HISTORIC VIEWS OF Y e Old 6 Philadelphia Published as a Compliment to the UNITED TYPOTHET^ OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF PRESS CLUBS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PHOTO-ENGRAVERS NATIONAL ELECTROTYPERS' ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Each assembled in Yearly Session at Atlantic City , N. J., during the week of June 22-26 , IQOJ ISSUED JOINTLY GATCHEL& MANNING Engravers Designers Illustrators 27-41 South Sixth Street PHILADELPHIA DILL & COLLINS CO. Paper Makers 20 South Sixth Street PHILADELPHIA CHAS. ENEU JOHNSON CO. Printing Ink Manufacturers 509 South Tenth St. PHILADELPHIA KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY Maters of Printing Material Ninth and Spruce Sts. PHILADELPHIA CHRIST CHURCH On Second Street, between Market and Arch, where Washington worshiped during the Revolution. CARPENTER'S HALL— Chestnut Street, just below Independence Hall, scene of many historic gatherings. GLORIA Dl 1 11)1,1 Swedes') CHURCH -Swanson Street, near front, crciteil in 1700. & ffl* INDEPENDENCE HALL— Birthplace of the Republic; scene of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I'm. CHEW Hoi SE, GERMANTOWN— Used as a fort by the British, during battle of 0< tpber 4, 1777, BARTRAM'S MANSION, WEST PHILADELPHIA— Erected 1731, in midst of the most famous Botanical Garden in America. \loi\l I'M VSANT, FAIRMOUNT PARK Built about 1761; once the property of Mrs. Benedict Arnold; later residence of Baron Steuben. THE RITTENHOUSE PAPER MILL, GERMANTOWN— Erected 1690, destroyed by freshet 1700; rebuilt at once, William Penn assisting. L^.-Jr J | . ' _/ ' J >r (■ \^ -J . |g| yfl XJL^/^' *N. If \ ""^^fcjff M a ^Cl *w _^M^H it : ^J r ^C\| Joi , ^' • y. " T^LflKftJ.c^fci. * ; 1 *i b*< \jE 5%i •■ " ■ly^L /E2H •«— , - ! HL- - Ll Iki^H I ii rt M^kp- ft* ■■ M 't^F^S^ ^H ■ 5 llS^ Kl£v ■1 4i -'■•■• • THE OLD CARLTON MANSION, WEST QUEEN LANE— Built before the Revolution, about to be torn down. RED LION INN, TORRESDALE— A suburb of Philadelphia, built before the Revolution. BIRTHPLACE OF OLD GLORY— In 1777 the upholstery shop of Betsy Ross, now No. 2y> Arch Street. THE DECLARATION CHAMBER— The room in Independence Hall in which the event of July 4, 1776, took place. S< 'I 1 rUDE " — Residence at Logan, used as headquarters bj Comwallis during the Battle of Germantown; erected 1736. BLUE BELL INN — Located on Woodland Avenue; scene of a conflict with British in 1777; built 1762. P] \VS COTTAGE, 1 \IRMOUNT PARK— Erected about 1689; used by Penn as Governor's Mansion; then located down town. MF.NNONITE CHURCH, GERMANTOWN— Refuge of the Mennonites, offered by Perm; erected in 1708. \ HOME OF AN EARLY SETTLER— On West Chester turnpike; old log part erected before Perm's time still intact. WYCK — Oldest house in Germantown, well preserved although fully 200 years old; still used as Haines family mansion, '< l IN II \ I " Built in 1723; located at Sixty-ninth and Pascal 1 Avenue; -till used as residence In A, Edwin Kirschner. "STENTON " — Erected in 1728; located near Wayne Junction Station of Reading Railroad; preserved by city as landmark. IfcV ^IgHHH - 19 ^^^*^ « _ /, /" '* -• J^ES'Wv JBB B&Bt-. jffi -cow 'tJlTO- "TEDYSCUNG" (WISSAHICK.ON)— Statue of the King of the Delaware Indians, on the banks of Wissahickon Creek near Lotus Inn. WALNUT STREET THEATRE— Oldest playhouse in America, opened January 1, 1812. ♦ ■* PRESENTED WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF * * GATCHEL & MANNING DESIGNERS ILLUSTRATORS ENGRAVERS DILL & COLLINS CO. MAKERS OF HIc.H t . K \ I > I Printing Papers The greatest variety of papers made and carried in stock by any mill in thi> country. The paper used in this souvenir was made hy this Company. OFHi I LND W IRl HOI SI 20 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA Makers of Plates to Print on a Type Printing Press in one or more Colors Numbers 27 to 41 SOUTH SIXTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. This Bo'/tlit Printed in One Impression with KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY l a i versal Lint X Uk el- A lit v OUR PHOTOTYPE INK No. 82 EVERYTHING FOR T HE P R I N T E R NINTH AND SPRUCE STS., PHILADELPHIA CHAS. ENEl JOHNSON is' CO., I'M/LA. Qui F*j I"- used in this Souvcnii thrimchom LIBRARY OF CONGRESS