F 589 .M5 S9 Copy 1 .% %. ^ V^ ^ L* • l ' * ^ *v -A v v •: V^SkV , V ^tfRaQasg UUMBER 6. THE / ^ *r an (^irrTrn < KDITKD HV Irrtrli Q , i J///N. BELLA FRRNi. II. M 1 £ N OMONIE AND Dui|i| Lotiqty, Wisconsin. * * ** # I \ ( ROSSE WIS SKETCH BOOK COMPANY, PUBLISHERS I- C\' 1 *n l.l ir-h « i in tin- nfltae <>i Ihc Librarian "j*9- O. OHNSTAD, DEALEB IN Id Boots, Shoes, Leather AND SHOE FINDINGS. Custom work a specialty. Repairing neatly and quickly done. E B BUNDY; Sttoi AND INSURANCE AGENT. EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN. Wm. B, HAHSCOME & CO., WfeotoMle Cteoeeft AND DEALERS IX Provisions, l>ri**cl KVixits Az:o., No. 9 Main Street, LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN. ALSO AGKN Aii|cricai| >>tcaii| Safe CSoir r pkiry, 8o^toi\, \Iei]outonic / Oui]i| Coni(ty, Wis. HISTORICAL SKKI'Cff. T THE INDIANS. iIIE land in this section of country was, upon the advent of the whites, claimed by the Chippewa Indians, though it was some- times invaded by theSioux. Theold settlers say that the beauty, grace, honesty and several other virtues claimed for the dusky suns and daughters of the forest, arc all a humbug, and originated in the brain of some love-sick novelist. An In- dian maiden was not remarkable for her beauty in olden times any more than she is now. She had little snakey e; straight, coarse, black hair ; high cheek bones ; a flat nose, and a low, retreating forehead. She had her white sister's love of paint, only she sought to improve on nature by using many colors, and more of them. She would appear at times before her lovers with a red fore- head, a blue nose, yellow cheeks and a green chin, reversing the color each day to suit her peculiar taste. She was not as particular about the quantity of her wearing apparel as she was about the quality. Her dress in summer generally consisted of a string of beads; in the winter, on account of the severe climate, she was obliged to wear rhin^ heavier. ^\i>} never washed, nor combed her hair. In fact both men and women levelled in filth, as a ' in the mini. The he, ihout the Indians also seem to be originated where the idea of Indian beauty is. The Indian would purchase his squaw from her people, when In- made up his mind to have one; and he who Neii — Tl.i- f the old settlers, who say tl.at tin- Bquawa received pre* d ami white, much tin- rame as il e women of oar race do; bat lhat tic Bquawa were not trafficked for otherwise, ami that they » a in the matter. 81 264 American Sketch Booh. could pay the largest price had the first chance for a bargain. He took as many wives as he wanted, and if he found he could not kill game enough for all, he gave some of them their discharge. He put all of the heavy work upon the squaws. Indian admirers say that he did so because it was necessary that his nerves should be steady when taking his aim at game. Be this as it may, it is certain that the squaws carried all the burdens, built the wigwams, cut the wood, made the fires and cooked the food, while the master lolled about, drinking and smoking. The Indians have never been believers in women's rights. The squaws have all the rights they want, and do not make any move until commanded by their lords. Neither did the Indians improve by mingling with the whites. They imitated all the white people's vices, but none of the white people's virtues. They learned readily to drink and gamble, and though the Chippewa language contains no " curse words," they would swear harder in English than any raftsman. More than this, the Chippewas did not take much to the English language. The white people, instead of raising the In- dians to their own level, generally descended nearly to a level with them. This intermingling of the races, perhaps, saved much blood- shed and torture, such as have been visited in other localities ; for the Indians would not murder their own kinsman, unless greatly exasperated. The Indians, as a race, though sometimes capable of gratitude, are generally a shrewd, unprincipled people. Mr. L. Bullard, one of the oldest settlers of Menomonie, tells quite an amusing anecdote, illustrative of these characteristics of Indian disposition. In 1849, Mr. Bullard was logging on Hay River, about eighteen miles from where Menomonie now is, and kept a supply store. The Indians there constantly coveting the trinkets and liquor which he had on hand for trading purposes, in the fall, brought in their camp-kettles and sold them to Mr. Bullard, taking their pay out of the store. But when the sugar-making time came, they needed their kettles, and they sent a squaw, whose name was " Old Goose," to borrow them. Mr. Bul- lard objected, at first, to lending them, but upon Old Goose's pledge of honor to return said kettles in good order, as soon as the sugar season should be over, he reluctantly let them go ; which was done with the understanding that he should receive a certain quantity of sugar for their use. One morning, however, about the close of the sugar-season, Mr. Bullard discovered that the Indians had pulled up their wigwams and departed, bag and baggage, during the previous Menomonu and Dunn County^ Wisconsin. 265 eight, taking along his kettles as well as the sugar which was due him. Mr. Ballard was angry, so angry that he decided to follow the [ndians and recover the camp-kettles. Upon his avowing his intention man, George Wilson by name, offered to accompany him ; and, stra as it may seem, these two men Btarted in pursuit, without a weapon of any kind with which to defend themselves, in case of an assault. They followed the trail in company, until they found it forked, when they separated, one taking the right and the other the left trail. Mr. Ballard had not proceeded far, when he overtook Old Goose's and another Indian, the former being armed with a shot-gun. The gentleman inquired concerning the squaw and the kettles, hut Old Goose's son answ r ered impudently that he knew nothing about either. More exasperated than before, Mr. Bullard made the reckless decision to obtain possession of the gun, and making a quick spring, grasped it and tried to wrench it from the Indian, who immediately sh his determination not to give it up. A hot scuffle ensued, during which Indian number two seated himself upon the ground and kept perfectly neutral. Finally the gun was broken in two, each oppo- nent having secured a piece. "I made up my mind then," said the narrator, " that I must kill the Indian to save my life. I had the larger piece, and it was the butt end of the gun. I raised this, anl made a dash at him, but he sprang backward, crying for mercy, and at the same time, offering me the other piece. I relented in his favor, and taking the offered piece, retraced my steps homeward^ closely followed by the Indians. On arriving home, I told my wife the whole story, and then we both began to wonder, somewhat fear- fully, what the consequence of my rash act would be. After a while 1 -aw Old Goose's son approaching my dwelling. lie knocked at the door and I opened it, knowing full well that it would not do for me to manifest any fear. Judge of my surprise, when I tell you that ranged along by the fence, were the missing kettles. Stealthily, Old -<• had returned them, and that being done, the Indian had come boldly to demand pay for his gun. 'There are your kettles,' hesaid in the Chippewa tongue. 'We do not steal, nor lie, nor cheat. You mad and broke my gun, and I want to be paid for it.' ' I p in reflection, Mr. Ballard concluded to pay for the gun, as the Indian ght dollars in trade for it ; but he also gave the | the broken one back to it- QOWing that it could be mended with very little work. So the quarrel e restored. 206 American Sketch Book. The Indians, rough, ignorant and uncouth as they are, seem to have always had a tinge of romance about them ; and their language is said to be rather flowery. The incidents relating to the sickness, death and burial of Saganash, as told by Mrs. Bullard, is one worthy of a place in this article. These transpired during tht residence of the Bullards on Hay River. Saganash was an old Indian, struck down with consumption, and obliged to leave his tribe, since he could no longer follow it. One of his squaws (he had had three) had de- parted this life ; another had taken her papoose and gone home to her parents, at his desire, as he could not hunt enough for all , but the last and youngest, he kept with him, that she might care for him un- til the end. On leaving his tribe, Saganash asked permission of the Bullards to build his wigwam near their store for obvious advantages. The permission being granted, he desired Mr. Bullard to take a blue blanket, which he had in his possession, and immediately after his death to give his squaw therefore, sufficient whisky to enable her and his friends to do the mourning business to perfection. Mr. Bullard refused to take the blanket, as it was cold weather, and the Indian needed it ; but he promised to furnish the required whisky. Saganash then made a very effective speech, in which he returned thanks to Mr. Bullard, and also portrayed his own misery and pov- erty. There had been a time when his wigwam was filled with game, when all his squaws and papooses were about him, and when whisky and tobacco were plenty. Now he was obliged to quit his people, to give up one of his squaws, and to depend on his children for support. He wept while he was speaking, and his apparent sorrow so affected his hearers that they resolved to make his few days as pleasant as possible. Thenceforth, until the time of his death, which occurred about four months later, the Bullards visited him daily, and supplied him with the few luxuries which they could command. At one time, during his sickness, Saganash fell into a trance, or a fainting fit, and was thought to be dead by his squaw and children ; but the whites soon succeeded in restoring animation, and he then related to his wondering friends a story of a visit to the happy hunting ground — a story which proves plainly how belief and education control the vision and thought at such times. The evil spirit had brought him word that the Great Spirit had sent for him, which was a lie. But believing the devil, he had gone to the happy hunting ground, and waited upon God, with whom he had a long conversation, and who kindly informed him that both he and the Bullards should have a place prepared for Mienomonu and Dunn County^ Wisconsin, 267 them when their days on earth should be ended. He described the happy hunting ground as a land around which g tioned, and those guns kept up a never-ending puff, puff, puff, and were continually bringing down the rarest, fattest game that can be imagined. Observing that the two sons of his dead squaw were shed- ding tears, he told them not to cry, for he had seen their mother, who was engaged in raising corn in the happy hunting ground country ; — that the ears were as long as his arm, and the kernels as long as hick- ory nuts. He then quietly informed his listeners that he was not to die at that time, for God had sent him back, with the request that upon his arrival upon earth, he should have a number of guns fired to proclaim the facts to the inhabitants of the happy hunting ground. So urgent was he in the matter of the firing guns, that the whites humored him by discharging all the fire-arms they had in their pos- session. Whether the signal was ever recognized by the people of the happy hunting ground, the writer cannot say ; but certain it is, the firing was heard by a party of Chippewa? encamped three miles dis- tant, and they, believing that the Sioux were on the war-path, lied in dismay from that part of the country. A few weeks later, Saganash died ; at which time the squaw received the promised whisky. They buried him where the fire of the wigwam had been kept all winter, that spot being unfrozen. An Indian, related to the dead man, was here at the timj, and he made a very flowery and impressive sermon, during which he spoke of the kindness of the whites, declaring in extravagant language that the Chippewas would suffer their ears to be cut off, their tongues torn out and their eyes put out before they would bring any trouble to the settlers on Hay River. In fact, very few whites suffered from Indian depredation in thi< section of the country, farther than by petty thefts and like annoy- ances. There seems to have been but few murders. Two of t are wrapt in mystery, since none know what provoked them. i men, whose names the writer did not learn, while looking for a mill- were set upon by the Indians. Their mutilated bodies were found by some hunters and brought to Menomonie for burial. The murder of William Wickham in 1850 is still fresh in the minds of the old settlers. The Indian. Big Rascal, for some cause or other, had coi hatred for Wickham, and one night entered the man's sleeping quar- ters and stabbed him to the heart. Wiekhani's bed-fellow, a white man, was obliged to lie all night in a pool of blood by the Bide of his dead companion, and was threatened with a like fate if he dared to 2G8 American Sketch Booh. move. There were also two other men, who were searching out pine lands, that were shot hy the Indians, while running a canoe up the Red Cedar. This happened in an early day, and the names of the unfortunate strangers are not remembered by the old settlers. No other murders by the Indians are on record. SETTLEMENT BY THE WHITES. It is uncertain at what time the pineries on the Red Cedar River were first visited by white people. It is thought that the timber used in constructing the French shanties at Fort Crawford (now known as Prairie du Chien) a century or more ago, was taken from this part of the country ; as saw-pits, having a very ancient appearance, are to be found along the banks of the river. The pits were made for the use of whip-saws. A log was placed across the pit, and two men, one in the pit and one above, with an up-and-down saw, cut it into boards. In 1820, the American Fur Company sent sawyers to this part of the country, and in 1829, companies of men under Lieutenants Gardener and Gale* cut and rafted lumber, from the pineries of the Red Cedar, to complete Fort Crawford. A Mr. Perkins, of Kentucky, had pre- viously, in 1822, built a mill on the Red Cedar, but it was washed away by a freshet before its completion, and threats from the Indians pre- vented him from re-building it. Judge Lockwood of Prairie du Chien visited the mill-site in company with the expedition from the fort. The following year, he returned and erected a mill on what is now known as Wilson's Creek. A year later, he built a second mill, a mile and a half below the first. II, S. Allen bought an interest in the mills in 1835, and in 1837 this company. built a third mill still lower down, by about five miles. In 1839, Lockwood sold out his interest to H. S. Allen. Five years later a Mr. Green bought the upper mill, but sold it soon after to David Black. For several years, G. S. Bran- ham was associated with II. S. Allen in the mill business. They were known as the firm of Allen & Branham. They sold the middle mill, situated on what is now known as Gilbert's Creek, then called Middle Mill Creek, to Samuel Gilbert & Son, in 1846. Such were the state of affairs when Captain William Wilson, of Fort Madison, Iowa, determined to make an exploring tour through the county in search of a location. He ascended the Mississippi River by a steamboat to a point known as Nelson's Landing, *Note. — It is claimed by some, that previous to the lilting out of this expedition, another under the command of -lelf Davis, visited the Red Cedar for this same pur- pose ; but this story is not credited, as the parties who gave it circulation have been heard to deny its truth. Menomonu and Dunn Count//, Wisconsin. 269 and, learning from Mr. Branham (of the firm of Allen & Branham) with whom he chanced to meet, tfa i plenty upon the Red Cedar River ( he accompanied thai gentleman hither. This journey was made od foot, early in the spring of L846. tptain Wilson had any amount of ambition, energy and h but he was "lit | 1 of mucb money; ami he has 1 proved what so often has been disputed : that the three first, if assisted by health, are a fortune in themselves. Finding that an inte in Black's mill was for sale, he made an exploration of fifty miles up the river, to ascertain how the pine WO aid " hold out." The trip wis takci in a canoe, with no companion but an Indian gu He soon became satisfied in regard to the pine-question, and he r , then and there, to have an interest in the mill., if by any honorahle m he could raise the money required. For this purpose he returned to Fort Madison, where he interviewed John II. Knapp, Esq., a young man who had recently loft an eastern college, and who was looking ab 'if for an opportunity to in'. all amount of money, a put of which was from his lather's estate, and the remainder left him hy an in X w York. The scheme seemed feasable to Mr. Knapp, ami ed to look into the matter. He went with Captain Wilson to Black's mill, and finding the property to his liking, concluded to make the purchase. The pair returned to Fort Madison, and there met David Black, with whom they contracted for a half interest in the mill. Shortly after this, C apt. Wilson, accompanied hy his family (which consisted of his wife and four children) and Jason Ball and wife, made a trip to their ne* home, ascending the Chippewa and lied Cedar rivers on a keel boat, i For description of a keel-bo page f the current volume of the Skip n BOOK.) Three week- later. Mr. Knapp also returned to the mill, bringing with him, on a keel- boat, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bullard, formerly of Fort Madison, hut ' of Galena, whom he had to keep the men- boarding- bouse : and Mr-. Clair and son, Mr-. Ballard's help, lie also brought a boat-load of supplies. 1' may he inl . to some of our read- era to know that Mr. Knapp either or poled the boat through the entire trip. [| was a slow method of travelii _ r at best, and the women must needs have something - away the tin I as men. Upon this particular occasion they brought out a work- mployed tic or knitting. The work- basket contained besides hall- of yarn and needle-work, a lot;.' rs belong Mr. Ballard. Now it happened that one day 270 American Sketch Booh little Eugene Bullard, then some three years old, while dancing about the boat, chanced to knock the basket into the river ; and as the basket, balls and bottle went gliding over the waves, the women set up a dismal wail, which so smote the tender heart of Mr. Knapp, that he at once sprang overboard to regain the articles. The water was deep and swift, and the young man did not find his self-imposed task an easy one. He succeeded in getting the basket and balls, but the bottle of bitters drifted beyond his reach, and in his earnest en- deavors to possess it, he gave the people on the boat the idea that he was drowning ; and they, in their desire to come to his asssistance, upset some other articles, which he also had to swim after and gather in. Knowing that in the new country toward which they were travel- ing, all their supplies would be needed, he determined to secure every article which was overboard ; and as his arms flew about in a livelier manner than ever, the impression that he was drowning gained, and the preparations for assistance began in good earnest. It was not till after having secured basket, balls, bottle and all, he clambered back into the boat, that they could understand just how matters were; and then all parties had a laugh over the affair. Few young men of the present day would jump into swift drift-water to secure a lady's work basket, especially if they had to remain wet all day in consequence, as did Mr. Knapp. During the same trip the youthful Eugene got into trouble. He made up his mind, one evening while the party were landed in order to get supper, that he would go into the water to bathe. His parents were not willing, but he was a self-willed child, and in he went. It was the era of musquitoes. Old settlers say that musquitoes would sweep over the country in masses so thick that they formed a black cloud as they moved. It was only by keeping a constant smoke that the people could live in any measure free from the attacks of those insects. Upon this occasion the wilful youngster had only got fairly stripped and into the water when a cloud of musquitoes settled upon him. As their million bills went into his tender flesh, he gave a most unearthly yell, and started for the shore, where he was met by his frightened mother, who put on the slaps (killing musquitoes, of course) thick and fast. His appearance, as he stood by her side, his flesh swollen by the bites, and covered with blood and mashed musquitoes, and his mouth stretched to the utmost capacity in order to give vent to his terrible yells, can better be imagined than described. The persons already mentioned in this sketch, a few workmen and Menomonn and Dunn County^ Wisconsin. -71 two white women, who had been among the [ndiane bo long that they bad about forgotten tliat they did belong to thi made up the entire white population for quite a period. The firm name of the upper mill at this time was Knapp & Black. But Mr. Black died Borne time during 1846, and J. S. Lockwoodof Prairie du Chien, being administrator of Mr. Black's property, made a visit to the mill for the purpose of investigating matters. Subsequently Knapp & Wil on bought out the interest of the Black family; and etime in the month of September, L850, Captain Andrew Tainter became a partner. A new mill, comprising two gang saws and two rotai erected soon after Captain Tainter *s admission into the mill company. This linn was known us Knap]) & Tainter. In L853, 1.'. L Stout of Dubuque, a man of some means, bought an in- t( rot in the mills, ami the firm then took the name of Knapp, Stout & Co., which it ha nee retained. It is nol the intention of the writer to give the entire history of this fan, mis company here, as another article will be devoted to that purpose. A gei era! outline of leading events is what this sketch is intended I rot. The c< nntry about the mills was found to be a magnificent pine jt, interppersed with hard woods and skirted in places by hard lands; the soil varied and tillable, sandy, with a sub .-oil of clay on and near the river banks, and loamy on the table land- ; and the whole richly watered by pure streams and springs which .tiered an abundance of fi?h. With a judgemnt that looked to future welfare more than to pri ■ • 1 1 c comforts, the Mill Company, unlike many other searchers for homes and wealth, instead- of being discour- ag I by hardships, on I by the rude society, entered the lands as i'.i-t :i- they came into market, and thereby laid a foundation for future wealth and greatness. This company opened the first farm in I thereby that the soil was very productive; and in order that the people might be induced t. settle on farms, they bought all the grain raised, for many years, paying a high prioe for the same ; thus furnishing hone- market and stimulating the firming interests. There w benefit} to.>. arising from the lark of society, looking ;l t in • ley-making point of view. Rich dr< ss was not . i by any piece of calico would furnish all the dn ised by all tl n in the neighborhood for a while year, and make each a Sunday-go-to-meeting Bun-bonnet 272 American Sketch Boole. well. The men wore check, and flannel shirts, and outer clothes of coarse cloth. Men, women and children, from the highest to the low- est, had to work, and no one acted as if he thought himself a little better than were his neighbors. Supplies for the first settlers were brought up theriver by keel-boats in the summer, and by trains on the ice in the winter. They consisted principally of whisky, pork, beans and flour, the whisky, it is said by some, being largely in excess. What is true in this respect of this place, is true of the whole country. The demand for whisky as a commodity is portrayed excellently by Oapt. Johnson, in his history of Black Iliver Falls. It is said that when St. Paul was only an Indian trading-post, it was noticed, one fall, that a Mr. Hartshorn, a trader, while carrying up supplies upon the last boat of the season, had, as part of his cargo, one hundred barrels of whisky, but not a barrel of meat or flour; from which it would seem that the early St. Paulites subsisted almost entirely upon whisky. People in Dunn County did not suffer actual want, though the food was sometimes coarse and un- palatable. It very often happened that the staves had to be removed from a barrel of flour, and the flour pounded up with an ax, before it could be made into bread. But there was plenty of game, berries and all kinds of wild fruit belonging to these latitudes, and those who were not too indolent to work need have no fears of suffering from lack of food. Still there were hardships which had to be endured while the country was unsettled. For a time the nearest post-office was at Prairie du Chien, and during that period such of the young men as had left girls behind them, must have had their faith severely tried. For the first seven years there were no regular wagon roads ; and traveling by Indian trails through a then measureless forest, was more romantic than pleasant. There was but little immigration dur- ing that period, and the majority of the people who did come, wearied of the hardships attendant upon the life of a pioneer, and returned to their old homes, consequently but little or no society existed, and the cultivated had to seek the companionship of the ignorant and uncouth, or remain isolated from their fellow beings. So the mind, perhaps, knew more of want than did the body. There were, however, times when the supplies fell short, and when the rifles brought down only muskrats ; and those times are looked upon by the old settlers as the hardest ones that they had to endure. The prejudice against those animals had more to do with making the people feel in actual want, when obliged to eat the flesh thanwas really necessary ; since the un- Menomonu and Dunn County^ Wiscon 273 initiated would partake of it with :i relish, and be under the impres- sion that they were eating sqirrel-stew. Neither did the old settlers here Buffer from attacks of the Indians, as the | in other parts of the Union have done. True, there were occasional battles among Sioux and the Chippewas, and sometimes hard feelings between the whites and the [ndians; the settlers very often suffered from thefts committed by their dusky neighbors; but, as previously remarked, with ;i lew exceptions, no white person's blood was shed in this valley by them, and their attacks wei illy provoked, as in one or two 3 which will be mentioned. An attack upon some of the whites was at one time occasioned by a man by the name of Harris, who ordered the Indian, Big Rascal, out of the men's sleeping quarters, and who, upon the refusal of the savage to comply with the demand, resorted to the use of fists and boots, to make the order more forcible. Not long after the expulsion of Big Rascal, as narrated, the whites were alarmed by the Indian war-cry. aid a party of Chippewas, headed by Masonaquet, a chief, was seen approaching. It was not a very pleasant sight ; — the Indi- ans coming, swinging their tomahawks and crying for blood, followed by their squaw-, who, with their dismal wails were begging them to desist. But Mr. Bullard, with a remarkable forethought, went out to meet the chief. " If you want blood," he said, "take mine first." Masonaquet paused in amazament, which allowed Mr. Dullard time to explain the matter. Upon hearing the whole truth, the chief admitted that Big Rascal was in the blame, and expressed himself willing to resume the friendly relations which had previously existed. It is quite possible that this daring art prevented much bloodshed, if not a general massacre. Iu 1848, one George Wilson (no relation to Capt. Wilson) bought hired or bribed a squaw, known as Mary Dirty-face, to marry him, Indian fashion. But the union did n>>t prove a happy one. M try Dirty face, after the manner of some of the women now-a-days, ab- solutely refused to share her bed and board with her lord : and to re- taliate, hi- siezed upon the goods with which he had bought or bribed In r, and burned them. Not yet satisfied with his revenge, he pur- chased a gallon of whisky and a quantity of ipecac, and invited the I ndians to have a big drunk with him, being careful, however, t> drink none of the drugged whisky himself. The deed aroused the ire of the savages, as well it might, and as soon as they were sufficiently re- covered, they Bounded the terrible war cry and started in pursuit of 274 American Shetcli Boole. vengeance. George Wilson was warned in time, and escaped, which did not contribute much toward healing the wounds that the Indians had received at his hands. They made terrible threats against the peace of the whites, but finally became quieted without resorting to blood- shed. Perhaps it is needless to add that thenceforth Mary Dirty-face was considered as lawfully divorced from her lord and master. The Indians did not call the white settlers by their real names, but christened them, Indian fashion, with appropriate cognomens, by which they were known and familiarly spoken of by their own people, as well. Capt. Wilson was " Chah-no," (big nose) ; T. B. Wilson was called "Chah-ness," (little nose); J. II. Knapp was known as "Ne- pos-ke, 1 ' or the great sleeper ; Elisha Brown, an early settler, and a logger, was "Wah-ba-no," (morning dawn); Levi Vance, a partner of Brown's, was "O-wist-we ah," (blacksmith), and Lorenzo Bullard had the outlandish cognomen of " Che-puck-wah-nin-ny," which means a cook. As the latter person kept the boarding-house, it was to him that the hungry natives oftenest came begging. Upon one occasion, the Indian, Nain-ne-aun-gabe, familiarly known by the whites as Lit- tle Chief, and really the most honorable man in the Chippewa nation, (if Indians are possessed of any honor) called on Bullard for some food, and Bullard put a half bushel of fried cakes on the table, and told Little Chief to help himself. The hungry native devoured five or six, then, spreading his blanket on the table, deliberately emptied all of the cakes into it, and made off with them, giving a grunt of sat- isfaction as he passed through the door. Bullard, too suprised to stop his progress, looked after the chief with widely opened eyes, and ejac- ulated : "By John Rogers, who would have thought the d d Indian would have gobbled them all? " THE MAN WITH THE WHITE SHIRT ON. In the spring of 1847, James Wilson, a brother of Capt. Wilson, came, on a keel-boat, to some point on Chippewa River, and walked thence to the home of the Captain, passing on his journey the resi- dence of the Gilberts, situated two miles distant. It being a warm day, he had removed his coat to facilitate his walking, and thus dis- closed to the wondering Gilberts the fact that he was a man who wore a white shirt. All unconscious, however, that he was a subject of wonderment, he continued on his way, and arrived, in the course of time, at his brother's place of residence, so completely fatigued that it was necessary for him to go to bed, in order to recruit his wasted energies. Mrs. Bullard, being at the Wilson's at the time of his arri- Menomonii and Dunn County, Wisconsin. 27o v;il, invited him to rest at her house, deeming it the more quiet of the two. The invitation was accepted. Bat the young man ha 1 scarcely cnsconsel himself in the inviting bed, before Mrs. Bullard n upon by the entire Gilbert family, which consisted of four women and one man. There were two rooms in Ballard's cabin, one of which w is used for a Bleeping room : an 1 after closing the door between the apartments, that the weary traveler might not be disturbed, Mrs. Bul- i ir 1 -it down to entertain the party of caller-. She ha I often invited the Gilbert family to make her a visit, — coming all together, i. ; of one at a time, as they were in the habit of doing ; ami now she cx- pressed her surprise and pleasure at their being able to do so. "La .'" returned Mrs. Gilbert, fanning herself- vigorously with her sun-bonnet, " we didn't come visiting. Bless you, we havn't time for that. The truth is, we saw a man pass our house with a biled shirt on, and we jist started after him full chase, to see what he is here for. A man must be a fool, or crazy, or something, to wear a biled shirt up here. Where is he, Mrs. Bullard? Is he here':" The lady, interrogated, in- formed the Gilberts of the fact that the stranger was at the time rest- ing in one of her beds. " What's he want, and what's he doing here ? " they all demanded in chorus. Without replying, Mrs. BulIarJ ste] to the door, leading to the other apartment, and said to the travel r : "Mr. Wilson, you are waited upon by a deputation of ladies who are alarmed for the safety of any man that is reckless enough to wear a a white shirt. You will therefore please come out and give on account of yourself and of your business here.'' It is perhaps needless to add that the gentleman complied with the request, and ended his explana- tions by promising never to wear a white shirt again ; and that tin- party returned home satisfied that his ignorance excused his off- John 11. Knapp, Esq., when at the mills, was more careful. He laid aside his dress clothes for the more popular ones of the backwoods men. I p m one occasion he substituted a pair of moccasins for his fine hoots; but when he again needed the latter, he found one of them . Not wishing to appear upon the b xders of ci\ ilization dressed like an Indian, he institute 1 a Bearch for the missing article. He went to one wigwam and enquired about it. The cup mred him that they did not steal, but they were sure their next neighl did. The next neighbors told a similar story. Finally he entered a wigwam where he found an Indian lying on the ground, covered up with a blanket. lie at on ioncluded that that Indian had his boot J and on Bnatching off" the blanket In- found that his conclusion 276 American Sketch Booh right, for, upon the soles of the old chap's moccasins, he discovered his boot top. He also, upon searching the wigwam, found the sole of the boot. But the Indian denied stealing the boot, and pretended not to know where he got it. Mr. Knapp retaliated by seizing a shot-gun, and taking it away with him to his quarters. He was followed by a crowd of whooping savages, who, however, did not have courage to attack him, though they complained loudly about his treatment. He very quietly informed them that his boots had cost as much as the gun, and that he intended to keep the latter in payment for what they had stolen. " But we stole only one boot, and you take pay for both !" they exclaimed. Finding Mr, Knapp determined to keep the gun, they dispersed; but they never could see the justice of paying for two boots when they had taken only one. The amusements of the early settlers were dancing, card-playing, hunting and fishing; in the latter of which the women -were often as expert as the men; and so great was the love of dancing, that parties have been known to go from Eau Claire to Chippewa Falls, breaking the way through deep snow, to attend a dance- The fiddle was about all the kind of musical instrument known for many 'years. The first piano was brought by Phineas Branch and wife, in 1855, to the company's hotel, then kept by Mrs. Bullard. While keeping the hotel, which she did during the absence of her husband who was in California, Mrs. Bullard received an offer of marriage from an old Indian chief, who admired her and pitied her lonely condition The hotel was destroyed by fire in 1859, and proved to be a great loss to the traveling public, and to the seekers of amusement who had made it their headquarters for many years. It was "also in this hotel that the live men of what is now Dunn County, resolved no longer to countenance the evils of drunkeness and gambling by the sale of liquor, or by indulging in the amusement of card-playing. This occurred in 1851. A party had gathered one evening in the hotel bar-room to play for amusement. But they played for oysters, wine and finally money; and the whole resulted in something which they had not played for, viz., a quarrel, or row of some kind. The unlooked-for result of that one evening's amusement set them to thinking, and being truly thinking men, they saw their error, and resolved thenceforth to make amends for it. Previous to this, however, and as early as 1818, the Company had given up the liquor traffic. It occurred in this wise: Several rafts had been broken up and scattered about, through the inefficiency of Menomonu and'Dunn County^ H in. 277 druuken workmen; wh Wilson rem wrke 1 rather snappishly that the miserable whisky w.is to blame For the whole thing. " Why u let them have it?" asked Mr. Knapp. "You bring it ap," retorted the < Saptain. " 5Tes, ] ul ; on put it in your bills of ueede 1 Bupplies. ' " Well, m \t time you bring supplies, just leave it out," saiil Capt. Wilson. Mr. Knapp took the Captain at his w >rd, and the next boat brought no liquor. The men, who bad been anxiously awaiting the arrival of a supply of their favoriti id at the boat's freight, and finding none there, began to look black, has not brought a drop of whisky," they complained to the I "How is thi<, Knapp ': " asked thai individual tersely, for the m looks threatened mutiny. " Where's the whisky ? " "I forgot it," replied Knapp, and his inl r know what that meant. ■• i will have to wait until the next time I go for suppl It is need- : Id that Mr. Knapp ever after continued to for.: -t that par- ticular article , and that the men's bills no longer read as one of the old-time topers says his did, which was as follow- : L84' Blank Blanker 1), Jan. 1 To Jan. '2, To Sundries 25 lL". 25 25 Other parties, however, \ to furnish liquor to all who could pay for it, and the liquor traffic was, therefore, not aboli- except by the< Jompany. I " ie early in the spring of I s I s , that th" lii sup the Chippewa River. The"Dr. Franklin," of Galena, was b for the upper Mississippi. Mr. Knapp was on board, having with him a crew of workmen ami consi lerable freight, lie also bad freight on a Becond boat, the " Highland Mary." it was found that Lake Pepin v.. »ata could not proceed on their regular trips, Mr. Knapp chartered the " Dr. Franklin" to bring men and freight to their destination, he, himself, b g the pilot for the time. He brought the ifely thr the men ami freight at the mouth of the Red Cedar River. This 278 American Sketch Booh. started the subject of the possibility of navigating the Chippewa, and the " Dr. Franklin " was, in course of time, followed by a boat owned by H. S. Allen. GOING A VISITING IN EARLY DAYS. The houses of the early settlers were log cabins, containing not more than one or two rooms, and, in most cases, supplied with home- made furniture, barely sufficient to meet the wants of the inmates. A spare bed was a luxury which few, if any, had ; and, when people went a visiting, it was as necessary for them to carry their beds with them as it was to take their clothing. Mr. Bullard tells of how he was once visited by a party during his residence on Hay River; and a description of the arrangements for sleeping is quite amusing. The party consisted of Capt. Wilson and wife, Oliver Gilbert and wife (now of Brownsville, Minn.) and B. Heard and wife. As usual, they all brought their beds with them. But the cabin was small, and could not afford room on the floor for three seperate beds ; so one large bed was made up, and Mr. Bullard had to puzzle his wits to arrange the party in them so that one man would not be placed by the side of another man's wife. This is the way he arranged them, and it proved perfectly satisfactory to all : m c fcn o w -a ^2 T3 ¥ '6 S-i S-i m pq ^ fcrH r^ ■^ o i Mr. Bullard was always considered a good floor manager. Another description of some sleeping arrangements is still more comical. The Bullards were living at the lower mill in a cabin, with two rooms in it, each having a single door which opened outside. Another Gilbert family were the visitors this time. The Bullards had only two beds, and both in one room. One of these was usually occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bullard, and the other by the two children, then little shavers, To arrange for Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, who had not brought beds along, Mrs. Bullard decided to have Eugene sleep with her and her husband, and to put her daughter on a lounge, thus giving up one bed to the Menomonit and Dunn County, Wisconsin. 279 visitors. Now it happened that Mrs. Gilbert was goffering with sick head-ache, and in consequence retired before dark. After dark, but before bed time, Mr. Ballard complained of being tired, and asked where he was to Bleep. Bis wife answered, " In our bed with Enge Be misunderstood her to aay, "In Eugene's bed, 4 ' lie went into the room, purposely without a light, and got into the children's bed. The lady, sup] her husband, did not speak. She noticed that he nudged her rather roughly with his elbow, but her head ached bo hard that she crept off to the far Bide, and made no complaint. A ft era while Mr. Gilbert asked to be shown to bed, and Mrs. Bullard, taking a light, led him to the chamber, where they found the pair asleep, and apparently totally unconscious of their close proximity to each other. The consternation of all parties cannot be described. Milliard's greatest trouble, however, was in getting to his own bed. His wife says that when he did go, he bore a flag of truce along with him. Mr. Bullard seems to have given people other causes to laugh at his expense several times. The writer heard of a funny joke which was played on him, and will give it here. When or where it happened, it matters not. Himself and wife were in a house where several young folks were visiting, and where the subject of spiritualism was being discussed, Mr. Bullard disclaiming all belief in that theory. The young folks, assisted by Mrs. Bullard, resolved to make him a believer; and as they could not command the spirits, they invented a mechanical contrivance to act in place. It was an arrangement for making raps on the head-board of his bed, and was managed by a person in another room, by means of a wire running under the carpets. Upon the night in question, Mr. Bullard retired after a stirring controversy upon spiritualism ; but Mrs. Bullard lingered, for obvious reasons, a little longer than usual with the young folk-. When finally she sought her companion, she found him perched up in bed, on one elbow, listen- ing with breathless attention. " What is the matter ?" she asked. " I have heard raps here 1 " he replied. " All imagination," she re- turned, with a toss of her hea 1. " You have talked against spirit- ualism until you have made yourself believe it." But even while she spoke, throe distinct raps Were heard. "There!" he exclaimed. "Sure enough, you have got the raps after you! Ask it to rap twice if you are a medium." " Please rap twice if I am a medium." said Mr. Bullard, with terrible earnestness. The answer came, one, two. " Perhaps it is your father. Ask it." Slowly and solemnly the 280 American Sketch Book. victim put the question: "If you are my father, please rap twice." Again the answer came, one, two. Mrs. Bullard began to edge toward the door. " Where are you going ? " he inquired. " Going to find other quarters," she replied. "And leave me here alone? " "Yes, if you are a medium I am not going to live with you- I won't live with a medium." "But I can't help it," he said piteously. "I don't want to be a medium. Please don't go ! " " Well, ask your spirit, if it will stop rapping if I come to bed ! " In a very anxious and solemn manner, Mr. Bullard asked: "Father, will you stop rapping if my wife comes to bed ? " One, two, the raps answered. Mrs. Bullard went to bed, and no more raps were heard ; but the poor man tossed about all night, wondering how she could sleep so quietly while he was so restless. The next morning he looked so woe-begone that the young folks took pity on him, and informed him that it was all a joke. But he was not angry at all. He was only too glad that it was not a reality, and that he was not a medium. Returning to the early times, tradition gives us a little anecdote, which shows how the people spent Sundays. It was one summer, at plumming time. Mr. Bullard had worked hard all the week previous, and w r as very tired ; still he did not fail to make one of a plumming party that started out on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ball, one of the Company, Mrs. Clair and Eugene Bullard, then a small boy, were the other members of the party. They went up the river in a canoe, the rowing, or rather poling, being done by the men, who could not agree as to the best method of performing that kind of work. One of them found considerable fault with Mr. Bullard, who became a little angry thereat — all the more so because he was heated and tired with the exertion. The consequence was, that when the canoe was landed near the thicket, Mr. Bullard threw Eugene across his shoulders and started for home on foot. Arriving there, he shook the boy off, and, straightening himself up, exclaimed : " Well, if Jesus Christ reigns another Sunday, I'll rest." It is needless to add that Sunday service was not held in this part of the county at that time. THE FIRST MARRIAGES. The first marriage in this part of the country, was in 1847. The parties were a Mr. Whitcomb and Mrs. Clair. The Circuit Justice of the Peace, J. W. Bass, happened to be at Chippewa Falls and he came, over and performed the ceremony. The marriage took place at the Company's kitchen, and Mrs. W r ilson provided the supper. But it happened that when the second couple, Margaret Scott and Thomas Menomonu and Dunn Count;/, Wisconsin. 281 Piercewell, wished to be united, there was no one near who had power to tie the knot. This difficulty waa obviated by a marri tract, which was drawn up and signed in I of witnesses. After the >ver, the parties invited their friends to the wedding feast, which consisted of pork and beans, and whisky, which were the staple articles of food at that time. A dance ended the festivif This singular marriage occurred in 1850, and proved satisfactory to both parties. FIRST DEATH AND BURIAL OF A WHITE WOMAN. The first death of a white woman in tin's section of country, also occurred in 1850. Mrs. Fannie Vale, probably the first woman who was a resident here, was the victim. She had lived a hard life, and, in the matter of civilization, she was but little in advance of her com- panions, the savages. Her husband, John Yale, was a rough, unedu- i old man, and withal much given to drink. After the old woman hid become ill, she was taken to the residence of one A. Lemon, whose wife was an Indian medicine-woman, that she might have the benefit of Mrs. Lemon's skill. One winter day, the tipsy John in- formed Mrs. Bullard, in his profane way, that Fannie was dying. Mrs Bullard did not believe the statement, but she immediately set out for Lemon's cabin, two miles distant, to ascertain whether or not it was true. She found the poor creature lying upon the floor, upon some rags and skins, half naked and already in the agonies of death. The look of blank amazement, that spread over the lady's face, con- vinced John that the visitor understood the exact situation ; and nudg- ing her with his elbow, he exclaimed: " You did not believe me when I told you that it was as true as h — 1 she was a d\ Then he dropped to the floor to the side of his wife, and, twisting a lock of her gray hair about his fingers, much as if he was about to scalp her, he product d a dull jack-knife, and tried to cut oil' the lock of hair, greatly to the annoyance of the sick woman, who writhed under the inflic- tion. "What are you doing, John? " asked Mrs. Bullard, rushing to tli.' rescue. "I'm going to have a lock of her hair; it's all I • 'spect to have of her now," he replied. Mr~. Bullard begged him to it, promising that she would Bee that a lock of his wife's hair should ived forhim. Th id him, and crawling behind the stove, he soon fell into a drunken sleep. '■ itor and the Bquaw to attend to the dying woman, wh I eternityward sometime in the evening. Mrs. Bullard sent home for f her own clothes, in which to lay out the destitute creature's 1>" ly. A bo urd u te procured, 282 American Sketch Booh. but there were no tables or chairs to hold the corpse, and the best that they could do was to place it on a couple of barrels, which held the winter's supply of pork and venison. When night came on, the Lemon family crawled into the one bed that the cabin contained, and Mrs. Bullard was left to keep the dreary watch alone. About midnight John Vale awoke from his drunken sleep, and getting up upon his haunches, like an animal, began to sing " Good-bye, Molly." Mrs. Bullard tried to hush him by asking if he knew that Fannie was dead. He replied with an oath that he knew it too well. Presently he got up, and, going to the side of the corpse, uncovered the face and looked long and earnestly at it. Finally he turned and faced the visitor with the remark : " God thinks he's done it, I 'spose. He might have took me as well as her, and I am going to drown myself. I'll be even with Him." Mrs. Bullard, knowing that the supply store would sell him no more whisky until after the funeral, did not try to detain him. She knew that it was whisky, not death, of which he was in search. The long, terrible night was ended, at last. The Lemon's arose and began preparations for breakfast. They swung the corpse one way, and took a piece of venison from one barrel; then they swung it the other way and fished a bit of pork out of the other barrel ; then the body was placed in its proper position, and left there until the time of the funeral. The only mode of travel was by trains — narrow one-horse sleighs, roughly constructed by the back-woods- men themselves. Three of these constituted the funeral equipage. A rough box answered for a coffin, and in order to carry it, the end board of one of the trains had to be removed. When all was ready for a start, some men had to ride on the train to hold the coffin on. The remainder of the people who had come to attend the funeral, viz. a few workmen and squaws, took seats on the other trains; and the funeral procession moved on. Up to this time, John had not made his appearance. In fact, nobody missed him, or cared where he was. Everybody in those days considered it his business to help bury or marry a neighbor, regardless of his or her religion, politics or social position. Then, knowing John's failings, no one took the trouble to hunt him up, and ask for instructions from him. It was a bright, winter morning. The snow was knee-deep where it was unbroken, and it was covered by a crust that made traveling irksome. The burial ground was about two miles and a half distant from Lemon's cabin, and was on the top of quite a steep hill. Up this hill the drivers found it impossible to draw the loaded trains, since the crusted Mi noun, nil and Dunn County^ Wisconsin. snow was in this place unbroken. In consequence, the people all got out, the men going ahead of the train thai carried the corpse, and the women waiting in the deep Bnow to consider whether or not it would he best to accompany the corpse to the grave. This left the coffin unheld and liable to slide off, an! it care was observed. But the horse of this single train found it no easy task to ascend the hill, and the driver was obliged most vigorously to apply the whip in i rder to start the animal at all. The result of such treatment was a sudden jerk that Bhook the coffin off, and as box, corpse and all n rolling down the hill, John Vale appeared suddenly upon the scene. Seeing that the driver was evidently unconscious of the accident, the bereaved husband began hellooing, gesturing and slapping his h u together in the wildest and most absurd manner. "Stop! stop! stop! I say. D — n you, don't you know you've left Fanny behind ? You've left Fannie, I say ! " The scene can be better imagined than de- scribed. The one white woman who witnessed it stood knee-deep in the snow, and, solemn as the occasion was, smiled visibly at the lu- dicrous picture. John succeeded finally in attracting the driver's attention. Then it being found impossible to draw the corpse up the steep hill on the train, the men clambered up, bearing it on their shoulders, and hid it from view by a shallow covering of frozen earth and snow. John, as well as Fannie, is now among the things that were, but the survivors who attended that funeral will nevei recall with a smile the first burial of a white woman in Dunn County. THE FIRST RESIDENT PREACHER. Some time about the year IN-"' I, a Bchool house was erected, ami. it having become necessary to engage a teacher, the energetic rap- tain Wilson conceived the idea of advertising for a person who would teach school and also conduct religious exercises. The advertise- nieiii -weird by a bashful bachelor, the Rev. Joshua I'ittnian. who was somewhat "set bark" when he learned that he was to "preach Sundays, teach school week-days, and pack shingles nights." II . however, eng I continued his labors until 1859, when a regular district school was organized. As [uence of going to meeting on Sundays, the won, en began to long for more fashionable apparel than they had hitherto wom. But so intense was the general sentiment against all hinds of lincry, that no one was bra o cast off the sun-bonnet for the dress bonnet of the outside world, until the advent of Mrs. Gr. M. bowler, who appeared in church one Sabbath with the then fashion- 284 American Sketch Booh. able relation of the "sky-scraper" on her head. The bonnet, and not the sermon, was the center of attraction that day. Little billets of comment were passed around in the audience ; and, though few could have told what the sermon was about, all could give the exact dimensions and make-up of the first dress bonnet ever worn in Me- nomonie. In March, 1856, the county of Dunn was organized, with a small hamlet, known as Dunnville, for the county seat. It was named in honor of Judge Dunn, first judge of the district. But the village of Menomonie was laid out in 1859, and a vote of the people the same year, removed the county seat to the latter place. The first term of Circuit Court was held in September, 1S57, the resident lawyers being E. B. Bundy and C. S. Bundy ; the former of whom is still practicing law in Menomonie. But though Dunn county was organized in 1856, the majority of the United States lands did not come into market until 1860. The Fox River Improvement Company having received a munificent grant of land, in view of services to be rendered, by which a choice of gov- ernment lands was given them, had claimed a much larger portion than was their due. In 1860, their claim was adjusted. They chose the best lands west of the Red Cedar river, and gave up the lands on the east side, to the government. The government lands were imme- diately put into market, and were bought by substantial people, who soon surrounded themselves with all the comforts which farmers usu- ally have. NEWSPAPER HISTORY. Dunn county is indebted to Knapp, Stout & Co., for an early in- troduction of a newspaper press. The "Dunn County Lumberman" was started in April, 1860, with C. S. Bundy, a young lawyer of considerable ability, as editor. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion, the young editor exchanged the pen for the sword, and his brother, E. B. Bundy, an able lawyer, became editor. The third editor in order of time, was Thomas Phillips, a Democrat of some abilty, the paper meanwhile supporting the Republican party. In 1865, the concern was purchased by Dr. Benjamin. During this administration Charles Mears, now of the " Polk County (Minn.) Press," bought a half interest in the printing office, and upon his advent, April 7th, 1866, the paper changed its name to the "Dunn County News" Early in September of the same "year, we find Mears' name with- drawn without even a good bye, and Or. Benjamin's continued alone. Menomonu and Dunn County t Wisconsin. A year later, Wilson & Messenger boughl out Dr. Benjamin, and S« W. Hunt took the editorial chair. This firm enlarged the paper and otherwise improved it. The next chai ge w to Flint & Weber the present proprietors, about 1 s 71. These men Bhow a degree of enterprise in the management of the "News," manifested by only a few proprietors of county newspapers. Their large, well-filled Bheet is printed entirely at home, and its "insides" havener oe so weak as to need patent ones. Unlike many of its cotempora the "Dunn County News" of 1875, will not cause the causual reader to undervalue the place which it repi Outside the line sketched were a couple of newspaporial spasms or episodes, which deserve notice in this connection. Anti- monopolistic feelings had become sufficiently warm to call for a new paper, about the year of grace, 1871, and Rev. E. Thompson brought in the "People's Press." Cts career was about equally brilliant and brief — it lived seven weeks on " faith alone," and expired. Next came the "Lean Wolf," by Van "Waters, an old editor of no mean ability, but bis '"Lean Wolf" died of chronic leanness. The moral deducible from these reformatory spasms may be this: It is abundantly benevolent to make two blades of gra where only one grew before; but it is not always practicable in □ paperdom. WAR TIMES— HEROIC WOMEN. When the war of the rebellion began, some of the wome - of Men- omonie proved tb heroic, indeed. T le village was new and small, and the families settled there did not feel able to endure more h it lships than were already theirs. Men were disp »se 1 to shrink from what they knew to be their duty, because to g i I » war was to their wives and children, mothers and si battl ) with the b alone. Some women, too, were faint-hearted, and clung to their 9, faint and weeping, whenever the latl a dispo- sition to answer the nation's call. At this Btage of affairs, a few heroic women inspired every soul with patriotism, by their voices and their example. Miss Eliza Wilson, a young girl, daughter of Cap- tain A\ ilson, arose in a war meeting, pr< ss< d herself willing to accompany any comparfy that would organize; to members the hardships of the march, and to nurse them if them fell ill, or were wounded; a resolution which shi actually carried into efl Mrs. Bullard mad l several stirring 8] ch 8, which nerved the faint- hearted to action. One of >eches, we o >py from a "L 286 American jSketch Book. man " of that date. Only a portion of a company had been organized, and the heroic women were working to fill the ranks. There had just been a war meeting, and speaking of that, the " Lumberman " says : " After the meeting adjourned, the company formed in line and marched to the tune of Yankee Doodle through the principal streets and serenaded some of our citizens; among others, L. Bullard, Esq., who responded in his usual happy manner. Mrs. Bullard also came forward and said: " Soldiers, I regret that I have but one son to give to my country, he is a mere stripling, but the good book tells us that ' The battle is not to the strong; nor the race to the swift, but to him that endureth to the end.' Soldiers, I place him in your keep- ing, hoping and trusting that you will cling together like a band of brothers. You have taken your lives in your hands to go forth in defense of your county, and I hope that as long as there is a man left, you will not suffer our national flag to be dishonored. You leave be- hind you, friends who will watch your course, and if, as I am sure you will, you fight valiantly in the cause of your country, you will merit and receive their warmest gratitude and the plaudits of your friends and countrymen. If you lack one man, Mr. Bullard shall go too.' " Such heroism could not fail to bring forth a response ; and when Captain Wilson and his wife declared that they would own no son who shrank from going to the assistance of his country, the lagging ones stepped forward and were enrolled. The first company ever raised in Chippewa Valley was the Dunn County Pinery Rifles, afterwards Company K of the Fifth Wisconsin. Its officers were Capt. William Evans, Lieutenant C. R- Bayard and Lieutenant J. A. Hill. It was mustered into service July 13th, 1861, by Captain Mclntire, of the regular army. The officer in command was Col. Amasa Cobb. The regiment was accompanied to the field by Miss Eliza Wilson. The regiment was in several engagements, and won honors which secured for it the commendation of General Mc- Clellan. At"the battle of Golden Farm, Virginia, Capt. Evans was mortally wounded. His death occurred August 1st, 1862. The reg- iment had fared ill. Disease and the shots of the enemy had laid many of the soldiers low, and Company K had only a handful of men left, when a second company from Dunn County, headed by Captain J. M. Mott, reported ready for action. This new company took the place of the unfortunate one, and also became Company K of the Fifth Wisconsin Infantry. Captain Mott became so exhausted at the battle of Gettysburg that he was left on the march, and afterwards sent to Frederick City, Maryland, where he died, July 26th, 1863. MenoTtionu and Dunn County, Wisconsin. 287 He was succeeded in command by Capt Henry C. Farwell. W mention only a few <>f 1 1 1 * - brave men who went in the two companies from Dunn County. Henry II. Stout, at the time of his death ond lieutenant of Company K, was a young man Free from all bad habits, pure hearted and brave, he had won the • and respect of all who knew him. He was killed in the action of S inia Court House, May LOth, 1864. His death to this day is remembered with deep regret. Henry C. Farwell, pron as first lieutenant May 14th, L8G3, was wounded November 7th, 1863, in the action of Brandy Station, Virginia, of the officers who ifely through, We note the names of James Deerey, Thomas Blair, Julius A. Hill, T. S. West, C. S. Bundy, M. II. Wilson and M. W. Heller. HIGH WATER. fore closing the early history of Menomonie, the writer wis! to intuition the high water freshets, which have occurred at different periods. On the 12th of June, 1839, the water was higher in both the Chippewa and Red Cedarrivers, than it has horn since, or was known to be before that time, by the oMest settler, either white man or Indian. At that time the water overflowed all the bottom lands, and at the l>illes of the Chippewa it was eighteen feet above the or- dinary height of the river. The few people who were then living on the Red Cedar and the Chippewa, were frightened, and thought that Lake Superior had broken through to the head waters of those streams, and was empting itself into the Mississippi by those outlets. In L846, the water wasagain very high in the Mississippi ; and in l v !7 the water in the Chippewa and Red Cedar was so very high that the •f 11. S. All. -n & Co.'s ! .11 a: Chippewa Falls, broke loose and went adrift. The last high water of n in L859, which \\a- a very disasterouj year for lumbermen, as lumber sold as low as from six dollars :<> eight dollars and fifty cents per thousand f DUNN COUNTY IN 1873. Dunn County contains twenty-four townships, and an area of 552,960 acres. The eastern portion c of prairie lands; the in;-, and covered by imme I C n'ppewa river waters the s< part; the Ban Galla the Bouthwest; while tie' Red Cedar runs through from u nth t i south. These streams and their tributaries furnish nui i null powers. Hard woods and sand-tone and hm abound. The chief manufacturing in- I is lumbering. A.b at 6 >,000,000 feet of lumber are manufac- 288 American Sketch Book. tured annually. The county is crossed from east to west by the West Wisconsin Railway, bringing it into direct connection with the outside world. The present village of Menomonie consists of a population of about three thousand five hundred people, and is one of the most pictur- esque of inland towns. The dam on which Knapp, Stout & Co.s mammoth saw and grist mills are situated, forms a lake a mile and a half long by over three-fourths of a mile wide. This lake is bounded on the east by picturesque bluffs or points of land, upon one of which, a mile from the village, is located the beautiful cemetery, recently laid out and platted by those widely and favorably known landscape archi- tects, Cleveland & French, of Chicago. On the southwest of this lake, on high ground, is situated the residence of Mr. Andrew Tainter, which rivals in elegance any of the suburban villas of the large east- ern cities. A little to the north of Mr. Tainter's grounds, is Captain Wilson's hospitable and comfortable mansion. At the outlet of this lake is built a large and substantial dam, of unique construction with numerous gates and chute. Near this dam, and on the west or right bank of the river, are located the different and numerous buildings, stores, warehouses, machine shop, foundry, blacksmith and wagon shops, boarding houses, dwelling and tenant houses, etc., etc, neces- sary to carry on the great business of this Lumbering Company. Here also Wilson Creek empties its waters into this great reservoir, a few rods above the dam, on the main Red Cedar river. This creek is a beautiful and romantic stream, bordered with high, rocky bluffs ; it abounds in speckled trout. Its rapid current is stayed near its outlet by the construction of a dam, which supplies the power to run the Company's shingle and planing mills. After passing out of the lake or mill pond, the Red Cedar (called by the citizens the "Menomonie River") again assumes its natural size, and with a rapid current runs over a rocky bed, in a westerly course, one fourth of a mile, and then turns southward. On a high plateau on the northwest, or right bank of this rapid stream, in a picturesque and romantic spot among the pines, and overlooking the river, is the residence of Mr. J. H. Knapp. One of the partners of the firm of Knapp, Stout & Co., Mr. T. B. Wilson, formerly of Reels Landing, Minnesota, has lately taken up his residence in Menomonie, and has built a house on the village side, attractive in style and pleas- antly situated, and which adds to the good appearance of the town. The village side of the river has many recent settlers, some of M nomonie and Dunn Count if, Wtscon whom are doing a business which rivals, in some (if its branches, the famous company on the other Bide ; and this Bide, with il churches, court-house, school-houses, printing office and dwellii constitute the village proper. The native trees, on both Bides, have, in many places, been left standing, and lend much of the pictur- esque to the appearance of the village. There are several public buildings here worthy of note. The court house, built in 1871, is a brick structure, with dressed stone trimmings, and cost forty-five thousand dollars. Canute Thompson was the contractor, and his work is proof sufficient of his superior ability. The public school building, erected in L869, is one of the in this part of the state, and was built at an expense of nearly twenty thousand dollars. In 1873, school district number one built a second school-house in Coddington's addition, at a cost of five thous- and dollars. During the winter of 1^72, the county jail, a wooden structure, was burned, and in 1874, a new brick building, for the same purpose, was built under contract, by Ole Olson, for ten thousand dollars. The Baptists have two churches. The first of these was built and furnished by Captain Wilson. It is frescoed, upholstered with rep, lighted with gas, and furnished with an expensive organ. les these there are several other tasty churches. The only thing in the line of public buildings, which Menomonie seems to lack, is a first-class hotel. There arc three or four good hotel buildings but none of them are conducted in a manner in keeping with the en- terprise of the village. The Menomonie House, kept by C. II. Mc- Cabe, is said to be the best of the three. It belongs to Knapp, Stout & Co., and is for sale. Menomonie has also a Reading Room. Some of the enterprit ladies, with a view toward keeping the young men from saloon-. clubbed together and opened an establishment where the young folks could spend their evenings. They intend to have, in addition to the reading room, a refreshment room. This ie a highly praise-worthy institution, and if every community would establish such in its midst, the saloons would in time have to close for lack of custom. Mrs. M. L. Mott. widow of the lamented < v ipt. M. L. Mott, is the librarian of the Menomonie Reading Room. Though the citizens, on both sides of the river, unite in establishing good institutions, there seems to be a feeling of rivalry existing be- tween the two sides of the river, or rather between many of the business men of Menominie proper and Knapp, Stout A. Co. The 290 American Sketch Booh company, like all powerful organizations, is called a monopoly, and as such is frequently fought at elections, town meetings, etc ; and it often, though not always, wins the victory. The sensitive, claim quite truly, that Menomonie is a flourishing village in itself, indepen- dent of the company that started it into life. But for all this, it can- not be denied, by the unbiased, that the Company is the great motive power of the community, as it furnishes employment for hundreds of men, while its wealth is constantly enriching and adding to the beauty of the village. Menomonie was originally platted by Knapp, Stout & Co. I. Coddington made an addition to the village, in 18G5, of thirty-two blocks. The lots in this addition, at first sold at twenty-five dollars each. They now bring three hundred dollars and upward. Martin H. Wilson and Mrs. E. Morgan, have also made additions to Menomonie. Several smart villages beside Menomonie have sprung up in Dunn county. One of these is Dunnville, situated near the mouth of Red Cedar river, twelve miles south of Menomonie. It was settled in 1850. A man named Lamb was the first settler. Amos Colburn kept the first hotel in Dunville. John McCauley took up his resi- dence then in 1853. A large portion of Dunville is owned by Enapp, Stout & Co. Eau Galla, located in the southwest part of the hard woods, is a thriving little village on the Eau Galla river. It, like most other places in Dunn county, is the center of a lumbering district. The first mill at Eau Galla was built in 18-10, under the direction of Savage, Wales & Co. This firm sold to Carson & Eaton in 1844, who built a large steam mill in 1852, which had the misfortune of being burned in 1 802, A mill with three gang saws was erected and run- ning the next year. Later, Eaton sold out his interest in the prop- erty to E. D. Rand, of Burlington, and the firm has since been Carson & Rand. This company also have a large flouring mill at Eau Galla. A mill was built at Cedar Falls in 1859, by Burry & McCormick. Later, it passed into the hands of Maxwell, McGilton & Co., who owned it until a few years ago, when Jewett & Son bought it at Sher- iff's sale. Quite a little village is springing up at this point. The Downsville mill was built in 18G0 by Capt. Downs, on a site where Ebenezcr Thompson had attempted to build a mill a few years before, but failed on account of a freshet which destroyed his work and impoverished him. The mill was bought by Knapp, Stout & Co., who Menoiimnl'. and Dunn County^ W in. 291 enlarged and improved it. Here is also a little village, which is steadily improving. Downsville is situated on the Red Cedar river, eight miles Bouth of Menomonie. THE LIQUOR WAR. In the year 1874, a few of tl ead women of Menomonie re- solved to put a Btop to the liquor traffic, and their influence at the polls was such that a law, forbidding its sale, waa passed. The prac- ticability of such a law in a single town is questioned by many; but having caused its adoption, the women were determined that those who broke it should be punished. It was like one man fighting an army, but women who could show such heroism when their country was needing aid, would not he likely to falter themselves, or fail to instill in their (laughters' minds some of their own heroism, at a time when the law was being transgressed. A caustic old settler, in a no "The last great social spasm in Menomonie was the anti-liquor of last Bpring; and the anties, or, as some' wags put it. the ••aunties," carried the day. The ladies are now prosecuting the saloon-men, with unflagging zeal, and average success. l'>ut the end is not yet. The coming election promises to he ardent, spirits or oo spirits." Since the commencement of the liquor war of this place, the vexed problem of whether or not lager-beer is intoxicating, has been decided in the negative. A brewer was arrested for selling a keg of beer to one of the citizens, lie was fined, bui appealed his case to a higher court. t excitement prevailed when it was brought before Judge Hum- prey. Several men swore that beer can intoxicate, and several nun that it can not. The judge seemed to he Blightly prejudiced in favor of the beer, for he demanded to know of the temperance men how they km w beer to he intoxicating, and if it had ever intoxicated them. They, of course, did not lik e to own to such a weakness, and cited what they had seen. But he waived Mich evidence, telling them that they must beable to speak from experience or not at all. He moreover, that he had nothing to do with any beerexce] tents of that particular keg in question, which had been Beized and brought mrt as evidence. What he wished to decide was whether that keg contained any intoxicating beverage. By an order given, the com ted, but as it had been two days tapped, and the beer was really "flat," the decision was that that particular keg con tail ed nothing that could intoxicate any one ; and a verdict was ren- 292 American Sketch Booh. dered in accordance with the facts. Since then, it is said, the brewer pursues his regular vocation unmolested by the law. Another case was equally as remarkable. While Justice Hull was in the act of fining a saloon-keeper for breaking the liquor law, a man fresh from the dentist's hands, came into Hull's drug store to get some whisky to rinse his bleeding mouth. A Mr. Johnson, a school teacher, with no thought except to be kind, asked Justice Hull if he should get the desired article. Hull, whether thinking of the question or not, nodded assent; at least, so thought the questioner, and he poured a small amount into a glass. This was used for the purpose mentioned, after which the patient laid down a ten-cent script in payment, and Johnson put it into the money-drawer. The saloon-keeper who had been fined, saw the whole proceedings, and he immediately had the teacher arrested for selling liquor. Johnson called on Hull to witness his innocence ; but, Hull disclaiming any knowledge of the affair, the former was fined ten dollars and costs for violating the liquor law. He will probably harden his heart in future when suffering humanity wants whisky, especially if he is in a town where no licenses are granted. SETTLERS OF MENOMONIE AND DUNN COUNTY. In a work like this, it is impossible to give an complete list of the settlers of the county, or even of the village of Menomonie. Only a few of the older and more prominent ones will be noticed in this article, and to each of these but a short space can be devoted, on ac- count of lack of room. Jo. Benson, an old man in the employment of Knapp, Stout & Co., has lived in Menomonie over forty years. He is the man who claims to have been in the expedition, said to have been under command of Jeff. Davis, that visited this county at an early day. Perry Curtis opened a farm in Dunn county, in 1846. It is situ- ated near Eau Galla mill, and is owned in part by Carson & Eaton. Another farm was owned by Frank Ames and sons in 1847. They were among the first farmers in the county. Mud Creek Valley, east of Menomonie, had B. Fowler for its first settler. This was in 1852. The Massey settlement commenced by the advent of H. II. Steves in 1856. Captain Moore laid out a farm of twenty-two hundred acres, about twelve miles up the Red Cedar, which he sold to Knapp, Stout & Co. in 1865. Menomonii and. Dunn Sounty^ Wisconsin. 293 Sherburne Prairie, ;i little northeast ol Mcnoi ti ■. was laid out into farms by Sherburne & Harrington. I>. B. Downs, now of Eau Claire, settled here soon afterthe arrival of the Bullards. Levi Vance, an Indian trader, now dead, visited this part of the country forty-seven years ago, and made his home here until called to another. He built the first hotel in Menomonie proper which he named the Vance House. This house, now called the Union House, is kept by his 8on-in-law, Peter Perrault at th< present time. John Rogler, tinner, began working for the company in \ < - , 'i-. At the breaking out of the war he entered the army, and when the nation was again blessed with peace, he took up bis tools a second time at the old pla Simon Mar iral foreman of outside matters, for Knapp, Stout & Co., came to work for said company in L854. He was the first Boldier to enlist in Chippewa Valley, for the war of the rebellion and one of three who would not wait for a company to b i raised be- fore reporting himself ready for action, li rolled at Madison, as orderly sergeant of Company P>. of the Sixth Infantry, and wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. In 1864, he was elected sher- iff of l>unn county. William Warren, blacksmith, has worked for Knapp, Si >ut & ' the entire thirteen years of his residence in Menomonie. A. J. Depewhas lived in Dunn county since 1855. He is a mill- wright, and has been in the employ of the company for over eleven years. About the year L857, William McKahan arrived in Menomonie with his family, consisting <>f himself, wife, three sons and four daught ■!■-, For a nu . McKahan iloyed by Knapp, Stout & Co., as head clerk in their store; it was through the influence of Mr. John 11. Knapp that they left their many friend- in Washington, Pennsylvania, and came to this place. While still em- ployed by the Company, he purchased a tract of land six miles from omonie, and afterward- improved it, and made it his home fi t year. But finding the work too laborious for a man of his advanced year-, he left the farm came hack to the village, and purchased a house, in which he resided at the time of his death. After leaving the farm he ownel a livery stable, ami for two is proprietor of the Menomonie House. The d ' which he died was paral- ysis. He was confined to his room for two years previous to his death, which occurred October l"th, l s T_'. 294 American Sketch Booh. His estimable wife survived him but a few weeks- She died of apoplexy, November 27th. 1872, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she had gone to spend the winter with her daughters, Mrs. Downs and Mrs, Newsom. Of Mr. and Mrs. McKahan's children, their three sons are living in the village. James B. is engaged in the mercantile business, and Samuel D. has been postmaster for the last four years, filling that office creditably to himself, and to the satisfaction of the people. The four daughters, Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Newson, Mrs. Keith and Miss Sarah E. McKahan are in Minneapolis, Minnesota. J. B. McKahan was the first merchant on the east side of the river, and next to Knapp, Stout & Co., in order of time, in the town. He opened up in 1860, with a cash capital of one hundred and fifty-seven dollars, and a stock of one hundred and seventy -five dollars, owing on his first invoice eighteen dollars. His store was the first in the village proper, and the builders of this and several of the buildings which soon after followed, had to clear away the brush before laying the foundations. J. B. McKahan carries a large stock of general merchandise, and is accounted one of the rich men of the village, although he was often taunted in the commencement by towns-people, who offered him ten dollars for his stock. Dr. W. A. Burry, a noted optician, has had eighteen years experi- ence in Dunn County. His residence is at Cedar Falls. In 1858, G. M. Fowler, millwright and surveyor, visited Men- omonie for the purpose of looking up a new location. While passing through the six-mile woods between this place and Lake Pepin on his way hither, he met a party of Sioux warriors, adorned with the scalps and trophies of a victory after a recent battle with the Chip- pewas. The sight was more curious than pleasant to a man who had known nothing of pioneer life. But he was pleased with the country and decided to settle in it, which he did during the next year. Mr. Fowler served as justice of the peace for three years, commencing in 1802, and was elected county surveyor in 18G7, which position he filled for two years. Mrs. G. M. Fowler opened the first millinery store and the second store of any kind started in Menomonie proper, in the year 1802 in her own house. She is now doing buiness on Thirty-fourth street, and has on hand one of the largest and finest assortments of goods to be found in Chippewa Valley. She is also agent for the Victor sewing machine, and her sales in this branch of business alone have amounted to over $5,000 in two years time. The Fowlers have added to the growth of Menomonie by the erection of KNAPP. STOUT & CO., «* W MANUFAC1 wik.1 E8 \ l.r. \N!> RETAIL DB \ LER8 IN #» *ht ^ ■ ^ * - ■ ■. ■ t Of Every Description Principal Office at Menomonie, Wis., WITH BRANCH EST VBLISHMEXTS \T -, \Ii-o;n-i. ..nvillo, Wisconsin., Dubuque, Iowa. Dowi^ville, \Yi>o.n-iu, M'n:,., Wkubeek, Wi^coi^in. iVairie Farm, V 'i|, -1(kc I, alec, Wisconsin. LAND DEPARTMENT. \VK (H-'KER FOR SAI.K I \l I> L><) \'/r. \Y. F. Nichols began practice in Menomonie in 1869, after having spent four years in the medical department of the army. He is erecting a building for the accommodation of patients requiring surgical treatment, his rapidly increasing practice having made Mich an institution necessary. Thomas Condon, grocer on Thirty-fourth street, did not begin business here until l v 74. William Schultts and Albert Quilling, merchants on Main street, came to this place in 1855. They were poor boys, and worked as day laborers to lay the foundation of a prosperous busil They built the large store which they now occupy. T. A. Goodman, proprietor Goodman's wagon and carriage -hop-. settled here in 1863. II. C. Bierce, attorney at law. dates his time of settlement here from 1871. G. Ordcman, proprietor of Ordeman's paint shop and stove, lo- cated on Mud Creek eighteen years ago. Three years after, he c to Menomonie and engaged in his present busini J. P. Edwards visited Menomonie in 1860. Six years later he me a permanent settler here, and started :i sash, door and blind factory, which was burned in L870 by an incendiary. In l v 7J, in company with his son, he engaged in the hardware business. The firm, known as Edward.- & S m. has two large Btoreson Thirty-fourth street, and monopolizes the hardware business of Menomonie proper. •lames Galloway and family settled her.' in 1 85 | He worked for Knapji, Stout & Co., about two yen-, then began farming near the 298 American Sketch Book. village, at which business he still continues. He has two sons' George and William, the former of these is the village drayman ; the latter is studying for the ministry. T. S. Heller looked in on the Dunn county people in 1857, but did not become a permanent settler until 1860. Previous to the war, he kept the Tainter House at Dunnville, for a season. He enlisted sub- sequently, and served in the army for over three years. Upon his return, he became landlord of the Menomonie House, and filled that position for a year. He is now engaged in the insurance business. Joseph Brunk, proprietor of Brunk's Mills, four and a half miles from Menomonie, has been a resident of Dunn county for over eleven years. George K. Irvine, for whom living's Creek was named, and for- merly proprietor of Irvine's Mills, has resided here for over twenty years. E. F. Larkham came to Dunn county in 18(33. He is now Super- intendent of Knapp, Stout & Co.'s lumber yard. A. J. Brunelle, millwright, located at Menomonie in 1854, and has worked for Knapp, Stout & Co., ever since. Carroll Lucus located at Mud Creek, in August, 1854. In 1855, he brought his family in his new home. Here he remained on a farm until 1806, when the people of Dunn county spoiled a good farmer in order to have a good County Treasurer. This latter position he is still holding. He has also served four years as County Superinten- dent of Schools. John Kelly, Jr., the present Register of Deeds, came to Dunn county in 1850. His regular business is farming. © i\eli^icra$ j3odietie$ of ^iei\on|oi\ie' THE CATHOLICS. THE church of the Emaculate Conception claims to be the first sectarian religious society of Menomonie. The church build- ing was commenced April, 1861, under the direction of Father Sheriden ; but it was not completed until 1805. The funds for Religious Societies of Menomonie. building purposes were raised by the young men of the parish. A parsonage was erected iu L874. The present pastor is the B Keller, diocese of La Cros-e. The present trustees are Messrs. John Noulan, Peter Lam oer and Thomas McKana. The parish oow num bers about five hundred persons, and is in a thriving condition. The Catholics here, as in many other places, are interesting them- selves in the temperauce cause — not to make a compulsory law, but to be the m sans of influencing people, by right of reason and ■'■ r , to take up mi the temperance side. It is a good move, for the Catholics have the power to do more in putting down liquor drinking, than all the other societies combined, if they go rightly to work, ami labor with a will. — * * METHODISTS. The - iciety of the M, B. < 'hurch of Menomonie, was organized by Rev. S. Howies, in the fall of 1857. The rince L857 t<> the present date, has been under the guardianship of the following Biding Elders : Rev. S. Bowles, C. Hobcrt, M. Sorin, T. C. Golden, W. c ,bbin, J. B. Raynolds and W. S. Wright. The following min- bave "ii the regularly appointed ; astors to the society since rganization to the present date : Rev. W.N. Darnell, J. Gru .1. I> S. Bavens till I860. In 1861, J. 15. Raynolds was ap pointed and his successors in office were D. P. Knapp, W. Woodley, W. Haw, T. C. G »lden, W. W. Bashell, S. 0. Brown, G. D. Brown, Johu Bell, B. S. Havens for the lecond time; and at the close of four months prosperous labor, Mr. Havens was transferred to the West Texas conference, and Rev. J. McClanewas appointed at Men imonie. - from the organization of thesoeiety, its members numb fifty. The highest number of members the society ever attained was ninety. It ha- at present seventy-five members. In L864, the soi organized a hoard of trustees ; and in the spring of 1866 tin- building of the Centenary M. B. Church of Menomonie was commenced, under the direction of W. Wilson, A. .1. Messenger and W. Haw, building committee. The church was finished and dedicated in L867, at a of live thousand dollars, all contril ■ growth and moral influence of this society have been various under the ir bad management, nut always popular, y seeking to maintain the spirit of primitive Christianity, "pi ice on earth and g 1 will to man.'* Under the preaching of its faithful and in answer to the prayers of it< devoted m imbers, the altar ol its church has frequently b ■ lei with earnest penitents. Here 300 American Sketch Booh. hundreds have been blessed, and have gone out from this society to become a blessing to the world. The Sunday school of this society numbers eighty members, and is under the management of Mr. Joseph Gates, Superintendent, and his efficient corps of teachers. The library of the school numbers some three hundred volumes. Seventy-six members of the school have signed and agreed to keep the following temperence pledge : " I hereby promise not to use bad words, either in or out of school; not to chew or smoke tobacco, and not to drink intoxicating liquors so long as I am a member of this school. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same." — J. mcclane. THE CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY. Rev. John C. Sherwin, an agent of the A. H. M. S., visited Men- omonie in October, 1850, and endeavored to secure a missionary who would establish a Congregational society at this place. His success, however, was not equal to his wishes; for it was not until December, 1861, that a society was organized. This was under the ministry of Rev. Philo Canfield, who was one of the seven members that formed the organization. In April, 1863, five more persons united with the church. A month later, Rev. Piiilo Canfield resigned his care of the church, and the little flock remained without a shepherd until the fall of 1864, at which time Rev. F. M. lams received a commission from the A. II. M. S. to preside over it. Mr. lams preached his farewell sermon to his church in November of the next year, on account of his having embraced the Baptist creed. June 1st, 1868, Rev. John C- Sherwin took the pastorate. The members at the commencement of his labors, numbered only fifteen. Services at this time were held in a small, unfinished building, now used as a private residence. At the approach of winter, the Menomonie House Hall was secured for this purpose, and continued to be used by the society until the erec- tion of the Congregational church, in 1870. This building cost nearly nine thousand dollars, and J. II. Knapp, Esq. was the prime mover in its erection. It was dedicated October 21st, 1870. The member- ship of the church now numbers eighty persons. — v. GRACE CHURCH MISSION. Episcopal service was first held in Menomonie in the summer of 1870, by Rev. R. F. Page of Eau Claire; and occasional service was held from that time until 1872, when a mission was organized under direction of Bishop Armitage. In October of the same year the Religion 8 Societies of Menomonie. 301 ladies Formed a society, Mrs. G. II. Barwise being president ; Mi B, Bundy, vice president ; Mrs. F. II. Weber, secrel IMrs. R. Macauley, treasurer. It was for the purpose of purchasing lots on which to rivet a church and parsonage, which they succeeded in doing in March, L873, completing their payments for the -nine in May, l v 7l. The whole sum paid for the lots was sis hundred dollars, and was raised by the efforts of the ladies. A church that will cosl three thousand dollars is no^i in process of erection. — B. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . The Rev. Mr. Pittman, who taught the Erst day Bchool in Menom- onie, and preached on the Sabbath, was a Baptist. In 1861, R .. Amasa Gale, at that time the Baptist State Missionary, agent for Minnesota and a portion of Wisconsin, held a protracted meeting in Menomonie, resulting, by the blessing of God, in the conversion of Beveral persons, Mrs. Captain Wilson and others. It may be of interesl to add, that Mr. Gale, having prosecuted with great sue his work in Minnesota for sixteen years, in making the tour of Pales- tine, died in Joppa, November, 25th, 1 S 7I. Three weeks previous to Ins death, he preached a Bermon and immersed one of his traveling companions in the Jordan, at the place wher was baptized. A vcar subsequent to the above named protracted meeting, the Rev. Morgan Edwards, of Fort Madison, [owa, held a Beries of meetings in Menomonie, resulting under God, in the conversion of a goodly number, who, together with some who were converted in the former meeting, were immersed by Mr. Edwards, The Menomonie First Baptist Church, was organized December 1.8th, L864. But little, however, was done by way of sustaining public Bervices, till October I, when the pastorate of W. W. Ames, the present encumbent, commenced. At an early date, an article was incorporated into church covenant, disfellowshipping all aecret organizations, believing the principle of Bworn secrecy to be incompatible with Sis gospel who said: " Ye are the light of the world; a city set upon a hill cannot be bid. Neither do men light a oandle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that it may give light to all that are in the hou Another article was incorporated, discountenancing the manufae ture, .-ale and us,- of intoxioating drinks, and pledging the churoh to the use of unfermented wine only, at the communion. The pastor preached every other Sabbath for two years, at the end of which time u neat and convenient chape! was d for the use of the churoh 302 American Sketch Book. in that place. At the same time, the pastor and his wife organized a Mission Bible School at Sherburne Prairie, rive miles from Menomo- nie, August, 1867, which was superintended Mrs. Ames until the spring of 1871. Since that time, the school has been classified and carried on mostly by members of the Menomonie church, who, during the year 1870, built a beautiful chapel for the school and preaching services connected with it ; which chapel makes a pleasant, attractive Sabbath home for the church-going people of the Prairie, and the means of healthful activity to members of the Menomonie church. It should be said that some of the Prairie people, and others, contributed towards the chapel, and that, financially, the school is self-sustaining. The Menomonie First Baptist Church organized its home school at Knapp, Stout & Co.'s hall, January, 1869. Capt. William Wilson was appointed Superintendent, and has served until the present time. Some twelve hundred persons have belonged to the school, a large percentage of whom were children of foreigners. Many of this number are now scattered over this state, and other states and terri- tories, carrying with them the knowledge of bible truths, ' ; which are able to make them wise unto salvation," and cause u the desert to bud and blossom as the rose." Capt- Wilson, converted under the pleadings of Mr. Edwards, and with his wife and others immersed by him, sought and found admission to the church as early as January, 1803. Believing that God put it in his heart to do so, he built and furnished, at his own expense, the beautiful house of worship now occupied by the church and school, and which was dedicated March 12th, 1871. Rev. J. W. Fish, Baptist State Missionary Agent for Wisconsin, preached the dedication ser- mon, and continued to preach and assist the pastor in a series of meetings for two weeks, resulting in the addition of considerable num- CD > CD hers to the church. About a year afterwards, he labored in another protracted meeting, with marked results. Thus the new house dedi- cated to God was immediately filled with tokens of the divine presence and power- Rev. C. H. Colver served as pastor one year, ending March, 1874. The church and school have put in circulation a vast amount of Christian literature, which has been scattered abroad to* bless many who otherwise would have been almost without religious reading. The church has passed through seasons of great apparent prosperity, and also of severe trial ; but can say " hitherto hath the Lord helped us," and are resolved, by His aid, to defend and propa- gate " the faith once delivered to the saints." — w. \v. ames. Kiiapp, Stout m' Company. 303 OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH. A division having occurred in the First Baptist Church of Menom- onie, the Olivet Baptist Church was organized May L2th, 1874, was composed entirely of persons who had been members of the I Baptist Church. h is Calvenistic, having adopted the old New Sampshire confession of faith, aa found in J. Newton Brown's Ency- clopedia of Religious Knowledge. May 27th, L874, it was in due form unanimously recognized as r Baptist Church, by an Ecclesiastical Council, called for that pu , of which council R iv. T. E. Keeley of Hudson, was Moderator, and Rev. C. K. Colver, Clerk. At the ensuiug meeting of the St. Croix Valley Baptist As- sociation in Hudson, June 3d and tth, 1 s 7 I, the Olivet Church became a member of that body. It maintains regular public worship, and :i Bible School in Olivet II til, a pla ■•• specially fitted up for these pur- ine Church is now under the pastoral care of Rev- C. K. Colver. The Superintendent of the Bible School is S. ( 1- Dean. The Trustees are N. Burnham, J. T. Long and L. L. Larkham. — c. klliipp, StOUl & CoiUl'cMiV. Tin' linn which bears the name of K . Stout & Co. deserves moro than a passing ootice ; and though it necessarily figures largely in the history of Menomonie and Dunn county as already given, this .work would be incomplete without a d u of the great manu- facturing institution which it represents. Those of our readers who have followed the history through, will remember how two young men who p i ed little "f this world's goods, but who had hands willing to labor, poled the kee e them to their new home in the • wilderness; but the reader will not fully understand what a work this new firm has accomplished, or what a mammoth institution i t is, until he iii- gone with us through the establishments and branch iblishments which the company own, and Bees the hundreds i that are employed and the work that is done. 304 American Shetch Booh The present firm of Knapp, Stout & Co. comprises six members, four of whom reside in Menomonie. These are John H. Knapp Esq. Capt. William Wilson, Capt. Andrew Tainter, and T. B. Wilson, Esq. who is a son of Capt. William Wilson. The other two members are II. L. Stout, Esq. wlio is in charge of the branch office at Dubuque, and J. H. Douglass, Esq. who superintends the branch office at St. Louis Knapp, Stout & Co. have in Menomonie a large water power saw mill capable of sawing three hundred thousand feet of lumber every twelve hours during the season for manufacturing lumber, say from April 1st to Dec. 1st. They have also a large steam saw mill, built especially for sawing long timber, and one of the largest and best flouring mills in the State, run also by water power. In connec- tion with these Mills, they own and operate a foundry, machine shop, blacksmith and wagon shops. They make their own barrels for their flour mill and pork barrels for their pork house. They have an ex- tensive harness shop for making and repairing their own harness used by the numerous teams employed in so large a business. They carry the most varied and extensive stock of merchandise to be found in the state outside of Milwankee. Their shingle and planing mill in Me- nomonie is situated at the mouth of Wilson Creek, which empties into the main river about forty yards above their large water power saw mill. The lake or pond, made by the dam across the main Red Cedar river at this point, is one and a half miles long by about from three quarters of a mile to one mile in width; and gives easy boomage for two hundred and fifty million feet of lumber in the logs. At Rice Lake, in Barron County, sixty miles north of Menomonie, they have a saw-mill and a grist mill, both run by water power, also a store, a hotel and a large farm. At Prairie Farm, also in Barron county, they have a water power saw-mill, a grist mill, a large store r and a farm of nine hundred and sixty acres, all under cultivation. — The above are both growing, active new villages, offering good open- ings for enterprising persons. At Downsville, eight miles below Menomonie on the Red Cedar river, this Company has also a large water pow r er saw mill and fine facilities for holding logs. In connection with the mills are the necessary shops, a large store of varied merchandise, and half a mile from the village of Downsville, a large and well regulated farm. They have branch establishments not only at the points already ■ II in O'Shavgm ssey's Confession. named, but also at Dunnville in the same county: at Waubeek in Pepin county; at Read's Landing, Minnesota and at Dubuque, I where they have a large lumber yard and a saw mill. At St. Louis Mo., they have also a large lumber yard, which wholesales lumber to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and ether states and territories. At their various sawmills, during the year 1874, they sawed sev- enty million feet of logsfinto lumber and Bhingles. Knapp, Stout & Company employ in their lumbering operati from twelve hundred to fifteen hundred men. They are said to be the largest manufacturers of lumber in the world, and the lai farmers in the state of Wisconsin. One of their farms, known as the Moore Farm, contains about two thousand acres, nearly all under cultivation. They are extensive land owners, both of improved and unimproved lands, situated in Dunn and Barron counties, much of which is for sale. Parties in search of new homes in the beautiful, healthgiving state of Wisconsin, or those in the state who are not pleasantly located and desire a change, would do well to see or write to this firm before purchasing elsewhere, as the company offer some very desirable farms, both improved and unimproved, at very reason- able rates. Unlike some representative of wealth, the members of this company are always courteous and accommodating to all, and parties who might desire to visit them, or to write to them for infor- mation concerning the sale of lands, may be Bure of a pleasant re- ception, and prompt replies. I nil O'SIkmi^iicsscv's Coi|lcssioi|. Arrah ! is it in ravin' about ye, Whin me eyes >hud be fastened in Blape, That I am to convince, widout doubt, ye That me love, like the oshun, i- dape '•' Must me lips be etarnally chantin' The charms 1 belave ye \ 0, begorra, iflovin' is rantin, I am short of a crop, I confe !!()(! . I ///( /■/>•,( ii SwtoJi Uooh, \ i i .ili ' i il .1 iMi ill :i loVOl , Lllipil i. ill \ I ni'lri .in. I :i 1 1 < I 1 1 ur, 'To iin iloppin one's agouio * ovoi i n i in- w i v i ii.ii Bono blundoi h oiid h ilo ? im H iiii lie ill on 1 1" 1 oold -ii i ii a w .i irinii' The sthai i, w Id hli eyes lool< In' sad, Till n id mi ii i .>iii perhaps hr ii ofttohln I confess fchftl > will not, be dad ' \\ inn love i led upon son ers, bo ,- i uol, The w ai mhest ftffool iom si bii'o I I low k in one mi i w atei soaked fuel [lope to kapo up in iiii "mm ii ii- Though Yin '■ vii i ilea (ii <■ man v and glow In , A.i i he numerous >! i hai i <>r i he sk \ . \ 1 1 ' i iir iii\ 1 1 it in i use oi showin 1 Them i" one r ho 1 1 jlst i eadj to die ' II on 1th i love's hand maid, sure to mo notion A ml nun .in; ir:il fudgO I ho PI ITO i ni'r 01 i ink i n' dove's oooin' -\ 's i">'i e ' Some "ill sweai yure oomplexion is oloaror 'I'll. in ili.- w athor thai i una i> ow n spi ing Thai \ ur<' loasl ii( 1 1«- ii n"«'i Is dc u oi To i hew ili in i lie baud of ■> km". ' 'I'h.ii iln-ii in:. i thoughl of \ Q iii i he mornin' \ ml iln> last "ii>' that ">i I"- i " night, I .".. thai angels no! often ai o boi n In This »"i ill i" enrapture the sigh! I: ii m- I > ! :i n in. ■ I 'hi'- si yt i Tl. .. A n ■ i theii I nipped, Would wither like fr A i. -I tb< '■•■'-' I'l '"' M 'Ink ;i • tin- old A ■';,'[.! [ ' 1 1 ( 'I o ! -' bi [ uiadi mi corifi ion, l i ould like ji i( b< foi b I den 1 ball ibow mi' 1 1 ,(' y hi .• i If t-, |,:i ! «• oul v-n <• DOttl h ! i v, ., in ;t (]{ " Jim o And I ii "i'ti rv tbe blubber I th ','■>• non I n tin • v,-,i I'l tbei e'i no bappi i ill bunt it '''II ''••'/ foi noni Airl pour all that I g tre lap A nd I ■••ii i now, though B( the in all tii.it bai Jim ' I fi'ly oonfi ■ nol li'i ■!'/ '.mi- — THEOPHIM llii'i ii linsiiicss Directory, he, DU County Officer . ROBERT MACA1 LEI • ii MICIIEL1 : I 'I llnMA .1 GEORGE ■ i. II. II a. \\ [LCOX, i nd. i . i.. i ill. i: ' UIERl I. D ti • i UtROLL LUC/ I u 308 American Sketch Book W. H. LANDON, County Cierk. JOHN KELLEY, Jr., Register of Deeds. THOMAS PARKER, County Surveyor. GEORGE SCHAFER, County School Superintendent. J. P. WOOD, Coroner. Town Officers. A. O. BAILEY, f OLEUS OLSON, { Supervisors. FREDERICK URSINUS. [ THOMAS S. HELLER, Town Clerk. GEO. GALLAWAY, Town Treasurer. ROBERT MACAULEY, Assessor. JACOB JUNGCK, ) AMUND AMUNDSON, V Justices of the Peace. AUG. BALAND. J E. L. DOOLITTLE, ) JOHNNOULAN, } Constables. H. D. RANSIER, j A. H. JOHNSON, Scaler of Weights and Measures. S. W. Hunt. C- E. Freeman. Nils Michelet. W. C. Pease. J. M. Gates. Professional Men. ATTORNEYS. F. J. McLean, R. C. Bierce. PHYSICIANS Charles C. Wadsworth, E. B. Bundy. A. J, Messenger. Robert Macauley. W. F. Nichols. W. A. Bury. Banks. S. B. French. A. Amundson. Printing Office. "Dunn County News." Flint & Weber, Editors and Proprietors. Menomonie House- Union House- Hotels. Merchants Hotel. Wisconsin House, European Hotel. Bust ne 88 Directory, Menomonie^ Wisconsin. 309 Union High School. .1. B. Tin;. er, Principal. .!.,: rart, Assistant. Libbie B. Thayer, Grammar Department. Hattie A. Salisbury, | [ntermediate Department, Lottie 8. N\ alker, i ' Lizzie Miller, ") • 1; "-\\',\ ■ I Primary Department. Jose] li II. 1 ' J Mrs. S. W. Ritche, J Churches. Congregational, J. C. Sherwin, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal, J. McClane, Pastor. First Baptist, W. W. Ann-, Pastor. Second Baptist, C. K. Colver. Episcopal, (vacant, i Catholic, George Keller, Pastor. Norwegian Lutheran, II. Krog, Pastor, indinavian Lutheran, G- Iloyrae, Pastor. GENERAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ANDERSON, II. A.. Mouldei with Knapp, Stout & Co. Ames, W., Jr., Veterinery Surgeon. Andress, [ra, Veterinery Surgeon. BONELL, FRED., Photographer, and dealer in Organs, Pianos, etc. Bunker, C. W., Carpenter and Joiner. Baird, W. B., Student at Law, with F. J. M sL Blenis, II. C, Contractor and Builder. Burch, N., Clerk with Knapp, Stout & Co. Barwise, G. II., In charge of office department of Knapp, Stout & Co. Brewer, Geo. B., General Sup't Company's Clothing Department. Brunelle, A. I.. Millwright with Company. 15urk, John A., Machinist with C tmpany. I lui k<-, Louis, Harness Maker with Company. I tray ton, ( >rville, L rad Agent. Burton, G. 1'.. Pattern Maker with Company. Bull, Mrs. S., Millinery and l»rt'.-- Making. Bunker, 0. A., Builder and Contractor. 3K> American Sketch Booh. Bailey, A. 0., Dealer in Hides, Furs, Wool and Ginseng. Belair, Adolph, Painter and Glazier. Berger, Anton, Restaurant. Bush, S. R., Blacksmith. Bailey, S. J., Practical Mason and Bricklayer. Bury, Dr. W. A., Eye and Ear Doctor. CONDON, THOS., Grocer ; Thirty-fourth street. Chickering, F. Jr., Agent Perkins, Newhall & Perkins Woolens, Mon- tello, Wisconsin. Coleman, W. E., Cashier with Knapp, Stout & Co. Clark, F. M. Telegraph Operator. Conway & Andrus, Milliners and Dressmakers. Cassidy, H. T., Clerk with S. B. French. Clark, C. A., Salesman with Company. Christenson, Peter, Miller with Knapp Stout & Co. Cavanagh, John, Menomonie Marble Works. Carpenter, J., Millwright, with Knapp, Stout & C). Diedrich, F., Harness Maker. Depew, A. J., Millwright. Dean, S. G., Agent for the Remington Sewing Machine. Downs, W. L., Lumberman. Dahl & Embretson, European Hotel. Desprois, Joe, Express Messenger. Edwards . Bail Freeman ) "Dag," "Devil" "News" Office. Flood, Win., Blacksmith. Fuss, ' Ihris, Brewer. Frissell, J. H., Assistant Foreman in Comganj r Yard. (!( >ODMAN, P. A., c irriage and Wago i M iker. Gray, Irving, with Knapp Stout & Co. Grob, otto. Clerk. Gordon, T. E., Machinist with Company. Gallaway, I leorge, I drayman. BOLMES, 1'. <'., Dealer in Furniture, Carpeting, etc. Hull, 1). S., Druggist, Thirty-fourth stn Hunt, Wescott, Grocer, Thirty-fourth Bti Halfhide, M., Wa^on Maker with Company. Heller, J. A., Dentist. Hughes, .1. M., Brick maker. Seller, T. S., Insurance Agent. Hughes, kt w is, Farmer. 1 1 udson, W. G., < larpenter. Eildebrandt Rev. W., Past i .man M. E. Church. Hart, Charles H., clerk G mnar's Drug Store. Jensen, Peter, Turner with Knapp, Stout a. ('<>. Jensen, Andrew, Miller with Knapp, Stout & Co. Johnson, A. 11.. Grocer and Livery Stable Proprietor. .1. Johnson ,v Co., Shoo Shop and Boarding House. k, Charles, Boot and Shoe Maker. KNAPP, JOHN 11.. of Knapp, Stout & Co. KXAIT, STOl T \ Co., Lumbermen, Manufacturers and Mercl Knapp, 11. E., Book-keeper and Surveyor. Kelley, Frank, & Co., Brick Makers. Kent, William, Farmer. Knoble, John, \\ isconsin I Inn-;,'. Kreiser, Joseph, Restaurant. Knutson, < Iharles, Sa^i Filer. LARK HAM, E. F., Superintendent Company's Lumber Yard. Lyman, J., clerk with Knapp, Stout & I Landon, \\ . 1 1., ( lounty < Jlerk L. Lamson & Co., Contractors and Builders. Lammer, Peter, Clothing Store, Main 37 312 American Sketch Booh. Larson, E., Merchant. Lord, C. D., Depot House. Lanimer, Peter, Merchant Tailor. Lucus, Herbert, Salesman with Wescott Hunt. McKAHAN, S. D., Postmaster. McKahan, J. B., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of Mer- chandise. Marks, E., Sup't Mercantile Department Company's Store, Markhara, S. F., Sup't Grocery Department Company's Store. McClafferty, A., Sup't Tailoring Department Company's Store. Marugg, Simon, with Knapp, Stout & Co. McMoran, Thomas, Foreman Company's Harness Shop. Miller, Jacob, Artist and Music Teacher. Mott, Mrs. M. L. Librarian. Moss, T. F., Agent Florence Sewing Machine- Miller, C. E., Baker and Confectioner. Manske, Ed., Meat Market. Martin, G. F., Painter. Martin, J. M. Blacksmith. Martin, B. M., Planer. NEWSOM, E. J., Badger State Clubbing Agency. Noble, N. B., Assistant Sup't Company's Business Office. Nott, W. W., Contractor and Builder. Nonnae, A., Carpenter with Knapp, Stout & Co. Newsom, A. M., Clerk in Company's Flouring Mill. Noulan, John, Lumberman. Newsom Brothers, Apiary and Poultry Yard. ORDEMAN, G„ Paint Shop and Store. Ohnstad, 0., Boot and Shoe Store, Thirty-fourth street. Olson, E., Billiard Hall. Olson, Oleus, Contractor and Builder Shash, Doors and Blinds. Overby, Christ, Jeweler. Parker, Thomas, Chief Surveyor for Knapp, Stout & Co- Parker, John, with Knapp, Stout & Co. Patterson, Adam, Machinist with Company. Piers, Charles, Time-keeper for Company. Pion, Lewis, Salesman with Knapp, Stout & Co. Potter, II- R., Salesman for S. B. French. Prindle, M. D., Proprietor Durand and Menomonie Stage Line. Business Directory, Menomonie, Wisconsin. Pauly, Chris, Baker. Pollard, W. B., Lumberman. Pease, P. E., Carpenter ami Joiner. Peterson, IIoMen, Salesman for J. 15. MeKahan. <,|uinn & Carmichael, Blacksmith and Wagon SI ROGERS, S. C.,4£up'tof Company's Boarding [louse. Robbins, J. 13., Boot and Shoe Maker. R »gler, Joho, Tinner with K na j>i«. Stout & Co. Robinson, W. ('., Book-keeper. Roland, J. E., Machinist. Reed, George, Baker with C impany. Romback, Phillip, Minnesota II >u Ransier, II. I>., Farmer. SPRAGUE, J. B., Proprietor of the Stage Line from Men >mo aie to Rice Lake. Schroeder, Clark, Blacksmith with Company. Stone, T. S., Hardware Department ofKnapp, Stout & I Strieker, F. M.. Clothing Department of Knapp, Stout & C Solbergand Amundson, General Merchandi Schutte k Quilling, Dealers in General Merchandise, and Proprii of the Banking and Steamship Agency. Syverson, A., Boots and Shoes. Sayles, Herbert, Barber, Thirty-fourth street. Sniveley, J. II., Dealer in Organs, Sewing and Knitting Machin Scanlon, John, Wood Sawyer. Stendahl, Erick, Cook. Soper, G. C, Foreman for Company. Sander, George II., Dry Goods Clerk. Swenomson, A., Farmer. Sherburne, A. C, Farmer. Schwehm, Jacob, Restaurant. Story, D. Restaurant. Sprague, J. P>., Mail Contractor. Stephens, John, Blacksmith and Car 3h »|--. Sherwin, \V. A., Foreman "News" Office. TAINTER, CAPT. ANDREW, with Knapp. Stout & Co. TONNAR, GEORGE, Drugs, Stationery and Books, 84th bI Tainter, J. !>., City Livery. Thorn, B. S.. Wagon Maker. 314 American Sketch Booh Tuttle, E. S., Toft, E. A. Watch Maker and Jeweler. Thomas, I. J., Architect, Master Mechanic and Bridge Builder. Thompson, Geo. P., Telegraph Operator, Depot. Voedisch, C, Furniture Store. Voedisch, Chris., Restaurant. WILSON, CAPT. WILLIAM, of Knapp, Stout & Co. WILSON, THOMAS B., of Knapp, Stout & Co. WEBER, E. H., of the " Dunn County News." Woods, J. J., Druggist with Knapp, Stout & Co. Warren, William, Blacksmith. Waldron, J. E., Carpenter and Joiner. Wasserer, Frank, Eagle House. Young, W. D. Lumberman. Yeo, William, Miller with Knapp, Stout & Co. Yeo, William, Jr. Foreman Company's Flouring Mill. " Sow ¥l\ey Di c op fi'orq Om c ^ive^. How the things that we love drop away from our lives As the beautiful flowers die ; And some sweet, wayside blossom springs upward and thrives In the soil, where their ashes lie ! One by one, do they silently wither away, And in darkness we weep for our dead, Never thinking the clouds will be lifted some day, And another one bloom in their stead ; — Never thinking the sun of the morrow may be Just as bright as the sun of the past, And the beauty next summer of flower and tree None the less for the winter's sharp blast. How unwise, if a blossom we cherish should fade, To believe that all beauty is gone; Or when darkness is brooding on hill and in glade, To deny that a morning will dawn ! Paying Fort 315 IImw unwise, when h loved one ia raise to his vow, Or a tre wure i i taken above, To declare with n Bhadow of woe on our brow, That on earth there is nothing to love. True, the things that we love drop away from our li. As the beautiful il >wers die ; B it, thank » rod ! Bome sweet blossom Bprings upward and thi i In the a »il, where their ashes lie .' — m.i. i. a French, 1) Plkyii\^ Forfeits. MA.TTIE was going to have some company, one evening. It in the beautiful summer time, a ,L r 1 many years ago. The house, where Mattie lived, was a white cottage in a village, but it had a garden in front of it, and the little girls, and large om - 1 d to congregate there. But on this particular evening, Mattie's friends were invited guests, for Bhe was to have a supper party, Belle was tlir first one who came. Sin- was fifteen years old, and quite a young Lady. There were two Marys, the oldest of which was called Mollie, in order to designate the two, one from the other. Helen and Sarah made up the half dozen. Ami what a gay half dozen girls they ! They lived for mischief, and mischief seemed to abound for them. The supper was eaten with a relish, and spiced, as it wenl down, with a wee bit of gossip; for our minature women partake considerably of their mother's dispositions. Betsey had been getting a new In. unci ; Julia was going away to school, and, Alice had actually L_ r "t a beau. All "('which had to be talked over and commented on. When they were done eating supper, the girls cleared away the dishes and put the room in ordef for a game of forfeits. They played a long while; .-ill of them, excepting Belle, having to pay numberless forfeits, such as "drawing wood," "standing on chips," "measuring tape," and the like: and at last, Belle was caught. 31 G American Sketch Book. " Give her a hard one !" cried the rest of the girls to Sarah, who was the judge at that time. "I have nearly exhausted my stock of forfeits," returned the one addressed. "Let me see; what shall it be ?■" " Well Belle," addressing the prisoner, "you may go out in the street, and walk to the corner, quacking like a duck.'' The girls laughed at the novel judgment. Belle laughed too, and ran out into the darkness to do as she was hidden, followed by all the girls, who wished to make sure that she did not deceive them in regard to the matter. A great heavy cloud had spread over the sky, shutting out the twinkling stars, and causing the darkness to be very intense. But Belle was not afraid of the darkness. Recklessly, she opened the gate, and went out. " Quack ! quack ! quack !" she bawled, and the girls at the gate giggled. "Quack! quack! quack!" she yelled, louder than before ; this time in the very face of a young gentleman, who was coming down the street, and whom the darkness had rendered imperceivable. Belle caught one glance of his wondering eyes, then, frightened half out of her wits, fled back to the house to relate her strange adventure to the girls, who greeted it with roars of laughter. What the gentleman thought of her behavior, Belle never knew, and the matter is a source of wonder to this day. But, as I said before, it happened a good many years ago. The gay girls are all separated now. Belle, who "loved not wisely, but too well," is leading a miserable life in a Southwestern State, with a brute of a husband, whom she once idolized, but now despises. < )ne of the Mary's is married and is an invalid ; the other is an old maid. Helen has been married, divorced, and married again. Sarah married Helen's first lover, and is unhappy, because she thinks her husband does not love her. And Mattie, the spirit of mischief, who made life so bright to the other girls, who sang like a bird and danced like a fairy — Mattie, whom everyone thought would enjoy life so much, fell a victim to grief, through man's deceit, and died. Children, you are reveling in the golden sunshine of life. 0, would that I might keep the storms away, that you might never know such woe as came to those six girls, who, on that summer evening, long ago, were playing forfeits. — BONNTBEL. Gj .-ins oJ ' 1 ' 1 1 o 1 1 u 1 1 1 "Hate oot. It is ii"! worth while, i'our life is nol long enough to make it pay to cherish ill-will or hard thoughts toward any one. \\ hal if thai man has cheated you, or that woman played you false? if this friend has forsaken you in your time of need, or thai one, liai wiin your utmosl confidence, your warmest love hag concluded thai be prefers to consider and treal youasa tranger? Le1 ii all pass. What difference will it make to you in a few years, when von i_ r '> hence to the "undiscovered country?" All w li< > ill-treat you will be more sorry for it then. than you, even in your deepesl disappointment and grief, can be. A few more smiles, a few m »re tears, some pleasures, much pain, a lit- tle longer hurrying and worrying through the world, Bome hasty greet- . and abrupt farwells, and our play will be "played out," and the injurer and the injured will he led away, an 1 er i 1 ng forgotten. I worth while to hate each other?" •• A man who hadn't much talent for conundrums, in attempting to one offal a tea party at his own house, the other evening, ; :eed- ingly mixed. He intended to ask the old question, "Why i- a woman like ivy?" the familar but gallant answer to which is, " B icausc the more you're ruined the closer she clings." P> ; i r he pul it, "Why i- ivy like a woman?" which none of the ladies could tell, and so the unfortunate man himself told them it was "Because the closer it clings the more you're ruined." "Be not ashamed to confess thai yon have hi en in the wrong. It is but owning what you need nol be ashamed of, thai you now have more Bense than vou had before, to 3ee your error, more humility to acknowl- edge it. and more grace to correel it." •• Words, 'those fickle daughters of the earth, 1 are the creation of a being thai is finite, and when applied to explain thai which is infinite, i!ie\ tail ; for that which i> made surpasses nol the maker, nor can thai which is immeasurable by our thoughts be measured by our tongues." •■ Never do a w rong thing to make a friend or to keen one. The man who wants you to do so is dearly purchased and at a sacrifice. D< kindly and firmly with all men, and you will find it the policy which Wear- the l>e>t." 318 American Sketch Booh. AS EPISODE OF THE LIQUOR WML A fair crusader beseecheth Mr. Cobb Doffins to ascertain if any liquor is sold at the Kestaurants, no saloons being allowed to exist. He ascertained But concludes upon leaving the, u Kestau- His testimony in the hands of the fair cru- rant" that in union there is strength. sader, hurls vengeance at the head of the "Kestauraut" man. Immediately after he had a call elsewhere, and is helped away by the anti-temper- ance folks. Tl I E A_merican Sketch Book, fk CoLLEC II ON OH HISTORICAL INCIDENTS WITH Descriptions of Corresponding Localities. HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED. EDITED BY BELLA FRENQH. \Sl\ '■. by the Sketch Book Publishing np&ny, in the office of the Li hi . it Washington. LA CR( »SSI WIS 'i Itn »K i 'Ml'ANN . PI 1:1.1-111:11- 1874-5. i x i)i<:x r r<> vol. /. Eau ( '1 iii<-. W'i ■ T I'. Randall 5 tn Lfl A. Qli !au Claire - 1 try I'riiitiii irHunl Clifton Howard, Jr in Die but Once, a poem Bella French . . 1'r I \ [orrow, a poem Wheat ' 51 / //• S. Augusta and Surroundings fi I l-rasshop tn Fourth of July J I • ["hi ng Cli) i,Jr. 79 \fn. E. R. Smith -1 Gema of Though! 92,153,203, 317 Prof. >'■ II R Scl I- of the Pasl and Presenl 99 Charleston, South Carolii the War I. II. .-'. 101 Musings, a poem U. B Shaver 102 impse ol Chippewa Falls Edit, r 107 liusiness I directory of Chippew a Falls 112 with Him to Glory, a poem 8 123 •imi at ( !hippewa Falls 125 Schools of Chippewa Falls iewa Falls— Historical Sketch 137 Lines tn a Friend 147 Keep Your Word / ; actions J. ■' ■ J. [liver Falls, Histori ch C. R.Joht i isiness Directory dship thai could uol Die a po«*m B illustrated A I Mimpse of Neillsville, W isconsin Editor 209 Neillsville Busi ctory 213 219 tch O'Neill and oth rt :h nl Hon. -ill 288 ii of Hon 244 A Description of CI in msin H // ii Bella French /■' il Sketch .../'' licli nsin Knip Jim 0' r The American Sketch Book .: « hich i ol W hi monthly ins ntaining from ity, or vii giving the hi: , of more views, and biographic il bL it> prominent citisi isiness dii Terra mom, th i( > for twelve number* hi-. •will be allowed each individoal I i'ii m;i. i. : fur each additional line ;i charge of fifty centa will . aod - rting the Bingle line in capitals. r will be taken a( t he follow in I nploye 1 itor visits e ich \>\ i illy, her own canvassing and delivery of book ■ n is desired. B *A. c kossi: O^slitli ^College, *,\ CROS8B 3 \VtSto\St\. \ ST \i: I i — I.I FE. them il in liu-in .00. 1st. Law. . ''.in! . i I inform ktion, i" C \SIII.I. a R< i Chicago. Slilwaukea and St. Paul Railway. through line for ^hi the Can daa and nil Sooth- em I i Chi THE '-M.Y THROUGH LINE 1 and Minneapolis It * : liner coun- try, with gr ii. 'I - through more Line And the only R tilway Line the vallej of the Upper Mississippi R pin. Through |"1 ul and Mil «itli the "i-vi nil li I \ V II ESTABLISHED J]V !>«*.->• :wra MMwmmmmm OKA.LER IIV DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, Clothing, Carpets, Woolens, etc. LACROSSE ... WISCONSIN. $W( # ++ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide 1998 IIIlBaQMEEPEB ^v MiS ^.' *<►» •IP; ... • *6 "X « '9 d • «> GUSTINE FLA. 32084