^^ ^^ - "^^ •^ '^^ >^ . » . <^. " .^' V / ITS OROWTI-K- PROGRESS AND FUTURE — Co>i ilo 1 i Ml (znVs of WtAMEDALAND Co , / 1^^ Its Growtb. /llfllllCdfl - - Progrm ana future JI few facts, figures, pictures and descripti«ns (P that may interest v«m are herewith presented , 3^3 with compliments of the ***** * » j ife? ^^ "^ Illameda Cana €o.^ Real estate flgents ana /l isoo Park Street installment Rome Builders fllameda, Cal :> t^i^-. ,1/ / ,4 It) l» # l» ft Introducing To the reader we address ourselves more particularly to the home- seeker and investor, knowing that the information contained in this little pamphlet is of more than passing interest to them. Because of its Ivocation, Climate, Sanitary Condition, Educational Facilities, Economical Government, its close proximity to San Francisco and Oakland, and the unexcelled traveling accommo- dation it affords. Alameda has been chosen as a place of resi- dence by many of the foremost capitalists, professional and busi- ness men of San Francisco and in fact she numbers among her population the most prominent men of this section of the State. Therefore it is fair to presume that with its many advantages and attractions becoming more widely known the population of our charming city must continue to be rapidly augmented, increasing until Alameda ranks among the foremost cities of the Coast in point of population and without a rival as the most beautiful residence city of California. Lot 45x123 5 ROOMS, BATH ETC. PART CASH » We have no desire to burden the reader with theories concerning the future of Alameda, and therefore we proceed at once to briefly review our city as it " Is," trusting that should you in future favor us with a visit you will not consider our picture overdrawn but true to life, and agree with us in our belief that Alameda merits whatever praise we may bestow. LOCATION ¥ ¥ ¥ Along the easterly shore of San Francisco Bay, nestling beneath Contra Costa hills, which afford shelter from the north winds, lies Alameda, the cleanest, brightest and most beautiful city on the Pacific Slope, covering an ^ area of 3300 acres, being four miles long and on an average one mile in width. ^ Population, 15,500. Distant from San Francisco seven miles and from Oakland three miles, connection between the latter city and Alameda being made by steam and electric railways and between Alameda and San Francisco by two separate lines of railroad and ferry systems. TRAVELING FACILITIES * » » & We have the finest local train and ferry systems in the world. Sixty trains each way between Alameda and San Francisco daily. The two lines of steam cars that traverse the entire length of our city run half-hourly trains, each connecting with a separate ferry and alternating, making together quarter- hourly trips to and from San Francisco, the tickets of either line being good on the other. Within the city limits, a distance of four miles upon one line and — ■•'SwJSSS^:-., * = •■ .^ Mg/f"^ Lot 40x150, new modern cottage, 7 ROOMS BATH, ETC. $500 CASH: BALANCE, TERMS TO SUIT nearly three upon the other, riding is absolutely free. The time consumed in a trip from San Francisco to Park street (Alameda's principal business thorough- fare) is forty to forty-five minutes, and commutation tickets, entitling the ^ holder to one round trip for every day in the month, are sold for three dollars, making a single fare to the commuter five cents. The Alameda, Oakland & Piedmont Electric Railway, one of the best systems of its kind in the United States, has twenty miles of track extending in a circle through the heart of Alameda and Oakland, and runs its cars under a seven-minute service. WATER FRONT ¥ ¥ ¥ Alameda has a navigable water front of about four miles, along the line of which are sites suitable for factories, warehouses, etc., and upon a portion of which are now located the three largest factories in the State — /. e., Pottery Works, Oil Refinery and Borax Works. With the completion of the tidal canal, which is now being constructed under the supervision of United States engineers at a cost of about |2,ooo,ooo, will come many new enterprises which will greatl}' benefit Alameda. ^ LOT 50X1 50, WITH ELEGANT, MODERN COTTAGE, 7 ROOMS. REASONABLE TERMS SEWER SYSTEM ¥ ¥ ¥ A superb sewer system that has stood the test of eleven years' usage aud has never been found wanting in any particular, is among the chief induce- ments offered bv Alameda to those in search of a beautiful locality in which to build a future home. The Alameda system consists in the first place of two intercepting sewers, one on each side of the peninsula. The natural way to sewer the city is from the center to the edges. It was found, however, that it would not do to discharge sewerage from every street upon the sand beaches and f) shores of the city, as returning tides would fetch it back with all the deleterious <*' effects that poisoned air would naturally produce. So the scheme of inter- cepting sewers along the edges of the town was devised. These intercepting sewers receive the sewerage from the many lateral pipes, and discharge it all together at certain points in such a manner that it is carried out on every tide and assimilated by the great body of salt water composing the Bay of San Francisco and its arms. The pipe of the lateral sewers are of iron stone, and at the highest point of these sewers, flush tanks, built upon the line of the sidewalks, connect with them. These flush tanks are filled from the water mains by slow degrees until their center of gravity is so shifted that they tip, ■ S^ spilling the water in volumes, and when emptied righting themselves for another filling ; thus all our sewers are flushed several times a daj' automatic- ally. Alameda's sewer system is regarded throughout the United States as a model, and is being patterned after all over the land, even European cities having adopted it. Being thus so admirably drained — having no such thing as sewer gas, stagnant ponds or bodies of water to germinate disease, it is not surprising that Alameda is healthful ; that its death rate is lower than any other city on the coast, being considerably below the normal. ITRAL AVE., LOOKING WEST FROM WILLOW ST., ALAMEDA. CAL. WATER SUPPLY ♦ * * Si After a good sewer system, notliing is so necessary to the health of a com- munity as a good water supply. This we have had for many j'ears, but lately it has been improved upon, until now no town or city in the world is more favored in this respect than Alameda. The Artesian Works recently multiplied its suppl)' several times over by sinking new wells and erecting new pumping stations, so that we now have an abundance not only for the Alameda of to-da}-, but for the Alameda of the future, when it shall have doubled, trebled or quadrupled its population. Also, in addition to these improvements an oppo- sition conipau}' has piped the town with a complete system that will have the effect of further reducing the water rates which are already low. The supply "for both companies" being Artesian Wells, can never be contaminated. The water is always fresh and pure and being constantly drawn from the bowels of the earth the dangers arising from a catchment supply are avoided. PUBLIC HEALTH ¥ ¥ ¥ h The singular healthful ness and freedom from contagious diseases of Alameda, attracts attention from health officers everywhere ; its death rate does not average twelve to each one thousand of population per annum, which is six below the normal, and quite unexampled. That of no other city com- pares with it. [iVott- — If we exclude deaths occurring among the transient population, the mortality would be greatly reduced.) hi^< Built to Order, in Location to suit. Easy Terms STREETS r V V & Our avenues are boulevards free from dust in summer and mud in winter. The street department is managed in the interest of taxpayers and nearly every one of twenty-four avenues and seventy-eight streets is paved with rock spread over a bed of com-rete, and as smooth almost as your parlor floor. Alameda's streets are the pride of her people and invariably excite the admiration of visitors. On account of its magnificent avenues the city is known among wheelmen as the " Cvclers' Paradise." MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ¥ ¥ ¥ The nuinicipal government of Alameda is often cited as the one most nearly approaching a model of any of which the dwellers on the Pacific Coast have any intimate knowledge. Part}' or partisan lines are not drawn in municipal matters. Good and representative men are chosen for public posi- tions, and there is a care exercised in public expenditures, so that every cent counts in building and beautifying the city. The principal governing body is ^Sl^ a board of five Trustees, elected by the people. The other bodies consist of a Board of Education, a Hoard of Health and a Board of Library Trustees, the functions of each being sufficiently expressed in its title. The Board of Educa- tion is elected b}- the people, and the others are appointed by the Board of City Trustees. These four bodies guard the interests of Alameda in the four essential particulars that her well-being demands. Rate of taxation is one dollar on the valuation of one hundred dollars. LOT 40X95. 7 ROOMS, MODERN, NEAR STATION. EASY TERMS, NO. 215 CITY LIGHTING ¥ ¥ ¥ The city owns and operates an extensive Electric Light system, which is under the control of the municipal trustees. The original cost of the plant jtu was something over ^40,000. At present ninety-seven Arc and one thousand Incandescent Lamps are in use, and the city is economically and efficiently lisjhted. FIRE DEPARTMENT ¥ ¥ ¥ Our Fire Department consists of one Steam and two Chemical Engines, one Hook and Ladder, and five Hose Companies. There is an abundance of modern fire apparatus, and the fire houses, five in number, are owned by the citv. The loss bv fire in .\lameda, is insignificant and insurance rates are low. POLICE ¥ ¥ ¥ The Police force of Alameda is small but well regulated, and adequate for SL our needs, which, in this respect, are extremely slight. We have three Free Mail Deliveries daily. SCHOOLS ¥ ¥ ¥ The school district of Alameda, which consists of a High and seven subor- ^ dinate Schools, is under the supervision of a Superintendent assisted by fifty- ^fr nine teachers. Graduates from the High School are admitted to the State University without examination, a privilege accorded only to schools of the CLINTON AVE.. LOOKING WEST FROM LAFAYETTE. ALAMEDA. CAL. highest standard. This department is governed by the same general rnles and regulations that obtain in all well conducted school departments, especial care £U being exercised to prevent sickness or bad habits spreading among the children. As a whole the department has no superior in the State. CHURCHES ¥ ¥ ¥ The moral side of Alameda is well cared for by seventeen Church Societies, four of which are Methodist, three Presbyterian, two Episcopal, two Lutheran, one Congregational, one Baptist, one Unitarian, one Christian, one Sweden- borgian, one Roman Catholic, all of which own and worship in buildings that are noticeable and creditable. Alameda also supports three daily Newspapers, two Banks, four Building and Loan Associations, and these, together with all our business houses are in a flourishing condition. & AMUSEMENTS ♦ ♦ » Nowhere on the Pacific Coast is there displayed such a keen interest in out door amusements as in Alameda. There are numerous Lawn Tennis Clubs, Bicycle Clubs, the best Bicycle Track in the State, three Boating and Swim- ming Clubs, numerous Bathing resorts, finest Boulevard Speed Track in the jSw United States, being one and three -eighth miles straight-away course, a Gen- tleman's Driving Association, the El Nido Club (a gentleman's social organiza- tion), besides which numerous Fraternal, Literary, Musical and Social institutions flourish. § s ALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY ¥'¥ ¥ Consists of 20,000 volumes, and the last report of the State Librarian shows that more volumes were added to our Library last year, in proportion to the amount of revenue received, than to any other Library in the State. «> PARKS » * ♦ With thirty-seven miles of macadamized driveways, the equal of which no city west of the Mississippi River, and few, if any, east of it, can boast of, with eighty miles of artificial stone sidewalks lining both sides of nearly every Sl avenue and street, its thousands of beautiful homes surrounded by verdant lawns, and beds of flowers which bloom perennially, with its magnificent shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery, the whole city can justly be termed a Park. ITS PEOPLE ¥ ¥ ¥ Are cultured, thrifty, loyal, and hospitable. United on all questions of local government and improvements, and take great pride in the appearance Sk of their individual premises in particular, and the city in general, thus making Alameda the most desirable city in the State, in all respects for families. Alameda has no "classes," and no neighborhood given to the habitation of the " rough element." In all, the essential requirements of a modern and model residence city nothing is lacking. We have a delightful climate, the remarkable difference between the chilling winds and dismal fogs of San CENTRAL AVENUE, LOOKING EAST FROM WILLOW ST., ALAMEDA CAL. & Francisco and the clear balmy air of Alameda being noted by all visitors. The mean temperature of Alameda is ten degrees warmer than that of San Fran- S^ Cisco. The average rain fall (which, for a period of eight years, has been 20.73 inches) is three inches less than San Francisco. PROGRESS AND IMPROVEMENTS ¥ ¥ ¥ The quiet repose of Alameda is a marked contrast to the noise and feverish excitement of San Francisco, and the journey across the water provides an opportunity for change and rest to the tired body and mind. Underneath this apparent tranquility, however, there is a deep current of enterprise and progress, as the following figures will demonstrate : During the year 1894, dwellings to the number of 134 were erected at a cost of ^97,500, an average of f 2966 each ; in addition to which |;5o,ooo was expended for a new city hall and 1141,000 for new school buildings and the repair of old ones. In 1S70 the population was 1557 ; in 1880, 5078; in 1890 it had increased to 11,165 ; f""^ it is now 15,500. Not less than fifty buildings are at present in course of con- struction, the average cost of which we believe will reach #3500. The price of desirable residence lots (unimproved) ranges from 1^750 upward and the price ofj^improved property varies according to location and style of buildings. Desirable homes can be purchased for approximately fecoo. Property values are continually advancing. It is estimated that at least 200 families have removed from San Francisco to Alameda in the past year. h NEW MODERN COTTAGE, 5 KOOMS. UATH, ETC., WITH LOT 31X150. $250 CASH, $25 MONTHLY The foregoing information is respectfully submitted by the ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY ¥ ¥ ¥ A corporation existing under the laws of the State of California, and conducting a general Real Estate, Building and Insurance business. In all matters per- taining to Real Estate, the Company will act as agents for the care or sale of same. The Company's commodious offices, which are the finest in Alameda County, are located at No. 1500 Park street, northeast corner of Santa Clara avenue, Alameda, Cal., where carriages are at the disposal of intending pur- chasers, and courteous treatment is assured. The Company will build houses to sell on installments, arranging all the details, such as loans, insurance, etc., thereby relieving the purchaser of the worry and care incidental to building. Trusting that should you or your friends choose to investigate Alameda, with a view to making it your home, you will favor us with a call, we are & & Yours very truly, ALAMEDA LAND CO. Real Estate Agents and Installment Home Builders, 1500 Park Street, Office Open All Day, Evenings and Sundays. ALA.lVlllL'A, V-iAL. 2? Tu jllameda Cand Company Will furnish you a lot and build for you a modern five room»^«^ Cottage, with bath, pantry, china closet, stationary wash trays, ^ basement, etc. for $ J 00 to $300 down, balance $25 to $30 per month. WE INSURE HOUSES WE SECURE LOANS WE SELL REAL ESTATE WE RENT HOUSES « « « WE SUIT OUR * Office, no. i500 ParK Street CUSTOMERS ...jllameaa, Cal, NOTE. — Take Broad Gano;e Ti'ai'n to Park St. Statioti. Ask for Alameda Land Co. HI 1 i ■==^ ,i „ i, ~&^r' '51 5 >oK>S :S^ 'S r> 3> ♦^ <-T. H 65 ^ ^ ^'^^^l^ Ft! < o 't.-o^ '<"^* V9^ A V'^^