Glass Book. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT ifa FROM THE OLD CEMETERY COPIED AND PUBLISHED BY Louis A. Woodbury, M. D. 9K.OVILAND, MASS. fv9 INSCRIPTIONS I §3 si I 1 IN © GROYELAND, MASS. (FORMERLY EAST BRADFORD.) tea 31 §9 |«M Vitv^ OF* HEAD STONE Oldest Grave in the Cemetery. See page 26 r A*J?. **- ■*& «*** ^t ^-•lV , * r «- ; FOOT STONE INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY IN GROVELAND, MASS. (FORMERLY EAST BRADFORD.) COPIED AND PUBLISHED BY / Louis A. Woodbury, M. D. oL.wji GROVELAND, MASS. l8 95 COPYRIGHT, 1S95 BY Louis A. Woodbury. PREFACE. It seems unnecessary for the writer to give any further reason for this publication, than to say what is well known, that in many in- stances the inscriptions on the older stones in our cemeteries are difficult to decipher, and it will not be many years before those on the oldest stones will be entirely obliterated. Persons who have been engaged in genealogical research are aware that the inscription on the tombstone is frequently the only record of death to be found, which adds to the importance of its preservation in some form. This list includes ali the stones now standing within the limits of the old burying ground, together with the first row of the addition of 1S38. There are many graves unmarked by stones ; some of them probably, having never had any. others having been destroyed. It must be borne in mind that the variation in spelling of proper names and other words, is largely due to the fancy of the engraver, who apparently followed his own sweet will in the matter of orthog- raphy. LOUIS A. WOODBURY. Groveland, March 1, 1S95. INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY IN QROVELAND, MASS. COPIED BY L. A. WOODBURY, M. D. INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY FORMERLY WIFE OF MOSES SANDERS DIED Feb 19 1854 Agd 84 yrs HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF ABIGAIL ATWOOD THE WIFE OF WILLIAM ATWOOD WHO DIED OCT 20th 1742 IN THE 20th YEAR OF HER AGE MARY ATWOOD DIED JUNE Ye 3rd 1725 DAUGHtER OF JOHN & HANNAH AtWOOD She BEING 5 DAYS OULD HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF M> NATHAN AMES WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY 16 1766 IN THE 51 YEAR OF HIS AGE DAVID AtWOOD Son oF JOHN & HannaH AtWOOD WHO DIED JUnE Ye 13 1733 AGED 3 WEEKS & 3 DAYS SaRaH ATWOOD the DaUGHtER OF Mr JOHn & HannAH ATWOOD WHO DIED SEPtmBER the 4th 1735 AGED 2 MontHS & 2S DAYS OLD In Memory of Susanna daughter of Mr Stephen and Mrs Susanna Adams who died Nov the loh 1776 in the 8h year of her age. Mr JOSEPH ATWOOD departed this life, April 10th 1799, yEtat, 77 — IN GROVELAND, MASS. Mrs. Sarah Atwood Relict of Mr. Jofeph Atwood, died Aug. n,th 1800, yEtat, 77. Jesse Atwood, Died Sept. 10. 1827, Aged 78 yrs. Abigail H. His wife, Died Feb. 12. 1832, Aged 78. yrs. MISS SARAH ATWOOD, DIED JULY 12 1834 JET. 87. Priscilla Parker, Daughr of Eliphalet & Sarah Atwood ; died Nov. 27, 1817. aged 9 months. Sweet Babe see She glanc'd into our world to A sample of our misery, eye Then turn'd away her languid To drop a tear or two & die. Mr. ELIPHELET ATWOOD, died, June 2, 1828, ^Et. 37, The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. Mr Josiah Bacon departed this life Dec 14 th 1807 JEX 84 An honest man, the noblest work of God. INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF Mr JOSIaH Bacon WHO DIED JANUARY thee 26 1732 & in the 33 YEaR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF ABIGALL THE DAUGHTER OF Mr JOSIAH & ABIGALL BACON WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE OCTr 30 1765 IN Ye 16 YEAR OF HER AGE Memento Mori Sacred to the memory of Mrs Abigail Bacon Consort of Mr- Josiah Bacon who departed this Life February the 21st AD 1788 in the 65th year of her age The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall flourish when she sleeps in dust MR SAMUEL BACON departed this life Nov 22 1809 ^t 53 Heaven has confirm'd the great decree That Adam's race must die One general ruin sweeps them down And low in dust they lve Ye living men the Tomb survey IN GROVELAND, MASS. Where you must quickly dwell Hark how the awful summons sounds In every funeral knell And you must die and once for all The Solemn purport weigh For Know that Heaven or Hell attend On that important day This Tablet Is Erected in affectionate remembrance of MRS. SARAH BACON Relect of Mr. Samuel Bacon Who died May 3 18 19 JEt 69 What though our joys are torn away And buried in the silent tomb Jesus can wake the sleeping clay And clothe it with immortal bloom Sleep on dear Mother thy cares are o'er We soon shall meet to part no more REBECCA WIFE OF GEO BACON DIED JAN 11 1840 ^S 55 When saw we thee an hungered and fed thee or thirsty & gave thee drink or a stranger and took thee in or naked & clothed thee and the King shall say in as much as ye INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me MISS CHARLOTTE BACON DIED JAN 2S 1840 This stone is erected as the last tribute of affection to the memory of a beloved sister By her brother G BACON GEORGE son of George & Rebecca Bacon died May 23 1S41 ^Et 12 (tomb Weep not for those whom the vail of the (our eyes In life's early morning hath hid from (young bloom Ere sin threw a blight o'er the blossoms (for the skies Or Earth had profan'd what was born SUSANNAH BACON died in Boston, March 24, 1843 JEt 84 She was a professor of the religion of Jesus 70 vears and IN GROVELAND, MASS. for 65 years was devoted to the religious and mental instruction of children. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their works do follow them. GEORGE BACON Died Sept. 25, 1 85 1, aged 56 yrs. "Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was and the spirit shall return to God who gave it." Whatsoever thy hand find to do do with thy might for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whither thou goest. Humphrey, C. P. Son of George & Martha Bachelor died Jan. 29, 1823 aged 1 year & 10 monts ers Rest sweet babe in gentle slumb Till the resurrection morn Then arise and join the members That its triumphs shall adorn. Mrs. MARTHA G. wife of Mr. George Batchelor, INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY died Sept. 24, 1826, ^t. 33. Friends, nor Physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave ; Nor can the grave confine me here, When Christ commands me to appear. sA LLY WOOD g^O^GE BAC HE^ ^ Wife of George Bachellor, died Jan. 4, 1 888, Aged 89 yrs. DIED Oct. 15, 1863; Aged 74 yrs. HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF HaiiiiaIi the WIFe OF Mr JAMES BALY Who Died MARCh the 3d 1733 AGed 52 Year WILLIAM SON OF Mr JAMES ANd MARY BALEY DIEd AUGUST 20 1747 IN THE 9 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF DEACON RICHARD BAILEY WHO DIED NOVr 19 1748 IN THE 73 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mrs JOANNA THE WIDOW OF DEACOn RICHARD BAILEY WHO DIED SEPTEM THE iyh 1757 IN THE 76h YEAR OF HER AGE. IN GROVELAND, MASS. Miss Joanna Bailey, died May 31, 1S14. JEt. 87. Mr. WILLIAM BAILEY died March 18, 1S17. JEt. 66. We mourn thy sudden swift remove, From each and all enjoyments here ; When Christ commands we must obey, Without a murmur or a tear. Mrs. ANNA BAILEY, Relict of Mr. William Bailey died April 7, 181 S, y£t. 62. Let friends no more my sufferings mourn, Nor view my relics with concern, O cease to drop the pitying tear, I've got beyond the reach of fear. Mr. JONATHAN BAILEY, died Jan. 29, 1S23, JEt. 80. Although his vital breath has fled, His bodv number'd with the dead, IO INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY His soul we trust is now at rest, In the fair mansions of the blest. Mr JONATHAN BAILEY Died Nov 19 1843 Aged 64 Will thou sweet mourner at my stone appear, And sooth my parted spirit lingering near? Oh, wilt thou come at evening hour, to shed The tears of memory o'er my narrow bed ; With aching temples on thy hand reclined, Muse on the last farewell I leave behind, Breathe a deep sigh to winds that murmer low And think on all my love and all my woe. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRS. REBECKAH \\ IFE OF Ye RE Yd Mr Wm BALCH WHO DIED JULY 2d 1747 IN Ye 38th YEAR OF HER AGE. ELIZABETH wife of JONATHAN BAILEY DIED June 26, 1864 Aged S9 yrs & 1 mo. Here lies John Balch First Sun of M r John & Mrs Eunice Balch Who Died July Ye 1 : 1. 17S6, aged 2 years. of life He's gone who in the morn IN GROVELAND, MASS. strife A stranger quite to wrath & breast With virtue blooming from his To tafte the fweets of endlefs reft. ERECTED In Memory of the ERECTED Revd Mr William In Memory of Mrs Balch the First Pastor Abigail Balch the of the church in Second wife of the This Place who Revd Mr William Departed this Life Balch who died Janr the 12th AD 1792 April the 10th 1793 and in the 88th and in the 88 th year of his Age year of her Age and 64 th of his Ministry Mrs. Abigail Balch Consort of Mr. Jonathan Balch died Augt 4th, 1802 yEtat 28 Deacon William Balch died Mav 6 1806 y£t 75 In his cold Relics let his friends discern That they like him to dust must soon return And while they see his footsteps led to God Let them persue the blooming path he trod Thus when the cares of mortal life shall cease Expire like him the heirs of endless peace. INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Mrs. REBEKAH, relict of Dean William Balcli died April 23d 1827, ^Et. 90. A mother in Israel, whose mental endowm ents, and Excellent life, Entitled her to the res pect, affection and confidence of those who had the happiness to be acquainted with her. Father and Savior plant within my bosom like seeds of holiness, and bid them blossom in fragrance, and in beauty bright and vernal, and spring eternal. Miss CLARISSA BALCH died Dec. 14, 1827 A devout woman, whose adorning was of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. Her life a summer's even Whose sun of light though set Amidst the clouds of heaven Leaves streams of brightness yet. MRS. MEHITABLE wife of Mr. Jonathan Balch Obt. Sep. 20, 1830 JEt. 60 IN GROVELAND, MASS. 13 Prompt to perform the duties of her sphere Her hand industrious and her heart sincere By all who knew her and her virtue prov'd She died lamented, as she lived belov'd. Mr URIAH BALCH died Nov. 23, 1832 y£t. 27 My loving friends as you pass by on my cold grave pray cast an eye Your sun like mine may set at noon Your soul be called for very soon. PARTED BELOW UNITED ABOVE. WILLIAM H. BALCH Died Feb. 14, 1835 Aged 30 years. HENRY A. BALCH Died Sept. 7, 1850 Aged 25 yrs. MARY H. Died Sept. 5 1S33 Aged 3yrs, 5mos. HELEN M. Died Feb. 14, 1S33 Aged 9 mo. Children of William H. & Louisa S. Balch. H INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY MISS TABITHA BALCH DIED MARCH 21 1S3S JEx 58. How loud shall our glad voices sing When Christ his risen saints shall bring From beds of dust and sleeping clay To realms of everlasting day. MR JONATHAN BALCH DIED APRIL 4 1S3S JEX. 69 Father of heaven in whom our hopes confide Whose power defends us and whose precepts guide In life our guardian and in death our friend Glory supreme be thine till time shall end. WILLIAM BALCH Born May 7, 1802 Died Oct. 25, 1 84 1. MARY ANN Wife of LEONARD BALCH DIED Sept. 30, 184S, ^t 45 ABIGAIL P. His wife Born July 24, 1806 Died Mar. 6, 1869 ; Sanctify them through thy truth" HANNAH J. P. Wife of LEONARD BALCH, DIED JulyS, 1855 Aged 56 yrs. IN CHOVELAND, MASS. MRS. BETSY, Widow of JONATHAN BALCH Died July 1 8 1858 A g ed 75 y rs - DEA. LEONARD BALCH DIED August 9, 1 87 1 Aged 74 yrs. Faithful servant of Christ, ascend to Your place in the ranks of the glorified. JONATHx\N BALCH Passed to a higher life Nov. 15, 1892 Aged 84 yrs. Gardner L. Gardner L. SALLY H. BALCH passed on Jan. 12, 1835, aged 4 weeks. Aug. 10, 1840, " 4 yrs. 6 mos. Leverette H. Jun. 4, 1S44, " 3 yrs. Louisa H. Feb. 6, 1846, " 2 yr. 8 mo. Priscilla K. Feb. 29, 1848, '* 2 yr. 6 mo. Mr. Samuel Boynton, died May 20th, 1806, Mt. 63. Go home my friends, dry up your tears, Here I must lie till Christ appears. i6 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY In memory of CHARLES E. Son of A. D. & H. M. BOYNTON who were driven by a ruthless mob with the Church of Crist of L. D. Saints from Nauvoo 111. Feb. 1846; who died in Mass. Oct. 13. 1846 ; aged 10 months. Susannh the DAUGhter of Mr Timothy & SusAnnh BUrbAnk Died nuy the 26 1730 AoEd 2 months HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr JOSEPH BURBANK WHO DIED MAY 6th 1753 IN THE 35th YEAR OF HIS AGE Mr John Burbank, departed this life, Sept. 18 tli 1802, yEtat. 80. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs SUSANNA THE WIFE OF LIEUt TIMOTHY BURBANK DIED MARCH 7 th 1757 IN THE 48 th YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr ELEAZER BURBANK WHO DIED FEBrj ye 14 th 1759 IN THE 77 th yEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF M rs LYDIA THE WIDOW OF Mi ELIEZER BURBANK WHO DIED JUNE 26h 1771 AND IN THE S7h YEAR OF HER AGE Mr. NATHAN BURBANK died, July 17, 18 19. ^Et. 61. IX GKOVELAND, MASS. l 7 HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF BETTEY THE DAUG OF Mr JOHN BURBANK WHO DIED SEPT THE 23d 1773 IN THE i 9 h YEAR OF HER AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr ABRAHAM BURBANK WHO DECEASED SEPTEMBER THE 9 h x 775 IN THE 4 8h YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MrS ABIGAIL THE WIFE OF Mr. ABRAHAM BURBANK WHO DECEASED OCTOBr THE 6h 1775 IN THE 44h YEAR OF HER AGE. Wife of Mr Stephen Burbank who died Sept. the 5*1 17S2 in the 411 year of her Age. Mrs. MERCY Relict of Mr. John Burbank, died Jan, 22, 1S21, y£t. 92. Mrs. BETSY relict of Nathan Burbank died Nov. 12, 1S36, ^Et.83. HERE LYES BURIED the son of Dr. EZEKIEL & PRISCTLLA CHASE BORN & DIED MARCH Ye 12 1735 ERECTED In Memory of Mrs Bettev The HERE LYES THE BODY OF NATHANIEL CHASE SON OF Dr EZEKIEL & PRISCTLLA CHASE INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY DIED DECEMr 25, 1736 AGED 8 MONTHS AND 23 DAYS Erected In Memory of M>s SUSANNa CARLETON the wife of Mr. Phinehas Carleton who Died March the 30th AD. 17S2 in the 42d year of her Age. In memory of Phineas Carleton Jnr i e 30 who departed this life, June 1 st 1806, JEt. 20. DANIEL CLARKE BORN Feb. 2, 1807, DIED Mar 6, 1820. In Memory of Alice Clough, daugh tr of Mr Daniel & Mrs Abigail Clough who died Jan. Ye 1, 1792 JEtat. 3 Deacon PHINEAS CARLETON departed this life Sept. 18, 1809. JEt. 68. Uriah^Carleton, son of Deacon Phineas & M rs Sarah Carleton ; died April 14 th 1804. JE\.. 17. ALEXANDER H. CLARKE BORN DEC. 2, 1S11, DIED Oct. 1S27. Mrs. SARAH relict of Dean Phineas Carlton died Feb. 14, 1S27, JEt. So. Prepare to meet thy GOD. IN GROVELAND, MASS. Mr. JOHN CURTIS died April 3, 1826, JEX. 83. Ye kindred dear who vent your sighs over my sleeping dust For heavenly grace send up your cries In Jesus put your trust. In Memory of Mis SARAH DAKIN, Confort of M r Juftus Dakin who died Sept. 13 th 1793 yEtat 54 Sacred to the Memory of Patty daughter of Mr Stephen & Mrs Betty Danford, who died May Ye 9th AD. 1787. JEtat 15. ^ T "a^ ^V died 7 // APRIL 10, 1S31, JEx. 61. Verses on gravestones is time but vainly spent, A mans best deeds is his best monument. 20 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY S> ^ DIED ^ ?» JUNE 23, 1S35, JEt. 20. When blooming youth is snatched away, By death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay, Which pity must demand. Let this vain world engage no more ; Behold the gaping tomb! It bids us seize the present hour ! To-morrow death may come. [David C. Danforth was killed on thefirst train that ran on the Lowell R.R.] SARAH Consort of Capt. Matthew P. Dole, died Feb. 5th, 1 80S. ^Et. 36. Reader remember, think on thy fate, Perhaps to-morrow will be to late Now may the God of power and grace Prepare thy Soul a happy place. "Memento Mori." In Memory of Mrs MEHITABLE DUTCH, Consort of Rev. Ebenezer Dutch, who departed this life IN OROVELANDj MASS. December Ye 29, AD. 1794 ■ ^Etat 33. The memory of the past is blefsed Blefsed are the dead which die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors Willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. This mortal should put on immortality. REV. EBENEZER DUTCH, departed this life Angst 4, 1S13 JEt. 62. -J — H — H — -J — H — H — H — ^\s priests of old, So Christian pastors die, But Christ the Lord, the great High priest on high And the good Shepherd, ever lives, to save Those for whose ransom his own life he gave His church he ever will defend & feed And bring to endless bliss a num'rous seed Those pastors will a crown of glory wear Who feed his lambs and sheep with faithful care. Mrs. Ruth Ela, formerly the wife of Mr. John Sanders died June 30t|h, 1806 JEt. 68. Deaths sudden stroke dissolved my feeble frame Reader prepare your fate may be the same Renounce your sins by faith to Jesus fly Then welcome death — tis gain for you to die. INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY THANKFUL FOOT died August 17, 1813, Aged 52 years Such is the soul that leaves this mortal land, Fearless when the great master gives command, Death is the storm, She smiles to hear it roar And bids the tempest waft her to the shore. >^ v1j y mer Ri ^M wife of GEORGE A. FISK Died March 11, 1858 Aged 2iyrs. S mo's. ALSO FREDERICK their Son Died Feb. 6, 1S58 Aged 6 weeks MRS. SOPHIA H. FOOTE, Born Mar. 14, 1799, Died Nov. 3, 1858. Frederic Augustus son of Moses & Cynthia S. Foot, died June 25, 1823, aged 19 days. CYNTHIA SUSAN, Wife of MOSES FOOTE, Died Oct. 3, 1S30, JEX. 30. Also Sarah Barsinia, their youngest daughter, Died Oct. 2, 1830, yEt. 9 months. They were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death thev were not divided. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 23 Cynthia Sophia daught. of Moses & Sophia H.^Foote died Aug. 29, 1S39, aged 4 years. Frazier Smiley son of Moses & Sophia H. Foote died Sept, 14, 1S39. asred 1 year CAPT. JOHN C. FOOTE DIED July 28, 1882, Aged 72 yrs. & 8 mos. In Memory of Mifs Sally Foster, daughter of M r Stephen & M is Rehecca Foster who died July, 17th 1797, yEtat. 22 Why f hould we ftart and fear to die ? What tim'rous worms we mortals are ! Death is the gate of endlefs Joy, And yet we dread to enter there. Jefus can make a dying bed Feel foft as downy pillows are, While on his breaft I lean 'my head, And breathe my life out fweetly there. Mrs. REBECCA wife of Mr. Moses Foster died June 6 1S17. Mt. 37. INSCRIPTIONS KROM THE ol.l) CEMETERY Mr. STEPHEN FOSTER, died Feb. 22, 1808, ALt. 54. Mr. JOHN FOSTER died June 24, 1S28, yEt. 43. Erected affectionate remembrance of MR. SAMUEL FOSTER who died Sept. 26, 183S, JEt. 46 Adieu my friends, a long adieu, 1 leave the joys of earth with you ; I seek a heavenly prize ; May you in Jesus all be found, And when the trump of God shall sound, In his blest image rise. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF ABIGAIL GAGE WHO DIED OCTOB'R 2 th 1723 AGED 36 YEARS. Wife of MOSES FOSTER, DIED NOV. 3, 1865; Aged S4 yrs. MISS BETSEY, Daughter of STEPHEN FOSTER DIED March 21, 1852 ; Aged 74 y rs - -^OSES FOST ER DIED Dec. 6, 1S56; Aged S2 yrs. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 25 In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth George who Died March The 16, 1784; In the 53d year Of her age. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF CAPt DANIEL GREENOUGH WHO DIED APRIL 20th 1746 IN THE 6 1 st YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES THE BODY OF REBEKA H THE DAFTER OF Mr SAMUEL AND Mrs SUSANNA GREENOUGH WHO DIED OCT 30, 1760 AGED 1 YEAR 8 MONTs HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mrs ELIZABETH GREENOUGH (RELICT OF CAPT DANIEL GREENOUGH) WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE DEc Ye 3d 1 765 IN Ye 73d YEAR OF HER AGE. In MEMory OF Mrs HANNAh the WIDOW OF M r WILLIAM GrEEnouGH Who DIED OCt The 23 1777 in The 4oh YEar OF her AGE. JOHN GREENOUGH Junr Oct'' 12 1S15 ; JEt. 21 RUTH, Daughter of William & Ruth Griffith, Died Dec. 11, 1842 ; Aged 15 yrs. FATHER. WILLIAM GRIFFITH DIED Sept. 24, 1869, Aged 80 yrs. 2 6 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY MOTHER. Ruth, Wife of WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Died Jan. 25, 1S74, Aged S3 yrs, HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY oF Mrs MARTHA HALE THE WIFE OF Mr SAMUEL HALE WHO DIED JUNE* 14, 1723: & IN Ye 47th YEAR OF HER AGE [Foot stone to the above] MrS. MARTHA HALE. IF YOU WILL LOOK IT MAY APER SHE WAS Ye FORST THAT IS BURIED HERE WHO DIED DECR 13 1745 IN THE 72nd YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr DAVID HALE WHO DIED OCT THE 25th 1766; AND IN THE 53rd Year of HERE LYES BURIED the BODY of HANNAH HALE the WIFE OF SAMUEL HALE IUNr WHO DIED OCTOBER the 27 & IN 1724 & IN THE 22nd YEAR OF hUr AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr SAMUEL HALE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr SAMUEL HALE WHO DIED MAY THE24h 1770 AND IN THE 71 1 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs SARAH HALE WIDOW OF Mr SAMUEL HALE JUNr WHO DIED JANr THE 31 1 1771 ; IN THE 68h YEAR OF HER AGE IN GEOVELAND, MASS. HERE LYES BURIED the BODY oF IOHN HARt WHO DIED IULY 13. 1737; IN Ye 25 YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LYES SaRaH HaRDy the WIFE OF JOS El' HaRDY JUNr WHO DIED APREL Ye 16 1730 & IN Ye 23 rd YEAR OF HER AGE. REBECCA A. Wife of DAVID S. HASTINGS, Died Feb. 8. 1S73, Aged 40 yrs. & 5 mos. Lovely in life and peaceful in death HERE LYES BURIED the BODY' OF MaRCIE HaRDY the DauGHTER OF DanlEL & MaRtHa HaRDY WHO DIED nOVEMBER the 14 1730 In ye 25 th yEaR OF HER AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF CORPORAL JOSEPH HARDY WHO DIED JENURY the 1 1 th 1726 or 7 Aged S4 YEARS. ABnER HARDY SOn oF RICHERD & SaRaH HaRDY WHO DIED ye 13 AUGUST 1733 AGED In HIS 4 YEaR HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF Isaac HARDY WHO DIED JANUARY the 6 1729 AGED 46 HERE LYES ye BoDY OF IACOB hardy; iu>er died SEPT ye 29 1735 & IN ye 45 Y^EaRE OF HIS AGE 28 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OI.D CEMETERY LEUI HaRDY SON OF TImEthy ANd maREy HARdy DIED FEBUARY ye i st 1736 AG Ed ON yEAR 5 monts HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr JOSEPH HARDY JUNr WHO DIED NOUr 26, 1745 IN THE 54 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LyEs BURIED the BODY oF LyDIa the DaUGHTER OF WILLIam & HannaH HaRDY WHO DIED SEPTEMbER Y i6h 1736 In the i 9 h YEaR OF HER AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr NATHAN HARDY WHO DIED JuLy 1 1 th 1744 And In THE 30th YEARS OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MR* MARTHA Ye WIFE OF CAPt DANIEL HARDY DIED FEBry 24 1745 IN Ye 66 YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr DAVID HARDY WHO DIED AIGUST 8th 1746 IN THE 37th YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF M rs SARAH THE WIFE OF Mr WILLIAM HARDY WHO DIED SEPt 23rd 1746 IN THE 68th YEAR OF HER AGE. AS IT IS WITH YOU SO IT WAS WITH ME AS IT IS WITH ME WITH YOU IT SHALL BE SIMEON, THE SON OF Mr TIMOTHY AND MARY IN GKOVELAND, MASS. 2 9 HARDY WHO DIED FEBrY 26 1753 IN THE 12 YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr BENJAMIN HARDY WHO DIED MAR Ye Sh 1753 AND IN THE 39 YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURI ED THE BODY OF Mrs MARY THE WIFE OF Mr GIDEON HARDY WHO DIED MARCH Ye 9, 1753 AND IN THE THIRTY FOURTH YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr WILLIAM HARDY WHO DIED APRIL THE 14th 1753 AND IN THE 83rd YEAR OF HIS AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY' OF HANN AH THE DAUGhert OF Mr THOMAs AND MARY HAR DY WHO DIED APRIL Ye 18 1753 IN Ye 13th YEAR OF HER AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF CAPt DANIEL HARDY WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY 31 1756 IN THE 82 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY MRs EDNAH THE WIFE OF Mr JOSEPH HARDY WHO DIED DECr 29 1763, IN Ye 27 YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs DAMARIS THE WIFE OF CAPt DANIEL HARDY 3° INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OI.D CEMETERY WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 1 763 IN THE 86 YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr JOHN HARDY WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE OCTr 4 1765 IN THE 22 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF M rs MARY THE WIFE OF DEACON TIMOTHY HARDY WHO DIED MAY THE iah 1771 IN Ye 59 h YEAR OF HER AGE. In MEMOry OF Mr JEREMIAH HARDY WHO DIED IN THE YEAR 1777 WITH THE SMALL POX AGED 64 In ME Mow oF Mrs JOANNA THE WIFE of Mr DAVID HARDY WHO DIED MAY THE 3d 1784 IN THE 33d YEAR OF HER AGE Memento Mori Sacred to the Memory of Mr JOSEPH HARDY, who departed this Life March the 27th A.D. 1789 in the 55th year of his Ase. In Memory of MR STEPHEN HARDY who died Deer 22nd 1793 in the 81st year of his age IN GROVELAND, MASS. 3 1 Frederic Hardy Son of Mr Joshua & Mrs Mary Hardy died March 29th 1798 Aged 14 months We scarce enjoy the balmy gift But mourn the pleasure gone Capt ELIPHALET HARDY departed this life march 25 1799 y£tat 79 Our years are feventy, if through ftrength fourscore That strength foon fails, and we are seen no more, But ah ! how few e'er thefe fhort limits reach Deaths gloomy enfings o'er this ground may teach, By fin came death hut Jefus died for men Was bury'd and in triumph rofe again, Sinners repent, Christians lift up your eyes, Fight the good fight and win the glorious prise. Mr Solomon Hardy, Died Auguft 9th 1 80 1, in the 54 year of his age. This facred truth let mortals learn ; Men made of duft to duft return : Happy are thofe, who, born anew, The narrow way to life purfue ; Who truft in Jefus, him confefs, And humbly follow righteousnefs. Profefsor, watch, and pray, and strive, For fuddenly may death arrive. 32 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Hitty the wife of Aaron Hardy died April 28ht 1804: yEtat 20. Wasting by lingering disease she with calm resignation anticipated the approach of death, blessing God for the hope of life eternal through Jesus Christ, & elevated by love to the glorious Savior, she in raptures joined the sacred poet. Hold me O Jesus in thy arms, And cheer me with immortal charms, Till I awake in realms above. Forever to enjoy thy love. s oU>MON HAR Dy Mrs. Susanna Hardy, DIED Consort of Aug. 9, 1S01, Aged 54 yrs. Mr. Joseph Hardy, died Oct. 1st, 1810, MRS. SARHH j£ L 77 . His Wife Stone broken. Allen son of Joshua Hardy Ji" & Mary Hardy died May 12th 1808 JEt 8 T'is God that lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave : IN GROVELAND, MASS. 33 He gives and (blessed be his name) He takes but what he yfave. Harriet, daught ot Joshua & Mary Hardy died Sept 1, 1 8 10, JEt 2. An Infant died March 19 1846 An he took little children in his arms & blessed them. MRS. HANNAH HARDY Relict of Capt Eliphalet Hardy died May 7 181 2 JEt 90 One generation of our sinful race In swift succession takes another's place, But he who made us & forever lives, Life ever lasting to his people gives, And thus his wonderful salvation shows, To all who in his grace their trust repose : In mercy rich through Christ his son to all Who on his holy name devoutly call. Mr JOSHUA HARDY departed this life June 3, 1814; ^Et f 7 3 . 34 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Hepzibah daughter of Mr Jacob & Mrs Hannah Hardy died Sept 18 1814; Mt 11, Miss Lois daught of Mr. Silvanus & Mrs. Mary Hardy ; died Feb. 16. 1820. SEt 18. You my friends look down & view, The hollow gaping tomb ; This gloomy prison waits for (you When'er the summons come. Mrs. RACHEL. Consort of Capt. Phineas Hardy, died March 2. 1820. JEt. 59. Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Invade thy bounds, no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 35 Joshua H., son of Mr Joshua & Mrs Mary Hardy, died Jan 17, 1823 ; This lovely bud so young & fair Called home by early doom, ]ust came to show how sweet a flower, In paradise would bloom, Mrs. HANNAH, relict of Mr Joshua Hardy died April 27, 1824 ; ^t8 3 . FREDERIC, son of Mr Joshua & Mrs Mary Hardy died Nov 1, 1826, JEt 20. So fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail smiling solace of an hour; So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die. MRS. BETSY, wife of 36 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Mr David Hardy, died Dec. 6, 1827, Miss EDNAH HARDY, died June 8, 1828. MX.. 62. In Memory of CAPT. PHINEAS HARDY, who departed this life Dec. 24, 1829. JEx. 66. Whence has the world her magic power, Why deem we death a foe ; Recoil from weary life's best hour, And covet longer woe. SILVANUS HARDY, Died April 26, 1835, aged 62. O wipe away that gathering tear : No cause of grief is witnessed here ; There's nought but dust beneath this sod, The soul we trust is with its God. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 37 Mrs HANNAH wife of Mr Iacob Hardy died Sept 29 1836 ^Et 68. OLIVER MANLY, son of Manly & Rebekah HARDY, Aged 2 years & 2 months. DANIEL W., son of Manly & Rebekah Hardy, died May 20 1837 aged 28 months spring Thou earnest like a bud of Gentle and full of love from the stem An Angel pluck'd thee diadem To grace the Saviors above And fragrant bloom 38 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY OLIVER DANIEL, son of Manly & Rebekah HARDY Aged 19 days. DANIEL WEBSTER, son of Manly & Rebekah, HARDY Aged 4 years & 4 months. JEREMIAH MANLY, son of Manly & Rebekah HARDY, Aged 10 years & 4 months CLARA AUGUSTA, daughter of Manly & Rebekah HARDY, Aged 14 years & 6 months. Miss RUTH HARDY, died Feb. 24. 1840. Mt.65. Silvester Boynton ; died Oct. 27, 1837 ; Aged 6 weeks. Silvester, died Oct. 9, 1839; Aged 6 weeks. Children of Samuel B. & Mary C. Hardy. Charlotte D. Hardy, Aug. 25. 1S38. aged 17 mons. ABNER HARDY. BORN Feb. 1804, DIED Nov. 1887 Mary A. wife of ABNER HARDY, died May 30. 1879, ALt. 71 ys, FATHER MANLEY HARDY Died April 9. 1881, Aged 83 yrs. 5 mos. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 39 MR. DAVID HARDY, died Oct 2 1842 ; y£t 92. vvMS NAH C. HAR Dy DIED April 21. 1S52, Aged 64 yrs. MARY B. August 25, 1868, Aged 39 yrs. & 7 mos. MOTHER, REBEKAH HARDY, Died Sept. 1, 1892, Aged 85 yrs. 7 mos. Mr NATHl hariman, died June 28, 1822 ; JEt.61. Wife of SILVANUS HARDY, Died Dec. 21. i860. Aged 87 yrs. & 8 mos. Gone but not forgotten. SYLVANUS W. DIED HARDY, Mrs JANE relect of Lieut Moses Hariman died Feb 16 1825 JEx 86 Go home my friends, Dry up your tears, I must lie here Till Christ appears. Lieut. MOSES HARIMAN, died Aug 24 1784; JEt 47. A, tender husband father dear, A much lamented friend lies here, When Christ returns to call him forth, The rising day will show his worth. 40 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY SAMUEL, Son of Mr Samuel & Mrs Mehitable Harriman, died April 7, 1823 ; JEt 16. Once I was blooming fresh and gay, And now my body's turned to clay, So when the Lord the summons sends We all must eo and leave our friends. SACRED To the Memory of MR. SAMUEL HARRIMAN who died Nov 9 1829 JEt 60. A tender husband and a father kind, A peaceful citizen, and a faithful friend, To every Christian charity inclined, Religious worship constant to attend. MISS BETSY HARRIMAN, Died July 26, 185S; Aged 74. Until the endless day shall break Gods promise guards this sleeping dust, Then in His likeness to awake With joyful confidence and trust. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 4 1 MEHITABEL C. wife of SAMUEL HARRIMAN. Died Mar 25 1S65 : Aged 90 yrs. & 9 mos. Thou hast passed through death to life, From prayer to praise divine, Victor through Christ in death's dark strife, The crown and palm are thine. HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF EnSIGn CaLEB HOPKinson WHO DIED noVEmber the 9th 1730 & IN ye 49 yEaR OF His AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODy of Mrs SaRaH HOPKinson WHO DIED octoBER the 24 1732 & In the So FIRst yEAR OF HER AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF nathanaEL HOPKIn son WHO DIED lune ye 4th 1733 & In ye 20 FIRST yeaR OF HIS AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF MaRTHA 1st ye WIFe OF EnSIn CALEB HOPKinson AnD THEn WIFe To Mr EBEnEZE KIMBALL WHO DIED MAy the 22 1735 & In the 49th yEaR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF SARAH THE WIFE OF Mr IOHN HOPKINSON WHO DIED 16 174- Stone defaced. HERE LIES THE 4 2 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OI-D CEMETERY BODY OF ABIGAl HOPKINSON THE DAUGHTER OF INSIGN SAMUEL AND Mrs BETTy HOPKINSON WHO DIED OCT.- THE 22D I 771 IN THE 2 4 h y EAR OF HER AGE IN MEMORY OF ABIGAIL THE DATr OF Mr EBENEZEr AND Mrs MARY HOPKINSON who OCTObEr THE DIED i oh 177S IN the 31" yEAr OF HER AGE HERE LIES THE BODY OF SAMUEL HOPKINSON THE SON OF INSIGN SAMUEL AND Mrs BETTY HOPKINSON WHO DIED NOVEMr THE 2n 1771 IN THE 22n YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES THE BODY OF PAUL HOPKINSON THE SON OF INSIGN SAMUEL AND Mrs BETy HOPKINSON WHO DIED DECEr THE 23d 1771 IN THE iSh YEAR OF HIS AGE , in MEMOry OF POLLEY the Datr oF Mr EBENEZEr AND Mrs Mary HOPKINSOn who DIED octr THE iqh 177S in ThE istYEar oF HEr AGE Memento mori ERECTED In Memory of Enfign SAMUEL HOPKINSON who Departed this Life February the 1 ft AD. 1785 in the 67th year of his Age. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs IN GROVELAND, MASS. 43 MARY HoPKINSoN, Confort of Mr Ebenezer Hopkinson, who died May ye 25th AD. 17SS in the 41st year of her Age. — Hannah Hopkinson, daughter of Silas & Hannah Hopkinson died Feb 24-th 1S08, JEU 14. LYDIA, Wife of JOHN HOPKINSON Died June 16, 181 5, A g ed 37 y rs - NATHANIEL HOPKINSON, DIED March 10, 1822, A g ed 79 >' rs - SARAH, Wife of NATHANIEL HOPKINSON, Died March 7, 1828, Aged 82 yrs. Lieut. SILAS HOPKINSON died Jan 29, 182S ; JEt 64. Mrs. HANNAH relict of Mr Silas Hopkinson, died July 17, 1S32 ; JEt 66. In memory of MISS BETSEY HOPKINSON. Who died May 1. 1S45, JEX. 59- JOHN HOPKINSON DIED August 27. 1869. Aged 87 yrs. Mrs, JUDITH HOPKINSON, Consort of 44 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OI,D CEMETERY Mr. Uriah Hopkinson, died Sept. 26. 1813, JEt. 23. Lord, when I leave this mortal ground, And thou shalt bid me rise and come. Send a beloved angel down, Safe to conduct my spirit home. William Livingston Son of William & Maria Hopkinson died April 25, 1817 ; aged 4 years & 7 months. A lovely bud by Heaven bestow'd We fondly view'd its opening charms, While in the morning ere it blow'd, The Savior pluck' d it from our arms. Mrs. MARIA A. wife of Mr Will™ Hopkinson died Nov 28 1829 yEt 38. Lord I commend my soul to thee, Accept the sacred trust, Receive this nobler part of me, And watch my sleeping dust. SILAS H. Son of Ira & Julia Hopkinson IN GHOVKLAND, MASS. 45 Died Nov. 10 1830. Aged 13 months, O he is gone ! The cherub hasted to its native home all wasting death hath tri- umphed o'er my child. MARTHA daughter of Ira & Julia Hopkinson died April 30 1832 aged 2 years & 7 months Martha we love thee still thy name is sweet (meet In realms of bliss may child and parent George P. son of William & Maria Hopkinson died June 29, 1832 : aged 4 years & 7 months. its fly So soon our transient comfo And pleasure only blooms to die DAPHNE M. daughter of Ira & Julia Hopkinson, died Sept, 9, 1832 46 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY JEt. 8. Daphne, sweet child, in vain for thee (we mourn, To our fond arms no more wilt thou (return HENRY P. son of Ira & Julia Hopkinson, died June 21, 1833. Mt. 7 yrs. Only the bodies in the ground, Of those we love, The spirit has its dwelling found With God above. HENRY, son of Ira & Julia Hopkinson, died Oct. 25, 1834 JEt. 6 m's. "Of such is the kingdom of heaven." Mr. DANIEL HOPKINSON DIED FEB. 16. 1837, JEt. 86. The memory of the just is blessed. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 47 Mrs. HANNAH, wife of Mr. Daniel Hopkinson died Jan. 21, 1837, Mt. 86. In her the poor ever found a friend. DANIEL W. son of Ira & Julia Hopkinson, died Nov. 29. 1852, yEt. 15 yrs. & 8 raos. When blooming youth is snatched away, By death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay, Which pity must demand. JULIA P. Wife of Ira Hopkinson, DIED Feb. 18. 1S56, JEt. 56. "She is not dead, but sleepeth ; The Lord in safety keepeth Her, whom we loved so well, And soon that sacred dust shall be Restored to life and liberty, A saviour's love to tell ; A glorious home with those to share, Who have, like her, their treasure there. 48 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY DEACON IRA HOPKINSON Died May 7, 1S63, Aged 65 yrs. 1 mo. &4 ds. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death I will fear no evil. On reverse side. JULIA fc 'In thy divine abode Change finds no pathway, Memory no dark trace." MRS. JULIA P. HOVEY Daughter of IRA & JULIA P. HOPKINSON Died Feb. 9. 1883, Aged 55 yrs. 2 mos. 27 days. HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF EZEKIEL IEWEaT WHO DIED OctoBER the 4 1727 & IN the 24 yEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF HannaH IacKSOn WHO DIED IanuARy the 8 1732 & In Ye 67 YEaR oF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY oF MRs SARAH THE WIFE OF MR FRANSES IEWET DIED FEBRUARY 3 1744 IN THE 72 YEAR OF HER AGE IN GROVKLAND, MASS. 49 MARY DAUGHTE." HERE LIES BURIED OF NATHANAEL THE BODY OF Mr AND SUSANNA FRANCIS TEWET IEWET DIED DEC WHO DIED SEPt 12 1747 IN THE 19th 1 751 IN Ye 87th 8 YEAR OF YEAR OF HIS AGE H ER AGE In Memory of Betsey Jewett daughter of Dr. Seth & Mrs Abigail Jewett who died June ye nh AD. 1791. Aged 16 months & 15 days. She was a blefsing here below, A lovely, kind and pleafant child, Her foul now free from fin and woe Twill ferve its Maker undenTd. Her fleeping duft f hall reft in peace, Till fun and moon their courfes cease. Eben i" son of Dr. Ebenr & Mrs. Judith Jewett, died Octr 21, 181 1. aged 1 year & 9 months. Doctor EBENEZER JEWETT, died March 18. 181 7. yEt. 46. 50 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OED CEMETERY William, Son of Dr, Ebenr & Mrs. Judith Jewett, died Sept. 10. 1816. JEt. 1. Mrs. JUDITH, wife of Mr Benjamin Jaques. died April 9, 1S19. y£t 77. Mrs. ALICE wife of Mr. Isaiah Jewett, died July 5, 1823, JEt. 34. Thy Jesus' hand, omnipotent to save, Convey'd thee softly to the silent grave ; Still to the end sustain'd thy drooping head, And softly laid thee down among the dead ; And in his bosom bore thv soul away, To shine with angels in the realms of dav. Memento Mori In Memory of Mr RENJAMIN JAQUES Jum Who departed this life NOV'- Ye 14th AD 1793, yEtat 23. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 5* Behold and see, all that pafs by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now you foon must be, Prepare for death and follow me. In Memory of Silas The Son oF Mr Benjamin and Mrs Judith Jaques who died June the 27th 1776 in the 4th vear of his age. In Memory of Silas Jaques, Son of Mi- Benjamin & Mrs Judith Jaques who died Aug. ye 1 2th 1787, in ye 9th year of his age HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mrs ELIZABETH Ye RELECT OF DEACON THOMAS IOHNSON OF HAVERHILL WHO DIED JUNE THE 12th AD 1752 IN THE 73d YEAR OF HER AGE. IN MEMORY OF IOnathan BartlEt KInSCON SON OF Mr MOSES AND Mrs DOROTHY KINSCON WHO DIED IUNE ye 3 1780 AGED 3 YEAr 6 Months 13 DS In MEMOrY OF ABIGAIL THE DAUGHTER OF Mr MOSES AnD Mrs DOROTHY KInSCOn WHO DIED MAY THE 22c\ 1 78 1 AGED 3 Months INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF Mrs HAnnaH KEmBaLL Ye WIFe OF Mr EBEnEZER KEmBaLL WHO DIED NOVmBER Ye 26 173 1 & IN the 33 YEaR OF HER AGE NELLIE KNApp DIED Oct. 31, 1879. Aged 8 yrs. Mrs. SALLY KIMBALL died Sept. 9, 1820, yEt. 37 Mrs. LUCY wife of Lieut King Lapham, died July 20, 181S, yEt. 72. Mrs. RUTH, wife of Mr. Barker Lapham, died Jan. 31, 182^, ^Et. 57. Why should our hearts remain so sad, So much cast down at thy remove, We trust thou now art with thy God, There to enjoy thy Saviour's love. O may we all make God our friend Then we shall meet when life shall end. IN GROVEL AND, MASS. 53 Lieut. KING LAPHAM, died Nov. 30, 1826. Mt. 82. A tender husband, Father dear, A much lamented friend lies here, When Christ returns to call him forth, The rising day will shew his worth. Mr. BARKER LAPHAM, died Feb. 11, 1829. Mt. 56. His mind was tranquil and serene, No terror in his looks were seen ; His Saviour smil'd dispell 'd the gloom, And smooth'd his passage to the tomb. HOSEA M. Son of Henry B & Elizabeth M. Livingston, died in Boston Sept. 19, 1840. aged 4 years 7 months. Jesus said suffer little childr en to come unto me. HERE LIES THE BODY OF Mrs HANNAH LOWEL THE WIFE OF Mr SILVANUS LOWEL WHO DIED SEPT THE 26h 1771 IN THE 26h YEAR OF HER AGE 54 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF JOHN MARBLE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE FEBRUARY THE 17. 1752 AND IN THE 23 YEAR OF HIS AGE HE WAS BORN— FEB Ry 10- IN THE YEAR— 1730— Mrs. Hannah Marden, Consort of Mr. David Marden, died Sept. 4, 1813. .Et. 53. JAMES MERRILL DIED JAN 8, 1841. ^ET. 53. JUDITH MERRILL DIED JUNE 26, 1839 ^ET. 53. APHIA S. MERRILL DIED FEB. 13. 1826. ^ET. 5. IERMIAH MERILL SON OF NATHAN IEL AND RUTH MERILL OF HAURIL DIED OCt 25th 1747 IN Ye 9th YEAR OF HIS AGE JOHN MERRILL DIED SEP. 18, 1825. AG. 2 WKS. Lient. ASA MERRILL, departed this life Nov. 3, 1815. ^Et. 83. IV GROVELAND, MASS. 55 Buried in dust my body must decay, With weeping friends I could no longer stay ; And while you mourn a much lov'd Father's fate Prepare for death befoi'e it be to late. Memento Mori. In Memory of Mrs Rebecca Mitchell Consort of Mr Joseph Mitchell Who died Febr the 19 A D 1792 ^tat 26 In Memory of Abigail Day Mitchel daughter of Mr Joseph & Mrs Rebecca Mitchel Who died Deer 25th 1794 ^Etat 2 Benjamin Mitchel son of Capt Day & Mrs Susanna Mitchel died Dec 13th 1794 vEtat 5 William Mitchel son of Capt Day & Mrs Susanna Mitchel died June 23d 1796 aged 2 years Mrs Susanna Mitchel consort of Capt Day Mitchel died June 3d 1798 ^Etat 41 The eye which hath seen me shall see me no more Sacred to the Memory of MR JOSEPH MITCHELL Who died in Boston Ms. Aug 30 1831 ^Et 66 56 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY One gentle sigh his fetters breaks We scarce can say " He's gone " Before the willing spirit takes Its mansion near the throne Faith strives, but all its efforts fail To trace the spirits flight No eye can pierce within the veil Which hides the world of light This much (and this is all) we know Saints are completely blest Have done with sin and care and wo And with their Saviour rest. ABBY wife of Moses C. MONROE, died March 2, 1850, aged 3'2 years. And i heard a voise from Heaven saying unto mee write blessed are the dead that die in the Lord even soe seth the Spirit. This Life is a dream. 1853. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 57 Swiftly our moments pass away, And soon they all will disappear. May we endeavour while we stay, To do what good we can while here. Mr Stephen Morse departed this life Oct 1st 1802 ^Etat 64 Mr. BENJAMIN MORSE, died Dee. 23. 1828. ^Et. 74. A tender husband, father dear, A much lamented friend lies here, When Christ returns to call him forth, The rising day will show his worth. HERE LIES BURIED Mrs THE BODY OF LYDIA Mr JOSEPH Relict of Mr Stephen MULICKEN WHO Morse died April 20 DIED JUNE THE 1837 Mx, 92 7h 1768 IN THE 66 YEAR OF HIS AGE 58 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Memento mori. Here lie Interred the remains of Mrs Phebe Mulliken Relict of Mr Joseph Mulliken who departed this life October the 13th A D. 1790 JEtat 82 Miss Mary Mulliken, daughter of Mr Robert & Mrs Mary Mulliken, died Feb. 9h 1800 iEtat, 61. Mrs SALLY wife of Mr Samuel Norris died May 23 1831 Mt4A Stop here my friend and drop a tear Think on the dust, that slumbers here And when you read this date of me Think on the glass that runs for thee Charles Walter son of Walter and Margaret J. Norris died Aug't 7th 1833 aged 1 yr. & 5 mos IN GROVELAND, MASS. 59 Dear little one thy months were few And transient was thy stay below But Jesus call'd thou hast obey'd And left a world of sin and woe Erected in affectionate remembrance of Mb. GEORGE W NOYES, who died Aug. 17, 1837 ; Aged 22. Happy spirit, gone before me, Look'st thou from thy starry throne, Happy, now thou watchest o'er me, Sorrowing at thy grave alone : Thou to a fairer land art gone, There let me hope my journey done To see thee still. Miss Eliza daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Noyes, vUtJEL ^Oft^ died ^ % Dec. 28. 1828. DIED in her 18th yr Dec 26, 1858 Time was Aged 74 yrs when I my breath did draw ; " Father I give my spirit up Death seized, and trust it in thy hand and laid me low ; My dying flesh shall rest in hope To you who rean these lines and rise at thy command." attention give, And be prepared to die. 60 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETEKY HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs HANNAH THE WIFE OF Mb ABRAHAM PARKER IFXr DIED DEO 18th 1744 IN THE 24th YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF LEUx ABRAHAM PARKER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE FEBky 14 1762 IN THE 77 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs ELISABETH THE WIFE OF LEFt ABRAHAM PARKER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MAY 23 1753 IN THE 65 YEAR OF HER AGE IN MEMORY OF Mr XAtHAXIEL PARKER WHO DIED FEBRUARY THE 2n 1771 AND IN THE 33d YEAR OF HIS AGE THIS In MEMOrY OF Mrs RACHEL PARKER THE WIFE OF LIEut NATANIEL PARKER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE OCTOBr THE 18h 1781 In THE 64h Y r EAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES THE BODY OF RETIER THE SON OF MrRETEIR IIATHORn AND Mrs EDNAH PARKER WHO DIED DECEm THE 30h 1772 IN THE 4h YEAR OF HIS AGE In Memory of Mr ABRAHAM PARKER who departed this life December 2d 1795 ^Etat 76 IN GROVELAND, MASS. 61 Erected In Memory of Miss Hannah Parker Daughter of Mr Bradstreet & Mrs Rebecca Parker who Died Sept em r y 14th 1783 Aged 55 Death is a debt to nature due As I have paid it so must you Memento Mori. Here lie Interred the Remains of Lieut Nathaniel Parker Who Departed this Life January the 5th AD 1789 in the 72d year of his Age. Memento mori. Sacred to the memory of Mrs EDNAH PARKER Consort of Lieut Retier-IIathorn Parker Who Died November, the 26th A D 1788 in the 44th year of her Age Prudent modest frugal & kind A Wife A Mother and real friend In life and Death to God resign'd True Test of A Heaven-born-mind JOHN EATON Son of Peter & Abigail PARKER. Died Sept. 17, 1807, Mt. 14 days. Memento mori This Stone Perpetuates the Memory of Mrs Rebecca Parker Consort of Mr Broadstreet Parker Who departed this Life May the 6th AD 1790 ^Etat 60 62 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETEKY Sweet Soul we leave the to thy Rest T Enjoy thy Jesus and thy GOD Till we from bonds of clay Releast Spring out and climb the shining Road While the dear dust she leaves behind Sleep in thy bosom sacred tomb Soft be her bed her slumbers kind And all her dreams, of joy to comes In Memory of Benjamin son of Mr Moses & Mrs Sarah Parker, OB Oct ye 6th 1793. ^Etat 9 months This tender flower of heavenly hue 'Mid thorns of sin & sorrow blew ; But kindly pluck'd to heaven 'tis borne And on an angel's bosom worn. In Memory of John Eaton Parker son of Mr Moses & Mrs Sarah Parker, who died June, 30th 1796. JEtat. 13. Bright, lovely, inoffensive youth, That fear'd his God and lov'd the truth A lovely Rose all in the bloom, The sweetest flower may die at noon, O may we live so as to have A precious friend beyond the grave, For when God calls we all must go, To meet our judge a friend or foe. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 63 In Memory of Mrs Anna Parker, Consort of Mr William Parker Junr, who died Deer, 19th, 1795, vEtat. 22. As from the earth at first I came. Now to the earth I turn again, Nature has called for its due, Ended frail life, my days were few, Pause young and old as you pass by, And o'er this urn do cast your eye Remembering that your days in time Kindty are fix'd by power divine, Even as God made us of clay, Renounce the world, his call obey. Lieut Retier H Parker departed this life Feb 2d 1799 uEtat SS 5 2 O ye whose cheek the tear of pity strains Draw near with pious reverence & attend Here lies the loving husband's dear remains The tender father, & the generous friend O loving husband, tender parent dear How great our grief, too much for us to bear Can we sustain the loss of such a friend Without a hope that we shall meet again Friends here behold the fate of Adams' race Ruin'd in him & doom'd to sleep in dust Yet made alive by Christ we shall appear Before God's throne in endless friendship there 64 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Thomas Parker, son of Mr Moses & Mrs Sarah Parker, died Nov. 16th 1799 JEtat 10. Here lies a sweet and blooming youth, Emblem of innocence & truth, We trust he is with angels blest, And in his Saviours bosom rests. SACRED to the Memory of Mr Bradstreet Parker Who died April 18 1809 Mt 80 Dear bosom friend I sleep with thee We are from bonds of clay set free We've left this earth to climb the road T" enjoy our Saviour & our God. Long may our souls thy smiles enjoy With angels round the throne Forever live in sweet employ And praise the euternal Son , Y8 ultima linea rer SACRED to the memory of Miss Polly Parker, daur of Mr. Moses & Mrs Sarah Parker who died May 29, 1810, Mt. 22. IN GROVELAND, MASS. gr A bright example of untainted youth, Engaging manners, innocence and truth ; Adorned with all the graces of the mind, Meek, modest, mild, affectionate and kind ; The blameless daughter, & the faithful friend, Admired by all she found an early end. O ! ye who weep at her untimely doom, Like her be ready for an early tomb ! CAPT. PHINEAS PARKER, departed this life, April 2 1 81 1, ^ jEt. 56. Earthly Cavern, to thy keeping We commit our Brother's dust, Keep it safely, softly sleeping, Till our Lord demand thy trust. CAPT. JOHN PARKER, departed this life, Augst26, 181 2. JEt. 31. Mortal, from all these graves thy frailty learn, For dust thou art and wilt to dust return, To wisdom earnestly thyself apply, And through the grace of Christ prepare to die. Friends and Physicians could not save My mortal body from the grave, Nor shall the grave confine me here, When Christ commands me to appear. 66 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY fS ^Utna Unea reru '>] SACRED to the memory of Miss Priscilla Parker, Who died May 2 AD 1813, yEt. 19. Just of thy word, in every thought sincere Who knew no wish but what the world might hear Of softest manners unaffected mind Lover of peace & friend of human kind Go live ! for Heaven's eternal year is thine Go and exalt thy moral to Divine Yet false these tears, mortality's relief, And till we share your joys forgive our grief. MRS ABIGAIL PARKER Relict of Lieut Retier H Parker died April 29 181 6 yEt 64 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these sacred relicts room To seek a slumber in the dust Nor pains nor grief nor anxious fears Invade thy bounds, no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here While angels watch the soft repose. So Jesus slept, Gods dying son Past thro' the grave and blest the bed Rest here blest saint till from his throne The morning break and pierce the shade. IN GEOVELAND, MASS. 67 Mr. RETIER PARKER, died Aug 20, 1817, JEt. 38. Let this vain world engage no more, Behold the gaping tomb; It bids you sieze the present hour. Tomorrow death may come. The voice of this alarming scene, May every heart obey ; Nor be the heavenly warning vain, Which calls to watch and pray. <& h# 1EL > P 4ft fc ^ DIED July 7 1818 ■ Aged 39 yrs MRS SARAH His wife Died Mar. 31. 1853, Aged 75 yrs £ k Mr. ELIPHALET PARKER, died July 182-2. M%. 27. Go home my friends, Dry up your tears, I must lie here Till Christ appears. In memory of RETIER HATHORXE Son of RETIER PARKER Who died Feb. 11. 1822. Mt. 4 yrs. Mrs. BETSY C. PARKER Formerly wife of Mr, Enos Carleton, died Jan. 15, 1831. Ml. 64. 68 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEJIETEKY Miss REBEKAH PARKER, died March 17. 1830 Mt. 77. May angels guard her sleeping clay, Till comes the great revealing day ; Then in her Saviour's image drest, May she appear compleatly blest. Mrs. HANNAH, Consort of Mr. William Parker, died May 11, 1830. Mt. 80. Oppress'd with toils and cares, Her soul had here no rest ; She look'd for peace beyond the grave, And found it with the bless'd. AARON PARKER ESQ of Bradford died March 3d 1831 Aged 59 All thy comforts, ransom'd spirit Pains and sorrows on the road Led thee through a Saviours merit To thine endless rest in God. Though the softest ties are broken Though thy husband slumbers here Mourner take what God has spoken Take his word and dry thy tear rx GROVEEANT), MASS. " 60 Mrs ELIZABETH S. "S. wife of Theadore Parker died Nov. 11 1832 Aged 42 10 mos Pest happy Spirit. An affectionate mother will be remembered in the hearts of her children SOPHIA A. wife of Amos Parker Esq died Feb G 1836 JEt 28 Peace to thy slumbering mortal frame That's laid in that cold bed No pains nor cares disturb thee more When numbered with the dead Departed Spirit now farewell Transient on earth thy stay Daughter of glory thou hast wing'd To blissful rest thy way In memory of MOSES PARKER Esq. who died suddenly July 9, 1837. Ag-ed 81. 70 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY He was a pattern of Industry, Economy and Liberality, and a firm supporter of the Religious Institutions of our puritan Ancestors. I would not feel my heart-strings break, Nor see my members yield to death ; I would not watch my fainting pulse; Or sense my last expiring breath : But I would lay me down to sleep, With ardent faith and humble prayer, When some sweet summer day is spent, And breathe my life out sweetly there. JUDITH Wife of NATHANIEL PARKER DIED January 9, 1840, Aged 96 yrs. WILLIAM PARKER Born Jay. 10, 1748 ; Died Nov. 26, 1842; Aged 94 yrs 10 mo. 16 days. In memory of SARAH widow of Moses Parker Esq. who died Dec. 11, 1847: aged 93 years & 7 mos. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr SAMUEL PALMER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE DEC 18 1758 IN ye 73 YEAR OF HIS AGE IN GROVELAND, MASS. 71 SACKED To the memory of ABIGAIL Wife of NATHAN PARKER, Who died Dee. 11, 1847, Mt. 65. " To the faithful death is the gate of life." The virtues which a life hath shown, Requires no record on thy stone. BETSY PARKER Widow of Aaron Parker BORN April 20 1772 DIED MARCH 26 1861 All is not here of our beloved and bless'd Leave ye the sleeper with her God to rest HERE LTES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs SUSANNA Ye WIFE OF Mr EBENEZER PALMER WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY 3 1758 IN Ye 30th YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mrs ELISABETH PALMER WIDOW OF Mr SAMUEL PALMER WHO DIED FEBy ye llh 1774 IN THE 85b YEAR OF HER AGE 72 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Tn MEMORY OF SAMUEL PALMEr SOX OF SAMUl AnD Mrs MAry PALMEr WHO DIED APRIL THE 3d 1781 IN THE 21 yEAR OF HIS AGE In Memory of two children of Mr Wm & Mrs Mehitabel Palmer Polly William died Nov ye died July ye 19 1783 6 1793 aged aged 9 months 2 years & 6 ms William Palmer died Jan 15 1797 ^Etat 2 Moses Palmer died June 2d 1800 Mt 3 Children of Mr William and Mrs Mehitabel Palmer Mr Samuel Palmer departed this life Sept 3 1800 Mtat 73 My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound Then burst the chains in sweet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise. Mrs MARY PALMER Relict of Mr Samuel Palmer died Sept 4 1814 Mt 83 SOPHIA S. Wife of JOHN PEARSON, DIED January 21. 1870, Aged 74 yrs. "IN GROVEL AND, MASS. 73 HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF MaRtHa the WIFE OF IOHN PEMBERToN WHO DIED MAT ye 4th 17-29 & IN the 56th YEAR OF HER AGE Sarah Ednah daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Perkins died Nov 25th 1830 Aged 6 yrs & 6 mos The opening bud to heaven 's conveyed And now it blossoms there HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr IOHN PEMBARTOn WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY 28 1753 IN THE 72 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr JONAS PLATTS WHO DIED APRIL THE 27b 1766 AND IN THE 66h YEAR OF HIS AGE In Memory of Mrs Miriam Platts who died August the 19h 1776 And in the 7 3*1 year of her As^e. In Memory of Mrs Sarah Platts Who died August The 27h 1775 And in the 37h year of her Age DELIA ANN daught. of Nathan & Delia Perley died Jan 19 1834 Mt 19 . MR MOODY H. PERLEY DIED SEPT. 13, 1842: AGED 25 74 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Mrs. Abigail Platts Relict of Mr. Jonas Platts died Aug. 7th 1802 Ml. 91 Miss Anna Platts departed this life March 17th 1809 Mt. 73 Miss ELIZABETH PLATTS died March 9. 1825 Mt. 80. While I lie buried deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care ; These mould'ring limbs with thee I trust, To raise them strong and fair. HERE LYES BURIED the BODy OF SaRaH PUFFER ye DaUGHtER OF IonatHaN & aBIaLL PUFFER WHO DIED DECEMBr ye 4 1729 & In ye 11 YEaR OF HER AGE Amos B son of John & Lavinia Richardson died May 2 1832 Aged 13 months Miss RUTH RICHARDSON DIED OCT 9 1840 JEt 50 Dearest Sister thou has left us And thy loss we deeply feel But tis God that has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal I 1 * GROVELAND, MASS. 75 Joseph „son of John & L&vinia Richardson died May 21 1825 afjed 14 months Lavinia Ann daught of John & Lavinia Richardson died May 14 182G a^ed 3 weeks Lavinia daughter of John & Lavinia Richardson died Oct 14 1825 Mt4 Mrs LAVINIA wife of Mr John Richardson died June 13 1832 ^Et 39 Mrs LYDIA wife of Mr Daniel Richardson died June 9 1836 J3t 71 We mourn thy sudden swift remove From earth & all enjoyments here But Christ commands we must obey Without a murmur or a tear. MR DANIEL RICHARDSON Died Jan 7 1845 Mt 90 The soul from sin forever free Shall mourn its power no more But drest in spotless purity Redeeminc; love adore. 76 INSCRIPTIONS 'FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Miss HANNAH RICHARDSON DIED Nov. 11, 1854 Aged 67 yrs God hath said that die we must Our bodies will return to dust. ERECTED In Memory of Mrs Betsey Rogers, Consort of Mr Joel Rogers who died January the 15th AD. 1790. in the 20th year of her Age. Sacred to The Memory of Mrs Hannah Rolings the wife of Mr Eliphalet Rollings Who died August the 16 AD 1787 in the 53d of her age HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs MOLLY THE WIFE OF Mr ELEPHALET ROLINGS WHO DEPARTED THIS LTFE APRIL •29 1753 IN THE 25th Y 7 EAR OF HER AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF Mrs SaRaH ROLF the WIFE OF Mr EZRa ROLF WHO DIED FEBRUARY ye 23 1728 IN ye 40 FOFSt yEaR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF M« EZRA ROLF WHO DIED IENby 8th 1750 51 IN THE 71st YEAR OF HIS AGE IN GROVELAND, MASS. 77 Mr Eliphalet Rollins William M. Rollins died died April 26th 1797 November 8th 1799 y^Etat 19. /Etat 74 Mr ELIPHALET ROLLINS died Oct, 27 1818 yEt 6x The Kindest Husband, Parent, son & Brother A sincere Friend and An honest man. Sacred to the memory of MRS PATTY ROLLINS Widow of the late Mr. Eliphalet Rollins who died 27th Oct 1819 in her 58th year She was exemplary & cheerful in the performance of every duty, affectionate and kind to all, and patient and resigned in sickness, and affliction. The goodness of God, his parental character, our love of him as a principle of conduct, the character & example of our Saviour and the joys of Heaven were her favorite themes. Mr JOSEPH ROLLINS died 73 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Feb. 19 1825 ^Et. 61 Here rest, beloved relicts, rest in peace Till the archangels last and solemn triumph (life Shall break your slumbers, then arise to Immortal life, eternal happiness. Mr. EBENr ROLLINS, died June 24, 1832, yEt. 21. Calmly he laid him down to rest, Because of sins, forgiveness ; And with his Saviour's presence blest, He slept to wake in Heaven. RACHEL, wife of JOSEPH ROLLINS DIED March 19 1866 Aged 97 Yrs Miss SARAH D. ROLLINS died Oct. 9, 1828, yEt. 22. Ye youth who oft may view this spot, Whose health and prospects promise fair, Reflect soon death may be your lot, O then to meet your God prepare. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 79 Sacred to the Memory ot Mis Molley Russell, Contort of Al r Peter Russell ; who quitted this stage of mortality, and passed into the world of spirits 061. 12 th 1783 in Ye 41st Year of her Age, Supported by lively Hopes of ent'ring into the Joys of her Lord. My flefh thall flumber in the ground, Till the laf t trumpets joyful found, Then burft the grave with fweet furprise, And in my Saviour's Image rife. Ceafe then, my friends, to mourn, bid earth adieu, Loofen from hence the gvafp of fond defire, Weigh anchor and fome happier clime explore. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Ruffell, fon of Peter Ruffell, Efq,r & M rs Molly Ruffell, who died Auguft, the 1 2th AD. 1787, in the 14th year of his. Aee. Mrs Mary Russell, Consort of Peter Russell Esq. died Octr 3 1 |«t 1804, ^tat 60. So INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Peter Russell Esq. departed this life May 2Sth 1S06. JEt. 67. Adieu, ye friends, who once possest my heart, Dispel your grief, tis Jesus bids us part, Saviour I come ! O take me to thy breast, And give me there my everlasting rest. When I lie bury'd deep in dust, My flesh shall be thy care. These withering limbs with thee I trust, To raise them strong and fair. ^iOSES SANDER DIED June 8 1 81 9 A S ed 54 >' rs - HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr JOHN SARGENT WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AGUST 10th 1756 IN Ye 64th YEAR OF HIS AGE HANNAH THE WIFE OT Mr JOHN SARGENT WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE NOVR 14 1 76 1 IN THE 70 YEAR OF HER AGE. HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF Mr Thomas Savary WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MARCH 15th 1753 IN THE 52nd YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURYED THE BODY OF MR* HERE LIES IN GROVELAND, MASS. Si BURIED THE BODY OF MRs REBAKAH THE WIFE OF Mr y ROBART SAVOR WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE OCtr 24 1763 IN Ye 69 YEAR OF HER AGE. In Memory of two Sons of Mr William & M rs Mary Savary William Died the 17 AD. 1773 aged 17 months & 2 days THIS in MEMory OF M'rs BETHIAH SAVORY THE WIFE OF Mr THOMAS SAVOry WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE OCTOBER THE 1st 1781 AnD in THE 31st YEAr oF HEr AGE In Memory of Anna Savory Daugh"' of Mr William & Mrs. Mary Savory William the younger Died April the 12 AD. 1 777 aged 19 days who Died Novembr the 7th 1783 Aged 16 months & 15 days. In Memory of Mr.s Marcy the widow of M'" Thomas Savory who died Nov the 10 th 1785 in the 82 n year of her age. Memento Mori .Sacred to the Memory of S2 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY Mifs SALLY SAVORY daughter of M' William »S: Mrs. Mary Savary who died Ocf ye Sth 1790 yEtat 20 Huf h my dear friends not all your deep drawn fighs or louder groans can fnatch me from the skies. High heav'n decrees, let not vain man reply Or dare to dictate when his friend shall die In partial justice fnapt the vital thread In my behalf and gave me to the dead. In memory of Bethiah Savory daughter of Capt Thomas & M rs Molly Savory, who died Oct'" Ye 1st AD. 1790. Aged 3 years & 7 months. Tender fofteft infant mild. Perfect, fweeteft, loveliest child, Tranfient luftre, beautious clay, Cut of bv death in early day. Mr WILLIAM SAVORY departed this life July 22 Policy Savory, daughter of Major Thomas & M is Polley Savory, died June 21ft 1800, ^Etat. n. Capt. John Savory departed this life April 5th 1805 y£tat. 68. Mrs MARY SAVORY Relict of Mr William Savory died Dec. 29 1814 JEt 69 The rising morning can't assume That we shall end the day For death stands ready at the door To seize our lives away. Mr. Mrs. JOHN SAVORY SARAH died relict of Jan. 1, 1823. Capt. John Savory ; y£t. 65. died June 4, 1823 Mt. 89. THOMAS SAVORY; ESQ, died May 24, 1829. Sa inscriptions from the old cemetery Mt. 73. This last tribute of affection is raised that the living may see a memento of the departed. His death has sundered many a tender tie and wounded many an affectionate heart. He died rejoicing that in exchange for the dark and sorrowful abode of earth he should receive a bright and glorious mansion in heaven. Sovereign of nature, all is thine, By thee the orbs celestial shine. And Jesus said unto th Em, suffer little Children to come unto me & forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of GOD Bible Clara Balch died • Dec. S 1 83 1 aged 6 mons Mary Rollins died Dec 21 1833 aged 8 mons Children of George & Louisa B. Savary. Mrs. MARY, Relict of Thomas Savary Esq. died April 15 1833. ^Et. 77 To her numerous friends and relatives IN GROVELAND, MASS. 8c She has left a valuable Legacy in her example of Parental affection and Christian benevolence. SACRED To the memory of MR. ELIPHALET SAVORY. Died Jan. 25, 1S3S JEt. 73. Behold and see, as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I ; As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death, and follow me. Mrs. MARY, relict of Mr John Savory, died Dec. 29, 1840, JEt. 83. Set thine house in order, For thou also must die. Mr CHARLES SHATTUCK died in Boston May 26 1829 ^Et. 22. Dear son & brother thou hast left us, Yes thy loss we deeply feel, S6 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY But tis God that hath bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal, Vet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled, Then in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is shed. Mr JOHN SHUFF E N Shuff died 1S25 July 16 1802 JEt 1 yr JEt. 39 . MR. JEREMIAH SPOFFORD died Aug. 23. 1827. JEt. 77. (jive to this grave a passing tear. My friend, my father slumbers here. Deacon ELEAZAR SPOFFORD. departed this life in the confident hope of a better. March 15. 182S. JEt 8S A pattern of industry and frugality, An example to his cotemporarics, A benefactor to his de's cendents, And an efficient friend of christian missions. TEMPERANCE, IN GROVELAND, MASS. S7 Widow ul JEREMIAH SPOFFORD, Died Dec. 5. 1842. JEX. 87. Kind was that Providence Which made us her children, May vve be ever worthy of such a parent. In memory of MISS TEMPERENCE SPOFFORD, Who departed this life, July 3. 1858; Aged 80 yrs. "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit to God who ga>ve it." In memory of Ignatius Stevens who died Jan, 5th 17^5 ys Sarah Stickney who died Jan. 22<3 1795 ^tat. 14. Leonard Parker son of Mr Joseph & Mrs. Olive Stickney died June 9, 181 1 aged 16 months Hush my babe lie still & (rest God called you home he thought it best Miss SARAH STICKNEY, 90 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OI-D CEMETERY Daughter of Dean Daniel & Mrs. Sarah Stickney, died Sept. 2S, 181 7. JEX. 21 Here in this desert wild she bloom'd awhile, But chill disease death's wintry blast assail'd, Resign'd, she died in hope, ere long to raise Her voice to sing her great Redeemer's praise. Capt. Thomas Stickney, departed this life Nov. 8th 1808. yEt. 74. Mortals how few among your race Have given this thought its weight; That on this flying moment hangs, Your everlasting state. A soldier of the Revolution. Mr EBENEZER STICKNEY departed this life Nov. 13 181 2* JEX. 67. Miss Reheckah Stickney, departed this life Jan, 11, 1814, Mt. 37 Mrs. SARAH STICKNEY Relict of Capt. Thomas Stickney died Oct. 31, 1815, JEX. 78. ANN MARY daughter of Daniel B. & Ann Stickney died Oct. 3 1830 aged 3 years & 6 m's Weep not friends for Ann Mary Sweetest child, she lisps no more All those charms that made her lovely, Dwell upon another shore. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 9 1 MR. THOMAS STICKNEY, Died Sept. 4. 1820; Aged 50. MRS. HITTY STICKNEY, Died Sept. 2. 1845 ; Aged 69. Mrs MARY relict of Mr Eben Stickney died Oct 7 1835 ^85 Miss ^ 1^ $ DIED /■: DEC. 8, 1858, Aged 48 yrs. "Therefore be ye also ready ; for in such an hour as ye think not, the son fo man cometh." Abby Johnson daughter of Gorham P. & Elizabeth F. Tandy died July 26 1834 Jesus said suffer little come Children to unto me And forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God. ^jZABETH p. Wife of GORHAM P. TANDY, Died Feb. 1, 1844: aged 41 yrs. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. 9 2 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF SaRaH TEnne the WIFe OF DanlEL TEnne WHO DIED AUGU ST ye 31 1732 AGED 27 YEaRS MARY ye DAUGHTER OF PHILLIP And IEAnE TEnnEY DIED SEPt 13 1736 IN ye 3rd YEAR OF HER AGE SAmUEL SON OF PHILLIP And IEANE TEnnEY DIED SEPt ye 15 1736 AGED IN ye II MOnth MARtHA ye DAUGHTER OF PHILLIP AnD IEAnE TEnnEY DIED AUGUst ye 15 1736 In ye 6 YEAR OF HER AGE REBEKaH TEnny the DaFtER oF IonatHan anD REBEKaH TEnny WHo DIED IUnE the 22 1736 & in ye S YEAR oF HER AGE HERE LYES BURIED the BODY OF MRs REBEKAH TEnnEY the WIFE OF Mr IONAtHAN TEnnEY DIED APRIL 1739 AGED YEARS HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF MRs HANNAH ye WIFE OF ELDER SAMUEL TENNEY DIED OCtr 29 1745 IN THE 76 YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF ELDER SAMUEL TENNEY WHO DIED FEBRUARY 3rd 1747 & IN THE 8 1 st YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED IN GROVELAND, MASS. ( .).i THE BODY OF Mr DANIEL TENNEY WHO DIED MAY 7 1 75 1 IN THE 50I1 YEAR OF HIS AGE HERE LIES BURIED THE BODY OF THE WIDOW ANN TENNEY WHO DIED JUNE ye 28th 176S IN ye 6Sth YEAR OF HER AGE HERE LIES THE BODY OF REBEKAH THE DAUGHTER OF Mr WILLIAM AND Mrs REBEKAH TENNY WHO DIED SEPt Ye Sh 1773 AGED Ye i 3 h MONTH Mrs HANNAH C. wife of PHILIP TENNEY Born Apr. 17, 1777 Died Sept. 24, 1862. ERECTED In memory of Deacon Phillip Tenney Who Departed this life December the 21 1783 and in the 77th year of his age. Dean Jonathan Tenny departed this life Feb. 24 1786 JEX. 82. Memento mori Here lie Interred the Remains of Mrs Hannah Tenney, Con fort of Deacon Thomas Tenney who departed this life August the 23d AD. 1790 ^Etat 56. Great God I own the fentence juft €> 94 INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY And nature mult decay, I yield my body to the duft, To dwell with fellow-clay. Yet faith may triumph o'er the grave, And trample on the tombs Mv Jefus, my Redeemer lives, My God my Savior comes. Deacon Thomas Tenney, departed this life, July 2d 1798. y£tat 67 Some hearty friend f hall drop his tear On our dry bones, and fay, Thefe once were ftrong af mine appear, And mine muft be as they. Thus f hall our mould'ring members teach What now our fenfes learn, For duft and afhes loudeft preach • Man's infinite concern. Memento mori. Sacred to the Memory of Mifs Betty Tenney, (daughter of Deacon Thomas & Mrs Hannah Tenney) who died Septr ye 9th AD. 1789: y£tat 34, Behold and fee, you that pafs by. As you are now fo once was I, As I am now fo you muft be, Prepare for death and follow me. IN GROVELAND, MASS. 95 Mifs Sally Tenney, daughter of Deacon Thomas & Mrs Hannah Tenney, died Feb. 3d 1797. y£tat 3 1 . A lecture, filent, but of fovereign power, To vice, confusion, and to virtue peace. Virtue alone has majesty in death. Mrs ABIGAIL Consort of Mr Solomon Tenny died June 28 1817 JEM. 68 Mrs Lydia Tenny Relict of Dea Jonathan Tenny died June 6 1803 y£t. 93 Mrs REBECCA TENNEY Consort of Dea.n William Tenney died July 29 18 18 JEX. 6c, MRS. BETTY TENNY consort of Mr Solomon Tenny died June 5 1816 JEi. 75 Deacon WILLIAM TENNEY died May 4 1826 " ^:t86 A tender husband, father dear, A much lamented friend lies here, When Christ returns to call him forth The rising day will show his worth. q6 inscriptions from the old cemetery Mi- savory TENNY died Jan 14 1S24 .Et 5 o When death is sent from God above Calls us from those we fondly love It doth not always warning give Dear friends be careful how you live Capt. SAMUEL TENNY, died April 12. 1828. JEt. 64. Adieu, my friends, a long adieu, I leave the joys of earth with you ; And when the trump of God shall sound, May you in Jesus too be found. MR SOLOMON TENNY DIED April 18 1S30 ^93 Mrs BETSY relict of Mr Savory Tennv died April 1 1 1S33 ^Ec 59 Earthly cavern t© thy keeping IN GROVELAND, MASS. 97 We commit our sister's dust : Keep it safely, softly sleeping Till the Lord demand thy trust ELIZABETH A daughtr of John & Hannah R. Tenny died Sept 18. 1836. aged 12 years & 1 month, friends, Weep not for me my dearest Be still and know it is God, Who has a right to rule and reign, With his chastising rod. WM. TENNY Died Jan 17 1848 ^tS2 RUHAMAH his wife Died Apr. 10 1799 JEt 28 ABIGAIL. his wife Died Sept 8 1849 JEtSi HIRAM TENNY Died Feb 9 1828 yEt 21 SARAH D TENNY DIED OCT 14 1883 AGED80YRS [Granite Monument.] Mrs. ELIZABETH. relict of Capt. Samuel Tenny. died Sept. 5. 1836. /Et. 70. MISS ZELINDA TENNEY BORN July 8 1802 DIED Jan 1 1865 9§ - INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY PHILLIP TENNEY DIED July 25 1852 Aged 78 yrs Rest sleeping dust in silence rest In the cold grave that Jesus blest In faith and hope we lay thee there Safe in our Heavenly Fathers care Front. (Monument) 5 CAPT. 3OHN TENN£y SEPT. n, 1892. FRANK L. SON OF C, S. & ANGIE F. TENNEY, OCT. 7, 1858, MAY 10. 1 86^. FEB. 15, 1792 MAY 22, 1875 HANNAH R. HIS WIFE FEB. 21. 1802 NOV. 15. 1887 TENNEY Riaht Side. cVl ARLES S. TENNEy ANGIE F. HIS WIFE JULY 27, 1830 Left Side. JUNE 12. 1828, NOV. 6. 1887 ELLA, MAY 12. 1875 SEPT. 7. 1876 HERE LIES BURED THE IN GROVEI.AND, MASS. 99 N BODY OF JON ATM A WALINGFORD DIED DECr roth 174S IN Ye 34 YEAR OF HIS AGE. MISS JUDA WALLINGFORD died Dec. 29, iS2^ JEt. 71 THIS IN MEMORY OF Mr JAMES WOLLINGFORD WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE January THE ioh 1782 IN THE 70th YEar OF HIS AGE. Mr. JAMES WALLINGFORD died May 1 1 1 S49 JEt 70 Mrs Martha Wallingford Relict of Mr James Wallingford died Feb. 6th 1799 JEt. 82 MISS D BETTY WALLING FOR died March 16 1S30 JEt. 80 MR NATHl WALLINGFORD DIED FEB 26 1837 JEt 61 Sweet is the scene where Christians die When holy souls retire to rest How mildly beams the closing eve How gently heaves the expiring breast May we in life prepare to meet our GOD And seek our home in yonder brigfht abode IOO INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE OLD CEMETERY So may we live chat we may meet him there And wake from death a higher bliss to share MARY Relict of NATHANIEL WALLINGFORD Died July 9 1847 y£t 70 Yes mother thou hast left us here, And earths vain scenes with thee are o'er Thou hast done with all beneath the sun, To dwell with us on earth no more But let us now dry up our tears Beloved friends now cease to mourn : She's free from all her doubts and fears We trust to Jesus she has gone