P R 43t,3 A? 1901 ►C Silver Scries of vm:\im mi merican Classics EDITED B^ X * " «. \ tf & Com party Class ?! Book ,Al Copyright^ V u COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY. The Silver Series of English and American Classics MACAULAY'S LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY DUFFIELD OSBORNE SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO ^ THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received APR. 29 1901 Copyright entry CLASS #/XXc. n* copy a Copyright, 1901, By SILVER, BUEDETT & COM PAX Y. CONTENTS. PAGE EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION 7 AUTHOR'S PREFACE 15 Horatius . . 39 Battle of the Lake Regillus ...... 6o Virginia 99 The Prophecy of Capys . . . . . . . .121 NOTES 137 EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION. The writings of few Englishmen have received higher praise and sharper criticism than have those of Thomas Babington Macaulay. A man of profound learning and strongly defined ideas of men and affairs, he treated of times and topics that have been a fruitful source of partisan wrath ; and, when research and logic seemed to lead to con- demnation, his sentence fell with all the crushing weight of a style at once trenchant and lucid. Time and its revolu- tions of events and ideas, national resentments, and politi- cal necessities have united to bring into public prominence many champions of those whom Macaulay condemned, and it is little to be wondered at that such champions should be found eager to assail the pen that writ their clients down for hatred and contempt. Macaulay has been accused of all manner of prejudice as an historian and a biographer. Even that style which gave his blows so much of their weight and sting has been decried as artificial ; all the forces of literary aberrations and affectations have been mustered into the service against him, and, in order that his* oppo- nents might have some name about which to rally, the harsh and crabbed Carlyle has been put forward as a model whose disciples must of necessity condemn the grace and fluency of the man upon whose reputation the vials of partisan wrath were to be emptied. 7 8 editor's introduction. So the battle has been waged with a bitterness seldom shown over the works of dead rivals ; but so long as per- spicuity, force, and beauty — the perfect selection of words and the measured proportion of sentences and ideas — are held to be fair ground of author's praise, so long Macaulay must stand in the forefront. If these be marks of arti- ficiality, then we must admit, perforce, that artificiality pos- sesses points which merit being well inquired into by those who would excel with the pen. As for the strength of the case made out against Macau- lay's justice and reliability, controversy would fall within the scope of a discussion of his history or his essays, rather than within that of this introduction. I cannot, however, refrain from commenting that a much more bitter partisanship than his seems to characterize the writings of his detractors, and that I know of very few instances where his facts and judgments have suffered by comparison with the revisions suggested or demanded. To briefly summarize his life, Thomas Babington Mac- aulay, the son of Zachary Macaulay, West India merchant and philanthropist, was born at Rothley Temple, Leicester- shire, October 25th, 1800. After a childhood, the remark- able precocity of which leads wonder almost to the point of incredulity, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1818, and, in 1819, won the Chancellor's medal by his poem entitled " Pompeii." Another medal and a scholarship were conferred soon after, and, in 1822, the degree of B.A. Later he received a fellowship, and, in 1825, the degree of M.A. Meanwhile his pen had been busy with essays and poems contributed to many periodicals. At the age of editor's introduction. 9 twenty-five the essay on "Milton" shows him in the full maturity of his marvellous power. Called to the bar in 1826, but never undertaking its practice, he soon plunged into the vortex of politics. Entering Parliament in 1830, he went to India in 1834, as member of the Supreme Council, where he prepared his famous Indian Penal Code. In 1838 he returned home and in 1839 resumed his seat in Parlia- ment, becoming war secretary in 1840. In 1846 he became paymaster-general, but in 1847 his advocacy of the May- nooth Grant lost him his seat. Five years later the same constituency (Edinburgh) elected him unsolicited. Mean- while he had been employed upon his history, a work con- tinued almost to the time of his death, Avhich occurred in London, December 28th, 1859. Many honors were con- ferred upon him during his life by English and foreign universities, academies, and potentates, and, in the year 1857, he was raised to the peerage under the title of Baron Macaulay of Rothley. He never married. Macaulay w r as at all times a consistent whig in politics. Outside of his untiring and many-sided activity, his chival- rous support of the weak and the oppressed is perhaps the most marked as well as the most honorable feature of his career. His first speech in Parliament was in support of the bill to repeal the civil disabilities of the Jews ; his Indian Penal Code was characterized by a humanity toward the native population quite new to the policy of the con- querors of India; while his advocacy of the Roman Catho- lic Relief Bill and of government support for the Roman Catholic college at Maynooth brought him the only great rebuff ever received during his career, the defeat in the 10 editor's introduction. Edinburgh election, which called forth his noble "Lines Written on the Night of the 30th of July, 1847." It would be well for those who fail in the seeking for political pre- ferment, could more of them receive their failure in such a cause and in such a spirit. Americans should never forget Macaulay's deep appreciation of Washington, voiced in the closing words of his Essay on John Hampden, which read : " It was when the vices and ignorance which the old tyranny had generated threatened the new freedom with destruction that England missed the sobriety, the self-command, the per- fect soundness of judgment, the perfect rectitude of inten- tion to which history furnishes no parallel, or furnishes a parallel in Washington alone." Turning to the literary Macauiay, we find first of all a versatility that few writers have equalled. Primarily, per- haps, he is known best as a historian and an essayist. Once he wrote a fragment of a novel, once a fragment of a play, thrown off as if to see what he might accomplish in these lines were his time not absorbed in weightier labors ; while through all, was continued the work of the orator, the legis- lator, the administrator of his country's government. It is with none of these, however, but with Macauiay as a poet that we have now to deal, limiting our study of him, even in this line, to that series of poems which has acquired the greatest popularity : " The Lays of Ancient Rome," pub- lished in 1842. It is a fashion among certain would-be consistent critics to decry the author of " The Lays " as being a mere versifier, a writer of clever jingle. For the men who would limit poetry within these or those narrow lines, the theorists who start editor's introduction. 11 with a theory and a woe-betide-the-facts-that-stand-against-it attitude, I have nothing to say. They are the little men in literature : critics — and that is all. " Poetry " is, I con- ceive, a word much too broad to be limitable by any principle of thought or method of treatment. It speaks first to the heart, and it speaks in that vague but forceful tongue that only the heart can fully comprehend. The mind may study its language, but after all, the mind is a foreigner, and to such the tongue of Poetry is strange and complex and arbitrary. Only he whose heart is great enough to feel its messages may presume to receive them, and that with rever- ence and all humility. It is the literary Prankensteins, laboring over the product of their self-conceit and their affectations, who produce an anatomical poetry almost com- parable to the monster that sprang from study devoid of soul. Happy is he whose heart responds to the grand swing of Milton, the soulful melody of Keats, the deep insight of Shakespeare, and whose spirit yet tells him that poets as well are they who have struck the lyre to lighter measure, the singers of petty things and quaint conceits, the race of the trouveres, whose ballads of stirring deeds, set to lilting measures, ring through the centuries from the days when all Provence hung upon the judgments of her courts of love, to when Scott and Macaulay laid a like tribute at the feet of like exploits. Unlike, however, other makers of ballad poetry, Mac- aulay alone has endeavored to sing the songs of times and of a nation long passed away, and to sing them in the simulated voices of singers whose bones are dust, and 12 editor's introduction. whose names and works are buried under the mountain of two thousand years. For such a task there must be added to the heart and art of the poet, the learning of the student of antiquity. To construct is one thing, to reconstruct with never a model is another and far harder undertak- ing, but it is probable that no man ever lived who could so well bring to the work the varied qualities which it re- quired. Macaulay was by very nature a poet of the ballad school. His was the heart to thrill at the story of great deeds, and his the speech to clothe them in raiment worthy of their glory. It is all there : spirit, fire, the rapid swing of the narrative that carries you along upon its tide until you seem of a verity borne away upon the torrent of the charge, until your ears ring with the notes of the trumpet, the shouts and groans, the terrible clash of arms. No one w r ith the least poetic feeling can read " Horatius " and " The Battle of Lake Kegillus " without knowing all this. The images, the sentiments, never seem to stay for a moment the onrush of the battle. Is not this more than art ? Is it not the true resonance of a mind to which art is nature ? Thus only does talent stand aside, and genius spring, like Pallas, full-armed from the head of Zeus. In all these poems there is hardly what might be called a digression, and perhaps the most notable instances — Horatius' comment upon the perfect death, and the sup- posed author's lament for the good old times — seem so suited to the places they fill that they come to us quite naturally, even while we press on with " sword lifted up to slay." In " Virginius " the story is less martial, and in editor's introduction. 13 " The Prophecy of Capys " there is little narrative of any kind, but the swing is the same in both, and the perfect fitness and, at the same time, subordination of the ornament to the matter are marvelously preserved. The other qualification which Macaulay brought to his task, one which this particular task needed in the highest de- gree, was a general and special erudition such as the world has seldom seen : — a mind that had delved deeply in the literature of all peoples and times, and a memory that never let go a thought or fact once grasped. Choosing to speak in the characters of ancient poets, as he tells in his preface, he of all writers was best able to become their very avatars. A sound judgment, however, held him from striving for too much. What research could hope to revive the outward form of a minstrelsy every line of which is lost ? and even if we could assume that Macaulay's acute classical instinct might have led him, unguided, to the truth in this respect, surely the song would not have told us of to-day what in spirit it now tells. Under the form and in the measure of modern minstrelsy, the thought, the feeling of the ancient minstrel is brought closer and more powerfully to our minds, together with all those subtle qualities that we describe by the term " local color." Realizing then, that the form of the verse was but as a means to an end, Macaulay chose a medium that would best interpret its message to his audience. Therefore the lays are not couched in any attempted simulation of the rough blank verse of a time as crude as it was poetic, any more than they are written in the language spoken upon the Palatine or among the Alban Hills. Music, a comparatively 14 editor's introduction. new art, has brought rhyme and lighter measure as aids to feeling and comprehension, and this he utilized to the full. In form, as in language, the lays are in the best English ; in mind and soul and spirit they are early Eoman : a marvel of revivified antiquity. In the notes to the poems, I have endeavored to cover every point needed for a full comprehension of allusions to a time and place and civilization so foreign to our own; and, that the spirit in which the author approached his task might be fully understood, I have retained his own preface and his several introductions to the poems. DUEFIELD OSBORNE. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. That what is called the history of the Kings and early Consuls of Kome is to a great extent fabulous, few scholars have, since the time of Beaufort, ventured to deny. It is certain that, more than three hundred and sixty years after the date ordinarily assigned for the foundation of the city, the public records were, with scarcely an exception, de- stroyed by the Gauls. It is certain that the oldest annals of the commonwealth were compiled more than a century and a half after this destruction of the records. It is certain, therefore, that the great Latin writers of the Augustan age did not possess those materials, without which a trustworthy account of the infancy of the republic could not possibly be framed. Those writers own, indeed, that the chronicles to which they ha.d access were filled with battles that were never fought, and Consuls that were never inaugurated ; and we have abundant proof that, in these chronicles, events of the greatest importance, such as the issue of the war with Porsena, and the issue of the war with Brennus, were grossly misrepresented. Under these circumstances a wise man will look with great sus- picion on the legend which has come down to us. He will perhaps be inclined to regard the princes who are said to have founded the civil and religious institutions of Koine, 15 16 author's preface. the son of Mars, and the husband of Egeria, as mere mytho- logical personages, of the same class with Perseus and Ixion. As he draws nearer and nearer to the confines of authentic history, he will become less and less hard of belief. He will admit that the most important parts of the narrative have some foundation in truth. But he will distrust almost all the details, not only because they seldom rest on any solid evidence, but also because he will constantly detect in them, even when they are within the limits of physical possibility, that peculiar character, more easily understood than defined, which distinguishes the creations of the im- agination from the realities of the world in which we live. The early history of Eome is indeed far more poetical than anything else in Latin literature. The loves of the Vestal and the God of War, the cradle laid among the reeds of Tiber, the fig-tree, the she-wolf, the shepherd's cabin, the recognition, the fratricide, the rape of the Sabines, the death of Tarpeia, the fall of Hostus Hostilius, the struggle of Mettus Curtius through the marsh, the women rushing with torn raiment and dishevelled hair between their fathers and their husbands, the nightly meetings of Numa and the Nymph by the well in the sacred grove, the fight of the three Eomans and the three Albans, the purchase of the Sybylline books, the crime of Tullia, the simulated madness of Brutus, the ambiguous reply of the Delphian oracle to the Tarquins, the wrongs of Lucretia, the heroic actions of Horatius Codes, of Scsevola, and of Cloelia, the battle of Begillus won by the aid of Castor and Pollux, the defence of Cremera, the touching story of Coriolanus, the still more touching story of Virginia, the wild legend author's preface. 17 about the draining of the Alban lake, the combat between Valerius Corvus and the gigantic Gaul, are among the many instances which will at once suggest themselves to every reader. In the narrative of Livy, who was a man of fine imagina- tion, these stories retain much of their genuine character. Nor could even the tasteless Dionysius distort and muti- late them into mere prose. The poetry shines, in spite of him, through the dreary pedantry of his eleven books. It is discernible in the most tedious and in the most super- ficial modern works on the early times of Borne. It en- livens the dulness of the Universal History, and gives a charm to the most meagre abridgments of Goldsmith. Even in the age of Plutarch there were discerning men who rejected the popular account of the foundation of Borne, because that account appeared to them to have the air, not of a history, but of a romance or a drama. Plu- tarch, who was displeased at their incredulity, had nothing better to say in reply to their arguments than that chance sometimes turns poet, and produces trains of events not to be distinguished from the most elaborate plots which are constructed by art. # But though the existence of a * Tttotttov fjiev eviois earl to dpa/JLCLTiKdv kclI ir\au1 in the arehi the Fabian nob! - Pictor would be well acquainted with a document so intere> . ami would insert large exti ra it in - the oldest to which Li\ ;. bold st. le nan- they w< ich them with a deli' and raid make them immortal. . it this might ha] doul py like thia happened in 34 author's preface. several countries, and, among others, in our own. Per- haps the theory of Perizonius cannot be better illustrated than by showing that what he supposes to have taken place in ancient times has, beyond all doubt, taken place in modern times. "History," says Hume with the utmost gravity, "has preserved some instances of Edgar's amours, from which, as from a specimen, we may form a conjecture of the rest." He then tells very agreeably the stories of Elfleda and Elfrida, two stories which have a most suspicious air of romance, and which, indeed, greatly resemble in their general character some of the legends of early Rome. He cites, as his authority for these two tales, the chronicle of William of Malmesbury, who lived in the time of King Stephen. The great majority of readers suppose that the device by which Elfrida was substi- tuted for her young mistress, the artifice by which Athel- wold obtained the hand of Elfrida, the detection of that artifice, the hunting party, and the vengeance of the amorous king, are things about which there is no more doubt than about the execution of Anne Boleyn or the slitting of Sir John Coventry's nose. But when we turn to William of Malmesbury, we find that Hume, in his eagerness to relate these pleasant fables, has overlooked one very important circumstance. William does indeed tell both the stories ; but he gives us distinct notice that he does not warrant their truth, and that they rest on no better authority than that of ballads.* * " Infamias quas post dicam magis resperserunt cantilena?." Edgar appears to have been most mercilessly treated in the Anglo-Saxon ballads. author's preface. 35 Such is the way in which those two well-known tales have been handed down. They originally appeared in a poetical form. They found their way from ballads into an old chronicle. The ballads perished ; the chronicle remained. A great historian, some centuries after the ballads had been altogether forgotten, consulted the chron- icle. He was struck by the lively colouring of these ancient fictions ; he transferred them to his pages ; and thus we find inserted, as unquestionable facts, in a narra- tive which is likely to last as long as the English tongue, the inventions of some minstrel whose works were prob- ably never committed to writing, whose name is buried in oblivion, and whose dialect has become obsolete. It must, then, be admitted to be possible, or rather highly probable, that the stories of Eomulus and Kemus, and of the Horatii and Curiatii, may have had a similar origin. Castilian literature will furnish us with another parallel case. Mariana, the classical historian of Spain, tells the story of the ill-starred marriage which the King Don Alonso brought about between the heirs of Carrion and the two daughters of the Cid. The Cid bestowed a princely clower on his sons-in-law. But the young men were base and proud, cowardly and cruel. They were tried in danger and found wanting. They fled before the Moors, and once, when a lion broke out of his den, they ran and crouched in an unseemly hiding-place. They knew that they were despised, and took counsel how they might be avenged. They parted from their He was the favourite of the monks j and the monks and the minstrels were at deadly feud. 36 author's preface. father-in-law with many signs of love, and set forth on a journey with Dona Elvira and Dona Sol. In a soli- tary place the bridegrooms seized their brides, stripped them, sconrged them, and departed, leaving them for dead. But one of the house of Bivar, suspecting foul play, had followed the travellers in disguise. The ladies were brought back safe to the house of their father. Com- plaint was made to the king. It was adjudged by the Cortes that the dower given by the Cid should be re- turned, and that the heirs of Carrion together with one of their kindred should do battle against three knights of the party of the Cid. The guilty youths would have declined the combat; but all their shifts were vain. They were vanquished in the lists, and for ever disgraced, while their injured wives were sought in marriage by great princes.* Some Spanish writers have laboured to show, by an examination of dates and circumstances, that this story is untrue. Such confutation was surely not needed ; for the narrative is on the face of it a romance. How it found its way into Mariana's history is quite clear. He acknowl- edges his obligations to the ancient chronicles; and had doubtless before him the " Cronica del famoso Cavallero Cid Buy Diez Campeador," which had been printed as early as the year 1552. He little suspected that all the most striking passages in this chronicle were copied from a poem of the twelfth century, a poem of which the language and versification had long been obsolete, but which glowed with no common portion of the fire of the Iliad. Yet such was the fact. More than a century and a half after the death * Mariana, lib. x. cap. 4. author's preface. 37 of Mariana, this venerable ballad, of which one imperfect copy on parchment, four hundred years old, had been pre- served at Bivar, was for the first time printed. Then it was found that every interesting circumstance of the story of the heirs of Carrion was derived by the eloquent Jesuit from a song of which he had never heard, and which was composed by a minstrel whose very name had long been forgotten.* Such, or nearly such, appears to have been the process by which, the lost ballad-poetry of Rome was transformed into history. To reverse that process, to transform some portions of early Eoman history back into the poetry out of which they were made, is the object of this work. In the following poems the author speaks, not in his own person, but in the persons of ancient minstrels who know only what a Roman citizen, born three or four hundred years before the Christian era, ma}' be supposed to have known, and who are in nowise above the passions and prejudices of their age and nation. To these imagi- nary poets must be ascribed some blunders which are so obvious that it is unnecessary to point them out. The real blunder would have been to represent these old poets as deeply versed in general history, and studious of chronological accuracy. To them must also be attributed the illiberal sneers at the Greeks, the furious party-spirit, the contempt for the arts of peace, the love of war for its own sake, the ungenerous exultation over the van- *See the account which Sanchez gives of the Bivar manuscript in the first volume of the Coleccion de Poesias Castollanas anteriores al Siglo XV. Part of the story of the lords of Carrion, in the poem of the Cid, has been translated by Mr. Frere in a manner above all praise. 38 author's preface. quished, which the reader will sometimes observe. To portray a Roman of the age of Camillus or Curius as superior to national antipathies, as mourning over the devastation and slaughter by which empire and triumphs were to be won, as looking on human suffering with the sympathy of Howard, or as treating conquered enemies with the delicacy of the Black Prince, would be to vio- late all dramatic propriety. The old Romans had some great virtues, fortitude, temperance, veracity, spirit to resist oppression, respect for legitimate authority, fidelity in the observing of contracts, disinterestedness, ardent patriotism ; but Christian charity and chivalrous generosity were alike unknown to them. It would have been obviously improper to mimic the manner of any particular age or country. Something has been borrowed, however, from our own old ballads, and more from Sir Walter Scott, the great restorer of our ballad-poetry. To the Iliad still greater obligations are due ; and those obligations have been contracted with the less hesitation, because there is reason to believe that some of the old Latin minstrels really had recourse to that inexhaustible store of poetical images. It would have been easy to swell this little volume to a very considerable bulk, by appending notes filled with Quotations; but to a learned reader such notes are not necessary ; for an unlearned reader they would have little interest; and the judgment passed both by the learned and by the unlearned on a work of the imagina- tion will always depend much more on the general char- acter and spirit of such a work than on minute details. LAYS OF AXCIEXT ROME. o»;o HORATIUS. There can be little doubt that among those parts of early Roman history which had a poetical origin was the legend of Horatius Codes. We have several versions of the story, and these versions differ from each other in points of no small importance. Polybius, there is reason to believe, heard the tale recited over the remains of some Consul or Praetor descended from the old Horatian patricians ; for he introduces it as a specimen of the narratives with which the Romans were in the habit of embellishing their funeral oratory. It is remarkable that, according to him, Horatius defended the bridge alone, and perished in the waters. Ac- cording to the chronicles which Livy and Dionysius fol- lowed, Horatius had two companions, swam safe ashore, and was loaded with honours and rewards. These discrepancies are easily explained. Our own liter- ature, indeed, will furnish an exact parallel to what may have taken place at Rome. It is highly probable that the memory of the war of Porsena was preserved by composi- tions much resembling the two ballads which stand first in the Belies of Ancient English Poetry. In both those ballads the English, commanded by the Percy, fight with the Scots. commanded by the Douglas. In one of the ballads the Douglas is killed by a nameless English archer, and the Percy by a Scottish spearman : in the other, the Percy 39 40 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. slays the Douglas in single combat, and is himself made prisoner. In the former, Sir Hugh Montgomery is shot through the heart by a Northumbrian bowman: in the latter he is taken and exchanged for the Percy. Yet both the ballads relate to the same event, and that an event which probably took place within the memory of persons who were alive when both the ballads were made. One of the minstrels says: 14 Old men that knowen the grounde well yenoughe Call it the battell of Otterburn : At Otterburn began this spurne Upon a monnyn day. Ther was the clougghte Doglas slean : The Perse never went away." The other poet sums up the event in the following lines : " Thys fraye bygan at Otterborne Bytwene the nyghte and the day : Ther the Dowglas lost hys lyfe, And the Percy was lede away." It is by no means unlikely that there were two old Roman lays about the defence of the bridge ; and that, while the story which Livy has transmitted to us was preferred by the multitude, the other, which ascribed the whole glory to Horatius alone, may have been the favourite with the Horatian house. The following ballad is supposed to have been made about a hundred and twenty years after the war which it celebrates, and just before the taking of Rome by the Gauls. The author seems to have been an honest citizen, proud of the military glory of his country, sick of the disputes of factions, and much given to pining after good old times which had never really existed. The allusion, however, to the partial manner in which the public lands were HOKATIUS. 41 allotted could proceed only from a plebeian ; and the allu- sion to the fraudulent sale of spoils marks the date of the poem, and shows that the poet shared in the general dis- content with which the proceedings of Camillus, after the taking of Yeii, were regarded. The penultimate syllable of the name Porsena has been shortened in spite of the authority of Xiebuhr, who pro- nounces, without assigning any ground for his opinion that Martial was guilty of a decided blunder in the line, " Hanc spectare manum Porsena non potuit." It is not easy to understand how any modern scholar, whatever his attainments may be, — and those of Niebuhr were undoubtedly immense, — can venture to pronounce that Martial did not know the quantity of a word which he must have uttered and heard uttered a hundred times before he left school. Niebuhr seems also to have forgotten that Martial has fellow-culprits to keep him in countenance. Horace has committed the same decided blunder ; for he gives us, as a pure iambic line, " Minacis aut Etrusca Porsena} manus." Silius Italicus has repeatedly offended in the same way, as when he says, " Cernitur effugiens ardentem Porsena dextram : " and again, Clusinum vulgus, cum, Porsena magne, jubebas." A modern writer may be content to err in such company. Xiebuhr's supposition that each of the three defenders of the bridge was the representative of one of the three patrician tribes is both ingenious and probable, and has been adopted in the following poem. HORATIUS. A LAY MADE ABOUT THE TEAR OF THE CITY CCCLX. 1 I. Lars Porsexa 2 of Clusium 3 By the Nine Gods 4 he swore That the great house of Tarquin 6 Should suffer wrong no more. By the Nine Gods he swore it, 5 And named a trysting day, And bade his messengers ride forth, East and west and south and north, To summon his array. ii. East and w r est and south and north 10 The messengers ride fast, And tower and town and cottage Have heard the trumpet's blast. Shame on the false Etruscan Who lingers in his home, 15 When Porsena of Clusium Is on the march for Home. in. The horsemen and the footmen Are pouring in amain From many a stately market-place ; 20 From many a fruitful plain ; 42 HORATIUS. 43 From many a lonely hamlet, Which, hid by beech and pine, Like an eagle's nest, hangs on the crest Of purple Apennine ; 25 IV. From lordly Yolaterrae, 6 Where scowls the far-famed hold Piled by the hands of giants For godlike kings of old ; From seagirt Populonia, 7 30 Whose sentinels descry Sardinia's snowy mountain-tops Fringing the southern sky ; From the proud mart of Pisae, 8 Queen of the western waves, 35 Where ride Massilia's 9 triremes Heavy with fair-haired slaves ; From where sweet Clanis 10 wanders Through corn and vines and flowers ; From where Cortona " lifts to heaven 40 Her diadem of towers. VI. Tall are the oaks whose acorns Drop in dark Auser's 12 rill ; Fat are the stags that champ the boughs Of the Ciminian hill 13 ; 45 Beyond all streams Clitumnus M Is to the herdsman dear ; Best of all pools the fowler loves The great Volsinian mere. 15 44 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. VII. But now no stroke of woodman 50 Is heard by Auser's rill ; No hunter tracks the stag's green path Up the Ciminian hill ; Unwatched along Clitumnus Grazes the milk-white steer ; 55 Unharmed the water fowl may dip In the Volsinian mere. VIII. The harvests of Arretium, 16 This year, old men shall reap, This year, young boys in Umbro 17 60 Shall plunge the struggling sheep; And in the vats of Luna, 18 This year, the must shall foam Round the white feet of laughing girls Whose sires have marched to Rome. 65 IX. There be thirty chosen prophets, The wisest of the land, Who always by Lars Porsena Both morn and evening stand : Evening and morn the Thirty 70 Have turned the verses o'er, Traced from the right on linen white 19 By mighty seers of yore. x. And with one voice the Thirty Have their glad answer given : 75 " Go forth, go forth, Lars Porsena ; Go forth, beloved of Heaven ; HORATIUS. 45 Go, and return in glory To Clusium's royal dome ; And hang round Nurscia's ^ altars 80 The golden shields 21 of Rome." XI. And now hath every city Sent up her tale of men ; The foot are fourscore thousand, The horse are thousands ten : 85 Before the gates of Sutrium 22 Is met the great array. A proud man was Lars Porsena Upon the try sting day. XII. For all the Etruscan armies 90 Were ranged beneath his eye, And many a banished Roman, And many a stout ally ; And with a mighty following To join the muster came 95 The Tusculan Mamilius, 23 Prince of the Latian name. XIII. But by the yellow Tiber 24 Was tumult and affright : From all the spacious champaign 25 100 To Rome men took their flight. A mile around the city, The throng stopped up the ways ; A fearful sight it was to see Through two long nights and days. 105 46 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XIV. For aged folks on crutches, And women great with child, And mothers sobbing over babes That clung to them and smiled. And sick men borne in litters 110 High on the necks of slaves, And troops of sun-burned husbandmen With reaping-hooks and staves, xv. And droves of mules and asses Laden with skins 26 of wine, 115 And endless flocks of goats and sheep, And endless herds of kine, And endless trains of wagons That creaked beneath the weight Of corn-sacks and of household goods, 120 Choked every roaring gate. XVI. Now, from the rock Tarpeian, 27 Could the wan burghers spy The line of blazing villages Red in the midnight sky. 125 The Fathers of the City, 28 They sat all night and day, For every hour some horseman came With tidings of dismay. XVII. To eastward and to westward 130 Have spread the Tuscan bands ; Nor house, nor fence, nor dovecote In Crustumerium ^ stands. HORATIUS. 47 Verbenna down to Ostia 30 Hath wasted all the plain ; 135 Astur hath stormed Janiculum, 31 And the stout guards are slain. XVIII. I wis, in all the Senate, There was no heart so bold, But sore it ached and fast it beat, no When that ill news was told. Forthwith up rose the Consul, 32 Up rose the Fathers all ; In haste they girded up their gowns, And hied them to the wall. 145 ' XIX. They held a council standing Before the River-Gate ^ ; Short time was there, ye well may guess, For musing or debate. Out spake the Consul roundly : 150 " The bridge 34 must straight go down ; For, since Janiculum is lost, Nought else can save the town." xx. Just then a scout came flying, All wild with haste and fear ; 155 " To arms ! to arms ! Sir Consul : Lars Porsena is here." On the low hills to westward The Consul fixed his eye, And saw the swarthy storm of dust 160 Eise fast along the sky. 48 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XXI. And nearer fast and nearer Doth the red whirlwind come ; And louder still and still more loud, From underneath that rolling cloud, 165 Is heard the trumpet's war-note proud, The trampling, and the hum. And plainly and more plainly Now through the gloom appears, Far to left and far to right, 170 In broken gleams of dark-blue light, The long array of helmets bright, The long array of spears. XXII. And plainly and more plainly, Above that glimmering line, 175 Now might ye see the banners Of twelve fair cities shine 35 ; But the banner of proud Clusium Was highest of them all, The terror of the Umbrian, 180 The terror of the Gaul. XXIII. And plainly and more plainly Now might the burghers know, By port and vest, by horse and crest, Each warlike Lucumo. 36 185 There Cilnius 37 of Arretium On his fleet roan was seen ; And Astur of the four-fold shield, 38 Girt with the brand none else may wield, HORATIUS. 49 Tolumnius with the belt of gold, 190 And dark Verbenna from the hold By reedy Thrasyniene. 39 XXIV. Fast by the royal standard, O'erlooking all the war, Lars Porsena of Clusium 195 Sat in his ivory car. By the right wheel rode Marnilius, Prince of the Latian name; And by the left false Sextus, 40 That wrought the deed of shame. 200 XXV. But when the face of Sextus Was seen among the foes, A yell that rent the firmament From all the town arose. On the house-tops was no woman 205 But spat towards him and hissed, No child, but screamed out curses, And shook its little fist. XXVI. But the Consul's brow was sad, And the Consul's speech was low, 210 And darkly looked he at the wall, And darkly at the foe. " Their van will be upon us Before the bridge goes down ; And if they once may win the bridge, 215 What hope to save the town ? " 50 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XXVII. Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate 41 : " To every man upon this earth Death eometh soon or late. 220 And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers. And the temples of his Gods, XXVIII. " And for the tender mother 225 Who dandled him to rest, And for the wife who nurses His baby at her breast, And for the holy maidens e Who feed the eternal flame, 230 To save them from false Sextus That wrought the deed of shame ? XXIX. " Hevr down the bridge, Sir Consul, With all the speed ye may ; I, with two more to help me, 235 Will hold the foe in play. In yon strait path 43 a thousand May well be stopped by three. Xow who will stand on either hand, And keep the bridge with me ? " 240 xxx. Then out spake Spurius Lartius ; A Kamnian 44 proud was he : "Lo, I will stand at thy right hand, HORATIUS. 51 And keep the bridge with thee." And out spake strong Herminius ; 245 Of Titian 45 blood was he : " I will abide on thy left side, And keep the bridge with thee." XXXI. " Horatius," quoth the Consul, " As thou sayest, so let it be." 250 And straight against that great array Forth went the dauntless Three. For Romans in Rome's quarrel Spared neither land nor gold, Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life, 255 In the brave days of old. XXXII. Then none was for a party ; Then all were for the state ; Then the great man helped the poor, And the poor man loved the great : 260 Then lands were fairly portioned 4,; ; Then spoils were fairly sold : The Romans were like brothers In the brave days of old. XXXIII. Now Roman is to Roman 265 More hateful than a foe, And the Tribunes beard the high, And the Fathers grind the low. As we wax hot in faction, In battle we wax cold : 270 Wherefore men fight not as they fought In the brave days of old. 52 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XXXIV. Now while the Three were tightening Their harness on their backs, The Consul was the foremost man 275 To take in hand an axe : And Fathers mixed with Commons Seized hatchet, bar, and crow, And smote upon the planks above, And loosed the props below. 280 XXXV. Meanwhile the Tuscan army, Eight glorious to behold, Came flashing back the noonday light, Bank behind rank, like surges bright Of a broad sea of gold. 285 Four hundred trumpets sounded A peal of warlike glee, As that great host, with measured tread, And spears advanced, and ensigns spread, Soiled slowly towards the bridge's head, 290 "Where stood the dauntless Three. XXXVI. The Three stood calm and silent, And looked upon the foes, And a great shout of laughter From all the vanguard rose : 295 And forth three chiefs came spurring Before that deep array ; To earth they sprang, their swords they drew, And lifted high their shields, and flew To win the narrow way : 300 HORATIUS. 53 XXXVII. Aunus from green Tifernum, 47 Lord of the Hill of Vines ; And Seius, whose eight hundred slaves Sicken in Ilva's 48 mines ; And Picus, long to Clusium 305 Vassal in peace and war, Who led to fight his Umbrian powers Prom that grey crag where, girt with towers, The fortress of Nequinum 49 lowers O'er the pale waves of Nar. 310 XXXVIII. Stout Lartius hurled down Aunus Into the stream beneath : Herminius struck at Seius, And clove him to the teeth : At Picus brave Horatius 315 Darted one fiery thrust ; And the proud Umbrian's gilded arms Clashed in the bloody dust. XXXIX. Then Ocnus of Falerii ^ Rushed on the Roman Three ; 320 And Lausulus of Urgo, 51 The rover of the sea; And Aruns of Volsinium, 52 Who slew the great wild boar, The great wild boar that had his den 325 Amidst the reeds of Cosa's 53 fen, And wasted fields, and slaughtered men. Alono- Albinia's 54 shore. 54 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XL. Herminius smote down Aruns : Lartius laid Ocnus low : 330 Right to the heart of Lausulus Horatius sent a blow. " Lie there," he cried, " fell pirate ! No more, aghast and pale, From Ostia's walls the crowd shall mark 335 The track of thy destroying bark. No more Campania's hinds shall fly To woods and caverns when they spy Thy thrice accursed sail." XLI. But now no sound of laughter 340 Was heard among the foes. A wild and wrathful clamour From all the vanguard rose. Six spears' lengths from the entrance Halted that deep array, 345 But for a space no man came forth To win the narrow way. XLII. But hark ! the cry is Astur : And lo ! the ranks divide ; And the great Lord of Luna 350 Comes with his stately stride. Upon his ample shoulders Clangs loud the fourfold shield, And in his hand he shakes the brand Which none but he can wield. 355 HORATIUS. 55 XLTII. He smiled on those bold Romans A smile serene and high ; He eyed the flinching Tuscans, And scorn was in his eye. Quoth he, " The she-wolfs litter 55 360 Stand savagely at bay : But will ye dare to follow, If Astur clears the way ?" XLIV. Then, whirling up his broadsword With both hands to the height, 365 He rushed against Horatius, And smote with all his might. With shield and blade Horatius Eight deftly turned the blow. The blow, though turned, came yet too nigh ; 370 It missed his helm, but gashed his thigh : The Tuscans raised a joyful cry To see the red blood flow. XLV. He reeled, and on Herminius He leaned one breathing-space ; 375 Then, like a wild cat mad with wounds, Sprang right at Astur's face ; Through teeth, and skull, and helmet So fierce a thrust he sped, The good sword stood a hand-breadth out 380 Behind the Tuscan's head. 56 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XLYI. And the great Lord of Luna Fell at that deadly stroke, As falls on Mount Alvernus 56 A thunder-smitten oak. 385 Far o'er the crashing forest The giant arms lie spread ; And the pale augurs, muttering low, Gaze on the blasted head. 57 XL VII. On Astur's throat Horatius 390 Eight firmly pressed his heel, And thrice and four times tugged amain, Ere he wrenched out the steel. " And see/' he cried, " the welcome, Fair guests, that waits you here ! 395 What noble Lucumo comes next To taste our Eoman cheer ? " XLVIII. But at his haughty challenge A sullen murmur ran, Mingled of wrath, and shame, and dread, 400 Along that glittering van. There lacked not men of prowess, Xor men of lordly race ; For all Etruria's noblest Were round the fatal place. 405 XLIX. But all Etruria's noblest Felt their hearts sink to see HOEATIUS. 57 On the earth the bloody corpses, In the path the dauntless Three : And, from the ghastly entrance 410 Where those bold Eomans stood, All shrank, like boys who unaware, Ranging the woods to start a hare, Come to the mouth of the dark lair Where, growling low, a fierce old bear 415 Lies amidst bones and blood. L. Was none who would be foremost To lead such dire attack : But those behind cried " Forward ! " And those before cried " Back ! " 420 And backward now and forward Wavers the deep array ; And on the tossing sea of steel, To and fro the standards reel ; And the victorious trumpet-peal 425 Dies fitfully away. LI. Yet one man for one moment Stood out before the crowd ; Well known was he to all the Three, And they gave him greeting loud, 430 " Now welcome, welcome, Sextus ! Now welcome to thy home ! Why dost thou stay, and turn away ? Here lies the road to Rome." LII. Thrice looked he at the city ; 435 Thrice looked he at the dead ; 58 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. And thrice came on in fury, And thrice turned back in dread : And, white with fear and hatred, Scowled at the narrow way 440 Where, wallowing in a pool of blood, The bravest Tuscans lay. LIII. But meanwhile axe and lever Have manfully been plied ; And now the bridge hangs tottering 445 Above the boiling tide. " Come back, come back, Horatius ! " Loud cried the Fathers all. " Back, Lartius ! back, Herminius ! Back, ere the ruin fall ! " 450 LIV. Back darted Spurius Lartius ; Herminius darted back : And, as they passed, beneath their feet They felt the timbers crack. But when they turned their faces, 455 And on the farther shore Saw brave Horatius stand alone, They would have crossed once more. LV. But with a crash like thunder Fell every loosened beam, 460 And, like a dam, the mighty wreck Lay right athwart the stream : And a long shout of triumph Rose from the walls of Rome, As to the highest turret-tops 465 Was splashed the yellow foam. HORATIUS. 59 LVI. And, like a horse unbroken When first he feels the rein. The furious river struggled hard, And tossed his tawny mane, 470 And burst the curb, and bounded, Rejoicing to be free, And whirling down, in fierce career, Battlement, and plank, and pier, Rushed headlong to the sea. 475 LVII. Alone stood brave Horatius, But constant still in mind ; Thrice thirty thousand foes before, And the broad flood behind. " Down with him ! " cried false Sextus, 480 With a smile on his pale face. "Now yield thee/ 3 cried Lars Porsena, " Now yield thee to our grace." LVIII. Round turned he, as not deigning Those craven ranks to see ; 485 Nought spake he to Lars Porsena, To Sextus nought spake he; But he saw on Palatini! s ^ The white porch of his home ; And he spake to the noble river 490 That rolls by the towers of Rome. LTX. " Oh, Tiber ! father Tiber 59 ! To whom the Romans pray. 60 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. A Roman's life, a Roman's arms, Take thou in charge this day ! " 495 So he spake, and speaking sheathed The good sword by his side, And with his harness on his back, Plunged headlong in the tide. LX. No sound of joy or sorrow 500 Was heard from either bank ; But friends and foes in dumb surprise, With parted lips and straining eyes, Stood gazing where he sank ; And when above the surges 505 They saw his crest appear, All Rome sent forth a rapturous cry, And even the ranks of Tuscany Could scarce forbear to cheer. LXI. But fiercely ran the current, 510 Swollen high by months of rain : And fast his blood was flowing ; And he was sore in pain, And heavy with his armour, And spent with changing blows : 515 And oft they thought him sinking, But still again he rose. LXII. Never, I ween, did swimmer, In such an evil case, Struggle through such a raging flood 520 Safe .to the landing place : HORATIUS. 61 But his limbs were borne up bravely By the brave heart within, And our good father Tiber Bore bravely up his chin. 525 LXIII. " Curse on him ! " quoth false Sextus ; " Will not the villain drown ? But for this stay, ere close of day We should have sacked the town ! " " Heaven help him ! " quoth Lars Porsena, 530 " And bring him safe to shore ; For such a gallant feat of arms Was never seen before." LXIV. And now he feels the bottom ; Xow on dry earth he stands ; 535 Kow round him throng the Fathers To press his gory hands ; And now, with shouts and clapping, And noise of weeping loud, He enters through the Kiver-Gate, 60 540 Borne by the joyous crowd. LXV. They gave him of the corn-land, 61 That was of public right, As much as two strong oxen Could plough from morn till night 62 ; 545 And they made a molten image, And set it up on high, And there it stands unto this day To witness if I lie. 62 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. LXVI. It stands in the Comitium, 63 550 Plain for all folk to see ; Horatius in his harness, Halting upon one knee : And underneath is written, In letters all of gold, 555 How valiantly he kept the bridge In the brave days of old. LXVII. And still his name sounds stirring Unto the men of Rome, As the trumpet-blast that cries to them 560 To charge the Volscian 64 home ; And wives still pray to Juno m For boys with hearts as bold As his who kept the bridge so well In the brave days of old. 565 LXVIII. And in the nights of winter, When the cold north winds blow, And the long howling of the wolves Is heard amidst the snow ; When round the lonely cottage 570 Roars loud the tempest's din, And the good logs of Algidus ^ Roar louder yet within ; LXIX. When the oldest cask is opened, And the largest lamp is lit; 575 HOEATIUS 63 When the chestnuts glow in the embers, And the kid turns on the spit ; When young and old in circle Around the firebrands close ; When the girls are weaving baskets, 580 And the lads are shaping bows ; LXX. When the goodman mends his armour, And trims his helmet's plume ; When the goodwife's shuttle merrily Goes flashing through the loom ; 585 With weeping and with laughter Still is the story told, How well Horatius kept the bridge In the brave clays of old. THE BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. The following poem is supposed to have been produced about ninety years after the lay of Horatius. Some persons mentioned in the lay of Horatius make their appearance again, and some appellations and epithets used in the lay of Horatius have been purposely repeated : for, in an age of ballad poetry, it scarcely ever fails to happen, that certain phrases come to be appropriated to certain men and things, and are regularly applied to those men and things by every minstrel. Thus we find, both in the Homeric poems and in Hesiod, JSlt) 'Hpa/cA^et'?;, 7r€pLK\vro<; 'A/xc^iyir^ets, StaKTopos 'Apya- (frovTrjs, €7TTa7rvAos @t/^, 'EAeV^? eveK rjvKO/uiOLO. Thus, too, in our own national songs, Douglas is almost always the doughty Douglas: England is merry England: all the gold is red ; and all the ladies are gay. The principal distinction between the lay of Horatius and the lay of the Lake Regillus is that the former is meant to be purely Roman, while the latter, though national in its general spirit, has a slight tincture of Greek learning and of Greek superstition. The story of the Tar quins, as it has come down to us, appears to have been compiled from the works of several popular poets ; and one, at least, of those poets appears to have visited the Greek colonies in Italy, if not Greece itself, and to have had some acquaintance with the works of Homer and Herodotus. Many of the most striking adventures of the house of Tarquin, before Lucretia makes her appearance, have a Greek character. The Tar- quins themselves are represented as Corinthian nobles of 66 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. the great house of the Bacchiadse, driven from their country by the tyranny of that Cypselus, the tale of whose strange escape Herodotus has related with incomparable simplicity and liveliness.* Livy and Dionysius tell us that, when Tar- quin the Proud was asked what was the best mode of gov- erning a conquered city, he replied only by beating down with his staff all the tallest poppies in his garden. t This is exactly what Herodotus, in the passage to which reference has already been made, relates of the counsel given to Peri- ander, the son of Cypselus. The stratagem by which the town of Gabii is brought under the power of the Tarquins is, again, obviously copied from Herodotus. J The embassy of the young Tarquins to the oracle at Delphi is just such a story as would be tolcl by a poet whose head was full of the Greek mythology ; and the ambiguous answer returned by Apollo is in the exact style of the prophecies which, accord- ing to Herodotus, lured Croesus to destruction. Then the character of the narrative changes. Prom the first mention of Lucretia to the retreat of Porsena nothing seems to be borrowed from foreign sources. The villany of Sextus, the suicide of his victim, the revolution, the death of the sons of Brutus, the defence of the bridge, Mucins burning his hand, Cloelia swimming through Tiber, seem to be all strictly Roman. But when we have done with the Tuscan war, and enter upon the war with the Latines, we are again struck by the Greek air of the story. The Battle of the Lake Begillus is in all respects a Homeric battle, except that the comba- tants ride astride on their horses, instead of driving chariots. The mass of fighting men is hardly mentioned. The lead- ers single each other out, and engage hand to hand. The great object of the warriors on both sides is, as in the Iliad, to obtain possession of the spoils and bodies of the slain ; * Herodotus, v. 92. Livy, i. 34. Dionysius, iii. 46. f Livy, i. 54. Dionysius, iv. 5Q. I Herodotus, iii. 154. Livy, i. 53. BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLCS. 67 and several circumstances are related which forcibly remind us of the great slaughter round the corpses of Sarpedon and Patroclus. But there is one circumstance which deserves especial notice. Both the war of Troy and the war of Regillus were caused by the licentious passions of young princes, who were therefore peculiarly bound not to be sparing of their own persons in the day of battle. Xow the con- duct of Sextus at Regillus, as described by Livy, so exactly resembles that of Paris, as described at the beginning of the third book of the Iliad, that it is difficult to believe the resemblance accidental. Paris appears before the Trojan ranks, defying the bravest Greek to encounter him : Tpcocrh fikv irpofxaxi-^v ' A\e%avdpos deoeidrjs, , . . ' Apyeicov irpoKaKl^ero irdvras apLdTovs, avrifiiov (jLaxe&acrdcu ev alvrj drjLorrJTL. Livy introduces Sextus in a similar manner: "Ferocem juvenem Tarquinium, ostentantem se in prima exsulum acie." Menelaus rushes to meet Paris. A Roman noble, eager for vengeance, spurs his horse towards Sextus. Both the guilty princes are instantly terror-stricken : Tbu 8 cbs o&i> iv6r)(T€v AXe^avdpos Oeoeidrjs kv TrpofxdxoKTL (fmvevra, KaTeTrXrjyr] (pL\ov 9jrop ' Sl\(/ 5' erdpcov els eQvos ex^i" 6ro K VP dXeelvcjv. " Tarquinius," says Livy, " retro in agmen suorum infenso cessit hosti." If this be a fortuitous coincidence, it is one of the most extraordinary in literature. In the following poem, therefore, images and incidents have been borrowed, not merely without scruple, but on principle, from the incomparable battle-pieces of Homer. The popular belief at Borne, from an early period, seems to have been that the event of the great day of Regillus was decided by supernatural agency. Castor and Pollux, it was said, had fought, armed and mounted, at the 68 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. head of the legions of the commonwealth, and had after- wards carried the news of the victory with incredible speed to the city. The well in the Forum at which they had alighted was pointed out. Near the well rose their ancient temple. A great festival was kept to their honour on the Ides of Quintilis, supposed to be the anniversary of the battle ; and on that day sumptuous sacrifices were offered to them at the public charge. One spot on the margin of Lake Regillus was regarded during many ages with super- stitious awe. A mark, resembling in shape a horse's hoof, was discernible in the volcanic rock ; and this mark was believed to have been made by one of the celestial chargers. How the legend originated cannot now be ascertained: but we may easily imagine several ways in which it might have originated ; nor is it at all necessary to suppose, with Julius Frontinus, that two young men were dressed up by the Dictator to personate the sons of Leda. It is prob- able that Livy is correct when he says that the Eoman general, in the hour of peril, vowed a temple to Castor. If so, nothing could be more natural than that the multitude should ascribe the victory to the favour of the Twin Gods. When such was the prevailing sentiment, any man who chose to declare that, in the midst of the confusion and slaughter, he had seen two godlike forms on white horses scattering the Latines, would find ready credence. We know, indeed, that, in modern times, a very similar story actually found credence among a people much more civil- ised than the Romans of the fifth century before Christ. A chaplain of Cortes, writing about thirty years after the conquest of Mexico, in an age of printing presses, libraries, universities, scholars, logicians, jurists, and statesmen, had the face to assert that, in one engagement against the Indians, Saint James had appeared on a grey horse at the head of the Castilian adventurers. Many of those adven- turers were living when this lie was printed. One of them, BATTLE OF THE LAKE KEGILLUS. 69 honest Bernal Diaz, wrote an account of the expedition. He had the evidence of his own senses against the legend ; but he seems to have distrusted even the evidence of his own senses. He says that he was in the battle, and that he saw a grey horse with a man on his back, but that the man was, to his thinking, Francesco de Morla, and not the ever- blessed apostle Saint James. " Nevertheless," Bernal adds, " it may be that the person on the grey horse was the glori- ous apostle Saint James, and that I, sinner that I am, was unworthy to see him." The Romans of the age of Cincin- natus were probably quite as credulous as the Spanish sub- jects of Charles the Fifth. It is therefore conceivable that the appearance of Castor and Pollux may have become an article of faith before the generation which had fought at Regillus had passed away. Nor could anything be more natural than that the poets of the next age should embellish this story, and make the celestial horsemen bear the tidings of victory to Rome. Many years after the temple of the Twin Gods had been built in the Forum, an important addition was made to the ceremonial by which the state annually testified its gratitude for their protection. Quintus Fabins and Publius Deems were elected Censors at a momentous crisis. It had become absolutely necessary that the classification of the citizens should be revised. On that classification depended the dis- tribution of political power. Party-spirit ran high; and the republic seemed to be in danger of falling under the dominion either of a narrow oligarchy or of an ignorant and headstrong rabble. Under such circumstances, the most illustrious patrician and the most illustrious ple- beian of the age were intrusted with the office of arbitrat- ing between the angry factions ; and they performed their arduous task to the satisfaction of all honest and reasonable men. One of their reforms was a remodelling of the equestrian 70 LAYS OF AXCIEXT ROME. order ; and, having effected this reform, they determined to give to their work a sanction derived from religion. In the chivalrous societies of modern times, societies which have much more than may at first sight appear in common with the equestrian order of Rome, it has been usual to invoke the special protection of some Saint, and to observe his day with peculiar solemnity. Thus the Companions of the Garter wear the image of Saint George depending from their col- lars, and meet, on great occasions, in Saint George's Chapel. Thus, when Lewis the Fourteenth instituted a new order of chivalry for the rewarding of military merit, he commended it to the favour of his own glorified ancestor and patron, and decreed that all the members of the fraternity should meet at the royal palace on the feast of Saint Lewis, should attend the king to chapel, should hear mass, and should sub- sequently hold their great annual assembly. There is a con- siderable resemblance between this rule of the order of Saint Lewis and the rule which Fabius and Decius made respect- ing the Roman knights. It was ordained that a grand mus- ter and inspection of the equestrian body should be part of the ceremonial performed, on the anniversary of the battle of Eegillus, in honour of Castor and Pollux, the two eques- trian Gods. All the knights, clad in purple and crowned with olive, were to meet at a temple of Mars in the suburbs. Thence they were to ride in state to the Forum, where the temple of the Twins stood. This pageant was, during sev- eral centuries, considered as one of the most splendid sights of Home. In the time of Dionysius the cavalcade some- times consisted of five thousand horsemen, all persons of fair repute and easy fortune. # There can be no doubt that the Censors who instituted *See Livy, ix. 46. Val. Max. ii. 2. Aurel. Yict. De Viris Ilhistribus, 32. Dionysius, vi. 13. Plin. Hist. Nat. xv. 5. See also the singularly ingenious chapter in Niebuhr's posthumous volume, Die Censur des Q. Fabius und P. Decius. BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 71 this august ceremony acted in concert with the Pontiffs to whom, by the constitution of Eome, the superintendence of the public worship belonged; and it is probable that those high religious functionaries were, as usual, fortunate enough to find in their books or traditions some warrant for the innovation. The following poem is supposed to have been made for this great occasion. Songs, we know, were chanted at the religious festivals of Eome from an early period; indeed from so early a period, that some of the sacred verses were popularly ascribed to Xuma, and were utterly unintelligible in the age of Augustus. In the Second Punic War a great feast was held in honour of Juno, and a song was sung in her praise. This song was extant when Livy wrote ; and, though exceedingly rugged and uncouth, seemed to him not wholly destitute of merit.* A song, as we learn from Horace,! ^vas part of the established ritual at the great Secular Jubilee. It is therefore likely that the Censors and Pontiffs, when they had resolved to add a grand pro- cession of knights to the other solemnities annually per- formed on the Ides of Quintilis, would call in the aid of a poet. Such a poet would naturally take for his subject the battle of Regillus, the appearance of the Twin Gods, and the institution of their festival. He would find abun- dant materials in the ballads of his predecessors ; and he would make free use of the scanty stock of Greek learning which he had himself acquired. He would probably intro- duce some wise and holy Pontiff enjoining the magnificent ceremonial, which, after a long interval, had at length been adopted. If the poem succeeded, many persons would com- mit it to memory. Parts of it would be sung to the pipe at banquets. It would be peculiarly interesting to the great Posthumian House, which numbered among its many images that of the Dictator Aulus. the hero of Regillus. The orator *Livy, xxvii. 37. t Hor, Carmen Seculore. 72 LAYS OF ANCIEXT ROME. who, in the following generation, pronounced the funeral panegyric over the remains of Lucius Posthumius Megellus, thrice Consul, would borrow largely from the lay ; and thus some passages, much disfigured, would probably find their way into the chronicles which were afterwards- in the hands of Dionysius and Livy. Antiquaries differ widely as to the situation of the field of battle. The opinion of those who suppose that the armies met near Cornuf elle, between Frascati and the Monte Porzio, is at least plausible, and has been followed in the poem. As to the details of the battle, it has not been thought desirable to adhere minutely to the accounts which have come down to us. Those accounts, indeed, differ widely from each other, and, in all probability, differ as widely from the ancient poem from which they were originally derived. It is unnecessary to point out the obvious imitations of the Iliad, which have been purposely introduced. THE BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. A LAY SUNG AT THE FEAST OF CASTOR AND POLLUX, ON THE IDES OF QUINTILIS, IN THE YEAR OF THE CITY CCCCLI. I. Ho, trumpets, sound a war-note ! Ho, lictors, 1 clear the way ! The Knights 2 will ride, in all their pride, Along the streets to-day. To-day the doors and windows 5 Are hung with garlands all, From Castor 3 in the Forum, To Mars 4 without the wall. Each Knight is robed in purple, 5 With olive each is crowned ; 10 A gallant war-horse under each Paws haughtily the ground. While flows the Yellow Biver, 6 While stands the Sacred Hill/ The proud Ides of Quintilis 8 15 Shall have such honour still. Gay are the Martian Kalends 9 : December's Nones 10 are gay : But the proud Ides, when the squadron rides, Shall be Eome's whitest day : 20 11. Unto the Great Twin Brethren n We keep this solemn feast. 73 74 LAYS OF ANCIENT EOME. Swift, swift, the Great Twin Brethren Came spurring from the east. They came o'er wild Parthenius 12 25 Tossing in waves of pine, O'er Cirrha's 13 dome, o'er Adria's foam, O'er purple Apennine, From where with flutes 14 and dances Their ancient mansion rings, 30 In lordly Lacedaemon, The City of two kings, 15 To where, by Lake Regillus, 16 Under the Porcian height, All in the lands of Tusculum, 17 35 Was fought the glorious fight. in. Now on the place of slaughter Are cots and sheepfolds seen, And rows of vines, and fields of wheat, And apple-orchards green ; 40 The swine crush the big acorns That fall from Corne's 18 oaks. Upon the turf by the Pair Fount The reaper's pottage smokes. The fisher baits his angle ; 45 The hunter twangs his bow ; Little they think on those strong limbs That moulder deep below. Little they think how sternly That day the trumpets pealed ; 50 How in the slippery swamp of blood Warrior and war-horse reeled ; How wolves came with fierce gallop, And crows on eager wings, BATTLE OF THE LAKE KEGILLUS. fb To tear the flesli of captains, 55 And peck the eyes of kings ; How thick the dead lay scattered Under the Porcian height ; How through the gates of Tusculum Eaved the wild stream of flight ; 60 And how the Lake Regillus Bubbled with crimson foam, What time the Thirty Cities 19 Came forth to war with Eome. IV. But, Roman, when thou standest 65 Upon that holy ground, Look thou with heed on the dark rock That girds the dark lake round, So shalt thou see a hoof -mark Stamped deep into the flint : 70 It was no hoof of mortal steed That made so strange a dint: There to the Great Twin Brethren Vow thou thy vows, and pray That they, in tempest and in fight, 75 Will keep thy head alway. Since last the Great Twin Brethren Of mortal eyes were seen, Have years gone by an hundred And fourscore and thirteen. 20 80 That summer a Yirginius W r as Consul first in place 21 ; The second was stout Aulus, Of the Posthumian race. 76 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. The Herald of the Latines 85 From Gabii 22 came in state : The Herald of the Latines Passed through Eome's Eastern Gate 23 : The Herald of the Latines Did in our Forum stand ; 90 And there he did his office, A sceptre in his hand. VI. " Hear, Senators and people Of the good town of Rome, The Thirty Cities charge you 95 To bring the Tarquins 24 home : And if ye still be stubborn, To work the Tarquins wrong, The Thirty Cities warn you, Look that your w^alls be strong." 100 VII. Then spake the Consul Aulus, He spake a bitter jest : "Once the jay sent a message Unto the eagle's nest : — Now yield thou up thine eyrie 105 Unto the carrion-kite, Or come forth valiantly, and face The jays in deadly fight. — Forth looked in wrath the eagle ; And carrion-kite and jay, 110 Soon as they saw his beak and claw, Fled screaming far away." VIII. The Herald of the Latines Hath hied him back in state ; BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 77 The Fathers of the City 115 Are met in high debate. Then spake the elder Consul, An ancient man and wise : " Now hearken, Conscript Fathers, 25 To that which I advise. 120 In seasons of great peril ? Tis good that one bear sway ; Then choose we a Dictator, 26 Whom all men shall obey. Camerium 27 knows how deeply 125 The sword of Aulus bites, And all our city calls him The man of seventy fights. Then let him be Dictator For six months and no more ; 130 And have a Master of the Knights, And axes twenty-four. 28 IX. So Aulus was Dictator, The man of seventy fights ; He made iEbutius Elva 135 His Master of the Knights. 29 On the third morn thereafter, At dawning of the day, Did Aulus and JEbutius Set forth with their array. 140 Sempronius Atratinus Was left in charge at home With boys, and with grey-headed men, To keep the walls of Eome. Hard by the Lake Regillus 145 Our camp was pitched at night : 78 LAYS OF ANCIEKT ROME. Eastward a mile the Latines lay. Under the Porcian height. Far over hill and valley Their mighty host was spread ; 150 And with their thousand watch-fires The midnight sky was red. Up rose the golden morning Over the Porcian height, The proud Ides of Quintilis 155 Marked evermore with white. Not without secret trouble Our bravest saw the foes ; For, girt by threescore thousand spears, The thirty standards rose. 160 Prom every warlike city That boasts the Latian name, Foredoomed to dogs and vultures, That gallant army came ; From Setia's 30 purple vineyards, 165 From Norba's 31 ancient wall, From the white streets of Tusculum, The proudest town of all ; From where the Witch's Fortress 32 Overhangs the dark-blue seas ; 170 From the still, glassy lake that sleeps Beneath Aricia's trees 33 — Those trees in whose dim shadow The ghastly priest doth reign, The priest who slew the slayer, 175 And shall himself be slain ; From the drear banks of Ufens, 34 Where flights of marsh-fowl play, BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 79 And buffaloes lie wallowing Through the hot summer's day ; 180 From the gigantic watch-towers, No work of earthly men. Whence Cora's 3,5 sentinels o'erlook The never-ending fen ; From the Laurentian 36 jungle, 185 The wild hog's reedy home ; From the green steeps whence Anio m leaps In floods of snow-white foam. XI. Aricia, Cora, Xorba, Velitrse, 38 with the might 190 Of Setia and of Tusculum, Were marshalled on the right : The leader was Mamilius, 39 Prince of the Latian name ; Upon his head a helmet 195 Of red gold shone like flame : High on a gallant charger Of dark-grey hue he rode ; Over his gilded armour A vest of purple flowed, 200 Woven in the land of sunrise By Syria's dark-browed daughters, 40 And by the sails of Carthage 41 brought Far o'er the southern waters. XII. Lavinium 42 and Laurentum 205 Had on the left their post, With all the banners of the marsh, And banners of the coast. 80 LAYS OF ANCIEKT ROME. Their leader was false Sextus, 48 That wrought the deed of shame : 210 With restless pace and haggard face To his last field he came. ]\Ien said he saw strange visions Which none beside might see, And that strange sounds were in his ears 215 Which none might hear but he. A woman fair and stately, But pale as are the dead, Oft through the watches of the night Sat spinning by his bed. 220 And as she plied the distaff, In a sweet voice and low, She sang of great old houses, And fights fought long ago. So spun she, and so sang she, 225 Until the east was grey, Then pointed to her bleeding breast, And shrieked, and fled away. XIII. But in the centre thickest Were ranged the shields of foes, 230 And from the centre loudest The cry of battle rose. There Tiber ** marched and Pedum 45 Beneath proud Tarquin's rule, And Ferentinum ^ of the rock, 235 And Gabii of the pool. There rode the Yolscian succours 47 : There, in a dark stern ring, The Eoman exiles gathered close Around the ancient king. 48 240 BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 81 Though white as Mount Soracte, 49 When winter nights are long, His beard flowed down o'er mail and belt, His heart and hand were strong: Under his hoary eyebrows 245 Still flashed forth quenchless rage, And, if the lance shook in his gripe, 'Twas more with hate than age. Close at his side was Titus On an Apulian steed, 50 250 Titus, the youngest Tarquin, Too ffood for such a breed. XIV. Now on each side the leaders Gave signal for the charge ; And on each side the footmen 255 Strode on with lance and targe ; And on each side the horsemen Struck their spurs deep in gore ; And front to front the armies Met with a mighty roar : 260 And under that great battle The earth with blood was red ; And, like the Pomptine fog 51 at morn, The dust hung overhead ; And louder still and louder 265 Eose from the darkened field The braying of the war-horns, The clang of sword and shield, The rush of squadrons sweeping Like whirlwinds o'er the plain, 270 The shouting of the slayers, And screeching of the slain. 82 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XV False Sextus rode out foremost : His look was high and bold ; His corslet was of bison's hide, 275 Plated with steel and gold. As glares the famished eagle From the Digentian rock 52 On a choice lamb that bounds alone Before Bandusia's flock, 53 280 Herminius glared on Sextus, And came with eagle speed, Herminius on black Auster, Brave champion on brave steed ; In his right hand the broadsword 285 That kept the bridge so well, And on his helm the crown 54 he won When proud Fidenae 55 fell. Woe to the maid whose lover Shall cross his path to-day ! 290 False Sextus saw, and trembled, And turned, and fled away. As turns, as flies, the woodman In the Calabrian brake, When through the reeds gleams the round eye 295 Of that fell speckled snake 56 ; So turned, so fled, false Sextus, And hid him in the rear, Behind the dark Lavinian ranks, Bristling Avith crest and spear. 3C0 XVI. But far to north iEbutius, The Master of the Knights, BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 83 Gave Tubero of Norba To feed the Porcian kites. Next under those red horse-hoofs 305 Flaccus of Setia lay ; Better had he been priming Among his elms that day. Mamilius saw the slaughter, And tossed his golden crest, 310 And towards the Master of the Knights Through the thick battle pressed. iEbutius smote Mamilius So fiercely on the shield That the great lord of Tusculum 315 Well nigh rolled on the field. Mamilius smote iEbutius, With a good aim and true, Just where the neck and shoulder join, And pierced him through and through; 320 And brave iEbutius Elva Fell swooning to the ground : But a thick wall of bucklers Encompassed him around. His clients from the battle 325 Bare him some little space, And filled a helm from the dark lake, And bathed his brow and face ; And when at last he opened His swimming eyes to light, 330 Men say, the earliest word he spake Was, " Friends, how goes the fight ? n XVII. But meanwhile in the centre Great deeds of arms were wrought ; 84 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. There Auhis the Dictator 335 And there Valerius 57 fought. Aulus with his good- broadsword A bloody passage cleared To where, amidst the thickest foes, He saw the long white beard. 340 Flat lighted that good broadsword Upon proud Tarquin's head. He dropped the lance : he dropped the reins : He fell as fall the dead. Down Aulus springs to slay him, 345 With eyes like coals of fire ; But faster Titus hath sprung down, And hath bestrode his sire. Latian captains, Roman knights, Fast down to earth they spring, 350 And hand to hand they fight on foot Around the ancient king. First Titus gave tall Cseso A death wound in the face ; Tall Cseso was the bravest man 355 Of the brave Fabian race : Aulus slew Rex of Gabii, The priest of Juno's shrine : 58 Valerius smote down Julius, Of Rome's great Julian line ; 360 Julius, who left his mansion High on the Velian hill, 59 And through all turns of weal and woe Followed proud Tarquin still. Now right across proud Tarquin 365 A corpse was Julius laid ; And Titus groaned with rage and grief, And at Valerius made. Valerius struck at Titus, And lopped off half his crest ; 370 BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 85 But Titus stabbed Valerius A span deep in the breast. Like a mast snapped by the tempest, Valerius reeled and fell. Ah ! woe is me for the good house 375 That loves the people well ! Then shouted loud the Latines ; And with one rush they bore The struggling Eomans backward Three lances' length and more : 380 And up they took proud Tarquin, And laid him on a shield, And four strong yeomen bare him, Still senseless, from the field. XVIII. But fiercer grew the fighting 385 Around Valerius dead ; For Titus dragged him by the foot, And Aulus by the head. " On, Latines, on ! " quoth Titus, " See how the rebels fly ! " 390 " Romans, stand firm ! " quoth Aulus, " And win this fight or die ! They must not give Valerius To raven and to kite ; For aye Valerius loathed the wrong, 395 And aye upheld the right : And for your wives and babies In the front rank he fell. Now play the men for the good house That loves the people well ! " 400 XIX. Then tenfold round the body The roar of battle rose, 86 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. Like the roar of a burning forest, When a strong north wind blows. Now backward, and now forward, 405 Eocked furiously the fray, Till none could see Valerius, And none wist where he lay. For shivered arms and ensigns Were heaped there in a mound, 410 And corpses stiff, and dying men That writhed and gnawed the ground ; And wounded horses kicking, And snorting purple foam : Eight well did such a couch befit 415 A Consular of Eonie. 60 xx. But north looked the Dictator ; North looked he long and hard ; And spake to Caius Cossus, The Captain of his Guard : 420 " Caius, of all the Eomans Thou hast the keenest sight ; Say, what through yonder storm of dust Comes from the Latian right ? " XXI. Then answered Caius Cossus 425 " I see an evil sight ; 61 The banner of proud Tusculum Comes from the Latian right : I see the plumed horsemen ; And far before the rest 430 I see the dark-grey charger, I see the purple vest; BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 87 I see the golden helmet That shines far off like flame ; So ever rides Mamilius, 435 Prince of the Latian name." XXII. " Now hearken, Cains Cossus : Spring on thy horse's back ; Ride as the wolves of Apennine Were all upon thy track ; 440 Haste to our southward battle : And never draw thy rein Until thou find Herminius, And bid him come amain." XXIII. So Aulus spake, and turned him 445 Again to that fierce strife ; And Caius Cossus mounted, And rode for death and life. Loud clanged beneath his horse-hoofs The helmets of the dead, 450 And many a curdling pool of blood Splashed him from heel to head. So came he far to southward, Where fought the Roman host, Against the banners of the marsh 455 And banners of the coast. Like corn before the sickle The stout Lavinians fell, Beneath the edge of the true sword That kept the bridge so well. 460 88 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XXIV. " Herminius ! Aulus greets thee ; He bids thee come with speed, To help our central battle ; For sore is there our need. There wars the youngest Tarquin, 465 And there the Crest of Flame, The Tusculan Mamilius, Prince of the Latian name. Valerius hath fallen fighting In front of our array : 470 And Aulus of the seventy fields Alone upholds the day." XXV. Herminius beat his bosom : But never a word he spake. He clapped his hand on Auster's mane : 475 He gave the reins a shake, Away, away went Auster, Like an arrow from the bow : Black Auster was the fleetest steed From Aufidus 62 to Po. 63 480 XXVI. Eight glad were all the Eomans Who, in that hour of dread, Against great odds bare up the war Around Valerius dead, When from the south the cheering 485 Bose with a mighty swell ; " Herminius comes, Herminius, Who kept the bridge so well ! " BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 89 XXVII. Mamilius spied Herminius, And dashed across the way. 490 " Herminius ! I have sought thee Through many a bloody day. One of us two, Herminius, Shall never more go home. I will lay on for Tusculum, 495 And lay thou on for Eome ! " XXVIII. All round them paused the battle, While met in mortal fray The Roman and the Tusculan, The horses black and grey. 500 Herminius smote Mamilius Through breast-plate and through breast ; And fast flowed out the purple blood Over the purple vest. Mamilius smote Herminius 505 Through head-piece and through head; And side by side those chiefs of pride Together fell down dead. Down fell they dead together In a great lake of gore ; 510 And still stood all who saw them fall While men might count a score. XXIX. Fast, fast, with heels wild spurning, The dark-grey charger fled : He burst through ranks of fighting men ; 515 He sprang o'er heaps of dead. 90 LAYS OF ANCIENT EOME. His bridle far out-streaming. His flanks all blood and foam, He sought the southern mountains, 64 The mountains of his home. 520 The pass was steep and rugged, The wolves they howled and whined ; But he ran like a whirlwind up the pass, And he left the wolves behind. Through many a startled hamlet 525 Thundered his flying feet ; He rushed through the gate of Tusculum, He rushed up the long white street ; He rushed by tower and temple, And paused not from his race 530 Till he stood before his master's door In the stately market-place. And straightway round him gathered A pale and trembling crowd, And when they knew him, cries of rage 535 Brake forth, and wailing loud : And women rent their tresses For their great prince's fall ; And old men girt on their old swords, And went to man the wall. 540 XXX. But, like a graven image, Black Auster kept his place, And ever wistfully he looked Into his masters face. The raven-mane that daily 545 With pats and fond caresses, The young Herminia washed and combed And twined in even tresses, BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 91 And decked with coloured ribands From her own gay attire, 550 Hung sadly o'er her father's corpse In carnage and in mire. ■ Forth with a shout sprang Titus, And seized black Auster's rein. Then Aulus sware a fearful oath, 555 And ran at him amain. " The furies ^ of thy brother With me and mine abide, If one of your accursed house Upon black Auster ride ! " 560 As on an Alpine watch-tower From heaven comes down the flame, Full on the neck of Titus The blade of Aulus came : And out the red blood spouted, 565 In a wide arch and tall, As spouts a fountain in the court Of some rich Capuan's hall. 66 The knees of all the Latines Were loosened with dismay 570 When dead, on dead Herminius, The bravest Tarquin lay. XXXI. And Aulus the Dictator Stroked Auster's raven mane, With heed he looked unto the girths, 575 With heed unto the rein. " Now bear me well, black Auster, Into yon thick array ; And thou and I will have revenge For thy good lord this day." 580 92 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XXXII. So spake he; and was buckling Tighter black Auster's band, When he was aware of a princely pair That rode at his right hand. So like they were, no mortal 585 Might one from other know : White as snow their armour was : Their steeds were white as snow. Never on earthly anvil Did such rare armour gleam ; 590 And never did such gallant steeds Drink of an earthly stream. XXXIII. And all who saw them trembled, And pale grew every cheek ; And Aulus the Dictator 595 Scarce gathered voice to speak. " Say by what name men call you ? What city is your home ? And wherefore ride ye in such guise Before the ranks of Rome ? " 600 XXXIV. " By many names men call us ; In many lands we dwell : Well Samothracia 67 knows us ; Cyrene 68 knows us well. Our house in gay Tarentum 69 605 Is hung each morn with flowers : High o'er the masts of Syracuse 70 Our marble portal towers ; BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 93 But by the proud Eurotas 71 Is our dear native home ; 610 And for the right we come to fight Before the ranks of Rome." XXXV. So answered those strange horsemen, And each couched low his spear ; And forthwith all the ranks of Rome 615 Were bold, and of good cheer : And on the thirty armies Came wonder and affright, And Ardea 72 wavered on the left, And Cora on the right. 620 " Rome to the charge ! " cried Aulus ; " The foe begins to yield ! Charge for the hearth of Vesta ! 73 Charge for the Golden Shield ! 74 Let no man stop to plunder, 625 But slay, and slay, and slay ; The Gods who live for ever Are on our side to-day." xxxvi. Then the fierce trumpet-flourish From earth to heaven arose, 630 The kites know well the long stern swell That bids the Romans close. Then the good sword of Aulus Was lifted up to slay : Then, like a crag down Apennine, 635 Rushed Auster through the fray. But under those strange horsemen Still thicker lay the slain ; 94 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. And after those strange horses Black Auster toiled in vain. 640 Behind them Eome's long battle Came rolling on the foe, Ensigns dancing wild above, Blades all in line below. So comes the Po in flood-time 645 Upon the Celtic plain 7b : So comes the squall, blacker than night, Upon the Adrian main. Now, by our Sire Quirinus, 76 It was a goodly sight 650 To see the thirty standards Swept down the tide of flight. So flies the spray of Adria When the black squall doth blow, So corn-sheaves in the flood-time 655 Spin down the whirling Po. False Sextus to the mountains Turned first his horse's head ; And fast fled Ferentinum, And fast Lanuvium 77 fled. 660 The horsemen of Momentum 78 Spurred hard out of the fray ; The footmen of Velitrse Threw shield and spear away. And underfoot was trampled, 665 Amidst the mud and gore, The banner of proud Tusculum, That never stooped before : And down went Flavius Faustus, Who led his stately ranks 670 From where the apple blossoms wave On Anio's echoing banks, And Tullus of Arpinum, 79 Chief of the Volscian aids, BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 95 And Metius with the long fair curls, 675 The love of Amur's m maids, And the white head of Yulso, The great Arician seer, 81 And Xepos and Laurenturn, The hunter of the deer ; 680 And in the back false Sextus Felt the good Roman steel, And wriggling in the dust he died, Like a worm beneath the wheel : And fliers and pursuers 685 Were mingled in a mass ; And far away the battle Went roaring through the pass. XXXVII. Sempronius Atratinus Sate in the Eastern Gate, 690 Beside him were three Fathers, Each in his chair of state ; Fabius, whose nine stout grandsons That day were in the field, And Manlius, eldest of the Twelve 695 Who kept the Golden Shield ; And Sergius, the High Pontiff, 82 For wisdom far renowned; In all Etruria's colleges ^ Was no such Pontiff found. 700 And all around the portal, And high above the wall, Stood a great throng of people, But sad and silent all ; Young lads, and stooping elders 705 That might not bear the mail. 96 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROMS. Matrons with lips that quivered, And maids with faces pale. Since the first gleam of daylight, Senipronius had not ceased 710 To listen for the rushing Of horse-hoofs from the east. The mist of eve was rising, The sun was hastening down. When he was aware of a princely pair 715 Fast pricking towards the town. So like they were, man never Saw twins so like before ; Red with gore their armour was, Their steeds were red with gore. 720 XXXVIII. " Hail to the great Asylum ! ^ Hail to the hill-tops seven ! & Hail to the fire that burns for aye. 86 And the shield that fell from heaven ! This day by Lake Regillus, 725 Under the Porcian height, All in the lands of Tusculum Was fought a glorious fight, To-morrow your Dictator Shall bring in triumph home 730 The spoils of thirty cities To deck the shrines of Borne ! " XXXIX. Then burst from that great concourse A shout that shook the towers, And some ran north, and some ran south, 735 Crying, " The day is ours ! " BATTLE OB THE LAKE REGILLl S. 97 But on rode these strange horsemen. With slow and lordly pace ; And none who saw their bearing Durst ask their name or race. 740 On rode they to the Forum, While laurel-boughs and flowers, From house-tops and from windows, Fell on their crests in showers. When they drew nigh to Vesta.- 7 745 They vaulted down amain. And washed their horses in the well That springs by Vesta's fane. And straight again they mounted, And rode to Vesta's door; 750 Then, like a blast, away they passed, And no man saw them more. XL. And all the people trembled, And pale grew every cheek ; And Sergius the High Pontiff 755 Alone found voice to speak : u The gods who live for ever Have fought for Rome to-day ! These be the Great Twin Brethren To whom the Dorians pray. 760 Back comes the Chief in triumph, Who, in the hour of fight. Hath seen the Great Twin Brethren In harness on his right. 88 Safe comes the ship to haven, 89 765 Through billows and through gales, If once the Great Twin Brethren Sit shining on the sails. 98 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. Wherefore they washed their horses In Vesta's holy well, 770 Wherefore they rode to Vesta's door, I know, but may not tell. Here, hard by Vesta's Temple, Build we a stately dome Unto the Great Twin Brethren 775 Who fought so well for Rome. And when the months returning Bring back this day of fight, The proud Ides of Quintilis, Marked evermore with white, 780 Unto the Great Twin Brethren Let all the people throng, With chaplets and with offerings, With music and with song ; And let the doors and windows 785 Be hung with garlands all, And let the Knights be summoned To Mars without the wall : Thence let them ride in purple With joyous trumpet-sound, 790 Each mounted on his war-horse, And each with olive crowned ; And pass in solemn order Before the sacred dome, Where dwell the Great Twin Brethren 795 Who fought so well for Rome ! " VIRGINIA. A collection" consisting exclusively of war-songs would give an imperfect, or rather an erroneous, notion of the spirit of the old Latin ballads. The Patricians, during more than a century after the expulsion of the Kings, held all the high military commands. A Plebeian, even though, like Lucius Siccius, he were distinguished by his valour and knowledge of war, could serve only in subordinate posts. A minstrel, therefore, who wished to celebrate the early triumphs of his country, could hardly take any but Patri- cians for his heroes. The warriors who are mentioned in the two preceding lays, Horatius, Lartius, Herminius, Aulus Posthumius, iEbutius Elva, Sempronius Atratinus, Valerius Poplicola, were all members of the dominant order; and a poet who was singing their praises, whatever his own politi- cal opinions might be, would naturally abstain from insult- ing the class to which they belonged, and from reflecting on the system which had placed such men at the head of the legions of the Commonwealth. But there was a class of compositions in which the great families were by no means so courteously treated. No parts of early Roman history are richer with poetical colouring than those which relate to the long contest between the privileged houses and the commonalty. The population of Rome was, from a very early period, divided into hereditary castes, which, indeed, readily united to repel foreign ene- mies, but which regarded each other, during many years. 99 LofC. 100 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. with bitter animosity. Between those castes there was a barrier hardly less strong than that which, at Venice, parted the members of the Great Council from their coun- trymen. In some respects, indeed, the line which separated an Icilius or a Duilius from a Posthumius or a Fabius was even more deeply marked than that which separated the rower of a gondola from a Contarini or a Morosini. At A T enice the distinction was merely civil. At Eome it was both civil and religious. Among the grievances under which the Plebeians suffered, three were felt as peculiarly severe. They were excluded from the highest magistracies, they were excluded from all share in the public lands ; and they were ground down to the dust by partial and barbarous legislation touching pecuniary contracts. The ruling class in Koine was a monied class ; and it made and administered the laws with a view solely to its own interest. Thus the relation between lender and borrower was mixed up with the relation between sovereign and subject. The great men held a large portion of the community in dependence by means of advances at enormous usury. The law of debt, framed by creditors, and for the protection of creditors, was the most horrible that has ever been known among men. The liberty, and even the life, of the insolvent were at the mercy of the Patrician money-lenders. Children often became slaves in consequence of the misfortunes of their parents. The debtor was imprisoned, not in a public gaol under the care of impartial public functionaries, but in a private workhouse belonging to the creditor. Frightful stories were told respecting these dungeons. It was said that torture and brutal violation were common; that tight stocks, heavy chains, scanty measures of food, were used to punish wretches guilty of nothing but poverty; and that brave soldiers, whose breasts were covered with honourable scars, were often marked still more deeply on the back by the scourges of high-born usurers. VIRGINIA. 101 The Plebeians were, however, not wholly without con- stitutional rights. From an early period they had been admitted to some share of political power. They were enrolled each in his century, and were allowed a share, considerable though not proportioned to their numerical strength, in the disposal of those high dignities from which they were themselves excluded. Thus their position bore some resemblance to that of the Irish Catholics during the interval between the year 1792 and the year 1829. The Plebeians had also the privilege of annually appointing officers, named Tribunes, who had no active share in the government of the Commonwealth, but who, by degrees, acquired a power formidable even to the ablest and most resolute Consuls and Dictators. The person of the Tribune was inviolable; and though he could directly effect little, he could obstruct everything. During more than a century after the institution of the Tribuneship, the Commons struggled manfully for the re- moval of the grievances under which they laboured ; and, in spite of many checks and reverses, succeeded in wringing concession after concession from the stubborn aristocracy. At length, in the year of the city 378, both parties mustered their whole strength for their last and most desperate con- flict. The popular and active Tribune. Cams Licinius, pro- posed the three memorable laws 1 which are called by his name, and which were intended to redress the three great evils of which the Plebeians complained. He was sup- ported, with eminent ability and firmness, by his colleague, Lucius Sextius. The struggle appears to have been the fiercest that ever in any community terminated without an appeal to arms. If such a contest had raged in any Greek city, the streets would have run with blood. But, even in the paroxysms of faction, the Roman retained his gravity, his respect for law, and his tenderness for the lives of his fellow-citizens. Year after year Licinius and Sextius were 102 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. re-elected Tribunes. Year after year, if the narrative which has come down to us is to be trusted, they continued to exert, to the full extent, their power of stopping the whole machine of government. No curule magistrates could be chosen ; no military muster could be held. We know too little of the state of Borne in those days to be able to con- jecture how, during that long anarchy, the peace was kept, and ordinary justice administered between man and man. The animosity of both parties rose to the greatest height. The excitement, we may well suppose, would have been peculiarly intense at the annual election of Tribunes. On such occasions there can be little doubt that the great families did all that could be done, by threats and caresses, to break the union of the Plebeians. That union, however, proved indissoluble. At length the good cause triumphed. The Licinian laws were carried. Lucius Sextius was the first Plebeian Consul, Caius Licinius the third. The results of this great change were singularly happy and glorious. Two centuries of prosperity, harmony, and victory followed the reconciliation of the orders. Men who remembered Eome engaged in waging petty wars almost within sight of the Capitol lived to see her the mistress of Italy. While the disabilities of the Plebeians continued, she was scarcely able to maintain her ground against the Volscians and Hernicans. When those disabilities were removed, she rapidly became more than a match for Car- thage and Macedon. During the great Licinian contest the Plebeian poets were, doubtless, not silent. Even in modern times songs have been by no means without influence on public affairs; and we may therefore infer that, in a society where print- ing was unknown, and where books were rare, a pathetic or humorous party-ballad must have produced effects such as we can but faintly conceive. It is certain that satirical poems were common at Rome from a very early period. VIRGINIA. 103 The rustics, who lived at a distance from the seat of govern- ment, and took little part in the strife of factions, gave vent to their petty local animosities in coarse Fescennine verse. 2 The lampoons of the city were doubtless of a higher order ; and -their sting was early felt by the nobility. For in the Twelve Tables, long before the time of the Licinian laws, a severe punishment was denounced against the citizen who should compose or recite verses reflecting on another.* Satire is, indeed, the only sort of composition in which the Latin poets, whose works have come down to us, were not mere imitators of foreign models; and it is therefore the only sort of composition in which they have never been rivalled. It was not, like their tragedy, their comedy, their epic and lyric poetry, a hothouse plant which, in return for assiduous and skilful culture, gave only scanty and sickly fruits. It was hardy and full of sap; and in all the various juices which it yielded might be distinguished the flavour of the Ausonian soil. " Satire," says Quinctilian, with just pride, "is all our own." Satire sprang, in truth, naturally from the constitution of the Roman government and from the spirit of the Roman peo- ple; and, though at length subjected to metrical rules derived from Greece, retained to the last an essentially Roman character. Lucilius was the earliest satirist whose works were held in esteem under the Caesars. But many years before Lucilius was born, Naevius had been flung into a dungeon, and guarded there with circumstances of un- usual rigour, on account of the bitter lines in which he had attacked the great Caecilian family. t The genius and spirit of the Roman satirists survived the liberty of their country, * Cicero justly infers from this law that there had been early Latin poets whose works had been lost before his time. " Quamquam id quidem etiam xii tabulae declarant, condi jam turn solitum esse carmen, quod ne liceret fieri ad alterius injuriam lege sanxerunt." — Tusc. iv. 2. t Plautus, Miles Glonosus. Aulus Gellius, iii. 3. 104 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. and were not extinguished by the cruel despotism of the Julian and Flavian Emperors. The great poet who told the story of Domitian's turbot 3 was the legitimate successor of those forgotten minstrels whose songs animated the fac- tions of the infant Eepublic. These minstrels, as Niebuhr has remarked, appear to have generally taken the popular side. We can hardly be mistaken in supposing that, at the great crisis of the civil conflict, they employed themselves in versif} T ing all the most powerful and virulent speeches of the Tribunes, and in heaping abuse on the leaders of the aristocracy. Every personal defect, every domestic scandal, every tradition dishonourable to a noble house, would be sought out, brought into notice, and exaggerated. The illustrious head of the aristocratical party, Marcus Furius Camillus, might perhaps be, in some measure, protected by his venerable age and by the memory of his great services to the State. But Appius Claudius Crassus enjoyed no such immunity. He was descended from a long line of ancestors distin- guished by their haughty demeanour, and by the inflexi- bility with which they had withstood all the demands of the Plebeian order. While the political conduct and the deportment of the Claudian nobles drew upon them the fiercest public hatred, they were accused of wanting, if any credit is due to the early history of Rome, a class of quali- ties which, in the military commonwealth, is sufficient to cover a multitude of offences. The chiefs of the family appear to have been eloquent, versed in civil business, and learned after the fashion of their age ; but in war they were not distinguished by skill or valour. Some of them, as if conscious where their weakness lay, had, when filling the highest magistracies, taken internal administration as their department of public business, and left the military com- mand to their colleagues. * One of them had been intrusted * In the years of the city 260, .°,04, and 330. VIRGINIA. 105 with an army, and had failed ignominiously.* None of them had been honoured with a triumph. Xone of them had achieved any martial exploit, such as those by which Lucius Quinctius Cineinnatus, Titus Quinctius Capitolinus, Aulus Cornelius Cossus, and, above all, the great Camillus, had extorted the reluctant esteem of the multitude. Dur- ing the Licinian conflict, Appius Claudius Crassus signalised himself by the ability and severity with which he harangued against the two great agitators. He would naturally, there- fore, be the favourite mark of the Plebeian satirists ; nor would they have been at a loss to find a point on which he was open to attack. His grandfather, called, like himself, Appius Claudius, had left a name as much detested as that of Sextus Tar- quinius. This elder Appius had been Consul more than seventy years before the introduction of the Licinian laws. By availing himself of a singular crisis in public feeling, he had obtained the consent of the Commons to the aboli- tion of the Tribuneship, and had been the chief of that Council of Ten to which the whole direction of the State had been committed. In a few months his administration had become universally odious. It had been swept away by an irresistible outbreak of popular fury ; and its memory was still held in abhorrence by the whole city. The imme- diate cause of the downfall of this execrable government was said to have been an attempt made by Appius Claudius upon the chastity of a beautiful young girl of humble birth. The story ran that the Decemvir, unable to succeed by bribes and solicitations, resorted to an outrageous act of tyranny. A vile dependent of the Claudian house laid claim to the damsel as his slave. The cause was brought before the tribunal of Appius. The wicked magistrate, in defiance of the clearest proofs, gave judgment for the claim- ant. But the girl's father, a brave soldier, saved her from * In the year of the city 282. 106 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. servitude and dishonour by stabbing her to the heart in the sight of the whole Forurn. That blow was the signal for a general explosion. Camp and city rose at once ; the Ten were pulled down ; the Tribuneship was re-established ; and Appius escaped the hands of the executioner only by a vol- untary death. It can hardly be doubted that a story so admirably adapted to the purposes both of the poet and of the dema- gogue would be eagerly seized upon by minstrels burning with hatred against the Patrician order, against the Clau- dian house, and especially against the grandson and name- sake of the infamous Decemvir. In order that the reader may judge fairly of these frag- ments of the lay of Virginia, he must imagine himself a Plebeian who has just voted for the re-election of Sextius and Licinius. All the power of the Patricians has been exerted to throw out the two great champions of the Commons. Every Posthumius, iEmilius, and Cornelius has used his in- fluence to the utmost. Debtors have been let out of the workhouses on condition of voting against the men of the people : clients have been posted to hiss and interrupt the favourite candidates : Appius Claudius Crassus has spoken with more than his usual eloquence and asperity : all has been in vain ; Licinius and Sextius have a fifth time carried all the tribes : work is suspended : the booths are closed : the Plebeians bear on their shoulders the two champions of liberty through the Forum. Just at this moment it is announced that a popular poet, a zealous adherent of the Tribunes, has made a new song which will cut the Claudian nobles to the heart. The crowd gathers round him, and calls on him to recite it. He takes his stand on the spot where, according to tradition, Virginia, more than seventy years ago, was seized by the pandar of Appius, and he begins his story. VIKGINIA FRAGMENTS OF A LAY SUNG IN THE FORUM ON THE DAY WHEREON LUCIUS SEXTIUS LATERANUS AND CAIUS LICINIUS CALVUS STOLO WERE ELECTED TRIBUNES OF THE COMMONS THE FIFTH TIME, IN THE TEAR OF THE CITY CCCLXXXII. Ye good men of the Commons, with loving hearts and true, Who stand by the bold Tribunes 4 that still have stood by you, Come, make a circle round me, and mark my tale with care, A tale of what Eome once hath borne, of what Home yet may bear. This is no Grecian fable, of fountains running wine, 5 5 Of maids with snaky tresses, 6 or sailors turned to swine. 7 Here, in this very Forum, under theaioonday sun, In the sight of all the people, the bloody deed was done. Old men still creep among us who saw that fearful day, Just seventy years and seven ago, when the wicked Ten 8 bare sway. 10 Of all the wicked Ten still the names are held accursed, And of all the wicked Ten Appius Claudius was the worst. He stalked along the Forum like King Tarquin 9 in his pride : Twelve axes 10 waited on him, six marching on a side ; The townsmen shrank to right and left, and eyed askance with fear 15 His lowering brow, his curling mouth, which always seemed to sneer : 107 108 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. That brow of hate, that mouth of scorn, marks all the kin- dred still ; For never was there Claudius yet but wished the Commons ill: Nor lacks he fit attendance ; for close behind his heels, With outstretched chin and crouching pace, the client n Mar- cus steals, 20 His loins girt up to run with speed, be the errand what it may, And the smile flickering on his cheek, for aught his lord may say. Such varlets pimp and jest for hire among the lying Greeks, Such varlets still are paid to hoot when brave Licinius speaks. Where'er ye shed the honey, the buzzing flies will crowd; 25 Where'er ye fling the carrion, the raven's croak is loud ; Where'er down Tiber garbage floats, the greedy pike ye see; And wheresoe'er such lord is found, such client still will be. Just then, as through one cloudless chink in a black, stormy sky, Shines out the dewy morning-star, a fair young girl came by. 30 With her small tablets 12 in her hand, and her satchel on her arm, Home she went bounding from the school, nor dreamed of shame or harm ; And past those dreaded axes she innocently ran, With bright, frank brow that had not learned to blush at gaze of man ; And up the Sacred Street 1S she turned, and, as she danced along, 35 She warbled gaily to herself lines of the good old song, How for a sport the princes came spurring from the camp, VIRGINIA. 109 And found Lucrece, 14 combing the fleece, under the midnight lamp. The maiden sang as sings the lark, when up he darts his flight, From his nest in the green April corn, to meet the morning light ; 40 And Appius heard her sweet young voice, and saw her sweet young face, And loved her with the accursed love of his accursed race, And all along the Forum, and up the Sacred Street, His vulture eye pursued the trip of those small glancing feet. Over the Alban mountains 15 the light of morning broke : 45 From all the roofs of the Seven Hills 16 curled the thin wreaths of smoke : The city gates were opened ; the Forum all alive 17 With buyers and with sellers was humming like a hive : Blithely on brass and timber the craftsman's stroke was ringing, 49 And blithely o'er her panniers the market-girl was singing, And blithely young Virginia came smiling from her home : Ah ! woe for young Virginia, the sweetest maid in Borne ! With her small tablets in her hand, and her satchel on her arm, Forth she went bounding to the school, nor dreamed of shame or harm. She crossed the Forum shining with stalls in alleys gay, 55 And just had reached the very spot whereon I stand this day, When up the varlet Marcus came ; not such as when ere- while He crouched behind his patron's heels with the true client smile : He came with lowering forehead, swollen features, and clenched fist, 110 LAYS OF AXCIENT HOME. And strode across Virginia's path, and caught her by the "wrist. CO Hard strove the frighted maiden, and screamed with look aghast ; And at her scream from right and left the folk came run- ning fast ; The money-changer Crispus, with his thin silver hairs, And Hanno from the stately booth glittering with Punic lb wares, And the strong smith Muraena, grasping a half-forged brand, And Yolero the flesher, his cleaver in his hand, 06 All came in wrath and wonder ; for all knew that fair child ; And, as she passed them twice a day, all kissed their hands and smiled ; And the strong smith Muraena gave Marcus such a blow, The caitiff reeled three paces back, and let the maiden go. 70 Yet glared he fiercely round him, and growled in harsh, fell tone, " She's mine, and I will have her : I seek but for mine own : She is my slave, born in my honse, and stolen away and sold, The year of the sore sickness, 19 ere she was twelve hours old. 'Twas in the sad September, the month of wail and fright, 75 Two augurs were borne forth that morn ; the Consul died ere night. I wait on Appius Claudius, I waited on his sire: Let him who works the client wrong beware the patron's ire ! " So spake the varlet Marcus ; and dread and silence came On all the people at the sound of the great Claudian name. For then there was no Tribune to speak the word of might, Which makes the rich man tremble, and guards the poor man's right. 82 VIRGINIA. 111 There was no brave Licinius, no honest Sextius then ; But all the city, in great fear, obeyed the wicked Ten. Yet ere the varlet Marcus again might seize the maid, 85 Who clung tight to Muraena's skirt, and sobbed, and shrieked for aid. Forth through the throng of gazers the young Icilius pressed, And stamped his foot, and rent his gown, and smote upon his breast. And sprang upon that column, by many a minstrel sung, Whereon three mouldering helmets, three rusting swords. are hung. 20 90 And beckoned to the people, and in bold voice and clear Poured thick and fast the burning words which tyrants quake to hear. "Xow. by your children's cradles, now by your fathers' graves. Be men to-day, Quirites, 21 or be for ever slaves ! For this did Servius 22 give us laws ? For this did Lucrece bleed ? 95 For this was the great vengeance wrought on Tarquiirs evil seed ? a For this did those false sons make red the axes of their sire ? - 4 For this did Scaevola's right hand hiss in the Tuscan fire ? i5 Shall the vile fox-earth awe the race that stormed the lion's den ? Shall we, who could not brook one lord, 33 crouch to the wicked Ten ? 100 Oh for that ancient spirit which curbed the Senate's will! Oh for the tents which in old time whitened the Sacred Hill : * In those brave days our fathers stood firmly side by side ; They faced the Marcian 28 fury; they tamed the Fabian" pride : 112 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. They drove the fiercest Quinctius 30 an outcast forth from Rome ; 105 They sent the haughtiest Claudius 31 with shivered fasces 32 home. But what their care bequeathed us our madness flung away : All the ripe fruit of threescore years was blighted in a day. Exult, ye proud Patricians ! The hard-fought fight is o'er. We strove for honours — 'twas in vain: for freedom — 'tis no more. no No crier to the polling summons the eager throng ; No Tribune breathes the word of might that guards the weak from wrong. Our very hearts, that were so high, sink down beneath your will. Riches, and lands, and power, and state — ye have them : — keep them still. Still keep the holy fillets ; still keep the purple gown, 115 The axes, and the curule chair, the car, and laurel crown 33 : Still press us for your cohorts, and, when the fight is done, Still fill your garners from the soil which our good swords have won. 34 Still, like a spreading ulcer, which leech-craft may not cure, Let your foul usance eat away the substance of the poor. 120 Still let your haggard debtors bear all their fathers bore ; Still let your dens of torment be noisome as of yore ; No fire when Tiber freezes ; no air in dog-star heat ; And store of rods for free-born backs, and holes for free-born feet. Heaj3 heavier still the fetters ; bar closer still the grate ; 125 Patient as sheep we yield us up unto your cruel hate. But, by the Shades 35 beneath us, and by the Gods above, Add not unto your cruel hate your yet more cruel love ! 3a Have ye not graceful ladies, whose spotless lineage springs From Consuls, and High Pontiffs. 37 and ancient Alban 38 kings ? 130 VIRGINIA. 113 Ladies, who deign not on our paths to set their tender feet, "Who from their cars look down with scorn upon the wonder- ing street, "Who in Corinthian mirrors their own proud smiles behold. And breathe of Capuan 39 odours, and shine with Spanish gold ? 4U Then leave the poor Plebeian his single tie to life — 135 The sweet, sweet love of daughter, of sister, and of wife, The gentle speech, the balm for all that his vexed soul endures, The kiss, in which he half forgets even such a } r oke as yours. Still let the maiden's beauty swell the father's breast with pride ; Still let the bridegroom's arms infold an unpolluted bride. Spare us the inexpiable wrong, the unutterable shame, m That turns the coward's heart to steel, the sluggard's blood to flame, Lest, when our latest hope is fled, ye taste of our despair, And learn by proof, in some wild hour, how much the wretched dare." . 41 Straightway Virginius led the maid a little space aside. 145 To where the reeking shambles stood, piled up with horn and hide, Close to yon low dark archwa}^, where, in a crimson flood, Leaps down to the great sewer 42 the gurgling stream of blood. Hard by, a flesher on a block had laid his whittle down ; Virginius caught the whittle up, and hid it in his gown. 150 And then his eyes grew very dim, and his throat began to swell, And in a hoarse, changed voice he spake, " Farewell, sweet child ! Farewell ! Oh ! how I loved my darling ! Though stern I sometimes be, 114 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. To thee, thou know'st I was not so. Who could be so to thee ? 154 And how my darling loved me ! How glad she was to hear My footstep on the threshold when I came back last year ! And how she danced with pleasure to see my civic crown, 43 And took my sword and hung it up, and brought me forth my gown ! iSow, all those things are over — yes, all thy pretty ways, Thy needlework, thy prattle, thy snatches of old lays ; 160 And none will grieve when I go forth, or smile when I re- turn, Or watch beside the old man's bed, or weep upon his urn. The house that was the happiest within the Roman walls, The house that envied not the wealth of Capua's marble halls, Now, for the brightness of thy smile, must have eternal gloom, 165 And for the music of thy voice, the silence of the tomb. The time is come. See how he points his eager hand this way ! See how his eyes gloat on thy grief, like a kite's upon the prey ! With all his wit, he little deems, that, spurned, betrayed, bereft, Thy father hath in his despair one fearful refuge left. 170 He little deems that in this hand I clutch what still can save Thy gentle youth from taunts and blows, the portion of the slave ; Yea, and from nameless evil, that passeth taunt and blow — Foul outrage which thou knowest not, which thou shalt never know. Then clasp me round the neck once more, and give me one more kiss ; 175 And now, mine own dear little girl, there is no way but this." VIRGINIA. 115 With that he lifted high the steel, and smote her in the side, And in her blood she sank to earth, and with one sob she died. Then, for a little moment, all people held their breath ; And through the crowded Forum was stillness as of death ; And in another moment brake forth from one and all 181 A cry as if the Yolscians 44 were coming o'er the wall. Some with averted faces, shrieking, fled home amain ; Some ran to call a leech ; and some ran to lift the slain : Some felt her lips and little wrist, if life might there be found ; . 185 And some tore up their garments fast, and strove to stanch the wound. In vain they ran, and felt, and stanched ; for never truer blow That good right arm had dealt in fight against a Volscian foe. When Appius Claudius saw that deed, he shuddered and sank down, And hid his face some little space with the corner of his gown, 190 Till, with white lips and bloodshot eyes, Virginius tottered nigh, And stood before the judgment-seat, and held the knife on high. " Oh ! dwellers in the nether gloom, avengers of the slain, 45 By this clear blood I cry to you, do right between us twain ; And even as Appius Claudius hath dealt by me and mine, 195 Deal you by Appius Claudius and all the Claudian line ! " So spake the slayer of his child, and turned, and went his way ; But first he cast one haggard glance to where the body lay, And writhed, and groaned a fearful groan, and then, with steadfast feet, 199 Strode right across the market-place unto the Sacred Street. 116 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. Then up sprang Appius Claudius : " Stop him ; alive or dead! Ten thousand pounds of copper 46 to the man who brings his head." He looked upon his clients; but none would work his will. He looked upon his lictors ; but they trembled, and stood still. And, as Virginius through the press his way in silence cleft, 205 Ever the mighty multitude fell back to right and left. And he hath passed in safety unto his woeful home, And there ta'en horse to tell the camp what deeds are done in Borne. By this the flood of people was swollen from every side, And streets and porches round were filled with that overflow- ing tide ; 210 And close around the body gathered a little train Of them that were the nearest and dearest to the slain. They brought a bier, and hung it with many a cypress 47 crown, And gently they uplifted her, and gently laid her down. The face of Appius Claudius wore the Claudian scowl and sneer, 215 And in the Claudian note he cried, " What doth this rabble here ? Have they no crafts to mind at home, that hitherward they stray ? Ho! lictors, clear the market-place, and fetch the corpse away ! " The voice of grief and fury till then had not been loud ; But a deep sullen murmur wandered among the crowd, 220 Like the moaning noise that goes before the whirlwind on the deep, Or the growl of a fierce watch-dog but half -aroused from sleep. VIRGINIA. 117 But when the lictors at that word, tall yeomen all and strong, Each with his axe and sheaf of twigs, went down into the throng, Those old men say, who saw that day of sorrow and of sin, - 225 That in the Roman Forum was never such a din. The wailing, hooting, cursing, the howls of grief and hate, Were heard beyond the Pineian Hill, 48 beyond the Latin Gate. 49 But close around the body, where stood the little train Of them that were the nearest and dearest to the slain, 230 Xo cries were there, but teeth set fast, low whispers and black frowns, And breaking up of benches, and girding up of gowns. 'Twas well the lictors might not pierce to where the maiden lay, Else surely had they been all twelve torn limb from limb that day. Eight glad they were to struggle back, blood streaming from their heads, 2:35 With axes all in splinters, and raiment all in shreds. Then Appius Claudius gnawed his lip, and the blood left his cheek ; And thrice he beckoned with his hand, and thrice he strove to speak ; And thrice the tossing Forum set up a frightful yell ; " See, see, thou dog ! what thou hast done ; and hide thy shame in hell ! 240 Thou that wouldst make our maidens slaves must first make slaves of men. Tribunes ! Hurrah for Tribunes ! Down with the wicked Ten ! " And straightway, thick as hailstones, came whizzing through the air 118 LAYS OF ANCIENT KOME. Pebbles, and bricks, and potsherds, all round the curule chair : 244 And upon Appius Claudius great fear and trembling came ; For never was a Claudius yet brave against aught but shame. Though the great houses love us not, we own, to do them right, That the great houses, all save one, have borne them well in fight. Still Cams of Corioli, 50 his triumphs and his wrongs, His vengeance and his mercy, live in our camp-fire songs. 250 Beneath the yoke of Furius 51 oft have Gaul and Tuscan bowed ; And Rome may bear the pride of him of whom herself is proud. But evermore a Claudius shrinks from a stricken field, And changes colour like a maid at sight of sword and shield. The Claudian triumphs all were Avon within the city towers ; 255 The Claudian yoke was never pressed on any neck but ours. A Cossus, like a wild cat, springs ever at the face ; A Fabius rushes like a boar against the shouting chase ; But the vile Claudian litter, raging with currish spite, Still yelps and snaps at those who run, still runs from those who smite. 260 So now 'twas seen of Appius. When stones began to fly, He shook, and crouched, and wrung his hands, and smote upon his thigh. " Kind clients, honest lictors, stand by me in this fray ! Must I be torn in pieces ? Home, home, the nearest way ! " While yet he spake, and looked around with a bewildered stare, 265 Four sturdy lictors put their necks beneath the curule chair ; VIRGINIA. 119 And fourscore clients on the left, and fourscore on the right, Arrayed themselves with swords and staves, and loins girt up for fight. But, though without or staff or sword, so furious was the throng, That scarce the train with might and main could bring their lord along. 270 Twelve times the crowd made at him ; five times they seized his gown ; Small chance was his to rise again, if once they got him down : And sharper came the pelting; and evermore the yell — " Tribunes ! we will have Tribunes ! " — rose with a louder swell : And the chair tossed as tosses a bark with tattered sail 275 When raves the Adriatic beneath an eastern gale, When the Calabrian sea-marks 52 are lost in clouds of spume, And the great Thunder-Cape 53 has donned his veil of inky gloom. One stone hit Appius in the mouth, and one beneath the ear ; And ere he reached Mount Palatine, 54 he swooned with pain and fear. 280 His cursed head, that he was wont to hold so high with pride, Now, like a drunken man's, hung down, and swayed from side to side ; And when his stout retainers had brought him to his door, His face and neck were all one cake of filth and clotted-gore. As Appius Claudius was that day, so may his grandson be ! 285 God send Eome one such other sight, and send me there to see! THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. It can hardly be necessary to remind any reader that, according to the popular tradition, Eomnlus, after he had slain his grand-uncle Amulius, and restored his grandfather Numitor, determined to quit Alba, the hereditary domain of the Sylvian princes, and to found a new city. The Gods, it was added, vouchsafed the clearest signs of the favour with which they regarded the enterprise, and of the high desti- nies reserved for the young colony. This event was likely to be a favourite theme of the old Latin minstrels. They would naturally attribute the proj- ect of Eomulus to some divine intimation of the power and prosperity which it was decreed that his city should attain. They would probably introduce seers foretelling the victories of unborn Consuls and Dictators, and the last great victory would generally occupy the most conspicuous place in the prediction. There is nothing strange in the supposition that the poet who was employed to celebrate the first great tri- umph of the Romans over the Greeks might throw his song of exultation into this form. The occasion was one likely to excite the strongest feel- ings of national pride, A great outrage had been followed by a great retribution. Seven years before this time, Lucius Posthumius Megellus, who sprang from one of the noblest houses of Borne, and had been thrice Consul, was sent am- bassador to Tarentum, with charge to demand reparation for grievous injuries. The Tarentines gave him audience in their theatre, where he addressed them in such Greek as 121 122 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. he could command, which, we may well believe, was not exactly such as Cineas would have spoken. An exquisite sense of the ridiculous belonged to the Greek character: and closely connected with this faculty was a strong pro- pensity to flippancy and impertinence. When Posthumius placed an accent wrong, his hearers burst into a laugh. When he remonstrated, they hooted him, and called him barbarian ; and at length hissed him off the stage as if he had been a bad actor. As the grave Eoman retired, a buf- foon who, from his constant drunkenness, was nicknamed the Pint-pot, came up with gestures of the grossest inde- cency, and bespattered the senatorial gown with filth. Pos- thumius turned round to the multitude, and held up the gown, as if appealing to the universal law of nations. The sight only increased the insolence of the Tarentines. They clapped their hands, and set up a shout of laughter which shook the theatre. " Men of Tarentum," said Posthumius, " it will take not a little blood to wash this gown. ?; * Eome, in consequence of this insult, declared war against the Tarentines. The Tarentines sought for allies beyond the Ionian Sea. Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, came to their help with a large army ; and for the first time, the two great nations of antiquity were fairly matched against each other. The fame of Greece in arms, as well as in arts, was then at the height. Half a century earlier, the career of Alex- ander had excited the admiration and terror of all nations from the Ganges to the Pillars of Hercules. Koyal houses, founded by Macedonian captains, still reigned at Antioch and Alexandria. That barbarian warriors, led by barbarian chiefs, should win a pitched battle against Greek valour guided by Greek science, seemed as incredible as it would now seem that the Burmese or the Siamese should, in the open plain, put to flight an equal number of the best English troops. * Dion. Hal. De Legationibus. THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. 123 The Tarentines were convinced that their countrymen were irresistible in war; and this conviction had emboldened them to treat with the grossest indignity one whom they regarded as the representative of an inferior race. Of the Greek generals then living, Pyrrhus was indisputably the first. Among the troops who were trained in the Greek discipline, his Epirotes ranked high. His expedition to Italy was a turning-point in the history of the world. He found there a people who, far inferior to the Athenians and Corinthians in the fine arts, in the speculative sciences, and in all the refinements of life, were the best soldiers on the face of the earth. Their arms, their gradations of rank, their order of battle, their method of intrenchment, were all of Latin origin, and had all been gradually brought near to perfection, not by the study of foreign models, but by the genius and experience of many generations of great native commanders. The first words which broke from the king, when his practised eye had surveyed the Roman en- campment, were full of meaning: — "These barbarians," he said, " have nothing barbarous in their military arrange- ments." He was at first victorious ; for his own talents were superior to those of the captains who were opposed to him ; and the Eomans were not prepared for the onset of the elephants of the East, which were then for the first time seen in Italy — moving mountains, with long snakes for hands. # But the victories of the Epirotes were fiercely dis- puted, dearly purchased, and altogether unprofitable. At length, Manius Curius Dentatus, who had in his first Con- sulship won two triumphs, was again placed at the head of the Roman Commonwealth, and sent to encounter the invaders. A great battle was fought near Beneventum. Pyrrhus was completely defeated. He repassed the sea; and the world learned, with amazement, that a people had * Anguimamis is the old Latin epithet for an elephant. Lucretius, ii. 538, v. 1302. 124 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. been discovered, who, in fair fighting, were superior to the best troops that had been drilled on the system of Parmenio and Antigonus. The conquerors had a good right to exult in their success ; for their glory was all their own. They had not learned from their enemy how to conquer him. It was with their own national arms, and in their own national battle-array, that they had overcome weapons and tactics long believed to be invincible. The pilum and the broadsword had vanquished the Macedonian spear. The legion had broken the Macedonian phalanx. Even the elephants, when the surprise produced by their first appearance was over, could cause no disorder in the steady yet flexible battalions of Kome. It is said by Plorus, and may easily be believed, that the triumph far surpassed in magnificence any that Rome had previously seen. The only spoils which Papirius Cursor and Fabius Maximus could exhibit were flocks and herds, waggons of rude structure, and heaps of spears and helmets. But now, for the first time, the riches of Asia and the arts of Greece adorned a Eoman pageant. Plate, fine stuffs, costly furniture, rare animals, exquisite paintings and sculptures, formed part of the procession. At the banquet would be assembled a crowd of warriors and statesmen, among whom Manius Curius Dentatus would take the high- est room. Caius Fabricius Luscinus, then, after two Con- sulships and two triumphs, Censor of the Commonwealth, would doubtless occupy a place of honour at the board. In situations less conspicuous probably lay some of those who were, a few years later, the terror of Carthage ; Caius Duilius, the founder of the maritime greatness of his coun- try ; Marcus Atilius Regulus, who owed to defeat a renown far higher than that which he had derived from his vic- tories ; and Caius Lutatius Catulus, who, while suffering from a grievous wound, fought the great battle of the THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. 125 JEgates, and brought the First Punic War to a triumphant close. It is impossible to recount the names of these emi- nent citizens, without reflecting that they were all, without exception, Plebeians, and would, but for the ever-memorable struggle maintained by Caius Licinius and Lucius Sextius, have been doomed to hide in obscurity, or to waste in civil broils the capacity and energy which prevailed against Pyrrhus and Hamilcar. On such a day we may suppose that the patriotic enthu- siasm of a Latin poet would vent itself in reiterated shouts of Io triumphe, such as were uttered by Horace on a far less exciting occasion, and in boasts resembling those which Virgil put into the mouth of Anchises. The superiority of some foreign nations, and especially of the Greeks, in the lazy arts of peace, would be admitted w T ith disdainful can- dour ; but pre-eminence in all the qualities which fit a people to subdue and govern mankind w r ould be claimed for the Eomans. The following lay belongs to the latest age of Latin ballad-poetry. Naevius and Livius Andronicus were prob- ably among the children whose mothers held them up to see the chariot of Curius go by. The minstrel who sang on that day might possibly have lived to read the first hexameters of Ennius, and to see the first comedies of Plau- tus. His poem, as might be expected, shows a much wider acquaintance with the geography, manners, and produc- tions of remote nations, than would have been found in compositions of the age of Camillus. But he troubles him- self little about dates, and having heard travellers talk with admiration of the Colossus of Rhodes, and of the structures and gardens with which the Macedonian kings of Syria had embellished their residence on the banks of the Orontes, he has never thought of inquiring whether these things existed in the age of Romulus. THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. A LAY SUNG AT THE BANQUET IN THE CAPITOL, ON THE DAT WHEREON MANIUS CURIUS DENTATUS, A SECOND TIME CONSUL, TRIUMPHED OVER KING PYRRHUS AND THE TARENTINES, IN THE YEAR OF THE CITY CCCCLXXIX. Now slain is King Amulius, 1 Of the great Sylvian line, Who reigned in Alba Longa, 2 On the throne of Aventine. 3 Slain is the Pontiff Camers, 4 5 Who spake the words of doom : " The children to the Tiber ; The mother to the tomb." IT. In Alba's lake no fisher His net to-day is flinging : 10 On the dark rind of Alba's oaks To-day no axe is ringing : The yoke hangs o'er the manger : The scythe lies in the hay : Through all the Alban villages 15 No work is done to-day. in. And every Alban burgher Hath donned his whitest gown 126 THE PKOPHECY OF CAPYS. 127 And every head in Alba AYearetli a poplar crown 5 ; 20 And every Alban door-post With boughs and flowers is gay : For to-day the dead are living ; The lost are found to-day. IV. They were doomed by a bloody king : 25 They were doomed by a lying priest : They were cast on the raging flood : They were tracked by the raging beast : Raging beast and raging flood Alike have spared the prey ; 30 And to-day the dead are living : The lost are found to-day. v. The troubled river knew them, And smoothed his }^ellow foam, 6 And gently rocked the cradle 35 That bore the fate of Rome. The ravening she- wolf knew them, And licked them o'er and o'er, And gave them of her own fierce milk, Rich with raw flesh and gore. 40 Twenty winters, twenty springs, Since then have rolled away ; And to-day the dead are living: The lost are found to-day. VI. Blithe it was to see the twins, 45 Right goodly youths and tall, 128 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. Marching from Alba Longa To their old grandsire's hall. Along their path fresh garlands Are hung from tree to tree : 50 Before them stride the pipers, Piping a note of glee. VII. On the right goes Romulus, With arms to the elbows red, And in his hand a broadsword, 55 And on the blade a head — A head in an iron helmet, With horse-hair hanging down, A shaggy head, a swarthy head, Fixed in a ghastly frown — 60 The head of King Amulius Of the great Sylvian line, Who reigned in Alba Longa, On the throne of Aventine. VIII. On the left side goes Remus, 65 With wrists and fingers red, And in his hand a boar-spear, And on the point a head — A wrinkled head and aged, With silver beard and hair, 70 And holy fillets round it, Such as the pontiffs wear — The head of ancient Camers, Who spake the words of doom : " The children to the Tiber ; 75 The mother to the toinb." THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. 129 IX. Two and two behind the twins Their trusty comrades go, Four and forty valiant men, With club, and axe, and bow. 80 On each side every hamlet Pours forth its joyous crowd, Shouting lads and baying dogs And children laughing loud, And old men weeping fondly 85 As Rhea's boys go by, And maids who shriek to see the heads, Yet, shrieking, press more nigh. So they marched along the lake ; They marched by fold and stall, 90 By corn-field and by vineyard, Unto the old man's hall. XT. In the hall-gate sate Capys, Capys, the sightless seer ; From head to foot he trembled 95 As Romulus drew near. And up stood stiff his thin white hair, And his blind eyes flashed fire : " Hail ! foster child of the wonderous nurse ! Hail ! son of the wonderous sire ! 100 XII. " But thou — what dost thou here In the old man's peaceful hall ? 130 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. What doth the eagle in the coop, The bison in the stall ? Our corn fills many a garner ; 105 Our vines clasp many a tree ; Our flocks are white on many a hill But these are not for thee. XIII. " For thee no treasure ripens In the Tartessian mine 7 : 110 For thee no ship brings precious bales Across the Libyan brine 8 : Thou shalt not drink from amber ; Thou shalt not rest on down 9 ; Arabia 10 shall not steep thy locks, 115 Nor Sidon tinge thy gown. 11 XIV. Leave gold and myrrh and jewels, Eich table and soft bed, To them who of man's seed are born, Whom woman's milk have fed. 120 Thou wast not made for lucre, For pleasure, nor for rest ; Thou, that art sprung from the War-god's loins, And hast tugged at the she-wolfs breast. xv. " From sunrise unto sunset 125 All earth shall hear thy fame : A glorious city thou shalt build, And name it by thy name : And there, unquenched through ages, Like Vesta's 12 sacred fire, 130 Shall live the spirit of thy nurse, The spirit of thy sire. THE PBOPHECY OF CAPYS. 181 XVI. " The ox toils through the furrow, Obedient to the goad ; The patient ass, up flinty paths, 135 Plods with his weary load : With whine and bound the spaniel His master's whistle hears ; And the sheep yields her patiently To the loud clashing shears. uo XVII. " But thy nurse will hear no master ; Thy nurse will bear no load ; And woe to them that shear her, And woe to them that goad ! When all the pack, loud baying, 145 Her bloody lair surrounds, She dies in silence, biting hard, Amidst the dying hounds. XVIII. " Pomona 13 loves the orchard ; And Liber u loves the vine ; 150 And Pales 15 loves the straw-built shed Warm with the breath of kine ; And Venus 16 loves the whispers Of plighted youth and maid, In April's ivory moonlight 155 Beneath the chestnut shade. XIX. " But thy father loves the clashing Of broadsword and of shield : 132 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. He loves to drink the steam that reeks From the fresh battle-field ; 160 He smiles a smile more dreadful Than his own dreadful frown, When he sees the thick black cloud of smok3 Go up from the conquered town. xx. " And such as is the War-god, 165 The author of thy line, And such as she who suckled thee, Even such be thou and thine. Leave to the soft Campanian His baths and his perfumes ; 170 Leave to the sordid race of Tyre Their dyeing-vats and looms : Leave to the sons of Carthage The rudder and the oar : Leave to the Greek his marble Nymphs 175 And scrolls of wordy lore. XXI. " Thine, Roman, is the pilum 17 : Roman, the sword is thine, The even trench, the bristling mound, 18 The legion's ordered line 19 ; 180 And thine the wheels of triumph, 20 Which with their laurelled train Move slowly up the shouting streets To Jove's eternal fane. XXII. " Beneath thy yoke the Volscian 185 Shall vail his lofty brow ; THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. 133 Soft Capua's curled revellers 21 Before thy chairs shall bow : The Lucumoes of Arnus 22 Shall quake thy rods to see ; 190 And the proud Samnite's heart of steel 23 Shall yield to only thee. XXIII. "The Gaul shall come against thee From the land of snow and night : Thou shalt give his fair-haired armies 195 To the raven and the kite. XXIV. u . The Greek shall come against thee, The conqueror of the East. Beside him stalks to battle The huge earth-shaking beast/ 4 200 The beast on whom the castle With all its guards doth stand, The beast who hath between his eyes The serpent for a hand. First march the bold Epirotes, 205 Wedged close with shield and spear K And the ranks of false Tarentum Are glittering in the rear. XXV. " The ranks of false Tarentum Like hunted sheep shall fly : 210 In vain the bold Epirotes Shall round their standards die And Apennines grey vultures Shall have a noble feast On the fat and the eyes 215 Of the huge earth-shaking beast. 134 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. XXYI. " Hurrah ! for the good weapons That keep the War-god's land. Hurrah ! for Rome's stout pilum In a stout Roman hand. 220 Hurrah ! for Rome's short broads word, 26 That through the thick array Of levelled spears and serried shields Hews deep its gory way. XXVII. " Hurrah ! for the great triumph 225 That stretches many a mile. Hurrah ! for the wan captives That pass in endless file. Ho ! bold Epirotes, whither Hath the Reel King 27 ta'en flight ? 230 Ho ! dogs of false Tarentum, Is not the gown washed white 28 ? XXVIII. " Hurrah ! for the great triumph That stretches many a mile. Hurrah ! for the rich dye of Tyre, 235 And the fine web of Nile, The helmets gay with plumage Torn from the pheasant's wings, The belts set thick with starry gems That shone on Indian kings, 240 The urns of massy silver, The goblets rough with gold, The many-coloured tablets bright With loves and wars of old, THE PROPHECY OP CAPYS. 135 The stone that breathes and struggles, 245 The brass that seems to speak ; — Such cunning they who dwell on high Have given unto the Greek. XXIX. " Hurrah ! for Manius Curius, 29 The bravest son of Eome, 250 Thrice in utmost need sent forth, Thrice drawn in triumph home. Weave, weave, for Manius Curius The third embroidered gown w : Make ready the third lofty car, 31 255 And twine the third green crown 32 ; And yoke the steeds of Bosea 33 With necks like a bended bow, And deck the bull, Mevania's ?A bull, The bull as white as snow. 260 XXX. " Blest and thrice blest the Roman Who sees Rome's brightest day, Who sees that long victorious pomp Wind down the Sacred Way, 35 And through the bellowing Forum, 265 And round the Suppliant's Grove, 36 Up to the everlasting gates Of Capitolian Jove. XXXI. " Then where, o'er two bright havens, The towers of Corinth frown 37 ; 270 Where the gigantic King of Day ^ On his own Rhodes looks down ; 136 LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. Where soft Orontes murmurs Beneath the laurel shades 39 ; Where Nile reflects the endless length 275 Of dark-red colonnades 40 ; Where in the still deep water, Sheltered from waves and blasts, Bristles the dusky forest Of Byrsa's 41 thousand masts ; 280 Where fur-clad hunters wander Amidst the northern ice ; Where through the sand of morning-land The camel bears the spice 42 ; Where Atlas 43 flings his shadow 285 Ear o'er the western foam, Shall be great fear on all who hear The mighty name of Koine." NOTES. HORATIUS. 1. " The year of the city ccclx " = 393 b.c. 2. "Lars Porsena." "Lar" is the Latin word (derived from the Etruscan), indicating one of a class of minor divinities who were either family gods of the hearth or public patrons of roads, streets, and even cities. They were not of divine origin, but the deified souls of men, and, in the case of family lares, of deceased ancestors. It was more or less customary throughout the ancient world to assume or endeavor to anticipate a coming apotheosis in the case of rulers, and this was done sometimes indirectly by attributing the divine quality by means of a title or name, sometimes in terms by the direct flattery of courtiers and subjects. So w T e find several of the Roman emperors legally deified and worshipped during their lives, and doubtless the Etruscan " Lars " was used in this sense, as the name or title of king or priest, offices apt to be held by the same person in the early Italian commu- nities. "Lars Porsena" maybe thus freely rendered. '-The Divine Porsena." 3. " Clusiuni" occupied the site of the modern Chiusi. 4. '-The Nine Gods." The Dei novensiles of Etruscan theology were those who had the power to launch lightning and thunderbolts. They were Jupiter (Tinia), Juno (Cupra or Uni), Minerva (Menrfa), Vejovis (an evil Jupiter), Summanus (god of night), Vulcanus (Sethlan or Velch), Saturnus, Mars (Maris), and a ninth wmo has not been satisfactorily identified, but was probably Neptunus (Xethuns), Janus, or Hercules (Ercle or Hercle). 5. "The great house of Tarquin." The legendary history of the house of Tarquin is told by Livy, Book T, Chaps. 35-60. Being them- selves of Etruscan descent, they naturally appealed to the Etruscans for aid. 6. " Volaterrse," now Volterra. Much of the ancient wall is still standing, and shows a height of forty feet, a thickness of thirteen feet, and a circumference of four and a half miles. The strength of the 137 138 NOTES. town may be inferred from the fact that it withstood for two years a siege by Sulla's troops. It was quite customary to attribute such works to a superhuman agency. 7. " Seagirt Populonia." The site of Populonia, not far from the modern Piombino, is now occupied by a poor village. 8. "Pisee," now Pisa. 9. " Massilia's triremes." Massilia, now Marseilles, was a flour- ishing Greek colony founded about 600 b.c. It was very prominent commercially and strong enough to contend with Carthage in naval warfare. Gallic slaves may be readily assumed to have been one of its leading exports. The trireme, or galley with three banks of oars, was the " ship-of-the-line " of the period. 10. "Sweet Clanis." The Clanis is now the Chiana, which joins the Paglia at Orvieto and flows thence into the Tiber. 11. "Cortona" still stands upon its hill (2170 feet), looking down upon the valley of the Chiana. 12. " Auser's rill." The Auser (or Ausar) rose in the Apennines on the border of Liguria and flowed into the Arnus at Pisse. It is identified with the modern Serchio, though the latter empties into the Mediterranean Sea some distance north of the Arno. A new channel is supposed to have formed. 13. " The Ciminian hill." Mount Cimeno, near Viterbo, was once considered the great natural bulwark of central Etruria. 14. " Clitumnus." The Clitumnus, now the Clitumno, rises near the little village of Le Vene between Trevi and Spoleto. A sacred river, the white cattle bred upon its banks were especially esteemed for sacrificial purposes. Even now the people of the neighborhood imagine that its water has the magic attribute of turning cattle white. For a charming description see Pliny's letter to Pomanus, VIII, 8. 15. "The Volsinian mere," now the famous Lago di Bolsena. 16. " Arretium," now Arezzo. 17. "Umbro." The Uinbro, now the Ombrone, flows from near Siena southwesterly into the sea. 18. "Luna." The ruins of Luna lie on the coast not far from Spezzia, and a few miles east of Pta. Bianca. 19. "Traced from the right on linen white." Contrary to the Roman system the Etruscan wrote from right to left — a strong indi- cation of their Oriental origin. Their sacred books were numerous and are referred to by different writers of antiquity as Libri Etrusci — Chartce Etruscce — Scripta Etrusca — Tusci libelli — Etniscce clisci- plinoe libri — Libri fatal es, rituales, haruspicini, fulgurates ettonitru- NOTES. 139 ales — Libri Tagetici — Sacra Tagetica — Sacra Acherortiica — and Libri Acherontici. They are supposed to have been written by or taken down from the lips of Tages, a being possessed of the face of a child but the wisdom of a sage, who was ploughed up in a field near Tar- quinii. Cicero on Divinations, II, 23. See also for books of divination, Cicero on Divinations, 1, 12, 33, 43, and 44 ; II, 54. Linen was written upon in early times, but probably only in case of sacred writings or state records. See Livy IV, 7. 20. ' ' Nurscia's altars." This name is not familiar, though no doubt Macaulay had authority for the spelling. The allusion is probably to Nortia, the Etruscan goddess of fortune, at whose temple at Volsinii a nail was driven to record the passage of each year. 21. " The golden shields of Home." The Ancilia were the twelve bronze (or golden?) shields that hung in the temple of Mars Gradivus on the Palatine Hill. One was supposed to have fallen from heaven, and the soothsayers had declared that so long as it remained in Rome the state would endure. JSunia Pompilius, the then reigning king, thereupon had eleven others made exactly like it to lessen the chance of its being stolen, and constituted a college of twelve priests, the salii, whose duty it was to guard it. See Ovid's '-Fasti,'' III, 377. 22. "Sutrium." The modern Sutri. 23. "The Tusculan Mamilius." Octavius Mamilius was son-in-law of King Tarquin, who had endeavored during his reign to attach to his interests many of the chief men of the Latins. Tusculum, now only a few ruins, stood near the modern Frascati, and was one of the most important of the Latin cities. It was fabled to have been founded by Telegonus, son of Ulysses and Circe, and was the birthplace of the elder Cato and the favorite residence of Cicero (note his "Tusculan Disputations "). 24. "The yellow Tiber." The color of the Tiber is due to the swiftness of the current that sweeps down and holds in suspension many particles of earth and clay. 25. "The spacious champaign. 1 ' The Roman Campagna may be said to be the plain bounded on the north by the Ciminian forest, on the south by the Alban Hills, on the east by the Sabine Apennines, and on the west by the sea, 26. "Skins of wine." The early method of keeping and carrying the cheaper grades of wine was in sacks or bottles made of the skins of animals, and the poorer wines of Spain and Greece are still kept in " skins." 27. "The rock Tarpeian." The Tarpeian Rock, from which con- 140 KOTES. demned traitors were thrown in early days, was presumably the high- est point of the Capitoline Hill. The formation has changed very much and, though the spot is still pointed out, its alleged location is not considered beyond suspicion. 28. 4i The Fathers of the City." The Fathers were the three hun- dred senators, heads of the three hundred families of the three tribes, those of the last admitted tribe, the Luceres, being known as the patres minorum gentium. After the institution of the republic, vacancies which had occurred in the senate, either by the killing of obnoxious senators by Tarquin, or by the departure of those who accompanied him into exile, were filled by certain chosen plebeians of equestrian rank, who, because they were enrolled with the others, were known as conscripti. Hence the senate was called Patres et conscripti, shortened into Patres conscripti, " Conscript fathers." 29. " Crustumerium," a colony from Alba, is supposed to have been situated in the mountains near the sources of the Allia (now the Aia or Fosso clella Bettina). It was captured by Romulus and again by Tarquinius Priscus. 30. "Ostia," founded by Ancus Marcius at the mouth of the Tiber, was the ancient seaport of Rome. It is now about two and a half miles from the coast, in consequence of the vast quantity of sand, earth, etc., carried down and deposited by the river. 31. " Janiculum," now known as the Monte Gianicolo, was the heights on the western bank of the Tiber, first fortified and connected with the city by Ancus Marcius. A white banner floated from its top, and was lowered only when an enemy came in sight, to warn the burghers of the threatened attack. 32. " The Consul." Two consuls (first called praetors), elected each year, administered the Roman government, being vested with all the civil and military prerogatives of the kings, except that of high-priest of the state. They presided alternately for a month at a time. 33. "The River-Gate." It is probable that there were originally two gates where the walls approached the river bank : the Carmen- talis in the north wall, and the Flumentana in the south, although this is contrary to the conclusions of most antiquarians, who place the Porta Flumentana on the north near the Porta Carmentalis, thus locating two gates (not to mention the special Porta Triumphalis for the use of a triumphing imperator) in the short stretch of wall between the river and the Capitoline Hill. In the south wall they locate the Porta Trigemina, from which the wall ran unbroken a distance of over half a mile around the Aventine Hill to the Porta Naevia. Macaulay NOTES. 141 undoubtedly places the Flumentana in the south wall (see note 60), and. while there seems to be no definite authority for it. we may imagine his reasoning. But one gate was needed on each side. We know the Carmentalis was in the north wall, and doubtless that gate in the south which was nearest the Tiber would be known as the Porta Flumentana or u River-Gate." Later, when the Carmentalis became a gate of evil omen, owing to the Fabii marching through it on their fatal expedition to Cremera (see Macaulay's Preface), it doubtless became necessary to build a third gate even in so short a stretch of wall. People would not use the Carmentalis, and the Triumphalis could be opened only for a specific purpose. Therefore a new " River- Grate" was built close to the Tiber. Meanwhile it is probable that the old " River-Gate " was an insufficient outlet for its district, and was enlarged into a three-arched gate, thence called the Trigemina ; and so the name " River-Gate" might very naturally have shifted from the southern to the northern portal. An examination of a diagram of the Servian wall at these points will show the force of this explanation, and every reference which has led the classical authorities to the con- clusion that the Porta Flumentana was in the wall between the Capitol and the river is met equally well by the suggested shifting of the name. 3-4. "The bridge." This was the Sublician Bridge, which then formed the sole connection between the un walled river front of the city and the interior of the lines of wall which joined it to the fortified citadel on Janiculum. It has been located a little below the sole re- maining pier of the Pons JEmilius, where some apparent remains of an ancient wooden bridge have been discovered. 35. "Twelve fair cities." Twelve cities or cantons composed the Etruscan confederation. The number, however, was probably not abso- lutely fixed, and there were undoubtedly changes in the membership. At the date of the narrative they were probably Clusium. Volaterrae, Cortona, Arretium, Perusia (now Perugia), Tetulonia, Volsinii, Tar- quinii (near the modern Corneto), Caere (now Cervetri and from which the word " ceremony " is said to have been derived), Yeii (near the modern village of Isola Farnese), Yolci, and Falerii. 30. " Each warlike Lucumo." " Lucumo " was a title of nobility, or authority, sacerdotal as well as civil. It is said to be derived from the Etruscan lauchme, meaning " inspired." 37. " Cilnius of Arretium." Several of the names of Macaulay's Etruscan heroes are based merely on the fact that they are Etruscan in their derivation. That of Cilnius, however, was evidently suggested 142 NOTES. by the gens name of Caius Cilnius Maecenas, the friend of Augustus and patron of literature, who was a native of Arretium. 38. " The four-fold shield." Compare " Iliad," XVIII, 540-542. 39. " The hold by reedy Thrasymene." Probably Cortona, which lies about seven miles from the Lacus Trasimenus, now Lago Trasimeno. 40. "False Sextus." The story of Sextus Tarquinius and his deed and its consequences is told by Livy, I, 57 et seq. 41. u The Captain of the Gate." See note 33. 42. " The holy maidens." The vestal virgins who guarded the fire that burned forever upon the hearth of Vesta were originally de- rived from Alba and adopted into the Roman hierarchy by Numa. A full account of their organization, duties, privileges, etc., will be found in any dictionary of antiquities. 43. " In yon strait path." The passage between the two walls that connected Janiculum with the bridge. 44. "A Eamnian proud." The Eamnians (Hamnenses), so named from Romulus, were the original burghers or nobles of Rome, and their descendants. 45. "Of Titian blood." The Titians (Titie?ises) , so called from Titus Tatius the Sabine leader, were the descendants of the second century of nobles chosen from the Sabines so as to give each people an equal voice in the united government. 46. ' ' Then lands were fairly portioned. " Alluding to that most fruit- ful source of quarrels between the patricians and plebeians over the use or division of the public or conquered land. All through the early life of the Roman commonwealth the proposal of an agrarian law was the signal for the gravest civil commotions. 47. " Green Tifernum." Tifernum occupied the site of the modern Citta di Castello. It was an Umbrian rather than Etruscan town. 48. " Ilva's mines." Ilva was the ancient name of Elba. It was celebrated for its iron mines. 49. Nequinum, now Narni ; and the ancient Xar is known as the Nera. The Umbrians, thought by some to have been the original in- habitants of Italy, seem to have had no central government like the Latins and Etruscans, and in several wars we find Umbrian cities lighting on each side. 50. " Ocnus of Ealerii. " Falerii stood near the modern town of Civita Castellana. 51. "Lausulus of Urgo." Urgo or Urgos has been identified with the little island of Gorgona not far from Leghorn. 52. ' ' Aruns of Volsinium . ' * Volsinium (or Volsinii) is now Orvieto. NOTES. 143 53. " Cosa's fen." The ruins of Cosa, now known as Ansedonia, are on the seacoast near Orbetello. 54. " Albinia's shore. 1 ' The Albinia is now known as the Albegna. It flows southwesterly into the Mediterranean, just above the marshes of Orbetello. 55. " The she-wolf's litter." In allusion to the nurturing of Romu- lus and Remus. The Romans were often called " the wolves of Italy." 56. " Mount Al vermis." The reference is doubtless to Mount Alver- nia, upon which stands a modern village of the same name, about two miles north of Chiusi. 57. "And the pale augurs, muttering low, gaze on the blasted head." As to occurrences which were considered subjects for augury, read Livy, XXI. 62 ; XXII, 1 ; XXIII, 31, and XXIV, 10 and 44. 58. "Palatums." The Rome of Romulus occupied only the Pala- tine Hill. Later, after the walls of Senilis had included the seven hills, the Palatine remained the especial residence quarter of the great patrician families. 59. "Oh, Tiber ! father Tiber !" In the classical world, each river had its presiding deity of the same name, whose worship was especially cultivated by dwellers upon its banks. Compare " Iliad," XXI, 242 et seq. 60. "The River-Gate." As the swift current, running southward. carried Horatius outside the un walled stretch by the bridge, the River- Gate through which Macaulay makes him enter the city must have been on the site of the Porta Trigemina, See note 33. 61. " The corn-land, that was of public right." The ager publicus of Rome was land derived from the conquest of other cities and states. Owned by the state, it was either divided among colonists, rented out to Roman citizens on shares, or used for common pasturage. 62. " As much as two strong oxen could plough from morn till night." The Roman unit of land measure was the jugerum (about two-thirds of an acre), derived from the word jugum, a yoke, and sup- posed to represent the ploughing of a yoke of oxen in one day. 63. " In the Comitium." The Comitium was a square space adjoin- ing the Forum on the north, and probably elevated above it by a few steps. Here were held the comitia, or assemblies of the Roman peo- ple. It may be said to have been the patrician end of the Forum. 64. " To charge the Yolscian home." The Volscians were a peo- ple of southern Latium with whom the Romans were more or less con- tinuously at war for two hundred years from the reign of Tarquinius Superbus. 144 NOTES. 65. " Wives still pray to Juno." Juno Lucina was especially in- voked by women looking forward to maternity. 66. " The good logs of Algidus." Algidus, now Monte Algido, is the highest summit of the Alban Mountains. THE BATTLE OF THE LAKE REGILLUS. 1. "Ho, lictors, clear the way!" The lictors were the special attendants of the consuls and dictators, and bore the emblems of su- preme civil authority, the axes bound in bundles of elm rods (secures et fasces), to symbolize the power over life and death. The usual form of Roman execution was scourging and beheading. 2. " The Knights will ride." For information as to the equestrian order, see the Introduction to this poem. Also, consult any dictionary of classical antiquities. 3. " Castor in the Eorum." Three columns still mark the site of the temple of Castor and Pollux in the Eorum. They stand at the foot of the Palatine Hill, near the ruins of the temple of Yesta. 4. "Mars without the wall." The temple of Mars stood upon a small elevation beside the Appian Way, about half a mile beyond the Porta Capena. 5. "Each Knight is robed in purple." The knights, during the ceremony of the Equitum transvectio wore the trabea, a white gown with horizontal purple stripes. It was one of the original badges of the kingly dignity. 6. " The Yellow River." See " Horatius," note 24. 7. "The Sacred Hill." The allusion here is doubtless to the Capitoline Hill, whereon stood the Capitolium dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, rather than to the Mons Sacer mentioned in 1 ' Virginia. ' ' 8. "The proud Ides of Quintilis." The Ides of Quintilis was July 15. 9. "Gay are the Martian Kalends." On the Martian Kalends, March 1, was celebrated the festival of the Matronalia, mainly to com- memorate the ending of the war between the Romans and Sabines through the intercession of the women. It was the custom for husbands to give presents to their wives on this day. 10. " December's Nones are gay. " December's Nones, December 5, was the festival of the Eaunalia in honor of the god Faunus. 11. " The Great Twin Brethren." Castor and Pollux are generally alluded to in mythology as the sons of Leda, wife of Tyndareus king NOTES. 145 of Sparta, and of Zeus disguised as a swan. More strictly speaking, the accepted myth is that, of four children born at a birth, Castor and Clytemnestra were the offspring of Tyndareus, and Pollux and Helen of Zeus. Of the so-called twins, then, Pollux alone was immortal, but such was his fraternal affection that, at his request, Zeus granted him, upon his brother's death, that they should possess a joint immortality on every other day. 12. "They came o'er wild Parthenius. Mount Parthenius rises on the boundary between Argolis and Arcadia, where it approaches the Laconian frontier. 13. --O'er Cirrha's dome." Cirrha in Phocis was the port of Delphi. Its site is now occupied by the miserable village of Magoula. 14. "From where with flutes and dances." The flute w T as the national musical instrument of the Spartans, and their armies marched to its strains. 15. "The City of two kings." Lacedsemon, or Sparta, was unique among Greek communities for its double kingship. The nearest ap- proach is found in the two consuls at Rome. 16. " To where, by Lake Regillus." See Introduction to this poem. 17. " In the lands of Tusculum." See " Horatius," note 23. 18. " Corne's oaks." Pliny speaks of a grove dedicated to Diana at a place called Corne, " a suburban eminence of the Tusculan region." This is the modern Cornufelle, close by the crater which once contained the Lake Regillus. See Gell's " Topography of Rome and its Vicinity." 19. "The Thirty Cities" of the Latin confederacy were, according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ardea, Aricia, BovillaB, Bubentum, Corniculum, Carventum, Cerceii, Corioli, Corbio, Cora. Fortinii (?), Gabii, Laurentum, Lavinium, Labicum, Lanuvium, Nomentum, Norba, Prseneste, Pedum, Querquetulum, Satricum. Scaptia. Setia, Tellense, Tibur, Tusculum, Toleria, Tricrinum(?), and Velitrae. 20. " Since last the Great Twin Brethren Of mortal eyes were seen, Have years gone by an hundred And fourscore and thirteen." The date of the battle is supposed to have been 405 b.c. 21. "Consul first in place." See "Horatius," note 32. There is some doubt as to whether the consul major was the older or the one first elected or the one presiding that month. 22. "Gabii." A few ruins on the banks of the now drained Lago Castiglione near the Via Prsenestina, and about nine miles from the Porta Maggiore, mark the site of Gabii. 146 NOTES. 23. " Rome's Eastern Gate." Probably the Porta Esquilina, which stood near the present site of the arch of Gallienus. 24. ' ' To bring the Tarquins home. " For the story of the Tarquins, see Livy, I, 35-60. 25. "Conscript Fathers." See " Horatius," note 28. 26. "Then choose we a Dictator." For full details of the choice and office of dictator consult dictionary of classical antiquities. 27. "Camerium." Supposed to have occupied the site of the modern Palombara. It was taken and destroyed by the consul Yerginius (502 b.c.) for espousing the cause of the Tarquins. Dionysius, V, 21, 40, 49. 28. "Axes twenty-four." The consuls being attended by twelve lictors each, the dictator, who took over the authority of both, was attended by the full twenty-four bearing the axes and rods. 29. " He made JEbutius Elva His Master of the Knights." The dictator usually nominated his magister eqirftam, or lieutenant, though a name was sometimes suggested to him in the decree of his own appointment. 30. " Setia's purple vineyards." Setia is now Sezze. Originally it was a town of the Volscians. It became a Roman colony after 382 b.c. Its wine was the imperial vintage most prized by Augustus and later emperors. 31. " Xorba's ancient wall." The ruins of Norba are not far from Ninfa on the road from Rome to Terracina. 32. " From where the Witch's Fortress O'erhangs the dark-blue seas." The allusion is to Cercii, of which only a few ruins remain. The promontory on which they stand, now known as Promontorio Circeo or Monte Cicello, was supposed to have been the site of the palace of the enchantress Circe, visited by Ulysses in the " Odyssey." 33. " From the still, glassy lake that sleeps Beneath Aricia's trees." The modern village of Ariccia stands where the citadel of Aricia once stood. The ancient city lay a little to the southward. It was famous for its temple of Diana Aricina, situated in a grove on the border of Lake Nemorensis (now Nemi). Her priesthood could be attained only by a runaway slave who had been able to challenge the former incumbent by breaking a branch from a certain tree in the grove, and KOTES. 147 to kill him in single combat. He then held the office (of Bex Xemo- rensis) until challenged and killed in like manner. 34. "The drear banks of Ufens." The Ufens, now the Uffente, is a small stream which loses itself in the Pontine marshes between Sezze and Fiperno. 35. "Cora," now Cori, was fabled to have been founded by the Trojan Dardanus. 36. " The Laurentian jungle." The few ruins of Laurentum lie in the marshes near Torre di Pater no. 37. "The green steeps whence Anio leaps." The Anio, now the Teverone, rises in the Sabine Apennines and flows westerly into the Tiber a little above Rome. 38. "Velitne," now Velletri. 30. " Mamilius, Prince of the Latin name." For Mamilius, see " Horatius," note 23. 40. "A vest of purple flowed, Woven in the land of sunrise By Syria's dark -browed daughters." An allusion to the famous purple dye of the Tyrian weavers. 41. "And by the sails of Carthage brought/' Carthage divided with Massilia (Marseilles) the commerce of the western Mediter- ranean ; but she gained steadily upon her rival. Hence where the author of "Horatius," who is supposed to have lived ninety years earlier, speaks of " Massilia's triremes," the present author uses " the sails of Carthage " as an equivalent expression. 42. "Lavinium." About four miles southeast of the ruins of Laurentum (see above) lie those of Lavinium, named from Lavinia, the fabled daughter of King Latinus, and the wife of iEneas. That the cities of the marsh and coast have not lived again under Italianized names, as have many of their sisters of further inland, is due to the malaria that has devastated the region for so many centuries. The conditions are known to have been very different in early times, when the country was well wooded and drained. 43. " False Sextus." See " Horatius," note 40. 44. " Tiber," now Tivoli. 45. "Pedum." The site of Pedum is probably that now occupied by the village of Gallicano. 46. "Ferentinum of the rock." Ferentinum was an Etruscan city. Its ruins lie a little north of Viterbo. 47. "There rode the Volscian succours." Contrary to ancient ens- 148 NOTES. torn, the Latins have here marshalled their foreign allies in the centre instead of on the wings of their array. See also " Horatius," note 64. 48. "The ancient king." King Tarqnin. 49. " White as Mount Soracte." Mount Soracte rises southeast of Civita Castellana on the west bank of the Tiber. Horace speaks of it (" Carin.," I, 9) as white with snow. 50. " On an Apulian steed." The best horses in ancient Italy came from the southern part of the peninsula, where the Greeks had doubt- less introduced Asiatic strains. The Campanians took especial pride in their cavalry. 51. "Like the Pomptine fog at morn." The Pomptine marshes extend along the coast south of Rome from Cisterna to Terracina. 52. "Prom the Digentian rock." The allusion is probably to the precipitous rock upon which the village of Rocca Giovine is perched. The stream at its base, now called the Licenza, was the ancient Digentia, spoken of by Horace. ("Epist.," I, 18, 104.) 53. "Bandusia's flock." See Horace, "Carm," III, 13. 54. " The crown he won, When proud PidenaB fell." The corona rnuralis (mural crown), made with gold and decorated with turrets, was given by the general to the first man who scaled the walls of a besieged city. 55. "Pidense." This city, whose scanty ruins are found on the south bank of the Tiber, about five miles from the Porta Salaria, was originally the outpost Etruscan city, and the ally of Yeii in her wars with Rome. 56. "That fell speckled snake." The common European viper. Its venom is said to be more dangerous the more southern the latitude. 57. " There Valerius fought." Publius Valerius, who on the banish- ment of Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus succeeded him as colleague of Brutus in the consulship. (Livy, II, 2.) 58. "RexofGabii, The priest of Juno's shrine." Most interesting among the ruins of Gabii are those of the celebrated temple of Juno Gabina. 59. "The Velian hill." The Velia, numbered in the original Septimontium (see note 85), was a northeast spur of the Palatine Hill. 60. "A Consular of Rome." One who had been consul. See note 57. NOTES. 149 61. "I see an evil sight." After the manner of Homeric battles, the fall of iEbutius had evidently resulted in the defeat of the Roman left wing. 62. " From Aufidus. " The Aufidus (now the Of ante) , the principal river of Apulia, flows from the Apennines into the Adriatic Sea. 63. "ToPo." The Padua (now the Po) rises in the Cottian Alps. and flows easterly across Italy into the Adriatic Sea. 64. '• The southern mountains." The Alban Hills. 65. " The furies of thy brother." The Furies were the deities who haunted and punished those who had committed crimes which human justice had failed to avenge adequately. Such was the rape of Lucretia by Sextus Tarquinius. 66. " In some rich Capuan's hall. " Capua, now Sta Maria cli Capua Yetere, was the second city of Italy, and was noted for its wealth and the effeminacy of its citizens. 67. k; Well Samothracia knows us." In allusion to the legend that when the Argo was buffeted by storms in the northern JEgean, Orpheus prayed to the Samothracian gods, whereupon stars appeared upon the heads of Castor and Pollux, who were also members of the expedition, and the storm ceased. The island is now called Samothraki. 68. " Cyrene knows us well." Cyrene was a Spartan colony on the north coast of Tripoli. Extensive ruins show its ancient impor- tance. Castor and Pollux were honored there with a great festival. 69. "Gay Tarentum." Tarentum, now Taranto, was settled by Spartans about 707 b.c, and became one of the most powerful cities of Magna Graecia. 70. '-The masts of Syracuse." Syracuse, perhaps the most famous of Greek colonial cities of the west, was settled by Dorians from Corinth. 71. '• The proud Eurotas." The Eurotas (now the Vasili Potamo) rises in Arcadia and flows southward through Laconia, past Sparta, emptying into the Laconian Gulf. 72. " Ardea." The site of Ardea is now marked by rather exten- sive ruins and a poor village that occupies the site of the citadel. 73. " The hearth of Vesta." The remains of the circular temple of Vesta are still visible in the Forum, near that of Castor and Pollux. See also " Horatius," note 42. 74. - ; The Golden Shield." See " Horatius," note 21. 75. t; The Celtic plain." The plains of Lombardy, the valley of the Po. were inhabited by tribes of Celtic Gauls. 76. k - Our Sire Quirinus." Quirinus, an ancient Roman (or Latin) war deity, was supposed to be the apotheosized Romulus. 150 NOTES. 77. "Lanuvium." The site of Lanuvium is now occupied by the small town of Civita Lavinia. 78. " Nomentum " lay near the modern village of Mentana. 79. u Arpinum" is now Arpino. It was the birthplace of Marius and of Marcus Tullius Cicero. As the greatest of the Tullian gens was born there, Macaulay calls its chief Tullus. 80. ' ' Anxur." A town of the V olscians. Later it was called Tarra- cina, now Terracina. 81. " The great Arician seer." The Bex Nemorensis. See note 33. 82. " The High Pontiff." The Pontifex Maximus, head of the col- lege of pontiffs, was the highest religious dignitary in ancient Rome. The details of his selection, duties, dignities, etc., will be found in any dictionary of antiquities. The title was probably derived from pons (a bridge) and facere used in the sense of the Greek pefriv (to perform a sacrifice), because the pontiffs presided over certain annual sacrifices that were offered on the Sublician Bridge. It is also main- tained that facere should be construed " to make " (or build), and that the title means a bridge builder, because the first bridge over the Tiber was built by or under the auspices of the pontiffs. The name is espe- cially interesting as having been preserved as one of the titles of the popes of Rome. 83. " In all Etruria's colleges." The Latin collegium was not used as now to designate an advanced educational institution, but meant simply a corporation of several collegce (colleagues) banded together for any religious or civil purpose. As Rome's hierarchy and ritual were drawn largely from Etruscan sources, it was natural to praise the head of the college of pontiffs by comparing him favorably with those of Etruria. 84. " The great Asylum. " Temples, altars, sacred groves, etc. , were held throughout the classical world to be asylums or places of refuge for slaves, debtors, and criminals who fled to them. The allusion here is to the story told by Livy (I, 8), that Romulus, in order to increase the population of his city, established such a sanctuary on the slope of the Capitoline Hill. It was enclosed and known later as the "Two Groves." 85. " The hill-tops seven." The original seven hills (Septimontiinn) were, according to Festus, the Palatium, Yelia, Cselius, Cermalus (on the northwest side of the Palatine), Fagutal (between the Arch of Gallienus and the Sette Sale), Oppius, and Cispius (both also parts of the Esquiline). 86. " The fire that burns for aye." See " Horatius," note 42. NOTES. 151 87. "Vesta." See note 73. 88. " In harness on his right.' 1 It looks as if Macaulay had tripped here ; for while the Greeks looked for signs of good augury on the right, the Romans looked for them on the left. Both agreed in con- sidering the east lucky, but the Greek augur faced north, and the Roman, south. The criticism is perhaps trivial, since the appearance of supporting gods upon either hand of a general in battle would doubtless be considered favorable ; but it is a compliment to Macau- lay's care in such matters, that one wonders he did not place the good omen on the left. The same comment may be made upon the allusion in stanza XXXII. 89. '• Safe comes the ship to haven.*' See Horace, " Carin." I, 3. VIRGINIA. 1. "The three memorable laws": First, that one consul should always be a plebeian. Second, that no one should possess more than 500 jugera of the public land nor keep upon it more than 100 head of large or 500 of small cattle. Third, that certain interests paid on borrowed money should be deducted from the debt, and that the bal- ance should be paid in three yearly instalments. 2. " Fescennine verse. " Originally extemporaneous verses recited in dialogues by country people, principally at harvest and wedding festivities. They are said to have originated at the Etruscan town of Fescenium. Others say that the name is derived from fascium (enchantment), which the verses were supposed to ward off. At first they were confined to mutual satire and repartee, but with the deterioration of morals they became grossly obscene. 3. " The story of Domitian's turbot." See Juvenal, " Sat." IV. 4. "The bold Tribunes.'' See Introduction to this poem. 5. "Fountains running wine." In the Golden Age of Greek mythology life was pictured as ideal. Truth and right were universal, war was unknown, the earth brought forth its increase without labor of ploughing and sowing ; perpetual spring reigned, with its wealth of flowers, and the rivers ran with milk and wine. 6. " Maids with snaky tresses." A reference to the Gorgons of Greek mythology, the most famous of whom was Medusa, whose head turned those who saw it into stone. The story is prettily told in Bulfinch's "Age of Fable." 7. •• Sailors turned to swine." Alluding to the tale of the com- panions of Ulysses changed into swine by Circe. (See " Battle of 152 NOTES. Lake Regillus," note 32.) Circe was supposed to symbolize sensual indulgence, the pursuit of which was aptly fabled to change men into the lowest of the beasts. 8. " The wicked Ten. " See Introduction to this poem, and, for the full story of the Decemvirate and its fall, Livy, III. 9. . " King Tarquin." See Livy, I, 47-60. 10. " Twelve axes." The consular insignia were the axes (secures) bound up in bundles of elm staves (fasces) . In some cases only the fasces were carried by the lictors. See "Battle of Lake Regillus," notes 1 and 28. 11. " The client Marcus." The clients of the great houses were a distinct class in Rome. Though they seem to have had votes in the comitia centuriata for the election of magistrates, passage of laws, etc. , still they were not plebeians or Roman citizens in the full sense of the terms. The best parallel is found in the position of the feudal retainers of mediaeval Europe as opposed to that of the free commons of the towns. Each noble patron prided himself on the number of his clients ; the relation was hereditary, and, in later times, even cities and states took some noble family as their patron, usually that of the general who had subjugated them. 12. "With her small tablets in her hand." Tabula? ceratce, upon which the ancients wrote with the sharp stylus of steel or ivory, were small, oblong pieces of wood, covered with wax, and hinged so as to fold together. 13. " The Sacred Street." The Via Sacra probably ran from about where the Coliseum now stands, through the forum, which, together with the comitium, was practically embraced by its two branches, and to where the Clivus Capitolinus began its winding ascent of the Capitolium. 14. " Lucrece." Eor the story of Lucretia, see Livy, I, 57 et seq. 15. " The Alban Mountains" lie about twelve miles to the south- east of Rome. 16. " The Seven Hills." See "Battle of Lake Regillus," note 85. 17. " The Forum all alive." The forum in early times had on two sides porticoes of peperino columns between which were the stalls of schoolmasters and the shops of tradesmen, principally butchers. At a later period money-changers and bankers occupied most of the cells. 18. "Punic." Carthaginian. 19. "The year of the sore sickness." The pestilence of 463 b.c. afflicted Rome fourteen years before the episode of Virginia is sup- posed to have occurred. See Livy, III, 6. XOTES. 153 20. ••Whereon three mouldering helmets, three rusting swords, are hung." The spoils of the Curatii slain by the Horatii in the war between Rome and Alba in the reign of Tullus Hostilius. See Livy, I, 24-2(3. 21. "Be men to-day, Quirites." Quirites (from Quirium. the original Sabine city on the Quirinal and Capitolium, or from Quirinus. See "Battle of Lake Regillus," note 76) was the term applied to the citizens or people of Rome in their civil capacity. For the army to be so addressed implied deep disgrace and carried with it the inference that the soldiers were such no longer, and were worthy to be considered only as the rabble of the forum. The distinction was much more clearly defined in later times when the legionaries became more and more a professional class, and when the populace had degenerated. * Caesar and other generals brought mutinous troops to terms, on several occasions, by merely addressing them as Quirites. 22. " For this did Servius give us laws." Servius Tullius, the sixth of the kings, was the defender of the commons against the patricians. His story is told in Livy, I. 23. " Tarquin's evil seed. 1 ' See Livy, I, 57 et seq. 24. " The axes of their sire." An allusion to the story of Brutus, the first Roman consul, who ordered his sons to execution for con- spiring for the return of the Tarquins. See Livy, II, 5. 25. " Scawola's right hand." For the story of Mucius Scaevola, see Livy, II, 12. 26. "One lord." A king. 27. "The Sacred Hill." The sacred mount has been identified with the hill about three miles from Rome, just beyond where the Ponte Xomentano bridges the Anio (or Teverone). For the secession of the plebeians, and the first election of tribunes consequent thereon, see Livy, II, 32-33. Thereafter the ground was left open, occupied only by an altar to Jupiter, to whom the hill was consecrated. 28. " They faced the Marcian fury." For the story of Caius (or Gnaeus) Marcins Coriolanus. see Livy, II, 33 et s c q. 29. " They tamed the Fabian pride." The Fabian gens was often at deadly feud with the commons. Macaulay probably refers here to when, in 482 B.C., the soldiers refused to fight the Yeientes under the consul Quintus Fabius, who was obliged to return home unsuc- cessful and disgraced. 30. "The fiercest Quinctius." Caeso Quinctius, son of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, was exiled 461 b.c 154 NOTES. 31. "The haughtiest Claudius." Appius Claudius, the founder of the house. 32. "Fasces." See note 10. 33. " Still keep the holy fillets ; still keep the purple gown, The axes, and the curule chair, the car, and laurel crown." At this time all offices, religious, civil, and military, were in the hands of the patricians. Icilius uses the official insignia for the offices themselves : the holy fillets for the priesthoods, the curule chair for high magistracies, the trabea with its purple stripes, and the axes, for consulships and dictatorships, and the ivory chair car and laurel crown for the triumphing general. 34. " Still fill your garners from the soil which our good swords have won." For this and other patrician privileges and abuses, see Introduction to this poem. 35. "The Shades beneath us." The spirits of the dead in the realms of Pluto. 36. "Your yet more cruel love." By ancient Roman law there could be no full and legal marriage between patricians and plebeians, but, four years after the episode of Virginia, the Lex Canuleia did away with this restriction. 37. " High Pontiffs." See " Battle of Lake Regillus," note 82. 38. " Ancient Alban kings." Alba Longa, not far from the modern Albano, the most ancient town in Latium, was said to have been built by Ascanius, the son of iEneas. It was called "Longa," because it stretched in a long line down the Alban mount. On its destruction by Tullus Hostilius its inhabitants were removed to Pome. 39. " Capuan odors." A street in Capua (the Seplasia) was occu- pied entirely by the sellers of perfumes. See also "Battle of Lake Regillus," note 66. 40. "Spanish gold." Spain was a leading source of the ancient gold supply. See "Prophecy of Capys," note 7. 41. " Straightway Virginius led the maid." For the full story of Virginia, see Livy, III, 44 et seq. 42. "The great sewer." The Cloaca Maxima, the building of which is assigned to Tarquinius Priscus and which is still intact and in use. 43. " My civic crown." The civic crown, made of oak leaves, was given to a soldier who saved the life of a Roman citizen in battle. 44. "The Volscian." See " Horatius," note 64. 45. "Dwellers in the nether gloom, avengers of the slain." The NOTES. 155 deities of the under-world, over whom Pluto and Proserpina presided : iEacus, Minos, and Rhadamanthus, the judges, but more especially the Furies, Alecto, Tisiphone, and Meg^era, whose duty it was to punish the crimes of those too strong for human justice. 46. "Ten thousand pounds of copper." The earliest Roman coin, the ces or as, was made of copper or bronze and weighed a pound. Before that time (the reign of Servius Tullius ?) lumps or ingots of the metal were weighed out as a circulating medium. 47. ,; A cypress crown." The cypress has been emblematic of mourning from the earliest classical times. 48. " The Pincian Hill." This hill was not included in the original city, but lay north of the walls of Servius. The walls of Aurelian enclosed the greater part of it. 49. " The Latin Gate." The Porta Capena, the most important of the southern gates in the Servian wall, is doubtless meant. The Via Appia and the Via Latina started from it in one road, separating half- way to the Aurelian Wall, through which they issued by two gates. — the Appian and the Latin. It is quite possible that in early times the Porta Capena was called also Latina. 50. "Caius of Corioli." See note 28. 51. " The yoke of Furius." Marcus Furius Camillus. 52. " The Calabrian sea-marks." High points along the Calabrian coast (the southeastern part of Italy), by which the ancient mariners, being without compass, steered their course. 53. "The grea,t Thunder-Cape." Acroceraunium. on the coast of Epirus (Dion Cassius, XLI, 44), now Cape Linguetta. 54. " Mount Palatine." See " Horatius," note 58. THE PROPHECY OF CAPYS. 1. " Now slain is King Amulius. " The story of the birth of Romulus and Remus, the burying alive of their mother, the vestal, Rea Silvia, and the exposure, rescue, and return of the twins, is told by Livy. I, 3 et seq. 2. " Alba Longa." See " Virginia," note 38. 3. '-The throne of Aventine." Among several suggested deriva- tions of the word " Aventine " is that it is named from Aventinus. an early Alban king who was buried there (Livy, I, 3). Aventinus was thus a predecessor of Amulius on the throne of Alba Longa. 4. " The Pontiff Camers." The religious hierarch would naturally be the one to pronounce sentence upon a vestal who had broken her vow of chastity. See also " Battle of Lake Regillus," note 82. 156 NOTES. 5. "A poplar crown." The poplar was sacred to Hercules, and the poplar crown was emblematic of courage and adventure. Horace, " Carm.," I, 7. Hercules was especially reverenced by Romulus. See Livy, I, 7. 6. " His yellow foam." See " Horatius," note 24. 7. "In the Tartessian mine." The district of Tartessus, noted for its mines, lay on the coast of Spain, about the mouth of the Bsetis (now Guadalquivir). It is said to have been the Tarshish of Scrip- ture narrative. See also "Virginia," note 40. 8. "The Libyan brine." The eastern Mediterranean, a scornful allusion to the mercantile preeminence of Carthage. 9. " Thou shalt not drink from amber ; Thou shalt not rest on down. Amber, down, etc., signify the luxuries of effeminate states, but which are not for Rome. 10. " Arabia shall not steep thy locks." Alluding to the perfumes that were imported largely from Arabia. 11.* "Nor Sidon tinge thy gown." A reference to the purple dye made in the cities of the Tyrian coast. 12. "Vesta's sacred fire." See "Horatius," note 42. 13. " Pomona loves the orchard." Pomona was a Roman goddess who presided over fruit trees. 14. " And Liber loves the vine." Liber was the Roman Bacchus. 15. " And Pales loves the straw-built shed. " Pales was the Roman goddess of cattle and pasture land. 16. " And Venus loves the whispers Of plighted youth and maid." Venus was the Roman goddess of love, afterwards identified with the Greek Aphrodite, from whom, however, her original conception differed quite considerably, and for the better. It would seem as if the love-goddess idea becomes more licentious as it is traced east. In modern times the name of Venus is used almost universally for Aphrodite. 17. "Thine, Roman, is the pilum." The pilum, the characteristic weapon of the Roman legionary, was a heavy javelin with a staff four and a half feet long, and a barbed iron head of the same length, but which was fitted halfway down the staff, making a total length of about six and three-fourths feet. Its advantage lay in that it could be used at a greater distance than the longest spear, while its weight gave it a. NOTES. 157 destructive force far beyond that of missiles from the bow or sling. One can imagine the effect upon a Greek phalanx of showers of such weapons fully capable of piercing the strongest defensive armor. 18. "The even trench, the bristling mound." Few matters of antiquity are more interesting than the Roman camp with its mathe- matical proportions and division of space, its ditch and rampart set with stakes, and so elaborate in its unvaried details, that a walled city might almost be said to spring into being at each night's halt. Many cities, in fact, owe their origin to Roman camps, as is evidenced through- out England by the frequent terminations "Chester "and "cester" (from the Latin castra). 19. "The legion's ordered line." The legion's strong yet flexible order of battle is also most interesting, and the whole subject of Roman military affairs and discipline may be found treated in " Anthon" or any leading work on Roman antiquities. 20. "The wheels of triumph." The wheels of the ivory car which bore the triumphing general along the Sacred Way, up the Clivus Capitolinus, and to the steps leading to the Capitol. For full descriptions of a triumph see "Anthon" and other works on Roman antiquities. 21. " Soft Capua's curled revellers." See "Battle of Lake Regillus," note 66. 22. "The Lucumoes of Arnus." The Etruscan nobles who held sway over the valley of the Arnus, or Arno. See " Horatius," note 36. 23. " The proud Samnite's heart of steel." The Samnite wars were the bitterest of the inter-Italian struggles that led up to the supremacy of Rome. The first was from 343 to 341 b.c, the second from 326 to 304, and the third from 299 to 290. 24. "The huge earth-shaking beast." The Greeks, from the time of Alexander, used elephants in war. These animals carried little turrets containing archers and slingers. Frequently they were pro- vided with some defensive armor, and scythelike blades were attached to their tusks. Trained and well driven, they proved formidable adver- saries against the dense array of the phalanx. The Romans met them for the first time in the war against Pyrrhus ; but, once accustomed to their appearance and attack, the comparatively open legionary line of battle was readily adapted to receive and defeat it. 25. "The bold Epirotes, wedged close with shield and spear." The Epirotes, like all Greeks from the time of the Macedonian suprem- acy, depended mainly upon their phalanx. This, in the days of Philip and Alexander, consisted of 6000 heavy-armed infantry with spears 158 NOTES. 18 to 20 feet long, and drawn up 16 deep in a solid mass. The num- ber varied considerably at different times, and we read in " JElian" of a phalanx of 16,000 men divided into four divisions. The shock of such a body, if unbroken, must have been terrific. When once broken, however, it was helpless, and the pilum was the weapon best adapted to tear fatal rents in it. 26. f* Rome's short broadsword." The Roman sword, though longer than the Greek, had still a short blade. It was heavy and two- edged, adapted for both cutting and thrusting. 27. "The Red King." The name Pyrrhus signifies, in Greek, u red-haired." 28. " Is not the gown washed white ? " See the Introduction to this poem. 29. " Manius Curius." See Introduction to this poem. 30. ' ' The third embroidered gown." The toga picta, white embroid- ered with gold, was worn over the tunica palmata, or flowered tunic, by the triumping general. 31. " The third lofty car." See note 20. 32. "The third green crown." A crown of laurel was worn by the triumphing general. 33. "The steeds of Rosea." Rosea was the name given to the fertile plain extending along the valley of the Yelinus (Velino) near Reate (Rieti). It was famous for its breeds of asses, mules, and horses. See Virg. "i£n.," VII, 712; Varro, " De Re Rustica," I, 7, § 10, II, 1, § 16; III, 2, § 10, and Cicero, "Ad Atticus," IV, 15. 34. " Mevania's bull." Mevania was an ancient name of the Cli- tumnus. See "Horatius," note 14. 35. "The Sacred Way." See "Virginia," note 13. 36. "The suppliant's Grove." See "Battle of Lake Regillus," note 84. 37 # " Then where, o'er two bright havens, The towers of Corinth frown." Situated upon an isthmus, Corinth had two harbors, one on the Saronic Gulf and one on the Gulf of Corinth. 38. " The gigantic King of Day. " The wonderful statue of Phoebus, the Sun-god, the national deity of the Rhodians. It was known as the Colossus of Rhodes and was reckoned among the " Seven Wonders of the World." See Introduction to this poem. 39. " Where soft Orontes murmurs." The Orontes, now the Nahr El-Ahsy, rises in southern Syria and flows northward, until, circling Antioch, it empties southwesterly into the Mediterranean. Antioch, NOTES. 159 built by Seleucus Xicator, was a city of wonderful magnificence. See also Introduction to this poem. •40. u Dark-red colonnades." The red granite of Syene, and much of the sandstone used in the building of the great Egyptian temples and palaces, gave them a rich reddish tone, while the ruins at Luxor, Karnac, and at other points along the Nile tell us of colonnades that must indeed have seemed endless. 41. "Byrsa's thousand masts." Byrsa was the citadel of Carthage. See also " Battle of Lake Regillus," note 41. 42. u Where through the sand of morning-land The camel bears the spice." Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Media, across whose deserts the Indian caravans brought the spices of the far East. 43. "Where Atlas flings his shadow." The great Atlas range or ranges extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the eastern border of Mauritania, or across the modern Morocco into Algiers. The fable was, that Atlas, whose bulk surpassed that of all men. was king of the farthest west, and that when he offered violence instead of hospitality to Perseus, the hero held toward him the head of the Gorgon, Medusa, whereupon he became stone — a mountain upon whose top the gods set heaven with all the stars, that they might be supported in place. Leading Texts for Higher Schools A New English Grammar. By James M. Milne, Ph. D. Pp. 384. Introductory price, 75 cents. An Elementary Grammar cf the Spanish Language* By Louis A. Loiseaux, Assistant Instructor in Spanish, Columbia Univer- sity. Pp. 190. (In press.) An Elementary Spanish Reader, By Louis A. Loiseaux, Assistant Instructor in Spanish, Columbia University. (In press.) New Complete Arithmetic* By David M. Sensenig and Robert F. Anderson, Instructors in Mathematics, State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Pp. 437. Price, 90 cents. Elements of Gvil Government* By William A. 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