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Nelson, and was delivered by him as an address at the Anniversary Celebration on September 7, 1890. First published in The Clarke Courier, October 9, 1890. IT is difficult to realize how completely the events which interest us now, and make an important part of our active lives, will be obliterated in the short space of two or three generations. Even the passing away of one generation is sufficient to efface the recollection of events thought lightly of at the time of their occurrence, but of so much interest when all the actors in them have passed away and time has enveloped them in uncertainty. IN this era of centennial celebrations it has occurred to us that it is well to mark, in some appropriate way, the hundredth year of this venerable building. No better method of doing this has occurred to us than to gather up the fragments and rescue from oblivion such facts as remain to us of its past history. FROM want of accurate records we are forced to assume the centennial year. As far as can be ascertained, this building Page One was erected in the Year of Our Lord 1790— just one hundred years ago. IN his "Old Churches and Families of Virginia," Bishop Meade writes: "The present stone building was ordered to be built in 1T90. At what time it was completed does not appear, but probably the same year." In a communication to the Southern Churchman of February 3, 1881, from the pen of the late Dr. Robert C. Randolph, he says: "The present building, which was erected in 1798 or '99, stands within a few yards of the site of the old one," &c., &c. On a granite slab placed over the grave of the wife of Marquis Calmes, which, for its preservation, the Doctor had brought from near the Tilthammer mill and placed in this cemetery, he caused to be engraved that this church was erected in the year 1800, In a communication to The Clarke Courier in 1869, signed X, and which, as I recollect, was written by the Doctor, he says: "At a meeting of the vestry in 1790, it was 'Resolved, that a house of worship be erected at the Chapel spring, and that Rawleigh [sic] Colston and Thomas Byrd, Esqs., do signify to Nathaniel Burwell, Esq., the grateful sense of this vestry for his gener- osity, and request him to execute a deed * * * for the two acres of land which he has offered them for the purpose of building a church thereon, and for a burying ground.' The present stone building was erected soon after this time, and was the cradle of the Episcopal Church in this section of country." Though it appears to the present writer that to the old log building, that preceded this, would belong that honor. IT will be seen that there is some uncertainty as to the exact time of the erection of this dear Old Chapel, where some of the saints of the earth worshipped so long, and whose bodies lie in this sacred ground, in the hope of a joyful resurrection. The evidence seems to be fairly in favor of 1790. FOR many years our venerable friend. Dr. Robert C. Ran- dolph, devoted his time and intellect and money to this old church and cemetery. It is well that it should be known to those now living that it is to him we are indebted for the beauty of this cemetery, and almost for the preservation of this building. It was a labor of love to him to keep the building in repair and the grounds in order. The book in which he kept the records of this Chapel, the burying ground, Page Two and Christ Church, Millwood, is invaluable. Could I but copy his simple, guileless, affectionate record, I would have no fear of holding the attention of my hearers much more fully than I can hope to do with this imperfect sketch. As some slight indication of their sense of what was due his services, the vestry ordered to be placed in this house a mural tablet to his memory, which stands just opposite to one he had placed as a memorial of our great Bishop, who commenced his ministry in this house. I WILL now proceed to give a short sketch of the history of this Old Chapel, with such incidents as I have been able to gather, that are suitable to the time and place. In giving the history of the Old Chapel little more is necessary than to follow Bishop Meade in his "Old Churches and Families of Virginia," adding such incidents as are hardly worthy of the dignity of history. ON page 280, Volume II, of his book, he says: "In the year 1738 the Assembly, in consideration of the increasing number of settlers in the Valley, determined to cut off two new counties and parishes; viz.. West Augusta and Frederick, from Orange county and parish, which latter then took in all West Virginia. The county of Frederick embraced all that is now Shenandoah — with a part of Page, Warren, Clarke, Frederick, Jefferson, Berkeley, and Hampshire." [See also Henning's Statutes at Large, Volume V, Chapter 21, page 78.] IT is not pleasant to recall that even in those primitive days public moneys were not always as accurately accounted for as might have been expected. Somewhere between 1738 and 1744, £1,500 had been raised for the purpose of building churches and chapels in the parish. This was at that time a very considerable sum of money. The return in the way of places of worship was very unsatisfactory. In his book [page 281, Volume II] the Bishop says: "In 1752 an Act of Assembly was passed dissolving the existing vestry and ordering a new election, on the ground that it had raised more than £1,500 for building a number of churches, which were unfinished and in a ruinous condition. As the churches of that day and in this region were log houses, costing only from thirty to forty or fifty pounds, there must have been much misspending of money." There is nothing heard of this vestry, except that Page Three they appointed processioners in 1747. I presume these were men appointed to lay off metes and bounds of parishes. It was dissolved in the year 1Y62, and in their place the following vestry was chosen, viz., Thomas, Lord Fairfax, Isaac Perkins, Gabriel Jones, John Hite, Thomas Swearingen. Charles Buck, Robert Lemmon, John Lindsey, John Ashby, James Cromley and Lewis Neill. Evidently a respectable body of gentlemen, in whose hands the public funds were safe, and sure to be properly applied. AS showing the great difference between those primitive days and those in which we live, and with what sort of quarters our predecessors were accommodated, it will be inter- esting and instructive to copy a part of a contract for building ft church, and also to give some account of repairs on one. In 1752, under the new vestry, when things were to be improved on the old style, Abraham Keller contracts, under bond, with Peter Ruffner as security: "To build a chapel at Ephraim Leith's spring (near the south river of Shenandoah [called in an old document Chenandoah Creek] in Frederick county) of logs squared and dove-tailed, thirty feet long in the clear, and twenty-two feet wide in the clear, and eleven feet high from the sill to the wall plate. To underpin the whole, to make four windows thereto, two in the front and two in the back part over against those in the front, each window being to have eighteen panes of glass of the size of ten by eight. To make shutters to the windows with bolts, &c., within to keep them closed when shut, and catcher without to keep them back when open. A good strong door in the middle of the front, with a good lock, &c. A floor of good plank grooved and tongu'd. A communion table with work." [The sort of work is omitted; possibly the copyist could not make out the word.] "A suitable number of benches for seats in the chapel. A Pulpit with a reading desk and clerk's desk, a sounding board over the Pulpit, a good roof of feather edge shingles, and to furnish nails, plank and whatever else shall be necessary for building the said chapel in manner aforesaid, for forty-nine pounds current money of Virginia. THERE is no record of the exact time the old log house (known as Cunningham Chapel) was built. Bishop Meade in his book says [page 283, Volume II] that this chapel, with Page Four several others, was probably completed for use between the 5'ears 1740 and 1750. In the vestry book, of which I have before me a copy made by Dr. Randolph at the request of Bishop Meade, I find no allusion to it until the year 1760, when the vestry contracted with Capt. John Ashby, of Fauquier county, to make the following repairs, viz., "To cover the roof of said chapel with clapboards, and double ten nails, repairing the outside with clapboards, when wanting, &c." Among other items he is to make "a new door to the women's pew," and, "making tight and secure under the eaves of the roof to prevent the birds coming in thereat." I do not learn what is the meaning of the "women's pew." Our ancestors were hardly so ungallant as to shut up the ladies of the congre- gation in one pew. WHILE our church was thus building up in this quiet corner of his Majesty's dominions, it may serve to fix the time in our minds by taking a slight survey of what was going on in some other parts of the world. About this time our Sovereign Lord, the August George II, was King of Great Britain, Ireland, France and the Dominion of Virginia. The occasional mails of that day brought rumors of a general European war, in which England, under Walpole's rule, was ally of Maria Theresa, of Austria, in a war against Prussia, Spain, &c. At this time also that excellent gentleman, Mr, Gooch, was governor of the Colony of Virginia, and within this period Colonel Byrd, of Westover, with his far reaching sagacity, formed the project of establishing the cities of Richmond and Petersburg. All of which sounds like very ancient history. IN his admirable History of the People of Virginia, the distinguished writer, John Esten Cooke, says (page 331): "In Virginia, as elsewhere, towards the middle of the eighteenth century, religion and piety had grown to be conventional." "Men," he says, "were earnestly attached to their church and religion; they would fight for it and, if necessary, die for it; but living in accordance with its precepts was quite a different thing. Reproducing Colton's celebrated apothegm, 'Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; fight for it; die for it; do any thing but live for it.' " Many of the clergy were little better than the layety. Bishop Meade states that often the clergy Page Five acted in a most iinclerical manner, and relates that in a quarrel with his vestry one of them made a personal assault on a high dignity at the vestry meeting, pulled off his wig; and, on the following Sunday, preached from the text; "And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair." [Neh. 13: 5-25.] THE temptation is great to wander discursively over this whole field, but it would make this paper too long to give way to such inclination. We are more directly interested on this occasion in the ministers who had charge of this parish. WE learn from the Bishop's book ("Old Churches," &c., page 285) that the Rev. Mr. Gordon was the first. It is not known when his ministry began or ended. The Rev. Mr. Meldrum is next. He continued in charge until 1765. Between him and the vestry a long law suit was carried on, which terminated in his favor. The vestry applied to the Assembly for relief and obtained it. From 1766 the Rev. Mr. Sebastian was minister for two years. In 1768 the Rev. Charles Mynn Thruston became the minister, binding himself to preach at seven places, scattered over the large parish, including Shep- herdstown. In 1769 the county and parish of Frederick were divided into the counties of Dunmore (now Shenandoah), Fred- erick and Berkeley; and into the parishes of Beckford, Frederick and Norborne. There was complaint made against Mr. Thruston that he neglected his duty, in that he had preached in his i^arish church but once since laying the parish levy. How long that was is not stated. The charge seems to have been established, but at the next meeting of the vestry (December 27, 1770), he having given satisfactory reasons for his neglect of duty, was excused by the vestry, and agreed to make up the deficiency by preaching on Wednesday, if required to do so. His salary was 16,000 pounds of tobacco, equal to £214. In 1777 Mr. Thruston laid down the ministry and entered the Continental army as Captain. He was afterward promoted to a Colonelcy, but, having no regiments, rendered no further active service. He never resumed the ministry, and died many years afterwards in New Orleans. FROM the time of Colonel Thruston's resignation in 1777 to 1785 there is no record, as far as I can ascertain, of any minister in the parish. In the latter year a vestry was elected Page Six consisting of Col. Richard Kidder Meade, George F. Norton, wardens; John Thruston, Edward Smith, Raleigh Colston, Gerard Briscoe, Robert Wood and Maj. Thomas Massie. Prior to this the vestries had been legal bodies. Among their duties they collected tithables to pay the minister, to build and repair churches, and to support paupers and other persons chargeable on the county or parish. IT appears that in case of vacancies, ministers made application for appointment, and were selected by the vestries from among the applicants. This was changed by the separation of Church and State in 1780. The above named vestry selected Rev. Alexander Balmaine as minister. He was a native of Scotland, but sympathizing with the Colonies in their struggle with the mother country, he came to this country and became Chaplain in the Continental army. He continued the Rector of Frederick parish until his death. Bishop Meade, having been a lay reader at this Chapel, was ordained Deacon in 1811 and acted as assistant to Mr. Balmaine. The Bishop was minister at the Old Chapel for twenty-five years. He gave up the charge of this church a year after Christ Church, Millwood, was built. In 1835 the vestry called the Rev. Horace Stringfellow. He continued in charge about five years. The exact date of his resignation does not appear in the minutes of the vestry. He occupied the log house, back of the house built by the late James H. Clark, in Millwood. The Rev. Wm. H. G. Jones was called to take charge of the parish as its Rector on the 20th of April, 1840. He continued in charge seven years and resigned on the 15th of September, 1847. He resided in what is known as the Tuley house, now owned and occupied by Mr. John W. Copenhaver. October 13, 1847, Rev. John F. Hoff accepted a call to take charge of the parish. After a short residence at White Post, he occupied the house known as the Rectory, near Millwood, now owned by Rev. Joseph R. Jones. Mr. Hofl's resignation was tendered and accepted on the 21st of June, 1858, having had charge of the parish for nearly eleven years. On the 9th of August, 1858, Rev. Joseph R. Jones accepted a call by the vestry to the Rectorship of the parish. He continued in charge until April 18, 1881, when his resignation was tendered to the vestry and accepted. He lived at his present residence. Our present Rector, Rev. C. B. Bryan, having accepted a call Page Seven to this parish preached his first sermon here on the first Sunday in August, 1881. HAVING begun a Ust of the clergy who have offiiciated as ministers in charge of this chapel, it was thought best to bring it up to the present time. I WILL now return to where the narrative was left off in 1785. Prior to that time, and from the year 1764, the lay readers of the different parishes were John Ruddell, James Barnett, (who was also a vestryman, and afterwards resigned, having connected himself with the Baptist communion), John Barnes, Henry Nelson, James Graham, Henry Frencham, Morgan Morgan, John James, William Dobson, William Howard (reader at this Chapel) and John Lloyd. In the accounts in the old vestry book we find items of amounts paid these lay readers. On which the present custom of voluntary service is a decided improvement. BY an act of the General Assembly of Virginia of October 3, 1780, the old vestries were dissolved and the severance between the Church and State was effected. IN addition to the vestrymen already named it will be of interest to give the names of a few others who served in that capacity prior to 1780. They are Isaac Hite, John Hite, Jacob Hite, John Neville, Charles Smith, James Wood (afterwards a General in the Continental Army, and Governor of Virginia about 1816) ["Old Churches," &c., page 284], Angus McDonald, Philip Bush, Marquis Calmes, John McDonald, Warner Washington, Edmund Taylor, &c. SUBSEQUENT to the division of Frederich parish into the three parishes heretofore referred to, there were other divisions of that parish. It will not be necessary to follow all the divisions. A full account will be found of them in DashiePs Digest of the Councils in the Diocese of Virginia, and in Bishop Meade's "Old Churches," &c. In his account of the parishes in Frederick county the Bishop says: "In the year 1827, Christ Church, Winchester, was organized into a separate parish, to be called the parish of Frederick, Winchester." Luther parish, afterwards changed to Clarke parish (Berryville), was admitted in 1853. Greenway Court parish was admitted in 1868. It was in 1866 that the name of Cunningham Chapel parish was adopted for tliis parish. [See DashiePs Digest for foregoing Page Eight statements.] This is clearly a missnomer. That had never been the name, as is stated in our vestry book for the year 1866. The parishes named above, and others, had been cut off from time to time from Frederick parish. This parish has never been so cut off, and remains what is left of the original Frederick parish. It will be observed that the Winchester parish recognized this in giving itself the name of Frederick, Winchester. WE learn from Bishop Meade's invaluable book [page 288, Volume II] that, among the first things done by the vestry of Frederick, after its reorganization in 1787, was the adoption of measures for the building of a stone chapel where it was designed to erect that one which failed through the disagree- ment of the people and the vestry as to its location just before the Revolution, viz., where Cunningham Chapel stood. The land having come into the possession of Col. Nathaniel Burwell, the same two acres for a church and burying ground, which were offered by Col. Hugh Nelson before the war, were given by Colonel Burwell, and the present stone chapel ordered to be built in 1790. [See action of vestry. Vestry Book, page 68.] The old log building, which has been spoken of, stood a few paces south of the present building, near the north corner of the stone enclosure nearest this house. After Bishop Meade took charge of this church, Mr. Philip Nelson, of Long Branch, was the first lay reader. Of him Bishop Meade says in his obituary: "He was a lay reader in this parish for a long series of years, keeping the church open in my absence. He was one of the best of readers, and had a most melodious and powerful voice." [Vestry Book, page 172.] The ordination of Bishop Meade in 1881, and his becoming minister of this parish, brings us much nearer to our own time. He remained a Deacon for four years, and was then ordained a Presbyter by Bishop Clagett, of Maryland, there being no Bishop in Virginia at that time. He says that his salary during his ministry here did not average more than $250 a year; but, as he writes, he "took care to make the people contribute liberally to various good works." I CAN find no record of a visit to this church by Bishop Madison — the first Bishop of Virginia — but that he did visit here and confirm here was stated by a venerable lady who has passed from among us. She and other young persons were Page Nine confirmed by him. Bishop Meade was, probably, confirmed at that time. This visitation must have been not far from the year 1800. (Since writing the above I find that Bishop Meade, in Volume I, page 22, speaks of Bishop Madison's first and only visit to this part of Virginia. The Bishop says he was a small boy when he was confirmed by Bishop Madison.) OWING to the incompleteness of the records it is difficult to find at what time the first vestry meeting was held in this place. As early as April 24, 1796, a vestry for Frederick parish met, of whom five out of eight present were residents of this immediate neighborhood. In 1802 a meeting of the vestry is recorded, of which a majority belonged to this congregation. At a meeting on the 25th of September, 1803, the members of the vestry reported present are Richard Kidder Meade, Nathaniel Burwell, Thomas T. Byrd, John Page, Robert Page, Robert Carter Burwell, John Smith and Philip Nelson; John Page and Robert Page, wardens. As all of these were residents of this neighborhood and members of this congregation, we may fairly assume that this was a vestry for Cunningham Chapel, distinct from any other church or chapel. HAVING brought the history of the Old Chapel up to a period — though not in the memory of any present — easily in the reach of tradition, some incidents occur to me that may be of interest, and illustrate the customs of our more immediate predecessors. One impression seems to be indelibly impressed on the minds of those who were brought here as children; that is, that the house was intolerably cold in winter. It is well known that the good Bishop, while pastor here, was not unwilling that people should "endure hardness," as a good discipline; but it must be remembered that he spared not himself. Few persons who were brought here as children can forget the melancholy swing of the old C-spring carriages, as they rolled through the mud, nearly axle deep, while their saintly mothers sang the good old hymns and psalms of the collection of that day. One of their favorite hymns was — "Children of the Heavenly King, As we journey let us sing." SOME now living will remember old Robin, the courteous old colored sexton, who had a little stand by the right hand side of the south door as you come in, where he kept a pail of Page Ten cool water from the Chapel Spring and a nice clean gourd, for the refreshment of those who came many miles to church. They came fifteen or twenty miles, so greatly were the services of the church valued. This must have been after the revival of the church in Virginia. For before that I fear many of the gentry would have gone farther to see a cock fight or a horse race than they would to attend service at church. IT would be interesting to know just where the venerable old people sat. This was for a long time the common place of worship for the Episcopalian families of Berryville, Millwood and White Post. Though not difficult to ascertain it would be confusing to attempt to describe where the different families had their seats. In a letter from a lady, whose memory goes as far back as that of any one in the congregation, she says: "The large middle pew held the magnates of the land." That refers to the benches running across the house from the east to the west doors. I will make no apologies for quoting her language. "There," she writes, "sat grandpapa," Mr. John Page, of Page Brook, of whom Bishop Meade said in his funeral sermon, "He was almost worshipped as a being more than human" — "Mr. Nat. Burwell, Mr. Philip Bur well, Uncle Nelson" — i. e,, Mr. Philip Nelson of Long Branch — "in his high-top boots. Mr. Robert Page, of Janeville, always had ruffles at his breast and sleeves, high-top yellow boots, and a beautiful cue." This dear lady, who must have been as lovely in her childhood as she was in after life, writes further: "I had to go there when there was little comfort — I and my little green silk calash lined with bright red. I was dreadfully ashamed of my head dress; but there I stood saying the catechism in the corner by the side of the pulpit." One lady of the congregation recalls seeing a child taken out and chastised by its mother three times during one service — and not only whipped, but afterwards vigorously thumped down on the pew by the side of the wrathful parent. A proceeding that was approved by the Rector. When the house was crowded the children had to sit on the steps of the chancel. THERE is but little further of special interest to record of the Old Chapel — as it is universally called — until it was found necessary to have a larger building. In the record for the year 1832, I find in our vestry book this minute: "About Page Eleven this time the connection ceased between the Millwood— or Old Chapel — congregation and the Berryville and Wickliffe congre- gations." The next vestry reported after that time is composed entirely of gentlemen from the Millwood neighborhood [Vestry Book, 119-20.] CHRIST Church, Millwood, was built in the year 1834. The lot of two acres on which it stands was given for the purpose of building the church by Mr. George Burwell, of Carter Hall, who was always liberal and generous in his donations to the church and to all benevolent objects. The deed by which the lot was conveyed to the trustees of the church is dated April 18, 1832. In his book [page 288, Volume II] Bishop Meade says: "In the year 1834 it was found that the Old Chapel was too small and inconvenient for the increasing congregation, and it was therefore determined to erect another and a larger one in a more central and convenient place in the vicinity of Millwood, on ground given by Mr. George Burwell, of Carter Hall. Such, however, was the attachment of many to the Old Chapel that funds for the latter could not be obtained, except on condition of alternate services at the Chapel. From year to year these services became less frequent, until, at length, they are now reduced to an annual pilgrimage, on some summer Sabbath, to this old and much loved spot; or death summons the neighbors to add one more to the tenants of the graveyard." THE tradition that the annual services held here are prescribed by the contract by which the property is held rests only on the stipulation in the deed from Col. Nathaniel Burwell, that in case it is used for any purpose incompatible with its use as a place of divine worship, it shall revert to him and his heirs. AFTER the removal of the congregation to Christ Church, Millwood, the history of the "Old Chapel" is little more than a record of those who, from time to time, have gone over to the great majority. Eighteen of our soldiers, who gave their lives for the cause of States rights, lie buried here, and memorial services have been held here in every summer since 1866, to keep green the memory of our dead and to decorate their graves with flowers. Page Twelve ©ecoration ®ap ^bbpessi The following address was delivered by Prof. W. H. Whiting, Jr., at the Annual "Decoration Day Service," on June 1, 1897, and has received much favorable comment from North and South. The address is typical of those delivered each year at the "Flower Strewing" of graves in the Old Chapel Cemetery. VETERANS of the Confederacy, Ladies and Gentlemen, Sons and Daughters of Our Fair Southland: WE have met today to do honor to those whose deeds of desperate daring will live in song and story until time shall be no more. We are here in this hallowed place to com- memorate the heroism of those wdio gave their lives to the Southern cause and whose fame will go down in history side by side with that of Leonidas and his heroic Spartans at Ther- mopylaB; side by side with that of Winkelreid and his band of grim mountaineers; side by side with that of the Six Hundred who rode into the jaws of death at Balaklava. We cannot crown our Southern heroes with the laurel wreath of victory, for alas! the cause for which they fought was lost, but we can twine above them, with loving hands, living garlands of immor- telles. We can offer them the tribute of our love and tears, and bending over their graves in sadness and in sorrow can rejoice because of their patient courage, their earnest patriot- ism, their heroic valor, and their deathless glory. A SOLDIER of Napoleon fell on the field of battle fighting so gallantly that the great Emperor ordered that his name should never be stricken from the roll of his company; and ever afterwards, when the name of L'Autour D'Auvergne was called, a man stepped forward from the ranks and reverently lifting his cap responded, "Dead, on the field of honor." So, when the roll of the Confederate dead is called here today, though our lips may not frame the words, our hearts will feel that each one fell at the post of duty. "How can man die better than facing fearful odds. For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods? " HOW should we determine the meed of honor due to an actor on the stage of history ? By the results acliieved ? No. By his pomp and circumstance? No. By the world's estimate of him? No. Patient self-denial, uncomplaining resignation to the inevitable, and unfaltering devotion to Page Thirteen the right alone give title deed to true glory. The highest encomiums, the most elaborate eulogies which can be pro- nounced upon men in this world do not carry with them the force of the simple statement, "Duty was the watchword of their lives." Judged by this standard, men have never lived more worthy of praise and admiration than those who followed the "stars and bars" of the Confederacy and who died in defence of their native land. THIS is not the time or the place for constitutional argument or historical review. I should like to outline the constitu- tional attitude of the South and explain the historical basis upon which it rests. An examination of the facts would show the righteousness of her cause and would prove to the satisfaction of Southern minds, at least, the doctrine of State sovereignty. But I shall not do this. I shall not attempt to prove that the South was right. You feel and know that already. You realize that our Federal constitution contemplated a union of sovereign States, not a consolidation. You know that it was intended that each State should maintain its autonomy, and not lose its identity, by being merged into an organic whole. Common sense teaches that when the independent partners in a business become dissatisfied, they are at liberty to withdraw from the firm, and some partners cannot coerce others into continuing an association which has become unpleasant and unprofitable. The expediency of secession may be doubted, but the right was clearly ours. IT was to maintain this right that the sword of Lee flashed from its scabbard, pure and bright. It was to maintain this right that the silent professor buckled on his sword and taught the world how men, the swiftest on the march and the most irresistible in the charge, amid the bursting of shrapnel and shell and amid the shock and roar of battle, could stand a horrid hedge of steel, a veritable "stone wall." It was to maintain this right that the lighthearted Stuart rode to his death — Stuart, the fiery Rupert of the South. It was to maintain this right that Jos. E. Johnston, like Moses of old, turned his back upon the seductive allurements offered by the enemies of his country, choosing rather to suffer privation and loss with his own State and among his own people than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. It was to maintain this right that the husband- Page Fourteen I man left his plow, the mechanic his workshop, the merchant his counting room, the lawyer his brief, the doctor his office, and the clergyman his study. It was to maintain this right that the gallant sons of this gallant county marched to the front with Jackson and did their duty like men, from the open- ing guns at First Manassas to the final charge at Appomattox. WHEN the call of duty came to the men of the South, when each State called her sons to her assistance, boys and gray -headed men took their stand together in the ranks. Veterans who had learned war under Scott at Molino del Rey, at Cherubusco, and at Chapultapec taught their sons and grand- sons the use of the sabre and of the bayonet. It was to main- tain this right that the daughters of the South endured with Spartan courage privations and insults, keeping watch and ward over the homesteads in the smiling valleys and on the fertile hillsides; for this right the fair hands unused to toil, became hard, and brown, and worn. Yes, all classes and conditions, all ages, men and women alike, freely offered themselves to what they conceived to be the cause of liberty and right. WHAT lessons may we gather from the events and results of these years of war and bloodshed? FIRST. We learn that in this world truth is not always triumphant and that error wounded does not always writhe with pain and die among its worshippers. From the dawn of creation it has been true — as the Psalmist declared it to be in his day — that *'the wicked flourish as a green bay tree," and that "the just are not always recompensed upon the earth." In his infinite wisdom the God of Battles did not permit victory to perch upon our banners, and suffered our sun to set in failure and defeat, but we must not think that the day of our destiny is over or that the star of our hope has declined. Divine Omniscience has designed that we should not establish a sepa- rate political existence. Trusting that all things work together for our good and believing that a day of reckoning is coming when all accounts will be settled with the exact impartiality of Omnipotent justice, and when the Judge of all the earth will make it clear that He has done right, we are in duty bound to submit to the decree, and to accept the arbitrament of the sword. Then with community of interest and oneness of pur- pose we may hope to make our common country a united band Page Fifteen of sister States, the land of the free and the home of the brave, thus, perhap.^, achieving- the results for which our Southern Chivalry fought and died in a better and more satisfactory way than that which they attempted. Let us look forward to the time when as Virginia's silver-tongued orator has put it, "the loud hurrahs of the boys who wore the blue shall mingle with the wild, sweet music of the rebel cheer in one grand, national anthem." SECOND. We learn in the second place that earnest perse- verance and devoted faithfulness can accomplish stupendous results in the face of tremendous obstacles and overwhelming- difficulties. THE seceding States occupied a vast territory reaching from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, without railroad commu- nications between its parts and with a scattered white popula- tion; the Northern states lying in compact mass with ready means of communication, were teeming with people. Nine million had to contend with twenty million. The South was mainly engaged in agriculture, depending- upon others for manufactured products; the Northern people were engaged in manufacturing, seafaring and commerce as well. Thus, people of one industry and means of support had to contend against those whose resources were many and various. The South had no government, the North had the machinery of government in full and efficient operation. The South at first had no army or navy or arsenals or forts; the North had all these ready for immediate use. The South was poor, the North was rich. The South had few sources from which to fill up the ranks thinned by disease and by the ravages of war; the North had men in abundance, for recruits poured in from all quarters of the globe. UNDER the stars and stripes were marshalled representatives of all nations — Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Italians, Hungarians, Arabs, Scandinavians, Danes, Poles. From the verdant fields of Erin, from the thistle downs of Scotia, from the sunny land of France, from the vine-clad hills of the classic Rhine, from the frozen shores of Arctic Russia, from the burn- ing sands of African deserts, "from Greenland's icy mountains to India's coral stand," came ruthless mercenaries, agents of fanatical hate, paid to devastate and to ruin. Page Sixteen AGAINST these hordes came forth a devoted band of Southern manhood "of chivalry the flower and pride, the arms in battle bold." For four long years, they maintained the unequal contest. Amid privations and sufferings, dis- couragements and defeats, they did deeds of martial prowess such as the world has rarely seen, until at last the few survivors ragged, hungry and forlorn, laid down their arms at Appo- mattox and bravely faced the future. How could the South accomplish these results for which her resources seemed so inadequate? The explanation is found in the character of the Southern people, in their environment, and in the motive by which they were animated. THE Southern people were a high-spirited, self-reliant race. Each Southern gentleman was monarch in his own domain. Being a man in authority, he said to one "go" and to another "come," and he expected to be obeyed. He superintended the smallest details of his domestic affairs. He followed his reapers as their cradles rang through the golden harvest, and if need be he could lead them when the sun was hottest and the grain heaviest. He understood the mysteries of the joiner's art, and needed no architect to help him direct the carpenters of his own training. He was familiar with the ring of the anvil in his smithy when his own black vulcan forged under his instruc- tions all the implements of iron needed on the plantation. These constant occupations made him an independent, manly man, impatient of restraint, brooking no opposition, and know- ing no such word as "fail." GIVE such a man a cause which enlisted his sympathy and appealed to his patriotism, show him that his rights were being invaded, and think what a soldier he would make. This is what happened: His fiery temper was softened into dauntless courage, his disposition to overcome difficulties became patient perseverance, and his unwillingness to admit failure gave rise to marvelous staying power. His courage, his perseverance, and his endurance, then, made the Southern gentleman, when animated by a righteous cause, well-nigh invincible. PYRRHUS said after the battle of Heraclea, when he saw Roman soldiers laying dead with wounds all in front: "Give me an army of such men as these, and I will conquer Page Seventeen I 1 the world." It is no wonder, therefore, that Southern generals won worldwide fame, for they were the leaders of Southern • men. \ LET us emulate the example of our heroic dead, let us be ' persevering and honest and faithful in the discharge of duty, championing the right and repressing the wrong, and while we throw our influence on the side of peace, harmony, i and good feeling, let us see to it that the day never comes when we shall forget the Southern cause, the Southern soldier, and the Southern grave. Page Eighteen ''^ (gentleman of Verona*' The following letter was written to The Clarke Courier on February 27, 1 902; but, through some unexplciined cause, was not printed in the Courier until March 25, 1903. The authorship of the letter was not disclosed by the editor of the Courier until the death of IVlr. Thomas M. Nelson, when it was thought perfectly proper that he should be given, even at that late day, the honor which his effort deserved. While the letter does not bear directly upon the Old Chapel, it contains the names of a number of men whose remains lie in the Cemetery there. Verona, February 27, 1902. DEAR COURIER: — I have long intended writing you a letter, "it may turn out to be a song or it may turn out to be a sermon." Your letter signed Smart Set so struck on the chords of my heart that I dropped you a line a short time ago, and was much pleased by the very high compliment paid me by One of the Smart Set by saying I was a very nice gentleman, which is after all the highest praise I can ever hope for, as it is about the only ambition I have in life to be known as a gentleman, with all that implies. As Queen Elizabeth wrote James of Scotland, "I have had of this world hard treat- ment though much pleasure with it." And the greatest of all my pleasures having been associated with the Valley of Virginia and especially with the Millwood neighborhood, living as I do far away in this far distant land, and away from my old home and loved ones, makes me feel as if the old State and people belong to me, and I am as much gratified by any success which comes to the young men who are away, and those at home as if I knew them as well as those of my youth and early years. One of the Smart Set kindly said in her letter that the young people of the neighborhood would be glad to see me. It would be unspeakable pleasure for me to know them as I knew all the old people, but April and October are a long way apart and October looks with much more pleasure on April than spring does on the fall, but all that is another story, and I am only using your space and the patience of your readers. I live here on tliis high bluff, over-looking the mighty river and after much wandering in many lands, and at night when the day's work is done, listening to the ceaseless flow of the turbid river, I find "I am dreaming, and bright visions of the past come over the still deep waters in ripplets bright and fast." And nightly ere my spirit kneels in prayer I think over the war, the Page Nineteen oflowing camp fires, the long hot marches, the lonely picket duty. Bands playing Dixie, Bonnie Blue Fag, The Mockingbird, Laurena and all the rest of them, they seem to me to have more music in them than any songs ever written. But as my friends say I am on my hobby now and can ride forever, when I touch the war, as you say ancient history. I do not intend to weary you with battle scenes and with accounts of our great men and generals, for are they not all "written in the books of history." I should like if my pen has the power to make you a few pictures of some of the noble men with whom I served for part of the war in the Company C, Second Regiment, Stone- wall Brigade. Rudyard Kipling says "the officers are well written about," but it is only my Mess-mates and comrades and dear friends whom I shall speak of. There was our first Captain, William N. Nelson, the noblest gentleman I have ever seen. I fancy I can see him now in full dress uniform as he took us on dress parade, as handsome as an Apollo Belvedere, keen of wit, sound of judgment, stern in the performance of duty, expecting all men to do theirs in the cause he loved so well, and every inch a soldier. There was Will Randolph, true and tried, who fell as Colonel of the Regiment on the 13th day of May, 1864; who stood like King Saul head and shoulders above any man, scholar, gymnast, statesman, and the bravest man I thought in the army. I recall how he looked as he walked on top of the works at Gettysburg carrying an oil cloth full of ammunition to the Company. And Robert Randolph, also Captain of Company C, killed at Cedar Creek, a perfect type of Christian soldier and gentleman. And I see Tom Randolph as he looked at the extreme right of the Company as we marched in at Manassas on that bright July morning when our Captain and seventeen men were killed and wounded out of fifty-seven muskets. I OFTEN thought in looking at Tom Randolph that "he is complete in features and mind with all good grace to grace a gentleman," and John Jolliffe, faithful to the end, and badly wounded at Chancellorsville, Carly Whiting who was twice wounded before he was seventeen and died a martyr's death at nineteen, and his joyous laugh was lost to the Cavalry Camp. There were six Grubses out of seven killed and wounded; their mother should have been as proud of them as if they had been Page Twenty the Gracchi, and Lieut. David Keeler, like Hercules, killed without the city wall. I mind well Adam Thompson, the best squirrel shot in the Company, and Bill Thompson, as good a soldier as ever polished a belt buckle or bayonet. Then there was Warren Copenhaver, though dying soon after his first fight, left a glorious record behind him, and Old John Hibbard, shot in the leg at Manassas at the time our Captain got his death wound so far as active service was concerned, and Robert Bur- well, the coolest man I ever saw under fire, and who in the Company does not remember George Burwell trying to draw his ramrod from his gun at Kernstown and crying because he could not get another shot at the Yankees, and which of you old fellows does not remember George's capturing the Yankee Captain at Manassas when he was only fourteen years old. Lord, what a handsome dashing boy he was. There was a man with us on whose memory my mind loves to linger as I look over the past. I fear you will say, Dear Codeier, that I am only calling the roll of honor, but calling the roll was my business at that time, as it was the business of the man of whom I am just speaking, a man who never would take promotion because he thought he could serve the Dear Mother-land better as a private or non-commissioned officer, and because I think he really loved to feel the pressure of the musket to his shoulder, and got more of the glory of the strife on foot doing a private's duty than he would anywhere else. As I heard one of the officers say once he believed he was one of the most reckless men in the army. I refer to Nat Burwell of Carter Hall. It would be useless to have to write his name for any of the old Company to know him when I recall the time before Richmond when Colonel Bots called on Nat to rally the regiment and let them dress on him just as the evening was closing in and the regiment came to his call. Think of the gallant fellow after the battle was fought carrying water to the wounded of the enemy because he said our wounded had their friends to look after them and the others, poor fellow^s, had been left in our hands. That always seemed to me the truest hospitality^ and the highest Christian virtue. Many of those fellows became commissioned officers and many were killed, but all deserved liigh rank. I have not forgotten John McCormick and the way he carried dispatches for General Rhodes at Gettysburg, to whom he had Pa^e Twenty-One been transferred from Company C, as the army marched to Pennsylvania. "I am dreaming and the visions of the past come over the still deep waters in ripplets bright and fast." I find it impossible to mention more than a few of the noble men I had the honor to serve with, in a letter, but I hope it will make some one of the old boys who has more talent than I write what he knows so I may see it way off here and know who has passed over the river and who are still on this side. What has become of Nat Cook, and Phil Nelson, and Maud Lewis? What boys they were, and what men they made, ripening in the hot furnace of red battle. There are many more men I would like to pay a passing tribute to, some who w^ere not of my command, but I shall only speak of two now. Capt. Hugh Nelson, after- wards Major. I mind him well on his milk white steed when the white banner of peace was still spread over our fair land. The greatest scholar, statesman and scientist of the day, man of wonderous charm of manner and bearing, a man all of whose ways were ways of pleasantness and all his paths were peace, but when once the despot's heel was on our shore, he was a very bolt of war, and the beau ideal of a Cavalry Commander, as he led the Old Clarke Cavalry on Victor, when the foremost fight- ing fell. And then there was Dr. Archie Randolph, Fitz Lee's chief medical advisor and friend. What men these are! I have often thought that a king would be blessed if his throne was surrounded and supported by such men. I have purposely only spoken of men whom I knew, but the noble women of that day I dare not try to paint for Shakespeare only painted one Portia, and Thackery one Ethel Newcume, so of course I can't pretend to tread on such holy ground, nor do I see how anyone could undertake to speak of the Mothers, Wives, and Sweethearts and Sisters of such men as I have mentioned from that dear old neighborhood. I am dreaming and I think I see the country as it stretches out from the first rise as you leave the Opequon, going east along the turnpike till you reach the Blue Ridge and all the homes of loveliness and worth as you pass from Upper Longwood. The long low rose covered house, the home of the most gracious hospitality I ever knew, and a little to the left and back of it The Briars, where the great author, John Esten Cooke, lived and worked, and did so much to put the Lost Cause in its proper light. Then a little further is Grafton, Page Twenty-Two where lived Col. R. H. Lee, who fell badly wounded at Kerns- town forty yards ahead of his Company, carrying the banner of the Second Virginia Infantry. Then there was Pagebrook with its beautiful lights and shadows, and Saratoga, with its beautiful spring and stream flowing in and out forever through the broad meadow and deep grass, perfect home of loveliness and worth, and many more. Then there was Carter Hall, the residence of the Burwells, with its beautiful gardens and wealth of flowers, and Annefield which gave the Carters to the Southern cause, whose gardens could have made Elizabeth's German garden blush. I have been back there once in many years, and saw some new places on the road, one handsome pile of buildings with well trimmed lands, and I was told it was the residence of Mr. Mayo, which was well, as it went to show that he had brought back to Clarke many blessings. I could easily fill your paper on the subject of the dear old neighbor- hood, but I fear it would not interest many of our readers, as the night is far spent and I have had a chance to think of many dear and long lost friends, and had a better and fuller view of the places, and as the night is far spent and the day is at hand I will express my best wishes to the rising generation and say that I hope the Hunt Club and the Country Club will both be sources of pleasure and advantage to them, and that the men may be as strong, as wise and as brave and the women as good as those I knew, and everything will be all right. You must remember that it all depends on the women, and that those women in the early sixties were very devout and the church had much weight in all that they did, and I do not see in any of your letters from the dear old spot any references to the church, which quite surprised me because while I am sorry to say I had not much to do with it, still all those men I knew and served with were men influenced by the church more than any body of men I ever served with, and I have been in many lands with many people. There were many fine lads at Rosney and Oak Grove Academy in my day. One boy used to strike me much, I mind well; he had the face of one of Raphael's cherubs, that I once saw in St. Peter's; he was very tall and slight, and had great mechanical talent, the sweetest yet the strongest face I ever saw on a boy, or young man, with very light wavy hair. Isham Randolph; I ween well he must have made a great man. Page Twenty-Three Is he the man I saw spoken of as one of the great engineers of the United States? With a heart full of love for all Clarke County, I am A Gentleman or Verona. Pa^e Twenty- Four Wi)t Cemeterp Eetorb The compiler of the following record of those buried in the Old Chapel Cemetery has endeavored to maJce it as complete and full as possible. Many difficulties had to be overcome in securing the requisite data, and often it has been found impossible to obtain information, either because it was not known who could supply it, or because those who might have furnished it have failed, even after being importuned to do so. Any omissions, therefore, in the following still very incomplete pages, the reader may attribute to these causes. The names of residences are placed in quotation marks, so that they may easily be distinguished from the names of counties, towns, etc. The two names, " The Grove " and " Carter's Grove," James City County, refer to the same place. The designation of Clarke County has been applied to all that part of Frederick County which now constitutes the County of Clarke, although the formation of this County did not occur until 1837. WINNIFRED CALMES. A stone bearing the following inscription was found at "The Vineyard," repaired and placed here by Dr. Robert C. Randolph of "New Market": "Here lies the body of Winnifred wife of Major Marquis Calmes. They were joined in wedlock 26 years and had 6 children. She was a loving, virtuous and industrious wife, a tender Mother and kind Mistress, She departed this life October the 6th A. D. 1751, Aetat 42." Below this on the same stone Dr. Randolph had the following placed, signed with his initials and the date: "Marquis Calmes Jr. was a vestryman of Frederick Parish in 1771. Cunningham Chapel was ordered to be repaired in 1760. The present building was erected about the year 1800. R. C. R. 1859." SUSANNA GRYMES BURWELL. Child of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Burwell. Born in Millwood, October 16, 1792. Died October 19, 1793. MANN PAGE BURWELL. Child of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Burwell. Born in Millwood December 19, 1793. Died August 5, 1794. MARIA HOLKER. "Daughter of John Holker Esq., late Consul General of France and agent of the Royal Marine. She died June 3, 1794. Aged 10 years." MRS. JOHN P. PLEASANTS of Baltimore was Anne Cleves Armistead, daughter of William Armistead of "Hesse," and his wife Maria Carter, daughter of Charles Carter of "Cleves" and Anne Byrd of "Westover." Born Novem- ber 7, 1773. Married March 14, 1793. Copied from her tombstone: "The amiable wife of John P. Pleasants of Baltimore, died at the house of her kind friend and brother-in-law Capt. Thomas T. Byrd on June 17, 1801, in the 28th year of her age." After her burial and before returning to Baltimore, her husband upon riding to the Old Chapel planted the willow Page Twenty- Five switch he used as a whip. It took root and formed the great willow that now shades her grave. MRS. ARCHIBALD GARY RANDOLPH was Lucy, daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Susanna Grymes Burwell of "Carter's Grove," James City County. Born at that place November 20, ITYV. She married Col. Archibald Randolph of "Ben Lomond," Goochland County April 6, 1797, Died at "Carter Hall" March 22, 1810. TAYLOR PAGE BURWELL. Eldest child of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Burwell. Born at "Carter's Grove," James City County November 24, 1789. Died at "Carter Hall" October 23, 1811. ROBERT CARTER BURWELL of "New Market." Youngest son of Col. Nathaniel and Susanna Grymes Burwell. Born at "Carter's Grove" July 24, 1785. Died at "New Market" August 22, 1813. GOV. EDMUND RANDOLPH. Son of John Randolph of Williamsburg and Ariana Jennings of Annapolis, Md., was born at Williamsburg on August 10, 1753. His father was King's Attorney under Governor Fauquier, a staunch royalist and, like the Governor, a skeptic in religion. The son was disinherited by the father because of his disloyalty to the Crown during the period of Revolution; but he was adopted by his uncle, Peyton Randolph, President of the First American Congress, whose estate he inherited. Edmund studied law, was admitted to the bar and became one of the leading lawyers of his day. He seems to have inherited a talent for his profession. His father and grandfather were both King's Attorneys for Virginia and his maternal grandfather was King's Attorney for Mary- land. In the trial of Aaron Burr for high treason he was the principal counsel for the defence and won his case. He was counsel for Joist Hite when the celebrated land case between the latter and Lord Fairfax which had been in court for half a century was finally settled. Edmund Randolph married in 1776 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Carter Nicholas. He served as Aide-de-Camp to General Washington during the Revolution. On Decem- ber 1, 1786, he succeeded Patrick Henry as Governor of Virginia and in 1790 was appointed the First Attorney- General of the United States (see the Writings of Wash- ington, Vol. X, Page 34). In 1794 he held the office of Secretary of State, vacated by Thomas Jefferson. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Virginia. He was visiting Colonel Burwell of "Carter Hall" when he had a stroke of paralysis which caused his death, September 12, 1813. Page Twenty-Six MISS PHILIPINA NELSON. Died about 1813. COL. ARCHIBALD CARY RANDOLPH of "Ben Lomond," Goochland County. Son of Thomas Isham and Jane Cary Randolph of "Dungeness" was born in 1769. He married Lucy, daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Susanna G. Bur well of " Carter's Grove," James City County April 6, 1797. They lived at "Ben Lomond" and afterwards removed to Clarke County. He died November 14, 1813. Col. Randolph was a great lover of horse-flesh and he with Col. John Tayloe bred the famous thoroughbred " Sir Archy " in the spring of 1805 on James River. Col. Ran- dolph named the colt "Robert Burns" and when he was two years old sent him to Col. Tayloe, who trained him and changed his name to "Sir Archy." A rich bay in color, of powerful build, he was never beaten except in his first race and defeated the greatest horses of his day. TAYLOE PAGE. COL. NATHANIEL BURWELL of "Carter Hall" was the son of Carter Burwell and Lucy Grymes and was born at "The Grove," James City County, Virginia, April 15, 1750, His father died when he was six years old and provided in his will that during the minority of his son Nathaniel, his estate should be charged with the maintenance of five poor children at school. As a student at William and Mary College at Williamsburg, Virginia, he attained such profi- ciency in mathematics as to win the Bottetourt medal in his class, Bishop Madison winning the medal for belles- lettres in the same class, Colonial Governor Bottetourt having for five successive years given two medals to each graduating class at William and Mary College, one for proficiency in mathematics and the other in belles-lettres. This medal is now in possession of his grandson. Nathaniel Burwell married his cousin, Susan Grymes, March 28, 1772. He represented James City County in the State Convention of 1788 and voted for the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Having inherited from his father a large estate in Frederick County, now Clarke, he came to thi3 County to live, and began the erection of the "Carter Hall" house about 1792, leaving his James River estate to his eldest son Carter. His home in the Valley was named for his father and his great grandfather, Robert (King) Carter, of "Corotoman," Lancaster County, Virginia. Col. Burwell was greatly interested in the development of this then new country, for besides erecting an unusually large and substantial residence he had built several mills — one, The Tilthammer Mill, for forging iron — and established a vineyard, tanyard, distillery and other industries, all of Page Twenty -Seven which were conducted with methodical care and supervi- sion, as his old account books abundantly show. He was a member of the Vestry of Cunningham Chapel Parish, and gave the land upon which the Old Chapel stands to be used forever as a place of public worship and a burying ground. In accordance with these conditions a yearly morning service is held at the Old Chapel on the second Sunday in September. Col. Burwell died at "Carter Hall" on March 29, 1814, and lies buried at the Old Chapel beside his second wife, Lucy Page, widow of Col. George Baylor, of General Washington's staff. She survived him about thirty years. JUDGE BENNETT TAYLOR. Married Susan Beverley Ran- dolph, daughter of Edmund Randolph and Elizabeth Nichols, his wife. Died in 1816. ROBERT BURWELL of "Long Branch" son of Nathaniel Burwell of Isle of Weight County and his wife, nee Wormeley. He built "Long Branch" and died there about 1817, leaving it to his sister Mrs. Philip Nelson. MRS. WILLIAM MEADE. Consort of Right Reverend William Meade, Third Bishop of Virginia, was Mary Nelson, daughther of Philip and Sarah Burwell Nelson, of "Long Branch". Born in 1792. She married in 1812, and died July 3, 1817. Her first cousin Thomasia Nelson became Bishop Meade's second wife. HON. JOHN HOLKER. "Of Scotch descent, was born in England in the year 1743. His father Jean Holker of France joined the army of the Pretender, fought at the battle of Culloden, 1746, was taken prisoner and condemned to be executed, but made his escape to France. His wife and child, John, then about two years old, followed him. John Holker was sent to this country during the Revolu- tionary War about the year 1778 by the Government of Louis XVI, or rather by Beaumarchais, to inquire into the probability of the success of our armies against England. On his favorable report the treaty was made between Louis and the United States. Mr. Holker was then made Consul General of France and agent of the Royal Marine. Mr. Holker brought letters to this country from Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris and other members of Congress speaking in the highest terms of his segacity. * " He mar- ried as his third wife Nancy Davis Stillman (nee Stack- pole) of Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Holker then removed to Virginia and lived at "Springsberry," Clarke County, where he died in June, 1820. Being a Roman Catholic he was buried in holy ground in Winchester, but was rein- terred at the Old Chapel in the Autumn of 1904. Page Twenty-Eight MRS. PHILIP BURWELL was Elizabeth (called Betsey) daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Carter Page of Hanover- town, Hanover county. Born June 30, 1776. She married Philip Bur well of "Chapel Hill" in 1797 and died at "Carter Hall" January 12, 1821. Her stone bears this inscription; "Long may this marble remain sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Burwell — Her labour done securely laid In this our last retreat, Unheeded, o'er her silent dust The storms of life shall beat. These ashes poor, this little dust, Our Father's care shall keep, Till the last angel rise and break The long and dreary sleep." CAPT. THOMAS T. BYRD of "The Cottage," son of Col. William E. Byrd 3d of "Westover" and Elizabeth Hill Carter, only daughter of John Carter of "Shirley," was born January 7, 1752. He married Mary A. Armistead of "Hesse," Gloucester County, on March 13, 1786. He lived at "The Cottage" Clarke County, and died there August 19, 1821. His funeral is said to have been most impressive. Borne on the shoulders of some of his servants singing a solemn dirge as they wound their way down through the meadows for a mile and a half to the Old Chapel. MISS FANNY BURWELL of "Long Branch" and "Rosney," daughter of Nathaniel Burwell of Isle of Weight County, died about 1821. MISS SARAH NELSON. HANNAH M. WASHINGTON. Child of Dr. Henry Wash- ington, of Berryville. Died in 1822. WILLIAM NELSON BURWELL of " Glenowen," second son of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Page Burwell of "Carter Hall," was born at " Carter's Grove" April 23, 1791. He married Mary Brooke of Fauquier County. Died at "Glenowen" m 1822. SALLY THROCKMORTON BURWELL. Child of George H. and Isabella D. Burwell of "Carter Hall". Born April 28, 1821. Died October 29, 1822. MRS. THOMAS T. BYRD of "The Cottage" was Mary A. Armistead, daughter of William Armistead of "Hesse" Gloucester County, and his wife Maria Carter, daughter of Charles Carter of "Cleves" and Anne Byrd of " West- Page Twenty- Nine over." Married Capt. Thomas Byrd on March 13, 1786. Died in 1824. OLIVER BLISS. Instructor in the Millwood neighborhood. Copied from his tombstone: "Oliver Bliss, Esq., a native of Wilbraham, Mass. Many years a resident in Virginia. Born Nov. 11th, 1775. Graduated at Yale College 1795. Died September 19th, 1824. Separated from relatives tenderly beloved, it is the consolation of the bereaved that his days were closed among those who knew the heart of the Stranger. JOHN BAYLOR. Died in 1824. JOHN ELLYET DAINGERFIELD of Millwood. Died in 1824. DR. DUDLEY BUR WELL of White Post. MR. MACNAMARAH. MRS. JOHN THOMPSON of Summit Point and of Berryville, was Lucy Roots Throckmorton, daughther of William Todd Throckmorton. Died about 1825. ARCHY THOMPSON. MISS ARIANA BUR WELL of "Long Branch" and "Rosney" daughter of Nathaniel Bur well of Isle of White County. Died about 1820. PHILIP HOSE. MRS. TALLY. MRS. GRIGO. MR. MCNAMARA PINE. JOSEPH TULEY of Millwood. Died June, 1825. FREDERICK STILLMAN of Boston. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stillman of Boston was born July 16, 1801. His mother afterwards became Mrs. John Holker of "Springs- berry." MRS. JOSEPH TULEY of Millwood. Died in October, 1825. WILLIAM HAY of " Farnley." Born in the town and Parish of Kilsyth Scotland, November 10, 1748, Lived in Rich- mond, Va., and married twice. Both of his wives were named Walker and were from Virginia. He died at "Farnley," November 11, 1825. GEORGE W. NELSON. Died about 1825. Page Thirty JOHN GARY WASHINGTON. Child of Dr. Henry Wash- ington of Berryville. Died in 1825. MR. STACKPOLE of Boston. Nephew of Mrs. John Holker of "Springsberry." MISS GERADINE NELSON. THOMSON. JERRY O'CONNER. MARIA L. O'CONNER. Aged 1 year. Died June 4, 1826. ARCHIBALD MAGILL THOMPSON. Son of Dr. John and Lucy Roots Thompson of Berryville. WALTON MEADE THOMPSON. Son of Dr. John and Lucy R. Thompson, of Berryville. THOMAS MORTIMER THOMPSON. Son of Dr. John and Lucy R. Thompson. MARY M. THOMPSON. Daughter of Dr. John and Lucy R. Thompson. HENRIETTA THROCKMORTON. Daughter of William Todd Throckmorton. EVELINE THROCKMORTON. Daughter of William Todd Throckmorton. DR. LEWIS BURWELLof "Prospect Hill." Sixth son of Col. Nathaniel and Susanna Grymes Burwell, was born at "Carter's Grove," James City County, September 26, 1783. He removed to Clarke County with his father about 1T90. He took his degree as Doctor of Medicine in Phila- delphia and then spent some years in Europe prosecuting his studies and seeing the practice in the most celebrated institutions and mingling in the best society. Soon after his return he was married in the town of Fredericksburg on September 26, 1808, to Maria M. Page, daughter of Mann and Mary Page of " Mannsfield." Being in posses- sion of a handsome estate he did not pursue the active practice of medicine. The mansion that he built at "Pros- pect Hill" was destroyed by fire twelve years after his death which occurred February 24, 1826. MATTHEW PAGE of "Annefield," son of Robert and Sarah Walker Page of "Broadneck," Hanover County, was born at that place March 4, 1762. After the Revolutionary War he moved to Clarke County and built "Annefield." He married Anne Randolph Page Meade, daughter of Richard K. Meade in 1799. He is said to have been the pattern of Page Thirty-One a country gentleman, dispensing happiness to his family and kindness and comfort to his numerous domestics. Mr. Page presented his wife with a very handsome carriage lined with red leather, but she, thinking it partook too much of the pomp and vanity of this world, declined to own it. "Very well," said he, "I will send it over to Sister Maria. She will use it." (Meaning Mrs. John Page of "Page Brook.") He died at "Annefield" October 5, 1826. MRS. PETER BEVERLY WHITING of Berryville, was Hannah Fairfax Washington. Died 1828. MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR BYRD of "The Cottage," was Anne Maria McMecken, daughter of William and Eleanor Armistead McMecken of Baltimore. Married Taylor Byrd on January 24, 1826. Died 1828. DR. CHARLES CARTER BYRD of "Chapel Hill," son of Capt. Thomas T. and Mary Armistead Byrd of "The Cottage." He built "Chapel Hill" and lived there. "In the grave beneath are deposited the mortal remains of Charles Carter Byrd who departed this life Dec. 14th, 1829, aged 30, cut oflf in the midst of his days and the exertion of manly ambition. As a Physician, successful and tender in the discharge of his duties, as a Friend beloved, as a Father devoted, as a Husband seldom equalled. She for whom he joined the tenderest names dedicates this marble to his memory, as a sad but heart felt testimony of love and respect. Thus do human hopes perish." MRS. GEORGE H. BURWELL of "Carter Hall," was Isabella Smith Dixon, daughter of John Peyton and Sarah Throck- morton Dixon of "Airville," Gloucester County. Born March 1801. Married George H. Burwell on March 28, 1820, at "Airville." Died at "Carter Hall" May 24, 1830. The recollection of her beauty of countenance and character have been handed down for generations. GEORGETT BURWELL, infant of George H. and Isabella Dixon Burwell of "Carter Hall." Born May 4,1830. Died June 12, 1830. JOHN MORGAN STILLMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stillman of Boston. His mother afterward became Mrs. John Holker of "Springsberry." Died 1831. JOHN A. O'CONNOR. Aged 1 year. Died February 10, 1832. MARTHA A. O'CONNOR. Aged 3 years. Died February 13, 1832. Page Thirty-Two JOHN O'CONNOR. Born 1793. Served in the war of 1812, 4th Virginia Regiment, as substitute for his brother Den- nis O'Connor. He married Elizabeth Wood December 18, 1823. Died at Millwood, March 1, 1832. JOHN RANDOLPH PAGE. Aged 6 years. Died January 31, 1832. PHILLIPPA B. PAGE. Aged 5 months. Died February 3, 1832. MRS. MANN PAGE. "Mary Page died 1835" marks the stone of Mrs. Mann Page of " Mannsfield." She was the daughter of John Tayloe and Rebecca Plater (of Maryland) his wife. Born 1758 in Spottsylvania County. Married Mann Page of "Mannsfield," when she was sixteen years old. "This truly estimable lady possessed a remarkable combina- tion of the greatest excellencies of character. Familiar in her earlier days with all the enjoyments that affluence and care could bestow, and called to preside over the hospital- ities of a mansion where the most brilliant and accom- plished spirits of those times were accustomed to assemble and sojourn; in subsequent years many changes and afflic- tions in the providence of God befell her. She was subjected in no ordinary degree to the great moral test of prosperity and proved herself capable of sustaining it without forgetting God her Maker. Alike when prosperity smiled and adversity frowned she exhibited the bland, the benign, the sincere and dignified cordiality of manner which so eminently characterized the olden days of Vir- ginia. She left behind her but few equals in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." She read with delight Scott's Commentary on the Bible, Baxter's Saint's Rest and Jay's Prayers. Her last days were spent in Millwood among her many friends and rela- tives, and there she died January 26, 1835. ROBERTA W. PAGE, child of Dr. Matthew and Mary C. Page of "Longwood." When a child of 5 years, while staying at "Prospect Hill," her skirts caught fire and she died of the burns September 25, 1835. DR. PHILIP GRYMES RANDOLPH, eldest son of Archibald Cary and Lucy Burwell Randolph, was born in 1802. He took his degree in the School of Medicine at Philadelphia and married Mary O'Neal of Washington about 1824. He was appointed Assistant Surgeon in the Army and stationed at Fort St. Philip, below New Orleans, where in addition to his professional duties he held for some time command of the Fort. He was transferred to Fort Leavenworth, on Page Thirty -Three the frontier, later resigned this position and became Chief Clerk in the War Department under President Jackson. In 1831 he was sent as a bearer of dispatches to Spain. Dr. Randolph died March 12, 1836, aged 34 years. MRS. JOHN H. WHEELER of Charlotte, N. C, was Mary, daughter of Rev. Obadiah Brown (Postmaster - General under President VanBuren) and his wife, "The Widow Jackson," of Washinton. Born in 1810. Died at "The Tuleyries," October 4, 1836. MRS. JOHN W. BYRD, was Mary Frances, daughter of Matthew and Ann R. Page of "Annefield." Born March 5, 1815. Died in Frederick, Md., February 1, 1837. DR. MATTHEW PAGE of " Longwood," only son of Gwynn Page of "Rosewell," and his wife, a Miss Herreford, was born in 1800. He moved to Clarke County and married on June 5, 1824, Mary (called Polly), daughter of Capt. A. C. and Lucy Randolph. Dr. Page built and lived at "Long- wood." He died January 17, 1837. MRS. JULIA C. AVERY, daughter of "Parson" Bracken and niece of Col. Nathaniel Burwell. Died at "Carter Hall," April 5, 1837. DENNIS O'CONNOR, son of Jerry O'Connor. Aged 51 years. Died in Millwood, April 11, 1837, ADAM BOSTEYON. Died 1837. ANN AMELIA BURWELL. Died in the 9th year of her age, September 17, 1837. ELIZABETH H. LITTLE, daughter of Dr. Robert and Mary B. Little. Aged 35 years. Died July 11, 1837. LEWIS BURWELL JR. of "Prospect Hill," son of Dr. Lewis and Maria Mann Burwell. He was driving a young horse which became unmanageable and he was precipitated from his vehicle and striking his head against a small stone received a wound which in about two hours resulted in his death at "Saratoga" on September 11, 1838, in the 21st year of his age. MRS. MATTHEW PAGE of "Annefield," was Anne Randolph Meade, eldest daughter of Col. Richard Kidder Meade and Mary Grymes, "the widow Randolph," his wife. She was born December 3, 1781, at Chatham, near Fredericksburg, Va. Early in life she was the subject of deep religious impressions which increased year by year and ultimately became the foundation of her every thought and act. In 1799 she married Matthew Page of "Annefield," owner Page Thirty-Four of one of the largest estates in Virginia. Mrs. Page felt herself divinely called to improve both temporally and spiritually the condition of the large number of slaves of whom she found herself mistress. Her husband, though he did not enter fully into her views of preparing them for colonization, was kind and indulgent and afforded her many opportunities for doing what she conceived to be her duty. After his death in 1826 she began final preparations for liberating her slaves and sending them to Liberia, which she did in 1832, providing them with every necessary supply for a year. It is said that she might have died wealthy, but she spent all her substance on charity, always considering her servants paramount, upon whom she expended the greater part of what she had. She died at "Annefield," March 28, 1838. DR. JOHN THOMPSON of Summit Point, son of Rev. Mr. Thompson of Scotland and of Salem, Fauquier County, Va. Dr. Thompson married Lucy Roots Throckmorton. He practiced medicine in Berryville for about fifty years. Died in 1840. His grandson. Dr. Pemberton Thompson, is now practicing at Summit Point. ANN MARIAH YOWELL, daughter Simeon and Sarah Ann Yowell. Born May 31, 1840. Died August 8, 1841. MRS. JOHN W. OWEN, was Cecilia Peyton Washington, daughter of Henry T. Washington of King George County. Died at "Woodland," Clarke County, October 16, 1841. MRS. THOMAS NELSON, was Mildred, second child of Hon. Hugh Nelson of "Bel voir," Albemarle County, and Eliza Kinloch of Charleston, S. C. Rorn about 1802. Married Thomas Nelson of ' 'Rosney," Clarke County, in 1820. Died on Easter Sunday, 1842. MRS. RICHARD EVELYN BYRD of Winchester, was Anne Harrison of "Brandon," daughter of Benjamin and Evelyn Taylor Byrd Harrison. Born in July, 1802. Married April 6, 1826. Died 1842. MRS. BOSTEYON. Widow of Adam Bosteyon. PHILIP HOGE. MRS. PEYTON R. BERKELEY, was Frances Ann Bannister Little, daughter of Dr. Robert Howe Little and Mary Blair Whiting, his wife. Married Dr. Peyton R. Berkeley of Hampden-Sidney. Died at Millwood, August 25, 1843. Page Thirty-Five MRS. NATHANIEL BUR WELL of ''Carter Hall," was Lucy Page, daughter of Mann Page of "Rosewell," and his wife, Anne Corbin Tayloe of "Mount Airy," Spottsylvania County. Born at "Rosewell" in 1759. She married first Col. George W. Baylor, and, after his death. Col. Nathaniel Burwell of "Carter's Grove," on January 24, 1789. Soon after their marriage he moved to Clarke County, the moun- tains being considered more advantageous to her health. She died November 11, 1843. It is said that she left as an example to her daughters and granddaughters the attrac- tive and impressive model of a Virginia lady of the olden time. WILLIAM LITTLE, son of Dr. Robert H. and Mary B. Whiting Little. Aged 36 years. Died December 9, 1843. ALICE BURWELL, infant of Geo. H. and Agnes A. Burwell of "Carter Hall." Died in 1843. THOMAS TAYLOR BYRD of "The Cottage." Son of Capt. Thomas T. Byrd. Born February 16, 1796. Married Anne Maria McMecken of Baltimore, January 24, 1826. Died at "The Cottage" in 1843. MRS. BENNETT TAYLOR. "Underneath this stone rest the remains of Susan Beverly, eldest daughter of Edmund Randolph, and wife of Bennett Taylor, who died Oct. 12th, 1846. Aged about 65 years. In life she was beloved and honored and in death she is affectionately remembered by her children John C. R. Taylor and Charlotte Robinson whose only parent she was for thirty years." MRS. MILTON, was a Miss Washington. She married first Dr. Nelson of Berry ville; afterward she married Mr. Milton. She died at "Roseville" in 1846. ROBERT HOWE LITTLE, son of Dr. Robert H. and Mary B. Whiting Little. Aged 29 years. Died June 15, 1847. MARY ATKINSON BURWELL, daughter of Geo. H. and Agnes A. Burwell of "Carter Hall." Born October 12, 1835. Died September 8, 1847. HENRY DICK. Died in 1847. DR. JAMES HAY of "Farnley." Son of the late William Hay of Kilseth, Scotland, and his wife nee Walker of Vir- ginia, was born in 1792. Dr. Hay was a scholar of great taste and a man who appreciated and understood music, art and literature. He married in 1818 Elizabeth Gwyn, daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Page Burwell of "Carter Hall." Died December 3, 1847. Page Thirty-Six ELIZABETH BURWELL LUCIUS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucius. Died April 26, 1848. JAMES K. POLK YOWELL, son of Simeon and Sarah Ann Yowell. Bern August 30, 1844. Died June 25, 1848. MRS. EDMUND PENDLETON, was Lucy, daughter of Col. Hugh Nelson of Yorktown, York County, and Judith Page his wife. Born in Yorktown May 16, 1776. Married Edmund Pendleton of Hanover County in 1798. Died at "West wood," Jefferson County, August 10, 1848. HARRIET EVANS (colored), wife of Randall Evans of Win- chester. Aged 38 years. Died November 20, 1848. CHARLES SIMEON MEADE, infant of Philip and Fanny ,- Meade. Died in 1849. PHILIP BURWELL of "Chapel Hill." Born in Williams- burg, January 15, 1776. Son of Col. Nathaniel and Susanna Grymes Burwell of "Carter's Grove." He moved to Clarke County with his father about 1790, and married Elizabeth (called Betsy) Page of Hanovertown, Hanover County, in 1797. After her death he married Susan R. Nelson, "The Widow Wellford." He had no children but virtually adopted several nieces and nephews to whom he left most of his property. He died at " Chapel Hill," February 11, 1849. LUCY PENDLETON, daughter of Rev. W. N. Pendleton and Anzolette Page of Hanover County, his wife. Born Feb- ruary 2, 1834. Died September 3, 1849. NATHANIEL BURWELL of "Saratoga." Son of Col. Nathaniel and Susanna Grymes Burwell, was born at ^^ Carter's Grove," February 16, 1779. He bought "Saratoga," which was built in 1781, from General Mor- gan's family. He married Elizabeth, known as " Pretty Betsy" Nelson, daughter of Nathaniel Nelson of Yorktown. He was a Christian gentleman and a vestryman and warden for many years. He was an affectionate father to three orphan nieces whom he adopted and treated as his own children, he dying without issue. He served his State with credit in the Legislature and was abreast of the times, favoring modern improvements. Died at " Saratoga," November 1, 1849. PHILIP PENDLETON COOKE, author of the immortal " Florence Vane," son of John R. and Maria Pendleton Cooke, was born October 26, 1816, at Martinsburg. He graduated at Princeton in the class of 1834, studied law and practiced for many years. His early life was spent at Page Thirty-Seven "Glengary," his father's residence near Winchester, where he used to write poetry and amuse himself with an AeoHan harp. He became early an indefatigable hunter and a tine shot. His first poems were published in the Southern Literary Messenger, edited then by Poe, who had a very high opinion of Mr. Cooke's productions. He was married on May 1, 1837, at " Saratoga," to Williann Corbin Tayloe Burwell, daughter of William Burwell of '"Glenowen," and through his wife came into possession of the estate of "The Vineyard," where he died of pneumonia, caught in riding through the Shenandoah on a hunting expedition, January 20, 1850. BETTY ROBINSON. Born January, 1811. Died April, 1850. GWYNN PAGE, son of Dr. Matthew and Mary C. Page of "Longwood." Aged 17 years. Killed by a horse May 28, 1850. MRS. NATHANIEL BURWELL of "Saratoga," was "Pretty Betsy" Nelson of Yorktown, daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Nelson of that place. Born 1778. Copied from her tomb- stone: "Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Burwell, relict of Nathaniel Burwell, who died at Saratoga on the 11th of June, 1850, in the 72d year of her age. As a wife and mother to adopted children, few equalled and none excelled her." LUCY WELLFORD RANDOLPH, infant of Dr. R. C. and Lucy Randolph of "New Market." Aged 4 months. Died July 19, 1850. PHILIP NELSON of "Long Branch" and "Rosney," "The Patriarch of Our Church," son of Gov. Thomas Nelson, was born at Yorktown, March 4, 1766. He married Sarah N. Burwell of Isle of Wight County in 1789. Soon after his marriage he came to Clarke County at the instance of Colonel Burwell of "Carter Hall." For 51 years he was a vestryman of the Old Chapel and Christ Church, Millwood, and a delegate from this Parish to the State and the General Convention for a long series of years. He was an excellent Lay Reader, having a most melodious and power- ful voice. He died at "Rosney," September 5, 1851. He was one of the Saints. DR. WILLIAM NELSON of "Rosney," son of Philip and Sarah Nelson. Born 1809. Married Nancy Mitchell of Charleston, S. C, in 1834. Died October 25, 1851. JENNIE CARTER (colored), nurse for the children of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Otway Byrd of "Oakley." She was the mother of Nat Carter, the well-known, faithful and inter- Page Thirty-Eight esting attendant of the Old Chapel grounds for a great number of years. Died about 1854. MRS. ALEXANDER WOOD, Elizabeth. Born 1778. Died April 3, 1853. CATHERINE ISHAM RANDOLPH, infant of Dr. Robert C. and Lucy W. Randolph of " New Market." Died Feb- ruary 5. 1864. DR. ROBERT HOWE LITTLE, son of William Little and grand-nephew of Lord Howe, was born in Jefferson County in 1775. Married in 1800 Mary Blair Whiting of '' En- field," Prince William County. He practiced medicine in this neighborhood for 32 years. Died in Millwood, June 4, 1854. FREDERICK CLOPTON. Died 1854. INFANT of J. C. R. Taylor. Died 1854. MRS. MATTHEW PAGE of "Longwood," was Mary Cary Randolph, daughter of Archibald Cary and Lucy Randolph. Born April 12, 1806. She married Dr. Matthew Page in March, 1824. Died January 22, 1855. MRS. GREGORY of Portsmouth, Va. Died at the home of her son-in-law, James Clark, in Millwood, in 1855. MRS. JAMES HAY of " Farnley," was Eliza Gwynn, daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Burwell of " Carter Hall." Born at "Carter's Grove," June 26, 1795. Married Dr. Hay in 1818. Died at " Green Hill," Millwood, April 13, 1855. HANNAH FAIRFAX WASHINGTON, daughter of Perrin Washington of Washington, D. C. Died August 19, 1856. PROF. J. WORTHINGTON SMITH, late Principal of Oak Grove Academy, Millwood. He ranked high in the Fraternity of Masons, having been Grand Master of the State of Virginia. He died October 23, 1856. DR. JOHN LANGBOURN BURWELL, son of George H. and Isabella Dixon Burwell of "Carter Hall." Born October 8, 1828. Died October 24, 1856. MISS LUCY G. NELSON of " Long Branch" and " Rosney," daughter of Philip and Sarah Burwell Nelson, was born in 1793. "With her sisters she conducted for a long series of years one of the most valuable female schools of Virginia " first at "Long Branch" and then at "Rosney." Bishop Meade said of this school that " it was qualified to prepare Page Thirty-Nine young men to enter college." Miss Nelson died at "Rosney" November 16, 1856. MRS. PHILIP NELSON of "Long Branch" and "Rosney," was Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel Burwell of Isle of Wight and his wife, nee Wormley. Born in 1769. She married Philip Nelson of Yorktown immediately after the Revolu- tionary War and moved to Clarke County. A remarkably intelligent and well-educated woman. Died at " Rosney" December 9, 1856. MRS. DAVID HOLMES MCGUIRE of Berryville, was Eliza G. P. Burwell, daughter of William N. and Mary Burwell of "Glenowen." Born November 16, 1816. Married David H. McGuire of Winchester, August 4, 1835. Died at "Woldnook" May 31, 1856. J. EDWARDS JACKSON, son of Dr. J. S. and Mary W. Jackson. Born 1828. Died 1856. INFANT of Nathaniel and Dorothy Burwell of "Glenvin." Died April 27, 1857. MRS. JOHN HOLKER of " Springsberry," was Nancy Davis Stackpole of Boston. Born May, 1777. Married first Mr. John M. Stillman, on February 15, 1794, and after his death she married Hon. John Holker in Boston, January 18, 1815. Died at "Long Branch" June 28, 1857. ROBERT MEADE, infant of Francis and Mary Meade of "Prospect Hill." Died August 19, 1857. MRS. ROBERT HOWE LITTLE, was Mary Blair Whiting, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Whiting of Jeiferson Coimty and afterward of "Enfield," Prince William County. Born in 1781. Married Dr. Little about 1800. Died at Millwood September 2, 1857. PHILIP BURWELL RANDOLPH of " New Market," son of Dr. Robert Carter and Lucy Randolph. Died at the University of Virginia of typhoid fever, in his 20th year, November 21, 1857. DR. JOHN PAGE HOPKINS, son of John and Abby Page Hopkins. He was United States Consul at Tabasco, Mexico, and died there in 1857. "Having gained the regard and affection of those among whom he resided, he was followed to the grave by the authorities and people of Tabasco and was buried with the honors due to his station." Reinterred at the Old Chapel. ANNIE E. THOMPSON, child of A. F. and M. E. Thompson. Died February 7, 1858. Page Forty GEORGE BURWELL, infant of John and Lucy Page of "Upper Longwood." Died July 20, 1858. LUCY, child of Philip and Fanny Meade. Died 1858. MARY LITTLE MCGUIRE, daughter of Rev. Francis H. and Mary W. McGuire of Mecklenburg. Aged 11 years. Died August 21 1858. MRS. JOHN EVELYN PAGE of "The Meadow," was Emily McGuire, daughter of Col. William H. and Mary Little McGuire. Born April 4, 1803. Married Judge Page of "Page Brook" in 1823. Died at "The Meadow" November 4, 1858. MRS. POLLY DORAN. Died 1859. MRS. MARGARET T. STONER. Born October 11, 1799. Died March 24, 1859. WILLIAM FITZHUGH RANDOLPH of "Chillowee," Cum- berland County, son of William Randolph of "Tuckahoe," and Lucy Boiling Randolph his wife. Born 1795. He Married Jane Cary Harrison of "Clifton," Cumberland County. Mr. Randolph was an eminent practitioner of law; was most eloquent, especially in criminal cases, where he was always found on the side of mercy and seldom failed to save his client. No fee would ever induce him to prose- cute the unfortunate. He died at his residence in Mill- wood, July 16, 1859. MRS. JAMES H. CLARKE of Millwood, was Jane A. Gregory of Portsmouth. Died in Millwood in her 46th year, August 10, 1859. ROBERT CARTER RANDOLPH JR, infant son of Beverly and Mary Conway Randolph of "The Moorings." Died 1859. PATTY BROOK. Copied from her stone: "Patty Brook (Colored). She was 13 at the siege of York and often talked of that event. This stone is put here at the request of her son Wm. Brook (Groom). 1859." WILLIAM BURWELL MCGUIRE of Berryville, son of David H. and Eliza G. McGuire. Born 1835. Died at Woldnook," his father's residence, in 1859. EDWARD ST. GEORGE COOKE, youngest son of John R. and Maria Pendleton Cooke of Richmond. Born 1835. Died at "The Vineyard" December 1, 1859. Page Forty-One COL. FRANCIS OTWAY BYRD of "Oakley," third son of Capt. Thomas T. Byrd and Mary Arraistead, his wife. Born August 20, 1790. He entered the Army of the United States at the commence- ment of the War of 1812 as Lieutenant in the Second Regiment of Artillery. In the memorable campaign on the Niagra in 1814, "Lieutenant Byrd," in the language of Major-General Gaines, "nobly and gallantly sustained his part, and more especially in the glorious victory of August 15, 1814." General Scott has also borne his testimony to "the distinguished gallantry of Lieutenant Byrd in the many battles and affairs in which he found himself engaged with the enemy." He volunteered his services under Commodore Decatur againt Algiers, and captured at sea an Algerine frigate, receiving for his great valor a handsome Turkish sword and pair of Algerine pistols from Commodore Decatur. After Captain Byrd's return to this country he married in 1817 Miss Elizabeth Pleasants of Philadelphia and settled with her at "Oakley," Clarke County. Virginia, in 1848, voted him for his gallant conduct a sword of honor. In 1855 he removed to Baltimore to be near his beloved daughter, Mrs. Samuel G. Wyman. He died on May 2, 1860, at 7.30 in the evening. COL. JOSEPH TULEY of "The Tuleyries," son of Joseph and Ann Tuley. Born May, 1796. Married Mrs. Mary W. Jackson, nee Edelen, of Maryland. He built "The Tuleyries," where he died June 17, 1860. JANETT HOPKINS, daughter of Commodore and Mrs. William Hopkins. Died 1860. MRS. JANE L. CARTER, Mary E. Aged 31 years. Died August 26, 1860. LEWIS C. CARTER, infant of J. L. and M. E. Carter. Died September 5, 1860. JOHN JOLLIFFE of Winchester. Born March 19, 1812. Married Lucy Marshall Burwell of " Glenowen," on Sep- tember 17, 1835. Died at his residence, "Glenowen," September 15, 1860. MRS. PHILIP NELSON, was Emily, daughter of Judge John E. and Emily Page. Born at "Page Brook" August 31, 1831. Married December 21, 1853, Mr. Philip Nelson of Nelson, Nelson County. Died October 5, 1860. INFANT of Guerdon Pendleton. Died 1861. Page Forty-Two S. D. MOORHEAD of 11th Mississippi Infantry. Wounded at Berrys Ferry. Died at the home of Otway McCormick August 10, 1861. PHINEAS PEMBERTON WHITING, son of N. Burwell and M. Camilla Whiting of "Pleasant Hill." Aged 4 years. Died November 20, 1861. ISABELLA HARRISON, daughter of Henry and Fanny Tabb Harrison. Born at "Berkeley," Charles City County, February 13, 1853. Died December 12, 1861. GEORGE H. HAY, infant of Dr. William and Emily Hay. Died December 16, 1861. WILLIAM ARMISTEAD WHITING, son of N. Burwell and M. Camilla Whiting of "Pleasant Hill." Born October 22, 1853. Died January 11, 1862. SON of Thomas Brown. Died 1862. MRS. JOSEPH F. RYAN, was Ann J. McCormick, daughter of Otway and Sarah McCormick. Born 1836. Died January 29, 1862. MRS. DR. CHARLES CARTER BYRD, was Jane F., daughter of Henry S. Turner of "Wheatland," Jefferson County. Born September 11, 1801. Died February 29, 1862. AGNES BURWELL PAGE, eldest daughter of John and Lucy Mann Page of "Upper Longwood." Aged 7 years. Died March 19, 1862. LOUISE BURWELL MEADE, daughter of Francis B. and Mary Mann Meade of "Prospect Hill." Born July 11, 1850. Died Good Friday, April 19, 1862. MICHAEL B. COPENHAVER of Millwood. Born 1815. Died July 9, 1862. MAJ. HUGH MORTIMER NELSON of "Long Branch," twelfth child of Francis Nelson of "Mont Air," Hanover County, and Lucy Page, his wife. Born at "Mont Air" October 20, 1811. He removed to Clarke County and married Adelaide Holker of "Springsberry" and Boston, Mass., in 1836. He first entered the army as Captain of Company D, 6th Virginia Cavalry, and was afterward aide-de-camp to Major-General Ewell, who spoke of his death as an "official and social loss." He died in Albemarle County of typhoid fever, August 6, 1862. Page Forty-Three NATHANIEL BURWELL of "Carter Hall," eldest son of George H. and Agnes A. Burwell of "Carter Hall." Died at "Aldie," Loudoun County, September 5, 1862, from the effects of a wound received at the second battle of Manassas, and was buried the day before his 24th birthday. He was in Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. "No braver man fought or fell on that battlefield." FRANCIS BEVERLY WHITING, son of William Henry and Mary Foote Whiting of "Clay Hill." Died 1862. LUCY B. WHITING, infant of N. Burwell and M. Camilla Whiting of "Pleasant Hill." Died November 8, 1862. CORPORAL L. FREEMAN, Company I, 10th Virginia Cavalry. Died in Millwood at the home of Mrs. Ritter, November 11, 1862. MATTHEWELLA BYRD, daughter of John W. Byrd and his wife, Mary F. Page of "Annefield." Was a child of about ten or twelve years. Buried at "Annefield." Reinterred 1863. JANE CARY RANDOLPH, child of Beverly and Mary Conway Randolph of "The Moorings." Aged 2 years. Died March 15, 1863. A. B. BEAUFORD, Company H, 47th Mississippi Infantry. Died at "Ben Lomond" June 28, 1863. INFANT of Guerdon Pendleton. Died 1863. FANNY MORGAN. Aged 16 years. Died August 12, 1863. ANNIE PAGE RENSHAW, infant of Robert H. and Lucy Carter Renshaw of "Annefield." Born May 13, 1861. Died August 14, 1863. LIEUT. ROBERT P. BURWELL of "Glenvin," son of Nathaniel and Dorothy P. Burwell of "Glenvin." "No braver officer or better soldier was known in Stuart's Horse Artillery." Promoted for gallantry at Sharpsburg. Mortally wounded at Brandy Station in August, 1863. Aged 19 years. INFANT of Thomas Brown. Died September 10, 1863. PHILIP SMITH, infant of Warren C. and Betty B. Smith of "Summerfield." Died September 14, 1863. LOUIS DE LUNA RENSHAW, child of Robert H. and Lucy Carter Renshaw of "Annefield." Born March 18, 1860, Died September 29, 1863. INFANT of Mr. Menifee. Died 1863. Page Forty-Fopj SON of Mr. Menifee. Died 1863. LIEUT. BENJAMIN HARRISON MCGUIRE, son of Rev. Francis and Mary McGuire of Mecklenburg. Company B, 22d Regiment. Killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863, aged 19 years. "Regretted and mourned by all who knew him," JAMES CARTER. Died 1864. COL. WILLIAM WELLFORD RANDOLPH of "New Mar- ket." 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Son of Dr. Robert C. and Lucy W. Randolph of "New Market." Born Feb- ruary 20, 1837. He married Ada Stuart of King George County, in 1863, and was killed in the battle of "The ^^ Wilderness," May 5, 1864. "He stood 6 feet 4 and well proportioned. His gallant bearing, his sincere regard for the rights and feelings of others, coupled with an excellent mind, gave him great and well deserved influence over all with whom he came in contact. The old 2d will ever cherish sacredly the memory of him who never gave command but 'twas cheer- fully obeyed." DR. WILLIAM HAY of "Farnley," son of Dr. James and Ehza Gwyn Hay of "Farnley." Married Emily Lewis of Philadelphia. He entered the army as First Lieutenant, Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade, and later was one of the most noted Surgeons in the Confederate Army. Died in Staunton, Va., June 30, 1864. Aged 32 years. GEORGE A. KITTLE, Company A, 62d Virginia Cavalry. Killed at the battle of Berry's Ferry, July 19, 1864. S. P. PORTER, from Tennessee, Company E, 3d Tennessee Cavalry, Vaughn's Brigade. Died at "Carter Hall," August 1, 1864. JOHN W. BYRD of Williamsburg. Married Mary Frances, daughter of Matthew and Anne Page of "Annefield." Died August 8, 1864. MARY and MARGARET PENDLETON, daughters of Guerdon Pendleton. Died 1864. CAPT. ROBERT CARTER RANDOLPH of "New Market," fourth son of Dr. Robert C. and Lucy Welford Randolph of "New Market." Captain of Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. He was killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864, at the age of 25. "Speak softly, let no careless laugh, No idle thoughtless jest Escape your lips where sweetly sleeps The Soldier in his rest." (Copied from his tombstone.) Page Forty-Five LUCIA KATE SHEARER, child of James Shearer. Aged 4 years. Died November 14, 1864. CARLYLE FAIRFAX WHITING of "Roseville," son of Wilham Wihner and Lucy Ehzabeth Whiting. Born May 2, 1842. He was a member of Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Wounded at Manassas. This wound disabling him for infantry service, he joined the Clarke Cavalry. He was killed November 3, 1864. BEVERLEY RANDOLPH of "The Moorings," eldest son of Major Beverley and Mary ConAvay Randolph of "The Moorings." Born May 28, 1848. Killed at Greenwood Depot, Albemarle County, Va., March 2, 1865, aged 17, giving up his young life for the Lost Cause. FRANK HOLLAND, child of John and Rosabelle Holland. Died 1865. MISS BETSY ROYSTER. Came from "Westover," where she lived with Mrs. Byrd, and became a member of Mr. John Page's family at "Pagebrook" as housekeeper. Aged 80 years. Died in Millwood March 13, 1865. MISS ROSA EVELYN CARTER of "Annefield," daughter of Thomas and Anne Willing Carter of "Annefield." Born March 31, 1846. Died in Philadelphia April 8, 1865. MISS NANCY ROYSTER, sister of Miss Betsy Royster. Aged 78 years. Died in Millwood, 1865. MRS. JAMES ALLEN, was Julia, only child of Hugh Nelson Pendleton of Clarke County and Lucy Nelson, his wife, who was the only child of Chancellor Robert Nelson. Julia Pendleton was born about 1830. She married about 1853 James Allen of Bedford County. He was killed at the head of the 2d Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade, at the battle of Cold Harbor, 1862. She died July 24, 1865. FANNY B. MORGAN. Died August 20, 1865. NATHANIEL BURWELL MAYO, infant of P. H. and Isabella B. Mavo of Richmond. Born June 17, 1864. Died at "Carter Hall" August 20, 1865. MRS. ROBERT H. RENSHAW, was Lucy Carter, daughter of Thomas and Anne Carter of "Annefield." Born June 20, 1838. Married Robert H. Renshaw in Baltimore, April, 1859. Died at York, Pa., September 15, 1865. MISS BETTY THOMPSON, daughter of Baalis Thompson. Aged 18 years. Died November 28, 1865. BENJAMIN THOMPSON. Died in his 92d year, November 30, 1865. Page Forty- Six ORDERLY SERGEANT JOHN KELLY, Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Died December 20, 1865. FRANCIS STRIBLING WHITING, son of F. H. Whiting. Born November 2, 1859. Died April 21, 1866. INFANT of Beverley and Mary Conway Randolph of "The Moorings." Died April 28, 1866. INFANT of Capt. William N. and Mary P. Nelson of ''Linden." Died June 14, 1866. CHILD of Mr. Dick. Died July 3, 1866. WILLIAM GAINES CARTER. Died July 8, 1866. MISS NANCY BOSTEYON, daughter of Adam Bosteyon. Died July 15, 1866. THREE CHILDREN of James Shearer. Reinterred in 1867. INFANT of Commodore William Hopkins, U. S. N. Died 1867. GREENBERRY THOMPSON. Aged 70 years. Died June 11, 1867. FRANCIS BEVERLY WHITING of "Clay Hill," son of Henry and Elizabeth Braxton Whiting. Born near Wick- liffe, Jefferson County, August 10, 1785, and later moved to "Enfield," Prince William County. On October 16, 1816, he married Mary Burwell of "Carter Hall" and built "Clay Hill," where he died June 14, 1867. JAMES R. DICK, son of J. M. and S. J. Dick. Died July 1, 1867. CHARLOTTE WICKHAM LUCY RENSHAW of "Anne- field," daughter of Robert H. and Lucy Carter Renshaw. Born May 10, 1864. Died at "Annefield" July 23, 1867. INFANT of Warren and Betty B. Smith of "Summerville." Died 1867. VIRGINIUS CARY RANDOLPH, infant of Maj. Beverley and Mary C. Randolph of "The Moorings." Died Novem- ber 11, 1867. MRS. JAMES RYAN, was Ann, daughter of Mr. Clarke and his wife, Fanny Frazard of Maryland. Born 1795. Died January 29, 1868. MISS ABBY BYRD NELSON of "The Cottage," second daughter of Judge William Nelson and Abby Byrd, his wife, of Yorktown. Born 1792. Died at "The Cottage," her residence in Millwood, May 16, 1868. Page Forty-Seven DOROTHY BURWELL, infant of Nathaniel and Dorothy Burwell of "Glenvin." Born December 2, 1867. Died September 19, 1868. MISS MARTHA DICK, daughter of Henry Dick. Died Sep- tember 24, 1868. Aged 59 years. NATHANIEL BURWELL WHITING of "Pleasant Hill," son of Francis Beverley and Mary Burwell Whiting of "Clay Hill." Born December 9, 1818. He married Mary Camilla Pleasants of Baltimore on July 24, 1852. Mr. Whiting built "Pleasant Hill," where he died December 11, 1868. WILLIAM TAYLOR BURWELL, son of George H. and Isabella Dixon Burwell of "Carter Hall." Born July 2, 1824. Died February 15, 1869. INFANT of Nathaniel B. and Jane Winston Cooke of "Jane- way," Hanover County. Died at "The Vineyard" June 12, 1869. CATHERINE RANDOLPH, child of William Eston and Susan Randolph of "Ben Lomond." Died July, 1869. CHURCHILL JONES, infant son of Rev. Joseph R. and Courtney Jones. Aged 1 year. Died July, 1869. J. MARSHALL JOLLIFFE, infant of John and Kate JoUiffe. Died September 13, 1869. CHILD of William H. Thompson. Died 1869. LAVINI A EPPES RANDOLPH, daughter of William Eston and Lavinia Eppes Randolph. Died at "New Market" September 15, 1869, in the 16th year of her age. MISS ROSALIE NELSON of "The Cottage," fifth daughter of Judge William Nelson and Abby Byrd, his wife, of Yorktown. Born in 1795. Died at "The Cottage," her residence in Millwood, December 24, 1869. MRS. PHILIP BURWELL of "Chapel Hill," was Susan R. C. Nelson, thirteenth child of Col. William Nelson of "The Dorrill," Hanover County, and Lucy Chiswell, his wife. Born May 18, 1790. She married on March 2, 1809, William Welford. Mr. Welford died, leaving one child, Lucy Nelson Welford. Susan R. C. Nelson, "The Widow Welford," then married Philip BurAvell of "Chapel Hill." "One of the loveliest old ladies, venerated by her own and the descendants of others." She died at "New Market" December 27, 1869. WESTEL WILLOUGHBY JACKSON, son of Dr. J. S. and Mary W. Jackson. Born 1826. Died February 19, 1870. Page Forty-Elight MRS. TALLEY. Aged 64 years. Died March 11, 1870. INFANT of Mr. Hottle. Died 1870. BEN B. RANDOLPH, infant of William Eston and Susan Randolph. Died 1870. CHILD of Herman Ritter. Died 1870. GEORGE CHEEKS. Died in the 90th year of his age, October 23, 1870. RANDAL EVANS (Colored). Lived in Winchester, where he conducted a high-class restaurant. Died in Baltimore, 1871. MRS. GREENBERRY THOMPSON, daughter of Adam Bosteyon. Died January 10, 1871. MISS CARTER. Died 1871. MARY FRANCES JONES, infant of Rev. Joseph R. and Courtney Jones. Died 1871. CHILD of William Thompson. Died 1871. RICHARD EVELYN BYRD of Winchester, son of Thomas Taylor and Mary Anne Armistead Byrd. Born at "The Cottage" December 29, 1801. Married on April 6, 1826, Anne Harrison of "Brandon." After her death, which occurred in 1842, he married Mary Funston of Winchester. Died on Monday, January 1, 1872. CHILD of Gustavus Green. Died 1872. INFANT of Rev. Joseph R. and Courtney B. Jones. Died 1872. JOHN SILVY. Died August 12, 1872. MISS JULIA BOSTEYON. Aged 71 years. Died November 24, 1872. MR. WESSING. Died 1873. REV. WILLIAM H. PENDLETON. Born in Berkeley County September 30, 1817. He entered upon the work of the Ministry in the year 1844. Married Henrietta E. Randolph of Clarke County, May 8, 1850. Died at his home near Delaplane, Fauquier County, March 8, 1873. MIRANDA BO WEN, brother of Henry Bo wen, the portrait painter. Aged 62 years. Died April 30, 1873. TWO CHILDREN of Rev. William H. and Henrietta Pendle- ton. Reinterred in 1873. EMMA B. DICK, infant of J. M. and S. J. Dick. Died July 25, 1873. Page Forty-Nine LUCY RANDOLPH, child of William Eston and Susan Ran- dolph. Died at "Ben Lomond" July 30, 1873. JAMES GIERING. Died at "Roseville" August 21, 1873. MRS. JAMES CARTER. Born 1795. Died August 24, 1873. GEORGE HARRISON BURWELL of "Carter Hall," son of Col. Nathaniel Burwell and his second wife, Lucy Page, widow of Col. George Baylor, was born in Millwood, October 6, 1799, while the "Carter Hall" house was yet incomplete. He was named for his mother's first husband and for her brother-in-law, Mr. Harrison of "Brandon," on the James River. Until fourteen years old he was taught by tutors at home, where a number of the youths of the surrounding country — including the venerated Bishop Meade — were also taught. Afterward he attended a school in Frederick Town, Md., and matriculated at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va., and at Yale College, New Haven. But impatience to marry Miss Isabella Dixon of Gloucester County, Va., interfered with the completion of his college course. After marrying he continued to live with his mother at "Carter Hall," and entered with enthusiasm and rare judg- ment and skill upon the management of his share of his father's large estate. He obtained the best results from slave labor by enforcing strict obedience, tempered with fairness and justice and the utmost consideration for their bodily and spiritual welfare. As far as practicable, reason- able tasks were set which, when completed, the laborers were free to return to their homes. Pleasant scenes can now be recalled of both men and women returning early in the afternoon of an autumn day from the Island in the River after the allotted quantity of corn had been shucked. After harvest, too, faithful labor was rewarded by payment of varying amounts in gold and silver coin. Abundant supplies of clothing and shoes were issued twice a year — woolen clothing in winter and cotton in summer. A house of worship was erected and the Rector of the Parish employed to hold week-day services from time to time, except during seed-time and harvest. Mr. Burwell's fondness for fine stock, especially for the blooded horse, led to his establishing in early life a racing stable, the foundation mares of which were obtained from John Randolph of Roanoke. When racing ceased to be interesting as a personal amusement he sold his stud and invested part of the proceeds in plate. His second wife was Agnes Atkinson of "Mansfield," Din- widdie County, whom he married August 4, 1831. Page Fifly His was a most hospitable and generous nature. He gave the land upon which Christ Church, Millwood, now stands, and contributed largely to all good objects within the Parish and out of it, among others the American Bible Society and the Emancipation Society for the emigration of freed negroes to Liberia. When the Civil War arose he was a warm sympathizer with the South, gave largely to the cause and invested largely in its securities. In the conflict he lost a beloved son in the Stonewall Brigade and almost all of his property except his real estate. He survived the social and economical upheaval for more than eight years and bore bravely his part of the trials and deprivations of the period. Few men studied the Bible more than he did, comparing Scripture with Scripture by the aid of the most approved commentaries. His death took place at " Carter Hall" on October 5, 1873. PHILIP NELSON MEADE of "Mountain View," eldest son of Bishop William Meade and Mary, his wife. Born Jan- uary 19, 1811. Married Miss Fannie Page of "Rugswamp," Hanover County, in 1838. Died November 8, 1873. DAVID HOLMES MCGUIRE of Berry ville, son of David Holmes and Eliza B. McGuire of "Woldnook." Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Afterward with Clarke Cavalry. Died at "Woldnook" in March, 1874. MRS. WILLIAM G. CARTER, was Emily, daughter of Adam Bosteyon. Died 1874. MRS. RICHARD EVELYN BYRD of Winchester, was Mar- garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Funston of Win- chester. Died April 21, 1874. ROBERT F. TAPSCOTT. Born March 8, 1817. Died June 25, 1874. JOHN ALEXANDER, son of William and Sarah Kerfoot Alexander. Born February 14, 1787. Married Jemima A. Crigler. Died January 14, 1875. MRS. JOHN PAGE of "Upper Longwood," was Lucy Mann Burwell, daughter of George H. and Isabella Dixon Bur- well of "Carter Hall." Born September 17, 1822. Married John Page of "Longwood" at "Carter Hall" December 18, 1843. Died in Millwood February 5, 1875. MRS. JOHN KELLY, was Mary F. Bayless of Winchester. Died March 5, 1875. MRS. HUGH MORTIMER NELSON of "Long Branch," was Anna Maria Adelaide Holker, only daughter of Honorable Page Fihy-One John and Nancy Davis Holker of ' ' Springsberry" and Boston, Mass. Born September 22, 1816. Married Maj. Hugfh M. Nelson in 1836. Died at " Long Branch" March 19, 18Y5. ROBERT PAGE, infant of Dr. Robert P. and Martha Hardee Page of Berryville. Died June 23, 1875. CHILD of James Shearer. Died October 15, 1875. MRS. JOHN ALEXANDER, was Jemima A. Crigler, daughter of Lewis and Nancy Crigler. Born December 2, 1794. Died February 16, 1876. FRANCIS LLEWELLYN WHITING, son of George and Belinda Whiting. Born November 18, 1872. Died March 14, 1876. MRS. FRANCIS MCGUIRE, was Mary Willing Harrison daughter of Benjamin and Lucy Nelson Harrison of "Berkeley." Married Rev. Francis McGuire and lived in Mecklenburg County. Removed to Millwood, where she died March 26, 1876. MRS. GEORGE CHEEKS. Died 1876, JAMES H. CLARKE of Millwood. Married Jane A. Gregory of Portsmouth, Va. Died at "Linden" April 12, 1876. JAMES W. RYAN, son of James and Ann Clarke Ryan. Born 1829. Married Sophia DeButts Carpenter of Loudoun County. Died August 29, 1876. MISS ELIZA B. MCGUIRE of Berryville, daughter of David H. and Eliza B. McGuire. Born 1856. Died at "Wold- nook" September 16, 1876. ANTOINETTE BUR WELL, daughter of P. Lewis and Sarah Burwell. Died at Cumberland, Md., 1876. MISS NANNIE ADELAIDE NELSON of "Long Branch," daughter of Maj. Hugh M. and Adelaide Holker Nelson of "Long Branch." Born August 18, 1839. Died at her home March 5, 1877. MISS VIRGINIA MORGAN. Died 1877. MAJ. MATHIS WINSTON HENRY. Born at Bowling Green, Ky., November 28, 1838. Graduated from West Point with the class of 1861. Sent in his resignation and joined the Southern Army. He was First Lieutenant of Pelham's Battery of Stuart's Horse Artillery, C. S. A., the first horse artillery ever organized. Was Chief of Artil- lery, Longstreet's Corps, when in Tennessee under Bragg. Page Fifty-Twp After the war he went to Nevada as a mining engineer and was engaged in that work the remainder of his life. Major Henry married Susan R. Biirwell of '"Glenvin" on October 26, 1875. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., on November 28, 1877. MES. JOHN ESTEN COOKE of "The Briars," was Mary Francis Page, daughter of Dr. Robert Powel and Susan Randolph Page of "The Briars." Born May 24, 1840. Married John Esten Cooke September 18, 1867. Died at "The Briars" January 15, 1878. MISS ANNE PLEASANTS BYRD of "Oakley," daughter of Capt. F. Otway and Elizabeth Pleasants Byrd of "Oakley." Born December 16, 1819. Died in Baltimore February 21, 1878. MOSES EWENS. Died 1878. SIMEON YO WELL. Born in Madison County, December 16, 1804. Married Sarah Ann Tucker of Culpeper County, November 15, 1827. Died November 20, 1878. INFANT of James Carter. Died February 19, 1879. JENNIE E. NEVILLE, child of Alexander Nevill. Aged 4 years. Died Marcli 4, 1879. MRS. URIAH ROYSTON, was Hannah B. Doran. Aged 77 years. Died 1879. FRANCIS H. AVHITING of "Engleside," son of George Whiting of Washington and his wife, Frances Horner of Warrenton. Born January 23, 1807. Died June 1, 1879. MRS. WALKER. Died 1879. CHILD of Mrs. Walker. Died 1879. ROBERT NELSON, infant of Thomas M. and Susie Nelson. Died November 30, 1879. W. C. DIFFENDERFER, grandchild of Edward Dick. Died March 15, 1880. MRS. GEORGE RIDDLE ROYSTON, Katherine S. Born March 18, 1838. Died June 28, 1880. MRS. FRANCIS OTWAY BYRD of "Oakley," was Elizabeth Rhodes Pleasants. She was born October 15, 1793, of a highly honorable Quaker family in Philadelphia. She married Captain Byrd in 1817, and lived at "Oakley." She was given to hospitality, and her genial and delightful teas will long be remembered. Mrs. Byrd died at the summer residence of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel G. Wyman, near Boston, Mass., July 25, 1880. Page Fifty-Three LOUISE S. CAKTER, eldest daug-hter of Dr. C. Shirley and Mary Carter of '"Morven," near Leesburg-. Born January 20, 1875. Died July 14, 1880. MARTHA ELOISE SHEPHERD, child of Joseph Shepherd. Died 1880. MRS. FRANCIS BEVERLEY WHITING of "Clay Hill," was Mary Burwell, daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Lucy Page Burwell of "Carter Hall." Born at Millwood January 18, 1798. Married Francis B. Whiting- October 16, 1816. Died at "Clay Hill" December 15, 1880. "She was generous in the extreme. A true Virginia matron of the Old School, and beloved by all." HON. JOHN EVELYN PAGE of "Page Brook," third son of John Page and Maria Horsemander Byrd, his wife, was born at "Page Brook" March 11, 1796. Married in 1823 Miss Emily McGuire, daughter of Col. William. H. McGuire. Judge Page built "The Meadow)" (now called "Hunt- ingdon"), where he lived many years. He was Circuit Court Judge for the Counties of Clarke and Wai-ren up to the time of his death. A gentleman of spotless integrity. A Vestryman for 46 years. He died at "Page Brook" March 4, 1881. MRS. THOMAS C. BOWIE of Philadelphia, was Maria Vidal Page, daughter of Dr. William Byrd and Celestine Davis Page of Philadelphia. Born June 10, 1843. Died in Winchester July 15, 1881. GEORGE NELSON, infant of Thomas and Susie Nelson. Died July, 1881. MRS. ELIZABETH D. KNIGHT, daughter of Henry Dick. Died in her 84th year, October 8, 1881. RILEY H. RITTER, infant of Herman and Lucy Ritter. Born November 4, 1880. Died October 23, 1881. FRANCIS BURWELL MEADE, infant of Philip C. and Aleathia C. Meade. Died October 16, 1881. EDWIN RITTER, child of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ritter of Millwood. Born December 22, 1878. Died October 13, 1881. MRS. SAMUEL GERICH WYMAN of Baltimore, was Mary Armistead Byrd, daughter of Francis Otway and Elizabeth Pleasants Byrd of "Oakley." Born Mav 3, 1818. Married Mr. Wyman at "Oakley" June 28, 1837. Died in Balti- more October 20, 1881. Page Fifly-Four OTWAY MCCORMICK. Born October 26, 1796. Married Sarah Alexander in 1829. Died November 21, 1881. MRS. ROBERT CARTER RANDOLPH of "New Market," was Lucy Nelson Welford, daughter of William and Susan Nelson Welford of Fredericksburg-, Va. Born April 28, 1810. Married Dr. R. C. Randolph at "Chapel Hill" (the home of her stepfather, Philip Burwell) April 28, 1830. Died at "New Market" February 1, 1882. A woman of unusual piety and remarkable intellect. She principally educated her son, Isham Randolph, who is one of the leading engineers of the world. DAVID HOLMES MCGUIRE of Berryville, son of Edward and Elizabeth Holmes McGuire. Born November 5, 1813. Married Eliza G. Burwell of "Glenowen" August 4, 1835. Mr. McGuire was a Warden of Grace Church and a venerable and respected member of the Bar. Died at his home, "Woldnook," February 11, 1882. MRS. JOHN W^ALKER. Died 1882. INFANT grandchild of Riddle Royston. Died 1882. SUSIE HEPBURN NELSON, infant of Thomas M. and Susie A. Nelson. Died at "Mount Airy" October 5, 1882. EVELYN WILLIAMS (Colored). "Mammy Evelyn," the faithful servant and devoted nurse of all the children at "The Briars." Died at "The Glen" November 12, 1882. Aged 83 years. SAMUEL GERISH W^MAN of Baltimore. Born in Rox- bury, Mass., March 11, 1809. Married Mary Armistead Byrd of "Oakley," at that place, on June 28, 1837. For a number of years Mr. Wyman was Vestryman of Grace Church, Baltimore. "He was a steward of remarkable fidelity in the use of his large and growing possessions." He died in Baltimore March 6, 1883. MRS. ALEXANDRIA BAKER, was Caroline M. Hite, daughter of James Madison Hite of "Guilford," Clarke County, who was a nephew of President Madison, and Caroline M. Irvin of Lynchburg, his wife. Born 1822. Married Major Baker of "Federal Hill" August 29, 1839. Died at "Chapel Green" March 7, 1883. CHARLES JACKSON (Colored). Butler for Dr. Robert C. Randolph at "New Market." One of the old faithful servants. Died April, 1883. THOMAS NELSON CARTER of "Annefield," son of Robert Carter of "Shirley," and his wife, Mary Nelson, daughter of Gen. Thomas Nelson. He was born at "Shirley" Octo- Page Fifty- Five ber 8, 1800. Married Juliet Muse Gaines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaines (nee Muse) of King and Queen County, a brilliant and beautiful woman of most engaging manners, who died at the age of 28 years and was buried at "Pampatike." He then married Anne Willing Page of "Page Brook," known as "Sweet Anne Page," pn Novem- ber 19, 183.5. Soon after this marriage he purchased "Annefield," where they spent many happy years. He died at "The Glen," the residence of his son, Capt. William P. Carter, April 5, 1883. MRS. WILLIAM P. BRIGGS, was Lucy Virginia Klipstein, youngest daughter of Peter and Frances P. Klipstein of Winchester. Died at her home in Clarke County April 12, 1883. MRS. GEORGE H. BURWELL JR, was Laura Lee, only child of Charles H. and Elizabeth A. Lee of Leesburg, Va. Married George H. Burwell of "Carter Hall," September, 1877. Died in Richmond April 25, 1883. MRS. JOHN O'CONNOR, was Elizabeth Wood, daughter of Alexander Wood of JMillwood. Born 1801. Married John O'Connor December 18, 1823. Died at Millwood April 1, 1883. MRS. JOHN PAGE BURWELL, was Elizabeth (called Lizzie) Mayhew Wainwright, daughter of Commodore Mayhew and Maria Page Wainwright of New York. Born 1850. Married Dr. John P. Burwell of "Glenvin," September 24, 1872. Died in Vv^ilmington, Del., July 29, 1883. ROBERT RENSHAW RANDOLPH, infant of Dr. Archibald C. and Susie Randolph of Millwood. Born December 5, 1882. Died August 2, 1883. MRS. WILLIAM FITZHUGH RANDOLPH of Millwood, was Jane Cary Harrison, daughter of Randolph Harrison of "Clifton," Cumberland County, and Mary Randolph of "Dungeness," his wife. Born February 9, 1797. Married William F. Randolph of "Chillowee," Cumberland County, Died at "The Moorings," the home of her son, Maj. Beverly Randolph, on November 28, 1883. MRS. JOHN W. MCCORMICK, was Lucy E. H., daughter of David H. and Eliza B. McGuire of "Woldnook." Born July 12, 1838. Married Treadwell Smith of Berryville. After Mr. Smith's death she married John W. McCormick. Died March 14, 1884. HENRY BURWELL, infant of Dr. Philip and Maria Burwell of Parkersburg. Died in Parkersburg, W. Va. , April 17, 1884. Page Fifty-Six JOHN BURWELL, infant of Dr. Philip and Maria Burwell of Parkersburg. Died at "Glenvin" May 11, 1884. WILLIAM HARDEE PAGE, eldest son of Dr. Robert P. and Martha Turner Hardee Page of Berryville. Born June 8, 1864. Drowned in Angler's Pond, near Ponce de Leon Springs, Atlanta, Ga., June 11, 1884. FRENCH THOMPSON. Died 1884. MRS. HENRY KNIGHT, was Julia Carter, grandmother of Adam Bosteyon. Died January 3, 1885. MISS LUCY HARRISON of "Berkeley,'^' Charles City County, daughter of Benjamin Harrison of "Berkeley" and Mary W. Page of "Page Brook." Died in Millwood January 15, 1885. URIEL BLUE ROYSTON. The oldest resident of Millwood. Died April 23, 1885. JOHN PAGE of "Upper Longwood," son of William Byrd Page of "Page Brook" and Evelyn Byrd Nelson, his wife, who was a daughtei- of Judge William Nelson of Williams- burg. Born December 4, 1819, at "Page Brook." Mar- ried Lucy Mann Burwell of " Carter Hall" at that place, December 18, 1843. He was Vestryman in this Parish for more than thirty years, and enjoyed the affectionate esteem of the whole community. Died at his home September 14, 1885. MRS. GEORGE H. BURWELL of "Carter Hall," was Agnes Atkinson, daughter of Robert and Mary Tabb Mayo Atkin- son of "Manstield," near Petersburg. Born January 26, 1810. Married George H. Burwell of "Carter Hall," at " Manstield," August 4, 1831. Though only 21 years old she made an ideal stepmother, and was the gracious mistress of "Carter Hall," where for many years she dis- pensed loving and lavish hospitality. Lovely in appearance and character, outspoken and brave. A blessing to all who came in contact with her. She died at " Saratoga," the residence of her son-in-law, R. Powel Page, December 4, 1885. MRS. EDWARD DICK, Catherine A. Born March 27, 1809. Died May 17, 1886. WILLIAM PYLE. Died 1886. SARAH NELSON MEADE and ALETHEA COLLINS MEADE, infants of P. C. and Alethea C. Meade. Died August 12, 1886. WILLIAM BROWN. Died 1886. Pcige Fifty-Seven FRANCIS BURWELL MEADE of ''Prospect Hill," youngest son of Bishop William Metide and Mary Nelson, his wife, was born at '* Mountain View," in 1815. Married Mary Mann Burwell of "Prospect Hill" September 19, 1838. Died at his home Septemljer 5, 1886. MRS. HENRY T. SHEARER of Millwood, was Elizabeth Rodefer of New Market, Shenandoah County. Died 1886. INFANT of Robert and Mary Hutchinson Anderson. Died 1886. JAMES RIDEOUT WINCHESTER JR. of Nashville, son of Rev. James R. and Elise Lee Winchester. Born January 11, 1883. Died at "Grafton" September 20, 1886. JOHN ESTEN COOKE of "The Briars," son of John R. and Maria Pendleton Cooke, was born in Winchester November 3, 1830. His early life was spent at "Glengary," his father's home in Frederick County. On the burning of that place the family moved to Richmond. Mr. Cooke studied law with his father, who was an able barrister, and began to practice at twenty, but abandoned it for the pur- suit of literatuie. During the war he served on General Stuart's staff, after whose death he was on General Pem- berton's staff. He married on September 18, 1867, Mary Francis Page of "The Briars." Mr. Cooke's historical novels are the best and truest pictures anywhere to be found of Virginia in the olden time. He has shown him- self to be also an able V)iographer. He died at "The Briars" September 27, 1886. MISS FLORENCE WTHTING, daughter of William Wilmer and Lucy Elizabeth Whiting of " Roseville." Born November 9. Died at "Green Hill," Millwood, September 29, 1886. DR. ROBERT CARTER RANDOLPH of "New Market," son of Ai'chibald Carv and Lucv Burwell Randolph. Born at "Carter Hall" December 1, 1808. Took his degree of Doctor of Medicine in Philadelphia in 1828. Married Lucy Nelson Welford at "Chapel Hill" April 28, 1830. Dr. Randolph was most interested in this Cemetery and gave his time and means to the maintenance of it. He had the large stones that are around the Chapel door hauled there to be used as seats by the people while conversing before and after service. It is greatly due to him that the sacred spot and its records are preserved. The care of the Old Chapel and his personal attention to every funeral he con- sidered his duty, as also his great interest in the annual Decoration Day of Confederate Soldiers. He gave four Page Fifty-Eight sons to the Cause, two of whom were killed in battle, a third wounded, and the fourth was a noted Surgeon. Died January 14, 1887. ALEXANDER WOOD of Millwood. Born October 9, 1803. Died January 21, 1887. DR. ARCHIBALD CARY RANDOLPH of "New jVIaiket," eldest son of Dr. Robert Carter and Lucy Welford Ran- dolph of "New Market." Born April 13, 1833. Took his degree of Doctor of Medicine in Philadelphia in 1859. Surgeon of Gen. Fitz Lee's Cavalry Division, afterward a most successful and loved physician of this neighborhood. Married Mrs. Susan Henry (nee Burwell) of "Glenvin," September 29, 1881. Died at his residence in Millwood March 30, 1887. MRS. PHILIP C. MEADE, was Alethea Collins Cooke, daugh- ter of Pliilip Pendleton and Anne Corbin Burwel Cooke of "The Vineyard." Born January 23, 1849. Married P. C. Meade of "Prospect Hill" November 4, 1874. Died at "The Vineyard" June 11, 1887. ^iAJ. JOSEPH F. RYAN, son of James and Ann Clarke Ryan. Born November 22, 1835. Married Annie McCorniick, and after her death he married Lucy McCormick. Died July 28, 1887. HENRY HARRISON of "Huntingdon," son of Benjamin Har- rison of "Berkeley'^and Mary W. Page of "Page Brook." his wife. Born at "Berkeley," on the James River, Octo- ber 14. 1821. Married Frances Tabb Burwell of "Carter Hall" February, 1846. Died at "Huntingdon" October 4, 1887. WARREN CHRISTIAN SMITH of "Summerville,"son of Dr. Philip and Louisa Collier Christian Smith of "Summer- ville.-' Born August 10, 1824. Served in Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade, and afterward with the Clarke Cavalry. Married Betty Burwell Randolph of "New Market." on February 18, 1862. Died at his home in Jefferson County January 6, 1888. MRS. JOHN P. BUCKNER of White Post, was Levene A., daughter of George and Pardsedes Gardiner. Born March ^ 25, 1847. Died January 16, 1888. "Remember me and keep my grave green that it may always be seen." MRS. JOHN JOLLIFFE of "Glenowen," was Lucy Marshall, eldest daughter of William N. and Mary Brooke Burwell of "Glenowen." Born January 13, 1812. Married John Page Fihy-Nine Jolliife of Winchester on September 11, 1835. Died in Millwood May 8, 1888. WILLIAM WILMER WHITINO of "Roseville" (called ''Buck"), son of Carlyle and Sarah Little Whiting of "Mor- ven," near Alexandria. Born April 7, 1815. Married Lucy Elizabeth Whiting of "Clay Hill" March, 1839. Died at his home in Millwood May 12, 1888. MRS. FRANCIS HENRY WHITING of "Engleside," was Rebecca Huyett. Born November 12, 1816. Died at "Engleside" May 29, 1888. A. POLHEMAS WHITING of "Clay Hill," son of William Henry and Mary Foote Whiting of "Clay Hill." Born December 20, 1866. Drowned in the Shenandoah River while bathing June 16, 1888. GROVER C. EVERHART, infant of H. O. and L. J. Ever- hart. Died 1888. BENJAMIN WILLIAM RENSHAW, son of Robert H. and Anne C. Wickham Renshaw of "Annefield," Born Octo- ber, 1887. Died at "Annefield" July 30, 1888. MRS. ALEXANDER WOOD, was Martha L. Born July 27, 1806. Died September 14, 1888. INFANT of W. H. Thompson. Died 1888. ISABEL STEWART BRYAN, infant of Rev. C. Braxton and Mary S. C. Bryan. Born June 18, 1888. Died at Christ Church Rectory, Millwood, December 18, 1888. JOHN MILTON ALLISON. Died at Mr. William Jolliffe's residence in Millwood in 1889. MRS. JOHN MORGAN, was Margaret T. Little, daughter of Dr. Robert and Mary B. Little. Born August 16, 1810, in Prince William County. Died March 1, 1889. DONALD ROY ANDERSON, son of Robert Anderson of Edinburg, Scotland, and his w^ife, Mary Talcott Hutch- inson, daughter of Rev. Eleazer Hutchinson and Lucy Randolph, his wife, of St. Louis. Aged 4 years. Died July 8, 1889. JOHN W. TAVENNER. "A faithful soldier in Longstreet^s Corps." Aged 51 years. Died July 11. 1889. JOHN MORGAN. Born May 26, 1810. Died October 13, 1889. MRS. RICHARD HENRY LEE of "Grafton," was Evelyn Byrd Page, daughter of William Byrd Page of "Page Page Sixty Brook" and Eliza Mayo Atkinson of "Mannsfield," Din- widdie County, his wife. Married Col. R. H. Lee June 13, 1848. Died at "Grafton" on Saturday, October 26, 1889. JOHN SHILEY. Born July 27, 1805. Died April 2T, 1889. EVELYN TURPEN, infant of William C. and Evelyn Nelson Turpen of Macon, Ga. Died July 19, 1890. MISS SALLY GOING TULEY WRIGHT BOYCE of "The Tuleyries," daughter of Col. U. L. and Belinda W. Boyce of '"The Tuleyries." Born in Winchester May 30, 1866. Died in Philadelphia July 31, 1890. MRS. MIDDLETON KEELER of Millwood, was Theresa Oliver of Jefferson County. Aged about 76 years. Died August 15, 1890. WILLIAM NELSON WOOLFOLK, infant of John C. and Eliza Nelson Woolfolk of Montgomery, Ala. Died at "Linden" September 10, 1890. MRS. FRANCIS STUART BOGUE, was Elizabeth Boyd. Born October 2, 1812, in Alexandria, Va. Died in Mill- wood October 19, 1890. MISS AGNES BURWELL MCGUIRE of "Woldnook," Ber- ryville, daughter of David H. and Eliza G. McGuire of "Woldnook." Died December 9, 1890. MRS. THOMAS NELSON CARTER of "Annefield," was Anne Willing Page (known as "Sweet Anne Page"), daughter of W^illiam Byrd Page of "Page Brook" and his wife, Evelyn Byrd Nelson (daugliter of Judge William Nelson of Williamsburg). Born January 26, 1815. She married Thomas N. Carter of "Pampetike," King William County, at "Page Brook" November 19, 1835. Soon after their marriage Mr. Carter purchased "Annefield," where for many years they lived and dispensed a beautiful hospi- tality in proportion to generous means. She was devoted to flowers, and the shrubs and box which she planted still flourish in her old garden. To the day of her death her beauty and graciousness charmed all who knew her. She died at "Morven," near Leesburg, the residence of her son, Dr. C. S. Carter, on January 16, 1891. ROBERT CARTER PENDLETON of Fauquier County, son of Rev. William H. and Henrietta Randolph Pendleton of Fauquier County. Born February 2, 1870. Died Febru- ary 15, 1891. Page Sixty -One THOMAS M. NELSON, infant of Thomas M. and Susie Nel- son. Died at their home, "Meadow Brook" March 31, 1891. J. RIDGELEY DICK. Copied from his stone: "J. Ridgelj Dick, son of J. M. and 8. J. Dick. Born in 1868. Hero of the Indian campaign at the battle of Wounded Knee. Co. E, 18th Reg., U. S. V. Died April 11, 1891." JULIAN HARRISON RANDOLPH of 'The Moorings,'' son of Maj. Beverley and Mary Conway Randolph of "The Moorings." Born August 4, 1864. Died May 8, 1891. ROSALIE O'FALLON RANDOLPH, child of Grymes and Ruth O'Fallon Randolph. Died July 19, 1891. MRS. JOSEPH TULEY of "The Tuleyries," was Mary W. Edelen of Maryland. Born 1810. Married Dr. Jackson, U. S. A. Subsequently married Colonel Tuley. Died at "The Tuleyries" September 11, 1891. MRS. PHILIP GRYMES RANDOLPH, was Ruth C. OTal- lon, daughter of Benjamin and Sallie Champ Carter O'Fal- lon of St. Louis. Born April 15. 1859. Married Grymes Randolph of "The Moorings" December, 1880. Died in Baltimore October 27, 1891. MAJ. ALEXANDER BAKER of "Chapel Green," son of James and Anne Baker of "Federal Hill." Born 1814. Married Caroline M. Hite of "Guildford" August 27, 1839. Died at "Chapel Green" January 7, 1892. JOHN WILLIS HOLLAND of Millwood, son of John and Narcissus Garner Holland, was born near Warrenton, in Fauquier County, June 1, 1828. He married Rosabelle Woodville Bogue. Mr. Holland was a highly esteemed citizen. Died February 5, 1892. MRS. WILLIAM WILMER WHITING of "Roseville," was Lucy Elizabeth Whiting, daugliter of Francis Beverley and Marv Burwell Whiting of "Clay Hill." Born Novem- ber 4, 1817. Married William Whiting in March, 1839. Died at her home in Millwood April 6, 1892. MIDDLETON KEELER of Warren County. Married The- resa Oliver of Jefferson County. Lived in Millwood many years and died there June 4, 1892. EDWARD DICK. Aged 88 years. Died June 13, 1892. DR. JOSEPH L. VANDIVER. Born March 30, 1838. Was one of the McNeill Rnngers. When they entered Cumber- land, Md., on a night in February, 1865, Vandiver, in Page Sixty-Two charge of five men, was went to the Revere House to cnp- ture General Crook. The sentinel was disarmed, t[>e men stationed around the door, and then the tall and stalwart form of Vandiver, with light in one hand and undispla.yed pistol in the other, proceeded to General Crook's room. He gave the General (whom he found asleep) two minutes in which to dress (or not, as he chose), then had him mount behind him and ride back througli the cold night to Virginia. J)r. Vandiver lived in Millwood, Died August 25, 18i^2. MRS. OTWAY MCCORMICK, was Sarah Alexander, daugh- ter of John and Jemima Crigler Alexander. Born Novem- ber 3, 1812. Married Mr. McCormick in 1829. Died Februray 24, 1893. MARY BURWELL. daughter of P. Lewis and Sarah Burwell. Died in Cumberland, Md., in 1893. WILLIS MARSHALL RITTER, infant of Herman and Lucy C. Ritter of Millwood. Aged 18 months. Died Februarv 9, 1893. MRS. ROBERT L. JONES, was Katherine Lawrence Boyce, daughter of Col. U. L. and Belinda W. Boyce of "The Tuleyries." Born November 7, 1868. Married R. L. Jones October 15, 1891. Died at her home in Taylor, Texas, May 23, 1893. MRS. NATHANIEL BURWELL of "Glenvin," was Dorothy Willing Page, daughter of Dr. Robert Powel and Mary Willing Francis Page of "The Briars." Born in Philadel- phia June 1, 1823. Married Mr. Burwell at "The Briars" December 8, 1842. Died at "Glenvin" July 2, 1893. MRS. WILLIAM PAGE CARTER of "The Glen," was Lucy Randolph Page, daughter of Dr. Robert Powel and Susan Randolph Page of "The Briars." Born March 1, 1842. Married Capt. William P. Carter of "Annefield" on Feb- ruary 28, 1867. Died at "The Glen" August 3, 1893. WILLIAM B. JOLLIFFE, infant of Samuel Hopkins and Nellie M. Jolliife. Aged 2 years. Died September 18, 1893. WINTER DAVIS WILSON of Millwood. Born 1865. Died September 20, 1893. W. P. WILSON, son of B. F. and A M. Wilson. Born 1852. Died 1893. CAPT. WH.LIAM NORBOURNE NELSON of "Linden," sonof Maj. Thomas M. Nelson of Columbus, Ga., and Sally Walker Page of "Page 15rook." Born July 24, 1824. Page Sixty-Three Married Mary Atkinson Page of "Page Brook" February 26, 1852. Captain Nelson served in the Mexican War, where he at one time commanded a regiment. In 1860 he raised a company in Millwood, and on April 18, 1861, marched to Harper's Ferry and took part in the capture of that place. He and his men were assigned to the Second Virginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade, as Company C. At the first battle of Manassas he was terribly wounded, from which he never recovered, though he served to the close of the war. He was a most valued and beloved citi- zen of the community — a nobleman without a peer. Died at "Linden" January 12, 1894. MKS. WILLIAM H. PENDLETON, was Henrietta E. Ran- dolph, daughter of Dr. Philip Grymes and Mary O'Neal Randolph. Born in Washington, D. C, May 9, 1827. Married Rev. William Pendleton May 8, 1850. Died at "The Grove," Fauquier County, May 19, 1894. MRS. JAMES M. SHEARER of Millwood, was Martha Susan Neville. Born March 6, 1840. Died July 27, 1894. REV. JOSEPH RAVENSCROFT JONES. Born June 11, 1828. For thirty years a minister of the Episcopal Church in Virginia, and Rector of Cunningham Chapel Parish from 1858 to 1881. Married Courtney Byrd in 1860. Died August 15, 1894. ALLIE MELTON PYLE. Died September 28, 1894. DORA JANE SHILEY. Born March 25, 1891. Died Octo- ber 23, 1894. JACOB BROOKS (Colored). Coachman for Dr. Robert C. Randolph of "New Market," and afterward for Mrs. George H. BurAvell at "Saratoga," where he died November, 1894. WILLIAM F. PYLE JR. Aged 14 years. Died December 5, 1894. LUCY S. THOMPSON. Died 1894. HENRY T. SHEARER. Died 1894 MISS JOSEPHINE COPENHAVER of Millwood, daughter of Michael B. and Mary E. Copenhaver. Born April 20, 1842. Died January 11, 1895. WARREN COLLIER SMITH, son of Warren C. and Betty B. Smith of "Summerville." Born at that place June 28, 1866. An able Civil Engineer. Died at "Howard," Jef- ferson County, March 29, 1895. Page Sixly-Four MRS. MCDONALD, was Sarah Margaret Wilson, daughter of Jeremiah and Margaret Belraire Wilson. Born 1867. Died 1895. MISS BETTY RANDOLPH SMITH, daughter of Warren C. and Betty B. Smith. Born at ''Summerville" September 4, 1871. Died at "Howard," Jefferson County, January 7, 1896. BETSEY BROOKS (Colored). Mammy to the children at "Saratoga" for three generations. Aged 90 years. Died at "Saratoga" 1896. MRS. J. W. WILSON, was Carrie M. Ryan. Born May 19, 1861. Died January 15, 1896. GEORGE RIDDLE ROYSTON. Born June 1, 1833. Died January 15, 1896. GEORGE TAYLOR RANDOLPH, son of Isham and Mary T. Randolph of Chicago. Born January 22, 1895. Died April 17, 1896. GEORGIA ANNA SHILEY, daughter of George M. Shiley. Born December 1, 1892, Died July 25, 1896. MRS. SIMEON YOWELL, was Sarah Ann Tucker of Culpeper County. Born August 28, 1808. Married Simeon Yowell November 15, 1827. Died August 18, 1896. Highly esteemed by all who knew her. MRS. B. F. WILSON, Amelia Matilda. Aged 72 years. Died September 5, 1896. MRS. J. L. CARTER, Julia A. Born February 26, 1837. Died Septembr 6, 1896. DR. PHILIP BUR WELL of " Spout Run," son of Nathaniel and Dorothy Burwell of "Glenvin." Born January 17, 1848. Took his Degree in Medicine in Baltimore. Married Maria Horsemander Harrison of "Huntingdon" October 29, 1874. Died at his home in Millwood September 22, 1896. A kind and successful practitioner in Parkersburg, and afterward in this neighborhood. MRS. JAMES P. DIFFENDERFER, was Effie Gibson Ever- hart. Born 1868. Died October 21, 1896. MISS FANNY BURWELL NELSON of "Long Branch," daughter of Francis and Lucy Page Nelson of "Mont Air," Hanover County. Born March 11, 1810. Died at "Long Branch" November 20, 1896. NATHANIEL BURWELL of "Glenvin," son of William N. and Mary Brook Burwell of "Glenowen." Born August Page Sixty-Five 7, 1819. Married Dorothy Willing Page of "The Brairs" at that place December 8, 1842. Died at "Glenvin" November 29, 1896. JOHN W. MCCORMICK, son of Otway and Sarah A. Mc- Cormick. Born 1834. Company C, 2d Virginia, Stone- wall Brigade. "Always at the front and never wavered." Married Mrs. Treadwell Smith, nee Lucy E. H. McGuire. Died December 4, 1896. MRS. WILLIAM ESTON RANDOLPH, was Susan Wellford Randolph, daughter of Dr. Robert C. and Lucy Wellford Randolph of "New Market." Born July 8, 1835. Mar- ried Mr. Randolph on May 1, 1860, at "New Market." Died at her home near Front Royal December 18, 1896. MRS. JOHN SHILEY, Sarah J. Born April 28, 1831. Died December 13, 1896. JOHN DARIUS COPENHAVER, son of John W. and Rosa Copenhaver of Millwood. Born May 8, 1894. Died August 6, 1897. MRS. HENRY HARRISON of "Huntingdon," was Francis Tabb, daughter of George H. and Isabella D. Burwell of "Carter Hall." Born March 5, 1827. Married Henry Harrison of "Berkeley" February, 1846. Died at "Hunt- ingdon,, August 6, 1897. WILLIAM M. NELSON, son of Philip and Emma Page Nelson. Born March 13, 1858. Married Mrs. Riske, nee Jennie Robinson of St. Louis. Died at "Brexton" Novem- ber 24, 1897. ALFRED HP:NRY BYRD of New York, son of George Har- rison and Lucy Carter Byrd of New York. Born January 29, 1866. He was a graduate of the University of Virginia and took his Degree in Law at Columbia College, New York. Died December 5, 1897. JOSEPH M. FULLER. Born June 6, 1874. Married Kate E. Smallwood. Died June 23, 1897. GEORGE R. SHILEY. Aged 5 years. Died 1898. MRS. C. H. BLAKE, was Mary Ellen Wood, daughter of Alexander Wood of Millwood. Born October 30, 1840. Died July 3, 1898. MRS. FRANCIS B. MEADE of "Prospect Hill," was Mary Mann Burwell, daughter of Dr. Lewis and Maria Page Burwell of "Prospect Hill." Bora June 10, 1819. Mar- ried Francis Meade of "Mountain View" September 19, 1838. Died at " Prospect Hill " March 12, 1898. Page Sixly-Six ADA MARIAN RANDOLPH, infant of Henry Lsham ar^d Ada Phelps Randolph of Chicago. Died March, 1898. DR. BENJAMIN HARRISON of "Longwood" son of Benja- min Harrison of "Berkeley" and Mary W. Page of "Page Brook," his wife. Born February 18, 1824. Married Mattie Gary Page of "Longwood" February 4, 1858, at "Saratoga." He spent his life ministering to the sick and needy, not thinking of recompense. Died at "Longwood" May" 11, 1898. WILLIAM LEONARD EVERHART. Died July 26, 1898. WILLIAM HENRY WHITING of "Clay Hill," son of Francis Beverley and Mary Burwell Whiting of "Clay Hill." Born September 28, 1823. Married Mary Foote of Cooperstown, N. Y., December 3, 1857. Died at "Clay Hill" July 29, 1898. WILLIAM ESTON RANDOLPH, son of William Fitzhugh and Jane Cary Randolph of "Chillowee," Cumberland County. Born May 7, 1820. Married Lavinia Eppes of Lunenburg, and after her death he married Susan Well- ford Randolph of " New Market" at that place on May 1, 1860. Died July 30, 1898. MRS. UMPHERY FULLER, was Cora B. Garret. Died 1898. MRS. BENJAMIN HARRISON of "Longwood," was Matt- ella (called Mattie) Cary Page, daughter of Dr. Matthew and Mary Cary Randolph Page of "Longwood." Born August 26, 1835. Married Dr. Harrison February 4, 1858, at "Saratoga." Died at "Longwood" August 31, 1898. ROBERT LEE JONES, son of Rev. Joseph R. and Courtney B. Jones. Born June 19, 1867. Married Katherine Law- rence Boyce of "The Tuleyries" on October 15, 1891. Died Decemlier 31, 1898. ESTON HARRISON RANDOLPH, child of Henry lsham and Ada Randolph of Chicago. Aged 2 years and 8 months. Died February 16, 1899. HARVEY A. NEVILLE, son of Alexander and Betty Worth Neville. Born January 19, 1872. Married Mary Drake of Staunton. Died March 4, 1899. MRS. WARREN CHRISTIAN SMITH of "Summerville." was Betty Burwell Randolph, daughter of Dr. Robert Carter and Lucv Wei I ford Randolph of "New^ Market." Born at "Longwood" March 13, 1831. Married W. C. Smith of "Summerville" February, 1862. Died at "Silver Sping," her home in Jefferson County, April 24, 1899. Page Sixty-Seven JOHN MARSHALL JOLLIFFE, son of John and Lucy Mar- shall JoUitfe of "Glenowen." Born May 13, 1843. Com- pany C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. A gallant soldier. Terribly wounded at Chancellorsville, but returned to the colors. Married Katherine McCormick on September 4, 1867. Died May 18, 1899. MRS. JOHN HOLLAND, was Rosabella Woodville Bogue, daughter of Francis Stuart and Elizabeth Boyd Bogue of Leesburg. Born January 31, 1832. Died June 16, 1899. THOMAS W. GRYME8. Born 1856. Died September 9, 1899. MRS. WILLIAM NORBOURNE NELSON of " Linden," was Mary Atkinson Page, daughter of William Byrd and Eliza Mayo Atkinson Page of "Page Brook." Born June 8, 1827. Married Capt. William N. Nelson on February 26, 1852, in Baltimore, at the residence of her Uncle, Rev. Thomas Atkinson, late Bishop of North Carolina. Died at "Linden" October 10, 1899. WILLIAM H. THOMPSON. Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Died at "Ben Lomond" October, 1899. IRA W. KEELER of Millwood, son of Charles H. and Kath- erine M. Keeler. Born January 5, 1870. Died at his home in Millwood October 26, 1899. MRS. PHILIP PENDLETON COOKE of "The Vineyard," was Ann Corbin Tayloe Burwell, daughter of William N. and Mary Brooke Burwell of "Glenowen." Born April 29, 1818. She was married at "Saratoga" on May 1, 1837. Died at her home, " The Vineyard," in the fiftieth year of her widowhood, on November 23, 1899. PHILIP H. SHEARER of Millwood, son of Henry and Eliza- beth Shearer of Millwood. Company C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Died 1899. MISS MARY E. NEVILLE, daughter of James Neville of Millwood. Died 1899. CLARA HARRIS (Colored). Mammy to the "New Market" children. Aged 86 years. Died 1900. LEOPOLD PHILIP KLEPSTEIN. Died February 2, 1900. MRS. JOHN W. TAVENNER, was Alberta A. Sowers. Aged 80 years. Died February 12, 1900. MRS. LEANDER CARLISLE, was Dorcas Coffman. Aged 65 years. Died 1900. THOMAS HUGH BURWELL RANDOLPH, son of ^ Dr. Robert Carter and Lucy Wellford Randolph of "New Page Sixty-Eight Market." Born April 5, 1843. Company' C, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. Wounded at Manassas Jub' 21, 1861, and imprisoned for two years at Johnston Island and Old Capitol in Washington. He married E. Page Bur well of "Carter Hall" on February 4, 1869. Died at " Powhatan" ^^ April 23, 1900. "A man with the highest sense of honor." JEREMIAH WILSON. Born 1826. Married Margaret Bel- mire. Died 1900. MRS. JOSEPH M. FULLER, was Katie E, daughter of Syl- vester Smallwood. Aged 23 years. Died June 28, 1900. DR. BENJAMIN HARRISON of "Longwood," son of Dr. Benjamin and Mattie Cary Page Harrison of "Longwood." Born May 27, 1859. Graduate of the University of Vir- ginia and brilliant practitioner of Richmond. Died at Hazelwood" September 10, 1900. LIEUT. FRANCIS KEY MEADE of "Prospect Hill," First Lieutenant, Company H, 21st U. S. Infantry, eldest son of Francis Key and Sarah Callaw^ay Meade. Born in Danville, Va., May 29, 1877. Graduated from West Point in the class of 1898. Immediately after graduation he served in Cuba and was wounded at Santiago. He was ordered to the Philippines in the Spring of 1899 and commanded a Corps until the time of his death. His bravery, original tactics and personal supervision of his men frequently received high praise in the general orders of his command- ing officers. He died of typhoid fever at Manila Septem- ber 22, 1900. ROSALIE STEWART SMITH, infant of Horace and Mary Smith. Aged 1 year. Died November 8, 1900. MRS. DAVID J. MURPHY of Wilmington, Del., was Annie Sharpe, daughter of Jessie and Elizabeth Sharpe of Wil- mington. Lived at "Carter Hall," Clarke County, for manj^ years and died there February 7, 1901. MRS. WILLIAM HENRY WHITING of "Clay Hill," was Mary Jay Foote of Cooperstown, N. Y. Born August 18, 1826. Married W. H. Whiting on December 3, 1857. Died at "Clay Hill" February 15, 1901. MRS. WILLIAM EVERHART, was Mary Ann Diffenderfer of Winchester. Died February 18, 1901. MRS. JOSEPH R. JONES, was Courtney, daughter of John Bird and Mary Page, who was the daughter of Matthew and Anne Page of "Annefield," Born August 29, 1835. Married Rev. Joseph Ravenscroft Jones. Died at her home in Millwood March 2, 1901. Page Sixty-Nine MRS. TOWNER, was Maria Ann Brown of Loudoun County. Affed 86 years. Died 1901. LILLIE R. ROMINE. Aged 8 years. Died 1901. JOSHUA JEFFERSON DEWAR from Shenandoah County. Jiorn April 25, 1842. Married Elizabeth Wilson of Clarke County in 1878. Died July 2, 1901. He was a member of Capt. Hugh McGuire's Cavalry Com- pany and a gallant Confederate. JOHN PAGE YOWELL, son of Simeon and Sarah Ann Yowell. Born July 2, 1836. Married Jemima Tucker of Culpeper County. Member of Company C, 12th Virginia, Rosser's Brigade. Died July 15, 1901. WILLIAM EVERHART of Berryville, son of Jacob Everhart. Died 1901. JOHN W. COPENHAVER of Millwood, son of Michael B. and Mary E. Copenhaver. Born April 18, 1851. Maried Rosa Taylor of Culpeper County. Died at his home, "Green Hill," Millwood, December 22, 1901. PHILIP GRYMES RANDOLPH of "The Moorings," son of Major Beverley and Mary Conway Randolph of "The Moorings." Born Mav 31, 1852. Married Ruth O'Fallon of St. Louis. Died at "The Moorings" February 16, 1902. MRS. CHARLES H. KEELER of Millwood, was Catherine M. Carver of Stephens City. Born December 7, 1836. Died April 14, 1902. COL. RICHARD HENRY LEE of "Grafton," son of Edmund Jennings Lee of Alexandria and Sarah Lee, his wife (and second cousin), daughter of Richard Henry Lee of West- moreland County. Colonel Lee was born in Alexandria and moved to Jefferson County about 1844. He married Evelyn Byrd Page, daughter of William Byrd Page of "Page Brook" on June 13, 1848. Colonel Lee was badly wounded at the battle of Kernstown, in March, 1862, while gallantly carrying the colors of his regiment, the Second Virginia, the color-bearer having been shot. Later he was a valued Judge of this County. Died at " Grafton" June 18, 1902. MRS. U. LAWRENCE BOYCE of "The Tuleyries," was Belinda Frances Wright, daughter of Maj. Uriel Wright of St. Louis. Died at "The Tuleyries" October 31, 1902. ARCHIBALD CARY PAGE of "Longwood," son of Dr. Mat- thew and Mary Cary Page of "Longwood." Born January 15, 1828. Died at "Hazel wood" January 1, 1903. One of the landmarks of the neighborhood — welcomed at every home. Page Seventy DR. RICHARD KIDDER MEADE, son of Francis B. and Mary Mann Meade of "Prospect Hill." Born October 4, 184 L. He WHS studying medicine in Winchester, Va., at the opening- of the war, and entered Company F, 2d Virginia, Stonewall Brigade. He lost his right arm at the first battle of Manassas, July 21, 1861, and, after his recovery, was promoted to General Jackson's staff. In May, 1862, Gen- eral Jackson, in the Valley of Virginia, selected "Dick" Meade to take some orders to General Ewell at Gordensville, a distance of 100 miles going and returning, which was covered in twelve hours. He served the last of the war in South Carolina, after w^hich he made teaching his profes- sion. Died at "Prospect Hill, January 20, 1903. WILLIAM BURWELL JOLLIFFE, son of John and Lucy Marshall Jolliffe of "Glenowen." Born 1837. Married Catherine Hemphill of Tennessee. Died at his home in Millwood July 26, 1903. MxVUD L. WRIGHT of Mississippi, daughter of Joseph and Mary Mason Wright of St. Louis. Born 1870. Died in Roanoke September 16, 1903. MAJ. BEVERLEY RANDOLPH of "The Moorings," son of William F. and Jane Cary Randolph of "Chillowee," Cumberland County. Born June 26, 1823. Married Mary Conway Randolph of " Saratoga" on August 1, 1847. He entered the U. S. Navy in the early 40's and served in the Mexican War, resigning from the Navy in 1850. Then he lived at "The Moorings" (except during the Civil War, in which he served) until his death, dispensing that old time hospitality which is now becoming a thing of the past. When an old man he always enjoyed young people and seemed to feel one of them. His home, since closed, has been sadly missed. He died at "The Moorings" November 19, 1903. JOHN W. SHILEY, son of George M. Shiley of Millwood. Born July 4, 1889. Died November 21, 1903. MAJ. NORBOURNE THOMAS NELSON ROBINSON of New Orleans, son of H. M. and Lucy Chiswell Nelson Robinson. Born 1839. Died in Washington, D. C, December 9, 1903. MRS. WILLIAM NELSON ISIEADE, was Louise Porcher Allston, daughter of Joseph Blyth and Mary North Allston of South Carolina. Born June 5, 1862. Married Rev. William N. Meade of "Prospect Hill" October 6, 1887. Died at Anderson, S. C, February 1, 1904. W. SCOT DAVIS. Died at Pyletown February 7, 1904. Page Seventy-One MRS. JOHN M. DICK, was Sarah Ann Hooper. Born August 12, 1844. Died February 8, 1904. MRS. GOULD, was Henrietta Whiting, daughter of George B. and Fanny Horner Whiting. Born 1829. Married Mr. Gould of California. Died at "Engleside" April 7, 1904. GEORGE W. ESTEP of Millwood, son of Dilmon and Matilda Fry Estep of Millwood. Born October 20, 1871. Married Magnolia Ritter of Millwood December 5, 1894. Died April 11, 1904. THOMAS N. PYLE, son of William Pyle. Aged 26 years. Died June 7, 1904. MRS. N. BURWFLL WHITING of "Pleasant Hill" was Mary Camilla Pleasants, daughter of John Pemberton and Mary Hall Pleasants of Baltimore. Born July 8, 1824. Married Mr. Whiting of "Clay Hill" at the residence of her half- brother, William Armistead Pleasants, in Baltimore, on July 24, 1852. Died at "Pleasant Hill" June 10, 1904. LANDORA M. DIFFENDERFER. Aged 58 years. Died September 21, 1904. MRS. MICHAEL B. COPENHAVER, was Mary E. Koontz. Born October, 1816. Died at her home, "Providence," Clarke County, October, 1904. MISS THOMASIA NELSON MEADE of "Prospect Hill," youngest daughter of Francis B. and Mary Mann Meade. Born at "Prospect Hill" December 7, 1852. Died at that place October 18, 1904. THOMAS MANDUIT NELSON of "Severn," son of Capt. William N. and Mary Page Nelson of "Linden." Born March 12, 1853. Married Susie H. Atkinson of Baltimore October, 1887. Died at "Severn" October 23, 1904. No one ever lived in the County more beloved and respected. A friend of all. VIRGINIA ESTEP, infant of S. D. and Mary Estep of Mill- wood. Died November 6, 1904. MRS. ADAM THOMPSON, was Mary Ellen, daughter of Simeon and Sarah Ann Yowell. Born October 12, 1828. Married Adam Thompson December 7, 1848. Died Novem- ber 20, 1904. MRS. A. T. TINSMAN, was Janie Symons of Loudoun County. Died 1904. THOMAS T. BOYCE of St. Louis. Aged 71 years. Died January 16, 1905. Page Seventy-Two S. B. MASON, infant. Died January 28, 1905. LOTTIE HIBBARD. Aged 3 years. Died February 27, 1905. EDMUND PENDLETON COOKE of ''The Briars" and "Sara- toga," son of of John Eston and Mary Francis Page Cooke of "The Briars." Born May 23, 1870. Graduated from the Virginia Military Institute with the class of 1891. Was an electrical engineer. Died at Camden, S. C, April 13, 1905. WALTER GARRET of Boyce. Aged 48 years. Died May 1, 1905. MISS EMILY NELSON of "Brexton," daughter of Philip and Emma Page Nelson, Born 1855. Died at "Brexton" May 3, 1905. MRS. JEREMIAH WILSON, was Margaret Belmire. Born 1832. Died 1905. MISS MARY BLAIR WHITING of "Clay Hill," daughter of Francis B. and Mary B. Whiting of "Clay Hill." Born November 18, 1821. Died at that place June 27, 1905. MISS LIZZIE B. WHITING of "Engleside," daughter of Francis Henry and Rebecca Whiting of "Engleside." Born 1847. Died at that place August 16, 1905. LUCY WELLFORD SMITH, daughter of Warren C. and Betty B. Smith of "Summerville." Born at that place July 2, 1870. Died at "Silver Spring," Jefferson County, August 20, 1905. MRS. BEVERELY RANDOLPH of "The Moorings." was Mary Conway Randolph daughter of Dr. Philip Grymes and Mary O'Neal Randolph. Born August 19, 1825. Married Maj. Beverley Randolph August 1, 1847. Died September 7, 1905. MISS MARY TULEY JACKSON of "The Tuleyries," daughter of Dr. J. S. and Mary W. Jackson. Lived at "The Tuleyries" for many years after her mother married Col. Joseph Tuley. Died in Washington November, 1905. MISS MARY SUSAN COPENHAVER of Millwood, daughter of Michael B. and Mary E. Copenhaver of Millwood. Died at her home, "Providence," Clarke County, December 7. 1905. MISS ELIZABETH LEWIS BUR WELL COOKE of "The Vineyard," eldest daughter of Philip Pendleton and Ann Corbin Burwell Cooke of "The Vineyard." Born Jul}' 22, 1838. Died at that place December 16, 1905. Page Seventy-Three ^\) MRS. PHILIP BCTSWEL of "Spout Run," was Maria Horse- maiider Haivrison, daughther of Henry and Frances Tabb H-irrison of "'Huntingdon." Born at "Berkeley," on the Jain\s River, April, 1851. Married Dr. Philip Burwell ot 'Grlonvin" October 29, 1874. Died at her home in Mill- wood -Dece.nber 28, 1905. MRS R. HERMAN RITTER of Millwood, was Lucy C.Keeler, didghter of Middleton and Theresa Keeler of Millwood. Bjra Decembar 22, 1841. Married Mr. Ritter December 22, 18S8. Di'id at her home January 5, 1906. DR. ,IOHN PAGE BURWELL of Washington, son of Nathan- iel and Dorothy Page Burwell of "Glenvin." Born November 8, 1853. Married Lizzie Mayhew Wainwright of New York September 24, 1872 After her death he married May Warrington of Maryland. Died at his home in Washington, D. C, February 16, 1906. RICHARD H. WHITING of "Engleside," son of Francis Henry and Rebecca Whiting of "Engleside." Born 1850. Married Sarah Gold of Winchester. Died at his home March 12, 1906. JACOl-i W. VOROUS of "Chapel Hill," son of Jacob and Margaret Wagely Vorous. Born 1846. Married Susan E. McOorraick. He was one of Mosby's Men. Died at "Chapel Hill" May 8, 1906. DR. WILLIAM M. PAGE of "Hazelwood" and of California, son of Dr. Matthew and Mary Cary Page of "Longwood." Born June 13, 1831. He graduated in medicine from the University of Virginia, and afterward from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He entered the United States Navy several years before the Civil War as an assistant surgeon, and in a short time was promoted to be a passed assistant surgeon. When the war bro'^ie out his vessel was in foreign waters, and when the ship returned to the United States in the fall of 1861, he, Willi other officers from the South, were arrested and im- prisoned in Fort Hamilton, N. Y. When exchanged he joined Captain (afterward Colonel) Marshall's company of cavalry, serving with that command until appointed a Sur- geon in the Confederate Navy, where he served until the cl< se of the war. In 1865 he married Emily Carrington of Richmond. Died in Fauquier County IMay 8, 1906. MRS. WILLIAM A. MERCHANT, was Mattie Shearer, daughter of James M. Shearer of Millwood, where she was born in 1868. Died at her home in Washington, D. C, September 23, 1906. Page Sevenlv-Ec ar ^0°^ : 1 o V ^ <^ ^^' * ^O 0^ ^'^5^^. 'OO' if « of 0^' ..-i.'^ % ff o 0^ ■?j "oo^ % c 0^ V = C. ..^ ■ ^ ^ .^ , O.V- "^^ *- "" ^ 0-' "-^ ^'^'^,<^' : ^ * 3 N ^ \^ ,^ ' •^t:^- =*• '^ '^<^.^. ;-->^,-«.X:°'^v^ ^0*^^ ' ./^•j 0. 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