (Constantine) PurtiU. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. March 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North CaroUna. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. Jan. 5th, 1864, in same company. Promoted Corporal. Disch. with regiment, from Co. F, July 11th, 1865, end of war. PUTNAM, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom at South Danvers, Mass. Son of Ward and Sally Putnam. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Disch. for disab. Sept. 8th, 1862. PUTNAM, JOHN J. Bom at Newburyport, July 1st, 1833. Son of John and Rebecca Putnam. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. At Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, Donaldson ville. La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. PYNN, GEORGE A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at sea, Oct. 16th, 1840. Son of Thomas and Mary Pynn. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Wounded in wrist at battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Sent to Centre St. Hospital, Newark, N.J. Disch. for wounds, Jan. 28th, 1863. (See Naval Record.) INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 363 QUESTED JAMES K. Born at West Newbury, Mass., Dec. 4th, 1844. Son of George and Charlotte Quested. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 28th, mus Oct. 3d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. QUINN PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, March 17th, 1828. Son of Patrick and Mary (Brown) Quinn. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug 25th, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Wounded, Weldon R.R., near Petersburg, Va., Oct. 2d, 1864, and taken prisoner. Sent to Castle Thunder, Richmond. Va., and SaUsbury. Paroled at Wilmington, N.C., March, 1865. Disch. for disab. May 22d, 1865. Died at Newburyport, May 18th, 1883, bur. CathoUc cemetery. RAMSEY CHARLES F. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newton, N.H., Dec. 21st 1830 Son of Charles C. and Lucy (Johnson) Ramsey. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg N Y Inft. (Mozart), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. from Carver Hospital, Alexandria, Va., May 21st, 1862. Deceased. RAPPELL WINFIELD. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Hamilton, Mass., June, 1842 Son of William and Hannah RappeU. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With the regiment at siege of Yorktown, Va. Engagements, at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th Fair Oaks Va May 31st, Peach Orchard and Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. REED ALPHONSO PRENTISS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Ware, N.H., Feb 10th 1840. Son of Daniel T. and Margaret T. Reed. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md.. Sept. 14th, 1862. Killed in action at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Body sent home, and bur. m Oak Hill Cemetery. REED SAMUEL W. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 6th, 1838. Son of Micajak S and Elizabeth C. Reed. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Pnv. Co \ 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. In en- gagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C. Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C, Dec. 17th, 1862. Wounded at Blount's Creek, N.C, April 9th, 1863. Disch. for disab. Dec. 5th, 1863. REED JOHN BRICKETT. Born at Newburyport, May 22d, 1840. Son of Micajah S. and EUzabeth C Reed. Enlis. May, 1861, mus. June 14th, 1861 Priv Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs.^ 364 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements with regiment at siege of Yorktown, Va. Wounded in arm at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Seven Pines, Va., May 30th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, White Oak Swamp, Va., Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Rim, Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, 1863. Detailed as clerk in Q.-M. Dept. at Brigade Headqrs. Disch. June 26th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Pawtucket, R.I., Feb. 5th, 1887, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. RICH, ROBERT EDWIN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Tremont, Me., March 9th, 1845. Son of Robert C. and Angelette (Bushee) Rich. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 3d, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown. In engagements at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Peach Orchard and Savage Station, Va., June 29th, White Oak Swamp, June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th. Wounded in battle at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to Patent Office Hospital, Washington, D.C., Sept. 26th. Left leg amputated, Nov. 10th, 1862. Disch. for disab. on account of wounds, Jan. 17th, 1863. RICHARDS, JAMES. Age 18 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newbury- port, March 31st, mus. April 22d, 1863, Priv. Co. C, 1st Bat'hi Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, Dec. 1st, 1863, Sergt. Sept. 8th, 1865. Garrison duty at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, Mass., during term of service. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865. Services no longer required. RICHARDSON, ALBERT, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Age 14 years. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Musician Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. Sept. 3d, 1862. RICHARDSON, HENRY J. Res. Newburyport. Born at Canaan, N.H. Son of Willard and Almira Richardson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 19th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. With reg!iment in the cam- paign at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH C. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 6th, 1841. Son of Pottle and Anna R. Richardson. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861. Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Sergt. and 1st Sergt. In engagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Creek, N.C., April 9th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. KICKER, CHARLES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Gloucester, Mass., June 18th, 1838. Son of Ira and Hannah Ricker. Enlis. at Newburjrport, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 365 Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. At Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 12th to 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. RICKER, JOHN W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rochester, N.H., March 4th, 1824. Son of William S. and EUza (Place) Ricker. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Nov. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Gen. Hooker's Div., Peninsular Campaign. In engagements at Yorktown, Va., April 26th, WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, Savage Station, Va., June 29th, Glendale, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st and Aug. 5th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Aug. 10th, 1862. Re-enlis. Sept. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Sergt.- Major Dec. 8th, 1862, 1st Lieut. 'May 8th, 1863, assigned to Co. I. Engagement at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Volunteered as one of the storming party at Port Hudson, La. Lost right leg in the assault. May 27th, 1863. Disch. for disab. Aug. 10th, 1863. Died at Newbury- port, Jan. 23d, 1884, bur. Oak Hill. RINES, JASON S. Res. Newburyport. Born Washington, Me., Aug. 27th, 1834. Son of Isaac and Nancy Rines. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A. (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washing- ton. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Sept. 2d, 1861, Priv. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters, 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagement at Edward's Ferry, Va., Oct. 1st and 2d, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Va., Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Glendale, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d and 3d, 1863. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, mus. in same com- pany, Dec. 20th, 1863. WUdemess, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May' 18th, Jones Farm, Va., May 31st, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, Petersburg, Va., June 18th, 1864. Killed before Petersburg, Va., Sept. 28th, 1864. ROBBINS, THOMAS B. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, June 28th, 1831. Son of Eben B. and Belinda H. Robbins. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 25th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Sergt. June 22d, 1863. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Previously mus. as Priv. in Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., and cred. to West Newbury, Mass. ROBINSON, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Castine, Me., Feb. 2d, 1839. Son of Benjamin and Nancy M. Robinson. Enlis. at New- boo yEWBrEYFOKT IN THE CIVIL WAK. biir>-pc»rt, April iTth. mus, June 14th. ISol. Priv. Co. B. 40Th Keg. N. Y. Inft, ^,Moiart\ lor 3 jts,. 3d Army Corps, Army of ihe Potomac. At siege ctf Yorktom. Va.. W'llliamiiMirg. Va.. May oth. 1S62. Killed in bsrttk of Fair Oaks, Va.. 31?t, lSo"2. ROBINSOX. EXOCH KIMRAIL. Bom at We^t Boifoivi. Mass.. Nov. 16th. 1S41. Son of Benjamin and Kebecva F. Robinson. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Aug. li>th. lSo2. Priv. Co. F. Soth Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 yrs.. 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Sent to hospital at \N"ashing- Kai. D.C.. Nov.. lSt>:2. from thence to Portsmouth Grove. R.I.. JLnd Camp Dennison. Ohio. Transf. to S7th Co.. 2d Bat'hi Vet. Res. Corps, March 24th. 1S64. Ksch. Aug. 21st, lS6o. end of war. ROBINSON. WILLL\M. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Scotland. May 22d. lSii2. Son of John and Eliiabeth Robinson. Enlis. at Newburypcrt. Aug. 20tlL mus, Sept. 3d. 1S62. Priv. Co. F. 4Cth Reg. Mass. Inft.. for yrs. Transf. to Co. C. ISth Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. May 31st. 1S64. I%ch. July 10th. ISiiS. end of war. Died at National Soldiers" Home. Tc^ns, Me.. April 26th. ISi^O. bur. in Home Cemetery. Grave No. SOO. ,See Naval Reooid. p. 423.^ ROBINSON. S-\MrRL G. Res. Newb'^Tvrt. R-rr at North .\ndover. Mass.. July 12th, ISC^ Son of Benjamin and Prisoilla Robinson. Enlis. at Ne-wburypon. mus. Oct. 1st, ISol. Musician Co. I. 2od Reg. Mass. Inft-. for 3 yrs. Pncanoted Principal Muacian. Jan. 1st. 1S62. Par- ticipated in Bumade's expediticHi to North Carolina. Disch. for disab. CK-t. 4ih. 1S62. ROBIN SC'N. WIUJAM W. Bom at Ne-»burypon. April 14th. 1537. Son 01 Samuel G. and Sarah T. Robiason. Enlis. at Ne-wburyport. mtis. Oct. 1st, ISol. Priv. Co. I. 23d Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 yrs. In Bum- ade's expedition to Ncffth Carolina. Battle of Roanoke Island. N.C., Feb. Sih. New Beme. N.C.. March 14th. lSo2. Detailed in Commissary Dcfxt. June, lSJci2. Disch. Oct. 3d. 1Sj54. Exp. term. Died at Lynn, Mass.. jirail 11th. 1S92. bur. in Pine Grove Cemetery. Lynn. Mass. ROBINSON. OSCAR G. Res. Newburyport. Bom at MilLbridge, Me.. .A.t:g. loth. 1S42. Son of John J. and Lucy Robinson. Enlis. at Newbury- pc«, Aug. 11th. mtis- Sept. loth. 1Sj52. Priv. Co. -^ ,Ctisrir.g Guards. Sth Reg. Inft.. M. V. M.. for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke. Roa- iK*e I^and. N.C.. from Dec. 4th. lSo2. to July 13th. 1S63. Disch. Auk. Tth. 1S63. Eip. term. EOBSON. THOMAS. Age 19 year^. Enlis. to tie credit of Newburyport, mus. July 31st, 1562. Priv. 6th Bauery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs.. Dept. of Gulf. Re^-enBs, as a Veteran in same Battery, and mus. for 3 yrs.. Jan. 6th. 1S«34. Deserted Julv 23d. 1S64. IKDIVTDUAL EBCOBDS, AEMY. 367 ROGERS, CH-\RLE.S X. Res. Xewburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mmb., Nov. 11th, 1%47. Son of TrL=tram G. and Nancy T. Rogers. EnHg. at Newbuiyport, mus. Dec. 16th, 1%61, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 }Ts. Died of disease in ho^tal at Fortresg Monroe, An^ 10th, 1862. ROGERS, JOHX. Age 22 years. Enlis. to the cred. of Newbtuyport, mus. Nov. 20th, 1862, Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., iL V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Camp Meige, Read-ville, MasE., Dec. 24th, 1862. ROGERS, BEXJAiHN HAZEX. Res. Newbxirvport. Bom at E^-£eld, Mass., March 11th, 1835. .Son of Benjamin 5. and Hannah S. Rogers. Enlis. at Xewburvport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th. 1862, MTjsician Co. B. 35th Reg. ilass. Inft., for 3 vrs., 9th Armv Corps, Armv of the Potomac, In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md,, Sept. 17th, 1862, and woimded in thigh. Died from wounds, Oct. 3d, 1862. ROOP, NICHOLAS. Je. Age 21 vears. single, oc-cupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at NewburjTXirt, mui. Feb. loth, 1865, Priv. 1st BatTn Hase. H. A., for 3 yrs. TTnaasigned recruit. EHsch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. ROSEN*BUSH. JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 27 years, occopatitm, jew- eller. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv, Co. El, 17th Reg. Mas. Inft., for 3 yrs. With re^msit in Noitli Caxo- lina. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. ROSS, GATON O. Bom at Newburyport. April 26th, 1833. Son of John and Caroline rRobinson) Ross. Enlis. at Newburyport. April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A 'CTishing Guards;. 8th Inft,, M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from AnnapoHs to Washington- Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore ke 368 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Island, N.C. Disch. for disab. May 5th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 20th, 1884, bur. at Newbury. RUSSELL, JOHN T. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Dec. 27th, 1823. Son of Samuel P. and Nancy (Knight) Russell. Enlis. Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enUs. July 9th, mus. Jvdy 23d, 1864, Sergt. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel pris- oners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, bur. at Newbury. RUSSELL, GEORGE W. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Sept. 5th, 1839. Son of Samuel P. and Nancy (ICnight) Russell. Enlis. May 10th, mus. June 27th, 1861, Priv. Go. G, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regi- ment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. at Finley Hospital, Washington, D.G., Dec. 15th, 1862. Re-enlis. Oct. 3d, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Go. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865. Services no longer required. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 6th, 1876, bur. at Newbury. RUSSELL, WILLIAM PARKMAN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Solon, Me., Jan. 15th, 1837. Son of Robert and Joanna Russell. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment near Baltimore, 1861. Sent to hospital at New Beme, N.C, May 9th, 1862. Disch. for disab. July 22d, 1862. RUSSELL, NATHAN H. Res. Amesbury. Age 35 years. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment in the campaign at Port Hud- son, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. RUSSELL, EDWARD P. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 4th, 1840. Son of Albert and Mary Russell. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, July 30th, 1893, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. RUSSELL, JOSEPH G. Born at Newburyport, April 30th, 1838. Son of Joseph and Eliza A. Russell. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 30th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Go. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Present at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 3d, 1870, bur. New Hill. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 369 RUST, AUGUSTUS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Ipswich, Mass., April 27th, 1833. Son of William W. and Mary Jane (Pettingell) Rust. En- lis. at Newburyport, July 18th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind., during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. RYAN, DANIEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Hovilton, Me., June 20th, 1830. Son of Daniel and Margaret (Mathews) Ryan. Enlis. at New- buryport, Dec. 14th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment on garrison duty in North Carolina. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865. Services no longer required. RYAN, JOHN HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portland, Me., Feb. 9th, 1821. Son of Daniel and Margaret (Mathews) Ryan. Enlis. July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 10th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 16th, 1863, bur. at Oldtown. RYAN, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Groton, Mass., March 22d, 1845. Son of Cornelius and Joanna Ryan. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Sept. 4th, 1862, at Lynnfield, Mass. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. SANBORN, SAMUEL. Age 18 years, occupation, teamster. Enlis. at New- buryport, Nov. 7th, mus. Dec. 7th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North CaroUna. Disch. for disab. July 11th, 1865. SANDERS, CHARLES R. P. Age 31 years, married, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 18th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 39th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 1st and 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. June 2d, 1865, end of war. SARGENT, ROBERT GREEN. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 30th, 1830. Son of John and Aphia Sargent. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Sergt. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SARGENT, GEORGE PERRY. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 28th, 1843, Son of John, Jr., and Sarah P. Sargent. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Pro- 370 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. moted Sergt. and transf. to Co. D, July 1st, 1863. Promoted Q.-M. Sergt. Oct. 1st, 1864. Garrison duty in Boston Harbor. Disch. Feb. 24th, 1865. Exp. term. SARGENT, LUTHER F. Bom at Newburyport, 1841. Son of True and Elvira Sargent. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Deceased. SARGENT, ALBERT T. Age 22 years, married, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newbmyport, mus. Sept. 25th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. April 23d, 1862, at Hilton Head, S.C. Re-enlis. and mus. Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft,, M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Boston, Nov. 25th, 1862. Mus. Sergt. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865. SAWYER, ALBERT P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 8th, 1842. Son of Josiah and Abby (Page) Sawyer. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. SAWYER, EDWARD J. Res. Newburyport. Bom in England, April 3d, 1827. Son of Joshua and Mary Sawyer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Sergt. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SAYWARD, JOHN. Age 18 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Wenham, Mass., Oct. 25th, 1862. SAYWARD, JOHN S. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 9th, 1847. Son of Henry B. and Nancy S. Saj^ward. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Died on trans- port C. W. Thomas, Sept. 4th, 1864, bur. in National Cemetery at Hamp- ton, Va., Row No. 4, Section E, Grave No. 21. SAYWARD, HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 16th, 1834. Son of Henry B. and Nancy S. Sayward. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 14th, 1865. Services no longer required. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 371 SCOTT, WILLIAM. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Readville, Mass., Dec. 27th, 1862. SCRIBNER, DAVID. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., Sept. 22d, 1829. Son of John and Betsey (Janvrin) Scribner. Enlis. at New- burjrport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. At engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., June 14th, Donaldson ville. La., July 13th, 1863. Diseh. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. SCRIVEN, EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, April 16th, 1842. Son of Samuel and Mary Scriven. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Subsequently enlis. in Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., and cred. to Worcester, Mass. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 5th, 1894, bur. in Catholic Cemetery. SEALEY, EDWARD PORTER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 1st, 1825. Son of Edward and Ruth (Cook) Sealey. Enlis. at Newburjrport, Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Present at engagement of Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newbiu-yport, Dec. 11th, 1898, bur. Highland Cemetery. SEAVER, FREDERICK. Res. Newburyport. Born at LoweU, Mass., Dec. 18th, 1842. Son of William A. and Elizabeth (Coffin) Seaver. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gush- ing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington, D.C. Guard duty at Relay House, on Bal- timore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 27th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, July, 1862. In Bumside's expedition to North CaroHna. Engagements, at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, Dec. 17th, 1862. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 8th, 1864, and stationed at Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 28th, 1864. Exp. term. SELLS, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Shine, Prussia, April 19th, 1834. Son of Joseph and Catharine Sells. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 17th, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Reg.). Transf. to U. S. Signal Corps, Jan. 1st, 1862. Sta- tioned at Headqrs. Army of the Potomac, and participated in all its campaigns until discharged, June 16th, 1864. Exp. term. 372 NEWBXJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. SENIOR, JONATHAN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Yorkshire, England, Oct. 23d, 1818. Son of William and Hannah Senior. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in hand. Sent to hospital at Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. Jan. 13th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, April 3d, 1876, bur. New Hill. SENIOR, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Born in England, March 14th, 1833. Son of William and Hannah Senior. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in the head. Sent to Camden St. Hospital, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 20th. Disch. for disab. caused by woimds, Nov. 26th, 1862. SENIOR, CHARLES. Res. Newburyport. Bom in England, Oct. 3d, 1838. Son of William and Hannah Senior. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carohna. Engagement at Kinston, N.C., March 8th, 1865. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. SEWARD, JOHN B. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 16th, 1816. Son of John and Betsey Seward. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Promoted Commissary-Sergt., Nov. 7th, 1862. With regiment in North Carolina, in Commissary Dept. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SEWARD, GEORGE E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mass., Feb. 22d, 1844. Son of John B. and Mary H. Seward. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Also Corporal Co. H. 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 davs. With regiment at Indianapolis, Ind., guarding camp of rebel prisoners. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. SEXTON, DENNIS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Augusta, Me., Dec. 28th, 1844. Son of Dennis and Mary Sexton. EnUs. at Newburs^port, mus. Dec. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, Va., capture of Confederate lunette, April 26th, 1862. Wounded in battle of Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Died at Fairfax Seminary Hospital, Alexandria, Va., Nov. 7th, 1862, bur. in National Cemetery at Alexandria, Va., Grave No. 1724. INDIVIDUAL KBCORDS, ARMY. 373 SHACKFORD, DAVID. Born at Newhuryport, Aug. 15tli, 1826. Son of Charles and Susan Shackford. Enlis. at Newburyport, April Kith, muB. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Drowned at Newburyport, April 21st, 1862. SHANNON, CHARLES W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H. Jan. 11th, 1838. Son of William and Maria M. (Gate) Shannon. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Go. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In bat- tle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Sent to hospital. Re- turned to company, April 20th, 1864. Battle of Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, and wounded. Sent to hospital. Rejoined company, Oct., 1864. Detailed in Division Hospital, Nov. 26th, 1864. Disch. June yth, 1865, end of war. SHAPLEY, SAMUEL B. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rye, N.H., Oct., 1820. Son of Samuel and Rachel (Foss) Shapley. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Sent to hospital, Dec. 1st, 1862. Disch. for disab. by order of Gen. Harvey Brown, Jan. 23d, 1863, at Newark, N.J. Died Aug. 30th, 1893, bur. Lindenwood Cemetery, Stoneham, Mass. SHAW, JOSEPH A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bangor, Me., July 21st, 1841. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth B. Shaw. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. One of the first who left the city April 16th, 1861, in response to the call of the Govemor. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Bal- timore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Aug. 26th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. In engagements at Roa- noke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Southwest Creek, N.C., Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862, Smithfield, Va., April 14th, Drary's Bluff, Va., May 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., June :^d, Petersburg, Va., July, 1864. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. SHAW, CALEB BILLINGS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Bangor, Me., Sept. 24th, 1843. Son of Joseph and Elizabeth B. Shaw. Enlis. at New- buryport, Sept. 26th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mase. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Bumside's expedition to North Caro- lina, and served in that Dept. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. 374 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. SHAW, ENOCH EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Bom in England, Aug. 23d, 1813. Son of William and Mary (Shaw) Shaw. Enlis. at New- buryport, Feb. 19th, mus. March 1st, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. With battaUon in front of Petersburg, Va. Sent to hospital at Fortress Monroe, Va. Engagement at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 14th, 1864. Sent to hospital, Fortress Monroe, Aug. 15th, 1864. Disch. June 16th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 7th, 1885, bur. Catholic cemetery. SHAW, EMERY EUGENE. Bom at Newburyport, May 16th, 1843. Son of William and Malipp P. (Doane) Shaw. Eulis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SHAY, DENNIS. Age 26 years, occupation, laborer. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Sept. 8th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Boxford, Mass., Oct., 1862. (Or Shea.) SHEA, JOHN. Res. Boston. Age 22 years, occupation, machinist. Mus. Feb. 6th, 1865, Co. E, 1st Bat'hi Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Disch. April 5th, 1865. Rejected recruit. SHERMAN, WILLIAM WALLACE. Res. Newburyport. Born at North Kingston, R.I., Nov. 15th, 1840. Son of Silas E. and Charlotte D. Sherman. Enhs. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Sent to hospital at Fortress Monroe, Va., from thence to Bedloe's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Disch. for disab. Jan. 26th, 1863. SHORT, MOSES. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Nov. 6th, 1834. Son of Henry and Mary (Morrill) Short. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, Va., WilUamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862, Fair Oaks, Va., June 25th, 1862, and wounded. Died same day. SHORT, HENRY, Jr. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Feb. 7th, 1824. Son of Henry and Mary (Morrill) Short. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V, M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With the regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. SHUTE, JOSEPH W. Res. Newburyport. Son of George S. and Mary P. Shute. Enlia. at Newburyport, May 6th, mus. June 6th, 1863, Priv. INDIVIDFAL RECORDS, ARMY. 375 Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Inde- pendence, Boston Harbor. Disch. Sept. 12th, 1865, end of war. SHUTE, CHARLES J. Res. Newburyport. Son of George S. and Mary P. Shute. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment at New Berne, N.C. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SIMMONS, PETER. Age 25 years, occupation, seaman. EnUs. at Newbury- port', Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Deserted Dec. 22d, 1862. SKEELS, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport, Dee. 16th, 1824. Son of Amos and Nancy (Fry) Skeels. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With the regiment in the Peninsular campaign in Vir- ginia, 1862, and Gen. Grant's campaign, Petersburg, Va., 1864. Disch. Dec. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. SKIDMORE, J. WARREN. Age 18 years, occupation, laborer. Enlis. afc Newburyport, mus. Feb. 28th, 1865, Priv. Co. E, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Cavalry Division, Army of the Potomac. Petersburg cam- paign, and pursuit of Lee's army. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. SL.A.TER, ROBERT. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Manchester, England, March 27th, 1838. Son of Robert and Elizabeth Slater. Enlis. at New- buryport, Nov. 11th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in the defences of Washington. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. SM.\LL, JAMES H. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 23d, 1825. Son of James and Hamiah L. Small. Enhs. at Newburyport, Dec. 15th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Nortli CaroUna. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865, end of war. Drowned in Plum Island River, April 26th, 1870, bur. New Hill. SMITH, SAMUEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Thomaston, Me. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment at Baltimore, Md., and in North CaroUna. Died at New York, May 27th, 1863, bur. in Cypress HUl National Cemetery, Long Island, N.Y. SMITH, ZADDOC H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Chariotte, Me., May 28th, 1829. Son of Rev. Hosea and Mary (Damon) Smith. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 13th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. Disch. for disab. Nov. 25th, 1862. Subsequently enlis. as 376 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Priv. in Co. C, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., and cred. to Salisbury, Mass. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1865. Exp. term. SMITH, RUFUS S. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 29th, 1843. Son of Rufus and Almiia (Barbour) Smith. Mus. Sept. 25th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 45th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With the regiment in North Carolina. Disch. July 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Washington, D.C., Feb. 6th, 1873, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. SMITH, JOHN. Res. Hagerstown, N.Y. Age 32 years, occupation, marble- cutter. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 14th, 1865, Priv. Co. C, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. With regiment near Petersburg, Va. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. SMITH, GEORGE C, Jr. Res. Lowell, Mass. Age 19 years, occupation, machinist. Enlis. at Newbiu-j-port, mus. Feb. 21st, 1865, Priv. Co. B, 2d Reg, Mass. Cav., Army of the Potomac. Joined regiment near Pe- tersburg, Va. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. SMITH, ANDREW. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cusliing Guards), 8th Reg. Init., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in North Carolina. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa- noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SMITH, CHARLES. Age 26 years. Mus. Dec. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted Dec. 20th, 1862. SMITH, GEORGE J. Age 24 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Deserted Jan. 27th, 1863. SMITH, BEVERLY. Age 28 years. Mus. Feb. 24th, 1865, Priv. 52d Reg. U. S. Colored Inft. No further record. SOMERBY, LOUIS DE BOIS. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Aug. 6th, 1846. Son of Abram and Mary W. Somerby. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Sept. 13th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Musician Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. In engagement of Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863, and taken prisoner. Confined at Port Hudson, La., until its surrender, July 9th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Dec. 14th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. k. A., for 3 yrs. Died March 24th, 1864, at Portsmouth, Va. Body sent to Newburyport, bur. Belleville Cemetery. SOULE, RICHARD P. Born at Newburyport, May 24th, 1833. Son of Ebenezer E. and Eunice B. (Emerton) Soule. Enlis. at Newburyport, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 377 Aug. 27th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, Oct. 30th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Services no longer required. SOULE, FRANKLIN CHASE. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 1st, 1830. Son of Ebenezer E. and Eunice B. (Emerton) Soule. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Dec. 31st, 1863, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Sent to hospital at St. Augustine, Fla., Sept. 21st, 1864. Returned to duty, Jan. 10th, 1865. On duty in Richmond, Va., 1865. Disch. with regiment, Nov. 14th, 1865. SOUTHWELL, ROBERT KINNEER. Bom at Middlebury, Vt., Feb. 11th, 1828. Son of Richard and Isabella Southwell. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Detailed on Ambulance Corps, Oct. 18th, 1862. Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Sent to hospital at Cincin- nati, O. Transf. to Co. C, 6th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, July 22d, 1864. Disch. July 5th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 4th, 1898, bur. Oak Hill. SPALDING, SAMUEL JONES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Lyndeborough, N.H., Dec. 11th, 1820. Son of Abijah and Hannah (Eastman) Spald- ing. Mus. Chaplain, Dec. 29th, 1862, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Present at the engagements of Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 12th to 14th, 1863. Sent to Baton Rouge, July 19th, 1863, vnih 130 wounded men. Mus. out Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, April 10th, 1892, bur. Oak HUl Cemetery. SPARKS, CHARLES W. Bom at Lynn, Mass., Nov. 15th, 1840. Son of John and Sarah J. Sparks. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. SPATES, JAMES G. Age 22 }'ears, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 10th, mus. July 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Aug. 24th, 1861. 378 NEWBUKYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. SPOFFORD, EDWIN F. Bom at Bangor, Me., Sept. 26th, 1836. Son of John T. and Elizabeth Spofford. Enlis. April 16th, mus. April 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. I (Lawrence Light Inft.), 6th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment in march through Baltimore. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 2d, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Sept. 9th, 1861, Musician, Band of 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Nov. 24th, 1861, by order War Dept. disch'g regi- mental bands. Mus. Feb. 20th, 1862, Sergt. Co. M, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Promoted 2d Lieut., mus. Aug. 8th, 1863. Commis. 1st Lieut. Oct. 8th, 1864, Captain April 9th, 1865. With regiment in the defences of Washington, D.C. Wounded at Spottsylvania, Va., May 19th, 1864. Sent to Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D.C. Returned to regiment, Sept. 30th, 1864. Engagements, Poplar Spring Church, Va., Oct. 2d, Hatcher's Run, Va., Oct. 27th and 28th, 1864. Siege of Petersburg, Va., and pursuit of Lee's army, 1865. Disch. Aug. 16th, 1865, with regiment. STACKPOLE, EDWIN A. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. and mus. Feb. 14th, 1865, Priv. Co. A, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs.. Array of the Potomac. At Petersburg, Va. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. STANTON, THOMAS. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 15th, mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. De- serted Oct. 8th, 1862, at Boxford, Mass. STANTON, JAMES M. Res. Newburyport. Bom at WeUs, Me., Dec. 12th, 1821. Son of Charles and Mary Stanton. Enlis. at Newburyport, Jan. 1st, mus. Jan. 12th, 1864, Priv. Co. E, 56th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at Wilder- ness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864, and wounded in left side. Sent to hospital at Fredericksburg, Va., Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D.C, McKim Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Disch. for disab. on account of wounds, April 3d, 1865, from hospital at Worcester, Mass. Died at Newbiu-yport, May 29th, 1892, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. STAN WOOD, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Feb. 22d, 1798. Son of William and Susan (Downs) Stanwood. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 24th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Musician Co. D, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. No date of discharge at War Dept. Enlis. 1st Reg. Art. Jan. 1st, 1814, as Musician. In Hospital at Bennington, Vt. Disch. June 4th, 1815. Died April 22d, 1881, bur. at Newbury. STANWOOD, GEORGE W. Bom at Newburyport, June 30th, 1841. Son of Joseph D. and Susan Stanwood. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With INDIVTDUAX. RECORDS, ARMY. 379 regiment on duty at Baltimore, Md., and New Beme, N.C. Disch. Aug. 3d, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 15th, 1881, bur. New Hill. STEARNS, JOSEPH OLIVER. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Bom at Newbury- port, Jime 14th, 1838. Son of Charles O. and Adeline E. Steams. En- lis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. STEELE, DAVID J. Born at Boxford, Mass., May 25th, 1845. Son of James and Mary A. Steele. Res. Amesbury, Mass. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 23d, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, Dec, 1864. In battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in hand. Sent to General Hos- pital, Phila., Pa. Rejoined regiment, March, 1863. Vicksburg, Miss., July, siege of Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 16th, (Crater) Petersburg, Va., July 30th, Weldon R.R., Va., Aug. 19th, Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30th, 1864, siege of Petersburg, Va., 1864-65. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. STERLING, WILLIAM STUART. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Scotland, July 18th, 1842. Son of William and Elizabeth (Wright) Sterling. Enlis. at Newbur^Tiort, April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Bal- timore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. temi. Re-enlis. Sept. 4th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal, Dec. 17th, 1862. In the following engage- ments: Bumside's expedition to North Carolina, Roanoke Island, N.C, Feb. 8th, New Beme, N.C, March 14th, Kinston, N.C, Dec. 14th, White- hall, N. C, Dec. 16th, 1862, and wounded in right hip. Goldsboro, N.C, Dec. 17th, 1862, Kinston, N.C, July 26th, 1863, Smithfield, Va., April 14th, Dmry's Bluff, Va., May 15th and 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864, and wounded in left thigh. Sent to hospital at White House Landing, Va., from thence to Washington, D.C Furloughed from Knight's General Hospital, New Haven, Conn. Retumed to regiment, Sept. 13th, 1864. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. Mus. Sergt. Co. D, 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., March 29th, 1865, cred. to Salem, Mass. Disch. May 18th, 1865, end of war. STEVENS, JOSEPH F. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Newmarket, N.H., Jan. 10th, 1834. Son of Charles F. and Sarah H. Stevens. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 20th, mus. June 14th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 40th 380 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Sergt. 1863, Sergt.-Major April 29th, 1864. In en{^agements at Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, front of Richmond, Va., White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 28th and 29th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1863, Mine Run, Va., Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, May 12th and 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864. Wounded in right hand at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864. Sent to Lincoln Hospital, D.C. Disch. July 14th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at L3mn, Mass., Dec. 7th. 1883, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. STEVENS, THOMAS W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Mass., Nov. 26th, 1842. Son of Charles F. and Sarah H. Stevens. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jrrs. Disch. for disab. June 23d, 1863. Died at Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 4th, 1875, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. STEVENS, GEORGE HENRY. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Needham, Mass., April 15th, 1829. Son of George Gay and Harriet Stevens. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. STICKNEY, ENOCH P. Bom at Newburyport, July 31st, 1833. Son of John F. and Esther (Toppan) Stickney. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newbur>T)ort, Aug. 6th, 1877, biur. New Hill. STICKNEY, GEORGE WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 19th, 1838. Son of Caleb and Miriam Stickney. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term, STOCKBRIDGE, CHARLES E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Exeter, N.H., Aug. 23d, 1840. Son of Joseph and Mary Jane Stockbridge. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 3d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. Engagements, at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, mus. Dec. 3d, 1863, for 3 yrs. In battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, INDIVIDUAL EECORDS, ARMY. 381 Petersburg, Va., July 20th to 30th, 1864. Disch. at New Berne, N.C., June 25th, 1865, end of war. STOCKMAN, JOHN T. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 27th, 1830. Son of John and Sarah (Boardman) Stockman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Bum- side's expedition to North CaroUna. At battle of Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Disch. for disab. April 27th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 12th, 1892, biir. Oak Hill Cemetery. STONE, EBEN FRANCIS. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 3d, 1822. Son of Ebenezer and Fanny C. Stone. Mus. Captain, Sept. 16th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Commis. Colonel of 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., Dec. 6th, mus. Dec. 8th, 1862, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Commanded regiment in engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., May 27th, siege of Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, Baton Rouge, La., July 8th, Donaldson ville, La., July 13th, 1863. Mus. out Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 22d, 1895, bur. Oak HiU. STONE, GOODWIN ATKINS. Born at Newburyport, July 12th, 1841. Son of Jacob and Eliza Stone. Mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, 2d Lieut. 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Lieut. April 14th, 1863, Captain March 25th, 1864. With regiment in Virginia. Acted as Asst. Adjt.- Gen. of the cavalry brigade to which the 2d Mass. Cav. was attached. Mortally wounded in a cavalry fight at Mount Zion Church, Va., July 6th, 1864. Died at Falls Church, Va., July 18th, 1864. Body brought home, bur. Oak Hill. STONE, DEXTER E. W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Bangor, Me., Oct. 7th, 1832. Son of Daniel and Sophia (Wadleigh) Stone. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 23d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Corporal, Jan. 15th, 1862. Sent to St. James Hospital, New Orleans, sick. Disch. for disab. Oct. 16th, 1862. STONE, DANIEL B. Res. Newburyport. Age 34 years, married, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 6th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 31st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Corporal, 1862. Died at Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 24th, 1863, bur. in National Cemetery at Baton Rouge, La. STOREY, ROBERT. Res. Newburyport. Born at Saco, Me., Feb. 14th, 1843. son of Joshua R. and Caroline C. (Tilton) Storey. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 4th, 1863, mus. Feb. 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. 382 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In Forts Lincoln and Stevens, defences of Wash- ington, D.C. Detailed as Teamster in Q.-M. Dept. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. STOREY, JOHN W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Salisbury, Mass., May 24th, 1839. Son of Joshua R. and Caroline C. (Tilton) Storey. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 4th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagement at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Sent to hospital at Baton Rouge, La. Re- joined regiment, Aug., 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. STOVER, EDWIN ALONZO. Born at Newburyport, March 4th, 1839. Son of Henry and Charlotte (Bartlett) Stover. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, 1st Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart Regiment), Army of the Potomac. Promoted 2d Lieut. Aug., 1861, 1st Lieut. Feb., 1862. Participated in siege of Yorktown, Wil- liamsbvirg, Va., May 5th, front of Richmond, Va., June, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 2d and 3d, 1862. Resigned on account of disab. Accepted Aug. 5th, 1862. Died at Lynn, Mass., Sept. 13th, 1886, bur. Oak Hill. SULLIVAN, PATRICK J. Correct name, Patrick Sullivan. Res. Newbury- port. Born in Ireland, Coimty Kerry, March 17th, 1833. Son of John and Elizabeth (McDonald) Sullivan. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 12th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 18th, 1862. Re-enlis. as Patrick Sullivan. Mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Injured at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Sent to Amory Sq. Hospital, Washington, and McClel- lan Hospital, Phila. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1st, 1864. As- signed to 46th Co., subsequently Co. K, 21st Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, end of war. SULLIVAN, MICHAEL. Correct name, Michael O'Sullivan. Res. Newbury- port. Born at Kenmere, County Kerry, Ireland, Dec. 27th, 1833. Son of Daniel and Helen O'Sullivan. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 17th, mus. July 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Corporal. In engagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, White- hall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Core Creek, N.C., April 29th, Winton, N.C., July 26th, 1863. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. in same company as Corporal, Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Engagement at Batchelder's Creek, N.C., Feb. 1st. 1864, Kinston, N.C. March 8th to 10th, 1865. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. SULLIVAN, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, single, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 5th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th rNDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 383 Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Wounded through the lungs at Donaldson viUe, La., July 13th; 1863. Disch. for disab. on account of wounds, Sept. 26th, 1863. SULLIVAN, PATRICK. Age 22 years, occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted Dec. 20th, 1862, at Readville, Mass. SWAN, ISAAC. Born at Newburyport, May 18th, 1831. Son of Isaac and Esther G. (Somerby) Swan. Enlis. Aug. 20th, mus. Sept. 15th, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newbury- port, Aug. 15th, 1887, bur. New Hill. SWASEY, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport, June 18th, 1844. Son of Charles K. and Abbie (Stockman) Swasey. Enlis. .at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Har- bor. Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. SWEENEY, DENNIS. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, June 15th, 1842. Son of Bryan and Mary Clifford Sweeney. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 6th, 1862, Priv. Co. G, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. At 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29th, Chantiliy, Va., Sept. 1st, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to Patent Office Hospital, Washington, D.C., Dec, 1862. Disch. March 1st, 1863, for disab. Died Sept. 28th, 1891, bur. New Hill. SWIFT, FRANK. Res. Lowell. Bom at Lowell, Mass. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. for disab. March 25th, 1865. Previously served as Private in Co. K, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft. Enlis. Sept. 28th, mus. Oct. 12th, 1861, for 3 yrs. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1863. Disch. for disab. Nov. 28th, 1863. Died Oct. 27th, 1872, at Nat. Military Home, Ohio. TALBOT, TRISTRAM. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 6th, 1833. Son of Tristram C. and Sarah A. (Divine) Talbot. Mus. 1st Lieut. May 3d, 1864, 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Medford, Mass., Nov. 23d, 1901, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. TALBOT, CYRUS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Nova Scotia, 1834, Son of Lewis and Eunice Talbot. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army 384 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862, and reported as having been taken prisoner. Deserted from Parole Camp at Annapolis, Md. TALBOT, JOHN H. W. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 30th, 1845. Son of John and Joanna M. Talbot. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagements at WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Yorktown, Va., May 10th, Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29th and 30th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 17th, 1863, while on a furlough, and bur. New Hill. TALBOT, ANDREW J. Bom at Newburyport. Son of John and Joanna M. Talbot. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 24th, mus. Sept. 28th, 1861. Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Burn- side's expedition to North Carolina. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1864. Exp. term. TARR, ADDISON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Gloucester, Mass., Aug. 22d, 1817. Son of Solomon and Martha Tarr. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 3d, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 25th, 1862. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Killed in battle at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. TARR, ANDREW H. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 9th, 1840. Son of Jona- than H. and Susan W. (Lunt) Tarr. Enlis. April 19th, mus. May 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 29th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In battle at Big Bethel, Va., June 10th, 1861, Fair Oaks, Va., June 15th, Gaine's Mill, Va., June 27th, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th. Killed at Mal- vern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862. TASKER, CHARLES. Born at Kennebunkport, Me., July 3d, 1844. Son of George and Ann Tasker. Single, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 26th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 13th, 1865, end of war. TAYLOR, WILLIAM K. Age 23 years. Cred. to Newburyport. Enlis. Sept. 29th, mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Private Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Boxford, Mass., Oct. 8th, 1862. TEMPLETON, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, July 15th, 1806. Son of William and Margaret (Garvey) Templeton. EnUs. at Newburyport, Sept. 9th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 385 TEMPLETON, ANDREW. Res. Newburyport. Born in England, 1843. Son of William and Mary (Tally) Templeton. Enlis. at Newburj-port, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. With regiment in North Carolina. In engage- ments at New Berne, N.C., May 22d, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 22d, 1862. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, mus. Jan. 5th, 1864, for 3 yrs. With regiment until end of war. Disch. July 11th, 1865. Deceased. TENNEY, BENJAMIN P. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 22d, 1824. Son of John and Sarah M. (Davis) Tenney. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 24th, 1861, PriA^ Co. H, 20th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Detailed on hospital transport State of Maine, 1863. At Gettysburg, Pa., July, 1863. Transf. Jan. 16th, 1864, to Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. Aug. 24th, 1864, from 78th Co., 2d Bat'ln, Vet. Res. Corps. Exp. term. THOMPSON, WILLIAM CUSHING. Bom at Newburyport, July 18th, 1839. Son of William H. and Frances B. (Howe) Thompson. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 21st, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Corporal Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment in Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Sergt. July 1st, 1863. Left in camp at Baton Rouge, La., with conva- lescents. Rejoined regiment, Aug. 1st, 1863. Disch. with regiment. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. THOMPSON, ALFRED WHITE. Bom at Newburyport, March 7th, 1839. Son of Alfred and Mary A. Thompson. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Left at Middleton, Sept. 14th, 1862. Rejoined company, Oct. 15th, 1862. In engagement at Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jack- son, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Detailed on wagon train, Sept. 1st, 1863. Rejoined company, Feb., 1864. Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, May 31st, 1864. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. THOMPSON, JAMES, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, 1840. Son of James and Catherine Thompson. Enhs. at Newburyport, Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. With a detachment of the regiment in Florida. Taken prisoner at Magnolia, Fla., Aug. 13th, 1864. Confined at AndersonviUe and Savannah, Ga. Paroled March, 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. THURLOW, AMOS G. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Stoneham, Me., March 26th, 1841. Son of Benjamin and Sally Thurlow. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 4th, mus. June 6th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor. Disch. Sept. 20th, 1865, end of war. 386 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. THURLOW, EDWARD. Born at Newburyport, March, 1832. Son of James and Susan (Lane) Thurlow. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 11th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind.' during term of service. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp term Died Feb. 16th, 1885, bur. Old HiU, Newburyport. THURLOW, CHARLES W. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Oct. 8th, 1832. Son of Joseph L. and Ruth Thurlow. Enlis. at Newburyport' May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island', Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. THURLOW, BENJAMIN A. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Aug. 26th, 1838. Son of Joseph L. and Ruth Thurlow. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island,' Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. TIBBETTS, CALVIN E. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 8th, 1846. Son of Israel B. and Eliza Tibbetts. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d mus May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garri- son duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. EnUs. and mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Sergt. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. Also served as Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., and cred. to Salisbury, Mass. ' Died Nov. 9th, 1879, bur. New HiU. TIBBETTS, CHARLES A. Res. Newbmyport. Bom at Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 13th, 1844. Son of Israel B. and Eliza Tibbetts. Enlis. at New- buryport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 10th, 1862, Priv. 9th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. On duty near Washington, D.C, winter of 1862-63. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1863 North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864, siege of Petersburg, Va. 'Disch.' June 6th, 1865, end of war. TIBBETTS, JAMES ELLIOT. Res. Amesbury. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., April 3d, 1847. Son of James L. and Adaline C. Tibbetts. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 28th, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. TILTON, WILLIAM BYRON. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Chichester, N.H Sept. 24th, 1844. Son of James A. and Sarah T. Tilton. Enlis at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 387 M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. oth, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 18th, 1883, bur. at Salisbury, Mass. TILTON, JOHN LOUD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Sanbornton, N.H., April 14th, 1836. Son of Levi and Sallie P. (Taylor) Tilton. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Wagoner Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, With regimental train during Maryland campaign. Detailed for duty on brigade train, Oct. 12th, 1862. Sent to hospital, Aug. 4th, 1863. Disch. for disab. at Camp Dennison, Ohio, Oct. 28th, 1863. TILTON, ANDREW J. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 22d, 1840. Son of Samuel S. and Eliza J. Tilton. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Sergt. Jan., 1864. In engagement at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862, Blount's Creek, N.C., April 9th, 1863. Sent to hospital at New Berne, N.C, Returned to regiment, Sept., 1863. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, mus. Jan. 6th, 1864, for 3 yrs. At Batchelder's Creek, N.C, Feb. 1st, Washington, N.C, April 27th, 1864. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. TITCOMB, GEORGE J. Born at Newburyport, April 8th, 1824. Son of George and Catharine Debois Titcomb. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 26th, 1861, mus. Jan. 6th, 1862, Priv. 6th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. in same battery, Jan. 6th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Supposed to have been acci- dentally drowned. May 24th, 1864. No intelligence concerning him since that date. TITCOMB, GEORGE HOWARD. Bom at Newburyport, March 4th, 1844. Son of Isaac C and Sarah B. Titcomb. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, Donaldson viUe, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. TOBIN, JOHN LYMAN. Res. Newburyport. Born at St. John, N.B., Dec. 25th, 1843. Son of Jolin and Hannah (Nelson) Tobin. Enlis. at New- burjTsort, Jvily 9th, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel pris- oners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. TOOMEY, JOHN. Res. Newburjrport. Age 25 years, single, occupation, groom. Enlis. at Newburyport, Oct. 28th, mus. Dec. 13th, 1861, Priv. 388 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Co. E, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At battle of Secessionville, S.C., Jvme 16th, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th and 13th, 1862. Died, July 18th, 1864, as prisoner of war at Andersonville, Ga., and bur. in Anderson\'ille National Cemetery, Grave No. 3549. TOPPAN, ROLAND W. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 9th, 1841. Son of Edward and Susan L. Toppan. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Sergt. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Gar- rison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. TOPPAN, NATHANIEL D. Bom at Newburyport, June 19th, 1843. Son of William and Sarah P. Toppan. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 19th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Port Hudson, May 27th and June 12th to 14th, Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Detailed in regi- mental hospital department. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. THORP, JOHN. Age 40 years, married, occupation, miner. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Dec. 6th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With the regiment in the Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Dec. 23d, 1864. Exp. term. TORRY, GEORGE. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Aug. 30th, 1835. Son of Joseph and Ruth Torry. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of North Carolina. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roa- noke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. TOWLE, EDWARD B. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 27th, 1843. Son of Anthony F. and Hannah C. (Jones) Towle. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. TOWNSEND, OLIVER PAYNE. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portland, Me., Feb. 14th, 1838. Son of John and Mary W. (Morrill) Townseud. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in shoulder. Disch. for wounds, Feb. 11th, 1863. Re-enlis. June 3d, mus. Jime 20th, 1863, Priv., Co. H, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C., with broken leg. Transf. to Co. H, 8th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. July 24th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECOKDS, ARMY. 389 TREFETHERN, ALFRED. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newcastle, N.H., Aug. 31st, 1814. Son of Abraham and Elizabeth Trefethem. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 19th, 1862, Corporal Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died Oct. 10th, 1882, bur. Old HiU. TUTTLE, JAMES S. See James S. Fuller. VAN MOLL, RICHARD A. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 27th, 1840. Son of Augustin C. and Hannah M. (Brodrick) Van MoU. One of the first of the Cushing Guards who left the city April 16th, 1861, in response to the call of the governor. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Sept. 2d, 1861, Priv. 1st Co. Sharp- shooters, Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagements, at Edward's Ferry, Va., Oct. 1st and 2d, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Va., Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Gaine's Mill, Va., June 27th, Savage Station, Va., June 29th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862. Killed in battle at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. VAN MOLL, GEORGE E. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 29th, 1842. Son of Augustin C. and Hannah M. (Brodrick) Van MoU. Enlis. at Newbury- port, April 21st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. Promoted Sergt. Commis. 2d Lieut. Sept. 19th, 1863. At siege of Yorktown, Va., battle of WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st and June 1st, front of Richmond, Va., June 25th, White Oak Swamp, Jvme 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30th, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 28th and 29th, ChantiUy, Va., Sept. 1st. Wounded and captured at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th, 1862. Confmed at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Paroled March 27th, 1863. Rejoined regiment. May 10th, 1863. Engagement at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 26th, 1863. Wounded at North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864. In front of Petersburg, Va. Mus. out July 14th, 1864. Mus. Priv. Co. D., 1st Bat'ln Mass. Frontier Cav., for 1 yr. Commis. 2d Lieut. April 26th, 1865. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. Died at Byfield, Mass., April nth, 1883. VAN MOLL, JOHN H. Bom at Newburyport, March 4th, 1847. Son of Augustin C. and Hannah M. (Brodrick) Van Moll. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. Dec. 20th, 1861, Musician Co. B, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Re-enlis. and mus. in same company, Feb. 13th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Before Petersburg, Va. Disch. July 14th, 1865, end of war. 390 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. VARINA, WILLIAM T. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, 1839. Son of William C. and Sarah D. (Ciirrier) Varina. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Deceased. VARINA, EDMUND C. Bom at Newburyport, June 3d, 1844. Son of Wil- liam C. and Sarah D. (Currier) Varina. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assaults on Port Hud- son, La., May 27th and June 14th, Donaldson ville, La., July 13th. One of the volimteers in the storming party at Port Hudson. Disck. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. VARINA, WILLIAM T., Jr. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Baltimore, Md., March 16th, 1843. Son of Thomas H. and Sarah A. Varina. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newbury- port, June 11th, 1866, bur. at Newbury. VAY, CHARLES P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Waltham, Mass., Aug. 11th, 1843. Son of James and Sarah P. (Furlong) Vay. Enlis. at Newbury- port, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Gar- rison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Wash- ington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. VERRILL, JOHN W. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Newburyport, Sept. 14th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In the defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. VOIGHT, LEWIS. Res. Newburyport. Born in Germany, Aug. 16th, 1824. Son of Francis Joseph and Therese Voight. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart Regiment), for 3 yrs. On the rolls as Louis Voght, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Peach Orchard, Va., White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Sent to Division Hospital at Falmouth, Va. Died after a few days' ilhiess, Dec. 19th, 1862. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 391 WADLEIGH, HENRY K. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 3d, 1822. Son of Henry and Sarah Wadleigh. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Detailed in subsistence dept., subsequently on Stretcher Corps. In battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d and 3d, 1863. Disch. June 26th, 1864. Exp. term. Re-enhs. and mus. Dec. 24th, 1864, at Washington, D.C., in Co. A, 1st Reg. U. S. Vet. Vols. (Hancock's Corps), for 1 yr. Disch. at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 23d, 1865. WADLEIGH, JOSEPH. Age 30 years, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 2l3t, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Mass, Inft. Deserted Aug. 24th, 1861. WALL, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Age 31 years, married, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign. Disch. March 16th, 1864, to re-enlist, mus. March 17th, 1864, as Corporal in same company, cred. to Dorchester, Mass. Disch. July 14th, 1865, end of war. WALSH, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Age 19 years, single, occupation, hatter. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 21st, 1865, Priv. Co. F, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty on the Massachusetts coast. Disch. June 24th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, bur. Old Hill. WALTON, JOHN HENRY. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 7th, 1825. Son of John, Jr., and Rebecca T. Walton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 30th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Wounded in head at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Sent to hospital. Returned to regiment, June, 1863. Engagement at Donald- sonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Soldiers' Home, Dayton, O., Nov., 1902. WALTON, JOSEPH H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 24th, 1834. Son of Samuel and Ehzabeth B. Walton. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Corporal 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Win- ter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburjrport, May 1st, 1885, bur. Oak Hill. WALTON, CHARLES. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 15th, 1842. Son of Samuel and EUzabeth B. Walton. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Feb. 8th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Before Peters- burg, Va. Disch. July 20th, 1865, order of War Dept. 892 NEWBUBYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. WALTON, ALEXLINDER. Age 18 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Feb. 28th, 1863, at Hunter's Chapel, Va. WARHURST, AARON. Res. Newburyport. Bom Cheshire, England, July 28th, 1833. Son of Thomas and Mary Warhurst. Mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., cred. to Newbury, Mass. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. Dec. 23d, 1863, in same company, cred. to New- buryport. Promoted Corporal, April 10th, 1865. With regiment in North Carolina. Disch. July 11th, 1865, from Co. B, end of war. WATERHOUSE, JEREMIAH B. Res. Newburyport. Age 30 years, married, occupation, ship-carpenter. Mus. Nov. 19th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. Dec. 28th, 1864, at camp near Petersburg, Va. Exp. term. WATSON, MARTIN. Res. Newburyport. Born in Roscommon County, Ire- land, Nov. 1st, 1843. Son of Patrick and Catherine Watson. Enlis. at Newburyport, April 15th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (dishing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from An- napolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Aug. 20th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, in same company, for 3 yrs. In engagements at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Sent to hospital at New Berne, N.C. Returned to company, Sept., 1863. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. WATTS, WILLIAM A. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 18th, 1844. Son of Charles and Caroline B. Watts. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Sept. 25th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Dec. 30th, mus. Dec. 31st, 1864, Priv. Co. C, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. Nov. 14th, 1865, end of war. Died Jan. 24th, 1879, on coast of Africa. Grave at Oldtown Cemetery. WEAVER, ANDREW. Born at Portland, Me., April 15th, 1823. Son of George and Mary Ann Weaver. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft.,' M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C, from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Dec. 31st, 1863, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Transf. to Navy, June 9th, 1864, at Port Royal, S.C. Served on the Dai Ching, South Atlantic Squadron. Disch. Jan. 26th, 1866, from R. S. New Hampshire. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 393 WEBBER, ANDREW G. Res. Newburyport. Born in Stalbridge, England, Sept. 18th, 1825. Son of Thomas and Sarah Webber. EnUs. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. WEBSTER, CHARLES. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Readville, Mass., Dec. 25th, 1862. WEEKS, FREDERICK W. Res. Newburyport. Age 41 years, married, oc- cupation, seaman. Mus. Dec. 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. Feb. 23d, 1864, for 3 yrs. Deserted March 28th, 1864. WELCH, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, March 17th, 1820. Son of James and Catharine (Mullen) Welch. Enlis. at New- buryport, mus. Oct. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. April 5th, 1863, from hospital at New Berne, N.C. Re-enlis. Dec. 8th, mus. Dec. 24th, 1863, Priv. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Disch. June 8th, 1864, as rejected recruit. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., March 17th, 1898, bur. in Home Lot, Grave No. 177, Forest Dale Cemetery, Maiden, Mass. WELCH, JOHN. Mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Readville, Mass., Dec. 21st, 1862. WELCH, BENJAMIN C. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 25th, 1835. Son of Richard and Harriett (Jones) Welch. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. June 14th, 1861, Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Sergt. Sept. 3d, 1861. Commis. 2d Lieut. Feb. 7th, 1862, 1st Lieut. Aug. 5th, 1862. With regiment in the Peninsular campaign under Genl. McClellan. Re-enlis. March 8th, mus. March 9th, 1864, Corporal 13th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Disch. July 28th, 1865, end of war. WELCH, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Age 33 years, occupation, hostler. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 25th, mus. July 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in Peninsular cam- paign. Disch. Nov. 10th, 1862, to join Co. E, 15th Reg. U. S. Inft. Disch. Feb. 10th, 1864. Re-enlis. Feb. 10th, 1864, in Co. E, 24th U. S. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Feb. 16th, 1867. Exp. term. WELCH, MICHAEL. Res. Newburyport. Born in Middleton, Ireland, Sept. 29th, 1827. Son of William and Catherine (Collins) Welch. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. 394 NEWBURYPORT DST THE CIVIL WAR. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts. Disch. for disab. May 4th, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Nov. 10th, 1863, Priv. Co. C, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Taken prisoner at battle of Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20th, 1864. Died at Anderson- viUe, Ga., Oct. 26th, 1864, bur. in Andersonville National Cemetery, Grave No. 11,494. WELLS, JONATHAN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Ipswich, Mass., July 4th, 1806. Son of Jonathan and Lydia S. Wells. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 3d, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac, Disch. for disab. March 31st, 1863, at Falmouth, Va., as John WeUs. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., April 15th, 1885, bur. at Newbury, Mass. WELLS, JOHN J. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Ipswich, Mass., Feb. 28th, 1833. Son of Jonathan and Helen M. (Harris) WeUs. Enlis. at New- buryport, July 26th, mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In the follow- ing engagements: Ball's Bluff, Va., Oct. 21st, 1861, siege of Yorktown, Va., from April 5th to May 4th, West Point, Va., May 7th and 8th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st and June 1st, Peach Orchard, Va., and Savage Station, Va., June 29th, Glendale, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st and Aug. 5th, 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, Antietam, Md., ^ept. 17th, 1862, Fredericksburg, Va., crossing with regiment in pon- toon boats, Dec. 11th. Wovmded Dec. 12th, 1862. Sent to Stanton Hospital, Washington, Fort Schuyler Hospital, New York. Disch. for disab. on account of wounds, Jan. 6th, 1864, at Portsmouth Grove Hospital, Providence, R.I. WELLS, WALLACE D. Res. Newburyport. Born at Compton, Canada, July 6th, 1835. Son of Daniel and Catharine Wells. Enlis. at Newbury- port, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, 1st Sergt. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, May 20th, 1873, bur. New Hill. WENTWORTH, ASA H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Great Falls, N.H., June 22d, 1836. Son of Thomas K. and Jane A. Wentworth. EnUs. at Newburyport, Sept. 1st, mus. Oct. 10th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Engagements, at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Beme, N.C., March 14th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Sent to hospital at Hilton Head, N.C., Dec. 1st, 1863. Returned to regiment, Jan., 1864. At Drury's Bluff, May 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, front of Petersburg, Va., from June to Aug., 1864. Taken prisoner on the steamer Fawn in the Dismal Swamp canal, Sept., 1864. Confined at Columbia, Florence, and Charleston, S.C. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 395 WESTCOTT, JAMES P. L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Charlestown, Mass., Oct 10th 1822. Son of Charles and Catharine Westcott. Organized the company known as the National Guards, at Newburyport, which entered the service as Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs Mus. as Captain, June 19th, 1861. With the regiment in Virginia. Resignation accepted, AprU 20th, 1862. Died at Newbury- port, Feb. 15th, 1900, bur. at Newburyport. WETHERBY, HENRY P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Oakham, Mass., Nov 16th 1824. Son of Lewis and Deborah Wetherby. EnUs. at New- buryport,' Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Wounded in arm and side in a skirmish in Fla., July, 1864 Engagements: Palatka, Fla., Aug. 2d, Magnoha, Fla., Aug. 13th, Taken prisoner of war at GainesviUe, Fla., Aug. 17th, 1864. Died in. prison at Florence, S.C, Dec. 13th, 1864. WHALEN PHILIP. Res. Newburyport. Born in County Wortford, Ire- land March 5th, 1839. Son of Michael and Honora Whalen. Enhs. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac^ lu engagements at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. In hospital until May 18th, 1863. Siege of Jackson, Miss., July' nth to 17th, 1863. Sent to hospital, July 28th, 1863. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 5th, 1864. Disch. from Co. I, 17th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, June 30th, 1865, end of war. Deceased. WHALEN JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Gloucester, Mass., May 28th 1846 Son of Richard and Armostetta (Griffin) Whalen. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 13th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H^A., for 3 yrs. Transf. to Navy, July 27th, 1864. Drowned in Boston Har- bor, April 13th, 1897, bur. Garden Cemetery, Chelsea, Mass. (bee Naval Record.) WHALEN THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Age 18 years, single, occupation, teamster. EnUs. at Newburyport, mus. March 29th, 1864, Priv. Co. G, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Died at Natchez. Miss., Aug. 1st, 1864. WHEELER ALFRED, Jr. Born at Newburyport, March 24th, 1837. Son of Alfred and Martha (Richardson) Wheeler. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 26th mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 vrs Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Nov. 29th, 1862. Mus. as a drafted man, July 13th, 1863, Co. C, 22d Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 17th, 1863. WHITE CHARLES O. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Quincy, Mass., 1837. Son of Charles O. and Elizabeth P. White. Enlis. at Newburyport, 396 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Nov. 25th, mus. Dec. 7th, 1863, Priv. Co. G, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina. Taken prisoner with the company in an engagement at Plymouth, N.C., July 17th to 20th, 1864. Died at Anderson ville, Ga., July, 1864. No record of grave. WHITE, JOSEPH M. Res. Newburyport. Born at Amherst, N.S., Feb. 1st, 1843. Son of John and Emily White. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regi- ment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of York- town, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, Savage Station, Va., White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, Malvern Hill, July 1st, 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, 1862, and ■woimded in arm. Taken prisoner. Paroled Sept. 5th, 1862. Sent to College Hospital, Georgetown, D.C. Disch. Jan. 15th, 1863, for disab. on account of wounds. WHITING, DANIEL B. Res. Newburyport. Born at Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 12th, 1841. Son of Daniel and Mary B. Whiting. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., Dept. of Gulf. Engagements, at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, Port Hudson, La., June 12th to 14th, Donaldson ville, La., July 13th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Enlis. and mus. Aug. 18th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Gar- rison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and WilUams, defences of Wash- ington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. WHITING, JOHN G. Born at Newburyport, July 16th, 1844. Son of Daniel and Mary B. Whiting. Enhs. at Newburyport, mus. June 27th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Siege of Yorktown, Va., battles of Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st, seven days before Richmond, Va., 2d Bull Run, Aug. 29th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Disch. for disab. June 7th, 1863. Mus. Aug. 20th, 1864, Priv. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr. Promoted Corporal. Garrison duty at Forts Albany, Whipple, and Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newburyport, March 3d, 1867, bur. New Hill. WHITING, GEORGE H. Res. Newburyport. Age 25 years, single, occu- pation, organ-builder. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 2d, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 16th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. July 27th, 1864. Exp. term. WHITMORE, GEORGE H. Born at Newburyport. Oct. 17th, 1843. Son of Ebenezer and Lydia (Tripp) Whitmore. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Nov. 12th, 1864, Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. INDIVroUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 397 WHITMORE, WILLIS G. Born at Newburyport, 184L Son of Ebenezer and Lydia (Tripp) Whitmore. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Jan. 18th, 1862, Priv. Co. I, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Feb. 10th, 1862. Mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to hospital, Sept., 1862. Disch. for disab. Dec. 3d, 1862. WHITTEMORE, JOHN A. Res. Newburyport. Born at Winchester, Mass., Aug. 2d, 1846. Son of John and Louisa Whittemore. EnUs. at New- buryport, mus. Sept. 13th, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Newburyport. Disch. for disab. May 31st, 1865. Also served as Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., cred. to Saugus, Mass. Disch. for disab. Nov. 3d, 1862. Again mus. May 16th, 1864, Priv. 11th Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Disch. Aug. 15th, 1864. WHITTIER, EZEKIEL GREEN. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 4th, 1810. Son of Ezekiel and Sally B. Whittier. EnUs. at Newburyport, Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Aug. 27th, 1875, bur. New Hill. WHITTIER, THOMAS E. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 18th, 1843. Son of Ezekiel G. and Sarali E. Whittier. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Sent to hospital, Aug. 17th, 1863. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb., 1864. Died at Newburyport, June 12th, 1879, bur. New Hill. WIDGER, JOHN. Age 25 years. EnHs. Sept. 29th, mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Boxford, Mass., Oct. 18th, 1862. WIGGIN, JOHN H. Age 25 years. Enlis. Sept. 29th, mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Deserted at Boxford, Mass., Oct. 8th, 1862. WIGGIN, ALBERT P. Res. Newburyport. Born at Stratham, N.H., Feb. 11th, 1841. Son of Oliver P. and Mary B. Wiggin. Enlis. at New- buryport, May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. Siege of Yorktc^wn, Va., WiUiamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, 398 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Va., May 31st and June 1st, front of Richmond, Va., June, White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30th, Malvern HiU, Va., July 2d and 3d, 2d Bull Rxm, Aug. 29th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spott- sylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864. Taken prisoner near Mechanicsville, Va., June 1st, 1864. Confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Florence, S.C., and AndersonvUle, Ga. Escaped from Florence. Recaptured, and taken to Conwayboro jail, S.C. Paroled Nov. 30th, 1864. Disch. Feb. 9th, 1865, at New York City. Died at Maiden, Mass., Oct. 28th, 1889, bur. at Forest Dale Cemetery, Maiden. WILKINSON, WILLIAM J. Res. Newburyport. Bom in England, March 31st, 1842. Son of James and Mary Wilkinson. Enlis. Newburyport, May 1st, mus. June 27th, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mo- zart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Transf. to Co. H, July, 1861. At siege of Yorktown, Va., Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st and June 1st, front of Richmond, Va., Jime, White Oak Swamp, June 29th, Frazier's Farm, Va., Jvme 30th, Malvern Hill, Va., July 2d and 3d, Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29th, Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and woimded in head and hand. Transf. to Co. B, May 23d, 1863. Wovmded at Wilderness, Va., May 6th, 1864. Disch. Jvine 26th, 1864. Exp. term. WILKINSON, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Sanford, Me., July 9th, 1820. Son of James and Sarah T. Wilkinson. Enlis. at Newbiu-yport, Nov. 5th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 )TS. Garrison duty at Forts Thayer, Reno, and Lincoln, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. Previously mus. June 5th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 2d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. July 29th, 1862, at Concord, N.H. Died at Danvers, Mass., Sept. 24th, 1881, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. WILKINSON, JAMES O. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salisbury, April 11th, 1847. Son of James and Mary (Brown) Wilkinson. Enlis. at Newbury- port, Nov. 5th, mus. Nov. 25th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty at Forts Thayer, Reno, and Lincoln, defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. WILLIAMS, JOHN H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Stratham, N.H., July 7th, 1825. Son of John H. and Mary G. WiUiams. EnUs. at Newbury- port, Sept. 16th, mus. Oct. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Dec. 30th, 1863. WILLIS, JOHN H. Res. Newburyport. Age 26 years, married, occupation, comb-maker. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 399 Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Nov. 1st, 1861. Mus. Dec. 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. from Co. C, as John A. Willis, Dec. 14th, 1864. Exp. term. WILSON, SIMON E. Res. Newburyport. Born at Wihnot, N.S., May 6th, 1835. Son of Walter and Sarah Ann (Starrett) Wilson. Enlis. at New- bm-3T)ort, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. South Moun- tain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to hospital, Sept., 1862. Disch. for disab. Jan. 30th, 1863. WINCHESTER, JAMES A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Granville, N.S., Nov. 21st, 1846. Son of John B. and Mary E. (Moore) Winchester. EnUs. at Newbiu-yport, March 25th, mus. April 22d, 1863, Priv. Co. C, 1st Bat'Ln Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. Garrison duty in Boston Harbor and on Massachusetts coast. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1865, end of war. WINKLEY, HENRY. Correct name, Henry W. Winkley. Res. Newbury- port. Born in Ireland, 1841. Son of John and EUen Winkley. Enlis. May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Oct. 26th, 1861. Subsequently enlis. as a sub stitute, mus. Sept. 29th, 1863, Priv. Co. I, 4th N. H. Inft., cred. to Gil- ford, N.H. Accidentally killed, April 13th, 1864, by falling from the crosstrees on steamer Fulton at Port Royal, S.C. WINN, WILLIAM G. Age 26 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 15th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. De- serted Dec. 24th, 1862. WINN, CHARLES R. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Newburyport, Dec. 15th, mus. Dec. 22d, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. De- serted Dec. 24th, 1862. WINTER, FRANCIS ELIPHALET. Res. Newburyport. Age 29 years, married, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newburyport, July 16th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Sergt. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. KiUed in battle at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. WITHINGTON, NATHAN NOYES. Res. Newbury. Born at Newbury, March 9th, 1828. Son of Rev. Leonard and Caroline Withington. Enlis. at Newburyport, Nov. 6th mus. Dec. 12th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagements, siege of Yorktown, Va., Williams- burg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Sent to Douglas General Hospital, Washing- ton, D.C., May 24th, 1862. Detailed as clerk at military governor's office, 1862. Recommended by examining Board of Officers for a 400 NEWBIJEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Captaincy in U. S. Colored Inft. Physical examination not satisfactory. Transf. to Co. A, 3d Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, July 4tli, 1863. Disch. Dec. 4th, 1865, as 1st Sergt. of company. Services no longer required. WITHINGTON, RICHARD. Age 24 years, single, occupation, seaman. En- lis. and mus. Nov. 14th, 1864, Priv. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. July 14th, 1865, end of war. WOOD, GEORGE ALBERT W. Born at Newburyport, May 18th, 1841. Son of Samuel and Phoebe Wood. Enlis. May 1st, mus. June 14th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (Mozart Regiment), for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. At Yorktown and Williams- burg, Va. Disch. Nov. 27th, 1862. Re-enlis. at Newburjrport, Oct. 28th, mus. Nov. 20th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs. In defences of Washington, D.C. Promoted Corporal, 1863, Sergt. Dec, 1864. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1865, end of war. WOOD, ROBERT. Age 22 years. Enhs. and mus. Dec. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Newburyport. De- serted at Readville, Mass., Dec. 17th, 1862. WOOD, JOHN. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 9th, 1842. Son of George W. and Harriett (Merrill) Wood. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Gar- rison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died Jan. 20th, 1865. WOODMAN, CHARLES HENRY. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 4th, 1847. Son of Henry A. and Mary Jane Woodman. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Musician 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor, Mass. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. Died Jan. 30th, 1871, bur. at Oldtown. WOODMAN, WILLIAM WALLACE. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 10th, 1846. Son of William and Susan (Gumey) Woodman. Enlis. at Newbury- port, July 21st, mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, July 24th, 1891, bur. Belle viUe Cemetery. WOODMAN, WILLIAM E. Bom at Newburyport, July 24th, 1837. Son of William B. and Eunice W. Woodman. Enlis. at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Corporal Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 401 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In engagement of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Sent to hospital, March 3d, 1863. Disch. for disab. July 14th, 1863, from hospital in Pemberton Sq., Boston. WOODWARD, CALVIN M. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Fitchburg, Mass., Aug. 25th, 1837. Son of Isaac B. and Eliza (Wetherbee) Woodward. Mus. 1st Lieut. Sept. 16th, 1862, Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Promoted Captain Co. A, 48th Mass. Inft., Dec. 11th, 1862, 19th Army Corps, Army of the Gulf. In engagements at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, assault on Port Hudson, La., May 27th and June 14th, 1863. One of the volunteers in the Forlorn Hope from the 48th Mass. Inft., assault on Port Hudson, La., commanded by Lieut.-Col. James O'Brien, May 27th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. WOODWARD, JAMES H. J. Age 28 years. Mus. Dec. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Newburyport. De- serted from camp at ReadvUle, Mass., Dec. 21st, 1862. WOODWELL, CALEB STICKNEY. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, April 15th, 1838. Son of Caleb S. and Hannah Woodwell. Enlis. April 16th, mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Wash- ington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Again enlis., mus. Aug. 20th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Engagements, at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Re-enlis. in same com- pany as a Veteran, mus. Dec. 15th, 1863, for 3 yrs. Disch. July 11th, 1865, end of war. Died April 5th, 1881, bur. New Hill. WOODWELL, LEWIS F. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, May 7th, 1840. Son of Caleb S. and Hannah Woodwell. Enlis. Aug. 14th, mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. WOODWELL, EDWARD F. Born at Newbury, now Newburjrport, Oct. 7th, 1842. Son of Caleb S. and Hannah Woodwell. Enlis. Aug. 14th, mus. Sept. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Disch. with regiment, Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. WOODWELL, BENJAMIN A. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Sept. 24th, 1829. Son of David T. and Joanna C. (Atkinson) Woodwell. Enlis. Jan. 2d, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. May 16th, 1865. Died at sea, March 12th, 1884, 402 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. WORTMAN, ISAAC. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Earltown, N.S., Nov. 3d, 1844. Son of John and Lucy A. (McColum) Wortman. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.| 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Corporal, July 1st,' 1864, Sergt. Oct. 15th, 1864. Engagements, at South Mountain, Md.' Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th to 15th, 1862, Jackson, Miss., July lltk to 17th, 1863. Sent to hospital, Aug. 13th, 1863. Rejoined company at AnnapoHs, Md., April 11th, 1864. Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, before Petersburg, Va., June 22d to Aug. 15th, Mine Run, Va., July 30th, Weldon R.R., Va., Aug. 19th to 21st, 1864, Petersburg, Va., April 2d, 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. WYATT, GEORGE W. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, June 5th, 1835. Son of Joseph and Hannah Wyatt. Enlis. Aug., mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo! Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. YOUNG, ELISHA, Jr. Res. Newburyport. Born at Mabon, N.S., April 21st, 1830. Son of EUsha and Mary (McWilliams) Young. Enlis. at Newburyport, May 10th, mus. July 21st, 1861, Corporal Co. A, ITth Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Provost duty with regiment at Baltimore, Md., until spring of 1862. Engagement at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th' Whitehall, Dec. 16th, Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Promoted Sergt. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, as Sergt. for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. June 29th, 1865. Died at Mass! General Hospital, May 8th, 1894. YOUNG, FRANCIS M. Age 26 years, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at New- buryport, Aug. 18th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Jan. 30th, 1863. YOUNG, JACOB HENRY. Born at Newburyport, May 23d, 1837. Son of Jacob H. and Pamela S. Young. Enlis. May 2d, mus. May 3d, 1864, Priv. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Garrison duty at Forts Lee and Pickering, Winter Island, Salem Harbor. Disch. Aug. 4*h, 1864. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jan. 11th, 1890, bur. at Newbury. YOUNG, PETER. Age 29 years, married, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. July 21st, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Deserted Feb. 28th, 1862. YOUNG, THOMAS CHEEVER. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 29th, 1832. Son of Timothy and Sarah C. Young. Enlis. April 15th, mus. April INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 403 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 rao. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. EnUs. Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 15th, 1862, Sergt. Co. A (Gushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. Garrison duty at Fort Parke, Roanoke Island, N.C., from Dec. 4th, 1862, to July 12th, 1863. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Boston, Sept. 12th, 1868, bur. Oak HiU. YOUNG, SETH. Age 23 years. Bora at Newbury, Mass. Mus. Priv. Co. D, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., Aug. 11th, 1862. Promoted Corporal. Disch, June 29th, 1865, end of war. 404 NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CrVTL WAR. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OF MEN CREDITED TO NEWBURYPORT. NAVY. AKERMAN, JOHN FRANCIS. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 29th, 1844. Son of John and EUzabeth Akerman. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 3d, 1863, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Flag and Katahdin, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1865, as Lands., from recvg. ship at Phila., Pa., end of war. ARMITAGE, ALVIN. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Feb. 8th, 1835. Son of George and Betsey Armitage. Enlis. at Provost Marshal's Office, Dist. No. 5, as a substitute for John N. Gushing, Aug. 10th, 1864, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Wabash and Minnesota. Disch. July 29th, 1865 (Act of Congress, Aug. 14th, 1888), end of war. See previous service, cred. to Boston. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., June 5th, 1895. ATWOOD, HENRY. Born at Newburyport. Age 18 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Dec. 8th, 1864, as 1st Class Boy, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Princeton and Connecticut. Deserted, and was apprehended Sept. 5th, 1866. Disch. Nov. 20th, 1866, as Lands., at hospital, Boston, Mass. Supposed to have been lost at sea in 1868. AUBIN, DANIEL D. Born at Newburyport, June 16th, 1844. Son of John and Martha (Bell) Aubin. Enlis. at Boston, July 7th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on A. Houghton and John Adams, South Atlantic Sqdn., at Charleston, S.C. Disch. May 15th, 1865, as Lands, from Canandaigua. Died at Newburyport, March 19th, 1893, bur. New HiU. BABBRIDGE, CHARLES M. Born at Millbridge, Me. Age 18 years. Enlis. Nov. 16th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Gemsbok, West India Sqdn. Deserted at St. Thomas, Nov. 21st, 1863. BATCHELDER, JOSEPH C. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 7th, 1835. Son of Daniel Clark and Mary T. (Randall) Batchelder. Appointed Actg. 3d Asst. Engineer, U. S. N., Dec. 20th, 1863. Served on gunboats Marble- head, Dai Ching, Jonquil, and Canandaigua, in South Atlantic Sqdn. INDIVIDUAL, BECORDS, NAVY. 405 Disch. as Actg. 3d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 15th, 1866. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., April 11th, 1890, bur. at Newburyport. (See Army Record.) BATTELL, EVERETT. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Dover, Mass. Son of Elbridge and Elizabeth Battell. Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, U. S. N., June 27th, 1862. Served on frigate New Ironsides and sloop-of-war Juniata, South Atlantic Sqdn. Engagements of Charleston, S.C., and Cape Fear River. Resigned June 29th, 1865, end of war. BELL, JOHN. Born at Rockland, Me. Age 35 years, single, occupation, seaman. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. at Boston, May 15th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 jnrs. Served on Massachusetts, Atlantic Sqdn. Taken prisoner by the enemy, July 2d, 1861. Disch. at Navy Yard, Washington, D.C., March 11th, 1862. BLAISDELL, DANIEL WELLS. Bom at Newburyport, July 27th, 1846. Son of Levi and Harriet Blaisdell. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 30th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sebago, We-st Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 18th, 1864, from recvg. ship Savannah. Exp. term. Sup- posed identical with Daniel D. Blaisdell of Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. BURKE, JOHN. Age 21 years. Enlis. as John Buck, Priv. 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., cred. to Wayland, Mass. Transf. to U. S. N., May 17th, 1864, as John Burke, having 2 jts. 6 mo. and 22 days to serve. Cred. to New- buryport. Deserted June 15th, 1864, from Glance, at New York City. BURNS, ROBERT D. Bom at Newburyport, May 19th, 1847. Son of John and Loretta Bums. Enlis. at Boston, March 19th, 1863, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Mercedita. Disch. March 28th, 1864, as Lands., from Mercedita. Exp. term. BUTTS, JOHN GLEASON. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 3d, 1841. Son of Moses P. and Elizabeth A. Butts. Enlis. at New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 25th, 1861, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Guard and Varuna. Disch. June 21st, 1863. (See Army Record.) BUTTS, MOSES PIKE. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 29th, 1836. Son of Moses and Elizabeth A. Butts. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Aug. 29th, 1864. Served on Clematis, North Atlantic Sqdn., and Estrella, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. as Actg. Master's Mate, Oct. 4th, 1868. Lost at sea. CALLAHAN, MATTHEW. Born in Ireland. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 6th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado, Wes* Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Feb. 10th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from Colorado. Exp. term. 406 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAK. CAMPBELL, PATRICK. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Boston, July 11th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Albatross and Penguin, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. July 6th, 1865, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. CAMPBELL, ALLEN. Born at Sterling, Conn. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on San Jacinto, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. March 9th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. CAMPBELL, DANIEL. Born at Halifax, N.S. Age 42 years, occupation, cook, Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 14th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sabine and Vanderbilt, special service. Disch. Jan. 31st, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from Vanderbilt. Exp. term. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS. Bom in Scotland. Age 35 years, occupation, sea- man. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 6th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado and North Carolina. Disch. Oct. 5th, 1863, as Quarter- Gunner, from Sabine. Exp. term. CARLIN, JOHN. Bom in Ireland. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 9th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado and La- fayette. Disch. Oct. 29th, 1863, as Lands., from Clara Dolsen. Exp. term. CARLTON, JAMES. Bom in Ireland. Age 33 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 27th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yi-. Served on Ossipee and Pensacola, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. May 10th, 1864, as Sea., from Pensacola. Exp. term. CARNEY, EDWARD. Bom in England. Age 26 years, occupation, ma- chinist. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 10th, 1862, as 1st Class Fireman, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on San Jacinto flag-ship. East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 9th, 1863, as 1st Class Fireman, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. CARR, ALBERT T. Bom at East Attleboro, Mass. Age 24 years, occupar tion, musician. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on San Jacinto and Eugenie, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Sept. 21st, 1863, as Lands., from Eugenie. Exp. term, CARROLL, RICHARD. Bom in New York City. Age 18 years, occupation, cigar-maker. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 17th, 1862, as Lands., U. S, N., for 1 5T. Served on Colorado and Benton, Miss. Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 27th, 1863, as Sea,, from Benton. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 407 CARROLL, MICHAEL. Born at Jersey City, N.J. Age 26 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 2d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Omvard, special service. Disch. Oct. 2d, 1863, as Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term, CARRUTHERS, WILLIAM. Bom at LoweU, Mass. Age 27 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 19th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on the Sabine. Disch. Oct. 13th, 1863, as Quarter-Gunner, from Sabine. Exp. term. CASWELL, STEPHEN L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., Dec. 3d, 1840. Son of Thomas and Clarissa Caswell. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 30th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 jt. Served on Sebago, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 18th, 1864, from Savannah, at New York City, near exp. of service. Deceased, bur. Newbury. CAVENAUGH, JOHN. Bom in Ireland. Age 35 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 16th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado). Disch. from Colorado, Feb. 10th, 1864. Exp. term. CHANDLER, FRANK. Bom in England. Age 20 years. Enlis. in Boston, Sept. 19th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on the Sabine. Disch. Oct. 17th, 1863, as Lands., from Circassian. Exp. term. CHAPLIN, SAMUEL F. Born at Portland, Me. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 14th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colo- rado. Disch. Feb. 10th, 1864, as 2d Class Fireman, from Colorado. Exp. term. CHASE, WILLIAM F. Res. Newburyport. Bora at Philadelphia, Pa., July 30th, 1828. Son of William and Ann Chase. Appointed Actg. Ensign U. S. N., Jan. 24th, 1863. Promoted Actg. Master, June 7th, 1864. Served on Pequot and Mayflower, North Atlantic Sqdn. Honorably disch. as Actg. Master, Aug. 11th, 1865, end of war. CHRISTINICKE, CHRISTIAN. Bom in Hamburg. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 16th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado. Disch. Feb. 10th, 1864, as Sea., from Colorado. Exp. term. CHURCH, CHARLES. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 27th, 1844. Son of Samuel and Phoebe Church. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 25th, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Brooklyn and Potomac, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. July 27th, 1863, from recvg. ship Prince- ton, at Phila., Pa. CLARK, CLINTON. Bom Topsham, Mass. Age 22 years, occupation, black- smith. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 29th, 1862, for 1 yr. Deserted March 9th, 1863, from Onward. 408 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. CLARK, JAMES. Born at Pawtucket, R.I. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 24th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Disch. Sept. 22d, 1863, as Sea., from Lancaster, flag-ship, South Pacific Sqdn. Exp. term. CLARK, JOHN W. Bom at Bedford, Mass. Age 24 years, occupation, car- penter. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 26th, 1862, as Lands., H. S. N., for 1 yr. Disch. for disab. Dec. 5th, 1862, from Macedonian, practice ship at Newport, R.I. CLARK, PECALIS M. Bom at Kenduskeag, Me. Age 31 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 23d, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Cyane, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. Jan. 8th, 1864, as Cooper, from Savannah, instruction ship at New York. Exp. term. See Co. A, 19th Mass. Inft. CLAY, GEORGE H. Bom at Hooksett, N.H. Age 25 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on the Ohio, North Carolina, and Lancaster. Disch. Sept. 22d, 1863, as Lands., from Lancaster. Exp. term. COGGER, ANTHONY FRANCIS. Res. Newburyport. Born Liverpool, Eng- land, May 1st, 1844. Son of Anthony and Ann (Cogger) Cogger. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 21st, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on sloop-of-war Constellation, on foreign duty. Disch. Feb. 20th, 1865, as Ord. Sea., from the St. Lawrence, at Norfolk, Va. Exp. term. COLE, JOHN P. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Maine. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Aug. 31st, 1862. Promoted Actg. Ensign, Aug. 25th, 1864. Served on Onward, special service, Arthur, Elk, and Talla- poosa, West Gulf Sqdn. Honorably disch. July 8th, 1868, as Actg. Ensign. COLEMAN, JAMES. Born in England. Age 22 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 2d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Ossipee, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. May 10th, 1864, as Sea., from Pen^ sacola. Exp. term. COLLINS, ELISHA H. Born at Hopkinton, R.I. Age 21 years, occupation, farmer. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 10th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sabine and Florida, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 9th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from Florida. Exp. term. COLLINS, WILLIAM P. Born at Boston, Mass. Age 19 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 13th, 1862, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Taken by writ of habea* corpus, Oct. 14th, 1862. Disch. Oct. 23d, 1862, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 409 COMBS, LORENZO. Born at Vinal Haven, Me. Age 25 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 11th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado. Disch. for disab. July 29th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. CONNOLLY, JAMES. Bom in Ireland. Age 34 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 2d, 1863, in U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Ticonderoga, South At- lantic Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 1st, 1864, from Manticello. Exp. term. CONNER, THOMAS. Bom at Fitchburg, Mass. Age 24 years. Enlis. at New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 17th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Sent to Naval Sta., D.C., Sept. 6th, 1861. Served on C. P. Williams, Pawnee, Galena, and Seneca, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Sept. 13th, 1864, as Lands., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. CONNER, DANIEL. Bom in Ireland. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 24th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Taken by writ of hxiheas cm-pus. Disch. Oct. 30th, 1862, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. COOK, HENRY L. Bom at Smithfield, R.I. Age 22 years, occupation, clerk. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 29th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Onward. Disch. Sept. 29th, 1863, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. COOLEY, JOHN D. Bom at Cabotville, Mass. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 2d, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sabine. Disch. Oct. 5th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from Florida. Exp. term. COREY, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Galway, Ireland, 1830. Son of Anthony and Mary (KeUey) Corey. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., May 25th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado. Vol- unteered from the Colorado under Lieut. Davis for duty on the sloop- of-war Richmond. Participated in the capture of Forts Jackson, St. PhUip and city of New Orleans, La., April 18th to 28th, 1862. Pro- moted Quarter-Gunner. Disch. June 30th, 1862, from Colorado. Exp. term. CRAM, JAMES A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Plaistow, N.H., July 23d, 1839. Son of Jacob and Harriet Cram. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., July 2d, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on frigate Potomac, blockading duty at Pensacola, Mobile, Ship Island, and Southwest Pass, Miss. River. Disch. July 28th, 1864, exp. of service, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila., Pa. CRAM WALTER. Bom at Sanford, Me. Age 22 yrs., occupation, lumber- man. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 6th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. 410 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Served on Niagara and Hartford. Disch. Nov. 5th, 1864, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila., Pa. Exp. term. CROSSON, HUGH A. Bom in Ireland. Age 19 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 14th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado. Disch. for disab. Feb. 25th, 1863, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston, Mass. CROWLEY, DAVID. Bom in Ireland. Age 37 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 25th, 1862, as Coal-Heaver, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Rhode Island and Ticonderoga, West India Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 10th, 1863, as Coal-Heaver, from Ticonderoga. Exp. term. CROWLEY, HENRY. Bom in Ireland. Age 26 years. Enlis. in Boston, Oct. 6th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado. Disch. Feb. 10th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from Colorado. Exp. term. CROWLEY, PATRICK. Bom in Ireland. Age 18 years, occupation, laborer Enlis. at Boston, April 16th, 1864, as Lands., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Alabama, North Atlantic Sqdn. Died April 2d, 1865, in hospital at Norfolk, Va. CROWLEY, JAMES. Bom in Ireland. Age 35 years, occupation, weaver Enlis. at Boston, Dec. 16th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N,, for 1 yr. Disch. April 18th, 1864, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston, Special Order, Navy Dept. CURRAN, JAMES. Bom at Newburyport, April 21st, 1843. Son of Martin and Ellen (Milan) Curran. Appointed Actg. 3d Asst. Engineer, U. S. N., July 7th, 1863. Appointment revoked, Feb. 10th, 1864. Reappointed Actg. 3d Asst. Engineer, Sept. 15th, 1864. Promoted Actg, 2d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 22d, 1865. Served on Iron Age and Unadilla. At the capture of Fort Fisher and fortifications on Cape Fear River, N.C. Blockade duty southern coast. Capture of batteries from City Point to Richmond, Va. Honorably disch. Nov. 13th, 1865, as Actg. 2d Asst. Engineer. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 30th, 1879, bur. Catholic Ceme- tery. CURRAN, JAMES. Bom at New York City, N.Y. Age 23 years. Enlis. Sept. 20th, 1862, in U. S. N., for 1 yr. Deserted Dec. 7th, 1862, from Lancaster, at Panama. CURRAN, JOHN K. Bora at Providence, R.I. Age 37 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 10th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sabine and Massachusetts, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 9th, 1863, as Lands., from the Massachusetts. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 411 CURRIER, WILLIAM ANDREWS. Bom at Newburyport, June 31st, 1843. Son of Edward and Elizabeth J. Currier. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., April 4th, 1862. Served on Sonoma, Wateree, and San^ tiago de Cuba, West India and Pacific Sqdns. Dismissed Aug. 20th, 1863. Again appointed Actg. Master's Mate, Dec. 2d, 1863. Appoint- ment revoked, Oct. 14th, 1864. Sick. DALTON, FREDERICK. Born at Boston, Mass. Age 27 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 24th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Fell overboard from ship Onward, and drowned. DANFORTH, CHARLES J. Born at Newburyport, May 9th, 1844. Son of Enoch and Rebecca Ann Danforth. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 30th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. On Sebago, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 3d, 1864, as Ord, Sea. DELVANSTINE, EUGENE. Born in Belgium. Age 28 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 2d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado. Disch. for disab. May 29th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. DEVERAUX, JOHN, Jr. Born in P. E. Island. Age 20 years. Son of Capt. John Deveraux. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 13th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Disch. Feb. 10th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from Colorado. Exp. term. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, Feb. 25th, 1864. Served in West Gulf Sqdn. Died at Naval Hospital, New Orleans, La., March 25th, 1865. DODGE, JOHN H. Bom at Providence, R.I. Age 21 years, occupation, clerk. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Deserted April 30th, 1863, from San Jacinto, at New York. DOLE, GUSTAVUS. Bom at Waltham, Mass. Age 24 years, occupation, teamster. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 18th, 1864, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Disch. May 18th, 1865, as Lands., from James L. Davis. DOW, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 20th, 1832. Son of Samuel and Mary Dow. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Feb. 11th, 1863. Served on the monitor Roanoke, North At- lantic Sqdn. Disch. for disab. May 20th, 1864. EASTMAN, ALBION. Bora at Gardiner, Me. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 17th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Lancaster and Cyane, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. June 8th, 1864, as Lands., from recvg. ship Savannah, at New York. 412 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIl. WAR. EAYRS, JOHN A. Born at Boston, Mass. Age 39 years, occupation, navi- gator. Enlis. at New Bedford, Nov. 12th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Gem of the Sea, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. March 11th, 1864, as Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. EDWIN, CHARLES. Bom m Sweden. Age 28 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 11th, 1862, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Gem of the Sea, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. March 11th, 1864, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. EGAN, GEORGE. Bom in Ireland. Age 24 years, occupation, plumber. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 6th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Colorado and Lafayette, Mississippi Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 29th, 1863, as Lands., from recvg. ship Clara Dolsen. Exp. term. ELBRIDGE, ABNER. Bom in Nova Scotia. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Oct. 16th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Mas- sachusetts and Sabine, Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 15th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. ELLIOTT, JOSEPH. Bom at Salem, Mass. Age 22 years, Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 3d, 1862, as Ward-Room Cook, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Huron, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1863, as Ward-Room Cook, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM F. Bom at Rockland, Me. Age 25 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 28th, 1862, as Capt. of Hold, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Huron, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1863, from recvg. ship Princeton, at PhUa. Exp. term. ELLIOTT, STEPHEN. Bom in England. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 20th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Kingfisher, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. ELLIOTT, ROBERT. Bom in New York. Age 34 years, occupation, printer. Enlis. at New Bedford, Sept. 20th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on frigate Sabine. Deserted June 6th, 1863, from Massa- chusetts, at Phila. ELM, CHARLES. Bom in Sweden. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 27th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on school ship Santee. Disch. Sept. 30th, 1863, as Sea., from Santee. Exp. term. ENGLIN, VICTOR. Bora in Belgium. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 7th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on frigate Sa- bine. Deserted from Sabine, April 12th, 1863, at New York. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 413 EVANS MOSES A. Bom at Smithfield, R.I. Age 31 years, occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 10th, 1862, as Coal-Heaver, U. b^N ., for 1 yr. Served on Lancaster and Cyane, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1863, as Coal-Heaver, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. FALES FREDERICK O. Bom at Boston. Age 17 years. EnUs. at Boston, Sept. 6th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. At New York, Oct^ 9th, 1862. Served on Lancaster, Ohio, Saranac, and Cyane, Pacific bqdn. Disch. from Cyane, Sept. 8th, 1863. Exp. term. FARRELL MICHAEL H. Bom in Ireland. Age 22 years, occupation, ma- chinist. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 6th, 1862, U. S. N., for 1 yr Disch. Oct 27th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. li.xp. term. FENSON ADOLPH. Born in Norway. Age 20 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis at Boston, Sept. 11th, 1862, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sabine and Restless. Disch. Sept. 8th, 1863, from Hendrick Hudson, near exp. term. FLEMING CHARLES R. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Taunton, Mass., Feb. 2d 1837 Son of Robert R. and Emily (Sturdivent) Fleming. Ap- pointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Nov. 8th, 1861. Served on San Jacinto, Paul Jones, and Squando. Commanded a boat's crew of vol- unteers to board a rebel vessel in Mosquito Inlet, Fla. Promoted Actg^ Ensign, Sept. 16th, 1864. Disch. July 2d, 1868, as Actg. En.sign. Died June 11th, 1873, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. FOLEY MICHAEL S. Bom at Newburyport, July 3d, 1843. Son of Michael and Bridget (Martin) Foley. Occupation, dmggist. Appointed Sur- geon's Steward, U. S. N., AprU 19th, 1864. Served on Cherokee North Atlantic Sqdn. In engagement at Fort Fisher, N.C., Dec. 25th 1864 and its surrender, Jan. 15th, 1865. Disch. June 19th, 1865, as Michael Foley. FOLEY MARK S. Born at Bath, Me. Age 19 years. EnUs. at Boston, Sept. 6th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Lancaster, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. Sept. 18th, 1863, from Lancaster. FOOT JAMES H. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 5th, 1817. Son of James L. 'and Susan Foot. Occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. Uth, 1861 U. S. N., for 1 yr. On Curlew, Jamestown, and Potomac. Disch. for disab. July 8th, 1862, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Died at sea on schooner Edward Lameyer, Jan. 7th, 1863. 414 NEWBURYPOIIT LN THE CIVIL WAR. FORTIER, SHADRAC. Born in Canada. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 9th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Lancaster and Cyane, Mississippi and Pacific Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. FOSTER, JOSHUA. Bom at Pittsfield, Mass. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Nov. 25th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Minne- sota, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 24th, 1863, as Lands., from Minnesota. Exp. term. FREDERICKSON, DANIEL. Born in Norway, 1812. Son of Daniel and Annie Frederickson. Occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 24th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Rhode Island and Juniata. Disch. as Sea., Dec. 4th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 9th, 1882, bur. Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett. FRENCH, HENRY. Bom at Dedham, Mass. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Sept. 9th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. On recvg. ship Ohio. Taken by writ of habeas corpus, Se^t. 15th, 1862. FURGESON, CHARLES M. Bom at East Greenwich, R.I. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 11th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Lancaster, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. Jime 8th, 1864, as Lands., from Savannah, at New York. Exp. term. GEAGOBIS, PASQUALE. Bom in Italy. Age 24 years. Enlis. at Boston, April 27th, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Relief, East India Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1866, as Sea., from Relief. Exp. term. GEARY, AMOS HORN. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 12th, 1839. Son of George W. and Sarah C. Geary. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Jan. 20th, 1863. Served on Simflower, East Gulf Sqdn. Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, "Dismissed the service." (See Army Record.) Died at Newburyport, Jan. 3d, 1899, bur. Oak Hill. GILBERT, GEORGE. Bom in France. Age 14 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1862, as 1st Class Boy, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Min- nesota, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 14th, 1864, as 1st Class Boy, from Minnesota. GOLLES, GAETANO. Bom in Sicily. Age 33 years. Enlis. at Boston, April 27th, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Relief, East India Station. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1866, as Sea., from Relief. Exp. term. GOODWIN, ALFRED R. Bom at Newburyport, June 29th, 1846. Son of Abel L. and Sarah A. Goodwin. Enhs. at Boston, June 9th, 1862, as INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 415 1st Class Boy, U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Rhode Island, Santiago de Cvba, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Feb. 18th, 1864, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Shipped July 15th, 1864, at Provost Marshal's Office, Dist. No. 5, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs., and substitute for Nathan A. Moulton of Newburyport. Served in North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. for disab. July 22d, 1865, from hospital at Brooklyn, N.Y. GOODWIN, ANSEL C. Bom at North Haven, Me. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Boston, June 12th, 1861, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Nightingale, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. July 26th, 1862, from recvg. ship North Caro- lina, at New York. GRINGLEN, JOHN W. Bom in New Bmnswick. Age 18 years. Enlis. at Boston, June 12th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Deserted Dec. 9th, 1862, from Colorado, at Portsmouth, N.H. HARDEN, HENRY. Born in England. Age 49 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 2d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Deserted Oct. 1st, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. HODGKINS, BENJAMIN P. Bom at Jefferson, Me., July 27th, 1845. Son of Elijah and Elanor Hodgkins. Enlis. at Boston, Jime 27th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Canandaigua, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. May 13th, 1865, as Lands., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston, near exp. term. IVERS, CHARLES F. Born at Newburyport, June 9th, 1845. Son of Charles F. and Sarah J. Ivers. Enlis. Aug. 18th, 1863, as Surgeon's Steward, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Aroostook, Stockade, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Feb. 29th, 1864, as Surgeon's Steward. JACKMAN, NATHAN M. Bom in Newbury, now Newburyport, May 31st, 1829. Son of Stephen and Nancy K. (Merrill) Jackman. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Potomac, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 25th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. Died at Coney Island, N.Y., May 29th, 1892, bur. Belleville Cemetery, JACKMAN, MOSES B. Bom in Newbury, now NewburjqDort, March 11th, 1832. Son of Moses B. and Harriett (Carr) Jackman, occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Quartermaster, U. S. N., for 1 yr., cred. to Fitchburg, Mass. Served on Marion, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. June 25th, 1862, from Marion. Exp. term. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 3d, 1862, as Quartermaster, U. S. N., for 1 yr., cred. to Newburyport. Served on Marion, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. July 28th, 1863, at New London, Conn. Exp. term. Died Dec. 24th, 1875, bur. Oak HiU. 416 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. JOHNSON, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport. Age 38 years, occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 20th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Ohio. In Potomac Flotilla. At Naval Station, D.C., March 31st, 1862. No further record found at Navy Dept. JOHNSON, JAMES. Bom in Nova Scotia. Age 32 years, occupation, cook. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 13th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sassacus, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 18th, 1864, from Sa- vannah, at New York, as James T. Johnson. JOHNSON, THOMAS C. Bora at Newburyport. Age 20 years, occupation, tailor. Enlis. at New Bedford, June 13th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Guard. Disch. July 11th, 1862, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. JOHNSON, OLOF. Bom in Sweden. Age 32 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 10th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Constellation, Mediterranean Station. Disch. Jan. 25th, 1865, as Sea., from Constellation. JONES, JOHN. Bom in Canada. Age 26 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 13th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Disch. by order of Dept., Nov. 18th, 1862. Delivered to State of Rhode Island on criminal process. KEEFE, JOHN. Bom at Providence, R.I. Age 18 years, occupation, shoe- maker. Enlis. at New Bedford, Oct. 7th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado, Lafayette, Mississippi Sqdn. Disch. June 30th, 1865, as Ord. Sea., from Lafayette. KELLEY, WILLIAM. Bom in Glasgow, Scotland. Age 30 years, occupa- tion, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, April 2d, 1864, U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Osceola and Colorado, North Atlantic Sqdn. Deserted from recvg. ship Ohio, June 10th, 1865. KENNA, BARNET. Bom in England. Age 37 years. Enlis. at Boston, April 21st, 1864, U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Brooklyn. Transf. Jan. 31st, 1865, to recvg. ship North Carolina. Did not report. KENT, HENRY. Bom New York City. Age 24 years, occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 21st, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Pensacola, Pampero, and Cowslip, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 25th, 1865, as Sea., from Fear Not. Exp. term. KILLEN, WILLIAM. Born in England. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 1st, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Deserted Oct. 9th, 1864, from Brooklyn, at Boston. INDIVIDTJAL RECORDS, NAVY. 417 KITCHING, WILLIAM H. Bom at Newburyport, June 26th, 1841. Son of William and Catharine D. Kitching. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., July 28th, 1863. Served on steamer Nipsic, South Atlantic Sqdn., stationed at Charieston, S.C. Taken prisoner while on picket duty off Fort Sumter, S.C, Feb. 26th, 1864. Sent to Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., also to Macon, Ga., and Charleston, S.C. Exchanged 1864. Resigned April 22d, 1865. KNAPP, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport, July 14th, 1828. Son of Ben- jamin R. and Sarah (Lewis) Knapp. Appointed Actg. Ensign, U. S. N., Aug. 27th, 1862. Served on Commodore McDonough, South Atlantic Sqdn. Promoted Actg. Master, Dec. 7th, 1863, on Wyoming, East India Station, on Ashuelot. Had charge of a naval battery on Morris Island, Charleston Harbor, S.C, in 1864. Honorably disch. May 6th, 1868, as Actg. Master. LAMECKA, ANTONIS. Bom in Holstein. Age 25 years, occupation, cook. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 15th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Onward, special service. Disch. June 20th, 1865, as Sea., from On- ward, end of war. LANE, ALMON M. Bom at Hermon, Me. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Boston. AprU 7th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N. Transf. from Army, 2 yrs. 4 mo. 17 days to serve. Deserted April 28th, 1864, from Cherokee. LANE HENRY. Born at Sedgwick, Me. Age 36 years, occupation, saU- maker. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 29th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio, North Carolina, Sabine, Niagara, Hartford, and Prince- ton. Deserted at PhUa., Pa., Jan. 1st, 1865, as Quarter-Gunner. LANG, JOHN. Correct name, John C Lang. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mass., April 18th, 1837. Son of David and Sarah C (Rams- deU) Lang. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 8th, 1863, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sassacus. Disch. Sept. 1st, 1864, as Capt. After-Guard, from Sas- sacus, near exp. term. LANNESEE, EDWARD. Bom in Ireland. Age 36 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Oct. 15th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado and Ohio as Sea. Deserted from Colorado, Nov. 12th, 1862. LEARY, JOHN C Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 9th, 1844. Son of Michael and EUen Leary, occupation, seaman. Transf. from Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., to Navy, June 29th, 1864, at Phila. Army Record says, "July 27th,' 1864, with 2 yrs. 4 mo. and 20 days to serve." Served on Princeton and Nantucket, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. July 17th, 1865, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston, end of war. (See Army Record.) 418 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. LEE, JAMES, Bom at Boston. Age 54 years, occupation, cooper. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 11th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine, Ohio, and Niagara. Deserted from Niagara, May 31st, 1864. LLEWLLYN, JOHN. Born in England. Age 18 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, March 3d, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Osceola, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. March 5th, 1865, as Sea., from Osceola. Exp. term. LONG, THOMAS H. Bom in England Age 16 years. Enlis. at Boston, March 31st, 1864, as 1st Class Boy, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Chero- kee, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. April 15th, 1865, as 1st Class Boy, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. LYNCH, THOMAS W. Born at Thompson, Conn. Age 22 years, occupation, shoemaker. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., for 1 yr. Served on North Carolina. Disch. July 26th, 1862, as Old. Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. LYNCH, JOHN. Born at Boston. Age 24 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 18th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Col- orado, Pensacola, Monongahela, Richmond, West Giilf Sqdn. Disch. July 30th, 1865, as Sea., from Genessee, end of war. MARSHALL, EDWARD. Born at Nantucket, Mass., Feb. 23d, 1814. Son of Nathaniel and Lydia (Swain) Marshall. Enlis. at New Bedford, July 5th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on North Caro- lina, Potomac, Mississippi, and Katahdin. In engagement at Port Hud- son, La., March 14th, 1864. Disch. for disab. at Naval Hospital, Ports- mouth, Va., May 22d, 1864. Died at New Bedford, Mass., 1883. MERRILL, GEORGE H. Born at Beverly, Mass. Age 32 years, occupation, carpenter. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 19th, 1862, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Sabine, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. at Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 18th, 1863, as Geo. H. Meral. McCUTCHEN, HUGH. Born in Ireland. Age 28 years, occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 15th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Santee, school ship, Newport, R.I. Disch. March 31st, 1863, as Sea., from Santee. McGLINCHY, JAMES. Born in Ireland. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on San Jacinto, Hendrick Hudson, Wanderer, Hibiscus, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. July 18th, 1865, as Sea., from Ino, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECOEDS, NAVY. 419 McGRATH, MICHAEL. Age 14 years. Enlis. at Boston, March 16th, 1864, as 2d Class Boy, U. S. N., for 1 yr. "Disch. Jan. 20th, 1865, as 2d Cla-M Boy, from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. McNULTY, MICHAEL. Born at Providence, R.I. Age 18 years, occupa- tion, farmer. Enlis. at New Bedford, Oct. 9th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado and Benton, Mississippi Sqdn. Died on U. S. S. Red Rover, June 6th, 1863. MICHELSON, JOHN. Born in Hamburg, Germany. Age 28 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 8th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine, Niagara, Hartford, E. B. Hall, and St. Louis, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. June 11th, 1865, as Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila, Pa., end of war. MITCHEL, WILLIAM F. Born at Kittery, Me. Age 33 years, occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., May 4th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Mississippi, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. June 23d, 1862, as Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp . term. MOREY, JOHN B. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 9th, 1844. Son of Christo- pher and Lucinda Morey. Enlis. at Boston, March 18th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr., cred. to Worcester, Mass. Served on Sun- ftower. East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. June 1st, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina. Exp. term. Enlis. at Boston, June 30th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs., cred. to Newburyport, substitute for Ed- ward Moulton of Newburyport. Served on Rhode Island, North Atlantic Sqdn. At the bombardment of Fort Fisher, one of the naval assaulting party, wounded in thigh. Sent to hospital at Brooklyn, N.Y. Disch , Nov. 3d, 1865, on account of wounds. MORRISON, JOHN. Born in Scotland. Age 30 years, occupation, black- smith. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 10th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on San Jacinto, East Gulf Sqdn. Deserted April 30th, 1863, from San Jacinto, at New York. MORSS, JOSEPH T. Born at Newburyport, July 31st, 1837. Son of Joseph, Jr., and Rebecca (Tyler) Morss. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Nov. 30th, 1863. Served on Wateree. Disch. for disab. Feb. 11th, 1864, as Actg. Master's Mate. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 19th, 1869, bur. New Hill. MORTON, DANIEL. Born at Baltimore, Md. Age 25 years, occupation, sear- man. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 18th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio and Sabine. Deserted from Sabine, Feb. 5th, 1863. Sentenced by Gen. Court Martial, for desertion, to Sing Sing for 18 months, and to be dishonorably disch. on Dec. 14th, 1863. Unexpired sentence remitted. Disch. from Sing Sing, Dec. 20th, 1863. 420 ISTEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. MUNROE, AGNUS. Bora in Scotland. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 20th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio, Pilgrim, and Sabine. Disch. from Pilgrim, June 23d, 1865, end of war. MURRAY, JAMES. Born in Ireland. Age 27 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 23d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado and Lackawanna, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. July 19th, 1864, as Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. MURRAY, JOHN. Born at Baltimore, Md. Age 28 years, occupation, black- smith. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 6th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Gem of the Sea and Galena, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. May 2d, 1865, as Sea., from hospital at Norfolk, Va. NELSON, JAMES. Born at Bangor, Me. Age 24 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 30th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine, Niagara, Hartford, Horace Beals, and Rhode Island, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 9th, 1865, as Sea., from Rhode Island, near exp. term. NELSON, THOMAS. Bora at Providence, R.I. Age 18 years. Enlis. at New Bedford, Sept. 26th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Lancaster and Cyane, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. June 8th, 1864, as Lands., from recvg. ship Savannah. OBERG, FREDERICK. Bom in Sweden. Age 27 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 24th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado and Princess Royal. Disch. July 27th, 1865, as Capt. Fore- castle, from Princess Royal. O'CONNOR, DENNIS. Bora in Ireland. Age 28 years. Res. Newburyport. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 9th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado and Lackawanna, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. July 19th, 1865, as 1st Class Fireman, from Lackawanna, end of war. OLSOM, AUGUST. Born in Norway. Age 24 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 18th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio, Sabine, Wabash, and National Guard, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. from Nat- ional Guard, June 6th, 1865, end of war. OSTRON, HENRY. Bora in Holland. Age 28 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine, Santee, Florida, and Monticello, North Atlantic Sqdn. OSBORNE, JOHN A. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 10th, 1845. Son of John and Mary Ann Osborne. Enlis. at Boston, July 15th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Brooklyn and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 421 At Vicksburg, Miss., May to July, 1863, also engagement MobUe Bay, Aug. 5th, 1864. Disch. July 15th, 1865, as Sea., from Richmond. Exp. term. PAGE, DAVID PERKINS. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 13th, 1836. Son of David P. and Susan M. (Lunt) Page. Appointed Actg. Ensign, U. S. N., Dec. 2d, 1863. Promoted Actg. Master, Nov. 22d, 1864. Served on Wateree, Pacific Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 28th, 1865, as Actg. Master, from Wateree, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Jmie 23d, 1874, bur. Oak HiU. PAGE, HENRY TITCOMB. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Albany, N.Y., Jan. 30th, 1846. Son of David P. and Susan M. (Lunt) Page. Ap- pointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Nov. 23d, 1863. Promoted Actg. Ensign, Sept. 4th, 1864. Served on Florida, Peterhoff, Mohican, North Atlantic Sqdn. In engagements at Fort Fisher, N.C., in sloop- of-war Mohican, Dec. 25th, 1864, and Jan. 13th to 15th, 1865. Disch. June 3d, 1865, as Actg. Ensign, end of war. PAPANTI, LORENZO FRANK. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Jan. 28th, 1844. Son of Lorenzo and Sarah (Quinn) Papanti. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Oct. 19th, 1863. Served on Savannah, State of Georgia, Pawturet, and Chimo, North Atlantic Sqdn. Naval engage- ment at Fort Fisher, N.C., Dec. 25th, 1864. One of the officers detailed to command the detachment from ship for land assault at Fort Fislier, Jan. 13th to 15th, 1865. Disch. July 10th, 1865, as Actg. Master's Mate, end of war. PAUL, GEORGE. Bora at Newburyport, Sept. 23d, 1829. Son of George and Charlotte Paxil. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 22d, 1863, as Lands., U.S.N. , for 1 yx. Served on Perry, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. as Lands., Oct. 30th, 1864, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Previously enlis. at Boston, Aug. 29th, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 2 yrs., cred. to Bos- ton. Served on Cambridge, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 28th, 1863, as Lands., from Cambridge. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Jvme 21st, 1901, bur. New Hill. PEARSON, EBENEZER. Bom in England. Age 40 years, occupation, sea^ man. Enlis. at Boston, June 2d, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on recvg. ship Ohio. Disch. June 1st, 1864, from recvg. ship Ohio. Exp. term. PENDER, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Canton, N.H., Dec. 20th, 1840. Son of Robert and Lydia (Lowell) Pender. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Feb. 26th, 1864. Served on Maria A. Wood and Potomac, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. April 22d, 1867. Services no longer required. Died at Soldiers' Home, Hampton, Va., March 6th, 1896, bur. in Home Lot. (See Army Record.) 422 NEWBFRYPO^T IN THE CIVIL WAR. PERRY, JOSEPH. Born at New York City. Age 25 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 1st, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine, Niagara, Hartford, and Larkspur, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. July 14th, 1865, as Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, sA Phila., near exp. term. PHILLIPS, ALBERT. Born at Providence, R.I. Age 42 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 29th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio, Colorado, and Oneida. Killed in action on the Oneida in Mobile Bay, Aug. 5th, 1864. POWSE, JOHN. Born in New York City. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 26th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio and Ossipee, West Gulf Sqdn. Died in hospital at Washington, D.C., July 16th, 1864. PRIOR, EDWARD S. Born at Belfast, Me. Age 27 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 2d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Colorado. De- serted Dec. 9th, 1862, from Colorado, at Portsmouth, N.H. PYNN, GEORGE A. Born at sea, from Labrador to Newfoundland, Oct. 16th, 1840. Son of Thomas and Mary Pynn. Appointed Actg. Mas- ter's Mate, April 2d, 1864. Served on supply steamer New Berne. Disch. Dec. 29th, 1865, end of war. Died at Lynn, Mass., Aug. 15th, 1897. (See Army Record.) READING, WILLIAM S. Born at Portsmouth, N.H. Age 59 years, occupa- tion, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 7th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Niagara, Wateree, and Potomac, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. March 11th, 1864, as Sea., from Potomac Flotilla. Enlis. at Boston, May 20th, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Ohio and Circassian. Disch. for disab. from hospital, Boston, Mass. REED, THOMAS L. Born at New Haven, Conn. Age 31 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 9th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Disch. May 10th, 1864, as Quartermaster, from Pensacola, West Gulf Sqdn. REED, ROBERT. Res. Newburyport. Born at New Orleans, La., Oct. 3d, 1847. Son of James and Elizabeth Reed. Enlis. at Boston, March 19th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Mercedita, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. March 30th, 1864, at Newport News, Va. Exp. term. Enlis. at Provost Marshal's Office, Dist. No. 5, Salem, Mass., July 15th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs., as substitute for Edward F. Coffin, of Newburyport. Deserted from Mahaska, July 24th, 1865. REED, JAMES. Born in Holland. Age 38 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 10th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on INDIVIDTJAL RECORDS, NAVY. 423 Sabine, Niagara, and Hartford, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1865, as Sea., from Hartford. Exp. term. ROBINSON, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Born in Scotland, May 22d, 1822. Son of John and Elisabeth Robinson, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Marion. Disch. June 27th, 1862, as Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. (See Army Record.) Died at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me., bur. Home Cemetery, Grave No. 800. SHARPLESS, GEORGE. Born at Eastport, Me. Age 45 years, occupation, cooper. Enlis. at New Bedford, Sept. 10th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on San Jacinto, East Gulf Sqdn. Deserted from North Carolina, Oct. 30th, 1863. SHORT, HIRAM M. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Newbury, Mass., May 13th, 1844. Son of Henry, Jr., and Susan M. Short. Enlis. at Boston, July 9th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Canandaigua, block- ade off Fort Sumter, S.C, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. May 15th, 1865, as Lands., from recvg. ship Ohio, end of war. SHORT, SAMUEL S. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, Mass., Jan. 1st, 1842. Son of Samuel Sewell and Mary Harris Short. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 30th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Se- bago, South Atlantic Sqdn., blockade duty off Mobile. Sent to hospital, 1864. Disch. Oct. 18th, 1864, as Lands., from Savannah, near exp. term. SMITH, WALDO BALLOU. Born at Newburyport, June 23d, 1846. Son of Foster W. and Catharine M. Smith. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 19th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Ticonderoga and Princeton. Disch. for disab. Feb. 17th, 1864. SMITH, HARRY. Born in Hamburg, Germany. Age 32 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 19th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine and Niagara. Disch. Sept. 22d, 1865, as Steerage Steward, from Niagara. Exp. term. SPAVIN, ROBERT. Born in Massachusetts. Appointed Actg. Master, U. S. N., Sept. 23d, 1861. Served on Pursuit and Ohio, East Gulf Sqdn., and recvg. ship. Resigned Nov. 5th, 1864, as Actg. Master. STEPHENS, JAMES. Born at Portland, Me. Age 34 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 9th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Brandywme and Stars and Stripes, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 2d, 1863, as Sea., from Stars and Stripes. Exp. term. 424 NEWBUBYPORT EST THE CIVIL WAR. SULLIVAN, JOHN. Born in Ireland. Age 22 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 13th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine and Ticonderoga, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. June 11th, 1865, as Sea., from recvg. ship, at Phila. TAYLOR, EDWARD EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Carbonear, N.F., Feb. 5th, 1835. Son of Nathaniel and Ann Taylor. Appointed Actg. Ensign, U. S. N., Feb. 26th, 1863. Promoted Actg. Master, Sept. 29th, 1864. Served on Savannah, monitor Roanoke and Wilderness, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Sept. 27th, 1865, as Actg. Master, end of war. Died at Newbur)rport, May 18th, 1893, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. TAYLOR, DANIEL. Bom at Boston. Age 26 years. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 10th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Lancaster, Pacific Sqdn, Disch. Sept. 18th, 1863, as Lands., from Lancaster. Exp. term. THAYER, DANIEL H. Bom at Rockland, Me. Age 38 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, July 30th, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs., substitute for Fred L. Knight of Newburyport. Served on Massasoit, Vermont, and Nyack, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. May 31st, 1866, as Sea., from recvg, ship Vermont. THOMPSON, ALFRED C. Bom at Fredericksburg, Va. Age 22 years, oc- cupation, cook. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 28th, 1862, as Lands., U. S, N,, for 1 jrr. Served on Augtista. Disch. Aug. 4th, 1863, as Lands. TRINTNER, WILLIAM. Born in Germany. Age 27 years, occupation, sea^ man. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 19th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine. Transf. Feb. 28th, 1863, to recvg. ship North Caro- lina. Did not report on recvg. ship, TYRRELL, THOMAS. Born in Ireland. Age 17 years. Enlis. at New Bed- ford, Oct. 7th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Ohio, Lafayette, and St. Clair. Disch. Jan. 16th, 1864, under Act of Congress, Aug. 14th, 1888. WALSH, JOHN. Bom in Newfoimdland. Age 24 years. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on North Carolina and Jacob Bell, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. June 16th, 1864, as Ord. Sea. from Pensacola. Exp. term. WARING, CHARLES H. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 5th, 1840. Son of Gideon W. and Mary W. (Hunt) Waring. Enlis. May 24th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Ohio and Vincennes, West Gulf Sqdn. Died June 8th, 1862, bur. in Mobile Bay, from transport Connecticut. INDIVIDUAL BECORDS, NAVY. 425 WATERS, FRANK. Born in England, Age 19 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 7th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Philadelphia, Delaware, and Kineo, North Atlantic and West Gulf Sqdns. Disch. Dec. 16th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. WATTS, CHARLES. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 6th, 1812. Son of William and Sarah Watts, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, June 14th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Vincennes, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 25th, 1862, as Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. Re-enlis. at Boston, June 12th, 1864, for 1 yr., cred. to Salem, Mass. Served on Vincennes and Sacramento. Disch. Aug. 17th, 1865, as Capt. of After-Guard, from Sacramento. Exp. term. WELCH, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland. Age 21 years. Son of William and Catharine (Collins) Welch. Enlis. at Boston, June 4th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Ella, Coeur de Lion, and Nantucket, South Atlantic Sqdn., and Potomac Flotilla. Disch. July 2d, 1864, as Lands., from Ella. Exp. term. WHALEN, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Gloucester, Mass., May 28th, 1846. Son of Richard and Armistella (Griffin) Whalen. Transf. from Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., July 27th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N. Served on Princeton and Juniata, South Atlantic Sqdn. At Fort Fisher. Disch. Oct. 16th, 1866, as Sea., from recvg. ship, at New York. Drowned in Boston Harbor, April 13th, 1897, bur. Garden Cemetery, Chelsea, Mass. (See Army Record.) WORTH, WILLIAM H. Bom at Sayville, N.Y. Enlis. at Provost Marshal's Office, Dist. No. 5, Salem, Mass., Aug. 17th, 1864, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Ohio and Somerset, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. from Somerset, second quarter of 1865, 426 NEWBUKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS CREDITED TO NEWBURYPORT KILLED IN ACTION OR DIED OF WOUNDS. Ash, David B. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at White Oak Swainp, Va., June 25th. Died of wounds, July 25th, 1862. Barnes, James L. Co. A, 18th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Baktlett, Albert W. Capt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Bartlett, Moses C. Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at An- tietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30th, 1864. Bartlett, James W. Sergt. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died June 6th, 1864, from wounds received at Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, 1864.. Bennett, Edward T. Co. B, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Donaldsonville, La., July 13th, 1863. Bricher, William H. Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Killed at Spott- sylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864, bur. on field. Burke, Joseph. Co. I, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864. Colby, William C. Corp. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died Oct. 3d, 1862, from wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Colby, George W. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died of wounds, Oct. 5th, 1862, at Smoketown, Md. CoNKLiN, Christopher C. Sergt. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed Feb. 10th, 1864, at St. Mary's Creek, Fla., bur. on field. CossAR, Joseph. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th. Died Sept. 18th, 1862. Cotton, John. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Winchester, Va., Oct. 19th. Died Oct. 21st, 1864. CouLLiARD, Joseph. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1863, bur. on field. Cressy, Albert C. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1st, 1862. Devine, Michael F. Co. B, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th. Died June 5th, 1862. Dillingham, John G. Co. G, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died June 15th, 1864, from wounds received at Wilderness, Va. DocKHAM, James W. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Killed 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862. Dow, Amos. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27th, 1863. Died of wounds, March 4th, 1864. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 427 Dow, Jacob F. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died of wounds at Annapolis, Md., April 16th, 1864. Foss, John L. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Gay, James. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died of wounds, Sept. 29th, 1864, at Alexandria, Va. Graves, Elbridge. Co. A, 45th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th. Died Dec. 16th, 1862. Hewlett, George S. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Williama- burg, Va., May 5th. Died May 10th, 1862. HoDGDON, George W. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antietam, Md. Sept. 17th, 1862. Holmes, Whitman. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Died Jan. 31st, 1863. Howard, Daniel P. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Jackman, Benjamin H. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 6th, 1864. Lee, William D. Co. A, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Petersburg, Va., Dec. 19th. Died Dec. 28th, 1864. Long, Jeremiah, Jr. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. LuNT, Richard K. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Port Hudson, La., June 14th, 1863. Mace, George W. Co. C, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, 1862. Martin, Dean R. Co. B, 3d Reg. Mass. Cav. Killed at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8th, 1864, bur. on field. McLaughlin, Benjamin L. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., May 30th. Died June 23d, 1864, during amputation of arm. Merritt, Conwell. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. MoNAHAN, Patrick. Co. F, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Glendale, Va., June 30th, 1862. Morrison, Lawrence. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Mullen, Bernard. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at 2d Bull Rxm, Va., Aug. 30th. Died Nov. 1st, 1862. Nash, Andrew J. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. W^ounded at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th. Died Sept. 15th, 1862. O'Grady, William. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1863. Peabody, Nicholas F. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Port Hud- son, La., May 27th. Died June 17th, 1863. Phillips, Albert. U. S. N. Killed in action on Oneida at Mobile Bay, Aug. 5th, 1864. 428 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Pike, Caleb C. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept 17th, 1862. Poor, Charles W. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Port Hudson, La., May 27th, 1863, bur. on field. Rappell, Winfield. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Reed, Alphonso P. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. RiNES, Jason S. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters. Killed at Petersburg, Va., Sept. 28th, 1864. Robinson, George W. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May, 1862. Rogers, Benjamin H. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th. Died Oct. 3d, 1862. Sexton, Dennis. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th. Died of wounds, Nov. 7th, 1862. Short, Moses. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31st. Died June 25th, 1862. Stone, Goodwin A. Capt. 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Woimded near Aldie, Va., July 6th. Died July 18th, 1864. Tarr, Addison. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Takr, Andrew H. Co. I, 29th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Malvern HiU, Va., July 1st, 1862. Van Moll, Richard A. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Winter, F. Eliphalet. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. DIED AS PRISONERS OF WAR. Adams, Joseph E. 20th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Raleigh, N.C, Aug. 8th, 1865. Ballou, Frederick D. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Died at Camp Parole, AnnapoUs, Md., Jan. 20th, 1863. Coleman, Leonard W. Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav. Died in prison at An- derson ville, Ga., March 5th, 1864. Dennett, Sewall. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Died in prison at Ander- sonville, Ga., Oct. 30th, 1864, bur. AnUersonville Nat. Cem., Grave No. 11,666. FotFLDS, John E. Co. A, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died April 30th, 1864, at Augusta, Ga., as prisoner, bur. Marietta and Atlanta, Nat. Cem., Grave No. 1,050. Hennessey, Patrick. Co. K, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died while prisoner at Danville, Va., Feb. 8th, 1865, bur. Nat. Cem., Danville, Div. 4, Sec. A, Grave No. 100. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 429 Nolan, Thomas. Co. L, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 24th, 1864, bur. U. S. Gen. Hospital, Div. 1, Annapolis, Md. Pearson, Stephen C. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 3d, 1864, bur. Andersonville Nat. Cem., Grave No. 4,631. Perley, John L. Lieut. 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Died at Charleston, S.C., Nov. 15th, 1864, bur. Charleston Race Course. TooMEY, John. Co. E, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Andersonville, Ga., July 18th, 1864, bur. Andersonville Nat Cem., Grave No. 3,549. Welch, Michael. Co. C, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 26th, 1864, bur. Andersonville Nat. Cem., Grave No. 11,494. Wetherby, Henry P. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Died at Florence, S.C., Dec. 13th, 1864. White, Charles O. Co. G, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died July, 1864, at Ander- sonville, Ga. DIED OF DISEASE. BuRBANK, Charles G Co. G, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Bladenburg, Sept. 30th, 1861, bur. Newburyport. Caldwell, Augustus. U. S. Navy. Died in hospital, Chelsea, Mass., Ocfe. 26th, 1861, bur. Newbur.v-port. Chandler, Rufus W. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died Patent Office Hos- pital, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10th, 1863. Chesley, Charles A. Co. H, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died of fever at Golds- boro, N.C., May 28th,IS65, bur. Raleigh Nat. Cem., Grave No. 21, Sec. 7. CoLLYER, James M. Co. B, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Trinity Church Hospital, Georgetown, D.C., Oct. 20th, 1862. Connor, John. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Supposed to have been lost overboard from steamer after leaving Boston ; never heard from. Covington, Evans. Co. E, 54th Reg. Mass. Inft Died Sept. 25th, 1864, at Insane Asylum, Washington, D.C. Cressy, Ebenezer. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died Nov. 30th, 1862, at New Berne, N.C., bur. New Berne Nat. Cem., Plot 9. No. in plot, 137. Grave No. 1,653. Crowley, Patrick. Lands., U. S. N. Died April 2d, 1865,. in hospital, Nor- folk, Va. Currier, Ezra. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Knoxville, Tenn., March 19th, 1864, bur. Knoxville Nat. Cem., Lot No. 6, Grave No. 32. Dalton, Frederick. Lands., U. S. N. Drowned from ship Onward, 1863. Davenport, Albert W. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Drowned near Fred- ericksburg, Va., Jan. 23d, 1863, bur. Fredericksburg Nat. Cem., Sec. B, Grave No. 140. Delanty, Charles. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at New Orleans, La., Dec. 5th, 1862 bur. Nat. Cem. at Chalmette, La. Deveraux, John, Jr. Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N. Died in Naval Hospital, New Orleans, La., March 25th, 1865. 430 NEWBUKYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Dodge, Edward D. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Camp Nelson, Ky., Dec. 11th, 1863. Body sent home. Doyle, William. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Hilton Head, S.C., Feb. 28th, 1862. Drown, Albert. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Morehead City, N.C., Feb. 13th, 1864, bur. Nat. Cem., New Berne, Plot 10, No. 68, Grave No. 1,772. Dunn, John. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died June 3d, 1865, bur. Nat. Cem., Raleigh, N.C., Sec. 7, Grave No. 4. Forbes, William C. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died at Newburj'port, Nov. 9th, 1864, bur. at Newburyport. Fowler, Samuel. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at New Orleans, La., Oct. 29th, 1863, bur. Nat. Cem. at Chahnette, La. Goodwin, John M. T. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died of fever at New Berne, N.C., June 17th, 1865. Body sent home. Hale, Joseph W., Jr. Co. H, 33d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 7th, 1864, bur. Nat. Cem., Chattanooga, Sec. F, Grave No. 654. Hewitt, John C. Co. B, 40th Reg. N.Y. Inft. Died of fever at Georgetown, D.C., Sept. 1st, 1861. Body sent home. Houston, Thaddeus. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Baton Rouge, La., April 22d, 1863. HowKER, Thomas. Co. C, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died in hospital at Greens- boro, N.C., July 5th, 1865. Jackman, William H. Co. B, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Baton Rouge, La., April 28th, 1863, bur. Nat. Cem., Baton Rouge, Square 3. Jewett, Joseph H., Jr. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 1st, 1862. KiLLON, Patrick. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died at New Berne, N.C, Oct. 3d, 1864, bur. Nat. Cem., New Berne, Plot 141, Grave No. 1,845. Leahy, Michael H. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Newburjrport, Sept. 5th, 1864, bur. at Newburyport. Leavitt, Frederick. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died Jan. 24th, 1866, at Mount Pleasant, S.C. Lee, Alfred F. Co. A, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Died April 7th, 1864, at Vienna, Va. Body sent home. Littlefield, George W. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Ship Island, La., May 28th, 1862, bur. Nat. Cem., Chahnette, La. Littlefield, Charles M. Co. E, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Died at Portsmouth, Va., Aug. 1st, 1864, bur. Nat. Cem., Hampton, Va., Grave No. 1, Row 17, Sec. B. Littlefield, Wallace B. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A. Died at Fort Wil- Uams, Va., near Washington, D.C., Feb. 24th, 1865. LuNT, Frederick G. Co. H, 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Died in hospital at Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 3d, 1864. Body sent home. Mace, George. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died of fever at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 22d, 1861. Body sent home. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 431 McNuLTY, Michael. U. S. N. Died June 6th, 1863, on U. S. S. Red Rover. Nash, Francis J. Co. B, 3.5th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Frederick City, Md., Dec. 15th, 1862, bur. Nat. Cem., Antietam, Md., Lot C, Sec. 17, Grave No. 148. Neal, John P. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died Aug. 28th, 1864, at Fort Snyder, defences of Washington. Parks, Solomon, Jr. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died yellow fever. New Berne, N.C., Oct. 30th, 1864, bur. in Old Cemetery, New Berne. Perkins, William F. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died May 21st, 1863, in hospital at Baton Rouge, La. Pingree, Walter W. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters. Died Sept. 17th, 1864, in Harvard Hospital. PowsE, John. U. S. N. Died in hospital at Washington, D.C., July 16th, 1864. Pressey, William C. Co. M, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A. Died March 12th, 1865, at Fort Williams, defences of Washington, D.C. Rogers, Charles N. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died in hospital at Fort- ress Monroe, Va., Aug. 10th, 1862. Sayward, John S. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Died Sept. 4th, 1864, on transport C W. Thomas, bur. Nat. Cem. at Hampton, Va. Smith, Samuel. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at New York, May 27th, 1863, bur. Nat. Cem., Long Island, N.Y. SoMERBY, Lewis D. B. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died March 24th, 1864, at Portsmouth, Va. Body sent home. Stone, Daniel B. Co. F, 31st Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 24th, 1863, bur. Nat. Cem., Baton Rouge, La. Talbot, John H. W. Co. E, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died Sept. 17th, 1863, at Newburyport, while on furlough. TiTCOMB, George J. 6th Battery Mass. L. A. Supposed to have been drowned. Not heard from since May 24th, 1865. Voight, Lewis. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Died at Falmouth, Va., Jan., 1863. Waring, Charles H. U. S. N. Vincennes. Died June 8th, 1862, bur. in Mobile Bay. Adjt.-Gen. says, "Warren." Whalen, Thomas. Co. G, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Natchez, Miss., Aug. 1st, 1864. WOUNDED IN ACTION. Allen, Joseph. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded left hand at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Anderson, James. Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in both legs at mine before Petersburg, Va., July 30th, 1864. Andrews, Edmund Q. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1st, 1862. Andrews, William. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, in both legs. 432 NBWBUKYPOKT IN TELE CIVIL WAR. Akmstrong, George A. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right leg at WhitehaU, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. Atwood, Charles M. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left shoulder at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27th, 1863. Bartlett, Moses C. Ist.Sergt. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in foot at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Batchelder, Augustus H. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in side at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Brown, George R. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left leg at Baton Rouge, La., while on picket, 1863. Brown, John T. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right arm by accident, 1864. Campbell, Augustine. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in neck at South Movmtain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Carson, Aaron. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in hand at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 29th, 1862. Carter, George W. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left foot at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Cheever, Augustus E. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in thigh at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Choate, Elisha. Co. F, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded May 6th, 1864, at Wilderness, Va. Clark, Leverett C. Co. H, 27th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right arm at Port Walthall, Va., May 6th, 1864. Coleman, John M. Co. A, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in left thigh at Cold Harbor, Va., May 31st, 1864. Coleman, Leonard W. Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav. Woimded in left leg at Aldie, Va., June 17th, 1863. Conway, Dennis. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Woimded in right leg at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Cook, Francis C. L. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in knee at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Cook, George W. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in hand at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Davenport, Edward L. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Druiy's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864. Davenport, Simon H. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Woimded in left arm at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1st, 1862. Davenport, Charles B. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in hand at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Dennett, Sewall. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Wounded at Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 17th, 1864. Dodge, Raynal. Co. A, 48th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded before Port Hud- son, La., June 28th, 1863. Dow, JosiAH F. Co. I, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in right hip at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 433 Dow, George C. Lieut. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in right hand at 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862, and in left thigh at Chancellors- ville, Va., May, 1865. Eldridge, Elisha, Jr. 1st Sergt. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inft. Wounded in left hand at Arrowfield Church, Va., May 9th, 1864. FiTZSiMMONS, William. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Freder- icksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. FoGGERTY, William H. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Slightly wounded in side at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Forbes, John M. Co. H, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in left arm at Wilderness, Va., May 6th, 1864. Foster, Henry H. Capt. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in leg at Freder- icksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862. Fox, Stephen R. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in hand at Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. FuLLFORD, Jonathan D. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left shoulder at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1st, 1864. Gaddas, David. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in right hand at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Gaddas, Andrew J. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Gleason, John. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in right side at Mine Rim, Va,, Nov. 29th, 1863. Goodwin, Robert S. Co. A, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right arm at Chancellorsville, Va., May 5th, 1863. Goodwin, George P. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left arm at Cold Harbor, July 3 ; also right leg at Petersburg, Va., July 30th, 1864. Greaton, Obed W. Co. C, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left arm at 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29th, 1862. Greely, Adolphus W. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded at White Oak Swamp, June 30th, and in side at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Greene, Eliphalet. Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav. Wounded in left arm at Aldie, Va., June 17th, 1863. Gunnison, Frank H. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in arm at White- hall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862. Hall, Joseph. Sergt. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in back at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864. Hall, Daniel. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left hip at Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Hatch, Augustus. Capt. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in leg at explosion of mine, Petersburg, Va., July 30th, 1864; leg amputated. Hodgdon, Charles E. Co. E, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded at Peters- burg, Va., 1864. Hodges, Gamaliel. Lieut. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in thigh at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Holker, John, Jr. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in knee at Antie- tam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. 434 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Howard, Nathaniel. Sergt. Co. G, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Slightly wounded in left leg at Petersburg, Va., 1864. Huntington, Micajah P. Co. F, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded 2d Bull Run, Aug. 29th, 1862. Hynes, George H. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Wounded at Port Hudson, La., June 27th, 1863. Kezer, George W. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left shoulder at Blount's Creek, N.C., April 9th, 1863. KiRKWOOD, Alexander. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in shoulder at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862. Laughlin, John. Correct name, John Lochery. Co. F, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 5th, 1862. Lawry, Robert. Co. M, 2d Reg. Mass. H. A. Wounded in leg at Kinston, N.C., March 8th, 1865. Leary, Michael H. Co. H, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862. Lent, William F. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in face at Golds- boro, N.C, Dec. 18th, 1862. Lewis, Elbridge S. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in shoulder at Whitehall, N.C, Dec. 16th, 1862. Little, William D. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. AccidentaUy wounded, March 6th, 1863, at Newport News, Va. Littlefield, Robert P. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left leg at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Lochery, John. (See Laughlin, John, above.) Lombard, Henry. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864; right arm amputated. Lord, Hiram B. Co. G, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in thigh near Smith- field, Va., April 14th, 1864. Lowell, John T. Co. H, 24th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right thigh at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 14th, 1864. Manser, James E. Capt. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded at Mimson's Hill, Va., 1861, and at Petersburg, Va., 1864. Mansfield, Warren A. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y, Inft. Wounded, 1862. Discharged for wounds. Marsh, Shepard. Corp. Co. B, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav. Wounded in knee at New Hope Church, Va., Nov. 27th, 1863; leg amputated. Marshall, Thomas E. Co. F, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Wounded at Point of Rocks, Va., July 7th, 1864. Marshall, William W. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right leg at Kinston, N.C, March 8th, 1865. Marstons, Joshua B. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in shoulder at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Martin, Henry. Lieut. 1st Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. Inft. Wounded in thigh at Yorktown, Va., May 2d, 1862. Massay, Nathan. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Woimded on march to Get- tysburg, Pa., June 28th, 1863. DSTDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 435 McGlew, Hugh P. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in ankle at An- tietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. McKnight, James. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862; left leg amputated. Mitchell, Thomas A. S. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in hand at Glendale, Va., 1862; right leg, Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th, 1862. MoREY, John B. U. S. N. One of naval assaulting party at Fort Fisher, N.C. Wounded in thigh. Morrill, Robert J. Co. D, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav. Wounded in left leg at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Morrill, Edward W. Co. C, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft Wounded in leg at An- tietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Morrill, David C. Co. F, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Wounded at Port Hud- son, La., May 27th, 1863. Morrison, Lawrence. Co. D, 28th Reg. Inft. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Norton, Joseph. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left leg at An- tietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. O'Beirne, Bernard. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in groin at James Island, S.C, June 16th, 1862, and at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. O'Beirne, James. Co. D, 29th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Fort Steadman, Petersburg, Va., March 25th, 1865. O'Beirne, Edward. Sergt. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in head at James Island, S.C, June 16th, 1862, and left thigh at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2d, 1863. O'Grady, Daniel. 1st Sergt. Co. D, 28th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in head at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, 1864; loss of eyesight. Payson, Benjamin F. Sergt. Co. H, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Parsons, John D. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in face at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864. Pender, John L. Sergt Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in left thigh at 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29th, 1862. Perkins, Isaac R. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right foot at Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, 1864. Perkins, Joseph S. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left hand at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 1864. Perkins, Theodore R. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Freder- icksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862. Perkins, Samuel H. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Wounded in head at Plain's Store, La., May 21st, 1863. Perkins, Henry S. Co. D, 59th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in shoulder. Pettingell, Amos. Corp. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in hand at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Pike, Josiah L. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in right arm and side at Williamsburg, Va., May 5th, 1862. 436 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Poor, Thomas G. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in shoulder at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. PuRTELL, John. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded, lost sight of one eye, near Kinston, N.C., March, 1865. Pynn, George A. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Woimded in wrist at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. QuiNN, Patrick. Co. I, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A. Wounded at Weldon R.R., Va., Oct. 2d, 1864. Reed, Samuel W. Corp. Co. A, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Blount's Creek, N.C., April 9th, 1863. Reed, John B. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in arm at Williams- burg, Va., May 5th, 1862. Rich, Robert E. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; left leg amputated. RiCKER, John W. Lieut. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Wounded Port Hudson, La., May 27th, 1863; leg amputated. Senior, Jonathan. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in hand at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Senior, John. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in head at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Shannon, Charles W. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded at North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864. Stanton, James M. Co. E, 56th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left side at Spottsylvania, May 12th, 1864. Steele, David J. Corp. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in hand at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sterling, William S. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in left thigh at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864. Stevens, Joseph F. Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d, 1864. TowNSEND, Oliver P. Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right shoul- der, at Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Van Moll, George E. Lieut. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and North Anna River, Va., May 24th, 1864. Walton, John H. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Wounded in head at Plain's Store, La., May, 1863. Wells, John J. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Wounded in right ankle at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12th, 1862. Wetherby, Henry P. Sergt. Co. D, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav. Wounded in right arm and side, July, 1864. White, Joseph M. Co. B, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in right arm at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1st, 1862. Wilkinson, William J. Co. G, 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Wounded in head at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and at Petersburg, Va., June 16th, 1864. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 437 LIST OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS FROM NEWBURY- PORT, WITH HIGHEST RANK ATTAINED DURING THEIR TERM OF SERVICE. ARMY. Coffin, Fkederick J. Stone, Eben F. COLONELS. 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. Notes, Edward L. MAJORS. 41st Reg. Mass. Inft., 3d Mass. Cav., 3 yrs. Foster, Henry H. Greley, Adolphus W. BREVET-MAJORS. Capt. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 81st Reg. U. S. Col'd Inft., 3 yrs. Bartlett, Albert W. Barker, George. Bent, William H. Bradbury, George. Brown, David F. Creasey, George. Creasey, George W. Cross, Henry M. Dame, Luther. Dow, George C. Gardiner, Stephen D. Hatch, Augustus. Livingston, Oscar R. Manser, James E. Moulton, Henry W. Spofford, Edwin F. Stone, Goodwin A. Westcott, James P. L. Woodward, Calvin M. CAPTAINS. Capt. 8th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 rac, and 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 36th Reg. U. S. Col'd Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., and 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M. Capt. 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., 1 yr. Capt. 8th Reg. M. V. M., and 60th Reg. M, V. M, Capt. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. nth Reg. U. S. Col'd H. A., 3 yrs. Capt. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., 3 yrs. Capt. 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., 3 yrs. Capt. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft., 3 yrs. Capt. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. 438 NEWBURYPORT LJf THE CIVIL WAR. BuRNHAM, Frederick D. Creasey, William J. CusHMAN, Isaac. Cutter, Thomas E. Eldridge, Elisha, Jr. Foster, Thomas W. Haynes, Samuel W. Hodges, Gamaliel. Johnson, Joseph L. Lawry, Ira F. Martin, Henry. Mason, Philip C. Moody, Joseph E. PuRLEY, John L. RicKER, John W. Spalding, Samuel J. Stover, Edwin A. Talbot, Tristram. Welch, Benjamin C. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Lieut. 3d Reg. U. S. Eng., 3 yrs. Lieut. 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. Chap. 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., Asst. Surg. 5th Mass. Cav. Lieut. R. Q.-M. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. 25th Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M. Lieut. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. R. Q.-M. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. 35th Reg. Maws. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., and 60th Reg, M. V. M. Lieut. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. Lieut. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters, 3 yrs. Lieut. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., 3 yrs. Lieut. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. Lieut. Chap. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Lieut. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft., 3 yrs. Lieut. 3d Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M. Lieut. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft., 3 yrs. Ayers, Charles L. Barlow, Joseph. Bartlett, Moses. Baxter, Samuel. Brown, John T. Collins, Nathan W. Cutter, Eben P. Dunn, John. Goodwin, Thomas W. Harding, William B. Martin, Brotherton. Morrison, Charles P. Plummer, William H. Van Moll, George E. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. 3d Unat. Co., M. V. M., and 4th Reg. Mass. H A. 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A. 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 40th Reg. N. Y. Inft., 3 yrs. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 8th Reg. M. V. M., 9 mo., and 60th Reg. M. V. M., 100 days. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., 9 mo. 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., 3 yrs. 1st Bat'ln Front'r Cav., Mass. Vols. Chase, William F. Knapp, William. Page, David P. Spavin, Robert. NAVY. Actg. Master North Atlantic Sqdn. Actg. Master South Atlantic Sqdn. Actg. Master Pacific Sqdn. Actg. Master North Atlantic Sqdn. INDIVIDUAX. RECORDS. 439 Taylor, Edward E. Cole, John P. Fleming, Charles R. Actg. Master North Atlantic Sqdn. Actg. Ensign West Gulf Sqdn. Actg. Ensign East Gulf Sqdn. Batchelder, Joseph C. Battelle, Everett. CuRR.AJsr, James. Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. South Atlantic Sqdn. Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. South Atlantic Sqdn. Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. North Atlantic Sqdn. Bartlet, Henry. Actg. Master's Mate Currier, William A. Actg. Master's Mate Deveraux, John. Actg. Master's Mate Dirham, Edward W. Actg. Master's Mate Dow, John. Actg. Master's Mate Geary, Amos H. Actg. Master's Mate Kitching, William H. Actg. Master's Mate MoRss, Joseph T. Actg. Master's Mate. Papanti, Lorenzo Frank. Actg. Master's Mate Pender, Thomas. Actg. Master's Mate Pynn, Georgb a. Actg. Master's Mate. Gulf Sqdn. West India; Pacific Sqdn. West Gulf Sqdn. South Atlantic Sqdn. North Atlantic Sqdn. East Gulf Sqdn. South Atlantic Sqdn. North Atlantic Sqdn. West Gulf Sqdn. Individual Records OF NATIVES AND RESIDENTS OF NEWBURYPORT WHO SERVED TO THE CREDIT OF OTHER PLACES, IN THE ARMY AND NAVY. 442 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OF NATIVES AND RESIDENTS OF NEWBURYPORT WHO SERVED TO THE CREDIT OF OTHER PLACES. ARMY. ADAMS JOHN QUINCY, Jr. Bom at Newburyport, May 5th, 1848 Son of John Q. and Ehza Ann (Hayer) Adams. Enlis. and mus. March 25th, 1864, Priv. 28th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Unassigned recruit, cred.' to Orange, Mass. Disch. June 29th, 1864. AKERMAN WILLIAM F. Born at Newburyport, March 3d, 1833. Son of WUham and Jane Akerman. Res. Chicago, 111. Enlis. Aug. 6th, mus. Aug. 29th, 1862, Priv. Chicago Mercantile Battery, for 3 yrs. Disch Jan 13th, 1864, for promotion. Commis. 1st Lieut, and R- Q;-^^- ^^^^ Reg U S C H A., Jan., 1864. Engagements, Champion HiUs, Miss., May 16th, Black River Bridge, Miss., May 18th, siege of Vicksburg, Miss May 19th to Julv 4th, Jackson, Miss., July 9th, 1863. In charge of transportation on Lake Pontchartrain and R.R. to New Orleans. Actg. Asst. Q.-M. at Lockport, La. Mus. out of ser^^ce, Feb. 22d, 1867. Services no longer required. AKERMAN, JOSEPH. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 13th 1835. Son of Oliver M and Ehzabeth S. Akerman. Res. Nashua, N.H. Enlis. July 29th, mus. Aug. 23d, 1861 , Corporal Co. F, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Sergt. Oct. 17th, 1862, 2d Lieut. May 24th, 1864, 1st Lieut Oct. 28th 1864, Capt. Jan. 21st, 1865. Received medal from Genl. Gilmore for braverv at Fort Wagner. In battles of James Island, Secessionville, SC 1862"- Fort Wagner, 1863 ; Drury's Bluff, Petersburg, Laurel HiU, Charles City Cross Roads, Va., 1864 ; Fort Fisher and Wilmmgton, N.C., 1865. Disch. with regiment, July 20th, 1865, end of war. ALLEN, IRA H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Coventry, Vt., Nov. 23d, 18'>9 Son of Jolm B. and Lydia (Thompson) Allen. Mus. Aug 9th, 1862', Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to ^ewbury Mass. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle o South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Sent to hospital INDIVroUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 443 at Frederick City, Md., Sept. 22d, 1862. Disch. for disab. March 10th, 1863 Died at Newburyport, March 16th, 1873, bur. Oak Hill. ALLEY, GEORGE. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 3d, 1833. Son of Joseph and Lucy B. Alley. Cred. to Wenham, Mass. Mus. Oct. 1st, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo. With regiment at New Berne, N.C. Disch. Aug. 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Wenham, Mass., Dec, 1897. BADGER, CHARLES F. Born at Gilmantoa, N.H., May 22d, 1823. Son of William and Sally Badger. Mus. Aug. 31st, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 6th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Lowell, Mass. With regiment at Suffolk, Va. Disch. June 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, May 4th, 1903. BALCH, ISAAC DENNY. Born at Newburyport, April 18th, 1835. Son of John and Laura A. (Denny) Balch. Res. Cincinnati, O. Enlis. at Washington, D.C., mus. Priv. Co. A, 3d Bat'ln District Columbia Inft. (National Rifles), April 21st, 1861, for 3 mo., for the defence of Wash- ington. Disch. with company, July 15th, 1861. Exp. term. Died at East Orange, N.Y., Feb. 16th, 1889. BARTLETT, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport, March 5th, 1824. Sou of Moses and Judith (Dole) Bartlett. Mus. Capt. Sept. 23d, 1862, Co. K, 4th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Taunton, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. Commanded the advance line to carry hand grenades in the assault on Port Hudson, La., June 14th, 1863, and killed near the breastworks of the enemy. BEAN, JOHN A. Bom at Newbury, Dec. 27th, 1835. Son of EUjah and Margaret Bean. Mus. July 23d, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 60th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. With regiment at Indianapolis, Ind., guarding camp of rebel prisoners. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. BELL, JOHN. Born at Newburyport. Age 29 years. Enlis. Sept. 16th, mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 9 mo., cred. to Greenfield, N.H. Present April 10th, 1863. No further record. BELLOWS, JOHN B. Born at Newburyport. Age 20 years. Mus. July 5th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., cred. to Amesbury, Mass. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, Nov. 6th, 1863, for 3 yrs. Transf. to Co. A, July 31st, 1865. Disch. July 31st, 1865, end of war. BERDGE, EDW^VRD ADAMS. Res. Lynn, Mass. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 20th, 1830. Son of Samuel S. and Rhoda (Boynton) Berdge. Mus. July 5th, 1861, Sergt. Co. C, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A. Promoted 1st Sergt. 444 NEWBIJKYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C. Disch, July 8th, 1864 Exp. term. Died at Ljnin, Mass., Aug. 12th, 1887, bur. at Lynn. BISHOP, JOSEPH W. Born at Newburyport. Age 38 years. Enlis. Sept- 8th, mus. Sept. 14th, 1864, Priv. Co. B, 18th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Fremont, N.H. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. June 10th, 1865. Exp. term. BOWLEN, WILLIAM. Res. Newburyport. Born at Truro, N.S., 1840. Son of William and Arm Bowlen. Enlis. Aug. 30th, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. G, 6th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred to Newington, N.H. Promoted Corporal 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Killed in front of Petersburg, Va., July 28th, 1864, b\ir. Belleville Cemetery. BRICKETT, JOSEPH W. Born at Newburyport, Feb., 1833. Son of Joseph and Mary (Bartlett) Brickett. EnUs. Oct. 14th, mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 9 mo., cred. to Rye, N.H. Pro- moted Corporal April 2d, 1863. Disch. April 16th, 1864. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 3d, 1866, bur. Belleville Cemetery. BROCKWAY, CHARLES G. Born at Newburyport. Enlis. July 5th, mus. July 25th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 29th Reg. Penn. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. July 16th, 1862. BROWN, JAMES P. Res. Newburyport. Born at New Market, N.H., June 27th, 1844. Son of James and Mary Brown. Mus. Priv. Sept. 30th, 1862, Co. H, 4th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Lawrence. In Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Aug. 28th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. April 16th, 1864, Priv. Co. B, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Somerset, Mass. Taken prisoner at Stony Brook, Va., Oct. 27th, 1864. Confined at Libby Prison, Richnwjnd, Va. Released Feb. 16th, 1865. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. BROWN, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 17th, 1842. Son of Thomas and Lucretia H. (Milton) Brown. Enlis. and mus. Aug. 10th, 1861, Corporal Co. I, 72d Reg. Penn. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Po- tomac. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Died of woimds in hospital at Washington, D.C, Dec. 26th, 1862. Body sent to Newburjrport, bur. New HiU. BROWN, GEORGE HANDEL. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, Aug. 15th, 1838. Son of George F. Handel and Aseneth L. (Page) Brown. Enlis. Aug. 23d, mus. Sept. 24th, 1861, Musician in band of 7th Reg. Me. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Feb. 26th, 1862, by order of War Dept. discharging regimental bands. Died at Leominster, Mass. INDIVroUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 445 BROWN, CHARLES G. Bom at Newburyport, July 15th, 1829. Son of Nathaniel P. and Mary E. (Cross) Brown. Res. Ahnapee, Wis. Enlis. Nov. 9th, 1862, mus. Corporal Co. E, 14th Reg. Wis. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Cumberland. Promoted Sergt. April 30th, 1861. In battle of Shiloh. Sent to hospital at Jefferson Barracks and Milwaukee. Disch. for disab. Sept. 5th, 1863. BURBANK, CHARLES G. Bom at Newburyport, 1844. Son of Gardiner A. and Eliza J. (Laraby) Burbank. Res. Boston. Mus. June 13th, 1861, Corporal Co. G, 11th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. In 1st battle of Bull Run, July 21st, 1861. Died at Bladens- burg, Md., Sept. 30th, 1861. Body sent to Newburyport, bur. Oak Hill. BURBANK, NATHAN, Jr. Born at Newburyport, May 12th, 1823. Son of Nathan and Nancy (Herrick) Bvirbank. Mus. Aug. 2d, 1862, Sergt. Co. H, 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. In 11th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps, May 1st, 1864, and cred. to Lawrence. Died in Greenland, N.H., June 10th, 1868, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. BURBANK, DAVID. Bom at Newburyport, 1829. Son of Nathan and Nancy (Herrick) Burbank. Mus. Aug. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Haverhill, Mass. Disch. for disab. Jan. 20th, 1864. Died at Boston, Sept. 18th, 1875, bur. Oak Hill, New- burj^ort. BURNHAM, FREDERICK D. Res. Newburyport. Born at Exeter, N.H., Aug. 11th, 1846. Son of Rev. Edwin and AUce Burnham. Commis. 1st Lieut. 3d Reg. U. S. Eng., April 12th, 1864. Wounded in left leg at Seambia River, Fla., Dec. 16th, 1864. Disch. April 2l3t, 1865, for wounds. Died at Newburyport, April 16th, 1874, bur. Oak HiU. CALDWELL, RICHARD SUTTON. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 14th, 1828. Son of Stephen and Mary (Lunt) Caldwell. Commis. 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 1st Reg. Oregon Cav., for 3 yrs., Nov. 15th, 1861. Capt. April 4th, 1863. In Dept. of Oregon. Campaign in Washington Territory, against the Indians. In command of forces to protect Canyon City road against the Smoke Indians in June, 1864. Disch. March 31st, 1865. CANNEY, JOHN C. Bom at Newburyport, March 3d, 1827. Son of Oliver and Catharine Canney. Res. Portsmouth, N.H. Enlis. Sept. 25th, mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 9 mo. Transf. to Co. A, 2d Reg. N. H. Inft. Disch. Oct. 9th, 1863. Exp. term. CHAPMAN, THOMAS J. Born at Newburyport. Age 44 years. Res. Green- land, N.H. Enlis. Sept. 13th, mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, Priv. Co. B. 17th 446 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Reg. N. H. Inft., for 9 mo. Transf. to Co. I, 2d Reg. N. H. Inft., April 16th, 1863. Disch. for disab. May 29th, 1863. CHASE, JOSEPH T. Born at Newburyport, March 8th, 1826. Son of Joseph T. and Rebecca M. Chase. Enlis. Sept. 10th, mus. Sept. 30th, 1862, Sergt. Co. B, 27th Reg. Me. Inft., for 9 mo., cred. to South Berwick, Me. Commis. 2d Lieut. March 1st, 1863. Disch. July 17th, 1863. Exp. term. CHOATE, EZEKIEL W. Born at Newburyport, July 22d, 1838. Son of Thomas and Martha L. (Whittier) Choate. Mus. July 16th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 13th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. Disch. for disab. Oct. 7th, 1862. COLBY, HEZEKIAH. Born at Newburyport, June 6th, 1843. Son of Heze- kiah and Sarah Jane (Wentworth) Colby. Mus. June 26th, 1861, Sergt. Co. K, 12th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted Color-Sergt. Battles: Cedar Mt., Va., Aug. 9th ; Rappahanock Station, Va., Aug. 20th; Thoroughfare Gap, Va., Aug. 28th. Killed at 2d Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30th, 1862. COLE, CHARLES LYMAN. Res. Newburyport. Born at Chicopee, Mass., Aug. 15th, 1842. Son of Alonzo and Louisa Cole. Mus. Sept. 3d, 1862, Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Newbury, Mass. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C. Died at David's Island, N.Y., March 7th, 1864, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. COLEMAN, MOSES J. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 20th, 1842. Son of Moses and Elizabeth (Coffin) Coleman. Mus. Sept. 26th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 45th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Roxbury, Mass. In Dept. of North Carolina. Disch. July 7th, 1863. Exp. term. COLEMAN, EDMUND C. Born at Newburyport, April 12th, 1841. Son of Moses and Elizabeth (Coffin) Coleman. Commis. 1st Lieut. Mus. July 16th, 1864, Co. F, 6th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Adjt. of regiment, Aug. 1st, 1864. With regiment at Fort Delaware, Del. Disch. Oct. 27th, 1864. Exp. term. COLLINS, GEORGE. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Sept. 14th, 1822. Son of William and Sarah C. (Goodwin) ColUns. Mus. Aug. 22d, 1861, Musician, band 7th Reg. Me. Inft. Disch. Feb. 26th, 1862, by order War Dept. mustering out regimental bands. Died at New- buryport, Oct. 12th, 1898, bur. New Hill. COLLINS, WARREN P. Born at Newburyport, July 7th, 1845. Son of Amos S. and Ruth A. Collins. Enlis. Sept. 8th, mus. Sept. 23d, 1862, INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 447 Priv. Co. C, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Salisbury, Mass. Died on ship Constellation, of fever, Jan. 28th, 1863. COOK, HENRY P. Res. Nantucket, Mass. Born at Newburyport, June 19th, 1825. Son of Charles and Clarasa (Gould) Cook. Mus. July, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 20th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Dec. 31st, 1862. COOK, JEREMIAH. Res. Danvers, Mass. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 20th, 1830. Son of Zebedee and Mary Cook. Mus. Oct. 8th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. at New Berne, N.C., Sept. 22d, 1862. Re-enlis. and mus. Sept. 12th, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 13th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, for 3 yrs., cred. to Salem. Disch. Sept. 17th, 1865, end of war. COOMBS, PHILIP. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 20th, 1839. Son of John and Abby Coombs. Enlis. April 26th, 1861, Priv. Co. I, 7th Reg. N. Y. Inft. (State Militia), for 30 days. With regiment at "Washington, D.C. Disch. with company, June 3d, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Newbury- port, March 21st, 1863, bur. Oak Hill. CREASEY, PHILIP HENRY. Born at Newburyport, April 29th, 1847. Son of George and Harriet (Lewis) Creasey. Enlis. Jan. 17th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 6th Reg. U. S. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, 1863, and taken prisoner. Confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Exchanged Oct. 16th, 1863. Garrison duty at Fort Hamilton, New York Harbor. Disch. Jan. 17th, 1866. Also Sergt. and Hospital Steward, 5th Reg. U. S. Cav., in Indian cam- paign under Gen. Sheridan. CURRIER, AMOS STICKNEY. Res. New York. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, Jan. 8th, 1821. Son of William and Mary (Gerrish) Currier. Commis. Quartermaster 78th Reg. N. Y. Inft., mus. April 28th, 1862. Resigned April 4th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 28th, 1891, bur. Oak Hill. CURRIER, BENJAMIN F. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 2d, 1823. Son of William and Mary (Gerrish) Currier. Mus. 1st Lieut. Co. C, 78th Reg. N. Y. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Battle of Cedar Moun- tain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Oct. 24th, 1862, at Harper's Ferry, Va. CUSHMAN, ISAAC S. Res. Newburyport. Born at New Gloucester, Me., Feb. 12th, 1824. Son of Samuel and Betsy Cushman. Commis. Chap- lain 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., July 12th, 1864. Sent to hospital at Lookout Mountain, Ga. Furloughed. Commis. Asst. Surg. 5th Reg. Mass. Cav., Sept. 6th, 1864. Resigned May 31st, 1865. 448 NEWBTJRYPORT IN TBDE CIVIL WAR. DASHA, JOHN. Bom at Newbxiryport. Age 22 years. Enlis. June 18th, mus. July 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 9th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Somersworth, N.H. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Killed in assault on Petersburg, Va., June 17th, 1864. DAVIS, EDWARD EVERETT. Res. Davenport, la. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 25th, 1821. Son of Thomas and Prudence Davis. Mus. Aug. 25th, 1862, 2d Lieut. Co. E, 20th Reg. Iowa Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Lieut. Dec. 9th, 1863, Capt. Nov. 26th, 1864. In 16th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee. Engagements: Newtonia, Mo., Prairie Grove, 1862; siege of Vicksburg, Miss., and surrender, July 4th, 1863; Fort Morgan, Ala., Mobile Point and Mobile City, Ala., 1864; Fort Blakely, Ala., March 31st to April 9th, 1865. Disch. at Mobile, Ala., with com- pany, July 8th, 1865, end of war. DAY, CHARLES O. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Detroit, Me., Sept. 1st, 1838. Son of John, Jr., and Mary A. Day. Enlis. Aug. 3d, mus. Aug. 6th, 1862, Priv. Co. G, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred, to New- bury, Mass. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, and wounded. Sent to U. S. Gen. Hospital, Washington, D.C., Sept. 20th, 1862. DEARBORN, GEORGE ALLEN. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 20th, 1834. Son of Edward and Susan D. Dearborn. Mus. Aug. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred to Chelsea, Mass. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862; Jackson, Miss., July, 1863; siege of KnoxviUe, Tenn., Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th, 1863; Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30th, 1864. In front of Petersburg, Va., 1864. Disch. June 9th, 1865. Exp. term. Died at Georgetown, Mass., July 21st, 1865. DEARBORN, CHARLES H. Born at Newburyport, Nov., 1842. Son of Edward and Susan D. Dearborn. Enlis. Aug. 11th, mus. Sept. 5th, 1862, Priv. Co. G, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Chelsea, Mass. Disch. for disab. April 2d, 1863. DIXON, JOHN A. Res. Pittsfield, Me. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 8th, 1844. Son of David and Sarah A. Dixon. Mus. Sept. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 24th Reg. Me. Inft., for 9 mo. Disch. Aug. 25th, 1863. Exp. term. Re-eulis. and mus. July 20th, 1865, Priv. Co. B, 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., cred. to Lynn, Mass. Disch. at Fairfax Court House, Va., July 20th, 1865, end of war. Died June 23d, 1862, bur. New Hill, Newbury- port. DODGE, HORACE W. Res. Detroit, Mich. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 18th, 1836. Son of William L. and Mary A. (Coflfin) Dodge. Commis. 1st INDIVIDTJAL RECORDS, ARMY. 449 Lieut. Co. C, 5th Reg. Mich. Cav., for 3 yrs. Promoted Capt. April 1st, 1863. Disch. Oct. 21st, 1864, for wounds received in action. Brev- etted Maj. U. S. Vols., March 13th, 1865, for gaUant and meritorious services. Died at Cheyenne City, Nov. 22d, 1868, bur. Oak Hill, New- buryport. DODGE, AMOS. Res. Northwood, N.H. Born at Newburyport. Age 20 years. Enlis. April 30th, mus. May 2d, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 1st Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 mo. With regiment at Washington, D.C. Disch. Aug. 9th, 1861. Exp. term. Re-enlis. Sept. 30th, mus. Nov. 23d, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 7th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Died of disease, Feb. 11th, 1864, at Morris Island, S.C. DONNELL, DANIEL P. Res. PiercevilJe, Iowa. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 15th, 1829. Son of Frederick W. and Sarah (Hickey) Donnell. Enlis. May 1st, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 2d Reg. Iowa Inft., for 3 yrs., 16th Army Corps, Army of Tennessee. Guard duty Hannibal & St. Jo. R.R., and under Gen. Lyons at St. Louis, 1861. At Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 14th to 16th. Shiloh, Tenn., April 6th and 7th. Siege of Corinth, Miss., May 1st to 30th. Battle of Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3d to 5th, 1862. With regiment in Northern Ala., 1864. Disch. May 27th, 1864. Exp. term. EMERY, CHARLES T. Born Newburyport, March 4th, 1833. Son of Charles and Mary E. Emery. Mus. Priv. Co. G, 48th Reg. N. Y. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. With regiment at Fort Pulaski, Ga., April lOth, 1862. Re-enlis. as a Veteran. In battles of Wilderness, Va., May 6th, Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th, 1864. Taken prisoner at Cold Harbor, Va., May 31st, 1864. Sent to Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Transf. to Andersonvills, Ga. Died Andersonville, Sept. 8th, 1864, bur. in Na- tional Cemetery at Andersonville, Grave No. 8,152. FANNING, JOHN. Res. St. Louis, Mo. Born at Newburyport. Mus. June 10th, 1861, Priv. Co. E, 1st Reg. Mo. L. A., for 3 yrs. Promoted Corporal. Engagements, at Boone ville. Mo., June 17th, Dug Springs, Mo., July 26th, Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 10th, 1861; Prairie Grove^ Mo., Dec. 7th, 1862 ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss., from June 16th to July 4th, 1863. Captured by the enemy at Sterling's Plantation, Sept. 29th, 1863. Disch. June 9th or Aug. 30th, 1864. FELCH, DANIEL M. Res. Haverhill, Mass. Bom at Newburyport, Feb 28th, 1825. Son of Daniel and Olive (Maxwell) Felch. Mus. 2d Lieut. 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., March 19th, 1862, for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Lieut. Dec. 11th, 1862. At Forts Albany and Cochrane, defences of Washing- ton, 1862. Resigned Jan. 27th, 1863. Commis. Capt. 1st N. C. Inft., C. T. Never joined regiment. Participated in Mexican War as 1st 450 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Sergt. Co. D, 4th Reg. U. S. Inft. With regiment during term of ser- vice. Disch. Sept., 1848. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 10th, 1898, bur. New HiU. FOOT, JOHN H. Res. Boston. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 2d, 1832. Son of James L. and Susan (Woodman) Foot. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. A. (Cushing Guards), 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regi- ment from Annapohs to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Boston, June 6th, 1885, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. FORD, STEPHEN H. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 29th, 1845. Son of Daniel and Ann (Greene) Ford. Mus. March 16th, 1865, Corporal Co. D, 62d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Salem, Mass. Disch. May 5th, 1865. Regiment not needed, war ended. Died March 16th, 1881, bur. Oak HiU. FORD, DANIEL, Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 30th, 1836. Son of Daniel and Ann (Greene) Ford. Enlis. May 5th, mus. May 31st, 1861, Priv. Co. K, 26th Reg. Penn. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. at Washington, D.C., May 2d, 1863, bur. Oak Hill. FOX, CHARLES BARNARD. Res. Dorchester, Mass. Bom at Newbury- port, Jan. 17th, 1833. Son of Rev. Thomas B. and FeroHne W. (Pierce) Fox. Mus. July 16th, 1861, 2d Lieut. Co. K, 13th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Lieut. Aug. 16th, 1862. Commis. 1st Lieut. 2d Reg. Mass. Cav., Dec. 1st, 1862; Major 55th Reg. Mass. Inft., June 1st, 1863; Lieut.-Col. Dec. 1st, 1863; Brevet Col. U. S. Vols., March 13th, 1865. Army of the Potomac. Engagements, at Bolivar Heights, Oct. 16th, 1861, Thoroughfare Gap, Va., April 2d, Rappahannock Station, Va., Aug., 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, 1862, South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and slightly wounded. Freder- icksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, siege of Charleston, S.C, James Island and Honey Hill. Resigned June 25th, 1865, end of war. Served as Non-Com. officer, 4th Bat'ln Rifles, M. V. M., at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, 1861. Deceased. FOX, JOHN ANDREW. Res. Dorchester. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 23d, 1835. Son of Rev. Thomas B. and Feroline W. (Pierce) Fox. Mus, 2d Lieut. Jan. 6th, 1862, 2d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted 1st Lieut. Aug. 10th, 1862. Adjt. of regiment, Jan. 1st, 1863. Brevet Capt. and Maj. U. S. Vols., March 13th, 1865. Engagements, at Win- chester, Va., Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, Beveriy Ford, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1863, Resaca, Ga., May, 1864, New Hope Church, May, Sherman's march to the sea, siege of Savannah, Ga., Dec, 1864, Averysborough, N.C., March, 1865, BentonviUe, N.C., March, 1865. Disch. July 26th, 1865, end of war. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 451 FOX, THOMAS BAYLEY, Jr. Res. Dorchester, Mass. Born at Newbury- port, Feb. 1st, 1839. Son of Rev. Thomas B. and FcroUne W. (Pierce) Fox. Mus. 2d Lieut. Aug. 14th, 1862, 2d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Promoted 1st Lieut. Nov. 1st, 1862, Capt. June 6th, 1863. Engagements, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, 1863, Beverly Ford, June 9th, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa., July 3d, 1863, and wounded. Died from effects of wounds at Dorchester, Mass., July 25th, 1863. FROST, WHITEFIELD RICKER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Yarmouth, N.S., May 16th, 1844. Son of George and Mary (Whitehouse) Frost. Mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Newbury, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. Wounded in left arm at Port Hudson, La., June 14th, 1863. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, July 24th, 1869, bur. Oldtown, Newbury. GEORGE, JOSEPH O. Born at Newburyport, April 2d, 1833. Son of Joseph M. and Matilda (Hervey) George. Enlis. Aug. 14th, mus. Sept. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. L, N. H. Bat'ln 1st New Eng. Cav., cred. to Kensington, N.H. Appointed Farrier. Disch. for disab. Feb. 13th, 1863. Drafted, and mus. Aug. 11th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Kensington, N.H. Disch. for disab. Jan. 18th, 1865. OILMAN, THOMAS E. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 24th, 1833. Son of Lewis and Mary Oilman. Mus. July 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 17th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Groveland, Mass. Disch. for disab. July 3d, 1862. Mus. Aug. 11th, 1863, Priv. Co. D, 13th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Brentwood, N.H. Wounded severely at Battery 5, Petersburg, Va., June 15th, 1864. Transf. to Co. H, 11th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. for disab. May 31st, 1865, at Washington, D.C. GOODWIN, JOHN C. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 11th, 1836. Son of Amos and Sarah B. (Stone) Goodwin. Enlis. Dec. 26th, 1863, mus. Jan. 27th, 1864, Priv. Co. E, 4th Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., tred. to Haverhill, Mass. Joined regiment at Petersburg, Va., Jime 16th, 1864. Sent to hospital at Hampton, Va., Aug. 26th, 1864. Disch. June 18th, 1865. (See Naval Record.) GOODWIN, EDWARD P. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 4th, 1829. Son of William and Susan B. Goodwin. Enlis. Aug. 30th, mus. Oct. 27th, 1862, Sergt. 3d Reg. Ma^.s. Cav., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. In Dept. of Gulf. Sent to U. S. Gen. Hospital, April 16th, 1864. Disch. for disab. Nov. 23d, 1864. GOODWIN, JOHN A. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 21st, 1839. Son of Wil- liam and Susan B. Goodwin. Mus. Sept. 12th, 1861. Commis. Sergt. Co. B, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. Promoted Sergt. Maj., 1862. Commis. 2d Lieut. Dec. 14th, 1862, 1st Lieut. May 13th 452 NEWBTJRYPORT IN THE CIVIL, WAK. 1863. At James Island, June 10th and 13th, 1862. South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862 ; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862 ; KeUey's Ford, June 9th, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner at Wilderness, Va., May 10th, 1864. Confined at Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Macon, Ga., Charleston, S.C. Paroled March 1st, 1865. Disch. May 15th, 1865, end of war. GOODWIN, WARREN H. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 22d, 1842. Son of William and Susan B. Goodwin. Enlis. April 19th, mus. May 14th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 29th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Bridge- water, Mass. At Fortress Monroe, 1861. Battle of Big Bethel, June 10th, 1861. Peninsular campaign from Yorktown to Harrison's Land- ing, 1862. Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss., 1863, in 9th Army Corps. Re-enlis. in same regiment as a Vet- eran, mus. Feb. 29th, 1864. Appointed Sergt. Sept. 1st, 1864, 1st Sergt. Oct. 1st, 1864, 1st Lieut May 6th, 1865. Battle of Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th, assault on Petersburg, Va., June 17th, 1864. Disch. July 29th, 1865, end of war. GRAY, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 13th, 1839. Son of William and Ehza (Clark) Gray. Enlis. Oct. 4th, 1861, Priv. Co. C, U. S. En- gineers, for 3 yrs. Disch. Oct. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. GREEN, WILLIAM L. G. (See p. 469.) GREENLEAF, RICHARD O. Bom at South Berwick, Me., Jan. 31st, 1826. Son of Richard and Ehza A. Greenleaf. Enlis. April 26th, 1861, as Priv. and mus. Capt., May 2d, 1861, Co. E, 1st Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 mo., Dept. of Washington. Disch. Aug. 9th. 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Capt. Sept. 18th, 1861, Co. B, 4th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Pro- moted Maj. Aug. 24th, 1864. In 10th Army Corps, Army of the James. Engagements: James Island, S.C, June 10th; Pocotaligo, S.C, Oct. 22d, 1862; siege of Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S.C, July 10th to Sept. 6th, 1863; Swift Creek, Va., May 9th, 1864; Drury's Bluff, Va., May 14th, 16th, 20th; Cold Harbor, Va., June 4th to 12th; siege of Petersburg, Va., June 23d to July 29th, 1864; mine at Petersburg, July 30th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 1st, 1864. Exp. term. GREENLEAF, CHESTER A. Born at Newburyport, March 28th, 1826. Son of Joseph and Susan Greenleaf. Commis. Capt. Sept. 10th, 1862, Co. D, 25th Reg. Me. Inft., for 9 mo. In defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. July 10th, 1863. Exp. term. Commis. Capt. Co. F. 25th Reg. U. S. C Inft., Jan. 19th, 1864. Stationed at Fort Barrancas Redoubt as H. A. Disch. Oct. 6th, 1865. end of war. Died at Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 17th, 1887, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. GREENLEAF, ALBERT F. Res. Rochester, N. H. Age 31 years. Born at Newburyport. EnUs. Oct. 31st, mus. Nov. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, rNDIVTDTJAL BECORDS, ARMY. 453 6th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Arniy Corps. Disch. for disab. Jan. 14th. 1863. Re-enlis. and mus. Aug. 14th, 1863, Co. K, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred to Rochester, N.H. Promoted Corporal, Sept., 1864. Disch. June 2d, 1865, end of war. GRIFFIN, WILLIAM H. Res. Lynn, Mass. Born at Newburyport. Mus. April 30th. 1861, Priv. Co. F, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment from Annapolis to Washington. Guard duty at Relay House, on Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Re- enlis. and mus. Jan. 18th, 1862, Corporal Co. K, 31st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Lynn, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. Disch. July 9th, 1865, end of war. GRIFFIN, FREDERICK A. Bom at Newburyport, June 20th, 1843. Son of William J. and Lydia C. Griffin. Enlis. Aug. 1st, mus. Aug. 7th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boxford, Mass. In 11th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. June 1st, 1865, end of war. GRIFFITH, HENRY P. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Salem, Mass., March 9th, 1834. Son of Thomas and Eliza Griffith. Enlis. Aug. 4th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Newbury, Mass. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862. Died Nov. 13th, 1862, of fever in hospital at Weverton, Md., bur. at Antietam National Cemetery, Lot B, Sec. 17, Grave No. 107. HACKETT, HORATIO B. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Boston, Feb. 22d, 1837. Son of James and Sarah (Noyes) Hackett. Mus. Aug. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co. K, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Roxbury, Mass. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battle of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, 1862. Killed in battle at Antietam, Md.. Sept. 17th, 1862. Body sent to Roxbvuy, bur. in Soldiers' Lot, Forest Hills Cemetery. HAYES, JOHN FRANKLIN. Bora at Newburyport, Nov. 18th, 1844. Son of Jacob J. and Elizabeth (Dudley) Hayes. Mus. Priv. 7th Battery Mass. L. A., for 3 yrs. With battery at Norfolk and Suffolk, Va., May, 1862. Wounded in action at Deserted House, Va., Jan. 30th, 1863. Sent to hospital at Portsmouth, Va., July, 1863. Transf. to Vet. Res. Corps. July, 1863. Disch. May, 1864. Exp. term. Served during term as John Hayes. HIDDEN, WILLIS L. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 15th, 1848. Son of William C. and Mary R. Hidden. Enlis. Sept. 11th, mus. Sept. 17th, 1864, Priv. Co. K, 1st Reg. N. H. H. A., for 1 yr., cred. to Portsmouth, 454 NEWBURYPOKT IN THE CIVIL WAR. N.H. In 22d Army Corps. Defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 15th, 1865, end of war. HINKLEY, CHARLES E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Bath, Me., 1823. Son of Matthew and Bethiah Hinkley. Mus. Dec. 28th, 1863, Sergt. Co. C, 56th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. In 9th Army Corps, Army of Potomac. In battles of Wilderness, May 6th, Spott- sylvania. May 12th and 18th, North Anna River, May 24th, Cold Harbor, June 1st, explosion of mine at Petersburg, July 30th, Weldon R.R., Aug. 30th. Killed in attack on Petersburg, April 2d, 1865. JACKSON, NATHANIEL J. Res. Lewiston, Me. Bom at Newburyport, July 28th, 1818. Son of Nathaniel and Joanna (Toil) Jackson. Mus. Col. 1st Reg. Me. Inft., for 3 mo. In defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1861. Exp. term. Commis. Col. 5th Me. Inft., mus. Sept. 2d, 1861, for 3 yrs. Promoted Brig.-Gen. Sept. 24th, 1862, comd'g 2d Brig. 2d Div. 12th Army Corps, Oct. 10th, 1862, comd'g 2d Brig. 1st Div. r2th Army Corps, April 3d, 1863, comd'g Dept. Rendezvous, Ricket's Island, N. Y. Harbor, Aug. 14th, 1863, comd'g 1st Div. 20th Army Corps, Nov. 11th, 1864. Commis. Maj.-Gen. by Brevet, March 13th, 1865. In Peninsular campaign under Gen. McClellan. Wounded severely in right arm by shell at Gaine's Mill, also in right knee by mus- ket ball at Crampton Pass. In Georgia and Carolina campaign, and siege of Savannah, Ga. Mus. out. Died at Jamestown, N.Y., April 21st, 1892, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. JAQUES, AMOS F. Res. Ottawa, 111. Born at Newburyport, Nov., 1821. Son of Henry C. and Mary (FoUansbee) Jacques. Mus. Capt. Aug. 2d, 1861, Co. E, 26th Reg. lU. Inft., for 3 yrs. Resigned Dec. 5th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 15th, 1897, bur. New Hill. JOHNSON, JOSIAH E. Res. Springfield, lU. Born at Newburyjiort, Oct. 11th, 1837. Son of Josiah E. and Maria A. (Howe) Johnson. Enlis. Sept. 5th, mus. Oct. 31st, 1861, Priv. Co. C, 5th Reg. Ohio Cav., for 3 yrs.. Army of Tennessee. In battle of Shiloh, April 6th and 7th, 1862, Corinth, Miss., April to May 30th, 1862. Scouting at Memphis, Tenn., Bohvar, Tenn., Sept. 1862. Scouting in Georgia, Alabama and Missis- sippi, 1863. Disch. Nov. 29th, 1864. Exp. term. JOHNSON, FRANCIS W. Res. Seymour, Ind. Born at Newburyport, 1831. Son of Dr. Jonathan G. and Betsey (White) Jolmson. Enlis. April 22d, mus. April 24th, 1861, 1st Sergt. Co. H, 6th Reg. Ind. Inft., for 3 mo. Disch. Aug. 2d, 1861, as Frank Johnson. Exp. term. Re-entered the service as Francis W. Johnson, Sept. 12th, 1861, as 1st Lieut. Co. K, 50th Reg. Ind. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Jan. 5th, 1865. JOHNSON, THOMAS. Born at Newburyport. Age 22 years. Mus. Oct. 7th, 1863, Priv. Co. K, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Bristol, INDrVTDTJAL RECORDS, ARMY. 455 N.H. In 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. Jime 28th, 1865, from Co. G, end of war. JOHNSON, WILLIAM W. Born at Newburyport, May 8th, 1833. Son of Isaac W. and Jane A. (Bedell) Jolinson. Enlis. Aug. 17th, mus. Sept. 23d, 1862, Priv. Co. E, 14th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Strat- ford, N.H. In 22d Army Corps, Dist. of Washington, D.C. Disch. for disab. Sept. 29th, 1863. KENNEDY, JOHN. Born at Newburyport. Age 25 years. Enlis. and mus- Oct. 12th, 1863, Priv. Co. A, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Keene, N.H. Transf. to 168th Co., 2d Bat'ln Vet. Res. Corps, April 17th, 1865. Disch. June 5th, 1865, end of war. KNAPP, SAMUEL. Res. Charlestown, Mass. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 23d, 1847. Son of Samuel and Lydia (Johnson) Knapp. Mus. July 25th, 1864, Priv. Co. B, 5th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Disch. Nov. 16th, 1864. Exp. term. KNAPP, JACOB G. Res. Charlestown, Mass. Born at Newburyport, March 4th, 1846. Son of Samuel and Lydia (Johnson) Knapp. Mus. Jan. 2d, 1864, Priv. 11th Mass. Battery L. A., for 3 yrs. Disch. Jime 16th, 1865, end of war. KNAPP, NATHANIEL OSGOOD. Res. California. Bom at Newburyport, June 6th, 1832. Son of Benjamin R. and Sarah (Lewis) Knapp. Mus. Sept. 5th, 1861, 1st Sergt. Co. B, 2d Reg. Cal. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. Sept. 5th, 1864, at Fort Tejon, Cal. Exp. term. Died at San Francisco, Cal., bur. in Odd Fellows' Lot. KNAPP, JOHN MOODY. Res. Worcester, Mass. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 6th, 1837. Son of Benjamin R. and Sarah (Lewis) Knapp. Enlis, April 16th, mus. April 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 6th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment through Baltimore, Md., April 19th, 1861. Guard duty at Washington, D.C. Disch. Aug. 2d, 1861. Exp. term. Mus. Sept. 24th, 1861, Sergt. Co. G, 25th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. In Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. Engagements, at Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, 1862. Disch. for disab. Sept. 25th, 1862. Died Sept. 21st, 1877, bur. at Worcester, Mass. KNAPP, FRANK F. Res. Worcester, Mass. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 17th, 1840. Son of Benjamin R. and Sarah (Lewis) Knapp. Mus. Priv. Co. G, 25th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Worcester, Mass. In Burnside's expedition to North Carohna. Capture of Roanoke Island, N.C., Feb. 8th, New Berne, N.C., March 14th, Kinston. N.C., Dec. 14th, 456 NEWBUEYPORT UST THE CIVIL WAR. Goldsboro, N.C., Dec. 17th, 1862. Promoted Corporal. Died at New- buryport, Nov. 1st, 1864, of fever, while on fiu-lough, bur. Oak Hill. LAIRD, ROBERT B. Res. Hampton, N.H. Bom at Newburyport, March 31st, 1828. Son of Robert and Ann E. Laird. Enlis. Sept. 15th, mus. Oct. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. I, 15th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 9 mo., 19th Army Corps, Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Aug. 13th, 1863. Exp. term. LAWRENCE, CHARLES E. Res. Antrim, N.H. Bom at Newburyport, 1839- Son of Edwin and Mary Ranney Lawrence. Enlis. May 15th, mus. June 5th, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 2d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, and 18th Army Corps. Re-enlis. in same regiment and company as a Veteran, Jan. 1st, 1864, for 3 yrs. Died Jan. 9th, 1865, while a prisoner at Richmond, Va. LEWIS, SAMUEL W. Bom in Maine, June 2d, 1836. Son of Andrew P. and Lucy Ann Lewis. Mus. Priv. Oct. 7th, 1861, 1st Unat. Co. Mass. Cav., 3d Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., Dept. of Gulf. Promoted Corporal May, 1862, Sergt. Sept., 1862, 1st Sergt. Jan. 1st, 1863, 2d Lieut. Aug. 27th, 1863. On duty at New Orleans, La. In engagements at Hender- son's Hill, La., March 24th, Wilson's Farm, La., April 7th, Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8th, Pleasant Hill, La., April 9th, Cane River, La., April 23d, Alexandria, La., May 1st, Winchester, Va., Sept. 19th, Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22d, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 26th, 1864, cred. to Danvers, Mass. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., Aug, 26th, 1898, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. LITTLE, MOSES C. Res. Haverhill, Mass. Bom at Newburyport, July 14th, 1824. Son of Joshua and Ann Little. Mus. Aug. 12th, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11th, 1862, while skir- mishing in the streets of the city. Bur. near the bank of the river. LITTLE, SAMUEL B. Res. Claremont, N.H. Bom Newburyport, July 24th, 1828. Son of Joshua and Ann Little. Enhs. Sept. 27th, mus. Oct. 12th, 1861, 1st Sergt. Co. G, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., Army of the Potomac. In the Peninsular campaign from Yorktown to Harrison's Landing. Promoted 2d Lieut. Aug. 1st, 1862. Wounded in thigh at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and died from wounds. Bur. at Claremont, N.H. LOWELL, ABNER. Bom at Newburyport. Son of Abner and Betsey (Tap- pan) Lowell. Enlis. Aug. 7th, mus. Aug. 25th, 1S62, Priv. Co. C, 10th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., 18th Army Corps, Army of the James, and 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Cred. to Raymond, N.H. Disch. for disab. Feb. 23d, 1865. INDIVIDUAL RECOKDS, ARMY. 457 LOWER Y, PATRICK. Born at Newburyport. Age 19 years. Enlis. Oct. 15th, mus. Oct. 17th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 18th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Manchester, N.H. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. Transf. to Co. I. Disch. Jiily 29th, 1865, end of war. LUNT, FRANCIS F. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 26th, 1818. Enlis. July 22d, mus. Aug. 5th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Lowell, Mass. Slightly wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, 1863, and taken prisoner. Sent to Richmond, Va. Paroled May 17th, 1863. Disch. June 20th, 1865, end of war. LUNT, JOSEPH W. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 22d, 1837. Son of Joseph J. and Louisa E. Lunt. EnUs. July 29th, mus. Aug. 4th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Newbury, Mass. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battles of South Moimtain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, Sulphur Springs, Va., Nov. 15th, 1862. Promoted Corporal and Sergt. at Spottsylvania, Va., May 18th. North Anna River, Va.. May 24th, 1864, and taken prisoner. Confined at Castle Thimder, Richmond, Va., and Andersonville, Ga. Paroled March 1st, 1865, at Wilmington, N.C. Died at Newburyport, April 7th, 1865, as paroled prisoner. LUNT, THOMAS P. Born at Newburyport, July 26th, 1840. Son of Joseph J. and Louisa E. Lunt. Mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Newbury, Mass. In 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 4th. Died from wounds, May 5th, 1863. Body sent to Newburyport, bur. New HiU. LUNT, EDMUND SIDNEY. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 25th, 1841. Son of Micajah and Mary (Johnson) Ltmt. Mus. Sept. 26th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 45th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Boston. In Dept. of North Carolina. Disch. July 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Chicago, lU., Sept. 21st, 1898, bur. Oak Hill. LYDSTON, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport, May 31st, 1813. Son of William and Mary (Collins) Lydston. Mus. Oct. 12th, 1861, Band 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 jrrs., cred. to Boston. Disch. Order War Dept., Aug. 14th, 1862. Mus. Oct. 31st, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 47th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Boston. In Dept. of Gulf. Duty at New Orleans and vicinity. Disch. Sept. 1st, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Jan. 4th, 1864, Band U. S. A. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. MAHONEY, JEREMIAH. Bom at Newburyport. Mus. Priv. Co. H (Gush- ing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel prisoners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp. term. 458 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. MALEY, JOHN. Bom at Newburyport. Age 20 years. Mus. July 31st, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Bernards- ton, Mass. Substitute for H. D. Fox. Captured by the enemy. Disch. June 30th, 1865, end of war. MANSFIELD, JOHN B. Bom at Newburyport. Son of David H. and Abi- gail A. Mansfield. Mus. Dec. 26th, 1861, Priv. 6th Mass. Battery L. A., for 3 yrs., cred. to Lowell, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. Killed in action, rebel camp, Bisland, La., April 13th, 1863. MANSFIELD, WILLIAM T. Res. Roxbury, Mass. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 27th, 1834. Son of David H. and Abigail A. Mansfield. Enlis. May 22d, mus. May 24th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 1st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Oct. 29th, 1862. MARSH, FREDERICK A. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 23d, 1842. Son of John J. and Elizabeth W. Marsh. Mus. Dec. 5th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. Promoted Corporal Jan. 8th, 1863, Sergt. Jan. 4th, 1864, 1st Sergt. Sept. Lst, 1864. In Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Capture of Roanoke Island, Feb. 8th, 1862. Engagements, at New Berne, N.C., March 14th, South- west Creek, N.C., Dec. 13th, Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, Dec. 16th, 1862, and wounded in shoulder. Whitehall Junction, May 6th and 7th, Pocahontas, Va., May 9th, Drury's Blufif, Va., May 16th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3d. Before Petersburg, Va., from June 21st to Aug. 25th, 1864. Disch. Dec. 4th, 1864. Exp. term. MARSH, ISAAC W. Res. Danville, N.H. Age 41 years. Bom at Newbury- port. Enlis. July 24th, mus. Aug. 22d, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. at Hilton Head, S.C, Nov. 8th, 1862. MERRILL, CHARLES G. G. Bom at Newburyport, July 17th, 1836. Son of David J. and Ann M. Merrill. Commis. Dec. 23d, 1863, Surg. 22d Reg. U. S. C. T., for 3 yrs. Attack on Petersburg, Va., June 15th and Sept. 29th, 1864, Fort Harrison, Va., Oct. 27th, 1864. Regiment or- dered from Petersburg, Va., to attend the funeral of President Lincoln. Afterwards sent to Maryland in pursuit of J. Wilkes Booth. Subse- quently to Texas. Mustered out Nov. 20th, 1865. Ser\'ices no longer required. MERRILL, WILLIS GRAY. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 2d, 184S. Son of William T. and Lavina B. Merrill. Mus. March 10th, 1865, Priv. Co. G, 30th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Rockport, Mass. With regiment in South Carolina. Disch. March 10th, 1866. Exp. term. Drowned at Chicopee, Mass., July 17th, 1869, bur. New Hill. INDIVIDTJAL RECORDS, ARMY. 459 NASH, SAMUEL L. Res. XewbunTX)rt. Born at Belfast. Me. Son of Francis J. and Rebecca Nash. Enlis. Jtily 25th. 1S62. Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 >ts., cred. to Gloucester. Mass., 5th Army Corps, .\rmy of the Potomac. Prisoner of war at Libby Prison, Rich- mond, Va. Paroled, and sent to hospital at City Point, ^"a., where he died. Feb.. 1S65. NELSOX, JEREMIAH. Bom at Xewbur>T>ort. Jan. 12th, 1S36. Son of Jeremiah and Marj- (Balch) Nelson. Mus. Sept. 15th, 1S62, Corporal Co. A, 50th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Salem. Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. At siege of Port Hudson. La., from May 26th to July 9th. 1S63. Di.-th. Aug. 24th. 1S63. Exp. term. NEWMARCH. JOHN. Bom at Newbur^Twrt. Nov. 5th. 1824. Son of John and Sarah Newmarch. Mus. Feb. 21st. 1S63. as Hospital Steward. 22d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs.. cred. to L}-nn. Mass. Disch. for disab. April 26th, 1S64. Died at L}-nn, Nov. 2d. 1S64, bur. New Hill. Newburj-port. NICHOLS, ROBERT C. Bom at Newbur>-port. Res. Boston. Mus. July 31st, 1S61. Priv. 2d Batteri- Mass. L. A., for 3 >-rs. At Baltimore. Md.. until Feb.. 1S62. Dept. of Gulf. Baton Rouge. La., Aug. 5th. 1S62. Promoted 2d Lieut. 13th Batteri' Mass. L. A., Nov. 5th, 1S62. 1st Lieut. Sept. 27th. 1S63. With batten,- at siege of Port Hudson. La., and Red River campaign. Disch. July 2Sth, 1S65, end of war. NOBLE, JAMES F. Bom at Newburyport. July 26th. 1846. Son of Da%-id C. and Rebecca H. (Rogers) Noble. Mus. Nov. 10th, 1864. Priv. 1st Reg. Mass. H. A. With regiment at siege of Petersburg, Va., and in defences of Washington. Disch. with regiment. Aug. 16th, 1865, in Co. M. Ser%-ices no longer required. Died at Fresno. Cal. NOYES, JOSEPH P. Bom at Newburt-port, Feb. 2Sth. 1821. Son of Josiah P. and Patience Noyes. Mus. Sept. 13th, 1861, Priv. Co. E. 22d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts., cred. to L}-nn. Mass. Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th. 1862. Disch. for wounds. Oct. 21st. 1862. Re-enlis. Jan. 4th. mus. Jan. 19th. 1864. Priv. Co. G. 56th Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 JTS.. cred. to L>-nn. In 9th Army Corps. Army of the Potomac. Disch. July 12th, 1865, end of war. Died jU L\-nu. Mass.. bur. at Lynn. ORDWAY, CHARLES M. Bom at Newbur^-port, March 1st, 1842. Son of John and Elisabeth S. Ordway. Enlis. Aug. 17th, mus. Sept. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. I. 4th Reg. N. H. Inft.. for 3 >-rs.. cred. to Chester, N.H. In 10th and 24th Army Corps. Battles at Port Royal. S.C.. Nov. 7th, 1861 ; James Island, S.C, June 10th, 1862 : siege Fort Wagner. July 10th to Sept. 6th. 1863; Drury's Bluff, Va., May 14th. 16th, 20th, 1S64 ; siege of Petersburg. Va., June 16th to July 30th. 1864 ; Fort Fisher. Jan 460 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 15th, Wilmington, N.C.. Feb. 22d, 1865. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, Feb. 15th, 1864. Disch. Aug. 17th, 1865, end of war. PAGE, EDWARD W. Born at NewburjTJort. Age 23 years. Mus. Sept. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Beverly, Mass. Disch. for disab. April 7th, 1863. Deceased. Bur. New Hill, Newburyport. PAGE, \^^LLIAM C. D. Bom at Xewbur>T)ort, July 20th. 1817. Son of Daniel and Polly Page. Enlis. Sept. 16th, mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, Priv. C!o. B, 17th Reg. X. H. Inft., for 9 mo., cred. to Greenfield, N.H. Transf. to Co. I, 2d N. H. Inft., AprU 16th, 1863. Disch. for disab. May 29th, 1863. PEARSON, THOMAS EDWIN. Born at Newbur>T5ort, Feb. 6th, 1841. Son of Daniel and Annie M. (Ordwaj') Pearson. Res. California. Enlis. March 23d. mus. Dec. 7th, 1863, Sergt. Co. A, 6th Reg. Cal. Inft., for 3 yrs. Appointed Quartermaster Sergt. Nov. 26th, 1864, Sergt.-Maj. 1865. Promoted 2d Lieut. Co. F, April 22d, 1865. With regiment on California frontier against marauding Indians. Disch. with regiment, Oct. 25th, 1865. at Benicia Barracks, Cal. Died at Newburyport, March 8th, 1901, bur. BelleAille Cemetery. PECIvHAM, WALTER G. Res. Newbur^i^ort. Born at New Market, N.H., Aug. 28th, 1836. Son of William H. and Joanna Peckham. Enlis. July 17th, mus. Aug. 10th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 >Ts., cred. to Newbury. Promoted Corporal and Sergt., 1864. Bat- tles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, .\ntietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded in wrist. In hospital at Washington, D.C. At Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863. Siege of Knoxv-ille. Tenn., from Nov. 17th to Dec. 5th. 1863. At Petersburg, Va., 1865. Disch. June 9th, 1865, end of war. PERIvINS, JOSIAH A. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 14th, 1835. Son of Josiah and Eimice W. Perkins. Mus. March 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. I, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 ^•rs., cred. to Ipswich, Mass. Wounded in left side at Drury's Bluff. Va., May 16th, 1864. In hospital at Hampton, Va., and Chestnut St., Pliila., Pa. Disch. June 21st, 1865, end of war. PERKINS, JOHN W. Bom at Newbur\-port. Age 24 years. Res. Seabrook, N.H. Enlis. May 13th, mus. Aug. 23d. 1861, Priv. Co. D, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 jt^., 10th and 24th Army Corps. Re-enlis. and mus. as a Veteran in same company and regiment, Jan. 1st, 1864. Died of wounds, April 1st, 1865, at Wilmington, N.C. PERKINS, DAVID F. Born at Newburyport. Age 19 years. Res. Ports- mouth, N.H. Enlis. Aug. 22d, mus. Sept. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 4th LSIJIVIDUAI, RECORDS, ARMY. 461 Reg. X. H. Inft., for 3 vrs., 10th and 24th Army Corps. Engagemente, Port Royal. S.C. Nov. 7th, 1861 ; Jamea Island, S.C, June 10th, 1862 ; Fort Wagner, S.C, July 10th to Sept. 6th, 1863. Re-enlis. in same company as a Veteran, mua. Feb. 28th, 18&4. KDkd in front of Peters- burg, Va., July 26th, 1864. PETTLN'GELL, MOSES STEWART. Bom at Newbury, Mass., Sept. 22d, 1824. Son of Mo=e= and Mary fHaskell; Pettingell. Mus. March 22d, 1862, Ist Sergt. Co. D, 2d Reg. Iowa Inft.. for 3 >ts.. Army of the Cum- berland, Battle of Shiloh. Tenn.. April 6th and 7th, 1862. Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3d and 4th, 1862. Siege of Mcksburg, ^li^.. and wounded by exploaon of shelL Came home from hospital, -\ug. 20th, and died Aug. 24th, 1864. Bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport.. PICKERING. VALENTINT:. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., July 22d, 1827. Son of Valentine A. and Ruth Rckering. Mus. Aug. 20th, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. ilass. Inft., for 3 yrs. DL?ch, for disab. Sept. 10th. 1863. Re-enlis. Dec. 9th, 1864, Priv. Co. H, 12th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, cred, to WeUfleet, ilas. Disch. Nov. 18th, 186.5. Services no longer required. Died at .\mesbury, Mas., Dec. 19. 1901. PIKE. ELBRIDGE C. Bom :-t Newburyport, Feb. 9th, 1831. Son of Laban and ilary rDunyan) Pike. Mus. Dec. 6th, 1861, Priv. Co. H. 23d Reg. Ma^js. Inft., for 3 yrs.. cred. to Boston, Disch. for disab. Oct. 28th, 1862. PIKE, WILLL\M CROCKER. Bom at Newburyport. June r2th, 18.3-5. Son of Laban and Mar>- Lhinyan) Pike. Mus. Dec. 6th. 1861, Priv. Co. H, 23d Reg. Mass. Inft.. for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston, Promoted Corporal .\ug. 6th. 1864. In Gen, Bumside's expedition to North Carolina. Battle of Roanoke Island, N.C.. Feb. 8th, New Beme, N.C., ilarch 14th. Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, 1862 ; Walthall Junction, Va.. May eth and 7th. Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16th, 18W. Disch. Dec. .5th, 1864, Exp. term. PIKE, JOSEPH STO^XR. Bom at Newburyport. Jan. 1st. 1844. Son of Laban and ilary RDunyan) Rke. Mus. .\ug. 22d, 1864. Priv. Co. L, 4th Reg. Mass. H. A., for 1 yr.. cred. to Lynn. Mass. Defences of Wash- ington. D.C. Disch. June 17th, I860, end of war. Died at Newburyport, Dec. 4th, 1896. PIKE, GEORGE iLUlSHALL. Bom at Newburyport. Nov. 1.5th, 1846. Son of Laban and Mar>- (Dunyanj Pike. Mils, ilay 16th. 1864. Priv. 11th Unat. Co. Inft., M. V. M., for 90 days. Disch, .\ug. loth, 1864. Exp. term- Mus. Aug. 22d, 1864, Priv. Co. L. 4th Reg. Mass. H. \.. for 1 yr., cred. to Salem, Mass. In defences of Washington, D.C. Disch. June 17th, 1865, end of war. 462 NEWBURYPORT BsT THE CIVIL WAR. PINGREE, AARON S. Bom at Newburyport. Age 26 years. Res. Epping, N.H. Enlis. Aug. 20th, mus. Aug. 21st, 1862, Priv. 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Adjt.-Gen. of New Hampshire has no further record. PONDEN, JOHN. Res. Manchester, N.H. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 15th, 1841. Son of John and Elizabeth (Delhanty) Ponden. Enlis. July 24th, mus. Aug. 20th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 10th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., 18th Army Corps, Army of the James. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862, and slightly wounded. Siege of Suffolk, Va., April 12th to May 4th, 1863. Cold Harbor, Va., June 1st, Fort Harrison, Va., Sept. 29th, 1864. Sent to Chapin Farm Hospital, Oct. 2d, 1864. Disch. June 21st, 1865, end of war. POOR, JOSEPH. Born at Newburyport. Age 44 years. Enlis. Sept. 22d, mus. Nov. 13th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 9 mo., cred. to Greenland, N.H. Transf. to Co. K, 2d N. H. Inft., April 16th, 1863. Re-enlis. and mus. in same company and regiment, Oct. 31st, 1863, for 3 yrs. Taken prisoner, Oct. 28th, 1864. Died at Salisbury, N.C. while a prisoner of war, Dec. 8th, 1864, bur. in National Cemetery at Salisbury, N.C. POORE, BEN:PERLEY. Born at Newburjrport, Nov. 2d, 1820. Son of Benjamin and Mary Perley (Dodge) Poore. Res. West Newbury, Mass. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Major 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. With regiment at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Died at Washington, D.C., May 29th, 1887, bur, at West Newbury. PORTER, WILLIAM HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, June 1st, 1833. Son of WiUiam, Jr., and Mary E. Porter. Mus. Feb. 9th, 1865, Priv. 61st Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Orange, Mass. With regiment at Petersburg, Va. Disch. July 16th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newbury- port, Feb. 5th, 1895, bur. New Hill. PRICE, JAMES. Bom at Newburyport. Age 27 years. Res. Concord, N.H. Enlis. and mus. Aug. 11th. 1862, Priv. Co. A, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Concord, N.H. In 2d Army Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. Missing at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3d, 1863. Returned. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June, 1864. Disch. May 30th, 1865, end of war. RAND, LEONARD. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 22d, 1818. Son of Daniel F. and Mary Rand. Mus. Sept. 19th. 1862, Priv. Co. G, 50th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Haverhill, Mass. Promoted Commissary- Sergt., Sept. 20th, 1862. In 19th Army Corps, Army of the Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Aug. 24th, 1864. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 463 RANDALL, CHARLES WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport, June 20th, 1840. Son of Moses D. and Sarah (Lake) Randall. Enlis. March 16th, mus. March 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. M, 1st Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., cred. to Salem, Mass. Re-enlis. as a Veteran, and mus. March 23d, 1864, for 3 yrs., same company. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C. Battles of Spottsylvania, Va., May 19th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 1st to 5th, 1864; Petersburg, Va., June 16th, and wounded in left hand. Sent to hospital at Phila. Returned to regiment, Aug. 25th, 1864. Promoted Sergt. Jan. 1st, 1865. Hatcher's Run, Feb. 5th, 1865. Evacuation of Petersburg, and pursuit of Lee's Army. Disch. Aug. 16th, 1865, end of war. Died at Amesbury, March 18th, 1902. REED, LaROY C. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Milford, Mass., April 24th, 1844. Son of Daniel T. and Margaret T. Reed. Enlis. Jan. 16th, mus. Jan. 17th, 1865, Priv. Co. F, 33d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Lowell, Mass. Disch. July 24th, 1865, at Dale Hospital, Worces- ter, Mass., end of war. Died May 2d, 1873, biu-. Oak Hill, Newbury- port. REED, NATHANIEL. Bom at Newburyport, July 15th, 1822. Son of Wil- liam and Lucinda Reed. Res. Keokuk, Iowa. Mus. July 23d, 1861, Priv. Co. G, 7th Reg. Iowa Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Sergt., Colpr- Sergt., and 1st Sergt., Co. G. Commis. 1st Lieut, and Capt., Co. G, 11th Reg. U. S. Col. T. Engagements: Belmont, Mo., Nov. 7th, 1861^ Fort Henry, Tenn., Feb. 6th, Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 13th to 16th, Shiloh, Tenn., and slightly wounded, April 6th and 7th, 1862; Corinth, Term., Oct. 3d and 4th, 1862, and severely wounded in arm. Died in service, in hospital at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 24th, 1864. Bur. in Miss. River National Cemetery, near Memphis, Tenn., Grave No. 191, Section 4. RICHARDS, CHARLES F. Bom at Newburyport. Age 22 years. Enlis- July 31st, mus. Sept. 18th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 4th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Somersworth, N.H. In 10th and 24th Army Corps. Campaign in South Carolina in 1862. Re-enlis. as a Veteran in same company, mus. Feb. 28th, 1864, for 3 yrs. Disch. Aug. 23d, 1865, end of war. ROBERTS, ALBANUS D. Born at Newbury, now Newburyport, July, 1845- Son of Emanuel B. and Sallie Roberts. Enlis. Feb. 29th, mus. April 5th, 1864, Priv. Co. F, 32d Reg. Me. Inft., Army of the Potomac. In battles of Spottsylvania, Va., May 12th to 18th, North Anna River, Va., May 24th, Cold Harbor, Va., June 1st, Petersburg, Va., and wounded, June 17th, 1864. Died Nov. 4th, 1864, at U. S. Gen. Hospital, Washing- ton, D.C, of fever. 464 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. ROLLINS, JOHN R. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 9th, 1817. Son of John and EUzabeth (Sawyer) Rollins. Commis. Sept. 19th, 1862, Capt. Co. H, 4th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Lawrence, Mass. In the Army of the Gulf. At the siege and surrender of Port Hudson, La. Disch. Aug. 28th, 1863. Exp. term. RONEY, MICHAEL. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 1st, 1845. Enlis. at Ports- mouth, N.H., as substitute, mus. Dec. 21st, 1864, Priv. Co. K, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Pelham, N.H. In Army of the James. Disch. July 20th, 1865, end of war. RUNDLETT, SAMUEL F. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 4th, 1834. Son of Samuel H. and Clarissa Jane (Davis) Rundlett. Enlis. as Oliver Davis, and substitute for Charles E. Sherman, Naugatuck, Conn. Mus. Oct. 5th, 1863, Priv. Co. A, 6th Reg. Conn. Inft., for 3 yrs. Promoted Sergt. Nov. 28th, 1864. Engagements: Chester Station, Va., Nov. 17th, 1864; Drury's Bluff, Va., May 10th, 16th, 20th, 1864; Fort Fisher, N.C., Jan., 1865. Disch. Aug. 21st, 1865, end of war. Died at Ipswich, Mass., Oct. 16th, 1889, bur. Oak Hill, Newburjijort. RUNDLETT, EDGAR C. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 29th, 1840. Son of Samuel H. and Clarissa Jane (Davis) Rundlett. Mus. Aug. 22d, 1862, Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. With regiment in defences of Washington, D.C., 1862. Died of fever at Newburyport, Aug. 10th, 1863, bur. New Hill. SALTER, EBENEZER E. Born at Newburyport, March 5th, 1812. Son of Ebenezer and Mary Salter. Enlis. May 17th, 1864, Priv. Co. A, 149th Reg. N. Y. Inft., for 3 yrs. Wounded in left leg at Dalton, Ga. Disch. at David's Island, N.Y., July 3d, 1865, end of war. SMITH, EBENEZER. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, Jan. 8th, 1840. Son of Ebenezer and Maria Smith. Mus. July 13th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 31st Reg. Iowa Inft., for 3 yrs.. Army of the Cumberland. Engage- ments, at Chickasaw Bayou, Miss., Dec. 28th and 29th, 1862; Arkansas Post. Ark., Jan. 11th, 1863; Vicksburg, Miss., May 18th to July 4th Jackson, Miss., July 10th to 17th; Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 24th Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 25th; Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27th, 1863 Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 10th to July 2d; Atlanta, Ga., July 21st to Aug. 25th; Macon, Ga., Nov. 20th to 24th; Savannah, Ga., Dec. 10th to 21st, 1864; Columbia, S.C, Feb. 15th to 18th, 1865. Disch. July 1st, 1865, end of war. SPALDING, RUFUS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Houston, Me., 1840. Son of Prescott and Susan E. J. Spalding. Enlis. Aug. 13th, mus. Sept. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 7th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Ken- INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARMY. 465 sington, N.H. Transf. to Co. G, 10th Reg. Vet. Res. Corps, July 16th, 1863. Disch. July 29th, 1865, end of war. Died March 31st, 1870, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. SPEAKMAN, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Born at Ashton, England, May 30th, 1837. Son of Jolin and Ann Speakman. Mus. July 2d, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 16th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to HoUiston, Mass. With regiment at Baltimore, Md., and Suffolk, Va. Ivilled in battle at Fair Oaks, Va., June 18th, 1862, bur. Oldtown. STONE, HENRY ATKINS. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 7th, 1838. Son of Jacob and Eliza Stone. Enlis. Aug. 25th, mus. Sept. 7th, 1861, Corporal Co. B, 8th Reg. Me. Inft., for 3 yrs. Sergt.-Maj. Nov. 13th, 1862. Disch. June 26th, 1863, to accept commission of 1st Lieut, 1st S. C. Vols., after- ward 33d U. S. Col'd Inft. Resigned commission, Dec. 16th, 1864. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 24th, 1867, bur. Oak Hill. STOVER, NATHANIEL F. Born at Newburyport, June 10th, 1829. Son of William and Jane (Currier) Stover. Mus. Sept. 16th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Salem, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Re-enlis. and mus. Nov. 29th, 1863, Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., for 3 yrs., cred. to Salem. Died at Salem, Mass., May 16th, 1864, bur. Oak Hill. Newburyport. STOVER, WILLIAM H. Bom at Newburyport, July 21st, 1824. Son of William and Jane (Currier) Stover. Mus. Capt. Co. A, 1st Reg. Wis. Inft., April, 1861, for 3 mo. Disch. at Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 10th, 1861. Commis. Major 1st Reg. Wis. Inft., Oct. 19th, 1861, for 3 yrs. Disch. at Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 19th, 1862, by resignation. SULLIVAN, DENNIS. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, 1845. Son of Jolm and Elizabeth SulUvan. EnUs. Sept. 20th, mus. Sept. 21st, 1864, Priv. Co. K, 7th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 1 yr., cred. to Newcastle, N.H. Drowned near Wilmington, N.C., March 25th, 1865. SWAN, RICHARD W. Born at Newburj^port, Feb. 28th, 1836. Son of Isaac and Esther G. (Somerby) Swan. Enlis. Aug. 4th, mus. Aug. 9th, 1862, Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to New- bury, Mass. Battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Sept. 17th, 1862, and injured. Disch. for disab. Dec. 27th, 1862. Died Jan. 30th, 1872, at Newburyport, bur. New Hill. SWASEY, WILLIAM HOWARD. Bom at Newburyport, June 18th, 1844. Son of Charles K. and Abby W. Swasey. Mus. Sept. 1st, 1864, Hospital Steward, and stationed at Lincoln Gen. Hospital, Washington, D.C. Chief apothecary in that hospital, Feb. 22d, 1865. Disch. at Washing- ton, D.C, Aug. 30th, 1865, end of war. 466 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. TAPPAN, ABRAHAM. Born at Newbiiryport, May 30th, 1800. Son of Ephraim and Eunice Tappan. Mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 19th Reg. Mai?s. Inft., for 3 \ts., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Dec. 13th, 1862. Died Jan. 22d, 1880, bur. New Hill. TAPPAN, EPHRAIM HUNT. Born Newburyport, Nov. 2d, 1835. Son of Abraham and Sarah (Stockman) Tappan. Mus. Priv. Co. C, 47th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Attleboro, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf at New Orleans, La. Disch. Sept. 1st, 1863. Exp. term. TAPPAN, WILLIAM SWAIN. Born at Newburyport, March 23d, 1842. Son of Abraham and Sarah (Stockman) Tappan. Mus. Aug. 28th, 1861, Priv. Co. F, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., 2d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. In battles of Ball's Bluff, Oct. 20th, 1861, Williams- burg, Va., May 4th, Fair Oaks, Va., Jime 1st, 1862, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Disch. Aug. 28th, 1864. Exp. term. TARR, JOHN STEARNS. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 17th, 1837. Son of Jonathan H. and Susan W. (Lunt) Tarr. Mus. April 30th, 1861, Priv. Co. D, 8th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 3 mo. Guard duty at Relay House, Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1861. Exp. term. Deceased. TEEL, MICHAEL C. Bom at Newburyport, May 30th, 1823. Son of John and Sarah Teel. Enlis. Aug. 4th, mus. Aug. 17th, 1862, Priv. Co. G, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Haverhill, Mass. Battles of South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14th, Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, and wounded. Sent to hospital at Washington, D.C. Transf. to Mc- Clellan Hospital, PhUa. Transf. to Co. G, 16th Reg. 2d Bat'ln Vet. Res. Corps, which designation was changed to 46th Co. 2d Bat'ln Vet. Res. Corps. Disch. Aug. 16th, 1865, end of war. Died at Newbury- port, Dec. 20th, 1880, bur. Oak Hill. TENNEY, CYRUS W. Born at Newburj^port. Age 26 years. Enlis. Aug. 25th, mus. Sept. 3d, 1862. Priv. Co. C, 6th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to South Hampton, N.H. In 9th Army Corps, Army of the Poto- mac. Appointed Corporal. Disch. June 4th, 1865, end of war. Killed Sept. 14th, 1884, by railroad train at Salem, Mass. TILTON, WILLIAM STOWELL. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 1st, 1828. Son of Stephen and Priscilla Tilton. Mus. Sept. 12th, 1861, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 22d Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 jts.. Army of the Potomac. Com- mis. Maj. Oct. 2d, 1861, Lieut.-Col. June 28th, 1862, Col. Oct. 17th, 1862, Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols. Sept. 9th, 1864. Before Richmond under Gen. McClellan in 1862. Wounded at Gaines's Mill, and sent prisoner to Richmond. Released. With regiment at Antietam, Fred- ericksburg, Chancellors\'iUe, Gettysburg, Wilderness, and the battles INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ARilY. 467 following, at Petersburg and Weldon R.R. Mustered out, Oct. ITth- 1864. Died at Xe\\-tonville, Mai;s., March 23d, 1889. TITCOMB, JOHN FARNUM. Bom at Newbury, now Newburyport, May 1st, 1828. Son of Solomon and Eliza G. (Woodman) Titcomb. Mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, Priv. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Rowley, Mass. In Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at New Orleans and in Port Hudson campaign. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. Enlis. at Newburyport, mus. Corporal Jul)' 23d, 1864, Co. H (Gushing Guards), 60th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 100 days. Guarding camp of rebel pris- oners at Indianapolis, Ind. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864. Exp, term. TITCOMB, JOSEPH AUGUSTUS. Born at Newburyport, May 1st, 1835. Son of Joseph M. and Sarah N. Titcomb. Appointed Acty. Master's U. S. N., Aug. 14th, 1861. Served on Water Wich South Atlantic Sqdn. Resigned July 5th, 1862. TITCOMB, CALVIN R. Born at Newbury, now Newbvu-yport, March 1st. 1839. Son of Solomon and Eliza G. (Woodman) Titcomb. Mus. Sept. 24th, 1862, 1st Sergt. Co. D, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Rowley. In Dept. of Gulf. With regiment at Port Hudson, La. Disch. Sept. 3d, 1863. Exp. term. TUTTLE, ALBERT. Born at Newburyport, June 9th, 1845. Son of John B. and Elizabeth A. (Talbot) Tuttle. Enlis. Sept. 15th, mus. Sept. 26th, 1862, Priv. Co. C, 45th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., for 9 mo., cred. to Boston. With regiment in North Carolina. Expedition to Goldsboro, N.C. Engaged at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, Whitehall, N.C., Dec. 16th, 1862, Dover Roads, N.C, April 28th, 1863. Disch. July 7th, 1863. Exp. term. Mus. Priv. U. S. Signal Ser\dce, March 29th, 1864, cred. to Boston. At Forts Gaines and Morgan, Ala., and campaign at Mobile, Ala. Disch. Aug. 31st, 1865, end of war. Died at Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 22d, 1902. TUTTLE, HIRAM C. Born at Newburyport. Age 36 years. Res. Concord. N.H. Mus. Sept. 9th, 1861, Priv. Co. H, 4th Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs. Commis. 2d Lieut. Sept. 20th, 1861, 1st Lieut. Jan. 17th, 1862. Died of disease at Concord, N.H., Feb. 7th, 1863. WALKER, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburjrport. Age 21 years. Mus. Aug. 11th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Chiches- ter, N.H. In 10th and 24th Army Corps. Engagements: at Port Royal, S.C, Nov. 7th, 1861; James Island, S.C, June 8th to 15th, 1862; Morris Island, S.C, July 10th, 1863; Fort Wagner, S.C, July 10th to Sept. 6th, 1863; Drary's Bluff, May 13th to 16th, 1864; Petersburg, Va., June 9th, 1864. Killed in battle at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16th, 1864. 468 NEWBURYPORT EN THE CIVIL WAR. WARREN, JOSEPH. Born at Newburyport. Age 21 years. Res. Hampton Falls, N.H. Enlis. Aug. 13th, mus. Sept. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. E, 13tk Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. for disab. Sept. 29th, 1863. WIGGLESWORTH, MOSES L. Born at Newburyport, Feb. 8th, 1817. Son of WiUiam and Sarah Wigglesworth. Mus. Dec. 30th, 1861, Priv. Bat- tery E, 1st Reg. R. I. L. A., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Nov. 15th, 1862. Re-enlis. Jan., 1863, Priv. Co. H, 2d Conn. H. A. Taken pris- oner. Died at Anderson ville, Ga., Aug. 26th, 1864, bur. in Anderson- ville National Cemetery, Grave No. 6,918. WILBUR, CHARLES TOPPAN. Born at Newburyport, May 18th, 1835. Son of Rev. Hervey and Ann (Toppan) Wilbur. Res. Marietta, Ohio, Commis. Asst. Surg. 59th Reg. Ohio Inft., Nov. 7th, 1861, for 3 yrs. With regiment in Kentucky. Engagements: at Shiloh, Tenn., March 2d to April 6th and 7th, 1862; Corinth, Miss., April 30th to May 30th, 1862. Resigned June 22d, 1862, on account of sickness. Commis. Asst. Surg. 95th Reg. Ohio Inft., Aug. 18th, 1862. Promoted Surgeon March 10th, 1863. With regiment at Jackson, Miss., and siege of Vicks- burg, May 18th to June 22d, 1863. At Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15th and 16th, 1864, siege of Spanish Fork, Ala., March 27th to April 8th, 1865, and other engagements in which the regiment participated. Mustered out Aug. 19th, 1865, end of war. WILDS, ASA W. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 2d, 1822. Son of Asa W. and Eliza Ann Wilds. Engaged in raising and organizing the 16tli Reg. Me. Inft. Mus. Col. Aug. 14th, 1862. Resigned commission Jan. 7th, 1863. WILDS, FRANCIS A. Born at Newburyport, July 31st, 1834. Son of Asa W. and Eliza Ann Wilds. Mus. Aug. 14th, 1862, Sergt. Co. A, 16th Reg. Me. Inft., for 3 yrs. Commis. 2d Lieut. Dec. 3d, 1862. Resigned Dec. 26th, 1863. Mus. Capt. Jan. 28th, 1864, in 59th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs. Disch. for disab. Sept. 9th, 1864. WOODMAN, ALFRED. Born at Newburyport. Age 26 years. Enlis. May 23d, mus. June 1st, 1861, Priv. Co. B, 2d Reg. N. H. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Concord, N.H. In 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Captured by the enemy, June 29th, 1862. Returned to company, Feb. 28th, 1863. Disch. June 21st, 1864. Exp. term. WOODS, GEORGE W. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 9th. 1820. Son of Richard and Betsey Woods. Mus. Sept. 12th, 1862, Priv. Co. H, 20th Reg. Mass. Inft., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. Disch. for disab. July 8th, 1863. Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., March 11th, 1885, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. INDIVIDUAL KE9ORDS, ARMY. 469 WOODWELL, CHARLES HENRY. Born at Newburyport, March 18th, 1828. Son of David T. and Joanna C. (Atkinson) Woodwell. Mus. Sept. 19th, 1862, Priv. Co. B, 5th Reg. Inft., M. V. M., cred. to Somerville, Mass. In engagement at Kinston, N.C., Dec. 14th, 1862. Di.sch. July 2d, 1863. Exp. term. Died at Worcester, Mass., July 30th, 1871, bur. Oak Hill, Newburj^ort. WOODWELL, GEORGE EDWARD. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 20th, 1833. Son of David T. and Joanna C. (Atkinson) Woodwell. Enlis. Sept, 16th, mus. Sept. 17th, 1861, Priv. Co. A, 1st Reg. Mass. Cav., for 3 yrs., cred. to Boston. With regiment at Port Royal, S. C. Sent to hospital. Disch. for disab. Oct. 3d, 1862. YOUNG, JOSEPH W. Correct name, Joseph H. Born at Newburyport, April 1st, 1845. Son of John C. H. and Louisa (Powell) Young. Enlis. Aug. 25th, mus. Aug. 31st, 1864. Priv. Co. B, 5th Reg. Mass. Cav., cred. to Boston. In 18th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Disch. May 24th, 1865, end of war. GREEN, WILLIAM L. G. Res. Newburyport. Bom at South Reading, Mass.,. June 12th, 1834. Son of Samuel A. and Martha Ann Green. Commis.. 2d Lieut. 2d Reg. Louisiana Inft. With Gen. Butler at New Orleans.. Resigned July 25th, 1863. Died at Lynn, Mass., June 26th, 1867, bur. Oak Hill Cemetery. Newburyport. 470 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS OF NATIVES AND RESIDENTS OF NEWBURYPORT WHO SERVED TO THE CREDIT OF OTHER PLACES. NAVY. ADAMS, WILLIAM WALLACE. Bom in Newbury, June 3d, 1842. Son of David J. and Sarah C. Adams. Appointed Surgeon's Steward, U. S. N., March 8th, 1864. Cred. to Brookline, Mass. Served on Cornubia. Disch. Aug. 29th, 1864, from Cornubia. Died at Springfield, Mass., bur. Oldtown Cemeterj', Newbury. ATLEN GEORGE. Born at Newburyport, June 14th, 1845. Son of Na- thaniel and Bertha (Cook) Allen. EnUs. Feb. 6th, 1865. as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. In Macedonian and North Atlantic Blockadmg Sqdn. Disch. as Sea., Feb. 7th, 1867. Exp. term. ALLEN EDWARD. Bom at Newburyport. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton Jan. 24th, 1862, U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Sehago, West Gulf Sqdn. Taken prisoner from steamer Columbine m St. John's River, May 23d, 1864. No record by Commissary-Gen. of prisoners. AMES EBEN. Born at Newburyport. Age 25 years, occupation, cooper. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 12th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Sagamore and Teaser, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 12th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from Potomac Flotilla. Exp. term. ANDERSON GEORGE. Born at Newburyport. Age 35 years. Cred. to Edgartown, Mass. Enhs. at Boston, Oct. 5th, 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Sabine. Taken prisoner from Passaic. Disch. April 22d, 1865, from recvg. ship, at New York. ARMSTRONG, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, April 7tii 1839. Son of George and Lucy Armstrong. EnUs. at Boston, Au- 29th 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on'^Pensacola and Portsmouth. Disch. Aug. 20th, 1863, as Sea., from Benton. Exp. term. Died at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1888. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 471 BABSON, EDWIN. (See p. 489.) BALLOU, EDWARD F. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, July 2d, 1841. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 15th, 1862, as 2d Class Fireman, U. S. N. Cred. to Roxbury, Mass. Served on Marblehead, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. for disab. Sept. 12th, 1862, from recvg. ship North Carolina. BAMFORD, CHARLES C. Born at Newburyport, July 1st, 1838. Son of Joseph A. and Lucy (Beeknxan) Bamford. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Dec. 30th, 1863. Cred. to Roxbury, Mass. Served on New Ironsides, North Atlantic Sqdn. Resigned May 29th, 1865, as Actg. Master's Mate, end of war. Died at Camden, N.J., Sept. 22d, 1898. BECKETT, WILLIAM. Born at Newburyport. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 12th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Bos- ton. Served on bark Gemsbok and Massachusetts, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. July 14th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila., Pa. BELL, JOHN. Born at Newburyport. Age 27 years. Enlis. at Boston, June 20th, 1861, in U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Cliicopee, Mass. Served on North Carolirm and Wabash, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 25th, 1862, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila., Pa. BLACK, GEORGE N. Res. Newburyport. Born at Derry, N.H., Oct. 10th, 1837. Son of John and Sallie (Ranton) Black. Enlis. Jan. 22d. 1862, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on /. P. Jackson, Potomac, and Mononga- hela, West Gulf Sqdn. At capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philips, near New Orleans, La., and naval attack at Vicksburg, Miss. Disch. April 15th, 1865. BLAISDELL, CHARLES T. Born at Newbury, July 22d, 1843. Son of Levi and Harriet Blaisdell. Enlis. at Boston, Jan. 23d, 1864, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Marblehead, Mass. Served on Flag, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Feb. 25th, 1865, as Lands., from Flag. Exp. term. BOWES, MICHAEL. Born at Newburjrport. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston, Mass. Served on Philadelphia and Brooklyn. BROOKINGS, CHARLES S. Born at Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupa- tion, harness-maker. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 23d, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston, Mass. Served on Ino. Disch. Sept. 26th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. See Co. K, 2d Reg. Mass. Inft., mus. Feb. 5th, 1864, cred. to Winchester, Mass. Disch. July 14th, 1865, end of war. 472 ]SrEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. BROWN, OILMAN E. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 30th, 1842. Son of GU- man A, and Mary W. Brown. Enlis. at Boston, May 18th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Chelsea, Mass. Served on Mont- gomery, North Atlantic Sqdn. On duty near Fort Fisher, Cape Fear River. Disch. as Lands., May 18th, 1864, from Montgomery. Exp. term. BURKE, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Dover, N.H., Dee. 25th, 1836. Son of James and Mary Burke. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., May 9th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Dorchester, Mass. Served on R. R. Cuyler, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. April 29th, 1862, from North Carolina. Exp. term. Enlis. as James Burke. Disch. as John Burke, correct name. BURKE, DAVID. Bom at Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, shoe- maker. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 3d, 1862, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Marblehead. Served on Ino. Deserted Aug. 18th, 1862, from Ino, at Boston. BURNHAM, JOHN. Born at Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, sail- maker. Enlis. at New Bedford, May 4th, 1863, as Sea., U. S. N. , for 3 yrs. Cred. to Ward 7, Boston. Served on Bermuda and Princess Royal, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Jime 13th, 1864, as Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. BURNS, GEORGE. Bom at Newbiiryport. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Boston, July 11th, 1861, in U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to West Cambridge, Mass. Served on Cumberland. Disch. May 26th, 1862, from recvg. ship Prince- ton, at Phila. BURNS, WILLIAM. Bom in Newfoundland. Age 18 years. Res. Newbury- port. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 29th, 1864, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. Deceased. Bur. Catholic Cemetery, Newburyport. BUTLER, JAMES. Bom at Newburyport. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Dec. 2d, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on North Carolina. Died Feb. 18th, 1863, in hospital at New York. BUTTS, CHARLES T. Res. Newburyport. Born in Newfoundland, Sept. 13th, 1834. Son of Moses and Elizabeth Arm Butts. Enlis. at New Bedford, Nov. 25th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Philadelphia, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. as Sea., Sept. 30th, 1864. Died at Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me., Feb. 27th, 1897. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 473 CALDWELL, AUGUSTUS. Bom at Newburyport, April 24th, 1825. Son of Abner and Lydia Caldwell. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 31st, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N.. for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Ohio. Died at Naval Hospital at Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 26th, 1861, bur. Oak Hill, Newburyport. CAMBRIDGE, AUGUSTUS. Bom at Newburyport, May 17th, 1828. Son of John H. and Dolly Ann Cambridge. Enlis. at Boston, Dec. 17th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on John L. Davis, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Jan. 14th, 1865, as Sea., from Savannah, at New York. CAMPBELL, PATRICK. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Jan. 29th, 1844. Son of Felix and Catharine Campbell. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 28th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston, Ward 2. Served on North Carolina, Sumpter, Vermont, Dawn. Participated in bombardment of Fort McAllister, Ga., and destruction of rebel steamer Nashville. Transf. to steamer Emma, and rated Sea., later as Capt. of After-Guards. Destruction of steamer Antiqii,e, and capture of blockade- runner Bat. Disch. Dec. 7th, 1864. Exp. term. CA VENDER, EDWARD. Bom at Newburyport, March 20th, 1825. Son of Bryant and Judith Cavender. In U. S. N. previous to war. Enlis. at Boston, April 14th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Milton, Mass. On Susquehanna and Nipsic. Died Dec. 4th, 1863, at Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. CHASE, JOHN. Bom at Newburyport. Age 30 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 28th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1863, as Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. CHASE, JOHN A. Bom at Newburyport. Age 18 years. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 30th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N. Cred. to Boston. Served on Tahoma, East Gulf Sqdn. Disqh. Feb. 25th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from Ohio, at Boston. CHASE, JOHN M. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Newbury, Mass., April 15th, 1831. Son of Joseph and Eliza Chase. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 29th, 1861, as 1st Cl^s Fireman, U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Princeton and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 20th, 1863, from recvg. ship at New York. CHASE, JOSEPH F. Bom at Newburyport. Age 24 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. June 16th, 1864, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. 474 NEWBUEYPORT EST THE CIVIL WAR. CHASE, BENJAMIN W. B. Bom at Newburyport. Age 20 years. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 21st, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Ino. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1862, as Lands. Enlis. at Boston, July 10th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn and Augusta Dinsmore, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. March 12th, 1864, as Lands., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Special Order. CHEEVER, JOSEPH C. Born at Newburyport. Age 35 years, occupation, Sea. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 16th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on North Carolina. Disch. Oct. 26th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina. Exp. term. CHENEY, WILLIAM A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Kingston. N.H., Sept. 14th, 1828. Son of Edward and Sarah (Dearborn) Cheney. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 19th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Pocahontas, West Gulf Sqdn. Deserted from Po- cahontas, Sept. 27th, 1862. Died at Newburyport, Feb. 11th, 1880, bur. New HUl. (See Army Record.) CHRISTOPHER, JOHN. Res. Newbur5T5ort. Age 20 years, occupation, fish- erman. Born in Newfoundland. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 7th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Delaware, North Atlantic Sqdn., and Kineo, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 16th, 1864. COFFIN, JAMES W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbiu-y, Mass., March 22d, 1833. Son of Benjamin and Mary Coffin. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., June 10th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on San- tee. Disch. Sept. 12th, 1862. Exp. term. COGGAR, THOMAS W. Enlis. as Jolm Rogers. Born at Newburvport, Feb. 15th, 1847. Son of Anthony and Ann (Coggar) Coggar. Enlis. at Boston, March 18th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for lyr. Cred. to Worces- ter, Mass. Served on Mtrcedita, North Atlantic Sqdn., and as con- voy for California mail steamers. Disch. March 28th, 1864, as Lands., from Mercedita at Gosport Navy Yard, Va. Exp. term. COGGAR, ANTHONY F. Born at Newburyport. Age 22 years, occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. Provost Marshal's Office, Dist. No. 5, at Salem, Sept. 7th, 1864, in U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Amesbury, Mass. Served on Rhode Island, North Atlantic Sqdn. Deserted Aug. 30th, 1865, from Rhode Island. CONLEY, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Ireland, Dec. 15th, 1840. Son of Thomas and Bridget Conley. Enlis. in U. S. N., Nov. 7th, 1861, as Sea. Died at City Point Hospital, New York, from injuries received while leaving railroad cars. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 475 CONWAY, WILLIAM, Res. Newburyport. Born in Liverpool, N.S., Aug. 3d, 184L Son of Thomas and Lucinda (Slocum) Conway. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 10th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on North Carolina, De Soto, and Daylight, East Gulf Sqdn At the capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, below New Orleans, La., and wounded. Sent to hospital at Brooklyn. Disch. for disab. Aug. 5th, 1862, from North Carolina, at New York. Deceased. COOK, CHARLES. Born at Newburyport, 1808. Son of Frederick and Hannah Cook. Served in U. S. N. several years previous to the war. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 16th, 1861, for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on recvg. ship Ohio. Disch. Feb. 15th, 1864, from Ohio. Exp. term. Deceased. Bur. Oak Hill. CRAM, JACOB W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Plaistow, N.H., July 23d, 1839. Son of Jacob and Harriet Cram. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., July 2d, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N.. for 3 yrs. Served on frigate Po- tomac, West Gulf Sqdn. While at Mobile, volunteered with 15 others from ship to hold Ship Island untU the arri^-al of troops. Disch. July 29th, 1864, as Coxswain, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. CULLENS, JOHN. Born at Newburyport. Age 24 years. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 30th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Charlestown, Mass. Served on Portsmouth, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 6th, 1863, as Capt. of Top, from Portsmouth. Exp. term. CUNNINGHAM, EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, blacksmith. Enlis. at Boston, May 10th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Winchester, Mass. Served on Azalea, South Atlantic Sqdn., and Memphis. Disch. Sept. 11th, 1867, as Ord. Sea., from Brook- lyn. Exp. term. DAVIS, GEORGE. Born at Newburyport. Age 36 years, occupation, Sea. Enlis. at Boston, April 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to West Roxbury, Mass. Served on frigate Minnesota, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. April 14th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from Minnesota. Exp. term. DICKINSON, BENJAMIN F. Born at Newburyport. Age 28 years, occu- pation, reed-maker. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 23d, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Bo.ston. Served on Mohican and Key- stone State, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 18th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. Exp. term. DIRHAM, EDWARD W. (Adjt.-Gen.'s Record says, "Edward Derham.") Res. Newburyport. Born in Pool, England, March 15th, 1836. Son of 476 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIYIL WAR. Edward and Mary (Willis) Dirham. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 28th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Perry, guard- ing Panama R.R., and sloop-of-war Shepard Knapp, and Union. Disch. 1863. Transf. from Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., to U. S. N., April 8th, 1864. Promoted Actg. Master's Mate, March 29th, 1865. Served on CanonicxLs, New Hampshire, State of Georgia, and James L. Davis, South Atlantic and East Gulf Sqdns. Disch. Oct. 21st, 1865, as Actg. Master's Mate, end of war. DODGE, DANA, Jr. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 24th, 1843. Son of Dana and Abbie (Welch) Dodge. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 19th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Lowell, Mass. Served on San Jacinto, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 31st, 1862, as Ord. Sea., Act of Congress, Aug. 14th, 1888. DOHERTY, ARTHUR. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 13th, 1847. Son of Patrick and Bridget Doherty. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., July 4th, 1862, as Coal-Heaver, U. S. N. Served on Sonoma, West India Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 31st, 1863, from Sonoma. (Adjt.-Gen. of New Hampshire says, "Arthur Dorithy.") EMERSON, GEORGE. Bom at Newburyport. Age 25 years, occupation, seaman. Transf. from Co. D, 1st Bat'ln Mass. H. A., to U. S. N., April 16th, 1864. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, Jan. 9th, 1865. Cred. to Boston. Served on Iosco, North Atlantic Sqdn. Granted sick leave from Feb. 22d, 1865. Disch. as Actg. Master's Mate, July 15th, 1865, end of war. (See Army Record.) EVANS, GEORGE E. Bom at Newburyport. Age 30 years, occupation, machinist. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Kingfisher, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 12th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., from Kingfisher. Exp, term. Died Aug. 31st, 1863. EVANS, WINSLOW L. Bom at Newburyport. Age 22 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 29th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Milford, Mass. Served on Sacramento. Disch. for disab. Sept. 19th, 1863, as Sea., from hospital at Norfolk, Va. PLEURY, CHARLES LEWIS. Bom at Newburyport, June 8th, 1846. Son of I;ewis H. and Fannie (Coolidge) Fleury. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 16th, 1864, as 1st Class Fireman, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston, Ward 3. Served on Cherokee, East Gulf Sqdn. In engagement at Fort Fisher, N.C., Jan. 13th to 16th, 1865. Disch. March 12th, 1865, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 477 FOOT, JAMES H. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 5th, 1817. Son of James L. and Susannah (Woodman) Foot. Enlis. at Boston, July 28th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston, Ward 1. Served on Ohio. Disch. Oct, 17th, 1862, as unfit for duty. FULLER, JOSEPH. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 7th, 1836. Son of John P. and Jane (Hidden) Fuller. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 16th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Wellfieet, Mass. Served on Flambeau, South Atlantic Sqdn., on blockade off Charleston, S.C. Disch. Oct. 26th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. Died at Newburyport, Sept. 19th, 1897, bur. Old- town Cemetery, Newbury. FULLER, GEORGE H. Bom at Newburyport. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 23d, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. 8. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Ward 1, Boston. Served on Ohio. At Naval Station, Washington, D.C., to March 31st, 1862. No further record at Navy Dept. GILDART, JOHN W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at sea, imder the American flag, May 21st, 1847. Son of Nicholas and Margaret (Critchley) Gildart. Enlis. at Boston, Jan. 4th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 jr. Cred. to Boston. Served on monitor Canonicus, South Atlantic Sqdn. At capture of Fort Fisher, N.C., Jan. 13th to 15th, 1865. At surrender of Charleston, S.C, 1865. Disch. Feb. 15th, 1865, as Ord. Sea. Exp. term. GLEASON, JAMES W. Correct name, John G. Butts. Bom at Newbury- port, Oct. 3d, 1841. Son of Moses and Elizabeth (Abbott) Butts. Enlis. at Gloucester, Nov. 12th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Served on Niagara, Glaucus, and Monitor Roanoke, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Jime 20th, 1865. Exp. term. (See Army Record.) Also in the Navy, as John A. Martin. GOODWIN, JOHN C. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 11th, 1836. Son of Amos and Sarah B. (Stone) Goodwin. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 19th, 1861, in U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Rhode Island, North Atlantic Sqdn. Deserted from Sabine, May 23d, 1862. (Record of Navy Dept.) GORWAIZ, JOSEPH B. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 3d, 1832. Son of Thomas and Sarah Gorwaiz. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Philadelphia, Kittatinney, Portsmouth, and Meteor, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Feb. 27th, 1865, as Quartermaster, from Savannah. Deceased. Bur. New HUl, Newburyport. 478 NEWBURYPORT EST THE CIVIL WAR. GREENOUGH, GEORGE W. Res. Xewburyport. Bom at Carmel, Me. Son of Freeman and Tryphena Greenough. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 27th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Kingfisher, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 15th, 1862, from Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. Exp. term. HADDOCK, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport. Age 14 years. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., July 7th, 1862, as 1st Class Boy, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Disch. Dec. 9th, 1862. Enhs. at Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 7th, 1864, as 2d Class Boy, U. S. N. Served on Vandalia, Beauregard, and Restless, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. June 8th, 1866, as Lands., from recvg. ship, at Phila. HALL, MICAJAH OTIS. Res. Newburyport. Born at Strafford, N.H., May 16th, 1821. Son of Ralph and Lydia Hall. Entered the U. S. N., Aug. 31st, 1861, as Paymaster's Clerk. Served on frigate Sabine. Disch. Jan. 12th, 1862. In Commissary Dept. at Alexandria, Va., from Nov. 21st, 1862, to Feb. 14th. 1863. HARDY, HENRY. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 22d, 1838. Son of WilHam and Sarah Hardy. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 27th, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on North Carolina and Arthur, West Gvdf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. May 22d, 1862, from Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. (See Army Record.) HOULIHAN, THOMAS. Res. Newburyport. Occupation, rigger. Born in St. John's, N.F., Sept. 7th. 1830. Son of Comelius and Dorcas Houli- han. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Quarter-Gunner, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Quincy, Mass. Served on Marion. At Forts Jack- son and St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, La., April 18th to 28th, 1862. Disch. June 23d, 1862, from Marion. Enlis. July 22d, 1862, on same vessel, for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Promoted to Boatswain's Mate. Disch. July 6th, 1863, from Marion, near exp. term. Correct name, Thomas W. Houlihan. Died at Newburyport, Oct. 20th, 1897. HOWELL, NATHAN K. Born at Newburyport. Age 19 years, occupation, machinist. Enlis. at Boston. June 16th, 1863, in U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Charlestown, Mass. HOYT, ENOS. Bom at Newburyport. Age 22 years, occupation, seaman. EnUs. at Boston, Nov. 25th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on North Carolina. Deserted at New York, Nov. 27th, 1862. HUTCHINGS, WILLIAM WARREN. Born at Newburyport, Dec. 19th, 1844. Son of Jonas and Sarah (Lee) Hutehings. Enlis. at Boston, March 24th, 1863, in U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 479 Mercedita, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. at Norfolk, Va., March 28th, 1864. Exp. term. Enlis. June 15th, 1864, at Boston, as substitute for Hilas T. Wheeler of Newburyport, for 3 yrs. Served on Gemsbok, South Atlantic Sqdn. IVERS, NEHEMIAH C. Born at Newburyport. Age 24 years, occupation, painter. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., June 17th, 1861, as Lands., U.S.N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Quincy, Mass. Served on North Carolina and Corir nedicut. Deserted from Circassian, June 4th, 1862. JAQUES, ENOCH. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 6th, 1806. Son of Enoch and Margaret (Ridout) Jaques. 1st enlistment, Nov. 3d, 1847, as Sea. On Iris in Mexican War. In naval battery No. 5 at Vera Cruz. Disch. Dec. 16th, 1848. — 2d. April 18th, 1856, at Norfolk, Va., as Sea., for 3 yrs. On the Pennsylvania. Disch. June 23d, 1858, from Portsmouth. — 3d. July 7th, 1859, at Philadelphia, as Sea., for 3 yrs. On the Prince- ton and Congress. No record of discharge under this enlistment. — 4th. March 4th, 1862, at Philadelphia, as Sea., for 3 yrs. On Princeton and Wabash. At Norfolk Hospital. Disch. from North Carolina, Jan. 11th, 1865. Bur. at Newbury. JOHNSON, MOSES. Born at Newburyport. Age 26 years, occupation, painter. Enlis. at Boston, Jan. 16th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Fitchburg. Mass. Served on Marblehead, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Jan. 25th, 1864, as Lands., from Marblehead. Exp. term. JOHNSON, GEORGE F. Born at Newburyport. Age 26 years, occupation, shoemaker. Enhs. at Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 20th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Ohio, Brandywine, and Wabash, South Atlantic Sqdn. Deserted Aug. 20th, 1862, from Wabash. JOHNSON, HARRISON G. OTIS. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Lawrence, Mass., July 19th, 1847. Son of Josiah E. and Maria A. Johnson. Enlis. Dec. 8th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Minnesota, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. at Newport News, Va., Dec. 29th, 1863. Exp. term. (See Army Record.) JOHNSON, GEORGE A. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 25th, 1841. Son of Paul and Harriett T. Johnson. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U.S.N. , Feb. 11th, 1863. Cred. to Roxbury, Mass. Promoted Actg. Ensign, Dec. 10th, 1864. Served on Geo. Mangham, South Atlantic Sqdn., Sun- flower, East Gulf Sqdn., and Sangamon, North Atlantic Sqdn. Wounded at Harlett's Battery, James River, April 1st, 1865. Resigned Nov. 12th, 1865, end of war. Died at Boston, Feb. 29th, 1896, bur. New Hill, Newbur^-port. 480 NEWBUEYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. JONES, MERRICK. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Lebanon, Me., Oct. 31st, 1839. Son of James 3d and Eliza (Ricker) Jones. Enlis. at Boston, May 6th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Mississippi, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. at New York, Aug. 1st, 1862. Enlis. Oct. 6th, 1863, for 1 yr. Served on Hendrick Hudson, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. at New York, Nov. 29th, 1864. Exp. term. (See Army Record.) JONES, WILLIAM. Bom at Newburyport. Age 35 years, occupation, sail- maker. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 22d, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on the Pensacola, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Sept. 8th, 1863, as Sea., from Navy Yard at Phila., Pa. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Oct. 12th, 1863, as Quartermaster, for 1 yr. Cred. to Roxbury, Mass. Served on Sassacus, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 1st, 1864, as Quartermaster, from Sassacus. KAY, JACOB. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Eastport, Me. Occupation, mariner. Enlis. Nov. 10th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N. Served on Penguin and Gafamore, Gulf Sqdn. Lost overboard and drowned in Baltimore Harbor, July 28th, 1863. KENNISON, JAMES. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Nova Scotia, June 14th, 1837. Son of James and Harriet Kennison. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 17th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Ino, special service. Disch. Sept. 16th, 1862, as Sea., from recvg. ship Ohio, at Boston. KEYSER, WALTER S. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Wilmot, N.H., June 2Sth, 1838. Son of Samuel and Esther D. Keyser. Enlis. May 6th, 1861, as Ship's Cook, U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on South Carolina, South Atlantic Sqdn. Attack on Galveston, Tex., 1861, and on rebel gunboats on Miss. River, Oct. 13th, 1861. Disch. May 2d, 1862. Enlis. Aug. 12th, 1862, as Ship's Cook, for 1 yr. Served on Housatonic, off Charleston, S.C. Disch. Sept. 17th, 1863, KEZER, CHARLES C. Bom at Newburyport, March 2d, 1846. Son of Samuel and Martha G. (Woodman) Kezer. Enlis. at Boston, July 30th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Ohio, J. P. Jackson, Colorado, Clara Dolsen, and Benton, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 1st, 1863, off Natchez, Miss. Exp. term. Died at East Boston, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. (See Army Record.) KEZER, DAVID N. Bom at Newburyport, Nov. 8th, 1837. Son of Samuel and Martha G. (Woodman) Kezer. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 27th, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Bamstead, N.H. Ap- pointed Quarter-Gunner. Served on Vandalia, Colorado, and Mohongo. Died on Mohongo, July 2d, 1866. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 481 LANE, ABBOTT LAWRENCE Born at Newburyport, Dec. 22d, 1841. Son of Thomas and Ann (Coffin) Lane. Enlis. at Boston. March 12th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Athol, Mass. Served on Ber- muda, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. May 11th, 1864, as Lands., from Pen- sacola. Exp. term. LAWRY, ROBERT. Res. Newburyport. Born at Palmyra, Me., Dec. 3d, 1840. Son of Thomas and Susan (Mills) Lawry. Enlis. May 8th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Niagara and James L. Davis, Gulf Sqdn. Disch. at New York, Sept. 8th, 1862. Exp. term. (See Army Record.) LEARY, EUGENE. Bom at Newburyport. Age 23 years. EnUs. at Ports- mouth, N.H., July 8th, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Williamsburg, Mass. Served on North Carolina and supply steamer Bienville Disch. Nov. 4th, 1862, as Lands., from North Carolina, at New York. LEARY, DENNIS. Born at Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, sea- man. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Philadelphia. Drowned .\pril 25th, 1862, in Miss. River, from Brooklyn. LEWIS, CHARLES H. Bom at Newburyport, April 14th, 1836. Son of John and Martha Lewis. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Philadelphia and Itasca, West Gulf Sqdn. In Farragut's fleet. Promoted Boatswain's Mate, April 30th, 1862. Present at capture of New Orleans, Mobile, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and Grand Gulf. Disch. Feb. 27th, 1865, as Boatswain's Mate, from Savannah. Exp. term. LEWIS, MARK. Bom at Newburyport, Dec. 5th, 1811. Son of Mark and Sarah (Stockman) Lewis. Enlis. at Boston, April 30th, 1864, as Car- penter's Mate, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on frigate Sabine, apprentice ship at Norfolk, Va. Disch. April 29th, 1867, as Carpenter's Mate, from Sabine. Exp. term. In naval service previous to war. LOWELL, CHARLES H. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 22d, 1837. Son of Abner and Esther Lowell. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 13th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., TJ. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Philadelphia and Kittatinney, North Atlantic and West Gulf Sqdns. Disch. for disab. Aug. 25th, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. (See Army Record.) Died at Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., May 22d, 1895, bur. at Newburyport. 482 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. MACY, CHARLES C. Bom at Newburyport. Age 42 years. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Nov. 24th, 1862, as Ord. Sea., IT. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Hadley, Mass. Served on Kingfisher, South Atlantic Sqdu. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1863, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. sliip Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. MAGOWIN, NATHAN TAYLOR. Bom at Newbur\Tport, Oct. 5th, 1817. Son of Josiah and Margaret (Lakeman) Magowin. 1st enhstment, Sept. 30th, 1850, at Boston, as Sea. Served on Franklin and Albany. Disch. Aug. 25th, 1852, as Captain of the Top, as " Nathan Gowrn." — 2d. Oct. 19th, 1852, at Boston, as Sea. Served on Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado. At Pensacola Station, on the Vixen. Disch. from North Carolina, March 23d, 1854, as " Nathan McGowan." — 3d. Aug. 31st, 1854, at Boston, as Sea. Served on Ohio, John Adams, and disch. from Penn- sylvania, May 5th, 1858, as Coxswain, as " Nathan McGowen." — 4th. Aug. 2d, 1858, at Boston, as Sea., for 3 yrs. On Ohio, North Carolina, and disch. from Memphis, May 30th, 1859, as Captain of the Forecastle, as " Nathan McGowan." — 5th. Oct. 23d, 1860, at Boston, as Sea., for 3 yrs. On the Ohio, Cumberland, North Carolina, and Dawn. Disch. from Princeton, July 12th, 1862. At destruction of Gosport Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. On Cumberland in naval fight, and when sunk by the Merrimack at Hampton Roads, Va., May 9th, 1862. — 6th. Sept. 24th, 1862, at Philadelphia, as Sea., for 3 yrs. On Princeton and Jamestown. In hospital. Mare Island, Cal, Disch. from Savannah at New York, Oct. 27th, 1864, as " Nathan Magown." Died at Newburyport, March 28th, 1881, bur. at Newbury. MALONEY, JOHN. Born near St. Andrew's, P. E. I., May 15th, 1840. Son of John and Annestacia (Kelther) Maloney. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 28th, 1861, as Sea.. U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Worcester, Mass. Served on Brooklyn and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. At Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, La., April 18th to 2Sth, 1862. At Vicksburg, Miss. Galveston, Tex., Jan. 1st, 1863. Naval fight. Mobile Bay, Aug. 5th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 29th, 1864, from recvg. ship Prince- ton, Phila. Exp. term. McGUIRE, HUGH. Bom at Newburyport. Age 22 years, occupation, hatter. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 31st, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Sagamore, East Gulf Sqdn. Killed in action on Sagamore, at Fort McAllister, Ga., March 2d, 1863. MERROW, JAMES H. Bom at Newburyport, June 26th, 1832. Son of James and Judith Merrow. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 23d, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Santiago de Cuba. Deserted May 23d, 1862, from Santiago de Cuba, at New York; mitigat- ing circumstances. Enlis. Aug., 1862, in Co. B, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft., and served faithfxilly until the end of the war. (See Army Record.) LNDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 483 MOODY, NATHAN CARTER. Res. Newburyport. Born at Portsmouth, N.H., June 21st, 1831. Son of Henry and Jane P. Moody. Enlis. at Boston, Dec. 10th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Con- stellation on foreign stations. Disch. Jan. 30th, 1865, as Armorer, at Norfolk, Va. Exp. term. MORSE, ENOCH. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 16th, 1806. Son of Enoch J. and Margaret R. Morse. Enlis. March 16th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N. Served on frigate Wabash, South Atlantic Sqdn. Served in U. S. N. eighteen years previous to this service. Died at Newburyport, March 28th, 1881, bur. Oldtown Cemetery, Newbury. MULCAHY, JEREMIAH. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 27th, 1835. Son of Jeremiah and Judith Mulcahy. Enlis. in Boston, Nov. 12th, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Ser^•ed on Sagamore and Magnolia, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 18th, 1863, as Lands., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Exp. term. MULDOON, JOHN. Res. Newburyport. Born in Ireland, Jan. 10th, 1837. Son of Michael and Hannah Muldoon. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 7th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Delaware, North Atlantic Sqdn., and Kineo, West Gulf Sqdn. Records say, "Deserted Dec. 31st, 1863." MURRAY, JOHN D. Bom at Newburyport. Age 21 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Jime 24th, 1862, as Surgeon's Steward, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Sonoma, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. June 30th, 1865, as Surgeon's Steward, from Arkansas. Exp. term. NEAL, ALONZO M. Res. Newburyport. Bom at China, Me., March 15th, 1838. Son of Joshua and Deborah Neal. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. In engagements at Fort-s Jackson and St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, La., April 18th to 28th, 1862, and naval fight in Mobile Bay, Aug. 5th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. NUTTING, DEXTER WALTER. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Brunswick, Me., Jime 1st, 1841. Son of James and Sarah Nutting. Enlis. at Bos- ton, Nov. 18th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn, West Gulf Sqdn. At Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, La., April 18th to 28th, 1862. Disch. as Ord. Sea., Oct. 20th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York, near exp. term. Enhs. as Sea., U. S. N., Nov. 2d, 1863, for 1 yr. Cred. 484 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. to Dartmouth, Mass. Served on Hendrick Hudson, Roebuck, and San Jacinto, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 4th, 1864, as Sea. Exp. term. OFFITT, FRANCIS. Born at Newburyport. Age 44 years, Enlis. at Boston, July 20th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Benton, Mississippi Sqdn. Disch. from Benton during quarter ending Sept., 1863. Exp. terra. OSBORNE, WILLIAM H. Born at Newburyport, Feb 22d, 1848. Son of John and Mary A. Osborne. Enlis. at Boston, June 20th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Cambridge, Mass. Served on South Carolina, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. May 4th, 1865, as Lands., from South Carolina, at Phila. Exp. term. OSGOOD, FRANKLIN E. Bom at Newburyport. Age 19 years. Enlis. at Boston, June 21st, 1862, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Abington, Mass. Served on Pawnee, Montauk, and G. W. Blunt, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. March 6th, 1865, as Ord. Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. PAGE, CHARLES W. Bom at Newburyport, July 23d, 1838. Son of Henry and Margaret R. Page. Enlis. at Newport, R.I., Jan. 8th, 1863, for 1 yr. Served on Marion and Santee, school ship at Newport. Disch. at Newport, R.I., Oct. 12th, 1863. Died at Newburyport, Nov. 27th, 1901, bur. New HiU. PARKS, JOSEPH. Res. Newburyport. Born at Portsmouth, N.H., April 30th, 1834. Son of Solomon and Charlotte S. Parks. Enlis. at New York, N.Y., May 30th, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. At Fort Fisher, Dec, 1864, and Jan., 1865. Served on North Carolina, Alabama, Princeton, and Massachusetts. Disch. from Vermont, Nov. 19th, 1866. (See Army Record.) PETTINGELL, JOSEPH CUTTING. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 30th, 1838. Son of Cutting, Jr., and Mary N. Pettingell. Enlis. at Boston, July 22d, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston, Ward 9. Served on Marion, North Atlantic Sqdn., cruising between Portland, Me., and Norfolk, Va. Disch. July 30th, 1863, as Capt. of Forecastle. Exp, term. (See Army Record.) PIKE, WILLIAM JAMES. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 18th, 1833. Son of J. W. C.and Sarah A. Pike. Enlis. at Boston, May 28th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston, Mass. Served on Colorado and Richmond. Disch. June 30th, 1862, from Colorado. Exp. term. With Farragut at capture of New Orleans. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, ISAVY. 485 PIKE, EDMOND. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 18th, 1833. Son of Elias and Mary Smith Pike. Enlis. at Boston, Dec. 10th, 1861, as Sea., U.S.N. for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on St. Louis, cruising in search of the rebel steamer Florida. Disch. Jan. 6th, 1865, as Captain of Foretop, from R. S. Princeton, at Phila. Exp. terra. PIKE, WILLIAM B. Born at Newburyport, Nov. 22d, 1845. Son of Stephen S. and Helen F. Pike. Enlis. at Boston, Dec. 9th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boston. Served on Minnesota. Disch. Dec. 20th, 1863, as Lands. Exp. term. Died 1896, bur. Oak Hill. PIKE, JOSIAH LITTLE. Bom at Newburyport, May 28th, 1837. Son of Laban and Mary E. (Dunnyan) Pike. Enlis. at Baltimore, Md., Jvine 4th, 1863, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Richmond, W est Gulf Sqdn. Disch. July 15th, 1865, at Brooklyn Navy Yard, N.Y., end of war. (See Army Record.) POST, JOSEPH HASKINS. Born at Newburyport, April 16th, 1836. Son of Ebenezer and Emma Post. Enlis. as Boston, May 21st, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Served on Massachusetts, in Gulf Sqdn. Disch. March 15th, 1862, at New York, near exp. term. READ, WILLIAM. Born at Newburyport, Jan. 4th, 1834. Son of Joseph and Nancy (Philbrick) Read. Appointed Actg. Ensign and Pilot, Nov. 22d, 1864. Served on Passaic, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. June 13th, 1865, end of war. REED, JAMES. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 1st, 1828. Son of Charles and Mary Reed. Enlis. at Boston, July 2d, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Lowell, Mass. Served on North Carolina and Pensacola, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Jan. 23d, 1862, from Pensacola. REMICK, GEORGE W. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 28th, 1821. Son of William and Mary B. (White) Remick. Enlis. at Portsmouth, N.H., Jan. 17th, 1862, as 2d Class Fireman. Promoted 1st Class Fireman, May 15th, 1862. Served on U. S. S. Kearsarge. Blockaded rebel steamer Sumter at Gibraltar, and rebel steamer Alabama at Cherbourg, France, Fight between Kearsarge and Alabama off Cherbourg, France, June 19th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, near exp. term. RICH, ROBERT C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Tremont, Me., July 16th, 1810. Son of Jonathan and Margaret Rich. Enlis. at Boston, June 9th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Rated as Carpenter's Mate. Served on Genesee, West Gulf Sqdn. In action at Port Hudson, La., and wounded in shoulder and hip. Disch. for disab. at New York, Feb. 24th, 1864. Enlis. Aug. 16th, 1864, Priv. Co. M. 486 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. 3d Reg. Mass. H. A., cred. to Lowell, Mass. Disch. for disab. March 18th, 1865. Died May 18th, 1868, bur. New Hill, Newburyport. RICH, HENRY C. Born at Newburyport, March 16th, 1839. Son of Robert C. and Angalett (Bushee) Rich. Enlis. at Boston, Oct. 2d, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Henry Andrews. Wounded by rifle ball in left leg, March 22d, 1862. Taken prisoner, and leg amputated by rebel surgeon. Disch. for wounds, Dec. 1st, 1862. Died at Salisbury, Mass., April 30th, 1880, bur. New Hill, New- buryport. RICHARDSON, WARREN A. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 2d, 1846. Son of Pottle and Ann R. Richardson. Enlis. May 28th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Disch. Aug. 25th, 1864, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Exp. term. ROBERTS, THOMAS E. Res. Newburyport. Born at Newbury, now New- buryport, Mass., Aug. 1st, 1847. Son of James O. and Mary A. Roberts. Enlis. July 17th, 1864, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Served on Decatur. Disch. for disab. at Boston, Mass., Aug. 30th, 1864. ROBINSON, GEORGE. Bom at Newburyport. Age 17 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 13th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Tahoma, Alert, and Hendrick Hud- son, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Nov. 29th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., from Sa- vannah. Exp. term. ROGERS, JOHN. See Thomas W. Coggar. ROSS, GATON O. Born at Newburyport, April 26th, 1833. Son of John and Caroline (Robinson) Ross. Enlis. at Boston, Sept. 21st, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Adjt.-Gen.'s Naval Record says, "Deserted Aug. 31st, 1862, from Midnight." (See Army Record.) SHAY, GEORGE B. Born at Newburyport. Age 23 years, occupation, seaman. Enlis. at Boston, April 14th, 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Worcester, Mass. Served on Susquehanna, West Gulf Sqdn. Disch. for disab. April 8th, 1863, as Sea., from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. SHORT, GEORGE CHANDLER. Born at Newburyport, May 27th, 1S45. Son of George C. and Mary Ann Short. Enlis. at Boston, July 5th, 1864, as Ord. Sea., for 1 yr. Cred. t»- Boston. Served on Sacramento. Naval Record says, "Deserted from Sacramento, June 18th, 1865, at Southampton, England." INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 487 SHUTE, GEORGE EDWARD. Bom at Newburyport, Sept. 10th, 1840. Son of George S. and Mary P. Shute. Enlis. at Boston, June 19th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Lowell, Mass. Served on Wabash, South Atlantic Sqdn. Blockade duty off Charleston, S.C. Engagements, at Hatteras Inlet, Aug. 20th, 1861, capture of Port Royal, Nov. 7th, 1861, and slightly wounded by splinter. Bombardment and surrender of Fort Pulaski, Ga., April 10th, 1862. Capture of Femandina, St. Augustine, and Jacksonville, Fla. Disch. June 22d, 1863, from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. SNOW, JAMES. Bom at Newbur5T)ort. Age 23 years. Enlis. at Ports- mouth, N.H., March 29th, 1865, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Newcastle, N.H. Served on the Vandalia and Agamenticus. Disch. for disab. June 24th, 1865. SPILLARD, PATRICK F. Bom at Newburyport. Age 21 years. Enlis. at Boston, April 12th, 1861, as Lands., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Hins- dale, Mass. Served on Minnesota and Daylight, North Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. April 13th, 1864, as Lands., from Daylight. Exp. term. STANLEY, NATHAN KING. Res. Newburyport. Born at Lowell, Mass., Nov. 9th, 1833. Son of Milton and Abigail Staiiley. Enlis. at Boston, Feb. 10th, 1862, as 1st Class Fireman, U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Lowell. Served on Marblehead, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. for disab. Sept. 25th, 1863, from recvg. ship North Carolina, at New York. Died at Newbxiryport, Sept. 3d, 1895, bur. at Newburyport. STEVENS, JAMES ALBERT. Res. Newburyport. Born at Boston, June 17th, 1845. Son of Charles F. and Sarah H. (Tarr) Stevens. Enlis. at Boston, 1863, as Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Newbury, Mass, Served on Malvern, North Atlantic Sqdn. Picketing on James River. Taken prisoner while on picket. Confined in Castle Thunder, Richmond, Va. Released and rejoined the Malvern at Fortress Monroe, Va. At capture of Fort Fisher. One of the storming party from the ship in the land assault, Jan. 13th to 15th, 1865. Disch. Jan. 30th, 1865. Exp, term. THURLOW, RUFUS. Born at Newburyport, June 6th, 1839. Son of Ben- jamin and Sally A. Thurlow. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 15th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 jts. Cred. to Boston. Served on Brooklyn and Richmond, West Gulf Sqdn. At Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, La., April 18th to 28th, 1862. At Vicksburg, Miss., May 18th to July, 1863. Naval engagement at Mobile Bay. Aug, 5th, 1864. Disch. Nov. 30th, 1864, as Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. 488 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. THURLOW, JESSE. Bom at Newburyport, 1837. Son of Jesse and Mary Ann Thurlow. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 12th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Sagamore, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 3d, 1863, as Sea., from Anacostia. Exp. term. Died at Baltimore, Md. TOPPAN, MOSES. Bom at Newburyport. Age 41 years, occupation, sea- man. Enlis. at Boston, Nov. 20th. 1862, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Boylston, Mass. Served on Kingfisher, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Dec. 31st, 1863, as Sea., from recvg. ship Princeton, at Phila. Exp. term. WALSH, JAMES. Bom at Newburyport. Age 27 years. Enlis. at Boston, June 17th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 3 yrs. Cred. to Westfield, Mass. Served on Pensacola, West Gulf Sqdn., and Penguin, to May, 1862, when he deserted from recvg. ship at New York. WARREN, JOSEPH. Bom at Newburyport. Age 22 years. Enlis. at Ports- mouth, N.H., Sept. 4th, 1858, as Priv. U. S. Marine Corps, for 4 yrs. Served on Hartford. Disch. Sept. 9th, 1862, at Brooklyn Navy Yard, N.Y. Exp. term. WELCH, STEPHEN H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Portsmouth, N.H., Jan. 29th, 1835. Son of James and Christina Welch. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 26th, 1861, as Ord. Sea., U. S. N., for 2 yrs. ^Cred. to Boston. Served on Curleio, Mississippi Sqdn., and Potomska, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. Oct. 26th, 1863, from Potomska. Exp. term. WELLS, JOHN. Born at Newburyport. Age 25 years. Enlis. at Boston? June 20th, 1861, in U. S. N., for 2 yrs. Cred. to Springfield, Mass. Served on North Carolina. Disch. for disab. July 14th. 1862, from Naval Hospital at Phila. WENTWORTH, THOMAS G. Res. Newburyport. Bom at South Berwick, Me., Nov. 7th, 1825. Son of William G. and Sophia Wentworth. Enlis. June 28th, 1861, as Sea., U. S. N., for 3 j^rs. Promoted Gunner's Mate, May 1st, 1862. Disch. June 27th, 1864. Exp. term. WILEY, JOSEPH C. Bom at Newburyport. Age 31 years, occupation, mariner. Enlis. at Boston, Aug. 22d, 1864, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Cheshire, Mass. Served on Monadnock, South Atlantic Sqdn. Disch. for disab. June 21st, 1865, from hospital at Norfolk, Va. WILSON, CHARLES R. Born at Newburyport. Age 18 years, occupation, fisherman. Enlis. at Boston, Jime 24th, 1862, as Lands., U. S. N., for INDIVIDUAL RECORDS, NAVY. 489 3 yrs. Cred. to Boston. Served on Sonoma and Octovara, South At- lantic Sqdn. Disch. Aug. 5th, 1865, as Lands., from Octovara. Exp. term. WILSON, GEORGE. Bom at Newburyport. Age 41 years. Enlis. at Bos ton, June 27th, 1863, as Sea., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Worcester, Mass. On the Ohio, North Carolina, Shenandoah, and Onondaga. Disch. June 8th, 1864. WOODWELL, ALBERT AUGUSTUS. Bom at Newburyport, AprU 24th, 1840. Son of David T. and Joanna C. (Atkinson) Woodwell. Enlis. at Boston, May 20th, 1864, as Lands., U. S. N., for 1 yr. Cred. to Rox- bury, Mass. Served on Connecticut and Mahaska, East Gulf Sqdn. Disch. May 27th, 1865, as Lands, from recvg. ship Colorado. Exp. term. BABSON, EDWIN. Res. Newburyport. Bom at West Newbury, June 17th, 1831. Son of James and Susan Babson. Appointed Actg. Master's Mate, U. S. N., Jime 14th, 1862. Served on Sagamore and R. R. Cuyler, East Gulf and West Gulf Sqdns. Cred. to Amesbury, Mass. Pro- moted Actg. Master, June 14th, 1862. Disch. Nov. 1st, 1865. Died at Falmouth, Eng., May 1st, 1879, bur. at Falmouth, Eng. 490 NEWBITRYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. NATIVES OF NEWBURYPORT CREDITED TO OTHER PLACES. OFFICERS IN THE ARMY. Akerman, Joseph. Akerman, William F. Bartlett, William H. Caldwell, Richard S. Chase, Joseph T. Coleman, Edmund C. Currier, Amos S. Currier, Benjamin F. Davis, Edward E. Dodge, Horace W. Felch, Daniel M. Fox, Thomas B., Jr. Fox, Charles B. Fox, John A. Goodwin, John A. Goodwin, Warren H. Green, William L. G. Greenleaf, Richard O. Greenleaf, Chester A. Jackson, Nathaniel J. Jaques, Amos F. Johnson, Francis W. Lewis, Samuel W. Little, Samuel B, Martin, Dean R. Merrill, Charles G. G Nichols, Robert C. Pearson, Thomas E. Reed, Nathaniel. Rollins, John R. Stone, Henry A. Stover, William H. TiLTON, William S. WiLBER, Charles T. Wilds, Asa W. Wilds, Francis A. Capt. 3d Reg. N. H. Inft. R. Q.-M. 10th Reg. U. S. C, H. A. Capt. 4th Reg. Mass. Inft. Capt. 1st Reg. Oregon Cav. 2d Lieut. 27th Reg. Me. Inft. Adjt. 6th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. R. Q.-M. 78th Reg. N. Y. Inft. 1st Lieut. 78th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Capt. 20th Reg. Iowa Inft. Capt. 5th Reg. Mich. Cav., Brev.-Maj. 1st Lieut. 1st Reg. Mass. H. A. Capt. 2d Reg. Mass. Inft. Lieut.-Col. 55th Reg. Mass. Inft., Brev.-Col. Capt. 2d Reg. Mass. Inft., Brev.-Maj. 1st Lieut. 1st Reg. Mass. Cav. 1st Lieut. 29th Reg. Mass. Inft. Lieut. 2d Reg. La. Inft. Maj. 4th Reg. N. H. Inft. Capt. 25th Reg. U. S. C. Inft., changed to H. A. Col. 1st Reg. Me. Inft., Brig.-Gen., Brev. Maj.-Gen. Capt. 26th Reg. lU. Inft. 1st Lieut. 50th Reg. Ind. Inft. 2d Lieut. 3d Reg. Mass. Cav. 2d Lieut. 5th Reg. N. H. Inft. 1st Lieut. 36th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Surgeon 22d Reg. U. S. C. Inft. 1st Lieut. 13th Mass. Battery, L. A. 2d Lieut. 6th Reg. Cal. Inft. Capt. 7th Reg. U. S. Col'd H. A. Capt. 4th Reg. Mass. Inft. 1st Lieut. S. C. Col'd Inft. Maj. 1st Reg. Wis. Inft. Col. 22d Mass. Inft., Brev. Brig.-Gen. Surgeon 95th Reg. Ohio Inft. Col. 15th Reg Me. Inft. Capt. 59th Reg. Mass. Inft. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 491 OFFICERS IN THE NAVY. Babson, Edwin. Actg. Master West Gulf Sqdn,, cred. Lawrence, Mass. TiTCOMB, Joseph A. Actg. Master Gulf Sqdn., cred. Mass. Johnson, George A. Actg. Ensign North Atlantic Sqdn., cred. Roxbury, Mass. Page, Henry T. Actg. Ensign North Atlantic Sqdn., cred. Mass. Read, William. Actg. Ensign and Pilot South Atlantic Sqdn., cred. Mass. Bamford, Charles C. Actg. Master's Mate South Atlantic Sqdn., cred. Roxbxxry, Mass. Butts, Moses P. Actg. Master's Mate North Atlantic Sqdn., cred. Mass. Emerson, George. Actg. Master's Mate North Atlantic Sqdn., cred. Boston, Mass. NATIVES OR RESIDENTS OF NEWBURYPORT, WHO SERVED TO THE CREDIT OF OTHER PLACES, KILLED OR DIED DURING TERM OF SERVICE. ARMY. Bartlett, William H. Capt. Co. K, 4th Reg. Mass. Inft., M. V. M. Killed at Port Hudson, La., June 14th, 1863. BowLEN, William. Priv. Co. G, 6th Reg. N. H. Inft. Killed at Petersburg, Va.. July 28th, 1864. Brown, William H. Corporal Co. I, 72d Reg. Penn. Inft. Died Dec. 26th, 1862, from wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va. Burbank, Charles G. Corporal Co. G, Uth Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Bla- densburg, Md., Sept. ,30th, 1861. Colby, Hezekiah. Sergt. Co. K, 12th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at 2d Bull Run, Aug. 30th, 1862. Cole, Charles Lyman. Priv. Co. F, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at David's Island, N. Y., March 7th, 1864. Collins, Warren P. Priv. Co. C, 48th Reg. Inft., M. V. M. Died on ship Constitution, Jan. 28th, 1863. Dasha, John. Priv. Co. C, 9th Reg. N. H. Inft. Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17th, 1864. Dodge, Amos. Priv. Co. C, 7th Reg. N. H. Inft. Died of disease at Morris Island, S. C, Feb. 11th, 1864. 492 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. Emery, Charles T. Corp. Co. G, 48th Reg. N. Y. Inft. Died at Anderson ville, Ga., Sept. 8th, 1864. Fox, Thomas Bayley, Jr. Capt. 2d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died from wounds at Gettysburg, Pa., July 25th, 1863. Griffith, Henry P. Priv. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died of fever, Nov 13th, 1862, at Weverton, Md. Hackett, Horatio B. Priv. Co. K, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. HiNKLEY, Charles E. Sergt. Co. C, 56th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Peters- burg, Va., April 2d, 1865. Knapp, Frank F. Corp. Co. G, 25th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Newburyport, on furlough, Nov. 1st, 1864. Lawrence, Charles E. Priv. Co. G, 2d Reg. N. H. Inft. Died Jan. 9th, 1865, prisoner at Richmond, Va. Little, Moses C. Priv. Co. D, 19th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 11th, 1862. Little, Samuel B. 1st Sergt. Co. G, 5th Reg. N. H. Inft. Died from wounds at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13th, 1862. Lunt, Joseph W. Sergt. Co. A, 35th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at Newburyport, April 7th, 1865, paroled prisoner. Ltjnt, Thomas P, Priv. Co. B, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died May 5th, 1863, from wounds at Chancellorsville, Va. Mansfield, John B. Priv. 6th Mass. Battery L. A. Killed in action at Bis- land, La., April 13th, 1863. Nash, Samuel L. Priv. Co. H, 32d Reg. Mass. Inft. Died at City Point, Va., Feb., 1865, paroled prisoner. Perkins, John W. Priv. Co. D, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft. Died of wounds, April 1st, 1865, at Wilmington, N. C. Perkins, David F. Priv. Co. B, 4th Reg. N. H. Inft. Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 26th, 1864. Poor, Joseph. Priv. Co. B, 17th Reg. N. H. Inft. Died at SaUsbury, N. C, Dec. 8th, 1864. prisoner. Reed, Nathaniel. Capt. Co. G, 11th Reg. U. S. Col. T. Died in hospital, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 24th, 1864. Roberts, Albanus D. Priv. Co. F, 32d Reg. Me. Inft. Died Nov. 4th, 1864, Washington, D.C., from wotmds. RuNDLETT, Edgar C. Sergt. Co. B, 40th Reg. Mass. Inft. Died of fever at Newburyport, Aug. 10th, 1863. Speakman, James. Priv. Co. B, 16th Reg. Mass. Inft. Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., June 18th, 1862. Stover, Nathaniel F. Priv. Co. H, 3d Reg. Mass. H. A. Died at Salem, Mass., May 16th, 1864. Sullivan, Dennis. Priv. Co. K, 7th Reg. N. H. Inft. Drowned near Wil- mington, N. C, March 25th, 1865. Tuttle, Hiram C. 1st Lieut. Co. H, 4th Reg. N. H. Inft. Died of disease. Feb. 7th, 1863, at Concord, N. H. INDIVIDUAL RECORDS. 493 Walker, William. Priv. Co. B, 3d Reg. N. H. Inft. Killed at Deep Bot- tom, Va., Aug. 16th, 1864. WiGGLESwoRTH, MosEs L. Priv. Battery E, 1st Reg. R. I. L. A. Died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 26th, 1864. NAVY. Butler, James. Lands., U. S. N. Died in hospital at New York, Feb. 18th, 1863. Caldwell, Augustus. Ord. Sea., U. S. N. Died at Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 26th, 1861. Ca VENDER, Edward. Sea., U. S. N. Died at Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 4th, 1863. CoNLEY, James. Sea., U. S. N. Died at City Point Hospital, New York. Kay, Jacob. Sea., U. S. N. Drowned in Baltimore Harbor, July 28th, 1863. Kezer, David N. Sea., U. S. N. Died on Mohongo, July, 1866. Leary, Dennis. Sea., U. S. N. Drowned on Mississippi River, April 25th. 1862, from Brooklyn. McGuiRE, Hugh. Lands., U. S. N. Killed in action on Sagamore at Fort McAllister, Ga., March 2d, 1863. 494 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR. STATISTICAL INFORMATION. FROM PUBLIC STATE DOCUMENTS. SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MEN FURNISHED BY MASSACHU- SETTS FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. Three-Months' Service, 1861 3,736 Three- Years' Men in Army 96,270 One- Year Men in Army 4,728 Nine-Months' Men 16,685 One-Hundred-Days' Men 5,461 Ninety-Days' Men 1,209 Men in Navy 26,163 Number recruited from Dec, 1864, to ) 4 qiq and including Aug. 1865 j- . • . . ^ Total 159,165 The total number of deaths of Massachusetts men in the Army and Navy, from all causes, was 13,942. Killed or mor- tally wounded, 6,115. Died of disease, 5,530. Died in Con- federate prisons, 1,483. Died from other causes except battle, 814. FROM UNITED STATES PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, SHOWING THE VARIOUS CALLS FOR TROOPS, THE QUOTAS ASSIGNED AND THE MEN OBTAINED. Datb of Proclamation. No. Called fob. Period of Service. Quotas Assigned. No. Ob- tained. April 15th, 1861 . . 75,000 3 mos. 73,391 93,326 May 3d, 1861 . . . Vol. 42,034 ■ Reg. 22,714 , Navy, 18,000 May 3d, 1861 . . . May 3d, 1861 . . . 3 years 611,827 714,231 July 22, 25 and 31, 1861 500,000 J May and June, 1861 3 mos. 15,007 July 2d, 1862 . . . 300,000 3 years 334,835 431,958 Aug. 4th, 1862 . . 300,000 9 mos. 334,835 87,588 June 15th, 1863 . . 100,000 6 mos. Militia 16,361 October 17th, 1863 . February 1st, 1864 . 300,000 ) 200,000 ) 3 yrs. 467,434 374,807 March 14th, 1864 . 200,000 3 yrs. 186,981 284,021 April 23d, 1864 . . . 85,000 100 days 113,000 83,652 July 18th, 1864 . . 500,000 1, 2, 3 yrs. 346,746 384,882 December 19th, 1864 300,000 1, 2, 3 yrs. 290,000 204,568 Total 2,942,748 2,759,049 2,690,401 NEWBURYPORT IN THE CIVIL WAR, 495 SUMMARY OF LOSSES IN THE UNION ARMY. The following statistics are by permission copied from Regimental Losses in the American Civil War by Col. William F. Fox. In the American Civil War, the Union armies lost 110,070 killed or mortally woimded, and 275,175 wounded; total, 385,245, exclusive of the missing in action, whose number has not as yet been officially stated. Of the 110,070 deaths from battle, 67,058 were killed on the field; the remainder died of their wounds. This loss was divided among the different arms of the service as follows : — Sbbyicb. Infantry . . , Sharpshooters . , Cavalry . . . . Light ArtUlery Heavy Artillery ^ Engineers . , . General Officers ^ , General Staff , . Unclassified Total . Officers. 5,461 23 671 116 5 4 67 18 6,365 Enlisted Men. 91,424 443 9,925 1,701 124 72 16 103,705 Total. 96,885 466 10,596 1,817 129 76 67 18 16 110,070 Ratio of Officers TO Men. 1:16.7 1:17.7 1:14.7 1:14.6 1 :24.8 1:18.0 1:16.2 The losses in the three principal classes of troops were: KILLED OR DIED OF WOUNDS. Class. Officers. Enlisted Men. Total. Ratio of Officers TO Men. Volunteers Regulars Colored Troops 6,078 144 143 98,815 2,139 2,751 104,893 2,283 2,894 1:16.2 1:14.8 1:19.2 Total 6,365 103,705 110,070 1:16.3 ^ Heavy Artillery, acting as Infantry, is included with the Infantry. ^ Does not include officers in volunteer regiments detailed on staff duty. 496 NEWBURYPORT EN THE CIVIL WAR. DIED BY DISEASE. (Not including death in prisons.) Class. Volunteers . . Regulars . . . Colored Troops Total OpncEHS. 2,471 104 137 2,712 Enlisted Men. 165,039 2,448 29,521 197,008 Total. 167,510 2,552 29,658 199,720 Ratio or Officbrs to Men. 1:66.7 1:23.5 1:21.5 1:72.6 The total number of men enrolled was 2,772,408. Many of them enlisted for short terms and re-entered the service, and their names appear two or more times on the rolls. Reduced to a three years' stand- ard, the total enrollment would equal 2,320,272 men. This would give the following percentages: — KILLED OR DIED OF WOUNDS. Class. Enrolled. Killed. Pbb Cent. Volimteers ... Regulars ^ 2,067,175 67,000 186,097 104,893 2,283 2,894 5.0 3.4 Colored Troops 1.5 Total 2,320,272 110,070 4.3 DIED OF DISEASE. (Not including death in prisons.) Class. Enrolled. Died. Feb Cent. Volunteers 2,067,175 67,000 186,097 2,320,272 167,510 2,552 29,658 8.1 Regulars 3.8 Colored Troops 15.9 Total 199,720 8.6 ^ Many of the regulars were stationed on post duty. The regular regiments in the field sustained losses fully as heavy as those of the volunteers. NEWBTJRYPORT EST THE CIYIL "WAR. 49T DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES. Class. Enkollbd. Deaths. Per Cent. Volunteers . . Regulars . . . Colored Troops . Total 2,067,175 67,000 186,097 316,883 5,798 36,847 15.3 8.6 19.7 2,320,272 359,528 15.4 DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES (Classified). Causes. Killed or died of wounds . . Died of disease In Confederate prisons ^ . . Accidents Drowning Sunstroke Murdered Killed after capture . . . Suicide Military executions .... Executed by the enemy . . Causes known but unclassified Cause not stated .... Total .... Officers. 6,365 2,712 83 142 106 5 37 14 26 4 62 28 9,584 Enlisted Men. 103,705 197,008 24,783 3,972 4,838 308 483 90 365 267 60 1,972 12,093 349,944 AOOBEQATB. 110,070 199,720 24,866 4,114 4,944 313 520 104 391 267 64 2,034 12,121 359,528 ^ In addition to this number, there were 5,290 who died while priaonere, and who are included in the other items of this classification. The total number of Union, soldiers who died while in the hands of the enemy, according to this official report; was 30,156. The causes of their deaths are classified as follows: From disease, 24,866; wounds, 2,072; sunstroke, 20; accidents, 7; drowning, 7; killed after capture, 104, executed by enemy, 64; causes known but not classified, 319; cause not stated, 2,697; total, 30,156. But owing to the imperfect records kept at some of the Confederate prisons, the deaths are not all included in the foregoing statement. The mortality of Union prisoners, as shown by the graves, has been estimated at 36,401. Supplementary Record OF THE "GUSHING GUARDS" IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN 1898-99 IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 601 THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 1898-99. The blowing-up of the battleship Maine, with the loss of 266 American sailors, in the harbor of Havana, Feb. 15th, 1898; the ultimatum of President McKinley to the Spanish government, in which he demanded the evacuation of Cuba by the Spanish forces, with their refusal to do so, — resulted in the declaration of war against Spain by the Congress of the United States, April 21st, 1898. This action was immediately followed with a call by President McKinley, dated April 23d^ for 125,000 volunteers for the army. Massachusetts was re- quested to furnish four regiments of infantry and three heavy batteries to serve for the period of two years, unless sooner discharged. In General Order dated April 28th, His Excellency Gov- ernor Wolcott designated the Eighth Regiment of Infantry^ M. V. M., as one of the four regiments privileged to volunteer under the President's call. That the response was prompt is evinced by the fact that on May 5th the entire regiment reported at the State camp-ground at South Framingham, and on the 11th was mustered into the United States service for the period designated. On the 16th of May the regiment left the State for Ohickamauga Park, Ga., where they remained until August 23d; from which date until November 10th it was at Lexington, Ky., when it changed to Americus, Ga., where it camped until January 10th, 1899, when it embarked on the transport Michigan at Savannah, Ga., for Matanzas, Cuba, arriving on the 13th. The regiment continued in Cuba until April 3d, when it left for Boston, where it was mustered out of the United States service, April 28th, 1899. Company A, of the 8th Reg. Mass. Vols., the Gushing Guards of this city, was mustered into the United States ser- vice with three officers and seventy-four men, May 11th, 1898. 502 SUPPLEMENTARY RECORDS, GUSHING GUARDS. Under the call of the President of May 25th, the regiment was recruited to the army standard of 106 men to a company. Company A received 35 recruits, making its aggregate mem- bership while in the service 112 officers and men. Of this number, 1 died of disease, 3 were discharged for disability, 1 dropped as a minor, 5 transferred, 1 dishonorably discharged, and 2 deserted. The Gushing Guards was one of the oldest military organ- izations in the State, having been organized in 1778 as the Newburyport Artillery Company. During the War of the Revolution it was sent to Newport, R.I., to re-enforce General Sullivan. It was one of the first companies to respond to the call of Governor Andrew in 1861, and was three times mustered into the United States service during the rebellion. Its early and continued service to the State, with its honor- able and patriotic record, ought to have preserved its or- ganization, and continued it as a part of the State Militia. It was disbanded by General Order No. 11, Adjutant-Gener- al's Office, March 12th, 1902. IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 503 ROSTER OF THE GUSHING GUARDS. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Vol. Militia. U. S. VOLUNTEERS IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 1898-99. CAPTAIN. PERKINS, ALEXANDER G. Bom at Newburyport, Aug. 28th, 1867. Son of Edward and Mary S. Perkins. Mus. Capt, Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of LIEUTENANTS. DOW, GEORGE H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Seabrook, N.H., July 26th, 1870. Son of Charles S. and Lizzie L. Dow. Mus. 2d Lieut. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. AprU 28th, 1899, end of war. LANGDON, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Baltimore, Md., May 11th, 1863. Son of William C. and H. Agnes Langdon. Mus. 1st Lieut. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. SERGEANTS. BALCH, JOHN P. Res. Newburyport. Bom Groveland, Mass., July 13th, 1867. Son of Hiram T. and Mary S. Balch. Mus. Sergt. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Died Sept. 7, 1898, at Chickamauga Park, Ga., bur. at Newburyport. CONNELL, JOHN. Born at Newburyport, Aug. 8th, 1867. Son of James and Johanna Connell. Mus. Sergt. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1898, end of war. GOULD, HARLAN W. Res. Newburyport. Born at Topsfield, Mass., May 1st, 1860. Son of Allen and Leney Gould. Mus. Quartermaster-Sergt. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. 504 SUPPLEMENTARY RECORDS, GUSHING GUARDS. HOWARD, CHARLES W. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portsmouth, N.H., Dec. 4th, 1872. Son of John L. and Eliza Ann Howard. Mus. Sergt. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. MILLER, EDWARD. Res. Newburyport. Born at Rockport, Mass., Feb. 2d, 1876. Son of Edward and Elizabeth Miller. Mus. Sergt. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted 1st Sergt. Sept. 1st, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. ROBERTS, WILLIAM H. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Bom at Salisbury, Mass., March 3d, 1877. Son of James H. and Sarah K. Roberts. Mus. 1st Sergt. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Sergt. Sept. 1st, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. CORPORALS. BARRETT, JOSEPH J. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Pliiladelphia, Pa., July 18th, 1872. Son of John P. and Mary N. Barrett. Mus. Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May lith, 1898, for 2 yrs. D?sch. for disab. Feb. 17th, 1899. BARRY, GEORGE W. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Hanrich, England, June 3d, 1871. Son of Jolxn and Elizabeth Barry. Mus. Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. for disab. March 31st, 1899. FIELDS, BENJAMIN. Res. Newburyport. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 12th, 1874. Son of Benjamin and Agnes Fields. Mus. Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. FLAGG, JOSEPH G. Res. Newburyport. Born at West Brookfield, Mass., Sept. 10th, 1873. Son of Felix and EUen Flagg. Mus. Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war, HAY, FREDERICK J. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Miramichi, N.B., Nov. 8th, 1874. Son of WiUiam A. and Emiline Hay. Mus. Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. KELLEY, JOHN J. Res. Newburyport. Born in County Mayo, Ireland, May 9th, 1871 Son of Thomas and Bridget Kelley. Mus. Corporal Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 505 MUSICIANS. DANFORTH, EDWARD C. Res. Haverhill, Mass. Bom at Groveland, Mass., Sept. 14th, 1859. Son of Rodolphus and Sarah E. Danforth. Mus. Musician Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. DICKIE, WILLIAM A. Res. Newburyport. Born in Fredericton, N.B., Jan. 28th, 1870. Son of William and Lucy A. Dickie. Mus. Musician Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Transf. March 20th, 1899, to regimental band. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. AKTIFICER. HORGAN, JOHN J. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Cork, Ireland, March 11th, 1871. Son of Daniel T. and Mary Horgan. Mus. Artificer Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. WAGONER. SHEA, CHARLES. Born at Newburyport, Sept. 23d, 1870. Son of Patrick and Winfred Shea. Mus. Wagoner Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 19th, 1898. Returned as Priv. Sept. 21st, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. PRIVATES. BOARDMAN, CHARLES A. Bom at Newburyport, July 8th, 1874. Son of Samuel P. and Sarah E. Boardman. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of •war. BRAINARD, CHARLES H. Res. Dan vers, Mass. Bom at Salem, Mass., Jvme 5th, 1876. Son of John C. and Mary H. Brainard. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. BUNKER, WILLARD F. Res. Merrimack, Mass. Bom at Merrimack, Jime 27th, 1878. Son of Daniel C. and Helen Bunker. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of CAROLAN, CHARLES E. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 26th, 1872. Son of Daniel and Ellen F. Carolan. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. 506 STJPPLEMENTAKY RECORDS, GUSHING GUARDS. CHISNELL, JOSEPH E. Res. Newburyport. Bora in Glossop, England, May 19th, 1868. Son of James and Syrena Chisnell. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. CILLEY, JAMES T. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Seabrook, N.H., March 18th, 1845. Son of William and Sarah Cilley. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. CLARK, ROBERT E. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Marlboro, Mass., May 13th, 1872. Son of Martin and Bridget Clark. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth. 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. COBURN, ALBERT T. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Seabrook, N. H., Nov. 16th, 1879. Son of John W. and Mary I. Cobum. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. COOK, JOHN E. H. Res. Newburyport. Born at Atkinson, N.H., Feb. 1st, 1879. Son of John W. S. and Lizzie B. Cook. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth. 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. CURTIS, PHILIP E. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Portland, Me., Jan. 1st, 1879. Son of Philip J. and Emma G. Curtis. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. DAVIS, JOHN F. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Farmington, N.H., Feb. 25th, 1865. Son of Nathaniel N. and Amanda F. Da\'is. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted Cor- poral Nov. 23d, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. DINEEN, JOHN J. Bom at Newburyport, Oct. 5th, 1877. Son of Dennis P. and Ellen Dineen. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. DONAHUE, DANIEL F. Born at Newburyport, April 15th, 1879. Son of Florence and Margaret Donahue. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Transf. to Ambulance Corps, June 29th, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. ENGLAND, ALBERT G. Res. Amesbury, Mass. Born at Lowell, Jan. 29th, 1878. Son of George W. and Sarah L. England. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Dishonorably disch. Feb. 25th, 1899. IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 507 ERICKSON, JOHN O. Res. Newburyport. Born in Gothenburg, Sweden, March 2d, 1877. Son of Niles and Matilda J. Erick.son. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898. Promoted Corporal Aug. 1st, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. FOLLANSBEE, ARTHUR D. Born at Newburyport, July 25th, 1879. Son of Henry G. and Hannah M. Follansbee. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Deserted Nov. 17th, 1898. FOWLER, ANDREW J. Res. Seabrook, N. H. Born at Seabrook, N. H., March 16th, 1879. Son of Jacob S. and Martha L. Fowler. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. GOODWIN, HENRY L. Res. Newburyport. Born at Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 7th, 1865. Son of Sumner and Carrie A. Goodwin. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. GRAY, HAVEN J. Res. Newburyport. Born at Orono, Me., March 15th, 1864. Son of John W. and Mary T. Gray. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Transf. to Hospital Corps, Aug. 9th, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. GREENAWAY, WILLIAM F. Bom at Newburyport, July 14th, 1877. Son of Alexander and Eliza J. Greenaway. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. AprQ 28th, 1899, end of war. HALL, WILLIAM E. Res. Georgetown, Mass. Born at Dover, Minn., Jan. 20th, 1863. Son of Russell B. and Sarah Hall. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted Corporal (Cook) Feb. 17th, 1899. Disch. April 28th. 1899, end of war. HAZELWOOD, FRED. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Born at Dexter, N.Y., Oct. 24th, 1873. Son of George W. and Helen E. Hazelwood. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. HEALEY, FRANK J. Res. Newburyport. Born at Hudson, Mass., Sept. 20th, 1872. Son of Patrick and Ellen Healey. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May Uth, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. HILL, WALTER. Res. Northampton, Mass. Bom at Beaver Falls, Pa., June 29th, 1872. Son of Albert and Hill. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. 508 SUPPLEMENTARY KECORDS, GUSHING GUARDS. HOPKINSON, EDGAR G. Bom at Newburyport, May 12th, 1873. Sonjof William N. and Laura E. Hopkinson. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. AprU 28th, 1899, end of war. JACKMAN, FRED C. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Bom at Gloucester, Mass., April 3d, 1873. Son of Nathan M. and Wealthy J. Jackman. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Pro- moted Corporal Aug. 1st, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. JANVRIN, JOSHUA, Jr. Res. SaUsbury, Mass. Bom at SaUsbury, April 7th, 1880. Son of Joshua and Harriet Janvrin. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. KELSO, GEORGE H. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 28th, 1877. Son of Richard and Maiy Kelso. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1§98, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. KILBORN, JOHN A., Jr. Bom at Newburyport, Feb. 13th, 1870. Son of John A. and Mary E. Kilbom. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted Corporal March 12th, 1899. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. LAMBERT, OTIS. Res. Newbiu-yport. Bom at Eastport, Me., Jime 15th, 1875. Son of Thomas M. F. and Sarah Lambert. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. LEONARD, EASTMAN F. Res. HaverhiU, Mass. Bom at HaverhiU, Feb. 7th, 1872. Son of Charles F. and Fannie J. Leonard. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Transf. to Ambulance Corps, June 29th, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. LOONEY, GEORGE J. Bom at Newburyport, July 14th, 1879. Son of George J. and Bridget Looney. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war McCULLOUGH, ROBERT P. Res. SomerviUe, Mass. Bom at East Boston, Mass., Feb. 17th, 1879. Son of Henry and Mary McCullough. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. McDonald, peter L. Res. Newburyport. Born in'Chariottetown, P.E.I., Feb. 25th, 1879. Son of John G. and Penelope McDonald. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 509 McFADDEX, OWEN J. Res. Haverhill. Bom at Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 31st, 1879. Son of Owen and Catherine McFadden. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. McGLEW, HUGH F. Bom at Newburyport, Jan. 26th, 1875. Son of Frank M. and Mary A. McGlew. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted Corporal Sept. 20th, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. McSHANE, JAMES B. Res. Salem, Mass. Born at Boston, Dec. 14th, 1870. Son of James B. and Fannie E. McShane. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. METCALl- , CHESTER A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Worcester, Mass., June 22d, 1876. Son of EUas and Emma E. Metcalf. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war, MOYNIHAN, CORNELIUS P. Res. Newburyport. Bom in ffiUamey, Ire- land, Aug. 13th, 1869. Son of Patrick and Abigail Moynihan. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Pro- moted Corporal Aug. 1st, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. O'BEIRNE, EDWARD, Jr. Bom at Newburyport, March 12th, 1869. Son of Edward and Mary E. O'Beime. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted Corporal Aug. 18th, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899. end of war. O'CONNOR, PATRICK J. Res. Newburyport. Born in Killamey. Ireland, Feb. 15th, 1873. Son of Patrick and Ellen O'Connor. Mus. Priv. Co. B, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Promoted Corporal Nov. 23d, 1898. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. PATTERSON, FRANK C. Res. Newburyport. Born at Old Orchard, Me.. Dec. 15th, 1867. Son of Joshua K. and Frances A. Patterson. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. PICKARD, GEORGE A. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Georgetown, Mass., July 21st, 1879. Son of Charles A. and Abbie Pickard. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. 610 SUPPLEMENTARY RECORDS, GUSHING GUARDS. POOR, EDWIN H. Born at Newburyport, May 30th, 1881. Son of David S. and Annie L. Poore. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. June 30th, 1898. Minor. POWERS, FRED W. Res. Lynn, Mass. Bom at Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 12th, 1873. Son of Robert and Mary J. Powers. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. PREBLE, CHARLES E. Res. Newbur>T)ort. Born at West Newbury, Mass., Dec. 2d, 1875. Son of John W. and Abbie D. Preble. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Appointed Musician, March 20th, 1899. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. ROBINSON, JOHN. Res. Newburj^jort. Born at Mariboro, Me., Feb. 28th, 1871. Son of Michael and Sarah Robinson. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. SARGENT, DONN D. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Philippi, W. Va., May 11th, 1879. Son of George P. and Annie M. Sargent. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. SARGENT, JOHN C. Res. Newburyport. Bom at Philippi, W. Va., May 11th, 1879. Son of George P. and Annie M. Sargent. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. SHEEHAN, BARTHOLOMEW E. Born at Newburyport, Oct. 27th, 1879. Son of Michael and Mary Sheehan. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. AprU 28th, 1899, end of war. SHIELDS, JOHN J. Single, age 29 years. Res. Salem. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Deserted Sept. 16th, 1899. SMITH, WILLIAM F. Res. Salem, Mass. Bom at Salem, Sept. 5th, 1871. Son of James H. and Bridget Smith. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of SPEAR, THOMAS W. Res. Newbur\'port. Born at Portland, Me., Jan. 10th, 1880. Son of Wilmet and Ellen Spear. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN. 511 STEERE, EDWARD W. P. Res. Xewburyport. Born in Bristol, England, April 14th, 1876. Son of Edward and Charlotte Steere. Mus. Priv. Co. A, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 vrs Disch April 28th, 1899, end of war. WALL, WILLL\M B. Age 24 years. Bom Seabrook, N. H. Mus. Priv Co A 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war'. WATTS, CHARLES. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Bom at Newburyport, June 19th, 1858. Son of Charles and Caroline B. Watts. Mus. Priv. Co A 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. for disab. Jan. 4th, 1899. WATTS, DAVID. Res. Salisbury, Mass. Bom at Newburyport, Aug 8th 1860. Son of Charies and Caroline B. Watts. Mus. Priv. Co A 8th Reg Mass. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 28th. 1899, end of war. WHITE, GEORGE. Res. Newburyport. Bom in Lelet, Canada, Oct. 12th 1875. Son of Eugene and Phoebe White. Mus. Priv. Co A 8th Reg M^ss. Inft. Vols., May 11th, 1898, for 2 yrs. Disch. April 2'8th, 1899. end of war. COMPANY RECRUITED UNDER THE CALL OF THE PRESIDENT, DATED MAY 25th, 1898, AS FOLLOWS, WITH DATE OF MUSTER-IN. Argyle, John H. Brady, William H. Buckley, Frank J. Buckley, Matthew F. Burns, Andrew J. Burns, Jeremiah. Carver, Verner A. Hall, Oscar F. Heaney, Michael F. Hennessy, Ernest W. HoPKiNsoN, George H. HosMAN, Charles. Janvrin, John. Joy, Walter. McCarthy, Richard F. McMahon, William H. Moriarty, Jeremiah. Morrill, L. Edward. Murphy, John J. June 28th, 1898. July 2d, 1898. July 1st, 1898. June 28th, 1898. June 28th, 1898. June 21st, 1898. June 30th, 1898. June 21st, 1898. June 21st, 1898. June 21st, 1898. July 1st, 1898. June 28th, 1898. June 21st, 1898. June 21st, 1898. July 2d, 1898. June 30th, 1898. June 28th, 1898. June 21st, 1898. June 21st, 1898. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Wagoner. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. Private. 512 SUPPLEMENTARY RECORDS, CTJSHING GUARDS. Norton, John E, June 21st, 1898, Private. O'CoNNELii, Jeffrey J. July 2d, 1898. Private. O'Connor, John S. June 30th, 1898. Private. Oliver, William H. June 28th, 1898. Private. Pearson, Alfred, Jr, June 21st, 1898. Private. Saunders, Joseph E. June 21st, 1898. Private. Spofford, Amos L. June 21st, 1898. Private. Sullivan, John L. June 22d, 1898. Private. TwooMEY, Hugh. June 21st, 1898. Private. ToBiN, James E, June 21st, 1898. Private. ToBEY, Edward E. June 21st, 1898. Private. ToBEY, Herbert A. June 21st, 1898. Private. Terry, John. July 1st, 1898. Private. Tyman, John L. June 2d, 1898. Private. Upton, John M. July 2d, 1898. Private. Williams, George F. June 21st, 1898. Corporal. Co. B, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols. PETINGELL, JOHN M. Bom at Newburyport. Age 36 years. Son of Andrew H. and Nancy N. Pettingell. Mus. May 10th, 1898, 1st Lieut. Co. B, 8th Reg. Mass. Inft. Vols., for 2 yrs. With regiment in Cuba campaign. Disch. April 28th, 1899, end of war. BEAN, HORACE S. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM. PARKER, CHARLES J. WENTWORTH, GEORGE E. Index of Names INDEX OF NAMES. In compiling this index the author was confronted with the fact that the records of the city and state, as well as the army muster rolls revealed many discrepancies in names. In addition to this was the spelling of names differently by members of the same family and by the same individual. It has been the occasion of much careful research, and finally the author decided to make the Individual Records and Index give all names the correct spelling, ascertained up to the time of publishing, and to these the reader is respectfully referred when desiring to find the name of any relative or friend recorded in the book. Abbott, Alfred A., 54, 80. Adams, Charles A., 129. Adams, David J., 50, 137, 138, 145, 174. 181. Adams, David J. Jr., 165, 229. Adams, Hazen M., 165, 229. Adams, Mrs. James, 64. Adams, John, 118, 229. Adams, John Q. Jr., 442. Adams, Joseph E., 229, 428. Adams, Philip T., 95, 118, 229. Adams, Rufus, 174, 181, 187, 189. Adams, Selwtn P., 72, 84, 118, 229. Adams, Washinqton, 46. Adams, Mrs. Washington, 207. Adams, William, 118. Adams, William H., 129. Adams, William W., 470. Adolphus, Francisco J., 84. Ahern, Thomas, 38, 84, 183, 229. Akerman, John F., 404. Akbrman, John O., 73. 84, 118, 131, 230. Akerman, Joseph, 442, 490. Akerman, William F., 442, 490. Albee, James H., 96, 230. Aldrich, Horace L., 33. Alexander, Cornelius, 131. Allen, Edward, 470. Allen, George, 470. Allen, George E., 84. Allen, Ira H., 66, 84, 442. Allen, John B., 33. Allen, Joseph, 95, 118, 230, 431. Ai>LBT, George, 443. Alley, John B., 67, 80, 81. Alley, Joseph Jr., 38, 84, 224, 230. Alter, Mrs. S. J., 167. .\mbrose, John B., 19, 84, 230. Ames, Eben, 91, 470. Anderson, George, 470. Anderson, James, 73, 84, 118, 230, 431. Anderson, Genl. Robert, 11, 14. Andrew, Gov. John A., 11, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 65, 78, 83, 127, 146, 149, 150, 154, 155, 160, 179, 217. Andrews, Edmund Q., 33, 84, 131, 231, 431. Andrews, John, 144. Andrews, Mrs. John, 64. Andrews, Miss M. A., 64. Andrews, Misses H. R. and M. J., 167. Andrews, William, 74, 84, 118, 231, 431. Angier, Rev. Marshall B., 64. Appleton, Miss Elizabeth A., 44. Apt, James, 73, 84, 118, 231. Arey, George, 130. Argyle, John H., 511. Armitage, Alvin, 92, 404. Armitagb, Charles E., 165, 231. Arm.sthong, George A., 84, 231, 432. Armstrong, Thomas, 470. Ash, David B., 84, 232, 426. Ashby, William, 46. Atkinson, .-Vlbert J., 165, 232. Atkinson, John W., 33, 84, 232. Atkinson, William B., 232. Atwood, Charles, 74, 84, 118, 233. 616 516 NEWBUflYPORT EN THE CIVIL WAR. Atwood, Charles M., 33, 84, 190, 232, 432. Atwood, George H., 96, 118, 232. Atwood, Henry, 404. AiiBiN, Miss Abbie, 64. AuBiN, Miss Agnes A., 64, 207, 210. AtJBiN, Daniel, 66. AuBiN, Daniel D., 92, 404. AuBiN, John. 64, 84, 233. AuBiN, Joshua, 46, 195. AuBiN, Thomas, 176, 233. Austin, Albert F., 38, 85, 183, 233. Austin, Benjamin M., 85, 233. Austin, George W., 131. Austin, John A., 233. Ayers, Charles L., 165, 199, 233, 438. Babbridge, Charles M., 404. Babson, Edwin, 471, 489, 491. Backus, Joseph H., 85, 234. Badger, Charles F., 443. Bahan, William, 98, 118, 234. Bailey, John, 10. Bailey, John E., 145, 188. Balch, Miss Ann, 207. Balch, Miss Helen, 64. Balch, Isaac D., 443. Balch, John, 45, 62, 167. Balch, James M., 131. Balch, John P., 503. Balch, Joseph W., 132. Balch, Leonidas, 131. Balch, Miss Susan, 64. Balch, William, 45. Balch, William C, 144, 166, 187, 191. Balch, Mrs. William C, 206. Baldwin, James H., 125. Ball, Edwin, 234. Ballou, Edward F., 32, 85, 334, 471. Ballou, Frederick D., 33, 85, 234, 428. Bamford, Charles C, 471, 491. Bampord, Joseph A. Jr., 98, 118, 234. Banks, Thomas E., 33. Barker, George, 18, 19, 51, 56, 57, 92, 163, 235, 438. Baelow, Franklin, 235. Barlow, .Tosbph, 18, 19, 85, 235, 438. Barnes, James L., 235, 426. Barnes, Joseph, 66, 98, 118, 235. Barnes, Joseph, 95, 235. Barnett, Daniel, 33. Barrett, James, 118, 236. Barrett, Joseph J., 504. Barry, George W., 504. Bartlet, Henry, 204, 439. Bartlett, Albert W., 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 43, 48, 52, 56, 66, 71, 72, 83, 85, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 118, 221, 236, 426, 437. Bartlett, Charles J., 131. Bartlett, Edward F., 66, 97, 118, 176, 236. Bartlett, Horace W., 18, 19, 66, 72, 85, 118, 236. Bartlett, James W., 74, 85, 118, 237, 426. Bartlett, Joseph W., 94, 118, 237. Bartlett, Moses, 237, 438. Bartlett, Moses C, 19, 66, 72, 85, 118, 236, 426, 432. Bartlett, Nicholas W., 98, 118, 237. Bartlett, William H., 443, 490, 491. Bartlett, William H., 40, 66, 94, 118, 237. Bass, Miss Grace, 208. Bassett, Miss Georgiana, 207. Batchelder, Albert R., 95, 118, 238. Batchelder, Augustus H., 73, 85 118, 238, 432. Batchelder, D. Clark, 46, 47, 48, 64, 149. Batchelder. John W., 98, 118. 238. Batchelder, Joseph C, 19, 91, 238, 404, 439. Batchelder, William, 98, 118, 238. Battellb, George W., 33, 238. Battell, Everett, 405, 439. Baxter, Samuel, 18, 19, 85, 239, 438. Bayley, Charles E., 131, 199. Bayley, Charles M., 137, 138, 174, 179, 181, 195. Bayley, Charles W., 137, 138. Bayley, John R., 73, 85, 118, 239. Bayley, Robert, 79, 83, 144, 145, 195. Bayley, Mrs. Robert, 64, 195, 206. Bayley, Robert & Sons, 45, 166, 181. Beales, Wesley L., 239. Bean, Francis H., 85, 239. Bean, Horace S., 512. Bean, John A., 176, 443. Bean, William S., 130. Beecher, Henry B., 29. Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, 29, 30. Beckett, James, 85, 239. Beckett, William, 471. Bell, John, 405, 471. Bell, John, 91, 443. Bell, William Jr., 36, 85. Bellows, John B., 443. Bennett, Edward T., 96, 239, 426. Bennett, Michael, 98, 118, 240. Bent, William H., 74, 85, 118, 224, 240, 437. Benson, James F., 66, 73, 85, 118, 240, Berdge, Edwin A., 443. Bevan, Charles H., 131. BiERRiNG, Michael, 240. Billows, Joseph, 85. LNDEX OF NAMES. 517 Bishop, George P., 66. Bishop, Joseph W., 444. Black, George N., 471. Black, John, 84, 85, 240. Blaisdell, Charles T., 471. Blaisdell, Daniel B., 85. Blaisdell, Daniel D., 240. Blaisdell, Daniel W., 405. Blaisdell, George E., 74, 85, 118, 241. Blake, John, 241. Blake, Nathan B., 132. Blake, Samuel S., 138. Blockstock, David E., 33. Blood, Edwin, 48. Blood, James, 45. Blumpet, Philip H., 45, 48. BoARDMAN, Charles A., 505. BoABDMAN, Greenleap, 59, 112, 152. BoARDMAN, Isaac H., 29, 45, 46, 53, 112, 124, 127, 136, 138, 141, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 167, 193, 212. Boardman, William B., 46. BoDDER, St. Luke, 85, 118, 241. BooDY, Robert M., 33. Booden, William, 95, 118, 241. Borden, Rev. Thomas, 197. Boston, George P.. 241. BowEN, William G., 241. Bowes, Michael, 91, 471. BowLEN, William, 186, 444, 491. Boyd, John P., 85, 241. BoTLE, Michael, 119. Boyle, Nathaniel, 98, 241. Boynton, George W., 129. Bradbury, Charles E., 38, 242. Bradbury," George, 38, 85, 242, 437. Bradbury, William H. H., 34, 242. Brady, William H., 511. Bragg, Alexander, 74, 85, 119, 242. Bragg, Stephen, 176, 242. Brainard, Charles H., 505. Bray, George L., 212. Bray, Isaac A., 45, 145, 167. Bray, Mrs. Isaac A., 206. Brat, Stephen P., 167. Brasher, George, 242. Brewster, Rev. Leroy S., 196, 197. Brewster, William H., 99, 243. Brewster, William H., 45, 195, 212. Bricher, William, 95, 119, 243. Brichbr, William H., 33, 243, 426. Brickett, Joseph W., 444. Bridges, Rufus, 165, 243. Briggs, George W., 54. Brockway, Miss Addie, 64. Brockway, Charles G., 444 Bronbeck, Daniel A., 130. Brookings, Charles S., 471. Brookings, David L., 129. Brookings, George W., 94, 119, 244. Brookings, Melvin F., 130. Brookings, Samuel, 66, 85, 95, 119, 243 Brookings, Samuel Jr., 95, 119, 244. Brown, Alexander D., 46, 167. Brown, Andrew J., 132. Brown, Charles C, 91. Brown, Charles F., 48. Brown, Charles G., 445. Brown, Daniel Jr., 98, 119, 245. Brown, David F., 36, 37, 38, 51, 85, 244, 437. Brown, George H., 444, 491. Brown, George H., 85, 130. Brown, George R., 95, 119, 245, 432. Brown, George W., 245. Brown, George W., 38, 85, 191, 244. Brown, Gilm.3 nri40 r84 1 \ % \ \\ ^ »