Book JSc
306th field artillery
^be 1I\nichcrbocker Ipvcss
NEW YORK: 1920
Col. Frederick H. Smith, C.A., who commanded the regiment during practically its entire
war service in the Chateau- Thierry and Argonne Sectors. He was cited
by General Pershing for "distinguished and meritorious
service in the Battle of the Argonne."
Col. Lawrence S. Miller, C.A., who commanded the regiment from its
organization until after its service in the Lorraine Sector.
Brig.-Gen. Manus McCloskey, who commanded the 152nd Field Artillery Brigade from the
beginning of its service in the Chateau-Thierry Sector until after the Armistice.
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THIS record of the achievements of the 306th
Field Artillery is not the history of balanced
retrospection, written with the cold, calcu-
lating pen of after years. It is rather a succession
of battle-tableaux, wTitten not far from the scenes
of war, with the memories of events and incidents
still glowing vividly in the minds of the writers. It
aims to present the growth and development of the
306th Field Artillery in story progression from the
time of its organization, rather than to arrange an
array of cumbersome chronologies; to substitute
the life and vigor of action for the stiff and formal
columns of historic deeds accomplished.
For sixteen long weeks, with scarcely a rest, the
306th kept its guns barking at the German strong-
holds. Recruited largely from city sidewalks, the
men and officers of the regiment were welded into a
military machine that feared no failure. The 306th
Field Artiller>' was part of the first National Army
Division to arrive in France ; part of the first National
Armj^ Artillery Brigade to fire a shot at the enemy;
the first to be made responsible for a divisional artil-
lery sector; the first to take over an active sector ; and
a part of the only Artillery Brigade that saw the start
and finish of the Argonne-Meuse operations. It was
kept in the lines or on the march continually from
mid-July to the cessation of hostilities, with the
exception of a few days in reserve during October.
Upon resuming position, the regiment found the lines
very nearly where it had left them.
Following the signing of the Armistice the regiment
was withdrawn from the lines, and billeted in the
village of Dancevoir, Department of Haute-Marne.
It was here that the members of the regiment first
conceived the idea of placing within the covers of a
book the tales of their adventures in the Army. The
illustrations were made by artists whose sketch-
books were carried about with them in village and
field. The history was written entirely by officers
and men of the regiment who were eye-witnesses of
the events they record. " So, from the idea of keeping
alive these memories of the regiment in camp, battle-
field, and billet, this book was born.
The Editors.
What the French Felt
"American soldier is a fine brave boy! He is
come here three thousand miles for be seasick, for be
homesick, for be lonesome, and he is never complain.
He is here among the strange people where he cannot
speak as they speak, and he is learn, and all the time
he is go for make everybody happy with the smile on
the face. You never see him with the head bowed
down or the tremble in the knees. No ! you see him
with the shoulders squared back, with the heart
beating steady, and with the brave light in the eyes
he step up to Death himself and say 'Hello, kid!' "
Chronology ..........
August 5th, 19 17
Soldier-Making at Camp Upton ......
Augu t 5th, 191 7 — April 22nd, 1918
O.N Board the U. S. S. Leviathan ......
April 22nd, 191 8 — May 9th, 191 8
Training at Camp de Souge .......
May 9th, 1918 — July nth, 1918
Baccarat ...........
July nth, 1918 — August 1st, 1918
The Vesle-Aisne Campaign .......
August 1st, 1918 — September 15th, 1918
The Argonne-Meuse Offensive ......
September 15th, 1918 — November nth, 1918
After the Armistice. ........
November nth, 1918 — ?
PARr 11
Operations of the 306TH Field Artillery
Commend.\tions for the Regiment ....
Divisional Cit.\tions. ......
They Gave
The Honor Roll .......
The Chaplain's Department .....
Roger Paget, the Son of the Regiment
The 306TH Field Artillery Association
Artillerymen as School Teachers .
"Regimental Fun and Frolic"
The "Howitzer" ....
The Destruction of the Tannerie
Aug. 21, 1918
The Second Battalion — as a Whole
The Last Eleven Days
Prisoners in Germany
Night Marches
Seven Days' Leave .
A Picture Promenade
Tales they Tell
" To Hell with the Regulations We Want Results! "
Rime of Ye Ancient Salvager .......
Editor's Note ...........
Military Biographies of Every Man in the 306TH Field Artillery
History Staff ...........
The History
There's a long, long trail goes winding
Away from home "over there,"
Where misery and courage
Meet in war's red glare.
But we're game to take our chances
Amid the shells and the raids;
For it's the Great Adventure
Since the days of the Crusades.
There's a long, long trail goes winding
Out to the fair land of France,
Where in No Man's Land the shrapnel
Bursts to bar advance.
But the Huns will yield the victory
Unto the Red, White and Blue;
For we will show the Kaiser
How our Yankee boys come through.
There's a long, long trail goes winding
Into the land of my dreams.
Where the flame of war has vanished
And the home fire gleams.
But we'll do our bit for honor
And all that life holds most dear —
Until we've earned our peace we'll greet
The Unseen with a cheer.
306th F. A. formed
by G. O. 1 01, W.
D., 1917. As-
signed to 152nd
Brigade and 77th
Division by same
Col. Miller in com-
Regiment consists
of 18 ofl5cers.
"Watch usgrow."
First quota of Na-
tional Army men
arrive in Camp
Upton, L. I.
Regiment organ-
ized by G. O. I,
306th F. A.
Growing fast — 42 officers, 493 men.
"Intensive Training Schedule" of
replaces stump-pulling — for some.
First exiles to Camp Gordon, Ga.
Old Upton
31 First officer to School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla-
Regiment still growing — 45 officers, 1282 men.
Nov. 29 Thanksgi\'ing Day. Passes for the elect, tur-
key for the rest. Vol. I., No. i, of the How-
30 44 officers, 955 men — the rest to Camp Gordon.
Dec. 25 Christmas Day.
Below zero.
Further below.
" Usual drill and
Tractor School.
Candidates forcom-
mission enter
Third Officers
Training School,
Camp Upton.
Lieut.-Col. Jewell
in command.
Col. Miller com-
manding Brigade
since Dec. ist.
51 officers, 1 28 1
men. Camp Gor-
don again.
Col. Miller back
with us.
Regimental Ball in Seventh Regiment Armory,
N. Y. City.
62 officers, 1 201 men — holding our own.
Intensive Training Begins
The First Show Down — "Inspection "
March 5 Mid-week passes commence — "On the way."
18 Review in Sixty-ninth Regiment Armory, N. Y.
27 Candidates from R. O. T. C. return — uncom-
3o6th field artillery
July 4
Who wilt See Ike Firs! Submarine
28 First of numerous "show-down " inspections for
the missing "Laces, shoe, russet, pair, extra."
31 65 officers, 1616 men.
15-20 Many pseudo-cannoneers become doughboys of
the 305th, 306th, 307th, and the 308th Infan-
22 Leave Camp Upton 2 a.m.; board Leviathan
2 P.M.
24 Sail for France 6 a.m., from Pier No. 5, Hoboken,
N. J., with 72 officers and 1689 men.
Hommes, 40; Cheveaux, S
May I Pick up our convoy of four U. S. torpedo boats.
2 Arrive at Brest and march to Pontanezen Bar-
racks. Our first introduction to "Oui-oui,"
"Oo-!a-la" and "Finis" everything except
"la guerre."
7 "Hommes 40 — Cheveaux 8" via Nantes and
Rochelle (iron rations: tomatoes, beef, beans,
hard bread and — jam).
9 Camp de Souge.
May 13 Training starts for officers and men of 152nd
Brigade. Passes to Bordeaux and St. M^dard.
Meet the Vin brothers. Rouge and Blanc.
14 Mumps and measles.
24 Supply Officer survives first horse deal.
June 8 Ourhowitzers — 155mm. Schneider 1917 — arrive.
9 Roger Paget "assigned to and joined Regiment."
12 First shot fired on range from Gun No. i, D
Battery, on third day after issue.
Horse detail to Montargis.
Week-end party on range.
Parade at Bordeaux.
Entrain at Bonneau Station for front with 71
officers, 1760 men, 1274 horses, 108 mules,
77 wagons and motors, 24 pieces of artillery,
and lots of ambition.
Sixty hours to pass through P^rigueux, Limoges,
Ch&teauroux, Bourges, Epinal, Luneville to —
In position; First Battalion, Reherrey; Second
Battalion, les Carriferes; Third Battalion,
24 1 1 .25 A.M. First shot fired at Huns (Gun No. 4,
E Battery).
Aug. I Lieut. -Col. Smith in command. First night
2 Camp at Magniferes.
3 Loromontzey.
7- 8 Entrain at Bayon. Via Neufchateau, Bar-le-
duc, Vitry-le-Frangois to —
9-10 St. Simton, where we detrain.
lo-ii On the march again. Camp near St. Germain.
1 1 A swim in the Mame near Azy.
12 Through Chateau-Thierry to Courpoil.
13 Forfit de Nesles. Air raid and gas attack
rehearsals ad infinitum.
14-15 In position at Ch^ry-Chartreuve, relieving 13th
F. A.
18 First death from enemy shell fire — Pvt. Martin,
Battery C.
19 Lieut. Tritt killed.
21 Battery F gassed. Tannerie destroyed
22 Battery A shelled. Lieut. Reid killed.
30 Sept. 4 — Destruction of Bazoches.
5 Cross the Vesle in Oise-Aisne Offensive to take
positions at
6 Bazoches, Vauxc^r^, Fismes.
15 Withdrawn from line temporarily. Replaced
by General Garibaldi's Eighth Division of
16 Marched through Fismes and assembled in camp
in woods near Coulonges.
16-24 '9° kilometer hike. Camp at Troissy (17-18),
Pierry (18-19), St. Pierre-aux-Oies (19-20),
around Chalons to Tegny-aux-Boeufs (20-1 1),
Possesse (22-23) to Villers-en-Argonne (2-3
Our Howitzers Arrive
Ford de Ncslcs
In position in Argonne Forest between Florent
and V'icnne-Ie-ChSteau, at le Rond Champ
and Croix Gcntin.
All guns in the barrage which opened the Ar-
gonne Drive, 2.55 a.m., firing 5300 rounds.
Oct. 17th Eight through the Argonne Forest
toward Grand Pre and St. Juvin.
25 Second BattaHon moves to la Haraz^e.
Oct. 10 On the move forward again. First Battalion
to point near Chatel-Ch^h<5ry; Third makes
one night stand near Binarville.
1 1 Third Battalion in position two kilometers
above Langon; Second in position near Mal-
assise Farm; First near la Besogne.
14 Attack on the Kheimhilde-Stellung.
18 Relieved by the 78th Division.
19 Regiment assembled in reserve at la Harazde.
Delousing, reveille, drill dnd inspection — not
much rest.
20 Three days (?) at Nice.
25 In the line again ready for the final drive. First
and Second Battalions in the woods west of
Comay; Third near Fl^ville.
Nov. I The beginning of the end. 3300 rounds fired
by regiment. Third Battalion to St. Juvin.
2 Second Battalion to Moulin-dc-Champig-
3 Third Battalion to Bar, Battery C to Then-
orgues, leaving D, minus horses, at Verpel.
4 Third Battalion to one kilometer south of
Sommauth; First Battalion to Marcq — also
minus horses.
5 Third Battalion two kilometers, C Battery five
kilometers, south of la Besace.
7 Third Battalion south of Haraucourt.
9 Battery C south of Raucourt. Last shot of
Regiment fired by Battery F at 5.04 p.m.
1 1 " Hostilities will cease on the whole front 1 1
A.M." — Foch.
Third BattaHon at Haraucourt, C Battery at
Raucourt, D Battery at Verpel, First Batta-
lion at Marcq — but everybody's thoughts in
one place — home.
15 All the animals we have left — 550 horses, 66
mules — turned over to the Second Division
for trip to Germany.
21 Regiment assembled at Marcq.
Dec. I Entrained at Autry.
2 Detrained at Latrecey.
2- 3 Billeted in Dancevoir and Boudreville.
13 First quota of men on leave to Aix-les-Bains.
25 Wished we were home.
On lite 190 Kilo Hike
27 Third Battalion to Vienne-le-ChSteau.
28 Lieut. Hamilton and Lieut, von Saltza salvaged
by the enemy.
29 D Battery's "Pirate Gun" gets into the lime-
30 First Battalion to Abri St. Louis.
2-7 The "Lost Battalion" refuses to be lost.
2 Second Battalion to Morolager, tw-o and one
half kilometers south of Binarville.
7 Col. Winn in command. "Lost Battalion"
The Argonne ; A Waste oj Barbed Wire and Desolation
3o6th field artillery
Long-heralded tractors arrive.
Lieut. -Col. Peck in command.
Long-heralded tractors depart.
Entrain for Le Mans. Br-r-r-rh!
Reviewed by General Pershing.
Our colors are decorated.
We move for Home at last.
Arrive at Brest. Bookoo Seconds.
We board the Agamemnon.
We sail.
Sandy Hook, the Statue of Liberty, Welcome
-May 5. At Camp Mills A. W. 0. L.'S. galore.
The Great Parade in New York City.
At Camp Upton — for the last time.
Free again.
Dancevoir, in the Chaumont Area
God's Country Once Again
The New Army Arriving at Yaphank
Soldier-Making at Gamp Upton
FOR many years, passengers on Long Island
Railroad trains were whirled past the sign
' ' Yaphank. " They must have wished for the
train to stop so that they could see for themselves
whether the sign indicated that a village was con-
cealed there, or whether it was just a lone signal for
the engineer to speed up.
One day, with other war news, the papers stated
that the Government had purchased thirty thousand
acres of land at Yaphank, and that the whole outlay
had cost one dollar. Six months later, some thirty
thousand men pulling stumps on every acre of that
bleak terrain, agreed that the Government had been
cheated, and that the man who had sold the land
should be arrested as a profiteer.
By August, 1917, there had sprung up at Yaphank,
clapped together by the clattering hammers of thou-
sands of carpenters, a wonderful mushroom city of
wooden barracks heated, electrically lighted, and
furnished with modern plumbing through which ran
hot and cold water. September ist found three
thousand officers on hand to receive the new army.
Two weeks later saw this great army congesting the
terminal at New York; pushing to board the train to
find out all about the new city.
Officers were sent to meet each train a few stations
down the line. These gentlemen of shiny gold and
silver bars, mostly newly commissioned at the First
Plattsburg Training Camp and eager to assert their
new-found authority, received a great shock as they
walked through the aisles of the trains to get the men
grouped according to the local boards they came from
and to collect their credentials. Some regarded the
officers as good friends to meet, and shook hands and
explained how glad they were to see them. Others
must have thought they were a new kind of conduc-
tor, and stated their intention of refusing to pay their
fares, claiming that the Government would have to
see them through after having brought them this far.
Old John Barleycorn, was suspected of being a pas-
senger on many trains, for hilarity of a somewhat
bottled brand reigned supreme on not a few of them.
At the bleak camp station the new army detrained,
and took a good long look, first at the patches of
woods, and then at itself. Most had worn their old
clothes to the fray. Some had parts of uniforms, —
remnants of National Guard, Home Guard, or Mili-
tary School days, and the picture was motley. Many
must have imagined Yaphank to be near Coney
Island, for they carried with them bathing suits,
extra staw hats, umbrellas, tennis racquets, bath-
robes, pajamas, and all the comforts of home. All
lugged souvenirs given them by relatives as they
departed from streets, boulevards, and alleys, for the
Who will ever forget the first nights spent in
Casual Barracks? Everything seemed so strange
The Sound of Reveille by Night
3o6th field artillery
Typical of our Uplon Homes
and conflicting. The sudden change from beds and
rooms at home, to bunks, blankets, and barracks,
with a hundred or more vigorous snores outraging
the atmosphere after "lights out," and the breeze
playing in and out of the knot holes in the clapboard
walls, — a mocking echo.
Friends had convinced the rookies before leaving
that they were great heroes, yet in spite of their
virtues, it was announced that fingerprints would
immediately be taken. After two physical inspec-
tions and the "needle" they waited for assignments,
and one by one left for various parts of the camp to
report to their new organizations.
Then came the wild scramble for equipment.
There was much haggling, bartering, and exchanging
with the newly-made Supply Sergeant, already half-
sick of his army job. As the Supply Sergeant was
usually a former Bowery Clothing merchant, a cloaks
Poker Beside the Stove
and suits cutter, a tailor's assistant, or a dry-goods
clerk with a lengthy experience at Shabelowitz &
Kaplan's Grand Street Emporium, the newly-fitted
soldier emerged from his neat-setting business suit
into his olive-drab costume feeling and looking not
unlike a hunk of mis-pulled taffy ! But what could
the Supply Sergeant do, poor soul ? He had to issue
made-by-the-million uniforms "ad lib" and "as is."
Those outfits, with their billowy seams and mis-
matched material, must have been bewitched by
some kind of demon who frequents tailors' shops; for
they were all tight where they should have been loose,
loose where they should have been tight, and too long
or too short. But in ranks, viewed from a distance
through a bad pair of binoculars, it wasn't a half-
badly dressed army. The accommodating cloth in
the uniforms learned to conform itself to the notches
and crotches of Buck private's contour after the
first rain.
After the 306th Field Artillery took form and fin-
ally settled down in its permanent home on i6th
Street, it took six weeks or so to organize the batter-
ies, learn close-order drill and read the Army Regu-
lations. The art of stump-pulling was so highly
developed that hauling guns out of the mud at the
front came to be as easy as doing physical drill in the
rear rank. The Liberty Loan was no small item in
the curriculum, and no one thought of canceling
bonds before the end of the month. Some did it
then only because it entailed so much red tape to owe
more than each month's pay to the Government after
Insurance Premiums and Family Allotments had
made their inroads. During the day, the rookie
artilleryman wore his heels down doing "squads
right" and holding the pivot, for it was part of mili-
tary doctrine that a man who could cut a square
corner in camp could not fail to run rings round the
Germans in battle.
Then there was an invention for making German
mince-meat, called "Bayonet Drill." The new
soldier was taught that on the battlefield he might at
any moment be confronted with armies of Germans
charging at him in Y. M. C. A. canteen-line form-
ation. In that case he would have to stand to his
guns and take to slicing up Fritzes into inoffensive
particles. Accordingly, while his fingers froze around
the barrel of the rifle, he was shown the short and
long thrusts, and the uppercut with the butt. But
Jerry, like a rag doll, will take a lot of mauling
around before he is unpresentable, so these two were
followed up quickly with a straight thrust of the butt
against his nasal protuberance, and a final overswing
on the top of the head. By that time both parties
would be exhausted. It was cruel stuff to practise
on thin air.
Cannoneers! Post!
When the fundamentals of military training were
completed, the intensive training schedule began.
Bunks were used for gun-drill, so that the men would
be thoroughly trained upon the arrival of the mate-
rial. Finally it came, in the form of several rusty
caissons. The guns, except for several "three-point-
twos," had probably been lost in the Civil War.
The "Duties of the Gun Squad" absorbed an hour
each day, while semaphore and wigwag took two
hours. Work on the buzzer was added, in case the
signal-flags might be torn or shot out of the men's
hands in the thick of combat. This was a pleasant
feature of the training, for it could be performed
indoors during cold days. The "Manual of Interior
Guard Duty," "Military Courtesy," "Care and
Handling of the Feet," and "Firing Data" were
incorporated into lectures given by officers each of
whom had a scheme of teaching all his own. OfTicers'
School and French classes at least served the purpose
of occupying part of the time of that portion of the
commissioned personnel which was not at the School
of Fire at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Gun emplacements were dug among the scrub-
pines near camp. Not knowing what kind of gun
to build them for, and having only the bunks as
gauges, the artillerymen made holes big enough to fit
anything from a machine gun to a six-inch rifle.
// was so Cold Ihdl many Ears and iXoses u>crc Frost Bitten
Now, no matter what kind of Artillery the 306th was
to be, it was prepared! Lectures on the horse and
instruction in handling motor cars lent added ver-
satility. The coming of winter and intense cold did
not conquer the regiment's aspirations. During
many days, at the end of an instruction hour, the
officers hands were so cold he could not pull the
schedule out of his pocket, and his mind was so
congealed with frost that he could not remember
what it said. It was cold enough for the men to
wear ear-laps, so they couldn't hear him, anyway.
A hike would be proposed to restore circulation.
The trip to the rifle-range was a long and a cold one
usually, and rifle-practice, with officers and men lying
in the prone position in mud and ice, was always
conducive to a great longing for mother and hot
coffee. The only warm thing around was the
Although the schedule took up most of the men's
time, other diversions monopolized their thoughts.
Camp Upton may have been crowded with obsolete
misconceptions regarding war during business hours,
but when retreat had blown and shop was closed for
the night there was a wild rush for Acker, Merrill &
Condit's store, the Hostess House, Y. M. C. A.,
K. of C, Jewish Welfare Building, the Library, and
the Liberty Theatre. Inter-batlcry basketball games
and boxing bouts were closely contested.
But all these things were incidental to the weekly
Friday night debates that took place in every or-
derly room with the First Sergeant as referee. Be-
Saturday Morning Inspection. Looking Jor Trouble
3o6th field artillery
Review in 6Qth Regiment Armory, Netv York City
tween all drills of the week, and at every turn of the
squad, new excuses for getting passes on Saturday
were developed. Business always failed on Thurs-
day, and births were sure to occur on Saturday that
demanded the presence of those concerned. From
cases such as these, the First Sergeants caught
melancholia when they thotight of keeping their
rosters straight.
Saturday morning inspections were interesting,
but they were regarded only as an overture to the
great weekly departure. Trains left for New York
every half hour, and this thought reflected from
every button, cup, and rifle inspected. As the
inspection moved slowly, tantalizingly along, one
could see the next battery all through, making for
the station, or piling into a car that was to make the
great journey. And what a trip it was, to the big
city! If one went by car, one either was arrested,
or broke down. If one went by train, one was
assured of a comfortable seat, no stops, the prospect
of two good days in New York, and a pleasant trip
back on the 11.44 or the 2.59 Sunday night, in an
officially well-heated electric-lighted train with no
noise, and every reason to be perfectly comfortable.
Then there was the cold dark walk from the station
to barracks for those who didn't care to trust their
lives to the robber barons of the jitney tribe that
flourished on the quarters of the opulent, with no
regard whatever for the ups and down of Upton's
Each battery had occasion to visit the city in a
body and to take in a show. One night regimental
review took place at the 69th Regiment Armory.
When the regiment marched down the armory
floor in Battery Front, it was such a contrast to
drilling over stumps that it lost its head, but cheers
rang out just the same, for the regiment's admirers
thought it was making a figure "306." The bands-
men were unaccustomed to the echo that rumbled
under the arched roof, and couldn't hear one another,
so each blew his favorite tune. The mixture of
melody was equaled only by the forms of cadence
and step in the regiment which naturally followed.
Those of the regiment who was unsuccessful in
their weekly bouts with the First Sergeant, made
merr>'^ over the week-end at Camp Upton. On
pleasant Sundays, camp was transformed from a drill
ground into a picnic park, with basket parties wel-
come. From ten o'clock on, trains brought in the
mothers, wives, and sweethearts of officers and men,
and they all had to run the gauntlet of craning olive
drab that packed the road from station to barrack.
Big boxes of "eats" always accompanied these
family parties from home. Tables of organization
for a " Family Squad" were (front rank) : In charge,
One Papa, equipped with package containing pie;
One Mamma, equipped with expression "My Good-
ness ! ' ' One Sweetheart, pretty, never dressed warmly
enough for the cold weather (her silk skirt battling
with contrary winds en route up Fourth Avenue) ; and
One Brother, either above or below draft age, looking
gawky and out-of-place in his civilians. The rear
rank consisted of assorted Uncles, Aunts, Cousins,
and Friends, very poorly drilled. The admiring
"Family Squads" were marched from the station to
barracks, and thereafter they were shown all the
natural, scenic, and artificial wonders of the place.
The more adventurous climbed up the water tower
on Headquarters Hill, and obtained from there a
magnificent bird's-eye view of the camp. At night,
seen from the hill, the barracks dissolved into the
darkness, but thousands of lighted windows shone
as from a magic city. Some of the battery barracks
boasted pianos. Dances were held, and amiable
cooks, with the help of the unfortunate Sunday
Kitchen Police, made hot coffee to go with what was
in the pie-box from home. Then at night, waiting
trains took all the folks back again, after smothering
Transfers Were Frequent
kisses and tangled handshakings at the station with
"Gawge." Papa marshaled his squad into seats,
and got into the aisle, where other Papas were pre-
paring to make the journey standing on one foot
With the consolidation and organization of the
regiment, came the estabhshment of a regimental
newspaper, The Hovntzer, under the supervision of
Chaplain Thomas. The paper was so named after
the gun the regiment was always hoping to get. A
Post Exchange, or canteen, was run on a cooperative
basis, and the more wily would steal thither during
drill hours to consume oranges, crackers, pie, and
ice cream.
and battery spirit that was to be such an important
factor abroad. If Camp Upton did not turn out
finished artillerymen, it at least made fighters.
The date of moving came, late the night of April
2 1st, and early the morning of the 22d. After
seven long months at Camp Upton, and with many
changes from the original line-up, the regiment
quietly emerged from those second "homes" on
Fifth Avenue. With a peculiar silence, officers and
men filed out of each bleak barrack for perhaps the
last time; the rolls were called by flashlamp, the
lights were extinguished, and the regiment tramped
the resounding road to the station in a new frame of
mind. No one in Speonk or Moriches had any idea
The Regimental Post Exchange. Ice Cream and Apple Pie
a Specially
All during the winter of 1918, new drafts were
placed into the regiment, and large numbers came
from Camp Devens, in Massachusetts. At the same
time men were taken out and sent to Camp Gordon,
Georgia, and other camps, as replacement troops in
organizations being recruited to full strength for
overseas service. This kept rosters and organization
in a state of continual change and disruption. Bat-
tery and Company officers made great efforts to keep
the best of their men together. It was because of
this nucleus which breasted the almost daily transfers
that the regiment retained its individuality. Rumors
floated in from time to time that the entire regiment
would be converted into infantry either as a whole or
as individuals, and the growing preponderance of
infantry drill in the schedule lent added weight to
these rumors. There had grown in the regiment a
stubborn pride in the name "Artillery," and no one
wanted to be taken away from the "big guns" that
were always arriving from somewhere and never
came. With all its drawbacks. Camp Upton was the
proving ground for all the regimental, company,
that troops were leaving for Europe so well did the
dark conceal the exodus. The wonderful clapboard
city had served its primary purpose. Its inhabi-
tants were prepared to board the argosy for battle —
the first National Army Division to do so.
A short train ride to Long Island City ; a ferry trip
to Hoboken; a last look at New York's skyline from
the river, and the regiment pulled into the looming
shadows of the sterns of two steamships. One was a
little freighter, the Mercury, and the other, a mon-
ster, the Leviathan, formerly the German Vaterland.
The men had visions of mal de mer on the old Mer-
cury, for she looked as though she might make
Albany, but never France! Finally, amid a flurry
of hot coffee and crullers from the Red Cross, the
regiment trooped up the gangplank of the Leviathan
ready to sail for France.
Kenneth O'Brien,
First Lieutenant, 306th F. A.
On Board the U. S. S. "Leviathan"
Atlantic Ocean.
April 27. 1918.
Well! Well! here's a letter from your old friend right
out in the ocean.
Can you amagin, Al. " Me," who's been kicking up the dust
on the old diamond, or chasing 'em over the grass in deep center.
"Me," who's never had no use for water, except what's in the
pail and you know, Al I only hit that for appearances sake
'cause you know, Al, it's the regular thing to do after banging
one over the garden wall. Yes, Al, I am now doing a high div-
ing act on the high seas. Said diving being into the lunch.
But I'll tell you about that later.
To begin with, we started for France from Camp Upton about
9 P.M. on April 21st. At 9 p.m. we falls out of the barracks and
had roll call with full packs until 3 a.m. April 22d. Every time
a guy coughed they'd put over another roll call on us. Mean-
time the boys was getting restless like lions in a cage to get over
there and get in some good barracks again, and put in a few more
months at squads right, in which we ain't quite up to the handle
yet, in fac far from poifect.
Well, at 3 A.M. the foist sargent for the last time, very gently
bawls " CALL THE ROLL," and off we go for France to get the
5.30 train for Long Island City.
We just gets on the road long side the barracks when we gets
a halt, and by this time we was pretty sore about the way we
was delayed from getting at the Germans when some guy put
over a rumor that an order just came from Washington that the
war was over, believe me, Al, we was so disappointed, that if it
was true, we was willing to go right back to civilion life and
leave the army flat. But we was soon off again after another
roll call and got the 5.30 train at 4 o'clock.
Soon we pulls into Long Island City and gets on a special
ferry-boat resolved for us, and when we hears that we are mak-
ing for Hoboken, and that we would have a few roll calls in that
good old Irish town, the boys all feel pretty good. Also pretty
dry, cause it was e.xcrushiating hot. But I guess the gink who
was nmning the excursion was one of them bone-dry guys and
we lands flat on the dock.
Well, Al, I wasn't much surprised to see that we was going to
make the voyage on a boat with smokestacks. I had a tip on it
from a guy who's pretty thick with the barber who shaves the
Major. And what do you think the name of her was? Yes
Sir! the Leviathan. Some giant, boy! She's the old Dashund
or something like that, made over, and listen Al, the guy who
give her the new name knew something, 'cause the foist part
made a hit with the Irish and Algerians in the outfit. We get
as far as the gang-plank and we have another long delay on the
dock. But this was just military courtesy and we didn't mind.
It seems the Commodore of the vessel was just dining at the
time. And he takes about three hours to dine! Which is mak-
ing a good job of it eh, Al? So right here is where we gets our
foist knockdown to corned beef. Our Cap. commands, (i)
Eats, (2) Rations! Rations is the command of execution but
before he says it we have forty-two cans open, and when the
Red Cross ladies hands us coffee and cake for desert, which was
delightful, we calls it a meal. (The coffee and cake part of it.)
It gets to be about 2.30 and at last we move. Yes Al, she's
some boat! A whale! But I hear that an Irishman drawed,
the plans for her. I had a laugh, Al, when one guy sees the boat
and says he don't get it as how such a boat made of steel cud
float. So I tells him as how the boat was made of iron, not steel.
And she's made of wood inside, plenty of wood in proportion.
That's where a guys education comes in Al.
Well it don't take us long to get consigned to our staterooms,
and right here, Al, is where I gets sore on the Irishman who made
the plans. I figures right off that he's a blood relation of the
guy who invented bob wire. No doors or walls or curtains or
anything on the staterooms, everything open! Amagin Al, you
know how we made the circuit on pullmans. I asked a naval
guy on the ship, "What's the idea?" and he says it was the
"Iron Pipe Demountable System " and I tell him I calls it, " The
Sardine System." But then he tells me about the idea being
that if the boat was captured we could be safe because the
Germans couldn't get thru the ailes of our bunks. That's where
I lums something Al. But I couldn't kick, because the side of
the boat I slept on has holes in it, portholes they calls em.
Well Al, once we gets under way there wasn't much excite-
ment until Mess time, then all hands makes a dive for the Grand
stairway what leads to the Ball-Room. That's where we dine
Al, in the Ball-Room. Can you amagin it Al, privates in the
Bali-Room with hand paintins on the walls and ceilings! I
don't know where the Officers feed. I guess they have to take
care of themselves as best they can. As I was saying Al,ithe
boys make the big rush for the lunch and every time I sees that
rush it reminds me of the riots at the gates on the days that
McGraw had me slated to pitch. Once we gets into the Bali-
Room it's all big-league stuff Al, with Officers standing all
around umpiring and any guy caught going to the plate more
than three times in one inning is out. We only have two meals
a day and that is enuf Al. Breakfast and dinner. For supper
we have abandon-ship drill by the numbers in case the ship
goes down.
And we have nifty little life-presoivers that go on like a chest
protector. We was told that if the ship went down, to keep
cool, and take one blanket with us, and take an Annie Kellerman
off the stoin. I guess we would keep cool, eh, Al? Can you
figure as how the a guy's going to swim with a blanket on
De.^r Old Pal:
Camp Souge,
May 10. 1918-
So I Tell him as hovj Ike Boat was Made oj Iron, not Steel
him? That may sound all right to a naval gazoop, but take it
from me, Al, I always have my belt filled with ammunish and my
rifle handy. And if the boat goes down yours truly will take a
Brodieoff the stoin with his gun. That's a guy's best friend, Al,
— his gun. And you know there's quite some wood on her too,
and I figures I cud hang on to it if the presoiver got loose and
went down. I guess that's quick thinking, eh. Boy? Well,
you know me, Al! But believe me the "Subs" never had
a chance. Our deck is decorated with guns all camoflowed
and each of 'em run by the best Navals we got in West
Every night we close the portholes so as no sound can get out
and hold an entertainment with movies w^hich we enjoy, Al,
but most of the nights we spend trying to shave ourselves with
salt water. We always have our evenings to ourselves, Al, and
I spend most of em on deck taking in most of the scenery which
is always about the same, — one cloud follows us all the way
over. I guess that's obsoiving things pretty close, eh, Al.
Well that's my w-ay.
Well Al, old boy, I'm sorry I can't tell you just where I am,
but here's a hint. One day I asks a petty Naval just about
where the ship was and he says, "We are now passing thru
Military Channels." So there's your tip, Al, look it up on the
map and you can figure about where we will land. Now Al, I
guess I will have to close as I just hears the whistle blow for
medical exercises which we have every day.
Assuring you that I will keep in touch with you and hoping
that you will give my regards to all the boys in the league, an^i
wishing you the same, I am your old Pal.
I suppose everybody on the circuit is wondering how I am
and how I got across the ocean. Well, the ocean ride was
soitinly wonderful. In my opinion every young guy should
make it once in his life, and believe me, Al, it looks like every
young guy is going to have a good chance.
Well Al, I suppose you took my tip and found that we landed
in Brest, which is in France, on the coast. We blew into the
harbor and simk the anchor on May 2d, about 6 bells a.m.
(which is about the general time for doing anything in the army)
and it was soitinly a gorgeous sight. The harbor with the hills
was wonderful and put me in mind of the Blue Ridge mountains
which I heard tell of in song. And then there was a sausage
obsoivation baloon up, which, with a few French "Subs," was
the only things that made the scene look like war-time.
About noon we was escorted ashore on a lighter and lined up
in the street for a march to our rest camp. It was funny to see
the youngsters run up to us and beg cigarettes and pennies.
They soitinly take up smoking at a delicate age over here. I
saw one kid about 9 years old working on a cigar like as if it was
a herring.
Finally the band plays and off we go making a big impression
on the population of Brest (about 180) who gave us a big hand.
It was a pretty good hike of about 3 miles to our barracks, but
the scenery was new to us and we gave the country the double O
for it looked pretty nifty with the green hills and little white
houses with orange colored roofs.
Towards evening we hit our lodgings which are called the
Pantanezen Barracks. And believe me Al! They sure was a
rumy bunch of stone houses. They say that Napoleon put up
his outfit at this joint. But that's letting it down easy. I'd
say that Noah used it for a Zoo right after the flood.
It sure was a swell place to rest. Rest Camp? It was a
Summer Resort ! All we had to do was drill all day OR go down
and work on the docks. We also took a march while there to
one of the nearby towns just to show the natives what a crack
regiment looked like.
On May 7th we blew Napoleon's joint and marched down to
Brest and here's where we gets the low down on the French
Railroad Sistem. Well Al, we line up longside of a row about a
mile long of box-cars; each one about the size of a packing case
with four wheels on it. Can you amagin the sensation Al I Oh,
it's great! And get this Al! On the outside of each car are
some nice hand painted words which reads: 8 CHEVAUX, 40
HOMMES. This means that the car don't care who gets on,
8 horses, or 40 men. So we pile in, wishing we was horses.
You've .seen the cars pull in at the stcck yards Al? Well
that's us pullin out. And I used to think it was pretty tough
Rest Camp! — // was a Summer Resort!
3o6th field artillery
HV Alu'ays Have our Evcmngs to oiirstli'ci. .1/
makin the circuit on Pullmans. Anyway we didn't get along so
bad. For dinner we had canned Irish Turkey, Tomatoes, and
Hard-tack. For supper and breakfast we had the same, which
is as good as you can get on any box-car.
All along the road we piped the scenery, which we gave the
O. K. It was really gorgeous Al. But mostly hills.
Well, on May 9th we blew into a burg called Bonneau. I
guess this is the joint the wild guy hailed from. It is in the
Department of the Gironde, southwestern France, and can
easily be found if you look on a map about 9 by 12 feet. Any-
way we shake our overland special. And putting our packs
gently on our backs in the prescribed manner we hike about 2
Believe me, Al, the French Sistem of Currency is Awful
miles to this ranch which is called Camp de Souge. And here
we are givin Squads Right a battle for further orders.
Well Al, I'U try to write again soon but to tell the truth I've
been pretty much engaged since landing on French soil. What
takes up most of a guy's time is counting his pay what he gets in
French money and believe me, Al, the French Sistem of cur-
rency is awful. But I'm only a private, Al, and if it's an ordeal
for me to count my salary, you can guess what the Officers are
up against when they computate their stipend. Everything
goes in franks over here, Al. So many centimeters makes a
frank, so many franks makes a kilo, so many kilos makes five
franks, and like that. I'm getting the hang on it now. It's
the old story, Al, If a guy's got the education, it don't take him
long to get the combination.
But being as I'm able to interprete French money, it gives
me a considerable of extra work, cause the boys all ask me to go
with them when they buy something, so as I can teU 'em how
much they spend and how much they have left (which ain't
never much).
Things is pretty high over here. The French talk about
franks just like us Americans talk about collar buttons. I guess
it won't take long to build up France. If we stay here long
enuf they'll have side walks inlaid with Foils and Solid gold,
baU-bearing door nobs on the doors, to.
Well Al, I guess I'll close now, asking you to give my best
regards to all the bone-heads in the league and wishing you the
same I am, your old Pal Hen.
Lawrence H. Foster,
Private, 306th F. A.
{With apologies to Ring Lardner.)
Outside the Camp Gate
Training at Gamp de Souge
WE had experienced a rest camp ; somewhere
ahead lay a work camp. We looked for-
ward to it with misgivings. It was a long
walk from the railroad station at Bonneau. The
heavy packs galled us. The dust was an evil omen.
Then as we made a turn in the road, a great arched
gate in a frame of trees came into view. " Camp de
Something" said somebody in a vain attempt to
decipher the lettering that spanned the arch.
" Camp de Souse!" shouted someone else with all the
naturalwonder and delight such a name would arouse.
By that time we were near enough to read: "Camp
de Souge," and that matter settled, gave our atten-
tion to the strange county-fair colony that clustered
outside the gate.
Here stood a gaudy wagon that promised gaudy
cinema entertainment when the gaudy engine
worked; beside it were several push-cart venders of
oranges, nuts, cherries, and dates. Opposite, stood a
complete mercerie on wheels offering a thousand gim-
cracks of no value at exorbitant prices. But most
interesting of all were the wine shacks, which bore the
names " Le Petit Caporal," doubtless in commemo-
ration of Napoleon, and "Cafe New York "certainly
in preparation for us. Later, we were to discover the
little stationery shop, with its diverting stock of
"La Vie Parisiennes" and the tiny charcuterie with
its aromatic sausage, suspiciously cheval and undeni-
ably garlic.
Inside the gate, a new world. An endless line of
brown barracks stretched on an endless yellow road
through a drab and endless desert of sand. There
were trees here and there, as there are oases in the
Sahara. There was even a lake — surely the little
pond in which so many of us bathed deserves that
title if the Ourcq, the Vesle, and the Aisne may be
called rivers. Yet Souge was a barren place, more
barren than the barrenest stretch of No Man's Land
in the Argonne.
Place was found for us in the dismal colony of dis-
mal barracks and we settled down to the business of
learning the art of war. It seemed that our artillery
methods of old Upton were most excellent for fighting
Mexicans but painfully inadequate against Germans.
Officers and men were told to forget everything they
knew and begin all over again. From Colonel
Miller down to the lowliest greaseball, began weeks
of school in which we were initiated into the myste-
ries of dVo's corrections of the moment, canevaux
trenches, splices, tuning coils, panels, and the nomen-
clature of the piece, a la Frangais and according to
each man's special function as laid out in the tenative
organization tables of the time.
Meanwhile, those who weren't bitterly regretting
the innumerable occasions they had cut math classes
in a former incarnation, were taking advantage of
such diversions as the camp afforded. Principal of
these were those most picturesque Allies, the coolies.
France had drawn them from her Asiatic colonies
with the magnet of fabulous pay : in return all France
seemed to demand was that we be amused. As
Corporal Cabbie remarked, "They can get more rest
out of a shovel than most of us can get out of a bed ! "
Never was there a more leisurely road gang. Never
more sublime and complete defiance of the latest
program communique from Beaunash with regard to
,rm^-^- ' i :,--^ •*■;«-•
Chink " Labor "
"what the man will wear." Here lounged a bland
heathen in pink pajama drawers, his bronze and
glistening torso bare from the waist up, a yellow
scarf at his neck, a prim suburban straw several sizes
too small for him perched precariously on his head.
There under a black umbrella, basked a more elderly,
a more weazened specimen, attired in blue overalls,
his crossed legs unevenly encased in ragged khaki
wrap leggings, a red bandanna knotted at each corner
serving as a hat. Everywhere were reclining and
colorful Chinois; nowhere was there a sign of life save
for an occasional Oriental who, desperate for "les
cigaret Angleesh" and in hopes of a reward from
an appreciative audience, would rise and wail a ludi-
crous chant in a high falsetto to the weird accompani-
ment of a violin made from a cigar box or gasoline
Yet, somehow, the road in Souge was a good one,
kept in good repair. Perhaps the Chinois worked in
the cool hours before dawn; more likely it was the
handful of downcast Austrian prisoners de guerre,
with the big P. G.'s painted on their tunics, who
performed this marvel under the eye of the diminu-
tive but entirely self-possessed little brown Algerian
Then there were the passes — the little white tickets
that permitted us to visit St. Medard, St. Jean d'lllac
Martignas, Isaac and the precious blue ones that
meant Bordeaux. Kow we ate in Bordeaux! How
we stared! And, since this is history and the truth,
how we drank! The good Bordelaise wondered at
our capacity, but soon took our affluence for granted.
Madame — Monsieur was always a la guerre — would
shrug her shoulders: Les bons gourmands soldals
Americains and added that it was well that we were
all millionaires. It was indeed.
And then, calamity. The horses arrived in camp.
Here was a regiment almost entirely recruited from
the City of Disappearing Horses. And here were
something like twelve hundred horses. Conster-
nation and curses in as many languages as you will
hear in that same city of New York. For these
horses were not your amiable milk wagon nags, nor
the knowing cabby's plugs of an older day, but
great, raw, burly, snorting, untamed monsters for
the guns, and scraggly, mean, vicious mounts for the
officers and special detail men.
Some of us in our innocence still believed in Black
Beauty, the Noble Horse, and similar romantic
fables. Lieutenant Ketcham gave one group a
preliminary lecture. "When this war is over," said
he, "and the Hun has been licked and you go back to
civil life, there will be one thing you will miss more
than anything else, one thing above all others that
you will hate to leave behind, and that is your
horse!" We didn't believe you then, Lieutenant,
and Captain, we know better now. If there is a
Camorra, a Black Hand, and an I. W. W. among
horses, our horses belonged. They were desperate
characters. Some of us who fed, watered, and mani-
cured them at imminent peril of our lives, will never
forget them. Nor the long plow through the hot
sand from the stables to the watering troughs. Let
them boast of our dangers and conquests on the Vesle
and in the Argonne — the scene of our greatest dan-
gers and most heroic deeds was the stable at Souge.
Prisoners of W'lir under a Diminutive Algerian Guard
There was one other ordeal — the gas chamber
and the gas masks. The We Fear the Worst Depart-
ment at G. H. Q., desiring that all men should know
what gas was like, had a huge concrete tank con-
structed with an attractive little gas-tight doorway.
Then they filled the place with a mild but sufficiently
nasty concentration of tear gas, bade us don our
"respirator box," and invited us into the parlor.
We suffered more from ten minutes of gas in that
blue-gray hole of a tank than during our whole tour
of the Front.
At length came word that we were to proceed to
the artillery range for practice. As a child with a
toy pistol longs for the Glorious Fourth we longed for
the chance to pull the lanyards of our big howitzers
and see a hundred pounds of super-steel travel from
here to miles-away in a few seconds.
It was here on the range at Souge that the regi-
ment received the training that made it a factor in
the fighting A. E. F. The range was the scene of the
finals in the great contest for promotion within the
regiment. Here officers, gun crews, the telephone,
radio, scout, and instrument details for the first time
put their theoretical knowledge to the test of actual
practice. We were told at Souge, that no regiment of
artillery had done so well at the range before. And
certainly if we did not set the world afire we made
The Stiibles at Camp de Souge
Camping out on the Range
a brave and all but successful attempt the day the
range was aflame. Hundreds of us fought and con-
quered that fierce brush fire with no better tools than
picks, shovels, and rakes. The smoke filled the sky
for miles, alarming the whole countryside — even as
the roar of our guns had caused a temporary panic in
Bordeaux, for these were days when the Boche was a
very real terror and the end of the war ten years
away, if you were logical and understood European
On July 4th we did our best to reassure Bordeaux.
We paraded her streets in force. The bands blared,
the caissons rolled along, quite as the song would
have it, and our path was strewn with roses and
invitations to partake of Bordeaux's best.
At length came orders to pack up and leave Souge,
its sand, its flies, and its Bordeaux passes forever.
We had come to Souge a regiment of rookies, masters
of obsolete artillery methods, minus the very guns
needful. We left Souge, a trained and powerful
fighting force, well-organized, well-taught, well-
equipped, ready to take our place in the line, the
first regiment of heavies in the First National Army
Division in the First American Army in France.
Milton Goodman,
Sergeant, 306th F. A.
Observation Post on the Range
Col. L. S. Miller leading 4th of July parade in Bordeaux, 1Q18.
Chaplain Thomas had a strong pull with the regiment.
Chaplain Thomas had many friends. He appears here in his popular role of bringing
chocolate and cigarettes to the and Bn. near Les Carrieres, July, 1918.
Bordeaux parade, July 4, 1918.
Regimental Hq. South of La Harazee in the Argonne.
1. Entrance to Chateau Chatreuve, Aug., 1918.
2. Regimental Hq. Chateau Chatreuve, Aug., 1918.
3. Roger Gallet, the adopted son of ihe regt.
4. Passing in Review, Bordeaux Parade, July 4, 191J
5. The Promenade des Anglais at Nice.
Loading Horses Is an Art in Itself
Enfin, au Front! Ended at last all the riding of
sharp-spined horses amid the dust clouds of the
boiling plain of Souge ! Never again would we waste
good shells on the innocent dummy trenches of its
target range. Finished were our long months of
training, and before us lay the Front — that belt of
upturned earth and rusted wire which for four years
had separated the Boche from civilized man.
Sometimes, — usually, in fact, — we had not thought
much about the Front. But when, on July 1 1, 1918,
we saw our Supply Company moving out of Camp de
Souge — wagons, trucks, horses, men — and leaving
the low brown buildings which had been our homes
since early May, marching out to Bonneau to entrain,
and we knew that we would not be many hours
behind them, the Front suddenly became a thing of
personal interest to each of us. We would soon be
making communiques, not merely reading them from
our bulletin boards. Our good howitzers would be
talking to the Boche in the only language he under-
stands. There was a sense of elation about it, but a
rather nervous elation ; of course each of us hoped and
expected to be lucky but we could not but know that
some of us would not return. However, training was
finished; it was time to go. In those days things
had been going none too well on the Front; they
needed the 306th there, and the 306th was ready.
But before reaching the Front there was the little
matter of a railway journey across France, and
preliminary thereto the task of entraining. Coming
from Brest we had loaded ourselves into these funny
little four wheeled box-cars labelled "40 men, or
8 horses," and found it fairly simple but we never
tried putting those eight horses aboard. Some of us
loaded our horses by day and some of us by night,
but the hour made no difTerence in the degree of their
perversity. Many of them became insulted at the
notion of box-cars and declared for a first-class
passenger compartment, or nothing. Many others
seemed convinced that the quickest way to the Front
was not via the box-car door but by trying to fall
through the narrow crack between the car and the
loading platform. Did their objections to entering
betoken an obscure equine presentiment that they,
at least, would never return from the Front? Cer-
tain it is that there were few among them whose
carcasses were not to rest along the Vesle, in the
Argonne, or beside the long white highways of
Champagne. However, willing and unwilling, led,
cajoled, or pushed aboard by brute force, they
3o6th field artillery
Typical Village of the Region
went with us. Our kitchens, our rations, our fuel,
our cooks were aboard. Our fantastically painted
howitzers and their caissons were on the flat cars.
The engines emitted the thin anasmic shrieks char-
acteristic of the French locomotive whistle, and, one
by one, between the I2th and the 15th of July, our
long trains crawled away from Bonneau, headed we
knew not where except that it was "Au Front!"
For three days then we journeyed through the
pleasant land of France. Now and again we stopped
— to form lines at our kitchens for carry pails
of water to the thirsty horses, or to wash at the water
tanks we passed and stretch ourselves after the
tedium of our cramped quarters. As often as possi-
ble we ate — corned willy and hard bread were the
staples, eked out by such jam or cheese as the fore-
handed and enterprising had secured. Between the
diversions we slept (in relays, for there was not room
for all the occupants of a car to lie down simulta-
neously) or dangled our legs comfortably from the
open doors, while we watched the trim landscapes
gliding past. We became steadily darker, with
accumulating layers of soot and dust, and no man
might call us for appearing with unshaven jowls, for
shaving facilities there were none. Then, too, there
were the appreciative audiences which watched our
trains crawl through the towns or stop in the stations
— strange mixed throngs of American soldiers, small
boys, French girls, British Tommies, donkeys, poilus,
market women, Moroccans. It was such an audi-
ence that greeted us at Limoges — the whole city
seemed to be taking its promenade and, moreover,
was sumptuously decorated with French and Ameri-
can flags. We took this as a generous tribute in our
honor, disdaining the suggestion of those few wise
acres who thought Limoges might be celebrating
Bastille Day.
No mishaps marred our journey; even when Pri-
vate Folvig of A Battery fell off the train he was not
suppressed for long, but reappeared a few days later,
somewhat tardily but in good order. Occasional
excitement would be caused by the habit of the
French railroad authorities of unexpectedly and
surreptitiously detaching a car, now and again, and
permitting its train to proceed without it. Invari-
ably it contained something we needed — instru-
ments, caissons, a few of ourselves perhaps — and
retrieving it always aft'orded an interesting diversion.
Possibly the best play of the trip was executed by an
A Battery mare, which, while endeavoring to get a
really good view of the scenery, fell oixt of her car,
landed, catlike, on her feet, and then, realizing her
mistake, set ofT at a patriotic gallop to catch her
vanishing train. She won, of course, cantering
briskly down between the rails, whinnying signals to
stop the train, and was finally hog-tied and hoisted
aboard again amid the plaudits of the Battery.
Thus, in warm and delightful weather, we crossed
the beautiful land of France. We shall never forget
those green and well-kept fields and the gray little
villages clustering about their church towers. And
thus we came to Luneville, in Lorraine, and the first
traces of the Boche. From Luneville on we saw
many evidences of his presence — houses burned, or
with ragged holes in roofs and walls, broken down
bridges which might have been mined during the
first weeks of the war, and the little brown crosses
which, scattered here and there along the highways
or among the scarlet poppies of the fields marked the
resting places of those who had died in the first great
battles, when the Germans had swept over the
frontier to be stopped and driven back by the men
whose graves we passed.
It was at the little town of Baccarat, so far south
on the Lorraine Front that it was not many kilo-
meters from the Alsatian border, that our trains
finally stopped, airiving one by one between the
14th and the i8th of July. Generally they arrived
at night. And so most of us detrained and moved
out to our first camps unaided by any light save the
stars, for lights are taboo in territory where the Boche
planes patrol nightly. In darkness, then, we dragged
our guns and wagons from the flat-cars, fumbled in
the box-cars for our personal belongings, led off our
horses, sorted ourselves out, hitched the teams to the
gun carriages, and battery by battery, moved out
upon the dim roads which led toward the east and
the Boche. Through strange villages, all lightless
and seemingly empty of human life, and under trees
standing dark against the sky, we wound off into the
unknovv-n hills, until before daylight, we had turned
into woods which would conceal our presence when
the light came, and our first night march had ended.
Then picket lines could be stretched, packs slipped
from tired shoulders, and presently, with dawn
breaking through the dripping trees, our cooks could
begin their task of preparing the breakfast coffee.
They were not the soul-trying affairs which our later
night marches proved, but they were our first ex-
periences of moving by night in an unknown coun-
try and going into camp in the dark in a strange bit
of woodland, and the first practical lesson which the
Front taught us.
And in the sunlight of that first morning each man
began to take stock of the Front. Under a sky of
the purest blue our rather sleepy eyes beheld a land
of rolling hills, dark thick woods, and fields as orderly
and well tilled as any we had yet seen. French farm-
ers — old men, women, and children — were working
about u*-. in those fields in a way which seemed to us
rather reckless. There did not seem to be any
trenches about, at least not in our immediate neigh-
borhoods. True, there were strips of brown burlap
hung across roads and sometimes fonning curtains
along their sides to hide one's movements from the
Boche balloons — "camouflaged" roads — but on the
other hand there was no noise of guns and nobody
was shelling us. We carried our gas masks religiously
and took care to have our helmets handy, but there
seemed to be nothing to require their use. We kept
under cover, too, under the trees which sheltered
our guns and our picket lines. We received many
strange orders against wandering about in the open,
and the sin of walking where none had walked before
and thus making new paths for the Hun camera
to photograph from its plane was suddenly explained
to us as being cardinal.
And presently we saw that plane. We all came
out to look and were sternly shooed back under
cover like small chickens beneath a hawk. Very
high and small it w-as, with wings glinting silver-gray
in the sun, while around it sprang out against the
blue the fluffy little puffs of white where the Archies'
shrapnel was bursting. And it paid no attention
whatever to the little white puff balls but sailed on
about its business, whatever that may have been,
and everything became charmingly peaceful again.
So this was the Front!
In fact it was a "Peace Front" to which we had
come, where there had been no serious fighting for
years and which was being used as a finishing school
for our new divisions. But for all that there was
much to be learned there and many new things
awaiting us. First, there were our doughboys, who
had been in Flanders and already had a month's
experience of Baccarat and whom we now rejoined,
with their tales (sometimes highly imaginative) of
trench life in both sectors. There was the novelty
of sleeping in the open in those tiny shelter tents we
had practised pitching but never slept in — and pitch-
ing them by daylight and in inky darkness when one's
tent pins mysteriously vanish are different things.
The regiment was scattered to the four winds, too,
with its Headquarters Company in Baccarat itself
and its batteries stretched over many kilometers of
hills and woods to the north and the south of the
town. And each battery promptly divided itself
into the echelon, which stayed with the horses in the
rear, and the firing battery, which lived with the
guns in their concealed and camouflaged positions in
range of their probable targets. Then, for the first
time. Battalion P. C.'s sprang up, close to the batter-
ies, where the majors took up their abodes and
gathered around them the Battalion details, which,
until now, had lived happily in the bosom of their
own company. There was also, for some of us, the
first experience of living in billets, in those really
thickly populated villages which had looked so de-
serted when we first passed through them by night.
We had imagined that soldiers were usually billeted
in the pretentious mansion of a count, or the marble
palace of a duchess. Actually it appeared that as a
rule they found themselves in a hayloft, approached
by a rickety ladder and requiring caution in its use,
lest while sleeping peacefully, you should roll through
a hole in its floor and disturb the night's rest of the
antique cow which bunked below you. Also some
of us met dugouts — affairs with reassuringly solid
roofs of timbers and sand bags, but of such inferior
ventilation that we preferred to sleep outside in pup
tents, pitched conveniently nearby in case Boche
shells should make dugouts a necessity. And here
we first heard of spies — by all accounts the place
was reeking with them. On the very night of their
arrival Sergeant Brown and six other members of
Headquarters Company were suddenly drafted,
armed to the teeth, to surround a totally empty
house from which — according to a strange and
excited officer — a spy was flashing signals to the
Boche planes. Here some of us first made the
acquaintance of observatories and had the pleasure
of sitting therein for hours watching through scissors
or monocular telescopes the generally deserted and
lifeless landscape which stretched away beyond the
4 ^f/^
Ami-Aircraft Machine-Gun Post
3o6th field artillery
A Trench Observation Post
enemy's lines, alert to catch and report the least sign
of animation, and very occasionally rewarded by the
sight of a camion (well out of range) on a distant road,
or of two Boches proceeding leisurely "from the point
K 4932 to the clump of trees about one hundred
meters south of that point." Of an evening we lis-
tened to far-off bombardment, or enjoyed the
displays of signal rockets rising from the distant
trenches. And also of an evening some of us
improved our command of French by chatting in
International Language with the inhabitants of Mer-
viller and Reherry, learning something from those
kindly people, who had suffered from invasion in
1914, of why and how bitterly they detest the Boche.
"All the evil that has ever come to Lorraine, has
come from Over-Rhine." And there we studied
the manners and customs of the people among whom
we lived and tried to philosophize on why a French
villager prefers to keep his ancestral manure pile
before his front door instead of behind his back door,
and exactly for what reason he installs the family
cow in a room which, by rights, should be the sitting-
room of his dwelling. Others explored the town of
Baccarat — a considerable part of it the bare walls of
houses which the Boche had burned in 19 14 before
evacuating the place. Our special details clambered
over the hills, solving the manipulation of the com-
pass goniometer and the mysteries of Italian resec-
tion. Our telephone details ran and patrolled their
lines and our radio men set up their wireless sets
and began to take and send messages. D Battery
acquired muscle in the process of digging gun em-
placements and we began to develop expertness in
spreading camouflage nettings to screen our guns and
dumps of shells from overhead observation. They
were busy and interesting days — those first days of
our fortnight in the Baccarat Sector — while the
Regiment began, haltingly but earnestly, and with
every man putting forth his best, to function as a
unit in the line. And finally we sent a few of our
good F. A.'s and O. A.'s over the intervening kilo-
meters of hills into Hunland.
It was on July 24, 1918, that the regiment fired
its first shot at the enemy, and the first six-inch shell
fired by any National Army Regiment on any front
and in any war was sent on its way by Gun No. 4 of
E Battery. Captain Allen commanded the battery
while Lieutenant Chipman acted as executive.
Sergeant Blake commanded Gun No. 4, which had
been laid by Corporal Birnbohm, gunner, while
First Class Private Worn had the honor of pulling
the lanyard which started our first "present for
Jerry" — with the names of the whole gun crew
chalked on it — to its destination.
That same afternoon F Battery registered and
during the next day or two all the batteries did some
shooting. But we did little firing at Baccarat. To
begin with, too much firing might result in reprisals
from our friends, the enemy, thereby disturbing the
serenity of a Peace Sector, and, in the second place,
ammunition was expensive and the supply limited.
So when B Battery expended ninety-one shells in one
afternoon the authorities promptly requested ex-
planations as to why a whole week's allowance of
ammunition had been dissipated in a single joyous
hour. There were other impediments to our destroy-
ing Huns — the farmers persisted in working in the
fields in front of our guns and it was necessary to
warn them away when we wanted to annihilate their
The Radio Operator
enemies. And D Battery had thoughtlessly placed
its howitzers on the edge of a potato field, with
the result that their blasts prematurely dug many
valuable hills of potatoes. We did not understand
exactly what the owner of that field said when he
came to talk the matter over with us but somehow we
gathered that he had not come to congratulate us
on the excellence of our gunnery. In fact he seemed
rather blind to the necessity of slaughtering Boche
and unduly impressed with the importance and
monetary value of "pommes de terre." Apropos of
the inhabitants, they had a disconcerting manner
not only of taking you for granted, like people who
had seen almost enough of soldiers, but also of not
taking the present hostilities in their fields and farm
yards very seriously. Of course they had been at
the Front four years longer than we had but it seemed
to us that they ought to treat the Front — any Front,
indeed — with more respect.
As for the Boche, he was almost as casual in his
conduct toward us as were the inhabitants. He
seemed for the most part content with watching us
carefully from his observation balloons, which hung
continually above the horizon, and from the planes
which came over steadily despite the efforts of our
Archies. It seemed that, so long as he observed
nothing unusually suspicious and we behaved our-
selves peaceably, he was resolved to do likewise.
Certainly he never shelled our batteries and indeed
only a few of us ever heard a hostile shell on that
Front — and those few shells were comfortably far
But if, on any front where there exists a tacit
agreement that neither party will seriously annoy
the other, you are so faithless as to disregard that
agreement, you must expect that the outraged enemy
will probably give vent to his indignation. Prison-
ers had reported that the Boche had some five
thousand minnenwerfer shells stored in the church
of the village of Nouhigny. F Battery sent forward
a gun to a point from which this munition dump
And Each One Weighs pj lbs.!
Swabbing the Bore
could be reached, and destroyed it utterly. In spite
of the coincidence that the day was a Sunday,
the target a church filled to the doors (with shells).
Captain Ketcham of F Battery a minister's son
and, that Sergeant Berkmeyer, commanding the
piece, was a priest's brother, everyone considered
the affair a complete success and went to bed with a
feeling of something accomplished, something done.
But Jerry did not seem equally pleased and robbed us
of our night's repose by sending his planes over and
bombing the whole sector all night long, paying
particular attention to our munition dumps. The
annoying part about it, after we had exercised so
much care to keep under cover and not betray our
position, was that he bombed dumps with a precision
which demonstrated that he had known where they
were all the time.
This was not Jerry's sole performance in the rdle of
bomber; apparently he considered an occasional air
raid de rigueur even in a Peace Sector, and, the nights
becoming fine and moonlit, he came over to Baccarat
and spent several evenings with us. He had an
annoying habit of arriving about eleven o'clock,
when everyone was enjoying the first sweet sleep of
night. Then one might hear the unmistakable
pulsating drone of the Boche motor — coming nearer
— and presently the Archies would open viciously to
a staccato accompaniment of machine guns stutter-
ing from the house tops of the town. Presently the
custodian of the Baccarat steam siren would awake,
and, soon after the first crashes of exploding bombs
had set the townspeople to shivering in their cellars
and "caves" he would add his pet's weird notes to
the general pandemonium. By this time its un-
earthly howl was a little late to serve as a warning for
approaching aircraft but at least it officially stamped
the event as an air raid — and no air raid on a French
town is complete without a siren accompaniment.
3o6th field artillery
The Indispensable Water Bag
We did not know that at first, and consequently
many member? of Headquarters Company, who Hved
in the town, took the siren to be a gas alarm, so that
much excellent and prompt drill in the assiunption
of gas masks resulted. In this sector we suffered
severely from gas. Not that any of us were gassed,
for the Boche never fired a gas shell at us, but that we
underwent the usual epidemic of false gas alarms
which assails untried soldiers. Imagine being awak-
ened about midnight, because an A Battery driver
passing through Merviller had seen men wearing gas
masks ( ?) and brought back news of the same to his
battery, and then donning your suffocating rubber
and isinglass affair and perspiring in it for an hour
and a half while the truth of the report was being
investigated. Then, too, certain officers displayed
the execrable taste of deliberately giving occasional
false gas alarms to see how quickly masks would be
assumed — they should have been pleased with the
And yet even the false gas alarm has its uses. For
on a pleasant afternoon there rolled up to E Battery
an impressively large touring car, whence issued
several resplendent staff officers and, in their midst,
a vision in straw hat and white flannel trousers —
Congressman Blank, come to share the dangers and
hardships of "the boys in the trenches." Most
unfortunately Sergeant Bonner, E Battery's Gas
N. C. 0., an excellent man who always obeyed orders
and who had received careful injunctions from Cap-
tain Allen as to how to receive visiting staff officers,
after first craftily waiting until our visitors had
separated themselves from their car by about one
hundred meters, sounded the gas alarm. Where-
upon E Battery lifted up its voice and shouted
"Gas" as one man. And Congressman Blank, with-
out lifting up his voice, but turning suddenly and
strangely purple, unhesitatingly sprinted the hun-
dred for that car, where, after desperate fumbling, he
hid his countenance in an ill-smelling French mask.
With the distinguished legislator departed, with
somewhat greater dignity, the resplendent staff
officers and the impressive car bore them swiftly from
the tainted airs in which E Battery was strangling
in efforts to render its laughter inaudible.
One other event should be recorded; we were, for
the first time, "deloused." Under the chaperonage
of our Medical Department we marched dry and
dusty kilometers to the Divisional Delousing Plant,
bearing with us to their doom our all unconscious
cooties. There we were usually privileged to sit
Camouflaged Roads and Fields — wilh the War and Truck Gardening Going On
some hours, waiting our turn, and watching the exits
of those who had preceded us — sad exits too, of once
brave soldiers, who now emerged in a condition of
primitive undress and profanely set to work to find
out in which of the innumerable wrinkles of their
now unrecognizable clothing they belonged. But
our Medical Department was inexorable — it always
is — and we in turn found ourselves sadly regarding
the damp wrinkles of our presumably cootieless
clothing and wishing that we owned more than one
uniform apiece. Let not the uninitiated suppose this
a trivial or unimportant happening; he who has
experienced the sad shock of discovering that little
Brother Cootie has come to live with him, who knows
the breathless excitement incident to the chase of
those carnivore, and has felt the stern joy which
surges on hearing his death rattle, knows better.
We spent only a fortnight at Baccarat and when it
ended we realized that wc had not been doing real
fighting but only putting finishing touches on our
training. But without those touches we would have
found ourselves in evil case in the sterner work to
which we were sent. It was on July 31st that we
were relieved by French artillery and on the same
day the regiment lost its good friend and leader.
Colonel Lawrence S. Miller, our commander at
Upton and Souge, who was transferred to other
duty. Our Lieutenant-Colonel, Frederick Harrison
Smith, took command in his place and, on the night
of August 1st, led us away from the Peace Sector of
Baccarat. We did not know our destination — rumor
gave us a choice of Toul, Rheims, Soissons, or Italy.
In one particular only was rumor correct — that we
were going to a front where real fighting awaited us.
Alexander Gordon,
Captain, 306th F.A.
Equ ip m ml " C ' — elc .
The Vesle-Aisne Campaign
BY August first the regiment was again in motion.
One starlit night, with the ever-present danger
of air bombing, the regiment passed over the
Meurthe Bridge at Baccarat, and hiked over the
rolling hills of the surrounding countryside to the
entraining point, — Bayon. The route ran through
country villages that bore the grim marks of 1 870 and
19 14, — always it had been the Boche who was the
invader. Followed a few days rest in a wood near
the village of Loromontzey, — where on one occasion
a regimental entertainment was given for the villagers
only a short distance from the fighting front.
Entrainment at Bayon was by night, on August
8th. The first part of that journey was a mysterj'
shrouded by dark night, and sleepy nunors ran ram-
pant through the slowly rumbling box-cars. But day-
light dispelled doubt, — the regimental trains were
running through one of the great iron channels that
fed the battlefields. Military trains. Red Cross cars,
supply trains, and munition-carrying trains passed in
both directions, sometimes to switch off to the north.
The sandbag-protected and cave-honeycombed sta-
tion at Bar-le-Duc showed it too plainly to be the prey
of Boche fliers by night. Then, as the train glided
through the Marne Valley it passed by mammoth
railway guns on sidings, huge hangars, and the squat
barracks of the French troops. On a flat-car of
each train, anti-aircraft machine guns tilted their
sharp snouts skyward— on the alert. The road led
towards the battlefields of the Marne and beyond,
that was clear.
A little more than thirty-six hours of ride, and the
train was abandoned at St. Simeon. Then began
that memorable series of cold night hikes, and hot
daylight rests which rushed the regiment close on the
heels of the troops who had pushed the Boche from
Chateau-Thierry to the Vesle.
Passing through shattered though still magnificent
Chateau-Thierry and beyond, the roar of the heavy
guns at the Vesle echoed ever nearer and nearer, and
on the road, and in the fields and woods that slid
mysteriously by at night, — war and its specter began
to be evident. Unpleasant odors of the battlefield
filled that noisome area, and the rutted roads were full
Getting into Position
of ugly craters into which the horses slipped and
stumbled. By day one could see that on both sides
of the road the fields were strewn with the mute
evidence of the great struggles that had taken place
there, — broken rifles, bits of khaki cloth, piles of
ammunition, pack carriers, helmets, and even a
child's doll lay among the shell holes and the rough
wooden crosses, the latter the most eloquent testi-
mony of all to the price paid by the Yankees for
Chdteau-Thierry. Those were tragic fields sur-
rounding Comport Woods.
The morning of August 14th saw the tents of the
entire regiment pitched in the Foret de Nesles, close
to the sounds of battle from the Vesle. With knowl-
edge almost uncanny, that night the Boche planes
circled and buzzed and hummed over those woods
while the air was rent with the crash — crash — crash
of exploding bombs. But the men of the regiment,
fresh from the air raids of Lorraine, were accustomed
to this sort of terrorization by now. Attacks from
above were varied that night by the sounding of gas
alarms, — the whirring of hundreds of horns, and the
cymbal-like clinking of shell cases hung from trees.
The sound was born as a barely audible, tiny tinkle
from somewhere north, and swelled to an ever-
increasing roaring and ringing, until all the trees
seemed to bellow forth the danger. The alarms in
every case were discovered to have been relayed
from the front line, — they were false alarms, but
they had the unpleasant result of keeping awake a
regiment of gas-ignorant artillerj'men. Later, a
veteran sniff was enough warning for all.
The Vesle
The sector that awaited the 306th Field Artillery
was one of the most active artillery sectors of the
latter days of the war. It was at the Vesle that the
Boche turned and held his shattered line after the
July-August counter offensive. It was here, aided
Song : We are the Men of the Dead Horse Brigade!
by the natural protection of the snake-like, sluggish
narrow and deep little stream, and by the dominating
heights to its north, that he barked forth his defiance
and spit his steel hail for a few brief weeks. In the
valley of Perles and Vauxcere he concentrated his
light artillery, and his more ponderous pieces he hid
in the draws near Barbonval. From the southern
banks of the Aisne he sent his long-distance greetings.
Such were our targets, some visible, some not.
Around the village of Chery-Chartreuve, with its
record of 1600 incoming gas and high-explosive shells
a day, centered most of the regiment's activities on
this sector. To its north lay the Vesle and the front
lines, and to its south, west, and north the rolling
wooded hills and copses into which the howitzers
were tucked.
Then, from the middle of August on, came busy
days and dreadful nights. The First Battalion
moved into La Tuilerie Ferme, and placed its pieces
west of Chery. The Second Battalion located in the
much shelled village itself, with the guns on both
flanks of the village. At La Pres Ferme, the Third
Battalion installed itself, with E and F Batteries
further forward to the north of the town, behind
Hill 210, upon which some of the Observation Posts
were later established.
Day and night, except during occasional lulls, the
air whined, wailed, and whistled with the miscellany
of shell sent over by the Boche, and droned with the
hum of his airplanes. Men moved about furtively
during duty and while getting their meals, for the
Boche was a wily kitchen-destroyer. They lived in
cellars and under battered houses, and at the guns
themselves, in hastily improvised dugouts and funk-
holes. Dig in! was the slogan of the day. A little
hole, about two feet deep and large enough to hold a
man prone, saved many a life at the Vesle. Under
these conditions the men of the 306th pulled their
guns into position, dug their gun-emplacement, dug
3o6th field artillery
" D " Battery P. C. and 2nd Battalion First Aid Station in a
Courtyard in Cher y-Chartr euve
in, and established their horse echelons in the woods.
By day, the sun shone his hottest, and the cannoneers
sweated as they toiled at the guns, while millions of
flies swarmed over everything, alive and dead. The
nights were often damp, cold, and foggy.
New to war, for Lorraine proved a gentleman's
battle for the artillery, the regiment came to know
by many nicknames its fast friends of the opposi-
tion. There were the much-hated "whizzbangs,"
whose explosions shattered the air so close on the
heels of the warning wail that the two were almost
simultaneous. German 77's, 88's, 105's, and 150's,
rifle and howitzer, held revel on almost every square
inch of that ground at all hours. "Jack Johnsons,"
"Whimpering Willies," "Tons of Coal," and "G. I.
Cans" were favorite names for the iron bouquets
whirled over from behind the Vesle.
The Regimental Post of Command was at first
established in Chartreuve Ferme, about a kilometer
southwest of Chery-Chartreuve, with the horse
echelon in the woods still farther south, and the rear
echelon in Nesles Wood. The old chateau had been
left partly in ruins by the fleeing Germans, who had
blown up not only the main building, but also a
beautiful chapel, which had contained a deep and
safe vault that the Boche feared would afford shelter
to the Americans. American artillery, also, fired
heavily upon it during the drive just over. There
remained a complete library of French classics and
modern works, with a sprinkling of English volumes,
which for some unknown reasons the Boche had
neglected to destroy. To the rear of the library,
the flowers still bloomed in a garden that had once
been laid out with great care. It was no uncommon
sight to see Lieutenant-Colonel Smith or his men,
during an odd hour, walking apparently unconcern-
edly in that garden, gathering the superb roses,
dahlias, sweet peas, and asters that grew there.
Throughout the hell of gas and explosives, those
flowers continued to luxuriate, and to furnish posies
for the Colonel's mess. It was one of these touches
of sentiment and beauty, — sometimes found amid the
general ghastliness of war.
August 23d, the Regimental Post of Command
was moved to the woods near Dole, for it was found
impracticable to carry on the work of regimental
direction with the concert of explosives prevalent at
the chateau, several direct hits having been regis-
tered in its courtyard and upon surrounding build-
ings. The Boche ceased shelling the chateau soon
after it was evacuated. This caused the 306th to
snea]< back into the old building one dark night and
to reopen business at the old stand. Shells fell less
frequently during this second occupation.
The enemy was plainly master of the air. The
United States had not yet set into operation the pro-
gram that was to send majestic fleets of 'planes in
hundreds across the German lines, and the French
and English spared us what 'planes they could. The
ominous hornet-like hum of the wily Boche was con-
tinually over the Post Commands and the pieces day
and night. During sunny days he would circle over
the position, regardless of the heavy anti-aircraft
shrapnel of the "archies" or of the rattling machine
guns directed against him from below. The radio
details would shortly catch him sending data to his
guns. Then a bombardment would begin, and still
the daredevil Boche would hover above, directing
and correcting the shots from the very finest vantage
points possible. "Why don't we have more 'planes?"
was the impatient query of many men at this time.
Frequent was the blast of the shrill " under-cover "
whistle, — when every man stopped in his tracks, and
the pieces ceased fire until the intruder had passed.
Almost every nook behind Chery was under cease-
less observation from eight Boche "drachen" or
observation sausage balloons that floated in a long,
lazy line several kilometers north of the Vesle. Wir-
ing parties, O. P. details, or even one lone man cross-
ing an exposed field, were observed by these monster
eyes of the German army, and were fired upon with
shrapnel and high explosive by sniper guns.
The American balloons hung above the woods to
the north of Mareuil-en-Dole. A continuous game
of hide-and-seek was on between them and the Ger-
man 'planes. On August 12th, German artillery
fired upon them point-blank, and punctured the gas-
bag of one, sending the balloon up in flames, and the
observer down in a parachute. Enemy 'planes, bent
on observation or destruction, often attacked the
balloons, as they did that same day, when the Ger-
mans seemed to have made up their minds to "strafe "
the air. Shortly before noon, the balloon patrol of
three 'planes about our balloon warned the winchmen
who controlled the whale-like monster that an enemy
flier was approaching. Before the winch could haul
the sausage down to a safer altitude, where our
"archies" could attend to the Boche, he was circling
high above it, dodging the high-explosive and ma-
chine-gun charges that were sent at him. Then he
maneuvered the most beautiful series of spiral dives,
and wdth a final dip, launched a phosphorus bomb at
the bulging bag. and set it aflame. Tilting his nose
skyward, he disappeared in a cloud.
Although the roads, woods, and points south of
Chery, including Dole and Mareuil-en-D61e,
were regularly shelled Chery-Chartreuve was chosen
by the Boche as a playground for his shells. Battery
F had forty men badly gassed on the night of the
20th of August, and during the nights of August
22d, 23d and 24th, the enemy bombardment of the
village was especially vigorous. During the day,
shells whistled into the village at a harassing fire
rate, but, beginning at dusk, volleys and salvos
Boche Air Supremacy and its Resulls
followed each other in rapid succession. At times
Ch^ry became an inferno of exploding shells, its
streets alive with flying bricks and mortar, and
soaked with deadly gasses, while the tumbling walls
echoed and reechoed weirdly with shell-shriekings.
It was interesting to watch the reaction of the men
to the hell of Chery-Chartreuve. Some moved with
an excess of caution, some with the bravado of care-
lessness, but all soon became accustomed to it;
walked, shaved, laughed, ate, read, and wrote cheer-
ful letters home for all the world as if the village
were a training camp in America. Day after day our
batteries returned the German fire two to one, man-
ning the guns despite the continuous counter-battery
work of the Boche.
Two days after the gassing of Battery F, Battery A
received a touch of the same punishment. The
night following, the brave little church tower of
The (-hissing of Battery F
Chery disappeared, shot away by a Boche hit in the
very center of the town. Another shot that night
wrecked the Second Battalion Headquarters kitchen,
and gas shells close following made all the food stores
there unfit for consumption. Early the next morn-
ing, during a bombardment of the First Battalion
Headquarters, shells landed so thickly around the
building, that two drivers were killed in the road that
led past it. The courtyard of the Ferme was filled
with stones and debris scattered by exploding shells.
Down in the telephone dugout, by candle-light, the
roll of the First Battalion was being called, to insure
that all of the men were safe. The Battalion Head-
quarters was moved to a clump of woods farther
During all of this activity, the Supply Company
had the task of keeping the battalions and the batter-
ies supplied with rations, with material for gun
emplacements, and with the odds and ends of ord-
nance. Never did one of the units go without hot
meals. In the dead black of night. Supply Com-
pany's men drove their trucks from the supply
echelons to the dump in the woods where the ration
carts collected their daily portion. For these men
there was no hope of shelter from bombardment ;
doggedly, quietl3% they performed their dangerous
work each night . They got little glory and did much
sweating. There was nothing spectacular about it,
.1 I'ypical First A id Station
3o6th field artillery
only the springless truck bumping over the holes in
the road, while shells burst about, and guns spat
back from every copse.
But if the Boche was hammering from his side,
the 306th was administering a terrible drubbing in
return. In addition, the "Traveling Salesmen" of
the Corps Artillery, would move about from spot to
spot on the sector, giving away samples of their
"iron cigars" indiscriminately, and popping away
from the most unexpected corners. In fact, scarcely
a bush or tree was there that did not have poking
from it, the steel muzzle of some sort of gun.
Though the regiment was part of a divisional
artillery brigade, placed in position to support its own
divisional infantry, on more than one occasion the
gun squads were called upon to fire in aid of the
French on the left. The Tannerie, where machine-
gun emplacements made it uncomfortably hot for
our infantry, was so completely demolished by our
guns that the accomplishment won for the regiment
the hearty commendation of the infantry colonel
whose regiment had been suffering.
The village of Bazoches, a few hundred meters
within the Boche lines, — a railroad and supply
center, was the continual bone of contention between
the opposing infantries. On the night of August
27th, and the morning of the 28th, an infantry move-
ment on the village was planned. The regiment
participated in a terrific box-barrage which was
placed about the towTi to cut off escaping Germans.
The Germans were successful, by skillful placing of
machine-gun nests, and by means of a counter-
barrage, in holding the northern part of the village, so
it was decided to blow them out of it with artillery.
Harassing fire had been thrown into the town each
The Second Battalicn Observation Post
day, but from August 30th to September 4th the
regiment delivered a bombardment which reduced
the town to powder, at an expenditure of 3000 shells,
a cost of $105,000 and gallons of sweat.
The Observation Posts, from which battery com-
manders were able to obtain a panoramic view of
the German strongholds, were on the ridges to the
north and west of Chery-Chartreuve. The towns
of Paars, Perles, Haute-Maisons, Blanzy and Baz-
oches were visible or partly visible from these van-
tage points, which in some cases were constructed
in trees, and in others, in funk-holes roofed with
corrugated iron. The Observation Posts were con-
tinually shelled, and the entire ridge was swept with
zone fire at least twice a day, with intermittent fire
at other times. To sit in one of these Observation
Posts peeping at the inmost secrets of the Boche,
was a thrilling occupation. Before the observer
spread the vista of battle. Sometimes our shells
bursting in towns on the Boche's side would cause
figures that appeared like tiny specks to scramble
hurriedly out of danger. Again, a lone German
would cross a field, and the observer would duly
record the place of his appearance and disappearance,
and wonder, between bites of cold corned willie,
and swallows of cold raw tomato, where " that dutch-
man could be going." An occasional transport
wagon would risk the road by day, but, as a rule, the
Boche kept discreetly under cover from sunup to
simdown. By night, the vision spread before the
observer became a grim sort of fairyland of lights and
noises. Behind, the big guns of the regiment boomed,
coughed, and bellowed, and drifting back from the
infantry lines, the sputter of machine-guns and rifles
tingled on the ear. Rainbow rockets sizzed up into
the bestarred midsummer sky, and hung there.
Flares transformed the landscape for miles about to
midday. Again, a red-light barrage rocket would
call forth a still greater chorus of barks from the
artillery behind.
Under the unremitting hail of shells communi-
cation was subject to constant interruption. The
telephone formed the main type of liaison but runners,
mounted and foot, were used to transmit firing orders
from the Regimental Post of Command to the
Battalion and Battery Headquarters, while the radio
also played its part, more especially with the planes
that directed artillery firing. Radio transmission
was practical from the plane to the ground, but in
reversing the sender and receiver, the only means of
communication was by white linen panels exposed
in an open field, where the plane observer could see it
clearly. Panelmen, as they were called, worked in
dangerous positions at times. Battalion agents had
many a wild ride over the much-shelled roads, which
by day were empty but under vigilant observation,
and by night were as crowded with the traffic of
ammunition trucks, supply wagons, and ambulances
as any busy city street. It was a difficult matter to
thread one's way through this tangle, without lights
— for to show even the gleam of a cigarette-tip meant
betrayal to the Boche above.
But most thrilling and dangerous of liaison jobs
was that of the telephone linemen. Within his
telephone dugout, which houses the switchboard and
the operators, and is usually the deepest and safest,
he is well-protected while oR duty. But let the
ominous call come from the operator — "Blue line is
out!" and your lineman is up and out, with helmet
and gas mask, telephone, wire, tape, and pincers to
look for the break. He must crawl through ditches
in the dead of the dark night; he must feel along the
wire where it is hitched to trees in the pitchy-black
woods — and, the break found, he must mend it
under gas and high-explosive fire. Most often the
break occurs where there is a continuous shelling.
Repairing lines in peace times is not a sinecure. Add
to this work exploding shells, darkness, the ever-
present danger of death, and you have the wartime
telephone man.
The regiment's own linemen laid and kept in repair
the entire "artillery net" of wires. Its starting
point is the brigade, where it hooks into the main
arteries laid by the Signal Corps. From Regimental
Headquarters to Battalion Headquarters, and from
there to the batteries, with auxiliary lines to the
Observation Posts, the lines spread out fanlike. As
many as six lines were often laid between the same
points by different routes in order to insure constant
communication. Hill 210, where several Observa-
tion Posts were located, was pockmarked with shell-
craters from base to crest, necessitating the use of
steel cables in places. Linemen found it impossible
to work on the hill by day without being spotted by
a Boche airplane observer, and by night shells flew
in such profusion that it was a heroic task to accom-
" Bailer y Has Fired " — Panel Signalling lo Airplanes in the
Adjuslmenl oj Fire
The Unseen Hero of I he ArliUery — The Telephone Man
plish anything there. La Pres Ferme, too, the Third
Battalion Headquarters, was a constant target, and
lines running there were bound to be "out" many
There came a day, September 2d, when the men
in the Observation Posts saw the Vesle-Aisne plateau
clouded by heavy smoke. Fires and explosions
occurred at Paars, Perles, Vauxc^r^, and Blanzy. The
Boche, pounded out by our own merciless fire, was
laying waste as he prepared to retire. His planes,
more than usually inquisitive, peeped about back of
our lines to see what we were going to do. Fleeting
glimpses were caught of transport wagons and troops
bound north for the fastnesses of the Aisne. Sep-
tember 3d, fewer shells fell about Chery-Chartreuve,
and the following day that entire area, only a short
time before noisy with explosions, lay peaceful under
the hot summer sun. French cavalry passed by the
pieces at a trot, in pursuit.
September 5th and 6th, the regiment advanced.
Camouflage was taken down, guns were placed in the
march order, and wagons were packed. Never,
except in the advances of the Argonne, was there such
a spirit of exultation and satisfaction in the regiment
as during that first advance. Each man felt within
himself that he had helped to hammer out the Boche,
and that at last he was to tread that gruesome ground
over which so much blood had been shed in the past
few weeks. Over the ridge and down into the valley
of the Vesle the pieces rumbled and clanked. For a
day or so, while the Boche ceased shelling the river
area, the engineers were able to get a good start on
the artillery bridges, but, placed in a new position
behind the Aisne, the Boche again sent over his shells,
especially at the bridges. The bodies of our dough-
boys lay about as they had fallen on the field of
honor, and Boche lying near them testified that hand
to hand struggles had been fought. Burial details
were engaged in the grim task of interring American
3o6th field artillery
.1 IluWitzcr in Action
Bazoches was a ruin, utterly destroyed and un-
fit for habitation; building after building tumbled
queerly upon its foundations. One of the members
of the regimental reconnoissance detail, the morning
of September 4th, in an effort to find a table upon
which to spread some maps, was poking about the
ruins of the old chateau in the town, when, not
twenty-five feet from him, a resounding explosion
threw dirt and stones high into air. The man was
unhurt, but two Frenchmen on the opposite side
of the battered walls were instantly killed. The
Frenchmen had evidently stumbled, either on a trap,
or on a pile of fused minnenwerfer ammunition that
lay there. The men were warned to be especially care-
ful regarding mines and traps, and all springs and wells
were carefully investigated by the Regiment's Medi-
cal Department, for fear of poisoning. If the wells
were unpoisoned by the enemy, the seepage from
debris, refuse, and bodies of men and animals often
found its way into them. It was here that the regi-
ment suffered severely from dysentery, despite the
precautions that were taken.
Regimental Headquarters remained in Bazoches
one night, was shelled severely, and moved the next
day to the heights of Haute-Maisons, behind a steep
ridge which was thought to offer adequate defilade
protection. But the Boche enfiladed from the left,
and made many direct hits upon the buildings and in
the courtyard. The men of the detail were forced
to move into the abandoned German dugouts close to
the crest of the hill.
While Colonel Smith, Regimental Headquarters,
the First and Second Battalions crossed the river
below Villesavoye, the guns of the Third Battalion
were stalled temporarily at Fismes, where the engi-
neers were working beaver-like upon another bridge,
which, because of the heavy shelling, had not yet
been made passable. During this wait, a call came
from the Division Commander for artillery support
for the advancing infantry. The immediate services
of F Battery were offered by Colonel Smith; the
pieces were unlimbered and seventy-nine rounds were
fired at the Boche from the street corners. One has
only to imagine a 1 55 howitzer firing from a busy cross-
ing in New York to picture the weird scene. Shortly
after, it was reported that the enemy fire had ceased.
Viumes is a town of considerable size, and before
the war, was a thriving railroad center and summer
resort, with many stores and hotels. The streets
had once been lined with magnificent shade-trees,
and neatly paved. Now, in striking similarity to
Ch&teau-Thierry, the beauty of its edifices was
marred by ugly gaping holes where shells had struck,
and the trees stood as mutilated stumps, their foliage
torn by shell and shrapnel splinters. Some were
cut and cast across the streets as barricades to retard
our advance.
The First Battalion pulled into position west of
Haute-Maisons on the Rouen Reims Road, behind
a ridge. The Second Battalion established head-
quarters in a large natural caveat Vauxc^re, once our
target, and now a mark for the Boche. C Battery
took position in a narrow-gauge railway cut south of
Vauxcer^, and D Battery was emplaced on the
northern outskirts of the town. The Third Bat-
talion was to the east and north of Fismes, with F
Battery only five hundred meters behind the advanc-
ing infantry. Vauxcere, Blanzy, Fismes, and Ba-
zoches now became the targets of the Boche, and be-
side his harrassing fire upon these points, he swept
the entire Vesle-Aisne plateau.
The Boche grew still more active in air, and
sent over his planes in droves, bombing Bazoches
and vicinity the night of September loth. On the
exposed table-land, covered with standing wheat
and with not a tree for miles which could afford
camouflage, enemy planes grazed the ground and
turned their machine guns on our men crossing it.
Again the Boche had excellent observation, and on
our side, from the reserve infantry trenches, artillery
observation took in a large part of the terrain across
the Aisne, — the formidable fortifications of the
Chemin-des-Dames, — cut into the soft sandstone of
the cliffs across the river. The towns of Bourg-et-
Comin, Pont-Arcy, Qiuilly, Beuarieux, Pargnan,
Moulins, Vendresse-et-Tyron and the roads leading
out of them were in our view, and no movement that
took place there escaped the observers' eyes. One
road, clearly visible, which ran out of the last named
town, was observed to be alive during the day with
men and wagons, and farther behind, a wagon-park
vras visible. They were beyond the range of the
howitzers, and the Boche seemed to know it, for he
moved about there with impunity. The long-range
rifles of the Corps Artillery had been withdrawn, and
officers and men could only sit and fume at their
impotence. But upon the other and nearer targets,
the batteries fired profusely. La Petite Montagne,
south of the Aisne, a German strong point of ma-
chine-gun nests, and a suspected sniper-battery posi-
tion, received a good share of our fire.
On September 13th, orders came for a supporting
barrage to assist our infantry. For forty hours,
Vauxc^r^, Bazoches, and Fismes rocked with the
tumult of the howling howitzers. The air was in a
turmoil so that it was impossible to hear anything
but a shout. Forward observation details saw
spread before them as pretty and dramatic a sight
as modem war affords. There in the valley grew a
magic garden of shell-bursts, two parallel lines like
the hedgerows of some garden plot. As fast as the
slight wind dissolved the cloud of a burst, a new burst
grew in its place. Behind this protecting shield
infantry crept forward and before this hell's hedge-
row the Boche withdrew and began the last stage of
the retreat from the Soissons-Reims line.
That day, a division of Italians marched into the
battle area and took the places of the Americans in
the line. Our regiment fired all through the relief up
to within an hour of its departure from position the
morning of September 15th. The Boche must have
been a bit dumbfounded on his retreat from Chdteau-
Thierry to the Aisne, for during that drive, he met
French, Americans, and Italians in close succession.
It was the Garibaldi Division which relieved us, its
commander said to be a grandson of the Italian
liberator. As our columns passed them on the road,
the good-natured badinage of the ever cheery Ameri-
can artilleryman flew from outgoing to incoming.
" Hey Wop ! Shine? " would ring out from the ranks.
The tanned sons of sunny Italy, thinking that the
Americans meant "Howdo" would return flowery
and courteous salutations. But occasionally a touch
An Open- Air P. C.
The Ficld-KiUhen
of home would evidence itself, as an Italian would
greet an American with "Oh you subway," or "Me
vvorka Grand Central!" while another told him that
the price of shaves in New York was then fifty cents.
The boys of the regiment knew that their Italian
Allies were now to make the Aisne their "Grand
Central," and if there was haircutting to be done,
the Boche would be the victim.
Through the narrow Vesle valley once more the
columns rumbled and clattered while gas and heavy
caliber high-explosive shells fell in that low saucer.
The streets of Fismes reverberated with terrible
explosions. It was dark, pitch-black, as the columns
of the regiment pialled through the crowded streets.
The relieving columns of Italians were still coming in,
and there were exasperating blockades and delays.
Gas alarms passed from rear to front and back again,
and with the encumbering masks upon their faces,
the men groped to keep the road, breasting as best
they could the opposing stream of traffic. It was
nerve-racking, this farewell salute of gas and shell,
with safety just beyond. Wheel scraped on wheel
and splinters sprayed the long train as explosions
occurred often only twenty-five or fifty feet away by
the side of the road, but, the river reached, the men
dismounted and stood quietly by their horses until
the block at the narrow bridge should resolve itself.
It was not until the Vesle was several miles behind,
the ridge to its south had been cleared and a stop
was made to give out hot chocolate and cakes, that
the strain was released and "rest" actually accom-
plished. The regiment, its work on the first active
sector of its history well done, was collected in a wood
near Coulonges, ready to sleep away the night hours
in perfect peace — peace in comparison to the noisy
battle area. But they were prepared for any tasks that
might come. They had learned the lessons of battle.
Edgar G. Herr\i..\nx,
Corporal, Hq. Co.
The French Dugout City of La Harazee
The Argonne-Meuse Offensive
THE relief by Garibaldi's Italian Division had
become a reality. Already the regimental
Post of Command had been taken over by
the general himself.
Bazoches and Fismes looked innocent enough
there in the afternoon sun. Both were but heaps of
broken stone and brick. Now and then as you
watched, a bit of Hun Kultur would go screaming
over, and a dirty black cloud would mark the spot
where it struck. Fismes was receiving particular
attention. Hour after hour, the town and roads
about it seemed to vomit flame, black smoke, and
The time to start approached and a strange still-
ness settled into the little valley as the sim gave way
to a brilliant moon. Everyone's hopes went up as
nine o'clock was reached. For some reason Jerry
was quiet, and we might slip through the valley and
across the river before he got busy. The column was
formed. Horses and men stood motionless so that the
airplanes overhead would pass them by unnoticed.
Coming across the narrow bridge was an endless
column of Italian Infantry, and French artillery, all
hastening to get by the congested shelled area. Sud-
denly the shrill whistle of 77's floated overhead.
The lurid flashes in the town and beyond showed the
Overhead throbbed a heavy bombing plane in
search of prey.
Into the crossroads at Fismes, the column pushed
its way, men and horses bending forward in the dark
to accomplish their unpleasant task as quickly as
possible. The crossroads were blocked. The French
and Italians were trying to come in on the road on
which we were going out. Shells were bursting just
beyond the turn and the air was heavy with gas
which tickled the nose and choked the throat. We
moved ahead and swung the corner. Every man
crouched low, wondering where each screaming shell
would land. The pace was terrific but no one
minded, thinking only of the flash, — the noise of the
close falling shells. At first they burst all ahead,
then all around, and at last, all behind us.
We began to realize how far and fast we had
traveled. It seemed as if a heavy load had been
lifted from us. We pushed on. Occasionally a
plane hovered overhead. Here and there, we could
see the flash of a gun in a ravine and way off to the
right a converging circle of searchlights, punctured
with little red bursts of flame, told the story of a
night bomber. The marching became easier. The
strain was gone. The sound of the guns was far be-
hind and our month on the Vesle was but a memory.
Early in the morning, camp was pitched in the
The Waste of No Man's Land
woods near Coulonges. After a few hours' sleep
there was readjusting of packs, inspection of equip-
ment and horses, and a big meal (the first the regi-
ment had had together for over a month). At dark,
the moon came clear and brilliant in a nearly cloud-
less sky, and the long column, like a dark snake,
uncoiled from the woods of our camp and started
its long journey supposedly to rest. A little after
midnight we crossed the Marne on a pontoon bridge
and started eastward along the broad highway.
Little did we know where it would take us but soon
there grew a feeling that this was a race against time
and that such a race would never end in a mere rest.
There were nights of cold and drenching rain;
when men were so weary that they slept on their
horses and the horses stumbled and staggered under
their loads; when the troops and guns going by took
on weird outlandish shapes like ghost things herded
onward. There were early mornings; when camp
was made where everything was wet and there was
little fuel ; when the tired things would just fall asleep
drenched and cold. There were marches by day
when the sun shone and all were happy. The fields
were bright with the green and the sun. The country
folks smiled and we smiled back. The horses did
their best and we put many miles behind us. There
were camps outside of interesting old places (Eper-
nay and Chalons) where (in spite of their tired
bodies) the men would go to buy food and souvenirs.
One morning, it was whispered around that we
were going back to the Front and that the biggest
" show " of the war was to begin. The elation and^ex-
citement of participating in big things began to creep
in, and by night, excited whispers told of some mighty
battle in which we were to fight .
Indeed there was, and each day we saw new
evidences of it — miles and miles of marching troops,
trains of motor transports, and huge lumbering guns,
all pressing on as if striving to be first at some worthy
goal. Then the great Argonne Forest was in the
rumors, coupled with stories of a great offensive from
"Switzerland to the Sea."
On a beautiful frosty night, we passed through St.
Menehould, the gateway of the Argonne. There
were high dark woods, hard long hills, and quiet
water in glades which gave back a bluish haze from
the moonlight.
Soon word was passed back that the lines were
very close and, driving ofT the road into the woods, we
camped for the night, sending the guns forward and
camouflaging them near their positions north of
Florent. We were in the Argonne Forest, soon to
start one of the greatest battles of the war, having
marched one hundred and eighty-five kilometers in
eight days.
Next day, a gun boomed out just ahead and we
realized that the appreciation of things of beauty
would have to be suspended until our work was over.
Again, it was brought home, for there was the unmis-
takable whistle of one coming in — just the old desul-
3o6th field artillery
tory firing of an inactive front. All were cautioned
to be careful and keep out of sight and any recon-
naissance forward of the batteries had to be in French
The battery positions had to be prepared, the trail
pits dug, and the troublesome orienting completed.
Cover too, had to be found, for no one knew exactly
how much the Boche suspected and he usually
backed up his suspicions with a little H. E.
The woods bristled with guns. Here you could see
the little graceful 75's, and there the long serpent-like
heavier rifles, and, in little unexpected nooks and
hollows, the uglier businesslike snouts of our own
We found our first real dugouts, some that would
hold six hundred or seven hundred men, well
equipped with bunks, water, and electric lights. A
single small hillside could swallow a regiment and
still yawn for more.
Overhead the sky was bright blue, spotted here
and there with fleecy clouds, behind which an occa-
sional plane would dart to escape the avalanche of
bursting shells sent up by the anti-aircrafts. Time
and again the Hun would try to come over, only to
be driven back. Late in the afternoon, two huge
bombing squadrons drifted over to harass the lines
of communication. The night came and again the
stillness of the great forest closed down. The stars
were large and near, and a bright moon flecked the
ground with silver between the trees. Now and then
a shell went over, and now and then one came back;
and it was still again.
Another morning was here and no news. The
telephone lines were laid, but we were under orders
not to talk or even ring up, for fear of Germans
listening-in and discovering our preparations. The
last work on the guns was finished and the regiment
reported ready.
Just before noon a messenger arrived, his arms full
of papers. He told us as he handed them over that
all lines were to be tested by noon by ringing and
saying "Oui" or some other French word. The
papers were maps and barrage orders — the first
news of our part in the great offensive. There
followed hours of feverish figuring so that all data for
the guns would be ready and checked, the shells
separated, and the charges prepared for action at any
time. By nightfall, everything was set and ready
for the word that would send over the greatest
avalanche of shells ever poured on any enemy.
Darkness came on. Suddenly a ruddy flash and
then another lit the heavens, bringing the trees
and battered buildings into sharp relief against a
lurid field. The heavens were filled with never-ceas-
ing lightning that sent ugly screaming things on their
way to destroy, while the air beat on our ears and the
very earth rocked with the thunder of it. Not until
three hours later did the iron throats abate their
howl of hate and then only to shift — some to the
creeping barrage, others to zones where men and
material would collect.
The morning was bright but the unceasing roar
rolled on and on. Now and then, away to the left,
could be heard the singsong of a French seventy-
five barrage, and to the rear, the heavy crash of a big
one sending over its hundreds of pounds of high
explosive. Noon came and the fire slackened, but
there was no news. We knew that the infantry had
gone across, but scattered battalion reports gave
little information.
By noon the order to advance had arrived. Not
far, but over the ridge, through the old French
reserve line and down into the valley of the Biesme.
Here, we saw, for the first time, what four years of
war meant. Heaps of grown-over ruins, myriads of
trenches and wire, and cleverly built dugouts that
made each hill a protective abode. Such dugouts
could have been conceived only by the French.
There were ornate homelike entrances, comfortable
rooms with fireplaces and long extending tunnels
that burrowed and intercommunicated within the
hills. In one of the larger ones, there were the un-
mistakable recent evidences of cows, chickens, and
pigs. Such were the hardships of the Argonne before
September 26, 1918.
The road running through the valley north of the
river was a slowly moving mass of supply transports,
infantry, engineers, and artillery, all pressing forward
to their new battle line. Near this road at La Hara-
zee, the guns first went into position. Here the
artillery sat down to wait, for there were indefinite
reports and no chance of observation and the firing
was confined to scattered shoots at definitely danger-
ous areas.
Now we had our first chance to see the real Ar-
gonne. First a slightly battered, grand old strip of
woods, filled beneath with heavy brush through which
were strung masses of heavy wire. Here and there
a few logs and sandbags showed where some old wet
and musty dugout went down thirty feet or more into
the clay, where one might find a doughboy's full
equipment, except the very fighting tools. Then the
old No Man's Land, a waste of broken stumps,
blackened and burned and everywhere thrown up in
masses of yellow and grayish dirt.
For two days the lines did not seem to move but
reports showed them farther and ever farther away
until the news of the "Lost Battalion" reached us.
At first, it was only a rumor spreading as rumors go
but later confirmed in the regimental Post Command
itself where every word was interrupted by the whine
of the bullets overhead. All this time we waited,
firing now and then as targets were given, but never
performing any carefully adjusted work.
There was one day of fire to help this "Lost
BattaHon" of advancing infantry that had lost con-
tact on its left and right and had been surrounded
by the Germans. General Johnson himself led his
men in a heartbreaking futile attempt at rescue.
By day, 'planes loaded with food and ammunition
attempted to reach the sorely tried men but always
the precious parcels dropped in enemy hands.
Situated as they were in the cross part of a T-
shaped ravine with the top pointing towards the
enemy, the lost or beleaguered battalion was com-
pletely dominated by the fire from concrete emplace-
ments on all sides. After many unsuccessful infantry
attempts the artillery was called upon to demolish
the emplacements on the left side of the T. There
was a heavy concentration put on this area by the
whole regiment, which although not adequate to
effect a breach for a successful infantry attack,
succeeded in relieving the situation and breaking up
a gathering German attack.
Soon after this, news came back that they had
been reached and that the Germans were falling back.
Everyone had a new eagerness to get on. Here
was the first real feeling of victory that carried us on
to the end. Traces of pitted mud, each pit filled
with yellow water, showed where the shell-torn road
had been. It was a bottomless sticky affair that
would swallow hooves, shoes, and wheels and hold
them fast against the best efforts of man or horse.
Such were the roads that ran forward through the
battered, twisted maze of stumps, trees, and wires.
On and on, the horses and men struggled, through
rain, mud, and darkness. Finally we came upon one
of the wonders of the war — the German dugouts —
modest entrances, well protected with overhanging
concrete lids, nicely modeled rooms with stained
wood trimmings, mission furniture, and tinted walls.
Beds, too, with springs could be found tucked away
in cozy little rooms where open fires gave them
charm. There were complete lighting systems, hot
and cold baths, and central mess establishments.
However it was not safe to be too curious, for often-
times, opening a door, lighting a fire, or switching on
All thai Remains of the Bridge Across the Aire
In the Deserted Streets of Grand Pre
a light, blew dugout and all beyond all possibility
of recognition. There were whole towns of these
luxurious quarters, for thus had the Germans been
living when caught by the barrage of September 26th.
After a few days of all these German comforts,
fires told us of a new retreat. There followed a long
march through muddy roads dimly outlined by the
fires of German destruction, past a crossroad about
which were grotesquely twisted shapes that back in
1914 had been Binarville, shown on the map as a fair-
sized town and on the ground by an unmistakable
German sign with letters a foot high.
Beyond, the Argonne ends, a pointed fringe of
thick oak, covering sharp ridges which jut toward
Grand Pre from the south and command the Aire for
long distances on either side. Behind these ridges
between Langon and Grand Ham were our new posi-
tions; the Second and Third Battalions on the west
side of the forest, and the First Battalion on the east
side, and along their sides the infantry and machine
guns were catching their breath for the next plunge.
This was to be one of the hardest phases of the war
for us. By working twenty-four hours a day the
masses of ammunition were brought up and one
misty morning the hills rang again with the barrage
that helped in the downfall of the German's second
This second line hinged on Grand Pre, a town built
on the point of a ridge jutting down from the north-
ern end overlooking all of the crossings of the Aire
as well as the railroad leading up the valley. Above
3o6th field artillery
the town, the cemetery, with its heavy stone terraces,
and embankment walls, overhung the town below
like a protecting fortress and gave excellent machine-
gun control of the surrounding valley. This ceme-
tery was the main obstacle to the capture of the
town. For this reason it was continually swept by
our artillery until only a powdered tortured mass of
stone and earth remained. On both sides, rolling
hills stretched away to the north, behind which were
many Boche batteries of all sizes which were deluged
with fire as soon as discovered. These wooded hills
were ideal for the cleverly concealed German machine
guns. Perhaps the strongest of them was the Bois
des Loges, a heavily wooded crest that sloped to the
very banks of the river. Hidden in the protection of
its trees, the Germans had done their utmost in
machine-gun defences. It was the work of the
artillery to crush these nests and kill or drive out
their defenders. After the battle (so well had the
guns done their work) it was hard to see how a
sparrow could have lived through it. There were
other difficult and sensitive places such as Belle Joy-
euse Farm (the German forward Command post),
Farm des loges, an excellent machine-gun fort, and
the crossroads at Beffu le Mort Homme, always
crowded with traffic. All of these received hourly
attention up to the time of the attack, when every
gun became intent on crushing each obstacle as the
infantry opposed it.
Over across the railroad, the meadows, and the
Aire, the infantry went to the heights beyond, where
the rapidly thinning ranks dug in. It was then a
question of one machine gun at a time, of appalling
lasses and just plain guts. Always, the shells went
over and one by one the machine guns stopped their
clamor until at night, St. Juvin and Grand Pr^ were
taken, a main line railroad cut, huge stores captured,
and the Argonne cleared.
Finally the welcome relief came, followed by a
march back through roads crowded with troops,
camions, and supply wagons to our old second posi-
Adjusling Fire by Aerial Observation
tion at La Harazee in the now quiet valley of the
Biesme. There, many rumors, those phantom hear-
says of armies that come from nowhere and amount
to nothing, had the division on its way to various
camps and rest areas.
At La Harazee there were baths, new clothes,
leaves, and the old close-order drill. The horses were
rested and put on fresh hourly. The guns shone
under constant cleaning. There were band concerts
and school. The war was left behind, we went about
without helmets, strolled on the streets without an
ever strained ear listening for one coming over.
The very air seemed sweet and good to breathe.
One night, there was a visitor. All along the line
the cry "Lights out!" warned us, before the heavy
throbbing told us, of the hated prowlers of the night.
He passed us up to bomb the more important target
of railroads and dumps. Next morning, rumors of
returning to the front were rife, and by night orders
were issued that meant once more the 77th Division
was to take up its part of the now never-ceasing push.
Just after noon, the regiment, stripped to the
absolutely necessary transportation — for the horses
were far too few — started again to take its place in
the line. That night, camped in the thick woods
under pup tents, we heard again the old familiar
whistle of the shells coming in. They were scattered,
however, and did no harm.
With the morning came an early start and a long
march to a gun-lined area. There were guns every-
where, along the roads, in buildings, under trees, and
in the open. So many that it was hard to find room
for a battery in the neighborhood of Cornay-Fleville
without overlooking many of the ordinary require-
ments of a position. It must have been hard indeed,
provided the Germans knew all, to pick their par-
ticular target, for a shot an>Tvhere would have done
Then came days of adjustment — for there was
good observation — on which every gun was regis-
tered, so that every round would tell. The Germans
were not idle, however, and flocks of snarling, whist-
ling death were poured over with much too good
Day after day the air was full of 'planes and the
puff-specked sky told of their hearty reception on
both sides. Occasionally one would topple and fall,
and fill up the "brought down" Hst on the next day's
Much was the information these 'planes brought —
eight hundred guns behind one hill — seven divisions
of Huns ready to cut us up. Often the new weapon
— propaganda — would float down giving the argu-
ments on both sides in innocent little leaflets that
helped to win the war. It is easy to see how effective
these missives were, for men went hundreds of meters
over shell-swept ground in pursuit of them.
The night the blow that was to knock the Hun to
his knees arrived, everyone was excited and eager.
A heavy counter-battery was expected, but the tre-
mendous weight of our own guns was to crumple the
enemy up like leaves and blow them away as by an
autumn wind. Soon the air was filled with the most
dense and destructive barrage of our war. It seemed
the heavens were shrieking with the agony of it.
The night was made light as day. Morning came —
the fire kept up — the infantry went over but the
Germans had orders to hold at all cost. Those left
stuck to their posts and all the day it was the old
story of clearing a nest here and a nest there. We
fired until our guns smoked with heat.
During the morning the infantry had hard work of
it, but by noon parts of the line broke through. Plans
were made for us to follow, but because the horses
were pitifully few, the First Battalion had to stay
behind at Marcq, turning its horses over to the bat-
talions going ahead.
Night came, we moved up and started the feverish
dash at the German line that was to end with sur-
render on the banks of the Meuse. There were
heartbreaking marches over roads seemingly impass-
able from mud, mines, and shell holes ; days and nights
without food (for ammunition came first), horses
dropping in their harness, men eating cabbage from
the fields, and drinking from filthy shell holes; and
nights of heavy firing. Each man did the work of
ten and would have died to ram home the last shell.
But ever the spirit of victory pulled us on through
hard- won St. Juvin and shell- destroyed Champig-
neulle, to Thenorgues and Buzancy ; and on beyond to
Sommauthe, to Raucourt, and to Haraucourt, where
the Germans cried: "Enough!"
Behind them, the Boche, left a trail of blood where
the big shells went home; there were men, horses, and
material broken and smashed by the roadside. The
Meuse was reached, the guns in position to fire on
Sedan. Patrols were across the river, when on
November nth a breathless and beaming messenger
brought Foch's message that hostilities would cease
at 1 1 A.M. For a minute it was hard to understand;
and a non-comprehending silence spread over all;
then a burst of joy, given vent to as only soldiers
can, marked the end of it all. "Fini la Guerre."
George E. Dyke,
Captain, 306th F. A.
^==b»..«v.\^ (HCJ -
Sunday in Dancevoir
After the Armistice
The final epoch in the career of the regiment was
the return from the heat of battle to the discipline
of routine. The night of November nth, for the
first time in years, Raucourt and Beaumont, where
elements of the regiment were quartered, showed
lights in all of the windows; and soldiers, with the
civilians so recently liberated, went singing about the
streets. Automobiles and trucks which had hitherto
groped their way about dark, deserted villages, now
ran with their lamps gleaming through the night.
The change to peace — this minute the world a hell
of shells, the next a heaven of rejoicing — was so
sudden it seemed unbelievable.
Ten days' stay at Sommauthe, Beaumont and La
Besace for Regimental Headquarters and the Second
and Third Battalions — and the forward elements
rejoined the First Battalion at Marcq. There, in
the ruined village that but recently had been the
scene of fierce fighting, the regiment marked time,
practiced on the rifle range nearby and stood its first
Saturday Inspection since going into action. The
regiment awoke with a start to the fact that war was
over, and drill had come to take its place. To veter-
ans, this seemed strange.
Thanksgiving was celebrated here, on a splendid
dinner of corned willie and jam, while six or eight
mess sergeants fretted and fumed on a stalled truck
full of good eats and dainties somewhere on the road
between Bar-le-Duc and Marcq. The dainties were
to have been the mainstay of the dinner. The after-
noon of Thanksgiving Day the mayors of the twin
villages of Marcq and St. Juvin, for which the
Americans had paid a heavy price a few weeks before,
arrived to make a reconnaissance to find out whether
the village was still suitable for habitation. Their
population was scattered through France, but most
of it was collected at Paris, where it had fled in the
early war days.
These two dignitaries were quickly included in the
regimental Thanksgiving celebration in the public
square of Marcq. The Mayor of Marcq, a little
weazened old man, in baggy trousers, a frock coat,
and a yachting cap, summoned enough courage to
make a neat little speech, but the Mayor of St. Juvin,
tall, angular, and brawny, could only stand on the
platform and twiddle his fur cap furtively in one
hand, while with the other he fumbled at the buttons
of his leather hunting jacket. Perhaps he was
moved by the occasion— perhaps stunned by the
sight of so many friendly soldiers standing on the
reconquered soil of his boyhood. He was cheered
lustily for all that. Then came a speech in which
Colonel Winn made veiled promises, saying with a
wink for which he was cheered — that "somebody
at Headquarters had whispered something that
sounded good."
Three days later, the regiment moved by truck
through Chevieres, and around the wreck and ruin of
hard-won Grand Pr6, to Autry for entrainment.
Gradually, ruined villages and tousled fields blended
into scenes more peaceful, as the Big Mogul puffed
and panted along the tracks with its long string of
real American-made freight cars. Each car con-
tained seventy-two crowded and growling men, look-
ing for a bit of floor on which to place their feet.
They were happy to be moving just the same.
December 3d, Regimental Headquarters, and the
First and Second Battalions hiked from the detrain-
ing point at Latrecey to Dancevoir, while the Third
Battalion marched to Boudreville, five kilometers
from the former village. The regiment found itself
billeted in the Department of Haute-Marne, close to
Chaumont, where G. H. Q. was located.
These little villages represented the regiment's
first real intimacy with French rural life. They had
come into contact with French life in their training
camp at St. Aledard, but not so completely as here.
The streets were winding, narrow, and muddy on
rainy days, which were the only kind prevalent, but
the houses, unlike those of the battlefield, had four
walls and roof intact, with a picturesqueness that is
not found in the more modern American villages.
The little river Aube flowed through the valley, and
tiny washhouses on its banks gave promise of
washerwomen and clean clothing once more. Ducks
and geese waddled about, and piebald cows pattered
dowTi the street to the watering place by the river.
Fresh from war, these were cheerful sights for tired
Everywhere in the village the American was hailed
as a "bon soldat," and with his diluted conver-
sational supply of half a dozen French words, the
306th Artilleryman was soon to be seen sitting before
every village fireplace "chauffing" himself and
recounting with the aid of arms, legs, poker, or any-
thing handy, his battle exploits. These tales never
failed of being stamped with the mark of approval
"bon" by the French family. Fireplaces adorned
with pretty daughters were especially desirable. Sev-
eral estaminets — the little wine shops of France —
put on their holiday fronts and prepared for an influx
The Dancevoir "Y" Becomes our Regimental Theatre
of francs. Many were the savory dinners cooked up
for hungry soldiers by the excellent French house-
wives. "American soldats lous gourmands" they
said of the ever eating artilleryman. Then, too,
there were sly oglings between John Gunner and little
Jeanne, Marie, and Rosemarie. It was here that the
regimental interpreter took unto himself a buxom
wife, after an argument with "M. Le Maire," who
objected strenuously to the reduction of the village
population by bad bold men who carried away the
demoiselles of his best families.
The village of Dancevoir, too, boasts of a chateau,
a quaint place by the river, inhabited by a sure-
enough count who regaled the officers with the best
from his cellars, and took them on boar-hunting
expeditions. He was often to be seen, strolling
about the village streets in wooden shoes, a hunting
jacket, and a yachting cap. He was a tall, gaunt
figure, with fierce mustaches. As country counts
go, he was most democratic, and not averse to eating
buns at a battery kitchen.
The officers and men, upon arriving amid these
scenes of rural quiet, were a bit proud of the regi-
ment's record at the front, and felt that as artillery-
men and soldiers they had made good. They were
now promptly and firmly convinced 'that as soldiers
they knew nothing about anything. It appeared
that the Number One men at the guns, who for
months past had been hurling high-explosive shells
at Jerry, had been pulling the lanyard with the wrong
finger! The gunners and cannoneers, veterans every
one of them, had forgotten to go by the book.
Although it was admitted that in an advance the
regiment had never allowed an obstacle to prevent
its marching well up with the foremost, it was now
pointed out that the regiment really knew nothing of
regulation marching. All this must be learned by
hours of concentrated practice, in mud, sometimes
in snow, and always in drizzle. Inspections were
frequent and strict. Guards were placed at the
public wells to see that no one drank the unhallowed
3o6th field artillery
unchlorinated water upon which the villagers grew
fat and healthy and red cheeked. A sort of gypsy
bath was rigged up by the river, with hot and cold
water, — just those two kinds, there was no "in
between." The cold water was administered by the
sergeant in charge of the bath, who took more than
gleeful delight in giving his favorite officer the icy
Some of the men were detailed to work on roads
and streets, raking off the mud that the rain had
formed. When the regiment pulled out of the village
it was said that the street levels were several feet
lower than they had been on its arrival!
Evenings were the bright spots in existence in the
Haute-Mame. The Regimental Stock Company,
then formed, regaled the men with shows of its own
conception, and so good were they, that the Stock
Company was allowed to travel over the entire
Divisional Area of forty or more villages to present
them. " Movies," entertainments, and athletic activ-
ities took place each night at the Y. M. C. A. A
commissary was established in town by Lieutenant
Vollmer, and for a time the regiment lived in a luxury
of jam, cigars, and cigarettes. But Lieutenant
Vollmer was called to work for the Peace Commission
and locked up his thriving business. Thereafter
the sardine profits of Madame Zaza, of the village
^picerie, again increased.
Then came Christmas Day. "Home by Christ-
mas" had been the enthusiastic battle-cry from the
first day of action. And here was the regiment,
many miles from the land of toy departments and
Santa Clauses with red-brick chimneys, in a little
village where they call the old saint "Pere-Noel."
But P^re-Noel was good to us, and although we did
not hang our sox — "four pairs, regulation issue" —
on the mantel, we had the finest dinner that was ever
eaten in any army. Roast suckling pig, mashed
potatoes, gravy, green peas, cauliflower, coffee, cocoa,
punch, pie, jam, crackers, crullers, cigars, cigarettes,
and chocolate — went the way of the glutton in sa-
vory array. It was a dinner that would have made
any homeboard groan, but it was not home. Christ-
mas night it snowed, and the next morning the
muddy streets and the hills and valleys were covered
with a clean white blanket that transformed every-
thing magically.
Rxmiors flitted through billet and barrack as
always. Dates of homegoing were ventured, and
heavy bets were placed on paydays — yet always,
the rumored date would come — and pass.
While at Camp Upton, the War Department had
given the regiment to believe that it was to be motor-
ized. We sometimes rather wished the War Depart-
ment would prove it while at the front, where no
amount of "Allez!" could sometimes convince the
horses that the artillery was a mobile and not a
stationary unit. And now they did prove it. The
S. O. S. was going home, and had a good number of
automobiles and tractors that might be spared us.
Unfortunately the autos were delivered by way of
Ch&teauvillain, and with the exception of one "fliv-
ver" for the Supply Company, they were all "bor-
rowed" by Division Headquarters. But the tractors
The Long-Awaited Tractor
were smuggled in by railroad, and it was a proud day
when the great camouflaged caterpillar power
engines came grinding and rattling down the streets
to their parks. But pride was short-lived, for in a
few days nearly every one had been borrowed by
sister regiments in neighboring towns. They re-
turned to us in January just in time to be cleaned
and repaired and turned in to the Ordnance Depart-
ment ! But we had been motorized. Our guns soon
followed, and a final tribute was paid to the Regi-
ment when the inspector from G. H. Q. declared our
matdriel to be without exception in the most perfect
condition of any he had seen in twenty years' experi-
Toward the end of December the many teasing
rumors took definite shape. By January, moving
was an assured fact, and the order arrived to entrain
February 7th for Le Mans, the distributing center
for embarkation points. Before the great day of
departure came, we had been stripped of everything
except uniforms and packs. And when the final
policing had been completed, the last can buried, the
last strip of paper covered, and we were plodding up
the hill and out of the town forever, we looked back
at the gray village, with its stone walls and muddy
streets; its bareheaded children and red cheeked old
women and men — and felt that in spite of restless-
ness and homesickness; in spite of drill and fatigue,
the Haute-Marne had been not half bad. The vil-
lagers who thought us such "bons soldats" and
who had so hospitably received us into their homes,
waved a sorrowful good-by — and in the overseas
cap of John Gunner flirted the tokens of little Jeanne,
Marie, and Rosemarie.
Allen Lefferts,
First Lieutenant, 306th F. A.
Operations and Statistics
Operations of the 306th Field Artillery
IN this history of the operations of the 306th Field
Artillery, but a general outline will be given of the
work of the regiment from the viewpoint of the
Operations Officer. It is difficult to set forth a his-
tory of the regiment without becoming involved in a
general discussion of the operations of the entire
division as the 155 howitzers operated as divisional
artillery, and, taking part in all major operations
and most of the minor affairs of the division, worked
principally in conjunction with the infantry and
therefore operated, as a rule, hand in hand with the
infantry. Although the operations of the infantry
and of the artillery dovetailed, it would be obviously
unfair, and possibly even fallacious, to include in this
outline an exposition of the results of operations of
the infantry which are based on information not
always authentic. For this reason and for the addi-
tional reason that it is rarely possible to ascertain
exactly the result of artillery firing, this history will
be confined as far as possible to statements of princi-
pal actions up to the point where the artillery pre-
parations were completed, and no attempt made to
set forth or analyze the ultimate result of operations
as they effected the infantry situation.
The operations on the Lorraine front were com-
paratively simple. The regiment supported its own
infantry covering a large front of some fourteen
kilometers. Baccarat was in fact principally a rest
and training sector, and for the artillery meant little
more than the opportunity to enable organization
commanders to learn to operate under field condi-
tions, to smooth out problems of supply and coordin-
ation, to realize the difficulty of bringing up guns
and setting them into position, and to give everyone
a mild idea of what the Front was like. Probably
no one was deceived into thinking that the regiment
was in the conflict in earnest, although firing for
registration was done and a pretty piece of work by
Battery F in blowing up a church filled with minnen-
werfer shells added a little real atmosphere.
The reason for the maintenance of a rest and
training sector were obvious enough, although dis-
tasteful to American ideas of warfare. Lorraine was
not badly damaged by the war, and the French,
looking forward to the time when Alsace-Lorraine
should be theirs again, wished to keep it so, success-
fully preventing American efforts to force aggressive
fighting on that front — this aside from the desire of
the French command to retain part of the battle
line where troops which were exhausted from combat,
both in men and materiel, could be rested and
refitted without taking them to the rear and thus
thinning the front. The Germans, also anxious
to keep a rest front, adopted the same attitude,
resulting eventually in a sort of "gentlemen's agree-
ment" to refrain from any heavy action in Lorraine.
This was carried out to such an extreme that there
came into existence by unwTitten mutual under-
standing a "retaliation schedule" clearly under-
stood and observed by both sides. Under this
schedule the shelling of a town within the French
lines would promptly be answered by fire on two
towns of comparatively equal importance within the
German lines. The towns were listed side by side
in copies of the schedule furnished to each artillery
commander for his compliance. The ammunition
supplied to American artillery was reduced to such a
small quantity that a heavy bombardment on the
Germans was rendered impossible, and action was
confined to local infantry raids in which the heavy
artillery had little part.
Finally came the order to pull out of the Lorraine
front, and everyone knew that the regiment was about
to plunge into the fight in earnest. And they were
not in error, for from the easy life at Baccarat, the
regiment moved into one of the most hotly shelled
and bitterly contested sectors of the front, — the
Vesle. It was clear in every mind that the regiment
was nearing the crucial period— the entry into real
battle, the carrying on of the tremendous victory of
Chateau-Thierry. Early in the morning of August
13th the tired troops drew into the Foret de Nesles,
and on the nights of August 14th and 15th the guns
were placed in position, relieving the 13th Field
Artillery. The relief was conducted amid heavy
shelling of the roads without casualty to the 306th,
but with heavy losses in men and horses to the
At 8.20 P.M. on the night of August 17th the
commanding officer of the First Battalion reported
to the regimental commander that Battery A was
undergoing a heavy bombardment and in a few
minutes the Second Battalion was greasing shells
that were soon on their way to a suspected German
battery. The fire on Battery A continued and at
8.40 the Third Battalion was called on to take part
Observ©Ki»n PoaK
One Kile*neter
E)aHcry Pasifion.
A Posh oF Command
'•• ■ -7
. ^^'^zoy^ J
in counter-battery fire on another suspected battery.
The fire on Battery A soon ceased and in the absence
of a planned program our fire was also discontinued.
With the exception of hostile shelling of our roads
and the regimental Post Command all was com-
paratively quiet until 11.50, when the commanding
officer of the Third Battalion telephoned that Bat-
tery F was being shelled and that the personnel had
been forced to take cover. At midnight the Second
Battalion was again busy firing on suspected German
batteries to counter their fire. The rest of the night
was comparatively quiet.
Each day and night was more or less of a repetition
of the experiences of the first night, although we did
not by any means each time await German fire
before firing ourselves. As a rule, however, fire
was not opened on a suspected German battery
unless it was recently and accurately located, as it
was well known that the Germans moved their
batteries frequently from one position to another,
but almost every night their main roads and cross-
roads were heavily shelled by our batteries.
An account of the numerous firings engaged in,
day and night, on German batteries, congregations
of German troops, vehicles on roads, machine-gun
nests, crossroads, etc., would be of but little interest
and therefore will not be included in this outline of
On the night of August 2 ist fire was opened by the
First Battalion on the Tannerie. The Tannerie was
near Fismes at the railroad and close to the Vesle.
Machine guns in and about the Tannerie had been
causing our infantry considerable trouble, and the
306th was ordered to fire on it preliminary to an
attack by our infantry. The fire was duly executed
but when the infantry got there the Tannerie was no
longer in existence. It had been so thoroughly and
completely destroyed that nothing was left but a
scattered mass of debris.
Our line was pressed back slightly in the center
on August 22d, but we still held the erstwhile
Tannerie. During most of the night of August 22d-
23d all of the batteries fired heavily in support of
the infantry in their endeavor to straighten the line.
The next night the infantry made another attack at
the same place, again supported by the 306th Field
Artillery, although without much more success.
Early in the morning of August 25th, the French
division on our left made a strong attack west of
Bazoches in which the Second and Third Battalions
took part.
On the morning of August 27th took place an
unsuccessful attack on Bazoches. All the batteries
fired heavily but the infantry were unable to take
and hold the town. From this time on the 306th
paid particular attention to Bazoches with the
purpose of making the town untenable for the Ger-
mans, and although it was not taken until the
Germans retired along the whole front, there is little
doubt but that the Germans found it a terrible and
an expensive place to hold. Day and night in addi-
tion to the firing of other missions our shells were
dropped into Bazoches. At twelve midnight Sep-
tember 2d-3d, 1918, our fire into the town ceased,
and Bazoches was unmolested for three hours. At
3.03 A.M. Corps Gas Troops poured a gas projector
attack into the place accompanied by a rolling
barrage by the 304th Field Artillery (75mm.) and the
306th Field Artillery. When the barrage was com-
pleted the 306th returned to the usual destruction
fire. When the division advanced on SeptemVier 4th,
it was possible to observe accurately the extent of the
damage inflicted by our artillery, and there is no
question but that the 306th honestly earned the title
whichit then received of the "Wreckers of Bazoches."
An attempt was made on the morning of Sep-
tember 4th to drive the Germans from the Chateau
du Diable and surrounding woods, south of the
Rouen-Reims Road. As at Bazoches, this terrain
was wonderfully adapted for defence, the heavy
woods surrounding the Chateau afTording excellent
concealment and protection for the defenders. The
wall-rimmed road running along the top of the abrupt
slope in the rear of the Chateau furnished almost
impregnable machine-gun positions. The Third
Battalion fired for several hours on the road over the
Chateau, then on the Chateau and stables, and then
again on the road. Within this period, the Ravin
de L'Homme Mort, reported to contain a German
camp, was subjected to a gas concentration by
Batteries B,C, D, and E, the 304th Field Artillery
blocking both ends of the ravine with a rapid fire of
high explosive and shrapnel.
The German artillery fire had slackened consider-
ably during the preceding two days, and many large
fires in their rear areas were observed, indicating an
early retirement of their lines. This was confirmed
during the day of September 4th when the infantry
reported that the Germans were retreating and that
patrols were being sent over the Vesle to keep con-
tact with them. During the night of September 4th-
5th the artillery followed as fast as the hastily
prepared bridges flung across the Vesle would permit.
It was then that the 306th disproved the generally
accepted theory that the heavy artillery should
follow the light, for but one battalion of light artillery
of the brigade succeeded in crossing before the
306th. This advance marked our first movement in
the "Oise-Aisne Offensive," aimed to drive the
Germans back of the Aisne and the Chemin des
Dames. At this time General Mangin's divisions
were astride the Chemin des Dames and driving
eastward while we were attempting to force the Ger-
mans back over the Aisne by frontal attacks.
3o6th field artillery
At 8.40 A.M. on September 5th the infantry were
reported held up by serious machine-gun fire from
the ravines near Merval and Serval. Under per-
sonal directions from the divisional commander the
Third Battalion halted in its march and unlimbered
in the streets of Fismes, firing rapidly for thirty
minutes into the ravines designated. This was the
only occasion on which the regiment conducted fire
without any concealment whatever, the operation
being performed in full view of a German captive
During September 5th, 6th, and 7th many missions
of harassing and interdiction fire were executed
by the batteries, particular attention being paid to
the defences on La Petite Montagne. The fire on
La Petite Montagne, as a matter of fact, was almost
continuous, day and night, from September 5th to
September 15th. On September 8th starting at
6.45 P.M. the Second and Third Battalions took part
in a rolling barrage followed by support fire, in an
attempt to clear La Petite Montagne of the enemy.
Beginning at 5.15 a.m. on the morning of September
14th and continuing most of the day all batteries
delivered a heavy fire on German positions in support
of another attack to drive the Germans back of the
Aisne along the entire division front. In general,
the fire of batteries from the time of the crossing
of the Vesle until the division withdrew from the
sector to proceed to the Argonne was conducted
almost entirely against enemy infantry — a fire that
continued without rest on scores of points which were
known or suspected to harbor the enemy.
The batteries turned over their positions on the
evening of September 15th to the 155's of the 8th
Italian Division and withdrew, with few casualties,
to the Bois de Meuni^re, near Coulonges. After a
hard road march the regiment drew into the For6t d'
Argonne on the night of September 23d-24th and
immediately commenced preparations to take part in
a colossal attack of which whispers had already been
heard — "from Switzerland to the Sea."
Extreme caution was taken to insure secrecy of the
operations. For example, forward observers wore
French uniforms, and a complete telephone system
was installed but no conversations in English passed
over the lines until the opening of the attack. The
morning of September 26th was set for the attack,
and until that time all movement within our lines
was reduced to a minimum. Very little trouble from
enemy artillery' or bombing planes was encountered
during this period, although the Germans were
evidently suspicious, for there was considerable
aeroplane activity for the purpose of observation
and photography.
As registration would reveal the concentration
of artillery, the guns could not be adjusted by
observation of fire. The pieces were therefore laid
with precise care, advantage being taken of every
available means of orientation, including astronomi-
cal observation, to check and recheck. The battery
positions of the Second Battalion were obstructed
by trees, but these were not cut down and removed
until nightfall of September 25th for fear of revealing
the position.
All guns opened fire at 2.55 a.m., September 26th
on enemy strong points, dugouts, crossroads, etc.,
and continued this heavy shelling until 5.30 a.m.,
when the fire was shifted to a heavy support barrage
five hundred meters in front of the 75mm. barrage on
the German front lines. At the end of twenty-five
minutes the infantry went "over the top" and the
barrage preceded them at the rate of a one hundred
meter jump each five minutes. When the barrage
reached a certain designated line, fire was again
shifted to enemy strong points, assembly areas, etc.,
farther in the rear. The rate of fire was reduced
several times after the completion of the barrage and
fire ceased entirely at 2.40 p.m. September 26th.
During this opening operation of the Meuse- Argonne
Offensive, the regiment fired a total of fifty-three
hundred rounds.
In the afternoon of September 26th the Second
, Battalion moved forward to La Haraz^e, further
advance being impossible on account of the condition
of the roads — roads that for four years had been in
No Man's Land, and had now been made hopelessly
impassable by our terrific bombardment and by
German mines detonated just preceding the retreat.
On the following day the Third Battalion also moved
to La Harazde, and on September 29th the First
Battalion advanced to the Abri St. Louis.
The advance of the infantry continued; we fol-
lowed, the Second Battalion moving to position
about two and a half kilometers southwest of Binar-
ville on October 2d, the Third Battalion close by on
October loth, and to positions about two kilometers
north of Langon on the following day. The First
Battalion took positions south of Chatel-Cheh^ry on
October loth, and advanced southeast of La Besogne
on October 12th. The Second Battalion advanced
about one kilometer southeast of Grand Ham on
October i ith. One gun of Battery D was taken up
close to the front lines on September 29th to afford
closer liaison with the infantry in the reduction of
troublesome machine-gun nests but more particularly
for the moral support afforded the infantry.
After the opening attack and up to October i8th
all batteries took part in firing to support the infantry
advance, a total of about seventeen thousand five
hundred rounds being fired during that period. This
fire was delivered principally in the destruction of
enemy assembly areas, machine-gun nests, barbed
wire and trenches, in counter battery, and in harass-
ing and interdiction fire on roads and crossroads.
aPo«V of Command M BaHwry Pas/fion Erjcrrjy froof line 5iip\: Zb.
3o6th field artillery
The infantry activities were in the nature of a steady
pressure rather than separate blows, so that these
firings were almost continuous and shifted rapidly
from one target to another. The principal single
attacks were the action in the relief of a battalion
of the 308th Infantry on October 7th (the so-called
"Lost Battalion"), the taking of St. Juvin (Kreim-
hilde Stellung) on October 14th, the attack on Che-
vieres on October 15th, the attacks on Grand Pr^,
and the two attacks of the 78th Division on the Bois
des Loges and Champigneulle on October i6th and
The firing in the relief of the "Lost Battalion"
was carefully prepared and well executed, as has
been evidenced by the report of an exhaustive
investigation conducted immediately after the action
made necessary by the ill-founded charges of an
officer of high rank that the firing had been wild and
had caused casualties to our infantry. In this
connection the following extracts from the report
of Lieut. Col. James A. Galloghy, acting as Inspector
for the First Army Corps, is of interest :
I find that the firing of the 306th Field Artillery on the
morning of the 7th of October, 1918, was well directed upon the
target assigned to it ; that it was carefully conducted with due
precaution as to safety, and certainty of firing — that this regi-
ment did not cause the death of Lieutenant Fiske. There is
direct evidence showing — not only that the shell that killed
Lieutenant Fiske was not fired by a gun of the type with which
this regiment is armed but also that he was killed by a large
shell with two rotating bands, not spaced as those on French
155 ammunition is spaced, with indicated rifling differing
markedly from the rifling of any type of French 155 and
approaching closing to the rifling of the German 14.9.
The action directed on St. Juvin, which was the
main effort of the division in the attack on the
Kreimhilde Stellung, opened with a two hour artillery
preparation from 6.30 A.M. to 8.30 a.m., on October
14th — the fire advancing after 8.30 a.m. with the
movement of the infantry. The attack on Chevi^res
followed a short artillery preparation from 6.30 a.m.
to 7.30 a.m. on October 15th. In this action the
First Battalion and Second Battalion were placed
under the orders of the commanding generals of the
153d and 154th Infantry Brigades respectively, the
Third Battalion being held in reserve — a sharp
departure from the principles of artillery that
resulted before the completion of the action in the
expenditure of ammunition, not justified by the
situation in fire, on scattered areas and roads. On
the night of October 15th the infantry of the 78th
Division relieved that of the 77th Division, but the
artillery remained in the lines. On the morning of
October i6th the infantry moved on the Bois des
Loges, with the First Battalion of this regiment
supporting the attack under the orders of the Com-
manding General 155th Infantry Brigade and the
Second Battalion under the orders of the Command-
ing-General of the 156th Infantry Brigade; the Third
Battalion being in reserve. The capture of the Bois-
des-Loges and Champigneulle was again attempted
on October 17th. On this occasion the First Bat-
talion was subject to the orders of the Commanding
Officer, 304th Field Artillery, and the Second Bat-
talion to those of the Commanding Officer of the
305th Field Artillery — the Third Battalion in
reserve. Fire was executed during the night of
October 1 6th- 17th on Grand Pr^, the Bois-des- Loges,
and Champigneulle and on the morning of October
17th at H hour (6.30 a.m.) was shifted to other
On October i8th the regiment was placed in
reserve and drew back to La Haraz^e, returning to
the lines on October 25th. The First and Second
Battalions took positions near La Pylone (Cornay)
and the Third Battalion near Fl^ville. But little
fire except that for adjustment was executed until
November ist, when the last great blow of the war
was launched. Complete and comprehensive orders
for this attack included arrangements for rapid
movement forward of all batteries in the event of a
collapse of the German positions. The infantry
attacked on the morning of November ist after a
thirty minute artillery preparation and advanced
rapidly, covered by powerful artillery support. All
batteries fired in accordance with a carefully ar-
ranged firing schedule, consuming 3500 rounds of
ammunition on enemy strong points and assembly
areas. On the following day the infantry continued
to advance so rapidly that the problem of transporta-
tion became acute. Exhaustion, sickness, and enemy
fire had by this time reduced the strength of the
regiment in animals by two thirds, and made it
impossible for all batteries to keep up with the
advance. For this reason on November 2d the
First Battalion was immobilized and its horses turned
over to the Third Battalion to enable the latter to
move to positions at St. Juvin. On the same day the
Second Battalion advanced to Moulin-de-Cham-
pign^ulle. On the following day the horses of D
Battery were turned over to C Battery, and C Bat-
tery moved on to Thenorgues, the Third Battalion
advancing to Bar. On November 4th the Third
Battalion took position one kilometer south of
Sommauthe, and on the following day advanced to
position near La Besace, C Battery advancing to
Sommauthe. The Third Battalion moved to posi-
tion at Haracourt on November 7th and C Battery
to position near Raucourt on November 9th. Dur-
ing the period from November 2d to November
nth, the date of the Armistice, the more important
and interesting missions were the raking fire of the
First and Second Battalions on machine-gun nests
in Moulin-de-Champign^uUe and the woods north-
306i*.rA. IN THE ARGONNE OCT. 9 -NOV. I, (3.
3 >MU>M«T«««
UU Ba^^e^y Posifion Och9-l7 m' ^aVi-crv PosiUon Nov. 1 A RjsH of Commond
east of the Moulin on November 2nd, in support of
the infantry, and the fire of the Third Battalion on
the road at Stonne on November 4th. The road
through Stonne inclines steeply and makes three
extremely sharp turns, making difficult the passage
of heavy material. Observers reported a huge jam
of German vehicles at Stonne late in the afternoon
on November 4th, and the Third Battalion was given
the task of destroying them. The result of the fire
was not known, further observation having been
rendered impossible by nightfall. Some counter-
battery work was done by the Third Battalion on
November 9th.
In conclusion it may be fitting to state that with-
out question the success of the 306th Field Artillery
in conducting its operations accurately and rapidly
under difficult and trying conditions is due princi-
pally to Colonel Frederic H. Smith, whose foresight
and unusual ability to organize and coordinate es-
tablished the regiment on a firm footing that could
not fail to carry it through with distinction and
E. E. Nelson,
Captain, 306th F. A.
Operations Officer.
Commendations for the Regiment
COMMENDATION for work well done is a
source of great satisfaction to the doers of the
work, whether they be colonel or cannoneer.
The 306th Field Artillery has reason to be proud of its
record in this respect. At the Vesle, August 2 1 st, the
destruction wrought by the howitzers on the Tannerie,
a formidable German strong point, called forth a con-
gratulatory message from the division commander.
The next day, a counter-preparation fire from the regi-
ment's guns resulted in a bulletin from Lieutenant-
Colonel Smith :
The Colonel of the 308th Infantry reports that our fire to-day
has saved the infantry from a powerful German thrust, and
freely gives the regiment credit. Please disseminate the news
Again, September 1st, the division commander
congratulated the 306th Field Artillery on the de-
struction of Bazoches, and for its ability to fire while
on the march. F Battery, en route over the Vesle,
unlimbered in the streets of Fismes to help the
infantry out of a tight place. This action was
commended by the colonel of the 308th Infantry, who
reported that the firing enabled his men to continue
their advance over the Vesle-Aisne plateau.
September 28th, following the commencement of
the great drive in the Argonne two days before, a
memorandiun issued to the First Army by General
Pershing paid tribute to the units of that army,
and stimulated them to continue the advances still
more enthusiastically. The memorandum, which
acquainted all of the men for the first time with the
magnitude of the operation in which they were
participating, read:
The Allied troops are now engaged along the western front
in the largest combined movement of the war. It is of extreme
importance that the First American Army drive forward with
all possible force. There is evidence that the enemy is retiring
from our own front. Our success must be followed up with the
utmost energy, and pursuit continued, to bring about confusion
and demoralization and to prevent the enemy from forming his
shattered forces. I am counting on the splendid spirit, dash,
and courage of our Army to overcome all opposition. Our
country expects nothing else.
A Corps General Order published October 2d
complimented the division for the "steady, solid
progress made since the beginning of the operation
now under way." The I52d Field Artillery Bri-
gade Operation Reports under dates of October 7th,
13th, and 14th had this to say of the effectiveness
of the regiment's fire during the Argonne-Meuse
offensive :
October 7 — Between 5H and 6H a concentration of all the
Divisional Artillery was laid on La Palette trench to support a
combined Franco-American attack on the German positions to
relieve Major Whittlesey's Battalion. The attack was not
successful, but the Artillery fire caused such losses to the enemy
in men and materiel as to compel his withdrawal on the night of
October 7-8.
October 13 — Harassing fire on the woods and roads, de-
struction of fleeting targets, protective fire during construction
of bridge by engineers. Our fire for several days in the vicinity
of Grand Pr^ finally culminated in the successful attack by the
154th Infantry Brigade on that town.
October 14. — Counter battery and harassing fire and a
special operation in support of an attack on St. Juvin and Hill
182 which wrested those strong positions from the enemy and
brought to a successful conclusion the advance of the Division
in the first phase of its attack.
So important were the results obtained from the
regiment's fire that General Westervelt, Chief of
Artillery for the A. E. F., told Colonel Smith that he
considered the 306th Field Artillery the best 155mm.
howitzer regiment in the A. E. F. October 12th
brought another message from the Commanding
General of the First Army Corps expressing his
"gratification and appreciation of the work of the
77th Division." This general order went on to
state :
This Division had been in the lines constantly since the night
of the 25th of September, under circumstances at least as diflScult
as those which confronted any other Division of the First Army.
In spite of these conditions, your command has pu.shed forward
on a line with the foremost, and to-day, after eighteen days of
constant fighting, is still ready to respond to any demand made
upon it. The Corps Commander is proud indeed of such a
unit as yours, and congratulates you on such a command.
On November 6th, the Commanding General of the
First Army commended the First Army Corps on its
efforts. This commendation was passed to the
divisions of the Corps, and was distributed down to
companies, with the following congratulation from
Major General Alexander:
This Division alone remains in the line of those present at the
beginning of the general operation November i. In the face of
the greatest difficulties caused by continuous rains, enemy
demolitions, and active resistance, the Division has pushed for-
3o6th field artillery
ward magnificently, overcoming all obstacles met in its advance.
It is no exaggeration to say that this Division has taken more
ground and materiel from the enemy, since September 26th
than any other Division in the American Army, and probably
more than any other Division in the Allied Army in this period.
In the Brigade Operations Report for November
7th, Brigadier General Manus McCloskey gave
special recognition and credit to the 306th Field
Artillery, as follows :
The occupation by our troops of the line of the Meuse, and
an extension of the Division Boundary to the north caused a
further displacement of the Artillery covering the new front.
The 304th Field Artillery took positions on the Raucourt-Autre-
court road near Nouveau Montjoie Ferme; the 305th Field
Artillery took positions on the ridges of Haraucourt, and the
advance Battalion of the 306th Field Artillery reached the same
vicinity. The march of our advance Battalion of 155s (the
Third Battalion) was a marked example of energy and resource-
fulness in combating unusual obstacles. The Battalion ad-
vanced 12 kilometers over a road destroyed by mines and shell-
fire, deep in mud, and in places precipitous to an unusual degree.
This Battalion was put into position, and soon after midnight
was ready to fire as far north as Sedan and as far east as the
ridge between the Meuse and Chiers.
Speaking of the "use of Artillery during recent
operations," Brigadier General Evan M. Johnson,
commanding the 154th Infantry Brigade, sent this
report to the Division Commander, asking that it be
forwarded to the Artillery Brigade Headquarters:
I desire to express to you, and through you to the officers
of your command, my appreciation of the assistance which was
rendered during the recent operations of this Brigade by your
Artillery, particularly during the last few days, when there was
possibility of observation, and where artillery assistance was of
the highest value. I may say in fact that had it not been for
the effective and efficient support which was given me by both
the light and heavy Artiller>', placed at my disposition by the
Di\asion Commander, the taking of Grand Pr6 by the troops of
my command, under the conditions as they existed, would have
been an impossibility, and that the success of the operation was
due in large measure to the effective artillery support.
General McCloskey's farewell order stirs the
memory of all :
Headquarters 152D Brig.^de Field Artillery American
Expeditionary Forces
5th February, 1919.
General Order No. i.
In relinquishing command of the 1 52d Field Artillery Brigade,
the Brigade Commander desires to pubUsh in orders his appre-
ciation of the work done by its members. Entering the service
at Camp Upton, drilling for weeks without guns, caissons, or
horses, you applied yourself with a determination to do well
which boded ill for the Boche. At Camp de Souge, your work
won the merited praise of your French instructors. In the quiet
of the Baccarat sector you learned the whistle of hostile shell.
But it was in the V^esle that you received your baptism of fire and
your reply showed the Boche that here was a foe to be reck-
oned with. In that long march from the Vesle to the Argonne,
with sleepless nights and long distances, you acted like veterans
and won the praise of French and Americans who saw you.
On September 24th you entered the great Argonne forest
which for four years had belonged to the Boche. And here,
regardless of privations and discomforts, unmindful of personal
danger, you manned your guns and gave the deathblow to the
Kaiser's ambitions.
From August 2d, when you left the Baccarat sector, until
November nth, when the Armistice was effective, you marched
overland 340 kilometers, gained 71 kilometers from the enemy
in battle, and had only five days of so-called rest.
This is, indeed, a record to be proud of. But to it, there
must be added the praise which Brigade, Division, Corps, and
Army Commanders have given you. No matter where the
Infantry was, you always had guns in position to fire in front
of them and there was always plenty of ammunition close at
The accuracy of your fire and cleverness in moving your guns
were visible to all, but behind this your Brigade Commander
saw the hardships, the difficulties, and the sources of worry
which confronted you. All these, however, you overcame be-
cause you were determined to win.
With a full appreciation of this, your Brigade Commander
congratulates you on your glorious accomplishment and your
magnificent spirit. To have commanded you through this
victorious career is, indeed, an honor and a privilege.
Manus McCloskey,
Brigadier General, U. S. A.,
A Corps Order, two days after the signing of the
Armistice, thanked all the units of the Corps for their
unfailing ardor in making the advance on Sedan
possible. It was left to General Pershing, in General
Order No. 232, to record the supreme tribute to the
First Army, saying :
It is with a sense of gratitude for its splendid achievement
which will live through all history, that I record in General
Orders a tribute to the victory of the First Army in the Meuse-
Argonne battle. It was a position of imposing natural strength,
stretching on both sides of the Meuse River from the bitterly
contested hills of Verdun to the almost impenetrable forest of
the Argonne; a position, moreover, fortified by four years of
labor designed to render it impregnable; a position held with
the fullest resources of the enemy. That position you broke
utterly, and thereby hastened the collapse of the enemy's
military power.
Soldiers of all the divisions engaged under the First, Third,
and Fifth Corps — you will be long remembered for the stubborn
persistence of your progress, your storming of obstinately
defended machine-gun nests, your penetration yard by yard, of
woods and ravines, your heroic resistance in the face of counter-
attacks supported by artillery fire. For more than a month,
from the initial attack of September 26th, you fought your way
slowly through the Argonne, through the woods and over hills
west of the Meuse; you slowly enlarged your hold on the Cotes-
de-Meuse on the east, and then, on the first of November, your
attack forced the enemy into flight. Pressing his retreat, you
cleared the entire left bank of the Meuse south of Sedan, and
then stormed the heights on the right bank, and drove him into
the plain beyond.
Your achievement, which is scarcely to be equalled in Ameri-
can History, must remain a source of proud satisfaction to the
troops who participated in the last campaign of the war. The
American people will remember it as the realization of the hith-
erto potential strength of the American contribution toward the
cause to which they had sworn allegiance. There can be no
greater reward for a soldier, or for a soldier's memory.
Divisional Citations
Headquarters 77TH Division,
American E. F.
November 3, 1918.
General Orders No. 35.
I . I desire to record in the General Orders of this
Division a tribute to the valorous conduct of the
following officers and enlisted men who have dis-
tinguished themselves by their splendid courage,
service, and sacrifice:
Sergeant Daniel Mahon, No. 1716200, E Battery,
306th Field Artillery, was in charge of a detail
while repairing telephone wire under heavy
shell fire. One man was killed and Sergeant
Mahon continued the work of establishing
communication, showing absolute fearless-
ness, disregard of danger, and exceptional
devotion to duty under the most trying con-
Corporal John J. McHugh, No. 1 716207, E
Battery, 306th Field Artillery. While repair-
ing telephone wire under heavy shell fire re-
ceived wounds which resulted in his death.
He showed absolute fearlessness and disregard
of danger and exceptional devotion to duty
under the most trying conditions.
Private George Rothenberger, No. 1 716308, E
Battery, 306th Field Artillery, was a member
of a detail repairing telephone wire under
heavy shell fire. One member of the detail
was killed, and Private Rothenberger con-
tinued with the work of establishing com-
munication, showing absolute fearlessness
and disregard of danger and exceptional
devotion to duty under the most trying
Robert Alexander,
Major General, U. S. A.
Louis B. Gerow,
Adjutant General,
Division Adjutant.
CROIX de guerre awarded by the king of the
Private (now Corporal) Rothenberger, No. 1716-
308, E Battery, 306th Field Artillery.
Army Citations
Col. F. H. Smith has been cited by General Pershing
for "distinguished and meritorious service during the
battle of the Argonne."
Col. Chas. D. Winn has been awarded the Dis-
tinguished Service Medal (D. S. M.)
Major Holland S. Duell, commanding the 2nd Bn.,
has been cited by General Pershing for "distinguished
and exceptional gallantry at Binarville" in the
Recommendations of Cpl. Goggin and Pvt. Spunt
of D Batter}', for the D. S. C, are pending.
Honor Roll
They Gave
THEY gave a brave man's portion — and some there were who gave all — those men of the regiment who
were wounded in battle, or who fell upon the field of honor.
They performed, not the brilliant toumamental exhibitions of mediasval knighthood, advancing on
caparisoned chargers with spears scintillating, but they toiled and sweated as officers, gunners, cannoneers,
wiremen, observers, and teamsters in a terrible place of death, where they met, not an enemy whom they
could see and vanquish by human force, but a chaos of spattering steel whirling and crashing from the
firmament itself, it seemed.
The wounds they bear are the cheiTons of chivalry — in the best cause in the world — and the high sacrifice
that some of them made is testimony to the magnificence of that cause, for they held it so highly as to
die for it. Their comrades in arms do honor to them, and to those who, in giving them, made equal sacrifice.
The Honor Roll
Badin, Jean'
Berkemeyer, R. A.
Brody, Samuel S.
Bums, James
Davidson, Reuben
De Felice, Nichola
Eck, Herbert P.
Flugge, Fred'k E.
Grosz, William H.
Hoel, Warren L.
Hopp, Charles F.
Kane, Patrick J.
Kaplan, Samuel
Le Voy, Joseph H.
Madden, James W.
Margraf, Enoch G.
Martin, Thomas
McHugh, John J.
Mongeon, R6n6 H.
Nelson, John
Reid, Samuel J., Jr.
Reilly, Thomas P.
Tritt, Herschel
Waiser, Jacob
Walczak, Frank E.
V7elch, James A.
2nd Lt.
P\'t. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
1st Lt.
Pvt. icl.
2nd Lt.
Pvt. icl.
Battery F
" C
Hdq. Co.
Battery C
" A
" F
" E
" D
■' F
Hdq. Co.
Battery D
" E
■' B
" E
" C
" E
" A
■• E
" A
'■ E
" B
'■ D
Hdq. Co.
Battery F
28, 1918
25. 1918
15. I9'8
25. 1918
7. «9i8
20, 1918
22, 1918
22, 1918
25, 1918
27, 1918
22, 1918
19, 1918
12, 1918
18, 1918
28, 1918
18, 1918
18, 1918
26, 1918
23, 1918
18, 1918
22, 1918
26, 1918
19, 1918
.3. 1918
24, 1918
Briel, Karl R.
Goggin, Edward J.
Desmond, Matthew
Lee, Arthur J.
Martin, Jos. P., Jr.
McHugh, James B.
Meehan, John J.
Von Rekowsky, F. F.
Wietgrefe, Edwin A.
Williams, Remsen A.
Pvt. Battery F Sept. 29, 1918
Cpl. " D Sept. 3, 1918
Sgt. Hdq. Co. Nov. 5, 1918
Cpl. Hdq. Co. Nov. 5, 1918
Pvt. icl. Battery E Oct. 22, 1918
Pvt icl Hdq. Co. Aug. 28, 1918
" Hdq. Co. Aug. 24, 1918
Pvt. Hdq. Co. Nov. 5, 1918
Cpl. Battery E Oct. 22, 1918
Mech. " F Aug. 21, 1918
Abrams, Samuel Pvt. Hdq. Co. Nov. 5, 1918
Brady, Daniel J. Pvt. Battery D Aug. 28, 1918
Burke, James Pvt. " F Aug. 21,1918
Burns, Jos. M. Pvt. Icl. " E Aug. 26, 1918
Cavanaugh, John F. Pvt. " D Aug. 28, 1918
Ceburre, Oscar Pvt. " F Aug. 21, 1918
Chapin, William J. Cpl " F Aug. 21, 1918
Christie, Arthur " " E Nov. 6, 1918
Cibelli, Ernest Pvt. " D Aug. 26, 1918
Cohen, Robert Pvt. icl. " E Aug. 18, 1918
Cregg, Thomas Cpl. " F Aug. 21, 1918
Dann, Harold W. Mess. Sgt. " C Sept. 26, 1918
■French Lieutenant attached to 306th Field Artillery.
Dc Brunner, Fred
Battery F
Dill, Gustave J.
Hdq. Co.
Donovan, Charles J.
Battery F
Dorothy, Joseph
" F
Duell, Holland S.
2d Bn.
Dulas, John C.
Battery B
Dyke, George E.
Hdq. Co.
Eisnitz, Milton
Battery F
Ferguson, Daniel B.
" F
Fine, John
" B
Finnegan, Thomas E.
■' F
Fischer, George
" C
Fisk, Harry T.
Hdq. Co.
Foos, Henry,
Battery F
Fossa, James
" F
Friedman, David
" F
Gaulocher, John
■' F
Glover, Robert
Hdq. Co.
Goerlich, Arthur C.
Battery F
Gordon, William O.
.. p
Gottlieb, Joseph
Gray, George
Hdq. Co.
Halbur, Bernard A.
Battery B
Hauke, Alfred J.
" F
Healy, David
" F
Helmcke, Henry
" A
Horgan, Arthur J.
Hdq. Co.
Horpel, Otto F.
Band Sgt
Hdq. Co.
Jelnet, Louis J.
Battery F
Johnson, Albert L.
" D
Joncas, Marius R.
" F
Jorgensen, John
" F
Jullig, George J.
" F
Kagan, Joseph
Kaufman, Edward
Battery F
Keane, Andrew F.
" A
Kearns, Frand D.
" F
Kearns, George A.
'■ F
2 wound
Keating, Patrick M.
Hdq. Co.
Kohlmeier Wm., Jr.
Battery F
Konvalinka, Lawrence
" F
Krantzow, Isaac L.
" F
Laney, Frank A.
" E
La Piere, Harley W.
" F
Lebonitte, Frank J.
" F
Lewis, John
Lippner, Edward E.
Battery B
Logan, Fred S.
" E
Logan, John B.
■■ F
Iximbardo, Anthony
Medical F
London, Wm. A.
Battery F
Lostfogel, Joseph
" B
McCabe, John B.
" E
McEllen, John F.
Battery B
McGovern, John
Maguire, John J.
Mattes, William
Melosky, Andrew
Merritt, George
Miller, George W.
Mills, Peter F.
Montross, Charles F.
Morris, Abraham
Myslinski, Stanley
Nicolich, Miles
O'Brien, Thomas P.
O'Donnell, John F.
O'Keefe, Edward M.
O'Toole, Thomas P.
Otto, Philip
Pedercine, Louis J.
Pensmith, Herbert J.
Popper, Herman
Radtke, John
Redican, Thomas R.
Reeksting, Alexander
Roche, Timothy W.
Romick, John S.
Rowe, John J.
Ryan, Henry A.
Scafidi, Fred
Scherer, William F.
Schmidt, Theo. K.
Seeber, George
Sexton, William C.
Sieg, Charles
Siegal, Harry
Sieverding, Harvey
Simovitch, Frank O.
Smith, George I.
Smith, Harry
Sorries, Fred O.
Spriggs, George A.
Szamecky, Stephen
Tenzer, William P.
Touhey, Walter A.
Trant, Michael J.
Treffs, Andrew H.
Pvt. icl.
2 wound
Pvt. icl.
Mus. 3cl
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Battery F Aug. 21, 1918
Hdq. Co. Aug. 20, 19 1 8
Battery F Aug. 21, 1918
D Sept. 27, 1918
Hdq. Co. Aug. 19, 1918
Battery F Aug. 21, 1918
C Aug. 18, 1918
Hdq. Co. Sept. 27, 1918
Battery D
■■ E
" E
<• F
■■ p
Hdq. Co.
Battery F
„ p
" A
Battery F
■' F
" F
■' F
" C
Battery E
Hdq. Co.
Battery D
" A
Hdq. Co.
Battery C
" E
•• F
" F
" A
" F
" E
Hdq. Co.
Battery E
" A
" F
" F
Hdq. Co.
Battery F
'■ C
" F
Nov. 5,
Aug. 26,
Sept. 12,
Oct. 13,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 24,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 22,
Nov. 5,
Nov. 5,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 18,
Oct. 13,
Nov. 5,
Aug. 24,
Aug. 22,
Sept. 9,
Aug. 25,
Oct. 22,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 22,
Aug. 21,
Oct. 13,
Nov. 5,
Oct. 22,
Aug. 22,
Aug. 21,
Aug. 21,
Nov. 5,
Aug. 21,
Oct. 13,
Aug. 21,
Vanderhoop, L. F.
Pvt. icl.
Battery B
Velley, Orville,
Battery F
Wakschal, Abe
Mus. icl.
Hdq. Co.
Weisburg, Harry
Battery F
2 wound
Wicks, Arthur S.
Battery D
Wiegers, Raymond J
Woodbury, Chas. A.
Youngson, Orville J.
Pvt. icl.
Zecchini, Francis F.
Zielke, Paul E.
Hq. Co.
Med. Sup. A
F Total •
Killed- 3
2 3
Wounded 25
8 6
Casualties 28
10 9
Hamilton, Edward P
1st. Lt
von Saltza, Phillip
1st. Lt
The following officers and enlisted men of this regiment died
as the result of accident and disease either in the United States
or France:
Avery, Walter A.
Belain, George L.
Detrani, D. A.
Fleming, James
Hamilton, E. E.
Heck, Antony
Lefto, Levi
Lindblom, Henry
McGrady, John M.
McGrath, J. F.
Messina, Joseph
Murphy, Edw. F.
O'Rourke, Thos. F.
Ruppert, Wm.
Schmitt, Benjamin
Sloan, Benj. H.
Wallace, John J.
Weilopp, Harvey C.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
Pvt. icl.
2d Lt.
Battery D
" B
" E
" E
" B
Hdq. Co.
Hdg. Co.
Battery E
Supply Co.
Battery C
Vet. Corps
July 21,
Feb. 13,
Oct. 22,
Oct. 25,
Jan. 13,
Jan. 20,
Oct. 22,
Oct. 22,
Feb. 12,
Oct. 29,
Oct. 28,
Mar. 22,
Feb. 17,
Nov. 20,
July II,
Jan. 8,
June 3,
Dec. 9,
' Includes Lt. Badin of French Army.
The Chaplains' Department
Our Honor Roll
OF all the momentous experiences of a soldier, the
keenest and most awe-inspiring is the loss of his
comrades, killed in action. In the emotion of
that loss we reach a climax in human experience. For
if the life of a soldier means danger, we know that they
have faced the worst; if it means bravery, we know
that they have met the severest test; if it means
victory through sacrifice, we know that their sacri-
fice was supreme even as their victory was glorious.
But it was Jong before we met the enemy that we
were called upon to bear the loss of comrades, when
accident and disease claimed the lives of four, two at
Camp Upton, and two at Camp de Souge in France.
The sadness cast over all Camp Upton on the after-
noon of October 28, 191 7, by the accident at the
railway station was shared by us when the news
came that Private Joseph Messina of Battery F had
been killed, the first of our men to die in the service.
Five months later, on March 22, 1918, Private
Edward F. Murphy of Battery E succumbed to
pneumonia while on leave at his home in New York
A month after our arrival in France another
accident saddened us. For on the afternoon of
June 3, 1918, Private First Class John J. Wallace
of Battery C was struck by a motor truck and died
as the result about an hour later in the camp hospital
at Souge. Just as we were leaving for the front.
Private Benjamin Schmitt of Battery E, who was in
bad health when transferred to us at Brest, died of
tuberculosis and heart disease at the same hospital
on July II, 1918.
Then we went to the Lorraine sector where we
found the enemy menace far less than we had ex-
pected. But on July 21st we were sternly reminded
that there are other hazards of war beside enemy
action when an accidental firing of a rifle fatally
wounded Private Walter A. Avery of Battery D.
On the second week in August, having crossed the
Mame and marched through Chateau-Thierry, we
realized that we had been called upon to face the
enemy at a point on which the eyes of all the word
were turned. Although we felt the thrill of having a
part in the turning point of the greatest crisis in
human history, yet we were certain that even as
Quentin Roosevelt had given his life at a spot nearby,
just so surely would some of us be called upon to give
up our lives.
Who would be the first ? That was the question in
our minds when our guns were rolled into position
around Chdry-Chartreuve amid the shriek and crash
of German shells.
But although we were prepared to that extent,
yet the solemnity of the news of our first major
casualties was deeper than anything we had imagined.
On the morning of Sunday, August i8th, the machine
gun detail of Battery E was wiped out by a single
shell and Sergeant Joseph H. Le Voy, Private First
Class Enoch G. Margraf and Private John Nelson
had gone, to join the ranks of America's heroes fallen
in battle. Then that very afternoon at 4.00 P.M.
came the news of the killing of Private Thomas
Martin of Battery C on the other end of our sector,
the extreme left.
The next point at which the enemy shells damaged
our ranks was at the observation post of the First
Battalion, on the edge of a wood overlooking the
Vesle valley on the left of our sector. It had been a
hot corner for most of the forenoon and enemy fliers
had been directly overhead, but the observers had
stuck to their posts. Then at about the noon hour a
shell landed at the foot of the tree from which
branches our observers were watching enemy terri-
tory. Private Patrick J. Kane of Headquarters
Company who had obtained partial shelter at the
foot of the tree was struck by shell fragments, and
then an officer, Lieutenant Hirschel Tritt of Bat-
tery B, was seen to reel from the branch of the tree
on which he had been standing and fall across a lower
branch. He was caught by others and lowered
gently to the ground but never regained conscious-
ness and died a few minutes later. Private Kane
was at first able to walk and talk but died soon after
reaching the infantry first aid station. Lieutenant
Tritt had joined the regiment only a month before
and had been assigned to Battery B only the day
before but had made many friends and had won the
respect of officers and men, especially throughout
the First Battalion. He had just received his com-
mission when his career was cut off, but that career
could not have been more glorious had it lasted for
3o6th field artillery
These two casualties just mentioned occurred on
August 19th. The next to go in quick succession
was Private Nicola De Felice of Battery C, killed
while on duty beside the guns on August 20th.
On August 22d came the loss which was felt most
widely throughout the regiment in all batteries and
companies when the word was passed from man to
man that Lieutenant Samuel J. Reid, Jr., the com-
mander of Battery A, Athletic Officer of the regi-
ment, with the regiment since its organization, had
been killed.
The story of his life in college, on the athletic field,
in the courts, and as a soldier, is familiar to every
member and friend of the 306th Field Artillery. He
was captain of his school athletic teams, president of
his class at Princeton, captain of the college team
and on the All American Baseball Team, a leader in
class and college activities, the secretary of the
Princeton Club of New York, Assistant United
States District Attorney in Brooklyn, a fighter and
commander who was like a brother to every man
under him. But the climax of his career was, when
leading his battery against his country's foe, he gave
all. The men of Battery A have done and will
continue to do everything humanly possible to show
respect for his memory. The epitaph which they
placed on his grave near Chartreuve Farm is "A
Leader and Inspirer of Men in Life and in Death."
This loss of a battery commander stunned the
whole regiment. The effect on the men in Battery A
was indescribable for seldom has a leader of any
group of men had such a hold on their affection.
Yet, although their commander was gone, his spirit
was still leading them, for on that very night those
guns of Battery A roared back to the enemy with
what seemed like a new note of grim defiance.
Yes, he was like an older brother to every man in
his outfit. In fact he had left his shelter at his post
of command to go to the assistance of one of them
who was wounded, and while on that errand was
killed. And so it was solemnly fitting that when he
died one of those "younger brothers" of his was
beside him sharing the same fate, the same grave, the
same glory. For the shell that killed his commander
also killed Cook Herbert P. Ecks.
On that eventful night. Lieutenant Reid's orderly.
Private Rene H. Mongeon, wrote in his little worn
pocket diary "To-day I lost my best Pal." Then on
the very next morning came one of the most pathetic
coincidences of the war when Private Mongeon him-
self joined his "best Pal" in the great beyond, killed
by a shell while leading his horse to water.
Meanwhile Battery F had been heavily shelled and
had sent many men to the rear, gassed and wounded.
Reports from the field hospital had been indicating
that all our wounded men were getting on well, but
on August 23d, Mechanic Charles F. Hopp and
Frederick E. Flugge of Battery F who had been
struck at almost the same time on the afternoon of
August 22d, succumbed to their wounds and died,
and were buried at the field hospital near F^re-en-
On the morning of August 24th the regimental
Post of Command was ordered to move temporarily
from Chartreuve Farm to make way for an infantry
Post of Command. The move was to be completed
before daylight, and at 3.00 a.m.. Private Walczak of
Headquarters Company was one of those detailed to
bring up the wagon. The road was being shelled
at the time near the First Battalion Post of Com-
mand and when the wagon failed to appear a search-
ing party found Private Walczak lying dead, he
having driven unfalteringly ahead directly into the
shelled area.
Battery E had been occupying what was perhaps
the most precarious position of any, on the crest of
Mont St. Martin with the infantry reserve trenches.
It had borne a heavy fire but since the loss of the
machine-gun detail on the first Sunday it had been
fortunate. On August 25th and 26th, however, four
more men of that battery paid the price for the
position they had maintained with such determin-
ation and fidelity. Two of them. Corporal William
H. Gross on August 25th and First Class Private
ReiUy on August 26th were killed almost instantly
at the battery position. The others, First Class
Private James P. Bums and Corporal John J. Mc-
Hugh, both wounded on August 26th, died after they
had left the first aid station and had been taken to
the field hospital. In General Orders No. 35, Head-
quarters 77th Division, November 3, 1918, was the
following Posthumous Citation: "Corporal John J.
McHugh, No. 1 716207, Battery, E 306th Field Artil-
lery — while repairing telephone wire under heavy
shell fire received wounds which resulted in his death.
He showed absolute fearlessness and disregard of
danger and exceptional devotion to duty under the
most trying conditions."
Battery F had meanwhile moved over to a position
on the road just northwest of Chery-Chartreuve and
it seemed that its position there would remain undis-
covered by the enemy. But on Sunday evening,
August 25th, the shells landed thick and fast and at
a roll call later that evening Sergeant Raymond A.
Berkemeyer did not report. They found his body in
a trench by the roadside, the fatal shell having
landed three feet away from his shelter.
Amid the ruins of Chery-Chartreuve was a Y. M.
C. A. and, although to visit it was to gamble with
death. Private James W. Madden on the afternoon
of August 28th volunteered to get some supplies for
his battery. But he never obtained them, for he
was caught just outside of the door of the Y. M. C. A.
by a terrific shell burst which caused many other
casualties at the same time. It was on that same
day that news came of the death of Private Warren
L. Hoel of Battery D in the field hospital. He had
been wounded on August 26th and had made a game
fight for life but in vain. And now every one of the
batteries without exception had felt the bitterness of
real war.
Then there was a lull; there were evidences that
the Huns were preparing to retreat. But just on the
eve of our advance across the Vesle the telephone
wires near Battery D were destroyed by one of the
last bombardments of that area. Out into the storm
of flying metal and explosive went Private Jacob
Waiser of the repair detail only to return borne by
his comrades unconscious, severely wounded, and
doomed to meet the end soon after in the field
The advance toward the Aisne was made soon
after this. We felt the satisfaction of victory in the
pursuit of a retreating enemy but were reminded
that we must count the cost of success when on
September 12th Corporal Kaplan of Battery D was
badly wounded while on the outskirts of Vauxc(5r6
and died in the ambulance, never having regained
The wireless messages about the St. Mihiel victory
on the 13th cheered us, and when the Italians came
to take our places there was universal relief. But
there was one more life to go to complete the toll this
regiment paid as the price of victory on the Vesle.
Long distance enemy guns were tearing up the ruins
of Fismes as Battery C came through and Private
Samuel S. Brody fell fatally wounded on that night
when relief and rest seemed just ahead, over the hill
of Dravegny.
The "rest" never came, however, for Foch needed
us in the Argonne Forest. The great attack of
September 26th cracked the Hindenburg line and we
had crossed the Biesme twelve hours after the attack
was begun, but the wilderness of the Argonne was a
tangled mass of ravines, wire, trenches, underbrush,
and thick forest. The exact location of our front
lines was unknown, and on September 28th three of
our officers who had been reconnoitering were lost.
All day Sunday, September 29th was spent in search
but there was no trace. Not 'til a month later did
we learn that Lieutenant Jean Badin, our French
Liaison Officer, had been killed by machine-gun fire
and our other two officers taken prisoners in a ravine
near Binarville, not far from where the "Lost
Battalion" of infantry were cut off a few days later.
Lieutenant Badin had been a member of the 117th
Heavy Artillery of the French Army before he was
assigned to us. He was not only our ally but had
become our friend and comrade. His sacrifice while
in our ranks has linked us more closely than ever to
his nation.
On October 22d when we were having a short
breathing spell behind the lines at La Harazee came
the tragic death of five men of Battery E caused by a
"barbed wire exploder." The presence of that
explosive near the picket line still lacks an adequate
explanation but the mystery of it only aggravated
our sorrow. They were Private First Class Domi-
nick A. Detrani, Private James Fleming, Private Levi
Lefto, Private First Class Henry Lindblom, and
Private First Class Joseph F. McGrath.
The first week in November found us chasing the
Germans in their last great rout to Sedan, with our
Third Battalion well in the lead. On November 5th
final victory seemed near. Danger seemed entirely
passed, but it was not. Private James A. Welch of
Battery F met almost instant death when a shell
struck the Third Battalion Post of Command on
that evening. His grave near the Meuse is a monu-
ment to the iron will of our regiment to be "game to
pay the price" up to the very end and to stop at
nothing short of complete victory.
Most of our fallen comrades were buried where
they fell on the battlefield or at the nearest field
hospital. There was little time or opportunity for
proper eulogies or elaborate ceremonies. The simple
funeral services sought to remind the hearers that
the spirit of a hero does not die, that the work for
which they gave their lives must be finished by us
who are spared and that their lives although cut off
in youth had attained the climax of glory. Several
battery and battalion memorial services were held
when more of the men could assemble and on Janu-
ary 5th a regimental memorial service was held at
which the entire regiment was turned out.
Throughout our campaign the health of our regi-
ment has been splendid, and a tribute to our Medical
Detachment and Supply Company. Not a single
man did we lose by disease during the months of
exposure at the front, in spite of abnormal living
conditions and difficulty in bringing up supplies; and
we only lost two while in training, a remarkably
low record.
The world-wide epidemic of influenza and pneu-
monia, however, made itself felt in our ranks during
the weary months of waiting after the Armistice
and eight of our comrades were buried in France
although they had lived to see the victory for which
they had fought and for which they had crossed
the ocean. Second Lieutenant Harvey 0. Weilopp
died December 9, 1918, Private Benjamin H. Sloan
of Supply Company, January 8, 1919, Private
Edward E. Hamilton, Battery B, January 13, 1919,
Horseshoer Anthony Heck, Headquarters Company,
January 20, 1919, Private John M. McGrady, Bat-
tery B, February 12, 1919, Private George L. Belain,
Battery B, February 13, 1919, Private Thomas F.
O'Rourke, Battery E, February 17, 1919, Corporal
3o6th field artillery
William Ruppert, Headquarters Company, Novem-
ber 20, 19 1 8.
Whatever else may be forgotten, the memory of
our fallen comrades will always remain. Some of
them, of course, were more widely known than
others; such as men like Sergeant Le Voy, active in
the welfare work of the regiment; Sergeant Berke-
meyer, a man of the strongest and most popular
moral leadership in his battery; Corporal Kaplan
President of the Jewish Federation of the regiment;
Corporal McHugh, athlete and true sportsman;
Lieutenant Reid, whose fame extends far beyond our
But whatever their varying rank and duties,
telephone men, cannoneers, cooks, officers, drivers,
messengers, observers, all, from battery commander
to private, who have shared the Great Adventure
have equal rank in the true democracy of American
Religious Activities of the 306th Field
During the regiment's period of training in
America most of its members were accessible to the
services of their home churches or synagogues in or
about New York City.
For those who remained in camp over Sunday,
morning and evening services were held regularly.
Two Catholic masses and two Protestant services
were held each Sunday and in addition at least one
religious service and one Bible class were held during
each week at the Y. M. C. A.
The various water-tight compartments of the
Leviathan each served as a church building on our
Sunday on the ocean and our first Sunday in France
at Pontanezen barracks were fittingly observed by
large outdoor services.
While in training camp, and in billets in towns,
before and after the fighting, there was every oppor-
tunity for regular schedules of services. They con-
sisted of Catholic masses, hours for confessions,
Jewish services, Protestant communions, Protestant
church services, general services, Bible classes and an
open Forum for all creeds. This last mentioned
enterprise was conducted by the cooperation of the
three religious federations of the regiment and pre-
sented a series of topics for discussion for general
moral and social topics such as "What Do You Mean
by Morale?" "What of the Girl You Left Behind?"
"Will Your Religion Affect Your Courage Under
Fire?" "What is Your Personal Duty as a Soldier —
Citizen of Democracy?" "Should the Standard of
Right and Wrong be the Same for Soldier as for
These conferences were largely attended and many
men participated in the discussions.
Each religious federation had an executive com-
mittee composed of a representative from each
battery and company. Corporal Kaplan of Bat-
tery D (killed in action September 12, 191 8) was
President of the Jewish Federation ; Sergeant Hughes
of Headquarters Company, of the Catholic Feder-
ation; Sergeant Fisher of Battery B of the Protestant
While we were at the front there were always a
quantity of unexpected factors and emergencies to
be taken into account in the arrangement of religious
services. Night firing was more conducive to sleep
than to church during the daylight hours and likeli-
hood of shelling and enemy air observation pre-
vented any sort of group assembly. In spite of these
handicaps a few small simple services were held at the
gun positions and some more largely attended ones in
the woods at the echelons with the help of the chap-
lain's organ. The most gratifying thing was that
each man, throughout those trying months, showed
the spirit of devotion, loyalty, bravery, nerve,
unselfishness, sympathy, and courage in the face of
death. Wherever that spirit is found, there is real
Of course there were a great many services at the
front of a sadder and more solemn kind, when it
became our duty to pay the last simple tribute beside
the graves of our fallen comrades. Many 306th
Field Artillery men with their chaplain were often
called upon to conduct burials and funerals for dead
soldiers of other regiments; most frequently for
infantrymen near the infantry first aid stations.
Memorial services were held later for batteries and
battalions, and on January 5th at Dancevoir the
entire regiment was formed for a regimental memo-
rial service.
Our regiment owes a great debt of gratitude to the
various chaplains of other faiths who assisted the
regimental chaplain in religious work. Father
Sheridan, of the 305th Field Artillery, has rendered
steady and most appreciated service to the Catholic
men, particularly in hearing confessions at the gun
positions on the battlefield. The French cur^s of
Merviller, Dancevoir, and Noyen were most cordial
in their invitations for our soldiers to join in their
services. Rabbi Blechman at Camp Upton, and Rabbi
Schwartz of Bordeaux gave liberally of their time
and energy for the benefit of the Jewish men of the
regiment, the latter conducting a most impressive
ritual at Camp de Souge just before we left for the
front. Chaplains Friedman and Voorsanger of
Division Headquarters visited the regiment at regu-
lar intervals. The secretaries of the Y. M. C. A.,
K. of C, and J. W. B. consistently cooperated most
sympathetically with all chaplains in religious work
programs, and often used great initiative in planning
A religious census in Camp Upton showed 35'"o
Catholic, 30% Protestant, and 25% Jewish men in
the regiment. This proportion was nearly the same
throughout our history, although we had many
replacements after the census was taken.
Some of the outstanding religious events in the
history of the regiment have been ; the Day of Atone-
ment observance at Camp Upton, September, 1917;
Easter, 1918, at Camp Upton; the "Welcome to
France" outdoor service at Pontanezen Barracks;
"Mother's Day," May, 1918, at Camp de Souge;
Visit of the Grand Rabbi of Bordeaux; Service in
commemoration of fourth anniversary of the war,
held August 4th, at Loromontzey Woods in Lor-
raine; Service in Bois-de-Meuniers, September 15th,
while en route from the Vesle to the Argonne ; Com-
memoration of completion of six months' foreign
service, November 3, 1918; "Victory Sunday" ser-
vice at Sommauthe near the Meuse on November
16, 1918; "Fathers' Day" and Thanksgiving Day
services at Marcq; Christmas services at Dancevoir.
A Purim service and banquet and Passover service
were held at Noyen in March, 1918, and a Christ-
mas observ^ance with a tree and part}' was held for
the children of Dancevoir in December, 191 8, with
the cooperation of Father Thivet, the cure of the
village. Our last six Sundays in France were ob-
served by a series of " Homeward Bound " talks in the
Noyen theater, and on April 6th a service in com-
memoration of the second anniversary of America's
declaration of war was held. The decks of the
Agamemnon served as pew and pulpit at the last
services held on April 27th, just before we sighted
Many of the greatest preachers of the United
States were heard in France, through the agency of
the Y. M. C. A., and whatever the subject a real
commonsense idea was put across without offense to
men of any creed.
More important, however, than the enumerating
of services and listing of events is the pride which
every member and friend of the regiment feels in the
high standards of intelligence and conduct that
have been maintained. Our men gave a broad-
minded sympathetic hearing to all religious messages
whether or not they agreed with the views expressed.
They showed themselves to be high-minded think-
ing men of the best order of American citizen-
We have been assured that no regiment in the
A. E. F. had a better moral record and that few
equalled the splendid spirit of high endeavor and
disciplined self-control which this organization con-
sistently displayed.
"Bon" and "Pas Bon" the Whole Vocabulary.
Roger Paget, the Son of the Regiment
ON Sunday morning, June 9th, at a memorable
assembly at Camp de Souge, four-year-old
Roger Paget of Bordeaux was adopted as the
protege of the regiment. His father, Lieutenant Henri
Paget of the 8th Cuirassiers a pied, was killed in action
on April 29, 1917, at a point north of the Mame near
where most of our own men were killed in action.
Lieutenant Paget twice received the Croix de
Guerre and was named for the medal of the Legion of
Honor. We have been proud to have the son of
such a brave soldier and a representative of the
children of France, become a part of the regiment.
Madame Paget, Roger's mother, and a detail from
the American Red Cross were present at the cere-
mony, which was opened by the regimental band
and the singing of America. The chaplain referred
to the story of Lieutenant Paget and introduced
Roger and his mother. Colonel Miller then accepted
Roger in behalf of the regiment while the handsome
boy himself stood on the table by his side.
Sergeant Levi then spoke briefly in French trans-
lating what had been said and expressing the senti-
ment of the occasion. The climax of the program
was reached when Rudolfi stood by the side of the
lad and sang Sweetest Little Feller, Mighty Lak' a Rose
and the Marseillaise.
Captain Van Keuren of the Red Cross then con-
gratulated the regiment, aftfer which the band played
Sousa's 306th Field Artillery march. Most of the
men came to the platform to meet Roger and his
mother personally.
Bordeaux, Paris, Boston, New York, Philadelphia
papers have written up the event and referred in
glowing terms to Roger and his regiment. His pic-
ture was also published and sent to hundreds of
friends of the regiment who in turn have showered
letters and souvenirs on him. The 306th Field
Artillery Association at a mass meeting in Brooklyn,
unanimously adopted Roger and sent him a bountiful
box for Christmas, 1918.
Many of our men on leave visited the Pagets both
in Bordeaux and Lyon to which city they moved in
February, 1919. "9 Rue Valdeck-Bousseau, Brot-
teaux Lyon," is the address. They will, in turn,
surely visit New York occasionally.
The Farmers Loan and Trust Company of Bor-
deaux is handling the fund we have established for
Roger's education.
As we left France we of the 306th Field Artillery
had no more happy reminiscence than the thought of
the boy who has become a symbol to us of the mean-
ing of our fight for the children of France, our own
boys and girls, and the future generations of the whole
world. We are proud that we helped to finish the
work for which his father gave his life, and that some
of our comrades shared his noble sacrifice.
That thought will always bind Roger closely to the
306th Field Artillery.
The 306th Field Artillery Association
THE pioneer association of American soldiers'
friends and relatives was that formed by the
306th Field Artillery. The recreation com-
mittee of non-commissioned officers prepared an-
nouncements and invitations in February, 1918, for
a mass meeting of those interested.
This meeting was held in the Washington Irving
High School on March 12th. The chaplain pre-
sided and introduced a program of entertainment by
the men of the regiment which was followed by a
talk by the adjutant, Captain E. E. Nelson, who
represented the Colonel and outlined the possibilities
of an organization. The chaplain then announced
the plans for action and invited a general discussion
after which all all those present were registered and it
was decided that the soldiers committee should be
empowered to select a civilian committee.
The outcome was the existence of an organization
that rendered to the regiment a service of inestimable
value throughout our ctimpaign; a band of enthusi-
astic people who held mass meetings, raised money,
extended messages of sympathy to families of our
honored dead, and in every possible way served as a
clearing house for information and a rallying point
for patriotism and regimental loyalty.
Our Thanksgiving dinner and New Year's dinner
were transformed into feasts by two gifts of five
hundred dollars and one thousand dollars respec-
tively, received in November and December. Funds
were also raised at a Hippodrome performance for a
big children's party in New York at Christmas
time, 19 1 9.
The sentimental significance of this definite link
between the fighters of the regiment and their homes
grew greater and greater during our stay in France.
The work done by Mr. Hollister V. Schenck, presi-
dent, Miss Olga Schulhof and Miss Anna Ackerman,
secretaries, and the other members of the executive
committee was something for which the regiment
will always be grateful.
The last undertaking of the Civilians Association
was the thorough preparation made for our joyous
welcome home, every detail of which was planned in
advance. The development of the various battery
and company veterans' associations was due in great
measure to the battery and company sections of our
home association.
In all of America's varied kinds of home service
during the great war there was no finer example of
what it means to "Keep the Home Fires Burning,"
than that rendered by the 306th Field Artillery
Artillerymen as School Teachers
THE educational classes held in the 306th Field
Artillery came at three different epochs in our
history. First there were the Camp Upton
classes in French and English, with enrollment of three
hundred divided into twenty different cla.sses. The
Roberts system of instruction in elementary English
was employed and a schedule of daily lessons was
given during drill periods to those "whose knowledge
of English was so deficient as to hinder them in the
performance of military duties." Great progress
was made in many individual cases and suitable
certificates were granted at the close of the twelve
weeks course. The interest in French grew greater
as our time for overseas service approached.
The French courses were continued at Camp de
Souge when the need for a knowledge of French
became more keenly evident. After a period of
several months' education in the art of dodging shells,
academic work was again resumed with the added
purpose of killing time while waiting for a transport.
Gradually the entire A. E. F. became transformed
into more or less of a great educational institution
and our "university" kept pace with the develop-
ment. At Dancevoir there were three classes with
fifty enrolled and at Noycn there were nine classes in
English, Arithmetic, French, Shorthand, Business
Law, and Finance, with 162 enrolled. The interest
in these classes was so great that the schedule was
twice changed to allow for more time to be spent
on the work.
Sergeant Frank Mantinband of the Depot Brigade
at Camp Upton, one of the best friends our regiment
ever had, was the originator of our scholastic achieve-
ment. The Y. M. C. A. has always acted as adminis-
trator and has furnished equipment. Some 306th
Field Artillery men who have served as "professors"
are Morris, Arthur, Goggin, Barry, Wyman, Prender-
gast, Routh, Lippner, Field, Adler, Popper, Hirsch-
kopf, Krause, Sanchez, Hamann, Kay, Spencer,
Brennecke, Flynn, Goerlich, Schum. Miss Marion
Dean, a "Y" girl, was an instructor who made the
English class popular at Noyen and Captain Gordon
and Lieutenant Priest lectured on Business Law.
We were proud to have fifteen of our men selected
to study in British and French universities from
March to July, 1919. This was a much larger
number than from any other organization in the
** Regimental Fun and Frolic "
PARAGRAPH 46I 2 Army Regulations avers that
a committee of non-commissioned officers, one
representing each organization in a regiment,
may be appointed to serve under the direction of the
regimental chaplain, in supervising recreation and
amusements. In accordance with that idea such a
committee was organized in October, 191 7, and was
active throughout the regimental career.
Its members were elected by popular vote or
appointed by battery councils. The following men
have served on it: Battery A — Sergeant Franklin,
Corporal Feldman; B — Sergeant Dyson, Corporal
Weil; C — Sergeant Dann, Sergeant Sheehan; D —
Corporal Reisenbach, Corporal Ives; E — Sergeant
Sheridan, Sergeant Le Voy (killed in action August
18, 1918), Sergeant Hewitt; F — Sergeant McElroy,
Headquarters Company — -Sergeant Willis, Corporal
Bartanek, Sergeant Levi, Corporal Hermann; Sup-
ply Company — Sergeant Phillips, Corporal Flynn;
Medical Detachment — Sergeant Derby, Sergeant
Weekly meetings were held while activities were
being organized, and after that meetings were held at
frequent intervals whenever need arose. Many open
meetings have been held, attended by larger groups
of leaders in athletics and entertainments.
At the outset managers were appointed in each
organization for each branch of sport or entertain-
ment, so that at times there have been as many as
fifteen different managers in one battery and as many
as seventy managers throughout the regiment pro-
moting twenty different activities such as boxing,
wrestling, baseball, basketball, soccer, track, foot-
ball, glee club, orchestra, dramatics and vaudeville,
regimental newspaper, pool and billiards, chess and
checkers, volley ball, etc.
The rugby football managers were first in action
for our regiment formed in football time. Only
enough clothes could be obtained for a regimental
team but we were well represented at Camp Upton
in a few contests with other regiments. Lieutenant
Bomeisler of Yale fame was our coach. More than a
year later, in December 1918, when we were at
Dancevoir, France, another call for football men
was issued for the 77th Division team. We were
proud to have three men on the squad of the divi-
sional team which won many games throughout the
A. E. F.
Our regimental basketball league, started in
January, 1918, was one of the best at Camp Upton.
After a long schedule of spirited contests played
on the Y. M. C. A. and K. of C. courts. Headquarters
Company won the trophy in a thrilling finish by
winning the final game on April i, 1918.
A regimental team, captained by Corporal Ro-
mano, played a few games at Upton and also in the
Y. M. C. A. gymnasium at Latracey, France. As a
rule, however, basketball courts were unknown in
France and a schedule of games was out of the
A boxing trophy was presented by the officers of
the regiment in March, 1918, and won by Battery F.
Shortly after, Private Schroeder of Headquarters
Company and Sergeant Blake of Battery E repre-
sented us in the divisional tournament, Schroeder
winning the divisional featherweight championship.
Battery E won the cup at Souge, France in June,
1918, and Headquarters Company won it at Dance-
voir, France, in January, 1919. In the Le Mans
area, just before our homegoing, we were represented
in several bouts at the 77th Division tournament.
Blake of E and Murphy and Gatyds of B won
championships of the brigade in their weights. Three
out of the six brigade champions were 306th Field
Artillery men.
The first track and field meet in which our regiment
contested was the Camp Upton meet held under the
auspices of the New York Athletic Club on Wednes-
day, December 5th. We won third place, out of
fifteen. Our winners were Wallis of F, Hauschild of
B, Manson of D, Dwyer of C. In January, 1918,
Panzer and De Brunner of F scored at the Millrose
Athletic Association meet in Madison Square Gar-
den. Dwyer, McCarthy, Schmidt and Heiz were
point winners in the divisional cross-country run on
February 16, 191 8, and on almost every Sunday Dwyer
was winning races for the Mohawk Athletic Club.
At Camp de Souge, France, a regimental inter-
battery track meet was held won by Battery C, and
on Memorial Day and Fourth of July at Bordeaux
our regiment had a large share in the victories won
by Camp de Souge over all the other camps of that
base section of France. Dolan of Battery D won
the shot-put and Hyder of D, Golden of E and Dwyer
of C and Taggart of Supply Company also carried
awav ribbons and medals.
The exploits of our track athletes had a splendid
finish when the artillery won the divisional cham-
pionship and the 77th Division won the American
embarkation center championship late in March,
1919. Dolan, Younger, Romano, Roodenberg, Mc-
Carthy and Dwyer were point winners on March
15th at Parce and McCarthy and Dwyer and
Younger at Le Mans on March 27th, 28th and 29th.
Our famous "Race Horse Mike" Dwyer finished
his military track career by overcoming a tremen-
dous lead and winning the medley relay for our regi-
mental team on March 15th and by winning the
premier event, the eight mile run at Le Mans.
The severe winter and late spring of 1918 delayed
the baseball season and then when our regimental
schedule was arranged, and about to operate, the
rumors and false starts for France delayed and
confused everything. In the opening game Head-
quarters Companj' beat Supply Company 27-8, but
the championship never was decided. Battery C
had a team of above average quality and won many
informal games, notably the one from the Depot
Brigade by coming from behind with nine runs in the
last two innings. In Souge there was only one ball
ground for the use of ten thousand men and there-
fore a regimental team was the only baseball possi-
bility for us. At Noyen, France, while waiting for
the long delayed transport, many inter-battery
games were played in which Headquarters Company
and Battery F made the best showing. Our regi-
mental team was also active in that area and won
ten out of fourteen games played.
The entertainment and vaudeville managers of the
regiment were organized in November, 191 7. Special
programs were presented at the Artillery Y. M. C. A.
and almost every battery soon had informal shows
at least once a week in the barracks. At the "Bri-
gade Celebration" in the Upton auditorium each
battery and company presented two special features
and the following regimental song and cheer were
introduced :
(Tune: Good-bye Broadway)
We are there with six-inch guns
Sixteen hundred strong,
We will petrify the Huns,
Our howitzers can't shoot wrong.
Hindcnburg and three-o-six
Is a cocktail hard to mix,
We'll crash and roar both night and day, —
The shells of 306 F. A.
(Locomotive yell — starts slow, goes faster and faster to finish)
3— 0—6— F— A, 3— 0—6— F— A,
3— 0—6— F— A, 3— 0—6— F— A, 3— 0—6— F— A
Wheest — Boom (imitation of shell)
Ho wi tzer — howitzer — ho wi tzer !
The "Hero Land" show at the Grand Central
Palace and the first mass meeting of the 306th Field
Artillery Friends and Relatives Association, held in
Washington Irving High School auditorium, alTorded
other opportimities for our singers and entertainers
to show their worth. Some of the leading entertain-
ers were Rudolfi, Brower, "Buddy" Childs, Gottlieb,
Witmer, Bob Cohen, Coleman, and Schon.
On board the Lanallian the demand for their ser-
vices was so great that they were kept busy continu-
ally, especially for the benefit of the naval officers
and the nurses. A battalion show was put on every
week at Camp de Souge in addition to three regi-
mental vaudeville shows. Rudolfi's voice seemed
fairly to exult in the balmy air of southern France
and he and our band were tremendously popular
in Bordeaux during May and June, 191 8.
The band was always most helpful at regimental
entertainments but at the front the chaplain's organ
had to serve as the entire orchestra for our occa-
sional informal entertainments. At Loromontzey
in Lorraine on August 5th and at La Haraz^e
in the Argonne Forest on October 25th, two big
out-of-door shows were put on for the whole
Our band won fame early in our history when it
introduced the 306th Field Artillery March written
especially for us by John Philip Sousa, the world's
greatest march composer. Lieutenant Friedlander's
initiative as band officer was responsible for that
honor coming to us. Lieutenant Sousa waived all
compensation connected therewith. He said that if
his effort would enhance the morale of the regiment
and stimulate it to its best efforts, he felt that it
would make him happy and would be the only com-
pensation needed. The regiment hopes that its
fighting record justifies Sousa's faith in it.
Mr. James E. Kelly, the eminent sculptor, made
the cover design for the published sheet music edi-
tion of our march. It shows a howitzer battery
carrying a guidon in the foreground. The guidon
has the regimental "306" on it and the whole thing is
very effective. Mr. Kelly is perhaps best known to
New Yorkers by his bronze bas-relief of Washington
at Valley Forge on the Sub-Treasury building on
Wall Street.
The music of this march is built around the old
artillery song which goes as follows :
Over hill over dale, as we hit the dusty trail
And those caissons go rolling along
Up and down, in and out, counter march and left about
And those caissons go rolling along
For it's hi hi hee, the Field Artilleree,
Shout out your numbers loud and strong (3 — o — 6) (spoken),
Where'e'er we go, you will always know
That those caissons go rolling along — keep 'em rolling
That those caissons go rolling along.
Battery Ho!
Another regimental song, to the French tune
Three — O — Six, your howitzers won the war.
Three — O — Six, we've followed you thru hell.
Argonne wood reechoes back no more
To the crash of six-inch shell.
Now the Vesle is but a memory,
But your fame has gone across the sea
For you blazed the trail to victory.
You're the pride of the artillery!
When the fighting stopped, athletics and the show
business superseded everything else in popular inter-
est. Beginning at the Y. M. C. A. in Marcq in
November, 191 8, up to the time of our demobili-
zation, our entertainers were busy. It became
evident early in December at Dancevoir that to meet
the demand for entertainment some sort of organi-
zation was necessary and so, before Christmas, the
now famous 306th Field Artillery Stock Company
was organized. At that time the idea was a new
one among the combat divisions of the A. E. F., and
the "Liberty Players" were immediately in great
demand. Costumes were bought and borrowed from
French civilians, scenery was rapidly built and
painted. Manager Callahan made a mysterious
visit to Paris and brought back most of the Folies
Berg^res material and from then on each new per-
formance added to our regiment's glory.
The New York Herald and Stars and Stripes began
to publish stories about the show. General Head-
quarters of the A. E. F. demanded a performance.
The Le Mans entertainment bureau announced that
it was far ahead of any other show ever given in that
area, and the famous Trianon Theater at Tours
turned away crowds daily for a week while our play-
ers were there.
The line up of From Whizz Bang to Footlights, A
Musical Barage in Three Elevations, was as follows:
Mitchell, Rosenberg, Spencer, Dyson, Kinney,
Jacalow, Gallagher, Crone, Seeger, Wardwell, Moch,
Ast, Doherty, Plimpton, McElroy, Cohen, Panzer
and Eineman. The production was staged by Sam
Mitchell; orchestra under the direction of Angelo
Russo; scenery by Salvator Gillis; musical arrange-
ments by Robert Pollock; business manager, Edward
Callahan; stage director, John Crone; stage carpen-
ters, Murray Popper and Jack Wise; property man,
Stanley Rosecrans; electrician, Aage Christenson.
Chaplain Thomas, Captain Gordon, and Lieutenant
Brown acted successively as officer-supervisors.
These players have been ready at all times and
under the most trying circumstances to produce joy
for their comrades. They have always been cheer-
fully on call for battery and company entertainments,
especially on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New
Year's day.
The gigantic task of entertaining and cheering up
the men of the 306th Field Artillery could not have
been accomplished without the never-to-be-forgotten
work of the Welfare Societies. We will never realize
how much they have done for us because we have
taken so much of their help as a matter of coiu-se.
The "Artillery Y" was the center of our recrea-
tional life at Camp Upton. Jimmy Clark was the
most enthusiastic sport promoter our regiment ever
had; and what he was to athletics, so were Hainer,
Hedrick, Moment, Brinkerhoff, and others to enter-
tainment of all sorts. The work of Secretaries
Moran and McGrath at the K. of C. building, the
hostesses at the Y. M. C. A. Hostess House, and
Secretary Hyman of the J. W. B. were also appreci-
ated. On board the Leviathan and at Pontanezen
the " Y" furnished a profuse amount of games, books,
magazines, writing material, and athletic material in
addition to splendid moneychanging facilities.
Camp de Souge was as dreary as a desert until the
Lakeside Y. M. C. A. opened up the best equipped
recreation building we ever enjoyed. Messrs. Cook
and Kendall, Mrs. Gereison and Mrs. Kendall
worked day and night in our behalf. The Bordeaux
Y. M. C. A. filled our week-end leaves with many
typically American pleasures.
In the Baccarat sector of the front Y. M. C. A.
huts at five villages served over half our units and
when we left for the Vesle sector Mr. Roy Rawlings,
a business man from Kansas City, was assigned as
Y. M. C. A. secretary for our regiment. He proved
himself to be a splendid campaigner and well able to
accompany soldiers on active field service. His
genial cordiality and interest in our welfare have
made him well-known and respected by all. About
forty thousand francs' worth of stores per month
were sold during his period of service either directly
to individuals or through their battalion ration
drivers and mess sergeants. Thirty thousand francs'
worth of money orders were sent to the United States
per month. During our four months at the front
about thirty different parties of Y. M. C. A. enter-
tainers, singers, speakers, etc., appeared before some
portions of the men of our regiment.
All of the above is exclusive of goods sold through
the Y. M. C. A. huts at Rondchamp in the Argonne
Forest and Ch^ry-Chartreuve on the Vesle. The
latter was kept open for business until closed by
military order, at least fifteen men having been
killed and thirty wounded while patronizing it. The
above is also exclusive of stores distributed and
service rendered to us by secretaries of other regi-
ments serving near-by, one of these from the 304th
Field Artillery being wounded at Bazoches.
About the only bright spots in the mud of Marcq
and Dancevoir were the Y. M. C. A. huts which were
far too small for us. When we reached Noyen for
the "last long wait " we found a well-equipped Y. M.
C. A. theater, tent and canteen building, but better
than all else two American girls, Miss Marian Dean
and Miss Lucile Waiters, who made the whole regi-
ment happy by their gracious hospitality. They
were joined later by Miss Adele Winston of the
J. W. B. who cooperated most heartily and effi-
ciently with the whole "Y" program.
There was a Salvation Army hut at Baccarat
where doughnuts and lemonade were sold and
preaching services held on alternate nights. A
Salvation Army hut at St. Juvin was visited by some
of our men from Marcq about the time of the
In the Baccarat sector, Secretary Bundschu of
the K. of C. made the rounds of the batteries twice
with magazines and cigarettes. In the Vesle sector
he and "Uncle Joe" Kieman followed the division
with their hot chocolate wagon. On the night of
September 15th they met Batteries C, D, E, and F
coming out of the lines and served hot chocolate.
In the Argonne Forest, at La Haraz^e, Batteries C and
D were again fortunate enough to be located near the
same wagon for several days.
The Red Cross man with the division. Captain
Popham, sent us cigarettes and chocolates and maga-
zines on several occasions. Other good things were
supplied by the Red Cross huts at Chdry-Chartreuve,
Bazoches, and to a few of our men who visited Grand
Prd after the Armistice.
The American Library Association sent us over
eight hundred volumes from their Paris office while
we were in France and at Upton its library was open
a month before we left.
We are sure that in the years to come although we
will be again accustomed to the luxuries of civil life
and the hardships of the war will be only memories,
yet we can never cease being grateful to all who tried
to bring us enjoyment while we were wearing the
olive drab.
The "Howitzer
A Journalistic Enterprise of Fact and Fancy
THE Camp Upton weekly, Trench and Camp, was
dazed to find a competitor and contemporary
bursting in on its field of vision late in Novem-
ber, 191 7. After giving the newcomer the double 00
and up and down, it made the following comment:
"The Howitzer has sent its first boom reverberating
over the camouflaged area occupied by Upton's ar-
tillerymen. It claims the honor, which it undoubtedly
deserves, of being the first regimental journal to
appear in camp — a well-arranged assortment fo
news, stories, regimental and personal, poems, roster
of officers, and editorial utterances comprises the
first issue."
Similar words of commendation soon came from
scores of other sources and a large mailing list became
a necessity to meet the requests for sample copies
from other military organizations, welfare organi-
zations, libraries, etc.
Since that time The Howitzer has steadily improved
its range and extended its field of fire. Ammuni-
tion has been regularly furnished by an able staff of
news correspondents who have worked hard to make
the paper worth while. It has been the only regular
regimental paper in the division and one of a very few
in the A. E. F.
Five sparkling issues saw the light of day at Camp
Upton and just as Volume i, Number 6, was being
finished by the printer, we were hustled on board
the Leviathan and sent overseas without having a
chance to read it in America.
It followed us across, however, and gave us pleas-
ant recollections when we were just beginning to get
homesick at Camp de Souge, France.
Meanwhile the editorial staff had issued Volume i.
Number 7, entitled The Howitzer of the Rolling Sea.
while we were on board the transport. It was a
mimeographed sheet prepared on a machine obtained
through the courtesy of the naval executive office of
the Leviathan. Although small in size, it contained
"Shell Fire" from each battery and was quickly
sold out. Extra copies were made at Bordeaux
which served as souvenirs to be sent back home.
A French printer in Bordeaux managed to decipher
our copy for Volume i. Number 8, and gave us a fine
overseas edition in June, 1918.
Then for the next five months printing facilities
were hard to find, but the news correspondents con-
tinued to scribble even while the shells were whistling
with the result that by the end of October copy was
ready for an edition with the heading "Published on
the Front Line of the Battlefield, France."
A printer was finally located in Paris who had the
issue ready for publication in December. We called
it the "Victory, Anniversary, Thanksgiving, and
Christmas Number," it being the first anniversary of
The Howitzer's birth at Camp Upton, as well as of
other important world-renowned events.
This eight-page edition was an elaborate one, con-
taining a partial list of the complements in all three
sectors. Our "Roll of Honor" was accompanied by
Fisk's effective sketch of "The Lone Sentinel." The
"Shell Fire" section was more complete than ever
The next task for Editor-in-Chief Lozier and the
editorial staff was the preparation of the "Welcome
Home" edition, copy for which was mailed to the
States in advance of our home-going, and aided
materially in the celebration of our welcome. Vol-
ume 2, Number 2, came out just before that, while
we were on board the homeward bound good ship
So long as our regimental spirit exists, which we
believe will be till the end of our lives, just so long
will there be the need of The Howitzer to appear at
least once in a while to inform us of each other's
welfare, location, business, changes, etc. The How-
itzer will meet that need.
The 155 Schneider Howitzer, 1917
The 155 millimeter Schneider Howitzer is a short-
barreled gun, which may be used for direct fire, but is
especially designed for indirect, high-angled-plung-
ing fire. On account of its high trajectory, it can
be used to drop shell into deep ravines and well-
defiladed positions, which a rifle with a flat trajectory
could not reach. Because of the same advantages,
the Howitzer itself can be hidden in deep valleys and
behind steep slopes. By varying the powder charges
the projectile may be caused to strike at varying
angles at any given range. The maximum range of
1 1.2 kilometers is obtained with a "00" charge, a
"shot fuse," and a "semi-steel shell."
till i? J ^
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rrri i
3o6th field artillery
The gun carriage and its limber (a limber serves the
same purpose that a front axle and wheels serve on a
wagon) are drawn by eight horses. The gun usually
goes forward at a walk, except with the best roads,
or in great emergencies, when a trot is sometimes
taken up, but only for a short distance. Hurrying
the guns out of a shelled road-area is an example.
The gun and caisson are supposed to cross any
country suitable for other field artillery. A maxi-
mum rate of fire of four to five rounds per minute
may be attained, but the heating of the gun, and the
difficulty of preparing and transporting the ammuni-
tion by the regular gun-crew of eight men, render
such a rate impossible for more than a few minutes.
The normal rate for rapid fire is two shots per min-
ute. The gun is fired resting on its wheels. The recoil
and the recuperator mechanism consist of an arrange-
ment of cylinders containing nitrogen or air, water,
and glycerine. When the gun is fired this mixture
is squeezed from one set of cylinders into another,
providing a cushion to take up the shock of fire.
Were this not scientifically calculated, the gun would
wreck itself with the first shot. The gun may be
elevated from o to 42 degrees, and may be swung
in a horizontal plane three degrees to the right and
left of center.
In firing, the propelling charge and the projectile
are inserted into the breech of the gun separately.
The powder comes in bags, each containing the
maximum charge, the reduced charges being made
by opening the bag and removing a specified number
of marked packets of explosive. Thus, from " BG5 "
a green bag, charges 00, o, and i are made. From
"BSP," a white bag, charges i, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are
obtained. 00 is the strongest charge, and 5 is the
In loading, the fused shell, greased to facilitate
passage through the bore, is rammed into the breech.
The powder bag, properly prepared, is placed into
the breech-recess at the base of the shell. The
breech is closed, and the primer is set into a device
called the "primer-leaf." When the piece is fired,
the primer ignites the powder charge, which expels
the projectile. Into the nose of the projectile, a fuse
has been screwed. When the shell strikes its target,
the concussion releases a catch in the fuse which
fires the powder in the projectile, causing it to burst
into fragments, some large enough to batter down
walls, some as small as rifle bullets.
The fuses are made for various purposes. Some
allow the shell to penetrate its target several feet
before exploding; others cause it to explode instan-
taneously on contact. The former are effective for
the work of demolition — the blowing up of dugouts
and fortifications; while the latter are used against
open and wooded positions, where shell fragments
are counted upon to damage personnel. In con-
junction with a long, or instantaneous, fuse, a cast-
iron shell, cheaper to make than a steel shell, is used;
while where the object is demolition, a steel shell is
used with the delayed fuse.
To most people, the firing of a gun consists of
pointing it in the general direction of the enemy, and
letting loose. But the demand for accuracy, and
the grave consequences following lack of it, have
elevated artillery-firing to a science that embodies
nearly all the natural phenomena.
Wind will blow the shell out of its course. So
then, the wind for the particular time that the shell is
fired must be taken into consideration, and a calcu-
lation of its effect must be set down in terms of range
and deflection. Shells travel at various speeds
through various air pressures, with consequent ef-
fect on the range. The temperature of the air, the
temperature of the powder used, the weight of that
particular lot of shell to be fired, the variation of the
lot of powder from the normal, inaccuracies due to
the constant wear of the gun, the effect of all these
must be calculated before the first shot is fired.
Fortunately, a set of tables perfected for use with
the howitzer simplifies all the operations to the work
of a few minutes.
The gun is directed on the target by a process
called "laying." This is done with specially designed
instruments. In working with a map, the gun is
usually first laid in a known direction, and from there
is directed upon its target by a system of angular
calculations. While the gun itself is placed out of
view of the target, in order not to betray its position,
an "Observation Post" from which the target is
visible is established as close as practicable to the
target. The position of the observation post may be
in a front-line, support, or reserve-line trench, or on
any promontory that affords good observation of
enemy territory. From this vantage-point, the
effect of fire is noted, and corrections are made.
The howitzer is most often used as part of the
make-up of divisional artillery. It not only parti-
cipates in the barrages fired by the 75's and in harass-
ing roads and areas, but it demolishes designated
strong-points which stand in the way of the infantry's
progress. These points are often too well-fortified to
yield to the firing of 75's. In stationary warfare, the
average position of the 155 howitzer is about three
miles behind the front-line, but in the open warfare
of the latter war days, howitzers were used much
closer and sometimes immediately behind the
The Howitzer
Length of Barrel, inside
Width — Distance between Wheels
2.332 meters
1.520 meters
Diameter of Wheels i-33t) meters
Width of Iron Tires 150 millimeters
Total Length between Pole-end
and Rear-end of Carriage 10.05 meters
Minimum Turning Room 11.238 meters
Weight of Gun, Ready to Fire 3300 kilograms
Weight of Gun, Carriage, and
Limber 3715 kilograms
Weight of a Wheel 1 34 kilograms
Weight of Limber 415 kilograms
Weight of Caisson, empty 800 kilograms
Weight of Caisson-limber, empty 700 kilograms
Weight of Caisson, loaded with
Long Steel Shell 1815 kilograms
Weight of Caisson-Limber,
loaded with Long Steel Shell 1265 kilograms
Average Weight of Projectile 43 kilograms
Note: One Meter is equal to 39.37 inches
One Kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.
The Destruction of the Tannerie. August 21, 1918
p. C, 306th F. A.,
21 August, 1918. 20 hr.
Operations Order.
No. 5
I. The enemy occupy the Tannerie at 204.2-286.8 and the
crossing of road and railroad at 293.8-286.9. Our infantry
extend along the Reims road to within 300 yards east of the
Tannerie. They are in the woods 400 yards west of the above
mentioned«road-railroad crossing. During daylight of to-day,
fire will be very accurately adjusted by the ist Bn. as close to
the Tannerie and the road-railroad crossing as the present
location of the infantry will permit. Previous to nine o'clock
to-night the infantry will be withdrawn so that none will be
within 500 yards of the two objectives. At nine o'clock fire
will begin on the Tannerie and the road-railroad crossing and
will continue until ten o'clock at which time fire will cease.
Rate of fire from nine to ten p.m. — four shots per minute on the
Tannerie and four shots per minute on the road-railroad
crossing: total, 480 H. E. shells.
By order of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith.
E. E. Nelson,
Captain, 306th F. A., A. E. F.
Operations Officer.
Operations order No. 5 was not received in writing
until the firing of the mission was well under way,
but it was conveyed verbally at 5:00 p.m.
The delivery of an accurate fire on a distant target
can only be insured by good observation or regis-
tration and the Tannerie was not visible from the
0. P. of the 1st Battalion. A quick glance at the
visible and invisible areas on the map showed this.
So, either an 0. P. from which the Tannerie was
visible had to be found, or adjustment made on some
visible reference point and the fire then transferred
by accurate map measurement to the actual target.
The most desirable course was a registration on
the Tannerie itself. But an O. P. had to be found
that could see the target, and at the same time
communicate with the battery commander during an
adjustment. This was attempted, but a half hour
was spent with no result. Communication could
not be obtained to any O. P. that could see the
Tannerie. (The ground falls down steeply over
the river, and such an 0. P. had to be well forward.)
Further time could not be spent on this except as a
side issue. The method of a shift from a registration
point must be used. We decided to use our own O. P.,
and adjust on the quarry southeast of Bazoches.
The artillery O. P's. in this sector were on a ridge
about four thousand meters from the Vesle. From
this ridge the ground sloped down to the Mareuil-
Ch^ry-Chartreuve Road about 1500 meters distant
from where the battalion P. C. and telephone central
were situated. The line from the 0. P. came down
this slope, and to adjust the batteries this line must
be kept open. This slope sheltered many batteries
and the Boche knew it. Their shells were bursting
on it day and night, and not only punished the
batteries, but continually cut the lines of wire to the
O. P. When the shelling was heavy a detail working
continually were unable to maintain reliable com-
munication. At five o'clock in the afternoon of
August 2 1st, the shelling was heavy and the line to
the O. P. was out.
The battalion commander and the battery com-
manders met and planned. Accurate fire had to be
obtained, therefore an adjustment must take place.
There were many O.P.'s on the ridge, and if our wire
were not repaired in time we would use the wire and
possibly the O. P. of another organization. The
battery commanders were to go to the O. P., pre-
viously preparing their batteries to fire on the quarry
selected as the visible registration point, and the
battalion detail would obtain communication.
At about 6:00 the battery commanders started
for the O. P. through the shell fire, and the battalion
detail sent out all available men as reinforcements
on the O. P. line. The day previous Lieutenant
Tritt and Private Kane of the detail were killed while
at work on this 0. P., and two men wounded, and
now the shelling was dangerously heavy but the men
worked well in spite of it. Reports of progress came
in but telephone communication could not be
Meanwhile, every other wire to the ridge was
looked up and tried. The Third Battalion of our
regiment had a line. It was out, but communication
was expected at any moment. The Second Battal-
ion line was tried and talked over; their O. P. being
less than one hundred yards from ours. But while
giving direction to call the battery commanders to
this 0. P. the line went out. Another wire was
through the infantry system to the dressing station
where Lieutenant Tritt had died about three hun-
dred meters from our O. P. Communication was had
here but this line went out also before word could be
sent out to the battery commanders. It seemed as
if unseen spies were cutting us oR in all directions.
1. Lts. Whiteford and Johnson and Major Dick.
2. Lt. Delamater who first helped run the Supply Company, and later commanded B Battery
in the Argonne.
3. Lt. Delamater, Lt. Whiteford, and Lt. Hoge at Camp Upton.
4. Capt. Bryan who commanded A Battery after Lt. " Sammy " Reid's death in action near
Chery Chatreuve.
5. "A" Battery group at Camp Upton.
1. French guard and Boche prisoners tarrying their machine guns, near west edge of Argonne,
Sept., 1918.
2. French plane with American pilot 1 killed 1 near the Marne, Aug. 11, IQ18.
3. The Mayor's Committee of Welcome boat meeting our regiment in New York Harbor,
April 29, 1 91 9.
4. Colonel Smith at de Souge.
5. A Boche cemetery in the Argonne, Oct. 3, IQ18.
Meanwhile time was flying, the fire was to start at
nine, and as yet nothing had been accomplished.
No one who has not experienced it can realize the
time that can be used in vain strivings over the
From time to time the battalion detail repaired
breaks in our line only to find more farther on, or
new ones behind them. Reports of progress came
from the telephone details of the other organi-
zations, but no communication resulted. Visual sig-
nals were considered but not tried. A few days after
this, determined eff'orts developed our signal detail so
that we could adjust by visual signals, but now this
could not be relied upon and the trained signalers
were out on the wire. They couldn't be called off.
Seven o'clock came and no more progress. Some-
thing radical had to be done. The regimental com-
mander was consulted and a course of action decided
upon not ideal, but the only possible solution. An
officer was to go up to the O. P. and notify the battery
commanders that at eight o'clock B Battery was to
fire six shots. At 8.10 A Battery would fire six shots.
They would observe as best they could and return
with all speed to modify the data for the mission by
the results of their observations. Of course none of
the shots might be observable, and if not, there was
no way of firing again unless communication hap-
pened to be established.
Lieutenant Bryan was chosen to carry this message
up to the O. P. ; his watch was synchronized with ours
and at 7.15 he started up through the shelling. The
batteries prepared their data, laid their guns, and
waited. The officers in the battalion position looked
at their watches and waited. The work on the wires
continued, but the shelling was increasing. No
wires could live under such fire; and now gas shells
mixed in with the high explosive. The doubt about
whether the shots would be observable was over-
shadowed by the fear that the officer might not get
through with the message.
Eight o'clock came, B fired and the six shells
whistled overhead. Eight ten, and A followed.
The guns were cleaned, and laid for the Tanneric,
and we waited. The enemy shelling had not ceased.
At 8.40 B Battery telephoned that the battery
commander had arrived and had had good obser-
vation on five shots. At 8.50 A Battery reported all
six shots observed. The necessary changes in data
based on the observations were quickly made, and
promptly at 9.00 the party opened. Two hundred
and forty shells were fired on the Tannerie and an
equal amount on the crossroad. At ten o'clock we
ceased fire and shortly after midnight we heard that
the infantry had gained their objective.
The next day the infantry reported that the fire
was very accurate, and the Tannerie totally obliter-
ated, not even a wall left, and airplane photographs
showed this to be the case. The center of impact
was squarely on the target.
It wasn't until after the firing that the narrow
margin by which we won was found out by those in
the rear. Lieutenant Brj^an who had carried the
message up the hill had had great difficulty in getting
through. The shelling was most severe, the men in
the battery positions on the slope had all taken cover,
then the gas came, the alarm was given, and masks
were put on. Lieutenant Bryan put on his mask
and took cover — but only for a moment. His
mission was clearly to get through, so he continued,
but with mask on. The exertion of the climb and
running rendered the mask unbearable if he were to
continue, so he removed the mask and ran through
without it, arriving at three minutes to eight with
choked lungs and swimming eyes.
During the firing, the Hun sent over a plane and
dropped flares over our battery positions, and early
next morning their planes were active. The batter-
ies were camouflaged and apparently the Boche
could not locate them for an adjustment. At about
half-past ten in the morning they opened up in a
terrific zone fire on the battalion area, of which
however A Battery received the most. The gun-
crews took to the shallow shelters in the woods, but
in spite of the broad zone covered, the shelling was
so heavy that many bursts occurred around the
shelters, one of which killed Lieutenant S. J. Reid,
Jr., the battery commander.
A message from the division commander, congratu-
lating the battalion on the accurate and effective
fire of the night before, arrived just as Lieutenant
Reid was laid in his grave in the little woods by his
battery where he had fallen. But his work was
carried on to the end of the war by Lieutenant
Bryan who had carried the message to the O. P. and
succeeded him in command of the battery. And the
Huns paid.
Fairman R. Dick,
Major, 306th F. A.
The Second Battalion — as a Whole
" It ain't the guns nor armament
Nor funds that they can pay,
But the close cooperation
That makes them win the day.
It ain't the individuals
Nor the array as a whole,
But the everlastin' teamwork
Of every bloomin' soul."
RuDYARD Kipling.
TO select any particular incident , and from it alone
infer the character or achievements of the
battalion as a whole, would be wholly inade-
quate. No single man or officer or group produced
the efficiency or brought about the results attained
by the organization. It was the battalion as a whole
— orderlies, cooks, drivers, gunners, telephone men,
officers. It was the "everlastin' teamwork of every
bloomin' soul."
As we lookback on the history of the Second Battal-
ion there are only a few of us who can now remember
the exact dates and places where we fought during
the Great War. Our whole experience seems to
have centered itself upon certain little scenes, already
bits of the past, clouded in detail but terribly distinct
in their impressions, which each one of us retains and
will retain probably as long as he lives. These are
the real memories of the battalion. These are the
intimate things wherein we lived our own small part
of the greatest of all great dramas.
The only Motor Vehicle of the Battalion
To most of US the early life of the battalion, not
only the days of training at home, but the days at
de Souge, is overshadowed by the great climax of
events which led to the signing of the armistice.
Perhaps it is because those first days were distinctly
unheroic. The tiresome marching and counter-
marching in the sand and the wearisome instruction
in detail to which both officers and men were sub-
jected, hardly lend themselves to pleasant fireside
memories. It was at this time that D Bty. won the
regimental contest for the privilege of firing the first
shot at the enemy, C Bty. being second. This honor
was strongly contested for by the batteries of the
first and third battalions, but after D Bty. had won
it, later it forewent the privilege in view of the then
existing strategic situation. By this training, how-
ever, extending as it did over a period of nearly ten
months, the batteries were strongly developed as
fighting units, or more precisely, as firing units, but
not until we actually took our place in the line did the
meaning of the term "battalion" become a reality.
Previous to that time the battalion had existed
only in the tables of organization. The battalion
commander had been little more than a name, and
his detail conspicuous only in drawing desirable men
away from the batteries. At the front, however,
the purpose of the battalion as a tactical unit began
to be understood, and by the time that the regiment
reached the Vesle, reconnaissance, observation, com-
munication, and ammunition supply and expendi-
ture began to be handled primarily as a battalion
But at de Souge war was still far off, and it is not
in real war that one experiences the thrill of war.
At the front, in action, in the mud, uncomfortable
or suffering, and perhaps both hungry and in the
dark, there was no thrill to war. But in the pleas-
ant, sunny city of Bordeaux, on July 4th, with the
Second Battalion parading through the flag-bedecked
streets of the city, in the happy atmosphere of smiles
and cheers, of " Vivent les Americains!" and "Vive
I'Amerique," there was thrill, and plenty of it. It
was the panoply of war, but it wasn't war.
The first six weeks of active fighting which the
battalion opened in the vicinity of Chery-Chartreuve
was a period of development in general teamwork
and coordination. Here the batteries practiced
especially the rapid preparation and execution of
firing data, and laid the foundation for the records
which they were to make in the Argonne, where it
was quite the usual custom to get off the first round
with all corrections of the moment four minutes
after receiving the coordinates of the target. Coin-
cident with the improvement of method in com-
putations, attention was given to the selection of the
best possible observation posts, to digging in, and to
the establishment of alternative lines of wire com-
munication so as to minimize the necessity for repairs
under fire. The success of these latter policies
undoubtedly saved numbers of lives.
The enemy were decidedly active. This was ad-
mitted at the time:
Once more we are having "hell shot out of us" — the usual
combination of accurate but ineflfective gas, shrapnel, and high
explosive shelling. It's really funny — and a little exciting.
Here comes another! The whine is unmistakable. D bty. is
getting it; but we have the Boche's number. They can't get
us, and we are getting them in some tender spot or other. Our
losses have been small to date (in the Regt.) — I officer and 6
men — bad luck rather than Hun efficiency. The gas was an-
noying this morning; — we had two hours of it — sneezing. We
are just starting some retaliation from two btys. I shaved this
A.M. for the first time in three days! I dreamed last night that
I ate /an(j Bn. Detail in front of iml Bn. Hq. at Chery Chatreuve, Aug , 1918.
Cpl. Keating being carried out of 2nd Bn. Hq. after wounds dressed, Aug. 28, 1918.
Pvt. Gray being carried on stretcher to ambulance in front of 2nd Bn. Hq., Aug. 28, 1918,
after receiving First aid.
Cpl. Keating before going to waiting ambulance, standing by shell hole where he had just
been wounded.
Pvt. Gray being placed on stretcher.
1. Funeral of F>vt. Walter Avery, D Battery, at Baccarat. July 22, igi8.
2. Funeral of Walter Avery, D Battery, at Baccarat. July 22, 1918.
3. Pvt. Jack Waiser of D Battery telephone detail, killed in action at Chery Chatreuve, Sept. 3,
1918, when Corp. Edward Groggin was severely wounded, loosing an eye. Corp. Groggin
was recommended for D.S.C. for his heroism on this occasion.
4. ist Sgt. Patrick McGuire of D Battery, formerly Gas Sgt., and after the war a member of
the N. Y. Police Force.
5. The grave of Pvt. Tom Martin of C Battery at Chery Chatreuve.
C Battery en route to the front from de Souge.
En route to the front Capt. Green commanding C Battery, Doc. Athey, Lt. Von Salza, and
Lt. Carew acting Bn. Adj. throughout the Baccarat and Chateau-Thierry Sectors.
D Battery loading at Bonneau, near de Souge, July 12, IQ18, for the Baccarat front.
En route to the front. Major Duell, and Lt. Von Salza who was captured by the Boches in
the Argonne.
Near Pontenezen, Capt. Crane commanding C Battery, Lt. Klee, Lt. Carew, Lt. later Capt. 1
1. Capt. "Ted" Crane who commanded C Battery from the beginning, except in the Chateau-
Thierry Sector.
2. Capt. "Ken" O'Brien who commanded D Battery throughout most of its active participation
in the war.
3. Capt. Roy Crawford, 2nd Bn. Adj. throughout the Argonne Sector.
4. Major Holland S. Duell, who commanded the 2nd Bn. from its organization until invalided
home after the Armistice. He was cited by General Pershing for "distinguished and ex-
ceptional gallantry at Binarville" in the Argonne.
5. Capt. "Barney" Taylor, ist B. C. of D Battery, and later 2nd Bn. Adj. Hefinally returned
to the U. S. from the Vesle to be major in a new regiment.
from German machine guns. Major Greene of the
Second Battalion of 302d Engineers has pubHshed
the story as follows:
The second day after the attack our flank was considerably
bothered by a string of machine-gun snipers. A major of
artillery, who hails from Yonkers, sought and procured per-
mission to take a 155mm. howitzer out to the front and plow up
the landscape. He brought it up over one of the worst roads
that ever crossed a torn and shredded No-Man's-Land. It shd
into a crater — of course it was raining and the mud was knee
deep. I put an entire company of engineers at his disposal and
hauled it out after two hours' hard work, and that huge gun was
finally parked right on the front line. That is precedent enough,
but the story goes further.
The gun was really out of our sector, there being no roads at
all for us, and the division on our left fell back during the night,
with the result that by morning there was our six-inch gun
complacently resting in the very middle of No-Man's-Land.
So the major and his gun did not fall back with the troops about
him; instead he got into action, fired 1 10 rounds of that heavy
stuff at our friends the snipers, and drove them off. The Bochcs
were so amazed at this imheard-of proceeding that they hurricii
an airplane over to see if it coidd really be true. Jerry came,
and for once in his life flew low, astonishment making him reck-
less; then he dropped a bomb harmlessly a few yards from
the gun and flew back to tell the Kaiser about precedent No. 2.
As a matter of fact, the howitzer referred to, which
was No. I gun of D Battery, was never actually in
advance of the infantry front line, and the bomb
dropped not one hundred yards away, but exactly
thirty feet. The French called the howitzer their
trench mortar. The French had relieved the negro
troops (who had retreated) , and dtu-ing two days and
a night this single howitzer successfully supported
three French infantry attacks, knocking out numbers
of machine guns, and assisting in the capture of
Binarville and in the drive of the French against that
portion of the Kriemhilde-Stellung line. This was
beyond the Hindenburg line which the 77th Division
had pierced on the 26th of September, three days
before the 27th Division smashed the line in
Then the rest of the guns were brought up. After
a rather quiet week with only intermittent firing, the
battalion moved forward to positions south of Grand
The Gun Position
Ll. Shedd Attempting a Wing Shot
Pre, which at that time was being most bitterly
contested by our infantry. C Battery went into
position across the road just above Malassies Farm,
and D Battery located a little over a thousand meters
to the north. D Battery had the distinction of
being ahead of the main position of machine guns, in
fact only fifteen hundred meters from Grand Pr^. Of
course, such a position made it most difficult to keep
open communication, and the complete cooperation
and teamwork of the battery and battalion details,
working together without thought of fatigue or
danger, alone made it possible. The next few days
saw the heaviest firing ever done by the battalion.
It supported the attacks upon Grand Pr^, St. Juvin,
and Champigndulle. C Battery alone fired over a
thousand rounds in one ten-hour period.
Never was a town worse shattered in a short space
of time than Grand Prd. The place was dominated
by the ridges of the Bois-de-Bourgogne, and was well
organized with machine-guns, both inside and about
the town. It was also protected by the River Aire
and by considerable barbed wire, and outpost ma-
chine guns. Every approach was cov^ered by German
artillery. Unsuccessful eflforts had been made to
take the town without heavy artillery support, and
3o6th field artillery
finally Colonel Winn personally solicited and ob-
tained permission from the commander of the in-
fantry brigade to support another effort with the
Second and Third Battalions. A systematic all-day
attack followed, wherein the infantry would advance
until held up by machine guns, then the howitzers
would send over a flock of six-inch high explosive
shells in the general vicinity, as near as could be
ascertained, of the opposing machine guns, and then
the infantry would advance until opposed by some
other machine-gun group. And so it went through-
out most of the day until, prior to the final assault on
the town, both battalions bombarded and shattered
the final opposition. The Second and Third Bat-
talions expended approximately 2500 six-inch shells
in the course of the attack, but the town was success-
fully captured with minimum losses, and the 77th
Division held it until temporarily relieved by the
78th Division. The returning infantry were loud in
their praise of our support.
The night of October 31st found us in position on
the ridge to the west of Comay with an excellent
observation post established on the edge of the
plateau south of Marcq, and everything ready to
support the infantry on the following day. That
night, or rather at three o'clock in the morning of
the first, commenced one of the heaviest preparations
ever fired on an American sector. The whole
country to the south and west of the Aisne was liter-
ally filled with artillery which just before dawn
opened a tremendous fire along a twenty kilometer
front. After finishing our preparatory fire the
battalion rested until eleven o'clock, when we fired
again upon Champigneulle to silence machine guns
that were still holding up our infantry. The re-
mainder of the day and night were comparatively
quiet as far as the artillery was concerned, and
the following morning we began our grand march
toward Sedan.
The order of the regiment's advance prescribed by
Headquarters was Third, First, and Second Battal-
ions. In view of its preliminary preparation, how-
ever, the Second got the opportunity to get ahead
of the other two, which it did at St. Juvin, proceed-
ing north through Champigneulle to a point near a
wooded knoll and ravine, 1500 meters south of Ver-
pel. At that point it was held by orders requiring
the surrender of most of its horses and carts to the
Third Battalion to assist the latter's advance as
originally prescribed. Since the Second Battalion
was left with only one hundred horses, D Batterj'
was put in reserve in the vicinity of Verpel, and C
Battery pushed on through Thenorgues, Buzancy,
and Saumauthes, reaching Raucourt on the after-
noon of November 7th. From that time until the
armistice the men of C Battery and of the battalion
detail enjoyed the disagreeable pleasure of being
under German artillery fire every night, but of being
under orders not to reply.
And then, on November nth, for the Second
Battalion, as for the others, the war ended. Will we
ever forget those mad Frenchmen passing on the
road, their faces, their shouts, their caps thrown in
the air? "Fini la guerre! Fini la guerre!" Was
there ever a phrase heard in all our lives that is more
potent to bring back memories of the past than those
three little words flung out hysterically upon the
still air of that gray November day ? And there are
other things, too, which will not be forgotten. There
are a few of us who years hence, when sitting peace-
fully beside our own firesides, will start as if from
sleep imagining that we hear coming across the span of
years a faint voice, "Take these coordinates." And.
then, while the lights grow dim, even as a single
candle flickering in the damp air of a dugout, and the
wax runs down upon a map all marked with squares
and covered with quaint old names almost forgotten,
we will hear again the buzz of voices figuring the
firing data, the tramp of the section chiefs reporting
for orders, and then after a moment of tense stillness,
faintly as if very far away, will sound the deep roar
of the opening salvo. These are the real memories of
the battalion.
But while each member of the battalion recalls his
individual experiences and enjoys his personal memo-
ries, the battalion as a whole will not fail to recall
the special achievements which it attained and the
special recognition which it received as an organi-
zation. It was farthest north on every front, except
when orders from higher up prevented ; it was the first
to advance on every front; the position of its guns
varied from 6000 meters behind the lines at Les
Carrieres in the Baccarat sector, to 1500 meters
behind the lines south of Grand Pre, and 100 meters
behind the lines south of Binarville in the Argonne ; it
fired more rounds of ammunition than either of the
other battalions; and yet it was fortunate in losing
only half as many wounded and slightly more than
half as many killed as would have been its proper
proportion had the regimental losses been divided
among the three battalions.
On August 22, 1918, the Second Battalion was
commended through Colonel Smith as follows :
The Colonel of the 308th Infantry reports that our fire to-day
has saved the infantry from a powerful German thrust and
freely gives this regiment the credit. Please disseminate the
news generally.
On August 25, 1918, the Second Battalion was
commended as follows :
Regtl. P. C. 306th F. A.
Aug. 25, 1918.
Memorandum: For C. O., 2nd Battalion.
I. The following is a copy of a letter received from the
brigade commander, which is communicated to you, as your Bn.
was instrumental in the successful carrying out of the French
Hq. 152D Brig. F. A., A. E. F.,
25th August, 1918.
My dear Smith:
The French Colonel who conducted the operation last evening
was delighted with your fire so much so because not a single
machine gun was in action from the place on which your fire
was directed.
By order of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith,
E. E. Nelson,
Captain, 306th F. A., A. E. F.
On September 29, 19 18, the work of No. i gun of
D Battery was verbally commended by the colonel of
the French nth Infantry for whom it had knocked
out a number of machine guns. The colonel stated
that his previous attack had been unsuccessful, but
that the attack supported by the "pirate gun" had
succeeded without the loss of a single man killed,
and that his men had found a number of German
machine guns shattered by our fire.
Major General Alexander, referring to the "pirate
gun," wrote Major Greene of the Engineers as
follows :
I saw it way up in the front on the left of the Division on or
about September 29th or 30th and observed that it was in posi-
tion to do and was doing good work.
And, finally. Colonel Frederic H. Smith, who
realized in maximum degree the attainments of an
ideal regimental commander, has commended the
Second Battalion in a manner which should make
every member of the organization thrill with pride.
He wrote Major Duell as follows :
With reference to the regiment, upon my arrival at Chau-
mont, September 30, 19 18, Brigadier-General Westervelt,
Assistant to the Chief of Artillery, A. E. F., Major-General
Hinds, in the presence of General Hinds, told me that reports
reaching their office of the work of the 306th F. A. showed that
there was not a better 155 howitzer regiment in the American
army than it.
While on the Vesle, Corps Headquarters repeatedly rated us
first in the sector, as you know; and as General McCloskey
wrote you, the more I hear of what others did, I am more and
more proud of what we accomplished.
Whatever argument there may be as to whether we were
preeminent as a regiment, there can be no argument but that
the 2d Battalion was in general efficiency, superior to the 1st
and 3d. I should regret if any judgment of mine should appear
as an invidious comparison. I should therefore add — without
detracting from the strength of my expressed judgment above —
that I beheve that the batteries of the ist Battalion and notably
Battery B were superior to the others in the employment and
computation of firing data, and the 3d Battalion uniformly
regulated with more efficiency its rear echelon. In general,
however, in maintenance of communications and advanced
observation, in mobihzation for changes of position, and in the
execution of daily missions I felt more assurance with regard to
the 2d Battalion than with regard to the other two.
In short, in a regiment whose reputation is a guarantee of the
marked efficiency of each of its several units, the battalion of
which you were in command during its entire war service was
in my opinion the most efficient.
We who were members of the Second Battalion
may reasonably feel that we belonged to "the best
battalion of the best regiment of 155 howitzers in
the American army." And we know that it was
because of the "everlastin' teamwork of every
bloomin' soul."
Theodore Crane,
Captain, 306th F.A.
Holland S. Duell,
Major, 306th F. A.
The Last Eleven Days
FOR some of us the final phase of the Argonne
drive began on the Promenade des Anglais at
Nice. After fighting up through the jungle past
Binarville and the Abri-de-Crochet to Grand Pre and
St. Juvin, the 306th Field Artillery had been relieved
and ordered back to La Harazee for a much-needed
rest. There a group of officers, of whom the writer was
one, left it one morning late in October, and there we
expected to find it when we came back after a three
days' leave. A day's journey by truck and train
put us in Paris, and another day on the crowded
Riviera express set us down at dusk in the midst of
the glories of Nice. After dinner we took a walk
along the waterfront to discuss the strategic plan and
tactical details of the great Riviera offensive which
was to start the next da^^ The first person we ran
into was Captain Nelson, who greeted us with the
pleasant news that the A. P. M. had just received a
sheaf of telegrams ordering us all to report back to-
the regiment forthwith.
Doubling on our tracks to the great forest we found
the regiment in the line again. The Third Battalion
was in position along the Cornaj'-Fleville road.
Battery E astraddle the tracks at the railroad station,
and Battery F in a field a few hundred meters to the
west. The woods were full of guns, and the air full of
rumors ; the latter chiefly to the effect that this was
to "fini la guerre" once for all, or, as Major-General
Liggett phrased it officially a few days later, that
"pending operations bear a distinct resemblance to
the sounding of a gong for what may prove to be the
final round of a knockout fight." Our old friends
D Day and H Hour soon made their reappearance,
and there ensued much conning of maps in the
P. C.'s, disturbed occasionally by the whirr of Boche
planes overhead or by a shell-whine across the
valley. Captain Ketcham's P. C. was in a fourgon
wagon; Lieutenant Lawrence was lucky enough to
have a shack which the engineers had wired for
electric light.
At 5.00 A.M. on November ist the show started.
Each battery fired five hundred rounds before nine
o'clock, mostly at targets in and about Champign-
eulle. Our friends all about us cut loose at the same
time — 75's, French longs, American heavies, and
even a scattering of captured German guns — till the
air sang with the coursing of the shells. At nine
o'clock the racket let up a bit, and then came a long
period of waiting. We wondered how the infantry
was getting on, and when we should get our orders to
advance ; all we knew definitely was that our battal-
ion had been picked to go forward first, and that
Major Moon's general instructions were to stick close
to the heels of the infantry. Late in the afternoon
the orders came. We went forward about six kilo-
meters along the south bank of the Aire and across
the bridge built by the engineers to St. Juvin, taking
up a position half a kilometer east of the town. A
number of shells, evidently from the enemy's rear-
guard artUlery, fell near the head of the column as
the guns swung off the road, but did no damage.
All the men and most of the officers, including Major
Moon, spent that night in fox-holes in a steep bank
by the side of the road. Lieutenant Lawrence made
a P. C. out of a queer cavern up on top of the crest,
half dug-out, half well, with a stream trickling
through it. When he went up there he found an
American machine gun still rattatting away at the
Boches across the valley.
All the next day it rained. The battalion was
held in readiness to move, but got no orders to do so.
This was the anniversary of our arrival at Brest six
months before, and some celebrated the occasion
by sewing shiny new ser\dce stripes on their sleeves.
At daybreak on the morning of November 3d, the
batteries pulled out through St. Juvin, Champign-
euUe (where the gun-crews had a chance to see the
results of their fire on the barbed wire and trenches
in front of the villages), and Verpel to Thenorgues.
There we met Colonel Vidmer of the 306th Infantry
and Colonel Doyle of the 305th Artillery and stopped
to try to find out what was going on ahead of us.
Nobody could give us ver^' much information, how-
ever, beyond the bare fact that the infantry was in
possession of Buzancy, Bar, and Harancourt, and
that the Germans were apparently still in full re-
treat, fighting rearguard actions only. So Battery E
led the way over the Thenorgues ridge and down the
counter-slope into the Buzancy valley. As we went
down the road we saw what we took to be infantry
skirmishers going up the crest of the ridge northeast
of Buzanc3% and in the valley we passed infantry
support troops, with machine guns. The Germans
during their retreat had abandoned in the ditch here
a big long range gun. We found Buzancy itself still
in flames; we were the first artillery to pass through
Reluming to Farm.<:, French Once More
the town. Beyond Bar the bridge over the Ruis-
seau-du-Moulin was mined and the road was impass-
able for heavies. Accordingly, Major Moon ordered
a halt for the night, Battery E's guns in position on
an open square off the main street, and those of
Battery F in front of a large German bakery just
outside of Buzancy. Deserted village houses fur-
nished ofBcers and men the most comfortable billets
they had had in some time. It was a quiet night.
Neither side did any shelling to speak of, although
just as we pulled into the village a German aeroplane
passed overhead and let go with his machine gim at
the rear of the column. His fire caused some casu-
alties up and down the road, but not in our battalion.
Early the next morning Ivlajor Moon rode forward
on reconnaissance, and met Colonel Winn at St.
Pierremont. The town was being shelled at the
time, not very heavily. Some recaptured British
howitzers stood in the main square. The Colonel
ordered the battalion to advance along the road to
the east in the direction of Sommauthe. As the
batteries came up the crest southwest of the Vaux-
Sommauthe road fork, orders came to halt at once,
and Battery E took up a well-camouflaged position
in a small pine wood at the bend in the road, with
Battery F in a field across the way. It was probably
just as well for us that we stopped where we did,
without showing ourselves over the crest, for we
learned from an infantry captain whom we met in an
0. P. on top of the hill that his company was at the
time being held up in the meadows below by machine-
gun fire from La Polka Farm, a little hamlet in plain
view down the valley, scarcely three kilometers
Aeroplanes were active during the night. We
heard the burr of the motors above us, and the roar
of tremendous explosions somewhere in our rear.
Lieutenant Burke, who had taken the horses back a
short distance from the gun position, had the neigh-
borhood of his picket line shelled and bombed, but
fortunately without damage to men or horses, so far
as the Third Battalion was concerned. Between
5.00 P.M and midnight, the battalion fired one hun-
dred and fifty rounds at the town of Stonne. Major
Moon had learned of a telephone message from Corps
Headquarters to the 80th Division on our right to
the effect that aviators had reported this town to be
jammed with retreating Germans — infantry, artil-
lery, and trains. Later on — we had already opened
fire — Colonel Winn, whose car had broken down,
came forward on foot to give the major the same tar-
get. It was one peculiarly sensitive to artillery fire,
because the highway makes an S-turn through and
around the town. A couple of days afterwards the
writer had the satisfaction of riding over to Stonne to
see the result of this fire, which the shell-holes proved
had thoroughly covered the target.
The German rearguard retired during the night,
and the battalion moved forward eight kilometers to
the railroad crossing in the Bois-du-Grand-Dieulet.
The La Bagnolle bridge, a kilometer in front of us,
had been mined by the retreating Germans, effectu-
ally barring the further progress of artillery that day.
Sergeant Schwartz and Corporal Maj', who had been
sent ahead early in the morning to find out the condi-
tion of the road, brought back two German prisoners,
turned over to them by the infantry, and it was on
this march that we met our first liberated civilians,
two Frenchmen who went to the rear embracing
everybody they met. While going into position in a
clearing in the woods we were shelled by the Boches,
and the shelling continued with considerable severity
throughout the evening. One direct hit (high ex-
plosive mixed with gas), on a shack in which the
battalion detail was quartered, killed one man and
wounded or gassed seventeen. The batteries fired
fifty rounds of harassing fire during the night.
The Germans continuing their retreat and the road
having been repaired at La Bagnolle, Battery E
moved north the next morning through La Besace
andRaucourttoHarancourt. The road was very bad,
at one place blocked by huge mine craters. Lieu-
■^^ :-
The La Bagrolle Bridge
3o6th field artillery
tenant Lawrence succeeded in getting the guns past
this point by taking them one at a time and putting
seven teams and fifty cannoneers at work on each.
After we had passed this spot the Colonel came up,
saw the mine craters, and, thinking that the road
was impassable and that both batteries were still be-
hind him, sent back word to Captain Ketcham to
make a detour around by Stonne.
This he eventually succeeded in doing, but only
after many difficulties and one rather illuminating
incident. While the battery was stuck in a road-
jam, and Captain Ketcham had gone forward to see
what was the matter, a major-general, accompanied
by a brigadier-general, came walking across the
field and held the following dialogue with Lieutenant
Smith, who had been left temporarily in command:
The General : ' ' What battery is this ? ' '
Lieutenant Smith: "Battery F, 306th Field
Artillery, 77th Division, sir."
The General : ' ' Where are you going ? ' '
Lieutenant Smith: "I don't know, sir."
The General : " How far are you going to-night? "
Lieutenant Smith: "I don't know, sir."
The General: "Is there any officer present that
does know?"
Lieutenant Smith : "No, sir."
While Lieutenant Smith was explaining Captain
Ketcham's absence, the general was overheard to say
to his companions:
"The boys don't know where they're going, and
they don't give a damn, and / don't give a damn
About all any of us knew those days was that we
were to go forward, and to keep on going forward
until something or somebody stopped us.
As we advanced we found the villages filled with
civilian refugees, some of them natives, and some
ordered back from the battle zone in front of us.
La Basace, the City of Mud
On the way through Raucourt they offered us
refreshments in the form of thick slices of German
war bread covered with apple butter. The men
collected from the fields by the roadside much desir-
able salvage in the form of cabbages and turnips.
Battery E took up a position that night in the south-
ern outskirts of Haraucourt in the yard of a big
French machine shop which had been occupied by
the Germans. This was our "Farthest North."
A Detour to Avoid the Incredible Wreckage of the Ruined Road
i, ! •'>.'^ai^' there when they
get there and arrange flowers on the tables in the
boudoirs of peace delegates, or bring up their petits
dejeuners to them. Some are even willing to get
home at eleven o'clock every night and thus get free
and indefinite board at a comfortable hospital. Only
one developed what might be known by the Herr
Doktor Major J. as a "sympathetic ear." He wins!
3o6th field artillery
Let's award him the Wampum — we cannot give him
the Croix-de-Guerre.
No reconnaissance of the terrain is half begun
without accurately locating that remarkable machine-
g^n nest known as Louis's bar. But why confine it
to machine guns? It was a whole ordnance depart-
ment where Louis and his buxom wife issued every
known form of high explosive and projectile. We
all wondered why people went to the Op6ra Comique,
but when we had been introduced to Louis by a
famous and delightful lieutenant colonel of the 78th
Division, the reason was clear. It was just to get up
a thirst for the Between-the-Acts at Louis's. Of
course some didn't need to go to the Op6ra. Louis
had a remarkable little client who rides three horses
at the circus and smokes seventy-five cigarettes a
day. Always carry plenty of Camels.
Certain dignitaries were noticed by our invading
forces en passant — for example H. R. M. George Rex,
for whom one of our few fresh air patrols sang that
beautiful little ditty regarding the King of England,
the one that raises some doubts about his family
history. It was on a bright, sunny day on the
Champs Eiys&s and all the quiet French people were
much edified by the hymn singing. That was
because they hadn't seen the choir trying to crawl
down the muzzles of some 150's in the Place-de-la-
Concorde to test their recoil mechanism.
Well, it's all a sweet dream now. We're back in
the trenches at Dancevoir. And yet they call it
open warfare! Why compared to Paris, this is a
state of siege, and the warfare of Paris is wide open
as long as you see the M. P.'s first.
Let us close this epic with a few simple verses :
What d'ya mean you stayed too long in Paris,
WTiat d'ya mean you stayed an extra day?
That little card told you what to do.
You know the one I mean, the little square of blue.
What d'ya mean you stayed too long in Paris,
What d'ya mean she wouldn't let you go?
Three months flat, you get for that.
So tuck that underneath your overseas cap.
What d'ya mean you stayed too long in Paris?
What d'ya mean that you missed your train.
"Y. M. C. A."
A Picture Promenade
NICE" — I know the mere mention of that
heavenly place causes some flutterings. To
some it means "frightened flutterings," per-
haps — but they're all alive and safe, I think, now.
Perhaps the service stripe for that campaign will
never be issued — in no way will that signify that one
— or even two — wasn't deserved. To have survived
at all stamped one eternally a hero, notwithstanding
it was a "Bon Secteur."
That old first-class light on Point Ferratt, with its
welcome flash at twenty second intervals, the eternal
wind in the palm trees, will ever say to the men of
this regiment "Come ye back!" From the turn of
the road between Monte Carlo and Mentone, where
the soft-purring motor starts that marvelous climb
over the Grande Corniche, above that little princi-
pality — world known — by the rattle of the roulette
ball, ere it rests and tells its fateful story "to some
earnest, and many only curious and inquisitive gamb-
lers," to that beautiful little bay where nestles the
yachting center of Cannes, among the palms on
that pretty curve of beach — those points marked
about, I think, the limits of our field of battle.
Strong points all along that front were many —
perhaps the spot that offered the greatest resistance
of all to our constant and concerted effort, was the
tea-room at the "Ruhl." The enemy fire at this
point from four to six in the afternoon, was terrific.
Conquer it we finally did. I might add that it
yielded a large amount and variety of loot. Of
course in these attacks, we were heavily enfiladed
from "Ernests" at about the same hour. Watches
were synchronized daily and the real general engage-
ment started when the sun reached Meridian, and
the cocktail gun boomed in the distance — make no
mistake though, prior to this much damage had been
sustained by us from the desultory fire by the enemy
of the new and deadly ammunition known as "A. E.
F." None of us had experienced this fire before we
arrived on this front; it was a new and hitherto
unknown high explosive invented by a celebrated
chemist known as "Charlie." He had a wonderful
laboratory, located in a comfortable oaken-paneled
dugout, known as the "Negresco." Anyone who
entered that dread place, left a record in Charlie's
hands, entered in one of his many little black books,
that could be used against him until Time, for him, is
no more. May none of us ever incur the terrible
wrath of Charlie. The balance of this large dugout,
aside from the afore-mentioned room, had an atmo-
sphere of almost refreshing refinement.
I have no mind to dwell upon the sordid things of
that area. God fashioned that coast and its envir-
ons to as closely resemble Heaven, as we understand
it, as He possibly could. All of us who saw the
promenade under that glorious tropic moon, believed
it must be Heaven. It was for certain people I
know. Though the promenade seemed to attract
many just before noon, when that awful gun sounded
it was filled with chairs — "'n Everything "^its lure
irresistible. There was another place worthy of
mention— a wildcat gun emplacement located on the
far western edge of the village, known as the " Belle-
vue." We were only bothered by this fire in the
late night, and, as a consequence, comparatively few
of us were injured from this quarter — though the
tale is told of a "certain someone" whose hasty and
catlike exit at this particular position, caused some
comment. It is also reported that another of our
number left considerable materiel in the hands of the
enemy on the same memorable occasion.
We suffered even more heavily, considering the
length of the engagements, in our various attacks on
a machine-gun nest, at Monte Carlo, named the
"Carlton," and commanded by General "Charles
Goodwin, of Norfolk, Va, Sah ! " To have come thru
3o6th field artillery
and lived after a barrage of "Charlie's Specials" had
been sent over, proved a man truly invulnerable.
After this had been achieved, though, just to drift
delightfully across the hall for luncheon: — then one
appreciated /m//}' — Monte Carlo ! The velvet-voiced
orchestra, the occupants of the "other" little tables,
(it always seems to be the "other" table), a more or
less human head waiter, who understood English—
these, even to the enormous bottle that finished
things and us, all contributed to the utmost content-
ment. Afterward, the little palm-flanked room in
back, where the people who had been at the "other"
tables, danced with us, made the world for us, for
the moment, just " Monte Carlo." In no way could
the awful visit to the Palace, prior to returning, be
avoided — it seemed the thing to do, but the ride
back over the upper road would make one forget —
Many things should be noted here, but on the one
hand space forbids, and, on the other, I'm loath to
put some things in writing. Attention should be
called to the regrettable fact that some men did return
to boast carelessly of "free association with nobility,"
nonchalantly referring to their yachts and things,
and palaces on Africa's shores. But they'll get over
that. " Two persons to whom the gods have vouch-
safed the doubtful blessing of propinquity." It
can't endure, and they're still "in the Army."
Another of our celebrated officers, having been a
cavalryman, found it impossible to conceal his
inordinate love of the horse, and one night blocked
the traffic of the entire Riviera. "Bon cheval."
One, too, presumed that because an Armistice was
in force, the war was over, and paid not the slightest
attention to rank. This might have been serious.
Another was accused of the mischievous trick of
corraling the boots outside of the doors on his hotel
floor — this to the dismay of many, of other nation-
alities, who contemplated early morning motor trips.
The "conquest of Corsica" was talked of — all one
evening — but when the dawn found us — one of those
golden tropic dawns — the table "conspiracy" col-
lapsed, for there was danger of overstaying our leave.
The spirit of adventure runs large on that coast.
There are countless other stories, that will be told
and retold times without number, losing nothing
in the telling, unless perhaps when told for tender
ears. This is intended to convey only a very general
idea of our activities in this lovely sector, and the
intent here is to embarrass no one — there are so many
things I might tell.
The pile-built Casino ought to receive mention — I
have a reason for this, aside from the dancing, and
the fact that cigarettes might be purchased there
without using all the rest of your francs. But the
dancing was worth doing (on odd nights). Then
there were girls who sang, too — some people sort of
liked that. He of the parakeet fame particularly,
though he was most cruel to that bird. But when
the Casino had closed — that seemed to be the hour
so many waited for. Then, the promenade and that
moon come into the story again. The story runs
late into the nights, and perhaps had better be left
untold. Rather a jump to feverish mornings of
recoverv — mornings never to be forgotten. That
kind old Mediterranean — "she sets and smiles, so
smooth, so bright, so bloomin' blue." Some pre-
ferred tho' the softer consolation of women at this
time, rather than that bracing morning air. The
always highly efficient American army nurse in these
cases was much in evidence and served admirably.
One simply had to forget the terrors of the night.
Here was a day more perfect, if possible, than its
predecessor. "Let's use it."
There is little more to tell, but no matter what a
man hath seen, " Nice," as it seemed to us then, was
the perfect place for a holiday. Perhaps, we were
over-enthusiastic; I think not. We'd all love to
go back and meet again "sometime, before we're
"Waw Wavv."
Drilling at Pontanezen Barracks; Brest, May 5, 1919, en route home.
Lt. to Rt.i Capt. Stantial, Major Duell, Lt. later majon Field, Col. Miller, Capt. Nelson,
Regtl Adj. at Camp Upton, April, 1918, just before leaving for France.
Col. Chas. D. Winn, C.A., who commanded the regiment from Oct. 5, 1Q18, until after the
Armistice, and was then invalided home. His intensive use of the 2nd and 3rd Bns., almost
forced upon Gen. Johnson, resulted in the nearly bloodless capture of Grand Pre after
repeated and costly failures. Col. Winn received the Distinguished Service Medal.
Capt. Nelson, Regtl Adj.
Hiking at Camp Upton.
1. VaiivLtTf tr(jni near position of 1st platoon of U Battery, Sept., igi8.
2. Approach to Chery Chatreuve from south. Note our demolished steeple.
3. No. I gun of D Battery in action on north edge of Vauxcere, Sept., 1918.
4. 2nd Bn. O. P. north of Chery Chatreuve, Aug., 191 8. Boche ambulance being observed
leaving Perles, following fire of D Battery.
5. Lt. Friedlander ilefti and Pvt. George McGuire righti in the Bois de Nesle, Aug. 15, 1918.
9P^ i.
r II
N iv
^'^-' •
Captured Boches going to the rear, Oct., edge ofJArgonne. Private Spunt.D Battery,
at horse's head. He was recommended for D. S. C. for heroism, Sept. 29 and 30, 1918,
near Binarville, during D Battery's pirate gun adventure.
2nd Bn. Sanitary Crew in the Vallee Moreau, Oct., 1918.
Boche prisoners captured in Argonne. D Battery men at right.
Bridge over the Vesle, 2nd Bn. about to cross, Sept., 1918.
Vallee Moreau, occupied by 2nd Bn. Oct., 1918. Between the Hindenburgand Kreimhilde-
Schtellung trench systems.
"Rest" en route from Antry to Latracy after the Armistice.
En route to the Chateau-Thierry Sector. " Sleeping by Day.'
3. Leaving Noyon for Brest. D Battery.
4. En route to Brest. The last rapid transit in France.
5. "40 Hommes" or "8 Cheveaux."
Tales They Tell
Thought It Might Explode
There seems to be an inherent fear in man, of any-
thing connected with high explosives. Even an
empty shell-case is not always trusted as fool-proof
by the folks back home. A typical example is that
of the old lady who is afraid of a revolver, and won't
touch it, even with the chambers empty.
One of the men at Regimental Headquarters sent
home to his sister a German 77 shell-case as a souve-
nir. Into the shell-case, he placed several cubes of
British taffy, sent him by a friend in London. He
thought he would like to have his sister sample the
taff}', but neglected to write her of the fact. He
was surprised, about two months later, to receive a
letter from his mother:
Mv DE.\R Arthur:
We have received your souvenir, and we thank
you very much for it. Sister Ethel insisted that the
substance inside the shell-case is taffy, and wants to
eat it, but I have forbidden her to do so, for what
if it should explode inside her! I have carefully
buried the package in the back-yard until I hear
further from you.
Your loving Mother.
New Use for a "Potato Masher"
Wise in the way of the 0. D. Pill, the medical
department found in the exigencies of war, a new use
for the German "potato masher." This hand gren-
ade derives its name from its peculiar shape. It has
a cylindrical head, with a wooden handle.
At the Vesle, a medical man, whose horse refused
to go, seized one of these deadly contrivances from
the side of the road, and to the consternation of his
comrades, began to beat the "chcval" over the rump
with it. There was a wild scramble for cover as he
threw the thing down, having finished with it. But
it didn't go off. Battery A's first gun passed over
the " potato masher ' ' half an hour later and exploded
it. Although graver consequences than the general
excitement and gas alarms that resulted might have
ensued, no one was injured.
Fly Cops
On the Vesle sector, our impotence in the air was
a constant source of irritation to all. We hadn't
enough planes to patrol the entire sector, and when
our flyers were in one part of it, Jerry always cut up
capers in the other part. One day after a hostile
airplane had destroyed an observation balloon, three
or four of our planes came hotfooting it to the scene
of the catastrophe. Chief Mechanic McAlcer, of
Battery D, watching them, remarked drily:
"Here they come, like the cops after a fight, taking
the names!"
Help Wanted
When the regiment entered its course of training
at Camp de Souge, ofl[icers and men were at once
immersed in the intricacies of French firing data.
Everything was done with endless streams of tables
printed on endless reams of pink, green and yel-
low paper. If one did not carry a pencil for one's
chief weapon, one stood in grave danger of losing the
war. It was there that a bright wit ga-re birth to
the sentence:
" I thought I was going to be an artilleryman, but
now I can see I'm going to be a bookkeeper for a
Discipline First
Captain Stantial, of supply company, stood chat-
ting with a brother officer in supply company's
orderly room, one December afternoon. The re-
giment was then billeted in the village of Dancevoir.
An orderly entered, stood at attention, waiting for
the conversation to end. When about five minutes
had elapsed, the orderly became noticeably fidgety.
"Well," said Captain Stantial finally, "what is
"Sir," said the excited orderly, saluting, "they
sent me over here for an axe. Regimental Head-
quarters is on fire!"
"And There I Am!"
In just what barracks it happened is not certain,
but Lieutenant D. R. Hyde says it occurred during
the early Camp Upton days. The "ten minutes to
dress and make reveille, with K. P. if you don't"
schedule was then in effect. It was brought to the
lieutenant's attention that a casual was in the habit
of going to bed with all his clothes on — "sleeping in
full equipment C," as a facetious supply sergeant put
it. Called to task for not undressing, the rookie
explained :
"Veil you see. Lieutenant, it's dis vay. If I takes
off my clothings, I can't put 'em on qvick enough in
the mornin', but vid dis scheme, you see how easy it
is yourself. Lieutenant, — I jumps out of bed, — and
there I am!"
The "Gassing" of Battery A
The prevalence of false gas alarms during the early
days at the Vesle, and the imminence of genuine
ones, set all the men so on edge against the deadly
vapors, that the least disturbance of any nature
usually ended up with a gas alarm for good measure.
The situation was not without its humor.
It was a dark night in Nesle Wood, with only the
lone gas guard awake, pacing up and down — up and
down. Suddenly he took a deep sniff, — then rang
the gas alarm with might and main. Gas masks
were fumbled on in sleepy haste, and five minutes
later, removed in disgust. There had not even been
an explosion. But the lone gas guard had walked
over a dead cat !
Following that, Battery A's guns were being
brought up to Ch^ry-Chartreuve, rumbling along
with the drivers half-asleep. A lead driver sang out
to a fellow in his rear:
"Are you all right, Shirk?"
' ' Ya-as ! ' ' replied Shirk, in his New England drawl,
"Ya-a-s, I a-am!"
A half-dozing driver further down the line pricked
up his ears, then shouted:
The alarming cry was repeated from man to man,
and again, out came masks. And poor Shirk had
only meant to say "Yes!"
Sergeant Hark and Private Bert Spencer of
Battery C had an unusual experience with ' ' gas ' ' one
night during the usual heavy shelling at Ch^ry.
They were sitting on the stump of a tree. Someone
Hark and Spencer thought they heard a peculiar
hissing, buzzing and humming sound, like a gas shell
coming over. Suddenly Hark jumped up from the
stump and cried:
"Ouch! I'm wounded!"
They had been sitting on a hornet's nest!
All is not Pills that Swallows
Being rather severely troubled with rheumatism,
Private Joseph Gonzalez, Lieutenant Colonel Peek's
orderly, begot himself to the infirmary one day to
procure some sort of alleviation. He stated his
After the Armistice they took away our Howitzers — and gave us Rifles!
troubles to the Regimental Surgeon, Major Jarrell,
who handed him a couple of pills, with the remark:
"Here, lake these."
The Major then interrupted the diagnosis to give
some instructions to a medical orderly. He turned
again to Gonzalez when he had finished, and con-
tinued :
" Dissolve those pills I gave you in a pint of water
each, and rub your legs well with the solution."
Gonzalez turned pale with dismay pictured on his
"But, Sir, I have already swallowed them!"
was his reply.
•♦Battery S"
This is the story of a supply company that aspired
to be a battery. It achieved its ambition — to the
extent of one shot. So great was the regimental
enthusiasm in the advance from the Vesle to the
Aisne, that supply company could not resist the
temptation of playing a grim joke on Jerry by turn-
ing one of his own 105mm. howitzers against him.
The howitzer was a salvaged one.
Under direction of Captain Stantial and Lieu-
tenant Delamater, Supply Company's picked gun
crew hauled the captured howitzer to a position near
Vauxcer^ and emplaced it. Other enthusiastic supply
men scoured about for powder and ammunition that
had been left in dumps by the fleeing Germans, and
succeeded in amassing a goodly pile.
All was set. The bread-and-jam-delivery gun-
crew struck attitudes, and Numbers One to Ten
inclusive were ready to give the long lanyard a good
big yank.
"F-i-r-e!" shouted Captain Stantial.
" Wo-o-o-sh ! " the German shell whizzed on its
way to the Aisne.
" Cr-a-s-s-h-h ! " the howitzer barrel flew off its
carriage, and the carriage itself kicked back and ran
over a cannoneer's foot.
Battery S, after firing a total of One Round, was
It Worked Both Ways
One can often combine two widely different jobs
to work well together, in the army as well as else-
where. At Camp Upton, Lieutenant Friedlander
was Regimental Gas Officer, and also Regimental
Insurance Officer. It was his custom to deliver two
lectures to the batteries and companies of the regi-
ment — one on gas, and the other on insurance.
After he had delivered both, it was said of him that
he was wont to conclude :
"And so. Gentlemen, should you not be quick
enough in the application of the gas mask, of which
I have told you in a former lecture, you should
certainly become the beneficiaries of the insurance, of
which I have also told you!"
He Remembered
Wherever the American soldier goes, though it be
even to brave danger and death, his irrepressible
sense of humor goes with him. This humor crops
out at grim moments, sometimes.
It was one of the habits of Captain, then Lieuten-
ant Clark J. Lawrence, of Battery E, during horse
instruction, to shout at the awkward horsemen,
"Bend Over!" This was in correction of a stiff,
erect attitude while riding. Lieutenant Lawrence
used this admonition so many times that he became
known, secretly, as "Bendover John."
At the Vesle, with the constant singing and burst-
ing of shells all about, camp idiosyncracies had
almost been forgotten, when a shell burst unusually
close to Battery E's position. Lieutenant Lawrence,
solicitous for the welfare of his men, called out,
"Where did that shell strike?"
The answer came, clear and distinct, from a neigh-
boring dugout;
"Bend over, and see!"
His Feet Were not Mates
It was at Camp Upton, during the training days.
Private Joe Carroll, of Headquarters Company, was
changing from hikers to dress shoes in order to be
presentable at Retreat. Suddenly the whistle blew
for that formation, and Joe went helter-skelter out of
the barracks with a hiker on one foot and a dress
shoe on the other.
First Lieutenant N. R. Coleman was Officer of the
Day. That worthy Southerner had won fame from
the manner in which he always gave the command:
" P-e-r-a-a-d-e R-e-s-t!" drawling it in a manner
most comical. Also, one never knew whether he
was cracking a joke, or allowing one to be put over
on him. As he came slowly down the long front
rank, the lieutenant noticed the lone hiker among the
polished dress shoes. He paused before Joe Carroll.
Then he took off his strong-lensed glasses, looked
again, wiped the lenses, and concentrated his gaze
upon the phenomenon. Clearly something was
wrong. Had somebody lost a leg in the scuffle?
But Lieutenant Coleman wished to convince him-
self. Turning to Carroll, whose countenance was
changing from color to color like an electric sign, he
"Private Carroll, — Ah say — Are both those feet
" Soissons " Liked the Infantry
Joe Sanchez, mounted battalion agent with
the first battalion, had a favorite Maltese mule
whom he dubbed "Soissons" because he was so hard
to handle about the flanks. One dark and stormy
night at the Vesle, Soissons grew tired of following
the same old trail from regimental headquarters to
the battalion, so he took the bit between his teeth,
and decided to join the infantry. Joe was in the
saddle, and didn't care much about joining the dough-
boys, but Soissons had his weather eye on a little Ford
ambulance, and was following it at a gallop toward the
front lines, never stopping until a dressing station was
reached. Here a medical man yelled at Joe:
"Hey! what are you doing 'way up herewith a
"It's not a horse, it's a blinketty-blink mule!"
remonstrated Joe, " If it was a horse, it would have
sense enough not to be here!"
Joe and the medical man tried their best to ease
the animal into an "about-face" 'mid a stream of
machine-gun bullets, but to no avail. The mule
wouldn't budge until the ambulance returned loaded,
when he followed it back as he had come. Arrived
almost at battalion headquarters, Soissons got his
nigh hind hoof caught in the stirrup. This was
the last straw for Joe. He dismounted in disgust.
' ' Soissons, "he said sorrowfully, "if you're gonna get
on, I'm gonna get off! I'm gonna get off and walk!"
And walk he did, with Soissons following him into
the stable at a hobble.
Blow Bugles Blow
The parade in Bordeaux was a trjang time for
many — not least for the buglers and Major Moon.
The major was a great deal put out to find that
although the third battalion bugler knew his calls
well enough, he could not separate the preparatory
commands from the commands of execution.
In vain he tried to explain to the embarrassed
musician who only became more confused. After
some minutes the major turned in his saddle quite
without any intention of giving a command, but the
bugler eager to anticipate his slightest wish blew
"Halt." And so tremendously^ did he blow it that
he bit off the mouthpiece of the bugle.
The column, by this time accustomed to receiving
orders bj' bugle, refused to move without one. Only
after many irate repetitions of the command by
Major Moon did it decide to "forward march."
Meanwhile our over-zealous bugler instead of find-
ing another bugler to take his place rode from one
battery to another and called out all the buglers.
Major Moon spent his noon hour gently but firmly
and precisely assuring the entire corps of buglers
that he did not require their services.
The Whole Mess Line
The first night at La Harazee was a wild one, but
even at the front it had been proved that it is an ill
wind that blows nobody good. The good came the
second night to Private Alberts of Battery C.
Mess was ready to be served when the shells began
to fall. Thinking that the program of the preceding
night was about to be repeated, everybody, including
all the cooks and kitchen police, fled to cover.
There was one exception — Private Alberts. He
had been on the end of the line and saw his great
opportunity. Mess pan in hand, he dashed from one
steaming receptacle to another, taking huge helpings
of everything in sight. This he bore back to safety
in triumph and explained:
" Did you think I was going to lose the first chance
I ever had to get a square meal in the army?"
The Resurrection of the Dead
More than once it has been proved that the
A. E. F. artillery horse is a creature of discernment
and understanding. Did not one choose to commit
suicide in the Mame when he realized the grim future
he faced, and have not others (not always draft
horses) escaped army service by ways that are dark
and in at least one case, by tricks that are vain.
Coming out of the echelon near Baccarat there
were many halts caused by anything from an enemy
plane flying low to a loosened saddle-girth. Captain
Allen was informed during one of these halts that
one of the battery horses had died on the road. Yes,
he certainly looked dead — and did not respond to
any treatment. The stable sergeant pronounced
him ready for burial and the work of removing the
harness began. Much pushing and pulling ensued
now by the head and now by the tail, until finally
the animal, deciding it was better to endure army
than submit to further indignities, scrambled to his
feet and wandered to the roadside to munch grass.
Evidently the army wasn't such a bad place after all.
The Sacred Ceremony of Chlorinating Water
"To Hell with the Regulations, We Want Results!"
Headquarters 2nd Bx. 306x11 F. A.
August 25, 1918.
To: C. O. Supply Company.
1. Early in the morning of the day before yester-
day, Jerry placed a shell at the corner of our kitchen.
Among other things that went were our supply of
baking powder and salt.
2. Without letting Lt. Kelley or me know in-
stantly, the cook borrowed a can of baking powder
and some salt from an Infantry kitchen nearby,
which is now shouting for it. Is there any provision
in the celebrated Army Regulations, permitting us to
draw over the regulation issue in emergencies of this
kinil. We have to eat to fight.
Major 2nd Bn.
R. E. Carew,
2nd Lt. F. A. R. C.
Acting Adjt. 2nd Bn. 306th F. A.
Mv Dear Del: Can you dig up any baking powder
for us? If so, please do. — H. S. D.
1st Ind.
From C. O. Su{)ply Company, 306th F. A., A. E. F.,
August 26, 191 8 — To C. O. 2nd Battalion, 3o6lh
F. A., A. E. F.
1 . Reference above memorandum feel it my duty
to call your attention to several irregularities in
2. Paragraph 2 of said memorandum contains
following statement: " Without letting Lt. Kelley or
me know instantly, the cook borrowed a can of bak-
ing powder and some salt from an Infantry kitchen
nearby." This, as you must know, is wholly con-
trary to the letter and spirit of Army Regulations,
which state (A. R. 1198), "Subsistence stores will
not be transferred gratuitously to another stafiE de-
partment, nor obtained, issued, sold, or otherwise
disposed of except as authorized by regulations."
3. I find also accompanying this memorandum a
personal note to Lt. DeLamater as follows: "My
Dear Del : Can you dig up any baking powder for us ?
If so, please do." Signed "H. S. D." It is assumed,
unless evidence to the contrary is submitted, that
the H. S. D. referred to is Commanding Officer of
the 2nd Battalion. This is direct evidence of a con-
fusion between personal and official relationships,
which is not only out of keej^ing with the morale of
the army, but specifically contrary to the letter of
Arniy Regulations, viz.: A. R. 5. "Efforts to
procure personal favor or consideration should never
be made except through military channels; the adop-
tion of any other method by an officer or enlisted
man will be noted in the military record of those
4. You ask if there is " any provision in the cele-
brated Army Regulations permitting us to draw
over the regulation issue in emergencies of this
kind." I have been able to find no such provision
either in Anny Regulations or in paragraphs i to
9600 in the Quartermaster Manual. Have you any
prisoners of war? Paragraph 477 Army Regulations
provides that " Indians held as prisoners of war are
entitled to receive necessary subsistence, clothing,
medicines, and medical attendance." This provision
might, I think, be extended to Germans by inference,
although Germans as such are nowhere, so far as I
can discover, mentioned in Army Regulations. My
idea would be that you might under the circum-
stances make a certificate that the baking powder
and salt had been furnished the Germans as subsist-
ence or medical supplies, and that this certificate
could be used by us in replenishing the same.
5. Failing the above I fear that we can suggest
no means of helping you out of your difficulty.
(C. E. Stamti.\l). C. E. S.
Capt. 306th F. A., A. E. F., S. 0.
P. S. — The baking powder and salt will be out
to-night. Del.
Rime of Ye Ancient Salvager
He was a grizzled veteran,
His offspring at his knee —
"O tell me, tell me of the days
You fought for Liberty."
"My son," the. Grizzled One replied,
'Tis all so long ago
The details of the thing are vague
And tactics, I don't know.
" But there were doughty deeds done then
If mem'ry serves aright —
So cool, so nervy and so blithe
I'll drag them to the light.
"Our captain was a gentle man
As gentle as a lamb.
He owned the sweetest tooth I knew,
And Lord! how he loved jam!
"The colonel had a case of it
And I evolved the plan
Of stealing in there unbeknownst
And swiping Cap a can."
"But surely such dishonesty
Your Captain did annoy?"
"Nay, nay sweet child, 'twas salvaging
And he said 'Attaboy.'
" That man would praise me to the skies
As his lordly thirst he'd quench
With that blessed potion, old Pinard
Er — salvaged from the French.
" He slept upon a bed of straw
In a roofless, wind-swept shed
'Til I salvaged him the fine chateau
We occupied instead."
"But father dear, the family —
Did he consult its head?" — '
"Nay, my sainted innocent.
He salvaged them the shed !
"He had no horse to gallop on —
The cavalry had plenty.
I led a brave platoon one night.
And salvaged five and twenty.
"We needed mess-kits, blankets, caps.
'Alas!' the Captain wept.
He led me to the infantry
And salvaged while they slept.
"We salvaged this, we salvaged that.
We salvaged all day long.
Deriving so much good from it
It couldn't have been wrong.
"The bandsmen dug a safe retreat
That sheltered twenty soul.
The day that burst came near to us
We salvaged that there hole!"
"But noble father, wasn't that
A military wrong?"
"Child, you forget that two are weak
While they are twenty strong! "
" 'Twas then we met the thieving Hun
— Prisoners of course —
Cap, he salvaged belts and things.
And I, the Iron Cross.
"We salvaged hats, we salvaged gats
And other hunnish gears —
While Frenchmen fought for glory.
We fought for souvenirs.
" The soldier boys were fighting hard
Exchanging blows for blows.
When Captain heard of furloughs, and
He salvaged one of those.
" He salvaged him a motor truck
And rode off like a prince.
Some French maid must have salvaged him-
I never saw him since!"
"O glory! Father! Served him right
Such wrongs to have performed!
And when he passed from out your life
I'm sure that you reformed!"
"Nay! my Lily! Wrong again!
I fell in love, tres chaud.
I won her, but her stem papa
Quoth pos-ee-tive-lee no!
"And so, in salvaged cutaway
And in a salvaged car
I blest the Captain's memory
And salvaged your mama!"
M. T.
Editor's Note
THE two and a half days of railroad travel that
now followed were the coldest and most un-
comfortable that the regiment had yet ex-
perienced. The light snow that was falling when the
regiment hiked out of Dancevoir for Latrecey changed
to a rain and sleet that increased as the wind grew
stronger. By crawling under the straw in the cars, and
by tucking the blankets tightly about them the men
lived through the trip cheerfully. On the afternoon of
February loth, Noyen, our destination was reached.
We scattered to billets — garages, barns, and empty
buildings — cold and forlorn looking all of them.
But, as the weather warmed up little by little, we
began to like Noyen. We found there restaurants
more than one, and as in Dancevoir, private families
whose female members could cook up a fine dinner
for hungry soldiers. Later, those of the regiment
who cared to pay room rent, were allowed to billet
themselves with the French, for Noyen, being larger
than Dancevoir, afforded some comfortable spare
rooms, with the inevitable and commodious feather
bed. Then too, came passes for Le Mans — a city
of considerable size.
Outstanding incidents of this period were the
review, near Sable, by General Pershing, February
24th, and the decoration of the regimental colors
April 1st, on a field outside of Noyen. Then fol-
lowed the time of constant inspections of equipment,
in preparation for the embarkation authorities.
The far famed cootie was chased out of his favorite
haunts by daily inspections. The mornings were
given to drilling for the great parade that was to
occur in New York upon our arrival there, and the
afternoons were spent in athletic training.
April 17th was the great and hoped-for day when
the regiment piled on the trains at Noyen station.
April 1 8th saw it in Brest Camp — not the antique,
Napoleonic stone barrack affair which it had oc-
cupied one year before — but a city of tents and
barracks, now housing entire divisions waiting to
sail. The regiment's stay there was a short one.
After delousing, it went aboard the Agamemnon,
formerly the Kaiser Wilhelm II., on the morning of
Easter Day. The next day, Monday, the Agamem-
non raised anchor, and France faded from our view.
In comparison to the sternness of the outward
voyage, with its submarine danger, and its limi-
tations and rules, that voyage towards home was in
the nature of a huge excursion. Concerts on deck in
the afternoons, and shows at night were the order
of the day. One could even obtain the longed-for
ice cream soda from a fountain established midships
by the Red Cross. One day of rough weather found
many war veterans conquered by the waves, but the
remainder of the voyage was smooth.
A cheer went up from every deck as the first cry of
"Land" made us aware of the hazy outline of the
Jersey Highlands on our port quarter. Then came
Coney Island, Fort Hamilton, Staten Island, and
then — the lady of our battlefield dreams — the
Statue of Liberty. Ferryboats, barges, and tugs,
filled to listing with our families and friends were
already steaming alongside. Our own decks were
swarming, many of us climbing into the rigging in
our enthusiasm. Shouts of recognition passed from
boats to the ships.
At the pier, a wild cheer went up as the figure of
Colonel Winn, our old commander of the Argonne,
waved to us from the stringpiece. Later, Major
Holland S. Duell, who had been in command of the
Second Battalion until illness caused his evacuation
to a hospital, came aboard, and was welcomed most
warmly by the men who had loved him and fought
beside him. A short time later we were attacked by
the allied forces of every benevolent organization we
had ever known. They delivered a barrage of sauer-
kraut, frankfurters, cigarettes, chocolate, postal-
cards and pamphlets. We were back in the United
States, and glad of it. In Hoboken, our folks shouted
at us from behind the wire barrier. They followed
us to Long Island City, where they peeped at us from
the Long Island Station windows. Trains bore us
rapidly to Camp Mills, with the prospect of being
mustered out in a week's time.
At Camp Mills, though the regiment had been
deloused until the poor cootie hadn't a chance in the
world, and although his race had been extinguished
as far as we were concerned, we were met by the news
that another delousing was to be our fate. Brave
heroes of many battles trembled at the dire prospect,
and promptly went A. W. O. L. to New York. It
was a happy, unthinking sort of A. W. 0. L. in which
allegiance to the home may have proved stronger
than that to the regiment. The event furnished a
nimiber of efficient K. P's.
May 6th brought to the regiment perhaps what
was the fitting climax to its career as a part of
the 77th Division — the parade in New York — the
3o6th field artillery
realization of the wish, so oft expressed— " when we
go marching up Fifth Avenue." It came up to our
expectations — for in the final drive — the last offensive
— the Battle of Fifth Avenue, when we made an
advance of six miles from Washington Square to
I loth Street without stopping for supplies, we made
more prisoners than we did in any other action.
The papers called us heroes, and though we were
accustomed to pooh-pooh the idea among ourselves,
we had, at least, that hero feeling as we moved
bravely through the rows of admiring relatives and
eager friends, while we dodged ham sandwiches and
Camp Upton, our early training home, received us
again into her confines, and sentiment saw to it that
we occupied once more the barracks that we had left
so solemnly a year before. It was good to see the old
wooden buildings, good to dine in the old mess-halls,
good to take one more hot-and-cold shower at pleas-
ure, and not by the numbers. And over all loomed
the great fact that we were HOME!
We are mustered out now, but should the old
guidons ever have occasion to flutter again, there
is not a doubt that the 306th F. A. shall be first
among the trained legions to answer the call, — if the
cause be high enough.
The U. S. S. " Ln'iathan," formerly the German " Vaterland'
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Military Biographies of Every Man in the 306th Field Artillery
THE following biographical sketches gives a brief outline of the military life of every man connected
with the 306th Field Artillery during the period from April 24, 1918, the day we left the States, to
Novemberii, 1918, the day the Annistice went into effect. First the name is given with the rank held
on November 11, 191 8. Following is the dateof entry into the army, and the place, if other than Camp Upton.
The date of joining the 306th Field Artillery and the battery or company to which assigned is then given. All
promotions, wounds (place and date), citations and special duties are mentioned, the birthplace is recorded,
college and degree, former military experiences, civilian occupation and home address. Because of the great
number of sketches, it has been found necessary to use a number of abbreviations. In order that everything
may be understood, a list of these abbreviations follows:
Commanding Oflicei
• c. 0.
Lieutenant Colonel
Lt. Col.
Mess Sergeant
Mess Sgt.
Sergeant Major
Sgt. Maj.
National Guard
N. G.
Field Artillery
F. A.
New York
N. Y.
Stable Sergeant
Stab. Sgt
First Sergeant
1st Sgt.
New York City
N. Y. C.
Supply Company
Sup. Co.
Camp de Souge
C. S.
Supply Sergeant
Sup. Sgt.
Camp Upton
C. U.
Headquarters Co.
Hq. Co.
United States
U. S.
Private first class
Pvt. icl.
Chief Mechanic
Ch. Mec.
A.\nv, GiLMAN, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. D. Farmer,
Twin Valley, Minn., S.^muel, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry
F, Dec. 9, '17, transfd. btry. E, Dec. 10, '17, transfd. Hq. Co.,
Apr. 10, '18, wounded Nov. 5, '18, La Besace. Bom N. Y. C,
Salesman, 782 Home St., Bronx, N. Y.
Abra.mson, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18 Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. D,
Abt, Philip, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Apr. ig, '18. Left in Sick Bay, S. S. Leviathan, May 2, '18.
AcKF.Ri.No, Anthony A., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, '17. Gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Tree-trimmer, 133 E. 5 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Adamic, Charles C, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9. '17, apt'd Pvt. icl., Jan. 15, '19. Born .N'. Y. C,
Lithographer, 133 Lincoln PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Adams, John Jr., ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co., aptd. Corp. Nov. I, '17, aptd. Color Sgt. Apr. i, '18,
Aptd. 1st. Sgt. Sep. 26, '18. Born ."V. Y. C, Water-tender,
1624 55 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Abler, SAMUELBn. Sgt. Maj., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co., aptd. Reg. Sgt. Maj., Nov. i, '17 on D. S. at O. T. S.
Camp Upton, Rd. Bn. Sgt. Maj. Apr. I,'l8, transfd. Saumur
Art. Schl. .May 29, '18.
Adrian, Jlxius W., Pvt. ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 19, '18. Missing since Oct. 29, '18. Electrician.
Alberts, Jacob, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Nov. 16, '17, assgd.
btry. C, Nov. 17, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl., July 11, '18. Born Pinsk,
Russia, Beef-handler, 157 Starr St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Aleskevvic, Ada.m Prt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, as.sgd. btry. D,
Bom Vilna, Russia, Laborer, 290 Broad St., Bridgewater, Mass.
Allain, Ralph R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., assgd. 39 Eng., Camp Upton, Mch. 21, 18, joined
306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. Hq. Co., Born St. Ann, 111.,
Railroad clerk, 1 1 No. 53 Ave-W, Duluth, Minn.
Allard, , Brigadier, French Army interpreter, joined
306 F. A. July 6, '18. Dropped July 11, '18.
Alled, Exilpha M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Mch. 18, '18.
Bom Staebert, Quebec, Canada, Jewelry-smith, 59 Park St..
Attleboro, Mass.
Allen, Alfred, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co., apt'd. Corp., Nov. I, '17, Rd. Pvt. Nov. 2i,'i7, transfd.
Hq. Co., Jan. I, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl., Jan. 2, '18, Rd. Pvt.,
July I, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl., Oct. 24, '18. Bom Bayside, N. Y.,
Farmer, Little Neck Rd., Gt. Neck, N. Y.
Allen, Harry R., Capt., commissioned Capt. Plattsburg,
N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 31, '17, assgd. btry.
E, on D. S. Schl. Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla., Jan. 3-Mch. 9,'i8 C. O.
btry. E, Baccarat and Vcsle Campaigns on D. S. as Instructor
Sc hi. Instruction F. A. Camp de Souge, Sep. 25, '18. Dropped
from rolls of Regt. .Nov. 23, '18, re-assgd. btry. E, Dec. 14, '18
I yr. N. Y. N. G., Architect 121 K W. Hudson St., Elmira, N. Y.
3o6th field artillery
Aluconis, Dominic, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, 'i8, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 18, '18,
transfd. btry. B, June 10, '18. Bom Russia, Shoe-worker, 99
River St., Haverhill, Mass.
Ammons, William R., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18, Rd. Pvt. Aug.
24, '18 transfd. Central Records Office, Sep. 4, '18.
Amo, Walter S., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Mch. 18, '18. Bom
Clayton, N. Y., Mason, 16 Theresa St., Clayton, N. Y.
Amundson, Sigfret, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A. Apr. 19, '18. Bom
Vining, Minn., Farmer, Ericsburg, Minn.
Anderson, Andrew, P\'t., icl., ent'd army Nov. 17, '17,
assgd. btry. C. Nov. 19, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18. Bom
Whitehaven, Eng., Auto-driver, 7009 Ridge B'lvd, B'klyn, N.
Anderson, Granville T., 2d Lt., commissioned at
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, assgd. 306 F. A., Sep. 4, '17,
attach'd Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '17, assgd. Hq. Co., Feb. 11, '18,
transfd. Casual Ofcrs. Camp, Aug. 3, '18, Student, 154 E. 62 St.,
N. Y. C.
Anderson, Julius, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B., Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Tjwiko, Sweden, Stone-cutter, 14 Hutchin St., W-Con-
cord, N. H.
Anderson, Leonard A., Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge. la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bora
Maple Bay, Minn., Farmer, Waterville, la.
Apenes, Christian M., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom
Horton, Norway, Boiler-makers-helper, Bay St., Dorchester,
Ardiff, William J., 2d Lt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. I, '17, apt'd ist Sgt. Nov.
2, '17, Rd. Sgt. Jan. 4, 'i8 on D. S. at O. T. S. Camp Upton,
commissioned 2d It. Aug. i, '18, transfd. 13 F. A. Aug. 3, '18,
N. Y. C. Pol. Dept. Mil. Camp Ft. Wadsworth, N. Y. Born
N. Y. C, Policeman, 224 W. 141 W. 141 St., N. Y. C.
Arends, Jans S., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Washington,
la.. Farmer, Applington, La.
Arlow, Max., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. Sup. Co.,
apt'd Wag. Apr. i,'i8, transfd. F. A. Motor Schl. Oct. 16, '18.
Armstrong, William C, 2d Lt., commissioned at Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Nov. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. D, transfd. Hq. Co., May 29, '18 on D. S. at Gas Defense
Schl. Aug. I, 'i8-Aug. 15, '18. Dropped from Regt. and
ordered to Base Section 5 for transportation to U. S., Aug. 25,
'18 2 yrs. Sq. A. N. Y. 6 mos. Federal Service Mexican Border,
Camp McAllen, Texas, 32 E. 61 St., N. Y.
Aronni, Michele, Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18.
Gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Born Italy, Coal-
miner, Aurora, Minn.
Arra, Jack, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry. D,
Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Tailor, 219 E. 107 St., N. Y. C.
Arterberry, Levi E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Roshell, III., Barber, Moquopta, la.
Arthur, Edwin, ist Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attached
O. T. S. Camp Upton, assgd. Hq. Co., Mch. 28, '18, apt'd Sgt.
Apr. 21, '18 on D. S. at Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18. Dropped
from rolls.
AscH, Irving, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.,
Apr. 20, '18 transfd. btry. E, June 10, '18. Bom Kutno, Poland
Russia, Clerk. loi W. 88 St., N. Y. C.
AsT, Herman, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Stock-clerk, 1526 Washington Ave., N. Y. C.
Athey, Clanton R., 1st. Lt., M. R. C, commissioned at
Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., joined 306 F. A. assgd. to Med. Detach.
Sep. 4, '17, transfd. 308 Inf., Oct., 31, '18. Born Alabama,
Physician, Raimer, Ala.
AuERT, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Mch. 18, '18.
Bom Whitesboro, N. Y., Clerk, 69 Westmoreland St., Whites-
boro, N. Y.
Auger, Louis A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Mch. 18, '18.
Avery, Walter A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Died through accident July 21, '18, Baccarat.
AxTHELM, Albert, A., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. A, transfd. Hq. Co., June 10, '18. Born N. Y. C, Clerk,
443 E. 79 St., N. Y. C.
Babich, Nick, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 7, '17, Camp Lewis,
Washington, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, May 17, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Born Kulen Vakuf, Austria, Miner, 421
Chestnut St., Anaconda, Mont.
Bach, Henry A., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co., Oct. II, '17, apt'd Corp., Jan. 17, '18, transfd. Ord. Detach.
Jan. 17, '18, attach'd Sup. Co., Feb. 26, '18. Bom B'klyn, N.
Y., Machinist, 65 Jewell St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Bach, Isaac, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl., Jan. i, '18, wounded Sep. 15, '18
sent to Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls. Dyer. N, Y. C.
Badin, Jean, 2d Lieut., 117 Artillery French Army, assgd.
306 F. A. Sep. 24, '18. Killed in action Sep. 28, '18, Binarville.
B.ecKER, C. Frederic, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov.
21, '17, apt'd 1st Sgt., Jan. 4, '18 D. S., O. T. S. Saumur Aug.
30, '18, re-assgd. btry. A, Dec. 17, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Business Mgr., 420 E. 8 St. B'klyn, N. Y.
Bahr, Carl, Pvt. ent'd army June 15, '13, joined 306 F. A.
assgd. Sup. Co., Nov. 23, '17, apt'd Regtl. Sup. Sgt. Nov. 23, '17
Rd. Pvt. June 14, '18 transfd.
Bailey, Franklin E., Pvt. ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Marshfield, Mass., Bell-boy, 99 Temple St., No. Abing-
ton, Mass.
Bailey, Otis, S., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Somer\'ille, Mass., Paper-cutter, 61 Galen St., Water-
town, Mass.
Baitinger, George F., Wag., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 10, '17, aptd. Wag. Apr. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
Mech. Chauffeur, 681 Cleveland St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Balph, Charles F., 2d Lieut., commissioned Ft. Sheridan,
Nov. 27, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 2, '18. Born
Pittsburg, Pa., grad. Unv. Pittsburg, B. S. C. E. 3 yrs. 18 Inf.
N. G., Pa., Civil Engr. 134 So. Fairmont St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Bank, Charles, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 16, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Laborer, 178 Noll St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Banta, John S., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. Hq. Co.,
Sep. 14, '17 apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17 Rd. Pvt. Aug. 24, 'i8,transf.
btry. F. Bom Hoboken, N. J., Surveyor, 728 W. 181 St., N.
Y. C.
Barinkowski, Robert E., 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. assgd.
Hq. Co., Nov. II, '18, transfd. Saumur Art. Schl. Nov. 16, '18.
Barker, Shirley T., ist Lieut., commissioned 2nd Lieut.,
Ft. Sheridan, 111., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co.,
Nov. 20, '17 transfd. btry. A, May 29, '18 apt'd 1st Lieut., Sep.
5, '18. Bom Hastings, Mich., grad. Olivet College, A.B.,
Credit man, Battle Creek, Mich.
Barnes, John J., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apl'd Corp. Aug. 27,
'18, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Born N. Y. C,
Clerk, 336 E. 66 St., N. Y. C.
Baron, Andrew O. Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Born
\V. Duluth, Minn., Mech., 230 No. 2 Ave. Duluth, Minn.
Barone, VlNCENZO, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Naples, Italy, Farmer, 246 Dublin St., Palmer, Mass.
Barrett, Edmund, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Mch. 18, '18.
Bom Queenstown, Ireland, Clerk, 234 Methune St., Lawrence,
Barrett, Michael, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp.
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18,
Bom County Clare, Ireland, Freight-handler, 40 Cedar St.
Mattapan, Mass.
Barry, F. LeRoy, Bn. Sgt. Maj. ent'd army Sep. 10, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co., apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 2, '18,
apt'd Bn. Sgt. Maj. 2nd Bn. July 10, '18 on D. S. Saumur Art.
Schl. Sep. 29, 'i8-Dec. 21, '18. Bom Yoedin, Pa., grad. Unv.
SjTacuse, Student, 40 E. 40 St., N. Y. C.
Bartunek, John, Jr., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., Sep. M, '17 apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17. Bom Long
Island City, N. Y., Chauffeur, 255 Radde St., Long Island City.,
N. Y.
Bashaw, Wallace P., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Newburyport, Mass., Florist, 6 Low St., Newburyport,
Bassetti, Ralph, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18, as.sgd. btry.
A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Raccopalurnta, Italy, Tailor, 441 E.
12 St., N. Y. C.
Bauer, William, Pvt., icl. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry, C, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18. Born
B'klyn, N. Y., Painter, 289 Wallabout St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Baum, Fred Muse. 3d cl. ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co., Oct. 15, '17 apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18, Apt'd Corp Nov.
15, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Musician, 1456 Webster Ave., Bronx,
N. Y.
Baumann, Henry, Pvt., icl. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17 apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, '18. Born B'klyn,
N. Y., Packer, 204 Woodbine St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Bayer, Anton F., Pvt., ent'd army Aug. 27, '17 Ft. Slocum,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10, '17. Born New-
ark, N. J., Clerk, Newark, N. J.
Bean, Louis S., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry D,
transfd. Hq. Co., Apr. 18, '18, apt'd Corp. July i, '18. Bom
Kovna, Russia, Salesman, 381 So. 3 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Beard, John W., Pvt., ent'd army May 27, '18, Jefferson
Barracks, St. Louis, Mo., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 30, '18 assgd.
btry. E. Born Dietrich, 111., Farmer, Altamont, 111.
Beard, Re.x ist Lieut., M. R. C, attached 306 F. A.July i,
'18, assgd. Med. Detach, transfd. Camp de Souge Hospital,
July 6, '18.
Beattie, Joseph H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Hopkinton, Mass., Rubber-worker, Wood St., Hopkinton,
Becchinno, John M., Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., Dec. 9, '17 apt'd Wag. Apr. 11, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Chauffeur, 553 Schenck Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Becker, Arthur, Farrier, joined 306 F. A. Oct. i, '18 assgd.
Veterinary Detach.
Becker, Ralph E., Pvt., joined 306 F. A. Aug. 19, '18 assgd.
to Veterinary Detach.
Becker, William A., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd Corp., Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 7, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Cook, 307 W. 144 St., N. Y. C.
Beckerman, John, ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Dec. 26, '17 apt'd Sgt. Fob. 5, '18.
Born Warsaw, Poland, Russia, Insurance, 352 W. 118 St.,
N. Y. C.
Beeman, Adelbekt M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Mch. 18,
'18. Born Rome, N. Y., Farmer, Whitesboro, N. Y.
Beeman, Robert C, Pvt, icl., ent'd army Aug. 8, 17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl., Sep. I, '18 apt'd Wag. Apr. 11, '19. Bom
Binghamton, N. Y., Laborer, 112 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Beoley, Edward F., Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Waiter, 69 So. B'way, Lawrence, Mass.
Belain, George L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Died of disease, Feb. 13, '19. Bom Gay Head, Mass., Farmer,
Gay Head, Mass.
Beldring, Sophus, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
B, Apr. 18, '18. Born Suby, Denmark, Chauffeur, 2122 5 Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Benanti, Antonio, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Sep. 15, "17 apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp.
Mch. I, '18. Bom Palermo, Italy, Tailor, 295 Eliiateth St.,
N. Y. C.
Bencosa, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17 assgd. btry.
A, May 17, '18. Born Strongoli, Italy, Laborer, 149 Skillman
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Benforado, Mark J., Pvt. ent'd army Apr. 5, 'i 8 assgd. btry.
A, May 17, '18 transfd. Inf. unassigned and sent to Brest, Oct.
14, '18 to be retumed to U. S. Born Turkey, Storekeeper, 106
W. 113 St., N. Y. C.
Beppler, Herman, J., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17 apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18 apt'd Corp. Mch.
I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Stenographer, 1254 Greene Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Bercovich, Jake Muse, 3d cl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd Muse. 3cl., Apr. i, '18 transfd. Genl. Hq. Band
Nov. 21, '18.
Bergan, Robert N., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd Corp. Feb. 5, '18,
apt'd Sgt. Aug. 5, 18. Bom Westchester, N. Y., Stock-keeper,
2313 Gleason Ave., N. Y. C.
Berger, Anthony, Pvt., xcL, ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Dec. 9, '17 apt'd Pvt. icl., Aug. 4, '18. Born B'klyn,
N. Y., Linotype-operator, 542 Greene Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Bergstrom, Simon T., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bora
Wemland, Sweden, Laborer, Two Harbors, Minn.
Berkemeyer, Raymond A., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. ix, '17
assgd. btry. F. Oct. 12, '17, Apt'd Corp., Jan. 10, '18, apt'd.
Sgt. May 15, '18. Killed in action Aug. 25, '18 Ch^ry-Char-
Berkenfeld, Max L., Pvt., icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17
assgd. Med. Detach, apt'd Pvt. icl., July 8, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Mechanical Dentist, 11 E. 1 15 St., N. Y. C.
Berkowitz, Harry I., Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17.
assgd. btry. B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl., Apr. i, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Lithographer, 166 Lorimer St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Berman, Harris H., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 a.ssgd.
Med. Detach. Bom N. Y. C, i yr. Military trainmg Comell
Unv., Optometrist, 381 Grand St., N. Y. C.
Berman, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19, '18,
Berman, Hyman, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 16, '18 assgd. btry.
A, May 16, '18. Born Liverpool, Eng., Insurance Broker, 300
Schenectady Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Bernstein, Harold B., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. I, '18 transfd.
Hq. Co., Aug. 20, 18. Bom N. Y. C, Grad. Columbia Unv.
Manager, 870 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C.
Bertin, Marechal Des Logis Pierre, French Interpreter,
joined 306 F. A. July 5, '18. Dropped from rolls Oct. 8, '18.
Bertuzzi, Albert Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Ck. Nov. 15, '17. Bom Perino, Italy,
Restaurant Proprieter, 314 E. 105 St., N. Y. C.
BiCKMAN, Edward N., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl., Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Corp.
July 21, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Powder-mixer, 230 Stan-
hope, St., B'klyn, N. Y.
BiEZA, Michael J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18. Born
Panevezis, Lithuania, Wood-machine-operator, 3813 E. 41 St.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Biggane, Thomas L., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co., apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 8, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Chauffeur 55 W. 57 St., N. Y. C.
Biggs, Edward J., Pvt., icl. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y. C, Waiter, 371 Sumpter St., B'klyn, N. Y.
BiLT, Daniel, Pvt., icl. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
C, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk,
92 Boerum St., B'klyn, N. Y.
BiRKS, Elmer C, Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18 assgd. Sup. Co. Bom Mar-
shalltown, la.. Expressman, 610 No. 4 Ave., Marshalltown, la.
BiRNBOHM, Harold, Corp., ent'd army, Oct. 12, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Corp. May 17, '18. Sick in hospital
Oct. 30, '18. Dropped from rolls Dec. 16, '18. Bom Staten
Island, N. Y., Stock-clerk, Amboy Road, Annadale, Staten
Island, N. Y.
Birsner, Joseph W., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
F, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Press-operator, 327 Menahan St., B'klyn, N. Y.
BisAiLLON, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lacole, Cda., Weaver, 15 Soule St., Ludlow, Mass.
Bistrong, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, transfd. 305 Inf. Apr. 9, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. May 4,
'18 assgd. Hq. Co. Bom N. Y. C, Superintendent, 1450 Gates
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Black, Robert, ist. cl. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
Med. Detach, apt'd Sgt. icl. June 3, '18. Bom B'kl>-n, N. Y.,
Pharmacist, 422 Park PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Blackford, John W., ist Sgt. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Nov. i, '17 on D. S. at O. T. S.
Camp Upton, transfd. Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18.
Blake, Donald, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd. btry. E,
Apr. 20, '18. Sick in Hospital Oct. 13, '18. Dropped from rolls
Nov. I, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. Jan. 16, '19. Bom Bushnell
Fla., Artist, Tampa, Fla.
Blake, Harold F., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Mech. Apr. 4,
'18, apt'd Sgt. May 29, '18 on D. S. Motor Section Instruction
Schl. Peoria, 111., Jan. 6-Feb. 2, '18. Bom New Brighton,
Staten Island, N. Y., Foreman, 14 Taft Ave., New Brighton,
Staten Island, N. Y.
Blake, Lewis, H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Berlin, N.Y., Paper-maker,
Massachusetts Ave., Blockington, Mass.
Blake, Walter J., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co., Oct. 20, '17 transfd. Div. Hq. 77 Div. Aug. 28, '18.
Blanar, Rudolph, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 4, '18 assgd. Hq. Co., apt'd.
Pvt. icl. Nov. 20, '18. Born Vedovar, Austria, Chaufleur, 45
W. no St., N. Y. C.
Blanchard, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Nova Scotia, Factory-worker, 102 Jefferson St., Lynn,
Blechman, Louis, Sgt., ent'd army June 23, '15, joined 306
F. A. Sep. 18, '17 assgd. Sup. Co., Bom Poltavia, Russia, 2yi
yrs. Troop M, 2d Cav., Carpenter, 60 No. 56 St., Phila., Pa.
Block, Louis, Wag., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, joined 306 F.
A. Mch. 7, '18, assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd. Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom
Charkoff, Russia, Printer, 21 16 Atlantic Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Blumenfeld, Louis, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, joined
306 F. A. Jan. 3, '18, assgd. Med. Detach. Bom N. Y. C,
Envelope-cutter, 84 Newport Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Blumenkopf, Benjamin, Ck., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co., Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Ck. Apr. 20, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Manufacturer, 81 Rodney St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Bubotas, James C, Pvt., ent'd army Jan. 9, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18. Bom
Ano Mousomitsce, Dorithos, Greece, Laborer, Kenilworth,
Bodkins, Michael, C, ent'd army Dec. 5, '17 assgd. btry. C,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18, apt'd Ck. May 21, '18. Bom Lowell
Mass., Machinist, 52 Washington Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson,
N. Y.
Boedeker, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Born Lowdin, la.. Farmer Lowdin, la.
Boerum, Edward H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Woodhaven, N. Y., Driver, Kim-
ball Ave., Ozone P., Long Island, N. Y.
BoiTTiAUX, George, 2d Lieut. French Army joined 306 F.
A., Oct. 7, '18 from French Mission Art. Section Detach, of
Coctquiden, apt'd. 1st lieut. Dec. 10, '18.
Bomeisler, Douglas M., ist Lieut., commissioned ist lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17 joined 306 F. A. Aug. 31, '17
assgd. btry. F, Sep. 17, '17, transfd. Hq. Co., May 27, '18,
transfd. btry C, Sep. 18, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., grad. Yale
1913, Textile, 255 Hancock St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Boneil, Leonard B., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. Dec. 9, '17, sent to Base Hospital 77, Oct. 21, '18. Dropped
from rolls.
Bonner, William R., Sgt. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Sep. 23, '17 apt'd. Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i,
'18, apt'd. 1st Sgt. Mch. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Apr., 18, '18, apt'd.
Sgt. May 17, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Underwriter, 950 Marcy
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
BoREWiTZ, Harry, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. Sup.
Co., Oct. II, '17, apt'd. Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Salesman, 518 Quincy St., B'klyn, N. Y.
BoRKOWSKi, Stanislaw, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18.
Bom Lauza, Poland, Russia, Laborer, Gardner, Mass.
BoRTZ, Adam G., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom West
Va., Farmer, Watkins, la.
BoTT, Frederick, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co., apt'd Corp. Jan. 17, '18, transfd. Ord. Detach. Jan. 17, '18,
attach. Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur,
1419 Metropolitan Ave., Maspeth, N. Y.
BouRQUE, Theophile, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Cocaine, Cda., Mill-hand, 13 Slocum St., Acushnet, Mass.
Bowe, James J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18, transfd.
Sep. 9, '18 to Base Hospital 43. Dropped from rolls. Born
Ireland, Life Insurance, 448 Main St., Athol, Mass.
Boyd, James A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 21, '18, apt'd. Corp.
Mc-h. 25, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Electrician, 201 Monitor St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
BovKiN, E.MANUEL J., Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
blry F, Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. Sep. 22,
■18. Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 1220 8 Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
BoYLAN, Frank X., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Corp. Jan. i, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Clerk, 488 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C.
Boyle, George J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. Sup.
Co. Sep. 13, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Nov. 21, '17, Rd. Pvt. Feb. 11, '18
Born Rothesay, Scoland, Seed-clerk, 77 Rowan PI., Winficld,
N. Y.
Boyle. Thomas D., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Sep. 23, '17, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, apt'd.
1st. cl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Pipe-fitter, 546 W. 156 St.,
N. Y. C.
Brackett, James J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
B, Apr. 18, '18. Born Lismore, Ireland, Mechanic.
Bradley, Charles E., Pvt., ent'd army Aug. 23, '17, Phila.,
Pa., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10, '17. Born
Phila., Pa., Painter, 417 No. 40. St., Phila., Pa.
Br.\dv, Daniel, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. btry.
D, Mch. 4, '18, wounded Aug. 28, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, Clerk,
N. Y. C.
Brady, John, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd. 152 Depot
Brigade, joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. B, Bom
County Cavan, Ireland, Chauffeur, 100 Beebe Ave., Long
Island City, N. Y.
Braman, George E., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 4, '17, Camp
Dodge. la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Born
St.' Edwards, Neb., Farmer, Buford, N. D.
Branst.\d, David S., Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18, Forest
City, la., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 14, '18, assgd. Med. Detach.
Born Iowa, Carpenter, Leland, la.
Braun,, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 18, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 20, '18, Chauffeur, 270
Irving Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Brazaitys, William J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17
assgd. btry. C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Laborer, 130 No. 3 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Breckwoldt, Matthias, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17.
assgd. btry. A, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, transfd. Hq. Co.
Oct. 20, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 20, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y.
Accountant, 152 Sterling St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Breit, Albert, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry,
D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl.. May 20, '18. Born N. Y. C.
Salesman, 15 Montrose Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Brennecke, Robert A., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd. Corp. Dec. i, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Stenographer
503 W. i77St.,N. Y. C.
Briel, Karl R., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 6, '17 assgd. btry. F,
Apr. 20, '18, transfd. Hq. Co., June 10, '18, apt'd. Corp. July 18,
'18, Rd. Pvt. Sep. 28, '18, transfd. btry F, Sep. 29, '18. Born
Natchez, Miss., grad. Mass. Inst. Tech. Civil Engr., 318 W. 57
St., N. Y. C.
Brillakis, Nick, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Born Agios,
Crete, Greece, Laborer, 1432 Luch St., Sioux City, la.
Brinkerhoff, James H., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, 17
assgd. Hq. Co., apt'd. Corp. Nov. I, '17. Born Nyack, N. Y.,
Buyer, 94 Macon St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Brody, Samuel L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, joined
306 F. A. Mch. 7, '18 assgd. btry. C, wounded Sep. 15, '18 Fismes
Died in Hospital, Clerk, N. Y. C.
Broesder, John Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. blry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom Free-
port, 111., Farmer, Little Rock, la.
Brooks, Arthur, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
apt'd. Pvt. k1. Jan. 15, '19. Born Bedford, Prov. Quebec,
Cda., Teamster, 4 Kim St., Reading, Mass.
Brothers, Isadore, Mech. ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. Sep. 13, '17, apt'd. Mech. Dec. i, '17 on D. S. at Motor
Instruction Schl., Clintonville, Wis., Feb. 4-Mch. 2, '18. Born
N. Y. C, 3 yrs. 5 F. A., Beef-salesman, 171 McKibben St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Brough, William J. C, Pvt. ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Born No. Hampton, Kng., Shoe-worker, 117 Lauresten St.,
Brockton, Mass.
Brower, Roy M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8 '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May i, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Brown, Carl H., Mess Sgt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Apr. 18, 'l8, apt'd. Sgt. Sep. 5, '18, apt'd Mess Sgt.
Nov. IT, '18. Born N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 1820 Ridge Blvd.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Brown, Charles E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May l, '18, apt'd. Wag. Apr. 1 1, '19. Born
Rockport, Mass., Farmer, Rockport, Mass.
Brown, Douglas H., 2d Lieut., ent'd army Apr. 11, '17
assgd. 150 F. A. apt'd. Sgt. Sep. I, '17, transfd. to Saumur Art.
Schl. Nov. 28, '17, commissioned 2d Lt., May 4, '18, Instruc-
tor at Saumur Art. Schl. Apr. i-Scp. i, '18, transfd. to 306 F.
A. Sep. I, '18 assgd. Hq. Co. Born Monticcllo, Ind.,grad. De-
pauw Unv., 1917, A.B., Student, Wolcott, Ind.
Brown, Douglas H., Color Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '18, apt'd Color Sgt.
Apr. I, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Sales Mgr.,67 GlenridgeAve.,
Glendridge, N. J.
Brown, Harry Pvt., ent'd army Dec. i, '17 assgd. Med.
Detach. Jan. 15, '18. Bom Russia, Storekeeper, 92 Ralph Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Brown, Harry B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. May 4, '18 assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd P\'t. icl. Nov. 20, '18. Born Cohasset, Mass., Farmer,
Summer St., Norwell, Mass.
Brown, Homer B., 2d Lieut, joined 306 F. A. July 24, '18
assgd. Hq. Co. transfd. Saumur Art. Schl. July 24, 'iS.
Brown, Joseph P., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. Oct. 15, '17 apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp.
Nov. 16, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Tcam.iter, 1080 Herkimer
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Brown, Mortimer T., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Huntington, N. Y., Mechanic's-helper, Huntington,
N. Y.
Brown, William F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. ii, '18 assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 18, '18 on D. S. at F. A. Motor Training Center,
Oct. 31, 'i8-Jan. 8, '19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Photo-engraver,
977 Madison St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Bruder, George, Wag., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18 assgd. Sup. Co., apt'd
Wag. July I, '18. Born Wells, Minn., Farmer, Wells, Minn.
Bruno, Walter J., Sgt. ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd. btry.
F, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Corp. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd. Sgt. Aug. 27, '18.
Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 432 E 116 St., N. Y.
Brush, Leon M., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btrj'. B,
Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Corp. Feb. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. Mch. 14, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Electrical Mechanic, Northport, N. Y.
Brunette, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge. la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 17, '18 assgd. btry. A, Bom
Ogenna, la., Farmer, Ogenna, la.
Bryan, Gray Mac W., ist. Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry.
B, Sep. 13, '17 transfd. btry. A, Aug. 23, '18, apt'd ist lieut.
Sep. I, '18 C. O. btry. A Vesle Argonne Campaigns, apt'd. Capt.
Feb. 22, '19. Bom Augusta, Ga., grad. Princeton Schl. Civil
Engineering, C. E. 1913, grad. Princeton Schl. Electrical
Engineering, E. E. 1915, Engineering, Princeton Club, N. Y.
BucHMAN, Michael W., Pvt. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
Printer, 315 Eldert St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Buckley, Barney, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 10, '18 assgd. btry.
A, May 17, '18 apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Cloonteagh,
Ireland, Plumber, 309 E. 55 St., N. Y. C.
BuNSTROM, Walter W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
Beaver, Minn., Farmer, Arthyt, Minn.
BuNTROCK, Richard, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18, apt'd.
Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Myrtle Minn., Farmer, Ottotail, Minn.
BuRD, Jonah, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i,'i8 assgd. btry. B,
Apr. 18, '18. Bom Austropol, Russia, Salesman 201 Floyd St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Burgess, Herbert L., 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Oct. i, '18
assgd. Hq. Co., on D. S. Motor Training Center Oct. 21, '18,
transfd. F. A. Motor Repair Bn. Nov. i, '18.
Burkard, Otto A., Pvt. ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Mass., Shoe-worker, 22 Whittick PI.., W-Quincy, Mass.
Burkard, W.\lter, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18. Born N. Y. C
Asst. Buyer, Silk Goods, 546 Hart St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Burke, James E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom Lawrence, Mass.,
Mill-operator, 89 May St., Lawrence, Mass.
Burke, John J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
D. Oct. I2,'i7, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Lumber-handler, 211 Greenpoint Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Burke, Walter, 2d Lieut., commissioned 2d lieut. Platts-
burg, Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17 attached btry. A,
assgd. Hq. Co. Feb. 11, '18, attachd. btry. A, Feb. 11, '18, on
D. S. at 2d Aviation Instruction Center, Tours, July 3-Aug. 29
'18, assgd. btry. E, Oct. 5,'l8. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., 3 yrs. 8 mos.
btry. D, 3 F.A. 5 yrs. 2, F. A. N. Y. N. G. Veterinarian, 426 E.
162 St. N. Y. C.
Burns, James, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18. Killed in action
Aug. 25, '18, Ch^ry-Chartreuve.
Burns, Joseph M., Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Mch. 6, '18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. l, '18 wounded Aug.
25, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Dropped from rolls Sep. I, 'l8,
rejoined 306 F. A. Oct. 8, '18 assgd. btry. E. Bom Stonington.
Conn., Undertaker, 16 Morgan St., Westerly, R. I.
Burns, William, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, Camp Fun-
ston, Kan., joined 306 F. A. June 28, '18, assgd. Med. Detach.
Bom N. Y. C, Farmer, Greeley, Neb.
Burstenovech, Adam, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Vilna, Poland, Russia, Farmer, So. Deerfield, Mass.
BusEL, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd. btry. C,
apt'd. Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, Rd. Pvt. Mch. 15, '18, transfd. Hq.
Co. Apr. 19, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Bartender, 33 Cooper St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Busgaard, Bennie A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
Byron, Minn., Farmer, Hayfield, Minn.
BussE, Ben. J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Ada,
Minn., Laborer, Ada. Minn.
Buxton, Frank W., 2d Lieut., commissioned 2d lieut. June
I, '18, Saumur Art. School, joined 306 F. A. assgd. i Bn. Oct.
21, '18, assgd. Sup. Co. Jan. 27, '19. Bom Wellesley, Mass.,
grad. Yale Unv. 191 7, Ph.B. 10 mos. btry. D, 10 F. A. N. G.,
Conn. 3 mos., Plattsburg. O. T. C, 4 mos. 303 F. A. 3 mos. 3
O. T. C. Camp Devens, 4 mos. Saumur Art. Schl. 6 mos. 312
F. A., N. A., Wellesley, Mass.
Cabble, Walter E., Corp. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 16, 18, apt'd. Corp.
Sep. 30, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., grad. N. Y. Unv., Book-
keeper, 277 Weirfield St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Cable, Antonio, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18 assgd. btry. B.
Bom Provincetown, Mass., Fisherman, 16 Franklin St., Prov-
incetown, Mass.
Cabot, Powell M. Bn. Sgt. Maj., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18
O. T. S. Camp Upton, assgd. Hq. Co. Mch. 28, '18. apt'd. Bn.
Sgt. Maj. Apr. i, '18 on D. S. at Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18.
Dropped from rolls.
Cadupassa, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 12, '17. Bom Chicondo, Italy, Laborer, 184 4 Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Calabrese, Alfredo, Muse, icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd. Muse. icl. Jan. 2, '18. Bom San Marzano
Italy, Machinist, 345 Prospect Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Cali, Nunzio D., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. btry. A,
apt'd. Pvt. 1st. cl. Jan. 15, '19. Bora Regalbuto, Italy, Shoe-
maker, 417 E. 12 St., N. Y. C.
Callahan, Edward F., P\'t., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. 9, '18. Bom N. Y. C, 7 yrs. 22
Regt. Engrs., N. G. N. Y., Publicity Agent, 3147 B'way,
N. Y. C.
Callahan, James E., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Newspaper-
dealer, 321 E. 25 St., N. Y. C.
Campbell, Gordon H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd.
btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Born Castle Caulfield City, Tyrone,
Ireland, Linen-folder, 313 W. 114 St., N. Y. C.
Campbell, Michael W., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 12, '17
assgd. btry. E, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 8, '18. apt'd
Corp. May 17, '18. Bom Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y.,
Checker, 128 Garfield Ave., Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y.
Canavan, John J., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
C, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 21, '18, apt'd Corp. July 22, '18. Bora
B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman 277 Mason St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Canty, Edward T., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Bom Salem, Mass., Mechanics' helper, 36 Daniel St., Salem,
Caplick, Leo J., Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 23, '18 assgd. btry. A,
Mch. 4, '18. Bom Buffalo, N. Y., Chauffeur, 144 Scoville Ave.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Capulicchio, Vincenzo, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd.
btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Barilo, Italy, Laborer, 314 E.
108 St., N. Y. C.
Carbone, Carlo, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. E,
Dec. 9, '17. Bom Salerao, Italy, Barber. 909 Kelly St.,
N. Y. C.
Cardinale, Antonio, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, assgd. btry. B, May 15, '18, transfd. June 25, '18.
Carew Robert E., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Dec. 3, '17, attach 'd
Hq. Co. apt'd ist lieut. Sep. 5, '18. Bom N. Y. C. grad. Colum-
bia Univ. 5K yrs., 1st F. A. N. G. N. Y., Advertising Writer,
319 E. 57 St., N. Y. C.
Carey, Daniel F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Maiden, Mass., Laborer, 248 Main St., Maiden, Mass.
Caridi, Frank, Pvt., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 30, '18 assgd. btry.
C, transf'd. Nov. 15, '18.
Carl, John, Pvt. ent'd army Nov. 16, '17, assgd. btry. F,
Nov. 17, '17, aptd Pvt. icl., Feb. 15, '18, apt'd. Corp. May
22, 'l8, Rd. Pvt. Aug. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C. Baker, 653 St.
Ann's Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Carnegis, John N., Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 26, '18 assgd. btry.
B, May 15, '18, transf'd June 16, '18.
Carpenter, George E., Reg. Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21,
'17, assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Mess. Sgt. Nov. 1, '17, Rd. Pvt. Apr.
17, '18 apt'd Corp. May i, '18, apt'd Reg. Sup. Sgt. June 13, '18
on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. Aug. 22-Nov. 30, '18. Bom Garfield
N. J., Freight-rate-clerk, 524 W. 23 St., N. Y. C.
Carpenter, William H., Capt., commissioned Capt. Aug.
15, '17 Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17 assgd.
btry. F. Sep. 17, '17, detailed as Bn. Adj. 3 Bn. Feb. 11, '18,
dropped from rolls June 23, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. July 11, '18,
transf'd Casual Officers' Depot Nov. 17, '18, 8 yrs. Military
Schl. Columbia Institute, grad. Princeton Univ. Insurance
and Real Estate, 235 W. 75 St., N. Y. C.
Carroll, John T., Pvt. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. Bom N. Y. C, Purchasing Agt. 2240 Ryer Ave., Bronx,
N. Y.
Carroll, William J., Pvt. ent'd army Mch. 28, '18 assgd.
btry. F Apr. 16, '18, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Cartaino, Salvatore, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 17, '18, assgd. btry C,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 18, '18. Wood & Iron Worker.
Cary, Richard 2d Lieut, commissioned Plattsburg, N. Y.,
Aug. IS, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17, attach'd. Hq. Co. trans.
Officers' Depot to return to U. S. A. Aug. 23, '18, i yr. N. G. N. Y.
grad. Cornell Unv. Unv. of Col. Sales-manager, 119 Jefferson
Ave, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Casey, Timothy F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 20, 'i8. Born Goot, Ireland, Guard, 2702 8 Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Cashman, Jerome P., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. C. Oct. II, '17, aptd. Corp. Jan. 2, 'l8, Rd. Pvt. Jan. 10,
'18, apt'd Corp. July 21, '18. Born N. Y. C, Teamster, 159
Cherry St., N. Y. C.
Casillo, Gennaro, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
F. Oct. 9, '17. apt'd. Wag. Aug. 10, '18. Bom San Giuseppi,
Napoli, Italy, Groom, P. O. Box 7, Huntington N. Y.
Casto, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army May 5, '17, joined 306 F. A.
assgd. btry. F Sep. 18, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Nov. 6, '17, Rd. Pvt. Feb.
I, '18. Sent to Hospital Camp, Pontanezen. Dropped from
Cathcart, Edward, Pvt., icl. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry C apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 21, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Fore-
man Electrical Wks., 279 Trautman St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Caulfield, John J., Pvt. icl., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry.
E Oct. II, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, transf'd Military
Police Corps, Dec. 24, '18.
Causey, Ernest M., Pvt. ent'd army July 24, '18, Monti-
cello, Ark., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 14, '18 assgd. Med. Detach.
Bom Fountain Hill, Ark., Farmer, Fountain Hill, Ark.
Cavaggioni, Pietro, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Ajir. 19, '18,
gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch(5ry-Chartreuve. Bom Ronca, Italy,
Laborer, 91 Summer St., Springfield, Mass.
Cavanaugh, John F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry D, Apr. 12, '18,
wounded Aug. 28, '18, Ch(5ry-Chartreuve. Bom Boston, Mass.
Salesman, 44 Madison St., Quincy, Mass.
Cavaricci, Louis, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry. A,
May 4, '18, aptd. Wag. Jan. 15, 'ig. Born Sezze, Italy, Chauf-
feur, 50 No. Division Ave., Rockaway Beach, N. Y.
Cawl, Leslie P., Ch. Mech., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co., apt'd. Mech. Dec. I, '17, apt'd. Wag. Mch 5, '18, apt'd
Ch. Mech. Apr. i, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur & Gar-
age-foreman, 2617 Foster Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Ceburre, Oscar, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
F, Dec. 9, '17, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch(5ry-Chartreuve. Dropped
from rolls.
Ceccarilli, Domenico, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, 'i8, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18, gassed
Aug. 22, '18 Ch6ry-Chartreuve. Bom, Lassoferrato, Italy,
Miner, Eynon, Pa.
Celona, Alfredo, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18 assgd. btry.
D, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Palermo, Italy, Grocer. 1668 Bath Ave.,
N. Y.
Cerro, Angelo D., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
Badia, Italy, Mechanic's helper, 18 Washington St., Hinsdale,
Chapin, William J., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd. Corp. Nov. I, '17, Rd. Pvt., Jan. 25, '18, apt'd.
Corp. July 18, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^'ry-Chartreuve,
returned to btry. Oct. 19, '18, Rd. Pvt. Nov. 14, '18, transf'd
to F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Fireman, 98 Horton St., Elmhurst, N. Y.
Chase, Clarence E., Pvt., ent'd army June 10, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 31, '18 assgd. btry. C.
Born Brockton, Mass., Shoemaker, 15 Walden St., No. Adams,
Chelsvig, Chester, Pvt., ent'd army. Gamer, la., joined
306 F. A. Oct. 18, '18 assgd. Med. Detach. Born Iowa, Farmer,
Godell, la.
Cherveny, Louis, Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom Ely, la..
Farmer, Ely, la.
Childs, Charles A., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Oct. 12, '17 apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Wash-
ington, D. C, Professional Entertainer, 507 W. 1 1 1 St., N. Y. C.
Chipman, Charles A., ist. Lieut., commissioned 2d lieut.,
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 31, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd, ist lieut. Jan. 3, '18, sick in Hospital, Aug.
18, '18, transf'd to Base Sect. 5 for transportation to U. S.,
Yonkers. N. Y.
Chizick, Jacob L., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd. btry.
F, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. May 28, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18, transf'd to M. P. Corps, 77 Div. Dec.
20, '18.
Chomzyk, Tony, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 18, '18 assgd. btry.
C, missing Sep. 23, 'i8-Jan. 25, '19. Bom Brest, Litova,
Russia, Painter, 539 E. 15 St., N. Y. C.
Christensen, Aage B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18 assgd. Sup. Co. Bom
Copenhagen, Denmark, Automobile-salesman, Pierson, la.
Christgau, William R., Sgt. ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd. ist. Sgt. Nov. i, '17 on D. S. O. T. S. Camp
Upton, Jan. 5, i8-Mch. 28, 18 Rd. Sgt. Apr. i, '18, transf'd
Saumur Art Schl. May 29, '18.
Christiansen, Harold W., Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17
assgd. btry. A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd
Wag. Jan. 15, '19 on D. S. Tractor Schl. Oct. 28, 'l8-Jan. 2, '19.
Born N. Y. C, Sheet-metal-worker, 1819a Atlantic Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Christie, Arthur, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 7, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Oct. ID, '17 aptd. Corp. Jan. 22, '18, gassed Nov. 5, '18, La
Besace, transf'd M. P. Corps Dec. 20, '18. Salesman, Pough-
keepsie, N. Y.
Christunas, Charles G., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17
3o6th field artillery
assgd. btry. C, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, apt'd. Corp. May 20,
'18. Born Russia, Machinist, 10 Tillinone St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Churchill, Carl B., Pvt., ent'd army Monticello, Ark.,
July 24, '18, joined 306 F. A. Oct. 19, '18 assgd. Med. Detach.
Bom Oregon, Clerk, Gillespie, 111.
Cibelli, Ernest, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. btry. D,
Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 18, '18, wounded Aug. 26, '18
Ch^ry-Chartreuve, Rd. Pvt. Nov. 11, '18. Piano-worker,
B'klyn, N. Y.
CiccARONE, Jenning, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd.
Sup. Co. Apr. 18, '18. Bom Bari, Italy, Shoe-maker, 1669 Park
Ave., N. Y. C.
CuLis, Salvator, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 23, '17 apt'd. Pvt. icl. Sep. i '18. Born Potenza
Italy, Sign-painter, 269 Audubon Ave., N. Y. C.
CiMiNELLi, James A., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd. Corp. July I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Shipping,
1243 B'klyn. Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
CiRE, Oscar N., Pvt. icl., ent'd army New Orleans, La.,
Sep. 19, '17, joined 306 F. A. Oct. 19, '18 assgd. Med. Detach.
Bom Louisiana, grad. Simon College Pharmacy 1907, Pharma-
cist, Dennisonville, La.
Clark, John H., Mech. ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Dec. 10, '17 apt'd. Wag. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd Mech. June9, '18,
transf'd. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Mechanic, 712 8 Ave., N. Y. C.
Clark, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd. btry.
C, Oct. I, '17. Bom Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Chauffeur, 685
Amsterdam Ave., N. Y.
Clark, Joseph C, Corp. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
B.Sep. 22, '17, apt'd. Corp. Nov. i,'i7. Bom N.Y. C, Book-
keeper, 312 76 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Clarkin, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18 assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 21, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Pipe-fitter, 41a Vemon
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Clausen, Otto B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, May 15, '18. Born
Minneapolis, Minn., Box-maker, 1536 Nicollet Ave., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Cobb, Carson, P\'t. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Oct. 4, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Stationery-packer, 766 E. 161 St., N. Y. C.
Coffin, James R., Sgt. ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btry. E,
Oct. 10, '17, aptd. Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18,
apt'd. Stab. Sgt. May 28, 18, on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. Sep. 27,
'i8-Jan. 3, '19. Born Mamaroneck, N. Y., Farmer, R. F. D.
29, Millbrook, N. Y.
Cogswell, Wilder D., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Factory-worker, Mass.
Cohen, Irving, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Nov. 22, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd. Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, 18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Printer, 297 Wallabout St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Cohen, Leo B., Corp. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. A,
Dec. 9, 'i7apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd. Corp. Aug. 22, '18,
gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, Bom B'kljTi, N. Y.,
Commission Merchant, 966 St. Marks Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Cohen, Louis, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge.,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. F. Bom Kovno,
Russia, Dry-cleaner, 163 State St., St. Paul, Minn.
Cohen, Maurice, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Oct. 12, '17, aptd. Corp. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Jobber,
609 W. 138 St., N. Y. C.
Cohen, Robert, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. E. Oct. 13 '17, aptd. Pvt. icl. May 16, '18, wounded
Aug. 18, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman,
1770 Madison Ave., N. Y. C.
CoHN, Carl E., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 10, '17. Bom Russia, 2>^ yrs. U. S. Navy. Cloak &
Suit Mfgr. 66 Powell St., B'klyn, N. Y.
CoHN, David, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. 77 Div.
Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, May 15, '18. Asylum
Warden, Islip, N. Y.
Colella, Severo, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Pentima, Italy, Laborer, 120 Readville St., Hyde Park,
CoLELLi, Rocco, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 15, '17. Born Ciclaenfi, Avalini, Italy, Laborer, 224
Nilac St., Elizabeth, N. J.
Coleman, Nathaniel R., ist Lieut., commissioned Nov. 27,
'17, Plattsurg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Dec. 27,
'17, transf'd. btry. F, Feb. II, '18, transf'd. Hq. Co. Mch. I, '18.
On D. S. Balloon Schl. July 3-Aug. 18, '18, transf'd btry. F,
Aug. 22, '18, transf'd btry. E, Sep. 25, '18 transf'd btry. F.
Sep. 28, '18, transf'd 8 Army Corps Sep. 14, '18. Business Mgr.
So. Boston, Va.
Coleman, Peter F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
Hq. Co. Feb. 26, '18. Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 210 W. 147 St.,
N. Y. C.
Coleman, Samuel R., P\-t., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Clerk, 84 Spencer St., Dorchester, Mass.
CoLGAN, Harold D. C, 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Nov. 12,
'17 assgd. btry. E, Nov. 20, '17 on D. S. Limoges June l8-July
10, '18 on D. S. Air-observers Schl. July 18, i8-0ct. 22, '18,
transf'd Sup. Co. Sep. 10, '18, transf'd S. O. S. Sep. 15, '18,
2 >Ts. 2 F. A. N. G. N. Y. Steel Chemist, 1593 Bedford Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Collier, Cecil F., Pvt. ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17 '18. Born
V'andalia, 111., Farmer, Vandalia, 111.
Collins, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18 assgd. Ord. Detach,
on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18.
Bom St. Johns, Newfoundland, Cda., Cook, 2, Woodward Park
St., Dorchester, Mass.
Condon, William H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Salem, Mass.,
Shipper, 11 Curtis St., Salem, Mass.
Connelly, Harry E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 19, '18. Born N. Y. C, Telephone Expert, 2056
7 Ave., N. Y. C.
Conner, Lincoln, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 15, '17 apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd. Corp. Apr. 9,
'18, Rd. Pvt. Sep. 30, '18. Bom N. Y. C. Salesman, 106 Barbey
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Connolly, Edward M., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
brty. A, Dec. 9, '17, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, apt'd
Pn-I. icl. Dec. 16, '18, transf'd M. P. Corps, 77 Div. Dec. 20, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., 23 Inf. N. G. N. Y., Border Service. Bill-
clerk, 1297 St. John's Place, B'klyn, N. Y.
Connolly, Thomas J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 13, '18 assgd.
btry. D, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Russelstown, Ireland, Laborer,
145 E. 117 St. N. Y. C.
CoNROY, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Pittsburgh, Pa., 3 yrs. U. S. Cav. Mill-foreman, Assonet,
Constantino, Dominic, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
'18. Bom Messina, Italy, Teamster, 24 Baker St., Belmont,
Cook, John A., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d Heut. Plattsburg,
N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 31, '17, assgd. btry. B,
aptd. 1st. lieut. Sep. 5, '18, on S. D. Post Office, Sep. 5-18, '17,
transf'd Sup. Co. Sep. 21, '18 on D. S. Peace Commission,
Paris, Jan. 17, '19, grad. Harvard Unv. 2]A yrs. Sq. A, N. G. N.
y. 6 mos. Federal Service, Mexican Border, Insurance, 116
E. 63 St., N. Y. C.
Corcoran, Terrenxe H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Kingston, N. Y., Automobile
Mechanic, 151 W. 130 St., N. Y.C.
CoRDES, Francis F., Mech. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd. Mech. Sep. 9, '18, transf'd to F. A. Motor
Replacement En. Dec. 5, '18. Born N. Y. C, Auto-engine-man
66a Schaeffer St., B'klyn, N. Y.
CoRDE?, John P., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd. 77 Div.
Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, May 15, '18., N. Y. C
CoRDTS, Albert, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 417 E. 80 St., N. Y. C.
CoRKUM, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, May 15, '18.
Bom Nova Scotia, Factory Inspector, 16 Wauchusett St.,
Worcester, Mass.
Costa, Gaetano, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry. C.
Apr. 19, '18. Bom Palermo. Italy, Shoemaker, 446 E. 78 St.,
N. Y. C.
CosTELLO, Louis, P\-t., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18 assgd. btry.
D, Apr. 18, '18. Bom B'klyn, Machinist, 378 Montgomery St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Couch, Edward C, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
B, Sep. 22, '17, apt'd. Ck. Oct. 29, '17. Born Beekman, N. Y.,
Clerk, Poughquag, N. Y.
Cousins, Harry, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, 17 assgd. Hq.
Co., apt'd. Pvt. lcl.,Feb. I, '18. Born Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Stock-trader, 907 N. Y., Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Cowan, John H., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18. assg'd. btry.
B, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd P\'t. icl. May i, 'i8, apt'd Corp. July i,
18. Bom N. Y. C. grad. Columbia Univ. A.B. LL.B. Lawyer,
62 E. i3oSt., N. Y. C.
Crage, Tony, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Brazil, Laborer, i Gold Park Ave., Batavia, N. Y.
Crane, Harold G., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
btry. D, Feb. 28, ' 1 8, transf'd Central Records Office Sep. 4, ' 1 8.
Bom Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Clerk, N. Y. C.
Crane, Theodore, Capt., commissioned Capt., Plattsburg,
N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. i, '17 assgd. btry. C.
on D. S. School of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla., Dec. 27, 'i7-Mch.6, '18,
D. 8. as instructor in School of Instruction F. A. Camp de
Souge, July l-Oct. 7, '18. Bom N. Y. C, grad. Princeton
Unv. 1908 C. E. I yr. Sq. A N. G. N. Y. Engineer, Dover
Plains, N. Y.
Crawford, John W. R., Jr., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d
Lieut., Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 29,
'17 assgd. Hq. Co. Sep. 17, '17, transf'd btry. D, Feb. 9, '18, on
D. S. Limoges, June 19, 'l8-July 18, '18, aptd ist Lieut. Sep. 4,
'18, apt'd Acting Adj., 2d Bn. Sep. 19, '18, apt'd. Capt., Mch.
26, '19, grad. Sheffield Scientific Schl. Yale Unv. 1917, Ph.B.
Bom E. Orange, N. J., Student, Beechmont, New Rochclle,
N. Y.
Cregg, Thomas, Corp. ent'darmy Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry. F,
apt'd. Corp. Mch. i, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch<5ry-Chartreuve,
Rd. P\^. Dec. 9, '18, apt'd. Corp. Apr. 8, '19. Bom BaUin-
lough, Ireland, Conductor, 299 W. 153 St., N. Y. C.
Crippen, Henry E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 18, '18. Born
Onawa, la.. Farmer, Onawa, la.
Critchley, Don, Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd. btry. E,
Dec. 12, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, on D. S. O. T. S. Camp
Upton, apt'd. Mech. Apr. 8, '18, apt'd Ch. Mech, Apr. 12, '18,
apt'd. Sgt. Apr. 20, '18, on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18.
Dropped from rolls Statcn Island, N. Y.
Crofts, Frederick T., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 21, '17, Co-
lumbus Barracks, O., joined 306 P. A. Oct. 8, '18 assgd. btry. 1),
on D. S. F. a Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30, 'i8-Jan. 12, '19.
Sent to Hospital Jan. 16, '19. Dropped from rolls, Born Port
Chester, N. Y., 3751 Cozens St., St. Louis, Mo.
Crone, Albert R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. Sup.
Co. Mch. 4, '18 aptd. Wag. Apr. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. July i, '18.
Bom Sun River, Mont., Advertising Agt., 278 W. 70 St., N.
Crone, John J., Bugler, ent'd army Dec. 5, '17 assgd. btry.
B, Dec. 6, '17, apt'd. Bugler, Apr. 16, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Actor, Babylon, N. Y.
Cuff, George A., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
F. apt'd. Corp. Dec. 20, '17, transfd. Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Bookkeeper, 1853 85 St. B'klyn, N. Y.
CuLLEN, Harry A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 4, '18 assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Born N. Y. C, Electrician. 219 E.
loi St., N. Y. C.
CuLVERWELL, JosEPH E., Musc, 3cl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17
assgd. Hq. Co., apt'd Musc. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18, Rd. Pvt. July I, '18,
apt'd. Musc. 3cl. Oct. 24, '18. Born N. Y. C, Engineer, 1639
Ave. A., N. Y. C.
CuMMiNGS, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. A Dec. 9, '17, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve D. S.
Tractor Schl. Oct. 28, '18, apt'd Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Bom
Ballinrobe, Ireland, Motorman, 1362 Bergen St., B'kl>-n, N. Y.
Cunningham, Arthur F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr.
19, '18. Sent to Hospital, Sep. 10. '18. Farmer, Haverhill, Mass.
Cunningham, Ignatius, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Mch. 25, '18
assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom
City West Meade, Ireland, Butler, 27 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
Curley, Patrick, Pvt. id., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd. Px^t. icl. Jan. 3, '18. Bom Acler, Ireland,
Electrician, 2308 Jerome Ave., N. Y.
Curran, Michael J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd. Corp.
Mch. 25, '19. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Mason, 269 Lincoln Rd.,
Curtin, John J., Pvt., ont'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Quincy, Mass., Brass-polisher, 29 Garfield St., Quincy, Mass.
Curtis, Louis, Jr., Capt., commissioned Aug. 15, '17, Platts-
burg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. i, '17 acting Regtl. Adj. Sep.
6, '17, assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '17 on D. S. School Fire, Ft. Sill
Okla., Feb. i-Mch. 11, '18 Bn. Adj. ist Bn. Feb. 11, '18, assgd.
btry F, Mch, 14, '18 on D. S. Army Staff College Langres June
18, '18, transf'd to 36 Div. as Brig. Adj. grad. Harvard 1914
A.B. Banker, 464 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
CzARNETSKi, AuGUST, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
btry. A, Apr. 17, '18, transf'd May 4, '18, admitted S. O. S.
Hospital 33. Dropped from rolls.
D'Agostino, Julius, Pvt. id., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Mch. 15, '18
transf'd btry. E, June 10, '18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom
Cusano, Mutri, Italy, Insurance Agt., 621 Chapel St., New
Haven, Conn.
Dahl, Louis, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. btry. B,
on D. S. Ord. Motor Instruction Schl., Peoria, Feb. 6-Mch. 2,
'18, transf'd Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18, apt'd. Ord. Sgt. Apr. 17,
'18. Born N. Y. C, Ignition Mechanic, 2024 i Ave., N. Y. C.
Dahnken, Richard P., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btrj'. F, apt'd Corp. Aug. 4, '18, transf'd F. A. Motor Replace-
ment Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist, 67 Bleecker
St., B'kl>-n, N. Y.
3o6th field artillery
Daidone, Charles, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom
Palermo, Italy, Tailor, 6304 New Utrecht Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dalessio, Michael, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. Hq.
Co. Feb. 26, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Painter, 211 E. iii St.,
N. Y. C.
Dallicker, Peter T., Ck., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Ck. Nov. I, '17, Rd. Pvt. Mch. I, '18, apt'd Ck.
Apr. 9, '18. Bom N. Y. C. Shipping-clerk, 411 E. 31 St.,
N. Y. C.
Daly, Alfred W., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. btry.
C, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. July II, '18, apt'd corp. Aug. 5,
'18. Bom Albany, N. Y., Elevator-Repairer, 113 E. 89 St.,
N. Y. C.
Daly, David D., Pvt., ent'd army Aug. 28, '17, Phila., Pa.,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10, '17. Bom Phila.,
Pa., Machinist, 2725 DufKeld St., Phila., Pa.
Daly, Joseph J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18 assgd. btry. F,
Bom Tubbamore, Ireland, Driver, 155 E. 84 St., N. Y. C.
Damico, Gaetano, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Province Chute, Italy, Laundry- worker, 21 Pleasant St.,
Watertown, Mass.
Damico, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl., Mch. i, '18. Bom Boli-
tzya, Italy, Marble-cutter, 15 Melrose St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dance, Albert H., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 7, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Lineman, 1239 Halsey St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dann, Harold W., Mess Sgt., ent'd army Sep. i, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Sgt. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Mess Sgt. Mch. I, '18.
wounded Sep. 27, '18, La Haraz^e, transf'd. S. O. S. Hospital,
Danow, Philip, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
btry. C, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bora Tom-
zer, Russia, Salesmajn, 202 W. 124 St., N. Y. C.
Danzl, Joseph J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
St. Joseph, Minn., Laborer, Melrose, Minn.
Darcy, Michael P., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Oct. I, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom Dromo-
dork, Ireland, Machinist, 448 W. 57 St., N. Y. C.
David, Tonev, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Tufo, Italy, Laborer, 164 SchoU St., Brockton, Mass.
Davidson, Reuben, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. F, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18, apt'd Corp. July i, '18.
wounded Nov. 5, '18 La Besace. Born Roumania, Artist, 290
So. 2 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Davis, Henry S., P\i;., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A.Apr. 17, '18. Bom Nash-
ville, Tenn., Farmer, Waverly, la.
Davis, Monroe E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Corp. Jan. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Apr. 4,
'18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Publisher,
600 W. 113 St., N. Y. C.
Dayton, William E., Sgt. ent'd army Sep. 18, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, transf'd Ord., Detach., Feb.
3, '18, apt'd Ord. Sgt. Feb. 3, '18, attch'd Sup. Co. Feb. 25, '18.
Bom Marlboro, N. Y., Mechanic, 5 Lawrence St., Yonkers,
N. Y.
DeBarr, Perry S., P\'t. icl., ent'd army Apr. 17, '11,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, May 5, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug.
1, '18, apt'd. Corp. Apr. i, '19. Bom Buckhannon, W. Va.,
7 yrs. U. S. A., Glass-worker, Buckhannon, W. Va.
De Bates, Emil, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18 assgd. btry.
A, Apr. 17, '18, transf'd. May 9, '18. Dropped from rolls.
DeBerg, Jake K., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
Ashton, la., Farmer, Little Rock, la.
De Brunner, Fred, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Wag. Feb. 5, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch6ry-
Chartreuve, apt'd Corp. Sep. 28, '18 transf'd F. A. Motor
Replacement Bn. Sep. 5, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Collector, 128
Sherman Ave., N. Y. C.
De Carli, John V., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens,Mass., joined 306 F A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Italy, Cerk, Central St., Stamford, Conn.
De Felice, Nicola, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, joined 306
F. A. Apr. 20, '18, assgd. btry. C. KUled in action Aug. 20, '18,
Ch^y-Chartreuve, Chair-maker.
De Lamater, Roswell A., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d
Lieut., Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 2, '17, apt'd. 1st lieut. Jan. I, '18, transf'd Sup.
Co. Mch. 14, '18, transf'd btry. B, Sep. 26, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
I >T. Sq. A. N. G. N. Y., Building Constructor, 136 W. 65 St.,
N. Y. C.
De Lavante, Chauncey A., Ch. Mech., ent'd army Dec. 8,
'17, assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd. Ch. Mech. May 21, '18, Rd. Mech.
Feb. I, '19. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Instmctor, 357 E. 28 St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Della, Porta, Antoni, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
'18. Bom Naples, Italy, Candy-maker, Spring St., Foxboro,
Delle, Paul, Mess Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Mess. Sgt. Feb. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. July i, '18, apt'd Sgt.
Aug. I, '18, Mess Sgt. Aug. 5, 'i8. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Printer
84 Bleecker St. B'klyn, N. Y.
De Maio, Vincent, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
F. Born Salitri, Italy, Tailor, 272 W. 141 St., N. Y. C.
De Mangin, William F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17
assgd. btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 29, '18, transf'd F. A. Motor
Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 1465
Broadway, B'klyn, N. Y.
DeMars, Albert, Pvt., ent'd amiy Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Florence, Mass., Cloak Inspector, 353 Lowell St., Law-
rence, Mass.
Demelio, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. Sup.
Co. Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 2515 Amsterdam Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Demuth, Frank W., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18 attch'd to
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 28, '18, assg'd
Hq. Co., apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl.
May 29, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Dennis, Harold B., Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Nov. 26, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Nov. 27, '17, apt'd Sup. Sgt. Jan. I, '18. Bora B'klyn,
N. Y., Bank Clerk, 670 10 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Denot, Frank A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Dropped from rolls, Nov. 25, '18.
Deplantie, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. i, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bora St. Redemptour, Cda., Woodsman, Tupper Lake, N. Y.
Derby, Irving M., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd. Med.
Detach., apt'd. Sgt. Jan. 10, '18. Bom Brandon, Vt., Colby
College, 1914-17, Student, 589 Park PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
De Salvo, Dominick, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May 16, '18.
Bora Sicily, Italy, Leather-dealer, 1954 Mannion Ave., N. Y. C.
Desmarais, John, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18. Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Salem, Mass., Leather-worker, 193 Lafayette St., Salem,
Desmond, Matthew L., Sgt. ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. E, transf'd Hq. Co. June I, '18, apt'd. Corp. July i, '18,
apt'd Sgt. Sep. 28, '18, wounded Nov. 5, '18 La Besace, transf'd
Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Detrani, Dominick a., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17
assgd. btry E, apt'd. Pvt. icl., Aug. I, '18. Killed by accident
Oct. 22, '18 La Haraz^e. 8635 Bay 13 St.. B'klyn, N. Y.
Deutinger, William G., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. B, transf'd. Hq. Co. Apr. 10, '18, apt'd Corp. July i, '18.
Born Chicago, 111., Sterotyper, 16 W. 65 St., N. Y. C.
Deutsch, Isadore, P\-t., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 20, '18. Bom Warsaw, Poland, Russia, Tailor, 1705
I Ave., N. Y. C.
Devens, Thomas J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. Dec. 9, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Moving-picture-director,
2593 Bedford Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dianna, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Italy,
Miner, Keewatin, Minn.
Dick, Fairman R., Maj., commissioned Capt. Plattsburg,
N. Y. Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. i, '17 assgd. btry. A
Sep. 17, '17, on D. S. School of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla., Dec. 5, '17-
Mch. I, '18, on D. S. Schl. of Instruction, F. A. Camp de Souge,
July I, '18, apt'd Bn. Commander, ist Bn. Aug. 2, '18, apt'd.
Maj. Oct. 20, '18, 5 yrs. Sq. A, N. G. N. Y., i yr. ist Aero Co.,
Banker, Say\ille, N. Y.
DiCoLA, Augustine, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 18, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May 16, '18.
Born Avezzano, Italy, Blacksmith, 436 No. Division St.,
Buflalo, N. Y.
Diefenbach, William, Bugler, ent'd army Nov. ai, '17 assgd
Hq. Co. Nov. 22, '17. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Insurance Clerk,
392 19 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dietrich, Carl O., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Oct. I, '17, apt'd Pvt. id. May 16, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
Clerk, 1657 82 St., B'kl>Ti, N. Y.
DiETZ, Frank L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
Sup. Co. Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18. Bom Bridge-
town, N. J., Stenographer, 493 Pearl St., Bridgetown, N. J.
DiFFEE, Joseph W., Mess Sgt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 4, '18 assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18 apt'd. Mess Sgt. Sep. 26, '18, Rd.
Corp. Jan. 18, '19. Bom Jackson, Tenn., Hotel Mgr., 580
St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C.
Dill, Gustave J., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
E, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18 transf'd. Hq. Co. June 10, '18,
apt'd Corp. July i, '18. Born BuflFalo, N. Y., Artist, 151 E.
82 St., N. Y.
Dillon, Michael J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl., May 21, '18. Bom Tar-
bert, Ireland, Doorman, 148 8 Ave., N. Y. C.
Dineen, Daniel, Wag., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
apt'd. Wag. July i, '18. Bom York, Yorkshire, Eng., Shipping-
clerk, 45 Swanton St.. Winchester, Mass.
Dineen, Richard T., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd
btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Wag. July :, '18. Bom B'klj-n
N. Y., Electrician, 8004 18 Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dionne, Paul, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18. Born
Newburyport, Mass., Teamster, 4 School St., Newburyport
DiRiENZO, Vincent, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18 assgd
btry. D, Apr. 18, '18. Sent to hospital Sep. 7, '18. Shoe-
worker, B'klyn, N. Y.
DiSalvo, Salvatore, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd
btry. C, Feb. 26, '18. Bom Lercara, Italy, Laborer, 230 E
108 St., N. Y. C.
DiSBURY, Robert H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Born Glasgo, Conn., Shoe-worker, 53 Holland Rd., Fairhaven,
DoDD, Edward V., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. Oct. 12, '17 apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd. Sgt. July i, '18,
Rd. Pvt. Sep. 28, '18, transf'd btry. E, Sep. 29, '18, grad. Ford-
ham Unv. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Lawyer, 714 Greene Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
DoHERTV, Herbert M., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, 'i8, apt'd Corp. July 22, '18.
Born B'klyn, N. Y., Time-keeper, 26 Cortlandt Apt., Ports-
mouth, Va.
DoHERTY, James E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Textile-worker, 109 Union St., Law-
rence, Mass.
DoLAN, John J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd. I'vt. icl. Jan i. '18. Bom N. Y.C.,
Shipping-clerk, 453 Lincoln Ave., N. Y. C.
DoLAN, Michael F., Ck. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Sep. 23, '17 apt'd. Ck. Nov. 15, '17. Bom Tipperary, Ire-
land, Grocery-clerk, 2225 85 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Domin, Marechal, des Logis, French interpreter, joined
306 F. A. July II, '18. Dropped from rolls, Aug. 24, '18.
Donnelly, Thomas F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Brookline, Mass., Teamster, 375 Centre St., Jamaica
Plain, Mass.
Donovan, Charles J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Dropped from rolls.
Donovan, Jeremiah, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Oct. i, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Cty.
Cork, Ireland, Engraver, 452 41 St. B'klyn, N. Y.
Donovan, Jeremiah T., Pvt. icl. ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. i8,
'18 apt'd. Pvt. icl. Sep. 29, '18. Born Boston, Mass., Team-
ster, 49 Burrell St., Boston, Mass.
Dorfman, Isadore, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17 apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Appraiser, 836 Flushing Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dorgan, William P., Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17
assgd. btry. C, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd. Corp. Dec. 26, '17, apt'd. Sgt.
Feb. 5, '18, apt'd. Stab. Sgt. July 20, '18 on D. S. Saumur Art.
Schl. Sep. 27-Nov. 30, '18, Rd. Sgt. Jan. 4, '19. Bom B'klyn.,
N. v.. Policeman, 855 Benedict Ave., Woodhaven, N. Y.
Dorothy, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-
Chartreuve, transf'd F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18.
Born Los Angeles, Cal., Motion Picture Operator, 271 W. 144
St., N. Y. C.
DoRSON, Robert, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Corp July i, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 24, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Salesman, 584 E. 26 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dougherty, Frederick, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Bug. Apr. I, '19. Bom N. Y. C.
Clerk, 1204 Greene Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
DowD, Richard, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 11, '18, apt'd. Wag. Apr. I, '18. Bom
Longford, Ireland, Conductor, 79 Horatio St. N. Y. C.
Downey, James P., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd. Corp. Feb. 5, '18. Bom
Sharon Station, N. Y., Office Clerk, Millerton, N. Y.
Downing, Michael J., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 18, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 21, '18.
Bom N. Y. C. Recei\-ing Clerk, 2 W. 38 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Drago, Stephen, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
3o6th field artillery
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
transf'd F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Born Italy,
Farmer, Ipswich, Mass.
Drakias, William P., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18 assgd. btry, C, Born
Retumy, Greece, Confectioner, 248 2 Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.
Drechsel, Frederick H., Pvt., ent'd. army Feb. 24, '18
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry., D, Apr. 15, '18.
Drewes, Frederick W., Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17
assgd. btry.F. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Machinist, 584 Hart St.
B'klyn, N. Y.
Drewinski, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Dropped from rolls, July 9, '18.
Drigert, John, Wag., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. btry.
B, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd. Wag. Apr. I, '18. Bom Bomisa, Russia,
Chauffeur, 346 E. 89 St., N. Y. C.
Driscoll, Arthur L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. 20, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y.,
Clerk, 123 Lott St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Dubois, Fred, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd. btry. A,
Oct. 15, '17, apt'd. Corp. Jan. 2, '18 on D. S. F. A. Motor
Schl. Oct. 28, '18. Born B'klyn, ChauiTeur, 127 E. 83 St.,
N. Y. C.
DucHEK, James, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Tabor,
Minn., Farmer, Carlstad, Minn.
Duell, Holland S., Maj., commissioned Capt. Plattsburgh,
N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 4, '17, acting Regtl.
Adj. Sep. 6, '17, assgd. Regtl. Hq. Sep. 17, '17, aptd. acting
commander 2 Bn. Sep. 10, '17, on D. S. School of Fire, Ft. Sill,
Okla., Nov. 27, '17, apt'd. Maj. Dec. 31, '17, apt'd Lt. Col. F. A.
Reserve. Born Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 30, '81, grad. Yale, Unv,
1902 A. B., N. Y. Law Schl. LL.B. Member N. Y. State Legis-
lature (Assembly) 1907-9. Lawyer, Ardenwold, 1121 No.
B'way, Yonkers, N. Y.
Dugan, Charles A., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd. Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Mill-
worker, 684 Warren St., B'kl>-n, N. Y.
Dulas, John C, P^-t., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 6, '18. Born
Barbar Township, Minn., Farmer. Wounded in action Oct.
14, '18 La Pylone. Wells, Minn.
DuMONT, Louis W., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Corp. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. May 4, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., 2 >ts. Peekskill Military Acdy. Broker*
Importer, Crescent Athletic Club, B'kl>'n, N. Y.
DuNKAK, John H., Jr., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. Corp. Feb. i, '18. Born B'klyn,
N. Y., Sec'y., 910 Prospect PI., B'kljTi, N. Y.
Dunn, Lawrence J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Auburn, N. Y., Shoe-factory-worker, 10 Cottage St.,
Auburn, N. Y.
Dunn, Luke, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Mch. 18, '18. Bom Queens
Cty., Ireland, Clerk, 2552 8 Ave., N. Y. C.
Dunn, William F., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. 305
P. A., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 21, '18 assgd. btry. C. Bom B'klyn
N. Y., Laborer, 1154 Atlantic Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
DupoNT, Franklin L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Mch. 29, '18.
Bom Summerville, Mass., Drug-clerk, 66 Orchard St., Cam-
bridge, Mass.
DuRKAN, Martin J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd.
btry. D. Oct. i, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18. Born Cty.
Mayo, Ireland, Railroad Guard, 67 Manhattan St., N. Y. C.
Durling, Alfred, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Anthony, Minn., Farmer, Ada, Minn.
Dwelle, Vernon A., P\t. icl., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. May 4, '18,
apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, apt'd. Corp. Apr. i, '19. Born
B'klyn, N. Y., grad. Princeton Unv. Ass't. Mgr., 66 Oakdale
Ave., Lyn brook, L. I.
DwvER, Michael J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Staple-
ton, Staten Island, N. Y., Clerk, 17 Pearl St., Stapleton, Staten
Island, N. Y.
DvcHE, Isaac N., Pvt., ent'd army May 21, '18, Chickosha,
Okla., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Born
Linneus, Miss., Farmer, 439 E. Campbell St., Edmona, Okla.
Dyke, George E., Capt., commissioned 2d Lieut., Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd. 1st Lieut. Jan. 3, '18, apt'd. Capt., Aug. 22, '18.
Bom Mattopan, Mass., Advertising Mgr., 18 Fessenden St.,
Mattopan, Mass.
Dyson, Russell E., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
B. Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Accountant, 1583 E 12 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Eble, Frank J., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. btry. B,
Sep. 14, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Nov. I, '17. Born N. Y. C, Pipe-
fitter, 272 Barclay St., Astoria, N. Y.
EcK, Herbert P., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Sep. II, '17, killed in action Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve.
Born N. Y. C, Electrician, 1790 Madison Ave., N. Y. C.
EcoNOMOPOULOs, NICHOLAS, Me,ss Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 2 1 , ' 1 7
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd. Ck. Oct. 23, '17, apt'd. Mess Sgt. Mch. i,
'18, transf'd S. O. S. Hospital Aug. 28, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Ehrenfeld, Herman, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17 transf'd Base Hospital Oct. 28, '18.
EiNEMANN, Peter F., Ck., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
btry F. apt'd Ck. Nov. i, '17. Bom Dalmanhorst, Germany,
Vaudeville Performer, Springfield Dock, So. Jamaica, N. Y.
EiSMAN, John, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. F,
apt'd. Corp. Sep. 28, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Pressman, 255
Bleecker, St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Eisnitz, Milton, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
F, Apr. 19, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch6ry-Chartreuve. Born
N. Y. C, Merchant, 55 W. 97 St., N. Y. C.
Elliott, Donald E., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd. Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Jan. 1, '18 on D. S.
O. T. S. Camp Upton, on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. May 15, '18.
Dropped from rolls.
Elliott, Edwin J., Sgt. ent'd army Sep. 21, '18 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd. Corp. Mch. I, '18, apt'd. Sgt. Nov. 4, '18. Born
Lonesville, N. Y., Clerk, 2 Marble Hill Ave., N. Y. C.
Ellis, George H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Acushnet, Mass., Farmer, Mendle St., Acushnet, Mass.
Ellis, Philip D., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
D, Apr. 6, '18. Clerk, B'klyn, N. Y.
Engelsgaard, Henry M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Sacred Heart, Minn., Farmer, Fosston, Minn.
Engelson, Samuel, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 13, '18 assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 15, '18, assg'd. Ord. Detach,
transf'd Ord. Dept. Army Oct. 16, '18.
Enright, James, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
F, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Born N. Y. C,
Chauffeur 301 W. 152 St., N. Y. C.
Ernest, Andrew H., Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, apt'd. Wag. Apr. I, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10, '18,
transf'd to Casual Camp for transportation to U. S. Dec. 21, '18.
EsPOLiN, Adreas N., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 2, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Fredrickshald, Norway, Painter, 1819 5 St., So. Minneapolis,
EsTROMiNSKY, Nathan, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Oct. 13, '17 on D. S. Motor Ord. Instruction School
Clintonvillc, Wis., apt'd. Wag. Jan. 16, '19. Born Kiev
Russia, Machinist, 610 E. 136 St., N. Y. C.
Ettinger, Edward A., Prt. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry C, Dec. 9, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 74 Beaver St.
B'klyn, N. Y.
EuLNER, Adam G., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dee. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17 apt'd. Pvt. id. Apr. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Clerk, 78 Suydam St., B'klyn, N. Y.
EvANSON, Christian, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, 'i8. Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Stewartville, Minn., Farmer, Stewartville, Minn.
EwELL, Ezra G., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Marshfield Hills, Mass., Grocer, Main St., Marshfield
Hills, Mass.
Fachon, John, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd. btry. E,
Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18.
Born N. Y. C, Printer, 406 E. 6 St., N. Y. C.
Falk, Hugo W., P\'t., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la,, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born Garret-
son, So. Dak., Farmer, Garretson, So. Dak.
Fallon, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
Born Boston, Mass., Express-driver, 49 Royal St., Allston
Farber, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. btry.
A, -Mch. 4, '18. Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 107 Forsythe St.,
N. Y. C.
Farll, Ale.xander, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
Med. Detach. Dropped from rolls Oct. 3, '18. Born B'klyn,
N. Y., Druggist, B'klyn, N. Y.
Farrell, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18 assgd. to
btry. F. Bom Roscommon, Ireland, Clerk, 52 Sambert Ave.,
Rosbury, Mass.
Farrell, Martin A., Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Sup. Sgt.. Nov. i, '17. Born B'klyn
N. Y., Shipper, 1481 E. 13 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Faust, George W., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd.
btry. B, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd. Wag. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep.
I, 'iS. Bom N. Y. C, Electrician, 513 W. 159 St., N. Y. C.
Fay, James E., Corp., ent'd army Apr. 9, '15 joined 306 F. A.
Sep. 13, '17, assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd. 1st Sgt. Sep. 13, '17, Rd.
Sgt. Sep. 19, '18, Rd. Corp. Sep. 19, '18, on D. S. Saumur Art
Schl. Oct. 15, '18, transf'd. 85 Div. Oct. 21, '18, 2 yrs. 63 Art.
& 12 Art. Mexican Border. Railroad man, 54 Beekman St.,
Beacon, N. Y.
Fecher, Edward A., Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. P\'t. icl. Aug. I, '18. Born N. Y. C-
Silk-dyer, 370 E. 163 St., N. Y. C.
Fedden, George L., Pvt., ent'd army Nov. 19, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co. transf'd btry. C, Dec. 15, '17. Bom Longmont, Colo.,
Salesman, 496 Hancock St., B'kljTi, N. Y.
Feehan, Joseph F., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd. Corp.
May 14, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Pipe-fitter, 1574 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Feit, Abr-^ha.m, P\-t. icl., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd.
Med. Detach, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Mch. 12, '18, Rd. P\4. Dec. 8, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 1359 E. New York Ave., B'klyn, N.
Feldman, James N., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. A, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Corp. Nov. 21, '17. Born N. Y. C,
Salesman, 565 W. 148 St., N. Y. C.
Fell, James, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. 1), Apr. 18, '18. Born
Cligherore, Eng., Cotton- weaver, 31 North St., Fairhaven,
Felton, John B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Adams,
Minn., Farmer, Rose Creek, Minn.
Fenn, Edward J., Ch. Mech., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Ch. Mech. Ar. i, '18. Born Gt.
Neck, N. Y., Chauffeur, 1355 Putnam Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Fennell, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd. Sup.
Co. Sep. 30, '17. Born 'I'ipperary, Ireland, Subway-guard, 103
W. 104 St., N. Y. C.
Ferguson, Daniel B., Sgt., ent'd. army Mch. 22, '17, Ft.
Oglethorpe, Ga., assgd. Ft. Greble, R. I., Apr. 14, '17, joined
306 F. A. Oct. 21, '17 assgd. btry. F, apt'd. Sgt. Oct. 21, '17,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch(?ry-Chartreuve. Bom Fleming Cty.,
Ky., Stationary Engineer, Plummers Landing, Ky.
Ferraro, Nichola, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Racheal, Italy, Laborer, 179 B. St., Hull, Mass.
Ferron, Wilbrod, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Mch. 18, '18,
apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Born St. Marcel, Quebec, Cda.,
Driver, 209 Eugenia St., New Bedford, Mass.
Fichtner, Frank, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 as.sgd.
btry. A, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, gassed Aug.
22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom N. Y. C, Carpenter, 1 1 Brook
St., Tompkinsville, Staten Island, N. Y.
FiEDELBAUM, BENJAMIN, 1st Lieut., D. R. C. Commissioned
Aug. 8, '17, N. Y. C, joined 306 F. A. Nov. 17, '17 assgd. Med.
Detach, apt'd. Capt. Mch. 26, '19. Bom N. Y. C, grad. Unv.
Penn. College of Dentistry, D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, 1237
51 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Field, Francis L., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 as,sgd. btry.
A Sep. 23, '17 apt'd. Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Jan. 2, '18.
Born B'klyn, N. Y., grad. Yale 1916, Ph. B. Law Student, 823
Beverly Rd., B'klyn, N. Y.
FiNAMORE, Peter, Mech., ent'd army Dec. 28, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Sup. Co. Apr.
19, '18, apt'd. Mech. Apr. 20, '18. Born Padua, Italy, Shoe-
maker, 525 Carroll St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Fine, John, Capt., commissioned Capt. Plattsburg, N. Y.,
Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Aug. 31, '17 on D.
S. School of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla., Jan. 21-Mch. 11, '18, wounded
Oct. 26, '18 St. Juvin. Bom Princeton, N. J., grad. Princeton
Unv., A.B. Harvard Law School, LL.D., 2 yrs. Sq. A, N. G. N Y
Lawyer, Princeton, N. J.
Fine, Nathan, Corp., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. Aug. I, '18. Born Trenton, N. J., Stenog-
rapher, 138 W. 113 St., N. Y. C.
Fine, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd amy Sep. 29, '17 assgd. btry.
F, apt'd. Pvt. icl., Sep. 9, '18, transf'd M. P. Corps, 77 Div.
Dec. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Moving Picture Business, N. Y.
Finn, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Grant, 111.,
joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '17, assgd. btry. C. Born Roscom-
mon, Ireland, Steel-worker, 8855 Buffalo Ave., Chicago, 111.
Finn, Martin W., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Oct. 12, '17. Chauffeur, 462 So. 4 St., Mt. V'ernon, N. Y.
Finnegan, Thomas E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17
assgd. btry. F, apt'd. Pvt. id. Feb. 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18
Ch6ry-Chartreuve. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 140 Newton
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Fioravera, Fiorentino J., Ch. Mech., ent'd army Apr. 5,
'18 assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18, apt'd. Ch. Mech. June 9, '18.
Bom Acchieppo, Inferiore, Italy, Mechanic, 442 Madison Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Fiorello, Ralph N., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
3o6th field artillery
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Mass., Mill-hand, ill Branch St., Lowell, Mass.
Fischer, Bernhard H., Mech., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd. P-v-t. icl. May 16, '18, apt'd. Mech.
July I, '18, injured Sep. 28, '18, sent to hospital. Dropped
from rolls Nov. i, '18, 4 yrs. U. S. Navy. Conductor, 804
Knickerbocker Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Fischer, George, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 20, '18, wounded Oct. 13, '18, Grand Ham, sent to Base
Hospital. Dropped from rolls. Electrician.
Fishburne, Jacob, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Born Russia, Shoe-worker, 233 River St., Haverhill, Mass.
Fisher, Ernest, Farrier, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 26, '18 assgd.
Vet. Detach. Dropped from rolls Oct. i, '18.
Fisher, Fred S., Ck., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btry. D,
Oct. 10, '17, apt'd. Ck. Nov. i, '17. Bom Manhasset, N. Y.,
Driver, Manhasset, N. Y.
Fisher, Howard L., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Sep. 13, '17, apt'd. Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Feb. i, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Electrical Engineer, 57 Dresdon St., B'klyn,
Fisher, Joseph A., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 6, '17 apt'd. Sgt. Apr. 4, '18 on D. S. Saumur Art.
School Sep. 27, '18. Bom Sayville, N. Y., grad. Lehigh Unv.
A.B. C. E. Civil Engineer, Pittsburg, Pa.
FiSK, Harry T., Sgt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. btry. A,
wounded Aug. 19, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, apt'd. Corp. Aug. 27,
'18, apt'd. Sgt. Sep. 2, '18, transf'd. Hq. Co. Sep. 2, '18. Bora
Portsmouth, O., Artist, 391 1 Heath Ave., N. Y. C.
FiTZ, Harold G., Maj., commissioned Capt. Aug. 15, '17,
Plattsburg, N. Y., assgd. 302 Trench Mortar Btry. Aug. 29, '17,
on D. S. Ft. Sill, Okla., Oct. 31, '17-Jan. 20, '18, on D. S. Limo-
ges, June 19-July 14, '18, attch'd 152 F. A. Brig. July 14, '18,
joined 306 F. A. Aug. i, '18, apt'd Maj. Nov. 5, '18 Co. 3 Bn.
Dec. 15-Dec. 24'i8 Co. 2 Bn. Dec. 27, '18. Bora Philadelphia,
Pa., Grad. Mass. Inst. Tech. Engineer, N. Y. C.
Fitzgerald, John F., Pvt., ent'd. army Sep. 28, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd. Wag. Apr. I, '18 Rd. Pvt. July I, '18 on D. S
F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Bora
Yonkers, N. Y., Chauffeur, 147 Glenwood Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.
FiTZPATRiCK, John L., ent'd. army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18 assgd. btry. C.
Born So. Boston, Mass., Storekeeper, 152 F. St., So. Boston,
FiTZROY, Alfred A., Corp. ent'd. army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. July I, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y. Trader, 260
E. 25 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Flatau, Herbert H., Pvt., ent'd. army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. A, apt'd. Corp. Feb. i, '18, apt'd. Mess. Sgt., May 5, '18,
Rd. Pvt. Oct. 21, '18. Bora Cinn., O., Salesman, 1317 Buraette
Ave. Cinn., O.
Fleming, James, Pvt., ent'd. army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. E
Dec. 9, '17, killed by accident Oct. 22, '18 La Haraz^e, 156 E.
84 St., N. Y. C.
Flett, Charles F., Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Born New Brunswick, Cda.
Salesman, 154 Youle St., Melrose, Mass.
Fliegel, George J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Oct. 11, '17 apt'd. Wag. Mch. 8, '18, Rd. Pvt. icl. Aug.
4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Carpenter, Beth Page, Hicksville,
Long Island, N. Y.
Flugge, Frederick E., Bugler, ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, wounded Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Died in
Flynn, Thomas P., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. July 11, '18, apt'd. Corp. Sep. i, '18.
Bora Astoria, Long Island, N. Y., Chauffeur, 899 Crescent St.,
Astoria, N. Y.
Flynn, William J., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd. Corp. Dec. i, '17. Bom N. Y. C, grad. Cornell
Unv. 1915, High School Teacher, 946 Anderson Ave., N. Y. C.
Fogarty, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
E, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18. Rd. Pvt. Apr. 8, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Clerk, 107 E. 120 St., N. Y. C.
Fogg, Ernest L., Wag. ent'd army Sep. 20, '17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Mch. 19, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
apt'd. Wag. Apr. i, '18. Born Hampton, N. H., Painter, 73
Laurel St., Bristol, Conn.
Foley, Edward H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. htry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Cotuit, Mass., Grocery clerk, Quirnasett Ave., Cotuit
Folger, George T., Pvt., ent'd army June 15, '18, joined
306 F. A. Oct. 31, '18 assgd. btry. C, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov.
16, '18.
Folkestad, Leo, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, 'i8, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. i6, '18 assgd. btry. B. Bom Kasson,
Minn., Cigar-maker, Kasson, Minn.
FoLviG, Anker M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, 'i8. Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. June 10, '18 assgd. btry. A, apt'd.
Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Polk City, Minn., Carpenter,
Mentor, Minn.
Font, Arturo E., Corp. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd. Corp. Apr. 11, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Translator &
Clerk, 530 W. 145 St., N. Y. C.
Foody, Joseph A., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. btry.
D, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd. Corp. July 10, '18, apt'd Mess. Sgt.
July 10, '18, Rd. Corp. Sep. 11, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Hotel
proprietor. 279 W. 122 St., N. Y. C.
Foos, Henry, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd. btry. F,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Dropped from rolls.
Foran, Philip J., Jr., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd. Corp. Feb. 5, '18,
apt'd. Sgt. Aug. 5, '18, apt'd. Stab. Sgt. Dec. 18, 'i8. Born
N. Y. C, Retail-store Mgr., 444 W. 164 St., N. Y. C.
FoRSBERG, Halvar A. K. K., Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29,
'17 assgd. btry. D, Oct. I, '17, apt'd. Corp. Jan. i, '18, apt'd.
Sgt. July 23, '18, apt'd. Stab. Sgt. July 25, '18. Bom Haesbe,
Sweden, 6 yrs. Swedish Army, Lieut. Swedish Officers' Reserve
Corps. Mechanic, 218 E. 58 St., N. Y. C.
Fortier, Alfred A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 19, '18,
transf'd btry. E, June 10, '18. Bom Lowell, Mass., Munition
worker, 761 Lakeview Ave., Lowell, Mass.
Fossa, James H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Dropped from rolls.
Foster, Arthur H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Greenfield, Mass., Shipping-
clerk, Greenfield, Mass.
Foster, John, Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May 21, '18. Bom Hoboken, N. J.,
Cartoonist, 446 Hudson Ave., W. N. Y., N. J.
Fournier, Ale.xander C, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19,
'18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Born Fitchburg, Mass., Lathe
worker, 17 Morris St., Fitchburg, Mass.
Fox, James, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. Hq. Co.
Feb. 26, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Accountant, 138 W. 113 St.,
N. Y. C.
Fox, Louis, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. C, Dec.
9, '17, admitted Base Hospital Dec. 6, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Frahm, Otto E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp Do-n, N. Y.
Franklin, Samuel, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. Oct. II, '17. Bom Krakau, Austria, Furrier, 213 W.
in St., N. Y. C.
Fredericks, Joseph, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd. Corp. Mch. I, '18.
Born B'klyn, N. Y., Accountant, 96 Bleecker St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Fredsell, Charles R., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd. Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Stockholm, Sweden,
Die-maker, 218 E. 45 St., N. Y. C.
Freeman, Alfred S., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18 assgd. Hq. Co.
Bom Worcester, Eng., Farmer, Adams St., Lexington, Mass.
Frein, John A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd.
Pvt. icl. Sep. 21, '18, apt'd. Wag. Apr. i, '19. Bom Stacyville,
la.. Farmer, Stacyville, la.
Frenger, Frederick H., Farrier, joined 306 F. A. Oct. 9, '18
assgd. V'et. Detach. Dropped from Rolls, Feb. 7, '19.
Friedlander, George, ist Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut.,
Plattsburg. Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 27, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. Sep. 17, '17, apt'd. ist Lieut. Jan. 15, '18, transf'd. 2 Div.
Nov. 18, '18. Banker, 100 B'way, N. Y. C.
FRIED.MAN, Abraham, Pvt., ent'd. army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Apr. 20, '18, admitted Base Hospital. Dropped from
rolls. Furniture salesman.
Friedman, David, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assg'd. btry.
F, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Nov.
26, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 948 Trinity Ave., Bron.x,
N. Y. C.
Friedman, Louis, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
B. Bom Warsaw, Russia, Produce dealer, 81 Johnson Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Friel, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
F, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Sligo, Ireland, Chauffeur, 931 6 Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Fritz, Henry W., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18 assgd. Hq.
Co. Apr. 18, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 550 W 51 St.. N. Y. C.
Fritz, Joseph J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, joined 306 F.
A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur,
924 ID Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.
Frohloff, John C, P\'t., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Rock Rapids, la.. Laborer, Rock Rapids, la.
Frve, Watt, Sgt., ent'd army Aug. 30, '16, Columbus Bar-
racks, O., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Oct. 19, '17, apt'd.
Pvt. icl. Oct. I, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Oct. 21, '17. Bom Lincoln
Cty., W. Ya., Lumberman, Scott, W. Va.
Fuhrman, Abraham, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd.
btry. D, apt'd. Corp. Jan. i, '18, transf'd. Hq. Co. Apr. 18, '18.
Bora N. Y. C. Merchant, 554 W 125 St., N. Y. C.
FuNCK, Einar C, Corp. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry,
C, apt'd. Corp. Jan. i, '18 on D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton. Bom
Svenborg, Denmark, grad. Copenhagen Unv. Finance, 198
Van Buren St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Furlong, Richard C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17
assgd. btry. A, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Feb. 1, '18, apt'd. Corp. Dec. 10,
'18. Born Ix)ng Island City, N. Y., Stationary Engr., 260
Radde St., Long Island City, N. Y.
Furness, George A., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd.
O. T. S., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Mch. 12, '18, apt'd.
Corp. Apr. 20, '18, apt'd. Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Saumur
Art. Schl. May 16, '18, Boston, Mass.
Gaffney, William F., ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, 'i7assgd.
btry. B, apt'd. Sgt. Nov. i, '17, apt'd. 1st Sgt. Nov. 2, '17.
Bom Noroton, Conn., Policeman, Noroton, Conn.
Gagliardi, Sabino, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Canossa, Italy, Laborer, 6 Alton St., Brockton, Mass.
Gagne, Charles D., Sgt., ent'd army Aug. 26, '17, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10,
'17, apt'd. P\'t. icl. Nov. I, '17, apt'd. Sgt. Jan. i, '18. Born
Holyoke, Mass., Cost-accountant, 694 Chicopee St., William-
sett, Mass.
Gale, Albert L., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. 306
Inf., joined 306 F. A. Mch. 2, '18 assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd. Corp,
Nov. 7, '18. Bom McDonough, N. Y., Chauffeur, 215 Cleve-
land Ave., Endicott, N. Y.
Gallagher, Harold J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17
assgd. btry. C, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, Rd. Pvt. Feb. 5, '18,
apt'd. Pvt. icl. July II, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y. Pipe-fitter, 73
Wykoff Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Gallagher, George J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18, apt'd. Wag. Jan. 15, '19.
Bom Camden, N. J., Chauffeur, 234 W. 51 St., N. Y. C.
Gallagher, Patrick, Pvt. icl,, ent'd army Dec. 4, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Dec. 6, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Rosen-
dale, N. Y., Machinist, 8 Montgomery St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Galligan, Matthew, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. July 9, '18. Bom Killen-
lock, Ireland, House-mover, 321 E. 66 St., N. Y. C.
Galligan, Michael J,, Pvt,, ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co. Oct. 10, '17. Born N, Y. C, Tile-layers-helper, 440
E. 14 St., N. Y. C.
Galten, August S., Band leader, ent'd army Aug. 19, '16,
Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Dec. 14, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd. Band Corp. Oct. 29, '14, Rd. Pvt. by transfer Dec.
13, '17, apt'd. Band leader Dec. 16, '17. Bom Copenhagen,
Denmark, Musician, 447-95 St. B'klyn, N. Y.
Gamber, Harold H,, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. B, apt'd. Corp. Apr. 1, 'i8. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Map
examiner, 1161 Putnam Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Ganetes, Vasileos, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Ck. Nov. 20, '17, Rd. Pvt. July 28, '18, apt'd Ck. Sep.
7, '18. Born Iseria, Greece, Cook, 1591 3 Ave., N. Y. C.
Ganz, Max, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18. Bora
Russia, Shoe-maker, 191 Park St., Lawrence, Mass.
Garfinkel, Solomon, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd,
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom Botasany, Roumania.
Tailor, 188 Forsythe St., N. Y. C.
Garland, Joseph B,, Corp., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18 assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 12, '18 assgd. Sup. Co.
on D. S. F. A. Schl. of Instruction Camp de Souge, July 10-
Nov. 30, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 9, '18, transfd. F. A. Replace-
ment Regt. 41st Base Div. Nov. 30, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Stenographer, 159 W. 62 St., N. Y. C.
Garrano, Frank C, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F .^pr. 18, '18.
Bom Italy, Shoe-maker, 36 Endicott St., Salem, Mass.
Garretson, James C, Sgt., joined 306 F. A. June 30, '18
assgd, btry C, transf'd Saumur Art. School July 21, '18.
Gaspere, Clarence, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la,, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18, Bom
Creckio, Italy, Laborer, Hibbing, St. Louis, Minn.
3o6th field artillery
Gatto, Math, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Dakota
Cty., Minn., Farmer, St. Leo, Minn.
Gatyas, Charles J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '19
Bom Budapest, Hungary, Furrier, 644 E. 12, St., N. Y. C.
Gaulocher, John, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. May 22, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk,
522 E. 85 St., N. Y. C.
Gaus, Fred. J., Jr., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. May 4, '18, apt'd Sgt. July I, '18, apt'd Bn.
Sgt. Maj. Aug. I, '18, Rd. Corp. Sep. 2, '18. Bom B'klyn, N.
Y., Sales-correspondent, 761 Kenmore PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Gavl, John, Ck., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18 assgd. Sup. Co.
Mch. 4, '18 apt'd Ck. Apr. 20, '18. Bom Aughamora, Ireland,
Bartender, 202 E. 96 St., N. Y. C.
Gedicks, Herbert O., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, transf'd Sauraur Art. Schl. July
27, '18.
Geibel, Victor B., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18 attch'd O. T.
S., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Mch. 12, '18, apt'd Corp.
Apr. 20, '18 apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl.
May 16, '18. Student, Greenwich, Conn.
Geiger, Joseph J., Ck., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Ck. Feb. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Dec. 14, '18. Bom Yonkers,
N. Y., Pipe-cutter, 16 Poplar St., Yonkers, N. Y.
Gelback, Rudolph M., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. A, transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. 21, '18, apt'd Corp. July i, '18,
Rd. Pvt. Oct. 20, '18. Born Hoboken, N. J., Salesman, 809
Hudson St., Hoboken, N. J.
Geisomini, Nicolo, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Italy, Foundry worker, 74 Union St., Quincy, Mass.
Geraghty, Martin J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17
assgd. btry. E Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 1, '18. Bom
Carton, Sligo, Ireland, Laborer, 220 E. 102 St., N. Y. C.
Gersbeck, Euguene J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, 17
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Printer, 484 Lincoln Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Gianinni, Pasquale, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
gassed Aug 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom Ture, Italy,
Machinist's helper, 742 Warrington St., Springfield, Mass.
Gibbons, Charles H., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. Aug. 27, '18. Bom
Baltimore, Md., Salesman, 2612 B'way, N. Y. C.
Gibney, James E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Haverhill, Mass., Wood-heeler, 31 Bateman St., Haver-
hill, Mass.
Gilberg, Harry, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. D,
Dec. 9, '17 apt'd Ck. Mch. i, '18. Bom Austropol, Russia,
Cook, 1446 Gates Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Gill, Charles E., Pvt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 16, '18, on
D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton, grad. Harvard Unv. B.S. 1917.
Leather merchant, 43 W. Park St., Brockton, Mass.
Gillespie, George E., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 13, '18 assgd. btry.
C. apt'd Corp. Apr. 11, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd
Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18.
Gilpin, Samuel H., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 12, '17 assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Corp. July 9, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Bottler, 13a Wyckofif Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Gilroy, James, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom Drumcastle, Ireland, Moulder
15 D St., Whitinsville, Mass.
GiMPEL, Henry, Mech., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Mech. Apr. i, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, 104 Chelsea St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Ginn, Harold G., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 23, '17, assgd.
btry. C, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 19, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i,
'18. Bom N. Y. C, Sporting Goods dealer, 80 W. 174 St., N.
Y. C.
Glaser, Jacob J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 20, '17 assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Painter, 769 Grand St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Glaser, Victor, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. transf'd to 77 Div. Hq. Troop July 27, '18.
Glassman, Abraham, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 17, '18 transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan.
24, '18, attch'd Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18. Born N. Y. C, Shoe-
dealer, 1806 Bath Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Glebke, August R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, sent
to Hospital July 28, '18. Dropped from rolls. 14 Irving St.,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Gildden, Walter J., Corp., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 17, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 2, '18. Bom
Callis, Me., Farmer, Pine Lodge, Methune, Mass.
Glikos, Constantinos, Ck., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Ck. Dec. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. Dec. 13, '17, apt'd Ck.
Apr. I, '18. Bom Oliverion, Greece, Fruit-dealer, 5 Battery
PI., N. Y. C.
Glover, Robert C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, wounded Nov. 5, '18, La Besace,
sent to Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Glimm, Harry H., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18, transf'd S. O. S. Hospital
May 31, '18. Dropped from rolls June 3, '18. Hotel room
Godfrey, Jacob R., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 21, '17 assgd.
to btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18, apt'd Corp. Nov. 26, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, 12 14 E. 92 Sgt., B'klyn, N.Y.
Goerlich, Arthur C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17
assgd. btry. F, gassed Sep. 5, '18 Fismes, apt'd Pvt. icl. Bom
N. Y. C, grad. Columbia Unv. Student, 1051 Tinton Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Goggin, Edward, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Corp. July 20, '18, wounded Sep. 3, '18
Cherj'-Chartreuve. Hotel clerk, N. Y. C.
Goldberg, Leo, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 12, '17. Born N. Y. C, Machinist, 850 Longwood
Ave., N. Y. C.
Goldberg, Morris S., Sgt. ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. I, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. July 10,
'18, apt'd Sgt. July 10, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 4 E. 97 St.,
N. Y. C.
Golden, Jacob, Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co., apt'd Wag. Apr. i, 'i8 on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement
Bn. Oct. 28-Dec. 24, '18. Bom Ploesti, Roumania, Mechanic,
41 Jefferson St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Golden, Morris, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Nov. 24,
18. Bom Odessa, Russia, Tool-maker, 546 Clermont Pk'way,
N. Y. C.
Goldfinger, Theodore, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18, transf'd Hq. Co.
July I, '18. Bom, N. Y. C, Textile Manufacturer, 2381
Broadway, N. Y.
Goldschmidt, Sidney, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. Hq. Co. Mch. 11, 'i8,apt'd Muse. 3cl. July i, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Clerk, 182 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C.
Goldstein, Max, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd. btry.
B, Oct. 13, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 116 Van Sicklen
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
GooDE, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btrj'.
D, Sep. 23, '17, transf'd Hospital May 7, '18. Dropped from
rolls. N. Y. C.
Goodman, Milton, Sgt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
F. transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Corp. July 24, '18, apt'd
Sgt. Nov. 7, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Advertising Agt., 545 W. 164
St., N. Y. C.
GooDsiR, James A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry E, May 5, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Salesman,
244 E. Canal St., EUenvle, N. Y.
Gordon, Ale.xander, Capt., commissioned Capt. May 5,
'17, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 19, '18, apt'd Bn. Adj. i Bn. Mch.
20, '18. Dropped from rolls May 10, '18, rejoined 306 F. A.
May 13, '18, on D. S. Hq. Camp de Souge June 14, 'i8-July 18
18, apt'd Personnel Officer Sep. 16, '18 on D. S. Army Corps
Art. Hq. Oct. 2-Nov. 28, '18, apt'd Adj. 2 Bn. Jan. 31, '19.
Rensselaerville, N. Y.
Gordon, John G., ist. Lieut., M. R. C, 304 M. G. Bn.,
joined 306 F. A. Nov. 2, '18 for temporary duty dropped from
rolls Nov. 14, '18.
Gordon, William, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. ii, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Book-
keeper, 1043 Intervale Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Gordon, William O., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chdry-Chartreuve. Bom Hatcomb, N. H.,
Draftsman, Salem, N. H.
Gorman, Walter C, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Wag. Mch. 8, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. July 2, '18.
Goss, Michael F., Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Mech. Mch. 5, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18, on D. S.
F. A. Motor Replacement, Bn. Oct. 30,-Dec. 24, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Machinist's helper, 113 Rappelye St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Gottlieb, Joseph, Pet., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd. Med.
Detach, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Aug. I, '18, gassed
Aug. 24, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Austria, Student, 53
St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C.
Goudreau, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>-. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Cda., Shoe-worker, 7 Whittier PI., Haverhill, Mass.
Gouger, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Jefferson, la.. Salesman, Jefferson, la.
Gould, Leslie A., ist Lieut., D. R. C. commissioned Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., Jan. 10, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach
Oct. 21, '17, transf'd Army Occupation. Bom Watertown,
N. Y., grad. Unv. Pa., 191 1 DD.S., Dental Surgeon, Water-
town, N. Y.
Govern, Harry E., Sgt., ent'd army Dee. 8, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 22, '18 on D. S.
F. A. Scl. of Instruction, Camp de Souge Oct. 25-Dec. 10, '18.
Born N. Y. C, Salesman, 68 Kermit PI., B'klyn, N. Y..
Grafton, H. Kirbv, 2d Lieut., commissioned Plattsburg, N.
Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 3, '17, assgd. Hq. Co. Sep.
17, '17, transf'd Aviation Instruction Centre July 2, '18, re-
joined 306 F. A. July 24, '18, transf'd to Casual Officers' Centre
for transportation to U. S. Aug. 25, '18., grad. Columbia Unv.
1914. 205 W. 107 St., N. Y. C, Lawyer.
Grahn, John A., ist. Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut., Platts-
burg, N. Y. Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 4, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. transf'd btry. A, Mch. i, '18, transf'd Sup. Co. Sep. 4, '18
apt'd 1st Lieut. Sep. 5, '18, on D. S. Motor Instruction Schl
Clintonville, Wis., and Peoria, 111., Jan. 26-Mch. 6 '18, on D. S
Motor Detail 77 Div. Mch. 27, '18, on D. S. Montargis Juneg
July 19, '18, apt'd Feb. 22, '19. Born Englcwood, N. J
Student Engineering, Tenafly, N. J.
Granev, Thomas F., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Dec. 9, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman, 155 Schenectady
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Gray, Arthur L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Rockport, Mass., Farmer, 3 Hooper St., Rockport, Mass.
Gray, Clarence R., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 10, '18. Bom Haverhill, Mass.,
Shoe-manufacturer, 23 North St., Haverhill, Mass.
Gray, George, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
Oct. 12, '17, wounded Aug. 28, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Sent
to Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Gray, George P., Sgt., ent'd army May 7, '17, Jefferson
Barracks, Mo., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Oct. 12, '17,
apt'd Sup. vSgt. Oct. 21, '17, apt'd Duty Sgt. May 23, '18,
gassed Aug. 22, 'l8 Ch(5ry-Chartreuve. Bom Oshkosh, Wis.
6 mos. C. A. Corps, Ft. Greble, R. I., Life Ins. Agt., 7021 Mar-
rill Ave., Chicago, 111.
Gray, Patrick, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Corp. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Leitrin, Ireland, Chauffeur,
Orchard Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y.
Green, Robert C, Capt., commissioned 2d Lieut. July 9, '17,
joined 306 F. A. Aug. 31, '17, assgd. btry. C, apt'd ist Lieut.,
Aug. 15, '17, apt'd Capt. Sep. i, '18, assgd. btry. D, Oct. 6. '18.
Bom Redwood City, Cal. 3K yrs. service U. S. A., I and 9 F.
A. 1014 Water St., Santa Cruz, Cal.
Greenberg, George, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 1545 Madison Ave.
N. Y. C.
Greene, Charles B., Pvt. icl, ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. Icl. Feb. 15, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y..
Motorman, 41 Sutton St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Greene, Fr.\nk R., ist. Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut,
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 5, '17.
assgd. btrj'. E, Sep. 17, '17, transf'd Hq. 77 Div. Nov. 17, '17,
rejoined 306 F. A. Jan. 4, '18, attch'd btr>'. A, apt'd 1st Lieut.
Mch. I, '18, assgd. btry. F, Mch. 4, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. July
20, '18, apt'd Acting Bn. Adj. i Bn. July 20, '18, apt'd Per-
sonnel Officer, Oct. 13, '18, grad. Colgate Unv. A.B. 1906, N. Y.
Law Schl. LLB. 1908, admitted N. Y. State Bar 1908. Lawyer,
148 Willow St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Greenwood, Samuel, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. May 22, '18.
Bom Orange, N. J., Farmer, W. Boston Post Rd., Mamaroneck,
N. Y.
Greig, William D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 8, '18, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Birmingham, Eng.,
Electrician, 296 Ridgewood Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Grieme, Carl C, HS., ent'd army Feb. 26,'i8, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl.
July 23, '18, apt'd HS. July 23, '18. Born Schaller, la.. Far-
mer, Schaller, la.
Grin-haug, Alfred, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Ridgeway, la.. Farmer, Cresco, la.
Gross, Edward M,, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17 assgd. btry.
E. Oct. I, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18,
on D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton, on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl.
May 16, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Gross, Henry I., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18. Bom Rou-
3o6th field artillery
mania. Grad. C. C. N. Y., B.S. Teacher, 315 Lincoln Rd.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Grossman, Morris, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. July
23, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Trucking, Strong's Causeway, Flush-
ing, N. Y.
Grosz, William H., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. E.Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18, killed Aug. 25, '18
Chery-Chartreuve. 305 E. 31 St., N. Y. C.
Gruenhagen, Willis, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Multke, Minn., Farmer, Gibbon.
Greunwald, Fred. J., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. May 20, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 1245 Willoughby Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Grunklee, Herman C, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Claremont, Minn., Farmer, Claremont, Minn.
GuFFANTi, Dante, Ck., -snt'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Ck. Jan. 14, '18. Bom Fenergro, Como,
Italy, Chauffeur, 231 W. 36 St., N. Y. C.
GuiLMETTE, Henry J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May 22, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, 'l8. Bom W. Boylston, Mass.,
Grocer, Fisherville, Grafton, Mass.
GuiLMETTE, Remuald R., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A.assgd. btry. F, May
22, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Oakdale, Mass.,
Weaver, Fisherville, Grafton, Mass.
Guntner, Lawrence M., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. '18,
'18. Born Boston, Mass., Shoe-cutter, 51 Hillside St., Rox-
bury, Mass.
GusiKOFF, David, Muse, 2d cl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 2cl. Jan. 2, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Muse,
1427 Madison Ave., N. Y. C.
GusTAFSON, Fred. A., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Pigeon Cove. Mass., Machinist, 6 Pigeon Hill, Court
Pigeon Cove, Mass.
GusTAVsoN, Arthur W., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17.
assgd. btry. D, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18, Rd. Pvt.
Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 2, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, Wilco.x & Fairmont Aves., N. Y. C.
Haab, Charles, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17 assgd. btr>'.
E, Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. May 17,
'18. Bom Melville, N. Y., Chauffeur, 51 Sterling PI., Amity-
viUe, N. Y.
Habekost, Charles F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17.
assgd. btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Electrician, 75 Powers St., B'klyn.
Habenicht, Fred, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Laborer, 1384 Madison St., B'klyn, N. Y.
H^sler, Paul, Pvt., ent'd array Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry. C,
Dec. 9, '17, hurt in accident Sep. 15, '18 Fismes, admitted to
S. O. S. Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Hafner, Henry, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. May I, '81. Bom Wiesbaden, Hesse-
Nassau, Germany. Photographer, 17 Kossuth Pl.,B'klyn,N.Y.
Hager, George C, 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Nov. 10, '18,
assgd. Hq. Co. Nov. 11, '18. transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 15, '18.
Hager, Harold E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 8, '18, transf'd. New M. P. Corps
Dec. 24, '18. 57 Montague Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Haggard, James W., Pvt., ent'd army June 25, '18, Helena,
Ark., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 15, '18, assgd. Med. Detach. Bom
Wynne, Ark., Railroad Fireman, Wynn, Ark.
Hagman, Algot L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, CamP
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 17, '18, assgd. btry. A. Bom
St. Cloud, Mirm., Painter, 2304 Clinton Ave., Minneapolis,
Hahn, Albert J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chart-
reuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Peekskill Military Acdy., Hotel-
keeper, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y.
Halbur, Bernard A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. B, wound-
ed Oct. 14, '18, Pylone. Bom Halbur, la.. Farmer, Halbur, la.
Hale, Harold B., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
A, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom N. Y. C,
Railroad mail clerk, 310 E. 70 St., N. Y. C.
Haley, John F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. E. Bom
Haverhill, Mass., Leather- worker, 93 Franklin St., Haverhill,
Haller, Forrest, ist Lieut., joined 306 F. A. June 30, '18
attch'd Vet. Detach, transf'd to 35 Div. Aug. 18, '18.
Halleran, John A., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. F, Oct. 9, '17. Bom Flushing, Long Island, N. Y.,
Laborer, 91 E. Hayes Ave., Corona, Long Island, N. Y.
Hallisey, Daniel E., Pvt. ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. E.
Bom Newburj'port, Mass., Asst. Foreman, Shoe-factory, 194
Merrimac St., Newburyport, Mass.
Halloran, Matthew, Pvt., ent'd amiy Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Plasterer, 249 Nott Ave.,
Long Island City, N. Y.
Halperon, Frank, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Buyer, 86 Gerry St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Halvorson, Bert, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. B. Bom
Haugessund, Norway, Laborer, 1 14 Washington Ave., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Hamann, Henry G., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. May 14, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Farmer, 943 E. 37 St. B'klyn, N. Y.
Hamber, William, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 9, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Newsdealer, 963 E. 165 St.,
N. Y. C.
Hamberger, Benjamin P., Mech., ent'd army Dec. 29, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Mech. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Shoemaker, 193 So. 3 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hamby, James H., Sgt., ent'd army July 12, '16, Camp
Laredo, Tex., transf'd Newport, R. I. Oct. 17, '16, apt'd Pvt.
icl. Apr. 13, '17, apt'd Corp. Aug. 14, '17, joined 306 F. A.
Oct. 16, '17, assgd. btry. B, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 2, '17. Bom Paris,
Texas, Farmer, Milford, Texas.
Hamilton, Edward E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry B, died
of disease Jan. 13, '19. Bom Gloucester, Mass., Restaurant
Prop., Gloucester, Mass.
Hamilton, Edward P., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. i, '17,
assgd. btry. D, Sep. 17, '17, apt'd 1st Lieut. Jan. 5, '18, transf'd
btry. B, Mch. 14, '18, on D. S. Montargis, June 19-July 18, '18,
on D. S. Army Engineers Schl. Aug. 9-Sep. 5, '18, assgd. Hq.
Co. Sep. 28, '18, missing in action Sep. 28-Dec. 17, '18, 2^ yrs.
Sq. A. N. G. N. Y., 6 mos. Federal Service Mexican Border, grad.
Rensselaer Poly. Inst. 1917. Pubhsher, 73 Halsted St., Orange,
N. J.
Hamilton, Edward, P., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18 attch'd
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 13, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co., apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl.
May 16, '18.
Hamilton, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 18, '17, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. blry. C. Bom
Rugby, N. D., Farm laborer, Rugby, N. D.
Hamilton, James, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. Hq.
Co. Sep. II, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 32 Herbert Ave.,
Pt. Washington, Long Island, N. Y.
Handler, Nathan E., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, Rd. Pvt. May
14, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Merchant, 1383 Carroll St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Hanegan, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom Bilman,
la., Farmer, Gladbrook, la.
Hanfield, DeWitt C, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, 17, apt'd Corp. Feb. I, '18. Born Oxford,
N. Y., Salesman, 1074 Park PL, B'klyn, N. Y.
Hanford, George W., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Aug. 27, '17,
Hartford, Conn., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 10, '17, assgd. Med.
Detach. Bom Conn., Student, Kensington, Conn.
Hanley, William, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd. btry. A.
Bom Lowell, Mass., Machinist, 44 Rock St., Lowell, Mass.
Hanlon, Francis E., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Wag. Feb. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. Aug. 10, '18. Born
Somerville, Mass., Chauffeur, 220 E. 23 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hanlon, Francis E., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Med. Detach. Bom N. Y. C, Railroad stock-clerk, 132 Old
Rd., Beacon, N. Y.
Hannan, Erwin E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, 'i8, assgd. btry. E.
Bom Brockton, Mass., Shoe-packer, 9 Broad St., Brockton,
Hannigan, Arthur S., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 P. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. F.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Cloth-inspector, 286 Lawrence St.
Lawrence, Mass.
Hangwer, Leonard R., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. C, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. July 11, '18. Born
Arhngton, N. J., Law clerk, 158 E. 1 1 1 St., N. Y. C.
Hansen, Gustaveh, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Estate
Mgr., 656 W. 178 St., N. Y. C.
H.\nson, Leslie W., Sgt. ent'd army May 7, '17, Jefferson
Barracks, Mo., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 21, '17, assgd. btry. C,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. I, '17, apt'd Sgt. Oct. 21, '17, transf'd
btry. E, Jan. 29, '18. Bom Bridgewater, S. D., Student,
Bridgewater, S. D.
Hardy, Charles F., ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Dec.
17, 'apt'd 1st Sgt. May 20, '18. Bom Good Ground, N. Y.,
Fisherman, Greenport, N. Y.
Hario, John E., 2d Lieut., ent'd army July 4, '17, Minne-
sota, assgd. 125 F. A., Oct. i, '17, apt'd Corp. Aug. 17, '17, on
D. S. O. T. S. Leon Spring, Tex., apt'd Sgt., Apr. 19, '18, com-
missioned Saumur Art. Schl. Aug. 5, '18, joined 306 F. A. Oct.
21, '18 assgd. Hq. Co. Oct. 26, '18, transf'd Air Service Nov.
16, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. Nov. 26, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Born
Ely, Minn., Lawyer, 411 Superior St. Hibbing, Minn.
Hark, Sigfried C, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd. btry.
C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18.
Bom Jersey City, N. J., Electrician, 195 No. 5 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Harmel, Carl C, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 18, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Gresem, Germany, Farmer, Rugby, N. D.
Harring, Edwin B., Pvt. icl, ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Salmon Falls, N. H.,
Mill-operator, 9 E. Coggshall St., Fairhaven, Mass.
Harrison, Abraham N., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 14, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Russia, Printer, 114 Wooster St., Hartford, Conn.
Harrison, Emil L, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Born Finland, Painter, P. O. Box, 61 Templeton, Mass.
Hart, Thomas, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. E, Mch. 5, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 29, 18 on D. S. F. A.
Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30, '18. Born Leominster, Mass.,
Railroad guard, 167 E. 113 St., N. Y. C.
Hartman, George, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
B, Oct. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd. Corp. Apr. i,
'18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Teamster, 354 II St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hartmann, Edwin C, Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Wag. Feb. 15, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Insur-
ance broker, 864 Bushwick Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hartz, Charles H., Pvt. icl., ent'd. army Dec. 6, '17, assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd btry. D. Mch. 18, '18,
apt'd. Pvt. icl. Oct. 4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Riveter, 536
6l St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Harvey, Frederick W., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. in,
'18, Rd. Pvt. July I, '18. Bom Syracuse, N. Y., Salesman,
325 W. 108 St., N. Y. C.
Hassman, Tom, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, 'iS. Bom
Russia, Clerk, 80 10 St., Springfield, Mass.
Hauge, Conrad A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Danvers, Minn., Farmer, Danvers, Minn.
Haughnev, William A., ist Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. May 17,
'18, apt'd. 1st Sgt. May 28, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Import Repre-
sentative, 210 W. 119 St., N. Y. C.
Hauke, Alfred J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Mch. II, '17, assgd. btry. F,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Burhngton, Vt.,
Chauffeur, 204 North Ave., Burlington, Vt.
Haven.s, Ira D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Pvt. id. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Nov. 16, '18. Born
Centre Moriches N. Y., Painter, Senix Ave., Centre Moriche.':,
N. Y.
Hawksworth, Lenley, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj-. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Weston, N. S., Printer, 333 Central St., Stoughton,
Haynes, W.alter E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom Burhngton, Mass., Stock-clerk, 491 4 St., So. Boston,
Hazelette, Charles A., Pvt. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd
btry. C, Dec. 9, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Mgr. Detective
Bureau, 319 Hancock St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Head, Richard P., ist. Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Aug. $0, '18,
assgd. Vet. Detach. Veterinarian, Lancaster, Pa.
Healey, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army July 18, '18, assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Oct. 14, '18.
Bom Rhode Island, Laborer, 14 No. Main St., Providence,
R. I.
Healy, David, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. btry. F,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, apt'd HS. Nov. 26, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Longshoreman, 2203 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Herbert, Hervey J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18,
'18 apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Famumsville, Mass.,
Cloth-inspector, Main St., Famumsville, Mass.
Heck, Anthony, HS , ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Apr. 19, '18, apt'd HS. Oct. 29, '18. Died in Hospital Jan.
3o6th field artillery
20, 'ig. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Cabinet-maker, 1707 Stanhope
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Heege, Charles P., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
C, Dec. 9, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Auto-mechanic, 561 Gates
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Heenan, John C, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
C, transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan. 17, 'l8, apt'd Corp. Jan. 17, '18,
attch'd Sup. Co., Jan. 18, '18. Bom Manhasset, N. Y.,
Chauffeur, 87 Bayview Ave., Manhasset, N. Y.
Heiz, Max, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd. btry. C,
Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 15, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Chauffeur, 1050 Hall St., N. Y. C.
Held, George J., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Corp. May 22, '18, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 25, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Teamster, 47 MacDougal St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hellman, Elias, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry A, apt'd Pvt. icl. May i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18.
Bom Baltimore, Md., Stock-clerk, 314 12 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Heimcke, Henry, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
A, Mch. 4, '18, wounded Aug. 22, '18 ChiSry-Chartreuve, on D.
S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 28, '18, apt'd Wag. Jan.
15, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 470 W. 157 St., N. Y. C.
Henel, Charles H., Bugler, ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B. Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Bugler Apr. 16, '18. Bom B'klyn
N. Y., Stenographer, 508 Knickerbocker Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hennessey, Thomas W., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry.
E, Westbridgewood, Mass., Erection worker, 7 Areola St.,
Boston, Mass.
Hennessy, Daniel J., HS. ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18, apt'd HS. July 20, '18. Born
Ballylanders, Ireland, Machinist's-helper, 866 Columbus, Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Henrikdson, Harry W., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry., A, May 4, '18, apt'd
Wag. July I, '18. Born Christiania, Norway, Blacksmith, 90
Rock St., Norwood, Mass.
Henson, James, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Apr. 20, '18. Bom Moate, Ireland, Waiter, 355 12 St., B'klyn,
Hernandez, Frank, Pvt., ent'd. army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. Bom N. Y. C, 3 yrs. U. S. A. Hospital Corps.
Painter, 2143 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. C.
Herrmann, Edgar G., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18 on D. S. Chateau-
villain Dec. 20, 'i8-Jan. 20, '19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Editor,
1005 E. 40 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Herrmann, Frederick, Muse. 3cl. ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
Machinist, 814 E. 169 St., N. Y. C.
Herter, Albert M., Pvt., ent'd army May, 1918, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, 'i8,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Hertz, Louis I., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btrj'.
D. Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, X-
ray Mechanic, 820 E. 168 St., N. Y. C.
Herzog, William F., Pvt., ent'd. army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan.
17, '18, transf'd Sup Co. July, 2, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 2, '18.
Auto Repairman, N. Y. C.
Hesse, Frederick E., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. Oct. 10, '17. Bom Hanover, Germany, Liquor dealer,
32 Ave. A., N. Y. C.
Heuer, Walter A., Pvt., ent'd. army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Eagin, Minn., Farmer, Mendota, Minn.
Heumann, Edward F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp.
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry.
E. Bom Roxbury, Mass., Clerk, 311 Roxbury St., Roxbury,
Hewitt, William B., Sgt., ent'd army Feb. 25, 'i8, assgd.
btry. E, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 16, '18, apt'd Sgt
Aug. I, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Cashier, 321 W. 139 St., N. Y. C.
HiCKOx, Charles V., Jr., Capt., commissioned ist Lieut
Plattsburg, Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 29, '17, assgd.
btr>'. F, Sep. 10, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. Feb. 18, '18, transf'd
btry. F, Mch. I, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. 14, '18, apt'd Capt.
Aug. 31, '18, 3 yrs. Sq. A. N. G. N. Y., 2]/i mos. Federal Service
Mexican Border, grad. Yale Unv. A.B. 191 1. Insurance, 509
So. 6 St., Springfield, 111.
Hicks, Fred, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. C
Dec. 9, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Painter, 209 Himrod St., B'klyn,
HiGGiNS, Patrick, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D. Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Leitrim,
Ireland, Motorman, 12 E. 116 St., N. Y. C.
HiGGiNS, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Corp. July 9, '18, Rd. Pvt., Sep. 30, '18. Bom Ames-
bury, Mass., Pipe-fitter, 37 Church St., Amesbury, Mass.
Hillebrecht, Edward, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
Clerical-worker, 882 Forest Ave., N. Y. C.
Hilton, Kenneth, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom E. Boston, Mass., Farmer, Lowell St., Andover, Mass.
Hirsch, Charles, Ch. Mech., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Mech. Dec. 10, '17, apt'd Ch. Mech. June 18, '18
Bom Middle Village, N. Y., Chauffeur, i Washington Ave.,
Queens, N. Y.
Hirsch, Louis S., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Sgt. Mch. I, '18, on D. S. Saumur Art.
Schl. July 24, '18. Dropped from rolls. 271 Ft. Washington
Ave., N. Y. C.
Hirschcopf, Pincus, Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry
A, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18, apt'd Corp. May 4, '18, apt'd
Sgt. Aug. I, '18. Bom Warsaw, Poland, Russia, Teacher, 913
St. Marks Place, B'klyn, N. Y.
HiRTEN, John E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 1, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr.
I, '19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 74 Suydam St., B'klyn,
HoBSON, William C, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17. Bom N. Y. C,
Clerk, 10 Sherman Ave., N. Y. C.
HoEL, Warran L., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
D. Dec. 9, '17, killed in action Aug. 21, '18, Ch^ry-Chartreuve,
Hoffman, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btr>-. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10,
'18. Bom N. Y. C, Buyer, 664 W. 169 St., N. Y. C.
Hoffmann, William, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. ll, '18,
apt'd. Sgt. Aug. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Piano-maker, 63 Grant
St., Yonkers, N. Y.
Hogg, Thomas, 2d Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Aug.
28, '17, transf'd btry. A, Sep. 5, '18, transf'd Army Occupation,
Jan. 30, '19. Galashiels, Scotland, 8 yrs. 2. F. A. N. G. N. Y
Hogge, John L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '97, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Shipping-clerk, 1407 W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, Md.
HoHB.ACH, Fred H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Marcus, la.. Farmer, Marcus, la.
HoiiusEN, John H. Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, 'i-.assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd. Corp. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd. Ord. Detach. Jan. 17, '18.
attch'd. Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18, on D. S., F. A. Motor Replace-
ment, Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Born H'klyn, N. Y., Gardener
1405 Pacific St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hoi-AN, Fr.\nk, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assKd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born Carver,
la.. Farmer, Emmons, Minn.
HoLLivER, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Boston,, Raincoat-worker, 67 Porter St., Stoughton,
HOLL, Adolph, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry. A,
Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Ck. Nov. 15, '17. Bom Neckartlfingen,
Wurttemberg, Germany, Butcher, 448 E. 181 St., N. Y. C.
Hopp, Charles F., Mech., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Mech. Feb. 14, '18, wounded Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-
Chartreuve. Died in Hospital.
HoRGAN, Arthur J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Hq
Co. Dec. 9, '17, gassed Nov. 5, '18, La Besace. Born N. Y. C.
Clerk, 304 Linden Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Horowitz, William, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd
Med. Detach, apt'd Pvt. icl. July I, '18, grad. N. Y. College
Dentisto', D.D.S. Dentist, 243 E. 3 St., N. Y. C.
Horpel, Otto F., Band Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 2cl. June 2, '18, apt'd Band Corp. Apr. i
18, wounded Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, apt'd Band Sgt
Nov. 15, '18, apt'd Asst. Band Leader Dec. 9, '18. Bom Lon
don, Eng., Musician, 1150 Teller Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Horstmann, Charles N., Band Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
Hq. Co. apt'd Band Corp. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Band Sgt. Apr. i,
'18. Lawyer, 235 E. 175 St., N. Y. C.
Hotz, Albert W., Muse. 2cl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd 2cl. Apr. 4, '18
Bom Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y., Clerk, 28 Lyman Ave.,
Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y.
Houdlett, Hugo, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Mech. Jan. 3, '18, Rd. Pvt. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Ord.
Detach. Jan. 17, '18, attch'd Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18, on D. S. F.
A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Brass-finisher, 44 Melrose St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Houdlett, Walter, Mech., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Mech. Jan. 22, '18, apt'd Ch. Mech. Mch. 15,
'18, Rd. Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18, apt'd Mech. Oct. 19, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Cabinet-maker, 44 Melrose St., B'klyn, N. Y.
HouGHTO.v, Robert J., Jr., Bugler, ent'd army Sep. 21, 17,
assg'd. btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Bugler, Jan. 21, 'i8, Rd. Pvt.
Feb. 18, '18, transf'd Signal Corps, N. A. Feb. 14, '18, reassign-
ed btry. A, Mch. 23, '18, apt'd Bugler Apr. 14, '18, apt'd
Bugler, icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Motion picture pro-
ducer, 2208 7 Ave., N. Y. C.
HouRMONious, Marinos, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj-. E. Apr. 18,
Bom Metylan, Greece, Factory-worker, 53 Quimby St., E.
Watertown, Mass.
Howard, Leon, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. ii, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
Oct. 15, '17. Bom Gardner, Mass., Salesman, 966 Hoe Ave.,
Bronx, N. Y.
Howe, Melvin, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. 77 Div.
Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd btry. A, May 4, '18. Born
Colchester, N. Y., Farmer, Harvard, N. Y.
Hubner, Charles A., Jr., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. E, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt.
Jan. I, '18. Bom Wappinger Falls, N. Y., Painter, Wappinger
Falls, N. Y.
HuDEPOHL, Theodore, H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom WilUamsburg, la., Farmer, So. Amana, la.
HuKGLiN, William Jr., Band Coq>., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 2cl. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Band Corp.
Apr. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Buyer, 151 Ridgewood Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.,
HuEHN, Edward C, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan.
14, '18, transf'd. Ord. Detach. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Sup. Co.
June 12, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 29, '18. Bom N. Y. C. 8 yrs.
U. S.Navy. Rigger, 410 Seneca Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Huetter, Eugene J., Pvt., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18,
assgd. btry. E, admitted Base Hospital No. 6 May 31, '18.
Dropped from rolls June 3, '18.
Hughes, Raymond J., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 7, '18, apt'd
Mess Sgt., Jan. 18, '19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Asst. Purch. Agt.,
55 Hanson Place, B'klyn, N. Y.
Humes, John H., Capt. M. R. C. commissioned ist Lieut.,
McKees Rocks, Pa., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 24, '18, assgd. Med.
Detach, apt'd Capt. Sep. 12, '18 with 307 Inf. Oct. 17, '17-
July 20, '18 with 306 F. A. Hosp. July 20-Oct. 24, '18 grad.
Hahnemann Med. College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1902 M.D. Physi-
cian, 717 Chartiers Ave., McKees Rocks, Pa.
HuNTEMANN, CHRISTIAN, Pvt., ent'd army Nov. 25, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. Nov. 26, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Bartender,
1291 Nostrand Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hunter, Guy, 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 10, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co. I Bn. Detail, transf'd 2 Bn. Detail. Jan. 20, '19.
Huntington, Morton, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18. Born
B'klyn, Marine Fireman, 2032 62 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Hurley, John P., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
E. Born N. Y. C, Bookkeeper, 1338 Clay Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Hustis, Harold N., Bn. Sgt. Maj., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. Aug. 20, '18,
apt'd Bn. Sgt. Maj. Nov. I, '18. Bom Cold Spring, N. Y.
Office Mgr., 9 Park Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Hutch, Frank A., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
B, Oct. II, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 23, '17.
on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. Oct. 25, '18. Bom Dorchester,
Mass., Clerk, 680 West End Ave., N. Y. C.
Hutchison, Charles G., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 20, '18. Born Hinsdale, N. H., Clerk,
Sutton, Mass.
Hyman, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army June 15, '17, Ft. Slocum,
N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Dec. 12, '18, assg'd. Med. Detach,
transf'd Div. Surgeons Office Dec. 15, '18. Born England,
Lineman, 29 Collingwood St., London, Eng.
Hyde, Donald R., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Nov. 23, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd 1st Lieut. Sep. 5, '18. Bom St. Albans, Vt.,
grad. Yale Unv. 1912 A.B., 2 yrs. Sq.A N. G. N. Y. Finance
Dept., Mfg. Concern, 47 Bank St., St. Albans, Vt.
Hyder, Ralph N., Corp., ent'd army Nov. 17, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Corp Jan. 1918. Sent to Hospital Oct. 14, '18.
Dropped from rolls.
Hynes, William H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18, sent to Hospital Sep. 16, '18.
Dropped from rolls. Factory-worker.
Innuzelli, John, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 22, '17, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Born Phila-
delphia, Pa., Lumberman, 1 130 Carpenter St., Philadelphia,
Ihamaki, Valentine, Pvt., ent'd. army Mch. 18, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Ilmajaki, Finland, Laborer, 249 i Ave., Duluth, Minn.
Imhof, Joseph J., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. btr>'.
3o6th field artillery
C. Oct. 12, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Mail carrier, 75 Bay 23 St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Immergut, Jacob, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Corp Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. June 17, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Water-inspector, 229 E. 87 St., N. Y. C.
Ingulli, Charles W., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18, transf'd F. A. Schl. In-
struction Salaunes July 6, '18, apt'd Corp. Nov. 12, '18, rejoined
306 F. A. Nov. 30, '18, assgd. btr>'. C. Bom N. Y. C, Sales-
man, 890 Eagle Ave., N. Y. C.
IsTA, Benjamin, C, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A., assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Hampton, Minn. Farmer, Hampton, Minn.
Ives, Howard S., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Corp. May 14, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
2 yrs. N. G. N. Y., Athletic Instructor, 371 Wadsworth Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Ivimey, Theodore, 2d Lieut., commissioned Plattsburg, N.
Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 4, '17, assgd. btry. F, Sep.
17, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. 19, '18, transf'd S. O. S. Sep. 10,
'18. grad. Amherst College, 1917. Student, 2287 Loring PI.,
Bronx, N. Y.
Jackson, Francis D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. D, Sep. 14, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd
Sgt. Jan. I, '18, Rd. Pvt. icl. Sep. 8, '18. Bom Hoboken, N. J.
Electrician, 872 Woodlock Ave., N. Y. C.
Jacobs, Fay R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Grant,
111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Rose-
lawn, Ind., Messenger, 655 W. 62 St., Chicago, 111.
Jacobson, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
F. Bom Botosani, Russia, Tailor, 815 Trinity Ave., Bron.x,
N. Y.
Jacobson, Joseph M., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
Med. Detach. Jan. 15, '18. Bom Russia, Cutter, 1386 5 Ave.,
N. Y. C.
J.\coBSON, Lee, Pvt., ent. army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Mch. 24, '18. assgd. Hq. Co., Bom Norway,
3 yrs. U. S. C. A. C. Farmer, Minn.
Jacolow, Louis, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
D, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Corp. May 14, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Actor,
220 Bushwick Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Jaffe, Mark, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. D,
Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Corp. May 14, '18. Bom Manchester, Eng.,
Salesman, 946 Union Ave., N. Y. C.
Jaffe, Philip H, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
B Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i,
'18. Bom Kovno, Russia, Salesman, 224 Bay 14 St., B'klyn,
Janssen, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B Apr. 16, '18. Bom Minn.,
Farmer, Richtnond, Minn.
Jarman, George W., Jr., ist Lieut., commissioned 2nd Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 3, '17,
assgd. btry. F, Sep. 17, '17, on D. S. Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., Nov.
28-Dec. 8, '17, apt'd 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '18, transf'd Hq. Co.
Apr. I, '18, 9 yrs. Hamilton MiHtary Inst. N. Y. C. I yr. Sq. A
N. G. N. Y. 6 mos. Federal Service, Mexican Border, grad.
Princeton Unv. 1915 A.B. Import salesman, Princeton Club,
N. Y. C.
Jarrell, William W., Maj., commissioned ist Lieut.
Thomasville, Ga. 1917, joined 306 F. A. Sep. l, '17, assgd. Med.
Detach, apt'd Capt. Nov. 1917, apt'd. Maj. May i, '18. Bom
Cartersville, Ga., grad. Emory College, 1897 A.B. Vanderbilt
Unv. 1901, M.D., Federal Service, Mexican Border Sep. 1916-
Jan. 191 7. Physician, 343 E. Jackson St., Thomasville, Ga.
Jasky, Stanley, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
B, Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17. Bora Poland, Russia,
Laborer, Ridgefield, N. J.
Jelnet, Louis J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, as'gd btry.
F, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Dropped from rolls.
Jennings, Ralph M., Pvt., ent'd army July 23, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Nov. 3, '18,
Bom McClure, O., Farmer, McClure, O.
Jennrich, Frank, Jr., HS., ent'd army Feb. 26,' 18, Camp
Dodge. la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Wag. July 9, '18, apt'd HS. July 25, '18. Bom Egentown.
Minn., Farmer, Mendota, Minn.
Jensen, Christian W., Sgt., ent'd army May 7, '17, Jeffer-
son Barracks, Mo., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Oct. 19, '17,
19, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 20, '17, transf'd btry. A, Aug. 23,
'18, apt'd. Sgt. Oct. 21, '17, Rd. Corp. Jan. 20, '19. Bom
Chicago, 111., 5 mos. C. A. C, Ft. Greble, Rhode Island, Me-
chanic, 1 801 No. California Ave., Chicago, 111.
Jensen, Oscar L., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. Med.
Detach. Dropped from rolls July 19, '18. Bora Denmark,
Chiropodist, N. Y. C.
Jewell, Frank C, Col., commissioned 2d Lieut. West
Point, N. Y. 1899, assgd. 5 Artillery, apt'd ist Lieut. Art.
Corps, 1901, apt'd Capt. Art. Corps, 1904, apt'd Maj. C. A.
Corps, 1916, detailed Adj. Genl. July-Aug., 1917, apt'd Lt.
Col. F. A. N. A., 1917, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 25, '17, on D. S.
Schl. Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla. Sep. 26, '17-Jan. 4, '18, C. O. 306 F.
A. Jan. 4-Feb. 7, '18, apt'd Liaison Officer 77 Div. Mch. 18, '18,
left Regt. Mch. 20, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. U. S. S. Leviathan
Apr. 22, '18, apt'd Col. C. A. C. May 22, '18, transf'd C. A.
June 14, '18, grad. Beloit (Wis.) College Academy 1893, U. S.
Mil. Acdy. 1899 C. A. Schl. Ft. Monroe, Va. 1904 Ft. Wads-
worth, N. Y., 1899-1901 Instructor West Point, N. Y., 1901-
1903 Ft. Monroe, Va., 1903-4 Presidio, Cal., 1904-5 Army
Transport Service, Philippines, 1905-7 Havana, Cuba, 1907-9
Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1909-10 Ft. Bank, Mass., 1910-12 Ft.
Monroe, Va., 1912-14 Ft. McKinley, Me., 1914-17.
Johannesen, Arthur, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Ck. Dec. 4, '17, Rd. Pvt. July 28, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Butcher, 8620 17 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Johnson, Albert L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
wounded in action Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bora
Quincy, Mass., Teamster, 70 Garfield St., Quincy, Mass.
Johnson, Fred E., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. Nov. 15, '17, apt'd Sgt. Apr. i, '18, Rd. Pvt.
Sep. 7, '18, transf'd Hosp. Oct. 18, '17. Dropped from rolls.
Johnson, Frederick E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry D, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
Buffalo, Minn., Laborer, 531 Washington St., MinneapoUs,
Johnson, Harry J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 21, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd
Corp. Apr. I, '19. Bom Moline, 111., Clerk, 3945 36 Ave., So.
Mirmeapolis, Minn.
Johnson, John A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. Sup. Co. Bom
Gibbon, Minn., Farmer, Winthrop, Minn.
Johnson, Lester E., Pvt., ent'd army July 18, '18, E. Green-
wich, Rhode Island, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach.
Oct. 15, '18. Bom Rhode Island, Trapper, Hamilton, Rhode
Johnson, Marvin G., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 4, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Bora
Erie, Pa., Clerk, 76 Pinehurst Ave., N. Y. C.
Johnson, William, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Easton, Me., Laborer, Easton, Me.
Johnson, William L., Pvt., joined 306 F. A. June 12, '18,
assgd. btry. C, transf'd Replacement Depot, July 10, '18.
Dropped from rolls. Farmer.
Johnston, Edward G., 2d Lieut, ent'd army Sep. 5, '17,
Camp Custer, Mich., apt'd Corp. Sep. 1917, apt'd Sgt. Oct.
Johnston, Edward C, 2d Lieut, ent'd army Sep. 5, '17
19, '17, apt'd Sgt. Oct. 19, '17 on D. A. O. T. S. Camp Custer,
transf'd Saumur Art. SchL Apr. 1918, commissioned 2d Lieut.
July 12, '18, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 8, '18, assgd. btry. F.
Bom Yale, Mich. grad. Elma College, B.A. Student, Yale,
JoLSON, Albert, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Bloom-
ing Prairie, Minn., Tailor, Geneva, Minn.
JoNCAS, Marius R., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. F, Apr. 19, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom Quebec, Cda.,
Spinner, 366 Lowell St., Lawrence, Mass.
Jones, Henry C, Pvt., ent'd anny Feb. 20, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Pitcaim, N. Y., Farmer, Ellisbury, N. Y.
Jones, Robert R., Pvt., ent'd army Jan. 10, '18, assgd. Sup.
Co. Mch. 18, '18. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Seaman, 25 South
St., N. Y. C.
JoRGENSEN, Carl, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, btry. D, Apr.
19, '18 Bom Copenhagen, Denmark, 3>^ yrs. Danish, N. G.,
Head-waiter, 158 E. 46 St., N. Y. C.
JoRGENSEN, JoHN ^^, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btr>'. F, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, sent to Base
Hospital, rejoined btry. F, Dec. 17, '18. Bom Aarhus, Den-
mark, Estimator, 903 Home St., Bronx, N. Y.
Joyce, George C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C,
apt'd Pvt. id. Bell-boy capt., 153 South St., Jamaica Plain
Jullig, George, J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btr>'. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-
Chartreuve, sent to Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, B'klyn, N. Y.
Kafka, Julius, Bugler, ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Oct. 2, '17. Chauffeur, N. Y. C.
Kagan, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Jan. 4, '18, assgd. Med.
Detach, apt'd Pvt. icl. June 21, '18, wounded Aug. 24, '18,
Chery-Chartreuve, sent to Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Bom Russia, Salesman.
Kallinen, Charles O., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D. Apr. 15, '18,
transf'd Base Hospital, July 15, '18. Farmer.
Kaminski, Theophile, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Med. Detach, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18. Dropped from rolls June
2, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Pharmacist, B'klyn, N. Y.
Kaminsky, John, Pvt., ent'd. army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Russia, Iron-miner, Aurora, Minn.
Kamps, Ernest H., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btr^'. E, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18, transf'd U. S. A.
Genl. Hosp. I, Mch. 9, '18, rejoined btry. E, Sep. 25, '18 on
D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 20, 'i8-Jan. 3, '19.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, 7013 18 Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kane, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '18, assgd. Hq.
Co. Dec. 10, '17, killed inaction Aug. 19, '18 Ch6ry-Chartreuve.
Shipbuilder, B'klyn, N. Y.
Kane, William P., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18, assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, May 5, '18. Bom
Far Rockaway, N. Y., Mason, 1625 Central Ave., Far Rocka-
way, N. Y.
Kaplan, Samuel, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Sep. 23, '17, killed in action Sep. 12, '18 Vauxcere. Bom
Russia, Teacher, N. Y. C.
Kaplor, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd.
Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Glcncoe, Minn., Farmer, Johnson,
Karlo, K\stano, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Vilinsk, Russia, Rubber- worker, 70 Endicott St., Boston,
Karlson, Wesley, 2d Lieut., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
304 F. A. Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, apt'd ist Sgt.
Nov. 2, '17 on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. July 19, '18, commis-
sioned 2d Lieut. Nov. I, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B,
Nov. I, '18. Bom Providence, Rhode Island, Mechanical
Constructor, 20 W. 129 St., N. Y. C.
Karnowsky, Frank, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd
btry. E, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Clerk, 1509 75 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Katz, Harry L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
on D. S. with Stars and Stripes July 28, '18, transf'd I Censor
& Press Co. Nov. 27, '18.
Kaufman, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
F, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Dropped from rolls.
Born N. Y. C, Foreman, 1 157 Intervale Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Kaufman, Rudolph G., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. btry. B, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May I, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Famier, 36 W. 116 St., N. Y. C.
Kay, Clarence D., Pvt. ent'd army July 26, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Oct. 30, '18.
Born Rockcastle, W Va., Farmer, Rockcastle, W. Va.
Keane, Andrew F., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd. btry.
A, Sep. 23, '17, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom
Longford, Ireland, Laborer, 341 E 78 St., N. Y. C.
Kear, John M., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry. F,
Apr. 18, '18. Born N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 206 W. 60 St., N. Y. C
Kearns, Frank D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-
Chartreuve. Bom Patchogue, N. Y. Clerk, 621 Nostrand Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Kearns, Geoege A., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, wounded Nov. 5 '18, La
Besace. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Driver, 621 Nostrand Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Kearns, Thomas V., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, 'i8, assgd.
btry. A, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom N. Y. C.
6Ji yrs. yrs. 71 Regt. N. G. N. Y. Salesman, 173 E. ill St.,
N. Y. C.
Keating, Patrick M., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btr>'. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Mch. 21, '18,
transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 19, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 24, '18,
wounded Aug. 28, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Burr, Ireland,
Clerk, 247 E. 39 St., N. Y. C.
Keenan, Earl J., ist Lieut., commissioned Plattsburg, N.
Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Dec. 27, '17, assgd. btry. C
Dec. 27, '17, transf'd to Hq. Co. Feb. II, '18, transf'd to Bal-
loon School July 3, '18. Electrician, 58 Stusson St., Rochester,
N. Y.
Kehoe, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Seaman, 32 Bunker Hil
St., Charlestown, Mass.
Kelevin, Michael J., Pvt., ent'd army Aug. 28, '17, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10,
'17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18. Bom Lithuania, Russia, Stu-
dent, 569 No. Colony St., Meriden, Conn.
Kellas, Ale.xander W., Wag., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. B, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Automobile Mechanic, Houseboat Seneca, 207 St., &
Hudson River, N. Y. C.
3o6th field artillery
Kelle, August C, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom E. Boston, Mass., Egg-tester, 268 Princeton St., E.Boston,
Kelleher, Paul, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Feb. 5, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 1855 3 Ave., N. Y. C.
Keller, Donald W., Pvt., ent'd army May 13, '18, Jefferson
Barracks, Mo., apt'd Corp. July 8, '18, joined 306 F. A. Sep.
16, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Rd. Pvt. by transfer Sep. 16, '18. Bom
AUerton, la.. Clerk, 2413 Denver St., Kansas City, Mo.
Keller, Frank, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Ck. Nov. I, '17, Rd. Pvt., Jan. 10, '18, apt'd Corp. Jan.
10, 1 8 apt'd Sgt. Mch. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Foreman, 1252
3 Ave., N. Y. C.
Kelley, Sidney G., 2d. Lieut, commissioned Plattsburg, N.
Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 27, '17, assgd. btry. C,
transf d Hq. Co. Apr. i, '18, transf'd to Casual Officers' Centre
for transportation to U. S.Aug. 25, 'l8,grad. Yale Unv., 11 mos.
loF.A. Student, 20 W. 88 St., N. Y.C.
Kelly, James M., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btrj'.
B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Mech. Apr. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. June 10, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, 1009 B'way, B'klyn, N. Y.
Kelly, Joseph M., Mech. ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, 'i8, apt'd Mech.
Feb. I, '|8. Born N. Y. C, Iron-worker, Shelter Island, N. Y.
Kelly, Richard, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 2127 3 Ave., N. Y.
Kelly, Robert H., HS., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
F, apt'd HS. Aug. 4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Driver, 508
Gates Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kelly, Timothy F., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18, apt'd Corp.
Mch. 14, '18. Bom Ballansloe, Ireland, Policeman, 129 Frank-
lin Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Keim, Fred H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Chan-
hassen, Minn., Freight-handler, 630 Monroe St., N. E. Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Keneston, Leon R., Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 16, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Bom Providence, Rhode Island, Clerk, 865 Eddy St., Provi-
dence, Rhode Island.
Kennedy, Martin E., Pvt., ent'd army July 26, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Oct. 30, '18.
Bom Lewis Cty., Ky., Farmer, Manchester, O.
Kennedy, Michael J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17 assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 16, '17. Bom Greene Farms. Conn., Teamster,
236 W. 147 St.. N. Y. C.
Kennedy, Thomas J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry. A, May 5, '18. Bom Limerick, Ireland, Farmer, 235 E.
89 St., N. Y. C.
Kepley, Walter O., Pvt., ent'd army May 29, '18, Reading,
Pa., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 16, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Bom Read-
ing, Pa., Brass poHsher, 530 So. 18K St., Reading, Pa.
Kerber, William, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Sigoumey, la.. Mechanic, Sigoumey, la.
Kerr, Daniel F., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom So. Amboy, N. J., Boiler-maker, 219 50 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kerr, David C, Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Philadelphia,
Pa., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 16, '18 assgd. Hq. Co. Bom Phila-
delphia, Pa., Machinist, 213 E. Sedgewick St., Philadelphia,
Kerrigan, John W., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Born Winchester, Mass., Clerk, 79 Swanton St., Arlington,
Ketcham, John H., Capt., commissioned 2d Lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. attch'd. btry. A, Sep.
I, '17, apt'd 1st Lieut. Dec. 31, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. 1918
assgd. btry. F, June 11, '18, apt'd Capt. Oct. 11, '18. Bom
Menominee, Wis., 6 yrs. 23 Inf. N. G. N. Y., 3 yrs. i Cav. N. G.
N. Y. Sugar refiner, 102 Lincoln Rd., B'klyn, N. Y.
Key, Nezrett S., Pvt., ent'd army May 10, '18, Ft. Thomas,
Ky., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18. Bom Hen-
derson, Tenn., Brakeman, I2i Crescent Ave., Jackson, Tenn.
Keyes, Ralph E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. i8,'l8 sent
to Base Hospital June 4, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Kiefer, Christopher, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 18, '18, assgd.
btry, B, May 19, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Insurance Agt., 805
Knickerbocker Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kienle, Joseph C, Pvt., ent'd army May 21, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18, apt'd
Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Born Columbus O., Locomotive-fireman, 62
Dakota Ave., Columbus, O.
KiERNAN, James J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, 'l8,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Bom Lawrence, Mass., Butcher,
Coolidge St., Lawrence, Mass.
Kilpatrick, William, HS., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry, B, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd HS. Aug. i, '18. Bom So. Man-
chester, Conn., Chauffeur, 516 9 Ave., Astoria, Long Island,
N. Y.
Kincaid, Isaac D., Pvt., ent'd army June 2, '18. Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16. '18
Bom Mt. Pleasant, Va., Salesman, 228 Trenton St., Pittsburgh,
King, Harry E., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. Oct. II, '17. Bom Indianapolis, Ind. Clerk, 1314 Ave. H,
B'klyn, N. Y.
King, Martin L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18. Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom Somerville, Mass., Teamster, 22 Dana St., Somerville,
King, Milton A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Apr. 20, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Clerk.
King, Schuyler, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. btry,
C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 5, '18. Born
Chester, N. Y., Civil Eng., 835 St., John's Place, B'klyn, N. Y.
KiNKENNON, Jacob J., HS., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 36 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18 apt'd
Wag. July 9, '18, apt'd. HS. July 25, '18 Bom Mitchell
County, Kan., Farmer, Guthrie Centre, la.
Kinney, Herbert H., Pvt. icl. ent'd army Oct. 11, '17.
assgd. btry. C, apt'd, Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18 Born Dayton, O.,
Actor, 2247 Sycamore St., Birmingham, Ala.
Kinsland, Herbert H., Pvt., ent'd army July 24, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. Oct. 31, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
Bom Clyde, N. C, Chauffeur, Clifton, S. C.
Kirane, James H., Pvt., ent'd army May 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Lowell, Mass., Leather-grainer, 32 Crosby St., Lowell,
Kircharr, Shirley H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 7, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Jeddo, Ala., Farmer, Jeddo, Ala.
KiRKPATRiCK, Jere., Capt. M. R. C, commissioned ist
Lieut. So. Pittsburgh, Tenn., 1917, transf'd 302d F. S. Bn.
apt'd Capt. Jan. 15, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach.
Feb. 19 1 8, transf'd 305 Inf. Feb. 20, '19. Bora Tenn., grad.
Vanderbilt Unv., i9i6,M.D. 3 yrs. 5 U. S. Inf. (including 29>^
mos. service Phihppines). Physician, So. Pittsburgh, Tenn.
KiSLlNG, Harry C, Pvt., ent'd army Ajir. 5, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Banton, la., Farmer, Urbano, la.
KiTTRiDGK, Martin E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Clinton, Mass., Lumber-jack, 14 Coyne St., Clinton, Mass.
Klaris, A.vthony p., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 8, 'i8. Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom St. James, Minn., Clerk, St. James, Minn.
Klee, Walter H., ist Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y. Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd ist Lieut. Sep. 5 '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., 2 yrs
2 F. A. N. G. N. Y. 312 W. 98 St., N. Y. C.
Klein, Fred, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. btry. C,.
apt'd Corp. Dec. 26, '17, apt'd Sgt. May 20, '18. Born Ulm,
Wurtemburg, Germany, Manager, 17 \V. 91 St., N. Y. C.
Klein, Michael, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19.
Bom N. Y. C, 3 yrs. U. S. Cav. 3 yrs. U. S. C. A. Teamster,
304 So. 3 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kleinhampl, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Pittsburg, Pa., Cabinet-maker, 1138 Brabec St., No. Side,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Kleinhesselink, Jake, HS., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
HS. Aug. I, '18. Bom Orange City, la.. Farmer, Orange City,
Kleis, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born Cold
Spring, Minn., Farmer, R. F. D. i, Watkins, Minn.
Kling, Arthur R., Muse. 2cl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. C, transf'd Hq. Co. Oct. 21, '17, apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2,
'18, apt'd Muse. 2cl. Apr. 12, '18. Bom Cobleskille, N. Y.,
Bar-keeper, 210 E. 62 St., N. Y. C.
Klose, Arnold G. A., Sgt., ent'd army Ft. Slocum, N. Y.,
Aug. 1917, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10, '17,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 1917, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 1918, grad. Lafayette
College, 1917 A.B. Munitions, E. Moriches, Long Island,
N. Y.
Knasin, Edward J., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Corp.
Apr. 20, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Bookkeeper, 477 Central
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Knell, Elmer M., Pvt., ent'd army June 2, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Pittsburgh, Pa., Machine-hand, 3028 Venzel St., Pitts-
burgh, Pa.
Knight, Daniel E., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Sgt. Dec. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. Mch. 28, '18, apt'd
Wag. Apr. I, '18. Bom Brunswick, Ga., 6 yrs. N. G., Fla.
Painter & Decorator, Beach St., Kingston, Fla.
Knight, Joseph W., Jr., Pvt. icl. ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Wareham, Mass., Far-
mer, Obry St., Plymouth, Mass.
Knight, Ralph, Pvt., ent'd army May 30, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18. Bom
Westfield, Mass., Street Railroad Conductor, 21 Kellogg St.,
Westfield, Mass.
Knipe, William J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. Sep. 22, '17, transf'd btrj'. D, Jan. 11, '18, apt'd Corp.
June 18, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Letter-carrier, 168 Diamond
St., B'klyn. N. Y.
Kno.x', George L., Pvt., ent'd army May 22, 'i8, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Apt., Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Bruin, Pa., Oil Producer, Bruin,
Knudson, Brnjamin, Pvt., cnl'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Albert Lea. Minn., Egg business, Albert Lea, Minn.
Koch, Edward A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 15, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Alhambra, 111., Farmer, Arcadia, O.
Koch, Henry C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18. Born Bridgetown, N. J.,
Stenographer, 493 Pearl St., Bridgetown, N. J.
Koerbel, Jacob W., Regtl. Sgt. Maj., ent'd army Dec. 8,
'17, assgd. btry. E, transfd. Hq. Co. Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Corp.
Mch. 15, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 8, '18, apt'd Regtl. Sgt. Maj.
Aug. 24, '18. Born N. Y. C, Stenographer, 309 E. 157 St.,
N. Y. C.
Koffei.l, ArthIj'r p., Pvt., ent'd army July 26, '18. Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Oct. 30, '18.
Born Massillion, C, Potter, 228 Walnut St., E. Liverpool, O.
Kohlmeier, William, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. June 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-
Chartreuve, transf'd Base Hospital rejoined btry. F, Dec. 17,
'18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Undertaker, 318 So. i St., B'klyn, N,
Kohlmeyer, Harry, Muse. 2cl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
assgd. btry. A, transf'd Hq. Co. Nov. 28, '17, apt'd Muse. 3cl.
Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Muse. 2cl. Apr. 4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Chauffeur, 1728 Putnam Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kohnfelder, Ferdinand C, Pvr. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10,
'17, assgd. btry. E, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 15, '19.
Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 72 Vermilyea Ave., N. Y. C.
Koke, Herman, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
B, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May I, '18, apt'd Mech. Apr. i,
'19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Carpenter, 1473 De Kalb Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Koleszar, John J., Jr., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Corp Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan.
I, '18. Born N. Y. C, Theatrical Publicity, 426 E. 77 St.,
N. Y. C.
KoLOSOK, John, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens
Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C. Born
Wolena, Russia, Laborer, 60 Revere St., Boston, Mass.
Kongalos, James A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp.
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Leiceken, Greece, Farmer, Grand Rapids, Minn.
K0NV.ALINKA, Laurence W., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. F, apt'd Corp. Feb. I, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18
Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn., N. Y., Architectural Drafts-
man, 559 Bedford Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Koparian, Vahan, Pvt., ent'd army Jan. 9, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18, transf'd
2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 17, '18.
Kopelman, Julius, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btrj'. C.
Bom Russia, Grocer, 76 Village St., Boston, Mass.
Kopp, Joseph J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. btry.
A, Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Corp. Feb. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Motorcyclist, 183 Hill St., Maspeth, N. Y.
KOPY, Andro, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18, apt'd Pvt.
icl. Jan. 15, '19, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom
Woleze WoUn, Poland, Russia, Rifle Inspector, 145 Cleveland
St., New Britain, Conn.
Kouri, Thomas F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Itowo, Syria, Salesman, Virginia, Minn.
Kr.\ch, William, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
A, Apr. 19, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, 674 Mac-
donough St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Kraeger, Charles H., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '18, assgd.
3o6th field artillery
Hq. Co. apt'd Sgt. July lo, 'i8. Bom N. Y. C, Cashier, 517
W. 150 St., N. Y. C.
Krakow, Maurice, Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 5, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. Sep. 14, '17, apt'd Corp. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Rgtl. Sup.
Sgt. Jan. 25, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 11 E. 106 St.,
N. Y. C.
Kransdorf, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10,
'18. Bom Austria, Conductor, 180 Ave. C, N. Y. C.
Krantzow, Isaac L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, wounded Aug. 18, '18.
Ch^ry-Chartreuve, sent to Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Kraus, David, Pvt., ent'd army Nov. 16, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Corp Apr. 3, '18, apt'd Sgt.
July 28, '18, Rd. Pvt. Nov. 4, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. I, '19.
Bom N. Y. C. grad. C. C. N. Y., 1914 A.B. grad. Columbia Law
School, LL.B. 1917. Lawyer, 337 E. 77 St., N. Y. C.
Krause, Gustave W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Grant, 111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom
Wanatah, Ind., Jewelry Salesman, 471 1 No. Artesian Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Krisyinski, Walter, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, sent
to Hospital Sep. 13, '18. Dropped from rolls. Farmer, Isanti,
Krisyinski, Willie, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Seattle, Wash. Farmer, Isanti, Minn.
Krueger, Edwin O., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Mch. 4, '18. Bom Buffalo, N. Y., Chauffeur, 83
Sherman St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Kruel, Frank, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. B, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icL Apr. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Printer, 1566 Ave. A., N. Y. C.
Krurborske, Stanistru, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19,
'18. Bom Poland, Farmer, 8 Association Ave., Bridgewater,
KucKER, Walter N., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Oct. 13, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp.
Apr. I, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Cutter, 453 Enfield St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
KuEHN, Henry C, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. July i, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 15
Snyder St., B'klyn, N. Y.
KujAWSKi, John M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, assgd.
btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Warsaw, Poland, Russia, Assem-
bler, 1641 So. Throop St., Chicago, 111.
KuRiLOFF, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Dec. 26, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18. Bom Russia,
4 yrs. U. S. Navy, Machinist, 352 New Jersey Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
KuTZ, Mervin L., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Carlisle, Pa., Bookkeeper, 400 E. Main St., Mechanics-
burg, Pa.
KwAPiCH, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
E, Mch. 4, '18. Bom Buffalo, N. Y., Machinist, 352 Lovejoy
St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Lajoie, Wilbrod J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
apt'd Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Gardner, Mass., Chauffeur,
103 Ash St., Gardner, Mass.
La M.\rque, George, Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Shorehara, Vt., Farmer, Shoreham, Vt.
Lamb, Robert H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
C, Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, N. Y. C.
Lambert, Edmond, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Central Falls, Rhode Island, Section-hand, 64 Watson St.
Central Falls, Providence, R. I.
Lambert, Frederick T., Pvt., ent'd. army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18,
18. Bom No. Andover, Mass., Carder, 165 Lowell St., Law-
rence, Mass.
Lambiase, Alexander, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 30, '17, apt'd Ck., Nov. i, '17. Bom N. Y. C,
Butcher, 396 Atlantic Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lambus, Frank J., Pvt., ent'd army May 15, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Sep. 16, '18.
Born Wheeling, W.Va., Machinist, 1024 Chaphne St., Wheel-
ing, W. V^a.
Lampert, Theodore H., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. D, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd Sgt.
Apr. I, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 720 Riverside Drive,
N. Y. C.
Lanclault, Alcide, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 24, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Ware, Mass., Woolen-spinner, 62 Aspen St., Ware, Mass.
Landrigan, David J., Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Oct. 30, '18.
Bom Detroit, Mich, Railroad Brakeman, 941 13 St., Lorain,
Landsborough, Thomas K., Pvt., ent'd army May 28, '18,
Camp Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Sep. 16^
'18. Bom Scranton, Pa., Miner, 202 Wylbor St., Scranton, Pa.
Lane, Alfred, Pvt., ent'd army May 23, '18, Camp Jackson,
S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Sep. 16, '18. Bom
Shanaken, N. Y., Shoemaker, Chichester, N. Y.
Lane, Le Roy E., Pvt., ent'd army May 9, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. July 8, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom
Ransom, N. Y., Laborer, 143 Manhattan St., Ashley, Pa.
Laney, Frank A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Sep. 6, '18 Blanzy. Bom Skowhegan, Me., Cook, 70
Bartlett St., Roxbury, Mass.
Lang, Charles J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 21, '18, Ft. Slocum,
N. Y., transf'd Camp Jackson, S. C, apt'd Corp., joined 306
F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. by transfer, transf'd
F. A. Mo tor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Electrician, 971 Metropohtan Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lang, George B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. Hq.
Co. Mch. 4, '18, transf'd btry. E, June 10, '18. Bora N. Y. C,
Clerk, 323 E. 90 St., N. Y. C.
Langevin, Henris L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. bttry. D, Apr. 16, '18.
Bora Coventry, Rhode Island, Fireman, Main St., Quidnick,
Rhode Island.
Langford, Grover, Pvt., ent'd army June 27, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. Oct. 30, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Bora Old Town, Fla., Farmer, Newbury, Fla.
Langlois, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18,
sent to Hospital July 15, '18. Dropped from rolls. Laborer.
Langton, John, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry. B,
Oct. II, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Press-hand, 1154 Manhattan
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lanza, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 22, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, 'l8. BomAccodia,
Italy, Barber, 7405 New Utrecht Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
La Piere, Harley W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bora Denmark, N. Y.,
Farmer, Copenhagen, N. Y.
Lapointe, Rock, Pvt., ent'd army May 30, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 16, '18, assgd. btry. C-
Bom Three Rivers, Mass., Millhand, 69 W. Main St., Three
Rivers, Mass.
La Porte, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
E, Dec. 9, '17, sent to Base Hospital Sep. i, '18. Dropped from
rolls. 781 Eagle Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Laproire, Pietro, Pvt., ent'd array May 29, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. btr>-. C, Sep. 16, '18. Bom Viesta, Italy, Laborer,
8 Lyons St., Worcester, Mass.
Larkin, James S., ist Lieut, commissioned ist Lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Aug.
31, '17, transf'd Casual Officers' Centre for transportation to
U. S. Aug. 25, '18, 2 yrs. Sq. A, N. G. N. Y. Bond Broker,
Locust Valley, N. Y.
Larnev, Edwin, 2d Lieut., ent'd army Sep. 5, '17, attch'd
3 O. T. C, Camp Grant, 111., transf'd Saumur Art. School, com-
missioned 2nd Lieut. June I, '18, joined 306 F. A. Sep. u, '18-
assgd. btry. B. Bom Chicago, 111., grad. De Pauw Unv. A.M,
Notre Dame Unv. LL.B. Lawyer, 3702 So. Western Ave..
Chicago, 111.
Larson, Arthur M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Grant, 111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Christiania, Norway, Marine-fireman, 1750 No. Fairfield Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Larson, Oscar, Wag., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 12, '18, apt'd Wag. Mch. 5, '18, on
D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Born
Tacoma, Washington, Bank clerk, Zillah, Wash.
La Rue, Robert M., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, 'i8, assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 20, '18. Bora Bay City, Mich., Traffic Mgr., 425
W. 160 St., N. Y. C.
Lashua, V'asil, Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18, joined 306 F. A.
Sep. 16, '18, assgd. btry. C, transf'd 2d F. A. brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Laufer, Philip A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Sep. 15, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18, Rd. Pvt. Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19 Born
B'klyn, N. Y., Baker, 1385 Madison St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lauritzen, Herman C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. D. Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 4, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Fireman, 690 E. 161 St., N. Y. C.
Lauricella, Dominick, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Dec. 9, '17. Bom Messina, Italy, Storekeeper, 198
Utica Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lauter, Charles F., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. B. Sep. 12, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. I, '17, on D. S. Saumur
Art. Schl. Aug. 20, '18. Bom Carlstadt, N. J., Electrical Con-
tractor, Greene, Chenango Cty., N. Y.
Layer, Richard G., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp,
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry D, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Mansfield, O., Shipping Clerk, 93 Park Ave., E. Mans-
field, O.
Lavick, Oscar, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18. Born
Vilna Molat, Russia, Machine-worker, 85 Lucerne St., Dor-
chester, Mass.
La Voie, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army May 28, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Sep. 14, '18
Bom Boston, Mass., Machinist, 184 London St., E. Boston,
Lawrence, Clark J., ist Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y. Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 4, '17,
assgd. Reconnaissance Officer, Sep. 10, '17, attch'd Hq. Co.
Sep. 17, '17, apt'd Intelligence Officer Oct. 17, '17, apt'd ist
Lieut. Jan. 3, '18, assgd. btry. E, Feb. 11, '18 C. O. btry. E,
Argonne Campaign apt'd Capt. Feb. 23, '19. Bora Malone,
N. Y., grad. Cornell College Architecture, 3 yrs. ist Regt. N. G.
N. Y., Architect, 124 Elm St., Malone, N. Y.
Lawrence, John A., Corp. ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Oct. 12, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Corp.
Sep. 30, '18 Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 1642 68 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Le.\hv, William F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Bom Salem, Mass., Shoe-worker, 35 Irving St., Salem, Mass.
Leangos, Alciblades E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry.
C. Bom Kirasovo, Greece, Waiter, 12 Neeland St., Boston,
Lease, Frederick Y., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18,
adpt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Born Dagabrook, Minn., Farmer,
Braincrd, Minn.
Leavitt, Thomas F, Pvt., ent'd army May 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, 'i8.
Bom Salisbury, Mass., Oiler, 48 Pleasant St., Newburyport,
Le Blanc, Edward L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Lakebura, New Brunswick, Cda., Paper-maker, 76 Middle
St.,Fitchburg, Mass.
Le Blanc, Thaddee, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Rogersville, N. B.,Cda., Mechanic, 23 Greenwood St.,
Gardner, Mass.
Lebonitte, Frank J., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Aug. 4, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-
Chartreuve, sent to Base Hospital, Dropped from rolls.
Lee, Arthur J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. July i, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 28, '18, wounded
Nov. 5, '18, La Besace, sent to Base Hospital. Dropped from
rolls. Clerk.
Leeb, Frank, Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btr>'
C, Apr. 6, '18. Born N. Y. C. Telephone Operator, 449 E. 84
St., N. Y. C.
Leedom, Atlee H., Pvt., ent'd army June I, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj-. D, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Dakota City, Neb., Farmer, Dakota City, Neb.
Lefferts, Alla.v, 1st Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut. Platts-
burg, Aug. 17, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 17, '17, assgd. btry. D,
commissioned ist Lieut. Jan. 5, '18. Bom N. Y. C. 8 yrs. N. G.
N. Y. 5 mos. Federal Service, Mexican Border, grad. Columbia
Unv.,Williams College, Manufacturer, 830 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
Leffler, Edward A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 15, '17,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
apt'd Pvt. icl. July 2, '18. Bora Clyde, Mo., Farmer, Great
Centre, la.
Lefkowitz, Max, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
A, Mch. 4, '18. Born N. Y. C, Instructor Physical Hygiene,
7 W. 112 St., N. Y. C.
Lefto, Levi, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl.
Aug. I, '18, killed by accident Oct. 22, '18, La Haraz^e, Hender-
son, Minn.
Leger, Alvre, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry C. Bom
Salem, Mass., Lathe Operator, 71 Harvard St., Salem, Mass.
Lehman, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Strawen, Minn., Farmer, Avoca, la.
Lehmann, Albert J., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Feb. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. Feb. 15, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Clerk, 524 Evergreen Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lehoullier, Alfred N., Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18. Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Woonsocket, Rhode Island, Weaver, 137 Kenyon Ave.,
Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Leer, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
3o6th field artillery
F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10,
'18, apt'd Corp. July I, '18, transf'd btry F, Aug. 7, '18, Rd.
Pvt. by transfer. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Asst. Mgr., 120 Pal-
metto St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Leipus, Tony J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Kovjia
City, Russia, Waiter, 1017 Main St., N. E. Minneapolis, Minn.
Leister, Robert M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Tinsmith, 1241 WiUoughby Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lemaire, Eugene J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Bom Fisherville, Mass., Clerk, Fisherville, Mass.
Lennon, John J., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
A, Dec. 9, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd Corp June 10,
'18. Apt'd Sgt. Oct. 21, '18, apt'd Sup. Sgt. Jan. 15, '19.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Stenographer, 368 Union St.. B'klyn, N. Y.
Leonard, William G., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 29, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp.
May I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 32 7 St., N. Y. C.
Lessard, Treffle, Pvt., ent'd army May 30, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Sep. 14, '18.
Bom Waterville, Me., Laborer, 12 Temple St., Waterville, Me.
Levesque, Jules, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, 'i8.
Bom Canada, Farmer, Salem, N. H.
Levey, Abraham, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18, assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, June 10, '18.
Bom N. Y. C. Clerk, 742 E. 9 St., N. Y. C.
Levi, Lewis R., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Corp. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18. transfd Saumur
Art. SchL July 22, '18, Factory Supt., N. Y. C.
Levien, Charles, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Fore-
man, 181 Franklin St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Levine, David, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 13, '18, assgd. btry.
E, Apr. 21, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Ironworker, 279 So. i St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Levoy, Joseph H., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
E, apt'd Sgt. May 17, 'iS, killed in action Aug. 18, '18 Ch(5ry-
Chartreuve. 3694 B'way, N. Y. C.
Levy, Clarence, Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Corp. Mch. 14, '18, apt'd Sgt. Aug. 15, '18, apt'd
Sup. Sgt. Sep. 3, '18, transf'd Base Hospital Sep. 13, '18,
Dropped from rolls. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Manufacturer, 1399
Dean St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Levy, Jerome, Wag., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauflfeur, 311 W.
in St., N. Y. C.
Levy, Nath.4n, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Apr. 19, '18, transf'd 2d F. A. brig. Nov. 16, '18. Electrician.
Lewis, David B., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co., apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18, on D. S. Motor Instruction Schl.
Clintonville, Wis., Mch. 27-Apr. I, '18. Born Northport,
Long Island, N. Y., Chauffeur, Northport, Long Island, N. Y.
Lewis, John, Pvt., ent'd army Aug. 1917, Ft. Slocum, N. Y.,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10, '17, gassed Aug.
21, '18 Ch(Jry-Chartreuve. sent to Base Hospital. Dropped
from rolls Aug. 26, '18. Bom Fairhaven, Mass., Tack Inspec-
tor, Fairhaven, Mass.
Lewis, Morris, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd. Med.
Detach. Jan. 15, '18. Born N. Y. C, Salesman, 112 W. 115
St., N. Y. C.
Lewnes, Aristotelis, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Ck. Apr. 11, '18. Bom Sparta, Greece, 210
Prospect Pk., W. B'klyn, N. Y.
Lichtenberger, Philip, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. lo, '17,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Feb. 15, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl., May 20, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Street-
lighter, 115 Ave. J. B'klyn, N. Y.
LiEBEL, Michael, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Mch. 4, '18.
Shell-shocked Aug. 19, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve, sent to Base
Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Lieberman, Philip T., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 18, '15, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18 on
D. S. Camp Engrs. Camp de Souge July 15, '18, transf'd Camp
Engrs. Camp de Souge, Nov. 24, '18. Bom New London,
Lifshitz, Morris, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. Sep. 22, '17. Bom Minsk, Russia, Painter & Paper-hanger,
1450 44 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lincoln, Charles S., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Malone, N. Y., Iceman,
64 Pearl St., Malone, N. Y.
Lindberg, Henry A., Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Bom Landkrona, Sweden, Butcher, 728 Elton Ave.,
Bronx, N. Y.
LiNDBLOM, Henry, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, killed by accident Oct. 22, '18, La Harazee.
Oslo, Minn.
Lindner, Charles H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btr>'. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, transf'd Central
Records Office, Sep. I, '18.
Link, John P., Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Corp. Oct. 20, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sup.
Sgt. Apr. I, '18. Bom Baltimore, Md., Clerk, 3530 Park
Heights Ave., Baltimore, Md.
Linnehan, Michael H., Pvt., ent'd army May 30, '18,
Campjackson, S. C, joined 306 F.A. assgd. btry.D, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Indian Orchard, Mass., Painter, 240 Main St., Indian
Orchard, Mass.
Lint, Walter H., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Richmond, Me., Fireman, Richmond, Me.
Linzey, Louis F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, assgd. Hq.
Co. Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 20, '18. Born Meredith,
N. Y., Auto-Mechanic, R. F. D. i, Catskill, N. Y.
Lippner, Edward E., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. B, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chdry-Chartreuve. apt'd Corp.
Nov. I, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman.
LisHNER, Barney, Pvt., ent'd army June 2, '18, joined 306
F. A., assgd. btry. D, Sept. 14, '18, transf'd 2d F. A. Brig. Nov.
16, '18.
Litourneau, Xavier, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Quebec, Cda., Teamster, 3 Cammitto Court, Amesbury,
Livingstone, Isadore, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 9, '18, Phila-
delphia, Pa., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. July 22, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Student, 221 Main St., Pennsgrove, N. J., Neil, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom E. Boston, Mass., Trunk-maker, 222 E. Eagle St., E.
Boston, Mass.
Lizzott, Fred A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Whitefield, N. H., Shoe-business, 16 Sanarac St., Little
Town, N. H.
Logan, Fred S., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18, wounded Nov. 5, '18, La Besace.
Bom Boston, Mass., Fruit Inspector, 13 Bodwell St., Dor-
chester, Mass.
Logan, John B., Pvt., eiu'ii army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery Chartreuve. Bom Lowell, Mass.,
Laborer, 10 Raymond PI., Lowell, Mass.
Loizzi, Rocco, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
C, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18, admitted S. O. S.
Ho.spital July 13, '18. Dropped from rolls. Ice-maker.
LoMBARDO, Anthony, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Med. Detach., gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chdry-Chartreuve. Me-
chanic, 226 Bushwick Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
London, William A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-
Chartreuve. Bom Rochester, N. Y., Salesman, 996 Trinity
Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
LooNAN, Thomas P., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Dec. 9, '17. Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 867 Elton Ave.,
Bronx, N. Y.
LoRENZEN, William D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 22, 'i8.
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 21, '18,
apt'd Pvt icl. Oct. 23, '18. Bom St. Ansgar, la.. Bank clerk
St. Ansgar, la.
LOTFOGEL, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. I, '18, wounded Nov. i, '18 Pylone.
Bom N. Y. C, clerk, 105 Cook St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Lough, Chester A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 10, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. D, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Shelton, Neb., Grocer, Sidell, Neb.
Loughran, Willlam v., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 1, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Clerk, 527 Woodland Ave., Woodhaven, N. Y.
LouzoN, Adolph, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 20, '18
Bom Bideford, Me., Weaver, New Market, N. H.
Love, Peter T., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. D, Sep. 16, '18. Bom
Worcester, Mass., Electrician, 12 Prioul St., Worcester, Mass.
Loving, Joseph R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Albert City, la.. Farmer, Albert City. la.
Lowengard, Richard O., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18,
attch'd O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 13, '18,
assgd. btry. C, apt'd Corp. Apr. 1 1, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18.
transf'd Saumur Art. School May 11, '18, grad. Massachusetts,
Inst. Tech.
LoziER, Harry H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. l, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Advertising
Mgr., 603 W. 139 St., N. Y. C.
Luca, S.alvatore, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Italy, Mason-tender, 14 High St., Salem, Mass.
Lucauski, Frank F., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Russia, Miner, 118 Water St., New Philadelphia, Pa.
LucEY, John V., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Cam;)
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 20, '18, assgd. btry. C,
admitted S. O. S. Hospital July 13, '18. Dropped from rolls.
LuCYK, John, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 30, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. E, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Rus-
sia, Laborer, 16 Salem St., Boston, Mass.
LuDWiG, Ernest, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, 'i8. Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Laborer, 38 Miller St., Methuen, Mass.
LuDwiG, Raymond M., Pvt., ent'd army May 29, '18, Colum-
bus Barracks, C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16,
'18. Bom Wemersville, Pa., Waiter, 536 Birch St., Reading,
LuKiNS, Morris R., Sgt., ent'd array Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
htry B, apt'd Corp. Oct. 20, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov, 2, '17, transf'd.
Saumur Art. School May 16, '18. Art Director.
LuNN, Clifford, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Born E. Douglas, Mass., Farmer, E. Douglas, Mass.
Lynch, Charles L., Corp., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F. Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Corp. Oct. 2, '18. Born Avon, Mass., Foreman, 18
Jacobs St., Maiden, Mass.
Lynch, James M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd Corp.
Dec. 10, '18. Bom New Rochelle, N. Y., Chauffeur, 57 Drake
Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.
Lynch, William J., Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd. Pvt. icl. May i, '18. Born Chelsea, Mass., Adver-
tising Solicitor, loi Parsons St., Brighton, Mass.
Lyngen, Henry E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26 '18 Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Chippewa, County, Minn., Farmer, Milan, Mmn.
Lyons, Michael, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 1, '18, apt'd Corp. May I, '18. Bom
Lismore, Ireland, Porter, 57 Watts St., N. Y. C.
Lyons, Thomas J,, Wag., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined ,-506 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
apt'd Wag. Apr. 20, '18. Bom Boston, Mass., Teamster, 32
St. Alphonsus St., Roxbury, Mass.
MacAuley, William, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 5, '17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Mch. 18, '18.
Bom Charlestown, Mass., Chauffeur, 295 Green St., Cambridge,
M.\cC0RM.\CK, Kenneth E., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assg'd Hq. Co. Dec. 10, '17, Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Compositor,
486 E. 34 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
M.ACCURio, Natalie, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Venice, Italy, Iron-miner, Buhl, Minn.
Macher, Otto G., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, a.ssgd. btry.
C, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Electrician, 303 W. 126 St.,
N. Y.C.
M.\CHUla, Adam, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Foley, Minn., Paper-maker, Sauk Rapids, Minn.
Machunze, Henry F., Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. Hq. Co. Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl. Apr. 4, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Drug Clerk, 653 Onderdonk Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
M.ackie, Percie B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 21, '18. Born
Chicago, 111., Clerk, Tyler, Minn.
MacNeil, Alexander, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Cape Britain, N. S., Cda., Molder, 270 South St., Bridge-
water, Mass.
McAleer, Edward J., Corp., ent'darmy Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry, F, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Corp. Sep. 22, '18, Rd. Pvt. Dec. 4, '18. Born Dro-
more, Ireland, Car Inspector, 167 Warren St., Lowell, Mass.
McAleer, Simon, Ch. Mech. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Mech. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Ch. Mech. July 1, '18.
Bom Tyrone, Ireland, Engineer, i6 \'an Ness PI., N. Y. C.
McArdle, Francis H., Jr., Mech., ent'd army Nov. 16, '17,
btry. F, apt'd Mech. Sep. 9, '18. Born B'klyn. N. Y., Clerk,
977 Bedford Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
McAvOY, Richard L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. i, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Oct. 15, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 1, '18. Bom Canar-
sie, N. Y., Seaman, 1457 E. 95 St., Canarsie, N. Y.
McBay, Albert, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
3o6th field artillery
Bom Somerville, Mass., Shoe-worker, 88 Water St., Medford,
McCabe, John B., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 16, '18, wounded Aug. l8, '18,
Ch^ry-Chartreuve, sent Base Hospital, Dropped from rolls.
572 E. 166 St., N. Y. C.
McCaffrey, John J., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Dec. 26, '17, apt'd Sgt. Feb. 5, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Policeman, Park Ave., Roosevelt, Long Island,
McCaffrey, "Walter I., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. C, admitted S. O. S. Hospital Oct. 14, '18. Dropped
from rolls. Street Railroad Conductor.
McCarren, William A., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd.
305 Inf. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. Apr. 14, '18. Bom Mov-
ille, Ireland, Mechanic, 304 State St., B'klyn, N. Y.
McCarthy, Alexander J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17,
assgd. btry. C, Oct. i, '17. Bom Cork Cty., Ireland, Gateman,
587 Lexington Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
McCarthy, Edward P., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18. Bom Lenox, Mass.,
Painter, 17 Diamond St., B'klyn, N. Y.
McCarthy, James, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Mill-operator, 12 Bailey St., Lawrence,
McCarthy, Joseph A., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 14, '17, apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Stock-clerk, 55 Warren St., Corona, N. Y.
McCarthy, Joseph A. T., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Corp. Dec. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. May 16, '18,
apt'd. Wag. May 17, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Accountant, 106
E. 56 St., N. Y. C.
McCauley, Thomas J., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom Long Island
City, N. Y., Bookkeeper, 24 Van Pelt St., Long Island City,
McClellan, Adams M., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 13, '18 assgd.
btry. B, apt'd icl. Pvt. Mch. 20, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 10
'18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May
16, '18.
McClellan, Lawrence, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F.A. Apr. 20, '18, assgd. btry.
C, transf'd 2d F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, 'l8. Laborer.
McCool, Joseph L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Bom Somerville, Mass., Teamster, 6 Flint St., Somerville,
McDermott, Edward J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. A, Oct. 11, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, transf'd
Base Hospital Aug. 28, '18. Dropped from rolls. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Clerk, B'klyn, N. Y.
McDoNAGH, Henry, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Pvt. icl Oct. 22, '18. Bom Arda, West Cama, Ire-
land, Motorman, 200 Silver St., So. Boston, Mass.
McDonald, Robert E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18,
'18. Bom Jamaica Plains, Mass., Teamster, 104 Jamaica St.,
Jamaica Plains, Mass.
McEllen, John F., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. June 10, '18,
wounded Aug. 22, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Clerk, 547 W. 129 St., N. Y. C.
McElroy, Peter J., Jr., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Police
man, 425 Neptune Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
McGiLL, James V., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, transf'd btry. E, Dec. 14, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i,
'18, apt'd Corp. Apr. I, '19. Born B'klyn, N. Y., grad. C. C.
N. Y., A.B. High School Teacher, 846 Lafayette Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
McGoldrick, Francis T., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Cty. Cavan,
Ireland, Motorman, 204 E. 90 St., N. Y. C.
McGovern, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch6ry-
Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Typewriter repairman,
2427 Van Cortlandt Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
McGrady, John, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 10, '18, assgd. btry.
B, Apr. 16, '18, died of disease Feb. 12, '19. Bom Glen Cove.,
N. Y., Lineman, Glen Cove, N. Y.
McGrath, Daniel, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Ireland, Laborer, 116 Chestnut St., Brookline, Mass.
McGrath, Edward F., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btr>'. C, Oct. 12, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Motorman, B'klyn,
McGrath, Joseph F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, 'i8, killed by accident Oct. 22, '18.
La Harazde, 11 Perkins St., Boston, Mass.
McGraw, Alfred C, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 17, '18, assgd. Ord.
Detach. Bom St. John's N. B., Cda., Laborer, 1817 River St.,
Hyde Park, Mass.
McGuire, Patrick, ist. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18, apt'd
1st Sgt. Nov. II, '18. Bom Cty. Galway, Ireland, Policeman,
1239 3 Ave., N. Y. C.
McHale, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. btry.
D. Oct. 12, '17, sent to S. O. S. Hospital July 15, '18. Dropped
from rolls. Laborer.
McHugh, Frank J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Laborer,
349 E. 61 St., N. Y. C.
McHugh, James B., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. Oct. 10, '17, wounded Aug. 29, '18, Cher>--Chartreuve,
sent Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
McHuGH, John J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, killed in action Aug. 26, '18,
Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Received Divisional Citation Nov. 3, '18.
660 Bergen Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
McHugh, Patrick, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 22, '17, assgd.,
307 Inf., apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 3, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd.
btry. F, May 5, '18, Rd. Pvt. by transf'd apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov.
26' 18. Bom Cty. Cavan, Ireland, Liquor Business, 1000 Kelly
St., Bronx, N. Y.
McInerney, Michael, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Corp. July 21, '18.
Bom Clare, Ireland, Laborer, 529 W. 29 St., N. Y. C.
McIntosh, James M., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom North Adams, Mass., Telephone-man, 285 State Rd., No.
Adams, Mass.
McKeever, Charles, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, transf'd btry. E, Nov. 20, '17,
transf'd btry. C, Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Stable Sgt., Nov. 22, '18.
transf'd M. P. Corps Dec. 20, '18. Packer.
McKenna, Arthur G., Corp., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 22, '18. Bom So. Boston, Mass., Clerk,
28 Rexford St., Mattapan, Mass.
McKenna, John Jr., Mech., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Mech. Jan. 1, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist,
128 Webster Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.
McKiNT-EY, Harry F., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Sep. 23, '17, apt'd Pvt. id. Jan. 15, '19. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Hallman, 565 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
McKiNXEY, Raymond, Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. F, apt'd Pvt. id. Feb. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. Mch. 14,
'18, apt'd Corp. May 22, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 8, '18, apt'd Stab.
Sgt. Aug. 4, '18, transf'd F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5,
'18. Bom Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mechanic, 27 Fallkill Ave.,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
McLaughlin, Eugene J., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd
btry. B, Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i,
'19. Bom Mt. Vemon, N. Y., Chauffeur, 71 Highland Ave.,
New Rochelle, N. Y.
McLean, James M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
305 F. A. joined 306 F. A. Apr. 21, '18, assgd. btry. C, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Sheet Metal-worker,
242 W. 14 St., N. Y. C.
McMaho.n, Alfie, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. i8, '18.
Bom Ennis, Ireland, Grocer, 211 Winthrop St., Brockton,
McManus, James, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep 29, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Sep. 30, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May I, '18. Bom Albany,
N. Y., Conductor, 281 W. 150 St., N. Y. C.
McMenomey, Peter J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
Sup. Co. Apr. 19, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement. Bn.
Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Bom Maspeth, N. Y., Machinist, 193
Hull Ave., Maspeth, N. Y.
McMurrav, Frank D., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Mech. Apr. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Apr. 20, '18. Bom
Medway, Mass., Shoe-examiner, 96 Pineapple St., B'klyn, N. Y.
McNaught, John A., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, transf'd btry. C, Jan. 16, '19.
Bom Long Island Cit>', N. Y., Policeman, 808 Ave., C. W.
B'klyn., N. Y.
McNeil, Lawtjence A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. F.
transf'd Hq. Co. Aug. 7, '18. Bom Methuen, Mass., Woods-
man, 302 Park St., Lawrence, Mass.
McNuLTY, Charles H., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btrj\ D, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 18, 'i8, apt'd Corp. July I, '18.
Bom Scarsdale, N. Y., Fireman, Fenimore Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y.
McNuLTY, John J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. id., Feb. 15, '18. Bom Cty. Clare, Ireland,
Railroad Guard, 1644 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. C.
McQuade, James F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Middleboro, Mass., Clerk, 169 Central Ave., Middleboro
McSoll\, Robert P., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btr>- C.
Bom So. Boston, Mass., Teamster, 687 2 St., So. Boston, Mass.
McTiernan, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Real
Estate, 24 Rutland Rd., B'klyn, N. Y.
McVey, John, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btr>'. C,
Oct. 12, '17. Bom Loughford, Ireland, Bartender, 600 W. 139
St., N. Y. C.
Madden, Anthony T., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. id. Apr. I, '18. Bom Dunmore,
Pa., Bookkeeper, 317 W. 119 St., N. Y. C.
Madden, James W., Pvt. id., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18, killed in action Aug. 28, 'i8-
Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom N. Y. C, Letter-Carrier, 1515 Dean
Dean St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Maerker, Theodore S., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>-. F, Mch. 13,
'l8,apt'dSgt. Apr. 21, '18. transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16,
Magaril, Ma.x R., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btr>'.
C, Dec. 10, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Manufacturer, 19 Moore
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Magee, Elmer J., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. July i, '18, apt'd Sgt. Sep. 21, '18. Bom
Philadelphia, Pa., Insurance Underwriter, 296 E. 16 St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Macgio, Valentine E., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 13, '17, assgd.
btry. A. Bom Miosia, Italy, 18 mos. Itahan Army, Tripoli
Service, Bricklayer, 39 E. 107 St., N. Y. C.
Maguire, George, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. Oct. 12, '17. Born N. Y. C, Salesman, 363 Cornelia St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Maguire, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co., wounded Aug. 20, '18 Chcry-Chartreuve, apt'd Pvt. icl,
Nov. 20, '18. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Chauffeur, 49 Somers St.
B'klyn, N. Y.
Maguire, William G., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18,
assgd. btry. E, Apr. 20, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Rom
N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 324 W. 44 St., N. Y. C.
Maker, Louis S., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. i8, '18.
Bom Cda., Shoeworker, 302 Fletcher St., Lowell, Mass.
M.iHON, Daniel, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
E, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18, received
Divisional Citation Nov. 3, '18. Bom Downpatrick, Ireland,
Salesman, 926 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. C.
Mahoney, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. B, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '19. Bom Stoughton, Mass., Shoe-inspector,
136 Morton St., Stoughton, Mass.
M.\honey, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Kerry, Ireland,
Laborer, 359 E. 16 St., N. Y. C.
Maiberger, Joseph A., Mech., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd Pvt. Icl. Aug. I, '18, apt'd Mech.
Sep. 29, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Iron-worker, no E. 123 St.,
N. Y. C.
M.^afronte, James, Mech., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Mech. July 9, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Cabinet-
maker, 58 Kenmare St., N. Y. C.
Malanowski, Michael, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. C, Oct. i, '17, Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Soap-presser, 76 So.
3 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Maldidier, French Interpreter, joined 306 F. A. Oct. 5, '18.
Dropped from rolls Dec. 5, '18.
Malone, Edward J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 3, '18. Bom Ireland, Butler, 820
5 Ave., N. Y. C.
Malone, George, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 14, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C.
Salesman, 61 1 W. 156 St., N. Y. C.
Malyszko, Wladslaw, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8,' 17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Wag. July i, '18. Bom Warsaw, Poland,
Driver, 155 N. Oxford St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Manassa, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
A, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Shade Manufacturer, 540 W.
163 St., N. Y. C.
Manhardt, George A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Dubuque, la., Farmer, Caledonia, Minn.
Mann, Willia.m K., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 10, '18, E. St.
Louis, 111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18. Born
Wayne Cty., Ill, Claim Agt. 2101 State St., E.St. Louis, 111.
Manning,William A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
3o6th field artillery
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Lowell, Mass., Export
Clerk, 54 Essex St., Andover, Mass.
Mannion, Peter F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 5, '18. Bom Kings Cty., Ireland,
Conductor, 195 No. Henry St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Mansfield, William J., Corp., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19,
'18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 21, '18. Bom Martha's Vineyard, Mass.,
Clerk, 18 Windsor St., Springfield, Mass.
Manthev, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. A, Apr. 20, '18. Bom Greenpoint, N. Y., Clerk, 2676 8
Ave., N. Y. C.
Manzo, Micil^el J., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur,
107 Elizabeth St., N. Y. C.
Marcinkawicz, Benjamin, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. May 4, '18,
apt'd 1st Sgt. Sep. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Nov. 11, '18, apt'd Corp.
Apr. I, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 128 E. 1 10 St., N. Y. C.
Marcucci, Anthony, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, Oct. 10, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Teamster, 205 Grand St.,
N. Y. C.
Marcus, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 21, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Bom Ray-
mond, Minn., Farmer, Raymond, Minn.
Margarelli, Dominick, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Feb. i, '18. Sent to Hosp. Aug. 18, '18.
Dropped from rolls. Bom Italy, Chauffeur.
Margio, Vincenzo, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, as.sgd. btrj-.
E, Oct. 12, '17. Bom Ducento, Italy, Cigar-maker, 13 El-
dridge St., N. Y. C.
Margraf, Enoch G., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl., May 16, '18, killed in action Aug.
18, '18 Cht^ry-Chartreuve. 360 E. 169 St., N. Y. C.
Marino, Carmelo, Pvt. id, ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl.. May 21, '18. Bom Marino, Italy,
Barber, 4 Bleecker St., N. Y.
Marino, S.\lvatore, Bugler, ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Oct. i, '17, apt'd Bugler, Feb. 8, '18. Bom Caccamo,
Sicily, Italy, Barber, 109 E. 106 St., N. Y. C.
Marino, Todo, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd. btry.
D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom Messina, Italy, Brick-
layer, Walnut St., So. Hampton, N. Y.
Maroni, Lorenzo F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Readsboro, Vt., Accountant
Readsboro, Vt.
Marriner, Charles G., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 2, '17, on
D. S. as instructor Camp de Souge Sep. 25, '18, transf'd F. A.
Schl. Camp de Souge Nov. 16, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. Dec. '19,
'18. Bom Astoria, N. Y., Life Insurance, 28 Marlboro Rd.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Marshall, David M., HS., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Mch. 18, '18,
apt'd HS. Aug. I, '18. Born Southbury, Conn., Farmer,
Southbury, Conn.
Marthens, William G., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 23, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Driver, 307 E. 56 St., N. Y. C.
Martin, Ashby R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
F, transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. 10, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 20, '18.
Born Orange, N. J., Electrician, 516 W. 157 St., N. Y. C.
Martin, Frank D., Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18, joined 306
F. A. Sep. 16, '18, assgd. Sup. Co. Bom Bangor, N. Y., Rail-
road Man, Maybrook, N. Y.
Martin, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur,
6 W. 103 St., N. Y. C.
Martin, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom St. Antoine, Cda., Machinist, 74 Sedge St., Central Falls,
Providence, R. I.
Martin, Joseph P., Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18, wounded by acci-
dent Oct. 22, '18 La Harazee, sent to Base Hospital. Dropped
from rolls, 252 W. 115 St., N. Y. C.
Martin, Roy, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Boston, Mass., Salesman,
2 Conrad St., Dorchester, Mass.
Martin, Thomas Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 19, '18, killed in action Aug. 18, '18 Chery-Chartreuve.
Martinaitis, Adam, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Grant, 111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Russia, Laborer, 3517 So. Halstead St., Chicago, 111.
Mason, Martin W., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, Sep. 26, '17, apt'd Corp. Apr. 20, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr.
21, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18.
Masterson, Thomas, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May 5, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Stenographer, 1097 Union Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Mattes, William, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. btry. F, June 2, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Ch^ry-
Chartreuve, sent Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Maifler, Arthur S., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 25, '17, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18.
Bom Baltimore, Md., Motorman, 816 So. 4 St., Highlandtown.
Maunsbach, Eric C, Pvt., entd. army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 4, '18. Bom Helsingborg, Sweden. Grad,
Academy Stockholm A.B., Portrait Painter, 6 Patchen PI.,
N. Y. C.
Maxwell, Ezra G., Capt., M. R. C. commissioned ist Lieut.
June 20, '17, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Oct. 20, '17,
apt'd Capt. Jan. 15, '18, transf'd 306 Inf. as Regtl. Surgeon
Oct. 27, '18, rejoined 306 F. A. Dec. 20, '18. Bom Darden,
Tenn., Grad. Unv. Tenn., M.D. Physician, Darden, Tenn.
May, Frank, Corp., entd. army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry. E,
apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18, Rd. Pvt., Apr. 11, '18, apt'd Mech. Apr.
12, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 31, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. I, '18, apt'd.
Sgt. Apr. I, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 302 Central Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
May, Harry, Wag., entd. army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry. D,
Oct. 12, '17, injured by accident sent Base Hosp. 23 Aug. 8, '18.
Dropped from rolls. Clerk, N. Y. C.
Mayer, Anthony, Pvt., entd. army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
C, Dec. 10, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Dock-helper, 265 Stock-
holm St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Mayer, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
B, Sep. 22, '17, apt'd. Wag. Apr. I, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Sales-
man, Monterey Hotel, N. Y. C.
Mazeiko, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Grant,
111., joined 306 F. A., assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Born Lithu-
ania, Russia, Laborer, 2328 W. 38 St., Chicago, 111.
Mazzari, Peter, Ck., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
E, apt'd Ck. Nov. 15, '17. Bom Piacenza, Italy, Cook, 321
E. 106 St., N. Y. C.
Me.ader, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Jersey City, N. J.,
Plumber, P. O. Box, 76 Howard Beach, N. Y.
Meakim, William J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Corp. June i, '18.
Born B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 584 Bergen St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Mealy, John F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, 'i8, Camp
Dcvens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Born E. Boston, Mass., Shoemaker, 191 W. 4 St., So. Boston,
Medoro, Paulo, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, as.sgd. btry. F,
Apr. 19, '18. Bom Aqui, Italy, Laborer, Greenridge, Staten
Island, N. Y.
Meeh.\n, John J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, wounded Aug. 24, '18.
Chery-Chartreuve, sent S. O. S. Hosp. Dropped from rolls.
Meehan, Stephen J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Haverhill, Mass., Shoe
worker, I Hilldale Ave., Haverhill, Mass.
Meerbott, Peter, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 1, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Machinist, 74 Freeman St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Meier, Willum F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom Switzerland, Iron-roller, So.
Wareham, Mass.
Meixner, Albert, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btrj-.
F, apt'd Ck. Mch. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Butcher, 318
Grove St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Melichar, Adalbert, Band Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Band Sgt. Jan. 2, '18. Bom N. Y. C ,
Policeman, 443 E. 75 St., N. Y. C.
Melosky, Andrew, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. D, Apr. 17, '18, wound-
ed Sep. 27, '18 La Harazee. Bom Minneapolis, Minn., Mat-
tress-filler, 63 Cooper St., So. Minneapohs, Minn.
Melrose, Willum, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. i,'i9. Bom
Braefoot, Scotland, Farmer, Oakdale, N. Y.
Mendel, Marcus C, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18. Bom Albany, N. Y., Sales,
man, 541 W. 114 St., N. Y. C.
Mercuric, Gricorio, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btrj'. C.
Born Adocoli, Italy, Laborer, 15 Dacia St., Ro.xburj', Mass.,
Merkle, Christ F., Ck. ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Ck. July 15, '18. Bom St. Louis, Mo., Baker, 213
Central Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Merritt, George, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18, apt'd Corp. July i, '18,
wounded Aug. 19, '18, Chery-Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Banking & Insurance, 5 W. Clarkson Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Merritt, James A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. July II, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Driver, 557 Pine St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Merritt, John E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. Icl. Oct. 4, '18. Born Glen
Wild, N. Y., Tool-maker, Rock Hill, N. Y.
Merryless, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Aug. 22, '17,
Lockhaven, Pa., joined 306 F. A. Mch. 1918, assgd. Med. Detach
transf'd. btry. A, Nov. 10, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. 9, '18.
Bom Belfast, Ireland, 4 yrs. 8 Inf. PhiUipine Islands, Circular
Sawyer, 34 E. 82 St., N. Y. C.
Messing, Arthur, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. A, transf'd Hq. Co. June 12, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I,
'18. Bora N. Y. C, Stenographer, 941 Tiffany St., Bronx, N.
Metzger, John W., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Insurance-Underwriter, 3402 Ave. D,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Meyer, Fred, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Ck. Apr. I, '18, transf'd btry. D, Apr. 9, '18. Born
B'klyn, N. Y., Mechanic, 835 Maple St., N. Y. C.
Meyer, Jacob J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, joined 306
F. A. assgd. btry. F. Apr. 21, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Ma-
chine-hand, 281 Maujer St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Meyer, John P., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd. btry.
A, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan.
15, '19. Born N. Y. C, Clerk, 1725 63 St., B'klyn, B. Y.
Meyer, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd. army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
E, Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 125 W. 1 15 St., N. Y. C.
Meyers, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
A. Dec. 9, '17. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Pipe-fitter, 427 Rogers Ave
B'klyn, N. Y.
Michaels, Leon, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
B, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist, 9 Ayer PI., Ruther-
ford, N. J.
Mikkelson, Geor(;e A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 21, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Born Moorhead, Minn., Farmer,
Sabin, Minn.
MiKUsiNSKi, Theophile, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom Poland,
Russia, Machinist, 99 Meserole St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Miller, Charles W., Jr., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk
208 E. 82 St., N. Y. C.
Miller, Edmund W., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. A, Oct. 31, '17, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve,
apt'd Cook Jan. 15, '19. Born Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., Marine
Gas Engineer, 221 E. 37 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Miller, George W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, joined
F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18. gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-
Chartreuve sent to Hosp. Dropped from rolls.
Miller, Henry M., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17 assgd. btry.
E. shell-shocked Aug. 18, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, sent to Hospi-
tal. Dropped from rolls. 2347 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Miller, Irving, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Meriden, Conn., Printer, 390 St. James Ave., Springfield,
Miller, John A. F., Corp., ent'd army Nov. 23, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Wag. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. July 10, '18.
Born B'klyn, N. Y., Auto-mechanic, 1912 Atlantic Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Miller, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. A. Bom Bridgeton, N. J., Shipping-clerk, 449 Hamilton
St., Long Island City, N. Y.
Miller, Lawrence S., Col., commissioned 2d Lieut. 1897,
apt'd 1st Lieut. 1899, apt'd Capt. 1901, apt'd Maj. 191 1,
apt'd Lt. Col. Aug. 5, '17, joined 306 F. A Aug. 26, '17, on D. S.
Commanding 152 F. A. Brig. Dec. I, '17-Feb. 7, '18, transf'd
Hq. S. O. S. Aug. 4, '18, dropped from rolls Grad. U. S. Military
Acdy. 1897,2^2 yrs. Service Philippine Islands taking part in
Lawton's campaign in central Luzon in the latter part of 1899.
Professor of Military Science and Tactics Unv. Vermont, 1904-
6. 70 Spruce St., Burlington, V't.
Miller, Solomon, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. F, June 10, '18.
Bom Grodna, Russia, Cutter, 2 E. 108 St., N. Y. C.
Mills, Peter F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 20, '18, assgd. btr>'. C,
wounded Aug. 18, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Admitted S. O. S.
Hosp. Dropped from rolls. Bookbinder.
Minderman, John H., Corp. ent'd army Dec. fc, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 15, '18,
gassed Aug. 22, '18, Chery-Chartreuve Bom Ba.'isen, Han-
over, Germany, Storekeeper, 256 Kingston Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
MiNELLO, Innocengo, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
3o6th field artillery
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Italy, Mine Laborer, Buhl, Minn.
Miner, Theodore, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Corp. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18 on D. S.
O. S. T. Camp Upton, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May, 1918.
Mitchell, Charles E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Croghan, N. Y., Laborer, R. F. D. 2, Castorland, N. Y.
Mitchell, Samuel A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19,' 18.
Bom Jackson, Term., Actor, Columbia, S. C.
MocH, Harry, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 19,
'18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Jeweler, 17 Nicholas Ave., B'klyn.
N. Y.
Mode, Gennaro, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18. Bom Bilato, Italy,
Laborer, 4284 3 Ave., N. Y. C.
MoGET, John, ?%-!., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. A, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Den
Haag, Holland, Farmer, 4 mos. Holland Inf., Chandlerstown,
MoHRBACHER, Lambert J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 18, '18,
Bom Cologne, Minn., Wheelmaker, Cologne, Minn.
MoLLE, Bernard C, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan. 22,
'18, attach'd Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18. Bom Stavanger, Norway,
Fisherman, Bay 47 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
MoNGEON, Rene H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
killed in action Aug. 23, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Machinist,
297 Main St., Indian Orchard, Mass.
Monte, Giuseppe, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 20, '17 assgd. 305
F. A. joined 306 F. A. Apr. 21, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom Na-
ples, Italy, Stationary Fireman,478 President St., B'klyn, N.Y.
Montgomery, William E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 29, '18,
Vincennes, Ind., joined 306 F.A. assgd. Med. Detach. Oct. 1918.
Bom Indiana, Iron-worker, Bruceville, Ind.
Montross, Charles F., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd. Jan. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr,
10, '18, wounded Sep. 27, '18 La Placardelle, gassed Nov. 5, '18.
La Besace transf'd to Base Hospital Feb. 9, '19. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Bookkeeper, 52 Herbert St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Moon, Basil G., Maj., commissioned Maj. Plattsburg, N.
Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17, assgd. 3 Bn. Sep.
17, '17, on D. S. Schl. of Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla. Oct. 31, '17-Feb.
I, '18. Bom Charlottesville, Va., grad. West Point, 1905
commissioned 2 Lieut. F. A. 1905, apt'd ist Lieut. C. A. C.
1907, resigned from U. S. army Dec. 5, '11. Insurance Fire
Protection Engr., Charlottesville, Va., transf'd 3 Div. Jan.
24, '18.
Moore, Garret E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry. A, Apr. 19, '18, transf'd from Regt. Nov. 12, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Pilot 51, 10 Ave., Whitestone, N. Y.
Moore, John F., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '18, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Corp. Aug. 8, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Clerk, 1525 i Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Moore, Norris B., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 21, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
Bora Indian Falls, N. Y., Farmer, Indian Farms, N. Y.
Moore, Rex, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 30, '17, assgd. btry. D,
Oct. 9, '17. Bora KirkviUe, Mo., Machinist, 412 Suydam St.
Woodhaven, N. Y.
MoRAN, Harry J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Feb. i, '18. Bora Lostant, 111., News-
paperman, 2029 E. 40 St., Cleveland, O.
MoRAN, Patrick J., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 20, '17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Born Stonington, Conn., Gardener, 28 Garden St., Stonington,
Moran, Thomas M., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. 11, '18. Bora Durhamville, N. Y.,
Mechanics-helper, 175 Claremont Ave., N. Y. C.
MoRANO, Jerry G., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. Sep. 23, '17. Bom Cosneza, Italy, Barber, 1318 72 St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Moreno, Anthony, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. A, admitted Base Hosp. 38 Nov. i, '18. Dropped from
Morgan, Jabez, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Louis-
ville, Minn., Teamster, White Bear Lake, Minn.
Morgan, Martin, Corp., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. April 18, '18, assgd. btry. C,
apt'd Pvt. icl. July 11, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. u, '18. Bom
Carrentubber Cty., Ireland, Motorman, 163 Fellsway Ave.,
W. Medford, Mass.
MoRiN, Dona E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, June 10, '18.
Bom Fall River, Mass., Cotton-spinner, 2063 No. Main St.,
Fall River, Mass.
MoRiN, Joseph H., Pvt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bora New Brunswick, Cda., Seaman, 15 Emery St., Man-
chester, N. H.
Morrill, Albert N., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A., Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Bora Albion, Rhode Island, Laborer, 1025 Washington St.,
Boston, Mass.
Morris, Abraham, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Clothing
Cutter, 768 E. 160 St., N. Y. C.
Morris, John V. L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btr>'. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18. Bom Lodi, N. Y., grad.
Harvard, A. B., Columbia, M.A., Educator, Orid, N. Y.
Morris, Robert T., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Time-keeper,
530 E. 150 St., N. Y. C.
Morrison, Alexander, Pvt., ent'd army June 3, '18, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18.
Bora West Bay Cda., Machinist, 363 Siunmer St., E. Boston,
Morrison, Clarence, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Born Plymouth, N. H., Box-maker, 82 Walnut Ave., Roxbury,
Morrison, James, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>-. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bora Minsk, Russia, Shoe-cutter, 623 Morton St., Mattapan,
Morrison, James F., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Feb. 15, '18. Bom Bronx, N. Y., Clerk,
951 Forrest Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Morrissey, James D., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk,
920 Bedford Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Morse, William F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bora Barryville, N. Y.,
Insurance-broker, 341 1 Ave. I, B'klyn, N. Y.
MoRSS, Ellsworth B., Sgt., ent'd army Aug. 15, '17, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Sep. 15, '17, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl.
May 16, 18.
Motz, Charley, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Rose-
mont, Minn., Farmer, R. F. D. 2, Rosemont, Minn.
Moulds, Harry H., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btr>'. A, apt'd Wag. Apr. 12, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur,
348 Eastern Pk'way, B'klyn, N. Y.
Mousso, Henry L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. B, Apr. 18, '18. Born
Minneapolis, Minn., Time-keeper, 1122 University Ave., N. E.
Minneapolis, Minn.
MoYNiHAN, Henry A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 20, 'i8, assgd. btry. C,
injured by accident Sep. 15, '18, Fismes. Machine-tool Sales-
MoYNiHAN, James J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Brockton, Mass., Shoemaker, 43 Clinton St., Brockton,
MucKENHiRN, HERMAN A., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. F. Bom Untermunsterthal, Germany, Sweeper,
585 Seneca Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Mueller, Alvin E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, gassed Aug. 22, '18, Chery-
Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Printer, 228 Ridgewood
Ave., B'klyn, N, Y.
Mueller, Henry R., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 21, '17, apt'd
Mess Sgt. Jan. 4, '18, apt'd Duty Sgt. May 4, '18. Bom
Marietta, Pa., grad. Muhlenberg College A.B. 1909, Columbia
Unv. 1915 A.M. Professor Mathematics & History, 230 No.
Mary St., Lancaster, Pa.
Mulgrew, Frank, Corp., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Apr. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. June 18, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Horseman, 39 St. & 8 Ave., N. Y. C.
Mulkeen, Thomas, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 22, '18, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, Rd. Pvt. Apr. 10, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bora Mayo, Ireland, Farmer, 38 E. 98
St., N. Y. C.
MuLLER, Conrad J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
B, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C. Marble-cutter, 273 W. 140 St.,
N. Y. C,
Mulligan, James E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 15, '18.
Bom Hanover, Mass., Steam-fitter, 24 Wesson Ave., Quincy,
MuMAW, Lloyd C, 2d Lieut., commissioned June i, '18,
Saumur Art. Schl. joined 306 F. A. Sep. io,'i8, assgd. btry. D.
Bom Canton O., grad. Oberlin College, Engineering Student,
1 107 Tuscarawas St., Canton, O.
Murphy, James A., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk,
289 Parkside Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Murphy, James E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 20, '18, assgd. btry. C.
admitted S. O. S. Hosp. July, 1918. Dropped from rolls.
Murphy, James P., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 26, '18, Los Ange-
les, Cal., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 2, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Bom
Philadelphia, Pa., Chauffeur, 1720 Kane St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Murphy, John P., Sad., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. 77
Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. May 5. ''8, assgd. Hq. Co., apt'd
Sad. July 24, '18. Bom N. Y. C, grad. Cornell Unv. 1914 B.S.,
Murphy, John R., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Roxbury, Mass., Printer, 96
Bellevue St., Dorchester, Mass.
Murphy, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bora B'klyn, Conductor,
93 Putnam Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Murphy, William P., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Mch. 14, '18. Bom Cty. Kildare, Ireland,
Bartender, 537 E. 147 St., N. Y. C.
Murray, Patrick J., Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18,
assgd. btry. E, admitted Base Hosp. Aug. 21, '18. Dropped
from rolls. 35 Whitewood Ave., New RochcUe, N. Y.
Murray, Richard F., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co., transf'd btry. D, July 23, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Printer,
1648 70 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Murray, Robert S., RegtI. Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21,
'17, assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Regtl. Sup. Sgt. Dec. i, '17, on D. S.
O. T. S. Camp Upton, Jan. 5-Mch. 26, '18. Bom Danville,
Pa., Safe Merchant, 1925 N. Y. Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Murray, Thomas J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 4, '18. Born N. Y. C, Salesman, 521 W. 156
St., N. Y. C.
MuRRY, Thomas F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Printer,
961 40 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
MuRTHA, William H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. l,
'19. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Book-keeper. 35 Oakland PI., B'klyn,
MusANTE, Frank, Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Corp. July 9, '18.
apt'd Sgt. Sep. 30, '18, apt'd Stab. Sgt. Oct. I, '18. Bora
Moconesi, Genoa, Italy, Chauffeur, 184 Prince St., N. Y. C,
Myers, Jerry, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 15, '18, Camp Devens.
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 18, '18. Born St,
Louis, Prince Edward I., Cda., Laborer, Bemis, Me.
Myers, William F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Stoughton, Mass., Shoe-worker, 39 West St., Stoughton,
Myslinski, Stanley, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18, Rd. Pvt. Sep. l, '18, wound-
ed Sep. 14 '18 at Fismes. Sent to Hosp. Dropped from rolls
Sep. 16, '18, rejoined btry. E, Dec. 9, '18. 762 Hart St., B'klyn,
Nadler, Frank, Ck., ent'd army Feb. 25, 'i8, assgd. Sup. Co.
Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Ck. Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Bakers-
clerk, 1787 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
Nally, Mike J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Emmets-
burg, la.. Farmer, Searles, Minn.
Nelson, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom Coolesville, Minn., Railroad Ticket
agent, 140J j W. Clark St., Albert Lea. Minn.
Nelson, Edward E., Capt., commissioned 2d Lieut. Platts-
burg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17, attch'd,
Hq. Co. Sep. 17, '17, apt'd Capt. Jan. 3, '18, apt'd Regtl. Adj.
Jan. 8, '18, apt'd Major F. A. Reserve. Pvt. Scty. 68 Elm-
wood St., Woodhaven, Long Island, N. Y.
Nelson, Fingal, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Grant,
III., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Sweden,
Bricklayer, 1918 Farragut Ave., Chicago, 111.
Nelson, John, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry. E,
Oct. 13, '17. Killed in action Aug. 18, '18, Chery-Chartreuve.
Nelson, Nels. L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom Cabery,
111., Farmer, Rothsay, Minn.
Nelson, Paul E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp Grant,
III., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Born Kill,
Sweden, Salesman, 2109 No. Richmond St., Chicago, 111.
Nelson, Peter A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, 18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bora Marklvinda, Sweden, Marble-
worker, 19 Lockman St., Winchester, Mass.
3o6th field artillery
Nemovicher, Echiel, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. A. Bom Odessa, Russia, i yr. Russian Inf., Furrier,
1636 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C.
Nestor, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Cty. Galway, Ireland, Laborer, 217 Newbury Ave.,
Atlantic, Mass.
Newberg, Emu. C, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
A, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec.
9, '18. Bom Bayonne, N. J., Asst. Buyer, Millinery, 642 Flat-
bush Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Newbold, Douglas T., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 13, '18, assgd. btry.
E, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd
Saumur Art. Schl. May 19, '18.
Newman, Charles H., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 13, 'i8, assgd.
btry. F, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18,
transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May, 19, '18.
Newman, Winthrop, 2d Lieut., commissioned Plattsburg,
N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Dec. 4, '18, attch'd Hq.
Co. Dropped from rolls Mch. 19, '18, rejoined 306 F. A.
Dancevoir, France,Dec. 10, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. 4 yrs. 7 Regt.
N.G. N. Y. 8 mos. France,Amer. Arab. Sect. 2. Insurance &
Banking, 11 High St., Orange, N. J.
Nichols, George R., Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens.Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. Sup.
Co., transf'd Hq. Co. Oct. 10, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl. Oct. 26, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Shoe-cutter, Whitney St., Boston, Mass.
NicoLicH, Miles, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 17, '17, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Orjaluka, Montenegro, Steel-chipper. Duluth, Minn.
Ninnemann, William, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Wauson, Wis., Farmer, Elbow Lake, Minn.
Noethe, Will, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Adrian,
Minn., Farmer, Curryie, Minn.
Nolan, Lawrence E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 15, '18, Frank-
lin Union Training Detach. Boston, Mass., joined 306 F. A.
assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18. Bom Norwich, Conn., Plumber,
93 5 St., Norwich, Conn.
Noll, Henry W., Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, transf'd. Hq. Co. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl. Apr. 4,
'18, apt'd Band Sgt. Nov. 15, '18, apt'd Sgt. Bugler Dec. 9, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 2139 7 Ave., N. Y. C.
Nordhausen, Ernest A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Alpha, Minn.
North, Glendon W., FVt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F.A. assgd. btry. E. Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Lynn, Mass., Salesman, 59 Archdale Rd., Roslindale, Mass.
Novatny, Fred A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Heron Lake, Minn., Farmer, Heron Lake, Minn.
NuNNALLV, William J., Pvt., ent'd army June 23, '18, De
Queen, Ark., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Oct. 20, '18,
Bom Texas, Farmer, Quenton, Okla.
Nye, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Columbus Bks.,
O., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18. Bom Reading,
Pa., Teamster, 163 No. River St., Reading, Pa.
NvgaaRD, Olaf, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Base
Hosp. 6 June 17, '18. Dropped from rolls. Bora Le Suer,
Nylen, Carl, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. l, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Stenographer.
231 E. 80 St., N. Y. C.
Obermeyer, Louis, Ch. Mech., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Ch. Mech. Apr. I, 'i8, wounded Oct. 2, 'l8,
Abri, St. Louis. Born N. Y. C, Engineer.
O'Brien, Daniel L., Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. C, apt'd Sup. Sgt. Nov. i, '17. Bom Plattsmouth,
Neb., 6 yrs. U. S. Navy. Active part in Nicaraguan campaign
Sep. I-Dec. 12. Railroad Brakeman, 462 E. 137 St., N. Y. C.
O'Brien, Dudley, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
D. Mch. 4, '18. Bom Englewood, N. J., Hotel Clerk, 408
Audubon Ave., N. Y. C.
O'Brien, Kenneth, ist Lieut., commissioned 2d Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Nov. 23, '17,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd ist Lieut. Jan. 13, '18, C. O. Btry. D, Aug.
25-Oct. 6, '18, grad. Yale Unv. 1917 A.B. 3 mos. Federal Service
Mexican Border, 8 mos. O. R. C. Yale Unv. Law Student,
729 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
O'Brien, Thomas P., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Salem, Mass.,
Runner, 3 Harrison Ave., Salem, Mass.
O'Brien, Willlam F., Pvt., joined 306 F. A. July 28, '18,
assgd. Sup. Co. on D. S. Hq. 77 Div. Aug. 28-Nov. II, '18,
transf'd Enlisted Detach. Nov. 11, '18.
Ochee, Frank H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lynn, Mass., Shoe-worker, 1 1 Charles St., Haverhill
Ochsenhaut, Philip, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19.
Bom Zloczow, Austria, P. O. Clerk, 302 So. 3 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
O'CoNNELL, Richard M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18.
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry,
C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 24, '18. Bom E. Boston, Mass., Hotel
Clerk, 506 Summer St., E. Boston, Mass.
O'Connor, Bartholomew, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18. Born Cork, Ire-
land, Packer, 407 E. 69 St., N. Y. C.
O'Connor, Edmund, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. D. Bom Cty. Sligo, Ireland, Bartender, N. Y. C.
O'Connor, John, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. Med.
Detach. Born Ireland, Nurse, Kings Park, Long Island, N. Y.
O'Connor, Robert B., ist Lieut., joined 306 P. A. Sep. 3, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '17, apt'd 1st Lieut. Mch. 11, '18,
transf'd btry. C, May 28, '18, transf'd btry. A June 9, '18, on
D. S. Schl. Instruction Camp de Souge, July 30, 'l8,ordered
Base Sect. 5 for transportation to U. S. Aug. 23, '18, grad.
Trinity College, 1916. 55 Sanford Ave., Flushing, N. Y.
O'Connor, Timothy, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch, I, '18.
Bom Castle Island, Ireland, Conductor, 12 W. 102 St., N. Y. C.
Oddo, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18 assgd. btry.
C, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Petra Perzia, Italy, Barber, 194 Bay 19
St., Bath Beach, N. Y.
O'DoNNELL, John F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Lowell, Mass.,
Leather-worker, 10 Howe St., Lowell, Mass.
O'Donnell, Lewis M., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. i, '18 on D. S.
O. T. S. Camp Upton, Jan. 5-Mch. 27, '18, transf'd Saumur Art.
Schl. May 16, '18.
O'Keefe, Edward M., Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry.
F., gassed, Aug. 24, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, transf'd Hq. Co.
Oct. 10, 'i8, apt'd Muse. 2cl. Oct. 24, '18. Bom Salem, Mass.,
Pianist 3 School St., Salem, Mass.
Okeson, Willie G., Hs., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Wag. July 9, '18, apt'd Hs. July 25, "18. Born Grove City,
Minn., Farmer, Grove City, Minn.
Olsen, Herman, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. P, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. Mch. II, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y. Pipe-fitter, 2724
Ocean Pk'way, B'klyn, N. Y.
Olsheski, Gustav J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 7, '17, assgd.
btrj'. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '19.
Bom N. Y. C, Packer, 180 Bushwick Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Onyan, Clifford, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 13, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, as.sgd. btry. C.
Born Kirtland, N. Y., Salesman, Clinton, N. Y.
Oppe>jheimer, Robert J., Corp. ent'd. army Sep. 29, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17. Born N. Y. C. grad.
Williams College, 1916 A.B. Mens-fumishing, 47 W. 69 St.,
N. Y. C.
Orgain, Waldo E., Mess. Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Sgt. Mch. 20, '18, apt'd Mess. Sgt. Mch. 21,18
Bom Ft. Worth. Texas, Engraver, 394 Cornelia St., B'kly'n.,
N. Y.
Orlando, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. 305
F. A., joined 306 F. A., Apr. 21, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom N.
Y. C, Engineer, 2259 Hollis Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
O'Rourke, Charles J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Factory-hand, 66 Prentiss St., Roxburv-,
O'Rourke, Owen, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C.
Bom Ireland, Motorman, 823 E. 2 St., So. Boston, Mass.
O'Rourke, Tho.mas F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 19, '18, sent to Base Hosp. Feb. 12, '19. Died
Feb. 17, '19. Born N. Y. C, Mechanic, 649 2 Ave., N. Y. C,
Orr, Andrew, Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Ft. Slocum,
N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18. Born
Glasgow, Scotland, Teamster, 136 Cumberland Ave., Portland,
Osborne, Louis J., Mech., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Mech. Apr. I, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Carpenter, 58 Cleveland Ave., Woodside,
N. Y.
Osredkar, Frank, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Trata, Austria, Farmer, Monti-
cello, la.
O'TooLB, Thomas P., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd,
btry. F, apt'd ist Sgt. Nov. i, '17, Rd. Sgt. July 18, '18, gassed
Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve. sent Base Hosp. Dropped
from rolls.
Ott, Alfred, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, assgd. btry. F,
Apr. 2, '18. Bom Roland, N. Y., Farmer, Ebenezer, N. Y.
Otto, Philip, Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. P,
apt'd Wag. Feb. 15, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve,
sent Base Hospital. Dropped from rolls.
Owens, John, Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
D, Sep. 23, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Lather, 1610 Kings
Highway, B'klyn, N. Y.
Oys, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp Dodge, la.,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. B, Apr. 16, '18. Born So. Minnea-
polis, Minn., Chauffeur, 2507 13 Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn.
Paar, John, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry. E,
Oct. 12, '17. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Jeweler, 129 E. 37 St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Pack, Samuel, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. C,
apt'd Ck. Jan. 3, '18, Rd. Pvt. May 21, '18, apt'd Ck. Aug.
4, '18. Born Boranlya, Russia, Cook, 95 Manhattan Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Padez, Sam, Corp., ent'd army Nov. 22, '17, assgd. btry. F,
Dec. 8, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. May i, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 28, '18.
Bom Kcshineflf, Russia, Painter, 41 Graham Ave., B'klyn,
Paine, Charles J., Wag. ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
D, apt'd Wag. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Mech. Jan. 30, '19. Chauffeur,
MiUerton, N. Y.
Palazzo, Antonio, Pvt. id., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. id. July i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Tailor, 83
Kingsland Ave., Corona, N. Y.
Palmerello, Louis J., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 16, '18 assgd. btry. E.
Born Boston, Mass., Paper-carrier, 91 Pearl St., Everett, Mass.
Palmisino, John, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, as.sgd. btry.
D. Sep. 23, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Motor-truck-driver,
2649 Mill Rd., B'klyn, N. Y.
Panchisen, John J., Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. E, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 8 E. 128 St., N. Y. C.
Panger, John C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd
Pvt. id. Sep. 9, '18. Born Pine City, Minn. Farmer R. F. D.
2 Pine City, Minn.
Pantzer, George, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. Icl. June 18, '18, Rd. Pvt. June 25, '18, apt'd
Corp. Aug. 4, '18. Born Middletown, Conn., Vaudeville Per-
former, 522 E. 152 St., N. Y. C.
Pappacostopoulos, John A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29,
18, Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd.
btry. C. Bom Andra, Nova, Greece, Waiter, 282 Columbus
Ave., Boston, Mass.
Pappaioanu, John, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Ck. Oct. 16, '17, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement
Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Born Agarginay, Greece, Cook, 265
W. 39 St., N. Y. C.
Paquet, Charles L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y.,
Buyer, 286 Grove St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Parker, Benjamin H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, joined
306 F. A. June 28, '18, assgd. Sup. Co. Bom Washington,
D. C, grad. Georgetown Unv. Lawyer, 216 S. St., N. W.
Washington, D. C.
Parker, Joseph E., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. Dec. II, '17, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19. Bora B'klyn, N. Y.,
Die-caster, 2327 Bedford Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Parks, Ralph H., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. btr>'.
F, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18. Born
Baltimore, Md., Electrician, 704 St. Johns PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Parry, Harry H., Bugler, ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Bugler, June 7, '18. Born N. Y. C, Book-
keeper, 135 Martense St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Parsons, Allen L., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camji
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 28, 'i8-Jan. 3, '19.
Bom Portsmouth, N. Y., Shoeworker, 8 Ocean St., Newbury-
port, Mass.
Pasqualicchio, Donato, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr.
16, '18. Bom Italy, Button-machine-operator, 8 Underwood
St., Auburn, N. Y.
Pastore, Michael, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. id. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd Corp. July 21, '18.
Bom Nusec, Italy, House-mover, 67 4 St., Long Island City,
N. Y.
Patsches, Stanton W., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. June 28, '18, assgJ. Sup. Co.
transf'd Hq. Co. Aug. 20, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 20, '18.
Bom Greemstown, Pa., Farmer, Mt. Etna, Pa.
Patterson, Archibald T., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 10,
'17, assgd. btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18. Born Coler-
aine, Ireland, Book-keeper, 755 E. 168 St., N. Y. C.
Paulson, John P., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
305 F. A. joined 306 P. A. Apr. 21, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom
Yonkers, N. Y., Machinist, 48 Groshon Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.
Payne, Edward W., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Sep. 30, '17. Born Shelter Island, N. Y., Clerk, Shelter
Island, N. Y.
Peck, I. Heyward, Sgt., ent'd army Aug. 15, '17, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Sep. 21, '17, apt'd ist Sgt. Jan. i, '18,
transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18. Flushing, N. Y.
Pedercine, Louis J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18,
wounded Aug. 22, '18, Chery-Chartreuve. Bom No. Adams
Mass., Farmer, 739 So. Church St., No. Adams, Mass.
Pedicone, Henry, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry F, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve apt'd Pvt. icl.
Sep. 9, '18. Sent Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls.
Peek William H., Lt. Col., grad. Virginia Military Inst.
1896, apt'd Sgt. 4 Va. Inf. Apr. 1898, joined 4 Art. Nov. 1899,
apt'd Corp. 1900 apt'd Sgt. Nov. 1900, commissioned 2d Lieut.
Apr. 23, '01, apt'd ist Lieut. Art. Corps Nov. 1907, apt'd Capt.
C. A. C. Dec. 2, '1910, apt'd Maj. F. A. Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug.
15, '17, apt'd Lt. Col. F. A. June 2, '18, apt'd Col. Apr. 10, '19,
joined 306 F. A. Nov. 16, '18 C. O. 306 F. A. Dec. 17, '18. Born
Hampton, N. Y.
Peluso, Augustino, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Bom AvilUno, Italy.
Carpenter, 13 Kane St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Pender, Edward C, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Clean, N. Y., Farmer, Basom, N. Y.
Pender, Joseph F., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. A, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Cherj'-Chartreuve, apt'd Pvt. ivl.
Dec. 9, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., 5 yrs. 69 Regt. N. G. N. Y.
Fireman, 11 Audubon Ave., N. Y. C.
Pensmith, Herbert M., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Med. Detach, gassed Nov. 5, '18 La Besace. Bom Baltimore,
Md., Hospital Attendant, Washington, D. C.
Perkins, Charles B., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Mch. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 16, '18. Bom Oswego, N. Y., Y. M. C.
A. Secty., Youngstown, N. Y.
Perrault, Philip, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Aug. 24, '17, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10, '17
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 1917, sent to Hosp. Oct. 29, '18. Dropped
from rolls. Bom Massachusetts, Chair-worker, 97 Regan St.,
W. Gardiner, Mass.
Peter, Rozel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
C, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Louisville,
Ky., Accountant, 938 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C.
Peter, Thomas, Wag., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom Werballen, Russia, Machin-
ist, 307 Stagg St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Peters, Alfred, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Holland,
la.. Farmer, Holland, la.
Peters, Otto, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
B, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Law-clerk, 147 Lenox Ave., N. Y. C.
Peterson, Carl W., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., transf'd 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18, transf'd F. A. Motor Replacement Bn.
Sep. 5, '18.
Peterson, Lawrence B., Sad., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18,
apt'd Sad. Sep. 9, '18. Bom Viborg, So. Dak., Farmer, Balton,
Petroplos, John, Pvt., ent'd army June 2, '18, Columbus
Bks., O., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18. Bom
Greece, Restaurant Mgr., 1810 Cedar Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Petterson, John M., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 21, '18.
Bom Helsingfors, Finland, Marine Fireman, no Summit St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Pezza, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry. E,
Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist, 316 E. 108 St., N. Y. C.
Pfadenhauer, John H., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 27, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 306 Himrod St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Pfeiffer, Stuart P., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icL Feb. 15, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18,
apt'd Corp. July I, '18, transf'd btry. E, Aug. 7, '18, Rd. Pvt.
by transfer, transf'd Hq. Co. Nov. 24, '18. Bom Scranton,
Pa., Chemical-Broker, 317 Parkville Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Pfirman, William T., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. C, Sep. 23, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Boiler-maker, 165
16 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Phelan, James A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined 306 F.
A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 257
E. 72 St., N. Y. C.
Phelan, William J., Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd
Hq. Co. apt'd Sad. July I, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 22, '18, apt'd
Stab. Sgt. July 24, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Stevedore, 3209
Beverly Rd., B'klyn, N. Y.
Philips, Harvey R., 2d Lieut, joined 306 F. A. Nov. 6, '18,
attch'd btry. E, assgd. 306 F. A. Nov. 18, '18. Sent Hosp. Dec.
II, '18.
Phillips, Maurice, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '17, on D. S. O. T. S. Jan. 5-Mch. 26.
'18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. i, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16,
'18, grad. St. Johns Military College.
Phillis, Evans, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom
Prousas, Greece, Waiter, 67 Chandler, Boston, Mass.
PiROLO, Matt, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Grant,
111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bora Mace-
rata, Italy, Teamster, 832 Bishop St., Chicago, 111.
Pitman, Theodore B., ist Lieut, commissioned Plattsburg,
N. Y., Nov. 27, '17, joined 306 F. A. Dec. 27, '17, assgd. btry. A,
transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. i, '18, transf'd Sup. Co. June 15, '18,
transf'd Casual Officers' Centre for transportation to U. S.
Aug. 25, '18. Born Boston, Mass., Advertising Mgr., 25
Euston St., Brookline, Mass.
Plagge, Walter H., Pvt. icL, ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
assgd. bgry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co.
June 10, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 69 Shaw Ave., Wood-
haven, N. Y.
Playne, Charles J., Bugler, ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btrj'. F, apt'd Bugler Feb. 6, '18, injured by accident Nov. 5,
'18 Sommauthe, sent to Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Foreman, 477 Hamburg Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.,
Plimpton, Russell A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18.
assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bora
Hollis, N. Y., grad. Princeton, Unv. Pa., Museum Curator,
Princeton Club, N. Y. C.
Plunkett, Christopher J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21,
'17, assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 5, '18. Bom King
Cty., Ireland, Conductor, 195 No. Henry St., B'klyn, N. Y.
PonMOs, Aristides, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, assgd.
btry. E, transf'd Art. Replacement Depot, July 10, '18.
Pollock, Robert, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Aug. 27, '18, apt'd Pvt.
icl. Jan. 15, '19. Bom N. Y. C, Student, Chestnut St.,
Closter, N. J.
POPPE, George, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. blry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Wina-
mac, Ind., Farmer, R. F. D. 6 Winamac, Ind.
Popper, Herm.^n, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '81. Gassed Nov. 5, '18 La
Besace. Bom Rutherford N. J., Salesman, 285 St. Nicholas
Ave., N. Y. C.
Popper, Murray T., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, grad. N. Y. U.
Office Mgr., 1258 Bushwick Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Porter, Philip, Pvt., ent'd army May 28, '18, Camp Devens,
Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 20, '18, transf'd 2
F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
PoRTz, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. Bom Belle-
vue, la.. Farmer, R. F. D. 4 Bellevue, la.
Potts, John, Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. A,
apt'd Corp. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. Aug. 27, '18. Bom Borton
On- Trent, Staflfordshire, Eng., grad. N. Y. Law Schl., LL.D.
Lawyer, 1418 President St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Powers, Alexander M., Corp., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18,
assgd. O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Aug. i, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Mechanical Engineer, 706 SterUng Place, B'klyn, N. Y.
Powers, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. btrj'.
B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Mec. Apr. i, '19. Bom
Tipperary, Ireland, Pipe-fitter, 409 E. 135 St., N. Y. C.
Powers, William, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icL Jan. 17, '18 on D. S. F. A. Motor Re-
placement Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Chauffeur, 353 Clinton St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Pratt, Edwin D., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 6, '18, attch'd O. T.
S. Camp Upton, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Mch. 13,
'18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May
16, '18.
Pratt, William E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. A, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, 5 yrs. 9 Inf. N. G. N. Y.,
Transportation, 440 W. 57 St., N. Y. C.
Prendergast, John J., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. A apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., grad.
St. Lawrence Unv. LL.B. Lawyer, 340 Clinton St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Preston, Ricil\rd F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 29, '18, sent Hosp. Oct. 24, '18. Drop-
ped from rolls.
Priem, Christ F., Hs., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. C, apt'd
Hs. July 23, '18. Bom Amboy, Minn., Farmer, Janesville,
Priest, Daniel B., ist Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. Sep. 17, '17, apt'd ist Lieut. Feb. 19, '18, Regtl.
Intelligence Officer, Mch. 14-Oct. 27, '18, apt'd Regtl. Gas
Officer Oct. 28, '18, grad. Harvard Unv. A.B. 1910, Harvard
Law Schl. LL.B. 1911, admitted N. Y. Bar, Nov. 19, '15 2 yrs.
Sq. A N. G. N. Y., 6 mos Federal Service, Mexican Border.
Lawyer, 2113 Teaglen St., Washington, D. C.
Primack, Andrew, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 13, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D. Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Wolinsky, Russia, Laborer, 132 Poplar St., Chelsea, Mass.
Prince, Charles F., Hs., ent'd army Oct. 7, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Hs.
Aug. 7, '18. Bom Fishkill V^iUage, N. Y., Chauffeur, 7 E. Main
St., Beacon City, N. Y.
Prindeville, Charles T., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18,
attch'd O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. Mch. 26, '18,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd. Saumur Art.
Schl. May 6, '18.
Prisk, William, Pvt., ent'd army May 3, '18, Ft. Slocum,
N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Sep. 16, '18. Bom
Wharton, N. J., Fireman, 52 No. Sussex St., Dover, N. J.
Pritchard, Leon C, ist Lieut, commissioned ist Lieut. Nov.
13. '17. joined 306 F. A. Mch. 15, '18, attch'd Sup. Co. transf'd.
Officers' Casual Centre for transportation to U. S. Aug. 25, '18.
Bom Ithaca, N. Y., grad. Comell Unv. Auto-dealer, 218 So.
Hill Terrace, Ithaca, N. Y.
Proto, S.\lvatore, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Controne, Italy, Moulder, 266 Gold St., So. Boston, Mass.
PuEGELL, Herman J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, transf'd
F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom Gamer, la..
Farmer, R. F. D. 2, Gamer, la.
PuGH, Laird M., 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 6, '18,
attch'd btry E, admitted Base Hosp. No. 26. Dropped from
rolls Nov. 12, '18.
PuGLiESE, John M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 10,
'18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist-helper, 224 No. 6 St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Purpera, Agostino, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Sicily, Italy, Laborer, 61 Water St., Quincy, Mass.
QuEioR, Lawrence H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Burke, N. Y. Farmer, Burke, N. Y.
Quinn, Thomas J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
D, Apr. 18, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 1245 Amsterdam
Ave., N. Y. C.
Rabin, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Born N. Y. C, Clerk,
1238 Simpson St., Bronx, N. Y.
Rabin, Sidney C, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 19, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
Bom So. Boston, Mass., Ticket Agt., 35 Shelton St., Dorchester,
Racco, Joseph V., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. btry.
E, Oct. 12, '17. Bom Grenosa, Italy, Shoemaker, 613 Baltic
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Radtke, John A., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
F, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve sent Base Hosp.
rejoined btry. F, Nov. 20, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Die-caster,
100 Himrod St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Rafferty, Joseph B., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Coq). Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. Aug. I, '18, Rd.
Corp. Nov. 7, '18. Bom N. Y. C.,grad. Fordham Unv. Investi-
gator, 327 W. 46 St., N. Y. C.
Ragoio, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Chelsea, Mass., Teamster, 40 Catawba St.,Roxbury, Mass.
Raihl, RjWMOND R., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, assgd.
Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom Ephrate Pa., Cementer, Washing-
ton Ave., Ephrate, Pa.
Rapp, John L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry. D,
Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 412 E. 88 St., N. Y. C.
Rapuano, Orazio, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Muse. 2cl. Nov. 15,
'18. Bom Sabemo, Italy, Musician, 220 Spring St., N. Y. C.
Raschka, Martin Z., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry E, Apr. 16, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Sleepy Eye, Minn., Farmer,
R. F. D. 2, Lamberton, Minn.
Rawxings, Roy B., Y. M. C. A. Secty., joined 306 F. A. July
15, '18. Bom Kinmendy, 111., 14 yrs. N. G. Kan., Capt. Home
Guard, Kansas City. Photographer, 935 Minnesota Ave.,
Kansas City, Kan.
3o6th field artillery
Rayball, Michael J., Pvt. icl.,, ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18,
'18. Bom Ireland, Clerk, 5 Walker Ave., Lowell, Mass.
Rea, Hugh, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. D,
apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 1046 Stebbins
Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Reardon, John H., Jr., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Feb. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Student,
446 54 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Redepenning, Richard E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18.
Bom Young America, Minn., Farmer, Young America,
Redican, Thomas R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18, gassed
Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replace-
ment Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Bom Empire, Minn., Clerk,
311, So. Franklin St., St. Paul, Minn
Redmond, Roland L., ist Lieut, commissioned Plattsburg,
N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 22, '18, assgd. btry.
D. transf'd Hq. Co. Oct 5, '18, apt'd Regtl. Reconnaissance
Officer Oct. 6, '18, transf'd American Peace Conference, Paris,
Dec. 3, '18. Banker, 31 E. 77 St., N. Y. C.
Redmond, Walter, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Wag. Jan. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Auto-mechanic.
133 Prospect Pk W. B'klyn, N. Y.
Reed, George, 2d Lieut, commissioned Saumur Art. Schl.
Mch. 15, '18, ent'd army Apr. 12, '17, assgd. 150 F. A. joined
306 F. A. Sep. 4, '18, assgd. btry. B, apt'd 1st Lieut. Mch. 26,'l8.
Bom Chester, Eng., Stone business 802 E. 3 St. Bloomington
Reed, William A., Pvt., ent'd army June i, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 17, '18, assgd. Sup. Co.
Bom Providence, R. L, Shoe- worker, 128 Sumner St., Brockton,
Reeksting, Alexander, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19,
'18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Curland
Russia, Machinist, 293 Pleasant St., Maiden, Mass.
Rees, Earl H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, assgd. Sup.
Co. June 28, '18. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Saw-setter, 3226
Benner St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Reese, Rexie E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 5, '18, Ft. Ogle-
thorpe, Ga., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Mch. 26, '18,
Bom W. Va. Engineer, Broomfield, W. Va.
Regling, Frederick C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, '18. 349 E. 86 St., N.
Y. C.
Reid, Samuel J., Jr., ist Lieut., commissioned ist Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 15, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 22, '17,
C. O. btry. A, Vosges and Vesle Campaigns, killed in action Aug.
22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Babylon, Long Island, grad.
Princeton Unv. 1906 A.B., grad. N. Y. Law School, LL.B.
Troop C, N. G. N. Y. Hancock St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Reilly, Thomas P., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btrj'. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18, killed in action Aug. 26,
'18 Chery-Chartreuve. 54 W. 93 St., N. Y. C.
Rein, John T., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 16, '18, assgd. btry. C. Bom Jordan,
Minn., Farmer, MedeUa, Minn.
Renner, Emil C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Dundee, lU., Farmer, Winthrop,
Residori, Umberto, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 30, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom Quinzano, Italy,
Cashier, 34 E. 24 St., N. Y. C.
Rettke, Walter R., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Buffalo, N. Y., Machinist, 1530
Bailey Ave., Buflalo, N. Y.
Rhodes, De Witt M., Mech., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Mech. Mch. 5, '18. Bom Sayville, N. Y.,
Carpenter, 479 Lincoln Ave., Sayville, N. Y.
RiANi, Antonio, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, April 19, '18. Bom
Fomaci, di Barga, Italy, Confectionery, 517 High St., Holy-
oke, Mass.
Riccio, DoMiNico, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Avellino, Italy, Machinist, 1863 River St., Hyde Park,
Rich, Emanuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. E, Oct. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 10, '18, apt'd Pvt.
icl. July I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Window-trimmer, 505 W. 143
St., N. Y. C.
Richards, Guy H., Sgt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
A, Apr. 19, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 15, '17, apt'd Sgt. Oct. 21, '18.
Bom Orange, N. J., 6 mos. American Ambulance, France, Stu-
dent, 399 Park Ave., N. Y. C.
Richardson, William A., Pvt., ent'd army July 23, '18,
joined 306 F. A. Oct. 31, '18, assgd. btry. C, transf'd 2 F. A.
brig. Nov. 16, '18.
RiCHTER, Flow) W., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Corp. May I, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Manufacturer, Laurelton PI., Springfield, N. Y.
RiCKEN, Joseph A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. id. July 11, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Chauffeur, 850 Grand St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Rider, Egbert J., ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd Sgt. May 15, '18, apt'd
1st Sgt. July 18, '18, Rd. Sgt. Nov. 21, '18, transf'd Army Hosp.
Dec. 5, '18.
Riedel, Frederick K., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 25, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, July 29, '18.
Bom Pleasant Mount, Wayne Cty., Pa., Fish culturist. Pleasant
Mount, Wayne Cty., Pa.
Rieger, Herbert, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. id. Feb. 15, '18. Bom N. Y. C, 1115
Forest Ave., Bron.x, N. Y.
Rielly, Robert B., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 7, '17, assgd. btry.
A. Bom Dobbs Ferrj', N. Y., Plumber, Broadway, Dobbs
Ferry, N. Y.
Riley, William E., Sgt., ent'd army July 3, '17, Ft. Slocum,
N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Feb. 5, '18, apt'd
Corp. Aug. 10, '17, apt'd Sgt. Aug. 28, '17. Bom Philadelphia,
Pa., Freight Inspector, 3227 No. Howard St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Rinehart, Walter J., Pvt., ent'd army July 26, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Oct. 20, '18.
Bom Cincinnati, O., Clay Product Manufacturer, 5814 Quimby
Ave., Cleveland, O.
Rinfret, Romeo, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Fall River, Mass., Farmer, no Sharon St., W. Medford,
Ring, Alphonse G., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icL Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18.
Born Dorchester, Mass., Salesman, 41 Clarkson Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
RisEBROW, Albert E., Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Corp. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. Mch. 15, '18,
apt'd Stab. Sgt., Aug. 1, '18. Bom Northmpps, Eng., Chauf-
feur, 168 E. 70 St., N. Y. C.
Rissland, Karl E., Sgt. Bugler, ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Sgt. Bugler, Apr. I, '18, transf'd G. Hq.
Band School Oct. 29, '18.
Ritter, Carl A., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, apt'd Sgt.
Jan. I, '18, on D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton transf d Sauniur Art.
School May 16, '18.
RiviELLE, DoMiNicK R., Pvt. icl., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 9, '18,
assgd. Veterinary Detach.
RoBBiNS, James W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, joined
306 F. A. July 29, '18, assgd. Sup. Co. Bom Philadelphia, Pa.,
Soap-maker, 21 15 E. Seltzer St., Philadelphia, Pa.
RoBBiNS, William F., Hs., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18, apt'd Hs. July 20, '18.
Bom Shickshinny, Pa., Carpenter, R. F. D. 4, Shickshinny, Pa.
Roberts, Ira, E., Hs., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd Hs. Aug.
I, 'i8. Bom Watello, la.. Farmer, Troy, la.
Robinson, Henry J., Mech., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Mech. Mch. 15, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Pipe-
fitter, 303 Nostrand Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Robinson, Thomas G., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 20, '18, assgd. btry. C.
transf'd 2 F. A. Art. Brig. Nov. 16, '18. Teamster.
Roche, Timothy, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. btry. C,
apt'd Pvt. icl. July 11, '18. Teamster.
Rocheleau, Emil, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Canada, Teamster, 693
Middlesex St., Lowell, Mass.
Roen, Olie, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge, la.,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18. transf'd Military.
Police Corps Dec. 20, '18.
Rogers, Scott, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 21, '18, joined 306 F,
A. assgd. btry F, May 28, '18. Bom Unadilla, N. Y., Farmer
Wellsbridge, N. Y.
Rohan, Thomas P., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Milton, Mass., Teamster, 281 Washington St., Dedham,
RoHB.\CK, Harrison L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July 5, '18. Bom Limestone, Pa.,
Farmer, Lewisburg, Pa.
Rohde, Arthur, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
E. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Lineman, 1512 Gates Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Romano, Dominick, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Springfield, Mass., Celluloid Polisher, 26 William St.,
Springfield, Mass.
Romano, Tully, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Pvt icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd Corp, Feb. 5, '18. Bom
Cashekeithis, Aguila, Italy, Salesman, 201 Grand St., N. Y. C.
RoMiCK, John S., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, wounded in action Oct. 13,
'18, Lancon. 85 Haron St., New Haven, Conn.
Romaine, Arthur, Pvt., ent'd army May 25, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Vienna, Mo., Farmer, Gassville, Ark.
Roodenburg, John H., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. Oct. 2, '18. Born
De Holler, Holland, Rigger, 24 Andrew St., Maspeth, N. Y.
RoRAV, Raymond C, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom Philadelphia, Pa.,
Chauffeur, 1834 No. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Rose, Benjamin F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Meade, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, July 29, '18.
Rose, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btrj'.
D, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Boston, Mass., Shoe Salesman, 900 E.
167 St., N. Y. C.
RosEBROCK, John H., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, on D. S. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 28, 'i8-Jan. 3,
'19. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, 68 Williams Ave., Jersey
City, N. J.
Rosecrans, Edward S., Pvt. icl. ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 3, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Book
keeper, 1350 Bergen St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Rosen, Louis W., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co. transf'd Hq. Troop 3, Army Corp. Sep. 2, '18. Steno-
Rosenbaum, Harry, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Buyer, 1044
Forest Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Rosenberg, George, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Actor,
831 E. 163 St., N. Y. C.
Rosenberg, Isadore, Sad., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Sad. Jan. i, '18. Born Byolastak, Ru.ssia,
Leather- worker, 1357 Intervale Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Rosenberg, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Riga,
Russia, Painter, 120 W. 116 St., N. Y. C.
Rosenberg, Joseph D., Bugler, ent'd army Sep. 21, '18,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Bugler, June 7, '18, gassd Aug. 22, '18
Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Schuylerville, N. Y., Haberdasher,
3786 Broadway, N . Y. C.
Rosenblum, Isidore, Mess. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Wag. Mch, 6,
'18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 19, '18, apt'd. Mess. Sgt. Apr. 20, '18, 3 yrs.
C. A. N. G. N. Y. Bom N. Y. C, Cutter, Rocky Hill, Conn.
Ross, John A., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. 304 M. G.
Bn. transf'd 306 F. A. May 4, '18, assgd. btry. D. Born N.
Y. C, Driver, 645 E. 16, St., N. Y. C.
Rotenstreich, Max, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Ck. Nov. 15, '17. Born Austria. Sheet-metal
Worker, 344 E. 81 St., N. Y. C.
Rothenberger, George, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 4,
'18, received Divisional Citation Nov. 3, '18, received Belgian
Croix de Guerre Apr. I, '19. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 673
Knickerbocker Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Rothschild, Charles, Bugler, ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Bugler, Feb. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Concrete
Worker, 470 69 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Roughsedge, Thomas E., Pvt. icl., army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btr)\ C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, sent to Hospital Aug. 10,
'18. Dropped from rolls. Bom England, Baker.
RouRKE, John F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
RowE, Belmont A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 5, 'i8. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Stock-broker, 2763 E. 26 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Rowe, John J., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Mech. July l, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 28, '18, wounded
Nov. 5, '18 La Besace. Born N. Y. C, Shipbuilder, 5512 i Ave.
N. Y. C.
Ruane, Patrick R., Hs., ent'd army Feb. 7, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. June 28, '18, apt'd
Wag. July I, '18, apt'd Hs. Aug. i, '18. Bom Dunmore, Pa.,
Boiler-makers-helper, 619 Monroe Ave., Dunmore, Pa.
RuBENFELD, Harry, Pvt., ent'd amiy Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 328 Knickerbocker Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Rubin, Abraham, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Ordnance Detach.
Jan. 17, '18, attch'd Sup. Co. Feb. 26, '18. Born Siberia, Russia,
Auto-Driver, 194 Watkins St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Rudolph, Frederick P., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
3o6th field artillery
'l8. Born Chelsea, Mass., Engineer, 4 Prospect St., Plymouth,
RuDOLPHi, Mario, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. on D. S. 77 Div. Theatrical Unit.
RuEHLE, Alois J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Fairhaven, Minn., Farmer, R. F. D. 2, Fairhaven, Minn.
RuMSKY, Simon, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined 306 F.
A., assgd. btry. A, Apr. 5, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10, '18.
Bom Magiloff, Russia, Draftsman, 151 McKibben St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
RuOTSiNOjA, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 17, '18. Bom
Oleaborg, Finland, Fanner, Kimball, Minn.
RuPEiKis, Stanley, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Grant, 111., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom
Russia, Steel-chipper, 2008 West 23 St., Chicago, 111.
RUPPERT, WiLLL\M, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd btry.
D, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. Mch. 29, '18, transf'd
Hq. Co. Apr. 10, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 4, '18, apt'd Corp.
July I, '18, Rd. Pvt. Aug. I, '18, died of disease, Nov. 20, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman, 614 W. 133 St., N. Y. C.
Rush, Charles H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bora Shelburne Falls, Mass., Hand-filer, 575 Berkshire Ave.,
Springfield, Mass.
Russ, Floyd L, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Caribou, Me., Salesman,
1234 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass.
Russell, Thomas S., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 20, '18. Bom Tipperary, Ire-
land, Auto-repairman, 272 W. 118 St., N. Y. C.
Russo, Angelo, Band Corp., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Band Corp. Jan. 2, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Musi-
cian, 50 Mott St., N. Y. C.
RuTKOVSKY, Abraham, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18. Bom Gradno, Russia, Knitter,
948 E. 179 St., N. Y. C.
Ryan, Henry A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18,
wounded Aug. 24, '18, Chery-Chartreuve, sent to Hospital.
Dropped from roUs. Clerk.
Ryan, John S., Pvt., ent'd amiy Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry. C,
Apr. 18, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Civil Engineer, 2114 8 Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Ryan, John W., Ck., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 3, '18, apt'd Ck. Apr. i, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Cook, 121 W. 106 St., N. Y. C.
Ryan, Joseph A., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
B. Bom Yonkers, N. Y., Pressman, 72 Momingside Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Ryan, Joseph E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Boston, Mass., Salesman,
26 Greenwich St., Dorchester, Mass.
Sabbatino, Tony, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Italy, Laborer, 2 Temple PI., Haverhill, Mass.
Sadino, Nat.\le, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Wag. July i, '18. Bom Aero, Italy, Teamster, 41
No. 5 Ave., Mt. Vemon, N. Y.
S.\cco, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army May 29, '18, Camp Jackson,
S. C. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18, apt'd Pvt.
icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Messina, Italy, Farmer, 344 Warren
St., Waltham, Mass.
Sacco, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 1, '18. Bom Palermo, Italy, Shoe-
worker, 77 Jefferson St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Sachs, Charles, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement
Bn. Oct. 28, 'i8-Jan. 3, '19. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Wholesale
Fmit Dealer, 55 Patchen Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Sachs, Nathan, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. 1, '18. Bom Kretengin, Russia, Manu-
facturer, 341 E. 120 St., N. Y. C.
Sadoski, William, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Born St. Paul Minn., Farmer, Foley,
Sager, Richard, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Nov. 17, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Clerk,
153 W. 80 St., N. Y. C.
St. George, Napoleon, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Fall River, Mass., Factory Worker, 11 Wabing St., New-
ton, Mass.
St. John, Percy A., Regtl. Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 12,
'17, assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 12, '18, apt'd Corp.
July 20, '18, apt'd Regtl. Sup. Sgt. Aug. 29, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Manager, 344 Woodland Ave., Woodhaven, N. Y.
Salkin, Jacob, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry. E,
apt'd Corp. Jan. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. Sep. 30, '18. Bom, N. Y. C,
Clerk, 188 E. loi St., N. Y. C.
Sampsell, James, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A June 29, '18. Bom North-
umberland, Pa., Hydraulic-press Operator, New Columbia, Pa.
Sanchez, Jose, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
A, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18.
Bom Cadiz, Spain, Waiter, 219 E. 95 St., N. Y. C.
Sandberg, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom W. Quincy, Mass., Chauffeur, 29 Buckley St., W. Quincy,
Sandman, Theodore, Pvt., ent'd army July 23, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Oct. 20, '18.
Bom Henry Cty., O., Farmer, Route 3, Deshlu, O.
Saperstein, Reuben, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Russia, Printer, 76 Kingsdale St., Dorchester, Mass.
Saullo, James T., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '17, on D. S. F. A. Motor
Replacement Bn. Oct. 30, 'i8-Dec. 24, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Motion-picture-operator, 175 15 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Saunders, Louis P., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
gassed Aug. 21 '18 Chery-Chartreuve, transf'd F. A. Motor
Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Born Lawrence, Mass., Mill-
hand, 213 Hyde St., No. Andover, Mass.
Savage, Harry J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
E, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 150 W. 36 St.,
N. Y. C.
Savage, Joshua C, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 1, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18. Bom
Benton, Pa., Farmer, R. F. D. No. 4, Benton, Pa.
Savard, Valmar, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lowell, Mass., Shop-hand, 84 Ford St., Lowell, Mass.
Savarese, Gerald H., Corp., ent'd army Nov. 23, '17,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct.
2, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Mechanic, 2453 8 Ave., N. Y. C.
Saving, George, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Ck. Apr. 11, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Chauffeur, West-
bury, N. Y.
Sawickas, Antanas, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bora Russia, Teamster, 196
Anthens St., Boston, Mass.
S.-vxTON, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '18, assgd. 77 Div.
Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May 18, '18. Born
Oceanside, N. Y., Farmer, 400 Long Beach Rd., Occanside,
N. Y.
ScAFiDl, Fred, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry. A,
Mch. 10, '18, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartrouvc. Bora
San Fretello, Italy, Salesman, 2083 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
ScANLON, James F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lowell, Mass., Millhand, 44 Franklin St., Lowell, Mass.
ScAvo, Rocco, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, Camj)
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Bora Carbonara, Italy, Laborer, Churdon,
ScHAF, Joseph J., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd..
btry. A, transf'd Hq. Co. June lo, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 1, '18
Bora N. Y. C, Clerk, 179 E. iii St., N. Y. C.
SciiAMBERGER, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 23, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18.
Bora Minn., Farmer, Sabin, Minn.
ScHAMPERS, Leonard, Pvt., ent'd army May, 1918, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. F, Sep. 15, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Schauder, Fred C, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i. '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Motorman, 1824 Woodbine St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Scheerer, Carl, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Mess. Sgt. Nov. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. July 10, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. July II, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. I, '19. Born
N. Y. C, Accountant, 1228 Clay Ave., N. Y. C.
Scheffler, Frank P., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18. Bom
Menasha, Wis., Paper-maker, 701 3 St., Menasha, Wis.
ScHEiNW.\LD, NLiRTiN H., Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '18,
assgd Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sup. Sgt. Dec.
1, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Letter-carrier, 370 Madison St., N. Y. C.
ScHERER, William F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co. wounded, Sep. 9, '18, Vauxcere. Bora N. Y. C, Stage-
hand, 244 E. 94 St., N. Y. C.
ScHicKTANZ, John A., Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Ck. May 16, '18. Bora Nixdorf, Bohemia,
Austria, Baker, 211 Evergreen Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScHiELL, Michael, Bugler, ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Bugler, Feb. 4, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Tin-
buflfer, 45 Menahan St., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScHiFF, Harold L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
Sup. Co. transf'd Base Hosp. June 2, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Bora N. Y. C.
Schildknecht, Charles, ist Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Corp. Nov. 21, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 2, '18
apt'd 1st Sgt. Oct. 31, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Building
Materials, 1030 Wyckoff Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScHiNELLER, ANDREW J., Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Mechanic,
136 Melrose St., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScHLACHTER, J.\coB, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry
F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. 8, '19. Bora,
B'klyn, N. Y., Filing Caster, 134 Himrod St., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScHLEH, Frank M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry, E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bora Murdock, Minn., Steam Engineer
R. F. D. I, Mendota, Minn.
Schlottmann, Henry J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y.,
Mechanic, 561 Rogers Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schm.\hl, John H., Pvt., icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Born N. Y. C, Pressman,
316 Grove St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schmidt, Alfred E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, Rd. Pvt. Apr. 10, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. July II, '18. Born B'klyn, N. Y., Wireman, 561
Gates Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schmidt, Charles A., Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd Pvt. id. Sep. I, '18. Bora N. Y. C,
Clerk, 309 E. 90 St., N. Y. C.
Schmidt, Edgar, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp Meade,
joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bora Philadel-
phia, Pa., Draftsman, Rutledge, Pa.
Schmidt, John G., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
C. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Leather-manufacturer, 28 Onderdonk
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schmidt, Louis, Asst. Band Leader, ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
apt'd Asst. Band Leader Dec. i, '17, transf'd i Depot Div.
G. H. Q. Band Nov. 21, '18.
Schmidt, Theodore, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btrj'. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Corp. May 20, '18,
wounded Aug. 25, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, admitted S. O. S.
Hosp. Dec. 16, '18. Bookkeeper.
Schmidt, William P., Corp. ent'd army Nov. 20, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Aug. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. Dec. 9, '18. Born
B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman, 1246 Madison St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schmitt, Ben., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18. Died of
disease July 11, '18, Winona, Minn.
Schmuel, John, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd. btry. E,
Bom Ourmia, Persia, Ammunition Worker, 182 Riverdale Ave.
Yonkers, N. Y.
Schnackenburo, Henry J., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i '18, apt'd Corp. Mch.
21, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Printer, 217 E. 37 St., N. Y. C.
Schnebly, Claude P., Pvt., ent'd army May 13, '18, Jeffer-
son Bks., Mo. apt'd Corp. July 8, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd.
btry. F, Sep. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. by transfer, apt'd Pvt. id.
Nov. 26, '18. Bom Seymour, la.. Bank-teller, Bismarck, No.
Schneider, Louis C, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. May 20, '18,
Rd. Pvt. June 28, '18. Paperbox-maker.
Schneider, William C, Ch. Mech., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. id. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Ch. Mech.
Jan. 14, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Metal Worker, 1956 Bussing Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Schnibbe, Arthur M., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, gassed Aug. 22, '18, Chcry-Chartrcuve. Bora B'klyn,
N. Y., Clerk, 216 Winthrop St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schoen, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. 16, '18, transf'd M. P. Corps 77 Div.,
Dec. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist, 407 E. 87 St., N. Y. C.
Schreck, Henry A., Pvt. id., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18,
transf'd Ordnance Detach. June 28, '18, apt'd Pvt. id. July 22,
'18. Bora Harrisburg, Pa., Machinist, 1122 So. Cameron St.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
SCHREIECK, Fred, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
E. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 497 Central Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schrceder, Henry C, Pvt. id., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icL Aug. i, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y.,
Driver, 11 Erasmus St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Schrumpf, Harold C, Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btr>'. B, transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan. 22, '18, attcn'd Sup. Co.
Feb. 26, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 22, '18. Born Callicoon Centre,
N. Y., Machinist, 114 W. loi St., N. Y. C.
ScHULER, Victor, Pvt. id., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
3o6th field artillery
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, 'l8. Born N. Y. C, Diamond-
setter, 402 E. 163 St., Bronx, N. Y.
SCHUM, Charles H., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '18,
apt'd Sgt. Nov. 25, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Butcher, 1005
Forest Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Schumacher, George, Mech., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 8, '18, apt'd Mech. Apr. 18, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 275 Moffat St., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScHURMAN, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 2i, '18. Bom
Center, Minn., Farmer, Holland, Minn.
Schwab, Frank J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
D, Apr. 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 442 E. 87 St.,
N. Y. C.
Schwab, Samuel, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, assgd. btry.
C, admitted S. O. S. Hospital. Dropped from rolls Sep. 14, '18.
Schwartz, Michael A., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.,
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18
apt'd Sgt. May 15, '18, apt'd ist Sgt. Nov. 22, '18. Born
Budapest, Austria, Insurance Broker, 638 W. 160 St., N. Y. C.
Schwartz, Philip, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. ig, '18.
Bom Russia, Salesman, 62 Massachusetts Ave., Quincy, Mass.
ScHWEiGER, Harry E., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Sep. 28, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Mer-
chant, 1297 Bushwick Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
SciccHiTANO, Ale.xander, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18,
joined 306 F. A. June 27, '18, assgd. Ordnance Detach, attch'd
Sup. Co. transf d Chief Ordnance Officer, Oct. 16, '18.
ScoLLARD, John M., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
ScoTT, John, 2d Lieut, commissioned June i, '18 Saumur
Art. School, joined 306 F. A. Sep. 10, '18, assgd. btry. D, transf'd
btry. C, Oct. 19, '18. Bom Roanoke, Va., grad. Va. Polytech-
nic Inst. 1915. Observer of Tests N. W. Railroad, 222 Harri-
son Ave., E. Roanoke, Va.
ScoTT, Robert, Ch. Mech., ent'd army Oct. 12,' 17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Mech. Feb. 7, '18,
apt'd Ch. Mech. July 20, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Produce
Merchant, 483 Warwick St., B'klyn, N. Y.
ScRUGES, Volnev F., Pvt., ent'd army June 23, '18, joined
306 F. A. Oct. 31, '18, assgd. btry. C, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig.
Nov. 16, '18.
Sebastun, Willl\m G., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Funston, Kan., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Higginsville, Mo., Miner, loi Bellevue Ave., Higginsville, Mo.
Seeger, George, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, injured
by accident Oct. 22, '18, La Harazee, sent to Hosp. Dropped
from rolls. 507 4 St. MinneapoHs, Minn.
Seeger, David, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. July i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 857
Elsmere PI., N. Y. C.
Seg.\l, Morris, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 27, '17, assgd. btr\'.
C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd Corp. Feb. 5, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Postal Clerk, 53 Norfolk St., N. Y. C.
Segool, Matthew E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. i, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. E, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Boston, Mass., Florist,
421 Seaver St., Dorchester, Mass.
Seip, Carl E., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. II, '17, assgd. Sup. Co.
Born Huckeswagen, Rhine Province, Germany, Postal Clerk,
107 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Seiter, Joseph C, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Sgt. Ord. Dept. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach,
attach'd Sup. Co. Feb. 27, '18, on D. S. Ord. Motor Instruction
Schl. Peoria, 111., Jan. 2-Mch. 2, '18, on D. S. Motor Detail 77
Div. Mch. 27-Apr. 12, 'i8. Bom N. Y. C, Conductor, 630
Courtlandt Ave., N. Y. C.
Seligman, David, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry.
E, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 10, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Raikoad Mail
Clerk. 359 E. 26 St., N. Y. C.
Seljeskeg, Sigsbee, Pvt., ent'd army May i, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 31, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Sell, Charles R,, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July I, '18. Bom Hanover, Pa., Farmer,
137 Northwest St., York City, Pa.
Selover, Benjamin F., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 7, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. i, '18. Bom
Lawrence, N. Y., Chauffeur, Lawrence, N. Y.
Serk, Hugo, P., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Daven-
port, la.. Farmer, Davenport, la.
Serra, Joseph, Corp., ent'd army Nov. 17, '17, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Corp. July 21, '18. Bom Laville, Italy, Chauffeur,
358 Bleecker St., N. Y. C.
Setileis, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18. Bom Brest-Litovsk,
Russia, Tailor, 336 Ellery St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Sexton, William C, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26,
'18. Born E. Boston, Mass., Clerk, 16 Irving Place, Maiden,
Shade, Floyd, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18. Born Lock-
haven, Pa., Farmer, Hyner, Pa.
Shady, Alfred, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 17, '18, transf'd 2 F. A.
Brig, Nov. 20, '18.
Shaffer, Deed H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Harlan, la.. Farmer, Ceylon, Minn.
Shappell, Clarence E., Pvt., ent'd amiy Mch. 7, '18, Ft.
Meyer, Va., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. July, 1919.
Bom Hamburg, Pa., grad. Franklin & Marshall College, 19 16
A.B. Teacher, Hamburg, Pa.
Shaver, Rufus W., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Ord. Detach., attch'd Sup.
Co. June 28, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct.
30, 'i8-Dec. 24, '18. Bom Kingston, Pa., Truck-driver, 92
Wells, Westmoor, Pa.
Shaw, Frank H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Middleboro, Mass., Salesman, Middleboro, Mass.
Sh.\w, Ralph A., Ord. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Ordnance Sgt. Feb. 2, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach,
attch'd Sup. Co. Feb. 27, '18, on D. S. Ord. Motor Instruction
School, Peoria, 111., Jan. 6, 'i8-Mch. 2, '18. Bom Lowell,
Mass., Machinist, 987 Columbus Ave., N. Y. C.
Sh,\warey, Philip J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Shcherbitsky, Paul, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 6, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom
Pozarishcsa, Poland, Mine-laborer, 905 Main St., Dickson, Pa.
Shea, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Lawrence, Mass., Shipper, 7 Ridge Rd., Newburj'port, Mass.
Sheaffer, James H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18.
Bom Greenwood Fumance, Pa., Railroad Fireman, R. F. D.,
Belleville, Pa.
Shearer, George E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 6, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July l, '18. Born
Springfield, Pa., Farmer, Springfield, Pa.
Shearer, William A., 2d Lieut, ent'd army Sep. 20, '17,
Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky., on D. S. 3d Officers'
Training Camp Apr. 11, '18, commissioned Saumur Art. Schl.
June I, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. A, Sep. 10, '18. Bom
Indianapolis Ind., grad. Unv. Penn. Degree in Architecture
Architect, 2523 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Shedd, Howard A., ist Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. Sep. 17, '17, grad. N. Y. Mil. Academy. Office
Manager, 220 W. 107 St., N. Y. C.
Sheehan, James B., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 17, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 22, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Chauffeur, Douglaston, Long Island, N. Y.
Sheeler, Earl L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. F, June 2, '18. Bom
Christiana, Pa., Painter, Christiana, Pa.
Sheffer, Albert M., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Aug. 23, '18.
Bom Linlithgo, N. Y., Chauffeur, 209 Willis Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Sheldon, Arthur, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. Bom N. Y. C, Shipping-clerk, 133 W. 113 St., N. Y. C.
Sheridan, Frederick R., 2d Lieut, commissioned July 12,
'18, Saumur Art. Schl. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj-. C, Sep. 10,
-'18, transf'd Sup. Co. Oct. i, '18. Bom Detroit, Mich. grad.
Unv. Michigan. Civil Engineer, 767 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Sheridan, Thomas W., ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. E, Sep. 15, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, on D. S.
O.T. S. CampUpton, N. Y.,Jan. i,-Mch. 28, 'i8,apt'd ist. Sgt.
Apr. 17, '18, on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18. Dropped
from rolls.
Sherlock, Michael, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18. Bom Mayo, Ireland,
Laborer, 4 Longwood Ave., Roxbury, Mass.
Shields, Arthur L., 2d Lieut, commissioned July 10, '18,
Saumur Art. Schl. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, July 20, '18,
transf'd Hq. Co. Sep. 26, '18, transf'd 2 Aviation Instruction
Schl. Oct. 20, 'i8, reassigned 306 F. A. attch'd btry. E, Sep. 6,
'18. Bom New Bedford, Pa., Student, New Bedford, Pa.
Shindledecker, Howard L., Rgtl. Sgt. Maj., ent'd army
Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry. C, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, transf'd
Hq. Co. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Bn. Sgt. Maj.
Jan. 4, '18, apt'd Reg. Sgt. Maj. Apr. i, '18. Bom Adams
Cty., Pa., Stenographer, 534 W. 152 St., N. Y. C.
Shine, Michael F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom Roscommon, Ire-
land. Bookkeeper, 981 Broadway, B'klyn, N. Y.
Shine, Thomas J., Wag., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Wag. Apr. 12, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement
Bn. Oct. 30, '18. Bom Limerick, Ireland, Chauffeur, 1653
Weirfield St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Shirk, Norman M., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 27 '18. Bom
Evadale, Pa., Farming, Richfield, Pa.
Shopar, Morris, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
D. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Base Hosp. No. 6, June 20, '18.
Dropped from rolls. Barber, N. Y. C.
Shopwell, Herman, P\'t., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. C, Apr. 27, '18.
Bom Newville, Pa., Baker, Newville, Pa.
Shorrock, Ernest, 2d Lieut, commissioned Aug. 17, '17,
Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Nov.
22, '17.
Suni, Ralph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 7, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18. Bom Con-
trusi, Italy, Barber, 160 W. Thompson St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sidleck, Peter, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Poland, Russia, Laborer, Athol St., Three Rivers, Mass.
Sieg, Charles C, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Corp. Feb. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. May 15, '18, gassed Aug.
21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Crane Oper-
ator, 196 Momingstar Ave., Port Richmond, N. Y.
SiEGAL, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 14, '17, Ft. Slocum,
N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18, wounded
and gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Born Russia,
Carpenter, 1224 State St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Sieverding, Harvev J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, gassed
.Aug. 21, '18, Chery-Chartreuve, transf'd F. A. Motor Replace-
ment Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom Bellevue, la.. Farmer, Bellevue,
SiEVERS, Melvin L., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, Rd. Pvt. Mch. 11, '18,
transf'd Hq. Co. June 10, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Book-
keeper, 121 Jefferson Ave., N. Y.
Silkworth, Walter M.,Corp., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Bugler, July i, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 22, "18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman, 329 FlushingAve., Jamaica, N. Y.
SiLVERBERG, ^L\URICE P., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18,
assgd. Hq. Co. Mch. 4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Stenographer,
522 W. 185 St., N.Y.C.
Silverstein, Elias, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18. Bom
Reni, Russia, Salesman, 1804 7 St., N. W.Washington, D. C.
Simendinger, John, J., Ck., ent'd array Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Ck. Oct. 16, '17. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 505
W. 158 St., N. Y. C.
Simon, Mosey, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, joined 306 F. A.
assgd. btry. C, Apr. 20, '18, admitted S. O. S. Hosp. July, 1918,
Dropped from rolls. Laborer.
SiMOViTCH, Frank O., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
wounded Oct. 13, '18 Lancon. Sent to Base Hosp. Dropped
from rolls.
Simpson, Adolph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom Salau, Russia,
Metal Worker, 600 Prospect Ave., N. Y. C.
SiROis, Clovis J., Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. Bom Astoria, Long Island, N. Y., Machinist, 1545
B'way, B'klyn, N. Y.
SisTO, Vincent J., Pvt. icL, ent'd army Dec. 6, '17, assgd.
306 Inf. joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Jan. 11, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl May 20, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., 3 yrs. C. A. C. Laborer, 525 Carroll St., B'klyn, N. Y.
SiTLER, Claude H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 6, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July i, '18. Bom
E. Prospect, Pa., Cigar Manufacturer, E. Prospect, York City.
Skidmore, Fred V., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry A, gassed Aug. 22, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, apt'd Pvt. icl.
Jan. 15, '19. Born Orangetown, N. J., Machinist, 392 2 Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Slaughter, Malcolm M., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. E, Sep. 15, '17. apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, on D. S. O.
T. S. Camp Upton, N. Y., Jan. i-Mch. 28, '18, on D. S. Saumur,
Art. Schl. May 16, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Sloan, Benjami.v H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18, died
of disease Chateauvillain Hospital Jan. 8, '19 Bom Phila-
delphia, Pa., Teamster, 435oMainSt., Philadelphia, Pa.
Slocum, Allen, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, a.^.sgd. Sup. Co.
apt'd Wag. Apr. I, '18, on D. S. Motor Detail, 77 Div. Mch. 27-
Apr. 9, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30-Dec.
24, '18. Bom Pawling, N. Y., Garage Mgr., Pawling, N. Y.
3o6th field artillery
Smith, Arthur P., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. btry.
E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18, apt'd
Sgt. Sep. I, '18, injured Nov. I, '18, St. Juvin, admitted Base
Hospital. Dropped from rolls Dec. 16, '18. 1461 74 St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Smith, Charles J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, June 10, '18.
Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Hatter, 2103 E. Butch St., Philadelphia,
Smith, Charles K., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Salesman, 1521 E. Erie Ave., Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Smith, Edmund E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Charlestown, Mass., Clerk, 53 Chapman St., Charlestown,
Smith, Elwood P., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, June 10, '18.
Bora Rochester, N. Y., Shelhnan, 1408 So. 11 St., Eddystone
Smith, Frederic H., Lieut-Col. commissioned June 15, '03,
apt'd Maj. Aug. 15, '17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A.
Oct. 16, '17, assgd. I Bn. Co. 306 F. A. Dec. 1-19, '17, on D. S.
Schl. Fire, Ft. Sill, Okla, Jan. 4-Feb. 11, '18, on D. S. A. E. F.
Mch. 20-May 9, '18, apt'd Lt. Col. June, 1918, on D. S. G. H. Q.
Sep. 21, '18. 210 W. Franklin St., Troy, O.
Smith, Frederick B., Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18,
assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18, transf'd
Hq. Co. Oct. 10, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl. Oct. 24, '18, apt'd Muse.
2cl Nov. 15, '18. Bom Cedarhurst, N. Y., Musician, Cedar-
hurst, N. Y.
Smith, George D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C. Book-
keeper, 893 E. 167 St., N. Y. C.
Smith, George H., Pvt., ent'd. army Apr. 2 '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bora Columbia, Pa., Teamster, 441 Cherrj' St., Columbia, Pa.
Smith, George I., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Nov. 22, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. July i, '18, gassed Nov. 5, '18 LaBesace.
Bom Kovna, Russia, Salesman, 32 W. 1 13 St., N. Y. C.
Smith, George L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, June 10, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. I, '18, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '19. Bom Columbia,
Pa., Barber, 218 So. 3 St., Columbia, Pa.
Smith, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. E,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, Rd. Pvt. July 21, '18, wounded by
accident Oct. 22, '18, La Harazee, admitted Base Hosp. Drop-
ped from rolls Nov. 5, '18. 328 Palmetto St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Smith, John, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd. btry. E,
injured Sep. 19, '18. admitted Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls
Dec. IS, '19. 1399 Greene Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Smith, Joseph, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Aug. 25, '17, Ft.
Slocum, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. Sep. 10,
'17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 15, '17, Rd. Pvt. Dec. 1918. Bora
New Hampshire, Chauffeur, 9 Lincoln St., Manchester, Mass.
Smith, Lester L., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 21, '18. Born
Lamoni, la., Farmer, Lamoni, la.
Smith, Percy W., Pvt. icl.,, ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Hilton, Me., Motorman, 14
Linwood St., Roxbury, Mass.
Smith, Ray H., ist Lieut, commissioned Nov. 27, '17, Ft.
Niagara, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Jan. I, '18,
transf'd Hq. Co. Mch. i, '18, transf'd F, btry. July 18, '18,
grad. Unv. Penn. Bom Arroyo, Pa., Wholesale Grocer, 314
South St., Ridgeway, Pa.
Smith, Richard P., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.,
btry. E, Sep. 15, '17, apt'd Sgt. Nov. I, '17. Bora N. Y. C.
Fenceman, 157 Barry St., N. Y. C.
Smith, Robert D., Wag., ent'd army Mch. 21, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Wag. June I, '18, injured Sep. 2, '18 Chery-
Chartreuve on D. S. Hq. Troop 77 Div. Oct. 29, '18. Chauffeur.
Smith, Vernon B., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
A, Apr. 19, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan . 15, '18. Bora Cortland, N.
Y., Illustrator, 53 Prospect St., Cortland, N.Y.
Smith, William F., Sup. Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Sup. Sgt. May i, '18.
Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman, 174 NeweU St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Smoot, William D., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Owington, Ky., Distiller, 415 York St., Newport, Ky.
Snellgrove, William E., 2d Lieut, commissioned Aug. 15,
'17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. attch'd btry. F, Nov.
12, '17, assgd. btry. F, Feb. 27, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-
Chartreuve on D. S. Limoges June i8-July 14, '18, transf'd
to Base Sect. 3 for transportation to U. S., 2^ yrs. 1. F. A.,
N. G. N. Y., 4K mos. Service Mexican Border. Importer,
Columbus Drive, Tenafly, N. J.
Snyder, DeForest O., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 P. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Lamerick, Pa., Teamster, American Hotel, Renova, Pa.
Soder, Harvey G., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18, apt'd Corp. May 20, '18.
Bom Brooklyn, N. Y., Gas-engine-repairman, Clay St., Sea
Cliff, N. Y.
SoLiNSKi, Israel, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18, gassed Aug. 22, '18, Chery-
Chartreuve. Bora Elisavetgrad, Russia. Produce, 1480 Madi-
son Ave., N. Y. C.
SOLMONSON, Oscar, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Lake Lillian, Minn., Farmer, Montevideo, Minn.
Somber, Willlam, Wag., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Wag. July 20, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement
Bn. Oct. 30-Dec. 24, '18. Bom London, Eng., Buffer, 374 So.
5 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Sonneborn, Harold, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Agent,
166 W. 77 St., N. Y. C.
Sonneborn, Lawrence H., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 9, '17,
assgd. btry. F, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '17, on D. S. O. T. S. Camp
Upton, Jan. i8-Mch. 13, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May
16, '18. Bom N. Y. C, grad. Yale Unv., Metallurgical En-
gineer, 166 W. 77 St., N. Y. C.
Sorgman, William, Pvt. ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Sorries, Fred O., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18, wounded Aug. 22, '18
Chery-Chartreuve, apt'd Corp. Mch. 25, '19. Bom New
Rochelle, N. Y., Building Estimater, 14 Bay Ave., Patchogue,
N. Y.
SouciE, George J., Pvt. icL, ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. Apr. 18, '18, assgd. Hq. Co.
transf'd btry. B, June 10, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. i, '18.
Bora Brand Falls, N. B., Cda., Mill-hand, 529 Moody St.,
Lowell, Mass.
Soucier, Emile J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bora Lowell, Mass., Factory-worker, 453 Worthen St., Lowell,
SouLE, Aubrey P., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig.
Southard, Frederick J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. i, '18. Bom Jersey City,
N. J., Mechanical Engineer, 1141 Park PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Southard, Harry A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp.
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Born Scranton, Pa., Motorman, 123 So. Rebecca Ave., Scranton
SouzA, Frank G., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Gloucester, Mass., Laborer, 11 Prospect St., Gloucester,
Spadoro, Giovanni, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, June 29, '18,
transf'd Sup. Co. July 27, 'i8. Bom Furcisicola, Italy, La-
borer, 1310 Passyunk Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Spain, David A., Pvt., ent'd army May 25, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 3, '18. Bom
Manson, N. C, Farmer, R. F. D. i, Alanson, N. C.
Sparaci, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btr>'. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. May i, '18. Bom Carlioni, Italy,
Mason, 2029 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Sparks, Edward A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, assgd.
btry. B. Bom Kilkenny, Ireland, Clerk, 601 W. 191 St.
N. Y. C.
Speckenbach, Arthur G., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18,
assgd. btry. F, Apr. 19, 'i8, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Speed, William H., Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btr>'. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 69 Brush St., Glendale, N. Y.
Speleos, Anthony D., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Metelon, Greece, Soda-clerk, 28 L St., Brockton, Mass.
Spellacy, John, Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 21, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. i8,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 19, '18. Bom Ireland, Laborer, 95
Andover St., Lowell, Mass.
Spellerberg, Joseph P., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 5, '17, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Jan. 17, '18, assgd. 77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A.
assgd. Hq. Co. May 4, '18, Rd. Pvt. May 6, '18. Bom Linden-
hurst, Long Island, Machinist, Wellwood Ave., Lindenhurst,
Long Island, N. Y.
Spencer, Albert C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
Camp Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 27, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bora Philadelphia, Pa., Actor,
2839 C St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Spencer, Albert H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Clerk, lia Goodwin PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Spencer, John H., Jr., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. I, '18. Bom
Baltimore, Md., Te.xtile Manufacturer, 207 Club Rd., Roland
Park, Md.
Spicer, John R., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. l, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 27, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icL Oct. 22, '18. Bom Bellefonte, Pa., Laborer, R. F. D.
Bellefonte, Pa.
Spicer, Ralph A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry, E, apt'd P\'t. icl. Apr. 8, '18. Bom Needham Hgts.,
Mass., Clerk, 232 Woodbine St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Spiecker, Fred W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Born Gibbon, Minn., Metal-polisher,
1025 22 Ave., N. E. Minneapolis, Minn.
Spiedel, Julius, Wag., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Wag. Apr. 12, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement
Bn. Oct. 28, '18, transf'd Dec. 6, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur.
Spillane, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Teamster, 38 Crescent Ave., Dorchester,
Spillane, Timothy J., Mech., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 4, '18, apt'd Mech. Mch. 15, '18.
Born N. Y. C, 23 Roosevelt St., N. Y. C.
Spinazola, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Poccirico, Italy, Shoe-manufacturer, 15 Frankfort St.,
Boston, Mass.
Spinner, Harvey F., Pvt. id., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 27, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. July II, '18. Bom Largo, N. M., Storage Battery
Expert, 1525 Q St., N. W. Washington. D. C.
Spriggs, George H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 12, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 21, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Clinton, N. Y.,
Machinist, Clinton, N. Y.
Springer, Julius, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18. Bom Lemberg, Austria,
Manufacturer, 650 Jackson Ave., N. Y. C.
Spunt, William, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 4, '17, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 20, '18,
Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom Chelsea, Mass., grad. Tufts College
B.A., Furniture Manufacturer, 6 Wave Way, Winthrop, Mass.
Stadsvold, Judine B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Rolling Fork, Minn., Farmer,
Pope, Minn.
Stadtmiller, William V., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Clerk, 763 Hart St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Stambaugh, Albert L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, June 28, '18,
transf'd F. A. Motor Bn. Dec. 7, '18. Horseman.
Stanley, Walter C, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17,
assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 3cl. Jan. 2, '18, Rd. Pvt. July I, '18,
apt'd Muse. 3cl. Oct. 24, '18. Bom Staten Island, N. Y.,
Packer, 170 Canal St., Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y.
Stantial, Clarence E., Capt., commissioned 1st Lieut.
Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 5, '17, joined 306 F. A. Aug. 30, '17,
assgd. btry. C, apt'd Capt. Dec. 31, '17, transf'd Sup. Co. Jan.
4, '18, transf'd btry. E, Sep. 28, '18, on D. S. F. A. Motor
Training Centre, Asst. Director Instruction Oct. 5-Dec. 31, '18,
transf'd Sup. Co. Jan. 10, '19. Bom Melrose, Mass., 2 yrs.
H. Co. 6 InL Mass. N. G., 2 yrs. 2 Co. C. A. C. R. I. N. G. N. Y.
Automobile Engineer, 12 Lucem PL, College Pt., Long Island,
Stashfskie, Andrew, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. l, '18. Born Bayside,
N. Y. Plumber, i St., Bayside, N. Y.
Stashik, John S., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom Glen
Lyon, Pa., Miner, 357 Enterprise St., Glen Lyon, Pa.
Steeneck, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btrv. C, Mch. 4, '18. Born N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 415 E. 82 St.,
N. Y. C.
Steffen, Alfred A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, joined
306 F. A. assKd. btry. C, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Berlin, Germany,
Truck-driver, 699 Bailey Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Steffen, Charles N., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa., Carpenter, R. F. D. 2, Mt. Plea-
sant Mills, Pa.
Steiger Frank T., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26. '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Holyoke, Mass., Leather-finisher, iii Pine St., Holyoke,
Stein, Edgar C, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Btry, B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman,
70 Fairview Ave., Tarrj'town, N. Y.
Steinhardt, Maxwell, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd
btry. F, apt'd Sgt. Nov. I, '17, on D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton,
Jan. i8-Mch. 13, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 10, '18.
Steltz, Louis, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. I, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Teamster,
434 Hamburg Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Stern, Benjamin, Bugler, ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. apt'd Bugler, Jan. 21, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Shoemaker,
124 AUen St., N. Y. C.
Stern, Jacob, Ck., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. E,
apt'd Ck. Mch. i, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Butcher, 2183 Washing-
ton Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Steuterman, Adolph, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18. Bom St. Louis, Mo., Organist
1947 Linden Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
Stevens, Allan C, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18. Bora B'klyn, N. Y., Special
Agent, 319 N. Y. Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Stewart, Albert C, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, June 29, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '19. Born Secave, Pa., Race-horse-trainer, 36
Runnymede Ave., Lansdowne, Pa.
Stewart, Roy J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. I, '18. Bom Prince Edward Island, N. S.,
Student, Hingham, Mass.
Stickle, Charles, Jr., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. E, transf'd btry. C, Dec. 14, '17, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14,
'18, apt'd Corp. Feb. 5, '18, apt'd. Corp. Feb. 5, '18, apt'd
Sgt. Oct. 20, '18. Bom Jersey City, N. J., Salesman, 2615
Sedgewick Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Stiefvater, Arthur T., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bora Pittsford, N. Y., Farmer, Corfu, N. Y.
Stilliwell, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. C, Oct. I, '17, admitted S. O. S. Hosp. June 2, '18.
Dropped from rolls. Elevator Mechanic.
Stimac, Stephen, Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bora
Austria, Track-driver, Box 514 Nashwauk, Minn.
Stimpel, John J., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry
C, admitted S. O. S. Hospital. Dropped from rolls Dec. 16, '18.
Stirn, Andrew F., Muse, 3cl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, transf'd Hq. Co. Jan. 5, '18, apt'd Muse. 3cl. Mch. I,
'18, apt'd Muse. 2cl. Nov. 15, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Viohnist,
1 147 Hoe Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Stockton, Isham N., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '18. Bom Muskogee, Okla.
Miner, Adamson, Okla.
Stoever, George A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F.A. assgd. btry. F, May 18, '18.
Bora N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 3826 Fulton St., Woodhaven, N. Y.
Stokes, Harold P., ist. Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut. Aug.
15, '17 Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17, attch'd
Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '17, assgd. 306 F. A. Feb. 8, '18, assgd. Hq.
Co. Feb. II, '18, attch'd Sup. Co. assgd. Sup. Co. Mch. 14, '18,
apt'd 1st Lieut. Sep. 5, '18 attch'd btry. E, Sep. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. E, Oct. 5, '18. Bora N. Y. C, grad. Groton School 1904,
Yale Unv. 1909. Jouraahst, 100 WiUiams St., N. Y. C.
Stolar, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom Vobo-
lenik, Russia, Shoe-maker, 2913 M. St., N. W., Washington,
D. C.
Stolzman, Edwin A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bora
Manawa, Wis., Farmer, RR. i Vernon Centre, Minn.
Storey, Harry M., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, 'i8'
Bom Pittsburg, Texas, Blacksmith, 1226 W. B'way, Ardmore,
Stoyke, Richard F., Pvt. icL, ent'd army Feb. 26, '18,
Camp Dodge, la., joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 9, '18. Bom St. Paul, Minn. Farmer, 706
Sherbum Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
Strack, Carl H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Ck. Nov. 18, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Baker, 409 W. 53
St., N. Y. C.
Strassel, Max J., Pvt., ent'd army May, 1918, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Sent
to Hosp. Oct. 16, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Straus, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, assgd. Sup.
Co. Bora Newark, N. J., 6 yrs. N. G. N. Y. Buyer, 575 W.
175 St.. N. Y. C.
Streich, Otto, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, '18, transf'd Hq.
Co. Aug. I, '18. Bom Browntown, Minn., Farmer, Browntown
Stromme, Lars, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A assgd. btry. C, Apr. 16, '18. Bora Bergen,
Norway, Farmer, Viking, Minn.
Studwell, John R., Sgt., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, assgd. O. T.
S. Camp Upton, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Mch. 13,
'18, apt'd Corp. Apr. 9, '18, apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd
Saumur Art. Schl. May 16, '18.
Stumpf, August D., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur,
104 Chelsea St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Stunge, August, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 20, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Poland,
Farmer, Arena, N. D.
Sturges, Henry H., ist Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 7, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd ist Sgt. Mch. 29, '18, transf'd Saumur Art.
Schl. July 27, '18. Bora Connecticut, grad. Yale Unv. 1911,
Civil Engineer, 197 Shonnard Terrace, Yonkers, N. Y.
Subatch, John J., Muse. 3cl. ent'd army Mch. 29, 'i8. Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 19, '18,
apt'd Muse. 3cl. July i, '18. Born Lithuania, Weaver, 13
Harkaway Rd., No. Andover, Mass.
Sullivan, Daniel F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Apr. 18, '18. Bora Staten Island, N. Y., Chauffeur,
500 Henderson Ave., W. New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.
Sullivan, Ernest J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bora Millview, Prince Edward Island, Cda., Waiter, 233
Highland St., Roxbury, Mass.
Sullivan, James T., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Kerry, Ireland, Bartender, 7 Fayette St., Boston, Mass.
Sunas, Gus a., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom Laressa, Greece,
Machinist, 72 Madison St., N. Y. C.
SuNDQUiST, Martin W., Pvt., ent'd army Jan. 3, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Hodfors, Finland, Moulder, 1034 Washington St., Boston,
SuPLEE, Clarence E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Malvern, Pa., Clerk, Malvern Pa.
SuRACi, Frank, Ck., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. btry. F,
apt'd Ck. Feb. 10, '18. Bora Podargoni, Italy, Cigar Mer-
chant, 1664 75 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Surette, Joseph D., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 7, '17, Camp
Devens,Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Wedgport, N. S., Fisherman, Wedgport, N. S.
SuRWiLAS, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 8, 'i8, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. F, Apr. 16, '18.
Born Patocka, Russia, Laborer, 35 Washington St., Cambridge,
SussMAN, Abraham, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, a.ssgd. btry
A, Mch. 4, '18. Bom S. Slovnoe, Russia, Gannent Cutter,
70 So. 4 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Sweeney, James, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, as.sgd. btry. C,
Apr. 18, '18. Bom Cty. Clare, Ireland, Motorman, 304 W.
152 St., N. Y. C.
SwENSON, Herbert J., ist Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut.
Aug. 15, '17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 P. A. Aug. 31, '17
assgd. btry. A, Sep. 17, '17, apt'd 1st Lieut. Feb. 19, '18, sent
to Hosp. June 4, '18. Dropped from rolls Sq. A, N. G. N. Y.,
Federal Service,Mexican Border, June - Dec. 1916, grad. Unv.
Minn., Exporter, Albany, N. Y.
SwETTS, George J., Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18,
Camp Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 22, '18,
apt'd Muse. 3cl. Oct. 24, '18. Bom Maltbc, Pa., Machinist,
303 Hughes St., Maltbe, Pa.
SzARNECKV, Stephen, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. F, gassed Aug. 2r, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Bom Olublori,
Hungary, Butler, Sterlington, N. Y.
SzARYCH, Stanley, Pvt., ent'd. army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Poland, Russia, Laborer, 3 Mason St., Hyde Park,
SzoT, Joseph, Wag., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd. Sup. Co.
Oct. II, '17, apt'd Wag. July i, '18. Bom Vilno, Poland,
Machinists-helper, 156 Dupont St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Tack, Samuel, Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. II, '18, apt'd Wag. Mch. 6, '18, apt'd
Corp. May 16, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Packer, 27 E. 104 St.,
N. Y. C.
Tac.gart.JamesJ., Pvt.,ent'darmy Apr. 2, '18. Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 27, '18 Born
Philadelphia, Pa. .Driver, 254iWaterloo St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Taggart, James L., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18,
on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct. 30, 'i8-Dec. 24,
'18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 108 E. 123 St., N. Y. C.
Talley, Clarence, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Sep. 25, '18. Bom
Louisa Cty., Va. Clerk, 1700 3 St., N. E. Washington, D. C.
T;U,LEY, Percy, Pvt., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, June
23, '18 injured by accident transf'd Hosp. July 10, '18. Dropped
from rolls. Food Importer.
Tanner, Ira A., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, May 4, '18. Bom
Lockport, N. Y., Shipping-clerk, 187 Central Ave. Lancaster
N. Y.
Tatem, Granville H., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18,
sent to Base Hosp. July 26, '18. Dropped from rolls.
Tauber, Joseph H., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry
E. Bom Poland, Russia, Tailor, 209 E. 100 St., N. Y. C.
Taussig, Victor, Bugler, ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Bugler, June 7, 'i8. Bom N. Y. C, Inspector,
307 E. 69 St., N. Y. C.
Tautges, Martin J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Loretto, Minn., Farmer, R. F. D. 2, Fort Ripley, Minn.
Tayxor, Arthur J., Capt., commissioned ist Lieut. Apr. 21,
'17, apt'd Capt. Aug. 15, '17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F.
A. Aug. 31, '17, assgd. btr>'. D, Sep. 7, '17, acting Regtl. Com-
mander Dec. 19, '17-Jan. 4, '18, S. C. Officer, Jan. 5-Feb. 5, '18,
apt'd Adj. 2 Bn. Mch. 14, '18 on D. S. at Montmorrelles July
9-July 14, '18, ordered to Base Sect. 5 for transportation to U.
S. Aug. 23, '18, 3 yrs. i F. A. N. G. N. Y. grad. N. Y. U. 1906,
B. S. C E. Civil Engineer, 753 Carroll St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Ta\xor, Charles F., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 19, '17, Colum-
bus Bks., O., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Oct. 10, '18. Bom
Wetzel City, W. Va. Coal Miner, New Dale, W. Va.
Tayxor, Charles J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Mch. 4, '18. Born St. Louis, Mo., Plumber, 240 E.
87 St., N. Y. C.
Tayi.or, Chester, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 15, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 15, '18. Bom Danbury, Conn.,
Teamster, 493 Shelton St., Bridgeport, Conn.
Taylor, John W., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Wool Sorter, 16 Howe St., Methuen,
Teipel, Frederick K., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18,
assgd. 77 Div. Casuals joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. May 5,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. BomN. Y. C, Banker, 313 W.
117 St., N. Y. C.
Telford, Robert E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. i8, '18.
Bom New Bedford, Mass., Shoe-worker, 21 Bridge St., Fair-
haven, Mass.
Tenzer, William P., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. Apr. 9, '18,
apt'd Sgt. July l, '18, gassed Nov. 5, 'l8 La Besace. Born
N. Y. C, Credit Mgr., 235 W. 1 10 St., N. Y. C.
Terczynski, Albert J., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Wag. Apr. i, 'i8, on D. S. F. A. Motor Replace-
ment Bn. Oct. 30-Dcc. 24, '18. Bom Maspeth, Long Island,
N. Y., Chauffeur, 37 Carter St., Elmhurst, Long Island, N. Y.
Terstenjak, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 5, '18, transf'd btry. E, Sep. 28,
'18, transf'd F. A. Motor Training Center Oct. 10, '18, rejoined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Dec. 24 '18. Born Croatia, Austria,
Barber. 346 E. 57 St., N. Y. C.
Tetley, Emmet, Pvt. icl., ent'd army May 5, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 26, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Farmington, Mo., Laborer, Sykes-
ton. Mo.
Thayer, Azel O., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Hopkinton, Mass., Shoe-worker, 9 CortlandtSt.,Middle-
boro, Mass.
Theis, Louis E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, as.sgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Truck-
helper, 1 69 1 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Theodoropoulos, Peter, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19,
'18. Bom Angeon, Greece, Butcher, 1521 Westfield St.,
Springfield, Mass.
Therrien, Charles, Corj)., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18,
apt'd Corp. July 18, '18. Born Lowell, Mass., Salesman, R. F.
D. 2 Dracut, Mass.
Therrien, Edward P., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Marlboro, Mass., Shoe-
worker, 120 Vernon St., Rockland, Mass.
Thomas, Albert C, ist Lieut. Chaplain, commissioned Sep.
19. '17. joined 306 F. A. Oct. 6, '17, apt'd Corp. Mch. 26, '19,
grad. Brown Unv. 1908 A.B., Newton Theological Inst. 191 1
B.D. Preacher, 50 Pleasant St., Wakefield, Mass.
Thomas, George W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom Syberetsville,
Pa., Farmer, Syberetsville, Pa.
Thomas, Waldo F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
1 62
Bom Worcester, Mass., Mill-hand, 875 Main St., Leominister,
Thornton, James C, Capt., commissioned 2d Lieut. Aug.
15, '17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 1, '17, assgd.
D, btry. apt'd ist Lieut. Jan. 3, '18, apt'd Capt. Feb. 4, '18,
Acting Personnel Officer Aug. 24, '18, assgd. Supervisor of Ani-
mals of Regt. Sep. 19, '18, Adj. I Bn. Jan. 31, '19.4/^ yrs. Sq.
A, N.G.N. Y.,grad. Yale Unv. 1908 A.B. Treasurer, Watkins
Coal Co., Bedford, Ind.
Thornton, Kenneth B., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 14, '18. Born
N. Y. C, Farmer, Hamburg, la.
Thumma, William F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md , joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Carlisle, Pa., Farmer, Route 3, Carlisle, Pa.
Thurlow, Robert C, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd Sgt. Nov. 18, '18. Bom
Atlantic City, N. J., Carpenter Motor Route A, Atlantic City,
TiCKNOR, Willard R., Wag., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 7, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 10,
'i8,apt'd Wag. July I, '18. Bom Springville, N. Y., Electrical
Mechanic, 159 So. Bedford Rd., Mt. Kisco, N. Y.
TiERNEY, Michael, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. July 11, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Piano-
maker, 417 W. 53 St., N. Y. C.
Tillson, Joseph M., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom So. Hanson, Mass., Shoe-worker, 67 Dover St., Whitman,
TiMMONS, John, Pvt., ent'd army May 24, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 31, '18, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16,
Tirinnanzi, Ernest, Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Clerk, 193 Shute St., Everett, Mass.
Tobias, George H., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A. Bom Newburgh, N. Y., Steel Inspector, 555 East'n
Pk'way, B'klyn, N. Y.
Tockta, Peter, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 21, '18. Bom Savolia,
Poland, Laborer, 1020 Chestnut St., St. Paul, Minn.
Tomes, Alexander H., Capt., commissioned Aug. 15, '17,
Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 5, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
Sep. 17, '17, on D. S. Chief of Artillery ist Army, July 16, '18-
Jan. 20, '19, on D. S. 77 Div. Hq. Jan. 23, '19, grad. Harvard
Unv. 1913. Exporter, Harvard Club, 27 W. 44 St., N. Y. C.
Topp, Herbert G., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, transf'd Hq. Co. Sep. 10, '18.
Bom Market Lavington, Wiltshire, Eng., Valet, Hempstead,
Long Island, N. Y.
Toscano, Pietro, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Robini, Italy, Shoe-worker, 34 Bigelow Ave., Watertown,
N. Y.
Touhey,Walter A.,Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '07, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, gassed Aug. 21, '18, Chery-
Chartreuve. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Cooper, 123 Bedford Ave.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
TowNSEND, Frank H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Laurel, Delaware, Metal-worker, 3371 Amber St., Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Trant, Michael J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. C, Mch. 7, '18, wounded Oct. 13, '18 Grand Ham, sent to
Hosp. Dropped from rolls Oct. 19, '18. Bookkeeper.
Travers, Rudolph A., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Sgt. Nov. I, '17 on D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton,
N. Y., Jan. i8-Mch. 13, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16,
Travers, Thomas J., Pvt., ent'd army Camp Devens, Mass.,
Mch. 28, '18, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 19, '18. Bom
Lowell, Mass., Leather-worker, 9 Prospect St., Lowell, Mass.
Treffs, Andrew H., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, asssd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. Aug. 4, '18, gassed
Aug. 21, 'l8 Ch6ry-Chartreuve, transf'd M. P. Corps 77 Div.
Dec. 20, '18.
Trenkle, Charles J. Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Born N. Y. C, Sales-
man, 118 E. 121 St., N. Y. C.
Triebel, Harry L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd. btry.
D, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18. Musician, N. Y. C.
Tritt, Hershel p., 2d Lieut, commissioned Saumur Art.
School July 10, '18, ent'd army Jan. 10, '18, joined 306 F. A.
assgd. btry. A, July 20, '18, transf'd btry. B, Aug. 17, '18,
killed in action Aug. 19, '18 Ch6ry-Chartreuve.
Trone, Elmer M., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Sep. 18, '18.
Bom Brodbecks, Pa., Shoe- worker, Brodbecks, Pa.
Trudell, George J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Cda., Cook, 55 Liberty St., Lowell, Mass.
Tschumper, Joe F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18, transf'd
2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Tubman, Raymond J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Born No. Brewster, Mass.
Farmer, No. Brewster, Mass.
TuLis, George E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18,
transf'd btry. D. Born Ayer, Mass., Salesman, 160 W. New-
ton St., Boston, Mass.
TuLLiANO, Archangelo, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18,
'18. Bom So. Pietro, Italy, Laborer, 50 Elm Ave., Brockton.
Turner, Emanuel D., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 15, '18. Bom Maiden, Mass.,
Stevedore, 369 St. Johns PI., B'klyn, N. Y.
Turner, Enos L., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, July 27, '18. Bom
Philadelphia, Pa., Chauffeur, 1748 Tilghman St., Philadelphia,
Uden, Andrew, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Oct. 24, '18. Bom Sweden, Woodsman, Roosevelt,
Ueland, Bertie, Hs., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd Hs. Aug.
4, '18, Rd. Pvt. Dec. 3, '18. Bom Cottonwood, Minn., Farmer
Cottonwood, Minn.
Unrath, Robert E., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd Corp. Feb. 5, '18,
Rd. Pvt. Sep. I, '18. Born Sdunskarvola, Russia, Chauffeur,
222 E. 89 St., N. Y. C.
Uphoff, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl.
Nov. 26, '18. Born New Munich, Minn., Farmer, New Mu-
nich, Minn.
Urbanovich, George A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, June 28, '18.
Bom Krosnou, Russia, Miner, 307 Walnut St., Luzem, Pa.
Urgal, Konstante, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Russian Poland, Farmer, Fulton, Minn.
Urso, Antonio, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, June 27, '18, transf'd 2
P. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18. Born Italy, Laborer.
UsKO, John S., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, June 28, '18. Bom Glen
Lyon, Pa., Machinist, 72 Orchard St., Glen Lyon, Pa.
UszPOLiEwiECZ, K.'VZiMiEsz, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10,
'17, assgd. btry. F, apt 'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18. Born Koma,
Lithuania, Machinist, 293 E. 155th St., N. Y. C.
Vadala. Ignazio, Pvt.. ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Messina, Italy, Peddler, 73 Cottage St., E. Boston, Mass.
Valli, Andrew, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 20, '17, assgd. Hq. Co.
apt'd Ck. Oct. 23, '17. Bom Sandrio, Italy, Chef, West Park,
N. Y.
Valvano, ViTO, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18. Bom
Guardia, Italy, Laborer, 416 Marion St., Scranton, Pa.
Valverde, Robert, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Student,
202 W. 74 St., N. Y. C.
Vanasshe, Gustaf, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Weoghan, Belgium, Farmer, Austin, Minn.
Vanderhoop, Leonard F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28,
'18, Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr.
18, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. I, '18, wounded Oct. 14, '18, sent
to Hosp. Dropped from rolls. Bom Gayhead, Mass., Farmer,
Gayhead, Mass.
Vanderlieth, George H., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 10, '18, apt'd
Mess Sgt. July 10, '18, Rd. Sgt. Aug. 5, '18, transf'd Saumur
Art. Schl. Aug. 28, 't8.
V'andewater, Harold B., Mech., ent'd army Apr. 12, '18
joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, May 7, '18, apt'd Mech. July 9,
'18, transf'd Hq. Co. Dec. 12, '18. Born Cedarhurst, N. Y.,
Contractor, Cedarhurst, N. Y.
Van Hauen, Herman, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Parkersburg, la.. Farmer, Parkersburg, la.
Van Orden, Elmer, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Prt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, Rd. Pvt. Jan. 22, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Salesman, Butler,
Van Popering, Leonard J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 28,
'17, assgd. btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18. Bom W. Say-
ville, N. Y., Bayman, W. Sayville, N. Y.
Varassi, John, Band Corp., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Band Corp. Jan. 2, '18. Bom Italy, Musician,
590 Lorimer St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Vellev, Orville, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Corp. Mch. I, '17, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch(;'ry-Char-
treuve, sent Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls.
Ventres, Raymond H., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 15, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom E. Haddam, Conn. Chauffeur, E. Haddam, Conn.
Verch, Albert, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Carver,
Cty., Ky., Farmer, Cologne, Minn.
Vermette, Michael J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 22, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Quebec, Cda., Lumberman, Main St., Linwood, Mass.
Victory, James A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 21, '18, admitted S. O. S. Hospital.
Dropped from rolls Oct. 14, '18. Water Inspector.
Vietor, Hans, Bn. Sgt. Maj., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 21, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. May 16,
'18, apt'd Sgt. May 29, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June i, '18, apt'd
Bn. Sgt. Maj. July I,'i8. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Architect, 1414
Ave. H, B'klyn, N. Y.
ViLECE, Robert, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Boston, Mass., Waiter, 2a Bedford St., Summcrville,
ViRDO, Antonio, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. E, Apr. 20, '18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. 29, '18. Bom Mileto,
Italy, Barber, 305 E. 48 St., N. Y. C.
Vivona, Antonio, Muse. 3cl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. 3cl. Mch. i, '18. Bom Sicily, Italy, Bar-
ber, 94 Hamburg Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Vogel, Andrew, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 1, '18. Bom Springfield, Minn., Farmer, Spring-
field, Minn.
VoGEL, Edward A., Hs., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd.
Pvt. icl. Aug. 4, '18, apt'd Hs. Oct. 19, '18. Bom Shakopee,
Minn., Farmer, Shaska. Minn.
VoGT, Frederick, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, June 27, '18.
Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Baker, 1501 No. 5 St., Philadelphia,
V^OLKS, Lawrence J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Troy, N. Y., Cigar-maker, 91 Appleton St., Boston,
VoLLMER, William, ist Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut. Aug.
15, '17, Plattsburg, B. Y., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 2, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd ist Lieut. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. June 6,
'18, grad. Amherst College, A.B., Advertising Mgr., 1217 Dean
St., B'klyn, N. Y.
VoLTURO, Michele, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, June 28, '18.
Bom Battipalia, Italy, Baker, 343 So. Powell St., Chester, Pa.
VoN Rekowskv, Frederick F., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18, transf'd Hq. Co. Aug.
16, '18, Rd. Pvt. by transfer, wounded Nov. 5, '18, La Besace,
Von Saltza, Philip W., 1st Lieut, commissioned 2d Lieut.
Aug. 15, '17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd.
btry. C, Sep. 17, '17, apt'd. ist Lieut. Jan. 3, '18, transf'd. Hq.
Co. Sep. 18, '18, missing in action Sep. 28-Dec. 17, '18, Regtl.
Gas Officer Dec. 19, '18, on D. S. American Peace Committee,
Paris, Jan. 1919, 4 yrs. Sq. A, N. G. N. Y. 6 mos. Federal Ser-
vice Mexican Border, grad. Columbia School Mines, and Eng.
1909. Engineer, 2 W. 83 St., N. Y. C.
Voorhees, Percy J., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Nov. I, '17, apt'd Sgt. Apr. i, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Railroad Fireman, 144 Bergen St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Voss, George H., Pvt., ent'd army May, 1918, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18, transf'd
2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Vrba, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Bom Prope-
vin, la.. Farmer, Cresco, la.
Vronski, Julian, Pvt., ent'd army May 1918, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18, transf'd
2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Wachholz, Herman O., Mech., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
Albert Lee, Minn., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 20, '18,
apt'd Mech. Aug. i, '18. Bom Albert Lee, Minn., Farmer,
Aid en, Minn.
Wagner, Albert G., Pvt., ent'd army May 15, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15/18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Born Wheeling, W.Va., Clerk, 65 3 1 St.,
WTieeling, W. Va.
3o6th field artillery
Wagner, Harry E., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Junes, '18. Bom
Harrisburg, Pa., Clerk, Millerstown, Pa.
Wagner, Herman P., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
Wahl, Walter J., Pvt., ent'd army May 30, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Grand Lake Stream, Me., Paper-maker, P. O. Box 16,
Woodland, Me.
Wahl, Willlvm, Jr., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Sep. i, '18.
Bora N. Y. C, Chauffeur, 941 Washington Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
Waiser, Jacob, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. D,
killed in action Sep. 3, '18, Ch6ry-Chartreuve, Drygoods Mer-
chant, N. Y. C.
Waitealis, James, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd. btry.
E, transf'd Hq. Co. Nov. 18, '18. Bora Ramila, Russia, Motor-
man, 21 Mulberry St., Yonkers, N. Y.
Wakschal, Abe, Muse, icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Muse. icl. Jan. 2, '18, gassed Aug. 22, '18, Ch^rj'-
Chartreuve. Born Warsaw, Russia, Musician, 234 So. 3 St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Walczak, Fr.\nk, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, joined
306 F. A. May i, '18, assgd. Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. i, '18
killed in action Aug. 24, '18, Ch^ry-Chartreuve. 190 Garland
Ave., Forks, (Sloan), N. Y.
Waldele, Vernon, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 20, '18. Bora N. Y. C, Plumber,
529 E. 85 St., N. Y. C.
Walker, Harry M., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la. , joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 2 1 , ' 1 8, transf'd
2 F. A. Brig. Stenographer.
Walker, Raymond, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 25, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '18. Bora Cairo, Ga., Saw-
yer, Hahiro, Ga.
Walker, Thomas B., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Med. Detach, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 1918, Rd. Pvt. Dec. 1918.
Bora Hazelton, Pa., Salesman, 2510 Silver St., Philadelphia,
Walker, William E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Lance Corp. May 12, '18, Rd. Pvt. Oct. 16, '18,
apt'd Wag. Jan. 15, '19. Bora E. Quogue, N. Y., 3 mos. Yale
btry. Chauffeur, 514 W. 177 St., N. Y. C.
Wall, Rudolf F., Mech., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Mech. Feb. i, '18, transf'd F. A. Motor Replace-
ment Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom Stapleton, N. Y., Carpenter, i
Riley PI., Port Richmond, N. Y.
Wall.^ce John J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. 15, '18, killed by accident June
3, '18, Camp de Souge. Paper-cutter.
Wall.\ce, Marvin G., Pvt., ent'd array May, 1918, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Wallick, Paul C, Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 31, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Wallis, Samuel E., Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd,
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Dec. 20, '17, apt'd Sgt. Aug. 28, '18,
transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. Oct. 21, 'i8-Mch. I, '19. Bora
N. Y. C, Inspecting & Constructing Engineer, 1528 56 St.,
B'klyn, N. Y.
Walls, James, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17 assgd. btry. F,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 2, '18. Bora
B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk, 153 India St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Walls, Preston, Pvt., ent'd army Nov. 20, '17, Camp Pike,
Ark., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Bora
Algoma, Miss., Laborer, Algoma, Miss.
Walrath, Frank W., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 9, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Olewein, la.. Dairyman,
109 5 St., Olewein, la.
Walsh, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 7, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18. Bom
Hampton, Pa., Mine-worker, 152 Patter St., Dunmore, Pa.
Walsh, Patrick, Pvt., ent'd army May 29, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Bom
Rubber Curey, Ireland, Leather-worker, 9 Washington St.,
W.\LTERS, Charles L., Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Concord, N. H., Printer, 7 Albin St., Concord, N. H.
Walters, William, Pvt. icl., ent'd amy Oct. 8, '17, assgd,
btr>'. F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.
Machinist, no EUery St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Walton, John J., PM,., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18. Bom Middle-
town, Pa., Sheet-metal-worker, 326 Reinicke Place, York, Pa.
Wannemacher, Edward L., Pvt., ent'd army July 24, '18,
Camp Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. C, Oct. 31,
'18, transf'd. 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Wardwell, Nelson L., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btr>'. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18. Bom Portchester.
N. Y.. Clerk, 510 W. 124 St., N. Y. C.
Ware, Harold, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Bangor, Me., Shoe-worker,
107 Plymouth St., No. Abington, Mass.
Waring, Frank, Jr., Ord. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Ord. Sgt. Feb.
2, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach, attch'd Sup. Co. on D. S. Ord.
Motor Instruction Schl. Peoria, 111., Jan. 2-Mch. 2, '18. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Lace Refinisher, Ave. V & W. 13 St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Warner, Carlton H., Pvt., ent'd army May 1918, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
transf'd 2 P. A. May 1918, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Warner, Elvan C, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July 28, '18.
Bom Hopewell, Pa., Clerk, Glenrock, Pa.
Warren, Oscar, Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Oct. 30, '18. Bom
Brown City, O., Farmer, Cuba, O.
Warren, Thomas J., Mech., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Mech. June 9, '18, apt'd Ch. Mech. Jan. 15, '19.
Bom N. Y. C, Machinist, 122 18 St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Washington, Thomas N., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18,
Camp Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15,
'18. Born Hot Springs, Ark., Oil-worker, P. O. 516 Irtlon,
Washkevitz, John, Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. A, apt'd Corp. June i, '18, apt'd Sgt. July i, '18 apt'd
Stab. Sgt. Jan. 15, '19. Bora Grodno, Russia, Book-keeper,
143 E. 17 St., N. Y. C.
Wasilewski, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bora SawaUd, Russia, Miner, 233 So. Bridge St., Mt
Carmel, Pa.
Watson, George W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Minnesota, Fanner, Palisade, Minn.
Watson, James R., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Dorchester. Mass., Printer, Roxbury, Mass.
Watts, Willl\mE., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 28, '18, joined 306
F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '18. Bom Marshall, Ark., Far-
mer, Leslie, Ark.
Weaver, John D., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18. Born
Hyner, Pa., Railroad Watchman, 526 Huron St., Renow,
Weber, Henry G., Pvt., ent'd army July 26, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 30, '18.
Born Axton, Md., Farmer, Railroad 2, A.\ton, Md.
Weber, Lester S., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18, ad-
mitted Base Hosp. Oct. 27, '18. Dropped from rolls. 1 13 W.
Baldcagle St., Lockhaven, Pa.
Weber, Peter, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Born Scranton, Pa., Plumber 1410
John Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Webster, Frank, ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Mech. Dec. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. Jan. 6, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Jan. 17, '18, transf'd Ord. Detach. Jan. 22, '18, transf'd
Sup. Co. May 16, '18, Rd. Pvt. May 16, '18, apt'd Corp. May
16, '18, apt'd Sgt. Sep. 19, '18, apt'd ist Sgt. Sep. 19, '18.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Steam-fitter, City Island, N. Y.
Weekly, William McK., Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18,
Camp Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 31, '18
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Weill, Lawrence W., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. Feb. i, 18, apt'd Sgt. Nov. i, '18. Born
N. Y. C, MiU Agent, 778 E. 183 St., N. Y. C.
Weilopp, Harry O., 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. Aug. 21, '18,
assgd. V'eterinary Detach. Sent Hosp. Sep. 3, '18. Died of
disease Dec. 9, '18.
Weinberg, Philip, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 19, '17, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Jan. 2, '18, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov.
16, '18.
Weinberg, Samuel, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17 assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. id. Feb. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 948
Union Ave., N. Y. C.
Weiner, Louis, Sad., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp Dev-
ens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18, apt'd
Sad. Oct. 19, '18. Bom Satrov, Poland, Shoe-maker, 14 Greene
St., Boston, Mass.
Weinstein, Arthur L, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Vilna, Russia, Book-keeper, 38 Johnston Rd., Dor-
chester, Mass.
Weintz, Leo, Ck., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btrj'. B,
apt'd Ck. Nov. 16, '17. Bom N. Y. C. Silversmith, 401 E. 91
St., N. Y. C.
Weisburg, Harry, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Sup. Sgt. Nov. i, '17, Rd. Pvt. May i, '18,
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve, transf'd F. A. Motor
Replacement Bn. Dec. 5, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Bankers-
clerk, 723 8 Ave., N. Y. C.
Weisman, Samuel, Sgt., ent'd army Nov. 23, '17, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Mch. 4, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. 20, '18,
apt'd Sgt. Apr. 21, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16,
'18. Civil Engineer.
Weist, Joseph M., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
F, apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. 15, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18, Rd.
Pvt. Aug. 4, '18. Bora Honesdale, Pa., Manager, 29 Wood-
bine St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Welch, James A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18,
killed in action Nov. 5, '18 La Besace.
Welch, William J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 19, '18.
Bom Lawrence, Mass., Shoe- salesman, Steams Ave., Law-
rence, Mass.
Welch, William W., Jr., ist Sgt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17,
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Corj'. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 2, '18,
apt'd 1st Sgt. Aug. 30, '18. On D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. Oct.
25, 'i8-Jan. 2, '19. Bom Baltimore, Md., Lumber-salesman,
356 W. 145 St., N. Y. C.
Wells, Herbert M., Pvt., ent'd army May 24, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Obion Cty., Tenn., Teacher,
R. F. D. 2 Union City, Tenn.
Wennberg, John M., Pvt., ent'd army May, 1918, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
transf'd 2. F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Werner, Lewis F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July 28, '18.
Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Lead Burner, 4451 Salmon St., Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Wesloskie, Joseph F., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May i, '18. Born
Shamokin, Pa., Porter, 2135 Franklin St., Shamokin, Pa.
West, Frederick W., Ch. Mech., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. May i, '18, apt'd Mech. Aug. i,
'18, apt'd Ch. Mech. Aug. 15, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Chauffeur,
425 E. 85 St., N. Y. C.
Weymouth, Homer S., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch, 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Maplewood, Me., Con-
ductor, Eastport, Me.
Wh.\len, Eugene J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. F, Apr. 19, '18. Born Glen Head, L. I.,
Chauffeur, Glenwood Landing, Long Island, N. Y.
Whelton, William J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl Aug. 4, '18. Bom Ireland, 52 Monument
Ave., Charlestown, Mass.
Wherly, Rolla, Pvt., ent'd army July 24, '18, Camp Jack-
son S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Oct. 30, '18. Bom
Pandora, O., Farmer, Gilboa, O.
Whikehart, James J., Stab. Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17,
assgd. Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Wag. Mch. 5,
'18, apt'd Corp. Apr. I, '18, apt'd Sgt. July 20, '18, apt'd Stab.
Sgt. July 20, '18. Bom N. Y. C. 3 yrs. U. S. Navy. Teamster,
310 E. 83 St., N. Y. C.
White, Benjamin N., Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18,
'18. Bom Boston, Mass., Packer, 11 Elwood St., Charles-
town, Mass.
White, Frederick J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Gloucester,, Fisherman, 106 Pleasant St., Glou-
cester, Mass.
White, Robert N., 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. July 24, '18,
attch'd Hq. Co. on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. July 24, '18. Drop-
ped from rolls Nov. 28, '18.
Whiteford, Edgar W., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Jan. 19, '18,
assgd. btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Clerk, 102 W. 92 St., N. Y. C.
Whitford, Herbert O., 2d Lieut., commissioned Aug. 15,
'17, Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Aug. 29,
'17. Bom N. Y. C, 6 yrs. i F. A. N. G. N. Y., 5 mos. Federal
Service Mexican Border. Stock-broker, 102 W. 92 St.,
N. Y. C.
Whiting, Paul, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, June 12, '18. Bora
Carlisle, N. Y., Shipping-clerk, 15 No. 10 St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Whitlock, George C, Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Corp. May i, '18. Born Marrita, Ga., Purchas-
ing Agt., 83 Northern Ave., N. Y. C.
Whittaker, Bert, Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Mena, Ark., Barber, 4i6>^ No. B'way, Oklahoma City,
Whittaker, James R., 2d Lieut., commissioned Aug. 15, '17,
Plattsburg, N. Y., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Aug. 29, '17,
transf 'd Base Sect. 5 for transportation U. S. Aug. 26, '183 yrs.
N, G. N. J., 5 mos. Federal Service Mexican Border. Tobacco
Salesman, 150 W. 104 St., N. Y. C.
Whyte, Frank J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 2, '18, Camp Meade,
Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18. Bom Scran-
ton, Pa., Machinist, 1015 Kirstcourt, Pa.
Whyte, Matthew, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. D, apt'd Pvt. icl. Sep. i, '18. Bom Balliva, Ireland,
Clerk, 302 W. Ill St., N. Y. C.
Wicks, Arthur, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 12, 'i8, joined 306 F.
A. assgd. btry. D, May 7, '18, wounded Aug. 28, '18 Ch^ry-
Chartreuve. Sent to Hosp. Dropped from rolls. Chauffeur.
WiDDOWFiELD, Franklin E., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17
assgd. btry. A, apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. 12, '18. Bom Ansonia,
Conn., Clerk, 226 Winthrop St., B'klyn, N. Y.
WiDMAN, Joseph J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, June 2, '18. Bom
Philadelphia, Pa., Laborer, 2913 Hope St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wiedemann, George A., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl., Feb. i,' 18. Bom N. Y. C,
Book-keeper, 128 Twelfth St., College Point, N. Y.
WiEGERS, Raymond J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 4, '18, assgd.
btry. D. Bom N. Y. C, Painter, 527 W. 152 St., N. Y. C.
WiETGREFE, Erwin A., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 11, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 16, '18, apt'd
Corp. July 9, '18, injured by accident Oct. 22, '18 La Harazee.
Sent to Hosp. Dropped from rolls. New Hampton, la.
Wild, Franklin, P., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 3, '18, assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Med. Detach. May 2,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. 8, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Stationer,
133 MacDonough St., B'klyn, N. Y.
WiLDNER, Harry C, Sgt., joined 306 F. A. June 4, '18,
attch'd Hq. Co. on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. June 12, '18.
Wile, Virgil M., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Blairs, Pa., Driller, 1212 Admiral
St., Tulsa, Okla.
Wiles, Clarence E., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Summit, Pa., Clerk, P. O. Box, 818 Preston, Okla.
Williams, Charles H., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 13, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 21, '18.
Bom Denver, Col., Machinist, 4 Pearl St., New Hartford,
N. Y.
Williams, Henry A., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Davis, Okla., Plumber, R. F. D. 3, Tulsa, Okla.
Williams, Lorimer F., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. D, Mch. 24, '18, transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Chauffeur, N. Y. C.
WiLLLAMS, Raymond J., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr>'. F, June 2, '18, transf'd
Hq. Co. Nov. 18, '18. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Crane Operator,
3345 No. 19 St., Philadelphia. Pa.
Willl\ms, Remsen a., Mech., ent'd army Oct. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Mech. Feb. i, '18,
wounded Aug. 21, '18 Cherj'-Chartreuve. Sent to Base Hosp.
Dropped from rolls.
Williams, Thomas M., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Cornwall, Eng., Waiter, 23 Upton St., Boston, Mass.
Williamson, George W., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. B, apt'd Pvt. icl. May i, '18, apt'd Corp. July I,
'18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 63 E. 108 St., N. Y. C.
Willis, LeRov C, ist Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. 2, '18, apt'd
1st Sgt. Apr. I, '18, Rd. Sgt. Nov. 17, '18, apt'd Color Sgt.
Dec. 9, '18. Born Springfield, O., Machinist, 227 Audubon
Ave., N. Y. C.
Wilson, Frank P., Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Stenog-
rapher, 104 Cornelia St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Wilson, Gordon B., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Corp. Jan. 2, '18, on D. S. O. T. S. Camp Upton,
Jan. 5-Mch. 26, '18, Rd. Pvt. Aug. 5, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Salesman, 28 McDonough St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Wilson, Harry E., Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd. Hq.
Co. Bom So. Hampton, N. Y., Chauffeur, Bridgehampton,
Wilson, Harry R., Pvt., ent'd army May 20, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 20, '18.
Wilson, James J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 14, '18, Camp Pike,
Ark., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Bom Ponto-
toc, Miss., Carpenter, Keiser, Ark.
Wilson, Richard St. L., Corp., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry B, apt'd Corp. May i, '18. Bom Liverpool, Eng.
Mechanic, 660 W. 180 St., N. Y. C.
Wilson, Thomas, Jr., Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 11, '17, assgd.
btry. B. Bom N. Y. C, Diemaker, 1358 Lexington Ave.,
N. Y. C.
Wimmer, George, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 1 '18. Bom
Forest City, Minn., Farmer, Forest City, Minn.
Winer, Henry, Pvt., ent'd army May 30, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Bom
Kovna, Russia, Chauffeur, 23 Laurel St., Salem, Mass.
Winger, Walter, D., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. July 28, '18.
Bom Honeybrook, Pa., Manufacturer, 32 E. James St., Lan-
caster, Pa.
Winkler, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. 14, '18, apt'd Corp. May 20, '18,
Rd. Pvt. Sep. I, '18. Born N. Y. C, P. O., Clerk, 404 Audu-
bon Ave., N. Y. C.
Winkley, Thomas R., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 27, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom No. Andover, Mass., Machinist, 162 RR. Ave., No. And-
over, Mass.
Winn, Charles D., Col., joined 306 F. A. Sep. 20, '18, in
command of Regt. Oct. 6, '18, sick in Hospital Dec. 17, '18.
Dropped from rolls.
Winn, Charles F., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F,Apr. 18, '18. Bom
Lawrence, Mass., Press-hand, 89 Bromfield St., Lawrence,
Winter, Fred E., Corp., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Feb. I, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. i, '18,
apt'd Color Sgt. Nov. 15, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 55
Linden Ave., Flushing, Long Island, N. Y.
Wise, Clarence, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 22, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, '18.
Bom Philadelphia, Pa., 4 yrs. U. S. Navy. Reamer, 1226
Day St., Philadelphia, Pa.
WisHART, William, Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
btry. F, apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Mch. 15, '18.
Bom Leven, Scotland, Machinist, 134 Belleville Ave., Newark,
WiSDVN, Arno E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Travers, San Antonio, Tex., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D,
Oct. 10, '18. Bom Lockhart, Tex., Farmer, Duncan, Okla.
Wisneski, Boleslaw, Pvt., ent'd army May 31, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Born Russia, Baker, 19 Innom St., Pittsburgh Pa.
WissEL, Frank J., Pvt., ent'd army July 23, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Oct. 20, '18.
Bom Ft. Bayard, N. M., Book-keeper, 923 Dayton St., Cin-
cinnati, O.
Wither, William, Corp., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Jan. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. 9, '18.
Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 560 Eagle Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
WiTTMANN, William C, Bugler, ent'd army Oct. 11, '17,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Bugler, Feb. 8, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y.,
Book-keeper, 169 Eldert St., B'klyn, N. Y.
WtEHLER, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Mch. I, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Engin-
eer, 1355 Freedom Ave., N. Y. C.
Wolf, Grover R., Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 31, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Wolf, Harry, Corp., ent'd army Oct. 12, '17, assgd. btry.
C, apt'd Pvt. icl. July 11, '18, apt'd Corp. Oct. 21, '18. Bom
Jersey City, N. J., Salesman, 911 Simpson St., N. Y. C.
Wolff, Julius A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, June 2, '18. Bom
Philadelphia, Pa., Florist, 2039 Sedgley Ave., Philadelphia
Wolfner, Benedict, 2d Lieut., joined 306 F. A. July 24, '18,
assgd. Hq. Co. on D. S. Saumur Art. Schl. July 24, '18.
WoLLMAN, Benjamin, Pvt., icl., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18,
assgd. btry. E, apt'd Pvt. id. Aug. i, '18. Bom N. Y. C,
Grocery Mgr., 165 Leno.x Ave., N. Y. C.
WOMACK, Carl S., Pvt., ent'd army May 10, '18, Jefferson
Barracks, Mo., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Washington, Ga., Draftsman, 428 So. Hull St., Mont-
gomery, Ala.
Wood, Frank M., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 7, '18, Camp Jack-
son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18. Bom
Sumner, la.. Well-driller, Sumner, la.
Woodbury, Charles A., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18,
'18, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Sent to Base
Hosp. Dropped from rolls.
Woodliffe, Jewel C, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Sulphur Rock, Ark., Miner, Cushman, Ark.
Woods, John J., Sgt., ent'd. army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. Sup.
Co., apt'd Pvt. icl. Dec. i, '17, apt'd Corp. Feb. 12, '18, apt'd
Sgt. Bom N. Y. C, Bricklayer, 1953 2 Ave., N. Y. C.
Woods, Preston, Jr., Corp., ent'd army Jan. 5, '18, attch'd.
O. T. S. Camp Upton, joined 306 F. A. assgd. Hq. Co. Apr. 16.
'18, apt'd Corp. Sep. 6, '18, apt'd Sgt. Dec. 7, '18. Student,
417 Ninth Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.
WooDWORTH, Frederic M., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Oct. 8,
'17, assgd. btry. C, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. l, '18. Bom B'klyn,
N. Y., Chauffeur, Southold, Long Island, N. Y.
Woody, Clavse F., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Feb. 27, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, June 3, '18, apt'd
Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19. Bom Carbondale
Pa., Railroad trainman, 8 Vine St., Carbondale, Pa.
Works, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 26, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Bienneville Park, La., Mill-worker, Eros, La.
Works, Ch.\rles E., Sgt., joined 306 F. A. attch'd Hq. Co.
May 6, '18, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 30, '18.
Worn, Frederick, Pvt. i cl., ent'd army Oct. 11 '17, assgd.
btry. E, apt'd Pvt. icl. Mch. i, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '19.
Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Machinist, 61 Emma St., B'klyn, N. Y.,
Maspeth, N. Y.
Wright, Frederick, Jr., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btr\'. E, Apr. 16,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18, shell-shocked Aug. 23, '18,
Ch(Sry-Chartreuve, sent to Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls
Oct. 17, '18. 55 Minot St., Neponsit, Mass.
Wright, Morris, Pvt., ent'd army Apr. i, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. June 28, 'i8.
Bom Antesport, Pa., Real Estate, Antesport, Pa.
Wright, Newman G., Pvt., ent'd army May 24, '18, Camp
Jack.son, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18. Bom Fayetteville, Tenn., Ship-
ping Clerk, RR. 3 Kelso, Tenn.
Wright, William C, Pvt., ent'd army June 20, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '18. Bom Kauffman, Texas,
Farmer, Laire, Okla.
WuTHRiCH, Charles G., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 18, '17,
Columbus Barracks, O., joined 306 F. A. Oct. 12, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Bn. Sgt. Maj. Rd. to Pvt. July I, '18 on D. S.
Hq. Troop 77 Div. Dec. 21, '18. South Bend, Ind.
Wyman, Grey H., Sgt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd.
Hq. Co. apt'd Corp. Nov. i, '17, apt'd Sgt. Jan. I, '18 on D.
S. O. T. S. Camp Upton, transf'd Saumur Art. Schl. May 16,
Wvrwalski, Walter J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp
Grant, 111., joined 306 F. A. as.sgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Born
Russian Poland, Joiner, 2310 W. 21 St., Chicago, 111.
Yanulitis, Frank G., Hs., ent'd army Feb. 6, '18, Camp
Meade, Md., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, May 18, '18, apt'd
Hs. Aug. 4, '18. Bom Rachgal, Russia, Blacksmith, 638 Oak-
land Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Yarolem, Charles, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 24, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 16, '18. Born
Monmouth, la., Farmer, Monmouth, la.
Yaskolsky, Joseph, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 9, '17, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '19. Bom Chechinow, Russia,
Iron Merchant, 457 Georgia Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
Yeaton, Walter H., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18,
Camp Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, Apr. 18,
'18, apt'd Pvt. icl. Aug. I, '18. Bom Weld, Me., Farmer, E.
Wilton, Me.
Yellin, Edward, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Odessa, Russia, Hat-maker, 17 Oneida St., Boston, Mass.
Yost, Herman, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Custer, Mich., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. 15, '18.
Bom Brussels, Wise, Farmer, Sawyars, Wise.
Young, Stanley J., Wag., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
btry. B, apt'd Wag. Apr. i, '18. Bom Puxsutawnly, Pa.,
Chauffeur, 206 Graffins Ave., Puxsutawnly, Pa.
Youngson, Orville J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 29, '17,
assgd. btry. F, gassed Aug. 21, '18 Chery-Chartreuve. Sent to
Base Hosp. Dropped from rolls.
YuLO, Frank, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 28, '17, assgd. btry. F.
Bom N. Y. C, Tailor, 209 E. 5 St., N. Y. C.
Yunger, Henry, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 10, '17, assgd. btry.
F. apt'd Pvt. icl. Nov. 26, '18, apt'd Corp. Apr. 8, '19. Bom
B'klyn, N. Y., Lumberman, 2025 Linden Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
YuNKUs, Herbert P., Pvt., ent'd army July 26, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. B, Oct. 30,
Bom Miltonsburg, O., Saloon-keeper, Lebanon, O.
Zabel, Emil J., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp Dodge,
la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 16, 'i8. Bom Delane,
Minn., Farmer, Delane, Minn.
Zadoff, Paul, Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry. D,
Bom Shkloff-Moghlaw, Ru.ssia, Furrier, 96 Hopkins St., B'klyn,
N. Y.
Zahner, John, Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd.
btry. F, transf'd Ord. Detach, attch'd Sup. Co. Jan. 24, '18,
apt'd July 22, '18 on D. S. F. A. Motor Replacement Bn. Oct.
30-Dec. 24, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Machinist, 323 E. 72 St.,
N. Y. C.
Zalok-\r, John, Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 23, '18, Camp Grant,
111., joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry. A, Apr. 19, '18. Bom Chicago,
111., Wholesale Grocer, 1900 W. 22 St., Chicago, 111.
Zarogianis, John N., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Palaraasion, Greece, Shooting Gallery Owner, 58 Myrtle
St., Boston, Mass.
Zartman, Ralph E., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btrj'. C, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Sunbury, Pa., Dishwasher, 4 Newland St., Boston,
Z.WATTONE, Frank J., Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 28, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 18, '18.
Bom Quincy, Mass., Farmer, 363 Centre St., Quincy, Mass.
Zecchini, Francis, Pvt., ent'd army Mch. 29, '18, Camp
Devens, Mass., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Apr. 18, '18.
gassed Aug. 21, '18 Ch^ry-Chartreuve. Bom Italy, Iron-
Dealer, Old Country Rd., Andover, Mass.
Zenker, Arthur, Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btr>-.
E, apt'd Corp. May 17, '18, apt'd Sgt. Aug. i, '18. Bom
N. Y. C, Tailor, 1281 Hancock St., B'klyn, N. Y.
Zerwick, Abraham I., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, assgd.
Hq. Co. Mch. 4, '18. Bom N. Y. C, Salesman, 15 W. 112 St.,
N. Y. C.
Ziebarth, Horace D., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 6, '18, joined
306 F. A. assgd. Sup. Co. Sep. 17, '18. Bom Le Sueur, Minn.,
Brakeman, Le Sueur, Minn.
Ziegenhagen, William A., Pvt., ent'd army Apr. 6, '18,
Camp Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. F, Sep. ig,
'l8. Bom Le Sueur Centre, Minn., Parmer, Le Sueur Centre,
ZiEGLER, Edward J., Pvt., ent'd army July 23,' '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Oct. 30, '18.
Bom Bloomville, O., Farmer, R. F. D. i Box 49, Blooraville, O.
ZiELKE, Paul E., Sgt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd. btry.
B, apt'd Corp. Apr. i, '18, apt'd Sgt. June 10, '18, gassed Aug.
22, '18, Chery-Chartreuve. Bom N. Y. C, Clerk, 35 Forest
Ave., B'klyn, N. Y.
ZiER, Herbert J., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Sep. 4, '17, assgd.
Sup. Co. apt'd Pvt. icl. Apr. i, '18. Bom B'klyn, N. Y., Clerk
1021 Herold Ave., Richmond HiU, N. Y.
Zilm, Willl\m W., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 26, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry. B, Apr. 16, '18. Bom
Nevada, III., Farmer, Wilmot, Minn.
Zingoni, Rinev, Pvt., ent'd army Sep. 21, '17, assgd. btry.
P. Bom Capua, Italy, Machinist, 203 Union Ave., B'klyn,
N. Y.
ZoLLER, William, Pvt., ent'd army Oct. 9, '17, assgd. btry.
A, apt'd Pvt. Icl. Dec. 9, '18, apt'd Corp. Mch. 25, '19. Born
N. Y. C, Drag & Chemical Weigher, 211 Ave. C, N. Y. C.
Zuckerman, Herbert B., Pvt., ent'd army Dec. 8, '17, assgd
btry. A. Bom Chicago, 111., Electrician, 958 Eastern Pk'way,
B'klyn, N. Y.
ZuEHLKE, Walter E., Pvt., ent'd army Feb. 25, '18, Camp
Dodge, la., joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. D, Apr. 21, '18. Born
Wrightstown, Minn., Clerk, 2513 Dupont Ave., N. Minneapolis,
Zurfley, Frank E., Pvt., ent'd army July 25, '18, Camp
Jackson, S. C, joined 306 P. A. assgd. btry. C, Oct. 31, '18,
transf'd 2 F. A. Brig. Nov. 16, '18.
Zwetow, Alvin, p., Pvt. icl., ent'd army Apr. 5, '18, assgd.
77 Div. Casuals, joined 306 F. A. assgd. btry. E, May 5, '18,
apt'd Pvt. icl. Oct. 22, '18. Bom Chicago, III., Manager 2
Pinehurst Ave., N. Y. C.
History Staff
Officer in Charge: Captain J. W. R. Crawford, Jr.
Editorial Department
Sources and Statistics
1ST Lieut. Harold P. Stokes
Sergeant Milton Goodman
Corporal Edgar G. Herrmann
Batterj- E
Headquarters Co.
Headquarters Co.
Art Department
1ST Lieut. P. Von Saltza
Sergeant Harry Fisk
Private Eric Christian
Private Lawrence H. Foster
Corporal Adolf B.^ch
Corporal Alexander M. Powers
Headquarters Co.
Headquarters Co.
Battery D
Battery C
Hdqs. 152nd F. A. Brig.
Headquarters Co.
Sergeant Pincus Hirschkopf
Sergeant Willlvm P. Teneer
Corporal John J. Prendergast
CoRPOR.\L Murr.\y T. Popper
Private John V. L. Morris
Private Russell A. Plimpton
Corporal Walter E. Cabble
Sergeant Charles F. Schum
Corporal Willlam J. Flynn
Private ist Cl. H. H. Berman
Headquarters Co.
Headquarters Co.
Battery A
Battery B
Battery C
Battery D
Battery E
Battery F
Supply Co.
Medical Detachment
Private James Hamilton Headquarters Co.
Publishing Committee
' Major H. S. Duell.
To the limit of its capacity, the 306th Field
Artillery of the 152nd Brigade, 77th Division, co-
operated with the infantry throughout the war with
a spirit and efficiency which contributed largely
to the reputation of the division. The men of
the regiment endured the hardships and sacrifices,
suffered the losses, displayed the heroism, and
accomplished the results which are its foundation.
The regiment did its best, struggled hard and
succeeded. It participated in the whole war along
the American front, except St. Mihiel ; it occupied
the Baccarat sector; fought through the Chateau-
Thierry sector on the Vesle, and on the Aisne
opposite the Chemin de Dames; it drove through the
Argonne Forest and up beyond west of the Meuse,
to the outskirts of Sedan ; it helped to break not only
the Hindenburg line, but the Kriemhilde-Schtellung
line — it went from New York to the Sedan. And
now, in looking back, it is just a little proud of what
it has done, and most of all is it proud of having
gone through the war as avital element of the 77th
Division. — "New York's Own."
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