(l;issC/oql Book . O T^ ft I'unsK.vnci) i!Y l^il^- DESCENDANTS . . OF . . JOHN PETER SCHOLL AND HIS WIFE. Anna Susanna Dorothea Scholl, AND Genealogical Family History, WITH . Short Sketch of Philip Scholl and Descendants ILLUSTRATED. A^ Gi SCHOLL, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. 1903. THE JUNIATA HERAT^D PUBLISHTIVG CO. MIF'F•LINTO^VN. tn^^% DR. GEORGE SCHOLL. SEE PAGE 20. PEEFACE. This record is not presented as a complete genealogy. It was hastily prepared for a special purpose from material gathered and intended for use at some future time. On account of lack of nec- essary information some branches are given only in part and others entirely omitted. The main object in issuing these pages is to stimulate the re- search of the family history by many who desire to follow where these pages stop, to induce those who are in possession of particu- lars to assist in extending and perfecting the genealogy and of the facts that relate to the history of the family, both in America and in Europe. It is hoped that the descendants will feel a pride in furnishing all information at hand and assist in bringing to light the information required for a full presentation of a complete histor}^ of the ancestors. For many years the author of this work felt a desire to know more about his ancestory and the particulars connected with the family history. During the year 1884 many facts and much data were col- lected, but nothing of any consequence was accomplished until 1889. At that time it was the intention to prepare a short his- tory of his own branch of the family, but having been deeply in- terested in the work, the interest of members of other branches of the family was awakened. The data collected was all secured prior to the year 1897, since which time the business engagements of the author were such as to prevent any time being given to the work. Within the past year many inquiries have been received as to 3 the progress made with the work and requests for copies of the data already at hand, which was in such shape as to be impossible to hand over. The writer is aware of many imperfections existing in the work, but pleads in extenuation of the fact that the difficulties were insurmountable. The author acknowledges himself indebted to many friends for kind favors during the compilation of the work, and while I express my sincere gratitude to all who aided me, I especially acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. George Scholl. of Baltimore, Md. ; L. E. Shull, of Canton, Ohio; Mrs. Annie Nettleton, of Osnaburg, Ohio, and Miss Julia Cascaden, of Philadelphia, Pa. That the effort will meet with general approval is the earnest wish of the AUTHOE. MiFFLiNTOWN, Pa., Jauuarv, 1902. EXPLANATORY NOTES. The book is divided into seven chapters, six of which give the descendants of John Peter Scholl and his wife, Anna Su.Gcember 13th, 1884; died April 20th, 1901. VI. Hazle Ruth Winey, born April 2d, 1893. 50 V. Susan Winey, born September 1st, 1807; married Jan- uary, 1SS7, to George Chalfant. Live at Philadelphia. Children : Maude, Brantley, William, James, Samuel. A' I. Maude Chalfant, born October 2Gth, 1888. VI. Brantley Chalfant, born September 27th, 1890. VI. William Chalfant, born October 20th, 1892. VI. James Chalfant, born December 3d, 1893. VI. Samuel Chalfant, . V. Minnie Winey, born June 0th, 1872; married October 22d, 1895, to Isaac P. Beashore, born June 1st, 1801. Farmer, living at McAlisterville, Juniata county, Pennsylvania. Chil- dren : Rav, infant. VI. Infant, born March, 1902. V. Alton Scholl Winey, born April 4th, 1874. Travelino- salesman ; home at Elkhart, Indiana. V. Lena Winey, born July 15th, 1880. V. Mary Alberta Winey, born May 18th, 1882. V. Pay Winey, born December 23d, 1884. IV. Susan Scholl, born March 7th, 1846 ; married April 22d, 1875, to Philip Weber, born February 6th, 1851 Live at McAl- isterville, Pennsylvania. Children : Harry S., Edna P., William C, J. Banks, Samuel L., Anna May, infant, Barbara Elizabeth, Susan Irma. V. Harry S. Weber, born March 27th, 1876 ; married Febru- ary 14Lh, 1900, to Helen Graham, l)orn June, 1877. Fireman on the Pennsylvania railroad. Live at Harrisburg. One child, Maro-aret Graham. VI. Margaret Graham Weber, born November 22d, 1900. V. Edna P. Weber, born July 14th, 1877. V. William C. Weber, bor» April 22d, 1879 ; died Septem- ber 12th, 1880. V. J. Banks Weber, born December 17th, 1880. Enlisted April lOth, 1899, in Fourth Cavalry, Troop F; re-enlisted in DOROTHEA SCHOLL ROBINSON. SEE PAGE 53. 51 same regiment on expiration of first enlistment. His regiment served three years in the Phillipine Islands. V. Samuel L. Weber, born November Gth, 1882 ; died May 17th, 1884. V. Anna May Weber, born March 18th, 1884. V. Infant, born May 29th, 1886 ; died July 20th, 1S8G. V. Barbara Elizabeth, born . V. Susan Irma, born August 29th, 1893. IV. John C. Scholl, born September 20th, 1848 ; died Novem- ber 21st, 1869. IV. William G. Scholl, born October 30th, 1852 ; married June 4th, 1901, to Annie E. Smith, born February 22d, 1870. Live at Richfield, Juniata county, Pennsylvania. They are mem- bers of the German Baptist church. Mr. Scholl served five years in the Regular Army, from 1870 to 1875, and lived in California for a number of years ; up until he returned to his native county, Juniata, Pennsylvania. IV. Calvin Peter Scholl, born June 4th, 1855 ; married August 4th, 1875, to Lena Gilbert, born July 14th, 1853 ; daugh- ter of Henry and Mary (Novinger) Gilbert. He is a fruit-grower and lives at Fisherville, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. Children : Daisy May, Beryl Alma, Ross Seroy, Mable Irene, Nora Mercy, Ether Susan, Blanche Odessa, Myrtle Freda. V. Daisy May Scholl, born May 5th, 1876. V. Beryl Alma Scholl, born June 23d, 1878. V. Ross Seroy Scholl, born January 26th, 1880. V. Mable Irene Scholl, born November 7th, 1882. V. Nora Mercy Scholl, born October 15th, 1884. V. Ether Susan Scholl, born May 7th, 1888. V. Blanche Odessa Scholl, born June 26tli, 1890. V. Myrtle Freda Scholl, born February 23d, 1892. III. Jonas Scholl, born November 11th, 1813; died January 3d, 1884 ; married July Gth, 1843, to Catharine 0. Hart, born 5-2—" ' August 20th, 1823 ; died April lOtli, 1879. Children : William Henry, Mary Jane, Peter Marion, John C, Oliver Morton. IV. William Henry Scholl, born July 18th, 1844 ; died April 28th, 18G1. IV. Mary Jane Scholl, born October 7th, 1845 ; died Novem- ber 29th, 1871. IV. Peter Marion Scholl, born October 7th, 1845 ; married March 18th, 1874, to Lizzie Sellers, born December 25th, 1853; died July 6th, 1885. Second marriage November 9th, 1887, to Eleanor E. Pierce, daughter of Marvel N. and Eleanor White; born June 2d, 1856. Real estate broker; live at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Children : Leslie M., Raymond P., Eleanor I. V. Leslie M. Scholl, born June 13th, 1889. V. Raymond P. Scholl, born January 28th, 1893. V. Eleanor I. Scholl, born January 5th, 1897. IV. John C. Scholl, born January 11th, 1850; married March 30th, 1881, to Emma Shultz, born August 12th, 1857, daughter of Samuel and Christiana Shultz. Live at Watseka, Illinois. Children : Maude, Mable, Jonas, Clarence, Howard. V. Maude Scholl, born February 20th, 1882. V. Mable Scholl, born April 1st, 1885. V. Jonas Scholl, born January 1st, 1888. V. Clarence Scholl, born May 3d, 1891. V. Howard Scholl, born August 3d, 1894. IV. Oliver Morton Scholl, born April 25th, 1863. Lives at Muskogee, Indian Territory. III. Mary Scholl, born August 14th, 1815 ; died September 20th, 1820. III. Sarah Scholl, born October 6th, 1817 ; died January 17th, 1891. The writer well remembers an incident related by 'Aunt Sarah," as she was commonly known. When quite a young girl at home one of the smaller children, by some means or another, secured a tomato from the garden and ate it. This was at a time 53 before they were used as a vegetable, it being generally supposed tliey were poisonous. The baby was given copious drinks of milk to counteract the supposed poison. This incident was the cause of much amusement in later years for since then tomatoes are used as a table diet, as they are to-day. Aunt Sarah SchoU lived in Philadelphia many years, and was a member of the Lutheran church, of which she was a devout ad- herent. III. Dorothea Scholl, born December 2d, 1819 ; the only liv- ing child of John Peter Scholl. Early in life she moved to Phila- delphia, where she married, in 1850, Mahlan Robinson, born .April 19th, 1805 ; died August 9th, 1887. Children : Mary Simpson, Julia Richardson, Harry Scholl. IV. Mary Simpson Ptobinson, born September 2d, 1851 ; mar- ried August 23d, 1870, to George M. Cooper, born January. 26th, 1845 ; died March 9th, 1880. Live in Philadelphia. Children : Plarry M., George Mahlan, Gertie May. V. Harry M. Cooper, born July 6th, 1871 ; married to Mar- garet Wilson. Live in Philadelphia. One child, George Howard. V. George Mahlan Cooper, born June 29th, 1874; died March 3d, 1879. V. Gertie May Cooper, born September 14th, 1876. School teacher in Philadelphia. IV. Julia Richardson Robinson, born March 11th, 1853; married October 13th, 1875, to Frank Cascaden, born in Ireland in 1848 ; died January 3d, 1902. He was a member of the firm of John T. Bailey & Co., manu- facturers of bags, rope and twine. In 1864 he was employed by John T. Bailey, and in 1871 was admitted to the firm. He was a valuable addition and during his long service he proved to be thoroughly capable. He was widely and favorably known in the business world. He mve a *i;reat deal of attention to buildinii; societies, prominent among which were the Vineyard Building and 54 Loan Association, and the Broad and Berks Building Association. The success of these organizations was due largely to his efforts. He was an active member of the Methodist church, Twentieth and Jefferson streets, and was president of the Board of Trustees of that body for many years. Mr. Cascaden was a member of the Manufacturers' Club and other organizations. Children : Grace, Julia, Alfred, Frank, Anna, William W. V. Grace Cascaden, born August 24th, 1876. V. Julia Cascaden, born October 24th, 1877. V. Alfred Cascaden, born November 27th, 1883. V. Frank Cascaden, born January 21st, 1880; died January 23d, 1886. V. Anna Cascaden, born March 13th, 1886 ; died May 8th, 1898. V. William W. Cascaden, born May 11th, 1888. IV. Harry Scholl Robinson, born October 7th, 1856 ; married May 19th, 1880, to Sarah Cecelia Devine, born November 19th, 1859, daughter of John and Sarah Kane Devine. He is a hatter by trade and lives in Philadelphia. Children : Mary Vinton, Henry Mahlon^ Dorothy Scholl. V. Mary Vinton Robinson, born February 26th, 1882. V. Henry Hahlon Robinson, born June 6th, 1885. V. Dorothy Scholl Robinson, born March 2d, 1894. III. Catharine Scholl, born February 14th, 1822 ; died March 29th, 1843 ; married June 26th, 1842, to Peter Hosterman, born July 20th, 1816 ; died December 17th, 1893. One child, Henry. IV. Henry Hosterman, born January 12th, 1843 ; married August 27th, 1865, to Lucy Hoot, born June 16th, 1848. Live at Kantz, Pennsylvania. Children : Sarah Allaminda, Catharine, Nora, Oliver, Ellis, Sarah, Clara, George, Lillie, Rose, Oscar. V. Sarah Allaminda Hosterman, born January 27th, 1866 ; died June 8th, 1866. V. Catharine Hosterman, born July 28th, 1867; married 55 May 7th, 1887, to Ira Hoover, born Septeml)er 4th, 18G0. Chil- dren : Agnes, Lucy Annie, Oliver, Molly, Henry Nelson. VI. Agnes Hoover, born March 6th, 1888. VI. Lucy Annie Hoover, born November 6th, 1889. VI. Oliver Hoover, born March 9th, 1890. VI. Molly Hoover, born June 24th, 1892. VI. Henry Nelson Hoover, born June 4th, 1894. V. Nora Hosterman, born August 2d, 1869 ; married Decem- ber 8th, 1887, to John Sanders, died December, 1893. She was married the second time to Frincis Hoke. V. Oliver Hosterman, born September 26th, 1871. V. Ellis Hosterman, born September 3d, 1873. V. Sarah Hosterman, born October 11th, 1875 ; died Octo- ber 2d, 1876. V. Clara Hosterman, born August 20th, 1878; died Febru- ary 2d, 1881. V. George Hosterman, born October 23d, 1879 ; died Octo- ber 23d, 1879. V. Lillie Hosterman, born September 23d, 1881. V. Rose Hosterman, born June 1st, 1889. V. Oscar Hosterman, born June 1st, 1889 ; died June 10th, 1889. III. Jeremiah Scholl, born February 22d, 1824 ; died May 26th, 1832. DESCENDENTS OF HENRY SCROLL, SON OF JOHN PETER. n. Henry Scholl, born 1782, died March 4tli, 1852 ; married Marie Catharine Reid, born August 29th, 1784; died October 28th, 1860; buried at Paris, Stark county, Ohio. She was a daughter of Michael Reid. Henry Scholl moved to Ohio in the spring of 1806, where he took up a section of Government land near Canton, Ohio. At the time the warrant was issued to Mr. Scholl the clerk in the land office spelled the name " Shull," and the family from that time spelled their name that way. He cleared the section of land and afterwards built and conducted a hotel, which to-day is still known as the " old Shull tavern." Catha- rine Reid Shull, wife of Henry Shull, was an invalid for about 40 years (died in 1860). During the latter part of her life and during those 40 years she was not out of bed, and Mary (who for some reason was always called Polly) and Elizabeth (known as Betsy) nursed and cared for her, and for this servioe were to have the 80 acres of the old home- stead as a home. On the death of Mary (Polly) EHza- beth came in possession of the property. Mary (or Polly) was also a cripple, being a hunchback, and her services were for the most part rendered at the bedside administering to the wants of her mother. Among other duties it was her task to keep her supplied with pipe and tobacco. However, while in a sense an invalid and bedfast, yet two children were born during the time she was bedridden. Within a stone's throw of where the first cabin was built is a graveyard, where all of the children of rela- 56 57 tives and neighbors who came later to the neighborhood were buried, there being no burial ground established as yet, except this one. The present house standing on the old homestead is a large two-story brick, rather colonial in style. Brick were made on the ground. This was the third house built. The first cabin was built at what is considered the most inaccessible corner of the farm. No traces remain of the cabin. In the spring of 1806 Henry, John Adam and Leonard (three brothers) came to Ohio. The following account of the old homestead appeared in the Canton (Ohio) Eepositor, during the summer of 1897 : A party of Massillon and Canton people spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nettleton, at the " old Shull tavern," near Osnaburg — a landmark well known in this part of the countr3^ One of the party has kindly contributed the following account of the visit : Half way between Paris and Osnaburg, or about eight miles east of Canton, stands the famous old Shull farm. Here, in 1806, or 92 years ago, Henry Shull cleared the woods for a homestead, buildino; his own saw-mill to saw the timber and burned his own brick to use in the construction of his home, which has always been occupied l)y some member of the Shull family. There it stands now, and as staunch as ever, with its large rooms and wide halls, and two verendas, one above and one below the entire length of the front of the house, the verandas ornamented with an old climbing rose ; its chimneys and sides are almost hidden by a wild grape vine Coming upon it as it stands upon the hill- side almost hidden by trees, modernized only by its beautifully kept lawns and flower beds and with the I'olling hills and valleys surrounding, it is a picture never to be forgotten. It was the pleasure of a party of friends from both Canton and Massillon to be bidden to enjoy the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. 58 Charles Nettleton, who now occupy this old place, Mrs. Nettleton having inherited it from a relative, well and familiarly known as "Aunt Betsy Shall " — the occasion bein^ a surprise to Mr. Net- tleton in honor of his birthday anniversary, June 9th. After offer- ing congratulations, and after a hearty welcome, all naturally be- gan to wander through the rooms. The most interesting was the room containing the antiquities, which, in the days it saw active service as a tavern, was office, cloak room and bar room. Here one might spend a month in study and research and be unwilling to leave the various articles which carry one back to "ye olden days." At one end of this room is a high poster bed of mahogany, with draperies and valance of white linen and fringe, a coverlet or quilt of white, blocked with blue and red, bearing the date 1844. Un- derneath are two immense feather beds, making it necessary to have a step-ladder to mount and disappear, and, as it would seem, a derrick with which to be brouo;ht to the surface in the mornino;. Then there is the great fire-place with its logs of wood in readi- ness for a cool day, and its accompaniments of pots and kettles. The mantel above was filled with old kitchen utensils, candle molds, etc. In other corners were spinning wheels of different designs, an old bureau with glass knobs, cupboards containing many unique and much-coveted pieces of china, an old musket over the door, old chairs and tables, and many books, such as almanacs, school-books, and bibles in both German and English text, yellow and l)rown with age. Among these and of particu- lar interest was an almanac, " Der Volksfreund und Hagerstau- mer Calendar-," ft^Hc ■if .I A V I'.-, FLY LEAF OF GERMAN HYMNAL OF PETER SCHOLL. 59 hundred years old, a quaint design of brown ware somewhat resembling our modern Rookwood, also a blue and white plate decorated with the names of the States and a picture of Mt. Vernon. Children born to Mr. and Mrs. Shull : Mary, George, Eliza- beth, Julia, William, Jacob, Catharine, Daniel, John, Henry E., Leonard, Samuel. III. Mary Shull, born 1806. III. George Shull, born June 27th, 1807 ; died May 4th, 1878 ; married March 20th, 1832, to Mary Magdalene Lanor, born May 11th, 1817. Children: Annie, Mary Ellen, Lucinda, Sarah Eliza- beth, Margaret Cleista, Lydia Ann, Caroline, Flora Townsend, Drusilla, IV. Annie Shull, born May 14th, 1837 ; married to Charles Nettleton, born June 6th, 1847. Live at Osnaburg, Ohio. IV. Mary Ellen Shull, born February lOtli, 1840 ; married October 19th, 1859, to William Wagoner. Lives at Sum- mit, Stark county, Ohio. Children : Delia, Dora, Minnie, Sumner. V. Delia Wagoner, born May 5th, 1862. V. Dora Wagoner, born April 10th, 1864. V. Minnie Wagoner, born March 3d, 1869. V. Sumner Wagoner, born June 29th, 1872. IV. Lucinda Shull, born August 13th, 1841 ; died November 22d, 1842. IV. Sarah Elizabeth Shull, born May 14th, 1843; died May 20th, 1853. IV. Margaret Cleista Shull, born April 12th, 1845; died March 20th, 1846. IV. Lydia Ann Shull, born March 31st, 1847 ; died February 13th, 1870. IV. Caroline Shull, born March 29th, 1849. IV. Flora Townsend Shull, born July 12th, 1853. 60 IV. Drusilla Shull, l)oni August 7tli, 1855. III. Elizabeth Shull, born 1809; died January 25th, 1884. Was not married. III. Julia Shull, born 1810; married Anthony. One child, Isaac. . IV. Isaac Anthony, lives at Canton, Ohio. III. William Shull died in infancy. III. Jacob Shull, born November 27th, 1812 ; married in 1841, to Susanna Cooper, born April 10th, 1823. Old School Presbyterians. Children : Elizabeth, Leonard, Henry C, May Ann, E,ebecca, Susan Catharine, George Eli, Viola, Jacob. IV. Elizabeth Shull, born August 13th, 1843; married in 1861 to George Wentz. IV. Leonard Shull, born April 24th, 1845 ; married Septem- ber, 1869, to Maria Mench. IV. Henry C. Shull, born July 2Sth, 1846 ; married to Eose Kramer, born January 13th, 1845 ; daughter of John and Margaret (Roderock) Kramer. He was a school teacher for years, and now runs a dairy and carriage repair shop. . Lives in Auliurn, Indiana. Children : Willie, Carrie, Alice, Henrietta, Harry, Eliza, Earl. V. Willie Shull, born February 23d, 1871 ; died November 2d, 1873. V. Carrie Shull, born January 25, 1873. V. Alice Shull, born Januarv 24th, 1875. V. Henrietta Shull, born December Ist, 1878. V. Harry Shull, born March 13tb, 1883. V. Eliza Shull, born October 31st, 1886. V. Earl Shull, born March 5th, 1890. IV. May Ann Shull, born April 23d, 1840 ; married January 23d, 1869, to John C. Feagler, born February 16th, 1840. Car- penter by trade. Present occupation I'arining. Live at Auburn, Gl Indiana. Children : Infant son, Wilson C, Lillie May, Lester, Clara. V. Infant son, born January 23d, 1871 ; died January 25tli, 1871. V. Wilson C. Feagler, born July 13th, 1872. In National Guard, State of Indiana, three years, 1892 to 1895, Company K, Third Infantry. He was also a member of Company K, One Hun- dred and Fifty-Seventh Pvegiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, during the Spanish-American War. V. Lillie May Feagler, born August 30th, 1875 ; died Decem- ber 18th, 1878. V. Lester Feagler, born February 10th, 1879. V. Clara Feagler, born March 29th, 1886. IV. Rebecca Shull, born June 25th, 1851 ; died in 1852. IV. Susan Catharine Shull, born August 22d, 1853 ; married June 24th, 1873, to Henry Beck, Ijorn September 11th, 1854; son of James M. and Lurettia (Stillson) Beck. Mrs. Beck is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Beck is a farmer and with his family lives at Luther, Indiana. Children : Harry Clinton, Jay W., Virginia L., Llorace Fay. V. Harry Clinton Beck, born December 22d, 1877. V. Jay W. Beck, born December 8th, 1880. V. Virginia L. Beck, l»orn July 8th, 1887. V. Horace Fay Beck, born November 14th, 1889. IV. George Eli Shull, born December 3d, 1858 ; married April 1st, 1880, to Jennie Feagler, born August 28th, 1856; cousin of John C. Feagler. Live at Auburn Junction, Indiana. Children : James A., Jesse Orvelle, Arthur Eli. V. James A Shull, born May 25, 1881. V. Jesse OrviUe Shull, born November 24th, 1886. ' V. Arthur Eli Shull, born June Sth, 1892. IV. Viola Elizabeth Shull, born March 1st, 1860; man-ied March 29th, 1880, to John Allan McClellan, born August 1st, 62 1859 ; son of Harvey and Eliza Ellen (George) McClellan. Chil- dren : Emma Laura, John Harvey. V. Emma Laura McClellan, born December 8th, 1880 ; mar- ried Howard Clyde Hoodelmier. Live at Auburn, Indiana. V. John Harvey, born February 26th, 1887. IV. Jacolj Shull, born September 20th, 1862 ; married Janu- ary 8th, 1890, to Elizabeth Arizona Morr, born September llth, 1870 ; daughter of John Adam and Caroline (Carper) Morr. Jacob is a farmer and with his family lives at Auburn Junction, Indiana. Children : Artie May, William Arthur. V. Artie May Shull, born December 3d, 1890. V. William Arthur Shull, born March 30th, 1896. III. Catharine Shull, born in 1813; married Hartman. III. Daniel Shull, born in 1814 ; died about 1847. III. Juhn Shull, born September 26th, 1815 ; died April 28th, 1887 ; married August 26th, 1844, to Mary Till, born June 1st, 1827. Removed to DeKalb county, Indiana, and cleared a farm. He afterwards engaged in the dry goods business in Iowa. They were members of the United Brethren church. Children : John A., a daughter, Catharine, infiint son, Selma Elmira, Ptichard. IV. John A. Shull, born April 21st, 1846 ; married March 30th, 1869, to Leora E. Spencer, born January 27th, 1853 ; daughter of Jonathan and Electa Spencer. Settled at Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, immediately after marriage ; moved to Waterloo, In- diana, in 1872 ; from there to Kansas, in 1886, and thence to Port Townsend, in 1890, and later in that year settled in Seattle, Washington, and engaged in the confectionery business. Children : Leora Estelle, Deckie, Mabel, Ella Dorothy, Frank Burnett. V. Leora Estella Shull, born July 27th, 1870; married October 27th, 1887, to Clarence Elwood, born October 14th, 1864. Live at Seattle, Washington. Children : Aileen, Georgie Francis, Harold Gifford. 63 VI. Aileen Elwood, born April 20th, 1889. VI. Georgie Francis Elwood, born May 29tli, 1890. VI. Harold GifFord Elwood, born October 31st, 1891. V. Deckie Shull, born June 8th, 1872; died June 30th, 1876. V. Mabel Shull, born April 9th, 1874 ; married March 9th, 1892, to A. H. Wanamaker, born January 19th, 18G6, Live at Seattle, Washington. Children : Harry Shull, Camille Luciele, Dorothy. VI. Harry Shull "Wanamaker, born September 9th, 1893 ; died November 27th, 1899. VI. Camille Luciele Wanamaker, born October 12th, 1894. VI. Dorothy Wanamaker, born January 17th, 1897. V. Ella Dorothy Shull, born February 17th, 1876 ; married February 19th, 1901, to John Stringer, born November 16th, 1865. Attorney-at-la\v ; Deputy United States Marshal since August, 1897, at Seattle, Washington. Educated in common schools of Walla Walla, Washington, Santa Clara College, Santa Clara, California, and took a law course at the University of Washington. One child, Marion. VI. "^Marion Stringer, born April 25th, 1902. V. Frank Burnett Shull, born August 19th, 1880 ; married November 8th, 1900, to Addie McRae, born November 20th, 1880; daughter of Joseph P. and Deborah Ann (Fulton) McRae. He was educated in Seattle, Washington. His business is that of a confectioner in that city. IV. Daughter, born March 16th, 1848; died two days after birth. IV. Catharine Shull, born June 18th, 1849 ; died November 8th, 1852. IV. Infant son, born October, 1850; died the same month. IV. Selma Elmira Shull, born June 2Gth, 1852 ; married to Eliah Zerkle. Live at Waterloo, Indiana. 64 IV. Ricliard Slmll, born June 8tli, 1854. III. Henry E. ShuU, born April 3d, 1S17; married February 2l8t, 1841, at Canton, Ohio, to Eliza Weber, born October ITtli, 1821; died May 29tli, 1849, at Auburn, Indiana. He was married the second time to Kebecca Bair, at Paris, Ohio, April 7th, 1850 ; born December 22d, 1821 ; died January 14th, 1890. Children : Levina, Ephraim, Elias, Isaac, Emiliza, Daniel, Peter, Josiah, Mary C, Ptebecca A., Henrietta, 01)adiah. IV. Levina Shull, born December llth, 1841 ; died Decem- ber 17th, 1884. IV. Ephraim Shull, born July 8th, 1843; died November 15th, 1861. IV. Elias Shull, born March 25th, 1845. IV. Isaac Shull, born June 12th, 1848; died the same year. IV. Emiliza Shull, born May 20th, 1849 ; died the same year. IV^. Daniel Shull, born January 30th, 1851. . IV. Peter Shull, born June 4th, 1852. IV. Josiah Shull, born January 20th, 1855. IV. Mary C. Shull, born July 14th, 1857 ; died October 28th, 1872. IV. Rebecca A. Shull, born April 1st, 1859. IV. . Henrietta Shull, born January 10th, 1863; died March 15th same year. •■ IV. 01)adiah C. Shull, l)orn February 12th, 1865 ; died Octo- ber 27th, 1872. III. Leonard Shull, born November 22d, 1822; died October 17th, 1864 ; married May 6th, 1845, to Matilda Eyster, born February 4th, 1828. She lives at Canton, Ohio. Children : Henry Edwin, Adaline Malissa, Mary Jane, Eliza Clemantine, William Enos, Manis Emery,- Selma Elrnira, Lora Augusta, Leonard Elmer. . IV. Henry Edw'in Shull, born April 26th, 1846 ; dieil August 20th, 1883; married September 24th, 1872, to Eliza C. Eorer, 65 l)orn February 2Nlb, 1853 ; daughter of David and Harriet (Prcp- ton) Rorer. Lived at Canton, Ohio. He was a carpenter by trade and holder of city real estate ; member of Christian socie- ties of Trinity E,eformed church. Children : Harvey Ealph, Cur- tis Webner, Ira Lansin. V. Harvey Ralph Shull, born August 4th, 1873. V. Curtis Webner Shull, born October 25th, 1875; died December 18 th, 1898. V. Ira Lansin Shull, born x\ugust 5th, 1879. IV. Adaline Malissa Shull, born June 22d, 1848; married Lemuel S. E,oo;er. Live at Texarkansas, Texas. Children : Charles, Ptafellia. He had one child, Lillie, l)y a former marriage. IV. Mary Jane Shull, born March 26th, 1850. . IV. Eliza Clementine Shull, born January 5th^ 1853 ; died September 17th, 1886; married James Conn, of Allegheny, Pa. Children : Margaret, George Eugene, Mary Edith, infant, dead, V. Georo;e Eugene Conn, married and lives at Alleo-heny, Pa. V. Mary Edith Conn, married and lives in Stark county, Ohio. IV. William E. Shull, born March 21st, 1855; married November, 1881, to Frances Hartman, born March 10th, 1861; died November 20th, 1884. He was married the second time, November 12th, 1891, to Kate Cowgill, born March 20th, 1862. One child, Birdie. V. Birdie Shull, born June 28th, 1882. IV. Manis E. Shull, born August 5th, 1857 ; married Novem- ber 30th, 1887, to Minnie R. Abbotts, born June 9th, 1868. Children : Lola Emery, Charles Leonard, Mable. V. Lola Emery Shull, born August 1st, 1889. V. Charles Leonard Shull, born May 21st, 1895. V. Mable Shull, born in 1900. IV. Selma Elmira Shull, born January 1st, 1861; died Feb- ruary 6th, 1874. 66 IV. Lora Augusta Shull, born January 11th, 18G3 ; died March 2d, 1864. IV. Leonard E. Shull was born on the old ShuU homestead, in Ohio, April 23d, 1865, some six months after the death of his father, which occurred the previous October, from the effects of a fall from a chestnut tree. This child came into the world the son of a widow, who had a large family, and, naturally, little means with which to battle through a harsh world and raise her children. The husband being taken away while in his prime, had not yet had opportunity to provide for the after years of life. However, with a stern determination, this widow kept her family of children together, and raised them in the good old-fashioned Christian manner ; not in luxury and ease, but in a full realization of the necessity of honest effort to guarantee a successful life. Each was given a common school education, and not until the subject of this sketch had arrived at the age of 10 years was the home broken up, when he went to live with relatives, finally finding his way back to the old homestead, where for some years he made his home with a maiden aunt, who had come into pos- session of the property. After some five years he sought to pro- vide for his own livelihood by securing a job as a day laborer in a lumber yard. Before starting to work, however, through the assistance of his good old mother, who had ever kept a watchful eye on her boy, he secured a position as general boy of all work in a hardware store in Canton, Ohio. His work was attending the iron, nail, oil and glass warehouse, doing the delivery, and as this was before the days of delivery wagons in Canton, the deliv- ery was all done with a hand-cart and usually before time to open the store in the morning, so as to be on hand during opening hours, which were from about 6:30 a. m. until customers no lon.ejer came. This meant sometimes 10 to 11 and even 12 o'clock at night. For this service he received the munificent sal- ary of $50 per year, with board, and washing thrown in, and he ••••J t \Oi^^ V. Amanda McEntarffer, born September 8th, 1808 ; mar- ried in 1889, to James B. Hicks. They had 4 children, V. Calvin McEntarffer, born October 7th, 1875 ; died Sep- tember 2d, 1880. DESCENDANTS OF PHILIP SCHOLL, FATIIEE OF THE WIFE OF JOIiN PETER. While there has not, so far as the compiler has learned, been nothing traced to show that any blood relationship existed be- tween the families up until the marriage of a daughter to John Peter SchoU, still will include a list of the descendants of Philip Scholl. The parents of Philip Scholl were supposed to have been born near Baaden Weyerbach. Their names are unknown. Philip Scholl was married twice ; dates unknown. From in- formation gleaned the second marriage may have taken place about 1750 ; but it is positively known that Anna Susanna Dorethea Scholl was a daughter of his first wife and supposed to be the oldest of the fjimily. The children were : Anna Susanna Dore- thea, Michael, John Stephen, Philip Peter and two daughters. Philip Scholl emigrated to America and settled first in Bucks county, as is evidenced by the baptismal certificate of his grandson, John Peter Scholl. He afterwards moved to York county, where the family of his daughter, Anna Susanna Dorethea Scholl, often visited. II. Anna Susanna Dorethea Scholl (see page 8 of tliis Family History). II. Michael Scholl lived near Sherman's church, about G miles from Hanover, Pennsylvania. His son, John, moved to Penn's, or Brush, Valley, Indiana county, Pennsylvania. Nothing more is known of his descendants. III. Daughter of John Stephen Scholl married William Slydor and lived near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. He was a rope- 74 > H 05 o m H O > H m O Tl O I z ■D m H m 33 CO o X o CD C o CO o o c < m z maker and had several sons; all died years ago, with the exception of James, who lived near Orrstown, Franklin county, Pennsylvania. He died about 1894. His son, F. H. Slyder, now lives at Orrstown. The way of spelling the famil}'' name changed in some of the connections, from " Scholl " to " Sholl," " Shull " and some used " Schull." These changes of spelling the name commenced in about 1820. There has never been any reason given for the change. II. John Stephen Scholl, born in Europe and emigrated to America with his father. He was an early settler in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and afterwards removed to York county, same State. He married Mariah Bohren. Children : John Peter, daughter, Eachael, daughter, John. III. John Peter Scholl, born in Bucks county^ Pennsylvania, May 5th, 1775; died about 1810. He is buried in the Luth- eran graveyard, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Was married to Elizabeth Shurtz, born in 1779 and died in 1857. Children : Daniel, Jacob, David, George Stephen. IV. Daniel Scholl, born in 1801. At the age of about 4, while he was playing in the Conogocheague creek, near his home, and after being missed some time search was made, and his dead body was found in the creek. IV. Jacob Scholl, born March 24th, 1803, in Franklin county ; died September 26th, 1845; is buried in Warren township, Pluntington county, Indiana. He was a cabinet-maker. Mar- ried Sarah Diehl, born September 10th, 1810 ; died January 18th, 1893; is buried at Marion, Franklin county, Pennsylvania. Children : Elias, John and Mary. V, Elias Shull, born at Massillon, Ohio, April 4tli, 1839 ; married at Topeka, Kansas, February 28th, 1871, to Mary C. Alsip, born August 6th, 1847 ; daughter of Joseph and Yooler Alsip. 76 Elias SliuU was educated in the public schools of Chambers- burg, Pennsylvania, Chambersburg Academy, and subsequently graduated at Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. In politics he is a Kepublican ; by profession a lawyer. From September, 1874, to July, 1877, he was chief clerk in the United States Pension Agency at Topeka, Kansas. He was a member of the School Board for five years. Mr. and Mrs. Sliull are members of the English Lutheran church at Topeka, and for 23 years he was treasurer of the Church Council. Children : Homer A., Lucy M., Harvey, Jacob, Oscar, Sarah, Cora, John D. VI. Homer A. Shull, born February 17th, 1872. VL Lucy M. Shull, born May 25th, 1873. VI. Harvey Shull, born August 25th, 1874. VI. Jacob Shull, born June 18th, 187G. VI. Oscar Shull, born June 16th, 1878; died November 8th, 1881. VI. Sarah Shull, born December 8th, 1879. VI. Cora Shull, born September 2d, 1883. VI. John D. Shull, born April 4th, 1886. V. John Shull. V. Mary Shull. IV. David Shull emigrated to North Lawrence, a villao-e in Stark county Ohio, 7 miles west of Massillon, and married Eliza- beth Herman. She is buried at Canal Fulton, Stark county, Ohio. Children : Jacol), Frank, Hiram H., Amanda, Piebecca. V. Jacob Shull married in 1887; had one daughter, Marv ; married. V. Frank Shull moved to Indiana. V. Hiram Shull moved West. V. Amanda Shull married Jordan. V. Ptebecca Shull died at the age of 20. IV. George Stephen Scholl, born July 25th, 1806; died Novem- ( i ber 30th, 1892 ; buried in Cedar Grove cemetery, Cliambersburg, Pennsylvania. He was married in 1831 to Anna Nickles, born in 1810, 2 miles east of Cliambersburg. She is also buried in -Cedar Grove cemetery, Chambersburg. Children : Elizabeth, Daniel Jacob, Benjamin Stephen, David Franklin, Samuel Peter, George A., Mary, Emma and P^ebecca. V. Elizabeth Shull, born April 21st, 1834 ; married George Skelly, a farmer. Children : Anna, George, May, Edward and Frank. They live near New Franklin Post-Office, Pennsylvania. All married except Frank, who is a musician. V. Daniel J. Shull, born February 29th, 183G ; married Mary Jane Shaeffer, March 19th, 1867. She was born July 20th, 1842. Mr. Shull enlisted in the First Ohio Volunteers and was eno;aQ;ed in the battle of Bull Ptun. He is a crranite and marble dealer at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Children : George William, John Carl, Anna E. and David Paul VI. George William Shull, born August 31st, 1868; married October 23d, 1895, to Carrie E. Shetter. William is the tele- graph operator and ticket agent at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. VI. John Carl Shull, born September 30th, 1870. Lives at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and is in partnership with his father. VI. Anna E. Shull, born March 26th, 1875 ; married January 13th, 1897, to Harry M. Gilmore; live in Philadelphia. He is in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. One child, Louise. VII. Louise Gilmore, born August 4th, 1900. VI. David Paul Shull, born April 16th, 1883 ; book-keeper, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. V. Benjamin Stephen Shull, l:)orn May 31st, 1839; died June 2d, 1845. V. David Franklin Shull, born October 27th, 1841 ; married Ptutli Ann Coover. He is a carpenter. Lives at Marion, Penn- sylvania. Children : Carrie and Mary. 78 VI. Carrie Sliull, married and lived in Marion, Pennsylvania. VI. Mary ShuU, married and lives in Marion, Pennsylvania. V. Samuel Peter Shull, born in 1844 ; married Sarah R. McGraw. He is a farmer and has a summer resort at Juniata Crossing, Bedford county. Post-office address, Everett, Pennsyl- vania. Children : D. Mack, George, Carl and Morrell. V. George A. Shull, born in 1847 ; married Nancy Reisher. He is a blacksmith. Children : Samuel D. (there was one daugh- ter and 4 sons died in infancy). Live at Marion, Pennsylvania. Samuel is a druggist in Philadelphia. V. Mary Emma Shull, born in 1850 ; died in July, 1892 ; married Rev. J. Milton Snyder. One son, J. Shull Snyder; is 18 years old, and at school in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. V. Rebecca Shull, born in 1852 ; married Dr. William Lantz. Children : Bess, Ester, Paul and Helen. They live at Lemasters, Pennsylvania. III. Ptachael Scholl married Pteed ; lived in York county, near Hanover, or Littlestown. Nothing is known of the family. III. Daughter of John Stephen Scholl married Arter, and lived at Zanesville, Ohio. Had three children, Jesse, Wil- liam and Senora. Jessie was living about 1898. III. John Scholl married Eve and moved to Ohio, near Cincinnati. Children : Absalom, George Washington, David, Elizabeth, Mary, John Daniel. IV. Absalom Shull married when old. IV. George Washington Shull married and lived in Cincin- nati, Ohio. He was in partnershi}) with his daughter's husband, the firm name being Shull & Keene. Children : Wintworth, Mary, Emma and Laura. V. Wintworth Shull. V. Mary Shull, married Keene ; died soon. V. Emma Shull, second wife of Keene. 79 V. Laura Shall. IV. David Shull. IV. Mary Shull. IV. John Daniel Shull was killed in a steamboat explosion. II. Philip Scholl, born in 1751 ; died June 22d, 1814; mar- ried Magdalena Letch, born about 1752; died December, 1812; daughter of Martin and Magdalene Letch. She vf as the second wife of Martin Letch. They were natives of Germany. Children : John, and three sons and three daughters, all of whom died between the ages of 19 and 21. One daughter married, but only lived about 18 months after marriage. Father, mother and two sons are buried at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Two daughters and one son are buried at Reisterstown, Maryland. III. John Scholl, born January IStli, 1775; married in 1799, to Catharine Nace (Nes), born July 2Sth, 1780 ; daughter of Matthias and Catharine Nace, Children : Elizabeth, Susanna, William Nace. IV. Elizabeth Shell, born in February, 1800; died in 18G0; married June 3d, 1819, to John Barnitz, who died without issue, in 1860. IV. Susanna Sholl, born March 17th, 1803; died in 1875; married in January, 1823, to George Young. Children : Louisa Catharine, William Sholl, P^euben, Charles, John Sholl, Emily J., Augustus, Mary J., George Washington. The three last named died in infancy. V. Louisa Catharine Young, born in Noveml)er 1823 ; died in Se[)tember, 1891. V. William Sholl Young, born December 25th, 1825. V. Pteuben Young, born December 21st, 1827. V. Charles Young, born in March, 1830. V. John Sholl Young, born May 6th, 1832. V. Emily J. Young, born in 1839. Lives at Hanover, Peini- sylvania. V. William S. Young, born December 25th, 1825 ; married December 6th, 1847, to Mary A. Hilt, Ijorn January 24th, 1830, in Adams county, Pennsylvania; died April 8th, 1864. He was married the second time June 29th, 1870, to Emelia Forney, born July 14th, 1841. Lives at 1418 Druid Hill avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. Children : Charles, George, Grace, Wil- liam Forney, Elizabeth F., Jacob F., Eobert F. VI. Charles Young, born September 20th, 1848 ; died July 9th, 1871. VI. George Young, l:)orn May 27th, 1853. VI. Grace Young, born January 29th, 1863 ; died January 25th, 1864. VI, William Forney Young, born April 17th, 1871 ; died January 4th, 1872. VI. Elizabeth F. Young, born January 26th, 1874. VI. Jacol) F. Young, born October 28th, 1875. VI. Pvobert F. Young, born May 8th, 1880; died July 4lh, 1880. IV. William Nace Shell, born September 9th, 1805 ; died June 12th, 1889 ; married November 4th, 1828, to Henrietta Wampler, born February 19th, 1808; died August 6th, 1845 ; daughter of Henry C. and Anna Maria (Ebert) Wamjiler. He was married the second time to Mrs. Mary F. Conev, January 22d, 1850. Mr. Shell left Hanover in 1833 and entered the Theo- logical Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Graduating in that course, he was ordained early in 1836, after which he took charge of the English Lutheran congregation in Gorman- town, Pennsylvania, remaining there four years. In Mav, 1840, he removed to Canajoharic, New York, and remained there until January, 1851. After several removals to ditTerent charges, being a faithful and successful pastor, and at one time a professor in Hartwick Seminarv, Otsecro coimtv, New York, duriii!i- which 81 time lie received the degree of D. D. from his ahna mater. In 1878 he returned to Canajoharie, where he died June 12th, 1889. Children : Emaline Frances, Edward Henry, Anna Maria, Catharine Louisa, William John, Charles Schneff'er, Henrietta Wampler, Gustavus Wampler, Henry T. V. Emaline F. Shell, born September 5th, 1829 ; married December 21st, 1852, to Benjamin Smith, who died December 12th, 1884. She was a daughter of W. N. ShoU. Live atCana- joharie. New York. Children : William Nace, Anna McClure, Edward Sholl, Joseph Lesley, Henrietta. VI. William N. Smith, married September 17th, 1884, to Sophie E. Peck. Live at Canajoharie, New York. VI. Anna McC. Smitli, married August 13th, 1879, to Charles G. Pettit. Live at Herkimer, New York. Children : William Smith, James Grosvenor. VII. William Smith Pettit, born September 26th, 1882. VII. James Grosvenor Pettit, born September 26th, 1882. VI. Edward S. Smith, born December 7th, 1859; married October 9th, 1889, to Jessie M. Ford. Live at Canajoharie, New York. VI. Joseph Lesley Smith, born November 1st, 1861. VI. Henrietta Smith, born Febr^iary 2(1, 1865 ; died June 3d, 1894; married Octol)er 7th, 1891, to James Ernest Crofton Pedder. No issue. V. Edward H. Sholl, born September 17th, 1832 ; married April 21st, 1858, to Sarah Ann Pearson, born August 1st, 1834; died December Sth, 1863. He was married tlio second time, February 21st, 1866, to Ella Pv. Stillman. He is a physician, living at Bennington, Alabama. Children: P]dward Pearson, Charles Stillman, Emma Raymond, Mary Hammond, William Nace. VI. Edward Pearson Sholl, born December 29th, 1861; mar- 82 ried in April, 1892, to Eobert Morris. Live in New Orleans, Louisiana. VL Charles Stillraan Sholl, born January 4tli, 1874. VI. Emma Raymond Sholl, born September 18th, 187G ; died May 11th, 1878. . VL Mary Hammond Sholl, born October 5th, 1879. VL William Nace Sholl, born November 25th, 1882. V. Anna Maria Sholl, born December 5th, 183-1 ; married July 17th, 1856, to John C. McClure; died December 21:th, 1870. Live in Albany, New York. Chilldren : John C, William Sholl. VI. John C. McClure, born September 10th, 1859 ; married September 5th, 1888, to Anna J. Collier. He is a druggist at Coxsackie, New York. One child, Donald Collier. VII. Donald Collier McClure, born May 31st, 1890. VL William Sholl McClure, born November 10th, 18G1 ; married September 3d, 1892, to Bessy Lowry. He is engaged with a drug firm in Chica£:;o. V. Catharine Louisa Sholl, born October 11th, 1837; died April 29th, 1845. V. William J. Sholl, born July IGth, 1839; married Octo- ber Gth, 18G4, to Clara Corson. He is connected with King, Adkins & Co., 701 Market street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Children: Albert Edward,. Anna McClure. VI. Albert Edward Sholl, born October 25th, 186G ; married June 25th, 1889, to Mary Mills. They live in Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. One child, Helen Corson. Yll. Helen Corson Sholl, born in July, 1890. VI. Anna McClure Sholl, born March 17th, 18G8. V. Charles Schaeffer Sholl, born October 22d, 1840; died October 25th, 1840. V. Henrietta Wampler Sholl, born February 19th, 1842 ; died September 28 th, 1847. 83 V. Gustavus Wampler Slioll, born August 3cl, 1843 ; died April 6th, 1872. V. Henry T. Scholl, born May 31, ; married in May 1877, to Lillian McKee, of West Milton, New York. Mr. Sholl is now the pastor of the Presbyterian congregation at Big Flats, Chemung county. New York. He has a family of five daughters and two sons. II. Peter Sholl. II. Daughter of Philip Sholl, married Peter Utz, of Mary- land, and afterwards moved to Virginia. II. Daughter of Philip Sholl married George Fisher, of Reis- terstown, Maryland. APPENDIX. The following; account of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Scholl is taken from the Lutheran Observer of June, 1881, and should appear on page 15 : " Scholl. At her residence, near Lyons Station, Fayette county, Indiana, May 30th, 1881, Elizabeth Scholl (maiden name, Eliza- beth Reed), calmly a.nd sweetly fell asleep in Jesus, at the ripe age of 70 years, 11 months and 25 days. "Mother Scholl was born in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, and entered the Lutheran church in her youth, under Rev. George Minnich. She was married to Jacob Scholl January 3d, 1829, and came with her husband to this State in 1833, and settled on a farm adjoining the one where she died. She was one of the few surviving members that foi'med the organization of St. Paul's Lutheran church at this place. She was a consistent and faith- I'nl Christian, serving her Master in every way she could. Her works are visible, especially in her family, where the vii'tues of a true wife, and devoted mother shine the brightest. Two of her .^ons [troclaim the blessed gospel, viz. : Rev. Daniel Scholl, of Wellsville, Franklin county, Kansas, and Rev. George Scholl, of Baltimore, Maryland ; and it can be s;iid truly, that more effi- cient lay members cannot be found in the clnirch than her (chil- dren pi'ove to be. Besides her beloverl husband, five sons and l\V(i daughters, and a very large number of near and remote rela- tives, the whole chur(;h and community mourn her loss. A very large procession followed her remains to their rosring ]>l;i( i'. .lunc 1st, and tlie occasion was improved trom th*^ woi'ds of IViul, 2 Timothv iv.. G, 7. i*^. whi<-h she (juoted shortly l)efore her death. ' 84 8o In order to aid any who may desire to trace the family of the wife of John Jacob Scholl (Margareta Hetzel) we give the follow- ing : The parents, brothers and sisters of Mary Margareta Hetzel, wife of John Jacob Scholl. John Peter Hetzel, born February 2d, 1740; died about 1810. Anna Catharine Hetzel, born October 10th, 1741; died about 1817. Children : Susanna Hetzel, born September 26th, 1765 ; died March 10th, 1843 ; married Frederick Schnoke. Anna Maria Hetzel, born August 27th, 1767 ; married Jacob Schwab. Jacob Hetzel, born August 2l')th, 1769. Went West with John Peter Hetzel. Anna Barbara Hetzel, born September 14th, 1771 ; married Michael Bressler. Catharine Hetzel, born September 27th, 1773 : married Henry Appel. John Peter Hetzel, born November 24th, 1770. Went West to Ohio earlv. John Hetzel, born September, 1777 ; died young. Margareta Hetzel, born January 17th, 1779; married John Jacob Scholl. Eva Maria, born October 20th, 1780; married John Stine. Maria Elizabeth Hetzel, liorii October 9th, 1783; married Henrv Diehl. EKRATA AND OMISSION. Page 10. II. Page 14. III. Page 17. V. Page 17. V. Page 18. IV. Mary Margareta Hetzel, Vjorn 1779 instead of 1790. Elizabeth SchoU, born May 28th, 1803. Addie Elmore Scholl married George Brown. Rozzie Leonetta Scholl married William Brown. Jonas Scholl is reported as having died it 1864. The words, "died in 1864," at bottom of page are an error. Page 19 Lachlan McArthur Cattanach, born January 23d, 1900. Page 24. Mary Ann Titterington died May 28th, 1902. Page 27. III. Solomon Brown, born February 2d, 1804, in- stead of February 21st. Buried in West Lawn cemetery. Canton, Ohio. Page 42. IV. Sarah Jane Hinebaugh, born November 2d, 1834, at Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania; married September 8th, 1853, at Libert}', Union county, Indiana, to Lewis Kinse ^!onger, born at Connersville, Indiana, June 22d, 1831. He was a son of Lewis and Mary Ann Adams P^eeder Monger. Children : Mary Eliza- lieth, Eobert Pieeder, Ira Zenus, Isolina Augusta, Annie Edith, Jennie K., Curtis William, Olive Susan. \'. Mary Elizabeth Monger, born September 30th, 1854 ; died September 2d, 1855. \'. Ptobert Beeder Monger, born December 20ih, 1855 ; mar- I'icd Delia ]\Iagiiiis. \'. Ira Zenu.s ^Monger, born February 18th, 1858; married Grace S. Ilapor. A'. Isolina Augusta Monger, born October 31si, 1859; mar- iie(l ( lerirge M. Pierce. V. Annie Edith Monger, born August 3d, 18G1; married Charles E. Van Horn. V. Jennie R. Monger, born July 24th, 1869 ; married Orrin Wiley Dawson. V. Curtis William Monger, born May 18th, 1872 ; married Minnie L. Griffith. V. Olive Susan Monger, born March 12th, 1875 ; married Robert Burns Histed. Page 47. Maude M. Sweigart, born December 10th, 1873, in- stead of December 5th. Page 48. Frederick Espenschade, born May 31st, 1833, instead of April 30th. Page 48. Annie E. (Forry) Espenschade, born May lltli, 1841, instead of May 30th. Pasfe 51. Ethel Susan Scholl instead of Ether. Page 54. Henry Mahlon Robinson instead of Henry Halon Rob- inson. Page 74. Dorothea should be spelled " Dorothea " instead of " Dorethea." Page 74. Daughter of John Stephen Scholl, &c., should be on page 75, after John Stephen Scholl. Page 79. William ShoU Young, &c., is duplicated and the description at the top of page 80 should be on page 79. Paa;e 83. Insert after Lillian McKee, wife of Henry T. Scholl, date of death, February, 1902. Sholl in this should be spelled Scholl. Y ►