S H ♦ U4 /922 tU JJ. YIa****^^ r r tl.. April 20 (calendar day, June 17), 1922. — Ordered to lie on the table WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1922 In the Senate of the United States, April 20 {calendar day, June 20), 1922. Ordered, That the communication of the Secretary of Commerce, relative to the total number and prices of Government-owned Alaska fur-seal skins taken and sold, transmitted to the Senate on Saturday, the 17th instant, in response to Senate Resolution 287, be printed together with the accompanying papers, as a Senate document. Attest: George A. Sanderson, Secretary. LIBtyVRY OF CONGRESS SECSIVED 'JULUlMt iWENTe division e>\^ . LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of Commerce, Office of the Secretary, Washington, June 17, 1922. The President of the United States Senate, Washington, D. C. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement from the Commissioner of Fisheries in response to a resolution of the Senate of the United States, passed May 27, 1922, directing the Secretary of Commerce to furnish the Senate a statement showing the total number of Government-owned Alaska fur-seal skins taken, and other information in connection therewith, together with a complete record of the total annual payments made to the Governments of Great Britain and Japan since 1912, to January 1, 1922, inclusive, and copies of Government contracts made with certain fur companies for dressing and dyeing fur-seal skins owned by the Government. Yours faithfully, Herbert Hoover. FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, June 16, 1922. Subject: Senate resolution passed May 27, 1922, in regard to Govern- ment-owned Alaska sealskins. The Secretary of Commerce: In compliance with your instruc- tions relative to Senate resolution directing the Secretary of Com- merce to furnish the Senate a statement showing in detail the number of Government-owned Alaska fur-seal skins taken and sold, and other information connected therewith, there are transmitted here- with Statements I to XIX, showing the number of fur-seal skins taken annually on the Pribilof Islands, and the disposition thereof, together with detailed information showing time, place, number of skins sold, classification of skins sold, and prices obtained for each grade and classification. There are also inclosed Statements XX to XXVIII, showing the amounts paid the Governments of Great Britain and Japan since 1912 to January 1, 1922, together with photostat copies of all contracts and supplemental agreements with Funsten Bros. & Co. and the Fouke Fur- Co., for dressing and dyeing fur-seal skins owned by the Government. In this connection attention is repectfulry called to the following statement of comparison of revenue received by the United States Government from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, under leases from 1870 to 1909, and under direct management by the De- partment of Commerce from 1910 to 1921 : Comparison of revenar received by the United States Government from Pribilof Islands, Alaska, under leases and undi r direct manag< rra nt by the Department of Commerce. Under exclusive sealing rights by lease to Alaska Commercial Co., 1870 to 1899: Revenue from 1,840,364 skins and lease $6, 010, 565. 00 Expended for salaries of agents, travel, etc 202, 655. 00 Net revenue received 5, 807, 910. 00 Net average per skin, $3.15. Under exclusive rights by lease to North American Commercial Co., 1890 to 1909: Revenue from 339,180 skins and lease $3, 752, 415. 00 Expended for salaries, travel, food for natives, etc 596, 085. 00 Net revenue received 3, 156, 330. 00 Net average per skin, $9.30. Under direct management by the Department of Commerce, 1910 to Julv 1, 1921: Revenue from 101,594 skins $4, 321, 141. 03 Expended for salaries, travel, care of natives, etc 1, 151. 596. 50 Net revenue received x 3. 169, 544. 53 Net average per skin, $31.20. 1 No deductions have been made from this total for payments to Great Britain and Japan, amounting to $505,431.6-1 each. 1 2 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. • Under the leasing arrangements the Government received no revenue from the sale of fox skins from the Pribilof Islands. Under the direct management of the Department of Commerce since 1910 there have been sold 5,204 fox skins, which netted the Government $403,759.34. Attention is also called to the fact that when the Alaska Commercial Co. leased the right to take sealskins on the Pribilof Islands, the seal herd was estimated to contain over 2,000,000 animals, and during the leasing period of 40 years the herd was so depleted as to leave only 132,279 animals when the direct management of the islands was taken over, in 1910, by the Department of Commerce. From that date, to and including 1921, the stock has been increased to 581,453 animals, and there are now 41,091 sealskins on hand. The average net price per skin received by the Government during the 40 years under lease is $4.11. The net increase in price per skin received under direct management by the Department of Commerce is over 600 per cent, and during this period the stock of animals and skins on hand, instead of being reduced, as under the leasing periods, has been built up and increased over 370 per cent. Henry O'Malley, Commissioner. Tabular statement showing receipts and disposition of fur-seal skins taken on the PrihloJ Islands by the Department, of Commerce, 1912 to 1921. Take of seal skins. Disposition. Year. Number. Sale date. Number of skins. Auctioneer. 1912 4,565 2,406 2, 735 3, 947 6,466 8,169 34, 890 27, 821 26,648 23,671 Jan. 17,1913 Dec. 16,1913 Sept. 29, 1916 Jan 29,1917 Apr. 18,1917 Oct. s, L917 Apr. 22,1918 Oct. 7, 1918 Apr. 28,1919 Sept. 10, 1919 Feb. 2, 1920 Feb. 10,1920 May 10,1920 Feb. 21,1921 Mar. 19,1921 May 23,1921 Sept. 28,1921 Apr. 3, 1922 3,773 i 1, S96 i 1, 900 i 2, 000 i 1, 500 i 3, 239 i 6, 100 i 2, 000 2 10, 102 9,055 9,100 131 3 5, 752 10, 120 44 10,060 10, 778 12, 777 Lampson & Co., London, England. Funsten Bros. & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Do 1913 1914 Do. 1915 Do. 1916 Do. 1917 Do. 1918 Do. 1919 Do. 1920 Do. 1921 , Do. Do. Do. Fouke Fur Co., St. Louis, Mo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Total sold 100, 227 39, 964 1,120 7 Unsold: At Fouke Fur Co To be dressed, dyed, etc. To be shipped to Fouke Fur Co. to dress, etc. For exhibition purposes. Total 141,318 141, 31S 1 By the terms of the sealing convention of July 17, 1911, and the act of August 24, 1912, Great Britain and Japan, during the period suspending the killing of fur seals for commercial purposes, each received a loan of $10,000 per annum in lieu of any financial interest in the seals killed for food purposes. The skins in this sale were from seals taken for food of the natives of the Pribilof Islands and not for commercial purposes. 2 Of these 10,102 skins, 3,882 were food skins of 1917 take; 1,943 were commercial skins of 1917 take, and 4,277 were commercial skins of 1918 take. 3 Twelve of these were food skins taken in 1917 with which the foreign countries had no financial interest FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 6 II. Details of sale of 3,773 salted Pribilof Islands fur-seal shins at London, England, on January 17, 1913. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 55 54 80 80 80 80 80 66 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 57 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 76 37 56 62 62 62 81 81 SI 80 89 89 37 70 69 70 70 71 98 97 13 $56. 60 56.60 51.23 51.72 51.72 51.72 51.72 51.71 41.97 41.97 42.94 42.94 43.92 42.94 43.42 43. 42 43. 42 43.42 43.42 43.44 31.72 31.72 31.72 31.72 31.72 32.20 31.72 31. 72 25.85 38.55 35. 13 35.13 35.13 27. 3.3 26.84 26.84 26.84 20.50 20. 50 50.75 44. 40 44.40 31.23 31.23 31.23 23.42 23.42 5.10 S3, 113. 00 3, 056. 40 4, 098. 40 Do 4, 137. 60 Do.. 4, 137. 60 Do 4, 137. 60 Do.. 4, 137. 60 Do.. 3, 412. 86 3, 777. 30 Do.. 3,777.30 Do 3, 864. 60 Do.. 3, 864. 60 Do.. 3, 952. 80 Do 3, 864. 60 Do.. 3, 907. 80 Do 3,907.80 Do.. 3,907.80 Do.. 3,907.80 Do.. 3,908.70 Do. 2, 470. 08 3, 172. 00 Do. 3, 172. 00 Do 3, 172. 00 Do. 3, 172. 00 Do... 31,72.00 Do. 3, 220. 00 Do 3, 172. 00 Do.. 2,410.72 956. 45 2, 158. 80 2, 178. 06 Do 2, 178. 06 Do. 2, 178. 06 2,213.73 Do 2, 174. 04 Do. 2, 174. 04 Do. 2, 147. 20 1, 824. 50 Do 1, 824. 50 1,877.75 3, 108'. 00 Do. 3,063.60 2, 186. 10 Do. 2, 186. 10 Do. 2, 217. 33 2, 295. 16 2,271.74 3 smalls, 3 large pups, 2 middling pups (faulty), 5 small pups.. . 66.30 Total 3,773 141,289.58 4 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. III. Details of sale of 1,898 salted Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., December 16, 1913. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 41 80 80 43 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 44 100 100 82 IS 45 88 83 89 89 80 52 152 $52. 00 40.50 40.50 40.00 31.50 33. 50 34.00 34.00 32.50 32. 50 32.50 34.00 25.50 25.50 25.50 26.50 23.50 21.50 20. 50 20.00 19.00 19.50 15.00 25.50 $2, 132. 00 3, 240. 00 Do 3, 240. 00 Do 1, 720. 00 2, S35. 00 Do. 3. 015. 00 Do... 3, 060. 00 Do. . . 3, 060. 00 Do 2, 925. 00 Do 2, 925. 00 Do 2, 925. 00 Do 1,496.00 2, 550. 00 Do.. 2, 550. 00 Do... 2,091.00 477. 00 1,057.50 1,892.00 Do 1,701.50 1,780.00 Do 1,691.00 Do... 1,560.00 780. 00 8 smalls, 36 large pups, 92 middling pups, 16 small pups 3, 876. 00 Total 1,898 54, 579. 00 IV. Details of sale of 1,900 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, September 20, 1916. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 11 middlings and smalls. 59 smalls 11 middlings and smalls. 59 smalls 2 middlings 5 middlings and smalls.. 33 smalls Large pups Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Middling pups Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Small pups Do 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 51 s 519 520 521 522 Total. 1,900 $50. 00 51.00 45.00 36.00 37.00 39.00 42.00 39.00 40.00 43. 00 43.00 36.00 38. 00 38.00 39.00 39.00 35.00 36.00 36.00 38.00 40.00 35.00 36.00 $3, 500. 00 3, 570. 00 1,800.00 2, 880. 00 2, 960. 00 3, 120. 00 3, 360. 00 3, 120. 00 3,200.00 3, 440. 00 3, 440. 00 3, 240. 00 3, 420. 00 3, 420. 00 3, 510. 00 3, 510. 00 3, 150. 00 3, 240. 00 3, 240. 00 3, 420. 00 3, 600. 00 3, 150. 00 3, 240. 00 74,530.00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. V. Details of sale of 2,000 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., January 29, 1917 . Trade classification. 12 middlings, 21 middlings and smalls. Middlings and smalls Smalls Dc. Do. Do. Do. Do Large pups. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Middling pups Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Lot No. 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 35 Mi 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 ::524 3525 3520 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 Small pups Ill — 1 middling and small 7 smalls 13 large pups \ 3532 13 middling pups ! 1 small pup J 2 middlings and smalls 1 7 smalls 1-1 large pups > 3533 12 niii Id Hug pups 1 small pup J Cuts, elc: 3 middlings and smalls ) 7 smalls . .". 22 large pups \ 3534 10 middling pups 3 small pups J Total Number of skins. 2,000 Price per skin. $60. 00 56. 00 50. 00 50. 00 50. 00 53. 00 55. 00 55.00 47 00 49.00 48.00 48 00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 47.00 47.00 49.00 42.00 43.00 45 00 43. 00 43. 00 45.00 41.00 40. 00 25. 00 Total for lot. SI. 980. 00 2, 800. 00 3, 500. oO 3, 500. 00 3. 500. 00 3,710.00 ::. 850.00 2, 255. 00 3,760.00 3,920.00 3,840.00 3, 840. 00 3, 840. 00 3; 840. 00 3, 840. 00 :; 840.00 3; 760. 00 2', 162.00 2, 205. 00 3. 780. 00 3; 870. 00 4,050.00 3, 870. 00 3, 870. 00 2, 295. 00 2, 200. 00 1,680.00 900. 00 2, 346. 00 93, 678. 00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. VI. Details of sale of 1,500 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, April 18, 1917. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total |for lot. 30 middlings 26 middlings and smalls Middlings and smalls Smalls Do Do Large pups Do Do Do Do Middling pups Do Do Cuts, etc.: 3 middlings 6 middlings and smalls 18 smalls 24 large pups 23 middling pups 1 small pup 2 middlings 7 middlings and smalls IS smalls 24 large pups 23 middling pups 1 small pup Ill — 2 middlings 7 middlings and smalls 20 smalls 22 large, pups 9 middling pups 2 middlings 6 middlings and smalls 20 smalls 21 large pups 9 middling pups 1 small pup 3 middlings 21 middlings and smalls Smalls Large pups Middling pups Cuts, etc. (11 smalls , 15 large pups). Total 11100 11101 11102 11103 11104 11105 11106 11107 11108 11109 11110 11111 11112 11113 11116 11117 11118 11119 11120 11121 160. 00 50.00 49.00 52. 00 48.00 51.00 50.00 47.00 47.00 51.00 43.00 42.00 40.00 42.00 25.50 57. 00 63 55. 00 48.00 39.00 46. 00 $3,360.00 3, 500. 00 3, 920. 00 4, 160. 00 3, 408. 00 4, 080. 00 4, 000. 00 3, 760. 00 3, 760. 00 4, 080. 00 3, 870. 00 3, 780. 00 3, 200. 00 3, 150. 00 1,530.00 1,327.50 1,36S.00 1,500 3, 465. 00 3, 264. 00 1,287.00 1,196.00 68, 540. 50 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. VII. Details of sale of 3,239 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., Octobers, 1917. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. } ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 i 40 } - } « 1 r 1 43^ 65 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 43 80 80 80 80 SO 80 80 80 80 so 80 80 80 91 80 80 80 80 80 80 109 61 65 48 62 45 80 $43. 00 42.00 45. 00 41.50 42.50 41.50 33.50 38. 50 34. 50 39. 00 34. 50 37. 50 35. 00 33. 00 32. 50 34.00 30. 00 28.50 35. 50 34. 00 33.50 36.00 34.00 35. 00 32. 00 34.00 34. 50 35. 50 37.00 38.00 31.50 32.50 32. 00 30.00 32.50 32.50 34.50 31.00 32.00 23. 50 18.50 17.00 14.00 12.00 $2, 795. 00 2, 100. 00 Do 2, 250. 00 Do 2, 075. 00 Do 2, 125. 00 Do i. 2,075.00 2,680.00 Do 3, 0S0. 00 Do 2,760.00 Do 3, 120. 00 Do 2, 760. 00 Do 3,000.00 Do 2, 800. 00 Do 2, 640. 00 Do. 2,600.00 Do. 2, 720. 00 Do. 1, 290. 00 2,280.00 Do 2, 840. 00 Do. 2, 720. 00 Do 2, 680. 00 Do 2, 880. 00 Do. . 2, 720. 00 Do. 2, 800. 00 Do. 2, 560. 00 Do 2, 720. 00 Do. . 2,760.00 Do. 2,S40.00 Do. 2,960.00 Do. 3, 040. 00 Do 2, 866. 50 2,600.00 Do 2, 560. 00 Do 2,400.00 Do 2, 600. 00 Do. . 2, 600. 00 Do 2, 760. 00 Do 3, 379. 00 1,952.00 Faulty: 1, 527. 50 888. 00 1,054.00 630. 00 960. 00 Total 3,239 107, 447. 00 8 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. VIII. Details of sale of 6,100 dressed, di/ed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal shins at St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1918. Trade classification. Number Price lo. of per skins. skm. 1 65 $64. 00 2 50 57. or. 3 50 58. 0C 4 50 56. 00 5 50 57. 0C 6 50 56. 00 7 50 40. 0C 8 40 43. 0C 9 70 51. 0C 10 70 51. OC 11 70 54. 0C 12 70 56. 0C 13 70 56. 00 14 70 53. 0C 15 70 57.00 16 70 57. (HI 17 70 54.00 is 70 56.00 19 70 53.00 20 60 54.00 21 50 35. 00 22 50 38. on 23 50 36.50 24 40 37.50 25 80 48.00 26 80 50.00 27 80 50.00 28 80 51.00 29 80 51.00 30 80 .53. 00 31 80 54. 50 32 80 53. 00 33 80 53. 00 34 80 52.00 35 80 53. 00 36 80 52.00 37 80 54.50 38 80 52. 00 39 80 53. 00 40 80 52.00 41 80 53. 00 42 80 52. 00 43 80 35. 00 44 80 33.00 45 80 36.00 46 80 37.00 47 80 36. 00 48 60 37.50 49 90 43. 00 50 90 40. 50 51 90 40. 50 52 90 39.00 53 90 41.50 54 90 •1.00 55 90 39.00 56 90 40. 00 57 90 41.00 58 90 41.00 59 90 43.00 60 90 40.00 61 90 43. 50 62 90 45.50 63 90 45.00 64 90 43.00 65 90 44.50 (ill 90 44. 50 67 90 33.00 68 90 34.00 69 90 31.00 70 90 34.50 71 90 34.50 72 90 40. 00 73 90 39.50 74 60 38.50 75 60 43.50 Total for lot. 15 wigs; 50 extra extra large Extra extra large Do Do Do Do Extra extra large, cut, scarred, etc. Do : Extra large Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra large, cut, scarred, etc . Do Do Do Large Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Large, cut, scarred, etc Do Do Do Do Do Mediums Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mediums, cut, scarred, etc. Do . Do Do Do Small mediums Do Do Do 84, 160. 00 2, 85a 00 2, 900. 00 2, N00. 00 2, 850. 00 2, S0O. 00 2, 000. 00 1, 720. 00 3, 570. 00 3, 570. 00 3, 7S0. 00 3, 920. 00 3, 920. 00 3, 710. 00 3, 990. 00 3, 990. 00 3, 7S0. 00 3, 920. 00 3, 710. 00 3, 240. 00 1,750.00 1, 900. 00 1,825.00 1,500.00 3,840.00 4, 000. 00 4,000.00 4,080.00 4, 080. 00 4, 240. 00 4, 360. 00 4,240.00 4. 240. 00 -1. L60.00 4,240.00 -». 160.00 4,360.00 4, 160. 00 4, 240. 00 4, 160. 00 4, 240. 00 4,160.00 2,800.00 2, 640. 00 2, 880. 00 2, 960. 00 2,880.00 2,250.00 3,870.00 3,645.00 3, 645. 00 3, 510. 00 3, 735. 00 3, 690. 00 3,510.00 3,600.00 3, 690. 00 3, 690. 00 3,870.00 3, 600. 00 3, 915. 00 4,095.00 4,050.00 3, 870. 00 4,005.00 4,005.00 2, 970. 00 3,060.00 2, 790. 00 3, 105. 00 3, 105. 00 3, 600. 00 3, 555. 00 2,310.00 2,610.00 FUR-SEAL SKIN" SALES. 9 Details of sale of 6.100 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1918 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Small mediums, cut, scarred, etc. Do Ill— 1 wig 7 extra extra large . 27 extra large 1 wig 6 extra extra large. 28 extra large 24 large 23 mediums 13 small mediums. 24 large 23 mediums 13 small mediums . 26 large 26 mediums 8 small mediums. . IV — 1 extra extra large. 4 extra large 10 large 35 mediums 5 small mediums . . Total. 82 $30. 00 29.00 35.50 34.00 28.00 27.50 26.50 18.50 $1,500.00 1,450.00 1,242.50 1, 190. 00 1, 680. 00 1, 650. 00 1,590.00 1,017.50 271,945.00 IX. Details of sale of 2,000 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal shins at St. Louis, October 7, 1918. Trade classification. Wigs Extra extra large Do Do Do Do Extra extra large, cut, scarred, etc. Extra large Do Do Do Do Do Extra large, cut, scarred, etc Do Large Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Large, cut, scarred, etc Do Mediums Do Do Do Mediums, cut, scarred, etc Small mediums Do Small mediums, cut, scarred, etc . . . Ill— 3 extra extra large 12 medium 12 large 3 small medium Total. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. .¥75.00 57.00 57.0o 57.00 56. 00 71.00 42.00 53.00 52.00 52.00 60.00 62.00 64.00 39.00 43.00 51.00 51200 52.00 55.00 60.00 61.00 61.00 58.00 40.00 40.00 48.00 47.00 47.00 46.00 35.00 40.00 3S.00 33.00 35.00 Total for lot. 2,000 ?2, 250. 00 2, 850. 00 2, 850. 00 2, 850. 00 2, 800. 00 2, 130. 00 2, 100. 00 3, 710. 00 3, 640. 00 3, 640. 00 4, 200. 00 4, 340. 00 2, 560. 00 1, 365. 00 1, 505. 00 4, 080. 00 4, 080. 00 4, 160. 00 4, 400. 00 4, 800. 00 4, 880. 00 4, 880. 00 2, 320. 00 2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 4, 320. 00 4, 230. 00 4, 230. 00 4, 140. 00 1,750.00 1, 200. 00 1, 140. 00 990. 00 1, 050. 00 103, 440. 00 10 PUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. X. Details of sale of 10,102 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., April 28, 1919. Trade classification. Lot Number Price No of per skins. skin. 1 50 $81. 00 2 50 81. 0C 3 50 80. 0C 4 50 82.00 5 50 81.00 6 50 85.00 7 50 82.00 8 50 84.00 9 50 84.00 10 50 83.00 11 50 88.00 12 50 60.00 13 50 60.00 14 50 62.00 15 60 79.00 16 60 77.00 17 60 78.00 18 60 76.00 19 60 76.00 20 60 76.00 21 60 78.00 22 60 79.00 23 60 77.50 24 60 76.50 25 60 80.00 26 60 76.00 27 60 77. 50 28 60 75.00 29 60 77.00 30 60 74.00 31 60 77.00 32 60 75.00 33 60 75. 00 34 60 76.00 35 60 78.00 36 60 75.00 37 60 75.00 38 60 75.00 39 60 74.00 40 60 79.00 41 60 59.00 42 60 57.00 43 60 58. 00 44 60 61.00 45 50 62.00 46 70 73. 00 47 70 74.00 48 70 76.00 49 70 74.00 50 70 74.50 51 70 75.00 52 70 76.00 53 70 79.00 54 70 77.00 55 70 78.00 56 70 75.00 57 70 77.00 58 70 78.00 59 70 77.00 60 70 78.00 61 50 77.00 62 45 77.00 63 70 63.00 64 70 65.00 65 70 65.00 66 80 74.00 67 80 74.00 68 80 80.00 69 80 77.00 70 80 77.00 71 80 77.00 72 80 77.50 73 80 78.50 74 80 79.50 75 80 78.00 76 80 80.00 77 80 83.00 Wigs. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do Do Wigs, cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Extra extra large Do Do Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Do Extra large Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do... Do Large . . . Do '..'..'..'.'.'.'. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 11 Details of sale of 10,102 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., April 28, 1919 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total lor lot. Lar 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 80 50 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 50 50 55 45 65 45 45 45 45 45 43 55 55 55 55 55 40 55 48 70 70 70 70 70 70 32 70 70 24 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 50 45 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 51 90 90 90 66 94 74 57 48 79 87 85 71 26 57 $81.00 79.00 60.00 64.00 65.00 69.00 70.50 70.00 75.00 73.00 73.00 56.00 58.00 60.00 51.00 53.00 48.00 49.00 79.00 77.00 78.00 77.00 57.00 62. 00 70.00 69.00 68.00 69.00 70.50 70. 50 69.50 63.00 68.00 66.50 70.50 70.00 70.00 70.00 72.00 55.50 55.50 55.50 61.00 59.50 62.00 70.00 69.00 69.00 68.00 69.00 67.00 70.00 55.00 50.00 50.50 60.00 63. 00 62.00 61.00 58.50 61.00 59.00 40.00 37.00 39.00 40.00 50.00 28.00 39.00 40.00 30.00 27.50 27.50 23. 00 18.00 10.00 $6,480.00 3, 4, 5, 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 3 2 2 2, 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 950.00 800.00 120.00 200.00 210.00 345.00 300.00 750.00 570.00 570.00 040.00 220.00 000. 00 550.00 915.00 160. 00 185. 00 Wigs 555.00 Do. 465.00 Do 510.00 Do 465.00 565.00 Do 666.00 850.00 Do 795. 00 Do 740.00 Do.. 795. 00 Do 877. 50 Do. . 820.00 822. 50 Do 024.00 760. 00 Do. . 655. 00 Do.. 935. 00 Do.. 900. 00 Do.. 900. 00 Do. 900.00 Do.. 304.00 885.00 Do 885.00 Do. . 332. 00 880.00 Do. 760.00 Do. . 960.00 Do 600.00 Do 520.00 Do 520.00 Do 440.00 Do ,520.00 Do. . . 350. 00 Do 150.00 ,400.00 "Do 000.00 Do 040.00 ,400.00 Do ,670.00 Do ,580.00 Do ,490.00 Do ,265.00 Do. ,490.00 Do. . . ,009.00 ,600.00 Do , 330. 00 Do ,510.00 Do ,640.00 ,700.00 ,072.00 , 223. 00 ,920.00 Ill large ,370.00 ,392.50 Do. ,337.50 .633.00 468.00 570. 00 Total .. 10, 102 674.491.00 12 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. XI. Details of sale of 9,055 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Island fur-seal skins at. St. Louis, Mo., September 10, 1919. Trade classification. Wigs Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Wigs; cut, scarred, etc. Do Extra extra large Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Extra large Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Large Do Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 14 45 It'. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1,0 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 $97. 00 101.00 100. 00 101.00 103. 00 105. 00 102. 00 104.00 106. 00 105. 00 115.00 107. 50 74.00 77.00 105. 00 104. 00 105. 00 107. 50 101. 00 110.00 109. 00 107. 00 107. 00 106. 00 109. 00 106. 00 110.00 108. 00 111.00 111.00 112.00 111.00 110.00 60 112.00 60 115.00 60 97.00 60 95.00 no 95.00 70 100.00 70 99.00 70 98. 00 70 101.00 70 102. 00 70 99.00 70 96.00 70 104. 00 70 99.00 70 99.00 70 101. 00 70 104.00 70 101. 00 70 109. 00 70 104. 50 70 105. 00 70 107.00 70 95.00 70 87.00 50 95.00 80 101. 00 80 100.00 80 101.00 80 100. 00 80 100. 00 80 103. 00 80 100. 00 SO 100. 00 80 99.00 80 105. 00 80 104. 00 80 102.00 80 101. 00 SO 101.00 80 100. 00 80 100.00 SO 101. 00 80 103. 00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 13 Detail of sale of 9,055 pressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Island fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., September 10, 1919 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 80 SO 80 80 80 80 SO 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 60 90 90 90 80 70 65 50 65 55 75 30 $100. 00 102. 50 101.00 102. 00 102. 00 79.00 81.00 80.00 78.00 80.00 82. 00 90. 00 85.00 85. 00 82.00 82. 50 82.00 82.00 83.00 83. 00 83.00 83.50 83.00 87.00 85.00 83.00 83.00 86.00 84.00 82.00 85.00 S3. 00 86.00 62.00 65.00 67.00 66.00 66.00 65.00 66.00 68.00 69.00 66. 50 50.00 50.00 57.00 61.00 52.00 42.00 22.00 Do / $8, 000. 00 Do 8, 200. 00 Do 8, 080. 00 Do 8, 160. 00 Do 8, 160. 00 6, 320. 00 Do 6, 480. 00 Do 6,400.00 Do 6, 240. 00 Do 6,400.00 Do 6,560 00 8,100.00 Do 7,650.00 Do 7, 650. 00 Do 7, 380. 00 Do 7,425.00 Do 7, 380. 00 Do 7,380.00 Do 7,470.00 Do 7,470.00 Do 7,470.00 Do 7,515.00 Do 7,470.00 Do 7,830.00 Do 7,650.00 Do 7,470.00 Do 7,470.00 Do 7,740.00 Do 7,560.00 Do., 7,380.00 Do 7,650.00 Do 6,640.00 Do.... 6,880.00 5, 580. 00 Do 5, 850. 00 Do.... 6,030.00 Do 5, 940. 00 Do... 5,940.00 Do... 3,900.00 5, 940. 00 Do 6, 120. 00 Do 6, 210. 00 Do 5,320.00 3,500.00 Do... 3,250.00 2, 850. 00 3,965.00 2,860.00 3, 150. 00 IV, Swigs, 3 extra extralarge, 4 extra large, 10 large, 4 mediums, 660. 00 Total 9,055 827, 112. 50 XII. Details of sale of 9,100 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal sJcins at St. Louis, Mo., February 2, 1920. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skms. Price per Total for lot. Wigs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 $152. 00 157. 00 155. 00 157. 00 156. 00 156. 00 156. 00 156.00 162.00 $7,600.00 Do 7, 850. 00 Do 7, 750. 00 Do .* 7, 850. 00 Do 7,800.00 Do 7,800.00 Do 7,800.00 Do 7,800.00 Do 8, 100. 00 14 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Details of sale of 9,100 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., February 2, 1920 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Wigs 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 SO 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 8162. 00 163. 00 167. 00 169.00 166. 00 169. 00 115.00 116.00 115. 00 117.00 120. 00 118.00 167. 00 170. 00 167. 00 166. 00 166. 00 171. 00 172. 00 170. 00 170. 00 . 171.00 168. 00 167. 00 174. 00 170. 00 173. 00 171.00 169. 00 168. 00 172. 00 172. 00 172. 00 171.00 171.00 124. 00 124. 00 131.00 127. 00 130. 00 127.00 131.00 130. 00 131.00 132. 00 161.00 169. 00 173. 00 172. 00 170. 00 174.00 171.00 173. 00 168.00 169. 00 170. 00 168. 00 168. 00 168. 50 177. 00 134.00 130. 00 128.00 127. 00 129. 00 130. 00 160. 00 157.00 164. 00 162. 00 162. 00 161.00 161. 00 160.00 159. 00 160. 00 161. 00 162. 00 Do . * $8, 100. 00 Do 8.150.00 Do 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 6 5 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 9 9 8 8 9 9 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 350. 00 Do 450. 00 Do 300.00 Do 450.00 Wigs; cut, scarred etc 750. 00 Do : 800. 00 Do 750. 00 Do 850. 00 Do 000.00 Do, :.... 900. 00 Extra extra large 020. 00 Do 200.00 Do 020. 00 Do 960. 00 Do 960. 00 Do 260. 00 Do 320. 00 Do 200. 00 Do 200. 00 Do 260. 00 Do 080. 00 Do 020. 00 Do. 440.00 Do 200.00 Do 380. 00 Do 260. 00 Do 140. 00 Do 080.00 Do 320.00 Do 320.00 Do 320. 00 Do 260. 00 Do 260. 00 Extra extra large; cut, scarred, etc 440. 00 Do 440.00 Do 860. 00 Do 620. 00 Extra extra large; cut, scarred, etc 800. 00 Do 620. 00 Do 860.00 Do 800.00 Do 860.00 Do 920.00 Extra large ." 270. 00 Do 830. 00 Do 110.00 Do 040.00 Do 900.00 Do 180. 00 Do 970. 00 Do 110.00 Do 760. 00 Do 830.00 Do 900. 00 Do 760. 00 Do 760. 00 Do 795. 00 Do 390.00 Extra large; cut, scarred, etc 380.00 Do 100.00 Do 960.00 Do S90. 00 Do 030. 00 Do 100. 00 800.00 Do 560.00 Do 120.00 Do 960. 00 Do 960.00 Do 8S0. 00 Do 880. 00 Do 800.00 Do 720.00 Do 800. 00 Do 880. 00 Do 960. 00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALKS. 15 Details of sale of 9,100 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Island fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., February 2, 1920 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Large.. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Large; cut. scarred, etc. Do.... Do Do Do Mediums.. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mediums; cut. scarred, etc. Do Do. Do. Do. Small mediums Do Small mediums; cut, scarred, etc. Ill wigs. Do. Ill extra extra large Ill — 25 extra large, 45 large Ill— 50 mediums, 10 small mediums IV — 9 wig^, 3 extra extra large, 2 extra large, 2 large, 4 mediums. Total 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 $162. 00 161.00 160. 00 161.00 160.00 163. 00 165. 00 116.00 118. 00 116.00 116.00 125. 00 115.00 116.00 119.00 124.00 12 •■. 00 123. 00 123.01) 122. 00 121.00 121.00 122.00 121.00 121.00 121.50 120. i») 123.00 122.01) 123.00 122.00 100.00 99. 00 102. 50 104.00 105. 00 90.00 90. 00 70.00 71.00 71.00 82.00 64. 00 57.00 56. 00 812,960.00 12, 880. 00 12, 800. 00 12, 880. 00 12,800.00 13,040.00 13,200.00 9,280.00 9, 440. 00 9,280.00 9, 280. 00 10.000.00 9, 200. 00 9, 280. 00 ' 9. 520. 00 11,160.00 11,340.00 11,070.00 11,070.00 10, '.ISO. on 10,. Slid. 00 lo, 890. 00 10,980.00 10,890.00 10,890.00 10,935.00 10,800.00 11,070.00 10, OSO.O" 11,070.00 10,980.00 9,000.00 8, 910. 00 9, 225. 00 9,330.00 9, 150.00 8, 100.00 5, 400. 00 6,300.00 3, 550. 00 3,550.00 4, 920. 00 4, ISO. 00 3,420.00 1,120.00 9,100 11,282,905.00 XIII. St. Louis, December 11, 1919. Mr. H. M. Smith, Commissioner, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries , Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: Please refer to your letter dated November 13 bearing upon previous exchange of correspondence between our respective offices in regard to the so-called food skins remaining unsold after the April, 1919, sale. With reference to the spoiled skins, there being 17 of these out of the 31, the remain- der of which are samples of work of our dressing and dyeing department at different periods, which we desire to obtain for exhibition, and on which we offer a price of $80 per skin. This figure has been arrived at on the basis of the purchase price these skins brought at the last sale, which basis we think is more fair. Kindly advise us if this figure is satisfactory, and we will mail you our check to cover . Yours very truly, Funsten Bros. & Co. 16 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. December 20, 1919. Messrs. Funsten Bros. & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: In reply to your letter (BG-MK) of December 11, 1919, in regard to the 31 food skins, 17 of which were spoiled, and the others were prepared for exhibi- tion or as samples of your work, your offer of $80 per skin is accepted. Very truly yours, H. M. Smith, Commissioner. XIV. Details of sale of 5,752 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal shins at St. Louis, Mo., May 10, 1920. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Wigs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 til 62 63 64 65 66 07 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 .60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 SO 80 SO 80 40 80 80 80 80 SO 70 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 $125.00 125. 00 123.00 123.00 122.00 79.00 72.00 78.00 79.00 124. 00 121.00 120.00 117.00 113.00 114.00 112.00 112.00 111.00 115.00 90.00 79.00 72.00 67.00 64.00 64.00 64.00 108.00 98. 00 93. 00 92.00 92.00 91.00 91 . 00 93. 00 93.00 05. 00 60.00 60. 00 59. 00 59.00 92. 00 86.00 S4.00 83.00 81.00 82.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 SI. 00 80.00 SI. 00 57.00 52.00 50.00 50.00 49.00 49.00 71.00 68.00 05. 00 66. 00 63.00 65. 00 64. 00 66.00 $6. 250. 00 Do 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 7 6 6 6 6 6 (i 6 6 6 6 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 250. 00 Do 150. 00 Do 150. 00 Do 100. 00 950. 00 Do 600.00 Do 900. 00 Do 050.00 440. 00 Do 260. 00 Do 200. 00 Do 020. 00 Do 780. 00 Do S40. 00 Do 720. 00 Do ; 20. oo Do 660. 00 Do .. 900. 00 400. 00 Do 740. 00 Do 320. 00 Do 020. 00 Do 840. 00 Do... 840. 00 Do 920.00 560.00 Do - SCO. 00 Do 510. 00 Do 440. 00 Do 440. 00 Do . 370. 00 Do 370. 00 Do 510. 00 Do 510. 00 550. 00 Do 200.00 Do . 200. 00 Do... 130. 00 Do 130. 00 360. 00 Do... 880. 00 Do... 720. 00 Do... 640. 00 Do... 480. 00 Do. . 560. 00 Do 480. 00 Do 480/00 Do 4S0. 00 Do 480.00 Do 480. 00 Do 400. 00 Do 240. 00 560. 00 Do 100. 00 Do 000. 00 Do 000. 00 Do 920. 00 Do 430. 00 390. 00 Do l 120. 00 Do 850. 00 Do 940. 00 Do 670.00 Do 850. 00 Do 700. 00 Do 5, 940. 00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 17 Details of sale of 5,752 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., May 19, 1920 — Continued. Trade classification. Mediums; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Do Small mediums Small mediums: scarred, etc. Ill wigs. Do '.. Do Ill extra extra large Ill extra large Ill large Ill mediums III small mediums IV wigs IV, 3 extra extra large, 19 extra large, 10 large, 10 mediums, 8 small mediums Skins, 4 extra large, 4 large, 3 mediums, 1 small medium Total. Lot No. Number of skins. 5,752 Price per skin. $50. 00 45. 00 44.00 44 00 4 .00 55.00 39. 00 40.01) 41.00 41.00 37.00 37.00 36.00 25.00 19.00 10.00 21.00 53.00 Total for lot. £4,500.00 4, 050. 00 3,900.00 3,980.00 >.I40.0I) 4,950.00 2,730.00 2,000.00 2,050.00 2, 050. 00 1,850.00 2, 220. 00 2, 160. 00 1,820.00 570. 00 500. 00 1,050.00 636.00 124, L66.O0 XV. Details of sale of 10,120 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skin* at St. Louis, Mo., on February 11, 1921. Trade classification. Wig Wigs, cut, scarred, etc. Extra extra large Do. Exl ra extra large, cut, scarred, etc. Extra large . Do Do. Extra large, cut, scarred, etc. Large Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Medium Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Medium: cut, s arred, etc. Do Small, medium Small: cut, s aired, etc. Ill \\ lgs Do Do Do Ill, 45 extra extra large; 25 extra large. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. 50 860. 00 50 58.00 50 37.00 60 56.00 60 61.00 60 41.00 71! 55.00 70 54.00 70 57.00 70 54.00 70 31.00 80 52.00 80 51. 00 80 49.00 80 IS. Ill i 80 49. 00 80 46.00 80 46.00 80 47. 00 80 47.00 so 27.50 80 27.00 80 28.50 80 29.00 90 39.50 90 40.00 90 42.00 00 39.50 90 40.00 90 40. 00 90 40.50 90 30.00 90 29. 00 90 29.00 60 36.00 40 27.00 50 21.00 50 16 50 50 | 17. 00 50 19.50 70 | 20.50 Total for lot. S !, 000. 00 2, 900. 00 1,850.00 3, 360. 00 3, 660. 00 2,460.00 3, S50. 00 3.7SO.IHI 3; 990 00 3, 780. 00 2,170.00 4, 160. 00 4,080.00 3, 920. 00 3. 840. 00 3. 920. 00 3,680.00 3,680.00 3,760.00 3, 760 00 2, 200. 00 2, 160. 00 2, 280. 00 2, 320. 00 3. 555. 00 3; 600. 00 3, 780. CO 3,555.00 3, 000. 00 3, 600 00 3, 045. 00 2, 700. 00 2,610.00 2,6 00 2, L60.00 1,080.00 1,1)511.01) 825.00 850.00 075.00 1,435.00 18 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Details of sale of 10,120 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal slcins at St. Louis, Mo., on February 21, 1921 — Continued. Trade classification. III large Ill, 50 medium; 10 small medium. IV wis Do. Do. Do. Do 48 IV Wigs (one confiscated skin not from Pribilof Islands) 49, 50 51 Wigs. Do. Do. Do. Do Wigs, cut, scarred, etc. Do. Extra extra large. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Exti a extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Do Do Extra large Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Do Do Do Large Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do 'Large, cut, scarred, etc Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Medium Do -. Do Do Do Do Lot No. 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 10S 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 $19.00 20.00 10.00 7.50 8.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 55. 50 55.00 55.00 56.00 55. 00 35.00 32.00 51. 00 50.50 48.00 50.00 50.00 48.50 47.00 47.50 47.50 47.50 51. 50 51.50 54.00 55.00 30. 50 30. 50 29.50 31.50 29.50 32.50 49.00 48.00 49.00 51.50 50.00 51.50 50.50 55.00 54. 00 53.50 26.00 27.00 29. 00 31.00 31.00 31. 00 31. 00 48. 00 50. 00 49.00 50.00 49.50 50.50 50.00 49.50 50. 00 50.00 51.50 27.50 28. 00 30.00 30. 00 29.00 28.50 29. 50 30.00 29.50 28.50 40.50 41.00 40.00 42.00 41.00 41.00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALFS. 19 Details of sale of 10,120 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., on February 21, 1921 — Continued. s Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 117 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 90 90 90 90 74 63 72 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 40 70 62 80 50 44 90 60 52 27 50 50 30 32 56 60 51 21 $23. 50 27.00 27.50 26.50 26.00 37.00 20.50 16.50 16. 50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 13,50 14.00 14.00 14.00 13. 50 14.00 12.50 11. 50 12.00 12.00 13. 50 13. 50 13.00 7.50 7.00 8.50 7.00 8.50 7.50 7.00 4. 00 $2,115.0q 2, 430. 00 Do Do 2. 475. 00 Do 2, 385 00 Do 1,921.00 2,331.00 1,470.00 825. 00 Do 825. 00 Do 02.-.. (10 Do 625. 00 Do 625. 00 Do 625. 00 SI 0.00 Do 840. 00 Do 840. 00 Do 560. 00 945. 00 Do 868. 00 1. 000. 00 Do ' 575. 00 Do 528. 00 1, 0S0. 00 Do 810. 00 Do 702. 00 351. 00 375. 00 Dc 350. 00 Do 255. 00 Do... 224. 00 476. 00 450. 00 357.00 Skins 84.00 Total 10, 120 355, 689. 00 XVI. St. Louis, March 15, 1921. Hon. H. M. Smith, Commissioner of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. Dear Doctor Smith: Replying to your letter of February 4, addressed to Funsten Bros. & Co., in reference to the 19 skins which we are holding as exhibits of work done, also for reference purposes in experiments, we suggest that we remit for these to the Government at $35.14 per skin, the average price established at our recent sale, we to pay the dressing and dyeing charges. We anticipated handling 100 skins of the 1919 catch for exhibition purposes, but so far have only put through 25 skins for this purpose. We suggest that we remit for these to the Government at $35.14 per skin, we to pay the dressing and dyeing charges. It is more costly to us to prepare these skins in this manner, but we would be willing to charge only $15 per skin for the dressing and dyeing and dispose of them to retailers of sealskins at $50 per skin. At this price we believe we could interest a number of retailers in different parts of the country, and we are confident that these exhibition skins will do much to create an interest in and a demand for Alaska fur seal skins which will redound to the benefit of the Government. As stated above, we have only finished 25 skins, but if they meet with the demand we expect them to we shall then want 75 more or as many as the trade can use for exhibition purposes. We have contracted for page 1 in the Fur Trade Review for a year, and the space shall be used to advertise Alaska sealskins and to urge a more general use of them. In addition to this we expect to do other circular advertising provided we have a large enough catch of sealskins each year. We hope to materially increase the demand for Alaska sealskins. Awaiting your reply, we are very truly yours, Fouke Fur Co., P. B. Fouke, President. 20 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. March 19, 1921. Gentlemen: In reply to your letter of the 15th instant, stating that you wish to purchase 19 fur-seal skins of the 1918 take and 25 of the 1919 take, which have been prepared as exhibition skins, at the rate of $35.14, the average price established at the recent sale, you are advised that this price is acceptable to the department. This is with the understanding that the Government will not, as stated by you, be put to any expense for dressing and dyeing the skins. In order that transactions involving skins of the respective years may be handled properly, please make separate remit- tances for the 1918 and 1919 takes of skins. The department notes with interest that you plan to dispose of the 25 skins to retailers for publicity purposes. It is believed that your plans for advertising Alaska fur-seal skins will do much toward stimulating the demand, and that results will be most gratifying to all concerned. Respectfully, E. F. Sweet, Assistant Secretary of Commerce. Fouke Fur Co., St. Louis, Mo. XVII. Details of sale of 10,060 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., on May 23, 1921. Trade classification. Wigs. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do Do Do Wigs, cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Extra extra large Do Do Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Do Do Extra large Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Lot Number of skins. Price Total No. skin. for lot. 1 50 $46. 00 $2,300.00 2 50 42.00 2, 100. 00 3 50 42.00 2, 100. 00 4 50 41.00 2, 050. 00 5 50 44.00 2, 200. 00 6 50 45.00 2, 250. 00 7 50 45.00 2, 250. 00 8 50 43. 00 2, 150. 00 9 50 42.00 2, 100. 00 10 50 45.00 2, 250. 00 11 50 47.00 2, 350. 00 12 50 46.00 2,300.00 13 50 46.00 2,300.00 14 50 47.00 2, 350. 00 15 50 28.00 1,400.00 16 .50 29.00 1, 450. 00 17 50 27.00 1, 350. 00 IS 50 26.00 1, 300. 00 19 50 26.00 1,300.00 20 50 26.00 1,300.00 21 50 28.00 1, 400. 00 22 50 28. 00 1, 400. 00 23 50 28. 00 1, 400. 00 24 50 28.00 1, 400. 00 25 50 28. 00 1, 400. 00 26 50 28.00 1,400.00 27 50 29.00 1, 450. 00 28 50 30. 00 1,500.00 29 60 54.00 3, 240. 00 30 60 56.00 3,360.00 31 60 53.00 3,180.00 32 60 55.00 3,300.00 33 60 56.00 3,360.00 34 60 56.00 3,360.00 35 60 56.00 3,360.00 36 60 58.00 3, 480. 00 37 60 57.00 3, 420. 00 38 60 56.00 3, 360. 00 39 60 34.00 2, 040. 00 40 60 35. 00 2, 100. 00 41 60 37.00 2, 220. 00 42 60 37.00 2, 220. 00 43 70 48.00 3,360.00 44. 70 48. 00 3, 360. 00 45 70 50.00 3,500.00 46 70 50.00 3, 500. 00 47 70 49. 00 3, 430. 00 48 70 49. 00 3, 430. 00 49 70 49.00 3, 430. 00 50 1 70 50.00 3, 500. 00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 21 Details of sale of 10,060 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal ekins at St. Louis, Mo., on May 23, 1921 — Continued. Trade classification. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Extra large Do Do Extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do ! Do Do Large Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Large; cut, scarred, etc Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Medium , Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Medium: cut, scarred, etc Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Small medium Do Do Small medium; cut, scarred, etc. Ill wigs Do Do 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 IDS 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 80 Sol. 00 52.00 33.50 34.50 35.00 36.00 41.00 42.00 42. 00 43.00 43.00 42. 00 42.00 43. 00 43.00 43.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 43.00 43.00 45.00 45.50 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.50 44.00 45.00 44.00 34.00 34.00 33. 50 34.00 33.50 34.00 34.00 36. 50 35. 50 36.00 35.50 37.00 36.00 34.00 34.00 34.50 35.00 34.50 34.00 35.00 33. 50 34.50 35. 00 35. 50 33. 00 33.50 33. 50 33.50 33. 50 33.00 33.00 33. 00 27.00 27.50 27.00 28.50 27.50 27.50 28. 50 28. 50 28.50 27.00 28. 00 30.00 25.00 12.50 16.00 13.50 S3, 570. CO 3, 640. 00 2,345.00 2,415.00 2, 450. 00 2, 520. 00 3, 280. 00 3,360.00 3, 360. 00 3,440.00 3, 440. 00 3,360.00 3, 360. 00 3, 440. 00 3,440.00 3,440.00 3,520.00 3, 520. 00 :,520.00 3,440.00 3, 440. 00 3,600.00 3,640.00 3, 520. 00 3, 520. 00 3, 520. 00 3,560.00 3, 520. 00 3,600.00 3,520.00 2,720.00 2, 720. 00 t, 680. 00 2,720.01) 2,680.00 2, 720. 00 2, 720. 00 2,920.00 2,840.00 2,880.00 2,840.00 3, 330. 00 3,240.00 3, 060. 00 3,000.00 3, 105. 00 3, 150 00 3, 105. 00 3,060.00 3, 150. 00 3,015.00 3, 105. 00 3, 150. 00 3,195.00 2, 970. 00 3,015.00 3, 015. 00 3, 015. 00 3, 015. 00 2, 970. 00 2, 970. 00 2, 970. 00 2, 430. 00 2, 475. 00 2, 430. 00 2, 565. 00 2,475.00 2, 475. 00 2, 565. 00 2, 565. 00 2, 565. 00 2, 430. 00 2, 520. 00 2, 100. 00 2, 000. 00 625.00 800. 00 675. 00 22 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Details of sale of 10,080 dressed, dyed, and michined Pribihf Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., on May 23, 1921 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Ill Wigs 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 90 50 50 50 50 50 ?13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13. 50 24.50 18.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 5.50 5.00 Do $650. 00 Do. . 650. 00 Do. . 650.00 Do 650. 00 Do 675.00 Do i 675. 00 Do 675.00 Do 675.00 Do 675.00 1,715.00 1,665.00 225. 00 Do 225. 00 Do 275.00 Do 275. 00 Do 250. 00 Total 10, 060 359, 715. 00 XVIII. Details of sale of 10,778 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., on September 28, 1921. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 $36. 00 35. 00 39.00 36.00 38.00 36.00 39.00 37.00 35. 00 38.00 39.00 41.00 38.00 39. 00 23.00 23.00 23.00 25. 00 25.00 24.50 25.50 26.00 27.50 25.00 27.00 27.00 54.00 52.00 54.00 52.00 54.50 54.00 55.50 55.00 55.00 53.00 33.00 34.50 36.00 36.50 42.50 43.00 44.50 43.50 $1,800.00 Do 1,750.00 Do 1, 950. 00 Do 1, 800. 00 Do 1, 900. 00 Do 1,800.00 Do 1,950.00 Do 1,850.00 Do 1,750.00 Do 1, 900. 00 Do 1, 950. 00 Do 2,050.00 Do 1, 900. 00 Do 1, 950. 00 Wigs, cut 1,150.00 Do 1, 150. 00 Do 1,150.00 Do 1,250.00 Do 1,250.00 Do 1,225.00 Do 1 , 275. 00 Do 1,300.00 Do 1,375.00 Do 1,250.00 Do 1,350.00 Do 1,350.00 3,240.00 Do 3,120.00 Do 3, 240. 00 Do 3, 120. 00 Do 3, 270. 00 Do 3.240.00 Do 3,330.00 Do 3,300.00 Do 3, 300. 00 Do • 1,590.00 1,980.00 Do 2,070.00 Do 2, 160. 00 Do 2, 190. 00 2,975.00 Do 3,010.00 Do 3,115.00 Do 3,045.00 FUR-SEAL, SKIN SALES. 23 Details of sale of 10,778 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., September 28. 1921 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 40 SO 80 SO 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 60 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 £45. 50 44.00 48.00 46.00 47.00 49.00 48.50 47.50 47.50 46.00 34.00 33.50 34.00 33.50 34.50 42.50 41.00 42.50 41.00 39.50 40.00 41.00 39.00 39.00 38.00 39.00 40.50 38.50 38.00 38. 00 37.50 39.00 39.00 37. 50 37.50 37.50 38. 00 39.00 38.00 38.00 43. 00 39.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 31.50 31.50 31.00 31.00 31.50 31.50 31.00 31.50 30.50 31.00 30.00 30.50 30.00 30.50 30. 00 30.00 29.50 29.00 29.00 28.00 29.50 30.00 30.00 29.50 30.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.50 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 S3, 185. 00 Do 3, 3 3 3 3 3, 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 080. 00 Do 360. 00 Do. 220. 00 Do... 290. 00 Do.... 430. CO Do 255. 00 Do. 325. 00 Do.... 325. 00 Do.... 300. 00 380. 00 Do. . 345. 00 Do 380. 00 Do... 345. 00 Do 415. 00 100. 00 Do 2S0. 00 Do 400. 00 Do 280.00 Do 160. 00 Do 200. 00 Do 280. 00 Do 120. 00 Do 120. 00 Do 040. 00 Do 120. 00 Do ... . 240. 00 Do 0S0. 00 Do... 040. 00 Do 040. 00 Do 000. 00 Do 120. 00 Do 120. 00 Do 000. 00 Do 000. 00 Do... 000. 00 Do 040.00 Do 120. 00 Do 040. 00 Do 040. 00 Do 440. 00 Do 560. 00 400. 00 Do 400. 00 Do 400. 00 Do 400. 00 Do 520. 00 Do 520. 00 Do 4S0. 00 Do 480. 00 Do 520. 00 Do 520. 00 Do 480. 00 Do 520. 00 Do 830. 00 , 790. 00 Do 700. 00 Do ,745.00 Do 700.00 Do , 745. 00 Do 700. 00 Do 700. 00 Do ,655.00 Do 610.00 Do 610.00 Do 520. 00 Do 655.00 Do 700. 00 Do 700. 00 Do 655. 00 Do 700.00 980. 00 Do 980. 00 Do 980.00 Do 025.00 Do 980.00 Do 980. 00 Do 980. 00 Do 980.00 24 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Dei ills of sale of 10,778 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., on September 28, 1921 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. Meaium, cut Do Small medium Do Small medium: cut. Ill wi^s Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ill, 14 extra extra large; 30 extra large. III Large HI medium IV wigs Do Do Do Culls and rejects, dressed, dyed, etc Do Culls and rejects, dressed and dyed Do Total. 124 125 126 127 128 129 ISO 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 149 149a 149b 149c 90 90 60 60 95 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 44 58 66 50 50 50 50 250 250 100 100 10,77S $22. 50 23. 50 26.00 27. 00 20.00 16.00 15.50 15.00 14.50 15.50 16.00 15.50 15. 00 15. 50 16. 00 16.00 16.50 21). DO 16. 50 15.00 8.00 8.00 6.50 7.00 2.00 2.10 1.00 .50 82,025.00 2,115.00 1,560.00 1,620.00 1,800.00 800.00 775. 00 750. 00 725. 00 775. 00 800. 00 775. 00 750. 00 775. 00 800. 00 800. 00 825. 00 8S0. 00 957. 00 990. 00 400. 00 400.00 325. 00 350. 00 500.00 525.00 ioo.oo 50. 00 333, 772. 00 XIX. Details of sale of 12,777 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins u St. Louis, Mo., on April 3, 1922. [Official returns on this sale have not been received, but the prices herein are believed to be correct.] Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 50 40 50 50 60 60 50 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 SO 80 80 80 80 $46. 00 47.00 29.00 29.50 63.00 63.00 42.50 52.00 54.00 55. 50 55.00 55.00 59.00 60.00 60.00 43. 00 43.00 44.00 50.00 50.00 51.50 47.00 49.00 50.00 50.50 50.50 50. 00 54.00 53.00 51.00 55.00 $2, 300. 00 Do 1,880.00 1,450.00 Do 1,475.00 3, 780. 00 Do 3, 780. 00 2, 125. 00 3,640.00 Do 3, 780. 00 Do 3, 885. 00 Do 3, 850. 00 Do 3, S50. 00 Do 4, 130. 00 Do 4, 200. 00 Do 4, 200. 00 3,010.00 Do 3, 010. 00 Do 3, 0.sO. 00 4, 000. 00 Do 4, 000. 00 Do . 4. 120. 00 Do 3.760.00 Do 3,920.00 Do 4, 000. GO Do 4, 040. 00 Do 4,040.00 Do 4,000.00 Do 4,320.00 Do 4, 240. 00 Do 4, 080. 00 Do 4, 400. 00 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 25 Details of sale of 12,777 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., on April 3, 1922 — Continued. Trade classification. Lot No. Number of skins. Price per skin. Total for lot. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 S3 84 85 86 87 88 S9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 llil 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 70 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 50 50 30 $39. 00 41.00 41.50 41.00 39. 50 37. 50 37.50 36.00 36. 50 36.50 37.50 36. 50 37. 00 38. 00 37.00 36.00 36. 50 36. 50 38. 00 37. 00 38.00 37.00 37.00 36. 00 38.50 39.00 37.50 37. 50 37.00 37.00 37. 50 37.00 38.00 37. 00 37.00 36.00 37.50 37.00 30.00 26.00 26.00 26. 50 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.50 26.00 26.50 26. 50 26.50 26.00 26.50 26. 50 26. 50 26. 50 28.50 27.50 28. 50 28. 50 28.50 28.50 28.50 29.00 28.00 23.50 22.50 22.50 22. 50 22.00 22. 50 23.00 22.50 22. 50 22.00 22.00 10. 50 10.00 10.00 S3, 120. 00 Do 3, 280. 00 Do 3, 320. 00 3, 690. 00 Do 3,555.00 Do 3,375.00 Do 3,375.00 Do 3, 240. 00 Do. 3, 285. 00 Do 3, 2X5. 00 Do 3,375.00 3,285.00 Do . 3, 330. 00 Do 3, 420. 00 Do 3, 330. 00 Do 3, 240. 00 Do 3, 2S5. 00 Do 3, 285. 00 Do 3, 420. 00 Do.. 3, 330. 00 Do 3, 420. 00 Do 3, 330. 00 Do. 3, 330. 00 Do. 3, 240. 00 Do.. 3, 465. 00 Do. 3, 510. 00 Do.. 3, 375. 00 Do. 3, 375. 00 Do 3,330.0a Do.. . 3, 330. 00 Do. 3, 275. 00 Do. 3, 330. 00 Do. 3, 420. 00 Do. 3, 330. 00 Do.. 3, 330. 00 Do.. . 3, 240. 00 Do. 3, 375. 00 Do. 3, 330. 00 2, 700. 00 Do. 2, 340. 00 Do 2, 340. 00 Do. 2, 385. 00 Do. 2, 340. 00 Do. 2, 340. 00 Do. . . . 2, 340. 00 Do.. . 2, 340. 00 Do.. . 2, 385. 00 Do.. 2, 340. 00 Do.. . 2, 385. 00 Do.. 2. 385. 00 Do 2, 385. 00 Do. 2, 340. 00 Do 2, 385. 00 Do.. 2, 385. 00 Do 2, 385. 00 Do 2,385.00 2, 565. 00 Do 2, 175. 00 Do... 2, 565. 00 Do.... 2, 565. 00 Do '. 2, 565. 00 Do.. 2, 565. 00 Do. 2, 565. 00 Do. 2,610.00 Do. 1,960.00 2,115.00 Do 2, 025. 00 Do. 2, 025. 00 Do. 2, 025. 00 Do 1,980.00 Do 2,025.00 r> 2, 070. 00 Do 2, 025. 00 2,025.00 1,880.00 1,980.00 Ill Wigs 525. 00 500. 00 300.00 26 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Details of sale of 12,777 dressed, dyed, and machined Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins at St. Louis, Mo., April 2,1922 — Continued. Trade classification. Ill, 31 extra large: 19 large III, 37 medium; 43 small mediums. IV, wigs Wigs. Do. Do. Do. Wigs; cut, scarred, etc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Extra extra large. Extra extra large: cut, scarred, etc . Do Extra large Extra large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Large g D e o." Large; cut, scarred, etc. Do Medium Medium; cut, scarred, etc.. 22 medium; 15 small medium 16 medium; cut, scarred, etc.; 12 small medium; cut, scarred, etc. II I, wigs ,. Do '. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. III, 14 extra extra large; 4 extra large; small mediums. IV, wigs Do large; 5 mediums; 25 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. IV, 28 wigs; 8 extra extra large; 2 extra large; 2 large. Skins damaged Culls and rejects, dressed and dved Do " Culls and rejects, dressed Culls and rejects, washed and dried ( ulls and rejects, skins, raw Total. Lot No. Ill 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 120 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Number of skins. 50 80 20 50 50 50 58 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 22 33 50 27 44 50 23 50 25 50 37 80 80 37 28 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 42 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 40 27 72 177 117 121 92 12,777 Price per skin. 815. 50 11.00 5.00 60. 00 58.00 58.00 53.00 29. 50 28.50 28.50 29.00 28. 00 28.00 28. 50 29.00 30.00 29.00 29.50 31.50 62. 00 44.00 43. 50 57.00 41.00 40. 00 48. 00 53.50 35. 00 27. 50 35.00 26. 50 26. 50 21.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.50 5. 50 5.50 5. SO 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 7.00 6.50 13.50 1.50 2.00 2. 00 1.50 2.25 3.00 2.25 2.25 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 8.25 .50 .50 .50 .25 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 27 XX. Statement of account as of January 1, 1922, of the United States with Great Britain and Japan, under the provisions of the North Pacific sealing convention of July 7, 1911, and the act of August 24, 1912. Date. Sept. 23, 1912 Feb. 14,1913 Dec. 19,1913 Dec. 12,1914 Do Dec. 16,1915 Do Dec. 16,1916 Do Jan. 2, 191S Do Jan. 9, 1919 June 9, 1919 Oct. 27,1919 Do Mar. 17,1920 Do Do Nov. 10, 1920 June 7, 1921 Do Oct. 15,1921 Item. Cash advanced Value of 1,000 sealskins taken in 1912 and sold in London, Jan. 17, 1913 Cash advanced (annual payment) Interest on $10,000 from Dec. 20, 1913, to Dec. 12, 1914 Cash advanced (annual payment) Interest on $20,000 from Dec. 13, 1914, to Dec. 16, 1915 Cash advanced (annual payment) Interest on $30,000 from Dec. 17, 1915, to Dec. 16, 1916 Cash advanced (annual payment) Interest on $40,000 from Dec. 17, 1916, to Jan. 2, 1918 Cash advanced (annual payment) Value of 1,000 sealskins taken in 1917 and sold in St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 28, 1919 15 per cent of net value of 4,277 seal skins taken in 1918 and sold in St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 28, 1919 15 per cent of net value of 9,055 sealskins taken in 1918 and sold in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 10, 1919 Interest on $50,000 from Jan. 3, 1918, to Oct. 26, 1919 15 per cent of net value of 9,100 sealskins taken in 1918 and sold in St. Louis, Feb. 2, 1920 Interest on $29,420.50 due the United States on unliquidated balance from Oct. 27, 1919, to Mar. 17, 1920 Cash paid by United States to settle, to date Total 15 per cent of net value of 5,740 commercial sealskins taken in 1918 and sold in St. Louis May 10, 1920 15 per cent of net value of 10,120 sealskins taken in 1918 and 1919 and sold in St. Louis Feb. 21, 1921 15 per cent of net value of 44 sealskins taken in 1918 and 1919 and sold in St. Louis Mar. 19, 1921 .. 15 per cent of net value of 10,060 sealskins taken in 1919 and sold in St. Louis May 23, 1921 Amount paid Great Britain, as above Amount paid Japan, as above Amount paid both countries Credits. $34,672.13 55, 900. 00 35, 862. 64 101, 847. 77 165, 822. 06 394, 104. 60 49, 800. 83 31,825.35 231.92 29, 471. 94 505, 434. 64 505, 434. 64 1, 010, SCO. 28 Debits. $200, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 392. 36 10, 000. 00 SOS. 76 10,(1(10.00 1, 2(H). 00 10, 000. 00 1, 674. 52 10, 000. 00 3,621.92 459. 80 135, 947. 24 394, 104. 60 XXI. Memorandum statement regarding the sale of 3,773 sealskins taken on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, in calendar year 1912 and sold in London on January 17, 1913. Gross amount of sale $141, 289. 58 Expenses of sale, transportation, etc.: Cash discount $3, 532. 23 ( 'ommission 5, 510. 28 Marine insurance 1, 064. 95 Freight, cartage, etc 364. 17 10, 471. 63 Net receipts 130, 817. 95 Average net price of each skin 34. 67213 Great Britain's share of 1,000 skins ' 34, 672. 13 Japan's share of 1,000 skins 34, 672. 13 i By the terms of the sealing convention of July 7, 1911, Japan and Great Britain are each entitled to 15 per cent of the annual take of fur-seal skins on the Pribilof Islands. If 15 per cent of the total annual take does not equal 1,000 skins, then each country is to receive 1,000 skins. 28 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. XXII. Memorandum statement regarding 6,220 commercial sealskins taken on the Pribit 'of Islands, Alaska, in calendar years 1917 and 1918 and sold at Public auction April 28, 1919 } Gross amount of sale $455, 275. 00 Expenses of sale, transportation, etc.: Cash discount, 1 per cent $4, 552. 75 Commission, 3| per cent 15, 775. 28 Dressing, dyeing, and machining 2 85, 240. 75 Transit-insurance on 6,220 skins, at $0.135 839. 70 Freight on 6,220 skins, at $0.19 each 3 1, 181. 80 107, 590. 28 Net receipts 347, 684. 72 Average net price of each skin 55. 90 Great Britain's share of 1,000 skins for 1917 55, 900. 00 Japan's share of 1,000 skins for 1917 55, 900. 00 Great Britain's share of 4,277 skins taken in 1918, 15 per cent of 4,277 X $55.90, or $239,084.30 35, 862. 64 Japan's share in 1918 35, 862. 64 750 wigs at $20 each $15, 000. 00 1,905 extra extra large, at $19 each 36, 195. 00 3,565 others, at $9.55 each 34, 045. 75 85,240.75 XXIII. Memorandum statement regarding 9,055 commercial sealskins taken on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, in calendar pear 1918 and sold at public auction September 10, 1919. Gross amount of sale $827, 11 2. 50 Expenses of sale, transportation, etc.: Cash discount $8. 271. 12 Commission of agent 3| per cent 28, 659. 45 Dressing, dyeing, and machining 4 108, 253. 95 Transit insurance, $0.135.- 5 1. 222. 43 Freight on 9,055 skins at $0.19 each 6 ] , 720. 45 148. 127. 40 Net receipts '. 678, 985. 10 743 wigs at $20 each $14, S60. 00 1,483 extra extra large at $19 each 28, 177. 00 6,829 others at $9.55 each : 65, 216. 95 Total 108,253.95 Japan's share, 15 per cent of $678,985.10 $101, 847. 77 Great Britain's share, 15 per cent of $678,985.10 101, 847. 77 1 This sale contained 10,102 skins as follows: 3,882 food skins and 6,220 commercial skins. The commer- cial skins consisted of 1,943 taken in the calendar year 1917 and 4,277 taken in the calendar year 1918. The foreign countries had no financial interest in the food skins. 2 This is the actual amount paid for dressing, dyeing, and machining the sealskins at prices given in supple- mental contract with Funsten Bros. & Co.: 3 The unit cost of $0.19 per skin for transportation is determined by the payment of $3,395.63 on 17,816 skins shipped from Seattle to St. Louis on October 5, 191S. * This is the actual amount paid for dressing, dyeing, and machining the sealskins at prices given in supplemental contract with Funsten Bros. & Co. : 6 The unit cost of $0,135 per skin for transit insurance is determined by the premium of $2,405.25 paid on 17,816 skins from Pribilof Islands in September, 1918. 6 The unit cost of $0.19 per skin for transportation is determined by the payment of $3,395.63 on 17,816 skins shipped from Seattle to St. Louis on October 5, 191S. FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 29 XX1Y. Memorandum statement regarding 9,100 sealskins taken on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. in calendar year 1918 and sold at public auction February 2, 1920. Gross amount of sale $1, 282, 905. 00 Expenses of sale, transportation, etc.: ( 'ash discount 1 per cent $12, 829. 05 Commission, 34 per cent 44, 452. 66 Dressing, d \ einu r . and machining x 118, 322. 90 Freight on 9,100 skins at $0.20 each 2 1, 820. 00 177, 424. 61 Net receipts 1, 105, 480. 39 Great Britain's share, 15 per cent of $1,106,480.39 $165, 822. 06 Japan's share, 15 per cent of $1,106,480.39 165, 822. 06 XXV. Memorandum statement regarding 5J40 commercial sealskins taken on Pribilof Islands, Alaska, in calendar year 1918, and sold at public auction May 10, 1920. 3 Gross amount of sale $423, 530. 00 Expenses of sale, transportation, etc.: Cash discount $4, 235. 30 Commission 14, 675. 32 Dressing, dyeing, and machining 4 71, 465. 85 Freight on 5,740 skins, at 20 cents each 5 1, 148. 00 91, 524. 47 Net receipts 332, 005. 53 Great Britain's share, 15 per cent 49, 800. 83 Japan's share, 15 per cent 49, 800. 83 XXVI. Memorandum statement regarding 10,120 sealskins taken on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, in calendar years 1918 and 1919, and sold at public auction February 21, 1921. Gross amount of sale of 6,690 skins taken in 1918 $230, 079. 00 Expenses of sale : Cash discount $2, 300. 79 Commission, 3$ per cent 7, 972. 24 Freight on 6,690 skins, at 23 cents each 6 1, 538. 70 11, 811. 73 Total $218, 267. 27 i This is the actual amount paid for dressing, dyeing, and machining the sealskins at prices given in supplemental contract with Funsten Bros. & Co.: 1,150 wigs at $20 each $23, 180. 00 2,043 extra extra large at 819 each 38 ( 817. 00 5,898 others at $9.55 56' 325. 90 Total 118,322.90 - The unit cost of S0.20 per skin for transportation is determined by the payment of $7,049.35 on 34,831 skins taken in the calendar year 1918, and shipped from Seattle, Wash., to St. Louis, Mo., in 1918 and 1919. 3 This sale consisted of 5,752 skins, of which number 12 were food skins and the foreign countries had no financial interest therein. * This is the actual amount paid for dressing, dyeing, and machining the sealskins at prices given in supplemental contract with Funsten Bros. & Co.: 650 wigs, at S20 ea?h $13,000. 00 1,043 extra extra large, at $19 each 19, 817. 00 4,047 others, at $9.55 38, 648. 85 71,465.85 5 The unit cost of $0.20 per skin for transportation is determined by the payment of $7,049.35 on 34,831 skins taken in the calendar year 1918 and shipped from Seattle, Wash., to St. Louis M., in 1918 and 1919. e The unit cost of 23 cents per skin for transportation is determined by the payment of $5,848.77 on 25,23S skins shipped from Seattle, Wash., to St. Louis, Mo., on Oct. 27, 1919. S. Doc. 213, 67-2 3 30 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Gross amount of sale of 3,430 skins taken in 1919 $125, 610. 00 Expenses of sale: Cash discount $1, 256. 10 Commission, 3f per cent 4, 663. 27 Freight on 3,430 skins, at 23 cents each 4 788. 90 — 6, 708. 27 Total $118, 901. 73 Grand total 327, 169. 00 Reimbursement on $200,000 paid to Funsten Bros. & Co., in lieu of expenses incurred in storing, dressing, dyeing, and machining Gov- ernment sealskins as per contract with Fouke Co., dated Feb. 15, 1921 . . 125, 000. 00 Net receipts » 212, 169. 00 Great Britain's share, 15 per cent of $212,169 31, 825. 35 Japan's share, 15 per cent of $212,169 31, 825. 35 XXVII. JUNE 7, 1921. Dear Sir: There is inclosed herewith for delivery to the Japanese ambassador official check No. 1440, dated June 7, 1921, and drawn to the order of the Government of Japan, in the sum of $231.92. This check represents 15 per cent of the net proceeds of the sale of 44 sealskins taken on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, during the calendar years 1918 and 1919, and Bold by this department to the Fouke Fur Co., of St. Louis, Mo., to be used by them for exhibition purposes. The department received the sum of $1,546.16 for these ikins, at the rate of $35.14 per skin, which is the average price established at the sale of February 21, 1921. Yours very truly, C. H. Huston, Assistant Secretary of Commerce. The Secretary op State. XXVIII. Memorandum statement regarding 10,060 sealskins taken on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, in calendar year 1919 and sold at public auction May 23, 1921. Gross amount of sale of 10,060 skins taken in 1919 $359, 715. 00 Expenses of sale: Cash discount, 1 per cent $3, 597. 15 Commission, 3f per cent 13, 354. 42 Freight on 10,060 skins, at $0.23 > each 2, 313. 80 19, 265. 37 Total - $340, 449. 63 Reimbursement on $200,000 paid to Funsten Bros. &' Co. in lieu of expenses incurred in storing, dressing, dyeing, and machining Government sealskins as per contract with Fouke Co., dated Feb. 16, 1921 75,000.00 Dressing, dveing, and machining 4,180 skins, at $16.50 per skin 68, 970. 00 143, 970. 00 Net receipts 196, 479. 63 Great Britain's share, 15 per cent of $196,479.63 29, 471. 94 Japan's share, 15 per cent of $196,479.63 29, 471. 94 Whereas the Government of the United States is the owner and has under its control certain sealskins and certain fox skins, taken annually on the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska, the taking and disposal of which are, subject to existing laws, under the control of the Secretary of Commerce: and i The unit cost of 23 cents per skin for transportation is determined by the payment of $5,848.77 on 25,238 skins shipped from Seattle, Wash., to St. Louis, Mo., on Oct. 27, 1919. FUR-SEAL, SKIN SALES. 31 Whereas Funsten Bros. & Co., a corporation created by and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its principal office located at Second and Elm Streets, city of St. Louis, State of Missouri, is engaged in the business of storing, sorting, and selling fur skins; and Whereas the corporation mentioned satisfactorily conducted for the Government the sale of all skins taken by it from the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska during the year 1913; and Whereas it is the desire of the Secretary of Commerce to continue the sales of such skins in the United States, in order to establish therein a permanent sealskin and fox- skin market, and also to establish in the United States the industry of dyeing and dressing such skins: Now, therefore, this agreement, made and entered into this 30th day of August, 1915, b> and between the United States of America (hereinafter designated as the Government), by the Acting Secretary of Commerce (in accordance with and by virtue of authority conferred by the act of April 21, 1910, 36 Stat. 326, and the act of August 24, 1912, 37 Stat. 499), of the first part, and Funsten Bros. & Co. (hereinafter designated as the company), a corporation as aforesaid, of the second part: Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein- after stated, the Government will ship to the company, at St. Louis, Mo., such seal- skins and fox skins as are taken annually by it at the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska, and are available for sale by the Government, and the company will receive and ac- cept the same at said city of St. Louis, Mb., as a consignment from the Government, to be sold by the company at public auction, or to have dressed and dyed and then sold by the company at its salesrooms in the city of St. Louis, on behalf of the Government upon the terms and conditions following, that is to say: First. All freight charges and other expenses involved in the transportation of said sealskins and said fox skins from San Francisco, Calif., Seattle, Wash., or other port to which they may be brought, to the warehouse of the company in St. Louis, including advance charges at San Francisco, Calif., Seattle, Wash., or other port to which they may be brought, and carriage at St. Louis, shall be paid by the company and deducted from the proceeds of sales, as hereinafter provided. Second. Insurance upon said sealskins and fox skins for the benefit of the Govern- ment, covering loss or damage thereto on the voyage from the Pribilof Islands to St. Louis, Mo., or any part of such voyage, in such amount as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of Commerce, shall be taken out (if requested by the Government) by the company and the premium or premiums for such insurance shall be paid by the com- pany and deducted from the proceeds of sales, as hereinafter provided. Third. After the receipt of said sealskins and said fox skins at the warehouse of the company in St. Louis, they shall be properly assorted according to size, quality, and condition, in conformity with custom, and shall be placed in cold storage and kept therein until exhibited for sale and delivery to buyers; and a copy of the assortment so made shall be transmitted by mail to the Secretary of Commerce as soon as possible after the same is completed. While in the possession of the company in the city of St. Louis, said seal and fox skins shall be kept insured by them against loss by fire, and all due and customary precautions shall be taken by the company for the safe- keeping of said skins and to prevent deterioration, the expenses thereof being borne by the company. Fourth. Said sealskins and said fox skins shall be sold by the company at public auction at its salesrooms in the city of St. Louis, Mo., on the customary terms and at such time or times as shall be deemed most advantageous to the Government. The company shall promptly advise the Secretary of Commerce of the time when it proposes to make such sale, and the Secretary of Commerce shall have the right, not less than 15 days before the time at which said sale is appointed to be held, to change the time and determine when such sale shall occur. At such sale or sales the Secre- tary of Commerce, or his duly authorized representative, shall have the right to withdraw from sale said sealskins and said fox skins or any lot or lots thereof, at any time before the same shall be actually sold. Fifth. The company shall render to Jhe Secretary of Commerce just and proper accounts of the gross proceeds of any and all sales of said sealskins and said fox skins affected by it, and of all sums received and paid by it; and will keep such accounts in proper books which shall be deemed the property of the Government. And the Secretary of Commerce shall at all times be at liberty, either personally or by agent duly authorized by him, to inspect and carry away such books, or to make and carry away copies of or extracts from such books. Sixth. The company shall remit and pay to the Secretary of Commerce the net proceeds of any and all sales of said seal and fox skins effected by it, such net proceeds 32 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. to be determined as hereinafter provided, within one month after such sales shall have occurred. Seventh. In making up the account of the sales of said sealskins and said fox skins, and in order to ascertain the net proceeds thereof, the company shall be entitled to receive and retain out of the gross proceeds of said sales the commission hereinafter specified as and for full compensation for all services it may render and all expenses it may incur in connection with the storage, sorting, protection, insurance as aforesaid, and proper care of all of said skins and the advertising and sale thereof, and shall also deduct all costs and expenses incidental to transportation and all expenses for in- surance during transportation, if any have been incurred, hereinbefore mentioned, and the amount remaining subject to provisions hereinafter stated shall be the net proceeds of said sales, and payable to the Secretary of Commerce. The company shall be entitled to deduct the amount expended for cold storage charge for the period in excess of six months, on the skins ordered held by the Secretary of Commerce from the year 1913 and the year 1914 up to the time said skins are either dressed and dyed or sold, such charge to be computed at regular market rates, and whenever the Government shall order skins held for a period longer than six months, then the com- pany shall also be entitled to deduct the amount expended for. cold storage charge for the period in excess of said six months on the skins so ordered held. Eighth. All casks in which said sealskins and fox skins are packed, and all surplus silt which may come from said skins, shall, if the same has a salable value be sold by the company and the full amount of the proceeds shall be accounted for and paid over by the company to the Secretary of Commerce when settlement for the proceeds of the sale of said skins shall be made. Ninth. All contracts made by the company relating to said sealskins and said fox skins for their transportation or their care and protection pending sale, and for the sale and delivery thereof, and all contracts or policies of insurance against risks of trans- portation, fire, and otherwise may be made by the company in its own name, but the same shall inure to the benefit of the Government; and all claims for loss of said sealskins and said fox skins, or any or either of them, or for damage thereto, which the company may be entitled to make or shall collect against common carriers: or loss or damage by reason of failure to safely and duly transport and deliver such skins, shall likewise inure to the benefit of and be paid to the Government, less the legal charge for collection. Tenth. During the closed season period in which the killing of seals on the Pribilof Islands is restricted to the number required to supply food, clothing, and boat skins for the natives on the islands, as pro\ ided by the act of August 24, L912 (that is to say, during the years 1915, 1916, and 1917, unless such closed season should be sooner terminated by law), the commission of 4 per cent shall be paid to the company as and for full compensation for all services it may render and all expenses it may incur in connection with the storage (except skins ordered held longer than six months), sorting, protecting, insurance as aforesaid, and proper care of all of said skins, and the advertising and sale thereof. Upon the expiration of said closed season, under the law as it now stands, or as it may be hereafter amended or changed, such commission shall be as follows: 1 . If the total number of sealskins and fox skins combined to be sold, consigned in any one year to the company, shall not exceed 20,000, the rate of commission figured on the basis aforesaid shall be 4 per cent. 2. If such total number shall exceed 20,000, but not exceed 30,000, the rate of such commission shall be 3 J per cent. 3. If such total number shall exceed 30,000, but not exceed 40,000, the rate of such commission shall be 3V per cent. 4. If such total number shall exceed 40.000, but not exceed 50,000, the rat" of such commission shall be 3 J per cent. 5. If such total number shall exceed 50,000. the rate of such commission shall be 3 per cent. If at any time either the Government or the company shall be dissatisfied with the foregoing provision with respect to the commission to be paid after the expiration of said closed season, written notice thereof shall be given to the other parties hereto^ and thereupon each of said parties shall select an arbitrator, and these two arbitrators shall select a third arbitrator: and the three arbitrators so chosen shall constitute a board of arbitration which shall have full authority to determine whether the commission herein provided is just and fair and, if they deem ii necessary, to readjust it as they may see lii : and both of the parties hereto agree to abide by the decision of such arbitrators. Eleventh. In consideration of the premise-, and especially of the compensation provided for in this agreement, the company hereby agrees to bring to the United FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 33 States forthwith, as soon as arrangements can be completed, and establish therein a plant using what is commonly known as the Pice process of dressing and dyeing seal- skins, or one using a dressing and dyeing process satisfactory to the Secretary of Com- merce it being understood and agreed that the dressing and dyeing company, when requested so to do. will dress and dye sealskins in such plant for the Government and for individuals, and that the charges to the Government as well as to individuals for dressing and dyeing sealksins and fox skins in such plant shall not exceed the charges heretofore made in London, England, except in so far as may be incident to necessary increased cost of operation, lhe said company is hereby authorized and directed to arrange for such dressing and dyeing plant to proceed as soon as possible to dress and dye in the usual manner the sealskins of the Government now in possession of said company amounting to about 3,280 skins, and also to make like arrangements for the dressing and dyeing of the sealskins which are taken in the year 1915, amounting to about 5,000. which are expected to arrive by September, 1915. For the dressing and dyeing of all said skins the company agrees that the cost to the Government shall be $8 per skin, based on the charge heretofore made in London, England, for dressing and dyeing skins by the bice dressing and dyeing plant, in addition to the compensation hereinbefore provided for, and the company is hereby authorized and directed to retain from the proceeds of the sale of any and all skins sold by the company for account of the Government the said ?8 per skin, which the company agrees to advance •and pay to the said plant for dressing and dyeing said sealskins. Twelfth. Should the company fail to establish therein a plant using said process, or one using a dressing and dyeing process satisfactory to the said Secretary of Com- merce, within the period specified in section 11 hereof, or if at any time during the continuance of this contract the company shall fail to faithfully perform the terms and conditions thereof on its part to be kept and performed, the Government may forthwith terminate the same. Thirteenth. If at any time during the continuance of this contract the Government shall deem it for its best interests that for any year or years the sale of the said seal- skins or said fox skins, or either or any of them, shall be held in London, England, the company, upon receiving reasonable notice thereof from the Secretary of Commerce, shall cause all steps to be taken necessary to full compliance with the directions of the said Secretary of Commerce, and shall keep an accurate account of all necessary addi- tional expenses occasioned by such change in the place of sale, and the same shall consitute a proper charge against the Government and shall be deducted from the gross proceeds of such sale. Fourteenth. Unless sooner terminated as hereinbefore provided, this contract shall continue in force and effect until the 1st day of January, 1921. Fifteenth. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this contract and all the provisions thereof shall be subject to any legislation that may hereafter be enacted by Congress relative to the subject matter hereof, and also to such rules and regulations as may be adopted, from time to time, by the Secretary of Commerce. Sixteenth. Pursuant to section 3741 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, it is further agreed that no Member of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Commis- sioner or any officer or employee of the Government or other person whose name is not at this time disclosed, shall be admitted to any share or interest in this contract, or to any benefit to arise therefrom; and that this contract shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of sections 114, 115, and 116 of the Criminal Code of the United States, so far as the same may be applicable. Seventeenth. The covenants and agreements, and each of them herein contained, shall not be binding on the company if prevented by fire, death, strikes, the act of God, or any other unavoidable cause not within the control of the company. Signed in duplicate by the parties hereto the day and year first above written. United States of America, [seal.] By E. F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce. Funsten Bros. & Co., By P. B. Fouke, President. [corporate seal.] A. E. Murphy, Acting Secretary. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of — Danl. J. Richardson. Virgil Rule. 34 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. The corrections in the foregoing agreement, set forth below, were made before the execution of the contract: Page 1, line 21, the name "William C. Redfield" stricken out and the words "the Acting" interlined. Page 2, line 17, parentheses placed around the words "if requested by the Government." Page 4, line 7, the word "a" changed to "the." Page 6, the words "dressing and dyeing" inserted between the words "the" and "company" on line 17, and the words "based on" inserted between the parentheses and the word "the" on line 31. I, A. E. Murphy, do hereby certify that I reside at St. Louis, Mo., and am the acting secretary of Funsten Bros. & Co., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing contract, and that as such I have custody of its records and seal; that the said corporation is organized under the laws of the State of Illinois; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said corporation and was thereto affixed by order of its board of directors; that P. B. Fouke is the president of said corporation and was duly authorized to execute said instrument in its behalf; that I know the signature of said officer, and that the signature affixed to such instruments is his signature; that the following is a true and correct copy of so much of the by-laws or resolutions of said company or its board of directors as confers authority to execute said contract upon the said officer who executed them: Sec. 7 (Subsec. 1). Duties of president.— -The president shall execute all bonds, contracts, or other instruments requiring to be made or executed for and on behalf of the company; he shall sign all bills, notes, and drafts, and indorse same when re- quired by the needs of the business. He shall also have the power to sign checks and indorse same. " In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corpora- tion at St. Louis this 30th day of August, 1915. A. E. Murphy, Acting Secretary. (Affix corporate seal.) SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. Whereas the parties hereto, the Government of the United States, by Edwin F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce, and Funsten Bros. & Co., a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, made and entered into a certain written agreement dated August 30, 1915, under the terms of which the Government agreed to ship to the company, at St. Louis, Mo., such sealskins and fox skins as are taken annually by it at the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska and are available for sale by the Government, and the company agreed to receive and accept the same at said city of St. Louis, Mo., as a consignment from the Government, to be sold by the com- pany at public auction, or to have dressed and dyed and then sold by the company at its salesrooms in the city of St. Louis, on behalf of the Government, upon the term8 and conditions in said written agreement contained. And whereas section 11 of the said written agreement provided in part as follows: "In consideration of the premises, and especially of the compensation provided for in this agreement, the company hereby agrees to bring to the United States, forthwith as soon as arrangements can be completed, and establish therein a plant using what is commonly known as the Rice process of dressing and dyeing sealskins, or one using a dressing and dyeing process satisfactory to the Secretary of Commerce; it being understood and agreed that the dressing and dyeing company, when requested so to do, will dress and dye sealskins in such plant for the Government and for individuals, and that the charges to the Government as well as to individuals for dressing and dyeing sealskins and fox skins in such plant shall not exceed the charges heretofore made in London, England, except in so far as may be incident to necessary increased cost of operation." And whereas the said Funsten Bros. & Co. have faithfully carried out the above quoted portion of the said section 11 of the said written agreement. And whereas it is now the desire of the Secretary of Commerce to enter into an agree- ment with the said Funsten Bros. & Co., supplemental to the said agreement of August 30, 1915, setting forth the prices to be paid by the Government for dressing and dye- ing skins in said plant for the period from 1917 to 1922, and for other purposes: Now, therefore, this supplemental agreement made and entered into this 3d day of July, 1917, by and between the United States of America, hereinafter designated as the Government, by E. F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce (in accordance with FUR-SEAL, SKIN SALES. 35 and by virtue of the authority conferred by the act of April 21, 1910 (36 Stat. 326), and the act of August 24, 1912 (37 Stat. 499), of the first part, and Funsten Bros. & Co., hereinafter designated as the company, a corporation, as aforesaid, of the second part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements herein contained the said parties hereby covenant and agree as follows : First. That during the term of this supplemental contract all sealskins taken annu- ally by the Government at the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska that are available for sale by the Government, other than "wigs" (i. e., the skins of large males or bulls) shipped to the company by the Government under the terms and provisions of the said original contract, shall be dressed, dyed, and machined by the company at its dressing and dyeing plant in St. Louis, Mo., and all wigs shall be washed and dried or dressed or otherwise treated as directed by the Government. Second. That the company will dress, dye, and machine at its said plant all skins, other than wigs, shipped to it by the Government, using therefor the process which it has heretofore used and is now using, and will handle all wigs received as directed by the Government, the company's charges for such services to be as set forth herein, which charges the company is hereby authorized and directed to retain from the pro- ceeds of the sale of any and all such skins sold by the company for account of the Government; it being understood and agreed that each and all of the provisions, stipulations, and conditions of the said original agreement of August 30, 1915 (except date of expiration), relating to the sale of sealskins and fox skins for the Government, shall be and are hereby made a part of this supplemental agreement, and are made applicable to the sale of wigs and of skins dressed, dyed, and machined as herein provided: Prices for washing, drying, dressing, etc., of wigs, or the skins of large males or bulls, per annum: Each. Washed and dried $1 . 50 Washing, drying, and shaving 2. 00 Washing, drying, and dressing 5. 00 Unhairing and dressing 8. 50 All other sealskins to be dressed, dyed, and machined at the following prices: Per skin. 15,000 or less per annum $10. 00 Exceeding 15, 000 but not exceeding 20.000 per annum 9. 75 Exceeding 20,000 but not exceeding 25,000 per annum 9. 70 Exceeding 25.000 but not exceeding 30,000 per annum 9. 65 Exceeding 30.000 but not exceeding 35,000 per annum 9. 55 Exceeding 35,000 but not exceeding 40,000 per annum 9. 35 Exceeding 40,000 but not exceeding 45,000 per annum 9. 25 Exceeding 45,000 but not exceeding 50,000 per annum 9. 00 Exceeding 50.000 per annum 8. 90 Third. That the company will, during the term of this supplemental agreement, at its own expense and without any cost or charge whatsoever to the Government, by inserting advertisements in the proper technical press, and by circulating, distributing, and mailing circulars, bulletins, letters, etc., and by other proper methods, advertise the quality and advantages of sealskins dressed and dyed by the said process, with the view of informing the public as to the merits of such process and of inducing a more general use of sealskins than prevails at the present time. Fourth. That the company will, during the term of this supplemental contract, during the fur-seal killing season each year, as the Government may direct, send to the Pribilof Islands two or more experts experienced in the killing and skinning of seals and the salting of sealskins, for the purpose of cooperating with the departments' representatives and of instructing and assisting the natives and others engaged in such work, in order that skins taken by the Government may be secured and handled in the best possible manner. Fifth. That the salaries and compensation of such experts, as well as all other expenses incident to their employment, including traveling expenses, subsistence, etc., shall be borne by the said company, provided, however, that the Government shall, without expense to the company, transport said experts, from some port on the Pacific coast, to be designated by the Government, to and from the said islands on vessels owned or leased by the Government, and shall furnish said experts with board and lodging while being so transported and while on the said Pribilof Islands for the purposes aforesaid. Sixth. That the company will, during the term of this supplemental contract, on or before the 1st day of May in each year, advance to a representative of the Govern- 36 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. ment, to be designated by the Secretary of Commerce, such sum as shall be determined by the Government to be necessary to enable its representative to pay such compen- sation for services as shall be fixed by said Secretary of ( 'ommerce to persons engaged in killing and skinning seals, and salting and handling sealskins, or otherwise employed in connection therewith preparatory to the sale of said skins, it being understood and agreed that the company will deduct from the proceeds of the sale of skins the ad- vances made by it as aforesaid for the payment of any services rendered in connection with the particular skins included in any sale. Seventh. That when the said wigs shall have been treated as directed by the Gov- ernment and when other sealskins shall have been dressed, dyed, and machined as herein provided for, and while in the possession of the company thereafter, they shall be insured against loss by fire, and all due and customary precautions shall be taken by the company for the safeguarding of all of the said skins, the expenses thereof to be borne by the company. The insurance herein provided for is to be in addition to that provided for in section 3 of the original contract of August 30, 1915, and shall be based upon the increased value of such skins by reason of such dressing and dyeing, as aforesaid. Eighth. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this supplemental contract, and all the provisions thereof, shall be subject to any legislation that may hereafter be enacted by Congress relative to the subject matter hereof, and also to such rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by the Secretary of Commerce. Ninth. Pursuant to section 3741 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, it is further agreed that no Member of or Delegate to Congress, or a Resident Commissioner, or any officer or employee of the Government, or other person whose name is not at this time disclosed, shall be admitted to any share or interest in this contract, or to any benefit to arise therefrom, and that this supplemental contract shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of sections 114, 115, and 116 of the Criminal Code of the United States so far as the same may be applicable. Tenth. That unless sooner terminated, this supplemental contract shall continue in force and effect until the 1st day of January, 1922. Eleventh. That the parties hereto hereby expressly agree that the said original contract dated August 30, 1915, for the sale of sealskins and fox skins shall be, and the same is hereby, extended in all its provisions to the 1st day of January, 1922. Twelfth. That the parties hereto further covenant and agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed as altering, affecting, or modifying any of the provisions, terms, or conditions of the said original contract not herein expressly altered, affected, or modified. Signed in duplicate by the parties hereto this 3d day of July, 1917. United States of America, [seal.] By E. F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce. [corporate seal.] Witnesses: R. L. Stancill. G. Roscoe Firtich. As to E. F. Sweet. A. Murphy. J. P. Randall. As to Funsten Bros. & Co. Funsten Bros. & Co., By P. B. Fouke, President. D. J. Halley, Secretary. supplemental agreement. Whereas, the parties hereto, the Government of the United States, by Edwin F. Sweet. Acting Secretary of Commerce, and Funsten Bros. & Co., a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, made and entered into a certain written agreement dated August 30, 1915, under the terms of which the Government agreed to ship to the company at St. Louis, Mo., such sealskins and fox skins as are annually taken by it at the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska, and are available for sale by the Government, and the company agreed to receive and accept the same at the city of St. Louis, Mo., as a consignment from the Government, to be sold by the com- pany at public auction, or to have said sealskins and fox skins dressed and dyed and FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. 37 then sold by the company at its salesrooms in the city of St. Louis, on behalf of the Government, upon the terms and conditions in said written agreement contained. And whereas the parties hereto, the Government of the United States, by Edwin F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce, and Funsten Bros. & Co., a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, made and entered into a certain written supplemental agreement to the said agreement of August 30, 1915, said supplemental agreement being dated July 3, 1917, under the terms of which all the sealskins taken annually by the Government at the PriMlof Islands and available for sale by the Government shipped to the company by the Government under the terms and provisions of said original contract of August 30, 1915, should be dressed, dyed, and machined by the company at its dressing and dyeing plant in St. Louis, M o., at and for the prices set out in said supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917. And whereas the said Funsten Bros. & Co. have faithfully kept and performed the terms and conditions of the said original agreement of August 30, 1915, and of the said supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, on its part to be kept and performed. And whereas it is now the desire of the Secretary of Commerce to enter into an agreement with the said Funsten Bros. & Co., supplemental to the said agreement of August 30, 1915, and to the supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, extending the term of the said agreement of August 30, 1915, and of the said supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, and providing for certain changes and alterations in some of the terms and conditions thereof: Now, there, this supplemental agreement made and entered into this 20th day of June, 1919, by and between the United States of America, hereinafter designated as the Government, by Edwin F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce (in accordance with and by virtue of the authority conferred by the act of April 21, 1910 (36 Stat. 326), and the act of August 24, 1912 (37 Stat. 499), of the first part, and Funsten Bros. & Co., hereinafter designated as the company, a corporation as aforesaid, of the second part, Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements herein contained, the said parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: First. That paragraph 2 of the said original written agreement of August 30, 1915, be and the same is hereby revoked, and that from the date of this supplemental agree- ment insurance as therein provided for shall not be carried. Second. That paragraph 6 of the said original written agreement of August 30, 1915, be and the same is hereby revoked, and the following substituted therefor: "The company shall remit and pay to the Secretary of Commerce the net proceeds of any and all sales of said seal and fox skins effected by it, such net proceeds to be determined as hereinafter provided, within 45 days after such sales shall have occurred. ' ' Third. That paragraph 6 of the said supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, be and the same is hereby revoked, and the following substituted therefor: "That the company will, during the term of this supplemental contract, on or before the 1st day of May in each year, advance to a representative of the Govern- ment to be designated by the Secretary of Commerce such sum as shall be determined by the Government to be necessary to enable its representatives to pay such com- pensation for services as shall be fixed by the said Secretary of Commerce to persons engaged in killing and skinning seals and salting and handling sealskins, or other- wise "employed in°connection therewith, preparatory to the sale of said skins, it being understood' and agreed that the company will deduct from the proceeds of the first sale of the skins following the annual sealing operations the advances made by it as aforesaid." Fourth. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the company will, on the request of the Secretary of Commerce, assume and pay all necessary expenses for supplies, materials, including salt, casks, twine, and other necessaries, in the tak- ing, curing,' handling, and shipment of seal and fox skins, and will deduct from the proceeds oTthe first sale of skins following the annual sealing operations the payments made by it as aforesaid. Fifth. That the first paragraph of the supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, be and the same is hereby revoked, and the following substituted therefor: "That during the term of this supplemental agreement all sealskins taken annually by the Government on the Pribilof Islands and in Alaska, that are available for sale by the Government, shipped to the company by the Government under the terms and provisions of the said original contract of August 30, 1915, shall be dressed, dyed, and machined by the company in St. Louis Mo." Sixth That paragraph 2 of the said supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, be and the same is hereby revoked, and the following substituted therefor: "That the company 'will dress, dye, and machine at its said plant all skins shipped to it by the Government, using therefor the processes which it is now using or any 38 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. process which may be an improvement on the process it is now using, the company's charges for such services to be as set forth herein, which charges the company is hereby authorized and directed to retain from the proceeds of the sale of any and all such skins sold by the company for account of the Government, it being understood and agreed that each and all of the provisions, stipulations, and conditions of the said original agreement of August 30, 1915, except the date of expiration, relating to the sale of the sealskins and fox skins for the Government, shall be and are hereby made a part of this supplemental agreement, and are made applicable to the sale of the skins dressed, dyed, and machined as herein provided. "Sealskins will be dressed, dyed, and machined by the company at the following graduated prices, which are based on the total number of skins taken by the Govern- ment each calendar year. Included in such number and for such prices are the skins credited to or belonging to the Governments of Great Britain and Japan, under the convention of July 7, 1911. Per skin. 15,000 or less per annum $10. 00 Exceeding 15,000 but not exceeding 20,000 per annum 9. 75 Exceeding 20,000 but not exceeding 25,000 per annum 9. 70 Exceeding 25,000 but not exceeding 30,000 per annum 9. 65 Exceeding 30,000 but not exceeding 35,000 per annum 9. 55 Exceeding 35,000 but not exceeding 40,000 per annum 9. 35 Exceeding 40,000 but not exceeding 45,000 per annum 9.25 Exceeding 45,000 but not exceeding 50,000 per annum 9. 00 Exceeding 50 ,000 per annum 8. 90 "The following special prices will be charged for the dressing, dyeing, machining,, and finishing of skins of size ordinarily designated as "extra extra large" and "wigs, " namely, for skins whose length when dressed and dyed equals 49 inches and does not exceed 55 inches, $19 per skin; and for skins whose length when dressed and dyed is over 55 inches, $20 per skin. " Seventh. That paragraph 7 of the said supplemental agreement of July 3, 1917, be, and the same is hereby, revoked, and the following substituted therefor: "That when sealskins shall have been dressed, dyed, and machined as herein pro- vided for, and while in possession of the company thereafter, they shall be insured against loss by fire and all due and customary precautions shall be taken by the com- pany for the safeguarding of all of the said skins, the expenses thereof to be borne by the company." Eighth. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this supplemental contract and all the provisions thereof shall be subject to any legislation that may hereafter be enacted by Congress relative to the subject matter hereof, and also to such rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by the Secretary of Com- merce. Ninth. Pursuant to section 3741 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, it is further agreed that no Member of or Delegate to Congress, or a Resident Commissioner, or any officer or employee of the Government, or other person whose name is not at this time disclosed, shall be admitted to any share or interest in this contract or to any benefit to arise therefrom, and that this supplemental contract shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of sections 114, 115, and 116 of the Criminal Code of the United States, so far as the same may be applicable. Tenth. That, unless sooner terminated, this supplemental contract shall continue in force and effect until the 15th day of December, 1926. Eleventh. That the parties hereto hereby expressly agree that the said original contract dated August 30. 1915. and the supplemental contract dated July 3, 11)17, shall be and the same are hereby extended in all their provisions except as herein modified to the 15th day of December, 1926. Twelfth. That the parties hereto further covenant and agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed as altering, affecting, or modifying any of the provisions, terms, or conditions of the said original contract of August 30, 1915, or of the said supplemental contract of July 3, 1917, not herein expressly altered, changed, or modified. Signed in duplicate by the parties hereto this 20th day of June. 1919. ♦ United States of America. [seal.] By Edwin F. Sweet, Acting Secretary of Commerce. Funsten Bros. & Co., By P. B. FofJKE, President. [corporate seal.] D. J. Halley, Secretary. FUR-SEAL, SKIN SALES. 39 I, D. J. Halley, do hereby certify that I reside at St. Louis, Mo., and am the sec- retary of Funston Bros. & Co., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing contract, and that as such I have custody of its records and seal; that the said corporation is organized under the laws of the State of Illinois; that the corporate seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said corporation and was thereto affixed by order of its board of directors; that P. B. Fouke is the president of said corporation and was duly authorized to execute said instrument in its behalf; that I know the signature of said officer, and that the signature affixed to such instruments is his signature; that the following is a true and correct copy of so much of the by-laws or resolutions of said company or its board of directors as confers authority to execute said contract, upon the said officer who executed them: "Sec. 7 (Subsec. 1). Duties of president. — The president shall execute all bonds, contracts, or other instruments requiring to be made or executed for and on behalf of the company; he shall sign all bills, notes, and drafts, and indorse same when required by the needs of the business. He shall also have the power to sign checks and indorse same." In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said cor- poration at St. Louis, Mo., this 23d day of June, 1919. D. J: Halley, Secretary. (Affix corporate seal.) Whereas the Government of the United States is the owner and has and will have under its control certain sealskins and certain fox skins which have been or may be taken annually on the Pribilof Islands, the taking and disposal of which are, in accordance with and subject to existing laws, under control of the Secretary of Com- merce; And whereas it appears to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Commerce that the financial condition of the Funsten Bros. & Co., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, which corporation has heretofore been employed as an agency for the sale of fox skins and the dyeing, dressing, machining, and sale of sealskins, is such as to jeopardize the interests of the United States if permitted to further act as such agency; And whereas the Fouke Fur Co., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, is authorized to conduct the business of storing, work- ing, dyeing, dressing, machining, and selling of seal and other skins; And whereas it is deemed for the best interests of the United States that the business of handling and selling the seal and fox skins taken and to be taken as aforesaid, in accordance with the act of April 21, 1910 (36 Stat. 326), and the act of August 24, 1912 (37 Stat. 499), be conducted by the Secretary of Commerce through the agency of the said Fouke Fur Co.: Now, therefore, this agreement made and entered into this 15th day of February , 1921, by and between the United States of America (hereinafter designated as the Government), by Joshua W. Alexander, Secretary of Commerce, party of the first part, and the Fouke Fur Co. (hereinafter designated as the company), party of the second part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein- after stated, the Government will turn over to or ship to the company at St. Louis, Mo., such sealskins and fox skins as are under its control or are taken annually by it at the Pribilof Islands and are available for sale by the Government, and the company will receive and accept the same at said city of St. Louis, Mo., as a consignment from the Government, to be sold by the company at public auction in the city of St. Louis; or to have dressed and dved'and then sold by the company at public auction in the city of St. Louis, on behalf of the Government, upon the terms and conditions following, that is to say: First. All freight charges and other expenses involved in the transportation ot said sealskinsand said fox skins from San Francisco. Calif.. Seattle. Wash., or other port to which they may be brought, to the warehouse of the company at St. Louis, including advance charges at San Francisco, Calif., Seattle. Wash., or other port to which they may be brought, and carriage at St. Louis, shall be paid by the company and deducted from the proceeds of sales as hereinafter provided. Second. After the receipt of said sealskins and said fox skins at the warehouse ot t he company in St. Louis, and while in the possession of the company thereafter and until they shall have been dved, dressed, and sold, as provided for herein, they shall be kept insured by the said companv against any loss by fire, and all due and customary pre- cautions shall be taken by the company for the safe-keeping of said skins and to pre- vent deterioration, the expenses thereof being borne by the company. 40 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. Third. Said sealskins and said fox skins shall be sold by the company at public auction in the city of St. Louis, Mo., on such terms as will require payment therefor in not to exceed 90 days, and at such time or times as shall be deemed most advan- tageous to the Government. The company shall promptly advise the Secertary of Commerce of the time when it proposes to make such sale, and the Secretary of Com- merce shall have the right, not less than 15 days before the time at which said sale is appointed to be held, to change the time and determine when such sale shall occur. At such sale or sales, the Secretary of Commerce or his duly authorized representative shall have the right to withdraw from sale said sealskins and fox skins or any lot or lots thereof, at any time before the same shall be actually sold. Fourth. The company shall render to the Secretary of Commerce just and proper accounts of the gross proceeds of any and all sales of said sealskins and said fox skins offered by it, and of all sums received and paid by it, and will keep such accounts in proper books which shall be deemed the property of the Government. And the Secretary of Commerce shall at all times be at liberty, either personally or by agent duly authorized by him, to inspect and carry away such books, or demand and carry away copies of, or extracts from, such books. Fifth. The company shall remit and pay to the Secretary of Commerce the net proceeds of any and all sales of said seal and said fox skins effected by it, such net proceeds to be determined as hereinafter pro Added, within 100 days after such sales shall have occurred. Sixth. If the Government shall deem it advisable or necessary, the company will, during the term of this contract, during the fur-seal killing season each year, send to the Pribilof Islands not to exceed five experts experienced in the killing and skinning of seals and the salting of sealskins, as the Government may direct, for the purpose of cooperating with the department's representatives and of instructing and assisting the natives and others engaged in such work, in order that skins taken by the Govern- ment may be secured and handled in the best possible manner. Seventh. That the salaries and compensation of such experts, as well as all other expenses incidental to their employment, shall be paid by the company, and all traveling and subsistence expenses from St. Louis to the Pribilof Islands and return shall be borne by the Government, and the Government shall furnish said experts with board and lodging while on the said Pribilof Islands for the purposes aforesaid. Eighth. That the company will, during the term of this contract, on or before the 1st day of May in each year, advance to a representative of the Government, to be designated by the Secretary of Commerce, such sum as shall be determined by the Government to be necessary to enable its representatives to pay such compensation for services as shall be fixed by the said Secretary of Commerce to persons engaged in killing and skinning foxes and seals and salting and handling said skins, or otherwise employed in connection therewith, preparatory to the sale of said skins, it being understood and agreed that the company will deduct from any payment of net proceeds to be made as provided for in paragraph fifth the advance made by it as aforesaid . Ninth. In making up the account of the sales of said sealskins and said fox skins, and in order to ascertain the net proceeds thereof, the company shall be entitled to receive and retain out of the gross proceeds of said sales the commission hereinafter specified as and for full compensation for all services it may render and all expenses it may incur in connection with the storage, sorting, protecting, insurance as afore- said, and proper care of all of said skins, and advertising and sale thereof, and shall also deduct all amounts advanced to pay costs of and expenses incidental to the transportation as provided in paragraph first hereof, and for any time in excess of six months during which skins are held by the company by reason of the postpone- ment of any sale as hereinbefore provided for, the company shall be allowed to charge for storage at regular market rates, and the amount remaining, subject to the provisions hereinafter stated, shall be the net proceeds of said sales and payable to the Secretary of Commerce. Tenth. All casks in which said sealskins and said fox skins are packed, and all surplus salt which may come from said skins, shall, if the same has a salable value, be sold by the company and full amodnt of the proceeds shall be accounted for and paid over by the company to the Secretary of Commerce when settlement for the proceeds of the sale of said skins shall be made. Eleventh. All contracts made by the company relating to said sealskins and said fox skins for their transportation or their care and protection pending sale, and for the sale and delivery thereof, and all contracts or policies of insurance against risks of transportation, fire, and otherwise, may be made by the company in its own name, but the same shall inure to the benefit of the Government; and all claims for FUR-SEAL, SKIN SALES. 41 loss of said sealskins and said fox skins, or any or either of them, or for damage thereto, which the company may be entitled to make or shall collect against common carriers; or loss or damage by reason of failure to safely and duly transport and deliver such skins, shall likewise inure to the benefit of and be paid to the Government, less the legal charge for collection. Twelfth. When directed by the Secretary of Commerce, the company shall secure marine and transportation insurance, the necessary cost thereof to be paid by the com- pany and deducted from any payment of net proceeds to be made as provided for in the fifth paragraph hereof. Thirteenth. During the term of the existence of this contract, the following com- missions shall be paid to the company as and for full compensation for all services it may render and all expenses it may incur in connection with the storage '(except skins ordered held longer than six months as provided in paragraph ninth), sorting, protection, insurance as provided in paragraph second, and the proper care of all said skins, and the advertising and sale thereof: 1. If the total number of sealskins and fox skins combined to be sold, consigned in any one year to the company, shall not exceed 20.000. the rate of commission figured on the basis aforesaid shall be i per cent. 2. If such total number shall exceed 20.000, but not exceed 30.000, the rate of such commission shall be 35 per cent. 3. If such total number shall exceed 30.000, but not exceed 40,000. the rate of such commission shall be 3A per cent. 4. If such total number shall exceed 40,000, but not exceed 50,000, the rate of such commission shall be 3 J per cent. 5. If such total number shall exceed 50,000, the rate of such commission shall be 3 per cent. Fourteenth. In consideration of the premises, and especially of the compensation provided for in this agreement, the company hereby agrees, subject to the provisions of paragraph 15 hereof, to do or have done the dressing, dyeing, and machining of all sealskins turned over to it for this purpose, in accordance with the process heretofore used in the dyeing, dressing, and machining of skins by the Gibbins & Lohn Dressing & Dyeing Co., or to have the said dyeing, dressing and machining done in such other manner as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of Commerce. Fifteenth. For the dyeing, dressing, and machining of sealskins, as provided for in paragraph 14, the company shall be entitled to make charges in accordance with the following graduated scale of prices, which are based on the total number of sealskins taken by the Government each calendar year, the amounts of which charges the company is authorized and directed to retain from the proceeds of the sale of any and all such skins sold by the company for account of the Government. Such skins as are credited to or belong to the Governments of ( Ireat Britain and Japan, under the convention of July 7 7, 1911, which are turned over to the company for dyeing, dress- ing, and machining, shall be included in the number on which the compensation is based. The graduated scale of prices herein referred to, arranged in the form of a table, shows the price per skin. The figures in the first column indicate the minimum and maximum number of sealskins taken by the Government, on which the unit price is based. The figures at the top of the second, third, fourth, lifth, and sixth columns indicate the years in which the skins may be taken. 1021 1922 1923 1924 1925 $16. 50 16. 50 16.50 16.50 $15. 50 15. 50 15. 50 15. 50 $14. 50 It. 00 13. 50 L3.00 $13.50 13.00 12..50 U. 0.1 $12. 50 35 001 to 45 000 12.00 45 001 to 50 000 11.50 11.00 Upon the execution of this contract the company shall advance and pay to the Fun- sten Bros. & Co. $200,000, which is to be in full payment of any and all charges which the said Funsten Bros. & Co. may have made or may make to cover advances made by the said Funsten Bros. & Co. in connection with the transportation, insurance, storage, dyeing, dressing, and machining of all skins now belonging to the Government, and shall obtain and deliver to the Secretary of Commerce a receipt from the said Funsten Bros. & Co. showing that the said $200,000 has been received by it and that it releases and discharges the Government from any other or further payment in connection with the execution of any and all of the contracts and agreements heretofore existing bv and between the United States and the said Funsten Bros. & Co. 42 FUR-SEAL SKIN SALES. The company further specially agrees that no charge shall be made for the trans- portation, insurance, storage, dyeing, dressing, and machining of the first 16,000 skins which may be sold by the company for and on account of the Government, the com- pany being entitled to charge for the dyeing, dressing, and machining of all skins, exclusive of the first 16,000, sold by it for and on account of the Government, the prices as fixed in the table of prices above in this paragraph set forth, in consideration of which special agreement, the Government specially agrees that, from the first sale of skins made by the company for and on account of the Government, the company shall deduct and retain, in addition to the commissions provided for in paragraph thirteenth hereof, f 125,000, and from the proceeds of the second sale of skins made by the company for and on account of the Government, the company shall deduct and re- tain, in addition to the commissions provided for in paragraph thirteenth hereof, $75,000. The prices fixed in this paragraph for dyeing, dressing, and machining of sealskins for the year 1925 shall continue in force after the calendar year 1925 until the termi- nation of this contract unless by mutual consent expressed in writing the said prices are raised or lowered to meet changed conditions. Sixteenth. That the company will, during the term of this agreement, at its own expense and without any cost or charge whatsoever to the Government, by inserting advertisements in the proper technical press and by circulating, distributing, and mailing circulars, bulletins, letters, etc., and by other proper methods, advertise the sale of and the quality and advantages of sealskins dressed and dyed by the said process, with the view of informing the public as to the merits of such process and of inducing a more general use of sealskins than prevails at the present time. Seventeenth. If required by the Secretary of Commerce, the company agrees to furnish a bond in such sum and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of Commerce, conditioned upon the faithful performance of each and every covenant and agreement to be performed by the company under the provisions hereof. Eighteenth. Unless sooner terminated by agreement under seal of the parties hereto or otherwise terminated by any legal process, this contract shall continue in force and effect until the 15th day of February, 1931. ' Nineteenth. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this contract and all the provisions thereof shall be subject to any legislation that may hereafter be enacted by Congress relative to the subject matter hereof, and also to such rules and regulations as may be adopted, from time to time, by the Secretary of Commerce. Twentieth. Pursuant to section 3741 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, it is further agreed that no Member of or 1 >elegate to Congress, or Resident Com- missioner, or any officer or employee of the Government or other person whose name is not at this time disclosed, shall be admitted to any share or interest in this contract, or to any benefit to arise therefrom; and that this contract shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of sections 114, 115, and 116 of the Criminal Code of the United States, so far as the same may be applicable. Signed in duplicate by the parties hereto the day and year first above written. [seal]. United States of America, By Joshua W. Alexander. Secretary oj Ccrnimerct . The Fouke Fur Co. (Inc.) By P. B. Fouke, President. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: E. It. Magie. H. M. Smith. E. F. Sweet. MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT. Entered into by the Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States, and P. B. Fouke, president of the Fouke Fur Co., relative to contract entered into on the 15th day of February, 1921, concerning the sale of fox skins and the dyeing, dressing, machining, and sale of sealskins from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Referring to contract dated February 15, 1921 , by and between the United States of America, by Joshua W. Alexander, Secretary of Commerce, and the Fouke Fur Co., by P. B. Fouke, president, for the sale of fox skins, and the dyeing, dressing, machin- ing, and sale of sealskins, the undersigned mutually agree that said contract, re- ferred to above, be modified in the following particulars: FUR-SEAL. SKIN SALES. 43 1. The first paragraph of the terms and conditions of the contract referred to above is modified to read as follows: "The freight charges and other expenses involved in the transportation of said seal and fox skins from San Francisco, Calif., Seattle, Wash., or other port to which they may be brought, to the warehouse of the company at St. Louis, Mo., including any advance charges at San Francisco, Calif., Seattle, Wash., or other port to which they may be brought, shall be paid by the company when so requested by the Secretary of Commerce and such payments shall be deducted from the proceeds of sales as provided for in the contract of February 15, 1921. The Gov- ernment, however, reserves the right to transport said seal and fox skins on Government bill of lading and to pay for such shipments from the proceeds of sales. " 2. The following paragraph is hereby incorporated and made a part of the terms and conditions of the contract above referred to: "Eight (a). It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the company will, on request of the Secretary of Commerce, assume and pay all necessary expenses for supplies and materials, including salt, casks, twine, and other articles required in the taking, curing, handling, and shipment of seal and fox skins and will deduct such payments from any proceeds of sales of said seal and fox skins. " The parties hereto further covenant and agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed as altering, affecting, or modifying any of the provisions, terms, or conditions of original contract above referred to not herein expressly altered, affected, or modified. Signed in duplicate by the parties hereto this 25th day of February, 1921. United States Department of Commerce, By Joshua W. Alexander, Secretary of Commerce. Fouke Fur Company. By P. B. Fouke, President Witnesses: William B. Yancey. A. Murphy. o