Class. Book. ,!,+\iO COFimrGI{T DEPOSIK f Wt^t lanlr of Jf rosJt anb Jf ire 1^ THE LAND OF FROST AND FIRE Author of "My Three Days In Gilead," "By The Overflowing Nile," and "The Crimson Trail." THE McCLURE COMPANY, Inc. Staunton, Va. Copyright, 191 Z^V Elmer U. Hoenshel Basic, Virginia. NOV -8 1917 V who, with strong physical prowess, and in unostentatious manner, battled for nearly a century of tinae to provide for his own, is inscribed this little volume! THE AUTHOR. BOOKS By ELMER U. HOENSHEL •'My Three Days In Cilead" .Illustrated Cloth, 5o cts; paper, 30 cts. •'By The Overflowing Nile" Illustrated Cloth, ^5 cts; paper, 50 cts. "The Crimson Trail" Illustrated Cloth, $1.00. "The Land of Frost and Fire" Illustrated Cloth, 75 cts; paper, 50 cts. Jrtfar? In this volume I undertake to tell of what I saw in the **land of frost and fire." My tour will lead to a land not frequently visited by Americans, but nevertheless a land having many interesting features. In it I found many surprises awaiting me. And though the visit that I am to describe had in it much to annoy, yet it was full of experiences that I love to cherish in memory. If by following the narrative as I tell it the reader may be able to live for awhile in the environment of the early Vikings and to appreciate the present-day struggles of a people that dwell in perpetual gloom for eight months of the year, then I shall be happy, — for my book will have performed the mission in whose interest I send it forth. **Elra Oaks," Basic, Va. 31l«atrattoita Frontispiece Bird-catching in the Faroes In the Faroes A Near View of Thorshavn Thorstadur Farm House Beautiful Falls at Seydisfjord A Church at Husavik A Herd of Horses Loading Horses into the Boat A Group: (1) Our Guide Arranging His Packs; (2) Mr. Walley, of England A Fisherman's Luck An Icelandic Farm Haymaking in Iceland Blonduos A Group: (1) Steaming Hot Springs; (2) Guide and Dog; (3) Partially Dried Up Lake A Group: (1) Loaded with Whale Meat; (2) Dranga Island; (3) Largest Tree seen by Author A Fair Virginian in Ordinary Icelandic Dress Icelandic Maiden, in Festive Attire A Common Experience While Travelling in Iceland. A Group: (1) On the Logberg; Thingvellir (2) Lake The Almannagja Hecla A Scene in Reykjavik West-mann Islands (HanUnts Chapter I. "On the Way— The Fa- roes" 11 Chapter II. "The Land in General". 19 Chapter III. "The Eastern Fjords" . . 29 Chapter IV. "The Northern Fjords" . . 39 Chapter V. "Preparing for an Over- land Trip" 48 Chapter VI. "Across the Island" 56 Chapter VII. "Second Day in the In- terior" 68 Chapter VIII. "The Third and Fourth Day in the Interior". 75 Chapter IX. "The Valley of Thing- vellir" 83 Chapter X. "Last Day on Horseback" 92 Chapter XI. "Reykjavik" 99 Chapter XH. "Good-By" 105 CHAPTER I On the Way — The Faroes Iceland! Possibly the very name has caused the reader to shudder and to think that a land bearing such a designation should be shunned by any one seeking a pleasure-ground. But, without anticipating any essential feature of my story, I may now say that to such a one there are in store a number of pleasant surprises. To see this land it was in my plan to make Leith, in Scotland, my starting-point. The date of my sailing was July 6, and this date was fixed and the fare paid several months in advance, even before my departure from America. The ship was scheduled to leave port at 11 :00 a.m. The morning set for my departure was filled with mist and gloom. And when I walked up the gang-plank of the Botnia, I was not pleased with the general appearance of the vessel that was to be m,y home for the greater part of a month. The crew had not yet finished coaling the boat, and the wet decks were filthy and un- 11 The Land of Frost and Fire inviting. But I found my cabin and my berth much to my liking, even though my cabin-mate Was a foreigner w