v«. .^ -S •^'■ ,-J> -?^ <^. V'^- •• ^"^'% •■ v-^^ • «? . riCTURIiSQUE NEW U>MX)N. •J. II. llKKFIKJ^O, (Successor Id IIkniiki.d & Stark,) 26 State Street, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods AM) — On Three Floors. KiKsr Fi.ooK — Dui'iss (Jdods Prints,' imj^- lianis, CiiUmus, Muslin L'liclei wtar, llosiciy, (iliives, l\il)l)i)iis, Trimmings, elc, etc Skcon'D Fi.ook— I'.russfls and Ini^ram I lcr- iiig, Smyrna and Wilion Kugs. Tiiikl) Flook — Linoleum, Oil Clot lis. Shaw Mailings, Lunain Pnlis, etc., elc. Slock coniplele in all I )eiinrliiicnts with ic- lial)lc goods al Low I'licus. j. II. ill-;.\FlLLI), 26 Stale St. WALTER K DENISON, III ri Established 1833. W. p. BENJAMIN & CO., Invite your inspection of their L.arge Mock of CLOAKS, CARPETIN8S, ETC. We are NOT Undersold in any- thing. Strictly One Price ! DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY. RALPH S. SMITH & SON, FURNITURE, 29 STATE ST. Nktt rjioifuow. IMCri.'KKSIJlK NKW l.O^lnN. ,!IC\V KKCiM WIIXIAMS I'AKK. ^^r^^% a Mifl />>ir,rn-£mcfj^y M \V I.YfKr M 1 : I. > I k PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. Ladie's and geiitleinen's TeiiiiiB Shoes in Frencli Russet, Calf, Ooze Leather, and tine Sail Cloth with patent rubber soles and with thick red rul>ber soling, from $t. to $3. per pair. Men's Calfskin Shoes, Lat-e, Ibitton, and Congress, hand sewed welts, especially adapted for ten- der feet, every style last from broad to extreme pointed all sizes at $3.00 per pair, and every i)air WARRANTED, E. V. DABOLL & GO. 56 State Street, NEW LONDON, CT. mm [nimv^^Uf^ No. 18i Bank Street, TABLE BOARD - f 4.00 "^ WEEK. 20 DINNER TICKETS, - - - $5.00. BOARD and ROOM, - $5.50 -^ WEEK. Regular Dinner 11.30 to 2 30 Transients Accommodated. Open Theatre Nights Until One 0'»'lock. All our Bread, Ci4ke and Pastry are niaUUN. '3 O ^ gu H M>^ lJ r-»- ^ a o ^ o - S4i"g ="- H u CD Zj " COS "Si > 20 ^ > % H O d > &1S G. M. WILLIAMS, Dealer in HARDWARE, TOOLS, mOK, STEEL, RAIL RORD, MflCIIINISTS' AND MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES, PAINTS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, ZINC, & VARNISHES Proprietor of tlie NEW LONDON Agricultural Warehouse. 1 3 STATE ST. BUY YOUR DRUGS, MEDICINES AND AT BALDWIN'S PHARMACY, 125 Bank St, A full liue "f Fancy Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfumes, Spont^es, Chamois, &c. PPS6^IPSI0I]S A SFECIA£4T'Y. 14 I'lCriKKSiJliK NEW l.OMHlN. NEW SCIIUUL HOtoL 1 uu 1 Ul UAM-. j1 \AA.l . PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 15 ESTABLISHED 1858 »1 (Successor to HOLT »S^.-AVEKY,) FIME FAMILY Au(t all Viirieties of Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies, Ales and W. A. Gaines & (^o's Celebrated Whiskies made at Frankfort, Ky., and acknow- ledged to be ihe finest in the United btates received direct from Dis- tillerys. Also Mt. Vernon, Hannisville. Finch's Golden Wedding, Frontier and Sherwood Rye Whiskies, anil many varieties of line Bourbon, wiiich I guarantee Strictly I'ure. 50 Main Street. h, mm, TEEMONT HOUSE, TlieBraiflBM & AmislroiCo., SilK Manufacturers. "^ f ■ Union St,, Corner of Church, C. H. TATE, PROP. REST/YUR^NT ^ND: ICE CREAM PARLOR, Gigars Sivjh Sotacco, Board $4,50 and $5,00 per week Table Board $3. 50 Cor. Atwood & Blinman, St's. LOeiS BAl Leading Jeweler NO. 39 STATE STREET, Has the largest variety in Sterling Souvenier spoons in the City including the Whaling Ship, Seal of New London and Groton Monument spoons. I6 FICTUKESyUK NEW LONDON. \V lARK AT l^ORT ciKl.^WOI.l) llnUSK lUKl i;ris\volu Huust. 1PICTUKES()UE NEW LONlJON. '7 UN THE R(,K.KS AT lOKT CKISWlll.I) IKlCSK. Fort GrisWold HroUse and Cottages. (Kasikkn Point on iiik Sound) OPPOSITE PEQUOT HOUSE, NEW LONDON, CONN. OPENS JUNE 18th. •if'TNE I'.iilliinir, Hoiiliiig, Fisliiiiij;-, Sailing' and Driving. Tlic Coolu.st and mo.st llcalllit'ul yuninuT Kcsoi t on tlie Sound. OiTliestra morning and ovoniiig. Absolutely no Mo.sciuitos. Hales transient, $3.00 to |<4.00 l)er day; weekly, fl7.50 to $2.s.00. iSpeeial inducements to families. James C. Matthews, Proprietor. Also ataKteVaipt Moase; NeW Vorl^. PICTURESQUE NEW LONUUN. Photographic Supphes for 44-; "HAWKEYE" AND EASTMAN'S TRANSPARENT FILMS, Dry Plates. Chemicals, Mounts, &c. CRANSTON & CO., 158 Miiirp Street, NOIiWTCH, Cl\ f ^ & Mm CQIT Dkai.eks in ^LL I^II]DS OF ER m COAL, 45 WATER STREET. ficti;res(jue nkw London. »9 —m— SEASON OF 1891. STEAMER * BLOSK -f- ISLADD Will make daily trips (Sundays t xcepted) between New Loudon Conu., and the noted seaside resorts of Watch Hill and Block Island leaving Norwich at H.30 a. HI. and CciUral Wniarf rear Uiiiou Depot New London 9.45 a. m., on arrival of nK^niinji: trains on the New London Northern, New York, Providence &. Boston and New Y trk, New Haven & Hartford Railroads (landing at Mystic Island and Watch Hill) and arrivinj^ at Block Island at 12.4:0 p. lu. Returning leave Block Island 2 p m., landinj^ at W.itcli Hill anil Mvstic Islaid, and connecting at New London with evening trains tor the North, West and South, and arriving at Nor- wich (j. 15 p. ni. Connection will also be nrule at New Lond >n with New York steamers of the Norwich Line. By this route pa-«mgers save all e\p nse of transfer for persons or baggage, the steamer rii inin^ from and to the wharf adjoining the Union Passenger StatioD, and wharf of Norwich Line ot" steamers at New London, Kates of fare as low as by other lines. C. F. SPAULDING, J. A. SOUTHARD, SMpcrintciideiit. Gen'l Pass. Agent. FOOT WEAR OI^" I H. WHEELER, 5 Main St. Who IS f\ letter serit to No's. 91 to i05 MAIN ST. NORWICH CT., "will tell you. . :LK£.s'^Lh. NtU i-UMjO.N. bieanier Manhanset. CAPT- JAMES F. SMITH. Will make Daily Inpjs between New LoDdoa, Greenport and Sag Harbor, leaving New London at 8.16 a. m. arriring at Sag Harbor about 12.00. : V -r -eave Sag Harbor at 12.20 p. m... at 1.20 p. m., arri^-ing at New- L . •- 4^ 00 p. m. FARE EACH WAY SLOO. Jesse KEtvi^s, Agi. Greenport. John Hom.4.>'- Agt. Sag Harbor. L. F. MoKGA.N, .Sec'y and Treas. Steamer Munnataw^ket, CAPT. CHAS. E. NASH, CarrAing. United State; Mail, will run daily, Sundays excepted, leaving Fishers Is- land at 8.C10 a. It ajid 3.00 p. m. Returning leave New London at 9.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Omnibus Lines BURRS H£W TIME TABLE, i,.._„ ; ti.-.'. L-y lit.:: yjr Jv-^uoi at 6.45, b,oo, 9-O0, lo.oc. ii-oo and 12.00., a. m., and 1. 00, 2.eople. BATES' TIWE TABLE Uoi/irn'jf) (joun - 'Busses will l<;a- i';-.:.v 11:.- . .• . •. ., .j^ay; at 6.45, 8.30 JO. 30 a. to., 12.30. 2 30. 4.307.00,8.30, lo.O'j Returning, leave Pe-juot House half an hour from tini<; ' . J>/. !.OIJ,. HkK>JJ>KNI. John MctJJhLKV, i8t., Vice Pkk!>, l-KKI^. FAK^S^^-OKTH, 2lid., ViCK I'KKS. WAUfcK KriZXAUKACK, SfcC'V. <;fcK 15. pKF.yj, TkKAS., Steamer- Sarah Thorp, LONG ISLAND AND NEW LONDON SfEAMBDAT GO. C.4.PT. CH.\S. M GRIFFIN* Will make daily trips !x.*lwecn Sag Har- bor, Greenport, and New London. Arriving at New London ii-jO a. m. Leave " " 2.00 p. m. To commence running about June 25ih) JoH-N li. Tekey, President. James F. Smith, Vice Pbesident. George Edwards. Sec'v. Charles .M. Gkiffi.n, Tkeas. Ferry- Bo J I Uncas, WEhK DAYS Ferry — Boat leaves Groton lor New Imu - don 6.00, 6.30, 7.00 a.m , then every tweniy minutes until 6.00 p. m., then every half hour until 10.00, 10.50 p.m., Ferry — Boat leaves New l>jndon for Groton at 6.15, 6.45, 7.10 a m., then every tweniy minutes until 6.15 p.m., then every half hour until 10.15, Hoc p.m. SUNDAYS Ferry — Boat leaves Groton for New Iajo- don at 9.00, 10.00 a.m., then every half hour until 6.00 p.m., then every hour until 9.00 \j.tu. Ferry — Boat leaves New London for Gro- ton at 9.30, 10.15 a.m., then every half hour until 5.45, 6 30, 7 30, 8.30, 9.15 p.m W, K. Demson. Manager. STEAMERS. GYPSY AND OSPREY. Will leave Central \Nharf rear of Depot; or Fi.Griswold House and I'equot, as follows 0.30 and 6.50, then 8.30 and 9.30 a. m. then $.00 p. ni. NEW LONDON CUSTOM HOUSE, BANK STREET. C<>J.l.E<.loK, William 11. Saxlon; DkI'U 1 y Coi.l-E<."IOK, M. WiLson Dart; Inspwj'IOKS and Wei'JHKK!>, W. A. licckwiih and Frank W. Dow; HosriTAl- StKGEo.N, Fred J. Jieckwitli, .M. l).: Jamiok, Anihony J(r';nie. PICIL KK.SijL fc. >t.\\ l..i.M"'N. iNORWrCH" LINE TO NE.W YORK. 02 e^ THE PALACE STEAMER •I* HI* W. p. WARD, CAPTAIN. From New London Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. FAVORITE STEAMER QITY OF NEW YORK' On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: Durinu' June, July, August and Sijileml.er, tlio Steaircr OW ®T LA ili f 'J J' iu-fA J J S: On Sundays will leave The lUoek Isliiul Dock, roar I'liioii l)ej>ot Now Loiulim a 0.00 p. lu. tor Now York. l^Hlnetion of Far.: Now Lniiilon tj Ntnv Yorlv $1.0r_'W|j jrt c.x,)rjs-;, stc),)pui^ at Grejiivvicli, Wickford Ju'iction connecting for Ne wport, Kingston for Narragansett Pier and Stonington, arriving at New London 12.57. 1.20 p. m. — Sto])|)ing at principal stations, arriving in New London at 3.45 p. m. 2.15 p. m. — Shore Line express, stoi)s at Wickford Junction, Kingston, and Westerly, arriv- ing in New London at .3.55, New Haven 5.25, New York 7.30 p. m. Connects at Kingston for Narragansett Pier. 3.30 p. m. — Express for New London, stojiping at l'"ast Greenwich, Wickfoid Junction, Kingston,, Westerly Stonington, Mystic and Noank, arriving in New London at 5. 10, New Haven 7.18 and New York 10.00 4.15 p. m. Accomodation st(>p|)ing at principal stations, connects at Wickford Junction from Wickford at Kingston for Narragansett Pier at W. R. Junction to and from Hope Valle., arriving at New London at 6.45, connecting for Norwich at 8:15 p: m: 5.30p.m. - Wickford special, stops at all stations, connects at Wickford June for Newport. 6.00 p. m. — l^imited New York express, daily connects at Wickford Junction (except Sun- days) from Newport. arri\ing at New London 7.40 p. m.. New Haven 9.05, New York 11.00 p: m. 7.20 p. m. — First, boat train, stojis at all stations., connects at Wickford lor Newport. J. B. GARDINER. Supciintendent. 11. liKKids. Gen. Pass. Agent. I'ICTUKESQUE NEW LONDON. Distances and Fares, FIRE ALARM. N.Y.IN^.H. & H.l^.li. Miles NEW LONDON TO Fares. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF BOXES. 8.18 (i.93 WuiL-rfoni, Eas-t livmc. $0 10 .20 Box 3. Bank and Sliaw sts. 7.1)3 tlrcsc-ciit, Hi'ach, .20 4- Police Hlalion, Potter street. 11.07 Sou 111 Lyint', .30 5- Ocean and Lee Avenues. I5.;ir) BlinklialJ, .40 6. Hopson & Chapin's near oHice. Hi '.)!) 17.4;3 Lyme, Conn. IJivcr, .45 .45 7- Pcquot ave., near B. C. G. Work.s. 18.8") Sayhrooii, .50 8. Pequot house, front of Cassino. 22.7a Wi'.st brook, 00 12. Bank and Howard streets. 24 94 Grove licacli, .70 '3- Federal and Main streets. 27.80 30.75 Clinton, Madison, .70 .80 »5- Main st. and Crystal ave. Bridge. 32.88 Ea.'^t Kiver, .85 16. Front of Thomas Hose Co ',s House. 3 -..00 UiilH'onl, .90 23- State and Bank streets. 36.32 Sat-lu'ins Ili'ad, .90 25- \\'illiams and Broad streets. 37.85 39 .30 Leete's J>l.in(i, Stony Oc'i'k, .95 1 .00 27. Hempstead .si. e\: Manwaring Hill. 40.88 Pine Orchard, 1 .(I.J 31- R. T. Palmer Co.' Mdl. 42 .80 Branford, 1.10 32. Huntington and Slate streets. 45.90 Ea.st Haven, 1.15 34- Bulkeley Place and Huntington st. 48.57 49.32 Fair Haven, Cedar Hill, 1 .20 1.25 41- East New. London, N. L. N. K K, 50.97 New Haven, 1.25 Shop, near Drawbridge. 124.47 New York, 2.75 >T. Y. 1^. .^ 1^. K . 11. Miles NEW LONDON TO Fares. NEW LONDON, 1.3'J . 4.53 {Ttoton, Poqiionnock, $0.05 .15 New Lontlon .City was incorporated 7.42 Noank, .23 by the General Assembly of the State 8.08 9.47 W. My.stie. My.st ic, .20 .28 of Connecticut in January 1784. 12.92 Stoinn,iz:ton, •37 Uu ited States CcnsMs of New Lon- 18.39 23.06 Westerly, Niantic, .51 .62 don, From 1810 to 1890. 27.08 29.40 Wood River. Jc, Carolina. .72 .78 1810 - - - 328.S. 30.10 Shannoik, .80 1830 - - 435('.. 30.74 Kenyons, .82 1850 - - - 8991. 35.11 Kinf^.ston, .92 1860 - - - inii«. 39.13 42.71 Sloenm.s, Wiekford.Jc, 1.02 1.11 18 70 - - - 9576. 45.23 Davisville, 1.18 1880 - - - 10537. 48.71 Greenwich,' 1.20 1890 - - 1.3757. 50.30 Cowesett, ApiKinang, 1.30 1.33 51.51 53-70 56.99 Hills Grove, Auburn, 1.39 1.46 Steamboat Inspectors. 59.00 Elm wood. 1.51 64.00 I'orvidence, 1.60 Insi'Ecjors, lihsha P. 15eckwith and Charles 108.00 Worcester, 2.70 M. Daboll; Clerk, Calvin G. Williams; 108.00 Boston, 2.60 Office, Ciislom House, Bank Street. 24 I'lClUKESQft NEW LOiNDUN. NEW LONDON POST OFFICE. Call Uoxes and Genera! Delivery ii])en fioin 6.45 a. ui. lo S ]>. ni. excejit on Sumlays, when the hours will be from 8 t<> 9 a. m On legal holidays special hours will be announced. Money Order and Registered Letter deparlinents o|ien for business between 6.45 a. 111. and 6 45 p. ni., ex- cept on Sundays and legal holidays. 'I'lie money Order business closes on Salurdays at 3.00 p.n:. Tlie lobby is o^r-^n al dl li )ar^, day au I night. KATES OK I'OSTAGE. I0KKU;N — LlilTliKS H.ALK OUNCK t>K KRACTIoN. (jreat Kritain and Ireland, Germany, Sweden, France, China, Japan, lirazil, Peru, Norway, Holl- and, Italy, Russia 5c Canada ~'~ Cape ol Good Hope 15 . New Zealand, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland 12 DOMKSTIC— ONE oUNCK OK KK.VCTIO.N . To any part i)i the Uni'cd Stales 2c " .|)r..p" Letters 2c Circulars, Kooks and other Printed Matter, for each 2 ounces or fraction ; . . . ic Seeds, Cuttings, BulbSi Rools and Scions, in packages, for each 2 ounce or fraction ic Newspapers for each 4 ounce or fraction ic Merchandise per ounce or fraction Ic Postal Notks, payable to bearer, for any sum from one cent to four tlollars and ninety-nine cents. Inclusive, may be obtained, payable at any money order otiice in the United Males, the fee for a postal note is three cents, RkglsiereI) Letters. -Valuable letters .-should invariably be taken to the jiost-olfice and regis- . tered. The Registration fee is 10 cents. MoNF.Y Okdkks for any amount not cxcei.(lmu $lCO in one order will be issued al llic following rates: — Money Order^ not exceeding S 5 .--... 5c 8c IOC ;o - - - - - - 15c 20c Over $ 5 ^-.nd nk)t exceeding 10 ■' 10 " •' 15 " 15 " 30 " '• 40 " 40 " " so - - - - - - 25c " 50 •' «• 60 - - - - - - i'^'^" , '' 60 " " 70 - - - - - - 35c .. 70 " " 80 - - - - - - 40c • ■ 80 "" 100 - ■ - - - - 45^" 1\ I I- RN.\ rioN'.M, MdNKY C UDIKS. ( )n Orders no' exceeding l Side) lor I'utnam, Worcester, Buslon and inleriiitfdiale stations; at \\ lUinianlic for Midillelown, Co!c!iestcr, Hartford and l>os- ton; al Taliiier fur Albany and llie West, and for JJi-slon, Ware, Giibertvilie, etc.; at Bar- rett's for Atliol; at Miller's Kails for lloosac 'I'unnel; at .South Vernon for Keene; at IJral- tleboro for ail points North. 7.45 a in. --Norwich rattleboro, coiuiectini; al Williniaiilic fur Hartford, Middletown and Colchester; al I'alnier with "new Chicago special" on IJoslon aiul Albany R. R. f(jr Springfield, I'iitsHeld, Albany, Saratoga ami the West, and al lirallleboro with White Nlountain and Monlreal express for the While Mouniams, Montreal aiul principal inter- mediate points. 11.30 a. m. — Norwich, coniiectiug from New York, Providence and Hosloii railroad. 1.30 p. m. — Norwich, connecting with Noiwich and Worcester railroad. 2.30 p. 111. — Norwicli 3.00 lor I'alinar; connecting at Willimantic for Hartford; at Palmer for Al- bany and the West. 5.25 p. m.- For lirallleboro, connecting from N. Y., N. H. (S: H. R. R. and N.Y., P. & B. R.R., and connecling at Williniaiilic for Hartford, liristol, i'ulnani, Boston and Providence; also for Middletown, Colchester and New Haven; at I'alnier lor Springfield, Albany and llie West, and at Brallleboro with night express with sleeping car for St. Albans, Montreal and (^)uebec. For Noiwich at 3.35, 5 00, 7.45, 10.15, "-jO ^- '"•; ••30> 2.30, 5.25 and 8.25 p. m., connecting from New York and New Haven and New York, rrovidence and liosion railroads. TRAINS FOll NEW LONDON. Leave Brallleboro al 5.15 and 10.25 a. 111. and 4.40 p. ni.; Miller's Falls 6.04 and 11.20 a. m. and 5 23 p. in.; Aiuheisl 6.39, 11. 53 a. in. and 5. 58 p. lu.; f'almer 7.35, 10.05 '^- '"•> 3--~> 0.40 and 8 45 p. 111. Leave Norwich for New London al 6.15 a. m., connecling directly for Providence and way sla- lioiis, 9.10, 10.44 a. m , 12.20, 3.20, 4.00, 7.15 and 9.25 p. 111.; also al 10.00 from NDrwich and Worcester ilepot. C 1'. SPAULUliS'', Superintendent. DISTANCES AND FARES, N. L. N. R. R. i.liles New London to Fares. Miles New London Fares. ur.i 9S New London Frj-v ; 6 Moiitville. !li(t.-2(.' 42 So. Williiigton, $ ' . 25 .'^5 .\lllllCISt $2.o5 13 Norwich .40 44 Tolland. 1.30 SS No. Amherst, 2.U5 15 Norwiclildwn, .45 50 Stairord. i.ro 91 Levcrctt, 2.70 17 YKDtic;, .50 (10 So Monsoii, ].V.\) 90 M'intairiie, 2.h.-. f?3 Ll'b!Ml"tl, 70 ()] Moil son, 1.85 100 Miller's P^ilN, 2.90 26 6outh VViiullian 1, .SO ()5 I*a!nK'r, 1 '.15 103 Nortlifiekl Furins, 3.0 ■ 30 Willimantic, .90 m Three Hi vers, 2.05 109 North field 3.2 f 3'. South Coventrv, 1.05 70 Barrett's Junct 2 10 111 South Vernou, 3.311 37 Eaal.ville. 1.10 75 I^elcluTtown, 2.25 IK) Vernon. 34 39 Mansfield, 1.15 -S) Dwiirhi's, 2.40 121 Brallleboro, 3.5 40 .M(ir.»\v. l.'2.l S:5 Sotilli Anihersf. 2.50 New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail Road, STTORE LINE DIVISION Tra'ns leave Uuion Depot foot of State Street as follows, Foi\ Nf.w H.wf.n and Nf.\v York— Accommodation trains at 6.00, 7.35, n.25 a. m., 3.10, 6.05 p. m. Express trains at 3.17 a. m., 1.03, 1.30, 4.03, 7,40, 7.49 p. m. Foi^ New H.aven, W.atf.rhury and way stations 6.00 a. m. For H.vrtford aud way s'alions,' via. valley division — 3.17, 7.00 (throiudi train) 7^1: 112c a. m,, 3.10, 5.35 (Ihrough t--aip.) p. m. " ■^^' ' ^' LUCIUS TUTTLE,Gen. ALinager. C. T. HEMPSTEAD, Gen. Tass. Agent .6 PICrUKKS()UK NEW LONDON. The M.-uiitock Stock Farm. 'J^^ MANWARING'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, NO. 249 Bi^NK STKEET, r'lClURKSQUE NKW LoMiuN. At M.iuituclv f-!tocl< Faviii, AVatei't'ord, Cctiin., the youiii; Ilamblctoniaii Stallion, Jersey Uysdyk, owued by Albert O. Manwarin^-, will btand for tlie season of 1891. Jersey Rysdyk is sired by Sammy Rysdyk 6029. He by Wm. Ilysdyk 527, dam Jennie, l)y Wm. Ilysdyk 527, second dani Maggie, by Seeley'a American Star. Horses bred, trained, boar- ded and pastured at Manitock Stock Farm. A. O. Manwaiin^, Prop. P. O. Box 69. Waterford, Conn. JOHN SPALDING, .IP i)() ^NImIii Street. Has a full stock of Planis for the Garden and house. Cut Flower.^, and fine Roses, designs made in the best styks on short notice. J0MI7 SPALDING. NEW LONDON DECORATING CO. No, 8 BANK STEEET, HEADQUARTERS FOR Paperhangings and Painters supplies, Brushes, |/Vrtist's Materials. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS &C. oavj or coiptKact. SMITrt S f\STniS\f\ SPECIFIC, ASTHMA, PHTHISIC, HAY FEVER, AND NASAL CATARRH. Sample by mail 20 cents. J.ABORN SMITH, DUUGCilST, GROTON, CONN. 28 PlCrUKKSQUK NKW l.UNDoN. ^m.^\.^{2^it\^i. PICTUKKSQUK NKW LONDON. 29 THiii K. T. t»^L:viii:K co]vir»^]srY. Largest manufacturers of bed comfortables in the world. president, Tyler R. PhIiiici-; Secretnry and Treasurei ^ Reulteii T. PalincM-, Jr.; D'lrectorx.. Tyler K. Palmer, Keiilten T. Palmer, Jr., K. T. Palmer, Sr. elolin Conway, E. H. Hamilton. THE BABGOGK PRINTING PRESS MFG. GOT NE.W I^O'NDOrf; QT> Manufacturers of a full line of Cylinder Presses. 'The Dispatch" the fastest single cylinder press built. NEW YORK OFFICE 9 and 10 TRIBUNE BUILDING. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. ST. PAUL, KANSAS CITY. OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO. FlCTURliS<2UE NEW LONDON. TIIF. NKW LONDON LIGHT. :STABL_ISHED IS39E ^VLiiPJl^T C. VKDUEtt. UA.VII3 U. K^Vlil^IS. YEDDER & H,AJ?RIS, STTCCKSSOKS TO L. HKYlsnOKH & CO. WOODEN AND WILLOW Mr. Daviil P> Harris. <>{' Vrddt r iV; Harris, isan Old New LondoiiLr, liaxinii' bc'i'ii horn near liic aliove site.) PICTURESQUE NEW LONOUN. 3' AND EVERY ARTICLE OP HOUSE FURNISHING GOO OS FOR DOMESTIC AND EXFORT TRADE. Sole Agents for Jq v^ett'3: Celebrated Hef rigerators, vvr citfc^r UQeiers and jj" utor s- WHITE MOUNTAIN & LIGHTNING ICE CREAM FREEZERS. 2'i ^MB 2^ Xj \ «: New^ York, I'lCrUKKSQUE NEW LONDUN. I'lCIURESl^UE NEW I.o.MiON. 33 THE NORWICH THE Savings Society, INCOlU'OKAl ED IN 1H24. SAVINGS BANE Deposits, - - $8,854,450.60 Surplus and Profit and Loss, - 68 f, 578.44 Oi" >^C*W T^(Jli(l(jn. INCORPORATED IN 1«27 PRESIDENT, Amoh W. Pkentic:e. VICE-PRESIDENTS. John Mitchell, John A. Mor^^an, lohn UiowsttM", Heniy Liinabee. Dividend day, Jan. 1 & July 1. DIRECTORS, Lucius Brown, Asa Bix'kiis, IJfla P Leonard, Siihn y Turner, Cieorge R. Hyile, Charlos Hard, Calvin L, Harwood. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Costello Lipidtt. 0])en daily from 10 a. ni. to 1 p. m, ; and from 2 p m. to 3 p. m. On Saturday from 10 to 12. WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN, Pres. ATTORNEY Jeremiah Halsey WALTER LEARNED. Asst. Treas. Keep up with the times by Purchasing Silver -Plated Ware, You arc up to the tiuies, as our line of Silver-Plated Ware is the 13(st in the world. Orange Spoons are on the list of things needed in every household:. Our line is uneiiualled iTlie Wm. Rogers Manufacturing Co. Oh PICE AiND FACTORY. i>. o. i^rawev 30. Hapford, Conn. PICTUKESgUE NEW LONDON. THE UNION UEfOT. .■lCTtKK.S(jL'K NKW l.ii.MioN. 35 p.- T. A. SCOTT i.V^^.'^i Diver, Wrecker and Contractor { LNEFAL LIGHTERAGE DIVKR, IJILLOW, II. I'ASCC), I'ANOrE, JEKKV SI, ATE. TOW 1 NG TO ALL POINTS Between New York & Boston by Tugs ALERT, T. A. SCOTT, Jr . CASSIE. li' AI.l, KlNl)!^ Ol' Peqiiot AvenuG, NeA^^ Lond )n, C^nn. Iiaisi il: Suiil.t-ii Y( .•-s Is or ( ' u ;:(»fs, Stciiu Piiiiijs ;it SI ort \i ticc. T'n jiaiiiiiif l''iiii(l;i inii : Cor Hiliii'iis, Iv aiiiiiiat'oii iiiitl H- i)!iir.'< o" M:r im- I'ailwi'vs, Sliiii,>' [j,)'t ni<. Dam.x, etc- . lUii'diiii:- ^^'llal•V(■- and Sea Walls, Doirieks Ibr llandlintr lltavv \\'fi ill's ftc IMCTUKESQUE NEW LONDON PICTUKES(JUE NEW LONDON. 37 Putnam Furniture Manufacturing Co. LIBERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS Do not forget we are head- I or ail kinds and iiradesof tarniture, Carpets, /Jeddiny, IStaccs, Ranges and coniptcte House Fiirnishiniis. Our prices the lowest, Our goods the best, Easij terms when desired or a liberal discount for cash. IFe are head-quarters for tSuni/aer goods. Our Refruierators can not be beat for style, jinish or thesacing of Ice. Our Oil /Stores the la lest and best, We control the ''Grand Oil Heater" , also tlielr entire line- See tlie new Oil .11 a //s^e. Wo have sold —200— HEATERS and L!X[)e(;t to sell as many of these RANGES. ©^© Wk akk directly Ol'KKSITK THK OLD AV ASHING TON Head QUAKTEKs. F, F. EElTYOisr «& SOIT, PHOTOGRAPHERS, One Dozen Cabinet Photo?raphs for $3.00, Instantaneous Process, Sp/enc/lci success with Babies' Pictures, 38 IMCI'URESQUE NEW LONDON. PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 39 NEW CLOTHING STORE. barkeTT may. If ytni arc in want of CLOTH- ING call at our wtoro aiul yoiiSv ',11 be supplied fn>ni the best nud and most stylish Ine of Clotliinji; that ever came to New Lx)i)dou, id Meu's Suits, au 1 Spring Overcoats, Children's Suits an 1 Keefcrs. It is ackiiowk^dged that we excel. LOW PRICES. J8 State Street. Allen Penhallow, 25 AND 27 WASHINGTON STREET, BUY Meat 8c Vegetables -Ul lll.M. BUY YOUE GROCFRIES OF IlIM. -- LOW I'KICES. i-A'R DKAl.lNC. Ml I. \vi:i(;n 1\ OKDl KS CAl.l I U InK .'ND (iOC^j.s ni.l l\l-.KF.l). GEORGE P. BIIRNSTGRP, '-■•Hie FANCY GROCERIES. Fancy Creamery and Dairy Butter a S[)e ialty. IiDpoitci and Domeslic Foreiijn and D.unestic cue: ESSE OF ALL KINDS. 47 Swk St and 45 Main St. FOR the FIMEST FLAVORKI) j^W^W AND KliESII ROASTED COFFXSZSS 57 STjiTE sti;eet. TRY OUK Cl.OVFR TO|' TEA AND CREAM JAVA. 40 l'IC'H.!KKSVL'K NKW Ul)M)ON. ti? p ( ) I , ,f I J III! ,i[iniiiM» ^ - ^.ST »3^/ JOP". PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 41 N. BENVENUTI, Dkalek in rrait; ;-■ Gof^fectioiperv^, GiOaKS 5ino oobacco. ALSO ITALIAN CHEESE AND COR. VVASH1N3T0N& STARR ST'S., NhW LONDON, CONN. sTjOHN & RGWE, Dealers in GROCERIES, ALES,WINES& llOTTLEl) LAGKLi FUR FAMILY U!SF. ^5 15a INK 8!§TliEEir. CaUlKins& Prentis, :cfi^:isrp:u^vi.: ^vnd; eii]]b;^liiqe:^s, NO. 10 BRADLEY STREET, Samuel W. Caulkins, J{o. 4 Home Street, Eldrid<^e P. Prentis, jYo. 10 Pearl Street. TELEI'UCNE CONNECTIONS. NEW LONDON Steary - Dvje - Hoase AM) Carpet Beatii^g Worlds 58 MAIN STREET. Shawls, F(jalliers. Kid Gloves Etc. CLEANED OR DYED. Ladies and gcntlemau's garments of every dci^cription dyed or n'cely cleaned without rippiug. Feather Beds renovated, packages sent bv express will meet with prompt attention ai-tordiiig to directions. JOHN LEE & SONS. Prop's. 42 PICTURKSQUK NEW LONDuN. OI.I) HICIUKK OF WILLIAMS d liARNKS W 1 1 A K K. ON WAIKR ST., AS IT WAS IN I79T. JOHH SALTER cSi SOlf , GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS, GROTON, CONN. A ^1 Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery Work of all Descriptions. I M us 1 -( r;Ass A\ oia^ PICTURESQUE NEW LONDON. 43 Gilbert Loseno,/Vgt. Manufacturer and Dealer in J^ARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, ROBES, WOI^Sfi GOODS G E N li: K ^V L L Y. No. 127 BANK STREET. I G. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 24 Golden Street. F^verything contained in a first class hakory can 1)0 found in our establislnncnt. Breakfast and Tea Rolls, Biscuit, Busks, Buns and an assortment of Cakes and Pastry coni- pr'siiii^r more tlian forty kinds. • CTra!iani,lIonie-inade. Vienna. French and Cream Bread fresh morniiii; and afteruonn every d ly. Onlers promptly lulled and drlivend to any pai-t of the City. Funeral Designs, Decorative Plants ■ FOR- GI]0I6E LIRE OF PL'/ir^TS al\va\^s on hand at the LOWEST MAEKET PRICES, Flower Garilens I'lanled ami Cared for through the Season. W. E. PENDLTON, FLORIST, T5 B8L23.1^ Street. W. F. M. ROGERS Att'y and Counsellor AT LAW. 72 State Street. I'H^I I Ki'.M.iUK .NKW LOM.'J.N. •.Is I, (!i ^WHs ,T1 (.;> f p 1 W) .' Al 5 4 i L :®'il\ *i " . .I'l i^r' ^e?\ fcj' iVi ^ii i'fe^^ ^^a( ft' J>»-^.i^ ''. Jt,^^^ REUBEN LORD, Jr., BEI^L ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, Rooms 3 and 4, 60 1-2 State Street, Real Edate Bought, Sold and Managed, and Mortgages Negotiated for Reasonable Commissions, and Fire and Life Insurance Written in First-Class Companies KS Ai STlTIOim AT HO. 4, MSIK STREET, ONE DOfliI FROM STATE STREET. ■i- wl^-W^ ^%*!-,^ ^^ Goods at Low Prices. -^H A M M O C K S^ Gomo and. Haooli: ^i Oux» Stocls C. J. VIETS. GET YOUR PRINTING DONE AT THE iN'o. "iJ: j3^v:ni-c street. «l^ We are selling the F. & Co. collars 2 for 25c. always sold for 20c. each, 2 pairs cuffs for 35c. always sold for 35 c. pr.pair. F. & Co. Specials same prices, Genuine C. G. French half hose 25 c. always sold for 50 cents. Frederic H. Harris, FINEST CUSTOM TAILORIN& * 62 State Street. 3477-251 Lot-3d .0' ' .0^ ■V '^o o^\'-^,^^ *0'r 'P l,\>>'" 1^ '""rf .0' ,. -J „ N \VJ ^'