u n ADDRESS BEFORE THE ^m^ r^ BY GEORGE B. LOHING. -«—••«—»- PXJBXjISHCEID B-5r OPir>EE, OF TKCE SOCIET-52-. NEWBURYPORT : HERALD JOB PRESS-COR. STATE & MIDDLE STS. 1858. ADDRESS >3EP0RE THE m^ g^grmumrai ^mt% -BY GEORGE B. LOEOG DECEMBER, 1858, NEWBURYPORT : SHESALD JOB PRESS— COR. STATE & MIDDLE STS. 185 8, ^1 ADDIIESS, ^Y GEORGE B. L R I N G- 4Ir. President and Gentlemen op tee Society :— A refulgent and luxuriant summer has brought us td that bounteous harvest season in which we are accustomed to •come up to our annual festival, and take counsel together of our experiences in agriculture. We have indeed abundant reason to be grateful to an overruling Providence, which has smiled upon our endeavors, and has taught us, in a time of distrust and disaster, how true the earth and sky are to the olden .promises. But I should fail to express the foremost thought of every member of our society, did I neglect to dwell upon that be- Teavement which is brought before us most sorrowfully on this