OassjECAzia. BookJL7 /. ADVERTISEMENT. The author of this work, teaches and translates the Spanish and English languages, either abroad, or at No. 2, Courtland Street, Baltimore. \ AVISO. Traduce y ensena el autor de esta obra, las lenguas Castellana e Inglesa, tanto afuera como en su ofieina en la Calle de Courtland, No. 2, Baltimore. AVIS. L'auteur de cet ouvrage traduit et enseigne les langues Espagnole et An^laise, soit chez les personnel qui I'honorent de leur confiance, soit chez. lui rue Courtland, No. 2, Baltimore, ADVERTISEMENT. The publisher has for sale, at his book-store, No. 138 Market street, the following Spanish books, by the author of this work. A new Spanish Grammar, adapted to every class of learners, 2d edition. 2 dollars. The Spanish and English Conductor, being a series of familiar dialogues and commercial letters. 75 cents. A new Pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. 2 vols. 3 dollars and 50 cents. Gramatica Castellana, adaptada a todo sistema de en- senanza, &c. 1 dollar. Also, a variety of other Spanish books. ADVERTISEMENT. The author has ready for press, and will soon publish, three different books of his system of trans- lation — adapted to the French, Latin, and Greek lan- guages. the r!i, GR * MMAR °' ""H* the North American Review he Baltnoore Gazette, and the United States Literary Gaze'tl' speak in the following terms. } Gazette, From the XLVH. Jft. „„*, jvVfA A»eri c «„ ft**. *2Kl££? m r h a , bility - b " h in re ^ * *■ -<-<>- goage, depends very mneh on the readiness with whic7he may b ' come acquamted with the verbs and syntax That ,e, rih! all beginners, the different nses of the vertVann 11 """ '° has laboured with earnestness and ^l Z rTiTu T^ plained the difficulty with as much cLJl JZZ\ * "* of the subject will admit probably, as the nature eom^utm l^ZZ^T^ T" "^ ^^ - also selections ^^^^^^'^1^ year he has published a grammar in sw..k • ! \ ! G IaSt American tnarke, T a !j£Zl^^*.*?* try. we cannot hnt w,h a success j-t^^^J^ *" ■*' r" L N jrrainuat n :. alrov jiK. 5r it prefe ^ou: Eaint tt til "ol maniiesieL ior n " — _ : muirtriii;. iiif sn ^21111 vm vtuci t_ ol hoi m* — v-..-;i :--:_ v -; - :<-.-_■■ _— mine ai. mrnresstoi non xr i>e Diiiiter; . Tin - _ . - • . .. . _Tf facilitate tnt acouis- llqi q ag HHctivf iaiv ...- Eh gnat nation. Tour irifim&r — * -: "•":. H.1H,. •-- ; mr ardour, ^wnen almost «rtmi«rt«fl Jyrp.iTr'-!iT"f efrorii ailC. It tni5 I'c^SZ produJCtioii; i ori% rum-ex me 11 aruunut t»sf. l&sssfVE it then ae & tribute of our inenosnir iimpii:. iitomc L-or^es: tarns r 'wil ■- - . tutu ^rdaici 5r Tmr Dbedten: nuniDtt v :~: 7 -.1.17 PREFACE. In proportion as mankind advance towards refine- ment and elegance, the study of languages, appears to become more useful and necessary. Many of the sciences owe their origin to the ancients, and a great part of the most sublime existing literature, has been handed down to us, from the remotest periods. We see, on the other hand, that as political revolutions give rise to new interests and idioms, and the spirit of im- provement, is continually expanding the range of dis- covery — the mutual relation between the different parts of the globe, occupies a wider space, and becomes more important. To be truly eminent in any study or profession, no one will deny, that the origin of science must be traced, and the primitive beauties of diction felt, and that, to accomplish this, a knowledge of the an- cient languages, is indispensably necessary. It may also be fairly presumed, that much success would not attend the labours of the individual, who, with the assistance of one language only, should endeavour to attain a profound knowledge of general literature — to be an exact observer of the march of the human mind — to hold an advantageous intercourse with foreign people — or to examine accurately the customs and ha- bits of other nations. vi PREFACE. Languages, therefore, however derided by the ap- pellation of the "pursuit of the idle and the curious," imperiously demand the attention of those, wJio aspire to eminence in any of the careers of life. So much does intellectual improvement depend on them, that a great man has not yet been found, whose energies were not roused, or whose talents were not improved, by some model of literary or scientific excellence. Models of this kind have multiplied, as languages have increas- ed. He who, five hundred years since, to become an orator, could only resort to a Demosthenes or a Ci- cero, has now in addition, a Burke and a Pitt — a Bossuet and a Massiilon — a Granada and a Leon. In the same manner, the merchant whose speculations were confined within the narrow limits of his city or of his country, may now carry them to the extremities ot worlds, at that time, unknown. Impressed with these reflections, it soon occurred to the author, that immense benefits would result, if, by some simple method, the acquisition of languages could be facilitated. Translation, being considered that branch, in the study of a language, on which all others depend, became the first object of his at- tention. His thoughts were consequently engrossed by a plan, which, while it would be consonant with the tender and growing capacity of youth, would also afford every possible facility to any one, who should wish to prosecute the study of a language. With views like these, the author did not venture on his undertaking, until he had availed himself of every suggestion which he could obtain from experienced professors, or emi- nent individuals — until he had made a study of every system of translation, distinguished by any useful PREFACE. vii invention— until he had followed the student, step by step, through the crowd of difficulties and perplex- ities, which frequently beset his path, and always im- pede the course of his progress. This plan has been first applied to the Spanish, this being the language of more immediate importance to this extensive community. That this new system will perfectly correspond with the purposes for which it is intended, the author will not pretend to determine. He will, notwithstanding, explain the nature and ar- rangement of his labours, that some conclusions may be formed concerning their practical utility. As progress, however rapid, is gradual, and the mind of man, however stupendous, improves by de- grees, the author has commenced his work by some easy moral lessons. These are followed by a few instruc- tive anecdotes, heroic actions, and sprightly witticisms, all noted for purity and simplicity of style. Now the student is supposed to have acquired some know- ledge of the mechanism of translation, and he enters into narrations. After narrations, come descriptions, portraits, and characters, which, being more brilliant in language, are also more difficult to translate. Speeches, comparisons, invocations, are compositions of a higher order than the former, and have therefore been placed next in succession. The work then con- cludes by some allegories, fictions and select pieces of poetry, which increase the collection to 124 pages. It being one of the designs of this work, to form the taste of the student, few extracts have been admitted into it, which were not master pieces in their kind, and did not come from the pen of Granada or Cervantes — Solis or Quevedo — Gracian or Garcilaso—- Mariana or viii PREFACE. Feijoo — Saavedra or Melendez — Olavides or Cadalsp. These are proud ornaments of the Spanish literature, and it is in the immortal works of these authors alone, that the language can be found in its native splendour and idiomatic purity. The author will now proceed to expose the means he has used, to place, through the medium of these models, the translating of the Spanish idiom, within the reach of the American or English student. The difficulty in distinguishing the verb in all its various ramifications of moods, tenses and persons, from other parts of speech, has often been found to im- pede the progress of young students. Hence, perhaps, arise the reluctance with which they sometimes at- tempt, and the facility with which they frequently re- linquish, the study of a foreign language. To obviate this inconvenience, all the verbs which occur in this work have been printed in Italic characters. Every language, if compared with another, will pre- sent many uncommon modes of expression, known un- der the appellation of idioms. Of these, no useful selec- tion can be made. They are subject to constant modifi- cation, and, according to their position in a seatence, to a variety of meanings. Every nicety of idiom has its peculiar place, and the most elegant expression, if not appropriately applied, may become an inaccuracy of language. Detached modes of expression are, there- fore, like detached words, which, if we cannot connect and use, the greater number we acquire, the more they encumber the mind. To obviate the difficulties Which this part of language presents to the beginner, every nicety of expression, or intricacy of grammar, has been fully explained as it occurs. Thus, theory is joined te PREFACE. ix practice, and those obstacles, which, so long as they are not removed by oral explanation, throw even the most zealous student into languor and despondency, will, in this work, form new incentives for the prose- cution of his labours. In noting the difficulties which the learner encoun- ters, as he progresses in a language, none has more forcibly struck the author, than the unavoidable defi- ciency of dictionaries. Participles and tenses of verbs constitute two thirds of a language, yet, they are not, nor can they be, included in any lexicon, unless it be swollen to an unwieldy size. If the student happens, therefore, to have forgotten the root of any branch of a verb, which, the most tenacious in memory, will not always retain, he is immediately bewildered. Proper names present also no inconsiderable bar to his improve- ment. The meaning of a whole sentence frequently depends on an accurate knowledge of a fictitious per- sonage, or an unknown writer — of a remote river, or an obscure place. These words are generally spelled dif- ferently in various languages, and even when they hap- pen to agree, they sometimes cannot be found in im- mense encyclopeedias. Parsing, is allowed by all pro- fessors, to be the only means, by which, in translation, any solid advancement can be made. Yet, every ex- perienced instructor knows, that in the manner in which grammars and dictionaries are, or perhaps can be, made, the meaning of a page must be known, be- fore it can be parsed. We are, therefore, deprived of the means, which, in the acquisition of a language, are considered the most effectual; and the beginner is led into a labyrinth, the moment he is obliged to under- stand through the medium of analysis.. 2 * PREFACE. To be thus entangled, in any one of these intrica- cies, creates, in young learners, unless endued with superiour powers, that disgust of application, that feel- ing of distress, which is so apparent when they are called on to study. If, under these circumstances, the instructor is one of those who think that youth must learn by intuition, and instead of clear explanations, employs rude usage, the young student is left to linger for years, afraid of his preceptor and appalled by his task. It has long been the wish of the author, and it is now the chief design of this work, to remove all these obstacles. He has, therefore, used means, which, it is fondly hoped, will be found equal to the object. Every word contained in the extracts, whether proper or common, primitive or derivative, has been carefully selected, and systematically divided into ten lessons, The first of these, contains every word, verbs except- ed, of one syllable, alphabetically arranged. In the second, are words of two syllables, and thus, progressive- ly, until the fifth lesson, which contains the remaining words, of five, six, seven syllables. It has been con- sidered expedient, on account of the long explanation of the mood, tense, person, number, and origin, to di- vide the verbs from every other word. They are, con- sequently, placed separately, and divided like the pre- ceding words into verbs of one syllable, verbs of two syllables, &c. The author has been particularly careful in giving a tull analysis of every part of speech. Thus, in the pronouns, the case in which they are placed, and the source from which they are derived, have been ex- plained. As to the participles, not only the verb PREFACE. xi from which they have been formed, will be found, but whether they be absolute or adjectified, used as substantives, or as any other word. Respecting the verbs, every particular concerning them has been fully given. From the words thus divided into syllables, many benefits will result. A particular part of speech may now be found with great facility, as it will always be contained in a comparatively small list. Spelling, in counting the syllables^ will become necessary; and this study, more than any other, can give the learner that full, sonorous, and clear pronunciation required in reading or speaking the Spanish language. By this arrangement, any words may also, without inconve- nience, be committed to memory. In such a case, the student will enjoy the great advantage of always find- ing the particular part of speech he wishes to remem- ber, variously applied, in the extracts. On a certain vowel of every Spanish word, consisting of more than one syllable, an emphatic stress is laid. This vowel is sometimes distinguished by an acute accent — but, in general, no sign whatever is given. That the student may never be at a loss to know on what vowel to lay this stress, so important in the ac- quisition of the Spanish language, every word con- tained in the ten lessons, has been regularly accented. Fully convinced that it is through the medium of our understanding alone, we can attain any know- ledge — the author has always explained, never perform- ed, the task of the student. Hence it will, invariably, be found, that in this work, facilities cease, when appli- cation becomes necessary. A student may, for exam- ple, find the full meaning of every word, and the ex- xii PREFACE. planation of every difficulty, still these are but auxilia- ries to his conception of the meaning of a sentence — the meaning of the sentence has not been conceived for him. The price of an elementary book, in a country like this, where the lights of education are so extensively diffused, is a matter of no inconsiderable importance. It is peculiarly gratifying to the writer, that, in this respect, his production offers the two greatest advan- tages. It can be purchased at a comparatively trifling expense, while, to accomplish the ends for which it is intended, the immediate necessity of a dictionary, or any other work, is entirely superseded. Perfection, however desired, has not probably been attained in the execution of a work, in which, from a confused mass of words, alphabetical lists were to be formed, and . from a maze of idiomatic perplexity, clear- ness and perspicuity, were to be produced. Some words contained in the extracts, may have been omit- ted in the vocabulary — some, may have been mispla- ced — and some, may have been printed in Roman or Italic characters, when the contrary should have been effected. A few difficulties of idiom, might perhaps have been better elucidated, and a few intricacies of grammar, more clearly explained. These, however, ape defects of very little importance; they are seldom dis- covered; and when they are, they can readily be sup- plied. To conclude these few remarks, the author will observe, that, in this undertaking, it has been his ar- dent desire to be useful. Whether, amidst the crowd of his professional avocations, this wish has merely been a pleasing delusion to beguile his literary toil, or a hope, which practical experience will realize, let the event decide. CONTENTS. LECCIONES MORALES. Prudencia, , Justicia, Fortaleza, Templanza, Benevolencia, Conmiseracion, Beneficencia, Ira, Desesperacion, Venganza, Tristeza, Alegria, v . Modestia, Inquietud, Ingenuidad, Esperanza, Urbanidad, No se debe Hablar Guardate de mentir No ostentes el Saber, No se debe siempre hablar lo que se sabe mucho. Felics Verela. . idem, idem, idem, idem. idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem. idem idem. Feijoo. idem, idem, idem. ANECDOTAS INSTUUCTIVAS Henrique VIII. y un obispo, . . . Cecilio El amigo fiel, El niiio gachon, El Hombre Benefico, ..... El Viejo Religioso, . . . Juanot y Colin, Valor de la amistad, de Corpas. idem. . idem. idem. . idem. idem. • idem. Page. 1 2 S ib. 4 ib. ib. 5 ib. 6 ib. ib. 7 ib. 8 ib. 9 ib. 10 11 ib. IS ib. 14 15 18 20 23 xiv CONTENTS, RASGOS HEROICOS. Valentia de Aretafila, Gran accion de Manilla, Virtud de Blanca de Rosi, Genio Marcial de Maria de Estrada, Sigilo de Damo, y Epicaris, Clemencia de Julio Cesar, Humanidad bel Czar, Integridad del Mariscal de Etre, . Entereza de Tomas More, Espiritu de Carlos Doce, Desinteres de Alibeg, Mansedumbre de Gesu Cristo, Feijoo. . idem. idem. . idem. idem. Pedro JWegia. Feijoo. . idem. idem. . idem. idem. . idem. CHISTES Y CUENTOS. La Purga de Qucvedo, El Valiente Ul'ano, .... El Medico Tunante, .... Respuesta de uno al Provisor, La larga Peticion, .... El Pie grande, El Estudiante y las Truchas, Replica de un Criado, Estratagema de un Cura, . Respuesta de una Dama a un Oficial, NAR11ACIONES. Penitencias de los Bracmanes, Penitencias de los Amidas, .... Las artes Divinatorias son Ridiculas, Comodidades del Rico y del Pobre, . El no se qi'je, Debemos Recorrer nostras acciones, Amemos la Virtud, ecompensa de los Romanos, .... Calaaiidades de la Alemania, Borgona, y Lorena, Principio de la Sociedad Civil, Gomo se descubre el ingenio de los Niiios, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem, idem. . idem. idem. . idem. idem. . idem. Granada. . idem. Quevedo. Feijoo. , idem. idem. Page. 21 ib. 28 ib. 28 29 ib. 30 31 32 33 35 31 ib. ib. 39 40 ib. 41 42 43 ib. 44 45 ib. 46 48 49 50 ib. 51 53 ib. CONTENTS. Page. Invocasion delosMoros en Espana, . . . Mariana. 54 Reino de Navarra, idem. 55 Espanoles antiguos y Modernos, . . idem. ib. Sitio y Produccion de la isla de Ceilan, . Jlrgensola. 57 Tres acciones formom la Historia de America, Solis. 53 Muerte de Magiscatzin, ..... idem. 59 Encuentro de Gil Bias con Chinchilla, . . . Isla. 60 De^tierro del Conde Duque, .... idem. 61 Historia de Espana, Cadalso. 62 DESCRIPCIONES, PINTURAS Y RETRATOS. Juicio final, Granada. Moradores Celestiales, idem. La inmensidad del Senor, .... idem. Monte de la virtud, Feijoo. Caarcter de Chaves y sus visitantes, . . . Isla. Primer Salida de Don Quijote, . . . Cervantes. Retrato de Crisostomo, idem. El valle de los cipreses, . . . . . idem. Varias ciudades de Italia, idem. El famoso Ladron Monipodia, .... idem. Edad de oro, . . idem. La Gitanilla Preciosa, idem. Descanso de Sancho, idem. Situacion Pasada, de Galatea, .... idem. La Pobreza, idem. Poder del deseo de Gloria, idem. Ff rnando Rei de Aragon, . . . . - . Mariana. Don A'lvaro de Luna, idem. Pedro el Cruel, . . . . . . . idem. ARENGAS Y COMPARACIONES. Razonamiento de Baucio Capeto, . . . . idem. Razonamiento de Don Pelayo, .... idem. Eshortacion de Opas a Don Pelayo, . . . idem. Razonamiento de Montezuma a Cortes, . . Solis. Razomiento de Carloma2;no, .... Mariana. Esclamaciones de un Cautivo, .... Cervantes. 65 67 69 70 71 74 ib. 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 ib. 84 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 xv i Contents. Pag^. Invocacion al Todopoderoso, . • • Olavtdes. 96 T ik* . idem. 99 La Muerte, Lo que puede la educacion en los Ninos, . Saavedra. lb. Paralelo entre la paz y la guerra, . . • idem. 100 ALEGORIAS Y FICCIONES. RepublicaUteraria, Saavedra. 101 impresioh que trace el mundo a Critilo, . Gracian. 102 Encueutro de un Argos M-ral, .... **% 104 Visitadrres de Virtelia Ercantaaa, . • • lllem - 10 ° Reino de la inmortalidad, . . • • «** WS Busca un Desvalido el Engafio, .... «*»• 109 POESIAS SELECTAS. ^ _ T ' '^ . Garcilaso. Ill Queias de Nemoroso, .... . ,i . idem. 1 12 Protestaciones de Albanio, . ■ * ' . jyiehndez. 114 La soiedatl, • . idem. U6 Lasfl0r u eS > . . igZesios. 120 LaN0Ch6 ' ' ' * - ... idem. 122 El dia, , .,.,.' . . idem. i~4 Vtrtud Militar, . SPANISH ALPHABET. Sound. as in art, father, arm. a little softer than in English, so as to approach the sound of v. like th, in thanks, thick, thorn, when placed be- fore e, or i; and like k, when before a, o, u, I, r. as ch, in charity, chin, church, cheap, check. as th, in then, these, those, there, than. as a, in cake, late, relation ; or as ai, in bail, main. as in English. with a little more force than the K, in horde,host, when placed before e, i; and like g, in gas, gate, when placed before a, o, u, I, r. this character is never sounded. as in me, feet, seen, deed. with a little more force than hi in horde, host. as in English. as in English. like li, in postilion, valiant, pavilion, rebellion. as in English. as in English. as ni, in union, opinion, dominion, companion. as in note, more, most, mode, cold. as in English. as in English. more thrilled than it is in English; and its pro- nunciation is very rough when it commences a word, when placed after /, n, s, and when doubled. as in English, in set, some, this, insists. considerably softer than in English. as oo, in moon, cool, or u, in rule. a little softer than in English, so as to approach the sound of b. X, a'-kees, as the hissing ss of bliss, hiss, miss, when placed after a consonant; like cs, when before a vowel with a circumflex accent (*) on it; and like h aspirate, when placed before a vowel without any accent. Y, ee-gree-a f -ghah, as in young, youth, yore; when it stands alone, is sounded like e, in me. Z, thay-tah, as th, in thorn, thump, thistle. In Spanish, every letter is pronounced fully and distinctly, ex- cept h, that has no sound, and u, in the syllables gue, gui, and que, qui, which are sounded ghay, ghee; kay, key Letter* . Names. A, ah, B, bay, c, thay, CH, tmay, D, day, E> eh, F, ef-fey, G, hay, H, at'-tshay, •*> ee, J, hotta, K, kah, L, ey'-ley, LL, ey f -liey, M, em'-mey, N, en f -ney, N, . en'-niey, o, oh, P, pay, Q, coo, R, er'-rey, s, es'-sey, T, tay, u, 00, v, vay, Observations on the manner of dividing the Spanish Words into Syllables. Compound words are to be divided into their two component parts; as, ab-negacion, con-cavidad, pre- dmbulo, mal-rotar. When the second component part of a word begins with s, followed by another consonant, the s belongs to the first part; as, cons-truir 9 ins-pirar, pers-picaz. Two similar vowels coming together, must be parted; as, Sa-avedra, le-er; pi-isimo, co-operar. Two different vowels should never be separated, no matter on which of them, the accent is placed; as, ali- tor, huer-fano 9 sa-Kera, harmo-nia, guie-tud? When three or more vowels come together, a separa- tion takes place between the two unaccented and the one or more accented; as 9 pedi-ais 9 comtrui-ais. A consonant coming between two vowels, belongs to the vowel by which it is followed; as, a-mor, pe-na, le-chej ga-llo.\ Two consonants, coming between two vowels, are divided; as, al-zar 9 cas-tor 9 mdr-tir. But should the first consonant be the semivowel /, or any of the mutes, and the second / or r, both the consonants are the» joined to the vowel by which they are followed; as, ta-bla, co-bre, la-cre, an-drajo. Except, at-leta, and at-lante. When s is preceded by b 9 /, m 9 n, or r, and followed by another consonant at the same time, s must be join- ed to the consonant by which it is preceded; as, Ams- terdam. Four consonants coming between two vowels are equally divided between them; as, trans-cribir. * Ue, ui, when preceded by g, or q, are considered single vowels, t Ch and 11 are deemed only single consonants. AN EXPLANATION Of the abbreviations wed in the Vocabulary. WORDS. art. for article. s. singular. p. plural. m. masculine. /. feminine. subs, substantive. collec. collective. dim,' diminutive. eom. common. prop, proper. adj. adjective. num. numeral. sup. superlative. part, participle. abs. absolute. pre. present. adjec or, adj. adjectified.* substan. substantified.f pron. pronoun. pers. personal. poss. possessive. rel. relative. indef. indefinite. adv. adverb. prep, preposition. conj. conjunction. mterj. interjection. VERBS, inf infinitive. ind. indicative. imp. imperative. subj, subjunctive. pre. present tense. impf. imperfect. pret. preterite. futr. future. 1, 2, or 3. the number of the person or tense. pn. person. sin. singular. pi. plural. t. verb. a. active. n. neuter. aux. auxiliary. imp. impersonal. Those adjectives which terminate in o, an, or on, are made fe- minine by the changing of o into a; and by the addition of a, to those that end in an or on. The rest never change from mascu- line to feminine; as, bueno-a, haragan-a, poltron-a. The plural of words is formed in Spanish by the addition of s, to those which end in a vowel, and es to those that end in a con- Sonant, or accented vowel; as, libro-s, amor-es, alholi-es. * Used as adjectives. f Used as substantives. EL TRADUCTOIL ESPANOL- LECCIONES MORALES. PRUDENCIA. La prudencia indica al 1 hombre lo que 2 debe s elegir, practicar, y omitir en cada circunstancia. Esta virtud no se 4 adquiere sino por la reflecsion continua que llega a hacemos 5 habituar kjuzgar bien. Procuremos cono- 1 The definite articles are frequently used in Spanish when they are omitted in English. The sense will always tell the student when the article dught to be translated, and when not. The pre- position a is always placed before a person governed by a verb — hence al, which means, a el, before hombre. 2 Lo, when used before que, means, that; lo que, should there- fore be translated, by that which, or what. 3 A pronoun in the nominative case is seldom expressed in a sentence. See the author's Grammar, 2d ed. note 1, page 258. 4 Se is frequently used to conjugate a verb passively, as, no se adquiere, is not acquired; se asalto, was assaulted. The conjuga- tion of a verb with se, is, in the third person, like that in English, by, to be; for example, se dice, it is said; la casa se quemo, the house was burnt; se tomard la ciudad, the city will be taken; la gramdtica se estudia, para aprender a hablar bien, grammar is stu- died to learn to speak well; que se produzca un bien, that a benefit should be produced. 6 JVbs, os, le, la, lo, los, les, las, me, te, se, which are objective cases of personal pronouns, require sometimes to be placed after the verbs. When this occurs, the student will consider the verb and the pronoun, although attached to each other, two distinct words, and look for them in their respective places in the vocabulary. I 2 LECCIONES MORALES. cer las cosas como son en si y no como las pinfan los hombres, y entonces podremos hacer buen uso de ellas. Sin embargo 1 es preciso 2 estar al tarito 3 de las aten- ciones de los otros para dirigir nuestras operaciones respecto a ellos. Reflecsiones Morales. JUSTICIA. La. justicia nos 4 prescribe dar a cada uno lo que le corresponded y es la virtud que sostiene la sociedad. Debemos pues no privar a otro de los bienes, honor, y credito que posee y tampoco se han de 5 ncgar los pre- mios y alabanzas que cada uno merece. Asi mismo 6 es preciso corregir los defectos, y castigar los delitos; pero de un modo 7 arreglado a 8 la prudencia, en terrai- nos que siempre se produzca un bien: y que el castigo no 9 esceda al delito; ni el premio, al merito. De las mismas. 1 Sin embargo, when used as above, means, notwithstanding. 2 Ser preciso, to be necessary; es preciso, it is necessary, or we must. 3 Estar al tanto, to observe. 4 The personal pronouns, nos, os, me, le, &c. are placed before the verb, except in infinitives, imperatives, and gerunds; u nos prescribe,'''' it prescribes to us; "se nos dice," it is said to us. 5 Haber de, to be, to must; "se han de negar," are to be refused: se ha de decir, it must be said. 6 Jisi mismo; when these two words are used together, mean, thus, in the same manner; also, at the same time. 7 De un modo, in a manner. 8 Arreglado a, conformable to. 9 The negation, no, requires the verb to be in the subjunctive present, though, in English, the verb may be in the imperative, or subjunctive imperfect. LECCIONES MORALES. § FORTALEZA. La fortaleza sostiene al hombre en los peligros; le ensena a sufrir los males; a no vacilar en la abundan- cia de los bienes; y a emprender grandes obras. Pero es preciso que no degenere 1 en temeridad, 6 raejor dicho,* en barbarie; pues hai muchos que creen que son fuer- tes porque se esponen a todos los peligros sin necesi- dad, y buscan, por decir\o asi, 3 los males, para ostentar que pueden sufrir\os. Otros destierran de su alma la compasion: otros aspiran al barbaro egercicio de sus fuerzas contra* sus semejantes, como lo harian 4 entre si los animales mas feroces, y esto creen que es la virtud de la fortaleza. ;Que enganados vivenJ Toda virtud es racional y no puede inspiramos operaciones tan brutales. De las mismas. TEMPLANZA. La templanza pone unos 5 justos limites a todos nues- tros apetitos para que no se opongan a lo que dicta la razon, y manda la lei, sirviendo asi mismo para con- servar la saiud. No solo en los manjares, como se 1 Degenerar en temeridad; Sac, to become rash, &c. 2 Mejor dicho, literary, better said: used as above, rather. 3 Por decirlo asi, as it were. * We find the nominative case generally placed after the verb; for instance, the nominative of the verb harian, is, los animales mas feroces; and u como lo harian los animales mas feroces,'''' should be translated, as the most ferocious wild beasts would do; or, as it would be done by the most ferocious wild beasts; "lo que dicta la razon, y manda la lei," what reason dictates, and law commands; il tiene cabida la templanza," temperance may be used. 5 Unos, used as above, means, certaia. 4 LECIONES MORALES. cree por lo comun, 1 sino tambien en los deleites de los demas sentidos, tiene* cabida la templanza. Nos enseha a usar los placeres como medios para aliviar nuestro espiritu; y no como obgetos en que debefijarse nuestra alma. De las mismas. BENEVOLENCIA. La benevolencia produce en nosotros una sensacion apacible, y en los demas, aprecio, pues, todos aman al 3 que desea los bienes para sus semejantes. Sin embar- go, es preciso que no degenere en una absoluta condes- cendencia, y un deseo de que todos consigan lo que apetecen, ora sea justo, ora sea injusto. 4 CONMISERACION. La conmiseracion es como el distintivo de la huma- nidad, pues solo las fieras no se resienten de los.estra- gos de sus semejantes, ni ponen termino 5 a su furor. Pero es preciso no confundir la conmiseracion con la debilidad que pretende dejar impunes los delitos y protegeraA malevolo. De las mismas. BENEFICENCIA. La beneficencia nos hace amables, pero sera indis- creta, si distribuimos los beneficios sin consideracion a las personas; pues muchas veces se conceden dones a 1 Por lo comun, generally, commonly; "se cree por lo comun," it is commonly believed. 2 Tmer cabida, to hold a place, to be used. 3 M que, him who; el que, he who; la que, she who; a la que, her who. ^ Ora sea justo, ora sea injusto, whether it be just, or unjust. 5 Poner termino, to put an end. LECCIONES MORALES. o sugefos que no han de hacer uso de ellos, y son inu- tiles; 6 a personas que les dan mala aplicacion y vi- men 1 a ser prejudiciales. De las mismas. IRA. La ira convierte al hombre en una fiera privdndole de todo el uso de su razon. Basta dceir esto para en* tenderse que debe ser reprimida. Sin embargo, hai una ira santa que es la que escita,* en un espiritu arreglado, 3 la vista del crimen, y la obstinacion del criminal. En tal caso debe arregiarse por la lei divina y humana, para no perder el amor natural que debemos a todo hombre, por el odio que merece el vicio. Jimemos al malo y aborrezcamos su maldad; pero mientras no se corrija manifestemosle el rigor que merece. De las mismas. DESESPERACION. La desesperacion siempre es irracional,yjamas tiene fundamento. El hombre debil,el hombre de un espi- ritu bajo, es el que no puede sufrir los males, y se desespera. Siempre la desesperacion proviene de la ignorancia, pues no se advierten* los meclios de evitarla. 6 proporcionarld, y en consecuencia el espiritu se em- brutece* De las mismas. 1 Venir a ser, to become. * The nominative case of escita, is, "la vista del crimen, y la obs- tinacion del aiminal." 8 Espiritu arreglado, well regulated mind. * The author again cautions the student about the nominative case being placed after its verb. "No se advierten los mtdios de evitarla o poporcionarla," the means of avoiding, or regulating it, are not devised. 1* 6 LECCIONES MORALES. VENGANZA. Prueva la venganza un alma debil, y rastrera, por- que verdaderamente los males recibidos ho se destru- yen con hacer otros iguales al que los causo; y es una necia complacencia la 1 de no sentir los males porque otro tambien los sienta. Pero no se debe inferir de aqui que el que hace un datio se quede impun oues hai el recurso de aplicarle la pena que merece, no por venganza, sino por correction, para evitar que haga mavores danos. De las mismas. TRISTEZA. La tristeza debe moderarse* con todo empeno por- que un alma triste es un alma decaida 6 abatida; y en el abatimiento no pueden egercerse acciones grandes. Debemos consider ar un espiritu triste como un cuerpo desfallecido, que apenas puede egerccr las acciones mas sencillas. De las mismas. ALEGRl'A. La alegria ecsalta al alma, y es como el gran resorte de sus operaciones; mas cuando es escesiva llega a trastornar el espiritu y le da cierta ligereza opuesta a la madurez y buen juicio. Conviene reflecsionar sobre la inconstancia de la alegria en el mismo acto en que la e sperimentamos, esto servird para moderar\a. y ha- ce?*nos menos sensible su perdida. De las mismas. 1 The definite article is used instead of the demonstrative pro- noun, when referring to a preceding noun or circumstance. "La de," that of. 2 Debe moderarse, the same as, Debe set* moderada, should be moderated. See page 1, note 4. LECCrONES MORALES. 7 MODESTTA. Port freno a tu lengua para que las palabras que aalgan de tu boca no alt even tu sosiego, y te propnr- eionen discordias. Cualquiera que habla con gusto de las faltas agenas, oird con dolor hablar de las suyas. No te alabes a ti 1 mismo porque no grangeas sino el menf ;recio; no procures hacer ridiculos a los otros, porque es peligroso empeno. Una burla picante es la ponzona de la amistad, y el que no puede contmer su lengua, no vivird con quietud. Un grande hablador es el azote de las concurrencias; se aflige el oido con su locuacidad, y generalmente enfada y molesta porque es su lengua como un torrente en que se anega la con- versacion. De las mismas. INQUIETUD. Mira el origen de la inquietud que traps, y las des- gracias de que te queja*, y verds que provienen de tu propia locura; de tu amor propio; y de tu desarregla- da imaginacion, Cnrrige tu interior, y no murmures del orden que Dios ha establecido. No te digas* jamas a ti mismo, si tuviera hacienda, poder y reposo, yo seria feliz: advierte que estas cosas tienen sus incon- venientes y dahan a los que las poseen* No tengas envidia 3 al que goza una felicidad aparente, porque no conoces sus penas secretas. La mayor sabiduna es eontentarse con poco, porque el que aumenta sus rique- zas aumenta sus cuidados. De las mismas. 1 Mi, si, ti, el, ello, nosotros-as, vosotros-as, ellos-as, which are called second objective cases, are frequently redundantly used with the preposition a. 2 No te digas, say not to thyself. Here the verb is in the impe- rative, but on account of the adverb, no, the subjunctive is used. 3 No tengas envidia, envy not. 8 LECCIONES MORALES. INGENUIDAD. El hombre ingenuo; dpsprpcia los artificios de la hipocresia; se pone de acuerdo consigo mismo; y ja- mas se emharaza en sus operaciones: tienp bastante valor para deeir la verdad, y )e fait a para mpntir. El hipocrita oppra de un modo contrario a sus sentimien- tos; ?sf« protundamente escomlido; da a sus discur- sos las apariencias de verdad, mientras que 2 la linica ocupacion de su vida, es el engano Es incomprehen- sible para los necios, pero pstd mui descubierto a la vista del prudente. ;0 insensauj hipocrita! las fatigas que paso.s para uculiar lo que eres, son mas grandes que las que costaria el conseguir lo que quieres parpcer. De las raismas. ESPERANZA. Es la esparanza una de las facultades del alma, que mas sirvpn a hacemoa felices en este mundo de inise- rias, cuando estc'i guiada por el juicio, y la moderacion. Dpbpwos pues desde nuestra nifiez cultivar este don celestial, que solo el, puede aliviar nuestras desgra- cias; y dutcificar la amarga copa de nuestras miserias. Pero al mismo tiempo ps preciso que no abatp nuestra actividad, 6 sirva 3 de insirumento para interceptar nuestros esfuerzos. La esperanza ha de ser racional; no vana. Hagamps pues de nuestra parte lo que se dpbp para que se efpctue; v degemos su ecsito al Todo Poderoso. C** 1 Ponerse de acuerdo, to be consistent, to agree, to have a perfect understanding; as, "se pone de acuerdo consigc," he is consistent with himself, or, he has a perfect understanding with himself. * Mientras que, whilst. 3 Servir de instrument, to be instrumental in. LECCIONES MORALES. 9 URBANIDAD. La urbanidad es una obligacion que debe el hombre a sus semejantes en su trato con ellos. Es de la mayor importancia, pues, que los padres inculquen esta idea a sus hijos desde la cuna. La urbanidad pone en gran medida, freno a nuestras pasiones; y da, en el trato social, cierta delicadeza, que sin ella, los hombres degenerarian en brutos. No se limita este deber, como muchos creen, en una mera forma esterior, que se ha inventado para obrar segun el estado de algunos indi- viduos respecto de otros; no, este deber va mucho mas lejos. 2£s una virtud social, por medio de la cual se 1 procura siempre no obrar ni hablar de modo que re- pugne a los sentimientos de las personas con quienes tenemos trato. Es la que ensena al juez a ser recto con afabilidad; al general, severo con ternura; la que quita toda ostentacion y orgullo al poderoso; y la que inspirn a todos los hombres en general a hacerse agra- dables por medios dulces, verdaderos, y virtuosos. El mismo. 2 NO SE DEBE HABLAR MUCHO. Los habladores son unos tiranos odiosisimos de los- corrillos. El que quiere siempre ser oido y no escuchar a nadie, usurpa a los demas 3 el uso de uua prerrogativa propia de su ser. ^Que fruto sacard, pues, de su tor- rente de palabras? No mas que enfadar a los circuns- tantes, los cuales despues se desquitan 4, de lo que ca- 1 Se procura, it is endeavoured; better, we endeavour. 2 No se debe hablar mucho, much it is not to be spoken; better, we must not speak much. 3 Ji los demas, of others, from the rest. * Se desquitan, revenge themselves. 10 LECCIONES MORALES. lldron, hablando con irrision, y desprecio de el. No hoi tiempo raas perdido, que el que se sonsume en oir a habladores. Esta es una gente que carece de reflecsion, pues, a 1 tener\a,, se cnntendrian, por no hacerse despre- ciables. Si carecen de reflecsion, luego tambien de juicio: y quien carece de juicio, ;como puede jamas hablar con acierto? onrfu> el cr.ado cone bien puede Uoror hasta manuna; que no la obten- drcu> Aestas palabras, la seiiora se P«c«fmzo en terminos que/«e a bascar al marido para que castigate a aqupl imprudente. Su esposo, que Pr« tan debil con su muger, co.no es*a .con el hijo, ^ al criado: "lasolente. ;como teneis la desver-ienza de no ^ i The nominative case is vos, (you) understood. 2 J/s mia, by my faith. ANECDOTAS. 15 fcvr a la sonora?" «Es verdad, senor," contest 6 el criarfo, "mas la sefiora puede dar al niiio lo que pide: hf/ce un cuarto de hora qitiere Je de la luna, que ha visto reflejada en la fuente.^ A esfas palabras, todos se pnsieron a reir, y lo mismo la seiiora, no obstante su colera. Esta escena la avergonzo y corrigio en lo iucesivb. El mismo. EL HOMBRE BENEF1CO. Ibamos a Delfos, Lycas y yo, a llevar a Apolo nuestra tfrenda; ya diviedbamos la colina.sobre que e*td el templo, adornado de colunas de una maravillosa blan- cura, y elevado desde un bosque de laureles haeia la azulada boveda celeste. Mas lejos, nueslros ojos per- dianfa vista la imensa planicie de los mares. Era mediodia; la arena abrasaba nuestros pies, y a cada paso que ddbamos se levantaba una polvareda inflama- da que nos quemaba los ojos, introduciendnse por nues^ tros labios resecos. Asi ibamos subiendo, llenos de knguidez; mas mui pronto apresuramos el paso, cuan- do percibimos delante de nosotros, sobre el borde del camino, algtmos altos y espesos arboles, cuya sombra era t an oscura como la de la noche, Llenos de un pavor religioso entramos por aquel sitio, cuya boca Aespedia una dulce frescura, Este delicioso lugar efrecia 4 la vez cuanto podia recrear los sentidos. pues los arboles vodmban una glorieta-cle cespedes, re*ada por una fuente de fresca y cristaiina a ? ua; ram as cubiertas de peras y doradas manzanas se inelinaban hacia ella, y los trances de los arboles estaban cnlaza- dos de fertiles frutales, enanos, grosellas y morales, silvestres. La fuente salia a borbotones 1 del pie de un 1 A borbotones, in stream?, lo ANECDOTAS. sepulcro rodeado de madre de selva, 1 sauces y yedra. ";ODios!" esclame, 6 *;que delicioso lugar! Mi corazon bendice a aquel cuya mano benefica ha plantado e*tos arboles y cuyas cenizas puede ser repospn aqui." Vrd aqui, me dijo Lycias, algunos caracteres que apprcibn por entre las ramas en el borde del sepulcro: tal vez nos dirdn quien ha sido el que se ha dignado proveer al descanso del viagero fatigado. Levanto las ramas con su baston, y leyo estas palabras. 'Aqui yacen las cenizas de Amintas. Su vida solo fue una progresion de beneficios. Queriendo\os seguir rtispen aliviare mucho tiempo, aun despues de mi muerte, a los que, fatigados de los calores, lleguen aqui en el mediodia? La sombra y el agua estdn lejos de este sitio, e* necesario egecutar m\ designio.' Efec- tivamente, el, con sus propias manos, gitid el agua, y planto los kvboles proc.arandn que sus frutos madurasen en diferentes sazones. No ha tenido el gusto de ver* los, mas se ha paseado bajo la naciente sombra de los aibustitos, que prendieron y crecieron en su tiempo. Cuanrln el cielo llama su alma a si, para premiar su bpnencencia, nosotros deposit amos su ataud en esa tumba. para que cuantos pasamn bendigeaen sus ce- nizas." A esta relacion, llenos de respe-to, bendigimis las cenizas de aquel hombre estimable, di ienio a Ja pas- tot a: ^Esta fuente nos ha parecido bien dulce; la fres- cura de la sombra nos ha recreado; pero mucho mas 1 Pues que, since. IS ANECDOTAS. nos ha sido interesante laiianacion que acabas de ha- cernos. ;Bendig'ar, los dioses todos los instantes de tu vida!" Llenos de un sentimiento religioso, dirigimos nuestros pasos al templo de Apolo. El misrao. EL VIEJO RELIGIOSO. En la tarde de un hermoso dia de verano, sail a pasear pa.ra.disf rut ar la frescura del campo. A pocos pasos, perdi de vista 1 mi heredad, y empezo a ensan- charse mi espiritu con los obgetos que se le pvesenta- ban. Ya los ganados entraban en sus rediles, y los bueyes con paso lento volvian a sus casas, cuando dis- traido me hal/e a la orilla de un lago, bastante entrada la noche. Contemplaba la hermosura de las aguas, la inmensa magestad del cielo, y e! hermoso orden y ar- monia-de. los seres, cuando una voz me distrajo de mis meditaci'ones. Volvi la vista, y adverti ceica de mi a un respetable anciano de rod il las, que oraba vivamente c Fige la atencion, y con el silencio, entendi estas pala- bras. "0 tu, de quien la naturaleza manijiesta la ecsis- tencia y poder infinito, padre de los hombres, desde e.se trono sublime rodeado de coros inumerables de aspiritus puros, dignaie escuchar a un debil mortal, y recibir sus homenages. En medio del silencio de la noche elevo mi voz. y vpngo kadorarte. inteligencia eterna, que me has sacado de la nada. El universe, gran Dlos, es tu templo, y los cielos inmensos la boveda de esta iglesia magnifica de que e! hpmbre puro e inocente es el sacerdote. - JP trier de vista, to lose sight of ANECDOTAS. 19 jGomo, insensatos morlales, podeis denconocer esta sabiduria visible y universal que gobierna el mundo. ^Como, a la vista de los globus que circulan al rede- dor de las nubes, de los mares prof.ndos, y de esos tesoros esparcidos con tanta profusion en la superficie de la t'ierra.,olvidais a su autor todo poderoso? Yo te brndiga, Dios supremo, por haberme criado en el campo, lejos de esas ciudades corrompidas, y de haberme apartado de todo orgullo y ambicion. Gra- cias a tu bondad paternal, gozo hace un *iglo, de los verdaderos bienes de la vida, la paz del alma, y la feliz mediocridad. Jamas has cesado de prodigarmz los bienes de tu amor; mis ultimos dias aun son mareados por tus bene- ficios; abundantes mieses llenan mis graneros; riegas mis praderfas, y mis arboles estctn esentos de las furias del aire. Por colmo de felicidad, "me has conservado mi esposa y los dos hijos que hacen la delicia de nues- tros dias. ;Dios mio, nada dffeo sino mnrir antes que ellos! Lo conozco; toco el fin de mis dias; pronto mis cenizas se mezclardn con las de mis padres; cuando esto se verifique, yo os recomiendo mis hijos; tened pie- dad de su tierna madre; velad sobre estos obgetos caros; 6 Dios mio, no los abandones jamas." Jlcnb'indo estas palabras, sus ojos se bandron de la- grimas; profundos suspiros cshalaba su corazon, y ape- nas respiraba. Yo crei ver entonces no se que de divino biillar en aquel rostro. Levantose tranquil- mente, y se retiro a su casa, donde yo le oi mucho tiempo continuar bendiciendo a Dios. Ya principiaba a clrtrear, los pajarillos anunciaban ej dia con sus cantos alhaguenos; el labrador salia com 20 ANECDOTAS. su carreta, y yo, admirado de cuanto habia escuchado, me levante y volvi tranquiltnente a mi heredad. El mismo. JUANOT Y COLIN. Juanot y Colin aprcndian a leer en casa del maestro de la aidea; aquel era hijo de un mulatero y Colin de un buen labrador. Estos dos jovenes se amahan mucho, teniendo entre si las familiaridades que siempre se recurrdan con gusto, cuando despues se encuentran en el mundo unos amigos de escuela. Ya estaban para acabar sus estudios, cuando un dia vino el sastre a traer un rico vestido y una carta al senor de !a Juanoteria. Colin adndro el trage, pero sin envidiarle, mas Juanot dejo de estudiar; se miraba al espejo, tomandn un aire de superioridad enfadoso con Colin. Poco tiempo despues un ayuda de camrara vino en posta, trayendo una segunda carta al senor marques de la Juanoteria, que era la orden de su seiior padre que fuese a Paris. Juanot monto en la silla 1 vo- lante, alargando la mano a Colin con una sonrisa de proteccion noble. Colin lloro, y Juanot partio entre la pom pa y la gloria. Es precisb advertir que Juanot el padre, a fuerza de intrigaa, habia aduuirido rapidamente bienes in- m^nsos en los abastos; hacia seis meses que habia comprado un marquesado, cuando retire de la escuela, al senor marquesito, para erc£rarle en Paris en el gran mundo. Colin, siempre tierno* escribio una carta a su antiguo eompanero; peio el marquesito no coutesto, y Colin, sstuvo enfernio de la pesaUumbre. 1 Silla volante, gig. . ANECDOTAS. 21 EI seiior de la Juanoteria trataba de educar brillan- temente a su hijo; pero la sefiora marquesa no quiso que aprendiese el latin, pues 1 que en los teatros se ha- blaba frances; tampoco le gusto la geografia. pues que los postillones tienen la obligaccion de saber los cami- nos: en fin, se decidio que el marquesito aprendiese a bailar. Este, dedicado a semejantes tareas, se hizo un liberrino, gastando sumas inmensas en falsos pla- ceres, interin los marqueses padres solo se ocupaban de vivir como grand es senores. Una viuda j oven y noble, de poca fortuna, se resolvio knpoderarse de los bienes de los marquises, casandose eon el senorito. Una vieja propuso la boda. Los pa- dres, deslumbrados con la noble alianza, hicieron los preparativos. La noche del matrimonio, ya cerca de efectuarse la ceremonia, llega un criado mui de prisa: ^'Senores," dijo, "yo traigo otras novedades; los acr^e- dores y la justicia se han apoderado de la casa; todoi huytn t y trato de asegurar mis salarios." ii Veumos que es eso," dijo el marques. *'Si," replied la viuda, i6 id a castigar a esos villanos." Efectivamente corre 9 j halla a su padre preso, los criados profugos, y todo embargado; su mad re sola, llorando, no le respondia nada, sino con suspiros por sus perdidas grandezas. Despues que lloro con su madre, paso a casa de la novia, quien, enterada del suceso, le pregunto qud queria. El novio queda inmovil. "(jAsi abandnnais a vuestra madre?" dijo la viuda; "id y consoladla.; de- cirile que le quiero bien, y si necesito una criada, a ninguna mejor que a esa pobre muger dare la prefe- rencia." El marques, pasmado, lleno de colera, vd k 1 Pues que. because. 22 ANECDOTAS. visiter a sus amigos los que le recibieron afectada- inente, ddndole vagas esperanzas. En media hora eonocio el mundo mejor que en todo el resto de su vida. Acabado de desesperacion, vio acercarse una ber~ Una vible e^tiidiar ni perciUr el caracter de su espiritu, y la dulzura de su corazon, sin tveonoceY que fue el mpjor de los liowbre*; y que jamas el cielo en su ir.iscricordia les ha oa.lo un bieuhechor tan digno de su mano. Veale cuando en sus via^es pasnndo por Samaria, solo, sin liaber coinidn, y fatigad i del calor y cansan- cio se sienta junto a Siquem cerca de un pozo; ;con que af'abilidad habla a una muger comun v pecadura! ;Como la convida con el agua celestial de su gracia! ;Como_le declara positivamente que el es el Mesias! jComo la instrtiye en el modo de adarnv a Dios en espiritu y verdad! ;Con,o cuando los discipulos 11, gun y le cothpndecen de no haber comido todavia, les res- ponde, que su alimento es syrvir a su Padre y ganaAe corazones! ;Como cuando los hombres de la ciudad vienen conducidos por aquella muger, tambien les habla con el mismo agrado! ;Como aunque su uesignio fuese continuar su camino rogado por aquellos fcfcma- ritanos, se detiene! jComo eutra con ellos a la ciudad, y pa$a con ellos el tiempo necesario hasta que los ins- truye. y convierte! jQue afabilidad! ;Que celo! ;Que condescendencia! Vedle con la Cananea. En una de sus escursiones se le presentn una muger estrangera y gentil, que im- plora su socorro. Se resiste, porque parece que no estaba en el orden de su providencia empezar sino por las ovejas perdidas de Israel. Pero la infeliz con humildad y con fe redobla sus instancias, repite sus ruegos con aquella importunidad que le agrada tanto, y su buen corazon, sin poder resistir mas, se rinde, le concede lo que p ide, y la despacha consolada. Pablo Olavides. CHISTES Y CUENTOS. LA PURGA DE QUEVEDO. De Don Francisco de Quevedo se cuenta general- mente el chiste de que estando enfermo, y hdbiendole ordenado el medico una purga, luego que esta se trajo de la botica, la echo en el vaso que tenia debajo de la cama. Volvio el medico a tieinpo, que !a purga, si se hubiese tornado ya habria hecho su efecto. Recono- ciendo el vaso, para ecsaminar, segun su practica, la calidad de humor purgado, luego que percibio el mal olor del licor que habia en el vaso, esclamd: ";() que olor tan pestifero! ^Que habia de hacer este dentro de un cuerpo humano!" A lo que replied Quevedo; "Y aun por ser el tal, no quise yo meterle en el cuerpo. Feijoo. EL VALIENTE UFANO. Uno mui preciado de maton se llego a Madrid a un gran seiior ofreciendose a servi vie, como valiente suyo, para matar a diestra 1 y a siniestra cuantos se le ento- jase. Este habia recibido muchas heridas en algunas pendencias, y presentaba por testimonio de su valentia las cicatrices. El senor le dtspidio con irrision did- indole. 6i Trdigame V. 2 para valientes mios a los que le dieron todos esos golpes; que a esos me atengo en todo caso." El mismo. 1 A diestra y siniestra; an adverbial expression, meaning, head- long, at random. 2 V. ; a contraction of usted, ways translated by, you, 4 or vuesamerced; your worshipj al- ' 38 CHISTES Y CUENTOS. EL MEDICO TUN ANTE. Llegu en la ciudad de Zaragoza un tunante publi- cando que sabia raros arcanos de medicina; entre otros, el de remozar las viejas. La prosa del bribon era tan persuasiva, que las mas del pueblo lo creyeron. Llegdron pues muchisimas a pedirle, que les hiciese tan precioso beneficio. El les dij , que cada una pusi- ese en una cedulilla, su nombre y la edad que tenia, como circunstancia precisa para la egecucion del arcano. Habia entre ellas septuegenarias, octogenarias, nonagenarias. Hicieron\o asi puntualmente, sin disi- mular alguna, ni un dia de edad par no pevder la dicha de remozarse y fueron citadas por el tunante para venir k su posada el dia siguiente. Vinieron, y el, al rerlas, empezo a lamentar de que una bruja le habia robado todas las cedulillas aquella noche, embidiosa del bien que le esperaba; asi que fue preciso volver a escribir cada una su nombre y edad de nuevo; y por no retardarlsLS mas el conocimiento, porque era precisa aquella circunstancia les declaro, que toda la ope- ration se reducia a que a la que fuese mas vieja entre todas, habian de quemar viva, y tomando las demas una porcion de sus cenizas, todas se remozarian. Pasmdronse al oir esto las viejas; pero credulas siejn- pre de la promesa, tratan de hacer nuevas cedulas. Hicieron\as en efecto, pero no con la legalidad que la vez primera; porque medrosa cada una de que ella por mas vieja le tocase ser sacrificada a las llamas, ninguna hubo que no se quitase muchos aiios. Iia que tenia noventa, pongo por egemplo, se ponia cincuenta; la de sesenta trenticinco, &c. Recibio el picaron las nuevas cedulas, y sacando entonces las (|ue le habian dado el dia antecedente, hecho el cotejo de unas con CHISTES Y CUENTOS. 39 otras, les dijo; "ahora bien, sefioras mias, ya Vds. 1 logrdron lo que les prometi; ya todas se remozdron. Vmd. tenia ayer noventa anos, ahora ya no tiene mas de cincuenta. Vmd. ayer sesenta, hoi trenticinco." Discurriendo asi por todas las despacho tan corridas, como se deja* conocer. El mismo. RESPUESTA DE UNO AL PRO VISOR. Un honibre que queria apartarse de su muger con que han vista sin tener que gustar 6 que admirar* en ellos. Si les preguntan, que kalian de esquisto, 6 primoroso en este, respondent "tiene un no se que, que embtleza," El mismo. 1 El no se que; literally, something, T know not what. This is an adverbial phrase, which is, generally, rendered, in English, by adopting the French expression, thus: Le je ne sgai qoi. 2 Fuera de; besides, independently of. s Golpe de vista; at first sight. * Sin tenet que gustar; without finding any thing with which to be pleased. NARRACIONES. 4* DEBEMOS RECORRER NUESTRAS ACCIONES. Piensa en los pecados que has hecho, y haces cada dia, despues que abriste los ojos al conocimiento dc Dios; y hallards que todavia vive en ti Adan con mu- chas de las raices y costumbres antiguas. Mira euan descarado eres para con 1 Dios, cuan ingrato a sus be- nefices, cuan rebelde a sus inspiraciones, cuan pere- zoso para las. cosas de su servicio. Considera cuan duro eres para con el procsimo, y cuan piadoso para contigo: cuan amigo de tu propia voluntad,y de' tu came y de tu honra, y de todos tus intereses. Mira como tadavia eres soberbio, airado, siibito, vanaglorioso, envklioso, malicioso, regalado, mudable, liviano, sen- sual, amigo de tus recreaciones y conversaciones, risas y parlerias. Mira, cuan inconstante eres en los buenos propositos, cuan inconsiderado en tus palabras, cuan desproveido en tus obras, y cuan cobarde y pusi- lanime para cualesquiera graves negocios. Considera ya por este orden la mucliedumbre de tus pecados. considera luego la gravedad de ellos, para que veas como por todas partes, es erecida tu miseria. Para lo cual debes primeramente considerar: contra quien pecaste; y hallards que pecasie contra Dios, cuya bon- dad y magestad es infinita, y cuyos beneficios y mise- ricordias para con el hombre, sobrepitjan las arenas del mar. Asi se paga aquella sangre preciosa que se derramo en la cruz. ;0 miserable de ti por lo que perdiste y mucho mas por lo que hiciste; y mucho mas si con todo esto no sientes tu perdicion. Frai Luis de Granada, 1 Para con; with regard, towards. 50 NARRACIONES. AMEMOS LA VIRTUD. Vemos que entre las cosas criadas, unas hai hones- tas, otras hermosas, otras provechosas, otras agrada- bles, y otras con otras perfecciones. Entre estas tanto suele una ser mas perfecta y inas digna de ser amada, cuanto mas de estas perfecciones participa. Pues scgun esto, ,;cuanto merece ser amada la virtud, en quien todas estas perfecciones se kalian? Porque si por honestidad va, 1 ,ique cosa mas honesta que la virtud que es la raiz y fuente de toda honestidad? Si por honra va, gi qien se debe la honra y el acatamiento, si no a la virtud? Si por hermosura va, * S«*; exist. 70 DESCRIPCIONES, PINTURAS, MONTE DE LA VIRTUD. El monte escelso de la virtud estd formado al reb^s de 1 todos los demas niontes. En los motites materiales son amenas las faldas, y asperas las cumbres: asi como se va subipn6o por ellos, se va disminuyphdo la ameni- dad, y crwi^mlo la aspereza. El monte de la virtud, tiene desabrida la falda, y graciosa la eminencia. El que i/uiere arribarle,* a los primeros pasos no encuen- tra sino piedras, espinas, y abrojos: asi como se vd adelantanio el curso, se va disminuyendo la aspereza, y se va descubrimdo la amenidad; hasta que en fin, en la cumbre, no se encuentran sino hermosas flores, re- galadas plantas, y cristalinas fuentes. El primer transito es sumamente trabajoso, y resbaladizo. Lid- manle al recien convertido, desde el mar del mundo, los cantos de las cirenas. *9terran\e por la parte del monte, los rugidos de los leones. Mira con terneza la llanura del valle que dejo. Contempla con pavor el eeno de la montana a que aspira. Libre de la carcel del pecado, aun lleva en sus pasiones las cadenas, cuya pe>adumbre conspira con la arduidad del camino, para fiacer tardo, y congojoso el movimiento. Oyp a las espaldas los blandos clamores de los deleites, que le dicen, como a Agustino: "^Es posible que nos aban- donas? <;Es posible que te despides, y ausentes de nosotros para siempre? No obstante camina afligido un poco, tal vez inter rumpiendo el paso algun tropiezo. Ya va hallando menos aspera la senda: y a los cla- mores de las delicias terrenas hacen menos impresion, porque se oyen de mas lejos. Asi lo esperimentaba el 1 Al rebes de; contrary t^» * Arriharle; reach it. Y RETRATOS. 71 ,mismo Agustino. Jldelantando algunos pasos mas, ya se vd d/escu&rimdo a!go llano el camino; aunque una, li otra vez representa 'a. costumbre antigua, los gozados placeres, y la dificultad de vivir sin ellos, es tan lan- guidamente, y con tanta tibieza, que no hace fuerza alguna. Feijoo. CARACTER DE CHAVES, Y SUS VISIT ANTES. Era la Marquesa de Chaves una viuda de treinta y oinco anos; bella, alta, airosa y bien proporcianada. No tenia hijos, y gazabo, diez mil ducados de renta. Nunca vi a muger mas seria, ni que menos hablase. Con todo eso era celebrada en Madrid, y generalmente tenida por la dama de mayor talento. Lo que quiza contribuia mas que todo a esta universal reputacion, era la concurrencia a su casa de los primeros personages de la Corte, asi en nobieza corao en literatura: proble- ma que yo no me atrevere a decidir. Solo due que bastaba oir para for mar concepto de un genio superior, y su casa era llamada por escelencia: "el tribunal de las obras ingeniosas." Con efecto, todos los dias se leian en ella ya poemas dramaticos, ya poesias liricas, pero siempre sobre asuntos serios. La mejor come- dia, el romance 6 la novela mas ingeniosa, mas alegre y mas verosimilmente 1 conducida, todo esto se miraba como una pueril y ligera produccion, que no merecia alabanza alguna. Por el contrario, 2 la minima obra se- ria, una oda, un soneto, una egloga pasaba alii por el ul- timo esfuerzo del ingenio humano. Sucedia tal vez que 1 Verosimilmente; regularly. * Per el contrario; on the contrary. 72 DESCniPCIONES, PINTURAS, el publico no se cenfortnaba con la decision del tribu- nal, antes bien silbnbu 1 la*, obras que habian sidoaplau- dirtas en aquel aieopago. La Marqueza me hizo maestresala de su casa. Era incumber cia de mi em- pleo 2 prrparar el cuarto de mi nueva ama para rcibir las gentes, disponiedo taburetes para las da mas, sillas para los cabaileros, y cada cosa en su respective sitio; queddndome despues en ia antesala, para anunciar e introducir a los que Itegaban. Coino todavia no los eonocia jo, el primer dia, Molina, que era el ayo 6 maesl ro de pages me hizu compania en la antesala para decivme el nombre de! los que iban entrando; y al mis- mo tiempo me inforinabu breve y graciosamente del caracter de cada uno. En esto vimos entrar a un hombre seco. mui grave, cegijunto, y iruncido. JSo le perdono mi caritativo instructor. Este es me dijo, uno de aquellos entes serios y engarrotados que quieren pasar por hombres grandes a favor de algunas sentencias tie Seneca, que sa- ben de memoria, y pronuncian con recalcamiento j pomposidad, los cuales ecsaminados de cerca, se des- Gubre ser unos pobres mentecatos. Tras de este entro otro caballerito de buen porte, pero de furioso aire a la griega, *qniero drcir de un hombre Ueno y pagado 5 de si mismo. Pregunte a Molina quien era, y me respon- dio que era un poeta dramatico, el cual kabia com- 1 Silvar; to whistle; used as above, to run down. z Era inewnbencia de mi empleo; it was incumbent on me. 3 Maestro de pages; first attendant. * A la griega. This is an elliptical sentence; having the word nioda (fashion) understood. A la griega should therefore be translated after the Greek manner or fashion. . s Pctgadode-si mismo; conceited. Y RETRATOS. 7$ puesto cien mil versos que oo le habian valido cuatro cuartos; pero que recientemente por solo seis ren- glones en prosa habia conseguido formarsQ una buena renta. jBravo! 1 esclamo el maestro de pages: ya entro en casa el Licenciado Campanal. A este se le oye mucho antes que se dege ver.* Es un solemnisimo tronera: comienza a charlar en voz alta y sonora desde la puerta de la calle, y no la d.ja hasta que vuelve a salir por ella. Con efecto resonnba en toda la casa la voz del Li- cenciado Campanal, que en fin aparecio en la antesala con otro Bachilier amigo suyo, y prosiguio utrondndo* nos a todos, sin ce$ar, en el tiempo que duro la aca- demica visita. Este Licenciado, dige a Molina, pa- rece hombre de ingenio. Si, lo es, me respondio: tiene ocurrencias mui saladas; se espiica con gracia y agu- deza; es mui divertida su conversacion; pero es un hablador molestihimo, y repite sietnpre sus dichos y cuentos. En suma, 3 para no estimar las cosas mas de lo que valen, estoi persuadido a que la mayor parte de su merito consisfe en aquel agre comico y gracioso con que sazuna todo lo que dice; y asi no creo que le haria mucho honor una coleccion de sus agudezas y gracias, si se diese a luz. Padre de Isla. 1 jBravo! This is an ejaculatory expression, equivalent to the English exclamation; Excellent! There! 8 Dejarse ver; to appear. 8 En suma; in fine. 74 DESCRIPCIONES, PINTURAS, P1UMER SALIDA DE DON QUIJOTE. Apenas habia el rubicundo Apolo tendido por la faz de la ancha y espaciosa tierra, las doradas hebras dc sus hermosos cabellos, y apenas los pequeiios y pin- tados pajarillos con sus lenguas habian saiudado, con dulce harmonia, la venida de la rosada aurora, cuando el famoso cabal lero Don Quijote de la Mancha, dejando las ociosas plumas, subio su famoso caballo Rocinante, y comenzo a caminar por el antiguo y conocido campo de Montiel; y anadio, diciendo: "Dichosa edad y siglo dichoso aquel en donde saldrdn a luz 1 las famosas hazanas mias, dignas de entallarse en bronce, esculr pirse en marmoles, y pintarse en tablas para memoria en lo futuro." Miguel de Cervantes. RETRATO DE GRISOSTOMO* Este cuerpo, senores, que con piadosos ojos estais mirando,fue depositario de un alma en quien el cielo puso infinita parte de sus riquezas. Ese es el cuerpo de Grisostomo que fue unico en el ingenio, solo en la amistad, magnifico sin tasa, grave sin presuncion, alegre sin bageza; y finalmente, primero en todo lo que es ser bueno, y sin segundo en todo lo que es y fue desdichado. Quiso bien, fue aborrecido; adaro, fue desdichado: rogo a una nVra, importurto a un marmol, corrio tras el viento, did voces a la soledad, sirvio a la ingratitud, de quien alcanzo por premio, ser desp 3 eu tre las hojas escondido, Del duro labrador, que cautamente Le despojo su caro y dulce nido De los tiernos hijuelos, entre tanto Que 1 del amado ramo estaba ausenle; Y aquel dolor que siente, Con diferencia tanta Por la dulce garganta Despide, y a su canto el aire suena, Y la callada noche no refrena Su lamentable oficio y sus querellas, Trayendo de su pena Al cielo por testigo y las estrellas. De esta manera, suelto yo la rienda,* A mi dolor y asi me quejo en vano De la dureza de la muerte airada. Ella en mi corazon metio la mano 3 Y de alii me llevo mi dulce prenda, Que aquel era su nido y su morada. Garcilaso de la Vega PROTESTACIONES DE ALBANIO.* jO hermosas Oreadas, que teniendo El gobierno de selvas y montanas, A caza andais por el las discurriendo! Dejad de perseguir las alimanas, Venid a ver un hombre perseguido, A quien no valen fuerzas y ni mafias. 1 Entre tanto que; whilst. 2 Sollar la rienda; to give reins. s Meter la mano; used as above, to penetrate into. * Mbanio is also a personage of an eclogue. Being slighted by his lover, he bursts into the above protestations. POESIAS SELECTAS 1 13 jO Dn'ades! de amor hermoso nido, Dulces y graciosisimas doncellas Que a la tarde salis de lo escondido, Con los cabellos rubios, que las Delias Espaldas dejan de oro cobijadas; Parad mientes 1 un rato a mis querellas. Y si con mi ventura conjuradas No estais, haced que sean las ocasianes De mi muerte aqui siempre celebradas. O lobos, osos, que por los rincones De estas fieras cavernas escondidos Estais oyendo agora 2 mis razones, Quedaos a Dios; 3 que ya vuestros oidos De mi zampona fueron halagados, Y alguna vez de amor enternecidos. A Dios montanas, a Dios verdes prados, A Dios corrientes rios espumosos, Vivid sin mi con siglos prolongados,* Y mientras en el curso presurosos Jreis al mar a darle su tributo, Corriendo por los valles pedregosos: Haced que aqui se muestre triste luto Por quien viviendo alegre os alegraba Con agradable son, y viso enjuto: 5 Por quien aqui sus vacas abrevaba Por quien ramos de laura entrptegiendo Aqui sus fuertes toros coronaba. El mismo, 1 Parar mientes; to pay attention. s Agora; an antiquated manner of spelling ahora, (now ) 3 Quedaos d Dios; adieu, farewell. This expression is the same as, a Dios. 4 Con siglos prolongados; for ages. 5 Viso enjuto; cheerful countenance, 10* 114 POESIAS SELECT AS. LA SOLEDAD. Ven, dulce soledad, y al alma mia Libra del mar horrisono. agitado DH mundo corrompido; Y benigna la paz y la alegria Vuelve al doliente corazon, llagado: Ven, levnnta mi espiritu abatido. El venero crecido Modern* de las lagrimas que lloro, 1 Y a tus quietas mansiones me transported Tu favor celestial humilde imploro: Ven, a un triste couforta. Sublime soled ad, y libre sen Del confuso tropel que me rodea. jAi! jporque asi agiturse el hombre insano; Y viendo yd k los pies \6 ciego! abiert© El sepulcro, gozarte? 3 Pon, pon freno a la risa, polvo vano, Y en tan vulgar, culpable desconcierto Entra en tu corazon a contemplnrte, :Que ves para glorinrte? ^Que ves dentro de ti? Vuelve los ojos A tus miseros dias; de tus gustos La flor huyo, queddron los abrojos Corao castigos justos: Y las fugaces horas se volar on. ^Que poder tornurd las que pasdron? * Llorar; to weep; in the above sense, to shed. * It is a poetical license to place any objective case of any pet° s©nal pronoun either before or after the verb. * Gozarte; enjoy thee; alluding to "mundo corrowqpwto," cor- rupted world, in the tkird verse from the top. POESIAS SELECTAS. 115 Tu, augusta soledad,a el 1 alma llenas De otra sublime luz, tu la separas Del placer pestilente; Y mientras en sileneio la enagenas, 2 A la virtud el animo preparas, Y a la verdad inelinas transparente Del cielo fulgente, Haciendo que nos abra el lion do abismo Do esconde sus tesoros celestiales. El'hombre iluminado ve en si mismo Las senas inmortales, Merced a tu favor, de su grandeza, Del mundo vil hollando la bageza. La mente sin los lazos que detienen Preso su hidalgo ardor, en raudo vuelo Las vagas nubes pasa, Llegando a do su trono alzado tienen A su inefable autor los altos cielos; Y a su divina norma, se compasa: De su lumbre sin tasa Gozosa se alimmta y satisface. El fuego celestial con que se atreve A las grandes empresas, cuanto haee Bueno el hombre lo debe; O soledad, a tu sileneio augusto, Donde Dios habla y se descubre al justo. Mas los hombres que ilusos no peniben Su misteriosa voz, cuyos oidos A la verdad cerrados Y al error son patentes, asi viven 1 Jl el; to the, instead of aZ. A poetical license. ^mrhas various meanings; but the sense in which this mo is used abore, is, to enwrap. HQ POESIAS SELECTAS. D^l mundo en el eslr£pito m tidos, Cual 1 en galera miseros forzados; Siervos aherrojarlos Al antojo liviano y las pasiones SorprehendAos de subito 2 la rnuerte. El sabio, solo el sabio, las prisiones Rompe con mano fuerte: Intrepido de todo se retirn; Y de la playa la borrasca mira. Juan Melendez Valdez. LAS FLORES. Naced, vistosas flores, Ornnd el suelo, que lloro desnudo So 3 el cetro helado del Invierno rudo, Con los vivos colores, En que matiza vuestro fresco seno Rica naturaleza. Ya He Mayo, y cefiro sereno Con deliciosos besos, solicita Vuestra sin par 4 belleza; Y el rudo broche a los capullos quita. Pareced, pareced 6 del verano Hijas y la alma Flora, Y al nacarado llanto de la Aurora Jlbrid elcaliz virginal; ya sienjto, Ya siento en vuestro aroma soberano, Divinas flores, empapado el viento; 5 * Cual; which, used as above, like; in the same manner as. 8 De subito; suddenly. 3 So; an antiquated expression, used in poetry as bajo, (under.) * ! ias, sin las prisiones De algurt mortal cuidado. Tu astro Inimilde al de los grandes trutca La potestad; que en suma,* Mas bien acorre* a la paja seca. Que a la mullida pluma. Jose de IglesisK: EL DIA. jQue apacible beldad el nuevo dia En su rosado manto Muestra, triunfando de la noche fria, Y su adormido espanto! Con invisible y blando movimiento De su tiniebia negra Mscombi «, v hrrre el ambito del viente; Y al cielo y mundo ulrgra, 3 Jlndar en batalla; to contend- * En suma; in uie, ^ SYLLABLE. 23 POESIAS SELEC . Tor el aire sereno en snsegado Vuelo el aljotar baja; Y la concha en su seiio nacarado Ardientes perlas cuaja. Sale el Sol con radiante senorio; Toda la mar se altera: Tiemhla la luz sobre el cristal sombrio, Que bate su ribera. ||; Crecen los rayos tie la luz febea Con inas pujante aliento, El bajo suelo, en derredor humea Y arder se mir« el viento. Las montanas heridas de su lumbre Le ven de oro banadas; Las aves en confusa muchedumbre Cantando alborozadas. Las flores su capuz rompen apriesa, Y el verde prado esmaltan; Y en el cristal que retiovo su risa Los pececillos saltan, Mas toda esta beldad que al mundo place,, No llena mi deseo; Si luego que la luz de Apolo nace, La de mi Sol no veo. Ven ya, Lucero mio, pues te aguardo; Y al pie de esta montana No hat rosa, ni clavel, jazmin onardo, Que tu tardar no estrana. 1 Ven, que si el Delio Dios no amaneciem Con sus candores rojos, La luz el dia no perdiera Con ver la de tus ojos. 1 No estrana; that is not astonished at. \?% p 0F -^IAS SELECTAS. Y vs * r L«ucero, ven: no desesperes ^ un alma que te adora; Si cual muere de amor de amores muete Por su dulce seiiora. El mismo. VTRTUD MILITAR. La virtu d militar aqui se advierte Su hermoso rostro ardiendo en vivas llamas, Y las garzas del ye! mo al viento ondeaudo, Brlllar su peto de asperas escamas, Jisimdo de una mano el hasta fuerte, Y en la otra el paves concavo embrazandd: -Veloz discurre hacia uno y otro bando, Y entrando por los gruesos batallones, Los blandos corazones Luego, luego a lid belica movia, Jltizando el incendio que ya ardia En las contrarias belicas naciones: Asi que 1 en rencor, ira, odios, sanas Be unos, y de otros hierven las entranas. 1 Jbi que; thus. THE END. ^ SYLLABLE. 23 S. -alt, grace, ele- EL TRADUCTOR ESPA^OL. lm Yo H^ POP' 3 ' LiUC r ■*! SYLLABLE. S. EL -alt, grace, ele- LECTOR ESPANOL. LESSON X WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE. A. A', prep, to, in, at. A', or Ah, interj. ah, alas. Ai, interj. alas, wo. Al, prep, and art. to the, in the, at the. Aun, adv. yet, still. Aun, conj. notwithstanding. Cruz, subs.com.f. cross. Cual, pron.rel.n. or o. that, which, who. Cual, adv. like, as. Cual, pro. indf. one, some, this. Cuan, adv. how, how much. Czar, svbs. prop. m. Czar, or the emperor of Russia. D. 13. De, prep, of, in from. Bien, adj. well, good, very. Del, prep, and art. of the, in the ; , Bien, subs.com.m. good, blessing, from the. lover. Dia, subs.com.m. day. Bien, interr. well, excellent. Dia, adv. day time. Bien, adv. well, very. Diez, adj. num. ten. Bias, subs.prop.m. Bias, a man's Dios, subs.prop.m. God. name. Do, adv. where. Brio, subs. com. m. spirit, force, Don, subs.com.m. Don, a title courage. given to noblemen in Spain, c. equivalent to Esquire. Don, subs.com.m. a gift, a grant; Ca, prep, because. Dos, adj.num. two. Cal, snbs. com.f. lime. Cien adj. num. hundred. E. Con, prep, with, by. 3 W, tonj. and* 129, POF rt*' YOB**- ^ ,r F. Faz, subs. com. f. face, superficies. Fe, subs. com./, faith, credulity. Feo-a, adj. ugly, deformed, Feo-a, subs.com. ugly person. Fiel, adj. faithful, true, loyal. Fin,suis.co?ft.m.end,termination. Flor, subs. com./, flower, bloom. FraijSU&s.com.m. brother; title by which the members of reli- gious orders are distinguished. Frio, adj. cold. Frio, subs.com.m. cold. G. Gran, adj. great, eminent. Gil, subi.prop.m. Gil, a man's name. H.I. Hoi, adv. to-day, this day. Hoz, subs.com.m. scythe, sickle, defile. Jaez, subs.com.f. kind, species, manner. Juez, subs.com.m. judge, arbi- trator. L. La, art.f.s. the. La, pro.per.o.f.s. her, it. From ella, she. Las, art./. p. the. Las, pro. per. f. p. o. them, those. From ellas, they. ,fi SYLLABLE. Las, pro.dem.f.p.n. those, they. Le, pro.per.s.m.o. him, he, it From el, he. Leon, subs.com.m. lion, (a wild beast.) Les, pro.per.p.m.o. them, those, From ellos, or ellas, they. Lei, subs.com.f. law. Lid, subs.com.f. struggle, strife. Lo, pro.neut.s.n. so. Lo,p-o neut.s.o. it, so. From ello, it. Los, art.p.m. the. Los, pro.dem.m.n. those, they. Luis, subs.prop.m. Lewis, a man's name. Luz, subs.com.f light. M. Mal-a, adj. bad. Mai, subs.com.m. evil, harm. Mas, adv. more. Mas, subs.com.m. a larger quan- tity. Mas, prep. but. Mar, subs.com.m. the sea, ocean. Me, pro.per.s.o. me, to me. From yo, 1. Mi, pro.per.s.o. to me. From ye. Mi, pron.pos. like mio. M\o-a, pro.pos.s.n.or o. my, mine. Mis, pro.pos.p.n. or o. my, mine.- Mil, adj.num. thousand. Mil, subs.num.s. one thousand. Mui, adj. very much of a^ . Mui, adv. very. N N. Ni, conj. neither, nor. No. adv. no, not. Nos, pro.per.p.n. we. WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE. Nos, pro.per.p.o. us. From noso- to'os, we. 0. 0', conj. or, either. O', inter. O. Oh, inter, oh. Os, pro.per.p.o. you, ye. From vosotros, you or ye. P. Pais, subs.com.m. country, na- tion, place. Pan, subs.com.m. bread, support. Par, subs.com.m. pair, equal. Paz, subs.com.f. peace. Pie, stt6s.com.rn. foot, level. Por, prep, by, for. Pues, conj. then, since. Q. Que, pron.rel.n. or o. that, which, who. Que, subs.com.m. what, what thing. Que, conj. that. Que, conj. for. Que, adv. than. Quien, pron.rel.n.or o. that, who. Quien, pron.indef. one, some, this. R. Raiz, subs.com.f. root, origin, source. Real, arfj. royal, real, true. Red, subs.com.f. grate, snare. Rei, subs.com.m. king. Reo, subs.com.m. culprit, culpa- ble, prisoner. Rio ; stt6s.cojrt.rn, river. Sal, subs.com.f. salt, grace, ele- gance, wit. Se, pron.per.refieco. itself, him- self, herself, themselves. Se, pron.per.o. to it, to him, to her, to them. Sed, subs com.f. thirst, desire- Seis, adj.num. six. Ser, subs.com.m. being, exis- tence. Si, pro.per.o. itself, himself, her- self, themselves. Si, conj. if, though. Si, adv. yes, yea, truly, in reality. Sien, subs.com.f. temple. Sin, prep, without. So, prep, under. Sol, subs.prop. and com.m. sun,. Son, subs.com.m. sound. Su, pron.pos.n. or o. its, her, his, their, your. Sus, pron.dem.n.or o. its, her, his, their, your. T. Tal, adv. such, such as, similar. Tal, adj. such. Tan, adv. as, so, as much. Te, subs.com.m. tea. Te, pron.per.s.o. thee, to thee. From tu, thou. Ti, pron.per s.o. thee. From tu, thou. Tras, prep, behind, independent- ly of. Tres, adj.num. three. Tu, pron.per.n.s. thou. Tu, pron.pos.s.n. or o. thy, thin^. Tus, pron.pos.p.n. or o. thy, yoffr. 24 WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Vez, subs.com.f. time. Via, subs.com.f. street. Vil, adj. vile, base. Vmd., subs.com.m. you, a title given to individuals in com- mon conversation. It is a contraction of justed. Vos, pron.per.n. you, ye. Voz, subs.com.f. voice, word, shriek, expression. Y, conj. and. Ya, conj. already. Yo, pron.per.n.s. I. u. U'j prep, or, either. Un, adj.num. one, a. LESSON II. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Abuso, subs com.m. abuse. Aca, adv. here. Accion, subs.com f. action, act, share. A eto, subs.com.m. act, event, fact. A'cto,o(/ymoment immediately. Adan, subs.prop.m. Adam, the first man created. Afan, subs.com.m. eagerness, ve- hemence, labour, effort. A'gre, subs.com.m. air, turn. A'gua, subs.com.f. water. A ire, subs.com.m. air, grace. A jo, subs.com.m. garlick. A'lba, subs.com.f. dawn, surplice. Aldea, subscomf. viiiage^iamlet. A'lgo, indef.pron. something. Algun, indef.pi on. some, some one. Alia, adv. there, in that place. Alii, adv. there, in that place. A lma, subs.com.f. soul, courage, spirit, life. Alto, subs.com.m. story, (of a house.) A'lto-a, adj. high, tall, lofty. A ma, subs.com.f. mistress, tu- toress, governess. A'mbar, subs.com.m. amber. A mbos-as, indef.pron. both. A'mo, subs.com.m. master, own- er, protector. Amor, subs.com.m. love, esteem, affection. A'ncho-a, adj. broad, wide. A'ncho, subs.com.m. width, breadth. A'ngel, subs.com.m. angel. A'ntes, prep, before. A'ntes, adv. rather, on the con- trary. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. as A'nte, prep, before, (previous to.) A'nte, adv. before, (in the pre- sence of.) A'no, subs.com.m. a year, a twelvemonth. Aorro, subs.com.m. parsimony, saving, sparingness. A'pia, subsprop.f. Apia, or Pele- ponesus, peninsula in Greece. Aquel-la, pron.dem.n.or o. that, the latter. Aquel-la, pron.per.n.or o. he,she. A rbol, subs.com.m. tree, mast. A'rco, subs.com.m. arch, vault. Ardor, subs.com.m. ardour, enthusiasm, warmth. Argel, subs.prop.m. Algiers, the name of the capital of one of the Barbary states, in N. Africa. A'rgos, subs prop.m. Argus, an ancient personage who is sup- posed to have possessed a hundred eyes. Arreo, subs.com.m. utensil, im- plement, tool. A'rma, subs.com.f. arm, weapon. A'rte, subs.com.m..s. art, science- A'rtes, subs.com.f. p. arts. A'sco, subs.com.m. loathsome- ness, annoyance. Asi, adv. thus, in this manner. Asi, conj. thus, being so. A'stro, suls.com.m. planet. Ataud, sw6s.com.rn. coffin. Aunque, conj. though, when, if. A'ura, subs.com.f. zephyrs, (soft winds.) Autor, sub3.com.rn. author, in- ventor. A've, subs.com.f. bird, fowl. Ayer, adv. yesterday. B. Baile, subs.com.m. dance, ball. Bajo, subs.com.m. basement- story, base person. Bajo-a. adj. low, vile. Bajo, adv. low, under, beneath. Bajo, prep, under. Balcdn, subs.com m. balcony, (a large window, with railings before it.) Balde, subs.com.m. bucket. Bando, subs.com.m. edict, order. Barca, subs.com.f. vessel. Baucio, subs.prop.m. Baucio, a man's name. Bello-a, adj. beautiful, hand- some. Beso, subs.com.m. kiss. Betun, subs.com.m. bitumen, ce- ment. Bienes, subs.com.m.p. blessings, effects. Blando-a, adj. soft, smooth, gentle. Blason, stifts.com.m blazon, lau- rel, glory. Boca, subs.com.f. mouth, open- ing, grate. B6da,sM&scom./. wedding, mar- riage. Bolsa, subs.com.f. pocket, purse, bag. Bomba, subs.com.f. pump, bomb, (a hollow ball full of com- bustible matter, thrown from a mortar.) Bondad, subs.com.f. goodness, kindness. 26 WORDS OP TWO SYLLABLES. Borde, subs.com.m. brim, edge, bank, border. Bosque, subs-comm. wood, for- rest, wild. Bote, subs.com.m. boat, blow, canister. Bracman, subs.com.m. Bracman, a superstitious person. Bravo, adj. valiant, wild, angry. Bravo, interr. excellent. Brazo, subs.com.m. arm, (a part of the human body. Bribon-a, subs.com. crafty per- son, rogue. Bronce, subs.com.m. bronze, hard-hearted, strong person. Bruja, subs.com.f. a witch, spec- tre. Brutal, adj. brutish, barbarous. Bruto, subs.com.m- a brute, (an irrational being.) Brato-a, adj. unpolished, rough. Bruto-a, ^ubs-com. a rude, unpo- lished person. Budeo, subs.prop.m. Budeus, a writer of note. Bueno, inter, well. Bueno-a, adj. good, well. Buque, subs.com.m. vessel. Burla, subj.com.f. joke, fun, trick. Busca, subs com./, search, quest, terrier, (a dog that start3 the game.) Cabo, subs.com.m. end, termina- tion, confine. Cabra, sttbs.com.m. a goat. Caco, subs.prop.m. Cacus, an an- cient miser. Cad a. pron.indef. each, every,, any. Caida, subs.com.f. fall, descent. Caido, part, fallen. From caer, to fall. Caido-a, part.abs. being fallen, overthrown. Calix subs.com.f. chalice, cup of affliction, calix, (of plants.) Calor, subs.com.m. heat, warmth, Calle, subs.com.f. street, road. Cama, sxibs.com.J. bed, couch. Campo, subs.com.m field, camp, prairie. Cantar, subs.com.m. lay, song, tune. Canto, subs.com.m. lay, song, a glee. Capa, subs.com.f. cloak, mask, pretence. Capaz, subs.com.m. a capable person. Capaz, adj. able, capable, skilful. Capuz, subs.com.m. cloak, cover, cloud. Cara, subs.com.m- face, visage, countenance. Camel, subs.com.f. jail, prison, dungeon. Cargo, subs.com.m. charge, trust, confidence, cargo. Caridad, subs.com.f. charity, alms. Carlo, subs.prop.m. Charles. Carlos, subs.prop.m. Charles. Carne, sus.comf. flesh, meat. Carro, subs.com.m. wagon, cha- riot. Carta, subs.com.m. letter. Casa, subs.com.f. house, protec- tion. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 27 Casco, subs.com.m. cask, skull, piece of bomb. (Sasi, adv. almost, very near. Casio, subs.prop.m. Cassius, a brave and learned hero of antiquity. Caso, subs com.m. case, event, fact. Caudal, subs.com.m. treasure, property. Causa, subs.com f. cause, reason, motive. Ceilan, subs prop f. Ceylon, a larg s island in the Indian sea. Cejas, subs.com.f. p. eye-brows. Celio, subs.prop.m. Celious, a man's name. Celo, subs.com.m. zeal. Celos, subs.com.m.p. jealousy, fear, suspicion. Cenit, subs.com.m. zenith, the highest degree. Ceao, subs.com.m. frown, super- cilious aspect. Cerca, adv. near. Cerca, prep, concerning, with regard. Cerda, subs.com.p. bristle. Cerviz, subs.com.m. nape, (the back part of the neck.) Cesar, subs.prop.m. Csesar, a title given to the first twelve Ro- man Emperors In this Spa- nish Reader, it generally means Juiius Caesar, the greatest of all Roman Em- perors. Cetro, subs.com m. sceptre, dia- dem. Chanza, subs.com.f. fun, joke, laughter, Chaves, subs.prop.f. Chaves, a personage in Isla's Gil Bias. Chico-a, subs.com. child, young boy or girl. Chico-a, adj. small, little. Chiste, subs.com.m witty saying, bon-mot, witticism, story. Ciego-a, subs.com. a blind, or hallucinated person. Ci< s go-a, adj. blind, hallucinated. Cielo,sti6s.com.m. heaven, celes- tial region. Cierto-a, adj. certain, incontro- vertible. Ciencia, subs.com.f. science, art. Cinco, adj.num. five. Cipres, subs.com.m. cypress. Ciudad, subs.com f. city, town. Civil, adj. civil, intestine, polite. Clara, subs.prop.f. Clara, a wo- man's name. Claro-a, adj. clear, frank. Clavel, subs.com m pink, (a flow- er.) Clavo, subs.com.m. nail, corn, misery. Clima,su6s.com.m.climate,clime, region. Cobre, subs.com.m. copper. Coche, subs.com.m. coach, ba- rouche. Coecho, subs.com.m. bribe, sub- ornation. Colin, subs.pr-pm. Colin, the name of a parsonage, in the anecdotes of Corpas. Colirio, subs.com.f. heap, summit. Colon, subs.prop.m. Columbus., the discoverer of America. Como, conj. as, how, why. 28 WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Comun, s«6s.com.w. the people, the public. Cornun, adj. common. Concha, subs.com.m. shell, tor- toise. Conde, svbs.com.m. Count, (a title.) Contra, prep, against, contrary. Copa, subs.com/. cup, goblet, wine glass. Copia, subs.collcc.f. abundance, a great number. Copla, subs.com.f. couplet,ballad. C6rbo-a, subs.com.f. a crooked person. C6rbo-a, adj. crooked, arched, bent. €6ro, subs.com.m. choir, chorus. Corpas, subs prop. m. Corpas, a translator of some of the anecdotes inserted in this work His version, from the French, bears the cast of ori- ginality so strongly, that we have placed his name under the few of his translated small stories we have select- ed. Corte, subs.com f. court, (the place where the king resides,) capital, (the city where the court, or governmentis estab- lished,) cutting,civilitv, edge. Cortes, subs. prop. m. Cortes, the first conqueror of New Spain. Cortes, adj. civil, courteous, polite. Cortes, subs.com.p.f. cortes, or congress, (an assembly re- presenting a nation.) C6rto-a, subs.com. a bashful, o< timid person. C6rto-a, adj. short, small, im- perfect, bashful. Cosa, subs.com.f. thing, little consequence. Cosa de, prtp. about. Costa, subs.com.f. cost, coast. Criado-a, subs.com. servant, do- mestic. Crimen, subs.com.m. crime, of- fence. Cristal, subs.com.m. crystal, fine glass. Cristo, subs.prop.m. Christ. Crudo-a, adj. raw, uncooked, horrid. Cruel, subs.com.a. a cruel person. Cruel, adj. cruel, intolerable. Cuadra, subs.com f. room, apart* ment, court. Cuando, adv. when, in case. Cuarto, subs.com.m. room, hall, quarter of animals. Cuarto, adj. num. fourth. Cuatro, avjnum. four. Cuello, subs.com.m. neck, collar. Cuenta, subs.com.f. account, bill c narration. CuJ-rpo, subs.com.m. body,frame, volume. Cuei\>, subs.com.m. hide, skin, leather. Cueva. subs.com.f. cave, cavern. cavity, grotto. Culto, subs.com.m. religion, wor- ship. Culpa, subs.com.f. blame, fault, offence. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 29 C timbre, subs.eom.f. summit, pi- nacle, crown. Ctina, subs.com.f. cradle, birth- place. Cuno, subs.com.m. mint. Cura, subs.com.f. a cure, heal- ing. Cura, subs.com.m. curate, vicar. Curcio, subs.prop.m. Curtius, an eminent historian of antiqui- ty. Curso, subs.com.m. course, way, direction. Cuyo-a, pron.rel.n.or o. whose, of which, of whom. D. Dado, part, given, granted, ce- ded. From dar, to give. Dado-a, part.abso. being given, granted. From dar, to give. Dama, subs.com.f. lady, (a title of honour ) Damo, subs.prop.f Damo, the daughter of Pythagoras, ren- dered immortal by her invio- lable secrecy. Daao, subs.com.m. mischief, evil. Deber, subs.com.m. duty, obliga- tion. Debil, adj. weak, feeble. Dedo, subs.com.m. finger. Deidad, sitbs.comf. de»ty, God. Deifos, subs.prop.m. I.'elphus, a pagan temple, erected by Delphus, and dedicated to Apollo, his father. De :h . s, pron.indef. the rest, the otl er. Demas,]>rep. independently, be- sides. 4 Dentro, prep, within, inside of, Desde, prep. from. Desden, subs.com.m. disdain, dis- regard, contemn. Deseo, subs.com.m. desire, wish. Despues, adv. after, (in succeed- ing time,) Despues, prep, after, (following in place, or posterior in time.) Deudor, subs.com.m. debtor, a person indebted. Dicho, part, said, uttered. From decir, to say. Diego, subs.prop.m. James. Digno-a, adj. worthy, deserving, condign. Dobidn, subs.com.m. doubloon, a Spanish gold coin. Ddce, ad.num. twelve. D6cto-a, subs.com. learned, eru- dite person. D6cto-a, adj. learned, wise. Doctor, subs.com.m. physician, doctor, a title given to pro- fessors of divinity, law, &c. Do o, subs.com.m. fraud, deceit, imposition. Dolor, stt6s.com.rn, grief, pain, affliction. Donde, adv. where. Dote, subs.com m. dowery, por- tion. Driade, subs.com.f. Driad, a fa- bulous fish. Duda, subs.com f doubt, ambi- guity. Duelo, subs.co n.f. mourning, du- el. luenva, subs.com. owner, pro- prietor. Dulce, adj. soft, gentle, sweet. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Duque, subs.com.m. Duke, a title of honour. Duro, subs.com.m- dollar, a sil- ver coin. Duro-a, adj. hard, rough, obsti- nate , E. Edad, subs.com.f. age, time. E'fes, subs.com.p.m. efFs, (the name of this character, f.) E'lla, pron.per.f.s.n. she, it. E'lla, pron.per.f.s.o. her, it. Ello, pron.per.neut.sn. it. Empleo, sumt.com.m. trust, oc- cupation, station. E'ntre, prep, among, between. E'se, pron.dem.s.mo. or n. this, that, the latter. E'so, pron.dem.s.neut o. or n. this, that. E'sos-as,p'o?i.cZem.;).o.om. these, those. E'sta, pron.dem.s.f.o. or n. this. E'ste, pron.dem.s.m.o. or n. this. Estfo, subs.com. summer, dog- days. E'sto, pron.dem.neut.o. or n. this. E'stos-as, pron.dem.p.o. or n. these. Etre, subs.prop.m. Etre, a French marshal. F. Facil, adj. easy, not difficult. Faja, svbs.com.m. bandage, rol- ler, belt. Falda, subs.com.m. skirt, lap, brow of a hill, leaf of a hat. Falso-a, adj. false, deceitful, counterfeited. Falta, subs.com.f. fault, defe,t;i mistake. Fama, subs.com.f. fame, renown. Fanal, subs.com.m. lamp, lan- thorn, light. Farson, subs.prop.m. Farson, the husband of a Spanish heroine. Favor, suds.c0m.1n. favour, pro- tection, means. Fealdad. subs.comf. ugliness, deformity. Febo, subs.prop.m. Phoebus, or the sun. Febeo-a, adj. brilliant, shining, refulgent. Feijoo, snbs.prop m. Feijoo, one of the most scientific and eru- dite menSpain ever produced. Feliz, adj. happy, felicitous. Feroz, adj. ferocious, beastly. Fertil, adj. prolific, fertile. T'\ldo,part. trusted, relied, from Fie;-, to trust. Fiado, part.subs.tan.a person that trusts, or relies. Fiado-a, part. adj. trusting, rely- ing. Fiera, subs.com.f. wild-beast. Fiero-a, adj. ferocious, brutal, beastly, inhuman. Fino-a, subs.com. a cunning, or sagacious person. Fino-a, adj. fine, nice, crafty, cunning, polished. Final, adj. terminating, conclu- sive, final. Fines, subs.com.p. end, confines. Fiquis, subs.prop.f. Fichis, the goddess, of the fields. Firme, adj. firm, strong, unbend- ing, inflexible WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 31 Flaco-a, adj. weak, feeble, lean, meagre. Flaqueza, subs.com.f weakness, foible. Flauta, subs.com.f. flute. Flora, subs. com/. Flora, the god- dess of flowers, and gardens. Fondo, subs.com.m. bottom, ground of stuffs. Forma, subs.com/. figure, form, regularity. Fragor, subs.com.m. smell, scent, noise. Franco-a, adj. frank, open, free. Frances-a, suhs.com. a French person, a native of France. Frances-a, adj. French, Gallic. Frascon, subs.prop.m Frascon, a Spanish character. Freno, subs.com.m. reins, curb, bridle. Frente, subs.com.f. front, fore- head, countenance. Fresco-a, adj. fresh, new, cheer- ful. Frito-a, part. adj. fried. From freir, to fry. Fruto, subs.com.m. fruit, effect, grain. Frutal, subs.collec.m. orchard, a number of fruitful trees." Frutal, adj. fruitful. Fuego, subs.com.m. fire, confla- gration. Fuente, subs.com.f. fountain, spring, source. Fuera, prep, out, except, inde- pendently. Fuera, adv. abroad. F.uerte, adj, strong, massy, hard. Fuerza, subs.com.f. strength, force. Fugaz, adj. swift, shy, fugitive. Furia, subs.com.f. fury, rage, hurry. Furor, subs.com.f. fury, madness, passion. Gachdn, adj. pampered, spoiled, (applied to children.) Gala, subs.com.f. gala, or court dress. Garra, subs.com.m. claw, talon, paw. Gasto, subs.com.m. expense. Gefe, sM6s.com.rn. ehief, officer^ ring-leader. Genio, subs.com.m genius, a man posses ed of genius. Gente, subs.collecf. people, an assemblage of persons. Gesu, ) Gesus C mbs -P rn P- m - Jesus. Gentil, adj. gentle, soft, assuag- ing. Gil-Bias, subs.prop.m. Gil-Blass, the hero of a novel written by Father Jsla, a Jesuit. Gilio, subs.prop.m. a historian of note. Globo subs.com.m. the globe, the earth. Gloria, subs.com.m. glory, fame, renown. Gnido, subs.prop.f. Gnidus, an ancient promontory. Goce, subs.com m. enjoyment. G6do-a, subs.prop. a Goth, an- cient northern savage. G6do-a, adj. Gothic, S2 WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Golpe, subs. com. m. blow, stroke. Gdrdo-a, adj. thick, fat, big. Gdrra, subs.ccm.f cap, parra- site, sp'inger. * Gdzo, subsccm m. enjoyment, pleasure, ji.ib.»lee, cheer. Gracia, mbs.com.f. thank, grace, gift, elegy nee. Grada, subs.com.m. degree, step, will. Grande, subs.com.m. grandee, a title by which the nobles of Spain are distinguished. Grande, adj. great, eminent, large. Grandez, tubs.com m. greatness, eminence, bigness. Grave, adj. grave, dignified, morose. Griego-a, subs com. a Greek, native of Greece. Griego-a, adj. Greek, Attic. Grito, subs.com.m. shout, cry, voice. Grueso, subs.com.m. thickness, bigness. Grueso-a, adj. thick, large. Guarda, subs.com.m. guard, pro- tection, custom-house officer. Guiado, part, guided. From guiar, to guide. Guiado-a, adj. guided. Gula, subs.com.f. gluttony. Gusto, subs.com.m. taste, plea- sure. H. Habla, subs.com.f speech, talk. Hacia, prep, towards, to. Hambre, subs.com.f. hunger, de- sire. Ham pa, subs.com f. bully, bragr ger. Harto-a, adj. full, very, surfeit- ed. Hasta, prep, till, until. Hebra, subs.com.f. hair, thread., silk, fibre. Hecho, part: made, done. From hacer, to make. Hecho-a, part.abso. being done, made, Hechor, subs.com.m. maker, per- former, he who commits an act. Hembra, subs.com.f. female, nut,. eye. Hierba, subs.com.f. herb, grass. Hierro, subs.com.m. iron, (a me- tal.) HIjo, sitfes.com.m. son, child, young one. Hija, subs.com f daughter, child. Hdja, subs.com.f. leaf, blade, scale. Hombre, subs.com.m. man, hus- band. Hondo, subs.com.m. depth, pro- fundity. H6ndo-a, adj. deep, profound. Honor, subs.com.m. honour, re- putation. Honra, subs.com.f. honour, re- verence. Hdra, subs.tomf. hour, time. Horror, subs.com.m. horror, fright. Hueco-a, adj. hollow, empty, vain. Huella, subs.com m. footstep. Hueso, subs.com.m. bone, stone, toil, WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Huevo, subs.com.m. egg, spawn. Humo, subs.com.m. smoke, va- pour, vanity. Humor, subs.com.m. humour, moisture. I. Idea, subs.com f. idea, design, notion. Igual, adj. equal, resembling, even. I'ra, subs.com.f. ire, anger, re- venge. Isabel, subs.prop.f. Isabella, the name of a person. By this appellation was called a re- nowned queen of Spain. I'sla, subs.com f. isle, island. I'sla, siibs.prop.f. Isla, the sur- name of a great Spanish writer. Israel, subs.prop.m. Israel, a pro- vince of Egypt. In ancient times there lived in this pro- vince the Israelites, or Jews, who escaped from Pharoah. Israel, subs.prop.m. Israel, an ancient patriarch, and after him are now many men cal- led. J. Jamas, adv. never. Jardin, subs.com.m. garden. Jasmin, subs.com. jessamin, (a flower.) Joven, subs.com.m. or/, youth, young man or lady. Joven, adj. young, youthful. Jose, subs.prop.m. Joseph, a man's name. 4* Juanot, subs.prop.m. Juanot, the name of a personage in the anecdotes of Corpas. Juego, subs.com.m. play, gam bling. Juicio, subs.com.m. judgment, opinion. Julia, subs.prop.m. Julia, the name of an avenue, or way in Rome. Julian, subs.com.m. Julianus, a Roman Emperor. Julio, subs.prop.m. July, the name of the seventh month of the year. Junto-a, adj. together with, united. Junto, adv. near, contiguous. Justo-a, mbs.com.m. a just, or blessed person in heaven. Justo-a, adj. just, correct, up- right. Labio, subs.com m. lip, edge, (of any thing ) Lado, subs.com.m. side, compa- nion. Ladron, subs.com.m. thief, rob- ber, lock. Laercio, subs.com.m. Laertius Diogenes, an ancient writer. Lago, subs.com.m. lake, swamp. Lancha, subs.com.m. launch ; gun- boat, cutter. Largo-a, adj. long, large, free. Latin, subs.com.m. the Latin lan- guage. Latin-a, adj. Latin, Roman. Laurel, subs.com m. laurel, glory, renown. 34 WORDS OF TWO SYLL ABBES. Lazo, subs.com.m. tie, knot, snare. Leandro, subs.com.m. Leandro, a man's name. Leccion, subs.com.m. lesson, lec- ture. Lecho, subs.com.m. couch, litter, ■ bed. Lector, subs.com.m. reader, pro- fessor. Legua, subs.com.m. league, (a dis- tance of three miles ) Lejos, adv. far, at a distance Lemnos, subs prop- f. Lemnos, an island of Turkey in the Ar- chipelago. Lengua, subs. com f. tongue, lan- guage. Lento-a, adj. slow, tardy, slug- gish. Letra, subs.com.f. letter, charac- ter, type. Leve, adj. light, trifle. Leyes, p. of lei, law. Libia, subs.propf. Libya, a part of Africa. Libra, subs.prop.f. Libra, the same as Libya. Libra, subs.com f. pound, a cer- tain weight, and a certain imaginary coin. Libra, adj. free, exempt, inno- cent. Librea, subs.com m. clothes, gar- ment, robes. Libro, sit6s.com m- book. Licor, subs.com m liquor, spirits. Lienzo, subs. com m. Jinnen, rag. Limpio-a, subs.com-f. ciean, neat, elegant. Lince, subs.ccm.m. lynx, perspi- cacity, a sagacious person. Lindn, adj. neat, pretty, com- plete, fine. LTrio, subs.com.m. lily. Liso-a, adj. soft, even, clear. Livio, subs.prop.m. Titus Liviu?, an eminent writer of antiquity. Ldbo, subs.com.m. wolf, (a wild beast.) L6co-a, adj. mad, foolish. Loco, subs.com.m. a crazy per- son. Loeches, sufis-comm. Loeches, a town of Spain. Lonja, subs.com.f. exchange, warehouse, store. Losa, subs.com f. flag, (a cer- tain stone used for pave- ment,) earthenware. Luces, subsccm.mp. talents, ge- nius, kowledge. Luego, adv. soon, immediately. Lugar, subs.com.m. place, town. Ltimbre, subs.com.f. light, spark, fire. Ltina, subspropf. moon, glass plate. Luto. subs.com.m. mourning, the dress of sorrow. LL. Llaga, sidjs.com f sore, wound. Llama, subs.ccmf. flame, spark, fire. Llano, adj plain, frank, modest. Llanto, subs.ccm.m. groan, tear, flood of tears. Lleno-a, adj. full, complete, brim full. Lluvia, subs.com.f. rain, shower. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. M. Vlaeeio, subs. prep. m. Mactius, an eminent person. Madre, subs.com.f. mother. Madrid, subs. prop./. Madrid, (the capital of Spain) Magno-a. adj great, superior. Magia, sxibs.com/. magic. Maidad, subs.com.f. wickedness, malice. Males, subs.com.m.p. evils, mi- series. Mancha, subs.com.f stain, spot. Mancha, subs.prop.f Mancha, a province of Spain. Manga, subs.com.f. sleeve, water- spout. ?*Ianjar, subs.com.m. dainty,dish, food. Mano, subs.com.f. hand, pestle, command: Mansion, subs.com.f. mansion, abode, house. Manta, subs.com.f. blanket, ta- pestry, thrashing. Manto, subs.com.m. veil, cloak, mantle-piece. Mana, subs.com.f. dexterity, ar- tifice. ^ Marca, subs.propf Marche, a town of Trevisan in Italy. Marca, subs.com.f. sign, mark, scar. Margen, subs.com.f margin, bor- der, edge. Maria subs.prop.f. Maria, a wo- man's name. Marcial, adj. martial, warlike. Mario, subs.prop.m. Marius, a Roman consul. Marmol, subs.com.m. marble, (a fine stone.) Masa, subs.com.f. mass, dough,, mortar. Maton, subs.com.f. bully. Matiz, subs.com.f. shade of co- lours. Mayo, subs.prop.m. May, the fifth month of the year. Medio, subs.com.m. means, way, middle, centre. Medio-a, adj. half. Media, subs.com.f stocking. Mejor, adj.comp. better. Menos, adv. less. Menos, prep, except, save. Menor, adj.comp. less, smaller. Merced, subs.com.f. a benefit, favour. Merced, subs.com.f. worship, a- title with which we address persons, See listed. Mero-a, adj. mere, nothing but. Mesa, subs.com.f tablc,boarding. Mesis.s,subs.com.m. Messiah, (the Redeemer.) Metal,sw6s.com.m.metal,strength of voice. Miedo, subs.com.m. fear, appre- hension. Miente, subs.com.m. mind, incli- nation. Mientra, £ a ^- whilst, in the Mientras, > mean time. Miguel, subs.prop.m. Michael, a man's name. Millon, subs.num. a million. Mina, subs.com.f. mine, spring. Mira, subs.com.f view, object. Miron, subs.com.m. observer, gazer. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Mismo-a, adj. the same, equal, self. Mitad, subs.com f the half. Mdda, subs.com.f. fashion, cus- tom. Mddo,subs. com. m. manner, mode, mood. Molde, subs.com.vi. mould, mo- del. Monte, subs, com.m. mount, wood. Montiel, subs.prop.m. Montiel, a place in Spain. Moral, subs.com.m. morality, mulberry-tree. Moral, adj. moral, relating to the duties of life. More, subs.prop.m. More, a very distinguished English chan- cellor. Moro, subs.com. a Moor. M6ro-a, adj. moorish. Mortal, adj. mortal, deadly. Mdzo, subs.com.m. a young man. Moza, subs.comf. a young lady. Mozo-a, adj. young, tender. Mucho, adv. much, very. Mucho-a, adj. much, many, abundant. Mucio, subs.prop.m. Mutius, a distinguished Roman. Muerte, subs.com.m. death, assas- sination. Muerto, subs.com.m. corpse, a dead body. Muerto-a, adj. dead, faded. Muger, subs.com.f. woman, wife. Mundo, subs.com.m. world, man- ners. Muro, subs.com.m. wall,rampart. N. Nada, siibs.com.f. nothing, non- existence. Nada, adv. by no means. Nadie, pron.indef. no one, no- body. Nardo, subs.com.m. spikenard. Nariz, subs.com.f. nose, nostril. Nausea, subs.com.f. nauseous- nr^s, disgust, displeasure. Navio, subs.c0m.7n. vessel, a ship of the line. Necio-a, suhs.com. a fool or stu- pid person. Necio-a,rttfj. foolish, stupid, non- sensical. Negro-a, subs.com.m. a coloured person. Negro-a, adj. black, of a dark colour. Nerdn, subs.prop.m. Nero, a Ro- man tyrant. Nerva, subs.prop.f. Nerva,a place in Sweden. Nervio, subs.com.m. nerve, ar- tery. Nido, subs.com.m. nest, abode, residence. Nieto, subs.com.m. grandson. Nieta,su6s.ro?n./. grandaughter. Nieve, subs.com.f. snow, extreme whiteness. Ningun-a, pron.indef no, no- body, no person. Ninfa, subs.com.f. nymph. Ninez, subs.com.f. childhood. Nino-a, subs.com. child. Noble, subs.com.m. noblemae-. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. O'ra, conj. now, whether, whe* ther it be. O'rden, subs.com.f. order, pre- cept. Origen, subs.com.m. origin., source,. O'ro, swms.i5otw.wii gold, riches, trinket. O tro-a, adj. another, other. Noble, adj. noble, illustrious. Noche, subs.com.f. night, dark- ness. Notnbre, subs.com.m. name, noun. Norma, subs.com.f. square, mo- del. Norte, subs.prop.m. the north wind. Norte, subs.com.m. rule, guide, star. *■ ' Novio, klbs.com.m. bridegroom. Pablo, subs.prop.m. Paul, a man's Novia, subs.com.f bride. name. Nube, subs.com.f. cloud, film, Padre, subs.com.m. father, an- shade. cester, origin. Nuestro-a, pron.poss.o. orn. our, Page, subs.com.m: page, domes- ours. tic. Nu>?YO-a, adj. new, repaired, Paja, subs.com.m. straw, blade. beginning. Papa, subs.com.m. pope, the pon- Nupcial, adj. nuptial, any thing tiff pertaining to marriage. Pared, subs.com.f. wall, rampart. Papel, subs.com.m. paper, figure. Para, prep, for, to, towards. O'bra, subs.com.f. work, labour, Parche, subs.com.m. patch, plas- writing. ter. O'cho, adj. num. eight. Parte, sufc.com f part, share, O'cio, subs.com.m. laziness, in- territory, dispatch. dolence. Paso, subs.com.m. step, business, dio, subs.com.m. hatred, detes- recourse. tation. Pastor, subs.com.m. shepherd^ Oido, subs.com.m. hearing, ear. pastor. Oido, part, heard, listened to. Patio, subs.com.m. yard, court^ From Oir, to hear. pit. Oido-a, part.abso. being heard. Patria, subs.com f. country, place jo, subs.com.m. eye, sight, la- of birth. ther. Paves, subs.com.m. shield. O'la, subs.crm.f. wave, billow. Pavor, subs.com.m. dread, terror. Olor, subs.com.m. smell, odour, Pecho, subs.com.m. breast, cou- hope. rage, bosom. O'pas, swos.prop.m. Opas,a Gothic Pedro, subs.prop.m. Peter, a traitor. man's name. O. S8 WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Pensil, subs.cmn.m. pensile, (a hanging or any other garden.) Pena, subs.com.m. rock. Pera, sitfts.cotn.m. pear, (a fruit.) Pero, prep, but, except, yet. Perro, sw6s.cow.rn. dog, loss. Persia, subs.prop f Persia, an ex- tensive empire of Asia. Pesca, subs.com f. fishing. Peso, subs.com.m. weight, conse- quence, dollar. Peste, subs com.m. plague, pest. Peto, subs.com.m. breast-plate. Piedra, subs.com.f. stone. Pinsel, subs.com.m. peneil. Pison, subs.prop.m. Piso, a cele- brated Koman. Pisto, subs.cjm.m. substance, juice. Placer, su&s. com.m. pleasure, de- light. Planta, subs.com.f. plant, sole, (of the foot.) Plata, subs.com.f. silver, plate, wealth. Playa, subs.com.f. shore, beach. Plaza, subs.com.f. town, place, square. Plazo, subs.com.m. credit, ap- pointed time. Pluma, subs.com.f. pen, feather, writer. Pobre, subs.com.m. poor, men- dicant. Pobre, adj. poor, indigent, insig- nificant. Poco, subs.com.m. a small quan- tity. Poco, adv. little. Poco-a, adj. scanty, little. Poder, subs.com.m power, force, authority. Poesia, subs.com.f. poetry. Poesias, subs.com.f.p. poetical works, pieces of poetry. Poeta, subs.com.m. poet, bard. Polvo, subs.com.m. powder, pow- ders. Pornpa, subs.com.m. pomp, mag- nificence. Porcion, subs.com.f. portion, quantity. Porfia, subs.com.f. obstinacy, vying. Porque, conj. because, on ac- count of Porte, subs.com.m. carriage, pos- tage, conduct, caliber. Pdsta, subs.com.f. mail, post-of- fice. Pdsta, subs.com.m. one who tra- vels post. Pdzo, subs.com.m. well, whirl- pool. Prado, subs.com.m. meadow, prairie. Preeio, subs.com.m. price, va- lue. Premio, subs.c0yn.7n. premium, reward. Prenda, subs.com.m. accomplish- ment, pawn, apiece of furni- ture. Fresa, subs.com.m. capture, prize, dike. Freso, subs.com.m. a prisoner, a person accused. Preso, part, taken, seized. From Tomar. to take. Presto, adv. soon, directlv. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 59 JPretor, sw65.c07n.rn. Praetor, for- merly one of the chief magis- trates of Rome. Priesa, adv. haste, hurry. Primer, adj.num. first, chief, su- perior. Prision, subs.com/. prison, dun- geon, jail. Primor, subs.com.m. nicety, de- licacy. Pronto, adv. soon, immediately. Propio, subs.com.m. express, messenger. Propio-a, adj. peculiar to, own, proper. Prueba, subs.com.f. proof, evi- dence. Pueblo, subs.com.m. tosvn, popu- lation, the people. Puer.te, subs.com m. bridge. Pues'iJ, adj. puerile, childish. Puerta, subs com,/, door, gate. Puerto, swfts.com.m. port, haven, h arbour. Puesto, subs.com.m. place, post office. Puesto, conj. since. Puesto,pur£. placed. From poner, to place. Punt? subs.com.f. point, extre- mity. Punto, subs.com.m. point, end, punctilio. Purga, sit6s.com.7n. purge, medi- cine. Puro-a, adj. pure, unmingled. Q. Queja, subs.com.f. complaint. Quiebra, subs.com.f. failure, breaking. Quieto-a, adj. quiet, tranquil. Quietud, subs.com.f. quietude s tranquility, undisturbed ease. Quince, adj.num. fifteen. R. Ragaz, stt6s.com.77i. bosom, ce»-» tre, boy. Rama, subs.com.f. branch, shoot^ rack. Ramo, subs.com.f. germ, depart- ment, branch. Raro-a, adj. rare, curious. Rasgo, subs.com.m. trait, action, act, dash. Raso-a, adj. plain, bear, open, private. Rastro, subs.com.m. track, sledge, vestige. Rato, subs.com m. while, a short time. Raudo, adj rapid, tremendous. Rayo, subs.coai.m. thunderbolt, ray, beam. Razon, subs.com.m- reason, right. Rebes, subs.com.m. back part, reverse. Recto-a, adj. right, straight, just. Redil, subs.com.m. sheepfold, cover. Region, subs.com.f. region > clime. Regla, subs.com.f. rule, regular tion, ruler. Reino, subs.com.m. kingdom. Reja, subs.com.f. grate, plough" share. Rencdr, subs.com.m. rancour, animosity, Renta subs.com.f. revenue, rent Reojo, subs.com.m. double-eye. 40 WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Resto, subs.collec the rest, re- maining part. Keres, same as Rebss. Rico-a, subs.com. a wealthy per- son. . Rico-a, adj. rich, wealthy. Rigor, subs.com.m. severity, ri- gour. Rienda, subs. com. f. rein, curb, bridle. Rincon, subs.com.m. corner, re- tirement. Risa, subs.com.f. laughter, pleas- ing emotion. Iiito, subs.com.m. rite, tenet. Riza, subs.com.f. desolation, ra- vage. Ropa, subs.com.f. clothes Rocio, subs.com.m. dew, divine inspiration. Rodeo, subs.com.m. turning, winding. R6jo-a, subs.com m a person of a red complexion. R6jo-a, adj. red, ruby. Roma, subs.prop.f. Rome, a fa- mous city in Italy; in ancient times the capital of the Ro- man empire. Ropa, subs.com.f. clothes. Rosal, subs.com.m. rose-bush, a number of rose-busues. Rosi, subs.prop.f. Rosi, an Italian heroine. R6st.ro, subs.com.m. counte- nance, face. Roto, part, broken. From Rom- per, to break. Roto-a, par Labs, being broken, ended. Rubio-a, subs.com.m. a person of a fair complexion, and light hair. Rubio-a, adj. red, redish, ruby. Rudo-a, subs.com. rude, vulgar person. Rudo-a, adj. rude, vulgar, bar- barous. Rueda, subs.com.f. wheel, roll. Ruego, subs.com. m. a prayer, petition, request. Ruido,su/s.com.M. noise, dispute. Ruina, subs.com.f. ruin, destruc- tion. Riimbo, subs.com.m. course, point, way. Rumor, subs.com.m. noise, rn- mour, whispering. S. Saber, subs.com.m. knowbdge, erudition. Sabio-a, adj. erudite, learned, wise. Salud, subs.com f. health, safety. Salve, subs.com.f. the Salve Re- gina. Salve, inter, hail. Sarcho, subs.prop.m. Sancho, a personage in the novel writ- ten by Cervantes, called Don Quixote, or Quijote. Sangre, subs.com.f. blood, fami- ly, incision. Santo-a, subs.com. a Saint. Santo-a, adj. holy, sacred, grate- ful. Sana, subs.com.f. wrath, anger, passion. Sauce, subs.com.m. willow, (a tree.) WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 41 Sazon, subs.com.m. maturity, taste, opportunity, season. Seda, subs.com.f. silk. Seco-a, adj. dry, barren, cross. Segun, prep, according to. Selva, subs.ccm.f. forest, thicket. Senda, subs. com./, path, way. Seno, subs.com.m. bosom, centre. .Sella, subs.com.m. sign, mark, watchword. Seiial, subs.com.m. sign, land- mark, symptom, seat. Seiior, subs.com.m. Lord, God, master, sir. Serio-a, adj. serious, grand, un- couth, undue. Sermon, subs.com.m. sermon, censure, lecture. Sido, part, been. From S£r,tobe. SiSmpre, udv. always, ever, Siete, adj. num. seven. Sigio, subs.com.m. age, century, a long time. Simple, subs.com.m. simple,pure, p.a.n. Sineon, subs.prop.m. Chincon, a town in bpain. Sino, prep, except, only, but. Siquem, subs.prop.m. Sechsm, or Sichem, a city that stood on Mount Ephraim, near Jeru- salem. Sitio, subs.com.m. place, site, siege. Sdbre, prep, on, upon, over, be- sides,, independently of. Solis, subs.prop.m. Soiis, an emi- nent Spanish historian. Sol o, subs com.m. throne. Sdlo-a, adj. alone, bereft. Solo, adv. only, alone. 5 Soma, subs.com.m. Soma, a Greek, eminent (or his generosity. Sdmbra, subs.comf. shade, spi-. rit, shelter, protection. Sombno-a, adj. dark, cloudy . Sdrdo, subs.com.m. deaf, siient person. Sdrdo, adj. deaf, silent, callous. Sueido, subs.com.m. wages, pay, salary. Suela, subs. com. f. sole, leather. Suelo, subs.com.m. floor, ground, soil; Siu'no, subs.com.m. sleep ; dream, vision. Suerte, subs.com.f. fate, chance, lot. Suave, adj. soft, smooth. Suma,-s bs.c m.f. Slim, amount. Suinu, adj.sup.. highi-stj loftiest. Susto, si:b,ca, pron.prr.po. or n. your, yours. Vulgar, subs.eolUe.m, the vulgar. Vulgar, adj. common, vernacu- vulgar. Vulgo, suhs colkc po- pulace, generality of people. Y. Yedra, subs.com.f. ivy. Yelmo, subs.com.m. helmet. ■.nbs.wn.f. herb, grass. z. sttOs.com.j b]e, LESSON III, WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Abajo, adv. under, underneath, below. Abasta* subs.com.m. supply,abun- dance, store. Abeja, subs.com f. a bee. Abierto-a, adj. open, free, sin- cere. Abierto, part, opened. From Jlbrir, to open. Abierto, part.abs. being opened. Abismo, subs.com.m. abyss, hell. Abono, subs.com.m. security,ma- nure, receipt. Abrojo, subs.com.m. bramble, briar, thorn. Abuela,sw&s.com./. grandmother. Abuelo, subs.com.m. grandfather. Abdso, subs.com.m. abuse, slan- der, ill-use. Acaso, subs com m. chance, ca- sualty, adventure, Acaso, adv. perhaps, it may be, by accident. Acento,subs.com.m accent, voice, lamentation. Acero, subs.com.m. steel, sword. Acierto, subscom.m. success, with effect. Activo-a, adj. active, diligent. Acuerdo," subs.com.m. decree, opinion, advice, consent. Aculla, adv. there, in that place. Ademas, prep, besides, inde^- pendently of. Adonis, subs.prop.m. Adonis, a fabulous god. Adorno, subs.com.m. ornament, decoration, furniture. Adriano, subs.prop.m. Adrianus, the loth emperor of Rome, AduJto, subs.com.m. adult. Adverso-a, adj. adverse, afflic- tive, opposite. Afecto, subs.com.m. affection, love, affect, pain. Afecto-a, udj. affectionate, in- clined. Afrenta, subs.com.f. affront, in- sult, dishonour, courage. Ageno-a, pron.indef. foreign, strange, belonging to others. Agrado, subs.com.m. affability, pleasing manners, will. Agravio, subs.com.m. offence, in- sult, injury. Agudo-a, adj acute, sharp-point- ed, dangerous. Agiiero, subs.com.m. augury, prognostication. A'guila, subs.com.f. eagle. Ahora, adv. now, this moment. Airado a, adj. angry, wrathful. Airoso-a, adj. graceful, airy, genteel. Aislado-a, adj. insulated, em- barrassed. \VOHDS OF mum syllables. Aj -fdo-a, adj. disfigured, injured. Albanitis, ,a man's name, frequently I by poets. ide, sui*.cwttim. governor, V ot* a jail or any other place. Alegre, snhs.com.nt a lively, cheerful person. Alegre, adj. cheerful, lively, jrfa, suba.com/. joy. mirth, merriment. • <\...n bs.mm.m. pearis,dew, teeth. W^uo.'X^p on.indij. some, some- body. \13rta, silts com.m. Watch-word. Alerta. inter, be on the watch. yhaja, suos.com/. jewel, orna- mi it. AHadO»a, subs com m. ally, Aliado-a, <":/;. allied, federated, Alianza, suhs.tom.f, alliance, coalition, convention. Alibeg. subs.prop.m. Alibeg, a Moor of great integrity. Aliento, subscomm. breath, spi- rit, smell. Mrredor, suos.com.m. environ, circuit, \lt r za, subs.dom.f highness, title of honour given to persons in lofty stations. Altivo-a, sabs.com a haughty or proud person. Altivo-a, adj. haughty, proud. Alzado-a, adj. elevated, raised, - high. Mo, part, raised, lifted up. \mabie, adj. amiable, lovely. affection ate> !o-a, subs com. lover. Aunt! -a, adj. loved, beloved, esteemed. Amaao.part. loved. From Amar. to love. Amargo-a, adj. bitter, sour. Ambiridn sv.hs.com.m. ambition, honour, cgvetousness. A mrno-a,(u/j. shadow v, romantic. Amida, subs.pnp.f Amida, the name of an idol in J a ran. Amida, sw6s.cb>n m. An person who worships Amida. :. friend. Anngo-a, adj friendly. amicably, Amintns, subs.prop.m. Amintas, a personage in the anecdotes of Corpus. Amisiad subs com.m. friendship, amity. Amparo, zvhs.com.m. protection, favour, refuge, asylum. Anciano-a, subs com. an old, or infirm person. Anciano-a, adj. ancient, old, an- tiquated. Andado, part, gone, walked, marched. From dndar, to walk. Andanza,sn6 , ?.com./. occurrence, event,, fortune. Angustia, stt6s.com/* grief, afflic- tion, anguish. Anibal, sub:.prop.m. Anibal, a great warrior of antiquity. Animal, stibs, com.m. I animal, beast. Animal, adj. beastly, brutish, cruel. A'nimo, sfc6s.com. m> soul, epu» rage, mind. WORDS OF THREK SYLLABLES. 47 Antfguo-a, adj. ancient, anti- quated, old. An tojos,sit&s.ccm.;p.m. spectacles, eye-ilaps. Antonio, subs prop. m. Anthony, a man's name. Anzuelo, subs.com.m. fish-hook, allurement, a keen, sharp person. Apenas, adv. searcely,no.sooner. Aplauso, iti5s.com.rn. applause, approbation. Apolo, ?,ubsprop.m. Apollo, a fa- bulous deity. Apostol, subs.com.m. apostle, missionary. iprecio, subs.com.m. value, ap- praisement, esteem. Apriesa, adv. swiftly, promptly, in haste, in a hurry. . Aprieto. subs.com.m. crowd, pre- dicament, conflict, Apuntar, subs.com.m. the act of aiming, appearing, peeping, Aquello-a, proh.dem neut.o. or n. that, that which. Arado, subs.com.m. a piece of ground ploughed, .a plough. Arado-a, adj. ploughed. Arado, part, ploughed. From drar, to plough. Aragon, subs.prop.m. Arragon, a province of Spain. Arbitrio, subs, comrn* recourse, free-will, mjans. A'rbitro, subs.com m. umpire, arbitrator. A'rbitro-a, adj. despotic, arbi- trary. - Arcangel,sM.fo.com.?n. archangel. Arcano, subs.com.m, secret, ar- cana. Ardiente, adj. hot, boiling, ar- dent, passionate. Arduidad, subs.com.m. difficulty, perplexity. Arena, subs.com.f. sand. Arenga, subs.com.f speech, ora- tion, harangue. Aristio, subs. prop. m. Aristio, a sophist of Athens, and also a . man's name. Armado-a, part.adjec. armed. Armenia, subs.com.f. harmony, Aroma, stubs com./, odour, aro- matic flower, all sorts of gums, or balsams. Arriba, adv. abo?e 3 more than. Arroyo, subs.ccm.m. rivulet, creek, stream. Asalto, subs.com.m. assault, sud- den passion. Asiento, subs.com.m. chair, seat, entry. Asombro, subs.com.m. astonish- ment, dread, amazement. A'spero-a, adj. harsh, severe, rugged. Astucia, suhs.com.m. acuteness., slyness, cunningness. Asturias, subs prop.f.p. Asturias, a principality in the north of Spain. Astuto-a, subs.com. an acute, sly person. Astuto-a, adj. sly, acute, cun- ning, crafty, Asuuto, subs.com.m. affair, busi- ness, transaction. Atencion, subs.com.f. attention., civility. A'tento-a, adj. attentive, polite, A'tico-a, subs.com.m. Attick, Greek, poignant. 48 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Avaro-a, subs.com a miser Audacia, sub.com.f. audacity, boldness, Audicnoia, subs.com.m. audience, chamber or court of oyer and terminer. Augusto, subs prop. m. Augustus Caesar, the second emperor of Rome. Augusto-a, adj. august, great. . Aume.nto, subs.com.m. increase, enlargement, augmentation. Aurora, subs.pron.f. Aurora, a fabulous deity. Aurora, subs comf the dawn. Ausencia, subs.com/. absence, separation. Ausente, subs.com.m. absent, a person separated from some place or thing. Ausente, adj. absent, separated. Ausiliar, subs.com.m. auxiliary, help, aid. Austero-a, adj. austere, rigid, stern. Ayuda, subs.comf. help, assis- tance, aid. Ayuno, subs.com.m. fast, absti- nence. Azote, subs.com.m. whip, lash, scourge, calamity. Azufiv, subs.com.m. brimstone, sulphur. B. Bachiller, subs.com.m. bachelor, (one who has obtained the first degree in a university.) Bachiller, adj. querulous, loqua- cious, babbler. Bageza, subs.comf vileness, baseness. Balsamo, subs.com.m. balm. Banado-a, part adj. btthed, wet. Barbaric, subs com.f. rusticity, incivility, roughness. Barbaro-a, subs.com. a tyrant, a cruel person. Barbaro-a, adj. barbarous,cruel, rash, beastly. Bastante. adv. enough, sufficient. Basano, subs.prop.m. Basania, in the Trevasan, a province of upper Italy. BatalJa, subs.com.f. battle, fight, struggle. Bayeta, subs. com.f. bays. Beatitild, subs.comf. beatitude, a title given to the pope. Beb'no, subs.com.m. hen-bane. Bplico-a, adj vvar'ike, military. Belleza, subs com f. beauty, de- coration. Bendito-a, subs.com. saint, ce- lestial inhabitant. Bendito-a, adj. blessed. BenTgno-a, adj. benign,gracious, mild. Bienhechor-a, subs com. bene- factor, benefactress. Bigotes, subs.com.m p. musta- chioes, ( hair unshaven on the upper lip.) Bizarro-a, subs.com. a gallant person. Bizi'-ro-a, adj. gallant, high- spirited. Blancura, subs.comf. whiteness, a white spot on the eye. Blasfemo-a, subs.com. a blasphe- mous person. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 49 Blasfemo-a, adj. blasphemous. Blasdnes, subs.com.m.p. honour, glory, laurels. Bodega, subs.com f. store-house, wine-vault. Bolsiilo, suhs.ccm.m. purse, pocket Borbotdn, subs.com.m- ebullition. Borgdna, subs.prop.f. Burgundy, a duchy, formerly belonging to France. Borrasea, subs. com/ tempest, storm, danger. Botella, subs. com./, bottle, glass vessel. B6vpdSiMi-bs.com f. vault,eavern. Bracraanes, subs com.p.m. Brac- mar.s, or Brahmen, a supersti- tious and fanatic people in India. Bra mi do, mbs.eofn.m. shout, tempestuous roaring, clash. Brer ■'■ . eom-f. brevity, Brcv: h- viary, a book which contains the service of the church of Rome. Brocado, subs.com.m. brocade. a, adj. embroidered, like brocade Burlad6r,Ju?)s.co})i.m.w3g,jester- a. CabaRero, suhs.com.m, gentle* an. knight. ! iaballo, subs.com.m. horse. Cabello, subs.com.m. hair. Cabeza, subs.com.f head, talents, a parson, a commander, Cabida, subs.com.f. place, know- ledge of a thing. Cadalso, subs.prop,m. Cadalso, an eminent Spanish writer. Cadalso, subs.com.m. scaffold, gibbet. Cadaver, subs.com.m. corpse, a dead body. Cadena, subs.com.f. chain, con- catenation. Caiado, subs.com.m. shepherds hook. C alder on. subs.pr op. m. Calderon, an eminent Spanish drama- tist. Caleza, subs.com.f. carriage, coach. Calidad, subs.com f. quality. term. C%}}a.do-&,part.subUan. a reserv- ed, silent person. Cailado, part, concealed, hush- ed. From Collar, to hush. Camara, sxths.com.f. chamber, room, hall. Camfno, subs.com.m. road, way, path. Oamisa, subs.com.f. shirt, linen. Campaual, subs. v. op.m. Campa- nal, a personage, in Gil Bias. Campina, subs.com.f. neld, cam- paign. Cananea, subs. prop. f. Canaan, or Judea, a country in Asia. Candido-a, adj. candid, frank, ingenuous. Canela, subs.com.f. cinnamon. Caridso-a adj. hoary, frosty. Cansado-a, part.subslau. a tire- some person. Cansado, part: fatigued, tired. From Cmisar, to tire. 50 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Cansancio, subs com m. fatigue, weariness, lassitude. Cantabria, subs prop. f. Canta- bria, or Biscay, a province, of Spain. Cantares, subs.com.m.p. lays, songs. Cantaro, subs.com.m. pitcher. Cantidad, subs.oomf. quantity, sum. Cap^to, subs.prop m Capet, a French warrior. Capitan, subs.com.m captain, commander in chief, ring- leader. Capuilo, subs.com.m. bud, gem, pod. Caracter, subs.com m. character, disposition, letter. Cardenal. subs.com m. cardinal, (an eminent dignitary of the catholic church.) Cardcno-a, adj. dark, purple colour. Cainarin, stibs com.m. cabin, pla^e behind an altar. Careta, svbs.com f. mask, wire cover. Cargador, subs.com.m. freighter, be that loads ay thing. Caridad, subs.com.f. charity, kindness, alms. Carmo, subs com.m fondness, tenderness, love, kindness. Carrera, subs.com.f. course, race, ground, high-road, career. Carreta, subs.com.f. cart, wagon. Casado-a, adj. married, taken up with. Casado, part, married. From Gusar, to marry. Castigo,su6?.cowi.m. punishment, chastisement. Castllla, subs.prop f. Castile, a province of Spain. Castillo, subs.com.rn. castle. Catorce. adj.mim. fourteen. Caudillo, subs com m. ring-lead- er, commander, officer. Caverna, suls.com f cavern,grot- to. Causante, subs com.m. cause, (he who causes,) he who gives a right to another. Cautivo, subs.com.m. captive, slave. Cayado, subs.com.m shepherd's hook, crosier. CeboMa subs.com.f. onion. Cedklo, part, granted, ceded. From Ceder, to grant. Cedul a, subs.com.f ballot, ticket^ card. Cefiro, subs com.m. zephyr, (soft winds.) Ceguera, subs.com.m. blindness, hallucination. Celebro. subs.com m. brain,sense # genius. Celeste, adj. blue, azure, sky- colour. Celestial, adj. celestial, heavenly. Cenado, part, supped. From Cenar, to sup. Ceniza.' subs comf. ashes, dust. Ceiiido-a, adj. circumscribed, surrounded, limited, girdled. Cemdo, part, surrounded, en- vironed. From Ceinr, to sur- round. Genklor, subs com.m. belt, girdle. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 51 Cercano, prep, near, approach- ing. Cerrado, adj. shut, concealed. Cerrado, part, shut, concealed. From Cerrai , to shut, Cervato, subs.com.m. a little or young deer. Cervantes, subs prop.m. Cervan- tes, the most renowned Spa- nish novelist, and a very emi- nent dramatist. Chalupa,sufc< .com.f. cutter,sloop. Chanciller, sxkb.comm. chancel- lor. Chinchilla, subsprop rn Chin- chilla, a fictitious character, in Gil Bias, by father Isla. Chi; .gala,si/&s. com rn. Chingalee, a native if India. * Chistoso, subs.com. a witty, jo- vial person. Chistoso-a, adj. witty, graceful, joking. Ciberia, subsprop.f Siberia, a country in Asia. Cicatrix, subs. com. f. cicatrix, scar. Ciceron, subs.prop.m. Cicero, a very great Roman orator. Cincuenta, adj num. fifty. Cipreses, subs com m p. a num- ber of cypress trees. Cirena, subs.com f. syren, a fa- bulous fish. Cirene, subsprop.f. Cyrene, a part of Lybia, in Africa, near Egypt. Citad6r,su6s.com.m.citer,quoter. Claridad, subs.com.f. clearness, light, perspicuity. Clemencia, subs.com.f. clemen- cy, mercy. Clemente, subs.com.m. merciful, clement. Codicia, subs.comf. covetous- ness, cupidity, greediness. Cogida, subs.comf. asylum, pro- tection, roof. Colector, subs.com m. collector, tax-gaiherer. Colera, subs com f. anger,choler, bile. Colina, subs.ccmf. hill, emi- nence. Colmillo, subs.com.m. grinder, (back tooth,) tusk. Celo | io, subs.edm.rn. coloquy,, conversa n. Columna, subs.com.m. column, support, prop. Collides, subs.com.m.p. hills, and valleys. Comedia, subs.com.f. play, co- medy. Comercio, subs.com.m. com- merce, trade, intercourse C6inico-a,su&s.eo?n. player,actor. C6mico-a, adj. comic. Comido, part, dined, eaten. From Comer, to eat. Comision, subs.e0m.f-. commis- sion, trust, committee. Compania, subs.com.f. company, partnership. Gompasien, subs.comf. compas- sion, commiseration, pity. Complice, subs.com.m. accom- plice, associate, person con- cerned. Comprado, part, bought, betray- ed. From Comprar, to buy. 52 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Compuesto-a, adj. composed, written. Compuesto, part, composed, written. From Commoner, to write. Cdncavo, sub: .com.m. concavity. -Concavo-a, udj. concave, hollow. Concepto, mbs.com.m,. concep- tion, thought, idea. Conciencia, subs.com.f. consci- ence. ConciertOj subs.com.m. concert, agreement, arrangement. Concordia, svbs.com.f. concord, tranquility, peace. Coneurso,sut'S.com.?».ccncourse, club, party. Concusidn, svbs.com.f. concus- sion, abuse of power. Condicidn, suhs.com.f. condi- tion, situation, state. Conecsion, svbs.com.f. connex- ion, relation, regard. Confesor, subs.com,m. confessor, owner. Condado-a, part.subslan. a pre- sumptuous, confident person. Confiado-a, udj, presumptuous, confide,:'. Con£ado, part, relied, trusted. From Conj-ar, to rely on. Conftanza,si<&s.co.'n./.confidence. Ccnfiicto, svbs.ccm.m. conflict, hazard, perilous situation. Confuso-a, adj. confused, con- founded, perplexed. Congoja, tubecomf. anguish, dismay, anxiety of mind. Conjiiro, subs.com.m. conjurer, he that uses charms or iecan- tations. Conmigo, prep, and pron. with me. Conquista, subs.com.f. conquest, subjugation. Consejo, subs.com.m. advice, couiisel. Consigo, prep, and pron. with you, with him. Consorfe, subs.com.m. consort, partner, h.isband, or wife. Constancia, subs.com.f. constan- cy, immutability. Constante, s.bs. com.m. constant, firm, unalterable person. Constante, u.j. constant, steady. Construcoon, subs.com.f. con- struction, sense. Consuelo, suls.com.m. consola- tion, relief, comfort. Consulta, subs.com.f. consulta- tion, advice. Contagio, subs.com.m. contagion, corruption. Contcnto, subs.com.m. content- ment, joy. Contento-a, adj. moderate, tem- perate, satisfied. Coijiigo, prep, and pron. with thee. Contiguo-a, adj. contiguous, ad- joining. Continuo-a. adj. continual, con- tinuous. Contdri o, subs.com.m. environ, outline. Contrario-a, sw6s.com. opponent, enemy. Contrario-a, adj. contrary, op- posed. Con vile, subs.c0m.7n. invitation, feast. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 53 Corage, sitfts.com.m. valour, cou- rage, fortitude. Corazon, subs.com.m. heart, spi- rit, will j soul. Cordoves, subs.com.m. Cordovi- an, a' native of Cordova, a city in Spain. Corinto, subs.prop.m. Corinth, an ancient city in Greece. Corinto-a, adj. Corinthian, an order of architecture. Cornelio, subs.prop.m. Cornelius, a man's name. Corona, subs.com.f crown, end, summit. Corrillo, subs com.m. company, (an assemblage of persons,) party, assembly, circle. Cortesfa, subspropf. curtesy, bow, compliment, gift. Corteza, subs.com-f. rind, peal, cover, bark. Cosecha, subs.com.f. crops, har- vest, collection. Costumbre, subs.com.m. custom, manners, habit. Cotejo, subs.com.m. comparison, parallel. Covarde, subs.com. a coward, a pusillanimous person. Covarde, adj coward,cowardly, pusillanimous. Coyuuda, subs.com.f. yoke, rope, matrimonial union, tie. Crecido-a, adj. grown, increas- 1 ed, large. Crecido-a, part, grown. From Crecer, to grow. Credito, subs.com.m. credit, re- putation, belief, note, esteem. Credulo, subs.com.m. a credu- lous person, simpleton. Credulo, adj credulous. Creencia, subs.com.f. belief, faith. Crianza, subs.com f manners, breeding. Criatura, subs.com.f. creature, fetus. Criminal, subs.com.m. criminal, culprit. Criminal, adj. criminal. Cristiano, subs.com.m. christian. Cristiano-a, adj. christian. Cristobal, subs.prop.m, Christo- pher, a man's name. Critiio, subs.prop.m. Critilus, a fictitious character in the works of Gracian. Crueldad, subs.com.f cruelty. Cualquiera, pron.indef any one, any body. Cuarenta, adj.num. forty. Cubierta, subs.com.f. cover, pre- tence, integument. Cuidado, subs.com.m. care, anx- iety. Culpable, subs.com.m. culpable, blameable. Cumplido-a, adj. polished, civil, gifted. Cumplido, part fulfilled. Fiym Cumplir, to fulfil. Cupido, subs.prop.m. Cupid, a fabulous deity. Curado-a, adj. cured, healed. Curado, part cured. From Cw° rar, to cure. Curioso-a, suhs.com. a curious, strange person. 34 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABBES. Curioso, adj. curious, strange, neat, careful. D. Dadiva, subs.com.f. gift, grant, boon. Debajo, prep, under, below. Debido-a, adj. due, owed. Debido, part. owed. From De- ber, to owe. Decaido-a, adj. decayed, fallen. Decaido, part, decayed, fallen. From Decaer, to decay. Decencia, subs.com.f. decency, honesty, modesty. Decente, adj. decent, modest, honest. Decinio-a, adj.num. tenth. Decision, subs.com.f. decision, resolution, disposition. Defecto, subs.com.m. defect, er- ror, mistake. Defensa, subs.com.f. defence, shelter. Defensor, subs.com.m. defender, protector, lawyer, Dejado-a, part.substan. a forget- ful, indolent, or sloven per- son. Dejado, part, left, yielded, omit- ted. From Dejar, to leave. D%lante, adv. before, the fore- part. Deleite, subs.com.m. delight, pleasure. Delicia, subs.com.f. delight, com- fort, satisfaction. Delirio, subs.com.m. delirium, rant, idle talk. Delito, subs.com m. crime, trans- gression, offence. Derecho, subs.com.m right, law duty. Derecho, adj. straight, just, law- ful. Derredor, subs.com.m. circuit, circumference. Desaire, subs.com.m. a slight, disdain, scorn. Descanso, subs.com.m. repose, relaxation, rest, tranquility. Desdicha, subs com f misfor- tune, unhappiness. Desdoro, svbs.com m. dishonour, treason, blemish. Deseado-a, adj. desired, wished, longed for. Deseado, part, desired. From Desear, to desire. Deseoso-a, adj. desirous, anxi- ous, solicitous. Deseoso-a, part.abso. being anx- ious, solicitous. Desgracia, subs.com.f. misfor- tune, infelicity, adversity. Desk'rto, subs.com.m. desert, wilderness. Designio, subs.com.m. design, in- tention, sinister scheme. Desnudo, adj. naked, bare, un- covered. Desdrden, subs.com.m. disorder, disturbance, confusion. Despierto-a, adj. awake, vigi- lant, brisk. Despierto, part, awake. From Dcspertar, to awaken. Despojo, subs.com.m. spoil, spo- liation. Desprecio,st/6s.cowi.m. contempt, scorn, disregard. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 55 Destino, subs.com.m. destiny, doom, fate, lot, destination. Destreza, subs. com/, dexterity, address, skiiJ. Destruccion, subs.cdm-f. destruc- tion, ruin, devastation. Desvano, subs.com.m delirium, extravagant speeeh, non- sense. Desveio, stcbs.com m. exertion, attention, effort, privation of sleep. Diamante, tubs.com m. diamond, a precious gem, something extraordinarily brilliant. Dichoso-a, adj. happy, felicitous, fortunate, prosperous. Dictado-a, adj. dictated, actu- ated; commanded. Dictado, part, dictated, ordered. From Dlctar, to dictate. Diestro-a, adj. dextrous, saga- cious, right, not left. Difunto-a, subs.com. defunct, deceased, late person. Difunto, adj. deceased. Dignado, part, deigned, been pleased. From Dignar, to deign. Dignidad, subs.com.m. dignity, advancement, preferment. Dilacidn, subs. com./, delay, pro- crastination, dilation. Dinero, subs.com.m. money, wealth. Diogenes, subs.prop.m. Diogenes, a cynick-of antiquity. D\otiic\o,siibs.prop m. Dionysius, a renowned Roman general. Director, subs.com.m. director, president, confessor, ruler. Discordia, subs.com.f. discord, opposition. Discreto-a, adj. discreet, judi- cious, prudent, sharp. Discdrso, subsccm.m discourse, reason, the faculty of speech. Disf6rme,af?j.disfigured, deform- ed, huge. Distante, p^.-dtstant, remote. Distraido a, adj. distracted, in- attentive, absent. Diversion, subs.com f diversion, amusement. Diviuo-a, adj. divine, celestial, supremely good. Division, sub.i.ccm.f. division, diversity, hyphen. Dobieces, subs comfp. dissimu- lation, craftiness, malice. Doctnna, subs. com./, doctrine, science. Doliente subs.com.m. sick per- son, patient. Donaire, subs.com.m. grace, ele- gance, witty saying. Doncella, subs.com.f. young lady, virgin, damsel, maid. Dorado-a, adj. gilt, golden. Dotado-a, adj. gifted, endowed, settled upon. Ducado, subs.com.m. ducat, a coin. Dulzura, subs.com.f. sweet, sweetness, softness, mildness. Duracidn, subs.com.f. duration, continuance. Dureza, subs.com.f. hardness, obstinacy, tumour, roughness. 56 WORDS OF THREE S\LLABLES. E. Echado-a, part.adjec. thrown, cast, imputed. Echado, part, thrown, cast. From Echar, to throw. Ecsamen, subs.com.m. examina- tion, trial, investigation. £csacto-a, subs.com.m. exact, punctual, assiduou . E'esito, subs.com.m. issue, suc- cess, end. Efecto, subs.com.m. effect, pur- pose, goods. Eficaz, adj. efficacious, active, powerful. Egemplo, subs.com.m. example, model, precedent. E'gloga, subs. com. f. eclogue, a pastoral dialogue. Elisio, subs prop m Elisio, a character in ihe novels of Cervantes, and a man's name. Embargo, subs.com.m. embargo, sequestration, seizure. Empeno, subs.com.m. contract, boldness, great desire, influ- ential intercessor. Empero, conj but, yet, however. Empleado, subs.com.m. officer, authority, person in public office. Empresa, subs. com./, undertak- ing, attempt. Enano-a, subs.com. dwarf, (a person of extreme diminu- tive stature.) Encienso, subs.ccm.m. incense, flattery. Encina, subs.com.f. oak. Encuentro, sit5s.com.rn. meeting (the act of encountering any one,) knock. Enfermo-a, subs.com. sick per- son, patient Engailo, subs.ccm.m. deceit, im- position. Enigma, subs.com f. enigma, (a riddle,) a question put in un- intelligible language. Enjambre, subs.collecf. swarm, crowd. Enjuto-a, part.adjec. dried up, dry. Enojo, subs.com.m. irritation, offence, fretfulness. Entero-a, adj. entire, whole, complete. Entonces, adv. then, at that time. Entrada, subs.com.f. entrance, entry, admission. Entranas, subs.com.f. p. bowels, intestines. Enviado-a, subs.com. envoy. En viado, part, sent, transmitted. From Enviar, to send. Envidia, subs.com.f. envy, emu- lation, jealousy. Envite, subs com. m. invitation. Erario, subs.com.m. exchequer, royai coffers. Escamas, sw&s.com./.;). scales, (of a fish.) Escarcha, subs.com.f. a frost. Escaso-a, adj. scarce, limited, scanty. Escena, subs.comf. scene, stage, vicissitude. Escipidn, subs.prop.m. Scipio, a great general of antiquity. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 57 Esclavo-a, subs.com. a s 7 ave, captive. Esclavo-a, adj. slave, captive. Escluido-a, adj. excluded, de- barred. Escluido, part, excluded. From Escluir, to exclude. Escrito, subs.com.m. writing, composition. Escnto-a, adj. written, compos- ed. Escritor, subs.com.m. writer, au- thor. Escuela, subs.com.f school, in- struction, system, university. Escursion, subs.com f. excursion. Esencia, subs.com.f. essence, ex- istence, quintessence. Esfuerzo, subs.com.m. effort, courage, spirit, confidence. Espacio, subs.com.m. space, pe- riod, interval. Espada, subs.com.f. sword, steel. Espaida, subs.com m. shoulder. Espaldas, subs.comfp. back. Espanto, subs.com.m- dread, amazement, fright, conster- nation. Espana, subs.propf. Spain, a country in Europe. Espanol, subs.com.m. the Spanish language, a Spaniard. Espanol, adj. Spanish, (relating to Spain, or to the Spaniards.) Especial, adj. special, particular. Especie, subs.comf. kind, spe- cies. Esp?jo,su6s.com.m.looking-glass, mirror, model. Espeso-a, adj. thick, condensed, close 6* Espina, subs.com.f. brier, thorn., Espino, subs.com.m. thorn, buck- thorn. Esplendor, subs.com.m. splen- dour,magnificence, grandeur. Esposa, subs.com.f. spouse, wife. Espdso, sw6s.com.rn. spouse, hus- band. Espresion, subs.com.f. expres- sion, word. Espreso, subs.com.m. messenger, express. Espreso-a, adj. expressed, not understood, clear, manifest. Espuma, subs.comf. froth, foam. Estaca, subs.com.f. stake, stick, cudgel. Estado, subs.com.m. state, situa- tion, rank, commonwealth. Estanque, subs.com.m. pond, mo- nopoly, (house where mono- polized goods are sold,) cus- tom-house. Estatua, subs.com.f. statue, a stu- pid person. Estension, subs.com.m. exten- sion, expatiatipn. Esteril, adj. barren, unfruitful. Esterior, subs.com m exterior^ outward appearance. Esterior, adj. exterior, external. Estflo, subs.com.m style, diction, manner, mode. Estinoion, subs.com.m. extinc- tion, destruction. Estopa, subs.com.f. tow, oakum, coarse cloth. Estrada, subs.vrop.f. Estrada, a Spanish heroine. EstraiIo-a ; sw6s.com. a foreigner^ 58 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Estrano, adj. foreign, strange, curious. Estrecho-a, subs.com.vi. strait, (a narrow passage,) danger. Estrecho-a, adj. narrow, inti- mate, familiar, indigent. Estremo, subs com.m. extreme, highest degree. Estudio, suls.com.m. study, cal- culation, application. Eterno, subs.prop.m. the eternal God. Eterno-a, adj. eternal, durable, endless. Europa, subs.prop.f. Europe, one of the four parts into which the world is divided. F. Facultad, subs.com.f. faculty, power, force, resistance. Fajardo, subs.prop.m. Fajardo, the second surname of an eminent Spanish writer. Falsedad, subs.com.f. falsehood, deceit. Familia, subs.com.f. family, house. Famoso-a, adj. famous, renown- ed, noted. Fantasia, subs.com.f. fancy, ima- gination, vanity. Fantasma, subs.com.f. phantom, speetre, a presumptuous per- son. Fatiga, subs.com.f. fatigue, wea- riness, toil. Fecundo-a, adj. fertile, fecund, prolific. Felice, adj. happy, successful, felicitous. Felipe, subs prop. m. Philip, a man's name. Fenicio, subs.co^n.m. Phenician, a native of Phenice, a pro- vince in Syria. Fernando, subs.prop.m. Ferdi- nand, a man's name. Ferviente, adj. fervent, ardent, burning. Festivo-a, adj. festive, gay, mer- ry, lively. Finitn-a, adj. finite, terminable, bounded. Firmado-a, adj. signed, sub- scribed. Flamenco-a,su&s com a Flemish, or native of Flanders. Flamenco-a, adj. Flemish. Flaminia, adj. Flaminia, the name of an avenue at Rome." Flecsible, adj. flexible, docile. Flogedad, subs.com.m. weakness, foible, laziness. Florencia, subs.prop.f. Florence. a town in Italy. Formado-a, adj. formed,fashion- ed, completed, accustomed. Fortuna, subs.com.f fortune, suc- cess. Forzado-a, adj. forced, obliged, ravished. Fragmento, stt6s.cwn.rn. frag- ment, vestige, sign. Fragdso-a, adj. rough, uneven, odorous. Francesa, subs.com f a French lady. .Francisco, subs.prop.m. Francis, a man's name. Frescura, subs.com.f. coolness, freshness, amenity. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 59 Frontera, svhs.com f frontier, confine. Fruncido-a, adj. frizzled, corru- gated, or wrinkled. Fulgente, adj. refulgent, radi- ant, brilliant. Fundado-a, adj. grounded, foun- ded. Furidso-a, subs.com. a furious, violent, or frantick person. Futuro, subs.com.m. the future, future tense. G. Galana, subs.com.f. fine, well dressed, woman, or swain. Galatea, subs.propf. Galathea, a woman's name; it is also fre- quently used for the name of fictitious characters in novels. Galera, subs.com.f. galleys, peni- tentiary. Gallardo-a, adj. gallant, brave, famous. Gallina, subs.com.f. chicken, coward. Ganado-a, adj. gained, brought over, conquered. Ganado, part, gained, won. From Ganar, to gain. Ganados, subs.com.m p. sheep, cattle. Gaiidte, subs.com.m. wind-pipe, throat, glottis. Garganta, subs.com.f. gullet, throat, defile. Gastillo, sw6s.com.rn a small ex- pense, a dim of g-asfo, expense. Gaudeamus, subs.com.m. feast, entertainment. General, subs.com.m. general, chief, commander. Generos, subs.com.m.p. goods, effects, merchandize. Genova, subs prop. f Genoa, a city in Italy, and the capital of a Sardinian state, distin- guished by the same appella- tion of Genoa. Geograffa,sw6s.c0m./. geography, (the science which treats of the terraqueous globe.) Gerona, subs.prop.f. Gerona, a town of the province ef Cata- lonia, in Spain. Gigante, subs.com.m. giant, (an uncommonly large person,) an individual of extraordina- ry talents. Gigante, adj. gigantic. Gitano-a, subs.com. gipsey, (a vagabond pretending to fore- tell future events,) a cunning person. Gloricta, subs.com.f. summer- house, bower. Gobierno, subs.com.m. govern- ment, established state of le- gal authority. Goioso-a, subs.com. a gluttonous person, or epicure. Gdtico-a, adj. gothic, illustrious, noble. Gozado, part, enjoyed, rejoiced. From Gozar, to enjoy. Gozado-a, part.abso. being en* joyed. Gozoso, adj. joyful, cheerful, content. 60 WORDS OF THKE" SYLLABLES, Gracioso-a, subs.ccm. merry andrew, harlequin, actor who plays the comic parts. Gracio ; o-a, adj. graceful, ac- complished, facetious, bene- volent. Granada, subs -prop/. Granada, a city of Spain. Granada, subs.comf hand-gra- nade, (a small ball filled with powder.) pomegranate, (a fruit. Grandoza, subs.ccmf. greatness, grandeur, preeminence. Granero, sub'.c&m.m. granary, fruitful country. Gratitud, subs.comf. gratitude, thankfulness. Gravedad, subs.comf. gravity, seriousness, dignity, pride. Gregueria, subs.comf confused noise, outcries, bustle. G'osero-a, adj. rough, uncour- teous, coarse, rude, unpolish- ed. Guardado, part, kept, guarded, protected. From Guardar, to keep. G'-iardado-a, part abso. being kept, guarded, protected. Guard ia, subs.ccmf. guard, watch. Guarnacha, subs.propf Guarna- cha, a personage in the works of Cervantes. In this charac- ter he has relation to the pe- culiar qualities which charac- terize the persons where Gu- arnacha was born. Guarnicion, subs.coin.f. garrison, ornament, flounce, trimming. Guirhalda, subs.comf. wreath. laurel, myrtle. H. Habido, part. had. From Haber. to have. Habido-a, part.adjec. had, pos- sessed. ITibilO;.si(6s com m. custom, man- ner, habit, dress, costume. Hablado-a,»art..5u&sfrm. speaker. Hab'ado, part, spoken, said. From Hablar, to speak. Hablador,sii6s.-com.babbler,talk- er, speaker. Hacienda, subs.tomf. state, for- tune, lands, real estate. Hallado, part, found, met. From Hollar, to find. Harmonia, subs.comf. harmony, concord. Hazaiia, subs.comf. exploit, achievement. Helado-a, adj. frozen, congealed. Henrique, subs.prop.m. Henry, a man's name. Heredad, subs.ccmf property, heritage, country house. Herida, subs.ccmf. wound, sore, severe blow. Hermana, subs.comf. sister. Hermano, subsxom.m. brother. Hermoso-a, adj beautiful, hand- some. Heroico-a. adj heroic, heroical. Hidalgo, subs comm. nobleman. Hijuelo-a. subs.ccm. young one, a young child, dim. of Hijo, child, or son. Hilaza, subs.comf. yarn, thread, coarse stuff. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. ei Histori'a, subs.com.f. history, story, narration. Hojoso-a, adj. leafy, covered with leaves. Honesto-a, adj. honest, honour- able, pure, virtuous. Honradez, subs.com.f honesty, probity, honour. Honrado-a, adj. honourable, honest, exact. Honrado, part, honoured, dis- tinguished. From Honrar, to honour. Horacio, subs.prop.m. Horace, a great writer of antiquity. Hostena, subs. com.f. inn, tavern. Huesped, subs.com.m. tavern- keeper, host. Huespeda, subs.com.f land-lady, (female tavern-keeper.) Humano-a, adj. human, rational, humane. Humildad, subs, com.f. humility, meekness, mildness. Hundido, part, sunk, destroyed. From Hundir, to sink. Hundido-a,pari.a&so. being sunk. Idioma, subs.com.f. language, tongue, idiom. Idiota, subs.com.m. idiot, (a per- son whose mental qualities are inert.) I'dolo, subs.com.m. idol, (an image adored as God,) object of love, t>r esteem. Iglesia, subs.com.f. church, tem- ple, chapel. Igualdad, subs.com.f. equality, similitude, uniformity. Ilusion, subs.com.f. illusion, fan- ciful show. Iluso-a, adj. deluded, deceived, ridiculed. Ilustre, adj. illustrious, magni- ficent, noble. Imagen, subs.comf. image, pic- ture, representation, descrip- tion. Imperio, subs.com.m. empire, command. Impetu, subs.com.m. impetus, im- petuosity, violence. Impresion, subs com f. impres- sion, mark, image. Impune, adj unpunished, with- out punishment. Incapaz, subs.com.m. incapable, powerless, wanting judgment, understanding, &c. Incendio, subs.com.m. conflagra- tion, fire, incendiary. Increibie, adj. incredible, not to be credited. Indicio, subs.com.m. indication, mark, token. Indign<;-a, adj. unworthy, unde- serving, unsuitable, vile. Industria, subs.com.f. industry, assiduity. Infausto-a, adj. unfortunate, un- happy, unlucky. Infeliz, adj. unhappy, unfortun- ate, inert. Infernal, adj. infernal, hellish, prejudicial. Infimto-a, adj. infinite, unlimit- ed, immense. Informe, subs.com.m. informa- tion, instructions, knowledge. 62 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Ingenio, subs.com.m. a genius, a man possessed of talents. Ingenio, subs.com.m. genius, ta- lents, wit, engine, plantation. Ingenuo-a, adj. ingenuous, open, candid. Ingrato-a, subs.com. an ungrate- ful person. Ingrato-a, adj. ungrateful, un- pleasing, harsh. Injuria, subs.comf injury, af- front, detriment. Inrnenso-a, adj. immense, un- bounded. Inmoble, adj. motionless, un- moveable,unshaken, constant. Inmovil, adj immoveable, mo- tionless. Inquieto-a, adj. restless, turbu- lent, clamorous, solicitous. Inquietud, subs. com /.inquietude, restlessness. Insigne, adj. illustrious, eminent, great, remarkable. Insignia, subs.ccm.f. a badge, in- signia. Instancia, subs.com.f. instance, urgency, prosecution. Instante, subs.com.m. instant, a short while. Instinto, subs.com.m. instinct, encouragement, impulse, in- stigation. Instruccion, subs.ccm.f. instruc- tion, tuition, precepts, infor- mation. Instructor, subs.com.m. instruc- tor, teacher, professor. Intencion, subs.com.f. intention, design, purpose. Intento, subs.com.m. intent, de- sign, purpose. Interes, subs.com.m. interest, gain, usury. Interin, adv. meanwhile, whilst. Interior, subs.com.m. interior, inside. Interior, adj. internal, inward. I'ntimo-a, adj. intiinate,familiar, internal. lnlvigz, subs.com.f. intrigue, ar- tifice. Invasion, subs.com.f. invasion, attack. Invencion, subs.ccm.f. invention, contrivance, discovery. Invierno, subs.com.m winter. Inutil, adj. useless, unprofitable. Irrision, subs.com.f. imssicn,(the act of laughing at another.) Isabel, subs.propf. Elizabeth, a woman's name. Isaias, sabs.prop.m. Isaiah, a pro- phet. Italia, subs.propf. Italy, a couo- try in Europe. J. Jornada, subs.com.f. journey, travel, road, act, (of a play.) Jubilo, subs.com.m. jubilee, joy. merriment. Juguete, subs.com.m. toy, trinket, gewgaw. Jumento, subs.com.m. ass, beast, .stupid person. Juntado, part, united, assembled, joined, met. From Juntar, to join. Juntado-a, part.abso. being sK- sembled. &o. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 6, Justioia, subs.com.f. justice, pu- nishment, reason, equity. Juventud, subs.com.f. youth, youthfulness. L. Labrador, subs.com m. labourer, farmer, rustic, peasant. Labrador, adj. working, labo- rious. Ladrillo, subs.com m. brick, tile. Lagrima, subs.com f. tear, drop. Lampazo, subs.com.m. burdock, (a plant.) Languidez, su6s.com/. weariness, debility, melancholy. Lascivo-a, subs.com. a libidinous, or lascivious person. Lascivo-a, adj. libidinous, lasci- vious, luxurious. Laureles, subs.com.p.m honours. Lechuzo, snbs.com. owl. Lenguage, subs c mf. language, tongue, diction. Leonardo, subs.prop.m. Leonar- do, a man's name. Leonera, nihs.com f. lion cage. Levante, subs.prop.m. Levant, coast of the Mediterranean, east of Italy. Levante, subs .prop m. east, east wind. Liberal, adj. liberal, generous, open. Libertad, sub-.com f liberty, freedom, privilege, permis- sion. Licencia, subs.comf. license,per- missioa, teave. Ligero-a, adj. light, thin, swift, inconstant. Limite, subs.com.f. limit, boun- dary, confine. Limosna, subs.com.f. charity, alms. Limpieza,su6s.com./. cleanliness, chastity, integrity. Liquido-a, adj. liquid, fluid, clear, evident. Lirico-a, adj. lyric, (pertaining to odes, and songs.) Lisonja, subs.com f. flattery, adu- lation. Liviano-a, adj. libidinous, un- chaste, light. Locura, subs.com.f. folly, absur- dity, madness. Logrado, part, obtained, attain- ed, acquired. From Lograr, to obtain. Logrado-a, part.abso. being ob* tained. Longura, subs.com.f. length, a long period. Lorrena, subs.propf. Lorrain, an extensive country in the north east of France. Lozania, subs.com.f. luxuriance, exuberance, elegance, valour. Lucero, sub-.com.m. raorning- star, guide idol, lover. Luculo, subs.prop.m. LucuIIus, an ancient; distinguished for his oratorical, philosophic, and mlitary talents. Lujuria, subs.com.f. luxury, ex- cess, impurity. LL. L^agido-a, adj. wounded, hurt* j.. ired, having s<»res. Lldgado, part, wounded, hurt. 64 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Llamada, subs.com f. call, note, treaty, signal. Llaneza, subs.com.f. simplicity, familiarity, plainness. Llanura, subs.com.f. evenness, equality. Llegado, part, arrived, reached. From Llcgar, to arrive. Llegado-a, parl.cbso. being ar- rived, having reached. Llevado, part, carried, brought, taken. From Llcvar, to carry. Llevado-a, part.abso. carried away, biassed. M. Macsima, subs.comf maxim, apothegm. Macsitne, adv. chiefly, princi- pally. Maesimo-a, adj.svper. chief, greatest, principal. Madurez, subs.com.f. maturity, wisdom, prudence. Magestad, subs.com.f majesty, grandeur, sovereignty. MahomHtjubs.prop.m. Mahomet, founder of the religion follow- ed by the an'Si-'elmen. Malieia, subs.comf. malice, per- Verseness, artifice, dissimula- tion. Manantial, subs.com.m source, origin, principle. Mandado, part, commanded, or- dered. From Mandar, to com- mand. Mandato, stibs.com.m. command, order, injunciion, trust. Mandrache, subs.com.m. haunt, Jhut.house of corruption, cave. Man.era, subs.com.f. manncr,cu»- tom, mode. Manjares, subs.com.m.p. viands. dainties. Manzana, subs.com f. apple,pom- mel. Maiiana, adv. to-morrow. Maquina, subs.com.f. machine, engine, crowd. Marcado,pa/f. marked,branded, noted. From Alarcar, to mark. Marcelo, subs.prop.m. Marcellus, a famous Roman general. Mariana, subs.jyrop.m. Mariana, an eminent Spanish historian. Marido, subs.com.m. husband, spouse, consort. Marino, subs.com.m. a seaman, mariner. Marlno-a, adj. marine, naval. Marisca;, subs.com.m. martial., farrier, blacksmith. Marquesa, subs.com.f. marchio- ness. Martires, subs.com.m.p. all the martyrs. Martirio, subs.com.m. martyr- dom, tortures, hardships. Marulla, subs.prop.f. Marulla, a great Turkish heroine. Materia, subs.com.f. matter, ma- terials, subject, occasion. Material ,subs.com.m. ingredient, material, importance. Materias, adj material, (not spi- ritual,) important, ungenteel. Mecido-a, adj. stirred, agitated, shaken. Mecido, part, stirred, agitated. From Mecer, to shake. Medico, subs.com.m. physician. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES, 65 §!('. Medida, subs.com.f. measure, mensuration, height, propor- tion, moderation. Mediodia, subs.com.m. noon,mid- day, south wind. Medrdso-a, adj. fearful, terri- ble, horrid. Melendez, subs.prop.m. Melen- dez, a very eminent Spanish poet. Memoria, subs.com.f. memory, reminiscence, glory, record, monument. Memorial, subs.com.m. memori- al, petition, memorandum book. Mendigo, subs.com.m. beggar, mendicant. Mendlgo-a,«^.mendicant,venal ? mercenary. Menester, subs.com.m. necessity, want, employment, sufficien- cy- Menguado, subs.com. miserable wretch. Menguado-a, adj. diminished, impaired, pusillanimous. Menudo-a, adj. small, worthless, vulgar. Mentira, subs.com.f. falsehood, lie, error. Mercader, subs.com.m. a trader, shop-keeper, dealer. MeritOjStt&s.com.m. merit,desert. Metido-a, part.abso. being put, included, induced, strained. From Meter, to put. Milagro, subs.com.m. miracle, prodigy, wonder. Militar, adj. military, warlike. 7 Militar, subs.com.m. soldier ,war- - rior. Mineral, adj. mineral, relating to any body excavated from, or contained in, the earth. Mineral, subs.com.m, mineral. Minimo-a, adj. super, least, small- est. PVlinistro-a, subs.com. minister, officer. Ministro, subs.com.m. magis- trate. Mirlado-a, adj. affected, conse- quential. Miseria, subs.com.f. misery, ca- lamity, covetousness. Misero-a, adj. miserable,wretch, distracted, poor, indigent. Misterio, subs.com.m. mystery, machination, artifice. Modelo, subs.com.m. model, ex- ample, copy, pattern. Moderno-a, adj. modern, recent, late. Modernos, subs.com.m.p. the mo- derns. Modesto-a, adj. modest, unas- suming, pure, chaste. Modestia, subs.com.f. modesty, decency. Mofado, part, scorned, scoffed. Mofador, subs.com.m. scoffer, scorner. Mohatra, subs.com.m. usurer, im- postor. Molestia,sit&s.com./. molestation, injury, trouble. Molientes, adj. grinding. Molina, subs.prop.m. Molina, a personage in Isla's Gil Bias. 66 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Momento, subs.com.m. moment, consequence, importance. Monaica, subs.com.m. monarch. Monarquiia, subs.com.f. monar- chy, kingdom. Moneda, subs.com.f. money,coin. Montana, svbs.com f. mountain, rock. Morada, subs.com.f. habitation, abode, residence. Morador, subs.com.m. inhabitant. Moreno, adj. brown, dark, swar- thy. Mostrado, part, shown, proved, demonstrated. From JMostrar, to show. Mudable, adj. changeable, fickle, variable. Mudanza, subs.com.f. change, al- teration, levity. Muestra, subs.com.f. pattern,spe- cimen, model, example. Mullido-a, adj. beaten up. N. Nacido-a, adj. born. Naciente, part.pres. rising, com- ing into existence. Natural. sMb-.com. m. temper,dis- position, instinct, nature. Natural, adj. not artificial, na- tural, common, regular. Navarra, subs prop. f. Navarre, a province of Spain. Naufragio, subs.com.m. ship- wreck, miscarriage, disap- pointment. ]^eg6cio, subs.com.m. affair,trans- action, business, commerce. Nevado, part, snowed. From ■Vevar, to snow. Nicosia, subs.prop.f. Nicosia, the capital of the island of Cy- press. Ninguno, pron.indef. nobody,not one, not any body. Nineria, subs.com.f. puerility, childish action, gewgaw. Nobleza, subs.com.f. nobility, illustrious origin. Nombrado, part, appointed, no- minated, called. From Nom- brar, to call. Nosotros-as, pron.pers.n.p. we. Nosotros, pron.pers.p.obj. us.. Notado-a, adj. remarkable, not- ed. Notado, part, remarked, observ- ed. From Notar, to remark. Noticia, subs.com.f. news, infor- mation, knowledge, advice. Novedad, subs.com.f. novelty, admiration. Novela, subs.com.f. novel, ro- mance, fiction. Noventa, adj. num. ninety. Nub]ado,sw6s.cem.wi. cloud, dark- ness, perturbation. Nuestro, pron.poss.p. our, ours. Numancia, subs.prop.f Numan- tia, a city of Spain, distin- guished in ancient times by the valour of its inhabitants. Numero, subs.com.m. number, cypher, multitude, harmony. O. Obgeto, subs.com.m. object, end, design. Obispo, subs.com.m. bishop. Objeto, subs.com.m. object, end,. design. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 6f Obrado, part, manufactured, ex- ecuted, constructed. From Obrar, to work Obscuro-a, adj. obscure, unin- telligible, dark, gloomy, con- fused. Obstante, prep, withstanding. Ocasion, subs.com.f. occasion, opportunity, season, cause, motive. Oceano, subs.com.m. ocean, sea, vast expanse. Ocioso-a, subs.com. an idle, lazy, or indolent person. Ocioso-a, adj. idle, indolent, lazy. Oficial, subs.com.m. journeyman, officer, clerk, magistrate. Of icio, subs.com.m. office, func- tion, official letter, trade, pro- fession. Ofrenda, subs.com.f. offering, ob- lation, homage. Ogeada, subs.com.f. glance, glimpse. Ojuelo, subs.com.m. small, pretty eye, dim. of Ojo, eye. Olanda, subs.com.f. cambric, li- nen. Olvido, subs.com.m. oblivion, for- getfulness. Opinion, subs.com.f. opinion, judgment, reputation, char- acter. Opresidn, subs.com.f. oppression, calamity, tyranny. Oprobio, subs.com.m. opprobri- um, ignominy, calumny, shame. Opuesto-a, adj. opposite, contra- ry, adverse. Oracion, subs.com.f. prayer, sup* plication, petition. Orador, subs.com.m. orator, pa- negyrist, encomiast. Oreadas, subs.prop.f. Oreadas, fabulous deities generally supposed to attend Diana, the goddess of hunting. Orgullo, subs.com.m. pride, ar- rogance, haughtiness. Origen, subs.com.m. origin, source, motive, birthplace. Orilla, subs.com.f bank, (of a river,) border, limit, edge, footpath. Ornato, subs.com.m. ornament, dress, decoration. Osadia, subs.com.f. courage, in- trepidity, zeal, ardour. Oscuro-a, adj. obscure, dark, unintelligible. Ostento, subs.com.m. show, spec- tacle, prodigy. Otoman, sxtbs.com. Ottoman, Turk. Otoman, adj. Ottoman, Turkish. Oveja, subs.com.f. ewe, flock. Oyente, subs.com.m. hearer, au- ditor. Oyentes, subs.com.m.p. audience- Pagado, part, paid, discharged, atoned, rewarded. From Pa- gar, to pay. Palabra, subs.com.f. word, affir- mation, promise. Palacio, subs com m. palace, cas- tle, splendid house. Paliado-a, adj. deceitful, hypo- critical, infamous. 68 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Paliadas, subs.prop.f. Palades, fabulous virgins consecrated to Jupiter, by the Thebans of Egypt. Palillo, subs.com.m. a small stick, tooth-pick, rolling-pin. Pantalia, subs. com/, discharge. Parage, subs.com.m. place, resi- dence, condition, disposition. Parecer, subs.com.m opinion, ad- vice, countenance, look. Pariente, subs.com.m. relation, kindred. Pariente, adj. resembling, like. Parleria, subs.com.f. loquacity, garrulity, talking, chirping. Parpado, subs.com.m. eyelid. Parroco, subs.com.m. curate, rec- tor. Parroquia, 6ubs.com f. parish. Partido, subs.com.m. measure, partiality, favour, protection, contract. 5artido, part, divided, departed. From Partir, to divide. Pasado, part, passed, admitted, pierced, penetrated. From Pasar, to pass. Paseado, part, walked, moved. From Pasear, to walk. Pasmado-a, part.adjtc. chilled, astonished, enraptured. From Pasmar, to astonish. Pastora, subs.com.f. shepherdess. Patente, sus.com.f. patent, war- rant, commission. Patente, adj. manifest, evident, plain. Paternal, adj. paternal, fatherly. Pecado, subs.com.m. sin, trans- gression, extravagance. Pecador-a, subs.com. sinner, otV fender, delinquent. Pedazo, subs.com.m. piece, bit, selection.' Pedreria, subs.com.f. a collec- tion of fine stones. Pelayo, subs.prop.m. Pelagus, the first Spanish hero that rose against the Moorish yoke. Peligro, subs.com.m. danger,risk, hazard. Peloso-a, adj. hairy, covered with uri- Pellejo,sttbs.com.m,skin,fur,hide. Pendencia, subs.com.f. quarrel, disagreement, dispute. Pendiente, subs.com. declivity^ earring. Pendiente, adj. pendent, hang- ing, depending. Penoso-a, adj. painful. Pequeno-a, adj. small, narrow, young. Perdicion, subs.com.f. perdition, loss, prodigality, extrava- gance. Perdida, subs.com.f. loss, detri- ment, damage. Perfeccidn, subs.com.f. perfec- tion, excellence, beauty, grace. Perjuicio, subs.com.m. prejudice, injury, mischief. Perpetuo-a, adj. perpetual, eter- nal. Perrillo, subs.com.m. a little dog, dim. of Perro, dog. Persona, subs.com.f. person, in- dividual, personage. Perspicaz, adj. perspicacious, sagacious, acute. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 69 Pertrechos, subs.com.m. ammuni- tion, arms, instrument. Perverso-a, adj. perverse, stub- born, wicked. Perusa, subs.prop.f. Perugia, a city in Italy near the river Tiber. Pesebre, subs.com.m. crib, stable. Pesimo-a, adj.sup. worse, ex- tremely bad. Peticion, subs.com.f. petition, memorial, request. Piadoso, adj. pious, merciful, compassionate. Picaron, subs.com. rogue,villain, rascal. Piedra, subs.com.f. stone. Pielago, subs.com.m. bottom, abyss, ocean, sea. Pintado, adj. painted, mottled. Pintura, subs.com.f. painting, picture, description. Pirineos^w&s.^rop.m.p.Pyrenees, a range of lofty mountains, dividing France from Spain. Pirineo-a, adj. Pyrenean,relating to the Pyrenees. Pistola, subs com.f pistol. Pizarro, subs.prop.m. Pizarro, a Spaniard who conquered Peru. Planicie, subs.com.f. plain, even- ness, even ground. Plantado, part, planted, sown, fixed. From Plantar, to plant. Plebeyo, subs.com m. plebian, (a person belonging to the lower class of the community.) Plegado, part, folded, doubled. From Plegar, to fold, 7* Plutarco, subs.prop.m. Plutarch, an eminent Greek biogra- pher. Poblacidn, subs.com.f. popula- tion, town, city. Poblado-a, subs.com.m. town, village. Pobreza, subs.com.f. poverty, wretchedness, misery. Podido, part, being able. From Poder, to be able. PoKbio, subs.prop.m. Polybius, an eminent warrior and his- torian of antiquity. Policia, subs.com.f. police, po- liteness, cleanliness, policy. Polvora, subs.com.f gunpowder. Pomposo-a, adj. pompous, osten- tatious, magnificent, inflated. Poniente, subs.prop.m. west, west wind. Ponzona, subs.com.f poison, ve- nom. Popular, adj. popular. Porfiado-a, adj. obstinate, stub- born. Portero, subs.com m. porter. Portico, subs.com.m. portico, pi- azza, (porch supported by columns.) Posada, subs.com.f lodgings, tar vern. Poseido, part, possessed, had. From Poseer, to possess. Posible adj. possible. Potestad, subs.com.f. power, do* minion, command, jurisdic- tion. Praderia, subs com.f. meadow, mead, lawn, prairie. 70 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Preciado-a, adj. valued, apprais- ed, precious, conceited. Pr3cioso-a, adj. precious, valu- able, excellent. Precision, subs.com.f. precision, purity, correctness. "Preciso-a, adj. necessary, pre- cise, clear, obligation. Pregunta, subs.com.f. request, question, inquiry. Prelado, subs.com.m. prelate. Prendado-a, adj. gifted, endu- ed, accomplished. Presencia, subs.comf. presence, figure, demeanor. Presente, subs.com. present, gift. Presente, adj. present. Presteza, subs comf quickness, promptitude. Presuncion, subs.comf. presump- tion, conjecture, confidence, suspicion. Pretension, subs.com.f. preten- tion, claim, pretext. Primero, adj.num. first. Principe, subs.com.m. prince, king. Principio,sw&s.com.m. beginning, motive, source, fundamental truth, principle. Privanza, subs.com.f. favour,pro- tection. Problema, subs.com.m. problem, question. Proceder, subs.com.m. manner of proceeding, demeanour, ma- nagement. Procesion, subs.com.f. proces- sion, train. Proceso, subs.com.m. process, ju- dicial proceedings. Procsimo-a, adj. next, nearest. Prodigio, subs.com.m. prodigy, miracle, wonder. Produccion, subs.com.f. produc- tion, commodity. Profesion, subs.com.f. profession, trade, business, protestation. Profeta, subs.com.m. prophet, (one who tells future events.) Profugo, subs.com. fugitive, va- gabond, wanderer. Profundo-a, adj. profound, deep, sound. Profusion, subs.com.f. profusion, lavishness. Progresion, subs.com.f. progres- sion, process. Prolijo-a, adj. prolix, tedious, fatiguing, troublesome. Promesa, subs.com.f promise, offering. Propiedad, subs.com.f. posses- sion, propriety, property, qua- lity, custom, propensity. Proporcion, siibs.com f. propor- tion, symmetry, similarity. Propuesta, subs.comf. proposal, representation, application. Prospero-a, adj. prosperous, suc- cessful, fortunate. Proteccidn, subs.com.f. protec- tion, favour, shelter, asylum. Protervo-a, subs.com. a stubborn, or indolent person. Protervo, adj. stubborn, arro- gant, insolent. Protesta, subs.com.f. protest, (a solemn declaration of opi- nion,) promise, asseveration. Provecho, subs.com.m. profit, gain, proficiency, advantage. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 71 ProvTncia, subs.com.f. province, provincial court. Provisor, subs.com.m. vicar-ge- neral, praetor, a chief magis- trate of ancient Rome. Proyecto, subs.com.m. project, scheme, plan, design. Prudencia, subs.com.f. prudence, wisdom, temperance. Prudente, adj. prudent, discreet, wise. Publico, subs.com.m. the public, the people. Publico-a, adj. public, notorious, common. Pujante, adj. powerful, strong, pushing. Puntuoso-a, adj. briery, thorny, spirited, acuminated, (or having many points,) puncti- lious. Purpura, subs.com.f. purple, (dig- nity of a king or emperor,) royal mantle. Q. Quedado, part, remained, stop- ped. From Quedar, to stop, or remain. Quendo-a, subs.com. dear, dar- ling, lover. Quendo, adj. dear, beloved. Quendo, part, wished, desired, being willing. From Querer, to be willing. Querubin, subs.com.m. cherub, (a celestial spirit, next in or- der to the seraphim.) Quevedo, subs.prop.m. Quevedo, one of the greatest Spanish writers. Quijdte, subs.prop.m. Quixote, the name of the most cele- brated Spanish novel; a ridi- culous and extravagant man. Quirinal, subs.com.m. Quirinal, a hill at Rome, (originally called Agonias.) Quirinal, adj. Quirinal, relating to the festivals in honour of Romulus. Quitado, part, deprived, taken away. From Quitar, to de- prive. Quitado-a, part.abs. having tak- en, having deprived. R. Racional, adj. rational, humane, reasonable. Radiante, adj. radiant,refulgent, resplendent. Rasgado-a, adj. rent, open, torn. Rasgado, part, torn, broken to pieces. From Rasgar, to tear. Rastrero-a, adj. creeping, drag- ging, humble, cringing. Realmente, adv. really, effectu- ally, royally. Reb£lde, stt6s.com.rn. rebel. Rebelde, adj. stubborn, per- verse, rebellious, contuma- cious. Recado, subs.com.m. message, errand, present, gift. Recelo, subs.com.m. suspicion, fear, dread, mistrust. Recluta, subs.com.m. recruit, (a new soldier ) Recluta, subs.com.f. recruiting, (the act of raising men for the army.) 72 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Recreado, part, amused, de- lighted, gratified, diverted. From Recrear, to be diverted. Rectitud, subs.com.f rectitude, exactitude, uprightness. Recuesto, subs.coin.m. declivity. Recurso, subs.com.m. recourse, appeal. Rededdr, subs.com.m. environs, round about. Redentdr, subs.prop.m. Redeem- er, or Jesus Christ. Redentor, sub.com in. redeemer, (he who ransoms, or redeems any one.) Reddndo-a, adj. round. Refleccion, subs.com.f. reflexion, consideration, meditation, re- flection. Reflejo, subs.com m. light, re- flected. Refdrma, subs.com.f. reform, re- formation, amendment. Refresco, subs.com.m. refresh- ment, ice-cream, cool bever- age, sweetmeats. Refugio, subs.com.m. refuge, asylum, protection, Regado-a, adj. watered, irrigat- ed, sprinkled. Regalo, subs.comm. present, pleasure, dainty, repose. Relacidn, subs.com.f. relation, narration, account. Religion, subs.com.f religion, piety, worship. Reliquia, subs.com.f. relick, re- mains, vestige. Remate, subs.com.m. conclusion, the highest bidding, vignette. Remedio, subs.com.m. remedy, reparation, resource, medi- cine Rendmbre, subs.com.m. sirname, renown, glory, fame. Replica, subs com.f. answer, re- ply, repartee. Repdso, subs.com.m- repose, rest, tranquility. Reseco-a, adj. dry, lean, ema- ciated. Resdrte, subs.com.m. spring, means, cause, medium. Respecto, subs.com.m. respect, relation, consideration. Respecto, adv. with regard, re- lative, with relation. Respeto, subs.com.m. respect, regard, veneration, attention. Resplanddr, subs.com.m. splen- dour, brilliancy, brightness. Respuesta, subs.com.f. answer, reply. Restante, part.pres. remainder, residue. Resulta, subs.com.f. rebound, re- sult, vacancy. Retrato, subs.com.m. portrait, copy, imitation, likeness. Ribera, subs.com.f. bank, sea- shore. Rigido-a, adj. rigid, stern, in- flexible. Riqueza, subs.com.f. riches, wealth, fertility, embellish- ments. Risible, adj. risible, laughable. Risueno-a, adj. smiling,pleasing. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Robado, part, robbed, plunder- ed, stolen, swept away. From Robar, to steal. Robusto-a, adj. strong, robust, vigorous. Rodeado-a, part. adj. surroun- ded, encircled, circumscrib- ed. From Rodear, to surround. Rodela, subs.com.f. shield, buck- ler, target. Rodilla, subs.com.f. knee. Rodino subs.com.m. Rodino, an eminent personage. Rogado, part . implored, entreat- ed, prayed for. Rogerio, subs.prop.m. Roger, a man's name. Romano-a, subs.com. a Roman, (a native of Rome.) Romero, subs.prop.m. Romero, a Spanish eminent character. Romero, subs.com.m. rosemary, (a plant.) Romero-a, adj. rambling, tra- velling. Rondante, adj. wandering, tra- velling, walking. RopTUa, subs.com.m. coarse, or tattered clothes. Rosada, subs.com.f. freezing weather, or frozen objects. Rosicler, subs.com.m. rose co- lour, silver ore. Rubicon, subs.com.m. Rubicon, a river in Italy. Rubicon-a, adj. reddish. Rudeza, subs.com f. roughness, asperity, stupidity, dullness. Rufiano-a, subs.com. ruffian. Rugido, subs.com.m. bellowing, roaring. Ruindad, subs.com.f. meanness, poverty, covetousness. Ruiseiior, subs.com.m. nightin- gale, (a bird.) Rusiano, subs.com.m. Russian, a native of Russia. Rustico-a, subs.com. clown, pea- sant, a rustic person. s. Saavedra,sM&s prop.m. Saavedra, a Spanish author. Sabido, part.substan.m. a learn- ed, or scientific man. Sabido-a, part, known, learned, acquired, heard. From Saber, to know. Sabroso-a,«dj. savoury,pleasing, palatable. Sacado, part, drawn, taken ofi^ extracted. From Sacar, to take away. Sagrado-a, adj. sacred, conse- crated, execrable. Sa.g\into 9 .subs.prop.f. Saguntum, a city of $pain. Salado-a,ad/\ salted,cured,witty. Salario, subs.com.m. salary, wa- ges. Salido, part, gone out, issued, published From Salir, to go out. Salteador, subs.com.m. highway- man, robber. Salustio, subs.m-op.m. Sa'ust, an eminent Roman historian. Salvado, subs.com.m. bran, (the husk of wheat ground.) Samaria, subs.prop.f Samaria, a city and country in Palestine., famous in sacred history. 74 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABBES. Sangriento-a, adj. bloody, san- guinary. Santidad, subs.com.f. sanctity, holiness. Sebastian, subs.prop.m. Sebas- tian, (a man's name.) Secado, part, dried, decayed. From Secar, to dry. Sec&do, par t.adjec. dry,lean,cool, repugnant. Secreto-a, subs.com.m. secret, caution. Secreto-a, adj. concealed, se- cret, hidden. Seguro-a, subs.com.m. secure, certain, constant. Seguido-a, adj. continued, fol- lowed, direct. Segundo-a, adj.num. second, fa- vourable. Selecto-a, adj. select, chosen. Sellado-a, adj. sealed, stamped, marked. Semana, subs.com.f. week. Semblante, subs.com.m. face, countenance, appearance. Sembrado, subs.com.m. ground, cornfield. Sembrado, part, sown, planted. From Sembrar, to sow. Sencillo-a, adj. simple, natural, slender, silly. Seneca, subs.prop.m. Seneca, an ancient philosopher. Sensacion, subs.cfitn.f. sensation, feeling, sentiment. Sensible, adj. sensible, painful, easily aftected. Bentido, part.adjec. seated,estab- Hshed. From Sentar, to seat. Sentencia, subs.com.f. sentence, judgment, condemnation. Sentido, subs.com.m. sense, rea- son, signification, import. Senora, subs.com.f. lady, madam. Seiiorio, subs.com.m. dominion, command, arrogance, self- control. Sepulcro, subs.com.m. sepulchre, tomb. Serafin, subs com.m. seraph, an- gel, extreme beauty. Sereno,su&s.com.m. evening dew, watchman. Sereno-a, adj. serene, calm, quiet. Seriedad, subs.com.f gravity, sternness of aspect. Servicio, subs.cmn.m. service, favour, utility, benefit. Sesenta, adj.num. sixty. Severo-a, adj. severe, rigorous, grave, punctual. Sicilia, subs.prop.f Sicily, an is- land in the Mediterranean. Sigilo, subs.com.m. inviolable se- crecy. Siguiente, adj. following, suc- cessive. Silencio, subs.com.m. silence, ta- citurnity, secrecy, reserved- ness. Silvestre, adj. wild, uncultivat- ed, savage. Sincero-a, adj. sincere, ingenu- ous, honest. Singular, adj. singular, extraor- dinary, individual. Siniestro-a, adj. left, vicious, ufi> lucky. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 75 . Siquiera, conj. at least, though, even Situacidn, subs.com.f. situation, state, site, assignation. Soberbio-a, adj. proud, haughty, arrogant, lofty, fiery. Sobdrno, sufts.com.m. suborna- tion, bribe, inducement. Sobriedad, subs.com.f. sobriety, regularity, abstemiousness. Sociedad. subs.com.f. society, friendship, union. Socorro, subs.com.m. succour, aid, salary. Soldadojjpu&s.com.wi. soldier,pri- vate. Soledad, subs.com.f. solitude, de- sert, consolation. Soliman, adj. Turkish. Sombrero, subs.com.m. hat, cap. Sombno-a, adj. cloudy, dark, shady. Soneto, subs. com. m. sonnet, a po- etical composition. Sonoro-a, adj. sonorous, agree- able, harmonious. Sonrisa, subs.com.f. smile. Sociego, subs.com m. tranquility, calmness, repose. Soslayo, subs.comm. cross-look. Sosiayo, adv. obliquely. Suavidad, subs.com.f. suavity, softness, delicacy. Subido, part, ascended, walked up. From Sunir, to walk up. Subido-a, adj. finest, most ex- cellent. Subito, adv. immediately, di- rectly, suddenly. Subito-a, adj. quick, sudden. Sublime, adj. sublime, magnifi- cent, grand. Substancia.su6s.eom/.substance, matter, nutriment. Suceso, subs.com.m. success, event, incident. Suces6r-a,su6s.cow.m. successor* Sufridor-a, subs com.m. sufferer, person injured. Sugeto, subs.com.m. subject,mat- ter, person. Sugeto-a, adj. subject, liable, exposed. Suntuoso-a, sumptuous, splen- did, expensive. Superior, subs.com.m. superior,, (he who has the command of another.) Superior, adj.com.p. superior, higher, greater. Suplica, subs.com.f. petition, re- quest, memorial. Supremo, adj super, supreme, highest. Suspiro, subs.com.m. sigh,breath, hissing. Sustento, subs.com.m. food, sus- tenance, maintenance. Tacito, subs.prop.m. Tacitus, a very eminent, ancient histo- riau. Tacito-a, adj. tacit, understood, implied. Tafetan, subs.com.m. ribband. • Tafetan, subs.com.f. standard." Tahali, subs.com.m. shoulder belt. Talamo, subs.com.m. bride cham- ber. 76 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Talento, subs.com.m. talent, (an ancient piece of money,) ta- lents, genius, abilities. Tamaiio, subs.com.m. size, shape, stature. Tampoco, conj. neither, nor. Tanido, subs.com.m. knell, me- lancholy sound. Tegido, subs.com.m. mixture, stuff. Tegido, part.adjec devised, wov- en, designed. Tempestad, subs.com.f. tempest, storm, commotion. Templado-a, adj. tempered, mo- derated, tuned, benign. Templanza, subs.com.f. temper- ance, temperature. Tendido, part. adj. stretched, ex- tended, lying down. Tenido, part, possessed, had, obtained. From Tener, to have. Tentacion, subs.com.f. tempta- tion, instigation. Teiiido-a, adj. dyed, tinged, im- pregnated wilh any colour. Termino, subs.coin.m. term, ter- mination, object, period. Terneza, subs.com.f. tenderness, softness, suavity. Ternura, subs.com.f. tenderness, delicacy. Terreno,subs.com.m. place,space of ground. ^esoro, subs.com.m. treasure, Vealth. Testigo, subs.com.m. witness, proof, evidence. Tibteza, subs.com f. indifference, carelesness, lukewarmness. Tinieblas,sw&s.com./.jo. darkness, obscurity. Tirania, svhs.com.f. tyranny, despotism. Tirano, subs.com.m. tyrant, des- potic monarch. Tirano-a, adj. tyrannical. Titulo, subs.com.m. title. Tivoli, subs.prop.m. Tivole, a town in the territory of Rome. Tobillo, subs.com.m. ankle. Todavla, adv. notwithstanding, yet, still. Tornado, part taken, possessed of, understood. Frofll Tomar, to take. Topado, part, met, run against. From Topar, to encounter. Tor men to, subs.com.m. torment, pain, anguish, torture. Torrente, subs.com.m torrent, rapid stream, abundance. Tortura, subs.com.f. rack, tor- ture, tortuosity. Trabajo, subs.com.m. work, im- pediment, trouble, poverty. Trafago, subs.com.m. traffic,com- meree, trade. Tratico, subs.com.m. traffic, com- merce. Tragedia, subs.com.f. tragedy, any dreadful event. Traicion, subs.com.f. treason, treachery. Tramposo, subs.com. swindler. Tramposo-a, adj. deceitful, swindling. Tranqullo-a, adj. tranquil, calm, quiet. Transito, subs.com.m. turnpike, road, passage, way. WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Z7 Transporte, subs.com.m. trans- port, transportation. Trasudor, subs.com.m. sweat, perspiration. Travieso-a, adj. oblique, turbu- lent, intemperate. Treinta, adj.num. thirty. Treviano-a, Trevian, relating to Treve, a city of the states of Rome. Tribunal, subs.com.m. tribunal, court (of justice.) Tributo, subs.com.m. tribute,tax, contribution. Trinacria, subs.prop. Trinacria, now Sicily. Tristeza, subs.com.f. sadness, grief, affliction, sorrow. Triunfo, subs.com.m. triumph, conquest, trophy. Trocado, part, changed, per- muted. From Trocar, to change. Tronera, subs.com.m. a hair- brained person, loop-hole. Tropiezo, subs.com.m. stumble, obstacle, error. Tulipan, subs.com.m. tulip, (a flower.) Tumulto, subs.com.m. tumult, uproar, mob. Tunante, subs.com.m. a cunning, crafty, or sagacious rogue. Turbacion, subs.com.f. perturba- tion, confusion, disorder. u. Ufano-a, adj. proud, arrogant, haughty, cheerful, joyful. U'ltimo-a, adj. last, final, finish- ed. 8 Ultrage, subs.com.m. outrage, contempt, opprobrium. U'nico-a, adj. only, alone, sin- gular, excellent. Urbano-a, adj. polite, civil, cour- teous. Usado-a, part.adjec. used, worn out, skilful, versed. V. Vaciedad, subs.com.f. emptiness, vacuity, arrogant speech. Valentia, subs.com.f. valour, cou- rage, spirit. Valido, subs.com.m. favourite, predilect. Valido, part, been worth. From Valer, to be worth. Valiente, subs.com.m. bully, a valiant man. Valiente, adj. valiant, coura- geous, strong. Vanidad, subs.com.f. vanity, os- tentation, vain parade. Variedad, subs.com.f. variety, variation, inconstancy. Vasailo, subs.com.m. subject, vassal, slave. Vastago, subs.com.m. stem, bud, shoot. Vencido-a, adj. due, payable, conquered. Vencido, part, conquered. From Veneer, to conquer. Vendible, adj. saleable,vendible. Venero, subs.com.m. vein, root, source, course. Venganza, subs.com.f. revenge, vengeance. Venido, part, come, arrived. From Venir, to come: 78 WORDS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Ventaja, subs.com.f, advantage, preference. Ventana, subs.com.f. window, balcony. Ventero, stibs.com.m. innkeeper, landlord. Ventura, subs.com.f. fortune, success, luck, casualty. Veraces, adjp. true, real. Verano, subs.com.m. summer. Vergiienza, subs.com.f.' shame, diffidence. Versalles, subs.com.f. Versailles, a city of France. Vestido, subs.com.m. dress, suit, costume. Vestido-a, adj. dressed, empow- ered. Viagero, subs.co7n.m. traveller, passenger. Vicioso-a, adj. vicious, luxuri- ant, abundant. Victima, subs.com.f. victim, sa- crifice. Victoria, subs.com.f. victory, tri- umph, conquest. Viento, subs.com.m. wind,vanity. Vigilia, subs.com.f. vigil, watch, lucubration. Villano, subs.com.m. clown, vil- lain. Villano-a, adj. vulgar, rustic, wicked. Vinculo, sxibs.com.rn. tie, entail, charge. Violencia, subs.com.f. violence, compulsion, wrong. Violento-a, adj. violent, forced, irascible. Violeta, subs.com.f. violet, (a flower.) Virginal, adj. virginal, unconta- minated, pure. Virtelia, subs.prop.f Virtelia, a fictitious person in the works of Gracian. Virtuoso-a, adj. virtuous, power- ful, vigorous. Visage, subs.com.f. visage, gri- mace, contortion. Visible, adj. visible, evident. Vistoso-a, adj. beautiful, delight- ful, magnificent. Viterbo, subs.prop.m. Viterbo, a town in Italy. Vizcaino-a, subs.ccm. Vizcayan, (a native of Viscay, Spain.) Voceaddr, subs.com.m. vocifera- tion, eternal talker. Voluntad, subs.com.f. will, affec- tion, desire, disposition. z. Zagala, subs.com.f. swain, (a country girl.) Zamarra, subs.com.f. shepherd's dress (made of skins.) Zampdna, subs.com.f. bagpipe. Zapato, subs.com.m. shoe. LESSON IV WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. A. Abatido-a, adj. dejected, de- pressed, mean, base. Abertura, subs.com.f. aperture, way, commencement. Abrasado-a, part.adjec. burned, parched, dissipated, embrac- ed, From Mrasar, to burn Abrumado-a, part.abso. crushed, overwhelmed, teased. From •ftbrumar, to vex Absoluto-a, adj. absolute, ty- rannical, independent. Abstinencia, subs.com.f. absti- nence, forbearance. Abundancia, subs.com.f. abun- dance, plenty. Abundante, adj. abundant, plen- tiful, generous. Acabable, adj. finishable, (what can be terminated, or con- cluded.) Acabado-a, adj. terminated, con- cluded,finished, consummated. Accidente, subs.com.m. accident, chance, occurrence. Acreedor, subs.com.m. creditor, meritorious person. Acertado-a, adj. fit, proper, suc- cessful. Acertado, part, hit the right point, conjectured right, been successful. From Acertar, to have been successful- Aclamacion, subs.com.f. accla- mation, joy, cheering. Acogida, subs.com.f. reception, asylum, welcome. Acusado-a,adj.accused,charged, Acusado, part. accused,acknow~ ledged. From Jlcusar, to ac- cuse. Adelante, adv. higher up, far- ther off, henceforward. Adelante, inter, go on, proceed, come on. Admirable, adj. admirable, as~ tonishing, great. Admiracion, subs.com.f. admira* tion, wonder, surprise. Admirado-a, part.adjec. astonish- ed, surprised. Admirjido, part, admired, appre- ciated. From Jldmirar, to wonder. Admitido, part, admitted, re- ceived, acknowledged. From Jldmitir, to admit. Admitido-a, part.abso. being ad- mitted, being acknowledged. Adornado-a, part.adjec. orna- mented, , beautified, embel- lished. Adornado, part, adorned, em- bellished. From Jldornar, to adorn. Adulacion, subs.com.f. adulation, flattery. Adulador, subs.com.m. flattered 80 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Adultero-a, subs.com. adulterer. Adversidad, subs.com.f. misfor- tune, adversity, calamity. Afligido, part.adjec. afflicted, grieved, tormented. Afligido, part, aflicted, torment- ed. From Jlfligir, to torment. Afrentado, part.adjec. affronted, insulted. Afrentado, part, affronted, in- sulted, put to the blush. From JlfrerUar, to insult. Afrentoso-a, adj. ignominious, insulting. Agradable, ac?j. agreeable, pleas- ing. Agudeza, subs.com.f. acuteness, witticism, bon mot. \guilucho, subs.com.m. eaglet, Mm. of Jlguila, eagle. Agustfno, subs.cGm.m. Augustin, monk of the order of St. Au- gustin. Ahilado-a, part.adjec. emaciated, fainting, weak. Ahogado-a, subs.com. a drowned person. ' Ahogado-a, adj. stifled, suffocat- ed, drowned. Alabado-a, part.adjec. praised, hallowed, flattered. Alabanza, subs.com.f. praise, ap- plause, rejoicing. Alcanzado, part, obtained, ac- quired, reached, From Alcan- zar, to obtain. Alcibiades, subs.prop.m. Alcibi- ades, an ancient personage, eminent for his personal at- tractions, and versatility of arenius. Alemania, subs.prop.f. Germany, a country in Europe. Algeciras, subs.prop. Algeciras-, a city of Spain. Apetito, subs.com.m. appetite, desire, anxiety, wish. Areopago, subs.com.m. Areopa- gus, or supreme tribunal. Aspenno-a, subscom. Asperian.. a native of y\sperina, a small town in Genoa. B. Barbinegro, subs.com.m. black bearded, a person having a black beard. From Barber, beard, and Negro, black. Bartolome, subs.prop.m Bartho- lomew, a man's name. Bastimento, subs.com.m. vessel, supply of provisions. Bellisimo-a,ac/j.sitper.most beau- tiful, most handsome. Beneficio, subs.com.m. benefit, favour, culture. Benefico, adj. beneficent, kind, benevolent. Bienhechora, subs.com.f. bene- factress. Buhonero-a, subs.csm. pedler. Bullicioso-a, adj. noisy, clamor- ous, turbulent, boisterous. c. Caballero, subs.com.m. knight, cavalier, gentleman. Cabellera, subs.com.f. long hair. Calamidad, subs.com.f. calamity. misfortune, devastation. Camarada, subs.com.f. comrade, companion. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 81 Cambronera, subs.com.f. thorn, bramble, brier. Campanudo-a, adj. wide, puffed up. Capacidad, subs.com.f. capacity, talents, abilities. Capitulo, subs.com.f. chapter, respect, charge, reason. Caramente, adj. dearly, bitterly, severely. Carinoso-a, adj. kind, affection- ate, desirous. Cartagines, subs.com.m. Cartha- genian. Casamiento, subs.com.m. marri- riage, wedding, nuptials. Casualidad, subs.com.f. casualty, chance, unforeseen event. Catdlico-a, subs.com. a catholic, one who professes the Roman Catholic religion. Catolico-a, adj. universal, infal- lible, catholic. Caudaloso-a, adj. mighty, pow- erful, (applied to rivers.) Cautamente, adv. cautiously, carefully. Cautiverio, sw6s.com.rn. captivi- ty, bondage. Cedulflla,sw&s.com./. ticket,card, slip of paper. Cegijunto, subs.com.m. a person having the eye-brows united. From Ceja, eye-brow, and Junto, together. Celebrado-a, adj. celebrated, renowned. €elebrado, part, celebrated, ap- plauded, exalted. From Cele- brar, to celebrate. 8* Centinela, subs.com.f. sentinel, observer, Ceremonia, subs.com.f. ceremo- ny, rite. Circunspecto-a, adj. circum- spect, prudent, cautious. Circunstancia, subs.com.f. cir* cumstance,occurrence,event. Circunstante, subs.com.m. by- stander, beholder, spectator. Ciudadano, subs.com.m. citizen. Clavellina, subs.com.f. Spanish carnation, (a flower.) Cobijado-a, part.adjec covered, overspread, sheltered, pro- tected. From Cobijar, to cover. Colerico-a, adj. coleric, passion* ate, easily provoked. Colorado-a, adj. ruddy, scarlet ' colour, blushing. Comarcano-a, adj. neighbour- ing, near, bordering upon. Cometido, part, committed, en- trusted, commit. Comisario, subs.com.m. commis^ sary, deputy. Comodidad, subs.com.f. commo- dity, ease, profit. Companero-a, subs.com. compa- nion, partner, associate. Comparacion, subs.com.f. com- parison, relation. Comparado, part.adjec. compas- ed Competente, adj. competent, fit, fit for, adequate. Complacencia, subs.com.f com- placency, satisfaction, grati- fication. 82 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Composicion, subs.com.f. compo- sition, adjustment. Comprehension, subs.com.f. com- prehension, understanding. Concedido, part, conceded, granted,bestowed. FromCon- cedcr, to grant. • Concertado, part, adjusted, set- tled, tuned. From Concerlar, to fix. Concurrencia, subs.com.f. con- currence, convention, assem- bly, club. Condenado, subs.com.m. precite, or a person doomed to suffer eternal punishment. Condenado-a.parJ adj. condemn- ed, disapproved. Condimento, subs.com.m. pru- dence, care, condiment. Cond\icidoa,part.adjec conduct- ed, carried, conduced. From Conducir, to conduct. Confianza,sw&s.com./. confidence, boldness, assurance. Congojoso-a, adj. afflictive, tor- menting, anxious. Conjurado-a, subs.com. conspi- rator, accomplice, "traitor. Conjurado, part, conjured, con- spired, exorcised. From Con- jurar, to conjure. Conocido-a, subs.com. acquaint- ance, renowned person. Gonocido-a, part.adjec. known, understood, experienced. From Conocer, to know. Conquistador, subs.com m. con- queror, victor. Consecuencia, subs.com.f. con- sequence, result, inference. Conseguido, part, obtained, ac complished, attained. From Conseguir, to attain Conservado, part, preserved, guarded, secured. Consolacion, subs.com.f. solace, consolation, comfort. Consolado-a, adj. consoled, so- laced, comforted. Conspiracion, subs.com f. con- spiracy, plot, cabal. Conspirador, subs.com.m. con- spirator. Continente, subs.com.m. counte- nance, mein, boldness. Contingente, subs.com.m. contin- gent, share. Contingente, adj. contingent, fortuitous. Continuado, part, continued, re- mained, protracted. From Continuar, to remain. Contradiccion, sabs.com f. con- tradiction, resistance, oppc*- sition. Contrapeso,s*tbs. cmn.m. counter- poise, equiponderance, coun- terbalance. Contrapuesto,j5«rf. at/jec. compar- ed, opposed, opposite. From Contraponer, to oppose. Contratiempo, subs.com.m mis- fortune, calamity, disappoint- ment,miscarriage,frustration. Contristado-a, part.adjec. afflict- ed, melancholy, saddened. Conveniente, adj. convenient,- useful, suitable, commodious. Conversacion, subs.com.f. con- versation, intercourse, fami- liarity, club. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 8, Gonvertido-a, subs.com.m. a con- vert. Convertido-a, adj. converted, changed, applied. Convidado-a, subs.com.m. guest, person invited. - Convidado-a, part.adjec. invited, allured, persuaded. Corderuela, subs com.f. small rope, dim. of Cuerda, rope. Corderuelo-a, subs.com. lambkin, dim. of Cordero, lamb. Corrompido-a, part.adjec. cor- rupted, seduced, bribed, sub- orned. Cortesano, subs.com.m. courtier. CortesSno-a, adj. courtly, cour- teous, gentle, polite. Cortinilla, subs.comf. a small curtain, dim. of Cortina, cur- tain. Crepusculo, subs. com.f. twilight, crepuscule. Cristalino-a, adj. cristaline, lim- pid, transparent. Cualesquiera, indefpron. any one, any body. Cultivado-a, adj. cultivated, cul- tured. Cultivado,parf. cultivated. From Cultivar, to cultivate. Cumbronera, subs.comf. thorn, bramble, brie?. Curiosidad, subs.comf. curiosity, rarity. D. Debilidad, subs.comf. debility, languor, pusillanimity. Declarado-ajmrf. adjec. declared, known, determined. Deleitoso-a, adj. agreeable, pleasing, delightful. Delicado-a, adj. delicate, pleas-: ing, effeminate, nice, slender, scrupulous, beautiful. Delicioso-a, adj. delightful, de* licious, pleasing. Delincuente, subs.com.m. delin- quent, culprit, prisoner. Delineado,parf.delineated,pour- trayed, sketched, described. Demostracion, subs.ccm.f. de- monstration, proof, manifes- tation. Deplorable, adj. deplorable, la- mentable, calamitous, bewail- ' ing. Depositario, subs.com.m. deposi- tary. Derramado-a, part.abso. shed, spilled, scattered, diffused, spread. From Derramar, to shed. Derribado-a, part.abso. demo- lished, overthrown, crushed. From Derribar, to demolish. Desabrido-a, adj. insipid, rug- ged, cragged, sour, hard. Desarmado-a, adj. disarmed, dis- banded, dismounted, pacified. Desarmado, part. disarmed. From Desarmar, to disarm. Desarreglado-a, adj. immoder- ate, in temperate, unrestrained. Desarreglado, part, disordered, discomposed, confounded. Descarado-a, subs.com. shame- less,impudent, barefaced per- son. Descarado, adj. impudent, pe- tulent, undisguised. 84 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Descomunal, adj. huge, ponder- ous, uncommon. Desconcierto, subs.com.m. con- fusion, discomposure, impru- dence, negligence Descontento, subs.com.m. discon- tent, dissatisfaction, displea- sure. Descubierto, subs.com.m. open air, wild, unroofed places. Descubierto-a, adj. uncovered, unprotected, defenceless, for- lorn. Descubierto, part, discovered, found out, disclosed, detected. From Descubrir, to discover. Descuidado-a, subs.com. a care- less, negligent, or absent per- son. Descuidado-a, adj. neglectful, careless. Descuidado, part, neglected, omitted. From Descuidar, to neglect. Desdichado-a, sw6s.com. an un- fortunate, miserable, or pitiful person. Desdichado, adj. unfortunate, unsuccessful, unhappy, miser- able. Desenfado, subs.com.m. calm- ness, coolness, tranquility, facility. Desenvuelto-a, adj. turbulent, forward, impudent, licen- tious. Desenvuelto, part, unfolded, un- ravelled, disentangled. From Desenvolver, to unfold. Desfallecido, part, faded, fallen away, fainted. Desgraciado-a, adj. unfortunate, unsuccessful, unlucky. Deshauciado-a, part.adjec. given up, (by the physicians.) Desinteres, subs.com.m. liberali- ty, disregard to one's own in- terest, void of selfishness, disinterestedness. Deslumbrado-a, adj. dazzled, confused, perplexed. Desmayado, adj. dismayed, sunk, appalled, discouraged. Despiadado a, adj. unmerciful, unrelenting, cruel, inhuman, profligate. Despojado-a, adj. stripped, un- dressed, bereft, deprived. Despojado, part, stripped, un- dressed, dismissed. FromDes- pojar, to strip. Despdtico-a, adj. despotic, abso- lute, tyrannical. Despreciado-a, part, depreciat- ed, despised, condemned. From Despreciar, to condemn. Desproveido-a, adj. unprovided, unprepared. Desterrado- a, sw6s.com. a per- son banished. From Desterrar, to banish. Desterrado-a, part, banished, obliterated. From Desterrar, to banish. Destinado-a,adj. destined,doom- ed, consigned. Destituido-a, part.abso. deprived, destitute, stripped. Destruccion, subs comf. destruc- tion, ruin, devastation. Desvalido-a. adj. helpless, des> titute, ardent* WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 85 Desventura, subs.com.f. misfor- tune, calamity, misery Desvergiienza, subs.com.f. impu- dence, shameless word, or action, petulance. Detemdo-a, adj. sparing, parsi- monious, slow, inert. Detenido. part, stopped, detain- ed, arrested. From Detcner, to stop. Diferencia,sw6s.com./.difFerence, incongruity, misunderstand- ing. Dife rente, adj. different, dissi- milar, unlike. Dificultad, subs.com.f. embar- rassment, entanglement, ob- stacle. Dificultoso-a, adj. difficult, trou- blesome, hard. Diputado, subs.com.m. deputy, commissioner,representative. Discipulo, subs.com.m. scholar, student, pupil, disciple. Disgustado, part, disgusted, of- fended, displeased. From Dis- gustar, to disgust. Disminuido-a, part, diminished, impaired, detracted. From Disminuir, to diminish. Disolucion, subs.comf. dissolu- tion, libertinism, lewdness. Disposicion, subs.comf. disposi- tion, temper, inclination,turn, talents. Distintivo, subs.com.f. attribute, honour, distinctive mark. Distintfvo-a, adj. distinctive,dis- tinguishing. Distribuidor, subs.com.m. distri- butor, dispenser. Divertido-a, adj. amused, divert- ed. Divertido, part, diverted, amus- ed. From Divertir, to amuse. Divulgado-a, adj. divulged, pub- lished. Divulgado, part, divulged, pub- lished. From Dnulgar, to di- • vulge. Documento, subs.com.m. docu- ment, writing, instruction. Dolorido-a,adj. doleful, afflicted, grieved. Domestico, subs.com.m. servant, domestic. Domestico-a,ad/\ domestic,tame. Dominacion, subs.com.f. domi- nion, authority, commanding ground. Dramatico, subs.com.m. drama- tist. Dramatico-a, adj. dramatical. Dulcisimo-a, adj.super. most sweet, most pleasant, most agreeable. Duradero-a, adj. lasting^ dura- ble. E. EsceKno, subs.prop.m. Escelinus, a person's name. Economia, subs.com.f. economy, frugality. Ecsistencia, subs.com.f. life, vi- tality, existence. Edificio, subs.com.m. building, structure, edifice. Educacion, subs.com.f. instruc- tion, education. Egecucion,su&s.com./. execution^ performance, 86 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABBES. Egerclcio, subs.com.m exercise, practice, employment, task. Egercito, subs.collecm. army, multitude. Elefante, subs.com.m. elephant. Elegancia, subs. com./, elegance. Elemento, subs.com. m. element. Elementos, subs.comm.p. ele- ments, rudiments, first prin- ciples. Elevacion, subs.com.f. elevation, rise, exaltation, altitude. Elevado-a, adj. elevated, great, magnanimous, sagacious. Elevado, part, raised, exalted, elevated. From Elevar, to ele- vate. Elocuencia, subs.com.f. elo- quence, oratory. Embajada, subs.com f. embassy, (public message.) Embajaddr, subs.com m. ambas- sador, (a messenger from a sovereign power.) Embargado, part, arrested, se- questered, restrained. From Embargar, to lay on an em- bargo. Embebido-a, part. imbibed, drenched, shrunk, enraptur- ed. From Emb»ber, to imbibe. Embeleco, subs.com.m. fraud, de- ceit, impostor. Embelezo, subs.com.m astonish- ment, wonder, object of amazement. Eminencia,su&s.com./. eminence, height, greatness. Eminente, adj. eminent, conspi- cuous, great, Empapado, part, drenched, sur- feited From Empapar, to soak. Empefiado, part, pawned, pledg- ed, engaged, obliged, bound. From Empehar, to intercede. Emperaddr, 5it6s.cam.rn. empe- ror, monarch. Emulacion, subs.com.f. emula- tion, envy. Encanti*o-a, adj. charmed, en- chanted, haunted. Encantado, part, charmed, en- chanted. From Encantar, to charm. Encantaddr, subs.com.m. charm- er, sorcerer. Encargado-a,p«rf . charged with, entrusted From Encargar, to charge with. Encendido-a, adj. incensed, ex- asperated, burning, infuri- ated. Encendido, part, burnt, kindled, set on fire. From Encender, to burn. Encerrado, part, shut up, con- fined, secluded. From Encen- der, to lock up. Encontrado, part, met, encoun- tered, found. From Encon- trar, to find. Enemigo, subs.com. enemy, op- ponent, antagonist. Enemigo-a, adj. inimical, hos- tile. Enemistad, subs.com.f. enmity, hatred, aversion. Enfermedad, subs.com.f. infirmi- ty, disease, damage, risk. » ■ WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 87 Enganado,parf. deceived,cheat- ed, mistaken, duped. Enganaddr-a,sw&s.com.m. deceiv- er, impostor, scoundrel. Engaiidso, adj. deceitful, artful, crafty. Engastado-a, adj. incrustated, enchased,enclosed. FromJEn- gastar, to incrust. Enlazado, part, tied, bound, united, connected. From En- lazar, to bind. Enlutado, part, veiled, dressed in manning. From Enlutar, to veil. Entereza, subs.com f integrity, rectitude, fortitude, upright- ness. Entraiiable, adj. intimate, affec- tionate, dear. Entretanto, adv. meanwhile, in the mean time. Envidiado. part, envied. From Envidiar> to envy. Envididso, adj. envious, jealous, invidious. Epfcaris, subs.prop.f Epicharis, an ancient heroine, rendered immortal by the secrecy she observed, and the torments she endured. Escarlata, subs.com.f. scarlet. Escelencia, subs. com- f. excel- lence, eminence, excellency, (a title applied to persons of distinction.) Escelente, adj. excellent. Escesivo-a, adj. excessive, im- moderate, exorbitant. Esclamacion, subs.com.f. excla- mation, clamour, cheer. Esclavitud, subs.com.f. slavery, bondage, servitude. Escogido, part . chosen, selected, preferred. From Escoger, to select. Escondido, part. absconded,hid- den, concealed. From Escon- der, to conceal. Escrupulo, subs.com.m. scruple* hesitation, doubt. Escuchado, part, heard, listened to. From Eocuchar, to hear. Esforzado-a, adj. strong, va- liant, vigorous. Eshortacion, subs.com.f. exhor- tation, admonition, lecture. Espacioso a, adj. spacious,wide s roomy, slow. Espantado, part, surprised, as- tonished, terrified. From Es-> pantar, to frighten, Espantoso, adj, horrid, dreadful, wonderful. Esparcido, part, spread, scat- tered, diffused, promulgated. From Esparcir, to spread Espedicion, subs.com.f. expedi- tion, activity, readiness . Esperado, part. hoped ; expected, dreaded. From Esperar, to hope. Esperanza, subs.com.f. hope, ex- pectation. Esperiencia, subs.com.f. experi- ence, knowledge. Espinoso-a, adj. briery, thorny, arduous, rugged. Espirante, part.pres. breathing, expiring, respiring. Espiritu, subs.com.m, spirit, sou],, genius,, inclination. 88 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Esplendente, adj. shining, res- plendent, radiant. Espresion, siibs.com /. expres- sion, word. Espumoso-a, adj. frothy, spungy, furious, agitated. Esqueleto, subs.com.m. skeleton, a lean person. Esquisito-a, adj. exquisite, curi- ous, consumate. Estallido, subs.com.m. noise,con- fusion, sound. Estatura, subs.com.f. stature, height. Estatuto, subs.com.m. statute, law, ordinance. Estenuado, part, extenuate, di- minished. From Estenuar, to extenuate. Estimable, adj. amiable, estima- ble, valuable. Estimacion, subs.cotn.f. esteem, love. Estragado, part, destroyed, ru- ined, disfigured. From Estra- gar, to vitiate. Estrangero, subs.com.m. stran- ger, foreigner, alien- Estrangero, adj. foreign, exte- rior. Estrechez, subs.com/. narrow- ness, intimacy, austerity, po- verty. Estrechura, subs.com.f. narrow- ness, austerity, danger, fami- liarity Estremidad, subs.com.f. extre- mity, excess. Estrepito, subs.com.m. noise, cla- mour. Estudiante, subs.com.m. student, scholar, pupil. Eternidad, subs.com.f. eternity, long continuance. F. Fabricado, part. built,construct- ed, manufactured, devised. From Fabricar, to fabricate. Facilidad, subs.com/. facility, ease, levity, licentiousness. Fatigado, part, fatiguea, tired, molested, hurried. From Fa- tigar, to fatigue. j, Favorable, adj. favourable, ad- vantageous, propitious. Favorecido, part, favoured, pro- tected. From Favorecer, to protect. Felicidad, subs.com/. felicity, happiness, success. Ferocidad, subs,com./. ferocity, cruelty. Fertilidad, subs.com/. fertility, fecundity, plenty. Filosof la, subs. com./, philosophy, (the science which treats of the essence, properties, and modifications of things.) Fildsofo, subs.com.m. philoso- pher. Fildtimo, subs.prop.m. Philotom, a man's name. Finalmente, adv. finally,in short. Fortaleza, subs. com./ fortress, fortitude, strength, firmness. Fragilidad, subs. com./, fragility, weakness, debility. Fundamento, subs.com.m. foun- dation, origin, basis. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 89 G. xom.m. cabinet, Gabinete, closet. Garcilaso, subs.prop.m. Garcila- so, one of the most elegant * and the most celebrated Spa- nish poets. Generation, subs com.f. genera- tion, progeny, age. Generoso-a, adj. generous,liber- al,noble,magnanimous, frank. Genofonte, subs.prop.m. Xeno- phon, a celebrated Athenian general, historian, and philo- sopher. Geqtileza, subscom.f gentee] ad- dress, ease, ostentation, po- liteness. Gentilhombre, subs.com.m. no- bleman, lord, gentleman. Gesucristo, subs.prop.m. Jesus Christ. Gigantesco-a, adj. gigantic. Gitaneria, subs com f. art, trick, wheedling, flattery. Gitamllo-a, subs- com. little gyp- sey, dim. of Gitano, gypsey. Gitanfsmo, subs.collec.m. the whole body of gypsies. Gobernador, subs.cem.m. gover- nor, ruler. Gondolero,sti6s.com,.?n. boatman. Grandisimo-a, adj.super. most great, most excellent. Gravisimo-a,ady.swper.most pon- derous, most momentous, most important, most serious. Guarnecido, part, garnished, or- namented, garrisoned. From Quarnecer, to ornament. H. Habitacion, subs.com.f. habita- tion,abode,mansion,dwelling. Habitador, subs.com.m. inhabi- tant, resident. Habitante, subs.com.m. inhabi- tant, resident. Halhagado, part, allured, cajol- ed, flattered, caressed. From Halhagar, to attract. Heredero, subs.com. heir. Hermosura, sabs.com f. beauty, symmetry. Herodoto, subs.prop.m. Hero- dotus, a celebrated historian of antiquity. Herreruelo, subs com.m. a long cloak, a small piece of iron. Herrezuelo, subs.com.m. a small piece of iron, dim. of Hierro s iron. Hidrdpico, adj. hydropic, (dis- eased with the dropsy.) Hipocresla, subs.com.f. hypocri- sy, dissimulation. Hipdcrita, subs.com. hypocrite; Hipocrita, adj. hypocritical, dis- sembling. Historiaddr, subs.com.m. histori- an, narrator. Homenage, mbs.com m. homage. Honestidad, subs.com f. honesty, moderation, modesty, urba- nity. Horrisono-a, adj. thundering, clanking. Hostilidad, subscom.f. hostility. Humanidad, subs.com.f. humani-? ty, benevolence* mm 90 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Humanidades,su6s.cow./.p.belles lettres, rhetoric, philology. Humildad, subs. com./, humility, submission, meanness. Humillacion, subs.com.f. humili- ation. I. Idolatra, subs.com m. idolater. Ignorancia, subs.com.f. igno- rance, stupidity. Igualmente, adv. equally. Ilicito-a, adj. illicit, unlawful. Impaciencia, subs.com.f. impa- tience, vehemence of temper. Impaciente, adj. impatient. Impedido, part, impeded, obtru- ded, prevented. From Impe- dir, to impede. Importancia, subs.com.f. impor- tance, consequence. Importuno-a, adj. importune, vexatious. Imposible, adj. impossible, im- practical, unfeasible. Imprudente, adj. imprudent, in- discreet. Incesante, adj. incessant, with- out intermission. Inclemencia, subs.com.f. incle- mency, rigour, severity. Inconstancia, subs.com.f. incon- stancy, volatility, fickleness. Inconstante, adj. inconstant, changeable, volatile. Incumbencia, subs.com.f. incum- bency, duty. Indigencia,su6s. comf. indigency, poverty, penury. Indignacidn, subsx^mf. indigna- tion, contemptible anger. Indiscreto-a, adj. indiscreet, in- cautious, inordinate. Indispuesto-a, adj. indisposed, ill, having some misunder- standing. Individuo, subs.comm. individu^ al,(a single, particular person or thing.) Infalible, adj. infallible, (not liable to error,) certain. Infinito-a, adj. infinite, bound- less, immense. Inflamado-a, adj. inflamed, in- censed, heated. Inflamado, part, inflamed, kin- dled. From lnflamar, to in- flame. Inflecsible, adj. inflexible, inex- orable, stern, unbending. Insensible, adj. insensible, cal- lous, frigid, cold. Ingenidso-a, adj. ingenious, in- ventive. Ingenuidad, subs.com.f. ingenu- ousness, candour. Inglaterra, subs.prop.f England, the most considerable part of Great Britain. Ingratitud, subs.com.f. ingrati- tude, ungratefulness. Inhumano-a, adj. inhuman, bru- tal, beastly. Injuridso-a, adj. injurious, con- tumelious, reproachful. Inmediato-a, adj. immediate, contiguous. Iumensidad, subs.com.f. immen- sity, infinity. Immutable, adj. immutable, in- variable, unalterable. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 91 Inocencia, sit&s.co?n./. innocence, purity, modesty, sincerity, simplicity. Inocente, adj. innocent, pure, simple. Insaciable, adj. greedy, insatia- ble. Insensato, subs.com.m. a stupid, thoughtless, or foolish person. Insensato-a, adj. stupid, thought- less, foolish. Insensible, adj. insensible, cal- lous, unfeeling. Insertado, part, inserted, intro- duced. •Insipido-a, adj. insipid, tasteless, unpleasant, uninteresting. Insitacion, subs.com.f. excite- ment ; motion, stimulant. Jnsolente, adj. insolent, impu- dent, shameless, unaccus- tomed. Insondable, adj. bottomless, un- fathomable, inscrutable, un- searchable. Inspiration, subs.com.m. inspira- tion, infusion, breathing. Instructivo-a, adj. instructive, conveying knowledge. Instrumento, subs.com.m. instru- ment. Insufrible, adj. insufferable, in- tolerable, not to be borne, or endured. Integridad, subs.com.f. integrity, purity, whole, virginity. Intencion, subs.com.f. intention, purpose, design, view. Intimidad, subs.com.f. intimacy, familiarity, acquaintance, ha- bitude. Intrepidez, subs.com.f. intrepidi- ty, boldness, temerity. Intrepido-a, adj. intrepid, bold, daring. Inurbano-a, adj. impolite, rude, uncivil, uncooth. Invencion, subs.com.f. invention, discovery, artifice. Inventado-a, adj. invented, dis- covered, feigned. Inventado.prt?'f. invented. From Inveniar, to invent. Invisible, adj. invisible, imper- ceptible. Invocacion, sxibs.com.f. invoca- tion, prayer, supplication. Iracundo-a, adj. passionate, iras- cible, enraged, furious. Irracional, subs.com.m. brute. Irracional, adj. irrational, stu- pid, void of reason. Irrisible, adj. laughable, risible. J. Jardinero-a, subs.com. gardener. Jesucristo, subs.prop.m. Jesus Christ. Jerusalen, subs.prop.m. Jerusa- lem, an ancient and celebrat- ed city in Asia, capital of the ancient Judea, and now, of the modern Palestine. Jocosidad, subs com.f. gayety, mirth, merriment, jocularity. Juanetudo-a, adj. massy, bony, flat.' Juanoteria, subs.prop.m. Juano- teria,thenameof amarquisate in the anecdotes of Corpas. Jubilado-a, adj. exempt, free, rejoiced. 92 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Jubilado-a, part, rejoiced, ex- empt. From Jubilar, to re- joice. Juntamente, adv. jointly, toge- ther, at the same time. Jurisdiccion, subs.com.f. juris- diction, legal authority, dis- trict. Lamentable, adj. lamentable, deplorable, unfortunate, mi- serable. Legalidad, subs.com.m. legality, fidelity, punctuality. Levantado, part, raised, risen, lifted up, elevated, standing up, from Levantar, to rise. Libertino, subs.com.m. a rake, a libertine. Liber tfno-a, adj. libertine, irre- ligious, dissolute. Licenciado, subs.com.m. licenci- ate, (a graduate of master in arts in a university of Spain,) licenciate, a title given by the yulgar to any one who wears long robes. Ligereza, subs.com.f. levity, in- constancy, fickleness, agility, unchastity. Limitado-a, adj. limited, com- mon, indifferent, (in capa- city.) Lisongeado, part flattered, praised. From Lisongear, to praise. Lisongero-a, subs.com. flatterer, praiser. Linsongero-a, adj. flattering, pleasing. Literario, subs.com.m. a literary gentleman. Literario-a, adj. literary. Locuacidad, subs.com.f. loquaci- ty, garrulity, talk Lori'danOjSu&s.prop.jn.Loredano, a chief of Cochin, a city of India. LL. Llamado-a, adj. called, named., termed. Llamado, part, called. From Llamar, to call. M. Maestresala, su6s.com.wi. usher, (first waiter.) Magiscatzin, subsprop.m. Magis- catzin, the name of a great Mexican Indian, who always, showed himself in favour of the Spaniards. Magnanimo-a, adj. magnani- mous, generous, noble, open. Magnlfico-a, adj. magnificent, splendid, grand. Male vol o-a, adj. malignant, ma- levolent, wicked. Malicioso-a, adj. malicious, sus- picious, bad. ~Ma.\trata.do-3i, part.adjec abused, illy treated, maltreated, des- troyed. From Maltratar, to treat illy. Manantial, subs.com.m. spring, source, fountain, beginning. Manecxlla, subs.com.f. small, pretty hand, dim. of Mono, hand. ■■ WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 93 Mansedumbre, subs.com.f. meek- ness, gentleness, peaceful- ness. Maravilla, subs.com.f. wonder, admiration. Maravilloso-a, adj. wonderful, marvellous. Mariposa, subs.com.f. butter-fly, rush- light. Marquesado, subs.com.f. marqui- sate, (the seigniory, or terri- tory of a marquis.) Marquesito, subs.com.m. young marquis, dim. of Marques, marquis. Matrimdnio, subs.com.m. matri- mony, marriage. Mayorddmp, subs.com.m. stew- ard, major domo. Mecanico-a, subs.com. a mecha- nick. Mecanico-a, adj. mechanical, (accomplished by hand,) mer- cenary, mean. Medicina, subs.com.f. medicine, physick. Medicinal, adj. medicinal, (hav- ing the power of healing.) Mediocridad, subs.com.f. medi- ocrity, (middle rate,) small degree. Meditacion, subs.com.f. medita- tion, profound thought, con- - templation. Melaneolia, subs.comf. melan- choly, gloominess, depression. Memorable, adj. memorable, (worthy of memory.) Menosprecio, subs.com.m. con- tempt, scorn, disregard. 9* Mensagero, subs.com.m. messen- ger. Mentecato-a, subs.com. a silly, or foolish person. Mentecato-a, adj. silly, foolish, stupid. Mentirdso-a, subs.com, liar, (he who tells falsehoods.) Mentirdso-a, adj. lying, erro- neous, incorrect. Mercaderia,sw6s. comf merchan- dize, goods, effects. Mereceddr-a, adj. deserving, worthy, meritorious. Meridional, subs.com.m. south- ern. Ministerio, subs.com.m. office, ministry. Miserable, subs.com.m. a miser- able wretch, an indigent per- son, a despicable miser. Miserable, adj. poor, miserable,, unfortunate. Misteridso-a, adj. mysterious, dark, obscure. Moderacidn, subs.com.f. moder- ation, temperance, frugality, Monipddia, subs.prop.m.. Moni- podia, a personage in the works of Cervantes. Montezuma, subs.prop.m. Mon- tezuma, the last Indian em- peror of Mexico. Movimiento, subs.com.m. move- ment, motion, disturbance, revolt. Muchedumbre, subs.com.f. mul- titude, abundance, plenty. Muchisimo-a, adj supfr. very much, extremely *\ 94 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Mulatero, subs.com.m. jockey, mule-driver. Murmuracion, subs.coin.m. mur- mur, calumny, slander. Mutuamente, adv. mutually. N, Nacarado-a, adj. pearl colour, set with pearl. Nacimiento, subs.coin.m. birth, nativity, commencement, ori- gin, rising. Navegacion, subs.com.f. naviga- tion, passage. Necesario-a, adj. necessary, in- dispensable, requisite. Necesidad, subs.com.f. necessity, need, cogency. Negoculnte, suhs.com.m. mer- chant, trader, dealer. Nicotralo, subsprop.m. Nico- trates, an ancient tyrant of Gyrene, in Lybia. Nubecilla, sit6s.com/. small cloud, dim. of JVYt&e, cloud. Nuevamente, adv. newly, re- cently. Numantmo-a, stt6s.com. Nuraan* tine, (a native of Numantia, an ancient city in Spain.) Numantino-a, adj. Numantine, any thing relating to Numan- tia. Numeroso-a, adj. numerous, harmonious, melodious. O. Obediencia, subs.com.f. obedi- ence, submission, precept, docility. Obligacion, subs.com.f. obliga- tion, contract, provision-of- fice!!* Obscuridad, subs.com.f. obscuri- ty, darkness, confusion. Observancia, subs.com.f. observ- ance, respect, reverence, careful obedience. Obstinacion, subs.com f obstina- cy, stubbornness, obduracy. Obstinado-a, part.adjec. deter- mined, obstinate, obdurate. Ocupacion, subs.com.f. occupa- tion, employment, profession. Ocupado-a, part.adjec. occupied, employed, inhabited, disturb- ed. From Ocupar, to occupy. Ocurrencia, subs.com f. occur- rence, event, incident. Ofendido-a, part adjec. offended, affronted, vexed, injured, dis- pleased. Olavides, subs prop.m. Olavides, one of the classic authors in the Spanish language. He is particularly distinguished for having written a work entit- led, El trlunfo del Evangelic, the triumph of the gospel. Oloroso-a, adj. odoriferous, smelling, fragrant. Operacion, subs.com f. opera- tion, action. Oportuno-a, adj. opportunely, betimes, seasonable, conve- nient. Oposici6n,stt6s.co?n/ opposition, contradiction, competition. Opulencia, subs.com.f. opulence, wealth, riches. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. K !,. Ordenado-a, part.adjec. order- ed, commanded, ordained, (having received holy or- ders.) Ordenanza, subs.com.f. method, order, law, ordinance, corpo- ral, (attending an officer.) Ordinario, subs.com.m. daily ex- pense, judge, decree, mail carrier. Ordinario-a, adj. ordinary, coarse, usual. OrgulJoso-a, adj. proud, haugh- ty, brisk, active. Oscuridad, subs.com.f. obscurity, darkness, confusion. Ostentacion, subs.com.f. ostenta- tion, outward show, vain dis- play. Ostentado, part, demonstrated, bragged, praised. From Os- tentar, to be fond of ambitious displays. Ostentado-a, adj. ostentatious, fond of display. Otomano-a, subs.com. Ottoman, Turk. Otomano-a, adj. Ottoman, relat- ing to the Turkish empire. P. Pajarillo, subs.com.m. small bird, dim. of Pdjaro, bird. Paralelo, subs.com.m. parallel, comparison, match. Parecido-a, adj. resembling, like, favouring. Parecido, part, appeared, found out, approved. From Parecer, to appear. Parentesco, subs.com.m. kindred, consanguinity, relationship, union, link. Particular, subs.com.m. private gentleman, matter, subject, particular. Particular, adj. particular, pe- culiar, special, singular. Pastorctllo-a, subs.com. a small, pretty shepherd, or shepher- dess, dim. of Pastor, shepherd. Pataviano-a, subs.com Patavian, (a native of Patavium, now •Padua, in Italy.) Pataviano-a, adj. Patavian, ref- lating to Patavium. Pavonado-a, part.adjec. blueish. From Pavonar, to give iron op steel a blueish colour. Pececillo, subs.com m. small fish, dim- of Pez, or Pezcadd, a fish. Pedregoso-a, adj. stony, cragged, rugged. Peligroso-a, adj. dangerous, pe- rilous, venturous, hazardous. Peninsula, subs.com.m. a penin- sula, or a portion of land al- most surrounded by water; hence Spain is frequently called the Peninsula. Penitencia, subs.com.f. atone- ment, penance, privation- Pensamiento, subs.com.m. thought, idea, design. Pensatlvo-a, adj. pensive, thoughtful, reflective, cau- tious. Percibido, part, perceived, re- ceived, comprehended. From Percibir, to receive. 96 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABIZES. Peregriho, subs.com.m. a pilgrim. Peregrino-a, adj. wandering, forcing, most exquisite, beau- tiful, or wonderful. Perjudicial, adj. prejudicial, hurtful, injurious. Pernicidso-a adj. pernicious, mischievous, destructive. Perseguido-a, part.adjec perse- cuted, followed, pursued, ha- rassed. Personage, subs.com.m. charac- ter, personage, (a person of eminence ) Persuadldo-a, part.adjec. per- suaded, satisfied, convinced, sensible. PersuasTvo-a, adj. persuasive, pathetic. Pesadumbre, subs. com./, sorrow, grief, affliction. Pestifero-a, adj. pestiferous, mischievous. Pestilente, adj. pestilent, per- nicious. Pitagoras, subt.prop.m. Pythago- ras, a celebrated philosopher of antiquity. Poderdso-a. adj. powerful, migh- ty, wealthy, eminent. Polftico-a, adj. p jjite, courteous, politic, (relating to policy or politics ) Poltroneria, suks.com.f. supine- ness, idleness, laziness. Polvareda, subs. com f. cloud of dust, altercation, dispute. Pomposidad, subs com.f. ostenta- tion, magniucent show, bom- bast, pbmpo.usness. Pontifice, subs.com.m. pope, pon tiff, (the supreme head of the Roman Catholic church.) Preciosidad, subs.com.m. preci- ousness, excellence, worth, merit. Precipicio, subs.com m preci- pice, (a steep height, or a vi- olent fall,) destruction. . Preferable, adj. preferable, eli- gible, worthy of preference. Presumido-a, part.substan. a pre- sumptuous, bold, vain, or pe- tulant person. Presumido, part, presumed, ar- rogated. From Presumir, to suppose. Presuroso-a, adj. hasty, prompt, light. Pretendiente, subs.com.m. can- didate, suitor, lover, solicitor. Primitlvo-a, adj. primitive, ori- ginal. Primoroso-a, adj. neat, elegant, exquisite, pretty, dexterous. Principado, subs.c0m.7n. princi- pality, power, pre-eminence. Prisionero, sub.com.m prisoner, culprit. Prodi.cido,sufrs.co/n.?n. proceeds, (the value obtained from any merchandize sold.) Producido, part. produced, brought forth, exhibited, maintained. From Producir, to produce. Profundidad, subs. com.f. profun- dity, depth, intensity, excel- lence. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 97 Prolongado-a, adj. prolonged, extended, procrastinated, de- layed. Prontamente, adv. quickly, promptly. Propiamente, adv. properly, re- gularly, orderly. Propdsito, subs.comm. inclina- tion, purpose, design, purport. Prospendad, subs.com.f. prospe- rity, success, good fortune, luck. Protectora, subs.com.f. .protec- tress, benefactress. Protestacidn, subs.com.f. protes- tation, protest, solemn decla- ration. Provechdso-a, adj. profitable, beneficial, advantageous. Providencia, subsprop.f. Provi- dence, (the Ruler of the uni- verse.) Providencia, subs comf provi- dence, foresight, order of things. Puntualmente, adv. punctually, exactly. Purisimo-a, adj.super. most pure, mo3t chaste, perfectly free from all contamination. Quebrantado, part, broken, cracked, persuaded, violated, fatigued, annulled. From Quebrantar, to vex. R. Razonado, pait. reasoned, dis- coursed, talked, conversed. From Razonar, to reason. Rebutido, part . filled up, stuffed, overcharged. Rebutir, to fill up. Recamado, part, encrusted, em- broidered, ornamented, vari- egated. From Recamar, to em- broider with raised work. Recatado-a, part.substan. a mo- dest, composed, prudent, or cautious person. Recfttado-a, part.adjec. conceal- ed, cautiously guarded, ap- prehensive, prudent. Reeibido, part, received, ac- cepted, imbibed, experienc- ed. From Recibir, to receive* Reciproco-a,ad/'. reciprocal, mu- tual. Reclinado-a, part.adjec. reclin- ed, leaning back, leaning up- on. From Reciinar, to lean. Recogfdo-a, pan.adjec collect- ed, secluded, sheltered, lock- ed up, gathered. Recompensa, subs.com.f. reward, recompense. Recdndito-a, adj. recondite, se- cret, concealed. Reducldo-a, part.adjec. reduced, converted, commuted, des- troyed, crushed to. Reflejado-a, part, reflected, (the rays of light.) Reformado-a, part.adjec. reform- ed, corrected, restored, dis- charged. Regaiado-a, part.abso. regaled, refreshed, caressed, auspici- ously received. From Regalar, to cherish. 98 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Regoeijo, subs.com m. joy, plea- sure, delight, rejoicing. Religidso-a, adj. religious, strict, pious. Rendimiento, subs.c0m.7n. sub- mission, humiliation, delive- ry. Repentino-a, adj. sudden, subi- taneous, unexpected. Repetido-a, adj. repeated, reiter- ated. Repetido, part, demanded re- peatedly, repeated (the les- son,) repeated. From Repetir, to repeat. Reposado-a, adj. tranquil, peace- ful, quiet. Reposado. part, reposed, rested, settled. From foposa; to re- pose. Reprimfuo-a, part, repressed, refrained, contained. From Meprimir, to repress. Repuuhca subs com/, republic, commonwealth. Reputacion, subs.cnmf reputa- '. tion, fame, character, credit. Resistencia, svhs.com.f. resis- tance, opposition, defence. Respectivo-a, adj. respective, relative. Respetable, adj. respectable, honourable, worthy of con- sideration. Retirado-a, part.abso. retired, secluded, concealed. Retirado, pan. withdrawn, re- tired, sheltered. Revelaeidn, subs. com./, revela- tion. Reverencia, subs.com.f. respect, veneration, reverence, (a title given in Spain to clergymen.) Revestido-a, adj. invested with, excited, or elated by. Revestldo, part, dressed, repair- ed, swayed. From Revestir, to revest. Revolucidn subs.com.f. revolu- tion, change, sedition, com- motion. Ridiculo-a, adj. ridiculous, con- temptible, strange, despica- ble. Rigurdso-a, adj. severe, rigor- ous strict, exact. Riquisimo-a, adj. super, most rich or wealthy, most exquisite, most excellent. Rocinante, subs.prop.m. Roci- nante, (a name given to a horse, in Don Quixote, a no- vel by Cervantes,) a misera- ble clown. Romanesco, sttb5.com.1n. any vul- garity of the low Genoese. Rubicundo-a, adj. reddish, ru- bicund. Rubricado-a, part.adjec. marked with red colour, annexed a flourish, subscribed. Rusticidad, subs.com.f. rusticity, simplicity, asperity, rudeness. Sabiddr-a, subs.ccm. a learned, well informed person, one acquainted with any peculiar circumstance. Sabiddr-a,arfj. knowing,learned*. WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 99 Sabiduria, subs.com.f wisdom, knowledge, prudence. Sacerdote, subs.com.m. clergy- man, priest. Sagacidad, subs.com f. sagacity, acuteness, quickness of ap- prehension. Salamanca, subs.prop.f. Salaman- ca, a city in Spain, renowned for its university. Saludable,' adj. wholesome, healthful, salutary, healthy. Saludado, part, saluted, greeted, fired a salute. From Saludar, to demonstrate joy. Santisimo-a,rtfi/..supe?'. most holy, most sanctified. Satirico-a, subs.com. satirist, (he who writes satires.) Satirico-a, adj. satirical, censo- rious, full of invectives. Satisfaccidn, subs.com.f satis- faction, atonement, recom- pense. Satisfecho-a, adj. arrogant, con- fident. Satisfecho, part satisfied, expi- ated, or atoned, freed from suspense or doubt. From Sa- tisfacer, to give satisfaction. Sazonado-a, adj. ripe, seasoned, timely, convenient. Secretario, subs com. m. secreta- ry, clerk, confident. Semejable, adj. like, similar, resembling. Semejante, subs.com.m. fellow- being. Seinejante, adj. like, as, similar. SemejansH, subs.com.f. simili- tude, resemblance, likeness. Sentenciado-a, subs.com.p. a per- son sentenced to death, or condemned to any punish- ment. Sentenciado-a, adj. sentenced, condemned. Sentimiento, subs.com.m. senti- ment, feeling, perception, grief, resentment. Seiialado-a, adj. signalized, fa- mous. Senalado-a,p«r£. marked, stamp- ed, determined, indicated. Frum Senalar, to show. Seiiorito, subs com.m. a young gentleman, dim. of Sefior, gen- tleman. Senorita subs.com.f. a young lady, dim. of Se~wra, lady. Sepultura, subs.com.f. sepulchre, tomb, grave. Serenidad, subs.comf. serenity, mildness, serene highness, (a title of honour.) Servidumbre, subs.com.f. servi- tude, slavery, bondage, estab- lishment of servants. Severidad, subs.com.f. severity, rigour, austerity, punctuality. Simplicidad, subs.com.f. simpli- city, plainness. Sinceridad, subs.com.f. sincerity, candour, frankness, purity of mind. Soberano, subs.com.m the so- vereign, the king. Soberano-a, adj. sovereign, (holding supreme power.) Sobrecejo subs.com.m. frown, supercilious aspect. 100 WORDS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. ' Solauaente, adv. only, alone, solely. Solemnidad, subs.com.f. solemni- ty, pomp, magnificence, for- mality. Solicito-a, adj. solicitous, anxi- ous, desirous, careful. Sorprendido, part: surprised, executed. From Sorprender, to execute any thing silently. Sosegado-a, adj. peaceful, quiet, tranquil. Sosegado, part, appeased, calm- ed, pacified, quelled, compos- ed. From Sosegar, to quell. Subsistencia, subs.com.f. subsis- tence, maintenance, stability. Sucedido, part, happened, taken place, come to pass. From Suceder, to happen. Sucesivo, subs.com.m. future. Sucesivo-a, adj. successive, fol- lowing Sumamente, adv. extremely, chiefly. Superficie, subs.com.f. super- ficies, outward, exterior. Sustentado,arf;. supported,main- tained, sustained. From Sus- tentar, to assert. Susurrante, adj. murmuring, whispering, purling, whizing. Taburete, subs.com.f. stool, chair. Taciturno-a, adj. silent, taci- turn, reserved, melaucholy. Temeridad, subs.com.f. rashness, temerity, imprudence, ex- cess. Temeroso-a adj. fearful, timor- ous, cowardly. Tenebroso-a, adj. dark, obscure, gloomy. Terremoto, subs.com.m- earth- quake. Testimonio, subs.com.m. witness, testimony, proof, attestation, copy. Tiendecita, subs.com.f. small shop, or store, dim. of Tienda, store. Torq.'.emada, subs.prop.m. Tor- quemada, a Spanish writer. Trabaj6so-a,a. ignorantly, without knowledge. Ilimitado-a, adj. unlimited, boundless, unconfined. Iluminado-a, part.adjec illumin- ed, enlightened, lit, coloured. WORDS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. 107 Imaginacion., subs.com.f. imagin- ation, fancy, conception, er- roneous idea. Imediatamente, adv. immediate- ly, directly. Impenetrable, adj. impenetrable, inscrutable, incomprehensi- ble. Jmpertinente, subs.com. an im- pertinent,or troublesome per- son. Impertinente, adj. impertinent, troublesome. Importunidad, subs.com.f. impor- tunity, incessant solicitation. Inadvertido-a, part.adjec. care- less, inadvertent, unnoticed. Inagotable, adj. inexhaustible, inexhausted, not to be emp- tied. Inanimado-a, adj. inanimate, without animation. Incertidumbre, subs.com.f. un- certainty, incertitude. Incomodidad, subs.com.f. incom- modity, inconvenience, trou- ble. Incomparable, adj. matchless, incomparable, not to be ac- quired. Incomprehensible, adj. incom- prehensible, not to be under- stood. Inconsiderado,«dj. rash,thought- less, inattentive, inconsider- ate. Inconveniente, subs.com.rn. in- conveniency, incommodity, incongruity. Inconveniente, adj. inconveni- ent, incommodious. Incorruptible,«dj incorruptible, not to be perverted, or cor- rupted. Infelicidad, subs.com.f misfor- tune, calamity, disgrace. Injustamente, adv. unjustly, wrongly. Inmortalidad, subs.com. f. immor- tality, (eternal life.) Inseparable, adj. inseparable, (not to be separated, or dis- connected.) Inteligencia, subs.com.f. intelli- gence, understanding, know- ledge, ability. Interesante, adj. interesting, useful, convenient. Interminable, adj. everlasting, endless. Introducido, part, introduced, conducted. From Introducir, to bring into notice. Inumerable, adj. numberless, innumerable, countless. Irrevocable, adj. irrevocabte, not to be recalled. Languidamente, adv. languidly, decaying gradually. Liberalidad, subs.com.f. liberali- ty, generosity. Liberalmente, adv. liberally, generously, expeditiously. Literatura, subs.com.J. literature^ science, learning. M. Magnanimidad, subs.com.f mag- nanimity, generosity, gran- deur of soul. 108 WORDS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. Magnificencia, subs.com/. mag- nificence, splendour. 3Magnifico-a, adj. splendid, mag- nificent, grand. Maltratamiento,su&s.com.?n. mal- treatment, bad usage. MantenimientOj.su&s.com/. main- tenance, sustenance, subsis- tence., allowance. Manufactfira, subs.com.m. ma- nufacture, workmanship. Maravill6so-a, adj. wonderful, astonishing. Martirizado, part, martyred, tortured. From Marliriear, to make suffer the death of a martyr. Melancdlio-a, adj. melancholy, gloomy, depressed. Menospreciaddr-a, subs.com. de- tester, (he who despises, or detests.) Misericdrdia, subs.com.f. mercy, pity, commisseration. Molestisimo a, adj.super. most troublesome, most vexing Monstruosameute, adv. mons- trously, hugely, in an uncom- mon manner. Mortificacidn, subs.com.f. morti- fication, grief, sorrow. 1ST. Naturaleza, subs.com.f. nature, __ virtue, propensity. Naturalidad, subs.com.f. nature, (being conformable with, or having great resemblance to, nature.) Naturalmente, adv. naturally, (not artificially,) humanly. Nobilisimo-a,a(Z/sH/)er most no- ble, most generous, most con- spicuous. Nonagenario-a, odj.and subs.com. ninety years old. o. Octagenario-a, adj. andstt6s.com. eighty years old. Odiosfsimo-a, From Formar, v.a. to form. Formar, inf.pre. v.a. to form, to shape, to make, to put in order. Formas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou formest. From Formar, v.a. to form. Fruneir, inf.pre. v.a. to contract, to reduce to a small space, to conceal the truth, to affect modesty. Fuera, subj. I impf.l pn.sin. I would, or should be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Fueron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they were. From Ser, v.n. to be. Fuese, subj.3 impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. 1, or it, he, or she should be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Fuesen, siibj.3impf.3pn.pl. they should be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Fuimos, ind.pret. 1 pn.pl. we were. From Ser, v.n. to be. G. Ganan, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they gain. From Ganar, v.a. to gain Ganar, inf.pre. v.a. to win, to gain, to earn, to subdue. Ganas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou gainst. From Ganar, v.a. to gain. Gastar, inf.pre. v.a. to spend, to grow old, to become useless. Gastas. in d.pre. 2 pn. sin. thou spendest. From Gastar, v.a. to expend. 124 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Gloria, ind.pre.3pn.stn. it, he, or she glories in. From Gloi'iar, v.r. to glory. Gloriar, inf.pre. v.r. to glory, to pride one's self, to boast of, to delight in, to brag. Gozan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they enjoy. From Gozar, v.a. to enjoy. Gozar, inf.pre. v.a. to enjoy, to be delighted with, to rejoice. Gozo, ind.pre.i pn.sin. I enjoy. From Gozar, v.a. to enjoy. Gozo ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she enjoyed. From Gozar, v.a. to enjoy. Goce, iwip.pre.2pu.sin. let him enjoy. From Gozar, v.a. to enjoy. Goce, subj.prel or 3 pn.sin. I may enjoy. From Gozar,\.A. to enjoy. Grangear, inf.pre. v.a. to acquire, to obtain, to attract, to gain, to farm. Gritan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they shout. From Gritar, v.n. to shout. Gritar, inf.pre. v.n. to shout, to hoot, to cry, to make noise. Guardan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they keep. From Gwirdar, v.a. to keep. Guardar, inf.pre. v.a. to keep, to guard, to preserve. Guardar, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou keepst. From Guardar, \.k. to keep. Guardo, ind.pre. \ pn.sin. I keep. From Guardar, v.a. to keep. Guardo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. I kept. From Guardar, v.a. to keep. Gustan, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. they taste, or like. From Gustar, v.a. to enjoy. Gustar, inf.pre. v.a. to taste, to enjoy, to like, to be pleased with. H. Habeis, ind.pre.3pn.pl. ye, or you have. From i/a&er,v. Aux.to have. Haber, inf.pre. v.aux. to have. Haber, inf.pre. v.imp. to be, as, there is — hai. Haber, inf.pre. v.a. to possess, to hold, to keep, to have. Habia, ind.imp. 1 or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she had. From Haber, v.aux. to have. Habian, ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they had. From Haber, v.aux. to have. Habias, ind.impj '.2 pn.sin. thou hadst. From Haber, v.aux. to have. Habia, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she speaks. From Hablar, v.n. to speak. Habian, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they speak. From Hablar, v.n. to speak. Hablar, inf.pre. v.n. to speak; v.a. to utter, to say, to discourse on. Habias, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou speakst. From Hablar, v.n. to speak. Hable, imp.pre. 3 pn.sin. let him speak. From Hablar, v. N.to speak. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 125 Hablo, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she spoke. From Hablar, v.n. to speak. Habra, ind.fut.3pn.sin. it, he, or she will, or shall have. From Haber, v.aux. to have. Habra, indfut.3 pn.sin.or pi. there will be. From Haber,v.mv.to be. Ha.br in, ind.fut. 3 pn.pl. they shall, or will have. From Hafter, v.aux. to have. Habras, ind.fut.2pn.sin. thou shalt, or will have. From Haler, v.aux. to have. Hace, ind.prs.3pn.sin. it, he, or she does, or makes. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hace, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it is. From Hacer, v.imp. to be. Haced, imp.pre.2 pn.pl. do, or vouchsafe thou. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hacen, ind.pre.dpn.pl. they do, or make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Haces, ind.pre.2pn.sin. thou makest. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hacer, inf. pre. v.a. to make, to do, to endeavour, to execute, to perform, to determine. Haeia, ind.impf.l or o pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she made. From Hacer, v.a. to do. Hacia, ind.impf." pn.sin. it was. From Hacer, v.imp. to be. Hacian, ind.impf.dpn.pl. they made. From Hacer, v.imp. to make. Hacias, ind.impf .2 pn.sin. thou madest. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Haga, imp.pre.d pn.sin. let him make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Haga, subj.pre.L or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hagais, subj pre.2pn.pl. you may make. Fro^Eacer, v.a. to make. Hagan, subj. pre. pn.pl. they may make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hagas, subj.pre.2 pn.sin. thou mayest make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Halla, imp.pre.2 pn.sin. find thou. From Hollar, v.a. to find. Halla, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she finds. From flallar, v.a. to find. Hallan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they find. From Hallar, v.a. to find. Hailar, inf. pre. v.a. to find, to encounter, to meet, to discover. Hallas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou findest. From Hallar, v.a. to find. Halle, md.pre. 3 pn.sin. let him find. From Hallar, v.a. to find. Halle subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may find. From Hallar, v.a. to find. 12 126 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Hallo, iii(l!p'e.l pn.sin. I find. From Hallar, v.a. to find. Hallo, ind.pret.S pn.sin. he found. From Hallar, v.a. to find. Hara, ind.futr.3 pn.sin. he shall, or will find. From Hallar, v. a. to find. Haras, indfutr.2 pn.sin. thou shalt, or wilt make, or do. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hare, ind.futr.l pn.sin. I shall, or will do, or make. From Haccr, v.a. to make. Haria, subj.l impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or* it, he, or she would do, or make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Harias, subj. 1 impj '.2 pn.sin. thou wouldst do, or make. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Hartar, inf.pre. v.a. to feed, to glut, to satiate. Haya, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. 1 may have. From Haber,y.kus.. to have. Hayas, subj.pre.2 2m.sin. thou mayest have. From Haber, v.aux. to have. Helar, inf.pre. v.imp. to freeze, to congeal, to coagulate. Hemos, ind.pre.i pn.pl. we have. From Haber, v.alx. to have. Hervir, inf.pre. v.n. to boil, to swarm, to be crowded. Hiela, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it freezes. From Helar, v.imf. to freeze. Hierven, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they swarm. From Hervl , v.n. to swarm-. Hizo, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she did, or made. From Hacer, v.a. to make. Holgar, inf.pre. v.n. to be pleased, to rejoice, to amuse one's self. Hollar, inf.pre. v.a. to tread, to trample upon, to break through. to violate, to crush. Hollas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou treadst. From Hollar, v.a. to tread. Hojlid, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she trampled upon-> From Hollar,, v.a. to tread. Hooran, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they honour, or worship. From Honrar, v.a. to honour. Honrar, inf.pre. v.a. to honour, to reverence, to fondle, to praise. Hdnras, ind.pre.S pn.sin. thou honourest. From Honrar, \. a. to honour. Hubo, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she had. From Haber, v.aux. to have. Huela, subj .pre. 1 or S pn.sin. it, he, or she may smell. From Oler, v.n. to smell. Huele,md.;pre.3 pn.sin, it, he, or she smells. From Oler t v,x. to smell VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 127 Huella, iinp.pre.2pn.sin. trample thou. From Hollar ,v.a. to trample-. Huella, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she tramples. From Hollar, v.a. to trample. Huellan, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they trample. From Hollar, v.a. to trample. Huellas, ind.p-e.2pn.sin. thou tramplest. From Hollar, v.a. to trample. Huelle, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may trample. From Hollar, v.a. to trample. Huelles, subj. pre. 2 pn.sin. thou mayest trample. From Hollar, v.a. . to trample. Humea, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she smokes. From Humear, v.n. to emit smoke. Humear, inf.pre. v.n. to smoke, to he kindled, to be inflamed. Humeas, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou smokest. From Humear, v.n. to smoke, llurtar, inf.pre. v.a* to steal, to rob, to cheat, to separate. Hurtas, ind.pre, 2 pn.sin. thou stealest. From Hurtar, v.a. to steal. Huye, imp. pre. 2 pn.sin. fly thou. From Huir, v.n. to fly. Huye, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she flies. From Huir, v.n. to fly. Huyen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they fly. From Huir, v.n. to fly. Huyes, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou fliest. From Huir, v.n. to fly. Huyo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I fly. From Huir, v.n. to fly. Huyo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she flew From Huir, v.n. to fly. I. Fba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she was going. From Ir, v.n. to go. Fban, ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they were going. From Ir, v.n. to go. Fbas, ind.impf .2 pn.sin. thou wast going. From Ir, v.n. to go. Influir, inf.pre. v.a. to influence, to prevail upon, to interfere. Instar, inf.pre. v.a. to press, to urge, to urge the execution. Ireis, ind.fuir.2pn.pl. you shall, or will go. From Ir, v.n. to go. J. Junta, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she joints. From Juntar, v.a. to joint. Juntan, ind.pre.3pn.pl they joint. From Juntar, v.a. to join. Juntar, inf.pre. v.a. to join, to unite, to assemble, to be closely United, 123 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Junto, ind.pre. \ pn.sin. I join. From Juniar, v.a. to join. Junto, ind.prct.S pn.sin. it, he, or she joined. From Juntar, v.a. to join. Jura, imp.pre. 2 pn.sin. swear thou. From Jurar, v.n. to swear. Jura, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she swears. From Jurar, v.n. to swear. Jiiran, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they swear. From Jurar, v.n. to swear. Jurar, infprc. v.n. to swear, to make oath, to call to witness any great power, to curse. Juzga. imp.pre? pn.sin. judge thou. From Juzgar, v.n. to judge. Juzga, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she judges. From Juzgar, v.n. to judge. Juzgad, imp.pre. 2 pn.pl judge ye. From Juzgar, v.n. to judge. Juzgan, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they judge. From Juzgar, v.n. to judge. Juzgar, ind.pre. v.a. to judge, or adjudge, to pass a sentence, to award. Juzgar, h.fpre. v.n. to judge, to form an opinion, to apprehend. Labran, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they labour, or work. From Labrar, v.a. to labour. Labrar, inf.pfe. v.a. to work, to labour, to till, to construct, to form. Labras, ind pre. 2 pn.sin. thou labourcst. From Labrar,\.&. to labour. Labro, ind.pre. I pn.sin. I labour. From Labrar, v.a. to labour. Labro, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she laboured. From Labrar, v.a ; to labour. Lanza, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she throws. From Lanzar, v.a. to throw. Lanzan, ind.pre.S pn.sin. they throw. From Lanzar, v.a. to throw. Lanzar, inf. pre. v.a. to cast, to throw, to dart, to let loose, to rush upon. Lahzo, inf.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she rushed upon, or threw. From Lanzar, v.a. to throw. Lavan, ind pre.Spn.pl. they clear, or wash. From Lanzar, v.a. to throw. Lavar, inf.pre. v.a. to wash, to clear (from a charge,) to white wash. Leen, ind.pre.2pn.pl. they read. From Leer, v.a. to read. Leer, infpre. v.a. to peruse, to lecture, to penetrate into. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 129 Leia 5 ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she read. From Leer, , v.A. to read. Leian, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they read. From Leer, v.a. to read. Leias, ind.impf .2 pn.sin. thou readst. From Leer, v.a. to read. Libra, imp.pre.2pn.sin. deliver, or free thou. From Librar, v.a. to exempt. Libra, ind.pre.l pn.sin. it, he, or she delivers. From Librar, v.a, to deliver. Libran, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they deliver. From Librar, v.a. to deliver. Librar, inf.pre. "v.a. to free, to deliver, to exempt, to dispatch, to give an order. Libras,md.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou deliverest. From Library. a. to deliver. Logra, ind.pre.3 pn..sin. it, he, or she obtains. From Lograr, y,& to obtain. Logran, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they obt'ain. From Lograr, v.a. to obtain-. Lograr, inf.pre. v.a. to obtain, to accomplish, to succeed, to ac- quire, to enjoy, to avail one's self. Logras, ind.p-e. 2 pn.sin. thou obtainest. From Lograr, v.a. to obtain, Logro, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I obtain, or enjoy. From Lograr, v.a. to obtain. Logro, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she obtained. From Lograr, v.a. to obtain. hiicz, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or sheshines. From Lucir,v.x. to shine. Lucen, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they shine. From Lucir, v.n. to shine. Luces, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou shinest. From Lucir, v.n. to shine. Lucir, inf.pre. v.n. to shine, to be brilliant, to make a figure, to glitter, to gleam. Lucir, inf.pre. v.a. to enlighten, to outshine, to exceed. Luzco, ind.preA pn.sin. I shine. From Lucir, v.n. to shine. LL. Llama, imppre. 2 pn.sin. call thou. From Llamar, v.a. to call. L\a.ma,,ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she calls. From Llamar, y. a to ca£L Llaman, ind.pre.3pn.pl. tlaey call. From Llamar, v.a. to call. Llamar, inf.pre. v.a. to call, to invoke, to name, to demand, to invoke. Llamar, inf.pre. v.n. to refer to any book or writing. Llamas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou callest. From Llamar, v.a. to calL 12* ISO VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Llame, subj.preA or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may call. From Llamar, v.a. to call. Llame, ind.prrf.l pn.sin. I called. From Llamar, v.a. to call. Llamen, subj.pre.Spn.pl. they may call. From Llamar, v.a. to call. Llames, sub j. pre. 2 pn.sin. thou mayst call. From Llamar ,v,A.to call. Llamo, ind.pre.A pn.sin. I call. From Llamar, v.a. to call. Llamo,mfLp^.3jm.si>;.it,he,or she called. FrornL7ft?n(/r,v.A.tocall. Llega, ind.pre.S piusin. it, he, or she ends in. From Llegar a, v.n. to end by, or in. Llega, ind.pre.Spn. sin. it, he, or she arrives. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Llegan, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they arrive. From Llegar, v.N. to arrive at. Llegar, inf.pre. v.n. to arrive at, to become, to attain, to be enough. to ascend. . Llegar, inf.pre. v.r. to approach, to join. Llegas, ind.prr.S pn.sin. thou arrivest. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Llego, ind.pre.lpn.sin. I arrive. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Llego, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she arrived. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Llegue, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I arrived. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Llegue, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may arrive. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Lleguen, subj.pre.Spn.pl. they may arrive. From Llegar, v.n. to arrive. Llena, imp. pre. 2 pn.sin. fill thou. From Llenar, v.a. to fill. Llena, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she fills, or occupies. From Lle- nar, v.a. to fill. Llenan, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they fill.From Llenar, v.a. to fill. Llenar, inf.pre. v.a. to fill, to occupy, to accomplish, to perform. Llenas, inch pre. 2 pn.sin. thou fillest. From Llenar, v.a. to fill. Lleva, imp. pre. 2 pn.sin. carry thou. From Llevar, v.a. to carry. Lleva, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she carries. From Lhvar, v.a. to carry. Llevan, ind.pre.lpnpl. they carry. From Llevar, v.a. to carry. Llevar, inf.pre. v.a. to carry, to bring, to bear, to produce, to gain, to charge. Llevas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou earnest. From Llevar, v.a. to carry, Lleve, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may carry. From Llevar, v.a. to carry. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 133 Lleve, ind.pret.3pn.sin. I carried. From Llevar, v.a. to carry. Llevo, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I carry. From Llevar, v.a. to carry. Llevo, ind.pret 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she carried. From Llevar, v.a. to carry- Lldra, imp. pre. 2 pn.sin. weep thou. From Llorar, v.a. to weep. Llora, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she weeps. From Llorar, v.a. to weep. Lloran, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they weep. Fr%m Llorar, v.a. to weep. Llorar. infpre. v.n. to weep, to show sorrow by tears. Llorar, inf. pre. v.a. to weep, to lament, to bemoan, to bewail, to drop. Lloras ind.pre.2_pn.sin. thou weepst. From Llorar, v.a. to weep. Lldro. m pre. i pn.sin. I weep. From Llorar, v.a. to weep. Lloro, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she wept. From Llorar, v.a. to weep. Llover, inf. pre. v.imp. to rain, to pour down, to shower, to abound, to come in abundance. Llueve, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it rains. From Llover, v.imp. to rain, M. Malear, inf. pre. v.a. to injure, to spoil, to corrupt. Malear, infpre. v.r. to be lost, to be spoiled, to be destroyed. Manca, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. it, he, or she maims, or fails. From Mancar, v.a. to maim. Mancar, infpre. v.a. to maim, to disable, to fail, not to produce the desired effect. Manda, ind. pre. 3 pn, sin. it, he, or she orders. From Mandar, v*a. to order. Mandar, inf. pre. v.a. to command, to order, to bequeath, to send, to promise. Mando, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I order. From Mandar, v.a. to order. Mando, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. he ordered. From Mandar, v.a. to order. Marchar, infpre. v.a. to march, to walk, to go. Matar, infpre. v.a. to kill, to murder, to slay, to extinguish, to vex. M&t6,imp.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she killed. From Matar,y.A.tokiU, Mece, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she stirs, or rocks. From Mecer, v.a. to rock. Mecer, infpre. v.a. to stir, to agitate, to jumble, to rock, to shake. Medir } in/.j)re. v.a. to measure, to fall flat, to compare, to moderate. 132 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Meten, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they put. From Meter, v.a. to put. Meter, inf.pre. v.a. to put, to include, to occasion, to stake. Metid, ind.pret .3 pn.sin. it, he, or she put. From Meter, v.a. to put. 1 Mezclar, inf.pre. v.a. to mix, to mingle, to spread a false report, to kindle dissensions. Mira, ind.pre.2pn sin. behold, or mind thou. From Mirar, v.a. to behold. Mira, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he^pr she looks. From Mirar, y. a. to look. Mirad, imp.pre.2pn.pl. see, look ye, or you. From Mirar, v.a. to look. Miran, ind.pre.3 pn pi. they look. From Mirar, v.a. to look. Mirar, inf.pre. v.a. to look, to see, to mind, to behold, to respects Miro, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin.it, he, or she beheld. From Mirar, v.A.to look. Mire, imp.jrre.S pn.sin. let it, her, or him look. From Mirar, v.a. to look. Mire, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may look. From Mi- rar, v.a. to look. Miren, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may look. From Mirar, v.a. to look. Miro, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I look. From Mirar, v.a. to look. Miro, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she looked. From Mirar, v.a. to look. Montar, inf.pre. v.a to mount: v.n. to go on horse-back, to amount. Monto, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it amounted, or it, he, or she mounted. From Montar, v.n. to amount. Morir, ind.pre. v.n to die, to perish, to become extinct. Mostrar, inf.pre. v.a. to show, to exhibit, to establish, to explain. Mostro, bid pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she shewed. From Mostrar, v.a. to show. Muera, imp.pre.3 pn.sin. let it, him, or her die. From Morir, v.n. to die. Muera, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may die. From Morir, v. n. to die. Muere, ind pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he. or she dies. From Morir, v.n. to die. Muero, ind.pret. 1 pn.sin. I die. From Morir, v.n- to die. Muestra, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn, I, or it, he, or she may shew. From Mostrar, v a. to show. Muestran, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they show. From Mostrar, v.a. to show. Murio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she died. From Morir, v.n. to die. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 135 N. Nace, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she is born, or rises. From Nacer, v.n. to be born. Naceis, ind.pre.2 pn.pl. ye, or you are born, or rise. From Nacer, v.n. to be born. Nacen, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they are born, or rise. From Yacer, v.n. to be born. N&cer, inf. pre. v.n. to be born, to rise, to blossom, to bud, to spring. Naci, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I was born. From Nacer, v.n. to be born. Nacid, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she was born. From Nacer, v.n. to be born. Nada, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she swims. From Nadar, v.n. to swim. Nadar, inf. pre. v.n. to float, to swim, to be loose, to abound. Negar, infpre. v.a. to deny, to refuse, to disturb, to disown, to conceal. Negar, infpre. v.r. to deny one's self, to decline (doing, a thing.) Nego, ind.pret. v.a. it, he, or she denied. From Negar, v.a. to deny. Niega ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she denies. From Negar, v.a. to deny. Niegan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they deny. From Negar, v.a. to deny. Niego, ind.preA pn.sin. I deny. From Negar,' v; a. to deny. Nota, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she remarks. From Notar, v.a. to remark. Notan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they remark. From Notar, v.a. to remark. Notar, infpre. v.a. to remark, to observe, to note, to take notes. Noto, ind.preA pn.sin. I remark. From Notar, v.a. to remark. Noto, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she remarked. From Notar, v.a.. to remark. 0. O'bra, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she labours. From Obrar, v.a. to labour. Obrad, imp. pre. 2 pn.pl. labour you. From Obrar, v.a. to labour. O'bran, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they labour. From Obrar, v.a. to labour. Obrar, infpre v.a. to work, to labour, to perform, to execute, to practice. O'bras, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou labourst. From Obrar, v.a. to labour. 134 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. O'iga, imp.pre.S pn.sin. let it, him, or her hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'iga, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'igan, subj.pre.3 pn.pl. they may hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'igas, subj.pre.2pn.sin. thou mayst hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'igo, inii.pre. 1 pn.sin. I hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. Oira, ind.futr. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she will hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. Oiste, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou heardst. From Oir, v.a. to hear. Ondear, inf.pre. v.a. to undulate, to form waves, to fluctuate, to seesaw. Or ar, inf. pre. v.N.to pray, to supplicate heaven, to ask, to harangue. Ornad, imp.pre. 2 pn.pl. ornament you. From Ornar,v. a. to ornament. Ornar,in/.p-e. v.A.to ornament, to adorn, to embellish, to decorate. Osar, inj.pre. v.n. to dare, to venture, to be so bold as, to fancy. O'ye, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she hears. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'ye, imp.pre.2 pn.sin. hear thou. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'y en, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they hear. From Oir, v.a. to hear. O'yes, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou hearest. From Oir, v.a. to hear. P. Paga, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she pays. From Pagar, v.a. to pay. Pagan, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they pay. From Pagar, v.a. to pay. Pagar, inf.pre. v.a. to pay, to atone, to please, to reward. Pagas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou payst. From Pagar, v.a. to pay. PaJpa, ind.pre 3 pn.sin. thou feelst. Palpar, v.a. to feel. Palpar, inf.pre. v.a. to feel, to touch, to search by feeling in the dark. Parad,MicZ.p-e.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she stops. From Parar,v.N. to stop,. Paraa, imp.pre.2 pn.pl. stop ye. From Parar, v.n. to stop. Parar, inf.pre. v.a. to detain, to impede, to end, to happen, to point out. Parar, inf.pre. v.n. to stop, to halt. Parten, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they depart. From Partir, v.n. to depart. Partia, ind.hnpf 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she departed. From Paf- tir, v.n. to depart. Partio, ind.pret opn.sin. it, he, or she departed. From Partir, v.n. to depart. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 135 Partir, inf. pre. v.n. to depart, to go off, to set out, to start. Partir, ind.pre. v.a. to divide, to separate, to part, to attack, to resolve. Va.s-d,ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she passes. From Pasar, v. a. to pass* Pasais, ind.pre.2pn.pl. ye, or you pass. From Pasar, v.a. to pass. Pasan, ind.pre.S pn pi. they pass. From Pasar, v.a. to pass. Pasar, inf. pre. v.a. to pass, to cross, to run through, to penetrate^, to exceed Pasar, inf. pre. v.n. to pass, to go, to call on, to die. Pasas, ind.pre.2pn.sin. thou passest. From Pasar, v.a. to pass. Pasean, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they walk. From Pasear, v.n. to walk. Pasear,in/".pre. v,n. to walk, to move slowly, to go, to take exercise. Pasmar, inf.pre. v.a. to astonish, to astound, to make torpid, to suffer spasms, to be enraptured. Paso, ind.pret.Spn.sin. it, he, or she passed. From Pasar, v.a. to pass. Paso, ind.jn-e.l pn.sin. I pass. From Pasar, v.a. to pass. Peca, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she sins From Pecar, v.n. to sin, Pecar, inf.pre. v.n. to transgress the laws of God, or to sin, to be wanting, to commit excess. Pedfa, ind.impf. ? pn0in. it, he, or she asked. From Pedir, v.a. to ask. Pedian, ind.impf .3 pn.pl. they asked. From Pedir, v.a. to ask. Pedir, mi/ pre. v.a. to ask, to petition, to wish, to desire, to demand. Pedis, ind-prc.2pn.pl. you ask. From Pedir, v.a. to ask. Pelear, inf.pre. v.a. to fight, to combat, to quarrel, to contend. Pende, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she hangs, or depends. From- Pender, v.n. to depend. Pender, inf.pre. v.n. to hang over, to depend, to be irresolute. Pensar, inf.pre. v.a. to think, to imagine, to believe, to weigh. Perder, inf.pre. v.a. to lose, to miss, to lavish, to mispend. Perdi, ind.pret. 1 pn.sin. I lost. From Perder, v.a. to lose. Perdia, ind.impf. 1 or S pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she lost. From Perder, to lose, Verdio, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she lost. From Perder,\.A. to lose* Pesa, ind.pre.S pn.sJn. it grieved me, or I am sorry for. From Pe- sar, v.n. to be sorry ior. Pesar, inf.pre. v.n. to be sorry for, to be concerned, to be valua- ble, to be of weight. 136 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Pesar, inf. pre. v.a. to weigh, to examine, to ascertain, to balance. Pican, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they prick, From Picar, v.a. to prick. Picar, inf. pre. v. a. to prick, to peck, to sting, to fret, to itch, to spur, to stimulate. Pide, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she begs. From Pedir, v.a. to ask. Piden, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they beg. From Pedir, v.a. to beg. Piensa, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she thinks. From Pensar, v.n. to think. Piensan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they think. From Pensar, v.n. to think. Pierda, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may lose. From Per- der, v.a. to lose. Pierden, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they lose. From Perder, v.a. to lose. Pierdo, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I lose. From Perder, v.a. to lose. Pintan, ind.pre.3pA pi. they paint. From Pintar, v.a. to paint. Pintar, inf.pre. v.a. to paint, to portrait, to describe, to delineate. Piquen, sxibj.pr ?$:'■> pn pi. incy may peck. From Picar, v.a. to peck. Pisar, inf.pre. v.a. to ire ad, to stamp, to trample. Pise, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may tread. From Pisar, v.a. to tread. Piso, imp.pre.~i pn.sin. I tread. From Piscn^.A. to tread. Planta, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she piants.Wrom Plantar, v.a. to plant. Plantar, inf.pre. v.a. to plant, to set up, to fix, to erect. Plauto, ind.pre. 1 pn.s<.n. I plant. From Plantar, v.a. to plant. Planto, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. I planted. From Plantar, v.a. to plant. Podeis, 'nd.pre."2 pn.pl. ye may. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Poder, inf. pie. v.a. to be able, may, or can, to have the power, faculty, to be invested with, to have energy. Podia, ind.impfA or ti pn.sin. I could. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Podian, ind. imp f 3 pn.pl. they could. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Podre, ind.futr.l pn sin. I shall be able. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Pone, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin it, he, or she puts. From Poner, v.a. to put. Ponen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they put. From Poner, v.a. to put. Poner, inf.pre. v.a. to put, to placs, to set, to lay, to impose. Pones, inc!pre.3 jm.sin. thou putst. From Poner, v.a. to put. Ponia, ind.impf. lx>r 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she placed. From Poner, v.a. to put. Ponga, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may put. From Ponm\ v.a. to put. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 13f Pongo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I put. From Poner, v.a. to put. Poslrar, inf. pie. v.a. to prostrate, to humble, to debilitate, to ex- haust. Postrar, inf.pre. v. r. to prostrate one's self, to kneel. Premia, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she rewards. From Premiar, v.a. to reward. Premiar, inf.pre. v.a. to recompense, to reward, to remunerate. Premio, ind.pret.o pn.sin. it, he, or she rewarded. From Premiar } v.a. to reward. Prever, inf.pre. v.a. to foresee, to foreknow. Priva, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it. he, or she deprives. From Privar, v.a. to deprive. Priva, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she enjoys the favour or protection of. From Privar, v.n. to enjoy the favour of. Pri van, inf.pre. v.a. to deprive, to preclude, to prohibit, to suspend. Privar, inf pre. v.n. to enjoy the protection of. Probar, inf.pre. v.a. to try, to examine, to prove, to taste, to at- tempt, to experience. Prueba, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she proves. From Probar, v.a. to prove. Prueben, subj pre.S pn.pl. they may prove. From Probar, v.a.. to prove, Pude, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I could. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Pudo, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it he or she could. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Puede, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she can. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Pueden, vndpre.3pn.pl. they can. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Puedes, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou canst. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Puedo, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. 1 can. From Pcder, v.a. to be able. Pule, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she polishes. From Pw/ir, v.a. to polish. Pulen, ind.pre. i pn.pl. they polish. From Pulir, v.a. to polish. Puiir, inf.pre. v.a. to polish, to finish, to adorn, to civilize, to en- lighten. Fuse, ind.pre.S pn.sin. I put. From Poner, v.a. to put. Puso, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she put. From Poner, v.a. to put, 13 138 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Q- Queda, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she remains. From Quedar, v.n. to remain. Quedan, ind.pre. 3j;>n.;)Z. they remain. From Quedar, v.n. to remain. Quedar, inf.pre. v.n. to stay, to remain, to continue, to last. Quede, subj.pre.l or § pn.sin., I or it, he, or she may remain. From Quedar, v.n. to remain. Quedo, ind.pre.3pn.sin. 1 remain. From Quedar, v.n. to remain. Quedo, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she remained. From Quedar, v.n. to remain. Queja, ind.pre.1pn.sin. it, he, or she complains. From Quejar, \.r. to complaifl. Quejan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they complain. From Quejar, v.r. to com- plain. Quejar, ind.pre.2pn.sin. thou complainest. From Quejar, v.r. to complain. Quejar, inf.pre. v.r. to complain, to mention with sorrow, to lament. Quejo, ind.pre. I pn.sin. I complain. From Quejar, v.r. to complain. Quejo, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she complained. From Quejar, v.r. to complain. Quema, ind.pre. t pn.sin. it, he, or she burns. From Quemar, v.a. to burn. Quemar, inf.pre. v.a. to burn, to consume by fire, to waste, to parch. Quemar, inf.pre. v.n. to burn, or be very hot, to fret, to be im- patient. Quereis, ind.pre. 2 pn.pl. ye, or you wish. From Querer, v.a. to be willing. Querer, inf.pre. v.a. to wish, to desire, to be willing-, to love, to agree, to will, to like, to be fond of. Queria, indjmpfA or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she was willing. From Querer, v.a. to will. Querian, ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they were willing. From Querer, v.a. to like. Querias,incUmp/.2;m.$ir}.thou wert willing. From Querer, \. a. to will. Qui ra, imp.pre.3 pn.sin. would to it, him, or her. From Querer. v.a. to like. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 1S9 Quiera, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may be willing. From Querer, v.a. to be willing. Quieran, subj.pre.S pn.pl. they may be willing. From Querer, x.a, to be willing. Quieras, subj.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou maystbe willing. From Querer, v. A' to be willing. Quiere, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. he is willing. From Querer, v.a. to be willing. Quieren, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they are willing. From Querer, v.a. to be willing. Quieres, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou art willing. From Querer, v.a. to be willing. Quita, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she takes away. From Quitar, v.a. to take away. Quitan, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they take away. From Quitar, v.a. to take away. Quitar , inf. pre. v.a. to take away, to remove, to separate, to leave,, to usurp. Quitas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou takest away. From Tomar, v.a. to take away. Q,uito,ind.pre.l pn.sin. I take away. From Tomar, v. a. to take away. Quito, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she took away. From Tomar, v.a. to take away. R. Recrear, inf.pre. v.a. to amuse, to delight, to gratify, to divert one's thoughts. Recreas, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou amusest. From Recrear, v.a. to de- light. Regar, inf.pre. v.a. to water, to bedew, to sprinkle, to irrigate. Regla, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. he rules. From Reglar, v.a. to rule. Regla, ind/pre.2 pn.sin. regulate thou. From Reglar, v.a. to rule. Reglar, inf.pre. v.a. to regulate, to rule, to direct, to reform. Reinan, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they reign. From Reinar, v.a. to reign. Reinar, inf.pre. v.a. to reign, to prevail, to govern, to command. Rendir, inf.pre. v.a. to yield, to surrender, to subject, to subdue. Rendir, inf.pre. v.r. to yield, to surrender, to be worn out by fatigue. Restar, in f pre. v.a. to remain, to be left, to subtract. 110 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Reunir, inf.pre. v.a. to join, to unite, to collect together. Ri5gan, iadpre.Spn.pl. they water. From Regar, v.a. to water. Riegas, ihi.pfe.fi ph.sin. thou waterest. From Regar, v.a. to water. Rinde, ind.prc.3pn.dn. it, he, or she yields. From Rendir, v.a. to yield. Rinden, ind.prc.Spn.pl. they yield. From Rendir, v a. to yield. I\6bz.,inJ.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she steals. From Robar,x.\. to steal. Roban, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they steal. From Robar, v.a. to steal. Rodean, ind.pre.S pn.sin. they turn. From Rodear, v.a. to move. Rodear, inf.pre. v.a. to encircle (a place,) to go a round about way, to turn, to wrap up. Rogar, inf.pre. v.a. to pray, to beseech, to implore, to entreat. Uogo, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she implored. From Rogar, v.a. to implore. Romper, inf.pre. v.a. to break, to crack, to rout, to transgress, to interrupt. Rompio, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she broke. From Romper, v.a. to break. Ruega, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may break. From Romper, v.a. to break. Ruegan, ind.pre.S pn.nl. they break. From Romper, v.a. to break. S. Sabe, imp. pre. .2 pn.sin. know thou. From Saber, v.a. to know. Sabe, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she knows. From Saber, v.a. to know. Saben, ind.pre.S jm.pl. they know. From Saber, v.a. to know. Saber, inf.pre. v.a. to know, to experience, to be learned, to be possessed of talents. Sabes, hid pre.2 pn.sin thou knowest. From Saber, v.a. to know. Sabia, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she knew. From Saber, v.a. to know. Sablan, ind.impf.Spn.pl. they knew. From Saber, v.a. to know. Sacar, inf.pre. v.a. to take off, to draw, to extrast, to exclude, to clear, to free. Saco, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she took off. From -Sacar, v.a. to draw. Saldra, ind.futr.S pn.sin. it, he, or she will go out. From Salir, \yn. to go out. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 141 Sale, ind.pre3pn.sin. it, he, or she goes out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Salen, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they go out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Sail, ind.prel. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she went out. From Salir, v.n. to go cut. Salia, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin I, it, he, or she went out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. , Salian, ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they went out. From SaZir,v.N. to go out. Salias, ind.impf.2 pn.sin. thou wentst out. FromSalir, v.n. to go out* Salio, ind pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she went out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Salir, inf. pre. v.n. to go out, to start, to depart, to appear, to ex- tricate one's self. Salis, ind.pre.2pn.pl. they go out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Saiga, imp.pre.3 pn.sin. let it, him, or her go out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Saiga, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he or she may go out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Salgan, subj.pre 3 pn.pl. they may go out. From Salir, v.n. to go out. Saltan, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they jump. From Saltar, v.n. to jump. Saltar, inf. pre. v.n. to leap, to jump, to burst, to be obvious, to be irritated. Salva, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she saves. From Salvar, v. a. to save. Salvan, ind.pre 3 pn.pl they save. From Salvar, v.a. to save. Salvar ,inf.pre. v.A.to free from danger, to remove,to save,to spare,. Salvar, inf. pre. v.r. to escape from danger, to get over difficulties. Saque, imp.pre. 2 pn.sin. let it, him, or her take off. From Sacar t v.a. to take off. Saque, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, or it, he, or she may take off. From Sacar, v.a. to take off. Saquen, subj.pre.Spn.pl. they may take off. From Sacar, v.a. to take off. Seais, subj.pre.2pn.pl. ye, or you may be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Seguir, infpre. v.a. to follow, to prosecute, to conform to, to ac- company. Sentar, infpre. v.a to fix. to establish, to set up, to enter, to lay down, to agree with. Sentar, inf.pre. v.r. to sit down, to take a chair. 13* 142 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLE?. Sentia, inJ.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, lie, or she felt. From Seniir, v.a. to feel. Sentir, inf.pre. v.a. to feel, to perceive, to be sorry for, to grudge. Sentir, infpre. v.a. to be moved, to be angry, to be sensible of, to resent. Sento, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she sat down. From Scntar, v.n. to sit down. Sepan, subj.pre.Zpn.pl. they may know. From Saber, v.a. to know. Sera, ind.fuir.Spn.sin it, he, or she will be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Seran, ind.fw r. 3 pn.pl. they shall, or will be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Seras, ind.futr.2pn.sin. thou shalt, or wilt be. From Ser,v.N. to be. Sere, ind.futr.l pn.sin. I shall, or will be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Sena, snbjAimpf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would be From Ser, v.n to be. Senan, subjA impf.3pn.pl. they would be. From Ser, v.n. to be. Servia, ind.impfA or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she served. From Servir. v.a. to serve. Servian, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they served. From Servir, v.a. to serve. Servir, inf. pre. v.n. to serve, to be in the service of another. Servir, inf. pre. v.a. to serve, to do a favour, to occupy a station. Servir, inf.pre. v.r. to be pleased, to deign, to vouchsafe, to con- descend. Siendo, ger. being. From Ser, v.n. to be. Sienta, sabj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may feel. From Sentir, v.a. to feel. Sientan, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may feel. From Sentir, v.a. to feel. §iexiie,ind.pre.3 pn.sin it, he, or she feels. From Sentir, v.a. to feel. Sienten, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they feel. From Sentir, v.a. to feel. Silbar, inf.pre. v.n. to whistle, to whiz, to roar; v.a. to hiss Sobra, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she is, or possesses too much. From Sobrar, v.n. to be more than enough. Sobran, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they are, or possess too much. From So- brar, v.n. to be more than enough. Sobrar, inf.pre. v.a. to surpass, to exceed. Sobrar, infpre. v.n. to have more than is necessary, to be more than enough. Soler, infpre. v.n. to be in the habit, to be wont, to be in the custom. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 148 Solia, ind.impf. v.n. it, he, or she was in the habit, From Soler, v n. to be in the habit. SoJian, ind.impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she was in the habit. From Soler, v.n. to be in the habit, Soltais, ind. pre. 2 pn.pl. you let loose. From Soltar, v.a. to let loose. Soltar, inf.pre. v.a. to let loose, to set at liberty, to shed, to burst into. Somos, ind.pre.l pnpl. we are. From Ser, v.n. to be. Sube, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she ascends. From SvMr, v.n. to ascend. Suben, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they ascend. From Suhir, v.n. to ascend. Subfa, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin-. I, it, he, or she ascends. From Subir, v.n. to ascend. Subian , ind.impf '.3 pn.pl. they ascended. From Subir, v. fj. to ascend. Subid, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she ascended. From Subir, v.n. to ascend. Subir, inf.pre. v.n. to walk up, to ascend, to mount, to rise. Subir, inf.pre. v.a. to climb, to ascend, to lift up, to set up, to enhance. Suelen, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they are in the habit. From Soler, v.n. to be in the habit. Suefia, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she dreams. From Sonar, v.n. to dream. Suenan, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they dream. From Sohar, v.n. to dream. Sufre, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she suffers. From Sufir, v.a. to suffer Sufria, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she suffered. From Sufrir, v.a. to suffer. Sufrir, inf.pre. v.a. to suffer, to endure, to bear, to permit, to tolerate. Sumia, ind.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she was sinking. From Sw ftivr, v.r. to be sunk. Sumir, inf.pre. v.r. to be sunk, to be swallowed up, to sink under ground. Supo, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she knew. From Saber^ v.a« to know. 144 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. T. Tacha, ind. pre. $ pn.sin. it, he, or she finds fault. From Tachar, v.a. to find fault. Tachap, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they find fault. From Tachar, v.a. to find fault. Tachar, ind.pre. v.a. to find fault, to censure, to reprehend. Tarda, md.prt.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she delays. From Tardar, v.n. to delay. Tardan, ind. pre. 3 pn pi. they delay. From Tardar, v.n. to delay. Tardar, inf.pre. v.n. to delay, to put off, to procrastinate. Tenia, imp.pre.3pn.sin. let it, him, or her fear. From Temer, v. a, to fear. Tema, subj.preA or?>pn.';in. it, he, or she may fear. From Temer 4 v.a. to fear. Te\y\e, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she fears. From Temer,\. A.to fear. Temrd. imp pre.2pn.pl. fear you, or ye. From Temer, v.a. to fear. Temer, inf.pre. v.a. to fear, to be apprehensive, to dread, to re- verence. Temo, ind.pre. 3 pn. sin. I fear. From Temer, v.a. to fear. Tender, inf.pre. v.a. to extend, to stretch, to spread, to distend. Tender, inf.pre. v.n. to direct, to tend, to refer Tendi, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. I extended. From Tender, v.a. to extend. Tendia, ind.impfA ov3 pn.sin. 1, it, he, or she tended. From Teny der, v.n. to tend. Tener. inf.pre. v.a. to have, to hold, to possess, to maintain, to support. Te n <>-a,sabj. pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may have. From Tener, v.a. to have. Tengan, sub j.pre.i pn.pl. they may have. From Tener, v.a. to have. Tengas,subj.p-e.2 pn.sin. thou mayst have. From Tener,v. A.to have. Tengo, ind pre. 1 pn.sin. I have. From Tener, v.a. to have. Tiene, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she has. From Tener, v.a. to have. Tienen, ind. ;.-re.3 pn.pl. they have. From Tener, v.a. to have. Tocar, inf.pre. v.a. to touch, to feel, to play (on an instrument,) to treat of, to ring (a bell.) Tocar, inj.pre. v.n. to belong to, to be for, to concern, to know a thing certainly, to strike (slightly.) Toma, imp.pre.2pn.sin. take thou. From Tomar, v.i. to take. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 145 Toma, inrf.jorc.3pn.sin. it, he, or she takes. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Tomad, imp.pre.2 pn.pl. take you, or ye. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Toman, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they take. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Tomar, inf. pre. v.a. to take, to receive, to grasp, to occupy, to understand, to rob. Tomas, ind.pre.2pn.sln. thou takest. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Tome, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may take. From To- mar, v.a. to take^. Tomen, subj.pre.Spn.pl. they may take. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Tomo, inc .pre. I pn.sin. I take. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Tomo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she took. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Topar, inf. pre. v.a. to run against, to meet with, to encounter. Topo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I meet. From Topar, v.a. to meet. Toyo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she met. From Topar, v.a. to meet. Toque, imp.pre.S pn.sin. touch, or play thou. From Tocar, v.a. to play. Toque, suhj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may touch. From Tocar, v.a to touch. Toque, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. I touch. From Tocar, v.a. to touch. Toque n,subj. pre. ipn.pl. they may touch. From 7ocar,v.A. to touch. Torcer, inf. pre. v.a. to twist, to curve, to turn, to deviate (frora the right path.) Traia, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she brought. From Traer, v.a. to bring. Traian, ind.impfJ pn.pl they brought. From Traer, v.a. to bring, Traiga, imp.pre.3pn.pl. let it, him, or her bring. From Traer. v.a. to bring. Traiga, snbj. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she may bring. From Traer, v.a. to bring, Traigan^b/.pre.3)m.j)/. they may bring. From Traer, v.a. to bring, Traigo, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I bring. From Traer, v.a. to bring. Trajo, indpret 3 pn.sin. I brought. From Traer, v.a. to bring. Trata, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she treats. From Traiar, v.a. t® treat. Tratan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they treat. From Tratar, v.a. to treat. Tratar, inf. pre. v.a. to treat, to handle, to trade, to intend, to en- tertain intercourse. 146 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Triunfar, infpre. v.n. to trample, to conquer, to subdue. Triunfo. ind pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she triumphed over. From Tri- unfar, v.n. to conquer. Turbo, hulpre.Spn.sin. it, he, or she disturbs. From Twoar, v.a. to disturb. Turban. iml.pre.Spn.pl. they disturb. From Turbar, v. a. to disturb. Turbar, inf.pre. v.a. to disturb, to alarm, to trouble, to surprise, to be uneasy. Tuvo, ind.pret.2pn.sin. it, he", or she had. From Tener, v.A.to have. u. U'na, subj.pre.l or3pn.sin. it, he, or she may unite. From Unir,y.A. to unite. U'ne, ind.pre.Spn.sin. it, he, or she unites. From Unir,r.A. to unite. U'nen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they unite. From Unir, v.a. to unite. Unlr, in/pre. v.a. to join, to unite to mix, to incorporate, to conform. U'sa, ind.pre.Spn.sin. it, he, or she uses. From Usar, v.a. to use. U'san, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they use. From Usar, v.a. to use. Usar, inf.pre. v.a. to use, to employ, to practise, to exercise, t» make use of. V. Vale, ind.pre.Spn.sin. it, he, or she is worth. From Valer, v.n. to be worth. Valen, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they are worth. From Valer, y.k. to be worth. Valer, inf.pre. v.n. to be worth, better, valuable, to serve, t« amount to, to be in favour. Valer, inf.pre. v.a. to patronize, to defend, to favour. Valga, subj.pre.2pn.sin. it, he, or she may be worth. From Valer, v.n. to be worth. Valgan, snbj.pre.3pn.pl. they may be worth. From Valer, v.n. to be worth. Valia, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. I was worth. From Valer, v.a. to be worth. Vamos, subj.pre.l pn.pl. come on, let us go. From Ir, v.n. to go. Vaya, imp.pre.S pn.sin. let it, him, or her go. From lr, v.n. to go. Vaya, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may go. From Ir, v.n. to go. Vayan, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may go. From Ir, v.n. to go. "Veais, subj.pre.2pn.pl. ye, or you may see. From Ver, v.a. to see. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 147 Veamos, imp.pre.lpn.pl. let us see. From Ver, v.a. to see, Veamos, subj.pre. 1 pn.pl. we may see. From Ver, v.a. to see. Veia/md.impf.l or Spn.sin.J, it, he, or she saw. From Ver, v.A.to see. Veian, ind.impf.S pn.pl. they saw. From Ver, v.a. to see. Vela, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she watches. From Velar, v.n. to watch. Velad, imp.pre.2pn.pl. watch ye, or you. From Velar, v.n. to watch. Velar, inf.pre. v.n. to sit, to watch, to keep guard, to observe. Velar, inf.pre. v.a. to watch, to preserve, to keep, to attend (a sick person.) Vemos, imp.preA pn.pl. let us see. From Ver, v.a. to see. Vemos, subj.pre.Xpn.pl. we may see. From Ver, v.a. to see. Vence, imp.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she conquers. From Veneer, v.a. to conquer. V€ncen, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they conquer. From Fencer,v.A.to conquer. Veneer, inf.pre. v.a. to conquer, to subdue, to overcome, to clear, to prevail upon. Yende,ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she sells. From Vender, v.n. to sell. Vender, inf.pre. v.a. to sell, to betray, to deceive, to prostitute. Vendian, ind.impf 3 pn.pl. they sold From Vender, v.a. to sell. Venga, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may come. From Venir, v.n. to come. Venga, imp.pre.3 pn.sin. let it, him, or her revenge. From Vengar P v.a. to avenge. Venga, subj. pre. I or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may come. From Ve- ttt7, v.n. to come. Vengad, imp. pre. 2 pn.pl. avenge ye. From Vengar, v.a. to avenge. Vengan, subj.pre.% pn.pl. they may come. From Venir,v.n. to come. Vengan, subj. pre.S pn.pl. they may avenge. From Vengar, v.a. t« avenge. Vengar, inf.pre. v.a. to revenge, to avenge, to return an injury. Vengar, inf.pre. v.r. to be revenged on. Vengas, subj.pre.2 pn.sin. thou mayst come. From Venir, v.n. to come. Vengas, subj.pre. 3 pn.sin. thou mayst revenge. From Vengar, v.a. to revenge. Vengo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I come. From Venir, v.n. to come. Vengo, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. I avenge. From Vengar, v.a. to avenge. 148 VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Venia, ind.impf.l or Spn.sin. I, it, he, or she came. From Venir, v.n. to come. Venian, ind.iinpf.3pn.pl. they came. From Venir, v.n. to come. Venia, imp.pre.2pn.pl. come ye, or you. Frora Venir, v.n. to come. Venir, inf.pre. v.n. to come, to draw near, to happen, to become. Venis, ind.pre.2 pn.pL.ye, or you come. From Venir, v.n. to come. Y era.s,ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou wilt, or shalt see. From Fer,v.A. to see. Vere, indfv.tr. I pn.sin. i shall, or will see. From Ver, v. a. to see. . Y trier, :nf. pre.. v.A.to shed, to spill, to empty, to exceed, to divulge. Vestir, inf. pre. v.a. to dress, to clothe, to adorn, to embellish, to rcuchcast. Vestir, in/ pre. v.n. to go well dressed. Viendo, ger. seeing. From Ver, v.a. to see. Viene, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she comes. From Venir, v.n. to come. Vieneu, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they come. From Venir, v.n. to come. Vienes, inn. pre. 2 pn.sin. thou comest. From Venir, v.n. to come. Viera,stt6, : .l impf.l or Spn.sin. I, or it, he, or she would see. From Ver, to see. Vieron, ind.pre.3pn pi. they saw. From Ver, v.a. to see. Vierta, subj.pre.i or 3 pn.sin. 1, it, he, or she may shed. From Ver- ier, v.a. to shed. Vierte,iftd pre. 3 pn.sin. it. he, or she sheds. From Fe?*fer,v.A.to shed. Vimos, ind.pret.Spn.pl. we saw. From Ver, v.a. to«ee. Vino, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she came. From Venir, v.n. to come. Viste, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. it, he, or she dresses. From Vestir, v.a. to dress. Viste, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou sawest. From Ver, v.a. to see. \htio, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she dressed. From Vestir, v.a. to dress. Viva,s?i&j.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she may live. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Viva, imp. pre. 3 pn.sin. let it, him, or her live. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Vivan, subj.pre.Spn.pl. they may live. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Vive, ind.pre.'i pn.sin. it, he, or she lives. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Viven, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they live. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Vives, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou livest. From Vivir, v.n. to live. VERBS OF TWO SYLLABLES. 149 Vivia, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she lived. From Vivir, v.n. to Jive. Vivid, imp.pre.2pn.pl. live ye, or you. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Vivian, ind.impf. 3 pn.pl. they lived. From Vivir, v.n. to exist. Vivir, inf.pre. v.n. to live, to last, to be remembered, to exist, to reside. Volar, inf.pre. v.n. to fly, to vanish, to hang over, to go rapidly. Void, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she flew. From Volar, v.n. to fly. Volver, inf.pre. v. a. to return, to turn, to invert, to reflect, to evade, to resume, to reiterate. Volver, inf.pre. v.n. to return (from a place,) to come back. Volvi, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I returned. From Volver, v. a. to return. VolvidLti,ind.im]jf.3pn.pl.they returned. From Volver,\. A.to return. Volvio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she returned. From Volver, v.a. to return. Vuela, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she flies. From Volar, v n. to fly. Vuelan, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they fly. From Volar, v.n. to fly. VixelY^imp.pre.S pn.sin. let him return. From Volver,v.A. to return. Vuelva, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she may return. From Vol- ver, v.a. to return. Vueive, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she returns. From Volver, v.a. to return. Y. i Yace, ind.prr.2 pn.sin. it, he, or she lies. From Yacer, v.n. to lie. Yacen, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they lie. From Facer, v.n. to lie. Yacer, inf.pre. v.n. to lie, to repose, to be stretched out. Yendo, ger. going. From Ir, v.n. to go. 14 LESSON VIII. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. A. Abarcar,t?i/.jjre. v.a. to clasp, to embrace, to contain, to undertake • Abate, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she overthrows. From Abatir, \.k. to overthrow. Abatir, inf.pre. v.a. to overthrow, to stoop, to debase. Abatir, inf.pre. v.n. to descend, to stoop, to be depressed. Ablandan,itt(Z.p-e.3 pn.pl. they soften. From Ablandar, v. a. to soften. Ablandar, inf.pre. v.a. to soften, to mitigate, to sooth, to assuage. Abraza, ind.preSpn.sin. it, he, or she embraces. From Abrazar, v.a. to embrace. Abrazar, inf.pre. v.a. to embrace, to avail one's self, to hug, to encircle. Ahra.zo,ind.pre.l pn.sin. I embrace. From Abrazar, v.a. to embrace. Abriendo, ger. opening, or beginning. From Abi-ir, v.a. to open. Abriesen, subj. 3 impf. I or 3 pn.pl. they should open. From Abrir, v.a. to open. Abriste, ind.pret.2 pn.sin. thou openest. From Abrir, v.a. to open. Abultar, iiifpre. v.a. to increase, to enlarge, to augment in size. Abultar, in f pre. v.n. to be bulky, to be large. Abuuda, ind.preS pn.sin. it, he, or she abounds. From Jlbundar, v.n. to abound. Abundar, inf.pre. v.n. to abound, to have plenty, to possess a great quantity. Acaba,ind.p-e. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she terminates. From Jlcabar, v.a. to terminate. Aeabar, inf.pre. v.a. to terminate, to conclude, to finish, to harass. Acabar, infpve. v.n. to terminate in, to die, to expire. Acabas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou concludest. From Acabar, v.a. to conclude. Acabe, subj. pre A or S pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may finish. From Acabar, v.a. to finish. Acabe, imp.pre.3 pn.sin. let it, him, or you terminate._ From Ae«~ bar, v.a. to conclude. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 15 L Acabo, ind.pre. I pn.sin. I conclude. From Acabar, v.a. to conclude. Acarrear, inf.pre. v.a. to bring on, to come, to be the cause, to occasion. Acatan, ind.-pre.Spn.pl. they respect. From Acatar, v.a. to respect. Acatar, inf.pre v.a to respect, to revere, to beheld, to inspect. Aeeptar, inf.pre. v.a. to accept, to admit. Acercan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they draw near. From Acercar, v.a. to draw near. Acercar, inf.pre. v.a. to draw near, to approach, to place one object near another. Ach5.c&n, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they impute. From Achacar,\ .a. to impute. Achacar, inf.pre. v.a. to impute, to frame an excuse, to ascribe an action to one's self. Acordar, inf.pre. v.a. to remind, to determine, to deliberate. Acordar, inf.pre. v.n. to agree, to remember, to recollect. Acorrer, infpre. v.n. to repair, to have recourse. Acorres, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou hast recourse. From Acorrer, v.n - . to repair. Acuden, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they repaired. From Acxidir,v.yj. to apply. Acudio, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she repaired. From Acudir, v.n. to apply. Acudir, infpre. v.n. to succour, to produce, to have reco ps to repair, to apply. Acuerda, subj.pre.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may remind From Acordar, v.n. to remind. Acusar, inf.pre. v.a. to accuse, to acknowledge (the receipt of a letter,) to take charge of. Admira, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she admires. From Admirar, v.a. to admire. Admirar, inf.pre. v.a. to admire, to excit? admiration. Admirar, infpre. v.n. to be seized with admiration. Admiro, ind.pre. I pn.sin. I admire. From Admirar, v.a. to admire. Admitio, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she admitted. From Admitir, v.a. to admit. Admitir, inf.pre. v.a. to admit, to receive, to accept, to permit. Adora, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she worships. From Adorar y v.a. to adore. Adorar, inf.pre. v.a. to adore, to worship, to reverence, to revere, to love excessively. 152 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Adoro, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I adore. From Adorar, v.a. to worship. Adquenr, inf.pre. v.a. to acquire, to attain, to obtain. Adquiere, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I acquire. From Adquerir; or Adqirir, v.a. to acquire. Advert!, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I noticed. From Advertir, v.a. to notice. Advertid, imp. pre. 2 pn.pl. observe ye, or you. From Advertir, v.a. to take notice. Advertir, inf. pre. v.a. to caution, to observe, to take notice of, to advise. Adviertes, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou observest. From Mvertir, v.a. to observe. Advierte, imp. pre. 2 pn.sin. observe thou. From Mvertir, v.a. to observe. Advierten, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they observe. From Advertir, v.a. to observe. Advierto,i?id.;)re.] pn.sin. I observe. From Advertir, y. a. to observe. Advirtio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she observed. From Advertir, v.a. to observe. Afirma, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she affirms. From Afirmar, v.a. to affirm. Afirmar, inf. pre. v.a. to affirm, to assure, to make fast. Afirmar, inf.pre. v.r. to fix one's self in the saddle, to maintain firmly. Aflige, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she grieves. From AJligir, v.a. to afflict. Afligia, ind.impf. 1 or 3pn. sin. I, it, he, or she afflicted. From *#,/?£- gir, v.a. to afflict, or be sorry for. Afligio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she afflicted. From AJligir, v.a. to afflict. Afligir, inf.pre. v.a. to pain, to grieve, to afflict, to torment. Agarrar, inf.pre. v.a. to seize, to grasp, to lay hold of, to obtain. Agitar, inf.pre. v.a. to agitate, to ruffle, to put out of temper, to discuss. Agrada, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I am pleased with. From Agradar, v.r. to be pleased. Agradar, inf.pre. v.a. to please, to gratify, to render acceptable. Agradar, inf. pre. v.n. to be pleased with. Agrado, ind pre.l pn.sin. I please. From Agradar, v.a. to please, Aguardar, inf.pre. v.a. to wait for, to expect, to grant time. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 158 Aguardo, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I wait. From Aguardar, v.a. to wait for. Alaban, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they praise. From Alabar, v.a. to praise. Alabar, inf. pre. v. a. to praise, to hallow, to applaud, to commend. Alabes, sub j. pre. 2 pn.sin. thou mayest praise. From Alabar, v.a. to praise. Alargan,iricZ.pre.3 pn.pl. they enlarge. From Alargar, v. A.to enlarge. Alargar, inf. pre. v.a. to lengthen, to enlarge, to extend, to protract. Alcanza, ind.pre.3 pnsin. it, he, or she reaches, or obtains. From Alcanzar, v.a. to obtain. Alcanzan, ind.pre*3 pn.pl. they obtain. From Alcanzar, v. a. to obtain. Alcanzar,tn/.p-e. v.a. to reach, to obtain, to comprehend, to handle. Alcanzar, inf. pre. v.n. to suffice, to be sufficient, to reach. Alcanzo, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I reach, or comprehend. From Alcanzar, v.a. to obtain. Alentar, inf. pre. v.n. to breathe, to respire. Alentar, infpre. v.a. to encourage, to animate, to inspirit. Alien ta, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she breathes, or animates. From Alentar, v.a* or v.n. to animate. Alistar, infpre. v.a. to enlist, to enrol, to prepare. Alisto, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I enrol. From Alistar, v.a. to enrol. Alivi&n,ind.pre.2 pn.pl. they alleviate. FromAliviar,v.A.to alleviate. Aliviar, infpre. v.a. to mitigate, to alleviate, to lighten. Allega, ind*pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she approaches. From Allegar, v.a. to draw near. Allegar, inf. pre. v.a. to approach, to draw near, to unite, to collect. AWe^o, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I approach. From Allegar, v. a. to draw near. Alegra, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she animates. From Alegrar,y.A. to enliven. Alegrar, infpre. v.a. to rejoice, to enliven, to beautify, to make merry. Alegrar, infpre. v.r. to rejoice, to become merry. Altera, ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. it, he, or she alters, or becomes disturbed. From Alterar, v.a to change. Alterar, infpre. v.a. to alter, to change, to become agitated. Alteren, sub j pre. S pn.pl. they may alter, or become agitated. From Alterar, v.a. to alter. Alumbrar, infpre. v.a. to light, to enlighten, to restore light. Amaba, md.imp/.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she loved. From Amor, to love. J 4* 154 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Amaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they loved. From Amar, v.a. to love. Amara, sub;.2impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would, could, or should love. From Amar, v. a. to love. Amare, subj.futr.i or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should love. From Amar, v. a. to love. Amemos, imp. pre. I pn pi. let us love. From Amar, v. a. to love. Amemos, subj.pre. 1 pn.pl. we may love. From Amar, v.a. to love. Andaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she went. From Andar, v.n. to walk. Andaban, ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they went. From Andar, v.n. to walk. Andais, ind.pr&.2 pn.pl. you, or ye go. From Andar, v.n. to walk. Anduvo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she went. From Andar, v.n. to walk. Anhela, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she desires. From Anhelar, v.a. to desire. Anheliir, inf. pre. v.n. to wish eagerly,to desire anxiously,to breathe with difficulty. Anside,ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she adds. From Ahadir,v. a. to add. Anadio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she added. From Anadir, v.a. to add. Anadir, inf.pre. v.a. to add, to subjoin, to increase, to exaggerate. Aparta, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she separates. From Apartar,y.A f to separate. Apartar, inf.pre. v.a. to part, to divide, to remove, to dissuade. Aparlar, inf.pre. v.n. to withdraw from a place, to desist from a claim. Aplaca, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she pacifies. From Aplacar, v.a. to p?cify. Aplacar, inf.pre. v.a. to appease, to pacify, to mitigate. Aplica, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she applies. From Aplicar, v.a. to apply. Aplicar, inf.pre. v.a. to apply, to attribute, to impute. Aplicar, inf.pre. v.r. to study, to applj one's self, to earn a living. Aprenden, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they learu. From Aprender, v.a. to learn. Aprender, inf.pre. v.a. to learn, to acquire a knowledge. Aprendian, ind.impf.3 pnpl. they were learning. From Aprender, v.a. to learn. Apretar, inf.pre* v.a. to tighten, to press, to afflict, to urge. Aprieta, -mp. pre. 2 pn.sin. press, or make it tighter thou. From Apretar, v.a. to press. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 155 Aprieta, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it>he, or she presses. From Apretar, v.a. to press. Apurar, inf.pre. v.a. to exhaust, to purify, to investigate. Armaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn. sin. it, he, or she armed. From Armar, v.a. to arm. Arrancar, inf.pre. v.a. to pluck, to draw, to pull off. Arreglar, inf.pre. v.a. to regulate, to organize, to reduce to order. Arribar, inf.pre. v.n. to arrive, to attain one's end, to harbour in distress. Arr6]&, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she throws. From Arrojar, v.a. to dart. Arrojan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they throw. From Arrojar, v.a. to throw. Arrdjar, inf.pre. v.a. to throw, to dart, to shoot, to shed fragrance, to turn away. Arrojo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I throw. From Jlrrojar, v.a. to throw. Asiendo, ger. seizing. From Asir, v.a. to seize. Asistia, ind impf. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she assisted. From Asistir, v.a. to be present. Asistir, infpre. v.n. to assist, to be present, to live. Asistfr, inf.pre. v.a. to aid, or accompany one in the execution of some act. Asorna, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she appears. From Asomar, v.n. to peep. Asomar, inf.pre. v.n. to peep, to appear, to rise. Aspira, ind, pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she aspires. From Aspirar, v.n. to aspire. Aspirar, inf.pre. v.n. to aspire, to wish ardently. Aspirar, infpre. v.a. to pronounce with full breath, to draw the breath. Ataras, subj.2 impf.2 pn.svi. thou wouldst, or shouldst tie. From Jitar, v.a. to tie. Atender, inf.pre. v.n. to attend, to fix the mind, to expect, or wait for. Atener, inf.pre. v.r. to stand to, to stick, to adhere. Atengo, ind pre. 1 pn.sin. 1 stick to. From Atener; v.r. to adhere. Atreve, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she dares. From^reuer, v.r. to dare. Atrever, inf.pre. v.r. to dare, to be too bold, to venture. J 56 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Ausenta, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she absents. From Ausentar, v.r. to absent one's self. Ausentar, inf. pre. v.r. to absent one's self. Ausentes, subj pre.2 pn.sin. thou mayest absent thyself. From Ausentar, v.r. to absent one's self. Avanzar, inf. pre. v. a. to advance, to push forward. Avanzar, inf. pre. v.n. to advance, to attack, 'to have a balance. Avanzo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I advance From Avanzar,v.v. to advance. Avivan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they enliven. From Avivar, v. a. to enliven. Avivar, inf. pre. v. a. to enliven, to encourage, to heat, to inflame. Ayudan, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they help. From Ayudar, v. a. to help. Ayudar, inf. pre. v. a. to aid, to help, to favour. Ayudo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I help. From Ayudar, v.a. to help. B. Banando, ger. bathing, bedewing, or washing. From Bahar, v.a. to bathe. Banaron, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they bathed. From Bahar, v.a. to wash. Barrenar, inf. pre. v.a. to sink, to bore, to pierce. Barreno, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she sunk. From Barrenar, t.a. to sink. Barruntar, inf. pre. v.a. to conjecture, to imagine, to foresee. Bastaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she sufficed, or was suf- ficient. From Bastar, v.n. to be enough. Bendecir, inf. pre. v.a. to bless, to praise, to exalt, to consecrate. Bendice, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she blesses. From Bendecir, v.a. to bless. Bendigan, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may bless. From Bendecir, v.a. to bless. Bendigo, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I bless. From Bendecir, v.a. to bless. Buscaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they sought. From Buscar, v.a. to seek. Buscando, ger. seeking. From Buscar, v.a. to seek. c. Calentar, inf. pre. v.a. to warm, to heat, to urge, to press forward. Callaron, ind.pre. 3 pn.pl. they kept silence, or concealed. From Callar, v.a. to conceal. Camina, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she goes. From Caminar, v.n. tog . VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 157 Gaminar, inf. pre. v.n. to go, to walk, to travel. Cantando, ger. singing. From Cantar, v.a. to sing. Careceis, intl.pre.2 pn.pl. ye, or you are in want of. From Carecer t v.n. to be in want of. Carecen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they want. From Carecer. v.n. to want. Carecer, inf. pre. v.n. to want, to need, to be in want of. Gasando, ger. marrying. From Casar, to marry. Castiga, ind.prp.3pn.sin. it, he, or she punishes. From Castigar, v.a. to punish. Castigar, infpre. v.a. to punish, to chastise. Cayendo, ger. failing, or tumbling. From Caer, v.n. to fall. Cayeron, ind.prct.3 pn.pl. they fell. From Caer, v,v. to fall. Cayese, subj.2 impf. 1 or 3pn.sin. I, it, he, or she shouid fall. From Caer, v.n. to fall. Cenando, ger. supping. From Cenar, to sup, or to eat the last meal. CinL-ra, svhj.2 impf I ot 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would surround. From Ceriir, v.a. to surround. Circular, infpre. v.a. to circulate, to make any thing go from hand to hand. Cobraron, ind.pret. 3 pn.pl. they received. From Cobrar,\.x. to recover. Codicia, md.p-e. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she covets. From Codiciar, v. a. to covet. Codician, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they covet. From Codiciar, v.a. to covet. Codiciar, infpre. v.a. to covet, to desire eagerly. Cogiendo, ger. catching. From Coger, v.a. to catch. Colegid, imp. pre. 2 pn.pl. infer ye. From Colegir, v.a. to collect. Colegir, infpre. v.a. to infer, to deduce, to draw consequences. Colgaba, ind.impf 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she hung. From Colgar, v.a 4 . to hang. Colgar, infpre. v.a. to hang up, to suspend, to adorn. Colocan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they place. From Colocar, v.a. to place. Colocar, infpre. v.a. to place, to arrange, to order, to provide. Combate, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she fights. From Combatir, v.n. to combat. Combatir, infpre. v.a. to attack, to invade, to contradict, to rouse the passions. Combatir, infpre. v.n. to combat, to fight. Comence, ind.pret A pn.sin. I began, From Comenzar, v.a. to begin. 158 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Comenzar, inf.pre. v.a. or v.n. to commence, to begin. Comenzo, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she began. From Comenzar, t.n. to begin. Comiendo, ger eating. From Comer, v.a. to eat. Comienza, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she begins. From Comenzar, v.a. to begin. Comparta, subj.pre.l or 3 pn. sin. I may divide. From Compartir, v.a. to divide Compartir, inf.pre. v.a. to arrange, to divide. Completar, in/pre. v.a. to complete, to terminate, to conclude. Concebia, ind.imp/.l or 3 pn. sin. I conceived. From Concebir, v. A. to conceive. Concebir, inf.pre. v.n. or v.a to conceive, to think. Concede, ind.pre.3pn.sin. I, it, he, or she grants. From Conceder, v.a. to grant. Conceden,int/.p-e.3 pn.pl.they grant- From Conceder,v. A.to bestow. Conceder, inf.pre. v.a. to give, to grant, to bestow, to allow. Concibe, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she conceives. From Co:cebir } v.a. to conceive. Conciliar, inf.pre. v.a. to conciliate, or compose differences, tcr gain the affections of others. Con. .tar , inf.pre. v.a. to make, to attract, to draw, to excite. Concluiran, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they will conclude. From Concluir, v.a. to terminate. Concordar, inf.pre. v.n. to agree, to concur, to accord. Concordar, inf.pre. v.a. to regulate, to accord, to make one thing agree with another. Concuerdan, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may agree. From Concordar , v.n. to agree. Concurnr, inf.pre. v.n. to attend, to concur, to be possessed of, to rceet. Condenar, inf.pre. v.a. to condemn, to be sentenced to. Conducir, inf.pre. v.a. to conduct, to superintend, to manage, to carry on. Conduzco, ind.pre.A pn.sin. I carry on. From Conducir, v.a. to conduct. Confesar, inf.pre. v.a. to confess, to own, to acknowledge, to go to, or hear confession. ^™ VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 15f> ^onfese, ind.pret.lpn.sin. I confessed. From Confesar, v.a. to ac- knowledge. Confeso, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she confessed. From Confesar, v.a. to confess. €onforta, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she comforts. From Confortar, v.a. to strengthen. Confortar, inf.pre. v.a. to comfort, to strengthen, to console. Confundir, inf.pre. v.a. to confound, to entangle, to perplex, to confuse. Conmover, inf. pit. v.a to excite commotions, to disturb, to raise. Conmueve, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she disturbs. From Conmo- ver, to disturb. Conoce, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she knows. From Conocer, v.a. to know. Conocen, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they know. From Conocer, v.a. to know. Conocer, in/pre. v.a. to know, to be acquainted with, to under- stand, to experience. Conoces,ind.pre. 2 pn.sin. thou knowest. From Conoce»,v. a. to know. Conocia, ind.impfl or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she knew. From Cono- cer, v.a. to know. Conocio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she knew. From Conocer, v.a. to know. Conozcais, subj.pre.2pn.pl. you, or ye may know. From Conocer^ v.a. to know. Conseguir, inf.pre. v.a. to obtain, to succeed, to attain. Conserva, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she preserves. From Conser- var, v.a. to preserve. Conservar, inf.pre. v.a. to preserve, to guard, to candy, or pickle. Consigan, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may obtain. From Conseguir, v.a. to obtain, or succeed (in one's object.) Consiste, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or- she consists. From Consistir, v.n. to consist. Consistir, inf.pre. v.n. to consist, to be composed of, to be con- tained. Consolad, imp.pre.2pn.pl. comfort ye, or you. From Consolar,v.A. to console. Consolar,iw/>-e. v.A.to enable, to comfort, to mitigate, to assuage^ Conspiran, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. they conspire. From Conspirar, v.n. to conspire. 160 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Conspirar, inf. pre. v.n. to conspire, to concert a crime, to plot, to co-operate. Consuelan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they comfort From Consolar, v.a. to console. Consume, ind.pre.% pn.sin. it, he, or she consumes. From Consu- mir. v.a. to consume. Consumir, inf.pre. v.a. to consume, to destroy, to waste. Consumir, inf.pre. v.r. to fret, to be vexed. Contaban, ind.impf 3 pn.pl. they intended, or relied on. From Contar, v.n. to trust. Contando, ger. trusting, or relying. From Contar, v.n. to be con- fident. C on templa, ind.pre. 3 pn.sm. it, he, or she contemplates. From Contemplar, v.a. to behold. Contemplar, inf.pre. v.a. to view, to behold, to contemplate, to flatter, to meditate. Contemplo, ind.pre. I pn.sin. I contemplate. From Contemplar, v.a. to cow template. Contender. m/.ptc. v.N.to contend, to quarrel, to litigate, to discuss. Contendrian, svbj.2 itfipf.3 pn.pl. they would contend. From Con- tender, v.n. to contend. Contener, inf.pre. v.n. to contain, to hold, to be comprised of. Contener, inf.pre. v.a. to check, to curb, to stop. Contener, inf.pre. v.r. to have command over one's self. Contentar, inf.pre. v.a. to satisfy, to gratify, to please. Coutento, ind.p Ecsistir, inf.pre. v.n. to be, to exist, to have a being. Educar, inf.pre. v.a. to educate, to teach, to instruct. Efectuar, inf.pre. v.a. to effect, to accomplish, to fulfil. Efectue, subj.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she may effect. From Efectuar., v.a. to effect. Egercer, inf.pre. v.a. to exercise, to practise. Elegir, inf.pfe. v.a. to elect, to select, to choose. Elevar, inf.pre. v.a. to elevate, to raise, to exalt. Elevo, ind.praA pn.sin. I exalt. From Elevar, v.a. to exalt. Elevo, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she elevated. From Elevar, V.A. to exalt. Embarcar, inf.pre. v.r. to undertake, to embark in. Embarcar, inf.pre. v.a. to embark, to ship, to engage in. Embrazar, inf.pre. v.a. to embrace, to clasp a shield, to take ad- vantage, to contain. Empena, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she engaged. From Empenar, v.r. to intercede. Empenar, inf.pre. v.a. to engage, to pawn, to persist, to inter- cede, to mediate. Empezar, inf.pre. v.a. to begin, to commence, to be the first. Empezo, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she began. From Empezar, v.a. to begin. Empleasen, subj.3impf.3pn.pl. they should employ. From Emplear, v.a. to employ. Emprender, inf.pre. v.a. to undertake, to embark, to attempt, to take. Emular, inf.pre. v.n. to emulate, to vie with each other, to con- tend, to rival. Encargar, inf.pre. v.a. to charge, to entrust with, to recommend. Encargo, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she took charge. From Encar- gar, v.a. to recommend, to charge. Encartar, inf.pre. v.a. outlaw, to involve, to include, to enrol. Encender, inf.pre. v.a. to kindle, to light, to set fire, to heat, to inflame. Encendiese, subj.3 impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should kindle. From Encender, v.a. to set on firer 168 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES Encerrar, inf.pre. v.a. to shut up, to close, to contain. Encerro, iniLpret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she shut up. From Encerrar, v.a. to close. Enciende, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she kindles. From Encender, v.a. to light. Encoger, in/pre. v.a. to shrink, to contract, to discourage, to be low spirited. Encontraiyfl/pre. v.a. to meet, to meet with, to find, to light upon. Encontro, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she met. From Encontrar, v.a. to meet. Encubre, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she covers. From Encubrir, v.a. to conceal. Encubrir, inf.pre. v.a. to cover, to conceal, to hide. Encuentra, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she meets. From Encontrar f v.a. to meet. Encuentro, ind,pre.l pn.sin. I find. From Encontrar, v.a to meet. Enfadar, inf.pre. v.a. to vex, to tire, to disturb, to make angry. Enfado, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she vexed. From Enfadar, v.a. to vex. Enfilar, inf.pre. v.a. to continue, to pierce, to carry off, to run through, to string. Enfila, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she pierced. From Enfilar, v.a. to run through. Enganar, inf.pre. v.a. to deceive, to impose, to cheat. Enganen, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may deceive. From Enganar, v.a. to deceive. Engano, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I deceive. From Enganar, v.a. to deceive. Engano, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she deceived. From Enga- nar, v.a. to deceive. Engendrar, inf.pre. v.a. to engender, to beget, to raise, to create. Enlazar, inf.pre. v.a. to chain, to bind, to link, to connect. Ensanchar, inf.pre. v.a. to widen, to render broader, to cheer up. Ehsena, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she teaches. From Ensenar, v.a. to teach. Ensenar, infpre. v.a. to teach, to instruct, to inform. Euseiio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she taught. From Ensenar, v.a. to teach. Entallar, inf.pre. v.a. to carve, to cut, to engrave, to picture. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 169 Entender, inf.pre. v.a. to understand, to comprehend, to believe, to reason. Entendi, ind.pret.3pn.sin. I understood. From Entender, v.a. to understand. Enterrar, inf.pre. v.a. to bury, to inter, to put into the grave. Enterro, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she buried. From Enterrar, v.n. to bury. Entiende, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she understands. From En- tender, v.a. to understand. Entienden, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they understand. From Entender, v.a. to understand. Entiendo, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I understand. From Entender, v.a. to understand. Entraba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she entered. From En~ trar, v.a. to enter. Entramos, ind.pre.lpn.pl. they enter. From Entrar, v.a. to enter. Entrando, ger. entering. From Entrar, v.a. to enter. Entraron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they entered. From Entrar, to enter. Entrega, md.pre.3jpn.sin. it, he, or she delivers. From Entregar 9 v.a. to deliver. Entregar, inf.pre. v.a. to deliver, to restore, to give. Entrego, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she delivered. From Entregar, v.a. to deliver. Enviasen, svbj.3impf.2pn.pl. they should send. From Enviar, v.a. to transmit. Envidiar, inf.pre. v.a. to envy, to feel envy, to feel pain at the sight of excellence or felicity. Escalar, inf.pre. v.a. to scale, to climb by the help of ladders. Escapar, inf.pre. v.n. to escape, to get out of danger, to evade. Escasear, inf.pre. v.n. to decrease, to grow scanty, to diminish, to begin to fail. Esceda, subj.pre.3 pn.sin. he may excel. From Esceder, v.a. to exceed. Esceder, inf.pre. v.a. to exceed, to surpass, to excel. Esceptuar, inf.pre. v.a. to except, to exempt, to exclude. Escita, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she excites. From Escitar, v.a. to excite. Escitar, inf.pre. v.a. to excite, to move, to stimulate. Esclamar, inf.pre. v.n. to exclaim, to cry out. 170 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Esclame, ind.pret.3pn.sin. I exclaimed. From Esclamar, v.n. to exclaim. Esclamo, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she exclaimed. From Escla- mar, v.n. to exclaim. Escoge, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she selects. From Escoger, v.a. to choose. Escoger, inf. pre. v.a. to select, to choose, to pick out. Escombra, ind.pre.3jm.sin. it, he, or she clears. From Escornh-ar, v.a. to purify. Escombrar, inf.pre. v.a. to remove obstacles, to clear rubbish, to purify. Esconde, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she hides. From Esconder, v.a. to hide. Esconder, inf.pre. v.a. to hide, to conceal, to disguise, to dissem- ble, to include. Escriba, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may write. From Escribir, v.a. to write. Escribio, ind.pret,3 pn.sin, it, he, or she wrote. From Escribir, v.a. to write. Escribir, inf.pre. v.a. or v.w. to write, to compose, to keep up a correspondence. Escucha, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she listens. From Escuchar. v.a. to hearken. Escuchar, inf.pre. v.a. to listen to, to hearken. Esculpir, inf.pre. v.a. to sculpture, to engrave. Escusar, inf.pre. v.a. to excuse, to free, to exempt, to avoid, to pass without. Esforzar, inf.pre. v.a. to endeavour, to strengthen, to impart vi- gour, to aid, to support, to corroborate. Eshala, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she exhales. From Eshalar, v.a. to draw out. Eshalar, inf.pre. v.a. to exhale, to draw out fumes, to evaporate, to be exhausted. Eshortar, inf.pre. v.a. to exhort, to admonish, to excite to any good action. Eshorte, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. I exhorted. From Eshortar, v.a. to ad- monish. Esmaltar, inf.pre. v.a. to enamel, to variegate, to adorn, embellish. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 171 Espanta, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she frightens. From Espantar, v.a. to frighten. Espantar, inf. pre. v.a. to frighten, to terrify, to chase away. Esparcen, ind.pre.2pn.pl. they spread. From Esparcer, v.a. to scatter. Esparcer, inf.pre. v.a. to scatter, to disseminate, to spread, to divulge. Espender, inf.pre. v.a. to expend, to spend, to lay out. Esperan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they wait or. From Esperar, v.a. to expect Esperar, inf.pre. v.a. to expect, to wait for, to hope. Esperas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou waitest for. From Esperar, v.a. to hope. Espero, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she waited for. From Esperar s v.a. to expect. Espirar, inf.pre. v.n. to expire, to breathe the last, to come to an end, to die. Esplica, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she explains. From Esplicar, v.a. to explain. Esplican, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they explain. From Esplicar, v.a. to ex- plain. Esplicar, inf.pre. v.a. to explain, to explicate, to elucidate. Esponer, inf.pre. v.a. to expose, to lay before the public, to ex- pound, to present. Espongan, subj.pre.3 pn.pl. let them expound. From Esponer, v.a. to expound. Espongo, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. I expose. From Esponer, v.a. to expose. Esponia, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she exposed. From Es- poner, v.a. to expose. Estaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she was. From Estar, to be. Estaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they were. From Estar, v.n. to be. Estamos, ind.pre. 1 pn.pl. we are. From Estar, v.n. to be. Estando, ger. being, existing. From Estar, v.n. to be. Estare, ind.futr.l pn.sin. I shall, or will be. From Estar, v.n. to be. Estaria, subj.l impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would be. From Estar, v.n. to be. Estender, inf.pre. v.a. to extend, to enlarge, to widen, to expatiate. E^tendifind.pret. 1 pn.sin. I extended. From Estender, v. a. to extend. / 172 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Estiende, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she extends. From Estender, v.a. to expatiate. Estima, ind.prt.2 pn.sin. it, he, or she esteems. From Estimar, v.a. to like. Estimar, inf. pre. v.a. to estimate, to esteem, to value, to like, to thank, to appreciate. Estiiijo, ind.jyre.Spn.sin. it, he, or she extracted. From Estraer, v.a. to extract. Estrafiar, inf.pre. v.a. to wonder, to be astonished at, to banish fr v.a. to relate. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 187 Urometer, inf. pre. v.a. to promise, to assever, to assure, to flatter one's self. Prometf, ind.pre.1pn.sin. I promise. From Prometer, v.a. to pro- mise. Prom^to, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I promise. From Prometer, v.a. to pro- mise. Pronuncian, ind.pre,S pn.pl. they pronounce. From Pronunclar, v.a. to pronounce. Proponer, inf. pre. v.a. to propose, to represent, to resolve, to purpose. Propuso, ind.pret.% pn.sin. it, he, or she proposed. From Proponer, v.a. to propose. Prorumpio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she burst into. From Pro- romper, v.n. to burst forth. Prorumpir, inf. pre. v.n. to burst into, to burst forth. Proseguid, ir.ip.pre.2pn.pl. continue ye. From Proseguir, v.a. to follow. Proseguir, inf.pre. v.a. to continue, to follow, to pursue. Proteger, inf.pre. v.a. to protect, to patronize, to encourage, to shelter. Proveer, inf.pre. v.a. to provide, to supply, to dispose, to decree. ~ProYei3i,ind.impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she provided. From Pro- veer, v.a. to provide, to dispose. Provenir, inf.pre. v.n. to arise, to originate, to proceed from. Proviene, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she arises. From Provenir, ,v. ,n. to originate. Publicar, inf.pre. v.a. to publish, to make known, to manifest, to lay open, to reveal, to cry, to proclaim. Pudiendo, ger. being able, or capable. From Poder, v.a to be able. Pudiera,sw6/.l impf.l or Sjm.sin. I, it, he, or she could. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Pudieran, subj.l impf.S pn.pl. they could. From Poder, v.a. to be able. Pudieron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they could, or were able. From Poder t v.a. to be able. Profesar, inf.pre. v.a. to profess, to declare openly, to exercise, to teach publicly. Pronuncian, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they pronounce. From Pronunciar, y.A. to utter. 188 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Pronunciar, inf.pre. v.a. to pronounce, to utter, to announce, to deliver, to articulate. Pudiese, subj.S imp/. 1 or 3 pn.pl. I, it, he, or she might. From Vo- der, v.a. to be able. Pusieron, ind.pret. 3 pn.pl. they placed. From Poner, v.a.' to put. Pusiese, subj.S imp/. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should place, From Poner, v.a. to put. Pusiesen, subj.Simpf.Spn.pl. they should place. From Poner, v.a. to place. Q. Quebrantar, inf.pre. v.a. to break, to transgress, to burst, to grind, to vex, to molest. Quedaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin, it, he, or she remained. From Que- dar, v.a. to remain. Quedando, ger. remaining, staying. From Quedar, v.a. to remain. Quedarais, subj.limpf.2pn.pl. ye, or you would remain. From Quedar, v.a. to remain. Quedaron, ind-pret.S pn.pl. they remained. From Quedar, v.a. to remain. Quemaba, ind.impf. 1 or S pn.sin. I, it, he, or she burnt. From Que- mar, v.a. to burn. Queramos, subj.pre.lpn.pl. we may be willing, or let us be willing. From Querer, v.a. to like. Queriendo, ger. desiring, wishing. From Querer, v.a. to like. Quisiera, sub j. 1 impf. I or S pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would. From Qjuerer, v.a. to like. Quisieran, subj.limpf.Spn.pl. they would, or they might wish. From Querer, v.a. to be willing. Quisieron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they would, or wished. From Querer, v.a. to like. Quisiese, subj.3 impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should be willing. From Querer, v.a. to wish. R. Rasgando, ger. tearing, rending. From Rasgctr, v.a. to lacerate, lleanimar, inf.pre. v.a. to reanimate, to cheer, to encourage. Reanimo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she encouraged. Froml?e«m- mar, v.a. to cheer. TERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 169 Rebosar, inf.pre. v.a. to glow, to overflow, to abound, to show, t© evince. Rebentar-jtn/'.pre. v.n. to burst, to break into pieces, to break loose. Rebento, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she burst. From Rebentar, V;tf. to burst into. Recama, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she adorns, or graces. From Recamar, v.a. to embroider. Recamar, inf.pre. v.a. to variegate, to embroider, to ornament, to grace. Rechazar, inf.pre. v.A.to repel, to drive, to discharge^ to contradict. Rechazo, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she repelled. From Rechazar) v.a. to discharge. Recibio, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she received. From Recibir, v.a. to accept. Recibir, inf.pre. v.a. to receive, to accept, to imbibe, to fasten, to experience. Recobrar, inf.pre. v.a. to recover, to get back what was lost; Recoger, inf-pre*. v.a. to collect, to gather, to receive, to shelter, to suspend the use. Recogia, ind.hnpf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she gathered* From Recoger, v.a. to collect. Recordar, inf.pre. v.a. to remind, to put in mind, to call to memory. Recuerdan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they remind. From Recordar, v.a. to put in mind. Redimi, ind.pret. 1 pn.sin. I redeemed. From Redimir,v. a. to rescue. Redimir, inf.pre. v.a. to redeem, to rescue, to succour, to relieve, Redobla, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she redoubles. From Redoblar, v.a. to clinch. Redoblar, infpre. v.a. to redouble, to increase by a half, to clinch, to rivet. Reduce, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she reduces. From Reducir, v.a. to lessen. Reducia, ind.impf. lor 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she reduced. From Reducir, v.a. to diminish. Reducir, inf.pre. v.a. to reduce, to lessen, to commute, to convert, to persuade. Redujo, ind.pret 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she reduced. From Reducir^ v.a. to diminish. 17* 190 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Referir, inf. pre. v.a. to relate, to say, to narrate, to refer, to mark, to report. Refiere, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she relates. From Referir, v.a. to refer. Refrena, ind. pre. 3 pn. sin. it, he, or she curbs. From Refrenar,\.\. to refrain. Refrenar, inf. pre. v.a. to curb, to check, to refrain, to contain. Regalar, inf.pre. v.a. to present, to refresh, to entertain, to cares3. Regalo, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she presented. From Regular, v.a. to entertain. Rehusar, inf.pre. v.a. to refuse, to decline, not to accept. Relatar, inf.pre. v.a. to relate, to narrate, to report, to say. Remendar, inf.pre. v.a. to repair, to mend, to patch, to correct, to adjust. Remiendo, inclpre. I pn.sin. I mend. From, Remendar ,v. a. to patch. Remitir, inf.pre. v.a. to send, to remit, to transmit, to refer one's self. Remozar, inf.pre. v.a. to render younger, to endeavour to ap- pear younger than one really is. Renovo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she renewed. From Rcnovar, v.a. to renew. Reparte, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she divides. From Repartir, v.a. to distribute. Repartir, inf.pre. v.a. to divide, to distribute, to assess taxes. Repasan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they look over. From Repasar, v.a. to revise. Repasar, inf.pre. v.a. to repass, to re-examine, to revise, to ex- plain a second time, to air. Repetir, inf.pre. v.a. to repeat, to say over, to reiterate, to de- mand repeatedly. Repite, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she repeats. From Repetir, v.a. to repeat Replicar, inf.pre. v.n. to reply, to contradict arguments, to con- tradict. Replied", ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she replied. From Replicar, v.n. to contradict. Reposar, inf.pre. v.x\ to repose, to rest, to take a sleep, to rest in peace. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 191 Rcpdsen, subj.pre.Spn.pl they may repose. From Reposar, v.n. to rest. Repugnar, inf.pre. v.a. to oppose, to contradict, to proceed re- luctantly, to imply, to object. Repugne, subj.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she may object; From Re- pugnar, v a. to contradict. Reponer, inf.pre. v.a. to reply, to answer, to replace, to collocate. Repuso, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she replied. From Reponer, v. a. to replace. Resentir, inf.pre. v.r. to resent, to express displeasure, to give way, to fail. Resienten, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they resent. From Resentir, v.r. to be displeased. Resiste, ind. pre. 3 pn. sin. it, he, or. she resists. From Resistir, v.n. to oppose. Resistir, inf.pre. v.n. to oppose, to resist, to contradict, to tolerate. ResoIver,i?i/.;pre. v.a. to determine, to resolve, to decide, to de- cree, to dissipate, to analyze. Resoivian, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they resolved. From Resolver, v.a. to determine- Resolvio, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she resolved. From Resolver, v.a. to determine. Resonar, inf.pre. v.n. to resound, to re-echo. Respirar, inf.pre. v.n. to breathe, to rest, to spread scents, to ani- mate. Responde, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she answers. From Responder, v.a. to answer. Responden, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they answer. From Responder, v.a. to reply. Responder, inf.pre. v.a. to answer, to reply, to acknowledge, to correspond. Respoudia, ind.impf.l or3pn.pl. I, it, he, or she answered. From Responder, v.a. to correspond. Respondio, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she replied. From Responder, v.a. to answer. Restaba, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she remains. From Restar y v.a. to subtract. Resultar, inf.pre. v.n. to rebound, to proceed from, to rise, to remain. 192 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Resulto, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it arose. From Resultar, v.n. to rebound. Retardar, inf.pre. v.a. to retard, to delay, to postpone, to defer. Retira, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she retires. From Retirar, v.a. to retire. Retiran, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they retire. From Retirar, v.a. to with- draw. Retirar, inf.pre. v.a. to retire, to withdraw, to decline, to repel, to retreat. Retiro, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she retired. From Retirar, v.a. to retire. Retiro, vnd.pre.lpn.sin. I retire. From Retirar, v.a. to withdraw. Retorcer, inf.pre. v.a. to twist, to retort, to convolve, to interpret wrongly. Reuniendo, ger. uniting, collecting. From Reunir, v.a. to unite. Revolver, in f pre. v.a. to turn, to revolve, to excite commotions. Revuelven, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they revolve. From Revolver, v.a. te return. Robaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they stole. From Robar, v.a. to rob. Rodeaban, ind.impf 3 pn.sin. they turned. From Rodear, v.a. to move. Rogando, ger. praying, asking, begging. From Rogar, v.a. to deV mand. Rompian, imlimpf. 3 pn.pl. they broke. From Romper % v.a. to break. s. Sacando, ger. drawing, plucking up. From Sacar, v.a. to pluck up. Sacara, ind.fatr.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she will draw. From Sacar, v.a. to draw. Sacasen, suhj.3impf.3pn.pl. they should draw. From Sacar, v.a. Salieron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they went out. From Salir,v.*i. to go out, Saludar, inf.pre. v.a. to salute, to greet, to express content, to fire a salute, to proclaim. Saludan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they salute. From Saludar, v.a. to salute. Sazona, ind.pre.3 pn.siy. it, he, or she seasons. From Sazonar, v.n. to season. Sazonar, inf.pre. v.a. to season, to bring to maturity; v.n. to ripen. Semejan, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they resemble. From Semejar, v.n. to be like. Semejar, inf.pre. v.n. to resemble, to be like, to liken. VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 193 Sentira, ind.futr.3pn.sin. it, he, or she will feel. From Sentir, v.n. to feel. Sentiran, ind.futr.Spn.pl. they will feel. From Sentir, v.n. to be sorry for. Senalan, ind,pre.3 pn.pl. they assign. From Senalar, v.a. to mark. Senalar, inf. pre. v.a. to stamp, to point out, to mark, to demon- strate, to .determine. Senalas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou assignest. From Senator, v. a. to mark. Senorear, inf. pre. v.a. to overlook, to rule, to govern, to command. Separa, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she separates. From Separar, v.a. to part, to cut asunder. Sejia.ra.n,ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they separate. From Separar, v.a. to divide. Separar, inf.pre. v.a. to separate, to divide, to part, to dissect, to withdraw. S epar as, ind.pre. 2 pn. sin. thou dividest. From Separar, v.a. to divide. Seremos, ind.futr.lpn.pl. we shall be. From Ser, v.n - . to be, SerxirsLn,ind.futr.3 pn.pl. they will serve. From Servir, v.A.to serve. Siguiendo, ger. following, prosecuting. From Seguir, v.n. to result. Silbaba, ind.impf. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she whistled. From Silbar, v.a. to hiss. Sirviendo, ger. serving. From Servir, v.a. to serve, to do a favour* Sobraba, ind.impf .3 pn.sin. it, he, or she had more than enough. From Sobrar, v.n. to be more than is necessary. Socorred, imp.pre.2pn.pl. succour ye, or you. From Socorrer, v.a. to succour. Socorrer, inf.pre. v.a. to succour, to aid, to administer relief. Socorri, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. I succoured, or aided. From Socorrer, v.a. to administer. Sofoque, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I was excited, or suffocated. From Sofo- car, v.a. to smother. Sojuzgar, inf.pre. v.a. to subjugate, to subdue, to conquer. • Sostener, inf.pre. v.a. to maintain, to support, to sustain, to feed, to defend. Sostiene, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she supports. From Sostener, v.a. to sustain. Subiendo, ger. ascending, mounting. From Subir, v.a. to walk up. Suceder, inf.pre. v.n. to happen, to take place, to come to pass, to succeed. 194 VERBS OF TFIREE SYLLABLES. Sucedio, ind.pret .3 pn.sin. it happened. From Suceder, v.n. to take place. Sufocar, inf.pre. v.a. to suffocate, to smother, to harass, to molest, to oppress. Sufrire, ind.futr. 1 pn.sin. I shall suffer. From Sufrir, v.a. to suffer. Sugcrir, inf.pre. v.a. to suggest, to hint, to intimate, to instigate. Sugetiir, inf.pre. v.a. to subject, to reduce, to overcome. Sumergfr, inf.pre. v.a. to plunge into, to sink, to embarrass. Sumira, indfutr.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she will sink, or be sunk. From Sumir, v.n. to swallow up. Supieron, ind.pret.Spn.pl. they knew. From Saber, v.a. to know. Supiesen, subj.3impf.3pn.pl. they should know. From Saber, v.a. to know. Suplicar, inf. pre. v.a. to beseech, to supplicate, to demand. Suplico, ind.pre J pi.sin. I supplicate. From Suplicar, v.a. to be- seech. Supliquc, ind.pret. I pn.sin. I beseeched. From Svplicar, v.a. t© demand. Sustentan, ind.pre.3 pnpl. they sustain. From Sustentar, v.a. ta support. Sustentar, infpre. v.a. to maintain, to sustain, to support. T. Taiiendo, ger. ringing, playing. From Tarier, v.a. to ring (a bell,?) or to play (on an instrument.) » Temiesen, subj.3 impf.3pn.pl. they should fear. From Temer, v.a. to fear. Tendremos. ind.futrApn.pl. we shall, or will have. From Tetxer % v.a. to have. Tenemos, ind.preApn.pl. we have. From Tener, v.a. to have. Teniamos, ind.impfA pn.pl. we had. From Tener, v.a. to possess. Tenfen, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they had* From Tener, v.a. to possess. Teniendo, ger. having, possessing. From Tener, v.a. to hold. Tocaba, ind.impf .3 pn.sin. it belonged to, or it concerned it, him., or her. From Tocar, v.a. to be the duty of. Tolerar, inf.pre. v.a. to tolerate, to suffer, to permit, to indulge. Tolero, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she tolerated From ToleraTi v.a. to permit, VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. 195 Tomaba, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she took. From Tomar, v.a. to take. Tomlndo, ger. taking. From Tomar, v.a. to grasp. Tomara, subj.limpf. 3 pn.sin. I would take. From Tomar, v.a. to receive. Tomaron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they took. From Tomar, v.a. to catch. Topaba, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she met with. From Topar,v.A+ to run against. Torciendo, ger. taking a wrong path. From Torcer, v.a. to twist. Torcieron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they twisted, or took a wrong path. From Torcer, v.a. to twist. Tomara, ind.futr. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she will return. From Tomar, v.n. to restore. Trabaja, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she worked. From Trabajar, v.a. to labour. Trabajar, inf. pre. v.a. to labour, to work, to be engaged in some business. Tragaron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they swallowed. From Tragar, v.a. t» swallow down. TvdigQYon, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they brought. From Traer, v.a. to bring. Transportar, inf. pre. v.a. to transport, to convey, to remove. Transpdrte, subj.pre. 1 pn.sin. I may transport. From Transportar, v.a. to remove. Traslada, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she translates. From Trasladar t v.a. to remove. Trasladar, inf.pre. v.a. to translate, to remove, to transcribe, to copy. Traspasar, inf.pre. v.a. to run through, to pierce, to excite com- passion, to remove, to transport. Trastornar, inf.pre. v.a. to subvert, to overthrow, to confuse, to persuade, to derange. TratabajittcUwp/.l or 3 pn.sin.J, it, he, or she treated. From Tratar t v.n. to discourse. Tro.ta.ban,ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they treated. From Tratar, v.A.to handle. Tratando, ger. treating, touching, trading. From Tratar, v.a. to discuss. Trataron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they treated. From Tratar, v.a. to have intercourse. Trayendo, ger. carrying, bringing. From Traer, v.a. to fetch. 196 VERBS OF THREE SYLLABLES. Triunfando, ger. triumphing, subduing. From Triunfar, v.a. t» conquer. Triunfar, inf. pre. v.a. to triumph, to conquer, to gain a victory. Tropezar, inf. pre. v.n. to stumble, to be detained, to wrangle, to dispute. Turbando, ger. disquieting, disturbing. From Turbar, v.a. to vex. Tuviera, subj.impf.lov3pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would, or might have. From Tener, v.a. to hold. Tuvierais, subj.l impf.2 pn.pl. you, or ye should have. From Tener, v.a to possess. Tuviere, subjfutr.l ov3pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should have. From Tener, v.a to possess. T\i\i€von, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they possessed. From Tener,v.A.to have. Tuvieseis, subj. 3 impf. 2 pn.pl. if ye, or you should have. From Tener, v.a. to possess. Tuviesen, subj.3 impf. 3 pn.pl. if they should have. From Tener, v.a. to possess. u. Usaba, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she used. From Usar, v.a. to accustom. Usaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they used. From Usar, v.a. to inure. Usurpa, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she usurps. From Usurpar, v.a. to usurp. V. Vacilar, inf.pre. v.n. to vacillate, to stagger, to be perplexed, to wander, to be doubtful. Valiendo, g-er. taking advantage, being worth. From Valer, v.r. to take advantage. Valiesen, subj.3 impf.3pn.pl. they should be worth. From Valer j\.r. to be worth. Velamos, ind.pret.lpn.pl. we sat up. From Velar, v.a. to sit up. Velamos, ind.pre. lpn.pl. we sit up. From Velar, v.a. to sit up. Velando, ger. sitting up, watching. From Velar, v.a. to sit up. Vencimos, ind.pret. 1 pn.pl. we conquered. From Fencer, v.a. to conquer. Venderias, subj.2 impf .3 pn.sin. it, he, or she would sell. From Ven- der, v.a. to sell. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 197 Vendiendo, ger. selling, vending. From Vender, v.a. to sell. Verificar, inf.pre. v.a. to realize, to verify, to confirm, to prove. Vertiendo, ger. shedding, spreading. From Verter, v.a. to spill. Viniendo, ger. coming. From Venir, v.n. to come. Vinieron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they came. From Venir, v.n. to come. Viola.ba.n. i ind.impf.3pn.pl.they violated. From Violar, v. a. to violate. Violentar, inf.pre. v.a, to force, to violate, to open or break any thing by force. Yhiiiir, inf. pre. v.a. to visit, to search (ships,) to examine (prisons.) Vistier on, in d .pret. 3 pn.pl. they dressed. From Vestir, v.a. to dress. Viviendo, ger. living, existing. From Vivir, v.n. to enjoy life. Viviese, subj.Simpf.l or 3 pn.sin. I should live. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Vivira, ind.futr.Sp71.sin. it, he, or she will live. From Vivir, v.n. to live. Volaron, ind.pret.3jm.pl. they flew. From Volar, v.a. to fly. Vol vera, ind.futr. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she will return. From Volver, v.n. to return. Volveran, ind.fxdr.3pn.pl. they will return. From Volver, v.n. to return. Volviendo,ger. returning, coming back. From Volver, v.n. tc return. LESSON IX. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. A. Abalanzar, inf.pre. v.a. to rush against, to counterpoise, to weigh. Abandonais. ind.pre.2pn.pl. ye, or you abandon. From. Jlbandunar, v.a. to abandon. Abandonar, inf.pre. v.a. to abandon, to desert, to despond, to des- pair. Abandonas, ind.pre.2 pn.sin. thou abandonest. From Abandonar, v.a. to abandon. 18 198 VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Abanddnes, stibj.pre.2pn.siyi. thou mayest abandon. From Aban- donor, v.a. to abandon. Abandono, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I abandon. From Abandonar, v.a. to abandon. Abandono, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she abandoned. From Aban- donar, v.a. to abandon. Abordara, subj.) imp/A or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she could, or might board. From Abordar, v.a. to board a vessel. Aborrece, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she abhors. From Aborrecer, v.a. to despise. Aborrecer, inf.pre. v.a. to despise, to abhor, to detest, to hate. Aborrecian, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they hated. From Aborrecer, v.a. to abhor. Aborrezco, ind.pre. 1 jm.sin. I abhor. From Aborrecer, v.a. to hate. Abrazaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she embraced. From. Abrazar, v.a. to surround. Abrazando, ger. embracing. From Abrazar, v.a. to avail one's self of. Abrazara, subj. 1 imp/. I or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would, or should embrace. From Jlbrazar, v.a. to embrace. Acababa, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she terminated. From rfcabar, v.a. to conclude. Acabando, ger. concluding, finishing. From Acabar, v.a. to ter- minate. Acabasen, subj.3 hnpf.3 pn.pl. they should conclude. From Acabar, v.a. to terminate. Acarrear, inf.pre. v.a. to bring on, to occasion, to cause, to convey. Acataron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they respected. From JJcatar, v.a. to revere, to behold, to acknowledge. Acelerar, inf.pre. v.a. to accelerate, to hasten, to expedite, to despatch, to quicken. Acercaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she drew near. From Acer car, v.a. to approximate. Acercando, ger. approaching, drawing near. From Acercar, v.a. to approximate. Acometer, inf.pre. v.a. to attack, to assault, to undertake, to tempt. Aconsejar, inf.pre. v.a. to advise, to counsel; v.n. to take advice. Acordara, subj. 1 impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would, or should remember. From Acordar, v.a. to agree. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 199 Acordaran, subj.l impf.3 pn.pl. they would remember. From Jlcor- dar, v.a. to agree. Acostumbra, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she is in the habit. From Jlcostumbrar , v.a. to inure. Acostumbrar, inf. pre. v.a. to accustom, to inure; v.n. to be wont. Acudamos, subj.pre.lpn.pl. let us, or we may repair. From Jlcu- dir, v.a to apply, to assist, to yield, to have recourse. Acudira, ind.futr. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she shall, or will assist. From Jlcudir, v.a. to repair. Acusaba, ind.impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she accused. From Jlcusar, v.a. to accuse. Adelantar, inf.pre. v.n. to advance, to progress, to improve, to meliorate. Adivinar, in/pre. v.a. to foretell, to guess, to divine, to unriddle (an enigma.) Admiraba, ind.impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she admired. From«# emulating, vying, contending. From Emular, v.n. to rival. Enamora, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she charms. From Enamorar, v.a. to inspire love. Enamorar, in/pre. v.a. to charm, to inspire love, to court, to woo. Encaminar, inf. pre. v.a. to guide, to dired, to forward, to manage. Encamines, sub j. pre. 2 pn. sin. thou mayest direct. From Encami- nar, v.a. to guide. Encarcelar, inf. pre. v.a. to incarcerate, to put in jail, to imprison. Encarecer, inf.pre. v.a. t to extol, to praise, to exaggerate, to en- hance. Encendiese, $ub;.3impf.\ or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should kindle, From Encender, v.a. to kindle. Encerraba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she locked up. From Encerrar, v.a. to contain. Enciende, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she lights up. From Encender, v.a. to kindle. Encoutrir on, ind. pret.3pn.pl. they met. From Encontrar ,v.A.to find. EnduJcecer, inf.pre. v.a. to sweeten, to assuage, to soften. Enflaquecen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they weaken. From Enflaquecer, v.a. to enervate. Enflaquecer, inf.pre. v.a. to enervate, to enfeeble, to weaken, to diminish. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES, 209 Engendrenios, subj.pre.l pn.pl. we may engender, or let us en- gender. From Engendrar, v.a. to produce. Enseiiaba, ind.hnpf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she taught. From En- sertar, v.a. to instruct. Enseiiando, ger. teaching, instructing. From Ensehar, v.a. to in- struct. Enseiiasen, subj.3impf.3pn.pl. they should teach. From Ensenar, v.a. to teach. Ensordece, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she deafens. From^Ensorde- cer, v.n. to become deaf. Ensordecer. inf.pre. v.a. to deafen, to make deaf; v.n. to become deaf, to become silent. Enternecen, ind.pre.opn.pl. they move to compassion. From En- temecer, v.a. to move to compassion. Enternecer, inf.pre. v.a. to move to compassion, to excite pity, to soften. Enternecio, ind.pret.3pn.sin. it, he, or she moved to compassion. From Enternecer, v.a. to soften. Entreteger, inf.pre. v.a. to intermix, to interweave, to tissue, to variegate, to insert. Entretener, inf.pre. v.a. to entertain, to put off, to amuse, to allay pain, to joke. Entristecer, inf.pre. v.a. to make sad, to excite gloomy feelings; v.r. to become melancholy. Envegt-ce, ind.p-e.3pi.sin. it, he, or she grows old. From Envege- cer, v.n. to grow old. Envegecer, inf.pre. v.a. to make old; v.n. to grow old; v.r. to be of an old date. Escapara, subj.limpf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would escape. From Escapar, v.a. to escape. Escaparon, ind.pret .3 pn.pl. they escaped. From Escapar, v.a. to escape. Esceptuando, ger excepting. From Esceptuar, v.a. to except. Escribiese, subj.3impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should write. From Escribir, v.a to write. Escuchaba, ind.hnpf.l or 3 pi.sin. I, it, he, or she listened to. From Escuchar, v.a. to hearken. Escuchando, ger. listening. From Escachar, v.a. to hearken. 19 210 VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Escurece, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she darkens. From Escurecer, v.a. to deprive of light. Escurecer, .iM/.pre. v.a. to darken, to obscure, to denigrate; v.n. to grow dark. Escusando, ger. excusing, exempting, avoiding. From Escusar,v.&. to excuse. Esforzando, ger. endeavouring, corroborating. From Esforzar, v.a. to strengthen. Eshalaba, ind.impf A or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she exhaled. From Eshalar, v.a. to evaporate. Esperaba, ind.impf. 1 or S pn.sin. I, it, he, or she hoped. From Es- perar, v.a. to wait for. Espirara, subj.l imp/A or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would expire. From Espirar, v.n. to breathe the last. Esplicando, ger. explaining. From Esplicar, v.a. to explain, to elucidate. Establecer, inf. pre. v.a. to settle, to establish, to found, to render a thing permanent. Estableci, ind.prcl. 3 pn.sin. I established. From Establecer, v.a. to establish. Estendinios, ind.pret . 1 pn.pl. we extended. From Estender, v.a. to extend. Estrechando, ger. narrowing, confining. From Estrechar, v.a. to tighten. Eslrechasen, subj.3 impf.S pn.pl. they should tighten. From Estre- char, v.a. to make tighter. Estremecer, ivf.pre. v.a. to shake, to make tremble, to be amazed, to shudder. Estuvieron, ind.pret. 3 pn.pl. they were. From Estar, v.n. to be. F. Facilitar, inf. pre. v.a. to facilitate, to render easier, to free from difficulties. Favorecer, inf.pre. v.a. to favour, to protect, to grant favours. Figuraban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they figured. From Figurar, v.n. to imagine. G. Galardonar, inf.pre. v.a. to reward greatly, to recompense abun- dantly, to distinguish by making presents, to confer. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 211 H. Hallabamos, ind.impfA pn.pl. we found. From Hallar, v.a. to meet. Hallaremos, ind.futrApn.pl. we shall, or will find. From Hallar, v.a. to find. Humedecen, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they moisten. From Humedecer,v.A. to moisten. Humedecer, inf.pre. v.a. to moisten, to wet, to soak. I. Ignoraban,mcUm/)/.l or 3 pn.pl. they were ignorant of. From lg- norar, v.a. not to know- Ilumina, ind.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin I, it, he, or she illumines. From Iluminar, v.a. to enlighten. Iluminar, inf.pre. v.a. to illumine, to enlighten, to supply with light, to illuminate, to colour. Imaginais, ind.pre.2 pn.pl. ye, or you imagine. From Imaginar, v=a. to think. Imaglnan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they imagine. From Imaginar, v.a. to think. Imaginar, inf.pre. v.a. to imagine, to think, to fancy, to apprehend. Impidiesen, subj.3impf.3 pn.pl. they should impede. From Impedir, v.a. to impede. Importunar, inf.pre. v.a. to vex, to harass, to weary, to molest, to importune, lmportuno, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she wearied. From Impor- tunar, v.a. to importune. Impropera, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she abuses. From Improperar } v.a. to upbraid. Improperar, inf.pre. v.a, to upbraid (with disgraceful epithets,) to abuse (with very improper language.) Incendiaron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they set on fire. From Incendiar, v.a. to set on fire. Inclinaban, ind.impf.3 pn.pl. they were in&ined. From Inclinar. v.a. to incline. Incorporar, inf.pre. v.a. to incorporate, to unite in one mass; v.r. to be embodied, to be united. Jnformaba, ind.impfA or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she informed. From Informar, v.r. to improve one's self. 212 VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Inspiraron, ind.pret.Spn.pl. they inspired. From Inspirar, v.a. te infuse into. Intercepts, inf.pre. v.a. to intercept, to cut off, to stop and seize. Interesa, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she is interesting- From In- teresar, v.n. to be important. Interesar, inf.pre. v.n. to be important, to be interesting, to be concerned. Interrumpir, inf.pre. v.a. to interrupt, to hinder, to intrude on. Interrumpo, ind.preA pn.sin. I interrupt. From Interrumpir, v.a. to intrude on. Jntroducir, inf.pre. v.a. to introduce, to present, to bring into notice. Inventaron, ind.pret.5pn pi. they invented. From Inventar, v.a. to discover. Investiga, ind. pre. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she investigates. From Lives- tigar, v.a. to inquire into. Investigar,Mi/.p-e. v.a. to investigate, to search out, to inquire into. Invocando, ger. invoking, imploring. From Invocar, v.a. to call upon. L. Lamentaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she lameuted. From Lamenlur, v.a. or v.n. to express sorrow. Lamentaron, ind.pret.S pn.pl. they lamented. From Lamentar, v.a. to lament. Levantaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she rose. From Le- vantar, v.a. to rise. Levantando, ger. rising. From Levantar, v.a. to lift up. Levantara, subj.limpf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would raise. From Levantar, v.a. to raise. Levantaron, indpret.Spn.pl. they rose. From Levantar, v.a. to elevate. • M. Madurasen, subj.S impf.3pn.pl. they should get ripe. From Madu- rar, v.a. tQ make ripe. Manifestar, inf.pre. v.a. to manifest, to discover, to declare. Manifesto, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she manifested, From ^/anf* festar, v.a. to manifest. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 213 ivlanlfiesta, ind.pre.3jin.3in. it, he, or she manifests. From Mani- festar, v.A. to show. Mantuviera, subj.l impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would main* tain. From Mantener, v.a. to support. Maravillan, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they astonish. From Maravillar, v.n. to be struck with admiration. Maravillar ,inf.pre. v.n. to wonder, to be astonished; v. a. to admire* Menoscaban, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they destroy. From Menoscabar, v.A. to impair. Menoscabar, inf. pre. v.a. to destroy, to impair, to make worse, to deteriorate. Menosprecian, ind.pre. 3 pnpl. they despise. From Menospreciar, v.a. to contemn. Menospreciar, inf. pre. v.a. to despise, to deprecate, to contemn. Mitigaba, ind.impf. 1 or 3 pn. sin. I, it, he, or she mitigated. From Mitigar, v.a. to soften, to assuage. Mitigando,g-er. mitigating, assuaging. From Mitigar, v. a. to mollify. Motejando,g-er.censuring, ridiculing. From Mote jar, v. a. to censure. Motejaron, ind.pret.S pn.pl. they censured From Motejar, v.a. to ridicule. 'N. Necesitais, ind.pre.2 pn.pl. you want, From Necesitar, v.n. to be in want of. Necesitan, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they want. From Necesitar, v.a. to be in want of. Necesitar, inf. pre. v.n. to want, to be in want of, to need; v.a. to oblige, to constrain. Necesito, ind.pre. 1 pn.sin. I want. From JSTecesitar, v.n. to need. Negociaba, ind.impf. I or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she traded. From Negociar, v.a. to negociate. Negociaban, ind.impj .3 pn.pl. they traded. From Negociar, v.a. to have commerce. Negociaron, ind.pi et.S pn.pl. they traded. From Negociar, v.a. to carry, on trade. Negociasen, subj.Simpf.3pn.pl. they should have commerce. From Negociar, v.a. to trade, 19* 214 VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES, 0. Obedcceis, ind.pre.2 pn.pl. ye, or you obey. From Obedecer, v.a. to obey. Qbed£cen,ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they obey. From Obcdtcer,v.\. to yield to. Obedecer, inf. pre. v.a. to obey, to submit to, to yield to, to pay submission. Obscurecer, ivf.pre. v.a. to obscure, to darken, to denigrate; v. imp. to grow dark. Observando, ger. observing, remarking. From, Observar, v.a. to observe. Ocasionaba, ind.imp/J or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she occasioned. From Ocusionar, v.a. to cause. Oca?ionar, inf.prc. v.a. to cause, to occasion, to excite, to endan- ger, to hazard. Ocupaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they occupied. From Oc'upar, v.a. to occupy. Ofreciendo, ger. offering, tendering. From Ofrecer, v.a. to manifest. Qlvidaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she forgot. From Olvi- dar, v.a. to forget. Olvidando, ger. forgetting, neglecting. From Olvidar, v.a. to omit. P. Padeciendo, ger. suffering. From Padecer, v.a. to suffer (any thing.) Participan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they participate. From Participar, v.a. to inform. Participo, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I participate. From Participar, v.a. to inform. Penetrando, ger. penetrating. From Penetrar, v.a. to be convinced. Perci'oimos, ind.pretA pn.pl. we perceived. From Percibir, v.a. to perceive. Perdonando, ger. pardoning, excusing. From Perdonar, v.a. to. forgive. Perfeccionar,in/.pre. v.a. to perfect, to complete, to finish entirely. Permitieron, ind.pret:3 pn.pl. they permitted. From Permitir, v.a. to consent. Permutaban, ind.inipf:3 pn.pl. they changed. From Permutar, v.a. to barter. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 215 Pertenece, in d. pre. 3 pn. sin. it, he, or she belongs. From Pertenecer t v.n. to belong. Pertenecen, ind.pre.3 pn.pl. they belong. From Pertenecer, v.n. to belong. Pertenecer, inf. pre. v.n. to belong, to appertain, to behoove, to become. Pertenezca, subj.pre. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may pertain. From Pertenecer, v.n to belong. Precederan, ind.futr.3pn.pl. they will, or shall precede. From Preceder, v. a. to go before. Precipitar, inf.pre. v.a. to precipitate, to throw headlong, to act in a rash manner.- Preguntaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they asked. From Preguntar, v.a. to inquire. Preguntando, ger; asking. From Preguntar, v.a. to ask. Presentaba, ind.'impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she presented. From Presentar, v.a. to present. Presentaban, indAmpf.3pn.pl. they presented. From Presentar, v.a. to favour with a gift. Pretestandoj ger. alleging. From Pretestar, v.a. to make use of a pretext. Previniendo, ger. cautioning, arranging, preventing, considering, ordering. From Prevenir, v.a. to participate. Principiaba, ind.impfl3 pn.sin. it, he, or she began. From Princi- piar, v.a to begin. Procuraban, ind.impf.Spn.pl. they endeavoured. From Procurar, v.a. to solicit. Procuratnos, ind.pre.l pn.pl. we endeavour. From Procurar, v.a. to strive. Procurando, ger. endeavouring. From Procurar, v.a. to endeavour. Procuremos, subj. pre. 1 pn.pl. we may, or let us endeavour. From Procurar, v.a. to solicit. Profesamos, ind.pre.lpn.pl. we profess. From Profesar, v.a. to declare openly. Profetiza, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she predicts. From Profctizar, v.a. to foretell. - Profctizar, Inf.pre. v,a. to prophesy, to predict, to. conjecture. Pronuncian, ind. pre. 3 pn.pl. they pronounce. From Pronunciar, v.a. to pronounce. 216 VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Proporcionar, inf.pre. v.a. to proportion, to adjust, to form sym- metrically, to adapt. Proporcionen, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may proportion. From Pro- porcionar, to adapt. Prosiguiendo, ger. continuing, following. From Proseguir, v.a. to follow. Publicando, ger. publishing, proclaiming, manifesting. From Pu- blicar, v.a. to disclose. Pudierauios, subj.l imp/. I pn.pl. we might. From Poder, v.a. to be able. R. Rebosando, ger. glowing, overflowing. From Rebosar, v.a. to abound. Recompensar, inf.pre. v.a. to recompense, to reward. Reconoce, ind.pre.Spn.sin. it, he, or she acknowledges. From Re- conocer, v.a. to ackno.vledge. Reconoceis, ind.pre.2pn.pl. ye, or you acknowledge. From Recuno- cer, v.a. to reconnoitre. Recondcen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they acknowledge. From Reconocer, v.a. to contemplate. Reconocer, inf.pre. v.a. to recognize, to acknowledge, to contem- plate, to conceive, to reconnoitre. Reconoces, ind.pre.2pn.sin. thou acknowledgest. From Reconocer, v.a. to conceive. Reconoci, inu.pret. 1 pn.sin. I acknowledged. From Reconocer, v.a. to conceive. Reconocian, ind.hnpf.3pn.pl. they acknowledged From Reconocer, v.a. to conceive. Reconociendo, ger. acknowledging. From Reconocer, v.a. to re- connoitre. Roconocio ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she acknowledged. From Reconocer, v.a. to recognize. Refinendo, ger. referring relating, narrating. From Referir, v.a. to mark out. Refleceionar, inf.pre. v.a. to reflect, to think, to meditate, to consider. Refugiaron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they took refuge. From Refugiar, v.a. to shelter. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 217 Regocijan, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they rejoice. From Regocijar, v.a. to rejoice. Rehusare, ind.futr.l pn.sin. I shall refuse. From Rehusar, v.a. to refuse. Relampaguean, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they flash. From Relampaguear, v.n. to enlighten. Relampaguear, inf. pre. v.n. to flash, to lighten, to sparkle; v.imp. to lighten. Remozarian,swfej.2 impf.Spn.pl. they would become younger. From Remozar, v.n. to render younger. Remozaron, ind.pret.S pn.pl. they rendered younger. From Remo* zar, v.n. to become younger. Reposamos, ind. pre .1 pn.pl. we repose. From Reposar, v.n. to rest. Reposamos, ind.pret lpn.pl. we reposed. From Reposar, v.n., to rest. Reposaria, subj.2impfA or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would repose. From Reposar, v.n. to rest, Reprehende, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she reprehends. From Reprehender, v.a. to reprimand. Reprehenden, ind.pre.Spn.pl. they reprehend. From Reprehender, v.a. to reprimand. Reprehender, inf.pre. v.a. to reprimand, to reproach, to upbraid, to censure. Representa, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she represents. From Re- presentar, v.a. to make appear. Representar, inf.pre. v.a. to represent, to manifest, to set forth, to play (on the stage.) Representaba, ind.impf.l orSpn.sin. I, it, he, or she rapresented. From Representar, v.a. to manifest. Represents, ind.pret.S pn.sin. it, he, or she represented. From Representar, v.a. to manifest. Represento, ind.pre.l pn.sin. I represent. From Representar, v.a. to represent. Resonaba, ind.impf.l orSpn.sin. I, it, he, or she resounded. From Resonar, v.n. to re-echo. Respiraba, ind.impf.l orSpn.sin. I, it, he, or she breathed. From Respirar, v.n. to rest. Resplandecen, ind.pre.S pn.pl. they shine. From Resplandecer, v.n. to glitter. 218 VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. Resplandecer, inf. pre. v.n. to shine, to glitter, to glisten, to gleam, to be brilliant. Responderan, md.futr.Spn.pl they will answer. From Responder, v.a. to answer. Respondieron, ind.p-et.3pn.pl. they answered. From Responder, v.a. to answer. Respondfsteis, hxd.pret.1pn.pl. ye, or you answered. From Res- ponder, v.a. to reply. Resulfara, ind.futr.5pn.sin. it will follow. From Resultar, v.n. to result, to be the consequence. Retiraba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn. sin. I, it, he, or she retired. From Re~ tirar, v a. to withdraw. Retorcu'ndo, ger. twisting, turning. From Torcer, v.a. to retort. Reverenciar, infpre. v.a. to venerate, to reverence, to respect. Revprencie, ind.pret.l pn.sin. I reverenced. From Reverenciar, v.a. to venerate. s. Salvaremos, ind.fntr.lpn.pl. we shall, or will be saved. From Salvar, v.a. to save; or v.r. to be saved. Saludaba, ind.impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she saluted. From Saludar, v.a. to salute. Satisface, ind.pre.S pn.sin. it, he, or she satisfies. From Satisfacer, - v.a. to satisfy. Satisfacer, infpre. v.a. to satisfy, to pay what is due, to expiate, to allay the passions, to free from doubt. Sztisfsigan, subj.pre.3pn.pl. they may satisfy. From Satisfacer, v. a. to pay fully. Satisfizo, ind.pret. 3 pn.sin. it, he, or she satisfied. From Satisfacer, v.a. to satisfy. Senalaron, ind.pret.S pn.pl. they appointed. From Senalar, v.a. to mark out. Seiialase, subj.S imp/A or Spn.sin. I, it, he, or she should point out. From Sehalar, v.a. to appoint. Senoreaba, ind.impf.l or Spn.sin. I, it, he, or she governed. From Senorear, v.a. to command. Senoreando, ger. commanding, ruling. From Senorear, v.a. to overlook. VERBS OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 219 Separaba, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she separated. From Sepa* rar, v.a. to separate. Siguifica, ind.pre.3pn.sin. it, he, or she signifies. From Significar, v.a. to signify. Significar, inf. pre. v.a. to signify, to declare, to be worth, to mean. Sobrepujar, inf.pre. v.a. to excel, to exceed, to surpass. Sobresaitar, inf.pre. v.a. to surprise, to frighten; v.n. to be star- tled at, to be astonished. Sobrevenir, inf.pre. v.n. to happen, to fall out, to come to pass. Sobreviene, ind.pre. 3 pn.sin. it happens. From Sobrevenir, v.n. to supervene. Solicita, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she solicits. From Solicitar, v.a. to solicit. Solicitar, inf.pre. v.a. to desire, to solicit, to importune, to entreat, to urge. Sorprehende, ind.pre.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she surprises. From Sor- prehender, v.a. to surprise. Sorprehender, inf.pre. v.a. to surprise, to deceive, to execute any thing silently. Sucedieron, ind.pret 3pn.pl. they succeeded, or came after. From Suceder, v.a. to follow, to happen. Sucediese, subj.3impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should happen. From Suceder, v.a. to inherit. Sugerieron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they suggested. From Sugerir, v.a. to suggest. Sugetamos, ind.pre.lpn.pl. we subject. From Sugetar, v.a. to conquer. Sumergiendo, ger. plunging into. From Sumergir, v.a. to sink, to embarrass. Sustentaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she maintained. From Sustentar, v.a. to support. T. Trabajamos, ind.pre. lpn.pl. they labour. From Trabajar, v.a. to work. Trabajamos, ind.pret.l pn.pl. they laboured. From Trabajar, v.a. to work. Trabajando, ger. labouring, working. From Trabajar, v.a» to en- deavour. 220 VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. Trabajaron, ind.pret.2pn.pl. they laboured. From Tr aba jar, v.a. to work. Traspasaron, ind.prtt.2pn.pl. they ran through. From Traspasar, v.a. to cross. V. Vaeilando, ger. not being resolved, staggering. From Vacilar, v.n. to be doubtful. Vengamnos, ind.futr.l pn.pl. we shall avenge. From Vengar, v.a. to lake revenge. Vengaremos, si.bj.futr. 1 pn.pl. we should avenge. From Vengar, v.a. to take revenge. Verifique, subj.p.e ! or '■ pn.sin. I, it, he, or she may verify. From Verijicar, v.a. to accomplish. Violentando, ger. forcing, violating. From Violentar, v.a. to violate. Viviremos, ind.fiitr.ljm.pl. we shall, or will live. From Vivir, v.n. to exist. LESSON X. VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. Abalanzando, ger. rushing against. From Jlbalanzar, v.a. to dart. Aborrezcamos, subj.preA pn.pl. we may hate, or let us hate. From Aborrecer, v. a. to abhor Acometieron, ind.pret.2 pn.pl. they attacked, From Geometer, v.a to assail. Acomodaba, ind.imp/A ov2pn.pl. I, it, he, or she accommodated. From Jlcomodar, v.a. to arrange; or v.n. to be suitable. Acometiesen, sub .3 impf. 1 or 3 pn.s hi. I, it, he, or she should at- tack. From Jlcometer, v.a. to assail. VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. 221 Aconsejasen, subj.2 impf.Spn pi. they should advise. From Aconse- jar, v.a. to advise. Acordaremos, ind futr.lpn.pl. we shall agree. From Acordar, v.a. to concur in opinion. Adelantando, ger. advancing, bringing forward. From Adelantar, v.a. to improve, to meliorate. Advirtiendo, ger. observing, adverting, taking for granted. From Advertir, v.a. to take notice. Agradecemos, ind.pre.lpn.pl. we thank. From Agradecer, v.a. to be obliged. Ahogaremos, ind.futr. 1 pn.pl. we shall, or will drown. From Aho- gar, v.a. to suffocate. Alimentaba, ind.impf.l or $ pn.sin. I, it, he, or she fed. From Ali- mentary v.a. to nourish. Alimentaban, ind.impf. 5pn.pl. they fed. From Alimentar, v.a. to support, to nourish. Amaneciera, ind.l impf.S pn.sin. it might, or could grow light. From Amanecer, v.n. to be at break of day. Amaneciese, subj.S impf.S pn.sin. it should grow light. From Amd- necer, to be at break of day. Amen azaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she threatened. From Amenazar, v.a. to menace. Aparecieron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. hey appeared. From Aparecer, v.N. to break out. Aprepuraba, ind.impf A or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she hastened. From Apresurar, v.a to accelerate. Apresuramos, ind.pret.l pn.pl. we hastened. From Apresurar, v.a. to accelerate. Aprovechemos, subj.pr«.l pn.pl. we may avail ourselves, or let us avail ourselves. From Aprovechar, v.a, to take advantage. Atemoriza, ind.pre,S pn.sin. it, he, or she terrifies. From Atemo- rizar, v.a. to strike with terror. Atemorizar, inf.pre. v.a. tc terrify, to frighten, to strike with terror. Atravesaba, ind.impf I or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she crossed. From Atwvesar, v.a. to run through. Atravesando, ger. crossing, running through. From Atravesar, v.a. to lay a beam athwart a place. 20 222 VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. Averiguaran, subj.Mmpf.3pn.pl. they would investigate. From Jlveriguar, v.a. to inquire into. Ayudaremos, ind.futr.l pn.pl. we shall, or will help. From Ayudar, v.a. to aid. c. Caractericemos, subjpre.lpn.pl. let us distinguish, or we may distinguish. From Caracterizar, v.a. to characterize. Caraeterizar, inf. pre. v.a. to distinguish, to characterize, to mark. Considerando, ger. considering, thinking. From Considqrar, v.a. to ponder. D. Degenerando, ger. degenerating, becoming. From Degenerar, v.n. to become. Degeneranan, subj.2hnpf.3pn.pl. they would degenerate into. From Degenerar, v.n. to become. Depositamos, ind.pret.l pn.pl. we deposited. From Depositar, v.a. to entrust. Desagradaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they displeased. From Desagradar, v.a. to excite discontent. Desaparecen, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they disappear. From Desaparecer, v.a. to disappear. Desaparecera, ind.futr.3pn.sin. it, he, or she will disappear. From Desaparecer, v.a. to disappear. Descubriendo, ger. discovering, finding out. From Descubrir, v.a. to discover. Desembarcando, ger. debarking. From Desembarcar, v.a. to debark. Desenganara, ind.futr.3pn.sin. it, he, or she will undeceive. From Desengahar, v.a. to undeceive. Despreciando, ger. despising. From Despreciar, v.a. to disdain. Despedazaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they tore. From Despedazar, v.a. to tear, to cut to pieces. Diferencian, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they differ. From Diferenciar, v.n. to be of a contrary opinion. Diferenciar, inf. pre. v.n. to differ, to disagree; v.a. to cause a difference. Disminuyendo, ger. diminishing. From Disminuir, to decrease, te diminish. VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. 22S E. Ecsonerase, subj.3 impf. 1 or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she should exoner- ate. From Ecsonerar, v.u. to exonerate. Egercitasen, subj.3 impf, I or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she would exer- cise From Egercitar, v.a. to practise. Encolerizar, inf. pre. v.a. to make a person angry; v.n. to become enraged. Encolerizo, ind.pret.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she enraged. From Encole- rizar, v.a. to make angry. Enflaquecieron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they enfeebled. From Enflaqueccr, v.a. to enervate. Ensenorean, ind.pre.3pn.pl. they command. From Ensehorear, v.a. to domineer. Ensenorear,w/./>re. v.a. to lord, to domineer, to command, to rule. Enternecera, ind.futr.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she will move to compas- t sion. From Enternecer, v.a. to soften. Entretegiendo, ger. interweaving, intermixing. From Entreteger, v.a. to variegate. Entreteniendo, ger. entertaining, amusing, delaying. From Enlre- tener, v.a. to procrastinate. Entristeciendo, ger. saddening, becoming gloomy. From Entris- tecer, v.a. to excite melancholy feelings. EspBraremos, ind.futr. 1 pn.pl. we shall, or will wait for. From Es- perar, v.a. to hope. Esperimentaba, ind.impf.l or 3 pn.sin. I, it, he, or she experienced. From Esperimentar, v.a, to know by practice. Esperimentamos, ind.pret.l pn.pl. we experienced. From Esperi- mentar, v.a. to learn by practice. Esperimentaron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they experienced. From Esperi- mentar, v.a. to acquire by experience. Establecieron, ind.pret.3 pn.pl. they established. From Establecer, v-a. to establish, to settle. Estremeceran, ind.futr.3pn.pl. they will shudder. From Estremecer. v.n. to tremble, to be terrified. Figurabamos, ind.impf.lpn.pl. we figured. From Figurar, v.r. to imagine. 224 VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. G. Galardonando, ger. distinguishing, granting presents. From Go- lardonar, v.a. to recompense. I. Incorporaron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they incorporated. From Incorporar, v.a. to unite. Interesamos, ind.pret.l pn pi. we interested. From lnteresar, v.n. to be interested, or concerned. Interrumpicndo, ger. interrupting, intruding. From Intemimpir, v.a. to intrude. Introduciendo, ger. introducing, bringing to notice. From Intro- ducir, v.a. to present. Introdugeron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they introduced. From Introducir, v.a. to bring to notice. M. Manifestando, ger. manifesting, discovering. From Manifestar, v. a. to declare. Manifestation, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they manifested. From Manifesto? f v.a. to show, to evince. Manifestemos, subj.pre. 1 pn.pl. we may manifest, or let us mani- fest. From Manrfebtarjf v.a. to show. Menospreciando, ger. dc pising, disdaining. From Despreciar, v.a. to contemn. N. Necesitaron, ind.pret.3pn.pl. they wanted. From Mcesitar, v.n. to be in want of. Necesitasen, subj.3 impf.3pn.pl. they should, could, or would want. From Necesitar, v.n. to be in want of. 0. Gcasionaba, ind.impf.3 pn.sin. it, he, or she occasioned. From Qcasionar, v.a. to cause. VERBS OF FIVE, SIX, &c. SYLLABLES. 225 P. Pereceremos, ind.futr.ljm.pl. we shall perish. From Perecer, vx. to be destroyed. Precipitaremos, ind.futr.l pn.pl. we shall, or will precipitate. From Precipitar, v.a. to precipitate. R. Recompensaron, ind.pret.3jpn.pl. they rewarded. From Recompezv- sar, v.a. to reward. Resplandecieron, ind.pret.Spn.pl. they shone. From Resplandecer, v.a. to be brilliant. S. Sobrellevaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they bore. From Sobrellevar, v.a. to inure to hardships, to ease other persons' burdens. Sobrepujasen, subj.3 impf.3 pn.pl. they should excel. From Sobre- pujar, v.a. to exceed. Sobrepujemos, subj.preA pn.pl. we may excel, or let us excel, or be superior to. From Sobrepujar, v.a. to exceed. Solicitaban, ind.impf.3pn.pl. they solicited. From Solicitar, v.a. to solicit. T. Trabajaremos. ind.futr. 1 pn.pl. we shall work. From Trabajar, v.a. to labour. ! i 4i WORDS OF VARIOUS SYLLABLES, WHICH HAVE BEEN OMITTED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE PLACES. Aliraana, snbs.com. f. hunting animal; such as the fox, wjld-cat, &c. Baja, subs.prop.m. Bashaw, the name given to the person under whoso absolute and barbarous administration, one of the three Barbary coasts is placed. Candia. subs.prop.m. Candia, a Greek, eminent for his generosity. Cochin, subs.prop.m. Cochin, a city in Hindostan, India. Cruel, adj. cruel, barbarous, tyrannical. Crueldad,,vn s.com./ cruelty, barbarous treatment, inhuman action, C'uanto. subscm.m. all. every thing. Cuanto-a, adj. as much as, as many as, all, the more. Cuarto. subs.com.m. quarto, a copper Spanish coin, 170 of these coins make a dollar. Cuartos, subs com.m.pl. money, cash. Chentola, subs.prop.f. Chentola, a patronymic name, meaning a native of a small village in Genoa, called Chentola. Diestro-a, adj. dexterous, smart, skilful, sagacious, cunning, right. Pona, subs.com.f. Donna, a title given to a Spanish noble lady: it is the feminine of Don. Frascon, subspropm. Frascon, a mountain in Italy. Gracian, subs prop. m. Gratian, a Spanish writer of great reputation. Haz, subs.com f. superficies, face, countenance. Picante, adj. sarcastic, cutting, hot. Proceder, subs.com.m. behaviour, conduct, manner of acting. Ruindad, subs.com.f. meanness, baseness, poverty, avariciousness. Traicion, subs.com f. treason, (the want of fidelity to a govern- ment, or loyaity to a king.) Trecho, subs.com.m. space, distance, situation, plight. Treinta, adj.num. thirty. Triunfo, subs.com.m. triumph, victory, trophy, slap, trump. Trueque, subs.com.m. exchange. Ji Trueque, by the loss, provided, in order, exchanging. LB S '20