Class <_ Book Cop)7ightN?_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. WOODWORK : ^=== and =^=^^ Mechanical Drawing BY WILLIAM PAUL FOX FOX BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS TT ^5 Fgs COPYRIGHT, 1914 BY WILLIAM PAUL FOX NOV .10 1914 CI. A 387783 TO THE TEACHER MANUAL TRAINING as a school study has successfully passed the stage of experimental teaching and reached a recognition that requires neither defense nor apology. But there remains, as in all school work, a distinct necessity for relating it to the every-day needs and desires of the child, not so much the young child as the developing child in his teens. To meet these needs by stimulating inquiry and promoting activity along the line of directed work is the aim of the author. The desire for the beautiful is also met by the large number of projects offered, among which the pupil is left free to select the ones he admires for construction. Mechanical drawing is a necessary adjunct of good manual training; the eye must aid the hand in the task set by the brain. The exercises presented are designed to promote that skill which in time would make the youthful worker able to select and prepare his own drawing and to apply his knowledge to any problem he may encounter. Tools, hardware, stains, waxes, and lumber, in so far as they come under the observation of the young student, receive men- tion. No attempt has been made to formulate a hard and fast text; on the contrary the natural limitations incidental to widely differing school districts have been kept in mind. It is hoped the teacher will not only permit but encourage the greatest pos- sible freedom of choice in selecting the task. The author gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness for suggestions and advice to many friendly sources — notably, John J. Fox, John S. Kief, Walter H. Aitken, John T. Driscoll, and Mary E. Tobin. — 3 — TABLE OP CONTENTS LESSON NO. PAGE 1. Saws : 7 2. Exercise in Laying-out and Sawing 8 3. The Plane 9 4. To Square a Board 12 5. Match Scratcher 15 6. Tea Pot Stand . 18 7. Calendar Back 19 8. Trellis 21 9. Pin Tray 23 10. Blotter Pad 25 11. Picture Easel 27 12. Ink Stand 29 13. Shelf 32 14. Whisk Broom Holder 35 15. Coat Hanger 38 16. Book Rack 40 17. Handkerchief Box 42 18. Child's Wheel Barrow 45 19. Hat and Coat Rack 46 20. A Costumer 49 21. A Tabouret 50 22. Foot Stool 53 23. Clock Case 55 24. Piano Bench 57 Suggested Problems 58 Lumbering 62 Finish 64 Hardware 67 Mechanical Drawing 69 Suggested Equipment 143 — 5 — LIST OF PLATES PLATE NO. PAGE 1. The Plane and its Parts. . 10 2. Match Scratcher 15 3. Tea Pot Stand 18 4. Calendar Back 19 5. Trellis 21 6. Pin Tray 23 7. Blotter Pad 25 8. Easel 27 9. Ink Stand 29 10. Shelf 33 11. Whisk Broom Holder 35 12. Coat Hanger 38 13. Book Rack 40 14. Handkerchief Box 42 15. Wheel Barrow 44 16. Hat and Coat Rack 46 17. Costumer 48 18. Tabouret 50 19. Foot Stool 52 19(a). Foot Stool Details... 52 20. Clock Case 54 21. Piano Bench 56 22. Drawing Exercise 78 23. Geometric Constructions. 83 24. Bread Board 84 25. Kitchen Utensil Rack 85 26. Key Rack 86 27. Bench Hook 87 28. Ring Toss 88 29. Drawing Board 89 30. Letter Holder 90 31. Shelf 91 32. Nail Box 92 33. Corner Shelf 93 34. Sleeve Board., 94 ::■"). Xecktie Rack 95 36. Envelope Holder 96 37. Book Rack 97 38. Book Rack 98 39. Adjustable Book Rack 99 40. Book Rack 100 41. Magazine Rack 101 PLATE NO. PAGE 42. Magazine Rack 102 43. Handkerchief Box 103 44. Glove Box 104 45. Comb and Brush Rack. . . 105 46. Bench 106 47. Foot Stool 107 48. Foot Stool 108 49. Knife and Fork Box 109 50. Foot Stool 110 51. Book Ends Ill 52. Plate Rail 112 53. Plate Rack 113 54. Medicine Cabinet 114 55. Carrying Case 115 56. Tabouret 116 57. Tabouret 117 58. Clock 118 59. Clock Case 119 60. Towel Rack 120 61. Blackening Stand 121 62. Book Stand 122 63. Windox Box 123 64. Pedestal 124 65. Umbrella Stand 125 66. Lamp 126 67. Costumer 127 68. Child's Adjustable Chair. 128 69. Stool 129 70. Magazine and Book Rack. 130 71. Cedar Chest 131 72. Writing Desk 132 73. Settee .- 133 74. Telephone Seat and Stand 134 75. Settee 135 76. Arm Chair 136 77. Details for Arm Chair. . . 137 78. Chair 138 79. Fern Stand 139 80. Morris Chair 140 81. Table 141 82. Lamp 142 — 6 — Cross Cut 5a w Teeth LESSON NO. 1 SAWS Saws may be divided into two groups; first, power saws, such as band and circular saws; second, all kinds of hand saws. The second group is used in manual training. They are classified as follows: (1) The Cross-cut Saw, for cutting across the grain of the wood. The teeth of this saw are sharp pointed, Fig. 1, and act like so many knives cutting a double knife line across the board. The sharp point cuts, and the body of the tooth tears out the wood between the knife lines. (2) The Rip Saw, for cutting in line with the grain of the wood. This saw has chisel-pointed teeth, Fig. 2. Each tooth cuts like a small chisel. A rip saw must be used in line with, not across, the grain of the wood. (3) The Back Saw, ^^^^- ^-^ - ^-^ r-^-^^z^: tor tine, accurate cut- ting and fitting. This R,p 5 * w TEETH =l,500. Ans. 1,500' B. M. 4. How many board feet in a board 1" thick, 1' 0" wide, and 10' 0" long? Ans. 10' B. M. 5. How many board feet in a board 1" thick, 9" wide, and 16' 0" long? Solution: 9/12x16=12. Ans. 12' B. M. 6. How many board feet in a board 2" thick, 10" wide, and 12' 0" long? 7. How much would a board 1" thick, 1' 0" wide, and 10' 0" long cost with lumber worth $80.00 per M? Ans. $0.80. 8. How much would a board 1" thick, 18" wide, and 10' 0" long cost with lumber worth $100.00 per M? — 17 — -¥ 71 T*' Tea Pot 3tand \ m& LESSON NO. 6 TEAPOT STAND Saw a piece of wood 5%" long by 6" wide. Plane to 5y 2 "x5y 2 ". Mark for tV chamfer around the top surface of the board with a marking gauge, Figs. 35 and 36. Plane chamfer, planing the ends first. Use a diagonal stroke so as not to break the edges, Fig. 37, or plane the chamfer, cutting two- thirds across the width of the board and then reverse and plane two- thirds across the other edge. Plane the surface the same as for the match scrateher, using bench hook. Sandpaper the same as in the first problem. Stain and wax. See pages 64 to 67. — 18 , FIG. 37 ■A ■ s I Iz 2 li~ ^ £ -Calendar Baca S, LESSON NO. 7 CALENDAR BACK Plane board 10"x5"x3/ 8 ". Mark l 1 /^" from top and two sides, and S 1 ^ from the bottom, using the marking gauge, Fig. 38. Bore tV' hole at any point in enclosed figure with hand gimlet to put the coping saw through. Saw out opening with coping saw tV inside of lines. Place the coping saw blade through the hole, — 19 — -*s* -C, ^ 2- . /i\ — — » » — *-*» — » FIG. 38 points of teeth facing away from you. Put the blade in front slot, holding the other end of blade in the other hand with the front end of saw frame against the bench, and press against it until the frame is sprung far enough to receive the other end of the blade, Fig. 40. Use both hands when sawing and take easy strokes, keeping the blade perpendicular at all times to the board, Fig. 41. In turning cor- ners do so very slowly. In taking saw apart use same method as in putting it together. File to lines, using a flat file. Place both hands on file, Fig. 42, and keep horizontal so that the filed edge will be perpendicular to the board. In filing, the stroke is forward and sideways at the same time, so that the cut will be con- tinuous along the whole length of the edge. The file cuts on the for- ward and not the backward stroke. Plane clean, sandpaper, stain, and wax. Glue picture to the back and cover with a piece of straw board. Tack calendar to back with brass tacks or use %" round-head screws. Suggestion. — Select a calendar and picture with colors and design in harmony with wood used. — 20 — LESSON NO. 8 TRELLIS Stock, finished size. 1 piece *4"xl%"x2'0". 1 piece *4"x %"x 9". 1 piece i,4"x %"x 6". 1 piece i,4"x y 2 "x 3". Lay out as shown on your drawing for location of holes, rip sawing, and pointing of bottom, with try square and marking gauge, Fig. 43. I*" £ __ . PLATE 5 FIG. 43 21 Bore with tV dowel bit. Place the bit in the brace and be sure to get the jaws of the brace to fit around the square shank of the bit. Bore the holes, putting the board in a vise, Fig. 45. Hold the brace and bit perpendicular to the sur- face of the board and bore until tip of bit just comes through other side of board. Then turn the board around and bore from the other side. This will leave a clean cut hole from both sides, instead of a ragged one on one side, as is the case when the hole is bored through from one side only. With a rip saw, cut on marking gauge lines, Fig. 46. Clean all pieces with a plane. No sandpa- pering is necessary. Assemble parts, using two 7 / 8 " blocks of wood to spread the arms, Fig. 47. Be careful not to spread them too far and thus split the wood. %" No. 3 round-head screws will make very nice work, although %" brads may be used. Give one coat of green paint to protect the wood from moisture and harmonize it with the foliage of the plant the trellis is to be used with. Suggestion. — By increasing or decreasing the thickness of the lumber and the width of the stock a trellis of any desired size may be constructed. — 22 — LESSON NO. 9 PIN TRAY Cut a piece of stock 7y 2 " long, 6y 2 " wide, and %" thick. With rip saw cut this board into two pieces; one 7yo" long by 3y 2 " wide, the other 7y 2 " long by 3" wide. Lay out with dividers and try square as shown in Fig. 49. Fig. 50 is a photograph of the board properly laid out. Plane to the lines of both boards. Keep the edges of both boards straight and square with the con- cave face of each. There will then be two boards, one 7 1 / 2 // by 3" and — 23 — \ v Sa -^ 1 h->w ( r * y^j 11 X _£ =fc- FIG. 49 the other 7y 2 " by 21/0". Their long- narrow edges will be parallel and square with the concave face of both boards. Saw ends of both boards tV away from lines. Use coping saw. In the larger board saw out the enclosed space in the center. Use coping saw. Now file this inner opening with the half round file. Then file the ends with the flat side of the file following the lines of the curve. Do not file across the width of the board, Fig. 51. Plane all the surfaces of both boards clean and smooth. Sandpaper the opening, putting the sandpaper around a half round file, Fig. 52. Sandpaper the curved ends by rubbing them over sandpaper held upon the bench. Use a rocking mo- tion, Fig. 53. Sandpaper the re- maining edges and surface in the usual way. Nail the two pieces together with y 2 " brads, Fig. 54. Set the nails tV" below the sur- face, using nail set. Avoid strik- ing the wood with the hammer. With No. V2 sandpaper carefully smooth the whole problem. Stain and wax. — 24 — ■3" 1 3 4 r i , 2 " r * 1 1 / \ »N ^ M v5 3" •Blotter p ->A £> LESSON NO. 10 BLOTTER PAD Stock, finished size. 1 piece %"x3"x5". 1 piece %"xl"x3". With marking gauge lay out a line ^4" from the bottom along the two long edges, Fig. 56. Place in a vise, Fig. 57, with a block of wood about 6" long, the bottom side of the blotter pad fac- ing away from the block. Set the dividers at 5", placing one leg of the dividers at one of — 25 — the 14" lines and strike an arc. Do the same from the other 14" line, Fig. 57. At the intersection of these arcs place one leg of the di- viders and draw the bottom curve, Fig. 58. On the other end do the same. Place in a vise and plane to curve, Fig. 59. Sandpaper the bot- tom, going across the grain, so as to smooth out the flat sides left by the plane, Fig. 60. Shape handle. See Problem No. 1. Nail together with iy 2 " nails. Finish. Glue blotter to bottom. Summaey. — These ten lessons have illustrated the use of rip and cross cut saws, the laying out and sawing of boards; the use of the try sqfuare; the use and adjustment of the plane; the four methods of squaring a board; the use of the back-saw; the trueing of edges at any angle; the use of a hand gim- let bit; the use of sandpaper; the cutting of a chamfer; the use of coping saw and file; the use of brace and bit; interior cutting; the use of screws and nails; the assem- bling of the parts of a project. — 26 — PICTURE EASEL Stock, finished size. No. 1. 1 piece %"x5"xl0". No. 2. 1 piece %"x3y 2 "x5y 2 ". No. 3. 1 piece %"xl"x4y 2 " On piece No. 1, plane the work- edge and one end. Square the end with the working edge. Use this end for the bottom. Lay out de- sign as shown on your drawing, Fig. 62. Cut design with back saw, Figs. 64 and 65, and plane true. On piece No. 2, plane the work- ing edge and both ends. Square the ends with the working edge. Lay out as shown on drawing, Fig. 63. — 27 — H c I fi Ik I 3k' w> FIG. B3 On piece No. 3, true all edges. Take a fine cut off all surfaces of the three boards with a smooth- ing plane. This will make them smooth and clean. Then sandpaper. After sandpapering, lay out the following light lines with a sharp pencil on piece No. 1; a center line from top to bottom on both sides of board; a horizontal line 1" from the bottom on both sides of board. The center line is for nailing No. 1 on No. 2. The bottom line for nail- ing No. 1 on No. 3. Decide which is to be used for the back of piece No. 1, preferably the convex side. (It makes a bet- ter joint to place the concave side against the piece it is to be nailed to.) Drive four 1" No. 17 brads into the board on the bottom line, so that the points of the nails come through. If the nails have been driven in correctly the points will pass through the lines on the other side of the board. Place piece No. 3 in position, Fig. 66, and continue driving the nails. Set the nails with a nail set. Be careful not to mar the board. The hammer should not touch it. Place piece No. 1 against piece No. 2 as it will stand when finished, Fig. 67, and mark where it belongs. Drive four 1" No. 17 brads through the center line as you did for the first piece. Put piece No. 2 in place, Fig. 68, and finish. Eub all pencil lines off with a rubber eraser and sandpaper where needed. Use the finish you prefer. — 28 — ^ mortise to be cut 3/fe of Ink We// 'Ink 5TAND- LESSON NO. 12 INK STAND Stock, finished size. 1 piece 5" long, 6" wide, %" thick. True all edges. Lay out for groove and mortise, with marking gauge, dividers, try square and a pencil, Figs. 70 and 71. See Lesson 10 for method of laying out groove with dividers. Sharpen gouge with a regular oil stone, Fig. 72, and slip stone, Fig. 73. Use the regular oil stone — 29 — to raise the feather edge which will lie on the inside of the curve, Fig. 72. Then alternate with the slip stone on the inner curve, Fig. 73, and the oil stone on the outer curve until the feather edge disappears. The slip stone is made of the same material as the oil stone, the differ- ence being in shape only. With a rubber mallet and a gouge cut the groove close to the lines, Fig. 74. Then finish without the rubber mallet, holding the gouge in both hands and carefully paring to the lines, Fig. 75. Leave no large ridges. Scrape with a goose-neck scraper all the ridges out of the groove, Fig. 76. Sandpaper the groove by wrap- ping sandpaper around a cylinder l 1 //' in diameter, Fig. 77, or make a block about 5 ,/ xl 1 / 2 ,/ with an edge curved to a %" radius. Use the method followed in Lesson 10 in making this block. The cylinder or block should always have a smaller radius than the groove. Cut the mortise. Sharpen the chisel as the plane iron was sharp- ened with the exception that the edge of the chisel is kept straight instead of being slightly curved. Place the chisel on the line, with the straight side facing the out- — 30 — side of the mortise. With a rubber mallet cut about tV deep all around the mortise, Fig. 78. Then put the board in a vise and cut down tV, chiseling across the grain of the wood, Fig. 79. Repeat this opera- tion until the mortise is about ^4" deep. Plane clean and smooth, and sandpaper. Finish in any manner desired. EXERCISES 1. Tell how you would make a blotter pad without using a han- dle but in place of it gouging out the sides for finger grips. 2. Tell how you could make a pin tray out of a single block of wood by using the gouge. 3. Make a drawing for an ink stand for two bottles of ink; one red and the other black. 4. Tell how to grind a gouge. 5. Tell how to oil stone a gouge. 6. Tell how to grind a chisel. 7. Tell how to oil stone a chisel. — 31 — v\r,. & LESSON NO. 13 SHELF— FREEHAND ORNAMEN- TAL DESIGN Stock, finished size. Top, 1 piece %"x8"xl2". Back, 1 piece %"x7y 2 "x8". Bracket, 1 piece %"x7"x7". True the top and cut the corners. True the back and cut the cor- ners. True one edge and one end of bracket. On this trued edge and end mark off the length and width of the bracket. The design when finished will be drawn diagonally on this piece. Make a freehand de- sign on thick paper. Cut it out with a knife and use it as a pattern by placing it on the board and pen- cil around the pattern. Fig. 80 is a photograph of the lay out of the bracket. With a turning saw cut tV" away from the line, Fig. 81. File to the line with a half round file. The curve when completed should be continuous, that is, should have no flat places. Plane and sandpaper all pieces. In the back piece draw a center line from top to bottom on both sides. Do the same with the top. Now the problem is ready to be as- sembled. FIG. S" Drive five nails at reasonable spaces apart into the back along the center line so that the points come through slightly on the other center line. Place bracket in a vise, Fig. 82. Drive nails in the back. Remove from vise and test for ac- curacy. Return to vise and com- plete the nailing. Plane both ab- solutely true, Fig. 83. In the top piece, with marking gauge, draw a line 5/16" parallel with its back edge. This is the nailing line for the top to the back. Put 5 nails along the center line and 4 nails along the back line. Place the bracket and back in the vise and nail the top to the bracket, testing as before, Fig. 84. To nail the top to the back place in the vise so that the nails will not be driven into the overhanging end, Figs. 85 and 86. Set all nails tV' below the sur- face with a nail set. Plane back smooth, and true if necessary, Fig. 87. Erase pencil lines or plane them out. Then sandpaper and finish as desired. Note. — This shelf may be adapt- ed to any desired position or mate- rial. Plan a shelf for the kitchen at your home. — 34 — /4 4-i /r _ 1 ^ y i i L \ \\li- -JM 3" \i/f N 1 f P\ " K > ^ V * 6' «*q ' , A , \ I i 1 1 i ■# 1 1 ' 1 **D > • Whisk Broom Holder- Stock, finished size. PLATE 11 LESSON NO. 14 WHISK BROOM HOLDER Front, 1 piece 3 /4"x2"x6". Back, 1 piece 3/ 8 " x 3y 2 "x8' 4i m s-s-s y~^ x * V _ -x j§=-— ' L 4*=- v^ ; IV FIG. 88 — 35 — True the front piece, all four edges. True only the working edge of the back piece. Lay out front piece as shown in Fig. 88, lower. Fig. 89, lower, shows the front piece laid out with reference to the centers of the holes to be bored and the corners to be cut. It is not necessary to lay out the %" semi-circles because when the centers are laid out, the tip of the bit is placed at these centers and the holes bored. The centers for holes for the screws may be laid out from the first. Lay out the back piece as shown in Fig. 88, upper, using the work- ing edge, which is already trued, to work from. Use a try square, a marking gauge and dividers to draw all lines. Fig. 89, upper, is a picture of the complete lay out. Chisel the corners of the front piece using a 1" chisel. Sharpen the chisel first, as a dull chisel tears. Take a cut about y 8 " wide starting on the edge with the grain and cut- ting across the thickness of the board, Fig. 90. Place the piece on the bench- hook or on a scrap piece of wood to protect the bench. Continue tak- ing y 8 " cuts, Fig. 91, until the curve is completed. Bore two holes with a %" dowel bit, being sure to turn the board over and bore from the other side — 36 — when the tip of the bit comes through. The holes show in Fig. 92. With a back saw cut as shown in Fig. 92, keeping at least 1/32" away from the line in order to smooth up later. Cut out the re- mainder with a turning saw or use small cuts and chisel it out. When close to the line pare as shown in Fig. 93. The stroke is somewhat of a saw stroke, being from side to side, as well as forward. The cut must be very fine. The ends may be chiseled in the same way, Fig. 94. Great care must be taken here not to split the edges. These ends may be carefully filed instead of being chiseled. With a rip saw and a back saw cut the back piece tV" away from the line and plane to lines square with the concave surface. Chisel the corners as in the first piece. Complete with a file. Use the file as in the previous problem. File the corners of the front piece in the same manner; also with the half round file smooth the inside of it. Bore the holes for the screws and countersink, Fig. 95. Plane the board clean with a smoothing plane and carefully sandpaper. For the inside of the front piece wrap sandpaper around the file. Put together with flat- head screws, Fig. 96. Stain and wax. — 37 — ^=1 ) ,^-^^P ^^^n 18" .1 K^J- — 1 Sectotcenfer Ccwr HANGER PLATE 12 LESSON NO. 15 COAT HANGER Stock. 1 piece 18y 2 "x3y 2 "x%". Lay out as shown in Fig. 97. With a turning saw cut tV' away from the lines. Keep the saw perpendicular to the board and be sure it is not twisted, that is, the handles should be turned exactly alike at all times in their position. Use both hands on the saw frame and use easy strokes as the saw blades are easily broken, especially the narrow ones. Trim to lines using spoke shave. The blade of spoke shave is sharp- ened in the same manner as the blade of a plane and cuts much the — 38 — same. It will be found better to push the spoke shave away from you in doing most work, though sometimes it will be easier to pull it toward you. The bottom edge of the coat hanger should be cut flat and square with the side. The spoke shave is held perpendicular to the side, Fig. 98. In cutting, cut from the end of the board to the middle and then reverse the board and cut from the other end so as not to cut against the grain of the wood. Cut the top edge in the same manner, Fig. 99, and when it is cut to the line round it a little by turning the spoke shave, Fig. 100. When finished round the end of the piece with a chisel. See Figs. 90 and 91 in previous problem. Plane clean with a smoothing plane. It will be necessary be- cause of the irregular shape to nail extra blocks on the bench hook to hold it. Be sure to remove these blocks later. Sandpaper the problem. The bottom and sides are sandpapered in the usual manner. For the top edge take a half sheet of sandpaper and hold it at both ends, and pull it up and down as if polishing a shoe with a cloth, Fig. 101. This will rub off the ridges left by the spoke shave. The blade of the spoke shave being flat makes the top edge many sided instead of round. Put the hook in the center. Give two coats of shellac. — 39- ^^C: «) Q AT y- 3, ra^ IX ft A5 y (/k"/7o.8 F: Kerens ■=$■- #= v5' 'Book Rack* PLATE 13 LESSON NO. 16 BOOK RACK So far all our joints have been butt joints, that is, simply one board against the other. In some articles this joint is not as strong as necessary and to secure the addi- tional strength one piece is inserted in the other. There are many ways of doing this. The simplest is the grooved joint used in the book rack. In this problem the joint is rein- forced by means of screws, though it would in all probability be strong enough with glue only. — 40 — Lay out with the try square, knife, Fig. 103, and marking gauge, at both ends as shown in Fig. 102, to the depth of the groove. Saw as close to the lines as possible, but be careful to keep within the lines. Cut out between the saw lines with a chisel and rubber mallet, cut- ting half way across and then re- versing the board and cutting the other half, Fig. 104. If necessary trim with a chisel and rubber mal- let, Fig. 105. Keep the chisel per- pendicular to the face of the board and watch the lines closely, as a groove that is too wide is worth- less. If groove is not deep enough use the chisel at a slight angle as you would a knife, Fig. 106. If the ends are too thick plane them to the width of the groove; clean all surfaces with a plane and sandpaper. Assemble, using glue and screws. Be sure to test with a try square so that the ends will be per- pendicular to the bottom. Plane the edge after the assem- bling, Fig. 107, to take off any un- evenness that may be present. Sandpaper where necessary. Do not forget the block of wood when sandpapering. Let the glue dry at least twenty- four hours. Stain and wax. — 41 — PLATE 14 LESSON NO. 17 HANDKERCHIEF BOX Consult the drawing for dimen ; sions of pieces, Plate 14. True both edges and ends. Lay out the tongue and groove, Fig. 108, using knife, try square, and mark- ing gauge. Mark all cross lines, Fig. 109, with a knife and try square. Mark depth of tongue with a marking gauge and cut out. Lay out and cut the groove in the same — 42 — manner. Plane smooth the surfaces to be used for the inside of the box. Test the parts by putting them together with hand screws. The jaws of the screws must be paral- lel when tightened. Take apart by loosening the screw in the end of the jaw; do not touch the middle screw. Give each surface of the joint a thin coat of glue and clamp the parts together, tightening the screw in the end of the jaw only. This pressure forces out all surplus glue and also forces the glue into the pores of the wood, thus doing the work of numerous small nails, Fig. 110. Plane the top and bottom edges flat, Fig. 111. Now the box is ready for the top and bottom. Make top and bottom pieces each i/x" larger than the space to be covered. Glue them in place, Fig. 112. The slight projection is to be planed off later when the glue dries, Fig. 113. Plane the whole box smooth. Round the corners to the radius in the drawing. The box is now ready to have the lid sawed off. With a marking gauge draw a horizontal line ItV from the top of the box on the four sides, Fig. 114. On this line, with rip saw, cut off the lid, Fig. 115. Plane these edges smooth. Stain, shellac, and wax the box inside and out. Place hinges and clasp when the box is thoroughly dry. — 4.°, — — 44 — LESSON NO. 18 A CHILD'S WHEELBARROW Before starting the construction of this problem carefully study the working drawing. Make out a stock bill on a form similar to the one shown in Fig. 116. Have this stock bill passed upon by your instructor. 5 TOCK BlL L (Finished 5i 3 eJ no of Pa Ihickns Width Length Description mark Cut your stock, using the bill for sizes, allowing enough extra length and width for planing and sawing. True all pieces to finished size as shown on your stock bill. The handles are shaped with a spoke shave, Fig. 117, and finished by rubbing them with a strip of sandpaper, in a manner similar to that used in polishing a shoe with a cloth, Fig. 118. Fit the wheel and axle to the handles. This requires careful fit- ting. Put the box together with nails or screws. Nail the box to the handles, having the wheel, axle and handles assembled at the time the nailing is done. Secure four wrought iron braces and fasten the legs to the handles with them, using %" No. 6 screws. Finish as desired. — 45 — LESSON NO. 19 HAT AND COAT RACK Carefully make a stock bill on form similar to one shown in Fig. 116. True pieces to correct sizes and shapes. Lay out the holes for the dowels. With marking gauge draw a center on the inner edge of each of the vertical pieces and also on the ends of the horizontal pieces. Place the two vertical pieces together and with a try square draw lines across ►o -J57T ^S r- --!-- .IT .p n .Ol > V*l -SL 'j^/ V Q o — 46 — FIG. 119 at the proper distances, Fig. 119. With the horizontal pieces the marking gauge may be used for both the center lines and the cross lines. Care should be taken to mark from the same edge for all the holes in each piece. Before boring the holes test by placing the pieces together in their respective positions; see if the lines coincide. Bore %" holes l 1 /^' deep, being sure to have them perpendicular to the plane in which they are bored. Cut enough dowel pins 2 1 / 4" long to put the problem together. Point the ends about tV' with a dowel pointer or a knife. Put the problem together with clamps, without glue. If correct after testing, take apart, put glue on the dowels, Fig. 120, in the dowel holes, and on both surfaces of the pieces, Fig. 121. Clamp together, Fig. 123, and allow twenty-four hours to dry. Plane surfaces smooth and clean. Scrape with a cabinet square scraper, Fig. 124. Fit y±' molding for the mirror. In cutting the miters use tee bevel for marking and testing. Set bevel at 45°. Cut the back from y 8 " or ■h" stock. Finish as desired. — 47 — LESSON NO. 20 A COSTUMER The making of a half lap joint is the new exercise taken up in this problem. Square the two pieces for the base 18" by 1%" by 1%", and make sure that they are ex- actly alike. Then with knife, try square, and marking gauge lay out the grooves, which must be exactly in the center of the pieces, of the same width of a piece, and one-half the thickness, so that they will fit into each other. With back saw cut close to the lines, Fig. 125. With chisel and mallet cut out the piece between the saw kerfs, Fig. 126. Cut from both sides so as not to break the edges. Carefully trim the bottom of grooves with a sharp chisel, Fig. 127. If the grooves are not quite wide enough or deep enough pare carefully with chisel to proper size, Fig. 128. Put together with glue and clamp. Allow twenty-four hours to dry. Scrape off any surplus glue, and plane top and bottom surfaces flat. Shape and true all the other pieces. Assemble problem. From the large variety of hat and coat hooks obtainable, choose the ones best adapted to the har- mony of the problem. Be simple rather than ornate. — 49 — LESSON NO. 21 A TABOURET The new problem involved in this project is to glue two boards together to make a board wide enough for the top. Every other feature of the construction of a tabouret has been worked out in some previous problem. Decide the particular kind of tabouret to be made. See illus- trations on page 61. Then shape all the required material. / s ! 3 i s \ f . — i l IO i i \ 1-j 1 1 r 5 J__ . ! i i i \ \ \ i i i / / • / / * r' H /-3" VD I IO' 3i' c f J i. 3 * l A ■* i- *--i ■ SJ ^N M 1 1 "3k' 1 " 3k' i ?v i 1* - -Tabouret- PLATE 18 — 50 — In preparing the top select two boards whose combined width will be at least 1" more than the width, and 1" more than the length. Note the grains of the two pieces; see that they are alike in direction. Test this by planing off a shaving in each. Mark the direction of the grain with a pencil. True the two edges to be glued. Make them slightly concave from end to end, about 1/100". This is to avoid possible end cracking due to shrinkage. Place the two edges together and draw a thin piece of paper through the space. If the paper does not bind the space is accurate, Fig. 129. These two edges are dowelled together. Care must be taken that the dowel holes in both boards ex- actly agree. There are two meth- ods by which this may be done. Here is one of them — On one of the edges drive in three brads, one in the middle, and one 3" from each end. With the cutting pliers or file, cut off the heads of the brads. Place the other edge exactly in position over these brads and tap the board with the hammer so that the brad makes a mark. Draw out the three brads. In the six marked places bore the dowel holes. The other method is to draw a center line with the marking gauge in each edge; then place the boards to- gether and with a try square, draw three lines across both edges, one in the middle, and one 3" from each end, Fig. 130. Put dowel pins in place. Clamp boards together, using hand screws to prevent bulging, Fig. 131. Separate, and if correct in every particular, glue. Clamp together again and let glue set for twenty-four hours. Then shape the top. FIO. 131 — 51 — 1 — H 7 -^ R :=3 3 y L . 1 c r* — L 1 -J ? : ! =3 «f s •* i ,Leather- Zheese Cloth jetton > Board ■3 Dowels 5ection AA I5f /4t /?. 3: ■y Cham fe r~ ./-i //i /■*- ^ /*' r 1 ! >-j i 1 1 ! I | L-j r i j ■ j -i i i t i i i > i • Li rL -__ JL ■Foot Stool- Padded Leather Top PLATE 19 1 'A \£k ZReod 8" fane ■ i Holes %'deep ZReod IZ/onq h \ 3 O' X Holes d 5 ides- 4- Pes P'eepa^ t33> $ Dowel Pint Z ' Ig IS Read Leo Data if 4 Pes Ret?d . -^ Holes countersunk JL for /if Flat Head Sere * 2 Reo'd T long 2 Redd 1 1' long J I?- Ik Flat Head Screws Reo'd I- Leaf her Padded Top 37/3" to be fitted after assembling of problem. OfT/7/L5 FOG FOOT 5 TOOL {Podded Leather Top) 'LATE LV»a LESSON NO. 22 FOOT STOOL True all pieces and lay out all dowel holes. Chamfers may be cut with chisel, Fig. 132. Put on the strips for fastening the top with screws before gluing together. Glue both ends together; be care- ful to keep them flat and square, Fig. 133. One clamp is enough, though two are sometimes used. It is easier to keep the ends flat by using one on each side. Let the glue dry for twenty-four hours. Be sure to place pieces of wood be- tween jaws of the clamps so as not to mar the surface of the legs of the problem. Glue the sides to the ends, Figs. 134 and 135. Keep problem square and let dry for twenty-four hours. Fit the board to be used for the top. Allowance must be made for pad- ding; this will amount to at least y 8 " all around, depending entirely on how thickly it is padded; it may take y±' or more. Cotton or hair may be used for padding. Put more in the center than on the edges, and stretch a piece of cheese cloth over the cot- ton, tacking it on the bottom with short tacks. The leather is then tacked over this and the top set in and screwed from the bottom. When staining, filling, or wax- ing, take off the top so as not to soil it. — 53 — i i i i . 1 ^ i i i i i if ^* — .p •t* % .,/ /(? "W '^7 Li V U f\/^~ \ 1 3 » -8 / l ^ ^ \ — 54 — LESSON NO. 23 CLOCK CASE Before working this project se- cure a small clock 1%" to 2 1 / 4" in diameter. Select any suitable blocks of wood, one for the top and one for the base. Remove the various projections of the clock, leaving the works and the enclosing case untouched. These are to be inserted into the wood. Measure the diameter of the clock with a rule. Mark the diameter on the front and back of top piece, using the dividers. This is the diameter of the hole when finished. Within this circle draw another circle 14" less in radius, using same center. On the circumference of the small circle bore %" holes, close to- gether. See Fig. 136. With the gouge and rubber mal- let cut out the center, Fig. 137. Place top in vise and trim to re- quired size of hole, Fig. 138. Test by placing clock in the hole. Assemble and finish. Note: Any deep mortise of any shape can be made in the same man- ner, as for example, in a 1" square mortise, a 1" hole would be bored and chiseled square. — 55 — Nj '"-CM Mi ~f* 18 ^r O — CG — LESSON NO. 24 PIANO BENCH Before attempting this or any other large problem, make a careful detail drawing showing each piece as it ought to be when completed. The drawing may be so exact that each part of the problem could be made by a different pupil and the whole assembled as a .project without any mistakes. True all pieces before attempting to assemble any. In lay- ing out the dowel holes carefully match-mark each joint; that is, parts that go together mark with the same figures. Glue the ends together. See Les- son No. 22, Fig, 133; only in this problem it is nec- essary to use at least two clamps, one at the rail and one at the cross piece. Glue the ends FIG - 139 to the rails and stretcher, Fig. 140. Test to see if corners are square. Fit corner blocks and nail and glue in place. Plane the top edges of rails and legs flat to receive top. Screw cast iron knees to rails. Be sure to have them about tV' be- low the top of sides, so that the top may be drawn down to the sides. Use no glue in fasten- ing the top to the rails, be- cause of ex- pansion and contraction of top. — 57 Fis*s. 141, 142, 143, and 144 axe photographs of finished problems. If any of these are chosen first make a working drawing. — 58 — FTO. 142 — 59 — FIG. 143 — 61 — LUMBERING The trees are cut down. The winter time is the best time for cutting, as there is less sap in the tree at this time of the year. The summer is the next best, the fall and the spring being the least favorable times. The trees are stripped of their branches, and shipped to the saw mill. Here they are sawed into timbers, planks, boards, etc. Seasoning. Lumber cut from freshly felled trees is not fit for use in permanent structures of any kind, as it is green. It Upper, sawing logs into lengths; lower, a large load of white pine logs; right, yellow pine in a southern forest. contains sap and moisture which will evaporate and cause the lumber to shrink, especially across the grain. Some woods shrink as much as one inch to a board twelve inches wide. In length lumber shrinks very little. It is evident what would become of a structure made from wood in this condition. To prevent this the lumber is seasoned. That is, it is piled in a stack in such manner that the air may circulate around each piece. It is left in these stacks for a period ranging from three months to four years, depending on the lumber, its thickness, — 62 — and the use for which it is designed. Some of the best grades of lumber are placed under open sheds to dry to protect them from snow, rain, and the direct rays of the sun. Too fast drying causes checks and cracks. Kiln Drying. Lumber that is used for furniture should be kiln dried as well as air dried. The lumber is piled into a room that is heated by steam. The temperature is slowly raised to about 180° F., and the lumber is left in this room from four days to four weeks, depending on the thickness and kind of lumber. In some kilns today the lumber is kept in live steam for the first few days. In this way much of the sap is washed out of the wood. Some manufacturers claim many disadvan- tages for this last method, and it is not generally used. Dressed Lumber. Lumber for cabinet work or any fine carpenter work is usually dressed on two sides, or, in other words, is planed with a machine planer on both faces. Lumber dressed in this manner is known as S-2-S or surfaced two sides. If it is only surfaced on one side, as is the case of fence boards, it is known as S-l-S. Lumber that has been surfaced on both faces and both edges is known as S-4-S. S-l-S means plane 1 surface and size to thickness. S-2-S means plane 2 surfaces and size to thickness. S-4-S means plane 2 surfaces and 2 edges and size to thick- ness and width. S-1-S-l-E means plane 1 surface and 1 edge and size to thick- ness and width. Before starting to plane the board it is well to know the terms generally used to denote the different surfaces. The two large surfaces are called the faces. The two narrow sur- faces, running with the grain of the wood, are called the edges. The two surfaces running across the grain of the wood are called the ends. — 63 — FINISHING 1. Finishing is the term used for the protecting and beauti- fying coat that is given the wood. It may be paint, shellac, stain, wax, varnish, or any suitable combination of these, such as stain and wax, stain and shellac, stain, filler and shellac, and varnish, or any other combination which will protect and beautify the wood. 2. In cabinet work finish plays a most important part. Wood without a protecting coat of some kind will soon crack, warp, twist, and lose its beauty. To protect the wood a coating is needed that will keep the air and moisture out of the wood. For woods that have little or no beauty, paint is used. For lawn furniture paint is very satisfactory as it stands the weather better than varnish. 3. Paint is a mixture of raw or boiled linseed oil, pigment, and a dryer. Linseed is the oil extracted from flax seed. The pigment is the coloring matter. It may be white lead, zinc white, yellow ochre, lamp black, or many others too numerous to mention, depending on the color wanted. The dryer is the oxidizing agent to dry the linseed oil into a hard film. 4. Staining is to wood as dyeing is to cloth. All colors are not appropriate to wood. Prussian blue should never be used on any kind of wood. 5. Almost any color, if not subdued, will spoil rather than beautify the wood. Stain should be transparent and enhance the wood. 6. Stains are divided into the following: 7. (a) Water Stains, which stain deeply and give some effects which cannot be obtained in any other way. They raise the grain of the wood, and for this reason are not always de- sirable for manual training work. 8. (b) Spirit Stains, which arc mad' with alcohol, also stain deeply, but do not raise the grain of the wood; the only objec- tion to them is that some stains tnat are manufactured tend to lap when used in the hands of the boys. 9. (c) Oil Stains, which are very good for manual training, but little trouble being encountered with them. All stains are put on in much the same way. — 64 — 10. Directions for Use. Have the wood well planed and finely sandpapered, then apply the stain freely with a brush; allow it to remain on the surface from three to thirty minutes, after which wipe off the surplus stain which has not struck in. 11. The depth of shade can be regulated by applying the stain more or less freely, and also by varying the length of time before wiping it off. Allow twenty-four hours or more for the stain to dry thoroughly. 12. In finishing open grained woods, such as oak, ash, ma- hogany, and chestnut, stain as above directed, and then fill with paste wood filler. See Section No. 15. After the work has been filled, complete the finish by applying shellac, varnish, or wax according to the finish desired. 13. On the close grained woods, such as pine, cypress, and birch, do not use fillers. 14. A wax finish can be obtained by applying a thin coat of shellac, and finishing with Standard Prepared Wax. 15. Filler. Thin with turpentine or benzine to the consist- ency of flowing varnish; apply it to the surface of the wood with a brush, going over no more surface at a time than will admit of being cleaned off before hardening. After the filler has set, giving the appearance that the gloss has left it, rub off with excelsior, shavings or cloth. Eub across the grain when practicable; then clean out the crevices with a sharp stick; after which wipe the whole problem thoroughly with a cloth or rag. Should the filler at any time wipe off too hard, or dry too fast for the work, add a little linseed oil, just sufficient for the purpose intended. Allow twenty-four hours to dry. Then apply shellac, varnish, or wax, whichever is preferred. 16. Shellac is gum dissolved in alcohol and is of two kinds, white and orange. The white is nearly transparent. The orange shellac is, as its name implies, orange in color. For manual training work the white is preferable because it is diffi- cult for a boy to apply the orange. If the coats are not put on evenly an unsightly smeared appearance results. 17. Keep the shellac in covered tin cups and use rubber-set brushes, as the bristles do not come out of them so easily. Keep the shellac thin. — 65 — 18. In flowing shellac put it on quickly with a 1%" or 2" chisel brush. Do not go over the surface more than once as the shellac sets rapidly and cannot be brushed out. Laps will show if you do. Sandpaper carefully after each coat is dry, using sandpaper without a block of wood, holding it in the tips of the fingers. 19. Copal varnish is made from copal gum, linseed oil, and turpentine. The oil and gum are first boiled together and then the turpentine is added. The compound is drawn off in vats and allowed to age and settle. The time for aging varies from one month to a year or more, depending upon the quality and kind of varnish made. 20. To flow copal varnish use it as it conies from the manu- facturer. If it is too thick place it in a warm room for twenty- four hours. If it is then too thick add a small quantity of turpentine. In flowing the varnish use l 1 2" or 2" chisel varnish brush; put varnish on quickly and thick. Wipe the varnish out of the brush into the can and then pick up all the surplus varnish with it. It may be necessary to dry the brush again. The varnish should be brushed out thin enough so that it will not run. Then let it dry from one to three days, depending on the kind and quality. It should not feel sticky when dry. Sand- paper after each coat is dry, but not after the last. The room in which the varnishing is done must be free from dust, warm, and well ventilated. 21. Wax. The exact composition of the wax manufactured for use is kept secret by the manufacturers. 22. In applying any of these waxes it is well to read care- fully the directions on the can. The general directions which will apply to all waxes are: Have the surfaces planed smooth and finely sandpapered. In open grained wood, such as oak, ash, etc., fill with paste filler. See section No. 15. When filler is dry, apply a coat of wax, using a piece of cloth or brush. Let dry from five minutes to half an hour, depending on the kind of wax used. Polish with a stiff brush or cloth, alio wing- first coat twenty-four hours to dry. Apply a second coat in the same manner. Should a higher gloss be desired, as on soft woods, give a thin coat of shellac, and sandpaper before apply- ing the wax. — 66 — HARDWARE Nails may be had in either the cut or wire variety and they are made in varying lengths with diameters suitable to the use for which they are manufactured. Cut nails, made from sheet steel or iron, have ceased to be generally used in the present day building operations. Wire nails, made from steel wire of the diameter desired when finished, have now generally replaced cut nails. In ordering nails read the letter d as " penny" and use the following scale as a guide: 3 4 5 6 7 LENGTH OF NAILS 9 10 12 16 20 30 40 50 60d 1 11411/2 1% 2 2V4 21/2 23/4 3 3V4 31/2 4 4y 2 5 5i/ 2 6in. Brads, nails with small heads, are generally ordered by length and gauge, ranging from 3/16" to 3" in length and gauged by numbers to indicate the diameter. No. of Gage Decimal Equivalent No. of Gage Decimal Equivalent No. of Gage Decimal Equivalent Nc. of Gage Decimal Equivalent 1 .2830 6 .1920 11 .1205 16 .0625 2 .2625 7 .1770 12 .1055 17 .0540 3 .2437 8 .1620 13 .0915 18 .0475 4 .2253 9 .1483 14 .0800 19 .0410 5 .2070 10 .1350 15 .0720 20 .0348 Screws, made of iron or brass, come in sizes from Vi" to 6" and in gauges from to 30. One large manufacturer catalogues screws 1W long in 19 different gauges. In ordering screws give the length in inches, and the gauge number. The following is the gauge generally used and the table gives the equivalent in decimals of an inch: No. Inch No. Inch No. Inch No. Inch No. Inch .0578 5 .1236 10 .1894 15 .2552 22 .3474 1 .0710 6 .1368 11 .2026 16 .2684 24 .3737 2 .0842 7 .1500 12 .2158 17 .2816 26 .4000 3 .0973 8 .1631 13 .2289 18 .2947 28 .4263 4 .1105 9 .1763 14 .2421 20 .3210 30 .4520 — 67 — In common use there are five kinds of screws, — lag, round- head, flat-head, fillister-head, and oval-head. Lag screws are ordered by length and diameter, in inches. In preparing wood for screws holes must first be bored, and if flat or oval-head screws are to be used the hole must be coun- ter-sunk. The diameter of the hole bored in the upper piece of wood must equal or be a trifle larger than the diameter of the screw. In the under board the hole must be smaller in order that a good thread may be formed in the wood. For example, — a No. 8 screw is about 11/64" in di- ameter; for this screw use a 3/16" bit for the upper board, and a y 8 " bit for the lower board if it is hard wood ; if it is soft wood use a 3/32" bit. In boring holes for screws an automatic boring tool is very handy. The drills for these tools come in different sizes from 3/64" to 12/64", by 64ths. Gimlet bits come in sizes from 2/32" to 3/8" by 32nds. The sizes are marked on the shank. For example, — a 3/16" bit is marked 6, and a 1 / 4" bit is marked 8. Hinges, locks, clasps, screw eyes, screw hooks, handles, coat hooks, etc., come in a large variety of styles and qualities, the best way to gain an idea of their variety being to see 1, Lag Screw; 2, Flat Head Screw; 3, Round f , , ,, . Head Screw; 4, Eosette Countersink; 5, Gimlet Some 0I tne Catalogues tnai Bit; 6, Twist Drill; 7, Dowel Bit; 8, Screw are put Out by the different Driver Bit. manufacturers. — 68 — MECHANICAL DRAWING In the manufacturing field today the making and reading of working drawings is becoming as important as the reading and writing of the language of the country. The reasons for this are manifold. Foremost among them is economy of labor and material, which accurate drawing makes possible. With the advance in building and engineering even the lowest paid workmen are required to be able to read working drawings. Owing to the division of labor, each individual must make his part to fit in with the parts made by others in order to complete the project. It would be impossible to build one of our skyscrapers with- out the use of working drawings. The steel work, for instance, in these buildings is often completed before the foundations are finished, and measurements are only taken from drawings. One need not go to these great complicated pieces of work to find working drawings in use. Even in the small shops one finds the men working almost entirely from drawings made by someone else, an architect for example. Drawing is to the manufacturer the same as writing is to the author, a means of conveying ideas to another. Though in writing there are many languages, in drawing, no matter what language the draftsman speaks, his drawings will be understood with the exception of his notes which are on the drawing. In a well worked-out drawing a thorough knowledge can be had of what is meant without reading the notes. The Tools Generally Used in Mechanical Drawing Are: (a) The drawing board, a rectangular board made of soft wood so that the thumb tacks may be easily put in and drawn out of it. The edges should be square and straight. Drawing boards come in many sizes and styles, usually from 12"xl7" to 60"x84". In manual training the small board, 12"xl7", is large enough, though it is well to have a larger board in the shop ; one 36"x48" will take care of any kind of drawing that may be attempted in the ordinary course of the work. (b) The tee square, which is a straight edge made of wood, or sometimes of steel, with a cross piece at one end, which in — 69 — most tee squares is fixed. In the more expensive ones, one side of this crosspiece is fixed and the other side is adjustable. In the one with the fixed cross piece, or head, as it is sometimes called, the cross piece is at right angles to the straight edge. In the others any angle can be had by adjustment. Many of the better straight edges now have transparent edges about Vz" wide. These are very convenient as they enable the drafts- man to see the lines under the square. (c) The drawing triangle, which always has one right angle, the other angles varying. These angles give the triangle its name, such as the 45° and the 30° -60° triangle. There are other triangles, but these two are universally used, some drafts- men possessing only these two. (d) The scale, which need only be a rule with the ordinary divisions into eighths and sixteenths, is made in different styles to suit the convenience of the draftsmen. The one shown in the cut is triangular in shape and made of box wood. It has eleven different scales. This makes it very popular among draftsmen. FIG. 147 Photograph of Drawing Board, Tee Square, 45° Triangle, 30°-60° Triangle, Thumb Tacks, and Triangular Scale. — 70 — (e) The compass, used for drawing circles, which comes in all qualities and prices. (f) The dividers, which are used for spacing equal distances. (g) The ruling pen, which is used for inking lines. (h) The bow compasses and dividers, which are used where greater accuracy is required. They are operated by means of a round milled nut and screw, and can be set very fine. (i) The lengthening bar, which is used to increase the size of the compass. FIG. 148 Photograph of a set of drawing instruments. (j) Rubber erasers, which are made for both ink and pencil erasing. A soft eraser is the best, one that least spoils the surface of the paper in erasing. (k) Erasing shields, which are used in erasing lines or blots without spoiling the rest of the drawing. (1) Protractors which are used for the measuring of angles, and are generally made of metal. (m) Ink, which is black. A waterproof carbon ink is gen- erally used, and comes prepared. Inks may be had in any color, most of which are not waterproof, and these may be mixed together or with water to give different colors or shades of color. — 71 — (n) Paper for pencil work, which is commonly known as detail paper. It is cream colored and tough, and stands erasing well. It comes in different weights and grades, depending on the character of the drawings to be made. For complicated drawings the best should be used. Paper for ink drawings is white, and may be smooth, medium rough, or rough. (o) Pencils, which should be high grade graphite, ranging from H. B. to 9 H. For general use in manual training a 3 H pencil is the best. (p) Tracing cloth, which is a linen cloth with a preparation on it that makes it transparent. (q) Tracing paper, which is a transparent paper to take the place of tracing cloth. It is cheaper, but not nearly so good, and is used only in cheap drawings. Processes in the Ordinary Drafting Room 1. A free-hand sketch is first made of the object with its conditions. 2. A pencil drawing is made on detail paper to scale, with drawing instruments. This is carefully checked to discover any inaccuracies. 3. A sheet of tracing cloth is placed over the pencil drawings and with a ruling pen the drawing is inked on the tracing cloth. This is again checked and if any mistakes are found they are corrected. 4. The drawing is now ready for blue prints to be made. In large cities these tracings are generally sent to some blue print concern which makes it a business to print them. If the drafts- man makes his own prints, he uses blue print paper, which is a white paper with an emulsion on it that is sensitive to light. A printing frame, very much like one used in photography, only larger, with a glass in it, is used. The tracing is placed in the frame toward the glass and the paper with its sensitized surface next the tracing. Then the back is put on which holds the paper against the cloth. It is exposed to the sunlight until the paper has a bronze tinge. Then it is removed from the frame and washed in salt water. The black lines on the tracing have protected that part of the paper from the light. When the — 72 — washing is finished the paper is blue with the exception of the places where there were lines on the tracing. These lines remain white, thus giving a blue background with white lines. Now the prints are hung up to dry. As many prints can be made as desired from the same tracing. 5. Machines are now made to produce blue prints. They are lighted by electricity. Sometimes the tracing and paper are fed at one side of the machine and at the other side the print, all finished and ready for use, is produced in about two or three minutes. GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR MECHANICAL DRAWING 1. Fasten paper to drawing board with thumb tacks. 2. See that upper edge of paper is parallel with upper edge of tee square when head of tee square is held against left-hand edge of board. 3. Parallel lines, horizontal, ver- tical, and diagonal, constitute simple definite problems. 4. To draw horizontal parallels ( J c ') I ~) r \ FIG. 150 Illustration showing the use of Tee Square in drawing horizontal parallels. — 73 — hold head of tee square against left-hand side of drawing board ; push it up or down as needed. See Figs. 149 and 150. 5. To draw vertical parallels hold tee square as before. Place triangle so that right angle touches tee square, and move triangle back and forth along tee square as needed for lines. Figs. 151 and 152. 6. To draw parallels at 45° set tee square as before, placing 45° angle of triangle on tee square, and moving triangle back and forth as needed. 7. It would in many cases be impossible or inconvenient to draw all projects full size. For this reason drawings are made to scale. That is they are made half size, quarter size, eighth size, etc. In fact any scale will do that fits the convenience of the draftsman. The scales generally used are: 6"=l'-0" ; 3"= l'-O"; li/ 2 "==l , -0 / and i/ 8 "=l'-(r. &"=l'-0"; 3/ 8 " = l'_0" ; l"=l'-0"; 14' :l'-0' FIG. 152 Illustration showing the use of Tee Square and Triangle in drawing vertical parallels and parallels at 45° to vertical. — 74 — FIG. 153 Illustration showing the method of testing the 90° angle of a triangle. 7. To draw parallels at any angle omit the use of tee square and use two triangles, making one the guide. 8. Lines are important in mechanical drawing. The kinds used are as follows (See Fig. 155) : All these points are illustrated throughout this text. FIG. 154 Illustration showing the use of two triangles in drawing parallel lines at any angle. — 75 — • DiFFeREtrrJCiHOS of L vves • Dotted Lines are used to indicate the. hidden edges of objects DasnLmes a/so -to shew hidden ports Center lines. Construct/on Lines, light -full lines used os name implies « Dimension Lines, light lines with arror/ heads to denote extren> i Ties On these lines figures are placed to indicate size of objects Projection L me s. also light lines Lines of the object full lines to denote all visible edges - Border Lines, fulf lines of suffi c/enf Width to nor men ije w/th sije of drawing. In constructing anu figure drow fines of indefinite length When figure /5 enclosed fill in with fu// lines ON these points are illustrated throughout this text FIG. 155 FIG. 156 Illustration showing the different positions of the Tee Square and Triangle in drawing a border line. — 76 — LESSON NO. 1 Drawing Exercise to Illustrate Use of Tee Square, Triangle, Compass, and Scale 1. Draw border line 1" from left-hand edge of paper and i/2" from all other edges. 2. Bisect the enclosed rectangle vertically and horizontally. 3. In upper left-hand rectangle draw horizontal lines ^4" apart; use tee square. See page 78. 4. In upper right-hand rectangle draw vertical lines ^4" apart; use tee square and triangle. 5. In lower left-hand rectangle draw diagonal lines 45° to the horizontal; use tee square and 45° triangle. 6. In lower right-hand rectangle draw both diagonals and both diameters. Use light lines. Mark center. 7. Around this center draw a circle 2" in diameter. Use compass. 8. Within this circle inscribe a square on the diameters. Use a tee square and 45° triangle. 9. Circumscribe a square around this circle. Use tee square and triangle. 10. Using the center in (7) draw a circle 3" in diameter. Use compass. 11. Circumscribe this circle with a square. Draw in light lines. Use tee square and triangle. 12. With tee square and 45° triangle draw diagonal lines tangent to the circle in (10). The resulting enclosed figure is an octagon. 13. The completed figure consists of: (a) 2" circle with an inscribed and circumscribed square, (b) a3" circle with a cir- cumscribed octagon. See plate 22. — 77- — 78 — EXERCISES PRELIMINARY TO WORKING DRAWINGS LESSON NO. 2 To Find Horizontal and Vertical Axes of Projection. 1. Select any rectangular prism no dimension of which exceeds 4". 2. Secure three pieces of ordinary window glass each 6" square. FIG. 157 Isometric drawing of a glass projection box with block in it. See Lesson No. 2, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. — 79 — 3. Set these three pieces of glass together with cloth hinges, letting them thus enclose the rectangular prism. 4. Look down from above at the top of the prism. With a piece of chalk trace the lines you see on the glass. 5. From directly in front trace a front view on the glass. 6. From a direct side study trace a side view. 7. With dotted lines extend all these lines towards the glass sides. These dotted lines will intersect similar lines of the three views. 8. Remove the prism. Open the glass figure on a suitable sheet of paper. o o -Uj._ -1 o •si K Horizontal #x/s Of F'roXection End Elevation FIG. 158 To illustrate Lesson No. 2, Sections 9, 10, 11. — 80 — 9. We now have the horizontal axis of projection which is the line extending through the hinge between the top and front and continuing through the top of the other view. "We also have the vertical axis of projection at right angle to this. 10. The top view is known as the plan; the one below the top is known as the front elevation; the other view is the end elevation. 11. In the square not covered by glass continue the dotted lines of the top view from the vertical axis to the horizontal axis. 12. In good sentences give an oral description of the entire lesson. LESSON NO. 3 To Make and Read a Working Drawing 1. Eeview Exercise 2, studying all features. 2. Make a drawing to represent same. 3. Enclose this drawing in suitable border lines. 4. Put in the two axes in full lines. 5. In place of the dotted lines used on the glass use light projection lines. 6. As a new problem make another drawing, using measure- ments, of a rectangular prism 4"x2"xl 1 / / 2". Note: The methods used in Exercises 2-3 may be applied to any geometric solid. See Fig. 159. Draw as many views as are needed for the complete details of any object. LESSON NO. 4 To Make a Working Drawing of the First Object to be Constructed 1. Select the object — some one-piece simple problem. 2. Study its details and take its measurements. 3. Then make a working drawing full size. 4. Put in dimension lines, keeping them *4" away from object. 5. The axes of projection may now be omitted. Note: Have many similar exercises to develop facility in both reading and making drawings. To older pupils there should be given some exercises in geometric drawing, such as bisecting an angle, constructing a hexagon and the like, as these problems arise in connection with advanced manual training work. See Plate 23. — 81 — Front Elev Ea/o Elev. FIG. 159 Projection of a rectangular pyramid showing the axes of projection. — 82 — — 83 — 7* /**.,. * li" — . OQ b •B&ead Board- PLATE 24 — 84 — 85 — ^°a ^3 i 1 \! ! \ / ' 1 .V S / \ 1 — 1 • e ^ oo SI d 5 * f — i- \ \ ^ 7 . ) V — fin to :> n o o ' > — 89 — — 90 — 4i' V r it" k'Vi" Mi I s - >1 V€ i r *? N Ja&" h k 3 a •£" HL r ^ *• 8 l& VMf n — 91 — 3 ^ f T V9 ! «. 1 -5? X) c 1 L -i jf 1 \'M i_ "*L — ' «r™ — 92- PLATE 33 — 93 — — 'M y;> J •'* » •&'.?/ 5 r-/ S- 4 - -3* "f 3 «fo u u 3 — 96 — i KM to •V ■*' ^ Si 3d * ^ f ^ > ^ H 03 -1 T 1 - l .... .1 ■>. i I °! J / fe | 64" .{ £ — 97 — T 1 — . ii •fo / ^f» III r o 1 f H .fz III H*Oc \ ^N IT K)03 . ' M «9 *t) ■ / [ § • IJ m ' S A &* — 9S «, 1 r * h *r ° ! ! ° ° ! ^ C) <^ /k" 1 k" Ik' Ik' Ik' i U ii NK Da r*- rti ►n CD F > H A 05 CO S L 1 !S O ■ i O S o o &; ..J 1 .> f £' A *N J — n n *+ I! la J i I — 99 — — 100 — ! 1 * k ^ 1° M ^- i u 7 : -Handkerchief Box- PLATE 43 — 103 j- ~a «0 -*M 1 i --Nl V c? m 1 n W — 104 — 105 1. .0) : > ^ Hi* F •r o >3* i-^ / >* 1 yC -M <. * J.2..W \ i u | * 2: -*■! ! *vJ L CQ * ■ A ' r , ?f — ^/^ ^ *" *^-r^ 1 1 ■^si — 106 — j /« i N \ f^ *i -< ? 4 , 3£ # f»0. T < N) LJ1* • - "^=r*. IN) OoOg c — L " ' IN) - ■■ 1 1 — 107 ■ 108 — 1 to o X 1 ?'V I *L 41 00 -far — 109 — 00 S3 ! t) S _ t ^ z~- II |«P — 4»! O «5 1J0 — X) CD o ') A ^ * 3 S.V r •», — • __V" >J- ~> \ & .) — • — 1> — \P~ :: -' V c4- ~^ 4' /*" X /" 7 *-j 1 — _j_^_- °h :: ?■ /£ /7o 10 Fia r Head 5c re */3 — 111 — — 112 — 113 — r. 3V , 3' 3f r ^ vs f ?" 12" I T W IHZUllffi.1 I£Z2r5Ii *" //'//"/"! ~dr ©~"o~ 4£ -Medicine Cabinet- PLATE 54 114 — • teU £> 1 / I E J ^ ^ Ql \ ) 5 i S' 3 & r t ? rii 'J Jj 1 3" J t " '"" a 12' "to •fcU 5 J»Uj ?jfj & -i i f> K t t * >«. I OHw U 3 c ft a. — 315 — j ! I " ! I u V ! . \ \ L -~ J // /£*' 9±- — , 71 ^ \ / rf* j <^»! ' 1 \ 3 T\\ N / "*» / ^ 1 ^ s I ? * i \ n Nil 1 l X J \ \ \ i / / ** 1*1 r l---\ \ V IZ'A s -1M '7%i 30UQET- PLATE 56 — 116 — Y— / H ii i _i^*L__ i j z — r 1 at 9 =9 «J* Lh! A. ^S QQ , z! , /O" T/130U& fr- it PLATE 57 — 117 — Clock PLATE 58 — 118 ^> 'M *>> * > °» S- S p ft <> >t o .fc (n ^ , * ^ <*- 3 4 ; b . Q 4 f**"" - _~Jlfc~~ A 4* ^ ___!._- I3*sHI. l L__ , n —I h — 119 — [Z '-n\ ! 3 3 8! /VS 5 i «* i 00 ' ?/ ^ CSj d_ : **' I w k "to* -CS* ^ -sp - \r^ L i r — 120 — 15' ^7' fit 55 £l 2£ ■tR" ^k c*£d ! 3 ^41 / HID E Oo N — 121 — 122 - 1 o 6 -+-1>| *: L 1 1 o c ), £ • c )l ^ o K. ^> N i 8 fr 3 IN OK ^ >j b V <\ ^ * ^ Da < )l X [ ! *• i HO O O -+:^| 1 ! 1 J*- /*' GT Z.f N ^J >X^r\ ' **"■ "f- 1 s e> *k :: r. 1 J — o "■**»JL I N "Y>aL^/7r^««JI . 2i •v^" LIP 1 — 123 — •*1 1 ,_i ;_■ I i_i.J-.r-r7-^=- , - J so i :__ /? X *n At* Pedestal W- /&' PLATE 64 — 124 — ^J" <\J vl rr^J- ! /? Detail of upright to base -Umbrella Stand- (Pe6ign of upright to be modified) 125 — '4 Dowel Standard Electric Liqht Wo// Socket 7 Electric Light W,re Furnish l-Electric Wo/I5ocket /■Socket Plug i'-0 Lamp Cord Z-0 Flexible P/pelnso 'latino I Shade imttal Bracket for same jL/jmp PI,ATE 66 — 126 — ( ^z: 1 7h roi j£ / rm mortise and Tenon Joint a Costume &< PLATE 67 127 — 128 — 1 35 ii n Hi /i" 3" ii H Zi" 5*' i i * > CJ) 3 S . |S t i i L=^ 3» 1! Ii * N N fe p^ ^1 M-|< 1 Oil *l — H »i "f - VJ i >j ^ res ' ; — 129 — /\ ■ f 1I [ - ! I ii i i * «2 r ' 1 II i ^ V V/ — i 1 '! <' i i ;! : 1 B8 X .9 ..C?/ ..Ol .Ol .p .OP n G <§ Q ^ ^ ki IT- $ i £ - ■ -* _ — . _ . Ha* r~» f ^i "XK> Vb f r V •i f >» i — — n 51* — 130 — — 131 *w ~?r Of Of .9 ( *l — \- b S ) -H "Ha 4 si S X T-r- o ' 1 -« V!> "j* — 132 — — 133 — Mf» *T c=> Oc;"-- Is* n 1 1 c& (ft u * Is i — <*j 6 1 t 1 flCtt"H"3 D^» Wl» |c1 ll k "£ &t$T rV^^ 1 c==a =3 D<* ^ V ^^ft \ n i h |pr Ai i' ! i. s 1 -J El \1 i i E wm® ft JT~" i 1 oo ..P .8 Z .P J8Z — 134 13 %2*lilkli3±3ijn TOR d bp~~B==BJ| r^»~ LJ, o~r~ij.w cs :0 i- ■-> #•' •0«o c - ZD 1 -N *} -<* H , (I C3 NJW *^^t L ifX' .21 1£WX ..P .0/ J 1 J 'z M § -.3 ^*i n "» / i V 1 o N ?b >0 ft \ *> «\Ui (A ><1 ■ft. ^ ■*fr 7-6 T** Sect ft-fi Furnish: I- Electric Wall Socket I- Socket Plug l?-0 ' L amp Cord 5-c>" Flexible PipelnsulaTinq I -Shade I ■ me tal Bracket for same ■Z'noATF.H. Screws 1/7/V7/D PLATE 82 — 142 — A PROPOSED EQUIPMENT FOR CLASS OF TWENTY-FOUR ARTICLE QUANTITY Automatic Boring Tool 1 Bevel, "T" 1 Bit, Auger, Jennings 1 set Bit, Dowell, %-inch 3 Bit, Dowell, %-inch 2 Bit, Dowell, %-inch 1 Bit, expansive 1 Bit, Gimlet, 2/32 to 7/32 1 set Bit, Forstner, Mi-inch 1 Bit, Forstner, %-inch 1 Bit, Screwdriver, large and small 2 Bit Brace, common, 10-inch 3 Bit Brace, ratchet, 10-inch 1 Blade, Saw, coping 3 doz. Blade, Jack Plane 10 Blade, Smooth Plane 10 Brushes, Counter* 6 Chisel, Ms-inch 2 Chisel, Vi-inch 2 Chisel, Munich 6 Chisel, %-inch 6 Chisel, 1-inch 24 Clamp, Colt's iron, 6-inch 6 Clamp, Colt's iron, 30-inch 4 Clamp, Wood, hand screw, 6-inch opening 8 Clamp, Wood, hand screw, 10-inch opening 6 Clamp, Wood Bar, 24-inch 3 Clamp, Wood Bar, 36-inch 3 Countersink 2 Divider, 7-inch 6 File, Flat Bastard, 8-inch 12 File, Half Round Bastard, 8-inch 12 File, Bit 1 File, Saw, slim taper, 5-inch 1 File Card and Brush 1 Frame, Saw, coping 12 Gouge, %-inch 12 Grindstone 1 Hammer, bell faced 6 Knife, Chip Carving 12 Knife, Whittling 24 Mallet, rubber , A . 12 Marking Gauge 12 — 143 — ARTICLE QUANTITY Nail Set, assorted 6 Oiler, steel 6 Plane, Jack 24 Plane, Smooth 24 Punch, Carving, assorted 12 Rule. 4-fold, 2 ft 24 Saw, Back 12 Saw, Panel 12 Saw, Rip 12 Saw, Turning, 14-inch 3 Saw, Turning, 12-inch 3 Saw, Turning, blade 14-inch 6 Saw, Turning, blade, 12-inch 6 Scraper, Gooseneck, 2 1 / / 2x5-inch 3 Scraper, Cabinet, sq., 2V2x5-inch 6 Screwdriver, 7-inch 6 Spoke Shave, common 6 Slip, Stone, India , 1 Stone, Oil, India 6 Trysquare, 7y2-inch 24 Wrench, Monkey, 8-inch 1 DRAWING TOOLS FOR A CLASS OF TWENTY-FOUR ARTICLE QUANTITY Compass, 4-inch 24 Compass, Blackboard, 18-inch 1 Drawing Board, 12 inch by 17 inch 24 Pencils, Drawing, 3H 36 Scale, 12-inch 24 Tee Square, 17-inch 24 Thumb Tacks 1 gross Triangle, 60°, 9" 24 Triangle, 45°, 7" 24 SUGGESTED EQUIPMENT FOR FINISHING ARTICLE QUANTITY Brushes, 1" Rubber-set 3 Brushes, IV2" Rubber-set 3 Iron Box, for waste and oil 1 Shellac Cup, cone top 6 — 144 —