rt ^ e - • . -'" . : ■ *' *\<£ in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress ^ " 1 ^° ^ i: %^ °Jllfc " ' ^^ ? » .A>^-. C^-, -^SmI^o .•>-* 5kopj £— Foundries of the Pittsburgh Piping ^ EquipiweiYT Corc\par\y Pi-t-ti-bvir^KPa PITTSBURGH PIPING AND EQUIPMENT CO. TABLES OF PIPING STANDARDS . ■ MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS: 35th, CHARLOTTE AND SMALLMAN STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. BRANCH OFFICES: AMERICAN TRUST BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO PEOPLES GAS BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. ST. PAUL BUILDING, NEW YORK TRACTION TERMINAL BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS, INO. AMERICAN TRUST BUILDING BIRMINGHAM, ALA. MONADNOCK, BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1919 ~ -• , ..... ■ el • HI! II? 251 ■ < b' ^ , ' ■ >, Copyiigl.t 1919 by PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. Pittsburgh. Pa. . AUTHOR ■ i '••' " P - .... .-. - ; ! , in . ■-, jj ■■.- - | | 8l)idJ!U8 T8U? iaaSS/ . ,.,... .... - ' ^1/r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 PITTSBURGH PiPIN LIST OF note: these tables Power piping specifications. Explanatory notes. c a TA MAY E 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 , EQUIPMENT CO. ,BLES 3E BLUE-PRINTED Hydraulic flanged fittings and flanges (Pitta- burgh steel mills). Hydraulic flanged fittings (Julian Kennedy.) Hydraulic flanges (Julian Kennedy). " pipe and couplings. Hydraulic cocks. Drilling template for standard and low pressure. " " " extra heavy pressure. Standard and low pressure flanged fittings, straight sizes. Standard and low pressure flanged fittings, short body. Extra heavy flanged fittings, straight sizes. " " " '* short body. Standard bases for fittings. Cast iron flanged Y's and necks. Bell and spigot and flanged fittings. " " " pipe. Cast iron flanged pipe. Standard and extra heavy screwed fittings. Hydraulic screwed fittings. Cast iron roller supports and anchors. " " pipe supports. Pipe hangers. Regular pipe bends. Expansion U bends. Lengths of 90 degree arcs. " " arcs for radius-1. Weights of cylindrical castings, 1"to 30". 31" to 60". " " " " 61" to 100". Weights per inch of standard and extra heavy fittings. Dimensions of bolts and nuts. Dimensions of male and female, tongue and groove facings. Bolts for standard flange connections. " " extra heavy " " Standard wrought iron and steel pipe. Extra strong and double extra strong wrought iron and steel pipe. O. D. pipe. Tables of decimals. Properties of steam. Pipe clamps and hangers. Various types of pipe bends. Working and bursting pressures of pipe. Weights of gate and globe valves. Screwed flanges. Van Stone flanges. Peened flanges. Riveted flanges. Welded flanges and necks. " drip pockets. Low pressure gate valves. Standard gate valves. Medium heavy gato valves. Extra heavy gate valves. Transfer valves. Bronze tuyere cocks. Extra heavy brass unions. Cast iron slip expansion joints. Globe type copper expansion joints. Vacuum copper expansion joints. Corrugated copper expansion joints. Hydraulic flanged fittings andflanges-1000 lbs. " 2500 lbs. Hydraulic flanged fittings and flanges (West- ern standard). >0 TIlllV^jp j& !: • s "JJi ■" . .-'.•'■■ ■ - . ■ ■ '■ . xz 63 ■ .... ... M ! ...-.■.' • | '. • • I j • isJ OX ,.::■.■•- J »| ■ '..••■'■ : i • ■ ■ .• . .. baa I sbfi la rionf'ftKj'eS 3 • ' , nj . , . , bRl ■ ; -v.v ■" i ! ils - .. " " Sv ,80 | ! -' ' •• • " ' r .,■ ■■ I ■ .' Kjiq iee 8 ,al£n .- ■ ,.*..- .8181 » 88 . $ 3! . . ••" -.' ': '-'-'■■■-.;■ h , . . ■- 8€ , , . '■ ' ■'. ,' Wosqe Qriitjici lewofl snBlqxB ;oi bnfibiebnBjgio'ieJBlqmsf QniiliiQ 8 • '.aeiq yviS3ri eijxe " " " 6 . .sos.ie JriQicite . bns biEbnB)2 rr ho rts ft yvB8(1 ciJx3 2f er .20 sr llefl 3f uii tesO 8t .ssQnsR bewaiog 02 .ssBrsfift enol3 neV f2 18*1 22 'ifl £2 fi2 •iq woJ OS • i'!Bbnfil8 tE iViuibeM 2£ . ' Biix3 ££ .g^looo oi3yu5 esnoiS 5£ . rf BiJx3 88 \£ .... 88 ee la noii IsfiO 0* i :qqoo 8qy} edolQ r> lioi noisnsqxa isqqoa itiuuobV fi> qss -iaqqoo bsteQinioO ££ , «> 8* 3^ W oiluaibvH 8£ !082 " oa & . I siluBibyH ts ; DEX Anchors, pipe 65 Arcs, lengths for 90 degree bends 70 " " subtended by any angle 71 Areas, transverse of pipe 80-81 B Bases, cast iron 65 " standard dimensions for fittings 14 Beam clamps 67 Bell and spigot pipe 17 " " " and flanged fittings 16 Bends, regular pipe 68 " expansion U 69 *' various types 89 Bolts and nuts 76 Bolts, for Standard and Extra Heavy Connections 78-79 Bursting pressures of pipe 90 c Cast iron pipe, flanged 18 " " " bell and spigot 17 Chairs, pipe 65 Clamps, beam 67 pipe 85, 86, 87, 88 Cocks, hydraulic 56 " Bronze Tuyere 35 Copper expansion joints, globe type 41 " " " vacuum type 42 " " " corrugated 43 Crosses, screwed 60 " flanged, standard and low pressure 10 " flanged, standard and low pressure, short body 11 " flanged, extra heavy 12 " " " " short body. ... 13 Cylindrical castings, weights per inch, 1"to30" 72 Cylindrical castings, weights per inch, 31 " to 60" 73 Cylindrical castings, weights per inch, 61" to 100" 74 Circumferenco of pipe, internal and external 80-81 D Decimal equivalents of inch and foot 83 Drilling templates, standard and low pressure 8 " " extra heavy 9 Drip pockets 25 Elbows, flanged, standard and low pressure. 10 " " extra heavy 12 hydraulic 48-49-51-52-53 " screwed, standard 60 " extra heavy 60 " hydraulic 61 " base 14 Expansion bends 69-89 " joints, cast iron slip 40 " copper, globe 41 " vacuum 42 " corrugated 43 Extra strong pipe 81 Flanges, screwed 20 " Van stone 21 " peened 22 " riveted 23 " welded 24 hydraulic 48-49 " Western standard 51 " " Pittsburgh steel mills std. 52 " " Julian Kennedy standard. 54 G Gate valves, low pressure, cast iron 30 " " standard pressure, cast iron ... 31 " " medium pressure, cast iron 32 " " extra heavy, cast iron and steel 33 " " weights • 91 Globe valves, weights 91 H Hangers, pipe 67-85-86-87-88 Hydrauiic cocks 56 " flanged fittings and flanges 48-49 " flanged fittings and flanges, Western standard 51 " flanged fittings and flanges, Pittsburgh steel mills standard 52 " flanged fittings, Julian Kennedy standard 53 " flanges, Julian Kennedy standard 54 " screwed fittings 61 " pipe and couplings 55 re re - ;r E oJ"r : I N D E X— C O N T I N U E D I Iron and steel pipe, standard 80 " " " " extra strong 81 " " " " double extra strong .... 81 " " " " outside diameter (O.D.) 82 J Joints, expansion, cast iron slip 40 " copper, globe type 41 " " vacuum 42 " '■ corrugated 43 L Laterals, standard and low pressure 10-11 " extra heavy 12-13 Lead, amount required per joint 17 Lengths of 90 degree arcs 70 " " arcs subtended by any angle. .. . 71 Long radius elbows, standard and low pressure 10 Long radius elbows, extra heavy 12 Machine bolts 76-78-79 Male gnd female facings 77 Meuium heavy gate valves 32 N Necks, cast iron 15 " wrought steel welded 24 Nuts, machine 76 Peened flanges 22 Pipe, wrought steel or iron, standard 80 " " " extra strong. .. . 81 " " " double extra strong 81 " " " O.D 82 " hydraulic 55 " cast iron, flanged 18 " " " bell and spigot 17 " bends 68-69-89 " hangers 67-85-86-87-88 " clamps 67-85-86-87-88 " supports 66 " working and bursting pressures 90 Pittsburgh steel mills hydraulic standard ... 52 Pockets, drip 25 Power piping specifications 1-2-3-4 Properties of steam 84 Quarter bends 68-89 Reducers 10-1 2-48-49 Reducing fittings 11-13 Riveted flanges 23 Roller supports 65 s Saddles, cast iron 15 Screwed fittings 60 " " hydraulic 61 " flanges 20 Shrink flanges. 22 Slip expansion joints 40 Specifications, power piping 1-2-3-4 Steam table 84 Supports, pipe 66 Swedging pipe 24 ; 3 ■ 3 i I ! 53 03 OS sil " ■ rs 1 . ,U329iq ; ; '■:■; 2£ . 21 i ND EX— Continued Tees, flanged, standard 10-11 " " extra heavy 12-13 hydraulic 48-49-51-52-53 " " base 14 " screwed 60 " " hydraulic 61 Templates for drilling 8-9 Tongue and groove facing 77 Transfer valves 34 Tuyere cocks bronze 35 Transverse areas of pipe 80-81 y U expansion bends 69-89 Unious, Extra Heavy Brass, Regular 36 " " *' " Universal 36 Vacuum expansion joints. . . Valves, low pressure gate. . . " standard gate " medium heavy gate. " extra heavy gate " transfer " weights Van Stone flanges w Weights of standard pipe 80 " " extra strong pipe 81 " double extra strong pipe 81 " O. D. pipe 82 " " gate and globe valves 91 " " cylindrical castings, 1"to30".. 72 " " " 31" to 60".. 73 61" to 100". 74 " per inch of fittings 75 Welded drip pockets 25 " flanges 24 " necks 24 V fittings. - ■ ! .\slqm9T bri£ euQnoT - u » SS 1 ztnioi no; . '"•". SlSg 91U283iq WO ■ ; - oiS neV STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR POWER PIPING Adopted by the Power Piping Society June 24, 1915 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS In the absence of a distinct specification by the Purchaser, all material furnished shall conform to these specifications. It is the intention that all material furnished hereunder shall be of the quality and weight which experience has shown to be safe and economical, hence the pressures specified are somewhat under those at which satisfactory service can be expected under favorable conditions, but as high as good practice will permit. In the event of a specification by the Purchaser for service more severe for a given class of material than that given herein, such material shall be furnished at the Purchaser's risk, and any guarantees for such material made hereunder become null and void. MATERIALS Castings: All castings shall be smooth and free from injurious defects. Cast Steel: The metal in steel castings shall conform to the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials for " Medium Castings." Semi-Sieel: The metal in semi-steel castings shall have a tensile strength of not less than 30,000 pounds per square inch. A transverse test of the "Arbitration Bar," as outlined by the American Society for Testing Materials, supported 12 inches between centers shall show before breaking a load of 3,300 pounds and a deflection of not less than .12 inches. Gray Iron : The metal in gray iron castings shall have a tensile strength of not less than 20,000 pounds per square inch. A transverse test as for Semi-Steel shall show before breaking a load of 2,900 pounds and a deflection of .10 inches. DIMENSIONS OF FLANGED FITTINGS All standard and extra heavy flanged fittings shall conform to the center to face, thickness, and flange dimensions of the "American Standard," as recommended in 1914 by the A. S. M. E. Fittings used for working steam pressures 25 pounds and lower, and for water pressures 50 pounds and lower, may be lighter in the shell than the American Standard for 125 pounds working pressure. DRILLING AND FACING OF FLANGES All drilling of flanges shall conform to the templates of the said "American Standard," and shall straddle centers. Standard flanges shall be plain faced. Extra heavy flanges shall have raised face extending to the inside edge of bolt holes. SPOTFACING AND BACKFACING Flanges of Standard Cast Iron material shall be either spotfaced or backfaced for sizes 30 inch and above. All Cast Steel Flanges shall be spotfaced. II nl oftiaeqa azet\t -i II naheqxe riaidw te .siietjsm nBoiiemA ■•: ■ JvjjO .JseTiol I s bns . ,-o-t\ \jb-\0 ■ ■ AB¥3Nl\a te IIA lianemib gni/liow rli Herts art) ni b IIA .Eieinao olbbsiJe : "i bisbnel3 • obisni bns dor .baosMoi k ' - tc -J TYPE ©F JOINTS The following sizes are the smallest for which flanged joints will be required except for unions. Below these sizes screwed connections may be used: Superheated Steam 2 inches Saturated Steam above 125 pounds 2y 2 inches Boiler Feed 2y 2 inches Exhaust 2y 2 inches Low Pressure Water 2H inches Blow-Off 2 inches Drains 2y 2 inches STOP VALVES Where Stop Valves are required they shall be gate valves except for blow-off , or where their function is that of throttling, or for sizes smaller than % inches, when they shall be either globe or angle valves. All outside screw gate valves shall be back-seated to provide for re-packing under pressure. Materials and test pressures for the various services shall be as follows: Superheated Steam: Gate valves 2 inches and larger shall be oxtra heavy, outside screw and yoke pattern, with cast steel bodies, bonnets, discs and yokes; monel metal or 23 per cent, nickel steelseats and disc rings; monel metal or 23 per cent, nickel steel stems; and monel metal or 23 per cent, nickel sleel backseating bushing below the stuffing box. Valves 8 inches and larger shall be by-passed. Globe and angle valves 2 inches and larger shall conform to the same general specification. All stop valves \y 2 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy and shall be made of bronze containing not less than 10 per cent, of nickel. Valves shall be tested to 800 pounds hydrostatic pressure. Saturated Steam between 150 pounds and 250 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive: Gate valves 2 l / 2 inches and larger shall be extra heavy, outside screw and yoke pattern, with semi-steel bodies, bonnets, discs and yokes; bronze seats and disc rings; and bronze stems. Gate valves 8 inches and larger shall be by-passed. Globe and angle valves 2y 2 inches and larger shall conform to the same general specification. All stop valves 2 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy bronze. Valves shall be tested to 800 pounds hydrostatic pressure. Saturated Steam between 125 Pounds and 149 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive: Gate valves 2}4 inches and larger shall be medium, outside screw and yoke pattern, tested to 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure, with gray iron bodies, bonnets, discs and yokes; bronze seats and disc rings; and bronze stems. Gate valves 10 inches and larger shall be by-passed. Globe and angle valves iy> inches and larger shall be extra heavy pattern, tested to 800 pound hydrostatic pressure, but otherwise to the same general specification. All stop valves 2 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy bronze, tested to 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure. Boiler Feed between 125 Pounds and 250 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive: Gate valves 2J-£ inches and larger shall be extra heavy, outside screw and yoke pattern, with semi-steel bodies, bonnets, discs and yokes; bronze seats and disc rings; and bronze stems. Globe and angle valves iy 2 inches and larger shall conform to the same general specification. Check valves 2y 2 inches and larger shall be extra heavy pattern, with bronze seats and disc rings. All stop valves and check valves 2 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy bronze. Valves shall be tested to 800 pounds hydrostatic pressure. Exhaust: Gate valves 14 inches and larger shall be outside screw and yoke, low pressure pattern, suitable for 25 pounds working steam pressure, with gray iron bodies, bonnets, discs and yokes; bronze seats and disc rings; and rolled steel stems. Where space does not permit using outside screw and yoke, inside screw patterns may bo used. Gate valves 2 l / 2 inches to 12 inches, inclusive, shall be standard pattern, outside screw and yoke, suitable for 125 pounds working pressure, with gray iron bodies, bonnets, discs and yokes; bronze seats and disc rings; and rolled steel stems. Gate valves 2 inches and smaller shall be standard brass. Suction and Low Pressure Water: Gate valves shall conform to the same specification as for "Exhaust" except that in every case bronze stems shall be used. Check valves shall be standard pattern swing checks with bronze seats and disc rings. Blow-Off: Blow-off connections shall be double valved. .3 89sis eserli bsteiuJsS . - .vifiV qct3 aiartW teriiai 10 I1A ;otjsM ::sri3 ioqibI bn :!!& i860 rlJtw - woled .. bns edolO v qota HA >q Of nsriJ aael sovIeV ■ eoaib . legnsl bns : - i3 bn 18 oJ b&izai &£a B 9Q emss erti oi ssiwi9rilc j !1A nixa sd lljsrls isqibI bns ssnoid ;39>Ioy adolO .sgnh • ■ . ooriO ! .;v qo}3 HA iifirte 29vIbV r.nuoq 6S iol iv bfiB wsios abi - j}3 IssJs balloi bns ;aenii .bezu ad vsm eidBJiue,6>ioYbnB \v. '.^ftfiq biBbrr ?s£> ;3Bnn osib bfi£ zlsea exnoi »ibod noii \[siq rijiw .giugseiq gni>iiow sbnuoq 6ST lot +3 Iseie bslloi bna .&■£>- . jsvIbv eiBO ,3 smss orij oJ rrnctfnoo Hsrte aavisv eiefj bm> nois^a •bss; -d 93B0 yi6ve ni Jfidt iqeoxe eq biBbrisig od iterls gevlsv •.\0-woSS Drains between 125 Pounds and 250 Pounds per Square Inch : Valves shall conform to the specification for those for "Saturated Steam between 150 and 250 pounds per square inch, inclusive." Low Pressure Drains : Valves shall conform to the specification for those for "Exhaust." Non-Return Valves: Non-return valves, either globe or angle type, shall be provided in each boiler connection. They shall work quietly and shall automatically prevent the flow of steam from the lines to the boilers and shall be provided with means for closing by hand. For Superheated Steam they shall bo extra heavy, cast steel, completely monel mounted, with monel metal pistons and dash pots if same are internal, and monel metal stems. For Saturated Steam up to 250 pounds per square inch, they shall be semi-steel, completely bronze mounted, with bronze pistons and dash pots and bronze stems. Non-return valves shall be installed preferably with stems in a vertical position. FITTINGS Superheated Steam: Fittings 2 inches and larger shall be extra heavy, cast steel. Fittings 13^ inches and smaller shall be forged or cast steel. Saturated Steam, Boiler Feed and Drains between 125 Pounds and 250 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive : Fittings 2 l A inches and larger shall be extra heavy, semi-steel. Elbows for boilerfeed shall be long radius where possible. Fittings 2 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy, gray iron. Exhaust, Suction, Low Pressure Water and Low Pressure Drains: Fittings 14 inches and larger shall be low pressure, gray iron, suitable for 25 pounds working steam pressure. Fittings 12 inches and smaller shall be standard cast iron. Flanged elbows for water shall be long radius where possible. Blow-Off : Fittings shall be extra heavy semi-steel. Long radius fittings shall be used where possible. PIPE, FLANGES AND UNIONS Van Stone flanges shall fit tho pipe closely. The lap shall be finished off to the inside edge of the bolt holes and faced with a fine tool finish. Screw flanges shall be made up by machine where possible and all extra heavy flanges made up in the shop shall be refaced. Steel flanges shall correspond in thickness to the flanges of the American Standard for fittings. Superheated Steam: Flanges 6 inches and larger shall be high hub steel, Van Stoned. Flanges 5 inches and smaller shall be steel, screwed. Saturated Steam between 150 Pounds and 250 Pounds, Inclusive: Flanges 6 inches and larger shall be low hub steel, Van Stoned. Flanges 5 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy semi-steel, screwed. Saturated Steam between 125 Pounds and 149 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive: Flanges 14 inches and larger shall be extra heavy high hub serni-steel, Van Stoned. Flanges 12 inches and smaller shall be extra heavy semi-steel, screwed. Boiler Feed and Drain Piping between 125 Pounds and 250 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive : Flanges shall be extra heavy semi-steel, screwed. Exhaust, Suction, Low Pressure Water and Low Pressure Drams : Flanges 14 inches and larger shall be standard cast iron pattern, Van Stoned. Flanges 12 inches and smaller shall be stand cast iron, screwed. Blow-Off: Flanges shall be extra heavy semi-steel, screwed. Unions: On all screwed work a sufficient number of unions shall be used to facilitate repairs. One union shall be used near each screwed valve. Unions \V 2 inches and larger shall be flanged and below 1H inches they shall be gasketless, with non-corrosive seats WROUGHT PIPE Wrought pipe shall ba steel. Standard pipe shall be butt-welded for sizes 3 inches and smaller and lap- welded for sizes zy 2 inches and larger. Extra strong pipe shall be butt-welded for sizes 2 inches and smaller and lap-welded for sizes 2^ inches and larger. Steam between 150 Pounds and 250 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive: Pipe shall be full weight 7 inches and smaller. Sizes larger than 7 inch shall be of the following thicknesses or weights per foot: 8 inch, 28.55 pounds; 9 inch, 33.90 pounds; 10 inch, 40.48 pounds; 12 inch, 49.56 pounds; 14 to 20 inch, inclusive, % inch; 22 to 24 inch, inclusive, A i ncn - ".svteuloni ,: i |9tiom i lenom \.lok ii :iq esnoid rtliw 12 lalisrna bne its .ncii ta rusR oJS. ■ - yfi2E9QnBfl W8103 .bsofi'oi ed llerlg ■ isrrt3 brus sV , teste durt wol ed >ni fl seenER Ii .' ,l99te-irn9s ris i5qibI bn£ ■ vvserl fiilxa . ■ ■ . ■ a ad Hertz dAx3. ,fn9Mfiq noii iaso biEbnste jioe .noii is&a brieve ed llfiri; '.9t8-im92 yvseri Bitxs ed II ;nsiofftu2 e ;- ! ■ &f '■ noinu -• .a83lia>:3£Q orioni OTI«1 THauaaw islisma bns asrtc 3 .| ee j 2 od ' iW ; 2erloni S eoi.v d llfirts eqiq Qnoiia.B- bns ssrtoni J; ;-sblew .i9QiBl brie aortoni :: ^blgw-qsl bnc -eq Blrleiswio IMoed'llfirte jii3 .-lellsma bnc i H .evteuloni .rioni I abrtuoq 8J>.to >. jnuoq ■ . _ . . . •/ . Steam between 125 Pounds and 149 Pounds per Square Inch, Inclusive; Suction and Low Pressure Water: Pipe shall be full weight 7 inches and smaller. Sizes larger than 7 inch shall be of the following thicknesses or weights per foot: 8 inch, 24.69 pounds; 9 inch, 33.90 pounds; 10 inch, 34.24 pounds; 12 inch, 43.77 pounds; 14 to 20 inch, inclusive, A inch; 22 inch to 24 fnch, inclusive, % /% inch. Boiler Feed : Pipe for pressures between 150 and 250 pounds per square inch, inclusive, shall be extra strong and between 125 pounds and 149 pounds per square inch, inclusive, shall conform to the specification for "Steam" for the same pressures. Exhaust Piping: Pipe 7 inches and smaller shall be full weight; 8 inch to 12 inch, inclusive, shall be the same as for "Steam" between 125 pounds and 149 pounds, inclusive; between 14 inches and 18 inches, inclusive, It ahall be M inch; and between 20 inches and 24 inches, Inclusive, it shall be of the lightest card weight. Blow-Off: Pipe shall be extra strong. Drains: Pipe shall conform to the specification for Steam Piping for the same pressure and service. Welding: Where it is advisable economically, branches shall be welded to main piping, in preference, to the use of fittings. All welds so made shall receive a hammer test under hydrostatic pressure three times the working pressure. The fillets shall be built up to a radius equal to not less than three times the thickness of the pipe wall. Bends : Bends shall be used for changes of alignment in preference to fittings. They shall be substantially round in section and free from injurious buckles. Radii equal to 6 diameters of the pipe shall be used where possible. CAST IRON PIPE Where used for exhuast, suction, and low pressure water, cast iron pipe shall correspond in thickness to "Class A" pipe as specified by the American Water Works Association. BOLTS All flange bolts 1 M inches in diameter and smaller shall have square heads and U. S. Standard, hexagonal, cold bunched, chamfered and trimmed nuts. For bolts larger than 1 y 2 inches, studs with two nuts may be used. When pulled up, the bolt thread shall extend completely through the nut. GASKETS Gaskets shall fit inside of bolt holes for all lines not under vacuum. Vacuum lines shall have full' faced gaskets. Sheet gaskets up to and including 12 inch size shall be A inch thick; and for 14 inches and larger they shall be A inch thick. Superheated Steam : Gaskets shall be -h inch Tauril, Durabla, Vanda, Hodgart, or Corrugated Steel coated with Smooth-On Cement. Saturated Steam; Boiler Feed, Blow-Off and Drains: Gaskets shall be Rainbow or equivalent, or corrugated copper. Exhaust: Gaskets shall be Rainbow or equivalent Suction and Low Pressure Water: Gaskets shall be cloth inserted rubber. SUPPORTS A sufficient number of supports, preferably hangers, shall be provided and so placed that their working stresses shall have a factor of safety of not less than six, assuming that each hanger is bearing its proportion of the load with the line full of water. Sufficient anchorage shall be provided where necessary. I ■ . . . . ■ - : . S2 fii OS Oi - ' ' • - • • - . . . s I i .-<..' ...,■•. _.-.■■ lisrisSi ■-..-.. . - ... • •■.,.":-'.. I ma ■ ■ I ' . v oqkj . ! ■ ■! b?2£g ieertS '.cvni >& ed lisrls . . - 3 rijiw balsas . ioo baiBQunoo ... ;S8uoAsa ni rlJoio t - ■ . ■ . .^-. ■ 8tfS0 ! ioifluz A liifiod eMeariBfi rtose jeriJ bi . . . rie aeawite .laisw ■ , ■ . ij rijiw bfiol ertJ iflu3 EXPLANATOR i NO i ES (1) Standard and Extra Heavy Reducing Elbows carry same dimensions center to face as regular Elbows of largest straight size. (2) Standard and Extra Heavy Tees, Crosses and Laterals, reducing on run only, carry same dimensions face to face as largest straight size. (3) If Flanged Fittings for lower working pressure than 125 pounds are made, they shall conform in all dimensions, except thickness of shell, to this standard and shall have the guaranteed working pressure cast on each fitting. Flanges for these fittings must be standard dimensions. (4) Where long radius fittings are specified, it has reference only to Elbows which are made in two center to face dimensions and to be known as Elbows and Long Radius Elbows, the latter being used only when so specified. (5) All standard weight fittings must be guaranteed for 125 pounds working pressure and extra heavy fittings for 250 pounds working pressure, and each fitting must have some mark cast on it indicating the maker and guaranteed working steam pressure. (6) All extra heavy fittings and flanges to have a raised surface of fa inch high inside of bolt holes for gaskets. Standard weight fittings and flanges to be plain faced. Bolt holes to be y§ inch larger in diameter than bolts. Bolt holes to straddle center line. (7) Size of all fittings scheduled indicates inside diameter of ports. (8) The face to face dimensions of Reducers, either straight or eccentric, for all pressures, shall be the same face to face as given in table of dimensions. (9) Square head bolts with hexagonal nuts are recommended. For bolts, 1 % inches diameter and larger, studs with a nut on each end are satisfactory. Hexagonal nuts for pipe sizes 1 inch to 46 inches, on 125 pound standard, and 1 inch to 16 inches on 250 pound standard, can be conveniently pulled up with open wrenches of minimum design of heads. Hexagonal nuts for pipe sizes 48 inches to 100 inches on 125 pound, and 18 inches to 48 inches on 250 pound standards, can be conveniently pulled up with box wrenches. (10) Twin Elbows, whether straight or reducing, carry same dimensions center to face and face to face as regular straight size elbows and tees. Side Outlet Elbows and Side Outlet Tees, whether straight or reducing sizes, carry same dimensions center to face and face to face as regular tees having same reductions. (11) Bull Head Tees.orTees increasing on outlet, will have same center to face and face to face dimensions as a straight fitting of the size of the outlet. (12) Tees and Crosses 16 inches and down, reducing on the outlet, use the same dimensions as straight sizes of the larger port. Size 18 inches and up, reducing on the outlet, are made in two lengths, depending on the size of the outlet as given in the table of dimensions. Laterals 16 inches and down reducing on the branch, use the same dimen- sions as straight sizes of the larger port. (13) Sizes 18 inches and up, reducing on the branch, are made in two lengths, depending on the size of the branch as given in the table of dimensions. The dimensions of reducing flanged fittings are always regulated by the reductions of the outlet or branch. Fittings reducing on the run only, the long body pattern will always be used. Y's are special and are made to suit conditions. Double sweep tees are not made reducing on the run, (14) STEEL FLANGES, FITTINGS AND VALVES ARE RECOMMENDED FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM. 1£lUQ31 8B 60 I jii li \i i 33 80B1 oJ eoBi 3 llfirta yerli ,,;• , r:i>how beeinfiiEUQ e.'ii sv^r: Hsris si Jteris to a :i3nemib jil riofie no .anoianemi; o> aeBruBH sonatetoi aeri ti ,1 sieriW (f) bns anoianernib eonl oi leineo .bafiioeqa oa yvBert ... -.ncbfiBte MA (5) T8>)sni eril Qniisc io abiani ripj (3) .8iO>l8BQ gisw biBbnsiS oi aalor) iloS of aeloii JloS a agniiifl lie to esi3 (T) arils;; II Qisiia lerilia ,8ieoubafl to anoianernib eofi^ oi aosl eriT (8) .an< corf oJ eosi ernBS (6) .y-ii in s rliiw abuls ,iaoifil bns -laiamfiib aertoi I ioT OSS no aertoni 9t oi rioni t bns ..biBbns;.- ia eqiq ioi aiun IcnopsxeH ~ .■■ .to asrlonetw neqo rlfiw qu balluq ylJneinevnoa -nsJa bnuoq nBia bnuoq 032 no serioni 8fc oi aarioni 81" bn.fi .bnuo; - :jiq ioi aiun .asti; ' noo ed nso east oi bob? bn£ aoc'i oJ leineo anoianernib arrtBa v-n^o .enioubai 10 ' (00 f }6ituO ©biS bnc awodG rtoltuO abiS idle asia irigis'iia ifilup.81 SB s sofii oi so£> bns oc. ..a y-nso i38sis si oi eael bns eofii oi laineo ernea evBrt lliw.ialiuo i .'.?. as anoianernib apnea arlt eau ,ialiuo srli no cnioubai ,nwob bnB asrloni 3r aaaaoiO bn;. .itoq vjoisI en'i to aesia Jaliuo srli to asia en} no pnibneqeb .adirjnal owi ni abarn eis .Jaiiuo erij no gniouba-i ,qu bns aerioni 81' esi-3 -namib 8msa arii eau .rlorifiid erij no pnioubai nwob bns 39floni 3r air/islsJ .ar i aqeb ,2riJQnel i . ib .rionBid arii no enioubei ,qu bns asrtoni 8r aesi3 (£t) iiiii bagnfiftpniouba-i to anoianernib er!T .anoianernib; - avio as rlanEid arii . > lliwrnaiisq ^bod gnol erli .v'lno nui erli no pnioubai agniiiR .rionsid io J9liuo arii to anoiioubai arii yd .beau .anoilibnoo iiua oi ebem eis bns Isioeqa oib a'Y .nm erii no pnioubei ebfim ion 3ib aeei qeewa elduoO m Q3aW3MMO03H 3RA 33VJAV OWA 3QMITTR ^BDMA-R J33T3 (t-r) .MA3T3 PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. DRILLING TEMPLATE FOR STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE Siz<=- D.emeter R.viaei Thickness lVu.«b«r of Holes Silt of Holes Bolt Circle Size, of Gaskets Size. Diameter Flakes Th.cJcness t/«*vvtoet- of Holes sue of Holes Bolt Circle Site, of Gaskets 1 4 2 lb 4 J. Z 3 I xzi 4Z ss zf 3b ll 4 80 si sz. z 7i 6UX74- 1 IS li IZ i 134: 1 xizf 68 82* *t SC z 75* 68X764- 10 lb . 3 Ijt IZ i 14* 10 X 13* 7o 84£ si SI* z ffoZ 70X781? IZ If li IZ i 17 IZ X lb 72 86i 3z bo z 52 i 72 X802 il- 21 ii 12 it /8i 14- x nf 74 88i 3f 60 2 84i 74X8Z1 ls ZZ* ll lb it 20 |i7Xl88 7b 4o| 3f 60 z 86i 76X841 lb 23 i \l lb it 21* It X 208 78 13 31 60 zi 88* 78x8bf 18 25 ll lb i+ 2Z| 18 XZli" 80 3b 2 •To* 314X484- o + M%Y,S8§ (S- Z4i zi ZO ll 21 1 |4*X208 8S. 1£_ 4i ■! +s ir is fti it »| 85 . Ai .. 1-ks. o£ SI ■:i in. ios Us. *\ I PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT DO GENERAL. DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED FITTINGS STRfllaHT SIZES k-B->) fl J 1. A J. fl .1 R /~. ■ t 4 \ fn^\ 7 7^0 \ jy i r" r" \ ^x V n ■\ JJ[« *fc R 1 fl -t- M ".<* ^ L fl 1 fl i E I -- j— A T( ^V ■4 J-- % ^>- J"1 L_ a. K yj> IL J F -x/ 1 1* it 2 zt 3 3 i 4 41 s b 7 8 f i 10 12 1 4 15 Ib IS 20 A'CtnF Ells, Tee s. Crosses. - L 3.' 3f 4 ^T 5 it i » bi 7 ,. 8 8i S 10 n 12 1 4 I4z IV ibi 18 B'CtoF Lo„q Radius Ells. 5 St G bi 7 ns i 9 -\l 104 ilk I2| 1 4 I'M ibi 11 2ll 22* 24 2bk 21 6--CUF 4S°Ell-s '1 2 24 zt 3 3 3 k 4 4 4i 5 P L si b bk 7i 7 k 8 8 82 It E'CtbF Laterals 5| 4. 4 7 8 ii 10 || i 12 izi I3i i4i Ibt ni 111 zo i 24i 27 28t 30 32 3S F-CtoF Laterals l| Il 2 zt zi 3 3 l 3 3 3i 3t 4 4i 4t 5 si b lo bt 7 8 (J'Ftb F ~Re.cLuce.Yi t. fc> i 7 7t 8 1 10 ii nk 12 14 tb 17 \8 11 20 g-"Ratiios L."R. E.U-S 4 42 *t 54 -1 t>4 U- 171 71 Bz °8 lOfl i?- 13 14 ibi isi 20 2/4 23 k 2b ^-"Radius Std. EUs zi 4 3 3')- 3| 4- 4 t s- s* t-3 a '-4 7 8 1 10 -if 124 izi I3t 15 Diawttey- of Flanaes 4 IS It IS IU i ifc l a lo III i4 '1 If Ill ll Ift Thickness of Bodv^ S0' M " J- 2 j. X 2 1 2 j. z z f 8 U Ib Thick* ess of JBodij 125* I 3 'li X lb lb 1 J lis ; -1- z J- 2 z lb ff f lb 3 4 11 X e X 3 I , X 1 lb 1* Siz.e_ 22 24 2 b 28 BO 32 3 4 34, 38 40 42 44 4z 4 C ! F^CtoF Laterals e't q 1 <^i 10 tVFtoF T?td.oct\fS ?.z Z4- 2 b 28 3o 32 3 434. 58 40 42 44 4b 48 SO 52 SI Sb 58 4,0 b2 S" "Radius. L."R.E.Us 28i So} 33 35 3lt 41 4 4 47 48 So S3 ss ^7 to b3 bb fe,8 70 7Z 75 77k R=Rad«os Std. E-lls n 182 to ?./ zi z 22t 2 3 Z4 25 Zfa 2d nl 28i 27k 304 324 332 35- 3SI -il JJiamtter t rf Ftanats zii 32 n% 3tz 38$ 4/f 4 ?|44> 48 f -o|- 53 554 574 5ii blf b4 (9 44 ('.84 V 73 & Thickness o ■ Flano.es .a i ib 1.1 2 2 iu zi ^4 * i z$ zi 2t H zi 2}b 2I z| zi 3 3 38 3* 34 Thickness oi Bod\» 50* 3 4 3 ii iE i. 8 £ ? • i i 1 i§ 18 IS 14 1* 14 'i 1 s II lib Thickness of godi^ 1 ££" Iffi 1* ifi if It It 1 \ if i u 1 lb ift 11 lit 2 2re. 2^3 zi Z4 zt ,1 Zib zi | S i z. e_ w- bb t,a 70 7 2 74 1 C 78 8o 82 84 84= flft So 12 14- r ib r 1R loo II A-CtbF Ols.Tees.Crosse: 47 48 50 5} 53 54- 5 4. ss 54 (r,0 b2 b 3 bS b7 b8 bl 1/ 73 74 B=CtoF Lono Radius Ella 8+ 84>i 81 qii 94 96Z °i J 3/t *A 3 ib 34 3i 3^ 3i ' ib 3§ Jib 34 PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT OO. STANDARD AND LOW PRESSURE FLANGED FITTINGS SHORT BODY PATTERN LA.J A ti A L r- J REDUCING TEES AND CROSSES Size. I" to IW iwclosiue- 18 Zo 22 z4- Zt, Z8 30 32 34 Size, of Outlet o.v»cL SmoJIc-r A- C to F of TPotv B'CtoF of Outlet fill reducing fittings l"to IU inclusive, have same center to face dimensions as straight size fittings. 14- iS lb 18 20 20 zz 14- 14 15 lb lb 18 18 17 18 Z3 2S Size- 3fa 38 40 42 4-4- 4 fa 48 So sz Sfa 58 tfa fa 8 70 Size, of Outlet owl -S m aXler" 24 Z4 2fa za 28 50 32 32 3fa 38 4-0 42 44 44- 4fa A=C toF of Ro» 2o 27 2-? 21 31 33 34- 37 B-C to F of Qot let Stze. 21 !.-•■ 7fo 78 34 35 3fa 37 31 40 4/ 42 44 4fa 47 84- 3fa 88 foo loO bZ fe4 (.4 fafa A'CtoF of ~Ruvo 4 40 42 43 43 44 47 4? 48 B = 3 fa4 faS 67 REDUCING LATERALS Size. I" to Ifa" lnclostue. 18 zfa 28 Size, of Branch and. Smaller D= C to F of r?»> E=C top of T?u> F - C to F of Bray\cVv» All reducinq fittinqs f to lb* inclusive, have same center to face dimensions as straight size fittings. iz 14 27 ZBz 312 3 5 37 31 21z 34i 38 40 42 *L0NG BODY PATTERNS- arc used urhen outlets are larqer than, qiven. in tY\e above table, therefor have same dimensions as straiqht size fittinqs. The dimensions of "Reducinq Flanged Fittings* are aturags regulated tou the reduction, of tVie outlet. Fittings Reducing on trie Ron. onlu,, the long bodg pattern will alwaus "be used except Double Sweep Tees, on which, the. reduced end is alu/aus lonqer than the regular fitting-Dimcnsions on tegutst Boll Heads or Tees haumq outlets larqer than the run, unll be the same length, center to fact of all openings as a tee with, all ©peninqs of the size of the outlet, for example: a. IE t. \l x |8 inch, tee unll be governed bu the dimensions of the I8'mch lonq bodu,tee; namely lb* inches center to face of all open'mqs and 33 inches ^att to •face. Reducing Elbows, carry, same center to face dimensions as regular elbows of largest Straiqht size. .■ ' • 1 3-siZ . s>si£ ■:■ 5 =a ' '(08. OHOJ* srfT ■ -ff ££lfittft ... ' Sin }c .... - j/j i PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. EXTRA HEAVY FLANGED FITTINGS A M hA-J Ih » V M//////////A REGULAR .THICKNESS , A n ¥c ^ % 5/ B A a tr- q >-* , 1 STRAIGHT SIZES MM Note.- All ex-tra heauij flanqes have a. it inch, 'Raised Fate inside of bolt to-oles. This Raised. Face is included, in, ^ote to face, cewter to face avid thickness of flange diwiensioviv £>iz.e- (.Wc .1) I 4 3z 4-4 14 Internal Tjiavneter- 1 4 22 1 ; 4i 13* 14+ A=CtoF Ells. Tees. Cresses 4- J5 4/4 St ft \si B=C to F Lo-na Tfad..us Ells 5"z n it 15 + 22? C -- C to F 4S° E_Us I* 34 4? 4} l«j 8i E = C to F Laterals b* 74 i3i I4J. F =C to F Laterals Z* 2* 2 L 3 z 4-4 27z 31 33 o>i bt G.= F to F Rtauctrs bl 7* 14 $- Radios L."R. ELUs 4- 44 4, 5* 4 b 4 174 lit 21+ zH 25 + 214 214' 31* 33* 354 3]4 31+414 43i45$474- A=CtoF Ells. Tets, Crosses M lit zz* 24 2b 274 21 30 1 32 £ 352 37 39 4oi 42 B=C to F Lor>c[ Radius E-lls 24 V6>> Z1 3 It 34 3J.4 31 41? 44 4fcz4f 54 5fci $■1 mmmm^m REDUCING. TEES AND CROSSES l" to lb' \n clos>iue_ 18 20 22 24- 2b Size of Outlets ond Smaller A'CtoF of R U > fill reducing fiftinqs I to It." inclusive, have same center to fact dimensions as straiqht sue fittings. It IS lb l£-| Ibi iftz 28 30 32 34 3b 3S 4o 42 44 4b 48 Size of Outlets avid. SvnoAWr ?A ZL ?a 28 A = C toF of T?uvu ) f 1 ZSz 2 5" ZbzZlz 2i aVDli ■■,'<■ ..•h9?7"1o asioii K3fnii> ariT i . . ■ ■ ■ ;T apMiJli^ Sjts osH JfuS op 3d lli\u 33i ! "to £\UOdJ:> O ^SU.'OQ'O 0/*l'30jb35T PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. STANDARD BASES FOR TEES, STANDARD AND LON& RADIUS ELLS 50, IZ5 AND 250 POUND FITTIN&S Oi ili ^=ti ctt E B ^=±£- & 3 Notc:-T?oond Taases will befomished, unless otherurise specified/ 50 AND 125 POUNDS PRESSURE 2SO POUNDS pressure: SIZE A B C F H t E) SIZE A B c F H E , D 2 5 4t 2 2 x 2 3& 1 2 St s 2 4 | J 4 2i Si 4i 2. 2 2 3f 2i b 5" i- 2 4 § 3$ 3 5* .5" 2 a lb | 3* 3 b4 b J. 76 4 4t 3* b\ 5" 2 a 3" 3£ 3t (4 b 2 13 i 4 4i 4 hi b 3. lie f 4 4* 4 7 bt 3. lb X 8 1 4 s 4* b^ b a. ib * 4 . 4? 4t 7* bi q ib X 8 4 s 5 1 7 s S xl lb t si 5 7i li 8 1 l 8 •*i b 7t 7 * it A si b 8 li * 1 l 8 •*8 7 8* 7 lb 3 % si 7 8t li f 1 5 *$ 8 8* «J 4" IS ll> % li 8 1* 10 4 1* 1 ll 9 1i 1 3 4 IS lb 4 72 9 10 10 4 1* 1 8 ^ 10 10 1 * fc 3 4 74 10 102 10 4 1* 8" 7S \z ^joi II 4 1 8 it 12 II 122 3 4 IS. X 8 lof 14 |3t II 1 8 1 8 It 14 14 izt 1 8 'it i 8 lof IS 14 II % 1 J It IS I4t 122 1 8 1.1 X 8 io| lb 144 II x 8 1 3 8 It lb IS* 12 2 J lit 8 |o| 18 i si I3t X 8 ifi 1 8 n| 18 ist IS 1 8 If 1 13 20 ibl i3i 18 * ill 20 Ibi IS 1 if 1 13 22. 17* i3i 18 J ni Zt 17*" ni 1 ii It |5* 24 I8| i3i 18 X 8 ill Z4- 18* ni 1 18 Is IS* 2b 2o lb Ifb 14* Z8 21 lb li 144 3o 22 lb 18 It 14* 5* 32 £3 lb 18 /fb 14* 5* 34 ^4- lb it I n» 144 5* 3b 2S lb It li 14* S"* 38 2b 11 it a n bi 4-0 27 11 18 i* n bt 42 28 11 18 i+ 17 n bi 44 21 11 1$ ii 4b 30 11 18 ii n ut 48 31 11 18 14 n bt ■ftm®. i-kMi ffa i 3 ■■ • r<— »i«— * 1 nr IX 1 , 3STUi ^ axie - ' s ■ e ■ .fc " -fr ' ! P ■ V 8 • P ■ si • isi 1 -: i • i si i lot • if • ■ X , S ' . ' . • - 81 . 81 1 8l 81 Pi 81 Pi PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO CAST IT?0N FL/\N6ED"Y'sAND NECKS 125 AND 250 POUNDS PRESSURE \/^ 4 v^\ y< X \ I ,, N^O- J) c W H * > & \\ V 125 POUNDS PRESSURE 2.50 POUNDS PRESSURE size] B c L H M t RIVE Silt T& PITCH SIZE B c L H M t SIZE PITCH 2 Z zi 4-i 7i 2 2 zt 5" 7t 2i zi zi s 11 2l 2t 2t si 7t 3 3 3 st It 3 3 3 L> It 3i 31 3 L> It 3t 3t 3 bt 7i 4- 4 3 fat 7t lot 18 s ll 4 4- 3 7 ni lot it 5 8 1 1 1 8 4-z 4l 31 7 8 II IS 8 18 4t 44 5t 7i 8 II 18 £ 8 11 5 5" 3z 7i 8 tit 14 5 8 ll 5 s 3t 8 8 lit 14 S 8 \i b b 4 8 8t 13 i! f ll (0 lo 4 8t 8t 13 ll s 8 Is' 7 7 4i 84 9 14 i! 3 4 24 7 7 4t 9 9 14 ll 3 4 24 8 8 5 9 St [si it 3 4 zi 8 8 5 10 9t IS* It 3 4 24 9 9 5 10 10 lU if 3 4- 24 9 9 5 lot 10 \b% If 3 24- 10 10 5t ll ii ni '1 3 4- 2* 10 10 si lit II 17 1 1* i 4 2^ \z 12 b 12. 12. 11? il i If 12 12. b 13 IZ lit 18- 2 zi 14 14 bt 14 13 Zl4 2 i 8 2f 14 134 bi 15 13 214 Z a s 2f 15 15 bt 14* 13 zzi Z zfi 15 144 fe4 15? 13 22z 2 8 2| lb llo 7t 15 I3t Z32 2% a 8 zi lb IS4 74 Ibt 13.4 23i 2* 8 *l 18 18 8 Ibt 14 2St zi 1 3 18 174 8 18 14 25* 24 1 3 2o 20 8t 18 15 *l* 24 1 3 ZO 11* 8t Hi 15 27^ 24 1 3 22 22 9i 20 I5t 30 zi 1 3 zz 214 It 2oi I5t 30 zi 1 3 24- 24 10 22 lb 3Z 2| 1 3 24 234 10 Z2t lb 32. zf 1 3 2t 2b II 23 Ibt 2b 254 H 24 Ibt 28 28 lit 24 17 28 27 4 lit Zb 17 30 30 IZI 2S ni 30 29 4 izi 21 1 ni 32 32 13 2b 18 32. 3l4 13 21 18 34 34 i3i *7 18 34- 334 I3t 3ot 18 3b 3b 14 28 18 3b 3S4 14 32-2 18 1? ■ ^r=T J J a - "** -i >. ^r c - iS ir t ■ E £ ir s£ ir . is lis •'- . - P ■ £ + -f» ir i* r is .i-f" U-f 8 ■a ie "a 4 is ■* J £ + 1 p i8 if r r 3 •r- ip •£, 8 8 a P £ ll ■ 01 E p ? J.,. in IB 01 |! it 11 i-i 01 01 ei -SI ■ li .si si SI 5e5 ■M *IS -M 8 id ai £( ai toll *S ici 8 +n U\ *pi Si • OS £lS i 8 S OS r ss se 01 +£S ss oil 0| Is)! fs M -*• -. n ^T I! «JS n ds -i. . ^rs 8S ir; irs is I + PS ■ 81 si •S£ S! Zl Si iei -f>£ iei 8! -M -p^e «)£ 8S + i PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. CAST IRON BELL, SPIGOT AND FLANGED FITTINGS. Note:- For dimensions of bell and spiolot see table no. 17 In laving out water lines, it is advisable to make all tees and crosses with bell ends, elbows with sell ant) spigiot ends. STRAIGHT SIZE FITTINGS SI2E D A B c E- F a H K L ■R s "h, 3 7i 10 22 si Ib 24- 1« .st! It I oi lb 24- 4- 4 s II 23 hi lb 24- I'll is V£ lot 1 12 lb 24 IU b II 12. 24 8 lb 24 i* isvi 15 13 lb 24 1 8 isi 13 2S T lb 2b l* IS* lb 14- IU 24 18 10 it> Il- 2b II lb 28 i* is* 182 isi lb 24 lit \z h ls- 27 12 lb 28 Tl! is If zii isi lb 24 1* 14 21 Ib 28 14- 18 3o 14* 2o£ 24- lb )8 3b ii lb 23z 11 29 IS 24 3b i4 £ lot 31 ni 24- 3b lit 18 25 18 30 ibi 24 3b 145! *°* 34- 18 24 3b i,l 20 272 IT 31 18 24 3b nl zsS 37 18? 24- 48 i " 1 IU 24 32 21 33 22 30 42 248 30 g 5o bo ii 30 38* 2b 43 25" 3b +8 248 308 3b bo 28 3fc> 4b 21 4b 28 48 bo 374 37* 48 9o 3 28 4a £3 32 49 31 48 bO 374 31* 48 9o zf 48 5ii 35 sz. 34 54- bb 314 37* 5"4 °t0 3 24 REDUCIN G TE.ES Si zes A B C! sues A B c 30 X b 13 IS 23 42XU lb 28 30 3ox8 14- 2b 23 42 X 14 18 3o 3o 30 x io 15 zi 23 42xlb 19 31 30 30 x ii IS 21 23 42x18 20 34 30 3o x 14- 18 So 23 42 x ZO 21 3b 30 30 Xlb 19 31 23 42 x24 23 38 30 3o xig 20 3 + 23 42 x 30 2b 43 31 30 XZO 21 3b 23 42 x3b 29 4b 31 30 XZ4 23 38 2S 48 X12. n Z9 34- 3b x 8 14 2b Z6 48x1*- 18 3o 34- 3b xio IS 27 26 48xib 19 31 34- JfcX 11 Ib 28 24 48 xl8 20 34 34- 3fe x 14 /8 50 2*. 48 X20 21 3b 34- 3b x ib 19 31 2b 48x24 23 38 34 3bxi8 20 34- zfc 48x3o 2b 43 34 3bxzo 21 3b 2fe 48x3t 29 4b 34- 3bx24 2i 38 2b 48x42 32 49 34- 3bx3o 2b 43 28 ... I -: ;toM . ; .' OT 3-tgfi.i. IVffA 1*1 .<7e 0»A JJ3S Ml -'J3C KTIVV 333T . ■ .' 1 s& o£ 81 ■ -. P! dsxS-f 1 ■ i o£ it *•+ ■ 3 I.2S Lie .w 4.M 3.St .31 l.zs (.30 .fcS 4 11. 3 So « l.zs 1 30 (.5 4.1k J. So .46 1.25 I.JO .kS 4.7k 3.5o .48 b. 00 .18 4- 1.50 I.Jo Ms J. to 3.5c 42 1 SO 1 .SO .ts s.eo 3. So .45 I.So 1.30 l.S S So 3. so 48 1 So 1 30 bS S8o 3 SO Si 7.5o .21 (• I.So 1.40 70 T.70 3.6'e 4*. ISO 1.40 .70 7.9o 3. So 48 1 So 1.40 .70 7.1o 3 5o .51 1 so 1.4° To 7 1o 3So .55 10 15 .31 8 ISO ISO .IS 1.8S 4.o< m. I So I.So .75 =!.8S 4.oo SI 1 So I.SO IS 10.10 4 oo .5b I.So 1 So .75 10 10 4oo to 13 2E .44, 10 I.So 1 SO 75 II. 10 4 oc So 1 So 1.50 .75 II 1o 4.oo .57 I.So l.bo .80 12.20 4oo b2 1.50 l.bo .80 12 2o 4oo .(.8 IkOO .53 it ISO 1 bo 8o 14. oo 4.oi .54 ISO 1.1.0 .So 14.00 4. °o /.2 1 So 1.70 85 14.30 A oo (.8 I.So 1.70 Rs 14 3« 4.0. .75 11. OO .01 14- I.SO no fts Ik. 10 4oc }1 1 So no .8S lt.ro 4.oo fel 1 So ISO ,1o lb. 45 4oo 74 1 50 1 80 .10 Ik. 45 4 oo .82 2*2 oo .81 It. 1.15 1 So So 18. 4o 4.oc to us 180 .10 1 8.40 loo 7o 115 110 l.oo 18 Bo 4 oo .80 1.75 1.10 l.oo 18.80 4.00 .81 30oo .14 >8 1.75 l.lo 15 20.50 *.o< .(.« US 1.10 .is 2o so 4.oo .75 us 2 10 I.OS 20.12 4 oo £7 1.75 2.10- 1,05 20.12 4oo 4k 3180 l.oo 20 1 75 2.00 1.00 22-fce 4oc .(.7 ITS Z.oo l.oo 22ko 4oo 8o 11! 2 So 1.15 23.0k 4.oo .« I.7S 2.30: 1.15 23 ok 4oo 1.03 37.00 I.25 Z4 2o» 2.10 i.os 2fc8o 4.0c .71 2. 00 *I0 I.OS 2k. ao 4oo 81 2 oo 2. So l.zs 27 32 4.oe 104 2oo 2.50 1.25 27.32 4 00 Lib 44. oo I.50 30 2.oo 2 3o Lis 32.74 4. So 88 J.oo 2. So LIS 33 oo 4. So 1.03 2.00 2 to 1.32 314o 4.S0 l.zc 2.00 3.oo 1 50 3174 4.50 1.37 S4.2S 2.0b 31 Zoo 2. so us 38.11. 4.5c .11 2.00 2. go 1.40 31. Jo 4. So LIS Zoo 3lo 1.1.0 3110 4.5o 1.3b 2 00 3 40 1.80 40.1b 4S0 I.S8 b47S 3oo 4Z ZOO 2.flo l4o 45.20 5oo I. 10 2.00 3.oo I.So 4S.SO 5.00 ue 2 oo J.4o LIS 4felo 5.oo 1.54 2.00 380 115 4b.S8 5 oo 1.78 75. 2 S i.fel 48 Z oo J.OC ISO 5l.4"o 5\o< . I.Zl 2 oo 3 3o MS S So .10 5 oo 142 2.00 3$o 1.15 52. 4o 5.oo 1.71 2.oo 4.20 220 52 18 S-oo I.U 85 So 4.S7 S4- 2 2S J lo 1.1.0 57. tk S.Sc 1.35 2.2S 3. bo |.8o Si S.So 1.55 2.15 4 oo 2. IS 56 8o S.So l.lo 225 4 40 245 51.40 5.5o 2.13 17 bo fc.2S feo 2 2S 3.4o 1.70 fc!8o 5.5c LSI 2.2S 3.70 1.1* t»Mo 5.5o I.H 2.25 A 2o 2.ZS sS.20 5 So 2oo 2.25 4.10 2.1.0 (.582 550 2.38 log.3o 8.2S n ZIS 3.8o 1.87 7fc.S1 SSC 1.1.2 2.2S 4 2o 2.2« 17 2S 5. So 1.15 ZIS 4 bo 2M 78.15 5.5o 2.11 111.25 II.So 84 2. So 4.io 2.io 8an S.Sc 1.72 2.S0 4 So 2 bo 81.71 5. So 2 22 IS2 oo IS.oo : ' ■ i . ■ ' '■ ' PITTSBURGH PIPING STANDARD FLANGED CAST & EQUIPMENT CO. IRON PIPE FOR WATER D ia-o SIZE D CLASS A- 43 LBS. CLASS B - 8b LBS. CLASS C- 130 LBS. CLASS D- 113 LBS. "b >b b K b "h, b >0 3 it .31 .71 .42 .755" .45 .800 .48 .845 4- ^ .42 .iss .45 .800 .48 .845 .52 .105 G> ii .4-4 .785 .48 .845 . 51 .840 .ss .15o 8 I3t .4b . 8is .51 .81° .5b .1b5 .bO I. 025 JO lb ,-S° .875 .57 .18o .b2 f. 0S5 . b8 I.J4S 12 11 .5"4 .135" . k2. 1.055 .b8 1.145 .75 1. 250 14 21 .^7 .«?8o .bb J. us .74 1.235 .82 I. 355 ji» 23t JaO 1.025 .70 1.175 .80 1.325 .84 I.4b0 18 25 .b4 j. o8s .75 1.250 . 87 1.430 .4b |.5bS zo 271 .bl 1. i so .80 1.325 .42 1.505 I. o3 I.b70 24 32 .7b |.2b5 .84 1.4b0 1. o4 |.b85 1. lb I.8US 3o 38* .88 1.445 1. 03 I. L>lo 1.20 1.425 1.37 2. 1 8.0 3b 4-fe .i-i I. bio I.' 5 1.850 |.3b 2. IbS 1.58 2-415 4-0 5o| 1 . 0<» 1.715 1. 23 1.170 1.48 2.345 1.72 2.705 4-2. 53 1 . I© 1.775 1.28 2.045 1.54 2.435 1.78 2.745 4-8 3-11 1 . 2b 2. oi5 1.42 2.255 1.71 2. b^O 1.1b 3.0b5 mrn^v- &mw. q ( • £ z-w a*8 -£ .•a -3. ' ii J oS ' i£i 8 ' iP"a 8-f PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. CAST IKON, CAST OR ROLLED STEEL 5CREWED FLRN6ES 125 and ZSO pounds pressure \, E J F J^ » il H ft;, 1 SMB^ ft-," I L '> ^ TTIi b- &tf B T> I2S POUNDS PRESSURE. 2SO POUNDS PRESSURE- 125 POUNDS PRESSURE 250 POUNDS PRESSURE SIZE. X) B CAST IRON STttL SIZE X) B CAST IRON MELL E M ^v. t H H, E. H Tv, E. H ■K. 1 4 If, ii X 8 1 lb ii X 8 1 lb 1 4* 1 lb Z. 1 JX 11. 2 1 i Ib 1* 4-1 It z\ 1 J. Z 2i 1 X 1* 5" It z\ 18 * 2l 18 S 8 It 5 i'l 2i , X 1 ii» 1 2k 1 i ii b )| z% i4 ib 2* i4 3 * 2 b zh 3 18 * 3t 1 S 5 2. bt *fc 3% it X 8 3t ll X 8 zi 7 ZJk 3z ii XL lb if .1 1 ib TTa Zi li 2« 3% lit 1 4ft ii 1 3 7i I 3+ 44 i4 3 4- 4ft 18 3 3 84 34 4t ijfc it 4ft ii 1 3* 8i 3H 4* ift 13 4-t Ii 13 lb 3t 1 3M 54 1 5 lg li 5 ib if 18 4- q 44 54 ii ie 5 8 Ii IS 7b 4 10 44 5i 1* 14 5 il ii 18 4i l4 4fz 5| . x 1 IL- IS lb Sre, ii 1 5 lb 44 lot 1-$i b I'rt 1 s 1 lb b4 I ft 14 5 10 ->3Z bf Ii 15 lb Id ib 1 lb IS Tb 5 ii T 11 03Z bg i-i If to ib 18 i4 b H / 5 W Ib fi 1* 1 7?b Ii 1 J, izi bib 7l 2 li -1 x 78 2 14 7 I2z 7* 8z if 1 - 1 - 1 il* 81 It ,x 1 lb 7 14 T# 81 2 it It So 2* ii 8 I3z 8«" 11 1* 18 qii 1 lb If 18 8 15 8| 108 2 ft II 108 2ft ii t I 15 ,S io| \\ 18 »o| ii 18 1 ib4 ft lit zX Ii lift 24 ii 10 | |b lot 12 2 ii ll£ il 1 ib ;o ni lot izi zi ii izft 2l it /2 1 11 izi i*i 2fe 14- 14 8 zfc i4 12 20t izi I4t zi 2 I4| ? H 14 23 lift |5.| zi 2* 15ft 2ft ii 15 224 14ft Ibt z* ll Ibz _?i_ ii 15 Z4t 14ft ibl z% 2ft nft 2 ft i.tt lb 2?>l isft 171 Zi ii 111 2i i% lb 25^ |5Tb 18 28- 24 184 3 ib 18 18 25 nft ifl Z4- ii 11* 2| ii 18 28 lift 208 3Tb zi 20| 3 ib 2 20 27t lift 21 5 3 ii 2ll 3 ift 2° 30* nit 22 + 34 zi 222 34 24 2Z 211 Zlft 24- o X 34 ift 24 3i ■ ft 2Z 33 21ft 24z 3 it zk za\ 3 8 zl 24 32 Z3ii Zb 34 lH 2b 34 ii 24 3!= 23ft Zb| 3| 24 27 3 s 2 it ■STTW 2 S i •3flfT £ a no 0*7 oss q esi 3H^aa3H« saw jo=r oes 3HUe . asi ■ JJT3T«-. a: (X 3Si£ r 3 H . 1 -S Jh i-p- ! •f 1 . 81 8S fi i\ s ? + 1 *\ Is d £ 1 • is fi 81 Se X 8 fl JSE.S j- i 5 s 1 s£ d s JT i jii^ i le is jt Al r is ■6 i Jl-P 8l le f. . ic.t i8 j> 1 + i Ii ■■?■ r ji i p -p> :■ 2 i Si oi H* ioi i* Jl 0) . s 1 go) I! .E ~ 1 ■M *j?« isi ii S *is £5 -SS is. •f>S ^ 1 iris IPs ss i rs 8C fc>S iias c$£ 4S Is' <1S B 1 + £ e)S iiss S£ -PS PITTSBURGH P8P8NQ & EQUIPMENT CO. CAST IRON, CAST OR ROLLED STEEL VAN STONE FLANGES 12.5 AND 250 POUNDS PRESSURE REGULAR JOINT SQUARE JOINT NO"te:- Regular Joint will alu/ays be furrusked unless otheru/ise no\edi. 125 POUNDS PRESSURE 250 POUNDS PRESSURE "R CAST IRON K K Size D B T? CAST IRON HI&H HUB Ai ±f 34 1* II *6 I2l _7l a! 10I izl 21 148 zit| 158 lbs Z3; 2ti 344- 3t>i 38| ZOjJ 174 24i 28z 3i 3t 3j 5i I ft 5% n ft Q 1-1 1 IE 24_ 2b 28 3 04 324 II 4-i 41 11* 24* 148 248 _38*_2b| 40 I 288 I 178 3l jaiik jil3i _8z_ io| llll 48 13 !_4_4 4| 4z 44 234 2Sl" I 4 IT '3 5 1 1. 14 54 3 8 13 II 2l- 24 at 43 308 34i I4| I84 28, 33 itt 31 18 -> 1 2 l fc4 18 128 174 31 l! jj ill ii 2 24| It jeS «*! 2 it ; „J. : 1 :_ — ! 6,^M^ - L - "■ "-^iH .-,_ . ~:3ioH ESI FT . a U*ll 6 jf i ■ k i, I j 1* Sf *£ J i s'r i K I £ S l iSI s J 6 1 | 8 ^i P : . ■. - " as 1 :- |££ * • • -• o£ | PITTSBURGH PlPfiNQ & EQUIPMENT CO. CAST IRON, CAST OR ROLLED STEEL PEENED FLANGES 125 AND 2SO POUNDS PRESSURE. US POUNDS PRE-SiURE J &fM -IT r 2SO POUNDS PREiSORE. 125 POUNDS PRESSURE 2SO POUNDS PRESSURE CAST 1 IB6N B Size D 3Z n n ioR 2ft si ii 3i II 3 + I+- 8i 3k •7 - 1 - 2 ii. 122. bf 8z 3* 7 b It I* 1 IU 3s I ft If 3^. 8 Ik 'Ik 35 3| 2f 15 " II, III 3f li 2 1 15 8 It lof loi lb* lit 4S U III 3g I ft iz4 I7i 44 3* It I2t£ I4i 3| I5i 4s 14* 14 1 4ft ibi ll i£i 5 1 14 Z3 1 4 it 4i 28 4| ISiu nt IbS 3* 24i ni 4i n? 41 i% Z3t Ikft 184 44 3f I L. 2 + 4i 18 18ft 4s 31 28 18ft 21 fe 4 + 2 6 41 I II. 46 3ot 20it 23 + 5t 21 1 z4i _i£ 41. I \i 251 S + 2J 24-* 21 24 32 24 n. 41 Zbi 44 18 24 3fc 24ii, 21 + 5B 2 + 27 t>4 2ft 2b 28 34- -v 2 b ft 4S 28t 48 38 + 3b>* 28ft 30; 40* 2fciu "28ft 30 32 + 5 i •Sg 2 it f- 11. 28 + zft 2-i- iu 30 38J 30ft 32? 5g 28 3D 43 30 it. 34z 33 b4 2ft Cast Iron, Flanges 5* to 12 ivto. for izS pounds to be made witW. bosses. 35 ?~.~LlL i PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. "ROLLED STEE.L KIVETED FLANGES E ■ U7ZZ? La-^H. H . ^ V- J ? A.S.M.E. STANDARD RIVETED PIPE MF6S. STANDARD Size D B E K H Size. D B E "h, H BOLT HOLES NO. SIZE B.C. 3 b 3lt 3 lb 5" re. It 4- lb 4* 4- °[ /i 3 4-n; ft ! 1(0 4 7 4ib 4^ * It 8 3. ib ■3 lie 5- 10 ._3 s 8 ft 1 Ib 3" 8 si s 1 ■*- 1 z. 8 ft 1 ' S «7E (p 1! bft 1 3- 3. ft. 1 ii 1 lb b & EQUIPMENT CO. WELDED STEEL FLAN6ES AND PIPE NECKS SIZE T) 250 LBS 350 L&S SIZE d 250 LBS. 3SO LBS. "K "h. TV "h, Zz. li- 1 if 10 nfe la zi 3 st 1 It 12. 2oi if 2f 3* s it i* 14 23 i*. 2l 4- |0 1* '* 15 24-t i > 3 1% 4i ioi It '4- lb 25i 1 8 zl s II it 1} 18 2S 2 3 fe izi It il 20 30i 2t 3t 7 14- \l a 22 33 2| 3t 8 15 1* Z* 24- 3b 2 it 3i ^ Ibt fit at p n P ^ , 1 I i ! V) r^ — — 1 Note:- Dimension, center to face of necks to correspond, to tees as aiuen- in. tables number 8 *«3 I •£ . hnis ■■■■■■• ! - . J>JSW TfO 3/Yoftl JVX»V .3& 1/d PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. WROUGHT STEEL PIPE DRIP POCKETS 250 POUNDS STEAM WORKING PRESSURE L 5 J ,_ D i LT Notes:- Drip Pockets vnill. be made of Extra. Strong, Pipe. Drif> Poc.ke.ts wilu be. furnished without O.AUG.E.6 unuess ordereh Dimensions "A* and" L." may be changed to suit conditions. S12LE D I."D. A L GlAU 0.E TAP DRAIN TAP 2 lot I« 3U 2.4 Z 3 2i 11 Z* 3 (a 24 2 2. 4 3 8% z\ 3U 24 JL 2 I 3i q 3| 3U 24 J. 2 I 4- lO a 11 O 1(9 3U 24 3 4 1 4t lot 4*. 3U 24 1 4- I* 5 II 4& 3(« 24 3 14 6 I2t si 3(0 24 3 1* 7 14 kg 3U 24 3 4 1* 8 15 71 3<* 24 3 4- 14 9 It* 8* 31* 24 3 ^ It 10 ni 1* 3U 24 3 4- It 12 zoi ..11* 3k 24 3 4 1% •-■■-.- .3' ~-:&3roh ■ ■ *S •*• N s +s If* 2 + 1 .;>-•■ V ^1 1 s i J- 1 1 as ii e J ii 23i IU 4ot 7/£ 18 14- . 3. 1 lb /8 25 18 44 79 18 I4t \X 20 27 i 20 48t 87z 20 \5t It 22 2£ 28 {pS |20 24- Zo 1 ^ 1 IU 3o 38| 30 (*7z izki 24- z\ 1 1- 1 4* 32 4/1 32 7/ 134-2: 24- 22 1 , ^- 34- 43 4 34 7k 144 30 23 ii 3U> 4U 3k 80 | 5"0 30 24 li *42- 53 42. 1 8o 27 27 2it *48 5£ PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. MEDIUM GATE VALVES- seM »U™e?Au smts & . b ***" I7SLBS- STEAMV/ORKING PRESSURE. X «u -L J DE SCREW GATE VALVE INSIOE SCREW GATE VALVE SIZE 13 B E F Q L >u SIZE OF BY- PASS Z (si Z \\% 14 bi 7i s 2-i 7i zi 124 I5i bi 8 1 3 84 3 14- )8i 7k •It It 3i 9 3i I4| 2 o | 7i 10 ifti 4 10 4 lU 23 1 ^ ioi 14- 4Z ioi 4t )7 25 4 l # |o8 30 Z5t 24 4 WE RECOMMEND THAT VALVES 8"AND LARGER BE PROVIDED WITH BY-PASS. jpa & aura nuBBi 3^33 r ■q 3 3SI£ £ s ! 1 is 81 *8 e 0! . P ie j !■ +> f f ! | if 01 1! £ j. Jll IS ci 1 i ist X r te\ {of 8 51 8 £, ~M -M _L . » •fell P ll ell 01 in 01 ; S cJ i 81 5i ios si •: Si OS 1 5-^cJ •£i £S -M , JF s ■£ C3 ! 3:1 4» A JL p . i-^V ell IBS «H S e 8S 8S 8! ... SS isx sp sot OS Is its, 0£ 8oi eJ£ *S . f-ya Htty • ioo3H aw PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. EXTRA HEAVY GATE VALVES Semi Steel — 250 Pounds Working Steam Pressure. Cast Steel — See descriptions below. Cast Steel Gate Valves may be made of any of the following combinations: c . f 350 pounds steam working pressure— 800° F. total temperature. Cast Steel Body, Bonnet, Yoke ^ r 6 {and Disc— Sizes 2)4 inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Monel " [Metal Discs. Monel Metal Seats, Monel Metal Stem. c . I 350 pounds steam working pressure— 800° F. total temperature. Cast Steel Body, Bonnet, Yoke and a Disc — Sizes 234 inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Monel Metal ° Discs— Monel Metal Seats. Rolled Steel Stem. Class C 250 pounds steam working pressure — 550° F. total temperature. Cast Steel Body and Disc — Sizes 2J4 inch and larger, discs are faced with Monel Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Monel Metal Discs, [Semi-Steel Bonnet and Yoke. Monel Metal Seats. Rolled Steel Stem. Class f 500 pounds Cold Water working pressure and 400 pounds Boiler Feed Lines. Cast Steel Body, Bonnet, £ •{Yoke and Disc — Sizes 2 l / 2 inch and larger, discs are faced with Hard Metal, 2 inch and smaller, solid Hard u [Metal Discs. Hard Metal Seats. Monel Metal Stem. NOTE: — Classes A, B and D valves only are furnished with condensing chamber and pet cock. For cut of Extra Heavy Valves see Table No. 32 Size D B F L h Sizes of By-Pass Semi-Steel Cast Steel 1$ 5 Wi 854 10J4 12)4 5 634 54 \y 2 6 m 9^ 12)4 13JS 5^ 7A it 2 6)4 2 10^ 1354 155^ 634 834 Vs 2)4 m 2\i 12>g 16 W>A 734 9H 1 3 &y* 3 1454 19)4 21 % 9 11H 1^ m 9 3H 15H 22 2434 10 u% 1ft 4 10 4 17M 24)4 2734 12 12 1)4 4H WH 4;J4 1854 27 2934 12 1334 1ft 5 11 5 20 J4 2954 32)4 14 15 15i 6 12)4 6 23 34)4 3734 16 15J4 1ft 1)4 7 14 7 2454 38 41 18 1634 VA 1)4 8 15 8 2854 4254 4634 20 1634 i% 1J4 9 16)4 9 30)4 47 51 34 20 17 154 1M 10 17)4 10 3354 5254 57^ 22 18 U* 1H 12 20 14 12 37M 60 6454 24 1954 2 2 14 23 14 42 54 6754 7154 24 22)4 234 2 15 2434 15 4254 6754 7154 24 2234 2ft 2 16 25)4 16 7514 8034 27 24 2)4 3 18 28 18 82 J4 875i 30 26 25^ 3 20 3034 20 91 Yi 965-6 30 28 234 4 22 33 22 101 109 36 29)4 2% 4 24 36 24 113 120 36 31 254 4 We rec ommend th at valves 8 nches and arger be pr avided with by-pass. 83V.;. .•anoi 1 aaslO - :8 — 0&Q\ a ,— soeidj a lucq 052 i ,isqibI bns rtani ^tgj :3 issJS-tmsSj 331 10 : ;'3 3bnuoq00{>orise'iu83s-. : 005 1 aaslO ■22ia bns osIoYV q snoM ,8}es2 jbjsM bi£H .sosiO dsisM) 2S .ol :3TOW . 3 M e « ^r 9 Wf S He K^ H^ HS Hrr e K8 r ■ or H*s e *> or » 8 s ? r Hor N* i^GS rr sKf-e Hr 8£ V ^r OS ^82 8 8 ^r 02 Hoe e Nar e 8^f or H^r or 2 *s MM 2r sr £2 l<™ r-r m KSS H*>2 er ! £ ^2 H08 ar 8^2 8^8 8f sr eor , 02 as ror 22 £8 22 rs M r>2 i bnjs sorlon; jnommooei eW PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. TRANSFER VALVES TOR STEAM WORKING PRESSURES UP TO 12SLBS #3. m m dec —Tjrra i8x ■*tYi\ rn m Jdh ,m m m m*. SIZE D B L. E F ia M! CM HoO cvj 'tw>W7WX Illustration, skours nqV\t Viand, cock which will "be. ^*rni*Wed. unlets otherwise, specified. . ■ jjJJI ■ • i : ■ ! • PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. EXTRA HEAVY BRASS UNIONS REGULAR UNIVERSAL SIZE A B C T> X 1 b4- i s 3_ llfe 1 tU 2 I l3. 1 8 1 zh ? 3. C.3Z XL lb If f« £-3Z 28 3 4- 2 \i C-3Z *- lb a 8 ai 2. ? 9 - A lb 5 9- O lb ! *- lb SIZE A B c D ,13 lit 2 J. 2. 18 k 1 8 2s" I ti ! 2* zi 4 ll 14 2 iu 3 k 13 Tb 2i It 28 3| 13 lb i" 2.1b 2 si -Jib 4* ^ a lb . ■■ . ,0© TK"r9«l!U£fcl ". * ' r -. • : • . ss ■c i & 3T ell is 8 s a 1 £ ? -Jl ££S 1 £ e IS U .1 X 8 ^S PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT OO. STANDARD IRON BODY EXPANSION JOINT FOR WORKING, PKE.SSURES UP TO IZS LBS. , , IK Screwed, or Yaw Stowe. Flanae Extra Strong Pipe Note-. Yfrot Iron c* Steel P pe. ton be 1 37 34 a 38 1 z. X IU 8-1* iH 3o 12. 2<*8 30| 32 20 21 1 344 4* 28" it 42 35 3 34 , 3 1* J. 2. &-)4 iH . ■ : ■ -■ . . ■ ■ ■ ■ \ H — ■ T~ ■ £ 5d s> 1 o) ! di . ip r 8 * .- ioi ir Of = - i £ #i Is is icJi dl isi St E i* 81 r 01 - ' Is Is -AC 8 fes 4_ :' ' ' ^s i I p[ *s 1 S i Jit 6^ 8iS j ' | i" | 1 . Is ' j. , ! 1 ■• : ■ ■ lis ss ■ ; : l£S 0( •*s 1 * oM ■ p ■■',S. is " lit e/lS |P5 ': _ \ Jti ■ a. as si ts ■ : : jjog "iPSj-Sf ■'C. PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT OO. LOW PRESSURE COPPER EXPANSION JOINT CiUOBE TYPE IF A DRAIN PAD BRAZED ON WHEN USED HORIZONTAL. JOINT TO BE SCARFED ft: BRAZED, ■A- FLANG.ES MUST swivel SIZE X» a a F "R C B DRAIN 4 g 8 4i bg 7. # 17- L§ z. 4i ^4 8 5" b^ •z. 12. IS A Z. s 10 °i *fc lit 2. IZ is 3 4- la II °i be 8t 2 IZ 3 4 1 izi 10 T| 1* Zi *IZ 1.8 3 8 I3i 10 8| io|i zi IZ .1 '8 3 4 9 IS II if 124 2t IZ. 18 3 4- 10 IU II lo| 138 2f IZ. 18 3 4- IZ 11 II ra* 1*1 Zl IZ. 14 3 4 14 Zl 12 14 ni Z% 10 , 3 1? 3 4 IS 22* IZ IS I8l 2% 10 . 3 1 8 1 lb Z3l 12 lb 20 zl 10 it 1 18 2S 13 18 2.1 zl *.o |2 I 2o 27z 13 20 nl zl 10 . i. 1 2- 14 zz 211 14 22 2S| 3 8 . X 1 Z 14 24 32 14 24 28 3 8 1 2. 1 + 2b 34 + IS 2b 304 38 *8 , X 1 8 14 28 3bt IS 28 32t 38 1 . l 1 8 14 30 38 1 lb 30 34l 3* 1 , 1 18 ii 32 4l| IU 32 3b| 3i b , x 1 8 it 34 43i 17 34- 38 + 3i H . l 1 8 ii 3b 4b n 3b 41 si b 1 8 ii 38 48l 18 38 431 3i s 1 8 ii 40 Sof. 18 4o 45| 3| 5 1 8 it 42 S3 11 42 41 f 4 *4 , 1 1 8 z 44 SS4- IS 44 41s 4 4 . X 1 8 2 4b ■S7 + 20 4b SI 8 44 3 . X 1 8 Z 48 sil 20 48 54 8 44 3 . X 1 8 Z " =1 3 D a i 3^(2 | d 1 *P • ; ill ■ V . 8 «n s\ P 0' cm ' 1 -M -M i - *. Bl ?\ «H -a JS.J?s */ c aJ-f^ X, ■ 1 5* PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. LOW PRESSURE CORRUGATED COPPER EXPANSION JOINT COBNE.'R "ROUNDED (e STUBS GAUGE t>4 PITCH TfN-ZfV-Si/X, 2Z |."D. SIZE X) l_ B ID. t ■k c H «M Mom 4- q 81 4- 5 .3. 18 a. z. *.b 15 ib X Z 4i 1* 8| 4i Si il A. 2 tb IS It. X Z 5 10 8f 5 b \8 2 lb IS X Z b II 8f b 1 , i > 8 X 2 lb 1 X 2 7 lit 8| 7 8 It J. 2 *.b . X 18 X Z 8 i3i 81 8 1 .3 1? X 2 lb 18 X Z 9 IS 8| 4 22 23i z% 3. 8 . lb 1 2. X z 24 32 iz* 24 25| 24- X 8 lb Iz X z 2k 34* 2b 28* 3 , x 18 *lb . 1 1 8 X 2 28 3bl 28 3o* 3 . X 18 lb , 1 1 8 X Z 30 38| So 32* 3 18 lb . 1 1 8 X Z 32 41* 3Z 34* 3 , J. ■ '8 lb ll Z 34- 43 | 34 3U* 3 \i *|ff . 1 1 8 2 3b 4b 3b 38* 3 18 IS 1 8 X Z 38 48* 38 40*" 3 , X 18 15 1* Z 4o _ 3 5o + 40 424 3 , X 18 IS , X 1 8 X z 42 53 42 444- 3 18 *|S 1 8 X z 44 SS% 44 4b* 3 ,x 18 15 1 8 X z 4b Sl% 4b 48* 3 18 14- 1 8 z 48 51t 48 5oi 3 18 14 1 8 z ,00 TK3MP1IU03 A fc&WS- i' - -. -. ' ....... ,. ... 3 ..... , ....... 7 TilHSTCO ,w ! ; .j .sjria .s ' -f 4- _7|_ Jit" it Ml 13s 158 3 20g 5* A 7 A 8 8i A* ill iai I*? _K 3i it 3| 4t 5z to4- J4I 8t g 2z. if 34 3t 4i s U 7* \Zt 3 ib 3 ib 3 ib ^~ Ib 3. Ib s lb 5 ib s Jb_ s ib ib ib s Ib 5 Ib Ib S lb s M 3 3z 54 fee 7* I of |5^ 1 lb ?£ *- ib 2. ib 3ib O |(e 4 lb - 13 4Tb bib . a bib 7ib 8 ib Q LL nib lofe 1 3 it L£ft it it it 28 2* H T I ib 1 lb 2 ib ii 4 3* 3g _3^ 31 4i :.7S.e5JOOO* J jjTj^ilsi l^M^ I + 1-fet.l ".[ pi ilosl^i ] GslJo(|ses PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO* HYDRAULIC FLANGED FITTINGS & FLANGES 2500LBS PRE5SVRE- DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG. PIPE, CAST STEE<- PIT^lNGSa FLANG.ES |6»ZE D B H O LE S L K H s ; T r*i F "b H rt NO. S>Z.E B C 4 5 z 4 1 1 lb 32 54 3i Zi 3 Ib X 4 i ,x lib X Ib It * ! 54- 5 IT 4 a lb 3| si 3i 2$ 3 Ib X 4 14 I 5 I Ib X z. ift 1 1$ si 1 8 4- u lb 4 b 3i 3 3 Ib X 4 «f 1 u- 1 Ib 5 8 ill It It bi 1* 4 (3 lb /1 ^ 4^ bi 23 J 4 34 3 lb X 4 11 1 » s 1 lb f il 14 2 7i il 4 IS lb si 1 4 32- 3 Ib X 4 i\ a 4 2 l! 2a 8 || 8 13 lb 61- li 4i 3^. 4 s Tb 2/ ib zi 0. 8 zfe It 3 8t 24 8 |3 lis a 8 5" 4i X 4 ft 3 it A 1 2.1b ii 31 lb it 34. zi b I4t 4£ 8 1* iii lit 7 74- X 4 S ib I 5. VJ lb b I I* 3| *T 7 Ib4 5g IZ if. 1*1 12.1 7| 8 X 4 lb ^ 9- 1 fb 14 2 3t 2i 8 i8i b$ IZ 1 ib isl 132 8t 1 X 4 S Ib § ib 8| 28 3| 3 10 21 81 20 ire, nl Ib It 11 X 4 s ib loft, io|. 24 4 3t 12 Z3i lof 20 1 1 1 ib 20 1 11 II iai X 4 lb IZiv, »2.| 2* 4t 3* . 3 ■ PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. WESTERN HYDRAULIC STANDARD SEMI STEEL — SOO POUNDS WATER WORKING. PRESSURE CAST STEEL — I50O POUNDS WATER WORKING PRESSURE L. Size D B HOLES C L K M F T 5 "R E. G b H ■Vu Wo. S1Z.& B C. 2 5" 4- lb 3^ si 44 3 2 zk 3 It 8 4i 24 1 8 3 4 a. 4 1 5i 1 4 f 4* a 4t 3 2€ at 3 lb S 4^ zi 1 + 2. 4 X 8 8 1* bz 14 4 3 4- 5" b4 5 3 3 2 + 2t! 3 lb X 8 si 28- If x 8 1 1 li bt It 4 3 4 5" 74 st 3i 38" 3iu 3 lb 8 si 3* li IS is 18 18 z 7i 1 1* lit 4 i 8 sf 8 b 3i 3f 3 It 3 lb 8 u 3* \l i 14 l4 zi 81 2£ 8 l 8 bt 8| bt 4 48 3i £ lb X 8 b§ 4* l£ ift 3 1 8 ll 3 10 zi 8 i 8 ^i 7t 4t S sib 3 lb X 3 71 4* 2 18 ,1 1 lb lit si lot 3| 8 1 8t 10 8 S 5t si 3 Tb 8 71 5t 2fc ifb . S 1 8 If 4- lit 3£ 8 18 H |o| 8i si U bit 3 lb 8 8i b 2Tt 1^ I LL 1 lb i u 1 lb 4i lit 4* 12 10 izt it si bt fc't X lb X 8 ii bf 2| ll l l3 > lb 14 5 rat *ft \Z 18 II 13* IO (, It 7!u 3 lb X 8 if 7t 2f it l 1 1 8 il (0 15 5 | 12 . X u I2t 15 li bi 81 8 iu 3 lb X 8 12. 81 2f it 2 it 2ib 7 lb a IU . J. |4 138 Ibt lit 7 11 •lit X t 3 lb 1* It 2t! 'I 24- 24 8 n 7| lb . 3 1 8 148 nl IZt 74 s log loft J. 1 Tb 148 lof 2'ib It *t zi 9 isi si It , 3 Is I5t 2o| 1 3 i U "I ii fi 4 3 lb Ibt III si ii 2ii 2t 10 21 ii 20 1 8 17* ZZ% IS 8i 111 1 2 it 4 3 lb Ibt IS 3 lb 2 z% 4 12 Z3t lo| 2° i X 12 20a 24| Ibt it IS* 15ft X 4 3 lb 20 158 Sit M 38 3 6 RtDUCINOu TEES AND CR06SES S IZE L. "P 8x2 TO 8 x 4 1 10 IZ 8x5 TO 8x1 lit lit 10x2 TO 10 X 5 1 1 14 10 x b TO 10 x 8 IS is 12x2 TO IZxb 12 ist IZ xT TO 12 *I0 Ibt ibt 3JJUA5 3T3 3W — J23TE J32T£ T4A3 jJH "T J 0, S x 8 i-si . or a x s ■M 1 1 . I 0T Sa 01 2| ei 8* :.. 51 cJxSI OT Sa£I ' PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. PITTSBURGH STEEL MILLS HYDRAULIC STANDARD SEMI ST£EL— 800 POUNDS WATER WORKING PRESSURE I500 POUNDS WATER WORKING. PRESSURE K M K 4i si 54 2% 3i si z% zt 14 It It 5% It 2 ft. 2 + \% I2 4^ ti 3* 3iu 3? It si 31 3X 3t 28 22 2 it 72 ?2 4iu 11 4i 4 it 4t si 24 It 8i 5rt 54 lOi 38 84 9* 5 + 6iu 28 41 S 114 12* 3| 1 4 <\\ 10 + 5i u § toll. » 2 ft 43 1 4 IU IO£ 14 71 7i 2 + 24 28 I4S 58 134 Ui 8fc 28 lb 12 134 15 12! If Q U- 1 Ik Is 2| n£ fci 14* !bi 74 log 212 \i \it I la 8£ IQfe I3iu 28 38 IS 24 24 34 25 IO4. ZO 18 9t 154 I Si 172 24 JJl REDUCING. TEES AND CROSSES SI Z-E. L P B«2 TO 8x« ioi IZ 8 *S TO 8x1 13 t isi 10 x a to 10x5 12.4- 14* 10 >b TO 10 x a l(a 11 IZ X I TO IZxU is* It, 12x7 TO IZ X IO 18 IB ■ ^^?j£vsk\i - ■ ' ■II or PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. CAST 5TEEL HYD"RMJL\C FITTlNaS FOR WORKING. PRESSURES UP TO ISOO LBS. Size I* 21 3 j£ ±_ 5 j_ 8 D T 4 it It loj. 3 iTi HOLES n A 2*_ It it it li N"0. 4- 4- 8 SliE ~ DT lb 11- )b 13 75 15 gg 15 IS I lb IS lb _L± 18 | lb B.C 3t ii JS It Jill 134 It| ii it *1 ji i± si bi Til It 3l . 3 S* 5§ _3± H 14- lt 1 3 I? .a it 28" K 24 2t 3t 44 74 si )02 lit lb! I 8 Jl ii. ii ii 3i 4* si 28 _24 ii li 4i •4 it lot III _Q_ f 3 T. J, it It if It 4-i 2l 3i 4-i 5* 5i T a i 5 8_ 3 j ±_ 1 £ 8 • rrm 5T M J sc a 3Sf8 8i s «! s ^ 4s. *i ^ 1 1 e) *) is ••■ < E( V o5 r £ , -5 I cJ 4>t 8 ! ■£ t s$ a, s -L . £ i8 :• S "8. "f £ J & if io i ii? 1 J_ -■ x„ ^ |! JL 8£ ■f o | i. ol r Is sSI Is ii s ^I 8^ E * s 8 Bl Sd III Ii \K s-N t) -L d 0- » £> -Un £s ; ie\ - 1 - 1 ia ell r 0! -f\ 81 8 goi - n • ; PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. CAST STEEL HYDRAULIC FLANGES FOR WORKING. PRESSURES UP TO 1SOO UBS. |VJ SOFT COPPER G.ASKET XX STRONG. "PIPE TD H O LE.S L F Q H M N ■p Size i.r>. O.D. N"0. size: B.C. 3 4- .42 I. OS 5" 4- 1(0 3i 1 1 4- 2t 2g 2 21 1 .51 1. 32 5* 4- "It 3* a 8 It 3. 8 2| 2-1 2* 38" 1* .81 l.fcb 5* 4 13 lb 48" 1 it 3 8 2f 2 id> 2l 3| It l.ol l.lo 64. 4- IS TG 4| 18 il 3 8 28 Zib 2f 3* 2 1.41 2.38 7* 4- IS lb 5"f It it 1 si 3| 3f 4l 2t l.7fe 2.88 8i 4- 1 J- liu 6i 1* 1 -s JL 2. 3g 4* H si 3 2.2B 3.50 1* 4- 1 1 1 lb 7| 1* II A. 2 3z c 3 5 ib 5 b4- 3t 2.12 4.00 ioi 8 IS lb 71 it II z 3t si Sz 7 4- 3.I4- 4.50 |o| 8 llb 84 It II z 3| , 3 (98 7t S 4.ob 5.51? I2| 8 li- lot If l a 8 JL z 4- 7i 71 11 6 4.88 b.b3 14-i 8 il Ml il 2 5 8 4| 1* 8S lot 7 5.88 7.b3 IU 12. 1 lb 13* 24 2t .J 8 5 lot 104. 12* 8 b.88 8.b3 n 12 1* 14-1 2* 2^ 8 5 8 11? lit 13* ; . ■ ■ 23 ' .. . - , . 1 : i i . . ■ ■ . I Si . , *l ' • ■ ' . . . . iJi c . -*-! . 1 £ ? i . . . i\ -P- i . -f i 8 . dc.c|«)0.f 1 H. ioi 8P f£ s 1 ioi 8 ! - , "61 ■ - PITTSBUHQH PgPSNG & EQUIPMENT CO. HYDRAULIC PIPE WITH WELDEI> COLLARS FOR USE WITH CLAMP COU PUN (IS & FITTINGA AS SHOWN BE.UOW 3ooo pounds working, pressure 4,000 POUNDS TEST PRESSURE, a D -, yls TAPER TYPICAL CONNECTION TELE SIZE D A B E F Q H 2 3z 2§ li 3 4- $ 2§ ll zi 4 zi 1 + 3 4 i 2* It 3 4-1 3i 24- 3 4- X 8 3l If 3i 5-i 4 24 3 4- a 3| ll 4 1st 4i 3S 13 lb 8 4* ii 4i a s Oib a. 8 j. 8 4| 2 5" 7f 5}l 4lb 2. 6 8 54 2S 6 8i kg 4-1 i * U 2* 7 4 4i 44 5 It 5t 4 a ib 4 8 54 a Jl lb It b£ 4 13 ib 4| *\ b 74 3 £ 72 4 IS iu 5£ \o b| 8l 13 lb 2i 8 8 13 lb fe4- II* *7^ /8 n a 8 3 8i 8 13 b^. 124- 84- |04- 1 4 1 02 8 15 lb 8k 132 1-1 lll Ifc irtK ., J a asie it s 8* £ . ^ -f-f ^ ■f ii •A ci |-P> ell $cl c *B ei p. s ■ o &0{ U » £ Jl{ $u ff.f 18 o 3i PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO CAST IRON SCREWED FITTINGS I2S AND 250 POUNDS PRESSURE L A J |. A X A L A .l A i T -%1 * -J A w4i p+Lp* ,-T ^ — F u .J *1 -i.t- f— i — •r i A £\^>^ -i Q y^f . / tff ' ■- -JtL bt BOW T> ELBOW TEE CROS6 45° E.L UATERAL 125 pounds pressure: 250 POUNDS PRESSURE X SIZE A B c D T "b SIZE A B C D T b 4- 13 lb 4 3. 8 8 1 1 15 lb lb a ib 32. 3 8 X 2 It a 8 ll | 2 i Ib i. 2 3. 4 If 1 2* 3 4- a ib 32. 2 1 lib it a 3 4" £1 32. 1 32 1 2 l! 13 Ib 5 Ib 1 Ib * I 3 - '4- 1 ib 3^ I 25 32 X 4- ii 2* ii •i ib ifb 2.9 32, XL 32. S 8 l£ If l it> •5 Ib £ 25 32 4- It ?2- t-ib ■8 4i lip ii 32- il 32 1 2 2* 1 ib 4i 1* % X 4/ 2 3 ,15 1 ib «t Ifc »8 3 I ii 2i 2^ 1 ib Sft ,X lib IS Ib X 4- 2i 3k 2* b 6 ii ii 1 Ib ii ib 3 3* zft b8 ll l& 3. 32 3 48 2l he 2 Ifb 1 2 1 3k 3 it 2l fc>8 2 18 a. 32 34 4it 2l 7l Z8 1! I Ib it 4- sl 2f 7# 2* li 1 4- sfc 2$ 8i 2iu ll 3. ib Ifc 4i 4fc 2 it 8i 2 8 1* 1 Ib 4i si 3 life S. 8 18 S 4 it 3 it <\l 2| Ifb 15 32. s a Oil, 1^ 1.32 Ii lb .3 iTb t> 5s" 3 ib 10J ztt (11 i- 2 t, 7* 3| 1 32. 3 4- 1* 7 5& 3t 12* 3 If X 2 7 sa- 4- Zsz. 0. 8 li 8 ti 4* lit 3ib l! X 2 8 il 44- -a. 232. 1 i£ 9 7i 4* l<4 a!5 3 ib 1 Jb Ib 1 104. rt 2 8 it •I 10 7i 'fit ib| s is 3fb 2»b f 10 ni 4l 11 2JI It ii 12 1* (0 nf 4i 2! 3 4- 12 I3| si 23z. ll if 60 43M-- . i 3fi 1 OB J PITTSBURGH P1PINQ & EQUIPMENT OO. HYDRAVJUC DROP FORGED STEEL FITTINGS n SIZE UP TO 3000 LBS. -PRESS. A W E 1 O. H T S ELLS TEES 3001 UBS. TO 10000 LBS. PRESS W E I G. H T S ELLS TEES 4 2. LBS. 4- LBS. it it 2. LBS. 3 ^. LBS. 1^- It 3 II 14- It 1±. it Ji E4- it rt Pi 2* zi Zl. ■7 X 5*- ^4- 2 2. Zi 3- ^OHITTH -13318 G3£fT03 ^OfiCX O/JUAHQYH 2£3?n .3&j ooooi ot .eaj ioo£ .ee3H^r .agj oooe or qu 3ste 3 T H jO i 3 W A e r h jo law A S^3T SJJ3 33 3T 3JJ3 .334 ^ .aaj J; i -^ .29J fi .aa-j i *l J. S 4.. i- a! " I il •f 5 4, J. .s " s I * *\ If " *! " 1 -ft " -£S •* li £ " *l •• i\ 1 » s •• is •fS * is • ii s + 1 " £"5 .. 4> is - E •• is *s ii •• r • *) is •• 4* " -£ J. c s ■• r - id ds te 2! s + ! is. Is e SI s* 1 >ITT8Bl JRGH PIP1NQ & I PIPE SUPPOT? i ft ■qu T& :> K EAT> IPMENT CO. fl tc \ 1 d ?' ; i B ] ri L JJ £J r THR ^^ STRfllttH r^p Size. A i i c D E F a H K L r 6*z.c of BoitS T Tat* BORE 4- 4| 2 zh 2* 3* i 3 4" 1* 3t # st •t 2 X 14-t it 4* 5$ 2 zh 9 - 1 - 3| i * li 3t f sf X 4- t x \si it 5" 5% zi zh 3$ 4* i | It 3* £ b* * 4 x n it b b| at zik 3$ 4* * 1 8 i 3 3 + f 7* X 4- t x ro it 7 7? zi 2 Ik 3$ 4* f J E st 8 - * 8* * txzit it 8 8* 3 3* 4 S* a. 4- 1 a 2* 4 # <^* j. 4- t X Z4- ll 9 1* 3 3* 4 S* 3. 6 I 2t 4 f 10* 1 X 14- t X z(. I* 10 H 3 3* 4 S* i li 4 I Ml l X. z. f xz4 't IZ 13 4 4* S b* i 3* 4 3 I3f , X 1 z f X33t 2 14 14* 4 4* ^ b* i 18 3t 4 ^ Ifl 1 z f x37 2 15 15* 4 4* 5" b* i ,x is 4 4i ft lb z |x3l z Ifa lb* 4 4* S b| i 4* 4t 1 17 J. z ^x+oi z 18 18* 4 4* S bl i .1 14- S 5 J 11 X z 1x4-5 2 20 2o£ 4 4* s bi i* 1* si 5" 1 21 1 x z. fx4-4 2 ZZ 22 + 5 S& b it is 1 4 si si J 23 z. 3 <-/! JL ? a54^ 2i 24 24-* 5 5ft b 7| 1* It b si 258 3 ixsii 2i 2b Zb* 5 s£ b 7f 1* , 3 '5 bi b Z78 3 4 | xt,3z 2t 28 28+ S 33Z b 7e 1* Is 7 b 2"}8 3 4- 3. . i -ri- 8 Xb7z zi 30 304 S 5 32. b 8 1* ■ 3 I 8 7t b '8 31* z 1 X.7ZZ 2i 32 32* b bit 7 8t 1* . 3 1 S 8 b 18 33* 2 1 Xlb 3 34- 34* b felu 7 8$ 1* lis 8t bi id 3S* Z 1 X80t 3 3b 36* b bit 7 °} 1* . 3 1 8 9 bt '8 37* Z I X8S 3 38 38* b bjfc 7 10 '8 ,X 1 2. 1 bt . X Is 3^4- Z- I x8 10 7 II 43* 2 1 X'll it 44 44* 8 81 9 lot It . 3 1 *■ II 7 , X 14- 4S| 2 18 X|03 3t 4b 4b* 8 8i 1 • of It '8 ii 8 It 47§ %- |8 Xlo8 3t 48 48* 8 81 v : : ? ■■■■„ i 1* \ si . 5. S is E y i ii § is ii -f ■ 4£ e IP ■ ." I+-M T* ( ^ . 2 1 - Ti J £ i* ~£ PI I ~ ; ~ j ' . 'L 4-f* •tos OS d - + ss 5 s !i ^ Sic. i 01 •S-i Si SOI p S+ ; tl ioi p is +*> ■H* 8 ti lot IB -tcJf ■ ' 8 ? ■ ; ' ' p is 11 0! *l ii ...... §0! : o "O-'l 8 h - e *■.-. 6-( tff-e s-S ■■■■= i* is - f if-s d-l j 2. *f-S ■" P c °-e id d c)-2. P-s *-r 8-E + -S f£-d o-£ r V -d if -8 $s-+ 8-S i/o-r «j-f 8 8 £-S 0-|| d-£ ioi-r 01 P " J}r-8 d-i 0* +oi-r o-a o -SS c-ll o-r +i s\ °-d | id -si o-8 81 -M . | is -w o-p OS *\ Jtr-8 i O -H c-v j SI i £ i <- i o-8 i fe-n O-il *s B'l ■ fl-fl +01-81 o-s, +s OS PITTSBURGH PIPINQ & EQUIPMENT CO. EXPANSION U BENDS STANDARD STEEL PIPE Note.:- Steel Flawqes should always, \>e used, on ticpansiow. jomt&. SIZE A "R L TOTAL PIPE REQUIRED z 3 r-$T b - b" R'-i I'- 2i 3i 1-8" 7-3" ll- of" 3 4- 1-9" 7-8" 11-8" 3i 4i r-iof 8-3" 12-fef" 4 5 2-o" 8-i°" 13- 4s" 4i si 2-3 ? 9 -if 15- Of" 5 t* 2-b" N-o" lb-8't" b loi 2-9" i2- r 18-45 7 7 3-o" 13-2" 20-04' 8 8 3-2" 14-0" 21-21" 9 10 3-b" 15-8" 23- 7 i" 10 1 2. 4-o" 18-0" 27- if" IZ 14 5~P/ 22-4" 35-9" . Nh j- -:sioVl i "1° ~ . li ' . • -s ^ ■ ■■ "*5-S> "J. h. ! "l-~ "P-'S d , "s- l o-X ■ "o- ■..■■",■ s-e. 8 "8-21 Tl- '81 >„ ae "o-a h PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. LENQTHS OF <]0 DEGREE. ARCS "RAD o'- o" l'-o" 2-o" 3-0* 4- 0" 5-0" b- 0* 7-0" RAD. ARC o" l-Ua 3-l| 4 - 8t" t'-3|" l-ioi" 1 L 58 II- O" I4 Z" 1 If. i — 8t 3-3* 4-iog t-5" 1-llS 1-bf ll-lz It 2l 2 38" 1— io S-4'4 4-lllt b-bl 8 - if ^-84 11 -3i ll 24 3 4| l-lift, 3-bl s-ii b-88 8-3 I- !* ll-4| 24 3 lb 4 b* 2-18 3-8 S-Zl fc-lft 8-4i 1-lif ll-bi 2t 5 n 2-2S 3- 21-118 23- b|" si frl 1 12-81 14-34 lS-|Oit n-4s n-bt 18-ni 20- bf 22- it 23-8fb 5% 1 2 u-lK i*-4i 15-llf 11- ill 2o-8fc 22-3a» 23- 18- bi lofb 3 12 -lit 14-bi Ib-l4 I1r*8t n-28 2o-l| 22- 4§ 23- lit It ni 4 13- liu 14-li! ib-zi n-if n-4t 2o-||^ 22- b4- 24- I Bt »3i 5 l3-2§ 14-li lb-4l n-ni 19 -bit 2l-o| 22-7| 24- 2§ It I4« b 13-44- 14-iliu lb-si l8-o| ll-ll 2l-2t 22-1 + 2.4- 4& lot ibi 7 13- 5 'i| iS-o| lb-7i !8 - 2|t, 11-1 H 21-4- 22-10$ 24- 5| lit I8ib 8 I3-1| 15-24 lb-lit 18-38 H-ioi 2I-Sf 23-ot 24-lH lit Hf 1 13-8'il 15-3! iU-io| 18-st 20-oft Zl.-tfb 23-2it 24-88 I3t 2ljb 10 13-ioi IS-5.1 n-o* 18-lit 20-1% 2l-8|i 23- 3f 24- lot I4t 22|\ II 14-oib 15-fcl 11- it I8-8| 20-3z 21-10^ 23- 5 | 25- I5t Z*l o© immMium & ©^i»^ '!^ ; ;..^'KTr^i PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT GO. LENGTH OF CIRCULAR ARC SUBTENDED BY ANY ANGLE RADIUS BEING 1.00 DEGREES MINUTES Length Length Length Length Length Degress or Degrees of Degrees Minutes of Minutes Arc Arc Arc Aro 1 .0175 31 .5411 61 1.0647 1 .000290 31 .009017 2 .0349 32 .5585 62 1.0821 2 .000581 32 .009308 3 .0524 33 .5760 63 1.0996 3 .000872 33 .009599 4 .0698 34 .5934 64 1.1170 4 .001163 34 .009890 5 .0873 35 .6109 65 1.1345 5 .001454 35 .010181 6 .1047 36 .6283 66 1.1519 6 .001745 36 .010472 7 .1222 37 .6458 67 1.1694 7 .002036 37 .010762 8 .1396 38 .6632 68 1.1868 8 .002327 38 .011053 9 .1571 39 .6807 69 1.2043 9 .002618 39 .011344 10 .1745 40 .6981 70 1.2217 10 .002908 40 .011635 11 .1920 41 .7156 71 1.2392 11 .003199 41 .011926 12 .2094 42 .7330 72 1.2566 12 .003490 42 .012217 13 .2269 43 .7505 73 1.2741 13 .003781 43 .012508 14 .2443 44 .7679 74 1.2915 14 .004072 44 .012799 15 .2618 45 .7854 75 1.3090 15 .004363 45 .013090 16 .2793 46 .8029 76 1.3265 16 .004654 46 .013380 17 .2967 47 .8203 77 1.3439 17 .004945 47 .013671 18 .3142 48 .8378 78 1.3614 18 .005236 48 .013962 19 .3316 49 .8552 79 1.3788 19 .005526 49 .014253 20 .3491 50 .8727 80 1.3963 20 .005817 50 .014544 21 .3665 51 .8901 81 1.4137 21 .006108 51 .014835 22 .3840 52 .9076 82 1.4312 22 .006399 52 .015126 23 .4014 53 .9250 83 1.4486 23 .006690 53 .015417 24 .4189 54 .9425 84 1.4661 24 .006981 54 .015708 25 .4363 55 .9599 85 1.4835 25 .007272 55 .015898 26 .4538 56 .9774 86 1.5010 26 .007563 56 .016289 27 .4712 57 .9948 87 1.5184 27 .007854 57 .016580 28 .4887 58 1.0123 88 1.5359 28 .008144 58 .016871 29 .5061 59 1.0297 89 1.5533 29 .008435 59 .017162 30 .5236 60 1.0472 90 1.5708 30 .008726 60 .017543 % ■:■ .; -..-: ■■■ .■■ v ; : ■.:■■-. : ■ -. : >:> •■- ■ ■ 3J0I4A YH i RAJUOai i MI38 3UK3AB p~— — S3TUHIM J 1 1 itJcnoJ i * :<> 1 a-(A oeiufiiM ■ lo srcA .... . bi tuniWS • i atro. ^tosoo. rs 062000. r rr*a. Boeeoc S£ rseooo. - i ■ mo, i eeesoo. ££ STOOOO. £3 ■ . . ■ *anoo. ' c£ :-• a ! raroro. as : i & 8 ! ersr.r - as \*or. a ! saw re. ■-: i TO . v f^srro. 85 • arasoo. 8 SWS.f 83 68 sees. 8£ aser, 8 es i sear to. » soesoo. \rss.r or rssa. o> ' CI •. mo. r*> Geieoo. rr sess.r rr vssro. s* oe**oo, . :•-. •'-" er aoesro. e?^ rewoo. ST J . -■:■'■ , - ! i k i e\&~. ■ ■ , m I oeoero. ?!!> ar 0906, r 2? W8\. :• ares. ar joassro. 8* W3KW. ar 2 j'C 6203. . - rcasro. » a *ei«oo vr £028. S36£r0. 8* aeseoo. 8f . ' gi i sr ses^ ro. e» aseeoo. er .. - .,-. mm oa Tf8c00. OS 53G£.t 08 ■ : sesMO. re aoraoo. rs te«a rs roee. ra eaee. •' •)\: sa eseaoc , 22 2?£>.r S8 awe. se Q*8S. 22 trtero. ea 083300. r asw».r £8 0B2&. ■ £2 sorero. *e rasstso. 2TSY00. 32 f8».r ■■: as*e. seas. t-e esr^. £2 sesaro. l S£8M SB 33 eee*. 52 essaro. aa Esevoo. 82 oroe.r 38 me. :■: seal 82 s )83aro v. es ! esaa.t 68 wso.r ee raoa. swvo. 03 ■■;■' C80Q . ;-.".:>■ : oe ■ oa 3£2c. 0£ WEIGHTS OF CYLINDRICAL CASTINGS IN POUNDS PER INCH NOTE: — To compute the weight of hollow cylindrical iron castings subtract the weight for inside diameter from the weight of outside diameter and multiply by the length in inches. Add 10 per cent, for steel and 15 per cent, for brass. Dia. H" l A" %" Yi' %" K" J4" .00 .0034 .0137 .0309 .0550 .0859 .1237 .1684 1 .22 .2783 .3444 .4144 .4956 .5996 .6740 .7728 2 .88 .9940 1.11 1.24 1.37 1.51 1.66 1.82 3 1.98 2.15 2.32 2.51 2.69 2.89 3.09 3.30 4 3.52 3.74 3.97 4.21 4.45 4.70 4.96 5.22 5 5.50 5.78 6.06 6.35 6.65 6.96 7.27 7.59 6 7.92 8.25 8.59 8.94 9.29 9.65 10.02 10.39 7 10.77 11.16 11.56 11.96 12.37 12.78 13.21 13.64 8 14.07 14.52 14.97 15.42 15.89 16.36 16.84 17.32 9 17.81 18.31 18.81 19.33 19.85 20.37 20.90 21.44 10 22.00 22.54 23.10 23.67 24.25 24.82 25.41 26.01 11 26.61 27.22 27.83 28.45 29.08 29.72 30.36 31.01 12 31.67 32.33 33.00 33.68 34.36 35.05 35.75 36.45 13 37.16 37.88 38.61 39.34 40.08 40.82 41.58 42.34 14 43.10 43.87 44.65 45.44 46.23 47.04 47.84 48.66 15 49.48 50.31 51.14 51.98 52.83 53.69 54.55 55.42 16 56.30 57.18 58.07 58.97 59.87 60.78 61.70 62.62 17 63.55 64.49 65.44 66.39 67.35 68.31 69.29 70.27 18 71.25 72.25 73.25 74.25 75.26 76.28 77.31 78.35 19 79.39 80.43 81.49 82.55 83.62 84.70 85.78 86.87 20 87.96 89.07 90.18 91.29 92.42 93.55 94.68 95.83 21 96.98 98.14 99.30 100.47 101.65 102.84 104.03 105.23 22 106.44 107.65 108.87 110.10 111.33 112.57 113.82 115.07 23 116.33 117.60 118.88 120.16 121.45 122.74 124.04 125.35 24 126.67 127.99 129.32 130.66 132.00 133.35 134.71 136.07 25 137.44 138.82 140.21 141.60 143.00 144.40 145.82 147.24 26 148.66 150.09 151.53 152.98 154.43 155.89 157.36 158.84 27 160.32 161.80 163.30 164.80 166.31 167.82 169.35 170.88 28 172.40 173.95 175.50 177.06 178.62 180.19 181.77 183.36 29 184.94 186.54 188.15 189.76 191.38 193.00 194.60 196.30 30 197.90 199.50 201.23 202.90 204.60 206.30 207.94 209.60 . ! - I ■ . ■ 8 . . - . : . • .' -. ! . . ar - ■ ! ■ 3e.\8 ■ . . . . < . ! • i ■ l . ' i ■ . ■ . 32 ■ ■ ^2 ■ • 5< ! op.ee r i M.m . . n 0E.302 82. ros WEIGHTS OF CYLINDRICAL CASTINGS IN POUNDS PER INCH NOTE:— To compute the weight of hollow cylindrical iron castings, subtract the weight for inside diameter from the weight of outside diameter and multiply by the length in inches. Add 10 per cent, for steel and 15 per cent, for brass. Dia. Vs" K" w V*" 5 A" H" %" 31 211.34 213.04 214.76 216.48 217.21 219.94 221.68 223.43 32 225.20 226.95 228.70 230.50 232.30 234.00 235.90 237.70 33 239.50 241.30 243.10 245.00 246.80 248.60 250.50 252.40 34 254.20 256.00 258.00 259.90 261 .70 263.60 265.50 267.50 35 269.40 271 .30 273.30 275.20 277.10 279.10 281.10 283.00 36 285.00 287.00 289.00 291 .00 293.00 295.00 297.00 299.00 37 301 .00 303.10 305.10 307.20 309.30 311.30 313.40 315.50 38 317.50 319.60 321 .70 323.80 326.00 328.10 330.20 332.30 39 334.50 336.60 338.80 341 .00 343.10 345.30 347.50 349.70 40 351 .90 354.00 356.30 358.50 360.70 362.90 365.20 367.40 41 369.70 371 .90 374.20 376.50 378.70 381.00 383.30 385.60 42 387.90 390.20 392.60 394.90 397.20 399.60 401 .90 404.30 43 406.60 409.00 411.40 413.70 416.10 418.50 420.90 423.30 44 425.70 428.20 430.60 433.00 435.50 437.90 440.40 442.90 45 445.30 447.80 450.30 452.80 455.30 457.80 460.30 462.80 46 465.30 467.90 470.40 472.90 475.50 478.00 480.60 483.20 47 485.80 488.40 491.00 493.60 496.20 498.80 501.40 504.00 48 506.70 509.30 512.00 514.60 517.30 521 .00 522.60 525.30 49 528.00 530.70 533.40 536.10 538.80 541.60 544.30 547.00 50 549.80 552.50 555.30 558.10 560.80 563.60 566.30 569.20 51 572.00 574.80 577.60 580.40 583.30 586.10 588.90 591 .80 52 594.60 597.60 600.40 603.30 606.10 609.00 61 1 .80 614.90 53 617.70 620.60 623.60 626.50 629.40 632.40 635.30 638.30 54 641.20 644.20 647.20 650.20 653.20 656.20 659.20 662.20 55 665.00 668.00 671 .00 674.00 677.00 680.00 683.00 686.00 56 690.00 693.00 696.00 699.00 702.00 705.00 708.00 71 1 .00 57 714.00 718.00 721 .00 724.00 727.00 730.00 733.00 736.00 58 740.00 743.00 746.00 749.00 753.00 756.00 759.00 762.00 59 766.00 769.00 772.00 775.00 779.00 782.00 785.00 788.00 60 791 .00 795.00 798.00 802.00 805.00 808.00 811.00 815.00 3DMH HOMi R3S I yd ylqij .386ld r oe.e£2 0a.0£2 CJ-.262 oe.oas 0!.£*2 03A32 oe.ess 0\.r32 • 0r.T^2 02.6KS . 6E - oa.ers 0E.90E 0£.2££ 00.32£ OT.iSE - or.£*£ ■ - 0T.03E ' f* o£.w«> 02AGS OG.*e£ 2* 0E.£2*> oe.sr* or.ar* ot.et* £* 0K0*f oe.ra> OO.EE* ** 08.23* OE.03* 0£.ee* os.se* OE.oa* 02.£8*> 1 oo.wa 08.8e* 02.se* 03.EG*- W o£.esa os.sse : OC.Ytc os>ra 00.2 ra OE.eoe oo.\*-e 0£.r>t»a 03. 1*6 08.8£a or.3£a 0*.££6 OT.osa 02.893 0E.333 03.836 08.033 or.sae ,. " 08.ree 06.886 or.ssa 03.TY3 08.*\3 09.M3 08. r rs . Or. 303 0£.£03 . ■ 0£.8£c> 0£.a£8 0*.e23 03.323 . 03.023 • 02.eas : 05.£a3 02.033 02.\*3 02>*3 05. r*a 00.383 0O.S83 00.083 00.^3 CO. i-C3 00.833 . oo.rrt 00.80^ oo.eov 00.666 ■ . - 63 00.3£"\ 00.££V . OOAS-C oo.m T6 00.28\ oo.eas: ocae-j oo.£a\- oo.en ■ I 00.88\ oo.esf 00.28f OO.STT 00.3TT • ee cxxe rs oo.trs 00.808 00.608 00.208 ■ WEIGHTS OF CYLINDRICAL CASTINGS IN POUNDS PER INCH NOTE:— To compute the weight of hollow cylindrical iron castings, subtract the weight for inside diameter from the weight of outside diameter and multiply by the length in inches. Add 10 per cent, for steel and 15 per cent for brass. Dia. 0" %" %" %" l A" %" %" %" 61 818. 822. 825. 829. 832. 835. 839. 842. 62 845. 849. 852. 856. 859. 862. 866. 869. 63 873. 876. 880. 883. 887. 890. 894. 897. 64 901. 904. 908. 911. 915. 918. 922. 926. 65 929. 933. 936. 940. 944. 947. 951. 954. 66 958. 962. 965. 969. 972. 976. 980. 984. 67 987. 991. 995. 998. 1002. 1006. 1009. 1013. 68 1017. 1021. 1024. 1028. 1032. 1036. 1039. 1043. 69 1047. 1051. 1054. 1058. 1062. 1066. 1070. 1074. 70 1077. 1081. 1085. 1089. 1093. 1097. 1101. 1105. 71 1109. 1112. 1116. 1120. 1124. 1128. 1132. 1136. 72 1140. 1144. 1148. 1152. 1156. 1160. 1164. 1168. 73 1172. 1176. 1180. 1184. 1188. 1192. 1196. 1200. 74 1204. 1208. 1212. 1217. 1221. 1225. 1229. 1233. 75 1237. 1241. 1245. 1249. 1254. 1258. 1262. 1266. 76 1270. 1274. 1278. 1283. 1287. 1291. 1295. 1300. 77 1304. 1308. 1312. 1317. 1321. 1325. 1329. 1333. 78 1338. 1342. 1347. 1351. 1355. 1359. 1364. 1368. 79 1373. 1377. 1381. 1385. 1390. 1394. 1399. 1403. 80 1407. 1412. 1416. 1421. 1425. 1429. 1434. 1438. 81 1443. 1447. 1452. 1456. 1461. 1465. 1470. 1474. 82 1479. 1483. 1488. 1492. 1497. 1501. 1506. 1510. 83 1515. 1520. 1524. 1529. 1533. 1538. 1543. 1547. 84 1551. 1556. 1561. 1565. 1570. 1575. 1579. 1584. 85 1539. 15S3. 1598. 1603. 1607. 1611. 1617. 1622. 86 1627. 1631. 1636. 1641. 1646. 1650. 1655. 1660. 87 1665. 1669. 1674. 1679. 1684. 1688. 1693. 1698. 88 1703. 1708. 1713. 1718. 1722. 1727. 1732. 1737. 89 1742. 1747. 1752. 1757. 1761. 1767. 1771. 1776. 90 1781. 1786. 1791. 1796. 1801. 1806. 1811. 1816. 91 1821. 1826. 1831. 1836. 1841. 1846. 1851 1856. 92 1861. 1866. 1872. 1877. 1882. 1887. 1892. 1897. 93 1902. 1907. 1912. 1917. 1922. 1928. 1933. 1938. 94 1943. 1948. 1953. 1959. 1964. 1969. 1974. 1980. 95 1985. 1990. 1995. 2000. 2006. 2011. 2016. 2021. 96 2027. 2032. 2037. 2043. 2048. 2053. I 2059. 2064. 97 2069. 2075. 2080. 2085. 2090. 2096. 2101. 2107. 98 2112. 2117. 2123. 2128. 2134. 2139. 2145. 2150. 99 2155. 2161. 2166. 2172. 2177. 2183. 2188. 2194. 1 00 2199. 2204. 2210. 2216. 2221. 2227. 2232. 2238. PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. WEIGHTS PER LINEAL INCH OF STANDARD AND EXTRA HEAVY FITTINGS SIZE WEIGHT OF BODY PER INCH WEIGHT OF ONE FLANGE SIZE LIGHT STANDARD I h eavY LIGHT STANDARD EXTRA HEAVY 1 .55 .66 1.88 3.35 1 1K .65 .77 2.59 4.39 1H 1M .74 .87 3.50 6.96 Mi 2 .94 1.10 5.30 8.20 2 2H 1.14 1.52 7.70 11.85 2V 2 3 1.32 1.76 9.10 15.40 3 3H 1.52 2.01 12.41 18.80 3H 4 1.98 2.54 14.62 23.90 4 4>2 2.20 2.82 14.44 26.52 4}^ 5 2.42 3.44 16.72 28.70 5 6 3.24 4.45 19.30 37.10 6 7 4.20 5.59 25.45 46.80 7 8 3.74 4.74 6.30 30.62 29.25 54.60 8 9 4.19 5.86 7.60 37.79 35.50 65.32 9 10 4.61 7.08 9.01 42.68 39.10 77.20 10 12 5.49 9.15 11.43 63.35 57.90 110.97 12 14 6.38 11.45 14.22 77.20 68.90 150.80 14 15 6.82 12.22 16.13 85.42 76.62 173.60 15 16 9.14 14.95 18.15 94.52 84.70 184.28 16 18 10.24 17.82 22.52 101.41 87.63 221.63 18 20 12.51 20.91 27.38 127.56 111.30 2S3.25 20 22 15.01 24.22 31.36 144.23 I 125.20 312.90 22 24 16.33 27.76 35.55 174.70 | 150.40 391.71 24 26 19.16 31.53 43.15 202.91 i 175.10 423.66 28 28 20.60 35.54 48.04 231.30 196.70 490.44 28 30 23.78 39.80 54.95 257.73 j 219.70 531.40 30 32 25.30 44.20 62.34 332.00 284.70 584.50 32 34 26.90 48.90 70.30 358.20 j 301.90 639.80 34 36 32.50 I 53.80 78.60 388.10 332.00 717.40 36 38 34.40 59.00 85.10 448.00 | 383.50 775.00 38 40 36.00 64.20 94.20 490.60 413.00 839.50 40 42 42.70 69.90 103.80 I 538.70 459.80 929.00 42 44 44.70 75.70 113.90 576.70 487.60 986.80 44 46 46.70 81.70 121.70 614.00 511.00 J 1073.00 46 48 54.10 87.90 132.60 654.60 553.20 1298.00 48 50 56.30 94.40 698.70 584.40 50 52 58.60 101.40 774.30 641.00 52 54 63.80 107.30 845.00 702.00 54 56 66.00 115.00 920.00 760.00 56 58 71.00 122.00 1006.00 831.00 58 60 77.69 135.00 1021.00 832.00 60 YVA3H ARTX3 d!/IA 3 30 Ti 3SI3 IAQMAT8 ... ..i . 63. es> de.a kr ~HS OSS 08.8 r -r~ — M>.£ 9 8~~" ee.3 , 0£.9 e ev.sx er> or or.es 8S.S<> ee.sa 02.VC , 22.M 8£.a M 2J>.68 0^.^ £3A8 OS. r r r E£.T2 re.os 22 ££ 65.38 ££.ar ^e.c£ o*.r£e ■ • se 0S>83 o^.ws 00.2££ 0£.d£ oe.roe ot^r?" OO.S££ c oa.sss or.38 or>.^£ c* . T 0S.«> 08.80 r :. . oe.eee ' 0v883 w.ror oo. rw os.vor 08.83 -3 ! i " PITTSBURGH PIP8NQ & EQUIPMENT CO. DIMENSIONS OF BOLTS AND NUTS uJ \i i- < (0 a K 0- I < y Z K - X h HEXAG.ON HEAD HEXAdON NUT S Q UAH E HEAD SQUARE. NUT ". uj 4 11 U4 31 32 , X (8 9. IU 2.T 32. ilk 2T b4 31 32 ll 1 Ib Ibto 5 8 II IS IU i A IS 32. ,X 1 IU \h s 8 15 IU iK IS 32 rfc It S Zoio 3 4 10 18 itt 1 1* lit 3 4 18 I ^ 1 32 lb 14 1 b4 3 4 3oio 1 8 1 If, i a 1 b4 it 32. ■ 1 1 IU r» X 8 lit iS 21 32 ll 2 3~2 X 8 4190 1 8 It I 11 1 b4- 3 4 If ri 1 It 28 3 1^ '8 2 t4 55oo ,x Is 7 1 IU 1 W 1 b4 21 32 1* 3 ZSi ■ x Is Itt ■>2S Z » 21 32 1^ ■ IU zie , j. 16 (al30 1 - 1 - 1,4 7 ii ^ l>4 IS lb 2 zk . X 1 4 ri 2 32 IS lb 2. 2i . X 14 8100 •8 (o 2.t 7^ * b4 rfc z\ 2& . 3 1 8 2 IU 2 b4 \h ll 3 32 . 3 1 8 |0£b0 it 6 2* 2& r* 1\ i* , X 1 2 24 3 Tu it z\ , X 1 2. 12940 1* 5z 2 i *£ r*\ ll 2 32 IS 2 lb O b4 i& zl •2 5 i ^ 15150 il 5 if 3 A i 4 i iu 2| 3 lb . 3 1 4 2| s 2J J 32 ifb z% •^ b4 ,3 '4 1141.0 i'l 5 2 lb 34 1 32 z% •3 32 . X 1 8 9 £ 2 iu 3 b4 132 2 ft 43% . X 1 8 20SI0 2 4i 3 , IS 3 31 It 38 ■5 S 3-g" 2 3 4t ll 38 4 ft 2 Z30IO 28 4* 3 rt> , ll 3 Ib 1 ^ 1 32. 3 ft _ S3 5 b4- X 28 3 lb 4t 1 32 3 ib 4 ib 28 ZU4U0 a 41 31 312 •5 32. 1 lb at 4b4 2* 3f 4jf 1^ 1 Ib 3t 4.W. 4 b4 2t 302IO PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. GENERAL DIMENSIONS MALE AND FEMALE, TONGUE AND GROOVED JOINTS 250 POUNDS PRESSURE h— K J ^1 SIZE M H K T 2 ib Z* 3. 4 2t 2?C LL lb 3 7C 14 21 2. it, 28 3 it Zit 3^ lb 38 3 it. 2i 3w 3 -LL O lb 2 ib 3 lb o S 3g- 2 U. 3 lie- 3g 4-8 4- ft 3 it, IT 2z 4-8 4ft ■J 8 4# 3. Ib fTib 44- S* o 75 4ft 3z si S3: O lb 4tt 3 lb 4- kib 5 4. (*4- k> lb «-> lb 4; kz / 9- k> lb 5* w 5 iu IS" i7i 17^ 178 I8f 8 ib 17 it 181 I8ifc I8| Z08 2oi 8fb 21 2 lib 20f 22s 22-ifc Zoi 20 22 24 23 2 3 ib 2Zm Z + i 24f 22£ 25E 25 fb 24z 2bt 2k H 24ib 27i 27 /b 2ki; 28t 28 s - Ib zt^ib asie a.q 1 -f 3To) £ a i> i -L ell J?r oil \ ^ £ J% -E O e> • r~~~ir~~ el 1 8 fP v 1 ! 8 JL Sfn P \ o»r is\ ot cJl & ! Jt d\ SI ■H s rs -z\ 1 j. Jios f 81 CO O.U. -O C3|_ > d~. z ss 10 O d d 1 4- A" 1H 2 JC Mi 4- A" 1^ 2 J£ .?£ H i^ 0.1- K .? £ IK 4- H" 1^ 2*i d^e S d* 6 < x d d 2 4- ^" 2 2% ■o. £ - VA 4- y$" 2K 2H 5°: OQ. a. •£ VA 3Ji 5Ji 5Ji 7 8- M" 3 3 J* 5H VA VA VA 4 5Ji 6 8 8- M" 3^ 4 5M 3H 3^ VA 4 6 6 9 12- %" 3M 4 5M 3K 3H 3 3 A 4 6 6 10 12- %" 33^ 4M 5M 3M 3M 4 4J4 6 6A 12 12- K" W 2 4^ 6 3M 4 4^ 4J^ 6U VA 14 12-1" 4 5 4 4H 4K 4}i 4H 4K 15 16-1" 4 5 4 4K 414 4M 4^ 4H 16 16-1" 4 5 4M 4J4 4M 4H 4J^ 4M 18 16-1K" 4H VA it < 4J4 4}* 4M 4M 5 5 HI 2 a z 20 20-1 Ks" VA 5% o 4% 5 5 5 5K 5K O 1- 22 20-1 X" 5 6M IT 5^ 5A 5*i 5K 5M 5M ^ u. 24 20-1 M" 5M 6^ < 5Ji Wi 5M 5^ 5M 5M < > 26 24- W 5H 6M S 5K 5M 5M 5M 6 6 < UI a 28 28-1 M" 5H GK CO 5M 5^ 5M 6 6 6J< < 30 28-1 y 8 " 5% 7A 6 6 6 6M 6K 6>4 CO ik - , u '" 1 j .:. 31 5 ■.: ' r ■ 2 a H2 s "K -8 * s d 3 U M -8 T 3 >S£ e . *■ 2r a ** 5T ■• a UI L. 8t o = 02 c3 22 < ^.r-os *S Me S "KM* 92 Q ^a 82 "'^r-ss 0? PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT GO. BOLTS FOR E. H. FLANGED C ONNEC CO III TIO NS ri CN > CO A "d tit 4 DO DUJ i-cc CO 1 134 4- ^" 4- 34" 2 234 2 2 1J4 2 J< (pjc 8^ K"l- * si si n"l- j2 i- e ji JC •i si £1- 234 2V* 1H 4- «" 2H 2M 2>4 o'-T 0* £ o'X 0* X riy oh: » ri» Q^S S o'h: is o - y d'-c S 3 2 4- H" '4& 23* 23* - " _: • s. — a -& & -s • ~S. -S -*£ c . « — • X 334 m 4- 54" 3 3 3 *°: ?a- 0. *••■ ?<>■ a. ±' £ . =0. D. ^°- °a £ *°- ?o. a. *"- fjtv 0. 3?4 3 3M 8- %" 8- K" 3J4 334 3 334 3 3}4 .0 coo 0" .0 "■d coo *d .0 "■d coo x 6 O d .0 "■d coo Xd d 7 .o "■d COO x d d .0 "•d cod xd O d 4 4 4 8- J4" 334 334 334 334 354 3% 4 334 334 334 334 334 334 3J4 334 4J4 4^ 8- H" 334 334 334 354 354 4 434 3J4 3?4 354 4 3« 354 334 3% 434 5 8- &'/ 3H m 3J4 4 4 4 4J4 354 354 3J4 4 354 3*A 334 3% 4J4 6 12- H" 354 334 334 4 454 434 434 354 4 4 4M 3»4 4 3«4 3H 4^ 7 12- K" 4 354 354 454 434 4J4 5 4 434 434 434 4 434 4 4 5 8 12- J." 434 4 354 4H 454 454 534 434 4J3 434 434 434 434 4 434 534 9 12-1" 454 434 4 5 5 5K 534 4^ 4% 4% 5 4»4 4?4 434 434 5?4 10 12 16-1" 5 434 4>4 5K 554 534 554 4?4 5 4»4 5 4J4 5 434 434 6 16-1 34" 5M 5 434 534 554 6 634 534 534 534 5H 534 534 4?4 5 634 14 20-1 y t " 534 534 43^ 554 6 6 634 634 634 534 534 534 534 534 S»A 534 534 534 5 534 5K 6?4 15 20-1 34" 554 5J4 5 6 654 634 633 634 654 534 534 5»4 534 5H 6 554 534 534 534 $y> 534 7 16 20-1 34" 6 5}4 534 634 654 634 634 654 654 534 6 6 5^4 6 6 5M 6 6 534 VA 534 734 18 24-1 H" 634 554 534 634 654 654 6% 7 7 6 634 634 6 634 634 6 634 634 5?4 534 5?4 734 20 24- W 634 634 554 654 7 7 734 734 734 ey 2 634 634 634 634 634 634 6H 634 6 634 634 8 22 24-1 1^" 7 634 634 7>4 734 754 754 7*4 754 6% 7 7 6?4 7 7 6?4 7 7 634 634 634 834 24 24-1^" 734 7 6^ 734 754 754 8 8 854 7H 734 734 734 734 7M 7A 734 734 &A 7 7 9 26 28-1%" 734 7 634 754 754 754 8 834 834 7H 734 734 734 7A 734 734 734 734 &A 7 7 9J4 28 28-1 %" 754 7K 654 8 8 8 834 834 834 734 734 734 734 m 734 7>A 734 734 7 7 7 934 30 28-134" 8 7)4 654 854 8)4 834 834 854 854 7H 7% 734 734 734 7J4 7% 734 7?4 7 734 734 934 .... .. . . ..--■■, -.,, - .-.-... - ...•■ ... m . ;MU:--^T'T;-: 1 _____ p-p— , " s " . 1 D g ■ ~i~-3 1 • » > 1 s* 2 ■ *i © U-. « 1 ? - . 1 i '. k : , i Me H£ , * "M -a e J . • .'. j' «»■ ,■> ■ ■ — — — — .. * ■ H* . ! ' " "K -sr i H* ' - . - 1 • M* W-\ 5 e 8 ' "f~2f| e | - ■ Me Ha - ■ : • "Hf-3f ^ . Ha ' ■ .' . i • "NMS • H5 ■ ■ Me ■ i H9 ■ - u Hf-02 He 3 e & Ma a H9 X .' H& ; ' - . ■ M9 "Ht-*2 sr X3 3 Ha K3 ■ ■ H& H9 '■ H3 . ; ,% Nr-« os| ■ sK3 V t 1^3 S •: T 7 >?3 . X "Kr-»s 22 1 ■ * K* H^ MV H^ i 8 H^ • "S^t-frS • M3 H^r X* H^ ^ • 8 ' N* ! HV •■^r-82 \ 7 y- . H^ . 1 3 " ' 8 8 W H^ . ■ H* M^ ; i K* ., ^8 . „ i 3 "«r-82 STANDARD PIPE— BLACK AND GALVANIZED ALL WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL SIZE DIAMETERS t- CIRCUM- FERENCE TRANSVERSE AREAS WEIGHT PER FOOT H COUPLINGS Ul I Id 1 w ~co 10 5. T3 ■CO 1- I 5 .j i A .405 .269 .068 1.27 .85 .13 .06 .244 .245 27 .562 A .029 H .540 .364 .088 1.70 1.14 .23 .10 .424 .425 18 .685 1 .043 A .675 .493 .091 2.12 1.55 .36 .19 .567 .568 18 .848 1H .070 A .840 .622 .109 2.63 1.95 .55 .30 .850 .852 14 1.024 13* .116 h 1.050 .824 .113 3.30 2.59 .87 .53 1.130 1.134 14 1.281 \K .209 1 1.315 1.049 .133 4.13 3.29 1.36 .86 1.678 1.684 11^ 1.576 m .343 154 1.660 1.380 .140 5.22 4.34 2.16 1.50 2.272 2.281 11H 1.950 2H .535 m 1.900 1.610 .145 5.97 5.06 2.84 2.04 2.717 2.731 11H 2.218 2% .743 2 2.375 2.067 .154 7.46 6.49 4.43 3.36 3.652 3.678 11H 2.760 2% 1.208 *A 2.875 2.469 .203 9.03 7.75 6.49 4.78 5.793 5.819 8 3.276 m 1.720 3 3.500 3.068 .216 11.00 9.63 [ 9.62 7.39 7.575 7.616 8 3.948 m 2.498 ZYi 4.000 3.548 .226 12.57 11.15 12.57 9.89 9.109 9.202 8 4.591 w% 4.241 4 4.500 4.026 .237 14.14 12.65 15.90 12.73 10.790 10.889 8 5.091 W* 4.741 4J/£ 5.000 4.506 .247 15.71 14.16 | 19.64 15.96 12.538 12.642 8 5.591 &A 5.241 5 5.563 5.047 .258 17.48 15.85 | 24.31 19.99 14.617 14.810 8 6.296 4H 8.091 6 6.625 6.065 .280 20.81 19.05 j 34.47 28.89 18.974 19.185 8 7.358 4Ks 9.554 7 7.625 7.023 .301 23.96 22X6 45.66 38.74 23.544 23.769 8 8.358 *A 10.932 8 8.625 8.071 .277 27.10 25.35 j 58.43 51.15 24.696 25.000 8 9.358 4% 13.905 8 8.625 7.981 .322 27.10 25.07 58.43 50.02 28.554 28.809 8 9.358 m 13.905 9 9.625 8.941 .342 30.24 28.08 72.76 62.72 33.907 34.188 8 10.358 5A 17.236 10 10.750 10.192 .279 33.77 32.01 90.76 81.55 31 .201 32.000 8 11.721 ga 29.877 10 10.750 10.136 .307 33.77 31.86 90.76 80.75 34.240 35.000 8 11.721 GA 29.877 10 10.750 10.020 .365 33.77 31.47 j 90.76 78.82 40.483 41.132 8 11.721 GA 29.877 11 11.750 11.000 .375 36.91 34.56 j 108.40 95.03 45.557 46.247 8 12.721 GV% 32.550 12 12.750 12.090 .330 40.06 I 37.98 127.70 114.80 43.773 45.000 8 13.958 6 A 43.098 12 12.750 12.000 .375 40.06 37.70 127.70 113.10 49.562 50.706 8 13.958 6A 43.098 13 14.000 13.250 .375 43.98 41.63 153.94 137.89 54.568 55.824 8 15.208 GA 47.152 14 15.000 14.250 .375 47.12 44.77 176.72 159.49 58.573 60.375 8 16.446 GA 59.493 15 16.000 15.250 .375 50 27 47.91 201.06 182.66 62 579 64.500 8 17.446 GA 63.294 The permissible variation in weight is 5 per cent, above and 5 per cent, below. Furnished with threads and couplings and in random lengths unless otherwise ordered. Taper of threads is V A inch diameter per foot length for all sizes. The weight per foot of pipe with threads and couplings is based on a length of 20 feet, including the coupling, but shipping lengths of small sizes will usually average less than 20 feet. All weights given in pounds. All dimensions given in inches. ►A. JAWMQ'A 3HA 8WOISH3MIC! QUA 8TH f!3S THOI3W TOO! -Muoaio - -4 > 3SI3 , „ 3. 3 Si u bl . sae. e^2. £r. f 383. 8f e2K . ^ 8+8. sr TO3. H *so.r Od8. ON3. rse.r a f28. oeo.r 8 are.r «■» ew.r ere.r r oee.r . 033. r Sf2.2 **s 03\.2 £<>.* Mr. "30.2 S3I>.2 af8.2 ^2 86XS 3V3A ezs. ar2. 830.£ ooex £ ^e 8 eot.e 322. 8*3.£ ooo.t ooa> * ree.a aes.3 ee.et £33.3 a . H* 83£A 8 «e.sr G8.82 ■ 082. 323.3 3 838.8 M>3.£2 . ro£. 323A eoe.er sag.e 3g3.t>2 or.vs 323.8 8 8 we.82 8 Toe.S£ 323.e e SO ea.rs VC.££ 2er.or 037.0 r or 3 000.3: 37.08 aer.or 03^.0 r or ES+.O-t^ 28.ST oat.or or - rr OOO.cf" £^.£f> 0G0.2f sr ' 233.et> OT.YE so.or> 2r sos.er 8 frsa.aa 833.^3 . £3.r*» e~£. OOO.M £r &**.3r sve.ss ■ \\.M> 2tAt> oas.M ooo.s r M 3N>Af 0O3.W e ' w.*e 323A \ - Efr.se ooe. 628.8 8 . e • . ooa. or . rr • osT.sr 2r . Er sv.a^r 003. n 2"c.avr ooo.e r er ■ ; Riq 0H0AT3 f \U00 MOW 3flA 81/10131 JJA ■ UOBID • 3SI3 . lemojnl 30. ee. ! ... frG2. 2cS. | 0fr8. H M. V8. | ££.r S0£. *5 eea.£ \2. 8£.r fr8.r eee. r frrs.e 28. 3r.2 8T.2 28£. ses. oaa. r Mr OOfr. oor.r Mr - I 83.fr 3frA Eoe.r 2 ; £fr.2 efr.a re.e 2ee. f\\.r e^s.2 MS Or.fr j 8r.V oo.rr 00S.2 £ 1 eve 1 £8.8 \c.Sf 3£3. M£ 2\A oe.sr | 68.G fr\a. ser.E ooe.fr fr . 8G.e , 02. r r orv. 085.8 ooo.e TG.sr re.w i af.sr SfrAr oeT. E30.fr Eae.a e \8.8r Vfr.fr£ - frae. TC8.fr a | 8fr.8f ■ c 323A f | 03. r2 5^8. S23.8 8 .wolsd Jr»so isq OF bne svods .*nao taq Or ai Jrlgisw fi; . ' .sairmeq srtT .ao!dB} tijod oJ ylqqE aslon gniwolloT oriT .beiebto asiwisrito aaslnu arlionsl mobnei ni bnfi abne nislq rliiw bsrlainiu^ nib IIA .abnuoq ni nevig aJiigiew IIA 1 PITTSBURGH PIPING <&, EQUIPMENT CO ■ NOMINAL WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER FOOT OF STANDARD THICKNESSES OF O. D. STEEL PIPE Size 0. D. k" &" Vs" "re" w A" %" w H" w 1 w 14 36.713 45.682 54.568 63.371 72.091 80.726 89.279 97.748 106.134 122.654 138.842 154.695 15 39.383 49.020 58.573 68.044 77.431 86.734 95.954 105.091 114.144 132.000 149.522 166.710 16 42.053 52.357 62.579 72.716 82.771 92.742 102.629 112.433 122.154 141.345 160.202 178.725 17 44.723 55.695 66.584 77.389 88.111 98.749 109.304 119.776 130.164 150.690 170.882 190.740 18 47.393 59.032 70.589 82.061 93.451 104.757 115.979 I 127.118 138.174 160.035 181.562 202.756 20 65.708 73.599 91 .407 104.131 116.772 129.330 1 141.804 154.194 178.725 202.923 226.786 21 69.045 82.604 96.079 109.471 122.780 136.005 1 149.146 162.204 22 72.383 86.609 100.752 114.811 128.787 142.680 156.489 170.215 24 94.619 110.097 125.491 140.802 156.030 171.174 186.235 26 102.629 119.442 136.172 152.818 169.380 185.859 202.255 28 128.787 146.852 164.833 182.730 200.545 218.275 30 138.132 157.532 176.848 196.081 215.230 234.296 82 HO- : .a % ''^ esi3 n n 32^.08 m Be.ee 88S.SS er 202.03 r eeo.2*> ar ... ■ T6T.Kir E2VM> Tr eeo.oar srr.Tsr 80V.33 02 1 K>2.23t - . r2 ers.ovr . ees.esr 82 0£T.28f ses.wr 238.3M 82 OS PITTSBURGH PBP8NC & EQUIPMENT CO. DECIMAL OF AN INCH AND OF A FOOT ! Fractions of Inch or Foot flj ■sfi Fractions of Inch or Foot HI °fi Fractions of Inch or Foot a o-- Fractions of Inch or Foot III LJ-2'o J J"- .0052 .0104 ft .2552 .2604 3A Z l A .5052 .5104 6A 6Vs .7552 .7604 9A 9^ ft .015625 .0208 .0260 ft H A ii .265625 .2708 .2760 3A 3M 3A ff .515625 .5208 .5260 6A 6M 6A if .765625 .7708 .7760 9& 9A ft .03125 .0365 .0417 % A 14 A .28125 .2865 .2917 3A z l A H .53125 .5365 .5417 6A ey 2 H .78125 .7865 .7917 9 3 4 9A 9 Vi ft .046875 .0521 .0573 A % 13. .296875 .3021 .3073 3A 3» ii .546875 .5521 .5573 6 A e 5 A 6« Ii .796875 .8021 .8073 9A 9H ft | .0625 .0677 | .0729 H ii % A .3125 .3177 .3229 3M 3% A .5625 .5677 .5729 6% ii .8125 .8177 .8229 9% 9Vs & .078125 .0833 .0885 a 1 1A Ii .328125 .3333 .3385 3M 4 4A H .578125 .5833 .5885 6M 7 7A H .828125 .8333 .8385 9H 10 10* ft .09375 .0990 .1042 Us 1A IK H .34375 .3490 .3542 4ls 4A 45-i H .59375 .5990 .6042 7 J 8 7A 7H H .84375 .8490 .8542 10 }-i 10A 10>4 Jj 1 .109375 .1146 I .1198 1A 1 A H .359375 .3646 .3698 4A 4^ 4 A fl .609375 .6146 .6198 7A 7% 7A II .859375 .8646 .8698 10A loj-g 10ft H .1250 .1302 I .1354 1 y, 1A M .3750 .3802 .3854 4H 4A 4 5 8 ^s .6250 .6302 .6354 74 7A 7^ H .8750 .8802 .8854 10)4 10ft 10^ ft .140625 .1458 .1510 1H ili 2£ .390625 .3958 .4010 4 ii 4M 411 a .640625 .6458 .6510 7H 7% 7M H .890625 .8958 .9010 10ft 1054 10H ft ii .15625 .1615 .1667 2 H .40625 .4115 .4167 4Jg 4if 5 H .65625 .6615 .6667 7^ 7M 8 if .90625 .9115 .9167 10% 10if 11 .171875 .1771 .1823 2A 2H 2A V- .421375 .4271 .4323 5 A 5 A a .671875 .6771 .6823 8A 8 A H .921875 .9271 .9323 lift 11% 11ft A .1875 .1927 .1979 2M 2A 2% A .4375 .4427 .4479 5K 5A 5 3 / 8 16 .6875 .6927 .6979 8W 8A 8 3 /8 ii .9375 .9427 .9479 11M 11ft 11 % H .203125 .2083 .2135 2A 2Y> 2A H .453125 .4583 .4635 5A 5A a .703125 .7083 .7135 8A 8A Ii .953125 .9583 .9635 11ft 11% 11ft A .21875 .2240 .2292 2^ 2H 2M H .46875 .4740 .4792 5 5 x 5M M .71875 .7240 .7292 876 8& 31 .96875 .9740 .9792 11% "ii 11M if .234375 .2396 .2448 2H 2ii ai .484375 .4896 .4948 5i* 5{i H .734375 .7396 .7448 &1 .984375 .9896 .9948 nii 11% M .2500 3 Vi .5000 6 3 4 .7500 9 1 1.0000 12 wd ro. [ a'saaro. , & oasal : c880. 1 e^eeo. j & SM)f. 1 serr. oasr. H esaoe8 oroe. | esam. - e^s rvr. rvir. A-rr asrsse. asae. avsae. i ^2 Is j e PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. PROPERTIES OF SATURATED STEAM 1 GAUGE PRESSURE, Lbs. per Sq. Inch P [ ABSOLUTE PRESSURE, Lbs. per Sq. Inch Pi PRESSURE IN ATMOSPHERES P TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT T WEIGHT OF ONE CUBIC FOOT OF STEAM IN LBS. VOLUME OF ONE POUND OF STEAM IN CUBIC FEET 10 20 30 14.7 24.7 34.7 44.7 1.00 1.68 2.36 3.04 212.0 239.4 258.7 273.9 .0376 .0613 .0844 .1070 26.600 16.320 11.850 9.347 40 50 60 70 54.7 64.7 74.7 84.7 3.72 4.40 5.08 5.76 286.5 297.5 307.1 315.8 .1292 .1512 .1729 .1945 7.736 6.612 5.784 5. 142 75 80 90 100 89.7 94.7 104.7 114.7 6.10 6.44 7.12 7.80 319.8 323.7 330.9 337.7 .2052 .2159 .2371 .2583 4.873 4.633 4.218 3.872 125 150 175 200 139.7 164.7 189.7 214.7 9.50 11.20 12.90 14.61 352.7 365.7 377.3 387.8 .3107 .3629 .4147 .4663 3.219 2.756 2.412 2.145 225 250 275 300 239.7 264.7 289.7 314.7 16.30 18.00 19.71 21.41 397.1 406.1 414.2 421.8 .5167 .5699 .6210 .6742 1.950 1.755 1.609 1.483 Note: -The temperature of Superheated Steam at any given pressure— P or Pi— equals the Temperature T given above for same pressure plus Temperature of Superheat. . , T 'J23A rloni .pS 301 ,33U333Rq Hani .p@ ioq .edj 1 or STJE w SAG? 0*.t> Od 80.a 03 T.sse 08 . T.eer 52 r V.25S \.39£ oar- e.vte oe.si ex? . oee.r i : oas S8£. r 6. rs* T>rs . PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. PIPE CLAMPS AND HANGERS STYLE A STYLE B Note: w, x.y&z. are. field dimensions. STYLE C SIZE I it zi. 4 4i 10 15 lb 2Q 2a 24 41 5^ ~>4 i 4i f£X J ie Jl t I ss. cJS £S i ii £fi X I is Jl J. s, -::. 8 ■■: • PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. PIPE CLAMPS AND HANGERS STYLE D STYLE E NOTE:- S Sf T ARE FIELD DIMENSIONS. STYLE F SIZE A B C <£ WIDTH BAR BOLTS HOLES 1 It 8 * I fx 1 3L Ib i J- 14 1* x 8 8 1 fx I it L* 2 x 8 A. 8 ) i* « lb 2 41 2l 4 3 lb It i*_ii 3. ib £2 54 2s X 4 3 lb li £xii a. ib 3 04 -j A. 32 X 3 lb 2 ixii It 44 (54- 4 X 4 J. 4 2 txJi 3L Ib 4 7 4i X 4- J. 4 2 fc*ii 1 lb 4i n 5 X 4 « 2 §*!$ ft 5 8 58 4 5 lb 2 f x it 11 Ib b 9i y-g t S 22 f xE XX Ib 7 io| 7f ! 3 I 2i 3 ~x 4X24 * 8 nt 8f 8 1 8 2i | X2.4" * S I2i 1# 1 3 22 | xH * 10 13$. |o| | 8 2i | X24 13 Tb 12. is| I2| X 2 a ib 3 |X2| IS Ib 14 I7f 14 X 2 I 3 3 X2.4 IS Ib 15 I8| 15 X 2 1 lb 3 8*** IS Tb lb rii lb X 2 X Ib 3 8^4 it 18 21$ 18 J. 2 X 2 3 1^3 IS Tb 20 23| 20 X 2 X 2 32. i X 3 lib 22 2U 22 X 2 9. lb 3i 1 X3^ Ifu 24 28 24 X Z % 32 1 X3^ lib rrm . TOM 3Sie 1 _ S 4»c is J-c • e ■f *£ i\ is T ■ iu 8 *P isi : sS 0| Bl 6 _t 5( . f ! ■ * 8 ■ ex f £ a j. a\ £ - OS ss ss i , . „ • ( j s -fcS 8S PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. PIPE CLAMPS AND HANGERS M ._±£ STYLE G, STYLE H STYLE J NOTE: M.N.O&P ARE FIELD DIMENSIONS. SIZE "R C d, WIDTH BAR HOLES 1 JLL lb x 8 X 8 ) X. Ib 1* X 8 JL 8 X 8 1 lb li 1 j. 8 X 8 1 a. ib z I Ib X 4 3 Ik 9. Ib 24 1 lb j. 4 3 ib It 9L ib 3 H j. 4 1 lb 2 1 lb 31 2 JL A- X 4 2 1 lb 4 2i x 4- X 4- 2 4 lb 4i o -i- 2i X 4- 5 fb 2. il ib 5 C lb X 4 lb 2 ib b 3ib 3 8 5 Ib 2t iu 7 a!* o iu 1 f zi ii Tb 8 4 ft 3 8 3 8 2z 13 Ib q 4fc 3 3 3 § zi 13 1(3 10 St 3 3 1 zt 13 Ib IE « X 1 lb 3 IS 75 14- 7 X 2 it 3 IU 15 7i X 2 1 3 Ib 8 X z 1 Ib 3 ft 18 q X z. X Z 3 IS 2o 10 J. z X 2 3t ifc 22 II X 2. i ib 3i Ifc 24- 12 X 2 3. 3* ifc nq Mmms QUA eS f MAJ 2LL- ':.'- PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT OO. PIPE CLAMPS AND HANGERS L= FIELD DIMENSION Jl j={ f* =^> .H ri o N ? t i M I F ■ STYLE K ANCHOR CLAMP STYLE "K" HANGERS ANCHOR CLAMPS SIZE A B c D a K WIDTH BARS BOLTS B E. H F M N BOLTS 1 x 8 3 8" 3 lb 2 1 fxl* A X 4 4 3t 34. Z It ixij li '4" x 8 3 JL lb 2 I 3 .*• gXl4- A X 4 X 4 3* 3t 2 It txl| li a i. 8 8 3 lb 2 1 |*l4 Z X 4 X 4 3i 3* 2 it txii z 4 Zz 4 X a X 4 zi It i*i| 2t 3 8 3 8 4 5" 2t 2. ^K2t zi ^ 3 4 j. z X 4 2i ii X v i 3 3 3 8 3 8 4 5* 2t 2 |X2^ 3 4 3* 1 4 X z jl 4 2z z 2 X l2f 3t i 3 8 4 b ii 2 **** 3* u 4 4 5" lb Zi 2 **l* 4 3 8 a 8 4 bt zi 2 4 X2l 4 7 4t 4 i 5 lb 2z 2 Z*l| 4t 4 8 3. 8 4 7 li 2 Jx2i 4* Tt 5 T 3 4 J f 3 2 fxz 5 3 3 8 4 7t zi 2 |y,2t 5 8 si J. 4 3. 4 3 8 3 2 g K2. 3 a 8 a 8 4 84 zi 2 |x2i b li tf a a 4 3 5 3 zi f.X-2* feg 2 1 Ib 4* ^2 3 2i 1x3 7 ioi Tf 3 8 i 1 lb 3z 2i |*2z A X Z X lb 4* lot 3 zi ^X3 8 lit 8s 8 a 8 x IU 3z zi $ XZt if JL z 1 4* lit 3 zi |X3 q izi If 3 f l ft 1 lb 3z zi |x2z sF X Z X lb 4-* 12* 3 zt JX3 10 i4 104 3. S 8 1 lb 3z 2z |X2Z , a 104 8 X 2 si 144 3t 3 1 xai IZ 15* iz| X 2 1 X Z 4 3 $X3 IZ4- f X z 5t Ib4 3t 3 1 x3t 14 n| 14 X Z 1 X 2 4 3 Sx3 14 F X z St nt 3t 3 l x. 3t 15 ■ a* IS Z 1 J. 2 4 3 $X3 15 X z St I8t 3t 3 !X3t lb rt* lb JL Z 1 X 2 4 3 |x3 lb 3 4 9. lb b4 20 4- ai 18X4- 18 2lJ 18 JL 2. ik I 4 3 1x3*. 18 3 4 ib bt 22 4 3t 18X4 2o 23* 20 J. Z 18 % 4 3t 1 X34 2o 3 4 £ 7 244 4t 4 14^44 22 2b 2a X 2 It S 4 3t |X3z 22 3 4 l 2b4 4t 4 14X44 Z4 28 24 X Z 1* ,5 8 4 *t 1 X3z 24 3 4 f 1 284 4t 4 14X44 • - - J3JYT3 3JYTe 1 1 s. ' j. ■ • £■ K ■ - t | ^L S J. 5 ^ ij U{ i ■ - . eil *L c -^ . a. i •*•<• - 2: is -* : . ■o . T 1 - . o o : 1 *0i X '. .sS a * -• ■ ^c ■M 5 f is x f ■ SI £ f & ■ . ■ £ ' . j. gl Jjs I • * 81 «c 1 ■f U . a. e. ■ : 4| j 4- ! X s *S N ■ + — PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. VAR10U5 TYPES OF PIPE BENDS NO. S EXPANSION U BEND NO. IO DOUBLE OFFSET EXPANSION U BEND NO. it CIRCLE BEND Note: for dimension "r* see. tables No.fe8&bl. ■ Es — 1| /> S.OM 1 .OH OM3S X3TFAUQ GM33 u mojsh/ ,P«J £ ,;>■■' ■ ::. :»1- RO"=» :3T0H WORKING AND BURSTING PRESSURES OF WROUGHT STEEL PIPE CONDENSED FROM NATIONAL TUBE CO'S. BOOK OF STANDARDS Based on Barlow's Formula P = 2f -4- D — Outside diameter in inche3. p — Pressure in pounds per square nch. •—Thick ness of wall in inches. f — Fiber stress in pounds per squa 6 inch. SIZE OF PIPE, INCHES Bursting Pressure Pound3 per WORKING PRESSURES SIZE OF PIPE, INCHES Bursting Pressure Pounds per WORKING PRESSURES Factor of Safety Factor of Safety Factor of Safety Factor of Safety Factor of Safety Factor of Safety 6 8 10 Sq. In. 6 8 ;o STANDARD PIPE H 13432 2239 1679 1343 V/2 4940 823 618 494 V* 13037 2173 1630 1304 5 4638 773 580 464 H 10785 1798 1348 1079 6 4226 704 528 423 H 10381 1730 1298 1038 7 3948 658 493 395 H 8610 1435 1076 861 8 3212 535 401 321 1 8091 1349 1011 809 8 3733 622 467 373 Mi 8434 1406 1054 843 9 3553 592 444 355 Mi 7632 1272 S54 763 10 2595 433 324 260 2 6484 I 1081 811 648 10 2856 476 357 286 zy 2 7061 1177 883 706 ! 10 3395 566 424 340 3 6171 1029 771 617 11 3191 532 399 319 3^ 5650 I 942 706 565 12 2588 431 324 259 4 5267 878 658 527 12 2941 490 368 294 EXTRA STRONG PIPE H 18765 3128 2346 1877 3* 7950 1325 994 795 H 17630 2938 2204 1763 4 7489 1248 936 749 y% 14933 2489 1867 1493 4M 7100 1183 888 710 M 14000 2333 1750 1400 5 6741 1124 843 674 % 11733 1956 1467 1173 5 6521 1087 815 652 1 10890 1815 1361 1089 7 6557 1093 820 656 Mi 11506 1918 1438 1151 8 5797 966 725 580 Mi 10526 1754 1316 1053 9 5195 866 649 519 9 9179 1530 1147 918 10 4651 775 581 465 2H 9600 1600 1200 960 11 4255 709 532 426 3 8571 1429 1071 857 12 3922 654 490 392 DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG PIPE l A 28000 4667 3500 2800 3H 15900 2650 1988 1590 23467 3911 2933 2347 4 14978 2496 1872 1498 1 21779 3630 2722 2178 4H 14200 2367 1775 1420 Mi 18410 3C68 2301 1841 5 13482 2247 1685 1348 Mi 21053 3509 2632 2105 6 13042 2174 1630 1304 2 18358 3060 2295 1836 7 11475 1913 1434 1148 2^ 19200 3200 2400 1920 8 10145 1691 1268 1014 3 17143 2857 2143 1714 LARC .E O. D. PIPE— Vs INCH THICK LARGE O. D. PIPE— M INCH T HICK 14 2680 447 335 268 14 3570 595 446 357 15 2500 417 313 250 15 3333 556 417 333 16 2340 390 293 234 16 3120 520 390 312 18 2080 347 260 208 18 2770 462 346 277 20 1870 312 234 187 20 2500 | 417 313 250 22 1700 283 213 170 22 2270 I 378 284 227 24 1560 260 195 156 24 2080 347 260 208 QHIHflOW 100 = G , jslurmol 3 l 92fi3 : ' iO — Q IMIXROW anileiuB .Ml .p3 .3SIS 33H0HI ees o*w 863* . eses aass ssee d 8*3 30"\ r rs 863 2£*£r sexr orcr 2£3T oeee T32e r 2 888 oe* £60 r 338 HZ e a v £30 r "\38 r3£r r\or 62* r OEoTf ooo* r ££TIT 003G r £ jauoa 832 r 28*£t e 3 3SIS .Q .O 3DRAJ 8Tre r-*3r 3£8t 028 r *m 00c £ ££62 22\2 ro£2 2£32 00*2 TO3* r ree 0£3£ 0028 X332 00082 ■\3*£2 £30 T2 r 2 £ xoiht sqn .a .o sqhaj TV2 032 oe£ 3*£ 33c 023 23* 8T£ ores ££££ I 0>22 er :■ 3r 02 1 2 832 *£S 802 33 r 0832 0*£2 0302 > 2r£ ovsr ers £82 oou eer j 032 • PITTSBURGH PIPING & EQUIPMENT CO. APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF GATE AND GLOBE VALVES SIZE LOW PRESSURE STANDARD EXTRA HEAVY 1. B. B. vl. Flanged Gate Valves Flanged Gate Valves Globe Valves | Flanged Gate Valves Globe Valves Inside Screw O. S. & Y. Inside Screw O. S. & Y. Screwed Flanged Inside Screw 0. S. & Y. Screwed Flanged 2 40 40 25 35 50 65 2V 2 50 55 30 40 85 105 80 100 3 60 65 45 60 125 130 110 135 3H 80 85 55 70 160 170 4 100 110 70 95 195 205 170 205 W 2 115 125 80 100 230 255 5 120 150 115 140 265 290 235 270 6 155 180 160 190 350 395 330 375 7 215 245 210 255 435 490 420 470 8 255 315 290 325 555 625 575 635 9 320 400 695 775 10 405 510 455 505 755 950 900 985 12 580 705 760 880 1190 1300 1250 14 550 855 980 1250 1700 •2000 2100 15 885 16 650 730 1125 1275 1900 2300 ♦2650 18 800 900 1390 1700 ♦3300 20 1000 1160 1715 2050 •3900 22 1400 1800 2085 24 1650 2100 ; 2760 3200 •5500 26 28 30 2800 3000 5200 5400 36 4300 4500 l 'Bypassed. 3SI8 2 otisnl OJ> es OT &e eer ae oo r t- err si* e a T ' 8 6cx> 025 e 1 oee ore ao£ or | oosr oerr : sr ; oast oaa »r ar > oaae* 1 ooer esrr 059 ar i ooTr : oeer 8r | ooee* 0001 OOM "" 02 22 oose oooe j oaar 0082 •>2 32 . 0£ ■ i; • ooer> [ - 3£ ] 153 90 .% <6 - ^ ■ „^% V--"VV • .%-'% ^ - tf - •' \* .. <** "° * %*"■•' -, . J-3> «k1£ .-:' ; * " *° v ... '% HECKMAN |±|| *«>/* A BINDERY INC. |§| •A MAR 90 jBff N. MANCHESTER, feS' INDIANA 46962 C v ,V^ 7 a^ -»