Brewer's Series of Famous Song Books Two Million Copies now in use in the leading cities of the United States {In ordering quoU title completely and EX A CTLT.) Brewer's Collection of National Songs and Hymns SSns?o1nTlmos?fISon8 national songs and popmar old church hymns. Both words and music. The music has been re-written and simplified especially for school use. This book 1b used ia thousands of cities for opening exercises in schools. Price, including postage , 6c. Brewer's Collection of Popular Songs ffl'on%»?cSrlsS.T4"r'y^heV'e' This book is similar to the Red Song Book, except that in place of the nymns In the Red Song Book, additional popular aira are added. Both words and music. Price, Including postage, 6C Rrouror'c Amorlftan Cnno* RnAk C^^o ^^^ B'°d Blue Song Books combined, also Dieitei 5 Allieiibaii OUng SUUn additional popular songs.) 04 pages. Price 15c. Brewer's Collection of Favorite Songs ^^hf^^^^^.%\o^^^l^''^<^l words and music. These songs have been re-written expressly for use in schools. 200,000 copies now ia use. Price, including postage, 6c. Brewer's Collection of Old Familiar Songs a^t^^^i^i^Je'sTroXSh't-J Bixth of public schools. Both words and music. Price ec. Brewer's Collection of Patriotic Songs S^?s^tSpi^eSf.^cKk3L'nS airs ever published. Contains also the national songs of other nations. Both words and music. The music has been re-written and especially adapted to public schools. PriceSc. Rrawor'c Primaru CAnor Dnnlr C^^® Lavender Song Book ) Words and music. Dienei b rillliaiy OUIIg DUJK Especially adapted to first three grades of public school. Music written in one, two and three parts. Printed in large type. This book Is used in many large cities and Is daily becoming more and more popular. Special care has been used in the selection of choice words. It contains no meaningless, flat or trashy rhymes. The melodies are simple and beautiful. All of the songs are rapidly becoming general favorites. Price 6c. Tho ^iinhaam •*■ collection of most popular Sunday School Songs. Both words and lilC OUIiUeaui music. Price, including postage, 4a Brewer's Collection of Good Old Songs i,?^Be^nKe?[*\"nlTo?g°s**Vf l^l which are familiar to all lovers of music. The music has been carefully revised by the well-known music-editor. Dr. T. Martin Towne. Price 6c. Brewer's Collection of Choice Songs ffiU"o*nTf\'re'*moWa'mo^s'E?i'.o*n^8'; the music of which is simple and adapted to third, fourth and fifth grades, ft la handsomely printed in large type and is becoming a general favorite. Price 8c, Tha nnmhlnori ^nnir Rnnk Containing selections from all of our books, bound I lie UUIilUEIICU dUllg DUUn in one volume. This book was especially prepared for an eastern city by the Supervisor of Music and has become a favorite. Price 25c. Brewer's Collection of Songs of the Sunny South ^?"t*h1°soilh%S?e,~Sfd Black Joe, My Old Kentucky Home, etc., etc. Both words and music. This 'la tha only complete collection of Southern songs. Fiice 10c. Brewer's Collection of Old College Songs SftSlf'^'^o^fK^e Vo^yfaS known by every one who has come iu touch with college life. Price 10c. Brewer's Collection of Sacred Songs and Hymns ?°ice eT"'"^ exercises. Brewer's First Lessons In Vocal Music ?a?"SSk?o'.!a^s^aTi'or/^? essential elements of vocal mnsic. It Is brief and concise, containing definitions and exercises. It can bo used in lower grades as an introduction to primary song books or can housed in upper grades immediately preceding eighth grade books. It has the qualities of clearness, simplicity and brevity. Price lOc Samples of any of the above hooks wilt be mailed to any p&rt of the world on receipt of price. The above prices include postage. Send for one of these books and you will want them all. Addreet THE ORYILLE BREWER PUBLISHING CO., The Auditorium Bidg., Chicago The Culprit Fay BY JOSEPH RODMAN DRAKE EDITED BY HUBERT M. SKINNER, Ph.D. ORVILLE BREWER PUBLISHING CO., THE AUDITORIUM, CHICAGO LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 8 1905 Cooyrieht Entry CLASS Cc XXc. No COPY B. COPYRIGHT, 1905, By ORVILI.E BREWER. f^ t% •\