it M m\h ^^*lf »* -^.'41 <^ '* .: !^^ 'v<:>: : ^ ^f: ■■-,>.' A • -^■^ ' ^ - ■J^ 'V«. ■Tpjf-^.S.-' . ^5 1^" i', .i i-,- -4»4* i^.. t>~^«,v.siSi.:A .„•■: '^ -i. - -^.t- 1 # '^^ :;.,^i^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 7^r~fr^ \ f, J dj^ap-k:^.:- ©optjrig'^ llts-..^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. %&, -,' >- , ^: *-,; . ;,?' -:->>v oTiV'^''^'' ■v.^r/-:^.^:':::v/'^ ■'r''-:'?'^.^ .r-: ^v: /, ;» i ^ •1; >, ' ■■ ' "J^.^ e-'u^-;.. ■' /- ^u*/' v-^ ?J iSfc. 3^^^ p ' ■ /'"^"^ ■ ■■-"> '--■^ os > ** <^ > , ^^^ l^., <)* - *»^ 1 r ' ^-•>. *. =^/ m^^ ,v\V UJ 00 3 X a < 00 <: CO Q CC , Charleston : l)(j not desire neeillcssly to bombani .Sum. ter. If Major .\nderson will state tlie time at which, as indicated by him, he will evacuate, and agree tliat in the meantime he will not use his guns against us, unless ours should be employed against Sumter, you are author, ized thus to avoid the elfusion of blood. If this or its equivalent be refused, reduce the fort as your judgmtmt decides to be the most practicable. (Signed.) L. P. WALKER, Sec. War. [NO. .X.] C'HARLE.STON, April \l. To L. P. W\4LKER, Sec. of War: He would not consent. I write to-dav. (Signed.) BEAUREGARD. Note. Intercepted dispatches disclose the fact that Lieutenant Fox, who had been allowed to visit Major Anderson on the jjledge that his piirjjose was pacific, employed his opportunity to devise a plan for supplying the "fort by force, and that this plan has been adopted by the Washington government and was in progress of execution. THE BATTLE AT CHARLESTON! Major Surrenders Anderson Fort Sumter ! The Wood-work of the Fort Burned THE NEWS AT WASHINGTON. The Feeling in Different States. Tk Presiient's ProclamatioE 75,000 VOLUNTEERS CALLED FOR. All Extra Session of Congress. The latest Intelligence in our paper of Saturday from Charleston was dated Friday evening, o'clock. The fire was kc])! up on Fort Sumter, at intervals of twenty minutes, all night. Major An- derson rei)lied as constantly as possible with his heavy guns during the day, but at o'cUn-k ceased, and all niglit he was engaged in repairing damages. At 9 o'clock on Saturday morning a dense smoke rose from Sumter, indicating that the woodwork was on fire. The bat- teries of Sulllv;in"s island, Cummings' point, :ind Stevens" battery poured shot ami shell into Fort .Sumter with terrible efl'ect. At 1 P. M., the whole nineteen batteries were playing upon Sumter, which replied vigorously. The entire roof of the barracks in the fort was at one time on fire, and there were several explosions during the afternoon. A raft was ]iiil out by Major .\nderson, and men were emi>loyed to bail water witli which to extinguish the fire, exposed to the shots from Fort Moultrie. With the display of a flag of truce from the ram- parts of Fort Sumter, at 1:.30 o'clock, the firing ceased, and an unconditional surrender was made. After Jl:ijor An- derson's flag-staft" was shot away, Colonel AVigfall, one of General Beau- regard's aids, went to Fort Sumter with a white flag, to ofl'er assistance in ex- tinguishing the flames. He apjiroached the burning fortress from Morris island, while the fire was raging on all sides, and ett'ected a landing at Fort Sumter. He approached a port-hole and was met by Major Anderson. The latter said he had displayed a white flag, but the firing from the South Carolina batteries was kept up, nevertheless. Colonel ^Vigfall replied that Major Anderson must haul down the American flag; that no parley would be granted, and that " surrender or fight " was the word, ilajor Ander- son then hauled down the American flag and displayed a flag of truce. All firing instantly ceased. Two other otticers of General Beauregard's stall', and Kx-Seii- ator Chestnut and Ex-Governor Man- ning came over in a boat and stipulated with JIajor Anderson that his surrender should be unconditional for the present, subject to the terms of General Beaure- gard. Major Anderson was allowed to remain with his men in actual posses- sion of the fort, while Messrs. Chestnut and Manning came over to the city, ac- comi);inied with a member of the Pal- metto Ciuards bearing the colors of his company. These were met by hundreds of citizens, and as they marched up the streets to the General's quarters, the crowd was swelled to thousands. Shouts rent the air, and the wildest joy was manifested. .\. boat, with an officer ami ten men, was sent from one of the four shii)S in the otting to General Simons, coniUKiiider of the forces on Morris islaiul, with a request that a merchant ship or one of the government vessels be allowed to enter and take otf the commander and garrison of Fort Sumter. lieneral Simons replied that if no hostilities were attempted during the night, and no eft'ort being made to reinforce or re- take Fort Sumter, he would give them an answer at 9 o'clock, Sunday morning. The ofticer signified that this was satis- factory and returned. General Beauregard went on a steamer to the fort, and three fire companies were also sent to extinguish the flames, but the fire hail, however, been previously extinguished by the exertions of Ander- son and his men. Visitors reported that Major Anderson surrendered because his , and expresses his warm approval of tlie President's present movement, and em- phatically affirms that Maryland will give the administration its cordial su))- port. Two companies of troops, arrived per steamer Coatzacoalcos, have been ordered to Washington, four to Carlisle Bar- racks, and one to Fort Hamilton, in this harbor. ■Washington Ne'ws. WASHlN(iT(iN, April 12. It is denied that any portion of the Confederate States lo;in has been oft'ered in New York. More than the entire amount has been arranged at par within the limits of the Confederacy. The expedition for the relief of Fort Sumter is said to be undertaken against the advice of General Scott, he having urged the evacuation of both Forts Sum- ter and Pickens. The 'Virginia Convention. Richmond, Va., April 12. The four- teenth resolution was adopted in tlie convention to-day, with Mr. Scott's amendment. This being the last reso- lution, the proposed aniendmeuts to the constitution were taken up. Mr. Wise's substitute was rejected. Adjourned. The official dispatches between Gen- eral Bf auregard. Major Anderson, and Secretary Walker were circulated in the convention this afternoon. They cre- ated considerable sensation, but there was no indication that the I'nion men would consent to secede without the co- operation of the border states. The public is greatly excited. The Ne'ws at Baltimore. Bai.timohe, April 12. The Charles- ton news was not generally promulgated until after nightfall. It produced a pro- found sensation. There was a general regret at bloodshed, and great diversity of views, but the general feeling was in favor of the government. Confidence of the President. New Yokk, April 12. A special dis- patch from Washington to the Commer- cial says the President to-day expresses confidence that the supply ship will be permitted by the Charleston authorities to land stores at Fort Sumter. Kentucky Troops Called For. Louisville, April 12. Dispatches have come here to hold the Kentucky volunteer regiment in readiness to move at a moment's notice from the War de- partment at Montgomery. Extra Session of the Southern Con- gress Called. Montgomery, April 12. An extra session of Congress has been called on the 29th. THE WAR NEWS. Ho'w It is Received, and 'What is to Follow. There was great excitement at Wash- ington on the receipt of the news. The Cabinet was in session till a late hour Saturday night, and met again Simday morning. The President is reported to have received the news with calmness ; he accepts the fact that the war has begun, and (says a dispatch) he is " ready for all emergencies." The coun- try may rely upon the administration for the full preservation of the honor of the government. The city will soon be sufficiently jirotected against the as- saults of the Rebels, should they under- take to attack it. The government is prepared at all points. " It is apprehended that, in the event of disaster to the Federal forces in the harbor at C'harlestoii, the Rebels will im- mediately march upon Washington with a large number of troops. The possi- bility of such an event is not denied by the military authorities here, but even with the worst that can happen the traitors will find a warm reception. "The regular troops now here have been ordered and proceeded to the out- skirts of the city, to watch ever}' avenue thereto, while the volunteers recently mustered guard the armories and public buildings. " Videttes are constantly seen riding through the streets." Capt. W. B. St. Johns, of the Third Infantry, and First IJeut. Abuer Smead, of the First Artillery, are to be dis- charged, for failing to respond to orders from superiors. Information continues to be received from private sources of secret plots in various localities in Maryland and Vir- ginia, having in view the seizure of the 12 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. public pro]>erty. anil even the persons of the hifjlifst otticers of the govern- ment. Although many of the rumors are not lielieved, they will receive at- tention enough to secure a strict watch at all points. The proclamation of the President is received with favor by everybody, and all with whom we have conversed say that the government must be sustained and the traitors punished for their trea- son. The various military companies have meetings tliis evening, and we trust a spirit will be evinced of readi- ness to aid in ui)holding the President, by volunteering their services if neces- sary. The President's Proclamation. Whkkeas, Tlie laws of the United States liave iH^en for some time past and now are op- posed, and tlie exoi'ution tlieieof obstructed in the states jects aforesaid, to avoid any devasta- tion, any destruction of or interference with property, or any port herself. She is com- pelled to get her supplies from Ijouis- ville, Ky., and Evansville, Ind., to keep from starving. This is literally a fact. I am glad that the old North state has not consented to secede, and I hope she never will under the pretext that the Cotton states have. I must say tliat so far as I understand the policy of the Confederate States I have no taste for it; and sliould things thus continue, I will leave the Confederacy and return to my native state." — [North Carolina Standard. Major ADJersoii in New York. STATEMENT OF THE BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER. No Surrender of the Fort Made, but an Evacuation. Miijoi' Aiidei'soD Did Not Give Up His Swoi'd. THE WIOFALL EPISODE. Return of Steamer South Carolina. The steamer South CarnliHa, Cajilain Baxter, wliii^h left this port Ajiril (ith for Charleston, returned tliis morning, liaving liccii preveided Irom reaching her destination liy tlie brealiing out of Major Anderson, having been apidied to for an account of the attack on and of Fort Sumter, said tliat lie was too hoarse to talk himself, but lie deputed oni' of his lieutenants, who furnished, in substance, tlie following statement : — The Secession forces, on the 10th inst., had made every arrangement for .•111 attack, and all their guns were manned. On the following morning a demand was made on Major Anderson, bv General Beauregard, to evacuate the fort. Major Anderson refused firmly to ac- cede to this request, and in his answer remarked that he would probably be starved out in a few days. When this answer was received General Beaure- gard dispatched a messenger to the fort, who inquired on what day the garrison would be star\ed out, and whether Major Anderson would agree not to open his batteries on the oiqiosite forts mean- while ? The Major rejilieil that he would probably be obliged to evacuate the foi't on Monday, before noon, and would not commence hostilities unless the Seces- sion troops fired at his fort, or at the national flag which waved over it, or the vessels which liore it. ^A\'hen the answer was announced to General Beau- regard a consultation took place, after which the General apprised Major An- derson, through a sjiecial messenger, that he would open liis batteries on the fort in one hour. All the preliminary arrangements were then made in Fort Sumter for the expected battle, and the command, having taken their positions at and contiguous to the guns, were ordered not to leave the casemates till they were surrounded. At precisely half-past four o'clock, on the morning of the 12th, the South Car- olina forces opened a terrific fire, with apparently increasing and damaging vigor, on Fort Sumter; but the fire was not retuined till three hours after, when the men had taken breakfast. The hal- liards of the American flag were blown down by a heavy discharge of ball, clur- ing the day; and the shot and shell, wliicli descended in a fiery shower on the fort, enveloped the flooring in flames. Several of the troops, who could ill l)e spared, v\ere ordered to extinguish the fire. When they had succeeded, another eontlagration was observed, and then a third, which, after the exertions of hours, were put out. The men were thoroughly fatigued, and some of them almost exhausted with the work. AMien night arrived it was unusually dark — so dark that neither aim nor distance could be observed, and Major Anderson ordered the batteries to be closed. The Secession troops, too, partially ceased firing, for the same rea- son. On the 1.3th Inst. Major Anderson again ordered the batteries to be worlicd and return a vigorous fire of the enemy. The rapid discharge of ball and shell from the .Secessionists contributed to make the scorched air around tlie fort almost fatal to breathe. Tlie fire of General Beauregard's troops was so des- perati' that it was impossible to work the barbette guns, which had to be abandoned in consequence. The ditti- culties under which Major Anderson labored were increased by the fact that a iiortion of his men had to be employed in making cartridges, which caused in- tervals between tlie discliarge of liis guns, not otherwise intended or ex- pected. On the morning of the 13th inst. the INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL -WAR. 13 south-east portion of the barracks of the fort took fire, and the flames soon spread rapidly, tlireateuiug a fearful death to the gallant defenders. When the revolutionists observed the conflagra- tion they increased their tire, to the surprise of the oflicers of the fort, who did not expect such a proceeding. In- deed, the impression was general that the troops of South Carolina would oome over under a tlag of truce and ex- tinguish the flames. Nearly all of Major Anderson's com- mand was then engaged in the labor of reducing or putting out tlic fire, wliich spread so rajiidly that it apjjroached the precincts of the magazine, where ninety barrels of powder were stored. All the troops were then ordered to reuio\'e the powder, «hicli. after dan- gerous laljor, was covered with wet blankets and taken out. The precau- tion was rendered doubly necessary by the circumstance that the copper doors of the powder-chamber were hot enough almost to cause Immediate iguitiou. The air, too, which surrounded tlie fort, was similar to the blast of an over- heated furnace, and threatened imme- diate mortality among the men, who were obligetl to cover their faces con- tinually with wet cloths, to extend their painful existence. Still the fire of the revolutionists was kept up, and the powder which was saved, in order to escape anticipated explosion, had to be tlirown into the sea. A few of the troojis, however, manned the guns, with the object of showing by their weak and vain tire that they were still alive, and would die protecting the national flag. At this juncture General Beauregard dispatched a messenger, inquiring if Major Anderson would evacuate the fort. Major Anderson replied that he was read}' to do so on the conditions he had named two days before, but the Major did not ofler to surrender the fort. \Mien General Beauregard heard the re- ply he sent another messenger to the fort, oftering that Major Anderson might leave the fort on his own conditions — being, in military jjhrase, the honors of war. Major Anderson accepted the proposition, and the steamer Isabel, be- longing to the revolutionists, afterwards came alongside the fort, when the com- mandant, trof)ps, and laborers embarked. The American ensign was then low- ered from the flagstali' of the fort, and placed over the Isabel, during which ceremony a salute of fifty guns was fired in respect to the colors. As the Isabrl glided over the waters with the Federal troo]>s, the American flag was raised, and a band on board struck up "Yankee Doodle." The evacuation of the fort was a necessity, as existence there, under the circumstances, was almost an impossi- bility. — [New York Express, April 18. Appearance of Major Anderson and his Command.— Incidents of his Reception. The commandant of Fort Sumter pre- sents, in his personal appearance, vivid indications of having participated in a battle of long duration. The smoke and Are with which he was surrounded have given him a brown complexion, and the fatigue and resjjonsibility of his mili- tary position aiipear to have carved many lines in his face, not presented in the current portraits of him recently taken. He was hoarse, and when ap- jjroached by several gentlemen who went on board to see him, he seemed too i>ver-worn to answer the auxious (jues- tions which were put to him on all sides. Lieutenant Hall and some of the other oliicers also presented the ajipearance of having been engaged in a fierce cannon- ade, and some of them were too much fatigued to speak. 'I'he countenances of the troops, also, told ]jlainly of the action in whicli they had exhibited so inut'li l)ra^'ery. When the Baltic had arrived ojijiosite Forts Diamond and Hamilton, salutes were fired in honor of Major Ancb'rson. Several guns were also discharged from Stateu island. The island steamer Soullifldd stoi»ped her engines opposite Quarantine, when the passengers sent up cheer after cheer in honor of Major Anderson. Those on bciard the Birkbeck alst) made similar demonstrations — all of which Major Anderson acknowledged. As the conmiandant left the larger steamer, the troops and all on board sent up enthusiastic cheers. Major Anderson reacheil the Brevoort house at about 2 o'clock, where he was met by a few gentlemen and cordially received. Thanking them for the coul- plinients they hail seen fit to pay him, he retired to his own apartments, where he met his wife. The jiublic appeared to be entirely un- aware of the place to which Major An- derson had been taken, until after his arrival, when the news rapidly s])read that he was quartered at the IJrevoort. In a few minutes quite a throng col- lected, and from a thousanarade to celebrate Jetterson's birthday, heard of the location of Major Anderson, and the Colonel determined to pay him the honor of a marching salute. At 2: 30 o'clock the regiment reached the hotel, the crowd of people having increased in number to several thousands. The ex- citement and enthusiasm were intense, and when the recipient of the ovation made his appearance upon the balcony, tremendous cheers rent the air, hats and handkerchiefs were waved, until it seemed as though the assemblage were going frantic. For a moment the Major stood erect, and, giving the crowd a glance, removed his cap ; then, rei)lacing it, he gave the military salute, which was responded to by another outburst of enthusiasnj. After the last company had passed, he turned towards the window for the purpose of re-entering the parlor, when anotlier shout from the crowd, and "three more cheers for Major An- derson," compelled him to once more bow his thanks. He then withdrew ; but the assem- blage kept uj) their cheering for some time afterwards, and then dispersed. The >Iajor afterwards received a few friends in the parlor, some of them La- dies, and then withdrew to his own ajiartments. It is generally remarked that he had a careworn, anxious look, and some intimate tluit he bitterly feels the doubts that hav(> lieeu raised regard- ing his loyalty to the flag ami govern- ment, whose honor and dignity he has so noblv vindicated. Senator Wigfall's Freak. Toward the close of the second day. Senator Wigfall made liis ai)])earanee at an end)rasure, with a white handker- chief tied to a swoi'd, and asked for ad- mittance. Two soldiers at the embrasure would not allow him to enter until he gave up his sword. When he got in he requested to see Major Anderson, and begged him for God's sake to stop tiring, and take any terms he wanted. He also prayed that a white flag nnght be hoisted for his protection, as he had been fired ujion, on coming over. Major Anderson Ihereuiion consideri'd the extreme circumstances under which the garrison was placed, and consented to accede to the request of Senator Wig- fall. The Doctor's Statement. ^Vhile \\'igfall was crawling through the embrasure Lieutenant Snyder called to him, •• Major Anderson is at the main gate." He paid no attention to the in- formation, but passed into the casemate. He was there met by Captain Foster, Lieutenant Mead and l^ieutenant Davis. Wigfall said, "I wish to see Major An- derson. I am General Wigfall, and I come from General Beaureganl." In an excited tone, he continued, " You are on fire, and your flag is down. Let us quit this." One of the ofticers rejilied : ■' Our flag is not down; it is still waving on the ramparts." Wigfall then said : " Let us quit this firing, anyhow. Here is a flag," |)re- senting a white flag attached to a sworil ; "will any one wave it out of the em- brasure?" One of the gentlemen said : "That is for you to do, if you choose." Wigfall replied, " If no one will wave it, will y(ui allow me to do it':^" He jumped into the embrasure, and waved the white flag out nearest Fort Moul- trie, but the firing still continued from the battery on Sullivan's island. In answer to his repeated request, an oflicer said : " One of the men may hold the flag now." and Corporal Bringhurst jumped into the embrasure, and waved the flag. The shot continued to fall around u.s as the corporal was in the embrasure, when Bringhurst jumped back, and re- marked : "They do n't respect this flag ; they are firing at it." Wigfall then rejilied: "They did not 14 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. respect it \\ lieu I held it ; they ih-ed t\\ o or three times wlieii I was there. I thiidc vou might staud it as well as my- self." ' Wigfall suggested that if we showed the flag fri)ui our ramparts they miglit oliserv^e it. Lieutenaut Davis replied: "If you re a banner in the field For tliose ttiat fear Tliy name; Save tlie beloved with Tliy shield, And put the foe to sli.ame. '* (;(> with our armies to the fight t.iko a Confederate God; In vain covfederaie powers unite Against Thy lifted rod. " Our troops shall gain a wide renown Ily Thine assisting hand; 'Tis God that treads the mighty down, And makes the feeble stand." Wk have elsewhere given as detailed an account of the bombardment and sur- render of Fort Sumter as can well be gathered from the dispatches, which have been sent from Charleston, of course somewhat colored in favor of the South. With others, we deeply deplore the fact that hostilities have occurred between the troops of the Rebel states and a handful of men occupying Fort Sumter; and we are free also to express our chagrin that the fort, al- though inadequalcdy manned, h;is so easily fallen into the hands of the ene- mies of the Federal government. But it is really a triumph over which the victors have little reason to be proud, and unless we wrongly read the signs of th<' times, it will yet be to them a dearly bought victory. The proclamation of the President will be found elsewhere, and there is no doubt but he is to be fully and emphati- cally seconded in his endeavors to pre- serve our government. The people are with him ; and now must the decision be made, whether the majority or the mi- nority shall rule in this country. Mr. Lincoln has exhausted every means of peace. The South has retpiited his over- tures with scorn and derision ; they have threatened to overturn his government, and to take his life; they have begun war without just reason; and having taken the sword, will be met by the sword, we confidently believe and hope, although we grieve that any thing look- ing like a civil war should arise in the maintenance of our government; but the work of Washington and his com- patriots must uot be obliterated without a struggle in its support; and let us have an honorable and free government, — a government for all, — for one sec- tion no more than another, — or let us have a glorious war, and submit to anarchy when we must. — [ Lowell Courier, Monday, April 15, 1861. Staud by the Flag. In our opinion we can pay the Boston Post no higher comjiliment than by re- publishing the following noble article, which appeared in its columns yester- day:— " The spectacle our country presents, if inexpressibly painful, is most imposing. The constituted authorities, uttering the will ;ind speaking the voice of the nation, in the exercise of their legitimate func- tions, have raised the standard of liE- iMni.if'AN LAW. Let us thiidc up to the magnitude of the great fact, and sol- emnly of the dire necessity that occa- sioned it. The course of South Carolina, from first to last, has been arrogant, precipitate, unjust to her Southern sister states, and false to the first princijiles of republican government; and we do not see how a candid miud in the civilized world can justify her immediate attack, under the circumstances, on Fort Sum- ter, because it was about to be supplied with provisions. "This act of war made necessary the I'resident's jn'oclamatiou. This uu- sheaths the sword of law, and there was no other course. But the good citizen will observe that the President is care- ful to say, that in every event the ut- care will be observed to avoid devastation, not to interfere with or INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 15 destroy auy property, or lUstiirb peace- ful citizens in any part of the country. This is well put, ancl must meet the ap- probation of every considerate mind. No people and no state have done more to exasperate than Soutli Carolina ; but not even for her peaceful citizens and her towns and cities is to be the devasta- tion of war: if for nothing else, for the sake of old memories that will come thronging iu with every passing event. "At this call of the "law, this great country, iu the armed men springing to the rescue, now presents a spectacle that the world will contemplate with wonder. President Jefterson said in his tirst in- augural that it was a theoretic and visionarj- fear, that this repulilican gov- ernment, Ihe. world's best hope, was not strong enough ; or that it could, even by possibility, want energy to preserve it- self; and he ijronouuced it to be the strongest government on the face of the earth. His words are : ' I believe it tlie only oue where every man, at the call of law, woidd (ly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern.' This is what the people are now doing ! The uprising is tremendous ; and well would it be for each good citi- zen, Soufli and North, to feel this inva- sion of the pidjlic order at Fort Sumter as his own personal concern. In reality it is so. There is left no choice but between a support of the government and anarchy ! The rising shows that this is the feeling. The proclamation calls for seventy-live thousand men ; and from one state alone (Pennsylvania) a hundred thousaiv^l are at tlie President's command, at fort3'-eight hours" notice! Nor is this all; capitalists stand ready to tender millions upon millions of money to sustain tlie grand government of their fathers. Thus the civilized world will see the mighty energy of a free ijeople, su])plyiug iu lull measure the sinews of war, men and money, out of loyalty to the su|)remacy of law. '•Patriotic citizen! choose you which you will serve ; the world's best hope, our noble republican government, or that bottomless pit, social anarchy ! Ad- journ other issues until this self-preserv- ing issue is settled. Hitherto, a good Providence has smi]<-d upon the Ameri- can Union. This was tlie Morning Star that led on the men of the Kevolution. It is precisely the truth to say, that when those sages and heroes labored, they made union the vital condition of their labor. It was faith in union that destroyed the tea and that nerved the resistance to Britisli aggression. With- out it, the patriots felt they were noth- ing; and witli it, they felt" equal to all things. That Union flag they trans- mitted to their posterity. T6--load of wood, on Friday evening, and came safely to the city. Somebody told him he would be killed in the at- tempt. ''Can"t help that,"" said he; •■ must go to de town to-night. If any- body hurt dis chile or dis boat, massa see him about it. shuah."" His sloop re- ceived four shots. It is reported here that Major Ander- son sent in his resignation, to take effect on the inauguration of the Lincoln gov- ernment, but no notice was taken of it. The news received from Washington to-night states that Major Anderson is strongly suspected of treachery. The idea is preposterous. The fort is burned into a mere shell : not a particle of woodwork can be found. The guns on one side of the parajjet are entirely dismounted, others split, while the gun-carriages are knocked into siilinters. Major Anderson says the accuracy of the firing surprised him. and that if he had had two hundred more men. one- half would have been killed for want of suitable protection. AYhen Colonel Chestnut, aid of General Beauregard, went to offer assistance after the fire, he says the fort was like an oven, and he could hardly breathe. It was so hot that Major Anderson re- ceived him in one of the casemates. In- quiry being made how many were killed, he said, " None. How many on your side?"" "None." was the response. '■Thank God." replied M.ijor Anderson; ■■ there has been a higher Power over us." Major .\nderson says it is preposter- ous to fight such a people. One of the oflicers in the fort remarked that they had endeavored not to fire on exposed individuals. •■Yes."" said Major Ander- son, ■■ I gave orders not to sight men, but to silence batteries."" Both men and officers were begrimed with smoke and powder. The batteries which have done the most mischief are the Dahlgren battery, Stevens" batterv. and the rifle cannon. Ii\'CIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 17 The fort was set on fire three times with hot shot on Friday, but was extin- guished. On Saturday it was again in flames, and then bej-ond control. After the fire ceased the surgeon-general of the state troops went down and offered his personal services to aid the wounded. As regards harbor defense, the fort is just as good as ever. The casemates are perfect, the guns are in prime condition, and bear on both sides. Major Anderson was obliged to throw overboard a large quantity of powder, to prevent explosion, and it was floating around the fort toniay. One of the aids carried brandy to Major Anderson in a boat, after the fire, and the latter said it was very accepta- ble, as the men were completely ex- hausted by their labors. I mention this to show the kind aud chivalrous rela- tions between the oflicers. Before going into action Major Ander- .son sent word by an aid of General Beauregard to the Governor, thanking him for kind attentions during the past two months, and very solemnly said : " Farewell, gentlemen. If we do not meet again here. I hope we shall meet in a better world." Just befort- the demand for evacua- tion he received a letter from his wife, informing him of the reports that the demand would be made. He was much surprised : but more so, when the fact was verified three minutes afterward. The fort has been garrisoned by the Palmetto Guards, and put under com- mand of Lieutenant-colonel Ripley, who commanded Fort Moultrie after the de- parture of Major Anderson. The Major's feelings were spared in every respect, and no person, except authorized aids, allowed inside. The harbor is full of boats, sailing around the fort; but no parties without busi- ness are permitted to land. Special dispatches to-night state that Mr. Lincoln has called for seventy-five thousand volunteers. The people think there is a great deal of bluff about it. The city is resmuing its usual quiet. Everybody is exchanging congratula- tions over the successful termination of the fight ; but the soldiers are itching for a hand-to-hand brush. The Confederate flag and the Palmetto flag were hoisted on separate spars sim- ultaneously. It is believed that a block- ade has been finally established. The following information comes from n'ashington, on Sunday: — "Mr. Wiley, of Xew York, had an in- terview with the President to-night. He left Charleston on Friday night, and says he saw the battle during that day. He says there was not an interval of two minutes between the firing on both sides after Major Anderson opened his fire, which was not until about 1 o'clock A. M., two and one-half hours after the Morris, Sullivan, and James island bat- teries had been pouring into Fort Sum- ter. Mr. Wiley says major Anderson worked his guns actively all day. until 6 o'clock Friday evening. The Charles- tonians were surprised at it, in view of the small number of men in the place." Past and Future. Dec. 26. ISGO. Dec. 21, 1010. A Ballad of Major Anderson. BY MRS. J. C. K. DORR. Come, children, leave your playing, this dark and stormy night; Shut fast the 'rattling window blinds, and make tlie fire burn bright; And liear an old man's story, while loud the fierce winds blow. Of gallant Major Anderson and fifty years ago. I was a young then, boys, but twenty- eight year..* old. And all my comrades knew me for a soldier brave and bold ; My eye was bright, my step was firm, I meas- ured six feet two, And I knew not what it was to shirk when there was work to do. We were stiitioned at Fort 3Ioultrie, in Charleston harl)or, then, A brave band,lliough a small one, of scarcely sixty men ; And day and night we waited for the coming of the foe. With noble Major .\uderson, just fifty years ago. Were they Frencli or English? ask you. Oh, neither, neither, chiid ! We -were at peace witli other lands, and all the nations smiled On the StjiFs and Stripes, wherever they floated, far and free, Aud all the foes we had to meet we found this side of the sea. But even between brothers bitter feuds will sometimes rise. And 't was the cloud of civil war that darkened in the skies. I have not time to tell you how the quarrel first began. Or how it grew, till o'er our land the strife like wildfire ran. I will not use Iiard words, my .boys, for I am old and gray, And I 've learned it is an easy thing for the best to go astray; Some wrong there was on either side, I do not doubt at all; There are two sides to a quarrel — be it great, or be it small ! But yet, when South Carolina laid her sacri- legious hand On the altar of the Union that belonged to all the land ; When she tore ourgloiious banner down and trailed it in the dust, Every patriot's heart and conscience bade him guard the sacred trust. You scarce believe me, children. Grief and doubt are in your eyes. Fixed steadily upon me", in wonder and sur- prise. Don't forget to thank our Father when to- night you kneel to pray, That an undivided people rule America to- day. We were stationed at Fort Jloultrie, but about a mile away The battlements of Sumter stood proudly in the bay ; 'T was by far the best position, as he could not help but know. Our gallant Major Anderson, just fifty years ago. Yes, 't was just after Christmas, fifty years ago to-night; The sky was calm and cloudless, the moon w^as clear and bright; At six o'clock the drum beat to call us to parade. And not a man suspected the plan that had been laid. But the first thing a soldier learns is that he must obey. And that when an order 's given he has not a word to say ; So, when told to man the boats, not a ques- tion did we ask. But silently, yet eagerly, began our hurried task. We did a deal of work that night, though our numbers were but few; We had all our stores to carry, and our am- munition, too ; And the guard ship — 'twas the Xina — set to watch us in the bay, Never dreame: governor of Texas, he has ree<'nt]y written, advising against s<'nding troops there. This change of front needs exiilanation, hut in the mean time the ]iulicy can not be altered to suit such caprie<'S. ■'The ])lan for iirovisioning Fort Sum- ter was based upon the fact of unusual liigh tide in Charleston harbor on the lOlh, lllh, and 12th. which woidd ena- bli- steam-tugs to float over the shoals, out of reach of the IJebel batteries on Morris island. The storm delayed the vessels, and when I hey arrived it was too late. 'I'he war shii)s were simply to lie outside and protect the transports from the Ilebel vessels that might be sent to stop their passage over the shoals. ••Some have questioned the patriotism of Major Anderson for surrendering so soon. But the administration has the most undoubting confidence in his fidel- ity and courage, and that he held out as long as possible. He was utterly out of provisions, except a little salt pork, and is believed to have surrendered from mere exhaustion. Passengers who left Charleston late on Friday night say Major Anderson's fire all through the day averaged four or five guns a minute. His eolumbiads shook houses to their foundations six miles away. " Senator Chestnut spent several hours on Thursday night, trying to persuade >Iajor Anderson to surrender or evacu- ate. The passengers believe the (Confed- erates had several killed and wounded. "In view of the forthcoming call for troops by the President, the tone of feeling in this city is admirable. Seces- sion blustered last night, but cowers to- night." We copy the following from the New York Times' correspondence: — " Twenty men from the Second cavalry were stationed all last night as a guard to the White House. Mounted troops are stationed to-night outside the city, with rations for their horses. They are guarding every approach to the city. They are stationed four at each point, anil relieved every four hours. Signals have been arranged for more speedy comnuiuication. One hundred and fifty men have been stationed in the Post- office department, three hundred at the Treasury, two hundred at the Capitol, and two hundred near the AMiite House. " It seemeondeuce of the Worl.l : — "The streets and hotels are filled to- day with most excited crowds, and the feeling of i)atriotism and courage which INCIDEXTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 19 pervade them can not be mistaken. It betokens the coming trimnjili of the government over treacliery and rebel- lion. There are tiiousands of loyal men who have stood between doubt and fear during the present crisis, looking up anxiousl.v, prayerfully, for peace, but they hesitate no longer. They seem to feel that the hour for action has arrived, and, at the first decided intimation of the invasion of this city, tiiousands will rush to arms. "There is no disguising the fact that here in Washington a great reaction has taken place. Those who were bitterly opposed to Mr. Lincoln are determined t' ()r thirty- tive implements lor amusing us with shells are lliought, bv them, to be able to driv<' us out- About all our guns, unfortunali'ly, are in barbette- If these coidd havi-been put in the second tier we might laugh at shells; but un- luckily a large auKnint ot cement was stopped in fharleslou, and it could notbiMlonc. Thfir guns are e.\cceiii ugly widl protected, the "ev- erlasting nigger" having been put to work with a will, and mountains ot sand have been piled in defensive posiliinis. The channels into the harbor are too strong for any thing but a grand attack ; and all these guns, which are in barbette, ho\ve\er, are protected Irom our tire by very heavy traverses. So that my jlhin won'lil be", in i-ase tire is oiiencil upon us, to do just what they arc striving most to avoid — injury to the fort"; and more iiarticularly as we can not do much damage otherwise. 1 should systematically blow up, Ilist, the i|uar- ters. tor which we shall hav(! no use; seeimd, the tirsl tier of arches, wlu-re\-er it could bo spared, ami the barbctti', wlu-re unused ; then prepare mines tor the remaiiuUa- of the scarp wall, and let that slide at the last extremity. They have refused to allow some thirty-odil workmen to Icav*' the toi-l ; every body but olljcers will be kept here until surrender or evacuation results. I agree with you perlectly as to a short policy; but it is very tale for it to be of much ettect. " The .Southern Contedcrai-y has already aenuircd great consisteiu-y ami no Utile .sl'rengt li ; four months ago and the whole thing ndghl have been nipped in the buil. . . . I think it as lilci'ly as not that wo may be sent directly to Kort' Pickens, alter beiiig reinforced with rn-rnils—{\\w fellows who have iie\-er tired a gun in tlicir li\'i's. We are all lireil and worn. .Siunc few men are very ill from bronchial ilisease contracted here, and / require a eliange very soon, though generally passably wi^ll, on account of uiy throat. ... .\ few days longer and our fate will be de- cideii; after that, perhaps the deluge. Kver, etc., etc. The Washington correspondent of the Xew York 7'ovf makes the following important statement : — " I get a very important fact this morning from a high military source, and which bears directly on tiiis point. It is stated that there were not lialls enough in Sumter to sustain a continu- ous cannonade of ten hours. I'owder tliere was in large i|uautities, but the su)il)ly of balN was extremely limited. If this is a truthful statement, it shows why Anderson surrendered so e;irly, — why he ceased firing before he surren- dered." The Hartford Thms has a letter from Charleston, d:iled the 1-Jlh iirst., from which we take the fidlowiiig: — "The liouibardmeut of Fiut Sumter commenced at luilf-past four this morn- ing, anil has now continued about twelve hours. The firing from the fort is slow, but regular, — principally from the lower casemate guns. M.ajor .Vnder- son tried one or two of bis b.irhette guns, but the shell was too much for liim, and he has gone down into his lower story, where lie is iiounding away at a great rate. Our iron battery on Morris island is a perfect safeguard, thus far, to the men: for, Ihougji they are under a fierce fire, not one has been injured up to this time. The (lo:iting battery, also, is standing well, and is doiuK hard work. 20 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. " Anilcrson did not fire for nearly two hours :ifter he was fired upon, and ttien his (!S-pounders roared out like hurt lions."' Public Feeling and Movements In Neiv York. Th(> New York Express of last cven- ina; says : — •• The excitement in the city on the suhjeet of tlie war is more intense to- day than iK'retofore. The fight at Sum- ter and tlie Pi-esidenfs proelaniation are the universal topies of conversation. JIardly any other questions are dis- cussed. The ea};er desire for further ));irticulars is everywhere manifested, and every detail furnished by tlie news- pai)ers is read with the greatest avidity. " Between 9 and 10 o'clock, the na- tional and municipal flags were hoisted on the city hall. By 11 o'clock flags were flying all up and down Broadway, winch liad (]uite a gala aiijiearance. In- (juiries at the cily hall disclosed the fact thai the (iovernorhad telegraphed from Alli:.ny to the Police Commissioners, requesting that the national flag should he displayed from all the public build- ings lo-ilay. " ^Mililiaincn are in a state of excite- ment, and no doubt a great many well- drilled meuil)ers of our city regiments will volunteer to serve in the thirty regiments to be raised by the state of New York, to march at the call of the President. (Jeneral Sanford went to Albany in the express train, on Sunday night, to consult with the Conunander- in-chicf. and will probably issue a gen- eral order in reganl to the enlistments immediately on Ids return. '•A jiarty of men met at 618 Broadway, on Satin'ilay night, and took preliminary stejis to form an infantry l)attalion for duty during the war. William AVilsou was elected colonel, with i)Ower to ap- ]i()int tiidd- and stall-oflicers, and quite a number of jirivates signed the roll. Mr. Wilson thinks that he can raise eight hundred men in a short time. '' .\ company of zouav<'S has recently been formed in this city, as the nucleus of a regiment, to be a part of the First division. The members are determined to make it the chea]iest, and at the same time the most perfect corps of this city. Tliev ai-i' under tlie <-oiniuanil of ('apt. Walters W . McChesney, late of the Chicago Zouaves, and their printed ]irospectus says: 'We hope to earn, at no distant day, a name of which we can be |)roud.' ''About four hundred members of the Sixty-nitilh regiment, Colonel Corcoran, conmiander, crossed to Brooklyn on Sunday, anil drilled in Held exercises in the oulsliirts. They were preparing for duty in case their services should be re- (piired, and it was understood that they had either oli'ered, or were about to otl'er, their services to the general gov- ermnent. •'Tlie recruiting oflices are all crowded to-day. Orders were received from Washington to fill up the ratdis of the army as soon as possible, and the re- cruits are coming in thick and fast. At the Cherry-street rendezvous the throng of applicants is very great to-day, and the olflcers are as busj' as possible, mak- ing the necessary examinations. The eagerness to enlist is almost unprece- dented. " At an early hour on Saturday fresh energy was visihb- all through the yard. Extra hands were put to work on the Wahnsli, Perry, and .savannah. " The Wabash is going ahead with astonishing rapidity. Men were kept working on her all night on Friday and a jiart of Saturday, getting in coal and filling her hold with such necessaries as could possibly be crammed in her in her present state. Captain Ganesvoort is hastily finishing the battery, which will be in fighting order by Saturday. "The S'{vinuiiih, too, has been hurried. During the heavy rain on Saturday not a bauuner was missing, nor a caulker al)sent. Every (me was kept at his post. The battery of this shiji has just been decided on, and is to be exactly as we describ(>d it. She will be ready for commission in even a shorter time than we expected. "The Perry is finished. Painting couunenced on Saturday; her guns are on board; her decks, planks, and rig- ging almost jierfect. She needs now only the ornamental part of her equip- ment. There are three vessels at the Brooklyn navy yard ordered for sea. "The ship's 'company of the North Caraliiia have been restricted to their vessel. The general liberty is stopped. All hands are to remain on board, ex- ceiit s])ecial ex<-eptions are made by the commandant. Recruits are daily pour- ing in from the Cherry-street rendez- vous, and they, too, are to be retained. These measures indicate an immediate call for sailors.'' From the Commercial Advertiser : — " A rumor has been prevalent this morning that the services of the Sixtj'- niiitli regiment, commanded by Col. Michael Corcoran, have been tendered to the Southern Confederacy. This ru- mor was based upon the fact that the colonel has recently been the recipient of a in'csent from Charlestonians, con- se(|uen( u|)(m his refusing to parade on the reception of the Prince of Wales. This morning. Brigadier-general Ewen, to whose lirigade the regiment lielongs, ex|)ressed liis astonishment at such a, re[)ort, and stated that he woidd trust the regimi'iit w ith any duty required of soldiers. I.ientenant-eolonel Nugent, acting coiuiiianilant of the regiment, said that when his regiment is called upon to perform any i4"'y- ■' '*^'" '"' '» support of the I'ldted States, and in de- fence of the star and strijies, all nnnors to the contrary notwithstamling. This regiment was the oidy one considered to be in any way in sympathy with the Secessionists, but the candid statement of the commander jiuts all doubts on this scfire ,at, rest. "The noticeal)le feature at the navj' yard this morning was the assembling of quite a nuud)er of young men, but recently discharged from tlie service, who signified their intention to reship to defend the flag under which they once served. Judging from the spirit exhibited by the parties in question, there will be little difficulty in manning the government vessels as fast as they are ready for the service, notwithstand- ing the apprehension expressed by an ofhcer of the yard that it was doubtful if the Wabash could obtain her comple- ment of men upon being jilaced in com- mission. "It is intimated that among the officers of the yard there are some from the South who are indisposed to place them- selves in hostile array against their friends in that section, and a few resig- nations are looked for in that quarter. A patriotic spirit, however, prevails generally with the ofticers, and those who object to bearing arms against the South, will not w ithdraw themselves to turn their services against the stars and strijies ; the defection in the corps of oflicers, what little there is, leads to a neutiality on the part of a few individu- als, and can not be considered as em- barrassing to the government ov encour- aging to the traitors at the South. Nine hundred men are now employed in the yard. " An intense feeling pervades the city to-day, in consequence of the character of the news from the South, and the timely proclamation of the President. Thousands of citizens who a short time ago were loud in their sympathies for the Rebels, do not hesitate to denounce the traitors, and the journals here and elsewhere that have prompted them to rebellion. " There are of course more symjia- thizers with the Rebels about the Mayor's office than any other dejiart- meut, but even these are beginning to .see the propriety of keeping cpiiet. So far as a municipal movement to make New Y(n-k a free city is concerned, the Mayor could do little toward effecting any such mischief without the co-opera- tion of the Common Council, and that body, with two or three exceptions, favor no such movement." Meetmg of New "york Merchants. T'he Commercial Advertiser gives the annexed report of a meeting of the merchants of New York yesterday after- noon, for the patriotic purpose of devis- ing means to strengthen the hands of the government in its contest with the Rebels: — " At half-past two o'clock this after- noon a large assembly of merchants took place, at tlie ottice of Simeon Dra- per, Esq., ,'10 Pine street, to take into consideration the existing difficulties, and to make arrangements for a grand mass-meeting, in support of the Cnited States government. " .\ resolution was offered by Jlr. Dniiier, requesting the Governor to transmit a message to tlie legislature, desiring that body to make an addi- tional ajipropriation to jdacc the militia on a war footing, to a number not less than twenty-five thousand men. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 21 " Some discussion arose as to the amount, Mr. S. B. Hunt advocating $2,500,000. The amount, however, was left to the discretion of the Executive, to be named by liim, and the resolution amended so as to provide for the equip- ment of the State militia. "A resolution instructing the secretary to telegraph the resolution to Albany was carried, and immediately obeyed. The meeting then adjourned." Tlie Evi-ninq Post says : — " We hear that five hundred members of our Seventh regiment ( National Guard) have signed a paper offering their services to the government, and that the document is still circulating for signatures among the regiment. " The National Guard is true to the Union. It will give a good account of itself." Enthusiastic Military Spirit in Phil- adelphia — Rush of Volunteers. The Press of the l.ith inst. chronicles the following movements in military circles, by which it will bo seen that the patriotic spirit runs high in Phila- delphia : — "On Saturday the following notice appeared in different parts of the city : 'Volunteers! Volunteers! Volunteers! Young men desirous of rallying round the standard of the Union, and willing to maintain its time-honored folds un- sullied over the ramparts of Fort Sum- ter, will enroll themselves innnediately in the new volunteer light artillery regi- ment, now ni|)idly filling up, and ready to march upon the receipt of orders from the Governor. Muster rolls open every day .and evening, at Military hall. Third street, near Green." "Saturday evening Military hall was the scene of excitement. Captain Brady was on hand with his nuister roll, to which was appended the following pledge : ' We agree to serve in this or any other military capacity conducive to the public interest, and to accept such bounty, jiay, rations, and clothing as is or may be established. And we sol- emnly swear that we \\ill bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, and that we will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever; and that we will observe and obey the orders of the Pres- ident of the United States, and the or- ders of the officers appointed over us, according to the regulations of the army and articles of war.' The nnistcr roll was being rapiiily filled, and Captain Brad}', who served in a New York regi- ment in Mexico, was active in the work of bringing up the men. " During the evening a meeting of the officers of the First regiment of the Washington brigade, organized for ser- vice in the present emergency of the national government, was held at the hall. General Small represented that in all probability the brigade would be soon called into service, as organized, and the cobjnelcy of the regiment lieiug vacant, a new election was, at the sug- gestion of Lieutenant-colo)iel Berry, en- tered into. On nomination of Lieuten- ant-colonel Berry, Lieutenant -colonel Rush Van Dyke was unanimously elect- ed colonel of the regiment. After the adjournment of the meeting the mem- bers of the companies present entered the room and were addressed by General Small in a patriotic speech. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed. " A meeting of the oflicei-s of the Sec- ond regiment was likewise held. The muster rolls of the companies were ou the taljle, and great anxiety was mani- fested to be the first to fill up vacant spaces. 'I'he register of officers was stated to be complete, with the excep- tion of two or three lieutenancies. The Germans have come up bravely, and the regiment is more complete than the First regiment, composed of Americans. The officers of the latter regiuu-nt say the rallies will be filled by Welh says that innueiise (piantities of mimitions of war are reaching that city. A Washington dispatch says an oflTer has b(^en made to the Treasury depart- ment at Montgomery to take the whole loan of the Confederate States, fifteen millions, at par, by ])arties in New Or- leans. Probably not a word of truth in the report. The Richmond Enquirer of Saturday- says : — " Nothing is more probable than that President Davis will soon march an army through North Carolina and Vir- ginia to Washington. Those of our vol- unteers who desire to join the Southern army, as it shall p;iss tbrongh our bor- ders, had better organize at once for the purpose, and keep their arms, accoutre- ments, uniforms, ammunition, and knap- sacks in constant readiness." The following advertisement appears conspicuously in Charleston papers: — AFl RST-CLASS, strongly-built clipper stciinier; slie must be fast, 'light draught, and ciipablc of being flttiMt out us a i)rivateer. Address " Sumter," through the poat-olfice. A Montgomery letter of the 9th inst. significantly remarks: — " / do not believe President Davis in- tends to give Mr. Lincoln the advantage whirh our opening the war would place in his hands, unless such action shall be- come a necessitij." The first movement of the South is thus confessedly a blunder. The report that Lieut. Reed Werden had been taken from Pensacola to Mont- gomery a prisoner of war, is incorrect, as that officer is attached to the steam frigate .Minnesota, now fitting out at Charlestown. There is probably a mis- take in the name. Military Movements in Boston. — Preparations for their Subsistence. The excitement in this city eouseipient upon the emergency which has arisen in our national atTairs, has been intensified to-day by the concentration of the troops from whom two regiments are to he se- lected and mustered into the service of the TTnited States for the defense of Washington. The sound of the drum and fife, and the movement of armed men through our stn^ets, has rcviveil a feeling which has not lieen manifested since the Mexican war. Had any thing been w.anting to con- vince the trooi)s wlio lutve hitherto 22 IXCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. trained for display, that tlie time for fair-weather soldiering is past, the driz- zling storm of rain and hail which has prevailed to-day would be sufflcient. Although the troops are expected to withsftmd all sorts of weather, it was not deemed prudent to expose them to storm upon the Common, where they were at first ordered to muster, and couriers were dispatched to the several railroad stations at which they were to arrive, with orders for them to proceed directly to Faneuil hall, where they will quarter during their stay in this city. The couimittee on public buildings, accompanied by Superintendent Xot- tage, opened the " Cradle of Liberty " to the troops, and preparations have been made to provide them with every comfort. In case the hall proves insuf- ficient to accommodate all the troops, a portion will quarter in the hall over the Fitchburg depot, and in Riddle's build- ing in Union street. The new overcoats belonging to the state were taken into Faneuil hall this forenoon, and will be distributed among the troops who are detailed for service. J. B. Smith, the well-known caterer, has been engaged to provide rations for the troops, which will be plain and sub- stantial. The first comi^anies which arrived in the city were from Marblehead, whence, in the time of the Revolution, the first troops marched to Cambridge, and where, in the AVar of 1812, were fitted out the first privateers. The order for the troops to march was received in Marblehead about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, causing great eonuuotion. There are three companies in the town, composed of mechanics and working- men, most of whom have families. Being thus suddenly called away, and their wives and chilren deprived, for a time at least, of their support, their situation enlistcnl the patriotic sjnnpa- tliies of the leading citizens of the town, w ho, with a promptness and magnanim- ity worthy of imitation, at once raised a fund to provide for thi'ir maintenance. The following individuals and firms con- tributed .«!100 each: T.T.Payne, Wil- liaui P^iybins, Wni. B. Brown, Benj. G. Hathaway, Potter & Gilbert, Joseph Harris & Sons, Joseph R. Bassett, AVil- liam Curtis, Henr}' F. Pitman; Francis Hooper, .$"200: and numerous other citi- zens various sums — making a total of .«ilitO0. An addition of .$1000 will be made to the fund. Speech of Hon. Charles Hale. The nest speaker was Hon. Charles Hale. He commenced by relating an appropriate anecdote, illustrating the fu- tility of speech at a crisis so important, when all were of the same mind and would utter the same sentiments. There was no one in the hall who could not make as good a speech as he. The time demands no particular words, but sim- ply to speak our minds by coining here on this occasion. Throughout the loyal Northern states the word is that we are determined that the Union shall be preserved. That is expressed by the mere fact that we have met in Faneuil hall so that is filled, and there are enough outside to fill it again and again. You understand as well as I that the cause in which we are engaged is not merely to preserve a nominal Union, but is the cause of free government and of liberty. You know as well as I do tliat in .South Carolina, where this infernal treason was first hatched, the people never are allowed to \ote for president or governor. The legislature kindly takes that trouble oft' their hands. They never had a Republican government, and if this treason continues to the con- sunnnation which its leadi'rs design, we shall have that government here, and we shall not have the privilege of ex- pressing our opinions at the polls as to who shall be governor or president. Jefi'. Davis has not been made President of the Southern Confederacy by any vote of the people, and the constitution of that Confederacy has never been rat- ified by the people. The struggle is a contest of the people of the United States against a little knot of disappointed pol- iticians. You have heard once to-night that if we fail in this struggle, liberty falls forever. That is true. But we will not fail. And why? Not merely that we have the greater numbers. We would scorn that. If we can not put one man against another; if one of such men as I see before me is not equal to two of the men of the South, tlicn we are in danger. We scorn to win because we are richer than they and all the money is on our side. We shall win be- cause ours is the cause of liberty and tlie peojile. Through the history of the woild downward, war after war has taken place. Jeft'. Davis is not the first traitor, nor the first would-be despot. He is not till' first man who, maddened by disap- pointment, has striven to overthrow the government which before he was the loudest to support. But this you will notice, that those have won who have adopted the cause of liberty and the people. And this is our cause here to- night, and that is why we will win. Not because we are stronger and richer; not because we ha^e a navy and they have none; l)ut because we are right. And as this world goes on we shall find in the end that Cod is upon the side of the i)e()ple, and the government of the ('nited States will survive because it is the government of the people. [Ap- plause.] I said that I had no resolution. I am going to make a resolution. In 1833 General Jackson was invited to a dinner to be held on the Sth of January, an an- niversary which will always be well remembered. The meeting was got up by Calhoun and some of the South Car- olina nullifiers, who hoped to gain some sort of consideration or regard for their treasonable designs by having him pres- ent. When he came down to breakfast, the morning of that day, he took three pieces of paper from his pocket and asked a friend which of the three toasts was the best. The friend replied, " This one." "'I think so, too," replied Jack- son ; and the other pieces were thrown away, while that one was put in his vest pocket. When he got to the dinner, and some time had been spent in discussing the material portion, as the reporters say, the nullifiers thought that a point had been gained. Here was their dinner lield under the shado\\- of the Capitol, and they had secured the presence of the President himself. Then Jackson rose and took from his pocket the little piece of paper, and that is the resolu- tion I wish to propose. He said : " I will give you a toast — The Federal Union : it must and shall be preserved.'' That was Jackson's toast, and it could not but be received by the whole assem- bl_v with apjjlause. It was re-echoed all over the country, and from that moment the doom of South Carolina secession was sealed for a generation. I am not another Jackson; but, standing here to- night in Faneuil hall before you, saying these words of Jackson, I will answer that there shall go forth from the '• Cra- dle of Liberty'' a second edition of Jackson's memorable words, which shall settle the fate of this infernal dogma of secession for all generations. I will now put this resolution : — Resolved^ By the people in Faneuil hall — The Federal Union : it must and shall be pre- served. As many as are in favor of that reso- lution will say aye. [A tremendous shout of " aye."] It is a vote. [Ap- plause.] The Mustering. Yesterday was a strange day for our city. These streets were never trodden tiefore by armed men summoned to the dread ordeal of civil war — by the flower of our own young men, called suddenly from the varied avocations of peace to resist the bayonets of those who have been, and still ought to be, their breth- ren, but who are leagued to overthrow the government under which we have all so marvelously flourished. Children will grow into white-haired patriarchs and not forget this occasion, but will hand its reminiscences down as the most vivid of those engraved u|)ou their minds. Of course, deep emotions and thoughts unknown before were felt yestei-day bj' INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 23 many in the throngs of spectators who cheered the soldiers as they passed along. But one grand feeling possessed our masses and subdued into unison with it all reflections, ideas, and hopes — the feeling of an aroused, determined patriotism. We never saw any thing like it. Oui- accounts show, in the magnan- imous efforts and donations on every hand, something of this spirit ; but, to catch any thing like its full import, it is necessary to mingle among all classes of GUI' people. And, what is better, this feeling is rising steadily with the emer- gency. It is the revival of the old Croni- wellian and Bunker-hill spirit — and it will wear like steel, and shine as it wears. So it is all over the North. " We must settle this matter now forever," is the remark everywhere heard. The aggres- sion which has bullied and pushed us for years, and which has already an- nounced at the cannon's mouth the threat of its chief, to make us " smell Southern powder and taste Southern steel," must be put a stop to. We are no longer safe beneath its sway, and we will have no more of it. It is the very demand of peace and prosperity that we now rise in our might and crush — crush forever — audacious treason. — [ Boston Journal, Wednesday, April 17. The 19th of April. To-day is the 19th of April, ever mem- orable on the pages of history. Eighty- six jears ago this morning a handful of patriots laid down their lives on the lawn at Lexington in defense of what was dearer to them — their liberty ! By their patriotism and self-sacrifice they inaugurated a course of events which gave this people a phue among the na- tions, established constitutional free- dom, and republican law. Beneath the benign influence of the charter which was given to the world through their instrumentality we have increased from three to thirty millions of people. That instrument has given us peace at home and remarkable exemption from attacks of foreign foes. To the emblem of its authority, the stars and stripes, our cit- izens, at home or abroad, among civil- ized nations or in foreign lands, have never appealed for protection in vain. It has been at once a blessing and a de- fense. The world has felt only its power for good, never for evil. All nations have felt its regenerating and vivify- ing influence. It has always been a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day, leading the human race to- ward the promise of a transcendent future. But on this anniversary day we behold conspirators, who have enjoyed the highest honors and noblest blessings of the charter bequeathed to us by our fathers, with a reckless daring — with a madness unparalleled — taking up arms to subvert and destroy the government. Let us not lose sight of the issue. It is their avowed purpose to annihilate the great principle of republican law, and make self-government a failure. For this day they have stolen forts, arsenals, ships, dock-yards, mints, bullion, and public funds, violated their solemn oaths, perjured themselves before God and man, inaugurated war, and threaten to let loose freebooters and pirates to prey upon the property of loyal citi- zens. They have taken the oflensive. They make aggressions only. They fire upon ships, beleaguer forts, refuse evac- uations, demand humiliating surrenders, threaten with official bombast and brag- gadocio to conquer and subjugate those who love the dear blood-bought blessing bequeathed b}' their fathers. Their pro- posed government is of the sword and bayonet of the few over the voiceless many. On the other hand, it is the aim of the government of the United States to uphold and perpetuate the constitu- tion — to defend what remains, recover what has been lost — to restore things as they were. As the founders of the constitution were justified and blessed of God, so before the Arbiter of all destiny the government of the United States — the people. — will bejustified in using all their tremendous power, till every Secession- ist is wiped from the face of the earth, if need be, in defending the government of the country. Let us look the matter squarely in the face, for God has laid the responsibility upon us. This day we have a work to do, and all the future ages will hold us accountable for its right performance. We are to make no war of conquest or subjugation, but we are to uphold and defend. If the con- stitution is worth preserving, let there be no half-way work on the part of the people. We are to deal with the con- spirators as we do with the midnight robber. Let the laws, in their purity, equity, and righteousness, be enforced with a strong arm, with shot and shell, with the bayonet and sword, wherever conspirators and pirates are leagued against it. This is the voice of the peo- ple to-tlay. The outburst of patriotism which has already been exhibited is worthy of the descendants of those sires, who, in the gray morning light of the 19th of April, 1775, died for their country. Let the remembrance of their dying devotion thi-ill our hearts to-day to stand to the last by the constitu- tion, and hand it to our posterity un- impaired. We span one of the cycles of political progress. On the 19th of April, 1775, the patriots of Massachusetts made a stand in behalf of the principles of civil and religious liberty, against the en- croaching despotism of their rulers — to-day their sons are marching to the rescue of the same principles, against the lawless outbreak of internal con- spirators. They resisted ruin in the shape of tyranny — we resist it in the shape of anarchy. They sacrificed blood and treasure to erect the fair fabric of constitutional liberty, and we must save it from crumbling to pieces, with a like spirit of devotion. Will the sons prove equal to their fathers? With the glori- ous omens all around us, we will not, we can not, doubt it. Nor will we yield to oiu" fathers in the attributes of humanity. With heart- rending pangs did they prepare to strike against their misguided kinsmen, com- ing from their always -acknowledged "home." We have seen a manuscript letter written immediately after the out- break of hostilities in the KevoUitionary war. In wlilch the indignant writer even then sympathized with the people of England for being so cruelly misled by a corrupt ministry. With more acute- ness do we regret that the descendants of those who stood by us in that trying day have now been deceived by shame- less demagogues into a conspiracy to undo the great work of our conunon an- cestry. But we can not stop, any more than did the patriots of 1775, to ask icAo our enemies are — it is enough that their fell designs must be defeated. It is for their gooii as well as ours. We do bat- tle for a common government — for thirty-four states and all they hold — and He who has set His seal upon the eighty-six years of expanding glory which this anniversary marks, will surely prosper ' His work. — [Boston Journal. 24 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Palmetto Flag Torn Up. About 11 vestertlay forenoon, a crowd which liad sathcrcd :it Fancuil hall to witness the arrival of the troops, learned that a vessel at Gray's wharf was the barque ManhnUan of Savannah, display- ing a Palmetto flag. A delegation of several hundred at once started to learn the facts in the case. They found the vessel lying ofl', and not at the wharf, so they were not able to board her and pay tlieir resjiects to her commander, flailing the captain, however, thev demanded that he should haul down the obnoxious flag which was flying at his niastliead. "The captain at first blustered, and threatened to shoot any one who dared Interfere with the Palmetto bunting; but the crowd evincing a determination to board his vessel in boats and enforce their request, lie discreetly smothered his wrath, and hauled down the rebel- lious ensign. The triumidiant crowd next demanded that the American flag should be hoisted, and the captain re- luctantlv ran up the stars and stripes. Their'next move was to get possession of the Palmetto flag, which they com- pelled the captain to send ashore on a rope. Some police ofticers who were on hand got hold of it for the purpose of taking care of it, when the crowd seized the obnoxious bunting and at once tore it into tatters. The crowd was com- posed largely of adopted citizens. In regard "to the above afl'air, we are requested bv Captain Davis, who com- mands the Manhallan and is chief owner, to say that he intended no disloyalty to the Federal government by showing the obnoxious flag, that he was wholly ig- norant of the' state of feeling here in regard to national affairs, and furtlier- more that the flag in question was only the private signal of the vessel. Having sailed from Savannah before the out- break at Charleston, he was of course not posted in respect to the state of the country. Captain Davis is a citizen of Boston", and says he owns fealty alone to the Federal govermnent. The flag was a white flag, having on it the emblem of a rattlesnake, with the motto underneath, " Do n't tread on me," and fifteen stars. TllK patriotic mercliants in Pearl street flung two mannnolh Cnited States flags to the breeze yesterday, and tliere were lively times in'the street. The windows, door's, and sidewalks were tlironged Willi people, and cheer upon cheer rent tlie air when tlie bunting apjieared. 'SU;. Hkn'kv IIoyt threw out a neat American flag from Ids well-known de- pository in Cornhill. In other jiarts of the city, also, private individuals have displayed the American flag. When Colonel Hipley stejiped ashore from the ]'rrsia at New York, a gentle- inan from this city said to him : '• 'idur country needs you." " It can have me," responded tlie" gallant soldier, "and every drop of blood in me.'' That "s the right talk.— [Springfield Kepublican. Our Military Ready for Duty. The call for two regiments of troops from Massachusetts being known in this city yesterday afternoon, and it be- coming' known at" a later hour that the Sixth regiment was one of those from the troops to be selected, tire armories of tlie Lowell companies were crowded last evening by the meml)ers and out- siders, many of" the latter anxious to en- list. About fifty or sixty members were adiled to tlie rolls of the several compa- nies last evening and this morning. Colonel Jones of 'this (Sixth) regiment was present and made a speech to eacli company, to the eftect that when their country' called for their services all per- sonal considerations should be forgot- ten, and they should respond with a zeal becoming true soldiers. He said tliat tlie Mayor had called upon him and re- quested him to say that if there were any who liad families dependent upon them for support, the city would pro- vide for them as tlie families of soldiers. This was received with applause. He also said that the state would provide them with overcoats, knajisacks, liaver- sacks, etc., and cautioned them to pro- vide tliemselves with flannels. Many of the men were t)usy all night in making preparations, and "at an early hour tliis morning the city was astir with meiii- bers of the difl'erent companies. Crowds lined the passageway to the difl'erent armories and the sidewalks on Market street. Many citizens came forward with lib- eral offers of money, clothing, and otlier necessaries to furnisli those who were ill provided, but we can not give iulumn in front of the speaker's stand, and the doors were opened for the crowd who rapitUy filled the hall. Colonel Jones introduced Mayor Sar- geant to the audience, wlio was received with loud cheers. Rev. Dr. Blanchard read the Eightieth psalm, and ofl'ered a fervent prayer. Mayor Sargeant then came forward and 'addressed those present. He re- marked that for three-quarters of a cen- tury they liad been accustomed to see the" citiz"en soldiery parade in peace, ready, however, for any emergency. To-d'ay they are called into active ser- vice, and lie was glad to see them here with full ranks. "The soldiers present had the good wishes of every citizen. [Cheers.] Seventy-five years ago our fathers established this government. It is your duty to defend the institutions wliirh Ihcy 'founded and to see that they are maint"ained. For his i)art, he was willing to trust the question in the haniis of those thai he saw before him, know- ing that tliey would do llieir \\ hole duly. Hfs remarks w ere frequently applauded. A. K. Brown, Esq., was the next speaker. He said that there could be hut one course for a loyal ])eople to take at the present time, and that was loyalty and Fnion. [Cheers.] Tliere should be no divided sentiment on the questions of INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 25 the day. He was lu favor of siuking all party distinctions. He had full confi- dence that the soldiers before him would do their whole dutj-, in defense of the flag of our countr}-, the constitution, and the liberties which our forefathers fought to secure. He woulil give them one word of parting advice. Spare property, spare families, spare the de- fenseless, tor you are citizen-soldiers. But when you find an enemy of your country and the constitution, smite him like a Samson. Be temperate antl be careful of yourselves, for your couutry needs your services and can not spare you. ile trusted that they woidd return with victory perched upon their ban- ners. T. H. Sweetser, Esq., was introdiu'ed, and said, we feel that we are right, that you are right, that you leave no traitor behind. Believe that God is on your side. And in conclusion he would wish them Godspeed and that success miglit attend their efforts. ('apt. Peter Haggerty regretted tliat he was not of their number; that he was not one to receive the proud liom- age that had been paid theuj this daj'. A year ago he was sailing up the Chesa- peake and landed at IJaltimore. He heard the band playing ''Hail, Colum- bia," which did not cause the enthusi- asm which that tune should; but, on leaving that city, the band played " Yan- kee Doodle,'" and all were enthusiastic. He wished them success in their mis- sion. His remarks were received with great favor. Hon. Linus Child next addressed the assembly. A crisis had arrived in ttie liistory of the couutry which must l)e met, and he was glad to witness a noble response. Tlieir reliance should be on the God of armies. You are going forth to rosperity, and an ar- dent wish that they may soon return with unbroken ranks, and honors re- sulting from talcing part in tlie peaceful settlement of the great question which now agitates the coimtry and fills every patriotic citizen with alarm. — [Lowell Courier. An Honorable Act. Mayor Sargent this morning received a letter containing a check for $100 from .Judge Crosby, desiring that it ndght be forwarded to Pay-master Plaisted, of Colonel Jones" regiment, to be by him ot, and greeted them upon their arrival with enthusiastic cheers. The troops proceeded lo Faneuil hall, followed by a concourse of peojde, and as they marched they were welcomed with cheers and approving shouts from the people along lli<> route. The third arrival was that of Co. B, of >Iarblehea(l, Capt. IMchard Phillijis, with :!" guns; and the next company was Co. D, of i;aiid(dph, 40 guns, at- taclied to the Fourlli regiment. Colonel l*aekard. The Lynn Light Infantry, Captain Newell, the Lvnn City (Juard, Captain Hudson, and t'h(^ Bev<'rly Light Infan- try, Captain I'orler, arrived viallie Kast- ern railroad at noon, and marched di- rectly to Faneuil hall. The comi)anies were" in full ranks, and as they left I he depot were greeted with cheer upon cheer, which eouliimeil along the streets to the hall. The lailies also encouraged the soldiers by waving their handker- chieLs from their windows. Arrival at the Old Colony Depot. At the depot of the Old Colony rail- road there was a large crowd to witness the expected arrival of troojjs in answer to the call of the Governor. The first eomi)any to arrive was Co. D, Fourth regiment, located in Ran- dolph. They left Randolph at 9 yes- terday moriiing, r<'aching this city at quart'er before 10. They number 32 guns, and are under the command of Capt. William Warren, of Ptandolph. A messenger from the office of the adjutant-general was stationed here to loc'ik after the comjianies, and they were at once directed to Faneuil hall, where a large portion of the troops are to be quartered. 'I'here were no further arrivals over this road until just before 12 o'clock, when the train from Plymouth, due at 11, arrived. On this train were Cos. A, B, and H, of the T'hird regiment, and Cos. C, E, and 11, of the Fourth, num- bering in all 204 muskets. Of the Third regnnent — Co. A, of Halifax, 40 guns, commanded by Capt. Joseiih S. Harlow, of Middleborough. The captain of this company deserves much credit for his patriotic conduct, and the exertion he made to have his command in the field at the earliest mo- ment. His orders were not received until yesterday morning, and the mem- bers (it his company were widely scat- tered, living in seven different towns. By a free use of horses, however, he succeeded iu notifying nearly all of them, and thev were among the first to arrive, with al'l their uniforms full. Co. B, of Plymouth, with 20 guns, was uuder the command of Lieut, ('has. C. Doten, the captain, J. W. Colling- wood, having resigned. Great excite- ment i>revailed in T'lvmouth when the coinpanv left, at lialf-'past !) o'clock. A procession of citizens, marshaled by Major Bates, high sheriff of the county, and headed by the Plymouth band, who generimsly volunteered their services, accompanied them to the depot, and a stirring speech was made by Robert B. Hall, Es(i., formerly member of Con- o-ress. They were saluted with repeated cheers as they left the depot, and the enthusiasm was unbounded. Co. H, of Plymouth, came with .10 guns, under the command of Capt. Ezra White. Co. C, of Braintree, .38 guns, com- manded by C.'.pt. C. C. Bumpus, arrived about noon. A meeting was held at the armory of this eonqianv on Monday, which was crowdeil with citizens and sokliers. Patriotic speeches were made by several gentlemen, and no thought of " backing down" was mentioned. The patriotic sentiment of Kraintree is strong, and there was much rivalry as to who should tak(> a uniform, of which there were l)ut half enough to supjily the demand. Captain Bumi>us is well known as a for- mer member of the legislature, and also of the constitutional convention, and his men are ready to follow where dut y calls. Co. E, of Abington, under the com- mand of Capt. Chas. F. Allen, mustered 46 guns, and made a fine appearance. Co. II, of Quincy, bore 30 guns, and were commanded by Capt. Tliaddeus H. Newcomb. Much enthusiasm was evidenced at all the different towns on the route, and on their arrival the troops were greeted with long-continued and hearty cheers. At 1 o'clock the New Bedford Guard, Co. L, of the Third regiment, arrived at the Old Colony depot, mustering 3.5 guns, uuder the'command of Capt. Tini- othv Ingraham. They were accom- panied by the New Bedford brass band, Israel Siliith, leader, who volunteered to do escort duty to this city, but returned last evening. Great excitement prevailed in New- Bedford, previous to the departure of the coinpanv, and they were addressed from the steps of the city hall, by ex- Governor Clifford, iu a stirring and patriotic speech. Many volunteers are offering in that city, and some will join the company in Boston to-day. Arrivals at the Lowell Depot. The Sixth regiment of infantry. Col. Edward F. Jones commanding, at- tached to Brigadier- general Butler's brigade, arrived at 1 o'clock. The regi- ment mustered at Lowell at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, .after only twelve hours' notice. The regiment was scat- tered throughout Middlesex and a part of Essex counties, and the extremes of the command were forty miles apart, yet, with this great disadvantage, out of 4.50 men composing the regiment, 407 re- ported for dutj^ The D.avis Guards, Capt. Daniel Tut- tle, of Acton, left that town at an early hour on the march for Lowell, to join the Sixth regiment. Colonel Jones, which arrived in this city at about 1 o'clock. The Lowell companies assembled in Huntington hall about 9 :30 o'clock yes- terday morning, where was also gath- ered "a very large crowd of ladies and friends, wlio with many tears bade tliem "Godspeed" and "good-bye." Mayor Sargeant made theiii a brief speech, as- suring the families of the soldiers to fear nothing, for the city fathers would see that they wanted for nothing during the absence of their fathers, brothers, sons, and swi-ethearts. "'I'he whole world," said the Mayor, " w itli the ex- ception of seven states, is on their side, and God will protect them and you."' Upon the arrival of the train bringing the regiment, the depot was densely packed with people, who were com- pelled to retire, to make room for the troops. The regimental line was formed, and the troops marched out of the depot amid the wildest enthusiasm of the mul- titude. Their apiiearance commanded universal applause, which culminated as the regiment entered Faneuil -hall square. Thousands of men were assembled .around Faneuil hall, from the windows of which the troops already arrived sent forth shouts of hearty welcome to INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 27 their brethreu-iu-arms, which were min- gled with the clieers of the multituUe. The Reception of the Troops, and Other Matters. At each of the depots at which the troops arrived there were crowds in waiting, who greeted them with the most hearty cheers, and as the troops moved to their quarters the spectators lined the sidewalks and kept up a con- tinual cheering during the march. The rain fell in torrents during the entire day, and the streets wi-re in a verj- bad condition, but this tlid not seem to dampen the ardor and enthusiasm of the scene. It had been contemplated to quarter all the troops iu Faneuil hall, but subse- quent events have changed this plan, ■and at 11 o'clock orders were sent to quarter the Third regiment, most of whom came on the Old Colony road, iu the hall over the dejiot on Kneeland street, which was accordingly cleared for that jnirpose, and all the companies of that regiment will take up their quar- ters there. Colonel Jones' regiment, the Sixth, were taken to the armory of the Second battalion, whicli was promptly tendered for their accommodation. The greatest excitement prevailed iu Lynn, Monday night, upon the reception of the military orders. The Lynn Light Infantry and the City Guard muster full ranks. Aliout .iiilUOO were voluntarily paid to the two companies Monday even- ing, to which .$200 were added yesterday morning. Brigadier-major Clark of the Second brigade, accompanied by Gen. S. W. Peirce, went through tlie district iu which that conmiand is located, Monday night, notifying the respective com- panies of the orders issued at head- quarters. In Freetown and some other places the people were called out by the ringing of bells. ARRIVAL OF MORE TROOPS. Enthusiastic Receptions. A Miscellaneous Foreman Gone to the War. A person called upon Colonel Jones, of Lowell, just before the Sixth regi- ment started, with a very urgent request that a man in his regiment, who was his foreman, should be excused, as he could not spare him. Mr. Babbidge, chaplain of the regiment, who stood near by and heard the conversation, stepped up to the man and said : " Sir, I am foreman of a religious society iu mj- town, I am foreman of a nice farm, I am foreman of a family, and I am go- ing with the regiment." The man left without his foreman. The Volunteers to be Received at NeTW Haven. Xew Haven, April 17. The New Haven Grays, Captain Osborn, will l)arade with a band to-night, on the arrival of the Boston train with Massa- chusetts volunteers, and will salute them with field-pieces. The Grays have oflered their services to government. WHERE THE TROOPS WERE QUARTERED, Two More Regiments to be Called Out. THE SIXTH KKGlniENT TO BE SKNT TO FORT MONROE. Meeting of Foreign-Born Citizens, They Prove Loyal and True. Through the entire day, yesterday, our streets were kept in a state of excite- ment by the arrival and marching to and fro of the troops which were ordered to assemble here, in compliance with the requisition of the President of the I'nited .States. An account of the conijianies whicli arrived during the foreuoou was given in our editions of last evening. \\'e continue the account below, as fol- lows : — Early in the afternoon three additional companies of the Fourth regiment ar- rived. They were Co. A, of Canton, com- manded by Capt. John Hall, with 82 guns; C;o. I?, of Easton, Capt. Miln M. Williams, Jr., 24 guns; Co. F, of Fox- borough, Capt. B. I>. Shepard, 2S guns, and fifteen more on their way. At 1 : 30 o'clock a detachment of thirty men from Co. A, Eighth regiment, mider the command of Lieut. A. W. Bartlett, of Xewburyport, arrived, and reported that twenty-tive more would come in a later train. Great enthusiasm was man- ifested at the departure of the conqmny from New bury port, and they were ac- conqianied to the depot by thousands of people, who cheered them heartily. Co. G, of the Third regiment (Free- town), Capt. .Johu Marble, 25 guns, arrived at the Old Colony depot at 7 o'clock, and were quartered with the remainder of that regiment in the hall over the depot. Lieut. Lucien L. Perkins, with three other lieutenants aud three privates of Co. II, Third regiment (Plympton), also arrived yesterday afternoon, aud will proba!)ly be joined by the rest of the company to-tlay. Doings at Fanenil Hall. The constant arrival and dei>arture of men, the unloading of fretiueut wagons laden with mattresses, blankets, over- coats, and other supplies necessary for so large a body of troops, created umcli confusion, and the men on guard at the several doors found their task no liglit one, to fulfill the orders to allow' none of the men to leave without authority from the commander. The men, generally, were quiet and peaceable, and did nuich credit to themselves by their orderly conduct. During the afternoon, the captains of some of the companies exercised their men in drill, and the comi)any from Braintree, under Cajjtain Bunq^us, were loudly applauded by tlio spectators for the perfection and readiness of their movements. The troops were provided with all that a military man could wish for — com- fortable overcoats and blankets, good shelter, and a bountiful commissariat. The men are in excellent health, and cheerful, as was ai)i)art'nt from the blithe songs tliey sung anly of bread aud meat was then brought in, and the men fell to with a will. Orders had been given, however, that if supplies were not received, the men should be sent across the street to the United Stales 28 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. botrl for their suppers, so tliat there would have tieon no sufteriug from that source. At the Second Batlalion Armory. All hivitation was extended to Colonel Jones, of the Sixth regiment, and Cap- tain Ingrahani, of the New Bedford City (iuards, to quarter in the armory of the" Second hattalion, at Boylston hall, which ofl'er was gratefully accejited, and about 4 o'clock the troops left Faneuil hall and marched to their rendezvous. Their progress up State and Washington streets was an uninterrupted ovation. Thousands of people lined the way ou either side, their umbrellas forming an unbroken canopy along the entire route. The troops made a nol)le and imposing- appearance, which elicited the applause of all wlio saw them. Their (juarters at the armory are ample and comfortable, and as they are relieved from doing guard duty l)y the voluntary services of a detaclimenl of privates from Co. A. Second battalion, their stay in tliis city will be comparatively ])leasant. The Medical Department. At the request of the governor, T>rs. Wm. J. Dale and Geo. H. Lyman have consented to make thi- necessary provi- sions for the medical departments of the two regiments. Packages of dressings suUicient to su|)ply the two regiments two months have been prepared. The medical chests will be in readiness to- day. All day yesterday wagons were em- ])loyed in transporting tlie needed food and equipments to Ihe various points in the city where troojis are located, and many boxes of clotliiiig and su]i])lies were de])osit('d in Ibe basement of Ibc Stale house. The State arsenal at (Cambridge was also called on, and (hu'ing last, night some twenty -five ibonsand ball car- tridges were brought to the State house, with several hundreil muskets, to be in readiness when the decisive momi'iit shall arrive. All the movements are conducted with energy, and sIkiw a strong purpose on the ])art of the Ex- ecutive. The H.niUzvoiis al NlRllt. The excitement which always attends the novelty of a situation such as this emergency has given rise to, lu'evelifed much sleeji at the rendezvous Last night. At, a late hour but few had attempted to obtain that rest which is so necessary, bill were whiliug the night away by cheerful conversation and singing. At the armory of tlii' Second battalion, the scene was ])articularly liv(dy, and all present were enjoying themselves hugely. The tboughl lit bis country, and the imminent |ieril in which she is placed, thrilleil thi^ heart of every man with that high res(dve and dauntless sjiirit which is the earnest of success; and in what- ever peril or danger they may be placed, none that have seen them can fear but that every Massachusetts man will do liis dulv. AT THE STATE HOU.SE. More Troops to l>e MuHteretl into tlie Ser- vice of the Federal Government.— Colo- nel Jones' Kegimeiit to be Sent to Fort Monroe. Yesterday afternoon an order ^as re- ceived from the Secretary of War for one regiment of six hundred and fifty men, to be sent to Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Va., immediately. The Governor and his military counsellors forthwith held a consultation, and de- termined to order the Sixth regiment, Col. E. F. Jones, upon that duty. Colo- nel Jones' regiment will accordingly be filled up by drafts from the Fourth and Eighth regiments, and will be sent by steam-shi]) to the above-named fort as early as arrangements can be made. The order for the regiments to be mus- tered at Washington still holds good, and to supply this requisition, it will be necessary to call out two more regiments to-day. The Fifth and Seventh are spoken of as likely to be first called upon. Up to a late hour last night, it was not definitely settled steamer would lie chartered to convey the troops to Fort Monroe, but it was reported that they would embark at (5 o'clock this morning. Neither was it known with certainty what companies in the 'J'hird and Eighth regiments will be transferred to the Sixth, to complete the required quota. — [Boston Journal. Departure of the Sixth Regiment. — Speech by Governor Andreiw. Yesterday afternoon ( April 17th ), the Sixth regiment. Col. Edward F. Jones, was drawn up in line on Beacon street, before the State house, to receive the farewell of the Commander-in-chief, who was also to present the col(U's of the corps. When General Butler came out to arrange some preliminaries with the C'olonel, he was received with hearty cheers by the crowd. Governor An- drew soon after appeared, accompanied by bis staff, several counsellors, and other gentlemen. He addressed the corps substantially as follows: — '"il/r. ('omiimiKli'r, — As tin- official rep- resentative of the old Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I bid you farewell — you and your glorious command, :is they are about to de]iart upon the |ierformanee will be displaced by the seniority of Colonel Packard, who is ordered to as- sume the command of the consolidated regiment. The regiment received orders yesterday afternoon to embark on board the steamer S. R. Spanldinei, of the Bos- ton, Norfolk, and Baltimore Steam-ship line, which sailed last evening for Nor- 30 INCIDENTS OF THE CH'IL WAR. folk, Va. She is commanilod by Ca])t. Roland Howes, a sou of Cape Cod. Before the regiiiieut left the liall, seeoud Lieut. Austin G. (.'ushman, of the New Bedford City Cuard, received a ])reseut of a Hue silveV-uiouutiMi revolver from liis brotlier, Rev. Charles M. Cush- uian, whieh was aekuo\vledo:ed in a per- tinent speech. After the company had formed in the regimeutal line on South street, the same gentleman presented anotlier simi- lar revolver to Capt. Timothy Ingraham, of the same conipanv. They left the hall at 6 o'clock, and marched to the State house, and after a delay for consultation with the higlier authorities, proceeded to the wharf. The following is a list of companies and officers : — Colonel — David W. Wardroi), of New Bedford. Lieutenant-colonel — Charles R^iymond, of Plymouth. Major — John H. Jennings, of New Bed- ford. Adjutant — Richard A. Pierce, of New Bedford. Pay-master — Sanforil Almv, of New ■ Beilford. Surgeon — Alexander S. Holmes, of New Bedford. Surgeon's Mate — Jolinson Clark, of New Bedford. Chaplain — Thomas E. St. John, of New Bedforil. Co. A (Halifax) — Captain, Joseph S. Harlow; 40 guns. Co. B (Plymouth) — Lieutenant, Charles C. Doten ; 04 guns. Co. G (Freetown) — Captain, John \V. Marble ; 2.") guns. Co. H (Plympton) — Lieutenant, Lucien L. Perkins; .58 guns. Co. K (Carver) — Captain, William S. McFarlin ; 20 guns. Co. Tj (New Bcdfiird) — Captain, Timo- thy Iiigraliam; 58 guns. To this has lieen added the new Cam- bridge company, C, of the Seventh regi- ment ; captain, J. P. Richardson ; 90 guns. Whole numlier of guns, '.V.y.^. Consideralde delay in the sailing of the steamer was occasioned by the non- arrival (if a jiortion of the equipments, but at al)out 8 o'cloeli the fasts were cast oil", and slie bounded on her way. The (roops were in excellent sjiirits. The New Bedford Standard of Wed- nesday, n-jiorts the following aeeidcnt to Major .Iciuiiugs, ot the 'i'hird regi- ment, wliicli will prevent his joining his command at present : — "Yesterday afternoon, as Major Jen- inngs, of this city, was returning home from Boston on a temporary leave of absence, by the Fairhaven train, he re- ceived a, dispatch at Br.ilntree, from Colonel Wardro)). staling that the 'I'iiird regiment was ordered to Foi-t Monroe, and recjuestiiig his return. 'I'lie Major, on leaving the cars, jimiped to the plat- form, having his sword in his right hand. The end of the weapon struck the ]datform so as to cause him to fall, the hilt striking him uii. 1. bi' acceptable to yourself and command, in case you should be called on to assist the f^overnment? li yes, please advise me. and I will hohl myself in readiness to respond in an hour's notice. 1 am, sir, yours to command, E. K. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 31 More Money for the State and Gifts to Soldiers. In addition to the cases mentioned elsewhere, -^x-e learn tliat tlie Bay State bank of Lawrence, and tlie Mount Wol- laston bank of t^uincy, liave tendered to the Governor loans to the amount of $25,000 eacli. Hon. Samuel Hooper, of this city, presented his check for SlOO to Capt. K. V. Martin, of Co. C, of Marblehead, last evening, to be appropriated for the benefit of the volunteers from that town. Each of the commissioned officers of Cos. D and F (Lynn Liglit Infantry and Lynn City Guard) was made the re- cipient of a handsome regulation swoi-d and trimmings, yesterday, the gift of several of tlie prominent citizens of Lynn. A Splendid Ovation. The Sixtli regimc>iit, of the Massacliu- setts militia, which left Boston at 7 : 30 o'clock last evening, and passed ttirough Springfield and New Haven, arrived at the Twenty-sevcntli-street depot, in this city, at 7 : 30 o'clock this morning. The officers of the regiment arrived last night, and put up at the Fifth-av- enue hotel. It was expected that the soldiers would also arrive last evening, and the Fifty-fifth regiment proceeded to the Twenty-scventh-street depot to act as an escort. About two hundred members of the Seventh regiment also proceeded to the depot after drill, in citizens' dress, to meet tlie Massachu- setts men, and remained until nearly 2 o'clock this morning. The Fiftv-flfth, after waiting until a very late liour, concluded the regiment would not arrive until to-day and re- tired. Tlie early hour at which they reached the city tills morning rendered an escort impracticable, especially as the time was uncertain, but the people were out by thousands to welcome the soldiers of "the good old commonwealth. A more splendiil ov.ation, although wholly improm])tu, has seldom been witnessed. Througli the entire line of their mardi it was one continuous roar of cheers and ap|)lause. The reception at the Fifth - avenue hotel beggars description. Thousands of citizens gathered to witness the dis- play, and to swell the grand chorus of applause. The Messrs. Leland entertained three hundred of the regiment, in rooms gaily decorated for their accommodation. The St. Nicholas took two hundred, and the Astor house tlie remaining five hundred. Some of our most prominent citizens waited upon tlie troojis, and expressed the liveliest admiration for their prompt- ness in responding to the call of their country. Incidents. As the troops passed down Broadway they were observed by Gen. .James Appletou, of Ipswich, Mass. The Gen- eral is seventy-six years old, with all his mental and physical energies unim- paired. As the troops passed by him, he remarked with deep emotion, "Those boys won't run. I commanded a regi- ment of them in the last war." Gen- eral Appletou says he is young enough yet to fight for his country, and he is ready to enlist. During their brief stay in this city the troops were constantly surrounded by hundreds of patriotic citizens, whose enthusiasm seemed to know no hounds. At the several hotels where they were quartered they received the best' atten- tion, and were greatly refreshed by the excellent entertainment. Having breakfasted, they employed their time nntil 11 o'clock in conversa- tion, smoking and preparations for the march. All seemed determined to stand by the old flag under all hazards, ami to ])unish those who dare to insult it. Many of the men are exceedingly in- telligent, and not a few come from fami- lies eminent in the history of the old Bay State. They spoke of the ability of Massachusetts to send thirty thousand or even more vohmteers to the supi)ort of the government if needed. At 11 o'clock the various companies, having assembled at the Astor house, formed in Broadway. By this time thousands of our citizens had gathered to bid the brave fellows Gods])eed. No language can describe the excitement of the vast concourse. Cheer followed cheer until the welkin rang as with a sound of tliuuder. There were cheers for the star-spangled ban- ner, for the dear old flag, for the red, white and blue, for the government, for the North, for Lincoln, for Major Ander- son, for every thing the loyal I'leart could suggest. Old men, young men, and lads waved the American flag over their heads, pinned It to their hats and coats, cartmen displayed it on their horses. Barnimi fluug it from every window of the museum. The guests of the Astor shouted till they were hoarse, so did the visitors at the nuiseum, and when at last, at half- past 11, the police taking the lead, the regiment took ui> their nuirch for the JeTse_y-Clty ferry, the enthusiasm was perfect!}- overwhelming. At ever_y stop the roar of tlie multitude was increased, at every wind itself In many amusing ways, ami at 1 o'clock the train, consisting" of fifteen cars and a sturdy locomotive, happily named the " VValcott," and beautifully dressed with flags, left the depot amidst a i)erfect avalanche of cheers. — ^[New York Evening Post, April 18. The field officers arrlve(l in this city with the half-past II o'clock train last evening, but Innnedlately procured a carriage and were driven to the Fifth- avenue hotel. On arriving at the hotel, a large crowd were assembled in the vestibule, discussing passing events, when Col. P. S. Davis, Maj. P. Adams Ames, and JIaj. Jonathan Ladd passed through the hall. As soon as it became known that they were the officers of tlie Massachusetts volunteers, the cheering became tremendous. All who could crowd arounil the ofiicers and get hold of their hands, did so, and many were the " Godspeeds '" bestowed upon them b.v the assendilage. When the troojis alighted from the ears, tumultuous cheers greeted them, first for the " Bay State,'" for the " Bos- ton Boys," and the Massachusetts mili- tia in general. Along tlie entire route the demonstra- tions were soul-insiilring and patriotic. Cheer after cheer rang upon the ear at every block and corner. New acces- sions to the civic escort were received at every step, and such was the throng that It ultimately required the unitecl exertions of Capt. Francis Speight and thirty men of tlie 'I'wenty-first precinct, to keep them from crowding upon the military. Nearly opposite the New York hotel, a gray-haired old man, tottering under the weight of _years, mounted a stoop and announced tliat he had fought under the Stars and Strii)es In the War of 1812, against a foreign ])0wer, and now that flag was about being despoiled bj- those who should be our brethren. "God bless our flag," was his concluding sen- timent, while tears were seen streaming from his eyes in torrents. Such cheer- ing as followed the words of the old gentleman may better be imagined than described. — [Commercial Advertiser. The Eighth Massachusetts regiment of volunteers reached New Y'ork at so 32 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. early an liour on Friday morning, that but " few iHTSons gathered to witness their arrival, and although there was a general cheering and waving of hand- kerchiefs from private houses on the route, as they proceeded to the hotels for breakfast! there was no very noticea- hl<' demonstration until they mustered for departure from the city. ()f the scenes which then ensued the Evening Post says : — Soon" after 11 o'clock the Eighth regi- ment of Massachusetts militia mustered in the park, and were received by an im- promptu gathering of several thousand persons, who cheered to the echo every movement of the sturdy volunteei's. After a fC'W evolutions, "the regiment, preceded by a corps of police, took their niarcli down Broadway to Court- landt street. At every point" the throng of spectators increased, as did the en- thusiasm. The display of bunting and ardor on Courtlandt street was like that of yesterilay. There were constant cheers for the old Bay State, for Marl)lehead, for Lowell, for every point from whence the brave fellows came. General Butler, who walked with steady stej) and erect head, was the observed of all, and rec- ognized by hundreds, was the subject of a personal ovation of the most com- plimentary character. Embarked upon the ferry-boat, which was gaily dec- orated, the troops were cheered until fairly out of hearing. They arrived in Jersey City at about noon, and immediately took the cars. There was much enthusiasm, and the men exhibited the utmost alacrity. On parting with one of them, a by-stander remarked that he hoped he should see him again. " Yes, you will see us again; we will do our duty first, and will upe. you again." There was animation on every face, and all seemed to feel the importance of their nnssion. \ot a regret was visible upon the countenance of a single indi- vidual. Some of then\, in view of the fact that they iHight be compelled to light before they reached Washington, remarked that they were ready, but feared that they had nut cartridges enough." Presentation of the Flag. The flag presentation oc^currcd at the dopot in Jersey <'ity. The Commercial Advertiser gives the annexed account : — ■'At the dejxit an affecting incident occured. Colonel Monroe of the Eighth, being louorts of an exciting character. — [Bos- ton Journal. FROM MONTGOMERY. ProclamatioE liy Jefferson Davis. Letters of Marque to be Issued by THE Confederate States. MON'TGOMERV, April 17. Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, has annonneed his inten- tion of invading the Confederacy with an armed force, for the purpose of capturing its fortresses, and tlierebj' subverting its inde- pendence, and subjecting its free people to the dominion of a foreign power; and whereas, it has thus beeonie the duty of this government to repel the threatened invasion, and defend the rights and liberties of the people by all the means which the laws of nations and the usages of civilized warfare place at its disposal ; Now, therefore, I, JetiTerson Davis, Presi- dent of the Confederate States of America, do issue this, my proclamation, inviting all those who may desire by armed service in private armed vessels on 'the lugh seas to aid this government in resisting so wanton and wicked au aggression, to make application for commissions or letters of marque and re- prisal, to be issuetl under the seal of these Confederate States. And 1 do further notify all persons applying for letters of marque to make a statement in writing, giving the name and suitable description of the character, tonnage, and foi"ce of the vessel, the name of the place of residence of each owner con- cerned therein, and the intended number of the crew, and to sign each statement and de- liver the same to the Secretary of State or Collector of the port of entry of these Con- federate States, to be by him transmitted to the Secretary of State. And I do fiirther notify all applicants afore- said before any coinniission or letter of marque is granted to any vessel, or the owner orowhers thereof, and the commander for the time being, that they will be required to give a bond to the Confederate States, with at least two responsible sureties, not inter- ested in such vessel, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with the condition that the owners, oflieers, and crew, who shall be em- ployed on board, shall observe the laws of these Confederate States, and the instruc- tions given them for the regulation of their conduct, that shall satisfy all damages done contrary to the tenor thereof by such vessel during lier commission, and deliver up the same when revoked by the President of the Confederate States. And I do further speeiallj' enjoin upon all persons holding oltiees civil and military under the autlnuity oi tlie Confederate States, tliat they be vigilant and zealous in the dis- charge of the duties incident thereto. And I do moreover solemnly exhort the good people of the Confederate States, as thej' love their countrj', as they prize the blessing of a free government, as they feel the wrongs of the past, and those now threat- ened in aggravated form by those whose en- mity is more implacable because uupvovoked, tlinf Ihey exert theniseb. es in preserving tu'ler. inpromoting (■oncf)rd, in maintaining the authority and eflicieiicy of the laws, and in supporting nnd invigOT-ating all the meas- ures which may be adopted for the common defense, and bv which, un ler the blessing of Divine I'rovidence, we may hope for a speedy, just, and honorable peace. In testimony whereof I nave set my hand ami st-'al this seventeenth, day of April. (Signed.) JEFt'EUSOX DAVIS. Ry the President. lioHKUT TooiMiis, Secretary of state. Xkav Okm.kaxs, April H!. Several vessels are tittiu^i' out here in autieipa- tion of the issuing of . Iters of marque. The military status at Pensaeola is uu- ohanged. Aeeounts fi-oni Kentuoky ?itate that large nunil)ers are enrolling under the Confederate tlag.— [New York Herald. SECESSIONISTS LEAVING THE ^!r,,riN THE INNOCENT CAUSE OF THE WAR Fac-sliriiles of Envelopes used during the Reliellion INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 33 Meeting of Adopted Citizens. Union Resolution Adopted — Speeclies by Bernard S. Treanor, Tlioiuas Cass, T. M. Brown, and Otliers. A meetiug ot tlie adopted citizens of Boston, which was held last eveuiug at the Jackson elub-rooiii, Ilauover street, for the purpose of giving expression to their devotion to the Union and the con- stitution, was attended by some live hinidred people — as many as could be crowded into the hall. The nieetiug was called to order by Mr. Bernard S. Treanor. The meeting was organized by the clioice of Mr. Thomas Cass as chairman, and a long list of vice-presidents. Mr. Cass took the chair and read the call for the meeting by way of announc- ing its object. Voice in the crowd — " \VTio called this meetiug ; that "s what I want to know?" Voices — "Put him out; hedou"t be- long in this town." Tlic CbairuKiu — "The Chair wants it distinctly umlerstood that he won't trouble himself to answer any such im- pertiueut questions. [Cheers and hisses.] I want it distinctly understood, we don"t exjiect any man here who don't favor this call ; if there is any uuiu here who isn't in favor of it, he has no right here whatever and had better leave. We want it distinctly understood, too, that there are men here who know their rights, and knowing them, we are pre- pared and will maintain tliem." [Ap- plause.] The President then read a patriotic speech, in which he spoke of the glories of this, his adopted country, as the most free on earth, and ot the duties ot patriots in the present crisis. He called upon tlie yoimg men, especially, to come forward to support tlieir country, assur- ing them that the "noblest idace for man to die, is where he dies for man." In conclusion, he introduced Mr. B. S. Treanor, chairman of the committee on resolutions. Mr. Treanor jirefaced the resolves with some remarks, in which he spoke of the troops now quartered in the city, soon to be marched to the seat of gov- ernment to defend the legitimate rulers [cheers and hisses] of this countrj' from the attacks of ruthless ruffians. [Hisses and cheers.] None but traitors of the blackest dye can refuse now to support the Union in every way. He was aware that iuterested persons had attempted to sow the seed of sedition among the adopted citizens, but they have not yet succeeded. The Irishmen who have become citizens of this country are loyal. Colonel Corcoran, who refused to obey the order to turn out to do honor to the Prince of Wales, has a regiment of Irishmen who will do good service to the cause of the country. You may be sure that if the flag of the Stars anii Stripes is trailed in the dust, it will not be the fault of the gallant Sixty-ninth. It is true that in this city, a few years since, the Irish-American militarj^ were disbanded by an edict of Governor Gard- ner, worthy of a Pickens or a Jell'. Davis. When the United States laws were in danger of being trampled upon in Court square, I shall uever forget the patriotic conduct of the noble old Columbians, of whom you, sir, were one. We have served tlie South faith- fully, and now let the South rest assured that we will stand by the Union, the constitution, and the President, whom the ]ieople have constitutionally elected. Jlr. 'i'reanor liero read the following resolves : — Jieso/re(/, That we will support the jrovern- uient, by every means in our power, in its efforts to enforce tile laws, eolleot tbe reve- nue, repossess the national property, uiaiu- tain the constitution, and suppress" treason and rebellion wherever it appears. A'fSo//.'f(/, That we call upon every adojited citizen of Ii-ish birth to stand true to the country which has become the home of so many millions of our race arul of the op- pn'sscd people of the old world, and nol per- mit the liberties for which WashiuMton fouitht and ^lonti^omery died to be trampled under foot by the slave oligarchy of the South. Kesundng, Mr. Treanor said : " Now, Jlr. President, I would ask any reasona- ble man what cause is ther<> or has there been In existence for plunging this hapjiy, peacefid country Into its present condition':' What constitutional right of the South has been invaded'? \Vhat wrong has Iieen done by ('ongress to any state In the .South'? It is true, sir, the state of Virginia was lnvade(l by the unfcntunate John Brown." Voice in the rear of the hall — ■ "There's a d — d Secessionist out here." Voices — " Put hiin out." Treanor — "Let the traitors show themselves. We '11 promise tlieni, if they 're not careful, a spccinu'U of Vir- ginia lynch law. " I was saying, sir. that the state of Virginia was unlawfully and unjustly Invaded by the unfortunate John Brown ; but, sir, the almost unanimous majority of tlie citizens of every state were ready to rush to arms In defense of every constitutional right, and In de- fense of the independence of \'lrglnia, or of any other state which might be invaded in a similar manner. AVliat has been done since, bj- any one, to justify the present position of the Southern states? What Is the question at Issue'? The Kepubllcau party had solemnly de- clared, by their |)latform adopted at Chicago, that they did n't inteuil to meddle with slavery in the states where it exists, but contended also that it is a great and acknowledged evil where it exists, and has been from the time the constitution was adopted until the pres- ent moment, and they deidared that they were utterly opposed to its fiutber extension. Sir, I submit that if, when the time arrived, they had practically carried out these principles — if the Kepublican party had been successful in attempting to prohibit the extension of slavery, — that, even that, would not have been a violation of anj' clause of the constitution." A small row here occurred in the rear of the hall, and the speaker was inter- rupted for a while by cries of "Hang him," " Put him out," "Hang him up," etc. ; forms of proceeding which were suggested by the presence of some oli- noxious person in the crowd. Mr. Treanor — " If, therefore, the question had been iiractically brought before Congress for the purpose of pro- hibiting the introduction of slavery into any free territory, and Congress iiad decided so to do, "it would not be, 1 sub- mit, an infraction ot the constitution. But the South, without waiting for a test of the question, threw oil' all alle- giance to the Union, and attemped to subvert that government which they had so long held in their hands, and which they now saw suddenly jiass from them. The (juestlou was, how- ever, sulimitled to the jieoide of the en- tire Union, as to whethei- slavery should be protected, as one iiartv in the late contest said It ought to be, and thi' people of the North and the South, East and AVest, by their votes, whether given for Douglas or for Lincoln, decided that slaveiT should not be protected In the territories. [Great ai)i)lause.] Sir, It has always been the pride of every American citizen, and the wmider of the whole world, that wlilli' jirlor to a presi- dential election our liereest passions are rouseIexico, and to have a revolution upon every election of a president'? Is it not the great element of the gov- ernment of this country that the ma- jority shall rule, and that the minority shall bow in obedience to that rule'? Could n't the South have waited four years, and again submitted Its claims'? Xo, sir; the election of a Kepublican ju'esident was but the pretext for the opening of schemes which they have been nursing ever sliu'e Andrew Jack- son put down nuUltication in 1833. Are these the kind ot men we wish to see march ujion Washington, and place their despotic flag upon the Capitol, and give laws to the people of thirtv-four states'? ['It can't be did,' 'No!"' 'Xo!' Ap- plause.] The ])eo])le of this country will find the fiu'eign-born citizens as true to freedom as they were in the Revolution, and as they were in 1814." Voice — "How about the two years' amendment'?" Mr. Treanor — "I am opposed to all two years' and all one year amend- ments. But if the slave-holding oligar- chy had the jjower they would n't allow one of you to vote, — no, not one of you ['That's so!" Great applause], and we, wiio came from a coimtry where not one in fifty thousand of us was allov^-ed to vote, ought not to be too fastidious about a i)altry two years' amendment." [Apjdause.] Mr. Treanor continued some time longer In this train of remark, and in conclusion said that the traitors' flag woidd never float over the Capitol, or over Faneuil hall, as long as a loyal 34 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR citizen rciiiaiiicd to defend tlie honor of llie Stars :ind Strliie*. Three' eheers were given tor Jlr. 'I'rcaiior ;il the conehisiou of his re- marks. Mr. T. ^l. Brown was next called out. He remarked that Irishmen ouglit to he found now hi the very front of the battle. Voice — "Tliey're never found l)e- liind." [Applause.] The Chair — '• Three cheers for that fellow." Tliey were given. Mr. Hrown, resuming, remarked that this was no time to talk about party platforms. Perhaps when all exi.sting platforms have been knocked into a cocked hat, we may go to work and make a new one. Suiipose Massachu- setts has made mistakes; is she the oulv state that has done so? [Voices — "X'o: no:'" "Yes!" -'Put him out!"] Mr. Krowii — We have a constitutionally elected President. [-'Three cheers for the President " — given. '-Three cheers for (iarrisou " — hisses. " Three cheers for Douglas" — given.] Where is the call for the present liebelliou'? There is n"l .-iiiy. Nobody's rights have been invaded: nobody has been taxed. There is only a nuserahle pretext for treason. Let us show that the old spirit which coniiielled a treaty on the old stone at Limerick isn't dead yet. The spirit which nerved the arm of Sarstield; the spirit whicli stirred the heart of Daniel O'Connell; the spirit which tired the brain and tilled the great heart of him win) was the jirophet and guidi' of young Ireland ; tlie glorious Thomas Davis, is yet alive. [Applanse.] That flag must never trail in the dust. [A])- )>lause.] fiCt the adopted citizens of America follow that flag, and determine never to leav<' the work until it flo.-its over tldrty-fiuir states. [Great ap- plause. .-iikI three hearty cheers.] l)i The Right Talk. The .\ew])ort Nevs rei)orts the follow- ing : — '' A correspondeuce, of which the fol- lowing is the substance, is said to have passi'd between Governor Hicks, of Maryland, and Governor Sprague, of KhoiU' Island, on Friday or Saturday of last week, by ti'lcgra|)h: — " Gtivfrnor I licks to Governor Sprague. — 'I understand you are about to pro- cee- port with his sword the cause he has defended with his ]ien. He gives his ser- vices in the cajiacity of first lieutenant of Iville ( 'o. A, First Connecticut regiment. Flag-raising on Old South Church. This noon a new and lieautiful flag was raised from the belfry of the Old South i-hurch, in the presence of a large C(ui- course of people. The meeting was called to order by (Jeorge Homer, Esq., of the standing committee of the society, who made a few approjiriatc remarks. They did not, he said, come as partisans or sectarians, but as American citizens, remembering that dear anIr. Chairman and gentle- men of the committee, from the bottom of my heart, and in the name of the Christian religion, I thank you, for un- furling that flag \\ here it now greets our eyes. It is in the right place. Let it roll otit its colors to the sunlight, and jilay with the free breezes of heaven, till its insulted honor has been vindicated — till its supremacy is owned throughout the Itepublic, and every American knee bows to it in willing and joyous hom- age; then, an honorable peace having been secured, let it be folded up care- fully, and laid among our historic treas- ures, to be transmitted, with glorious memories of these times, to our chil- dren's children. If rumor be true, you have performed a bold and dangerous act, in throwing that banner upon the air. While the British troojis held Boston, they de- stroyed the steeide of the West church for the crime of displaying the American ensign! and when the flag of Secession waves from the to]) of Fanenil hall, you must exiiect that the doings of this hour will invite retaliation — that the stee_i)le of the Old South church, for having dared to become a flag-staft', will he toppled l,o the ground. God's temjile welcomes the Slar-si>augled Banner to- day, for thai banner has ceased to be the sign of culd de- fame thee; withered the luiud that would tear thee from thy lofty height ! God go with thee in the day of battle, and V'ictory make thy standard her abiding-place. Under thy liroad pro- tection will we rally, in tlie days of peril ; and whether the danger come from afar, or from internal foes, our lives, our fortimes, our sacred honor, shall be thine ; and our childreu, brought devoutly to the altar of freedom, shall l)e sworn to defend thee uutil the reign of the Prince of Peace begins. — [Bos- ton Journal. recorded with tlie dead. But what is more glorious than to die for one's country? 1 am in as good spirits as our dubious position will admit, and I prom- ise you I will die like a soldier, — and a true one, — if I uaist." The True Soldier's Spirit. The following extract from a letter written by one of the Salem Light In- fantry (zouaves), has tlie ring of the true "metal. It will be seen that the writer expected to encounter dangers which he does not underestimate or aftect to despise ; but he was ready to meet them and die a soldier's death, if need be. The regiment was not ordered through Baltimore, so that his anticipa- tions of hot work there were not real- ized. The writer is one of Chandler & C'o.'s clerks : — "TFe have got to push our loay through Baltimore in the morning, at the point of the bayonet ! But our boys are deter- mined and in for it. Our bayonet exer- cise has got to put the whole regiment through tire and brimstone. To tell you the truth, our boys expect to be split to pieces. But we have all made up our minds to die at our post. We have one great consolation before us ; the famous Seventh regiment, of Xew York, will join us to-night iu Philadeljihia, and at 3 o'clock in the morning we expect to take up our line of march. There is an unheard-of hot time before us, and we are furnished with no anununitiou as yet, and we are to rely on our bayonets and revolvers solely. Our lieutenant is collecting our letters, and I must leave you. Perhaps before you receive this I mav be lying on the tieUl among those " Absolutely Necessary for a Soldier." The >few York Post gives the follow- ing list of articles which the shop win- dows exhibit as "indispensable (in a horn) for a soldier" : — As thus : " Every soldier will find the following articles indispensable: A complete fatigue dress, a canteen, an um- lirella, a portable gas cooking stove with i)ots, pans, grid, and other irons, camp-stool and bedstead, 'our' patent medicines {which would till a shop and kill a village), a jiortablc aiul foldable India-rublier tent, several (or more) cases of preserved meats and cans of preserves, a bottle of hair-oil, last, leather, and tools for mending shoes, a portable writing-desk and AVorcester's quarto dictionary, water-proof blacking, Youth's (.'liristiau lil>rar_v, a pocket map of Maryland and Vii-ginia, and Fowler's ])hrenological chart, a compass, spy- and looking-glass, complete photo- graphic apparatus, JIi's. Wiuslow's soothing syrup, and Mr. Otard's ditto." These are but few of the articles recommended, Iiut comprise all that a soldier can c<5nveniently cai-ry, in addi- tion to his regular equipment and his musket. A LETTEH from New York, in the New Haven Palladium, says: "A tall man called to see Governor Morgan at Alb:iny, the other day, and desired to volunteer. He thought he should like to meet .Tefl". Davis. The Governor asked, — '"Do you know any thing of tac- tics ? ' "'Well, a little: think F could lead a company — Just as lief go in the raid;s.' "'And what is your name?' '"May — Colonel M:iy. \on may re- member me ! ' "I fancy if Colonel May, late of tlie United States Dragoons, — the man of long hair, who resigned because he was maltreated by Jeff. Ijavis when the lat- ter was secretary of «-ar, — gets at the head of a regiment, we sliall see the tremendous feats of Palo Alto and I?e- saca re-enacted." CONFEDKRATK PRfiPllECY. As fre- quent reference is made to the prophetic boast of the Confederate secretary of war, Hon. I,. P. Walker, on the occasion of the anticii)ated surrender of Fort Sumter, we copy the extract from his speech as sent iu a dispatch from Mont- gomery, April 12th, as follows: — "No man, he said, could tell tohere the WAR THIS D.IY COMMENCED WOUld end, but he wo^ild prophesy that the fiag lohich now flaunts the breeze here looiild float over the dome of the old Capitol at Wash- ington be.j'ore the 1st of May. Let them try Southern chivalry and test the extent of Southern resources, and it might float eventually over Fanenil hall itself." Massachusetts' Response to the Proc- lamation of the President. It is a iiroud reflection for the i)eople of Massachusetts that their citizen-soldiery, now as in the days of the lievolutiou, were the first in the field at the call of their country. The original requisition for troops from this state called for but two regiments, but the state responded with such alacrity that, upon the refusal of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri to furnish their quotas, a re»inisition was unhesitatingly made upon us f(U' two more regiments. Three of the four reg- iments are now on their way to Wash- ington, and the fourth will leave to-day — a regiment in four days I Thanks to the foresight of Governor .Vndrew, — whose praises are in every body's mouth, — some provisions had been madi' for the comfort of the troo])S in ;imicipaIion of this emergency, and the first two regi- ments sent from the state were splen- didly eqiiippiMt. If the others are not so well provided, it is because nobody cibed. The decanter contained Iodide of Potash, and the surgeon was obliged to give Mr. Pryor a counter-irritant to save his valuable life. CoLONEE Ellswokth is attempting to recruit his regiment exclusively from the firemen of New York. He thinks that firemen have not been drilled enough to )irevent the acquisition of his jicctdiar tactics, and yet are accustomed to obey, liesides being inured to hard- shi]) and ]>rivation. So thoroughlv have the firemen entered into the attair, that it is thought the required number, eight hundred ])icked men, will be ready to depart for AVashington by Saturday. A MEETlNr, of "all political i)arties, who are in favor of the constitution of the United States, and the Union of the states under it,'' is called for jSIonday next at Baltimore. .\ liuiiJHT Sentinel. — At one of the cam])S on Staten island, a new recruit was placed on guard a few nights since. An otliccr wisliing to be satisfied that the recruit understood his duty, walked to the post and passed by, meeting with no resistance or objection. Looking at the sentry for a moment, he asked him if that was the wav he performed his duty. "Oh, I'm perfdrming my duty," was the reply. " What did you let me pass for? Did n't the siTgeant give you the coun- tersign':"' " I know nothing of your counter- sign," was the rejjly, " but the sergeant told me that the first man who came along would give me brandy ami wine, and not a droji of cither have I seen, although half a dozen have passed me. Hang the wine : I only want the brandy." The pass-w ord was " Brandywine," and the new aspirant for niilitaiy honors had only comprehended it in the sense probably most familiar to him. The Hartford Press makes the sub- joined statement relative to the manu- facture of arms for the South, in that city, about which much has been said : — "The attention of the proper authori- ties of this state has been repeatedly called to the sale of arms to impro|>er persons by the Sharpe's Eifle Co. and ( 'olt's KeVolving Fire-arms Co. The former has absolutely ceased to sell where there is any risk of the arms fall- ing into the hands of traitors, and it is rcjiorted, we do not know how correctly, that Colonel Colt will not furnish arms to any parties known to be traitors. "It is high time that these matters were positively settled. It is not to he tolerated that Hartford men shall arm traitors to shoot down other Hartford men. Uet all manufacturers of arms and munitions bow to the law; if they will not, let the law be sjieedily eii- forced.'" The Louisville Journal thus comments on the President's proclamation : — "We are struck with mingled amaze- ment and indignation. The policy an- nounced in the ijroclamation deserves the unipuilified condemnation of every American citizen. It is unworthy not merely of a statesman, but of a man. It is a policy utterly iuiir-braincd .-ind ruinous. If Mr. Lincoln contemplated this policy in the inaugural address, he is a guilty dissembler; if he has con- ceived it under the excitement raised by the seizure of Fort Sumter, he is a guilty hotspur. In either case, he is miserably unfit for the exalted position in which the enemies of the country have placed him. Let the jjeoide in- stantly take him aud his administration into their own hands if they w oukl res- cue the land from bloodshed, and the Union from sudden and irretrievable destruction." Another Roman Mothei!. — A day or two since a young man offered him- self as a recruit at one of the offices in this city, who evidently being a minor, ^^■as asked if he had his father's permis- sion to volunteer. He rejjlied that he had no father, but admitted that his mother was living. "Then you must get your mother's consent," said the officer. The young man retired, but soon returned with the tollowiug brief but noble letter: ' ' lie is mp all ; but I freely give him to my country .'" — • [ Bangor Whig. A HANiisoMK and deserved compliment was paid to tJovernor Andrew last even- ing, by S. 11. (iookin, Esq., in the meet- ing called to form a Home (iuard. Jlr. Gookin said he did all that could be done honorably to prevent the election of (iovernor Andrew, but he thanked God he did not succeed; for His Excel- leiu'y, by his prudent foresight, had l)rei)ared the stat<' for the present crisis, and he would be forever enthroned in the hearts of the people. INCIDEiYTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 37 War Nei!et onlj- once, anil that was to climb the fiag-staft'to nail the colors to the peak, after the halliards had been .shot away." The artillery corps of tlie National Guard accompanied the Seventh regi- ment from \ew York yesterday, fully eijuiiiped witli their nuiuntain howitzers. The Evening Post relates the follow- iug incidents connected with the de- parture of the Providence Jlarine Artil- lery from New York : — " As an evidence of the feeling of the crowd who assembled to see them ofT, it may lie mentioned that on one of the company asking an orange-vender for some of the fruit, the crowd caught up the baskets in sight, paid for the oranges, and sent a perfect shower of them on board, which was caught by the men with great glee anil cheers. One of the men answered a man in the crowd that 'he did not know nor care where he was going, and only that he was going to fight; but if he got a sight at Twiggs, he would put a hall through liim if he could.' " They stood on the hurricane deck, and as the steamer loft the dock, one of the men stepped forward, pointing to the Stars and Stripes, and with a signifi- cant nod of the head, took of his liat and cheered. The whole com])an)' caught the enthusiasm, and the scene which followed was truly magnificent. They all rose to their feet, and cheer after cheer was sent up with a feeling that showed they were men who knew their duty and would perforin it. "One of the lieutenants, on being in- terrogated concerning their destination, replied, ' \Ve go with sealed orders and sealed lips.' Captain Tomkins stated they should go to Elizabethport, liut of their ultimate destination he was not at liberty to speak." A call has been issued in New York for the natives of Poland to form a legion to support the standard of free- dom. On the reading of the resolutions con- cerning privateering adopted by the New York Board of Trade yesterday, when the words in relation to "piracy '' were read, a gentlemen remarked, "That means hanging at the yard-arm I " [Cheers.] Another voice : " We are imanimous about that." [Renewed cheers.] In regard to Virgiuia, the New York Express has the following intelligence: " The seven members of tlie convention that voted against secession are reported to be, four from Western Virgiuia, three from the East. Three or four of them fled from Kichmoud secretly, and left their baggage behind. "'I'hr secret of the details of secession is thoroughly kept. As to 'the refer- ence to the jieople,' a case is now so created by the convention, that the peo- ple mxisl ' secede.' "The intelligence we liave from \'ir- ginia is, that western Virginia (now) will not be likely to jiarl from the East, but to go with the east ill secession. Governor Letcher is from the valley, and his course is preuioiiitorv of the mountain feeling." The New York Evenina Post's corre- spondent writes from VVashiugton : — "Mayor Addison, of (Jeorgetown, is a hearty Union man. He is out in a liroclamation, calling for volunteers to fight "the Keliels." We want more pub- lie men here of that sort. There are too many traitors here yet holding office under the goverument. Some of the leading property-holders here, according to the Star, are Secessionists. And yet it is a well-known f;ict that the Itebels would like to make a desert of Washing- ton, If an attack is ever made upon the city, it will be with batteries planted upon the Potomac hills. In such a eon- test, the iirivate dwellings here would be destroyed. " The race downward in Southern state stocks greatly mortifies the Rebels. They can not understand why it is that Ne\v York stocks are above par, and Virginia stocks fifty per cent, below'. It is claimed that an" attempt is made to run them down in New York! 'Why don't you Virginians buy them in your- selves, then T is the reply of loyal men here. Y'et this same Virginia talks loftily of controlling the course of the United States government ! "The aspect of this city is more and more warlike. Preparations for the ac- commodation of troops are beincj made on every hand. Volunteers in the city are ott'ering in large numbers, day by day. More troops are on duty at night than at any previous time. Barracks are being erected in many jilaces in dif- ferent jiarts of the city." The Commercial Advertiser correspon- dent says : — " The proclamation of Jeflerson Davis, in\'iting aid ' in private armed vessels on the high seas,' show's the foresight of General Scott, in securing possession of the fortifications at the Tortugas. AVith these a small naval force can keep the Gulf clear of jn-ivateers, and eft'ect- ually check the operations of those dis- posed to 'aid the government of the Southern Confederacy,' by extemporat- iiig privttteers. "The expedition which sailed from New Y'ork not long since, and which some confidently asserted was for the combined operations, by land and by water, against Fort Sumter, has ere this placed Fort Jefi'ersou in an almost iin- preguable state, and supplied its store- 38 INCIDENTS OF THE CI VII. WAR. liousos iiiid inagazincs. Witli such a rendezvous lor fiur coast-uuaril, priva- teers will liave Init little ehaiu-e ot es- cape; nor will the broad seal of the Soutliern Confederacy save their crews from hastily visiting yard-arms, to meet the fate of pirates. •'Volunteer troo])s are promised by thousands, but none liave as yet made their ap])earance, and the Secessionists liere are again exultant. It is very evident that the first struggle is to be in this vicinity, unless the Baltimoreans prevent the' passage of troops tlirougli theh- city, and great anxiety jirevails. Citizens "are taking their families into the country, and many of those having funds on deposit in the banks are with- drawing them in specie, to be i)repared for any emergency. "A military comjjany of Secessionists suddenly l<'ft' this city'last night, under tlie apiireliension that martial law was ,al)out to lie proclaimed, and that they would be arrested and dealt with ac- cording to tlieir deserts." A private letter from New Orleans, dated April 12th, received in Xew York, states that no disj)atches in ci))her are allowed to l)e sent North over tlie wires ; and the jiapers announce that no dis- patches wliatever, in reference to mili- tary operations in the Confederate States, will be transmitted, except liy order of the |ii-opei- authorities. One of the local liapers says that JeH'erson Davis has made .a requisition on Louisiana for t liree thousand fighting men, and adds : — ■'The system of enlistment lias been tried and jiroved a failure, and the vol- unteer companies of this city, it would seem, will have to step in the breach to till up_ the regular quota. This is un- e(|ual,'iinlair. and iinjust. Why should the parish of Orleans' bear all the brunt of the ]irecii)itate secession movement, Ixith in fighting men and money'? Those fire-eating secession parislies throughout the state, that took so active a jiart in the i)reciiiitate movement, should now sliow tlieir hands, .and furnish at least their ipiota of fighting material. Up to this moment we have not heard of a single parish in the state, outside the parish of Orleans, that has tendered a single com|iany, or a single man, to the Confederate army. If the city of New Orleans has to pay all the money and do all the lighting for the state, the sooner the citv separates from the state, the hetter."'' Kdvvaim) I*. W.M.I, ACE. of Salishury, wlio was tlie first to oiler thi' loan of .SIOO to the general governnienf. with- out interest, and whose patriotic letter to the Se(M-etary of the Treasury secured to him the tirst Treasury note issued by llie department, though disabled hy lameness from entering the army, oflei-s .■$7") of his earnings to tlie first volunteer from Salisbury who will make good his l)lace in the ranks. Wlien the war tirst broke out he gave SiKHI of his earnings (more than a <|uarler of all li<' had) to I he comp.aiiy raised in his town, lie is a noble icllow. Are Troops Going through Baltimore? We |iublished yesterday a jiortion of the report of Mayor Brown, of his inter- view with the President, in which he states that the President agreed to send no more troops througli that city if they could pass around it without lieing at- tacked. According to the Washington corri'spoudent of the New York Times, the President gave Mayor Brow n quite a dirt'erent answer. The writer says : — •'Mayor Brown, of Baltimore, arrived liere to-day by sjiecial train, and prii- ceeded to the VVhite House. What tran- spired there we can not learn with any certainty, but I understand, on what seems good authority, that the gover- nors of New York, Pennsylvania, Massa- chusetts, and Ohio telegrajjhed to Mayor Brown and to (ioverno'i- Ilicks, of Mary- land, notifying them that they intended to send ten thousand troops through Mary- land, for the protection of the Federal capital ; that if they are not molested, they will pass through witliout molest- ing or interfering with the rights of any private persons; but if their ]u-ogress is obstructed, on the other hand, they vnll reduce the city (f BaUiinore to ashes, for tliat the government of the I'nited States shall be maintained. " Mayor Brown accordingly came over here and appealed to the President to save the city of Baltimore, by counter- manding the order for the passage of troojis through Maryland. '•Tlie I'resident replied that if the gov- ernors aforesaid found it necessary to take such steps, in response to his call for troops, it was Maryland's question \\ hethor she would be loyal or not ; that it was lier question whether she liad obeyed the law and supported thi» gov- ernment, as she ought. As for himself, he should take no measures whatever to interfere loith the progress of troops from the Irjyal states to the. Federal capital, and issue no orders of countermand." S4)i:tii-side View. — A clergyman relates the following conversation as having occurred in Alabama not long since. The probabilities of the conflict were being discussed in a country hotel, and one and another exjiressed his views ]u-etty freely, when an apjieal was made to an old settler, as follows: " W(dl, old horse, wliat do you think ot it?" '■ I think we are to lie confound- edly whipped," said he. "The North have the constitution, a united feeling, jilenty of money, and God on tlieir side, and we have only a few cursed Span- iards in Cuba, no credit, and the devil on our side. Now I own slaves, and am with the South, but let me tell you, we are to be contoiiniledly whipped." SlTll nonsense as the following is telegraphed to the jiajiers at the South. We lind it in a Naslivill<' paper: — "lANClilU'iiC, .\]iril 1!>, ISfJI. Balti- more triiim))he(l. .Mass.achusetts Sev- enth regiment, commanded by B. F. I'.iitlcr. numbering near eight hundred, taken |irisoners. Cpward of one hun- dred killed. Only sixtei'u IJaltimoreans killed and woundeil." Christian Influences in the Camp. To the Ectilor of Ilostoii .Journal : Tlie l!ev. B. F. I>e Costa, Episcopal clergy- man r>r Cliarlestown, Mass., acconipaiiies tlie Fiftli rei^inient as chaplain. In connection with this fact, permit me to call llie attention of Cliristians of all ilenom- inations to the importance of (-ic)infj tlieir duty at this time, by surrounding our soldiers with all Christian influences. One of the greatest calamities of war is the demorali- zation of tlie camp, the vice and profligacy that follow in the train of armies. AVe must combat this evil by all means in our power. AVe would have our sons and our brothers return to us unstained in character, pure in heart as we know they will prove themselves brave in spirit. If, then, Episcopalians and other Christ- ians will send contributions of money, billies, prayer-books, and suitable rcligious'publica- tioiis to the liook-store of E. P. Dutton, Esq., IIKJ Washington street, Mr. Dutton will clieer- fulty take charge of them ; and the writer of thi.s coimnunicatioii will see tliat the money is properly expended and tlie books for- warded to Key. Mr. De Costa, who will see to their distribution in his own regiment and among the other corps. Prayer-books of the Protestant Episcopal church are particularlj' suited to the camp, affording means of regu- lar public worship with ov without the pres- ence of a chaplain. Hev. S. Uusselt .Jones, rector of ^t. .James church, Greenlield, is ehaplain ot the Tenth regiment, and will accompany that corps if called into service. ' I!. Attacl CD Massaclmselts Trooiis. Glorious Bearing of the Troops. THE BODIES OF THE DEAD TO BE SENT TO The Eighth Regiment at Philadelphia. COMMONWEATjTH of MASSACHUSETTS. OFFICHL. EXEOUTIVK DEP.\RTMENT, ( BOSTON', April 20 — 1 ::!0 o'clock a. m. ( I am directed by His Excellency the Gov- ernor and Conimander-in-Cbief to warn the public .against giving too ready credence to nnautbciitic reports concerning the military movements now in progress. To relieve as far as possible the public ap- prehension, I .am directed to communicate the intelligence received at head-quarters, up to this liour, concerning the advance of the IMassiichusetts troops towards the national capital. ISrigadier-gcneral Butler was telegraphed from head-quarters yesterday at G:30 o'clock V. M. His first repl.v was received at S::M o'clock, conveying in substance the intelli- gence of his own arrival with the comnianil of Colonel Monroe at Philadelphia at about 7 o'clock, and contirming the rumor ttiat Colonel .Jones had been attacked in the streets of Baltimore. An interruption of the telegraph temporarily susiiended communi- cation between Phila"del]iliia and Baltimoi'e — the wires having been cut. Hiilicultics of transportation arising from the public excite- ment were delaying Cencral IJutlcr and Colo- nel Jlonroe at I'hiladelphia. After 11 o'clock the second telegram was re- ceived from General Butler in these words : — " To Governor Andrew : I have reason to be- lieve that Colonel .Jones has gone through to Washington. Two killed f tlie Regiment Left Helihul. LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED. Lieutenant Sawtell's Brave Defense OF THE Colors.* Washington, April 19. It is cer- tain tliat tlie Ma.ssachu.setts regiment was attacked in Baltimore, aud tired ou by their assailants in Pratt street. .Showers of paving-stones rained on their heads. They are on way here. It is certain that Harper's Ferry was burned up, and the arms destroyed by * N< »TE- The colors were carried by Timothy Crowley, the standard-bearer of the'regiment, afterwards captain of Co. F, Thirtieth Massa- chusetts regiment; died Oct. .5, 1862. Captain .J(nies, who has retn'ated to Carlisle. The sixth regiment has arrived, leav- ing one hundred men, with the band, at Baltimore. In the tight, two soldiers were killed, and sixteen wounded. •SECOND DISPATCH. On examination of the Sixth regiment, it is found that there are not a great many men left at Baltimore. The com- panies had got mixed tip in the striiggh'to get through the crowd and into the cars. There is great rejoicing over the tele- graphic dispatch that ('aptain Dyke is only wounded. He is in good hands. It is thought that David Stevens, of Lowell, and Private AVhitney, of Lowell, are killed: proliably no others. The wounded are: John '1'. Swelt, Co. A, Lowell: Lieut. J. F. Rowe, .lames Whit- taker, Sidney Collins, Daniel Broun, D. S. Moody, W. G. Butterlleld, John Foster, S. S. Johnson, J. W. Pennell, Heury Dyke, of Stoneham; Lieutenant Craig, C. H. Chanrller, Hugh Mehitn, William F. Withington, .lames Winn, Charles Stimson, DaN id .V. ILuu, Wil- liam II. Lawson, of Co. D, Lowell; Edwin C. Heath, I). Ingress, Co. 1, Lawrence. Alonzo Joy shot ofl' two fingers while loatling. The report from the Surgeon's in- tirmary is to the eft'ect that none of these are ilangerotisly wounded. It will lie noticed that the Stoneham and Lowell companies were in the thickest of the fight. The mob endea\ored to seize the colors, which were bravely defended by Sergeant Sawtell.* Colonel Jones ;iud his officers anil men are in good spirits, ready for service. Keliable allvices from Harper's Ferry state that the Virginia troops are in pos- session. The Xew York reporters were not allowed to remain. — [Bost. Journal. Baltimore, April 19. A terrilile scene here. The Pratt-street track torn up. 'J'he troops attempted to march through, but were attacketl by ;i mob with bricks and stones, aud fired uiiou. They returned the fire. Two men arc killeil,' and several wounded. The fight is now going on. Awful scene. SECOND DISPATCH. Baltimore, April 19. Can not say certain wiuit portion of the troops w'cre tittacked. They bore a white flag its they niiirched u]i Pratt street, but were greeted with showers of paving stones. The ilayor went ahead with the police. There was an immense crowd, and the streets were blocked. The soldiers fintilly turned and fired on the mob. Several of the wounded liave just been carried up the streets in carts. It is reported that ther^ was dreadful work at the depot. THIRD DISPATCH. Baltimore, April 19. The mob rushed to the Guard's armory for arms. Two of the troops were killed, and ten more reported killed. FOURTH DISPATCH. At the Washington ilepof an immense crowd assembled. The rioters attacked the troops at the depot. Several of the latter were wounded; some ftitally. There are said to be four of the troops killed, and four of the rioters killed. The city is in tremendous excitement. Martial law has been jiroclainied, and the military are rushing to their armories. Civil war has commeneed. The rail- road track is said to be torn up outside of the city. Parties threaten to street at the Camden station, where trains leave for Washington, there was assembled a large detachnuMit of police under direc- tion of Marshal Kane. It soon ajipeared that orders were given to clear the tracks near the main depot building. This was done, and soon after a large passenger-car of the Philadelphia railroad came up at a rapid rate, tilled with soldiers. This car was soon followed liy about sixteen more, all occui)ied by troops. Upon inquiry it was asceitained they consisted of the Sixth regiment of JIassachusetts infan- try, in all eleven comiianies, with an aggregate of eight hundred and sixty men. As soon as the train arrived, some of the troops were compidled to change ears, when they were hooted at by the crowd, which made no overt act. Sev- eral young men appeared at one of the cars and displayed revolvers, whereupon the ca)itain of one of the companies drew his sword and declared he would protect his men. Many expected the train would start immediately, but it did not move until 12 :;iO o'clock, a delay being occasioned by the fact that Presi- dent Garrett had received information that a large crowd of excited men had determined to tear up the track ami blow up the bridges, and thereby pre- vent the ]iassage of the train. In a few ndnutes after the train left, a disch.irge of tire-arms attracted the attention of the crowd to the corner of Pratt and Howard streets, where a body of infantrv from one of the Northern INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 41 states, about one hundred and fifty strong, was seen rapidly approaching the depot, and no doubt anxious to reach the cars. Tlie exeitenieut was beyond descrip- tion, and a man displaying a Hag of the Confederate States seemed to he tlie ral- lying point fur the people. Some as- saulted the infantry with stones, when a number of the latter discharged their muskets. At least twenty shots were fired, but as far as learned no person was injured. There seemed to be but little discipline among the troops, espe- cially as they rushed along pell-mell. Wiiilst thej' were entering the cars a crowd of young men gave them several vollej'S of bricks and stones, some of which demolished a car window, where- upon three or four muskets were jjointed through the car windows and fired, but no one was injured. Whilst this body was passing near the corner of Pratt and Charles streets they got in collision with the crowd, and firing took iilace. One of the soldiers, named Itobins, of the company from "Stouiugtou, Conn." [Stoneham], is supposed to be mortally wounded. Jle was woundi'd in the back part of his li<'ad and fell to the ground. The train with the second detachment left at 1 : 1.5 o'clock. Tliere, are rumors of an intended at- tack <.)U Fort McHenry. Baltimohe, April 19. A crowd broke into the warehouse of Paterson & W'al- fert, on Long dock, this evening, and took therefrom tour hundred rifles and swords. Squads are parading the streets, full}- armed, on the lookout for military from the North expected to-night. Have just heard that the Pennsylvania volunteers and the Si'Venth New York regiment are coming. Fear there will be bloody work. — Boston Journal. BURNING or HAMPER'S rrm ARSENAL Gallant Conduct of Lieutenant Jones. 15,000 Stands of Arms Destroyed. A FORCED MARCH. Caki.isle, Pa., April 19. Lieutenant Jones, late in connnand of Harper's Ferry, arrived with his coumiand, foitj-- three men, .at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The lieutenant having been advised that a force of twentj'-five thousand troops were ordered by the governor to take possession of Harper's Ferry, and find- ing his position untenable, under the direction of the War department he destroyed all the nuniitions of war, the armory, arsenal, and buildings. He withdrew his command under cover of night, and almost in the presence of twenty-five hundred troops. He lost tliree men. Fifteen thousand stands of arms were destroyed. His command made a forced march of thirty miles last night, from Harper's Ferry to Hagarstown, Md. They look much worn and fatigued. They were enthusi- astically received by the entire popula- tion of this place. Lieutenant J(mes states that, hearing yesterday that six hundred Virginians were approaching by the Winchester road, they put piles of jiowder straw in all the Iiuildings, and quietly waited their ai>proach. The picket guard gave the alarm, and the garrison set fire to the out-houses, carpenters' shops, and jiowder houses, and began a retreat. Citizens of Harj)er's Ferry, evidently in league with the party advancing to seize the arsenal, were instantly in arms and pursued, and firing upon them killed two of the regulars. Two others de- serted before tlie troops reached Hagars- town. They marched all niglit, having missed the railroad train. At Hagars- town they took oumibuses to ( 'liambers- burgh, where they arrived nuicli ex- hausted with their night march. J'hey ^^•ere received with loud cheers along their route to Carlisle. The Baltimore Riot. Slatfiufiit of 1{. I". Winn, Drnui lMa.ii>r of the Sixth Kejyinient. When the Sixth regiment arrived at Baltimore there were evident signs of riot among the citizens; there was a reversion of the troops, so that the right was placed on the extreme left, with the excej)tion of tlie statt'. 'I'he i-ailroad company undertook to take from the lower depot in Baltimore to the Wash- ington depot the troops in detached por- tions of the train bj' horse-power; when they had carried over all excejit Co. D, City Guards, of Lowell, and Captain Dike's connnand, of Stoneham. and Cap- tain Sami)Son's Boston company, the mob next (after the horses came down to be attached to the cars) conmienced tear- ing uj) the rails and laying big anchors on the railroad and piles of lumber, for the purpose of cutting ott' the above- named compaiues. These lonqianies seeing the communi- cation cut off from their comrades left the cars and formed in line, conmianded by Adjutant Farr, and the order for march was given. Then the mob, after they had marched jirobably twenty or thirty feet, proceeded in front with a Secession flag and connnenced cheering for Jeft'. Davis and South Carolina, and groaning for Lincoln and lugger-stealers of the North — Massachusetts in par- ticular; and at this point the crowd was so dense that the soldiers were tem- porarily stopiied. They then used all gentle eftbrts to pass through the mob. Their progress was slow through the mob, and at the first turning to the left from the depot the troops wheeled into that street. Immediately after entering this street, an iron missile ■s^as thrown from a building, which instantly killed one of Captain Dyke's command, strik- ing him on the head; don't know his name. I saw the iron thrown, but the crowd was so dense that I didn't see it strike, hut afterward conversed with a l)oliceinan who took care of the body. Innnediately after this one of the sol- dier's guns was snatched from his hand, and he instantly shot with his own gun; then (I think " without an order) the troops began to fire upon the mob, and at the first fire many were killeil; the firing then became general, but from what troops, can not say, the mol) using liistols freely with all kinds of missiles, making frequent attempts to get away the guns from our men by overpower- ing them, anil from this point I know but little more; but it is well known that the soldiers behaved like men and fought their way through to Washing- ton deiKit. 'I'he band was not ordered out of the car, and were left at tlie lower depot with six hundred volunteers from Philadelphia, who had verv few arms. After the first shot into the mob by our men, the mob thought they would liax'e better game by attacking the unarmed men who were in the cars. They accordingly attacked the Pennsyl- vania volunteers anil the band by throw- ing all sorts of missiles, breaking the windows and doors. Many of the volun- ti'crs rushed from the cars only to be worse treateroclamatiou on Friday last that Maryland would furnish her quota of troops for that service y and was it not this simple mission, and nothing more, that our troo])S were en- gaged in '^ " You speak of the South being ' sub- jugated by Lincoln and his hordes." In the first place, there is no attempt to subjugate the South, but simi)ly to main- tain the government, and that not by 'Lincoln and his hordes.' No; no! As T told voii in my last, the comuiander of 44 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. llio Massaohusotts forci's was a liclegatc to the Charlfston coiivfiitioii. Calob Cur^liiug to-day otTers his strvioes to the govcruiiient. Frankliu Piont-, aud every Deinoei-at in tlie North, is willing to arm in this contest. '•If Baltimore Is a 'yawning gulf to bury Northern troops iu, the same gulf will Imry the last vestige of your beau- tiful I'ity; for though it cost a hundred thousand lives, "not one stone shall remain upon another' in your city. Before this eontest ends,a/rec, safe, and uiii)}>structtd passaijc will be opened for our troops to the Capital." From Baltimore. The follow ing private letter from Bal- timore will be read with interest. It is from a gentleman of Northern birth, but who has resided in that city for many years : — JJaltimouk, April 25, ISUI. Vdu arc perliaps a little anxious on our ac- count. There is nothing to fear at present, I think, as our dangerous days are over, at least for a little while. I keep rather quiet, and liavt^ no si^ccial tear for myself, althougli for three or tour days Nortliern men held rather a dauj^erous relation to tlie mob by which all men setuu to have been controlled. Never in my life have I seen such hellish atrocity as I have witnessed In^-e. Secession Iteliels'liave hehi tin; cit3' in a terror that can not 1)'' described. Men have lieen designated anil a list of tliem nnide up tor assault and assassination. Danger from that source luis grown less as the Northern troops have worked their way to Washington, fear liaa taken the jilace, to some extent, of the thirst for bhjod and i)huider by wliicli a large mass of villains and eut-tliroa'ts have been mo\-ed. (hmI Itless tiie noble Nortll, and most of all, Ot'I .\fir.^.'iiifhii.^i'tts' She will again be the l>ride of tlu! liistorian and of tlie world — the crown jewel of America. It is something in these times of treachery and violence to look to (me's own kith and kiti for examples of courage anil patri()tism. We will have our enemies undt.'r oar feet yet in this town, if I luistak*! not — and when'we do the slain sol- diers of iMassachusetts will find some of tlieir avengers here. \Ve have l>een to the very threshold of a tlomestic tliroat cutting — ///'f/ has been ami is feared more tlian all else. Tin- idection yestenlay, though illegal, was permitted as nmch to 'give einiiloynaait to idle minds as any thing else. Its etfect is good. The town is (ini)3t, externally, yet there are plans :uid (■ons])iraeies down amongst the r;iblile that get wind in \arious ways, ciuelly Ihrontih the p<»iiee and nnlit:n>- jiatrols. T'lie show of arms is not so nnu-h for peoiile passing through the state as it is to govern our f)wn city :ind jjrotect frt he e.\. poses himself in this city. When we get Northern ti-oops ,all around us ^ve will rejoice most heartily. Fridaij .\hirtiivtj. Tilings ar<' growing better. A number of t'nion Hags arc ll>-ing, this morn, ing. We lliid the reaction growing stronger hourly, and as men lind c-ourage to trust each othei" The city will show herself ('nion be. lore next \\<'ilnesda>'. Some tear that Seces- sionists will ha\e to lly, and strong I nion men, myself ammig them, are doing what we can to control the rising tide of indignation and rage. Von enn not jiidgi- by the papers of onr state. Kvery thing is ilone to conceal the lire tlnat is underlying our whole social system. Tell our fiieiuis we will do the best ami :ill we can to bring Mai-yland iuto line. .She iiiust come if it is by bliKul. 'J"he murdered soldiers have called us almost as much to monrniiig as you. I saw the whole of their emiduct. It" made me swear and curse, with a rage almost intense, to SCO such laible-looking fellows pitted against some si.x or eight tliousand of the vilest men I ever saw. I did not know wc had so many of such men. Tel! those you see that such soldiers as those assaulted do honor to Massachusetts manhood. Cool, firm, elTee- live, two hundn.'d of them could have fougllt a most glorious battle. As it was, .Massachu- setts has made a demonstrtitiou that has changed the sentiment in regard to Northern courage and forbearance. After tlicy were pcltetl, shot at, and one of them killed, I saw a corporiil, as i sujiposed, order two of them to Hre. They put their pieces up with delib- erate aim, e'ach covering a man, and then tired. They hit their marks, for both of them tell dead. I saw them afterward, one with a hole thriHigh his head, and the other w-ith one through his bociy, from sitle to side — a good and tei-rible heart shot. The ball was as large as a cent. Almost every shot must have killed a foe. They fired but few, but they did their work. God bless old Ma.^snchti- sett's. 1 never loved her so well as now. Soldiers' Aid Association in Lowell. Lowell, whose gallant companies in the Sixth regiment were the first to sufl'er in the present contest, is doing the right thing l)v her soldiers. In addition to $H()i)n ' voted by the eity government for the families of her troops, and .$10,000 also voted for eijuip- ments, the citizens have oi-ganized a Soldiers' Aid Association, " to promote the comfort, aid in the care tind encour- agement, ami to relieve the wants, of her cirizen-soldiirs while in actual ser- vice, liy providing such articles as they may need thtit may not be otherwise furnished them ; to provide means of comiiiiiuiciition and information be- tween them and their fi-iends at home.'' The association has been organized by the choice of Hon. Nathtim Crosby, president; S. W. Stickney, Esq., treas- urer; M. ('. Bryant, Escj., secretary; Hon. Elisha Huntington, chairman of committee on collections; ('. B. Coburn, Esq., chairman of committee on sup- I)lies ; William G. AV'ise, Estj., chairman of committee on cfirrespondence and forwarding. The city has been divided into dis- tricts, ami is being actively ciinvassed by the ladies for funds. Other cities and towns htiving coiii)ianies in the Sixth regiment tire expected to co-oper- ate with this association in promoting its objects. These are: Boston, one com]);iny ; I>awreuce, two companies ; \Vt>rcester, Acton, and Groton, one each. In tiddition to the four comp.a- nies of Ccdonel Jones' regiment, Lowell has niised live companies, which art^ alretidy org.-inized, and being activi'ly drilled. In i.roportion to her male popu- Itition, it is believed that Lowell has rtiised more troops than any phice in the state — enough, if they were till combined, to make ;i regiment. Okdkued TO Annapolis. — The Rich- ardson IJght Infantry of Lowell, Ctip- tain Dtivis, has received orders from General Butler to proceed at once to Amuipolis with tents and full camp equijitige, and they will prolialdy letive in the sli'timer wliii-h sails on Thursday for Fort Monroe. This is ;i new volun- teer company, .■ind has been furnished w ith a handsome gray uniform. The Massachusetts Dead. — All the Bodies Recognized. Yesterday a number of the friends of those \\ ho were supposed to htive fallen at BtUtimore, assembled at the State house by the request of Governor An- drew, so that the bodies which were brought home Wednesday might be ideutilied. The portmonnaies and other small articles which were sent from Balti- more, as having been found uiion their person, were handed around among their friends, but none of them were recognized. The company then pro- ceeded to the vault under Kiug's chapel, where the bodies were deposited, and the covers having been taken oft' from the luettillie cotlins, the faces of each were exposed to view, covered only by a glass jilate. They were immediately re- cognized as SuMNiiu Henry Needham, of Lawrence ; Addlson O. Whitney, of Lowell ; Li'tiiek ( '. Ladd, of Lowell. About Mr. Needham there had been no doubt, his death having been well authenticated, htit his brother, who was present, instantly identified him. Jlr. AV'hitney was twenty-two years old, ;i native of Maine. He has no near relatives, except a sister, who resides iu Lowell. He was recognized by Williaiu Freer and two others who htid worked iu the same shop with hhn dtu'ing the past winter. Mr. Ladd was a native of Alexandria, N. 11., tibout eighteen years old, and was recognized by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Dow! The t\vo last named, Messrs. Whitney and Ladd, were luembers of the Lowell City Guards. Mtiyor Sargeant, of Lowell, and the mayor of Lawrence, were both present, ami desired to ttike possession of the bodies in behalf of the friends of the decetised, but it was urged that the state h:id a claim upon them, and would demtinil to unite in the funeral obsequies. It was finallj' agreed that the personal friends of the deceased shoulil be con- sulted, and the decision will be known to-day. It is proposed that the services under the directi strong reeling w Inch stirs every hearl we may see the ellecl which their noble exauijile has insjiired. Tli<' glowing patriotism a\'is, lis ( ;ii:inl (ii iloiHir. lioilies. I'all Jiearors— I.ieuts. W. K. Farrar, G. E. Dana, ami Kdwanl s, limit, ami .Surgeon W. II. liraillcy, or the Jiiebanlson Lljjlit liilaiitrv; I.ienls. .lames KnoK'is ami II. II. Kallcr, or the Abbult I.i; moved through Shattuck, Merrimack, Central. Wamesit, and Law- rence streets to the cemetery, about a mile and a-half from the liall, in the midst of a drenching rain, I'mbrellas were in great demand, and the proces- sion, like a dark and billowy stream, liassed between living walls of specta- tors, who were likewise canopied with their portable shelters. Thousands of people crowded the sidewalks, filled the windows, and followed the procession to tlie cemetery. Arrived at the ceiueterj', a rural and liicturesque locality, diversified by for- ests, lakes, and undulating slopes, the remains were placed in the Hospital re- ceiving tomb, after which the military fired three volleys of musketry over the teni]iorary grave of the soldiers, and the procession moved past between files of troops, who rested on their arms, and then all returned to the city, in the order in whicli they left. During the time the procession was moving, minute-guns were fired, and the various bells in the city were tolled, the chime of St. Anne's ringing out a mournful |jeal. To-day the remains will be conveyed to the friends of the deceased in Alex- andria, N. II., and Waldo, Me. The iirocession, which was over a mile in lengtli, was the longest ever seen in Lowell, and, notwithstanding the rain, its route was lined with thousands of lieople. We should probably have hiid a larger number present iroin other idaces had it not been for the storm. Frederick Ayer. Es(|., was one of the aids to the marshal, in addition to those named yesterday. There were thirt.y- two carriages in the jirocession. besides a large nundier which followed behind. The sisters of Mr. Whilney have con- sented to have his remains interred in Lowell, and it is to be hojied that his jiarents will consent to the same ar- rangement. The body of Mr. Ladd wa< taken by the noon train to the home of his parents in Alexandria, N. H. After the funeral services there, it is to be hoped that bis friends will consent to having his body brougbt liack to Low- xan- dria,"N. H., where his parents reside. It reached here in the noon train from the north, in charge of his brother-in- law, Mr. Jeremiah F. Dow, and was re- ceived at the depot by the members of the committee of the city council, and conveved to the cemetery. The body of Mr. Ladd, with that 'of Addison O. Whitney, his companion in death, which has been in the reeeivhig-tomb until now, will be temporarily buried in a grave in the lot at the foot of the hill, hnmediately north of the chapel, until such time" as a monument shall be erected to their memory. ' All Hail to the Glorious Stars and Stripes. " ' All hail to tile glorious Stars and Stripes," That wave o'er the brave and the free. The pride of all, who sweet liberty love; We "11 pledge e'en our life-blood to thee ! •All hail to the glorious .stars and Stripes"; We will met(^ to all traitors their doom; We will not let thy prestige of glory be dimmed. Nor tliy beauty to perish in gloom. ' All hail to the glorious Stars and Stripes" — We will strike for our homes and our God. Though death claim the mortal, the grave be our beii. Prayers of freemen shall be our r<'ward. " All hail to the glorious Stars and Stripes! " May they cease not thus pnnidly to wave, An emblem of freedom to all the oppressed, A lieacon of hope to the brave. o. K. — [Ijowell Daily (Courier, April, ISBl. The Uurdered Mmtotts Soldiers! Lawrence Receives Her Dead. ARRIVAL OF THE REMAINS OP CORPORAL NEEDHAM. Preparations for the Funeral. The remains of Sumner H. Needham, late corporal of Co. I, Sixth regiment, M. V. M., who fell a victim to the bru- tality of an incensed mob in the streets of Baltimore, were conveyed from this city yesterday, to the home which he so recently left in response to the call of duty, in a sjiecial train over the Boston & Maine railroad. The casket was placed In a passenger e;ir, which was also occupied by Ihc brothers of the de- ceased, the mayor of Lawrence, the committee of arrangements for the ob- sequies, and several members of the press. The train jn'oeeeded at express speed, stopiiing only at crossings, and arrived at Lawrence about 12 :. 50 o'clock. The people along the route seemed to hav(? learned that the relics were to pass over the road, as crowds were assembled at the several stations as the train flew by. It was the intention of the authorities to convey the body, without ceremony and in a quiet manner, to the house of Mr. E. (>. Seaver, 41 Atlantic corjiora- tion, where deceased formerly boarded, and to this end no public notice was given of the arrival of the body. But the people of Lawrence instinctively gathered at the station, to pay their silent homage to the memory of one who has died in defense of his country. There was no outburst of sorrow, or manifestation of idle curiosity, but a. profound sadness seemed to pervade the entire assembly. The remains'were removeil to a hearse, and an imiiromptu procession was formed. The <'ity authorities rode in carriages, and tli'e jieople on fool fol- 48 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. loweil the body to its former home, which, in the luiiforni tiloclis which front tlic cotton factories, was desig- nated liy American flags draped iu mourning. Tlie casket was removed from tlic case w liich enclosed it, jdaced ii])on a simple table in the neat parlor, ami, the lid being removed, the features were exposed to view. The wife of the deceased was not ])resent, having been overcome by grief, but the brothers and friends who were l)resent were addressed by Mayor Bar- ker. "AVe have," he said,' "at your re- quest, and under the orders of the city government, been to Boston and ob- tained the remaius of your deceased brother. We now commit them to your care, to await such action as the com- mittee having in charge the arrange- ments for the funeral may take." All jiresent ap|ieared deejdy alllii-ted. 'I'lie flags in the city were lioisted at half-mast. The body was left in charge of the friends last night, and this fore- noon it will be removed to the City hall, where it will lie in state until 1:80 o'clock, when the funeral services take place. Messrs. Lamjirell & Marl)le, dec- orators from this city, were vesterdaj' engaged iu drai)ing the hall in mourn- ing and jireparing it for the solemn cer- emonies. The religious services will be conducted by Kev.G. E. AVeaver, pastor of the Universalist church, of which awrence has to-day put on her mourning-weeds, and a universal sad- ness, (Mpialled only by that deep gloom which threw its i'unenil pall over tlie city by the memorable calamity, shrouds the liomes anil hearts of her citizens, «ho with one accord have forsaken their accustomed pursuits and joined in paying the last honors to the remains ol ur wrath will never slumber till each trai- tor's head lies low. With steadfast love that knew no change, pa- tience that did not cease, A brother's loving hand held out the olive- branch of peace. No rash, vindictive act of ours lias wrought this bitter woe ; We left their coward hands to strike the first, the treacherous blow. The Rubicon is passed ; and now we know no North nor South; They that have rights and homes to lose fear not the cannon's mouth ! To us no brotlier's hand they give, no broth- er's love they claim ; Whate'er betide, be theirs the gulf, and theirs alone the shame. Behold our Hag! the .Stripes and .Stars, so long and proudly borne, \'ictorious o'er each foreign foe, by nhiimeless traitors torn ! To purchase it our father.s shed life's purple tide like rain. Sons of tliose fathers ! rise, and say if they have bled in vain ! Men of the North, the South, tlie West, our nation's hope and trust. Speak! Will ye see that banner torn and trampled in the dust? No ! by those high and holy truths for which our fathers fought. By freedom's priceless heritage, for us so dearly bought; The seed, sowed by our patriot sires, watered by blood and tears. Whose glorious fruits are ours, the growth of long and toilsome years ! Let every loyal heart respond! all other claims give way! On to the rescue ! rally round our country's flag to-day ! Brothers! press on, our glorious land from mad disunion save ! Who that can die in such a cause wonld live to be a slave? Ye were very loth to draw the sword, yet sheathe 'it not again Till ye have proved the People rule, that right and freedom reign ; Till prouclly on each town and fort the Stars and Stripes shall wave. The safeguard of the weak, the pride and glory of the brave ! Nashua, April, 1861. m- «■ "■ The Men \Arho Fell in Baltimore. [iJtUicatfd to the Sijcth Masaachusttt.^ Ei giriitiit.] BY .JOHN' W. FORNEY. Our country's call awoke the lanii From mountain height to ars. but had resigned, and recently volunteered to jirotect the " Stars and .stripes "' : — New V(ii;k, Ajn-il is. isiil. Dearist lirother : You can imagine my feelings when I left Boston without even "bidding you good-by ; but forgive me, for I had no time. We arrived here at s o'clock tliis morning, ainiost ?" General Butler, whose head-quarters are at Anna|iolis, visited Washington last wei'k, and dined with the veteran commander, (ieneral Scott. Previous to leaving Washington, General Butler ad- dressed tlie Massachusetts troops assem- bled at the Capitol. He returned to Annapolis, and on Saturday received dispatchi'S from General Scott placing the Sixth regiment, our own "glorious Sixth," and other troojis at his com- mand, and giving him three days to take possi'ssiou of the llelay house, at the junction of the Baltimore & Ohio and Baltimore & Washington railroads; nine miles from Baltimore, and thirty from Washington. General Butler, who is always "up to the times," rt'plied that he would hold ridigious services at the Kelay house the following day. The Sixth regiment m.arclied up early Sun- day morning, in a drenching rain, and at noon Sunday, the Massachusetts Eiglith and New York Fifty-eighth ar- rived at tlie lielay house, taking posses- sion of that and the telegraph wires, and conmianding all the railroads lead- ing thendrom. It is Ihouglit Iliat this movement is iii:ide (o inaugurate a plan of recapturing Harper's Ki'iry, though the\'irginia forces at the latter jilace are reporte(l to be in a poor condition ; and rumor has it, that (iovernor fjctcher has order('(l Ibe \irginia foi-(-<'s to evacuate. Regiments already formed are being sent forward with great rapidity, aixi new ones are being raised :ind ei|uipped in all the Xorlbern states, and in Mis- souri and Kentucky. The i)ro])osals of the government for loans are being prom|)tly taken, showing the faith which capitalists havi' in the move- ments of the autliorilies. TiiK Spirit Aroused bv the Bal- timore Fight. Mr. Edward Taylor, a private in one of the Lowell compaines, was severely wounded by being knocked down by a jiaving-stone while going through Baltimore with the Sixth regi- ment. As soon as he was able, he wrote to his father, Isaac Taylor, who was greatly aroused, and resolved to go himself, but being in feeble health, he could not get an opportunity. He con- sented to have his son go and fill Edward's place. He, with eight others, go out with Colonel Cowdin's regiment to join the Sixth. We trust the good people of Lowell will remem- ber the family of the first sufferers in this war. iNSTIiUCTION.S TO THE MINISTER TO France. — Our government has been advised that at the latest dates no com- missioners from the Confederate States had presented themselves at the French court. The State department has in- structed Minister Dayton to make known to the Frenidi government that there is no idea existing in tliis govern- ment of sufl'ering a dissolution of the Union to take jihice in any way what- ever. The closing paragraph of Mr. Seward's letter to Mr. Dayton is as follows : — ■ " You have seen on the eve of your departure the elasticity of the National spirit, the vigor of the National gov- ernment, and the lavish devotion of the National treasures to this great cause. Tell M. Thouvenel, then, with the high- est consideration and good fe(ding, that the thought of a dissolution of this Union, peaceably or by force, has never entered into the mind of any candid statesman, and it is high lime that it be dismissed by statesmen in Euroi)e." Jekf. Davis' Pirates at Work. — The steamer Daniel Webster arrived at New York on Saturday from New Or- leans via Havana with her passengers and outward freight, having been or- dered hack by her agent at New Orleans. Steamer II'." It'. Webb, with two Z'l- pounders and a crew of seventy -Ave men. was at the bar with the intention of taking the Daniel Webster, hut while the ir. IK. Webb was waiting orders from Xew Orleans, the Daniel Webster put to sea without landing her passen- gers and cargo and succeeded in mak- ing good her escape, arriving at Ha- vana on the 28th ult. The schooner Wanderer was at Havana, and had been purchased for the Southern pirates for $2(1,000. The Havana was fully armed at New Orleans. Letters of marque were issued by .lefVerson Davis on the 2Sth ult., and steamers Calhonn, Webb, and Matai/arda w<'re ready for iunuedi- ate service and prid)ably cruising in the Gulf. It is reiiorted th.-it a, stock com- pany has been I'ormiMl at Xew Orleans, with a capital of six millions, for priva- teering ])urposes. The other day at Lodi, 111., a woman cut ofl' the two forefingers of her hus- banil while he was asleep, to keep him from enlisting. This disables him by law. The Spirit of a North-Eud Boy. A well-known citizen of tlie North End, though confined to his house and unable to walk or stand, is anxious to do something for his country and its defenders. He thus writes : — I can sit still no lonyjer. My Ijiood boils in my veins when I think of the'comlition of my beloved country. ISoru in the old North End, llvinpr near the sjiot where dwelt the bold Revere, a mechanic, too, I feel I must do something — I know I can. Although crip- pled, being unable to walk or stand, I still have brains and hands, and will use them in the service of my country. Money or prop- erty I have non'e to otter in deteiise of the Sta'rs and Stripes; but can not I do some- thing? I can write, copy orders, — anything in that way. I can sew plain sewing, or I can make myself useful in sotne way. Please help me to aVash- iugton, the Capital of the riiited States of North America, from the violence and attacks of traitors. Orders were inmiediately issued by (Governor Andri'w for the Third, Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth regiments to report forthwith at head- quarters for active service. These regiments were located as fol- lows, viz. : Third, Colonel Wardrop, chiefly in Plymouth and Bristol coun- ties; Fourth, ColiHiel Packard, in iiart of Bristol .and Norfolk counties: Sixth, Colonel Jones, in Middlesex county, and the Eighth, Colonel Munroe, in Essex county. The requisition was not ex- pected, but the orders were lmmedi:itely issued from the Adjutant-general's office to the respective colonels, one of whom, Wardrop, resides in New Bedford ; an- other, Packard, in Quincy ; another, Jones, in Lowell, and another, Munroe, in Lynn. All easterly storm of intense severity prevailed at the time, and contiiuied without abatement during the transmit- ting of the orders, by horse express in many of the towns, for the mustering of the troops — the wind blowing a gale all the while. At 9 o'clock on the following morn- ing, three companies from Marblehead arrived, fully armed, equipped, and uni- formed, and were quartered in Faneuil hall. These w ere the first companies to reach this city. During that day the Commander-in- chief received oniers for two more regi- ments, for P^ortrcss Monroe, Va., to go by water, and directing that the volini- teers destined by the previous orders for Washington were not to go by compa- nies, but by regiments, and that a brig- adier-general was to be apjioiuted to the comiiiaud. This caused considerable disarrange- ment, and new companies had to be de- tailed from distant regiments and battal- ions. Steamers had to be chartered and fitted out; additional arms had to be brought from the State arsenal, anil the Commissary and (,tuartermas(er's de- partments had to be very much in- creased. Of the companies that were detailed, one was from Pittsfield — two hundred ndles from Boston — under command of Capt. Henry S. Briggs, son of ex-liov. George N. Briggs, he having notified Governor Andrew that he was ready with his command, and ]iromising to meet any regiment to which he might be attached at Springfield. Another company was that from Stoneham, under Captain Dike, and in regard to this corps it is projier to state that at 11 o'clock ed, consisting of sixty-four privates, eight nou-comnds- sioned officers, and four lieutenants, all that the law permits. I could have had more. I now await further orders." Captain Dike was at once directed to proceed to Faneuil hall and place him- self under command of Colonel Jones of the Sixth regivueut. The same evening, at .5.30 o'clock, the Sixth regiment, Colonel Jones com- manding, left the city, about eight hun- dreil ami fifty strong, by the land-route for Washington, with three days' jjro- visions in tlieir ha\ersacks, twent,v-five thousanii ball cartridges. anercussion caps, with ample sujiplv of provisions. 'i'lius it will be seen that in less than Ihirty-six hours' time from receiving the order thai troops w<'re wanted, Massa- chusetts sent forward tliree thousand live hundred men, and now Colonel Wardrop's regiment is at Fort .Monroe. A'a. : ('(donel I'ackard's regiiTient is in Fort Mcllenry; Colonel MuiU'oe's regi- ment, comi)rising ten full comi)anies, left the third day after, fully provisionecl and cared fcu', and at last accounts were al .Vmiapolis, Md. Next day (Siuulay), loUowed compa- nies from the Fifth and Seventh regi- ments combined, under Colonel Law- rence, which were joined by the Kifle Battalion, of Worcester, two hundred and fifty strong, under command of Jla- Jor Devens. The Boston Light Artillery, Major Cook, left in coniiiany with the foregoing, having with them sixty horses, ten tons of ball, cartridges, can- nister, and powder, and other necessa- ries, making in all, of artillery, rifles, and infantry, fully jn'ovisioned, armed and sujiplied for service, about four thousand two hundred men. Old Massacliusetts is a long distance from the national cajiital at Washington, and although she never made any ten- der of one hundred thousand men — when called upon she is the first to respond — the first in the tight, and her sons are the first to shed their blood in the cause of the country, and that, too, on the very anniversary of the memora- ble battle of Ijcxington, which opened the war of the Kevolution. AVe ha\'e no doubt that if a call for five thousand additional troo|)s were made on Massachusetts in this crisis, they would be forthcoming in as short a space of time, "armed and eijuii)ped as tlie law directs."' In this connection it seems proper to state that the labors and respousibilities of the Executive, the Adjutant-general, and i^uartermaster-geueral in tliis crisis ought to he considered seriously by our lieo]de. The Adjutant-general has the formation of five new regiments, and the filling up of those already in commis- sion ; the care and purchase of arms, ball cartridges, and other munitions of war, jirovisions, etc. The Quartermas- ter-general has e(jual responsibilities devolved upon him. They have con- tracts to make, involving hundreds of thousands of dollars ; they have to take care of those of our brave sons who are fighting in the South, who are the center and the hope of thousands of friends here, and whose acts are watched with unspeakable interest. At the head of all this is John A. An- drew, governor and commander-in- chief, who has been mitiring in his efforts to promote the comfort and efli- ciency of the troojis. Under this state of facts it is but fair to suggest that no intrusion be made upon tlieir time by persons presenting (picstions of compar- ative unimporlanee. hnpiirics should be made as short and Cfuieise as possible. Mis Excellency the Govermu-, through his jirivate sc'cretary, sjioke of this in the jiapers of last evening. We trust that all having business with the dejiart- meiil will bear these suggestions in mind. Tlio Uiin-boat and Coawi Guard. The rush for admission into the ser- vice of the government on the proposed Coast (Jiiard exceeds the present demand for ofiicers and men. A meeting of ap- plicants will be held at the f^orii ex- change. No. 4, on Tliursd.-iy afternoon, where the proper persons will be se- lected for the service. .\niiiiiinitioii for tlH> War. On Mondav night an order was re- ceived at the AVatertown arsenal, to send to Pennsylvania a quantity of ammuni- tion. Teams were at once employed, and a large (luantity was broughttothis city during the iii^ht, and taken to the Worcester depot. Yesterday morning it was forwarded to Harrisburg, each box being directed to Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania. The amount sent was twenty tons, most of which was musket cartridges, numbering about four hun- dred thousand. The Eighth KeKiiueiit. The gallant Eighth regiment of Mas- sachusetts, while stopping at Philadel- ))liia on Sunday, made up their minds to fight their way through Baltimore, and to this end many of tliem made their wills at the Girard h(mse, and a large number prepared cards containing their names and residences, ami attached them to their under-clothing, so that their bodie.s miglit be identified if thev sliould fall. Patriotic Demonstrations. The inliabitants of Attleboro" have re- solved to raise two companies of in- fantry for the service of the country. A subscription-paper was opened, and Ira Richards. Esq., president of the Attleboro" bank, headed the list with a subscription of .$1000, and in half an hour's time the sum was made up to .S82.-)0. It will be increased to .$.5000. A muster-roll was then circulated, and fifty-nine names were enrolled the first day. A large meeting was held in Plympton on Wednesday evening, Isaitih Churchill presiding. Appropriate resolutions were adopted, and speeches made. It was voted to raise .S'.^O for tlie benefit of Co. 11, Third regiment, of the town, now stationed at Fort Monroe, and for the benefit of their families during their absence. A letter from Middlebury, Vt., says the feeling there exhibits itself in deeds rather than in words. X fine company of sixty men has been raised, and is waiting orders from head-quarters to meet their regiment at the jilace of ren- dezvous. Those who can not enlist have pledged amjile support to the families of those who go. The ladies are actively at work, and have fully equipped the I'nion Guard, who hav(> been called into active service. The Stars and Stripes were raised on the college on Monday, amid much enthusiasm. The people are united as one man in the supjiort of their country and its government. The people of Tewksbury, Mass., held a large and enthusiastic meeting Monday night. Leonard Huntress jiresided. Ap- propriate resolutions were presented and passed, anil remarks were made by the chairman, I?. F. Spaulding, Esq., Hon. T. J. Marsh, Dr. Jonatlian Brown, Dr. William Grey, George Lee. and J. I. Taj'lor, Kscjs. It was unanimously voted to raise tit a future town-meeting a sum of money sufficient to make u|> the pay to all who may enlist as v(dun- teers in a company about to be raised in this town, to .$20 per month. The ladies of the town, who had been ludding a INCfDENTS OF THE CIl'lL WAR. 06 large meeting in the chiireli to take measures to supply volunteers with clothing, visited the meeting, and were received with heart}' cheers. An euroU- ment-list was opened, and the young- men put their names upon it at once. The "glorious Stars and Stripes" will be spread to the breeze in Union park to-day, at (i o'clock, i". Ji., from a flag- statr one hundred anil thirty-seven feet liigli. A splendid tlag was unfurled at the corner of Washington street and ( 'hester park yesterday afternoon, in presence of a vast concourse of the citizens of the Eleventh ward. Gilmore's band were in attendance, and discoursed most excel- lently our national airs. A glee-club sang during the intervals. Mr. Hyde, the well-known insurance agent, was master of ceremonies. A prayer was ofl'ered by llev. Mr. Webb, of the Shaw- mnt-avenue Congregational church, after which addresses were made by Hon. Alexander H. Rice, and Messrs". C. "W. .Slack, William Brigham, Oliver Stevens, and others. ('onvocations of three and five thou- sand people are no unusual sights in this city, even upon occasions of such appar- ently trifling importance as the raising of the American flag. One of these vast assemblages was witnessed at the corner of Franklin and Washington streets yesterday afternoon, when a large — probably the largest in tlie city — flag was thrown across the street from 'Washington building, by the owner, A\illiam Slieafe, Esij. The Brigade band were present and discoursed na- tional airs, hundreds of voices joined in singing "America," and a gentleman just returned from New York, where he saw the Massachusetts volunteers, made a soul-stirring si^eech, which was ap- plauded by the multitude. The women of Roxbury held a large and enthusiastic ujeeting at the City hall yesterday, and organized for the ]uirpose of making imderclothes for the vohm- teers. A yoimg lady has been heard to declare that she was sorry she could not fight in defense of her country's liberty, but she was willing to .allow the young men to go, and die an — old maid! When such sentiments are expressed, who can doubt that victory will be in favor of the Xortli, aye, that in spite of Rebel Secessionists, Union will be ours, and as a reward, hers ! Geo. Draper. P2sq., of the firm of E. O. & U. Draper, has enclosed to the Gov- ernor his check for #500, requesting him to disburse it for the relief of the fam- ilies of those Massachusetts soldiers who have fallen or may fall in obeying the call of their country. Chelsea is now engaged in raising three companies of volunteers, and the citi- zens, both male and female, are prepared to provide for their every want. Mr. Mason, the principal of the Eliot school, Boston, has raised .$1.50 among his pupils, to purchase a set of colors for the Irish regiment. .Several gentlemen of this city and vi- cinity are enrolling themselves as a cav- alry corps for home duty. All persons who are not liable to he drafted for more active duty can see the enrollment at tlie Conway insurance oflice, 70 .State street. Sunday was a day never to be forgot- ten by the citizens of Clinton. Mass. At noon word came to C.-ipfain ISowman that his command would probably be called out within forty-eight hours. Subscrip- tions were immediately starteil for the purpose of supi)lying them with every needful outfit. Jjadies with their sewing machines immediately gathered at the Baptist vestry, and while the afternoon services were being held in the body of the churcli, fifty machines and hundreds of nimble fingers were busy preparing suitable flannel under clothing. A com- mittee was dispatched to AN'orccster to procure a revolver for each member of the company — seventy-fl^■e were pur- chased. A meeting of the citizens was held Jlonday morning. II. X. Bigelow, Esroeoide of Boston met last evening in the Twelfth Baptist church, Southac street, to express their senti- ments ujion the war. Kev. J. Sella Martin was chosen chairman, Dr. J. V. DeGrasse and G. AV. Potter were chosen secretaries. Kobert Morris, Esq., Thomas Williams, and M. K. DeSlortie were chosen a committee on resolutions. J. J. Smith said that the (lawn of day was not far distant for the colored race. An American flag was brought in and cheered most vocifer- ously. Mr. Smith said he was ready to defend the flag to the last. The resolutions re])orted state that the colored ijcojile are ready to defend the government and the flag of the country; and are ready to raise an army of fifty thousanil men, if the laws can but be altered to allow them to enlist. It was resolved that companies be im- mediately formeil for drill. Bobeit Morris advocated the resolu- tions in an elo(iuent and stirring speech. He said that if government would only take away the disability, there was not a man who would not lea]) for his knaji- sack and musket, and they would make it intcdi'rably hot for Old Virginia. [Great ajijjlause.] William Wells Brown opposed the resolutions. The time had not come for the colored man to volunteer. He wanted the colored man to go into the battle field the equal of the white man. The only hope to-day tor the colored man was in .jell'erson Davis. Mr. (ieorg<' T. Downing said he owed allegiance to this government. It iiro- tocted him, and he wanted it known that in this crisis he stood for his country. [Tremendous applause.) Dr. .1. S. Hock supported the resolu- t ions. James Jetterson, of Providence, also addressed the meeting, advocating them. The KnlistnicMte. The regiment of Major Clark is now iiculy full, and the i)ai)ers necessary to complete tlnMr organization were ob- tained from the Governor yesterday, and the companies will probably choose their officers to-day. Last evening Major Clark received from a generous and jiatriotic lady a silver box contain- ing .$100 in gold for the use of his troops. Sfi far the officers of tliis regi- ment have paid a large part of the ex- pense of feeding and taking care of the men from their own pockets, not liking to ask for aid that was not prof- fered to them. The cost of keeping nearly five hundred men is no small amount, and our citizens would do well to remember them in their contribu- tions. Meeting of Scotclimon. A preliminary meeting of Scotchmen who desire to form a company of home- guards was held at Chapman hall last evening. Many patriotic sentiments were uttered, and all were ready to de- fend their adopted country. It was voted to form a comjiany, but as most of them desired to enter at once on ac- tive service, they will jirobably join the meeting at the same place to-night to form a volunteer company. FROM WASHINGTON. A Slight Change. " Ul)sei"vatory Maury," once, AVe called (nn- nation's ;^lory ; I'ul now witli pitying shruf^ tlie word wc pass : " Observe — rt tory — Maury ! " Captain Maukv disappeared from Washington on Friday, and Captain Scott was placed in command of the observatory. Lieutenant Mairv, the weather- cock, "disappeared" from Washington on Friday. lie probably saw a storm coming. — [Albany Journal. The Massachusetts Titoors. — 'i'he following extract is from a ju'ivate letter written by a gentleman in Philadellilii:i, a I'ennsylvanian : — "The JIassachusetts men, as they passeil through this city, won the high- est oi)inions of our people. They looked like soldii'rs, and behaved like gentle- men. The Old Bay State never stood so high in the o))inion of this public as now, and in some respects astonished folks in the neighborhooil of Broad and Prime (the depot). They had to lie over for a while, waiting for the cars, and some of our boys, as a test of our apiireciation. invited them to 'take a smile,' liiit. t/ici/ rr/nnid tu a man to enter a Itivern, but aecepied, with thanks, cott'ee, et<-.. from thi' residents of the vicinity of the di'pot. .\ large number acce|rted an invitation to breakfast at the deaf and dumb asylum at Broad and Prime. "The New ^'ork .Seventh were also men of cultivated int(dlect, and most perfect in military pn'cision and disci- l)line. Hotb the Massachusetts and New \'ork trooi)s far sur|)assed ours, and caused a feeling of shame in our folks, mixed with admiration, for the action anil ap|iearance of our gallant Eastern friends." Tlie City Strongly Guarded. Sixth Regiment Located in the Capitol. THE WOUNDED DOING WELL. ASSOCIATION FOR THEIR RELITF AND OTHER PURPOSES. The Washington Light Guard in Active Service. Washington, April 21 — Evening, via Philadei.I'Hia, April 23. There has been no communication with the North since Friday, by mail or tele- graph, and ])assengers to the North are forced to go by way of Wheeling. This city is strongly guarded, and every pre- caution taken to prevent an attack. The Massachusetts Sixth regiment are a part of the fifteen hundred men who are located in the Capitol. Colonel Jones has his head-quarters in the Sen- ate chamber, wliere lie octiipies the Mce- presidenfs chair. The men are rapidly becoming accustomed to soldiers' ra- tions. Fire-places and ovens have been built in the basement for them to cook and liake. The wounded men are in the hospital, and are doing well. Tlie General's Mode of Life. —The City, etc. From Friday to Thursday, with the mail cut oft' and the telegraph wires cut, the General-in-chief was intensely ex- cited. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday he dispatched officer after ofiicer to .•\nnapolis. some of whom found it difii- cidt to get through on foot or horse. Fin.illy tli<' government seized the road to the junction, and the New York and Massachusetts troo]is working their w ay at the other road, friends met in arms, and the road to the Federal cai)ital was o]ien. There were, however, few" ac- connnodations even then, as the Balti- uHue people had kept nearly all of their jiassenger cars and engines out of reach of the government. General Scott has left his house, and taken up day and night quarters at his otlice. lie is feeble in body, but very clear, comprehensive, and active in mind. Visiting him at near midnight, he was sitting u]) in a plain, hard bed, in a very plain room, with but two candles on a center table near, and two of his aids near him in wailing. Dispatches arrive al- most every hour, night and day, borne by videttes from every quarter of the dis- trict, and by officers beyond the lini's. He demands the fullest information from every body, and before the New York troops arrived, declared that he was )irepared for an attack from ten thou- sand nu'ii by Virginia or Maryland, if they invaded the eai)ital. His greal anx- iety, grief, and doulit have been the dis- aft'ected citizens in the District of Colum- bia, scores of whom have left, but many of winnn, even now, remain; but all are known and watched with a Ivnx-eyed INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 55 vigilance. Indeed, tliere has been an extensive Secession feeling here, and there are troops of the personal friends of Jefferson Davis and A. H. Stephens, who, as Southern men, liave been imieh respected. Xo Secession flag, however, floats here, and from the heights of Georgetown to the Capitol, nothing is seen but the Stars and Stripes, witli loyalt}' increasing every hour. Speaking of the Massachusetts Eighth and the New York Seventh regiments, an Annapolis letter to a New York paper says : — "The Massachusetts troops undertook the repairs of the bridge and track, they being familiar with such work, and would not allow the Seventh to lay their hands to anj- work; 'for,' they said, ' you are not used to this kind of work, and we are. You can do the open field fighting, and we will do the hard work, and when it comes to a rough-and-tumble fight, you will find us there." "The warmest friendship has sprung up between these two regiments from the moment the}' met, and it was ce- mented by a little iucidcnt which was narrated to our reporter by an eye-wit- ness. Some of the Massachusetts troops were passing a squad of the Seventh, who were seated b}' the roadside eating their rations of biscuit, and, of course, they stopped to speak to each other; and in the course of conversation, one of tlie Massachusetts boys chanced to remark that they had n't had their rations yet. Instantly every one of the Seventh sprang to his feet, and although each man had only one biscuit, that was halved with their friends, as well as their salt jiork; and it was gladly accepted, for they had been out all day wifliout a mouthful to eat or drink. It was not long before this incident became known in the Massachusetts regiment, and from that time forward the Seventh have al- most been worshipped. Not a man in the Massachusetts regiment but would ^o through fire and water to serve the Seventh. Of the twenty who came home in the Baltic, eighteen were invalided at Annapolis, by reason of sickness or physical inability to perform the ardu- ous duties required of them.'' A naval recruiting station has been opened at New Bedford, and another is to be oijened at Nantucket. Seamen re- ceive i$18 per month, and ordinary sea- men .fl4 per mouth, each recruit receiving two months' pay in advance. If Jack foregoes his grog, he gets $1.80 per month additional. It is stated that ex-President Buchanan has subscribed the sum of .$.5000 for tlie equipment of volunteers at Lancaster. The Providence Journal states that Fort Adams, at Newport, is now gar- risoned by a volunteer military force of seventy-four men, rank and file, named the "National Guard" of the First Brigade, Rhode Island militia. In order to provide for the health and comfort of the Rhode Island voluuteers now in the field, a corps of ten men will he formed, to be called the "Rhode Island Relief Corps to the Hospital Stafl'," to be attached to the First regi- ment Rhode Island detached militia. They are to assist the surgeons, and follo%\- the regiment into the field to look after the wounded. The frigate Cumberland was at one time in a critical situation at Norfolk, as appears by the following extract from a letter written on board : — "In consequence of repeated threats upon the navy yard, Flag f)fficer Mc- Auley removed us to a position oft' the yard. We were now in the midst of the enemj-'s country, with lint one escape through a narrow channel, of which a wind but from one quarter would be available, and surrounded by immense parks of cannon, which in one night could be turned against us. Troops were pouring in froui the surrounding country, the whole of Norfolk and Portsmouth were in arms, and truly our position was a perilous one. Night after night did our officers and crew lie by their guns, in expectation of each being their last, but all prepared for a desper- ate conflict." The Sixth Regiment Taking the Oath. The Worcester Transcript of yesterday afternoon has the following : — Capt. John B. Proctor, of Fitchburg, bearer of dispatches to Governor An- drews, passed through this city this morning at 4 o'clock. He left Washing- ton Tuesday night, and brought a large package of letters. From one of these private letters we make the following extracts : — " Washington, Monday Evening. — No new detachments of troops have yet arrived, though plenty are on their way. We are kept constantly armed, and it is rather hard to sleep with the scabbard sticking in one's side. We had a verj' ban! march this afternoon. First, we were all sworn in. All the men in our regiment, except six or seven, took it. Such a hissing broke out when those few went forward and refused to take it. I would rather have been shot than to have borne what they did, or what they will liave to bear. Not a man out of our ninety-seven but what cheered after they took it. "We marched round the ^Vliite House and had a good view of ' Uncle Abe,' aud I must say that I think he is a good- looliing man. The pictures of him are nothing like him. Then we marched back to the Capitol, and have just ar- rived. It was very warm, and our thick overcoats made us perspire freely. When we returned, we all had lame and sore feet. The only thing we fear is the warmth ; it will be bad being acclimated. Illness has been very scarce thus far. "On Monday noon the troops marched on the gi-een, front of the \Miite House, aud formed a hollow square ; with their left hand on their muskets and their right pointing toward heaven, every man took the oath anew. The Worces- ter Ijight Infantry was the largest com- pany at parade, numbering ninety-four guns. The whole regimeut was highly praised by General Scott. "We do not undervalue Southern lu'owess ; neither can you sneer at Northern courage, without proclaiming yourself to be possessed of 'coward's blood'; and let me assure you that you shall have no reason to be ashameii of Massachusetts troops. As 1 have before told you, the time will come when you will be proud to say, 'I am a Boston boy.' "The same blood that flowed in the veins of the men who fought at Lexing- ton aud Bunker hill, still Hows in the veins of her sons, and to-day Massachu- setts presents a spectacle that the world may gaze upon with admiration. From the workshop, the counting-room, the store, and the plow, her sons are jioin-- iug forth to defend that flag which their fathers unfurled, and it will be struck only when the last of her sons becomes a traitor or a coward." Arrival of a Messenger from General Butler. Mr. William Steffe, a resident of Phil- adel])hia, arrived in this city on Mon- day evening, as bearer of dispatches from Brigadier- general Butler to the Commander-in-ehief, having left Phil- adelphia at o'clock Sunday evening. Mr. Steft'e reports that General Butler has established his head -quarters in the Quaker city until the return of his messenger, from whence he had ready connnunication with a portion of his command ( the Eighth regi- ment ), which was stationed at An- napolis Junction. Maj. P. A. Ames, quartermaster of the first division M. V. M., was at Philadelphia, superin- tending the transportation of troo])s and supplies. The Massachusetts troo]is, who have passed through Philadelphia, are all in good spirits, and were well supi)lied with every thing they wanted by the good people of that city. None of the Philadelphia companies had reached Washington at the time Mr. Stett'e left for Boston, although thej' were all under marching orders. So intense is the desire to join the armj', that some are ofl'eriug heavy premiums to be allowed to go as substitutes. The Gerard house has been converted into a mannnoth manufactory of clothing for the volunteers, and thousands of the staid but patriotic matrons of the City of Brotherly Love are following the example of their sisters in M;issachu- setts and other states in the North, in providing for the wants of the soldiers. This week the hospitals in Philadelphia will be prepared for the reception of the sick and wounded, who may be sent down from Washington. The "Reign of Terror" in Bal- timore. — Two men, who came passen- gers from Philadelphia with Mr. Stefl'e, report that they were compelled to pay .$100 apiece before they could leave that city. The Providence Journal says that in the Rhode Island regiment not ten men, if they were asked whether they were Republicans or Democrats, could tell without stopping to think. 56 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Important from the South. NO ATTACK ON FORT M'HENRY. Sad State of Affairs at Baltimore. NO VIRGINIA TROOPS NEAR WASH- INfiTON SUNDAY NIGHT. Massaclinselts and New York Troops at ADiiapolis, 14,000 TROOPS AT WASHINGTON. LATER FROM NORFOLK. Frigate Cumberland Towed to Fort Monroe. Maiisachusetts Third Kegiineiil Taken to Norfolk Navy Yard. DEMOLITION OF THE NAVY YARD COMPLETE, Particulars of the Destriiction of the Government Property. New York, Ai)ril 2.3. The steamer Yankee rei)orts ari'ivoil at Norfolk on the r7th, and tindinp; a movement atloat to seize her, iiroceeded to the navy yard and placed her under tlie guns of the yard. On the 18tli, tlie Custoin-house officers came to seize her, bvit the Commodore of the yard refused to yield her. The Yankee towed the Cumberland to Fort Monroe. Tlie Pawnee, nnder Commodore Pauld- ing, on arrival at Furl Monroe, took aboard the Third Mass.-iehusetts regi- ment and proceeded to the navy yard, where the officers had commenced de- stroying the ])iihlie |iroperty, to jireveut its falling into the liaule to reach the i)oinf of rendezvous, where a Ixiat was waiting to)' them, and were left behind. Among tlie most valuable projierty de- strfiye the liners Pennsylvania, Colnrnbus, JVew York, and Delaware; frigales Merrimar and PoCamac ; sloo])s (lermanUiwn and I'lyintmth, and brig Dolphin. Large i|uautities of provisions, cord- age, machinery, and buildings of great vjilue were destroyed. It is not posi- tively known thai llie dock is blown up. The burning of the navy yard was done by I'nion men, who are in the majority, but com]jaratively unarmed. When the Patnnee eame up, the Ctim- berland and Merrimac lay broadside to. Iter guns loaded, thinking she was in the hands of the Kebels. .Similar opinion jirevailed on board the Pawnee, and she was ready for action. The cheering aboard the vessels and on shore showed how satisfactory was the answer to our hail from the Cumber- land, that she was tlie I'nited States' Paronee. The Union lueu employed in the navy yard cut down the tlag-stafl'so that it could not be used by the rebels. Tlie guns in the navy yard were spiked. Pnii.Ai>i;i.i'HiA, April 2.3. The Balti- more A^nerican of Monday confirms the scuttling of war-ships Pennsylvania, Columbus, Delaware, liaritan, and the Merrimac, at Norfolk, by order of Cap- tain Pendergast, and the destruction of their arms only. The vessels saved to carry away the government forces were the Pocahontas and Cumberland. Tlie ship-houses were being torn down, ami the factories lev- eled with the ground, with the intention fd' abandoning .•uid firing them on Satur- day night. The mayors of Norfolk and Ports- mouth had sent fiags of truce to Pender- gast, asking if he intended to firi' on the towns. He replied he would act alto- g<'tlier on the defensive. If fired upon, or the navy yard attacked, it would be his duty to fire on the two cities. It is not known whether the Pawnee entered the harbor or leturned to Fort Monroe. The excitement at Norfolk and Portsmouth is intense. AVomen and children are flying, and males rallying to arms. It is expected that the sloops and ships of the line at Norfolk on the stocks will be fired before the yard is abandoned. The leveling of buildings by tin- blow ing of powder is going on, liut it is thought there will be an efl'ort to destroy all witliout fire, for fear that the conflagra- tion might extend to the cities. llARuisHUKG, Pa., April 2:i. .\ mer- ch.'int of Haltimore arrived here via Frederick and llagerstown, wlio left Baltimore yesterday afternoon. No I'liion flags were flying, ami tew Seces- sion. There had been no attack on Fort McHeiiry. He thinks no more than two hundred Federal troops were there. He believes that Federal troojis can now jiass through the city unassailed. In the city, military drilling and march- ing and the soumi of music are alone heard, business is entirely suspended. Will not be a solvent house in Haltimore at the end of the week. Virginia inone_y was thirty per cent, discount yeslerday. The gentleman was at Washington on Sunday evening. No \'irginia troojis were on Arlinglon heights. [This is one day later than ('aleb Cushing's re- port.] lie says H;iltimoreans will not attack Washington. Reports the Kigbtli Massacbuselts and the .Seventli New York regiments at .Vn- napolis. Some lighting, biii lUKible to give any particulars, save that they v* ere able to protect themselves. Maryland money was refused entirely by tlie banks of llarrisburg yesterday, at any ijrice. Brokers bu.v it at a heavy discount. Annai', Mu., Sunday, April 21. Steamer Maryland arrived this morning with eight hundred Massachusetts troojjs under General Butler. Another steamer, with the Seventh New \'ork regiment, also arrived. The frigate Constitution convey.s them to Washington. Governor Hicks is said to have pro- tested to General Butler against lauding his troops at Annapolis. They were consequently landed at the naval acad- emy, over which the government has exclusive jurisdiction. The above is on the authority of dis- patches to the Baltimore American. Mayor Brown, of Ballimore, went to Washington on Sunday, at the request of the President, and had a long inter- view with him in the presence of the Cabinet and General Scott. The Presi- dent urged the necessity for the transit of troops through Baltimore. (ieneral .Scott's opinicui was in favor of bringing troojjs through Maryland, avoiding Baltimore, if the peo])le would jiermit it uninterruptedly; it not, the troops must select their own best route, and if need be, fight their way through Baltimore. The President concurred heartily in the desire to avoid collision, if permitted to go by other routes without interrui)- tion. 'i'he Secretary of War agreed with the President. The Maym- assured the President that the city authorities would use all lawful means to prevent citizens leaving Balti- more to attack the troops in jiassing Ihe city .at a distance, but was unable to jiromise uhu'C than his best efl'orts. The President lias assured the Mayor that no more troops would be sent through Baltimore, unless obstructed in transit by other routes, with the under- standing that the city authorities use their best efforts to restrain their own people. Information is being received of the presence of Pennsylvania troops at Coekeysville. They were ordered baik to York or llarrisburg. Steamer S. R. Spaulding arrived at Fort McIIenry on Sunday, and remained si^vera! hours taking in coal. .She left for solium safe harbor. The Baltimore directors are determined that the slii)) shall not jiroceed to Boston, fearing she will be pressed into tlie government service. Philadelphia, April 2:1. Two hun- dred and thirty women, nearly all be- tween the ages of eighteen and twenty- five, have enrolled themselves in this city as nurses. ."k splendid uniform for a major-gen- eral, in a case bound South, was seized yesterday. Fort ^lifflin has been garrisoned by the Riclimoiid Artillery. .V piratical vessel is said to have been seen in the bav. It is alleged that she lArci DENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 0( is manned by fifty or sixty men. She is said to have stopped a tug oft' Chester, and oorapelled tlie captain to liaul dow n the American flag. Private information from Baltimore, to Monday morning, says the mob element is powerless to act with system. Arms were plenty, l:)ut no annnunition. It is believed, however, tliat the people and mob will unite to prevent the passage of troops through the eity, and troops will be compelled to figiit their way step by step. The people of Norfolk seized the pow- der house at Craney island, and removed the powder to the eity. They are mak- ing arrangements for a vigorous de- fense. Commandei'S E. L. Page, Artlmr C. Clapp, J. 1!. Tucker, Lieuts. C. F. M. Spottswood and Robert Pegram, have received commissions as captains in the Virginia navy, having sent their resig- nations to the United States navy at Washington. The railroad between Baltimore and Washington was destroyed yesterday. Some of the bridges are destro.yed. At noon yesterday there were over one thousand soldiers from Philadephia at Havre de Grace, emliarking on two boats for tlie Xaval academy at Annap- olis. The Itoats had just returned from a sinnlar expedition, liaviug safely landed a large body of men at tlie point designated. The people for some dis- tance south of the Susquehanna are Union men, and will assist in the defense of Havre de Grace against tlie Seces- sionists. New YoiiK, April id. Steamer Yan- kee has arrived. Scliooner Hannah Mar- tin, from Boston to Baltimore, and the three-masted schooner E. B. Bennett, for Baltimore, witli beef, pork, and whiskey, and clothing, have been seized by the government steamer Mercuri/. Steamer Vixen is on similar duty at the entrance of Ijoug island sound. Burning of the Norfolk Navy Yard. The following extracts from a private letter received by E. t'. Symonds, of this city, give some incidents connected with tlie burning of the Norfolk navy yard : — Four JIONKOK, Va., April 34. We arrived hero all right, last SatnvJay morning, at li> o'clock ; had dinner, etc. ; was ordered on board the Pawnee steam sloop-of- war at 5 p. m., as news had come that the Nor- folk navy yard had been seized. It is ninetj'- 3ix miles "above ns, and we had heai'd that several batteries had been erectcorted that General Wool is to he summoned to Wasliington to aid him. (ieneral Scott said that the Xorlliern troops, in- stead of going to Aniiaiiolis, should go up the Potomac and land below the White-house battery, as it is called, seven miles only below Washington, located on the Virginia side, and in pos- session of the Virginians. He thinks tliat they have not at the present time any means of stopping boats below that point. Tlie Massachusetts citizens resident iu Washington have formed a Kelief Supply association, of which George W. McClelland is treasurer. Our in- formant says that tliere is imperative need of money at the present time. The personal b:iggage of tlie Sixth, and a portion of the cam]) equipment, tlie medical chest, I'tc, was left at Balti- more, and Is in i)Ossession of the mob. A portion of the funds raised in this city should at once be sent to Mr. McClelland, that troops may be made comfortalile. 'I'he Sixth regiment was received \\ ith great rijnieiug. ('apt. J. B. Proc- tor, of Fitchi)nrg, who lias spent the winter in Washington, gave all his time and energy, and advanced liberal sums of money to the Sixth. Others joined in the good work, and their necessities were in a measure relieved. The Baltimore American of Tuesday states that (ioveriior Hicks taken command of two thousand Maryland troops, hastily assembled at Annapolis to disjiute the passage of tlie Massachu- setts and New ^'ork trooi>s to Washing- ton, for whidi jilaee it was reputed they had taken uji the line of march. T'he New Vork I'oi^t publishes a letter from the New ^'ork Seventh regiment at Annapolis, which states that the steamer containing the Massachusetts troops was run aground on reaching .\nna])olis, by a .Seei'ssiouist pilot, :ind 58 IXC/DHNTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. it is .Siiiil tlial lln' i-:iptaiii of tlii' boat is in irons, ami tliat tlie pilot has Im'cu shot. The Seci-ssionists uiade an at- tempt to sci/.f till' Cnnstllution scliool- shiji, hut the niidshiinuen toiv up the railroail tracks and prevented their reaehinj; tlie plai'e. In regard to the reported seareity of l)rovisions at Annapolis, the evening Poxt, says : — " The stories about the shortness of supplies at Annapolis are undoubtedly exajifjerated. The Baltic, which left lier<' for that port on Sunday, is there by this time, and was loaded with bags of bread and boxes of preserved meats. Im .-iddition, she had on board all the supiilles she took to re-inforoe Sumter. Kveu the portion of her cargo which was taken out was i)ut on board again. One other vessel certainly, ami perhaps two, sailed from this port on Sunday for Aiinai)olis with i>rovisious." — [Bos- ton .louriial, April 2.5. Letters from the Massachusetts Troops. We have received the following ex- tracts of letters from the Massachu- setts trooi)s in Washington and others on the way there, «hich will be read with interest : — CoiHlition 4»f Captain Dike. A letter from Baltimore, dated the .'iOth. says that Captain Dike, of the Stoueliam company, who was badly in- jured during the Baltimore tight, "is doing well, and is better than could have been expected. He is in good spirits, and thinks he will not be con- tiued to his bed long. The best of care is talicu cif him. Tlie wound is through the Ibick part of the thigh, by a minie- ball, which passed clean through.'" .•Another Account of the Baltimore Fipjht by a Participant. We have a letter from Lieutenant Kowe, of the Stoneham company, who was in the thickest of the tight. It is dated Washington, Ajiril 201 h. lie says : — I lijivf no iloiit)t you will lie ^'l;ii>cd into "shoe - striiif^s. Let all .stoneham give him thr<:e rousing cheers. W'c inarched in close ranks, so as not to h.^1 them get into our company. They saitl wc could never go llirouijh the city "alive, and called us every tiling hut honest men. We paid no attention to tiiem until they began to press upon us. We then moved on double- quick time, and they let the stones and bricks fly; still we did nnf return the lire, and tlicy rushed ftu'thc 1> ridge to tear it up, but we were too riuiek forthc-m. and rushed across, driving thiaii at till' iHiiut of the baytniet. Then the liistols of the rowdies began to play upon our men. Wc could not stand that, aItl]Ough the order was not to lire upon them. The.v did not knowwc were loaded, but every gun was, and wc began to let the cold lead fly and to lay them right and left. They were astonished, 1 can assure .\-ou. They seemed dctcrniined to have our colors, but they wen- disapiioiuted ill that, and the colors \v"ent through the (;ity in si>itG of the ruflians. We had the hottest time as we crossed the bridge. They julud tivcry thing in our way to stop us. I was near the colors at this time. The missiles flew like hail, and I ordered the company to fire, and they picked otl'si.i oreightof the Rebels, wlio scattered in all directions. Tliey killed two of our men,* James Iveenan and Horace Danforth- Captain Dike was woinuled, and was left in the city. We sup- posed he was in the cars until we were olf. I was wounded in the head, hut not much in- jured; (.:. L. Gill had a bullet put through his leg; s, L. C'olley, injured on the head by a stone ; Wm. H. Young, Warren Holdeu. Daniel Brown, Henry Dike, Wm. G. Butterfleld, and .John Fisher were wounded, and are at the hospitaj. Tell Old Massachusetts to arouse and gi\-e us more men ! Letter f ronj a Member of the Eighth Kegi- nient on Board Frigate Constitution. A soldier of the Eighth regiineiit, on lioard frigate Constitution, olf .Vunapolis, after giving an account of tlie jiassage on, says : —, iMouday, April 23 — 111 .\. M. We arrived on Suutiay." ^Ve were ordereil on hoard the CDitaiitiitlon, and worked hard tlirec hours getting some of the guns out to ligliteu her, so she could float over the bar. i thought of you all, as being at church on this beautiful morning, and I here dirty, and worliing like a dog for a good cause. At twelve, Sunday noon, we received re-inforcc- meiits, aud w'orked hard till eight in the evening. It was the hardest day's work 1 ever did, and all I had to eat, besides our sup- per ami breakfast, was two small crackers. .\t ti o'idock we were called to quarters and iuloruied that there was a prospect of an attack. It was rumored that five thousand men were coming fi-om lialtimore to attack us ; that two steamers were coming down the bay. We were assigney a t^o/tp de main, had not Colonel Jones brought liie Massachusetts Sixth to INCIDENTS OF THE C J I'll WAR. the rescue, and while a few had urgent calls, which forced them to leave by private con- veyances for places in Western Maryland in communication with the North, others re- maineil here to "face the music." The Mas- sachusetts Relief association took care that those sohliers in the infirmary from their state lacked no comforts, and they did what they could for the other mcmhera of the regi- ment, whose baggage had been stoluu at Baltimore, taking care meanwhile to be ready for service in case of an attack, as vol- unteers in the ranks of the Massacimsetts Sixth. There was good I'cason to apprehend an attack; but the prompt arrival of (Jeneral Butler at Annapolis, with the Massachusetts Eighth, secured re-inforeements before the army of S. C. A. was in proper condition. The Virginia papei's urge all the companies of that state to hasten to Alexandria, and it is believed that quite an army has l)een en- camped near that city since Saturday last. General Butler. w"ith the Massachusetts Eighth, went from Philadelphia to Havre de Grace, where he learned that the road to Baltimore had been obslruutrd by the burn- ing of bridges, and iironiptly seized the large ferry boat MuriiUnul, on which he took his cominand to Annapolis. He arrived there just in time, as the Secessionists had commenced a battery, on which giins from the mivy yard werebtdng mounted, which would "have commanded the Constitution. and ensured her surrender! The Massachusetts men lost no time in re^^* cuing " Old Ironsides." Some of her guns were transferred to the steamer, and when suflieiently lightened, she was towed away to a safe anchorage. Three cheers for (ieneral Butler anf an incident connected with tlie passage ot the Sixth regiment through Baltimore, on the 19th of April, as follows : — •■'Tliereis one man wlio carried liim- self so bravely while in the very midst of danger that something more tlian a passing notice should be taken of him. Two days ])efore that Friday, the Sixth were gathered in fi'oiit of tlie State house, Boston, to hear the i)arting words of Governor Andrew. At the end of his remarks the (lovernor pre- sented the regiment with a standard, telling them to see to it that no foe should ever take it from lln-m. Tliey received it with cheers antl swore to die in its defense. Poor fellows, they little thought then liow soon their mettle would be tested. Well, wlien they got out of the oars at Baltimore, tn march across the city, the colors were given to the bre<'ze, and borne aloft in detiance of every foe. Tlie standard-bearer, as i}oble a fellow as ever wore the tmiform of the old Bay State, was Timotliy A. Crowley. His two aids were Sergeants Derrill and Marland. Fnused. as in- deed ail our soldiers were, to the rough usage of actual warfare, it wouhl not have I)een strange if Crowley liad shown some signs of fear. Imleed he might have rolh-d up the colors which would inevitably call do\^n ujxtn him the hatred of the vast and nnn-derous mob. But Crowley was not made of such stuif. He hatl sworn to stand by his standard, and with liim it was either success or die in the attempt. Pistols were freely tired, but the company saw at their heatl that standard jjroudly leading them on. No one who has never lieen in the service can inutgine how the colors of a regiment keeji up its courage. So long as they are deti- ant, the comjiany have light hearts; if they should be taken away a strange distrust runs through the whole force. A\'ell, the troops had lost their baml, the}' did not have even a life ami drum, and' so they kejjt their eyes fixed uptni this standard, 'i'ramp, tram]), tramp, left, left, left, tlie music of their own steady, measured tread, this was all they iiad. Crowley was tlie target for many a missile, for the mob knew that to e; lie reckoned all chances. He showed trui* courage — an (dement of chara<-ter which is CiKllike; it was not impulse, it was real manliness." Hi this connection it may not be out of place to publish the letter received by the honorary members of I lie Wat- son Light tried carpets repose Ihe stalwart lorms of the sons of the Puri- tans; thev are men wdio rushed from fami- lies and homes, impelled by a mighty prin- cijih', and who Inne sw-(u-n with their lives that the Cuion of their fathers shall be pre- served, and that the flag of flags shall float on with not a stripe or star obscured. Se- cession is crushed out in \A'ashington ; the rajiiil advance of tlie Northern hosts has alri-aiiy iirodiiceii a sensation in the .Jefif. Davis i'onfederacv. To-day President Lincoln and Secretary Seward" visited us. and the whole regiment went through a thorough hand-shaking op- eratimi with the dignitaries. They were I'uthusiasticallv cheered as they left Ihe hall. In the afternoon the Clay and Frontier (iu.-irds, consisting of about two hundred men, iimh.'r the command of t^ien. .lim. Lane, ot Jiansas, marched into our quarters in the Siuiate hall. They are a flue body of men from all parts of the couutry. Senators and representatives are in tlie ranks, and the whole coiiipany is composed of men noted for their determined courage. Speeches were made by General Lane and Colonel Vaughan, of Kansas. The ".Star-spangled IJaniier" was sung amidst the wildest enthu- siasm i ever witnessed. Troops are pouring in every day by thou- sands from Pennsj'lvania, New York, and the Kastern states. Let them continue to come, so that w hen we strike the blow it will be a les- son that traitors will never forget. The gov- ernment is secret in its operations, and we know but little of them except as we see the daily developments of a gigantic power. Kimior says that General Scott will soon move upon Virginia with a powerful army. There is much feeling in this city against that state, owing to their persecution of the Cnion men, crowds of whom are continually arriving here in a destitute condition, forced to fly from their homes to save their lives, Kroiii present appearance, Virginia and Marjland will lie carefully looked after by tin' go\'ernmeilt. Oitr soldiers who were wounded at Balti- more and brought to the hospitals here are all rapidly recovering. Captain Cl.ark, of Co. II, of Grotou, was slightly wouudetl in the arm whih- on parade a few days since by the accidenlal discharge of a musket. We are thankful that the injury was slight, as a braver (u- more high-sonlcd man does not live. The renowned Seventh regiment of New York, and the Massachusetts Kightli will to-morrow take possession of George, town heights. There is one sentiment through, out the arinv, to wit: Secession must and shall he put down from Virginia to the Gulf. Our boys are ready for the flght, anti seem auxiou.s to gel a sight off .Jeff. Havis and his crowd. Thev ])rob;ibl>- will be gratified soon, when Southern hluslerers will find to their sorrow that their estimate of Northern pluck was soniew hat erroneous. You will come to the conclusion on the re- ceipt ot this Ihat 1 was not killed at Balti- more. I was struck on the left shoulder with a stone, but no damage done. My lu'alth is good, but the fodder goes haril. Write ottcn, as letters now are valua- ble. We shall probably soou leave these quarters, wluai 1 shall have no advantage tor writing. "^ our fri<'iid truly, s. ^V. — [Uost(ni .lournal, .\piil 27. Three Grand Mistakes. It is |)alpable from all the evidence in hand tliat the leaders and the people of the South, in pushing their threalening course over the brink of disunion, have been laboring under a terrible three- fold deltision as to the idVerl .'il the North. In Ihe first place, thi'V have calculated upon Slnrvalion. Hy some unaccoiintalde in- fhience, no tiglire of siieech ol- tener flourished in .Secession harangues than '• bread riots " at the North. JIow on earth ''bread riots'" were to rage through a population that holds the granary of North America and part of Europe, and has less i)aui)erisni than any other equal poiiulation on the globe, passes the stretch of common credulity. But Senators like Brown, of Mississippi, and Wigfall, of Texas, and intelligent gentlemen like "Vice-presi- dent ■■ Stephens and Mr. Boyce, of South Carolina, have dwelt upon this starvation bugbear as one of the first results of disunion. The common ora- tor and editors of the South have, in their imaginations, turned us into can- nibals. But the truth of the matter is, we have not only lived very comforta- bly, but have exported bread-stufi's to an extent never before approached in the history of the nation. But, sec- ondly, the Secessionists most confi- dently coimted upon throwing us into a fearful state of Dissension. AcceiJting such lurid va- ticinations as those of Caleb Cushing. about the necessity of our cajiitalists hoarding their money — as is done in India and elsewhere in the East — in view of "Guerilla bands" roving through our section of the separated Union, sensible Southern men have ac- tually supposed their withdrawal would plunge us into bloody anarchy. At least, they calculated upon such an in- tensity of partisan feuds that military operations against their assaults would be eflectually neutralized, even if any body should have the boldness to un- dertake them. But what do we see"? A unanimity of sentiment pulsating through the entire community, like the blood through the heart of man. No wonder a leading Secession organ, struck aghast by the first signs of this development, cries out that an inexjili- cable mania possesses the people ot the North'. But, thirdly, the Secessionists have built deliberate calculations upon our (.'nwanUce. Only those who have mingled among all classes of .Southern men can know the contemptible ojiinion whidi is universally entertained of Northern courage. As wc do not fight duels .-md do various other things which they consider the criterion of courage, they set us down for cowards at once, and desjiise us accordingly. They re- nieniber that we have alwaj'S backed down in political controversies with the .South, and will of course tremble at the idea of an armed encounter. Per- INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 61 haps we shall — after the " bread riots " and the " Guerilla bands " in the rural districts, but not before. No, this de- lusion is greater than the others, and more woeful to those who cherish it. It does not become us to boast on this point — they can do that better else- where — but when it can be pointed out where and ^\hen the men of the free states ever failed in the least element of perfect bravery, on the laud or sea, in peace or war, then we shall believe that those who are represented by a Balti- more mob can match those who are represented by the Massachusetts Sixtli regiment; but not until then. and that steamers will be piacod near Alexandria to seize all the rtsh that are caught, in anticipation of an interrup- tion of provisions. The Southern Press. Journals printed south of Mason and Dixon's line would be very diverting reading at the jiresent time, if the false and distorted information they furnish their readers was not working such un- Ijappy results. We give a few speci- mens, that our readers may see for themselves. Thc^ following are copied from the special dispatches of the Charleston Courier : — The Dictator in liis Dotage. Alexandria, Va., April 29, ISfil. Lieut.-gen. Wintield .Seott told a peace- ful citizen of "Washington that he must leave the city or be arrested. His only offense was having been a member of the " National volunteers," and re- fusing to become a tool of tnitcher}- and military despotism. Interesting to Sontlieriiers. Richmond, April 29. The Lincoln satellites continue arresting in Washing- ton all citizens or residents who are sus- pected of .Southern preference. An odious, and vidgar, and Inquisitorial desijotism is established. The Concentration of Hirelings. KiCllMOND, April 29. It is reported by a passenger who has reached here, that twenty-five thousiind soldiers were in Washington, and about the same number on the way under orders for Washington, under Generals Patterson and Kerr, of Pennsylvania. Gathering' to the .Sacrifice. Alexandhia, April 29. Troops from Rhode Island and New York, to the number of one thousand, have reached Washington to-day. Martial law has been proclaimed in the city, and all citizens who can leave are departing hastily. Many are forced to leave for expressing sympathj- for the South. The Armies Approaching;. Alexandria, April 29. An express messenger reports that the long bridge over the Potomac, near Washington, is guarded on the north side by Lincoln- ites, and on tlie south side by Virginians. It is also reported that a Lincoln guard has been placed on Arlington heights. WashinjJTton News. Alexandria, Va., April 29. The Biiitic passed down to-day. The arrests of Southerners and of citizens sus- pected of Southern preferences continue vigorously. Daniel Radcliffe, a prouduent lawyer, and several persons lately emi)loyed in the navy yard, ha\e been arrested. General Seott is reported very infirm. The Charleston Courier of the 28th ult. had the following statement, which for downright lying, beats anything we have seen lately : — " Passengers direct from New York represent the condition of things in that city as one of great confusion and t<'nd- ing to anarchy. Mob law is trium- jihaiit, and Southern men, or those known to spnpathize with the South, are in constant danger of their lives. Vigilance committees visit the houses of the wealthy, and every man is heavily assessed for the support of the fandlies of those who have volunteered their services to the administration. Assess- ments of S-jOOO, $3000, and .«f2000 on large houses are said to be very com- mon. Those merchants who refuse or make the slightest hesitation are threatened with the cleaning out of their stores, and several already have l)een emptied by the mob. At a Union meeting iield in I^nion square, it was estimated that between two and three thousand people were present, standing around Washing- ton's monument. Three men were set upon in Florence hotel, New York, and two killed, for ex- pressing sympathy with the South. Merchants are packing oft' their clerks, and it is said that several large manu- factories have been stopped, with a vimv of forcing the operatives into the ranks of volunteer soldiery, the proprietors promising to pay their regular salaries to their families until they rettn-n. Those who do not suspend the Stars and Stripes from their windows are visited by a committee and threatened with a mob if they do not con)])ly with their demands. Against this state of things there is a large class who, although at present unable to stem the current, are begin- ning to speak out, and are denouncing irresponsible and lawless liands who have assumed the arrogant and dictato- rial powers." The same veracious sheet has the fol- lowing cock-and-bull story: — "We learn from a passenger from Philadelphia, that one day last week, at Havre de Grace, three of the Northern volunteers who were marched from the North refused to go any further, assign- ing as a reason that they did not volun- teer to go into a war of invasion ujion the South. An officer who was stand- ing I)y instantly cut and hacked two of the men to pieces. A thirii, who took the same ground, gave vent to a similar expression for the Union, awl cut Ins Own throat from ear to ear, rather than allow himself to be hacked in i)ieees." The Natchez Courier labors through a long article to make its readers believe that General Scott has resigned, and winds up with the assertion of its be- lief that "he is the guest of a friendly Governor, and the officer of a miseriihlc trickster inid despot." TREASON NIPPED IN THE BUD. Government Accepts Troops for Three and Five Years. Naval Academy Removed to Newport. ARSKNAL TO BK ESTABLISHKD AT KOC'K 1SI.AND. IIX. Wasiiin<;t:iianl of skirmishers of over two bnndred men, who cleared the way and .scallere filled with sixty-four picked men. They chose him cajitain ami commenced ac- tive preparations for service, drilling fourteen hours per day, and last Tues- day, by way of exercise, marched, fully equi])i)i'd. to Montpelier, a dis- tance of ten miles, in two and a half hours, being na-eived by a comi)any of recruits — oni- hundred and thirty strong — and a cavalcade of horse. They were put through company evolution.s, eliciting the highest encomiums of all. "Captain Boynton is one of the best militarv men in the state, and is a man of the true stamp. Success to him and his ncdde compaiiv, sav all the citizens of Xorthlield." Thk follow ing extract is from a letter received by a mercantile house in this city, from a correspondent in Virginia : — "I am now ordered to hold myself in readiness to march, God knows where; but I am to go, and leave my w ife ami two small ciiildreii, to go to fight my Northern brethren. I expect my store will be closed. Great God! what au awful time! If this reaches you, please inform me. Friend II., if I never meet you again in this worM, it is my prayer that I may meet you in heaven. I sliall make my will before I go to fight. I ;im a member of the cavalry, and I may lie called out at any moment. If I am called to the battle "tield, and it may please God 1 shall fall, 1 have made aiii- ple arrangements to |jay otl'my debts, I luive lived honest, and I will die honest." INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 63 Military Affairs, etc. Parade of the First IJegiinent. The First regiment of JIassachusetts voluuteer militia, Col. Robert Cowdiu, paraded jesterday afternoou witli full numbers.' The regimental line was formed in Penibertou square at 2 : 30 o'clock, wheu the follow iug companies were present : — Co. A, Captain Chandler; (J8 guns. Co. B, Captain Pearl ; 74 guns. Co. E, Captain Baldwin; 08 guns. Co. F, Cairtain Adams ; 67 guns. Co. G, Captain Snow ; 06 guns. Co. I, Captain Kand, 72 guns. North End True Blues, Captahi Walker; 70 guns. East Boston volunteers, Captain Barnes ; 63 guns. Chelsea volunteers, Captain Carruth ; 72 gnus. The regiment was lieaded by [r. Bliss, Francis Kelly, and others made pati'iotic appeals to the meeting. Mr. Adams' Addrkss. — The ad- dress of Hon. Charles Francis Adams to his late constituents of the third Con- gressional district, which we publish to-day, is worthy of careful perus;il. He n'lodestly refers to his services in congress, and says that his transfer to the English mission has been against his own inclinations. Turning to a brief but pregnant discussion of na- tional events, he congratulates his fel- low-citizens upon the escape which they made in tiie last presidential election, for in four years more luider the obi dynasty, •■ we should have been bound hand and foot by a military oligarchy. "' The distinctive features of tlic rebel- lious cause are analyzed with Mr. Adams' usual point and felicity. He finds that they all logically terminate in the old doctrine of force, against which the Declaration of Independence was the most signal protest. And most truly does he say that "the whole action of the Secessionists since Novem- ber has been aggressive, insulting, treacherous, and violent.'' The closing- remarks of Mr. Adams, respecting the superior influence of the people them- selves over their agents abroail. are well worthy of consideration. But however true they may be, we are coulident from Mr. Adams' splendid Congres- sional career that his diplomatic ser- vices at the important ])ost to which he has been designated will be eminently useful to his couutiy and honorable to liimself. Maryland. — It is evident that the reaction in Maryland, however strong it may be among the jieople, has not reached the members of the legislature. They would be Secessionists if they dared, but not daring to pass a Seces- sion ordinance, they liave taken meas- ures to thwart and harass the general government as far as it may be safe to do so without calling down upon the state its crushing ])ower. 'I'he estab- lishment of a " Conmiittee of Safety" means simply this: Of the six mem- bers of the proposed committee, only one. Governor Hicks, is a I'nion man. Judge Chambers, though conservative, is suspected of .Secession ]M-oclivities. and he lias puldicly aniiounci'd that he shall go whichever way the slali- goes. The other four are avowed Secessionists of the most ultra school. The jiowers granted to the committee are equivalent to desjiotic sway over the entire state, against which only the Federal govern- ment or the rising of the people can prevail. We are glad to see evidences that the government is inllexibly determined to n'duee Maryland to submission to its authority immediately. The work of reconstructing the bridges and reopen- ing the route to and "through Balti- more," is now going on under the pro- tection of an adequate force, and there will soon lie a broad highway tbrougli Maryland. Lei the Secessionists ob- struct it again if they dare. A Great Regiment.— The Newbury- port Herald relates the following anec- dote of the gallant Eighth regiment, which has not heretofore been chroni- cled : — " One exploit by members of the New- buryport company has not found its way into" the papers. For two days they had nothing to eat but poor pork and a little hard bread. In their ranks are two butchers frcjm this city — Messrs. Merrill and Cilley. They took a tramp into tlie jiastures and were shortly seen driving an ox to a part of the railroad where the men were at work. A sturdy blow upon the head brought the animal down ; the body was strung up to a tree and Hayed, and in a little wbib' the whole gang were feasting from the best cut of beef-slcak. The manni'r in which the men of the Eighth regiment have turned their hands to all kinds of employmenr will rend<'r them famous throughout the world and for all time. Some of them ciuild even keep a hotel, which everv man can not do." Kentuckv. — The Courier of I his morning says : " We have seen a letter to a merchant iu this city, in w bich it i> l)i-edicted that 'in ten days" time Ken- tucky will be shown to be unmistakably for the Uniim and the government. We have to contend against our (Jovernor, and he has already been brought to change his tone. Virginia's conduct has not influenced us. We have been much more disturbed and nun-titied by the defection of John Bell.'" The telegraphic report that the (Jover- nor has ordered an election of represen- tatives to Congress on the 30th of June goes to contirm this view of matters iu " old Kentuck." We hope it may prove true. 64 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. The Old Senate Chamber a Hospi- tal — Let Massachusetts Contrib- ute—New York Military. WASiHNiiTox, May i, 1S6]. To till' Kililiir cilllic ISo.stoii Journal: Till' c>l. Haley (late pastor of the Initarian church here) is a attentive manager, ami Miss Lander, the artist, gives practical evidence of her g^)od qualities as a nurse by ]ireparing the little delicacies which she gives to those who are on beds of sickness and of pain away from their New England homes. AAlien Miss J^andcr entered upon her self- imposed duties she found a patient declining to take tea from a large tin-dipper, sweetened with brown sugar, with an iron spoon. It was not inviting to an invalid, but the ^lassa- clinsetts Relief associatimi were enabled, by the generosity of liostonians, to place at her disposal maiiy appliances for a sick-room, with gelatine," farinii, wliite sugar, etc. Hon. George W. McT.elhin, the Treasurer of the .association, will be i>leased to acknowledge further (.lonations. and they will be faithfully ajijilied to the relief of tlic "sick and wounded. The Seventh New York encamp to-day, on Doctor Stone's estate, oi)posiic (_'olumbia col- lege, about a mile north of the White house. It isan .admirable location, the i)arade-ground overlooking the city, and presenting a larger level area "than " Kalorama." The Twelfth are to occupy barracks on Lafayette Sf^uare, the .Sevenlj' -first are at the navy yard, and the .Sixty-ninth in the old printing" office on JVnnsvlvania avenue, near Willard's- PERI.KV. From Savannah. — 'I'he schooner Fred Howell, Caiitaiii Carter, which left S:ivaunah i'M nit., arrived here to-day, and reports that rninor.s were current there that jirivateers were heing fitted out in Northern ports for the Southern Confederacj'. It is also stated that the schooner dnllatin, recently returneil here from Sa\aMnah. wasotVered for sale at that port, liut the jjiicc demanded by her owners was considered too hii;h. and she was consequently withdrawn from the market. An instance of Yankee spunk occurred a few days since on the Grand Trunk railway. An engineer on one of the lr;iins. conducted by a man named La- lliain, altixcd the Stars and Stripes to his engine, which, being oliserved. was cut down by Latham, 'riie eriginei^r at once re))laced the flag, and forliadi' Latham re- peating tlie ofVeuse, or he would cut him down. I'poii the arrival of the train at the head-fjuarters of the superintendent of tlie road, tlie facts were re])(>ited to that oflicial, who at once presented the p.atriotic engineer with a lieautifiil silk .\uierican, lold him (o ))((('/ it to his I'ligine, and then prved by the directors, and now every car on thai road carries the Stars and Stripes. Brothers in Anns. We are glad to see l hat I be unanimity of the entire Nortli is lellecled iu the cour- tesy and good will which charaeteri/.e its armed representatives at Washington. We :ire reminded of this by observing that the officers of the Eighth Jlassa- chii.setts regiment have passed resolu- tions of thanks to the gallant New York Seventh, for their acts of kindness and cotirtesy (Ui the famed Annapolis nuirch and subsequently. Well may they do so, for that march, on which the two regiments went forward as finely matched ;is Christian and Greatheart in •• Pilgrim's Progress," brought out in bold relief some of the best characteris- tics of each, and illustrated that combi- nation of qualities which, in the impend- ing conllict, is to override all obstacles anil break down all opposition. Without the mechanical skill of the Massachu- setts men, neither regiment could have got on — without the generous supjdies and co-operation of the New York Sev- enth, our men would have been brought to a stand after a few hours" labor, and neither regiment could have got on. Well, therefore, did our officers resolve to ever stand by the glorious Seventh, and if ever their colors go down Itefore the hosts of the enemy, the Eighth of Massachusetts would be the first to avenge their fall with the heart's blood of every man. We need not particularize the further kind offices at Washington by which our trooi)s are indebted to the New York Seventh, for they are already written down iu tlie hearts of our people, and will live in lasting gratitude. Nor are we insensible to the many kind words which the i)ress has had for our troops. But wc must not forget the justice which is due to all. While we are confident that the soldiers of Massachusetts will lirove not unworthy of their origin, we know that they have been dispatched to the field in great hurry, and must dis- close some grave deficiencies. It is not lo be expected that they can approach the s])lendid drill of the New York Sev- enth, whose composition of I lie best blooil of the Enqiire City, long training and professional ardor, have inaile them the very flower of the volunteer forces of .America. Nor can we rival the ad- mirable e(|iiipment of the Rhode Island regiments, who are mustered under the eyi> of their (ioveriior, a devoted mili- tary man, whose accurate knowledge of their wants is matched by liis zeal and pecuniary ability to supply them. And it is very likely that the solid armies of I'ennsylv.-inia \\ ill show those sterling qua lilies which have ever tested the mingling of (Jermaii and Anglo-Saxon blood. Of the indomitable troops of the Northwest, tried on every field from Limdy's Lane to the city of Mexico, no eulogium is needed. Wherever. heroes are needed, iu their own expressive dia- lect, they "are JAar/" In fact, as our cause is one, so is our army — no matter whether its legions are drawn from New England, from the thriving Middle states, or from the mighty AVest. They are all brothers iu arms for the defense of a common gov- ernment and the security of the same sacred rights. They ojjen the campaign with affectionate co-operation and re- gard. Perish the hand that shall try to sow alienation and distrust in their ranks — to kindle petty jealousies or stir up any heart-burnings. I^et the only rivalry be to see who shall serve their country best. There is room for all and reward for every kind of merit. It is in the power of every one — and immensely within the power of the press — to con- tinue a state of feeling which is so happy, and which w ill have a transcend- ent influence on the vigorous and effect- ual prosecution of the war. — [Boston Journal, May 4, 18(11. Important Movement. — Capture of Alexandria and Death of Colo- nel ElIsTvorth. The reported capture of Alexandria by the government troops, attended by the death of Colonel Ellsworth, of which we had a telegraphic dispatch yesterday. is confirmed. At an early hour j-esterday morning several regiments were sent into Vir- ginia from Washington. The New York zouaves. Fourteenth and Sixty -ninth regiments, and New Jersey regiment, captured Alexandria, while Arlington heights were occu|)ied by several other regiments. When the Federal troops reached Alexandria, the A'irginia troops fired at them and fled. A report says three hundred of the Rebel troops were cai)tured on the Or- ange it Alexandria railroad, near Alex- andria, by the New York Sixty-ninth. The most iiainf iil circumstance attend- ing the capture of Alexandria was the death of the young and brave Colonel Ellsworth, of the New York zouaves, which took place under the following circumstances : — The zouaves crossed the river in boats and landed in good (U-der, each company forming im the street facing the river. Co. E was the first to disembark, and was detailed to destroy the railroad track, which they iiromiitly pertmnied. Colonel Ellsworth then directed the adjutant to form the regiments, and with the aid of Colonel Wisner and a field of men, started to cut the telegraph wires. They had proceeded about three blocks when the .ittenf ion of Colonel Ellsworth INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 65 was attracted by a large Secession flag flyiug from the" Marshall house. He entered the hotel, and meeting a man in the hall, asked him wlio put the flag up. The man answered that he did not know ; he was a boarder in the house. Colonel Ellsworth, Lieutenant Wisner, the chap- lain of the regiment, Mr. House, a vol- unteer aid, and four privates, went to the roof, when Colonel Ellsworth cut down the flag. The party were returning down-stairs, headed by Private Brownell. As they left the attic, the man wlio said he was a boarder, but who jiroved to be the landlord, was rnet in the hall, having a double-barreled gun, wliich he leveled at Brownell. The latter struck up the gun with his musket, when Jackson pulled both triggers, the contents lodg- ing in the body of Colonel Ellsworth. Brownell, with the quickness of light- ning, leveled his nuisket at Jackson and tired. The liall struck him on the bridge of the nose and crushed him through the skull, killing him instantly. As he fell, Brownell thrust him through with his bayonet. Colonel Ellsworth's com- panions held guard some ten minutes until re-inforced by Co. A. The com- pany made a litter of muskets, and plac- ing the body upon it, returned to the boat, leaving a detachment to guard the hotel and niake prisoners of all its occu- pants. The body of Colonel Ellsworth is at the navy yard in Washington, and after fitting ceremonies, will be taken to Mechanicsville, where his family reside, for interment. The Colonel was shot between the third and fourth ribs, shattering the fourth rib, the slugs entering the left auricle of the heart, and destroying all the integuments with which it came in contact. The other charge of the gun, a double-barreled one, entered the wain- scoting near him. The Colonel fell on his face, only exclaiming, " Jly God I " The blood gushed from his wound in such profusion as to drench the entire passage. A fe\x' seconds afterward he uttered a low moan, but his eyes were instantly fixed, and he ceased to breathe. He was laid upon a bed in a room near at hand, and with the Kebel flag stained with his blood and now a trophy to his glory, about his feet. Another account sa3's that the mur- derer of Colonel Ellsworth was James W. Jackson, keeper of the Marshall house. He must have died suddenly, as he was shot through the head and after- ward run through the body by a saber- bayonet of some private. His wife presently discovered the fatality, and approaching his bodj-, uttered the most agonizing cries, and although treated with the utmost consideration that could be oftered her in her misery, she re- mained a long time in the wildest state of frenzy. President Lincoln has visited the navy yard and viewed the body of his youthful friend, Colonel Ellsworth. — [Lowell Courier. The Charity for the Times. — "Sell that ye have, and give arms." — Luke, 12:3S. Colonel Ells-worth — Sketch of his Life. The news of the murder of Col. Elmer E. Ellsworth, at Alexandria, is calcu- lated to create a feeling of intense sad- ness and indignation throughout the loyal states, and reveals to us another l>hase of Southern treachery and fanati- cism. In the death of Colonel Ellsworth, our volunteer army will lose one of its most efficient and enthusiastic officers in the French school of light-infantry tactics, popularly known as the zouave drill. For these duties he manifested a skill and proficiency that amounted to a positive genius, and augured a promising future as a military leader. Colonel Ellsworth was horn near Mechanicsville, in Saratoga county, N. Y., April 23, 1837, and was, there- fore, at the time of his death, only twenty-three years of age. In his early youlh he manifested strong military iiudinations. He lived at home until twelve or thirteen years of age, during which time he received a good military education. He was always a close and diligent student. On leaving home he went to Troy, and was em])loyeil for a nuud)er of years as clerk in a store in that city. But the narrow limits of (he counter were not sufficient for the devtd- opment of his talents andandjition, and, leaving his business, he came to this city, where he remained about two years. Some six years since he removed to Chicago, ai-riving there penniless and without a profession or certain means of support; but by his industry, jierse- verance, and energy, he so(ni achieved an honorable position in that city. The exciting exploits of the French zouaves at Sebastopol led him to in- vestigate this description of drill. Com- ing to the decision that the zouave tactics were the most etticient yet studied, he set to work to organize a company of this character in Chicago, by the title of "The Chicago Zouaves." Forty or fifty joung men joined the company, and he devoted himself assid- uously to drilling them to the highest perfection in every branch of tactics. After a practice of about a year, a tour to the East was projected. Thev arrived in this city on the 14th of July, IfSdO. after a triumphant progress through the Western states. The novelt.y of their drill, their fantastic dress, the precision of their evolutions, attracted universal attention, not only from military men, l)ut from the general public. The ex- hibition at the Academy of Music was an iunnense success, and Colonel Ells- worth became known all over the country as the originator of the zouave drill in the United States. New zoviave companies began to be organized in most of the large cities. Colonel Ellsworth lately studied law with Mr. Lincoln, and was adnnfted to the bar last spring. After Jlr. Lincoln's election to the presidency it was gener- ally understood that Colonel Ellsworth would be attached to his person. He accompanied the President to Washing- ton, and was one of tlie most active and attentive nunnhers of the party. It was expected that he would be "placed in some important position in the War department; but it is not probalde that such a position would have been in accordance with Ids desires. Immediately ui)on the outbreak of the war he sought active service, and came forward to New York and connnenced the organization of a zouave regiment from members of the fire department. The freedom and dash of the zouave drill exactly suited the spirit of the fire- men, and in an incredibly short time a full regiment had been fcuined, and was on its way to AVasbingtou. The regi- ment has elicited universal admiration. His parents are still living at his native place. His only brother died a year ago last spring. He had no sister. At the time of his departure from the city with his regiment, his parents were stopping at the Astor house. .Vt his last interview with them before he left, his mother said, — "I hope Cod will take care of you, Elmer." "He will take care of me, mother,'' he replied. " He has led me in this work, and He will take care of me." God has taken care of him; and the culmination of his life could not have been more glorious for himself or the cause for which be died. Colonel Ellsworth was exceedingly beloved wherever he was intimately known. The impression was sometimes obtained by strangers that there was a degree of alVectatiiui in his deportment, but those who knew him best were his warmest and most devoted friends. \t Chicago and Hockford he was a univer- sal favorite. President Lincoln enter- tained for him a high personal regard. It may not be andss to mention at this time that Colonel Ellswrofound sorrow. Most of the flags on public and |)rivate buildings, and on the vessels in the harbor, were lowered at half-mast, in token of respect to his memory. A meeting of the fund committee of his regiment was held yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'ldock, to take apiirojiriate measures in regard to his death. — [New '^'ork World. 66 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. The Memory of Colonel Ellsworth. Tlii^ luio is slft-ping — Uie yount; ami thu liravf ; How ili^ar was tlie life to liis country he gave ! Ob! Ions in their sorrow the nation shall nionrn O'er genius and worth to the ilark valley borne ! lint death can not blight, nor time ever dim, The fame he has won — the wreaths twined foi- him. Enshrined in our hearts arc his valor and truth — Immortal he lives in the brightness of youth. IIow shaded with grief was the gladness of May, When love, weeping sad in its sorrow tltat day, Had strewn with fair flowers, all fragrant and bright. The eolHn that closed his loved form from our sight. And hung the bright folds of the Starspan- gleil blue When- silent in death lay the brave and the true. And wreathed folds of crape, their shading to bliMul AVith the Hag that he loved — that he died to defend! With tears and with prayers they bore him to rest; The soldiers he loved laid the turf on his breast. Oh ! never such tears their eyes wept before As Ii'll for their leader, who'll lead them no more ! Thi'V looked on their banner — 'twas bright through their tears — The memory of Ellsworth their banner en- ilears! Must lite such as liu the sacrifice be To shield from the traitorthe flag of the free? Oh I why must the loved, the dearest of all, He tirst in the field, and the soonest to fallV Tliough dark be the path where our footsteps may go. What we see not now we hereafter shall know; Why death hath been sutfered to quench the young life. The' strength that we needed in war's comiug strife — ^ Why wi! hear tlie sad words, " yield dust unto dust," Said over the sleeper whose arm was o\ir trust. When morning shall ilawn, and our freedom is won, When the soldier comes home, and the battle is done. When laurels we twine for the true and the brave — Our love shall look back to tlu; hero who gave His lite and his genius, all radiant with youth. To i"'reeiloni's dear cause — to his country anil truth. ,\nd no name shall be \vreatlnnl in victory's song With lioncn-s more dear than to Ellsworth belong! jin.rnT. LAIMtKI, Bkooli, June 3, IHfii. — [Boston rjournal. All Hail, CoNNECTici tI — The Ilart- fi)i(l Press lit last ovcuiiij; clii'onifli'.s the lolldwiiif; fjlorious eviilciiee ol i)iihlic spirit ami iialriotisni hi tlie ( 'oniieetietit legislature: — •'•.V bill was reported yesterday, ap- propriatiiii^ $'2,000,()00, and atithori/.iiif; the fjoviTiior to call out ten thousand nii'n for the defense of the I'nidii. It was passed uii:ininii)tisly this morning;, by both houses. .\ll parlies joined in ur};iii;; it throiif^h with a heart v flood will." Uy this bill the ini'U are to receive ,$J() a month in addition to the f^overniiient allow anee. Letters from the Seat of War. A.NNAi', Ml)., May 1, 18(;i. To the Editor ol the Hoston Jouriidl : Cold and windy to-day; so cold that heavy overcoats are comfortable; so windy that it has been impossible to land Ellsworth's zoua\'es ami tiic New York Fifth regiment, which are below. They will doubtless be landed and forwarded to Washington to-mor- row. The affairs of this post have now be. come pretty well organized. Doctor Kimball, of Lowell, is surgeon-general; Gen. E. W. Peirce. of Massachusetts, is master of ord- nance; Captain Turidey, of the regular ser- vice, is quartermaster; T. Bailey Myers, of New York, is assistant-quartermaster; Capt- .T. E. Estabrook, of Worcester, is i.ssuing com- mi.ssary, and Captain DeForest, a volunteer from Philadelphia, is receiving comndssary ; Mr. Crane, of Lowell, is postmaster. The ■railriKul business has been systematized, too. Heretofore every passenger going to or from Washington, via" .■\nnapolis, has been obliged to call at headquarters to have his passport countersigned. The head-quarters of the de- partment have appeared a good deal like an emigrant forwarding-otfice. Last night there were about one hundreul>lie travel. There is none of that "excitement " about which His E.xcellency Governor Hicks so much dreaded ten days'ago. Troops can be moved, to any number, from New York to Washington, via Perryville and this port, in less than twenty. four hours, as safely as they can be moved I'rom Boston to Worcester, and this place can be held against all the men in the " Confederacy " capable of bearing arms, for an unlimited time. Interesting Correspondence — Re- pressing Slave Insurrections. COMiMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Executive Dep.\ktment, ) Council Chamber, Boston, April ih, isni. ( General, — I have received through Blajor Ames a dispatch transmitted from Perry- ville, detailing the proceedings at Annapolis from the time of your arrival ofi' that port un- til the hour when Major Ames left you to return to Philadelphia.' 1 wish to rei)eat the assurance of my entire satisfaction with the action you have taken, with a single excep- tion. If I rightly understood the telegraphic dispatcli, I think that your action in tender- ing to Governor Hicks the assistance t>f Qur Massachusetts troops to suppress a threat- ened servile insurrection among the hostile people of Marylaml, was unnecessary. I hope that the fuller dispatches, which are on their way from you, may show reasons why I should modify my opinion concerning that particular Ins'tanee; but in general I think that the matter of servile insurrections among a community in arms against the Fed- eral Union, is no longer to be regarded by our troops in a political, but solely in a mili- tary point of view, and is to be con'temiilatcd as one of the inherent weaknesses of the en- emy, from the disastrous operations of which we are under no obligation of a military char- acter to guard them, in order that they may be enabled to improve the security which our arms would afi'ord, so as to prosecute with more energy' their traitorous attacks uiion the Federal goveinment and capital. The mode in which such outl>reaks are to be con- sidered should depend entirely upon the loy- alty or disloyalty of the community in which the>' occur, and in the vicinity of Annapolis I can, on this occasion, perceive no reason of military i»olicy wliy a force summoned to the defense of the Federal government, at this moment of nil others, should be offered to be diverted from its immediate duty, to help liebels, who stand with arms in their hands, obstructing its progress toward the city of Washington. 1 entertain no doubt that when, ever we shall have an opportunity to inter- change our views personally on this subject, we shall arrive at entire <'oncordance of opin. ion. Yours laithlullv. (Signed.) .inilN A. 'ANDREW. To Brigadier-geueral Butler. Depart.mknt of ANNAI'OMS, ) HicAD-yUAKTKKS, ANNAI'OMS, May!), I8(il. t To His Excellency .Ions A. Andrew, Gover- nor and Commander-in-chief. .Vir,— I have delayed replying to Y'our Ex- cellency's dispatch of the April 'i.ith, in my other dispatches, because as it involved only disaiiinobation of an act done, couched in the INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 67 kindest language, I supposed the interest ot the country couUl not sulfer from the delay; and incessant hibor, up to the present mo- ment, has prevented my giving full consider- ation to tlie topic. Temporary illness, which forbids bodily activity, gives me now a mo- ment's jiaiise. Tlnr tt'lc^raph, with more than usual accu- racv. bad riti:btly informed Your Excellency that 1 liud oUVred the services of the Massachu- setts troops under my command to the author- ities of Maryland in suppressing a threatened slave insurrection. Fortunately for us all, the rumor of such an outbreak was without substantial foundation. Assuming, as Your Excellency does in your dispatch, that I was carrying on military operations in an ene- my's country, when a war a Ventrance was to be waged, my act might be a matter of dis- cussion. Anil in that view, acting in the light of the IJaltiniore murders and the apparently hostile itosit ion of Maryland, Your Excellency might, without mature reflection, have come to the conclusion of disapprobation ex- pressed in your dispatch. But the facts, especially as now aided by their results, will entirely justify my act, and reinstate me in Your Excellency's good opinion. True, I landed on the soil of Maryland against the formal protest of its governor and of tlie corporate authorities of Annapolis, but without any armed opposition on their part, and expecting opposition only from in- surgents assembled in riotous contempt of the laws of this state. Before, by letter, and at the time of landing, by personal interview, 1 had informcil Governor Hicks that soldiers of the Union, under my command, wei-e armed only against the insvirgents and dis- turbers of the peace of Maryland ami of the United States. 1 received from Governor Hicks assurances of tlie loyalty of the state to the Union — assurances which subsequent events have fully justified. The mayor of Annapolis also informed me that the city authorities would in no wise oppose me, but that I was in great danger from the excited and riotous mobs of Baltimore pouring down upon me, and in numbers beyond the control of his police. I assured both the governor and the mayor that 1 had no fear of a Balti- more or other mob, and that, supported by the authorities of the state and city, I should suppress all hostile demonstrations against the laws of Maryland and the Ihiitcfl States, and that I would protect both myself and the city of Annapolis from any disorderly per- sons whatsoever. On the morning following my landing, I was informed that the city of Annapolis and environs were in danger from an insurrection of the slave population, in defiance of the laws of the state. What was I to do? I had promised to put down a white mob and to preserve and enforce laws against that. Ought 1 to allow a black one any prefer- ence in abreachof thelaws? I understood that IwasarniedajiainstalUnfractionsof thelaws, whether by white or black, and upon that un- derstanding I acted, certainly with prompt- ness and efKciency. And Y'our Excellency's shadow of disapprobation, arising from a misunderstanding of the facts, has caused all the regi-et I have for that action. The ques- tion seemed to me to be neither military nor political, and was not to be so treated. It was simply a question of good faith and honesty of purpose. The benign effect of my course was instantly seen. The good but timid peo- ple of Annapolis, who had fled from their houses at our approach, immediately re- turned ; business resumed its accustomed channels; quiet and oi'der prevailed in the city; confidence took the place of distrust> friendship of enmity, brotherly kindness of sectional hate, and I believe to-day there is no city in the Union more loyal than the city of Annapolis. I think, therefore, I may safely point to the results for my ju.stiflcation. The vote of the neighboring county of Washing- ton, a few days since, for its delegate to the legislature, wherein four thousand out of five thousand votes were thrown for a delegate favorable to the Union, is among the many happy fruitsof firmness of purpose, etliciency of action, and integrity of mission. 1 believe, indeed, that it will not require a personal in- terchange of views, as suggested m your dis- patch, to bring our minds in accordance; a simple statement of the facts will suffice. But I am to act hereafter, it may be, in an enemy's country, among a servile popula- tion, when the question may arise, as it has not yet arisen, as well in a moral and Chris- tian, as in a political and military, point of view. What shall I then do? Will Your Ex- cellency bear with me a moment while this (juestion is discussed? 1 appreciate fully Your Excellency's sugges- tion as to the inherent weakness ot the Rebels, arising from the preponderance of their servile population. The question, then, is, In what manner shall we take advantage otthat wi-iikness? By allowing, and of course arnung, that population, to rise upon the de- fenseless women and children of the country, carrj'ing rapine, arson, and murder — all the horrors of San Domingo, a million times mag- nified, among those whom we hope to reunite with us as brethren, many of whom are al- ready so, and all who are worth preserving will he, when tliis horrible madness shall have passed away or he threshed out of them? Would Your Excellency advise the troops under my command to 'make war in* person upon tlie defenseless women and children of any part of the Union, accompa- nied with brutalities too horrible to be named? You will say, " God forbid ! " If we may not do so in person, shall we arm others so to do, over whom we can have no restraint, exercise no control, and who, when once they have tasted blood, may turn the very arms we put in their hands against ourselves, as a part of the oppressing white race? The read- ing of history so familiar to Your Excellency will tell you the bitterest cause of complaint which our fathers had against Great Britain, in the war of the Kevolution, was the urming by the British ministry of tlie red man with the tomahawk and the scalping-knife against the women and children of the colonies, so that the phrase, " May we not use all the means which God and nature have put in our p(nver to sub- jugate the colonies?" has passeatriotic ladies are I)usily engaged with the needle in nnvking extra garnu'uts, etc., for the troops, antl our town is I'csolved that we will do as much in furnishing men and money as any town of equal size in Maine. Yours, V. B. P. More Refugees from the South.— On >\'(Mliie.^day evening four gentlemen, aeeonipanied by their wives and little ones, reached this plaee from the ^'Old Dominion." liaving been driven from their liomes on Friday last by a party of Southern ilebels, who notified them that they nni.'^t swear allegianee to the Sotith- eru Confederaey within the sjiace of four hours, OY else leave the state; or, if they did not comply with the order given, tliey would be put to death, and tlieir property destroyed. They reached this place in their coun- try wagons, bringing witli them only a portion of their clothing, as tliey were compelled to leave behind their furniture, together with their bedding, property, farms, etc. They state tliat the Seces- sionists were taking forcible possession of oxen, cattle, horses, etc., together with whatever else they could lay their hands on. They are ail from \ew York state, but for the last sixteen years have resided in Virginia, engaged in farming. — [Philadelphia Press. Military Matters, Etc. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACiUTSETTS. [OFFICIAL.] HEAiMiCAKTRKS, BOSTON, May 13, 1861. General Okper No. 11. Whereas, It appears bj- a proclamation of the l*resident. and by orders issued from the War department of the United Slates, that no more volunteers will be accepted for a less term than three years, unless sooner dis- charged r It is, therefore, ordered, that no more o*nn- panics be organized except such as shall be enlisted under an agreement with the follow- ing terms: "We, the ninlersigned, by our signatures 68 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. hereto annexed, tlo licreby severally afe'reo to serve as members of tlio Massachusetts vol- unteer militia in the army of the I'nited States, as volunteers, for the term of three years, unless sooner dischargetl, from the (late of our beins mustered into said serviee, in aeeordanee with the terms of tlie proela- niation of the President of the V'nited States, issued Mav3, A. D. 1801. Dated at ." Inasmueh as numerous contributions have been made and proposed for the several vol- unteer eonipanies, it is earnestly recom- mended that hereafter such funds shall be re- served lor the benefit of snch volunteers as shall enlist for the three yeai-s' term. The Comniiuuler-in-chief takes this oppor- tunity of reMderin^' his thanks for the prompt and patriotic response to General Order No. S, and for the cordial interest universally manifest(^d by the militia of Massachusetts in the cause of t'licir country. Major-ffenerals .button, Morse, and Andrews will promulKate tliis order throughout their resprcsents as l)eing extremely feeble. The Ceiiei-.-il, in reply to the oiler of Colonel Cowdin, said that lie was glad to .see Boston so promjit to res])ond to the call of the President, and tliat lie should b(> ])loased to have her troops in the service. He, however, referred Colo- nel Cowdin to Secretary Cameron, to whom 111' fcM'iiially oil'ered the services of liis regiment. lie laid before Mr. Cameron a jietition to the President to be accepted as a part of the quota from Massachusetts, and Senator Wilson urged the claims of the First regiment, proin- isMig that they would go into the field fully armed and equipjied. Colonel Cowdin liad an interview with Brevet Brigadier- general Matislield. formerly of Ibis sl.-ile, who served in the Mexican war, anil inlormed him of his oliject in visiting Washington. General Mans- field said tliat the government needed tlic F'irst regiment and must have it, and went with Colonel Cowdin on Saturday morning to see the Secretary of War at his own jMr. Cameron was favor- ably with the representations which were made respecting the regi- ment, wliieh he should be glad to receive, but as there had been four times the niimlier of troops offered that could be acce|)tcd, the matter of designating what regiments shoidd be sent would lie left with the governors of the dif- ferent states. If Ciovernor Andrew thought iiroper to send the First regi- miijt. he v.iiiild be highly gratified. ( 'olonel Cowdin immediately tele- grajihed to Governor Andrew the re- sult of his interview, and requested an answer; but no response was received by liim or Lieutenant-colonel Perkins, who remained in Washington, wliile Colonel Cowdin started for the camp at the Belay house. lie found Captain Sampson," of the Washington Light In- fantry, in command of four companies of the Sixth regiment, stationed at a point about half a mile from the head- quarters of General Butler, who was himself at Annapolis, but returned the same evening. !Major Cook's command of light artillery was somewhat divided. Two pieces were posted on the brow of an elevation commanding the railroad liriilge of the lialtiniore & Wasliington railroad, which crosses the ravine, and two others were stationed so as to com- mand the railroad from Harper's Ferry. The steam-gun, accounts of the seiz- ure of which have reached us by tele- grajili, was not taken from the cars, Init ffoni a wagon drawn by a mule over an obscure road. Information of its pas- sage was communicated to Captain Samp- son by a gentleman from Baltimore, and by him made known to Colonel Jones, who sent a detachment to seize it. All but one of tlie men who were arrested witli the gun have been discharged by tieiicral Butler, it ajipcaring that thej' were merely hired to transport it. The gun was then in the hands of machinists, who were jiutting it in order. Colonel Cowdin secured one of the balls cap- tured with tlie gun, as a trophy of the seizure. He found Col. E. G. Parker at the liead- quarters of Gieneral Butler, and was kindly received. Tlie troo])S, both at the Kelay house and those of the Eighth regiment in W;ishington, are re|)resenteil as having worn out the uniforms which they wore from home. The troops are objects of great curiosity to the Baltimoreans, who visit the camp daily to the number of five liiitidred. After dining with Cap- tain Sampson Colonel Cowdin started for .Vntia|iolis, and on the way passed a train with tliree thousand irooiis on board. \ meeting of the otiicers of tlie First regimeiil was held last rvening, at w hicli Colonel Cowdin g.ive all account of his adventures. All honorable means will lie employed to induce the governor to order llie regiment to Washington, and as this was the first regiment of volun- teers tendered the gem^ral government for the term of three years, it seems eminently jiroiier that tliey should be sent. liieufenant-colonel Blaisdell, id llie Elevenlli regiment, also rclurned to this city yesterday from Washington, where he has been to oftf'r the services of his regiment for the war. He found the whole length of the military route recently opened from tlie Delaware line to Havre de Grace, and from Annapolis to Washington, elosel_v guarded by sen- tinels, who stand in sight of each other for the whole distance. An attack was daily exjiected on the liead-quarters of Cieni;ral Butler at the Belay house, but no doubt was entertained that it woiUd be repulsed. In W^ashington the desire was ex- pressed that the expenses of the military shoulil be kept at as low a figure as pos- sible, as it was universally anticipated that file war would be a long one and draw heavily upon the resources of the country. He says that the thin clothing which it has been proposed to send on for the use of the troops, would be good for nothing when on a campaign, no matter what the climate might be. Only the strongest cloths should be used in the manufacture of uniforms, as nothing else will stand the wear and tear of active serviee. The Colonel brought dispatches from the government to Governor Andrew, and the regiment w'ith which lie is connected (Colonel Clark's) will ju-ob- ably be called upon as one of the three new ones which are to be taken from Massachusetts. The 'War News. On Saturday General Scott forwarded dis]iatches to "General Butler, at Annapo- lis, placing the Massachusetts Sixth regiment and other troops at his com- mand, and giving him three days to take possessiim of the Relay house at the junction of the Baltimore & Ohio •and the Baltimore A Washington rail- roads, nine miles from Baltimore and thirty from Washington. General But- ler responded tliat he would hold re- ligious services there yesterday. The Sixth regiment went up early Sunday morning. This movement was made to co-ojierate w itli the Pennsylvania troops now advancing upon Baltimore from the other side. At noon yesterday the Massachusetts Eighth and" the New York Fifty-.second train arrived at the Relay house. They took possessiim of the telegraph wires, planted eight howitzers on the viaduct, and invested the entire neighborhood. T'hey have encamped on the grounds on tlie "west side of Patapsco river. This point gives full conimand of the road to and from the West. 'I'lie bridges burned by the Baltimore rioters are all being rebuilt, and coiu- munication will soon be reopened. A special Washington dispatch to the New York Herald says tliat Ciovernor Andrew has notified the Secretary of the Navy of the purchase of the steam- ships Massachuxetts and South Carolina, and asks authority to commission com- manders, if not emjiloyed Ijy the gov- ernment. They will be used to protect INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 69 Massachusetts' comracrce from Jeflersou Davis" pirates. Tlie Rhode Island Artillery, with Ells- worth's Fire Zouaves, are ordered to Alexandria to-day. The citizens of that place have pledged themselves that steamers or vessels i)assiug there shall not be molested, and tlie Pawnee, which was stationed there, «ill he removed. The War department has issued an order creating a military department at Annapolis, under General Butler, em- liracing Annapolis and the railroad from Annapolis to Badensburg, with twenty- cue miles each side of the track, and including Baltimore. The new steamer Minnesota sailed from the C'harlestown navy yard ou Sat- urday, and the Niagara from New York yesterday, both with sealed orders. It is reported that all Secessioiusts have been oi-dei'ed to leave Washington at once. General Patterson has proposed a tly- ing railroad battery of artillery, prob- ably to be used ou the road from An- napolis to Washington. The guns are mounted ou a railroad freight car, and will be put in position for instant ser- vice in case of emergency. A million percussion caps were seized at New Yorl< on Friday, which had beeu shipped for Charleston. A case of re- \olvers were also seized at the American express office. A corps of telegraph operators are be- ing organized to be attached to the army. Letters from Boston, received in Wash- ington, indicate tliat §5,000,000 of the new loan (.$18,000,000) will be taken in that city. The Massachusetts Kitles, from Wor- cester, have re-inforced Fort McHenry, — the famous point, which, while being attacked by the English, suggested the grand song of the ''Star-spangled Ban- ner.'' Telegraphic eonununicatiou with Har- per's Ferry is cut oil', and it was rumored in Maryland yestenlay that no more trains west would be allowed to leave; and it was understood tliat the move- ment was the basis of operations to re- take Harper's Ferry. The report that Pennsylvania troops had passed through Baltimore on Friday is not fully credited. Ou Saturilay there were thirty thou- sand troops in and around Washingtou. Cairo, III., to be Attacked. A dispatch from Cairo, at which some days ago three thousand Western troops had as- sembled, says : — "General Pillow, General Ely, and cither prominent otlicers of the Confed- erate army, with a large number from Mississippi and Arkansas, are at Mem- phis, and heavy guns are arriving there daily. Colonel Prentiss, commanding officer at Cairo, has just received the following dispatch from three of the most prominent citizens of Cincinnati : ' General Pillow has several steamers ready at Memphis. He meditates an immediate attack on Cairo, HI.' Colonel Prentiss replied: ' Eet him come. He will learn to dig his ditch on the right side. I am ready.' " A dispatch to the New Vork Xews, dated Saturday, says: — "It is the intention of General Scott to open the campaign against the South by retaking Harper's Ferry, at every hazard, as soon as troops shall have been marched through Baltimore, and the Secession movement has been sup- pressed in Maryland. You may rely ujjou this intelligence. Harper's Ferry will be again in the hands of the Federal government before the 12th lust. Mean- while, Pennsylvania troops, under the protection of batteries on the heights and around Baltimore, will force a pas- sage through that citv." A Letter from Home. HV V. HENRY ST. .JOHN. .Some were sitting — suinc "wcru stanUiiig Soaie were fisliing in tlie \ii\iv. ; Some were sound asleep and dreaming; Some were dreaming wide awake; Some were patcliing up their tatters; Some were polishing their guns; Some were reading ragged! letters; Some were popping sorry puns; Each was using his endeavor Tims to i>ass the time away; All were an.xious, all were readj-, All were sighing for the " fray," When soon there came a murmur, Like the rising of a gale — ''Corporal Jones has got a letter From his sister, by the mail ! " " A letter, boys! a letter! " And each man was on big feet ; " Corporal -Jones has got a letter! " IIow we scampered up the " street " ! A letter from New England ' 'T was an angel from the skies. Some came with eager questions, Not a few with tearful eyes. " Now please to reatl it, Corporal, Let us hear it — every word." Yet nothing but the criickle -. softly smiling. Heavy grew her Iwart with pain. As she felt his arm luitold her Knowing that In; nt^'er would liold her Warmly to liis heart again. Where seraiihic sti-ains are breathing. There the angels' hands ar<' w{!a\'ing For her head tin- martyr's crown ; Who, with steps lliat diii not falter. Upon Freedciui's holy altar. Laid the bestbelov);d down. M. (l. h. Nasim'A, N. H., May, ISfd. ■War Letters. The New Bedford Slandaril imblislics a letter from a lady in Washington, in wliicli she spciiks .-it leiiijlh of the re- .-pect and esti-eni tell IVir eaeli other by tlie New ^■ork .Seventh and th(> Jhissa- chusetts Eighth regiments. She relates the following interesting incident: — " Tliei-e is a story told by one of the .Seventh that no one can listen to with- out tears and a glow of pride in our Xew England soldiers, lie saj'S, ' While eneani]ied in Maryland, I wandered oft' one day and came to a farm-house, where \ saw a party of those Massa- ehusetts fellows — well, no, tliey were Khode Island boys — talking with a woman who Wiis greatly frightened. Thej' tried in vain to quiet her appre- hensions. They asked for food, and she cried, "Oh, take all I have; take every thing, hut spare my siekhusband !" "'Oh, darn it ! "' said one of the men, " we ain't goin" to hurt you ; we want something to eat." But tlie woman i)ersisted in being frightened in sjiite of all elt'orts to reas- sure Iier. and liurried wliatever food .she had on tlie table. But,' said the lieutenant, " when site saw this company .stand about tlie table with bared heads, and a tall, gaunt man raise his liainl and invoke God's lilessing on tlie lioun- ties spread before them, the jioor woman broke down with a fit of sobbing aiid crying. She liad no longer any tears, but bid them wait, and in a tew moments hail made them hot coft'ee in abundance. .She then emptied their canteens of the muddy water they contained, and tilled tliem witli coft'ee. Her astonislimeiit iiu'reased when they insisted ujion l>ay- iiig her.' The lieutenant tells tliis w itb great expression. Said he, 'Their ask- ing a blessing took me by surprise; and w lien I saw tliis, I felt that our country was safe with sucli men to tight for it." " Nearly ever_v letter from Washington refers to tlie regiments above mentioned. A letter published in the Worcester Tntnscript contains the following: — "The Eightli ^lassachusetts regiment came here mucli worn out. Night be- fore last we gave them our supper, and yesterday the New York .Seventli im- iiKu-talized itself liy sending them about twenty casks of lager, several barrels of boiled eggs, bread, oranges, and lemons in abundance. I never wit- nessed such another noble act of kind- ness, and the Eiglitll were coui]ili-t(dy overwludmed. They were absohitely starving, as no facilities had tlieu been provided for cooking their rations; and this kind provision of the New York Seventli towards our own brethren of Mass;iclnisetls ought to call forth the eternal gralitude of every son of Mas- s.'ieluisetls. One of the otticers of the Kighlli, in a few brief remarks to the Seventli, s:u(l, "The New ^'ork Seventh are our preservers, for liow could we liave lived, were it not for your bounty'?' An ollieer of the Seveiilb jumped to his feet, aiiil re|died : '(iood (lod ! comrades- in-arms, do n'l t:ilk that! We never could liave readied Washington were it not for the aid of tlie Massachusetts Kiglith. You found mei'lianics to re- pair lh<- loconiolives, to l:iy the track, and to run the locomotives from An- napolis to the Junction. Witliont that :iid we could never have eouie througli.' The boys of bolli regiments actually cried, so deep was I lie feeling. That Seventh regiment has a big heart — God bless them 1 " Governor Sprague can not accept the position of brigadier-general in the army without yielding his official position at home, and telegraphs officially to the people of Rhode Island that lie desires to remain where he can best serve his country. He will shortly' return home. The gallant little state i.s ready to re- spond literally to the parting injunction of her governor, who, as he bade farewell to his friends on the pier, said. " For every man that falls, send ten, and do n't spare the money." The Rhode Island Regiment. "Perley" says: "The llhode Island regiment, in point of apjiearaiice, was even superior to the Seventli New York, as the men are admirably uniformed and equipped." We are indebted to a friend for the following facts, which will ac- count for this manifest superiority: — When Governor Sprague issued his call for volunteers, about three times the number re(|uired presented them- selves. To choose from these the num- ber wanted, in the flrst ])lace every man was subjected, as in the United States regular army, to a careful examination by surgeons, the man being stripped en- tirely naked, and a variety of tests ap- plied. If any w in the loins from the sur- geon's fist. After this rigorous examination bad Ihrowii aside all the unsound men there still remained one-half more than were \\;uited, and military officers made a second sidei-titm, leaving (Uit one-third of the nuuiher. Governcu' Sprague, who goes in com- mand, though a civilian, has been for years a diligent student of military science, and also liad opiiortunity for personal observati(Ui of military opera- tions in the late Italian war, so that he is well versed in tile theoretical knowledge. .\mong the ollieers of the IMiode Island rcgimeiil :u'e Goloncd Burnside and Major Slocumb, who have both seen service and attained a high reputa- tion in the ITnited States regular army. They have emiiloyed their experience and indefatigable personal ;itteiitioii to perfect the equipment and discipline of the Khotle Island troops. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 71 Red, White, and Blue. CAMP s<>N<_;. Come, brotliers, come join in tlie elionis; Let it ring on tliis soft summer air; Our bunting floats jauntily o'er us — All its stripes and its stars are still there. Here's a health to our ft-iemls left behind us — To those wf have bidden adieu; "Where duly may call.thei'e you '11 find us," Promlly beaiin^r tlie red, white, and blue. Proudly bearing, etc. The laws and our l)eloved constitution Secession may vainly defy. But there 's coming a just retribution — Jeff. Davis will oisoned hearts' blood, while you cry For mercy, with repentant agony. Hold, traitors! iiuidmen ! once more gaze on high, And swear to love that starry flag — or die ! Look on our flag, all nations of the world, Where'er its matchless colors are unfurled, With reverence and awe. <>h ! gaze and see That God's hand holds the banner of the free ! Forever ^JniU tlto^r rniyihoir colors trtire — Forever dvijie <'iir he/ oes/or t}te ;/rarr ; Forever f:?nill lhi;/itoat o'er land and sea, Those Stars and Stripes — that emblem of the free: BL.iCKSTOXE, Mass., May, ISIU. From Georgia. An intelligent lady, writing from one of the larger towns in the northern part of Georgia, to a friend in this vicinity, says, under date of April 2"2d : — " I have been intending to write for several days, but I am so excited and troubled tliat I have not much lieart for any thing. The war is tlie all-absorbing topic now. Enlisting, drilling, etc., are the employment of the men. Four companies are fitting out from here. Even tile cultivated and wealth}' citizens are joining tlie army. Most of the law- yers are going. One of our clergymen preached to the soldiers yesterday. A collection was taken up last Sabbath, to aid in fitting out the coin panics . There is much prayer for the Confederate States and army, and tliey confidently expect to be victorious. They abuse Lincoln as weak, treacherous, and vil- lainous. Many here appear to think the Northern soldiers cowardly and con- temptible. To hear tlie Northern peo- ple called all kinds of abusive names is trying enough, but to have friends whom I love, fighting other near and dear friends, is torturing. These men will fight to the death, :irul what will be gained in the end'? " Did not you admire the chivalrj' of the Carolinians, in liberating the prison- ers at Sumter, and their kindness to Major .\ndcrsou'? Our people verily think he will join the South now. I hope not ; I should have less respect tor him if he sliould. I was sorry General .Scott resigned. " A system of privateering will soon be coiiimeiiced, and piracy and murder will follow in the train. President Davis says he has letters from Northern men, begging him to issue letters of marque and reprisal, that they may enter upon the business of privateering. "There is intense excitement here as mail time draws nigh. Great rejoicings were manifested at the secession of Vir- ginia. The rest of the Slave stales are expected soon to follow her examiile." Discourse Before the Richardson Light Infantry at the First Uni- tarian Church. By invitatiiJn, the Richardson Light Infantry marcheil from tlieir encamp- ment, at North Billerica, yesterday morning, to attend service at this church in the forenoon. Tlie front center pews were occujiied by them, and the other parts of the house were crowded by the regular worshijipers at this church, and many others. The front of the pulpit was tastefully cano- pied with American flags. After the preliminary exercises. Rev. F. Hinckley, pastor of tlie society, preached an ap- propriate and al)le discourse, of wliicli we present a sketch. The text was from Ephesians vi : i;^ — '■ Wlierefore take unto you tlie whole armor of God, that ye may be aide to withstand the evil day, and having done all, to stand." In an age of force, when the instincts of barbarism were not subjugated to the powers of civilization, the words of the text were spoken. The gospel of Jesus, with its high purposes, has en- tered into a long contest with selfish- ness and corru])tion. The world has Ijeen its battle-field ; its soldiers of the cross. War has become more infre- quent with the progress of civilization, but so long as impurity, injustice, slavery, and despotism prevail, so long must Christians be engaged in an eternal warfare. So long as these continue must Christians fight. He propo.sed first to speak of tlie Christian soldier. We deal not to-asscd, causing the troubles of the day, of which he has read. Conscious of the disappointment of those who have lost power, and witnessing their acts, he goes forth to opi)ose the fratricidal pur- pose of the upholders of slavery and despotism, witli tlie iiilended object of jiutting them down. lie goes to save . Dilllugliam. Kicliard Ingham, " George K. Pray. Wm. M. Young, corp. C. H. Williams. A.. J. Devon, " Ricliaril JI. Kollins. Clias. E. Brazer, " William H. l.uscomb. Chas.W.Brigliam, " W. Franli Longer. Ellas O. Blake, " Cliaiies Tolman. t'lias. A. Tliissell, " William G. I'owers. Cliarles Bowers, " B. F. Wing. N. V; . Storer, " George H. Porter. W. II. Bradley, surg. W. E. Hubbard. Harlan P. Goodell. N. C. Farnhara. Clement McCansland. M. S. .Smitli. Charles H. Filisetti. Charles C. Wliitcomb. D. A. Waters. C. S. Whitcomb. Andrew I'. Cole. .John Hayes, .lames Schofield. C. .1. Carvel. M. V. Mills. Isaac Willey. George A. Haydon. .lohn .1. Young. .John C. Parmenter. James W. Bean. .1. L. Fiske. H. Warren Howe. W. G. .McCnrdy. A. McMeekin. .\ugustn9 I>. Avling. Charles H. Frost. D. H. Holbrook. Rinaldo Page. .Silas Cowdry. S. M. Richardson. Charles B. Cadwell. George N. Thissell. .John McCue. Daniel D. Caverly. William M. Green. J. L. Collins. George W. Seaver. Charles W. Haskell. Charles C. Ring. Thomas F.Pratt. Frank P. Boynton. Alonzo B. Stevens. George C. Edwards. A. N. Coburn. Charles W. Sleeper. Simeon Briggs. Henry L. Gardner. Morton N. Peabody. H. W. Richardson. .lohn I^awson. Thomas S. Jones. Q. B. Stewart. William Jenness. Gancelo Leighton. Franklin French. Francis T. Wilson. E. P. Holmes. Henry N. Fletcher. Thomas Emraett, S. C. Amsden. Alonzo D. JIarshall. O. M. Caulfleld. Albert Parsons. tieorgc S. Preston. Charles K. Page. .Samuel W. Benson. A. .1. We.ston and O. T. Wilkins, drummers. Charles II. Fitzgerald, wagoner. George W. Fairbanks, captain's boy. Charles Fitts, first lieutenant's boy. John Sullivan, surgeon's boy. dred and one members, and that uni- forms were wanted. Airs. Frederick Holton, who has charge of making shirts for the Butler Rifles, came for- ward and ofl'ered shirts enough to supply the new recruits, provided the city w ould give cloth enough to make new ones. The generous oiler was gladly accei)ted. The uniforms for the members are reaily, and the whole company will be in march- ing trim to-morrow. The Richardson Light Infantry. Till* company, ou arriving in Boston, were received at the dejiot by a battalion of the First regiment, under conmiaud of Captain Snow. It was escorted to the State house, and there drawn up in line, while the ceremony of mustering the members into rncle Sam's service was being performed. The ofiicers and men, one hundred .-lud one in nmuber, first answered (o their names, and then, with heads uncovered, took the s(deiiin oath of allegiance to their country. The ceremony was witnessed by a large crowd of |ieopl(>. By re(piest of the company, the oath o"f allegiance was administered by George F. Richardson, Esq., of this city. This comiiauy is deservedly compli- mented in Boston. To Mr. Richardson, it is well known in Lowell, more than to any one else, does llie credit of getting it up belong. His interest in it from the start has hei'ii uullagging. and he has spent his time and his money liberally in advancing its iirosperity. It goes into service, we believe, with every ad- vantage that thorough preparation and equipment can give; and we shall un- doubtedly hear of gallant behavior on its part when the "tug of war" between our troops and those in rebellion actu- ally comes, in the character of a conflict of arms. — [Lowell Courier. A Generous Exchange. — When it was known that the Richardson Light Infantry was to be increased to one hun- Departure of Troops for Fort Monroe — Sailing of the Steamer Pembroke. The steam transport remhroke sailed from this port at half-past 11 o'clock this forenoon, with two coiiijianies of soldiers for Fort Monroe, viz.: the Wightman liilles, of Boston, Captain Clarke, and the Richardson Light Guard, of Lowell, Captain Davis. Both com|)anies were, in point of num- bers, fully up to the requisition of the new orders of the government, — one hundred and one men, including ofiicers, — and a more efficient or intelligent body of troops have not left this state. The Richardson Light Guard were escorted from their (quarters at the Han- cock house to the steamer at Commer- cial wharf by the Independent Fusileers, Capt. Henry A. .Snow, and the Sehouler Volunteers, Capt. C. E. Rand. The troojps were in heavy marching order, with knapsacks, canteens, and dippers, and wore the gray state over- coat. After they had emiiarked, the escort was dr.-iwn up near the steamer, and exchanged jiarting cheers with those with whom they will i)robably soon bi> 10 74 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. reunited on tho parade-ground at Fort- ress Monroe, or the fields of Virginia. The scene at the departure was one of great enlliusiasni. The wliarves were tlironged with peo- ple — friends and aequaintanees of the troops and liundreds who were attracted through curiosity, or who came to clieer the departing soldiers on their jiatriotie mission. Hundreds were seen clinging to tlie shrouds and rigging of tlie sliip- Iiing, and every shed and storehouse in the neighhorhood contained its battle- ment of spectators. While the baggage was going ou boaril, the friends of the soldiers amused themselves and slaked tlie thirst of the troops by showering them with apples and oranges, and the basket of many a Inckv fruit vender was speedily ex- hausted by the generous spectators. As the steamer got under headway the clK-ering broke out anew, and from a thousand swelling hearts came bene- dictions of aft'ection, friendship, hope, and courage. A large number of ladies were on board the ships, and with fluttering sig- nals waved adieus to husljands, i)rothers, sons, and lovers. A parting salute was liri'd from the open-mouthed sentinel which stands guard ou tlie forecastle deck of the steamer, and the soldiers hoarsely returned the farewell cheers of those they left behind. The steamer carries one thousand four hundred uniforms, manufactured for the state bv Messrs. Ilalighton & Saw- yer, to he distributed among the troops in tlie Tliiril and Fourth regiments of Massachusetts volunteers in Fort Mon- roe; also a lot of cooking utensils and nuinerous renienibrauces of friends to their loved ones far away. The Massachusetts Eighth and the New York Seventh Regiments. The following extract, from a letter written by a private in the Eighth regi- ment of M'assacliusetts volunteers, shows in what light the attentions of the New Yoi-k Seventh regiment to our boys are held liy them : — " We arrived safely at the Naval academy at Annapolis"on Sunday morn- ing, and hauled alongside the oUi Con- stitulinn. After a while we took h<'r in tow iind steamed off into the bay, where W(^ grounded and remained twenty-four hours, receiving hard fare, — only two biscuits and a slice of raw salt jxirk for rations, and not much water. Some of th(^ men oli'ered fifty cents and one dol- lar for a drink of water. We were finally ndieved by the steamer Boslrm, of New 'York, bringing the Seventh regi- ment. After landing her troo])s, she returned and took us ashore, in an al- most famished condition, from want of jiroju'r food, water, and the ell'ects of the liiiruing sun. '•When we got on shore the Seventh regiment flocked about us, greeted us with hearty cheers, and sujjplied us with such provisions as they h;id. There was not a single man of theui but freely empli<>dhis sack of such lU'ovisioMs as it contained, and expressed his regret that lie could not ilo more. It was a perfect godsend to the Eighth regiment, and we all unite in saying, 'God bless them.' A more magnanimous set of fel- lows I never met in my life. After leav- ing Annapolis they proceeded to Wash- ington, and there they gave us the praise of building the engine and bridge on the road, iiot taking any of the creciit tliemsim- mick, who ni'eded mechanical assistance in mounting the guns. Massachusetts, of course, sup])lied the need, and a dozen or more of our brave and ingenious me- chanics soon set all things in order, and much to the chagrin of the Virginians, things went on again much faster than ever. Mr. John C Briggs, who was )n-ompted by loss of employment at the Taunton Locomotive Works to volunteer in Co. G, is installed as foreman of the establishment, and his Yankee skill is ajipreciated as it ought to be. The Light Guard furnishes several of the corps of fighting workmen under him." The Littleton (N. H.) Journal says that as soon as tidings of the threatened attack on 'Washington reached that town, Mr. Hi'iijamin W. Killiurn took down his rifle ami started for the nation's cap- ital, to aid in its defense. He is said to be an excellent marksman, and anxious to cover a fighting Secessionist with the sights of his gun. He bears his own expenses in the service of his country. Such promptitude equals that of John Stark of Kevolutionary memory. JcsTiCE TO Thieves in the Ahjiy. — Two soldiers, volunteers, having been convicted of stealing, were each sen- tenced as follows: 'I'o be drummed out of the regiment, and through the entire brigade, stripped of his uniform, with a roiie about bis neck, and a placanl, with the word "Thief," on his back; further, that he fcnteit all pay and al- lowance now due him, or to become due him at the time of the )iromulgalion of his sentence, and to be dish(morably discharged from the service of the I'nited States. General Butler aiiiirovcil the sentence. The Soldier's Fate. To the Editor of tlie Boston Journnl : I send you the following lines — tlie recital of the sufferings and premature death of a Jlassachusetts volunteer, caused Ijy his strug- gles to get into an army shirt. May tlie sad tale induce those noble l)ut deluded women, known as the "cutters," to cut their cloth according to the pattern of the meti for whom they are designed. One might suppose, from their size, that these shirts were intended for " infants-in-arms," rather than for "men-in- arms." A Sister of a .Soldier. " Farewell ! and take this shirt," slie said, "'Tis blue, and so am I; I!ut when the blue is mixed with red, I shall turn white and die." " I take the shirt, my love," be saild Cove," says he with a groan : "All 1 axes is — Let me alone." then came along, on the self-same vcy, Another Olil Cove, and began for to say — " Let you alone! That's coming it strong! — You 've ben let alone — a darned sight too long — < If all the sarce that ever I heerd ! — I'ut down that stick! (You may well look skcered.) liCt go that stone ! If you once show flght, 1 'II knock von higher than ary kite. Y'oii musl have a lesson to stop your tricks. And cure you urshviiig them stonesand sticks. And I 'II liave my hardware back and my cash, Aiul knock vour scow into tarnal smash. And if ever'l catches you 'round my ranch, I 'II string you up to tho nearest branch. The best vou can do is to go to bed. And keep a decent tongue in your head ; For I reckon, before you and I are done, You'll wish you had let honest folks alone-" The old Cove stopped,and the t'other Old Cove He sot quite still in his cypress grove. And he looked at bis .stick, revoivin' slow \'etlier 't were safe to shy it or no — And he grumbled on, in an injured tone, " All that I axed \os — M me nioiie." — [Hartford (;ourant. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 75 Scott and the Veteran. BY BAYARD TAYLOR. An oUl and crippled veteran to the War tle- partinent came. He sought the Chief who led liim on many a field of fame — The Chief who shouted " Forward ! " where'er his banner rose, And hore its stars in triumph behind the fly- ing foes. "Have you forgotten, General," the battered soldier cried, '*The clays of eighteen hundred twelve, when I was at your side? Have you forgotten Johnson, that fought at Lundy's Lane? T is true I'm old and pensioned, but I want to fight again." " Have I forgotten," said the Chief, "my brave old soldier, No! And here's the hand I gave you then, and let it tell you so : But you have done vour share, my friend, you are crippk-d, old, and gray. And we have' need ot younger arms and fresher blood to-day." " But, General ! " cried the veteran, a flush upon his brow; " The very men who fought with us, they say are traitors now ; They 've torn the flag of Lundy's Lane, our old red, white, and blue; And while a drop of blood is left, I'll show that drop is true. " I 'm not so weak but I can strike, but I 've a good old gun To get the range of traitors' hearts, and prick them one by one. Your miuie rifles and such arms it ain't worth while to try ; I could n't get the hang of them, but I '11 keep uiy powder dry ! " " God bless you, comrade ! " said the Chief — " God bless your loyal heart ! But younger men are m the field and claim to Have their part. They'll plant our sacred banner in each re- bellious town. And woe, henceforth, to any hand that dares to pull it down ! " " But, General ! " — still persisting, the weep- ing veteran cried : "I'm young enough to follow so long as yo" 're my guide ; And some, you know, must bite the dust, and that at least can I; So, give the young ones place to flght, but me a place to die! "If they should fire on Pickens, let the Colonel in oummand Put me upon the rampart, with the flag-stafiT in my hanaiiion«i — AVhat Tliev I>id — Their Loca- tion — What is Thought of Tliem —What They l>o, etc. FoKT Monroe, June 1, 1861. We left Hoston, as you know, on the 22d ult., in the steamer Pembroke, in company with the Wightnum Ritles. of Boston, Capt. T. S. Clark, " as good a set of fighters and as hard a set of men as it has been my fortune to meet." Captains Clark and Davis being both of same rank, and commissions bearing same date, they drew lots to see which should com- mand the detacliment, and the lot fell on Captain Clark. The Pembroke is not arranged so as to accom- modate the number of men aboard of her, but by having system in our arrangements, we got along very well. One of the lieutenants was y to state that the boats assigned to"the iJiehardson I.i-xltt Inhmtry were manned first, undt'rthe charge uf Corp. Charles W. Brigham and William M. Young, they being in position in forty-five seconds after the call was given. We liad splendid weather all the way out, which contributed greatly to our comfort. Capt. Rufus Collin of the Pembroke, a noble son of old Neptune, did all in his power to make us condortable. We run down to several suspicious-looking vessels, but the pennant at mast-head always brought out the Stars and Stripes on their part, so we did not have the pleasure of taking any prizes into poit with us. On Saturday we entered nanipton Roads about 8:30 a.m. The Quaker City was about three miles ahead of us, towing a bark she had captured, and at 11 :;iO o'clock we reaehed Fortress Monroe, and iit once report i-d to Major-general Butler, who met ns in a very cordial manner. \Vi! were assigned qnarti'rs in the Hygeia hotel, "the celebrated Old Point Comfort hotel," where we took posses- sion of twenty-four rooms for company's quarters. We got nothing to eat until about 7 o'clock, V. M. , being unal>le to get our rations from the (Quartermaster and get them cooked sooner, and as we had enten nothing since 6 o'clock, A. M.. we had gooil appetites. Since that time we have had our rogulai- meals, and the. fare has Ijcen of good (iualit\'. On Tnesiiay hist Ceneral liutler paid us a visit at our rjuarters, and laying a»id(; all military etifiuette :nid rules, " addressed ns as townsmen and friends, giving us some good advice and counsel, in the pleasunt and pithy style which is so characteristic ot him. On Monday we were temporarily attaehed to the Third n'giuH.Mil, Colonel Wardntp's, antl that afternoon we made our first paraih-. On Tuesday we went on as picket guard, and were highly ecnnplimented by Major Wil- liams, the oilicer ot tin- (lay. for our piompt- ness, etc. Yesterday (Thursanner wave Till there be not a slave — Show Thyself strong to save. Unto the end. After a parade by the military companies, including the Andover Volunteers, Capt. H. Holt, who eame on the ground just after the flag-raising, the Havelock Grays marched to Professor Stowe's, whore they spent a pleasant evening and were formally named bv Mrs. Stowe. X. A Parody. .teffersou Davis (may his tribe decrease!) Awoke one night with ague in his knees; Seeing within the moonliglit of his room A finnale form, resplendent as the moon, Columbia writing in a book of gold; E.xci-ediug brass made the Davis bold, .•\nd tn the presence in the room he said, '■ What writest thou? " The vision raised its head. And with a look all dignity and calm, .\nswercd, "The names ot those w-holoveoui- I'ufle Sam." " And is mine one? " said Davis. " Nay, not so," Replied Columbia. Davis spoke more low, lint clearly still, and said, "I pray thee, then. Write me the names of who hate their fellow-men," Columbia wrote and vanished. The ne.\t night She eanie again, with her new list .all right. And sliowed the names hunianit>' detest. And lo! Jeff. Davis' name leil all the rest. — [Home .Journal. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR, 77 DlirAKTURE OF THK FIRST REGI- MENT FOR WASHINGTON. Euthnsiastlc Ovation to tbe Troops! Flag Presented to the Regiment. TOUCHING SCENES ON THE COMMON. One of the Troops Killed. Other Incidents and Accidents. Whatever may betide tlie troops coiii- posiug the First reginieut of Massachu- setts vohiuteers in the perilous expedi- tion upon wliieli tliey have finally set forth, they have aoeoniplished their first victory over a series of moral ob- stacles, which were enough to break the back of Secession itself ; aud if their courage aud bravery on the field of bat- tle equal the patience aud forbearauce W'ith which they ha\'e borue their disap- pointments and troubles, their future career will be as bright aud glorious as their past history has beeu cloudj' aud uncertain. Being the First regiment of M. V. M., they claimed the privilege of heading the colunui that moved from this state to the defense of the national capital. Tills was denied them, but an equally honorable position has finally beeu assigned them in leadiug the van of the battalions which Massa- chusetts sends forth for the restoration of the Union. They are the first of the three years' vohiuteers from the com- monwealth, aud the generous aud en- thusiastic farewell which they received on Saturday at the hands of tlieirfrieuds and fellow-citizens, shows liow much this greater sacrifice of theirs is felt aud appreciated by the community. Leaving: Camp. Saturday was a day of coimuotiou iu Camp Cameron, at North Cambridge; preparations for the departure of the troops leaving liegau at an early hour. The tents, baggage, aud all the camp equipage, save what the men carried ou their shoulders, was packed, aud the baggage train, consisting of flfteeu wagons, each drawn by four horses, set out iu advance for the steamer upon which the regiment embarked. The wagons were placed ou platform-cars, aud the horses iu box-cars, on the Bos- ton & Providence railroad, aud con- veyed to Groton, the terminus of the Providence & Stonington railroad, whence the steamers on tliis route sail for New York. Hoi-ge Killed. A series of accidents which attended the departure of the troojis began with the killing of a horse, the most valuable belonging to the regiment, and one at- tached to the wagon of the Fusileers. The train had not proceeded far from this city, ^\'heu the wagoner in charge of one of the cars, thinking to furnish the horses more air, opened one of the doors, whereupon this horse became frightened, aud forcing against a tem- porary barrier broke it down and plunged headlong from the car. He was instantly killed. The train re- turned to the depot, when the clerk of Quartermaster I^ee, a young man named E. R. Hutchins, who had superintended the leading of the horses, jirouipth* set about obtaining another horse. N'ot finding the (Quartermaster-general or other oflicials of whom to obtain au- thority to proceed, he very ])ro])erly took the responsibility of going to Kox- bury and purchasing a horse, which was soon loaded, and the train set oft" again, each wagoner accompanying his owu team. A Wagoner Killed. The train arrived safely at Groton, ojjposite New London, but here a second and melancholy casualty occurred. While the cars were being switdied from one track to another, the wagoner of the Koxbury City Guards, a young man named Daniel Miller, who was seated on his wagon, was jostled from his place and fell between the cars uj)on the track. Twenty-four cars passed over his legs, cutting them oft' above the knees and mangling them in a shock- ing mauner. The unfortunate man was removed to a dwelling-house near the depot. Doctor Francis, of New Loudon, was sunmioned, aud every thing was done which could be to alleviate his suft'erings and prolong his life. He sank rapidly and expired in the arms of Atwell Richardson, the armorer of the regiment, about three hours after the accident occurred. In the meantime the troops at Camp Cami'ron were busy with final prepara- tions for their departure. Through the exertions of Major Chandler the sum of $9000 was obtained aud distributed among the troops, that being the amount due them from the Uuitetl States for fourteen days' service. The troops ])rovided themselves with four days" rations, consisting of excellent hard bread, boiled ham and beef, and their canteens with water. They marched bv companies to the commis- sary's quarters, and each in turn filled his haversack. The preference was given for bread, entire companies taking nothing else. At 4 : 30 o'clock the drum beat the "Assembly," aud the troops marched out of their quarters to the regimental line. Brigadier -general Bullock and staff were received and es- corted in a barouche to Boston. Thi; guard being taken oft", the lines were kept by the Cambridge police, until Captain Tripp of the Sixth K'olonel Clark's) regiment, who took possession of the camp, posted his sentinels. Halt on the Comiuoii. The regiment made a brief halt iu Charles street, and as the clock struck " they resumed their march and euterey their stern reality the burden of the song, " .V sol- dier's life is always gay," calling for the exercise of the loftiest patriotism, which gives up home, friends, aud life itself for country, and testing the strength of the tenderest aft'ection. But the day was fast waning, and the halt was brief. The order was given "Forward,"' and the regiment disen- gaged itself from these endearing en- tanglements, and marched to the long wooden freight depot of the Providence railroad, follow ed by hosts of friends, reluctant to lose sight of the soldiers. Presentation of a Banner. Arrangements had been made by a committee of the city council to present a flag to the regiment, which gift was intended as a conqdiment to Colonel Cowdiu, who is a member of the com- mon council. Mayor Wightmau aud many state and municipal officers, in- cluding Adjutant -general Schouler, Quartermaster -geueral Reed, Colonel Stone, Master of Ordnance, aud several aldermen and councilmen, were on the common, aud endeavored to perform the ceremony at that point, but the confu- sion which followed the halt of the troops prevented, aud after a series of strategic movements, the gentlemen followed the troops to the depot, es- corted through the crowd by the old Fusileers. A platform was improvised from a pile of railwaj- sleepers, and a space being cleared. Colonel Cowdin rode into it, and the ceremony took place. Remarks of Alderman Pray. .John F. Pray, Esq., alderman aud chairman of the committee, stepped forward and addressed Colonel Cowdin, as follows : — Mr. Commander : The city council of Boston made an a])]iropriation, aud ap- pointed a committee, to procure a set of colors to be presented to your regiment, as a token of their appreciation of the prompt and efficient manner in which you discharged your duties as a member of that body. 78 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. You are also entitled to the respect of the citizens of Boston, for the deep interest yon have manifested in our volunteer militia for many years of peace, pi-osperity, and loyalty. Circumstances beyond our control oblige our chosen men now to take up aruis for the preservation of the Union. It is your duty in this hour of peril to aid in the j)rotection of our connuon country, the maintenance of govern- ment and nationality, the support of law and liberty. This duty you have promptly accepted. I now present you, in behalf of the city council, the "flag, the emblem of that Union which must be preserved. Let it teach that lesson to your com- mand until you return victorious to peaceful homes in a happy and united country. Colonel Cowdin responded as fol- lows : — Mr. Chairman, Mr. Mayor, and Gentle- men of the City Council : From the bottom of my heart I thank you. The fatigues of the day and the ovation that we have received on Boston Common have left me in such a condition tliat I am hardly able to express uiyself in your presence. I did suppose that the jiolice of Boston could keep guard wherever they were placed, but I have altered my miiid this evening. The arms of our wives and sweethearts have proved too much for you. I am very grateful to the city of my adoption of which I have been a citizen for tliirty years, and I assure you that, as far asmiiy lie in my power, nothing shall be left undone that can be done to sustain our noble country. This flag shall never be disgraced "by me or my command, as far as my power extends, and I have no doulit of tlie disjjosition of my whole command to support me unto death itself. ! 1 hank you again from the bottom of my heart. " May the city of Boston rest assured that we go forth as patriots to fight the battles of our common country, and that we shall ever hold to the senti- ment that it is better to he buried in the deepest dejiths of the earth than to come home dishonored ! Three cheers were iuuuediately given for Colonel Cowdin, three for the First regiiiumt, and tlu-ee for tlie old Artil- lery (which Colonel Cowdin com- manded). The Departure. Meanwhile the regiment liail run. Such an exciting scene I never saw before. The people were silent, and many very much frightened ; some of the women fainted, thinking we were intending to attack the city. '•About dark we returned to the bill, and bivouacked tor the night, and at !t o'clock the next morning returned to our old quarters at the Relay house, feeling much better for our trip, and leaving more Union men in Baltimore than we found there, I think. "" Condition of our Troops in "Western "Virginia. Some at least of the gallant fellows who are fighting so bravely and success- fully for the cause of the Union in Wes'tern Virginia are submitting to hardships for wliich there ought to be a speedy reme Ohio and Indiana boys in Ibis benighted region. 1 .state by personal investigation, when I say there is not a regiment in this com- mand that t'an muster over twenty-five pairs of pantaloons, twenty shirts, or thirty blankets. A portion of the troops have just received their overcoats, how- ever, which will atVord slight relief. All the men are without socks, and many barefooted. Yet, strange to relate, there is no complaint. The.y would rather go out and scout the enemy in the pelting storm any time than partake of rations and soldiers" quarters. I have seen men who have lain out in the laurel six and eight days at a stretch, bagging the Secesh and subsisting on green blackberries and fox grapes. "Three of the Indiana boys, belong- ing to KimbalTs Fourteenth Indiana, recently surrounded and captured a party of nine of the enemy in a shanty on the mount;! ins, who, after surrender- ing, had the impudence to inquire if all our men were so valorous. Our boys removed the locks from their guns, and then permitted them to depart in peace, not being able to take the wounded prisoners into our camp." It appears that the army is badly off for transportation, which may account for the destitute condition of the sol- diers, as large quantities of clothing for them were reported to be stored at Wheeling, Bell Air, Parkersburg, and other places, whence it may be difficult to transport supplies. Every day develops some new evi- dence of the systematic manner in which the goveriuueut was defrauded and phmdered under the late adminis- tration by the ofticers whose special dut}- it vvas to ])rotect the public in- terests and provide for the public de- fense. The AV'ashington correspondent of the New York Times relates the fol- lowing exploit of Governor Floyd : — " On Governor's island there were twenty large guns, some of which were of extraordinary size and weight, which the secretary, being, it is sui)- posed, rather ' hard up,' sold to a prom- inent New Jersey machine shop as old iron, for the moderate sum of §20 jier ton. So well made were the guns that it was found a physical impossibility to break them in the ordinary manner, and it was only by the use of the lathe that they were destroyed. Several 80 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. of rhi'in weighed 7000 lbs. each. Sis of tlieiii remain uiil)roken, and the depart- ment has ordered an examination of tlieni. so tliat tliey may again be taken into tlie service of the country.'" The Red, White, and Blue. IIV JOSIE S. IIL'NT. Oil, (leaver tliaii life is tlie badge that 1 wear, With its star knit of gold from my ladylove's liair; Close over mv heart like a blossom it grows, Tricolored, inodorous, gold-hearted rose. When the bells of our village tolled out their alarms. And the drums beat the music that called us t() arms. My darling, with steady white hands pinned it there. While she said in-a voice that was tender as prayer, (Its silver unjarrcrt by a shiver of fear,) " I give you to (iod and to Liberty, dear ! In the pride of your years, in the strength of your youth. My heart gives you up to do battle for tnitli." To test her, I said, " When I go to my grave, I'd rather my sweetheart were lo\ing than brave ; Leave courage for men, but for women are The duty of prayers, and the weakness of tears. *' True love never dooms, with so tranquil a pride, Its object to danger"; she clung to my side. All the patriot blood to her face leaped like flame — "True love, O, my life! cannot clasp hands with shame. " Our star-spangled flag shall not trail in the dust. Live for me if you can — die for that if you must 1 God make me a widow before I am wife, If I prize not your honor as more than your life." Still further to try her, I took from its place Her gift; the proud glow faded out of her face. " Excuse me, my dear, if your love's so divine That it climbs quite beyond the discernment of mine. " For your gift, many thanks! tie it there at your waist; I have seen tlie same colors, much more to my taste, 111 a ditlereiit sliape." Oh! her scorn, her suriirise. Oh! the lightning that glowed in her beauti- ful eyes. And after the lightning flashed, torrents of rain. And her voice smote my heart, silvershar]i with its pain. "O traitor'" she cried, "may the Father above Cast you out from His presence as 1 Irom my love ! May the land you desert never yield you a grave. Or heaven claim the soul of so craven a slave ! Kalse to Freedom" — I caught the llerce words from her lips. And kissed the wet eyes into sudden eclipse. "Nay, listen, dear love, to my pica," 1 replied, " And spare me the rest of your anger and pride; May (iod deal by me, as in purpose and deed Ity my country I deal in this hour of her need! " lint the mouth that touched mine Just a moment ago, These little, soft hands, that are colder than snow. These eyes, rayed like stars, that my have pressed, Are the red, white, and blue in the shape I love best." ( 111, dearer than life is the badge that I wear, With its stars knit of gold from ray lady- love's hair! No traitor shall gather my tri-colored rose, K.xcept through my heart — the red soil where it grows. Ciod bless my dear country, and save her from spoil. From the greedy home vultures that blacken her soil ; In the name of these colors, all colors above. The lips, hands, and eyes of the woman I love! The Capitol Bakery. We clip from the Washington Bepubli- c.nn tlie following description of the bakery in the Capitol. It will be seen that tlie principal men connected with it are from Massachusetts: — '■ Yesterday morning we paid a visit to the government bakery, in the basement of the Capitol building, and were mudi surprised iit the sights tliat ^^ e tliere saw. On entering the lower door, immediately behind the'fountaiu, we found ourselves in the presence of the indefatigable superintendent, Lieut. T. J. Cate, for- merly of the Sixth Massachusetts regi- ment^, but now of the Sixteenth regiment United States infantry, who was busily employed, as well as "his two able clerks and assistants, Messrs. W. TI. Mitchell and ciinstantlV keep busy delivering their loads uiider the eastern portico, from whence the barrels are rolled into the vault. Wlienever the flour is needed, il, is sliiled down to the floor below. The amount of flour constantly in this room is lietween four and ciglit thou- Siind barrels. " lietracing our steps, we came again to the vicinity of the fountain, where we found eight ovens in full o]ier;ition, turning out twenty thousand loaves of every twenty-four hours. The tiread is of the best quality, and each loaf weighs twenty-two ounces. There are forty li:ikers" employed at these ovens, w"ho liiive on one or two occa- sions, wlieii pressed, run out twenty- four tliousand loaves per day. '•,\djacent to these ovens are two rooms, — one on each side of the en- trance, — from which the bread is de- livered. It may not be uninteresting to know I lie form in use. When tlie requi- sition is sent by a quartermaster to the Subsistence deiiartnient at Itie post-office, for tli<' rations for his regiment, an or- der is drawn for the bre;id on Lieutenant Cate, to whom the driver of tlie wagon presents it, and is furnislied witli a ticket, which is handed in at the delivery window, and the bread Is forthwith passed out on smooth boards to the wagon. "The mess-room and the kitchen are also on this floor, and the hands, to the number of oue hundred and sixty, here take their meals. This department is superintended by Mr. Levi M. Pierce, formerly of the'Eighth Massadiusetts regiment; and the cleanly appearance observable, as well as the well-catered meals set out, give indisputable evidence that he ' can keep a hotel.' "Outside of the building, in the vaults heretofore used for the stowing of fuel, we find six double- sized ovens liuilt, employing ten bakers each, and capable of turning out forty thousand loaves per day, but at preseiit averaging thirty thousand. Near by are two other rooms, in which eight men are constantly em- ployed in making yeast, of which about fourteen hundred "and fifty gallons are made per day. "The bakers are ;ill under the forman- ship of Mr. John II. Sowersby, a baker of seventeen years" experience, and for- merly of Bond's celebrated bakery at Wilmington, Mass. "The total number of jiersons about the establishment is one hundred :ind sixty, of which about one hundred are employed in baking bread, thirteen de- livering it, eight making yeast, six in the cook-room, six splitting wood, four in the storeroom, three watchmen, twelve teamsters, and the others as clerks, runners, and extra hands. Of the whole number employed, about fifty are from the North, thc^ balance being our own citizens. "The pay-roll for the last month amounted to over -SOOOO. The hands are divided into four classes, the best of which get .§42 per month, with rations, and inferior ones $3.j, $38, and .^40 each. "Too much yiraise can not b<' awarded til Lieutenant Cate, to whose judgment and experience much of the success of the liakery is due. "The e.stablishment is attached to the Subsistence department, of which Major Beckwith, assisted by Lieut. S. C. Green, A. A. C. S., has charge. "The depot, to which tlie bakery is attached, is in the post-ollice building, from whence the troops now on tliis side of the river receive all their sup- plies, excepting bread, which is pro- cured from here or oue of the other minor bakeries, of which there are some eight or ten in the city."" At the raising of a liberty-jiole and national flag in Salisbury, Conn., a few days ago, the great crowd of jieopje took the following solemn oath: "With up- lifted hands and solemn brow, in the presence of Almighty (iod, we swear eternal fidelity to that" flag. We pledge ourselves to God ;iud to each other to protect and defend i( against all enemies, at all times, in all iilaces, .-11111 under all circumstaiu'cs, with the last dollar of our money and tlie l;ist droji of our blood."' INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR 81 BULL RUN! THE LATE BATTLE. £*s>.ots, Xxxoictexits, eto. Tlie war correspondents furnish a great variety of interesting facts and incidents concerning the great battle on Sunday, from ■ttiiicli we make a selection. The following are from the New York Com- mercial ■ — llrave Kunaways. The scenes of yesterday will long be remembered here. Amid a drenching rain our troops came into the city, some shoeless, hatless, coatless, and appar- ently in the most wretched condition. They all had wonderful stories to relate, some of tlieiu modestly claiming to have shot at least seven Confederate troops. Most of those who arrived in the city in the earlj' part of yesterday, excepting the wounded, were, according to their own story, the last to leave the tield of battle ; but by some process known only to themselves they were the first to ar- rive in this city. A "Western Colonel. A colonel of a Western regiment, it is currently reported, left his men on the field, jumped into a private carriage, drew his revolver ujion the driver, and commanded him to drive on, leaving be- hind those who had hired the coach. Upon being interrogated at Fairfax as to ^\here liis regiment was, the brave colonel informed his friend that he sup- posed they had "all gone to h — . " General Scott is pained beyond descrip- tion at the conduct of the officers iu command of our forces. The men fought nobly, as did also most of the subordinate officers. Kravery of the New York Fire Zouaves and Sixtj'-nintli Kegiinent. The conduct of the regiments from the city of New York engaged in the battle of Bull Run was exceedingly fine. The Fire zouaves and Sixtj'-niuth had hand-to-liand combats with the ene- my. The zouaves rushed in upon the enemy like wild men ruiniing to a fire. They' slew in every direction, paying their respects to the Louisiana zouaves, who were "badly used up." A regi- ment of cavalry then attacked the zou- aves, when a frightful scene ensued. Au e3'e-witness informs me it was the most terrible conflict imaginable. The zouaves killed nearly all the two hun- dred and eighty. Their horses were taken, and were sold for from 25 cents to .$1 each. The Sixty-ninth regiment. Colonel Corcoran, were so eager for the fray that they divested themselves of all su- l)erfluous wearing apparel, and bare- footed and with bare arms, went into battle. They charged upon a battery and were repulsed. They tried it a sec- ond time, and met with the same fate. The third endeavor, on their part, marked the undaunted determination of the regi- ment as they pressed forward and with yells and shouts of defiance planted the Stars anluit of a Ne^v Hampshire Wagon Master. 1 met a teamster going toi\-ard Centre- ville, who said he was wagon master of the New Hampshire regiments, riding towards his teams at full gallop from the battle-field. He carried iu his hand two cavalry sabers and pistols. I asked him where he came from, and he said, exultingly, " Hang them, 1 "ve killed two of the cusses already, and now my horse is worn out. I am going to get a fresli horse and go back to tight them with their own cheese-knives, after my boys bring their wagons in a safer place."' He went back, ami the way he slashed aliout Viith what he termed a "cheese-knife" was fearful. This one man must have killed five or six men, or at least terribly wounded them. A Fire Zouave I'layiaig; 'I*ossuni. The Fire zouaves have demonstrated that they are composed of the best ma- terial, and that their prowess has not been underrated. One of them feigned to be dead, lying flat on his face. From a distance, through my field glass, I could notice him occasionally moving his head sideways. All at once a se- cession cavalry oflicer, riding a sjiliMidid gray horse, came up and contcmptu- ousiy passed the supi)Osed slain zouave, when the latter raised his head and then liis rifle and brought the ofiicer to the ground like a squirrel. The zouave coolly turned about and resumed his former position. Activity of the Surgeons. Surgeons were on the ground from all parts of the country. Doctor Hall, of Cincinnati, Doctor Mayer, of Chicago, Doctor Mundy, of Staten island, and Doctors Slocuni and King, of Boston, were particularly active among the wounded in the thickest of the fight. One surgeon, while dressing the wounded leg of a soldier on the field, had his arm dreadfully shattered. The West Point Battery. The report that the West Point bat- tery, consisting of eight 32-pounders, were captured by the Rebels at the battle of Bull Run, is unfounded. An officer who participated in the battle assures us that the battery above mentioned was not in the action at all. Lieutenant Haynes' " Long Tom " is also safe, having been taken from the field by its efficient commander. We are informed that a teamster was engaged in cutting the traces of the leading team to riui away, when Lieutenant Haynes killed the coward on the spot. Negi'oes in the Kehel Army. The New Y^ork Post's coi-respondent says : — Hon. Kennedy Marshall, of Pittsburgh, who was in the forest near Bull Run in the conflict, saw six slaves, who said they escaped from a Rebel batter}-. They declared that the Rebels have very large numbers of Negroes at Manassas Junc- tion, who were compelled to work upon the fortifications and worked some of the batteries. They fell trees and act as the waiters upon the better class of white soldiers in the Rebel army. They assured Mr. Marshall that these slaves knew very well the cause of the war, and were seeking an opportunity to es- cape to the Federal lines. It requires, they say, au equal number of white men to watch the Negroes. The Scene in Congress — Mr. Crittenden. The scene presented by the Senate and House of Representatives is indescrib- abte. The gloom hung like a jjall over both houses, and no one seemetl to have the heart to transact the public business. No one seemed to feel this more than Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky. When he rose on Monday morning he asked, "Well, what further newsV He had gone to bed under the delusion that the Federal army had triumphed. " We are routed — utterly routed," was the reply to his question. The old man started back in astonishment, and when the facts were brought before him he went back, sat down, and i)uttiug his head down upon his hands burst into tears. I saw him that night, and there is no longer room for doubt on which siile Mr. Crit- tenden's feelings are enlisted. liean regard's Plans. The correspondent of the Philadel- phia Inqnirtr makes the following state- ments : — From the hints dropped by several prisoners, and from the disposition of Beauregard's forces, it seems to have been a part of his plan on Sunday to have Johnston come down with a part of his column as far as the Bull Run mountain ; and with another part dow'n the turnpike from Winchester to Aldie; and then, while Beauregard was engag- ing McDowell's whole army at Bull Run, Johnston to make a forced march on the right flank of McDowell by way of Fairfax, Vienna, Ball's Cross-roads, and then fall upon his rear from Fairfax and Centreville. Between these two fires Beauregard hoped to annihilate McDowell, and then to march on to Washington, it has not yet transi)ired what it was that pre- vented Johnston from fulfilling his part of the programme. Had he done so, the Rebels would have been in Washington to-tiay, and our army would have been cut to pieces. H it is owing to General Patterson's mananivres that Johnston did not efl'ect what Beauregard intended him to do, what honors shall not be paid to that ofiicer'? Coolness of Massachusetts Soldiers. During the heat of the engagement the men of one of the Massachusetts regiments were obsi'rved to fire when- ever they couhl see an object at which to aim, reload their pieces, and then, rest- 11 82 IXC I DENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. iujv a iiiomcut, cut a cracker, and then blaze awav again. One of them said he had had no brealdast and felt hungry; "but,'" said he, " I gness I "d tire when- ever I can see u darned Secesli — there "s one now." Just as he spoke, the sun glanced on a bright gun-barrel that seemed to come up out of the grounil. It was a rifleman, in a rifle pit. Instantly a blaze of light shot from th>- rifle, and a man near the extreme left of the regi- ment fell. The eraeker-eater fired at the rifleman almost simidtaneously, and evidently hit him, for li<' leaped up out of his pit, but innuediately dropped back into it, throwing his rifle on the grass. The KIkkIo I-^laml Troops. 'I'he I'rovidence Juurnal states that tlie regiments from that state began their inarch at 1 o'clock Sunday morning, be- fore breakfast, went thirteen miles to thi' field, fought five hours, and marched back thirty-eight miles to Washington without rest or food. When the First regiment went into the fight, the Rebels raised a United States flag, wliich caused the Khode Islanders to slacken their fire for a while, on the supposition that they were tiring on friends. The I'aiiic. 'I'he Philadelphia North American says : — •■ A gentleman who left Washington on Monday afternoon, informs us of some particulars of the retreat from Manassas, and the origin of the disaster. In publishing his narrative we give some facts which are already familiar, but the connection of events requires the repeti- tion. Our informant is clear-headed, not panic-stricken, and is fully compe- tent to analyze, compare, ami arrange the rei)orts, and what he gives us he re- ceived from eye-witnesses, some civil- ians and some soldiers. It appears that when the weight of the Secession force made it necessary to fall back, the army wagoners, too confi- dent of victory, had so closely followed the advaiu'C that it was apiircheiided that they would end)arrass the move- ments of the troops. Soldiers not then in action, fatigued with their long march and subsequent share in the engagement, were resting in and under the wagons and among f he trees. Orders came for the wagoners to fall back for a mile; the intention being only that they should give jilace for the movements of the troops. Reserves were ready near Cent re- ville, at that point, and at other i)laces. Indeed the whole column would have been brought into action, but for the s\iddcn and most, unhappy retreat. The wagoners mistook the onier for a confession of ilefcat, and save hiins<'lf who can, became the feeling. The fa- tigued soldiers, who were out of their raidvs and scattered, as above stated, shared the panic, and, being under no control, acted each for himscdf. The civilians hid|>cd the contusion, and the rest is known, though our informaiU contends, and (dearly shows, more than li;ippcncd, and a rout much more disas- trous than the real event carried to Washington, and thence sent over the whole country by the first fugitives, who were of course most alarmed. At this point of aft'airs occurred that incident of the battle which will carry grief to lumdreds of firesides in Vir- ginia. This part of the battle was describe(i to our informant by a gentle- man, ;i civilian, who was an unwilling and horrified witness of the slaughter. The Black Kangers, a company of a hundred, formed of Virginia gentlemen riding their own horses, came from the cover of the Kebel batteries with the shout, 'Kill the d — d red ca])s!' The zouaves, who were on the point of re- treating, faced about and received the charge with a vollej- which swept many from their saddles. The scattered sol- diers at the wayside turned and fired on the rangers. The zouaves, their pieces being discharged, pulled others of the riders from their horsi'S,and finished the work of deatli with the bayonet. The gentleman who witnessed this, all unused to such scenes, describes the fall of these riders as a sjjectacle most awful. He saw seven only escape, and counted them twice." — [Boston Journal. A Rebel Song. The following, which was sent to this office by a gcnlleujan in Lowell who re- ceived it from a soldier in McClellan's army, was found on the person of a Rebel soldier captured by our men in Virginia not long ago. It is " Secesh " all through, and is much more amusing than jiatriotic or poetic : — Bull r.uD. oil. be easy — do n't you tease mc — Wliile I -sinff a l>it of fun ; Soldiers flying, niggers crying See thcin pusli for Washington. Otr tlify scamper— oil, wliat a damper To their tender, humane hearts : JIuskets dropping, hearts a-tlu-obblng, Bodies left Ijehind in carts. Lee 's a-coming ! Ilark, the dramming ; Fly, you hireling, Hessian knaves; lie will seourge you, he will purge you; Kun, yon dirty Lincoln slaves. .Johnston's mettle will make you settle Down into just and upright men, ]f you promise for tlie future Not to take up arms again. Oil, wliat sorrow on the morrow When you llnd your knapsack gone, IJi-rad and w:Uer — wliat yon fougllt for — You 'II not lind in Washington. Despised as traitors, lirotlier-haters, You shall bear the mark of Cain; Foolisti gunni-rs, llrst-rate runners; .Shed your Ijiotlier's blooil lor gain. Shame will crown yon, tcarswill drown you Of the miseiy you have made; l*eaee will leave'you, conscience grieve yon, Dupes of Al»nim Lincoln's raid. Oil, be easy — do n't you teas<; me, I have Sling you all' tlie joke ; Seclliein coining — see them runningi lU'avens ! — stre tlic awful sinolte ! — [Lowell Courier. The Dying Soldier. I A subscriljer sends us the following adap- tation of tlie metre of Mrs. Norton's " liingen tlie Hhiue" to ii theme of — ilescrip- live, very nearly, so tin: one who eoiitriliules it tells us, of the fate of a young .New York volunteer, " as brave a fellow as the war has protiueert " ;— ] A soldier of the armv lay dying at Bull Kun, Oh, the feast ot death was dreadful in that hot and Ijii riling sun. No niotlier's fond devotion, and no sister's earnest i>rayer. Betokened that a mother's or a sister's hand was there ; But a comrade knelt beside him, witli his bended head full low — 'T is ever thus the bravest will feel compas- sion's How — And he listen'd to the murmur, as the blood gusli'd from his side, " My home is by the Hudson, the Hudson's rolling tide." " To my brothers and companions, when they crowd around, my mate, .Speak ligtitly of mj- agony, precisely of my fate ; 'T is not the fear of dying, but I cannot all control This dizziness and weakness, this faintness of the soul ; Still, never must they know it — I would that tliey should feel In death, as in my life, my heart was temper'd like my steel, Ttie steel my brothers gave me and hung upon my side, As we parted on the Huilson, the Hudson's swelling title. "Tell my father when you see him, with his sad and tearful eye. I died the death he pray'd for me, the death I long'd to die. With my gaze uponour standard, my weapon to tl'K.' foe. And a wild hurrah of ecstasy, I met the wel- come blow ; Oh, mitigate his sorrow, it will give his an- guisli rest To know my foe's endeavor fell squarely on my breast — Wliere else could traitors strike me? for I was nurs'd lieside The niemoriesof Hudson, of Hudson's storied tide. " Should he ask you for mementos of the ghastly fieUl of dread. Look on the corpse beside me, and tell him that I s.iid The hand that pressed me .sorelj-, and the hand that wrought my doom. Lies colder than the stones that flag the por. tals to the tomb; We closed, with breath suspended, and with eye to eye on tire. I know not what were in his thoughts, but mine were on my sire, My sire, whose father battled, and who bravely fell, beside The waters of the Hudson, the Hudson's crim- son'd tide. " Break gently to my mother these tidings of her boy : Great God 1 that he should ever break her heart, who was her joy I She little thought, when tears ran o'er upon my wayward head. How sterner were tile griefs in store forme, her early dead; Tell tier the last words on my lip, the last tear in my eye. Were all for her, my mother's grief, ray mother's agony. Were all for her, whose sighs will break, as years shall onward glide. Like the waters of the Hudson, the Hudson's mournful tide. " And one is there, a maiden, God bless her trusting heart! 'T is bitter thus to leave her, 't is bitter thus to part ; Long, long ago we plighted our hands lor evermore. Ill the early days of sunshine, in those happy days of yore; With niy sword from out its scabbard cut this lock* above my brow As a token to my loved one— 'tis all that's left her now ; God save her darling image, I can see it still beside The waters of the Hudson, the Hudson's glassy tide. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 83 '* One moment more, my comrade; have you heard the words I 've said? Unclasp tliis sword around me, and lay back my achinji head. My blade is for your valor, and my purse is for your need, 1 would the blow that laid me low had spared mv faithful steed; But fly, before the vultures of the caiup are o'er the dead. Fly, with the words I give you, the words that I have said, And hasten to my loved ones, who watch and pray beside The waters of the Hudson, the Hudson's solemn tide." His comrade listen'd breathless, but no iiuir- mur caught he more, Naught broke the solemn stillness but the cannon's sullen roar; One faint and childlike tremor, one convul- sion of his hanil, And the brave youth had departed to the distant spirit-land. No monument above him, and no marble's page to bear To the dim and distant future that a noble boy lies there, But the winds shall breathe his requiem, the same that oft have sigh'd A dirge for the departed, o'er Hudson's changeless tide. General Butler's Letter. A wish has been expressed that we publish Gen. B. F. Butler's letter to the Secretary of AVar, and we do so, that his words may %o on record in our coi- iimus. It is an important document, and will undoubtedly be many times referred to hereafter : — IlEAD-QnARTERS DEPARTMENT OF VIRGINIA, \ Fortress Monroe, July 30, 1861. ( Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War: 5ir, — By an order received on the morning of the '26th of July from Major-general Dis, by a telegi'aphic order from Lieutenant-gen- eral Scott, 1 am commanded to forward, of the troops of this department, four regiments and a half, including Colonel Baker's Califor- nia regiment, to \Vashing1on, via Baltimore. This order reached me at 2 o'clock, a. m., by special boat from Baltimore. Believing that it emanated because of some pressing exi- gency for the defense of Washington, I issued my orders before daybreak for the embark- ation of the troops, sending those who were among the very best regiments I had. In the course of the following day they were all embarked for Baltimore, with the" exception of some four hundred for wiiom I had not transportation, although 1 hud all the trans- port force in the hands of the Quartermaster here, to aid the Bay line of steamers which, by the orderfrom the Lieutenant-general, was directed to furnish transportation. Up to and at the time of the order I had been prej^ariug for an advance movement by which I hoped to cripple the resources of the enemy at Yorktown, and especially by seizing a large quantity of Negroes who were being pressed into their service in building the intrench- ments there. I had five days previously been enabled to mount for the first time, the first company of light artillery, which 1 had been empowered to raise, and they had but a single rifled cannon, an iron 6-pounder. Of course every thing must and did yield to the sup- posed exigency and orders. This ordering away the troops from this department, while it weakened the posts at Newport News, ne- cessitated the withdrawal of the troops from Hampton, where I was then throwing up in- trenched works to enable mc to hold the town with a small force, while I had advanced up the York or James river. In the village of Hampton there were a large number of Ne- groes, composed in a great measure of women and children of the men who had fled thither within my lines for protection, who had es- caped from marauding parties of the Rebels, who had been gathering up able-bodied blacks to help them in constructing their batteries on the James and York i-ivers. I had em- ployed the men in Hampton in throwing up intrenchments, and they were working zeal- ously and efficiently at that duty, saving our soldiers from tliat labor under the gleam of a mid-day sun. The women wex'e earning sub- stantially their own subsistence in washing, marketing, and taking care of the clothes of the soldiers, and rations were being served out to the men who worked for the support of the children. But \}y the evacuation! of Hampton, rendered uecessary by the with- drawal of troops, leaving me scarcely five thousand men outside the fort, including the force at Newport News, all these black people were obliged to break up their homes at Hampton, fleeing across the creek within my lines for protection and sujiport. Indeed it was amostdistressingsight to see these poor creatures, who had trusted to the protection of the arms of the X'nited states, and who aided the troops of the United States in their enterprise, to be thus obliged to rh'c from their homes, the homes of their mas- ters, who had deserted them and become now fugitives from fear of the return nf the Rebel soldiery, who had threatened to shoot the men who had wrought for us, and to carry olTthe women who had served us to a worse than Egj'^litian bondage. I have, thoreft)re, now within the Peninsula, this side of Hampton creek, 900 Negroes, 300 of whom arc able- bodied men, 30 of whom are men substan- tially past hard labor, 17iJ women. -Ji.'. children under the age often years, and J70 betwci-n ten and eighteen, and many more coming in. The questions whicli this state of facts pre- sents are very embarrassing. First. What 'shall be done witli them? and second, What is their state and condition? Upon these questions I desire the instruc- tions of the Department. The first question, however, may perhaps be answered by considering the "last. .\re these men, women, ami children slaves? Are they free? Is their condition thatof men, wo- men, and children, or of property, or is it a mixed relation? What their .sCrt^ws was uuder the constitution and laws, we all know. What has been the elfect of rebellion and a state of warupon that status'i When I adopted the theory of treating the able-bodied Ne- gro flt to work in the trenches, as property liable to be used in aid of rebellion, and so contrabanil of war, that condition of things was in so far met as I then and still heliev(;, on a legal and constitutional basis. But now a new series of questions arise. Passing by women, the children certainly can not be treated on that basis; if property, they nnist be considered the incumbrance, rather than the auxiliary, of an army, and, of course, in no possible legal relation^ could be treated as contraband. Are they property? If they were so. they have been left by their masters and owners, deserted, thro%vu away, abandoned, like the wrecked vessels upon the ocean. Their former possessors and owners have carelessly, traitorously, rebelliously, and 1<> carry out the figure, practically, aljandiim-d them to be swallowed up by the winter .slurru ot starvation. If property, do they not be- come the property of the salvors? But we, their salvors, do not need ami will not hold such property and will assume no such owner- yhip; has not, therefore, all proprietary re- lation ceased? Have they not become there- upon men. women, and children? No longer under ownership of any kind, the fearful rel- ics of fugitive masters, have they not by their masters' acts and the state of war, assumed the condition which we hold to be the normal one. of those made in God's image? Is not every constitutional, legal, and moral re- quirement, as well as to the runaway master as their relinquished slaves, thus answereti? 1 confess that my own mind is compelled by this reasoning to look upon them as men and women. If not free-born, yet free, manumit- ted, sent foith from the hand that held them, never to be reclaimed. Of course, if this reasoning thus imperfectly set forth is correct, my duty as a humane man is very plain. I should take the same care of these men, women, and children, houseless, homeless, and unprovided for. as I would of the same number of men, women. anst to be distressed, by laliing thost; wh<) have wi'ought all their" Rel>cl masters desired, masked their hatt<'ries. or those who have re- fuset] to labor and left the Italtery unmasked? 1 have very decider! ojiitiions upon tlie sub- ject of this order. It does not become mc^ to criticise it, ami I wrote in no spirit of ci'iti- cism. but simply to explain tin; full dillKadtics that surround "the enlorcing it. If the (en- forcement of that onler beconms lb<^ policy of the government. I, as a soldier, shall be bound to enforce it steadfastly, if not cheer- fully. But if left to my own discretion, as you may have gathered" from n>j' reasoning, 1 should take a widely dilb-rent course from that which it indicates In a loyal state I would put down a servile insurrection. In a state of rebellion I would confiscate that which was used to oppose my arms, and take all that property which consti- tuted the wealth of that state and furnishe*llhe means by which the war is prosecuted, be- sides being the cause of the war; and if in so doing it shouhJ be objected that human be- ings were brought to the free enjoyment of their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- ness, such objection ought not to require much consideration. Pardon me for addressing the Secretary of Wardirectly upon thisquestion,asit involves some political considerations as well as pro- priety of military action. " I am, sir, vour obedient servant, BKNJAMIN F. BUTLER. — [Lowell Daily Courier. The Land of the Free. nV .nHIN !I(M.1,ANI). When the eagle ascends on his cloud-cleaving pinions. He sweeps from the gaze through the ether so blue ; When the meteor descemlsfrom its starry do- minions; Lik(? a dream of the night it departs from the view ; But the star of Columbia, in glory ascending, Shall beacon tht; nations nid)orn in tludr glee. And the anthems of freedom, melodiously blending. Shall flee like the winds o'er the land of the free. How glorious the nation has waked from its dreaming. In splendor arrayed that ne'er crowned it before, And the Star-spangled Banner in majesty streaming, By millions is echoed Irom mountain to shore ; It rides like the tempest, majesticallj' sweep- ing; It glides like the starlight that silvers the lea ; It surges and swells, like the wild billows leaping, And hovers like bliss o'er the land of the free. Our leaders are swayed by the accents of glory— The metnorics of ages are waked by a sound — New buoyancy leaps in the heart of the hoary, And youth with the wisdom of ages is crowned. The voice of a nation uniy hiTiguish in slum- bers. Like a heart that reclines on oblivion'stree, 84 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Yet, a moment may call forth tlic doptlis of its numbers, And scatter its sweets o'er the land of the free. Like streams from the mountains our heroes assemble. With ttaze that is fixed upon Liberty's star; On the breezes of freedom their proud stream- ers trendjle, Their standard emblazoned with Union afar ; And woe to the traitors shall meet them in motion. When, tierce as tiie tempest that scourges the sea, They pour forth their vengence, their wrath, and devotion. And victory presides o'er the land of tlie free. —[Boston Journal. Army Hymn. Tine— "Did Hundred." <) Lord of Hosts! Almighty Iving! Heboid the sacrifice we bring! To every arm Thy strength impart, Thy .Spirit slied through every heart! Wake in our breasts the living tires, Thy holy faith that warmed our sires; Thy hand hath ra.uic our Nation free; To die for her is serving Thee. Be Thou a pillai-ed Hame to show The nddnight snare, the silent foe; And when the battle thunder.s loud, still guitlc us in its moving cloud. God of all Nations! Sovereign Lord! In Thy dread name wc draw the sword, We lift the starry flag on high. That tills with light our stormy sky. From treason's rent, from murtler's stain, Guard TlKiu its fold still peace shall reign- Till fort and lield, till shore and sea, .loin our loud anthem, Pi!.\isk to Thee! OLIVEK W. HOLMES. The Volunteer's Mother. He is my boy, my only boy; His father died long" years gone by; And little have, I known of joy liut gazing on his dark brown eye. 'T is lighted now with higher glow — His country calls him ! let him go! He never grieved me; tentler, kind, .Strong, loving; full of hope and grace; My life was in his own entwined, Mj^ heart but mirrored back his face. With stern resolve lie seeks the foe;— His country calls him! let him go! How often h.ave I sat beside Him sleeping; clustering round his head. Those rich brown locks, my praise, my pride. And now tlie earth must be his IxmI.* ' T is wrong to grieve for this, I know, His coimtry calls him! let hint go! Ah, in how many hearts this strife Is waged by prayer, by jirayer is won ; Thert! is the worn]* tlu; Ii"r(r, the knife. And lor 111 e saeri lice — our son ! 'T would kill me if he fell; but, no! His country calls him ! let him go ! For God, who gave our land so blest, Would have us guard it — heart and home Give up their best at such behest; The gulf was closed in heathen Rome AVith one. young warrior — weal or woe. His country calls him ; let him go ! - [New York Kvening Post. The Youug Volunteer's Good-bye. I'.V HAL. J. ELLIOT. Come up to my little chamber, mother, Come and bless me before 1 sleep, ' T is the last night 1 'II be here, you know, And it will do me good to weep. 1 have said goodbye to the rest, mother, I have parted with all but you, And the great, hot tears fell thick and fast. But the words that we spoke were few. And my heart aches with the parting, mother, " God bless you ! " was all that they said. With tpiivering lips, and wistful eyes, .Vs tho ' I were alreadj' dead. So come to my little chamber, tnother. As you used to come long ago. When the twilight shades were gathering. And the West was all aglow. You remember those hallowed times, mother, When we used to kneel side by side. While you prayed to God so earnestly, That'your little boy sobbed and cried. I want you to pray with me now, mother, With your arms wound around me tight. Tray God to protect and keep uie safe, And to make me brave in the flght. This war is a horiible thing, mother, I shudder to think of it so, The visions of blood swept p.ast my brain. Till my sold seems flooded with woe. But my country calls for me now, mother, It calls for me almost liy name. And I can not stay at hoiiie in peace. When her flag is trampled in shame. I shall flght to the very death, mother, For our cause is righteous, I know, I shall flght till the Stars and Stripes once more Float as pure and spotless as snow. So pray to God with your whole soul, mother, As yon used in days gone by — And it will not shame ray manhood now. If I lean on your breast and cry. If I come back to you again, mother. You '11 be glad Twent to the flght. For a victor's crown upon my brow Win answer your prayer to-night. If I fall on the field of battle, mother, You will know I died for the Right, And your heart will be glad while you weep, Wlien you think of our good-bye, to-night. Now here in my little chamber, mother. With my head pillowed on your breast, I '11 whisper my last good-bye to you. And prayerfully go to my rest. I 'm ofT with the early sunrise, mother, I shall leave you all asleep — There are stirring times ahtjad for us all, 1 have no more time to weep. Bl.vckstone, MA.SS., July, 1861. — [Boston Journal. Tennessee. — In Tennesaee, Senator Jolinsoii still (lonounccs .Secession. Par- son Hrowiilow says in llie Kiioxville WhUj : " We are for thi' Union as it i.s,; for a Ixmler-state Confederacy next; and for tlic Soulheni Confederacy never, in any contingency or under any circumstances that may arise." The Eighth Massachusetts Regi- ment. — The .services of General Butler and this regiment are deservino; of special recognition. General Hutler seems to h.ave fully comprehended his position, and to have .•issnmed the responsibility of taliiii;; prom|it and energetic meas- ures to " hold, possess, and occupy" the routes from Annapolis to the .lunction. The hardy and ingenious fellows who compose the regiment were c(|ually well fitted for the work which fell to them. No other regiment probably could have been so admirably suited to the emer- gency. Those sturdy and ready me- chanics were not to be nonplussed by such obstacles as the tearing u)! of rails and the ungearing of the machinery of a locomotive. The curing of such troubles was but a diversion to them on their way to Washington. The Pittstield company showed themselves equally ready in cut- ting out the receiving ship in Baltimore harbor. Two companies of the regiment also guarded the Constitution on her way to New York from Annajjolis with the midshipmen of the naval school on board. The first week's service of the Eighth Massachusetts regiment has been of the highest value. — [Providence Journal. Mustering Out of the Eighth Regi- ment — Touching Scene in the Hol- low Square. Just before the time arrived for the regiment to be mustered out of the ser- vice, Colonel Hinks formed his com- mand into a hollow square, and made a very afl'ecting speech to his men, which was repeatedly aiijilauded and cheered. He said he had asked them to go to no place where he was not willing to lead them. ['• That "s so," said the men, with a will.] lie was particularly compli- mentary to the .Salcm zouaves, who had done, as he said, the most efficient ser- vice. He gave his right baud to Cap- tain Deveraux, and addressed him per- sonally, with much feeling, and did the same to Captain Kichardson. Tho last words of Colonel Hinks, in the hollow square, were, "Richard "s himself again." As he finished bis remarks to his com- mand, he dismounted, and the whole regiment gave him three rousing cheers. I'lie regiment was then brought into line, W'hen the commissioned officers sur- rounded the group, and he said a few words to them, bade them good-bj'C, and shook each one by the hand. His last words were " God bless you." There were few dry eyes among the group. Prior to the above. Colonel Hinks sug- gested that some one be appointed to write the history of the regiment during its three months of campaign. The name of Ben : Perley Poore was suggested, and he was unanimou.sly appointed. Mayor \Vightman made a brief address to the officers in which he alluded in eloquent language to the services of the Eighth, and said Boston would ever re- member them. The comiianies were then mustered out of the service and dismissed. They will be jiaid off" as soon as the necessary paiiers can be made out. The i)arting scenes on the common will ever be fresh in the minds of all the command of Colonel Hinks. The following letter was addressed to the Colonel by Governor Andrew, his excellency not being able, on account of ill health, to be present on the com- mon : — COlimONWEALTH OF JIASSACHUSETTS. Executive Department, j Boston, Aug. 1, 1861. j To Colonel Hinks, Cominanrtcr of the Eighth regiment lyiassaehiisetts \'oluntt;er Militia: Coh^iKrl,- 1 regret exceedingly that the coiulition of my health prohibits me abso- lutublishing a large ])orti conducted to their I'ol- lation, and were for a couple of hours allowed the full enjoyment of the meet- ing. One never tailed of interest in walk- ing among them. Here a hardy young soldier was exhibiting a shattered nnis- ket or a few clean bullet holes in his gar- ments ; another was the center of an eager crowd, who were listening in- tensely to the last authentic account of the battle of Hull Kun from an "eye- witness." Outside the lines little knots of i)eople listen,e;ress of events. Even the names of jiartieipa- tors and syinjiathizers, and all that was done or left undone by the tiuthorities is known to him. Kvery man wlio tool< an active part in the riot has his name and his doings and sayings on record in Washington, and in fact it is evident that more is linown there tiiau here with regard to the details of the whole trans- action." We believe this is a correct tribute to the vigilance of the government, which not only keejis Maryland and Baltimore under its eye, but A'irgiuia, and in short the whole "movement of the Secession conspiracy. The organization of this " intelligence " force was one of the first duties which occupied the new ;id- ministration, as the difficutly of keeping up communication with Fort Sumter had established its absolute necessity. Knowledge is power ordintirily, but ten- fold so in war. We believe it impossible for the government now to lie entrapped by any sudden movement of the Rebel leaders. There is far more danger of the indiscreet disclosure of military in- telligence at the North, than of the non- receijit of all that is material from the South. As to General Butler, who seems to htive astonished the l\Iaryland gentle- men by his intimate acquaintance with their affairs, it must be remembered that he is a "detective " by profession. For several years he has 'been in the eager " pursuit of knowledge under difficul- ties," by direct questioning, crossHiues- tioning, lilufling, coaxing, and all other means. And it may be safely assumed that when he takes'a case in hand, legal or military, what he does n"t know about it is not worth knowing. Lyon. [The following, from the I'hiladelphia Sat- urday Post, is one of the most beautiful trib- utes "that the heroic death of General Lyon has called forth :— ] Sing, bird, on green Missouri's plain, The sadilest song of sorrow ; I >rop tears, O clouiis, iu gentlest rain Ve from the winds can borrow; linathe lait, ye winds, your softest sigh, Weep, llowers, in dewj' splenilor. For him who knew well how to die, ISut never to surrender. lip rose serene the August sun Upon that day of glory ; Up curled from musket and from gun The war-cloud gray and hoary; It gathereulse, with each throbbing of your heart. T have heard my country calling for her sons that still are true— ' I have loved that country, mother, only next to God and you; And my soul is springing forward to resist her bitter fou ; Can I go my dearest mother? tell me, mother, Can I go? From the battered walls of Sumter, from the wilds waves of the sea, 1 have heard her ciy for succor, as the voice of God to me. In prosi)erity I loved her, in her days of dark distress, Witli yc)ur spirit in me, mother, could I love tlilit country less? They have piercud lier heart with treasoti, the}- have causcil her sons to bleed. They liave robbed in her kindness, they have triumphed in her need; They have trampled on her standard, and >she calls me in her woe — Can I go, my dearest mother? tell uw, mother, can I go"? I am young and slender, mother — they would call me yet a boy, Hut I knowthe land I live in, and the bless- ings I enjoy; I am old enough, my motlier, to be loyal, proud and true To the faithful sense of duty I have ever learned from you. We must conquer this Rebellion ; let the doubt- ing heart be still ; We must conquer it, or perish. We must con- quer and will ! Rut the faithful must not falter, and shall I be wanting? Xo! IJid me go, my dearest motlier! tell me, mother, can I go? Hu who led his chosen people, in their etforts to be free, From the tyranny of Egj'pt, will be merciful to me ; " Will protect me bj' His power, whatsoe'er I undertake; Will return me home in safety, dearest mother, for your sake. Or should tliis 'my bleeding country need a victim such as me, I am nothing more than others who have perished to be free. Oil her bosom let nie slumber, on her altar let me lie ; I am not afraid, dear mother, in so good a cause to die. There will enme a day of gladness, when the lieople of the Lord Shall look i)roudly on their banner, which His mercy luis restored ; When the stars, in perfect number, on their azure field of blue, Sluill be clustered in a Union, then and ever firm and true. I maj' live to see it, mother, when the patriot's work is done, And your heart, so full of kindness, will beat proudly for your son ; Or tlirough tears your eyes may see it with a sadly thoughtful view. And may love it still more dearly for the cost it won from you. 1 have written to you, mother, with the con- sciousness of right — I am thinking of you, fondly, with a loyal heart, to-night ; When I have your noble bidding, which tells me to press on, I will come and see you, mother — come and kiss you and be gone. In Ihe sacred name of Freedom, and my coun- try, as her due — In the name of Law and Justice, I have writ ten this to you. 1 am eager, anxious, longing, to resist my country's foe; Shall I go, my dearest mother? — tell me, mother, shall I go? — [Boston Journal, Aug. VI. The Mother's Reply. Go, my boy, and heaven bless you! I have read eacli precious line Of your heart's responsive throbbings to a liigher call than uiine. (iod hath spoken — you have heard him — and though tears these eyes bedim, Vour affection for your mother shall not mar your love for Him. Could 1 bid you stay from fondness, when the overruling Hand Marks your path to duly clearlv for the safetv of the land? Xo! 'tis j'ours to be a patriot, and 'tis mine to prove as true; Go, my boy, where duty calls you, and my heart will follow you ! Go in faith, and feel protection in a Power Su- preme, Divine, Shouhl a bullet pierce your body, it will also enter mine. Do I think of this in sorrow? Does my love sad fears renew? Do I tremble at the prospect? No, mj' son ; no more than you. Dear to me is eveiy pathway where 5'our precious feet have trod; P.ut I give you fondly, freely, to my country and my God. ^ou and I shall never falter in the work we have to do; (.io, my boy, where duty calls you, and my heart shall follow you ! 1 shall ^n-ay Uu* you — how often — with the waking liour.s of morn, Through the labors of my household, and when night is coming on. If a mother's prayei's can keep you from the dangers you incur, God will surely bring you back again to hap- piness and her. I will never doubt the goodness that has kept you until now. That has kept the evil from your heart, the shadow from your brow, vVnd I know that it shall keep you in the path you must pursue ; l.o,'my boy, where duty calls you, and my heart shall follow you ! If my boy were less a hero, less tlie man in thought ami deed, I had less to give my country- in its trying hour of need ; vVnd I feel a pride in knowing that to serve the cause divine. From the hearthstone goes no braver heart than that which goes from mine. 1 have lovely to General J>ut- ler's letter was liispateheii from Wasli- iu^ton by the Sct^nTarv of War t»n Sat- urday. It will be read with hiterest: — rrCH<;rrt/, -The important question of the proper disposition to bt; made of fugitives from the stales in insiu'rcction against tin- Federal government, to which you havtr again directed my attention in your letter of .July '20th, has receivn of all the eonstitulional rights of the states and the citizens of the states in the Union, hence no question can as to tugitives from service within the states and territories in which the authority n;irv eon- trol, when' the laws of the t'nited states are so opi)osed and rrsisted tliat they can not be elfeetiiMlly enlorcerl, it is obvious that tlie rights dei)endeiit upon the extension of these laws must teinporsirily fail, and it is equ:dly obvious that: tin; riglits dependent on the laws of the states within whi(di military operations are conducted must necessarily be subordinate to the militai-j' exigencies created by the insurrection, if not wholly for- feited by the treasonable conduct of the' par- ties claiming them. To this the general rule of the right of service forms an exception. Tlie act of Congress, approved Aug. 6, 1861, ileelares that if persons held to service shall be employed in hostility to the United States, the right "to their servieesshall be discliarged therefrom. It follows of necessitv that no claim can be recognized by the military au- thority of the Union to the services of such persons when fugitives. A more dirticult question is presented in re- spect to persons escaping from the service of loyal masters. It is quite apparent that the laws of the state under wliich only the service of such fugitives can be claimed must be wholly, or almost wdiolly suspended, as the remedies by the insurrection and the military measures necessitated liy it; and it is equally api)arent that the substitution of military for jutlicial measures for the enforcement of such claims must be attended by great incon- venience, embarrassment, and injury. Under these circumstances it seems quite clear that the substantial riglits of local masters are still best protected by receiving such fugi- tives, as well as fugitives from disloyal mas- ters, into tlie service of the United States, and employing them under such organiza- tions and in such occupations as eircum- staces may suggest or require. (Jf course a record should be kept, showing the names an J descri))tions of the fugitives, the names and characters, as loyal or disloyal, of the mas- ters, and such facts as may l)e necessary to a correct understanding of the circumstances of each case. After tranquility shall have been restoreil upon the return of peace, Con- gress will doubtless provide for all the per- sons thus received into the service of the Union and for a just compensation to loyal masters. In this way only, it would seem, can the duty and safety of the government, and just rights of all, be fully reconciled and harmonized. Von will, therefore, consider yourself instructed to govern your future action in respect to fugitives from service by the premises herein stated, and will report from time to time, and at least twice in each month, your action in the premises to this department- You will, however, neither au- thorize or permit any interfei'cnce by the troops under your command with the ser- vants of peaceable citizens in a house or lield, nor will yon in any manner encourage such citizens to leave the lawful service of their masters, nor will you, except in cases where the public good n'lay seem to require it, prevent the voluntary return of any fugi- tive to the service from whieli he may have escaped. 1 am, very respectfully, your obedient ser- vant, " slMtiX CAMKUON, Secretary of War. STAR-FLAG OF^THE NORTH ! ICntisl.— More Keeriiits Wanted. — Kiilisl. E N C A mIFiVI E N T S jMay bo found iit I,OVVKI>F,— READVII.LK (I>e(lbam) — \\'OK- CKSTEU-SPitlNGFIKLD— LYSNFIKLD. Cliooso f roni these CoiiintaiKlers : STEVKNSON— l;l^EENE— JUXES— LEE— Ul'- TON — TIIOS. n. MtTKPIlV— JIATTHEW MUlil'HV. ■\Vhieli Ariu of the Service Suits You ? INFANTRY! CAVAEKV ! KIELEMEN' ARTILLERY ! SHARI'SIIOOTERS ! You can Knlist in any one of tlietii. INKANTRV HKi;TMI;\']'s, — The Twonly. lllird (raist'tl l)y Hon. H('iiry Wilson)— Hif Twenty-fourtli (tJolonrI Stevenson), otlior- wise known as tin: New Enjiliind (Juards regi- ment aiul llic FoniMli Battalion regiment — theTwenlv li!th(Col 1 fpton)— tlie'Twenty. sistli (tin: gallant (■|ili>n<:l .lones, of the Old Sixtll) — the Twenty-seventh (Col. II. t'. Le<>.) LIGHT B.VTTISRY. A new one encamped at Lynnfielil. Men desiring to become practical artillerists are invited to join. CAVALKY! DRAGOONS! LANCEKS : A NEW CAVALRY REGIMENT forming. Good horsemen should lose no time iu ap- plying- " Up to the saddle ! The loemen await you ! Cavalry, dasli On tlie traitors wlio hate you! Will you submit To cowardly loons? .Spur, and draw saber! I'pon 'eiil, dragoons ! " IRISHMEN OF mTsSACHUSETTSI Vour native-born brethren will greet you with a CEAD MILLE FKALTHE. IIALLY ! KALLV FOR ERIN, SLANTHAGAI. GO BRAGH ! "In going forth tol)attlefor the American Union, let the Irish soldier take with him the assurance that, should he fall, neither his wile nor little ones will be forgotten."— r^o.?. Francis Mfugher. UP FOR THE GREEN, BOYS ! UP FOR THE STARS ANI> STRIPES! Remember the wonls of vour own " MEA(i- IIEK OF THE SWORD,"— "The Irish soldier from henceforth and forever shall proudly stand by the side of the native-born.*' Take the Field at Once, Irisbiuen! '* Plunge deep the tier;;*^ rowels In a thousand reeking flanks; Down, chivalry of Ireland, Down on the .Southern ranks! Now shall their serried columns Beneath our sabers reel ! Through their ranks, then, with the war- horse ! Througli their bosoms with the .steel ! " A Massachusetts Regiment. The Twenty-eighth.- rOi. THOMAS S. MUIiPIIV, the veteran commander of the New York Montyoinery Guard. A New York Regiment, r.UT I'KOVIDKD FOR BY MASSACHUSETTS- The Twentv-ninth, — COL. MATTHEW Mf'IiPHy,—Jri/l jnin the Irish brigade fO»i- viaiidcd hii th'' fiiined (General Shitlds. Bat Mas- tiac/t'isrtfs roii.^itlcrs those who eidist in it a.'i Mas.<;achi(sit($ so/diers, anil proridrs for their wives and fatiiilies. The Quickest'Way to Enlist : GO AT (IXCE TO THE GENEHAL KECItllTING STATION. U PITTS STREET, BOSTON, Say wliether you wish to enlist in Infan- try, Cavalry, Sharpshooters, or I-ight Ar- tillery. If in the Infantry, name the Regi- ment yoti would like to join. Yon will at once be given a now, well-made, cumfort- able, and serviceable iiiiiform, sent into camp iinniediafely, anersons as have blankets to spare, but can not give them, the fall market value of such blankets will be paid if they are delivered at the offices of the Fedei'al quartermasters in the loyal states. The energetic patriotism of the people of Massachusetts will, of course, respond promptly to this appeal. With a view therefore to organize gifts of this description in an etiicient manner. I hereby request all citizens of the common- wealth who may be disposed to make gratu- itous contributions of blankets, to cause them to be prep.ared immediately and addressed to Erig.-gen. John H. Reed, C,)uartermaster- general of Massachusetts, Military Store- house, No. ia2 Congress street, Bo'ston. 1 suggest also tiiat committees be forthwith organized in the various towns and cities to collect ami forward contributions, and I re- spectfully request that a list of the names of the generous donors may accompany each bale orbundle, for the purpose of publication. Several of the prineii>al railroad corpora- tions of the commonwealth (including the Boston & Maine, the Boston & Worcester, the Boston & Providence, and the Boston & Lowell roads) have, with characteristic liberality, .arranged witli General Reed to transjiort to Boston free of charge all such contributions of blankets as may, during the next two weeks, be forwarded to his address. < )ther eorpoi-ations will undoubtedly display tlie same liberality, and the various news- papers of the commonwealth will give free circulation to this appeal. .JOHN A. .VNDREW, Governor. COMMONWE.ILTH OF M.\SS.4CHITSETT.S, ) Quartermaster-general's Offlee, ! Boston, Oct. 4, 1861. ) To the Presidents or Superintendents of the Massachusetts Railroads : Gentlemen, — In response to the pressing call of Quartermaster-general Meigs, Uuitefl .States Army, for patriotic contributions of blankets for the use of volunteers now in the Held, an appeal is about to be issued by the state authorities, urging the citizens ot the com- monwealth to forward to Boston without delay such blankets as their means will admit of. I respectfully ask of you that such contribu- tions may pass overyour road without charge during the two weeks following the date of said appeal, and that you will indicate your plea&ure in the n^atter by signing this paper. A'erv truly yours, JOHN H. REED, <^)uartermaster-general of Massachusetts. Agreed to by the Boston & Maine railroad. F. COGSWELL, President. lilankets contribute*! and directed to quar- termaster-general, Bo9ton,will be transported over the Boston & Worcester railroad, for two weeks, without charge. G. TWICHELL, President. And by the Boston & Providence railroad. G. H. WARREN, President. And by the Boston Sc Lowell railroad. GEORGE STARK, Manager. Hymn for the National Fast. [Of all the poetical etTusions elicited by the recent national fast, which we have seen, the following suits best our taste. It nuxy ha\f originated near us, but we lin conntrvl to thv sons so dear. That tludr life iilood they gladly give, Enshrine these heroes in thy heart, .\nd let their names forever live. A. .\. 11. commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS. By His Kxccllency John A. Andrew, Gov- ernor, a Proclamation for a day of Public Th.-inksgiving and Praise. The example of the fathers, and the dic- tates of pietv and gratitude, summon the peo- ple of Massa"chusctt3 at this, the harvest sea- son, crowning the year with the rich proofs of the wisdom and love of tiod, to Join in a solemn and joyful act of united praise and thanksgiving to the Bountitul Giver of every gooil and perfect gift. I do, therefore, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint TUntSDAY, the twenty-first day of November ne.xt, the same being" the anniversary of that day, in the year of our Lord si.xteen humlred anil twen- ty, on wdiieh the Pilgrims of Massai-hn.sctts, on board the .V(i//.ilowcr. united fheuiselves in a solemn and written compact of govern- ment, to be observed by the people of Massa- chusetts as a d.ay of public thanksgiving and praise. And I invoke its observance by all the people with devout and religious joy. " Sing aloud unto God, our strength : make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery, lilow up the trumpet in tlie m^w moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn For this was a statute for Israel, and a law ol the God of .Itwob." — I'mlms Ixxxi, v. 1-4. "O bless our peopUs and make the voice of His praise to be heard; Which holdeth our soul in lite, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. For thou. O God, hath proved us: tliou hast tried us, as silver is tried. "— /'satoi.s Ixvi, V. 8-10. Let us rejoice in God and be thankful ; lor the fuUnes's with wliich he has blessed us in our basket, and in our store, giving large re- ward to the toil of the husbandman, so that "our paths drop fatnes.s." . For the manv and gentle alleviations ot the hardships, which in the present time ot pub- lic disorder, have atl'ected the various pur- suits of industry. . . For tlie early evidences of tlie reviving en- ergies of the busiuess of the people. l'\ir the measure of success which has at- tended the enterprise of those who go down to the sea in sliips, of tliose who search the depths of the ocean to add to the lood of man, and of those whose busy skill and han- dicraft combine to prepare for various use the crops of the earth and the sea. For the ailvantages of sound learning, placed within the reach of all the children ot thc^ people, and the freedom and alacrity with which these advantages are embraced and improved. , . . For the opportunities of religious instruc- tion aiKl worship, universally enjoyed by eouscienoes unrestrained by any human au- tliority. , , , , For " the redemption of the world by Jesus (Jlirist, for the means of grace, and the hope of glory." , , , . And with one accord let us bless and praise God for the oneness of heart, mind, and pur- pose, in which lie has united the people ot this ancient cominonwealtli, for the defense of the rights, lilierties, and honor of our be- loved country. , . , May we stand forever in the same mind, remembering the devoted lives of our fath- ers, the pieciou-i inheritance of freedom re- ceiveii at their hands, the weight ol glory which awaits th: faithful, and the infinity of blessing which it is our jn-ivilege, it we will, to transmit to the countless generations ol Ihe future. And, while our tears How m a stream oi cordial sympathv with tin- ilaughters ot our people, just now the violenceol the wicked and lebellioiis, of the fathers and brothers and husbands and sons, whose he- roic blood has inaile verily sa,ered the soil ot Virginia, and, mingling with the waters ot the I'otomac, has niadi> the river now and forever ours; let our souls arise to God on the wings of ]u-a,ise, in thanksgiving that He has again grantiHl to us the privilege ol liv- ing unselHshly and of dying nobly, m agranil and i-ighteous" cause. . For tlie precious and rare possession ot so nuich devoted valor and manly heroism. For the .sentiment of pious duty which dis- tinguished our fallen in the camp and in the field. .\iid for the blessed and sweet consolation which accompany the memories of those dear sons of Massachusetts on to immortal- ity- And in our praise let us also be penitent. Let us " seek the truth and ensue it," and pre- pare our minds for whatever duty shall be luanifestcd hereafter. May the controversy in -ivliich we stand be found worthy in its consumm'ation of the he- roic sacrilices of the people and the precious blooil of their sons, of the doctrine and faith of the fathers, and consistent with the honor of God, and with justice to all men. .Viid, " Let God arise, let His enemies be scat- tered : let them also that hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away." — /'sa^ras, Ixviii, 1 and 2. " .Scatter them by Ihv power, and bring them down, O Lonl, our shield." — /'snim.<, lix, 11. Given at the council-chamber, this thirty-first day of October, in the year of our I.,ord one thousand eight hundred and sixtj-- one, and the eighty -si.xth of the independ- ence of the United States of America. JOHN A. ANDREW, By His Excellency the Governor, with the ad- vice and consent of the council. OLIVER WARNER, Secretai-y. Ooil save the commomrealth of Massachusetts. The "Vacant Chair — Thanksgiving, '61. [We copy from the Worcester Spy the fol- lowing touching and beautiful lines, which, we infer from the initials, are the production of Henry S. Washburn, Esq. Mr. Washburn is actively engaged in manufacturing pur- suits, but occasionally launches a waif upon the sea of literature', which has a felicity of style and expression that makes it a treasure in many a scrap-book. These lines were written in memory ot Lieut. Wm. Grout of the Massachusetts Fif- teenth, who was killed at Hall's BIulT, a young friend whose memory Mr. Washburn recently embalmed in a touching obituary notice. They are not less applicable to other fire- sides which, owing to the casualties of this mournful war, have their vacant chairs:—] We shall meet, but we shall miss him. There will be one vacant chair ; We shall linger to caress him. While we breathe our evening-prayer. When a year ago we gathered, Joy was in his mild blue eye, But a golden cord is severed. And our hopes in ruin lie. At our fireside, sad and lonely, Often will the bosom swell. At remembrance of the story. How our noble Willie fell. How he strove to bear our banner. Through the thickest of the fight. And upheld our country's honor. With the strength of manhood's might. True, they tell us wreaths of glory Evermore will deck his brow. But this soothes the anguish only. Sweeping o'er our heart-strings now. Sleep to-day, O early fallen ! In thy green and narrow bed; Dirges" fnun the pine and cypress Mingle with the tears we shed. >Ve .shall meet, but we shall miss him. There will be one vacant chair ; We shall linger to caress him, When we breathe our evening-iiraycr. WOUCKSTEU, Nov. 16, 181)1. H. S. W. A 1)AI!ING E.xi'LOiT.— We he:ir a cur- ious story ot daring (Ui the part of Lieut. Joseph C. Uill, Co. .V.Maine Cavalry, who is probably remembered by many of our citizens". Lieutenant Hill was INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 93 acting quartermaster of the five com- panies of cavalry in Banl^s's division. During tlic retreat, wliile getting liis teams togetlier, lie was captured by a squad of Relsel cavalry, placed in one of liis own teams and guarded by a mount- ed soldier was driven oft', liaving been previously disarmed. Witli true Yankee cm'iosity, lie was anxious to know what there was in tlie wagon. After some seardiing he dug out a loaded revolver, after wliicli. Jumping from the team he shot his guard, tooli his horse and re- capturing his own and some otlier teams, he drove back to the Federal lines. — [Kennebec Journal. RetaeDl of GeDeral Scott ! HIS LETTER TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR, SPECIAL CABINET COUNCIL. General Scott Placed Upon flie Retired List. ADDItliSS OF GENERAl, SCOTT TO THE PKE.SIDBNT AND CABINET. Letter from ttie Secretary of War. General McClellan Assumes Com- mand OF THE United States Army. News from tbe Rebel C.imps. OF INOUIRY IN COIIIKIANOLR SCOTTS CASE. Washington, Nov. 1 . The following letter from General Scott was received by the President on Thursday after- noon : — Heauquarters of the Akmv, j WASmNGTON, Oct. 31, 1861. ( The Hon. S. Cameron, Secretary of War: Sir, — For more than three years I bave been unable, from a hurt, to mount a horse, or to walk more than a few paces at a time, and that with much pain. Other and new infirmities, dropsy and verti;^o, admonish me tliat repose of mind and body, wath the ap- pliances of surgery and meilicine, are neces- sary to add a little more to a life already proti'acted much beyond the usual span of man. It is under such circumstances, made doubly painful by the unnatio'at and unjust rebellion now raginj^ in tbe Suutlicrn states of our so lately prosperous and happy Union, that 1 am compelled to request that my name be placed on the list of army officers retired from active service. As "this request is founded on an absolute right, granted by a recent act of Congress, 1 am entirely at liberty to say that it is with deep regret that I with- draw myself in these momentous times from the orders of a President who has treated me with much distinguished kindness and courtesy, whom I know, upon nmch personal intercourse, to be patriotic without sectional prejudices; to be highly conscientious in the performance of every duty, and unrivaled in activity and peryeveranee. And to you, Mr. Secretary, whom I officially address for the last time, I beg to acknowledge my many ob- ligations for the uniform high consideration 1 have received at your hands, and have the honor to remain, sir, witli tlie highest respect. Your obedient servant, WlXFIELf) .SCOTT. A special Cabinet council was con- vened this morning at 9 o'clock, to take tlie subject into consideration. It was decided that General Scott's request, under the circumstances of his advanced age and infirmities, could not be di'clined. General ilcCleilan was, therefore, with the unanimous agreement of the f'aliinet, notified that the command of tlie army would be devolved upon him. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the Cali- inet again waiteti upon the President, and attended him to the residence of General Scott. Being seated, the Presi- dent read to the General the following order : — On the first day of November, A. D. KSfil, upon his own ai)plication to the President of the ITnited States, IJrevct Lieutenant-general Winfield Scott is ordered to be placed, and hereby is placed, upon the list of retired ofli- cers of the armj^ of the United States, witliout reduction in his current pay, subsistence, oi- allowances. The American people will bear with sadness and deep emotion that General Seott lias withdrawn from the active control of the army, while the President and unani- mous Cabinet express their own and the nation's sympathy in his person:\l alfliction, and their" profound sense of the important public services rendered by him tohiscoun- trv during his long and brilliant career, among which will ever be gratefully dis- tinguished his faithful devotion to the Con- stitution, the Union, and the, wlien assailed by parricide rebellion. (Signed.) ABRAHAM LINCOLN. General Seott thereupon arose and ad'our country's defense, should render it necessary for >Ianassas .lunction on Wed- nesday; that the Reb<'ls have extensive fortifications at ( 'entreville, and an army of fifty tlionsand; and that their camp extends to within two miles of Fairfax court-house. At Manassas they have about ten thousand troops. 'I'he outer pickets of General jVIcCall's division were driven in last night, indi- lating an advance of tlie Kcbel army. A large |)arty was sent out to meet them, when they retreated. Their ol)- ject evidently was to ca|)ture the men on the outposts. Signal lights were iilainly visible last niglit in the direction of 1-eesburg, and also towards ('entreville. \ naval court of inquiry, to consist of Conunodores Shubrick, Stribbling, and S.ands, has been ordered to convene in this city on Monday, the 4th inst., to inquire into the I'ause of the failure of Com. Gustavus H. Scott, as the com- manding ollicer of the Keystone Stole, to obey the orders given him .Fuly Itlth, to ))roceed to sea for the jmrpose of pursinng the Sumtir until some delinite informotion of her could be obt,iin<'d, and if sucli informaticui could not t)e obtained, to proceed to Jamaica to coal, thence to St. Thomas, and return to Havana .and Key West, thence to report l'(U' the (inlf s(iuadron. An Act Wouthv of RECOiti). — .\ correspondent, writing from a division of the .-irniy of (Jeni^ral McClellan, on tlic banks of ihe (.'hickahominy, says: — "General Sedgwick's command is <'anii)ed o]ii)osite here, i, e., oi)i)osite I'orter's division. Tliis morning, it being necessary to connnunicate to Sedgwick, (ieneral Martindali', com- maniling (mr forces at New Bridge, trii'd in several regiments of liis own brigade to liml somebody to cross the stream. .Nol)ody otlered. Finally he came to the Massachusetts Ninth. Mat- thew I>inn, of Co. 10, and O'Hearn. of Co. 15, volunteeri'd, and succeedi-d in carrying the message across in fac(> of th(^ cin'iny's picl;ets, ami I'e- tui'ued in safety. l.inn is therefore restored to his rank of sergeant, and liolh men are excused from all duty <'xeelit fighting for two months. " Song of the Massachusetts Twenty- fifth Regiment. [ liesptctfitily Dt:di>:ated to Culoutl Upluli umf his CommaiuL] BV UEXRY S. \V.\SUiaKN". The Hunter's moon is shining On our fields of ripened grain, And our garners wait tln_* coming of tlie reaper from the plain; Wiiile in serried ranks we gatlier, \\'ith a purpose lirm and high, Onrcountrv shall I'e rescued, Or the Worcester Ixivs will die. Ife an Mnssuclnisftis soUlkrs, And won't ijirf u/i tic tihip. Is the vow thttt '/'lirtrs siernlijy On every bvotlttr's Up, W'k love our State dearly. But prize our L'nion move, ^Vith its mighty sweep of acres, .Stretching on from shore to shore ; And the record, it is written. With a purpose firm and high. Our country shall be rescued. Or the Worcester boys will die. IVe are Massachunetts soldiers, etc. Then here 's a song for Freedom, Whose mandates we ol>ey, With our banner streaming o 'er us, We march along oiu" way ; And the Stars and .Stripes shall never Be humbled to the foe, Till our strong right arm is shattered, Aud our blood shall cease to flow. We are Massachnsetts soldiers, etc. And here 's a parting blessing, As we strike our tents to-day. For the loved who linger around us, And cheer us on our way ; For our hills, and smiling valleys, For the cot where we were born. For the school-house standing near it. And the cattle on the lawn. Wliile in serried ranks we gather. With a purpose firm and high, Our country shall be rescued, <.)r the Worcester boys will die. Jf'c are .\fassachusetis soldiers, etc. WOUCESTEU, Oct. 21, 18(11. When Parson Brownlow will Join the Democrats. .Vn Arkansas correspondent, who probably wanted to " wake uj) " Itev. -Mr. Brownlow of the Knoxville (Tenn.) \Vlii(i. wrote to the latter, stating that he hail learned with pleasure, upon what "he considered reliable authority," that Mr. I?rownlow was about to join the Democrats, and asked for the probable date of that interesting occurrence. Jlr. Brownlow gave the date, or at least data for the date, as follows: — IvNoxvii.i.r,, Aug. (i, ISGO. Mr. -Ionian Clark,— I ha\'e your letter of theSnth ult., and hasten to let yon know the l)ri'eise time when I e.xpeet to come out and lormally annnunee that I lia\'c j«nued the Di-mocratic iiart>-. When tlli^ sun shines at midnighl and the moon at midday— wlien man forgt'ts to bi- seltish, or l>(;moc'rats lose Iheir inclinatitnis to steal — when Nature sloi)s her onwarfl nu\rch to rest, or all the watei- courses in America liow up stream — when tlowers lose their odor, and trees shed no leaves — when liird>^ talk and beasts of burden laugh — wln'ii dannicd spirits swap tieli lor hea\'en, \vini the angels of lighl . and paylheni the boot in unnin whiskey — when inipnssibililies are in fashion, and nt) propo- sili(Hi is loo absurd lo be believed, >(l in command of an expedition, consisting of seven sailors from the Hntleras and six men and an orderly sergeant from the Ninth Connecticut, charged with the accomiilishiuent of the desired object. " They immediately seized a liebel schooner near I'ass Christian and sailed on their jierilous adventure, having first built up on lier decks a fortification of cordwood, designed to protect the party from the shots of the Kelxd soldiery who had repaired to Shieldsboro', three hun- dred aud fifty strong, armed with rifles and twelve li-poundei' cannon, to jiro- tect the telegraph. The I>ay St. Louis, at the point oiiposite Shieldslioro', wliere the cable is submerged, is a mile and three-(piarters in wiilth. At a distance of tliree-(juarlers of a mile from the Shieldsboro' sliore is an old hulk, which \Ccmelnpkhere, i/ctv y^ CfiiitoetHilmcktiMtm, utOMa,-] \ blacJf r/if f a/. y \ V ^U t^JiHeZ/ C O/^TRABAN' L^,^ ArTem,!-, Warii havmg hkI nr. W<':< F>t:tier Snow fi(,ca1e(l, is t^l^on beforf? Jpff. Djvi!, by t^lp Vigilance Committee Far-similes of Envelopes used during the Rebellion. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 95 had been fsuuk for the purpose of sup- porting- the cable, and over tlie deck of Avhieli it crosses. Here it was the little party determined to sever tlie line. Having arrived within a short distance of this hulk, the Union fleet t)eing six- teen miles in the rear, they came to anchor, lowered the boat they had pro- vided for the purpose, and, armed eaeh with a rifle, cutlass, and revolver, pulled for the hulk. The Rebels on sliore, no- ticing this manoeuvre, now opened on them, tiring very wildly with their cannon, but making some excelUmt shots with their rifles, completely rid- dling the small boat, but, fortunately, injuring none of the party. "Having reached the hulk, theyatouce commenced their endeavors to sever the cable, but found tlie job a remarkably tough ouc, as the insulated cable had an outer covering of five coils of fivc- righths iron, of so hard a character tliat their axes were almost worthless aftn- having been used on it for a short time. At last, however, they succeeiled, and, as if in defiance of the Kebel shot, which were all the while playing rouml tliem, they then ascended to the quarter-doi-k of the hulk, raised the Stars and Stripes, fir<'d a volley at the Secesh, and gave three IiHurty cheers for the Union. This was responded to by a i>erfect shower of bullets from the IJebels, but none of our party were hurt. Having accomplished the object of their expe- dition, they fastened the severed cable to the stern sheets of their small boat and towed it into the middle of the bay, where they sunk it, thus mosteftectu;i]ly breaking the telegraphic comnuinicat ion between the two principal cities of Rebeldom on the Gulf coast. ^* Conimauder Emmeus of the Ilatteras^ in a comnnmication to the Navy de- partment at Washington, says of this small but gallant expedition, that it most gloriously succeeded, in spite of a heavy fire of musketry and (]-])Ouud shot, in cutting the telegraphic com- nmnication between Mobile and New Orleans." Artemus "Ward's Show Confiscated. You hcv perhaps wontlered wliarol)out.s I was for these many dase gone and past, t'erchans you sposed I 'd gone to the Toonis of the Cappylets.tho I do n't know what those is. It's a poplar uoospaper frase. Listen to my taiJ, and be silent that ye may hero. I 've been among the Seseshers a earnin my daily peek by my legitimit pcr- fcshun, and haven't liad no time to weeld my facile quill for " the Great Komick psipcr," if yon '11 allow mo to kote from your trooth- ful advertisement. My success was skaly, and I likewise had a narrow scape of my life. If what I 've been threw is " Suthern hosspitality," 'bout which we have hearn so much, then I feel bound to obsarve that they made too much of me. They was altogether too lavish with their at- tenshuns. I went among the Seseshevs with no feelins of annevmosity. I went in my perfesboi-nal capacity. I was actooated by one of the most Loftiest desires which can swell the luiman Boozum, viz. : — to giv the people their money's worth, by showin them .Sa- gashus Beasts, and \Vax Statoots which I venter to say are onsurpast by any other statoots anywlieres. I will not call that man who sez my statoots arc humbugs a licr and hoss thief but bring him be 4 me and 1 '11 wither him with one of my skornful frowns. But to proceed with my tail. In my travels threw the Sonny South 1 beared a heap of talk about Seseshun and bustin up the Union, but I did n't think it mounted to nothin. The politicians in all the villages was sweariu that Old Abe (sometimes calletl the Prahayi'ie flower) should n't never be noggerated. They also made fools of their- selves in varis ways, but as they was used to that I did n't let it worrj' very much, and the Stars and Stripes continered for to wave over my little tent. — Moor over, I was a sou ol Malty and a member of several other Tem- perance Societies, and my wife she was a hawter of Malty, and I sposed these fax would secoor me the inflooz and pertection of all the fust famerlies. Alas! I was dis- pinted. — State arter Statu scseshcd and it growed hotter and hotter for the under- sined. — Things come to a climbmacks in a .small town in Ahibamy, whore I was prem- torally ordered to haul down the Stars and Strips. A deppytashuu of red faced men cum ui> to the er head — and tore it all to pieces. Meanwhile dirty-faced boys was throwin stuns and empty beer bottles at my massive brow, & takin other improper liberties with my person. Resistance was useless, tor a va- riety of reasons, as 1 readily oltsarvcd. The Seseshcrs confisticatell my statoots by breaking them to attums. They then went to my money box and conlisticated all the loose change therein contained. — They then went and bust in my cages, lettin all the ani- miles loose, a small but helthy tiger among the rest. This tiger has a exeentric way of tearin dogs to pieces, and I allers sposed from his gineral conduck that he 'd have no hesitashun in servin human beings in the same way if he could get at them. Excuse me if I was crooil, but I larfed boysterrusly when I saw that tiger spring in among the peple. "Go it, my sweet cuss!" I inardly ex- claimed. *' I forgive you for bitiu off niy left thum with all my heart! Rip 'em up like a bully tiger whose Lare has been inwaded by Sesesbers! " I can't say for certain that the tiger serisly injured any of them, but as he was seen a few days after sum miles distant, with a large and well selected assortment of seats of trowsis in his mouth, and as he lookt as tho he'd been having sum vilent exercise. 1 rayther guess he did. You will therefore ])erceive that thej- didn't conlistieate liim much. I was carried to Montgomery in iuns and placed in durans vial. The jail was a ornery ediliss, but the table was librally surplied with Bakin and Cabbidge. This was a gootl variety, for when I did n't hanker after Bakin, I could help myself to the Cabbidge. I had nobody to talk to nor nothin to talk about, however, I was very lonely specially on the first day; so when the jailor parst my lonely cell, 1 put the few stray hairs on the back pait of my bed (I'm bald now, but thare was a time when 1 wore sweet auburn ringlets) into as dish-hevild a state as pos- sible, and roUin my eyes like a manyyuck, I cried : " Stay, jailer, stay ! I am not inad but soon shall be ityou don't bring me suthin to Talk!" He brung me some noospapers, for which I thanked him kintily. At last I got a interview with .letTerson Davis, the President of tlie Southern Con- thieveraey. He was quite perlite and a.xed me to sit down and s-tate my case. 1 did it, wln-n he larfed and said his gallaid men had been a little 2 enthoosiastic in eontisticatin my show. '**Ves, "sez I, "they confisticated me too muchly. I had some' bosses confisticated iu the same way onct, but tho coufisticaters air now poundin stun in the States Prison at In- jianapylus." " \\'all. wall, Mister Ward, you are at liberty to depai-t ; you air friendly to the South", I know. Even now we have many frens in the North, who sympathise with us, anil won't mingle with this fight." '*•}. Davis, there 's your grate mistaik.— Many of us was your sincere friends, and thought certain parties among- us was fussin about you and meddlin wdth your eonsarns intirelj'- too much. But J. Davis, the minit yon fire a gun at the piece of drygoods called the Star-spangled Banner, the North f^its up anti rises en massy, in defense ot that banner. Not agin you as indiviiluals — not agin the South even — but to save the flag. We should indeed be week in the knees, un- sound in the heart, milk-white in the liver, and soft in the bed, if we stood quietly by and saw this glorus Govj-nient smashed to pieces fither by furriu or a intestine foe. The gentle-harted mother hates to lake her naughty child across her knee, but she knows it is her dooty to do it. So we shall hate to whip the naughty South, but wo nuist do it if you do n't make back tracks jit onct, and we shall wallup you out of your boots! .1. Davis, it is my decided op'inion that the Sonny South is 'makin a egrejus muttou-hed of herself ! " " iio on, sir, you 're safe enufl". You 're too small powder for me! " sed tlie President of the Southern Couthieveracy. "Wait till I go home and start out the Baldinsville Mounted Hoss Cavalry! I 'm Capting of that Corpse, and J. Davis, be- ware! Jefferson D., I now leave you! — Farewell my gay Saler Boy! Goodbye, my bold buccaneer! Pirut of the deep blue sea, adoo! adoo! " My tower threw the Southern Couthie- veracy on my way home was thrillen enutf for yaller covers.' It will form the subjeck of my next. Betsy Jane and the progeny air well. Yours, I'espectively, A. WARD. — [From Vanitv Fair. Female Secessionists. — The fe- male Secessionists of Washinj^ton are still impudent and presumptuous. Two of them who w^aved their hnndkercluets in token of sympathy with the I^ebellion while a lot of Rebel prisoners cai)tur('d at Fort Royal were passinrovost ^uard and takeu to the guaVd-liouse, whfro they are held iu custody. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Parting Interview of Generals Scott and McClellan — An Affecting Occasion. Xkw Yi)1;k, Nov. 4. The Herald's WashinfiLOU dis|):itfh suys the parting scene between (ieiierai Seott and ( ieneral JlcClellan was a most impressive and af- fecting afiah'. (leueral McClellan and statt' proceeded to the depot hi tlie storm and darkness of the night, to bid fare- well to the veteran soldier who lias just withdrawn from active service, and as General .Scott pressed the hand of liis young successor, he besought him, not to he controlled by the advice of any parties who might counsel him to act contrary to his own judgment, if he would succeed in vindicatiug the honor of his country he was called upon to serve in so high and responsible capa- city. General SlcClellan's reply was : "1 thank you. General, and will not forget your counsel. May you be restored to iieahJi, and live to see your ])rophecy fultilleil. God be with you. Farewell."' General Scott and his Movements. Tlie journey from Washington to New York is said' to have fatigued General Scott less than was anticipated. He is quite feeble, however, and unable to re- ceive but few persons besides his rela- tives. His present physical disability proceeds from a wouncl he received at Lundy"s Lane, and two or three acciden- tal injuries since. His medical advisers prescribe a voj-age to Europe and the climate of France for some time, and it is expected that he will take his depart- ure in the steamer Africa on Wi'ilnesday of this week. The i'nion Defense Com- mittee of New York jiroiiose a grand military escort to atteiul the old lu'ro on his departure. The Washington Star states that shortly before his retirement, (ieneral .'^cott obtained positive information tli.-it his eulire estate, all of which is situated in Virginia, had been seized and seques- tered for the benetit of tlie so-called Con- federate (Jovernment. The relations ex- isthig between Generals .Scott and Mc- Clillan are tlnis spoken of bj* the ^Vash- iiigton ('(U'respondent of tlie New York Post : — "The i)arting scene between General Scott and (ieneral McClellan was very airecting, and i)ut to llight the mnnber- less rumors ri'specting an uuple.-isant state of feeling between the two generals. Tears were shed freely by both, and the advice given by the old hero to his sui'- cessor was discreet as it was touching. "It is asserted by those Intimately ac- quainted w ilh both Scott and .McClidlaii that there never has been .a ditl'ereui-e between them whicli in the slightest de- gree atl'ected their frieniiship for each other. The relations were pleasant and harmonious, and it was General .Scott's suggestion which brought Mct'lellan here. During McClellan's camjiaigu in western \'irgiuia lie was repeateilly com- plhnented in private dispatches tiy (Ii'U- eral Scott, and after hisgreatest triuini>li there it was intimated to him that he might soon be w anted in a higher siihere to use his talents in defense of the Union. Just before the unfortunate battle of Manassas, General McClellau was upon the ])oint of advancing to Stanton, Virginia, with his small but victorious army, but the Stone Bridge disaster and the inefficieiic_y of (ieneral Patterson put an end to the advance of th<' P'ederal troops in that part of Vir- ginia, and ilc( 'l(dlan was drawn away to Washiugton vei-y suddenly. TIk^ utmost conlidence is reposed in liim by the governnient and the trooj)S."" (ieneral Scott is re|)orted to have re- marked to a gentleman from Baltunore, that in all pi-obability he would never visit Washinglou again. He went tliere at the re(iuest of Mr. Uuchanan, on the 10th of December, nearly a year ago. During the whole period he was not ofl' duty a single hour; and those who have been connected with the service and have resided since that time in Washington, attribute wholly to his presence and fore- sight tlie safety of the Capital. The Youngest Major-general. If large native talents, joined to thor- ough education, and an added opp."), and ranks next to General Scott, w"Iio is twice his age, and perhaps is the youngest man who ever obtained so higli a position in our history. His father was of Connecticut birth, a grad- uate of Yale ctdlege and an eminent physician in PIiiladeli>hia. The sou graduated at AVest Point in 184(i, at the age of 20, and came out of the .Mexican w'ar four y<'ars after a captain. He served in the engineers' corps, and after- ward in the cavalry, and rose to the rank of major by bs."!."). Then he went to Europe and visited the Crimea, by order of the government, and prepared on his return a valuai)le report on the Euro|iean war of that time, the Crimean cami)aign, and the organization of for- eign armies. Life iu the army was too dull for his .active, aml)itious mind, and he resigned in 1.S57, and became vice- president and active manager of the Il- linois Central railroad, residing at Chi- cago. This post he held till last sum- mer, when he resigned it to accept the (iresidency and general sui)eriutendency of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad (Ciuciiniati and St. T,(nns), where the civil war found him a ready volunteer; and he returneil to the army, which he lelt a major, after an absence of four years, s])ringing into a major-general- ship. His iluiice personal and military accomplishments only forlild his old comrades bxiking with envy upon Iiis rapid promotion. Whatever feeling of this sort the <-vents of his carei'r may suggest are overborne by iiride in his growth, and conlidence in his ability to serve his country in a manner coninieu- surate with his advanced jiosition. ("ien- eral McClellau was married last summer to a daughter of Captain Marcy of the regular army, and granddaughter of the late Laban >[arcy, of Greenwich, in Hampshire county. .So that Massachu- setts, as well .'IS Connecticut and Penn- sylvania (his birthplace), and Ohio (his residence), holds a personal int"rest and feels a personal pride in tln' man and his future. — [Springtield Hepublicau. A Touching Episode. The New ( )rleans Crfscent, of the 2.Tth ult., narrates an incident of the .South- ern war more aft'ecting than any thing heretofore recorded in romance or fable — more inspiring than the oldest whis- key that ever fired a Southern heart. It appears that two chivalric scions of a wealthy cotton-planter on Lake Jack- son, near Tallahassee, had screwed their courage up to the point of inarching forth to join Bragg's ten thousand, now lieleaguering Fort Pickens. The day of leaving the plantation of their wealthy p.-irent had daw ued, and eipiipi)ed iu all the liloody toggery of Mars, and burn- ing with irrepressible tire for a chance to pit themselves, single-handed, against old Lincoln and Scott, the two Tallahas- seaiis might have been seen striding toward a dilapid.-ited shanty in the Negro quarters of the plantation. Presently apjiears emerging from the hovel an Af- rican with a yidlow bandanna wrapped around her head, and gifted with vast rotundity of waist. It is the black "ma-ma" {maw-maw is the chivalric ])ronunciation) of the two Tallahassee bloods. They leaned upon their blades wlu'ii they saw her, auci lifted up their voices and wepr — in the words of the Crescent chronicler, " were overw helmed with tears" — at the thought of part- ing. She wejit, and they wei)t, until at last, fearing, perhaps, that their cour- age was oozing out preliminary to their backing out, she addressed them thus: '' N'ow, young masters," cried she, ■'slop (lis weeping; go, tight for your eoniilry like men: and, mind" (her eye Hashing as shes])(die), '■^ do n't disgrace MK I " Their souls were touched as with an electric shock, and they went. Gknerai. ViEl.E. — A Norfolk cor- respondent tells the following anecdote of (ieneral Viele, showing one of his many means of taming Secession : — " A iady came into his office to consult him or demand some faviu'. He received her with his usual politeness, but sud- denly noticing that she wore the Con- federate ccdors lu'ominently, in the shape of a brooch, mildly suggeste for three thousand dollars per day." The Twentieth Massachusetts lleginieiit. All ofticer in the Massachusetts regi- ment, writing from Gamp Benton, I'oolesville, Md., uneler date Nov. l'2tli, says: "Our wounded are getting on well, and several are to leave for lionie on furlough soon. Sergeant Riddle, of Go. 1, had his arm amputated yesterday, and is doing well. Lowell will leave tor home soon. The regiment has been paid ofi', and quite a sum sent home. We are to celebrate Thanksgiving Day here by a monster concert with artillery accompaniment. An original hymn is being composed, and all the bands in the brigade are going to join in one. There is a talk of Golonel Lee being ex- changed soon, and possibly the mem- bers of the staft'. It is supposed the boily of Lieutenant Wessellioeft was found yesterday. It was difficult to identify it. 1 trust Gaptain Treinlett is doing well in recruiting, and will soon fill up to the standard. Tliere is a rumor of his joining some other regi- ment, but we all of us trust that he will not leave us, and we hope the friends of the Twentieth will use their influence to retain him with us. He is a fine fellow, and although not much has been said of his conduct in the late battle, he beha^-ed most nobly, and all here consider him one of the heroes of the day." TI»e Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry. Colonel Hinks has made his usual monthly report to the adjutant-gen- eral of this state of the condition of his regiment at the close of October. His aggregate is eight hundred and forty. The colonel was at that lime acting conmiander of the First Brigade. The troops enlisted for duty at Fort Warren are liable to the same orilers as the other volunteers, and may he sent to any part of the country if wanted. An Incidt'iit of Life at. the Fori. A company enlisted for permanent service arrived at one of the forts in the harbor a day or two since. The captain had told his men that they would probably find broailcloth sol- u ^voiild like to jinn. You will at onr#' J*** fjiven a n<'W, well-iiia, rr>nifort- able, HU(I Hervi<-»':il>lc uniform, sent into camp innnediat**ly, and that very day >on draw pay and rationn, aiul heroine entitled to a bounty. W1L,LIA3I W. BULLOCK, Brigadicr-gcnei'al I'"irs1 brigade. First di\-i- sion, :\I. \'. .M., and KeeriiitiiiK Oflieer-iii-ou fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn! Ole massa on he trabbels gone ; He leab de land behind ; De Lord's breflfblow him furder on. Like corn-shuck in the wind. We own de hoe, we own de ]ilow. We own de hanaMi will grow, ile cotton blow, \Vc 'II hab e Nort-wind t<-II it to de i)iues, De wild-duck lo de sea; We link it when de church bell ring. We dream it in de dream ; De rice-bird mean it when he sing, De eagle wdien he screaiu. De yam will grow, de cotton blow, We'll hab de rice an' corn; Oh, nebbi'r you fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn! ^Ve know d(? promise nebber fail. An' nebber lie de word ; So, like dc 'postles in de jail. We waited tor ile Lor(i : An' now he openen ebcry door. An' trow awa\' ile ke>-; He link wt^ Inb iiim so i)efore. We lub him better free. De yam will grow, de cotttm blow He '11 give tie rice an' corn : So nebber you fear, if nebber you hear De driver blow his horn ! So sing our dusty gondoliers; And with a secret pain. And smiles that seem akin to tears, We hear the wild refrain. We dare not share the Negro's trust, Nor yet his hope deny ; We only know tliat God is just. And every wrong shall die. Rude seems the song; each swarthy face Flame-lighted ruder still; We start to think that hapless race Must shape our good or ill ; That laws of changeless justice bind Oppressor with oppressed ; And, close as sin and sulTering joined, We march to Fate abreast. Sing on, poor hearts ! your chant shall be Our sight of blight or bloom — The Vala song of Liberty, Or death-tune of our doom ! — [Atlantic Monthly for February. Massachusetts Bravery. A correspoiuk'iit of the New York Tribune gives the followiug statistics and aueeilote in evidence of the bravery of Massachusetts troops in battle : — " Hooker's division, as was expected of them, ' fouglit like brave men, long and well, and heaped the ground with Kebel slain.' This division is known here as the fighting division, and as an evidence of their work it may be proper to state tliat they came on to the Penin- sula eleven thousand strong, and now number less than five thousand eflective men. Among the regiments of this division which suflered most severely, were the Massachusetts First, Eleventh, and .Sixteenth. Of the latter regiment about eighty were either killed or seriously wounded. '• A little incident will show the spirit of the Massachusetts Sixteenth. When the Massachusetts First were ordered to charge, the men of the Sixteenth, addressmg the colonel of the First, said: 'May we not charge with you'? You are not strong enough to charge that solid column of Kebels alone. AVe have no oflicers left. Our colonel is dead, and our lieuteuant-coUmel and adjutant wounded. So, if you will lead us, we would like to charge with you." They did charge, with an eflect that the Kebels will be likely to remember for some time. I voiild s;iy more about the splendid fighting of the Massachu- setts troops on this occasion, only for the tact that the Old Bay state lias a history which the world knows by heart, and to tell our readers that Mas- sachusetts soldiers are brave, and that they ilo their duty, is to tell them what they do instinctively know. ' God bless the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.' " The same authority pays the follow- iug deserved compliuieut to a gentleman whose patriotic and jirofessional de- votion are not surpassed by any of his brotherhood connected with the army: " Prominent among tliose who are active in relieving the sufferings of the sick and wounded soldiers, I notice the Kev. Arthur B. Fuller, chajilaiu of the .Sixteenth Massachusetts regiment. Mr. Fuller has been busy at the hospital from morning till night, administering INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 99 mediciues and words of comfort to such as were in need. Chaplain Fuller will Ijrobably go to his regiment (whom he calls his ' boys') to-morrow. He be- came separated from it by going from the camp before Richmond, on Friday last, to the White House, and before he could return communication was cut oft' by the Rebels, so he remained and skedaddled with the rest of us on Satur- day, and sought his regiment \ia For- tress Monroe and James river." MAJOR-GENERAL BUTLER'S SOUTHERN EXPEDITION. OlfeDsive Operalions on llio Gulf Coast! VOYAGE OF THE TRANSPORT STEAMER " CONSTITUTION." Occupation of Ship Island, Miss., by the New Engliind Division. Landing of the Middlesex Brigade. Fi-uclaiuatiun of General Phelps to the I'eople of the South-west — Description of Ship Island — The Operations of the Blockading Sciuadron in the tinlf — Naval Engagements — Prizes Captured — The Mosquito Fleet in Mississippi Sound — The Defenses of Mobile. O.v I!oAi!i> U. S. Tr.^nsport Steamer 1 CoustitiiHon, Straits ok Florida, ; Dec. 1, 1S61. ) The Federal government, having some three months since determined upon a policy which involveil the coimnence- ment of offensive operations against the rebellious states bordering upon the gulf of Mexico, took possession, about the 17th of September, of Ship island, sit- uated near the mouth of the Mississippi river, upon which a fortification had previously been commenced, with the view of making that point tlie basis of future operations for the reduction of the positions on the gulf coast in the possession of the enemy. The design being to establish a depot for milit.ary stores, a camp of instruction for troops, and a rendezvous for for a naval fleet with which the land forces will co-oper- ate, a council of war was held at ^Vash- ington, at which the best talent of the navy was present. Opinion was at first divided upon the proper point to be chosen, some fa\oriiig the occupation of Cat island, others Mississippi City, on the main land, from which the Union forces would ha^■e been liable to imme- diate attack and repulsion, while the majority inclined to Ship island, as af- fording the greatest facilities for the projected movements. Preliminaries of the Southern Campaign. The government having selected Maj.- gen. Benj. F. Butler to command tliis important campaign, about seventy da)S since, General Butler was called to Washington to confer with the adminis- tration upon the preliminaries of the ex- pedition. There being no available forces in the field, which could be with- drawn from the Xorth, General Butler was authorized by the War department to raise a division of six thousand troops in New England for this " special service," which has been the theme of speculation, puzzling the brains of the public, and leading to all manner of spec- ulations as to the destination of the forces. Through his individual influ- ence and personal conference with the governors of the several New England states, whose hearty co-operation, with the single exception of the governor of Massachusetts, he received, General Butler obtained permission to recruit troops in all the states east of New York. The result of his labt)rs has been the organization and e(iuipment of two regimimts of infantry and a battery of light artillery in Massachusetts; two regiments of infantry in Connecticut: on(> regiment of infautr}' in Vermont ; one regiment of infantry and a battery in Maine, and one regiment of infantry in New Hampshire, beside other troops to which it is impolitic at the present time to allude. The forces thus raised constitute, however, but a small portion of the corps d'armee of whii'h (ieneral Butler will ultimately have the com- mand. A Prouipt Departure. The vanguard of the expedition, con- sisting of the Twenty-sixth >Iassachu- setts regiment. Col. E. F. .Tones, former- ly of the celebrated '• .'^ixth regiment" ; tli(> Ninth Connecticut regiment, Colonel Cahill, and the Fifth Massachusetts bat- tery, ( 'aptain Manning, the whole being under command of Colonel Jones, the senior officer on hoard, endjarked on the steam transport ConstUntion at Boston, which sailed from that port on th(> 21st of November, within three days of the time at which General Butler promised the administration he wouhl stai't the first three thousand troops of his divi- sion. The steamer proceeded to Fort- laud to take on board the Twelfth ilaine regiment. Colonel Shei)ley, but finding on the run across Massachusetts bay, that from improper stowage, or some other cause, the steamer was crank, ('aptain Fleti'her, the commander, [U'o- tested against taking the Maine troops and their baggage on board. This being the first trip of the steamer in which her capacity was to be tested, and t\\-o thousand souls being already on board, the course pursued bj- Captain Fletcher is to be approved rather than con- demned. Exijerieiice has shown, how- ever, that with a proper disposition of the freight taken on board at Boston, the Maine regiment could also have been transiiorted with perfect safety, the voy- age having been one of unexamjileil tranquility. The " Constitution " at Hampton lioads. The Constitution proceeded southward from Port land on the morning of Satur- day, Nov. 28d, telegraphic orders having previously been received from General Butler for the steamer to touch at For- tress Monroe, to take on board Brigadier- general Phelps of Vermont, who has been assigned to the expedition as brigadier- general. This stoppage caused a deten- tion of about a day and a half. While at Old Point, many of the officers, and the ladies accompanying tlie expedition, went on shore and were cordially re- ceived and entertained by their friends among the Massachusetts troops sta- tioned at till' Fortress anrospec- tive Southern enii)ire, no point, iduld have been s<'lected from which lo spread terror to the Kebels of the gulf states, which affords greater facilities than Ship island. 'I'lie slave poiiulati(Ui of the cottou-growiiig states is at once the most intelligent and dangerous in tlie whole South, owing to the system which has long been practiced by the slave- holders of the border tier of slave states, of selling their fractious Negroes to the cotton and rice planters, as a means of punishment, and of removing the evi- dences of their own shame through the same channel. From this cause the slaves on the plantations soon to be menaced by the I'nion forces, bringing with them from the Caroliuas and Vir- ginia the blood of theh' former masters, have become more independent and are imbued w ith a, stronger desire to obtain their freedom, than the full-blooded Af- rican ; and Ihi' supposition is, that upon the a.dvance of the Fe(leral forces the Negroes will l)ecome their allies and take up arms against their masters, if allowed to dfi so. STEAMEIt Constitution, \ SHie Island Harhor, Miss., ! Tiicsilay Evening, Dec. 3, 18G1. ) The noble ship has reached her desti- nation in safety and to-night lies within sight of the I'ebel shore of Mississippi, with a friendly island under her lee. Ketrospect of tlie Voyage. Looking l)ack over a period of six days, since the steamer left Hampton Uoads, the voyage now ended, seems one long sunnner-day, broken only by tiie few hours of partial forgetfidness, snatched from the hum and bustle of this restless company. The voyage has been one of unprecedented serenity, and the quietude of the elements has only been equaled by the concord which has prevailed on board. The weather has been uniforndy pleasant; the ocean, till last night, has been as smooth as a mill- pond, and as kindly dis))osed to the great ship as mother ever was to child. The most jiertect harmony has marked the intercourse of the troops, only one man having been placed under arrest; while the saloon has appeared like the reading-room of a literary club, with tlie additional attraction of a concert- room. The steamer struck the current of the gulf stream about 9 o'clock on the day after leaving Old Point, and stood along its western edge, avoiding the force of the current and the coast, without being in sight of the latter. At 1 o'clock Fri- day morning a bright reflection on the horizon indicate officers were staking out tile !iniuii(l for the encampments, the men seateoys soon rallied and were at it in earnest. Wheid- harrows and shovels were brought into requisition ; the hills were laid low : tlie rough places made smooth ; one by one the conical dwellings, which can with difficulty be distinguished in the distance from' the white sand on which they are pitched, were erected, and bo- fore sundown two canvas villages on the outi)Osts of Helieldoni were tenanted by the loyal sons of JIassachusetts and Connecticut. Both regiments encamped on the beach about half a mile from the port, each camp being backed by a range of sand-hillocks, which command a view of the soimd, and from which the ap- proach of the enemy can readily be dis- covered. The camp of the Twenty-sixth extends east, i)ar.-iUel with tlie line of the beach, while the Ninth Connecticut are en- camped just back of the liglit-house, on which Major Frye hoisted the Stars and Stripes, i'ents will be exposed to strong- winds which prevail here, Init with long tent-pins they can be secured to the drifting f(um(iation. Good fresh water can be had almost for the asking. The men have only to sink a ))arrel any- where in the sand, and a w ell of ]iure water supplies their necessities. The isl- and furnishes excellent facilities for bathing, and the climate being temper- ate, tlie health of the troops will of ne- cessity be i)ri'servn she arrived at Pass Christ- ian, as was learned from prisoners re- cently taken. With the prizes which have been cap- tured much valuable property has been taken. On the shore near the lauding are piled up twelve hundred barrels of molasses, four hundred barrels spirits of turpentine, and other merchandise. The schooner Olive, captured by the Neio London, was loaded with yellow-pine lumber, originall}' intended for this for- tification, but which, after its evaeua- tiou by the Kebels, was ordereil to Fort Pike. Through the vigilance of the Federal officers it will be appropriated to its original purpose. The blockading squadron olTthe mouth of the Mississippi have recently earned fresh laurels, the Mississippi aud Vin- eennes having captured an Englisli barque endeavoring to ruu the blockade with .$20,000 in specie aud .$200,000 worth of coffee on board. The Snntee, blockading Galveston, a short time since captured and burned a privateer which attemjited to leave that port, killing three men, wounding several, and taking a nundjer of prisoners, including the owner. The fight was a desperate one, resulting in the loss of two men on the Santee, and the wounding of several others seriously. Tlie Musquito Fleet in Mississii>i>i Sound. The Kebi'ls have a fleet of war-steam- ers which run out from New Orleans and cruise in Mississippi sound, con- sisting of the Florida, 6 guns ; Pamlico, 2; Oregon, 2; Arroto, 2 — all heavy rifled cannon — aud the Grey Eagle, which car- ries a 9-inch shell-gun and some rifled cannon. Some of these steamers ajipear in sight ever}' day, reconnoitering the I^nion forces. The officers of the Fed- eral flotilla are constantly on the watch for the enemy, and allow no opportuni- ty to pass whicli oft'ers a chance for a fight. The JVeio London is of light draft, and, w ith an extra crew from the fort, nightly leaves the harbor on expeditions against the Rebels, who have been car- rying on an extensive commerce between New Orleans aud Mobile. On Tuesday last a fleet of ten steamers passed through the sound to Mobile under con- voy of four Rebel war steamers. None of these freight and passenger boats have since been seen, however. The prize steamer Lciris was one of this class, and the California, formerly of New York, is engaged in the same line of business. On Wednesday morning the Federal steamer Montgomery, blockading Grant's pass, about thirty miles from Shi]) island in the direction of Mobile, was attacked by five Rebel war steamers, with long-range guns, and driven from her position. The Rebel gunboat Oregon subsequently started for the westw ard, and the Montgomery came up to Ship island to put the officers of the flotilla on the alert. The Rebel steamer lay ofl' this point, and appeared to be making a recounoisauce. Aj)- prehensions were felt of an attack Wednesday night, and the Constitution being in no condition to repel the enemy, the chains were unshackled, steam raised, the guus double shotted, aud every preparation made to slip out in case of an attack. Ammunition was sent on shore for the troops, and Gen- eral Phelps took up his quarters on the island in order to bo near his command. The night passed, however, without any demonstration from the enemy. Eebel Submaiine Telegraph Destroyed. Immediately after the occupation of Ship island by the Federal forces. Cap- tain Smith, of the Massachusetts, sent an expedition, consisting of two launches manned by thirty-four sailors from the Massachusetts and Preble, under com- mand of Messrs. Ryder and Merriam of the Massachusetts, for the purpose of underrunuiug a suljmariue telegraphic cable which connected the line between New Orleans and Mobile. After a se- vere pull of tweuty-thi-ee miles, whicli occupied nine hours, the expedition ar- rived at its destination, aud landing cut the cable on shore, took the end in the boats and underrun about seventy-five feet of it, cutting it oft' with axes and destroying the efficacy of the cable. More would have been secured, but day- light coming on, they left. On their re- turn they were chased by a Rebel steamer, which gave up the pursuit as soon as they disco-^-ered that the boats were armed. The Rebels have a powder-mill about twelve miles from Mississippi City, where they are manufacturing eighteen hundred pounds of powder daily. This establishment may receive the attention of the forces at this point ere long. A Hard Task. The encampment of the troops is about a mile from the point at which they lauded on the island, aud there being an entire lack of any means of transportation, other than wheelbar- rows, nearly all the tents, arms, stores, and camp equipage had to be carried up on the shoulders of the men, or rolled over the light sand. It was a tedious and laborious operation, and one which taxed the energies of the men to their fullest extent. Fortunately the weather has not been uncomfortably hot. and the troo])s have sustained their arduous task nol)ly. The w ork of trans])ortation has been materially lessened by the con- struction of a plank walk, which Major Frye aud the men of the Connecticut regiment have imiuovised from the tim- ber found on the beach. The I'nited States ordnance steamer De Soto, Captain Walker, arrived here ou Friday from Pensacola, with rifled cannon, with which she is supplying all the vessels of the blockading scpiadron in the Gulf. She is bound to Uarstaria bay to blockade. i'he officers and men of the navy at this [(oint are deserving of the highest l)raise for their indefatigable labors to- ward the suppression of the Rebellion. They had not only been obliged, since taking possession of the island, to keep u|( a regular military establishment on shore, but have been conii>elled to per- form a vast amount of labor in raising jirize vessels sunk in a •'norther"; landing their cargoes ; building a wharf, and complctiug the fortification. Their services are deserving of recognition by the government, especially those of Acting Masters Ryder of the Massachu- setts and Freeman of the fort. The former is the party who, when the gal- lant Anderson and his command in tort Sumter were being reduced by star- vation, oft'ered to ])rovision the garrison in whale boats at all hazards; while the latter has been knighted by the tiueen of Si)ain, for gallant services rendered ill rescuing the officers aud crew of a wrecked Spanish man-of-war. Mr. Ryder has superintended the erection of tlie casemates of the fort and the build- ing of the wharf. Mr. Freeman has rafsed several sunken vessels, and in landing the troops and supplies his services as commander of the Lewis liave been iuvaluabli>. Acting Master Wiggin, from the Poto- 7nac, one of the most v.-iliialde officers of the tort, has been detailed as pilot of the gun-boat Xeiv London, -nhfro, on ac- count of his acquaintance with all parts of the Sound, he will render valuable service. Acting Midshipman AVood- ward, a young and promising officer, has also show-n commendable zeal in the performance of his duty. Future Operations. In the absence of all positive knowl- edge respecting the policy of the gov- ernment and the plans of the leaders of this expedition, it is utterly impossible to predict — what the future only cau deti-ruiine — w here the first blow will he struck in the campaign here commenced. Speculation points to New- Orleans and Mobile as the points to be attacked. Presuming that one or both of these places are to become the objects of es- pecial attention from General Butler, it is well to estimate the chances of suc- cess. Regarding the natural facilities for reaching the two cities, Jlobile ofters the greatest inducements for an attack. Tlie city is about forty miles distant, anil troops can be conveyed in light- draught steamers from Ship island. 104 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. throuijli Mississiin)! sound and (Jranfs ])ass, into Mobile l)ay. I liave k'arned Iroiii a prisoner now on hoard the steamer Mas.'--aiiuisrtts that the Rebels have planted a battery of three guns eonunanding the pass, and that at the liead of the bay, at the junc- tion of Si)anish river and Choetaw bayou, a foundation, iOO feet sijuare, built of [liles, tilled in solid with stone and earth, has been sunk in six feet of water, and ujion this a fort is in process of erection which will mount fifty guns. All vessels, before entering the city, will be compelled to pass this formid- able battery. The entrances to Jlobile bay from the (iulf are protected by Forts Morgan and Gaines, in an ex))e- ditioti from this i)oint against New < )r- leans, the course is by water through lakes Borgne and Pontcljartrain to within three miles of New Orleans, thence by railroail or canal to the city. Fort Pike defends the passage into Lake Pontchar- train, and I learn from the same source quoted above that the Uebels liave erected batteries along the line of the Pontchartrain railroad, and have also ])lanted one hundred heavy guns in front of the custom house at New Orleans. The arrival of General Butler is anxiously awaited, when something more definite may be learned. In the meantime, General Pheli)S is busy in reconnoitering tile island, and with plans and specifications pre|iaring to complete this fort. 1 am indebted to Acting Paymaster ^Vlerriam, whose acquaintance with the fort extends back to the lirst occupation of the island by the Union forces, for much valuable information respecting atlairs here. A Briisli with the Kiieiliy, This afternoon, a Rebel gun-boat hove in sight across the sound, when the Federal gun-boat got under way, and followed by the De Soto, run over and engaged Iter. The New London and Itebel steamer exchanged several shot, when a seconl!K, Xov. 'M. Tlie Tribune's s])ecial Wasliington dispatch says that government received iut(dligence yes- IcnUiy that the leaders of the Rclxdlion in I'ichniond and In the Rebel camps .across the Rotomac at last are satisfied that they are to be beaten in the issue of arms which they have made, an's tii-st attempt I sent you, in lutrrowed rhyme. On a gllt-edf^ed slioet. (•ml)ossed With many a quaint dusign, And signed 'in sehooUjoy hand, " Your loving Valentine." 'riie years have eome, ami gone — Have flown, 1 linow jiol where — And the seliooll>oy's merry lace Is grave witli nianhood's care; But the heart of man still beats At the widl-romembered n,ame, And on tliis ,St. Valentine's Day Ilis choice is still the s,ame. There was a time — ah! widl; Tliink not that I repine — Wlien I di'eainetl this hapjiy day M'ould smile on you as nu'ne; lint 1 Iieai-il my (Miuntry's (;all ; I Icnew tier need was sort! ; Tliatik <;od. no seltish thouglit Witlilield me ivoui tin; war. Uut when llie dear old Hag shall float in its auIarshal Davis, went from here this morning to convey Mr. Pangborn, Con- sul for Saxouy at New Orleans, to Nor- folk. By that means we learn tliat the Pebel vessel engaged in the action yes- terday was the steamer Patrick Henry. Tlie Kebels claim that no damage was done to them. To-day afiout half an inch of snow iell, and a strong north-east wind pre- vailed, but the storm abated toward noon. APPrfOPRIATE PL'NIsmiEXT.— A yOUUg lady who, like all our Northern young ladies, bless them ! is religiously devoted to the Union cause, during a discussion as to what would constitute the surest and, at the same time, the most humane, punishment of the Secessionist women who talk treason openly and spit in the faces of loyal people in Baltimore, St. I/Ouis, and elsewhere, gave her verdict as follows : " Cut off their hair! '" Shav- hig the head might have a cooling ef- fect. A False Report.— A report is in cir- culation that Lieutenant Babo, of the Twentietli regiment, whoh.-is been miss- ing since the disastrous aft'air at BalTs Bluff, has been heard from, and that having been but slightly wounded, he was rapidly recovering. On inquiry as to the origin of this statement, our re- porters And it to lie entirely without authority. No tidings have been heard of the lieutenant, and there is nothing to warrant such a belief. A Terrible Story of the Rebellion. A correspondent of the New York Tiines, who dates from Springfield, Mo., tells the following sad tale of the conse- quences of rebellion : — " 'J'he tender mercies of Secession are cruel. I have just heard the sad story of a widow who has buried two sons and a daughter since the outbreak of the Rebellion, ller three children all fell by the hand of violence. "She lived in the White River coun- try — a land of hills and of ignorance. Ill that country she and her family stood almost alone upon tin' side of the national Union. Her ueigiil)ors were all advocates of Rebellion, and ev<'n before the arrival of our anny in Spi-iiigtield all loyal citizens were warned that they must leave their homes or die. It was little that the poor widow had to leave — a miserable log-cabin and .a small pateli of hill-side — but such a-; it was, she was ]n'eparing to abandon it, when her sou Ilarvev left her, in search of employment. She packed his bundle with a heavy heart, took a silk handker- chief from her neck, gave to him, and kissed him good-liye, never expecting to see him again. " lie had not been gone many days when her persecution began. Her little boy was one evening briiiging in wood for the lire, when a shot was heard — a bullet struck the log under his arm, and he dropped it with a scream. TIh- ball had just missed his lieart. .Toy at his eseajie from death was hencef(U'lh min- gled with glooinv apprehension. "Next, she lieard of the death of Harvey. He had found a home, and fancying himself secure, was alone at work in a tield. The family with whom he lived were absent. When they re- turned at noon they found his dead body in the house, jiierced by a bullet. His torn cap and other signs ^\■itnessed to the severity of his struggle before he 3'ielded to his murderer. " From tills time the family of Mrs. Willis lived in constant fear. One day a gun was fired at them as they sat at dinner. One man was bold enough to come into the cabin in search of tliem. At night they all hid in the woods and slept. The poor woman was one day gathering corn in the garden and Wil- liam was sitting upon the fence. "'Don't sit there, William," said his mother, ' you are too fair a mark for a shot." "William went to the dooi' and sat u]ion the ste)). "' William," said his sister, ' vou ar<' not safe there. Come into the house." " He obeyed. He was sitting between two beds, when suddenly another shot rang upon the air, and th<- widow's sec- ond son, Samuel, whom she had not no- ticed sitting by another door, rose to his feet, staggered a few steps toward his motlier, and fell a corpse before her. " ' I never wished any one in torment befor(>," she said, ' but I did wish the man that killed him was there." " Her three oldest sons at once left the e.abin and tied over the hills. TIk'V are all in the national armv to-ilav. Samuers sister washed the cold" clay and dressed it for the ^rave. After two days the Secession neighbors came to bury him. At flrst the frantic nioMier refused to let them touch his body. At la«t she consented. The clods we're falling upon the coffin, each sound awakening an echo in her aching heart, when a whip- poor-will llultered down, with its wild, melancholy cry, and settled in the open grave. The note so terrifn-d the con- science-stricken, suiJ'M-stitioui wretches, that for a moment they fled in dismay. "Two of her children were now inthe tomfi. Three had escaped for their live-i. The unh.ipiiy woman was left w ith her two daughters and three small children, heiiiless and alone. She was ol)liged to go thirty miles upon horse- back to the mill for food, and aftei-ward to return on foot, leading her horse by the bridle, with the sack u]ion his back. On her return she me! her children about a mile and a half from her own house. In her neighbor's yard her two boys, aged ten and t w(dve years, were digging another grave — the grave (jf an old man, murdered in h; r alisciice, for the crime of loyalty to the Union. To- getiier with a whit<'-iieaded jiatriot, who tottered with age, they placed the corpse upon a board, rolled it, unprepared for burial and uncotlined, into the shallow l)it, and then covered it with earth. Such are the trials of loyal citizens in the border slave-states, and wherever IJebellion has been in jiower. " The widow now eseajied for refuge to this city. And here, to crown her sorrows, in the absence of her three old- est remaining siuis, a drunken soldier of the Fifth Kansas regiment shot her daughter Mary, as she was standing in the door of her house. Is it any wonder that this woman's hair is gray, her fore- head full of wrinkles, or that she should saj", with tremulous tones, ' I feel that I shall not live long. The only thing which sustains nie is the love of Christ.' Northern peojde know nothing of the horrors of war." A RoMANX'E OF THE Wai{. — For some six weeks past a young girl named Maggie Wilson has been missing from her home at Brooklyn, N. Y., and all attempts to ascertain her whereabouts have proven unsuc<'essful. On Thurs- day, however, a letter was received from a member of Colonid Townsend's New York regiment, that the missing girl, under the name of Charlie Marshall, and dressed in male ajiparel, had enlisted in that regiment, and had proceeded with it to the scene of the war. She was assiduous in the i)erforniance of her duties, and remarkable for her quiet re- serve and disinelinaticm to participate in the carousals of her comjianion';. How a discovery of her sex was made is not stated, but by the unanimous voice of the regiment, she was appointed to the otiice of, and dressed in more appropriate clothing for a woman. She has commenced the i)erformance of her new duties. 1-1 106 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. No Half-way Loyalists. 'I'lir nii-niliers of tlii' Meiupliis (Teiiii.) Typofiniphical union having iiotitioued BrifrM.liiT-general lIovf_v, in oonimaud .of the ITnitt'il States forct-.s at that place, to relieve them from the necessity of takinu; the oath of allegiance to the Federal government, as they had always remainecl neutral, were no politicians, and did not wisli their names mixed up in civil strife. General Ilovey denies the request, prefacing his denial by the following commimication : — " You ask me to modify Order No. 1 so as to relieve the members of your as- sociation from taking the oath of alle- giance. Now, wliat is the substance of that order? JJrietly answereil — it gives you tlie right to leave the city witliout imiiosiijg any conditions, and take up arms against our country if you wish. It throws the gauntlet ilov»n and dares you to the conflict, or simply requires you to swear to support the constitution your fathers made. Surely this is no iiaril rule in times of war. Let ns for one moment contrast it with the course adopted l>y the so styled Soutliern Con- federacy. Where they have power, men who have dared whisper words in favor of the Union have by brutal (cliivalric?J force been hung — decrepi- tude and years could not sliield them. Even in sight of this city, an old, graj'- haired man of sixty, lone, friendless, was hung by a chivalric mob because he dared tn adijere to the. government that gave hiui l>irth and was the pride of his declining years. Aye, even in this city (if report "be true), the ball and chain in tli<' 'Vigilance connnittee " room was used to intimidate tlie fearful, and shackle the limbs of freemen who would not bow down to tlie Southern idol. The barber-sliop, too, is hard by, where tliey administered a clean shave to all who would not shout for the 'chivalry " and iJavis. '• Vou didn't do itV Hundreds of your 'liigh-toned gentlemen' didn't do it':' No — but you stood by, raised not a hand to shield the hel|)]ess, and dared not even whisjier one kind woi'd to con- sole the victims of the mol). This was neutrality, . — Samuel P. Skinner of New liedford, who was convieted at the recent ti rni of the I'nited States Circnil Court of fitting out the shij) Miinjaret Scolt as a slaver, was yesterday c Texan authorities. March 4. Inauguration of President Lincoln. March IG. Adjournment of the South- ern Congress. March 20. .Secession of Arkansas. March 21. A vessel with supplies for the United States fleet seized by Kebtds oft" Pensacola. A)iril 3. Great preparations com- menced in the Northern navy yards. April .j. Preparations of Beauregard to bombard Fort Sumter. April 9. Jeft'erson Davis makes a rcfiuisitiou for troops. A))ril 11. Demand made by Beaure- gard for the unconditional surrender of Fort Sumter. April 12. The Charleston batteries ojien on Sumter. April 13. Surrender of Sumter. Ajiril I.T. The President issues his liroclamation for 7.5,000 volunteers. Ajiril 10. The Confederate govcrn- menl call for 32,000 more troo])s; Fort Pickens reinforced by Colonel Brown's command. April 17. Governor Letcher of Vir- ginia issues a proclamation hostile to the national government. April 18. Arrival in New York of the Massachusetts Sixth regiment en route to Washington; fears begin to prevail for tlie safety of the capital. April 19. "The Massachusetts Sixth reginieut attacked in Baltimore by a mob, and several of its members killed; the Seventh New York regiment leave for Washington. April 20. Immense Union demonstra- tion in New Y'ork; burning of the (iios- jiort navy yard, including three ships of the line, three frigates, two sloops, and a brig, mounting over 400 guns. INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 109 April 25. Virginia joins the (onfod- erate States. April 27. Tweuty-oue thousand na- tional troops in Washington. Slay ;^. President issues a proclama- tion, calling for more troops to serve for three years, and directing the increase of the regular army and the enlistment of additional seamen. May lei. Uesumption of the inter- rupted connuunication with Washington via Baltimore; Baltimoi-e occupied by Federal troops; Anti-seeessiou conven- tion in western Virginia. May 17. Union triumph in Kentucky ; Confederate Congress anthorize the is- sue of $50,000,000 in bonds, payable in twenty years. May 21. Seizure of telegrams by the government. May 22. The seat of the Rebel gov- ernment transferred to Richmond. 'SiAy 24. Advance of the Union arnij' into Virginia ; assassination of Colonel Ellsworth. May 27. Occupation of Newport Xews by General Butler. May 2S. Banks and Fremont appoint- ed major-generals. May ;J1. Cavalry skirmish at Fairfax Court House. -June 2, Union victory at .Phillippa, western Virginia. J\ine 3. Beauregard arrives at Manas- sas .function and takes command of the Confederate army; Border state conven- tion meet at Frankfort, Kentucky. June 10. Affair at Big Bethel". .Tune 11. Skirmish at Roraney, west- ern Virginia. .June 13. Evacuation of Harper's Fer- ry by the Rebels. .June 17. Successful engagement with the Rebels at Booneville, iMo. .Tune 2S. Arrest of Marshal Kane in Baltimore. .July 1. Arrest of the Baltimore board of jiolice commissioners. July 2. Successful engagement of General Patterson's column, near Mar- tiusburg. July 5. Successful engagement at Brier For!218 per month, and that (jf a private .$"20, tlie intermediate grades being in proportion. The above sums include, besides the regular pay, the al- lowance for rations (when commuted), horses, servants, etc., which ought not to be reckoned as jiay. 'The actual stipend per month of the officers anil men, in the difterent branches of the service, is as follows : — Mouuted Draprooiis, Cavalry, Kifleinen, and Light Artillery. Colonel Slio on Lieutenant-colonel it.'i (10 Major S(i (in Captain 70 (lO First Lienten;nit ."!:!:« Second Lieutenant (lirevet tlie same). .'):! :i;j Ailjut.ant anO I{ejears, now serving his time with Cajitain Cogsw ell, as a servant. 'Tis outamiil Camp Wilson, 'tis there I ait me down. Tile soldiers anil the ladies are ranged all around ; The fiddle and tlie banjo, and every thing ajipears, To glad the lieart and please the eye of the Ko.xbury \oluntccrs. When we wei'c out in LyniiJieId,we liad every thing so nice, With iiam and eggs and good sweet bread, and puddings made of rice. For Captain Tnels he cooked the grub so well that it drew teai's Of envy from t!ie gazers at the Roxbnry Volunteers. Wlien wi- got to Phihuleipllia, the ladies used us well : Hot eoll'eeand hot )>iscuits, — on them we love to dwell; And when we were departing, the same ladies gave us ciieers. Saying, " 1 hope tlie Lord will ever bless the Roxbury \'olunteers." .Vnil when we got to Baltimore the boys they made one rush, A thinking every minute they were going to have a muss ; But they saw so many pretty girls it soon exiielletl their fears, \Vhile the ladies waved the Stars and Stripes to the Riixbury Volunteers. From Baltimore to Washington, — it's there we pitciied our camp ; The boys were tired and hungi-y, and foot- sore from their tramp- We had nu i-ations furnished us, and there- tore had some fears — We tllought we all would starve to death, poor Hoxbury Volunteers. Next we were mai-ehed to Hall's Hill, Hve hundred miles from home; Wi' had nothing given us to eat but one cracker and one bone. We gnawed at tlie old cracker — it had been flaked for >'ears — Till Cajitain i'uek brought meat to eat for the lioxbury X'olunteers. Then we marched down to Martindale's to form in our brigade; The general ho inspected us wdiile we were on parade, .And all he saw did please him, and the boys tliey gave him cheers; He sai'd, "There's none in my brigade like the Roxbury Volunteers." It "snow we have good camping ground, and get good rations too; And o'er our head tloats the Stars and Stripes, anil to them we'll prove true. Our boys they have good courage, anil the enemy he' fears, .And swears by liarn he will not fight the Roxbury \'oluuteers. A Notable Regiment. After the Thirteenth regiment of Mas- sachusetts had arrived at the Park l)ar- racks on Tuesday, antl before the com- mand to bre:ik ranks hail been given, several gentlemen, who have witnessed the evil ctlccts produced on some of the regiments llial ha\e arrived here, by permitting the members of them to sep- INCIDENTS OF THIL CIVIL WAR. Ill arate diiriug the interiui of their stay, suggested to Colonel Leonard, -nho was in command of the Thirteenth, that he had better eause a guard to lie posted to prevent his men from leaving the ground, lest they might indulge to excess. Colo- nel Leonard, however, i)ereraptorily de- clined to comply with the suggestion, and said : — " I will let my men go where they please. Not one of them will be miss- ing from his place at roll-call. Xot one of my men will get drunk — no, not one." Shortl}- after the ranks were broken, and for four hours the men wandered about town at will; and yet, notwith- standing that they had marched over a long route, in the very heat of mid-day, after being under arms for several hours, and the temiitatiou to indidgence, whether of their own volition, or at the invitation of good-natured citizens who liked the boys, was very great, still every member of the regiment was in his j)lace at the hourtixeri tor departure, and their strong, clear voices ringing out the music of their song of Ijattle, and their tirm and steady step as they marched down Broadway '' South to Dixie," evidenced that the confidence re- posed in them by Colonel Leonard was not misplaced, but was in the highest degree deserved. It is pleasant to write of a colonel who has acquired such an inthience over his men, and it is doubly pleasant to look upon men who so readily and willingly second the eftbrts of their commander, made to promote their best interests, for we see in them men upon whom the country can safely rely in its great emergency. Colonel Leonard is assisted by an efficient and able l)ody of officers, and under such efficient leaders the Thirteenth will give a good account of itself. As apropos to this subject, let us say that Massachusetts men everywhere are Incurring a large debt of gratitude to Frank Howe, Jr., tor his untiring and persistent eflbrts, frequently involving whole days and nights of labor, to se- cure and increase every necessary com- fort and refreshment tor our Massachu- setts troops during their stay in New York. — [New York Tribune. and the company have behaved nobly in sending a donation of fifty dollars to the bereaved mother, and voting to contin- ue to her his pay while they remain in the service. The body was brought to the city by Quartermaster ('owle, and placed in an elegant coffin to l)e for- warded to Brookline by Adams' express. The melancholy shooting of young- Herbert S. Barlow, of the National Guard, First Massachusetts regiment, has cast a gloom over the whole regi- ment. Corporal Swallow was examin- ing his piece and found a cap upon it, soraebod}' having loaded it without his knowledge. It sliould not have been loaded — Corporal Swallow supposed it was not loaded, but he lifted the ham- mer to remove the cap, and some one be- hind happened to hit his arm in such a manner that the hammer came down, the gun was fired, and the liall entered the breast of young Barlow, standing three rods distant, killing him instantly. He was the only sou of his mother, and she was a widow. Many tears were shed at the funeral services in the camp. The Occupation of Bird's Point. A correspondent who dates his letter from Camp Hooker, at Budd's Ferry, on the Lower Potomac, on the ]'2th instant, says that the batteries at Bird's Point were evacuated by the Rel)els on the previous Sunday, and occupied by the First Massachusetts regiment on the fol- lowing day. He says, referring to the appearance of the place : — "What a sight: Everything left as if a plague had carried ofi' tlie occu- pants. Guns standing, all loaded just as they were left; the tents intact; the tables spread h>x thi- meal there was no time to eat — every thing looked as if the evacuators had been completely panic- stricken. Shot and shell to the value of f3!.'iOO,OUO, besides ten heavy guns, all of which have been destroyed but two — one, a r25-i)Ound rifled English gun, made in 18.58, at the Low Moor works, which will be taken to Washiugtou. '' Tlie mortality among Confederates has been truly awful. We noted no few- er than 150 U> 200 graves ; and from the surgeon's report we found that the prev- alent causes of death were measles, and chills and fever. '• We a re all on the tiptoe of expectation that a demand will be immediately made for our more active service; and you may inform all the friends of the Massa- chusetts First that the boys are ready for whatever duty men have done or can do." General Butler's Passage to Ship Island. A correspondent of the Portland Transcript^ who was on board the Mis- sissippi on her passage from Fortress Monroe to Hilton Head, writes a letter descriptive of what occurred after Gen- eral Butler came on board. AVe do not remember to have seen any description of the scene so full, and apparently so correct, and presume all our readers will be interested iu the details given. The writer dates from Seabrook's I^anding, Hilton Head Landing. We quote as follows : Tuesday, February 2r)th, while the Mississippi was lying iu Hampton Koads, General Butler and staff came on board, and after watering up and taking on board a large amount of shot and shell, and Cieneral Butler's lady and maid, we went to sea again. Had pleasant weath- er till Wednesday noon, when the wind came out ahead and began to blow from the south-east. Passed Hatteras at noon and made for the Inlet, with the in- tention of calling for Brigadier-general Williams; night found us near the shore — the wind blowing a gale, and the sea too rough to go in. When the ship was headed off shore, the sea was very high, the wind kei)t hauling to the east, and as we were heading for the south-east, we were S(jon on a lee shore. The ship was then headed on the other tack, but such was the power of the winds and waves that it was not until we were within half a mile of the break- ers, that the shi|> b<'gan to "crawl off" on the other tack. The i)ower of the proi>eller was tested to its utmost, the ship laboring heavily, the sea pouring in over her bows, and the decks flooded with water, which soon began to find its way down the hatches, and round llie engine and masts, and soon there was some two or three feet of water under the boilers ; men were formed in line, and buckets ]):issed through between the decks to the cabin, and u]) the cabin stairs to the saloon on deck, and the water thrown out of the windows on the lee side. For some time no gain was made on the water, but when the hatch- ways were secured, ports fastened, ami skylights made tight. th<' water began to lessen, the slii]) rolled and pitched her bows under almost all night . Some " old salts " who were on lioard say that at one time they were fearful the ship would not live through it long enough for us to gain an offing. Your corre- spondent stood at the saloon window passing the buckets from 'A o'clock till daylight, and he will never forget the feeling of relief that came over us all, when a bucket was jiassed iu from the window with the remark that it was half full of sand, for we knew then that we had control of the water, and that there could not be much water under the boilers, else the buckets would not dip up the sand. The officers and men who were not seasick behaved nobly — not a word was said to cause needless alarm. Dur- ing the whole night the voice of Colonel Dow coidd be heard clear and calm, en- couraging the men by wonl ami deed, and it is not saying too nuich to say that the safety of the shij), and the lives of the fifteen hundred and fifty men on board of her, were the result of the la- bors of the sailors among the soldiers of the Thirteenth Maine. l)aylight found us well oil' the laud, in the Gulf Stream, with the ship's head to the wind, north-east, with a tremendous sea run- ning in. During the forenoon the wind and sea went down, and the ship was again headed south-west. At night, clear and pleasant. Friday again was a clear, bright day — at 7 o'clock laud was seen, and soon after a light-house, and at !) o'clock of this l)eautitul, clear, calm day, with the coast ami light in full view from the deck, the staunch, costly steam-ship Mississippi, with a valuable cargo of government stores and mu- nitions of war, and the precious freight of some seventy commissioned officers and fifteen hundred men, was run ashore on Frying-pan shoals, off Cape Fear, on the coast of North Candina. Perhaps it does not become me to pass judgment on the conduct of the captain at this time. 1 will only meution one fact, and leave V(ui to form your own 112 I XCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. opinion. With the whip only just mov- ing in tlio sand, :mil tliunipingat every swell of the sea (whieli fortunately was very ealni) the order was fiiven to "clear away and let go the anchor"; the result was that the ship was foived on to tlie anchor, and one fluke went through the ship's bottom, holiling her hard and fast. The .ship's small boats were now lowered, when it was found that there were not oars enough tf) man all the boats. Soundings were made in every direction from the shi]). and it was "found that twice the ship's length to the soutli-east, would have cleared the shiji, as we were near the ])assage between the two shoals. Shot and shell and heavy articles were got up from the hold and "carried aft, to he in re.-uliness to be throv.ii overboard when the tide rose. As we struck when the tid<' was one-fjuarlcr el)b, of course we could not get oft' until the tide made again. About 11 o'clock a steamer was made out in the direction of Cape Fear light-house, heading for us, and for some time it was quite an important item to know what colors the steamer carried. She might be a Rebel steamer, coming out from under the guns of Fort Caswell, f(U' all that we knew to the contrary. Accord- ingly General Butler had the big gun got "ready (the ship carries a large Sawyer rifled cannon, which w ill make its niark at four miles). The men were ordered below, all but one comiiany, and they supplied with their guns and ball cartridges, and exti'usive prepa- rations maile for a tight. When the shij) first struck, the colors were hoisted at the mast-head, \mion down, but they were soon taken down. General Butler now ordered the Stars and Strii)es to be hoisted at the miz/en peak, and the question was asked him if it should be hoisted "union down"? "No," he re- l)lied, " Union np and Union forever. No liebel takes this ship I " The steamer, .after showing her flag and signals, came down to within a mile of us and came to anchor, a boat with Major Strong was sent to the steamer and returiK'd with one from her, with Sailing-master Sturgiss on board. She was the Mount T'coioH gun-boat, formerly of the New York and I'ortlaud line — an old acquaintance. After sounding the way, the Mount Vernon hoistcil anchor and came down to us — a line was mMd(^ fast to her, and a hawser carried on l)oard, and an effort made to haul her bows round, but all in vain — and at 4 o'clock the oriler was given to disembark the nwn in small boats and l)Ut them on board the gun-boat. Six boats only coulil be used, holding from eight to ten men each, and it was a slow .-ind laborious ))rocess, so that at dark only some two hundred and fifty men haney, she thought if she could pro- cure a situation for her boy as a drum- mer, for the short tinu' we had to remain in the service, she could find enq)loy- ment for herself and perliai)s find her sister by the time he was discharged. During her rehearsal of the story the little fellow kei)t his eye intently fixed upast week has indeed been an exciting one here. The dullness and monotony of camp-life have been ex- changed for the sounds of the stirring drums, of men marching in battle array to meet any land force which might sec- ond the naval armament arrayed against us, and for the flash and roar'of the can- non upon our shores. I have been a witness to tlie entire naval contest ; our signal defeat at first, our splendid tri- umph at the last. Mever have 1 known such alternations of feeling as this last week has lirought to me. I have seen the proud American Hag struck and humbled, and over it the white signal of surrender to a Rebel steamer waving, ami my heart sank within me for shame, ami then came emotions of stern resent- ment, and longing to see the att'ront avenged. I have seen that exultant Rebel steamer humbled in her turn be- fore the little Monitor, and the lierce, flame-breathing monster towed disalilecl away to his den, and tlien came a fieling of exultation, s.-iy rather of gratitude to (iod, whose Frovidence alone «ent that deliverance, which no language is ade- quate to express. I>et me now briefly recount events for the Journal readers, avoiding the trite details already before the public, and narrating things as 1 saw them. The like of this naval engage- ment, in many respects, the world never saw before; the tremendous interests which hang upon tlie issue have never been exceeded ; each witness is homid to give his testimony, and give it impar- tially, also. The Beginning:. Never has a lirighter day smiled upon Old Virginia than last Saturday. The hours crept lazily along, and sea and shore in tliis region saw nothing (o vary the nuuiotony of the scene. \ow and then a soldier might be heard comjilain- iug that his detachment of the loyal army was liaving no part in the glori- ous victories which everywhere else are crowning American valor witli such bril- liant success; or a sailor might be noted on sliipboard, felling bow much he hoped the Merrimac would show herself, and how certainly she would be sunk by our war vessels or land guns, if she dared make her appearance. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon the scene changed. Two strangely-clad steamers appeared above Newport News, coming down the river, and a mysterious monster — half ship, half house — came slowly steaming from Norfolk. We did not know, but we all felt, that the latter was the Merrimac. Your correspondent at once went to the large Seminary building on the slun'e, about two miles from the fortress and so much nearer Newport News, and with an excellent spy-glass could see distinct- ly every movement made. The engage- ment was a brief one, and as terrible and disastrous as lirief. The Merrimac is a slow sailer, but she steamed steadily toward Newport News and at once at- tacked the Cumberland. There lan never be a braver defense tlniii the of- flcers and sailors of that frigate made. They fought long after resistance was hopeless; they never surrendered, even when the water was filled with drown- ing men, and the fast-disappearing decks were slippery with blood; but all was 15 114 INCIDENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. ill vaiD. With terrible aud resistless force the Merrimac steamed at the doomed vessel and pierced her side with her itnraeuse iron beak ; at the same time firiiiu; her heavy gims directly throuj^h her antagonist. The noble Cumberland soon sunk, and her sailors who were yet alive sought safety in the masts yetabove water, or by swimming to the shore. Meanwliile the Cunyress had been fired upon by the Kebel steamers YurkUnon and Jamcstinon, and also the tug-boats which accompanied the Merrimac. She had got as near to the shore as j)ossible, but when the iron monster turned his attention to Iter she was ol>liged soon to surrender. Oh, how liitterly we all felt the humiliation of seeing the wliite flag rising to the mast-head above the Stars and Stripes '. I am afraid I felt hardly like a Christian for the moment, if in- deed a longing for vengeance upfui my country's enemies be unchristian. I would have given all I possessed to see that aeeursed tyrant of the seas, with the liebi'l jiennant defiantly flying, sunk beside her victim, the noble Cumberland. But it was not so to be. We looked for the Minnesota and Roanoke, our helpers in the strife, the first our main dependence, and lo, both were aground and helpless in that fear- ful hour. It was well, for sure as the)' had floated, and the Merrimac could have come at them, they too must have been sunk or captured. The Mer- rimac draws more water than either of them. It did seem strange, though, that such a mishap should have chanced to both these steam frigates, whose pilots ought to have been so familiar witli the ch;innel ; luit the Roanoke for six months had lain in these waters with a broken shaft, whicli renders her helpless, and the former pilot of the Minnesota had Just given way to another and less experi- enced man. It was all overruled for good. The Merrimac now threw her balls thick and fast and heavy upon the camp at Xewporl News. .Strange to say, none of the-c shot or shell did any material damage, tlioiigh one of them jiassed di- rectly throiiglHieneral Mansfield"s (juar- ters, made wild work with his room, covered the general with S|)liiiters of wood, and had it exploded must have killed him. 1 saw the shell next day, and eonvi'rsed with the general with ref- ei-euec (oil. lie had it in bis apartment. It weighed forty-two pounds; another by its side, also sent from Ihe Merriniar^ weighed ninety-two. The shells were ralher badly aimed, and most of them went into the woods, cutting off toi)s of trees as they fell, but fortunately, nay, providentially, liarnwng no one of the soldiery or Ihe fleeing women and ehil- tlren aud conlrabamls. A little lug liad been sent meanwhile from the Merrimac to the Congress to take oil' Ihe prisoners, but this tug was a mark lor the sliarp- shoolers from the shore anil from (he land batteries, which had been admirably serve liver like a pall. " Willi beating hearts, we saw her ar- rive opjiosite to and ]iass the first bat- tery on the Kentucky shore, without a demonstration from the enemy ! liut just below was another battery, whose guns had often i)itched their immense balls a clear distance of four miles ; and with hearts whose beating could al- most, it seemed, be heard lieiieath our jackets, we watched her slowly aji- proacbing, in checkers of darkness and Ibiiiie, the dreaded works. "A crasliing jieal of thunder — a blind- ing flash of light, which scarcely had dis- ajipeared when a broad blaze of flame burst from the fortifications, follow